lilJ!i UIVIUIV J!iiJlllUil. Price] / THE [25 cts. LIFE SPEFXHES, AND PUBLIC SERVICES JOHN BELL. NEW YORK: RUDD & OARLETON, 130 GRANT) STREET. THE "UNION edition; BELL & EYERETT. THE REGULAR CAMPAIGN EDITION, KNOWN AS "THE IJIVIOIV EI>ITIO]^" OP The Life, Speeches, and Public Services OP HON. JOHN BELL, TOGETHER WITH A LIFE OF HON. EDWARD EVERETT, Union Candidates for the OfRces of President and Vice-President of the United States. One vol. 12 mo. Paj^er covers^ loith Portrait. Price 25 cts,. 44 THE rUflOIlf EDITIO]ir/' The well-known "Union Edition" is the most popular and complete summary of the Lives of Bell and Everett. Not only has the author judiciously selected the more prominent points in the history of each candidate, but he has given nearly the whole of Mr. Bell's Congressional career, togetiier with all his most important speeches. Liberal Reductions from the retail price of 25 cents, will be made to Booksellers, Agents, and Clubs, throughout the country for these Popular Lives. Particulars, terms &c., may be learned from RIJDD & CARL.ETOIV, Publishers, 180 Grand Street, New York. S§!HIM (ig,IU.(t^ THE "UNION EDITION. THE Life, Speeches, and Public Services OF [ O H N BELL, Together with a Sketch of the Life of EDWARD EVERETT. Union Candidates for the Offices of President and Vice- President of the United States. ^N ^. NEW YORK : RuDD & Carleton, 130 Grand Street (brooks building, cor. of Broadway). M DCCC LX. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18C0, by EUDD & CARLETOlir, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Nt^w York. B. CRAIGHEAD, Printer, Stereotyptr, and Electrotyper, Caiton ISuiltiiiig, 81. 83, and 85 Centre Strtet. LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES HOJSr. JOHN BELL. The emergency in whicli the country is now placed is one that requires skilful pilotage at the helm of State ; seldom since the troublous times at the outset of our national life has there been such need of calm and mode- rate counsels, of considerate and well-tried patriotism, of eminent judgment, of spotless probity, of sterling states- manship, of long experience in the man who for four years is to direct, and in a great degree control, the weighty affairs of public life. Strife and partisanship are rife ; politics is but another word for discord ; at the North and at the South passion rages ; blood has even been shed in the broils that have arisen ; fraternal har- mony, such as has hitherto existed, seems banished from the breasts of all ; the watchwords of party are substi- tuted for the signals of concord ; European senators comment openly in parliament on the lamentable state of affairs that prevails here, and warn the reformers of 6 Life of Hon. John Bell. the results to which republicanism has already led ; English journals point their articles with allusions to our sad condition, and openly proclaim that the demo- cratic States of America are a failure. Many even among ourselves sadly acknowledge the force and the truth of these reproaches. Among those of truest patri- otism and profoundest wisdom not a few despair of the accomplishment of that destiny which it once seemed was secure. The broils and turmoils, the confusion and discord, the hatred and ill words that are now daily to be seen and heard by him who watches the current of public affairs, are enough to dishearten indeed the faint and distrustful. But instead of sitting with folded hands and averted eyes, instead of bewailing a calamity which, although impending, has yet not befallen us, it is the part of true lovers of their country to be up and doing. When a fire is discovered in a household, the family do not forthwith lament and tear their hair because destruction and conflagration are imminent. They set to work to put out the flame before an absolute blaze is kindled ; and the nearer the danger, the harder they work. When a party on board ship is about to mutiny, those who remain firm do not calmly submit, but if they are wise, endeavor to control the dangerous crew, to induce as many as possible to adhere to the rightful authority, to put down if possible all who oppose the proper ofii- cials and the correct management of the vessel. The Life of Hon. John Bell. 7 captain has a right under such circumstances to call upon even the passengers to arm themselves and render him their assistance. If instead they remain helplessly wringing their hands, they deserve their fate ; they are as bad as the mutineers. Just such is the condition ol this country at present. Her peril was never greater, but it is not unavoidable. It behooves those who wish to see her extricated from that peril to leave nothing undone to accomplish their object. If the ship is sink- ing, let all hands go to the pumps. In this strait a number of men, honest, upright, known for their long public services, their unblemished integrity, and their unquestioned patriotism, have nomi- nated for the Presidency John Bell of Tennessee. That he should have received the nomination at the hands of such men and at such a time ; that so many from the Korth and the South, old Democrats, and old Whigs, and former members of the American party, men who had many of them recently kept aloof from politics, but who, impelled by the desperate state of the country, make now a strong effort to save it from disunion, that such men should concur in selecting John Bell as the fittest of all in the nation to embody their doctrines, and to uphold their standard, to lead their hosts in the furious strife sure to ensue, is certainly reason why his claims upon his countrymen should be fairly considered. John Bell is a native of the great west ; he represents that immense and growing empire which already exerts 8 Life of Hon. John Bell. such a mighty influence ; he is neither from the extreme south nor the extreme north ; his birth-place is neutral ground. He was born on a farm near Nashville, Ten- nessee, on the 18th of February, 1797. At that era in f, our country Washington still lived ; indeed, he had not yet retired from the Presidency. Hamilton and Pinck- ney, and Jefferson and Adams, and the worthies who had brought the nation triumphantly through the troubles that beset its growth immediately after the close of the Eevolution, were in the palmiest days of their genius, at home ; abroad. Napoleon was rising into prominence ; the French revolutionists were, however, not entirely subdued by the might of his will who was then over- running Italy with a magical celerity. Talleyrand, and Burr, and Madison were discussing French and Ameri- can affairs; and in England, Fox, and Pitt, and Burke, and Sheridan were the magnates of the day. At such an epoch, when so many and such great men were crowding the public stations of the Western and the Eastern world, away in the forests of occidental Ten- nessee, the young child came into existence who was destined, after the lapse of half a century, to be as pro- minent as any of them all. Many of these men had never heard, and never did afterwards in all their lives, hear of the spot where Bell was born ; it was then f almost a wilderness ; it was a backwood where now it is a garden, it was a wild and rough region, inhabited in great part by such as Daniel Boone and David Crocker, Life of Hon. John Bell. ' 9 pioneers of that teeming civilization which now crowds cities by the side of cites, and long ago thrust out the red race to make room for the white men, to whom the continent is given. Tennessee has produced her share of worthies ; she has given two Presidents to the Union, although neither of them was born on her soil : but at the time Bell came into the world, she had few either worthy or unworthy inhabitants. However, many who lived within her borders had emigrated thither from more cultivated regions ; many were persons originally of culture and intelligence, and although they lacked the exciting influences of attrition and contact with congenial mind, they did not lose all regard for educa- tion and refinement. That this was the case with the family of Bell is evident, for his father, although only in moderate circumstances, was careful to prepare his son to receive a collegiate education, and afterwards sent him to Cumberland College, now Nashville University, where he graduated in 1814, at the early age of seven- teen. In those seventeen years his native State had therefore increased in wealth and population sufficiently to support an institution of the dignity of a college ; and of course, the young student must have been diligent and his parents anxious, or amid so few advantages as were accessible, he would hardly have been ready to avail himself of those offered by his alma mater, especially at so almost juvenile an age. The law is in this country the field that presents most 1* 10 Life of Hon. John Bell. attractions to an aspiring youth. It seems to hold out the promise of a speedier entrance ujDon a career, to afford a training for the after struggles of political life, to be the sphere where intellectual gladiators most like to contend, next after that grand arena in which the fate of nations is decided. To the law, therefore, young Bell, whose budding talents already gave promise of the future harvest into which they were to ripen, to the law young Bell directed his attention. So assiduous were his studies and so unflagging his energies that in two years, when he was but nineteen, he was admitted to the bar of Tennessee. He was already a man, if not in years, yet in maturity of judgment and development of ; his powers, and established himself at Franklin, in Williamson county, Tennessee. The estimate put upon his abilities by his new neighbors, the mark that he immediately made among men is evinced by the fact that in less than a twelvemonth he was nominated and elected to the State Senate ; not yet twenty years of age. There he soon found that experience comes not without years, if talent does ; and although a re-election was proffered him by his constituents, he wisely declined the honor, and for ten years thereafter devoted himself to the per- sistent practice of his profession. The little episode in the State Senate, of not a year, was all that he saw of political or public life until he was nearly thirty years old. Mr. Bell entered Congress in 1827, when the discus- ^'"'Isions concerning the United States Bank were at their Life of Hon. John Bell. ii height. James K. Polk and David Crocke^ were among £ his colleagues ; his election was carried while Adams and Jackson were rival candidates for the Presidency ; there were giants in those days, but even among such men as" Benton, and Buchanan, and Crawford, and Ean- dolph, the young politician held his own. He was origi- nally elected over Felix Grundy, one of the most promi- nent men of the day, and who was upheld by Jackson, then President, and of course immensely powerful in Tennessee, but not powerful enough to defeat this tyro ; so popular had Bell already become' among those with whom he lived, and who therefore knew him best. Their estimation of his ability and his services continued; they were evidently amply satisfied with his endeavors, for they re-elected him to Congress for fourteen successive ^•'' years. His first important vote in the House of Eepre- . sentatives was against allowing the sale of the United T^ States Bank stock held by the Government ; this suffi- ciently indicates his politics at that time. Indeed,' he entered Congress a warm admirer of John C. Calhoun, >< but, as his after course sufficiently demonstrates, not a blind follower of the great South Carolinian. That Mr. Bell deserved well of his constituents, is evidenced by the promptness with which he began to labor for their interests. Exactly one month from the date of his entrance into Congress, he made a short speech in support of a resolution offered by himself, favoring the establish- ^ ment of an armory on Harpeton Kiver, in Tennessee. 12 Life of Hon. John Bell. This may seem a shght circumstance, hut it is full of sig- nificance ; it indicates that the young Congressman was anxiously caring for his native State. And the cogency of his arguments, together with the skill with which they were presented, was such as to induce the House to agree to his resolution without a division. A happy augury for the career thus successfully begun. Mr. Bell has never since forgotten that he represents the West, and although by no means bigoted in his attachment to that part of our common country, he has always striven to further her welfare and advance her true progress. That his abilities were conspicuous, although he was surrounded by men like Everett, and Letcher, and Choate, is mani- fest from the repeated compliments paid to his judgment and wisdom by different members of the House in the course of the most animated debates ; even Edward Everett, so excellent a judge of oratory, speaking of " the manly force which enchained the attention" of his auditors. A very able speech made by Bell, late in his .^ first session, on " Land Claims in Tennessee," proves that he had still at heart the welfare of those by whom he had been sent to Congress. He who so faithfully served a portion of the country, would not be unlikely to serve the whole with equal fidelity : we have high authority for saying, " thou hast been faithful over few things, I will make thee ruler over many things." And amidst • all his close attention to the peculiar welfare of Tennes- see, Mr. Bell was never accused of narrow-minded or Life of Hon. John Bell. 13 bigoted preference of lier interests ; he could take in the whole, and was not anxious to sacrifice the North or the South to benefit the rest. A proof that he was actuated only by what he considered true policy, and not by prejudice, may be found in the fact that, although a Western man, he opposed the appropriation of money by the general Government for the construction of roads and canals in the States. Western States, of course, would have been the ones most to benefit by such a measure, but as his views of the powers of Government did not favor such a construction of the Constitution, he never allowed his inclinations to influence his judgment. In this may be seen a peculiar trait of Mr. Bell's character, a freedom from undue partiality ; a really unbiased judgment : always moderate, calm, and conservative, amid the wild- est strife of party, he was conscientious, and unmoved by any considerations save those of patriotism and honor. He kept his head clear from prejudices either towards one side or the other, and was able to steer clear of those that beset the violent on either hand. . He has been, not exactly such a character as Lord Halifax is described by Macau- lay, not a " Trimmer," but one who held the scales with equal hand, and balanced all the arguments pro and con. Such a man may not have aroused either the bitter ani- mosities of foes, or the quite as violent predilections of friends ; he may never have been prominent as a parti- san, but he is a truer statesman, a realer friend to his 1^ Life of Hon. John Bell. country than many who make louder professions, but are ready to sacrifice their country either to hate or to love, in an emergency. In medio tutissimus ibis, is a good maxim in politics as well as in poetry, and although Mr. Bell has never hesitated to take a decided stand on' all public questions of moment, he has not taken an exaggerated one. He has been willing to acknowledge the good to be seen and said on both sides of all ques- tions. This same peculiarity is still further evidenced by the fact that although objecting to parts of the system of Internal Improvements, he was favorable to the policy of improving the great rivers and lake harbors. It requires some force of character to withstand the gibes of opponents at apparent inconsistency, but every sensi- ble man must be apparently inconsistent at times, although perhaps never more really consistent with his own cha- racter than at the very moment he is accused of fluctua- tions. Mr. Bell was proof against such attacks ; secure in the rectitude of his intentions, and convinced of the justice of his views, he calmly but determinately persisted in his course. That he has not changed in this regard, may be seen in the fact that he is to-day the candidate of the party whose rallying word is conservatism ; which is eminently the moderate one, which goes all lengths with neither side, and is content to bear the reproaches of lukewarmness and uncertainty from the more violent adherents both of the .South and the North, rather than to war openly against those whom it considers brethren. Life of Hon. John Bell. '5 How Mr. Bel] was regarded as a business man in tlie House may be judged when it is stated that he was fifteen years Chairman of the Committee on Indian ^ Affiiirs ; and a quarter of a century or more ago, Indian affliirs constituted an important subject of legislation. JSTo estimate can be formed of their consequence then, from what is accorded them now. The committee was undoubtedly one of the most important, and the position of its head reflects equal credit on Mr. Bell's judgment and abilities. To have so long sustained the position also indicates his political consequence, for the Speaker of the House would not have been likely to appoint a man of inferior influence to a place of such importance. During the second Congress in which he served, Mr. Bell spoke on the following subjects: The AVestern Armory, a New- York Memorial respecting Southern Indians, the Condition of the Indians, the Removal of the Indians, a Memorial of the New England Society of Friends, the Printing of the State Laws in relation to Indians, Revolutionary Pensions, the Case of Judge Peck, Tennessee Refuse Lands, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the Message Vetoing the Maysville Road Bill ; a list which shows the grasp of his mind, and the energy with which he applied his abilities to the various subjects which rose into prominence. Many of his speeches, it will be seen, related to the Indians, whose removal be- yond the Mississippi was at that time frequently discussed in Congress. l6 Life of Hon. John BellJ Anotlier subject that then agitated the public, and continued to do so for many years, was the Tariff ques- tion. Mr. Bell was at this time opposed to the protective system ; indeed his political friends were, for some years after his entrance into public life, especially those of Calhoun. He opposed Mr. Clay and John Quincy Adams particularly in the matter of the Tariff, making a speech against protection in 1832. He, however, after- wards saw reasons to change his views, and like Clay himself, in our own country, with regard to the United States' Bank, and Sir Kobert Peel on the Corn Laws, in England, and other great statesmen, did not hesitate openly to avow a change when it was once formally con- summated in his own mind. Herein is a mark of an intellect superior to petty considerations ; the mind itself grew into another state, did not remain dormant and stupid, developed into another phase, and its owner was true to himself by casting the slough of his former convictions when once it was outgrown. He had no scruples of pride in this matter ; he was honest and fearless in avowing that he entertained different notions on this subject from those he had once professed, and the manly independence of the avowal must recommend itself to all who admire either manliness or independence. A little soul would have hesitated, and parleyed, and equivocated, and deceived. Other little souls may per- haps not recognise or appreciate the magnanimity of the course taken instead by the subject of this memoir. Life of Hon. John Bell. 17 It may not be amiss to allude here to the fact that even political friendships and personal preferences were not allowed to stand in the way of what John Bell con- sidered to be his duty. Despite his warm attachment to ^ Mr. Calhoun, despite his hearty approbation of many of f^ Calhoun's doctrines, Mr. Bell was no blind adherent. " He openly opposed the great southerner's course in regard to Nullification, and was made Chairman of the Judiciary Committee with especial reference to the ques- tions connected with that subject which might have to be considered and reported on. Another instance this of profound and lofty patriotism rising superior to all other considerations, and similar to what occurred at the y final rupture between Mr. Bell and Gen. Jackson, which NsZ took place some years after. The latter circumstance was in consequence of the famous Kemoval of the Deposits, of which Bell did not approve, and against which he formally protested. When that act was con- summated, he withdrew his adherence from the former chief of his party, preferring what he regarded as prin- ciple to the chances of success with a party with whose doctrine he no longer concurred. This proceeding on his part, as well as his previous action in regard to Nullifica- tion, is significant of the fact that Mr. Bell had a mind of his own — he formed his own opinions, and determined upon his own conduct. Although never violent, he was , yet inflexible when he desired to be so : excellent traits ^ p. these in a man who may be destined to wield the execu- l8 Life of Hon. John Bell. tive powers of the American government. He will be no tool in the hands of others ; he, so calm in judging, can yet be nnmovable when once he has judged ; neither the threats of foes nor the persuasions of friends, nor the considerations of mere party ascendancy or personal popularity, avail to swerve him from the course he regards as right. His views in relation to canal improvements may be gathered in an extract from a speech made by him in January 1831, which will be found in the appendix. They are characterized by far-seeing judgment and admi- rable policy, and expressed in a terse and manly style. His independence is manifested in this very speech, which might be supposed to conflict with the doctrines advanced by him in relation to the famous Cumberland road. However, he held that different doctrines should be applied to roads from those referring to canals ; and he did not hesitate to uphold the distinction with all the ability of his logical mind. This speech recommends Mr. Bell to the warmest friends of Western progress. Made thirty years ago, without the remotest prospect of its being used when he should be a Presidential candi- date, its sincerity is unquestionable as its logic is unan- swerable. Indicaj:ions of the views held by Mr. Bell in regard to nullification are readily to be found. The position he viheld as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary made , it his duty to report a bill providing for the execution Life of Hon. John Bell. '9 of the revenue bills, in certain cases, which was the famous Enforcement bill ; this portion of his career shows two things very plainly ; first, that he had no sympathy thirty years ago with those who were anxious to go out \Q of the union because certain circumstances in it were disagreeable; and secondly, that he was anxious to enforce the laws of the land, however distasteful under certain circumstances they might be. Applying the same rules that governed his conduct then to the present emergencies in public affairs, we learn that he would probably have no sympathy with the hot heads of to-day, who, because they are aggrieved at some circumstances doubtless displeasing, and naturally so, are willing to rush off in a state of anarchy and break asunder the bonds that unite the confederacy; and also, that they who, disliking a constitutional provision which, it may be, is offensive to their feelings and repugnant to individual judgments, counsel open violation and disobedience of the law, can get no aid or comfort from him ; nay, more, that he would again, now, as he did in '32, favor an •' enforcement" of whatever is law. What better doctrine for this crisis can be had than such as dictated the con- duct of Mr. Bell a quarter of a century ago, and is as applicable to the contests of to-day as it was to the strug- gles about nullification and the enforcement of the revenue laws? In these instances Bell rose superior to party, and personal considerations. He was an admirer of Calhoun ; he was a free tariff man ; but he frowned 20 Life of Hon. John Bell. on nullification, and defended the enforcement of a law of whose policy he did not approve. His example might be studied and imitated with profit now. Mr. Bell's conduct in regard to the United States Bank was similar to that of a large number of old Jackson Demo- , crats. He was in favor of the bank, althouojh he voted against its re-charter in 1832, because he believed the subject -was brought forward with a partisan purpose, and solely with a view to injure Gen. Jackson. The question was raised four years before the expiration of the old charter, and Bell supposed that the President would veto the bill (as he did), and that consequently his popularity would be affected immediately previous to the Presidential election. When, however, ' Gen. Jackson went so far as to remove the deposits, Bell entirely dis- approved of that remarkable measure, and refused to vote for a resolution approving it ; here, again, manifest- ing a supremacy to mere party views. This refusal was the commencement of his rupture with the President ; the breach was widened, and eventuated in his accession to the Whig party of which he was so long a member and a leader. This change of party relations was accelerated by his K election to the Speakership of the House of Kepresenta- ^ tives in 1834. In June of that year, Mr. Stevenson, who had held the position for several sessions of Congress, was appointed minister to England, and resigned his former place, when James K. Polk became the candidate Life of Hon. John Bell. 21 of the Jackson party for the succession. Mr. Bell was supported against the entire administration influence and the old Democratic party, by the Whigs and that portion of the Democracy which sympathized with him and the Whigs, in their opposition to Yan Buren, who was to succeed Jackson as head of the party. Bell was elected, and Jackson never forgave him. The complete change in his political relations was however only consummated when the Presidential elec- tion came round, and Bell absolutely supported another i man than Yan Buren for the office. The doctrine that all subordinate officials who disapprove of the conduct of their superiors in any degree, should be forthwith removed, was strongly upheld by Jackson and Yan Buren, but was regarded by Bell and his friends as highly reprehensible. This was the ostensible reason of their final accession to the ranks of the Whig party, a move- ment which, however, began years before, and was only perfected by their support of White for the Presidency in opposition to Yan Buren. Judge White carried the State of Tennessee (Jackson^s own State) ; doubtless in a ; great measure this success was owing to the effiDrts of Bell. It had been imagined that Tennessee could not possibly oppose its old hero ; there had scarcely existed an organized opposition there for years ; Jackson's per- sonal and political influence was absolute and overwhelm- ing ; but the political character of the State was entirely changed ; in the four succeeding presidential campaigns, 22 Life of Hon.* John Bell. Tennessee was found arrayed against the Democratic party. The influen9.e of Bell may be judged of from these facts ; for if this remarkable change was not entirely owing to him, he probably contributed quite as signally as any other man to its production. He was himself of course re-elected to Congress, and continued a member of it as a Whig, until 1841. During this time he twice was nominated against Mr. Polk for the Speakership, and thus identified himself as the head of the Congres- sional opposition to Yan Buren's administration ; but the dominant party each time outvoted him, although only by a dozen ballots. His prominence is sufficiently indi- cated by the fact that his political friends so repeatedly selected him, and it will be remembered successfully, as the antagonist of Mr. Polk (from the same State with himself), and as their leader in those close and continual contests which marked the last years of the Jackson and Van Buren dynasty. Successful in 1888, in wresting the electoral vote of Tennessee away from Van Buren, when only two States in the entire Union were able to cast their vote for "White, and three times candidate against Van Buren's nominee for the Speakership of the House, Mr. Bell was fully prepared for the position among the Whigs which he assumed at the time of Gen. Harrison's nomination, ' It would be singular, if after the lapse of so many years, he should be destined to succeed his old competitor in a higher seat than that for which they so often contended with varying fortune; Life of Hon. John Bell. 23 if after Polk has been in his grave for more than a decade, Bell also should be elected President of the United States. Mr. Bell's career in Congress previous to the great Harrison campaign was not marked by any peculiar circumstances, other than those we have already recounted ; several of his speeches in opposition to the Van Buren administration will be found in the after portion of this volume ; they display especially his eager desire that the government should be economically carried on, and afford a key-note to the conduct likely to be his, should he himself be elevated to the control _ of public affairs. One of these speeches is an able defence of the dignity and rights of the House of Kepre- sentatives, showing conclusively that Mr. Bell's sympa- thies were eminently with the popular branch of the .government; he frequently made attempts to curtail unnecessary expenditures, and to check the extravagance of the administration which he opposed. Those extra- vagances, and the general mismanagement of affairs, were such as to provoke the remarkable rising of the people which resulted in the election of Gen. Harrison to the presidency. Bell's determined opposition to the Yan Buren democracy was by this time so prominent, and his talents and political character were regarded as so entirely national in their renown and influence, that -^nJ^ no one was surprised when he entered the cabinet of Harrison as Secretary of War; a reward for his long and 24 Life of Hon. John Bell. important services that was universally recognised as his due. It is hardly necessary to relate the facts relative to Gen. Harrison's short-lived presidential career. Every reader of political history, or even of general affairs, knows that he summoned a Congress, but died before its meeting, and within a month of his inauguration. Every One knows too that President Tyler, retaining the cabinet of his predecessor in their places, the Congress was convened under his auspices ; and that the great cardinal measure of Whig policy, the establishment of a new United States bank, was one of the first subjects of discussion and preparation among the eminent men who composed the national legislature. As the Whig party had a very decided majority in both Houses, the measure was passed without delay, although deliberately, and sent to the President for his sanction ; he, instead, vetoed the bill, but promised to approve of another under certain conditions. The Whigs, under Clay, forthwith prepared another bill, and subjected it before- hand to the inspection of the President, that they might be secure against the mortification of a second veto from the man whom they had themselves put into power. The first veto was resolved upon, and the message for it drawn, without a consultation of the President with his Cabinet — without reference to them, and without their knowledge, except from hearsay and accident. They first became aware of it by street rumor, and in para- Life of Hon. John Bell. 25 graphs in the Madisonian, and letters to the New York Herald, and their first absolute knowledge of it was obtained on coming in upon the President while he was drawing it. This was a great slight to his Cabinet, and very unaccountable to ministers who, only two short months before, had been solicited to remain in their places, had been saluted with expressions of confidence, and cheered with the declaration that their advice and counsel would be often wanted. They felt the slight of the neglected consultation as well as disappointment at the rejected bill, but the President consoled them for the disappointment by showing himself ready and even impatient for another bill. The Secretary of War (Mr. Bell) gives the following account of an interview with Mr. Tyler. " I called on the President, on official business, on the morning of Monday, the 16th of August, before the first veto message was sent in. I found him reading the message to the Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Ewing). jp-^ He did me the honor to read the material passages to me. I also congratulated him upon the happy circum- stance of the delay which had taken place in sending his veto message. The heat and violence which might have been expected, if the veto had been sent in imme- diately upon the passage of the bill, would now be avoided. Time had been given for cool reflection ; and as the message did not exclude the idea of a bank in some form, no unpleasant circumstance would be likely to follow. He expressed his great surprise that there should be so much excitement on the subject ; said that 26 Life of Hon. John Bell. he had had his mind made up on the bill before him from the first, but had delayed his message, that there should be time for the excitement to wear off; that nothing could be more easy than to pass a bill which would answer all necessary purposes ; that it coald be done in three days. The next day, having occasion to see the President again, he requested me to draw up a brief statement of my views upon the subject, showing the practical advantages and necessity of such a fiscal institution as he had thought of proposing. Such infor- mation as I could hastily collect from the heads of the principal disbursing bureaus of the department I handed him on the evening of the same day, knowing that time was of the utmost importance, in the state in which the question then was. He received the statements I gave him with manifest indifference, and alarmed me by remarking, that he began to doubt whether he would give his assent (as I understood him) to any bank." The second veto came ; and the entire cabinet, except Mr. Webster, immediately resigned. Thus, the talented government composed of Webster, Bell, Ewing, Badger, Crittenden, and Granger, was disbanded. The Whig party throughout the country approved of the conduct of the cabinet. The Whig majority of the Tennessee Legislature signified its approbation of the step, in the particular instance of Mr. Bell, by offering him at the next session after his withdrawal from the cabinet, the office of United States Senator ; but he declined it, and remained in retirement until 1847. On the Slavery question, Mr. Bell's course has always Life of Hon. John Bell. 27 been characterized by extreme moderation and wisdom, as well as by the natural concomitant of those traits — profound patriotism. When the agitation, which is now so violent, took its rise, so long ago as in 1836, or even sooner, Mr. Bell, a Southern man, but living so near the North as to have become national rather than exclu- sively Southern, took that middle and moderate ground which he has ever since maintained. The presentation of anti-slavery petitions in Congress was the first step in the agitation which is now culminating. Those petitions awakened the most violent discussions in the House of Representatives, of which, in 1836, Mr. Bell was a mem- ber. He alone, of the Tennessee delegation, favored their reception ; and, although assailed for this at home, was sustained by the people. Although he did not sympathize with the aim of the petitioners — to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia — he yet recognised and upheld the right of petition, however offensive even to his own notions the exercise of the right might chance to be. Still later, in 1838, when resolutions were intro- duced to receive such petitions, and lay them on the table, he voted in the negative, in order that they might be referred to a committee. What stronger evidence than this could be asked for, in a consistent Southern man, of a desire to yield something to the North, of an anxiety for harmony and concord between the conflict- ing elements in the nation? His speeches give ample evidence of the same spirit, throughout the long and 28 Life of Hon. John Bell. trying period during which he was a member of the United States Senate — from 1847 to 1859. The South never accused him of being derelict to her interests ; some few violent men were dissatisfied with his course, but he was promptly re-elected to his seat in the Senate at the expiration of his first term of service. He was at one time, indeed, requested by the State Legislature ^ of Tennessee to resign, but the people supported him in ■^ his resolution to refuse acceding to this request. It was made four years after the vote complained of, and by men who were not members of the State Legislature at the time the vote was cast ; and Mr. Bell considered himself perfectly justifiable in disregarding it. With this solitary exception, there is no instance of dissatisfaction from his native State having been manifested towaixis her faithful son. F^r more than thirty years he served her in the national councils, and she was all that while a slave state ; for all that time Mr. Bell upheld moderately but firmly the rights and interest of slaveholders, and was recognised by the South as one of her devoted sons. And yet he has studiously, meanwhile, preserved the kindest relations with the North ; he has of late received the nomination for the presidency from a convention in which northern men greatly predominated. The estimation in which he is held has been caused by his consistent and pa4:riotic endeavors to stem the current 1^ of violence and disunion. Mr. Bell, as a Whig, was studi- ously opposed to the policy of annexing Mexico and Life of Hon. John Bell. 29 the other Spanish American States ; and when the storms of discord rose highest his efforts at effecting a compromise were persistent. He endeavored incessantly to allay the troubled waves, to pour oil on the waters of strife ; he brought in a compromise bill, but, without any vanity or pique, laid it aside when he discovered that it did not prove acceptable ; for with him personal honor or success was always subordinate to patriotism. He favored the great compromise measures of 1850, although he would have been glad to see the issues then mooted fully settled by the division of Texas into states, as provided in the act of annexation; for he apprehended whenever the question of that division should arise, that the har- mony of the nation might be again disturbed. . In 1854, when Mr. Douglas introduced the famous Nebraska bill and the repeal of the Missouri compromise, Mr. Bell again was mindful of the entire country and not V of a single portion of it only, although that portion was "^ his home, and the State which he represents belonged to it. He 'protested against the passage of the measure, denouncing it as a violation of a compact fairly sealed, as an unsettling of principles already settled, as a reopen- ing of the sectional controversies of which the country was perfectly tired, as an imperilling of the peace and safety of the Union. Mr. Bell's course in this emergency was, how- ever, unavailing to stem the torrent of feeling aroused by Mr. Douglas. But he persisted in the line of conduct he had chosen. He was determined to know no north and 30 Life of Hon. John Bell. no south, and did whatever in him lay to assuage the agi- tations of the time. He had endeavored successfully to recommend the compromises effected by Clay and Web- ster to the reception of his constituents and of the entire South, and now he was anxious, since the Nebraska bill had become a law, that no worse results should flow from it than were unavoidable. So he again showed his mode- ration, his fairness, his love of justice, when the Kansas question arose. In the controversy on the admission of that territory Mr. Bell took decided ground against the Lecompton Constitution, and made an elaborate speech, charging that the measure was ill-timed and likely to prove disastrous alike to its originators and to the union. And yet, with all his anxiety for fairness, he never swerved in his fealty to the South or her institutions. His speeches are full of indications of his loyalty. He maintains the peculiar institution to be, in many of its peculiarities, excellent, and expresses an opinion that abstract notions must not be allowed to conflict with prac- ticalities, or if they do, must give way. Universally beloved and esteemed by his Southern colleagues, the integrity of his motives and the well-intentioned character of his acts have never been impugned by the most facti- tious. Some may have thought him too much inclined to yield, too willing to accede for the sake of peace, but he has in no instance been accused of recreancy. And he has indeed always been willing to yield somewhat ; he has openly avowed this as a principle ; he boasts that he Life of Hon. John Bell. 31 is not impracticable. Rather than that the fabric of our union should be destroyed, he has been ready to sacrifice several minor things ; emulous in this of the character of Clay and Webster and other worthies of that high sort. He is anxious, and has always been so, to cultivate the kindest relations with both of the great portions of our common country, to obey the parting mandate of Washington and know no north and no south ; he is, and has always been, emphatically, a Union man, a Union lover, a Union preserver. His whole career from the start has been of this sort ; every act indicates it ; every speech expresses it. Kot remarkable, however, only for love of country, but for ability to serve it ; not only for moderation and patriotism, and conservatism, excellent and desirable as these qualities are ; not only for eminent impartiality ; not only for those lofty traits of character, which indicate worth rather than talent, which give weight, and import- ance, and influence to men in everyday afiairs as well as to a statesman in public life, which are to the full as essential as talent — for what is talent without integrity and firmness, but a misdirected power, an engine without a master, a railroad train without a conductor — Mr. Bell is acknowledged by all to possess these characteristics ; he has passed through a long career of public useful- ness unblemished by reproach, without having ever ex- cited personal vituperations, or having ever suffered ob- loquy or disgrace. His State, and his constituents, and his 32 Life of Hon. John Bell. country have retained him in postg of consequence, and offered him honors, even when he has been obliged to decline them. All this indicates not only worth but ability. A clear head, penetration into character, and ability to perceive the significance of events, far-sightedness in politics, excellent judgment, so much that he has been able always to remain moderate, and no greater proof of judgment could be furnished, — ^logical ability, and (in his service on committees, as well as in the period during which he was a member of Gen. Harrison's and President Tyler's cabinets) administrative talent were evinced, abundant energy, the most thorough atten- tion to the duties of whatever office, undoubted industry, — surely the traits most desirable in governmental offi- cers, are all his. Firmness seems a trait especially likely to be put to the test in the next incumbent of the Presi- dential chair, and firmness has been evinced on several occasions by John Bell in a remarkable degree. Pos- sessing so many indispensable qualifications, fitted by his long experience and his mature age for the most im- portant posts, the list of his powers is altogether posi- tive. Should he be placed in the lofty post of President of the United States, there can be but little doubt that all the anticipations of the warmest friends of himself and of his country will be realized, and all the enco* miums hitherto paid him amply justified. Life of Hon. John Bell. 33 THE SPEECHES OF HOK JOHN BELL. The speeches that constitute the remainder of this volume, are, with one or two exceptions, selected from those made in Congress, by the subject of this memoir ; it has been deemed advisable to furnish only such por- tions of them as iudicate Mr. Bell's sentiments and con- duct in regard to the great public questions which have arisen during his career. As in every speech there must be much matter pertinent only at the moment of its delivery, we have endeavored to free the pith or core so far as possible from the less material parts that envelop it, never, however, in any instance garbling, nor omitting any sentences or words from those passages pretended to be presented to our readers. A completely faithful expo- sition of Mr. Bell's views on the subjects discussed, will, we beheve, be thus afibrded. EDUCATION IN TENNESSEE. Shortly after Mr. Bell's entrance into Congress as a member of the Lower House, the question of devoting part of the public lands in Tennessee to the educational purposes of that State, was mooted ; Mr. Bell's maiden effort of any great length or ambition was made on this occasion, April 29, 1828. We subjoin a few lines merely, which demonstrate the 34 Life of Hon. John Bell. sentiments he entertained on the question at issue, and also evince his anxiety for the best interests of those whom he represented. LAND CLAIMS IN TENNESSEE. Mr. Bell, of Tennessee, said : — The gentlemen who have spoken in opposition to the bill have declared their readiness to support it if it can be shown that the gene- ral Government is under any obligation to make provi- sion for the support of common schools in Tennessee. This obligation, I think, can be made to appear to the satisfaction of every one. By an express article in the compact entered into in 1787, between the Congress of the Confederation and the people north-west of the river Ohio, it is stipulated on the part of the Confederation that " schools and the means of education should for ever be encouraged." This generous stipulation in favor of light and knowledge may have been in pursuance of the conditions upon which "Virginia ceded that noble region to the United States (my researches on this point have not gone so far back), or it may have been the dictate of the wisdom of those who then had the guidance of our national councils ; but whether it was the offspring of the State which gave, or of the Confederation which received, I conceive it cannot be more highly or appro- priately commended than by saying that it was worthy of a period in which an enlightened love of liberty pre- vailed over the sordid calculations of wealth. When North Carolina ceded her Western Territory, now the Life of Hon. John Bell. 35 State of Tennessee, to the United States, she made it an express condition in her act of cession, that the inhabit- ants of that territory should enjoy " all the privileges, benefits, and advantages" set forth in the ordinance or compact I have already mentioned, one only excepted, not now necessary to be adverted to. SPEECH OF JOHN BELL ON HIS ELECTION AS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, June 2, 1834. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives : — With the greatest sincerity I declare to you, that although I am duly and gratefully impressed by this mark of the partiality and confidence of the House, and by no means insensible to the distinction intended to be conferred on me, it is not without some distrust of the wisdom of my course in accepting this station, which your choice has assigned me. Without the slightest ex- perience in the chair, it may be justly apprehended that your selection of a presiding ofiicer has been too much influenced by personal kindness and friendship. And I shall be quite happy if the public interest shall suffer no detriment through a defective administration of the duties of the chair. In ordinary times, and under ordinary circumstances, I could flatter myself that, by diligent application, I might be able, in a short time, to supply the want of experience, and to justify in some degree, the confidence indicated by the House. That more than usual embarrassments must be encountered at this mo- ment, by an incumbent of the chair, will be admitted by all. The impatience, not to say irritation — the natural 36 Life of Hon. John Bell. result of a protracted session — the excitement growing out of those sharp conflicts of opinion upon questions of public policy — conflicts exasperated and embittered at the present moment in an extraordinary degree — all pre- sent themselves to increase the difficulties and call forth the exertions of a new and unpractised incumbent of the chair. And I feel, gentlemen, that whatever exertions may be made on my part must be vain, without your forbearance — nay, that they must fail altogether, without your cordial support and co-operation. When I reflect how great are the interests connected with this House, its character and action — interests not of a day nor of a party, but of all time, of posterity, and of all the parties which are or ever will be arrayed against each other — and when I further reflect how much the character and action of this House depends upon a skilful, firm, and impartial administration of the duties of the chair, I con- fess I feel the deepest solicitude. It is not so generally understood, I regret to believe, as it should be, in how great a degree the measures of a legislative assembly are modified and influenced by the manner of its deliberations. All will concede that if it shall ever happen that this body shall fall into disrepute, and fail to command the respect and confidence of the people, our institutions will be in the greatest peril. Not only the character of the House, the wisdom and efficiency of its action, but the existence of our admira- ble frame of polity itself, may be said to depend, in some degree, upon the order and dignity of the deliberations of this House. While, then, I entreat the indulgence of the House to my own defects, I earnestly invoke the as- sistance of every member of it in endeavoring to main- tain and preserve, so far as depends upon the proceedings Life of Hon. John Bell. • 37 of this body, those great and primary interests of consti- tutional government and freedom, in support of which, I am sure, whatever difference of opinion there may be upon points of construction, policy, or administration, there is not a heart here, nor an American heart anywhere, that does not beat high. SPEECH OF JOHN BELL ON HIS KETIREMENT FROM THE speaker's chair, March Srdj 1835. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives : — It is a late hour, but I hope I may be allowed one word, in acknowledgment of the many obligations I am under to this House. Duly sensible, as I am, of the value of that testimony of respect for your presiding officer which you have this night ordered to be placed upon the journals of the House, and as much bound as I am by that compliment, to express my sensibility to your kindness, I am still more solicitous, upon this occasion, the last that may offer to me, to express a yet deeper and more abiding sense of gratitude for that continued indulgence to my faults, that marked forbearance and tenderness to my many deficiencies, which have been manifest on your part, from the first moment I took this chair, and which have con- tinued to be manifested up to this, the last allotted hour of the present Congress. The feelings inspired by a recollection of so much generosity I am unable ade- quately to express, but they shall have a place in this bosom so long as there is a pulsation there. 38 Life of Hon. John Bell. But this is not the extent of the obligations I am under to you, gentlemen. If the public service had suffered essentially from any defect in me, the memory of your generous indulgence would afford me but a qualified pleasure, but you have, upon every occasion, given to mei your presiding ofi&cer, liable to err, and actually erring, as he often did, your firm support in his efforts to prevent the effect of what seemed to him to be error in others ; and thus you reconciled your continued forbearance towards him with your duty to the public, in supporting the regularity and dignity of the proceedings of the House. It is needless to declare to you how feeble, how utterly incompetent, the efforts of any one must be to discharge the duties of this station, without the cordial support of the Members of this House. The satisfaction I derive from the reflection that I have had your cordial and necessary supp">rt, is greatly heightened by two con- siderations — the one personal to myself, the other of a public nature. Inexperienced as I was, when the duties of the Chair were suddenly devolved upon me, I could deserve your support, in attempting to maintain the just authority and respect of the Chair, only by bringing to the discharge of its various duties a resolute determina- tion to perform them with impartiality, and a suitable firmness and decision. However I may have failed in these purposes in particular instances, unconsciously and through the weakness of our common nature, I feel a proud satisfaction in believing that you have always duly appreciated my intentions and my desires. But I have yet a higher gratification, founded upon the experience I have had in the Chair ; whatever may be the occasional disorders and intemperance incident to Life of Hon. John Bell. 39 times liigWy excited by party conflicts, we have just reason to hope that there will always remain a collective, an aggregate feeling and determination in this House to forbear those extremes, those excesses, which, if in- dulged, would justly forfeit the respect and confidence of the country. None will question, that whatever concerns the charac- ter and respectability of this House, as a co-ordinate branch of the legislative department of the Government, concerns likewise the interests, the very being, of free institutions, and the rights and happiness of the human family. Whether this House shall continue to hold and actually exercise its due proportion of the powers of this Government ; whether it shall continue to contribute its due weight and authority in shaping the policy of this great country, and in elevating it to that high destiny which the friends of political and civil liberty in every part of the world, so devoutly desire ; whether, indeed, such a destiny shall ever be ours, depends greatly upon the rank which this House shall continue to hold in the affections, the respect, and confidence, of the great body of the people. The recollection that, while I have had the honor to fill this station, I have had your co-operation and confi- dence in my feeble efforts to sustain the due importance and respectability of this House, will be a source 01 high gratification to me in the future vicissitudes of my life, whatever they may be. And now, at the moment of a separation, which, with many of us, may be perma- nent, I may be permitted to say, that if, upon any occa- sion, I have seemed to fail in the respect which is always due from the Chair to the House, and to all its members, I can, with the utmost sincerity, affirm that it was never 40 Life of Hon. John Bell. intentional ; and I beg to express my ardent wishes for the continued and uninterrupted health and happiness of t| every individual of which this House is composed. SPEECH IN OPPOSITION TO VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION. February 24, 183Y. ] The following remarks are presented here as indicat- ing the views entertained by Mr. Bell in regard to the economical administration of the general government, and his aversion to unnecessary expenditure. Mr. Bell said : — He rose for the purpose of calling the attention of members to a few facts connected with the subject under consideration, and with the subject of the Treasury, and the expenditures of the Government gene- rally, which he thought were either unknown to many honorable members, or, if known, had not received that attention which, from their extraordinary nature, they were entitled to receive from the representatives of the people and the guardians of the public interests. The fact that the permanent expenditures of the Government had been doubled in amount within a few years past had been noticed heretofore. I wish (said Mr. B.) to bring to the notice of honorable gentlemen another most improper and unprecedented anomaly in the action of Congress, upon the subject of the appropriation and expenditure of the public moneys. The Committee of Ways and Means have given their sanction to appropri- ations for the service of the present year, amounting to Life of Hon. John Bell. ^ 41 upwards of thirty millions, if I have not made some mis- take in the estimate of this amount. Besides these, there are other bills reported by the standing committees of the House, which will swell them to about thirty -five millions — an amount but little short of the appropriations to the same objects made at the last session of Congress. Do the members of this house know what proportion of the appropriations of the last year remain unexpend- ed ? The honorable chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means has told us that the present bill appropriates about nine hundred thousand dollars to fortifications ; and that, he contends, ought to be voted, because it does not exceed the usual amount annually appropriated to the same objects. Sir, it is true that this does not exceed the amount usually appropriated, but the honorable gen- tleman has omitted to inform us that there was on the 1st of January a balance of upwards of six hundred thou- sand dollars remaining in the Treasury of the appropria- tions of the last year to the same objects, besides be- tween two and three hundred thousand, in the hands of the disbursing officers, yet unexpended. He has neglected to inform us that, in fact, about nine hundred thousand dollars of the last year's appropriations to fortifications remain to be expended during the present year ; for I take it for granted, that the work upon the fortifications has not been persisted in to any great extent during the winter. Thus, sir, instead of the amount proposed to be applied to this branch of the public service during the present year, we propose to apply double that amount. Is there anything in the present high prices of labor and materials, any thing in the great demand for laborers of all kinds, or is there anything in the present prospect of peace with all nations which calls for this unusual 42 Life of Hon. John Bell. amount to be applied to fortifications ? Are we not push- ing these works too rapidly to admit of solid construc- tions ? But, sir (said Mr. B.), I do not attach much im- portance to this view of the subject. Not only double but treble, and quadruple the amount of these appropria- tions can be expended by the government, if it is found necessary in order to increase appropriations — if we shall by our imprudent compliance with the demand of the Executive encourage a race between appropriations and disbursements — if the appropriations are to be increased according to the ability of the Government to expend, or rather waste, as much as this House shall, from year to year, be found willing to appropriate. I repeat, if this shall be the measure of our appropriations, we need not care how large they are, they will be expended. ECONOMY. The extract here appended is taken from a speech on financial matters, whose interest is now entirely past. The selection is made as afibrding an indication of Mr. Bell's careful attention to the management of the govern- ment in all its details, and his anxiety to avoid every temptation to extravagance. The date of the speech is March 12th, 1887. Mr. Bell said he would make but a remark or two upon the motion which he proposed to make in relation to the amendment of the Senate. Life of Hon. John Bell. 43 The House had incorporated the clause for a distri- bution of any surplus which might be in the Treasury at the end of the year, among the States, into the fortifica- jtion bill, by a large and decisive majority. The Senate amended the bill by striking out this most important provision ; and this House, upon a reconsideration of the subject, reaffirmed their first decision, and disagreed to the amendment of the Senate, by a majority equally decisive, and one which, under the circumstances, I might say was overwhelming. The Senate has thought proper, nevertheless, to insist upon its amendment ; and the question is now presented whether we shall recede from the ground we have taken, or firmly adhere to a measure which we believe to be of vital interest. \ The question is one of vast magnitude, of the greatest import- ance, and connected directly with the permanent interest and welfare of the whole country. We have now to decide whether this, the popular branch of the National Legislature, whether we, the representatives of the peo- ple, to whom the Constitution has intrusted in an espe- cial manner the guardianship and the duty of preserving the public treasure, shall surrender up our trust, abandon our own views of public duty, and conform to the wishes of the Senate. A principle of deep interest is thus in- volved in this question besides that of mere expediency. In relation to the particular measure under consideration, can any one doubt the line of duty thus plainl}^ marked out to us ? Are we not bound in justice to ourselves, in justice to the Constitution and to the best interests of the country, firmly to adhere to our first resolve ? Upon the point of expediency, whatever doubt may have existed in the minds of any, whether there would be a surplus of any considerable amount at the end of the 44 Life of Hon. John Bell. year, when this proposition was first submitted, surely now, since the land bill has been laid upon the table, and not the slightest prospect remains of reviving it attj the present session, there is no longer any ground of ] uncertainty as to that question. All must now admit f not only that there will be a surplus, but that it will be a very largft one ; and the question is now presented, andi; must be decided by the vote which we are about to take, J whether the fifteen or twenty millions in the Treasury,, over and above the demands of the public service, willl be more secure when deposited with and distributed! among the several States of the Union, or in State banks^ over which we have no control, whose condition at this^ moment is inflated, uncertain, and perilous in the highestt degree. Those who think the States less safe and trust- j worthy than the numerous State banks which hold the^j public moneys in deposit will, of course, be against us. Another great question is presented, and must be;! decided by our present action. It is, whether we shall l; suffer a surplus revenue, the unavoidable and unfore-j seen result of past legislation, to remain in the National l! Treasury to tempt the next Congress, as it has done the ; present one, to swell the expenditures of the Government in a degree and in a manner wholly inconsistent with every idea of economy. I do not intend to enter further into the argument. I have observed, at another step of the progress of this measure, that I considered the argu- ment, both for and against, fully before the country ; and I conclude by moving that this House do insist upon its disagreement to the Senate's amendment. \ Life of Hon. John Bell. 45 DEATH OF MR. STANDEFER. Friday, Sepiemher 8, 1837. Mr. Bell announced to the House the death of his late colleague, the Hon. James Standefer, in the follow- ing terms : — Mr. Speaker : The melancholy duty has been as- signed me, by my colleagues, of announcing to the House the death of one of our members. James Standefer, while on his journey to this place, in order to enter upon his duties as a member of this House, was, on the 20th of last month, suddenly arrested by the hand of the Great Destroyer of human existence. By this unexpected event, the country is deprived, at a period of more than common interest and difficulty, of the services of a most devoted and patriotic public servant, and this House of an honest and worthy mem- ber. My late colleague was remarkable for an equani- mity of temper, and a kindness of feeling, combined with a justness of perception in all the concerns of life, at least of ordinary occurrence, which without the ad- vantages of early culture, or of books, at any time, procured for him throughout a life which was not short, the respect and esteem of numerous friends, and raised him to the rank of a useful and meritorious citizen. The same qualities of heart and mind, aided by a repu- tation for honesty which he nobly earned, and continued to maintain by the most scrupulous regard for truth and justice in all his transactions, public and private, caused him to be repeatedly chosen to the Legislature of his 46 Life of Hon. John Bell. own State ; of which body he was a usefal and respected member. He was, for many years, a member of this, and I am sure that his quiet and unobtrusive manners — his punctual discharge of all the duties assigned him in the organization of the House, must have secured the respect of his associates. To these evidences of his worth, I might add, that in the late war with Great Britain, he approved himself an intrepid soldier. He was, above most men I have known, who have risen in any degree into public view, under similar circum- stances, free from the pride and vanity of mere station : never anxious to appear what he was not ; content to be classed with the useful and faithful, he made no pre- tensions ; had no aspirations beyond his real deserts. If, therefore, my lamented colleague cannot be said to have possessed any of those shining endowments which are required to make a figure in this House, which strike our fancy, or command our admiration, he might still justly lay claim to other and humbler attributes, which, upon the whole, constitute a character of solid merit, and often one of more enduring fame ; and that the due and usual tribute of respect be paid to his memory by this House, I move, sir, the resolution which I hold in my hand : — ■ Resolved^ That as a testimony of respect for the memory of the deceased, the members of this House will go into mourning by wearing crape on the left arm for thirty days. The Resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Bell then moved that the House adjourn. And it adjourned accordingly. Life of Hon. John Bell. 47 RETRENCHMENT. Extract from a speecli made Sept. 19, 1837. Note. — Mr. Bell then entered into an elaborate examination of the state of the Treasury, to show that there would be a surplus of twenty- millions ; and then proceeded : I have now, sir, shown that, taking the statements of the several reports of the Secretary of the Treasury as correct, if the funds lying dead in the hands of disburs- ing officers be brought forth and applied in aid of the expenditures of the last quarter of the year, as they should be, the fourth instalment due the States can be paid, with all other actual demands against the Treasury during the year, and not scarcely more than a nominal deficit ; but if, as has always been the case heretofore, a portion of the actual demands upon the Treasury shall not be presented for payment at the depositories of the public money within the year, there will be a surplus, in fact, still left in the Treasury at the end of the year. The question now is, whether the States have not acquired rights under the act of 1836, which it is not competent for Congress to annul or defeat without their consent. It is a question of power and of right in the Greneral Government, whether, after the States have accepted the terms of the Deposit Act ; after many of them have anticipated the funds which they expected to receive in payment of the fourth instalment, and made other important arrangements connected with their financial interest and condition, they will not have just cause to complain of a breach of faith, if this Govern- ment shall now proceed to abrogate the compact by 48 Life of Hon. John Bell. legislative action merely, and -without any communica- tion with the States. I call upon those gentlemen espe- cially, who hold to what is called the State Rights party, to say upon what grounds they can support the bill tinder consideration ? Will it not be a usurpation, a "clear assumption of power on our part, and an insulting disregard of the State sovereignties, if, after deluding them with promises of these funds upon certain con- ditions, which have been acceded to by the States, we should claim the power to postpone the execution of the compact, or to annul the whole proceeding uncondi- tionally, without reference to their wishes or interests, and even without consulting them ? But, sir, we have the same grand object, inviting us to reject this bill, which operated with many gentlemen in giving their support to the Deposit Act of 1836. The question is now, as then, whether we shall set about cur- tailing the extravagance and profligacy of the Grovern- ment in its expenditures. We have tried every other plan, every other occasion, in vain. If we would prove ourselves what we profess to be — if we be ourselves in earnest — if we are seriously the advocates of retrenchment and reform, we can never hope, in our time, for a more propitious season to make one more bold and determined effort. '' Now's the day, and now's the hour." If we suffer ourselves to be deluded by the arguments and the devices of the advocates of power, and shall let this opportunity pass, we need never hope again. There is only one expedient left, and that is, to with- hold the supplies; stop the money; keep the Treasury drained and low ; cut off the means ; and I engage that the expenditures shall be reduced, for once, to the actual wants of the Government. I call upon the experienced Life of Hon. John Bell. 49 members of tlie House — and there are some who have had seats here for more than twenty years — to say, if any time could be so fit, or promise equal success, in effecting this great object, as the present. I repeat, if the means are not supplied, the expenditures must cease. UNION SPEECH. Made shortly after Mr. Bell's entrance into the United States Senate, on the 12th of Aug. 1848. Mr. Bell said he was a southern Senator, and deeply involved in southern interests ; but he must have greatly mistaken his true course if the arguments to which he had listened were correct. There were wiser heads than his, but still, in the vote which he should give, he must con- form to his own judgment. He believed that the Senator from South Carolina, and those who concurred with him, had placed the South in a wrong position, when they assum- ed that by the decision of this question the die would be cast, and the issue must now be made which involves the dissolution of the Union. He contended that this issue was prematurely made, when it was made, on the Oregon bill. If we are to quarrel with the North, let us be sure that in all respects our ground of dispute is tenable for us. The vote of the House has been cited here as evi- dence that this issue could no longer be avoided. He came to no such conclusion. He knew and felt the influ- ence of too many sympathies with the North. Until a 3 50 Life of Hon. John Bell. vote of Congress should, on the subject of the Southern Territories, actually separate the Union, he never would believe that such a vote could be given. As to this question, he had voted against laying this bill on the Table, and against its postponement, because he desired to give his Southern friends an opportunity of having a committee of conference from which he expected nothing favorable. When, in 1850, the anti-Slavery agitation consequent upon the admission of Texas, had become excessively violent, Mr. Bell suggested a plan for accommodating the differences between the North and the South, the gist of which, and his material arguments in its favor, may be learned from the following exordium of a speech made by him February 28, 1850. ^: I will not trouble the Senate by reading more than the last clause of the short preamble by which I have thought proper to preface the propositions which I design to present. It is in these words : Whereas, The joint resolution for annexing Texas to the United States, approved March 1, 1845, contains the following condition and guarantee, that is to say : "New States of convenient size, not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient population, may hereafter, by the consent of said state, be Life of Hon. John Bell. 51 formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be enti- tled to admission under the provisions of the Federal Constitution ; and such states as may be formed out of that portion of said Territory lying south of 36° 80' north latitude, commonly known as the Missouri Compromise Line., shall be admitted into the Union with, or without slavery, as the people of each state asking admission may desire ; and in such a State or States as shall be formed out of said territory north of said Missouri compromise line, slavery or involuntary servitude [except for crime] shall be prohibited." The first proposition I propose to submit, sir, is in these words : ^^ Resolved., That the obligation to comply with the con- dition and guarantee above recited in good faith, be dis- tinctly recognised, and that, in part compliance with the same, as soon as the people of Texas shall, by an act of their Legislature, signify their assent, by restricting the limits thereof within the territory lying east of the Trinity and south of the Red River, and when the people of the residue of the territory claimed by Texas lying south of the 34th degree of north latitude and west of the Trinity shall, with the assent of Texas, adopt a constitution republican in form, they be admitted into the Union upon an equal footing in all respects with the original States." " I do not know, Mr. President, that there has been any desire manifested in the Southern States that a new slave State should be now admitted into the Union, if it were practicable. I have seen no notice of any such desire ; no manifestation of any expectation even that such a proposition would be offered. Nevertheles.s, sir, I am of 52 Life of Hon. John Bell. opinion that it would have a most salutary and healing influence at this time throughout the whole South. I am aware of the existence of a sentiment, prevalent to some extent at the South, which supposes it probable — so strong is the sentiment at the North, in the free States, against the extension of the slave power in Congress — that at any time hereafter, when in the course of events this proposition shall come directly from the people of Texas, the guarantee and conditions of the joint resolu- tion referred to in the preamble will not be complied with. They feel no assurance on tliis point. " I do not say that this expectation or this apprehension is justified by anything I have seen avowed at the North ; certainl}^ not by anything I have heard avowed in this hall ; for upon this point I must do the gentlemen of the North justice, and say that in speaking of the compara- tive extent and quantity of free and slave territory in the United States, the large territories of Texas, embrac- ing some two or three hundred square miles, have been uniformly pointed to as slave territory, out of which other slave States may properly, and without infringing upon the sentiments and opinions of the North, be admit- ted into the Union. It is for the purpose of meeting and quieting this apprehension of the South, and for the soothing effect which the admission of such a State into the Union now would have, that I have thought proper to propose it. ''Again, Mr. President, it has been commonly the prac- tice of the Government heretofore, when practicable, that when a slave State has been admitted, a new free State should be contemporaneously admitted. And so when a free State at the North was newly admitted, if found practicable, a new slave State at the South came in at Life of Hon. John Bell. 53 .lie same time. It was upon this principle that Maine was severed from Massachusetts and erected into a sepa- rate State when Missouri came in. Michigan and Arkan- sas were contemporaneously admitted, I believe, in con- formity with the same sentiment. Iowa and Florida were, I believe, admitted in the same way. Sir, I am aware that this practice cannot be long continued. No expectation can be, or is as far as I know, indulged by tlie South, tiiat it can be continued for any length of time to come. But now it is proposed to admit California as a free State. Here is a Territory, here is a population authorizing the admission of a slave State, and thus, if Texas were to assent to the formation of the new State, the practice might be continued up to this time at least. I have said, sir, that no expectation of continuing this practice which has obtained heretofore, can be indulged by the South. Sir, what is the prospect before the slave States on this subject ? Nebraska and the Territory of Minnesota will soon, very soon, form two additional free States. Oregon will present the country with four new Slates ; two very soon, and two more to follow at a sub- sequent time. I speak advisedly on this subject, from my knowledge of the territory there. Two new free States will before a great while be formed there, and two may be postponed to some more remote period. Cali- fornia and New Mexico will give us four new States, if not six. Here, sir, at the lowest calculation, we have four to Oregon, four to New Mexico and California, and two to the new Territories already formed in the North- west ; to say nothing of the territory still further north and west of the waters of the Missouri, we shall have ten new free States ! And where is the equivalent to the slave States to be found? My first proposition is to 54 Life of Hon. John Bell. admit one new State now, in conformity with ancient practice, which must soon be abandoned. I propose to restrict the State of Texas, to the territory lying east of the Trinity and south of Eed Kiver ; a territory large enough to form a magnificent State, and one of the first class. The population in these limits is altogether suffi- cient to authorize the formation of a State. I am advised that it is equal to the existing ratio of representation in Congress. " The new State proposed to be admitted into the Union with the assent of Texas, includes all the territory now claimed by Texas lying west of the Trinity and south of the thirty-fourth parallel of North latitude. The terri- tory proposed for the new State, it will be perceived, is of very large extent ; the population is more than suffi- cient to justify the formation of a new State, exceeding the population east of the Trinity by many thousands. " The proposition does not involve nor ask of the North any violation of sentiment or feeling there, unless it be one based upon a design of violating sacred obligations, which I am sure does not exist. It is in strict conformity with the plighted public faith of the whole country, North and South. What forbids it, then ?" CONCILIATIOIT. The wisdom and patriotism of the remarks which fol- low commend them to all. They were made in the Se- nate on the 5th of July, 1850. Life of Hon. John Bell. 55 " Sir, — No man wlio loves his country, no man who has any just pride in the reflection that he is an American citizen, but must desire that these dissensions should cease ; for, sir, it is not a mere question whether we shall preserve the union ; for that may be, and yet prove no great boon either to ourselves or to posterity. The ques- tion Is, not whether these States shall continue to be united according to the letter of the covenant by which they are bound together ; it is, whether they shall continue to be practically and efficiently co-operative in carrying out the great end of the association. The question is, whether mutual trust and confidence shall continue to animate and encourage mutual efforts, in promoting and multiplying common benefits ; or whether mutual hatred and distrust shall step in to check all progress, to dis- tract and confound all joint endeavors for the common welfare ; in fine, to entail upon the country all the evils of endless discord ? That is the question. And when you present that issue to me, I say at once, give me separation ; give me disunion ; give me anything in preference to a union sustained only by power; by constitutional and legal ties, without confidence. If our future career is to be one of eternal discord and of angry crimination and recrimination, give me rather separation with all its consequences. If I am to be at peace in reality, and if I am to be at war, let me know it at once, that I may put my house in order, and be ready to meet the consequences. So, sir, if I could dic- tate the course of Congress in the pending difficulties, I would say, let the adjustment be made in the real spirit of concession — compromise and conciliation. Let us have some assurance, that the promised peace shall be permanent. Stay this agitation ; allay this burning fever 56 Life of Hon. John Bell. that threatens to consume the system. Terminate this suspense, which is more intolerable than an open rupture. If we of the South have made up our minds to yield nothing ; to endure nothing ; or if a better spirit actuate us, and we are prepared both to yield something and en- dure something, and yet cannot bring our northern breth- ren to any terms of just and equitable arrangement, and they will continue to vex and harass us, now and for ever, let us resolve, ancJ let them suffer us, to manage our own affairs in our own way. But I trust it will never come to this issue. " Sir, to suppose that there is one member of this body who is not ready to sacrifice, to concede something of his individual sentiments and opinions to secure an adjust- ment of these questions — were he untrammeled by pledges, to which he may owe his position here, and which he may not violate without dishonor — to suppose that there is one man here from the North or the South, who is not prepared to sacrifice his individual views to the good of his country, were he free to do so, is to sup- pose him utterly unworthy of the station he holds. To suppose th^ there is one member of this body, who, upon a cold and selfish calculation of personal advance- ment, would insist upon extreme issues, is to suppose him a wretch who does not deserve to live. " Still it cannot be disguised, that the questions to be decided are beset with difficulties and embarrassments on every side. Whatever way we turn, we are met by obstacles, and opposing interests and influences. To state some of the more prominent of these interests and influ- ences may be of use now in our attempt to compose these distracting questions ; and if we should happily succeed in our efforts to give present quiet to the country, it may Life of Hon. John Bell. ^57 prove of some advantage to those who come after us briefly to review the causes, remote and proximate, which have precipitated the present crisis. " I take the existence of the institution of slavery in a number of contiguous states of the union, composing a somewhat distinct and compact geographical group or section, and the non-existence of any such relation or institution in an equal or greater number of states, -con- stituting an equally distinct and separate group or section, to be the primary cause of the existing embarrassments and dissensions. But I shall assume this to be an inve- terate and incurable disease of our system, one which cannot be eradicated or removed without absolute de- struction. It was born in the system ; it has grown up with it, and while the system itself lasts, for anything we can now descry in the future, it must continue to give rise to occasional paroxysms of annoyance and disturb- ance. The best we can do will be so to accommodate the operation of the system to this inevitable condition of its existence, as to keep down inflammation. "From the nature of this inherent element of dissen- sion, it will be readily perceived that one of the most active influences to be encountered by the statesman who desires to preserve our system of government, is the spirit of fanaticism, religious and philanthropic. Another not less active, and more powerful for mischief, is the spirit of party and the rivalries and jostlings of personal ambition. Add to these sectional jealousies — the jealousies of sectional sway and domination — jea- lousies springing in part from economical considerations naturally incident to a country of such vast extent, and of somewhat distinct productive capacity and adaption — jealousies of free and slave labor, incident to the dis- 3* 58 Life of hon. John Bell. tinct and different social relations in the two sections — and we have before us a general outline of the causes wbicli have produced the present disturbances, and . of tli obstacles and influences which exist to prevent aii^ satisfactory adjustment of them." FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Mr. Bell's views on our foreign relations, and oru European politics generally, are definitely expressed in the following extracts from a speech opposed to inter vention in the struggle between Austria and Hungary,' delivered by him in the Senate, on the 18th of April; 1852 : it would be absurd to commend the sentimenti avowed, as they have since been accepted as the expo nents of the national conduct. It is well, however, i^ remember that at the time they were uttered, the current' of popular*feeling and fancy had set in quite the oppc site direction. We also call particular attention to th remarkable prophecy of Louis Napoleon's career, whic.f ^ has since been verified by history. " It will be perceived, Sir, from the tenor of these intn ductory remarks, that I have not risen to continue f J discussion upon the subject of the policy of intervent' or non-intervention, by the United States, in the affair^ . quarrels of Europe. It is not a question of intervent' t or non-intervention, then, theoretical or practical ; it is n< Life of Hon. John Bell. 59 the cause of bleeding Hungary, nor of her highly-gifted, though over-zealous and presumptuous chief, who no sooner set his foot upon our shores than he commenced to teach us the true interpretation of international law, and to give us lessons upon the moral duties of oui posi- tion in the great family of nations; nor is it the cause of liberty in Europe or of human rights in general ; nor is it the'question as to what is to be the fate of Europe, or the consequences of recent changes, or the present con- dition of affairs on that continent upon its future destiny — however interesting such questions or inquiries may be — that I avail myself of the privilege of addressing the Senate. I " My purpose is to call the attention of the Senate, and of the country, so far as I may be able by my humble voice, to another question — to another and far different inquiry, suggested by the resolutions under consideration, and fairly embraced within their scope. That inquiry is, how are we to be affected — how is this continent to be affected — how is the New World to be affected by the recent changes and present condition of affairs in the Old World? How are American ideas and interests of government to be affected by European ideas and insti- tutions ? This I consider the great American question of the times; and one which may w^ell occupy the thoughts and attention of the Senate and of the country. I could only desire that the inquiry had an abler exposi- tor than I may hope to be. And I would that I had an opportunity of going into the subject under circumstances ess embarrassing and more propitious and favorable \ > a hearing. I regret — I deplore — that I have neither ^^|e ability nor the favorable occasion for doing justice t^a subject which appears to me to be one of the highest 6o Life of Hon. John Bell. importance to the future condition and fortunes of this country." " France holds in her hands the issues of peace or of war. If she is quiet, all may be quiet. But can she — will she be quiet? She cannot. Louis Napoleon must distw^h the peace of Europe or fall. It is upon France that the world now fixes its gaze ; and with whatever seem- ing composure the result of her present anomalous posi- tion, and the development of her policy may be awaited, it is impossible but that the most callous and fearless statesman of the times must expect them with some soli- citude. It is true, this second Napoleon may be suddenly cut off. It is true there may be a revulsion of public sentiment so universal as to drive him from power. In either of these events France may become once more the prey of faction, and relieve the apprehensions of her neighbors, and of all Europe, by exhausting her energies and resources in rending her own vitals. But if Louis Napoleon shall survive the perils which attend him in the initiative operations of his government, then, I say, France will become aggressive. If there was nothing in the singular spirit, and, to me, mystical genius of that daring man, who has seized into his own hands the con- struction of a government for a great people, leading to the conclusion that he would become aggressive, and plunge his country into war, he is still under a political necessity to make war. It is true that in doing so he may but rush upon his fate. Be it so. He cannot pause in his career. He must give employment to his four hundred thousand soldiers, or they will divide and assimi- late with the factions, or fraternize with the republicans. At all events, to prevent these dissensions in his army, ]ie must have the control of large means ; and they can Life of Hon. John Bell. 6l only be acquired by levying contributions upon the resources of his neighbors. He wants, too, the prestige of military renown to still further conciliate and consoli- date the esteem and affections of Frenchmen. " This remarkable man has hitherto, in his policy, his tact and energy in civil affairs, evinced many kindred qualities, and trod with striking fidelity in the footsteps of his illustrious relative. Doubtless like him he con- siders himself the child of destiny — born to carry out all that was projected by the great Napoleon : Imperial power attained — the boundaries of France enlarged to the Rhine — the kingdom of Italy reconstructed and restored — the pride of England humbled^ or her power broken, and a barrier interposed to the ambition of Russia^ or a close league entered into with that great power for an equal partition of the empire of the world." " The great curse of Europe of the present day is, that the theories and doctrines of the champions and advocates of liberty and republicanism have all along proceeded upon the same error, which rendered all the philosophy of the schools of antiquity abortive, and, for the most part, utterly useless to mankind. They all proceeded upon abstractions. All their theories of society and govern- ment, all their ideas of liberty and equalitj^, and the forms they would institute to secure them, are founded upon some preconceived notion of what they conceive ought to be right and proper, without the slightest refer- ence to any practical test — to any thing that has been proved to be sound and practicable in the past history of the world. Sir, to get right and to be able to construct true and practical systems of government, they must first reconstruct their system of philosophizing ; they must reconstruct their own theories and adapt them to human 62 Life of Hon. John Bell. nature as they have seen it developed in the past — as they see it displayed at present. They must adapt them to the races of men, as they perceive them to exist in all their varieties and differences of capacities and propensi- ties, without troubling themselves about the question of original unity or equality. They must form their theo- ries upon experience, and not upon fancy. They must come to understand that the competency of man for self- government is not a simple or unquestionable, but that- it is a complex and conditional proposition — that it may be true of one and the same people at one stage of their progress and not at another ; and as to races, they must come to learn that every race has a civilization peculiar to itself, and physical and mental faculties of various grades of capacity for improvement and development, as all history testifies. In short, they must adopt the method of reasoning and theorizing pointed out by the great founder of modern progress — Bacon. When they shall have done this they will have taken the first step towards a true progress in the science of government. Discard- ing all unmeaning cant and catch terms about liberty and equality, they must come to know that there is a liberty. — that there is an equality which is agreeable to nature — a liberty and equality resting on a basis that will stand ; and that all else is spurious, delusive, and mischievous." " On the continent of Europe there are now, in truth, but two great Powers — France and Eussia — or at most three, if Prussia be so considered. Austria lies prostrate and paralyzed by the variety and implacable antipathies of the races which occupy her provinces and dependencies. Prussia must be more or less fettered by the jealousies of the petty sovereignties in her neighborhood, and the democratic spirit which may still infect her subjects." Life of Hon. John Bell. 63 THE PACIFIC RAILROAD. Mr. Bell's advocacy of the Koad to the Pacific, it will be seen, was earnest, logical, and eloquent. On the 5th of February, 1853, he said : " Four years ago, Mr. President, I gave my consent to the project of Mr. Whitney, and I am not prepared to say even at this day that that was a very wild or extrava- gant project. A majority of the Legislatures of seven- teen different States of this Union were brought to concur in the propriety of making that experiment. They did not look nicely at what it might cost the country. They were willing to give the millions of acres of public lands which were proposed by that gentleman for the making of what many of them must have known from the lights that were before them to be an experiment. And so to make a remark pertinent to one that fell from the Senator from South Carolina to-day — that if this road shall turn out to cost fifty per cent, or one hundred per cent, more than we suppose in the bill before us, and prove to be a failure, he considers that all the expense will fall on the Government and be a total loss, I say that even then it will not be a failure. We may be making an experiment as to the cost of the road, it is true, but if it shall cost $80,000 a mile instead of $40,000, I shall consider it a profitable experiment to the country and to the world.. And again, if the road were to stop at the base of the mountains, and could go no farther, still every one hun- dred, or four hundred, or five hundred miles you advance with it, suppose it stops there, is so much space over- come and gained in the transit between the Atlantic 64 Life of Hon. John Bell. States and the Pacific Coast. You shorten the land trans- portation, jou shorten the transportation of troops and munitions of war by that much. The expense and labor are not lost. The honorable Senator's argument is a failure when he attempts to show that if we cannot accomplish all we propose, all is lost. Every hundred miles we proceed with the railroad is so much gained. But to recur to the history of this project. " The Senator from South Carolina says the project is premature. Five years ago, I believe, we ratified in this body the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Then, if the Senator had anything to object to making inroads upon the Constitution of the land in this age of progress, then was the time for him to come forward with his objections. But from the moment that treaty was ratified, and Cali- fornia became ours by a stronger and more imperative necessity than existed before, when we had only Oregon, it was settled that we were to keep up with this progress, and connect the Atlantic and Pacific together. It was then as inevitable as is now the necessity of making this road, to my mind, and I think it will be to every other Senator who will consider it for a moment calmly and without prejudice. We must have this tie, this bond, this channel of communication, if we mean to hold the territory which was ceded to us b}^ that treaty. And, Sir, for fear I shall forget it, let me now, although it is not strictly in the order of my remarks, call the Senator's attention to another point in answer to one part of his argument in which he complains of the infraction of the Constitution, and of what this progress has done. He should go back to the admission of Louisiana into the Union through a treaty with France, and commence this breach of the Constitution there, and he will trace it on Life of Hon. John Bell. 65 to the admission of Florida through a treaty with Spain, and then I trust he will come to the admission of Texas ; and when he complains of what progress has done in beating down the barriers of the Constitution in regard to the acquisition of territory, and the improvements projected to hold it in our control and dominion, I trust he will reflect upon the mode in which Texas was ad- mitted into the Union. I do not know that he was in public life then, but I know that he is associated with gentlemen who gave their hearty concurrence to the measure for the admission of Texas. The greatest breach, in my opinion, ever made in those barriers, was made by the mode in which Texas was admitted into the Union ; and if the honorable Senator has no fault to find with that, surely he ought no longer to complain. I mean the admission of Texas by a resolution passed by a majority of the two Houses of Congress." THE NEBKASKA BILL. Mr. Bell's course in relation to this famous measure is , sufficiently stated in his own language, on the 3d of /< March, 1854. Mr. Bell said : " Mr. President: — I feel greatly embarrassed in under- taking to address the Senate at this time, particularly since the sentiment of the body has been so decidedly expressed, not only in regard to the feature which is considered the most important in the Bill, but in regard 66 Life of Hon. John Bell. to every other to which I propose to address my remarks. I regret, Sir, that I feel under any necessity to trespass at all upon the attention of the Senate upon this subject, and particularly when I observe the solicitude of the friends of the Bill for its immediate passage. But the relations in which I stand to this measure, I think, for- bid me to forbear. My own self-respect would forbid that I should forbear, however painful it may be to me to express any views in opposition to a measure which seems to commend itself to the almost unanimous ap- proval and support of my Southern friends. " Mr. President, no one in this body knows better than yourself the fact that I took decided grounds in opposition to the Nebraska Bill at the last session of Congress. I opposed it with the greatest earnestness. That bill contained no provision for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise in any form or shape whatever. I wish to state now that I did not advise the introduction of that feature into the bill of this session. It so hap- pened that I was absent from the city when the bill was first reported from the Committee on Territories, of which I was a member, but I was present when the amendment to the original bill, containing a provision for the virtual repeal of the Missouri Compromise, was under consideration in the Committee. It was the first time that the bill of this session in any shape fell under my notice. " The first notice I had that the repeal of the Missouri Compromise was in contemplation by any one, was the introduction of the bill for that purpose by my friend from Kentucky (Mr. Dixon), not as I was informed that my friend meant to assume the responsibility of origi- nating such a proposition, but to make the object explicit Life of Hon. John Bell. 67 and unequivocal, which seemed to be implied in one provision of the bill, as first reported. The honorable Chairman of the Committee on Territories (Mr. Douglas), knows that I had barely time, when this bill was first brought to my notice in committee, to glance over its provisions. I saw that the objections I had urged to the Nebraska Bill of the last session of Congress would apply to the measure then before the Committee, and my impressions against the expediency of introducing any clause affecting the Missouri Compromise were strong : but as I had not considered the proposition in all its aspects, I agreed that the amendment might be reported ; but, as the honorable Chairman of the Committee will do me the justice to admit, I did so with the express reserva- tion of the privilege of opposing the passage of the bill, if, upon a careful examination of the subject, I should feel it my duty to do so. (Mr. Douglas bowed his assent to the correctness of the statement.) " The question of the repeal of the Missouri compro- mise being thus fairly presented for consideration to the Senate, finding upon inquiry that the general sentiment of Southern senators was favorable to the measure brought forward, as it seemed to be, with the concur- rence of a large number of JSTorthern gentlemen, approv- ing, as I did, the principle of the compromise acts of 1850, and not wishing to separate myself from my friends, I resolved to take no step in opposition until I should have full time to consider the subject in all its bearings, and be able to supply the deficiencies of my own judgment and experience from the lights which might be shed by others on the subject in the discussion. I have accordingly voted uniformly with my Southern friends on all questions of amendment, without any par- 68 Life of Ron. John Bell. ticiilar examination on my part as to their wisdom or propriety, and leaving it to them to perfect the bill in any way they thought expedient and proper. I have listened with profound interest and attention to all that has been said in debate on both sides of the question. I have sought to be enlightened in the private conferences of the friends of the bill, and have given the subject the most serious reflection, to see if I could discover any suf- ficient grounds or reasons to overrule the objections which had presented themselves to my mind in favor of the course of my friends from the South. I make this statement, not that I suppose any views which I may now be able to present upon this subject will have any greater weight with the Senate, but to explain my silence during the preceding discussions." SLAVERY. The following extracts from a speech on slavery, made July 2, 1856, are replete with political wisdom, and breathe a spirit of the loftiest patriotism. " If there is any one of those theoretic or speculative problems which might have been propounded at an early period of the Government, as to what would be the practical operation of our system under the Constitution, which has been so far solved by experience as to be reduced to an axiom or maxim, it is, that no question of constitutional power of the class called constructive \ Life of Hon. John Bell. 69 powers involving any great political party or otlier inte- rest can ever be settled or established by any number of congressional enactments — no, not even by repeated judical decisions. The idea that stability can be given to the decisions of Congress upon such questions is founded upon the false hypothesis that the great material interests of the country, the public exigencies, party com- binations and interests, popular opinions and sentiments, remain the same at all times without change or fluctu- ation. " The history of the Government for the last sixty years, furnishes many memorable examples of the sound- ness of this position. Allow me to refer to a few of them. The question of the power of Congress to establish a bank was one of the very first questions of this class which arose, and after the fullest consideration by Con- gress a United States Bank was chartered for twenty years. At the close of that term in 1811, Congress refused to renew the charter for the want of power. In 1816 a new bank was chartered, for another term of twenty years, and in 1836 Congress again decided that no power was granted by the Constitution to charter a bank. In the meantime, the Supreme Court of the United States, by repeated decisions, sustained the power, and, Sir, there can be no doubt that when the public exigencies demand it, another United States Bank will be chartered. Then there was the question of the con- stitutional power of Congress to enact a protective tariff. One of the earliest acts of Congress clearly recognised the power, and it was not questioned for a quarter of a century, but at a later period this power was so vigo- rously, if not successfully assailed, that it now stands upon a sort of half-way ground, or a compromise between 70 Life of Hdn. John Bell. direct and incidental protection. I may also add tlie question of the power of Congress to improve the great rivers of the interior and the lake harbors, the decisions npon which have fluctuated with almost every change of administration for the last thirty years. " Then, Sir, may I not refer to the Slavery Restriction Act of 1820, the repeal of which laid the groundwork of all these Kansas difficulties? That act stood upon the statute book for upwards of thirty years undisturbed, and yet the power of Congress to pass it has lately been successfully questioned." " I trust I may be permitted to say, without offence, that, in the long tract of time, no example can be found of a delusion, engendered in the heat of controversy, more complete than that which appears to have taken possession of the minds of those who pressed the Ne- braska Bill to its final passage through Congress." " Within the last eighteen or twenty months, an extra- ordinary effort has been made to organize a national party, upon a principle having no connexion with the subject of slavery, which those who conceived and put its machinery in operation supposed had sufficient vital force in every section of the Union to insure its unity, and, while it might not put aside all other questions, yet had strength enough to subordinate and control them ; but it remains to be seen whether the disturbing question of slavery may not render that movement abortive. Should that be the fate of this third part}^, then, unless some effective measure shall be offered for composing the strife in Kansas, by one of the two great parties which are committed to the slavery issues as the basis of the presidential campaign, so fair and reasonable, as to make it dangerous to the other to reject it — the country Life of Hon. John Bell. 71 will soon find itself on tlie verge of a precipice. What- ever deviation may now exist from a distinct geographical line, in the present composition of parties, each day will find them approximating more and more closely to a purely sectional organization. When that result shall appear, then we may know that one step has been taken in a fatal direction, and that but one more will remain to be taken, until we shall be plunged into the vortex of revolution." '' The condition of bondage in which the African race is held in some of the States of the Union has been regarded by liberal and enlightened statesmen in every part of the world as a defect or blemish in the fair fabric of liberty erected in America. But while they regret the defacement, they acknowledge and appreciate the force of the circumstances which controlled the skill and genius of the immortal architects ; but. Sir, it unfortu- nately happens that some portion of our own country- men — the political virtuosos and philanthropists, belong- ing to an age softened and refined by a higher cultivation, and having a nicer perception of moral beauty than their rugged ancestors — are so offended at what they regard as a gross deformity, rather than an accidental and enforced blemish in this glorious structure, are prepared, with parricidal hands, to raze it to its foundation, unless they can reform it according to their improved taste. "It is fortunate for the happiness, of mankind, Mr. President, that the illustrious founders of our republican system did live in a different age — the age of Franklin, of Washington, and other compatriots of the same period — call it a barbarous age, if you please. It is fortunate for mankind that they belonged also to a far different class of men. They were philosophers and 72 Life of Hon. John Bell. statesmen as well as pTiilantliropists ; and whatever difference of opinion or sentiment was held among them on the subject of slavery — some regarding it as a great political, moral, and social evil; and others, doubtless, regarding it as but a process, under Providence, in the great work of the world's civilization — yet, when they came to arrange the plan of a constitution for the United States, they all agreed to regard slavery as an existing and stubborn fact in the social condition of some of the States, and that any attempts to change or control it would be fatal to any efficient plan of union which could be devised. They therefore wisely determined to leave the institution of slavery to be regulated, abolished, or upheld, in the exclusive discretion of the States in which it existed. Foreseeing that slavery would eventually recede from the North, and be confined to the planting States of the South, they provided not only for its pro- tection, but also for the protection of the general interests of the States in which it might exist, against any partial or hostile legislation of the free States. For that pur- pose, they gave to the slave States a representation in the popular branch of the ITational Legislature larger in proportion to their free inhabitants than they gave to the freemen of the North, by adding three-fifths of the slaves to the whole number of free persons. In order to reconcile the people of the North to this concession, they provided what was supposed at the time to be something like an equivalent — the apportionment of direct taxes among the States was to be in the ratio of Federal representation. That they might remove every cause of dissension between the free and the slave States, which they supposed could possibly arise to jeopard the harmony and permanence of the Union they purposed Life of Hon. John Bell. 73 to consolidate, th^j further provided that slaves escaping into the free States should be restored to their masters. " But, sir, how feeble and unavailing is the greatest human sagacity in the founding of political systems to provide adequate securities against the disturbing force and influence of faction, of personal ambition, and the love of power. " The framers of the Constitution foresaw that in pro- cess of time a strong anti-slavery sentiment would, by the force of habit and early education, spring up in the north, which might become a dangerous source of discord be- tween the free and slave states, and they guarded against that evil by the provisions already mentioned, but they did not foresee or calculate the full effect of the quicken- ing energies of the great governmental machine they were about to put in motion in subduing and driving out the numerous and powerful Indian tribes then inhabiting the region beyond the Alleghany range of mountains — in accelerating the march of settlement and civilization west- ward, until it reached the banks of the Mississippi, then the extreme boundary of the United States ; nor did they foresee how soon this boundary, embracing a territory that seemed to them ample enough to satisfy the wants and ambition of a great republic, would be overleaped ; and the very system of government they were then engaged in founding would be extended into the vast and then unexplored regions beyond the Mississippi ; nor least of all did they foresee that the existence of slavery in one section of the Union, and its non-exist- ence in another, would lead to the practical introduction of a balance-of-power policy in this country, similar to that which has been the source or the pretext for so many desolating wars among the states of Europe." 74 Life of Hon. John Bell. THE TENNESSEE RESOLUTIONS. We give copious extracts from Mr. Bell's famous speech on this subject. Thej require neither explanation nor comment. Mr. Bell himself (Feb. 23, 1856) details the history of the resolutions and of his own conduct. Mr. Bell said : "I desire to present a certain preamble and resolutions, passed by the Legislature of the State of Tennessee ; and I ask that they may be read." The Secretary read them as follows : " Whereas, the Act of 1820, commonly called the Mis- souri Compromise Act, was inconsistent with the princi- ples declared and laid down in the acts of 1850, better known as the Compromise Acts of that year, and whereas, the Missouri Compromise Act was a palpable wrong done to the people of the slaveholding states, and should have been repealed ; and whereas, the principles of the Kansas- Kebraska Bill meet our unqualified approbation, and should have received the cordial support of our Senators and Representatives in Congress. Whereas, one of those Senators, Hon. John Bell, in a speech delivered against the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, May 25, 1854, said : ' A no- ble, generous, and high-minded Senator from the South, within the last few days before the final vote was taken on the bill, appealed to me in a manner which I cannot narrate, and which affected me most deeply. The recol- lection of it affects and influences my feelings now and ever will. I told the honorable Senator that there was one feature in the bill which made it impossible that I should vote for it if I waived all other objections. I said Life of Hon. John Bell. T5 to otliers who had made appeals to me on the subject, that while it would afford me great pleasure to be sus- tained by my constituents, yet, if I was not, I would resign my seat here the moment I found my course upon this subject was not acceptable to them. As for my standing as a public man, and whatever prospect a pub- lic man of long service in the councils of the country might be supposed to have, I would resign them all with pleasure. I told that gentleman that, if upon this, or any other great question affecting the interest of the South, I should find my views conflicting materially with what should appear to be the settled sentiment of that section, I should feel it my imperative duty to retire. I declare here to-day, that if my countrymen of Tennessee shall declare against my course on this subject, and that shall be ascertained to a reasonable certainty, I will not be seen in the Senate a day afterwards.' Therefore, " Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, that we fully concur with the Hon. John Bell as to the duty of a Senator when the voice of his constituency has decided against him on a question mate- rially affecting their interest. " Be it further resolved. That in our opinion the voice of Mr. Bell's countrymen of Tennessee, in the recent elections, has declared against his course on the Kansas- Nabraska Bill, a question of vital importance to the South. " Be it further resolved. That our Senators in the Con- gress of the United States, are hereby instructed and our Kepresentatives are requested to vote for the admission of Kansas as an independent State, under what is termed the Lecompton Constitution, transmitted to thg Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled by 76 Life of Hon. John Bell. President Buchanan, in his message to them dated the 2d of February, 1858. "Be it further resolved. That the Governor of this State forward a certified copy of these resolutions to our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the United States. "Adopted, February 10, 1858. "Daniel S. Donelson, " Speaker of the House of Representatives. "John C. Bukch, " Speaker of the Senate." Mr. Bell said, — " Mr. President, the novel and as I A think extraordinary character of these resolutions will, Nl I trust, be a sufficient apology for me, if I should extend I my remarks somewhat farther on them than under other circumstances might seem appropriate and meet for such an occasion. " The first thing which I think will strike the atten- tion of every gentleman who has listened to the reading of the preamble and the two resolutions, of the series which have been presented to the Senate, will be the time or date of their adoption by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, which was on the 10th of this month, nearly four years after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. You know, Sir, that it has been usual in the past history of this country, when the constituents of a representative in either branch of Congress feel themselves aggrieved by his course or vote upon a question materially affecting their interests, to express their displeasure and declare their censure promptly, or within some reasonable space of time after the knowledge of the obnoxious course or vote has reached them. This is sometimes done by call- Life of Hon. John Bell. 77 ing public meetings of the people for tliat purpose, in other instances bv resolves of the Legislature when it shall be assembled, if it be not in session when the poli- tical transgression occurs. In this case, in regard to my vote on the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, there was no public meeting of the people called to censure or disapprove mj course, nor was there the least excitement among the people on the subject, nor has there been any resolve of the Legislature of my State upon the subject until the present month, nor am I aware that I have lost a politi- cal friend on that ground since the passage of the Kansas- Nebraska Act. " The next thing which will be apt to strike the atten- tion of those who have listened to the reading of the first clause of the preamble of these resolutions, with some surprise, is the uncommon hardihood manifested by the majority of the Legislature of my State to indorse and approve unconditionally the repeal of the Missouri com- promise, after the mischievous results of that measure have become so patent and unmistakable in the develop- ments of the last four years. They cannot plead igno- rance of those results, particularly after the President had duly and frankly informed them, in his late Special Message, that one of those results has been the convul- sion of the Union, and has shaken it to its very centre, that it has lighted up the flames of civil war in Kansas, and produced dangerous sectional parties throughout the confederacy. (I use the language of the President.) The question, whether Kansas shall become a Slave State or a Free State, has rivetted the attention of the whole people to such a degree, that no person has thought of anything else. Those who supported this preamble and resolutions may have had some reason to ignore the 78 Life of Hon. John Bell. statement of the President, which they do not care to give to the public in express terms. That purpose may be easily conjectured. But I pass on. " The majority of the Legislature say, in the first reso- lution of the series — " ' That we fully concur with the Hon. John Bell as to the duty of a Senator when the voice of his consti- tuency has decided against him on a question materially affecting their interest.' " The second resolution declares — " '■ That in our opinion the voice of Mr. Bell's country- men of Tennessee, in the recent elections, has declared against his course on the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, a ques- tion of vital importance to the South.' " I agree that the Kansas-Kebraska Bill was a question of the deepest importance to the South, but I disagree with the majority of the members of the Legislature of Tennessee in the opinion expressed by them that the people of Tennessee have declared against my course in the recent elections. " I take it for granted that by the * recent elections ' referred to in the second resolution, the three general elections which have taken place in Tennessee since the passage of that act, are included under the descriptive adjective ' recent ;' and I proceed briefly to notice those elections in the order in which they occurred. " The first election which occurred in Tennessee after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was in August, 1855, about fifteen months after the passage of the Kan- Life of Hon. John Bell. 79 sns-Kebraska Act. The staple of the discussion in the canvas which preceded that election was Americanism, oi; the principles and formula adopted by the party which had recently sprung up in the country. This was so on both sides, pro and con. The Kansas-JSTebrask'a Bill may have been adverted to to some extent, but I never heard during the pendency of that election that the Kansas-Nebraska question was made one of any interest except in those districts the former representatives of which had voted against that bill. The result of that election was that the party in opposition to the Demo- cracy, in other words the Americans and Whigs, who did not properly belong to the American party, but who stood in opposition to the Democracy, carried the majo- rity of the members of both Houses of the Legislature ; but the Democratic candidate for governor defeated the American candidate by some three thousand votes. I have not recently referred to the statistics on this subject and state them from my present recollection. I will not go into the particular causes which lead to the defeat of the American gubernatorial candidate in that election, considering it inexpedient under the circumstances, be- cause to do so might lead to a discussion between my colleague and myself, who was the candidate of the Democratic party in that election. " In the canvas of that election, I did not participate even to the extent of making a single speech, not feeling called upon to do so by any attack upon my course upon the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. Nor was I called upon by the leaders of the American party to say anything in their support, they feeling the utmost confidence in their strength to carry the election without any aid from me. " If I were technically minded on such a subject as 8o Life of Hon. John Bell: this, I miglit bar all further proceedings against me as to any pledges I may have made, by pleading that upon questions of political transgression, after so great a lapse of time, there ought to be no reckoning ; but I disdain such a protection. " The next election which came off was in November, 1856, two years and six months after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. In that election, as you know, Sir, Mr. Fillmore was the candidate of the American party — Mr. Buchanan, of the Democratic party. In the canvas which preceded that election, Americanism, as in 1855, was the principal subject of controversy. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill, however, was occasionally intro- duced in the public discussions and to some extent debated, but in the progress of the canvas, both these subjects, on the part of the leaders of the Democracy, came to be but little dwelt upon, and towards the close of the canvas they may be said to have been superseded altogether. The strong inclinations developed in the canvas at the North of the probable success of Mr. Fremont, the candi- date of that formidable Republican party which has had such potent effects in the elections of the South, furnished a more powerful aid. *' Now as to the question whether at any time, since the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, there has been any settled sentiment in the South in relation to the wisdom of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, I venture to say that at no time since the passage of that measure has there been any settled sentiment of the people of the South in its favor. If you take the result of the several elections which have taken place during the last two or three years in the South, as a test of the sentiment of the people on this questiouj I grant you that a large majority would Life of Hon. John Bell. 81 appear to have been in favor of it ; but what are those elections in general, and in almost every instance, but a trial of strength between parties in which many other questions are mixed up with this, both in the South and in the North, so that they show nothing conclusively as to the number of citizens anywhere who approved or dis- approved of such a measure. Besides, in several States of the South it may have been that the s^timent in favor of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise appeared too strong to be resisted, and that the opposition, upon princi- ples of expediency, might not choose to make any issue with them upon that subject. "Again, there is another consideration entitled to great weight in showing whether these elections afford any proof whatever of a settled sentiment on the part of the people in relation to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. There is in every State of the South, in every community, a large class of quiescent citizens who follow their party leaders and vote with them in all elections, who cannot be moved to investigate or take any interest in questions bearing only remote consequences. Whatever may have been the sentiments of a majority of the people of the South, in the last two or three years, on this subject, I venture the assertion now, that if they were all polled and their free opinions, uninfluenced by party considera- tions, or interest, or associations, ascertained, an over- whelming majority would pronounce the repeal of the Missouri Compromise the most unfortunate measure ever sanctioned by Congress. " From these views it will be seen that I do not acknowledge the instructions of my Legislature as carry- ing with them any obligation of obedience ; neverthe- less, there is no member of this body who would be less 82 Life of Hon. John Bell. willing to detract from, or to disparage, or to treat with indiiference or disrespect, any expression of the opinions of a legislative body, in whatever form such opinions may be addressed to their Senators and Eeprescntatives, whether in the language of instruction or that of recom- mendation, or any other form which they think proper. Their views and opinions, in all cases, are entitled to respect ; and when their opinions, expressed in the form of instructions, or any other form, appear to have pro- ceeded from convictions springing from a full under- standing of the subject in hand, in all its bearings and consequences, I would say they were entitled to great weight and influence with the Senator in deciding upon his course in relation to it — nay. Sir, in whatever case the expression of the opinions of the Legislature should come to me, formed upon such an understanding of its bearings and consequences as I have described, and involving no constitutional difficulty, I should shape my course in deference to, and in conformity with, that opinion. "But, Sir, that is not the present case; and it is un- necessary to inquire under what circumstances of know- ledge, or of influence, this instructing resolution has been adopted by a majority of the members of the Legisla- ture of Tennessee. I know, we all know, that we have not full and satisfactory knowledge of many material and important facts connected with the Lecompton Con- stitution and its presentation here ; and I have no reason to suppose that the members of the Legislature of Ten- nessee had more light or better information than we have here. But if, after availing myself of all the in- formation within my reach, I should find myself con- strained, by a sense of duty, to take a course adverse to Life of Hon. John Bell. 83 that recommended by a majority of the members of the Legislature of Tennessee, it will be some consolation to me to know that when the proposition to instruct their Senators in Congress was first debated and brought to a vote in the House of Eepresentatives of the Legislature of my State, but a few weeks ago, it was voted down ; and it will still be greater consolation to me to know, under all the circumstances, that at least three-fourths, so far as I am informed, of my political friends in the Legislature, and perhaps even a greater proportion to the last, manifested their confidence in me by deciding that, on a question so great and involving such conse- quences as the present, and in the absence of full in- formation upon the subject, I should be left free to take whatever course, in my judgment, should be best and safest for the protection of all great interests of the country. This they did under circunastances which warrant me in declaring that, by their conduct, they furnished a-n example of moral courage rarely, if ever, equalled, and never surpassed, in the political history of the country. " They represent slaveholding communities ; they were themselves at the same time sensititively alive to the consequences of any error they might fall into, which course might compromise southern rights. They sat as members of the Legislature, in the midst of a slaveholding community ; and any one can appreciate the embarrassments and obstructions which they had to encounter from the sensitiveness of the owners of slaves, engendered and created by the long-continued agitation of the subject of slavery, to every step or movement of their representatives on a question touching even re- motely their rights and interests. To add to the embar- 84 Li^e of Hon. John Bell. rassments arising from this cause, private advices and assurances from persons in Washington, said to be well informed and reliable, were circulated, to the effect that the admission of Kansas, with the Lecompton Constitu- tion, would not only make it a slave State for the present, but that it could be maintained permanently as such. Meanwhile, one of the most influential and lead- ing journals of Tennessee, in the interest of the Ameri- can and Whig parties, took decided ground in favor of the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitu- tion, announcing that the time had come when the South must stand up against the North, come what might, and at the same time pointing its battery on every southern man who should dare to take an opposite course ; and, in effect, denouncing them as recreants to southern rights, and allies of northern Abolitionists. Sir, it is not sur- prising that under such a fire there should be some fal- tering in the ranks of the minority of the Legislature ; but yet the great body of that minority moved steadily on in their course of opposition to the policy of in- struction. " I will endeavor not to disappoint their generous confidence in me, and as the best assurance I can give of my gratitude and my high appreciation of their noble daring, I will try to imitate it ; and I now declare that, whatever might have been done under other circum- stances, when I behold the angry storm-cloud which now lowers over my country and theirs, if I should cower to it, and desert my post, I should consider myself self- abased — unworthy of the confidence of such friends, and false to the great trust confided in me by my constituents. I move that the resolutions be printed." Life of Hon. John Bell. 85 LECOMPTON. The extracts which follow afford a complete exposi- tion of the character and tone of Mr. Bell's sentiments in regard to the later phases assumed by the slavery agita- tion ; they were made in a speech on the Lecompton Constitution, March 18, 1858. " I do not mean to go into an estimate of the value of the Union, nor of the consequences which would flow from its destruction ; but I mean to go into an investiga- tion of the question before the Senate — the proposition to admit Kansas into the Union under the Lecompton constitution — to show that the rejection of this measure would not be a fit pretext to be adopted by the South for the purpose of leading to that final issue to which the Senator from Georgia has alluded. It concerns not only the Senate, but the whole country, to look at this ques- tion in a different light from that in which the honorable Senator from Georgia has presented it. " I know that it is supposed by some that the day will come when the North, in the arrogance of its power, will furnish just such a pretext as I have indicated; and the Senator from Georgia and others have argued this ques- tion on the ground that it will come ; but I must see it come before I will calculate the value of this Union. I trust that day will never come. I do not believe it will come, if the South is wise and true to itself. I will not have the South truckle or surrender any of their rights. I would not have them yield one jot or tittle of their rights ; but I would have them make no questionable 86 Life of Hoii. John Bell. issues in advance, stir up no strife upon unnecessary abstract questions, having no practical value ; but to do always what is just and right upon all questions. When a people or a territory applies for admission into the Union, under a constitution fairly formed, with the assent of the people excluding slavery, I would admit it promptly ; and when an application comes, on the other hand, from the people of a territory who have fairly formed a con- stitution recognising slavery, I would insist upon its admission as a slave State. If the North should not agree to this, it would then be time enough to consider of the proper remedy. But I would make no such issue with the North now, and before any occasion for it has arisen ; and I regret most sincerely to hear any Senator from the North suggesting that such an issue will ever be tendered from that quarter. " With regard to the present question, I lay down as the basis of my conclusion as to what ought to be done, that the solution of it which promises the speediest ter- mination of this dangerous slavery agitation is the true one. This dangerous agitation has continued long enough. There has been no mitigation of it in the last four years. There have been intervals of apparent repose, but it was just such repose as foreboded in- creased disorder and commotion. It is time to termi- nate it. . "I consider that the most fearful and portentous of all the results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to create, to build up, a great sectional partj^ My friend from Ohio, who sits near me (Mr. Wade), must allow me to say that I regard his party as a sectional one. " I consider that no more ominous and threatening cloud can darken the political horizon at any time. Life of Hon. John Bell. 87 How formidable this party has already become may be well illustrated by the fact that its representative candidate, Mr. Fremont, was only beaten in the last Presidential election by the most desperate efforts ; and I feel warranted in saying, but for the imminent prospect of his success, which shone out near the close of the canvas, Mr. Buchanan would not have attained his pre- sent high position." Speech on receiving the news of his nomination for the Presidency, made in Philadelphia, May 11, 1860. SPEECH OF HON. JOHN BELL. " Fellow-Citizens — It would be contrary to the feelings of our nature, if I did not feel deeply sensible of the compliment which you have paid me to-night, by an as- semblage on this occasion, a large portion of whom, I flatter myself, have come hither in approval of the pro- ceedings of the Baltimore Convention which has just adjourned. I know it is impossible, that I can have caused this large assemblage of exclusive friends of mine, or of the cause in which I have been put forward by an assembly, formed, as I am told, of as great, pure, and distinguished individuals, patriots, statesmen, as has ever collected upon any similar occasion in the United States. I know that I cannot have the honor nor the unanimous approval of an assembly like this. Still, I flatter myself that the large majority of them have gathered here to-night to signify their approval, and 88 Life of H6n. John Bell. to give their sanction, so far as they can by their manifestations of interest, to the cause in which those of the Convention, as well as myself, are engaged. I do not appear before you, as my distinguished friend did me the justice to state, to make you a regular speech, either upon the topics of the day or upon the issues which have distracted and agitated the country, or for anything else than to express my simple acknowledgments for the honor done me by the nomination at Baltimore, and to thank you for this manifestation of your kindness and confidence in me. If you will allow me to address a few words to you without touching upon those ques- tions about which there may be great differences of opinion, even in this assembly, I would like to call your attention to the causes which have led to the Convention at Baltimore recently. It is not the democratic party that have assembled by their representative delegates there. It is not the republican party, it is not the American party, it is not the whig party. What party is it that is to be the popular party ? " A Voice — " The constitutional Union party." Mr. Bell — " Yes, we trust it is to be the party of the country, of the constitution, which cannot be mentioned in this locality without calling up sensations and remem- brances that must thrill every heart, every bosom. It is the cause of the Union, the party of the Union, which we hope the people will inaugurate. I trust they will. (" Cries of They will, they have.") I was not a witness of the proceedings of that Convention, but I repeat again I call it constitutional, judging from the names I have seen of gentlemen who held it to be their duty to come forward at this period of the country, at this crisis, if I may call it such, of the country ; gentlemen Life of Hon. John Bell. 89 wbo had retired long from public affairs, of able and large experience, of comprehensive and sagacious views, who thought that the condition of the country required of them as patriots, as men taking an interest not only in the present, but in the future of these States, to come forth and to manifest, by their presence, by their councils, and b}^ their zeal, their sense of the impending dangers, and to strive, as far as in them might lie, to allay the existing threatening dissensions and alienations, to call back the country to the true objects of govern- ment and the true purposes for which it was instituted, instead of exhausting their time in distracting topics and discussions upon abstract questions, chiefly to the neglect of the great vital and material interests of every section of the Union, to the disparagement of the country, to the withdrawal of vigilance and watchfulness from the conduct of public affairs. This state of things has led to the disparagement of our country, not only in the eyes of its own citizens and of her institutions, but it has cast a stain on us in the opinion of foreign nations, and of the most enlightened friends of liberty and republican institutions throughout Europe. The honor, the purity, and the"^ glory, and the practical results of republican institutions are developed in a way that has not met the anticipation of the fathers and founders of this great government. (Cries of " That's so," and applause.) It is true, it is so. There is no man of reflection and observation but must feel a consciousness of it. We do not feel the same confidence in the practical results of our glorious repre- sentative republican government that we did forty years ago — that we did twenty years ago. My experience, my own feeling and observation have continued long enough for me to perceive clearly and distinctly the marked go Life of HT)n. John Bell. change in the public confidence, not only of our fellow- citizens, but of the most illustrious advocates of repub- lican institutions in every civilized nation of the world. Their eyes are upon us. " Those distinguished gentlemen who met at Baltimore the other day, banished from their councils and considera- tions the discussions which have so long prevailed upon the subject of the institutions of the South, and the diver- sity of feeling between the people of the North and the South. They consider those feelings as called up in the canvas and discussed for party purposes, in the main by zealots, notwithstanding there are honest men in both sections of the country who have no party objects in the questions which they have espoused. They do not think that the further agitation and discus- sion of these subjects can lead to any public good, either to the North or to the South, but nothing but mis- chief to one or the other, or both, or to the cause of our common country. These gentlemen have called atten- tion, as far as they could, by their example, by their counsel, by their sentiments and deliberate and wise pro- ceedings, to the necessity of repressing the mischievous doctrines and discussions which have so long agitated the country. My fellow-citizens, I must say I feel it to be a compliment I am unworthy of, that they should think proper, out of the host of distinguished, able, experienced statesmen, such as sat in the Con- vention — the delegates from almost every large State presenting gentlemen, intelligent, capable, experienced, and who have proved themselves worthy of great trusts by a long period of public service — that from among such illustrious and distinguished men, they should have selected me to occupy a position which should rather have Life of Hon. John Bell. gi been assigned to another — the highest position in this government, in the hope and trust that in and through me, with the will of the people, they might restore harmony to this distracted country — (Loud cheers) that we should bring back the government to its ancient character, and that questions of domestic po- licy and questions of foreign policy should be national. It might be regarded as a forlorn undertaking to attempt to restore harmony to this country. It would be, my countrymen, if I could not conceive it to be a fact, which I can, that the large majority of the people, both of the Democratic and Kepublican party, were conser- vative in their feelings — loved the Union — would not do anything wilfully or with premeditation that tended to its destruction or to the introduction of anarchy and the overthrow of our glorious constitution. (Applause.) I trust that the masses, that the majority of both parties are sound — that they love the Union as I do — both North and South. There are extreme sentiments, how- ever, that belong to a considerable class in both sec- tions, who, though they may love the Union, have a most unfortunate mode of manifesting it to the country. (Laughter and applause.) I wish to say nothing that could disturb the composure of their feelings, if there be any of them in this assembly to-night. I regard the majority of the Kepublican party and the majority of the Democratic party as devoted to this constitution and this Union. No ! when I come to the conclusion that this is to be doubted, then I shall conclude that it is scarcely worth an effort to preserve the safety of this country. The struggle that we make is against the extremes on both sides. The gentlemen who have been present at the Baltimore Convention have supposed that the contests g2 Life of Hon. John Bell. of these sectional issues are not worth the mischiefs that have grown out of them — that it was not the purpose for which this great government was instituted to settle abstract questions further than they were settled by the constitution. (Applause.) In the spirit of the constitu- tion, and in the spirit of our illustrious ancestors at the organic period of our government, all these ques- tions should be considered — but in no other. It is in the hope that we can inaugurate a party by which these distracting issues shall be banished from the public councils, from the hustings, from our popular elections — that the people will open their eyes to the mischiefs that have flowed, and will continue to flow out from these distractions. It is in this hope that the Baltimore Convention has acted. This is my hope. Whether successful or not — if we can introduce a new era, a new period in the affairs and administration of this government, in relation to these questions, we shall not have labored in vain. Those patriotic hearts will not have been agitated and stirred and excited in vain. Fellow-citizens, I will not continue a discussion of these topics. My course, in regard to them, for the last twenty years, is well known ; and not only in regard to these, but in regard to every question of domestic and foreign policy. I trust that the period is not very remote when the glory, and the honor, and the true interests of this great country will be the only objects that actuate the great parties that will exist hereafter. (Loud applause.) Life of Hon. John Bell. 93 THE CONTENTION. The character of the Convention which nominated Mr. Bell is here described in a letter written for the New York Express from Mr. Brooks, one of the New York State Delegates. "The best days of the old Whig and Democratic parties never brought a more able body of men together. They represented all classes, and the highest tone and quality of men. Merchants and lawyers, farmers and manufacturers, men of the professions and intelligent men of labor, were all pi'esent. Yirginia sent her A. H. Stewart, Summers, Goggin, Scott, and men of that class. The North Carolina delegation was headed by Govs. Morehead and Gilmer, assisted by many who had been distinguished in the Government and State service. Tennessee came with grandsons of Patrick Henry, one of whom thrilled all hearts with a speech that had the life and nerve of his gi'eat ancestor. Ex-Gov. Brown, Andrew Jackson Donnelson, and other eminent men also formed a part of this distinguished delegation, and of coarse they were a unit for John Bell, and not without a large share of influence for others. The Mississippi dele- gation were led off by Judge Sharkey, a man pre-emi- nent at home, and worthy the confidence and esteem of the country for his high-toned national sentiments. Kentucky was represented by such men as Crittenden and Leslie Coombs, and the former would have received the first honors of the convention if he had consented to the use of his name. Georgia also had an able delegation nearly all of them cotton-planters, and what was better, 94 Life of Hon. John Bell. it was one of tbe most conservative and patriotic of the delegations present. Maryland — and Baltimore especi- ally — with the Kennedys and the Mayor of the city, wer^ represented by those equally distinguished for their ability and their hospitality. The Southern Opposition Members of Congress were generally here, but gave way in the convention for those who had been more especially sent from their homes to represent the National and Conservative sentiments of their respective States. If now, you turn to the delegations east and west, you will see a body of men almost equally distinguished. From New England — there were such men as Wilder, Hil- lard, Grinnell, Crocker, Warren, Bell of Mass ; from Vermont, John Wheeler, distinguished for scholarship and personal independence, Phelps, and others ; from Connecticut, the Rockwells, Baldwins, and Dunhams ; from New York, ex-Gov. Hunt, B. Davis, Noxon of Syracuse, Ogden, St. John, Girard, Tallmadge, and many of her merchant princes of town and country ; from New Jersey, Randolph, Bishop, Clark, Condict, including an honorary Vice President of fourscore and eight years, and one almost a public servant of the country as far back as the war of the Revolution. Ohio, too, sent her Pendletons, Harrisons, Trimbles, and other men of note; and Pennsylvania, by J. R. Inger- soll, H. M. Fuller, Markley, and others. These names will give the public some idea of the personnel of the Convention, and the character and deportment of all. The Delegates have won the entire respect and esteem of the whole community. The nominations were received with immense enthusiasm by the Whigs, Americans, and non-partizan men of Maryland, including many Demo- crats. The Mayor of the cit}^, Mr. Swann, promised ten Life of Hon. John Bell. 95 tliousancl majority for the ticket and hardl}^ any nomina- tion could be more satisfactory in this conservative quarter of the country. The North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee Delegations promise their States for the new Union Ticket. The Virginians are more than hope- ful of the result, in the present distracted state of the Democratic party. It is a ticket that either wing of the Democratic party will prefer in many parts of the country to the success of either of the Buchanan or Douglas extremes, which so many of them have been opposing for the last three or four 3^ears. The platform came from Kew York, and was unanimously adopted by the Con- vention ; and no one who really honors — *' The Constitution of the United States — " The Union of the States, and " The Enforcement of the Laws — can take exception to it. You can have no idea of the entire unanimity with which the Declaration of Principles was made and received, and the enthusiastic spirit with which it was adopted. The Convention throws aside all mere partisan platforms, and stands upon a record which, while it tolerates all reasonable differences of opinion, submits to the Constitution of the country and the decrees of the Courts as the proper exponent of all disputed claims and questions. If " error of opinion does not cease to be dangerous, when reason is left to combat it," there can be no danger in the ultimate acquiescence of what, under the Constitution, is made the supreme law of the land. " There were many impressive and interesting scenes in the Convention, which it did one's heart good to partici- pate in and witness. The fraternal and cordial love of country, manifested by all who were present ; the gene- 96 Life of Hon. John Bell. ral respect, sympathy and good will of each member of the Convention towards his friend and the States repre- sented ; the more than loyal devotion to the Union, as it is ; the desire that the past be forgotten, and to let by- gones be by-gones ; the high-toned attachment to the Constitution of the country, and respect to the memory of the men who framed it ; the generally avowed obedi- ence to law, strike where and whom it might ; the touching allusions to Washington, the great political father and example of the country, a full-length portrait of whom adorned the rear wall of the church edifice where the Convention were assembled ; the several addresses — some of them quite unsurpassed for power and eloquence — gave to the proceedings of the two days the most intense interest and the highest satisfaction. Finally, in the evening, two immense mass meetings were held here — one in the church, and the larger one in Monument Square — which was mapped out as with a sea of heads. The speaking, with banners, music, mottoes, portraits, and insignia, was kept up to near midnight; and, finally, another ratification was demanded on the Square, by the multitude, for to-night. The Baltimo- reans, as well as the visitors, seem to have their hearts in the matter, and all believe that if the people will sanction all this National Union Convention has done so harmo- niously, the result will be most glorious for the peace of the country and the prosperity of the whole nation. "E. B." IIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES HON. EDWARD EVERETT. Edward Everett, one of the most successful and accomplished of American statesmen, is, as is well-known, a Kew Englander, so that the ticket which nominates him for the Yice-Presidencj represents both parts of the Union ; Mr. Everett, however, himself does that ; he is as popular in New Orleans as in Boston. He was the son of a clergyman, the Eev. Oliver Everett, who was not only pastor of the famous ISTew South Church in Boston, but at one time in his life Judge of the Massachusetts Court of Common Pleas. His illustrious son was born on the 7th of April, 1794, in Dorchester. His distinguished talents were early evident, as well as his passion for acquiring knowledge, which is still, perhaps, the most marked peculiarity of his nature. At the unprecedented age of thirteen years he entered Harvard College, and at nine- teen he graduated with the highest honors of his class, thus presaging the future successes he was to attain all through life. Indeed his biography is only a history of successes which now seem likely to be crowned with a more brilliant one than even he has yet achieved. However, after graduating he studied divinity, not 98 Life of Hon. Edward Everett. dreaming of the more worldly career in store for him. He was meanwhile appointed tutor in the College where he had so lately been a student, and where he must have been younger by several years than most of those whom he instructed. When only nineteen he became pastor of the Brattle Street Church in Boston, and the next year so great was his reputation for learning that he was chosen Professor of Greek Literature by his Alma Mater. This precocity is as unparalleled as its prompt recogni- tion by his contemporaries. Meanwhile he had pub- lished several books on religious subjects, to which he seems still to have inclined. He went abroad in 1815, spent two years at the University of Gottingen, and altogether four years in Europe, at the expiration of which period he entered upon his Cambridge duties ; at the same time assuming the editorial control of the North American Review, and before laying down this charge in 1824, he published a translation of Buttman's Greek Grammar. In 1824 he entered public life, having been elected to Congress, the nomination coming unsolicited and un- sought from the young men of his district. This was during the administration of John Quincy Adams, whom Mr. Everett warmly supported. He was returned to Congress for five successive terms, and served as a mem- ber of the Committee on Foreign Relations during the entire time ; for one term he was its Chairman. The famous report on the Panama mission was drawn by him, and was the first of the State papers for whose composition he has since become renowned. That he should have been selected to write this is a sure proof of the estimation in which 'he was held, for he had but just entered Congress, and was the youngest member of the Life of Hon. Edward Everett. gg Committee from which it emanated. His eloquence at this time had already become remarkable for the grace and spirit which have made him the first of orators. The national attention was first attracted to his extra- ordinary powers by an oration delivered in 1824, daring the visit of Lafayette to this country. The vene- rable Frenchman was present ; the occasion was one fitted to call forth all the talent of the speaker ; he succeeded, and from that time was recognised as one of the most eminent orators of America. In Congress, however, he confined his efforts closely to the subject he was discussing ; he took part in all the great debates on national affairs, but reserved the display of his peculiar powers for other fields. Here he was noted rather for his immense industry and his almost unprecedented learning. In 1834 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, and held the office for four successive years, being re-elected annually. In 1839 Marcus Morton defeated him in a gubernatorial contest, by a majority of one vote. In 1841 he was appointed Minister to England, and filled that position for four years ; and it has been uni- versally admitted that our country has never had a representative abroad whose entire conduct reflected more honor on the people and government whose ambas- sador he was. The Maine Boundary question and the famous burning of the Caroline were both subjects of prolonged discussion during his mission, but his skill and independence contributed largely to their satisfactory and honorable adjustment. In 1843 Mr. Everett was appointed Commissioner to China, but declined the post. He returned to this country in 1845, and was imme- diately elected President of Harvard University, with lOO Life of Hon.* Edward Everett. whose history he has been connected in the various capa- cities of student, tutor, professor, president: he remained in the last-mentioned position only three years, when his health obliged him to resign. In 1850 he entered Mr. Fillmore's cabinet, being con- sidered both by the President and the country, the man best fitted to fill the place left vacant by the death of Webster. He remained in office only till the expiration of Mr. Fillmore's term, some four months, but crowded an immense deal of business into that short space. He found time to discuss the Lobos question and the fish- eries with Great Britain, to conclude an International Copyright Convention with the same nation, to review the whole subject of Central American affairs, and espe- cially distinguished himself by the masterly discussion of the tripartite Convention proposed by France and Great Britain to the United States, guaranteeing to Spain in perpetuity the possession of Cuba. The document written by him on this occasion is without doubt one of the ablest diplomatic papers that have emanated from the American Government since its origin, and was accepted at the time by the entire country as a complete exposition of the American position It was unanswer- able in logic and perfect in style. Before Mr. Everett's term as Secretary of State had expired, he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate, but retained it only a short while ; during that while, however, he made an elaborate speech on Central American affairs. He resigned in 1853, and since then has been prominently before the public in his orations, which are universally acknowledged to be unrivalled specimens of chaste and elegant English, of felicitous imagery, and graceful thought. Their themes have been various, but their /■ Life of Hon. Edward Everett. loi style invariably admirable. An oration on Charity, several times delivered ; one on Astronomy, at the open- ing of the Albany Geological Hall, in August, 1856 ; one delivered at Dorchester on Revolutionary History ; another on Franklin, are familiar to the country as speci- mens of oratory quite unsurpassed, in their peculiar ex- cellences, in our language. Perhaps no one thing in his brilliant career has contributed more materially to Mr. Everett's popularity and to the nationality of his fame, than his well-known and recent efforts in the Mount Yernon cause. They have undoubtedly accomplished the result towards which they were directed — the preservation of Washington's home and tomb ; they have also endeared Mr. Everett personally to his countrymen, and essentially widened his fame. Yery possibly they have secured his ele- vation to the post which has been held by Jefferson, and Adams, and Calhoun, and Fillmore, by turns, but by none more accomplished in statesmanship, none purer in patriotism than Edward Everett. 102 The Platform. THE PLATFOEM OF THOSE WHO SUPPORT BELL AND EVEKETT, IS THE CON- STITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMEKIOA. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. AETICLE I. SECTION I. 1. All Legislative powers herein granted, shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Pepresentatives. SECTION 2. 1. The House of Pepresentatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by tlie people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature. 2. No person shall be a Pepresentative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Pepresentati ves and'direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States wliicli may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service f-»r a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse- quent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Pepresentatives shall The Platform. 103 not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hamp- shire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Penn- sylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten. North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Geor- gia three. 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other oflS.cers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment. SECTION 3. 1. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the legisla- ture thereof, for six j^ears ; and each Senator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled in con- sequence of the first election, they shall be divided, as equally as may be, into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expi- ration of the second year ; of the second class, at the expiration of the fourth year ; and of the third class, at the expiration of the sixth year ; so that one third may be chosen every second year ; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any State, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meet- ing of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacan- cies. 3. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. 104 ^^^ Platform. 5. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President ^ro tempore, in the absence of the Yice- President, or when he shall exercise the office of Presi- dent of the United States. 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall pre- side ; and no person shall be convicted without the con- currence of two thirds of the members present. 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disquali- fication to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit, under the United States ; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law. SECTION 4. 1. The times, places, and manner, of holding elections for Senators and Pepresentatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof: but the Congress may at any time, by law, make or alter such regula- tions, except as to the places of choosing Senators. 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a difi'erent day. SECTION 5. 1. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications, of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do busi- ness ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties, as each House may provide. 2. Each House may detej-mine the rules of its pro- ceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. 3. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceed- ings, and, from time to time, publish the same, except- ing such parts as may, in their judgment, require The Platform. 105 secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House, on any question, sliall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journaL 4. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. SECTION 6. 1. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall, in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of tlie peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to, and returning from, the same ; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place. 2. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased, during such time; and no person, holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. SECTION 7. 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills. 2. Every bill, which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States ; if he approve, he shall sign it, but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two thirdsof that House shall ascree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall like- wise be reconsidered, and, if approved by two thirds of 5* lo6 The Platform. that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House, respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, b}^ their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. 3. Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the con- currence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary, (except on a question of adjourn- ment,) sliall be presented to the President of the United States ; and before the same shall take etfect, shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Pe- presentatives, according to the rules and limitations pre- scribed in the case of a bill. SECTION 8. The Congress shall have power, 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and ex- cises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common de- fence and general welfare, of the United States ; but all duties, imposts, and excises, shall be uniform throughout the United States: 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States : 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes : 4. To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies, throughout the United States: 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and mea- sures : 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States : 7. To establish post-offices and post-roads : 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, The Platform. 107 by securing, for limited times, to aiitliors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and dis- coveries : 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court : 10. To define and punish piracies and felonies, com- mitted on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations: 1 1 . To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; 12. To raise and support armies ; but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two yeai-s : 13. To provide and maintain a navy : 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces : 16. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions : 16. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplin- ing, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia, ac- cording to the discipline prescribed by Congress : 17. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cjtses whatsoever, ov^er such district, (not exceeding ten miles square,) as may, by cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the govern- ment of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places, purchased by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other need- ful buildings : — And 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. SECTION 9. 1. Tlie migration or importation of such persons, as io8 The Platform. any of the States, now existing, shall think proper to ad- mit, shall not be prohibited by the Conojress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight ; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. 2. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or inva- sion, the public safety may require it. 3. No bill of attainder, or ex post facto law, shall be passed. 4. No capitation or other direct tax, shall be laid, un- less in proportion to the census or enumeration, herein before directed to be taken. 5.. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue, to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties, in another. 6. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regu- lar statement and account of the receij^ts and expenditures of all public money shall be published, from time to time. 7. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : And no person, holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Con- gress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. SECTION 10. 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing butgold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obliga- tion of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its in- spection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and im- posts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be The Platform. 109 for the use of the treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No State sliall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, orsln'ps of war, in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such immi- nent danger, as will not admit of delay. AKTICLE II. SECTION 1. 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a Presi- dent of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and together with the Yice-President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa- tives, to which the State may be entitled in the Con- gress : but no Senator or Representative, or person hold- ing an office of trust or protit, under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. 3. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the per- sons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the cer- tificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The per- son having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one, who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose, by ballot, one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then, no The Platform. from the five highest on the Hst, the said House shall, in like manner, choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall l)e taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a quo- rum for this purpose, shall consist of a member or mem- bers from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all ^ the States shall be necessary to a clioice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be the Yice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them, by ballot, the Yice-President. 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5. Wo person, except a natnral-born citizen, or a citi- zen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of Presi- dent ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall, devolve on the Yice-President, and the Congress may by law^ provide for the case of removal, death, resigna- tion, or inability, both of the President and Yice-Presi- dent, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. T. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period, any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : 9. " I do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) that I will faith- The Platform. in fully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the Constitution of the IJnited States." SECTION 2. 1. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writins:, of the principal officer in each of the execu- tive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves .and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public minis- ters, and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law : but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. 3. The President shall have power to fill up all va- cancies that may happen, during the recess of the Sen- ate, by granting commissions, which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION 3. 1. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambas- sadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commis- sion all the officers of the United States. 112 The Platform. SECTION 4. 1. The President, Yice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office, on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. AETICLE III. SECTION 1. 1. The Judicial power of the United States shall be vested in the Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION 2. 1. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting am- bassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to contro- versies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more States, between a State and citizens of another State, between citizens of different States, between citizens of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State, or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens, or subjects. 2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original juris- diction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeach- ment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the State where the said crimes shall have been com- The Platform. 113 mitted ; but when not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place, or places, as the Congress may by law have directed. SECTION 3. 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. The Congress shall have power to declare tlie pun- ishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attained. ARTICLE TV. ' SECTION 1. 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings, of every other State. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings, shall be proved, and the elfect thereof. SECTION 2. 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 2. A person charged in any State with treason, fe- lony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the execu- tive authority of the State from which he fled, be deli- vered up, to be removed to the State having jurisdic- tion of the crime. 3. No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, sliall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be dis- charged from such service or labor, but shall be deli- vered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. 114 The Platform. SECTION 3. 1. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed, or erected, within the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed, by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the legislatures of the States concerned, as well as of the Congress. 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory, or other property, belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so con- strued as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State. SECTION 4. 1. The United States shall guaranty to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and, on applica- tion of the legislature, or of the executive, (when the legislature cannot be convened,) against domestic vio- lence. ARTICLE Y. 1. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legisla- tures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress : Pro- vided, that no amendment, which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hnndred and eight, shall, in any manner, afi*ect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suf- frage in the Senate. The Platform. 115 AETICLE YL 1. All debts contracted, and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against tlie United States, under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. 2. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all trea- ties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 3. The Senators and Representatives before men- tioned, and the members of the several State legisla- tures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States, and of the several States, shall be bound, by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust, under the United States. ARTICLE yn. 1. The ratification of the Conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this ConstiHi- tiou between the States so ratifying the same. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establish- ment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the secu- rity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ii6 The Platform. AKTICLE III. Ko soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner ; nor, in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE lY. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE Y. N"o person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous, crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war, or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject, for the same offence, to be twice put in jeopordy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ARTICLE YL In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall nave been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law ; and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor ; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. The Platform. 117 AKTICLE YII. In suits at common law, where the vahie in contro- versy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ; and no fact, tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the com- mon law. ARTICLE YIIL Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive lines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments in- flicted. AETICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XL The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, com- menced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or b}^ citizens or subjects of any foreign State. ARTICLE XII. 1. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Yice-President ; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of Ii8 The Platform. the niimher of votes for each, which hsts they shall sign, and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the Presi- dent of the Senate ; the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such num- ber be a majority of the whole number of Electors ap- pointed ; and if no person have such majority, then, from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as Presi- dent, the House of Representatives shall choose imme- diately, by ballot, the President. But, in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the repre- sentation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or mem- bers from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the Plouse of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Yice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death, or other constitutional disability, of the President. 2. The person having the greatest number of votes as Yice-President shall be the Yice-President, if such num- ber be a majority of the whole number of electors ap pointed ; and if no person have a majority, then, from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Yice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of Sena- tors ; a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President, shall be eligible to that of Yice-Pre- sident of the United States. Nov. 8 ISHOT]] 3477-2 i=