T5 ,0 c u The History A Business Estaiblished One Hundred Years Ago Edw. K. Tryon Company PKila-delpKia. y FIRK arm influence belongs to historv in (general and to economics in particular. Neither it nor an\' set ot in- fluences reallv stands alone in directinti the progress ot the world. Fire arms have been, are. and will be ot great importance as one of the many influences ; thc\ are mighty in then' place ; the\' are worth\- ot an attention that so far has been dormant ; they are worthy ot other broader and deeper studies." Charles Whilhrop Siiuycr, " rhiiirvis ill AnnriLiiii History." WRITTEN AND COMPILED E Charles Z. Tryon ILLUSTRATED BY Charles Hunsicker Henkels designed and printed by Franklin Printing Company 6ii; 'Vutho. MAY '/" 191t 'k Summary of Events . Geo. W.Tryon established the business at 165 N. Second Street. Moved to 134 N. Second Street. (Now No. 220. ) Geo. W. Tryon & Co. succeeded to gen- eral business. Tryon Son & Co. succeeded to manufac- turing business. Edw. K. Tryon & Co. succeeded to entire business — Geo. W. Tryon retiring. Firm changed to Edw. K. Tryon. Firm changed to Edw. K. Tryon &: Company. Store 625 Market Street opened. First catalogue issued. Firm changed to Tryon & Brother — Edw. K. Tryon retiring. " New factory " built rear of Second Street store. Revolver shops opened 120-122 North Sixth Street. Firm changed to Tryon Bros. & Co. Firm changed to Edw. K. Tryon, Jr. & Co. — Geo. W. Tryon, |r. retiring. Moved from 625 Market Street to 19 North Sixth Street. Factories closed down. Store 527 Commerce Street added. Store 21 North Sixth Street added. Moved to 10 and 12 North Sixth Street. Old Second Street branch store closed. Store 611 Market Street added. Death of Edw. K. Tryon, Jr. Stock and fixtures purchased by Edw. K. Tryon Co., Incorporated. Celebration of One Hundredth Anniversary. roiiiidi-d the IniMiifss iSii. Mcmli.-r cif the firms of Try,. I, uiui Get/ ; C-o.W. Trvon ; Geo.W. Trv.in & Co.; Trvon, Son & Co. Retired 1S41. Died 1S7S. Foreword OME TIME durino; the Spring of 1773 there set sail from the shores of Holland for America a ship of general cargo, a large portion of which consisted of guns, hardware, linens and hlankets for the Indian trade. This miscella- neous collection of Indian goods was the prop- erty of a Flemish Huguenot, John Jacoh Tr}on, formerly a native ot Alsace... John Jacoh Tryon had made several voy- ages to the new world, acquiring considerable propert}- in the vicinitx of Winchester, Virginia, but upon this voyage he was accompanied by his wife and six young children, having determined to make his home in America. Misfortune overtook them. In mid-ocean a severe Hre broke out, and while the ship was saved and finally made port, both 1 ryon and his wife died from shock and exposure. The children were landed at Philadelphia, only to find that a disastrous fire had destroyed all the deeds and records of their American propertx ; also the ship's cargo was (juickl\ sold to the disadvantage of the orphans, and they were promptly put to work. The youngest boy, Jacob Henry Tryon, was apprenticed to a tm plate worker. He grew to manhood, but died during the \ellow lever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793 at the age of thirt\-two, leavmg among other children a son aged two years, George W. Tr) on. In early }outh George W. Tryon was apprenticed to a gunsmith named Getz, and in 181 1, at twenty years of age, he became the partner of his employer, the firm being known as Tryon and Getz. A few months later he purchased his partner's interest, and contmued the business in his own name at 165 North Second Street, founding the present firearms house, which for one hundred years and durmg four generations has borne the name of " Tryon." Adniittfd to partnership 1S56. Member of the firms of Geo. \V. 'I'ryon ; Tryon, Son & Co.; Edw. K. Trvon ; Edw. K. Tr\ on ,4; Co. Retired 1S63. Died iSyi. HEN George W. Tr\on opened his store for business one hundred years ago, James Madison was President of the United States, George III was King of Eng- land, and The Great Napoleon was at the zenith ot his power. Philadelphia had a population of 97,000, New York about the same, and Chicago was but a small Indian Trading Post. The far West was given over to wild animals and wandermg tribes of Indians, except where here and there the sturdy pioneer had ventured beyond the "Great River." There were no railroads, freight was carried in Conestoga wagons, and was transported from Philadelphia to New York in five days ; to Pittsburg in thirty days. Mail was carried by post horses. Candles were used for hghting. The streets, however, were lighted by whale oil lamps, '' Which are disposed at convenient distances in all parts of the city, and are lighted every night excepting when the light of the moon renders this unnecessary." Petroleum was not discovered until fort\ years later. All fires were started with flint and steel. The value of anthracite coal was unknown. The flint lock was the only gun in general use ; the percussion cap was not invented until several vears later. There were tew manufactories and little machiner\ ; practicall\- all goods were fashioned by hand, as were the arms manufactured in the shops ot George W. Tryon, who was well located in the center of one of the city's busiest blocks. Almost opposite was the Camel Tavern and the historical old Buck Tavern, famous from Revolutionary days, and near bv the stage coaches departed tor important points. However, he was not long permitted to pursue the manufacture of sporting arms. These were restless times. England wms becoming more and more aggressive upon the high seas. A British sloop of war fired upon a United States frigate, and President Madison, yielding to the popular t ^^TA^-./zT Admitted to partnership 1S57. Mt-mber of the firms of Edw. K. Trvon & Co.; Tryon & Bro.; Trvon Bros. & C< Retired 1868. Died 1S88. demand, declared war June i8, 1812, and the young republic tound itself plunged into a second conflict with the mother country. Georiie W. Tr\on immediateU enlisted and was ordered to Camp Cadwallader, but before seeing anv active service, was sent back to his shops b\ the government, being of more service there than in the field. It was iust at this time that the Government established the Bureau of Ordnance, and a deputy agent for all the North and East was stationed in Philadelphia, therefore, all through the war ot 181 2 George W. Tr\on conducted his plant for the manufacture ot government arms. In Februar\, 18 14, the Secretar\ of the Navy, Wm. Jones, directed George Harrison, Navy Agent at Philadelphia to contract with reliable parties for the constructing of fift\' repeating swivels and two hundred repeating muskets. A Mr. Joseph G. Chambers, of Pennsylvania, had patented the previous year a repeating arm that could be discharged '' In such a manner that b\ a single operation of the trigger it will discharge several loads in succession (say six or eight), with a space between each sufficient to take another aim." The Secretary considered them of great efficiency, and desiring to bring them into use, subsequently ordered a "Repeating Swivel, or 7-barrel piece, to every 10 guns" as the regular allowance for ships ot the Navy. Acting upon his authority, the Navy Agent placed a contract for twenty of the repeating swivels and two hundred muskets with George W. Tr\ on and John Joseph Henry, jointlx . During his boyhood, George W. Tryon had formed a strong attachment for John Joseph Henry, then head of the old arms manufacturing firm which had borne the name ot "Henry" since 1752. The old books show many transactions between the old firm ot Henr\' and the new Tryon concern, the most interesting ot which is this ioint contract, as tollows : -' IMiila., I'a. "Be it remembered that on the Sixteenth dav ot l^ebruary, A. D. 1814. It is agreed between (ieorge Harrison, Esq., Navy I \ w Admitted to partnerbhip 1863. Member of the tirms of Tryon cSc Brc; Tryon Bros. & Co.; Edw. K. Tryoii, Jr. & Co. Died 1904. Agent of the United States in behalf of the United States, and (Jeorge W. Tryon and y. Joseph Henry ot the city and county ot I'hda. in manner and form following, viz.: "The said George W. Tryon and ). Joseph Henry do agree to make in a com- plete workmanlike manner, twenty swivels according to the description mentioned in the annexed memorandum, furnished by Joseph G. Chambers, I^sq., and also two hundred muskets of description as particularised in the afsd. memorandum annexed, at the rate of one hundred dollars for the swivels each, and at the rate of Twenty- Three Dollars for the muskets, when completed and finished as afsd., and to fabri- cate and make the same of the best materials, and that same shall correspond with the pattern to be furnished and according to the instructions hereto annexed as afsd. and deliver the whole of the swivels and muskets within three months from the date of this agreement, and in case a part should be finished at intervals between the dates and time limited for their delivery as afsd., then to furnish the same. And further they agree to use all due diligence to complete; and deliver one-half of the afsd. muskets and swivels in sixty days after the date hereof. In consideration whereof the said Harrison, Agent, afsd., agrees to pay to the said George W. Tryon and j. Joseph Henry six thousand six hundred dollars upon the due performance and completion of the afsd. contract according to the stipulations therein and in the annexed description contained. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal the date and year above written. DESCRIPTION OF ARMS TO BE FABRICATED BY MESSRS. HENRY & TRYON. REPEATING MUSKETS The muskets are to be furnished with good and sufficient brass mounting of style &: (|uality at least equal to the British Marine. The barrels of the American Calibre and somewhat stronger forward than ordinary so as to give one eighth of an inch external diameter at the foremost touch hole, ten inches from the bottom or inside. They are to be furnished with brass sights at the muzzle & iron back sights truly ranged, and the bores sufficiently straightened so as to have the most competent accuracy & effect in firing, &c. The locks are to be fitted with the holes adapted to the fixture of safe guard and teller previous to being hardened and in general every- thint^ arranged so as best to accommodate the objects of the repeating fire according to the best specimen alread)' constructed by Henry . REPEATING SWIVELS The swivels are to be accurately constructed bv laying and securing the barrels sufficiently parallel of form & plan according to the best specimen now exhibited, with such correcting as may be agreed on &c. The standard size shall be barrels of British Marine Calibre (supposed 3 (juarters of an inch ) properly straightened as the muskets, four feet in length from the inside breech to muzzle. Touch- hole precisely twenty inches, — external diameter of barrels five quarters of an inch making the thickness of Metal eciual to ' 3 the diameter of the bore. The breech plates half inch in thickness, stems 'g of an inch; & handles fitted with the proper screwdriver. Knob of sound blackened wood &c. Swivels adapted so as to balance when all is together,— the II ■■s gii of the ( fil.lt 1, I'.iitVa o.'' 1 ! N. 2cl St. Se Oll.l .^1 ue IK ■upk-,1 is:;'.! ,. ISH . Nd cm ( XiSiS I r n St store. No. (;:> N. ■j( St. Ill Old Factory (rear biiililiiigl . erected lS2n. New Factory, erecied 1SU4. All clo.sed down 1S72. ■ crotches, keep & sockets all uniform so that wherever a socket is fixed any swivel can be mounted on it &c. locks duly secured with strong work so as not to be materially mferior to those of Ciauny & Monitzs and in general every detail so uniformly fashioned by determined patterns as may best accommodate the objects of the public service &c. as shall be mutually agreed. 34 inch of Bore=75-ioo the original calibre. Philada. Feb. 16, 18 14. (Signed) JOSEPH G. CHAMBERS. Mr. Chambers was appointed a sailing master, and his two sons gunners in the naw, to superintend the manufacture of these arms, and to have authority to instruct "A certain number of persons in the art ot repeating gunnery." The " repeating arms " were approved by Commodore Wm. Bainbridge, and Mr. Harrison the Navy Agent, was directed April 18, 1 8 14, to send fifteen repeating swivels, fifty muskets and fifty pistols to Commodore Chauncey, on the Great Lakes, in order to test their use in active service. At the request of Commodore Rogers eight of the swivels were placed on the " Guerriere," launched at Philadelphia, in 1814. The following \ ears brought such prosperity that in 1829 '"^ larger property was purchased opposite the original shops on North Second Street, No. 134 (now No. 220). A stable on the rear of this lot was immediately transformed into a factory. The first floor of the house was altered into a store, and after the custom of the times the upper floors were used as a dwelling. The business was thus conducted until January i, 1836, when Edward K. Trvon, the eldest son of George W. Tryon, was admitted to partnership, and the firm was announced as " Manufacturers, Importers and General Dealers in Fire Arms, etc." While various styles of shot guns and pistols were continuously made, the principal arm produced was the famous "Kentucky Model" Rifle (see page 22). This long barrel, slender, small bore rifle, was the result of a gradual development all through Colonial times, which produced a distinctive t\pe about 1760, when such sturd\' pioneers as Boone, Clark and Morgan, became famous for courageous deeds and skilful marksmanship. 13 i^ Tliiicl Str.iv. i--r> >r:iik<'l SI. r^^S^ >^ :;'^;,rTUBER^ NUFACTllB' ^ E.K.TRY^ON/jg&CO.^ II! Fourth Euililiiig. 19 and 21 North Cth St. 1S6S to 18SG. 14 Penns\l\ania gunsmiths had long heen noted lor the inanutacture of these rifles, particuhulv in the town of Lancaster, and Pennsyl- vania hackwoodsmen had heconie famous as accurate marksmen and good fighters. Washington and his hackwoods riflemen saved General Brad- dock's troops from total destruction at Fort Du(]uesne. In his assault upon Ouehec, (general \\'olf placed several com- panies of Penns\hania Provincials in front of his Pritish troops, and their accurate fire completel\ demoralized the French, who fled hefore the closel\- following ba}onet charge of the British regulars. All through the Revolution the tremendous losses of the British as compared with the Continental loss must he accounted for 1)\ the good marksmanship and superior arms of the Revolutionists, and this marked diiFerence was again emphasized in i(Si5 hv ( General Jackson and his Kentuck\ pioneers at the battle of New Orleans. Muzzle loading rifles of varying models were made in the Iryon shops until the demand ceased in the earlv 70's. George W. Tryon & Company, 1836-1841 Tryon, Son & Company, 1836-1841 It had been the desire of George W . Tr\(>n to separate his manufacturing interests from the general merchandise activities of h.is business and, therefore, on januar\ i, 18^6, a new partnership was formed, consisting of George W. 1 r\on, Thomas Fenner and Daniel S. Beideman, under the firm name of (jieorge W. Tr\on tN: Compan\', for the purpose of conductmg the general importmg and sales business, the factor\" being still conducted under the name of George W. Tr\()n. On July ist of the same \'ear (1836), how^ever, this old firm of George W. Tr\on was dissolved and a new partnership known as Trvon, Son & Compan\- was formed to continue the manufacturing plant. The partners of this Cf)mpan\' were George W . Tryon, Fdward K. Trxon and James Martin. These two concerns, rr\on. Son 15 : Where is comtantty kept the most extensive assortment of warranted Dov\\Ae. and s\iAg\e ^a\!Te\c\V aUNS, RIFLES, MUSKETS, A.VD PISTOLS, OF HIS OWN- MANVIACTURF., AND IMPORTED. ALSO, SPORTSMENS' APPENDAGES, Such as Game Baajs. Powder Flasks, and Horns, Sho^ Belts, Dogs' Coliars, Chains, Whips, and Whistles. SHOT, PERCUSSION' POWDER IN VARIETY— Also, GUN LOCKS, MOUNTINGS, And component parts, suitable for tl^e trade . •WHOIiESAl.E AND nETAlIi. *^* Repairs promptly and neatly executed. Y Photograph of Adtortisement Appearing in "The American Shuoters' Manual" of 1827. (In Collection of Yir. W. C. Soutlnvick, New York.) The engraving at head of adver- tisement was used as a business card as early as 1818. and it is an interesting fact that this IS the identical business card used m i -go by 11. W. Mortimer, gunmaker to Ceorge III. except that the royal arms have been removed; and Tryon's name and address substituted in i.Iace of Mortimer s. ' 16 & Conipaii) , Manufacturers ; and George W. Tr\on & Company, Importers and Dealers, conducted business at the same address. In 1832 George W. Tr\on had also formed a partnership with Samuel Merrick, under the Hrm name of l'r\on, Merrick .S: Com- pany This firm was located at No. 70 High (Market) Street and later at No. jcS Walnut Street, and conducted a general importing business of guns, watches, jewelrw hosier\' and fishing tackle. This enterprise proved unprofitable and was discontinued in iS^.S, owing to the great financial (.lepression of these times. Thus from iSjf) to 1S38 (leorge W. Tryon was senior partner ot three firms, and it is interesting to note from an inspection of the old ledgers that each one of these three firms was doing business w ith the other two. It is a curious tact also that during these times goods were frequently imported from Birmingham, England to Philadelphia \ia the Port of New Orleans. In 1837 the business world was visited b\ one of the most severe panics in the financial histor\ of the countrv. All business suffered, and though Tr\on, Merrick & Co. were forced to discon- tinue, the other two Trxon Companies, though suffering great losses, were enabled to weather this financial storm. The o-reat business depression which followed the panic of 1837 ma\- be well illustrated b\- an extract from a letter of George W. Tr\()n, written a few \ ears later. "I presume you get to see our papers occasionally and, of course, you can get some taint conception of our currency and money affairs. "Sou, of course, are aware of the failure of the United States Bank, and also of the Girard Hank ( George W. Tryon was one of the incorporators of the CJirard Bank m 18:52), and the Bank of Pennsylvania also closed its doors last week, but expect will again commence operations after a time, leaving us, with the Schuylkill Bank, four banking institutions less in our i^ood city and the remaining ones issuing little or no paper, and doing no business." * ='= =:• " Still I have cause to be thankful that I have been able to jiass through the ordeal without sacrificing my real estate." 1^ I he new manufacturing firm of Tr\()n, Son .Sc Co., now (April 3, 1840) secured a contract for I 90 I Y* kmrnm"" :?m. A«^. ^ ii SHOT GUNS.RiriES.PISTOLS ft GUNNING APPARATUS ALSO MATERIALS FOR GUN MAKERS USE,C0LT'S & ALIENS PISTOLS .\ lL\,M)SI).Mi:.rauKl''!l. i,;;i'\!i:%P!;i)>irn,iAni-:.M)Ki)Ti) |;M >«rlli VrwKJSl.lM'lMrfn KaH'»!t>iiH'Sliv«'h ?JJJi;\Ui:i?}JJ;L Advertising Poster of About 1845 to 1850. fifteen hundred (1500) arm\ muskets for the Repubhc ot Texas. These muskets were undoubtedly what is known as the "• model of 1 84 1 " United States musket, as the government at Washington accepted a suspended delivery after Texas had become annexed to the United States, and is evidenced by the following : II Ordnance Office, Washington, 1S46. Tryon Son & Co. Gentlemen: The object ot this note is to inquire whether you have manufactured the (640) muskets that remain to be dehvered on your contract with the late Republic of Texas, and if so, where are they now deposited ? I am, Respectfully yours, G. TALCOTT, Ordnance Officer. This " 1 841 " musket was built by contract at a number of individual gun factories, but the government also manufactured a great number at the Harper's Ferry shops ; hence, this model has been frequently called the " Harper's Ferry rifle ;" but more frequently it has been termed the Mississippi rifle, because early issued to a Mississippi regiment. The Tryon Company built these muskets continuously for the government from 1841 to 1848. While those in collections to-day are apparently 58 calibre, vet the original model of the "41" was 54 calibre with the rifling making one turn in six feet and using a round ball ; ^^ in. barrel, without bayonet (see page 24). The change in calibre to 58 is probably due to an order of the Ordnance Board approved July 5, 1855, b\' Jefferson Davis, then Secretary of War, as follows : "Percussion model ot 1S41. — The bore of this arm to be reamed up to Calibre 58 and re-rifled, and a stud and guide attached for sword bayonet." (See page 24. ) On Januar\" i ^, 1841, was secured the first of the government contracts for the famous Northwest or Indian guns (see page 26). These Northwest guns (values ;S4.8o tc^ 11 19 I5.elics of the Past m SrKCIMHN I N" "TKVdN"" CoL- ■ I.KCTION. Ph II ADl l.l-H l.\. ^'Tivoii" Flint l.ncU Pistol. Date, about 1S12. Xine- ■li hand. 1h-11 inn/zle, Ijra^s niountings. Si'I.CI .MENS IX Col.LEtTION OF Mk. II. P.. II.\R.M1.K. I'll 1 l..\liEl.l' II l.\. \eiv haniUoiiK- pair of "Trvon" Dueling Pi*loN. Date, about 1S4.; to 1S50. 7'-4-'ii- barrels. r OF Mr. Stephen \ an Rens- -SELAER, Newark. N. T. "Tryon" "Deringer Model" Pistol. These were made from 1S50 to 1S70. The above specimen is an early model and for years was in possession of a prominent New Orleans familv. $9-00) were nianiitactured tor the Department ot Interior, and the contracts (which were held for fifteen \ears), were all drawn with the Commissioner of Indian att'airs. The goNernment supphed tliese arms principally to the Northwest tribes, Chippewas, Sioux, Winne- bagos, Osage and Black Feet, and nearh' all shipments were con- smned to the Governor of Minnesota. The specifications called for both Hmt lock and percussion lock guns of var\ing bore to shoot a round ball. Lengths ot barrel 36 and 42 inches. In the later contracts were some with rified barrels (Nalues, ^8.00 to $\2.oo), nian\- of which were highly ornamented. The following is an extract from the government proot requirements : " For each North West gun 200 grains Trov best riHe powder, one IkiII and two wads, and for each rifle 250 grains Troy best rifle powder, two balls and two wads, and none shall be received which have not undergone and successfully sustained such proof." It is a peculiar fact that not onl\ primitive peoples show a dis- position to use obsolete stvles of fire arms long after improvements have become standard, but history shows that civilized governments also have been slow to recognize marked advances in the develop- ment of arms. The Hint lock, superseding the match lock and wheel lock, was first used in France and Spain about 161 5. The percussion lock (invented 1807) became popular in America about 18^0, and \'et we find from these old Northwest contracts that the flint lock was in demand bv the North American Indians as late as 1850, and even t()-da\- a few are manufactured in Kurope tor the Central African native trade. More strange, however, is the tact that the British Government considered the flint lock quite good enough for the service until 1 84 1, when the percussion lock musket was used b\- one battalion in the first Chinese war, and it was onh' a year or two previousl\ that both Germanv and France converted man\ thousands of flint guns into percussion lock arms. 21 lielics of the Past, Si'KCiMEN IN' Collection of Mr. Loris II. Sch.midt, Phil.adelphi.n. "Tryon" Flint Lock Gun, 44-in. barrel. Pale, about 1S15. This gun was oriij'inallv "full stocked." but has been cut down to use as a shotgun. Was obtained in Florida and is of the type used by Seminole Indians. Specimen in "Tryon" Collection, Piiii..\i)Elpiii.\. "Trvfin" Double Barrel Flint Lock Shotgun (very rare), 39 in. barrels. Date, about 181 5 to 18^5. Was in a Pennsylvania family for many years. Specimen in Collection ok .Mu. J. W. McC.\re. New York. "Tryon" Mint Lock Rifle, ;o calilirc, 21 -in. f)Ctagon barrel, set trigger, verv deep rifling. .An exception;dlv beautiful arm. Dale, about 1815 to 1S30. Si'ECl.MLN IN CoLLKCIION oE .Mk. 11. HaK.M hH, PlIILAI)EI.PHI.\. "Tryon" Flint Lock "Kentucky" Ritlo. 44-in. brown barrel: bore. 4^ balls to the lb.; London lock, brass mountings. Date, early nineteenth centurv. Specimen in Collection of Mr. H. B. II.xr.mer, P^^LAIJELPHI.^. "Tryon" Flint Lock "Kentuckv" Rillc, 42-in. bright-finish barrel; bore. 44 balls to the lb.; brass movmtings. Date, early nineteenth century. II Our own Government was forced to alter thousands ot flnit locks into percussion locks twenty years later upon the outbreak ot the Civil War. During the past \ ear the present Tryon Companx received an incjuirv for a l'r\on muzzle loading rifle of a model manutactured hftv \ears ago. Percussion (dating from 1807) was the invention ot the Rev. Alexander John Forsvth, of Aberdeenshire. The first form used was a powder ignited bv a punch, hence the name punch lock. Later the powder was formed into a pill, developing the pill lock. The pill lock was never largely used, as it was supplanted by the percussion cap, which was invented in England in 18 iS. i he Austrian Government, however, used a pill lock in the arm\ until about 1830. On page 2+ is illustrated a pill lock made bv (leorge W . Tryon about 1825. This is a peculiar adaptation of the pill firmg system applied to the old '' North's " model of flint lock repeatmg muzzle loading gun, which in turn was a copv trom an earlier repeating arm dating trom about 1780. This specimen of Tryon pill lock was evidently a model or sample, no duplicate having been found in an\- other collection. Napoleon oflered Forsvth a large sum for the invention ot percussion. With true patriotism, this offer was declined, the inventor, at the same time, proffering the patent to his own govern- ment. For man\ \ ears, however. Great Britain failed to recognr/.e the worth of the invention. Had Fors\th accepted the ofter ot Napoleon, the fate of Waterloo might have been reversed, and other boundaries set tor the nations of Europe. The firm oi' George W. Tryon ^' Company continued the general busmess of importing and selling fire arms, etc., and added in 1837, a fishing tackle department, which was afterwards discontinued. The two Tr\'on co-partnerships expired i li Relics of the Past Sn-crMKN- IN -'Trtvox" Coli.ixtiox. Ph ii.AiiKi.riiiA. "Tryon" Repcntin- Muz/.h- I.oa.liiis; Pill Lock. sin,,<,tli l.,nc -,vii octason harrel; Lore. (,q halU to tl.o 11,. Date, almut ,S>, ThU is • adaptation of the "North" Hint slidiny-lock svstcni of 8 •-" l^ Si-i:(iM[:x i\ Ciii.i.: iTiox oi- Mr. G'f \x\im.i- TIixuv. \ \/Ai or earlier. This irnn was 'made especially for .lohn Idseph Ileiu'v bv hi? frien~li. IJ.ir Luck Shotgun. Single l!:incl. ki!.l)L-a. F;incy. r„-.ck-aclion Doulik- I'.aiicl. (Aunbincd Sliotgun and Kitk-. I'.atk-aclion Locks. Kirtc. Half Stockcil. kil)1)c4. Admittcii to partnership iS66. Miniher I.KK. N.v. .l,.I^cy. W. A. Enxis. New York City and H. E. Browx. Ohio. F. W. Beckkr, I'liiladelpliia. L. S. Evans, Pliiladelpliia. 38 This contract specified tor a total ot seven thousand pistols, and like the pepper-box revolver, the\' were sold under the name ot "Rupertus Patent Pistol Mfg. Co.," Trvon and Brother, Sole Agents. A complete line ot gunsmiths' tools were also made. The following is an extract from a recent letter received trom one ot the oldest customers ot the house : "I am now in my seventy-tourth year and I rememher tlie first catalog received from your house. It was known and criticised l")y competitors as the 'Tryon Bible.' From it I made my first catalog ot gun smiths' supplies — materials, tools etc. ^our firm made for me the first rifiing machine, which we used for over forty years and we still make occasional use of it." On |anuar\' i, 1866, there were admitted to the Hrm three new partners, Christopher N. Geuther, Daniel K. Subers (both ot whom had been emplo\ees), and Edward B. Mears, who atter returning from his army service, had become associated in the busmess a very short time previously The firm name was changed to Tryon Bros. & Co., 1866-1868 The various branches ot the busmess were contmued at the same locations and under the same firm name untd januarx, 1868. On this date. George W. Tr\on, jr., retn'ed trom busmess, de%oting his life thereafter to scientific research at the Academ\- ot Natural Sciences, and to the publication ot his works upon Conchologv and Music. A new firm, composed of Edward K. Trvon, Jr., Christopher N. Geuther and Edward B. Mears, was tormed under the name ot Edw. K. Tryon, Jr. & Co., 1868-1905 During the first \ear under the management ot the new^ firm, the business was moved from No. 625 Market Street to the new store No. iq North Sixth Street. The fac- >, ... f" '■ torv on Second Street was continued in tull force for a few \ears, and then conditions proving unsatisfactorw the entire plant was \ "^^-^'V <|^1iu'^ closed down (1872) and has never been re- ^ v %1^S\ opened as an arms manutacturing plant. \^K4n;4^1c )penea as an arms manuracturmg pi The old store, however, under the " Sign ot II § ir.'Ii |S^ |i ^9 l! i1 40 i;:^ the Cjolclen BuH-alo," was continued as a branch until 1894, \n hen it was hnalh' closed. 1 he failure of tiie "new" factor\' almost occasioned the com- plete collapse of the entire business, and for a number of \ears success or failure, trembled in the balance. Howe\er, the new firm was composed of \oung men with plent\ of pluck and untiring energw All efforts were devoted to the "jobbing" or wholesale distribution of fire arms of ever\- standard American make, and the principal for- eign makes. A regular force of traveling representatnes was placed upon the road, and the Western trade was developed. Under this changed polic\ the business began to grow and prosper. In 1S78 was added a new store No. 527 Commerce Street. In 1 88 1 the adioininir buildino;. No. 21 North Sixth Street, was occupied, doubling the capacity. In 1886 the entire stock was moved across the street to Nos. 10 and 12 North Sixth Street, and in IQ03 the building No. 611 Market Street was annexed, forming the L shaped premises now occupied. During these \'ears a well- trained and experienced house force was also de\eloped and thorouirhh organized. On January i, 1878, Samuel K. Riddle was admitted to partnership. |anuar\' 1, 1890, E\an (7. Chandlee was admitted to partnership, and became Merchandise Manager. Mr. Chandlee had for many years represented the house through the Middle-west and Northw^est, and he established the close and intimate relations with the trade of this section, which the house still enjoys. Charles Z. Tryon, son of Edward K. rr\()n, jr., was admitted to partnership January i, 1892. During these years of jobbing or whole- sale effort, a complete Athletic and Bic\cle Department was added, also a complete Fishing Tackle Department. In 1890 the Retail Department, which had never been given an\' great attention, was placed upon a comprehensive basis, and immediateh assumed a position of great ]^ m 41 li A Portion of the Sliipping Kooni. 42 importance. Tlie policy, Iio-zcczrr, of protecting the dealer has never been changed, and the greatest care is exercised in limiting the retail business to the city of Philadelpliia. Gold Medal Awarded for Excellence (Fishing Tackle) to Edw. K. Tryon, Jr., & Co., St. Louis Exposition, 1904. In the meantime the firm had suffered hy the death of Samuel E. Riddle and Christopher N, Geuther, and on September 19, 1904, was called upon to mourn the loss of Edward K. Tryon, Jr. From the time he assumed control, Edward K. Tryon, Jr., was the mainspring of the business, and its present success, now in 191 1, is largely due to the foundation laid b\- him and his associates. The losses sustained bv the unfortunate manufacturing plant of Tryon & Bro. retarded his advancement considerably, but success finally rewarded his ceaseless efforts. With the admittance of the junior partners, Edward K. Tryon, Jr., was relieved of many of the burdens of business, and he devoted much of his time during the last ten years of his life to the various charitable and public organizations of which he was a director. The financial management of the business, however, he never relinquished. Owing to the death of Edward K. i II 43 It.iail Floor, Athletic Cooils Dopt. Retail Floor, Fire Arms and Fishing Tackle Dept. 44 Trvon, jr., in the fall of 1904, the co-partnership ot Edw. K. Trvon, jr. <3c Co. was dissolved on |anLiar\- i, 1905, and the entire stock and fixtures were purchased hv a new corporation, Edw. K. Tryon Company Incorporated December 27, 1^04 The following directors and ofHcers were elected, and still hold office: Charles Z. Tr\on, President; Edward B. Mears, Vice- President; Evan G. Chandlee, Secretary and Treasurer. During the six \ ears intervening between the date ot incorpor- ation and the present time, the business has been developed along all lines and in every direction. The traveling force now calls upon the trade from Maine to Texas, and the thousands of catalogs issued in each department find their wa\ into every State in the Union, and into Canada and Mexico, The total amount of arms manufactured by all the gunsmiths of Philadelphia in the year 1811 amounted to $74,250.00. The present Tryon Company sells more than this amount each year of one make of revolver alone, and has sold in dollars more bicycles in a season than any total \ear's business of the house previous to i860. The American people have been slow to recognize the value of out-door recreation, but the last fifteen years have developed such a marked taste for the "open" that the various lines of Sporting Goods have multiplied with great rapidity. No articles of merchandise are so varied or so specialized as those goods which are produced for the pleasure of the people. New styles and new models must be continually designed. Expert knowledge upon the part of principles and subordinates bemg more and more necessary, the present rr\on Company have, therefore, become "specialists" in the various lines of goods now mar- keted, and the well established trade- marks now placed upon the products of this Company, represent the most 3 45 Present-Da^' Try on Trade Mairks Keystone -% Shotguns. ?/t BAStHAi.L (uHiu-. Tex- Steki. Fishing Rods. Nis AND Goi-F Goods. SBi;o^" Cutlery. -^ ^^T^^ TRADE . U AARK lsignof^ thte golden b u ffalo House Emri.e.m. Fishing Reels. COHAN TIC KINGFISHER trade aaark Fishing Lines. Sneli.ed Fish Hooks. Fish Houks. P^ishing Trout and Bass Flu:.-. Rods. lAPOLLOi Bicycles. -_.i Shotgun Shells. Bicycles. 46 advanced thought in perfected merchandise oi this class (see page 46). No one factory can now manufacture a complete line all through the various departments of Bic\'cles, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball and Tennis Goods, Golf, Fire Arms, Cutlery, Canoes, etc., therefore the standard trade-marked articles now sold, while frequently designed by Edw. K. Tryon Company, are made at the individual factories in Europe and America making each special line. Times and methods change; success results only from constant effort;. old fashioned notions of conducting business must give way to Twentieth Century ideas; but the great principles of business ethics are eternal — and b\ these principles, adopted \ears ago at the "Sign of the Golden Buffalo," the present corporation still seeks to guide its activities through the busy world of today. One Hundredth Anniversary Celebration THE week of |anuar\ 2d to 7th, 191 1, was set apart as "Anniversary Week," and the founding of the " Tr\on " business was fittingh celebrated by an exceptional exhibit of rare old arms, loaned from various private collections. This exhibition, which attracted visitors from far beyond the limits of Philadelphia, included man\' beauti- ful specimens of pistols, rifles and shot guns. Some were of historic interest, some of great value, some the product of the old Tr\on shops. All were excellent examples of the arms makers' art. The warerooms and buildings were appropriately decorated with American flags 47 and the colors of the cit\- ot PhUadelphia. During the entire week the officers of the Conipan\' personallv greeted the man\- customers, iruests, and friends who called to offer their congratulations. On the evening of January 3d, at the Philadelphia l^ourse, the stockholders gave a hancjuet to the emplo\ees, eight\-flve of whom were jiresent, including the travehng representatives. 1 he guests included: I'he President and Secretary of the riiihulrl/->hia C/iaiiihcr of Coiiiiiicrcc : the President and the Secretar\ of the Philadclf'lua Board of Trade; the President and the Secretarx' of the Hardware, Mcrcliaiils. and Mauufaciurcrs' . Issociafioii ; the President and the Secretarx' of the Xaiioiud Sf^ortiii!^ (joods Dealers' . Issocialioii ; the first travrliiii:; sah'snuni of the house ; the (ddcst ciisUiiitcr of the wholesale department ; the oldest customer of the retad dtpartment ; and others ]-)romment m wholesale hardware and banking circles. There were responses to the toUowuig toasts : "(Jnki:ti.\(;" By the Tmistiiiastcr. Mr. C'liurlcs /.. Tiyoii ■■piiii.AiiKiJ'ii i.\ ()i.ii AXii Xr.w" l-raiikiiii Spciu-cr lUiiuniids. lisq. " TiiK W'lisT I-'iiKTv \'i;.\K.s Ac.o" Mr. Ei an G. Cliaiidlcc "Km.xts (iF One 1 IrxnKKi) ^'eaks" Re:: Joliii R. Davics, D.D. "Till-; SciuTii" Mr. J.uiiis IV. A't'tc I here was reail a letter of congratulation from the (H)\ernor of Penns\ 1\ ania. A wreath was j^resented to Mr Thomas A. ^'oung, the oldest emplo\ee in \ears of continuous serxice. An original humorous reading in \erse was gi\en In Mr. William Cuglex . 1 he evening was enlncned h\ merriment and the singing of songs specialh' written for the occasion. As all arose to join in singing the farewell "Auld Lang S\ ne," Mr. William V. Sauter, on behalf of the employees, jiresented to the officers of the companx a beautitui siher loving cup bearing the inscription : I'KESEXTEI) TO i:i)W. K. TRVOX COM PAX Y r-V THEIR EMPLOYEES IX COM MEMORATIOX OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOrX!)IX(; OF THE BUSINESS 48 r/»~?;r~-: Kie* piili ' iWam oo