PS 3521 "^ N74 E3 1891 CCE Regnum! AND OTHER POEMS. ATJTHOWS EDITION. WORCESTER. The Messenger Pkmx, 154 Front Street. 1891. ^,3 EccE Regnum BY / DWARD RANDALL KNOWLES, AUTHOR OF "'Songs of the Life Eternal," •'The True Christian Science,"' '•The Most Perfect Thing in the World ETC. ('opyright, 1891, by E. \\. Kiiowl.v^. Hetiicatioiu TO MV WIFE. To thee, so noble, fair, and true, So patient, loving, kind, In humble verse I offer now The homage of my mind. Faithful through trials thou hast proved. Companion, wife, and friend; Henceforth for all eternity Our love shall never end. rhou hast a dignity beside The honored name of \yife : Maternity's bright gems enhance The beauty of thy life. Mother so gentle, wife so true ; Expression adequate I cannot find to tell thy worth. Thy merits to relate. ECCE REGNUM "My kingdom is uot of this world."' "Behold, the kiuo-dom of God is within you." An earnest soul, in error's dread embrace, Essayed this prayer, '^ Oh grant me, Lord, the grace To know the truth Thy wisdom doth impart, And follow it. Yet in my inmost heart Thou knowest willfulness and pride hold sway. Unto Thy kingdom, teach me, Lord, the way." To her the Saviour answered lovingly, "Let not this word's allurements hinder thee. 'Tis in thine heart that heaven's blest kingdom lies ; With me, uplifted there, thy soul itself will rise; And when the Christ thy faith and life confess, Heaven's presence then thy very soul will bless.'' Songs of the Life Eternal. LIFE ETERNAL. Two worlds there are : the one is real, The other but seeming ; both are here. The seeming doth to us reveal Its attractions great and our friends most dear. But greater far in the Spirit's light Are the pleasures of matter's sense bereft, When the world of the seeming fades from sight, And the real existence alone is left. And dearei yet our friends will be When illusions of earth from our lives have passed. And the spirit from matter's bond is free. And the life eternal begun at last. (9) 10 SONGS OF THE LIFE ETERNAL. THE DAY IS AT HAND. Through the long vigil of the night, To greet the dawning of the light, I wait in peace, 'mid silence deep, By expectation held frc^n sleep. Sustine me^ Bomine I Though dark and endless seems the gloom. Like to the quiet of the tomb, I wait contented without fear; The glory of the dawn is near. Judica me, Bomine! The day is coming; Glorious Sun Of Righteousness ! Thy will be done ! Throughout the vast eternity Thy radiance shines triumphantly. Gloria tibi, Bomine ! SO^•GS OF THE LIFE ETERNAL. 11 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP." iUnto the holy temple faltering came A pilgrim, footsore, ragged, and foilorn ; Weak and exhausted ; weary, sick, ar.d lame ; By passions, doubts, and piercing sorrows torn. To the blest Virgin Mother's favored shrine he brought A heart with, grief and tearful supplication fraught. Whence comes this tranquil, holy, peaceful calm That doth upon his troubled s[)ii-it pour? He seems to hear the sweet, consoling psalm, '' The Lord, Thy Shepherd, doth thy soul restore." As thus the Mother kind his prayer antici- pates, His heart with tender love and gratitude di- lates. 12 SONGS OF THE LIFE ETERNAL. THE CONVERSION OF ST AUGUSTINE. O Blessed One ! Thy life, Incarnate once for me, Now animates my soul. Enabling me to see Satan's devices deep, And each alluring snare. Call Thou my soul from sleep, W]io dost all ill repair. Around me float the clouds Of error, doubt, despair ; Extend Thy mercy, Lord ! Desti'oy me not, — forbear! But suffer me to live, Thy servant, Loid, to be. Father! Thy Spixit give To raise and quicken me. Blest Mother of my Lord ! Entreat of Thy dear Son That by this humble liand His bidding may be done. O Saviour ! Let not pride Control nor hinder me. Forever at my side Deign Thou, my God, to be ! SONGS OF THE L[FE ETERNAL. lo REST AND PEACE! A THANKSGIVING AFTER A MISSION. Jesu ! Creator I God Oiniiipotenl ! To Thee in grateful praise each knee is bent ; Powerless are banished evils to molest. Oh dwell forever with us, our Eternal Rest! Sweet Jesus ! Resting calm in Thy embrace, We know that Thou dost every sin efface ; And in Thy loving arms all sorrows cease. Thou art our Rest, our Joy, our Life, our Peace ! 14: WONGS OF THE LIFE ETERNAL. THE LOVE AND JOY OF HEAVEN. I LOVE Thy labor, Blessed Lord! Tliy love is life to me ; And in the fulness of Thy grace A heaven of rest I see. Tlie rest Thou givest to Thine own Is not that carnal ease Indulged by those who idly seek Their own poor selves to please. It is a rest of perfect joy, The joy of labor given The poor and sick for love of Thee, Which brings foretaste of heaven. This little glhnpse Thou givest now Of Tliy blest heaven above. Incites me here to strive to gain That heaven of perfect love. SONGS OF THE LFFE ETERNx\L. 15 And what does perfect love bestow But perfect peace and rest ; And countless joys bestowed by Thee, Who knowest what is best ? Jesus ! Sweet Saviour ! Grant to me This perfect joy to know ! In Thee alone that joy I find ; Dear Lord, I love Thee so ! Iti SONGS OF THE LIFE ETERNAL. JESUS ONLY. Jesus Only ! This the burden Of the everbistiug song Ever raised by angels holy ; And the bright, celestial throng Bowing low in adoration Down before the Saviour's throne, Unto Him, the Sun of Heaven, Loud, ecstatic hymns intone. Grace Ineffable and Wisdom ! Joy and Life and Strength and Peace' Love and Goodness! Power Sul)stantial! Thou whose glories never cease ! Lost in loving adoration Thus we join the angel choir. Praising Him, that Life Eternal Unto Whom our souls aspire. SONGS OF THE LIFE ETEKNAL. IT THOMAS F. HENDRICKEN. O s MINTED father! bishop, guide, and friend! What memories sad and sweet those titles blend ! Thy loving children in long retrospect Upon thy living, ardent faith reflect. Thy zeal for God's great glory proudly shows Where yon cathedraVs massive walls repose. No longer doth thy presence grace that throne ; The Eternal Bishop claims thee for his own. ^aint yet uncanonized I With longing ear The faithful's invocation now I hear, When future ages shall thy life relate, ^'-Ora pro nobis, saint and advocate!" * The first bishop of Provideiice. 18 BONGS OF THE LIFE ETERNAL. CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. As o'er the road of life we erring go, Oft, in the fainting spirit's darkest hour, Heaven's inspiration shineth round about, O'erwhelming us with sudden truth and power. '' Who art Thou, Lord?" at once we feebly ask. Although full well we know the God of Life Alone our dying spirits thus can rouse, , Against Whose Will we waged a futile strife. ^' What wilt Thou have me. Lord, to do?" Trembling, astonished, overcome, we ask ; Repentant, looking upward eagerly. We seek some heaven appointed task. Let us, obedient, heaven's light implore. And follow it, however rough our road. With patient faith, for thus alone we gain The way to Truth, to Life, to Peace, to God. Miscellaneous Poems. TO ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS, MARCH 11, 1891. Clear as the sky of early morn On this thy festal day, With starry gems o'er its vast expanse Shining in bright array, Thus be thy memory's record fair : Be all life's clouds dispelled ; And only the gems of thy life's i-eward Upon its tablet held. May this bright, peaceful consciousness Greatly thy life prolong. Of a life nobly spent the memory is Eternal, clear, and strong. (19) MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. PERSONAL REFLECTIONS. ON PRESENTING A MIRROR TO A LADY. This mirror, framed 'mid ancient carvings rare, Which hath for centuries the charms portrayed Of distant Persia's noblest ladies fair In splendors oriental bright arrayed; Destined to yet reflect a charming face, Of calm repose and with expression sweet, Reigning above a form of matchless grace ; O Lady fair, Avith worthy charms replete ! This souvenir I give to thee, Thus to fulfil its destiny. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 21 SHELLEY. AN ACROSTIC. Peer of noblest poets brig] it, Eternal Truth's undaunted knight. Rich in energy of love, Clear in imagery of mind, Yielding to none in genius grand, Battling 'midst a world unkind, Shelley did his life devote Human welfare to promote. Eternal Spirit, Power of Good ! Let inspiration high our natures flood. Loosing our minds from superstition's bond, ■ Enabling earth's bewildering gloom profound Yet to bring forth a paradise of good. 22 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. ALONE. FEBRUARY, 1886. Alone in my dreary garret, High up from the noisy street, I think of two little cherubs. And dream that I hear their feet. Up they come, joyously running, Perching one on each knee ; And two little chubby faces Shower kisses sweet upon me. 'Tis sweet to conjure in fancy These two little faces so dear, But then conies a pang of sorrow, Alas ! they're not really here. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. ^3 God's curse be on them that would part us ! My chiidi^n, so happy and bright ! He yet will restore } ou to me ; He i^uideth all thmors arig-lit. Away, thou maddening fancy ! I yet must endure and wait, Alone the vision has left me ; Alone in the gloom with n^y hate. 24 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. RESTORATION. FEBRUARY, God's justice overrules the hate of men, His bounty patient suiTeriiig will crown, Alike His favors and His chastenings bless, The humble He exalts, the proud casts down. No longer 'mid the garret's squalid gloom I vainly hope, till hope to deep despair Is turned, whilst all the future promiseth Is sorrow, struggle, and incessant care. Once more my home is happily restored. Again my darling children round me play, Effulgent, joyous rays of heavenly light Brighten the dawning of a better day. MISCELIANEOITS POEMS. 25 THE CONVERSION OF ST. AUGUSTINE. TRANSLATKI) FROM PAGE 12. OJesu! Thus spiritus, Pro me incarnatus antea, Collustrat meam aniinam Ut inferorum videam Consilia et insidias. E somno meam animam Tn, Eeparator, suscita! Exspes mens mea aestiiat. EiTores me obnubilaut. Per dubitationem da, Domine, mihi veniam ! Parce, ut tibi serviam ! Sustine me et anima, Pater, per Sanctum Spiritum ! Praeclara Mater Domini ! Tuum precare Filium Ut manu mea humili Fiat voluntas Domini, ^e regat me superbia. A fastu, Jesu, libera! Et me aeternum adjuva! 26 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. TRUE CATHOLICISM. You ask me why I am a Catholic. I've tried to answer you in prose, in vain. From giving you a tedious, lengthy argument (The story is a long one) I refrain. T am a Catholic because my heart Yearns to extend its fellowship to all Who claim the sacred name of Christian, and my mind Finds no discrimination in the Master's call. To make one fold under one Shepherd's care And unity's most vital bond maintain : Professing everywhere alike one common faith. Acknowledging one universal Head to reign. Holy and apostolic is that rule Which doth the wondrous Son of God confess, Keeping our holy faith in its integrity, Extending now its universal reign to bless All nations and all lands, throughout the earth. Beneath its sway of spiritual power Which has its origin and strength in Thee, O Christ! Of yesterday, to day, the same f orevermore ! MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 27 HYMN TO ST. ALOYSiUS O Saint of Beauty! on whose princely brow There rests a crown of peerless innocence, Thy loving children come before thee now, Thy prayers entreating for their souls' defence. Help of the Orphans! unto Jesus blest Offer their sufferings, piteous tears and woes. His love alone brings sweet relief and rest ; His peace will give their aching hearts repose. O noble Youth! child of the Sacred Heart! Whom Jesus loved so dearly as to deign His boundless grace unto thy soul impart, Choosing thee endlessly to share His reign. Patron of Youth! implore faith's guiding light To lead oup souls on to heaven's portal high, Till in the dawn from purgatorial night, Into thine outstretched welcoming arms we fly. 28 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. AD REGINAM. Thoii who, of all on earth, Art to my soul most dear! Each moment's consciousness Reveals thy presence here. Nor space nor time can change This bond of sympathy ; Xaught can our souls estrange In their iirm constancy. My Queen! Thy faithful heart Calls me with eloquence ; Where'er on earth thou art, My spirit hastens thence. With equal loyalty My burning love insists ; Thou I am far from thee, Thy life in mine exists. My own! Fate's tyranny Now seems to bow us down. And blighting care alone Appears our love to crown. Yet, in the future, dawns A day of joy and peace ; The Power that blest our love Will give us sure release. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 29 Our very life and love Declare a certainty That over every chance Triumphant they will be. The Life that gave them birth Maketh our spirits one. My Love ! No power of earth Can sever us— mine Own! 80 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. THE BODHISAT'S LOVE SONG. Tanha. I sought and searched o'er the earth's wide vastness For that dear soul I knew to be my bride ; Alike in spreading vale and mountain fastness, In regions inland, or by ocean's side. Karma . But when to heaven I my search surrendered, Following gently where its guidance led, Full intuition to my soul was tendered And heavenly radiance on my path was shed. Dhyana. For then it was, when to faith's guidance bend- No longer striving to misshape my way, I recognized my own, O Joy unending! And peace and love my trusting faith repay. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. 31 ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE. DECEMBER 21, li While doubts that from our human frailty rise Oft hinder us and thrust us far from Thee, Yet honest doubt that in the pathway lies Of those who love Thee and are wholly free To plead Thy cause and fight Thy battle well, Who yet for Thee would urge a flawless plea And most convincingly Thy gospel tell, May draw them even nearer yet to Thee. To such confirm. Dear Lord, their joyous faith. Strengthen the love that caused it, and inspire Wisdom and zeal, and faithfulness till death. Bid doubt and error from their minds retire. And when their hearts by fears and griefs are torn, Make them. Dear Lord, amidst the strife recall With love the wounds Thy Sacred Heart has borne And know in Thee their Lord, their God, their All! 32 THE MOST PERFECT THING IN THE WORLD. THE MOST PERFECTTHING IN THE WORLD; THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD. i livo; yet not 1, but Christ livetli in me."' — 8t. Paul. That ^vhieh is not God is nothing to me."* — St. Teresa. MY GOD! Who ever art Unchangingly to me My All in All! My life Eternal is in Thee! MY FATHEE! to Thy Will I helpless, trustful, cling ; In Thine all boundeous Love Forgetting everything. THE MOST PERFECT THING IN THE WORLD. 38 MY JESUS! Sweetest Name. All other names above ! My King! no boon I crave — No blessing— save Tliy Love. MY FEIEND! of friends most true. Whose Love is infinite ! Grant that, forever, I May in Thy Love delight. MY PRIEST! Who searchest all, To Whom each thought is known ; A mercy- seat of penance, make Each inmost heart Thy throne. MY LIFE! My being. Thou! My life is only Thine ; For me there is no death If only Thou art mine. MY HEAVEN! All else is naught Beside Thy Presence Sweet. My life in Thine, Thy Tjife in mine — Make thus my soul complete. ...^ iiRRARY OF CONGRESS 015 940 390 7