$1 te S TX9SI JLZ Book GopigM?. COPYRIGHT DEPOSU1 I 3 sTS" .<- i €T y^^^c DALY'S Bartenders' Encyclopedia. A COMPLETE CATALOGUE Of the Latest and Most Popular Drinks, with a number of original ones by the Author, and the proper method of serving them. TIM DALY, Publisher. WORCESTER, MASS. 1903. PRICE, 50 CENTS. '¥ Ml LliRARV 811 CONGRESS, TWO COPl-U: Rir.CtlVEC- OpyqiAMT PMTBV PLA85 ^t VXc No. cr>rv 3. Copyright, 1903 by Tim Daly. INTRODUCTORY. N presenting this work to the public I take great pride in stating that it is the result of close observation and study of the proper method of preparing and serving drinks, 'as well as mv per- sonal experience of twenty years behind the bar in some of the most exclusive cafes in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Minnesota, and Washington, D. C, and embodies all the well-known and popular drinks known to the trade, and a number of new and original ones, by the author, heretofore unpublished, but served by him in such well-known hostelries as the Parker House in Boston, famous the world over for the deliciousness of its cocktails, punches, and other mixed drinks, and for the excellence of the service. In reference to my personal experience will say I began my career as bell boy in the Lincoln House in Worcester, Mass., in 1882, and from the start devoted strict attention to the bar business, which soon resulted in pro- curing me the position of bartender, which vocation I have since followed, and have exerted every energy to have the art of mix- ing drinks brought to the stage of perfec- tion. I now take pleasure in presenting the result of my experience, study and research to the public in a concise manner, enabling them to prepare a palatable concoction, and serving it in an appetizing form. In order to produce the most satisfactory results the best ingredients should be used in every instance, and if this is done, you will have a delicious concoction from every for- mula herein contained. I do not wish to pose as the only exponent of the art of mix- ology, but desire to impress the importance of the following apparently insignificant de- tails, which should be closely followed : Always have glass and silverware dry and polished. See that trays are clean and dry. When dry cocktails are ordered, never use a cherry or olive unless customer es- pecially requests it. In squeezing lemons for bar use, strain through fine sieve or cheese-cloth, so that concoction will not appear cloudy. In mixtures where ice is used in serving- glass, care should be exercised to have it clean and clear. Do not fill serving-glass so it will over- flow. Where draught beer and ales are used the pipes should be frequently and thoroughly cleaned, and faucets kept polished. In drinks where limes or lemons are used, extreme caution should be exercised to avoid having seeds in serving-glass. In preparing hot drinks of any description, the serving-glass should be thoroughly rinsed in hot water, and a spoon placed in glass, so as to minimize the risk of breakage and enable you to serve the drink thoroughly hot. Bottled liquors of all descriptions should be kept lying down so as to keep the corks moist and avoid evaporation. Have your glass and bar towels clean. Bitters and cordials of every description should be kept in the original bottles, with the labels clean and attractive, and should never, under any circumstance, be refilled. When patrons request cigars instead of drinks, always serve them in a glass if silver tray is not available. In conclusion, will add it is hardly neces- sary to enumerate the various little details which every bartender should be familiar with, but will merely suggest keep every- thing connected with your bar and back bar thoroughly clean and attractive, and you will procure the patronage of the most desirable class of customers, and be enabled to serve them with mutual satisfaction. Very truly yours, TIM DALY. UNIONISM THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF EFFICIENCY. AM a firm believer in unions, as they tend to improve the condition of their members financially as well as socially, and insure to pro- prietors employing- members thereof compe- tent and reputable men. My personal connection with the Bartend- ers' Union for a number of years has con- vinced me of the utility of organizations of that nature, and since 1889, when I proposed forming a local union in Worcester, Mass., and in which the outlook was very auspicious until after the election, which resulted in no license, I have been a strong adherent to the cause. Our Union has been the means of elevating the bartender to the same social standing as men in other professions whom necessity requires to earn their living. Not 8 only this, but the Union has brought about a feeling of affiliation among our members which naturally benefits their employers, from the fact that bartenders no longer har- bor feelings of jealousy or antipathy toward each other, which, in the past, resulted in their making disparaging and detrimental remarks concerning competitors' stock, eac. Fraternally yours, TIM DALY. INDEX. Absinthe Cocktail 67 Absinthe Frappe 102 After-dinner Companion 110 Ale Sangaree 22 'Alf and 'Alf 25 American Velvet 26 Angel's Tit 80 Angostura and Sherry 116 Apple Whiskey Cocktail 59 Apple Whiskey Sour 43 Apollinaris Lemonade 40 Automobile Ill Banker's Punch Ill Beef Tea 21 Bishop 17 Black Jack 34 Blue Blazer 37 Bottle of Manhattan Cocktail 49 Bottle of Martini Cocktail 47 Bottle of Whiskey Cocktail 48 Bracer 77 Brandy and Ginger Ale 39 Brandy and Gum 36 Brandy Cocktail 83 Brandy Crusta 50 IO Brandy Daisy 19 Brandy Egg Nog 91 Brandy Fix 22 Brandy Fizz 38 Brandy Flip 42 Brandy Float 39 Brandy Julep 53 Brandy Milk Punch 99 Brandy Punch 83 Brandy Sangaree 47 Brandy Scaffa 49 Brandy Sling 73 Brandy Smash 52 Brandy Split 56 Brandy Straight 36 Bromo Seltzer 98 Brunswick 58 Catawba Cobbler 28 Champagne Cobbler 89 Champagne Cocktail 62 Champagne Cup 97 Champagne Flip 17 Champagne Julep 89 Champagne Punch 104 Champagne Sour 93 Claret Cobbler 38 Claret Cup 104 Claret Flip 58 Claret Lemonade ....... 41 Claret Punch 70 Cocktail Frappe 40 Coffee Cobbler 66 Coffee Cocktail 103 II Coffee Kirsch 107 College Dream 79 Cream Fizz 30 Creme de Menthe 41 Creme de Menthe Columbia 97 Curacoa Punch 80 Daly's Royal Fizz 60 Daly's Sunburst 108 Dark Secret 110 Dropped Absinthe 102 Early Bird 62 Egg Lemonade 20 Egg Milk Punch 98 Egg Sour 48 Evening Daisy 46 Fancy Brandy Sour 86 Frosted Cocktail 112 Gibson Girl 105 Gin and Tansy 25 Gin Daisy 18 Gin Fix 24 Gin Fizz 31 Gin Punch 69 Gin Rickey 57 Gin Sour 77 Glee Club Cocktail 80 Golden Fizz 94 Gum Syrup (how to prepare) 65 Hampshire Maid 61 High Ball 44 Bolland Gin Cocktail 85 Honeysuckle Gin Cocktail 7P Horse's Neck 4€ 12 Hot Apple Toddy 53 Hot Egg Nog 45 Hot Gin Sling 70 Hot Irish Whiskey Punch 74 "Hot Lemonade 52 Hot Milk Punch 65 Hot Rum 74 Hot Rum Punch 107 Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch 64 Hot Scotch Whiskey Skin 81 Hot Scotch Whiskey Sling 76 Hot Spiced Rum 75 Hot Whiskey Cocktail 109 Hot Whiskey Punch 75 Hot Whiskey Skin 83 Imperial Cocktail 64 Imperial Rum Punch 45 Irish Whiskey Cocktail 99 Jamaica Rum and Daisy . 20 Jamaica Rum Fix 18 Jamaica Rum Sour 84 Jockey Club Cocktail 72 John Collins 27 Klondike Cocktail 90 Ladies' Delight 98 Lemonade 21 Mamie Taylor 112 Manhattan Cocktail 59 Maple Gin Cocktail 85 Maraschino Punch 78 Marble Wall 72 Marconi Cocktail 88 Marguerite Cocktail 77 13 Martini Cocktail 68' Medford Rum Fizz 3ft Milk and Seltzer 90 Mint Julep 1(K) Miss Liberty 30 Miss Mazie 113 Monte Carlo Punch 29 Morning Reviver 95 Musty Ale 107 New England Rum Toddy 40 Old-fashioned Gin Cocktail 23 Old-fashioned Whiskey Cocktail 32 Olive Cocktail 71 Oyster Cocktail 68 Pawnbrokers' Delight 110 Pink Sour 91 Ping-pong Cocktail 115 Porter Sangaree 49 Port Wine Cocktail 66 Port Wine Punch 5f ■ Port Wine Sangaree 53 Pousse Cafe 92 Pousse l'Amour 96 Punch Victor Hugo 96 Remsen Cooler 42 Rhine Wine Cobbler 24 Rhine Wine Cup 106 Rhine Wine Punch 65 Roman Punch 43 Rooster Cocktail 73 Royal High Ball 99 Rum and Molasses 33 Rum Cocktail 78 14 Rum Cooler 109 Rum Punch 69 Rusty Ike 59 St. Charles' Punch 31 St. Croix Crusta 28 St. Croix Rum Fix 23 St. Croix Rum Fizz 34 St. Croix Sour 82 Sam Ward 113 Saratoga Cocktail 76 Sauterne Cobbler 103 Sauterne Cup 108 Sauterne Punch 73 Seltzer Lemonade 89 Shandy Gaff 38 Sherry and Egg 19 Sherry Chiclcen 55 Sherry Cobbler 92 Sherry Flipp 87 Sherry Wine Cocktail 87 Sherry Wine Egg Nog 56 Sherry Wine Punch 54 Sherry Wine Sangaree 54 Silver Fizz 86 Sloe Gin Fizz 33 Sloe Gin Punch 27 Soda Cocktail 61 Soda Lemonade 20 Soda Negus 22 State House Punch 33 Stifferine 95 Stomach Lining 71 Sunnyside Lemonade 63 i5 Sure Cure 9:* Swiss Ess 5 ',< Tea Cobbler 6S Tim and Jack 11 Tom Collins 3 Tom and Jerry (how to mix) 57 Tom and Jerry (how to serve) 44 Tom Gin Cocktail 84 Trilby Cocktail 6C Turf Cocktail 75 Tuxedo Cocktail 62 U. C. T. Lemonade 61 Vermuth Cocktail 71 Whiskey Cobbler 29 Whiskey Cocktail 81 Whiskey Crusta 101 Whiskey Daisy 87 Whiskey Fizz 32 Whiskey Julep 26 Whiskey Punch 82 Whiskey Rickey 94 Whiskey Smash ^50 White Mountain 85 Yale Punch 100 CHAMPAGNE FLIP. Use medium size thin bar glass. I fresh, cold egg. i bar spoonful of sugar. 4 or 5 very small lumps of ice. 1 Fill glass with champagne, shake well and quickly, taking care to have shaker fit tightly over the glass. j This drink should be consumed as expe- ditiously after being served as possible. For the high liver with that tired feeling in the early hours of the morning, the above is 1 he acme of perfection. \i BISHOP. Use a large bar glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in half a wine-glass of water. i or 2 dashes of lime juice. 2 or 3 dashes of orange bitters. •J glass of fine ice. 3 dashes of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with claret, spoon well, dress the top with fruit, and serve with straws. 17 GIN DAISY. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lime juice. Half fill the glass with fine ice. i squirt of seltzer water. Dissolve with the lime juice. i wine-glass of Holland gin. •J pony glass of white curacoa. Spoon well, then take a fancy stem glas:, put in fruit in season, strain the mixture into glass, and serve. JAMAICA RUM FIX. Bi Use a large bar glass. -J spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. -§ pony glass of pineapple syrup. i wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, dec- orate the top with fruit, and serve with •^traws. 18 I BRANDY DAISY. Use a large bar glass. \ spoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice ; dissolve in a little water. I pony glass of yellow chartreuse; fill the glass with fine ice. i glass of brandy (Hennessey). Mix well with spoon; place the fruit in a fancy stem glass, strain the ingredients into it, and serve. SHERRY AND EGG. Use a fancy stem glass. Pour a small quantity of wine into the glass to prevent the egg from sticking to the glass ; then break a fresh egg into the glass, place the glass on the bar, and fill it with sherry wine, and serve. For a person who is run down, or threat- ened with nervous debility, there is no decoc- tion so far discovered which can equal it as a stimulant, it being one of the instances when it is quality not quantity that counts. 19 JAMAICA RUM AND DAISY. Use a mixing glass. 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of orange curacoa. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. i wine glass of Jamaica rum. Half fill the glass with fine ice. Mix well with spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. EGG LEMONADE. Use a large bar glass. i spoonful of sugar. 5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice. i fresh egg. Fill the glass with fine ice, and the balance with water. Shake well with a shaker, strain into a large thin glass, and serve. A very refreshing beverage, containing considerable nutrition, and entirely without a vestige of alcohol. SODA LEMONADE. Use a large bar glass. I spoonful of sugar dissolved in a squirt of seltzer. 20 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, i bottle of plain soda water. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, and serve with straws. BEEF TEA. Use a small china mug. J teaspoonful of the beef extract. Fill the mug with hot water, put in little salt and pepper to suit taste, and serve with a spoon. On a cold, blustry day the above is unsur- passed for warming the system and impart- ing strength and vigor to the entire body without the aid of any alcoholic ingredients. LEMONADE. Use a large bar glass. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. 5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice. Fill the glass with fine ice, the balance with water; shake well, decorate with fruit, and serve with straws. 21 ALE SANGAREE. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. Dissolve in half a wine glass of water. Fill the glass with ale, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. BRANDY FIX. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. \ pony glass of pineapple syrup. i or 2 dashes of chartreuse (yellow). i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Fill the glass with shaved ice, spoon well, decorate with fruit, and serve with straws. SODA NEGUS. (About one quart.) i pint port wine. 12 lumps loaf sugar. 8 cloves. 22 Bar spoonful of grated nutmeg. Place ingredients in a saucepan; warm and stir well, but do not allow to boil. Pour into bowl, and add bottle of soda. The above makes a most delightful, mild, hot drink for a home party, and can be in- dulged in by moderate drinkers without any unpleasant consequences. ST. CROIX RUM FIX. Use a mixing glass. ^ spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. J pony glass of pineapple syrup. i-| wine glass of Sit. Croix rum. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, dec- orate the top with fruit, and serve with straws. OLD-FASHIONED GIN COCKTAIL. Use a gin glass. 1-3 of a glass of water. J spoonful of sugar; dissolve the sugar well. 23 2 or 3 dashes of bitters (Angostura). i small lump of ice. 2-3 glass of gin. Twist a piece of lemon peel and drop in the glass. Mix well with a spoon, and serve. This drink is extremely popular with el- derly persons who have been good fellows for a generation. RHINE WINE COBBLER. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. 1 wine glass of seltzer water; dissolve well with a spoon. ij wine glass of Rhine wine. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, dec- orate with orange, pineapple, berries, etc., and serve with straws. Commended highly by the royalty of Ger- many, and called for extensively by the up- per class of the fatherland. GIN FIX. Use a mixing glass. ^ teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. 24 J pony glass of pineapple syrup. i wine glass of honeysuckle gin. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon wel dress with fruit, and serve with straws. 'ALF AND 'ALF. Use large ale glass. \ glass of porter; fill the balance of the glass with old ale ; see that the drink is cold. An old English favorite in vogue for many generations, with prospects of many more. GIN AND TANSY. Use a whiskey glass. This is an old-fashioned but excellent tonic, and is prepared by steeping a bunch of tansy in a bottle of Holland gin, which ex- tracts the essence. In serving, place the glass, with a lump of ice dropped into it, before the customer, and let him help himself from the bottle contain- ing the preparation. 25 WHISKEY JULEP. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of sugar. J wine glass of seltzer water. Take 4 or 5 sprigs of mint, and press them in the seltzer water until the flavor of the mint is extracted; fill the glass with fine ice. 1 wine glass of whiskey ; shake well, deco- rate with mint, orange, pineapple, berries, etc. Dash with Jamaica rum, sprinkle a little sugar on top, and serve with straws. A most palatable decoction, which leaves an extremely pleasant aroma to the breath, as well as a pleasing taste. AMERICAN VELVET. (For a party of four.) Use a large fancy glass. I pint of champagne (Pommery Sec). 1 pint of Guinness stout. Fill the glass half full with porter, the bal- ance with champagne. Mix slowly with a spoon, and serve. 26 One of the good ones, where the cost is not to be considered, and the best of ingre- dients should be used. SLOE GIN PUNCH. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 1 spoonful of raspberry syrup, i^ wine glass of Sloe gin. Juice of half a lime. i piece of pineapple. 3 or 4 blackberries. 2 or 3 dashes of benedictine. Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, decorate with fruit in season, and serve with straws. JOHN COLLINS. Use a mixing glass. \ spoonful of sugar. Juice of one whole lemon. 3 or 4 small lumps of ice. i wine glass of Holland gin. 27 Fill the glass with seltzer water, spoon well, and serve. This drink must be consumed by the cus- tomer as soon as mixed, in order not to let the foam run over the top of the glass. CATAWBA COBBLER. Use a mixing glass. I teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. i slice of orange. i slice of pineapple. Fill up one-half the glass with fine ice, the balance with Catawba wine, spoon well, dress with fruit, and serve with straws. For a delicious mixture that is almost non-alcoholic this is the acme of perfection. ST. CROIX CRUSTA. Use a mixing glass. Peel a clean lemon in one long string; place peel in wine glass so it will line the en- tire inside. 28 Dip the edge of glass and lemon peel in powdered sugar and mix as follows : 3 or 4 dashes of orchard syrup, i dash bitters (Angostura). i glass of fine ice. i small dash of lemon juice. 2 dashes of maraschino, i wine glass of St. Croix rum. Mix well and strain into wine glass, orna- ment with fruit in season, and serve. WHISKEY COBBLER. Use a mixing glass. i teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 slices of orange. i or 2 dashes of benedictine. ij wine glass of whiskey. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, dress with fruit, and serve with straws. MONTE CARLO PUNCH. Use a punch glass. Juice of one whole orange, i spoonful of sugar, i pony glass of brandy. 2 9 I or 2 dashes of benedictine. Add fine shaved ice and fill the glass with claret. Spoon well, add spray of mint, fruit in season, and serve with straws. This punch was originally prepared at Monte Carlo, the world-renowned gambling resort, and immediately became popular with the habitues, and the formula was brought to the United States by an American gentle- man, and it has since become extremely pop- ular with the members of the most exclusive clubs in the country. CREAM FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. | spoonful of sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. J pony glass of pure cream, i wine glass of Maple gin. Fill up the glass with fine ice. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with seltzer water, and serve. 30 ST. CHARLES PUNCH. Use a punch glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. i pony glass of brandy (Hennessey). I wine glass of port wine. \ pony glass of orange curacoa. Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well with spoon, ornament with fruits in season, and serve with straws. This punch was first served at the St. Charles Hotel at New Orleans, La., and is an extreme favorite with Southern people. GIN FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved well in a little seltzer water. 3 dashes of lemon juice. \ glass of fine ice. I wine glass of Tom gin. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with seltzer water, and serve. 3i OLD-FASHIONED WHISKEY COCKTAIL Use a whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar dissolved in 1-3 glass of water. 2 or 3 dashes of bitters (Angostura). 1 small lump of ice. ■J wine glass of whiskey. Twist a piece of lemon peel and drop it in the glass. Mix well with a spoon, and serve. This mixture is called for very much by connoisseurs, and should always be mixed with loaf sugar. WHISKEY FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine glass of whiskey. Fill up the glass with fine ice. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with ^eltzer water, and serve. 32 RUM AND MOLASSES. Use a whiskey glass. Pour a small quantity of rum into it to cover the bottom of the glass. Then take a spoonful of black molasses and place it in the glass, and hand the bottle of rum to the customer to help himself. This drink is considered very good for a cold, or to prevent la grippe. SLOE GIN FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. \ spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 3 dashes of lemon juice. \ glass of fine ice. i wine glass of Sloe gin. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with seltzer, and serve. STATE HOUSE PUNCH. Use a punch glass. 1 spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water or seltzer. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 33 \ glass of Mount Vernon whiskey. 1 pony glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well with spoon, decorate with orange, pineapple, ber- ries, etc., top it off with claret, and serve with straws. This punch derived its name from the fact that it was served in the first-class hostelries near the Massachusetts State House at Bos- ton, and at once became very popular with the legislators. ST. CROIX RUM FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. i wine glass of St. Croix rum. Fill up the glass with shaved ice. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with seltzer water, and serve. BLACK JACK. Use a small bar glass, i wine glass of St. Croix or Jamaica rum. i teaspoonful of black molasses. If called for in summer, mix in a little 34 water and fine ice ; if in the winter, rill the glass with hot water, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. TOM COLLINS. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. Juice of one whole lemon. 2 or 3 small lumps of ice. i wine glass of Tom gin. Fill the glass with plain soda, spoon well but slowly, and serve. In serving this drink do not let it stand ; if so, the foam will run over the top of the glass. MEDFORD RUM FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. 1 spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, i wine glass of Medford rum. Fill up the glass with fine ice. Shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill with seltzer water, and serve. 35 BRANDY STRAIGHT. Use a whiskey glass. Put a piece of ice in the glass, and let the customer serve himself from the bottle, with plain soda water on the side. Whiskey Straight and Gin Straight are served in the same way, with ice water on the side. BRANDY AND GUM. Use a whiskey glass. i or 2 dashes of gum. i or 2 small lumps of ice. Place a bar spoon in the glass, and hand this, with a bottle of brandy, to the customer to help himself. Whiskey and gin are served in the same manner. MISS LIBERTY. Use a fancy stem glass. Peel an orange in one long, narrow string ; twist the same in cork-screw fashion; then place in centre of the glass, with one end pro- truding over top of glass ; surround with fine 36 crystal ice, well packed. Fill the glass 1-3 parfait d'amour, 1-3 maraschino, and fill with creme de violette. Serve with straw. Discovered at a collation served at Wash- ington in honor/ of representative officers of the army and navy, and voted by them in- vincible. BLUE BLAZER. Use two mugs with handles. -| pony glass gum syrup. 1 wine glass Scotch whiskey. Mix well with a little hot water, then ignite the liquid and pour rapidly from one mug to the other three or four times, which will give the appearance of a stream of fire. Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve in one of the mugs originally used, as it will retain the heat. A great favorite with bartenders who are experts and can handle the mugs in such manner as to give the appearance of a pyro- technical display, and thus show their dexter- ity in the art of mixology. 37 CLARET COBBLER. Use a mixing glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. i or 2 slices of orange, i or 2 slices of pineapple. 2 wine glasses of claret wine. Fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, dress with fruit ; serve with straw. BRANDY FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice dissolved in a little seltzer water. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, strain into a fizz glass, fill up with seltzer, and serve. SHANDY GAFF. Use large ale glass. Fill the glass half full of old ale. Fill the the other half with ginger ale ; stir well with a spoon, and serve. 38 A mild and exhilarating drink, effervescent in a slight measure, and pleasing to the taste. BRANDY FLOAT. Use a pony glass. Fill the glass with brandy (Hennessey). Cover it with a whiskey glass tightly to- gether, and turn them over quickly so the pony glass will remain upside down in the whiskey glass. Then half fill the whiskey glass with plain soda or seltzer ; take out the pony glass slowly, so the brandy will float on the top. BRANDY AND GINGER ALE. Use large thin bar glass. i piece of clean ice. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Fill the glass with Belfast ginger ale. A mild-tasting mixture, but deceiving in consequences if indulged in with impunity. 39 APOLLINARIS LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. 6 or 7 dashes of lemon juice. Fill the glass with fine ice, the balance with Apollinaris water. Stir well wjth spoon, and serve with straws. NEW ENGLAND RUM TODDY. Use medium size bar glass. •J spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. i small lump of ice. Twist a piece of lemon peel in the glass. i wine glass of New England rum. Serve with a small bar spoon. It is conceded by many that this old timer was originally landed from the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock by the Pilgrim Fathers, and was the real means of conciliating the native Indians. COCKTAIL FRAPPE. Use a mixing glass. 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup, i light dash of Angostura bitters. 40 2 "3 jigg er °f whiskey. Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice. Shake with a shaker until the outside of the shaker is white with frost, strain into a straight bar glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. Manhattan and Martini Cocktail should be made the same way, except using orange bitters. CLARET LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. Fill the glass with fine ice, the balance with water. Shake well with a shaker, decorate with fruit in season, and top it off with claret, and serve with straws. CREME DE MENTHE. Use a cocktail glass. Take the glass and pack it with very fine ice. Fill the glass with creme de menthe, and serve with small straws. 41 In case you are asked for a Creme de Menthe Frappe, put the above ingredients in a large bar glass ; fill the glass with fine ice ; shake well until the outside of the shaker is white with frost, strain into a cock- tail glass, and serve. REMSEN COOLER. Use large thin bar glass. Peel the rind of a lernon and place it in the side of the glass. i piece of clean ice. i wine glass of Honeysuckle gin. Fill the glass with imported club soda, stir slowly with a spoon, and serve. Scotch whiskey may be used if preferable to the taste. BRANDY FLIP. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. i fresh ^gg. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). i pony glass of pure cream. Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, strain into a fancy stem glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. 42 APPLE WHISKEY SOUR. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. i squirt of seltzer water; dissolve well. ^ glass of fine ice. i wine glass of apple whiskey (sometimes called cider brandy). Spoon well, strain into a sour glass, put in fruit, and serve. As is known to many, any mixture of which apple whiskey forms a component part is the offspring of some part of the state of New Jersey, and the foregoing is no excep- tion. ROMAN PUNCH. Use a punch glass. 1 spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little plain soda. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. Juice of i whole orange. 2 dashes of curacoa. -J wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). \ pony glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well with 43 spoon, dash with claret wine, decorate with fruit in season, and serve with straws. The standard punch for parties, receptions, etc., and very palatable. HOW TO SERVE TOM AND JERRY. Use a Tom and Jerry mug. 2 spoonfuls of batter. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). i pony glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the mug with hot water, or hot milk ; spoon well, then pour the mixture from one mug to the other four or five times, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. HIGH BALL. Use a fizz glass. i or 2 small lumps of ice. i wine glass of Plymouth gin. Fill the glass with ice cold syphon seltzer. If customer requires whiskey or brandy, mix in the same manner. This, without doubt, is the blue ribbon long drink in which an alcoholic fluid is a factor. 44 HOT EGG NOG. Use a mixing glass. i fresh egg. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. \ wine glass of Cognac. \ wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with boiling hot milk, stir- ring contents well while adding the milk; grate nutmeg on top, and serve. This drink will be found very beneficial to delicate persons, as it is not only a tonic, but strengthening and, if used regularly, will as- sist very materially in building up the sys- tem. IMPERIAL RUM PUNCH. 4 quarts of Apollinaris water. i pint of claret. 3 pints of Jamaica rum. i pint of Medford rum. i pint of brandy. \\ pounds of sugar. Juice of io lemons. i pineapple pared and sliced. 4 oranges sliced. i wine glass of curacoa. i gin glass of raspberry syrup. 45 Put in a punch bowl and pack in ice; add berries in season. Serve with ladle in small punch glasses. EVENING DAISY. Use a mixing glass. J glass of fine shaved ice. 2 or 3 dashes of lime juice. i spoonful of sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of absinthe. White of one egg. i wine glass of Irish whiskey. Shake well, strain into a wine glass, and serve. HORSE'S NECK. Use a large thin bar glass. Peel a lemon in one long string, place in a glass with one end projecting over the edge of glass ; add a large piece of clean ice, and fill the glass with imported ginger ale. A temperance drink which is refreshing and has an appetizing and inviting appear- ance. 4 6 BOTTLE OF MARTINI COCKTAIL. Use bar shaker for mixing. i pony glass of orange bitters. •J pony glass of maraschino. Half fill the shaker with fine ice. 1-3 bottle of French vermuth. 2-3 bottle of Tom gin. Mix well with spoon, strain into a full quart bottle, cork and label. Always use a dark-colored bottle when mixing cocktails for a party. This is supposed to be a very dry cocktail. Ice should always be used in making bottled cocktails. BRANDY SANGAREE. Use a mixing glass. Half fill glass with fine ice. J wine glass of water. 1 spoonful of sugar. 1 glass of brandy. Shake well, strain into a stem glass, grate nutmeg on top, and serve. 47 BOTTLE WHISKEY COCKTAIL. Use bar shaker for mixing. Fill the shaker one-third full of fine ice. \ wine glass of gum syrup. i pony of benedictine. •J pony glass of bitters (Angostura). Pour in one quart of good whiskey; mix well with long bar spoon, strain into a quart bottle, cork and label, and your preparation is ready for delivery to customer. EGG SOUR. Use a mixing glass. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. 2 dashes of lemon juice. I pony glass of curacoa. I glass of brandy (Hennessey). I yolk of an egg. f glass of finely shaved ice. Shake well and strain into a fancy stem glass. The above might almost be classed as a prescription instead of a mixed drink, but can be obtained at well regulated and exclu- sive cafes where competent dispensers are employed. 4 8 BOTTLE MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. Use bar shaker for mixing. J wine glass of gum syrup. -J pony glass of bitters (Angostura). i pony glass of orange curacoa. Half fill the shaker with fine ice. 1-3 bottle of vermuth. 2-3 bottle of good whiskey. Stir well with long bar spoon, strain into a full quart bottle, and cork. Place an attractive label on the bottle, and you will have a bottle of cocktail that will please your most exacting patron. PORTER SANGAREE. Use a mixing glass. 2 spoonfuls of sugar dissolved in water. 3 or 4 lumps of ice. Fill the glass with porter, stir well, and grate nutmeg on top. BRANDY SCAFFA. Use pousse cafe glass. J glass of raspberry syrup. i glass of maraschino. 49 i glass of chartreuse (green). Top off with brandy, and serve. One of the pretty ones, with a rainbow ef- fect, which, if properly prepared, is very at- tractive. WHISKEY SMASH. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. i wine glass of seltzer water. 2 or 3 sprigs of fresh mint; dissolve well until the essence of the mint is extracted. Half fill the glass with fine ice. i wine glass of whiskey. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a fancy stem glass, put in fruit, and serve. BRANDY CRUSTA. Take a lemon and cut off the ends, peel off the whole rind, and place it inside of a wine glass ; rub a slice of lemon around the edge of the glass, dip the glass in powdered sugar, then take your mixing glass and mix as fol- lows : 50 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup. i or 2 dashes of bitters (Angostura). i or 2 dashes of lime juice. 2 dashes of white curacoa. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well^with a spoon, strain into a fancy stem glass, dress with fruit, and serve. SWISS ESS. Use a mixing glass. \ spoonful of sugar. i or 2 dashes of lime juice. 2 or 3 dashes of absinthe. i fresh Qgg (white only). J glass of brandy (Hennessey). 2 or 3 dashes of maraschino. Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well with a shaker, strain into a sour glass, fill with sy- phon seltzer, and serve. A combination which eradicates that all- gone feeling, and at the same time is healing to the stomach, but should be taken in mode- ration, as an excessive use of any form of cordial is injurious. 5i HOT LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of sugar. 5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice. Fill the glass with hot water, spoon well, and serve. This is one of the best known prevent- ives for a cold if taken at its incipiency, but should only be taken immediately before re- tiring, as it opens the pores of the entire body. BRANDY SMASH. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of sugar dissolved in small quantity of mineral water. Crush 3 or 4 sprays of mint until essence is extracted. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Fill the glass with fine ice, stir well, and strain into a sour glass; add slice of orange, lemon and fruit in season. 52 PORT WINE SANGAREE. Use a sour glass. i or 2 lumps of ice. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. Fill the glass with port wine, stir well, and grate a little nutmeg on top. HOT APPLE TODDY. Use large hot water glass. \ spoonful of sugar. \ of a small baked apple. i wine glass of apple jack. Fill the glass with hot water, mix well with a spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve with small bar spoon. One of the best to break up a cold, if taken at its inception. BRANDY JULEP. Use a mixing glass. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. \ wine glass of mineral water. Crush 3 or 4 sprigs of mint until essence is extracted. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). 53 Fill the glass with shaved ice, and shake well. Ornament with sprays of mint, sliced orange, and fruit in season, sprinkle a little pulver- ized sugar on top, and add a dash of Jamaica rum. This stimulant is an extremely exhilarat- ing one, and a great favorite with the elite of the South, where it has been in vogue for many years. SHERRY WINE PUNCH. Use a punch glass. i or 2 dashes of raspberry syrup. •J spoonful of sugar. 1-3 wine glass of seltzer water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1^ wine glass of sherry wine. Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well with shaker, dress the top with fruit in season, and serve with straws. SHERRY WINE SANGAREE. Use a sour glass. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. 1 or 2 lumps of ice. 1 wine glass of sherry wine. Stir well and add a little nutmeg. 54 SHERRY CHICKEN. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. i J wine glass of sherry wine. i fresh egg. -| glass of fine ice. Shake well, strain into a fancy stem glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. A delicious mixture of nourishing ingre- dients, which is harmless in its consequences. PORT WINE PUNCH. Use a punch glass. -J spoonful of raspberry syrup. J spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 2 or 3 dashes of maraschino. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. Fill the glass with fine ice. i^ wine glass of port wine. Spoon well, decorate with fruit in season, and serve with straws. A drink very popular with the fair sex who are very moderate drinkers, as it is sweet and very palatable. 55 SHERRY WINE EGG NOG. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of sugar. i fresh egg. I-J wine glass of sherry wine. i pony glass of brandy (Hennessey). \ glass of fine ice. Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain into a large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. Unsurpassed as an invigorator, not only for a short time as many are, but it will stand by you for a considerable period. BRANDY SPLIT. Use a medium thin bar glass. I pony glass of brandy. i or 2 small lumps of ice. i bottle of club soda. Fill up the glass, and divide equally in two star champagne glasses. A good bracer to start a man to business in the morning, with his pipes cleaned, and courage under his vest. 56 HOW TO MIX TOM AND JERRY. Take 18 strictly fresh eggs. Break the same into two punch bowls, the whites in one, and the yolks in the other. Then take an egg beater and beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth ; then add 2 spoonfuls of sugar and mix thoroughly. The yolks of the eggs are then to be beaten until they are as thin as water, after which mix the yolks and whites together and add sufficient powdered sugar to have the mixture attain the consistency of a light batter. Stir the mixture from time to time to prevent the eggs from separating. GIN RICKEY. Use a sour glass. Squeeze the juice of one lime into it. i small lump of ice. i wine glass of Plymouth gin. Fill the glass with syphon seltzer, and serve with small bar spoon. This drink was devised by the late Colonel Rickey of Kentucky, whose fame as a con- genial friend and dispenser of hospitality, as 57 well as a judge of appetizing edibles and liquid refreshments, is world-wide, and it is universally conceded that for a drink contain- ing an alcoholic ingredient it is the most cooling and refreshing beverage known. CLARET FLIP. Use a mixing glass. 2 bar spoonfuls of sugar. i fresh egg. i^ wine glass of claret. 2-3 glass full of shaved ice. Shake thoroughly, and strain into a fancy bar glass, adding a little nutmeg on the top. BRUNSWICK. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of powdered sugar. 1 fresh cold egg. Half fill the glass with fine ice, fill up the balance with milk; sha'ke up well, strain into a large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. The above is a good substitute for a breakfast for persons whose appetite has abandoned them and who are feverish and require something strengthening. 58 MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. i dash of Angostura bitters. ^ wine glass of whiskey. ^ wine glass of vermuth. Stir with spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a cherry or olive, and serve. One that is a dear and lasting friend to the Bohemians, and probably called for more extensively than any other morning favorite. RUSTY IKE. Use a rickey glass. Squeeze the juice of one whole lime into it. i or 2 small lumps of ice. i wine glass of Medford or New Eng- land rum. Fill the glass with ginger ale, and serve with a small bar spoon. APPLE WHISKEY COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. 2 dashes of gum syrup, i dash of Angostura bitters. 59 f wine glass of apple whiskey. Spoon well and strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. This drink is much called for in the state of New Jersey, the home of apple jack. DALY'S ROYAL FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. ^ fill the glass with fine ice. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 2 or 3 da'shes of lime juice. I spoonful of powdered sugar. I pony of cream. i wine glass of Tom gin. i whole egg. Shake well in shaker and strain into a fizz glass ; fill with cold syphon seltzer, spoon well, and serve. This fizz was devised by Mr. Daly a'fter exhaustive research and has been highly commended by every one having had the good fortune to imbibe one, and its popu- larity is growing daily wherever it has been introduced. 6o SODA COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. 3 lumps of ice. 6 dashes of Angostura bitters. i or 2 slices of orange. Fill up the glass with seltzer drawn from a syphon ; place a spoon on top of the glass filled with pulverized sugar, for the cus- tomer to put in himself. In mixing be very careful not to let the foam run over the top of the glass. An early morning concoction to alleviate i headache and settle the stomach. U. C. T. LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. i large teaspoonful of sugar. 6 or 7 dashes of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with ice, the balance with water ; shake up well in a shaker, dash with Jamaica rum, and serve with straws. This drink is called for by members of the United Commercial Travelers' Associa- tion throughout the country, and, as it was named in honor of their association, they are extremely partial to it. 6i CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL. Use a champagne goblet. Take a lump of sugar. 3 da'shes of Angostura bitters. i small lump of ice. Fill the goblet with wine, stir with a spoon, twist a piece of lemon on top, and serve. \ pint of wine is suitable for one cocktail. This is the cream of all morning cock- tails, and under no circumstances should anything but the best of imported cham- pagne be used, and the drink should be ice- cold and consumed slowly. EARLY BIRD. Use star champagne glass. Fill f full of syphon seltzer. Add 3 dashes of absinthe. Float small quantity of brandy on top, and serve. TUXEDO COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. 2 dashes of maraschino. 62 J wine gla'ss of French vermuth. J wine glass of maple gin. Spoon well and strain into a cocktail glass ; put in a cherry and twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. SUNNY SIDE LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. i large spoonful of sugar. 5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with fine ice, the balance with water; shake well in a shaker, dash with port wine, ornament with fruit in sea'son, and serve with straws. TRILBY COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Fill with fine ice. 2 da'shes of orange bitters. i dash of absinthe. 2 dashes of parfait d'amour. ^ wine glass of Scotch whiskey. i wine gla'ss of French vermuth. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a cherry, twist a piece of orange peel on top, and serve. 63 HOT SCOTCH WHISKEY PUNCH. Use hot whiskey glass. I lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water. Dissolve the sugar. i slice of lemon. Fill the gla'ss with Scotch whiskey. Stir with spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. IMPERIAL COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. i or 2 dashes of aromatic bitters. i dash of maraschino. ^ wine gla'ss of French vermuth. ^ wine glass of Plymouth gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in an olive, and serve. The above is very popular with Euro- peans of the better class, particularly the French, who are extremely fond of cordials of all descriptions. 6 4 FORMULA FOR MAKING A SIM- PLE SYRUP, COMMONLY CALLED "GUM." Take two pounds of rock ca'ndy or 2-| pounds of loaf sugar and place in one quart of water and allow to simmer over a slow fire until thoroughly dissolved (care should be taken not to allow it to come to a boil, as the gum in that event is apt to spoil) ; filter through a clean piece of cheese cloth, and your gum is ready for use. HOT MILK PUNCH. Use a mixing glass. i teaspoonful of sugar. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). ^ wine glass of St. Croix rum. Fill the glass with hot milk, stir well with spoon while filling; grate a little nut- meg on top, a'nd serve. RHINE WINE PUNCH. Use a punch glass. i large spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice, the 65 balance with Rhine wine ; mix well with a spoon, decorate top with fruit in season, and serve with straws. A great favorite with representatives of Germany in foreign countries who wish to show their affiliation for the Fatherland. PORT WINE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of aromatic bitters. i dash of benedictine. i wine glass of port wine. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of ora'nge peel on top; and serve. Another weak one, but very beneficial, and will not result in a headache. COFFEE COBBLER. Use extra large bar glass. 6 or 7 lumps of ice. i spoonful of sugar. Mix together a pony of cream and a pony of brandy; pour into the bar glass, then fill the glass with black coffee, spoon well, and serve. 66 The foregoing is practically the same for- mula employed in the tea cobbler, merely the ingredients being changed to suit the taste of persons impartial to the flavor of rum and tea. HAMPSHIRE MAID. Use mixing glass. Pony glass of claret. Pony glass of Rhine wine. Add shaved ice a'nd shake well, add 4 dashes of creme de menthe ; pour into thin bar glass and fill with club soda. This is one of the mild, tart drinks most favorably considered at the Hampshire Hotel, which is almost exclusively patron- ized by young ladies from the various semi- naries of New Engla'nd. ABSINTHE COCKTAIL. "American Style." Use a mixing glass. Fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of gum syrup. 1 dash of Angostura bitters. 67 i dash of anisette. i wine glass of absinthe. Shake until the outside of the shaker is white with frost ; strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. TEA COBBLER. Use extra large bar glass. 6 or 7 lumps of cracked ice. i spoonful of powdered sugar. Juice of one whole lemon. Fill the glass with black tea, add a dash of Jamaica rum, spoon well, and serve. This makes a delightful accompaniment with a light noonday lunch, and should be served thoroughly cold. OYSTER COCKTAIL. Use a medium wine glass. 3 dashes of catsup. 2 medium-sized oysters. Salt and pepper to season ; one dash of lime juice, and serve. 68 RUM PUNCH. Use a punch glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. The juice of one lime, i^ glasses of Medford rum. Fill the glass with fine ice. i dash of St. Croix rum. Stir well with spoon, dress with fruit, and serve with straws. MARTINI COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. -J wine glass of Tom gin. \ wine glass of vermuth. Spoon well and strain into a cocktail glass; put in an olive, and serve. GIN PUNCH. Use a punch glass. I teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water or seltzer. 69 \ teaspoonful of raspberry syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. \\ wine gla'sses of Holland gin. 2 dashes of benedictine. Fill the glass with fine ice, stir well with a spoon, dress the top with fruit, and serve with straws. HOT GIN SLING. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water to dissolve the sugar. Fill up the glass with Holland gin, and serve. CLARET PUNCH. Use a punch glass. I teaspoonful of powdered sugar. i or 2 dashes of lemon juice. Pack the gtfass with fine ice, pour in the claret and shake well, decorate with fruit in season, and serve with straws. One of the oldest as well as the most delicious punches, which has many old friends and is constantly making new ones. 70 VERMUTH COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. i dash of benedictine. i wine glass of vermuth. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a' cherry or olive, and serve. Most soothing to the nerves and invigor- ating to a large degree, as well as pleasing to the palate. STOMACH LINING. Use small bar glass. j fill with hot clam broth. Add lime water to fill glass, and serve hot. Clam juice is acknowledged by leading physicians to be the most healing article for a weak stomach and can be retained and digested by the most delicate persons. OLIVE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. i or 2 dashes of gum syrup. 71 i dash of Angostura bitters. i wine glass of Plymouth gin. 2 dashes of absinthe. Spoon well, strain into cocktail glass, put in olive, and serve. MARBLE WALL. Use a gin glass. Pony of whiskey. Fill glass with Rhine wine. This is an improvement on the old-fash- ioned stone fence and is much more delicate in flavor. JOCKEY CLUB COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of gum syrup. i dash of Angostura bitters. ^ wine glass of Jamaica rum. \ wine glass of vermuth. i dash of kummel. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in an olive, twist the peel of a lemon on top, and serve. In great demand wherever followers of the turf congregate, and a decoction which does not require a' handicap. 72 SAUTERNE PUNCH. Use a large punch glass. i teaspoonful of sugar. i slice of lemon. i slice of orange. i slice of pineapple. Fill the glass with fine ice, pour in sauterne. Mix well, dress with fruit, and serve with stra'ws. The nonpareil running mate to a ham- mock in a shady nook on a' hot summer's day, when the vigor lost through perspira- tion should be replaced by a fitting sub- stitute. BRANDY SLING. Use hot whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water and dissolve the sugar. Fill the glass with brandy, arid serve. ROOSTER COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of aromatic bitters. 73 i dash of benedictine. i wine glass of London Dry Burrough gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in an olive, and serve. HOT RUM. Use hot whiskey glass. I or 2 lumps of sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water and dissolve the sugar. Fill the glass with rum, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. HOT IRISH WHISKEY PUNCH. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with boiling water. Dissolve the sugar, fill up with Irish whiskey. i dash of lemon juice. Stir with spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. 74 TURF COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. 2 dashes of maraschino. ^ wine glass of French vermuth. J wine glass of honeysuckle gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a cherry, and serve. HOT SPICED RUM. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water. Dissolve the sugar. J teaspoonful of allspice. Fill up the glass with rum. Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. The most aromatic decoction known to the art of mixology, and as pleasing to the taste as it is stimulating to the system. HOT WHISKEY PUNCH. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water and dissolve the sugar. 75 1 dash of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with whiskey. Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. SARATOGA COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of pineapple syrup. 2 dashes of orange bitters. i dash of maraschino. f of a glass of brandy. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a couple of strawberries when the fruit is in season, twist lemon peel on top, and serve. A foster-brother to the full-fledged and full-dressed gamblers who patronize the famous Spa. \ HOT SCOTCH WHISKEY SLING. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water to dis- solve the sugar. Fill the glass with Scotch whiskey, and serve. 7 6 MARGUERITE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. i dash of orange curacoa. \ wine gla'ss of French vermuth. -J wine glass of Plymouth gin. Stir well with spoon, strain into a cock- tail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. BRACER. Use whiskey glass. Elixir bromide potassium, 2 teaspoonfuls. 1 teaspoonful tincture gentian ; fill the glass } full of water, and serve. The above, as the name implies, is a bracer and one that is appreciated by gen- tlemen who feel the effects of the preceding night's dinner, etc., and are looking for a useful friend in the morning. GIN SOUR. Use a mixing glass. \ teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. 77 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. i wine glass of Holland gin. Half fill the glass with fine ice. Spoon well, strain into a sour glass, put in fruit, and serve. The best possible preparation to eradicate the fuz from a person's tongue after a night in Bohemia, where variety seemed the absorbing ambition. RUM COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup, i dash of bitters (Angostura), i wine glass of Medford rum. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. MARASCHINO PUNCH. Use a punch glass. i spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). 2 dashes of lemon juice. The juice of one orange. 78 1 pony glass of maraschino. Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, dress the top with fruit, and serve with stra'ws. Considered the real thing by members of the foreign legations in the United States. HONEYSUCKLE GIN COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 da'shes of gum syrup. I dash of bitters (Angostura). I wine glass of honeysuckle gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. COLLEGE DREAM. Use a fancy sherry glass. Half fill the glass with benedictine, drop in the yolk of one egg, fill up with pure cream, and serve. In serving this mixture the yolk of the egg must be fresh and cold. The beau ideal of the college boys with a rugged constitution, and should be used sparingly by persons who are not gifted with a strong physique. 79 CURACOA PUNCH. Use a punch glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer or water. Juice of half a lime. J pony glass of orange curacoa. i wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with fine ice, stir well with a spoon, dress with orange, pineapple, ber- ries, when in season, and serve with straws. I GLEE CLUB COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters, i dash of yellow chartreuse. i dash of maraschino. i wine glass of raspberry wine. Spoon well, strain into a' cocktail glass, put in a cherry, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. ANGEL'S TIT. Use a pousse cafe glass. 1-3 glass of raspberry syrup. 1-3 glass of creme yvette. 80 i~3 glass of pure cream. Stick a toothpick into a cherry, lay the toothpick on the top of the glass so that the cherry will set into the cream, and serve. One of the attractive ones which appeal to the eye, it being artistic in appearance, and withal is a palate tickler. HOT SCOTCH WHISKEY SKIN. Use hot whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water and dissolve the sugar. Fill up the glass with Scotch whiskey, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. WHISKEY COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup. i dash of bitters (Angostura), i wine glass of whiskey. Spoon well and strain into a' cocktail glass, put in a cherry or olive, and serve. 8i So generally known for a long time that comment seems entirely unnecessary, but it undoubtedly still has a long life before it. ST. CROIX SOUR. Use a mixing glass. J teaspoon ful of sugar dissolved in a little water or seltzer. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. i wine glass of St. Croix rum. Half fill the glass with fine ice. Stir well with a spoon and strain into a sour glass, dress with fruit, and serve. WHISKEY PUNCH. Use a punch glass. i teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. ij wine glass of whiskey. Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well with a spoon, dress the top with fruit in season, and serve with straws. 82 HOT WHISKEY SKIN. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of sugar. Half fill the gla'ss with hot water, dis- solve the sugar, then fill the glass with whiskey, twist a piece of lemon on top, and serve. BRANDY COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of gum syrup. i dash of bitters (Angostura). i wine glass of brandy (Martel). i dash of benedictine. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in an olive or cherry, and serve. BRANDY PUNCH. Use a punch glass. I teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. Juice of one lime. i dash of raspberry syrup. i£ wine glass of brandy. 83 . . Fill the glass with fine ice and spoon well ; put in two sprigs of mint, stems down; dash with Jamaica rum, ornament with orange, pineapple and berries, afrd serve with straws. TOM GIN COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 or 3 dashes of orange bitters. i dash of maraschino. I wine glass of Tom gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in cherry, and serve. JAMAICA RUM SOUR. Use a mixing glass. J teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water or seltzer. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. i wine glass of Jamaica rum. Half fill the glass with fine ice. Stir well with a spoon, strain into a sour glass, put in fruit, and serve. g 4 WHITE MOUNTAIN. Use a large bar glass. 1 bar spoonful of pulverized sugar, i fresh egg. i jigg er of brandy. 2 jigg^ 1 " °f port wine. Half fill glass with fine ice a'nd add milk to fill glass ; shake well ; strain into thin bar glass, adding nutmeg, and serve with straws. The above is equivalent in consistency to a substantial meal and fully as satisfying. MAPLE GIN COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. i dash of benedictine. i wine glass of maple gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in an olive, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. HOLLAND GIN COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of gum syrup. 85 i dash of bitters (Angostura). i wine glass of Holland gin. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. FANCY BRANDY SOUR. Use a mixing glass. J spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. 3 dashes of lemon juice. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Half fill the glass with fine ice, spoon well, strain into a sour glass, put in fruit, top off with claret, afrd serve. SILVER FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a squirt of seltzer. 2 or 3 da'shes of lemon juice, i wine glass of Tom gin. I fresh egg (white only). Fill up the gla'ss with shaved ice, shake well ; strain into a fizz glass, fill up with seltzer, spoon well, and serve. 86 SHERRY WINE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of aromatic bitters, i dash of yellow chartreuse. i wine glass of sherry wine. Spoon well, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a cherry, a'nd serve. SHERRY FLIP. Use a mixing glass. J spoonful of sugar. i fresh tgg. i pony of cream. i small bar glass of sherry wine. Shake well in a shaker, strain into a fancy stem glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. • A smooth, nourishing mixture, invaluable to delicate persons ; pleasing to the taste and highly invigorating. WHISKEY DAISY. Use a mixing glass. \ teaspoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; dissolve 87 well in a squirt of seltzer. \ pony glass of yellow chartreuse. Fill the glass with shaved ice. i wine glass of good whiskey. Stir well with spoon and strain into a fancy glass, decorate with fruit, and serve. A daisy in fact as well as in name and a very smooth concoction. MARCONI COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. \ jigger of Plymouth gin. \ jigger of Italian vermuth. Cracked ice. i piece of orange, which should be put in at the end. In cutting the orange go deep enough to get some of the pulp, as the oil of the orange and the fruit together make a delightful blend; strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. This drink was named after the renowned inventor, Signor Marconi, and is as modern as that gentleman's system of wireless telegraphy. 88 CHAMPAGNE COBBLER. Use a champagne goblet. 1 pint of wine to two glasses. \ teaspoonful of sugar. \ wine glass of seltzer; stir well to dis- solve the sugar. 2 slices of pineapple. 2 slices of orange. Fill the glass with shaved ice, fill with champagne, stir very slowly, decorate the top with fruit, and serve with straws. SELTZER LEMONADE. Use a mixing glass. I large spoonful of sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with fine ice and the balance with seltzer, spoon well, and serve with straws. A cool and refreshing long drink, to which even our friend, Carrie Nation, could not take exception. i CHAMPAGNE JULEP. Use a fancy stem glass. Place one lump of sugar into the glass, add two sprigs of mint, then pour cham- s 9 pagfne slowly into the glass, stirring slowly all the time ; put in a slice of pineapple and some raspberries, decorate the top in a ta'sty manner, and serve. KLONDIKE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Fill with fine ice. 2 dashes of orange bitters. i dash of benedictine. i wine glass of Tom gin. Put in a' small dash of eau de vie, squeeze a piece of lemon into the glass, and serve. A nugget which is sought after by returned miners and prospectors from the gold fields of Alaska who have struck it rich, but have missed the luxuries unat- tainable in that far-off region. MILK AND SELTZER. Use a medium size glass. Half fill the glass with seltzer and the balance with milk; always put the milk in last, as it will save time, for if the milk is put in first the foam will run over the top of the gla'ss. 90 This is a very soothing and refreshing drink and unsurpassed as a thirst quencher with a body to it. PINK SOUR. Use a mixing glass. \ teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. 2 dashes of lemon juice. i pony glass of St. Croix rum. I wine glass of brandy. Half fill the glass with fine ice. Spoon well, strain into a sour glass ; add 3 or 4 dashes of raspberry syrup, stir up with a spoon, and serve. This is a delicate-tasting mixture, but a perusal of the ingredients will readily show that it is rather powerful and should not be indulged in excessively. BRANDY EGG NOG. Use a mixing glass. i teaspoonful of sugar. i fresh egg. 1-3 glass of ice. 1 wine glass of brandy (Martel). 9i I pony glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with milk. Shake well in a shaker, strain into large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. This is a very swell drink, and, like all other drinks where an egg forms a com- ponent part, is very nutritious. SHERRY COBBLER. Use a mixing glass. \ teaspoonful of sugar. i wine glass of seltzer to dissolve sugar. i slice of pineapple. i slice of orange. Fill the glass with fine ice, then fill with sherry wine ; mix well, decorate with pinea'pple, orange and berries in season, and serve with straws. Extremely popular in the family circle, as it can be absorbed by ladies and mod- erate drinkers without any injurious effects. POUSSE CAFE. Use a pousse cafe glass. 1-6 glass of raspberry syrup. 1-6 glass of maraschino. 92 1-6 gla'ss of green vanilla. 1-6 glass of curacoa (red). 1-6 glass of chartreuse (yellow). 1-6 glass of brandy (Hennessey). In mixing this drink great care should be exercised to have the lines separating the various ingredients clear and distinct, and if this is done you will haVe the prettiest- appearing drink imaginable. SURE CURE. Use a small bar glass. •J spoonful of sugar. io drops of Dr. Tucker's No. 59. 2 dashes of peppermint. •J pony glass of brandy (Hennessey). \ pony glass of Sloe gin. \ pony glass of cherry rum. Stir well with spoon, grate a little nut- meg on top, and serve. For persons afflicted with diarrhoea or dysentery the above mixture is almost infallible. CHAMPAGNE SOUR. Use a champagne goblet. I lump of loaf sugar. 1 dash of lime juice. 93 i slice of orange. i slice of pineapple. A few blackberries, if in season. Fill up the glass slowly with champagne, spoon well, and serve. This is a tart, palatable mixture, indulged in very extensively by the sporting frater- nity. WHISKEY RICKEY. Use a medium size bar glass. I or 2 lumps of ice. Squeeze the juice of one lime. i wine glass of whiskey. Fill the glass with plain soda or vichy, and serve with a spoon. Preferred by persons who are impartial to the flavor of gin, and considered by many superior in flavor to the gin rickey. GOLDEN FIZZ. Use a mixing glass. 1 spoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. I wine glass of Tom gin. i egg (the yolk only). 94 Fill the glass with fine ice. Shake well with a shaker, strain into a fizz glass, fill up the glass with vichy or seltzer, mix well with a spoon, and serve. MORNING REVIVER. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of sugar. 3 dashes of lemon juice. i dash of bitters (Angostura). 3 dashes of absinthe. i wine gla'ss of whiskey. Shake well with a shaker, strain into a fizz glass, fill up with seltzer, and serve. When a person awakes in the morning with a desire for a stimulant and does not know what it shall be, the reviver will invariably fill the bill. STIFFERINE. Take a punch glass, put in | of a glass of Bacon bitters, add a little grena'dine mixed with soda, and serve. 95 PUNCH VICTOR HUGO. (For a Party.) 2 bottles of claret. i bottle of Rhine wine. i pint of Imperial Sec. \ pint of curacoa. i pound of suga'r. i lemon, sliced. i orange, sliced. Strawberries, if in season. Put in pot to boil ; when cool, put in a little Jamaica rum ; keep in a punch bowl, and serve in small glasses. POUSSE L' AMOUR. Use a sherry wine glass. J glass of maraschino. The yolk of one fresh egg. i glass of chartreuse (green). J gla'ss of brandy (Hennessey). Attention should be paid to have the egg fresh and cold, and in mixing use a grad- uating glass. This has the highest consideration among ladies in the theatrical profession and those w'ho have been abroad, and is of French origin. 9 6 CKEME DE MENTHE "COLUMBIA." Use a cocktail glass. Fill with shaved ice. White creme de menthe, little sprig of mint on the side of the glass, small quantity of parfait d'amonr ; serve with straws. Be careful not to serve too cold. CHAMPAGNE CUP. (For Party of Six). Use glass pitcher. 2 wine glasses of seltzer. 6 lumps of sugar dissolved in seltzer. i pony glass of benedictine. i pony glass of ma'raschino. i wine glass of brandy (Martel). 3 slices of pineapple. 3 slices of orange. i piece of ice. Take one quart of champagne, pour on top, serve in champagne glasses. For persons accustomed to the good things of life, champa'gne cup is considered the par excellence of all mixtures, and it must be conceded their verdict cannot be contradicted. 97 BROMO SELTZER. Use two fizz glasses. 1 wine glass of water in each glass. 2 spoonfuls of bromo seltzer. Mix from one glass to the other, and drink while foaming. This is one of the best known and most speedy cures for a heada'che known to the professsion, and is perfectly harmless in its results. EGG MILK PUNCH. Use a mixing glass. I teaspoonful of sugar. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). i-^ wine glass of St. Croix rum. i fresh egg. Fill the glass with milk and put in fine ice. Shake well, strain into a large bar gla'ss, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. LADIES' DELIGHT. Use a pony glass. Three-fourths of a gla'ss of apricot brandy, and fill the glass with cream. This mixture is as smooth and delicate to the taste as the richest confections. 9 8 BRANDY MILK PUNCH. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of sugar. i wine glass of brandy (Martel). 2 pony glass of St. Croix rum. Half fill the glass with fine ice, fill up with milk, shake well, strain into a large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve with straws. This punch is unsurpassed in flavor if the best of liquors and rich milk are used, and should be served very cold. IRISH WHISKEY COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. i dash of gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of orange bitters. i or 2 dashes of benedictine. 2-3 wine gla'ss of Irish whiskey. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cock- tail glass, and serve with an olive. ROYAL HIGH BALL. Use a high ball glass. 2 small lumps of ice. 1 wine glass of Royal Scotch whiskey. 99 LofC. Twist the rind of a lemon and fill the glass with seltzer, a'nd serve with a spoon. Use nothing but Royal Scotch whiskey in mixing this drink. YALE PUNCH. Use a punch glass. i teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 or 2 dashes of lime juice. 2 or 3 dashes of raspberry syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of benedictine. J pony glass of St. Croix rum. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). Fill t'he glass with fine ice, mix well with a spoon, decorate the top with two or three sprigs of mint, also with fruit in season, and serve with straws. This punch derives its name from the fact of its popularity with students, not only at Yale, but other colleges where they desire everything of the best. MINT JULEP. Use a mixing glass. I small spoonful of sugar. \ wine glass of seltzer. ioo 4 or 5 sprigs of fresh mint ; press them well in the sugar and seltzer until the flavor of the mint is extra'cted. i| glasses of brandy (Hennessey). Fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, then take some sprigs of mint and insert them in the ice so the leaves will be in the shape of a bouquet ; decorate with fruit in season, dash with Jamaica' rum, sprinkle a little pulverized sugar on top, and serve with straws. A great favorite with slow drinkers who are fond of something winch leaves an aromatic flavor in their mouths. WHISKEY CRUSTA. Take a small lemon and cut off the ends, peel off the whole rind and place it inside of a wine glass, rub a slice of lemon around the edge of the glass, dip the glass in pulverized sugar. Mix as follows, using a mixing glass : 2 dashes of gum syrup. i dash of bitters (Angostura). i dash of lime juice. 2 dashes of benedictine. i wine glass of whiskey. IOI H'alf fill glass with fine ice, mix well and strain into a' wine glass, dress with berries, and serve. A combination which does not have to take a ba'ck seat for delicacy of flavor, and is becoming more in demand from day to day. DROPPED ABSINTHE. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 3 dashes of anisette;-. i pony of absinthe. Place the pony glass in the ice, take a small pitcher of ice water and drop the water slowly into t'he absinthe contained in true pony glass ; remove the glass, and serve. ABSINTHE FRAPPE. Use a mixing glass. Pack the glass full of fine ice. 2 or 3 dashes of anisette. \ wine glass of absinthe. Shake until the outside of the shaker is white with frost, strain into a star cham- pagne glass, fill up with seltzer, and serve. 102 COFFEE COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. I spoonful of pulverized sugar. i fresh egg. i pony' of brandy (Hennessey). i wine glass of port wine. Half fill the glass with fine ice, shake well, strain into a fancy stem glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. The name of this drink is somewhat misleading, and is derived from the fact that if the drink is properly prepared it resembles Coffee. t SAUTERNE COBBLER. Use a mixing glass. J spoonful of sugar dissolved in a little seltzer. i or 2 slices of pineapple. i or 2 slices of orange. Fill the glass with fine ice and the balance with sauterne, spoon well, decorate with fruit in season, and serve with straws. A winner in extreme warm weather, as the percentage of alcohol is so small that it will not agitate the heart's actions and stimulate the circulation of the blood. 103 CHAMPAGNE PUNCH. A la "Joanne d'Arc." 2 quarts of champagne (Champeret). i quart of sparkling Burgundy. i pound of sugar. 2 lemons, sliced. 2 oranges, sliced. I banana, sliced. i cucumber, sliced. Mix together in a small punch bowl, and serve in small punch glasses. Fruit of all kinds, in their season, should be used in the punch and served with the same. This concoction, like all others in which champagne forms the principal part, can not be otherwise than a palate tickler. CLARET CUP. (For a Party of Eight.) Use a glass pitcher. I pint of Apollinaris. 6 large spoonfuls of powdered sugar ; dissolve well. 5 or 6 sprigs of mint, well masticated. i pony of benedictine. i pony of cura'coa (orange). 104 I pony of maraschino. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). 4 slices of orange. i cucumber, sliced; save the skin to dress the pitcher. 4 slices of pineapple. Berries, in season. I clean piece of ice. Pour one quart of claret on top and dress the pitcher with a few sprigs of mint, stems down ; dash the bouquet with Jamaica rum and sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve in star champagne glasses. In slicing the cucumber place the skin in the pitcher so a small portion will hang over the top and the ends extend into the glass, placing one on ea'ch side of the pitcher, and with the mint in the centre makes a very attrac- tive bouquet. GIBSON GIRL. Use a pousse cafe glass. 1-5 glass of creme de anisette. 1-5 glass of parfait d'amour. 1-5 glass of creme yvette. 1-5 glass of chartreuse (yellow). Top off with whipped crea'm. 105 As modern and attractive as the Gibson pictures and as palatable as it is handsome, and for a smooth concoction is the accepted friend of the many resorts, both inland and on the coast ; and no matter where the elite may be, they will call for their prime favorite, the Gibson Girl. RHINE WINE CUP. (For a Party of Six.) Use a glass pitcher. i split of Apollinaris water. 4 spoonfuls of sugar; dissolve well. 5 or 6 sprigs of mint, well masticated, i pony of maraschino. i pony of white curacoa. i wine glass of very pale brandy. 4 slices of orange. 4 slices of pineapple. Berries, in season. i clean piece of ice. Pour one quart of Rhine wine on top, and dress the pitcher with cucumber rinds, and serve in star champagne glasses. A drink mostly called for by the Germans and by them considered superior to the more expensive champa'gne cup. 106 MUSTY ALE. Use large glass or pewter mug. Two-thirds fill with old ale. One-third fill with lager beer. COFFEE KIRSCH. Use a mixing glass. Half fill with fine ice. 1 wine glass of kirschwasser. i pony of brandy. 2 dashes of maraschino. i small cup of black coffee. Shake well, strain into a fancy stem glass, and serve. HOT RUM PUNCH. Use a hot water glass. i or 2 lumps of sugar dissolved in one- half glass of water. i dash of lemon juice. i wine glass of Medford rum. Spoon well, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. A cold-weather reviver, to stimulate the heart's action and create a good circulation. 107 DALY'S SUNBURST. Use star champagne glass. I pony of brandy. Add ice-cold milk ; spoon well, to prevent curdling - ; drop yolk of fresh cold egg in same, using care not to break yolk of egg, and serve. SAUTERNE CUP. (For a Party of Eight.) Use a glass pitcher. I pint of Apollina'ris. 6 large spoonfuls of sugar; dissolve well. 5 or 6 sprigs of mint, well masticated. i pony of benedictine. i pony of curacoa (white). i pony of maraschino. i wine glass of brandy (Hennessey). 4 slices of orarige. i cucumber, sliced; save the skin to dress the pitcher. 4 slices of pineapple. i clean piece of ice. Pour one quart of sauterne on top, and dress the pitcher with a few sprigs of mint, stems down ; dash the bouquet with Jamaica 108 rum and sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve in sta'r champagne glasses. In slicing the cucumber place the skin in the pitcher so a small portion will extend over the top and the ends extend into the glass, placing one piece on each side of the pitcher so a small portion will hang over the top and the ends extend into the glass, placing one end of the peel on each of the four sides of the pitcher, the ends down ; and, with the sprigs of mint, makes a'n excellent bouquet. HOT WHISKEY COCKTAIL. Use hot whiskey glass. i lump of loaf sugar. , Half fill the glass with hot water. i dash of Angostura bitters. Fill the glass with Whiskey, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. A warm friend with persons who are driving or automobiling in cold weather and have become chilled, as it quickly revives them and makes them feel in their normal condition. RUM COOLER. Use a mixing glass. i spoonful of pulverized sugar. 109 \ glass of water to dissolve sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with fine ice, the balance with rum ; shake well in a shaker, and serve with straws. AFTER-DINNER COMPANION. Use small china cup. Three-quarters fill with hot black coffee, add one lump of loaf sugar, put in one pony of brandy, ignite and serve in presence of customer. DARK SECRET. Use thin bar glass. I bottle of ice-cold sarsaparilla. I pony of gin. 3 dashes of checkerberry. Spoon well, a'nd serve. Among the colored 400 this wins the cake against all competitors. PAWNBROKER'S DELIGHT. Use large thin goblet. I pony of Russian allash. 1 pony of maraschino. 1 lump of clear ice. no Fill the glass with club soda and add three thin slices of lime, and serve. BANKER'S PUNCH. Use a mixing glass. 3 dashes of raspberry syrup. i spoonful of powdered sugar dissolved in seltzer. Juice of one whole lime. i wine glass of whiskey. i pony glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with shaved ice, and spoon well; ta'ke a large punch glass, put in four or five blackberries, four or five raspberries, one slice of pineapple ; mash in bottom of glass, so as to extract juice; then pour the mixture into punch glass, on top of mashed fruit, and serve. This is much sought after by bankers arid brokers and considered by them unequalled. AUTOMOBILE, Use a large, thin goblet, i lump of loaf sugar. , 2 dashes of aromatic bitters, i dash of white curacoa. in 2 dashes of creme yvette. 2 thin slices of pineapple. i thin slice of orange. Put in small lump of clear ice and fill glass with imported champagne. This is the very latest concoction devised by the author, and he respectfully submits judgment to connoisseurs. FROSTED COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. 2 or 3 dashes of gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of orange bitters. i or 2 dashes of benedictine. £ jigger of whiskey. \ jigger of French vermuth. Fill up the glass with fine ice ; spoon well; then take a cocktail glass and rub a piece of lemon around the edge, dip the gla'ss in pulverized sugar; strain the ingre- dients into the cocktail glass, put in olive, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. MAMIE TAYLOR. Use high ball glass. Juice of half a lime. i or 2 small lumps of ice. 112 I wine glass of Scotch whiskey. Fill up the glass with ginger ale, and serve with a ba'r spoon. The foregoing offers a pleasing form for persons to partake of whiskey without feeling the harsh effect that plain whiskey would have, and imparts the same stimu- lating effect. SAM WARD. Peel a bright, clean lemon in one long string; arrange same around inside of a fa'ncy stem glass ; fill centre with shaved ice, fill one-third full of kummel, fill one-third full of yellow chartreuse ; add Cognac to fill glass, and serve with small straws. This delicious decoction was devised by the famous New York connoisseur, after whom it was named ; a'nd by gentlemen who are on affectionate terms with their palates and stomachs is as fondly con- sidered as their wives and sweethearts. MISS MAZIE. Use a mixing glass. i wine glass of port wine, i fresh egg. 113 2 or 3 dashes of raspberry syrup. Half fill with fine ice. Fill with rich, fresh milk. Shake well; pour into straight, thin bar glass ; sprinkle a very small quantity of ground cinnamon on top, and serve. This formula was prepared by a' young lady resident of Rhode Island who wa's in poor health and who had been directed by her physicians at various times to partake of the several ingredients separately; but, as they did not seem to attain the desired effect, she concluded to indulge in all at the same time, the result of which was that she rapidly regained her strength and vigor and was enabled to dispense with the use of medicines and enjoy life as a healthy young person should. The lady in question, learn- ing of the author's intention of publishing this work, very considerately furnished the foregoing formula as a boon to persons who are run down or debilitated; and feels assured, from her personal experience, it will rapidly rebuild a weakened consti- tution. 114 .CEC-lii:4 TIM AND JACK. Use large china mug. i spoonful of Baker's cocoa. i spoonful of sugar; dissolve in a little hot water. 4 jig"g er o f Cognac. I jigger of St. Croix rum. Fill mug with hot milk; stir well, and serve with spoon. This is the most recent cold-weather resuscitater, and a's a nourishing stimulant is unsurpassed. PING PONG COCKTAIL. Use a mixing glass. 2 or 3 dashes of wormwood bitters. i dash of ginger cordial. 2-3 jigger of Tom gin. 1-3 jigger of Scotch whiskey. Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice; mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, put in a cherry, twist a piece of orange peel on top, and serve. 115 NUV. l<3 iwo ANGOSTURA AND SHERRY. Use sherry glass. , 2 dashes of Dr. Siegert's Angostura bitters. Fill glass with good sherry wine. The above makes a delightful and exhilarating appetizer; and, unlike the various cocktails, none of the ingredients are harmful. s M?M u&& ^m ■ '•■■ : - ■■'■'•' . t ■''■'■■'•'■" mm hBbhH ■•'' " '* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 632 715 1