LIBRARY OF C0NGRESs7 ©1^ <^qt^rmfei Itt. Shelf ^ ^ ^ — : -L^To UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. i^ " Druid"— (4267.) " Prince," " Dora." Imported ami owned by Arnold Biirges. [FrontispiiKe.] THE American Sportsman: CONTAINING HINTS TO SPORTSMEN, NOTES ON SHOOTING, AND THE HABITS OF THE Game Birds and Wild Fowl of America. BY ELISHA J. 'LEWIS, M.D., I* MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA; AMERICAN EDITOR OF " YOUATT ON THE DUG," ETC., ETC. A NEW EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED, CONTAINING NEW CHAPTERS ON THE ORIGIN, BREEDING, AND SCIENCE OP BREAKING DOGS, AND PULL INFORMATION ON BREECH-LOADING AND HAMMERLESS 3 , ' GtlNS, ETC., ETC. / By ARNOLD BURGES. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRA0'.ED. PHILADELPHIA: ^VC£n*'jVJH\«^V *^ J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 18 8 5. Copyright, 1884, by J. B. Lippincott & Co. My dear Doctor : — A FEW months only have elapsed since the appearance of the second edition of my book on Sporting ; and the pub- lishers, much to my gratification, notify me that they are once more in need of another supply. To this flattering appeal I most cheerfully assent, and trust that you will again find the volume, on this its third advent, much improved, as a number of illustrations have been added and the text some- what enlarged. With sentiments of the warmest esteem, I am, in all sincerity, My dear Doctor, Most truly and faithfully yours, ELISHA J. LEWIS. To Professor J. K. Mitchell. « PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. EDITION OF 188 5. INCE the publication of the earlier editions of " Lewis's American Sportsman" many iinj>ortant improvements in the art of which it treats have come into general use ; and with the view of embodying such of these as may be essential to the sj)ortsman of the present day, this revised and enlarged edition of the work has been prepared and is now offered to the public. As notable among the improvements in tiiis edition, attention is invited to the three new chapters on dogs, one of which is devoted to the " Origin of the Dog," another to the " Science of Breeding," and a third to " Breaking," thus bestowing upon this important subject a proportionate amount of attention. Other topics of in- terest and importance are either now for the first time introduced — as, for instance, the full description of breech-loaders — or else the previous treatment of them is so thoroughly revised as to render the present volume an exceptionally entertaining and reliable manual, both for the practical sportsman and others who may be interested in the literature of field sports. The Publisheus. 4 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION, K intelligent, observant sportsman, whether he be a votary of the gentle craft, or a zealous advocate of the dog and gun, instinctively — yes, oftentimes without being in the least conscious of it himself — becomes an impassioned admirer of nature and nature's works in her most varied and attractive forms. It is not, as manj/ narrow-minded astutes ignorantly sup- pose, the mere slaugiucr of the timorous partridge which so early calls him forth tD the stubble-field; neither is it the coveted possession of the savory woodcock that lures him to the entangled brake; nor is it the soaring wisps of fickle snipes which alone entice him to the oozy meadows; nor yet the booming grouse that makes him climb the mountain- side or seek the far-ofiT roUiug prairie. There are other incentives, other charms, besides these, ye incredulous, pent-up inhabitants of a crowded city, which impel the sportsman, as with a siren's wand, to hie joyfully away with dog and gun to the fields, to the hills, to the rich autumn-tinted forests. Our sportsman has become an admirer of nature ; he has 10 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. learned to appreciate the quiet beauties of a ■wide-extencled landscape as it spreads out majestically before him ; he views with enthusiastic delight the startling grandeur of a mountain- gorge as it suddenly bursts upon his sight; he wanders in silent satisfaction through the murmuring forests of stately oaks, and lingers for a while in pleasant meditation ere he leaps the noisy gurgling streamlet that coquettishly crosses his path. Then, resting for a time from his pursuits, our happy sportsman plucks a half-hidden flower from its heathery bed, listens to the far-resounding echoes of the unerring gun, joins the merry laugh of his boon-companions, or returns the wild halloo of approaching friends. Now again he slakes his burning thirst with the sparkling waters of a mountain-spring, or laves his manly brow with the crystal drops from the purling rill that so musically babbles at his very feet; and, giving fall freedom to those warmer senti- ments of the heart which too often become choked and stifled b}' the close contact of selfish city life, he breathes a prayer of gratitude to a beneficent Providence for all these enjoy- ments, for all these pleasurable sensations. To the fields, then, — to the bright and beautiful fields, — to the forests, all clothed in the gorgeous livery of the winter's frosts, — to the mountains, rich in eternal verdure, — to the limpid streams and gushing rills, — do we once more invite you, to spend those flitting hours of leisure vouchsafed to us all amid the busy scenes of active life. My dear Doctor: — I AM fully conscious of the fact that it does not seem well in the present age for an author to appear egotistical, and it therefore becomes him even far less to allude to his own productions in terras of praise or commendation ; but still I may, I trust, in this instance at least, be pardoned for ex- pressing a conviction that you will be much gratified with the new dress that my volume on Sporting has assumed on this its second advent. I beg particularly to call your attention to my Introduction to this second edition,- which, in connection with some other matters, explains the motives that impelled me to change the title of my book, and of which I dare hope you will equally approve. In its present improved form and attractive gear, I flatter myself that the "American Sportsman" will give increased satisfaction to my sporting friends, and withal again afford you an hour or so of pleasant relaxation from the more severe studies and weighty responsibilities which your eminent posi- tion in the profession necessarily imposes upon you. With many more kind wishes, and with sentiments of high esteem and great personal regard, I have much pleasure as well as pride in subscribing myself, as ever. My dear doctor, Most truly and faithfully yours, ELISHA J. LEWaS. To Professor J. K. Mitchell. 11 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION E must confess that it was with some degree of surprise, as well as plea- sure, that we learned from our pub- lishers that they were so soon ready to enter into an arrangement with us for a second edition of our " Hints to Sportsmen," as it was a gratifying assurance, on their part, that the unpretending volume which we had sent forth from the press with many misgivings as to its merits had met with a kind and liberal reception from those for whom we had in our hours of leisure compiled it. It would be affectation in us not to acknowledge that it was with considerable satisfaction we observed from time to time the many flattering reviews and complimentary notices which appeared in the various journals in reference to our work. We sincerely trust that on this, its second advent^ in an entirely new as well as doubly attractive garb, we will meet with the like good treatment from our friends of the press. We can assure all our readers that nothing has been wanting on our part to render the volume still more instructive and interest- ing, both as regards the style of getting-up and the additional matter inserted. 13 14 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Thepe additions, however, though numerous, have been in most instances ingrafted so insidiously on the old text that they can scarcely be discerned, save by those who may have felt their deficiency in the first edition, and will now, we trust, in the present volume, find a portion at least of these defects supplied. In accordance with the repeated suggestions of some of our sporting friends, we have deemed it advisable to change the title of our book from "Hints to Sportsmen" to that of the "American Sportsman." The former appellation, considering the great variety of subjects introduced, and the copiousness with which many of them are treated, seemed rather too restricted in its signi- fication, and far less comprehensive in its general bearing than a work of this character merited. Besides all this, the large additions as well as alterations that we have made in the present volume seemed still further to urge upon us the propriety of this change, and more especially as the work in its entirely new and beautiful dress can scarcely be regarded as the same book, or even recognised as the offspring of the first edition. We cannot refrain from calling the attention of our sporting friends to the wood-cuts of the various game-birds, most of which, in point of execution, have not been equalled, let alone excelled, by any thing of the kind before done in this country. To the Messrs. Louderback and Hoffmann we are indebted for the skill and faithfulness with which they have accom- plished their portion of the work, and we cheerfully acknow- ledge that their great attention to our suggestions, coupled with a becoming ambition on their part to do what would be creditable to themselves, relieved us of much trouble as well as anxiety. Of the truthfulness of these engravings to nature we need say but little, as they speak for themselves, the most of them being really very lifelike both in position and ex- pression. "We may remark, however, en passant, that every PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. 15 bird and every fowl was sketched from choice specimens obtained from the Academy of Natural Sciences, or from other equally good sources ; and in almost every instance, the drawings were subjected to the approval of our much- esteemed friend, John Cassin, Esq., before the blocks were placed in the hands of the engravers. This latter circumstance alone should of itself be a sufficient guarantee of their correctness, as every one at all conversant with science well knows of Mr. Cassin's rare acquirements in this particular department of Natural History. And we now gladly avail of this opportune occasion to make our public acknowledgments to this gentleman for his many valuable suggestions in reference to the execution of these drawings, the securing of which, by-the-by, has been by far the most difficult — in fact, we may freely say, the only unpleasant as well as vexatious — portion of our task. We also return thanks to Mr. John Krider for his generous aid in supplying us with the skins of several specimens of birds, which assisted materially in insuring correct drawings. This is not the only good service which Mr. Krider has done us as well as the rest of the craft during the last year ; for, independently of the many fine guns that he has turned out from his workshop, he has, with the valuable assistance of his friend, Mr. H. M. Klapp, furnished us with his " Sport- ing Anecdotes," a book replete not only with amusing but very instructive information regarding the habits of our game-birds, sporting-dogs, &c. &c. Mr. George G. White, the principal draughtsman, and, I may say, pupil, of Mr. Cassin's in this particular kind of drawing, has displayed much taste as well as artistic skill in his delineations of the birds ; and we doubt if he has any superior, if equal, on our side of the vasty deep in this spe- cial branch of designing. His chapter-headings and many 10 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. of the vignettes are also spirited and characteristic ; the title- page of the four seasons, and frontispiece, are very pleasing compositions, and give still further evidences of his talent and genius as an artist. With these few comments, we again send our volume forth from the press, trusting, as before, /ar more to the well-knoiou generosity of the craft for its kind reception, than to any great merii of its own, but at the same time bearing in mind the good old Latin proverb, that — "Frustra laborat qui omnibus placcro studet." My dear Doctor: — Although w(^ have never flushed the covej, started the woodcock, or winged the wild duck, in company, yet I know full well your partiality for the country, as also your early fondness for field and rural sports ; and, if you had not been 80 early engrossed by professional duties, I doubt not that you would have been the foremost among those who derive so much enjoyment and healthful recreation from the dog and gun. Be not surprised, therefore, my dear sir, that, without any previous intimation, I should dedicate this volume to you ; and at the time rest assured that, in so doing, I am not alone influenced by those early feelings of friendship naturally engendered by your many kindnesses to me while a student in your ofiice, but I beg rather to present it as a slight token of the high appreciation I entertain of your varied talents and distinguished worth in the profession of which you are so successful a teacher and practitioner. Accept, then, dear sir, this little tribute of esteem from one who has ever regarded the period of his association with you when a pupil as a bright spot in the vista of life, to which he ever refers with peculiar feelings of pleasure ; and, in conclusion, Believe me, my dear doctor. Very faithfully yours, ELISHA J. LEWIS. To Professor J. K. Mitchell. PEEEACE TO THE FIRST EDITION". ^ HE lovers of the dog and gun are under many and great obligations to Henry William Herbert, Esq., for his most excellent works on Sporting, which speak for themselves and need no commendation from our pen. They abound in information and research which few have had so great opportu- nities of collecting or so much talent to put together. We also owe much to William T. Porter, Esq., for his valuable and beautiful edition of "Hawker;" and we should not forget to thank J. S. Skinner, Esq.,* for his many contributions to the same branch of literature. The general favor which the pro- ductions of these gentlemen have met with from the pubhc has the more emboldened us to venture forth with this unpre- tending volume, trusting, however, far more to the well-known generosity of "the craft" for its kind reception than to any great merit of its own. We shall not, in a short preface like this, attempt to offer, for the consideration of our readers, any thing like an eulo- * Since writing the above, Mr. Skinner has been gathered to his fathers, ripe in years and full of honors. His contributions to the cause of agriculture, rural sports, and other kindred subjects, were numerous, and insured for him a wide- extended and well-deserved reputation throughout our country 19 20 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITIOX. gium upon field-sports; nor shall we endeavor to exhibit to the world the many benefits and advantages to be derived from the general encouragement of these healthful pursuits. We beg merely to remind the student of science, the cunning expounder of Blackstone, the deeply-read follower of Galen, the shrewd devotee of commerce, as well as the most skilful and industrious of artisans, that their intellectual powers demand some remission of their labors, and that their physical energies also need a certain degree of recreation or resuscitation to enable tlieni to pursue those studies and attain those ends which stern necessity or exalted ambition prompts . them to undertake. How, then, or where, then, may we ask, can this relaxation of the mind as well as of the body be more agreeably obtained than in the open fields and beautiful forests of our favored country? There, and there alone, far away from the busy throngs of selfish men, wandering with some favored friend, in sweet communion with the green fields, the stately forests, and limpid streams, the mind of the most grave and studious becomes truly unbent and freed from its labors. There the heart beats with renewed vigor, the blood courses through its usually sluggish channels with a quickened pace, and the whole animal as well as intellectual economy becomes sharp- ened and revivified under exciting and healthful influences. Add, then, to this scene the eager sportsman, surrounded by his faithful and sagacious dogs ; call up the sharp echo of the unerring gun ; recollect the plaintive call of the timid partridge, the startling whirr of the afirighted pheasant, the rapid flight of the lonely woodcock, the devious course of the fickle snipe, or, perchance, the sudden rush of the skulking hare, and the picture is complete. Then tell us whether such scenes as these are not calculated to enliven the mind, expand the energies, and not only bring the glow of health to the cheek of youth, but infuse renewed vigor into the very soul of the infirm and sedentary. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 21 Is there not a time wbeu the wan-faced student of science may neglect for a while the sickly flickerings of the midnight lamp ? Is there not a time when the learned counsellor may escape the wranglings, the jeerings, the bitter feuds of the halls of justice? And is there not a moment of leisure, an hour of repose, when the skilful physician may turn a deaf ear to the harassing solicitations of suffering humanity, and draw for a brief period the curtain of oblivion around the couch of disease and death ? Yes ! there is a time for all these ; and there is a time when even the anxious, upright, and enterprising merchant may, for a brief period, while quaffing, as it were, the fabled waters of Lethe, forget the perplexities of commerce, the fluctuations of trade, the uncertainty of riches, and remain even unmindful of his gallant ships, that come bounding across the briny deep, heavily freighted with the fine wares of the North, the South, the East, and the West. Yes! there is a time, thanks to the noble founders of our liberal institutions, when even the industrious artisan, freed from all care and anxiety, may forget the labors and duties of the shop, and wander forth to enjoy the works of nature and learn more highly to appreciate the boon of freedom, his country's dearest gift. To the fields, then,— to the bright and beautiful fields,— with "dog and gun," do we invite you, one and all, to spend those hours of leisure and participate in those innocent enjoyments so captivating to a true sportsman. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Exposition of the Technical Terms used by Ornithologists . 25 CHAPTER II. Sensation in Feathers 29 CHAPTER III. Sporting Terms 32 CHAPTER IV. The Dog {Canis familiaris) 35 CHAPTER V. The Science of Breeding 60 CHAPTER VI. Breaking 72 CHAPTER VII. Art of Shooting on the Wing 95 CHAPTER VIII. ?** The Partridge [Penllx Virginianus) . ' 114 CHAPTER IX. The Wild Turkey {Meleagris galUpuvo) 172 CHAPTER X. The Ruffed Grouse, or Pheasant [Tetrao umbellus) . . . 189 CHAPTER XI. Pinnated Grouse, or Prairie-Hen [Tetrao Cupido) .... 202 CHAPTER XII. The Woodcock {Scolopax minor) ' . , . 212 CHAPTER XIII. Wilson's,' OR English Snipe [Scolopax WUsonii — Scolopax gall inago) . 240 CHAPTER XIV. Reed-Bird, or Rice Bunting [Emberiza oryzivora) .... 256 23 24 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. The Kail, or Sora [Rallus Carollnus) 263 CHAPTER XVI. Great Eed-breasted Kail {Rallus elegcms) 281 CHAPTER XVII. Clapper- Kail, or Mud-Hen [Rallus crepitans) 283 CHAPTER XVIII. Esquimaux Curlew, or Short-billed Curlew [Scolopax borealis) . 287 CHAPTER XIX. Long-billed Curlew, or Sickle-bill (Numenius longirostris) . 291 CHAPTER XX. Black-bellied Plover [Charadrlus apricarms) 294 CHAPTER XXI. Semipalmated Snipe, Willet, or Stone-Cuklew {Scolnpax semi- palmata) ............ 299 CHAPTER XXII. Wild-Fowl Shooting 305 CHAPTER XXIII. Canvas-Back [Anas vallsineria) ........ 313 CHAPTER XXIV. Different Varieties of Ducks . . . ' 353 CHAPTER XXV. American Hare, or Gray Kabbit {Lepus sylvaticus) .... 385 CHAPTER XXVI. The Squirrel 396 CHAPTER XXVII. Miscellaneous Hints 408 CHAPTER XXVIII. Discovery and Introduction of Gunpowder 455 CHAPTER XXIX. The Art of Cooking Game 488 CHAPTER XXX. Some Hints on Taxidermy. The Art of Obtaining and Pre- serving the Skins of Birds 514 CHAPTER XXXI. General Hygienic Remarks 523 2 I CHAPTER I. EXPOSITION OF THE TECHNICAL TERMS USED BY ORNITHOLOGISTS. ITHOUT a cursory knowledge, at least, of the technical terms employed by Orni- thologists in their delineations of the leathered race, we cannot expect all our leaders to understand or appreciate the scientific descriptions which we have in- serted of the game-birds of our country; it therefore appears to us that we cannot do better than devote the first few pages of this volume to the full elucidation of these appellatives, which, in fact, are the A B C of Ornithology, the Alpha and Omega of the branch. 25 26 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. This information, so important to the intelligent sportsman, can be easily and quickly acquired by reference to the accom- panying drawing, in connection with the explanations following immediately after. 1, Auriculars, the ear coverts. — The soft feathers that cover the organs of hearing. 2, 2. The bastard wing, consisting of three or five feathers, resembling the quills of the true wing; they are placed on a small bone rising from the wrist-joint of the wing. The bastard wing assists in flight by keeping the wing from turning upwards, and contracts the points of the wing in a downward and backward position to that of the course of the bird through the air. 3, 3. The lesser coverts of the wings. — These are the feathers which are found in successive rows upon the wings; those on the inside are termed under eove7'ts, and are much less regarded by ornithologists as a means of distinction than the others. 4, 4. The greater coverts. — The wing feathers lying under the lesser coverts ; they are much larger and stronger than the latter. 5, 5. The primaries. — Large quill feathers taking their growth from below the wrist-joint. The length and proportion of the feathers control, in a wide degree, the movements of the bird in the air. The nearer the longer primai^g quill approaches the body, the more dexterous and beautiful will be the motion of the bird when on the wing. The Hawks, Swallows, and various other birds of rapid flight, that seize their prey in mid air, have the longest primarg feather very near the body, and con sequently are enabled to turn and twist themselves with great facility. 6, 6. The secondaries, or second quill feathers, spring from the second bone of the wing. When the wing is extended, they fre- quently appear like a continuation of the primaries. 7, 7. The tertiary, or thii-d quill feathers, also arise from the second bone, but much nearer the elbow-joint. 8, 8. The scapulars, or shoulder feathers, are formed by the soft and downy feathers that cover the shoulder-bones, and are TECHNICAL TERMS. 27 serviceable only as a protection to the parts which they sur- round; they unite without any regularity with the plumage of the back and wings. 9. The rump feathers and upper-tail coverts. — These feathers are the continuation of the covering of the back, and are strong in proportion to the peculiar habits of the bird. In the Wood- pecker tribe, for instance, these feathers are very strong and unusually long, as they make constant use of the tail as a support and aid when climbing the trunks of trees; and so it is with some water-fowl not webfooted, but obliged frequently to take flight from the water. The tail feathers in these last- mentioned birds afford the greatest assistance in springing into the air. 10. The vent feathers and under-tail coverts, that extend from the anus, or vent, to the tail underneath. These feathers are much longer in some tribes of birds than others. Those that have a constant habit of flirting up their tails — like, for example, the Rallus Carolinus, and several species of small shore-birds — have the vent feathers unusually well developed. The tail feathers are various in size and numbers, and are generally the most ornamental part of a bird. The tail per- forms the most necessary office in the navigation of the bird through the air ; in fact, it is the rudder by which its course is determined, and acts in concert with the will of the bird as freely as a ship obeys her helm. 11. Loral space. — The space between the bill and eye. 12. Frons. — The forehead. 13. Corona. — Crown of the head. 14. Occiput. — The hind part of the head. 15. Flexure. — Bend of the wing. 16. Tarsi. — Shanks of the legs. 17. ^^■6^a.— Thigh. The upper and loiver bills are called the superior and inferior . maxilla, or upper and lower mandibles. Iris — irides. — The colored circle surrounding the pupil of the eye. 28 LEWISS AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Mentum. — The chin. G-uttur. — The throat. Collum. — The neck. Pectus. — The breast. In measurement, the total length means from point of bill to the end of middle tail feathers. Length of the wings means from the bend of the wing to the end of the longest quill feather. CHAPTER II. SENSATION IN FEATHERS. HE keenest sense of feeling through -the medium of the plumage is indispensably necessary to the well-being of all the feathered race. The feathers, it is true, in themselves, like several other portions of the body, such, for example, as the nails, claws, beak, and hoofs, have no real consciousness or actual perception of the sense of touch; still, they are enabled by the nicest possible organization to convey the most delicate impressions to those functions of the animal economy that do feel If such a wise provision of Nature did not exist, what, Ave might ask, would become of all the numerous nocturnal birds which seek their food only during the dark hours of night? The whole tribe most indubitably would soon be killed off by striking themselves against the various obstacles that they necessarily encounter in their midnight rambles. This acute sensitiveness on the part of feathers to outward impressions is not, perhaps, as 29 30 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. essential for those birds which fly only in the broad daylight as it is to the numerous variety of owls, bats, &c. that seek their prey solely during the lonely hours of darkness. Nevertheless, a certain degree of this delicacy of perception is absolutely requisite even for them, to secure their safety while per- forming rapid flights through the thickets and forests which they most generally inhabit or take shelter in. This, then, being the case, is it not reasonable to infer that the feathers should at all times be in the highest state of perfection? This physical con- dition, however, could not be preserved if they were not shed or renewed from time to time, as they necessarily would become soiled, dried, broken, and ultimately totally unfit for this nice service by the constant exposure they are subjected to, as well as the many accidents they must, from their mode of life, encounter. To remedy these evils, or rather to make provision for such casualties. Nature, ever provident in all her works, very wisely ordains that the feathered race shall moult, or, in other words, doS" their plumage entire, once or twice a year. The simple shedding of the feathers is not the only precaution which a bene- ficent Providence has established for the preservation of these, the most extensive and beautiful portion of his creations. For we may here also notice the remarkable changes that take place in the tints of the plumage, more especially in those birds which remain in the northern latitudes during the long and bleak winters. Many of them, from the most sombre hues of spring and summer, become pied, or even pure white: thus cunningly adapting themselves to the pervading color of the objects by which they are surrounded, they are the better able to conceal themselves from the attacks of their many prowling enemies that are now driven to great extremes for food. The protec- tion afforded birds, as well as many of the smaller quadrupeds, in this alteration of the color of their plumage and pelage, from the aggressions of their more powerful foes, is not the only benefit which results from this wise providence; as the chilling efl'ects of constant exposure to the excessive cold of those hibernal SENSATION IN FEATHERS. 31 regions are somewhat abated by the transition to white, from the well-established fact that a surface purely white reflects heat far more copiously than a dark one; and consequently it is not diffi- cult for us to infer that, in like manner, 'it prevents any undue waste of the animal heat by radiation. The moulting of birds is very gradual, and few of them are ever so bare of feathers as to prevent them from taking wing, and even flying long distances. The time of shedding the feathers varies in the different species and in different climes; some moult late in the summer, some in the early autumn, and some in the early spring. The summer or autumnal moult is always the most complete; the perennial is generally only a change of color of some portions of the plumage, and not a thorough shedding of the feathers. Those birds, as well as water-fowl, which extend their migrations far to the North, for the purposes of procreation, receive their fresh plumage after the period of incubation has entirely paesed by, so that they come out fresh and entirely freed from all 'the filth and vermin which their previoTis sedentary occupations may have entailed on them. CHAPTER III. SPORTING TERMS. ,^^' HE technical terms adopted by ■vvTiters on field-amusements should be perfectly familiar to every sportsman, and ought to be made use of on all occasions "when rural diversions are the subject of conversation. Many of our sporting acquaintances are most wofully deficient in a knoAvledge of these designations, and consequently make the most egregious blunders in their vain efforts to appear au fait in all that pertains to the dog and gun. A few minutes of study and reflection, my patient friends, will make you all proficients in this branch of Orismology ; therefore remain no longer in ignorance, even if it he bliss. TERMS APPLICABLE TO DOGS. A brace of pointers or setters. A couple of spaniels. A leash of " " A couple and a half of spaniels. 32 SPORTING TERMS. 33 1. Toho ! 7. Seek dead ! find dead bird ! 2. Down charge ! 8. Fetch ! 3. Back or heel ! 9. Drop, sir ! 4. Steady ! steady there ! 10. To mouth a bird. 5. Go on ! on ! 11. To run wild. 6. Hold up ! up ! EXPLANATION OF THE ABOVE TERMS. 1. To make pointers or setters come to a stand. 2. " " " lie down while loading. .3. " " " go behind. 4. " " " caroful when game is about. 5. " " " vise — a term of encouragement. 6. " " " hold his head up so as to wind the game. 7. " " " look for a dead bird. 8. *' " " bring the dead bird. 9. " " " deliver up the dead bird. 10. To bite or chew a bird severely. 11. To run heedlessly, without caution. By a pair is understood two of the same kind or species united or paired by nature, male and female. Therefore, how evidently wrong it is to say ai^pair of pointers, or a pair of setters! By a couple, or brace, is understood the involuntary union of two individual companions of the same species, either by a chain, noose, or tic. PARTRIDGES. A covey of partridges or birds. A brace and a half of partridges or A brace of " " birds. To spring or flush " *' GROUSE. A brood of grouse. A leash of grouse. A pack of " To raise a " A brace of " WOODCOCKS. A couple of woodcocks. A flight or fall of woodcocks. A couple and a half of woodcocks. To flush or start a woodcock. SNIPE OR PLOVER. A wisp or walk of snipes. A couple and a half o< snipes oi A wing or congregation of plovers. plovers. A couple of snipes or plovers. To spring a snipe or plover. 34 LEWIS S AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. SMAM. WII.D-FOWr,, OR SHORE-BIRDS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A flock of. A couple and a half of. A couple of. REED-BIRDS AND RAILS. A llock of reed-biids. To get up a rail. A dozen of reed-birds. To mark a rail. Five, ten, fifteen, or twenty rails. A brace of hares. A leash of hares. HARES. To start or move a hare LARGE WILD-FOWL. A flock,' team, or badelynge of wild A flock of teal. ducks. A gang of brent. A company or trip of wild ducks. A whiteness of swans. A gaggle or flock of geese. CHAPTER IV TflE DOG — CANIS FAMILIARIS. "^'M ^'/;/#^¥.- THEORIES OF ORIGIN. ■^wt ANY theories upon the origin of the clog have been advanced by ancient and modern writers, some claiming for iiim tlie honor of a distinct race, and supporting this view by the assertion of indivi(hial peculiarities, and still more strongly by the assertion that the descendants from crosses between the dog and any of the animals he mpst nearly resembles, and from which alone he can have sprung, are true hybrids incapable of re[)roduction hil&r se. If the latter could be sustained, it would prove the dis- tinct character of the dog beyond question, since science accepts the production of hybrid offspring as indubitable evidence of difference 35 :2^ 36 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. in the species of the parents, but unfortunately for this claim, investigation has brought to light the fertility of such cross-bred produce. Pennant claimed the dog is only a domesticated jackal crossed with the wolf or fox. Bell, in his work on British quad- rupeds, published in 1837, declared the anatomy and osteology of the dog and wolf are identical, and that they will breed together, and the produce be fertile, and these views are fully sustained by experience with the Indian dogs of the West, as it has been demon- strated beyond doubt, that they breed freely with the coyotes and wolves, and the produce of these uuions are as fertile as their parents. Before such showing all theories of distinct race must go down, and modern scientists regard the dog as a mongrel brought up to his present standard by the improving influences of domes- tication. THE DOG IN HIS RELATION TO MAN. No other member of the animal kingdom can compare with the dog in his intimate relations to man. As the protector of his house and flocks ; his companion and assistant in the sports of the field ; his rescuer from death mid Alpine snows or angry waves, and as the watcher and guiu-dian of his dead body, writers, sacred and profane, poets, painters, and sculptors, ancient and modern, all unite in bearing testimony to the faithfulness and devotion of the dog to his master. As he is the inhabitant of nearly every portion of the globe, he enjoys special opportunities for this association, and attaches himself to man in all the different conditions of life, from the most degraded of the tribes, to the elegance of wealth, and the nobility of the scholar. DIVISIONS INTO BREEDS. Two influences have undoubtedly produced the division of the original stock into the various breeds of the present time. The first and natural influence is that of climate; the second, the differ- ent uses to which man has put the dog. Although the former cannot be ignored, it is to the latter we must ascribe the greatest changes. Certain men by circumstances or taste for certain pur- THE DOG. 37 suits, are specially dependent upon their dogs, and it is easy to see that by long-continued use for peculiar work, characteristics adapted to such work could be produced even in dogs which did not possess them naturally, and when produced, they could be confirmed and strengthened by careful selection in breeding, till classes were formed to which these characteristics become instinctive. By ancient writers dogs were divided into three classes, viz. : Pugnaces, Sagaces, and Celeres, but this arrangement has given way to modern ones, more distinctive, though not perhaps more sat- isfactory. Cuvier made three divisions, based upon the shape of the head and the length of the jaws ; these being supposed by him to vary in accordance with the intelligence and scenting power. These classes are, — 1, Matins; 2, Spaniels; and, 3, House-dogs. 3fatins are characterized by " head more or less elongated ; parietal bones insensibly approaching each other; condyles of the lower jaw placed in a horizontal line with the upper molar teeth." This class is exemplified by, — "1. Half-reclaimed dogs, hunting in packs; such as the Dingo, the Dhole, the Pariah, etc. " 2. Domesticated dogs, hunting in packs or singly, but using the eye in preference to the nose, such as the Albanian dog. Deer- hound, etc. " 3. Domesticated dogs, which hunt singly and almost entirely by the eye. Example, the Greyhound." Spaniels are characterized by " head moderately elongated ; pari- etal bones do not approach each other above the temples, but diverge and swell out, so as to enlarge the forehead and cavity of the brain." In this class are found, — " 4. Pastoral dogs, or such as are employed for domestic pur- poses. Example, the Shepherd's dog. " 5. Water-dogs, which delight in swimming. Examples, the Newfoundland dog, Water-Spaniel, etc. " 6. Fowlers, or such as have an inclination to chase or point birds by scenting only, and not killing. Examples, the Setter, the Pointer, the Field-Spaniel, etc. 38 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. " 7. Hounds, which hunt in packs by scent, and kill their game. Examples, the Foxhound, the Harrier, etc. " 8. Crossed breeds for sporting purposes. Example, the Re- triever." House-dogs are characterized by " muzzle more or less shortened ; skull high ; frontal sinuses considerable ; condyle of the lower jaw extending above the line of the upper cheek teeth. Cranium smaller in this group than in the first or second, in consequence of its peculiar formation." This class is made up of, — " 9. Watch-dogs, which have no propensity to hunt ; but are solely employed in the defence of man or his property. Examples, the Mastiff, the Bulldog, the Pug-dog, etc." This classification, though based upon natural laws, presents some anomalies, notably in the case of the greyhound, which will hunt in packs as well as singly, and would use his nose if he was not taught to depend upon sight alone. Also in the dogs showing "inclination to chase and point 6m"c/s," but which will also chase and point rabbits or hares, unless restrained by education. It is not the province of this work to discuss dogs generally, but to take up only tliose which are used in sporting. Nor all of these indeed, as many branches of field sports are followed abroad, which are not jjursued here. We shall therefore devote our atten- tion to setters, pointers, spaniels, retrievers, and those breeds of hounds in common use, taking for our standard the English types, as they are universally conceded to be better than tiiose native to this country, owing to the greater attention which has been given to their breeding and development. THE POINTING INSTINCT. What is called the "pointing instinct," common to the setter and pointer, is probably an acquired faculty, resulting from the use and consequent education which we have spoken of as instru- mental in the formation of breeds. Certain writers have accounted for it upon the theory that wild animals steal up to their prey and crouch to gather energy for a spring, and man, finding this crouch THE DOG. 39 promised to be useful in certain kinds of work, developed it by- education in certain breeds till it became characteristic of them, while others lost it by disuse. This view we think wrong. The crouch alluded to is characteristic of the feline tribe, but not of the canine. The domestic cat exhibits it as strongly as the tiger. All wild members of the cat tribe habitually seize their prey in this manner; but wild dogs, though they approach their quarry with caution, generally seize it by rushing upon it, and springing, if at all, from the running position. That the point is not a developed natural crouch, but the result of special education, is also indicated by the original differences in the pointing position of the setter and pointer, the former dropping to his game, and the latter standing erect. As no natural reason appears for the crouch being changed to the stand in the pointer, it seems reasonable that the pause in both positions was taught and not instinctive, and that the difference was due to the different uses the dogs were originally put to. As we shall show presently, the setter is the descendant of the spaniel, a dog originally used by sportsmen to assist in net- ting birds before the art of shooting was introduced. The 'dog was used to discover the whereabouts of birds by his scenting powers, but if he pushed on he would flush them, and so destroy the sportsman's chances for capture, and to prevent this he was taught to crouch, and remain in that position while the net was drawn over him. If he stood erect, such drawing would be diffi- cult, if not impossible, hence the advantage of the drop or crouch. So far as we have any means of knowing, the pointer was never used for this kind of work. It appears probable he was not used as a bird-dog till a much later period, when the introduction of guns made the sportsman independent of the net, by enabling him to kill his game from a distance, and consequently all that was necessary was that the dog should pause long enough to enable the gun to come up, before the game was started. The position in which the pause was made was, however, no longer material, and, being unrestrained, the dog naturally remained erect, and pointed rather than set his birds. The results of this difference in edu- 40 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. cation are still observable, since, though setters generally have adopted the erect "point" in place of the "set," many individuals still drop to their game, while pointers very seldom do so, and then only under peculiar circumstances, such as when going at great speed they catch the scent, and drop because they cannot in any other way arrest their advance. Drake, one of the most noted pointers of modern times, habitually dropped, but Drake was one of the fastest dogs that ever ran in English field trials, and it was conceded it was impossible for him to come to a point in a standing position. It is claimed that some of his offspring exhibit his peculiarity, even though not as fast as he was, but this can be more naturally accounted for as the transmission of an individual peculi- arity than as a reversion to original instincts, because Drake's an- cestors did not drop, nor, as we have said, do pointers generally. The theory of reversion would not therefore be tenable, because it would claim a throw back to something which has never been characteristic of the breed. It is easy to account for the change in position in setters upon the ground that they have been encouraged to assume the more elegant erect " point," but the frequency of exhibition of the original " set" shows that the habit resulting from original education is still latent, though weakened by later influences. A further argument supporting the view that the set was taught and not instinctive, is found in the fact that, even in the days when spaniels were used in the manner we have described, only a portion of them exhibited this faculty. There was a class known as "Setting Spaniels," yet the earliest pictures of spaniels show no marked differences or apparent variations in characteristics in the individuals represented, so that we are forced to suppose all pictures are those of the same class, or, what is more probable, that there were no decided class distinctions in the land-spaniels, and all belonged to the same division, and possessed the same natural attributes. That some should be taught to set and others not, is easily accounted for by the limited demand for setting dogs, and when the demand increased, it would certainly be more natural to supply it by breed- THE DOG. 41 ing from those already educated, tlian by educating others ah initio. Thus, in time, a breed could be formed in which the acquired "set" would be firmly fixed, and exhibited as naturally as any other characteristic, and from this our present-day setters could be evolved, with no greater change than marks the improvement of other breeds from the original types. That portion of the original class which was not educated, would transmit only the character- istics originally possessed by all. AH spaniels have delighted in the pursuit of game from time immemorial. This is purely in- stinctive, and thus we have to-day in our setters and spaniels the same common love for hunting, with just such difference in action upon game as marks descent from the educated or uneducated portion of the original stock. THE SETTER. By all recognized authorities the setter is regarded as the de- scendant of the land-spaniel. In the ancestral line he has existed in England for over four centuries, and is pronounced by Stone- henge to be the most national of all dogs found there. At what period he first became a setter is not known, but in Daniel's " Rural Sports" there appears a copy of a bond given by John Harris, October 7, 1485, in which he covenants "to keep and break a certain spaniel to set partridges and other game, for ten shillings of lawful English money." Stonehenge says, " A Duke of Northumberland trained one to set birds in 1555, and shortly after the setter was produced." Writing of the " Setting Spaniel," Richard Surflet, who wrote in the year 1600, said, "There is another sort of land-spannyels which are called setters, and they differ nothing from the former but in instruction and obedience, for these must neither hunte, range, nor retaine, more or less, than as the master appointeth, taking the whole limit of whatsoever they do from the eie or hand of their instructor. They must never quest at any time, what occasion soever shall happen, but as being dogs without voices, so they must hunt close and mute. And when they come upon the haunt of that they hunt, they shall 42 lewis's ameeican sportsman. sodainly stop and fall down upon their bellies, and so leasurely creep by degrees to the game till they come within two or three yardes thereof, or so neare that they cannot press nearer without danger of retrieving. Then shall your setter stick, and by no persuasion go further till yourself come in and use your pleasure." From this setting spaniel the setter of to-day has been evolved. Whether crosses were resorted to to perfect the dog, or whether he was simply brought up by careful selection in breeding, is an open question, some writers holding one and others the other theory. The probability is, though experimental crosses were tried in some instances, the main line of the setter family is as nearly pure, in the sense of uncrossed, as any family of dogs we have. Certainly, even the present setter retains the marks of his origin in what would seem an unusual degree in a dog subjected to violent crosses, and the changes which have been made, could result as well from selection and effort to breed out undesirable qualities and perpetuate those which are desirable, as from crossing. THE POINTER. The pointer was not introduced into England till many years after the setter had come into general use. He was imported from Spain in his pointer form, but is considered by authorities as the descendant of some of the hounds, though how bred no one can say. The Spanish pointer had his merits, and also his radical defects, and to correct the latter foxhound and greyhound crosses were introduced, so that the modern pointer is not only essentially a cross-bred dog, but also materially changed in form and attributes from even his near ancestors. THE SPANIEL. As the progenitor of the setter this dog would seem entitled to earlier mention, but we have given the various breeds in the order of their comparative relation to present field sports, and the spaniel cannot therefore take precedence of the setter and pointer. Of his origin even the earliest writers give no reliable information, THE DOG. 43 and we must simply accept him as tlie oldest representative of the dogs used in the pursuit of birds, without indulging in profitless speculations of his ancestry. Many varieties of the spaniel are now in existence. Originally all were field-dogs, but fashion has of late years drawn a dividing- line, and the smaller breeds are assigned to the non-sporting class. Practically this is no loss, as sufficient are left to meet all demands for work, and the surplus may be utilized as pets, and bred down to a size and delicacy suitable for this purpose, without injury to the interests of sportsmanship. THE HOUXD. What in common parlance are known as hounds, are also found in great varieties; but sporting law has invaded the ancient di- vision and struck out of it some of its members. It may seem strange to the uninitiated that the greyhound is no longer regarded as a hound proper, and that the deerhound is classed among the retrievers, but the modern limitation of hounds includes only those which hunt and kill their game by scent alone, and as the grey- hound hunts by sight, and the deerhound is used only to follow the wounded quarry and bring it to bay, these dogs by the pecu- liarity of their employments are excluded from the hound class. The hounds which conform to the present limitation are the blood- hound, the foxhound, the harrier, the beagle, and the otter-hound, and of those in this class which are used in this country we shall speak at the proper time. THE EETRIEVEE. This term applies only to dogs bred and kept exclusively for re- trieving game, and does not properly include dogs which are taught to perform this duty in connection with their other field work. In England field-dogs are not as a rule allowed to retrieve, but in this country it is the custom of sportsmen to break their setters, pointers, and spaniels to retrieve, and so save the loss of much game or the employment of special retrievers. In England the 44 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. water-spaniel is not included in the retriever class, but here he is a very useful dog for men who delight in duck-shooting, and do not wish to wear out their field-dogs by exposing them in water work. In a later portion of this chapter we shall speak of the water-spaniel, and indeed might dispense with all mention of the retriever proper but for the fact that efforts have been made to popularize the dog here, and occasional specimens are met with, also that we have on the Chesapeake, a true retriever of high char- acter which we shall refer to, and it certainly seems inappropriate therefore to pass the class over in silence. Without going into particulars, it is sufficient to say English retrievers and the Chesa- peake dog are cross-bred, being made up in the former instance of combinations of blood, which experience has shown are specially adapted to the production of the desired qualities, and in the latter by a cross of the English water-dog and the Newfoundland. SETTER DIVISIONS. The setter family is divided into three great national classes ac- cording to origin, viz. : the English, Irish, and Gordon, or black- and-tan, the latter being of Scotch descent. All are largely repre- sented in this country, and each breed has its special admirers. The first is, however, the most generally popular, and is in fact entitled to pride of place as first in the list of American field-dogs. THE ENGLISH SETTER. In describing this and other dogs we shall give the points of form as laid down by Stonehenge, they being accepted as the stand- ard in judging at shows. " The skull (value 10) has a character peculiar to itself, somewhat between that of the pointer and cocker-spaniel, not so heavy as the former's and larger than the latter's. It is without the prominence of the occipital bone so remarkable in the pointer, is also narrower between the ears, and there is a decided brow over the eyes. " The nose (value 5) should be long and wide without any ful- ness under the eyes. There should be in the average dog setter at THE DOG. 45 least four inches from the inner corner of the eye to tlie end of the nose. Between the point and the root of the nose there should be a slight depression ; at all events there should be no fulness, and the eyebrows should rise sharply from it. The nostrils must be wide apart and large in the openings, and the end sliould be moist and cool, though many a dog with exceptionally good scenting powers, has had a remarkably dry nose, amounting in some cases to roughness like that of shagreen. In all setters the end of the nose should be black or dark liver-colored, but in the very best whites, or lemon and whites, pink'^is often met with, and may in them be pardoned. The jaws should be exactly even in length, a 'snipe nose' or ' pig jaw,' as the receding lower one is called, being greatly against its possessor. " Ears, lips, and eyes (value 4). With regard to ears, they should be shorter than those of the pointer and rounded, but not so much as those of the spaniel. The ' leather' should be thin and soft, carried closely to the cheeks, so as not to show the inside, without the slightest tendency to prick the ear, which should be clothed with silky hair little more than two inches in length. The lips also are not so full and pendulous as those of the pointer, but at their angles there should be a slight fulness, not reaching quite to the extent of hanging. The eyes must be full of animation and of medium size, the best color being a rich brown, and they should be set with their angles straight across. "The necA' (value 6) has not the full rounded muscularity of the jjointer, being considerably thinner, but still slightly arched, and set into the head without that prominence of the occipital bone which is so remarkable in that dog. It must not be ' throaty,' though the skin is loose. " The shoulders and chest (value 15) should display great liberty in all directions, with sloping deep shoulder-blades and elbows well let down. The chest should be deep rather than wide, the ribs should be well sprung behind the shoulder, and great depth of the back ribs should be especially demanded. "Back quarters and stifles (value 15). An arched loin is de- 46 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. sirable, but not to the extent of being ' reached' or ' wheel-backed/ a defect which generally tends to a slow up-and-down gallop. Stifles well bent and set wide apart, to allow the hind legs to be brought forward with liberty in the gallop. " Legs, elbows, and hocks (value 12). The elbows and toes which generally go together should be set straight, and if not, the 'pigeon toe' or inturned leg is less objectionable than the out turn, in which the elbow is confined by its close attachment to the ribs. The arm should be muscular and its bone fully developed, with strong and broad knees, short pasterns, of which the,size in point of bone should be as great as possible (a very important point), and their slope not exceeding a very slight deviation from the straight line. Many good judges insist upon a perfectly upright pastern, like that of the foxhound ; but it must not be forgotten that the setter has to stop himself suddenly when at full stretch he catches scent, and to do this with an upright and rigid pastern causes a considerable strain on the ligaments, soon ending in 'knuckling over;' hence a very slight bend is to be preferred. The hind legs should be muscular, with plenty of bone, clean strong hocks, and hairy feet. "The/ee^ (value 8) should be carefully examined, as upon their capability of standing wear and tear depends the utility of the dog. A great difference of opinion exists as to the comparative merits of the cat- and hare-foot for standing work. Foxhound masters in- variably select that of the cat, and as they have better opportunities than any other class of instituting the necessary comparison, tneir selection may be accepted as final. But as setters are specially required to stand wet weather, it is imperatively necessary that there should be a good growth of hair between the toes, and on this account a hare-foot, well clothed with hair, as it generally is, must be preferred to a cat-foot naked, as is often the case, except on the upper surface. " The jiag (value 5) is in appearance very characteristic of the breed, although it sometimes happens that one or two ])uppies in a well-bred litter exhibit a curl or other malformation, usually consid- ered to be indicative of a stain. It is often compared to a scimitar, THE DOG. 47 but it resembles it only in respect of its narrowness, the amount of curl in the blade of this Turkish weapon being far too great to make it the model of the setter's flag. Again, it has been com- pared to a comb, but as combs are usually straight, here again the simile fails, as the setter's flag should have a gentle sweep ; and the nearest resemblance to any familiar form is to the scythe with the curve reversed. The feather must be composed of straight silky hairs, and beyond the root the less short hair on the flag the better, especially towards the point, of which the bone should be fine and the feather tapering with it. " Symmetry and quality (value 5). In character the setter should display a great amount of 'quality,' a term which is difficult of explanation, though fully appreciated by all experienced sportsmen. It means a combination of symmetry, as understood by the artist, with the peculiar attributes of the breed under examination, as interpreted by the sportsman. Thus a settei- possessed of such a frame and outline as to charm the artist, would be considered by the sportsman defective in ' quality' if he possessed a curly or harsh coat, or if he had a heavy head with pendent bloodhound- like jowl and throaty neck. The gener-al outline is very elegant, and more taking to the eye of the artist than that of the pointer. "The texture and feather of coat (value 5) are much regarded among setter breeders, a soft silky hair without curl being con- sidered a sine qua non. The feather should be considerable, and should fringe the hind as well as fore legs. "The color of coat (value 5) is not much insisted on among English setters, a great variety being admitted. These are now generally classed as follows in the order given : 1, Black and white ticked, with large splashes, or more or less marked with black, known as blue Belton ; 2, orange and white freckled, known as orange Belton; 3, plain orange or lemon and white; 4, liver and white ; 5, black and white with slight tan markings ; 6, black and white; 7, liver and white; 8, pure white; 9, black; 10, liver; 11, red or yellow." We would call attention to a repetition in numbers 4 and 7, 48 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. which is evidently a mistake in the first instance, as liver and white ranks below black, white, and tan, and black and white, with setter breeders. THE IRISH SETTER. This dog differs from the English setter as follows; the value of points being the same in both cases : " The shull is somewhat longer and narrower, the eyebrows being well raised, and the occipital prominence as marked as in the pointer. " The nose is a trifle longer, with good width, and square at the end ; nostrils wide and open, with the nose itself of a deep mahogany or very dark fleshy color, not pink or black. " M/es, ears, and lips. The eyes should be a rich brown or mahogany color, well set, and full of intelligence; a pale or goose- berry eye is to be avoided. Eats long enough to reach within half an inch or an inch of the end of the nose, and though more tapering than in the English dog, never coming to a point ; they should be set low and close, but well back, and not approaching to the hound's in setting and leather. Whiskers red; lips deep, but not pendulous. " In frame, the Irish dog is higher on the leg than either the English or black-and-tan, but his elbows are well let down never- theless; his shoulders are long and sloping; brisket deep, but never wide ; and his back ribs are somewhat shorter than those of his English brethren ; loin good, slightly arched, and well coupled to his hips, but not very wide; quarters slightly sloping, and flag set on rather low, but straight, fine in bone, and beautifully carried. Breeders are, however, going for straight backs like that of Palmerston, with flags set on as high as in the English setter. " Legs very straight, with good hocks, well-bent stifles, and muscular but not heavy haunches. ''The feet are hare-like, and moderately hairy between the toes. " The flag is clothed with a long, straight comb of hair, never bushy or curly, and this is beautifully displayed on the point. THE DOG. 49 " The coat should be somewhat coarser than that of the Eno-lish setter, being midway between that and the black-and-tan, wavy but not curly, and by no means long. Both hind and fore legs are well feathered, but not profusely, and the ears are furnished with feather to the same extent, with a slight wave, but no curl. " The color should be a rich blood-red, without any traces of black on the ears or along the back ; in many of the best strains, however, a pale color or an occasional tinge of black is shown. A little white on the neck, breast, or toes is by no means objection- able, and there is no doubt that the preponderance of white, so as to constitute what is called ' white and red,' is met with in some good strains." THE GORDON, OR BLACK-AND-TAN SETTER. The points of difference between this dog and the English setter are, — " The skull is usually a little heavier than that of the English setter, but in other respects it resembles it. " The nose also is like the English setter's, but it is usually a trifle wider. " The flag is usually a trifle shorter than that of the English setter, which it otherwise resembles in shape. " The coat is generally harder and coarser than that of the English or Irish setter, occasionally with a strong disposition to curl, as in the celebrated champions Reuben and Regent. "The color is much insisted on. The black should be rich, without mixture with the tan, and the latter should be a deep mahogany-red without any tendency to fawn. It is admitted that the original Gordons were often black-tan and white; but as in all our shows the classes are limited to black-tan, the long argu- ments which have been adduced on that score are now obsolete. A little white on the chest, and a white toe or two, are not ob- jected to; but a decided frill is considered by most judges to be a blemish. The red-tan should be shown on cheeks, lips, throat, spot over the eyes, fore legs nearly to the elbows, hind legs up to. 50 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. the stifles, and on the under side of the flag, but not running into its long hair." THE POINTER. The pointer family has no divisions like those in setters, but is divided according to weight into large and small classes, those over fifty pounds composing the former, and those under the latter. The points of form are, — "The skull (value 10) should be of good size, but not as heavy as in the old Spanish pointer, and in a lesser degree his half-bred descendants. It should be wider across the ears than that of the setter, with a forehead rising well at the brows. A full develop- ment of the occipital protuberance is indispensable, and the upper surface should be in two slightly rounded flats, with a furrow between, " The nose (value 10) should be long (lour inches to four and three-quarters inches) and broad, with widely-open nostrils. The end must be moist, and in health cold to the touch. It should be black or very dark brown, in all but the lemon and whites, but in them it may be a deep flesh-color. It should be cut ofi" square and not pointed, known as the 'snipe nose' or 'pig jaw.' Teeth meeting evenly. "The nech (value 6) should be arched towards the head, long and round, without any approach to dewlap or throatiuess. It should come out with a graceful sweep from between the shoulder- blades. " The shoulders and chest (value 15) are dependent upon each other for their formation. Thus a wide and hooped chest cannot have the blades lying flat against its sides; and, consequently, instead of this and their sloping backwards, as they ought to do in order to give free action, they are upright, short, and fixed. Of course a certain width is requu-ed to give room for the lungs; but the volume re- quired should be obtained by depth rather than width. Behind the blades the ribs should, however, be well arched, but still deep ; this depth of back rib is specially important. " The back, quarters, and stifles (value 15) constitute the main pro- THE DOG. 51 pellei's of the machine, and on their proper development the speed and power of the dog dej^end. The loin should be very slightly arched and full of muscle, which should run well over the back ribs; the hips should be wide, with a tendency even to ruggedness, and the quarters should droop very slightly from them. These last must be full of firm muscle, and the stifles should be well bent and carried widely apart, so as to allow the hind legs to be brought well forward in the gallop, instituting a form of action which does not tire. "Legs, elbows, and hocks (value 12). These chiefly bony parts, though merely the levers by which the muscles act, must be strong enough to bear the strain given them ; and this must act in the straight line of progression. Substance of bone is therefore de- manded, not only in the shanks but in the joints, the knees and hocks being especially required to be bony. The elbows should be well let down, giving a long upper arm, and should not be turned in or out ; the latter being, however, the lesser fault of the two, as the. confined elbow limits the action considerably. The reverse is the case with the hocks, which may be turned in rather than out; the former being generally accompanied with that wideness of stifles which I have already insisted on. Both hind and fore pas- terns should be short, nearly upright, and full of bone. "Tho, feet (value 8) are all-important; for however fast and strong the action may be, if the feet are not well shaped and their horny covering hard, the dog will soon become footsore when at work, and will then refuse to leave his master's heels, however high his courage may be. Breeders have long disputed the comparatively good qualities of the round cat-like foot and the long one resembling that of the hare. In the pointer my own opinion is in favor of the cat-foot, with the toes well arched and close together. This is the desideratum of the M. F. H., and I think stands work better than the hare-foot, in which the toes are not arched but still lie close together. In the setter the greater amount of hair to a certain extent condones the inherent weakness of the hare-foot ; but in the pointer no such superiority can be claimed. The main point, how- ' 52 lewis's ameeican sportsman. ever, is the closeness of the pads, combined with thickness of tiie horny covering. " The stem (value 5) must be strong in bone at the root, but should at once be reduced in size as it leaves the body, and then gradually taper to a point like a bee's sting. It should be very slightly curved, carried a little above the line of the back, and without the slightest approach to curl at the tip. " Of symmetry and quality (value 7) the pointer should display a goodly proportion, no dog showing more difference between the gentleman and his opposite. It is impossible to analyze these essen- tials, but every good judge carries the knowledge with him. '' The texture (value 3) of coat in the pointer should be soft and mellow, but not absolutely silky. " In color (value 5) there is now little choice, in point of fashion, between the liver and lemon and whites. After them come the black and whites (with or without tan), then the pure black, and lastly the pure liver. Dark liver ticked is perhaps the most beauti- ful color of all to the eye." THE spaniel. Under the head of the modern cocker all field-spaniels are now grouped, with the exception of the Sussex, the Clumber, the Nor- folk, and the Welsh, or Devon cocker, A few specimens of the Clumber have been iniported into this country, but they are not in sufficient numbers to warrant present description, except by saying they are the largest of all the field-spaniels seen here. They are distinguished by a heavy head, long body, and very short legs, which formation, with their weight, makes them slow workers with little endurance. They take their name from a seat of the Duke of Newcastle, by whom they were bred, are lemon and white in color, difficult to raise, and have few attributes of value to Ameri- can sportsmen. The Norfolk, Sussex, and Welsh spaniels have, we think, no representatives in this country, thus leaving us only the cocker. Much attention has been given to this dog of late, and THE DOG. -53 clubs have been formed for the purpose of breeding and introducing him more generally. His points of form are, — "The head (value 15) should be long, with a marked brow, but still only gradually rising from the nose, and the occipital protuber- ance well defined. Nose long and broad, without any tendency to the snipe form. Eye expressive, soft, and gentle, but not too full or watery. " The ear (value 5) should be set on low down, lobular in shape, not over-long in the leather or too heavily clothed with feather, which should always be wavy and free from ringlets. " The neck (value 5) should be long enough to allow the nose to reach the ground easily, strong and arched, coming easily out of well-shaped shoulders. " Chest, back, and loins (value 20). Tlie chest should be deep and with a good girth ; back and loin full of muscle, and running well into one another, with wide couplings and well-turned hind- quarters. " The length (value 5) of the spaniel should be rather more than twice his height at the shoulder. "The legs (value 10) must be full of bone and straight; elbows neither in nor out ; quarters full of muscle, and stifles strong but not very much bent. " The feet (value 10) are round and cat-like, well clothed with hair between the toes, and the pads furnished with very thick horn. "The cofor (value 5) preferred is a brilliant black, but in the best strains of the dog an occasional liver or red puppy will appear. " The coa^ (value 10) is flat, slightly wavy, soft and silky; the legs are well fringed or feathered like the setter, as are also the ears ; there must be no topknot or curl between the eyes, indicating a cross of the water-spaniel. " The tail (value 10), which is always cropped short, must have a downward carriage, and should not be set on too high. "The symmetry (value 5) of the spaniel is considerable, and any^ departure from it should be penalized accordingly." 64 . lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. THE HOUND. What may be called the foxhound is the hound most commonly used in this countiy. We say may be called, because he resembles the foxhound more closely than any other variety ; yet from the fact that he is seldom purely bred, and also that he is as often used for hare- as for fox-hunting, and even for deer-driving, he cannot with propriety be said to belong absolutely to any one class. Beagles have been imported and appear in force at shows, but are comparatively little employed in the field. So too other varieties have a few rep- resentatives, but as the present work is confined to dogs commonly used in our field-sports, we are justified by circumstances in con- sidering the foxhound the most general representative of the dogs used for " pursuing" by American sportsmen. The points of the foxhound are, — "The head (value 15) should be of full size, but by no means heavy. Brow pronounced, but not high or sharp. There must be a good length and breadth, sufficient to give in the doghound a girth in front of the ears of fully sixteen inches. The nose should be long (four and one-half inches) and wide, with open nostrils. Ears set on low and lying close to the cheeks. " The neek (value 5) must be long and clean, without the slightest throatiness. It should taper nicely from the shoulders to the head, and the upper outline should be slightly convex. " The shoulders (value 10) should be long and well clothed with muscle, without being heavy, especially at the points. They must be well sloped, and the true arm between the front and the elbow must be long and muscular, but free from fiit or lumber, " Chest and back ribs (value 10). The chest should girth over thirty inches in a twenty-four-inch hound, and the back ribs must be very deep. "The back and loin (value 10) must both be very muscular, run- ning into each other without any contraction or ' nipping' between them. The couples must be wide even to raggedness, and there THE DOG. 55 should be the very slightest arch in the loin, so as to be scarcely- perceptible. " The hind-quarters (value 10) or propellers are required to be very strong, and as endurance is of even more consequence than speed, straight stifles are preferred to those much bent, as in the grey- hound. " Elbows (value 5) set quite straight, and neither turned in nor out, are a sine qua non. They must be well let down by means of the long true arm above mentioned. " Legs and feet (value 20). Every master of foxhounds insists on legs as straight as a post, and as strong ; size of bone at the ankle being specially regarded as all-important. The desire for straightness is, I think, carried to excess, as the very straight leg soon knuckles over, and this defect may almost always be seen more or less in old stallion hounds. The bone cannot, in my opinion, be too large, but I prefer a slight angle at the knee to a perfectly straight line. . . . The feet in all cases should be round and cat-like, with well-developed knuckles and strong horn, which last is of utmost importance. " The color and coat (value 5) are not regarded as very important so long as the former is a ' hound-color' and the latter is short, dense, hard, and glossy. Hound-colors are black, tan, and white, black and white, and the various ' pies' compounded of white and the color of the hare and badger, or yellow or tan. In some old strains the blue mottle of the Southern hound is still preserved, but it is generally rated 'slow.' " The stern (value 5) is gently arched, carried gaily over the back, and slightly fringed with hair below. The end should taper to a point. '' The symmetry (value 5) of the foxhound is considerable, and what is called ' quality' is highly regarded by all good judges." THE EETRIEVER. In this class we shall include the Chesapeake Bay dog and the Irish water-spaniel. The latter is not classed as a retriever in Eng- 56 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. land, but as he is largely used in this country for this purpose, and daily growing in favor, it seems appropriate to so place him in a work devoted to American dogs. The Chesapeake Bay dog was before the war quite numerous on that celebrated shooting-ground. The war, however, put an end, temporarily, to the wild fowling, and the dogs were scattered, so that when the demand for their services was revived but few pure specimens existed. These were, however, carefully preserved, and, being in the hands of men who appreciated their value, efforts have been made to bring the breed up to its former strength. Prominent sportsmen of the West have also taken them up, and there is every probability that they will not again be allowed to run out, an end which would be just cause for regret, as they are the only strictly American sporting-dogs we have. The Chesapeake Bay dog is also known as the " Brown Winches- ter" or " Red Chester," and is claimed to be descended from a cross of "the English water-poodle and the Newfoundland." This is the pedigree given by one of the best-known duck-shooters of the bay, a man who has owned the breed for many years, and has been largely instrumental in preserving it. The following is his descrip-* tion : " They are a low, heavy-set, densely-coated dog, of a dark reddish-brown color on the back, shading lighter on the sides, and running into a very light yellow or white on the belly and inside of the legs ; the throat and breast are also frequently marked with white. They are of other colors, but any change from the brown shows a want of careful breeding." This dog possesses an extremely hardy constitution and great strength in swimming, being frequently known to "chase a crippled duck one and two miles." For tide- water or any open shooting, where sight and not scent is required for retrieving, he has no superior ; and as he has been accustomed to follow by sight only, it is possible his scenting powers can bo developed by putting him to different work, or by some judicious cross, which will supply this deficiency without impairing his excel- lence in other respects. If keenness of nose can be given him in any way, he will be as valuable to duck-shooters generally as the setter or pointer is to those who hunt the uplands. THE DOG. 57 The Irish water-spaniels found iu this country are almost exclu- sively of the McCarthy breed, from the south of Ireland, which Stonehenge says, " may be considered the type of Irish water- spaniel, and his description ... is the standard by which the breed is judged." The description is as follows: "The head (value 10) is by no means long, with very little brow, but moderately wide. It is covered with curls, rather longer and more open than those of the body, nearly to the eyes, but not so as to be wigged like the poodle. " The /ace and eyes (value 10) are very peculiar. Face very long and quite bare of curl, the hair being short and smooth, though not glossy ; nose broad, and nostrils well developed ; teeth strong and level ; eyes small and set almost flush, without eye- biows. "The topknot {y'A\\\Q 10) is characteristic of the true breed, and is estimated accordingly. It should fall between and over the eyes in a peaked form. " The ears (value 10) are long, the leather extending, when drawn forward, a little beyond the nose, and the curls with which they are clothed two or three inches beyond. The whole of the ears is thickly covered with curls, which gradually lengthen towards the tips. " Chest and shoulders (value 7^). There is nothing remarkable about these points, which must nevertheless be of sufficient dimen- sions and muscularity. The chest is small compared with most breeds of similar substance. " The back and quarters (value 7|) also have no peculiarity, but the stifles are almost always straight, giving the appearance of legginess. "Legs and feet (value 10). The legs should be straight, and the feet large, but strong ; the toes are somewhat open, and coveied with short crisp curls. In all dogs of this breed the legs are thickly clothed with short curls, slightly pendent behind and at the sides, and some have them all round, hanging in ringlets for some time before the annual shedding. No feather like that of 58 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. ♦ the setter should be shown. The front of the hind legs below the hocks is always bare. "The tail (value 10) is very thick at the root, where it is clothed with very short hair. Beyond the root, ho'wever, the hair is per- fectly short, so as to look as if the tail had been clipped, which it sometimes fraudulently is at our shows, but the natural bareness of the tail is a true characteristic of the breed. "The coat (value 10) is composed of short curls of hair, not woolly, which betrays the poodle cross. A soft, flossy coat is ob- jected to as indicative of admixture with some one of the land- spaniels. "The coloi' (value 10) must be a deep pure liver without white; but as in other breeds, a white toe will occasionally appear even on the best-bred litter. " The symmetry (value 5) of this dog is not very great." RELATIVE MERITS. The relative merits of setters, pointers, and spaniels is a ques- tion upon which many battles royal have been fought. Sportsmen have their preferences, and will continue to hold to them, in spite of argument, until satisfied by experience that they are wrong. For spaniels there is of course but limited use. Their place is in ■ thickets and close woodlands, and their game the ruffed grouse and woodcock. Comparison with setters and pointers must therefore be restricted to this kind of work, as for open shooting the greater speed and range of the latter dogs give them an unquestionable superiority. It is claimed that the short range required in wood- land shooting is injurious to the speed of setters and pointers. This is an English idea, which has been adopted here; but, speak- ing for ourselves, we have seen too many cases in which this theory has been utterly refuted, to admit that it is based upon either reason or fact. The question in our mind is not one of speed, but simply of natural adaptation for work, and upon this we have a decided opinion, though we do not propose to express it, but to THE DOG. 59 give to others the same liberty in thought and action we claim for ourselves. Pointers and setters are used upon the same game, and, other things being equal, they would afford chance for fair comparison. We think, however, no equality exists between them, owing to natural physical characteristics, which plainly indicate the very different circumstances of ground and climate to which they are suited. We have had many years' experience with both dogs, and our preference is based upon what experience has taught us is the better of the two for the sport we indulge in. We are satisfied each is superior to the other under certain circumstances, but that one has a more extended sphere of usefulness than the otiier we also as firmly believe. In times past we have expressed our views and backed them by arguments, but in the present instance we deem it better to avoid the vexed question, since there can be no debate when only the writer has an opportunity to express an opinion. In fact, we should not have touched the matter at all but for the impropriety of utterly ignoring what has been, and probably will always be, a bone of contention to sportsmen and breeders. V "DashII."— (Sf^sg). "Blue Prince," " Kate." Owner, R. LLP. Llewellin, Kiigland. CHAPTER V. THE SCIENCE OF BREEDING. N no one respect is the change in popular feeling upon what relates to field sports more marked than in the opinion now entertained of those who breed dogs. A few years since field sports themselves were hardly tolerated, but a man who bred dogs was regarded as a low character, not to be recognized by gentlemen except as the supplier of their wants. The high rank which sportsmanship has since taken has, as a natural sequence, raised breeding proportionally. Gentlemen wish to deal with gen- tlemen. Canine breeding has been recognized as a science, and an American gentleman takes as much pleasure in breeding a crack field-trial winner as an English lord takes in breeding a winner of the Derby. Even sportsmen who do not breed extensively like to breed occasional litters, and it is therefore fitting that something should be said of the science, since only by knowledge and obser- vance of its laws can success be reasonably expected. 60 THE SCIENCE OF BREEDING. 61 Experience is of as much value in this matter as in any other, yet there are certain general principles which inexperienced persons can understand, and by following them closely cannot go far wrong even in first essays. THE THEORY THAT "LIKE PRODUCES LIKE." It is claimed that '•' like produces like." This is true, but equally so of the bad as of the good, and a thorough appreciation of what constitutes similarity, and to what extent this is desirable, is ab- solutely necessary for the successful application of this theory to the production of dogs with desirable characteristics. As formerly understood, like to like meant nothing more than the mating of one good field performer with another, but, as we shall presently show, this is only the alphabet of the theory, and such unions were more liable to produce worthless than good progeny. In the first place blood was not regarded, and in this more in- telligent age it is hardly necessary to say blood is of the highest importance. Dogs of entirely different strains were bred together, and when it is remembered that each breed has its individual characteristics, such fixed and definite character being in fact the very foundation of the claim to be considered a breed, it must be apparent that the mating of individuals of different breeds produces, as a primary result, a mingling of the different attributes of the parents in their progeny. Tlie tendency of all domesticated animals, and especially of those which have been developed in what may be called an unnatural degree, is to degenerate, and this inclination can be overcome only by persistent strengthening of the cultivated attributes, by continued breeding in the line which produced them. To mingle different characteristics is, therefore, to introduce con- flicting forces, each striving to assert its supremacy, and in a litter thus bred there will naturally be great variation in the character of individuals. Some will resemble one parent, some the other, and others will differ from both. This resemblance and variation will not be confined to physical form, but will extend to the higher faculties also, and while some individuals may be as good as their 62 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. parents, others will certainly fall short of their standard, owing to the disturbing; influences of the different strains. If the blood of the parents is impure the variations will be all the greater, but even with the purest blood they will be present, and utterly destroy that uniformity of characteristics which is sought for in breeding. We see, then, we may mate individuals of equally fine qualities, and even of equal purity in blood, yet they will not produce progeny equal to themselves. Like does not produce like, therefore, in such cases. Even if we advance a step further and demand that in addition to similarity in field qualities there shall be similarity in blood, we shall find, if we stop here, we have not got all that is essential to the highest success. There may be as wide divergence in physical characteristics or in character in individuals of the same blood as in those of different strains, and the union of these will destroy the equilibrium which naturally exists in cases of true like to like. To fully meet the requirements of the theory, there must be simi- larity and equally high development in blood, physical character- istics, character, disposition, and field qualities. When all these are present we have indeed a union of like with like, in which there can be no disturbing elements, and the effect of which must be the perpetuation and intensifying of the qualities of the indi- viduals mated. This is the perfection in theory of breeding, but it is seldom reduced to practice, owing to the fact that comparatively very few breeders are so circumstanced that they can examine with sufficient closeness into the fitness of one individual for another. If it was possible to obtain a general and strict adherence to the rule, there is no doubt the result would be a race of dogs superior to those we have, for we see the superiority of those produced by breeders most careful in their selection of their breeding stock, and the principle which produces such results on a small scale has no limits, and will be equally effectual if applied to general breeding. The diffi- culties in the way, and the effect of past carelessness in mating, fully account for the differences observable in individuals nearly related, and as we must take dogs as we find them, we can only THE SCIENCE OF BREEDING. 63 study their good and bad qualities, and then apply the theory in mating, so as to increase the good and diminish the bad. In other words, we must constantly strive to breed up to the good and away from the bad attributes. A COMMON MISTAKE. Before attempting to give in detail the plan to be followed in breeding, we must say a word of warning against the most common and fatal mistake which occasional breeders malvc, viz. : that of thinking because a dog has a first-class show and field record this is sufficient to make him a good one to breed to. Certainly these qualities are of great importance, and in the absence of special unfitness such a dog should be used in preference to one of whom nothing is known, or of less reputation ; but, on the other hand, it must be remembered that no male that ever lived has produced equally fine progeny from all the females sent to him, even when they have been equally fine between themselves. This variation in progeny is due to the variation in individual characteristics to which we have referred, and the consequent greater fitness in some unions than in others. Men who own breeding-kennels will bear us out in the assertion, that it is very rare for an applicant for a dog's services to ask any questions as to his physical peculiarities, character, or disposition, yet as regards the contemplated union these are as important items as any others. It seems to be taken for granted that a noted dog is all right in these particulars, and so he may be in the abstract, yet all wrong in view of the special requirements in a given union. No absolutely perfect animal exists, and though a good dog must certainly possess a great pre- ponderance of good over bad qualities, the best have their faults, and if care is not taken to discover these, it may easily happen that two individuals with the same faults are brougiit together, in which case natural law will compel the reproduction of the faults in still greater degree in the progeny. As we have said, the influ- ence of like on like is equally potent in bad as in good qualities, an intelligent breeder will therefore make such selection as will 64 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. insure the desired influence, and avoid that whicli is undesirable. Occasional breeders are more liable to select unsuitable mates than regular breeders, because the former generally send to other men's dogs, while the latter own individuals of both sexes, and have abundant opportunity to study their peculiarities and mate them accordingly. WHAT TO BREED FOR. As the object in breeding is the production of dogs of high quality, the first step is to obtain a thorough knowledge of what such quality consists in. In general, it may be said a first-class dog will possess a form approaching as nearly as possible to per- fection, field qualities of a high order, a strong character, and a fine disposition. Perfection of form consists in truth to breed characteristics, and the combination of bone and muscle in proportions which give the greatest ability to stand work. By truth to breed characteristics we mean that the dog must display the form peculiar to his breed, whatever it may be, and must not i5how any approach to that of others. For example, the Irish setter must not have a head like the English setter, or the shorter legs of the latter. Tiie pointer must not return to the hound type, and the water-spaniel must not have the woolly coat of the poodle. Field qualities consist in speed, endurance, style, stanchness, keenness of scenting power, and love of hunting. Speed is neces- sary to enable the dog to beat a wide expanse of country while the sportsman walks over only a small portion of it, thus saving him labor, and at the same time insuring the finding of all the game on the range. The possession of speed does not necessarily incapacitate the dog for the close range necessary in cover-shooting, as the pace can be regulated in breaking, as we shall show under that head. The endurance must be great or the dog will soon give way under the strain of fast work, and by tiring become practically useless, very possibly just when speed is most needed. This quality, there- fore, cannot be too highly developed, and its presence gives the dog THE SCIENCE OF BREEDING. 60 value in proportion to its degree. Style means the beauty of the clog's action when at work. Practically, it does not add to or de- tract from his efficiency, but it certainly adds to the sportsman's pleasure, as the appearance of a stylish dog beating his ground, drawing to birds, or pointing, is much more attractive than that of a slovenly though equally efficient performer. Stanchness is a sine qua non. Without tenacity of point other work, however bril- liant, is rendered useless, as the dog, pointing the birds far in advance " Special"— (6055). " Pax," " EoMP." Owner, G. Thorpe Bartram, England. of the gun, will by breaking point jElush them before the sportsman can come up,. Keenness of scenting powers, commonly called "nose," is also a quality wliich can never be excessive. It is one of the most important attributes of a field-dog, and may indeed be placed in the front rank, as upon it depends the success of the dog's work. Without it there can be no point, as the dog will receive no warning of the birds' presence, and consequently will gallop into them instead of stopping. Fir>t-class noses areas rare as brilliancy in other of the higher faculties, but being so desirable they must be bred for, and thus made as common as possible. Love of hiuiting 6 66 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. is sometimes wrongly called ambition. Ambition is often mere love of action, the delight of an athlete in the use of his powers, but love of hunting is an instinctive pleasure in the pursuit of game. It is nearly allied to intelligence, since there must be recognition of game itself, and also recognition of ability to find it by certain action. It is not ambition, but it gives rise to ambition, since the dog that loves to hunt will be prompted to work hard, and to bear the fatigue consequent upon such work uncomplainingly. Herein lies the benefit of this love to a breeder. Without it a dog will work till he begins to tire, and then, having no special incentive, will give up, but with it he is constantly prompted by his pleasure to renewed exertion. It is also a great help to the breaker, being in fact the only thing which induces the dog to hunt with a pur- pose. A breaker can drill any dog mechanically, but if he does not love to hunt no amount of breaking will make him do it. There is no doubt but this love increases with experience of the pleasure it gives. Thus some dogs who do not show it at first will develop it later; such individuals are, however, at best doubtful, and with- out a pronounced instinctive love of hunting displayed by the dog on his first entry to game, there is little satisfaction or hope to repay the breaker's trouble. By character we mean intelligence and courage. These are fre- quently classed with the field qualities, but as they are also as com- monly called into play by every-day life out of the field, we think they deserve a place by themselves. Upon intelligence depends the dog's capacity for receiving instruction, not only in what pertains to field work, but also upon those points which render him generally useful to his master. In the field it directs and regulates the appli- cation of his powers and experience to the discovery and outwitting of his game, thus enabling the sportsman to obtain shots he would not get with a less intelligent assistant. Intelligence varies in dogs as widely as in human beings, but in the former it is under control, so far at least that it may be specially bred for by selection and mating of individuals, which will be likely to give this quality to their progeny through their mutual possession of it. THE SCIE.NCE OF BREEDING. 67 Courage is very essential to a field-dog both in and out of the field. Its presence insures the breaker against intimidating the dog in breaking, and also against that timidity under the gun which is so difficult to overcome. In every-day lite it certainly renders the dog a far more pleasant and useful companion than any timid one can be, and, in short, is necessary to that general perfection in quality which every first-class dog should approach to as closely. as possible. By fine disposition we refer to the affection, readiness to forget "Dan O'Connor." OwDed by Milwaukee Kennel Club. injury, and natural inclination to do the master's will and pleasure, which form the attraction of the noble canine character. This is largely due to the way in which the dog is brought up, as it may be developed or suppressed by good or bad treatment, but depends also somewhat upon instinctive inclination. It is obviously too im- portant to need much mention, but cannot be omitted in enumerating the qualities a breeder must strive to gain. 68 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. HOW TO BREED. As we have already shown that confusion follows the mixing of different strains, it is evident the only certainty of obtaining spe- cific results lies in strict adherence to one strain, which has possessed and transmitted the desired qualities for a number of generations, thus proving its fixed character. This of course involves inter- breeding, which is really the law of nature, as shown by the actions of those wild animals which dwell continuously in herds. We can- not, however, follow this law as far as animals in a state of nature, owing to the fact that in them purely physical perfection is all that is required, and this is secured by a direct provision for the survival of the fittest through the law of force ; in other words, by the strong destroying the weak. The domesticated dog is an artificial creature, possessed of higher faculties than his ancestors, and the development of these, with also the enervating effect of an unnatural life, has caused certain weaknesses which, common to all, are naturally spe- cially shared in the same degree by those most closely related. By interbreeding we of course obtain in some degree an intensifying of these weaknesses, but this evil is more than compensated for by a corresponding intensifying of the good qualities peculiar to the strain, which cannot be got in any other way. There is of course a differ- ence in individuals of the same strain, and by selecting those which display the good qualities in the highest and the weaknesses in the lowest degree, we get the best substitute for natural selection and survival of the fittest, and thus secure the perpetuation of the strain characteristics, with the greatest freedom from its defects. By inbreeding, or breeding descendants of the same parents, we in- tensify the good and bad qualities in equal proportions, and at the same time we intensify the natural tendency to degeneration, which is only corrected in other cases by counteracting influence. A very good illustration of the effect of external influences is furnished by the different results of the union of brothers with sisters, and that of parents with offspring. In the former all the influences from both individuals are precisely the same, but in the latter there is in THE SCIENCE OF BREEDING. 69 the offspring a counteracting influence in the one-half blood derived from an outside source. The precisely similar blood in the first in- stance will give one result, and the influence of the outside strain in the other will produce a very different one. It must not be supposed that we advocate the breeding in either of these close relations. We quote them simply as examples, as they are so nearly alike that only a shade of difference exists, yet from tliat shade we get results which indicate how we ought to select to get the best. Various strains of each breed exist, some much better than others, and these better ones must be selected, the best of their representa- tives discovered, and resorted to in breeding, thus securing continu- ance in the same blood, and at the same time progression in the same line that has produced past excellence. DEFECTS AND THEIR CORRECTION. If all dogs of the same strain were equally good there would be no need for selection. They are not, however, and the intelligent breeder will carefully study each individual to discover his or her defects, and. then select mates which, from the possession of opposite characteristics in excess, will produce a correction of these defects in the progeny. The common defects are those of form, character, and some par- ticular field quality. Form is defective in two ways without de- parture from breed characteristics, viz. : there may be too much weight of bone, called lumber, or there may be too little, resulting in weakness. A frame that is excessively heavy imposes a very severe strain upon the powers when at work. Such dogs are slow in motion and have but little endurance. They may perform brilliantly for a short time, but they cannot "stay," and by their break-down put a premature end to the sportsniian's pleasure. Those which are too small or too light are equally inefficient. They usually have a flashy turn of speed, and may even perform for some length of time under specially favorable circumstances, but either by con- tinuance of Mork or by the trying character of the ground hunted they are forced to " quit." Dogs of both types often possess some 70 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. specially desirable qualities, and consequently should not be utterly discarded on account of their defects, but should be mated with their opposites in physical structure, thus producing progeny with the good and without the bad qualities of the parent. In this connection it is proper to call attention to the fact that an individual may be a marked exception to his or her line, and in this case cannot be depended on to jiroduce his or her own char- acteristics in any large degree, as the influence of the line will assert itself in a majority of that portion of the progeny influenced by the particular parent. The degree of influence which one parent will exert cannot be j)redetermiiied, and cases have been known where an individual has displayed a marked faculty for impressing his or her own likeness, or line attributes, upon a very large percentage of offspring, even when extensively bred from and mated with individuals of different types. A breeder should tiierefore not only inquire into the characteristics of the individual, but also into those of the ancestors, that the combined influence may be predetermined as far as possible. Minor physical defects should be corrected in the same way as the important ones we have referred to, and so should those of character or field quality, but it must be borne in mind that these defects will naturally be reproduced in a portion of the descendants, though corrected in others, also that until mature form and full development are reached the degree in which the defects have been reproduced will not be fully apparent, so that the results of a union which in early lile promises to be highly satisfactory, may later prove disappointing. The only safety, therefore, lies in the mating of individuals as nearly perfect as possible, and inheriting this perfection from a line of similarly perfect ancestors. When this perfection exists on both sides there cannot be unfitness on the part of one for the other, and the variation in progeny will be avoided. THE SCIENCE OF BREEDING. 71 UNIFORMITY, NOT " SORTINESS." In breeding for the uniformity which we have said is so desirable, we must not be led by fashion to seek "sortiness," or that close re- semblance of one to the other which is desirable in dogs which are habitually used in packs, like foxhounds. Certain colors are often made fasliionable by bench shows, and breeders are sometimes led to give undue importance to special marking by the favor shown to it. Uniformity should extend to similarity in form and field characteristics, but color or marking, so long as it is true to the breed, should not be regarded. Each breed has its natural colors, and if some are made more popular than others, the effort to get the fashionable ones results in discarding dogs of otherwise high merit, possibly the best in the lot. Such culling must in the end lead to depreciation, as it makes a matter of mere fancy paramount to others of real importance. A careful breeder who seeks to obtain dogs valuable for field work, will therefore never reject a dog simply for color, but will take the best he can find, when considered with regard for the most valuable qualities. CHAPTER VI. BREAKING. REARING a clog is not, as many persons suppose, necessarily the work of a profes- sional. There are many amateur breakers in the country whose dogs will compare favorably with those of any professional, and the number of such increases with every year, as experience demonstrates the ease with which the work can be accom- plished. Any man capable of handling a broken dog well in the field is competent to break one. To hunt a dog well means some- thing more than mere following one about, depending upon the in- fluence of past instruction to keep him under control and up to his work. Dogs are as cunning and wilful as other animals, and need as constant restraint. The best broken ones will try to get their own way, and if they find their masters do not appreciate and cor- rect their wrong actions, they quickly come to despise the authority which is not enforced, and apparently forget all that their breakers have taught them. To hunt a dog properly implies, then, knowing what he should do and making him do it, and when the ability for this is present, the man is capable of breaking for himself. In their first field essays men will of course know no more of working than of breaking dogs, but if such will go out a few times with experienced friends, watch how they work their dogs, and then getting a well-bred, promising puppy, apply their observations to his instruction, they will be surprised at their own improvement in knowledge and their success in teaching their pupils. We do not 72 BREAKING. ' 73 hesitate to say sportsmen will find much greater pleasure in owning dogs broken by themselves than in those professionally broken. A man would find but little pleasure in hiring a professional to shoot for him, and the same principle will apply to professional breaking. The possession of personal skill is all that gives attraction to field sports, and the greater and more general this is, the greater propor- tionally will be the enjoyment derived from it. The man who breaks his own dogs finds in their performance a reward for his labor, and in their perfection a proof of his own ability, which is flattering, yet a legitimate cause for satisfaction. Every man de- lights in the skilful work of his own hands, and feels for such an affection he will never feel for that which he pays for. For a noble dog every true man has this affection, but when that nobility is de- veloped by the man himself, the sympathy between man and brute, which has existed from time immemorial, is tenfold strengthened and intensified. The only other obstacle which lies in the way of the amateur breaker is supposed want of time. No greater mistake is ever made, for all the time necessary is those odd, spare moments which come in every day, and which are idled away unnoticed. If leisure moments are profitably and pleasantly employed, they are not only utilized but also enjoyed, and that they can be profitably and pleas- antly applied to breaking a very brief experience will demonstrate beyond question. A single trial will satisfy the most sceptical, as it has satisfied others in the past, and it is to render such trials success- ful that we shall now give the plan of breaking which we have found the best in a long life of field experience. BREAKING, HOW DIVIDED. Breaking is properly divided into that of the yard and the field. The former includes bringing the dog under control, teaching him to understand what certain orders mean and to obey them. Tlie latter covers work in the field upon game and the application of the pre- liminary instruction to such work. This course is adapted to dogs that have never been handled and that have no confirmed faults, to 74 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. young dogs in fact; but beyond this something must be said of the rebreaking of dogs which have been badly handled, and which through lack of proper control, and the promptings of their own inclinations, have acquired habits destructive to field efficiency. FOBCE vs. COAXING. At the outstart we must say we are no supporter of what may be called the "coaxing" system, in other words, playing with the pupil and coaxing him into doing what is desired. Work and play are two very different things and cannot be profitably mingled. The one involves persistent performance in the face of whatever incon- venience may be encountered, the other is a matter of mere pleasure, and is discontinued the moment it is overbalanced by pain. The idea of making play of work appears well in theory, but it will not stand practical test. It is a fiivorite theory of inexperienced persons, and of those who are morbidly sensitive upon humane principles. It is an exaggeration of opposition to (U'uelty, and, like other ex- aggerations, is out of proportion witli common sense. Men do not play at the work of their lives. Necessity applies a force which they recognize and obey. If this force was not present there would be very little work done, but being present, it controls their lives. The same principle may without hardship be applied to our control of animals, for they too have their work, and an intelligence pro- portional to the demands upon them, by which they recognize force and are led to yield to it, doing their best under reasonable and sensible compulsion. Men find their rewards in success and the approbation of their fellows, and brutes theirs in the approval of the master, an approval they appreciate, and which makes up, evi- dently, the sum of their greatest happiness. Nothing in such forcing as we advocate approaches cruelty, nor is there any lack of reward, but it simply means teaching a dog to do a certain thing because he is ordered to, even if it clashes with his inclination, and for obedience we provide ample recompense. In short, the system is one of rewards and punishments, doubly appealing to the dog's intelligence, and making him a far better and more efficient servant BEEAKING. 75 than he would be if admitted to equality with his master, so far as to be allowed option in the performance of his tasks. YARD BREAKING. The lessons which come under this head are: 1, yielding to con- trol; 2, obeying the whistle; 3, stopping at command; 4, charg- ing; 5, following at heel; 6, retrieving; 7, beating the ground and quartering. Each of these must be thoroughly taught before passing to the next, or they will be confounded, and the dog led into mistakes while doing his best to obey. The breaker must make up his mind to many vexations, and to bear these with patience, never allowing his temper to control him, even when punishment is most deserved. With intelligence and manly perse- verance he can conquer his dog, but if he is lacking in these attri- butes which mark his superiority to the animal, the struggle will degenerate into one of brute with brute, in which the most stubborn will win. Six months at the earliest is the age at which the dog's instruc- tion should begin, and another six can be profitably added to this if the breaker has experience, or is willing to encounter a little more trouble. Many men begin very early with their dogs, but with a force system some development of the intelligence is neces- sary to prevent fright, and beyond this is the fact that field work should follow as closely as possible on that in the yard, and very young dogs are apt to be overworked and discouraged if taken into the field before they are old enough to stand fatigue. TEACHING CONTROL. To teach a dog to yield to control we tie him up, using for this purpose a broad collar and rope, as the rattling of a chain will only add to his fright. The rope is about six feet long, and is fastened to a stout ring in a fence or the side of a building, so that the dog cannot wind himself up. We bring him quietly to the place of confinement, as we desire to avoid resistance till the lesson is fairly begun, and also to have that lesson given by the confine- 76 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. ment and not by ourselves. When secured, we leave him to jump and pull upon the collar till he finds escape impossible, and that resistance only gives him pain, then, when he submits to the in- evitable and lies quietly down, we release him, and by encourage- ment restore his confidence. We find it better to tie the dos: than to hold the cord in hand as some men do, because the restraint being an entirely new experience awakens fear, and if this is asso- ciated with ourselves, we are put to the trouble of overcoming it before we can proceed to further instruction. The time required for this lesson varies according to the character of the individual,- some being more difficult to conquer than others. Verj' few in- deed are satisfied with a single experience, and most require several daily repetitions ; but thoroughness in this preliminary, remote as it appears to be from what is generally considered breaking, is really of great importance, and is a great help to the later instruc- tion. TO OBEY THE WHISTLE. As the first step in this lesson we accustom the dog to lead well by the cord. This also serves to prevent lugging upon the chain when he is taken about later in life, the most common and one of the most disagreeable faults a dog can have. When he leads well we face him, and saying ''come," give him a gentle pull, and if he does not obey, a sharper one, increasing the strain till he yields to it, then when he approaches we pat and reward him by encourag- ing v.ords. When he minds quickly with the short cord we sub- stitute a longer one, and allow him to play about, occasionally calling and making him come promptly. This lesson is a very important one, since, if the dog does not know he must come under all circumstances, he will never be under proper control, and will run away if at any time there is occasion for correcting him. If thoroughly taught, the dog will come to be whii)ped, fearing even more to disobey the call. Under no circumstances should he ever be coaxed to come for punishment, as this will involve treachery which he will appreciate, and so lose all confidence in his master. The second step is to substitute the whistle for the call, which is BREAKING. 77 easily done in the same way, the pull upon the cord showing that the blast of the whistle is equivalent to the command. To avoid confusion later, the whistle call to come should be of a special character. That is, when at field work, it will often be necessary to attract the dog's attention to stop or drop him, or to change the direction of his beat, and for this purpose a single blast is most convenient, hence the call to come should be two quick sharp blasts. The dog will quickly notice the difference, and with a little practice will simply look round in one case, and come in in the other. STOPPING. To teach this we lead the dog, having him well in hand, and after walking a few steps come to a sudden halt, and with the command " ho," bring him to a stop, keeping a steady strain upon him, and repeating the command if he attempts to move. The halt on our part gives significance to the strain upon the cord, and thus our wish is explained in a twofold manner, appealing both to the dog's natural inclination to imitate and also to his recognition of the cord. If he attempts to come in, we control him by a puH in the opposite direction, which his position by our side renders easy. Many breakers use the command " toho," but the more brief and decided the commands can be made the better they are for use and for the dog, hence we prefer the single syllable to two. As soon as the dog will stop quickly and maintain his place, we work him at a little distance, and practise him under all variety of circumstances, making him stop without the cord, while we are still walking, and while we walk away from or around him, thus teach- ing him that our own actions are no longer to be imitated, and that they are entirely independent of the command to him. Next comes the substitution of signals for words. The signal to stop is given by raising the open hand at arm's length above the head, and must at first be accompanied by the " ho" as explanatory, the word being dropped as soon as possible. The order to advance from the stop is simply " on," and is given from the first with a for- 78 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. ward wave of the hand, thus in this instance teaching obedience to two commands at the same time. We do not combine commands and signals in other cases, because in them we impose restraint, and the orders should therefore be as simple as possible ; but in this the dog's inclination prompts his understanding, and thus time can be saved. CHARGING. We now take the dog by our side, and with the command '* drop," force him down by pressure upon the shoulders. This word is better than the more common ones "charge" and " down," because a com- mand should never be given except for the purpose of exacting a certain action, and this too by those authorized to demand it. It is a very common practice with persons who do not know the harm they do to give a friend's dog orders for their amusement, and as he naturally does not obey a stranger, he thus in some degree becomes indifferent to commands, but if broken to words and signals not in common use, the sanctity of the true order is preserved and less injury done to him. The position in which the dog drops in the first few lessons is not material, provided it is not upon the side, in which case he should be gently turned upon his belly. Later, if he does not take a natural posture, the hind legs must be tucked under him and the front ex- tended. He will generally, however, correct all defects himself after the first fear is past. He must be pu.shed down till he will drop promptly, then worked at a distance, gradually increased, but always within easy hearing of the voice till perfect. The command to rise is " up," accompanied by an upward wave of the hand, the two being combined for reasons similar to those given for the order " on." The signal to drop is given by a down wave of the hand, and should not be used till the dog obeys the word unhesitatingly, tlie word and signal being combined till the dog understands that both have the same meaning. Under ordinary circumstances the dog when dropped may be al- lowed to hold his head up, but this is sometimes injurious to sport, BREAKIKG. 79 and to meet such contingencies he should be taught to put his nose down between his paws at the command "close," or when at a dis- tance, by a second down wave of the hand after he has dropped to the first. Having thoroughly drilled the dog thus far, we now practice him in both stopping and dropping till he fully distinguishes between them. It often happens that he will drop at "ho" or the raised hand after being worked in dropping. In such cases we walk up and raise him to his feet, giving the " ho" and emphasizing it by a slap under the belly. No advance in instruction must be made till both stop and drop are thoroughly learned. FOLLOWING AT HEEL. For this we again put the cord on the dog, and taking him up short, with hand behind our back, compel him to follow, repress- ing all attempts to push forward by the order " back," and a light tap on the nose with a switch. The two great points in this lesson are to make the dog follow, and also to keep up with us. If the latter is not taught, the dog will get into a habit of stopping "to play with others he meets, or to pay attention to anything that attracts his notice. The first is taught as we have shown, and the second may be by a sharp twitch upon the cord whenever he loiters, accompanied at first by the order "come." The signal to come to heel is given by a backward wave of the hand. RETRIEVING. More dogs are ruined by bad systems of teaching retrieving than by all other errors in breaking. Some are played with and coaxed into it, and so are made hard-mouthed, or are led to con- sider it mere sport, and refuse when circumstances strip it of pleas- ure. Others are forced by spike-collars or the whip, by which some are made obstinate beyond control, and otheis are so fright- ened that they never obey except under evident protest, that utterly destroys all beauty of action. Upon good retrieving a large por- tion of the sportsman's success depends, and it can be so taught 80 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN, that the dog will always perform willingly and efficiently, yet be always under perfect command. We shall not stop to show the utter worthlessness of the systems we have referred to, but give that which we have used for many years, and which we have never known fail in either our own hands or in those of any person who has given it a fair and intelli- gent trial. It is, as will be seen, a force system of the most abso- lute character, yet we have never known of a dog being permanently cowed by it, or one that was not made tender-mouthed and careful in seizing and bringing his game. As a preliminary the dog must be taught to sit upon his haunches, and hold his head up at the command "sit up." To this end we take him by the under jaw with one hand and lift his head up, while with the other we bend his hocks, thus forcing him into the desired position, and repeat this with the command till he obeys readily. Having progressed so far, we next take a hard, tightly-rolled woollen cylinder, about four inches long and an inch and a half through, with the edge well sewed down ; this being easily grasped by the dog, yet of a character that does not incline him to bite it. With this in hand we make the dog sit up before us, and, opening his jaws Avith one hand, insert the roll and close his teeth upon it, with the command " pick it up." He will probably throw it out immediately; but for this we care nothing, as taking, not holding, the roll is what we desire to effect. After presenting it two or three times in this way, without the dog making any attempt to take it, we then catch him by the nose and upper lip with the right hand, and with a strong overtwist, as if trying to tear the nose off, force him to cry out, thus causing him to open his mouth, into which we slip the roll with the other hand. This action rouses the dog's will and temper, but regardless of both, we continue repeating the command and twisting his nose till he begins to open his mouth when the roll is presented, whicli submission we immediately re- ward by encouragement, and as soon as it becomes decided we end the lesson for the day. BREAKING. 81 The length of this first fight depends upon the dog's character, some resisting much longer than others. We have conquered some in half an hour, and have had to work nearly a day with others, but we always push the first lesson to submission, no matter how long it takes, because if we stop short of this the dog naturally supposes he has got his way, and this makes him more stubborn at the next trial. Where a breaker cannot give so much time to a lesson, he must make up his mind to more trouble, but he will win if he persists, though it will be harder for both him and the dog. It must not be supposed that the dog maintains his sitting pos- ture during the first lesson ; on the contrary, he makes every pos- sible effort to escape, and if he finds this impossible, as it should be, he throws himself upon the ground. No effort should be made to keep him sitting up, the benefit of that position will be discovered later, and we have only taught it thus early to pre- vent having to diverge from the direct line of instruction in re- trieving. It is proper to say here that, no matter how enraged the dog may become, there is no danger of the breaker being bitten if he keeps his eye upon the dog while twisting him, as the hand u[)on the nose cannot be caught, and in addition to this immunity it serves to keep the teeth away from other parts of the person. The submission already gained is seldom permanent, and at the next trial we generally meet with refusal, when we immediately apply the twist till the dog gives up ; and as the first experience was a severe one the second struggle is comparatively brief, but we per- sist, rewarding every hesitation with a twist and every obedience with approval, till the dog opens his mouth promptly. We next teach him to hold the roll till ordered to give it up, which is done by first closing the jaws with the hand, giving the order " hold," and when resistance to this ceases, we simply give him a slight slap under the jaw if he attempts to drop it. By this method and encouragement he is soon taught to retain the roll as long as we desire; but we make the time brief, as we desire now to 6 82 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. relieve the dog of all fliseomfort not absolutely necessary to over- come his will. The order to surrender the roll is "give," at which we take hold of it, and if necessary at first gently open his jaws. This part of the lesson must be thoroughly taught or the dog may, when he takes pleasure in retrieving, refuse to surrender, and bite his birds badly in the effort to retain them. To confirm what we have already taught we next practice the dog in taking the roll from the hand iu all positions, high, low, and on one side, pushing his head gently towards it, and increasing the dis- tance as he improves. There must be no coaxing in this any more than in other parts of the instruction. The head must be pushed till the dog comprehends what is wanted, and then if he does not move towards the roll at the order the twist must be applied and the head turned at the same time, but approval and encouragement should be made very marked, that the dog may perceive the differ- ence in the results of refusal and obedience. The next lesson is in picking up from the floor, and if the last has been well taught this will be comparatively easy. The roll must be dropped, and with the hand touching it the usual command given, and the twist applied if the dog refuses, dragging his head by the nose to it if necessary, but he must at first be aided to get it into his mouth. If, as often happens, he seizes it with a savage crunch, which if allowed to become habitual will cause him to bite his birds, we must, as soon as he picks it up readily, say " carefully," and, slipping the thumb into his mouth under the roll, press it sharply up between the junction of the lower jaws just back of the teeth. The dog will have no inclination to bite the hand, but, on the contrary, may at once release the roll ; but with a little patience he can be l)n)uj;ht to hold it while the thumb is in position, and will eventually become very tender-mouthed. He may now be taught to fetch by the breaker stepping back a step or two with the com- mand " come," and, if necessary, holding his hand under the dog's jaw, with the usual command if the dog attempts to drop the roll. A few hours' practice at different times will teach him to carry well, and [)roper encouragement will make him take great pleasure in BREAKING. 83 doing so, besides preparing him well for the next step, — fetching from a distance. We throw the roll at first only a step or two, and, with a wave of the hand and an encouraging " pick it up, good dog," advance with him if necessary, make him pick it up and return with us to the place from whence we started. As he improves the roll can be thrown farther and farther, till he will fetch it from wherever it falls. Up to this time we have encouraged him to start immedi- ately when the roll is thrown, but as this will incline him to break shot to retrieve when in the field, we now, as soon as he becomes eager to fetch, stop him by the " ho," and make him stand till ordered on by "pick it up." We do not use the usual command to advance in this case, because Ave wish the object of the advance to be present in his mind, and to insure this we remind him of it. If necessary to restrain him, we simply take him by the collar, throw the roll, and, after a very brief pause, at first send him for it. Later the pause may be made longer, and any attempt to advance immediately checked, till the dog understands he must not start till ordered. All kinds of light objects must now be substituted for the roll, and the dog familiarized with them, forcing him to pick them up as before; lastly, a freshly killed bird must be used. Care must be taken to see that he brings everything tenderly, and a sharp " carefully, sir," be instantly given if he appears in the least inclined to crush what he brings. Heretofore we have accustomed him to fetch objects in sight, and we come now to hunting for them, which will oblige him to depend upon his nose. To this end the object used must have scent imparted to it, and this may be done either by carrying the I'oll in the pocket, or by rubbing it lightly with a piece of raw meat. We throw the roll a short distance when the dog is not looking, call him up, and saying, " find it, good dog," stoop and pretend to search for it ourselves, thus by example prompting him to hunt. We grad- ually work him to where the roll lies, and when he finds and fetches it, reward him by expressions of pleasure and encouragement. An intelligent dog will soon get the idea, and will persistently hunt for 84 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. and find objects under increasing difficulties, till his certainty of discovery becomes almost wonderful. When brought to this point in his education, the dog cannot be worked too frequently, with, of course, reasonable regard to fatiguing him. He should be taken frequently for a walk, and practised in all the various lessons he has been tauglit, and the more attention and encouragement he receives the greater will be his progress, and the greater return will he make when he comes to field work. If properly handled so far, he will have lost all the fear which the forcing to retrieve has awakened, and will be a courageous, willing performer of all he knows. As we have said, the time necessary for instruction will vary in proportion to the character of the dog and the intelligence of his teacher. We have had dogs that would retrieve perfectly in two weeks from date of the first lesson, while others have cost us a month's hard work. No period can therefore be named within which a man may expect to succeed, but, speaking from experience, we say the system we have given is not only the best, but also the quickest in producing results of all we have seen tried. BEATING AND QUARTERING. The last of our yard lessons is in beating and quartering the ground. We have divided it in this way because quartering means simply a systematic right and left range, and under certain circum- stances, as on the edges of thickets, or along fences and hedges, where birds resort when scattered, such work is not needed, as the ground to be covered is so limited that a straight forward beat will bring the dog to all the birds, and save him the fatigue of unneces- sary labor. To teach quartering, we take the dog into an open field and send him on, then by- a single blast of the whistle attract his attention, and by a wave of the hand in a direction at right angles to our course endeavor to turn him, turning ourselves if necessary, and walking on the new line. W^hen the dog has gone a short distance we again whistle, and with a wave of the hand turn him so as to go BEEAKING. 85 in the opposite direction, as far on the other side of our original line of advance as he has come on this. When this style of range becomes confirmed, we can walk down the centre of a field, and the dog will cross us right and left, going from fence to fence on either side. To beat ground in straight lines, he must be taught to stay in the cover and to move forward. To this end we take the dog: to such ground, say, " in there" with a wave of the hand, and when he gets in stop him, and wave the hand in the direction he must go, sending him back if he comes out of cover, and calling him by whistle if he goes too deep into the thicket. "^-The^P^ 'twiJi^essons will call for considerable practice, but when fully taught, the dog will have a system in his work which will insure him against missing any game on the ground gone over. Quartering is highly prized in field trials, and is certainly effective with dogs of average noses, but some dogs of very keen scenting powers display a natural instinct for keeping to the leeward of the ground, and thus catching the scent borne on the wind, by which they are led straight to the birds. Such work, though less showy, is fully as effective, and is not as hard upon the dog as systematic quartering, because it involves less labor. Dogs capable of it are comparatively rare, but when found and proved to be good game-finders, we would strongly urge our readers " to let well enough alone," for they certainly cannot improve upon their dogs, and may only injure them by attempting to control intelligence by rigid rules for its display. In this lesson, and also when the dog is at exercise, it is well to allow him to trail a light cord, fifteen or twenty yards long, as it may be needed when he comes to field work, and by. accustoming him to its drag at this time it will not distract his attention later if it has to be used. FIELD-BREAKING. Having perfected the dog in all preliminaries, we come now to the practical application of these in the field, and the first step is the introduction to game, which should be effected without the gun, as excitement will make the dog somewhat heedless of orders, and" 86 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. the breaker will have all he can attend to without attempting to shoot. Providing ourselves with a light cord with spring snap, we take the dog to ground where we know there are birds, and our first object is naturally to get him TO POINT. This is natural to all dog-s worthv of breaking, but the excite- ment of the scent will often induce a high-couraged one to press so near the birds that they flush, and persistence in this will make him permanently headstrong, if it does not overcome his inclina- tion to point. As soon, therefore, as we see he is making game, we get near him and stop him by the "ho," giving him time to quiet down a little before advancing. If in spite of us he flushes, we catch him, take him back to where he should have pointed, make him stop, and then taking him by the collar lead him a few steps forward over the trail, with occasional twitches on the collar, and rating him with " take care, sir," in a low tone, then make him stop and remain standing for some moments. If a few experiences of this kind do not bring him to pointing, we then hook the cord to the collar-ring, and let him drag it till he again makes game, then get hold of the cord, and by sharp twitches and the verbal warn- ing make him go slow till he shows by his actions he is near the birds, then stop him by the raised hand if possible, and if not, by the word. We let him stand without approaching him for some moments, then walk up carefully so as not to flush the birds, and take a place by his side. After standing a while we advance and flush, keeping a sharp eye on the dog to see he does not break point and follow, facing him instantly if he attempts to do so, and checking him by the raised hand and a sharp imperative " ho." Some dogs are naturally cautious, roading their birds carefully, and pointing from the first. With such all that is necessary is to con- firm them in this by care and whatever restraint is required. In all cases we endeavor by cautious conduct on our own part to show the dog there is need for great care and watchfulness in the work. BREAKING. 87 All dogs are imitative, and more or less so in proportion to their intelligence, so that a display of caution by the breaker acts as a constant warning to them. STANCHNESS. Upon the steadiness with which the dog is made to hold his first points his later stanchness depends. He should therefore be invariably compelled to stand as long as possible without fatigu- ing him, provided the birds are not evidently running. The breaker must exercise good judgment in deciding this, and must be guided by the circumstances of the ground, the probability whether the birds have been alarmed so as to move them or cause them to lie up, and also by the dog's actions. So long as his atten- tion is evidently fixed, and the dilation of his nostrils shows that the scent is strong, the birds may be supposed to lie before him, but when his attention flags, and he becomes uneasy, this is prima faele evidence that the scent is growing weaker, because the birds have run. An advance is therefore necessary, but must be made with great care, so as to establish another point if possible. In' all cases the birds must be flushed within a reasonable time, that the dog may be rewarded for his point, while his interest is keen. Some allowance must also be made for the dog's character. Those which are easily cowed may be discouraged by being kept too long on point. In fact, in this as in other matters the breaker must study his dog, and use common sense in working him. CHASING AND BREAKING POINT. These are both destructive to good work, and must be repressed. Sometimes, if the dog does not show proper interest in birds, he may be allowed to chase a few times, but should not be encouraged to do so, or he will come to think this is proper work. If inclined to chase, and uncontrollable by the "ho," the cord must be used emphatically till he gives up. If the birds rise either through the dog's fault or their wildness, the dog must be instantly stopped by the raised hand if he is where he can see it, or by word if he can- 88 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. not see it or refuses to obey. In cases of decided refusal he must be punished, but this should be done in tiie same way as in yard- breaking, by twitches upon the collar rather than by the whip, which in fact should, with the great majority of dogs, be never used till they are well advanced in field work. Breaking point should never be allowed with a young dog, and any attempt at it should be promptly restrained. Later, when the dog has gained experience and become thoroughly reliable, he may be trusted to determine his actions by his experience and his nose. UNDER THE GUN. When the dog can be depended on to road cautiously, point stanchly, and not to chase, he may be shot over. Many breakers accustom their dogs to the gun before putting them to field work, and if at all inclined to shyness, this is proper so far as to over- come such timidity, but apart from this, we have found it best not to use the gun till the dog is sufficiently advanced for its use to bring him a reward for his exertions in the form of killed birds. When the dog points, the breaker should walk quietly up to him, and after a reasonable time flush and kill a single bird, not more, for this is a new experience, and the sight of the falling bird and its possible tumbling about on the ground if only wounded, will be very likely to excite the dog, and the breaker will have enough to do to prevent his breaking point without attending to more shooting. This is the time to teach the dog to drop to shot, or stand in his place, whichever the breaker prefers. If the former, the command " drop" must be given instantly upon the shot. If the latter, all that will be necessary is to see the dog does not move from his point, and stop him if he attempts it by a sharp "ho." Experience will soon teach him to be steady under fire, and to drop or stand without orders. It is bad practice to send a young dog to retrieve a wounded bird when first shot over, and the breaker will do far better by killing it with a second barrel. For the command to retrieve we like "dead bird," accompanied by a forward wave of the hand, BEEAKING. 89 better than the " fetch," which is used in yard-breaking, as the former is more distinctive in character. The breaker must watch closely to see that the dog does not seize the bird roughly, or crush it in carrying, and must be careful to make him sit up and deliver into hand, thus insuring stylish work, and what is even more important, the possible escape of a wounded bird when, after a time, the dog is allowed to retrieve such. BACKING. We do not believe in working a young dog in company of others till fully established in his own work, for the reason that if he finds his companion by greater experience finds more birds, he will be apt to depend upon him instead of hunting independ- ently. It is essential, however, that he be worked in company after a time, not only to overcome or prevent jealousy, but also to teach him to back, or, in other words, point his companion when pointing. This is not merely a stylish performance, as it is of practical value. If a dog does not back, but, on the contrary, rushes up to the pointing dog, the latter will, unless very steady, be made jealous, and may be induced to break his point. Birds too, if at all wild, are very apt to rise when the second dog comes up, thus destroying all chances for a shot, except in those exceptional cases when the sportsman happens to be near the dogs. It is very necessary, therefore, that the back be as prompt and steady as the point, aud no dog can be considered properly broken that is not thoroughly reliable " before and behind." Backing is taught by stopping the dog the instant it is evident he notices his companion's point, and keeping him standing till the birds have been flushed, fired upon, and retrieved if killed. If the dog has been taught to drop to shot he should of course drop, aud remain down till ordered up, otherwise the standing position must be maintained. It is often difficult to keep the backer steady while the sportsman advances and shoots. It is well, therefore, to give the first lessons with the help of another man to do the shooting. By all means, also, the pupil should be worked in company of the 90 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. same dog till confirmed in this lesson, as the change of companions will be certain to rouse his jealousy. Another important thing is to select for second dog one as free as possible from false pointing, as the pupil must gain confidence in the point being upon game, or as he advances in game-finding ability he will proportionally lose re- spect for a companion that points false. If the sportsman is shooting alone he should not take inexperi- enced dogs out together. One must be steady and reliable, so that the entire attention can be given to the pupil, and in advancing to shoot while the pupil backs, the sportsman must keep an eye on the latter, and instantly repress any attempt to advance, in the same manner as he would an attempt to break point. Stanchness is as essential in one case as in the other, and both are taught in the same way, — by patience and perseverance. When the pupil can be depended on to back his regular asso- ciate, he should be taken out with others, as the sportsman will have frequent opportunities for shooting with different friends, and if his dog does not perform well under all circumstances, he will destroy sport and discredit his breaker. FALSE POINTING. Young dogs that are " full of point" will often point small birds, and this, though allowable at first, must be broken up as soon as possible, as it is very annoying for the sportsman to walk half across a field in expectation of a shot only to find the dog stiff upon something that is not game. Intelligent dogs will generally give up this practice when they find their points are not rewarded by shots, and it is for this reason that we prefer correcting this error under the gun, rather than in the preliminary instruction. When the dog persists in making false points, he must be taken by the collar and pulled off of his point, with the command " come away, sir," accompanied by a sharp twitch. Care must also be taken to prevent him from pointing whenever possible, by this command given as soon as he appears to notice anything not game. BREAKING. 91 NOT TO CROSS FENCES. Another important matter is to teach the dog he must not cross any fence without orders. His proper place when a fence has to be crossed is at heel. When ranging he must be recalled by whistle and wave of the hand if he attempts to pass out of the field, and must be ordered to heel when the sportsman comes up to the fence. He must also be thoroughly taught never to jump over after his master till ordered, as serious accidents may result from his jumping against his master or the gun. If he persists, he must be taken by the collar and pulled roughly away from the fence with the command " back," and if too eager to follow, he must be restrained by the " ho," or if necessary, by a light blow on the nose. GENERAL HINTS TO BREAKERS. It must be evident that it is much better to prevent errors than to correct them. Correction involves a greater or less degree of intimidation, and the less restraint the dog recognizes, beyond that necessary for proper control, the more free he will be to exercise his instincts and faculties in his work. A breaker must, therefore, watch his dog as closely as possible, and by proper warning stop him before he is really guilty of a wrong act. Such supervision is doubly beneficial, viz. : it educates the man in attending to his dog, and it impresses the dog with the idea that he is constantly under his master's eye, and cannot escape detection, the result of which is he becomes more careful in his work and less inclined to yield to impulses of a bad character. It may be accepted as a truism that a careless, negligent sportsman will always have a careless or bad- working dog. The most perfect performers, other things being equal, are those owned by the most careful and attentive men. There is no justice in holding the dog responsible for the errors of the man, or in punishing him for wrong acts actually encouraged by his master's neglect. We cannot, therefore, impress too strongly upon our readers the advantages and necessity for watchfulness, and 92 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. we assure them they will find this greatly to their advantage in both breaking and subsequent working of their broken dogs, BREAKING OLD DOGS. It is seldom a paying matter to attempt breaking an adult dog ah initio, because such have almost invariably such strength of will and confirmed habits that it is very difficult to get them under thorough control, and the work necessary to break an old dog is much greater than that necessary for a young one, which when de- veloped may easily be a better performer. Simply saying, then, that the same system of instruction must be followed in all cases irrespective of the age of the pupils, we shall confine ourselves to directions for correcting faults in adult dogs resulting from imperfect breaking or bad handling. Many dogs of naturally fine abilities have, through the fault of their handlers, acquired bad habits, yet are worth rebreaking, and must be rebroken when they pass into the hands of men who appreciate fine work, and will not be satis- fied with anything else, and it is to this class of cases that we shall devote our present attention. WILDNESS OR LACK OF CONTROL. Dogs of this character must of course be taught to obey before they are taken into the field, by the same course as that used with, younger ones, but it often happens that some will obey well out of the field, yet under the gun are headstrong, disobedient, or beyond control in their range, so that when taken into cover they cannot be restrained within the limits necessary for effective cover work. Such dogs need sharp correction, and for this purpose we use the spike- collar and cord, compelling them to obey the " ho" and whistle promptly, also to go slow at the command " steady." It is folly to attempt shooting over such dogs till they are under good control, as the breaker will have all he can do to make them mind, and if his attention is given to anything else, they will take advantage of it to act as they like. In using the spike-collar it will of course be necessary to allow the cord to trail, so that it can be caught up at BREAKING. 93 any time when needed, yet not restrict the dog's range unduly. If the dog is very headstrong it is well to let the cord trail, and punish him frequently by catching in bushes and stones, by which the spikes will prick the neck and admonish him to save himself by moderating his rate of going, but if he does not need such sharp treatment, and also as he begins to yield obedience, a plain collar should be put on in front of the spikes, and the cord looped to this by a piece of twine strong enough to stand ordinary drag, yet weak enough to break when the cord is jerked by the breaker for pun- ishment. CHASING AND SHOT-BEE A KING. These are very common faults with badly-broken dogs and must be corrected by the spikes, used in the same manner as the plain collar is used with a pup, to enforce the "ho" or "drop." Some dogs will, however, break shot only when a bird falls. With such it is well to take an attendant to hold the cord when the dog points, while the breaker advances to shoot. The attendant should not, however, attempt to give orders, but simply enforce those of the breaker, by spiking the dog if he does not obey promptly. If sharply applied, the spikes will quickly teach even the most con- firmed shot-breaker that he must abandon the practice, and when once subdued, the command and proper punishment by whip will keep him right. BITING BIRDS. Nearly all dogs that have been badly taught to retrieve will man- gle birds. Ordinary punishment is useless, because it is difficult, if not impossible, to make the dog understand for what he is corrected. The quickest and most effectual way is to run a number of small wires through a bird, so that they will stand out just under the feathers. This must be thrown when a bird is killed, or at any time the lesson is given, and as the dog seizes it, the breaker should if possible catch him by the upper and lower jaw, and shut them together so that the wires will prick sharply, with the command 94 lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. " carefully." Very often the dog will drop the bird as soon as he pricks himself, and in this case the breaker should put it into his mouth and prick him, with the command. The command should also be given when the dog is in the act of picking the bird up. If the dog has been forced to retrieve, he can always be compelled to bring the wired bird ; but if, on the other hand, he has not been forced, he will probably refuse to bring, and then must be rebroken by the force system used with a pup. In any event, a confirmed biter should never be allowed to retrieve a wounded bird till fully cured and firmly established in his improved retrieving by long practice. This is one of the most difficult of all faults to correct, because there are so many cii'cumstances that prompt a dog to it, and these circumstances must be appreciated and avoided by the breaker if he expects to make him tender-mouthed; A LAST WORD. It is impossible to provide by any system for all contingencies. Dogs, from their varying dispositions and characters, require in sbme measure different treatment. Some, too, will display faults uncommon and peculiar to themselves. All can, however, be broken by the system we have given, more or less sharply applied according to circumstances. Breakers must exercise patience and discretion, study their dogs, and vary the system to suit them. If peculiarities or faults which we have not mentioned are displayed, their cause must be investigated and removed. We claim that by the system we have given any dog can be broken by even an inexperienced man. We mean by this any dog that is brealvable. Some will, of course, give more trouble than others, and some men will find more difficulty than others in applying the systeai. All we pretend to. give is a thoroughly good general rule, and we must leave to our readers the intelligent application of it. The great secret of success is thoroughness and frequent practice in the lessons, with firmness but good temper on the part of the breaker. With these any man can break a dog, but without them he is not fit to attempt it. CHAPTER VII. ART OF SHOOTING ON THE WIX(i, 'All the sports of the field are delightful, 1 own, But none can with shooting compare ; 'Tis a joy that entices the king from his thi'one, 'Tis a joy that the wisest may share. The voice of the hound on the breeze of the morn, The note of the bugle, may please ; The song of the wild bird is sweet from the thorn, But the Kun has more music than these." OST persons unconversant with the use of the gun are naturally led to believe that there is some great mystery or some extraordinary sleight-of-hand work con- nected with the art of shooting birds when on the wing. This opinion is often so fii-mly engrafted on the minds of cer- tain sensitive individuals that they are ever unwilling even to make a trial of their own dexterity io 95 9G lewis's AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. tliis way, feeling satisfied that they could never arrive at any degree of perfection in an art so difficult to acquire. Or, if they should be tempted to venture in the field with some one of their associates more experienced in the use of the gun, expecting a day's enjoyment, they become so discouraged at their want of success, as well as perplexed at the inability of their sporting companion to give them any definite or systematic instruction for shooting, that they not unfrequently withdraw from the field completely mortified and disgusted with every thing appertaining to the sport ; when, by a little perseverance and a few well-timed hints from their companion, they might soon have arrived at that pinnacle of fame to which all sportsmen aspire ; we mean — a good shot ! We ourselves do not pretend to be a great shot, but, on the contrary, are very modest in our claims upon this point ; but because we cannot kill every bird we fire at, that is no reason why we may not instruct others, so that they, by longer practice, may arrive at this degree of excellence, if they wish it, but to which we have neither the ambition to aim nor the time at our disposal to acquire. It is no uncommon circumstance in the study of the arts and sciences for the pupil to excel the master; and we suppose, or rather we flatter ourselves, that we may yet look forward to encountering some one of our own pupils in the fieM who will not hesitate to snuh our nose whenever an opportunity ofi"ers. If such should be the case, we shall be happy in the knowledge of having done some good for our country, and more particularly for the sports of the field. The first grand desideratum to be considered by the pupil is the possession of a good gun, of which, however, we will speak more particularly under the chapter on fire-arms. The next great acquisition to be sought after is coolness and deliberation, for without these qualities you might as well leave the gun in its case, and walk into the fields with a dog at your heels, and a shooting- cracker in your hand ready to throw at the birds as they rise from the stubble, in the vain hope of frightening them to death SHOOTING ON THE WING. 97 by the noise of the explosion, as to fire a gun over them without perfect self-possession and composure. Without coolness and deliberation, a young shooter, or even an old shooter, can hope to a