B^mm I XI TI XX AT I K. T. PHILWPS . c.e. PUBLISHED BY " GEO. S. BLANCHARD & CO 89 West Fourth Street Kj^2^^SS5SSkSzfeijS&KT; ufWXAAAA/WVWVA^ CITY OF CINCINNATI # gummas ATTRACTIONS, ADVANTAGES, INSTITUTIONS, AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, % Statement of its Ijnbltc | ; harities GEO. E. STEVENS. '..■■•' Cincinnati: O-IEO. S. BLAUGHABD &c GO. NO. 39 WEST FOURTH STREET. I869. __J Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by GEO. E. STEVENS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Conrt of the United States, for the Southern District of Ohio. STEREOTYPED AT THE FRANKLIN TYPE FOUNDRY, CINCINNATI. Publishe i\s ' Notice. i/FlNCINNATI, the largest inland city of the United k^> States — the center of trade of the Ohio Valley, with a population of over a quarter of a million, admira- ble location and climate, and suburbs unequaled in beauty by those of any city in the world — has recently had no pub- lication setting forth its attractions and advantages, both as a place of trade and residence. This want, it is hoped, has now been supplied. The publishers have borne in mind the impatience of the public toward prolixity in style, and, at the risk of omitting valuable material, have endeavored to present, to be read, a compend, stating, in the most concise terms, only the leading features which characterize the great city of the Central West. The original design included full descriptions of the suburbs, but the limits of the volume forbade these. As it now is, the book, without being a mere tabular guide, will be a manual of great service to every stranger. The publishers bespeak for it the attention of every merchant, manufacturer, and property-holder in Cincinnati, confident that such a publication will be a powerful agent in the advancement of their interests. Believing in the promise of a magnificent future for the Queen City, they issue this volume, trusting that no citizen will be ashamed to declare it a fair exponent of the great metropolis of the Ohio Valley. f R E F A CE £jp HE design of this volume lias been to present, in the ^j2, briefest possible terms, a summary of the attractions and advantages, and to assert the rightful sovereignty, of the Queen City. Not a history, recording the past, but rather a photograph, an instantaneous fixing of the pres- ent, has been intended. With this aim, taxing the utmost skill to develop the salient features — to properly adjust the effects of light and shade — to select just the point of best perspective — the difficulty has been to determine, not what to insert, but what to omit, not how much, but how little to say. Thus the work, while partly the result of compi- lation, has required, in its preparation, much time and labor. It is submitted in the firm belief that those who have attempted a task similar to this, wil] form the most charitable opinions of its execution. Entire freedom from inaccuracies is not claimed. The nature of the contents vill account for the appearance of matter which may have ceased since it was written, to represent facts correctly. Reference has been had to various sources for informa- tion, among which are to be credited the daily papers of VI PREFACE. the city, especially the Gazette, and the volumes of the late Charles Cist, to whose labors Cincinnati has been so greatly indebted. That invaluable work, " Lippincott's Gazetteer," has supplied important items. In the prepara- tion of the statement of the charities of the city, free use has been made of published reports of the various institu- tions. To the " Atlantic Monthly," acknowledgment is also due. The most valuable part of the book will be found to be the chapter upon the growth and future of Cincinnati. This is from the pen of E. D. Mansfield, Esq., and will command the attention and confidence which it deserves. G. E. S. Cincinnati, April 20, 1869. p ONTE NTS CHAPTER I. Introductory View CHAPTER II. Location— Physical Characteristics— La Belle Riv- iere—General Description— Distances to Important Points 12 CHAPTER III. The Stranger in Cincinnati— Approach— General Di- rections—Different Quarters of the City— Suspension Bridge— Suburbs— Public Buildings and Points of In- terest—Hotels—Fourth Streets-Levee— Fort Washing- ton—West End—" Over the Rhine"—" Siege of Cincin- nati"— Moonlight Scenes— Spring Grove— Cincinnati Hospital— Law School— Law Library— Church Edi- fices—Davidson Fountain — Garden of Eden — Young Men's Gymnastic Association— St. Xavier's College— Wesleyan Female College— Other Notable Points (ar- ranged alphabetically) 20 CHAPTER IV. Cincinnati and its Future ; its Growth, Industry, Com- merce and Education.. 67 CHAPTER V. City Government— Public School System— School Reg- ulations—Postal Statistics— Wealth of the City— Board of Health— Police Department — Fire Department — Ad- (vii) Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE ministration of Justice— Justices of the Peace— District Court — Court of Common Pleas— Superior Court — Pro- bate Court— Police Court— United States Courts 102 CHAPTER VI. The Charities of Cincinnati— Introductory— Union Bethel— Orphan Asylum— Relief Union— Children's Home— German Orphan Asylum — Home for the Friendless — Ladies Union Aid Society — Fowell Bux- ton School— St. Luke's Hospital— Widow's Home- Women's Christian Association — Young Men's Chris- tian Association— Colored Orphan Asylum — House of Refuge— Board of Health— City Infirmary — Longview Asylum — Cincinnati Hospital 120 CHAPTER VII. The Press— Literary, Scientific and Social Organi- zations — Chamber of Commerce — Board of Trade— Li- braries— Newspapers and Periodicals— Manufacture of Books— Public Library — Young Men's Mercantile Li- brary — Theological Library— Horticultural Society- Academy of Medicine— Historical and Philosophical Society— Mechanics Institute— Pioneer Association- German Pioneer Association— Lane Seminary — Mount Auburn Young Ladies' Institute — Literary Clubs— Mu- sical Societies— Social Elements 187 CHAPTER VIII. Items of Caution and Notice for Strangers— Sub- urbs— Horse-Car Routes— Fire Alarm Stations— Lines of Outward Travel — Avondale — Clifton — College Hill— East Wain u t Hills— Glendale— Mount Auburn — Walnut Hills— Woodburn— Wyoming 202 The Queen City. INCINNATI, entering in 1869 the ninth decade of its existence, is the largest and wealthiest in- land city of America. The number of its inhabit- ants is estimated at over a quarter of a million. Settled in 1788, one hundred and seven years after Philadel- phia, it has to-day a population as great as that city contained in 1840, and equal to that of New York in 1833. Eeceiving early in its history the title "Queen City of the West," it has never lost its claim to that proud eminence. Its present greatness may well excite contemplation, and its citizens gather thence a fresh energy to stimulate a future growth, the limit of which none can place. It has been no idle fancy that has styled Cincinnati "the Paris of America." Already the great workshop and exchange of the populous Val- ley of the Ohio, a territory greater in area than the whole of France, Nature has bestowed gifts which need (9) 10 THE CITY OP CINCINNATI. only the seconding of Art to develop upon the banks of " La Belle Riviere " the grandest and most beautiful city of the New World. American brain and nerve and muscle will find here a center where the facilities for the creation of wealth shall be inferior only to those for its enjoyment. Inevitably Cincinnati, the metropo- lis of the fairest portion of the United States, is moving steadily and compactly forward to a magnificent future. Its commercial supremacy was and is "manifest des- tiny," while natural advantages belong to it which leave it few rivals in beauty of situation among the cities of the world. The Cincinnati of A.D. 1900 will display to the visitor its vast commerce and manufactures crowding its lower plateau, while upon the elevation of the surrounding hills shall stretch away for miles under the genial skies of this favored region the dwellings of its inhabitants. Pushing its limits far out on every side, there will be, at no distant period, one consolidated municipality, gathering into its embrace one after another the now suburban villages, until one and the same boundary shall mark the limit of the city and the county in which it is situate. In the recently-uttered words of a distinguished citi- zen, the Cincinnati of the not remote future is to be "a city fair to the sight, with a healthy public spirit, and high intelligence sound to the core ; a city with THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 11 pure water to drink, pure air to breathe, spacious pub- lic grounds, wide avenues ; a city not merely of much, traffic, but of delightful homes ; a city of manufactures, wherein is made every product of art — the needle-gun, the steam-eugine, the man of learning, the woman of accomplishment ; a city of resort for the money profit of its dealings, and the mental and spiritual profit of its culture — the Edinboro' of a new Scotland, the Boston of a new Xew England, the Paris of a new France." Most justly has one of the ablest of American politi- cal economists said, that " it requires no keenness of ob- servation to perceive that Cincinnati is destined to become the focus and mart for the grandest circle of manufacturing thrift on this continent. Her delightful climate, her unequaled and ever-increasing facilities for cheap and rapid commercial intercourse with all parts of the country and the world, her enterprising and en- ergetic population, her own elastic and exulting youth, are all elements which predict and insure her electric progress to giant greatness. It may be doubted if there is another spot on earth where food, fuel, cotton, timber, and iron can all be concentrated so cheaply as here. Such fatness of soil, such a wealth of mineral treasure — coal, iron, salt, and the finest clays for all purposes of use — and all cropping out from the steep, facile banks of placid, though not sluggish, navigable rivers. How many El Dorados could equal this valley of the Ohio?'' CHAPTER II. Location— Physical Characteristics— La Belle Riviere— General Description. @5|p[[HE City of Cincinnati, the county seat of Hamil- *jp ton County, State of Ohio, is situated in a valley of circular form, about twelve miles in circum- ference, which is bisected by the Ohio Eiver passing through it in a course from north-east to south-west. The city rests upon the north bank; and, lying opposite, in the State of Kentucky, are the towns of Dayton, Ludlow, and Brooklyn, and the cities of Newport and Covington. The Licking River empties into the Ohio between the cities just mentioned. The hills surround- ing the city form a natural amphitheater un equaled in beauty upon this continent. From their summits, varying in height from three to four hundred feet, may be seen the splendid panorama of the great river and three cities with all their busy life. While Philadel- phia, New Orleans, Chicago, Buffalo, and St. Louis are built on comparatively level ground, and afford scarcely any noticeable variety of position, the site of Cincin- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 13 nati is one upon which the eye of taste may rest with admiration, while the natural advantages of location, which the city and its environs present, seize the atten- tion of every beholder. The river front of the city is about ten miles in length, and the northern line over two miles from low-water mark. The greater part of the city is built on two terraces, or plateaus — the first, fifty feet above low- water mark, and the second one hundred and eight feet. The front margin of the latter plateau, originally a steep bank, has been graded to a gentle declivity, so that the drain- age of much of the city is made directly into the river. This upper terrace, comprising two-thirds of the area of the valley, is somewhat undulating in its surface, but in the main slopes to the north, and, at an average dis- tance of a mile, terminates at the base of the hills. The central and business portions of the city are com- pactly built. The streets are laid out with regularity, and are about sixty-six feet in width. The sidewalks are wide, and paved with brick and stone. Shade trees adorn many of the streets and avenues. Main Street runs almost due north from the river, with Broadway, Sycamore, Walnut, Vine, Kace, Elm, Plum, Central Avenue, and others, parallel with it. These are inter- sected at right angles by streets running east and west, and mostly deriving their names from their relative po- 14 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. sition — Front, Second, Pearl, Third, Fourth, Fifth, etc. The principal streets for wholesale business are Main, Walnut, Vine, Second, and Pearl; for retail, Fourth, Fifth, and Central Avenue.- At the foot of Main, Syc- amore, and Broadway, on Front Street, is the Public Landing, an open area of ten acres, with one thousand feet front. The shore is paved from low-water mark, and furnished with floating wharves which rise and fall -with the river. Cincinnati is remarkable for solidity of appearance, and presents a striking appearance both in regard to the architecture and the magnitude of its buildings. The material generally employed for the fronts of the best buildings is a fine freestone or sand- stone, though white limestone is used to a considerable extent. The city was settled in 1788, and incorporated as a city in 1819. In 1800, it contained only seven hundred and fifty inhabitants. For several years after its 'first settlement, it suffered greatly from Indian ravages. When this source of danger ceased, the new city moved forward to greatness with rapid strides. The accom- panying engraving represents Cincinnati as it appeared in 1802. The Ohio River, which curves so gracefully around the southern margin of the city, is one of the finest rivers in the world. The early French adventurers called it "La Belle Riviere" — the Beautiful River. 1. MAJ.Wm.RUFFIN, 2. ARTIFICER'S YARD, 3. CHARLES VATTIER, 4. JAMES SMITH, 5. DAVID ZIEGLER, ■ 6. GRIFFIN YE ATM AN, 7. MARTIN BAUM, 8. COL. GIBSON, piast ST/?OBMDGE& CU.LITH. CINCINNATI. JOEL WILLIAM'S, 10. ISRAEL LUDLOW. U . GREEN TREE HOTEL , 12. SAMUEL BEST, 13. PRESBYTERIANER CHURCH, 14. FORT WASHINGTON. 15. OR. ALLISON. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 15 This, it is stated, is the signification of the Indian appellation Ohio. Xo river on the globe rolls for so great a distance in such uniform, smooth, and placid current. It is formed by the confluence of the Alle- ghany and Monongahela in the western part of Penn- sylvania. Flowing in a south-westerly direction, and dividing Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, on the right, from Virginia and Kentucky, on the left, it empties into the Mississippi about one hundred and seventy-five miles below St. Louis. The entire length of the river is up- ward of nine hundred and fifty miles, and of the valley. not following the windings of the stream, about six hun- dred and fourteen miles. The principal tributaries are the Muskingum, Great Kanawha, Big Sandy, Scioto, Miami, Green, Kentucky, Wabash, Cumberland, and Tennessee. At Pittsburgh, its elevation above the level of the sea is six hundred and eighty feet ; at the entrance of the Muskingum, five hundred and forty-one feet ; at the mouth of the Scioto, four hundred and sixty-four feet; opposite Cincinnati, four hundred and fourteen feet; at its confluence with the Mississippi, three hun- dred and twenty-four feet — making the average descent less than five inches to the mile. The current is very gentle,, being about three miles per hour. The velocity is, of course, very much increased at high water. In common with other Western rivers, the Ohio is subject to great elevations and depressions. The average range 16 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. between high and low water is about fifty feet; but in a few instances, as in 1832, the rise has been over sixty feet. The navigable waters of the Ohio and its tribu- taries are estimated at not less than five thousand miles, and the extent of area drained at two hundred and twenty thousand square miles. Descending the river from Pittsburgh, the scenery is highly picturesque and beautiful. The hills, two and three hundred feet high, and intervening valleys, approach the stream on either side. These exhibit in the spring and early sum- mer a bounteous wealth of verdure, and in autumn all the glories of color which have made the forests of the West so justly celebrated. The graceful curves and bends of the river, exhibiting in the distance one range of hills gliding into another, with their beautifully- rounded summits, produce a series of splendid views rarely found. Cincinnati is in longitude 84° 2Q / west from Green- wich, and latitude 39° 6 / 30" north. The upper terrace of the city is five hundred and forty feet above the level of the sea. The surface of the river at low water is four hundred and thirty-one feet, and that of the surrounding hills about eight hundred and fifty feet, above the sea. The summit of Mount Adams is three hundred and ninety- six feet above low-water mark in the Ohio River, Mount Auburn four hundred and fiftv-nine feet, and Mount THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 17 Harrison, west of the city, four hundred and sixty- feet. Geologically, Cincinnati is situated in the lower Silu- rian formation. Sand and gravel underlie the greater portion of the city. The adjacent region furnishes, in inexhaustible quantities, a blue fossiliferous limestone, which is a most valuable building material. Situated in the heart of a rich and populous district, through which are scattered rapidly-growing cities and towns, Cincinnati is the commercial metropolis of sev- eral of the finest States in the Union. Of the region between Lake Erie and Tennessee River, and between Baltimore and Saint Louis, comprising the fairest part of North America, it is the center. A table of distances to important points, by water and by railway, is here given : BY RIVER. Miles. Aurora, Ind., 26 Cairo, 529 Carrolton, Ky., , . , 81 Evansville, Ind., 337 Guyandotte, Va., . . _ 165 Ironton, O., 144 Lawrenceburg, Ind., 22 Louisville, 142 Madison, Ind., 91 Marietta, O., 306 Maysville, Ky., .- 61 2 18 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Miles. Memphis, 781 New Albany, Ind., 145 New Orleans, 1520 Parkersburg, Va., 293 Pomeroy, O., .220 Pittsburgh, 476 Portsmouth, O., 114 St. Louis, 708 Vicksburg 1128 Wheeling, 382 BY HAIL. K Altoona, Pa., .... 430 Baltimore, 580 Boston, 936 Buffalo, 438 Cairo, 396 Chicago, 280 Cleveland, 255 Columbus, O., 120 Dayton, 60 Detroit, 267 Evansville, Ind., 243 Harrisburg, Pa., 562 Indianapolis, 115 Lexington, Ky., 100 Louisville, 105 Marietta, O., 196 Memphis, 514 Nashville, 330 New Orleans, 890 New York, 744 Philadelphia, 668 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 19 Miles. Pittsburgh, 313 Richmond, Ind., 70 St. Louis, . 340 Springfield, O., 84 Toledo, 202 Urbana, 95 Vincennes, 194 Vicksburg, 752 Washington, 610 Xenia, O., 65 Cincinnati, already distinguished for regularity and beauty of streets, is susceptible, by reason of its peculiar topographical features, of improvements of this kind, which will leave it without a rival among American cities. Large foresight is being displayed in the engi- neering of public improvements. Splendid avenues and parks are being projected and constructed, render- ing it certain that no Baron Haussman will be needed in the next century to remodel the Queen City. CHAPTER III. The Steanger in Cincinnati— Approach— General Di- rections— Different Quarters of the City— Suspen- sion Bridge— Prospects froiu: the Hiels— Suburbs- Public Buildings and Points of Interest. i^if^HE stranger arriving in Cincinnati will find little *M$) difficulty in acquainting himself with the streets and avenues of the city, and making his way to any part without trouble. The map of the city will aid him to get the points of the compass, and give a general idea of the location. It will also indicate the relative position of the railroad depots, principal hotels, the post-office, etc. The city is very compact, and commu- nication between the different points is easy. The lines of street cars afford a speedy transit from the railroad depots to the vicinity of excellent hotels. The hack rates of Cincinnati were established before the war, and have never since been altered. As they are not now observed by any one, they are not here given. The best plan is to have a distinct understanding with the hackman before entering his carriage. The railroad omnibus lines are well managed, and transport pa^- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 21 sengers and baggage with great celerity. The streets running north and south are numbered from the river north ; the east and west streets, each way from Main Street. The leading hotels of the city are here mentioned : Burnet House. — This spacious hotel is located on the corner of Third and Vine Streets. Its fame is known throughout the United States. Its splendid ap- pointments and excellent management will continue to perpetuate its celebrity. The building is in the Italian style of architecture, and has a front of two hundred and twelve feet on Third Street and two hundred and ten feet on Vine Street. The present proprietors are Messrs. A. C. Joslin & Co. Gibson House. — This well-known and popular hotel is on Walnut Street, west side, between Fourth and Fifth. Its location is central and convenient to all the lines of street cars. Directly opposite are the Merchant's Exchange and the Young Men's Mercantile Library. Its interior arrangements are admirable, and the con- venience and comfort of guests are unceasingly consulted. Never has this house been more attractive or prosperous than under the management of Messrs. Sinks, Corre & Co., its present lessees. Spencer House. — This house needs no introduction to those at all acquainted with Cincinnati. It is on the north-west corner of Broadway and the Public Landing. 22 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. It has long been a favorite with travelers on the river and guests from all parts of the South. The internal arrangements are unsurpassed in their elegance and convenience. The requirements of light and ventila- tion are well met, and the prospect upon the river and the Kentucky adjacencies is a splendid one. This house is now conducted by Messrs. Sweny & Drown. St. James Hotel. — This house, which has won in the few years of its existence an enviable reputation, is located on Fourth Street, at the corner of Hammond Street, east of Main Street. This is the only hotel upon this fashionable promenade. Its facilities for the entertainment of guests are admirable, and no house has gained friends more rapidly than this under the popular management of Henry P. Elias, Esq. Walnut Street House, as its name indicates, is on Walnut Street, at the corner of Gano, between Sixth and Seventh Streets. It covers ten thousand square feet of ground. The dining room is a magnificent apart- ment. The parlors are spacious and elegant, and all the rooms are of convenient size and arrangement. There are few pleasanter places of abode for the stranger in the city. Messrs. Pratt & Davis, its present owners, are erentlemen who thoroughly understand their business. Colonel Pratt was for a long time proprietor of the Spencer House of this city. Merchants Hotel. — This house has always been a THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 23 favorite with visitors to Cincinnati. It is located on Fifth Street, east of Main. It is a most eligible and convenient stopping-place for travelers. The guests ever find in its courteous proprietors, Galleher, Nel- son & Co., gentlemen who are ever ready to contribute to their comfort and enjoyment. Galt House. — South-west corner of Sixth and Main. Metropolitan Hotel. — On the west side of Main Street, below Second. Henrie House. — North side of Third, between Main and Sycamore. The visitor to Cincinnati is not favorably impressed during the approach to the city. The railroads enter- ing the city by the valley of Millcreek afford passengers some idea of the extent and situation of the city, but the entrance by river, or by the railroads skirting its banks, conveys an unfortunate idea. The abruptly ris- ing hills crowd all improvements close down to the river side, and almost hide the main portion of the city, till, close at hand, the massive fronts rear themselves suddenly into view. The general aspect is that of solid- ity, comfort, and commercial prosperity. Wide, well- paved, clean streets, crossing each other at right angles, invite a further inspection. The substantial, elegant architecture of the mercantile and public buildings has illustration in the engravings presented in this volume. Once comfortably established in his quarters at the 24 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. hotel, the visitor is at leisure to make his plans, whether in the way of business or pleasure. A subsequent part of this book will furnish the names and locations of the institutions of the city — civil, benevolent, educational, etc. Directions to excursionists will here be given only in a general way. The pages immediately succeeding will furnish an idea of the characteristics of different quarters of the city, and a carriage drive of three or four hours will suffice to visit them. Descriptions are also given of the public buildings and works that are worthy of par- ticular attention. It would be too much for one day, however, to do justice to the various institutions of Cincinnati, in vis- iting them upon a tour of inspection. A day may be most delightfully spent in a tour among the suburban attractions of the city, including that unrivaled of Amer- ican cemeteries, Spring Grove. Many visitors also make this city the point of departure upon excursions to the Mammoth Cave and Yellow Springs. In the city itself, Fourth Street is the center of attrac- tion. There are few more brilliant scenes than it pre- sents upon bright afternoons in the spring or fall, when it is thronged with promenaders, and glittering with the gay and costly equipages of wealth. Looking down from Fourth Street, one may behold upon the terrace below, convenient to the river, and THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 25 yet secure from its invasion, the movements belonging to vast manufactures and commerce. He will remem- ber that a territory nearly three times as large as Great Britain draws thence its principal supplies. Some of that immense variety of merchandise will find a desti- nation, by rail or steamer, thousands of miles away — perchance reaching the shores of the Old World. Ex- tending between Main Street and Broadway is a splen- did levee, one thousand feet long, with an area of ten acres, lined with capacious steamboats. This, with its narrower extensions up and down the river, is the scene of remarkable activity. "A traveler must, indeed, be difficult to please who can not find a boat bound to a place he would like to visit. From far back in the coal- mines of the Youghiogheny to high up the Bed Biver — from St. Baul to Xew Orleans and all intermediate ports — one has but to pay his money, and take his choice of the towns upon sixteen thousand miles of navigable waters." There is a striking view from the levee of the new wire-suspension bridge, which, as James Barton writes, springs out from the summit of the broad, steep levee to a lofty tower (two hundred feet high) near the wa- ter's edge, and then, at one leap, clears the whole river, and lands upon another tower upon the Covington side. From tower to tower is one thousand and fifty- seven feet ; the entire length of the bridge is two thou- 26 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. sand two hundred and fifty-two feet, and it is hung one hundred feet above low-water mark by two cables of wire. Seen from below, and at a little distance, it looks like gossamer-work, and as though the wind could blow it away, and waft its filmy fragments out of sight; but the tread of a drove of elephants would not bend or jar it. The Bock of Gibraltar does not feel firmer under foot than this spider-web of a bridge, over which endless trains of vehicles and pedestrians pass one another. It is estimated that, besides its own weight of six hundred tons, it would bear a burden of sixteen thousand tons. This remarkable work, constructed at a cost of nearly two million dollars, was begun twelve years ago, and has taxed the patience and faith of its projectors severe- ly; but, now that it is finished, Cincinnatians justly look upon it with great pride. One taking the street cars upon Front Street, at the northern terminus of this bridge, may in an hour's ride pass over two suspension bridges, each flung across a navigable river, and will have been, dur- ing his ride, in two States, three counties, and three cities. The great staples of this market — iron, cotton, sugar, tobacco, etc. — are handled along Front, Water, and Sec- ond Streets, and their adjacencies. Pearl Street, north of Second, and parallel with it, is the center of opera- tions for an immense capital employed in distributing dry goods, notions, clothing, shoes, etc, Im ilL THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 27 On Third Street are assembled most of the banks, insurance offices, agencies, lawyers' offices, etc. It is the Wall Street of Cincinnati. Fourth Street displays to the visitor the magnificent retail establishments, and is the fashionable promenade of the city. On Third Street, between Broadway and Lawrence Streets, the stranger may place himself on the former site of Fort Washington ; all traces of which, however, have long since vanished. It was built in 1789, when the infant city was hourly in danger of incursion from the savages who roamed the interminable forests of the Miami country. The following description is taken from "Cist's Cincinnati in 1841:" "About the 1st of June, 1789, Major Doughty arrived with one hundred and forty men from Fort Harmar, on the Muskingum, and built four block-houses nearly opposite the mouth of Licking. When these were finished, within a lot of fifteen acres reserved by the United States, and imme- diately on the line of Third Street, between Broadway and Lawrence, he commenced the construction of Fort Washington. This building, of a square form, was simply a fortification of logs hewed and squared, each side about one hundred and eighty feet in length, formed into barracks two stories high. It was con- nected at the corners by high pickets with bastions or block-houses, also of hewed logs, and projecting about 28 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. ten feet in front of each side of the fort, so that the cannon placed within thern could be brought to rake the walls. Extending along the whole front of the fort was a fine esplanade, about eighty feet wide, and in- closed with a handsome paling on the brow of the bank, the descent from which to the lower bottom was sloping about thirty feet. The exterior of the fort was white- washed, and, at a short distance, presented a handsome and imposing appearance. On the eastern side were the officers' gardens, freely cultivated and ornamented, with handsome summer-houses. The site of this build- ing is that part of Third Street opposite the Bazaar, and extending an average breadth of about sixty feet beyond the line of the street on both sides. It was completed by November, and on the 29th of the succeeding month General Harinar arrived with three hundred men and took possession of it." Many of the dwellings of Cincinnati are remarkable for their handsome proportions and elegance of finish. The east end of Fourth Street, and contiguous portions of Broadway and Pike Streets, exhibit some palatial residences. An object of interest Avill be the mansion and spacious grounds once occupied by Nicholas Long- worth, who was at the time of his death, several years ago, the richest man in Cincinnati. This beautiful estate is now occupied by F. E. Suire, Esq. Fourth Street, west of Central Avenue, also contains THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 29 many handsome dwellings. Prominent among them is the residence of Judge D. K. Este. The West End, comprising a large district lying to the west of Central Avenue, includes the larger number of handsome and comfortable dwellings, and is rapidly growing in extent, beauty, and population. The district between the Miami Canal, on the south and west, and the hills on the north, contains a popula- tion of almost entirely German descent or birth, the number of which is estimated at eighty thousand. This district is known as " Over the Bhine," the Miami Canal receiving this sobriquet. Residents of the city during the Know-Nothing excitement of 1854, well remember the sluggish stream as marking the boundary beyond which it was dangerous for some obnoxious native Americans to venture among the excited foreigners, who are now, as they have ever been, a most valuable element of the population. Millcreek is at present the western boundary of the city. Plans are maturing to subdue this stream and bring into service a large additional territory which at present is subject to annual inundations. Many acres, which now, every year, at a certain season, are turned into a vast lake by the backwater of the Ohio, will then be covered with valuable improvements, and extend the densely-built city to the base of the western hills. Upon reaching the heights north of the city, the 30 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. scene presented to the eye is one of extraordinary beauty. Three hundred and fifty feet above the river, the position commands a view of portions of two States, three cities, numerous villages, the graceful curve of the river, and the grand sweep of hills. Cincinnati, Cov- ington, and Newport — the two latter divided by the Licking Eiver — and the United States military post on its eastern bank, lie off to the south. On the east may be seen the bold front of Mt. Adams, with its observa- tory, founded by the distinguished astronomer and noble patriot, 0. M. Mitchel, and the beautiful suburb of Walnut Hills ; on the west, the magnificent range of hills and the great river winding onward in its ceaseless course toward the Father of Waters. The beautiful suburb of Clifton, with its magnificent country seats, is also visible. Away to the north the eye sweeps over the beautiful highlands, with their splendid mansions and inviting drives, and takes in a portion of the peaceful valley holding in its embrace that most beautiful of cemeteries, Spring Grove. In a clear atmosphere, the charming village of Glendale, twelve miles distant, may be seen. The eye falls also upon the range of hills which bristled with fortifications during the civil war, when Cincinnati was almost a " border city." In 1862, when the city was menaced with attack by a strong army pushing up through Kentucky, every hill- top had its breastworks and heavy cannon, while the THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 81 approaches south of Covington were held by a force numbering at one time not far from twenty-five thou- sand men. Across the river, before the present magnificent suspen- sion bridge was completed, stretched a pontoon bridge, over which many regiments of troops and endless trains of artillery, wagons, and munitions of war, thundered over into the "Dark and Bloody Ground," then most true to its ancient name. Martial law was first declared in Cincinnati, Septem- ber 5th, 1862. The ten days ensuing will be forever memorable in the annals of the city. In an article, entitled the " Siege of Cincinnati," T. Buchanan Eead wrote thus vividly of them : "The cheerful alacrity with which the people rose en masse to swell the ranks and crowd into the trench- es was a sight worth seeing, and, once seen, could not readily be forgotten. Here were the representatives of all nations and classes. The sturdy German, the lithe and gay-hearted Irishman, went, shoulder to shoulder, in defense of their adopted country. The man of money, the man of law, the merchant, the artist, and the artisan, swelled the lines hastening to the scene of action, armed either with musket, pick, or spade. Added to these was Dickson's long, dusky brigade of colored men, cheer- fully wending their way to labor on the fortifications. But the pleasantest and most picturesque sight of those 32 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. remarkable days was the almost endless stream of sturdy men who rushed to the rescue from the rural districts of the State. These were known as the Squirrel Hunters. They came in files, numbering thousands upon thou- sands, in all kinds of costumes, and armed with all kinds of fire-arms, but chiefly the deadly rifle, which they knew so well how to use. Old men, young men, middle-aged men, and often mere boys, dropped all their peculiar av- ocations, and with their leathern pouches full of bullets, and their ox-horns full of powder, poured into the city by every highway and byway in such numbers that it seemed as if the whole State of Ohio were peopled only with hunters, and that the spirit of Daniel Boone stood upon the hills opposite the city beckoning them into Kentucky. "The pontoon bridge, which had been completed be- tween sundown and sundown, groaned day and night with the perpetual stream of life all setting southward. In three days, there were ten miles of intrenchments lining the hills, making a semicircle from the river above the city to the banks of the river below, and they were thickly manned from end to end. "The river also afforded protection by its flotilla of gunboats improvised from the swarm of steamers which lay at the wharves. A storm of shot and shell, such as they had not dreamed of, would have played upon the advancing columns of an enemy, while the infantry, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 33 pouring down from the fortifications, would have fallen upon the rear. "The commanding general congratulated the citizens upon the rally and the result: 'Paris may have seen something like it in her revolutionary days, but the cities of America never did. Be proud that you have given them an example so splendid.' " The Queen City never surrendered. The beauty of the surrounding hills, which exhibit the gentle and varying slopes peculiar to a limestone formation, is of wide celebrity. There would seem to be no end of eligible building sites in every direction, from which may be commanded most lovely prospects. Many of the mornings in the late summer, when, be- neath the rays of the sun, the fog from the river fills all the valley below, afford, from any of the adjacent summits, a view of surpassing beauty. The spectator beholds stretching away from his feet an unbroken expanse, presenting the appearance of a placid lake. Gradually, as the sun ascends the sky, the dense va- pors are elevated to rarer regions, and there are dis- closed to view the city, the river, the villages, the nu- merous steamboats, and all the busy life of the valley. More enchanting are the moonlight scenes, when the valley below is wrapped in a mantle of mist, and the beholder may people the weird and shadowy stillness with all the fantastic creations of the imagination. 3 34 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. But not the least among the chief -attractions of Cincin- nati will be its suburbs. These are described at length in a volume soon to be published, a reference to which will amply repay the reader. The vicinity of no city on the continent can furnish more enjoyable drives, more splendid landscape views, or more beautiful residences. The Prince of Wales' party, in 1860, pronounced the suburbs of Cincinnati the finest they had ever seen. All the different suburban localities will amply repay a visit, but no visitor to Cincinnati should fail to see Clifton, Mount Auburn, and East Walnut Hills. Trav- elers from all parts of America and Europe have de- clared the prospects from various points in these local- ities unequaled in beauty anywhere. Particularly may this be said in the autumn, when the Western forests are in their glorious array of color. Here may also be seen the homes of wealth and taste, where nature and art seem to have vied with each other in the produc- tion of palatial abodes which might excite the envy of royalty itself. A whole day is not too much to spend in visiting the suburbs, but four hours will suffice to make a shorter circuit, taking in the points already named. Of great prominence among the objects of interest which Cincinnati offers to the stranger is Spring Grove Cemetery. In natural beauty, it is the finest in the world. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 35 This cemetery is situated in the valley of the Mah- ket-e-wa (the Indian name of Millcreek), three miles north of the present limits of Cincinnati. It is ap- proached by an avenue one hundred feet wide, which is a most beautiful drive. The grounds were selected in 1844, and now contain, with later additions, four hun- dred and forty-three acres. The numerous springs and groves of noble forest trees suggested the name. The first Board of Directors consisted of the following gen- tlemen : Robert Buchanan, William Neff, A. H. Ernst, David Loring, Nathaniel Wright, Griffin Taylor, Charles Stetson, J. C. Culbertson, R. G. Mitchell. The entrance buildings are in the Norman Gothic style of architecture, and cost over fifty thousand dol- lars. The undulating surface of the ground displays, to the best advantage, the abundant water and forest scen- ery. Avenues, twenty feet in width, conform to its picturesque character. On every hand are visible evi- dences of the excellent care of the Superintendent, A. Steatjch. The entire absence of fences around lots gives the whole the harmony and pleasantness of a park. The monuments are remarkable for their vari- ety and good taste. The Soldiers' Monument, at the junction of Lake Shore and Central Avenues, was erected in 1864. It is a bronze statue, on a granite pedestal, representing a United States soldier standing on guard. The design 36 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. was furnished by the sculptor, Kandolph Kogers, and the work was cast by Frederick Von Muller, at Munich. The Dexter mausoleum is the largest and most ele- gant structure at the present time. It represents a Gothic chapel, and was executed under the care of James K. Wilson, Esq., of Cincinnati. The Burnet mausoleum is also a costly work of most beautiful design. There are tasteful chapels which will attract atten- tion, among which are those belonging to the following names: Strader, Selves, Bodman, Worthington, Wig- gins, Gaylord, Taylor, Hall, Haynes, and Brown. Mar- ble, Aberdeen and Quincy granite, and brown stone, have been chiefly used for monumental purposes. The monuments belonging to the families mentioned below are notable for beauty of design and finish. They are those of Baum, Carlisle, Clearwater, Davenport, Davidson, Emery, Ernst, Gano, Hale, HofFner, Holen- shade, Hosea, Harkness, Hulbert, Lawler, Longworth, Lytle, L'Hommedieu, NefF, Pendleton, Potter, Patter- son, Ringgold, Eesor, Shillito, Spencer, Walker, Whet- stone, Wilshire, and Williams. At Carthage, six miles from the city, are the Hamil- ton County Fair-grounds. Here, in September of each year, the annual county fair is held. The Trotting Park, at which, in the spring and fall, are held the races, is about five miles from the city. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 37 It may be reached either by railway or by convey- ance. Cincinnati can offer drives of unsurpassed beauty to its visitors. Of those on Spring Grove Avenue, down the river road, across the bridge and out toward La- tonia Springs, south of Covington — and last, but not least, out over Mount Auburn, on " the Fifth Avenue of Cincinnati," and through Clifton — the half can not be told. They must be seen to be appreciated. A grand avenue has been suggested that will com- pletely encircle the city, and afford a drive which will be really magnificent. The plan is to start at a point on the western bank of Millcreek, near the Warsaw pike; thence skirting the base of the hills due north to the Badgeley Run road; thence sweeping around Spring Grove through the thickly-wooded lands of Judge Este ; thence on a line due east across the entire rear of the city to the Montgomery road ; thence further east to a point which would admit of a southern sweep into and through Pendleton and Columbia to the Xenia pike and into the city, thus completing the contemplated circle. This avenue would intersect the Badgeley Eun road, Hamilton road, Spring Grove Avenue, the Winton road, Carthage pike, Eeading road, and Montgomery road, thus affording a drive of five, ten, or twenty miles, as inclination might prompt. Most of the drives which 38 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. be in the midst, as it were, of a continuous park, so beautiful is the forest along parts of the line. There will now be given descriptions of the principal buildings and points of interest. CINCINNATI HOSPITAL. This imposing structure cost nearly a million dollars, and was opened to the public in January, 1869. It stands upon a large block of ground north of Twelfth Street, between Central Avenue and Plum Street. The structure, in point of beauty, solidity, and con- venience, has not an equal in the country. It stands in a sort of hollow block or square, in the center of which has been placed a large fountain, which, during the hot days of summer, gently throws up many streams of fresh, cool water, moistening the atmosphere and re- freshing the shrubs and flowers. This ground will be ornamented with shade trees, shrubbery, and flowers. The main entrance is on Twelfth Street, about midway between Central Avenue and Plum Street. The dimen- sions of this central part are as follows: seventy-five feet wide by fifty feet deep, supporting a main entrance, with a spacious hall directly through the middle. Upon the first floor of this block the Superintendent and family have their apartments; and appropriate apartments, such as an apothecary room and dispensary, pathological museum, reception rooms, and a library CINCINNATI HOSPITAL. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 39 for the resident physician, are arranged. The base- ment has convenient rooms for storage purposes, and for the examination of drugs. There is also a labora- tory, laundry, and drying chamber, bathing rooms, cel- lars, and other places of a similar character. The second story is devoted to the accommodation of officers for sleeping rooms, and a few private wards are on this floor for patients who wish to have extra care, and are able to pay for it. The third story contains a large room that is intended for the operating lecture room, with seats for the ac- commodation of some seven hundred and fifty students. In addition to this lecture room, there are apartments expressly adapted for patients both before and after operation, rooms for operators and their instruments, lavatory and bath room. The structure is of brick, with freestone finishings. A Mansard roof, in slate of variegated colors, extends the entire length. One section is surmounted by a dome and spire one hundred and ten feet high. The accompanying engraving will present an excellent view. !No more complete or extensive building of its kind exists anywhere. The grounds are 448 by 340 feet. CINCINNATI COLLEGE EDIFICE. This edifice, on Walnut Street, between Fourth and Fifth, is one hundred and forty feet front by one hun- 40 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. dred deep, and is built of white limestone, in the Doric style. It is occupied in part by the Chamber of Com- merce, the Young Men's Mercantile Library, and the Law School of Cincinnati. The hall of the Chamber of Commerce is one hundred and thirty-six by fifty feet. This building belongs to the endowment of the Cincin- nati College, and the income annually accruing from it is swelling a fund, which, at no distant day, will contribute to erect a grand free university. THE FACULTY OF THE LAW SCHOOL are Bellamy Storer, LL. D., Professor of Legal Eights, including Eeal Estate, the Domestic Eelations, and Pleadings and Practice; George Hoadly, Professor of Equity Jurisprudence; J. D. Cox, Professor of Com- mercial Law and Evidence. THE COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, on Main Street, north of Ninth, is a massive struct- ure, built of Dayton stone, costing at the time of its erection, before the era of high prices, $500,000. Im- mediately in the rear of it is the County Jail, with which there is subterranean connection. The opposite engraving of this magnificent edifice will give a better idea of it to the reader than any THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 41 description. Here is transacted the multitudinous busi- ness pertaining to the civil administration of Hamilton Count}-. Here is the Law Library of the Cincinnati Bar, which is practically one of the best law libraries in the country, having been selected by practitioners with a view to the actual demands of practice. It contains the American, English, Irish, Canadian, and Nova Scotian Reports, and a large collection of American and English Statutes, besides the standard text-books. THE OHIO MECHANICS INSTITUTE is a substantial structure, on the corner of Sixth and Vine. It contains at present the rooms of the Public Library, and also is the temporary home of the Theo- logical and Religious Library. The Tower of the Fire Department is on this build- ing. Its lofty summit commands a bird's-eye view of the whole city. From its deep-toned bell the midnight alarm of fire wakes the city with its dreadful note. CHURCH EDIFICES. Among the more costly and elegant church edifices, may be mentioned Trinity Methodist Episcopal, on Ninth Street, west of Race; St. John's Episcopal, cor- 42 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. ner of Plum and Seventh; First Presbyterian, on Fourth Street, near Main, with a steeple two hundred and seventy feet high; Central Presbyterian, corner of Mound and Barr Streets; St. Xavier's Catholic, on Sycamore Street, near Seventh ; and the Ninth Street Baptist, east of Bace Street. The latter is considered to have the most tasteful audience room in the city. The congregation of Morris Chapel (Methodist) are engaged in the erection of an edifice which will, when completed, be the finest in Cincinnati. Their location is on the corner of Seventh and Smith Streets. There are one hundred and nineteen churches in Cincinnati, divided as follows among the various de- nominations: Baptists, eleven; Christian, one; Congre- gational, four ; Disciples of Christ, four ; Friends, two ; German Evangelical Union, four; German Eeformed, three; Independent Methodist, one; Jewish Syna- gogues, five; Lutherans, three; Methodist Episcopal, sixteen; Methodist Episcopal, German, three; Meth- odist Protestant, three; Methodist Calvinistic, one; Methodist, colored, one ; New Jerusalem, one ; Presby- terians, Old School, six; Presbyterians, New School, six; Presbyterians, United, three; Presbyterians, Ee- formed, three; Protestant Episcopal, seven; Boman Catholic, twenty- three ; United Brethren in Christ, three; Universalist, one; Unitarian, three, Union Beth- el, one. CITY IK .A. L L. ». W. ,Cor. Fourth & Race. THE CITY OP CINCINNATI. 43 THE CITY HALL, with the beautiful grounds in front, occupies the square west of Plum Street, lying between Eighth and Ninth Streets. This is an attractive part of the city. The accompanying engraving will place it distinctly before the eye. It was built in 1853. All the city officers are here to be found. The sessions of the School Board, the City Council, and the Police Court attract to this edifice a multitude of people, whose conditions widely differ. Thus " the extremes" of humanity meet. THE CINCINNATI OBSERVATORY is situated near the eastern limits of the city, on Mount Adams, five hundred feet above low water, and has a commanding view of the city, the river, and the sur- rounding hills. It is furnished with a most perfect equatorial telescope, whose focal length is seventeen and one-half feet, with an object-glass twelve inches in diameter, w T hich has magnifying powers ranging from one to fourteen hundred times. The corner-stone of this edifice was laid by the statesman and scholar, John Quincy Adams, in 1843, and the institution is insepa- rably associated with the memory of the astronomer and patriot, General 0. M. Mitchel. 44 THE CITY OP CINCINNATI. THE CINCINNATI ORPHAN ASYLUM, THE HOUSE OF REFUGE, THE WIDOWS' HOME, AND HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS are fully described in their respective places in the chapter upon the charities of Cincinnati. THE CUSTOM-HOUSE BUILDING, a view of which is given, is an ornament to the city. It is on the sonth-west corner of Fourth and Vine Streets, and is the property of the United States. Here are the depository of government funds, the post-office, United States courts, and other offices pertaining to the general government. THE CARLISLE HOUSE, on the corner of Mound and Sixth Streets, is a hand- some structure. A hotel, upon the European plan, is here conducted in the best style. The apartments are spacious, and constructed purposely with a view to their present use. Few private dwellings excel this house in the tastefulness and elegance of its internal appoint- ments. CITY WORK-HOUSE. In 1866, a tract of twenty-six acres, near the House of Eefuge, was purchased by the city, and in the suc- ceeding year work was commenced upon this magnifi- cent structure. It will be, when completed, the finest OST O^IFI CE. MOZART H -A. Xj Xj. WORK-HOUSE. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 45 building of the kind in the United States. The edi- fice is five hundred and ten feet long, and will contain six hundred apartments. The work-shops will form a hollow square in the rear of the structure. The total cost will be nearly three-quarters of a million dollars. The accompanying engraving will give an idea of the edifice. The work will reflect great credit upon Eobt. Allison, Esq., the Chairman of the Building Committee, and Messrs. Anderson & Hannaford, the architects. THE DAVIDSON FOUNTAIN. This magnificent work of art is soon to be erected upon Fifth Street, between Walnut and Vine. It re- ceives its name from its munificent projector, Tyler Davidson, who was long one of the merchant princes of Cincinnati. The execution and details of the proj- ect, at the death of Mr. Davidson, were left in the hands of Henry Probasco, Esq. The conditions im- posed upon the city in the gift were, briefly : That the fountain should always be kept in good order, with an abundance of pure water, and free for the use of all ; that the conduits should be kept supplied twelve hours of the day in summer, ten hours a day in the spring and fall, and six hours a day in winter, except when the mercury was below a freezing point ; that a com- petent person, detailed from the police, should always be kept near it to preserve its cleanliness, and to guard 46 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. it from abuse; that the water should be used only for drinking and ornamental purposes, except in case of fire, in the immediate vicinity, and that to the donor and his legal representatives should be reserved the right to hold the city responsible for the continued fulfillment of these conditions. The design of the fountain is beautiful, and it will stand an enduring monument to the liberality and taste of Messrs. Davidson and Probasco. The princi- pal figure will represent the Genius of Water, from whose hands falls the ever-flowing rain, which is caught by a peasant standing on the right, whose fields are thirsting for it. On the opposite side stands a citizen imploring water for his burning house. On the oppo- site side is the figure of a man, who, by a vigorous stroke, opens a spring for one on crutches who desires to drink. On the other side is a mother leading her child to the bath, invited by a nymph playing with the springing jets of water. Four jets, two from above and two from below, add life and variety to the scene. Near the base are four bas reliefs, representing the utility of water, viz., navigation, mills, fisheries, and steam. On four corners are figures of children suggesting the enjoyments connected with water, viz., a girl adorning herself with pearls, a boy fishing for shells, a second fitting on skates, and a third finding corals THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 47 and crystals. Near the top of the fountain, or just under the main figure, will be placed a medallion of Tyler Davidson. The water coming from the leaves of the shell is to be used as a fresh drinking water by a separate conduit pipe. The four upper jets belong only to the decoration, and are not intended for prac- tical use. The whole fountain will be of bronze, the and its surroundings of granite and porphyry, and the railings or protection of the foundation will be either of wrought-iron or Dayton stone. The entire height of the structure from the street to the crown of the topmost figure (itself seven feet) will be thirty-two feet and a half. The entire cost of the fountain will not fall far short of |100,000. "When completed it will be the finest af- fair of the kind in the United States, and not inferior to any in Europe. THE GARDE X OF EDEX. The avenues have been surveyed, and a force em- ployed to grade the same. The work has since been steadily prosecuted, and the avenues now graded wind along the hill-side, surrounding the reservoir, until, almost imperceptibly, you are brought to the highest elevation, where numerous points present themselves, from which magnificent views of the lake-like reservoir can be seen, as well as a grand and majestic view of 48 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. the Ohio River, with the picturesque hills of Kentucky in the distance. The whole tract now controlled by the city embraces one hundred and sixty acres. The intention is ulti- mately to convert it into a great city park, in which shall be a new and capacious reservoir. For this it is admirably adapted. The grounds are all within the city limits, and, when opened, can be reached in fif- teen minutes from the corner of Fourth and Vine. It may be remarked that no sites hitherto spoken of compare with this in point of eligibility and suscepti- bility 7 of improvement. The great advantages of the Garden of Eden can be realized only by those who visit and explore it. The views from some of the avenues can not be sur- passed in point of grandeur and sublime effect. Nature has left very little to be done by the landscape gardener. The center of the ground is so undulating and diversi- fied that ample scope will be found by the landscape engineer to add to the natural interest by here and there constructing an artificial bridge where the wind- ings of the path make it necessary to cross some deep gully or murmuring stream; by the erection of grot- toes and artificial rock-work, and other devices calcu- lated to please the visitor. Several fine lakes can be made, with little expense, by making earth-work dams across one or more ravines, arranging them at different THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 4y elevations, thus making the lake at the highest point supply those below it. Beautiful cascades will be thus formed, presenting charming views from the avenues along either bank. And these lakes, so graceful and beautiful in the summer, will be no less beautiful in the winter, when their icy surfaces shall ring with the steel-clad shoes of the skaters. The work on the new reservoir was commenced in 1867, and already sewers have been constructed, and the greater portion of the underground work and foun- dations has been done. ACROSS THE RHINE. The manufacture of lager beer employs an immense capital in this city. Its consumption is annually on the increase. The product in Cincinnati amounts to many millions of gallons annually. Lager beer can be made to advantage only in the winter season. It is indispensable that it have ample time to ripen in the cellar before use. There are many immense cellars, in some of which five hundred thou- sand gallons of beer can be stowed away. One phase of German life, and one not uninteresting, can be seen only in the gardens where lager beer is dispensed in the summer season. Many of them are thronged dur- ing the warm evenings. 50 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. GYMNASIUM BUILDING. Prominent among the many handsome fronts on Fourth Street is that occupied by the Gymnasium. This asso- ciation was organized in 1853, and a successful career encouraged it to attempt the splendid improvements here referred to, which were entered March 12, 1869. The Exercising Eoom. — This magnificent hall is about one hundred and twenty feet in length, forty-five feet wide, and thirty feet high, making one of the most spacious apartments for the purpose which could have been selected. Lining the walls, are some two hundred and twenty-five closets, neatly constructed, for the safe keeping of the apparel of the members during their exercises. At the further end of the hall are dressing- rooms, where the street attire may be changed for the more convenient habit of the gymnast. The arrange- ments of the apparatus in this vast room are all that can be desired for bringing into action and fully de- veloping every muscle of the body. For evening ex- ercises this hall is lighted from the ceiling by a system of suspended reflectors of immense size, which throw a mellow and softened light over the whole room, avoid- ing shadows, which side-lights sometimes cause. This experiment has resulted in a grand success, not only removing one of the chief causes of accidents, and ef- fecting a pleasing illumination, but attaining, withal, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 51 an economy in the consumption of gas, which is of no minor importance. The appointments in other partic- ulars are in keeping with those already mentioned. The beautiful marble drinking fountain, and the wash- room, finished in the highest style of the plumber's art, are noteworthy. Beading Room. — After the fatigue of an hour in the exercising room, there is a charming retreat for a quiet few moments in glancing over the papers and periodic- als, of which there is an abundant supply, suited to all tastes; or, if reading be irksome, chess and checkers are at hand, and may be indulged in. The reading room is finished in green. The carpet is a beautiful Brussels, is of excellent quality, and in its selection exhibits again that marked taste which the Committee has shown throughout. The furniture is handsome, and about the whole there is an attractive and comfort- able appearance. Bath Boom. — The bath room is about fifty-five feet long by seventeen wide, and contains a large number of closets. The baths are of iron, and of the most ap- proved pattern. These, as well as the platforms, are raised to prevent the accumulation of dirt, and to secure an easy access to any part in scrubbing. The painting- is most beautiful and tasteful, the colors blending har- moniously. The most happy effect is arrived at. The toilet, the mirrors, and various accommodations are of 52 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. the most excellent kind. Warm and cold water is sup- plied, with showers, etc. The heating apparatus is a conical furnace, capable of heating a large boiler, con- taining some fifty barrels of water, in twenty minutes. In every respect, this important department is perfect. The Young Men's Gymnastic Association numbers now over twelve hundred members, which will undoubt- edly be largely increased. The officers are: A. P. C. Bonte, President ; J. B. Eesor, Vice-President ; L. Nor- ton, Secretary; William Eesor, Jr., Treasurer. The Directors are Howard Barney and A. W. Whelpley. HUGHES HIGH SCHOOL. This is an imposing edifice, in the collegiate Gothic style of architecture. It is on the south side of Fifth Street, facing Mound Street, whose southern termina- tion is immediately opposite. The octagon towers at the corner give the building a striking and novel effect. No expense was spared to make it one of the most perfect of its kind. The internal arrangements are admirably adapted to the requisites of a school of the highest order. LANE SEMINARY, at Walnut Hills, is described in a subsequent part of this volume. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 53 WOODWARD HIGH SCHOOL, on Franklin Street, between Sycamore and Broadway, is an institution well worth visiting. Under the care of Professor George W. Harper, who has been for some years the Principal, this school has not only retained, but enhanced its ancient reputation. THE JEWISH TEMPLE, on the corner of Plum and Eighth Streets, is a point of great interest to visitors. Its style of architecture is peculiar and costly, and its internal appointments splen- did in detail. The building, as is the case with all similar structures, faces to the west, in conformity to Hebrew custom. Religious services are held here every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. KEPPLER'S. This edifice, owned by Keppler & Brother, is one of the finest in Cincinnati. It is an elegant freestone front thirty-eight by one hundred and thirty feet. Their ele- gant saloon, elaborately furnished, is one of the chief attractions of the city. Here a substantial meal, or lighter refreshments, can be obtained, served up in the best style. Special efforts are made to provide for the en- tertainment of ladies. A visit to this will repay any one. It is one of the fashionable resorts. 54 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. LINCOLN PARK, on the west side of Freeman, near Clark, is a beautiful pleasure ground. It is handsomely laid out, and needs only time to develop into a spot of remarkable attrac- tions. THE CITY PARK is on Plum Street north of Eighth. HOPKINS PARK is on the corner of Mt. Auburn Avenue and Saunders Street. WASHINGTON PARK, on the north side of Twelfth, between Eace and Elm, is the oldest of the public pleasure grounds. It was formerly the Presbyterian burying-ground of the city. Its noble trees, beautiful lawns, fountain, and other beauties, are much enjoyed by the multitudes who fre- quent it. LONGVIEW ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE is situated near Carthage, about six miles from the city. It is a magnificent structure, and attracts the notice of every passenger upon the railways entering the city by the Mill creek valley. The imposing front of this edifice and its extent strike the attention of all. The internal arrangements are admirable, and all its '■ i 38§§ijj flSfluufii inn ■TWA HTflf nn;: iMtaii iiiiiil^rySi uu it v c 4^ ySli ^*^ : 4li3 l^iltlrlia ]L(D)^©^IIBW 2 \&WXAJM.< StrolnAgeSzCo. Lith. Giro < r V :;^ THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 55 appointments constitute it one of the most perfect in- stitutions of the kind in the country. Dr. O. M. Lang- don is the efficient Superintendent and Eesident Physi- cian, and visitors receive at his hands the utmost courtesy and attention. This is a State institution, and is controlled by a Board of Commissioners appointed by the Governor of the State. The edifice is built of brick, and is six hundred and twelve feet long. It is almost fire-proof. The stairways are of iron, and the floors are laid in cement. There is an abundant supply of water, and numerous inde- pendent means of egress in all parts of the house, thus lessening the danger of loss of life in case of fire. The upper stories of the wings are devoted mostly to con- valescents, and contain the amusement and reading rooms, which are well furnished. The building is lighted by gas manufactured on the premises, and is heated partly by hot air and partly by steam. There are over six hundred apartments in the Asylum. It was com- pleted in 1860, and cost, in the low prices of that pe- riod, nearly half a million of dollars. Its architect was Isaiah Eogers. Extensive pleasure grounds are well cared for, with a view to the exercise and recreation of inmates. In 1868, 149 patients were admitted — 79 males, 70 females. The average number, 430. Expenses for the year, $110,501.21. 56 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. LOXGWOETH'S WINE CELLAR. Of this Mr. Partem says : " One of the established li- ons of the city ; it cheers the thirsty soul of man. There we had the pleasure of seeing, by a candle's nickering light, two hundred thousand bottles of wine, and of walking along subterranean streets lined with huge tuns, each of them large enough to house a married Diogenes, or to drown a dozen Dukes of Clarence, and some of them containing five thousand gallons of the still unvexed Catawba. It was there that we made the acquaintance of the ' Golden Wedding ' champagne, an acquaintance which, we trust, will ripen into an en- during friendship. If there is any better wine than this attainable in the present state of existence, it ought, in consideration of human weakness, to be all poured into the briny deep." MARINE HOSPITAL. This is a substantial, solidly-built edifice, one hun- dred feet square, on the corner of Lock and Sixth Streets. The building is thoroughly fire-proof, and has every facility for the comfort and welfare of its inmates. Ample verandas extend along the front and sides. THE MASONIC TEMPLE, on the north-east corner of Third and Walnut, deserves I special attention. It is in the Byzantine style of archi- i THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 57 tecture, and fronts one hundred and ninety-five feet on Third Street by one hundred on Walnut. It is one of the most magnificent edifices of its kind in the United States. In the third story are a Chapter Boom, Eoyal Select council room, Banquet Hall, twenty-one by fifty- eight feet, a Knights Templar's Encampment asylum, and many other apartments. A part of the fourth story is devoted to a Grand Lodge room, forty-three by seventy feet. MOZART HALL, on the corner of Vine and Longworth Streets, is a massive stone building, with an auditorium that will seat three thousand persons. THE OHIO MEDICAL COLLEGE, on Sixth Street, west of Vine, is admirably adapted to the uses for which it was built. It contains two large .lecture halls, with extensive apartments for museums, dissection rooms, etc. PIKE'S OPERA-HOUSE, on Fourth Street, between Vine and Walnut, is a mag- nificent structure. The original opera-house was totally destroyed by fire, in March, 1866. The present edifice reproduces the front of the first building, but the internal arrangement is completely changed. It contains one of 58 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. the most beautiful music halls in the United States. The front is of fine sandstone, wrought in the architec- tural style of the Elizabethan age, with elaborate em- blems of the fine arts cut in relief. This block, with the adjoining buildings, extending from Walnut Street to Vine, makes one of the most imposing displays of architecture to be seen in any American city. THE PASSENGER DEPOTS of the Atlantic & Great Western, the Cincinnati, Ham- ilton, & Dayton, and the Indianapolis, Cincinnati, & Lafayette Railways are model specimens of architecture. The first is between Fifth and Sixth Streets, on Hoadly Street. The last mentioned is entered on Plum Street, below Third. QUEEN CITY SKATING RINK, on Freeman Street, between Laurel and Betts, is a lively place in the winter ; and at all seasons is a point of attraction for amusement seekers. THE UNION SKATING POND is west of Lincoln Park, and is the scene of hilarious gayety when Jack Frost is abroad in earnest. In the milder seasons this is the chief point of interest for the devotees of base ball. lit) zr THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 59 ST. PAUL'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. This edifice, which is now in process of erection upon the corner of Seventh and Smith Streets, will be an or- nament to the city. The audience room, with the gal- leries, will accommodate fifteen hundred persons. ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE, on the corner of Sycamore and Seventh Streets, is one of the noticeable buildings of Cincinnati. It fronts sixty-six feet on Sycamore Street, and one hundred and sixty-six feet on Seventh Street. The institution was established in 1828, and about ten years afterward it passed into the control of the Society of Jesus, under the auspices of which the present structure was erected. Over the entrance is carved the motto, "Ad majorem Dei Gloriam." The impression conveyed by this edi- fice is that of massive grandeur and strength, and a durability measured only by time itself. ST. PETER'S CATHEDRAL. Among church edifices, the most imposing is St. Peter's (Eoman Catholic) Cathedral, which is one of the finest buildings in the West. It is built of white limestone, with a stone spire of remarkable symmetry and beauty, two hundred and fifty feet high, resting on a colonnade 60 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. of Corinthian columns. It was completed in 1853, about eleven years after its commencement. Here are to be witnessed all the imposing ceremonials of the Catholic ritual service. The music of the choir and splendid organ attracts many visitors. RAILROAD BRIDGE. The projected bridge across the Ohio, between But- ler Street, in this city, and Saratoga Street, in Newport, will be completed in 1870. It will furnish transit for railway trains, vehicles, and foot passengers. The structure will be of wrought iron, timber being used only in the flooring. There will be eight piers and seven spans. The following are the officers of the Newport and Cincinnati Bridge Company : President, Alfred Gaither ; Vice-President, A. S. Berry; Secretary, Charles H. Kilgour. Directors : M. J. King, Wm. Eingo, W. H. Clement, T. G. Gaylord. SUSPENSION BRIDGE. This grand achievement of engineering skill is else- where described. Its execution was due to the genius of John A. Eoebling, Esq. Its entire cost was about two million dollars. The entire length is nearly half a mile. The span is the longest in the world. The STROB RIDGE THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 61 rate of toll for foot passengers is three cents ; for a SCIENCE AND BACON. The visitor to Cincinnati in the winter season will be interested in the various processes of pork-packing. It is quite a sight to witness the rapid disposition of the huge animal at the hands of skilled workmen. The following description is given of the process after the slaughtered hog is delivered on the cutting-table : " Two simultaneous blows with a cleaver sever his head and his hind-quarters from the trunk, and the subdivision of these is accomplished by three or four masterly cuts with the same instrument. Near the table are the open mouths of as many large wooden pipes as there are kinds of pieces in a hog ; and these lead to the various apartments below, where the several pieces are to be further dealt with. Away they start on their journey, and thus in twenty seconds the six hundred pounder has been cut to pieces and duly distributed." The pork business of Cincinnati is enormous, and is the source of great wealth. TOUR TO THE MAMMOTH CAVE. A brief allusion to the Mammoth Cave may not be out of place here. No tourist to the West should fail of visiting this wonder of the world. It is situated in Ed- 62 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. mondson County, Kentucky, ninety miles south of Louis- ville. A stage ride of ten miles from Cave City, which is nine hours' ride from Cincinnati, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, brings one to the Mammoth Cave. It is within half a mile of Green River. The cave is dry and exceedingly conducive to health. The most timid need not fear to enter it. It is visited by many invalids for the purpose of inhaling its air. The uni- form temperature in the cave the year round is 59°. It has been explored ten miles in an advancing line, and probably over fifty miles, including the lateral branches of its avenues. So bracing is the air and exciting the novelty of the trip, that even ladies accomplish the eighteen miles without fatigue. No description can do justice to the beauty and grandeur of this most wonderful cavern of the globe, with its avenues, domes, cataracts, rivers, immense chambers, and beautiful calcareous formations. WATER WORKS, on East Front Street, near Little Miami Depot. Few persons who have not visited these works have a cor- rect idea of their magnitude. The capacity of the pres- ent reservoir is five millions of gallons. The quantity required for the city daily is about eight millions. Thus, it will be seen that the supply has to be replenished THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 63 nearly twice each day. To furnish this the ponderous engine is but leisurely at work, its pumping capacity being eighteen millions of gallons each twenty-four hours. A clearer idea of the immense power of this machinery may be obtained by reflecting that, at each revolution, it lifts two thousand gallons of water, making, at present speed, six thousand gallons per minute, while it has the capacity of lifting sixteen thousand gallons. CINCINNATI WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. From "The Ladies' Kepository" are taken the follow- ing items relative to this noble institution. It is located on Wesley Avenue, between Court and Clark Streets : The foundations of the College were laid in the sum- mer of 1867, and on the 26th of September an immense congregation assembled on the grounds to witness the laying of the corner-stone, and the dedication of the new grounds and uprising buildings. No description could give a better idea of the ele- gant, commodious, and durable structure than is given by the engraving. Its internal arrangements and finish are in keeping with its external appearance, and in its adaptations to all the purposes of a female college, both for the residence and for the instruction of the pupils it would be difficult to conceive any thing more perfect. It is claimed that the Wesleyan Female College, of 64 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, was the first institution in the land, for fe- males, bearing the high privileges conferred by a college charter. Among its founders were Bishop Morris, L. L. Hardline, Charles Elliott, J. L. Grover, G. C. Crum, W. H. Lawder, Adam Miller, William Nast, T. Harri- son, L. Swormstedt, J. P. Kilbreth, and William Herr. They were wisely directed in the selection of a first Pres- ident. Rev. Perlee B. Wilber was chosen, and for sev- enteen years, with the assistance of his estimable and efficient wife, most energetically and successfully con- ducted the educational interests of the institution. But few teachers succeed in so thoroughly impressing them- selves upon the minds and hearts of their pupils as did Mr. Wilber. His name is yet fragrant among the Alum- nse, and his power and influence are yet felt in the des- tinies of the institution. In 1859, Mr. Wilber died, and was succeeded by Rev. Robert Allyn, D. D. He was followed by Rev. R. S. Rust, D. D., who for three years energetically, and with in- creasing patronage and prosperity, conducted the insti- tution till it became necessary* to retire from the old college buildings, and to suspend the school till the erection of the new college. YELLOW SPRINGS may deserve a mention here. It is seventy-four miles north-east of Cincinnati, and is thus easily accessible by THE CITY 0*F CINCINNATI. 65 rail. Here is located Antioch College, which is in- timately associated with the memory of Horace Maim. Adjoining the college plat, on the east, is a highly romantic and picturesque ravine, affording all the scenic variety of overhanging cliffs, waterfalls, isolated rocks, and numerous gushing springs, deeply embowered, and climbing vines, and clustering evergreens, threaded with varied walks, and inviting to their cooling shade. Yel- low Spring is about half a mile north-east of the col- lege. It discharges from a crevice in a limestone rock over one hundred gallons of water per minute. In the neighborhood is an enchanting spot called Clifton, which affords some of the most beautiful scen- ery in the West. Here the Little Miami River, in the course of a few miles, falls two hundred feet. These falls have cut a narrow channel, to a great depth, through solid rocks of limestone, The banks are cov- ered with hemlock, cedar, and other evergreens. There are excellent hotels at Yellow Springs, and, in the summer season, no place in the country is more worthy of a visit. The Xeff House is well known. PALACES OF TRADE. A tour among the notable places of the city will com- prise the magnificent retail stores of Cincinnati. These are, with some exceptions, on Fourth Street, west of Main. Shillito's, Hopkins', DeLand's, Boutilliers, 66 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Lewis & Livingston's, and Wilson's establishments will I display a profusion of fabrics which are the peculiar delight of womankind. The rich treasures of art will meet the eye at Bonte's and Wiswell's, where can always be seen productions of Cincinnati artists, who have a national reputation. At McGrew's, Duhme's, Smith's, and Owen's, are ranged in all their tempting beauty and costly array, the fascinations of the jeweler's art. Leininger & Buhr, and the St. Nicholas, are ever ready to cater to the appetite of the hungry tourist. The principal carriage stand is on Vine Street, south of Fourth. The banks of the city open at nine o'clock and close at three. At the end of this volume will be found the routes of horse-cars and other information of use to the stranger. CHAPTER IV. Cincinnati and its Future; its Growth, Industry, Commerce, and Education. ATUEE has given Cincinnati a situation which is at once beautiful and attractive. If one should in imagination go back eighty years, and stand on the site of old Fort Washington, he would see the Ohio flowing gently through an amphitheater surrounded by hills. This amphitheater is a broad, expanded plain, which the Ohio enters on the north-east and passes out on the south-west. This natural plain is about twelve miles in circumference, and is almost exactly bisected by the river. Looking up from this plain, the hills seemed to bound the horizon on every side; but they are only apparently hills — hills really to the plain be- low, from which they rise rather abruptly, but, in fact, only on the level with the great interior plain which descends from the lakes of the North to the Valley of the Ohio. This great interior plain is cut through by the river; and this is a great advantage to Cincinnati, for on every side there are interior valleys which make the outlets of its internal line of commerce. Opposite 68 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. is the mouth of the Licking ; on the sides are the two Miamis ; on the south of the present city is Millcreek ; through a ravine at the north runs Deer Creek; and thus the circling hills were pierced by nature, as if for the very purpose of opening out those lines of commerce which were to make the arteries of a great inland city, and which, as they interlocked to the north, made nu- merous summits and vales — the future sites of palaces and gardens. Looking from the plain at the surround- ing hills, they present none of the gloomy or rugged aspects of Alpine grandeur; on the contrary, they are soft, and beautiful, and picturesque. Nature presented neither the sublime nor the monotonous, but formed the gentle and diversified hills to represent the temperate clime, the genial soil, and the well-watered land of this bright and fruitful region. At the time we spoke of, the flag of Fort Washington was floating gracefully in the western breeze, but all around were the native for- ests. An old Indian chief said that he had often looked down from the eastern hill (where the Observatory now is) to see what the white people were doing in the fort. Soon the red man cast his last look upon the Ohio; the fort, the Indian, and the forest disappeared to- gether; civilization came with its burning force, de- stroying the natural face of creation, but instituting new features and elements, growing by the vigor of new forces, and presenting new forms of beauty. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 69 We shall not trace the history of Cincinnati, but pro- ceed to inquire what right it had to be a great city — what its growth has been — and what prospects it has in the future. Why did Cincinnati grow so rapidly? what are its elements of growth? and why should it not grow with renewed vigor ? These questions involve an analysis of what the city is, and what it may be — an analysis which may be useful to both the citizen and the coming immigrant. 1. The first element in the success of Cincinnati which is permanent, and, without a revolution in nature, must forever continue, is its position. Perhaps no city was ever more fortunate in this particular. Cincinnati is central to the Ohio Valley. From the junction of the Monongahela with the Alleghany (which is the real Ohio) to the Mississippi is nine hundred and sixty miles. From Lake Erie to the sources of the Kanawha and the Tennessee (in Virginia and North Carolina) is five hun- dred miles. The average breadth of the valley is three hundred miles. Taking from this a strip on the lakes, and the district immediately round Pittsburgh and Wheeling, and there is remaining a country of two hun- dred thousand square miles in surface watered by the Ohio and its great tributaries, and fruitful with every product, of which Cincinnati is the geographical center, and to which all its products and resources must tend. It is thus by nature made a great central mart of trade 70 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. and industry. Situated one thousand five hundred miles from the ocean, it is yet connected by navigable waters, not only with the ocean, but with that immense interior river coast, which runs interlacing the whole country from the Eocky Mountains to the Alleghanies. Vast as is this great region, if it had been like the steppes of Asia or the plains of Africa, Cincinnati might yet have failed of greatness, but the Valley of the Ohio is the very garden of nature. There is no need of recounting its resources ; for every traveler who de- scends the Ohio sees in the smiling vales and forest- crowned hills the evidences of great natural wealth. ISTor need we recite how, in the bosom of the hills and under the sandstones of the valley, there lie those in- exhaustible beds of mineral riches which may employ the industry of men through future ages. The geolo- gist describes them, the miner digs them, and the cun- ning artificer in the work-shops of Cincinnati employs them in all the forms and purposes which civilized man demands. We may answer now the question, What right had Cincinnati to be a great city ? It was like the right of man to use his faculties. God gave to this position and these resources not only the right, but the neces- sity of creating a city which must be one of great magnitude and power. It is true, this city might have- been a few miles above or below its present site, but THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 71 even that is doubtful ; for it was attempted to found the city at both Columbia and North Bend, but the attempts failed ; and the city seems to have been built here almost by a decree of Providence. At any rate, so far, Providence has favored both the sagacity and the in- dustry which have here raised up the Queen of the West. Such were the advantages of Cincinnati by its natural position and resources, and we shall now see how it grew, and what is its present magnitude and strength. Here the first element is its growth in population. How- ever great the riches of nature, it is Man which brings them out and makes them useful. To Man, then, we must look as the artificer of cities. The growth of Cin- cinnati was for many years extraordinary, but in the last ten years has been slower. The same temporary lull in activity and growth has happened to all cities at the same period in city life. It happened to New York and to Philadelphia, and, of itself, means nothing, but the very obvious fact that in cities, as in men, the vigor of youth can not always be kept up at the same rate. But the great question is, whether, like New York and other great cities of the world, its vigor shall revive after this period, and its growth be continued in pro- portion to the extent and resources of the magnificent country of which it is the center? That question we shall consider; but, first, we must see what its growth has been, and what it is. 72 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. The growth of population may be shown in two simple tables — one its actual growth, and the other its growth compared with other cities : In 1810 2,320 In 1820, In 1826 In 1830 In 1840 In 1850 : In 1860 In 1869 16,230 24,831 46,382 Increase, 85 per cent. 115,436 << 150 161,044 " 39.51 " 230,000 (t 43 In the last line is included the northern suburb, which is now as much a part of the city as any ward in it. The population, by the census of 1870, will proba- bly show an increase of forty-five per cent., and be an increase in the preceding ratio. The following table will show the increase of New York and Philadelphia at the same period of their groivth, beginning with one hundred thousand inhabitants; thus: New York. Philadelphia. In 1820, .... 123,706 In 1820, .... 137,097 In 1830, .... 202,581 In 1830, .... 188,961 In 1840, .... 312,710 In 1840, .... 258,037 It will be seen that from 1820 to 1830, New York in- creased sixty-three per cent., and from 1830 to 1840, but fifty-four per cent — but little more than the ratio of increase in Cincinnati since 1850. Philadelphia iD- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 73 creased, from 1820 to 1830, thirty-nine per cent., and from 1830 to 1840, but thirty-seven per cent. Thus, Philadelphia increased, at the same period of its growth, less than Cincinnati has in the last twenty years; yet New York has one million of inhabitants, and Phila- delphia has seven hundred thousand. This fact proves that great cities grow, not by sudden and temporary causes, but by the continual development of their natural resources. The original elements of population in Cincinnati were chiefly from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, a people remarkable for thrift and industry. A few families of Germans came out, and settled at an early period, and were among the best class of citizens. But the German immigration did not come in very strongly till 1830 ; but from that time till 1860, the German cur- rent has set toward this city with great force. The pro- portion of this element to the whole population may be seen in the following table taken from the census : Citizens of German birth in 1830, . . . . 5 per cent. " " " " " 1840, . . . . 28 " " " " " " " 1850, . . . . 27 " " " " 1860, . . . . 30 " " It will be seen that the German citizens continue in nearly the same proportion, a little more than one-fourth the whole number. In 1860, there were one hundred and sixty-one thousand and forty-four persons within 74 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. the city limits, and it may be curious to see in what manner, as to nationalities, they were composed. The proportions were as follows : Americans, 87,430, 54 per cent. Germans, 48,931, 30 " " Ireland, 19,375, 12 « " All other foreigners, . . . 5,308, 4 " " Now, in 1869, the proportion of nationalities has not materially changed. The Germans are still next to the Americans in number and weight. Of native Ameri- cans, three-fourths are natives of Ohio, showing that the native population is rapidly rising up, and the period is not remote when the population of Ohio will be nearly homogeneous. The children of Germans and Irish are born here, and soon outnumber the natives of Europe. It may be remarked, that one-fourth the whole foreign born population of Ohio is in Cincinnati ; showing that relatively much the larger proportion of foreign born people go into the towns. The reason of this is, that the rural population of Europe emigrate much less than the artisans and laborers, and the latter seek the towns for employment. The effect of this upon Cin- cinnati has been decided and favorable. The German population contains many mechanics and artisans whose skill and industry increase the thrift and wealth of the city. This brings us to another element of society, the occupation of people. The census of 1860, showed THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 75 that there were in Cincinnati three hundred and forty (340) different occupations. Of these, two hundred and thirty were mechanic's, artisans, and manufacturers. This simple fact speaks volumes for the industry of the city, and shows the real foundation of its prosperity. Almost every conceivable human art is carried on here ; and this is a conclusive evidence of the great advan- tage to artisans and manufacturers, settling in Cincin- nati. For it is a settled principle, proved by much ex- perience, that it is a great help for all kinds of artisans to be where there is a great variety of arts carried on, because there are all the material and workmen which are necessary to aid and carry on every branch of arts or manufactures. Beyond doubt, this has been one reason why so many workmen and mechanics of all kinds have actually come to Cincinnati for the last twenty years. In this respect there has been both cause and effect, for an examination of the occupations in Cincinnati for the period between 1850 and 1860, shows that in ten years there was an actual increase of fifty kinds of occu- pations which did not exist before. In 1860, there were twenty more occupations in Cincinnati than in Chi- cago, and fifty more than in the State of Indiana. The tendency of these facts is to make Cincinnati the great central market and distributor for the whole Valley of Ohio, and to make it what Paris is remarkable for, the great emporium of all kinds of arts needed, used, aid dis- 76 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. tributed through a great empire. The United States is now of imperial dimensions ; but what the United States now is, the Ohio Valley alone will be in a few years. Having now glanced at the number, composition, and occupations of the people of Cincinnati, let us look at the products of their industry. In that must at last be found the sources of wealth and prosperity. A city does not feed itself. It must go outside of itself to find bread, and therefore must have something to exchange for it, and what is above this constitutes its increasing wealth. What it exchanges for food must necessarily be the products of its industry. While the commissions on merchandise imported may be large and profitable, making many engaged in commercial business wealthy, the great body of the people can pros- per only by the results of industry. This is true even of the City of New York, the most commercial city in the country. We have seen that Cincinnati is remark- able for the variety of its occupations and arts; let us see what they have produced. 2. The second element of Cincinnati is its industry; and the progress of industry, represented in money values, may be thus expressed : In 1840, value of products, $17,432,670 In 1850, " " 50,000,000 In 1860, " " 56,000,000 In 1869, estimated, 60,000,000 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. ll These results are, no doubt, very imperfect, because all canvasses of the manufacturing elements of the country are imperfect, from the want of a proper skill and discrimination in taking them. But the above totals are sufficiently near for the purpose of comparison. If it be asked why there was so moderate an advance in the last few years on the production of 1850, it may be answered, that four or five years of war, by draining off able-bodied men, actually diminished the products of manufactures ; and it may be added, that for three or four years prior to the war, the continual agitation and ill-feeling had diminished the demand in the South- west for the products of Cincinnati. These causes have all ceased, and a new era is opening for the industry of this city. The main branches of productive industry in Cin- cinnati are very nearly as follows: Iron, of all kinds $5,500,000 Furniture, of all kinds, 1,700,000 Meats, of all kinds, 9,000,000 Clothing, of all kinds, 4,500,000 Liquors, of all kinds, 4,500,000 Soap and Candles, 1,500,000 Oils, Lards, Resins, etc., 3,000,000 Mills, of all sorts, • . . 2,000,000 These are only approximations, but are sufficiently near to show what are the great branches of manu- 78 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. facturing industry in Cincinnati. The export of these products is mainly to the South and West, and, it is quite obvious, must increase in proportion as popula- tion is increased in those directions. The pacification of the country, the restoration of confidence, and the rapid extension of population, are all in favor of the manufacturing industry of Cincinnati. In the year 1860, the relative industry of the Western cities was as follows, taking the counties in which they lie as the proper rule of comparison : Alleghany County (Pittsburgh), Cook County (Chicago), . . . St. Louis County (St. Louis), . Jefferson County (Louisville), Hamilton County (Cincinnati), $26,563,379 13,555,671 27,610,070 14,135,517 46,995,062 It will be seen that, nine years ago, the products of industry in Cincinnati were several million dollars in value greater than those of Chicago and St. Louis put together, and greater than those of St. Louis and Lou- isville put together. No doubt, these proportions have considerably changed since 1860, Chicago having grown greatly, and Louisville being prosperous ; but it is plain that, as a manufacturing place, Cincinnati is much su- perior to any other Western city. It is also superior in manufactures to any city of the United States, ex- cept New York and Philadelphia. Perhaps no fact can better prove the great advantage of Cincinnati for arti- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 79 sans and laborers ; for, unless this large class of citizens felt themselves well off and prosperous, no such advance in industry by so young a town could possibly be made ; and unless there were extensive and profitable markets for the products, the manufacturers could not sustain them- selves. But here, in this center of the Ohio Valley, there is cheap food, abundant material, and markets for the products, extending through the immense region from Central Ohio to Northern Alabama, and from the Alle- ghanies to the Eocky Mountains. It is not strange, therefore, that so many kinds of arts and manufactures should have risen up here, nor that they will continue to extend till this great and fertile region shall be filled with people, and its towns glow with the industry of untold millions. 3. With industry comes commerce. Commerce is the creation of labor, for there must be something to exchange before any thing can be got. A city, how- ever, filled with arts and manufactures need not be con- fined to its own productions. On the contrary, what the country produces must come to the city for a market, and the country must there buy what it needs. The city, therefore, in addition to the actual production of its citizens and workmen, is also the exchange for the commerce of both producers and consumers. Cincin- nati is the great exchange for the whole Ohio Valley, and has grown as largely in commerce as it has in 80 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. industry. The annual reports of the Chamber of Com- merce, compiled with great care, show this fact in vivid colors. The value of the principal articles of imports and exports for the period from 1854 to 1864, were : Imports. Exports. Total. In 1855, value of $67,095,741 $38,777,394 $105,873,135 In 1860, " " 103,347,216 77,037,188 180,384,406 In 1864, " " 389,790,537 239,079,825 628,860,362 The average value of gold in 1863-4 was 55 premi- um; so that the aggregate value of imports and ex- ports in that year when reduced to gold was $314,430,- 181. The proportional value of 1855, 1860, and 1864, were represented, respectively, as 105, 180, and 314. Thus, in ten years the aggregate commerce of Cincin- nati has increased 200 per cent. This may have been exceeded in ratio by new and small towns, but no large city in the country increased at a greater rate in the same period of time. This rate of increase was three times that of population in the same period; and hence, as we shall presently see, an equal growth in the wealth and resources of the city. It proves, in fact, that the citizens of Cincinnati had in that time been prosperous, and increased largely in capital and in the profits of trade, as well as in numbers. From 1860 to 1865, the war actually reduced the commerce of Cincinnati in many things ; but, on the other hand, a great deal of new business sprung up to supply this deficiency. The THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 81 trade in tobacco increased tenfold; that in coal, salt, leather, and wood doubled; in boots and shoes trebled, while the general trade in dry goods increased also. These facts prove, that so great were the resources of Cincinnati in the productive country around it, that even the depressing effects of the war on a border city — from which commerce on one side was nearly cut off — could not arrest its progress. In the whole loyal coun- try no town was as liable to damage, commercially, as Cincinnati. It was damaged by the war, but has since recovered rapidly, and its commerce has expanded with a natural and healthy vigor. If we inquire in what directions the trade of this city extends, we shall not be restricted to the mere commerce of the Ohio and the Mississippi, whose interior coasts extend tens of thousands of miles, but we find even its small prod- ucts passing over half the globe to reach the remote nations of Europe and of Asia. Its crackers have been exported to China and its candies to Greece. It is on the Atlantic coast where most of its vast exports of breadstuff's and provisions may be found. Its largest export trade has been with New Orleans, Memphis, and other Southern ports, whence its products are distributed through the entire South. By the way of Baltimore it finds access to the coasts of Virginia and the Caro- linas, where the hams and the flour of the Miami Valley are consumed by thousands, with whom Cincinnati has. 6 82 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. as yet, no railroad connection. This fact is suggestive of what may be done hereafter to extend the direct commerce of Cincinnati to the whole Southern coast. The manufactured articles of Cincinnati go chiefly to the West and South-west ; in other words, to the new settlements, where furniture, stoves, candles, and articles necessary to the comfort of a household are chiefly needed. Among these articles is the home itself; for one of the curiosities of Cincinnati is the making and exportation of houses by wholesale for the new farms and towns of the great valley. Far down the Missis- sippi, over the plains of Kansas, and on the waters of the Missouri, the Cincinnati manufacturer has put up whole houses, every joint and floor of which have been sawed, planed, and grooved in Cincinnati. In the same regions, the mills, the plows, the machinery necessary to carry on agricultural life have been made in this city. Resources of industry and commerce like these can not be limited by competition, or exhausted in growth till, in some future age, the country shall be like China, filled with its hundreds of millions of people. 4. If industry creates commerce, so commerce must be carried on by lines of intercommunication with all parts of the country. Cincinnati was early to see the need of these. It is now forty years since the Miami Canal was made. At that time canals were all THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 83 the rage, and Ohio made more than four hundred miles of canal, and the benefits expected from them have been fully realized. Cities, towns, villages, and cultivation have sprung up in their course, and even now, with all the prodigious competition of railroads, the canals carry an immense amount of produce and merchandise. The Miami Canal, which was then only intended to reach Dayton, has since been extended to Toledo, and connects with the whole lake region. Soon after the completion of the canals, the farmers became intent on turnpikes ; for no sooner was a great and easy artery to the city made, than the necessity of turnpikes to communicate with it became evident. Cin- cinnati engaged heartily in it, and there is now no dis- trict of country better supplied with good roads than is the Miami Valley. The twelve counties composing the Valley have now one thousand five hundred miles of turnpike and plank roads, all of which tend directly or indirectly to this city. These, with the common farm roads, make more than six thousand miles of roads, by which the farm produce of this fertile region is carried off to its great markets. More than thirty years ago, when the Baltimore Kail- road had been completed to Frederick, the subject of railroads was agitated in Cincinnati, and promptly was the work begun. The Little Miami Eailroad was the first made, but was soon followed by the Hamilton and 84 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Dayton, by the Indianapolis, by the Covington, and by the Ohio and Mississippi, till now there is no city — and we speak advisedly — which has more or more extended railroad communications than Cincinnati. It is cus- tomary with Chicago, St. Louis, and Philadelphia to speak of their railroad lines which enter the city as theirs, although they may extend across half the con- tinent. In one sense this is correct, for if a railroad enter Cincinnati from the East, and another from the West, and both connect with other lines over the con- tinent, bringing freight and passengers from town to town, those lines may fairly be said to belong to that city as much as to any other. A* line which connects Cincinnati with Chicago belongs as much to one as it does to the other ; and a line which goes directly to the Atlantic cities belongs as much to this city as to New York and Philadelphia. If this were the rule of cal- culation, Cincinnati, being entirely central, would have the advantage over either. But to give a correct and proper view of the railroad system of Cincinnati, we will give two tables of railroad distance, one bound by State lines, and the other of direct continuous lines centering here, and terminating in other large cities. The city of Cincinnati is central to three States — Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. There is no large city in either of them to compete with it except Louisville, which is not half its size, and competes but little with its commerce. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 85 This being the case, we may very properly take the rail- roads of these States as being centralized at Cincinnati and connected rather with it than with any other place. The following table presents the number and the length of railroads in these three States, viz. : NO. MILES. Ohio, 36, 3,500 Indiana, 14, 2,500 Kentucky, 5, 700 Railroads, 55, 6,700 Here are over six thousand miles of railroad in the three States, whose central city is Cincinnati. The two States of Ohio and Indiana have a mile of railroad to v ,r ery fourteen square miles of surface, an amount wmich is not equaled on any equal surface in the United States. When we consider the newness of the country, and the small amount of active capital compared with older States and countries, this is an extraordinary re- sult, and sufficient to show 7 that Cincinnati has now in- ternal communications enough to drain every pound of surplus products in the region tributary to herself en the north side of the Ohio. But when we look south of the Ohio, we see comparatively a blank. The whole State of Kentucky has only about seven hundred miles of railroad, of which only two hundred are really tribu- tary to Cincinnati. In the one hundred thousand 86 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. square miles of territory south of the Ohio, whose whole trade must hereafter come to this city, extending to the mountains of North Carolina, there are only five hun- dred miles of railroad, four-fifths of which does not touch Cincinnati. This is a region, too, rich in all the resources of nature, and it is perfectly certain that these resources must soon be developed by the energy of en- terprise and the power of capital. For half a century the idea, rather than the reality, of slavery (which ex- isted only to a small extent) prevented men and capital from going where that shadow continued to rest. But now it is gone, and nothing can prevent that flow of people and energy which heretofore went only West, but will now pass the Ohio, and develop the rich re- gions of the South. In order, however, to look at the railroad connections of Cincinnati in another point of view, yet which con- nects it with other cities, we give a table of direct lines to them: Lines. Miles. To Baltimore, 2 840 To Philadelphia, 1 668 To New York, 2 1705 To Toledo, 1 202 To Chicago, . 2 650 To St. Louis, 2 717 To Louisville, 1 105 To Lexington, 1 100 12 4,987 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 87 There are five thousand miles of railroad on the di- rect lines to the principal cities, and which, with their lateral branches, will make an aggregate of at least seven thousand miles. To Baltimore the routes are by Wheeling and Parkersburg ; to New York, by the Central and the Erie ; to St. Louis, by Vincennes and by Terre Haute. The direct railroad lines to each of these cities are respectively : Miles. To Baltimore, 506 To Philadelphia, 668 To New York, 764 To Chicago, 294 To St. Louis, 340 To Louisville, 105 It will be seen that the shortest line of railroad to tidewater is to Baltimore ; but the distance to Norfolk and Charleston, on the Atlantic, is no more than to Baltimore, while that city is one hundred and fifty miles from the ocean. It is apparent, therefore, that if a direct Southern line is made to either Norfolk or Charleston, it will command the Atlantic freight from Cincinnati to Europe. The summary of the facts above presented, in regard to the commercial intercommunication of Cincinnati, exhibits some extraordinary results in the narrow Valley of the Miami, all of which is tributary to Cin- cinnati. There are: 88 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Iff Fiiiai Canals, 100 Turnpikes, 1,600 Common Roads, 4,500 Railroads, 500 In the three States tributary to this city, there are six thousand seven hundred miles of railroad, and in the direct lines centering in the city there are five thousand miles. We have not the means of comparing this ex- hibit with the best districts of Europe, but it exceeds any thing to be found in an equal space of this country. Chicago is probably the nearest ; but the three State* of Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin have not yet exceeded . Indiana, and Kentucky in railroads. All New ad and New York do not exceed, in miles of rail- road, the three States which lie around Cincinnati. But we need not proceed with these comparisons is evident that the broad plains and fertile vak - inexhaustible beds of iron and coal, and the now accumulating capital of cities and towns, will cause and compel, in all time to come, the largest amount of in- tercommunication which can belong to any great com- mercial center. 5. Where industry, commerce, fertile lands, and nu- merous lines of communication exist together, indi- vidual PROPERTY and AGGREGATE WEALTH must S and accumulate. Let us, for a moment, see how cinnati stands in regard to wealth. The assessed values THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 89 of property are never accurate, and always below the allies ; but these assessments serve very well for a i. and to show the growth of capital by the ial accumulations of industry and commerce. The ing table shows the valuations of property in Hamilton County (in which Cincinnati is) for a series of ye Value of all property in 1841, §10,760,194 Value of all property in 1850, 55,670,631 Value of all property in 1860, 110,508,170 Value of all property in I860 166,945,497 tements are taken from the Annual Eeport of the Auditor of State, and are sufficiently accurate to show the progress of the city in wealth and capital. • to I860, the value of property increased threefold, and, in the past nine years, thirty-two per cent. The main increase is in money, merchandise, -. and manufactures. These have, in nine years, increased nearly forty millions of dollars. This proves that Cincinnati is now passing through the same change, in the kind and growth of its wealth, which New York and Philadelphia passed through at the same period of .Towth. In the first period of building up a con- siderable city, all the accumulations of capital go into real estate and manufactures, so that there is a defi- ciency of commercial capital; but, after this, when cities become self-sustaining, commercial and banking 90 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. capital is increased, and the valuations form a much larger proportion of money, merchandise, and stocks. This period, New York passed through thirty years ago, and Cincinnati is going through now. With the increase of capital, comes also more frequent sales of property, more loans, and more building. This may be seen in two lines, exhibiting the deeds made, the money loaned on property, and the new buildings in the years 1859 and 1867 — the one before the war, and the other since, and showing the change in eight years : 1859. 1867. Deeds, 4,560 6,697 Money on Mortgages, . . $6,642,225 $12,739,512 New Buildings, .... 683 1,372 Perhaps nothing can show the true condition and prog- ress of Cincinnati better than this table. It shows that, just previous to the war, the progress of this city had been much checked, but that, since, its former growth has recommenced. There is now more building and more sales of real property than has been known for many years. 6. With new buildings and new growth, there comes the need of public improvements, and, accordingly, the public mind, which has only recently thought of Cincinnati as something more than a mere inland town, has been quickened and excited with the idea of public works which may adorn and improve the true THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 91 metropolis of the "West. It is but a short time since was completed, by an incorporated company, the most magnificent suspension bridge in the world. When the bridge at Niagara was built, it was considered one of those extraordinary things which could hardly be equaled; but the Cincinnati bridge surpasses that. It spans the entire Eiver Ohio, and, at the height of one hundred feet in the air, admits the passage of the largest steamboats. Another bridge over the Licking unites Newport and Covington ; so that now the Queen City and her Kentucky daughters sit in a united, com- pact, and graceful circle on the waters of the Ohio, and in the splendid amphitheater which nature has provided for them. The bridging of the Ohio, being thus commenced, is not to end with this. It is now certain that every great arte- rial line of railroad passing from the great lakes of the North to the Southern sea-board must, to be successful, cross the Ohio on bridges; accordingly, the Baltimore and Ohio Eoad is building one at Parkersburg; and so, also, the great roads which connect New York and Philadelphia with Cincinnati seek to bridge the river, that they may connect fully with the line now, or here- 'after to be, made from this city to the South. The bridge from Newport to this city, which is understood to be in the interest of the Pennsylvania Eailroad, is begun, and will progress to completion. The roads ter- 92 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. minating in the west of the city have a charter, and anticipate building a bridge below. Thus, it takes no great imagination to see that cities on both sides of the Ohio, united by bridges and streets, will seem to be one harmonious whole. With the bridges comes also a vision of parks and avenues. The city council have already authorized and laid out three great avenues, corresponding to the natural outlets of the city ; and as the city climbs the hills and extends into what were once mere rural shades, these avenues will also ascend the furthest sum- mits, and unite the pleasures of the country with those of the city. The street car, that most convenient of mod- ern inventions, will go with them. But there will still be needed also great breathing places — parks ; and parks the people will have, although no great progress is made yet. On the east of the city, near the hill where the old Indian chief looked down on the garrison of Fort Washington, the city has a large piece of ground called Eden Park. There the new water reservoirs are to be placed ; and when such a park shall be filled with water, trees, and shrubbery, and one shall look down on this vast city, and follow with the eye the winding Ohio, it can not be said that Cincinnati is without one of the most beautiful walks and gardens which natural beauty or artistic skill has produced for any city. Other parks and other adornments will come with time, and the THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 93 charms of nature be enhanced by the improvements of man. 7. With all this growth of industry, commerce, and material improvement, Cincinnati has never forgotten that mind is superior to matter, and that to educate the people is the highest obligation of a civilized commu- nity. Hence, from the very beginning, means have been taken to promote popular education, till now, every child in the city can be educated in the most prac- tical branches of knowledge; and, by the sagacity and liberality of individuals, means have been provided for the foundations of the highest institutions of learning. A brief outline of the schools, seminaries, and colleges of Cincinnati will serve the purpose of this general description. At the basis of education in this city are the public schools. To these all youth, between the ages of five and twenty-one, have access. According to the law of pro- portions, established by the censuses, this comprehends thirty-nine per cent, of the whole population, and at the present time gives ninety thousand seven hundred youth within the legal age entitled to public instruction. Of these only about twenty-five thousand are in the schools at any one time; but ten thousand others are in the parochial and private schools — making in all thirty -five thousand at one period in course of education. Some persons have compared this with the whole number 94 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. entitled by law to attend the schools, and hence in- ferred that there must be great numbers of children who do not attend school at all, but this is a great mistake. The children of the poor and working classes, which are the greatest number, are withdrawn from school at not more than twelve or thirteen years of age, and nearly the whole body of youth in school are with- drawn before they are eighteen years ; so that the at- tendance in the schools is by classes and installments, and probably thirty-five thousand is as many as can be expected to be in attendance at the present time. Probably not more than one in a hundred escape in- struction at any school, and those who do not attend more than one-third of the time to which they are en- titled, nevertheless get what are called the rudiments of knowledge. But some one may ask, How come ten thousand in parochial and private schools ? The great body of these are in the Eoman Catholic parish schools. They originated in consequence of the dissatisfaction of the Catholics with the conduct of the public schools. Parish schools are attached to nearly all the Roman Cath- olic churches, and contain several thousand pupils. In addition to these are many private schools and semina- ries, especially those for girls, which are preferred by some parents on account of special instruction, particu- larly in the ornamental branches which they afford. In 1860, there were forty-six schools and seminaries, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 95 parochial and private, in Cincinnati, of which twenty- seven were Eoman Catholic, containing nine thousand and six hundred pupils, but the number is no doubt increased. There are now in this class of schools and seminaries fully twelve thousand. The public schools of Cincinnati have, in recent years, been crowned by the high schools, institutions, which, in their general char- acter, are the same with what are commonly known as " colleges," and in regard to law, may be made to com- prehend universal knowledge, for the law does not re- strict their studies. Of these one is for boys and the other for girls. Both have been founded by the sagac- ity and liberality of early pioneers — William Wood- ward and John Hughes — from whom they are called the Woodward and Hughes Schools. The pupils of these colleges are the graduates of the common schools. At each annual examination a certain number of those who have passed out are entitled to enter the High Schools, and thus they may pursue, so far as they have time and ambition, the highest range of studies. The list of subjects pursued in the high schools, as returned in the annual reports, shows that to these students is open every branch of learning attainable in any of our col- leges. Then the public system is perfected by the estab- lishment of a graduated system of instruction, which leads the minds of youths, if they give time to it, from the very alphabet of knowledge to the higher regions of 96 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. learning. It is to give their children the benefits of these schools that many families have come to Cin- cinnati, and thus the institution of the public schools has added to the wealth as well as the intelligence of the city. After the public schools, we may mention the colleges and professional seminaries, some of which were founded long previous to the public schools. The earliest of these is Cincinnati College, with whose name and history is associated the honored memory of the oldest and best founders of the city, originally chartered as a purely literary seminary. It was for many years a regular college, in which many youths were educated. Having ceased its work for a period, it was again re- vived as a college and a medical school; but has now, for several years, been continued as a law school. In the meantime it has been relieved of all embarrass- ments by the payment of its debts, and possesses an unincumbered property worth $200,000. It is proposed to make this fund, in connection with some other, the foundation of the future University of Cincinnati. Within a few years Mr. McMicken has given a large estate for the education of youth in Cincinnati, subject to some limitations, and intended ultimately to found a college or university. The property has been so man- aged by the trustees as to be at present a large endow- ment for whatever institution they may hereafter erect. Pickel \Soii, Archi ElirgoltForln-iger&C s^f ^iX rxim c sxollis 'Ule ., cim inrrxiivrii u d- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 97 We may, therefore, expect that the McMicken Univer- sity will be a fact of the future. The St. Xavier College (Koman Catholic) has been many years in existence, and pursues a regular course of instruction, chiefly conducted by the Jesuits. In addition to these literary institutions, there are professional schools — law, medical, theological, and commercial. There is but one law school, which is a branch of Cincinnati College, and has been thirty years in successful operation. In that period it has had several professors distinguished for legal learning, for social standing, and political influence. It has graduated twelve hundred students, among whom may be found men who have adorned the bench and the bar. society and government. The Medical Schools are the oldest professional insti- tutions, and have always had large numbers of students. The Medical College of Ohio was founded half a cen- tury since, and has probably graduated thousands of pupils. The Miami Medical College is a newer insti- tution, but with an able Faculty, and promises much future usefulness. The Physio-Medical College teaches the peculiar doc- trines of what is generally termed the Botanical School. The College of Dental Surgeons is one of the evi- dences that, in recent years, dentistry is treated as a science. This is, perhaps, the reason of the established 98 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. fact that American dentists enjoy the highest reputation in all foreign countries. The College of Dental Sur- geons in Cincinnati has added to both the skill and the reputation of the profession. . Of theological schools, there are two — one Eoman Catholic, on the summit west of Millcreek; and the other Presbyterian, on Walnut Hills. The latter, Lane Seminary, is well endowed, has considerable income, and maintains a regular course of theological teaching. Another class of colleges, so called, are the commercial. These, however, do not pretend to teach what is usually understood as a collegiate course, but simply those prac- tical elements necessary to commercial business. From what we have said, education for the masses, and for the common business of life, is well provided for. Every child may have some sort of education, and every one intended for business may here acquire well the elements of his profession ; and for those who wish to be instructed in science and the classics, the High Schools afford an opportunity ; yet, for high scholarship, the youth of the city must look to the coming, rather than the present colleges. The Cincinnati College Fund, the McMicken Fund, the Observatory, and some others which may be gathered in, would be sufficient to lay the foundation and build up the stately structure of a future university. Whether they can ever be united and concentrated for such a purpose, we know not ; but THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 99 after contemplating the noble and liberal contributions, private and public, made here for the universal instruc- tion of the people — after seeing so many tens of thou- sands already brought into the schools, and so many other thousands who have gone forth from these insti- tutions as merchants, lawyers, physicians, and clergy- men, to be useful and honored citizens of the republic — after all this, we can not help thinking and hoping that this broad and spacious edifice of popular education may be crowned with a Cincinnati University. Then the work of the children will well compare with that of their fathers, and scholars of profoundest learning go forth from the city which already furnishes the arts, and manufactures, and commerce which adorn and im- prove the Valley of the Ohio, and hence made herself the Queen of the West. We have now finished our outline sketch of the growth of this city and of its principal elements. We said nothing of the young cities on the opposite shore, or of the far-extending suburbs to the north; but we may return for a moment to contrast this scene as it was observed by Judge Symrnes eighty years ago, with that now seen from Eden Park, and that which will be seen in some future. Then, the proprietors of the Miami coun- try saw with delight this beautiful amphitheater sur- rounded with its wood-crowned hills; but then the forest was unbroken, solitude rested on the bosom of 100 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Nature, and the Eed Indian looked with suspicion on the approaching white man. Now, the forest is cleared away, a great town is built up, silence is fled, the in- cipient roar of clanging industry thunders upon the ear, the voices of shouting multitudes are heard, and the visitor to Eden Park beholds these cities filling the valley below. The temples of God and the schools of youth, the factories of art and the vessels of navigation rise in the midst of forty thousand houses, filled with three hundred thousand people ! Such is the present scene compared with that when civilized man came to conquer the wilderness of nature. But it is not improper, and it will require no extraor- dinary gift of prophecy to look a little into what the future may, and probably will, produce. Cincinnati has now reached the period when, as New York did thirty years ago, it is passing from the condition of a respect- able town to that of a great city, where, in fact, capital is sufficiently accumulated and public spirit excited to make these extensive improvements, which both vital- ize its resources and adorn its aspect. Most of these we have already mentioned in this sketch, but we may group them together: first, the natural resources around the summit hills, the gentle curves of the hills, and their decline to the north, have made the suburbs of Cincinnati the most beautiful in the United States. No other city can compare with them. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 101 Then, to enjoy these suburban scenes, come the ave- nues : these will wind up the ravines, finally pass north of the hills, meet the valley beyond, and thus make splendid boulevards, to which no others can compare. Then come the parks : these will be on the hills or in the northern valley, and, being reached by street cai>, will make lovely and healthy country gardens for the resort of all classes of people. Then the reservoirs on the hills will furnish living fountains for the avenues and the gardens. Far to the west, in the Valley of Millcreek, what has heretofore been a great mud lake will be leveled and filled, built up, and the city extend to the western hills as it does to the eastern. Then the gardens and the avenues will crown the western sum- mits. In the meanwhile, the great railroad bridges over the Ohio will have been built, the Southern railroad will be seen as one of the great arteries of commerce, and the young cities of Newport and Covington will climb the hills of the south, as Cincinnati does those of the north. Then will be seen, on some of the sur- rounding points to the north, the University, and, near it, the Observatory ; and science and letters, and the beautiful arts, will crown the scene which industry, and commerce, and education have created. Then, if a kind Providence shall favor the labors of man, the Cincinnati of the future will be, as it has been, the metropolis of the Great Central West. CHAPTER V. City Government— School System— Board of Health- Police and Fire Departments— Administration of Justice. ^P'HE government of municipal affairs in Cincinnati w» devolves upon a mayor, a city council composed of two members from each ward, and a board of city improvements composed of the mayor, city civil engineer, and three city commissioners. The city elections occur on the first Monday in April, most of the officers serving for a term of two years. Candidates for council are required to be freeholders, and residents of the city three years previous to the election. The following gentlemen occupy at present city of- fices as respectively named : Mayor. — John F. Torrence. CITY COTJlsrCIll.. James W. Fitzgerald President. WARD. 1...T. F. Eckert J. W. Fitzgerald. 2...Wm. Loder Chas. Kahn, Jr. 3...V. Eiclienlaub Conrad Schultz. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 103 4.. .Wm. H. Glass P. F. Maley. 5. ..Daniel Wolf. J. S. HilL 6...B. C. Corbett T. Cannon. 7...L. C. Buente David Baker. 8. ..James Morgan A. P. C. Bonte. 9. ..Chris. Von Seggern Jos. Eveslage. 10... Joseph Siefert A. Wagner. 11... H. B. Eckelman Jos. Kinsey. 12. ..Jacob Benninger G. W. Ziegler. 13. ..G. A. Doherty M. Corbett. 14... Wm. H. Harrison E. M. Moore. 15. ..A. T. Goshorn.... T. F. Baker. 16...Drausin Wnlsin W. H. Brickell. 17. ..James B. Doan A. K. Brookbank. 18. ..Clinton Buente Samuel Beresford, Jr. 19... F. W. Schwencker L. C. Frintz. 20.. .A. E. Jones Wm. Kirton. City Auditor. — Chas. H. Titus. City Treasurer. — Kobert Moore. City Solicitor. — J. Bryant Walker. City Civil Engineer. — R. C. Phillips. City Commissioners. — John H. Lawrence, L. Mc- Hugh, Theodore Chambers. Judge oe Police Court. — Walter F. Straub. Chief of Police. — Prosecuting Attorney of Police Court. — Moses F. Wilson. 104 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. The public school system of Cincinnati has long been celebrated for its efficiency and the liberal scale upon which it is conducted. The efforts of such men as Nathan Guilford, John P. Foote, George Graham, and Samuel Lewis, established a broad foundation for future growth. The details of its workings can not, for want of space, here be given. The Annual Keport, which, itself, constitutes each year quite a volume, may be referred to for all necessary information. A Board of Trustees, elected by the people, administer the business affairs. A Board of Examiners, appointed by the City Council, decide upon the qualifications of teachers. John Hancock is the Superintendent of Schools. His administration has evinced great ability, and the schools have never been more prosperous than at present. The Board, during 1868, made arrangements to open a Normal School, for the training of females intending to qualify themselves for teaching. The inauguration of this plan marks a new and important era in our sys- tem, and success seems to await it. The following regulations exist for the government of the schools : " None but the children of actual bona fide residents of Cincinnati shall, under any circumstances, be admitted to the common schools, free ; but children of non-resi- dents may be admitted by the Trustees of any district, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 105 on payment, in advance, to the Clerk of the Board, the following tuition fees, viz. : " For admittance into intermediate schools, at the rate of twenty dollars per annum ; district schools, six- teen dollars per annum — payable, in each case, semi- quarterly, quarterly, semi-annually, or yearly." The regular meetings of the Board of Examiners are held at the Office of Public Schools, City Buildings, on Eighth Street, between Plum and Central Avenue, on the second Thursday of each month, except July and August, at two o'clock P. M. The Board grants two grades of Certificates, denom- inated, respectively, Male Principal's Certificate and Female Assistant's Certificate. Candidates for a Male Principal's Certificate are ex- amined in Spelling and Definitions, Reading, English Grammar, Geography, American History, Mental Arith- metic, Written Arithmetic, Algebra, Theory and Prac- tice of Teaching, Natural Philosophy, Constitution of the United States, Ancient and Modern History, Anat- omy and Physiology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geometry, English Literature, and Penmanship. Candidates for a Female Assistant's Certificate are examined in Spelling and Definitions, Reading, English Grammar, Geography, American History, Mental Arith- metic, Written Arithmetic, English Literature, Theoiy and Practice of Teaching, Natural Philosophy, Con- 106 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. stitution of the United States, Anatomy and Physiol- ogy, Penmanship, and Ancient and Modern History. Candidates for positions in the High Schools will be examined in Chemistry and Astronomy, in addition to the above list. The number opposite to each branch, in the column on the right of the list of studies on the certificate issued, measures the result of the examination, ten being the maximum. Less than seven, in either English Grammar, Geography, Mental Arithmetic or Written Arithmetic, is a failure. Certificates are valid as follows : For an average of seventy per cent, of correct answers, one year; eighty per cent., three years; ninety per cent., five years. A record of the character of the examination of each individual is preserved in a volume for the use of the Board of Education. Candidates who have not taught in the Common Schools of Cincinnati, must leave with the Clerk of the Board, at least three days before the monthly meet- ing, a certificate of good moral character, together with a declaration that they are eighteen years of age, (or seven- teen, if graduates from the High Schools, or with similar attainments), and that they design to teach in the Public Schools of Cincinnati, if found qualified. Candidates are requested to leave their address, and a statement of any experience they may have had in teaching. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 107 Candidates shall be examined in the absence of all spectators, save the members of the Board of Education. Candidates shall not be examined who are not pres- ent, punctually, at the appointed hour. None shall be admitted to a second examination, till after the expi- ration of six months. No Certificate shall be issued without an average of seventy per cent, of the full number of marks. The Board will grant no certificate to any candidate who entirely fails in any branch of study in which an examination is required by the Board. Graduates of the Normal School have preference in the selection of teachers for the schools. One week prior to the annual opening of the schools each year, all the teachers of the Common Schools shall be required to attend a Teacher's Institute, held in the city. Such institute shall be open to all persons who may desire to become teachers in the Common Schools of Cincinnati. The salaries of teachers in the Cincinnati Schools range from 8400 per annum to 82,100. The following are the names of the members of the Board of Education, for the years 1869-70, commencing in July : WARD. 1...J. H. Brunsman W. J. O'Neil. 2... Peter Gibson J. W. B. Kelly. 108 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 3...C. C. Campbell E. M. Johnson. 4...D. J. Mullaney Benj. J. Kicking. 5.. .Dr. Wolfley H. W. Poor. 6...F. Macke J. P. Carberry. 7...C. F. Bruckner H. P. Siebel. 8...C. H. Gould J. C. Christin. 9...F. W. Eaucli Joseph Kramer. 10.. .Wm. Kuhn ,H. L. Wehmer. 11.. .S. S. Fisher 12... A. Themkaupf. J. C. Krieger. 13. ..George D. Temple. ..Wm. McClennan. 14.. .Henry Mack G. W. Gladden. 15... A. D. Mayo Abner L. Frazer. 16... Francis Ferry John P. Storey. 17...S. A. Miller J. L. Drake. 18. ..A. Bohiing ....Louis Ballauf. 19... S. F. Wisnewski Herman Eckel. 20... J. H. Ehodes James F. Fisher. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. President, S. S. Fisher. Vice-President, Francis Ferry. Corresponding Secretary, James F. Irwin. Clerk, W. F. Hurlbut, OFFICERS OF THE SCHOOLS Superintendent of Schools, John Hancock. Superintendent of Buildings, John McCanimon. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 109 POST-OFFICE. C. W. Thomas, Esq., the late efficient and popular Postmaster of Cincinnati, has kindly furnished some interesting items in regard to the business of his de- partment : As nearly every interest of a civilized people pulsates through the post-office, it undoubtedly furnishes the most reliable indication of numerical, commercial, and social progress. From a statement in the " Commercial Daily Advertiser," of November 19, 1829, we learn " there was received for postage the last year $12,150, having increased in three years upward of fifty per cent." This was when Cincinnati had a population of twenty-five thousand. She had outstripped all other Western cities, and was indisputably the " Queen." These figures afford an interesting comparison with the business done at the office during 1867-8. The cash receipts of the Cincinnati Post-office, on postage account, were, for the past year, $264,587.47, and the expenses for salaries and miscellaneous, exclu- sive of those incident to the free-delivery system, were $62,306.06 ; net earnings paid over to the Government, $202,281.41. The receipts and disbursements in the Money-Order Department of the office were each over half a mill- ion dollars. At the present rate of business, over 110 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. $750,000 will be paid on money orders during the pres- ent year. The number of letters received for delivery during the past year was nine million three hundred and eight thousand, and the number received for distribu- tion was twenty- eight million. The amount of mail matter daily handled is about twenty-five thousand pounds. There arc one hundred employes, including letter carriers, and the machinery of the office is incessant day and night. It should be remembered, that in 1829, domestic postage on letters was 12 J, 18f , and 25 cents, according to the distance conveyed. That year's receipts, $12,150, would be equivalent to the transmission of sixty-four thousand eight hundred letters at the average of 18| cents each. The same sum will now convey four hun- dred and five thousand half-ounce letters to any dis- tance within the United States; so the whole sum of $264,587.47, the postage receipts for the past year, fairly represents about nine millions of letters received by the people of this city. THE ANNUAL MESSAGE of Mayor Charles F. Wilstach, dated April 9, 1869, congratulates the city upon the enterprise and pros- perity which has hitherto marked its career, and takes the most enlarged and comprehensive views of its fu- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Ill hire. It states the bonded debt of the city to be now $4,507,000, and the value of property belonging to the city at $11,350,000, showing nearly $7,000,000 on the right side of the ledger. The following items in regard to some of the depart- ments of the municipal government are taken from the message : THE BOARD OF HEALTH. The Board of Health has, during the past year, ac- complished much that has been valuable to the health and comfort of the citizens. Through its officers, it has succeeded in ridding the markets of unwholesome meats and vegetables. It has prevented the sale of diseased cattle, and has required of the venders of milk the most rigid conformance to its rules against adulteration. It also prevented the spread of that terrible scourge called the Texas cattle fever. The Health Officer, Dr. William Clendenin, was especially energetic in his en- deavors to prevent its spread among the cattle of this vicinity. That these efforts were effectual, the results have abundantly proven. The mortality in Cincinnati for the year ending February 28, 1869, was 4,684. The population of the eity, being estimated at 260,000, would make the death rate 18.05 in 1,000 inhabitants. This is a remarkably low mortality, and clearly demonstrates the great salu- brity of Cincinnati. In New York City, in 1868, the 112 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. death rate was 32.27 in 1,000 inhabitants ; in Brooklyn, the same year, it was 27.81 ; in Providence, in 1864, it was 23.50 in 1,000. In St. Louis, according to the last annual report of the Board of Health, for the year 1868, the mortality was 5,193 ; in Chicago, during the- same period, the mortality was 4,604. The mortality from particular diseases exhibits equally satisfactory results. For example, the mor- tality from consumption in Cincinnati during the year ending with February last, was 444, or 9.48 per cent, of the whole number of deaths in that time. The mor- tality from consumption in New York last year was 3,286, or 14.02 per centage on the total number of deaths. In Philadelphia, during the same period, the mortality from consumption was 1,947, or 15.38 per consumption during the year 1868, in St. Louis, were 503. THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The Chief of Police, Captain James L. Euffin, reports that the total number of arrests during the year, for all degrees of crimes, was 8,291, of which 6,734 were males and 1,557 females. In the lodging apartments of the different station-houses, there have been accommodated 25,000 persons, of whom 20,209 were males and 3,424 females ; for safe keeping, 1,152 ; lost children returned to parents, 255 ; deserters arrested, 11 ; number of per- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 113 sons committed to the Work-house during the year, 1,176, of whom 1,037 were males and 139 females. The Police Telegraph has sent, during the year, 4,092 messages, as follows: Lost children returned, 755; estrays returned, 290; wagons, buggies, etc., re- turned, 200 ; prisoners discharged from Work-house, 169; officers to suppress riots, 7; orders issued, 20; prisoners for court, 150 ; miscellaneous 2,555. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT still maintains its supremacy over any like department in existence, and is famed throughout the country for its efficiency and promptness in subduing the ravages of one of the fiercest elements of destruction known to the human race. Our city has enjoyed, during the past year, a marked immunity from large fires. New and powerful machines are being added to the present effective force, and nothing is left undone to render the department equal to the growth of the city and the de- mands of the citizens for the fullest protection. Enoch G. Megrue, the veteran Chief of the Depart- ment, has continued to devote his entire energies to the discipline and management of the force. The cost of the department for the past year has been 8240,584.13. There have been 183 alarms and 90 actual fires during the year. Value of property destroyed, 8 114 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. $447,382.00, the insurance on which was $271,016.00^ making the actual loss to property-owners $176,366.00. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. 1. Justices of the Peace are elected by the voters of each township, for terms of three years. They have jurisdiction in all civil suits, with a few exceptions, when the debt or damages do not exceed three hun- dred dollars. In criminal cases they have jurisdiction throughout the county, of minor offenses, and to hold persons accused of crime to answer the charge in the Court of Common Pleas. 2. The District Court is composed of the three judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Hamilton County, and one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Ohio, any three of whom constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Two terms are held each year, commencing on the first Monday of April, and first • Monday of October respectively. It has but little original jurisdiction, its business being chiefly the de- termination of appeals, and cases in error from the Court of Common Pleas. 3. The Court of Common Pleas is composed of three judges, elected by the people of Hamilton County, for a term of five years. The regular terms of the Court commence on the first Monday of January, the second THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 115 Monday of May, and the first Monday of November in each year. The judges sit separately and alternately, in each of the three rooms of the court. They have authority, by statute, to classify and distribute among themselves for trial the business pending in the court. Civil cases are tried by the court in room No. 1, and before a jury in room No. 2, and criminal cases are tried in room No. 3. This court has original jurisdiction in all civil cases where the sum or matter in dispute ex- ceeds one hundred dollars, and has appellate jurisdic- tion from the judgment of justices of the peace, and also in certain cases from the decisions of the county commissioners. It has Jurisdiction of all crimes and offenses in which persons are indicted by the grand jury ; of all writs of certiorari to the Police Court and justices of the peace in criminal cases; of petitions in error from judgments rendered by the Probate Court or justices of the peace ; in cases of contested election of county officers ; and of petitions by administrators and executors for the sale of lands of deceased persons, and in habeas corpus. It also has powers and duties pres- cribed by statute, with reference to savings societies, petitions filed by railroads for change of grade or route, sales of property of religious societies ; sales of ceme- teries in cities and towns ; changes of names of persons, towns, and villages ; vacation of town plats ; appointment of auctioneers, inspectors, etc. ; sales of entailed estates ; 116 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. barring dower of insane wives ; appointment of various trustees ; approval of appointment of deputies of the clerk, sheriff, and recorder, etc. The judges, whose terms will expire in 1872, are Hons. Charles C. Murdock, J oseph Cox, and Manning F. Force. 4. The Superior Court of Cincinnati consists of three judges, elected at city elections, by the voters of Cincinnati, for the term of five years. The terms of the court commence on the first Monday of each month, except July, August, and September. A special term of the court is held by each judge, and, as a general rule, the judges sit alternately in each of the three rooms of the court, submitted cases being heard in room No. 1, and jury cases in rooms No. 2 and 3. The general term is held at such time as the court may direct, by two or more judges, the concurrence of two being necessary to pronounce judgment at general term. Petitions in error lie from the special to the general terms, and from the general terms directly to the Supreme Court of the State. This court has no jurisdiction except that specially con- ferred upon it by statute. Generally it has, in civil actions, the same jurisdiction in the City of Cincinnati that the Court of Common Pleas has in the county of Hamilton. It has no jurisdiction of appeals or petitions in error from other tribunals, nor of criminal cases, nor of applications for divorce and alimony. At present, the judges are Hon. Bellamy Storer, whose term ex- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 117 pires in 1872 ; Hon. M. B. Hagans, whose term expires iu 1873 ; and Hon. Alphonso Taft, whose term expires in 1874. 5. The Probate Court, a court of record, open at all times, is holden by one judge, elected by the voters of the county for the term of three years. The Pro- bate Judge is clerk of his own court, and his compen- sation is by fees fixed by law. He has jurisdiction in probate and testamentary matters; in the appointment of administrators and guardians ; in the settlement of the accounts of executors, administrators, and guardi- ans; in habeas corpus; in the issuing of marriage licenses; in sales of land, on petition of executors, ad- ministrators, and guardians ; in the completion of con- tracts concerning real estate, on petition of executors and administrators; in holding inquests of lunacy; in ascertaining the amount of compensation to be made to owners of land appropriated to the use of corpora- tions; to try contested elections of justices of the peace, and of proceedings in aid of execution. He also has authority to administer oaths, and to take depositions, and the acknowledgment of deeds, etc. The present incumbent is the Hon. Edw. F. Xoyes. 6. The Police Court of Cincinnati is held by a police judge, elected by the voters of the city, for the term of two years. He has, in criminal cases, the same powers and jurisdiction as justices of the peace. He 118 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. has jurisdiction of all violations of the ordinances of the city, and of all cases of petit larceny and other in- ferior offenses committed within the limits of the city, or within one mile thereof, and which the constitution or laws of the State do not require to be prosecuted by indictment or presentment of a grand jury. In the ab- sence, sickness, or other disability of the police judge, the mayor may select some reputable member of the bar, residing in the city, who may, after taking the necessary oath of office, preside in the police court as " acting police judge." Hon. Walter F. Straub is the present judge of this court. 7. The United States Courts held in the city of Cincinnati are the Circuit and District Courts for the Southern District of Ohio. The District Court is held by the District Judge, and has jurisdiction in cases in admiralty, in bankruptcy, of all seizures, of all suits for penalties and forfeitures, and of suits at common law by the United States, or any officer thereof. The Circuit Court consists of a judge of the Supreme Court assigned to the Circuit, and of the Judge of the Dis- trict Court of the District. A recent statute provides for the appointment of an additional Circuit judge. The Circuit Court may be held by either of the judges. It has, in general, cognizance of crimes and offenses cog- nizable under the authority of the United States, and of suits of a civil nature, when the matter in dispute THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 119 exceeds five hundred dollars, exclusive of costs, and when the United States are plaintiffs, or an alien is a party, or the suit is between a citizen of the State and a citizen of another State. Justice N. H. Swayne, of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Hon. H. Leavitt, Judge of the District Court, are the present judges of the Circuit Court. Judges of the United States Courts hold their offices during good behavior. CHAPTER VI. The Charities of Cincinnati. ^ApfHE nineteenth century can boast of no brighter ^a» glory than its Christian Charities. They distin- guish it as the era of philanthropy, and, in their vast extent and ramifications, declare a nobler type of humanity and a higher civilization than any previous age has seen. The toilers of the Christian Commission were truer heroes than the exactors of Magna Charta ; John Howard and Elizabeth Fry the apostles of a more glorious idea than that which made martyrs of Hamp- den and Sidney. Let history, then, set anew its stakes and cords, and mark well the track of the philanthropies which have made these later years an epoch in the prog- ress of the race, and which make gloriously true the utterance, that "Peace hath her victories no less re- nowned than war." The chronicles of the Charities of Cincinnati would, of themselves, require a volume. But a brief outline can here be given. There is exhibited a princely lib- erality in the support of these " inns upon the road of THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 121 life, where suffering humanity finds alleviation and sym- pathy;" and all honor is due to those individuals who pass not by unheeded their pitiable fellow-mortals, but are stretching forth unceasingly the helping hand. These are they who do not believe that misfortune is a crime, but who, recognizing the universal brotherhood of humanity, "walk the crowded streets with eyes keenly alert to detect the objects of suffering and sympathy around them, and wait not for the opportunity to be pressed upon them, but seek out the opportunities which shall give expression to the grand impulses of their natures." Let this be counted a hopeful sign of the times, that there is rapidly progressing a skillful adaptation of ju- dicious charities to the wants of men, and that those heaven-born words " Our Father," of which Madam De Stael said that if Christ had simply taught men to say them, he would have been the greatest benefactor of the race, are gaining here, as elsewhere, a new mean- ing in the minds of earnest men. A reliable, though necessarily brief, statement will be given in the following pages. It is done in the hope that such persons as are willing to bestow a portion of their time and wealth in a benevolent direction may be able to gain a knowledge of the special province of each institution. It will be well if from many new sources there come generous responses toward these in- 122 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. stitutions of blessing, whose corps of workers is always open to recruits, and whose treasuries can never be too full. The greater prominence is given to what may be termed the voluntary Charities, unsectarian in their character, and maintained by voluntary contributions. The municipal institutions are mentioned subsequently. Laboring side by side with the common purpose of lightening the load of human misery, they are a shin- ing sisterhood of mercy, a joy to the world. CINCINNATI UNION BETHEL. The Cincinnati Union Bethel was first established on the 27th of January, 1839. It owes its existence to the efforts of the Western Seamen's Friend Society, under whose control it was, with some intermission, from the above date until February, 1856, when it be- came an independent institution, incorporated under the general law of the State of Ohio. The first record book states that, at its opening, on that date, there were present seven teachers and six- teen scholars ; that the school was opened with prayer, led by Philip Hinkle; and that it commenced its mis- sionary labors by inciting the zeal of the scholars in a promise to record, on the minutes, the name of the scholar who brought in the most children on the next Sunday. The week following, the minutes of the THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 123 school showed that John Ryland and John M. Jones each brought two new scholars, and that William Har- rison brought two as far as the door — "one came in, hut the other ran off." Since the period of this simple, life-like record, the Bethel has passed through many changes — at times being suspended, and at others abandoned. It was then a tenant at will in the location now occupied, was frequently driven from place to place in search of a home, until, in the year 1852, it entered upon a new and more permanent career. The citizens of Cincin- nati placed at the disposal of the Western Seamen's Friend Society, means sufficient to build the well- known Floating Bethel, which was occupied until the year 1859. In that Chapel, in the year 1854, the Bethel School, which has continued without interrup- tion since, was gathered by Eev. S. D. Clayton; was carried on under his direction until 1857 ; from 1857 to 1859, under the management of Rev. Wm. Andrews ; and in the fall of 1859 was removed from the Floating Bethel to its present location on the wharf. Subse- quently, the school has passed into the charge of Ben- jamin Frankland, and with the exception of the two years, from 1859 to 1861, when Mr. Clayton was again the efficient Chaplain, the entire Bethel work was under his general supervision. Under Mr. Frankland's care, it accomplished won- 124 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. derful results, and reached the height of a successful career. Thomas Lee is now Superintendent, and a new future of prosperity is opening. The object and organization of the Bethel are pre- sented in the following extracts from the Constitution : This Association shall be known as the Cincinnati Union Bethel. The object shall be to provide for the spiritual and temporal welfare of river-men and their families, and all others who may be unreached by regular church organ- izations; to gather in and furnish religious instruction and material aid to the poor and neglected children of Cincinnati and vicinity, and to make such provisions as may be deemed best for their social elevation ; also, to provide homes and employment for the destitute. Any person paying into the treasury of the corpora- tion the sum of ten dollars, shall be a member for one year, and of fifty dollars, a member for life. There shall be a Board of Directors, to consist of twelve persons, four of whom shall retire each year, and their successors shall be elected at the annual meeting, to serve for the term of three years. The Board shall appoint from their own number a committee of five, to be called the Property Commit- tee, whose duty it shall be to supervise and manage all real estate, of which the corporation may at any time become the possessors, and all moneys or prop- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 125 erty which may be donated or bequeathed for the en- dowment of said corporation, under direction of the Board. All operations of the Union shall be conducted upon the basis of a union of all Christian denominations. Xo debt shall ever be contracted by the Board of Directors which will encumber the property of the cor- poration. It shall not be in the power of the members of the Society at any meeting, or of the officers thereof, to divert the property of the institution, real or personal, from the distinct purposes provided for in these arti- cles, but the same shall forever remain to fulfill the object of the Society, as herein defined, and for no other purpose whatever. The Bethel work, at this time, embraces the follow- ing departments : 1. The River Mission, among boatmen, etc. 2. Systematic Visitation of Families. 3. The Bethel Church. 4. The Bethel School. 5. The Relief Department. (3. The Sewing School. 7. The Free Reading and Cheftp Dining Hall. 8. The Newsboys' Home. The details of the various branches of the work are placed, by the constitution, in the hands of an execu- 126 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. tive committee, composed of three members of the Board, and the Secretary of the Society. The annual report of the Secretary, Dr. J. Taft, made in March, 1869, furnishes the following interesting facts in regard to these departments. They will make the best exhibit of the varied work of this noble institution. The Bethel Church. — Services have been held regularly each Sabbath, morning and evening, and each Wednesday evening a social prayer meeting has met. Extra meetings in January and February, under the ministrations of Eev. Thomas Lee, resulted in an acces- sion to the church of twenty persons. The Eiver Mission. — We have, as in the past, en- deavored to carry on active work among the boatmen and laborers that throng our wharf, by missionary visi- tation to the boat, the distribution of tracts, and wel- come to the services of the Bethel. The Bethel School has not only sustained its previous reputation for numbers and interest, but has considerably exceeded the last report. The averages of attendance of scholars for the several months have been as follows: 1868— March, 1,630 ; April, 1,350 ; May, 920 ; June, 920; July, 700; August, 750; September, 850 ; October, 1,250 ; November, 1,850 ; December, 1,970. 1869— Jan- uary, 1,940; February, 2,000. Since the 1st of November last the actual attendance THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 127 of scholars has exceeded 1,800 on sixteen Sabbaths ; has exceeded 1,900 on eight Sabbaths ; and has exceeded 2,000 on four Sabbaths. The highest attendance was on February 21, when the number of scholars present was 2,248. The usual attendance in the boys' infant class is about 350 ; the girls, 300. We have fully 200 scholars over eighteen years of age. The indications of the accomplishment of great good in this department are so manifest and abundant as to constitute a source of great gratification. The Belief Department is carried on under the special direction of the Ladies' Union Bethel Aid So- ciety. From the report of Mrs. J. W. Canneld, their Secre- tary, are comjnled the following statistics : The number of distributions of clothing held during the year was twenty-nine, at which 2,782 articles of made clothing were given away; also 1,388 yards of white muslin, 3,862 yards of calico, and 803 yards of cloth for boys' wear. Embraced in the above are the following items of separate articles, and numbers given : Shoes, 750 pairs hose, 140 pairs; hoods, 84; caps, 234; jackets, 61 shawls, 63 ; skirt«, 10 ; comforts, 55 ; girls' hats, 100 aprons, 79 ; shirts, 159 ; pants, 90 ; dresses, 69 ; under- garments, 190. 128 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. In addition to these regular clothing distributions, almost hourly calls at the Bethel for assistance have been patiently inquired into, and, when deemed worthy, and the means at our disposal have justified it, relief has been given. Sewing School. — Intimately connected with the above department of the work, is the Mothers' Sewing School, which, during the most of the winter, has met, each Wednesday afternoon, at the Bethel building, under the direction of a committee of the Ladies' Bethel Aid Society. It numbers eighty-four members. The following materials have been made into gar- ments by the women attending; calico, 587 J yards; muslin, 222f yards ; flannel, 126| yards. This movement has been very successful, the time occupied by the women in sewing being improved by the reading of interesting and profitable selections from books and magazines, and in giving practical advice in matters of domestic economy. Newsboys' Home. — Three thousand six hundred and fifty night lodgings have been furnished to boys — newsboys and boot-blacks — and about seven thousand five hundred meals, at a nominal price of ten cents each. In September, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Worcester, who, for more than a year, had charge of this department, left us to enter a missionary field in the Indian Terri- tory. From that time, Mr. C. B. Taylor, of Lane Semi- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 129 nary, superintended the newsboys' department. He also, for some three months, successfully carried on a night school for boys, with an average attendance of twenty- two. The Coffee and Heading Eoom. — This has been successfully continued, and is fulfilling the purpose of its establishment, not only by furnishing a cheap and substantial meal, without any of the objectionable asso- ciations too often found in boatmen's boarding houses, but as a direct means of promoting frugality, temper- ance, and practical religion. The number of persons daily availing themselves of its advantages is about three hundred. While it is self-sustaining, it really proves, from the low rates charged, a great help to many whose means are limited, and it attracts to our institution a large number of just the class of people that we are desirous should become acquainted with the other features of our work. The following bill of fare, etc., will give an idea of the arrangements: BILL OF FARE. Coffee or Tea, with Crackers or Bread, . . 5 cts. Milk, 5 cts. Butter, 5 cts. Doughnuts, 5 cts. Pie, 5 cts. Soup, with Crackers or Bread, 5 cts. 9 130 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Cold Meat, 5 cts. Roast Meat and Potatoes, 10 cts. Pork and Beans, 10 cts. Other articles in proportion. Dinner Tickets, ... 25 Cents, For which will be furnished Roast Meat and Vegetables, Pie, Coffee, Bread, and Butter. Dinner from. 12 to 2 o'clock. The rooms are open from six A. M. to eight P. M. The free reading room is supplied with daily and week- ly papers, and other reading matter. The importance of a suitable building had long been felt, and, in 1868, the foundation of a noble edifice was laid. Its estimated cost is sixty thousand dollars, and the plan provides for the following departments : 1. A grand hall, with class and anterooms, capable of holding two thousand five hundred people, or three thousand children, to be used for the sessions of the Bethel School, meetings and lectures, religious and oth- erwise, and for night schools for the working classes. 2. A temperance eating establishment, where, with cheerful and pleasant surroundings, the boatman and laboring man can obtain a cheap meal, without resort- ing to drinking saloons. 3. A free reading room, accessible at all times, and supplied with choice and entertaining reading matter. 4. Dormitories, airy and clean, for boatmen, poor stran- gers, and children who may need temporary shelter. THE CITY OP CINCINNATI. 131 5. A people's bath and wash-house, conducted upon such plan as will reach the wants of all. 6. A workingmen's gymnasium. 7. Eooms for relief department and uses of Ladies' Bethel Aid Society. 8. A newsboys' home. There will be a hall seventy-five by eighty-six feet, the height of the ceiling being forty feet. The plan proposes a wide entrance-way from Front Street, and two entrances from Yeatman Street. Spa- cious galleries are to occupy three sides of the audience room, the space underneath being divided into Bible and infant clas-'. rooms, separated by sliding glass doors. It will probably be the most complete hall of the kind in the country, and, for school purposes, will accommo- date four thousand children. Thus is the Cincinnati Bethel faithfully fulfilling its noble trust. A pure and lofty purpose, a catholic spirit, and far-reaching charity make it a mighty agency for good. The entire community owe to it a debt of grati- tude that should find its expression in substantial to- kens. Officers. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. John Gates, President. Philip Hinkle, Viee-Pres. C. E. Lewis, Treasurer. J. Taft, Secretary. L. E. Stevens, A. Judson Davis, 132 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. M. M. White, A. Erkenbrecher, C. H. Gould, Abner L. Frazer, W. B. Moores. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. C. H. Gould, M. M. White, Chas. E. Lewis, J. Taft, Ex-officio. PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Philip Hinkle, L. E. Stevens, C. H. Gould, Andrew Erkenbrecher, W. B. Moores. AUDITING COMMITTEE. C. H. Gould, Abner L. Frazer. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. Eev. Thomas Lee. bethel church ( Undenominational). Eev. Thomas Lee, Pastor. BETHEL SCHOOL. Eev. Thomas Lee, Superintendent. Philip Hinkle, Assistant Superintendent. J. Taft, John Gates, C. E. Lewis, Secretary. Cincinnati Union Bethel, Nos. 30 and 31, Public Landing. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 133 FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath to " The Cincinnati Union Bethel," a Corporation created in the year eighteen hundred and sixty- five, under the laws of the State of Ohio, or to the Treasurer thereof, for the time being, for its corporate purposes, the sum of dollars. FORM OF DEVISE OF REAL ESTATE. I give and devise to " The Cincinnati Union Bethel," a Cor- poration created in the year eighteen hundred and sixty -five, under the laws of the State of Ohio, or to the Treasurer there- of, for the time being, for its corporate purposes, all that, etc. (Here describe the property.) CINCINNATI ORPHAN ASYLUM. No class of suffering humanity more tenderly appeals to the heart of benevolence, or more readily enlists the sympathy and kindness of men, than orphans. Not only does their destitute and helpless condition awaken pity, but their forming minds and impressible natures seem to invite the power of good influences to shape and mold them into beings who shall ornament society and bless the world. It was thus that they early became the ob- jects of philanthropical effort. Early in the history of Cincinnati this method of charity began to enlist at- tention, and the result was the pioneer charity of the Queen City, the Cincinnati Orphan Asylum. This beneficent institution is now in the thirty-sixth 134 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. year of its corporate existence. One of the earliest organized Charities in the State of Ohio, it has steadily- pursued its object of caring for that class of children whose misfortunes appeal so strongly to their fellow- mortals. For many years it was the only Protestant institution in the city which offered relief and shelter to those of tender years. It had its origin in a previously existing society of ladies who had in view the circula- tion of Bibles and the general relief of the poor. In 1833, a charter was obtained, and in 1836, a commodious building was erected upon Elm Street, north of Twelfth, sufficient to meet the growing demands of the Society. Prominently identified with its early history are the names of Mrs. Judge Burnet, Mrs. Samuel Cloon, Mrs. Catherine Bates, Mrs. Samuel W. Davies, Mrs. Stille, and others. The arms of its generous ministrations were stretched widely to embrace every class of suffering and neglected children. The establishment, in later years, of kindred institutions in a different field, left the Orphan Asylum to carry out its primary intention and to devote all its means and energies to orphans alone. In 1861, the Elm Street property having been sold, the structure now occupied on Mt. Auburn was erected. The location is a delightful one, comprising ample grounds and commanding an extensive view of the city, Ohio Eiver, and the distant hills. The building is a THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 135 spacious brick edifice, three stories, with basement and tower. Suitable apartments are provided, the best ven- tilation secured, and every provision made for the com- fort and health of the inmates. The regulations provide for a Board of Managers, consisting of twelve ladies. They are elected agreeably to the charter every three years. A duly appointed committee exercise discretion in regard to the admission of children. All applicants are examined by the attending physician. A binding committee superintend the placing of children in homes. No child is to be placed with any one who keeps a hotel, tavern, or coffee house, nor with any one who does not regularly attend religious worship. The relatives and friends of the children are allowed to visit them on the first Wednesday in every two months, and at other times only by special permission of the mam agers. The laws of the institution are formed with a careful regard to the present and future well-being of the orphans. No child can be taken out of the asylum until it has remained there at least one year, so that vicious habits may be corrected before they mingle with society. The strictest scrutiny is made into the character of individuals who apply for children. Stip- ulations are made as to the amount of education they shall receive. When a child leaves the institution, a manager is appointed as its guardian, to whom, in case 136 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. of grievance, it may apply for redress, and look for pro- tection. Every attention is given to the moral and mental training of the children. Eegular religious services and Sabbath school instruction are provided, while, during the week, those of sufficient age attend the city Public Schools. The present Matron is Miss Jennie Watson, assisted by her sister, Miss Belle Watson. Dr. C. D. Palmer is physician in charge. The cost of con- ducting the institution is about $15,000 per annum. Of this, the endowment fund yields an annual revenue of about eight thousand dollars. This leaves about the same amount to be contributed by the benevolent people of Cincinnati and its vicinity. The Thirty-fifth Annual Eeport, made in 1868, states the whole number of children admitted, since the founding of the institution, to be 16,053. There are about 100 inmates at present. What a history of benefaction do the annals of this institution present! Who shall define the ever-widen- ing circles of its precious influence ? As long as useful men and women have a work to do ; as long as a happy home gathers about its name the dearest associations of human existence, so long shall this shelter and comfort of the orphan continue to receive the countenance and support of the dispensers of charity. The fifth decade of its history should be one of signal prosperity. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 137 OFFICERS AND MANAGERS. Officers. Mrs. Catherine Bates, President. Mrs. Eliza J. Funk, Vice-President. Miss Janet C. Brown, Recording Secretary, Mrs. John Davis, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. John Shillito, Treasurer. Managers. Mrs. J. P. Harrison, Mrs. Henry Probasco, J. D. Jones, " S. J. Broadwell, A. D. Bullock, " A. S. Winslow, M. F. Thompson, " G. H. Barbour, J. H. Cheever, " G. T. Stedman, A. F. Perry, " William Hooper, Mrs. C. T. H. StiUe. CINCINNATI RELIEF UNION. This noble organization was established in 1848. Prominent among its originators was Eev. James H. Perkins, whose benevolent efforts in Cincinnati are matters of history. It is regularly incorporated, and has for its sole mission the temporary relief of the worthy and destitute poor of the city without distinc- tion of religion, nationality, or color. It is altogether dependent on voluntary contributions. As often as 138 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. appealed to, a generous community has responded with funds. A Board of Managers, composed of members from each ward, gratuitously devote much time and care, and have given it years of experience. The de- sign of the institution is : The prevention of vagrancy and street-begging ; The diminution of imposition upon the benevolent ; Advice and instruction to all as to some honest means of procuring a livelihood ; The placing of the young in secular and Sabbath schools ; The relief of those who are known to need it, by gifts of food, fuel, clothing, and other actual necessaries. The expenditures of the institution for a period of twelve months, from November 8, 1866, to November 9, 1867, show an aggregate of relief dispensed of $34,000, prudently distributed in provisions, shoes, clothing, fuel, and other necessaries, to the needy and worthy poor of Cincinnati. To properly carry out the above objects, the institu- tion is organized as follows : There are several managers or directors for every ward in the city, whose duty it is to become acquainted with the condition of those families in the ward tha require assistance ; and, to more effectually carry out this provision, it is considered the duty of the managers to visit the families at their residences. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 139 A Board of Control meets weekly during the winter season, and once a month the balance of the year. There is a Central Office, where the goods purchased for distribution are stored, and where the orders of the Ward Directors are filled. The office is open every afternoon, except Sundays, during the winter season, from 2 to 4 o'clock, for the transaction of business. The Eelief Union has the highest claims, and should be cordially sustained by the citizens. Its method of distributing relief is admitted to be the best of any system of charity now in yogue, combining simplicity with great economy. It is managed by gen- tlemen who serve gratuitously, and whose only motive is to do good. The whole expenses of the institution, for several years, have averaged less than $300 per year. Xo money is distributed except in extreme cases, the means of the institution being invested in goods, pur- chased at the lowest rates. By the thorough system of visitation and inquiry adopted by the managers, the relief goes where it is most needed. The directors are familiar with the wants of the poor of our city, and are also familiar with the means generally adopted by impostors and the unworthy to impose on the benevolent. Indiscriminate giving of charity is injurious, and en- courages vagrancy and street-begging. Many of the 140 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. persons who solicit charity in the streets are unworthy of assistance. By supplying the Eelief Union with abundant means each year, the subscribers to this great charity fund can be assured, with all confidence, that the really needy and worthy will be properly assisted when in distress. The name of C. W. Starbuck will stand upon the records of this munificent charity as that of "one who loved his fellow-men." Its success in late years has been largely due to his efforts. The office of the Eelief Union is in the City Build- ings. Officers. Eev. J. Chester, President. S. S. Davis, Treasurer. J. C. Morrison, Vice-Pres. Alex. Aupperle, Secretary. Managers. Ward. ^ 1...E. Evans Wm. Haller. 2... George C. Miller E. Allison. 3...H. Kiersted Wm. Clark, J. C. Morrison. 4... J. E. Vansant. 5...G. H. Dean John H. Balance. 6 . . . Ira Wood Henry Stauffer, Sam. Stokes. 7... Samuel Blair J. F. Leuchtenburg. 8 . . . E. B. Moore Hugh Pugh, A. Carnes. 9...F. Beresford J. Feldwisch. 10 . . . Jos. Siefert Isaac Wieser. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 141 Ward. 11. ..R. Bieman M. B. Masson. 12... John F. Forbus C. V. Bechman, Geo. Scheu. 13... Dr. M. Lilienthal John T. Jones. 14. ..John Webb, Jr Benjamin Groff. 15. ..C. W. Starbuck Carter Cook. 16. ..Wm. H. King Hiram Pugh. 17... Milton Glenn H. Janes. 18... Rev. J. Chester H. W. Taylor. 19... Alex. Aupperle John Whetstone. 20...Thos. Asbury Samuel Beresford. CHILDREN'S HOME. The idea of the reformation and training of neglected children is of comparatively recent development. Chris- tian philanthropy had long been accomplishing a noble work in other directions before Raikes, wiser than he knew, initiated the movement which has grown into the vast system of juvenile reformation now existing. The philosophy is correct — the twig may be bent where all effort will fail to change the tree. Murray Shipley had long been actively engaged in this department of labor in Cincinnati, when, in 1860, the initiatoiy steps were taken by him in a new and noble enterprise. It was found that a portion of the city, south of Fourth and west of Plum, was almost destitute of religious in- struction. It embraced over thirty squares, closely popu- 142 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. lated, in which were many tenement houses, rookeries, and shanties, and included one ward of the city noted as a resort for large numbers of regular thieves and abandoned characters. The need beiug felt of some evangelizing influence, a cellar-room on Mill Street, below Third, was rented, and there was commenced the Penn Mission Sabbath School. The children were of the rudest and roughest character. The numbers were limited to the capacity of the room, about seventy ; but in November, 1863, a three-story brick building having been erected on Park Street, with a large hall in the third story, fitted up for meetings and Sabbath Schools, a removal was made, and the school at once increased to an attendance of three hundred. The Children's Home of Cincinnati was incorporated December 12, 1864. The work had been previously car- ried on by the President, Murray Shipley, and the ma- jority of the present lady managers. There were then a superintendent and matron employed, and thirteen children in the Home. Experience having shown that the boys received who were over twelve years of age needed to be trained into habits of industry, an appeal to our citizens met with a ready response, and $20,000 was subscribed. As a result, in the spring of 1867, a farm of seventy-five acres, on Col- lege Hill, about eight miles from the city, was purchased, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 143 and is now in successful operation. This is the Chil- dren's Home School Farm. A Branch Home, on East Sixth Street, with a day school, was established in January, 1868. There are then, three departments: 1st. The Home, 19 and 21 Park Street, where the children live, and its day school. 2d. The School Farm, for older boys. A similar pro- vision for girls is in contemplation. 3d. Branch No. 1, East Sixth Street, and its day school. Eeligious services of various kinds are held on Sunday and during the week. The Penn Mission Sabbath School, on Park Street, and the Grellet Mission School, on Sixth Street, have each an enrollment of about five hundred. The institution aims to ameliorate and elevate the condition of the children of poor and unfortunate par- ents : 1st. By procuring for the homeless and destitute who may be committed to it, in accordance with its charter, permanent country homes in Christian families, where they shall be trained in habits of industry, and receive a suitable English education. They are clothed, fed, and instructed gratuitously as long as they remain in the institution. 2d. By affording a temporary home to poor children, whose parents, thus aided, may be enabled to support them in a short time in homes of their own. 144 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 3d. By rescuing from the education of the streets, so ruinous in its effects, many who, for the want of cloth- ing, books, etc., do not attend the Public Schools. The following are some of the conditions in regard to applicants for children to be placed in homes. The applicant must live in the country, and is required to be a member of some Evangelical Christian Church. He is to agree to take the child into his family, clothe and feed it comfortably, give it good common school education, so as to enable it to enter creditably on the ordinary duties of life. 4th. He is to agree to train it up, so far as he is able, in the precepts of virtue and the Christian religion. Parties having children will be expected to report to the Superintendent every three months. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit "The Home," at 19 and 21 Park Street. In 1868, one hundred and fifty-nine children were received into the Home, and one hundred and fourteen were provided with homes in the country. Thus the grand work is going on, and hundreds of useful men and women will hereafter rise up and pronounce blessed this noble charity. The Trustees of the Institution for 1869 are — Murray Shipley, President. O. N. Bush, Treasurer. B. Homans, Jr., Secretary. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 145 S. S. Fisher, W. H. Doane, Wm. Woods, Larz Anderson, John Shillito, G. H. Lounsbery, H. Thane Miller. Lady Managers. Mary J. Taylor, Mary S. Johnson, Hannah D. Shipley, Harriet D. Bush, Hannah P. Smith, Aurelia S. Fisher, Lydia S. Bateman, Cornelia B. Marsh, Elizabeth L. Taylor, Caroline Bruce, Priscilla Jones. FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath to the Children's Home of Cincinnati, Ohio, the sum of Dollars, to be paid to the Treasurer, for the time being, for the use of said Association. THE GERMAN PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM was chartered in 1849. A structure of ample dimen- sions was erected upon Highland Avenue, Mt. Auburn, to which extensive additions have recently been made. The aims and modes of operation of this institution are similar to those of the Cincinnati Asylum. The institution is under the superintendence of Rev. G. F. Pfafflin and Mrs. Mary Pfafflin. Under their able and careful management, the Asylum has enjoyed most encouraging prosperity. 10 146 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Children of members of the Association are admitted though they may have lost but one parent; in other cas only those who are bereaved of both parents. At such times as are deemed proper, the children are placed in families, who obligate themselves to retain them until they arrive at their majority, at which time the boys are to receive two hundred dollars and the girls one hundred dollars in cash. Cooperating with the institution, is the Ladies' Prot- estant Orphan Association, that furnishes all the cloth- ing for the children. The present improvements will cost thirty thousand dollars, and will accommodate one hundred additional children. HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. This praiseworthy charity, the object of which is the reclamation of abandoned females, is under the direc- tion and management of ladies connected with the dif- ferent Protestant Churches of the city. The Board of Managers includes benevolent women who move in the highest circles of the city, and who deserve honor for their persevering efforts in behalf of an unfortunate class that are regarded by many, though unjustly, as beyond the hope of redemption. An act of incorpora- tion was obtained in 1860. The constitution provides as follows: THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 147 This Society shall be called "The Protestant Home for the Friendless and Female Guardian Society." The object of this Society shall be to seek out and provide a home for destitute females who, having for- saken the path of virtue, or having fallen into the hands of the betrayer, desire to return from their evil way, and again become respectable members of society. And it shall be the duty of the Society to guard virtuous fe- males (who may seek temporary protection in the Home) from the snares of vice, by aiding them in every laud- able way to obtain an honest livelihood and avoid temptation. It shall be its duty also to provide tem- porarily for destitute children, and, whenever practi- cable, to secure for them permanent homes in respect- able families. The affairs of the Society shall be controlled by fif- teen managers, to be elected, as far as practicable, to represent the various Protestant denominations. Any person paying the sum of from three dollars to five dollars yearly subscription shall be entitled to a membership in this institution, and each donor of twenty dollars, at any one time, shall be a member for life. The work of these noble women who are thus, through this institution, bringing so many each year from loath- some to virtuous lives, is a glorious one. Many who enter the walls of the Home to attempt reformation be- 148 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. come good women, and finally become useful members of society. The following are statistical items from the last report : Number admitted during the year, 163 ; of these re- turned to parents or friends, 23; provided with situ- ations, 52 ; sent to hospital, 29 ; dismissed at their own request, 3 ; dismissed for bad behavior, 2 ; died, 3 ; ad- mitted for transient rest, 44. For several years the want of accommodations was strongly felt. Funds were raised, and in September, 1868, the corner-stone of a new building was laid. This edifice was formally opened in April, 1869. It is located on Court Street, between Central Avenue and John. The Home is a handsome structure of brick, with stone trimmings, fifty-four feet front, and four stories high. The internal arrangements are admirable. There is a roomy chapel, dormitories, and all needful accommodations for one hundred and fifty inmates. Officers. Mrs. Bellamy Storer, President. " E. M. Bishop, ) u [ Vice-Presidents. " W. B. Chapman, j " Sarah Frankland, Corresponding Secretary. " M. M. White, Recording Secretary. " C. F. Bradley, Treasurer. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 149 Managers. Mrs. E. M. Bishop, Mrs. Cyrus Mendenhall, C. F. Bradley, " Wm. H. Malone, W. B. Chapman, " B. F. Eichardson, Sarah Frankland, " Bellamy Storer, Eichard Gray, " Mary J. Taylor, G. Mendenhall, " M. M, White, Mrs. J. F. White. Trustees. E. M. Bishop, President. Joseph Kinsey, Vice-Prest. S. S. Davis, Treasurer. B. F. Brannan, Secretary. Eobert Moore. Mrs. Geo. H. Smith, Matron. Miss M. A. Cunningham, Asst. Matron. FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath unto the Protestant Home for the Friendless and Female Guardian Society of Cincin- nati, Ohio, the sum of , to be paid to the Treasurer, for the time being, for the use of said association. LADIES UNION AID SOCIETY. The object of this Society is to relieve the destitute sick and the deserving poor, without regard to color, and render aid to suffering humanity in general. It has been in operation but a few years, but has already done a noble work. 150 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. The number of persons who received assistance in 1867, nearly all of whom had aid each week during the winter, were six hundred and fifty-six. Clothing and provisions distributed, were as follows : Calico, 1,006 yards; flannel, 1,186 yards; muslin, 1,096 yards; jeans, 246 yards; burlaps, 368 yards; blankets, 72 ; comforts, 23 ; drawers, 109 pairs ; stock- ings, 310 pairs; underclothing, 111; shirts, 45; shoes, 65 ; dresses, 61 ; skirts, 44 ; sacks, 6 ; hoods, etc., 10 ; hats and caps, 9 ; boots, 3 pairs ; vests, 19 ; thread, 404 spools ; bread tickets, 294; corn-meal, 1,276 quarts; hominy, 475 quarts ; beans, 519 quarts ; potatoes, 4 bushels ; bacon, etc., 12. The officers are : Mrs. H. C. Whitman, President. Mrs. Nathan Guilford, Sen., Vice-President. Miss L. Vallette, Treasurer. Mrs. A. L. Eyder, Secretary. Managers. Miss M. L. Harrison, Mrs. Henchman. Mrs. Charles Graham, Miss L. Vallette, " E. B. Field, Mrs. William Woods, " J. P. Whiteman, " Bellows, " W. J. Sampson, " J. E. Stevenson, " E. D. Wilder, " J. Paul, " Wesley Taylor, " E. W. Guilford, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 151 Mrs. H. S. Applegate, Mrs. H. C. Whitman, " William Coolidge, " A. L. Ryder, " Pitts Harrison, " N. Guild, " William Sumner, " S. B. Brown, " Dr. Kichardson, " J. B. Bruce. FOWELL BUXTON MISSION SABBATH SCHOOL. Officers. EL B. Baily, Supt. Levi C. Goodale, Assistant. Wm. Browne, Treas. Wm. I. Gray, " Geo. B. Frost, Secretary. John T. Bateman, Cyrus Mendenhall, Dr. Wm. Storer How, Executive Committee. This mission originated in January, 1865, beginning with twenty-eight scholars and three teachers. Its name was taken from that of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, a prominent leader of Emancipation, in Eng- land. The objects are : To gather in the neglected and destitute colored children of our city; to teach them the truths of the Christian religion, to the saving of their souls, and to relieve the physical suffering of those requiring aid. To accomplish this, they are furnished with Bibles, New Testaments, Sabbath School books and papers, 1*2 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. for their attendance, and the very needy are supplied with clothing, after personal visitation. To help to raise the down-trodden, to impart a love of truth and virtue, to aid to self-respect, to help to educate into law-abiding citizens, must be to secure the sympathy of the Christian public every-where. To perform it efficiently, they are dependent, to a great extent, on the cooperation and sympathies, not only of Christian philanthropists, but of a generous commu- nity. The average attendance during the year has been three hundred and forty-three scholars, the highest being six hundred and twelve. There are on active duty forty-four teachers and assistants. These represent different denominations. ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL. The object of this institution is to afford medical and surgical aid and nursing to sick and disabled persons, by a hospital and other appropriate means, and also to provide such persons with the ministrations of the Gospel. The Hospital is located on the south-west corner of Franklin Street and Broadway. The Association was incorporated in January, 1866, with Henry Probasco, William Proctor, and Thomas G. Odiorne as Trustees. The constitution provides that this Association shall THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 153 be called "St. Luke's Hospital Association of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio," and has the following provisions : The Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Ohio shall be the President of this As- sociation, and the Assistant Bishop First Vice-Presi- dent. The other officers shall be three Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, to be elected from and by a Board of thirty-three Managers, who, together with the said President and the members of the Board of Council and Advice, shall be denominated " The Board of Managers," any seven of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. The rectors and city missionaries of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Cincinnati and its vicinity shall, together with the President of the Association and the First Vice-President, constitute a Board, to be, denom- inated the "Board of Council and Advice," to whom shall be committed all matters touching the religious ministrations of this Association, and of all institution? connected therewith. Every person who shall contribute the sum of $5, an- nually, to this Association, shall be a member thereof, and every person contributing a sum not less than $500 shall be a life member thereof. The following extracts are made from the reports of the Board of Managers : 154 THE CITY OP CINCINNATI. In 1865, it was determined that we should no longer neglect to provide a hospital for the sick poor of all classes, with the best medical treatment, and to afford a suitable refuge and consolation, in sickness, for Protest- ant Christians and all others who would choose the benefits of such an institution. The intention was to begin with a few beds, and to carefully increase them as the means offered, until thirty beds should be sup- ported. The building on the corner of Broadway and Franklin Streets, with twenty-eight rooms, the lot one hundred feet front on Broadway by ninety feet on Franklin Street, was leased, with the privilege of pur- chase at $15,000. Very soon the applicants for admis- sion became so numerous that an 'immediate increase of beds was called for, and was promptly met by the benevolent societies of our churches, and thirty-six beds were occupied. It was also intended to provide a free dispensary for the poor outside of the house. The managers have kept in mind that this hospital must minister moral and religious support to the minds of the suffering, as well as bodily cure; and it is in- tended to use every effort to make this most important part of the work more efficient. Devoted Christian women will be accepted, and encouraged to engage as voluntary laborers for Christ's sake, in this most noble work, systematically and with constancy of purpose. In admission, there has been no respect to persons on THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 155 account of creed. Of two hundred and thirty patients admitted in 1866, the first year of the existence of the Hospital, only thirty were Protestant Episcopalians. All the patients have had the privilege of calling in their own religious teachers at any time they desired. The sacred character of the ministrations, of the gentle influences enjoyed by those who are nursed in an institution like this, of the awakening of their moral sensibilities, and of the evidences of their physical and spiritual improvement, renders it impossible to exhibit completely its results and benefits in a brief sketch; and so the most interesting facts can only be made public by those who, with gladdened hearts, restored in mind and body, are continually passing out from its quiet wards. Thousands of people in Cincinnati have already seen, and know of, the substantial benefits which have been dispensed in the last three years. Its growth has been quiet, but not secret; and it promises well to shine as a bright object among the many dark things in our large city. Hundreds have gone out testifying, with tears of thankfulness, to the Christian charity that raised them up to life and happiness. Accomplished Christian ladies, who have means of support independently of the Hospital Association, and who have been thoroughly trained in the art of nursing and conducting a hospital properly, reside in the insti- 156 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. tution, and work gratuitously, superintending it, and receiving no remuneration. These are independent Protestant Sisters, devoting their whole time in Chris- tian charity to beneficent work. Benevolent ladies ot distinction, and of high social and intellectual culture, are now in many places bending their energies to this noble and elevated sacrifice — devoting their superior qualities of mind and heart to the best interests of mankind and of Christianity. No one connected with the hospital receives any payment for what they do for it, excepting the physi- cian who resides in the hospital, under the direction of the medical and surgical staff, and some subordinate employes. Persons who are sick and are able to pay for nursing, may have suitable accommodation in the rooms of the hospital, and be treated by their own physician, under the rules; and those who may be strangers here, and unexpectedly fall sick, or those who might be other- wise inconveniently situated in a hotel or boarding house, and require the best care, can find it here. By paying $300 for a year, or by endowment in trust of $3,000, benevolent societies or persons may support or endow a single bed, and have the privilege of send- ing a patient to occupy it for a year, or permanently. The extent of operations of this institution is contin- ually widening, and it is hoped that, at no distant day, THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 157 the funds will be raised to erect a commodious edifice for its use. The following items are from the regulations : Application for admission of patients may be made at the hospital, or to any member of the Executive Committee. Patients will be admitted without refer- ence to their religion, and may be visited by clergy- men of their own selection. Xo cases of contagious diseases are admitted. Chronic or incurable cases will be retained no longer than med- ical treatment and nursing are essential to the relief or amelioration of suffering. The friends of patients are admitted from 10J to 12 A. M. every day, excepting Sundays. All visitors are respectfully requested to leave when the bell rings at the expiration of the visiting hour. On Sundays visits to the patients are permitted only in cases of extreme sickness. Officers of St. Luke's Hospital Association. Eight Kev. C. P. Mcllvaine, D. D., President. Eight Kev. G. T. Bedell, D. D., First Vice-President. Wm. Proctor, "j T. G. Odiorne, \ Vice-Presidents. Henry Probasco, J 158 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. William Proctor, G. H. Barbour, C. Warm, Gideon Burton, James A. Frazer, G. K. Shoenberger, Samuel Davis, Jr., D. B. Pierson, T. G. Odiorne, S. S. Eowe, William Walter, R. Wilson Lee, Isaac C. Collins, William M. Bush, William B. Trott, E. J. Miller, B. Homans, Jr., Managers. H. Probasco, John Cinnamon, A. L. Frazer, C. F. Bradley, George H. Smith, George T. Stedman, H. D. Huntington, W. J. M. Gordon, John H. Hewson, Wm. Henry Davis, J. H. French, William A. Proctor, Seth L. Thompson, H. B. Bissell, Z. B. Coffin, P. W. Strader. BOARD OF COUNCIL AND ADVICE. Right Eev. C. P. Mcllvaine, D. D. Right Rev. G. T. Bedell, D. D. Rev. Richard Gray, " J. H. Elliott, " E. P. Wright, " R. T. Kerfoot, " Samuel Clements, Rev. G. D. E. Mortimer, " Francis Lobdell, " Wm. Allen Fiske, " Wm. A Snively, " D.H.Greer. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI:. 159 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. T. G. Odiorne, Wm. Henry Davis, William Proctor, G. H. Barbour, John Cinnamon, A. L. Frazer, C. F. Bradley. Wm. Henry Davis, Treasurer. S. S. Rowe, Secretary. AUDITING COMMITTEE. C. F. Bradley, Isaac C. Collins. DAILY ATTENDING PHYSICIANS. A. L. Carrick, M. D. H. Ludington, M. D. B. Taylor, M. D. W. I. Wolfley, M. D. CONSULTING PHYSICIANS. C. G. Comegys, M. D. Israel S. Dodge, M. D. Geo. Mendenhall, M. D. N. Foster, M. D. ATTENDING SURGEONS. P. S. Conner, M. D. 0. D. Norton, M. D. CONSULTING SURGEONS. Thomas Wood, M. D. W. H. Mussey, M. D, OCULIST. E. Williams, M. D. 160 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. The attention of benevolent persons, who may be dis- posing of their property for charitable use, is directed to the following FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath to " St. Luke's Hospital Associa- tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Cin- cinnati, Ohio," a Corporation created in the year 1865, under the laws of the State of Ohio, or to the Treasurer thereof, for the time being, for its corporate purposes, the sum of dollars. Dated at . FORM OF DEVISE OF REAL ESTATE. I give and devise to " St. Luke's Hospital Association of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio," a Corporation created in the year 1S65, under the laws of the State of Ohio, or to the Treasurer thereof for the time being, for its corporate purposes, all that, etc. (here describe the property). Dated at . WIDOWS' HOME. This asylum for aged women was originated in 1848. After struggling through the first years of its existence, it became fixed in the public opinion as an object worthy of benevolence. The charter was granted in 1851, the corporators being Robert Buchanan, Edward D. Mansfield, Davis B. Law- THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 161 ler, Lucius Brighain, Rufus King, Wesley Smead, John Btille, and others. The establishment of the Home upon a permanent footing, was largely owing to the personal efforts of Wesley Smead, at that time a banker of the city. The following description of this institution is taken from the valuable and interesting book, lately pub- lished, on the "Suburbs of Cincinnati." "The object of the institution is to provide a home for aged and indigent females, who can give satisfactory testimonials of good conduct and respectable character. Persons under sixty years of age are not admitted, though this is not an invariable rule. The fiscal affairs of the Home are under the control of a Board of Trustees of three gentlemen, and the im- mediate management of all matters pertaining to the household is reposed in a Board of Managers, consist- ing of twenty ladies. The present Matron is Mrs. M. Oves, and the number of persons in the Home forty- six. The house is on the west side of Highland Avenue, immediately opposite the German Protestant Orphan Asylum. It consists of a large main three-story brick edifice, facing the south, with wings of two stories on both east and west, and a basement throughout the en- tire building. The house is airy, with good halls, com- fortable well-furnished rooms, a parlor for the reception 11 162 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. of guests, and a room set apart for religious worship and other meetings. The location is an eligible one, and the surroundings desirable and pleasant. The institution has an endowment fund, out this but partially defrays the current expenses. The benevolence of the community is looked to for the remainder. The members of the family are compelled to do no more work than is desirable. Those who are able are expected to make their own beds and sweep their rooms each morning, to sew, knit, assist in domestic duties, and render all the service they can for the benefit of the in- stitution and for those who are more helpless than them- selves. All that is necessary for their comfortable support is provided from the funds of the Society, and no person is allowed, under any circumstances, to leave the insti- tution for assistance or work. Religious exercises are supplied by Eev. Joseph Emery, City Missionary, who preaches on alternate Wednesday afternoons. Services are also held by Rev. J. F. Wright, pastor of the Meth- odist Church in Mount Auburn; Rev. J. F. Lloyd, of High Street Church ; Rev. J. Pierson, of Mears Chapel ; and Rev. J. M. Straeffer. In addition to these, the stu- dents of Lane Seminary, during the session, hold regu- lar Sabbath afternoon exercises." This institution has done, and is doing, a noble work. Many aged, indigent women who, in better days, were THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 163 surrounded by refinement and culture, have here been sheltered and cared for, and their declining days made brighter by the kindly offices of Christian benevolence. The following regulations are observed : 1. No person shall be admitted into the asylum but those who bring satisfactoiy testimonials to the pro- priety of their conduct and the respectability of their character. 2. When they are pensioners on any church, benev- olent institution, or society, it is expected their pen- sions will be continued, to assist in their support, and their funeral expenses will be defrayed. 3. No person under sixty years of age will be admit- ted; but the managers may, at their discretion, admit persons under that age, if satisfied that they have be- come helpless by premature old age. 4. Every person admitted as an inmate must pay a fee of one hundred dollars in advance. 5. No inmate who may be dismissed, or shall quit the asylum without the consent of the managers, will be re-admitted. Officers. Mrs. A. N. Eiddle, President. Mrs. John Shillito, Vice-President. Mrs. Wm. Proctor, Treasurer. Miss Clarissa Gest, Secretary. 164 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Managers. Mrs. A. E. Chamberlain, Mrs. H. Thane Miller, " E. Buchanan, " Edw. Sargent, " C. H. Stille, " David James, " J. P. Kilbreth, " T. Maddox, " Lawson, " E. M. Corwine, " G. D. Smith, " G. H. Pendleton, " J.Graff, " McCormick, " Thos. Butler, " Benj. Bruce, " Oliver Perin, " Brooks Johnson, " Eleanor Douglas, " Theo. Cook. Matron, Mrs. Oves. Assistant, Mrs. Dryer. Fiscal Trustees. A. E. Chamberlain, Edward Sargent, W. W. Scarborough. THE WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION of Cincinnati was organized in June, 1868. The idea of its establishment originated with one of the most active members of the Young Men's Christian Associ- ation, a student of Lane Theological Seminary. There had come under his attention the condition of the poorly-paid working girls of the city, and the thought was suggested to him of an organization that should do for young women what another association was already doing for young men. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 165 After much deliberation and planning, the matter had at length become so well matured, that he deemed it time to take others into his counsels. Accordingly, he visited some two hundred ladies in the city, ex- plained to them his views, showed the results he hoped to secure, met objections with convincing arguments, and at last won over to his views and side so many of the earnest Christian women of the city, that he thought a meeting might be safely called. So, one afternoon in the summer, after two months of hard preliminary work, in response to a call published in the papers, a small number of ladies assembled in the hall of the Y. M. C. A., for the purpose of forming a Women's Christian Association. Probably the hot weather kept some away; perhaps, too, the time was not yet fully ripe for the consummation of the work. At all events, after a little consultation, of a rather informal character, the meeting adjourned to meet again in the autumn. Early in October, invigorated by their summer wanderings, the ladies assembled once more. Every one seemed to recognize the fact that the pro- posed institution, properly managed, would prevent the ultimate ruin of many a young stranger unused to the dangerous allurements of city life, and give a pleasant, cheerful home, at the mere cost of living, to others whose meager salaries would make such com- 166 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. forts otherwise impossible. The only wonder was, that such a work had not long ago been undertaken. This time all meant work, and before the meeting adjourned, the movement had been inaugurated. The plan that was adopted, looked, in the first place, to the establishment of a boarding-house for women. Of course, this is but a single direction of the many in which the association, proposes to work. Its scope will be as comprehensive as that of the Young Men's Association. But all the ladies seemed to feel that more than any thing else there was needed a house where young women, strangers in the city, either in poorly-paid services, or in none at all, might find a safe and comfortable home. So to the work of raising funds for the leasing of a suitable building they at once applied themselves. Five thousand dollars were needed. This amount was secured, and the association found itself upon a firm basis of successful operation, with a host of good friends and well-wishers. A commodious building was leased, at No. 27 Long- worth Street. The churches were especially active in giving assist- ance. All denominations joined heartily in the work, the Presbyterian shaking hands with the Swedenbor- gian, the Baptist with the Unitarian, the Methodist and Episcopalian with the Christian. The only rivalry THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 1(37 was to see which society should do most good with its money. Each church took upon itself the fitting up of a single room, aiming in its purchases to secure comfort. The result was, that the twenty-seven rooms in the building were provided neatly with black wal- nut furniture, oiled, with cheerful carpets, and other tasteful fittings. More attractive, cozy, comfortable rooms are hardly to be found in the city. Upon the day of the opening of the Home, in March, 1869, these rooms were thronged. More than two thousand persons visited them, and the visitors were enthusiastic in their praise of the manner in which the work had been done. In this, as in all large cities, there exists a class pe- culiarly needing sympathy and care. Attracted by the glitter of a city life, or seeking a livelihood for them- selves, many young women leave quiet country homes, and flock to the crowded city. Far from home and protectors, inexperienced, friendless, and alone, they stand dismayed amid the perplexities, temptations, and wrongs of a great metropolis. They look in vain for a protecting hand and a sympathizing word. The common boarding-house is no place for them, and they can not pay half the prices demanded in those of a better class. At this point "Evil, with proffered hand and treacherous smile, stands ready to lead them on to ruin.'' 168 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. A prominent object of the institution is to furnish to such a temporary shelter. For these, the Home, with its welcome, comfort, and Christian influence, is open. It is not to be thought of as a public institution, neither is it an ordinary boarding-house, where the lonely ones may live friendless and forgotten. It is a retired, pleasant home, the social and religious influ- ences forming its chief characteristics. A new and wide field of benevolence has thus been entered. The Home will become . the head-quarters of the great army of Christian women of the city. Bureaus will be organized, and new departments of Christian activity will be created. A field as broad as that oc- cupied by the Young Men's Christian Association will be opened. A work as noble, as comprehensive, as vast, as important as the most tireless of workers could wish, will be afforded. Officers. Mrs. Dr. John Davis, President. Vice-Presidents. Mrs. S. S. Fisher, Mrs. W. W. Scarborough, " A. D. Bullock, " J. F. Perry, " Alphonso Taft, " Dr. E. Williams. Mrs. H. W. Sage, Receding Secretary. " Robert Brown, Jr., Cowesponding Secretary. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 169 Mrs. Dr. W. B. Davis, Treasurer. Miss A. C. Crossette, Auditor. Managers. Mrs. D. W. Clark, Mrs. George W. McAlpin, A. F. Perry, " Elizabeth Dean, B. F. Brannan, " Murray Shipley, C. J. Acton, " Mary J. Taylor, Jacob D. Cox, " W. M. Bush, Thane Miller, Miss Mary Fitz, Frank Whetstone, " Hester Smith, A. J. Howe, " Mary H. Sibley, C. L. Thompson, " Julia Carpenter. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. The Young Men's Christian Association of Cincin- nati deserves a high rank among the charities of the city. The suggestions of a wise and thoroughly earnest and practical Christianity are carried out in its present organization and methods of labor. The scope of these, and the means and ends of its usefulness, are well set forth in the following language : " The Christian Association, in proportion to its mem- bership and their activity, becomes a moral police wherever it is established, arresting the vicious in their mad career, preventing much of the sin that promises to ripen into crime, removing or diminishing, so far as 170 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. its influence extends, the teeming temptations of city life, and attracting toward itself the confidence and love of those whose rescue has thus been wrought. By its well-arranged system of practical fraternity, the institution provides employment for the unemployed, homes and churches and friends for the stranger, nurses and physicians for the sick, and all this without other incentive than the consciousness of discharging duty and the hope of winning souls to Christ. It makes not mem- bership the sole title to its benefits, it exacts no oaths of secrecy, it assumes no prerogatives of power or privi- lege, it puts forth no pretension to peculiar sanctity." On the evening of the 8th of October, 1848, a band of young men organized, in Cincinnati, a "society for mutual improvement in grace and religious knowledge." At "first, the Central Presbyterian Church only was rep- resented, but, three months later, January 8, 1849, they had discovered a ready sympathy with their objects on the part of others, and the organization was extended to all denominations, founded on the broad principle of Christian union. Its meetings, with a view to mental and spiritual improvement, were occupied by reports of the members from mission fields at a distance, of home work among the churches of the city, and of personal experience, especially in labors with young men whom they sought to bring in — if Christians, to work with them ; if not THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 171 Christians, that they might do them good. A special membership was provided identical with the present u Associate Membership." Later, in 1850, a "Contrib- uting Membership " was formed. The society was designated, early in its history, as the " Young Men's Society of Inquiry ; " later, April, 1849, as the " Cincinnati Society of Keligious Inquiry; " then, in the spring of 1853, when the existence of similar organizations had become known and sympathies had been exchanged, the addition to the title of "Young Men's Christian Union" was made; and, in 1858, the latter title was used exclusively. In May, 1863, the name " Young Men's Christian Association " was adopted to secure uniformity in title with the kindred organizations which had now been formed in every section of the country. The early progress of the Cincinnati society had been gradual but sure. It became a power in the community known and felt by a large number, especially of young men. Its life was quickened when, in 1853, it learned of other societies which had been established with iden- tically the same objects, at London, in June, 1844; at Montreal, December, 1851; and at Boston, December 29, 1851. The societies at London and Cincinnati were entirely independent of, and unknown to, each other until about this time. In 1853, the number of associa- tions had increased to twenty-five. 172 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Thus, the cause had come to be a power in the whole land, and with its growth each society grew. A con- federation was formed of nearly all the associations on the continent in 1855, and from that time the institu- tion began to assume larger proportions, and greater - uniformity and wisdom of purpose. The Cincinnati association pursued its work with success till 1861. The breaking out of the civil war then interfered seriously with its operations, and, for two or three years, it practically ceased to exist. On the 18th of July, 1865, the present society, in full sympathy with the former organization, adopted a con- stitution, which, as amended May 7, 1867, is now in force. The first meetiugs were held in the lecture room of the Seventh Street Congregational Church, until a room was procured at Xo. 54 West Fourth Street. The accommodations here being insufficient, new quar- ters were sought. The present premises of the Associa- tion, at 200 and 202 Yine Street, were first occupied in September, 1865. At this time, William J. Breed was President. His administration was marked with vigor and unprecedented success, and the institution took rank among the leading forces arrayed against the vice, pau- perism, and crime of the great city. In 1868, H. Thane Miller was elected President, and the Association has received a new impetus in its glorious work. It has THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 173 felt in its every department the earnest spirit and en- thusiasm of such a leader. The object of the Association is to promote the men- tal, moral, and spiritual welfare of the young men of Cincinnati. The plan has been to divide the work into depart- ments, each under the care of an efficient committee, and to have the whole field under the supervision of an executive board. Beports from all committees are made in writing, once a month, and are read at the business meeting of the Association. The Beading- Boom is free to all. It has been con- stantly open from eight A. M. to ten P. M., and has been a pleasant resort for thousands of homeless young men. The Music Boom adjoins the reading room, and is made as homelike as possible, with pictures and illu- minated texts on the walls, a piano, cabinet organ, and. other attractions. This is designed for the large class of homeless young men who wander up and down the streets, cheerless and forlorn, and who, because they are homeless, are so easily beguiled into the gilded haunts of vice and infamy. In this room they meet pleasant iaces, a smile of welcome, and a cordial grasp of the hand. Social meetings are held on the third Tuesday even- ing of the month, to which ladies and gentlemen are 174 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. cordially invited. Headings, recitations, music, and conversation fill the evening. The Conversation Boom is open every evening, and has been visited by not less than twenty thousand young men during the year. As many as three hun- dred and fifty have been present in a single evening. All enjoy the innocent games, and as soon as they cross the threshold realize the necessity of gentlemanly lan- guage and deportment. This room has kept many young men from scenes of dissipation, and has proved the start- ing point toward a better life. A lyceum has been established, under the auspices of the Association, and weekly meetings are held. Essays, debates, and criticisms occupy the evening. Missionary work has been carried on most successfully. There are many institutions of relief, punishment, and reform, with every attention paid to the physical wants of the inmates, but no adequate provision made for their spiritual wants. A committee was appointed to super- vise the field, and volunteers came forward to visit the jail, the city prison, the work-house, hospitals, and other public institutions, on the Sabbath. Eeligious tracts and papers were distributed, personal conversa- tions were held with the patients and prisoners, and religious services conducted in the wards and chapels. A Bible class, conducted by clergymen and laymen alternately, is held every Sunday. A noonday religious THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 175 service has been regularly sustained, and one or more evening prayer meetings every week. On the Sabbath, the Gospel has been proclaimed at every possible point specially adapted to collect an audience of non-church- goers; parks, market-spaces, theaters, and public halls have been turned into places of prayer. The Stranger's Home, open during the cold season, proved a great benefaction to hundreds of homeless wan- derers. A building was engaged with sufficient space for a large kitchen, dining room, and dormitories ■ charita- ble persons, in different parts of the city, purchased tick- ets, and, when needy persons applied to them for assist- ance, tickets were given, with directions where to find the "Stranger's Home." Tickets can not be converted into money, nor spent for liquor. More than one hundred men frequently slept there at night who would otherwise have been inmates of the station-houses. In the day- time they were provided with plain, wholesome food, and with bathing facilities. Cleanly habits were strictly en- joined, good order preserved, good morals taught. Coffee Boom. — It is nearly three years since the Workingmen's Coffee and Reading Room was opened on the corner of John and Columbia Streets. It speed- ily became self supporting, and has proved of great benefit to the class for whom it was specially designed. The aim was to furnish coffee and soup as substitutes for beer and stronger drinks, at a price so cheap that 176 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. men would come from motives of economy. The plan was successful. The drinking saloons in the vicinity have lost cus- tomers, and in four instances have suspended opera- tions entirely. An employment register is kept, looking to the re- lief of young men by finding for them situations. Hundreds of young men every year receive temporary assistance in the way of shelter, food, clothing, or transportation to distant homes. Friendless strangers, in hotels and boarding-houses, are cared for in sick- ness and death. Thus widely is this glorious institu- tion stretching the arms of its usefulness. Its achieve- ments shall be unmeasured in time, and its far-reaching results known only in eternity. Officers of the Association. H. Thane Miller, Brest. E. S. Fulton, Bee. Secy. W. J. Breed, Vice-Brest. John H. Cheever, Treas. H. P. Lloyd, Cor. Secy. L. Sheaff, Superintendent. Executive Committee. H. Thane Miller, H. P. Clough, W. J. Breed, W. E. Kidd, H. P. Lloyd, Cyrus S. Bates, E. S. Fulton, L. E. Hull, J. H. Cheever, Abner L. Frazer, Lang Sheaff. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 177 Finance Committee. 8. J. Broadwell, Hugh McBirney, B. Homans, Jr., W. H. Doane, James B. Wilson, H. W. Brown, W. F. Thorne, W. J. Breed, Matthew Addy, Theo. Cook, C. W. Starbuck. Standing Committees. RECEPTION. Jas. C. McCurdy, Chas. E. Hayward, C. E. Wood. PRATER MEETING. Wm. G. McL. Doering, John L. Ledman, Mr. Springit. BIBLE CLASS. Walter Alden, L. H. Swormstedt. SABBATH EVENING SERVICES. S. M. Chester, W. H. Davis. THEATER SERVICES. S. Lowry, Geo. E. Stevens, J. A. Grover. 12 178 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. HOSPITALS. G. H. Smith, T. B. Horton, Jos. Biggs. COUNTY JAIL. John Stuyvesant, E. M. Crevath, W. J. Baker, Jr. U. S. BARRACKS. B. F. Barry, S. B. Brown, Walter Tearne. WORK-HOUSE. C. Hitchcock, L. Parker, H. J. Page, H. P. Hopkins. FEMALE PRISON. George Gray, D. I. Jones. LYCEUM. E. H. Foster. LECTURES. Sidney D. Maxwell, S. L. Frazer, H. M. Taylor. SOCIAL MEETINGS. J. F. Crossett, T. M. Hinkle, E. G. Hall. B & THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 179 STRANGERS HOME. J. Emery, W. S. How, Wm. B. Williamson. EMPLOYMENT. R. A. Holden, E. S. Lloyd, C. S. Morten. BOARDING HOUSES. C. A. Aiken, H. Griggs, W. C. Herron. COFFEE ROOMS. Murray Shipley, W. E. London, S. C. Tatem. LIBRARY AND PERIODICALS. J. T. Perry, B, D. Barney, H. P. B. Jewett. COLORED ORPHAN ASYLUM. This institution aims to accomplish for colored chil- dren the ends contemplated in kindred organizations. Its building is at Avondale. Statistics of its operations are not at hand. CINCINNATI HOUSE OF REFUGE. This institution was established in 1850. Its support is provided for by law, although its operations enlist the 180 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. sympathies of many who manifest their interest by sub- stantial tokens of regard. In the magnitude of its work and the great good accomplished by it, it yields to no other institution. It stands a monument to the mem- ory of the philanthropic citizens who urged its necessity, and saw after many years the consummation of their noble endeavors. Prominent among these gentlemen were William Burnet, Thomas J. Biggs, George Craw- ford, H. B. Curtis, Miles Greenwood, E. P. Langdon, William McCammon, Joseph Eay, Alphonso Taft, and Charles Thomas. The object of the institution is the reformation of depraved and unmanageable children in the city of Cincinnati. The majority are sent here from the Police Court. In September, 1868, there were inmates one hundred and sixty boys and thirty-four girls. Their mental and moral training is of the best character, and a large number learn to excel in mechanical employ- ments. This labor, besides its reformatory influence, is a source of considerable income. Many leave the walls of this institution to rise rapidly in the social scale, and take their places as useful members of society. Under the superintendence of H. A. Monfort, Esq., the House of Kefuge is fulfilling the most sanguine hopes of its founders. No institution of its kind in the United States is better managed. The buildings are situated in Millcreek Valley, one THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 181 mile north, of corporation line. The buildings are of blue limestone, with windows, cornices, casings, and por- tico of white Dayton stone, and are erected in the Gre- cian style. The grounds belonging to the institution contain nine and seven-eighths acres, five and three- fourths of which are inclosed by a stone wall twenty feet high, within which stand all the buildings except the stable. The " House" presents an imposing front of two hun- dred and seventy-seven feet, and is composed of a main building, eighty-five by fifty-five feet, four stories in height, with towers at the extremities projecting two feet in front, and which are five stories high, besides the basement. In the main building are the offices, superintendents' and officers' apartment, principal store- room, boys' hospitals and dispensary. Extending north and south from the main building are two wings, each ninety-six by thirty-eight, with tow T ers at the extremities projecting two feet in front and rear. The wings are four stories in height, and the towers five, besides the basement. The buildings will accommodate three hundred and fifty inmates, with the requisite ofiicers. Board of Directors. A. E. Chamberlain, Jos. C. Butler, Charles Thomas, E-. A. Holden, 182 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Chas. F. Wilstach, H. Thane Miller, S. Bonner, Jas. M. Johnston, John D. Minor. Officers. A. E. Chamberlain, President. Joseph C. Butler, Treasurer. H. A. Monfort, Superintendent and Secretary. A. B. Chase, Assistant Superintendent. Joseph Chester, Chaplain. Mrs. M. Fleckinger, Matron. Miss S. G. Paulson, Nurse. Mrs. E. Wilson, Housekeeper. W, H. Taylor, Acting Physician. G. F. Magaw, Wm. Wilcox, Mrs. E. M. Herrick, Miss Auretta Hoyt, > Teachers. BOARD OF HEALTH. The Board of Health was established in 1867, and has accomplished most desirable results. The Mayor of the city is President, ex-officio. John F. Torrence, President. William Clendenin, M. D., Health Officer. Guy W. Armstrong, Secretary. THE CITY OP CINCINNATI. 183 Hugh McBirney, S. S. Davis, Charles Thomas, John Simpkinson, J. C. Baum, John Hauck. THE CITY INFIRMARY is a municipal institution, affording relief in the shape of coal, tickets to the Soup House, and admission into the City Infirmary. The office is on Plum Street, be- tween Seventh and Eighth. The buildings of the In- firmary are located on the Carthage road, eight and a half miles north of the city. The farm contains one hundred and sixty acres of beautifully rolling land. The spacious edifice, recently erected, is an ornament to its vicinity, and the position commands a fine view of the surrounding country. Application for relief must be made to the overseers of the poor. The Directors of the City Infirmary are Messrs. W. H. AVatters, Ira Wood, and John Martin. LONGVIEW ASYLUM. This institution for the treatment of lunatics is de- scribed elsewhere. Its Board of Directors are — Judge John Burgoyne, President. Hon. Joshua H. Bates, Secretary. Hon. Jno. F. Torrence, Hon. Henry Kessler, Joseph Siefert, Esq., Hon. John K. Green. 184 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. It has the following corps of officers: 0. M. Langdon, M. D., Supt. and Physician. A. P. Courtwright, M. D., Assistant Physician. K. T. Thorburn, Esq., Steward. Mrs. Louisa W. Jones, Matron. THE CINCINNATI HOSPITAL. The object of this institution is to provide medical attendance for the sick poor of Cincinnati. Patients who are able to pay and non-residents incur a charge of five dollars per week for board, medicines, and treat- ment. The advancement of medical science is consulted in the provision of clinical lectures, to which all medi- cal students who have regularly matriculated in a medi- cal college may be admitted. The government and control of the hospital is vested in a board of seven trustees, of which the Mayor of the city and the director of the City Infirmary, oldest in commission, are members ex-officio. One trustee is appointed by the Governor of the State, two by the Superior Court, and two by the Court of Common Pleas. The present board are — Hon. John F. Torrence, President. J. J. Quinn, M. D., Secretary. B. F. Brannan, Esq., David Judkins, M. D., F. J. Mayer, Esq., John Carlisle, Esq., Ira Wood, Esq. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 185 Henry M. Jones, Superintendent. T. E. H. McLean, Clerk. Agnes Rose, Matron. Charles Biele,- Druggist. PHYSICIANS. C. G. Comegys, M. D., John A. Murphy, M. D., John Davis, M. D., J. F. White, M. D. SURGEONS. W. H. Mussey, M. D., W. W. Dawson, M. D., H. E. Foote, M. D., Wm. Clendenin, M. D. OBSTETRICIANS. M. B. Wright, M. D., Geo. Mendenhall, M. D. OCULISTS. E. Williams, M. D., W. W. Seeley, M. D. PATHOLOGISTS. W. H. Taylor, M. D., Roberts Bartholow, M. D., Wm. Carson, M. D. PHYSICIAN TO PEST-HOUSE. J. L. Neilson, M. D. CHIEF HOUSE PHYSICIANS. J. L. Quinn, M. D., Jas. Dawson, M. D., J. B. Richie, M. D. 186 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. ASSISTANT HOUSE PHYSICIANS. S. W. Anderson, M. D., H. Illowy, M. D., W. W. Vinnedge, M. D. This summary view is, of course, too limited to pre- sent a statement of all public charitable efforts in a city of the size of Cincinnati. No mention has been made of the widely-extended benevolent operations of the Masonic and other secret organizations, and the various trades' unions, through whose agencies large sums are spent in the alleviation of human suffering. The vast system of the Roman Catholics, who, within the archdiocese of Cincinnati, have two orphan asylums, two hospitals, and six charitable institutions of different kinds; the extensive efforts made within the bounds of the Episcopal Church and other Protestant denomi- nations, and other special methods, remain without full statistics or extended notice. Ample evidence has been given, however, that benevolent effort is wide-awake and effective in this great metropolis, and that, in this golden age of Charity, the Queen City may compare its record with any. CHAPTER VII. The Press— Chamber of Commerce— Board of Trade- Libraries— Literary, Scientific, and Social Organi- zations. if^f INCINNATI may justly boast of the excellent >sp quality and high tone of its daily press. Nowhere in the land, outside of New York, are newspapers conducted upon an equal scale of expense. The jour- nals of the Queen City challenge comparison the world over for beauty of typography and value of contents; while, as mediums of reaching the public, they rank higher with advertisers than those of any other city, New York alone excepted. The Commercial is published in the quarto form, is independent in politics, and claims the largest circula- tion in the Mississippi Valley. No expense is spared in its service of the public, and it has performed most astonishing feats in giving the earliest publicity to im- portant news. It keeps an impartial and sleepless eye upon current affairs. The Commercial is published by M. Halstead & Co., and is issued every morning in the week. 188 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. The Chronicle, an evening paper, is in the second year of its existence, and full of the energy and sprightliness of a vigorous youth. In the presentation of literary and scientific intelligence, with its general news, it is unsur- passed. The public spirit and sagacity of its publishers have entitled them to the remarkable success they have achieved. The Chronicle is Republican in politics. The Enquirer, the Democratic organ, is one of the best conducted newspapers in the country. Liberal in spirit and enterprising in management, it wields enormous power throughout the South and West. Its conductors, Messrs. Faran & McLean, thoroughly understand the art of journalism, and produce a paper which may safely invite comparison. The Gazette, Republican in politics, is now in the fifty-second year of its existence, and in the full tide of prosperity. Its various departments enlist first-class talent, and its influence in the formation of public opinion is immense. As a business newspaper it is in- valuable, its columns embodying all current facts and documents of commercial interest. Matter of permanent historical value which is constantly appearing, makes it most valuable for preservation. The Times, published in the evening, is the oldest daily in Cincinnati with one exception, having been established in 1840. Its columns give evidence of un- ceasing care and vigilance in the publication of all THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 189 matters of general public interest. Independent of party, it seeks to fill all the requirements of a news- paper for the family circle. Its weekly edition has a circulation of nearly seventy thousand, and goes into every State and Territory in the Union. To meet the wants of the large German citizenship, two dailies are published in the German language, every morning. The Volksblatt, Eepublican in politics, is published by Hof & Hassaurek. The Volksfrewnd, of the Democratic persuasion, is published by a stock company. Each of the morning papers publish weekly editions. The other papers and periodicals published in the city are here given : WEEKLIES. American Christian Review (Christian). Published by Franklin & Eice. Circulation, 9,500. Catholic Telegraph. Christian Apologist (German Methodist). Circula- tion, 16,000. Published by Hitchcock & AValden. Christian Herald (New School Presbyterian). Circu- lation, 8,000. Christian World (Eeformed Church). Circulation, 5,000. Cincinnati Price Current. William Smith, Editor and Proprietor. 190 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Cincinnati Wahrheitsfreund (German Catholic). Cir- culation, 14,000. Free Nation. Published by Amos Moore. Journal and Messenger (Baptist). Circulation, 5,500. Literary Eclectic. Published by H. M. Moos. Presbyter (Old School Presbyterian). Circulation, 5,200. Published by Monfort & Wampler. Protestantische Ze'itblatter. Published by Edw. Luther. Railroad Record. Published by Wrightson & Co. Temperance Age. John Gundry, Editor and Pro- prietor. Sendbote (German Baptist). Circulation, 3,000. Eev. P. W. Bickel, Editor. The Deborah. Published by Bloch & Co. The Israelite. Published by Bloch & Co. The Star in the West (Universalist). Circulation, 5,300. Published by Williamson & Cantwell. Western Christian Advocate (Methodist). Circulation, 25,000. Published by Hitchcock & Walden. SEMI-MONTHLY. Sunday School Advocate (Methodist). Sunday School Bell (German Methodist). Eev. W. Nast, D. D., Editor. MONTHLY. Children's Home Record. Rev. B. W. Chidlaw, Editor. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 191 Christian Press. Circulation, 23,000. Eev. B. P. Ay- delott, D. D., Editor. Christian Pulpit. Eev. N. Summerbell, D. D., Ed- itor. Dental Register. Dr. J. Taft, Editor. Eclectic Medical Journal. J. M. Scudder, M. D., Ed- itor. Family Treasure. Eev. Jos. Chester, Editor. Journal of Medicine. George C. Blackmail, M. D., Editor. Ladies' Repository. Circulation, 34,000. Eev. I. W. Wiley, D. D., Editor. Lancet and Observer. Dr. E. B. Stevens, Publisher. Medical Repository. J. A. Thacker, M. D., Editor. Masonic Review. Cornelius Moore, Editor. National Normal. E. H. Holbrook, Editor. Phonographic Magazine. Benn Pitman, Publisher. Painter's Magazine. Sabbath School Missionary. Circulation, 22,000. West- ern Tract & Book Society. Saemann (German Baptist). Circulation, 10,000. Sabbath Paper. Circulation, 12,000. Western Tract & Book Society. The Treasury (Welsh). Charles Bathgate, Editor. The Theological Eclectic. Moore, Wilstach & Moore, Publishers. Temperance Review. John Moffatt, Editor. 192 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. QUARTERLY. The Christian Quarterly. Rev. W. T. Moore, Editor Cincinnati, with its numerous newspapers and peri- odicals, produces also, largely, literature of a more permanent character, ranking fourth among American cities in the manufacture of books. An immense capi- tal is embarked in the publishing business. Messrs. Wilson, Hinkle & Co., publish a series of text-books, of which over three million copies are sold annually. It is the largest publishing house of elementary school books in the world. The Methodist Book Concern publish over twenty-five hundred separate volumes, and turn out, under the supervision of the veteran printer, R. P. Thompson, work which can challenge comparison with the finest printing done in the Atlantic cities. The Elm Street Printing Company, besides other busi- ness, print more than twenty different periodicals, which distribute to the public annually over fifty million pages of reading matter. THE CINCINNATI CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. This organization, which has attained such influence and prominence in its relations to the commerce of the United States, was established in 1839. The following board of officers was elected January 14, 1840 : THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 193 Griffin Taylor, President. Vice-Presidents. R. G. Mitchell, Thomas J. Adams, John Eeeves, S. B. Findley, Peter Neff, Samuel Trevor. B. W. Hewson, Treasurer. Henry Rockey, Secretary. Subsequent Presidents have been Lewis Whiteman, R» G. Mitchell, Thomas J. Adams, James C. Hall, X. W. Thomas, R. M. W. Taylor, James F. Torrence, Joseph Torrence, J. W. Sibley, Jos. C. Butler, George F. Davis, Theodore Cook, S. C. Newton, and John A. Gano. The object in view was to afford occasion and place for the discussion of all leading questions of mercantile usage, of matters of finance, and of laws affecting com- merce, and also to collect information in relation to commercial, financial, and industrial affairs that might be of general interest and value; to secure uniformity in commercial laws and customs ; to facilitate business intercourse and to promote equitable principles, as well ps the adjustment of differences and disputes in trade. OFFICERS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. President. John A. Gano. 13 194 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Vice-Presidents. J. H. French, H. M. Johnston, A. L. Frazer, Wm. Henry Davis, S. F. Covington, Florence Marmet. William Shaffer, Treasurer. George McLaughlin, Secretary. William Smith, SupH Merchants Exchange. THE BOARD OP TRADE OF CINCINNATI. This organization was formed in 1868, to represent and promote the immense industrial interests which make Cincinnati the third in importance of manufac- turing cities in the United States. Its effort will be to collect and record such local and general statistical information relating to manufactures and commerce as may promote the manufacturing, commercial, and financial welfare of the city of Cincinnati, and espe- cially to protect, foster, and develop its manufacturing and industrial interests. Any person, a resident of Cincinnati, or of Hamilton County, State of Ohio, or of Campbell or Kenton Counties, State of Kentucky, or any firm or corporation doing business within said limits, if approved by the Executive Board of Officers, may become an active member of this association upon payment of the annual dues prescribed. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 195 Executive Board. Miles Greenwood, President. Eobert Mitchell, First Vice-President. A. T. Goshorn, Second Vice-President. _ S. S. Davis, Treasurer. Trustees. Joseph Kinsey, M. Kleiner, James L. Haven, Josiah Kirby, A. P. C. Bonte. H. H. Tatem, Secretary. LIBRARIES. The Public Library is under the direction of a Board of Managers chosen by the Board of Education. This Board of Managers is now as follows : J. M. Walden, Chairman. J. B. Powell, Sec'y. M. D. Hanover, Treasurer. Eufus King, Eobert Brown, Jr., H. Eckel, S. S. Fisher. The number of volumes in the library is 23,786. Of these, 16,196 volumes belong to the Public Library, 5,852 volumes to the Ohio Mechanics Institute, and 1,738 volumes to the Historical Society of Ohio. This extensive collection is for the free use of all residents of the city. It is constantly growing, and in time will 196 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. occupy a new building which, in convenience of ar- rangement, will be surpassed by none in the land. YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LIBRARY. This institution was established in 1835. Moses Ran- ney was the first President. Its members now number 2,141. The library contains 30,499 volumes. The library and reading rooms are handsomely fitted up and are well stocked with books in every depart- ment of general literature, and newspapers and period- icals from all parts. There is no more pleasant resort than these rooms, in the College building on "Walnut Street, above Fourth. Officers. Frank H. Baldwin, President. Albert W. Mullen, Vice-President. W. R. Looker, Corresponding Secretary. Charles B. Murray, Recording Secretary. Hugh Colville, Treasurer. Directors. James M. Clark, Samuel McKeehan, John J. Rickey, Alexander Clark, William T. Tibbitts. M. Hazen White, A. M., Librarian and Sup't. W. E. Barnwell, A. B., First Assistant. A. McLean, Second Assistant. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 197 GENERAL THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS LIBRARY. The association controlling this collection was formed in 1864. Its object is to form a complete collection of religions literature, representing every creed and every shade of theological belief. An apartment in the edi- fice of the Mechanics Institute, on the corner of Sixth and Vine, is occupied at present. The library com- prises 3,800 volumes. THE LAW LIBRARY, one of the best in the country, is alluded to elsewhere. The above embraces the principal collections in the city, though there are many others of minor impor- tance. The limits of this volume will not suffice to mention, at length, the various associations, literary, scientific, social, and otherwise, which exist in Cincinnati, and give tone to public opinion and means of social im- provement. A few of these will, however, be noticed. CINCINNATI HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society was organized in 1843, Eobert Buchanan being one of the most active of its originators. Its career has been a prosperous one, and its influence has been felt far and wide in the promotion of knowledge and achievements in the growth of fruits and flowers. 198 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. Exhibitions are held semi-annually. The President of the Society is W. P. Anderson, Esq. ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. This organization, formed in 1867, meets weekly, for the discussion of appropriate subjects, and for other objects of special interest to the medical profession. W. W. Dawson, M. D., is President. THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY was organized in 1824, and has been of great value in preserving facts relative to the history of the West, and in subserving the interests of science and litera- ture generally. Robert Buchanan is its President. THE OHIO MECHANICS INSTITUTE was incorporated in 1829. It provides, annually, at a mere nominal cost, the best instruction in practical branches of knowledge for any who choose to partake of its benefits. THE PIONEERS ASSOCIATION is composed of the early settlers and those born here previous to July 4, 1812. It was organized in 1856, and celebrates, each year, the settlement of Ohio, upon the 6th of April, and the settlement of Cincinnati, upon the 26th of December. Thomas H. Yeatman is its President. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 199 THE YOUNG MENS' GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATION is alluded to elsewhere in this volume. THE GERMAN PIONEER ASSOCIATION was organized in 1868, and now numbers about three hundred members. It publishes a monthly periodical, which will embody much valuable information in regard to pioneer history. Through the kindness of the officers of the society, the engraving of Cincinnati in 1802 has been furnished. LANE SEMINARY has long been a prominent institution of Cincinnati. Its early history made it known and famous throughout the country, associating with it the names of Eev. Dr. Ly- man Beecher, Eev. Dr. Thomas Biggs, Be v. Calvin E. Stowe, and others. Situated at Walnut Hills, it has made that locality marked as the point whence have gone forth hundreds of ministers who are now laboring in every quarter of the globe. The library is one of the best in the United States, containing about fifteen thousand volumes. The present faculty consists of Bev. D. Howe Allen, Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology ; Bev. Henry Smith, Professor of Sacred Bhetoric and Biblical Liter- ature; Bev. Henry A. Xelson, Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology; Bev. Edward D. Morris, Pro- 200 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. fessor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity, and Rev. Llewelyn J. Evans, Professor of Hebrew and Greek Exegesis. Cincinnati may be proud of its provisions for the edu- cation of females. Among the many institutions of this kind may be mentioned the Wesleyan Female College, which is described elsewhere. Professor Lucius H. Bug- bee is now the President. Professor C. C. Bragdon occupies the chair of ancient languages. THE MOUNT AUBURN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, established in 1856, has always held the first rank as a school of thorough culture and the best advantages. Its admirable location and facilities for its work con- tinue to attract to it a large number of pupils. Rev. A. J. Rowland is at the head of this institution. THE CINCINNATI LITERARY CLUB, John W. Herron, President ; John M. Newton, Secre- tary, is well sustained. Besides this, there are the Burns, Davenport, Old Woodward, Shakspeare, St. Elmo, U. C. D. and Yale Clubs, all with hosts of friends, and enjoying a vigorous life. The association of Ger- man Turners wields great influence. The Allemania, Caledonia, and St. George Societies are well-known organizations. — -V3#g H ^ THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 201 The Mannerchor, the Harmonic, Cecilia and other musical societies, which are amply supported, give evi- dence of cultivation and taste in the divine art. This hasty survey will give but a glimpse at the social elements of Cincinnati. There is a high social, intel- lectual, and religious tone, and true public spirit. Its private collections of literature and art are famous, and in all that aids and adorns civilization, this great me- tropolis need not fear comparison with older American cities. CHAPTER VIII. Items of Caution and Notice— Hoese-car Routes— Fire- alarm Stations— Lines op Outward Travel— Miscel- laneous. j^Vf^HE stranger in any large city may avail himself wa> of facilities wliich will soon make him entirely at home, and almost independent of the vague information to be obtained by asking questions. In Cincinnati, Williams & Co.'s Directory, prepared with great accuracy, and to be found at every hotel, will give almost all items of knowledge desired by the vis- itor. No more than a word is needed here to caution per- sons against being imposed upon by the various " con- fidence games" which have been so often exposed. Pickpockets are emphatically a city " institution," and wherever there is a crowd, it is well to beware of them. Money should never be shown among strangers, and large sums should always be deposited in bank, or in other trustworthy hands. All the banks and express offices require identifica- tion of persons drawing money or obtaining goods. mmmmm Race &Pearl Sfetd To our Friends and the Public : Having removed to our splendid new five-story stone-front buildings, Xos. 85 and 87 Race Street, two doors south of the corner of Race and Tearl Streets, we take great pleasure in announcing to our numerous customers and friends, that -we enter these new huildings with in- creased facilities every way for furnishing a large and well -selected stock of Groceries at the very lowest prices. Mr. R. M. Bishop, the senior member of the firm, who will give his personal attention, as hereto- fore, to purchasing for the house, has had forty years' experience as a merchant, and twenty-two years of that time in the Wholesale Grocery Business, in this city, and we feel assured that he can and will buy our stock at such advantages as will enable us to sell at lower rates than houses that have not our experience or our facilities. As the reputation of our house is so well established, we do not think it necessary to send solicitors or drummers through the coun- try, but prefer to give our cxistomers the advantage of this very con- siderable expense, and we will do it with all who may send us their orders. All we ask is to give us a fair trial, and we feel confident that we will be able to give entire satisfaction. Our stock of TEAS, TOBACCOS, AND CIGARS will always be found large and complete — selected with great care and purchased from first hands. This branch of our business will be under the special charge of one of the firm, and we feel confident we can offer inducements in these articles. Call and see us at our Neiv Stores, Nos. 8 5 GERMAN. CI^CIjSrnsr^.TI, 190 ^W\ Fourth St. CHICAGO, G6 ^Washington St. ST. H.OXJIS, 413 Locust St. This House publishes all standard Methodist works. Also, oloaical Works, Commentaries, Christian liiograph/y , etc. d about Two Thousand different Books for SUADAY-SCHOOIi HBRAEIES. Also constantly on hand a full assortment of the best Books for Sunday-schools and the Family, from other Publishing Houses. The GERMAN DEPARTMENT Comprises Theological Works, and Books for the Family, and for Sunday-schools. A good supply of imported German Books also kept on hand. frj^Catalogues sent, post-paid, on application. Address Hitchcock «& Walden, Cincinnati, Chicago, or St. Louis. Published by the Same: THE LADIES' REPOSITORY AND HOME MAGAZINE, A Literary and Religious Monthly for the Family. Each number illustrated with Original Steel Engravings and" first-class Wood Engravings, and containing eighty super-royal octavo pages of reading matter. Price, S3 50 per year. Specimen number sent on receipt of thirty cents. GOLDEN HOURS. A first-class illustrated Monthly Magazine, for Children and Young people. It con- tains a large variety of Literary Matter— Tales, Travels, Biography, Science, Natural History, Incidents, "etc. Each number contains 48 large octavo pages, printed on fine paper. Price $2 00 per year. Specimen number sent on receipt of twenty cents. For either the Ladies' Repository or the Golden Hours, address, HITCHCOCK «fc WALDEX, Cincinnati , Chicar/o, or Si. Louis. CARLTON & LANAHAN, New York. Family Religions Papers Published by Hitchcock & Walden. Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, 52 50 per year. Southwestern Christian Advocate, Chicago, 111 2 so " Central Christian Advocate, St. Louis Mo 2 50 " " Methodist Advocate, Atlanta, Ga 2 00 " Christian" Apologist (German), Cincinnati, O 2 00 " " Sandabcdet i Swedish), Chicago, 111 2 00 " " STJ-3srX3A."y-SCXIOOXi PAPERS. Sunday-School Advocate, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis. Single copies, 40 cents per year. To clubs, 35 cents per year. Sunday-School Bell (German), Cincinnati. Single copies, 40 cents a year. To Clubs, 35 cents per year. PHILIP PHILLIPS & CO., 37 Union Square, Broadway, NEW YORK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEES IN S. D. & H. W. SMITH'S Unrivaled American Organs, SUPERIOR PIANOS and MELODEOJSTS, AND PUBLISHERS OF "Singing Pilgrim," " Musical LeaTes," "Hallowed Songs," "Fresh Leaves," "New Standard Singer," and New Sunday School Music. Liberal discounts to the trade, and terms favorable to Churches, Schools, Ministers, and Teachers. Price list of Instruments and Books sent to any address by mail when desired, free of charge. Address, PHILIP PHILLIPS & CO., 37 Union Square, Broadway, New York. HEARTH AND HOME, An Illustrated Weekly of 16 handsome folio pages, for the Farm, Grarden, and Fireside, EDITED BY I>02^JL.I> d. MITCHELL, AND IT^ItI^IE:1 , BEECHER STOWE, Assisted bv a corps of able editors and contributors in all departments. HEAltTH AND HOME lias now reached its eighth number, and meets witli universal favor from all classes of persons in town and country. It contains every week original articles by the best American writers, each in his own Department on Farming, Rural Architecture, Poultry Raising-, Fruit Growing-, Gardening-, Flower Cnltnre, etc. In its Literary Department it includes the choicest original reading for all members of the family : Adventures by Sea and Land, Pure iind Elevating Stories, Sketches, Biographies, Poems, etc. THE BOYS A1S» GIRLS AVill be specially provided for, and will find their own page always lighted with Fun in Pictures and Fun in Stories, so tempered with good teaching that Ave hope to make them wiser and better while we make them merrier. Terms— Single copies $4, invariably in advance ; 3 copies $10 ; 5 copies $15. PETTENGILL, BATES CHARLES DICKENS' WORKS. The only A UTHORIZED American Edition. 1. Tlie Diamond Edition. In 14 volumes, -ach containing fei frill-pag- illustrations, by S. Eytinge, Jr. A remarkably compact, ele- gant, and cheap edition. $1.50 a volume. The Same, without illustra- tions. $1.25. 2. The diaries I>ielcens Edition. Complete in 14 volumes, each containing eight or more of th i original illustrations selected as the best. This edition is exceedingly popular: $1.50 a volume. The Samk. in paper cover, 75 cents a volume. This is far the handsomest and best of the paper cover editions of Dickens. 3. The Illustrated Library Edition. Complete in 27 elegant volumes, containing oU the original illustrations— upward of 500 in the entire set. 82 00 a volume. S ts in half-calf. 5100. THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. 1. Tlie Household Edition. In 50 volumes, 81.25 each. 2. The Illustrated Library Edition. Uniform with the Illus- trated Library Edition of Dickens. In 25 volumes. 81.50 each. " The best of writings in tin- finest of forms."— Boston Trarel^r. ^_^ TEXXYSOXS POEJIS in ten different styles. LOXGFELIOW'S WORKS. Prose and Poetry, in various popular and elegant editions. EDWARD EVERETT HALE'S I NGHAM PAPERS. 81.50. IF, TES AND PERHAPS. 81.50. ROOKS OF GREAT INTEREST AXD VALUE by all the leading authors of Europe and America. KW Catalogues sent free to ;my address. Th - • books are sold by all booksellers, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by the publishers, FIELDS, OSGOOD & CO., 124 Tremont St., Boston The Poor Man's Wealth! The Rich Man's Best Investment ! MUTUAL BEXEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP NEWARK, N. J. ASSETS OYER - - $18,000,000. At the age of 30 an Estate of $20,000, Free of incumbrance, and under the laws of Ohio not liable for debt, is secured by the annual payment of $236 00, wdth small interest on order, the dividends paying the order. $15,000 By payment of $177 00, in like manner. $10,000 By payment of $118 00, in like manner. $5,000 By payment of $59 00, in like manner. $2,500 By payment of $29 50, in like manner. Other ages, from 14 to 65 years, at proportionate ralis. Tfiis Company has been Established in Cincinnati 25 years. Apply to ROB'T SIMPSON, State Agroat, Office S. E. Cor. Walnut and Third Sts., CINCINNATI. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 209 Cincinnati to New York has been consolidated, and is now managed and operated by the Erie Company. The track has been put in the most perfect condition, and the equipment of the line greatly improved. (Day- ton Depot.) W. B. Shattuc, Passenger Agent. CINCINNATI AND INDIANAPOLIS JUNCTION R. R. For Oxford, Connersville, Cambridge City, Newcastle, Eushville. Indianapolis, Terre Haute, St. Louis, and all points West (Dayton Depot.) J. H. Sheldon, Superintendent. J. A. Perkins, General Freight Agent. INDIANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI AND LAFAYETTE R. R. Through passenger route from Cincinnati to St. Louis, Chicago, Cairo, Memphis, New Orleans, Springfield, Quincy, St. Joseph, Keokuk, Des Moines, Omaha, and all towns and cities in the West, Xorth-west, and South- west. (Indianapolis Depot.) The splendid Passenger Depot of the I. C. & L. E. E. is about a mile nearer the business center of the city than the depot of any other railroad, and within a few- squares of the Post-office and the principal hotels and steamboat landings. J. F. Eichardson, Superintendent^ A. E. Clark, General Ticket Agent. 210 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD, VIA COLUMBUS. Elegant Silver Palace day and- sleeping cars com- bined, are run through, from Cincinnati to New York without change. This is the famous Pan-Handle route. The morning express goes through to New York in twentj^-nine hours. Express train leaves every night. Trains run by Columbus time, which is seven minutes faster than Cincinnati time. W. L. O'Brien, General Ticket Agent. D. G. A. Davenport, Auditor. LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI R. R. Just completed ; an. air line to Louisville, 106 miles. This will, in time, connect with the new railroad bridge. (Covington Depot.) KENTUCKY CENTRAL R. R. Covington, Cynthiana, Paris, Lexington. (Covington Depot.) H. P. Kansom, General Ticket Agent. MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI R. R. Loveland, Chillicothe, Athens. (Indianapolis Depot.) C. F. Low, General Ticket Agent. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI R. R. Three daily express trains leave Cincinnati, arriving at St. Louis in about twelve hours, and connecting with West-bound express trains for Quincy, St. Joseph, The most widely-approved SCHOOL TEXT-BOOKS: T H IE ECLECTIC EDUCATIONAL SERIES: WlliSOX, HORLE «& CO., 137 Walnut Street, Cincinnati. ** The most Valuable Literary Property perhaps in the xuorld." — Atlantic Monthly. Founded upon the true basis of merit and economy, this Series has attained a far wider use and recommendation than any other. It is confidently believed that, in its improved and more complete form, the Eclectic Educational Series will meet with increased favor from educators. It embraces, among others, the following well-known books : McGnifey's New Eclectic Readers and Speller. Ray's Arithmetics, Algebras, and Geometry. Pinneo's Grammars and Composition. NEW BOOKS OF THE SERIES. Harvey's English Grammar. Ray's Rudiments of Arithmetic (with Answers). Ray's Geometry and Trigonometry. Pinneo's Exercises for Parsing and Analysis. Pinneo's False Syntax. Knell & Jones's Phonic Reader, No. 1. Leigh's Phonetic Primer. Leigh's Phonetic Primary Reader. ti®"Sinyle copies for examination, and supplies for first intro- duction in exchange for similar books not in satisfactory use, at SPECIAL rales. SEJNTD FOR A OATALOCTE. IIhe Publications OF Books which may be read with profit and interest, and which are worth preserving. ECCE HOMO. ECCE DEUS. " To me it appears that each page of the book breathes out, as it proceeds, what we may call au air, which grows musical by degrees, and which, becoming more distinct even as it swells, takes form, as in due time we find, in the articulate conclusion, 'Surely, (his is the Son of God; surely, this is the King of Heaven.'" — The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Of " Ecce Deus," which may be considered the complement of " Ecce Homo," there are almost as many admirers, the sale of both books being nearly alike. Both volumes bound uniformly. Sold separately. Price of each, $1.50. Prof. Ingraham's Works. THE PRINCE OE THE HOUSE OF DAVID ; or. Three Years in the Holy Cit*. THE PILLAR OF FIRE ; or, Israel in Bondage. THE THRONE OF DAVID ; from the Consecration of the Shepherd of Bethlehem fe -.he Rebellion of Prince Absalom. In three volumes, 12mo, cloth, gilt, with illustrations. Sold separatelv. Pi ice of each. $2.00. These popular books now count a sale of hundreds of thousands. The Heaven Series. HEAVEN OUR HOME. We have no Savior but Jesus, and no Home but Heaven. MEET FOR HEAVEN. A State of Grace upon Earth the Only Preparation for a State of Glorv in Heaven. LIFE IN HEAVEN. There Faith is changed into Sight, and Hope is passed into blissful fruition. The Library of Exemplary Women, viz. : MEMOIRS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF MADAME RECAMIER. LIFE AND LETTERS OF MADAME SWETCHINE. THE FRIENDSHIPS OF WOMEN. Bv Rev. W. R. Alger. SAIXTE-BEUVE'S PORTRAITS OF CELEBRATED WOMEN. THE LETTERS OF MADAME DE SEVIGNE. Edited, with a Memoir, by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. THE LETTERS OF LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU. Edited, with a Memoir, by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. The price of each volume of the Library of Exemplary Women, neatly bound in cloth, is $2.00 Jean Ingelow's Writings. POEMS. — Complete, two volumes, $3.50, or one volume $2.25. PROSE.— Complete, four volumes, $5.00, comprising " Stories Told to a Child,' " Studies for Stories," " A Sister's Bye-Hours," " Mopsa the Fairy." Sold separately. All of our publications mailed, post-paid, on receipt of the advertised price. Send for our Catalogue. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 211 Leavenworth, Kansas City, Lawrence, and all Western points ; connecting at Odin, without delay, with the Illi- nois Central for Cairo, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, and all Southern points; and connecting at Sandoval for Galena, Dubuque, and all parts of the North-west. One train, Sunday evening, through to Louisville, St. Louis, and Cairo. Depot, foot of Mill Street. A. H. Lewis, General Superintendent. C. E. Follett, General Passenger Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE STEAMERS to Madison and Loui? /ille. From wharf-boat, foot of Vine Street, at 12 M., Major Anderson, Captain Samuel Hildreth ; General Buell, Captain Charles David, landing for all way business. The splendid steamers, General Lytle, Captain E. M. Wade ; St. Charles, Cap- tain David Whitten, leave foot of Vine Street at 5:30 P. M., landing at Aurora and Madison only. On Sundays only one boat, departing at 12 M., making all mail landings. All these steamers make prompt connection at Louisville with morning trains for Nashville, Memphis, and all points South. Through railroad tickets, between Cincinnati and Louisville, will be received for passage on these steamers, and will en- title the holder to meals and state-room free. Baggage checked to all principal points on the boats. C. G. Pearce, President. Thos. Sherlock, Treasurer. 212 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. To all points upon the Ohio and the great system of rivers of the Mississippi Valley steamers may be found at the levee. The various stage lines out of- the city are given in the Directory. The Express offices are located as follows : Adams Express, 67 West Fourth Street; J.- H. Rhodes, Agent. American Express, 118 West Fourth Street; Frank Clark, Agent. Harnden Express, 114 West Third Street; D. F. Raymond, Agent. United States Express, 122 West Fourth Street ; J. J. Henderson, Agent. The suburbs of Cincinnati are so essentially a part of the city — their population having entire community of interest with the residents of the city proper — that a detailed description of them, in addition to allusions already made, would seem to have proper place in these pages. But to do justice to them would transcend the limits of this summary view, and the briefest mention only is here made, while the reader is referred to the interesting volume prepared by Sidney D. Maxwell, Esq., in which their beauties and attractions are fully set forth. They are a sylvan crown adorning the brow of the Queen of the West. GOOD AND ENTERTAINING BOOKS For Libraries &z tlie Home Circle. PUBLISHED BY LEE & SHEPARD. In sets in neat boxes, or sold separately. olivet, optics books. YOUNG AMERICA ABROAD. A Library of Travel and Adventure in Foreign Laud?. To be completed in six vols. Illustrated. Per volume, $1.50. Comprising : Outward Bound. Dikes and Ditches. Shamrock & Thistle. Palace and Cottage. Red Cross. Down the Rhine. In Press. STARRY FLAG SERIES. To be completed in six vols. Illustrated. Per volume. $1.25. Comprising: The Starry Flag. Freaks of Fortune. Breaking Away. Make or Break. Seek and Find. Down the River. ARMY AND NAVY STORIES. A Library for Young and Old. In six vols. 16mo. Illustrated. Per vol., SI. 50. Comprising : The Soldier Boy. The Yankee Middy. The Sailor Boy". Fitting Joe. Young Lieutenant. Brave Old Sait. WOODVILLE STORIES. Uniform with Library for Young People. Six vols. 16nio. Illustrated. Per vol., $1.25. Comprising: Rich and Humble. Work and Win. In School and Out. Hope aud Have. Watch and Wait. Haste and Waste. FAMOUS BOAT-CLUB SERIES. Library for Young People. Handsomely illustrated. Six vols., in neat box. Per vol.. SI. 25. Comprising: The Boat Club. Try Again. All Aboard. Poor and Proud. Now or Never. Little by Little. RIVERDALE STORIES. Twelve vols., profusely illustrated from new designs by Billings. In neat box. Cloth. Per vol., 45 cents. Comprising: Little Merchant. Proud and Lazv. Young "\ Christmas Gift. Dolly and I. Uncle Ben. Birthday Party. - Kate. Robinson Crusoe, Jr. The Picnic Partv. The Gold Thimble. The Do-Somethings. OUR STANDARD-BEARER. A Life of General!". S. Grant. By Oli ver Optic. Illustrated bv Thomas Kast. 16mo, cloth. $1.50. K1SW JUl EXILES. DOTTY DIMPLE STORIES. By Sophie May. To be completed in s : .x volumes. Illustrated. Per volume, To cents. Comprising : Dotty at her Grandma's. Dotty at School. Dotty at Home. Dotty" at Play. Dotty out West. Dotty's Flyaway. LITTLE PRUDY STORIES. By Sophie May. Six vols. Illustrated. Per vol., 75 cents. Little Prudv. Little Prudy's Sister Susie. Little Prudy's Captain Horace. Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. Little Prudy's Story Book. Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. THE HELPING-HAND SERIES. By May Mannering. To be completed in six vols. Illustrated. Per volume, $1.00. Comprising : Climbing the Rope. Billy Grimes' Favorite. The Cruise of the Dashaway. The Little Spaniard. Salt-water Dick. The Little Maid of Oxbow In Press. LITTLE ANNA STORIES. Six vols. Illustrated, lfimo, cloth. Per vol., 60 cents. Comprising: Little Anna. Stories About Dogs. Alice Leamont. A Thousand a Year. The Little Helper. The Cheerful Heart. ELM ISLAND STORIES. By Rev. Elijah Kellogg, author of ; - Good Old Times," kc. To be completed in six vols. Illustrated. Per vol., $1.25. 1. Lion Ben of Elm Islaud. in Press. 2. Charlie Ross of Elm Island. 3 The Ark of Elm Island. Sold by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, and sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Only Illustrated Juvenile Magazine Published once a "Week ! Oliver Optic's Magazine, " Our Boys and Girls." The Cheapest, Handsomest, and Best Juvenil 6 cents per No I Specimen $2.50 per year ; 51 .25 per volume, six months. Spe< it free on application to LEE A SHEPABD, Publishers, 149 Washington St., Boston. PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE CO. ef Hartf ori. €§nn. CASH CAPITAL . . . $304,800. Insures Against Accidental loss of Life, and Personal Injury, From One to Thirty Days, by Tickets sold at all the Principal Rail- road Stations. $30,000 paid on these Tickets on account of the "Angola accident." $40,000 paid on account of the " Corn Kock accident." Buy Insurance With Your Passage Tickets. JAMES G. BATTEKSOK, Pres't GEO. B. WRIGHT, Vice Pres't. C. D. PALMER. Sec'y. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 213 AVONDALE is a little east of north of the center of the city, at a distance of two miles and a half. Here are to be found the quiet and simple pleasures of rural life, remote from any thing to suggest the crowded, noisy, dusty city. The population of this village is not far from twelve hundred, and embraces many of the well-known citizens of Cincinnati. CLIFTON is the pride of Cincinnati. Its park-like grounds, its beautiful drives, its magnificent prospects, its splendid residences, make it a chief point of interest to tourists. Its charming retirement has been invaded by nothing in the shape of shop or store. Residences are here of palatial elegance and size, and surroundings which present every thing beautiful which taste and wealth can furnish. COLLEGE HILL, is five miles from the city limits, in a north-westerly direction. It is the seat of two widely-known institu- tions — Farmers College and the Ohio Female College. The Presbyterians and Episcopalians have excellent houses of worship. Within this village is one of the highest points of land in Hamilton County. Good schools, the best social elements, and religious privi- leges are the features of College Hill. 214 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. EAST WALNUT HILLS is a little over three miles north-east of the Court- house in Cincinnati, and adjoins the village of Wood- burn. Here are some of the finest residences in the vicinity of the city, and landscape views which, in their variety and beauty, have no superior upon the Hudson or the Ehine. Hills, dales, and river combine to pre- sent to the eye a feast of which it never tires. GLENDALE is one of the most delightful suburban villages in the United States. It is north of Cincinnati, fifteen miles by rail and twelve by turnpike. The Glendale Female College is located here. The Presbyterians, Swedenbor- gians, and Episcopalians have flourishing churches, and the public school is of the first class. The quiet beauty and social advantages of this place are well known, and the evidences of taste, refinement, and wealth visible on every hand. MOUNT AUBURN is now almost wholly within the city limits. It has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the chief attractions of Cincinnati. Eesidents here have all the enjoyment of rural life, at the same time being within easy reach of all the advantages which the city can offer. Several of the public charitable institutions are FOR MONUMENTS OF POLISHED GRANITE, MARBLE AND PORPHYRY, APPLY TO JAMES G. BATTERSON, HARTFORD, CONN., IW PERSOjV OR BY J^ETTEIfc. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FORWARDED BY MAIL OR EXPRESS TO ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. MANY OF THE FINEST MONUMENTS IN SPRING GROVE CEMETERY WERE FROM THIS ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH IMPORTS DIRECT FROM SCOTLAND, FRANCE, NORWAY, SWEDEN, RUSSIA, FINLAND AND ITALY, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, GRANITES ANJ> MARBLES IN THE WORLD. OXFORD BIBLES, With or without Rouse's Psalms. OXEORD PEAYES 10 OKI, Containing the additional Hymns, NEW BOOKS. THE DATS OF KJfOX. By the author of the "Dark Year of Dundee." 12mo., muslin. $2.25. CHRISTIAN LEADERS OF THE EAST CENTURY; OR, ENGLAND A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. By Rev. J. C. Ryle. 12rno., muslin. §2.25. EIFE OF JESUS. For Children. By the author of "Kind Words." 12mo., muslin. Illustrated. $1.50. THE BIRD. By Jules Michelet. With 210 exquisite illustrations, by Giaconnelli. Svo., muslin, extra beveled, §6; or, in Turkey morocco, $10. THOS. NELSON & SONS, 52 RLEECKJER ST., Cor. of Mulberry St., NEW YORK. FOLEY'S CELEBRATED "BANK" GOLD PENS. JOHN FOLEY, MAUTACTUEEE OF FINE AND Gold Mounted Rubber Pen Cases, etc. No. 262.BE0ADWAY, bet. Chambers & Warren Sts., NEW YORK. B®" Sold by Booksellers and Jewelers every-where, at the man- ufacturer's prices. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 215 located here, and the Mount Auburn Ladies' Institute affords unsurpassed educational facilities. WALNUT HILLS, now partly within the city limits, has long been famous as the seat of Lane Theological Seminary. A settle- ment was made here in 1791. It is easily accessible, and offers in its educational and religious advantages, one of the most desirable localities for residences in the neighborhood of Cincinnati. WOODBURN embraces about a section of land, and is two miles north-east of the Court-house in Cincinnati. Many of its beautiful building sites command extensive pros- pects of the most charming description. The village is controlled by a class of citizens whose administration contributes every thing necessary to its beauty and the comfort of the residents. WYOMING, about two miles south of Glendale, twelve miles from Cincinnati by rail, is a delightful suburb. Some of its building sites are unsurpassed in beauty, and command extensive views up and down the Millcreek valley, upon which the eye never ceases to dwell with pleasure. Of other suburbs of Cincinnati which present many 216 THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. points of- rural beauty, Mount Washington, Lin wood, Oakley, Fairmount, Spring Grove, Mount Harrison, Glen Grove, Riverside, Mount Airy, Mahketewah, and Hartwell, only the names can be here given. A summary view has now been taken of the attrac- tions and advantages of Cincinnati, both as a place of trade and residence, with a glance at its institutions and internal improvements. The comparison of its area with that of other Western cities, which are spread over a much larger territory, will show how much greater it will be, in statistics of population, when, like them, it embraces within munic- ipal limits all adjacent settled localities. Annexation is already the progressive watchword, and erelong the area will be largely increased. The City moves forward in the steady march of im- provement, and Public Spirit points to the magnificent possibilities of coming years. Who shall define the limits of Cincinnati at its centennial, or calculate its increase in all the elements of a wealthy, populous, and powerful municipality ? WHOLESALE Paper Warehouse 124: Walnut St., Cincinnati, White, CbpMr, Beuve & Ce. MANUFACTUEEES OF Jfiitc Opritmg |iaptrs anb fettbdtopts. FACTORY at ROCKVILLE, COXA'. FRANKLIN Allison, Smith & Johnson, 168 VI^TE STREET, CI]VCI]> T ]\ T ATI, MANUFACTUREES OF AND DEALEES IN NEWS, BOOK «fc JOB TYPE, PRDTTDTG PRESSES, CASES, GALLETS, ETC., OKS & PBrXTTXG MATERIA!, of Every Description. STCMOTYPIM QF ALL KIKQ-S. BOOKS, M1TSIC, Volumes of all sizes, in Modern and Ancient Languages. Cards, Labels, Stamps, in Type Metal or Copper. Wood Engraving. Pattern tetters of various Styles. Eleetrotyping in all its Branches. The Cincinnati Commercial, An Independent Newspaper, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, with the Largest Daily Circulation in the Mississippi Valley. PAPER EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. Oney'ar $14 00 I Three months. S3 75 Six iLonths.. 7 00 | One month.... 1 50 Foi week, [served by Carrier,] 30 WITHOUT SUNDAY PAPER. One year $12 00 I Three months. $3 25 Six months.. 6 00 | One month.... 125 For week, [served by Carrier,] 25 WEEKLY PAPER. For one year, $2 00. Clubs five to ten copies, $1 80. Ten to twenty copies, $1 75. Twenty and over, $1 75. An extra copy sent with each club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS. Displays, one square, eight lines, $1 00 ; businessnotices, 8th page, per line, 20 cts ; wants, 10 cts per eight words ; preferred specials, SI 50 per square ; column, first page, S50 00; eighth page, $40 00; cuts, eighth page only, S2 00 per square ; extra display, eighth page only, $1 50 per square. All paid matter published as adver- tisements. Cash for mail subscriptions always in advance. {Vj 3 " The rule is absolute that all paid matter goes into the advertising columns. The Daily Commercial has Special News by Telegraph from all important news cen- ters in the country, and Correspondents in places of the most considerable general in- terest both in Europe and America. The purpose of the proprietors of the Commercial, who neither ask nor receive official patronage from any quarter, is to give the earliest possible publicity to all facts that interest the people, and to comment upon current affairs in the interests of the general welfare. As a Business newspaper, the Commercial has especial value ; its Monetary Department embraces Market reports from all parts of the world in the most authentic form, and is prepared with the greatest pains to secure in- variable reliability. The Weekly Commercial contains the choicest matter from seven daily issues, and is one of the handsomest and completest newspapers in the country, placing the news gathered by Telegraph before Western readers from two to ten days ahead of the East- ern weeklies. Flint IH© H Fourth and Mace Streets, OUR facilities for executing- fjftmfttttilt, If ifl^0$4 #t*am&08t, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADINGS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS. CHECKS, CARDS, DRAY RECEIPTS, LABELS, ENVELOPES, NOTES, DRAFTS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LETTER - IPIRJESS IP HI 1ST T 1 1ST G-, ARE UNSURPASSED. Pfia8m amd) GOO mem 8 m a ted §m@w PpOmtlmf,, From New and Original Designs, engraved expressly for this establishment, furnished at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Address. M. HALSTEAD & CO., Proprietors. IRIESOIL'S BLOCK. Young Ladies' Institute. Established 1856. The advantages of this School are: 1. Its I,ocatio}i.—With.in the city limits, it is only a half hour's drive distant from any of the Depots, and within easy call of the Telegraph Offices. Post-office, and Stores. But be- ing five hundred feet above the level of the river, it has none of the annoyances of the city. Surrounded by beautiful resi- dences, it looks out in every direction upon a delightful pros- pect, and is as free from intrusion as though it were in a quiet country village. 2. Its Home Influence.— The buildingused by the Boarding Department is entirely detached from the School House. Its rooms, each of which is designed to accommodate two young ladies, are large, and are furnished with a view to make them home-like. A Parlor, 50 by 40 feet, is devoted exclusively to the school. The discipline of the School is that of the family. It is the constant aim of those in charge to keep up the home feeling, to create an atmosphere of pei'fect material comfort, and then to administer a moral discipline inspired by love, and instructed by the law of Christ. 3. Its Extended and Comprehensive Course of Study.— The course of study runs through three departments, of four years each, insuring a continuous and symmetrical mental discip- line. The length of the course guarantees comprehensive- ness. The classical schedule comprises a list of the higher branches of study, which bears comparison with that of col- leges for young men. 4. The QUALITY of its Instruction. — No Instructors are employed but those who have either, by long experience, proved themselves apt to teach, or who have been trained in the School. To secure such, no expense has been spared. For further information, address, I. H. WHITE, Treasurer, or Rev. A. J. ROWLAND, President, CINCINNATI. The Cincinnati Chronicle, DAILY AND WEEKLY, IS A FIRST-CLASS Political and Family Newspaper. Political Principles. In politics the Chronicle is Republican, but not partisan ; never neutral, but always independent. Adhering to the principles of that great party under whose auspices the gallant soldiers of the Republic were led and cheered to victory over treason and armed rebellion, it none the loss freely and independently discusses all political measures proposed for public sanction, presenting the claims of party only as a means of promoting the good of the whole country. Home and Foreign News. As a news center for the entire Mississippi Valley, Cincinnati has no superior, and has facilities which defy competition from even the great commercial centers of the East. The latest news from all parts of the world to the hour of going to press, will be given from two days to one week in advance of the Eastern weeklies. The news from Europe by the ocean cable is published at the same moment in Cin- cinnati as in New York. Literature, Science, and Art. For the general reader we shall give each week a digested summary of Personal Items, Literary Intelligence, Notices of New Books and Magazines, Scientific Developments and Discoveries in Art. With each number will be given one or more domestic stories suited to the home circle. Official Paper of City and County. No newspaper ever started under as favorable auspices as the Chron- icle. In the short space of twelve months, so popular had it become with the people, and so successful its management, that it was made the official paper, for doing both City and County advertising. Advertising in the Chronicle. The very large and rapidl3 r -growing circulation of both the Daily and the Weekly Chronicle, throughout the whole West, renders them unsurpassed as mediums of advertising. Communications from the business public in regard to rates, etc., will receive prompt at- tention. Address, CHRONICLE COMPANY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. WOOLWORTH, 1INSWORTH & CO., PUBLISHERS, Wholesale Booksellers & Stationers, 117 Washington St., Boston. Ill State Street, Chicago. PUBLISHERS OP Payson. Dunton, & Scribner's National System of Penmanship ; JETan- aford & Payson's Book-keeping; Campbell's New German Course ; Magill's French Reader ; Magill's French Gramma r ; Hanson's Prep. Latin Prose Book ; Hanson & Rolfe's Hand-book of Latin Poetry; Selections from Ovid and Virgil ; Rolfe let's Cambridge Course of Physics; Hand- book of the Stars ; Hand-book of Chemistry ; Hand-book of Philosophy ; Bartholomew's Drawing Books. Catalogues of Pub- lications sent free on application. TWO SPLENDID SETS OF BOOKS By the Author of GATES AJAR. GYPSY SERIES. 4 vols. 16mo. Price $5 00 Gypsy Breynton. \ Gypsy's Sowing & Heaping. G'/psy's Cousin .Joy. J Gypsy at the Golden, Orescent. TINY'S LIBRARY. Tiny. Tiny's Sunday Nights. .Ellen's Idol. I Bo n't Know Blow. 4 VOLS. 18M0. PRICE $3.00. Every Body Shoaild Read Them. HENRY A. YOUNG & CO .. 2J+ Comhittf "Boston 3 Jfass., fi^For sale in Cincinnati by GEO. S. BEAJSCHAKB & CO. THE CINCINNATI GAZETTE: DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY. As a newspaper, the Daily Gazette is not surpassed by any publication in the United States. It covers the entire field of News, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, and Amusements, and occupies it fully. Matter coming under these heads, not found in the Gazette, Avill not be worth reading. In its Editorial Department, the Gazette has all the excellence that a variety of first-class talent can impart to it. TERMS OF THE DAILY: By mail, per annum $12.00 do. for six months 6.00 THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. This paper is printed on Tuesday and Friday of each w r eek. It is the same size of the Daily and Weekly, containing thirty-six full columns of reading matter. Most of the reading matter prepared for the Daily and Weekly will be printed in this edition. Persons who desire a paper oftener than once a week, but do not need a daily, will find this the cheapest and best paper published anywhere. TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY: One copy (104 Not.) $4.00 A.n extra copy will be sent to the getter up of eacJt club of ten and upward. The Weekly Gazette contains mure reading matter than any other newspaper published in the United States. Having no great political battles to fight during the year, we shall have moi-e space for general and miscellaneous reading. This will be occupied, in part, by articles under the head of PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS, one of which will be published weekly. These will be written by eminent men in vari- ous parts of the West, who have already been engaged for that purpose. Our authors have been selected from the various professions, including Ministers, Lawyers, Politicians, Farmers, Merchants, and Editors. Each article will have attached to it the name of the writer. The geu- tlemeD whose services have been secured occupy high positions, and have made for themselves national reputations. Other Departments, including Editorial, Xews, Commercial, Correspondence, Agricultural, and Miscellaneous, will be carried to the standard of excellence. Important news transpiring.at home or abroad will be published in the Gazette from three to six days in advance of Eastern publications. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY: On? copy $2.00 Address GAZETTE COMPANY, CINCINNATI. Appletons' Journal. Appletons' Journal is published weekly. It consists of thirty-two quarto pages, each number illustrated, or accompanied by a Pictorial Supplement. It is devoted to popular current Literature, an organ of advanced opinion with respect to all the great interests of society, of popular Science in its best sense, and of Art. The department of Literature embraces Fiction, in the form of both serial novels and short stories; Essays upon literary and social topics ; Sketches of travel and adventure ; Discussions upon art, books, and kindred themes ; Papers upon all the various subjects that pertain to the pursuits and recreations of the people, whether of town or country ; and Poems by our foremost poets. A distinctive feature is a fuller treatment of Science than is preva- lent in popular journals. In this branch the publishers have secured the services of the ablest and most authoritative thinkers. Illustrations form an important feature in the plan of the Journal. They usually consist of either an Illustrated Supplement on some popular theme, a Steel Engraving in the best style of the art, or a large Cartoon engraved on wood — those on steel, and the cartoons, consisting of views of American scenery by our most distinguished painters. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Price 10 Cents per Xo., or $4.00 per A.nnum, in advance. Putnam's Monthly Magazin: LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, AND NATIONAL INTERESTS. Putnam's Magazine will be a National publication, supported by the best writers, in each department, from every section of the coun- try. High-toned papers on matters of National Interest, Popular Science, Industrial Pursuits, and sound Information and Instruction on important topics, will be especially cultivated. In the lighter articles, Healthy Entertainment and Pure Amusement for the family circle will be carefully chosen from the ample resources presented by a large circle of contributors. Teems. — $4.00 per Annum in advance, or 35 Cents per Number. Special premiums for clubs. G. P. PUTNAM & SON, Publishers, 661 Broadway, New York. 1870. PROSPECTUS 1870. OF THE CINCINNATI DAILY AND WEEKLY A POPTJIiAR Democratic, Business, lews, and Family Journal, DEVOTED TO Constitutional Liberty, National Unity, and the General Welfare of the Whole Country. The Enquirer, with its history of half a century, needs no introduc- tion to the people of the West, either as to its news, reliability, or po- litical integrity. We warmly appeal to all our Democratic friends to stand by the old Democratic flag, which, by the last election, had a majority of half a million of the white voters of the United States, whose accession to power erelong is a certainty ; and to use their best exertions to obtain for the Enquirer a circulation that will enable it to assist in the good work, and which will be worthy of the prosperity it has hitherto enjoyed. Democratic reader, exercise your best exer- tions to obtain us a list of names in your town or precinct. TERMS. DAILY ENQUIRER : By mail, one year. , Six months Three months One month Per week, delivered by carriers $12 00 6 00 . 3 25 . 1 25 SEMI & TRI-WEEKLY RATES. As we publish only Daily and Weekly Editions, we still send our Daily issue on any days desired, as follows : DAILY PAPERS, TWO TIMES A WEEK : For three months $1 25 For six mouths 2 25 For one year 4 00 THREE TIMES A WEEK : For three months $1 75 For six months . , 3 00 For one year 6 00 Address, WEEKLY ENQUIRER. Single copy, one year S2 00 Single copy, six mouths 1 25 Ten copies, one year, each 1 75 Twenty copies and over, each 1 50 An extra copy is allowed the Club Agent for every Club of ten at $1 75 each, and for every Club of twenty at $1 50 each. CAUTION. The unusual number of letters lost in the mail of late makes it absolutely necessary that our patrons should use every precau- tion in forwarding Money. Send at our risk by Express, Post-office Money Orders, draft "or in Registered Letters. We Till not be responsible for letters sent in the mail without registering. C^Specimeu copies sent on application. FARAN & McLEAN, CINCINNATI, OHIO zt&x- sS| : mm Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton R. R. Depot. SI OAELISLE IBTTXXjXDXJSTG- Franklin Insurance Go. OF CINCINNATI. Office, So. 26 West Third Street, Cincinnati. Cash Capital, $150,000 00 Surplus, Jan. 1, 1869, 40,309 16 $190,309 16 Directors: John S. Taylor. Wm. Glenn, Alexander Swift, Samuel Davis, Jr., G. S. Blanchard, Lewis Wald, Caleb Allen, M. Fechheimer, J. Sracey Hill. JOHX S. TAYLOR, President. C. E, DEMABEST, Secretary. J, A. KEY, Surveyor. Fire and Marine Policies issued on favorable terms. Insures Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Rents, Leases, etc., against loss or damage bv fire. pLM Street Printing Company, 176 & 178 Elm Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. The effort of the Editors and Publishers of the Religious Journals of this city, to build up a first-class Printing Establishment, has been so far successful that they have erected another five-story brick build- ing in addition to that occupied in the policy of charging low prices has been vindicated by our expe- rience thus far, as profitable to the Company and satisfactory to our patron-. Our Book and Jobbing Departments are liberally supplied with all requisite to execute large amounts of work neatly, tastefully, and promptly. rs for Pamphlets. Books. Stereotyping; Commercial, Bank, and Railroad Printing, etc., will receive prompt attention. We will give satisfaction in all cases to those favoring us with orders. Estimates carefully made for those proposing to print books, pam- phlets, or other work. Address W. C. GRAY, Treasurer and Superintendent, CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES. Established in 1S43. This paper, in its enlarged ami improved condition, is well known as the largest and cheapest weekly paper now published in the Western country, if not in the United Stares. The following is a list of the number of post-offices iu the different States to which it is sent: Ohio 1616 ' Virginia Tennessee 2(10 Iowa 623 Wisconsin 610 Kansas 140 Illinois 970 Indiana S00 Missouri 367 Michigan 361 Kentucky 2s9 Xew York 416 Pennsylvania 671 Minnesota 90 Other States 3000 Thus it will be seen that the Weekly Times is circulated through more than ten thousand post-o.rfiees. and, from this fact, affords an excel- lent medium for those who wish to advertise their business. Terms.— S*i tale subscriptions, S2.00 per year; Clubs of Ten, SI. 50 each, an extra copy to getter up of the Club. ADVERTISING IX WEEKLY TIMES: As Ordinary Advertisements 50 Cents per line, each insertion As Special Notices 75 " - " " " As Beading Matter SI 00 " " " " Circulation, 67,000 Weekly. Cincinnati Daily Times. Established by the Present Proprietor in 1840. City Subscribers supplied by Carriers at 20 Cents per Week. Mail Subscribers, $S.OO per Tear. This is the oldest Daily Paper (with one exception") in Cincinnati. Having been for many years the only Evening Paper in the city, and being read by all classes, the Times can claim a large and increasing circulation. It is particularly adapted to the family circle, from its well-selected news, its instructive and interesting miscellany, its moral sketches, etc., etc. The telegraphic news from all Quarters, up to 4 o'clock of each after- noon, wili be found, as usual, in the columns of the Times. From its compact form, and the manner in which it is made up- having reading matter on each page, thereby allowing advertisements in every part of the paper to be readily seen — in addition to its large circulation, not only in the city, but in the adjoining towns, the Times niuat continue to be a most desirable medium for advertisers. ADVERTISING IX DAILY TIMES: One Square, each insertion, inside (space of Ten Lines, seven words to the line) 10.75 One Square, One Month, First Page - 12.00 One Square, One Month, Fourth Page S.00 C. W. STARBUCK & CO., Fo. 62 "West Third Street, Cincinnati, O. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. 10.000 Words and meanings not in other Dictionaries. 3,000 ENGRAVINGS; 1,840 PAGES QUARTO. An Illustrated Cyclopedia. — Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, with 3,000 illustrations, is not simply a dictionary of words, but it is at the same time an Illustrated Cyclopedia of Natural History, Physi- ology, Geology, Botany. Architecture, etc. No scholar can be with- out this Dictionary. WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. 1040 PAGES OCTAVO; 600 ENGRAVINGS. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary ; just tbe thing for the mill- ion. — Amer. Educational Monthly. FOB SALE BY GEO. S. BLANCHARD & CO., 39 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. OF HUMAN SCIENCE: CONTAINING Ethnology, Physiology, Phrenology, Physiognomy, and Psychology; Their Application to Human Improvement. The Phrenological Journal is $3 a year ; or, to clubs of ten, only $2. Single numbers, by first post, 30 cents. Address S. R. WELLS, 389 Broadway, New York. WHAT IS SAID OF IT. "A first-class family journal." — N. Y. Evening Post. " Edited with marked ability." — Christian Inquirer. "Very instructive." — Christian Advocate. "Always up to a high standard of literature." — Wheeling Intelligencer. "Filled with valuable matter." "Deservedly popular all over the land." — Bural New-Yorker. Agents wanted. Subscribe now. The Phrenological Journal, $3, and Appleton* Journal, $4, will be sent a year tor $■;. by S. R. WELLS. GEO. S. BLASCHARD. GKO. E. STEVENS- §10. B. BLAJTOHABD & 00. PUBLISHERS, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lookselters & Stationers, A^. 39 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. Constantly on hand a very extensive and full assortment of Standard looks in Jwru ||ep::rtmcnt of literature. New Publications Promptly Received. A well-selected Stock of School Books, Works of Reference, and Historical. Scientific. Medical, Religious, Classical and Miscellaneous "Works; Elegant Gift Books, Juveniles, Toy- books, Bibles. Prayer-Books, Hymn-books, Sunday-school Libraries, Church and School Music-books, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Stereoscopic Views, Gold Pens, Chess men. Backgammon Boards, Games, Memorandums. Diaries, Pocket-books, Portfolios, Etc. Every Variety of Stationery, Blank Books, Writing Paper and Envelopes. i^T* Prompt attention paid to the execution of orders from a distance. GEO. S. BLANCHARD & CO., No. 39 W. Fourth St.. Cincinnati, O. SUfraa p% m& 5tfm )N OS,JJipl. (!li('c^J)r([| ; is.\ ^°NDS,BipLOMA £ Hill & Loll ' lieudiiu/s, f j&lITIIOCiUAMIERS "AflW^ */-.. 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