Grammar BAKELE LANGUAGE, VOCABULARIES MISSIONARIES OF THE A. B. C. F. M., GABOON STATION, WESTERN AFRICA. UUUCbr^i^ y ,. PRINTED BY J, P. PRALL, No. 9 SPRUCE- STREET 1854. P1j«377 INTRODUCTION. It is now a well established fact, that all the inhabitants of Africa, south of the Mountains of the Moon, with the excep- tion of a few Arabs along the Eastern shores, and the Hoten- tots, Namakwas, and a few other small tribes near the Cape of Good Hope, belong to one great family or branch of the negro race, and all speak dialects of the same language. To this great family belong the Corisco, Mpongwe, Loango, Kongo, and Dongo tribes of Western Africa ; the Kafirs, the Beck- nans, and the Zulus of the Cape of Good Hope ; the Mozam- bique, Swahere, and other tribes on the Eastern Coast, and others as far interior as the country has been explored. This great family of languages is variously denominated the Kafir, the Nilotic, and the Ethiopic language. It is essentially and radically different from all the dialects spoken in Northern Guinea, and in Central Northern Africa. The Bakele is a dialect of this great family of languages. The people by whom it is spoken are known as the Akeli peo- ple. They are to be found in Western Africa, near the head v iters of the Gaboon, but extending several degrees both North and South of the equator. The Corisco, Mpongwe, and Cape Lopez tribes occupy the country between them and the sea coast, and the Pangwes (a large tribe who have recently descend- ed from the mountainous regions of the interior) have taken possession of all the country between them and the " Sierra del Crystal" mountains. It is difficult to form a correct estimate of the population of the Bakele people, but it is probable that they do not fall short of 100,000. They have all the physical characteristics of the great family to which they belong. Their complexion is not so dark as that of the tribes between them and the sea coast, and not so light as those in the rear of them, who have more recently emerged from the mountainous regions of the interior. IV INTRODUCTION. In stature they are something below the medium size of the maratime tribes, and their bodies are disproportionably long to their legs. They are mild, peaceable, and timid, but are fre- quently embroiled, nevertheless, in petty wars with each other, and with the surrounding tribes. They cultivate the soil to a limited extent, are a good deal addicted to hunting, and since they have reached the maratime country, they have become much engaged in trading, acting as factors between the Mpongwe and the Pangwe tribes. Their language, though obviously of the same family as the Mpongwe, differs very materially as a dialect. The Bakele has a larger number of declensions than the Mpongwe, and its adjectives and pronouns, consequently, are more flexible and complicated. It has but few of the conjugations of the verb which form so conspicuous a feature in the Mpongwe, and it makes very little use of the passive voice, which is just the reverse of the usage in Mpongwe. The verbal resemblances are not very striking. Perhaps one word out of ten is the same, or obviously from the same root. The orthography of the two differ very materially, and, in this respect, the Bakele is more like the dialects of the East- ern coast than the Mpongwe, particularly in the frequent use of tit, which is unknown to the latter, but very common in the dialects near Zanzibar. The Bakele Grammar has been prepared by the joint labors of Messrs. Preston and Best, of the Mission of the American Board at the Gaboon ; both of whom have resided several years among the Bakele people, and have made themselves thoroughly acquainted with their language. Their future researches may bring to light, some additional facts in connection with the structure of the language, but its general principles are well understood and succinctly set forth in the following pages, and must be of great service to those who may hereafter labor among this people. The appearance of this Grammar affords another proof of the indebtedness of science and scientific men to the incidental labors of modern missionaries. J. Leighton Wilson. New-York, Jan. 14-th, 1854. ORTHOGRAPHY. 1. The vowel sounds which occur in this language are a, sounded as a in father, a as a in all, e as a in hate, e as e in met, i as i in machine, % as i in pin, o as o in note, 6 as o in not, and u as oo in moon. 2. Each of these vowels has also a nasal sound, which is represented by nh written after it ; as mbanh, house, nkdnh, the back, rnbenh, good, kink, the neck. 3. When two or more vowels come together they run into each other, and ai especially, pronounced like i in pine. 4. In some words i is changed to «-, especially by old people, as bia no, changed to bua, sha lubihi to sha lubuku. 5. The consonant sounds are 5, d, g, h,j, k, I, m, n,p, s, tf, w, w, 2/, s, and are sounded as English. G is always hard ; d has in some words a mixed sound, as if preceded by an 1, which is not represented in writing ; th is always sounded as the same letters are in the, that; ty is sounded as ch in chair. 6. Two and sometimes three consonants come together at the beginning of a word ; as, mputyi, custom, ngbom.a, to bark (as a dog). They are pronounced as i, preceded by a very short e. T. These when initials belong mostly to nouns and pronouns, and the nouns in forming the plural take a prefix syllable, whose final is a or i, and then these consonants are separated ; e.g mbia, plural, bam bia ; mbelca, pi., mim-beka. And in any case when a word ending in a vowel precedes a word beginning with two or more consonants, the vowel draws to itself a con- sonant. 8. Consonants are sometimes interchanged, as ihangdkd for langaka. When also in the course of inflecting the verb, d comes to be followed by i, the d is changed into j j as londa, lonjime ; and when in like circumstances t is followed by % y is introduced between them ; as tata tatyiki. Here also is to be placed ^1 tyi) instead of pe tz, out there. BaJcele Grammar, ETYMOLOGY. The parts of speech in Bakele are — nouns, pronouns, adject- ives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. NOUNS. Bakele nouns have number and classification or declension, but no separate forms to distinguish gender or case. There are two ways of distinguishing gender. The first is by placing ramfo', woman, or shangwe, father, before the noun, while the noun, whose gender is to be distinguished, is connected with it by the particle, called the " definite pronoun," which agrees in declension and number with miali or shangwe, thus ; miali wimboli, a she-goat ; ?niali mimboli, or mibimboli, she-goats ; miali wikuba, a hen ; miali mibakuba, hens ; shanh ngwam- boli, a he-goat ; bashanh babimboli, or bamboli, he-goats ; shanh ngwakuba, cock, basha babakuba, cocks. The other and more usual way of distinguishing the gender, is by placing the same words, miali and shangwe after the nouns. They are then regularly declined as adjectives; (see declension of adjectives below) thus, for the first declension : Amboli yimiali, a she-goat. Bimboli bimiali, she-goats. Amboli yishangwe, a he-goat. Bimboli bibashangwe, or bashangwe, he-goats. Note. — Miana, child, forms its masculine by taking mithom, man, as an adjective after it, and sometimes other words take it instead of shangwe. Cases. — The nominative and objective cases of nouns are alike, but personal and definite pronouns (which see) have sepa- rate forms for the objective case. "When the noun to be put in the possessive case is the name of an animal or thing, it is placed after the noun which governs it, and connected to it by the definite pronoun ; which takes the number and declension of the governing noun, thus ; tyityi ngwa penje, a beast of the field ; batyityi ba penje, beasts of the field; vindni vi thobe, a fowl of the air; landni la thoM, fowls of the air. Ngwa, vi, la and ba, agree in number and classification with the nouns that precede them. But when the word is the name of the Deity, a j)erson or a relative, which refers to persons, the syllable mbi is suffixed to Etymology. 7 the definite pronouns, thus ; mitJiali mimbi Anyambie, the laws of God ; mbanh wumbi Bony we, Bongwe's house ; abobi yimbi nja, whose hat ? Sometimes this particle is wholly dropped, and they say, akoldl Maldngd, Malanga's town. Again, mbi only is retained, thus ; nyanh mbi Piter, Peter's mother. NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION. • Nouns have two numbers, the singular and the plural. But some nouns are used only in the singular, others only in the plural, while others have only one form for both numbers. There are nine classes or declensions of nouns. The manner of forming the plural and the forms, which the definite pronoun, adjective, etc. take, when relating to, or qualifying different nouns, determine classification. Thus, it is said of two Latin or Greek nouns, naturally neuter y one is masculine, because it takes a masculine form of the adjective ; and the other is feminine, because it takes a feminine form of the adjective. FIRST DECLENSION. This declension includes all nouns beginning with a and j, (except jombi,) and forms the plural by changing a and j into hi. thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Avata, Abobi, Jeli, bivata, bibobi, bieli, Chest. Hat. Tree. - Note. — Some nouns belonging to this declension have two plurals, thus: Sing. — Ashu ; Plur. — oishu, or mashu. The plural form mashu, belongs to the second declension. SECOND DECLENSION. This embraces all nouns beginning with di, and forms the plural by changing di into ma; but if di is followed by a vowel, di is changed into m only, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Dikdki, Diashika, Didli, Dieki, makdki, mashika, mdli, meki, a stone, a door, the nape, a law. Dioi, moi, voice. 6 BakeU Grammar. Exceptions. — Dina, name, makes mina, names, in the plural ; and dish% eye, changes to mishl, eyes. Note 1. — Du, fire, belongs to this declension, and forms the plural mu ; dumba, cargo, makes mumba, cargoes ; and dushl a brush, changes to mus/n, brushes. Note 2. — To this class belong the nouns which are names of liquids, and some others, which have no singular ; as, mad- iba, water ; mali, oil ; makanjika, sap ; makieinba, salt, etc. Note 3. — Manga, the manatus, has the same form in both numbers, and belongs to the plural of this declension. THIRD DECLENSION. This declension includes nouns beginning'with /, m, n, and ih, and forms the plural by prefixing the syllable mi, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Lema, milema, heart. Mbeka, mimbeka, hill. flkoma, minkoma, ring. Thali, mithali, law. Note 1. — It must not be understood that all nouns beginning with Z, m, ?i, etc., are of the third declension, but only such as form the plural as above. They are to be learned from the vocabulary and interpreters. Note 2. — Gwana, mouth, makes miana / mai, the belly, makes miai ; mulie, the head, miulie\ munh, a corpse, miunh. Note 3. — Miaka, miaya, mianhya, mienhye mienji, miebe, mieli, miethe, mielia, minyungwa, take adjectives after them, of the same form as other nouns of this declension ; but they are not changed to form the plural. Note 4. — Mbo, the arm, forms mabo in the plural, and nkothi, the leg, makothi ; the singular belonging to this, and the plu- ral to seventh declension. Note 5. — Moka, the sole-fish, makes mioka in the plural. Its singular takes adjectives of the second declension plural, and its plural belongs to this declension. FOURTH DECLENSION. This embraces nouns beginning with g, k, m, n,p, s and t, and forms the plural by prefixing the syllable ba to the singu- lar, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Gwdle, bagw&U, the ear. Koshe, bakoshe, a parrot, etc, Etymology. 9 Note 1. — Yerbal nouns, representing the agent of the action, expressed by the verb, and a few common nouns, which begin with n, drop the n in forming the plural, thus : Njothi, pi. bajothi, a killer ; nlonJi, pi. balonh, a builder; nkdthd, pi. 5a&- «tfM, a bachelor. Note 2. — Mutyi, a person, makes 5o^, people, in the plural ; miana, a child, bana / and mana, the mullet, bana. These forms are all^evidently euphonic contractions. FIFTH DECLENSION. This declension includes nouns beginning with I and ih, and forms the plural by changing the first syllable into ma, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Langaka, mangaka, the head Thapatha, majpatha, a hoof. SIXTH DECLENSION. This includes a few nouns beginning in la, and drops this syllable to form the plural, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Zanyui, Lanyatha, nyu,i, nyatha, honey-bee, a flea. Note 1. — Some nouns of this declension form also a plural, like the fifth declension, thus: SINGULAR. PLURAL. «*|S*, theend ' SEVENTH DECLENSION. This embraces some nouns beginning with m, n, p, s, t, and forms the plural by prefixing ma, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. mambute, manjali, mapenje, masheba, bottle, gun. world, ivory. 10 BaMle Grammar. EIGHTH DECLENSION. This contains most nouns which begin with vi ; and forms the plural by changing vi into la ; but when vi is followed by a vowel the a is dropped, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Yilamhe, Yionji) lalambe, lonji y a trap, a hatchet. Note 1. — Yeia, firewood, makes leia ; vina makes mina, its singular belonging to this, and its plural to the third declension. NINTH DECLENSION. This embraces a few nouns beginning with hi ; and forms its plural by changing hi into ma; but if hi be followed by a vowel, a is dropped, thus : SINGULAR. PLURAL. Biwohi, mawobi, a piece of cloth. Biali, mali, canoe. Note 1. — The following are irregular, but take adjectives of the ninth declension, viz.: hoshe pi., maboshe, face; hidnh pi., mank, brain ; bisliikwe, ph, mahishikwe, back-yard ; huli^ pi., muli, a cavern. VEBBAL NOUNS. There are four ways of forming verbal nouns. First : They are mostly formed by prefixing hi to the second person singular of the imperative mood, and simply express the meaning of the verb, as we sometimes in English use the infinitive mood, thus : to hate, hihenika. Note 1. — Many of the verbs ending in tha, tha and the^form their verbal by prefixing hi to the radical form of the verb, as bishambitha, to arrange. Others place hi before, and ni after the radical, to form this verbal, as bijaliani to rest. The second way of forming verbal nouns, is to prefix di to the radical. This forms nouns of the second declension, which mostly have the same meaning as English participial nouns. But some are simple nouns, as, matoka, wants or desires. Note. — This verbal (with a slight I sound before the d,) is often used with^, where in English we use an infinitive mood, Etymology. 11 thus : ska nySngi pe dinanh, fear not to take ; ngwa bialie %>8 dldi abotyi, who is born to be king. It is used with na in the second member of a clause or sen- tence, as a minji na dikishe beshe, he came and saved us. The third forms nouns of agency of the fourth declension, (note 1, fourth dec.) by prefixing?! to the radical, and changing the last vowel into i ; thus, njibi, thief. But if i precedes the final vowel, the final is dropped ; thus, njeli, a teacher, from jelie, to teach. The fourth class of verbal nouns may be called abstract nouns. They express the mode of existence, or the manner of performing the action implied in the verb. Their meaning and difference from verbals of the second declension, may be illus- trated by a few English words, thus : Dikie, gomg,nkiebia, gait. Many verbs can form verbals of this class and signification, that will not admit those of the second class, thus ; laba, to be long, forms nlabia, length; nene, to be large, forms nenia, length. They are formed by an initial prefix and a terminational change. Verbs beginning with b andjp, prefix m; all others (except those beginning with m and n, which have no prefix) take n. The final syllable is changed into ia, unless it already thus end ; thus, from bena, to hate, is formed mbenia, hatred ; kuba, to work, nkubia, a manner of working. But if the final have a k in it, the change is into kwa / thus, dctkd, to be weary, makes ndakwa, weariness ; and if it have a t, the change is into tya ; thus, kata, to cut; nkatya, a manner of cutting. Poly- syllables in tha, tha, etc., change into a; thus, pimbitha, to wipe off, makes mpimbia. Verbs ending in da, terminate the nouns in ja / lenja, to dawn, nlenja / penda, to plait (the hair,) mpenja. These as well as those in kwa and tya, are evidently euphonic. Nasal terminations change to ngwa, thus ; nanh, to take ; nangwa, shanh, to mend, nshangiva. Nya, to come, makes njebia; kie, to go, makes nkiebia. PKONOUNS. There are four kinds of pronouns ; the Personal, Kelative, Adjective, and Definitive. PERSONAL PEONOUNS. These have number and person, but no gender. The second and third persons, both singular and plural, have forms for the objective case, which are farther modified when governed by, and incorporated with certain prepositions. Emphatic forms, rendered more so by intonation, are used both singular and plural, as also a suffix for self. The following is a table of the simple pronouns : 12 Bakele Grammar. SINGULAR. NOMINATIVE. OBJECTIVE. EMPHATIC. 1st person, Me, me, meni. 2d " We, we, gwe and agwe, weni. 3d " A, je, or ye, ye, yeni ovjeni. PLURAL. 1st person, Beshe ba, teste. 2d " Be ba, bewe and begwe, begwe. 3d " Ba ba, &A, ^Tji. Note 1. — Mete is suffixed to each of the personal pronouns, with the force of self, but not reflexively. When they wish to put myself, etc., in the objective case, they use the middle voice of the verb, or the word for body, thus : ba ba palm manyuli mabi, they praise their bodies, i. e. themselves. Note 2. — Ba properly belongs to the definite pronoun, but is used with the personal pronouns before all verbs, except when the negative particles sha ovtyi intervene, though the omission of it before these particles is not uniform. Note 3. — The preposition na is often incorporated with these pronouns, thus instead of na we they say ?uhe, for na ye nei, na beshe becomes na she, and na ba, na bi, but sometimes the full form is used. Note 4. — Beshe, be and ba, are often used as singular, when other nouns or pronouns are connected with them ; as b& na nya- ngwe, he and his mother. There is also a change of form when pronouns of different persons are compounded with the preposition na j as, be na, I and you (sing.), bena, I and you (pi.), beshi nei, I and he ; beshi na, I and they ; bend nei, I and you and he ; nana, with me and you, in the objective case. For pronouns governed by^e and word, see prepositions. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. The definite pronoun in all declensions is used as a relative. (See def. pron.) INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. These are nja, who, what; ni } which; and nd%, what ; which are regularly declined through all declensions. When the question refers to persons, nja is used ; as nja ka nani f who says so ? botyi banja banaba f what people are those ? Sometimes nja is irregularly used before the noun, without declension ; as, nja a duhwa, what time ? instead of adukwa yirija ; nja busha, what day ; instead of busha binja. Etymology. 13 JVja is also frequently used, referring to things ; as, mabongwe mati manja, what words are those ? Put in the possessive case (see possessive case of nouns), after any noun, it means whose, thus ; mbanh wumbi nja f whose house ? Ni is used interrogatively, like which, in English, thus ; avata yini ? which chest ? Ndi is chiefly used absolutely ; as a ja na nd%, what does he say ? a thi Mima nd% what is he doing ? ADJECTIVE PRONOUNS. These have number and declension ; and are, with few excep- tions, placed after the noun, and next to it, in the sentence. The remarks and illustrations of the possessive pronouns which immediately follow, will equally apply to all adjective pronouns and adjectives also. So that having understood declension in its reference to a possessive pronoun, it is understood for all. It may be seen under the head of the declension of nouns, that the plurals of several declensions are alike; and they might be ranged under one declension, if they did not take different forms of adjectives, and adjective pronouns in the singular, thus ; dikalci, stone ; langalca, head ; njetha, path ; all form plurals in ma; but their singulars take different forms of the pronoun, thus : Dihd? diamS, my rock. Zangakd lame, my head. Njetha nyame, my path. The plural form for my is the same in all, viz., mami; but this difference of the singular holds through all the adjective pronouns and adjectives, and is the real cause of difference in declension. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. Possessive pronouns correspond to the possessive cases of personal pronouns in English, viz. : my, thy, his, hers, etc., thus; dina diame, my name; dina diaye, thy name; dina diei, his, hers, or its name ; diashi, diani, diabi, our, your, their. There are yet others, to which we have none corresponding in English. JVga, another's ; as dina dinga, another's name ; dina diana, my and thy name ; dina diana, my and your name. When these are used without a noun expressed, an n or m is prefixed, except when the pronoun begins with one of those let- ters, thus; whose name is this? ndiami, mine. 2 14 Bakele Grammar. The following table will show the possessive pronoun my, in each declension : 1st Declension — Singular, Avata jame, my chest. " Plural, Itivata biame, my chests. 2d " Singular, Dina diame, my name. " Plural, Mina mame, my names. 3d " Singular, Lema gwame, my heart. " Plural, Milema miame, my hearts. 4th " Singular, Mbia ngwame, my dog. " Plural, Bambia bame, my dogs. 5th " Singular, Langaka lame, my head. " Plural, Mangaka mame, my heads. 6th " Singular, Lakajpi lame, my paddle. u Plural, Ka/pi nyame, my paddles. 7th " Singular, Njali nyame, my gun. " Plural, Manjali mame, my guns. 8th " Singular, Vionji mame, my ax. Plural, Lonji lame, my axes. 9th " Singular, Biali blame, my canoe. Plural, Mali mame, my canoes. Note 1. — In all these ways is the pronoun my, varied in the different declensions. And every adjective, and adjective pronoun, has similar variations for a like purpose. Note 2. — In the fourth declension there is some irregularity in the application of these principles, both to adjectives and pronouns. Many words take only the root of the adjective and pronoun, thus ; miali ame, ei, ashi, ani, abi, my, his, our, your, their woman. Others in the second person singular place yd before the noun, as yo miali. But as these words are in constant use, we might expect contractions and changes. Sometimes the pronoun is placed before, in other persons, and then it assumes the same form as when used alone ; as, a thi na ndiei dina, he has his name. A careful study of the annexed table of declensions will render farther illustrations unnecessary, and make every thing plain. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. These are yi, this ; yindyi and yiti, that; whose declensions may be seen in the annexed table. Note 1. — The use of yinayi is limited to some present object; as, alombi yinayi, that thing ; while yitl is unlimited in time or place. Note 2. — Yinayi is variously contracted in the singular. Now its first syllable is dropped ; as, ndi nayi, what is that ? Etymology. 15 Again its first and last syllables are clipped; as mutyi na, that man. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. The singular of the indefinite pronoun for all, jesM, is used to a limited extent for each and ever} 7 ; thus, ngothoma nyesM, each or every evening. Its plural also is frequently used, where in English we use every ; as, bilombi bieshe hi beshejene, every thing which we see. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. These are wcikci (changed to paha in the seventh declension), other, another, some, and jeshe, all. Walca repeated, thus; waled — waled, one — another ; repeated in the plural, some — others. DEFINITE PRONOUNS. This part of speech, under different names, belongs to all the dialects of Africa, south of the " Mountains of the Moon." In South Africa, it is called "Alliteral Concord ;" but not properly, as we think here. If it carried forward the first letter or syllable of the noun before it, to verbs, adjectives, adjective pronouns, and nouns, it might be so termed. But it does not always, nor generally do so, in any of the dialects known to the writer. It amounts; to this in many words in this language, but it has other and very important uses. First : It interposes itself between all nouns (except those of the fourth declension, sing.) and the verbs which they gov- ern, as an apposition pronoun, having the same case, number and declension, as the noun, thus ; ashangangob yika nani, the book, it says so / dioba di valia, the sun, he rises / leteli lahwa, the stars, they fall. Yi, di and la, are different forms of the definite pronoun, agreeing in case, number and declension, with ashangangob, dioba and leteli. Second : In like manner it stands, where in English, personal pronouns would be used, thus ; Ani yi mibetyi, yi mimshilie penje, yi mivishilie mimbeka njihi, the tide rose, it covered the land, it covered the hills also ; dioba di dubia, di panya na ndanh, the sun rises, he shines by day. Its form in the objective case is used for the objective case of personal pronouns, and also as a kind of emphatic pronoun in the nominative, thus ; ba mijeni vieteli, did vio vi miMe pe boshi biabi, they saw the star, and it went before them. Vio vi refers back to vieteli — much more distinctly than our pronoun it can refer to star. Me naka mo shomba, I want to buy 16 BaJcele Grammar. them, mo. M& njime* na bikanda, we naka bio sliomba ? I have come with plantains, do you wish to buy them, bio? Third: It is used as a relative pronoun; and as such, by its number and declension, varied with every class of nouns, identifies its antecedent with admirable precision, thus ; bilombi biesM, hi beshe jene, all things bi which we see. Bi, which, being of the same number and declension w T ith bilombi, things, has two unmistakable signs of identifying its antecedent. Where in English the infinitive mood is governed by a noun, the relative pronoun is used, instead of the infinitive mood, thus ; a ihi na mabom ma shomba sheba, (literally) he is with money, which buys ivory. English idiom ; he has money to buy ivory. Fourth : It is used as a demonstrative pronoun. (See dem. pron. yi 3 this.) Fifth : It serves as a connecting link between two nouns, or a noun and relative pronoun, to form the possessive case (see Eossessive case of nouns), and no possessive case can be regu- irly formed without it. Sixth : Lastly, it incorporates itself with all adjectives, and adjective pronouns, and is indispensable to their declension. Any omission, as in the fourth declension, is an exception, and very limited. The definite pronoun is inflected through all the declensions, and has a distinct form for the objective case, when used as a personal pronoun, which is also used as an emphatic nomi- native. But when used as a relative pronoun, in the objective case, it is not changed, thus ; mabongwe ma ngwanga a mibonhthi, the words, ma, which (not mo, the objective) the prophet spoke. Note 1. — In the first and third declensions singular, there is a difference in its form when applied to possessive pronouns, from that applied to adjectives and other adjective pronouns. This arises no doubt from contraction in the first, and contrac- tion and euphony in the third declension. Note 2. — In the singular of the fourth declension, its use as a personal pronoun is supplanted by the personal pronoun, and its form can only be ascertained from its use as a relative, or as applied to the declension of adjectives. ADJECTIVES. Adjectives have number, classification and comparison. 51 The number and classification of adjectives have been suffi- ciently illustrated, under possessive pronouns. For the manner Etymology. 17 of declining, see the table of declensions. As they are all declined alike, having learned one, it will be easy to apply the same principles to any other, when the root is known from the vocabulary. COMPARISON. Comparison does not, in all respects, correspond to what it is in English, as may be seen from the following examples : Of two, three or more persons or things, they will ask, which is old, large, small, etc. ; meaning which is the older or oldest, larger or largest, etc., thus; na weni na yeni na manyangwe, nja thi ntolif you and he and your brother, which is old? Another way is by the use of adverbs, derived from verbs, which signify to surpass or excel, thus ; shake ngwame a t/ii mbenh nidami, or dakami na shake ?igw&ye, my knife is good more than your knife. Another mode is to put posho before the adjective, with or without nulami, or dakami following it, in the sense of more or most, according as two or more objects are compared, thus ; shake ngwaine a thi posho mibenh na ngwaye, or nulami na ngwaye, mj knife is better than yours. Posho is an adverb of comparison in the Mpongwe language, and its use in Bakele may be derived thence, and not understood far away from that tribe. Still another way is to put kwe, which is declined like the adjective it qualifies, after the adjective. This forms a compa- rative, thus ; abobi jaye yi thi yibenh, nji njame yi thi yibenh yikwe, your hat is good, but mine is better. The superlative then is formed by a like use of mete, nji njame yi thi yibenh yimete, but mine is best. A superlative is also formed by repeating the adjective, followed by na, and the thing compared. NUMEBALS. In Bakele they count to five, when they repeat five and one for six; five and two for seven, etc., up to ten, dio?n, used as a noun of the second declension. Its plural is mdbom, with an euphonic epenthesis of b. Eleven is ten and one ; twelve is ten and two, etc. ; though they count by tens; that is, having finished one ten, they begin another, without repeating the numbers of the first ten. Twenty is mabom maba, two tens ; thirty, is mdbom malali, three tens, etc. The word for one hundred, is nhama ; the same with the Mpongwe ; and the word for one thousand, they have borrowed 18 Bakele Grammar. through the Mpongwe, from the English. The following is a list of the numerals, each with the definite pronoun of the first declension before it, as is the manner of abstract counting : 1. Yiwata or yiwoto. 2. Biba. 3. Bilali. 4. Binai. 5. Bitani. 6. Bitani na yiwoto. 7. Bitani na biba, etc. 10. Diom. 20. Mabom maba. 30. Mabom malali, etc. 100. N~kam,a or nhama woto. 200. Minkama miba, etc. 1000. JVtdshen or ntdshen woto. 2000. Mintdshen miba, etc. DECLENSION OF NUMERALS. Wdtd or woto is declined in the singular, like an adjective ; but in the fourth declension it is wdtd alone, and in the seventh declension, paid. Biba, bilali, etc., take the definite pronoun plural of all declensions, and agree with the nouns which they qualify. Nhama and ntdshen are used as nouns, and belong to the third declension. PLACE OF THE NUMERALS. When the numeral is less than ten, it comes after the noun ; as, bivata binai, four chests ; mali matani na malali, (literally) canoes five and three. But when more than ten, the ten or tens are put before the things numbered, and the multiplicator after ; thus — mabom ma bikdndd maba, tens of plantains two, i. e. twenty plantains. The numbers between ten and twenty, twenty and thirty, etc., repeat the noun, and the numerals after it; thus — mabom ma bimboli tnaba na bimboli bitani, literally tens, of goats two, and goats five, i. e. twenty-five goats. Num- bers greater than one hundred are expressed thus ; minkama mi bimboli miba na mabom ma bimholi maba na bimboli bitani, (lit.) hundreds of goats two, and tens of goats two, and goats five, i. e. two hundred and twenty-five goats. OBDHSTALS. The following are the ordinal numbers, viz. : — yigweke, first ; yibalie, second ; yilalie, third ; yinaie, fourth ; yitanie, fifth ; Etymology. 19 yitanie na yiwoto, sixth ; yitanie na yiba, seventh ; yitanie nayilalie, eighth ; yitanie nayinaie, ninth ; y idiom, tenth. These ordinals take the definite pronoun singular of each declension, according to the noun they qualify, except in the ,ETC. P. PRON. INTR. PRON. NUMERALS. ORDEALS. ADJ. all | what which what one two first great jesh<3 i . . ymja yini yindi yiwotck yigweke yinen bieshe jbinja bini bindi biba bin en dieshe jdinja dini dindi diwoto digweke dinen meshe manja mam mandi | maba 1 manen g wests e |\vunja wuni wundi |WUOtO wugweke wunen mieshe minja mini mindi miba minen jeshe .ngwanja ngwini ngwandi woto gweke nen beshe ban) a bani bandi baba i banen leshe lanja lani landi lawoto lagweke lanen meshe ! manja mam mandi maba manen leshe lanja lani landi la woto lagweke lanen neshe inyinja nyini nyindi nyiba 1 nyinen nyeshe Inyinja nymi nyindi pata. nyigweke nymen meshe imanja . mam mandi maba manen vieshe vinja vim vindi viwoto vigweke vinen leshe ilanja lani landi laba lanen bieshe bin j a bini bindi biwoto ; bigweke binen ! meshe manja mani mandi 1 maba | ° J 'manen Bakele Verbs have five moods, viz. ; the indicative, the impe- rative, the^ subjunctive, the potential, and the infinitive. Of these, the indicative, imperative and potential, have independ- ent forms of their own. The parts of the subjunctive are made i'<- S o"l A. TABLE, ^ M ^^ c -' 'i 7. NOUNS. o la 6 5 iS'E EXHIBITING THE DECLENSIONS OF NOUNS, PEONOUNS, ADJECTIVES, ETC., ETC. DEFU s T ITE PRONOUN. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. DEM. PRON. II INDEF. PRON. INTR. PRON. NUMERALS. ORDINALS. ; first ADJ. my thy his, hers, BAKELE AND MPONGWE LANGUAGES, WITH THE ENGLISH A VOCABULARY. BakglS. Mpongwe, English. Aba, 1. Osaun. Affair. Ababa, 1. Ebaba. Necklace. Abai, 1. Gnandi. Envy. Abashi, 1. Nkazyo. Fish-scale, scab. Abama, 1. Nkeva. Gum -copal. Abanjika, 1. Ote. Bamboo-lath. Abanda, 1. Or ere. Wild plum. An oil made from its seed. Abembi, 1. Olingo. Long time. Abeka, 1. Abeke, 1. Ovega. Shoulder. Abeki, 1. Ebeke. Fire-place. Abeii. 1. Ezyigo. Eed-wood. Abenga, 1. Ovavi. Mediator. Aboli, 1. Eboli. The fist. Abiema, 1. Chase. Abobi, 1. Epokolu. Hat. Aboliboli, 1. Eza zi kwakwa. Crockery. Abotyi, 1. Oga. King. Abothi, 1. Ewoga. Deserted town. Abotyi, 1. Etuka. Rind, husk. Aborih, 1. Evimdu. Piece (of flesh or fish). Abonji, 1. Ewonjo. Head (of tobacco). Abongili, 1. Ewongolo. Wooden bowl. Aboka, 1. Ezo. Mortar, mill. Aboka, 1. Eboke. A cripple. Abunh, 1. Etava. Mat. Abuma, 1. Olonda. Fruit. Abuki, 1. Imonga. Loaf, ball. Adamilie, 1. Ekamina. Peg. Adetyi, 1. Itu. Joke. Adeka, 1. Olega. Cracker, biscuit. Adiki, 1. Erogora. Perspiration . Adibiki, 1. Igugi. Door. Adioka, 1. Menda. Hatchet. Adiya, 1. Iloano. Seat, residence. IS 32 BakSte. Adoshi, 1. Adongwe, 1. Aduka, 1. Aduiki, 1. Adukwa, 1. Agwashi, 1. Agwokwa, 1. Aiye, ad. Ajaba, 1. Akanda, 1. Akape, 1. Akaki, 1. Akala, 1. Akanh, 1. Akai, 1. Akaliki, 1. Akatha, 1. Akesha, 1. Akitha, 1, & a. Akienh, 1. Akieli, 1. Akiembe, 1. Akiyamba. Akoi, 1. Akonda, 1. Akoldi, 1. Akomba, a. Akombi, 1. Akonji, 1. Akoshakosha, 1 Akuli, 1. Akubethe, 1. Akumi, 1. Akutyi, 1. Akutyi, 1. Alabi, 1. Alashi, 1. Alanga, 1. Alaki, 1. Aleba, 1. Alemba, 1. Aleni, 1. Alenge, 1. Mpongwe. Ngawe-doshi. Otondo. Eduka. Edugi. Egombe. Egwasa. Ewulu. Ai. Enlinia. Ikanda. Inoka. Ntongo. Mpemba. JSTntyaga. Owavi. Ivuva. Eroro. Eva. Orunda. Ebende. Inkanda. Ekembe. Kiyamba. Ndondo. Ebanda. JSTkala. Nkeli. Ogu. Nkonde. Epe. Kulu. Ikaguma. Ekuwu. Nyonga. Kutyi. Ivare. Elash. Elango. Inyemba. Ido. Oganla. Ekoka. Egege. English. Snuff-box. Basket. Pistol. Cork, stopple. Time. Saw, file. Chaff, husk, trash. The reply to the saluta- tion, " Bieke." A burrowing, carnivo- rous animal. Plantain. Lie. Stick, drum-stick. Chalk on the forehead. Farm. Leaf. Jealousy. Snail-shell. Limb (of the body). Forbidden, sacred, taboo. Corpse. Purpose, design. Animal poison, venom. Green parrot. Albino. Skin. Town. Barren. Sense. Head wife. Poniard. Pail. Stammering. Stump. A time. Amulet. Branch (of a tree). Glass. Iron hoop. Dew, witch-poison. Soft stone, brick. Statue. Honey-comb. Small tusk of ivory. 33 Bak&S. Alenga, 1. Alesha, 1. Alenge, 1. Alenji, 1. Alika, 1. Alinga, 1. Alingalinga, 1. Aloba, 1. Alolo, 1. Alombi, 1. Alongwe, 1. Aluma, 1. Amanaketa, 1. Amayi, 1. Amboli, 1. Ambena, 1. Ambonga, 1. Ambenga, 1. Ainina, 1. Aminiki, 1. Amonga, 1. Anmka, 1. Ana, ad. An ami, 1. Anama, 1. Ananh, 1. Andamaki, 1. Andabeli, 1. Anenge, 1. Andeme, 1. Anganjiki, 1. Angamba, 1. Angiaka, 1. Anganh, 1. Angili, 1. Angonga, 1. Anguni, 1. Angwashila, 1. Anganliganli, 1. Angkombie, 1. Angwele, 1. Angwengwe, 1. Ani, 1. Anipotyi, 1. Mpongwe. Olenga. Elengele. Elenge. Elende. Ya-yariga. Elinga. Elingalinga. Elowa. Elolo. Ezama. Nantye. Nkama. Maketa. Itena. Mboni. Ombena. Mbonga. Olonga. Epongo. Imonga. Mbungu. Aranga. Enlami. Iveni. Odo. Idambe. Ntyanda. Nenge. Nkanja. Kagazya. Engamba. Oguni. Egwa. Ereni. Olongo. Ompomo. Ezalina. Ongonga. Ongwatanda. Iviki. Ingongo. Eningo. Inapoti. English. Aim (with a gun). Fool, crazy. Sailor. Boat. Property left. Gown. Corpse (carried to burial). Sein. Young herring. Thing. Room. Full moon. Ginger. A sitting up (at night). Goat. A hunting. Bribe. Yalley. A thing swallowed. Gullet. Sweet potatoe. Toothache. Not, it is not. Rich man. Leg of meat. Bed. Sheep. Five yds. cloth. Island. Small bat. Elbow. Demijohn. Eyebrow. Kind of yam. Piece, half. Neptune (large brass pan). Point of land. Comb. Throat. Echo. Roasted plantain. Tin vessel. Tide. Iron pot. 34 Bakgle. Anjanja, 1. Anjika, 1. Anjiki, 1. Anjum, 1. Anyambie. Anyala, 1. Anzyonh, 1. Anzyonja, 1. Apaka, 1. Apaki, 1. Apaki, 1. Apaki, 1. Apeli, 1. Apene, 1. Ape, 1. Apele, 1. Apepa, 1. Apeshi, 1. Apimbika, 1. Apilibish, 1. Apita, 1. Apika, 1. Apiairje. 1. Aponga, 1. Apota, 1. Apushi, 1. Apuni, 1. Aputa, 1. Ashishika, 1. Asha, 1. Ashatiki, 1. Ashamba, 1. Ashapi, 1. Asha, 1. Ashali, 1. Ashatha, 1. Ash asha, 1. Ashangobi, 1. Ashapika, 1. Ashei, 1. Ashapa, 1. Ashibi, 1. Asliili, 1. Asheeke, 1. Ashishoi, 1. Mpongwe. Enjanja. Ewumbu. ISTdigo. Ngame. Anyambia. Ifera. JSTyongoli, Ongwa njagani. Epaga. Ipaki. Isuminia. Ipaku. Evezyu. Ndondo. Egamba. Epele. Epepa. Mbei. Ozyira. Owonliawonlia. Mpira. Eponga. Ombaga. Eponga. Eza zi kwakwa. Punu. Esesege. Iseku. Ewulu. Ozumbu. Ntyamba. Ishapi. Eshanga. Evilo. Eshala. Ezyazya. Ezango. Orai. Inyanga. Orai. Ezyiwo. Ezeni. Inini. Irevo. English. Brass pan. Firebrand. Date tree and fruit. Drum. God. Nail, claw. Noise, racket. Young fowl. Partition. Cap. Praise. Blind person. Scar. A light, blue eyed negro. Parable. Plate. Wing, rudder. Piece, part, Side (of house). Butterfly. Powder. Cover. Hoe. Beeswax. Crockery or glassware. Crumb, particle. Pawn. Second-hand garment. Hiccough. Trash, dirt. Beak, bill. Loan. Key. Palm-cabbage. Work. Feather, tail (of birds). Bamboo fish-spear. Book, any writing. Ground. Sake, merit. Ground. Wild goat. Forehead. Liver. Smarting (of pain). 35 BakglS. Ashevi, 1. Ashiui, 1. Ashokwe, 1. Ashuiibi, 1. Ashopi, 1. Ashu, 1 & 2. Ashocla, 1. Ashuka, 1. Asharige, 1. Ashuli, 1. Ashuna, 1. Asiwagenda, 1, Ata, 1. Ataki, 1. Ataka, 1. Atheme, 1. Atena, 1. Athai, 1. Athembi, 1. Atheke, 1. Atholi, 1. Athoni, 1. Athaki, 1. Athoa, 1. Atombi, 1. Atoli, 1. Atothi, 1. Atyana, 1. Atyuli, 1. Atyie, 1. Atyuna, 1. Atyika, 1. Avangi, 1. Avanja, 1. Avata, 1. Avala v l. Avashina, 1. Avesha, 1. . Aveshithe, 1. Avethe, 1. Avikwe, 1. Avinji, 1. Avibika, 1. Mpongwe. Nanga. Sini. Ozanga. Epondoma. Onyengi. Ntyugu. Nkowo. ISTtyuga. Osange. Ekuru. JSTtyuna. Eziwagenda. Re'ra. Eliwa. Eganda. Enlema. Olumbn. Evuffina. Ogaso. JsTonji. Inumba. Inano. Okogo. Xnyoanlo. Tolu. Eclungu. Ntyoana. Eboli. Ojo. Ogumbu. Oreru. Evango. Otombe. Egara. Oyombo. Evindina. Epa. Eshove. Ipedia. Ovambo. Evincli. Iba. English. Short dry season. Under garment. Arrow. Pillow, cushion. Mist. Day (of 24 hours). Sore. Jug. Bean, pea. Owl. Eed stinging fly. Bench. Father. Pond, mudhole. One's family or depend- ants. Lame, cripple. Apartment. Lip, Eyelid. Domestic animal or fowl. Craving. Bitter. Enmity. Bed. Dandruff. Quarrel. Towel. Uproar. Brass kettle. Eist. Torch, candle. Strap (for holding a bas- ket on the back). Trumpet, horn. Fish-spear. Stolen wife. Chest. One's wives. Spirit. Bone. Thirst. Contempt. Bark (for building). Cloud. Fruit of dika-tree. 36 BakSlS. Mpongwe. English. Avila, 1. Evila. Ebony. Avina, 1. Gnandi. Envy. Awombi, 1. Eranlia. Lunatic. Awu, 1. Efu. Blanket. Awuba, 1. Eguwa. Fathom. Awushi, 1. Efu. B. Jomiza. Paunch, stomach. Baba, v. i. Dry (one's self). Babilie, v. t. Kwera. Cut, bleed. Babilia, v. i. Bonjana. Cut each other. Babitha, v. i. Bonja. Cut one's self. Bagwala-tyi, a. Mpoge. Deaf. Balia, v. i. Jombana. Marry each other. Baliba, v. i. Dembia. Bow, bend the body. Balie, a. Mbani. Second. Bali, ad. Fa. Again. Bamita, v. t. Datiza. Place side by side. Banh, v. t. Mberinla. Accuse falsely. Banhtha, v. t. Nungunla. Toanliza. Open. Banjilie, v. t. Send by another. Bapie, v. t. Toana. Carry on the back. Bata, a. Mbeve. Level, smooth. Batyiba, v. i. Yevele. Be low, level. Batyie, v. t. Bangatia. Crowd, push. Batyie, v. t. Panga vevele. Make level. Batha, v. t. Jomba. Marry. Bath a, v. i. Bangwa. Be separated. Baya, v. t. Baza. Cut up meat. Babitha, v. t. Sala. Comb. Balie, v. t. Badia. Express ingratitude. Bakwe, 4. Largest land-snail. Balishe, v. t. Teviza. Wet. Bama, v. t. Niva. Acquire, own. Bamba, v. i. Pera. Escape. Bamba, v. t. Songa. Follow. Bambishe, v. t. Periza. Let escape. Banhtha, v. t. Bukunla. Speak plainly, openly Bata. v. i. Kwa oge. Faint. Bata, v. i. Teva. Wet. Batyie, v. t. Baria. Dress. Bata, v. t. Bara. Wear. Batha, v. i. Banla. Rot. Batha, v. t. Piza. Bore, wring. Beba, v. i. Feva. Become bad. 37 BakSlS. Bebishe, v. t. Bebi, a. Bebilia, v. i. Belie, v. t. Bemba, v. i. Belishe, v. t. Bena, v. t. Beni, a. Benia, v. i. Benitha, v. t. Benja, v. i. Beta, v. i. Bete, a. Betha, v. i. Betya, v. i. Betyibe, v. i. Betyie, v. t. Beya, v. i. Be, v. n, Bemba, v. t. Bemba, v. t. Benhethe, v. t. Bethe, v. t. Bia, ad. Bia, ad. Bianh, 9. Biali, 9. Biali-bi-ntanga, 9. Biali-bivailie, 9. Bianhsha. Biatha, v. t. Biatyi, 9. Bianhe, 9. Bianh, 9. Biba, 1, pi. Bidia, 1, pi. Bideli, ad. Bieke, pi. biekani, Biethiba, v. i. Bietha, v. t. Bietyi, 9. Bietyi. 9. 9. Bikaki, 9. Mpongwe. English. Feviza. Make bad. Sifweni. Cooked. Fevana. Be bad for each other. Fweniza. Cook. Dinga. Be a long time. Pandiza. Cause to ascend. Numba. Hate. Ralie. Full. Nongwa. Straighten up. Eongunia. Raise up. Simina. Groan. Panda. Ascend. Bata. Perched. Fwena. Be done (cooked). Dogwa. Fly, jump. Batamina. Alight. Nunga. Light (a candle). Banda. Pipen. Pegaga. Be. ISTegira. Beg. Komba. Dodge. Kelagela. Examine. Benla. Plant. ISTyawe. 29a-. Bu. Recumbently. Ngango. Medicine. Owaro. Canoe. Owa-tanga. Ship. Owar-otutu. Steamboat. Nganle. Hoarseness. Jana. Beget, bring forth. Ozamba. Side (of a place). Ibobo. Cowardice. Ipunju. Brain. Inyena. Gain, profit, pay. Inya. Food. Polu. Much, very much. Mbolo. Word of salutation. Koto. Be caught. Kota. Catch. ]STyilinu. Dream. Oganla. Idol (bust). Mbato. Stinginess (about mo- ney). Evilie. Food (of a former meal), 38 BakSle. Mpongwe. English. Bikutyika. Iyeye. Cramp, sleeps (as a limb). Bikamikamie. Kyawenyawe. Nothing. Bikieli. Avono. Skill, cunning. Bikanjika. Ekenje. Intense pain. Bikami, 9. Evungu. Piazza. Bikuka. Igeveli. Sprain. Binda, v. t. Binda. Mash. Binete. Dira. Slowly (in speaking). Bindembi, 9. Erumbe. Childhood. Binhisha, v. i. Sambakanla. Be restless, sleepless. Bingili, 9. Ongili. Shot.^ . Binyunh. Ogele. Stinginess (about food). Bioi, 9. Onlembe. Honey. Bishambe. Evanga. Beauty (of person). Bishamba-gwana. Ombia-gwana. Hypocrite. Bisha, 1, pi. Amanli. Grass. Bishawuli, 1, pi. Abobo. Lungs. Bishikwe, 9. Ogwirinu. Back-yard. Bishika, 1. Ati. Excrement. Bishonji, 9. Kkaoge. Stolen-wife. Bityunh. JST]asini. Weariness. Bit'ha, v. t. Bola. Whip, beat. Bithanh, 9. Ozange. Light. Bitholie, 9. Eroviarovia. Nausea. Bithonh, 9. Mpyu. Heat (of fire). Bivenishi, 9. Egenizo. Measure (of quantity). Biveke, 9. Mpaga. Gift, present. Biwoli, 9. Itua. Sharpness (of a tool). Biwnsha, 9. Igingi. Awkwardness. Bo, ad. Nlenla. To-day. Boba, v. t. Boata. Touch, feel of. Boka, v. t. Boka. Take out the inside of a tree. Break. Bolie, v. i. Juwa. Bomita, v. i. Datana. Meet, assemble. Bomilie, v. t. Bulla. Notify, inform. Boma, v. t. Duka. Knock. Boma, v. t. (with mapende). Dowa mpaga. Doubt, disbelieve. Boine, 4. Monda. Amulet. Bonda, ad. Donge. First. Bonhatha, v. t. Bulia. Speak. Bonda, v. t. Bonda. Concert. Bonie, v. i. Pokwa. Become dull (as a tool.) 39 Bakele. Mpongwe. En dish. Bonha, v. t. Jonga. Join, Boshe, 9. Ozyo. Face. Botha, v. t. Jarunla. Break (a dish). Buka, v. t. Maguna. Break (stick or pole). Bukwa, v. i. Magwa. Break. Bulie, v. t. Bunliza. Make abound. Buli, 9. Obulungu. Cavern. Bulia, v. i. Fwinia. Return. Bulishe, v. t. Fwiniza. Return. Bumbilie, v. t. Bundakaina. Spoil, destroy. Bunlie, v. t. Bekelia. Trust in. Bupa, v. t. Pika. Roast. Buta, ad. Bundu. Up side down, on the belly. Be many, abound. Butlia, v. i. Bunla. Butyie, v. t. Bonla. Turn upside down. Butyitha, v. t. Jonga. Smoke (tobacco). Butyiba, v. i. Jugumia. Brood. Buya, v. t. Bunduna. Stir around. Daka, v. i. D. JSTagana. Pass by, excel. Dakami, ad. Yiagann. More. Dalie, v. i. Dalia. Cross (a river). Dambitka, v. t. Dura. Pull, draw. Daka, v. i. Dudio. Be weary. Daliba, v. i. Demba. Bow the head. Dalie, v. fc. Dembiza. Bow the head. Dal a, a. Lembe. Bowed down (as the bead). Damilie, v. t. Ivamina. Drive (a nail), ram. Dashe, v. t. Jasiza. Weary. Dela, v. i. Jala. Be hard, strong. Deli, a. Jali. Hard, strong. Delishe. Jaliza. Harden. Deke, a. Jinavina. Tottering. Dembilie, v. t. Sola" Dash down. Dengilie, v. t. Dengelia. Insult, disrespect. Denk, v. i. Shata. Skulk, lay wait. Dete, y. t. Bola itu. Joke, feign. Dia, v. t. Nye. Eat. Diabi, 2. Igonu. Summit (of a hill). Diainh, 2. Ejalini. Strength (of rum, tobac- co, etc.) Diaki, 2. Iki. Egg-: 40 Bakele. Diambi, 2. Diana, 2. Dianh, v. t. Dianhlie, v. fr, Dianhi, 2. Diashika, 2. Diatba, 2. Diala, 2. Diali, 2. Diba, v. t. Dibabaka, 2, Dibaki, 2. Dibambi, 2. Dibambi, 2. Dibanda, 2. Dibanja, 2. Dibanja, 2. Dibali, 2, Dibanhtha, 2. Dibanh, 2. Dibanda, 2. Dibata, 2. Dibeka, 2. Dibeki, 2. Dibeli, 2. Dibeirjika, 2. Dibethe, 2, Dibeta, 2. Dibilia, v.i. Dibilie, v. t. Dibia, v. i. Dibibiki, 2. Dibitba, v. t. Diboka, 2. Dibo, 2. Dibom, 2. Dibonb, 2, Diboki, 2. Dibowa, 2. Diboli, 2. Dibomi, a. Dibomba, 2. Dibupi, 2. Dibimba, 2. Dibnki, 2. Mpongwe. Osaon. Nkenga. Pera. Kubunla. Egunu. Ompombana. Inyanla. Ivombo. Ewomba. Nunja. Epomba. Ibaku. Ibambo. Egoro. Nkenje. Nasfy'owanto. ObS. Igavi. Mpanga. Ivnva. Ivagina. Akewa. Ibeka. Ntyago. Ombeni, Goora. Eteno. Iwenle. Enlime. Nun jo. Puga. Nongwa. Itita. Nungunla. Eboko. Ntyozyo. Iniva. Ikasha. Igwera. Ompogoni. EwoJa. Ralie. Ndaga. Igen. Evendini. Ibnka. English. Thing, concern. Disposition, gentleness. Get, bring (water). Dip up (water). Anger. Door-way. Coal. Boil. Nape. Sbut. Poll (of food). Stubbing (of the foot). Departed spirit. Sheatb. Gizzard. Woman's house. Iron-bar. War. Joint (cane).' Knee. Charge (of gun). Thanks, blessing. Music-box. Feast, sacrifice. Goora nut. Partition, end (of a house). Teat, breast. Patch. Shut in. Enclose. Pise up. Scratch. Open. Small of the back. Foot, paw. Money (article of trade), Bridge. Notch. ■ Hole, lair. Charge (of powder). Fall. Cause, reason. Meat (cooked in leaves). Size. Panting, vexation. 41 BakSle. Mpongwe. English. Dibunja, 2. Nyurnba. Foliage. Dibum, 2. Inyeme. Foetus. Dibongwe, 2. Igamba. Word. Dibundi, 2. Qkorue. Binding (of a garment). Dibiaki, 2. Mpandino. Ladder. Didianh, 2. Evero. Spring, brook. Didodo, 2. Ododo. Steelyards. Didutha, 2. Igenga. Swarm of bees. Dieba, v. i. Tanginla. Be prohibited. Dieke, 2. Ivanga. Law. Dieshe, v. t. Nyeza. Feed, Pardon. Dieka, 2. Iwonlo. Bitumen. Dieya, 2. Igambo. Fine (for adultery). Digewa, 2. Igega. Sea crab. Digei, a. Agei. Fresh (water). Digeba, 2. Igeva.. Negro-dance. Digwele, 2. Qwela. Paint. Digvvera, 2. Igwera. Mark, pound, hour. Digwanja, 2. Iwanja. Young-man. Dijaka, 2. Induanclua. Bubble. Dika, v. i. Pia. Burn. Dikaki, 2. Ndeke. Knot (of plantains). Dikanh, 2. JSTyonga. Time, repetition. Dikatha, 2. Nkegeni. Spark (of fire). Dikaki, 2. Ido. Pock, stone. Dika-diebi, 2. Ido-nyiporina. Whet-stone. Dikanh, 2. Iganga. Spear. Dikanji, 2. ISTtyame. Hand. Dikanjili, 2. Nkere. Cleanliness. Dikenje, 2. Ido-nyi-njali. Gun-flint. Dikieli, 2. Diana. Disposition. Dikielikwe, 2. Nkere. Cleanliness. Dikienge, 2. Ikenge. Skill. Dikika, 2. Ikika. Only child. Dikili, 2. JNjembe. Female society (for devil worship). Dikitha, 2. Ntyina. Blood. Dikubi, 2, Nk-iifi. Large coarse mat. Dikuli, 2. Ekangwe. Humpback. Diknkwi, 2. Ikuku. Sail. Dikumba, 2. Igumba. Cargo, effects. Dikunjiki, 2. Iyela. Place for trash. Dikunda, 2. Revenging. Dikushi, 2. Iwaga. Mourning (for dead). Dikwaka, 2. Ibaka. Fallen-tree. 42 Bakolo. Mpongwe. English. Dila, a. Dira. Heavy. Dila, 2. llanga. Lilly. Dilala, 2. Mia. Pawpaw-tree and fruit. Dikimba, 2. Oromba. Horn, bugle. Dilata, 2. Ilatu. Mate, second in power. Dileka, 2. Igamba. Word. Diliasa, 2. lash a. Orange-tree and fruit. Dilanji, 2. Irandi. Oyster. Dilobi, 2. Iboboti. Spider. Diloshi, 2. Oloshi. Lime-tree and fruit. Diloki, 2. Iroki. Button. Dilonga, 2. v Oronga. Channel. Diluki, 2. Ezambi. A woman of one's tribe Diluma, 2. Igavi. War. Dimange, a. Mezwe. Left handed. Dimbila, 2. Oyila. # Palm-tree and fruit. Dimilia, v. i. Huwunla. Be last. Dimba, v. i. Nimbanla. Be hid. Dimanhtba, 2. Mpanga. Joint. Dim a, v. t. Nima. Extinguish. Diminikwe, 2. Ikendekende. Meekness. Dimuki, 2. Iwugu. Cheek. Dimbitha, v. t. Fwema. Mistake, err. Diiribishe, v. t. Fwemiza. Cause to err. Dingamaki, 2. Iliria. Knot (in a tree). Dingbami, 2. Izauzau. Sourness. Dingutyi, 2. Ombutowa. Fog. Dinyiif, 2. JSTtyonjo. Leech. Dinzyambi, % Ozyevi. Spoon. Dinya, 2. Iwenle. Teat (of an animal). Dinganga, 2. JSTgambi. One-stringed harp. Dinha, v. t. Tonda. Love. Din hi i a, v. i. Tondana. Love each other. Dina, 2. In a. Name. Dinhshe, v. t. Tondiza. Cause to love. Dinanh, 2. Qna. Loins. Dingumba, 2. Isuka. Wife, lent to a guest. Dinganli, 2. Egagali. Mpanda. Adam's-apple. f )invaliki, 2. Hoof. Dioi, 2. Inyoi. Yoice, nose. Diomba, 2. Igeu. Round bundle. Diongilie, v. t. Nolan! a. Deceive, swindle. Dioba, 2. Nkombe. Sun. Dionhtha, 2. Ntyongakaino. Joint. Diotyi, 2. Kolu. Net-ba» 43 Bakolo. Mpongwe. English. Dioya, v. i. Bioga. Beloh. Die, conj. Ndo ; And. Dipaka, 2. Ipaka. Permanent residence. Dipaki, 2. Mpanga. Matter. Dipa, v. t. Ivorina. Tie (a package). Dipa, ad. Dadio. Alone. Dipenga, 2. Igiima. Large circular spots. Dipepika, 2. Menga. Pigeon. Dipepikwa, 2. Evagazya. Fin. Dishali, 2. Izyali. Unmarried female. Dish aba, 2. Nkinji. Collection (of things). Dishali, 2. ISTumbo. Bow (of canoe). Dishe, v. t. Pezya. Burn. Dishala, 2. Ishala. Need, care, concern. Dishesha, 2. Ishesba. Young-woman. Dishatha, 2. Izyambunlo. Hiding-place. Dishei, 2. Ntyenge. Sand. Dishi, 2. Intya. Eye. Dishubiki, 2. Ombu. Ashes. Disheliki, 2. Ntyenji. Cricket. Dishosha, 2. Okonclo. Heap, pile. Dishola, 2. Ndendendi. Blister (by a burn). Dishombika, 2, Irenda. Thorn. Dishombi, 2. Igolo. Trade. Dishoa, 2. Ina. Tooth. Dishowa, 2. Epwi. Stool, chair. Dishoki, 2. Egani. Rapids. Dishunh, 2. Oshasba. Brass-rod. Dishusha, 2. Isusa. Wadding. Ditamba, 2. Itaniba. Paw. Ditata, 2. Itata. Banana. Ditai, 2. Irara. Drop, navel, step (of a mast). Dithabi, 2. Ilava. Fish-hook. Dithanji, 2. Xgwana. Spittle. Dityia,' 2. Iliria. Knot (in a string.) Dityinda, 2. Etumbutunibu . Breech (of a gun). Ditana, 2. Spot, speck. Ditoka, 2. Ibela. Want, desire. Dityunjiki, 2. Ntulungu. Corner, angle. Dityutyi, 2. Enimba. Bamboo-tree. Dityili', 2. ISTtumbu. Heel. Diveka, 2. Elingilio. Mark, sign. Divelesk, 2. Evelesh. Handkerchief. Divala, 2. Inlooffa. Nation, tribe, kingdom Diveb, 2. Ifwi. Cold. 44 Bakele. Mpongwe. English. Divenji, 2. Dive, 2. Divwityiki, 2. Diwamba, 2. Ogavalie. Ipa. Mpiri. Igamba. Ravine. Wages. Darkness. Land-crab. Diwatyi, 2. Isinga. Hunting-net. Diwombi, 2. Ikuku. Sail. Diwombi, 2. Eviga. Wen. Diwalanga, 2. Egalanga. Sea-sickness. Diwula, 2. Ikweliki. Betrothment money. Diyokwe. Diya, v. i. Mpongwe. Doanla. Mpongwe language. Sit, reside. Do, ad. Be. Not. Dona, v. t. Jena mbia. Be glad, rejoice. Du, 2. Inu. Eire. Duba, v. t. Fela. Put to soak. Dubia, v. i. Tongwa. Rise (as sun). Dubitha, v. t. Tomba. Take out of soaking. Duka, v. t. JSTuga. Paddle, row. Dumba, 2. Igumba. Cargo, effects. Dumitha, v. t. Dukana. Impinge, butt. Duma, v. t. Bola. Shoot, fall (from a Dumilie, v. t. Doka. height). Knock. Dusba, v. i. Kagwa. Go out of doors. Dushi, 2, A brush. Dushitha, v. t. Denga. Find. Gwa, v. i. G. Juwa. Die. Gwana, 3. Ogwana. Mwetina. Mouth. G wash a, v. t. Motion to, wink at. Gwale, 4. Oroi. Ear. Gwemi, a. Bui. Open, unobstructed. Gwetba, v. i. Poa. Eail, dry up. Gweke, a. Nonga. First. J a, v. i. J. Bulia. Say. Ja, 1. Jabitha, v. t. Jaki, 1. Oyembo. Koga. Xkundu. Song. Gape, spread, open. Bird's nest. Jaka, v. t. Pengunla. Castrate. Jakwe, v. t. Talia. Place upon. Jamitha, v. t. J am ilia, v. t. Jogolia. Bogina. Mock, disregard. Halloo, shout. 45 BakS16. Jamisha, ad. Janh, v. t. Janga, 1. Janja, v. t. Janie, v. t. Janhtha, v. t. Japa, 1. Jatha, v, i. Jatha, v. t. Jaka, v. i. Jala, v. t. Jalia, v. i. Jalie, v. t. Jame, v. i. Jamba, v. t. Jamitha, v. t. Janja, v. i. Janba, v. i. Jatha, y. t. Jatha, v. t. Jeba, v. t. Jeba, v. i. Jebishe, v. t. Jebe, v. i. Jeka, v. t. Jeli, 1. Jeliba, v. i. Jela, v. i. Jelishe, v. t. Jelia, v. t. Jelie, v. t. Jemia, v. i. Jemitha, v. t. Jeraba, v. i. Jena, 1. Jene, v. t. Jenishe, v. t. Jenjitha, v. i. Jeni, 1. Jemilia, v. i. Jetha, v. t. Jelie, v. t. Jeli, 1. Jembele, 1. Jiba, v. t. Jiesha, v. t. Mpongwe. English. Kaporo. Much more. Kanga. Parch, fry. Oganjo. Switch (of elephant's tail). Rob, plunder. Kwera. Jania. Spread. Janga. Singe. Epokolu. Basket. Jaguna. Creep. Jemba. Sing. Jaga. Swim. Jaga. Warm one's self, bask. Jawa. Rest. Kemba. Paint. Bia. Is coming. Kamba. Scrape. Kagunia. Take off or out. Senia. Start (on a journey). Tia. Be fearful, cowardly. Jonla. Laugh. Saga. Anoint, smear. Poria. Whet. Panda. Pandia. Jezya. Panga. Erere. Jivira. Jela. Jeliza. Keniza. J^enja. Jema. Jemiza. Jina. Oyeno. Jena. Jeniza. Beiya. Ezyeni. Men a. Nenga. Jekelia. Ilelu. Egeza. Jufa. Shega. Climb, ascend. Cause to ascend. Lean, incline. Make (a law). Tree. Answer. Be in distress. Distress. Trv, measure, take aim. Teach. Awake, be awake. Awaken. Dance. Looking-glass, patch. See. Cause to see. Luff. Landing. Be accustomed. Learn. Judge. Beard. Anger, gimblet. Steal. Mimic. 46 Bakele. Jika, v. t. Jimie, 1. Jinda, v. t. Jinia, v. i. Jinitha, v. t. Jiya, v. t. Joa, 1. Jobu, 1. Jebitha, v. t. Joka, v. t. Joka-lokwe, v. t. Jolia, v. t. Joma, v. t. Jomi, a. Jombi, 4. Jomi a, v. i. Jomitha, v. t. Jombitha, v. t. Jonha, v. t. Jonji, 1. Jopitha, v. t. Jotha, v. t. Juba, 1. Juisne, y. t. Juka, v. t. Jul a, v. i. Julishe, v. t. Juma, v. t. Junh, 1. Jungwe, v. t. Jushi, a. Jutha, v. t. Mpongwe. Sindinla. Animwa. Maga. Janginia. Janginia. Kila. Mvona. Ongwanga. Jovunla. Jaga. Sheva. Poganio. Jinga. ISTjomi. Ndego. Tongwa. Tongunia. Daginla. Sbuga. Ntugu. Sanga. Jona. Eguwa. Jagiza. Jagiza. Jora. Joriza. Jan a. Iduba. Bimbia. Ogava. Kill a. English. Endure. Apparition. Slander, belittle. Melt (as lead, etc). Melt. Pulverize, grind. Of same age. Iron. "Wash, bathe. Hear, understand, feel. Play. Listen. Cure, dry. Dry. Friend. Revive, rise from dead. Baise from tbe dead. Desire, long for. Drive away. Loin. Peel. Kill, be worth. Snot. Hurt (another). Hurt (one's self). Be satiated. Satiate. Bear (give birth). Pespect. Pespect, reverence. Thick (as cloth). Pick up, gather up. K. Kaba, v. t. Kabilie, 4. Kaka, v. i. Kali, 4. Kala, v. t. Kaliba, v. t. Kala, v. i. Kami *a, ad. Kambilif', v. t. Kanda, v. i. Kera. Eyavali. Kaga. Ongwangi. Kila. Keva. Benl a. Vendetua. Kan la, Kcuiba. Divide. Armpit. Sour, spoil (as food). Sister. Pub chalk on the fore- head. Surpass, overcome (in a trial). Boil (as water). Perhaps. Defend, take part with. Be painful, pain. 47 BakSlS. Mpongwe. English. Kanh, v. t. Taga. Choke, overcome ( as weeds corn). Kanitha, v. t. Kovina. Speak, give illustration. Kanhla, v. t, Kenja. Prepare (for a journey). Kanhlie, v. t. Bandamina. Be careful of. Kasha, v. i. Konga. Become lean. Kasha, v. t. Toa nl'inyeme. Conceive. Kashilie, v. t. Savuga. Wrap (a garment around one). Kasa, a. and v. Kasa. Sharp, scolding voice. Kata, v. t. Tena. Cat. Katha, v. Stretch out. Katha, v. t. • Kemba. Fence. Kawe, 4. Nkaga. Armadillo. Ka, conj. Gambenle. Therefore, then. Kabitha, v. t. Parana. Disentangle, extricate. Kabe, 4. Hinge. Kabilie, v. i. Jaka. Become entangled. Kaka, v. t. Kaga. Shove, push, launch. Kama, v. t. Denda. Do, make. Kamba, v. t. Kamba. Walk to and fro. Kami, 7. Elendina. Cross-bow. Kanda, v. t. Kanda. Allure. Kan a, conj. Gainbenle. Therefore, then. Kashitha, v. i. Kanla. Cough. Kata, a. Bue. Bent, crooked. Katha, v. t. Bnl i a. Say, tell. Kata, v. t. Kata. Question. Katyiba, v. i. Ke rue. Be crooked. Katyishe, v. t. Pura rue. Make crooked. Keshe, v. t. Fela. Put, place. Keta, v. i. , Keta. Become cold. Keshe, a. Ofafa. Brittle. Kia, a. Eyanla. Eew. Kiava, ad. Tetavena. Just now. Kiema, 4. ISTkema. Monkey. Kieka, v. t. Demba. Taste. Kie, v. i. Kenda. Go. Kiele, v. t. Noma. Bite. Kienhthe, v. t. Semba. Censure, blame. Kieke, v. t. Teva. Hatch. Kienh, v. t. Shenginla. Shave. Kikami, a. Ba. ' Alive. Kika, v. i. Tola. Be or become well. Kin a, v. t. Bika. Dislike, reject. 48 mm. Kinh,7. Kinjiki, 7. Kio, ad. Kishe, v. t. Kiye, v. imp. Koa, ad. Koka, v. t. Kola, v. i. Kolie, 4. Kolia, v. t. Komba, v. t. Kombitha, v. t. Kome, or Kope, on- ly in imp. Konhwe, 4. Koni, ad. Konhitha, v. t. Kopila, v. i. Koshe, v. t. Koshe, 4. Kovitha, v. t. Ku, a. Kuba, 4. Kuba, v. t. Kubilie, v. t. Kuli, 4. Kulie, v. t. Kumisha, conj. Kuna, ad. Kunda, v. i. Kunda, v t. Kuta, v. t. Kutya, v. i. Kutha, v. i. Kutha, 4. Kwa, v. i. Kwalikwalie, 7* Kwanh, v. t. Kwanja, v. t. Kwashe, ad. Kwashitha, v. t. Kwele, v. t. Kwelie, v. t. Kwete, v. t. Kwishe, v. t. Mpongwe. Ompele. Ntye. Via. Toliza. Na tigare. Kega. Keka. Negiza. Okorue. Kunda. Panga. Mepia. Eiga. Okanga. Gunu. Duka. Pura rue. Kekiza. Ngozyo. Kova. Balie. Njagani. Janja. Shuga. Ekaga. Bolangania. Yende. Piere. Jega. Fwiniza. Fala. Pera. Bia. Ktyigo. Poswa. Ibanga. Shazya. Pam biza. Buku. Bukunla. Bega. Selia. Tumba. Sira. EDglish. Neck. Land. Entirely, wholly. Cure, help (in trouble), save. Stop a little. Reclining on the side. Suffice, hold. Hasten. Binding (of cloth). Add. Make, repair. Do good. Stop, quiet. Shin. Here. Butt. Warp. Prepare. Parrot. Get, bring. Full. Fowl. Work. Shake. Land-turtle. Abuse, mal-treat. If. Near, soon. Blossom (a plantain). Avenge. Throw away, forsake. Be lost. Arrive. Chimpanzee. Fall, be in the wrong. Morning. Strip off (leaves). Purge. Plainly, fearlessly, Speak plainly. Fall (trees). * Mal-treat. Dig. Cause to fall, be against. 49 BakSlS. Mpongwe. English. L. Laba, a. Nda. Long, tall. Labibali, 5. Crown (of tbe head). Labishe, v. t. Daviza. Lengthen. Labeni, 5. , Numbini. Hatred. Laboke, 5. Oyino. A dance. Ladinh, 5. Ntondini. Love, pleasure, will. Laka, 3. Mengo. Horn. Lakiki, 5. Emenla. Life. Lakobaka, 6. Xgugi. Door. Lakienhthe, 5. Erumbe. Infancy. Lakapi, 6. Nkabi. Paddle, oar. Lakumi, 6. Elumi. Fame. Lalie, a. Ntyaro. Third. Lambai, 6. Ebangambanga. Knee-pan. Lambakitba, 6. Ovamba. Freckle. Lambashi, 6. Olonda. Seed. Lambanh, 6. Igwera. Notch, mark. Lamba, v. t. Namba. Cook (by boiling). Lam ban j a, 6. Ongwanja. Side (of a person). Lambetha, 6. Ivela. Hole, pit. Lambatha, 6. Ntyini. Common bouse fly. Lambeya, 6. Ibembe. Pigeon. Larnbenja, 6. Mbenjo. Thwart. Lam bend a, 6. Mbenda. Ground-nut. Lambunhi, a. Oyiiwi. White (hair). Lambithi. Mpira. Pot-black, soot. Lambinh, 6. Erere. Pole (for house building), Landebe, 5. Yalley. Langaka, 5. Ewonjo. Head, sense. Lanb, v. t. Tanga. Count, read. Lanlia, v. t. Pikilia. Think. Lanyaka, 5. Ogaso. Greediness. Lanzyonh, 5. Ozyonga. Nose (of bellows). Landoli, 6. Ndoli. Scar. Langonja, 6. Ompabo. Bamboo-thatch. Lanzyanh, 6. Mbuma. Egg-plant, tomato. Landa, v. i, Danda. Crawl, glide, glance (as eye). End. Landanga, 5 & 6. Ntyai. Landaka, 5. Ntyanga. Nail. Lanjothi, 5 & 6. Ntyovi. Bamboo-nut. Lanina, 6. Mbina. Louse. Lanjasha. Ntyangilia* Rapidly, loudly (in speaking). 50 BakSlg. Lanyui, 6. Lanji, 3. Lanjili, 6. Lanzyobi, 6. Lanyatha, 6. Lanyonga, 6. Lapuliki, 5. Lapashi, 6. Lapesha, 6. Lashietha, 6. Lashiya, 6. Lashoi, 6. Lata, v. t. Lathem, 5. Lavinya, 5. Lawakwe, 5. Lale, 5. Lanh, v. Leba, v. t. Lebile, v. t. Lema, 3. Leninga, v. i. Lepilie. Leshilie, v. i. Levisha, v. t. Lebe, v. t. Lenhbe, v. i. Lenh, a. Lemba, v. i. Lenh, v. t. Lenja, v. i. Lenjishe, v. t. Lende, v. t. Lende, 3. Lete, v. i. Lepilie, v. t. Lika, v. t. Lilie, v. t. Lima, v. t. Limba, a. Limbic, v. t. Litha, v. i. Liya, v. t. Loba, v. t. Mpongwe. Nyowe. Oganjo. Igogozyo. Ntyua. Ogeule. Nyonge._ Ampunli. Ileve. Olonda. Ntyelele. Izyigo. Orue. Datiza. Onleme. Apina. Ezambala. Ake. Koga. Tevunla. Tuminia. Ntyondo. Piagana. Kambiza. Peva. Dewana. Shila. Tegwa. Pega. Jamina. Shelia. Jenja. Jenjiza. Tenda.^ Orenda. Pingwa. Kambiza. Tiga. Pina. Tumba. Zowa. Dura. Tigana. Nema. Ta. English. Bee. Fly-brush. Shave, carpenter's plane. Gall. Flea. Thread. Froth, foam. Palm, sole (of foot). Flower. White-ant. A plum. Hair. Put, bring, or sew toge- ther. Tongue. Pus. Broom. Laughter. Crow, halloo, sound. Punish, reprove. Show. Heart. Pass through. Follow, chase. Stagger. Forget. Disobey, cock (a gun). Lean, incline. Leaning. Move (to the lee side). Deride, laugh at. Dawn. Make to dawn, enlighten. Write. Letter (of alphabet). Go around. Pursue, chase, follow. Leave. Take to, deliver. Dig. Narrow. Pull. Be left. Cut (bushes). Sting. 51 BakSIS. Mpongwe. English. Loba, 3. Eragali. Sting. Loka, v. t. Jova. Bail (a canoe). Lolie, v. t. Meza. . Dash down(water),splash. Loma, v. t. Tom a. Send. Lomili, 3. Xgende. Errand. Londa, v. i. Jona. Become full. Lonisbe, v. t. Jonia. Fill. Longwa, v. i. Poma. Grow. Longwa, 3. Mpomini. Growtb. Longlie, v. t. Pomiza. Grow, bring up. Lonba, v. t. $"oga. Build (a house). Lubila, v. t. Hamba. Speak. Lubilie, v. t. Kambiza. Cause to speak. Lunha, v. t. Divina. Surround, enclose. Lubia, 3. JSfkambini. Language, dialect. Luta, v. t. Ivangi. Trim up, adjust, dress. Luma, v. t. Tama. Prick, pierce. ' Manh/'^pl. M. ISTgango. Medicine. Mabata^ pi. Abukwe. Yaws. Madinlia, pi. Lust. Macliba. pi. Aningo. Water. Madunh. Ikilikili. Heavy tramping. Madimilia, a. ISTiiwunla. Last. Mai. Imarakano. Forks (of a road). Majakwe. Ayakwe. Casada tops. Makalie. Kadi a. . Man, person, any one. Makanda. Ekahda. Tinder. Makanjika, 2, pi. Aka. Sap. Makiemba, 2, pi. Ezanga. . Salt. Makete, a. !Ngewa. Bow-legged. Malebi, 2, pi. Sbishila. Disobedience. Mali, 2, pi. Agali. Oil. Mamitha, v. t. Mama. Wonder at. Man a, 4. On wan a. Child. Manda, v. t. Pitakaina. Press down, crowd. Manga, 3. Manga. Manatus, seal. Manga] a. An gal a. Eed cloth. Mangienb, 2, pi. Ntyemba. Censure. Manyadiba. Ambeningo. Milk. Manyamia. Anyamia. Ebb. Manyangwe, 4. Ongwangi. Brother orlsister. Mapa, pi. Ampazya. Twins. Mapanjia. Ampandia. Flood (of tide). Mashnlinga. Ampazya. Twins, branches(of river), Mathak, 2, pi. Alugu. Palm wine, any spirits. 52 8&$& Mawoni, 2, pi. Mawna, 2, pi. Mai, 3. Man a, 4. Mata, 4. Maya, v. .i. Mbaka, 3, Mbali, a. Mbambi, 7. Mbamba 4. Mbandangwe, 4 Mbanja, 7. Mbanji, 3. Mbainh-mbainh Mbanh, 3. Mbanji, 3. Mbashe, 3. Mbathi, 4. Mbanie, 4. Mbambi, 3. Mbaka. M bath a. Mbei, a. Mbela,4. Mbelia, 3. Mbenh, 7. Mbele, 4. Mbelo,4. Mbeka, 3. Mbembili, 3. Mbenia, 3. Mbeshi, a. Mb eye, 7. Mbiathia, 3. Mbethe, 3. Mbeli,4. Mbenh, a. Mbia, 4. Mbiashi, a. Mbilityi, 7. Mbie, v. n. Mbimba, 7. Mbinhmbinh, 3. Mbinji, 4. Mbisha, 3. Mpongwe. English. Avono. Cunning. Aguga. Distress. Iwurau. Belly, womb. Mania. Mullet. Eza. Thing. Tena. Sit up at night. mbaka. Bamboo-pith, basket. Mbia. Entire, complete, good, Ishala. Care, need, regard. Bera-ya-rera. Grand-parent. Oseseli. Lizzard. Nganja. Parlor. Osalina. Perseverance. 5 adPekapeka. Continually. Nago. House. Ogela. Crack, split. Okanja. Booth. Oyombo. Polygamist. Ombama. Boa constrictor. Ita. Bundle. Mbaga. Fishing-ground. Nefu. Okra. Tenatena. Bed, yeliovv, brown. Mpanga. Spur. Mpyu. Heat. Ivanga. Law. Ngwanyani. Eagle. Mbeli. Flamingo. Komba. Hill. Ozyira. Side (of canoe, etc.) Numbini. Hatred, aversion. Mbezyo. Raw. Ntyolombo. Brass kettle. Njano. Birth. Iveveni. Thigh. Mberi. Herring. Mbia. Good. Mboa. Dog. Oyani. Fruitful (of persons). Ibambo. Ghost, spirit. Toa. Be, or become. Egunu. Anger, wrath. Mbipa. Stripe, weal. Mbinde. Wild goat. Mpava. Whip. 53 Bakgl£. Mpongwe. English. Mbitha, 3. Imbamba nl'im- bamba. Genealogy. Mbityiki, 7. Nanga. Dirt. Mbo, prep. & ad. Ga. Like, so, how. Mbombo, ad. Giligili. Truly, certainly. Mbole. Mbolo. Word of salutation. Mbolie, v. t. Bogizya. Salute (with mbolo). Mboke, 3. JSTkala. One's town. Mboka, 3. Mbwedi. Captive, fetter. Mbonde, ad. Gaande. Much. Mbonh, 3. Oronda. Ridge-pole. Mbothe, 3. Ogenda. Journey. Mbothi, 3. JNTtyonde. Head of navigation. Mbo, 3 and 7. Oga. Arm. Mbo, 3. Ozamba. Side, part. Mbu, 3. Ompuma. Year. Mbubi. Okugi. Poverty. Mbuenha, v. i. Tatamina. Quiver. Mbuli, 4. Nkambi. Deer. Mb an da, 7. Monda. Amulet. ' Mbusha, 7. Mbuzya. . Net. Mbutha, 4. Ningo. Rain. Mbuiitha, 3. Nteve. Rafter. Mbute, 7. Mbnte. Bottle. Meke, v. i. Mega. Doze, nod. Melie, v. t. Jivira. Assent, believe. Meme, v.t. Mema. Consent, confess. Mete, 4. Niva. Owner. Mia, ad. Go. v When. Miaka, 3. Ovengunlia. Castrated animaL Miali, 4. wan to. Woman. Miana, 4. Ongwanla. Child. Mianga. Ikendo. Fire-steel. Mianja, 4 f Puka. Bag, sack, pocket. Miasiia, v. t. !Nyenya. Sow. Miashilie, v. t. Nyenya. Sprinkle. Mi ay a, 3. Ntyelele. White-ant. Mianhya, 3. Omia. Pur, hair (of the body), Miem bie, 3. Otaki. Cock's tail-feather. Miebiki, 3. Gwarueni. Edge (of a tool). Mienhye, 3. Eranlia. Lunatic. Mieshe, v. t. Fwizafwiza. Wag. Mienji, 3. Ovavi. Messenger. Miebe,3. Ipi. A swelling. Mieli. Ilanga. Moonlight. Miethe, 3, pi. Isege. Entrails. 54 Bakglg. Mielia, 3. Mi eke. Miembe. Miemitha, v. i. Milanh, 3. pi. Min a, v. t. Mintanganie, 4. Minyungwa, 3. Moka, 3. Mpaka, 3. Mpaka, 3. Mpanji, 3. Mpanga, 3. Mpasha, 3. Mpatha, 3. Mpaka, 3. Mpeka, 3. Mpemba, 3. Mpika, 3. Mpinji, 3. Mpoka, 3. Mpombi, 3. Mpuli,3. Mpulingi, 3. Mpuma, 3. Mpungi, 3. Mpunja, 3. Mpumba, 3. Mpunga, 3. Mpusha, 3. Mputha, 3. Mputyi, 3. Mulie, 3. Munb, 3. Mutyi, 4. Na, conj. & prep. Nadiambilinde, cj, Naka, v. t. Nakwa, 3. Nakwalia, ad. Nam a, v. t. Nam hi, a. Nani, ad. Nani, a. Nangwe, ,v. t. Mpongwe. Egenizo. Nkumba. Owemba. Ovengevenge. Ntyango. Menla. Ntogolu. Nkizi. Ogweri. Mpaga. Edinga. Oramba. Mpanga. Ekata. Mpanda. Mpaga. Ikumbu. Mpemba. Ikata. Ompindi. Ogaza. Otongu. Ompogoni. Ompnlungu. Ogwera. Epepa. Mepundu. Ombuwutu. O mpunga. Ompuzya. Nkizi. Mpani. E won jo. Ebende. Oma. N. Ja & nli. Kandenle. Bela. Mbelini. Menle. Noga. Nana. Ntevo. Naniza. English. Measure (of length). Dam. Soup, gravy. Smile. News, chat. Swallow. Red pepper. Fragments, dregs. Sole-fish. Gift. Place (of gardens). Root. Yoke. Defense, pickets. Leg (of an animal). Lock. Crab's claw. Chalk, flour, bread. Question. Plantation, farm. Juice of ripe plantains. Gun-barrel. Hole. Hold (of vessel). Night. Fan. Billet (of red wood). Dust. Wind. Width. Fragment, scraping. Custom. Head, sense. Corpse. Person. If, and, with, by. Because. Want. Want, desire. To-morrow. Braid, plait. Limber. So. Empty. Lay down. 55 Bak&S. Mpongwe. English. ISTaniba, v. i. Datana. Come close to. Nata, v. t. Data. Stick. Natha, v. t. Dubia. Honor, respect. Nakwa, v. i. Poswa. Drop or fall (as fruit). Ealie, v. t. Dadina. Peep, look in upon. Nanh, v. t. Bonga. Take. ISTata, v. t. Jonga. Drink. ISTatha, v. t. Muzunla. Shell (as corn). JSTatyi-gwa-ma- thak, 4. Eyonga. Drunkard. Naya, v. i. Naga. Rain. Nda, 7. Owanda. Day, day-time. Nda-ndeni. ISTkombe-nyondo. Noon. Ndaka, 7. ISTdaga. Thing. JSTdambie, 4. Olambo. Gum-elastic. JSTdaniba, 3. Olamba. Cloth. Ndatha, 4. Grand-child. Ndembilia, v. i. Peva Stagger. JSTdema, 3. Nkanja. Bat. ISTdenibe, 4. Ntonda. Heavy rain, freshet, flood, JSTdeshe, v. t. Baga. Bring. Ndenh, v. i. Mega. ISTdeke. Dose. Ndeke, 7. Deck, story. Ndembishali, 4. Erumbe. Child. ISTdika, 3. Odika. Kind of food. Ndia, 3. Ezenia. Bait. Ndianh, 3. Onlonga. Kind. ISTdianh, 3. Eganda. Family, dependents. Ndio. Onigi. Sweetness, saltness. Ndioba, 3. Onoki. Deceitfulness. N"di, pron. Ande. What. ISTdombi, 7. Inyenga. Post (of a house). Ndokwe, 4. Ntyolo. Hammer, anvil. Ndomi, 4. Owangwe. Brother. Nduka, 3. Ompenli. Handle. ISTduma, 3. Oduma. Cannon. Ndumi, 4. Owolisi. Striker, fighter. ISTdushiki, 3. Ozazi. Pestle. Nen, a. Mpolu. Large. Nene, v. i. Penda. Be large. JSTenishe, v. t. Pendia. Enlarge. ISTenia, 3. Mpendini. Size, greatness. ISTengwe, v. i. Danginla. Lost, irrevocably. Nembe, v. t. Dembiza. Bend. Netyithe, v. i. Kamba dira. Speak slowly. Nga, a. Ngani. Another's. 56 Bakelc. Mpongwe. English. Nga, 4. Oganga. Doctor, conjnrer. Ngali, 7. Ceremony (to cure the sick). Ngali, 4. Njali-towa. Thunder. Ngana, 7. Nkogo. Parable. Nganji, 7. Ngando. Alligator. Ngaye, 4. Ngai. Garment. JSTgama, v. t. Shiwa. Whip. ISTgambi, 7. Ntyambi. Harp. Nganlie, v. i. Kagara. Snore. Nganhthe, 4. Nkanganla. Ogweli. Millepede. Nganje, 4. Moon. ISTganda, 7. Nganda. Kind of gourd. .Ngata, 7. Ekeva. Pity, sorrow. Ngawe, 4. Ngawe. Captain. Egake, 4. Ngwentyontyio. Hopping. Ngboma, v. i. Boka. Bark. Nge, prep. Kao. Except. Ngikanji, a. Ikanda. Acid. Ngiye, 4. Etebombe. Scorpion. JSTgitha, 4. Njina. Ourang-outang. Ngomba, 4. Ngomba. Hedge-hog. Ngonjiba, v. i. Dembinla. Kneel. Ngole, 4. ISTgala. Whirlpool, whirlwind, waterspout. Ngothoma, ad. Jan. Yesterday, evening. Ngoya, 4. Ngoa. Hog. Nguba, 7. Nguwa. The black-fish. Nguba, 7. Nguwa. Shield. Ngubi, 7. Nguii. Hippotamus. Nguli, 7. Ngulu. Strength. Ngwamba, v. i. Tatamina. Shiver. Ngwali, 4. Nkwani. Wild-hen. Ngwanhtha, v. i. Tatamina. Tremble. Ngwanjiba, v. t. Kwandamina. Pounce upon. Ngwashitha, v. t. Salina. Comb. Nie, a. Mia. How many ? Nikwe, v. t. Kenja. Lay down. Nimbitha, v. t. Nyonyunia. Straighten. Nina, v. t. Damina. Sink. Nja, y. i. Bia. Come. Njali, 7. Njali. Gun. Njaki,4. Njagu. Mpanla. Elephant. Njetha, 7. Road, path. Njeli, 4. Onlenji. Teacher. Njenia, 3. Njeno. Sight, view. 57 BakiSlS. Njime, 4. JSTjiki, ad. Njibi, 4. Njothi, 4. Njonji, 7. 1ST Juki, 7. Nkala, 3. Nkanh, 3. Nkashi, 3. JSTkatka, 3. Nkala, 3. Nkali, 3. Nkanjili, a. Nkangwa, 3. Nkami, 3. NMtha, 4. Nkanh, 3. Nkanje, 4. Nkaka, 3. JSTkanla, 3. Nkenibe, 3. JNkeba, 3. Nkele, 4. Nkiebia, 3. JSTkieke, 3. Nkienh, 4. JSTkithi, 4. Nkityi, 3. Nkombia, 3. Nkothi, 4. Nkonge, 3. Kkombi, 4. Nkotyi, 3. Nkothi, 3 & 7. JSTkonji, 3. JSfkoma, 3. Nkomba, 3. Nkola, 3. Nkomba, 3. JSTkombe, 3. Nkonga, 3. Nkokwe, 3. Nkothi, ad. Nkuba, 3. ISTkubia, 3. Mpongwc. English. Njega. Tiger. Ipaku. Blind man. Ke. Also, too. Ofe. t Thief. Oyonisi. Killer, hunter. Ntyonga. Quarter (in a town). Njuki. Trouble. Ogomba. Fence, spine. Oramba. Koot. Eganga. Leanness. Nkumba. Company (of persons). Nkala. Clock, watch. Ozyono. African ratan. Nkere. Clean, pure, holy. Oga. Jug-handle. Nkami. Patch of ground nuts. Ompondo. Bachelor, widower. ISTyuma. Back. Nkanje. Shark. Ekaga. Log. Epondwe. Shorn head. Okemba. Full dress. Okeva. Wave. Okele. Tribe of people. Nkendini. Going. Njegelu. Okengekenge. Chin, lower jaw. Carpenter. Ogai. Wife's family and friends. Nkagu. Cane, staff. Mpangini. Making, nature. Ntori. Eat JSTkongo. Cat-fish. Ovaagi. Maker. Okokotwe. Bed-bug. Ogolu. Okwendi. Leg. Tail. Olonga. Ring. Ozyaguna. Nostril. Enlomo. Dry season. Iguwa. Nkombe. Bellows. Kind of cloth. Nkouga. Copper. Ikoko. Sugar cane, sugar. Jani. Day before yesterday. Ompinga. Circumference. Iguii. Pine-apple. 58 BakelS. Nkubia, 3. JSTkum, 3. Nkunji, 3. Nkuki, 3. Nkusha, 3. Nkuni, 3. JSTkwata, 3. Nlatyiki, 3. NLanhlia, 3. Nlanhli, 3. Nleya, 3. Nlonh, 4. JSUui, 4. Noka, v. t. ISTshaka, 3. Nshaka, 3. Nshashi, 3. Nshamba, 3. Nshanh, 3. JSTshanh, 3. Nsha, 3. Nshasha, 3. Nshebi, 3. Nshemba, 3. Nsheke, 3. Nshete, 3. ISTshenh, 3. JSTshisha, 3. Nshinhshinh, 3, ISTshia, 3. JSTshieki, 3. Nshieki, 4. ISTshinhtha, 3. Nshole, 3. JSTsho, 3. Nshothi, 3. Nshokiethi. Nshombeka. Nshoni, 3. Nsho, 3. Nshunh, 4. Nshumbi, 3. Nshumbiki, 3. JSTshua, 3. Ntambila, 3. Ntanga, 3. Mpongwe. Njanjini. Ogumia. Okukwe. Origo. Nkunu. Okwara. Ndatizo. Mpivini. Ogozyi. Onlogi. Oguwaguwa. Noka: Ozamba. Osbaka. Osbasba. Nkanda. Ozanja. Ikilikili. Ogola. Ozyazya. Eriga. Ezimba. Ozyege. Ntyere. Igala. Qganji. Inlinla. Ogali. Osbikani. Evungu. jNjeve. Olavi. Mbeni. Nkami. Olomba. Ozyonli. Ozya. Ozunge. Shumbu. ISTkagu. Monda. Nkabi. Otangani. English. Work. Dead tree, mast. Treasure-bouse. Evil spirit, devil. Widow. Sea-turtle. Cutlass. Seam. Thinking, thought. Hallooing, crowing. Brace. Builder. Blacksmith. Lie, deceive. Shore (of river). Slave. Brass rod. Company (traveling). Bristle. Heavy tread. Intestinal worm Business. Hollow (of a tree). Ant hill. Beach (of sand). Ramrod. Street. Vein, tendon. Shadow, soul. Cord, small rope. Round box. Name of a tribe. Piazza. Ripe plantain. River. Spring. Seaward. Interior-ward. Flesh. Pipe. Savior, deliverer. Lead. Cane, staff. Amulet. Paddle. White-man. 59 Bakcle. Ntambi, 3. Ntenge, 3. INTteka, 3. Ite, 3. Ntethe, 3. Ntetyi, 3. JSTthali, 3. Nthabia, 3. Nthaka, 3. JNTthenh, 4. Nthenh, 3. Ntheli, 3. Ntoa, 3. Ntombe, 3. Ntomba, 3. Ntombinanga, 3. ISTtothi, 7. nsrtoii, 4. Ntovi, 3. Ntonda. Ntuthe, a. Ntyonge, 4. Ntyanga, 3. Ntyutha, 4. JSTtyilambia, 3. Ntyimbi, 3. Ntyuba, 3. Ntyabi, 3. ISTtyenge, 3. Ntyinh, 3. Nula, v. i. JSTushe, v. t. Numbi, 3. Numbilio, v. t. Nwanh, v. i. Rwanda, 3. Nwanji, 3. ISTwoli, a. Nwoshi, 3. Nya, 3. b Nyantyiuie, 4. Nyata, v. t. Nyanh, v. t. Ny&nhshe, v. t. Nyatyi,4.^ ^ Nyakayekaye, 4. Mpongwc. JSTtambi. Igalinga. Orega. Elendina. Elondwini. Iroanlo. Ivanga. Ndavini. Ntyango. Ogenda. Inyeme. Okao. Otongu. Etombo. Oinbanla. Etombinanga. Mono. Gnero. Orove. Otonda. Ntuntu. Ntyonga. Ntyanga. Nkenjo. Oronga. ISTtimbi. Ntyanja. Ntyabo. Ntyenga. Olonga. Piagana. Peria. Numbo. Eunla. Oguma. Ogela. • Itua. Mbundakai. Olumba. Intyime. Jara. Piva. Jonja. Nyare. Osakampazyo. English. Eichcs. Bell. Barrel, cask. Bow (for shooting). Height, length, quantity. Load. Law, promise, covenant. Length. News. Guest, stranger. Foetus. Boundary. Ball (eye, etc.) Needle. Mud. Under-shirt. Breast. Old, full age. Prairie. Hair-pin. Whole, entire, all. A game. Flag. Dwarf. Sprout, blade. Timber, plank, throne. Wet season. Soap. Wash-basin, bowl. Kind, nature. Pass, excel. Cause to pass. Bow (of boat). Smell. . Link. Cassada. Crack, split. Sharp. Destructiveness. Belt, girdle. Monkey-apple. Tread, step. Suck (as child). Suckle. Cow. Grasshopper. 60 Bakele. Eyanga, 7. JSTyangialie, 4. Nyangwe, 4. JSTyatha, v. t. ISTyala, v. t. Nyamambale, 4. Nyaba, v. t. ISTyamila, v. i. ISTyanya, v. i. JSTyanyishe, v. t. JSTyabila, v. t. JSTyamitha, v. t. Nyebe, v. i. Eyebilie, v. t. Nyebishe, v. t. JSTyenie. JNyeshilie, v. t. Nyeniba, v. i. ISTyenitha, v. t. Nyenh, 3. ]STy enh, v. i. Eyenhshe, v. t. Nyenhgwa, 3. Nyitha, v. t. JNyinhitha, v. i. Nyinhlie, v. t. Nyima, v. t. Nyilu, 7. E"yishitha, v. i. Nyonh, 3. Nyonga, 4. Nyunha, v. t. JNTyunh, a. ISTyuli, 7. JSTyunhtha, 3. Nzyatha, 7. JNTzyam, 7. Nzyibi, 4. Nzyilia, 7. Pa, 7. Paka, v. t. Pake, 4. Mpongwe. Nyanga. Ngaka. IsTgwe. Nera. Mwera. Ompinga. Jarunla. Dagalaga. Benda. Bendia. Pianguna. Shuga. Mepa. Mepana. Mepia. Eyenlie. Pitakaina. Nyonyua. Nyonyunia. Itia. Tia. Tieza. Ntieni. Pindia. Jinginla. Jinginlia. Niminla. Nyila,. Eyinyinla. Omwamba. Eyonge. Muzuna. Ogele. Okuwa. Ongwanj angwan- ja. Njanla. Egalani. Njiwo. Ekaka. P. Epe. Suminia. Mpanlo. English. Rust. Ant-house. Mother. Lick. Scratch. Ball. Split, tear in two. Mutter, grumble. Be angry. Make angry. Chew. Plague. Be good, fine, satisfac- tory. Become (as a garment). Make good, satisfactory. Brass. Press upon. Be straight. Make straight. Fear. Fear, fly, escape. Frighten. Fear, fright. Push, shove. Enter (a house). Cause to enter. Refuse. Anchor. Urine. Serpent. Thread. Crumble. Stingy. Body. Roof. Hunger. Leprosy. Musk-deer. Meaning. Dagger (Pangwe make). Praise. Adz. 61 BakSle. Pama, v. i. Panya, v. t. Panie, v. t. Panh, v. i. Pasha, v. i. Pashitha, v. t. Patyitha, v. i. Paka, v. t. B Parnba, v. i. Panda, v. i. Patha, ad. Pelishe, v. t. Pende, 7. Penda, v. t. Pepa, v. t. Pesha, v. t. Petyie, v. t. Peye, v. i. Pe, prep. Penje, 7. Penje, 4. Pepilie, v. t. Pepa, v. i. Pialie, v. i. Piasha, a. Piaya, v. t. Piapa, v. t. Piata, v. t. Pienh, 7. Pila, v. t. Pimbitha, v. t. Pimbia, v. i. Pingwe, 7. Pinya, v. t. Pinjitha, v. t. Pipitha, v. t. Pishe, 7. Pita, v. t. Pin, ad. Po, 4. Poka, v. t. Ponha, v. t. Poshe, v. t. Posbitha, v.t. Posho, ad. Mpongwe. Bia. Bamba. Bania. Benla. Felia. Takuna. Tiga dienge. Dula. Panla. Sumina. Mbiambie. Periza. Mpaga. Noginla. Dega. Pesha. Bania. Tawa. Go. ~Ntye. Mpenjo. Pevina. Peva. Poa. Bembakele. Jola. Piva. Binda. Evora. Tola. Siza. Saza. Piara. Pala. Pala. ISTynma. Pita. Kwi. Mpogo. Poka. Tava. Fwizavwiza. Pokunla. Posho. English. Arrive. Shine; Suspend. Boil (as water). Sprout. Extract. Let go. Pluck, pull. Go down (as a fire). Descend. Well, in good condition. Lose. Doubt, disputation. Braid (the hair). Prevent. Weigh, bear (fruit). Hang up. Break, part (as rope). To, at, on. Earth, land, woods. Cockroach. Flap, hail (with hand), wink. Float (with current). Ebb, be low (as tide). Shallow, flaring. Make thread. Suck, kiss. Knead. Gash, sore, wound. Bore. Wipe, rub off. Be wiped off. Loan. Squeeze. Gouge out (as oysters). Brush off, efface. Back. Cheat. Off, entirely off. Mouse. Wade. Pay (a fine). Shake. Peel (with fingers). More, most. 62 Bakele. Potye, 4.^ Puka, v. i. Pula, v. t. Pula, v. t. Puli, 7. Punii, a. Puma, v. i. Pumiske, v. t. Pumbia, v. i. Pumbitha, v. t. Pumitha, v. i. Punda, v. i. Punishe, v. t. Pungwe, 7. Pupilie, v. t. Pusha, v. i. Pushitha, v. t. Pusi, 7. Sha, v. t. Shaka, v. t. Shake, 4. Shaliba, v. i. Shalishe, v. t. Shala, v. i. Shalie, v. t. Sbali, a. Shalia, v. i. Shambe, a. Shambie, v. i. Shambitha, v. t. Shanh, v. t. Shangwe, 4. Shabilie, v. t. Shaka, v. i. Shaka, v. t. Shaka, v. t. Shake, 4. Shaliba, v. i. Shalie, v. t. Shathe, 4. Shamba, v. t. Shambishe, v. t. Shambe, a. Mpongwe. Mba. Sega. Binda. Boga. Ongwei. Pupu. Jambua. Jambunia. Tugwa. Tugwiza. Towa. Pula. Puliza. Gare. Pepa. Bekwa. Bekunia. Pusi. S, Pona. Nema. Swaka. Konga. Kongiza. Bola. Panla. JNTyaugo. Salia. Tele. Shaiya. Shamba. Pona. Pera. Datiza. Jasa. Paga. Jaba. Izage. Shambunla. Jumbunla. Ntyambe. Jana. Janiza. Mbia. English. Corn. Be eaten with worms. Mix. Chew. Breath. White. Be or become white. Whiten. Be blown down. Blow down. Be or become mouldy. Bun. Make run. Inside. Blow gently, fan. Break, divide in halves. Break, crumble. Cat. Do, treat, regard. Weed, cut grass. Knife. Be, or become small or lean. Make small. Thunder. Sharpen (poles). Small. Be detected, found out. Naked. [ed. Be disappointed, asham- Set, arrange (table). Look, behold. Father. Assemble, call together. Be weary. Conjure, prophesy. Take back (a gift). Duck. Hide (one's self ). Hide (a thing). Marrow. Bring forth (young). Assist in child-birth. Good, fine, pretty. 63 BakelS. Mpongwe. English. Shanh, 7. Abe. Grave. Shanh, v. t. Sanga. Mend, repair. Shanhtha, v. i. Senia. Start (on journey). Shani, 7. ISTtyani. Shame. Shana, 7. Shana. Sabbath. Shapilie, v. t. Kata. Question. Shasha, v. t. Danda. Deny. Shasha, v. i. Juwa. Die. Shata, v. t. Shawa. Peck, pick up(with beak). Shatha, v. t. Bring out (a hidden thing) . Sheba, 7. Mpunji. Ivory. Shembia, v. i. Kwa oge. Faint. Shebie, a. Seke. Dirty. Shenhla, v. t. Pengakaina. Exchange. Sheye, v. t. Siza. Scour (a knife). Sheba, v. t. Kera. Circumcise. Sheka, v. t. Kela. Hash. Shele, v. t. Selia. Mock, deride. Shembe, v. t. Semba. Scold. Sheme, v. t. Sava. Curse. Shenda, v. t. Jeginla. Trust. Shenja, v. i. Poelela. Slip, slide. Shenjibia, v. i. Selela. Slip, slide. Shie, 4. Evere. Fish. Shinhlie, v. t. Kila. Pub together. Shishilie, v. t. Jega. Kindle. Shitha, v. i. Mana. Be ended, settled, done. Shilie, v. t. Meniza. End, complete, destroy. Shila, v. t. Kamina. Pam down (a charge). Shikwe, 4. Ntyunu. Driver-ant. Shiekwa, v. i. Sekuma. Sob, sigh. Shimisha, v. t. Jonginlia. Pemember, think about. Shika, v. i. Siga. Ground. [tie. Shisha, v. t. Teria. Call one's attention, star- Shishibia, v. i. ISTindia. Start (with fright). Shi, 7. JSTtye. Earth. Shi, ad. Tu. Down. Shobie, v. i. Jila. Capsize. Shobishe, v. t. Jiliza. Capsize. Shoba, v. t. Jira. Pour out. Shoba, y. i. Kwa oge. Be stunned, faint. Shobe, 7. Mbambi. Gourd. Shoka, v. i. Mag'erungu. Consult in private- Shomba, v. t. Kola. Buy, sell. Shoka, 7* 8 Egombe. Time. 64: BakelS. Sholia, v. i. Sholitha, v. t. Shoya, v. t. Shovitha, v. t. Shosha, a. Shoshie, v. t. Shosho, int. Shoshilie, v. t. Shota, a. Shotyiba, v. i. Shosha, v. t. Shunha, v. t. Simla, v. i. Shuma, v. i. Shuma, v. t. Shunhlia, v. t. Shusha, v. i. Shunja, v. t. Shungwakala, 7. Talie, v. t. Talakwe, 4. Tata, v. i. Tata, v. i. Tashe, v. t. Tatyilie, v. t. Tavilia, v. t. Taba, v. t. Taba, v. i. Tabie, v. t. Taka, v. i. Tashe, v. t. Tapa, v. i. Tashe, v. t. Tatha, v. t. Tatya, v. i. Tatyitha, v. t. Taya, v. i. Tenia, 7. Tembe, v. t. Tcmishe, v. t. Tetyika, 7. Mpongwe. Jokwa. Jokuna. Kazya. Dumba. Pugu. Dimbinla-pugu. Kakala. Kwena nkala. Zoge. Are shota. Tavinla. Sunginla. Poa. Simba. Soliza. Sungakanla. Shusha. Dandunla. Izyungakanlo. T. Penjavenja. Tako. Daga. Jaga. Jagiza. Pakilia. ISTyamita. PiDJa. Kwena. Kweniza. Benla. Benliza. Poka. Daliza. Tawa. Dalie. Taunla. Twezina. Gare. Paga. Temiza. Ozamba. English. Be scalded. Skin. Gut. : Surprise. In a pile. Put down in a pile. I pray you (used in beg- Beg, desire. Squatted down. Squat. Give, present. Rescue, deliver. Ebb, descend. Land. Stick in. Contend with each other. Move along. Redeem. Chain. Keep, preserve. Tobacco. Scream, squall. Sick. Make sick, visit (the sick). Begin. Resemble. Choose. Embark. Put into. Boil. Make boil. Wade. Take a cross. Insult, treat with disre- spect. Go out (of a canoe), cross over (a river). Take out. Drip, leak. Middle. Prophesv, conjure. Tempt. ' Side. 65 Bakele. Mpongwe. English. Te, int. Sa. Get out (frighten or drive away an animal). Tebe, v. i. Kumanla. Stand. Teke, ad. Sunge. Quickly. Teki, a. Dela. Soft, weak. Teshe, v. t. Deliza. Soften. Telie, v. t. Dovia. Set down. Tenhthe, v. t. Jekiza. Slacken. Tengwa, v. i. Jeka. Be slack. Teye, v. i. Bonwa. Appear (as new moon). Thatha, v. i. Nanla. Sleep, lie down. Thanyaka. Ogaso. Greediness. Thambenh. Ntonda. Flood, current. Thambitha, v. t. Bonga. Take (by force), rescue. Thanja, 3. Nkendini. Going. Thatha, v.t. Bulia. Say, tell. Thalia, v. t. Panganla. Promise, pledge (friend- ship). Thapatha, 5. Mpanda. Hoof. Thanlie, v. t. Pagina. Charge (as gun), fill (a pipe). Thin, sleazy. Thantyithantyi, a . Sangasanga. Thaba, v. t. Davwa. Angle. Thasha, v. i. Fwema. Mistake, err. Thanh, a. Bui. Light, open. Thanhba, v. t. Nungwa. Be open. Thaba, v. t. Binla. Skim. Thanhshe, v. t. Bamba. Give light, lighten. Thashe, v. t. Sapilia. Confound, perplex. Thetha, v. i. Dena. Cry. Themba, 4. Onyembayemba. Enemy. Theba, v. t. Fwelia. Call. Thebitha, v. i. Tanla. Be crazy. Thepi, a. Javura. Light. Thepithe, v. t. Javuria. Make light, assist ^to carry). Thembia, v. i. Jasa. Be tired, weary. Thenhmbe, v. i. Peva. Float, be afloat. The or ve, v. t. Pa. Give. Thengwa, v. i. Janginia. Float. Thenhtha, v. i. Kanganla. Walk about, frequent. Thenh, v. i. Kenda ogenda. Go (a journey). Thenhgenge, a. Langalanga. Perpendicular. Thi v. n. def. Ee. Be. Tholie, v. t. Beta. Name. Thonha, v. i. Jaga. Be or become hot (of water). 66 Bakele. Mpongwe. Thonhshe, v. t. Jagiza. Tholie, v. t. Baminia. Thoya, v. t. Tova. Thokwa, v. i. Dubua. Thombiba, v. i. Toa mbolo. Tholiba, v. i. Bamina. Tholi, 3. Ovambo. Thonda, v. i. Tonga. Thotha, v. t. Tombinla. Thothangoli, 7. Ongwongoli Toka, v. t. Bela. Tola, v. t. Tora. Toli, a. Nonga. Tolie, v. i. Tuwa. Tombilie, v. t. Nazina. Tombitha, v. t. Tombinla. Tomba, v. i. Jomwanla. Tunishe, v. t. Tuliza. Tute, 4. Tutu. Tyaka, v. t. Tuma. Tyi, a. Ngwa. Tyi, ad. v Zye. Tyinhlie, v. t. Diria. Tyinhtha, v. t. Puruna. Tyiba, v. t. Tula. Tyimilie, v. i. Jaza. Tyityi, 4. Evere. Tyinjilie, v. t. Sombia. Tyinjitba, v. t. Pindia. Tyuka, v. t. Tyuta, v. t. Suna. Tyuni, 7 Njuki. Tyvma, v. i. Tula. Tyuma, v. t. Tuma. Tyumba, v. t. Pezya. Tyula, v. t. Tyunitha, v. t. Panga njuk Tyuba, v. t. Teta. Tyubitha, v. t. f\ Va, ad. Yena. Vala, v. t» Tumba* English. Heat (water). Make blaze. Yomit. Leave, clear out. Be or become old. Blaze. Flame, blaze. Roar. Take away. Chameleon. Want, seek for. Move (effects or town) from a place. Old. Burst. Hand over. Lift up. Quarrel. Dull. Two fathoms cloth. Stick (with pointed in- strument). Shut. Not. Tie. Untie. Beat, pound, pulverize. Sneeze. Animal, meat. Command. Push, shove. Squeeze. Pinch. Trouble. Be or become dull. Sew. Burn (a farm). Strip off (leaves). Trouble. Speak, utter. Stab. Here, where. Dig up. 67 Bak&e. Mpongwe. English. Yala, v. t. Tongunia. Raise up. Yalia, v. i. Nongwa. Arise. Yanh, v. t. Ta. Wish. Yanda, v. t. Tama. Choose, select. Yani, ad. Gogo. There. Yani, ad. Gwi. Where. Yanja, v. t. Sazya. Tear down, demolish. Yanjitha, v. t. Pazangana. Scatter, waste. Yanava, ad. Yava. There. Yeia, 8. Ogoni. Firewood, fire. Veka, v. t. Mia. Know. Yela, v. i. Mana. Heal. Yelia, v. i. Miagana. Know each other. Yelie, v. t. Keniza. Try, measure. Yenhlie, v. t. Feuginla. Wait for. Yende, v. t. Jambunla. Sweep. Yenia, v. i. Ogwande. Be generous. Yenha, v. i. Jena igono. Tend (an infant). Yeshe, v. t. Mieza. Cause to know. Yebe, v. i. Dogwa. Fly, bounce. Yebilia, v. i. Pevina. Blow gently. Ye or The, v. t. Pa or Pe. Give, pay. Yebi, 3. Ongwei. Breath. Yembe, v. i. Pevina. Blow hard, blow (the nose). Yeshe, v. t. Peniza. Neglect, slight. Yethe, v. t. Pedia. Insult, treat with con- tempt. Yia, 8. Ongwa. Little one. Yialia, v. i. Ninia. Sink, dive. Yiambilia, v. t. Pelavela. Brandish. Yialie. Otutu. Smoke. Yia, 8. Ikozyo. Mushroom. Yiali, 8. Ososi. Whistling. Yiali, 8. Eshange. Hawk. Yibakwa, 8. Mbinji. Wild-dog, jackall. Yiba, v. t. Samba. Kiss. Yibilia, v. i. Sambana. Kiss each other. Yibiki, 8. Mbo.^ Musquito. YieteJi, 8. Ogegeni. Star. Yiekoli, 8. Olagazyonge. Fire fly. Yietete, a. Boba. Lopsided. Yie, ad. Banda. Tight, fast. Yikienh, 8. Ovenda. Razor, scissors. Yikosha, 8. Ogula. Tornado. Yikaka, 8. Mbato. Stinginess (about money). 68 BakSlg. Vile, 8. Vilambe, 8. Vilanga, 8. VileH, 8. Viletyi, 8. Viliej v. t. Yilonda, 8. Vilest, 8. Yimi, 3. Vinani, 8. Vinhlie, v. t. Vinhtha, v. t. Yinda, v. i. Vinishe, v. t. Yinji, a. Yina, 8 & 3. Vina-vishangwe. Yindoli, 8. Yinitha, v. t. Vinya, 8. Yinda, v. t. Vinyangwe, 8. Yio, 8. Yionji, 8. Viosha, 8. Visheli, 8. Vishegwe, 8. Vishlie, v. t. Vishali, 8. Yishivishali, ad. Yishivishoka, ad. Vitha. Yithaba, ad. Vithonhlie, 8. Vitoli, 8. Vitya, v. i. Vityitha, v. t. Vityie, 8. Yivai, 8. Yivitha, v. t. Yiu, a. Yi, ad. Wanda, v. t. Wabi, 3. Mpongwe. Mango. Mondo. Oronga. JSTkoro. Elenge. JSTungunla. Oloncla. Oresi. ISTkani. Nyani. Kavalia. Sungo. Jila. Findiza. Cnambe. Omen'lo. Omen ompolu. Ozyakilia. Jongunla. Ofuru. ]N"iimba. Njiko. Yio. Erem. Ongwei. ]STtyeri. Itu. Puga. Ntyali. Ongwazama. Erungu. Yina. Bo. Nkenjo. Kalua. Kalunia. Ojo. Mbadi. Tena. Yiavia. Gwi. W. Jarunla. Ozyazya. Swiftness. Snare. The deep channel. Centipede. Poor man, lazy. Help. Bead. Rice. Sickness, pain. Bird. Roll. Borrow. Be or become dark. Make dark. Black. Finger. Thumb. Kindler. Covet. Sand-fly, gnat. Hate. Brown water-bird. Distress. Hatchet. Sunshine. Gazelle. Fun. Cover. Sparrow. Little. In a whisper. Sleep. Far away. Fire-brand. Dwarf. Change, turn. Change. Torch 1 , candle. Squirrel. Chop. Black, brown. Where. Split. Palaver. 69 BakSlS. Wali,a. Watha, v. i. Walie, v. t. Walinga, a. Wanh, v. i. Wanhshe, v. t. Washa, v. t. Wembilie, v. t. Wo, a. Woka, v. i. Woitha, v. i. "Wola, v. i. Wolie, v. i. Wolishe, v. i. Womba, v. i. Wombishe. "Woni, ad. Woshe, v. t. Wotha, v. t. Wubie, a. Wubitha, v. i. Wubishe, v. t. "Wula, v. t. Wulia, v. i. Wunja, v. i. Wunjitha, v. t. Wunjitha, v. i. Wunhlie, v. t. Wusha, a. Wusha, v. t. Wuta, v. t. Mpongwe. English. Nkei. Cool. Paula. Become cool. Panliza. Cool. ; Kega. Crooked. Pama. Be or become fat. Pamiza. Fatten, j Penla. Twist. Kogina. Snuff. Da. Doa da. Still, silent. Be still. Poza. Tua. Stop, quit. Be sharp. Jalia. Be able. Negiza. Hasten, sharpen. Pombiavombia. Gunu. Oscillate, be deranged, Make swing, befool. Here. Bundakaina. Break, spoil. Shuga. Trouble. Mpe. Tuna. Short. Be or become short. Tuniza. Shorten. Bumba. Betroth. Duma. Swell. Purua. Become loose. Puruna. Untie. Bundunla. Boil (as spring). Punjina. Iginji. Blow (with mouth). Awkward. Punga. Throw. Kombina, Hem, fold. ENGLISH AND BAKELE. A. Abash, v. t. jenisM shdni. Abdomen, n. mai. Abhor, v. t. hena. Abide, v. i. diya. Ability, n. nguli. Able, v. i. wolie. Abound, v. i. butha. Above, thohe. Abroad, ad. pe mbothe. Absent, v. i. ski be. Abuse, v. t. kwelie. Accuse (falsely), v. t. banhlie. Ache, v. i. kancla. Acknowledge, v. t. mewi. Act, v. t. kama. Adam's apple, n. dingdnh. Add, v. t. kolia. Adhere, v. i. nata. Adversary, n. themba. Adz, n. pake. Afar, ad. mthaba. Affair, n. aba. Afraid, v. i. nyenh. After, ad. pis he f%. Again, vA.bali. Aground, v. i. sliika. Ahead, ad. pe boshe. Aid, v. t. vilie. Aim, v. i. jelia. Albino, 11. akoi, apene. Alcohol, n. mathale. Alight, v. i. beiytbe. Alike, a. na ntyinh wat&. Alive, a. kikami. All, a.jes7ie, dec. Allegorize, v. t. kanitha. Allegory, n. ngana. Alligator, n. nganji. Allow, v. t. melie. Allure, v. t. Itanda. Almighty, a. na 7iguli nyeshe. Almost, ad. kunakuna. Alone, ad. dipa. Aloud, ad. na nguli (with strength). Also, ad. njiki. Alter, v. t. mtyitha. Altercate, v. t. shunhlia. Altercation, n. dishunhlia. Always, ad. adukwa jeshe (all time). Amulet, n. borne, mubunda, nshua. Ancestry, n. bambamba. Anchor, ii. nyilu. And, conj. na, did. Anger, n. mbimba, dianhi. Angle, ii. dityunjiki. Angle, v. thdba. Angry, v. i. nyanya. Animal, n. tyityi. Annoy, v. t. kdmd njuhi. Annoyance, n. njulci. Anoint, v. t. jdtha. Another, a. wctkd. Another's, a. nga. Answer, v. i. jeliba. Ant-hill, n. nshemba. Ant, n. shikwe (one species). Anvil, n. ndokwe. Any, a. jeshe, c&c. Apparition, n. jimie. Approach, v. i. nja kuna (come near). Arise, v. i. valia. Arm, n. mho. Armadillo, n. kawe. Arm-pit, n. kabilie* 102 Arrange, v. t. shambitha. Arrest, v. t. bietha. Arrive, v. i. hatha, pama. Arrow, n. asholaoe. As, conj. mbo. Ascend, v. i. beta. Ashamed, v. i. jene shani. Ashes, n. dishumbiki. Ashore, ad. pe penje. Ask, v. t.pika. Assemble, v. t. shdbilie. Assent, v. i. melie. Astonish, v. t. mamishe. At, prep.^e. Attempt, v. i. jelia. Awake, v. i. jemia. Awake, v. t. jemitha. Awkward, a. washa. Awkwardness, n. biwusha. Axe, n. vionji. B. Babe, n. lakienhthe. Bachelor, m nkathct. Back, n. nkdnh. Backbone, n. nJcala. Backwards, ad. pepishe. Bad, a. Tribe. Bag, n. mianje. Bail, v. t. loka. Bait, n. ndia. Baldness, n. dibama. Ball, n. ntoa, abuJci. Bamboo (for building), n. aban- jika. Bamboo-nut, n. lanjoi. Bamboo-tree, n. dityutyi. Banana, n. ditcttd. Bark, n. aviki. Bark, v. i. ngboma. Barrel, n. ntelce. Barren- woman, n. akomba. Barter, v. t. shomba. Basin, n. ntyenge. . Bask, v. i. jdld. Basket, n. adongwe^japa, mbaka different kinds). Bat, n. nderna. Bathe, v. i. jobitha. Beach, n. nsheke. Beads, n. vilonda. Beak, n. aslidtiki. Bean, n. ashange. Bear (carry), v. t. bapie. Bear (produce), v. t. juma. Beard, n. jeli. Beast, ii. tyityi. Beat, v. t. bitha. Beautiful, a. na bishdmbe. Beauty, n. bishambe. Because, conj. nadiambilindi. Beckon, v. i. pepilie. Bed, n. ananh, dihaki. Bed-time, n. adukwa-yi-nyinhi- ilia. Bee, n. lanyui. Beef, n. tyityi-nga-nyatyi. Beeswax, n. aponga. Before, ad.^e boshe. Beg, v. t. bembe. Be^et, v. t. biatha. Begin, v. t. tatytke. Behind, ^.pepishe. Behold, v. t. shanh. Belch, v. i. doya. Believe, v. t. melie. Bell, n. uteri ge. Bellow, v. i. thonda. Bellows, n. nkomba. Belly, n. mai. Below, ad.^e shi. Belt, n. nya. Bench, n. ashuavenda. Bend, v. t. kdtyishe. , Benefit, v. t. kombitha. Bent, a. Mia. Beseech, v. t. shdshilie. Between, prep, pe tema. Betroth, v. t. wula. Beyond, prep, pe boshe, pe mbo wdkd. Big, a. nen. Bigness, n. nenia. Billet (of wood), n. mpimji. Billow, n. nkeba. 103 Binding, n. dibunde^ kola. Bird, n. vinani. Birdnest, n.jaki. Biscuit, n. adeka. Bite, v. t. kiele. Bitterness, n. atholi. Black, a. vinji. Blacken, v. t. vinishe. Blackfish, n. nguba. Black- man, n. mutyi-nga-vinji. Blacksmith, n. nlui. Blame, v. t. shembe. Blame, n. nshembia. Blanket, n. awu. Blaze, n. iholi. Blaze, v. i. tholiba. Bleed, v. t. babilie. Blessing, n. dibata. Blind person, n. apaki, njime. Blister, n. dishola. Blood, n. Blow (gently), v. i. pupilie. Blow (with mouth), v. t. wunhlie. Blow (the nose), v. i. vembe. Blow down, v. t. pumbitha. Board, n. ntyimbi. Boast, v. i. paka-nyuli. Boat, n. alenji. Body, n. nyuli. Boil, n. diala. Boil (as water), v. i. kola, taka. Boil, v. t. tdshe. Bold, a. na lema. Bone, n. avesha. Book, n. ashangango. Border, n. mbeiki. Bore, v. t. bathd, pila. Borrow, v. t. vinhtha. Bounce, v. i. vebe. Boundary, n. ntheli. Bow (for shooting), n. nte. Bow (of canoe, &c), n. dishdli. Bow, v. i. data. Bowels, n. miethe. Bowl, n. ntyenge. Bow-legged, a. makete. Box, n. avata. Boy, n. ndembishali. Brace, v. t. slmlca. Braid, n. dishola. Braid, v. t. nama. Brains, n. bldnh. Branch, n. alaba. Brandish, v. t. orambilie. Brass, n. nyenie. Brass kettle, n. mbeye. Brass pan, n. anjanja. Brass rod, n. dishunh. Break, n. mpemba. Break (crockery, &c), v. i. bolie. Break, ^ " " v. t. botha. Break (stick, n. miebiki. Edge, n. miebiki. Effects, n. dumba. Egg, n. diaki. Elbow, n. angarijikL Elephant, n. njaki. Embark, v. i. tabd. Empty, a. nani. Enclose, v. t. dibilie. Enclose, v. t. lunha. End, n. landanga. End, v. t. shilie. Endure, v. t. jika. Enemy, n. themba. Enlarge, v. t. nenishe. Enmity, n. athoni. Enter, v. i. nyinhitha. Entrails, n. miethe. Envy, n. avina. 106 Errand, n. lomili. Escape, v. i. bamba. Escape, thebitha. Evening, ad. ngothoma. Examine, v. t. benhethe. Excel, v. i. daka. Except, prep. nge. Exchange, v. t. shenhla. Explain, v. t. tyimbitha. Explicitly, ad. gwashi. Extinguish, v. t. dima. Extricate, v. t. kabitha. Eye, n. dishi. Eyebrow, n. angiaka. Eyelid, n. athai. F. Face, n. boshe. Fail (as streams), v. i. gwetha. Faint, v. i. shoba. Fall, v. i. kwa. Falls, n. dishoki. Fame, n. lakumi. Family, n. ataka. Fan,n. mjpungi. Fan, v. t. jpujpilie. Far, ad. vithaba. Farm, n. ahanli. Fat (to be), v. i. tvan'h. Father, n. shangwe. Fathom, awnba. Fatten, v. t. loansM. Fear, n. nyenhgwa. Fear, nyenh. Fearful (to be), v. i.janhba. Feast, n. dibeki. Feather (tail of birds), n. asha- tha. Fe'id, v. t. dieshe. Fell, v. t. kwele. Fetish, n. akutyc. Fence, n. nkala. File, n. agwashi. Fill, v. t. lo?iishe. Find, v. t. dushitha. Fine, a. sMmbe. Finger, n. vina. Finger-nail, n. anyala. Fire, n. veia. Fire, du. Fire-brand, n. anjika. Fire-fly, n. viekoli. Fire-steel, n. mianga. Fire-wood, n. veia. First, a. gweke. Fish, n. shie. Fish-hook, n. ditJiabi. Fish-net, n. mbusha. Fish-scale, n. abashi. Fish -spear (bamboo), n. ashasha. Fish-spear, n. avangi. Fist, n. aboli, atyuli. Flag, n. ntyanga. Flamingo, n. mbelo. Flannel, n. nioinhinanga. Flap, v. t.pegilm Flea, n. lanyatha. Flee, v. i. nyenh. Flesh, n. nshoni. Float, v. i. thenhmbe. Flock, n. ndianh. Flood, n. ndembe. Flood-tide, n. niapanjia. Floor, n. ndeke. Flour, n. inpembci. Flower, n. lapesha. Fly, v. i. vebP-. Fly, n. lambathd. Fly-brush, n. lanji. Foam, n. lapuliki. Foetus, n. dibum. Fog, n. dingutyi. Fold, v. t. wuta. Food, n. bidia. Fool, n. alesha. Foot, n. dibo. Foresight, n. bikieli. Forehead, n. ashili. Forget, v. t. levisha. Forks (of road), n. mai. Forsake, v. t. kuta. 107 Fowl, n. Jcuba. Fragments, n. minyungwa, mputha. Freckle, n. lambakitha. Freshet, n. ndembe. Friend, n. jombi. Frock, n. alinga. Fruit, n. abuma. Fry, v. tjanh. Full, a. beni. Full, a. dibomi. Full, v. i. londa. Fun, vishegwe. G. Gain, n. biba. Gape, v. tjabitha. Garment, n. ngctye. Gate, n. lakobaka. Gazelle, n. msheli. Generous (to be), v. i. venia. Get, v. t kovitha. Gift, n. bivehe. Gift, n. mpaka. Ginger, n. am,analceta. Girdle, n. nya. Girl, n. ndembishalL Give, v. t. ve. Gizzard, n. dibanda. Glad (to be), v. t. dona. Glass, n. alashi. Glide, v. t. landa. Go, v. i. Me. Goat, n. amboli. . God, n. anyambie. Good, a. mhenh, mbali. Goora-nut, n. dibeli. Go out, v. i. dusha. Gouge, v. t. pinjitha. Gourd, n. ngandct, shobe. Gown, n. alinga. Grand- child, n. ndatJia. Grand-parent, n. mbamba. Grass-field, n. ntovi. Grass-hopper, n. nyakayekaye. Grave, n. shank. Gray-hair, n. lambunhi. Greediness, n. lanyalca. Green-parrot, n. akiydrnbd. Grind, v. t. jiya. Groan, v. i. benja. Ground, n. asliapika. Ground, v. i. shika. Ground-nut, n. lambenda. Grow, v. i. longwa. Growth, n. longwa. Grumble, v. i. nyamila. Guest, n. nthenh. Gullet, n. aminiM. Gum- copal, n. abama. Gum-elastic, n. ndambie. Gun, n. njali. Gun-flint, n. diJcenje. Gut, v. t. shoya. H. Hair, n. lashoi. Hair-pin, n. miashi. Half, angili. Halloo, v. t. jamilta. Hammer, n. ndokwe. Hand, n. diMnji. Handkerchief, n. divelesJt. Handle (of knife), n. ndaka. Hang up, v. t.petyie. Hard (to be), v. dela. Hard, a. deli. Harp, n. ngambi. Hasten, v. i. kola. Hasten, v. i. wolishe. Hat, n. abobi. Hatchet, n. adiolca. Hate, v. t. bena. Hate, v. t. vinda. Hatred, n. mbenia. Hatred, n. labeni. Head (of tobacco), n. abonji. Head, n. laiigaha, mulie. Head of navigation, n. nibothi. Head-wife, n. ahonji. 108 Heal, v. i. vela. Heap, n. dishoslia. Ilea j", v. t. joJca. Heart, n. lema. Heat, v. t. thonhshe. Heat, n. mbelia bithonh. Hedge-hog, n. ngomba. Heel, n. dityili. Help, v. t. vilie. Hera, v. t. wuta. Hen -hawk, n. vidli. Here, ad. va, woni. Herring, n. rnbeli. Hiccough, n. asheisheiki. Hide (one's self), v. i. shdlibd. Hide, v. t. s/idlie. Hiding-place, n. dishdthd. Hill, n. mbeka. Hinge, n. Jcdbe. Hippopotamus, n. ngubi. Hoarseness, n. bianhsha. Hoe, u. apian je. Hog, n. ngoya. Hold, n. mpulingi. Hole, n. rnpuli. Hole (in ground), n. lambetha. Hole, n. dibowa. Honey, n. bivi. Honey- comb, n. aleni. Honor, v. t. natha. Hoof, n. dinyalild. Horn, n. lalca. Horn, n atyiJca. Hot (to be), v. i. of water, thonna. Hour, n. digwela di nlcdla. How many ? a. nit f Hunger, n. nyatha. Hunter, n. njothi. Hunting net, n. divxityi. Hurt, v. t. julca. Hurt, v. t. juishe. Husk, v. t ndthd. Husk, n. abotyi. Hypocrisy, n. bishdmbe-gioana. I. If, conj. & prep. na. Image, n. akmba. Impinge, v. t. dumitha. Infant, n. lalcienhtM. Inside, pungwe. Insult, v. t. tdthd. Interiorward , nshombeJca. Iron, n. jobu. Iron-bar, n. dibanja. Iron-hoop, n. alanga. Iron-pot, n. anipotyi. Island, n. anenge. Ivory, n. s/aba. Jealousy, n. ak&liki. Join, v. t. bonha. Joint, n. ffimdnhthd, diontha. Joke, v. t. dete. Joke, n. adetyi. Journey, n. rnbothe. Journey, v. i. thenh. Jug, n. ashvka. Jump, v. i. betya. Just now, ad. Jciava. k; Keep, v. t. talie. Key, n. ashapi. Kick, nyata, nshanh. Kill, v. t. jotha. Killer, n. njothi. King, n. abotyi. Kiss, v. t. pidpti, viba. Knead, v. t.pidtd. Knee, n.dibdnh. Kn ee-pan , n . lambai. Kneel, v. i. ngonjiba. Knife (two-edged, pointed), n. shake. Knock, v. t. boma, dumilie. Knot, n, dityia. Know, v. t. veka. 109 L. Ladder, n. dibiaki. Lair, n. dibona. Land, n. kinjiki. Land, v. i. s/iuma. Land-crab, n. diwdmbd. Land-turtle, n. hull. Landing, n. jeni. Large, v. i. nene. Last, a. madimilicc. Laugh, v. t. jdthd. Laugh at, v. t. lenli. Laughter, n. Idle. Law, n. nthali. Lay down, v, t. ncmgwe, nikwe Lead, n. nsliumbi. Leaf, n. akai. Leak, v. i. tdyd. Lean, v. i. lenhbe. Lean (to be), v. i. kasha. Leanness, n. nkashi. Learn, v. t. jetha. Leave, v. t. lika. Leach, n. dinyili. Left-handed, a. dirndnge. Leg, n. nkothi. Leg (of meat), n. anama. Leg (of animal), n. myatlia. Length, n. ntethe, nthahia. Lengthen, v. t. labishe. Leprosy, n. nzyam. Let go, v. i. patyiiha. Letter (of alphabet), n. lende. Letter, n. ashangobi. Level, a. lata. Lick, v. t. nyatha. Lie, v. t. noka. Lie down, v. i. thatha. Life, n. lakiki. Lift up, v. t. tombitha. Light, a. ihanli. Light (not heavy), a. thepi. Light, n. bithdnh. Light, v. t. (a candle), betyie. Lighten, v. t. thepithe. Like, ad. & prep. mbo. 10 Limb (of body), n. akesha. Limber, a. namhi. Lime (fruit), n. diloshi. Limits, n. manjaki. Link, n. debdnld. Lip, n. alliai. Listen, v. t. jolia. Little, ad. visJdvishali. Liver, n. asheeke. Lizard, n. mdandctngwe. Load, n. ntetyi. Loaf, n. aljuki. Loan, n. ashamba. Lock, n. mpdka. Log;, n. nkdkd. T p 1 ... Loin, n. jonr/i. Loins, n. dinanh. Long, a. laba. Long-time, n. abemhL Look, v. t. shanh. Looking-glass, n. jena. Loose (to be), v. i. wunja. Loosen, v. t. wunjitha. Louse, n. lanina. Love, v. t. dinfia. Love, n. ladinh. Luff, v. i. jenjitha. Lunacy, n. mienye. Lungs, n. bishawuli. Lust, n. madinlia. M. Make, v. t. kamd, komba. Maker, n. nkombi. Mark, n. diveka. Mark (on body), n. lamba. Marrow, n. shdthe. Marry, v. t. batha. Mast, n. nJcum. Mat, n. abunli. Matter (of sore), n. lavinya. Measure (of length), n. mielid. Measure (of quantity), n. hive- nishi. Measure, v. t. velie. Measure, v. t. jelia. 110 Meat, n. tyityi. Medicine, n. Manh, manli. Meekness, n. diminikwe. Meet, v. i. bomita. , Melt, v. i. jinia. Melt, v. t. jmitha. Mend, v. t. shdnh. Messenger, n. abenga. Messenger, n. mienji. Middle, n. tenia. Middle dry season, n. ashevi. Milk, n. manyadiba. Mill, n. dboka. Milliped, n. nganhthe. Mimic, v. t. jiesha. Mincing, dijashi. Mist, n. ashopi. Mistake, v. i. thasha. Mistake, v. t. dirnbitha. Mix, v. t. jpula. Mock, v. t. jamitTia. Money, n. dibom. Monkey, n. kiema. Moon, n. ngdnje. Moonlight, n. mieli. More, ad. poslio. More, ad. dakami. Morning, n. kwalikwaliS. Mortar, n. aboka. Mother, n. nyangwe. Mouldy (to be), x.i. jnnnitha. Mouse, Vi.jpo. Mouth, n. gwana. Move, v. i. shusha. Move (one's residence), v. t. tola. Mpongwe language, diyokwe. Much, ad. mbonde. Much, ad. bideli. Mud, n. ntomba. Mud-hole, n. ataki. Mullet, n. tnand. Mushroom, n. via. Music-box, n. dibeka. Musketoe, n. vibiki. Muzzle, mpombi.'i N. Nail, n. landaka. Name, n. dina. Name, v. t. tholie. Naked, a. shambe. Nape, n. diali. Narrow, a. liwba. Nation, n. divala. Nausea, n. bitholiS. Navel, n. ditai. Neck, n. kinli. Necklace, n. ababa. Needle, n. ntombe. Neglect, v. t. veshe. Nest, n. jaki. New, a. kia. News, n. nthaka. Night, n. mpuma. No, ad. bia. Nod, v. i. TrieM, Nod, ndenh. Noise, n. anzyonli. , Noon, n. nda-ndeni, tema-nya- ndanJi. Nose, n. dioi. Nostril, n. nkomha. Not, ad. do. Not, ad. tyi. Notch, n. diboki. Nothing, n. bikamikamie. Notify, v. t. bomilie. O. Oar, n. lakapi, lalenje. Obey, v. t. jolie. Oil, n. rnali. Okra, n. mbatha. Old, a. toli. Old person, n. ntoli. Open, a. thdnh. Open, v. t. dibitha. Open (eyes), v. t. banhtha. Opposite, a. shonhlie. Orange, n. diliasa. Out-door fire, n. abeki. Ill Owl, n. ashuli. Own, v. t. bdmd. Owner, n. mete,. Oyster, n. dilanji. P. Paddle, n. lakapi. Paddle, v. t. duka. Pail, n. alculi. Pain, n. mmi. Painful (to be), v. i. kanda. Paint, n. digwele. Paint, v. t. jalie. Palaver, n. dipaki. Palaver, wabi, nshdshd. Pal in (of hand), n. lapdshi. Palm-cabbage, n. as/id. Palm-tree and fruit, n. dimbila Palm- wine, n, matMcko, Panting, n. dibuki. Paper, n. ashangobi. Parable, n. ngana. Pardon, v. t. dieshe. Parlor, n. mbanja. Parrot, n. koshe. Partition, n. apaka. Partition (of house), n. diben jika. Pass, v. i. daka. Pass, v. i. hula. Patch, dibeta. Patch, n. jena. Path, n. njetha. Paunch, n. awushi. Paw, n. dibo. Pawn, n. apuni. Pay, n. dive. Pea, n. ashange. Peace, n. patha. Peal, v. t. jopitha. Peck, kieke. Peck, v. t. shdta. Peep, v. t. nalie. Pen, n. ashatha. Perched, a. bete. Perhaps, ad. Jcamba. Perplex, v. t. thaste. Perseverance, n. mbanji. Person, n. mutyi. Perspiration, n. adiki. Pestle, n. ndushiki. Piazza, n. bikami. Piazza, n. nshinhtha. Pick, v. t. jutha. Piece, n. apes hi. Piece (of flesh or fish), n. abonh. Pierce, v. t. luma. Pigeon, n. dipepika. Pigeon (green), n. lambeya. Pile, v. t. shoshie. Pillow, n. ashuubi. Pin, n. ntombe. Pinch, v. t. tyuta. Pine-apple, n. nkubia. . Pipe, n. nsho. Pistol, n. aduka. Plait, v. t.penda. , Plane, n. lanjili. Plant, v. t. bethe. Plantain, n. akanda. Plate, n. apele. Play, v. t. joka-lokwe. Pluck, v. t.pdkd. Plunder, v. t. janja. Point (of land), n. anguni. Poison, n. akiembe. Pole (for building), n. lambinh. Post, n. ndombi. Potatoe, n. amonga. Pounce, v. t. ngwanjiba. Pound, n. digwera di didodo. Pound, v. t. tyiba. Pour, v. t. shoba. Poverty, n. mbubi. Praise, n. apuki. Praise, v. t. paka. Pray, int. shosho ! \ Precipice, n. lakombi. Prepare, v. t. koshe. Press upon, v. t. nyeshiliB. Press down, v. t. manda. Press, v. t. batyie. Prevent, v. t. pepa. 112 Profit, n. hiba. Promise, n. t/iali. Promise, v. t. thalia. Prophesy, v. t. sliaka, tembe. Pull, v. t. limbie. Pull, v. t. dambitha. Pulverize, v. t. jiya. Punish, v. t. leba. Purge, v. i. kwanja. Purge, v. t. kwanjitM. Purpose, n. akieli. Push, v. t. nyitha. Push, v. t. tyinjitha. Put, v. t. Jceshe. Put together, v. t. lata. q. Quarrel, n. atombi. Quarrel, v. i. torriba. Quarter (of town), vijonji. Quiver, v. i. mbuenha, ngioanh- tha. K. Pain, n. mbutha. Rain, v. i. nayci. Raise up, v. t. belishe. Paise up, v. t. benitha. Pam, v. t. damilie. Pam-rod, n. ns/iete. Rapidity (of speaking), 3 lanja sha. Rapids, n. dishoki. Rat, n. nkothi. Ravine, n. divenji. Razor, n. vikienli. Read, v. t. lanh. Recumbently, ad. bia. Red, a. mbei. Redeem, v. t. shun j a. Red pepper, n. mintanganie. Redwood, n. abeli. Refuse, v. t. nyima. Reject, v. t. kina. Remember, v. t. lanhlie. Remove, jipitha. Remove, v. t. thotha. Repair, v. t. ~kom~ba. Repeat, v. i. balie. Reprove, v. t. leba. Resemble, v. t. tavilia. Residence, n. adiya. Respect, n.junh. Respect, v. t. jungwe. Respect, v. t. natha. Rest, v. i.jdlia. Return, v. i. bidia. Return, v. t. bidishe. Revenge, makemjilia. Rice, n. mlesi. Riches, n. ntambi. Rich man, n. anami. Ridge-pole, n. mbonh, bityua. Rind, n. abotyi. Ring, n. nkoma. Ripen, v. i. beya. Rise up, v. i. dibia. Road, n. njetha. Roar, v. i. tlionda. Roast, v. t. bujpa. Rob, v. t.janja. Roll, v. t. vinhlie. Roof, n. nyunhtha. Room, n. alongwe. Root, n. nlcanh. Rope, n. nwuli. Rot, v. i. batM. Row, v. t. duJca. Rub together, v. t. sliinldie. Rudder, n. ajpepa. Rum, n. mathdk. Run, v. i.pimda. Rust, n. nyanga. S. Sacred, a. aJcitha. Salt, n. makiemba. Salute, v. t. mbolie. Sand, n. dishei. Sap, n. T/iak&njiM. Satiate, v. i.jula. 113 Satiate, v. t.julishe. Satiety, n. mbiinbi. Savior, n. nshunh. Savor, 11. ndio. Saw, n. agwasJii. Say, v. i.ja. Say, v. t. kdtlid. Scab, n. abashi. Scar, n. apeli. Scar, n. landoli. Scatter, v. t. miasha. Scissors, n. vikienh. Scold, v. t. shembe. Scorpion, n. ngiye. Scour, v. t. she ye. Scrape, v. t.jdmbd. Scratch, v. t. nyala. Scratch, n. dibibiki. Scream, v. i. tata. Sea, n. nsJio. Sea-crab, n. digevxo. Sea-sickness, n. diwdldngd. Seam, n. nlatyiki. Seat, adiya. Seaward, ad. nsliokielhi. See, v. t.jene. Seed, n. lambashi. Seek, v. t. toka. Sein, n. aloha. Sell, v. t. shomba. Send, v. t. loma. Send (by another), v. t. banjilie. Sister, n. kali. Shave, v. t. Icienli. Sheath, n. dibainbi. Sheep, n. anddmdki. Shin, n. konhwe. Shine, v. t.panya. Ship, n. biali-bi-ntanga. Shiver, v. i. ngwamba. Shoot, v. t. duma. Shore, n. nshaka. Short, a. wubie. Shorten, v. t. wubishe. Shoulder, n. abeke. Shout, v. t.jamilia. Shove, v. t. kdkd. Show, v. t. lebile. Shut, a. tyl. Shut, v. t. diba. Sick (to be), v. i. tata. Sicken, v. t. tashe. Sickness, n. vimi. Side, n. tetyika. Side (of house), n. ajnmbika. Side (of a place), n. biatyi. Side (of a person), n. lambanja. Sigh, v. i. shiekwa. Sight, n. njenia. Silent, a. wo. Sing, v. t.jatha. Singe, v. t.janhtha. Sink, v. i. nwanh. Sink, v. t. nina. Sending, n. lomili. Sense, n. akombi. Senselessness, n. awombi. Set down, v. t. telle. Sew, v. t. lata. Sew, v. t. tyuma. Shadow, n. nshinhsMnh. Shake, v. t. knbilie. Shake, v. t. poshe. Shame, shani. Shark, n. nkanje. Sharp, a. nwoli. Sharp (to be), v. i. Sit up, v. i. mayd. Size, n. dibimba. Skill, n. dikienge. Skim, v. t. thdbd. Skin, n. akonda. Skin, v. t. sholitha. Skulk, v. i. denh. Slack (to be), v. i. tengwa. Slacken, v. t. tenhthe. Slander, v. tjinda. Slave, n. nshaka. Sleep, n. vithd. Sleep, v. i. thatha. Sharpen (sticks, &c), v. t. sha- Sleepless (to be), v. i. binhisha. lie. Slide, v. i. shenja. 114 Slip, v. i. she?ija. Small, a. shall. Smarting (of pain), n. ashi- shoi. Smear, v. t.jdfhd. Smell, v. t. numbilie. Smile, v. i. miemitha. Smoke, n. vialie. Snake, n. nyonh. Snare, n. mlambt. Snatch, v. t. thambitha. Sneeze, v. i. tyimilie. Snore, v. i. nganlie. Snot, Ti.juba. Snuff, v. t. wembilie. Snuff-box, n. adoshi. So, ad. nani. Soak, v. t. duba. Soap, n. ntyabi. Sob, v. i. shiekwa. Soft, a. teki. Soften, v. t. teshe. Sole, n. lapdshi. Sole-fish, n. moka. Song, n. ja. Soot, n. lambithi. Sore, n. pienh. Sorrow, n. ngd?ih, ngatd. Sort, n. ntyinh. Soul, n. nshinhshinh. Soup, n. miembe. Sour, v. i. kaka. Sourness, n. dingbami. Sow, v. t. miasha. Spark, n. dikatha. Speak, lebila. Speak, v. t. tyuba. Spear, v. dikdnh. Speckle, n. ditdnd. Spider, n. dilobi. Spirit, n. avashina. Spittle, n. dithdnji. Split, n. nwanji. Split, shana. Split, v. t. wanda. Spoil, v. t. woshe. Spoon, n. dinzydmbi. Sprain, n. bikuka. Spread, v. tjanie. Spring, n. didianh. Sprinkle, v. t. miashilie. Sprout, n. niyildmbia. Sprout, v. i. pasha. Spur, n. mbela. Squat, a. shota. Squat, v. i. shotyiba. Squeeze, v. t. pinya. Squirrel, n. vivai. Stag, n. mbuli. Stagger, v. i. leshilie. Stagger, v. i. ndernbilia. Stammering, n. aJcubethe. Stand, v. i. tebe. Star, n. vieteli. Statue, n. alemba. Steal, v. t.jiba. Steamboat, n. biali-bwailie. Steel-j ard, n. didodo. Step, v. t. nyaia. Stick, n. jeli. Stick, n. akaki. Stick, v. t. nata. Stick, v. t. lama. Still, a. wo. Sting, n. loba. Sting, v. t. loba. Stinginess (of food), n. binyunh. Stinginess (of money), n. vik- aka. Stingy, a. nyunh. Stir, v. t. buya. Stolen wife, n. avanja. Stomach, n. awushi. Stone, n. dikdhi. Stopper, n. aduiki. Straighten, v. t. nimbitha. Straighten (up), v. i. benia. Straighten, v. t. nyenitha. Stranger, n. ntMnh. Strap, n. atyuna. Street, n. nshenh. Strength, n. nguli. Strike, v. t. bitha. String, n. nshia. 115 Stump, n. akumi. Suck, v. t. nyanh, pi&pa. Suckle, v. t. nyanhshe. Suffice, v. t. koka. Sugar-cane, Sugar, n. nkokwe. Suit, v. t. nyebilie. Summit, n. diabi. Sun, n. dioba. Sunday, n. shdna. Sunshine, n. viosha. Surprise, v. t. shovitha. Surround, y. lete. Suspend, v. t.panie. Swallow, v. t. mina. Swarm (of bees), n. didutha. Sweep, v. t. vende. Sweetness, n. ndio. Swelling, n. miebe. Swiftness, n. vile. Swim, v. i. jcika. Swindle, v. t. diongilie. Swing, v. i. womba. Swing, y. t. ivombishe. T. Tail, n. nkonji. Take, v. t. nanh. Take (off or out), v. t. jarnitha Tale, n. ntliaka. Talk, n. milanli. Taste, v. t. hicka. Teach, v. t. jelie. Teacher, n. wjeli. Tear, v. t. nyaba. Teat, n. dibethe, dinya. Tendon, n. nshisha. Thanks, n. dibatd. Then, conj. &«, kctna. There, ad. vanava. Therefore, conj. kana. Thick (of cloth), a. jushi. Thief, n. njibi. Thigh, n. mbethe. Thin, a. thantyith&ntyi. Thing, n. alombi, mtitd. Think, v. t. lanlia. Think about, v. t. shimisha. Third, a. lalie. Thirst, n. aveshithe. Thorn, n. dishombika. Thought, n. nlanhlia. Throat, n. ang&nlig&nM. Throw, v. t. wuslia. Throw away, v. t. kuta. Thumb, n. vina-vishangwZ. Thunder, n. ngali. Thunder, v. i. shala. Thwart, v. t. lambenja. Tide, n. ani. Tie (a package), v. t. dipa. Tie, v. t. tyinhlie. Tiger, n. nje. Tight, ad. vie. Tighten, v. t. MtJid. Time, n. adukwa. Time, n. shoka. Tinder, n. makanda. Tin vessel, n. angvjengwe. Tire, v. i. d&M. To, prep.^e. Tobacco, n. talakwe. To-day, ad. bo. Toe, n. vina. Together, ad. mbonh. . Tomato, n. lanzy&nh. To-morrow, ad. nahwali. Too, ad. njiki. Tooth, n. dishoa. Torch, n. atyie. Tornado, n. vikos7ia. Towel, n. atoli. Town, n. akoldi. Trade, n. dishombi. Trash, n. as ha. Tread, v. t. nyata. Treat, v. t. sha. Tree, n.jeli. Tribe, n. divala. Trouble, n. tyuni. Trouble, 7ijuki. Trouble, v. t. tyunitha. Truly, ad. mbombo. Trumpet, n. atyika. 116 Trust, v. t. bunlie. Trust, v. t. shenda. Try, v. t. jelia. Try, v. t. velie. Tub, n. akuli. Tuft, n. dimbunja. Turn, v. i. vitya. Turn, v. t. mtyitlia. Turn (upside down), v. t. butyie. Twins, n. mapa, mashulainga. Twist, v. t. waslxa. U. Umbrella, n. awombo, wombo. Undermine, v. t. sliatlid. Unsuitable (to be), v. i. bebilia, Untie, v. t. tyinhtha. Uproar, n. atothi. y. Y alley, n. landebe, mjpiali. yein, n. nshisha. yenom, n. akiembe. yex, v. t. nyanyishe. yoice, n. dioi. yomit, v. t. thoya. yomiting, n. bitholie. W. Wadding, n. dishusha. Wade, v. i. tdpd. Wages, n. dive. Wait, v. t. venhlie. Walk about, v. i. tlienlitha. Walk (to and fro), v. t. kdmbd. Walki ng-stick, n.nkityi, nshum- biki. Want, n. ditolca. Want, n. nakwa, ntolcwa. Want, v. t. naka. War, n. dibali. Warm (one's self), v. t. jtila. Wash, v. t. jebitha. Waste, v. t. vanjitha. Watch, n. nktila. Water, n. madiba. Water-spout, n. ngole. Wave, n. nkeba. Weak, a. tejci. Weal, n. mbinhmbinh. Wear, v. t. bdtd. Weariness, n. bityunh. Weary (to be), v. i. shdM, tJiembia. Weary, v. t. daslie. Weed, v. t. sliaka. Weigh, v. tpesha. Well, Sid.pdthd. Well (to become), v. i. Mka. Wen, n. dhoombi. Wet, v. t. batiste. Wet-season, n. niyuba. What ? pro. ndi ? Yfhen? ad. miaf Where ? ad. vani f m ? Whet, v. t. jeba. Whet-stone, n. dikd-diebi. Whip, n. mbisha. Whip, v. t. ngama. Whirl-pool, n. ngole. Whirlwind, n. ngole. Whistling, n. vidli. White, a.jpiimi. White-ant, n. lashietlia. White-man, n. ntanga. Whiten, v. t. pumishe. Whole, ad. ntutlie. Wholly, ad. Mo. Widow, n. nkusha. Wild-goat, n. ashibi. Wild-goat, n. nibinji. Will, n. ladinli. Wind, n. mpunga. Wing, n. apejoa. Wipe, v. t. pimbitlia. Wish, v. t. vanJi. Witch-poison, n. aldki. With, conj. & prep. na. Wives of one man, n. avala. Woman, n. miali. Womb, n. mai. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: August 2007 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 SSSF* 0F CONGRESS III* 020 923 089 6