BF 1156 PSYCHIC SCIENCE SERIES BY EDWARD B. WARMAN, A.M. yio. 2 t PERSONAL MAGNETISM Class Book 2* Copyright W. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress PSYCHIC SCIENCE SEEIES "3lo.ll PERSONAL MAGNETISM PSYCHIC SCIENCE SERIES No. I. Psychology. No. II. Personal Magnetism. No. III. Telepathy — Mental Telegraphy — Thought Transference — Mind Reading — Muscle Reading. No. IV. Hypnotism. By EDWARD B. WARMAN, A. M. Each, 18mo, 50 cents, net. Other volumes in preparation, A. C. McClurg & Co. PUBLISHERS PSYCHIC SCIENCE SERIES PEKSONAL MAGNETISM BY EDWARD B. WARMAN, A. M. Author of "The Philosophy of Expression," "The Voice — How to Train It," "Get Well; Keep Well," etc., etc. CHICAGO A. C. McCLURG & CO. 1910 Copyright A. C. McCLURG & CO. 1910 Published March 19, 1910 Entered at Stationers' Hall, London 2Tf)t Hakes iUe ^rese R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY CHICAGO ©GI.A2596 I PREFACE TO THE SERIES THERE are two reasons why I have written these books: first, in response to thousands of my pupils throughout this country and Canada who desire the instruction in a more tangible form than simply through the medium of the voice; second, that the general public may have the result of thorough, honest, and unbiassed investigation extend- ing throughout a period of thirty-five years. Having kept abreast of the times, I am fully aware of the conclusions other writers have reached, especially on spiritism; and am further con- scious of the fact that, with few ex- ceptions, I do not, in the main, agree with these. However, my decisions have in no way been influenced by any writer, not even by my friend, the late Dr. Thomson Jay Hudson, whom I first met in 1899. When our paths converged, we found we had been PREFACE TO THE SERIES travelling on parallel lines for twen- ty-five years. Comparing notes, I was pleased to learn that we had ar- rived, practically, at the same con- clusions ; therefore, there may appear to be much of Hudson in my writings, and it could not well be otherwise, especially on spiritism. I felt highly honored to have so great an authority bear so corroborative testimony. By consulting the topics treated it will be observed that I have covered a much wider field than those who have preceded me, having touched upon every phase of Psychic Phe- nomena. This I have done as briefly and concisely as possible and practi- cable, and while my decisions are positive, they are neither arrogant nor dogmatic. E. B. W. Los Angeles, Cal. February 1, 1910. VJ THE following letter, which speaks for itself, is from the late Dr. Thomson Jay Hudson, the author of "The Law of Psychic Phenomena," etc.: No. 10 Ninth St., S. E., Washington, D. C, May 2, 1900. I consider Mr. Edward B. Warman the peer of any man in his line; in fact, I know of no one who covers so wide a field. His experiences in Mental Telegraphy are eqnal to any I have ever known; he is the most practical psychologist it has ever been my pleasure to meet; his explanation of Hypnotism removes all fear; his sifting of the grains of truth from the Christian Science doctrine leaves nothing to be desired; his exegesis of Spiritism is scientific and logical, acknowl- edging, as every thorough investigator must, the alleged phenomena, but denying, as every logician must, the alleged cause. His Suggestions to Mothers are simply invaluable. I heartily commend him for his sound doctrines. (%mtA6&fez&, INTEODUCTOEY PEESONAL magnetism is not to be confounded with " magnetic healing," nor with the mesmeric "fluidic theory/' nor with that which is so extensively advertised to transform the " human wall-flower" into the " admired of all admirers." It is, nevertheless, a wonderful pow- er that is in a greater 01; lesser de- gree possessed by every one, but we should not lose sight of the fact that it is not always of the most attractive character. It may, however, be made so, as its attractive feature is suscep- tible of great cultivation. We often hear one say, " I wish I had personal magnetism. " You have. Every one has. What you should say is, " I wish I had attractive mag- netism. " You may have. In the fol- lowing pages it has been my pleas- ix INTRODUCTORY ure to acquaint the reader with the three kinds of personal magnetism and the method whereby each may be developed. E. B. W. PSYCHIC SCIENCE SERIES PERSONAL MAGNETISM What is it? — Personal Magnetism (Men- tal) — Personal Magnetism (Spiritual) — Personal Magnetism (Physical) — "What is this Power ? — "Whence does it Come ? — How to Utilize and Economize it — Self-Protection. THE most comprehensive defini- tion that I have been able to formulate is as follows: Personal magnetism is a subtle influence, vibratory in character, radiating 'either consciously or unconsciously, for good or for evil, from every hu- man being. All human magnetism is, in a sense, personal; but all personal magnetism is not attractive alike to all persons. We have been misled by the supposition that all magnet- ism is attractive. Not so. Magnet- ism, like electricity, has its polarity; 11 PERSONAL MAGNETISM its qualities of attraction and repul- sion. The veriest wretch of a city's slums possesses attractive personal magnetism — for his kind ; but that same magnetism will repel one of high and pure motives. Every pub- lic speaker, every business man, every teacher, either compels, repels, or impels. Thus it may be seen that the very same influence may have exactly opposite effects on different persons. We see that demonstrated every day in every public gathering. When we come within the atmos- phere of a strong personality we are influenced either in mind or body, sometimes both. What is it that in- fluences us? One may be beautiful of face, form, and figure, and may be exquisitely dressed, yet be unat- tractive. On the other hand, one may be homely in feature, lacking sym- metry of figure and form, neatly but plainly dressed, yet be attractive. What constitutes the difference? It 12 PERSONAL MAGNETISM is not what one appears to be, but what one actually is. It is the true character of the man. " Character," says Moody, "is what a man is in the dark." A man is what he is through heredity, environment, and educa- tion ; but he does not need to remain what he is, if what he is is not desir- able. But what he is, and not what he appears to be, is manifest to every close student of human nature. This something that lies hidden, this unseen but ever-felt power, is what we call "personal magnetism." It is personality as distinguished from individuality. This subtle "something" has prob- ably never been more nearly ex- pressed than in the following excerpt from "Maurine," by Ella Wheeler Wilcox : "And he possessed that power, strange, occult, Called magnetism, lacking better word, 13 PERSONAL MAGNETISM "Which moves the world, achieving great result Where genius fails completely. Touch his hand, It thrilled through all your being; meet his eye, And you were moved, yet knew not how, or why ; Let him but rise, you felt the air was stirred By an electric current. "This strong force Is mightier than genius. Rightly used, It leads to grand achievements; all things yield Before its magic presence, and its field Is broad as earth and heaven. But abused, It sweeps like a poison simoon on its course Bearing miasma in its scorching breath, 14 PERSONAL MAGNETISM And leaving all it touches struck with death." Nearly twenty centuries ago the great naturalist, Pliny, declared: " There surely exists in man a cer- tain power of changing, attracting, and binding whatever he desires or wills to attract, change, bind, or im- pede." I am a firm believer in thought vibration, and know by experience that the psychological power thus ex- ercised has a most potent influence whether it is used in drawing things unto oneself or in projecting a spirit of helpfulness and success to others. Reason, however, steps in and says, "Thus far and no farther." It is true, "All things come to him who will but wait"— if he hustles while he waits. There are those who say that you can sit in the silence and attract any- thing you desire— horses, carriages, 15 PERSONAL MAGNETISM flowers, friends, etc. I believe it— if you sit long enough in the silence; but I also believe that when they come you will still be in the silence, and the horses, carriages, flowers, and friends will be those that come to your funeral. You may sit with folded arms, and, Micawber-like, ex- pect something to turn up, but you will find that it will expedite matters very much if you go out and turn them up. On the other hand, it is not the nervous, restless, excitably active person who accomplishes most. True energy displays itself far more im- pressively in repose than in action. Napoleon, with his arms crossed over his breast, is more expressive of power than the famous Hercules beating the air with his athletic fists. Personal magnetism, with its op- posite poles, attraction and repul- sion, is not confined to one plane of 16 PERSONAL MAGNETISM action merely, but expresses itself through three different channels: namely, the mental, the spiritual, the physical. We are sometimes drawn toward a person mentally ; that is, we admire him for his intellectual attainments, and are at the same time repelled as regards having a closer relationship. We frequently hear the remark, "I like to hear that man talk, but I do not care to meet him. The thought he expresses is good, but there is something about the man himself that repels me." What is it? The man himself; that is, what the man really is. On the other hand, a man may be more or less lacking in both mental and spiritual power, yet be possessed of a fine body— clean within and clean without— a perfect embodi- ment of physical health. Such a person will attract you through the 17 PERSONAL MAGNETISM healthful radiations; for health is just as contagious as disease, and much more attractive. Health of body and bodily develop- ment are dependent largely on men- tal conditions. It is through the mind that various physical abnormalities are externalized in the body. To possess the greatest personal magnetism, we should cultivate the development of both brain and brawn, together with the spiritual, and thus round out the complete man. In all our undertakings our personal magnetism will be greatly augmented by never swerving from the path of right. "Let us have faith that right makes might," said Lin- coln, "and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we under- stand it." Mental and physical magnetism, well spiritualized (the soul element), is a key to the most guarded vaults of human nature, unlocking the most 18 PERSONAL MAGNETISM stubborn hearts and opening more doors in business and social life than any other element known to mankind, " Every sensitive person," says Horatio W. Dresser, "is aware of mental atmospheres surrounding per- sons and places, just as the odor emanates from and surrounds a rose. This is especially noticeable in a church, or in some great cathedral where, for ages, men have bowed in worship in accordance with their par- ticular form of religion, and have left their influence behind them. Every household, town, or city has its pecu- liar mentality, the analysis of which reveals the characteristics of the minds that produce it. "A wonderfully stimulating atmos- phere pervades a great university, causing a marked change in the thought, the manners, and even the dress of the novice, who, if he be es- pecially susceptible, is often over- stimulated by it. Wherever man has 19 PERSONAL MAGNETISM lived and thought, these atmospheres have been left behind him. They are associated with chairs where people have sat for some length of time. They are associated with clothing; and a change of clothing is therefore sufficient, at times, to change the state of mind. They come with books and letters, sometimes revealing more of the personality that sends them forth than the person would wish. They draw people together an'd cause them to think alike. "There j s an atmosphere about some people that warns one not to come too close, while in other cases there is instant affinity and sympathy. One occasionally meets people whose very presence is a lasting stimulus and an inspiration. One seems to take away something besides the mere memory of a noteworthy interview; and some people forget their troubles, lose their aches and pains, and are immensely benefited by simply talk- 20 PERSONAL MAGNETISM ing with a helpful friend. Some peo- ple compel attention or obedience by their presence, and exact a surprising amount of service and homage from other people. " Character, then, is not only written in the face, expressed in con- duct and language, but is sent forth as a thought atmosphere. Atmospheres impinge and leave their impressions on each other, revealing the nature, thought, and feeling of the personal- ity that gives rise to them. This is, evidently, the reason why first im- pressions are usually correct, and why depression and other states of feeling are passed from mind to mind. Some delicately organized people find it inadvisable to go into society except at rare intervals; for they get entangled in these atmos- pheres, and do not know how to throw them off. Others seem to have the happy art of leaving a part of them- selves behind, of making every one 21 PERSONAL MAGNETISM else happy, yet never yielding their own personality to any contaminat- ing influence." PERSONAL MAGNETISM — MENTAL This may be acquired, in part, in its most attractive form, by obtaining a thorough . all-round intellectual knowledge. It is not enough, how- ever, that the mental storehouse be well stocked, for that of itself would possess no attractive feature ; but, in- stead of manifesting a selfish spirit in withholding the good things gleaned from the intellectual field, we should freely give them out. We are always enriched by unselfishly giving; to withhold would be to secure only in part. If a vessel were loaded with the most precious gems, and it remained anchored in river, lake, or ocean, its cargo would possess no value what- ever, the value depending upon its 22 PERSONAL MAGNETISM destination and disposal. So it is with the goods in the intellectual storehouse. Give freely of your knowledge and gems of thought, and by so doing you will not only refunc- tion your brain cells and kindle anew the intellectual fires, but you will be adding to the attractive fea- tures of your mental magnetism. A stingy man, intellectually or other- wise, is never attractive. PERSONAL MAGNETISM — SPIRITUAL The acquirement of this particular phase of magnetism comes as the re- sult of the development of those faculties known as the emotive. As this is unquestionably a soul faculty it is closely linked with all things of a spiritual nature. When overdevel- oped it leads to emotional insanity. Just as the mental magnetism is strengthened by gathering together the best of its kind and utilizing the 23 PERSONAL MAGNETISM same ; just so, the spiritual magnetism may be developed by coming in con- tact and in close sympathetic touch with all that is highest, purest, and noblest. " Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others," says J. W. Barries, " cannot keep it from them- selves." True, every good thought, every good word, every good deed is reflex in its action and thus enriches the giver. Therefore we should lose no opportunity to say the right word at the right time and in the right place. Its value and its influence you may never know, nor is it necessary that you should. Byron says— "All who joy would win Must share it,— happiness was born a twin." It has been well said — * ' Opportun- ities are the fuel of life ; ability is the match which kindles it; and will power is the fan which keeps the flame alive." 24 PERSONAL MAGNETISM Opportunities are everywhere pres- ent; we need not seek them. In the crowded thoroughfares of life we jostle our brother on the right, we jostle our brother on the left, too often regardless of the sorrows that we might alleviate, the shadows we might dispel by just a word, a look, a warm hand-grasp, and thereby give a spiritual uplift not only to the one in whose life we cast the ray of light but also reflexly to ourselves. "When our eyes melt not with an- other's woes, Methinks 't is time they should for- ever close." Professor Eiddle says, "When you find a fellow that is weaker than yourself give him a boost; the exer- cise will give you strength." All things are reflex, in the spirit- ual as well as in the mental realm. If the world gets the lest from you to- day, it will pay you back in your own 25 PERSONAL MAGNETISM coin to-morrow. On the other hand, if you seek revenge the same law holds good; for in " taking revenge" you are but even with your enemy, but in passing over an injury you are superior. Revenge is so far beneath the man that is calm that he cannot reach it even by stooping. When in- jured he does not retaliate ; he wraps around him the royal robes of calm- ness and then goes quietly on his way. "When men speak ill of thee," says Plato, "so live that nobody will be- lieve them." Such thoughts as "get- ting even," if cherished, swell and overflow the entire being, leaving in their wake a psychic malaria. We should develop the good points and subdue the unattractive ones. Every- thing excellent requires perseverance. Have you obstacles in your path- way % Overcome them. Go over them rather than around them. They may prove stepping-stones to a higher plane. Uniform success is dangerous. 26 PERSONAL MAGNETISM It softens the muscles of the soul and takes the temper out of the steel of resolution. Are you retarded in your progress toward obtaining a fuller realization of spiritual magnetism, because of some fancied wrong, or because some hypocrite is in your way of advance- ment? My brother, he cannot be in your way unless he is ahead of you. Good and evil are ever contending for supremacy, although evil is but perverted good. This is well expressed in the following beautiful allegory as told among the Turks: " Every man has two guardian angels, one on his right shoulder and one on his left. When doing good, the angel on the right shoulder notes it down and sets his seal upon it, for what is done is done forever. When evil is commit- ted, the angel on the left shoulder writes it down, but he waits until midnight before he seals it. If by that time the man bows his head and 27 PERSONAL MAGNETISM says, l Gracious Allah, I have sinned; forgive me!' the angel blots out the fault, but if not, he seals it at mid- night and then the angel on the right shoulder weeps." Personal spiritual magnetism is not reached at a single bound. It may cost sorrow, suffering, and tears but back of it all there is a purpose and, sometime, when all life's lessons shall have been learned, that purpose may be revealed to us, and through our tears we may see the wisdom of the trials and tribulations through which we were obliged to pass, and our spiritual magnetism shall par- take of the purifying process, as we add other pages to the chapters of our book in this little span of life. " Writing a page blotted with tears, Pilled with pain, anguish and fears; But when God's light on it shall fall, It may be the fairest page of all." 28 PERSONAL MAGNETISM As a practical illustration of doing good when the opportunity presents itself, I cite but one case in many as an aid to the development of the spiritual magnetism, a case coming under my own observation. On a bright and beautiful morning, when all nature was refreshed and throbbing with the rejuvenating spirit we call Life, a man exception- ally well developed physically, and fairly well developed mentally and spiritually, his soul in unison with the beautiful and invigorating surround- ings — this man met a brother man, an entire stranger, who was out of harmony with these same surround- ings. Noting the dejected look on the face of the stranger, he saw an opportunity to say the right word at the right time and in the right place ; therefore, out of the very fulness of his soul he said, with a pleasant voice and cheery smile, "Good morning, my 29 PERSONAL MAGNETISM friend ; a bright and beautiful morn- ing this." The stranger halted, looked at the man in a peculiar manner, and with eyes bedimmed said, "Is it possible there is one man in all this world to call me friend ; one man to bid me a pleasant good-morning?" Then, as if half talking to himself, he said, "I '11 not do it, I '11 not do it." "Do what?" inquired the man of health. "I was just going to end it all at the river, but you have saved my life by your kindly greeting." Both were benefited; both had a spiritual uplift; seed was sown on fertile soil that brought forth fruit after its kind. Let us ever bear in mind that our greatest happiness is reflex ; it is that which comes back to us from the joy we have given others. In no better way can you cultivate and develop spiritual magnetism. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto 30 PERSONAL MAGNETISM one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." The following poem by Helen Hunt Jackson bears out this thought ad- mirably : If I can live To make some pale face brighter and to give A second lustre to some tear-dimmed eye, Or e'en to impart One throb of comfort to an aching heart, Or cheer some wayworn soul in pass- ing by; If I can lend A strong hand to the fallen, or defend The right against a single envious strain, My life, though bare, Perhaps, of much that seemeth dear and fair To us of earth, will not have been in vain. 31 PERSONAL MAGNETISM The purest joy, Most near to heaven, far from earth's alloy, Is bidding cloud give way to sun and shine ; And 't will be well, If on that day of days the angels tell Of me, "She did her best for one of Thine." PERSONAL MAGNETISM — PHYSICAL I purpose dwelling longer on this phase of magnetism than on the two others, because its cultivation and development form a foundation upon which to build much stronger struct- ures of mental and spiritual magnet- ism. This physical magnetism may be acquired by the generating and con- serving of that vital principle we call life. Physical exercises alone will not do it, as they often tend to dissipate 32 PERSONAL MAGNETISM the power that should be husbanded. There is as much difference between physical strength and vitality as there is between energy and force. A man may have a wonderful physique, and yet be lacking in vital force ; on the other hand a man may be slight in build and apparently weak, and yet have great vitality. So it is with energy. Power is energy in repose ; force is energy in action. Even in physical attractiveness it may be suggestive of brute strength only. This is the case where the ani- mal overbalances the mental and the spiritual. Man is, by nature, a tri-une being — mental, spiritual, and physi- cal, and should be so developed as to be attractive from all sides of his three-fold nature, but the over-devel- opment of any one of these may be productive of abnormalities to such an extent as to result in monstrosi- ties ; for there are mental and spirit- 33 PERSONAL MAGNETISM ual monstrosities just as surely as there are physical monstrosities. WHAT IS THIS POWER? Personal magnetism (physical) is sometimes called human electricity. Be that as it may, by whatsoever name it may be known, its character is cer- tainly electrical. This electro-magnetic influence is of a vibratory character, and gener- ated by the principle of life. This vital, energizing element becomes stale by non-use ; wasted by over-use ; and produces nervousness by misuse. Electricity is, somehow, insepar- ably connected with the ultimate atoms of matter ; and in the same mys- terious manner the universal life- force is connected with every nerve, fibre, and molecule of animal crea- tion. If electricity and nerve-force are not identical, they are so nearly 34 PERSONAL MAGNETISM allied that they may be called twin forces. " Science" says: "That which we call vitality, or life, is, in its physical sense, elec- tricity. It is taken into the system from the air and the sunshine, and is generated in the digestive organs by the chemical action of food and drink." WHENCE DOES IT COME? We sometimes say that we gener- ate power. That is not strictly true, and is likely to be misleading. All power exists now, and has always ex- isted. We may generate force; that is, we may put the power in action. All that we can do is to evolve it from a latent condition or use it in the form in which we find it. Man be- comes powerful in the measure in which he learns to evolve power; to use and direct the power that is. 35 PERSONAL MAGNETISM All force is generated within from the life essentials— air, food, and water. The same elements exist for all persons, but all persons do not have the same force. While the differ- ence may be one of temperament or constitution, I am inclined to think it is more largely due to the fact that by some persons the elements within reach are not fully utilized. HOW TO UTILIZE AND ECONOMIZE IT It is not altogether what we earn, but what we save, that counts in the long run. It is the husbanding of the forces within us. Professor Riddell has aptly said: " The electric dynamo is an expres- sion of power. There are four gen- eral ways in which it may be di- rected: (1) It may be passed through the motor of the electric car, and the force is expressed as power; (2) it may be passed as a sympathetic cur- 36 PERSONAL MAGNETISM rent through the little wire of the incandescent bulb, and it becomes light ; (3) it may be forced through a wire with heavy resisting power, and it becomes heat ; (4) ground the wire, and the current is wasted." Let us apply this principle to the human dynamo, and see how much it has to do with personal magnetism —physical, mental, spiritual. In every man and woman there is a life battery, so to speak ; a creative force, a life principle which, like the electric current, may be directed in four special ways: (1) You can pass it to the muscles and build it into tis- sue, and it becomes power— physical strength; (2) you can direct it to the brain, and it becomes light— intellect- ual brilliancy and mental vigor; (3) you can direct it to the emotions, and it becomes heat— feeling, love, sym- pathy; (4) but if you dissipate the force, you will have neither physical strength, mental vigor, nor emotional 37 PERSONAL MAGNETISM warmth. It will readily be seen that you cannot waste the force in any direction without detracting in a corresponding degree from your strength of personal magnetism in other directions. SELF-PROTECTION As all electrified bodies tend to part with their magnetism to the earth, it follows that human electricity is be- ing constantly subjected to this influ- ence. Should it be drawn off in un- due proportion to the needs of the body, the system becomes weak and deranged. It thus becomes necessary to conserve the human electricity. This is done by insulation ; by placing a non-conducting substance— usually rubber, or cork and rubber — between the outer and inner sole of the shoe. This is done when the shoes are made. Silk hose answer the same purpose so long as they remain free from moisture. 38 PERSONAL MAGNETISM c. But," says the wiseacre, "how about primitive man? He did not need that protection." Very true, but we must also remember that primi- tive man needed no clothing to pro- tect him from heat and cold because in an absolute state of nature perfect economy existed in this matter. If we did not violate nature in so many ways we would have no need to econo- mize on this one. Civilization requires that all natural forces be tempered and controlled. The strenuousness of modern life makes greater drafts up- on the vitality, and we live less in the sunshine and fresh air. Thus, insula- tion is a preventive and safeguard promoting health and longevity, and adds greatly to physical magnetism. This theory may seem antagonistic to the believer in nature-cure, who seeks health by coming in direct con- tact with Mother Earth. Be that as it may, the earth is negative to the human body. Such being the fact, 39 PERSONAL MAGNETISM the earth is constantly drawing off the physical magnetism. If the earth is your sole benefactor, regardless of air and sunshine, stand or lie upon it where the fresh air and sunshine never visit. My word for it, you will soon lie in it instead of on it. Build four walls around a tree and cover it over with a roof, how long will it con- tinue to thrive ? The earth has noth- ing to give you except in her products, and even for these she is dependent upon the sun. All good comes from above. Breathe deeply of the sun- magnetized air and, through the chemical action of the air and water and food, your physical magnetism may be generated, and by proper in- sulation will be conserved. We give too much credit to the earth, too little to the fresh air and sunshine. Insulation is a scientific safeguard. To the soldiers of the Civil War was issued a rubber poncho. It was not for the purpose of insulation but to 40 PERSONAL MAGNETISM protect us from the rain. But it served a double purpose and therein the Government builded better than it knew. That poncho was a saviour to thousands when weary, footsore, heartsore, with the physical force well-nigh depleted; for in being placed underneath us when lying down it insulated us from the earth, and conserved not only the little force we had left but that which was gen- erated during the night from the life- giving elements of our sumptuous ( ?) dinner— we called it supper then. It is a logical sequence that we cannot have physical magnetism without physical health and strength, and these cannot be had when we dissipate our forces; hence the wisdom of in- sulation. The human body is an electrical body. This is not mere speculative theory, but the result of thorough in- vestigation and practical demonstra- tion. However, if a conclusion is 41 PERSONAL MAGNETISM logical, it matters little whether it is deduced from theory or practice. This is especially true of the fol- lowing conclusions which have been reached from experiments; though they may not be very readily accepted by the general public. Other things being equal, the left side of the body is negative, and the right side is posi- tive ; the front of the body is positive, the back is negative. You take in this human electricity through the negative side of the body (left) , and it passes out through the right if any one is on the right side to draw it. It has been scientifically stated that the human body is bathed on the right side with an alkaline fluid ; on the left side with an acidulous fluid. This fact of the positive and nega- tive sides of the human body the writer has scientifically proved to the fullest satisfaction of the honest sceptic. Therefore, it is well to re- 42 PERSONAL MAGNETISM member the trite but true saying: " Always keep on the right side of a person." It is true, this has been used only figuratively, but it is of great importance as understood lit- erally. By observing this precaution you will be able to protect yourself from the human parasites that exist in every community. This is a protec- tion of that physical magnetism so essential to one's vital force. All things considered, it is best to sit in a position facing your visitor, be he friend or foe, unless an exchange of magnetism is desired. These human parasites draw not only upon your physical forces, but upon the mental and nervous also, unless you under- stand how to make yourself either positive or negative at will. If you are lacking in personal mag- netism (physical), and you should ride or walk or sit with one who is 43 s PERSONAL MAGNETISM physically strong, you should take that opportunity of " loading up" by keeping on the right side. Whenever two persons sleep to- gether, and one is restful while the other is restless, you may depend up- on it that the restful one is uncon- sciously drawing the life force of his or her companion. It does not always follow that the weaker draws from the stronger; nor is it a question of right side, front, or back when one is sleeping, owing to the many changes of position that occur during the night; therefore, in order that the restless one may have restful and re- freshing sleep, it is necessary to change conditions. This is accom- plished by changing sides (the sides of the bed) with your fellow-sleeper. Why? Because it equalizes the mag- netism. How? The fact is sufficient, the how is but a mere incident. How about the other fellow ? If he has been restful, will he now become 44 PERSONAL MAGNETISM restless % That depends. If the rest- ful one is surcharged with physical magnetism the loss will not be per- ceptible ; but if one has but an aver- age amount, the loss at first may be apparent, but in a very short time the forces will be so evenly balanced that the restful condition will be shared equally by both. Many of my pupils have tried this suggestion, have proved its efficacy, have been astonished and pleased at its results, have recommended it to others with whom it has been equally efficacious ; and yet, in the face of all this evidence, some of them ask me if I do not think it is, very largely, if not all, due to imagination. My answer is: If you think it is imagination, and it does the work, just take some more imagination. I care not what name you give it or to what cause you ascribe it, if you se- cure the end in view and obtain the desired results. What more can you 45 PERSONAL MAGNETISM reasonably ask? The sceptic of to- day is the believer of to-morrow. This physical magnetism is more than merely physical, it is reflex in its uplifting influence on mind and soul. Physical uprightness leads to physi- cal perfection and physical perfec- tion enables one to say to every enemy of the mind, body, or soul, "Get thee behind me, Satan." Let your personal magnetism (physical) with its healthful radia- tions; your personal magnetism (mental) with its helpful radiations ; your personal magnetism (spiritual) with its soulful radiations be felt for good at all times and in all places. Let your watchword be sincerity and honesty, and these, coupled with cheerfulness, will give you that per- sonal charm which begets confidence ; that charm of manner and personal magnetism that will prove the best letter of introduction possible in both business and social circles. There- 46 PERSONAL MAGNETISM fore lay hold of any legitimate means that will insure you the all-round de- velopment of personal magnetism— mentally, spiritually, and physically. All these are within the reach of every one who will but make the nec- essary effort. Assert your manhood through your physical uprightness— man is a radiation from the finite to the Infinite ; the more perfect the ra- diation the more perfect the man- assert that manhood until you can feel that you reflect the Creator in the created. 47 mar 23 isiq One copy del. to Cat. Div. 23 KV. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 196 556 1