F 8 I ? S3 •L •.«&♦ In sad repining, his heait 'He pens some verses On earthly vanity ; The editor curses ThC StS^ >*d the waste-basket. A maiden mopes o'er blighted hopes, A "Vertrue love wasted Her heart is breaking, to ease in A sigh she utters And writes a sonnet ; The editor mutters '• Pla ff-sit into the waste-basket. Poets groan Q . e . Doomed to „??• tneir °wn, F »on, yfor ' thewastebaske; r " 'his effusion •■a™ 6 "" ? £°ses gainst me bo may , t be, I bow to Fatf» • And these ^^,3^^. theUntende — fawaste , asket ftafeijfci^. Encircling the J^^mbrance is brought, Land where «^~^ve^through ; Land that we all have t hgav carg) Tn whom are centred nope, J ' le to do, Each in soft linen ; an a t est rest Vet finding the deepes and ^^ ^ Pillowed in love on Wh^ r yxier e the daw u s Weet T ^ fafc fror « the^Sf 3re ***** a Fa ther ^ eirVe ^ b - at h l%^ZZ 0s ^ ar ' father * ' G&th b ^rs theT?" 111 *' En&Jber dear Bab , "' ° f ^e. W? e u ^d £??" and sp^?^ band- w ho d r - ^ ' Wine*' ^ boV. — — ' ' 7 ,* the \atidi who f 0r ,? cher and th!' ~ Ere its m as .' e ach evi , ,, s - ^ r 2^-o^*-o uld , grace jje lS»o^ec\. __— ■ — • first, plural, present", present p ^ ^ knowri) Wu l fail that batwe owe We bave been loved. . ™ Escape from many ^ ^ duC Wc have been lo j, s to _ mo rrow. Great bopes to loved) ^dwewerelove d X S ioU s'.) tta d thougbt to u We jj ac j , A Pupii.' l8 77, u ader tfte s 'IPutu, e> k illlllll!lllllliiiiiilllln...illli...jllli....ii I illllliliiiilllfiiiiilliii B ...iiiii...jiiik....iii .mi ■ filllllliiji!iifiiiiiiniiii..riii ,iin....iii