{Zee ^WtoJft^ Zhe Cosmic Survey lOtu? 3avt\ttv $nik ANA SSOCI A TION V ^ (X A681546 SUG 29/2: - SKfe D O IF ISSUED BY 3ita (&X(IU#£ xrf Jit* AtTCtetlt^ 3ltt ijnr §>tgmi l^pea Mm BE IT MADE KNOWN by this symbolic charter; as in the beginning when the human race began to emerge from savagery, and darkness of ignorance gave way before the bright sun of education, great seers and philosophers prophesied the dawn of a better day, and left the imprint of their experiences indelibly impressed upon the pages of early written history to guide the coming generations of men. These Archaic charac- ters were bequeathed to posterity in the form of scripts in symbols. So we, in this age, employ symbols as the system of mental suggestion to convey to the minds of those who desire Spiritual unfoldment a plan, whereby they can extend their scope of knowledge into a comprehension of the Ultimate. Mat? Mn\omm WITH A DESIRE to advance in the direction of Truth in Spiritual understanding of Cosmic Consciousness, broaden the individual view of unlimited space and bring the Soul into har- mony with the Ultimate Principle, — the source and substance of which all things are, Three (§ur ICtw Sterner 3falk Aaanriatum was called into manifestation, and seeks by the aid of these signs and characters of sacred symbolism to hold before the eye of the mind a sublime Spiritual Ideal. Bnmtbo fctarmwa NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the power vested in us, we do hereby Commission and authorize all men and women whose names are enrolled upon the Great Charter of humanity, and who, having passed a satisfactory examination before the bars of their own conscience, have been deemed worthy to be entrusted with great secret Truths, to constitute themselves (ttnamtr GIntter Number GDn? AS MEMBERS of this organization, you will retain all the powers and liberty of conscience and freedom of initiative that you inherently enjoy as individuals. Your guide in mat- ters of Universal Law will be found in the Constitution of Our Live Forever Folk Association. You are required to familiarize yourselves with these rules, and knowing the principle, be obedient thereto. "Pletto \\xn" IT IS YOUR GREAT PRIVILEGE, as teachers, to carry on the work of Spiritual enlightenment and aid struggling souls to perfect unfoldment. In the performance of this service you are cautioned to concentrate and listen for the Voice; to be sensitive and alert to receive the mescage. When communica- tion is established between your center and the Ultimate Cause of thought, through the Universal vibrant ether, act promptly and freely under the guidance of LOVE and JUSTICE. "Samper ftMta" amper titem REMEMBER ALWAYS that in response to the Uni- versal Urge you have been called together and blended into one harmonious body to encourage and instruct struggling humanity and direct them in the ways of peace and plenty. "Nta a tergn" THROUGH TRIALS, and disappointments, opposition and misunderstandings, your unerring aim of purpose must never waver; your Spiritual Ideals must never be marred; your faith in God and belief in the Destiny of the Soul must Four never be disturbed. Tranquilly seeing with the undimmed eye of perfect understanding the full cycle of life in Infinite mani- festations, as it waxes and wanes, without beginning or end, advance with serene majesty and unconquerable resolve to the Life Everlasting, by dissolving the material form. "Utrm*>nt0 iHorf INVOKING the highest source of Inspiration to guide and protect you; strong in the hope that your character may ever grow firmer; strong in the belief that each will stand peerless and unstained on the pages of human history and UN- TAINTED in the realms of Cosmic Consciousness ; we prayer- fully launch GInsmtr (£mtn Number (§n? on the ethereal sea of spiritual and material endeavor. flax Unbtarum GIVEN UNDER OUR HANDS and the Great Seal of Our Live Forever Folk Association at the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, this R. Y. (L. F. F.) - 1 *A. Omnia ad Dei Gloriam. Now and forever without beginning or end, Amen. SPIRITUAL - MATERIAL Cosmos Unity Harmony Universal Vibratory Spirit TRUTH Five IEXEEEEEEE2 ^ A A A A A ^ A A A A A A A A A A A A JL. /, £3333X3333: g>ummarg The Live Forever Folk, an Associa- tion organized in the City of Los An- geles, State of California, in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Twen- ty-Two, presents to the world an in- comparable and unusual service calcu- lated to develop in each individual mem- ber those latent God-given faculties heretofore the possession only of the ELECT. Acting under instructions delivered to the Organizers by a SPECIAL MES- SENGER of THE SUPREME LODGE, an Educational Curriculum prepared by a Staff of Esoteric Masters will consti- tute the tuition offered by the Corre- spondence University of Occultism con- ducted by the Association. One of the most commendable fea- tures of The Live Forever Folk Associa- tion is that it allows every individual to retain his membership in his respective Church and Lodge, undisturbed in his religious beliefs, and unhampered in the practice of his obligations. Aside from the detailed scientific training in Spiritual Unfoldment, Psy- chic Power, Metaphysical Philosophy, Astrology, Numerology, Christian Liv- ing, Magic, and certain secret methods of operation never yet revealed, mem- >>>>>>> VTJ Six >>> >>>TTJ V V V V V <-<<<<<<<*tt Seven IEEEEEEEXEE ^ gave a listening ear to the ever-present whisperings of the SPIRIT. An earnest seeking for Spiritual Communication with the mis-called Dead sprang into universal activity. Teachers and Mediums of Communi- cation appeared, as if by magic, in the Cities of the World. An ever-mounting wave of Spiritual longing swept the world of men with the Flame of an in- tense Desire. Desire crystalized into Conviction. In the blackness of Universal Night, man called to man, THERE IS NO DEATH. Materialism fled before the Rising Sun of Spiritual knowledge. A Cosmical craving characterized by a humble, intense passionate seeking be- ban to register in the great sensitive CRYSTAL of the SUPREME LODGE. The Patient Watchers in the Secret Chamber of the Observation Tower re- ported that the long hoped for Day of Revelation was at hand. The BOOK of WISDOM may be opened to the SEEKERS. "The Live Forever Folk" is the first established outpost of the Esoteric Order of Secret Wisdom. To YOU who constitute the Mighty Army of the Seekers, To YOU who are heavy laden and a TT V) V V V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y. Y Y A A A A A A A A A A A A K<<^ ^1 1± Eight >> >>>>>£ ££ <<<<<<<G30K](SO[?0=I f ©KM AM o AM Q= £^W f 5 (MOW MAMOFll§m , ifO®Kl F ® (3 ^WZ»(KEC¥ 4 > > > > > >^ T - D ®1|0 Inamt Intora? E move and live and have our being in the world of the GREAT UNSEEN. What is the GREAT. UNSEEN? It is the Heaven and Hell and Purga- tory of the Religionist. It is the Astral of the Theosophist. It is the Fourth Dimension of the Mathematician, It is the spirit world of the Spiritualist. Why is it Unseen? pecause of the rate of vibration. It is iri reality as solid and material as the most solid and mate- rial thing in this material world. The GATEWAY to that INVISIBLE EMPIRE is through the incomparably beautiful ARCHWAY OF DEATH. Through that Gateway we can pass and repass at will. The VEIL has been torn asunder. The MYSTERY of MYSTERIES has been solved. As in the Chemical laboratory we re- solve the solid into an invisible gas and again solidify that gas, so may we be- come at will active intelligent occupants of the Invisible Empire and return to our own Material realm as one who re- turns from a pleasant journey. IMMORTALITY is today not a BELIEF but a FACT. The MEANS and the METHOD are simple and scientific. > y W ).). fcFTT ^ 44<<<<<<4< Eleven >>$■>■ >>>>>> < <<<< < 4TTT You who read these words can, if you will, become intelligently conscious of the unseen peoples who touch and guide you from hour to hour, from day to day. In order to accomplish this End there are things PHYSICAL that must be done, there are things MENTAL that must be done, there are things SPIR- ITUAL that must be done. It is a TRINITY OF EFFORT. Should you join the LIVE FOR- EVER FOLK ASSOCIATION you will receive precise instructions from a spe- cial Esoteric Master, so that you may at your will and pleasure render the Invis- ible visible and utilize the tremendous forces of the Psychic world to your Spir- itual, Mental, Physical and Financial profit. You are the ARBITER of your own DESTINY. If you are an earnest seeker of the GOLDEN FLEECE we will present you with the MYSTIC KEY that will open for you the DOORWAY to the REALMS of LIGHT. With you lies the GREAT DE- CISION. We present the OPPOR- TUNITY. The only question is, ARE YOU READY? ' ^ V V V V V V V V V V V Y ^ ,< < k i i k k A h A H A A r 1 A A A A A A r A A A A A i ^?=^. A r r //" ^\ A k_ 41 A a Thir >een (Eflsmtr flkttto Number (§n? US^^y ETAINING all the Powers and Liberty of Conscience and Freedom of Initiative you inherently enjoy as Individuals, YOU, as a Member of "The Live Forever Folk," have associated yourself with MEN and WOMEN called together and blended into one harmonious body in response to the Universal Urge for Health, Power, Wealth, Success and Happiness. It is a scientific fact that every man and woman is the possessor of a MIGHTY DYNAMIC FORCE which may be centralized by Concentration and projected by the WILL, enabling the Operator to accomplish the seemingly impossible. It is the FORCE that raised Lazarus from the dead. It is the FORCE that Daniel used to tame the Lions. It is the FORCE that Moses used when he made a Canyon of the Waters of the Red Sea, that the Children of Israel might cross to the Promised Land. It is the FORCE that made Rockefeller one of the Money Kings of the World. As a member of the Live Forever Folk you are taught to use this COSMIC FORCE. Think what it means to YOU when, as a COLLECTIVE WHOLE, communication has been established between your CENTER and the ULTIMATE CAUSE and your COLLEC- TIVE WILLS are projecting your COLLECTIVE FORCES on one given objective — your mutual Health, Power, Wealth, Success and Happiness. THIS IS YOUR GREAT PRIVILEGE as Members of this Organization. Enter the Realms of Cosmic Consciousness. Cosmic Center Number One is a terrific, centralized, Cen- tripetal Point of Irresistible Power established and kept in con- tinuous activity by the Combined Wills of our members operat- ing daily at a Special Hour. We invite you to partake of the Super-joys of Life. We invite you to become a part of the Hegemony of Super-men and Super-women. You desire to join the Cosmic Center and reap the im- measurable benefits accruing from its CENTRALIZED POWER. Send in your name and address and there will be mailed to you a complete explanation of the method of joining this Organization which has its local centers in every state of the Union. Fourteen HIS is the Age of Conquest. The world is trembling on the verge of a tremendous unfoldment. It is the DAY OF REVELATION. It is the HOUR OF THE GREAT DISCOVERY. The telephone came and CONQUERED SPACE. Wireless telephony and telegraphy came — and CON- QUERED SPACE AND TIME. The flying machine daily, hourly— CONQUERS THE LAW OF GRAVITATION. The radiophone today, seizing on the inaudible vibrations of the HUMAN VOICE, brings it forth resonant, sweet and true, to the LISTENER miles away. Now comes the GREAT DISCOVERY— WE KNOW POSITIVELY— THERE IS NO DEATH. The age-old ques- tion, "If a man die shall he live again?" has been answered with ringing certainty in the psychological and chemical laboratories of the world. In the past, Life has seemed to be but a hurried walk along a narrow path of destiny, beginning and ending in the mystery of the GREAT UNKNOWN. HOPE only has been our balance wheel. HOPE only has heard the flutter of a wing, the far-away suggestion of a sigh. But now in the rising sun of KNOWLEDGE, HOPE has been replaced by CERTAINTY and we KNOW THE TRUTH, and the TRUTH has made us FREE. Of all life's tragedies the most cruel is the Friend's good- bye to a dead Friend, the Sweetheart's good-bye to a dead Sweetheart, the Husband's good-bye to a dead Wife, the Mother's good-bye to a dead Child. The burden of the GREAT SADNESS has been lifted from the human race. No longer can it be said that, in reality, DEATH ONLY IS THE ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. DEATH HAS BEEN REPLACED BY LIFE. The body disappears. The solid earth itself will, in time, disappear. So with the stars and planets. All — all will lose their shape and dissolve into apparent nothingness. But the POWER back of the stars and the planets, the POWER back of the THOUGHT in your brain CAN NEVER DIE. That power is the SPIRIT, and THE SPIRIT IS THE ONY REAL THING IN THE UNIVERSE. Fifteen We all die, and numberless have been the answers to the question, "What happens after death?" And the answers have been mere speculations. The "Live Forever Folk Association" has gathered into their service the purest Mediums, the Greatest of Esoteric Teachers, perfect instruments of communication with those WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE. Their gifts are at Your Service if you Enroll in the Asso- ciation. DO YOU WISH TO BE IN DIRECT DAILY AND HOURLY COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR DEPARTED FRIENDS AND RELATIVES —YOU YOURSELF— WITH- OUT THE AID OF ANY OTHER MEDIUM, BUT YOUR- SELF? To those who Enroll in our Association are given the necessary instructions in the scientific methods that accomplish this wonderful heart-comforting End. Sixteen V V Y V Y Y >>>>>>>TTT ^ a A H A I A •A A A A A r r A A- [/. /^ «■<< < <<«T by Father Ryan T WALK down the Valley of Silence 1 Down the dim, voiceless valley alone! And I hear not the fall of a footstep Around me, save God's and my own; And the hush of my heart is as holy As hovers where angels have flown! LONG ago was I weary of voices Long ago was I weary of noises That fretted my soul with their din; Long ago was I weary of places Where I met but the Human and Sin. I WALKED in the world with the worldly; 1 craved what the world never gave And I said: "In the world each Ideal, That shines like a star on life's wave, Is wrecked on the shores of the Real, And sleeps like a dream in a grave." AND still did I pine for the Perfect, And still found the False with the True; I sought 'mid the Human for Heaven, But caught a mere glimpse of its Blue; And I wept when the clouds of the Mortal Veiled even that glimpse from my view. AND I toiled on, heart-tired of the Human, And I moaned 'mid the mazes of men, Till I knelt, long ago, at an altar And I heard a Voice call me. Since then I walk down the Valley of Silence That lies far beyond mortal ken. D O you ask what I found in the Valley! 'Tis my trysting place with the Divine. And I fell at the feet of the Holy, And above me a voice said: "Be mine." And there arose from the depths of my spirit An echo "My heart shall be thine." EZXQXZXE Seventeen a T V V V V V V V V V >>»)■>), -TFT "-< * -4 °t •< ^ 1 -f ^ DO you ask how I live in the Valley? I weep and I dream and I pray. But my tears are as sweet as the dew-drops That fall on the roses in May; And my prayer, like the perfume from Censers, Ascendeth to God night and day. IN the hush of the Valley of Silence I dream all the songs that I sing; And the music floats down the dim valley, Till each finds a word for a wing, That to hearts, like the Dove of the Deluge, A message of Peace they may bring. BUT far on the deep there are billows That never shall break on the beach; And I have heard songs in the Silence That never shall float into speech; And I have had dreams in the Valley Too lofty for language to reach. ^ V V V V AND I have seen Thoughts in the Valley — Ah! me, how my spirit was stirred! And they wear holy veils on their faces, Their footsteps can scarcely be heard; They pass through the Valley like Virgins, Too pure for the touch of a word! A A A A A A A A DO vou ask me the place of the Valley, Ye hearts that are harrowed by Care? It lieth afar between mountains, And God and His angels are there: And one is the dark mount of Sorrow And one the bright mountain of Prayer. > > > > > >>r & <<<<<<<3Ctt A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a] JL Eighteen 3\xt\xxt £tf> From the Standpoint of History and Modern Science HE manifold conceptions of a FUTURE LIFE formed by mankind in past ages, apparently diversified, have, IlLliii however, asserted the fundamental principle of SURVIVAL. It has always appeared and reappeared among the most dissimilar races, under the most divergent climes. A study of ANCIENT TRADITIONS and an examination of LEGENDARY LORE demonstrates that the BELIEF in SURVIVAL has influenced men from the beginning of recorded history. This BELIEF can be traced throughout the LAWS AND CUSTOMS of ANCIENT peoples. It is found clearly indicated and impressed on the LEGISLATION of MODERN STATES. It is of course the heart and soul of MODERN RELIGIONS. Mankind has been born with an INSTINCT for IMMORTALITY. Turning aside from HISTORY and examining the dis- coveries of MODERN SCIENCE, we find the establishment of one great LAW, which in itself, if carried to its logical con- clusion, is an assertion of SURVIVAL beyond the physical phenomena called DEATH. THIS law is THE LAW OF INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF MATTER AND ENERGY. It governs all the MANIFESTATIONS of LIFE. CONSCIOUS FORCE CANNOT PERISH. The Law watches over the PRESERVATION of the minutest material ATOM. It presides over the TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY. It is the RECORDING PRINCIPLE of PAST EVENTS. Science has found that the MATERIAL MOLECULES are in constant process of circulation. They pass constantly from one living body to another, or to the ambient medium, which returns them later. Their cycle of transmission is from Man to Plant, from Plant to Animal, from Animal to Man. WE DO NOT POSSESS the primordial elements of our body, — we possess the "usufruct.' The role of the material ATOM is EPHEMERAL. Nineteen There is a PERMANENT ELEMENT maintaining the existence of the body, giving it life and form. That permanent Element is an ETHERIC VORTEX, the ANIMATING PRINCIPLE of which is MIND. Science has enunciated the positive existence of the ELECTRON. It is the physical expression of the ETHERIC VORTEX. IT IS THE EXACT POINT OF CONTACT BETWEEN UNIVERSAL MIND AND MATTER. SCIENCE has not so stated, but SCIENCE has furnished recorded facts which explain the Phenomena known as MATERIALIZATION. Should you join the LIVE FOREVER FOLK ASSOCIA- TION, a Special Esoteric Teacher will direct your reading and study of Profane and Sacred History, and also, should you so desire, guide you in your investigations into the discoveries of Modern Science. It is realized that many prefer to approach a study of the Occult through the Corridors of History and Modern Science. If such is YOUR DESIRE, we tender you our FULLEST COOPERATION. Twenty Stye IrrMrt of M\$tyt% Mmbz A Few Quotations HERE are only two reasonable attitudes which we may take toward Spiritualism. Either we must recog- jlii nize that there has come to us in recent years from divine sources a new revelation which alters the whole aspect of death and the fate of man, or else we must hold that there has been an outbreak of lunacy extending over two generations of mankind and two great continents. Either it is absolute lunacy or a revolution which gives us as by-products an utter fearlessness of death for ourselves and an immense consolation when thoce who are dear to us pass behind the veil." — By SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. "Communication with the departed can be abused like any other power. It can be exploited in an unworthy way for selfish ends. It can be used reverently and seriously for the legitimate purpose of comforting the sorrowing, helping the bereaved and restoring some part of the broken link between souls united in affection but separated by an apparently impas- sable barrier. Anyone with a real desire to know the truth need not lack evidence."— By SIR OLIVER LODGE. "I must mention the peculiar manner in which Science has analyzed its demonstrations, which may well prove the imperishable part of our own ego. I speak of mediumism, and spiritualism, and the discoveries of Austrian and German scientists, particularly the Austrian Scientists' experiments in Odic Effluvia. This Odic Fluid can set in motion a clock in a sealed glass vessel; it can move a table weighing 200 pounds. It may be attributed to the soul or the nerves. But it is of a purely spiritual nature. It can be photographed. It cannot be destroyed."— By MAURICE MAETERLINCK. "The phenomena I am prepared to ATTEST are so extraordinary, so directly opposed to the most firmly rooted articles of scientific belief, amongst others the ubiquity and invariable action of the force of gravitation — that, even now, on recalling the details of the marvelous things I have wit- nessed, there is an antagonism in my mind between reason, which pronounces them scientifically impossible, and the con- scious-lying witnesses when they testify against my percep- tions."— By SIR WILLIAM CROOKS. Tiventy-one "However doubtful the individual manifestation of spirit return may be, in the ensemble they form so compact a web that it cannot be pierced even with the sharp scalpel of doubt." —By CESARE LOMBROSO. "Spiritism is not vague in its verdict. It is more direct and confident than any religion which has faith alone to support itself. Spiritism speaks in the name of science, and it intends that its belief shall have the same credentials as Copernician astronomy, Newtonian gravitation and Darwinian evolution. There is nothing uncertain about it." — By PROF. J. H. HYSLOP, PH. D. "The first automatic writing I ever saw was forty years ago. Unhesitatingly I pronounced it deceit, although it con- tained vague elements of supernormal knowledge. Since then I have come to see in automatic writing one example of a department of human activity as vast as it is enigmatic. Every sort of person is liable to it or something equivalent to it. And whoever encourages it in himself finds himself personating someone else, either signing what he writes by fictitious name, or spelling out, by ouija board or table top, messages from the departed. Our subconscious region seems, as a rule, to be dom- inated either by a crazy 'will to make-believe' or by some curious external force impelling us to personation. The first difference between the psychical researcher and the expert per- son is that the former realizes the commonness and typicality of the phenomena, while the latter, less informed, thinks it so rare as to be unworthy of attention. I wish to go on record for commonness."- By PROF. WILLIAM JAMES. "In all times there were methods, more or less rare, of communicating with spirits; only formerly, a great mystery was made of what is today a popular formula. It is thus that God proposes that man should not forget that there are two worlds — the one of the body, the other of the spirit." — FATHER LACORDAIRE, of Paris. "I believe there is a supernatural or Spiritual World, in which HUMAN Spirits, both good and bad, live in a state of consciousness. I believe that any of these spirits may, accord- ing to the order of God, in the laws of their place of residence, have intercourse with this world, and become visible to mor- tals."— DR. ADAM CLARK, Methodist Commentator. Tiventy-fwo "The perfect vision should see in Spiritualism the essential truth of the continuity of life and the possibility of communion between the two worlds. . , . The fact of a conscious inter- communion between the two worlds has become an estab- lished truth."— REV. DR. H. W. THOMAS, Chicago, 111. "Human personality, like energy, is never lost. I, in my inmost being, am an invisible being, holding communion with invisible personalities, out of their mortal bodies." — REV. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT, a former Pastor of Plymouth Church, Broklyn, N. Y., and Editor of "The Christian Union." "My conviction is that if our eyes should be opened, as were those of Elisha's servant at Dothan, we should see the atmosphere all about us filled with spiritual personalities. It is my belief that our beloved, whom we have lost a while, are nearer than we think."— REV. DR. PENTECOST. "To me the next world is tangible, it is peopled with persons and forms palpable to the appreciation, its multitudes are veritables, its society natural, its language audible, its com- panionships real, its loves distinct, its activities energetic, its life intelligent, its glory discernible."— REV. W. H. MURRAY. "I believe that at the moment of bodily death the soul does not experience any very great change. I should not be at all surprised if we find — when the great change comes — that we do not know just at first that we have passed over." — REV. R. A. CAMPBELL, D. D., Pastor of the City Temple, London, England. "I have no means of determining definitely what portion of our Universalist preachers are Spiritualists. . . . For one, I believe the spirits communicate with mortals."- — REV. G. S. GOWDY. These few quotations could be extended ad infinitum. More than fifty great scientists have investigated the phe- nomena of Spiritualism and have announced their conviction that the phenomena is produced by the spirits of the so-called dead. The Scientific answer to the question, 'Can the Dead Speak?" is — "YES." Twenty-three &>>>>>>>>}> ft V V V V V V V V V V V V V V VI V v| V ^ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A [r /, >>>>>> ±J1± Twenty-four & <<<<<<<<«' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a >>>>>> V^TT ■ v ■ v V vj ;Vl Y ! ! V>■■>> >>> ZI2 <>>>»> TT-p P //. /- <> >>>>> K l Twenty-six <<<<<<< >■ > >, >■ > kTT^ v V y <<<<< ^CRYSTAL ,CP rn ^VU< The Crystal, set in pure gold, and stood in the center of the Lamen or Holy Table THE MAGIC CIRCLE The Tentacle of Solomon, as engraved on solid square plate of silver ( AGLA t0tt?S INCE the beginning of recorded time, mankind has ever striven to express in tangible form the vaguely appre- hended FORCES and POWERS, whose full expres- sion remains a functioning of the UNSEEN UNIVERSE. Hence his use of Talismans — Amulets — and Zodiacal Gems. Naturally in his effort to express something of the intangi- ble FORCES of which he was dimly conscious he took as his Symbol the SUN, his IMAGINATION qualifying it as an em- bodiment of the loftiest aspirations of his SEEKING SOUL. The first talisman used by primitive man took the form of the SOLAR DISK, crudely scratched on bone or metal, or painted on the body to attract the benefits and good fortune it represented. The oldest symbol of the SUN is the SWASTIKA. The Sanskrit derivation of the word, SU, good, ASTI, being, is in full accord with its use by every known civilization to attract GOOD or WELL BEING. The next oldest SUN-SYMBOL is the coveted talisman known as the SCARAB, the sacred beetle of Egypt. The pecu- liar maternal functioning of the insect caused it to be regarded as a perfect SYMBOL of CREATION. Another SUN-SYMBOL of great antiquity is the "POINT WITHIN THE CIRCLE" used by warriors as protection against enemies and as a magnetic centralization of SUCCESS. Our OCCULT TEACHERS assert that the planets of our SOLAR SYSTEM absorb and dispense the Sun's rays, adding a subtle FORCE of their own which they reflect to the Earth, and that Talismans made under beneficient planetary aspects of the METAL or GEM corresponding to the planet most favor- ably placed in the Natal Chart, form a channel through which these vibrations are transmitted to the WEARER. The suitabilitv of GEMS as a medium for the transmission of ASTRAL FORCES has been recognized by ADEPTS for thousands of years. They carry with them spiritual and mate- rial powers, medicinal and curative qualities. Our OCCULT TEACHERS warn us in selecting gems to avoid stones known to have been associated with crime and persons of vicious dispositions. Thirty-three PRECIOUS STONES are very sensitive to the mental and physical influences of the wearers. Jewels which have been the cause of crime absorb the effect of all the passions which prompted the crime and retain and radiate an evil influence for centuries. The' PRINCIPLE of VIBRATION is the Key to the magi- cal powers inherent in Amulets and Talismans. Among all the gems the Diamond is pre-eminent for its Occult Power. It should never be worn on the right side. Its governing planet is Mars. The Ruby has terrific abysses of meaning. The Bloodstone has great curative properties. Should you join the LIVE FOREVER FOLK ASSOCIA- TION you will be trained by a SPECIAL ESOTERIC TEACHER to conscious functioning on super-physical levels, and you will then be able to appreciate and use to your own protection the magnetic influences inherent in precious stones, astrologcally selected, as well as making use of the effect they have in the production of certain phases of PSYCHIC PHE- NOMENA. Thirty-four A Clairvoyant Visualization of the Ever Rising Thought Screen Mentalism. of Humanity's Seething ifflagtr smi Swr^rg HE Art or Science of Magic and Sorcery has been prac- tically lost in the maelstrom of Modern Civilizataion. As mankind has degenerated into the unspiritual and material, the ability to comprehend the transcendent power of the Spirit has become atrophied by disuse. The great majority today practically deny the existence of anything that transcends the perception of the physical senses. The common meaning attached to the word "Magic" is that of sleight of hand performances. A certain class, still wallowing in the superstitions of the Dark Ages, regard it as a process of "Conjuring With the Devil" or, on the other hand, utilizing for evil purposes, the malign energies of Earth-bound spirits of the Dead. As a matter of fact, true Magic is the greatest of Natural Sciences. It includes an exact Knowledge of Nature both VISIBLE and INVISIBLE. It is a SCIENCE because it comprehends an assemblage of Established FACTS and proven PROCESSES. It is an ART for the reason that facility of performance must be acquired by practical experience. The Science of Magic is the knowledge of the true nature of the visible and invisible elements that compose the Macro- cosm and the Microcosm. The Art of MAGIC is the process of directing and employ- ing the INVISIBLE POWERS of NATURE. The acquirement of Magical Experience is the acquirement of Wisdom. Since, therefore, the Science and Art of Magic is a knowl- edge and employment of the Invisible Powers in Nature, it is obvious that its Essence is essentially Spiritual. Hence our enunciaton of the First Fundamental Principle for the information and guidance of the Student. Since Magic is the practical employment of Spiritual powers directed to an End, it is evidently impossible to utilize and employ those powers unless the Operator has awakened to and developed his own Spirituality. To the Magus all things Hidden are Revealed. The developed Master of Magic working in conjunction with the "Great Three"— FAITH, IMAGINATION, WILL— exercises the POWERS of the MOST HIGH. Thirty-six Behold! God Created Man in His Image and Likeness. The Magus is the Omega of that Creation. Should you join THE LIVE FOREVER FOLK ASSO- CIATION you will be privileged, should you so desire, to apply for and receive a special course in Magic and Sorcery providing the Magus is satisfied that this knowledge WILL NOT BE MISUSED. Thirty-seven Srrama HE understanding of Dreams necessitates an under- standing of the Dreamer and the mechanism of Con- Hig sciousness through which he functions. Between SLEEP and DEATH there is a distinction but very little difference. SLEEP represents a TEMPORARY separation of the Spiritual Body from the Physical. DEATH represents a PERMANENT separation of the Spiritual Body from the Physical. During sleep the EGO functions in its SPIRITUAL vehicle and operates on super-physical planes. When the Sleeper returns to the Physical Body the awak- ening on the Physical Plane takes place. Sometimes we have memories, and these memories we call DREAMS. Dreams are divided into two classes. The CHAOTIC and FANTASTIC, representing the auto- matic activity of the physical brain and its etheric counterpart re-enacting illogically the scenes representing the recent opera- tion of its waking consciousness. The LOGICAL and SEQUENTIAL, representing the ac- tivities of the EGO functioning through the Spiritual body on super-physical planes. The first are comparatively unimportant except from a psycho-analytical standpoint. The second are of supreme importance and may be sub- divided into three classes : 1 st — Memories of actual experiences, of things said and done, in the spiritual body while the physical body is asleep. Memories of renewal of intercourse with the mis-called DEAD. 2nd— Subject matter the HIGHER SELF, the SUPREME EGO, is endeavoring to impress upon the lower consciousness, so firmly as to be remembered on awakening. 3rd — Premonition. Efforts of the EGO to impress on the brain consciousness of some coming event either of trivial or vital importance. Should you join THE LIVE FOREVER FOLK ASSOCIA- TION a SPECIAL ESOTERIC MASTER will, if you so desire, interpret your Dreams and teach you to make use of them to your comfort and happiness. Dream Memories may be culti- vated, but it is important to know the DANGER of the SNAP- PING of the SILVER CORD. Thirty-eight a i T V !v iV V y v v v V V V v V V V V V >>>>>>>gr A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A U /. > > > > > y <<< < < <=r^" Thirty-nine of, >>>>>>>>> > !/ v. \ l^K^ Q Z A MILLION torches lighted by Thy hand Wander unwearied through the blue abyss; They own Thy power, accomplish Thy command, All gay with life, all eloquent with bliss. What shall we call them? Piles of crystal light, A glorious company of golden streams, Lamps of Celestial ether, burning bright, Suns lighting systems with their joyful beams, But thou to these art as the noon to night. YES: as a drop of water in the sea All this magnificence in Thee is lost; What are ten thousand worlds compared with The H eaven s unnumbere< And what am I then? host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed In all the glory of sublimest thought, Is but an atom in the balance; weighed Against Thy greatness is a cipher brought Against Infinity: Oh, what am I then? Naught. NO: for the effluence of Thy light divine Pervading worlds, hath reached my bosom Yes: in my spirit doth Thy Spirit shine, As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew. Naught? I live, and on Hope's pinions fly Eager toward Thy presence: for in Thee I live and breathe and dwell; aspiring high, Even to the throne of Thy divinity. I am, O God: And surely Thou must be! THOU art; directing guiding all, Thou art! Direct my understanding, then, to Thee; to; Control my spirit, guide my wandering heart; Though but an atom 'midst immensity, Still I am something, fashioned by Thy hand! I hold a middle rank 'twixt Heaven and Earth, On the vast verge of mortal being stand, Close to the realms where angels have their birth; just on the boundaries of the spirit land. >>>>>>> > ZZE Forty ^ I ii <<<<<<^*<° 1 4 t i <<<<< 44 3TT THE chain of being is complete in me; In me is matter's last gradation lost. And the next step in spirit-Deity! I command the lightning, I am more than dust! A monarch and a slave; a worm, a god! Whence came I here? And how so marvelously Constructed and conceived? Unknown this clod Lives surely through some higher energy; For from itself alone it could not be. CREATOR, yes! Thy wisdom and Thy word Created me! Thou source of life and good! Thou spirit of my spirit, and my Lord! Thy Light, Thy Love, in their bright plentitude Filled me with an immortal soul, to spring Over the abyss of death, and bade it wear The garments of eternal day, and wing Its Heavenly flight beyond this little sphere, Even to its Source, to Thee, its author there. THOUGHTS ineffable! O vision blest ! Though worthless our conceptions all of Thee, Yet shall Thy shadowed image fill our breast, And waft its homage to Thy Deity. God! thus alone my lonely thoughts can soar; Thus seek Thy presence, being wise and good! 'Midst Thy vast works admire, obey, adore; And when the tongue is eloquent no more, The soul shall speak in tears of gratitude. Found burnt on sacred parchment in the Great Pyramid of Egypt. P If. /. > > * > > > > >T £} <<<<<txmt? of NummiUigg HE Science of defining the Destiny of the individual by mathematics applied Astrologically, Psychologically and Physiologically, was discovered by Pythagoras and his student and co-worker, Critolus. This knowledge has come down the years by word of mouth since 600 B. C. There has always been one picked member of the ANCIENT COLLEGE who has been designated to give it to the world. The one so designated as the SERVICE MEMBER to this GENERATION is on the staff of "The Live Forever Folk." "The Live Forever Folk Association" will provide every member with a CHART OF DESTINY. This Chart encompasses the entire field of Physics and Metaphysics and shows the "DESCENT OF SPIRIT INTO MATTER." Accompanying the "Chart of Destiny" will be a complete ASTROLOGICAL HOROSCOPE verified by the principle of NUMERICAL PSYCHOLOGY. The Chart is elaborately printed in Seven Colors and will be especially prepared to apply to your INDIVIDUAL DESTINY. Price $25.00 Make Checks and Money Orders payable to "The Live Forever Folk" and mail your order to The Live Forever Folk, Numberscope Dept., 127 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. Forty-two Otyp !?0r2ttt nf Spirit Intn Waiter Btaualtzeo ®lje ilaater nf Numernlogg of ®I|p (EnUeg? at tlje Anrienla Astoruirjy NDELIBLY stamped on you at birth by the forces and vibrations of Nature, is theThread of your Destiny. Your Fundamental Tendencies, your Inherent Characteristics, your Lines of Manifestation, all are written in the Star Map of the Heavens. KNOW THYSELF astrologically. Equip yourself with absolute knowledge and make the best of your Time and Opportunities. "There is a Special Providence in the fall of a Sparrow.'* You are here to do a certain work. You are of particular and peculiar interest to the MOST HIGH. He has assigned to you a PURPOSE. Ascertain that PURPOSE. Get in Tune with the Infinite. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW Your Vocation? Your financial prospects? With whom to affiliate on a basis of friendship? How to manage partners and business associates? Your enemies? Your psychic and clairvoyant powers? Then have your Star Map and Horoscope Erected. How often have your surveyed the PAST with all its MISTAKES, FAILURES, and HEART ACHES, and realized that had you been able to know the FUTURE, the MISTAKES could have been AVOIDED, the FAILURES would have been SUCCESS, and the HEART ACHES unknown. LISTEN. If you are interested in knowing the traits and tempera- ments of other people, have their Star Map and Horoscope Erected. If you contemplate social or business dealings with any- one, their Star Map of Birth, when compared with yours, will POSITIVELY SHOW whether such affiliations will be fortun- ate or the reverse. Your Own Horoscope will accurately indicate your NATURAL VOCATION. This information is invaluable. It will reveal your FINANCIAL DESTINY and whether ta'ragj HE WORDS of the ancient writer of p|i*g!i Genesis have echoed down through the ages, have lived through upheav- als of nature and of man, and their meaning is as true today as when on that primal day was uttered the creative fiat: "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens .... and let them be for signs and for seasons." of (©rodttam Outline of Courses Price "Myself/' an introductory lesson in the Science of Spiritual Unfoldment $2.50 Historical Outline of Spiritualism 3.00 Mental Development, Its Attainment and Practice 3.00 Cultivation of Sensitiveness 2.50 Obsession and Insanity 2.00 Symbolism . 2.00 Hynotism and Mesmerism 2.00 Automatic and Independent Writing 2.00 Clairvoyance 2.50 Telepathy 2.00 Trance 2.00 Magnetism 5.00 Inspirational Speaking and Messages 2.00 Healing 3.00 Materialization 3.00 Mediumship 3.00 The Occult Secret 1 0.00 All enrolled members of "The Live Forever Folk'' may, at their pleasure, select any 3 of the above subjects of instruc- tion per application blank on page 66. We must insist, how- ever, that the selections include "Myself." These text books will be delivered at the rate of one per month. Anyone not a member of "The Live Forever Folk Asso- ciation" may purchase any of the above text books at the above listed prices. Forty-seven Bpnml §>nb\tft& To those who have joined "The Live Forever Folk Asso- ciation" the following remarkable works received from the Supreme Lodge will be furnished at the following reduced prices : Crystal Gazing A form of Clairvoyant Mediumship Price $3.50 Numerology Constituting a series of 1 2 lessons 1 5.00 Dreams A scientific treatise on the Art of Dreaming 3.00 Magic and Sorcery Its Development and Practice 1 5.00 To obtain this work you must satisfy the Magus that the knowledge will not be misused as it constitutes a terri- ble power in the hands of the unscrupulous. To those who have not enrolled in "The Live Forever Folk Association" the prices will be as follows: Crystal Gazing . . , $ 5.00 Numerology . . 25.00 Dreams 5.00 Magic and Sorcery ■.."-.. 25.00 Stye Btxmtt of ICtmttg $amtt r Price $15.00 An extraordinary series of instructions in the Science of Living Forever considered from the Physical, Mental and Spiritual standpoint. This masterpiece contains interesting and valuable data which will prove a positive revelation. Price to Live Forever Folk Association Members, $1 0.00. Forty-eight ®Iji> MmUv ImuVr By Dr. Morris HE Master Builder in Ten Lessons are more than books. Every paragraph is a volume. Every chapter is a library. The Course represents a Treasury of Thought, a Store House of Strange Tidings from the Unseen Intelligences. The greatest Knowledge ever given openly to the world, dealing with the most profound subjects that ever challenged the Human Mind. It teaches you how to become Healthy, Wealthy, Wise, Happy and Contented in the Wisdom Understanding of the Law of Being. Lesson 1 . Natural Laws; Natural Living; Natural Healing; Dietetics; Herbs; Foods and Chemical Combinations; Color Vibra- tions and General Therapeutics. How to Care for the Health, Figure, Complexion, Hair. Will-Power; The Power of Mind Over Matter; The Master Builder; The Dual Law; Self-Healing; Wisdom; Under- standing. Lesson 3. Soul Science. Marriage, Mating, Mismating. Law of Cause and Effect. The Mother of Invention. The Soul of the Universe. Lesson 4. Number; Numeral; The Numeration; Their Magic and Meaning. Kabbalah of Numbers. The "New Name;" How to Know Your Life Work. Lesson 5. Woman of the Hour; Her Place in the Divine Plan; The Soul of Man; The Savior of the Race. Lesson 6. Bible Alchemy; Divine Symbolism; Generation and Regen- eration; Written and Oral Law. Lesson 7. Hermetic Wisdom; Mysteries Unveiled; Sacred Doc- trines in Israel; The Redeemed; Isis — Mother of Wisdom. Forty-nine Lesson 8. The Inner-Life; Initiation; Esoteric Masonry; Degree of Studies. Lesson 9. Spiritual Science — Illuminati; Ministry-healing; Brother- hood Degree. Lesson 1 0. Prenatal and Postnatal Culture; The Rights of a Child to Be Well Born; Knowledge for Expectant Mothers; Betrothals; Training of Children Through the Adolescent State. Price To Enrolled Members, $50.00. Regular Price, $75.00. Time Payment Plan Price $75.00; $10.00 down — $5.00 per month for 13 consecutive months. Fifty fljsgrlju §>nw& A set of Psychical Essays. Not a bundle of meaningless words, but a series of direct, tersely written Monographs, clear, lucid, and containing Occult information of Supreme value. Price 'Yourself a Psychic Being in a Psychic World" $2.00 'Your Talents Based in Psychic Reality and Intelli- gence" 2.00 'Developing the Sense of Psychic Touch" 2.00 'Developing the Sense of Psychic Seeing" 2.00 'Developing the Sense of Psychic Healing" 2.00 'Developing the Sense of Psychic Smelling" 2.00 'Developing the Sense of Psychic Taste" 2.00 'Developing the Sixth Sense or the Power of Psychic Perceiving" 2.00 'Developing the Power of Psychic Healing" 2.00 'Developing the Power of Psychic Magnetism" 2.00 'The Psychic Element in Business" 2.00 'The Psychic Element in Love and Home" 2.00 'The Psychic Element in Friendship" 2.00 'The Psychic Element in Prolonging Life" 2.00 'The Psychic Element in Death" 2.00 To "The Live Forever Folk Association" enrolled members, the price will be $1.00 each, or a full set for $1 5.00. To those who are not enrolled members of "The Live Forever Folk Association," the price will be $2.00 each, or a full set for $30.00. Time Payment Plan Price $30.00 — $5.00 down, and $5.00 per month for five con- secutive months. Fifty-one IGtfe tilmttrol By J. A. Bazart An introduction to the study of metaphysics for those who have had no previous training in this science ; presented in such a manner as to be comprehensible to everyone and divided into three lessons. I. How to Ease Pain and Be Healthy, II. How to be Happy Under All Conditions III. How to be what you Want to Be. Regular Price $7.50 To those who have enrolled in "The Live Forever Folk Association" the price has been reduced to $5.00 for the Course of three lessons. Time Payment Plan Price $7.50 — $2.50 down and $2.50 for two consecutive months. Sfutt&ametttala at spirit Idealization By Horatio W. Dresser A series of twelve lessons in the Fundamental Principles of Spirit Realization, teaching the student the practical appli- cation of the Principles to Life itself, definitely accomplishing the Realization of the presence of the Spirit to guide, sustain, heal and give us Wisdom for daily living. I. The Inner Point of View. II. The Inner Life. III. The Power of Ideals. IV. Laws and Conditions of Growth. V. Intuition. VI. The Christ Within. Fifty-tivo I. Realizing the Divine Presence. II. The Psychological Principles. III. Levels of Consciousness. IV. Spiritual Healing. V. Spiritual Healing Applied. VI. How to Demonstrate. Price to Enrolled Association Members, $20.00. Regular Price, $25.00. Time Payment Plan Price $25.00 — $5.00 down and $5.00 per month for four consecutive months. (2% ®r«it| EING a series of Six Monographs by Dr. Adolph John || Foerter constituting an interpretative analysis of the extraordinary writings of Judge T. Troward, the mar- velous mystic (born in India October 14, 1847), and including a full set of his works. The Six Monographs of Dr. Foerter: I. The Starting Point. II. Spirit or First Cause. III. Man's Place in the Creative Order. IV. The Will, Divine and Human. V. Application of Principles for Supply and Intuition. VI. Application of Principles to Healing. The Works of Judge T. Troward: I. Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning. II. The Creative Process in the Individual. III. The Dore Lectures on Mental Science. IV. The Edinburgh lectures on Mental Science. V. The Law and the Word. VI. "The Hidden Power." This entire course containing Knowledge of tremendous significance will be sold complete to Enrolled Association Mem- bers for $35.00. Regular price to those not enrolled members of "The Live Forever Folk Association," $40.00. Time Payment Plan Price $40.00 — $10.00 down and $5.00 per month for six consecutive months. Fifty-three "Uijtte ICntus fcattf By Miriam Milner French A series of seven Psychic Monographs of marvelous inter- est, and of inestimable value to those seeking the higher Spirit- ual or Physical Development. I. Preliminary Lesson. II. The Sun Breath — Positive: Male. III. The Moon Breath — Negative: Female. IV. The Breath of the Gnomes — Earth. V. The Breath of the Sylphs — Air. VI. The Breath of the Undines — Water. VII. The Breath of the Salamanders — Fire. The price to Enrolled Association Members will be $7.50. Regular Price, $10.00. Time Payment Plan Price $10.00 — $5.00 down and $2.50 a month for two consecutive months. Fifty- four flrafltral f sgrljologg By" Gregory Jones SERIES of six practical instructions in Applied Psy- chology. Clear, concise, and exceptionally lucid, these lessons are easily comprehensible to the beginner and are also of supreme value to the advanced student. I. The Law of Mental Action. II. Desire and Will. III. Visualization. IV. Poise. V. Transmutation. VI. Freedom. Price to Enrolled Members, $7.50. Regular Price, $ 1 0.00. Time Payment Plan Price $10.00 — $5.00 down and $2.50 per month for two consecutive months. (Htyxlb flBgrijnlngg By Alberta M. Carter A series of six lessons on applied Child Psychology by the greatest Child Specialist of the Age. These instructions are of supreme value to MOTHERS and will unquestionably be re- garded as her most treasured possession. The Course will teach her HOW TO PRESENT THE TRUTH TO CHILDREN and will help immeasurably in the unfolding of their Divine Powers. I. Who You Are. II. What You Are Here For. III. Love, the Wonder Working Power. IV. The Power Within. V. Living With God for a Day. VI. How to Put Your Knowledge and Faith into Practice. Price to Enrolled Members, $7.50. Regular Price, $1 0.00. Time Payment Plan Price $10.00 — $5.00 down and $2.50 per month for two consecutive months. Fifty -five By Elizabeth Theresa Bazant SERIES of Six Lessons of great constructive value to |TA^ the prospective MOTHER. The lessons are especially prepared, to help the INDIVIDUAL SOUL before it expresses itself in the BODY of the FLESH. These instruc- tions deal particularly with pre-natal influence and the buildng and maintaining of a PERFECT BEING from birth to maturity, and is approached on the three planes: Physical, Mental and Spiritual. I. Pre-Natal Influence. II. Shaping the Child's Mind. III. Shaping the Child's Body. IV. Shaping the Child's Character. V. The Child in Evolution. VI. Child Healing. Price to Enrolled Members, $7.50. Regular Price, $1 0.00. Time Payment Plan Price $10.00 — $5.00 down and $2.50 per month for two consecutive months. By Edward B. Warman, A.M., LL.D. SERIES of twelve lessons by a Master of Psychology. You will acquire, in the study and application of these instructions, an understanding of the methods and de- vices that will endow you with the magical qualities and still more magical effects that spell Success and Happiness without straining your Will to the breaking point and making life a burden. I. Fundamentals of Psychology. II. Applied Psychology. III. Fitting the Psychological Keys. IV. Personal Magnetism. V. Telepathy and Mental Telegraphy. VI. Mind Reading vs. Muscle Reading. Fifty -six I. Hypnotism: Its Use and Abuse. II. Suggestion: How to Use It. III. Suggestion (Continued). IV. Suggestion (Continued). V. Clairvoyance — Clairaudience — Clairsentience. VI. Premonitions and Impressions. Price to Enrolled Members, $20.00. Regular price, $25.00. Time Payment Plan Price $25.00 — $5.00 down and $5.00 per month for four consecutive months. Fifty-seven TMbk I?jrartm?ttt Itbltral i'gmboltam By Adeline Becker SERIES of twelve Esoteric Interpretations of that mar- velous Book of Occult Wisdom, the Bible. Contained in the writings of this Book of Books is aall the Soul needs in its progression towards perfect Being but to the student attempting the study alone it presents a mass of seeming contradictions and a veritable maze of meaningless terms. This is because he lacks the Key that unlocks the Golden Treasure House of Wisdom. These lessons are designed to meet this difficulty by reveal- ing the Code of Symbols used by the Spiritual Leaders of the Past. Parables I. The Rock. II. The Lord's Prayer. III. The Kingdom of Heaven. IV. The Sower and the Seed (The Word). V. The Good Shepherd. VI. The Wise and Foolish Virgins. Miracles I. The First Miracle. II. The Pool of Bethesda. III. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. IV. Feeding the Five Thousand. V. The Transfiguration. VI. The Resurrection. Price to Enrolled Members, $1 5.00. Regular Price, $20.00. Time Payment Plan Price 20.00 — $5.00 down and $5.00 per month for three consecutive months. Fifty-eight (Ehriatian Htutttg By Grace Wilson An exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Spiritual Development contained in the direct teachings of Jesus Christ and esoterically interpreted in Six Lessons. An invaluable treatise representing not only an ethical and moral guide in daily living, but a source of infinite power which, if properly applied through the medium of scientific prayer, will result in Success and Happiness. I. Statement of Being. II. Discrimination Between the Real and the Unreal. III. The Use of the Word and Its Power. IV. The Faith that Wins. V. Spiritual Understanding. VI. Scientific Prayer. The price to Enrolled Members, $7.50. Regular Price, $10.00. Time Payment Plan Price $10.00 — $5.00 down and $2.50 per month for two consecutive months. of spiritual Infolnment fcis^WNED and controlled by "The Live Forever Folk," and I tflil drawing its Inspiration and Practice from those B&SllS^ Sources of Biblical Wisdom that represent the Guid- ance and Authority of the Christian World. HAS PREPARED A study course of twenty-four lessons of marvelous in- terest constituting an analytical examination of the Bible in the light of Modern Spiritualism. To The Spiritualist This work will prove a Key to unlock your Thoughts, — a Light to illumine your Imagination and release the inspirations of your Soul, — a Divine Authority for your Belief and indeed "A Lamp to your feet and a Light to your pathway." Price To Enrolled Members, $35.00 Cash. Regular Price, $50.00. Time Payment Plan Price $50.00— $10.00 down— $5.00 per month for eight consecutive months. Fifty -nine W? JKwiro fnrnt ^HAT the Universe is a Unit overflowing with the Es- sence of Health, Beauty, Power, Opulence, Wisdom and Love. That the ever seeming contradictions are but the Shadow Shapes of Negative Thinking. That Sin is Ignorance. Error is Misunderstanding. Vice is Shortsightedness. Failure is Faithlessness. Misfortune is Misfitness. Envy is thwarted Ambition. Malice is Misplaced Charity. Hate is inverted Love. Fear is repressed Hope. Gloom is undawned Light. Disease is Unclaimed Health. Death is unsensed Life. Hell is undeveloped Heaven. That Humanity must live close to Nature. Eat the Sim- plest Foods. Drink the purest Water. Breathe the clearest Air. Seek the brightest Sunlight. Cherish the truest Comradeship. Think the happiest Thoughts. We must, as Divine Beings, GROW OR DIE. From the foothold of this tiny planet, winged by Hope, Longing and Love, we rise into Conscious Oneness with the Infinite. Verily I say unto YOU, Seek ye therefore this knowledge of Nature, Self and God, and Behold! there will be given unto you, — Massive Muscles, Surging Blood, Tingling Nerves, Zest- ful Digestion, Superb Sex, Beautiful Bodies, Sublime Thoughts, Pulsating Power, Boundless Opulence, Glorious Freedom, Per- petual Peace, Limitless Unfoldment, and Conscious Godhood. KNOW THYSELF Sixty (Sty? (EJjamhrr of X\\t %nxt\ atett IAVE YOU AN ENEMY YOU WISH CHANGED TO A FRIEND? HAVE YOU A LAUDABLE AMBITION YOU WISH REALIZED? IS THERE ONE OR MORE PEOPLE YOU WISH IN- FLUENCED TO YOUR LEGITIMATE PROFIT? DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE FAILURE INTO SUC- CESS. Submit your problems to the Silent and Secret Ten. The charge for their service will be in accordance with the importance and value of the service to be rendered and is a matter of personal negotiation. NOTHING OF AN OBJECTIONABLE OR ILLEGAL NATURE WILL BE CONSIDERED. THE END AND AIM OF THIS SPECIAL SERVICE IS THAT OF CONSTRUCTIVE GOOD. THE SERVICE OF THE SECRET TEN IS GIVEN ONLY TO ENROLLED MEMBERS OF "THE LIVE FOREVER FOLK." Address all communications to "The Live Forever Folk," Telepathic Dept., 127 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, California. Sixty-two S0 f an ICnniu That there is No Death? That there are No Dead? That nothing that God created ever perishes? That Earth-life is a School preparing you for the Life to come? That there are spirits that guide us through our Daily Life? That Spiritualism is not a new religion? That prophets are born, not made? That we have two minds — the Conscious and Sub-con- scious ? That a Medium can use his sub-conscious Mind to receive communications from spirits? That suicides are Lost Souls? Are you in trouble? Are you a victim of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? Are you a victim of love's cruelty? Are you obsessed with an ever present premonition of grave disaster? Is the Black Face of Fortune turned on the screen of your daily efforts? Do you need help, advice, comfort? There is a solution to your gravest problem. Address a full, frank, confidential letter to "The Seer," Advisory Dept., The Live Forever Folk Association, 1 27 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal., enclosing $1.00 and receive the helpful advice you require. Sixty-threi ®ijr Purrtjaap of Sty? (ttnamtr &urwg At Two Dollars Gives You A Kfe ifemforalftp in M\\t Hut? 3axmn 3Folk (An Association) And Entitles You to (Ewt \xt? feipra in Steplg to 5frw? Itw (§w Btiam Limited to One a Month Sljrrr (forattona fbrtammo, to four iTOatrrtal Nrroa Answered Psychically by One of Our Occult Seers Every enrolling member receives a Certificate of Life Membership and a Membership Card carrying a file number, the use of which insures prompt and accurate attention. This File No. must appear on all communications. A100 By the payment of an additional $1 0.00 the enrolled mem- bers may select Three Subjects from the Curriculum enumer- ated on Pages 47 to 63. Sixty-four This additional payment will also entitle them to a year's subscription to the "Live Forever" Magazine and a copy of that strange and remarkable work entitled, "Slip (§tmlt &tttvt" A series of definite instructions revealing the Great Secret that insures the student, if he has the courage to follow the in- structions to the letter, direct physical and mental communica- tion with his departed friends and relatives. These Text Books will be delivered one a month culminat- ing with "The Occult Secret." Serial Attention Those who take advantage of this offer must select the Introductory Lesson No. 1 entitled, "Myself," an extraordinary initial instruction in the Science of Spiritual Unfoldment. A Sonarlutbfe ©for Your Life Membership will obtain you the further priv- ilege of TIME PAYMENTS on any the Courses you may select on a graded basis according to the cost price of the par- ticular subject or subjects selected. Make Checks and Money Orders payable to "The Live Forever Folk," 1 27 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, California. Sixty-five Application for Enrollment TO THE LIVE FOREVER FOLK, 406-7-8-9 Mason Opera House Building, 1 2 7 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California. Dear Live Forever Folk: I hereby enclose two ($2.00) Dollars, for which please send me the book entitled "The Cosmic Survey," in addition to which it is understood that I am to receive, free of charge, a Life Membership in "The Live Forever Folk Association," which will entitle me, as a member, to a Certificate of Mem- bership and a Membership Card carrying a file number which I am to put on all my communications to the Association, also twelve letters in reply to Twelve Questions of a vital personal nature that I may ask, limited to one a month, and three Ques- tions pertaining to my material needs answered psychically by an Esoteric Master. It is furthermore understood that I am entitled r by my membership, to the privilege of paying at any time an addi- tional sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and by such payment I have the right to select Three Study Subjects from a definitely prescribed list of subjects including the great book entitled "The Occult Secret," and also will receive a year's subscription to the "Live Forever" Magazine, the regular subscription price of which is Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. It is under- stood that $5.00 of the above $10.00 represents the reduced Magazine subscription price that I enjoy as an Enrolled Member in the Association. It is furthermore understood and agreed that I am subject to no assessment, and that all lessons and letters that I receive shall be used for my personal benefit and are to be kept strictly confidential. Signed Write Name in Full. Address Street City State Remit by Post Office or Express Money Order or Bank Draft to THE LIVE FOREVER FOLK. 3Ftttattrial Spjrartttmtt The financial resources of "The Live Forever Folk" are unlimited. Our sources of financial information are incomparable and authoritative. While engaged in teaching the underlying PRINCIPLES of SUCCESS we are also in a position to assist our Members to put into practical and effective action the Esoteric Powers so ably inculcated by our University. To this End we have established our Financial Depart- ment. If you are considering an investment in stocks and bonds, before taking final steps, consult our Free Financial Advisory Department, and we will forward to you promptly authorita- tive advice as to the soundness of your contemplated invest- ment. If you are thinking of buying real estate, take advantage of the free consultation service of our Realty Board. Are your thoughts and desires actuating a move to South- ern California, the land of SUNSHINE and PROSPERITY? Are you longing to take up your residence and engage in business in the PEERLESS CITY of LOS ANGELES? " Consult our free Investment Bureau. We have listed the choicest Business Opportunities in the City and County of Los Angeles. Our Auditing Department controlled by BUSINESS EX- PERTS has subjected every business on our lists to an exhaus- tive survey and we are prepared to guarantee that everything submitted for your consideration is as represented. SUnalhj Are you looking for Employment? Are you dissatisfied with your present position in Life? Do you wish to make a change with a view of increasing your earning power? Sixty-seven If this is your need and ambition you are urged to take advantage of the incomparably Effective Service of our Bureau of Benevolent Assistance. Before you can join our Bureau of Benevolent Assistance you must become a member of "The Live Forever Folk." This done, by the payment of $10.00, you are entitled to our Employment Service for a period of One Year. For additional information write and address Financial Department, Live Forever Folk Association, 1 27 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, California. Sixty-eight Appliri Numeral f jsutfffllsij From The Great Work in Twelve Lessons Entitled, "NUMEROLOGY" by A Seer of the College of The Ancients HE Science of Numerology is the Key to the Principle of the Universe. The proper definition of the word "Numerology" is: "The Science of numbers applied to the interpretation of any name, word or combination of words that convey a knowl- edge of anything, person, place or experience." By a thorough understanding of the Science of Numerol- ogy in the Four Basic Principles one is enabled to correctly de- fine and understand the character, temperament, disposition and ambition of any human being shown by the date of their birth, place of Residence and Name they use. This also enables one to know the Business or Occupation which engaged in will bring unlimited Success. Every experience relating to one's past and the tendencies toward the future are shown in the number of the individual's name. It would require a lengthy description to embody all the angles of this wonderful newly discovered Ancient Secret, which is only hinted at in the encyclopedias, and which always have held out hope that it would be rediscovered. Our Esoteric Master of Numerology proves every state- ment by the Science of Numerology and uses the names and birthdays of those members of the Live Forever Folk for his examples. There is no charge made should he select your name and define your fortune. You may have a wonderful name, but be living in the wrong locality to get success. These ques- tions are all settled by this science — if you are a member of the Live Forever Folk. In beginning this treatise on the Science of Numerology and endeavoring to set forth rules for its application to all prob- lems of life, we will give our reason for interpreting the value of certain digits from one to nine and words that are represented by a single digit, which will hereafter be referred to as the vibra- tion of the word. We mean that each word has, when properly Sixty-nine reduced to a single digit, a weight or power or vibratory force or expression that results in sound and is preceded or followed by a mental vision of the thing named or numbered. Now, take the alphabet and divide it in the following man- ner to get the numerical value of each letter: "KABALA TABLE" 123456789 ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ& The following rules must be observed very carefully: FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NUMERICAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 . Gross Volume of a Word : The total number of sym- bols or digits of which it is composed. The single digit is placed over the word. 4 Example: "Word" 2. Atomic Weight of a Word: Is the total or final digit after the figures under each letter have been added together until one digit remains, thus: Examle : "Word' ' 5694 equal 24 equal 6 — the atomic weight of "Word" is six. 3. Combined Power of a Word: The combined power of a word is found by adding the Gross Volume Digit and the Atomic Weight Digit together, thus: 4 Example : ' 'Word' ' 5694 24 6 — plus 4 equals 1 or — the combined power of the word is therefore 1 . 4. Origin and Destiny: Is the total number of figures or digits of which the whole word is composed and is found by Sevtnty counting the number of figures you have used in the deduc- tion, thus: 4 Example: "Word" 5694 24 6 10 Now start and count them, 456942461 Thus you have used 1 digits and that, when added, make I, which is the Origin and Destiny of "Word." There is but one "Principle." Principle is the foundation of all laws. Principle always was and always will be. Principle is primarily divided into five great heads. They are: Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Human, Spirit. Principle manifests individuality in each of these kingdoms but expresses itself literally in many absolute Laws. Principle itself is singular, having no sub-expressions or manifestations, it never changes or fluctuates, it is always the same. All laws spring from the one principle and change with the changing evolution of Nature, but the Principle never changes, even with the ravages of time. Principle is Infinite: Laws are Absolute. Principle is the basic Truth of all things, times, and Uni- versal Manifestations of action or re-action. PRINCIPLE 79953973 5—57 (3) 12 ELECTRICITY 535299392 7—57 12 (3) NERVE FORCE 5 5 9 4 5 6 6 9 3 5—57 12 (3) Knowledge is a clear understanding of Truth in all its infinite gradiations, acquired through the medium of Experience through the nerve force. Seventy-one Memory of Experience is Knowledge. Knowledge wisely applied is Power. Power is Controlled Vibration. Vibration is Omnipotent. All signs and symbols are Vibratory. Colors are the Vibrations of the Elements. Elements are Materialized Thoughts. Thought is Destiny. Destiny is Atonement with God. Man made in Gods image is Spiritual — expressing the will of God in material form — in touch with God through the Ner- vous System. The Nerves of the system receive the vibration . The Brain records it in Memory, and the Spiritual Comprehension of man classifies it and it is then Wisdom. "Ne plus Ultra." We reach the Spiritual Comprehension, seat of Wisdom, through the fourteen sensitory nerves : Feeling 1 - 7 Psychometry Tasting 3 - 3 Clairvoyance Seeing 3 - 5 Clairaudience Smelling 4 - 4 Prophesy Hearing 5 - 3 Omniscience Sensing 6 - 2 Omnipresence Psychic 7 - 1 Omnipotence It has been said of Numerology: It holds the secret of "That something" — -What are we? Where did we come from? What are we here for? Where do we go from here? Anyone knows the answer to the first question — "What are we?" — and will readily tell you we are human beings. That is correct. But what is a human being? "A man made in God's image." Yes, that is right. Formed of "dust of the earth" that we might have physical power. A body of sub- stance enclosing the Spiritual Ego, whose intelligence directs the actions of the body, both consciously and unconsciously. There are two sets of muscles in the body. One is called volun- tary muscles, those we consciously bring into action, and the involuntary muscles, those over which the human mind has no control. The Creator of this wonderful human machine called our body is the Spirit, the Soul replenishes the structure and Ego mind is master of the tabernacle, which came from God and will return unto God. Seventy-two This chapter has to do with Human Temperament, as de- fined by the Science of Numerology. The word temperament comes from the Latin and signifies a mixture or arrangement of qualities or parts. The Apostle Paul speaks of the body being "tempered together." In mechanics the expression is common. A mason speaks of tempering mortar, the machinist speaks of tempering steel; a good or proper temper meaning a mixture or blending of prop- erties in proper proportion, so that the effect desired shall be good. Temperament as applied to the human race is a proper mixture development and harmonizing of the physical elements that constitute his being or body. In ancient times there were four primary components of the body. First those who had a great abundance of blood, round face and smiling countenance were said to be "Sanguine." If on the other hand they were thin and solemn faced they were called "Phlegmatic." If one had a moderately round face and could smile and weep equally by turn, were emotional and easily excited, they were called "Choleric," and if they never smiled and were thin and despondent they were called "Melan- cholic." Now, as our likes and dislikes are dependent upon our temperament, so our abilities and lack of mechanical skill are likewise traceable to the temperament of the individual. The great aim of Nature seems to be to so blend the elements of the physical organism and bring them to a perfect functioning at the will of the soul that possesses them. When this condi- tion is reached it is called Poise, and then there is not found a trace of temperaments of any one of those here designated, but one possessed of poise is rather looked upon as a super-being. Perfection in temperament is the great aim of the stock breeder, but is almost overlooked by the human race progenitors. When a few years ago the world was startled by the craze for Human Eugenics it looked very much as though something big would develop, but the sensation of a season has died down until now one seldom hears the word Eugenics mentioned. Go where we will we find the most successful business men and the shrewdest salesmen are students of human tempera- ments, and they can tell at a glance the immediate chances of being able to sell to their prospect. If they are advanced in the science of Physiognomy they know just how to approach their subject. They know the leads that may be advanced with safety, they know when to tell a story and what kind of a yarn it must be to please their prospective customer. Seventy-three So we make the statement without fear of contradiction that there is not a more important science in the world than that here set forth: "How to Read the Human Name" by the number of the soul. In using the word Temper, soft or hard, sharp or dull, we wish our readers to understand that in this Science of Numer- ology we deal with each of the words we use in their final analysis. So this word temper leads us to the knowledge that temper gives power. Now observe the word : 6 TEMPER 2 5 4 7 5 9 32 13 OD 5 AW — Note 1 1 2— CP Now refer to the abbreviated foregoing statement: "The soul replenishes," or we might say builds, the body. In other words, it mixes the elements that compose our flesh body. So temper then is the result of the Ego intelligence blending these various vibratory etheric substances called foods into what we call Spiritual, Mental or Physical Dispositions. Temper and Disposition are identical words in Atomic Weight, per se. 11—2 OD Note D I SP O S I T I ON 4 9 1 7 6 1 9 59 14 5 7 4 2 9 6 5 20 AW CP W I L L 5 9 3 3 20 8 OD 6 Will in gross volume is four, denoting that it is in the mind; atomic weight of Will is two, showing that it is Ion Vibration ; the Combined Power is Six. There are nine Dispositions or Temperaments. Tempera- ments are of the Ego, but Dispositions are of the Spirit. As the Spirit wills the Ego orders and the Mind directs and the Body acts. And all action is by word. Seventy-four As there are only four perfect numbers between 1 and 10,000, so there are only four perfect dispositions or tempera- ments in ten thousand people. The proportion holds good throughout all nature. Now the perfect number between one and ten is 6. The other one between ten and one hundred is 28 ; the one between 100 and 1,000 is 496, and the one between 1,000 and 10,000 is 8128. A perfect number is a number that the sum of its divisors other than itself equals the number. For instance: 6 is a perfect number because the sum of its divisors other than itcelf equals 6 — 6 equals 1 plus 2 plus 3 equals 6; 28 in like manner — 28 equals 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 7 plus 1 4 equals 28. The three divisions of numbers and names of people are called Abundant, Deficient and Perfect. Perfect number is 6 and 28 ; Abundant number is 1 2 and 24 ; Deficient number is 8 and 1 4. The Perfect are between Excess and Deficiency as consonant sound between acuter and graver sounds. These are the names of persons, and such persons' dispositions are interpreted from the sound of their name, which sound is produced by the number of the name, and the number of the name holds the secret of the character and power of the indi- vidual bearing that name. The four perfect numbers, you will notice, have the property of ending alternately in 6 and 8. Gross Volume of a name is what the person is as a whole; it is the Temperamental number. Atomic Weight of a person's name is an index to their Desires and Ambitions. Combined Power of a person's name foretells whether the Ambitions and Desires will be realized. Origin and Destiny of the name tells what the Desires and Ambitions of the person should be if they would be perfect — Health, Happiness, Finances. President Harding's Destiny Numbers Total Birthday Residence Name Occupation Number Final 6 4 2 6 18 9 Note — To attain the highest Ideal the final number must be 9. Financial and Commercial Success, the final number is 8. Seventy-five Your number of Destiny may be good for success though made up of a different combination of figures that total 8 or 9. Explanation Everyone should know the number to which his occupa- tion must vibrate and the number of his true mate. Once you get the Soul, or Key number you may learn other things of vital importance. Since all things manifest according to the law of numbers, or vibration, everything can be made to respond to these laws. For numbers are not arbi- trary symbols, but constitute a sacred science, its symbols being generated by the manifestation of all nature and the cosmos itself. Know the keynote of that which you desire, harmonize yourself with it, and Health and Success are yours. Mathematics is the only exact science. Each number from 1 to 9, inclusive, has certain moral values and certain characteristics under this system of Truth. No. 9 Is Highest The alphabet as shown on another page of this article is divided in a manner so as to bring forth the numerical value of each letter. Each word must be reduced to its lowest numeral. For instance: If your first name is James, its numbers are 1 1451, or, added together, 12; or, again, added together, 3. This is the method of obtaining your Personality number, and the full christened name must be used. President Harding's name, for instance: Warren Gamal iel Harding 519955 71413953 8194957 34 33 43 7 6 7 20 His Personality number is 2. The Soul number is obtained by adding the entire number of digits comprising the month, day of month and year born in. For instance: President Harding was born 11/2/1856, and Seventy-six when added together results in 24, or 6. Therefore, 6 is his Soul number. The Residence number is obtained by adding the numbers representing the letters in the name of the town and state where one may reside. For instance: Washington 5 118 9 5 7 2 6 5 Added, 13; reduced, 4. The Occupation number is obtained by the same method. Thus : President of the United States 795194552 66 285 359254 121251 Added, 114; reduced, 6. It is thus arranged under a four-fold proposition, and the total of the four results in 1 8, or, adding the 1 and 8, gives 9. Therfore, the vibration brings forth world-wide satisfaction. See Destiny numbers previously given. When you find the numbers given by your birth date, your name and the town and state you live in, you can test the suitability of your occupation. If its number brings the total that can be reduced to 9, it is the work for you. If not, you are engaged in the wrong occupation or the wrong place, and can find a better position or place of residence. To find the number of your soul mate, find your key number from the date of your birth, and then search for an affinity whose key number added to yours will make 1 0, or, reduced, the numeral 1 . This is the perfect human life. The numbers 3 — 6, or 9, occurring in the Personality number and Soul number bring forth the vibrations favorable to music, the arts and oratory. 1 — 4 — 8 Pioneering, Building and Mechanics. 2 — 5 — 7 Diplomacy, Chemistry and Theory. In a comparison with any other name, the atomic weight of which is in value the same as the Origin and Destiny of the name that is compared, there is always a close relationship to each other. If the atomic weights are of similar value, it of course indicates the names are of necessity under the same vibrations. The Gross Volume and the Origin and Destiny being similar in value brings forth a close relationship. This discloses the law of creation and is of vital interest to humanity. Seventy-seven ife{rttatt0tt on CSnb by An Occult Seer UPREME GOD, unknown yet sensed, Thou art indeed the One permanent, ever present, unchanging Power in an ever changing Universe. Heat and Light, Electricity and Magnetism, appear and disappear, plodding, vacillating agents, compared with Thy steady Existence. Thou art the Beginning and the End. All things Earthly and Unearthly kneel before Thine Omnipotence. Thou art an Unimaginable Potency! Thou Greatest Motion and yet maintainest the Equilibrium of all things terrestial and celestial. Thou art a Voice out of the Beyond! Distance disappears before Thy ever-reaching Spirit. Thou holdest the Universe together and for Thee there is no word expressing Time. Thou art a Voice from the Space Caverns of the Universe, and all created things are but the Echoes of Thy whispered Thought. Thou art a Voice that carriest the history of the Past into the Present. For Thee there is no Past, no Future. Thou art the Timeless One, connecting and covering the Past, Present and Future. Past, Present, Future! Father, Son and Holy Ghost. GOD. And yet is there not SOMETHING farther out in those fathomless Caverns, beyond the suns and vortices of suns, beyond the infinitely distant star mists, beyond the silent, unre- solved nebulae, beyond Mind Imaginings, from which even Thou comest! FOR HOW COULD NOTHINGNESS HAVE FORMULATED ITSELF INTO A VOICE? The Suns and Universe of Suns are perhaps only vacant points in the depths of an ALL PERVADING ENTITY in which EVEN THYSELF dost exist as a momentary Echo, des- tined eventually to fade away in the interstellar expanse outside and beyond the Celestial Sphere, where disturbances disappear, matter and gravitation die; where all is pure, quiescent, peaceful, dark — The Womb of Creation. Seventy -eight JHrititotum on Sterntig by An Occult Seer There is a Timeless Point in Time. There is a critical point of INSTANTANEOUSNESS that partakes not of the First Second, nor a fraction of a fraction of the First Second. That Timeless Point in Time is — Eternity. We die. The Soul separates from the Body. The Process of separation represents a duration of Time. The Point of Liberation is Instantaneous. Death therefore at the Point of Liberation ushers the separating Spirit into — Eternity. At that critical point there is neither Beginning nor End. There occurs an annihilation of Space and Time. Crushed into this limitless Conception of the Critical Point is the Eternity of Happiness that represents Heaven and the Eternity of Anguish that represents Hell. At that spaceless, timeless point where motion ceases, the Soul of man emits a Cry. IT IS THE SNAPPING SCREAM OF THE WHIP-LASH OF DEATH. It is the Electric, Spaceless, Timeless, Instantaneous Sever- ance of the Silver Cord. Beware of the Eternity that follows on the heels of Evil Living. It is a Vortex of Inconceivable Anguish. IT IS— HELL! Seventy-nine V V V Y Y Y V Y V Y V V V Y V J1A>A>>> ^^ ^ JL 4 44-r-M-m.T ^ THERE IS NO ONE IN THE WORLD WHO CAN BENEFIT YOU BUT YOURSELF. IT IS THROUGH YOUR ACTION OR INACTION THAT YOU EXPE- RIENCE SUCCESS OR FAILURE. THIS IS THE CRITICAL MENT. MO- ON YOURDECISION AND YOURS ALONE DEPENDS YOUR FUTURE WELFARE. DECIDE IN THE AFFIRMATIVE AND DO IT NOW. TURN TO PAGE 66. MAKE OUT THE APPLICATION AT ONCE AND MAIL IT IMMEDI- ATELY TO— THE LIVE FOREVER FOLK AN ASSOCIATION 127 South Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. v v V v v v v V ■v V V V V V Y V V Eighty