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Title: Methane emissions from US coal mines in 1980. IV. Series: Informat ion circular (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 8987. TN295.U4 [TN305] 622s [622\8] 84-600148 CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Acknowledgments ,. 2 Discussion of results 2 Methane emission statistics 2 Emission trend analysis. 4 Conclusion and summary 6 References 7 Appendix. — Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcf d 8 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Emissions, number of mines, and mean and median emissions per mine for 11 States 4 2. Total emissions, number of mines, and mean and median emissions per mine for the 10 highest emitting coalbeds 4 3 . Total gas content versus depth of coaTf., 5 4 . Methane emissions versus total gas content 6 5. Emissions versus depth of coal 6 TABLES 1 . Comparison of emissions in 1975 and 1980 2 2. Comparison of the 10 mines with the highest emissions in 1975 and 1980... 3 3. Mines with measured total gas content data and emissions greater than 0.1 MMcfd 5 A-l. Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by order of emissions 8 A-2. Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by coalbed 11 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT eft cubic foot per ton Mtpy thousand short tons per year ft foot pet percent ft* cubic foot yr year MMcfd million cubic feet per day METHANE EMISSIONS FROM U.S. COAL MINES IN 1980 By Roy H, Grew III 1 and John C. LaScola 2 ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines report contains a tabulation of methane emissions during 1980 for all coal mines located in the United States with emis- sions greater than 0.1 MMcfd. Listed for each mine are methane emission quantity, location, and coalbed. The report also compares records of 1975 and 1980 and describes relationships between emissions in 1980 and the Bureau's coalbed gas content data on 11 mines. INTRODUCTION Methane gas is a threat to safety in underground coal mines. Research by Government and industry has led to great gains in reducing methane gas ignitions and explosions. The development of advanced methane con- trol techniques is necessary for the safe operation of more gassy mines and the implementation of rapid mining techniques. As part of this research, the Bureau of Mines has surveyed total meth- ane emission data from underground bituminous coal mines in the United States and tabulated emissions from mines producing over 0.1 MMcfd of methane. This report is an update of similar studies previously de- scribed in Information Circulars 8733, 8659, and 8558 (.2-4). 3 The data from 1980 were compiled from Mine Safety and Health Admin- istration (MSHA) records of air quality-quantity inspections made quarterly at each mine. The inspections involve measuring airflow and collecting air samples in the main returns. From these data, an average methane emission is calculated and used to represent the daily mine emission for each quarter. The methane emissions given in this report are the averages of the four 1980 quarters and do not include mine emis- sions from other sources such as degasification projects. Since a pre- vious Bureau study showed that emissions from mines emitting less than 0.1 MMcfd represented only 2 pet of all emissions, 0.1 MMcfd was chosen as a lower limit for data collection (4). 'Mining engineer. ^Physical scientist. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. ^Underlined numbers in parentheses refer to items in the list of references preced- ing the appendix. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors express their appreciation to the district and subdistrict person- nel of the Mine Safety and Health Ad- ministration throughout the country who contributed much of the information for this report. The completion of this project would not have been possible without their full cooperation. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS METHANE EMISSION STATISTICS During 1980, 200 underground coal mines in the United States had methane emis- sions of at least 0.1 MMcfd. These mines are listed in order of highest emissions to lowest in table A-l in the appendix and alphabetically by coalbed in table A-2. Both tables contain each mine's re- spective coalbed, State, and county. The emissions from all mines totaled 256.3 MMcfd, and the mines were distrib- uted through 11 States and 64 counties. A comparison of the emission data for 1975 (2) and 1980 is shown in table 1. Total emissions increased from 216.3 MMcfd in 1975 to 256.3 MMcfd in 1980. The number of mines emitting 0.5 MMcfd or less decreased by 9.0 pet, but the gas emitted from this group remained at 8.0 pet. Also, there was an increase in the number of mines producing between 0.5 and 1.0 MMcfd, as well as those producing over 1.0 MMcfd. However, in both cate- gories, the percentage of emissions they contributed to the total amount in 1975 and 1980 was almost equal. The overall increase in methane emissions from 1975 to 1980 may have been caused by a variety of factors such as new mines in gassier seams , an increase in the size of the mines, and the fact that 1980 coal pro- duction for underground bituminous coal mines in the United States was 337 mil- lion short tons compared with 293 million short tons in 1975. Table 2 gives a comparison of the 10 mines with the highest emissions in 1975 and 1980. The emissions from the 10 highest producing mines increased from 66.8 MMcfd in 1975 to 82.8 MMcfd in 1980. Although the mines that are listed as top gas producers in 1975 were all active operations in 1980, six were replaced in the 1980 list by different mines, all of which were located in Alabama or Vir- ginia. Interestingly, these six mines ranged from 4 to 14 yr old while five of the six mines that were replaced were at least 30 yr old. Although this seems to indicate that a direct relationship ex- ists between emissions and age, a more in-depth observation shows that there is no singular relationship between the two (4). For instance, in 1980 the following mines had these respective ages and emissions: Blue Creek No. 4 6 yr 16.5 MMcfd Blue Creek No. 5 5 yr 6.2 MMcfd Loveridge No. 22 29 yr 8.2 MMcfd TABLE 1. - Comparison of emissions in 1975 and 1980 Mines Emiss ions Emission rate, MMcfd Number pet of total Volume, MMcfd pet of total 1975 103 33 60 52 17 31 18.4 20.7 177.2 8 10 82 196 100 216.3 100 1980 >0.5 but <1.0 86 44 70 43 22 35 19.9 30.2 206.2 8 12 80 Total >0. 1 200 100 256.3 100 TABLE 2. - Comparison of the 10 mines with the highest emissions in 1975 and 1980 Mine 1975 Lo ver idge No . 2 2 , Humphrey No . 7 , Federal No . 2 , Blacksville No. 2 , Osage No. 3 Beatrice , Concord No . 1 , Olga , Robena , Bethlehem No. 32 , Total , 1980 Blue Creek No. 4 , Blue Creek No. 3 , Loveridge No . 22 , Virginia Pocahontas No. 3. Federal No . 2 , VP No. 5 , Humphrey No . 7 , Blue Creek No . 5 , Virginia Pocahontas No. 1, Blacksville No. 2 , Total , Mine age, 24 20 8 6 33 12 30 52 37 59 NAp 6 7 29 12 13 4 25 5 14 11 NAp Methane emission, MMcfd 11.6 9.3 8.1 6.2 5.9 5.6 5.1 5.1 5.0 4.9 66.8 16.5 11.1 8.2 7.8 7.6 7.3 7.2 6.2 5.6 5.3 82.8 Mine production, Mtpy 2,022 2,229 937 1,548 1,575 715 1,361 1,174 2,589 NAp 14,150 752 1,015 2,142 920 1,514 610 2,146 158 841 2,264 12,344 Methane emitted per ton of coal, ft 3 2,094 1,523 3,155 1,462 1,367 2,859 1,368 1,586 705 NAp 1,723 8,009 3,992 1,397 3,156 1,832 4,368 1,225 14,323 2,430 854 2,448 NAp Not applicable. Previous Bureau studies have reported conflicting data on how emissions are af- fected by coal mine production ^4~6 , 8) . Data from this report show that no singu- lar relationship exists between emissions and production. This can be confirmed by reviewing the three highest emitting mines in 1980 with their respective emis- sions and coal production: Blue Creek No. 4. Blue Creek No. 3. Loveridge No. 22. 16.5 MMcfd 11.1 MMcfd 8.2 MMcfd 752 Mtpy 1,015 Mtpy 2,142 Mtpy If age and production do affect emis- sions, it is in combination with other factors such as coalbed gas content, ge- ology, permeability, rib length, etc., all of which would combine to alter the emission rate. Figure 1 compares total emissions, number of mines , and mean and median emissions of all mines for 11 states. Analogous to the large portion of emis- sions produced by a small percentage of mines, a large percentage of emissions occur in a few select States and coun- ties. Although mines were located in 11 States, West Virginia, Alabama, Pennsyl- vania, and Virginia together had emis- sions that totaled 215.3 MMcfd or 84 pet of total emissions. Additionally, these 4 States contain 11 counties with the highest emission rates of all counties, greater than 7.2 MMcfd each. Although these counties represent only 17 pet of the 64 counties listed, they contain mines that produce 72 pet of all emis- sions. Figure 1 also shows that depend- ing upon location, total emissions can be largely dependent upon either the number of mines or the average emission per mine. Noteworthy is Alabama, which has only 14 listed mines yet produces the second highest total emissions and has the highest mean and median emission per mine for any State. 100 r, so o CO co o CO UJ o cc LU CD O CO CO < ■= o - UJ LU < UJ < LU 60 40- 20 60 89.1 51.4 39.8 35 17.4 9.3 5£, 5J 3.2 0.7 0. 1 50 40 30 20 10- 55 42 23 25 3.7 2- KEY I Mean j^ Median 1.4 1 1.5 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 no. 0.1 0.1 WV AL PA VA IL CO OH UT KY NM TN FIGURE 1. - Emissions, number of mines, and mean and median emissions per mine for 11 States. During 1980, 17 of the total 48 coal- beds had total emissions greater than 1.0 MMcfd. Total emissions, number of mines, and mean and median emissions per mine for the 10 largest methane producing coalbeds are shown in figure 2. The Pittsburgh, Mary Lee, and Pocahontas No. 3 Coalbeds accounted for 67 pet of all emissions. The Pittsburgh Coalbed has the most mines and highest total emis- sion, but the Mary Lee Coalbed is second in emissions and is the highest in gas emissions per mine. 100 32 80h 5 ■£ 60 o CO CO 35 40 _l fe 20 872 , 5 6 , , 5 - 5 , 5I 4.2 3.9 lu LU FIGURE 2. - Total emissions, number of mines, and mean and median emissions per mine for the 10 highest emitting coalbeds. EMISSION TREND ANALYSIS Since the early 1970' s, Bureau research has focused on creating a methodology for predicting methane emissions. Irani (4) showed a relationship between methane emissions and the product of depth and coal production for four major coalbeds. During the same time period, the Bureau developed a direct method of determin- ing the methane content of coal samples obtained from vertical exploration cores (9). Diamond (JL) gives a complete de- scription of the direct method, including 583 test results from 125 coalbeds in 15 States. The final product of this meth- odology is gas content per unit weight of coal, which can be used as an indicator of the coalbed gas content. Although Kissell (9) has shown a relationship be- tween measured gas content and methane emissions, additional data on gas con- tent, presented in this report, provide a new insight into the relationships be- tween total gas content, depth, and meth- ane emission. Total gas content is not the only fac- tor affecting the rate at which methane will enter a mine airway. Parameters such as production, mining methods, meth- ane drainage, mine size, geologic condi- tions, permeability, porosity, and water saturation are also important aspects affecting methane emissions. Although these factors could not be evaluated for this report, the gemval relationships between total mine emissions, total gas content, and depth for 1980 data can be shown. Table 3 shows 11 mines from which the Bureau has both 1980 emission records and at least one coal core taken on mine property. These mines had emissions be- tween 0.4 and 7.3 MMcfd, not including emissions from degasif ication programs or DEPTH, ICT ft FIGURE 3. - Total gas content versus depth of coal. (Y = estimated total gas content; X = depth; R 2 = coefficient of determination.) vertical borehole gob drainage. The mines were located in seven different coalbeds with coal core depths from 427 to 2,185 ft. "Production ranged from 372 to 1,448 Mtpy. Figure 3 shows the graph of gas content versus depth for the mines listed and indicates that gas content will increase with depth (7) . It is true to some extent that the higher the gas content, the higher the emissions; how- ever, the gas content data do not take into account that coalbed permeabilities generally decrease in deeper coalbeds and thus restrict methane emissions (11). TABLE 3. - Mines with measured total gas content data and emissions greater than 0.1 MMcfd Mine Coalbed 1 Total emissions , MMcfd Gas content , eft Core depth, ft Freeport (U) .... Kittanning (L) . . Mary Lee (L) .... ...do Mary Lee (U) .... ...do Pocahontas No. 3 0.4 1.0 1.5 5.0 6.2 1.9 4.7 2.0 1.4 4.5 7.3 124 279 171 423 557 69 163 211 122 435 564 491 Kitt No. 1 679 622 1,174 2,185 681 839 676 427 1,430 2,061 'U = Upper; L = Lower, 200 400 600 TOTAL GAS CONTENT, eft FIGURE 4. - Methane emissions versus total A gas content. (Y = estimated emissions; X = total gas content; R 2 = coefficient determination.) of The relationship of methane emissions to methane gas content can be observed in figure 4, which may denote that gas con- tent should be used only as an indicator of the relative gassiness of the coalbed and not to predict the exact methane quantities emitted. A similar relation- ship is presented in figure 5, which a if) Z o en LlI 20 25 5 10 15 DEPTH, I0 2 ft FIGURE 5. - Emissions versus depth of coal. (Y - estimated emissions; X = depth; R 2 = co- efficient of determination.) shows methane emission versus depth. A slightly better relationship appears for emissions compared with depth than for emissions compared with gas content, pos- sibly because with deeper mines permea- bility decreases and gas content in- creases (7, 11). CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY In 1980, there were 200 bituminous coal mines within the United States emitting at least 0.1 MMcfd, with total emissions equaling 256.3 MMcfd. Methane emissions increased by 40.0 MMcfd since the last Bureau survey in 1975. Seventy mines had emissions of 1.0 MMcfd or more, which accounted for 80 pet of the total daily emissions. The mines listed in this re- port are located in 48 coalbeds, 17 of which have total emissions greater than 1.0 MMcfd. The Pittsburgh, Mary Lee, and Pocahontas No. 3 Coalbeds accounted for 67 pet of all methane emitted. Although the mines were located in 11 States, West Virginia, Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Vir- ginia accounted for 84 pet of the total emissions. Coal core gas content data were availa- ble for 11 mines. Relationships were es- tablished between gas content and depth, emissions and gas content, and emissions and depth. REFERENCES 1. Diamond, W. P., and J. R. Levine. Direct Method Determination of the Gas Content of Coal: Procedures and Results. BuMines RI 8515, 1981, 36 pp. 2. Irani, M. C, J. H. Jansky, P. W. Jeran, and G. L. Hassett. Methane Emis- sion From U.S. Coal Mines in 1975, A Sur- vey. BuMines IC 8733, 1977, 55 pp. 3. Irani, M. C. , P. W. Jeran, and M. Deul. Methane Emission From U.S. Coal Mines in 1973, A Survey. BuMines IC 8659, 1974, 47 pp. 4. Irani, M. C. , E. D. Thimons , T. G. Bobick, M. Deul, and M. G. Zabetakis. Methane Emission From U.S. Coal Mines, A Survey. BuMines IC 8558, 1972, 58 pp. 5. Jeran, P. W. , D. H. Lawhead, and M. C. Irani. Methane Emissions From an Advancing Coal Mine Section in the Pitts- burgh Coalbed. BuMines RI 8132, 1976, 10 pp. 6. Methane Emissions From Four Working Places in the Beckley Mines , Ral- eigh County, W. Va. BuMines RI 8212, 1977, 16 pp. 7. Kim, A. G. Estimating Methane Content of Bituminous Coalbeds From Adsorption Data. BuMines RI 8245, 1977, 22 pp. 8. Kissell, F. N. , and M. Deul. The Effect of Coal Breakage on Methane Emis- sion. Trans. Soc. Min. Eng. , AIME, v. 256, June 1974, pp. 182-184. 9. Kissell, F. N. , C. M. McCulloch, and C. H. Elder. The Direct Method of Determining Methane Content of Coalbeds for Ventilation Design. BuMines RI 7767, 1972, 17 pp. 10. Neilson, G. F. 1981 Keystone Coal Industry Manual. Mining Information Services, New York, 1981, 1419 pp. 11. Somerton, W. H. , I. M. Soylemezo- glu, and R. C. Dudley. Effect of Stress on Permeability of Coal (contract H0122027). BuMines OFR 45-74, 1974, 56 pp.; NTIS PB 235 854. 12. U.S. Bureau of Mines. The Reserve Base of Bituminous Coal and Anthracite for Underground Mining in the Eastern United States. BuMines IC 8655, 1974, 428 pp. APPENDIX.— COAL MINES WITH EMISSIONS OF AT LEAST 0.1 MMcfd TABLE A-1 .—Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by order of emissions (Within emission levels, listing is alphabetical by company name) METHANE, MMCFD COMPANY NAME MINE NAME COUNTY STATE COALBED 1 1 16.5 2 11.1 3 8.2 4 7.8 5 7.6 6 7.3 7 7.2 8 6.2 9 5.6 10 5.3 11 5.1 12 5.0 13 5.0 14 4.7 15 4.7 16 4.5 17 4.4 18 4.2 19 3.4 20 2.9 21 2.8 22 2.8 23 2.6 24 2.5 25 2.5 26 2.3 27 2.2 28 2.2 29 2.1 30 2.0 31 2.0 32 2.0 33 2.0 34 1.9 35 1.8 36 1.7 37 1.7 38 1.6 39 1.6 40 1.5 41 1.5 42 1.5 43 1.5 44 1.5 45 1.5 46 1.5 47 1.4 48 1.4 49 1.4 50 1.4 51 1.4 52 1.4 53 1.3 54 1.3 55 1.3 56 1.3 57 1.2 58 1.2 59 1.2 60 1.1 61 1.1 62 1.1 63 1.1 64 1.1 65 1.0 66 1.0 67 1.0 68 1.0 69 1.0 70 1.0 71 0.9 72 0.9 73 0.9 JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC CONSOLIDATION COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP VP 5 MINING CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC ISLAND CREEK COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO BECKLEY COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP BEATRICE POCAHONTAS CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC BETHLEHEM MINES CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP HELEN MINING CO MAPLE MEADOW MINING CO OLD BEN COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO EMWAY RESOURCES INC JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP KAISER STEEL CORP ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP MATHIES COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC AMAX COAL CO BECKLEY LICK RUN CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO REPUBLIC STEEL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO ITMANN COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC MONTEREY COAL CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP INLAND STEEL COAL CO MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC MULGA COAL CO NORTH RIVER ENERGY CORP OLD BEN COAL CO ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO HELVETIA COAL CO OLD BEN COAL CO SOLDIER CREEK COAL CO CLINCHFIELD COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC PEABODY COAL CO QUARTO MINING CO RANGER FUEL CORP BARNES & TUCKER CO CLINCHFIELD COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP BLUE CREEK NO 4 MINE BLUE CREEK NO 3 MINE LOVERIDGE NO 22 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 3 MINE FEDERAL NO 2 MINE VP NO 5 MINE HUMPHREY NO 7 MINE BLUE CREEK NO 5 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 1 MINE BLACKSVILLE NO 2 MINE BECKLEY MINE ARKWRIGHT MINE OAK GROVE MINE OSAGE NO 3 MINE CUMBERLAND MINE BEATRICE MINE BLACKSVILLE NO 1 MINE BLUE CREEK NO 7 MINE BETHLEHEM NO 32 & 33 MINE PURSGLOVE NO 15 MINE GATEWAY MINE GARY NO 50 MINE FEDERAL NO 1 MINE HOMER CITY MINE NO 1 MINE OLD BEN NO 25 MINE IRELAND MINE MONTOUR NO 4 MINE ROBENA MINE ROBINSON RUN NO 95 MINE EMERALD MINE OLGA MINE SUNNYSIDE NO 1 MINE MARY LEE NO 1 MINE MATHIES MINE SHOEMAKER MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 2 MINE MARIANNA NO 58 MINE COAL BASIN MINE WABASH MINE BONNY MINE MCELROY MINE ORIENT NO 3 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 4 MINE KITT NO 1 MINE CONCORD MINE AMONATE NO 31 MINE CONSOL NO 20 MINE ITMANN NO 3 MINE VESTA NO 5 MINE DUTCH CREEK NO 2 MINE MONTEREY NO 1 MINE SOMERSET NO 60 MINE JOANNE MINE INLAND NO 1 MINE L S WOOD MINE MULGA MINE NORTH RIVER MINE OLD BEN NO 26 MINE SHANNON BRANCH MINE CROWN NO 2 MINE LUCERNE NO 6 MINE OLD BEN NO 21 MINE SOLDIER CANYON MINE MCCLURE NO 1 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 6 MINE BESSIE MINE NO 10 MINE POWHATAN NO 4 MINE BECKLEY NO 2 MINE LANCASHIRE NO 20 MINE MOSS NO 2 MINE KEYSTONE NO 2 MINE TUSCALOOSA AL MARY LEE JEFFERSON AL MARY LEE MARION WV PITTSBURGH BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH TUSCALOOSA AL MARY LEE BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH RALEIGH WV BECKLEY MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH JEFFERSON AL MARY LEE MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH GREENE PA PITTSBURGH BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH TUSCALOOSA AL MARY LEE CAMBRIA PA KITTANNING (L MONONGALIA WV PITTSBURGH GREENE PA PITTSBURGH WYOMING WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 MARION WV PITTSBURGH INDIANA PA FREEPORT (U) RALEIGH WV BECKLEY FRANKLIN IL HERRIN NO 6 MARSHALL WV PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH GREENE PA PITTSBURGH HARRISON WV PITTSBURGH GREENE PA PITTSBURGH MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 4, SEWELL CARBON UT SUNNYSIDE (U&L) WALKER AL MARY LEE WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH MARSHALL WV PITTSBURGH BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH PITKIN CO COAL BASIN B WABASH IL HARRISBURG RALEIGH WV BECKLEY MARSHALL WV PITTSBURGH JEFFERSON IL HERRIN NO 6 BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 BARBOUR WV KITTANNING (L JEFFERSON AL PRATT MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 4 MARION WV PITTSBURGH WYOMING WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH PITKIN CO COAL BASIN B MACOUPIN IL HERRIN NO 6 WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH MARION WV PITTSBURGH JEFFERSON IL HERRIN NO 6 PITKIN CO COAL BASIN B JEFFERSON AL PRATT FAYETTE AL PRATT FRANKLIN IL HERRIN NO 6 MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 4 MACOUPIN IL HERRIN NO 6 INDIANA PA FREEPORT (U) FRANKLIN IL HERRIN NO 6 CARBON UT ROCK CANYON DICKENSON VA JAWBONE BUCHANAN VA POCAHONTAS NO 3 JEFFERSON AL MARY LEE CHRISTIAN IL HERRIN NO 6 MONROE OH PITTSBURGH WYOMING WV BECKLEY CAMBRIA PA KITTANNING (U&L) RUSSELL VA TILLER WYOMING WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 'U = Upper; L = Lower. TABLE A-1 .—Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by order of emissions— Continued (Within emission levels, listing is alphabetical by company name) METHANE, MMCFD COMPANY NAME MINE NAME COUNTY STATE COALBED 1 74 0.9 75 0.9 76 0.9 77 0.9 78 0.9 79 0.9 80 0.8 81 0.8 82 0.8 83 0.8 84 0.8 85 0.8 86 0.8 87 0.7 88 0.7 89 0.7 90 0.7 91 0.7 92 0.7 93 0.7 94 0.7 95 0.6 96 0.6 97 0.6 98 0.6 99 0.6 100 0.6 101 0.6 102 0.6 103 0.6 104 0.5 105 0.5 106 0.5 107 0.5 108 0.5 109 0.5 110 0.5 111 0.5 112 0.5 113 0.5 114 0.5 115 0.4 116 0.4 117 0.4 118 0.4 119 0.4 120 0.4 121 0.4 122 0.4 123 0.4 124 0.4 125 0.4 126 0.4 127 0.4 128 0.4 129 0.4 130 0.4 131 0.3 132 0.3 133 0.3 134 0.3 135 0.3 136 0.3 137 0.3 138 0.3 139 0.3 140 0.3 141 0.3 142 0.3 143 0.3 144 0.3 145 0.3 146 0.3 147 0.3 148 0.3 149 0.3 150 0.2 NATIONAL MINES CORP PENNSYLVANIA MINES CORP PRICE RIVER COAL CO INC UNITED STATES STEEL CORP WESTERN SLOPE CARBON INC YOUGHIOGHENY & OHIO COAL CO CARBON FUEL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC THE NACCO MINING CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP VALLEY CAMP COAL CO GEX COLORADO INC KAISER STEEL CORP KEYSTONE COAL MINING CORP KEYSTONE COAL MINING CORP PEABODY COAL CO PENNSYLVANIA MINES CORP RANGER FUEL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP CF&I STEEL CORP CLINCHFIELD COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JEWELL RIDGE COAL CORP LESLIE COAL MINING CO OLD BEN COAL CO REPUBLIC STEEL CORP ZEIGLER COAL CO BEAR COAL CO INC CF&I STEEL CORP CLINCHFIELD COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO KEYSTONE COAL MINING CORP MAPCO INC MAPCO INC SOUTHERN OHIO COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP BLUE DIAMOND COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC KAISER STEEL CORP NORTH AMERICAN COAL CORP QUARTO MINING CO REPUBLIC STEEL CORP SAHARA COAL CO INC SEWELL COAL CO SLAB FORK COAL CO TUNNELTON MINING CO VALLEY CAMP COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP BARNES & TUCKER CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP BISHOP COAL CO CANNELTON INDUSTRIES INC CLINCHFIELD COAL CO DUQUESNE LIGHT CO FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP MONTEREY COAL CO PRICE RIVER COAL CO INC SOUTHERN OHIO COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP WESTMORELAND COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO WOLF CREEK COLLIERIES INC CO ZEIGLER COAL CO AFFININTY MINING CO NATIONAL POCAHONTAS MINE GREENWICH COLLIERIES NO 1 MINE PRICE NO 3 MINE MAPLE CREEK NO 2 MINE HAWKS NEST EAST MINE NELMS NO 2 MINE MORTON MINE RENTON MINE SHANNOPIN MINE DUTCH CREEK NO 1 MINE POWHATAN NO 6 MINE MAPLE CREEK NO 1 MINE VALLEY CAMP NO 3 MINE ROADSIDE MINE YORK CANYON MINE URLING NO 1 MINE URLING NO 3 MINE EAGLE NO 2 MINE GREENWICH COLLIERIES NO 2 MINE BECKLEY NO 1 MINE SOMERSET MINE SEGCO NO 1 MINE MAXWELL MINE LAMBERT FORK MINE MAITLAND MINE SEABOARD NO 1 MINE LESLIE MINE OLD BEN NO 27 MINE CLYDE MINE NO 5 MINE BEAR MINE ALLEN MINE MOSS NO 4 MINE KEYSTONE NO 1 MINE ORIENT NO 6 MINE JANE MINE PONTIKI NO 1 MINE PONTIKI NO 2 MINE MEIGS NO 2 MINE DILWORTH MINE GARY NO 10 MINE SCOTIA MINE EMERY MINE OAK PARK NO 7 MINE BIRD NO 3 MINE NEBO MINE SUNNYSIDE NO 3 MINE POWHATAN NO 1 MINE POWHATAN NO 7 MINE NEWFIELD MINE SAHARA NO 21 MINE SEWELL NO 1 MINE SLAB FORK NO 10 MINE MARION MINE VALLEY CAMP NO 1 MINE FERRELL NO 17 MINE HAMPTON NO 3 MINE CHETOPA MINE MARY LEE NO 2 MINE LANCASHIRE NO 24 B MINE ELLSWORTH NO 51 MINE BISHOP NO 33 & 37 MINES LADY DUNN NO 105 MINE MOSS NO 3 PORTAL A2 MINE WARWICK PORTAL NO 3 MINE ORIENT NO 4 MINE BIG CREEK NO 1 MINE NEMACOLIN MINE MONTEREY NO 2 MINE PRICE RIVER NO 5 MINE MEIGS NO 1 MINE GARY NO 2 MINE BULLITT MINE EAST GULF MINE NO 4 MINE MURDOCK MINE KEYSTONE NO 5 MINE WYOMING WV GILBERT, POCAHONTAS NO 3 INDIANA PA FREEPORT (L) CARBON UT SUBSEAM NO 3 WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH GUNNISON CO E HARRISON OH FREEPORT (L) KANAWHA WV EAGLE ALLEGHENY PA FREEPORT (U&L) GREENE PA PITTSBURGH PITKIN CO COAL BASIN B BELMONT OH- PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH OHIO WV PITTSBURGH MESA CO CAMEO B COLFAX NM YORK INDIANA PA FREEPORT (L) INDIANA PA FREEPORT (L) GALLATIN IL HARRISBURG INDIANA PA FREEPORT (L) WYOMING WV BECKLEY, SEWELL GUNNISON CO B, C WALKER AL MARY LEE LAS ANIMAS CO APACHE BUCHANAN VA TILLER MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 4 TAZWELL VA SEABOARD (L) PIKE KY POND CREEK FRANKLIN IL HERRIN NO 6 WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH DOUGLAS IL HERRIN NO 6 GUNNISON CO JUANITA C LAS ANIMAS CO ALLEN DICKENSON VA TILLER MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 JEFFERSON IL HERRIN NO 6 ARMSTRONG PA FREEPORT (L) MARTIN KY POND CREEK MARTIN KY POND CREEK MEIGS OH CLARION NO 4A GREENE PA PITTSBURGH MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 LETCHER KY POND CREEK, TAGGART (U) EMERY UT FERRON I -J HARRISON OH FREEPORT (L) SOMEREST PA KITTANNING (L) JEFFERSON AL MARY LEE CARBON UT SUNNYSIDE (U&L) BELMONT OH PITTSBURGH MONROE OH PITTSBURGH ALLEGHENY PA FREEPORT SALINE IL HARRISBURG NICHOLAS WV SEWELL RALEIGH WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 INDIANA PA FREEPORT (U) OHIO WV PITTSBURGH BOONE WV CEDAR GROVE BOONE WV CEDAR GROVE JEFFERSON AL MARY LEE WALKER AL MARY LEE CAMBRIA PA FREEPORT (L) WASHINGTON PA PITTSBURGH MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 KANAWHA WV POWELLTON, NO 2 GAS DICKENSON VA TILLER GREENE PA PITTSBURGH WILLIAMSON IL HERRIN NO 6 PIKE KY POND CREEK GREENE PA PITTSBURGH CLINTON IL HERRIN NO 6 CARBON UT SUBSEAM NO 3 MEIGS OH CLARION NO 4A MCDOWELL WV POCAHONTAS NO 4 WISE VA DORCHESTER RALEIGH WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 MARTIN KY WARFIELD, COALBURG DOUGLAS IL HERRIN NO 6 RALEIGH WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 'U = Upper; L = Lower. 10 TABLE A- 1.— Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by order of emissions— Continued (Within emission levels, listing is alphabetical by company name) METHANE, MMCFD COMPANY NAME MINE NAME COUNTY STATE COALBEO 1 151 0.2 152 0.2 153 0.2 154 0.2 155 0.2 156 0.2 157 0.2 158 0.2 159 0.2 160 0.2 161 0.2 162 0.2 163 0.2 164 0.2 165 0.2 166 0.2 167 0.2 168 0.2 169 0.2 170 0.2 171 0.2 172 0.2 173 0.2 174 0.2 175 0.2 176 0.2 177 0.1 178 0.1 179 0.1 180 0.1 181 0.1 182 0.1 183 0.1 184 0.1 185 0.1 186 0.1 187 0.1 188 0.1 189 0.1 190 0.1 191 0.1 192 0.1 193 0.1 194 0.1 195 0.1 196 0.1 197 0.1 198 0.1 199 0.1 200 0.1 BARNES & TUCKER CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP BISHOP COAL CO BISHOP COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CRYSTAL RIVER COAL CO DOMINION COAL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTOVER MINING CO FLORENCE MINING CO GEX COLORADO INC HELVETIA COAL CO INLAND STEEL COAL CO JEWELL RIDGE COAL CORP KENELLIS CO NATIONAL MINES CORP NORTH AMERICAN COAL CORP PEABODY COAL CO PEABODY COAL CO SCOTTS BRANCH CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO YOUGHIOGHENY & OHIO COAL CO BLUE DIAMOND COAL CO CANNELTON INDUSTRIES INC CANNELTON INDUSTRIES INC CLINCHFIELD COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO DELMONT RESOURCES INC EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTOVER MINING CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO JEWELL RIDGE COAL CORP PARAMOUNT MINING CORP REPUBLIC STEEL CORP SAHARA COAL CO INC SNOMASS COAL CO THE NEW RIVER CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP WESTMORELAND COAL CO YOUGHIOGHENY & OHIO COAL CO ZEIGLER COAL CO ZEIGLER COAL CO LANCASHIRE NO 25 MINE NANTY GLO MINE 31 BISHOP NO 34 MINE BISHOP NO 36 MINE HILLSBORO MINE WESTLAND MINE NO 1 MINE WINSTON NO 10 MINE KEYSTONE NO 4 MINE WHARTON NO 4 MINE HARLAN NO 1 MINE FLORENCE NO 1 MINE CAMEO NO 1 MINE LUCERNE NO 9 MINE INLAND NO 2 MINE SEABOARD NO 2 MINE BRUSHY CREEK MINE ISABELLA MINE POWHATAN NO 3 MINE BALDWIN NO 1 MINE RIVER KING UG NO 1 MINE SCOTTS BRANCH MINE PRESCOTT NO 2 MINE WENTZ B PORTAL MINE WENTZ NO 1 MINE ALLISON MINE JUSTUS MINE CANNELTON NO 8 MINE NO 3 & 4 MINE HURRICANE CREEK MINE MATTHEWS MINE WESTLAND NO 2 MINE DELMONT MINE DELMONT MINE KEYSTONE NO 4-A MINE KOPPERSTON NO 1 MINE VIRGINIA NO 1 MINE BIG CREEK NO 2 MINE BIRD NO 2 MINE JEWELL NO 18 MINE NO 7 MINE BANNING MINE SAHARA NO 20 MINE THOMPSON CREEK NO 1 MINE SILTIX MINE GARY NO 20-B MINE WINDING GULF NO 4 MINE NELMS CADIZ PORTAL MINE NO 11 MINE SPARTAN MINE CAMBRIA CAMBRIA MCDOWELL MCDOWELL MONTGOMERY WASHINGTON MINGO BUCHANAN RALEIGH BOONE HARLAN INDIANA MESA INDIANA HAMILTON TAZWELL SALINE FAYETTE BELMONT RANDOLPH ST CLAIR PIKE WISE WISE WISE BELMONT MCCREARY KANAWHA MCDOWELL RUSSELL CLAIBORNE WASHINGTON WESTMORELAND WESTMORELAND RALEIGH WYOMING WISE PIKE SOMERSET BUCHANAN WISE WESTMORELAND SALINE PITKIN FAYETTE MINGO RALEIGH HARRISON RANDOLPH RANDOLPH PA FREEPORT (L) PA KITTANNING (L) WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 5 IL HERRIN NO 6 PA PITTSBURGH WV ALMA VA JAWBONE WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 4 WV POND CREEK KY HARLAN PA B CO CAMEO B PA FREEPORT (L) IL HARRISBURG VA SEABOARD (L) IL HERRIN NO 6 PA PITTSBURGH OH PITTSBURGH IL HERRIN NO 6 IL HERRIN NO 6 KY POND CREEK VA POND CREEK VA TAGGART VA TAGGART OH PITTSBURGH KY NO 1-1/2 & 2 WV EAGLE WV POCAHONTAS NO 4 VA JAWBONE TN JELLICO PA PITTSBURGH PA FREEPORT (U) PA FREEPORT (U) WV POCAHONTAS NO 3 4 4 WV EAGLE VA JAWBONE KY POND CREEK PA KITTANNING (U&L) VA JEWELL VA NORTON PA PITTSBURGH IL HARRISBURG CO A WV SEWELL WV ALMA WV POCAHONTAS NO 4 OH FREEPORT (L) IL HERRIN NO 6 IL HERRIN NO 6 'U = Upper; L = Lower. Source: MSHA and references 10, 12. 11 TABLE A-2.— Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by coalbed (Within a coalbed, listing is by emission level, location, and company name) COALBED 1 METHANE, STATE COUNTY COMPANY NAME MMCFD 0.1 CO PITKIN SNOMASS COAL CO 0.5 CO LAS ANIMAS CF&I STEEL CORP 0.2 WV MINGO CRYSTAL RIVER COAL CO 0.1 WV MINGO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP 0.6 CO LAS ANIMAS CF&I STEEL CORP 0.2 PA INDIANA FLORENCE MINING CO 0.7 CO GUNNISON UNITED STATES STEEL CORP 5.1 WV RALEIGH BECKLEY COAL CO 2.5 WV RALEIGH MAPLE MEADOW MINING CO 1.5 WV RALEIGH BECKLEY LICK RUN CO 1.0 WV WYOMING RANGER FUEL CORP 0.7 WV WYOMING RANGER FUEL CORP 0.7 CO MESA GEX COLORADO INC 0.2 CO MESA GEX COLORADO INC 0.4 WV BOONE WESTMORELAND COAL CO 0.4 WV BOONE WESTMORELAND COAL CO 0.5 OH MEIGS SOUTHERN OHIO COAL CO 0.3 OH MEIGS SOUTHERN OHIO COAL CO 1.6 CO PITKIN MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC 1.4 CO PITKIN MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC 1.3 CO PITKIN MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC 0.8 CO PITKIN MID-CONTINENT RESOURCES INC 0.3 VA WISE WESTMORELAND COAL CO 0.9 CO GUNNISON WESTERN SLOPE CARBON INC 0.8 WV KANAWHA CARBON FUEL CO 0.1 WV KANAWHA CANNELTON INDUSTRIES INC 0.1 WV WYOMING EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP 0.4 UT EMERY CONSOLIDATION COAL CO 0.4 PA ALLEGHENY REPUBLIC STEEL CORP 0.9 OH HARRISON YOUGHIOGHENY & OHIO COAL CO 0.9 PA INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA MINES CORP 0.7 PA INDIANA KEYSTONE COAL MINING CORP 0.7 PA INDIANA KEYSTONE COAL MINING CORP 0.7 PA INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA MINES CORP 0.5 PA ARMSTRONG KEYSTONE COAL MINING CORP 0.4 OH HARRISON CONSOLIDATION COAL CO 0.3 PA CAMBRIA BARNES & TUCKER CO 0.2 PA CAMBRIA BARNES & TUCKER CO 0.2 PA INDIANA HELVETIA COAL CO 0.1 OH HARRISON YOUGHIOGHENY & OHIO COAL CO 0.8 PA ALLEGHENY CONSOLIDATION COAL CO 2.5 PA INDIANA HELEN MINING CO 1.1 PA INDIANA HELVETIA COAL CO 0.4 PA INDIANA TUNNELTON MlfllNG CO 0.1 PA WESTMORELAND DELMONT RESOURCES INC 0.1 PA WESTMORELAND EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP 0.9 WV WYOMING NATIONAL MINES CORP 0.2 KY HARLAN EASTOVER MINING CO 1.5 IL WABASH AMAX COAL CO 0.7 IL GALLATIN PEABODY COAL CO 0.4 IL SALINE SAHARA COAL CO INC 0.2 IL HAMILTON INLAND STEEL COAL CO 0.1 IL SALINE SAHARA COAL CO INC 2.3 IL FRANKLIN OLD BEN COAL CO 1.5 IL JEFFERSON FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO 1.4 IL MACOUPIN MONTEREY COAL CO 1.3 IL JEFFERSON INLAND STEEL COAL CO 1.2 IL FRANKLIN OLD BEN COAL CO 1.1 IL FRANKLIN OLD BEN COAL CO 1.1 IL MACOUPIN FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO 1.0 IL CHRISTIAN PEABODY COAL CO 0.6 IL DOUGLAS ZEIGLER COAL CO 0.6 IL FRANKLIN OLD BEN COAL CO 0.5 IL JEFFERSON FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO 0.3 IL CLINTON MONTEREY COAL CO 0.3 IL DOUGLAS ZEIGLER COAL CO 0.3 IL WILLIAMSON FREEMAN UNITED COAL MINING CO 0.2 IL MONTGOMERY CONSOLIDATION COAL CO 0.2 IL RANDOLPH PEABODY COAL CO 0.2 IL SALINE KENELLIS CO 0.2 IL ST CLAIR PEABODY COAL CO 0.1 IL RANDOLPH ZEIGLER COAL CO 0.1 IL RANDOLPH ZEIGLER COAL CO 1.0 VA DICKENSON CLINCHFIELD COAL CO 0.2 VA BUCHANAN DOMINION COAL CORP MINE NAME I -J A ALLEN ALMA ALMA APACHE B B, C BECKLEY BECKLEY BECKLEY BECKLEY BECKLEY, SEWELL CAMEO B CAMEO B CEDAR GROVE CEDAR GROVE CLARION NO 4A CLARION NO 4A COAL BASIN B COAL BASIN B COAL BASIN B COAL BASIN B DORCHESTER E EAGLE EAGLE EAGLE FERRON FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT FREEPORT GILBERT, HARLAN HARRISBURG HARRISBURG HARRISBURG HARRISBURG HARRISBURG HERRIN NO 6 HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO HERRIN NO JAWBONE JAWBONE '11 = Upper; L= Lower. (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (U (L) (U&L) (U) (u) (U) (U) (U) POCAHONTAS NO 3 THOMPSON CREEK NO 1 MINE ALLEN MINE NO 1 MINE GARY NO 20-B MINE MAXWELL MINE FLORENCE NO 1 MINE SOMERSET MINE BECKLEY MINE NO 1 MINE BONNY MINE BECKLEY NO 2 MINE BECKLEY NO 1 MINE ROADSIDE MINE CAMEO NO 1 MINE FERRELL NO 17 MINE HAMPTON NO 3 MINE MEIGS NO 2 MINE MEIGS NO 1 MINE COAL BASIN MINE DUTCH CREEK NO 2 MINE L S WOOD MINE DUTCH CREEK NO 1 MINE BULLITT MINE HAWKS NEST EAST MINE MORTON MINE CANNELTON NO 8 MINE KOPPERSTON NO 1 MINE EMERY MINE NEWFIELD MINE NELMS NO 2 MINE GREENWICH COLLIERIES NO 1 MINE URLING NO 1 MINE URLING NO 3 MINE GREENWICH COLLIERIES NO 2 MINE JANE MINE OAK PARK NO 7 MINE LANCASHIRE NO 24 B MINE LANCASHIRE NO 25 MINE LUCERNE NO 9 MINE NELMS CADIZ PORTAL MINE RENTON MINE HOMER CITY MINE LUCERNE NO 6 MINE MARION MINE DELMONT MINE DELMONT MINE NATIONAL POCAHONTAS MINE HARLAN NO 1 MINE WABASH MINE EAGLE NO 2 MINE SAHARA NO 21 MINE INLAND NO 2 MINE SAHARA NO 20 MINE OLD BEN NO 25 MINE ORIENT NO 3 MINE MONTEREY NO 1 MINE INLAND NO 1 MINE OLD BEN NO 26 MINE OLD BEN NO 21 MINE CROWN NO 2 MINE NO 10 MINE NO 5 MINE OLD BEN NO 27 MINE ORIENT NO 6 MINE MONTEREY NO 2 MINE MURDOCK MINE ORIENT NO 4 MINE HILLSBORO MINE BALDWIN NO 1 MINE BRUSHY CREEK MINE RIVER KING UG NO 1 MINE NO 11 MINE SPARTAN MINE MCCLURE NO 1 MINE WINSTON NO 10 MINE 12 TABLE A-2.— Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by coalbed— Continued (Within a coalbed, listing is by emission level, location, and company name) COALBED 1 METHANE, MMCFD STATE COUNTY COMPANY NAME MINE NAME JAWBONE 0.1 VA RUSSELL JAWBONE 0.1 VA WISE JELLICO 0.1 TN CLAIBORNE JEWELL 0.1 VA BUCHANAN JUANITA C 0.5 CO GUNNISON KITTANNING (L) 3.4 PA CAMBRIA KITTANNING (L) 1.5 WV BARBOUR KITTANNING (L) 0.4 PA SOMEREST KITTANNING (L) 0.2 PA CAMBRIA KITTANNING (U&L) 0.9 PA CAMBRIA KITTANNING (USD 0.1 PA SOMERSET MARY LEE 16.5 AL TUSCALOOSA MARY LEE 11.1 AL JEFFERSON MARY LEE 6.2 AL TUSCALOOSA MARY LEE 5.0 AL JEFFERSON MARY LEE 4.2 AL TUSCALOOSA MARY LEE 1.9 AL WALKER MARY LEE 1.0 AL JEFFERSON MARY LEE 0.6 AL WALKER MARY LEE 0.4 AL JEFFERSON MARY LEE 0.3 AL JEFFERSON MARY LEE 0.3 AL WALKER NO 1-1/2 & 2 0.1 KY MCCREARY NORTON 0.1 VA WISE PITTSBURGH 8.2 WV MARION PITTSBURGH 7.6 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 7.2 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 5.3 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 5.0 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 4.7 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 4.7 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 4.4 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 2.9 WV MONONGALIA PITTSBURGH 2.8 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 2.6 WV MARION PITTSBURGH 2.2 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 2.2 WV MARSHALL PITTSBURGH 2.1 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 2.0 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 2.0 WV HARRISON PITTSBURGH 1.8 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 1.7 WV MARSHALL PITTSBURGH 1.6 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 1.5 WV MARSHALL PITTSBURGH 1.4 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 1.4 WV MARION PITTSBURGH 1.3 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 1.3 WV MARION PITTSBURGH 1.0 OH MONROE PITTSBURGH 0.9 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 0.8 OH BELMONT PITTSBURGH 0.8 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 0.8 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 0.8 WV OHIO PITTSBURGH 0.6 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 0.5 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 0.4 OH BELMONT PITTSBURGH 0.4 OH MONROE PITTSBURGH 0.4 WV OHIO PITTSBURGH 0.3 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 0.3 PA GREENE PITTSBURGH 0.3 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 0.2 OH BELMONT PITTSBURGH 0.2 OH BELMONT PITTSBURGH 0.2 PA FAYETTE PITTSBURGH 0.2 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 0.1 PA WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH 0.1 PA WESTMORELAND POCAHONTAS NO 3 7.8 VA BUCHANAN POCAHONTAS NO 3 7.3 VA BUCHANAN POCAHONTAS NO 3 5.6 VA BUCHANAN POCAHONTAS NO 3 4.5 VA BUCHANAN POCAHONTAS NO 3 2.8 WV WYOMING POCAHONTAS NO 3 1.7 VA BUCHANAN POCAHONTAS NO 3 1.5 VA BUCHANAN CLINCHFIELD COAL CO EASTOVER MINING CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JEWELL RIDGE COAL CORP BEAR COAL CO INC BETHLEHEM MINES CORP REPUBLIC STEEL CORP ISLAND CREEK COAL CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP BARNES & TUCKER CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC UNITED STATES STEEL CORP JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP JIM WALTER RESOURCES INC ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP ALABAMA BY-PRODUCTS CORP BLUE DIAMOND COAL CO PARAMOUNT MINING CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP EMWAY RESOURCES INC CONSOLIDATION COAL CO MATHIES COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO BETHLEHEM MINES CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP QUARTO MINING CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP THE NACCO MINING CO JONES « LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP VALLEY CAMP COAL CO REPUBLIC STEEL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP NORTH AMERICAN COAL CORP QUARTO MINING CO VALLEY CAMP COAL CO DUQUESNE LIGHT CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP BETHLEHEM MINES CORP NORTH AMERICAN COAL CORP YOUGHIOGHENY S OHIO COAL CO NATIONAL MINES CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO REPUBLIC STEEL CORP ISLAND CREEK COAL CO VP 5 MINING CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO BEATRICE POCAHONTAS CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP ISLAND CREEK COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO HURRICANE CREEK MINE VIRGINIA NO 1 MINE MATTHEWS MINE JEWELL NO 18 MINE BEAR MINE BETHLEHEM NO 32 & 33 MINE KITT NO 1 MINE BIRD NO 3 MINE NANTY GLO MINE 31 LANCASHIRE NO 20 MINE BIRD NO 2 MINE BLUE CREEK NO 4 MINE BLUE CREEK NO 3 MINE BLUE CREEK NO 5 MINE OAK GROVE MINE BLUE CREEK NO 7 MINE MARY LEE NO 1 MINE BESSIE MINE SEGCO NO 1 MINE NEBO MINE CHETOPA MINE MARY LEE NO 2 MINE JUSTUS MINE NO 7 MINE LOVERIDGE NO 22 MINE FEDERAL NO 2 MINE HUMPHREY NO 7 MINE BLACKSVILLE NO 2 MINE ARKWRIGHT MINE CUMBERLAND MINE OSAGE NO 3 MINE BLACKSVILLE NO 1 MINE PURSGLOVE NO 15 MINE GATEWAY MINE FEDERAL NO 1 MINE MONTOUR NO 4 MINE IRELAND MINE ROBENA MINE EMERALD MINE ROBINSON RUN NO 95 MINE MATHIES MINE SHOEMAKER MINE MARIANNA NO 58 MINE MCELROY MINE VESTA NO 5 MINE CONSOL NO 20 MINE SOMERSET NO 60 MINE JOANNE MINE POWHATAN NO 4 MINE MAPLE CREEK NO 2 MINE POWHATAN NO 6 MINE SHANNOPIN MINE MAPLE CREEK NO 1 MINE VALLEY CAMP NO 3 MINE CLYDE MINE DILWORTH MINE POWHATAN NO 1 MINE POWHATAN NO 7 MINE VALLEY CAMP NO 1 MINE WARWICK PORTAL NO 3 MINE NEMACOLIN MINE ELLSWORTH NO 51 MINE POWHATAN NO 3 MINE ALLISON MINE ISABELLA MINE WESTLAND MINE WESTLAND NO 2 MINE BANNING MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 3 MINE VP NO 5 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 1 MINE BEATRICE MINE GARY NO 50 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 2 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 4 MINE 'U = Upper; L- Lower. 13 TALBLE A-2.— Coal mines with emissions of at least 0.1 MMcfd, listed by coalbed— Continued (Within a coalbed, listing is by emission level, location, and company name) COALBED 1 METHANE, STATE COUNTY MMCFD COMPANY NAME MINE NAME POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO POCAHONTAS NO 3 POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 4 POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 4 POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 4 POCAHONTAS NO 3 S 4 POCAHONTAS NO 3 & 5 POCAHONTAS NO 4 POCAHONTAS NO 4 POCAHONTAS NO 4 POCAHONTAS NO 4 POCAHONTAS NO 4, SEWELL POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK POND CREEK, TAGGART (U) POWELLTON, NO 2 GAS PRATT PRATT PRATT ROCK CANYON SEABOARD (L ) SEABOARD (L) SEWELL SEWELL SUBSEAM NO 3 SUBSEAM NO 3 SUNNYSIOE (USL) SUNNYSIDE (USL) TAGGART TAGGART TILLER TILLER TILLER TILLER WARFIELD, COALBURG YORK 1.4 WV WYOMING 1.0 VA BUCHANAN 0.9 WV WYOMING 0.5 WV MCDOWELL 0.5 WV MCDOWELL 0.4 WV RALEIGH 0.3 WV MCDOWELL 0.3 WV RALEIGH 0.2 WV MCDOWELL 0.2 WV RALEIGH 1.1 WV MCDOWELL 0.6 WV MCDOWELL 0.2 WV RALEIGH 0.1 WV RALEIGH 0.2 WV MCDOWELL 1.4 WV MCDOWELL 0.3 WV MCDOWELL 0.1 WV MCDOWELL 0.1 WV RALEIGH 2.0 WV MCDOWELL 0.6 KY PIKE 0.5 KY MARTIN 0.5 KY MARTIN 0.3 KY PIKE 0.2 KY PIKE 0.2 VA WISE 0.2 WV BOONE 0.1 KY PIKE 0.4 KY LETCHER 0.3 WV KANAWHA 1.5 AL JEFFERSON 1.2 AL FAYETTE 1.2 AL JEFFERSON 1.1 UT CARBON 0.6 VA TAZWELL 0.2 VA TAZWELL 0.4 WV NICHOLAS 0.1 WV FAYETTE 0.9 UT CARBON 0.3 UT CARBON 2.0 UT CARBON 0.4 UT CARBON 0.2 VA WISE 0.2 VA WISE 0.9 VA RUSSELL 0.6 VA BUCHANAN 0.5 VA DICKENSON 0.3 VA DICKENSON 0.3 KY MARTIN 0.7 NM COLFAX ITMANN COAL CO ISLAND CREEK COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP UNITED STATES STEEL CORP SLAB FORK COAL CO BISHOP COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO BISHOP COAL CO AFFININTY MINING CO ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP CONSOLIDATION COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP BISHOP COAL CO CONSOLIDATION COAL CO UNITED STATES STEEL CORP CANNELTON INDUSTRIES INC WESTMORELAND COAL CO JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL CORP LESLIE COAL MINING CO MAPCO INC MAPCO INC ISLAND CREEK COAL CO SCOTTS BRANCH CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP ISLAND CREEK COAL CO BLUE DIAMOND COAL CO CANNELTON INDUSTRIES INC UNITED STATES STEEL CORP NORTH RIVER ENERGY CORP MULGA COAL CO SOLDIER CREEK COAL CO JEWELL RIDGE COAL CORP JEWELL RIDGE COAL CORP SEWELL COAL CO THE NEW RIVER CO PRICE RIVER COAL CO INC PRICE RIVER COAL CO INC KAISER STEEL CORP KAISER STEEL CORP WESTMORELAND COAL CO WESTMORELAND COAL CO CLINCHFIELD COAL CO CLINCHFIELD COAL CO CLINCHFIELD COAL CO CLINCHFIELD COAL CO WOLF CREEK COLLIERIES INC CO KAISER STEEL CORP ITMANN NO 3 MINE VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS NO 6 MINE KEYSTONE NO 2 MINE KEYSTONE NO 1 MINE GARY NO 10 MINE SLAB FORK NO 10 MINE BISHOP NO 33 & 37 MINES EAST GULF MINE BISHOP NO 34 MINE KEYSTONE NO 5 MINE SHANNON BRANCH MINE MAITLAND MINE KEYSTONE NO 4 MINE KEYSTONE NO 4-A MINE BISHOP NO 36 MINE AMONATE NO 31 MINE GARY NO 2 MINE NO 3 & 4 MINE WINDING GULF NO 4 MINE OLGA MINE LESLIE MINE PONTIKI NO 1 MINE PONTIKI NO 2 MINE BIG CREEK NO 1 MINE SCOTTS BRANCH MINE PRESCOTT NO 2 MINE WHARTON NO 4 MINE BIG CREEK NO 2 MINE SCOTIA MINE LADY DUNN NO 105 MINE CONCORD MINE NORTH RIVER MINE MULGA MINE SOLDIER CANYON MINE SEABOARD NO 1 MINE SEABOARD NO 2 MINE SEWELL NO 1 MINE SILTIX MINE PRICE NO 3 MINE PRICE RIVER NO 5 MINE SUNNYSIDE NO 1 MINE SUNNYSIDE NO 3 MINE WENTZ B PORTAL MINE WENTZ NO 1 MINE MOSS NO 2 MINE LAMBERT FORK MINE MOSS NO 4 MINE MOSS NO 3 PORTAL A2 MINE NO 4 MINE YORK CANYON MINE '11= Upper; L= Lower. Source: MSHA and references 10, 12. INT.-BU.OF MINES, PGH., PA. 2768e H 20^ 85 r > °*c * R* '„ „ /,:^k.x >°.-^^->... x-^^X; co**.^.% y.»- '-- ^ % • n,>* .* .-^SSfei-. \/ ,^_ % ^ ,^-, V^ % , 1 vC> 10 riq °o. -. A^ A^"\ £ ^. -: o. a^ ^^nv ^ , ° ^mk* ° ^ /■ ^^ •v'^aiar. **^~ ;£um*\ *h

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