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Author of "How to Hold Circles for Developing
Mediumship at Home", "An Essay on the Laws of
Psychic Development", etc.
Machine Composition Co.
Copyright, 1920, by Franklin A. Thomas
All Rights Reserved
Machine Composition Co.
Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
FEB 18 1920
Soul Science is a method which demonstrates how
the Spirit, while in mortal form, can accomplish its
work for Good, which is the Soul.
I. Why We Have Written "Soul Sci-
ence, the Proof of Life After
Death" 17
II. Prayer 25
III. Our Religion 26
IV. The Creation 34
V. God 36
VI. Creation of Man 52
VII. Birth 54
VIII. The Material Body 59
IX. Material and Spiritual Bodies . . 63
X. We Must Be Born Again .... 69
XI. Spirit 75
XII. Difference Between Dreams and
Visions 87
XIII. Thought 93
XIV. Two Places 102
XV. All Evil Is Undeveloped Good . . 107
XVI. Body, Spirit and Soul 114
XVII. The God to Worship 117
XVIII. God's Laws 122
XIX. Man-made Laws 133
XX. How to Serve God 138
XXI. What We Are Here and In the
Spirit World 144
XXII. Our Work Hebe and In the Spibit
World 151
XXIII. Call on the Spirits and Ask fob
What You Want 160
XXIV. Who Answers Prayer? . . . .168
XXV. What Do Spirits Know? . . . . 172
XXVI. Clothing and Characteristics of
Spirits 176
XXVII. The Difference Between Spirit and
Thought 183
XXVIII. Never Describe Nor Give a Sririt
Message In Public .... 190
XXIX. How To Hold Classes and Call On
and Communicate With Spirits . 197
XXX. Speak a Word of Cheer .... 206
XXXI. Now Is the Time To Do Good . . 210
XXXII. Why "Soul Science, the Proof of
Life After Death" Should Be In
Every Home 214
XXXIII. The Truth 227
XXXIV. Destiny and Heredity 230
XXXV. Stop Publishing About Crimes and
Murders 236
XXXVI. Liars and Slanderers 244
XXXVII. Obsession 253
XXXVIII. Diseases and Treatments .... 256
XXXIX. How To Conduct Services . . .266
XL. Death Is Natural 277
XLI. The Resurrection Morn . . . .280
XLII. My World 282
XLIII. Prayer : .... 284
Conclusion 286
A Request 288
Never in the history of the world was there a time
when people more desired information concerning
the future life after so-called death than at present.
In every country and nation, in every tribe and
clan of the earth, man has always been groping foj
the light of Truth, never satisfied with the form of
religion he possessed, but always aspiring to some
higher form of expressing his worship of the Deity,
or Creator. What is more natural than to inquire
into our future state of being?
Trusting to the Spirit of Truth we shall endeavor
to publish a book in plain, simple words, so that any
one who can read can understand, and will be able
to demonstrate and prove for himself that which no
other book teaches or explains ; namely, how to prove
that there is no death, and that the so-called dead
are all around and about us, and will manifest them-
selves to us if we give them an opportunity.
The author has not written this book with any
selfish motive, nor for his own glory; but for the
glory and blessing of all mankind.
The body of man is a beautiful home,
The Spirit is the tenant therein;
The Soul is the work of this tenant fair,
The one is three, and three in one are there.
We wish to call the reader's attention to the fact
that the greatest sceptics we have met were those
who did not take time to read or investigate impar-
tially that which they condemned or were sceptical
about. Had they thoroughly investigated the sub-
ject from every viewpoint they would not have been
so harsh and narrow minded in their judgment.
We know these people are so constituted that they
cannot perceive the truth, and cannot, or will not,
change their opinions on certain subjects, no matter
how vivid the evidence may be ; therefore they do not
believe what they see and hear with their own eyes
and ears. What, then, is the use of trying to make
them believe what we see and hear, when they do
not want to be convinced that they are in the wrong,
no matter how many times the truth may be proved
to them? We hope that the readers of "Soul Science,
the Proof of Life after Death," are not in this cate-
gory, but are willing to listen and endeavor to assim-
ilate the truths contained herein for their own
We have not wrtten "Soul Science, the Proof of
Life after Death" to make any one unhappy, nor to
change the ways of tfiose who are happy in their
beliefs; but so desire U help those who are unhappy
and lead them to the light, by showing them how
they can be happy if willing to be, by thinking good
thoughts, doing unto others as they would be done
by, leading clean, pure liv.s, and trying to help
others to do the same.
We now leave it to you, kind reader, to decide
what kind of life you will live here and hereafter.
1. We believe that the World has always ex-
isted and always will exist.
2. We believe and know that there is an Om-
nipotent Power which men call God, and that
this Power controls the World and all things
3. We believe and know that God is not an imag-
inary Being, afar off, but He is all around and
about us, and within us, and is just what we
make Him.
4. We believe and know that God is Life, and
that Life fills the Universe of which we are
a part.
5. We affirm that God's Laws are just to all, and
unchangeable, and so cannot be broken nor
changed by man.
6. We affirm that Heaven is all around and about
us, that we are living in it today as well as
are the dead.
7. We believe and know that we shall be judged
in the Hereafter according to our thoughts
and deeds while in this life.
8. We affirm that when we attempt to violate
God's laws we punish ourselves; God does not
do it.
9. We believe and know that we must suffer
either here or in the Spirit World for our
wrong-doings here.
10. We know that we are all Brothers and Sis-
ters, and that a wrong done to others is a
wrong done to ourselves, and a good conferred
on others is a good conferred on ourselves.
11. We know that at birth the Spirit of Life en-
ters our material body, and thus the Spiritual
Body is born.
12. | We know that Spirit is Life, and Life is God, )
Land God can never die.
13. We know that at so-called Death we cast aside
our material body, and that our Spiritual body
continues its Life beyond the Grave.
14. We know that we have spiritual bodies and
eyes as well as material bodies and eyes, and
that our spiritual eyes are given us to use, to
see how to protect our spiritual bodies, Here
and Now, and if we do not use them we are
robbing ourselves of many blessings that are
in store for us here, and shall have to pay
the penalty for it in the Hereafter.
15. We know that we can, if we will, open our
Spiritual Eyes, see Spirits, and communicate
with them.
We have been impressed to write
this book. We can hear voices around
calling us to write. The heavens are
filled with them, telling us to write a
book and to call it "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death," and we are
sure it will be read all over the world.
It will deliver the people from ignor-
ance, bondage and superstition, place
them in the right and only true way of
thinking good thoughts and living pure
"Soul Science, the Proof of Life after
Death," will teach and prove to the
world that Judgment comes to people
every day. Each person is standing be-
fore the Judgment Bar every day of his
life, being judged according to his
works, whether good or evil.
It will also prove that there is a God,
who He is, where to find Him, and
when is the best time to serve, or call
on, Him, day or night, either in or out
of trouble. It tells how you will, and
must, stay right here, after so-called
"death," and how you will be happy or
suffer here, now, or after "death."
It also teaches that one cannot love
and fear at the same time ; fear drives
out love. If each person knew himself,
there would be love for all.
We long believed in a God and prayed
to that God, but could not see or get
light until we listened to the voice of
reason, which told us we were in dark-
ness, but that God was even then with-
in us. Then we began to investigate,
and to seek Him in prayer. We prayed
for light and knowledge, and that our
eyes might be opened to the light of
Truth, and the way thereof; we prayed
that we might know Who and where
God is, what and where is Heaven. We
could hear voices while praying, but,
looking around, could see no one. The
voices would say "Know Thyself, and
thou wilt know Who and Where God is ;
know the Earth and thou wilt know
where Heaven is !"
We have sought, and found that God
is within, that Heaven is all around
about the Earth, and within us; and
now that we have found God and know
where Heaven is, we want to tell you
all about how and where to find Him
and Heaven. We are happy and con-
tented, and want you all to be the same.
This is our reason for writing this
book, "Soul Science, the Proof of Life
after Death."
The book is filled throughout with
great spiritual truths which everybody
should know, splendid inspirational
thoughts which lift the mind to higher
ideals of life, and stimulate to nobler
action. We speak with authority born
of many years of experience and study
along these lines. Any one who reads
it will know who, and what, he is, and
the mystery of his existence in this life,
and in the life hereafter.
Every page contains words of power,
words of deep spiritual value, worthy
of daily consideration. All is told in
simple language, so that whoever can
read can understand. Can any one af-
ford to neglect the knowledge of his
own soul? This book is the answer to
many a question, and the clearance of
many a doubt. It is an education in it-
self, a guide to true Christian perfec-
"Soul Science" is everything that its
name implies, and teaches the true re-
ligious philosophy, founded on a new
fundamental basis which is entirely
different from that of any other sci-
ence, philosophy or religion with which
the world is familiar. The author does
not mention, or try to prove, theories.
He deals with facts. The book will
prove to each one what no other book
does — that death and the grave are not
the end of our existence, but that life
exists beyond the change called "death,"
and always will exist.
All students, young and old, truth-
seekers, honest investigators, sceptics,
doubters, materialists, agnostics, athe-
ists, non-conformists, deists, those who
are bereaved by (so-called) death of
relatives, and all who are in bondage
of superstition and traditional error,
should read this book; for every word
bears the imprint of truth— scientific,
logical, reasonable and convincing — as
to the teachings contained in "Soul Sci-
ence, the Proof of Life after Death."
This book will help lift the veil of
ignorance from in front of man, and
cause the scales of superstition to fall
from his eyes, which have prevented
him from seeing the light of Truth, and
which have kept from him the knowl-
edge of Who, what and where is the liv-
ing God. All will agree that the pri-
mary aspiration of the present day is
toward educational truth, leading to-
ward this — a new, higher and better
religion, which is the crying need of
the hour.
It is not too much to say that this is
one of the greatest books ever written ;
it is clear and interesting, easily under-
stood and applied, and should be in
every home. You will add to your effic-
iency and progress by the improve-
ment that will become evident after you
have read it. Whether you are begin-
ning or have advanced to some extent
along the road of life, it will be well
worth your while to stop for a time and
absorb the sound maxims you will find
in "Soul Science ;" they will guide you
to that knowledge by teaching you how
to find peace, contentment and happi-
ness in the world in which you live,
thus leading you to your true goal.
Great God, the Source of all life and
the Ruler of all ! We want to do right;
help us to understand Thee! 0, may
the veil of ignorance be removed for-
ever from our minds, and our eyes be
opened to a clear, spiritual, sight; and,
as we read this book, may we have a
newer and better understanding than
ever before, of what Life really is. May
it fill us with inspiration, power and
love from the many dear ones who have
gone before, into the realm of the Spir-
it, so that we may know and feel their
ever-loving presence around us, helping
us all through life to overcome our
many obstacles, and guide us all along
its pathway. These favors we ask in
Thy Name. Amen.
The object of writing "Soul Science,
the Proof of Life after Death" is to ex-
plain and prove to the world, if it is
ready to accept this proof, that death
does not end all, and that life continues
after death. We say we shall prove it,
if people are ready to receive or accept
this proof. The proof does not depend
upon us, but upon them ; not what we
do but what they do.
Are you ready now for a test, or
proof? We are all ready to try it the
moment you are. Have you been seek-
ing proof of life hereafter? Here is a
test for you, if you want it, — one that
you will remember as long as you live.
The more you will think about it the
better and happier you will be:
Stand by the side of a corpse and
look upon it ! Is it not the friend with
whom you were on the very best of
terms? Then, why do you not talk
with him, — you, who know him so well?
There is not now present the smile
which it was your wont to see, but still
he lies there in perfect form ! Feel his
body ! Ah, it is cold ! It is not warm,
as it was! As you have been standing
and looking down at the corpse, you
have been thinking of all the good he
has done, and all the mean things you
have ever done to him ; and, away down
deep in your heart, you are asking him
to forgive you. Although the world did
not know anything about it, you would
give the world, if you had it to give, had
you only done right, but now you real-
ize that it is too late ! What makes the
body cold? You cannot see that any-
thing is gone, but still, when you speak
to it, you get no answer. It looks as
natural as it ever did; still it will not
You must admit that something
which had control over the body, and
caused it to walk and stand and talk, is
not now there. Yet you well know that
there has been no part taken from the
body that would cause it to lie in its
present condition. That would be proof
enough for you. It was proof enough
for me that there had been something
else within or without the body that
caused it to stand, walk and talk; and
if it be so with one body, it is so with
all bodies, for we know they all do the
same, always have done, and always
will do.
Therefore, that something must be
within us. So we commenced to inves-
tigate for ourselves. We found that
there is something within us all, call it
by what name you choose. We will call
it "spirit." The reason we call it
"spirit" is because it cannot be seen
with the material or natural eyes, and
it can penetrate matter — material sub-
stance — however thick it may be. With
the X-ray we can see and accurately lo-
cate broken bones and any foreign sub-
stances in our bodies ; this is most won-
derful; but, with the spiritual eyes
people have been told where they should
dig or bore into the bowels of the earth
to find oil, coal, or other minerals,
which they did find, and have thus
proved to the world the existence of
spirit eyes. So, if one spirit can see
and describe oil, coal or other minerals,
all spirits can do so.
As we all come into the world the
same, we are all alike, so far as the
spirits controlling our bodies or lives on
this earth-plane are concerned. When
they bury the body they do not and can-
not bury the spirit, for that is Life, and
Life is everywhere. When the spirit
leaves the body, the body dies, but the
spirit lives on, and as it leaves the body
it takes on the spiritual form and cloth-
ing, and looks just like what the body
once did, but it cannot manifest itself
strongly enough to be seen with the ma-
terial eyes, though it can be seen and
described accurately with the spirit
We were once called to the bedside of
a dying friend, who, we knew, could see
spirits all around him. He knew the
place, and what, and whom, he was go-
ing to see in his spirit-home in the
spirit world, when his spirit should
leave his body. We sat by his bedside ;
he called each member of the family;
shook hands, and said "Good-bye" to
each of us, then closed his eyes. We
could see his spirit rise from the body,
and take on the spirit form and cloth-
ing. No tongue can tell, nor pen pic-
ture, so beautiful a sight, which we
shall remember as long as we live. The
person had led a good, clean, pure life.
We could see the spirits of his dear
father, mother and many friends wait-
ing around to welcome him into the
spirit world.
There is great rejoicing in our homes
here at the birth of a child, and you call
in your neighbors to welcome the babe.
Just so, when there is a death and sad-
ness here, there is birth and rejoicing
among the spirits in the spirit-world.
Many of our friends in spirit life
have manifested themselves to us per-
sonally in some way or other; for ex-
ample, one whom we had not known to
be dead, or had not known where he
was living, until he manifested and told
us. We wrote and found it was all
true, as he had said.
We have had many such manifesta-
tions. In fact there are but few people
today who have not received some man-
ifestation during their lives, either by
day or night, which proves to us that
life continues after the change called
"death", and that God is not far away,
nor a cruel God, but He is just what we
make Him.
My Religion — Soul Science — teaches
how to do right, not wrong; therefore
we can stand up and look the world in
the face, and fear no man. My Religion
is a universal one, for all mankind. Its
believers believe in doing right unto
themselves and every one else, without
fear or trembling.
This world has always existed and
always will exist. Some of our great-
est astronomers tell us it takes the light
from certain stars many millions of
years to reach the Earth. They can-
not tell us how long those stars have
been shining, nor how long the world
has been in existence. Time without
end, and Space without limit, are two
things no human being can possibly
There have been, and always will be,
volcanic eruptions and earthquakes,
changing the Earth's surface. After
an earthquake, islands have often been
discovered near where the catastrophe
occurred, or farther away — the land
going down in one place and rising in
another. This Earth is always going
through changes: it never has been,
nor can it be, destroyed. If you will dig
down into the bowels of the Earth you
will go through stratum after stratum
and will find signs of vegetation, as
well as of animals and human beings
that existed many millions of years
ago; which proves that the Earth al-
ways exists.
The only God there is, the God that
rules the Universe, is Spirit, which is
Life, and He fills all space. He dwells
within every person and wherever
there is life. He is the only God there
is; nothing can live without Him, for
He is the life that is within all, and
cannot be changed or made any differ-
ent by man to please man. It does not
make any difference what . man may
have been taught to believe, or how
many persons may have lived, suffered
and died, man has not changed, and
cannot change, that God, or life, or the
GOD 37
lives that exist in the world today.
All the good or harm that any one
may do unto others or unto themselves
they only do unto that God which is
within themselves, and they are judged
by and according to that God within
Suppose there were a God sitting on
a throne in Heaven, and that this
throne were right above Boston, so that
the people of Boston could look up and
call on that God in prayer. Suppose
that to be the place to which they would
have to go after death to get their re-
wards for the good or evil deeds that
they did while living in their bodies. If
God sits on a throne in Heaven, and
that throne and Heaven are right above
Boston, then, were the people of Boston
to start on a journey around the world,
who is it that would keep in motion
above them as they travelled around,
the throne on which God sits, so that
He would always be above them, and so
that they could look up to Him, and
could call on, and pray to, Him if they
were in trouble? We all know that the
earth is round, and that if we were to
look up into Heaven to worship a God
sitting on a throne, and that throne
were in the Heaven above Boston, then,
when they were to go to China that
throne and God would have to be just
opposite Boston — Heaven, God and
throne ! We know that if God is sitting
on a throne in Heaven, that throne can-
not, or does not, move around. As there
are people all over the world looking up
into Heaven, worshipping that same
God at that same hour on that same
GOD 39
throne, how many different Gods and
thrones would there have to be for all
people to look up to, pray to, call on, and
worship ? How could it be ?
Again, we will suppose for one min-
ute that the only Heaven, God and
Throne (where God lives) were right
above Boston, and that at death the
spirits of people all over the world
would be compelled to leave the body,
and would have to fly from China and
everywhere else to the Heaven and God
above Boston, to be judged, (rewarded
or punished), according to the degree
of good or evil that they have done
while living in their bodies.
Suppose that a person had been very
wicked while living, and that at death,
just as soon as his spirit were to leave
its body, it would meet another spirit
which had led an equally wicked life,
and the first spirit were to tell the sec-
ond how far it (the first spirit) had
had to fly to reach Heaven, and all the
trouble it had had, to find its way, and
how it was punished, and had to suffer,
after getting there, for the wrongdo-
ings done while living in its body, and
suppose the last spirit were to say to
the first that it could not, and would
not, fly so far, and would not go to
Heaven and there suffer, as had been
described. Who could compel it to fly
so far to reach there, and be punished
for all the wickedness done while liv-
God's laws are just at all times, and
when we try to violate them we com-
mence to suffer then and there for our
transgressions. Prayer or no prayer,
GOD 41
we cannot and will not be saved from
suffering when we do wrong.
How could a God be a just God that
could be changed by prayer today, (in-
asmuch as thousands of thousands of
years ago He made laws to rule the
world and all things therein for all time
to come,) just because somebody is in
trouble today and calls on Him after
having tried to violate His immutable
laws? How could men get justice if
there were such a God?
The only God there is is Spirit, or
Life, and that God dwells in us, and He
is the only God that could or ever will
judge us aright : and when you pray to
God, or whatever you do, you pray and
do it unto that God which is within you.
He is the only God there is for you, and
you are making Him just what He is
God is not a personal being, who sits
on an imaginary throne away up in
Heaven, ruling the Universe from on
High. God is a name given to the all-
ruling Spirit of all that is, was, and is
to be. The word "God" is a name
coined in the English language to dis-
tinguish one of whom we speak, in the
same manner as we give a name to a
God not being a personal being,
therefore He never has written, and
never will write, a book or books to tell
people about His work or works in
Heaven or on Earth. God never
changes time, nor counts the years, nor
names the days in the weeks, months or
years. Neither does He say that we
GOD 43
shall worship Him any more on one day
than on another, for all days are God's
days, and He knows it, and we should
serve Him for good at all times.
God is life, and life is God, and
wherever there is God there is life. God
has always existed and always will ex-
ist. God is all around and about us. He
is the life that is within us, and is all-
powerful. There is but one God, and
that is Life. We are a part of God, and
God is a part of us. God is just what we
make Him. He knows no creed, race nor
color, neither monarch, king nor ruler.
He judges every person according to the
thoughts, acts and deeds of such person.
God's laws are unchangeable, cannot
be broken, and if we attempt to violate
His laws, which are Nature's laws, we
must pay the penalty. God is every-
where, in and on the earth, and in the
Heavens, in the trees, grasses, flowers,
and in every living thing. He fills the
Universe and exists in everything, for
everything has life.
God does not rule the Universe from
an imaginary throne, looking down on
poor mortals and causing them to suf-
fer, regardless of the number of lives
they may have saved or the good they
may have done during their lifetime,
and then, at death, leave them in a posi-
tion to suffer as long as time lasts be-
cause they did not believe the teachings
of men to the effect that man can for-
give their sins after they have attempt-
ed to violate God's laws.
God's ways are not man's ways. God
does not create a spirit in some special
place away up in Heaven and then send
GOD 45
it down to earth to enter some new-born
babe, to live a certain life and meet a
certain fate, and then, after death,
damn it and send it to Hell, to suffer for
ever and ever, merely because a certain
man and woman, thousands of thou-
sands of years ago may have broken a
commandment and paid the penalty.
Nor does He, even if there were a
breach of a supposititious command-
ment, cause all mankind to be born in
sin and death, and banished from His
presence forever. Nor does He con-
demn us all for all eternity if we do not
believe in a certain man who was born
of woman begat by man, who has lived
and died. Nor does He say that all we
have to do is to repent for something
we did not do, or did not have any con-
trol over, or to repent at the eleventh
hour, and that if we believe that man
can forgive sin, no matter what we
have done in the past, all will be for-
given without suffering, and we shall
be saved! Believing in any one, after
a person has done wrong, will never
right that wrong, nor pay the penalty
for the wrong, in this world, or in the
world hereafter.
No one ever saw a child born a mur-
derer or a thief. We are just what we
have been taught or have allowed our-
selves to think or become.
God never damns nor sends any one
to so-called Hell. We do that ourselves,
for we are the only ones who can damn
ourselves: and we do damn ourselves
when we do wrong. When we suffer
for that wrong, that is Hell. God did
not send us there, nor make us do the
GOD 47
wrong : we did it ourselves, and thus we
must pay for our wrong-doing, by suf-
fering — which suffering is Hell.
The fundamental truths of "Soul
Science, the Proof of Life after Death,"
are scientific rather than religious, be-
cause based upon what is actually
known. It is better to know a truth
than to believe an error, no matter how
sanctified is the error held up for some
one to worship. The persistent popu-
lar conception that, in order to be
saved, it was necessary to sacrifice hu-
man blood, is a gross error. "Soul Sci-
ence" has come into the world to do
away with such a barbaric conception.
We are not bound and tethered to a
one-man idea of God, and so we — the
believers in "Soul Science" — are the
most religious people on earth, because
of the genuine desire we have to know
the truth. The true Bible is Nature,
and he who reads a Bible written by
the ever-living God studies Nature.
"To know God is to know thyself."
This should be the aim of all branches
of culture, and of Educational Bureaus
and Colleges throughout the world, thus
creating one true religion or standard
for all mankind, which will enable each
one to see the light, the right road to
happiness, while in this mundane
sphere of existence. Now is the time
for every living mortal to know what
his birth-right is. Every human being
born into this world has powers lying
dormant within him. All schools of
learning should teach how to use those
powers within, which, for lack of prop-
er education, and by the ignorance and
GOD 49
superstition of many centuries, are hid-
Believing in the Why, How, When,
Where or Whom, God is, or whom He
has sent into the world, will never make
us any happier after death. We are
our own God, and face the judgment
bar of our deeds every time we do good
or evil.
God is not a person, who travels all
over the Earth performing miracles in
order to make people believe in Him:
neither does He teach people how to
perform miracles to prove His words,
His works, or His power. What is
called a miracle would be a violation of
the laws of Nature, which are God's
laws. A miracle is supposed to be a
supernatural event, when in reality the
thing supposed to be such is according
to the simplest laws of Nature, al-
though through the ignorance of man
in not understanding those laws, it ap-
pears a marvel.
The native of the equatorial coun-
tries thinks it a miracle when you tell
him that in the North, in the winter
season, the surface of the water hard-
ens so that men, and even horses, can
walk upon it. Apply warmth to an egg,
and in a certain number of days you
produce a living chick. Take a pot of
earth, weigh it, plant a seed, the seed
sprouts, the plant grows : and when the
plant matures, if you cut it down, and
weigh your pot of earth, you find there
is no loss; it weighs the same. Many
similar wonders can be produced in the
same way, but they seem so miraculous
that it is hard for some people to un-
GOD 51
derstand and believe in them. Yet they
are all natural ; in fact God does not do
anything unnatural, nor perform mir-
acles, and if we are ignorant of His
laws, and do not understand them, it is
not His fault but ours, for not learning
and understanding His laws.
Man does not know, and cannot tell,
how and when he came into the world.
He is as old as the world, has always
existed, and always will exist. He may
change his color, his looks, and the
shape and size of his body, by his study
and development, but he cannot add to,
nor subtract from, any bones of his
anatomy that would cause his coming
generation to have more, or less, bones
in their bodies than he had when he was
born. Our forefathers had just a cer-
tain number of bones in their anatomy,
therefore we must have the same num-
ber in ours. All the theories and beliefs
in the world will never increase nor di-
minish the number of bones in our bod-
ily structure.
If one man is born into this world a
certain way, all men must be born the
same way. We are all created alike.
We came forth from God and we will
return to Him. Our parents gave birth
to us ; then the spirit entered the body
and we became like unto God. The
spirit causes all the organs to function
while in the mortal form, and at death
we must return to our God, the Cre-
ator of all.
No human being can give birth to a
spirit. All our parents did was to gen-
erate our material bodies, just as the
builder furnishes the material and
builds the house, to fulfil his contract;
he cannot tenant it with the same mate-
rial with which he built it. The house
has windows, doors, plumbing; it is fin-
ished with all modern improvements,
all ready to be occupied ; yet he cannot
tenant it. Just so with our parents.
They fulfilled their contract when they
furnished the material, and built our
bodies, which they gave to the world.
We compared our bodies before birth
to a growing tumor which is attached
to the body, and on which it lives and
grows, and from which it draws its life.
It has no life of its own, but it grows,
and after an operation is performed
and the tumor removed, the patient
lives. Just so with our body; it grows
and lives where it is connected with
our mother. Through the pulsation of
the mother, her body and ours live as
one and the same, until birth. Then
our body is complete, and ready for the
spirit to occupy.
No one can, or will, live in a house
until it is completed, neither can, nor
will, any spirit live in the body until it
is complete, and that is at birth. The
moment our body comes into the world,
the spirit of life enters into it, and it
becomes a living mortal, which it could
not be until it was perfect and strong,
for all the organs of the body to func-
tion properly.
Then our mother must watch and
nourish our little bodies. After we
have grown older and stronger we may
notice marks on our body that we do not
see on any other member of our fam-
ily; we may crave certain kinds of
fruit, vegetables or meats which we
must have or we will be sick ; or it may
be that those foods and fruits which
others eat may cause us to become ill.
Your system may call for certain food,
and your not being able to eat and sup-
ply a certain acid to your stomach may
cause you to become ill. If, before your
birth, your mother craved certain kinds
of fruit, vegetables or meats, and did
not, or could not, get them, you will
crave them, but if she got and ate what
she wanted, you will be able to eat the
same. If she craved and ate too much
of them and they made her sick, you
will not care to eat them yourself.
Mothers, by seeing certain things, or
thinking certain thoughts, which shock
their entire body while in that condi-
tion, often mark their unborn children,
causing them to be deformed, and to
suffer as long as they live. That our
mother craved anything she wanted to
eat but could not get, is no reason why
we, craving the same thing, should eat
too much, or become sick. Let us use
reason at all times. If we are weak and
crave anything, we should endeavor to
develop our innate strength, and con-
trol our weak points.
No woman, while in that condition,
should go where there is any excite-
ment, or look at anything that is likely
to give her a shock. She should think
only the purest thoughts, and lead a
clean, pure life. In that way she will
help her coming generation to bless the
Our bodies are like a piano. When
the piano was manufactured, the man-
ufacturer did not say to it, "You must
not allow every person to play on you.
You will be in a public place, where
every one that comes along will want
to play on you. Some will not know
how to play, and some will strike your
keyboard so hard that it would destroy
you, so that you would not be able to
produce the sweet and lovely music
that is within you ; but if you will take
good care of yourself, you will last a
long time, and make happy those who
can play on you."
All our parents did in bringing us
into this world was to give birth to our
material bodies. They could not say
to our body, no matter how dearly they
may have loved it, "Do not allow every
spirit that comes along to take control
of, or impress, you and cause you to say
or do things just the way that spirit
may want to; for if you do, you will
soon be worn out, and your body will
not be fit for any good spirit to use, to
speak through your organs the mes-
sages of love. ,,
When our body came into this world,
it was material, and will exist in the
material form as long as the spirit of
life is within it. The spirit keeps the
body alive. When the spirit leaves the
body, the body returns to earth, the
mother of all material things. No ma-
terial beings can give birth to spirits,
because they have not that power, or
the spirit within them to transmit to
another. If we were to give our life
away, so-called "Death" would take
place, and they would have to bury our
Our body, which is material, cannot
of itself, speak a word, any more than
a piano which is also material, can
speak. Why is not the piano playing
all the time? Because the spirit is not
there. Who is the spirit of the piano?
Whoever fingers the keys of that piano
is the spirit of it. Our body only speaks
as the spirit impresses or shows it
things. With that same spirit we may
see spirits or hear spirit voices, feel,
sense, or receive impressions from
them, anywhere, day or night
When death takes place, they bury
the body. If it were the body that
spoke, they would never bury it. Look
at a corpse. There it lies, just as nat-
ural as life. Why doesn't it speak?
Why is it not Mr. or Mrs. So-and-So?
Because the spirit has left the body!
Thus it is the spirit that causes the
body to speak. It is the spirit, mani-
festing itself through the brain and vo-
cal organs of the person.
Every person is born into this world
with a material body. At birth, spirit
enters into the material body, and be-
comes a perfect human being. The ma-
terial body is merely a house, or work-
shop, in which the spirit works. The
body could neither grow, stand, walk,
nor talk, nor could its organs function,
if it were not for the spirit, which
causes it to act and move ; by the spirit
manipulating the brain cells and other
parts, the body thinks and acts.
The spirit has absolute control over
the body, and can leave it at will, or
it can allow other spirits to enter,
which may use the vocal organs to
speak even in unknown tongues. The
person, when speaking, may not know
the language he is speaking, nor be
able to interpret it.
If the spiritual cord which connects
the body with the spirit is severed, the
body dies. One spirit may enter and
control the body for a few seconds or
minutes, sometimes for hours, days,
weeks, months or even years; then
leave the body and never return to it.
That spirit had a mission to perform,
and by entering the body, and over-
powering the original spirit, and con-
trolling it, could accomplish its mis-
sion ; then that spirit after leaving the
body, will go on until it can find some
other body of which it can take con-
trol, to continue the work which it
did, or wanted to do, or should have
done, while in its own body.
When one spirit leaves the body,
another may enter, and so on until the
spiritual cord is broken. Whatever
persons think, that is what they talk
about, and that kind of spirit has con-
trol of them. As they can only think
one thought, and speak one word, at a
time, only one spirit can control a per-
son at one time, even though one spirit
may have control one minute, and an-
other the next.
When the spirit that takes posses-
sion of our bodies, comes and goes, it
often causes lines or may even change
our appearance ; for when you are cry-
ing, the spirit of a person who used to
cry, while living, has possession of
you, and causes you to do what he did ;
similarly, when you are laughing, or
whatever you are doing. When you
are crying the wrinkles in your face
are different from those that appear
when you are laughing. When one is
angry, he is angry all over, from the
crown of his head to the soles of his
feet. He feels like kicking, biting, or
striking, all at the same time. An
angry spirit has possession of him, and
that is what he is at the time. When a
person is drunk, a drunken spirit has
control of him, and causes him to be as
that spirit was, while living here.
It is just so with whatever a person
may be doing; whatever trade or pro-
fession he may be working or engaged
in, there are spirits that did work, or
wanted to work at that same trade or
profession, who are trying to impress
that person to do as they did while liv-
All persons should know themselves,
and not allow every kind of spirit to en-
ter and take possession of them, just
because those spirits wish to progress
out of certain conditions. It is true,
every time a person takes on a condi-
tion, or allows the spirit to take control
of, or impress, him to do as it wants, it
helps that spirit to progress out of that
condition, but no person should allow
another person, or spirit, to impress gt
take control of his body without his
consent, if it will injure him or his spir-
it in any way — merely to please an-
other spirit or person,
We do not blame spirits for asking,
or trying to impress, people to do as
they once did while living, but we do
blame people for not seeing the spirits
which are around them, when their
spiritual eyes have been given them
for that purpose, and they do not use
Every person should be able to see
spirits with his spirit eyes at any and
all times, without losing his own indi-
viduality. It is not necessary for a per-
son to lose his personality, in order to
see and communicate with spirits.
It is the duty of all to develop and
open their spiritual eyes, that they may
see spiritual things, as well as material
things, that are all about them every-
where, no matter where they may go or
what they may do. We cannot rid our-
selves of them, or get away from them,
for wherever there is life, there are
We are born with a material, then a
spiritual, body. First we are born
with a material body; then the spirit
enters into it, and it becomes a living
body. The first time the spirit of life
entered our material bodies we were
born, and, each time a spirit takes con-
trol of us, we are born again. How,
and where, do we get those thoughts we
are thinking? Is there some machine
in the back of the head, or any other
part of the body, grinding them out,
and giving or feeding them to the
brain? The brain is matter which could
not exist of itself or speak a word with-
out the spirit; so every thought that
impresses the brain must be alive.
There is no such thing as dead spirits
or dead thoughts.
Every time a spirit or thought —
(call it by what name you choose, it is
life, and life is everywhere) — takes
possession of us, we are being born
again. All these millions and billions
of people who have lived on this Earth,
and whose thoughts and spirits are still
alive and among us, and those who are
now living in the material body, are
thinking and sending out thoughts and
conditions which, in turn, take control
of others, who then are being born
When a person does something one
minute, and is sorry for it the next, and
does not know what caused him to do
such a thing, when it was contrary to
his will, or way of living or thinking,
a spirit has come in, and over-powered,
and taken control of, his spirit, causing
him to do just the way the spirit did.
That was the first time he ever did such
a thing ; thus he was born again with a
new spirit. That same person can, if
he wishes, call on a good spirit to come
in and impress, or take control of, his
own spirit, which will cause him to say
and do something good ; thus he is born
There are two facts in this world:
Spirit and Matter. Destroy Matter
and Spirit remains. Matter cannot live
without Spirit, but Spirit can live with-
out matter. You may destroy matter
but there is no power that can kill or
destroy spirit, for spirit is life, and life
is God, and God, or Life, has always ex-
isted, and always will exist. So we are
a part of God which rules and governs
the spirit world.
Each one of these spirits who were
human on the earth-plane had its own
characteristics and habits, either good
or evil, and that spirit is now what-
ever it was then. As spirits have the
power of impressing mortals with these
same characteristics, they are the cause
of mortals doing and thinking just as
they, the spirits, did while they were
living in the body, and thus these mor-
tals are born again.
Then again, as a person thinks, so
he attracts just that kind of spirits to
him, and is influenced either for good
or evil, and so is born again. Thus these
spirits take control of the bodies of
mortals, and are rulers of those bodies.
As we think, and as our thoughts at-
tract to us certain spirits, they take
possession of our bodies and use us for
their own purposes, and thus we are
born again.
But we can choose the kind of spirit
that we wish to rule or guide us, to
make either a Heaven or a Hell for our-
selves or others. You have chosen your
Ruler. He is your God, and He judges
you according to your thoughts, acts,
and deeds. He is a just God, and the
only God that can, and will, judge you
rightfully, as you stand each day before
the judgment throne, and know you are
getting that which belongs to you ; you
cannot, and will not, get anything else
but what belongs to you. If you did,
you would be robbing someone of his
reward, which you cannot do before
your Judge and your God. Go wher-
ever you may, you cannot hide from
Him, for He is within you, and so you
must be born again.
Every person can see spirits and ma-
terial things with the spiritual eyes,
but does not give his spirit the credit
for it. Every patent that, was ever in-
vented was seen with the spiritual eyes
before it was worked out with the
hands. Whenever any one starts any-
thing he sees with his spiritual eyes
what there is to be done, and, before
he has commenced work on it, can de-
scribe and tell, just how it will look.
The farmer can see, describe and tell
all about his crops before they are
planted. The architect and carpenter
can describe a house, and, before they
build it, can show you how it will look.
The storekeeper can tell what his store
windows will look like, before he has
placed any goods in them ; and the mil-
liner and dressmaker can see and de-
scribe just how a certain hat or dress
will look on you before showing it. They
all see with their spiritual eyes, but do
not give their spiritual eyes the credit
for it.
Or it may be that a person will read
about a collision of two trains which
are many miles away, can almost hear
the crash as they collide, and can spirit-
ually see the destruction and death of
the people aboard, as the trains meet,
can see the people crawling from them ;
can see the wreck burning, and people
trying to extinguish the fire. They see
it with their spiritual eyes, just as
though they were there, yet are uncon-
scious of the fact. Everything that we
read~ is pictured before us, and we see
it with our spirit eyes, just as
though we were standing before it and
were looking at it with our material
eyes; thus we read it with the spirit
eyes as it is pictured to us.
We have material and spiritual bod-
ies. Material and spiritual eyes are
given to us to see material and spiritual
things, and to see how to protect our
material and spiritual bodies. Our
spiritual bodies need protection, and
should be protected, as well as our ma-
terial bodies.
We all have spiritual eyes, which
should be developed, so that we may use
them to see how to protect our spiritual
bodies. God, or Spirit, — call Him or It
by what name you choose — has no fav-
orites. He has given all of us these
eyes to use, and if we do not use them
we are robbing ourselves of blessings
that are ours ; we are blinded to truth,
and are hindering our spiritual unfold-
ment and progression here and in the
spirit world! The only way we can,
or ever will, progress, or unfold our
spirtiual selves, is by using the spirit
that is within us ; so, when we say and
take for granted that believing is all
that is required of us, we are only de-
ceiving ourselves.
It is your works that will save you,
not what you believe. By your fruits
shall you be known.
For years the author has been able to
see, spiritually, animals and human
forms, some of which were around peo-
ple. Some looked as if they were going
on errands, carrying something, others
seemed to be traveling. We could see
some of them in a form of light, others
more like shadows; the mists or shad-
ows were not all the same tint or shade ;
we did not know that these mists or
shadows were disembodied mortals
trying to manifest themselves to us in
that way. We were not taught to be-
lieve in such things, and knew nothing
about spirits. We paid no attention to
them, thinking everyone could see them
the same as we.
We also saw various forms of ani-
mals different from any we had ever
seen alive, going to and fro, walking or
crawling on the earth. This went on
until we commenced to investigate for
ourselves by welcoming and speaking
to the mists, shadows and forms as
though they were human beings.
Finally, now and then, some spirit
form of a human being would come so
close that we could see its lips move
and hear them speak; and sometimes
when we would go to speak to or call
on a friend, a form would manifest it-
self, of someone who had been dead
probably for a number of years, whom
we would describe to the person we
were talking to, explaining how and
why the spirit was around him, and in
nine out of ten cases, the person would
recognize the spirit and message at
once, seeming to give the spirit great
pleasure and satisfaction; and we
found that every time a spirit mani-
fested itself and was described and rec-
ognized, it gained in strength, and it
was easier for it to manifest again;
so that every time that we saw it and
spoke to it, it would come closer to us.
Now we can see spirits all around us
and around everyone else, with our
spiritual eyes, and think no more of
talking to and with the spirits than we
do with mortal friends. They look and
are as natural in spirit life as they
were in mortal life. We love to talk
to them, and have them around us;
equally do they love to talk to, and be
with, us. It is a great blessing, to see
and know that our dear loved ones in
spirit are around us watching over us,
and trying to impress, advise and pro-
tect us, the same as they did while they
were living in their bodies.
We have told you in other chapters
that our body is material and that no
material body can speak or exist with-
out life, that life is spirit, and that,
when we speak, it is not our body that
speaks, for the body is material, but it
is the spirit that dwells within us
which speaks, by manipulating certain
organs, and thus we can see, hear and
understand one another.
Our material body could not, and
would not, see or hear anything if it
were not for the spirit that is within
the body, which is the life of the body.
Therefore every time that we speak it
is the spirit that is within us speaking
to the other person's spirit; so, to
whomever we speak, we are speaking
to the spirit of that person; in other
words, it is the spirit speaking to an-
other spirit, for spirit is the only thing
that can speak. Therefore every time
we speak we are in communication
with a spirit, and are speaking to that
spirit, whether we recognize it or not.
Spirits can and do manifest to peo-
ple, and can show themselves to any
person whose spirit eyes are opened.
The only way that you will ever see
spirits is with your spirit eyes. If a
spirit were to materialize before you,
you could not, and would not, see the
spirit; you would only see the material
form that the spirit has assumed in
order that it can be seen with the mate-
rial eyes. The spirit would be within
the materialized form the same as the
spirit of a person living which dwells
within the body of flesh. That spirit
can leave that materialized form when-
ever it so desires, and may never ap-
pear that way again.
Invisibility does not prove non-ex-
istence. Many things occur to us as to
which we doubt and waver, simply be-
cause of our spiritual feebleness; we
cannot understand them. If we were
to develop and use our spirit eyes they
would get stronger, and we could then
understand all things.
If all had their spirit eyes opened,
they would see spirits which they can-
not see with their material eyes; they
would be able to see spirits with their
spirit eyes around each person, and
would know how the spirits take con-
trol of people the way they do.
We assure you that if every man
could see spiritually what was around
him, he would drive the evil spirits
away, and not allow such spirits and
conditions to remain and take posses-
sion of him; he would then, with his
spiritual eyes opened, attract the good
spirits, and thus be happier himself
and make others happier. He would
also enjoy life's blessings which are all
around him now, because he could then
see the good spirits and could call for,
and would receive, their help.
The Creator has given us all spirit-
ual eyes to use, and He expects us to
use them here and now, and see the
spirits who are all about us, and know
what is going on in the spirit world, so
we will know how to be happy here by
seeing and talking with those who are
already there, who will advise us if we
will only ask for their help. We should
all lead clean, pure lives, and call on the
good spirits to come and manifest them-
selves to us, showing and guiding us in
the way that they would have us to go
all through life, which will lead us to
happiness and light.
Faith has nothing to do with what
you read or practise. You do not need
to have Faith to see and talk with a per-
son. Neither do you have to have Faith
to see or talk to a spirit if your spirit
eyes are open, for you will see the spirit
and know to whom you are talking.
It used to be said that we had five
senses. Now Science claims we have
eight. So, any person having use of all
his senses should be able, by following
the teachings of "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death", to open his
spirit eyes, and thus see, discern, and
receive impressions from, the spirit
forces that are all around.
There is a difference between a
Dream and a Vision, yet both take
place when your muscles are thorough-
ly relaxed, or when you are asleep, and
you call them all dreams. Dreams are
caused either by a person lying on his
back, with the back of his head (which
is the base of the brain) resting on the
pillow, thus cutting off the circulation
— stopping the flow of blood to the
brain — and affecting the brain at that
time, or by a person eating too much
just before retiring at night, which will
also affect the flow of blood to the brain,
thus causing the brain to cease its
proper functioning. In other words,
causing the mind to ramble causes you
to dream, which fact you may or may
not remember in the morning.
Just after an operation, when a per-
son is reviving from the effects of the
anaesthetic that has been administered
to him, he may commence to talk and
keep on talking while in that condition,
which is caused by the effect which the
anaesthetic has on the brain, and flow
of the blood to the brain, for the time
being. All this may be called dream-
You may retire at night the same as
usual, and, while asleep, see some per-
son who is living, whom you may not
have seen or heard from for months or
years, or you may see the spirit of some
one who may have been dead for years.
In the morning you may remember all
you have seen in your dream, and may
tell some one, what a vivid and wonder-
ful dream you had last night. If you
will remember you were not lying on
your back with your head pressing
hard on the pillow, the same as you
were when you were dreaming. Hence,
this was not a dream but a vision.
People have always had dreams and
visions, and always will have them.
Sometimes it is very difficult to distin-
guish the difference between the two.
Before a person can, or will, go to sleep,
he must relax, (that is, become pas-
sive,) in every muscle of his anatomy,
and the minute he relaxes he will go to
sleep at once: he cannot keep awake.
While in that relaxed condition his
spirit may let in another spirit to take
control of his body, (as we have ex-
plained more fully in other chapters,)
and his own spirit may leave its body
and travel many miles and see many
things, or other spirits may come to his
bedside and visit his spirit at night, and
in the morning he may remember it all,
and may talk about it for days, saying
what a wonderful dream he had had,
when really it was not a dream, but a
vision. As he has not had it explained
to him, he did not know the difference
between a dream and a vision.
The author has traveled extensively,
but never has been in a place that he
had not seen in spirit, months, or even
years, before he visited it. We know
that our spirit has left our body at
night while we were asleep, and has
traveled, and showed us different
places, and when we would go, or write,
to those places and ask if such-and-
such were the case, the answer would
be, "It was just as you say in your let-
We have learned how to become re-
laxed while we are in the waking state,
so that our spirit can and does leave
our body and go to any part of the
world it chooses, to see what it wishes,
then return to our body. While in the
waking state we can see it and feel it
go and come, therefore, we do not have
to wait to retire for the night in order
to become relaxed, so that our spirit
may leave our body, before we can see
other spirits, and know that our spirit
has been out of our body.
When you are thoroughly relaxed,
you are then in a passive condition, and
it is much easier for your spirit to leave
your body or for other spirits to come
and reveal to you what they desire,
than when you are in a positive condi-
Every person attracts to himself
spirits according to the thoughts he
thinks. Thoughts are things, and every
thought has its color, and every color
has its vibrations. The very walls of
our home are pictured with our
thoughts. Oh, could we picture the
power of thought before you, so that
you would never forget it and the effect
it has upon your happiness in this life
and in the spirit world, it would cause
you to change your thoughts and your
entire life.
Go where we may, do what we will,
we cannot help but think, and as we
think we leave a trail of thought be-
hind us. Other people following in our
footsteps gather up the thoughts that
we leave behind us, which may cause
them to do the things we were doing or
thinking of doing. By thinking evil
thoughts we are sowing seeds of evil,
and sooner or later they come home to
us as fruit, because they are ours, and
we will reap our harvest either in the
flesh or in the spirit realm.
We are all architects and builders,
and are planning and building and
sending into the spirit-world material
thoughts, words, and deeds of which
our home in the spirit-world is being
Everyone must go to his own home :
you cannot go to ours, neither can we
go to yours, and we will tell you now,
dear brother and sister, your home in
the spirit-world depends upon your
thoughts, which are the kind of mate-
rial you send there, and if you are not
sending any sunshine, you will never
find love or happiness there waiting
for you.
When we are born into the world we
know nothing. The spirit takes control
of our body, and we begin to develop it
accordingly. We go to school to learn,
and learn only that which others know,
and to do what they do. How and where
do we keep all that which we learn and
see while in and out of school?
Have we a record of everything in
our lives? Is there a record of our
thoughts, words and deeds, or whatever
we see, hear, or feel, — and the impres-
sions we receive? Are they recorded
or stored away somewhere in, or on,
our brain? If so, how about the man
who saw a tiny drop of water? If
that was recorded with a dot and dash,
or other imprint, somewhere on his
brain, would it not stand to reason,
that if the same man saw an ocean of
water and traveled across it, there
would be a larger dot, dash or imprint
somewhere on his brain. Or, if a man
were to see an ant-hill, and it were re-
corded on the brain, there must be an
imprint different in size from the im-
print that would be recorded if he
should see the Rocky Mountains. The
Scientists and the Doctors have never
been able, with their most powerful
magnifying glasses, to find any dots or
dashes, marks or impressions, on the
The only difference they see between
the brain of a child and that of an
adult, is a little more water in the
child's than in an older person's brain.
If that be true, how do we remember
what we see or hear during our mate-
rial life in traveling around the world?
How do we remember the appearance
of many places, lands, animals and
people that we see? We see them with
our spiritual eyes! If everything we
see were recorded on the brain, we
know there would be a limit to the
brain's capacity.
When the man who has never been
outside of his county is seeing and
talking all the time about the things he
sees around him ; if his brain is covered
with what he sees, how about the man
who has traveled all over the world?
How would his brain have space enough
to record all he sees and hears during
his entire life? — No! Our brains are
free from dots, dashes or other im-
You describe your old home when
you are many miles away from it; you
give a minute description of the house,
barn, all the out-buildings, cow-yard,
meadow, trees, farm-land and road in
and around the barn and house. How
do you see them? Is there any impres-
sion in or on your brain? No! You
see them with your spiritual eyes.
Everything that you describe in that
way you see with the spiritual eyes;
there is nothing too close, or too far, or
too small, but that it can be seen with
the spiritual eyes. If you have ever
lived in California and are living in
Boston, sitting in your apartment,
and someone were to ask you to describe
your old home in California, you would
see it instantly with your spiritual eyes
and could give a full description of the
Your spirit does not wait for you or
someone to open the door so it can go
out, down this or that railroad or wag-
on road, through this or that valley,
tunnel, or over this or that mountain.
The moment the spirit leaves you, it
goes right through the walls of your
room, through buildings and mountains
direct to your old home, sees the home,
and then you describe it as you see it
with the spirit eye. There is not any-
thing too high or too low, or too thick,
that spirit or spirit forces cannot pene-
trate, see and describe to us.
As we have told you before, our bod-
ies are material and cannot see any-
thing if the spirit does not show it to
us. The spirit is the life that is in our
bodies, and if it were not for that life
we could not see anything with our ma-
terial eyes. You cannot show or de-
scribe "Nothing," because it does not
exist. We ask you to read a book; if
you did not have the book before you,
you could not see it ; if you did not see
it, you could not read it nor describe it.
If you describe a book with your mate-
rial or spiritual eyes the book must be
there or you could not see it, and not
seeing it with either your material or
spiritual eyes you could not describe it.
We see and describe according to our
thoughts, for thoughts are things. Ac-
cording as we think, we attract that
class of spirits to us, and that is what
we are.
There are only two places. These
are: Heaven (or the ether which sur-
rounds us) and the "Earth." If we are
not inside of the Earth, we must be on
its surface, or in Heaven.
In the countless ages of the past,
when people died, where did their spir-
its go when they left their bodies, if
they did not stay here in the atmo-
sphere which surrounds the Earth?
There is no other place for them to go
to, for we are in Heaven today as much
as we ever will be. The earth and air
about us are teeming with all kinds of
life, while we in the midst of it, are as
ignorant of it as if it did not exist.
All the millions and millions of spir-
its of people who have lived on this
earth-plane are among us today. This
is their Heaven as well as ours, the only
Heaven there is, and the only difference
between us and them is, that they have
left their bodies of flesh and taken on
spiritual bodies. If our spiritual eyes
were opened, we could see those spirits,
the same as they see us. They are all
around and among us today in spirit,
as much as if we, who are in the flesh,
had laid aside our material bodies and
become as they, spirits also, for we are
spirit clothed with flesh.
When a person laughs, he does not
have to go to any certain place to laugh,
but he laughs right where he is; or,
when a person is happy or sad or suf-
fering, these spirits are all right here
with him and they may be within a few
feet of one another. Just so in the spirit
world, or Heaven. Whether we do right
or wrong, we all stay right here on this
earth-plane, and at our so-called
"death" we change form and enter our
Heaven, or the spirit world, and will
either be happy or sad according to our
life's work.
Hell is not a place — either below the
Earth, or in the bowels of the Earth —
to which all who attempt to violate
God's laws must go for punishment.
Hell is a condition, and is independent
of place. There is no chance for people
to escape punishment for wrong-doing.
They must pay the penalty for the
wrong until they progress out of that
condition that men call Hell.
Just think how pure and innocent
every child was when it was born, al-
though its parents may not have been
good. That child cannot be held re-
sponsible for what some one else has
done or may do through life. It makes
no difference how innocent a person
was when born, he has said or done
something in life he was sorry for lat-
er. When he was sorry for doing wrong,
he was suffering remorse for it, which
suffering is hell, and that is the only
hell there is.
Man is making his own hell and liv-
ing in it, when he attempts to violate
God's laws and does wrong; he brings
upon himself his own punishment; he
must suffer, and that is hell. We need
not wait until after death, to find, or
go to, hell to suffer, for it is within us
when we do wrong. As man lives within
himself, so is he living in Heaven or
hell, but after he has paid the penalty
for wrong-doing, he does not suffer any
more, and has no more hell within him.
He can think and do good and can live
and have Heaven within him. All per-
sons make their own selection of their
abiding-place, by their thoughts and
deeds. The only hell there is, is just
what they make for themselves, which
is the condition within themselves.
Everything that grows is good. Al-
though we may not like the taste of it,
or it may not agree with us, or be fit
for food, still it may be good for some
other purpose, and just because we may
not be able to eat it, or like the taste of
it, or do not know its use, we should not
condemn it. Some one else may like it,
or it may be very useful in curing some
disease; while if we ate it, it might
poison us or cause us to become ill.
You never saw or heard of anything
growing and decaying at the same
time. If it decayed, it could not grow.
If the fruit is not picked when ripe on
the tree, it will fall to the ground, be-
come bruised, decay and must return to
the earth from which it came. Should
we say it is the fault of the fruit, and
that it is evil, and no good? Not so!
All evil is undeveloped good ! If the de-
cayed fruit which is lying on the
ground had been picked from the tree
and used, it would not have decayed.
While the fruit is on the tree it
draws its life from the tree, the tree
draws its life from the earth ; then the
fruit comes from the earth, and it must
return to it in some form or other,
sooner or later ; but because it does, that
is no sign that the tree is evil and
should be cut down and destroyed.
Our parents are the tree ; we are the
fruit; our parents were good, why
should we be evil? They left good here
for us, why will we do wrong when
there is good all around us? If we
could only see the good in everything
and use it, and know how to attract
good to us, and have it within ourselves
as part of our being, then we could give
out or impart it to others.
We can only give out that which we
have within us. If there is evil within
us, we are undeveloped. If we were
developed we could see the good and
would drive the evil away, and attract
the good to us, and would do good to
those with whom we come in contact.
Every person wishes to do right.
Why, then, do they do evil? There
never was a person who was born a
thief or murderer; when he was born
he was innocent, and knew no evil.
Then, why are there so many thieves or
murderers in the world today? Because
men do not know how to protect them-
selves from the evil spirits of those who
did evil deeds while they were here in
the body, and who try to impress mor-
tals to do the same as they did.
Those who commit crimes do as they
are impressed, never stopping to con-
sider the consequences. If they under-
stood how to control themselves they
would not allow the evil conditions and
impressions of these spirits to take pos-
session of them. Therefore, that which
has possession of us makes us what we
are. If one could see, spiritually, that
which causes one to do evil, he would
turn from his evil ways and lead a good
There are spirits everywhere, all
around and among us, who do, and are
impressing us to do, what they did or
wanted to do while living in their bod-
ies. If a man has worked at the carpen-
ter's trade for the greater part of his
life and should go to England and work
for a living, he would naturally work at
his trade, for that is all he knows how
to do. If you know nothing here in this
life, you will not know anything in the
spirit life; but you will, and must, learn
in the spirit life.
If you lived here all these years on
earth in ignorance when there were so
many different ways for you to have
learned while here, then, when you pass
into spirit life, you will see how you
have robbed the good spirits that would
have come in and impressed you; then
you would have been happier and
would have enjoyed life's blessings,
which would have made the spirit hap-
pier too ; but you robbed the spirit of its
chance to do that work.
Ignorance is no excuse in spirit life.
Because of not learning here, your spir-
it will have to learn there, in the spirit
world, and while your spirit is learning
what you should have learned while it
was in your body, it will be compelled
to remain in one place until it has
learned its lesson. The spirit cannot,
or will not, have a chance to go about,
enjoying the blessing it should have,
had it done its work while in the flesh.
It will not make any difference what
excuse you may think you have for not
doing your duty, while in your body.
You will find that excuses do not count
in the spirit world. It does not make
any difference what your belief may be,
or what you have been taught to be-
lieve, or of what race or color you are,
or whether you be nobleman, ruler, or
king; if you have done wrong instead
of right, and have not already paid for
it in the flesh, not in dollars and cents,
but in suffering, you must pay, then, in
the spirit world.
The laws that cause you to suffer or
to be happy were not made by or for,
man, to please man, but are natural
laws. According to those laws we our-
selves write our life's history, and are
judged by those laws, which no man
can change or erase. Man-made laws
are changeable. God's Laws are not !
The body is the house, the Spirit is
the Life, and the Soul is the Good which
the spirit creates and accomplishes,
through the body. The body is the house
in which the spirit lives and does its
work, and the spirit is the life of the
body. The body could not exist without
the spirit, which manipulates the
brain and causes the body to think,
talk, and perform its various functions.
While the spirit is causing the body to
do and act as it does, the good that is
accomplished by the spirit, in its work,
is the Soul.
Our bodies are like an organ in the
house. The person who fingers the
keys of that organ is not the organ, but
is the life or the spirit of the organ, for
when he fingers the keys of the organ
and causes it to play, he is then the spir-
it of that organ. The organ could not
have played of itself, without the spir-
it. The music which the spirit causes
to be played by the organ is the Soul of
the organ. The organ could not have
produced the sounds of music of its own
accord, but must have the assistance of
the spirit of Life, as the organ is mate-
rial and has no life of its own ; neither
could the spirit produce music of itself,
as it must have material through which
to produce results. Thus, spirit and
matter are necessary to produce the
music which is the soul of the organ.
For completeness there must be
Body, Spirit and Soul, three in one ; for
the body is not complete without the
spirit of life, therefore it has no power
of its own, neither can it accomplish
anything. Spirit is always active,
working through material means to
achieve its mission, and the good which
it produces is the Soul. Neither Body
nor Soul can exist without Spirit, which
is Life.
The God we (Soul Scientists) wor-
ship is not an imaginary, man-made
God, sitting upon a great throne, some-
where away up in the skies, but He is
always right here with us. We know
our body is material, and we know that
of itself, it cannot speak a word. When
God, who is the Spirit which has con-
trol of our body, leaves it, then the body
There is something within the body
that makes it talk, walk, and move
about. We know that something is
alive within us, and that life makes us
feel, act, and do just as we do, with our
bodies; our body could not exist in its
present form, without that life.
When we hear anything in answer to
our desire, it is the spirit that is within
us, talking to us ; it has control over our
body and may cause us to laugh, and
change the expression and shape of the
face for that moment; we could not
have laughed had it not been for the
spirit within us, because we live, think,
act, (whistle, sing, or cry,) according
to the spirit that is within us; then it
is the spirit within us that causes us
to be happy or sad. We know when we
do right or do wrong, because we feel
either happy or sad. We do not have
to ask anyone how we feel, for no one
can tell us. It is the spirit that is with-
in us that tells us when we do right or
do wrong, without our asking it.
That Spirit is our God. It is within
us and controls us, at all times. The
Spirit of Life is the only God to wor-
ship, and when you pray, pray to Him.
He is the only One who can, or will,
hear and answer prayer for you; and
do not forget it. You do not have to
get on the house-top, or erect large
buildings, which may cost thousands or
hundreds of thousands of dollars, in
which to pray aloud, so that He will
be able to hear you pray; neither is He
far away, sitting upon a great, imagin-
ary throne, ruling the world from on
high ; nor is He in some foreign, or un-
known, land where He saves, elects or
selects only a few to worship Him. He
is today sitting on the throne in every
person's heart.
We know when we feel happy or sad,
and we know what we were doing or
thinking about when we were feeling
that way. We know what caused us to
feel happy or unhappy, and what was
within us, which caused those feelings.
Then why not choose to worship the
good spirit within us? Our body is
dead, so far as speaking of its own ac-
cord, without the spirit that is within
it causing it to stand, walk, talk and
exist in its present form.
The God to worship is the God of
Love. He will drive out all fear, hat-
red, and jealousy from our hearts, and
will set up a temple of Love that will
so radiate all around us, that all will
see, and know, and feel that spirit of
love which will live on and on, and con-
tinue to make others happy who come
in contact with it. The God of Love is
the only God to worship and our heart
should be His abiding-place.
god's laws
God's Laws in the Material and Spir-
it World no man, nor man-made Laws,
can change. Men may put a man in a
place where he will suffer, but he can
suffer only a certain amount of pain,
then he becomes unconscious, and suf-
fers no more. While he is in that con-
dition, no matter how much more they
try to force upon him, he is dead to the
sense of pain.
People can suffer only a certain
amount of pain, no matter what may
have caused it, before they pass into
that unconscious condition in which
they will suffer no more. Or they may
pass out of life while in that condition,
or they may recover and live for a num-
ber of years, and never suffer any more
such pain.
God's laws do not recognize differ-
ences of either race or color, bond-man
or king, neither do they recognize
man's laws. God's laws are immutable,
and just, at all times, everywhere, both
here and in the spirit world. The mo-
ment we do right, or do wrong, we shall
be happy or unhappy, not according to
man's but God's laws, no matter what
man may say or do.
Man may execute, or destroy, the
body. God pays no attention to that,
for the spirit of man belongs to God,
and that is what is judged. Hanging,
shooting, electrocuting, may cause the
body to suffer for just a few seconds,
and the body is dead ; then it is the spir-
it that suffers.
God's laws rule the spirit as well in,
as out of the body. He gives us the
spirit to use in our bodies, and tells us
to use it. He does not tell us, how,
when, or where, or what spirit to
choose, but He has given us brains to
use, and expects us to use them and to
distinguish right from wrong.
Do we ever stop to consider which is
right, or which is wrong, or ask Him,
or pray to Him, for advice, or to show
us the light, or to lead us aright? No!
We usually go right on, just as though
we owned and controlled Heaven and
Earth. Just wait! Some bright
morning we may not awaken; our
spirit may find itself in some strange
land, or we may not know just what is
the matter with us. It will only be a
matter of time, before we shall find
out where we are, — no matter how
much we may love our home, and how
many dear loved ones we may have on
Earth depending on us, and no matter
who we are, or what we have done, or
what our mission in life is. Then we
shall come under God's laws.
Do not try to excuse yourself when
you get there! You know better than
any one else what you have done or
left undone. But would you say you
did not do much? Oh, yes, of course
you never did anything wrong! It
was always the other fellow who did
everything! Of course you are inno-
cent! But listen; you have attempted
to violate God's laws! Remember,
God's laws are immutable and there-
fore they cannot be violated nor broken
by man, and when we say man vio-
lates God's laws, we mean man has at-
tempted to violate His laws, by doing
wrong, but has only injured himself,
not the laws. God did not compel you
to do wrong; you did it of your own
free will, and now you are suffering for
it, according to God's laws. Today is
the day of judgment and of salvation,
and you are receiving yours.
God's law is like a giant oak-tree.
No matter how the thunder may roll
and the lightning flash, or the hurri-
cane roar, the oak still stands. The
oak is alongside of every one's path-
way of life. You do not have to run up
against the oak, but if you do, you do
not hurt the tree; you only hurt your-
self. Just so with God's laws. You do
not hurt God's laws by running against
or attempting to violate them ; you only
hurt yourself, and you are the only
one that will suffer for it. You punish
yourself; the law does not do it. That
is why God's laws are just — the rich
and the poor, the great and small, the
king and peasant are alike when
We all punish ourselves when we at-
tempt to violate God's laws, and we all
come into this world according to God's
laws; and while we live on the Earth,
and when we pass out of this mortal
body into the spirit world, we will still
come under God's laws.
If it were possible for us to show a
record of the source of God's existence,
or of our own, or of the origin of our
first parents, would that make you a
happier or better person? Would it
change the color of your skin, or when
it came your time to die, would this
knowledge save you? No! When we
do what is right, we will reap the re-
ward of happiness, and if we do wrong,
we must pay the penalty, here. If we
die before we have paid the penalty,
we will suffer in the other life until it
is paid; after which we will progress
from that condition.
All the people who have ever lived, or
ever will live, in this world, cannot
atone for our transgressions, nor suf-
fer for us, when we defy God's, or Na-
ture's laws. It may be that we have
been forced to follow those who have
power over us, which has caused us to
suffer, and to do the things we are do-
ing or have done ; yet we must pay the
penalty for what we do.
If every person had his rights at all
times, he would not, in order to please
his master, be forced to do the things
that cause him to suffer. But ignor-
ance is no excuse, in law, and there is
no excuse for ignorance if we will use
our thinking faculties, w r hich were
given to us for that purpose.
Everything in this world is for us to
use, and if we do not use it aright we
shall suffer. Ignorance of God's, or
Nature's, laws will not keep us from
suffering when we do wrong, day or
night, alone, in secret, or in company
with other people. It does not make
any difference who you are, or how,
when, or where you attempt to violate
God's law, you will have to pay the pen-
alty either here or in the next life. All
persons are held responsible for the
thoughts, acts, and deeds which they do
while living, and are judged by them,
here and hereafter.
God's laws do not judge a man for
just the good he may do on Sunday
alone, but for the good he does every
day in the week.
God does not change his laws, neither
can man change them. God's laws will
never wear out, nor can they be broken
or destroyed by man; and whenever
man does wrong he will be corrected
for his wrong doing, whether it be Sun-
day or Monday, day or night, — it
makes no difference to God, what man
may say or do. God's ways are nat-
ural ways, God does not change His
laws to please man; neither can they
be broken or changed by man.
God's laws rule all men, and it is true
that some men can stand more pain
and do more work than others, yet all
come under His laws. If fire will burn
and destroy one body, it will burn and
destroy all bodies that come in contact
with it, and if cold will freeze the flesh
of one, it will freeze all flesh that is
exposed to it.
God's laws do not judge men accord-
ing to the way some men think man
should be judged, but it judges man ac-
cording to the laws of God, and those
laws no man or men can alter. Those
laws recognize neither color nor race.
You get your reward according to your
thoughts, words, and deeds while living
in the body, and no man can hinder
you from getting your just deserts, or
can change God's laws. No matter
what you may believe, you will be
judged aright in the spirit world, ac-
cording to God's laws.
Men have made laws to govern man,
and have taken life — destroyed his
body and tried to cast his spirit into
darkness. They have tried to build a
wall around Heaven, and lock its gates,
and said that only a few — whom they
select — can get into Heaven. If a
man, while living, has done wrong, and
is angry and full of vengeance, and his
spirit is cast into the spirit world in
that condition, it will do great harm in
the spirit world, which is all around
this Earth-plane (where all people are
living who have not had their spirit
eyes opened, so as to be able to see what
spirits are around), by impressing and
causing them to do the way such spir-
its did before leaving their mortal
Men make laws and send such spir-
its into the spirit world full of wrath,
when they will be in a position to do
more harm to the innocent, and to those
who do not understand the spiritual
laws, than they would have been in had
they continued to live on the Earth,
suffered, and paid the penalty, before
passing into the spirit world.
If the man was guilty of the crime,
and had been allowed to live his allot-
ted time in the flesh, and had suffered
and paid the penalty for the crime,
then, when he did pass into spirit life
he would not have been a revengeful
spirit, and would not then have tried
to impress others to do wrong.
This is an unnatural world. Man
can do wrong, and if he is fined for it,
and has money, the money atones for it,
and he goes free. Man tries to make
laws to rule Heaven the same as he
does to rule Earth. Some rulers gather
mighty armies together to destroy
other nations and lives, in order that
they themselves may rule those na-
tions, and acquire their wealth, and
conquer the world; then those rulers
place themselves on an equality with
Man-made laws are material, and all
material laws are broken and violated.
Man-made laws say that you are in-
nocent, no matter what crime you may
have committed, until you are proved
guilty. They destroy the body, but
they cannot destroy the spirit or soul
of man.
All the books that ever have been, or
ever will be, written, were written and
will be written, by man. Some of those
men claim that their books are the only
true books that were ever written by
God, and handed down to man, yet
those books, and all things therein, have
been written by man, for man, to please
man. They have made their God, and
have told men that all must believe in,
and worship, Him, after they have
branded Him such a cruel God. They
have also told what God would do to
those who did not believe in their teach-
ings, and in their man-made God. In
those books they say God is sitting on a
throne in Heaven, where, according to
them, the spirits of all must go after
death, to get their reward or punish-
ment according to their man-made law,
which, we say, is not according to God's
law. They will really be judged accord-
ing to the kind of life that they had
lived while in the body.
There is only one way that you can
serve God, and you are serving Him
that way every day of your life. You
cannot help yourself, you are compelled
to serve Him ; you could not, or would
not, live, if you did not, or could not,
serve Him. He is all there is of you.
He has control of you, night and day;
no matter what you are doing, you are
serving Him. Whether you are doing
right or wrong, you are serving Him.
The only God you serve and are serv-
ing is the God within you, and that God
is Life. We cannot live without Him,
and as we serve Him we are either sad
or happy, and He makes us feel that
way for serving Him the way we do.
The best way to serve God is to love
that God who is within you with all
your heart, soul, body, and strength,
day and night, not in a selfish way, but
always doing right for right's sake and
doing all the good you can to others.
When you do this you feel happy, for
you please the God within you, the only
God there is.
There is a world within every one of
us, and we are living in that world, and
our God is also living in that world. No
person can live in any other world but
the one that is within him. Therefore, if
we are obedient to that God, and listen
to, and obey, Him and serve Him to the
letter, that God is true, and will give us
justice according to our works.
We should serve God in prayer and
song in our daily walks of life, and He
should be the only one to whom we
should look up. If we will love Him as
we should, we will also love other peo-
ple, and other people will love us. The
more love we receive, the more love we
can impart to others, and the more we
can serve God.
We do not, nor can we, every time
we pray, worship a God who is far off,
for the God who is within us is the only
God that can, or will, ever answer
prayer. He knows our wants better
than any one else.
We should bless ourselves and every
mouthful of food or drink we take, and
be thankful for our health and strength
in mind and body, and for the use of
them. We should serve Him, and be
very thankful for all these and the
many other blessings that are bestowed
on us all through life.
We should serve Him by doing all
the good we can, both night and day,
the year through, all over the world.
We should serve Him on arising in the
morning, at the breakfast, dinner and
supper tables, and on retiring at night,
in prayers like these or somewhat
similar :
Morning Prayer: "We do thank
Thee, dear Spirit Friend, for the health
and strength of the night that is past,
for this beautiful hour, that our lives
have been spared and that we are per-
mitted to go forth into the world an-
other day. Help us and give us
strength, so that we may do our work
faithfully, and impress and help us to
do the right, and to Thee will we give
praise. Amen."
Prayer at the breakfast table: "We
thank Thee, dear Spirit Friend, for the
many blessings we have enjoyed in the
past, and the health and strength of
this hour. We thank Thee for this food
that is before us and the good that it
will do us. Lead us aright. This we
ask in the name of Truth. Amen."
Prayer at the dinner table : "Angels
of Love, we do thank You for all the
many blessings we have enjoyed in the
past and the health and strength of this
hour. We thank You for this food before
us. Watch over us all through our com-
ing days. These favors we ask. Amen."
Prayer at the supper table: "Dear
loved Ones from the spirit world, we
thank You that we were able to do our
day's work and that we are enjoying
the best of health. We thank You for
this food that is before us; may it do
us all good, and give us strength. Lead,
teach and direct us as You would have
us go. These we ask in the name of
loved ones. Amen."
Prayer on retiring at night: "We do
thank You, dear Spirit Friends, that
we have been able to finish our day's
work, and for the health and strength
that we have enjoyed. Be with us and
protect us this night and help us, so
that we may arise to enjoy the bless-
ings of health and strength and the use
of the whole body while in this sphere
of living. Fill us with Love and guide us
all through this life. All this we ask in
the name of the Spirit World, Amen,"
Our body, at birth, is like a new
house, which is all complete, ready to
be occupied, and the door wide open.
The first one to take possession of the
body, or house, is the spirit of the per-
son who is to have control of, and re-
side in, it. At birth, the spirit of life
takes possession of the body and is con-
nected by a spiritual cord. When this
cord is severed the spirit leaves the
body ; then so-called death takes place.
There may be many other spirits
who temporarily take possession of, or
impress, the body during this time.
either with or without the consent of
the spirit of life, who is its ego or per-
sonality. As the persons think, they
attract that class of spirits around
them, who impress them to do as they
did or wanted to do while living; and
we shall either do good to all we come
in contact with, or we shall become a
If we are angry and see evil in
everyone, and everything always goes
wrong with us, and we are always look-
ing for trouble, and wishing we and
everyone else were dead, we should get
rid of that condition by driving away
that spirit of evil and welcoming a good
spirit. You do not have to take on that
evil condition, neither is it necessary to
allow that evil spirit to control you and
cause you to be unhappy.
You are the spirit of life which in-
habits this house, or this body of clay,
which these spirits, either good or evil,
are impressing and using. Why will
you allow this evil spirit to remain?
Drive it out ! Call on the good spirits !
Think only good thoughts, and you will
attract the good to you ; lead clean, pure
lives, so that you will attract the very
best of conditions and spirits to you.
Pray more, and as you pray, ask for,
and call on, the good spirits to come
and help you lead a good life, and guide
you aright, and manifest themselves to
Remember, dear Reader, if you do
not know what Heaven is, and if you
do not live in it here, you will not know
what it is in the spirit world. You may
be there a long time before you will
have advanced or progressed out of
that condition you were in, when you
passed over there, or be able to find
Heaven, or the sphere of good. For we
are here what we shall be there, and
there, what we are here. There is al-
ways room for progression here in this
life, and in the spirit world. No one
is perfect, here or there. Though we
may do good today, still we may and
can do more tomorrow, and the more
good we do, the more we shall progress
here and in the spirit world.
There are many blessings here and
in the spirit world for us if we desire
them. We are placed in this world as
our own free moral agent. Even
though we be bound to others in a spir-
itual sense, still we are free to think.
We were not consulted about our
coming here, but if we have grown old
enough to think, and to be responsible
for our acts, we should think for our-
Not only have we a material, but
we have a spiritual body to care for
while we are living in this world, and
we shall be held responsible for the use
or abuse of both of them. They are
left in our care. We must give an ac-
count of our material body and not al-
low it to be wrongly used, or allow spir-
its or anything else, to injure or de-
stroy it, before its own spirit has a
chance to accomplish its own work,
which it should do while living here.
People take their own lives just be-
cause they have done wrong, or are
sick, or tired of living; this will not
keep them from suffering, or paying
the penalty of their wrong-doing when
they pass into the spirit world. They
will be held accountable for destroying
their bodies and taking the life which
did not belong to them but to the Giver
of all life.
God's laws are just, and your flesh
will be compelled to bear only just so
much pain; then you will become un-
conscious and not suffer any more
while in that condition. If a person
had suffered all the pain that he could
have borne before taking his own life,
he would have been in such a condition
that he could not have taken it. A per-
son who takes his own life because he
does not want to suffer, is a coward
and a murderer. If he had suffered all
he could bear while in the flesh, on pass-
ing into the spirit world he would have
been happy.
The only way that anyone will re-
ceive a blessing here, or in the spirit
world, is to do good at all times. There
are many blessings here waiting for
those who are doing good. After any-
one has done all the good he can, he does
not need to seek blessings, for they are
his, and are waiting for him. He will
get them in due time, and no one can
take his reward from him.
The body, in which the spirit lives
and works, is material. Everything we
see in this material world with our ma-
terial eyes, is material. We work with
our material hands to protect our ma-
terial bodies, and when our material
bodies go through the change called
"death," our spirits will go on work-
ing just the same in the spirit world;
but, instead of working with material
things, as they used to work while in
our material bodies, they will now work
with spiritual things, and will do or try
to do for the Spiritual body, the same
as they did before for the material
body, and will try to find some one, who
is still living, whom they can impress
to do the same as they did while living.
We reap in spirit life what we sow in
the material world.
There is no such thing as dead life;
life cannot die. Whenever there is life,
there is motion ; and wherever there is
motion, there is action. Wherever there
is life, there is something produced. As
soon as the spirit leaves the body, it
keeps on working just the same in the
spirit world as though it were living in
the body.
If, while living, we were doing good
and that was all we knew, then, when
we pass into the spirit world we take
good with us, and we continue to do
good by going to those who are living,
trying to help them, and impressing
them to do good. Just so, if we did evil
and that was all we knew while living ;
then evil is all we can take into the
spirit world, and that is what we will
try to impress upon whomever we can,
to do just what we did while we were
Mark you, our spirit is alive, and it
will have to do something, and that
something will be just what it knew
and did while it was in the body,
whether good, bad, or indifferent.
All of this comes under the same law,
and if one comes under this law, all
must. Whether we are free or not, while
living, we do either good or evil. We
are making our choice ; although it may
be contrary to our will, still it is our
choice. We lead our own lives.
It will make no difference after we
pass out whether we could have lived
any differently or not, because our life
is spent; we have run our race. We
cannot choose, then, the life we should
have lived, for it is too late.
Our spirit will, and must, go where
it belongs; it cannot help it, for as it
sowed, it will reap its own harvest. Do
not ask what your harvest will be, for
you certainly know what you are sow-
ing while here. You will go into the
spirit world whether it is against your
will or not ; you must go there, and will
work at the same work there that you
did while living here.
If a person who violates the laws of
your city is arrested, and confesses his
guilt and is sent for ten years to prison,
— when he has served his term, the
gates of the prison are opened to him
and he walks out a free man. That
same judge is not waiting to sentence
him again, neither is the one-time pris-
oner compelled to commit another
crime and be sent back to prison — there
is no law that will so compel him. He
walks out as free as any other man,
and can lead a clean, pure life, and be
a good citizen.
Just so, after we have attempted to
violate God's law, if we have not suf-
fered for it here, although the world
may not know anything about it, we
will have to suffer for it there, and
after paying the penalty for it in the
spirit world, we will be free and our
spirit will progress out of that condi-
When that spirit went into the spirit
world, it carried such a condition that
when it came in contact with people on
the earth-plane, it impressed them to
do the same evil deeds that it did be-
cause of that condition ; it was the only
way that spirit could do, but it soon
began to realize that it must pay the
penalty, and that it did not have the
same privileges as the other spirits. It
could see that it had done wrong, and
commenced to do right, and as it grad-
ually progressed out of its evil condi-
tion, the evil was changed to good, and
the hatred to love; and now it would
impress others to do the same. Love
and truth will prevail, in spite of all
While in this life we are working
with things made of material sub-
stance; in spirit life we are working
with things made of spiritual sub-
stance. Whatever we are working at
or long to do while living here, just as
soon as we have passed into the spirit
world, we will try to find some spirit
there; or some one living here, whom
we can impress to work at or do the
same thing we did, or longed to do,
while we were living.
What did we know while living?
Only a certain kind of work, and in
the spirit world we will only know just
what we have learned or done while
here. If we desire to progress here,
we will progress there. If anyone is
forced here to work at something he
did not like to do, then, when his spirit
leaves the body, it will go and do the
work it longed to do while living.
Therefore, our work in the spirit world
depends upon our work here, and if we
have not attempted to violate God's
laws while living, we can change our
work there. If we have, we will be
compelled to go and stay at certain
work until we have paid for our wrong
doing ; then we can progress.
When a little babe passes into the
spirit world, of course it has had no
time or chance to learn here. We have
told you in other chapters that spirits
are working, helping other spirits that
are in need of help in the spirit world,
or trying to impress mortals to do just
what they did while they were living.
So, in the spirit world, the babes are
nursed, watched over and cared for by
spirit nurses. Then they grow up and
are educated, the same as mortal chil-
dren. All this time, the nurse, or some
other spirit, takes and shows them who
their parents are, and when they are
old enough and have finished their edu-
cation, they go on and do the work they
want to do; helping other spirits or
mortals, and filling their mission of
Remember, each spirit is doing some-
thing in the spirit world. Life is al-
ways active, always moving, always
progressing, never standing still,
neither on the earth plane nor in the
spirit world. Every day you are a day
older, and your body is changing, and
you are younger today than you ever
will be again. You cannot stop the
progression of life; neither can you
stop working. And as you are work-
ing here for either good or evil, just so
you will work in the spirit world.
Call on the Spirit, and ask for what
you want; do not think or expect that
it will come and do your work while you
sit around with your arms folded. The
spirit forces will not bother themselves
enough about you to wait on you, or
tell you your wants, or what you should
have, or ask for. They have enough
other things to attend to, helping other
people who know what they want and
are willing to ask for it ; it is your place
to ask for yourself. You have a mouth
and can speak; then why do you not
ask and call for what you want?
If you, yourself, do not know what
you want, pray tell me, how can you
expect any spirit to tell you, or, what
do you expect to get or have come to
you? If you only knew what you want-
ed, it might probably be right near you
now, and if you called for it and asked
for it, it might help you. It is an old
saying, but it is true today, that "any-
thing that is not worth asking for is
not worth having."
There are many blessings waiting in
store for people if they live aright and
ask for them in the right way. There
is no one to come to you to ask what
you want; neither is there any law to
force you to ask ; that is your privilege,
as we have told you in other chapters.
It is not the faith nor belief you may
have, which will make you a happier
or better person, but the good works
you do. Then why not call and ask for
the very best that will make you feel
happier and better? You should call
on the loved ones in spirit, who are
ever ready to help you through your
trials, the same as they did when liv-
ing in their bodies.
Our life here and in the hereafter
depends only upon ourselves. We are
placed in this world as our own free
moral agent, and to choose what we
will. There is everything that is good
in this world for us, and we have the
right to ask for, or choose, it. If we
do not ask, how can we expect to re-
The world we are in is a great store-
house of knowledge; we are the keep-
ers of the same, and we must be care-
ful that we ask for, and take, some-
thing good, that we can use, for it will
be charged to us in the hereafter, and
we must give an accounting of it; for
more precious than anything money
can buy is the love, joy and happiness
that we create by the use of it, which
will be in the hereafter awaiting us.
We are the only ones that can lead
our own lives. It is not what we be-
lieve that will make us, but that which
we do, and accomplish. When we do
right, we are happy; when we do
wrong, we are sad. Our acts make
us feel happy, or sad, according to
their fruits, and our deeds are
they which will judge us. So it
will be seen plainly, that we are the
makers of our own happiness and des-
tinies. If I speak a word of good cheer
to some sorrowing one, and thus lighten
his burden, I am laying up joy for my-
self hereafter. I tell him how beauti-
ful this world is, and what a grand
place it is to live in. If we would only
seek the good in everything, we would
be happy ; if we had not been thinking
good thoughts, we could not have given
this word of cheer to him, thus making
both happier, by doing good.
We can impart only the thought that
is within us, and the only way that we
will, or can, ever get any good thoughts
within us, is to seek them. By think-
ing the best of thoughts, we attract,
and make the best condition for, the
best of spirits to come in and take con-
trol of our bodies. Mark you, there is
some kind of spirit within you all the
time; you do not have to ask anyone
what kind of spirit that is. You know
yourself better than anyone else does.
You know just how you feel when you
have done wrong or allowed yourself
to take on some one else's condition,
who used to feel sad ; and if you will al-
low yourself to take on a condition that
causes you to be sad, that is your weak-
ness; you are doing wrong, when you
could just as well feel happy. You think
as you feel, and feel as you think; you
attract to you, and as you attract, that
spirit takes possession of you and that
is just what you are. You can either
laugh or sing, or cry, it is for you to
choose ; they are all around, you. Then,
why not call on the good spirits and ask
for what you want?
How glorious this beautiful world is,
after all? We can look about us with
our natural eyes, and see what Mother
Earth is producing, and the wonderful
work of nature. Then, without mov-
ing out of our way, we can see, with
our spiritual eyes — if we have them
open — the dear ones who passed into
the spirit world, who are all around us ;
and yet, you say this world is not
worth living in!
Oh, if you could only remove the
scales of ignorance from your material
eyes, and remove that thin veil in front
of your spiritual eyes, that hinders you
from seeing and knowing all about this
beautiful world that you are living in,
you would not have to acquire faith or
belief in anything, but you would see
and know, and be able to talk to those
in spirit-life, and get all the informa-
tion that you want for yourself. You
would know then, that your life de-
pends upon what you do, that you are
responsible for it; ignorance or no ig-
norance, or whatever your plea may be,
you will get your, reward, good or ill,
according to your works whils living
in the material body, whether you have
used your spirit eyes or not. They have
been given to you to use, but no one can
compel you to use them ; that is for you
to choose. You can be either happy or
sad; it is your choice. You are either
one or the other ; it is a one-sided ques-
tion. If you do not use your spirit
right, and are not happy here in this
life, you will not be happy in the next.
By calling on the good spirits and ask-
ing for what you want, they will teach
you the way.
We answer our own prayer, for when
we pray for good we attract good to us.
Good takes control of us, and we are
good through and through.
When you are hungry you pray for
something to eat. You do not sit down
and wait for an angel to bring you the
food, but you will seek it; and when
you find it, you will not pray for some
one to put it in your mouth but you will
do that yourself.
Who sought, found, and ate the food?
You did ! Who answered your prayer?
You did! We are the only ones that
can answer our prayers; we are the
only ones that can eat, live or die for
Every person who wants to do right
should keep it in his mind ; that should
be his prayer, day and night; that
should be the one thought in his mind
and the one word on his lips. "I want
to do right; help me, dear Spirit, I pray
Thee." During the day, and when you
retire at night, if your prayer is: "I
want to do right," so long as you keep
that thought in your mind, there is no
room for evil, for right and good have
control of you.
One's life here should be a life of
prayer, because our life and happiness,
here and in the spirit world, depend on
it. A life of prayer is the only kind of
life worth living. It is true, we can
pray to do right one minute and can do
wrong the next, but if we keep the
thought of "right" on our minds con-
tinually, we cannot do wrong, for right
will be with us as long as we call for it.
If we would pray and bless every-
thing, and do right, instead of being
cross and complaining about this or
that — having poor health or experienc-
ing financial losses — all the time look-
ing on the dark side of life and wishing
we and everybody else were dead, — if,
as we have said, we would pray for
light and help, we would receive them.
We should always bless the good, and
pray, and be thankful that our lot is no
worse than it is.
Bless everything you eat, and keep
your mind on it; and do not sit down
to the table to eat when you are angry,
for you will not take time to properly
masticate your food. You will eat too
fast. Then after awhile you will have
trouble with your stomach and wonder
what is the matter with you ; that is not
your stomach's fault, but yours, for
abusing it. Pray for, and seek, only
the good that is in everything; and the
spirit forces will help and bless you.
The spirit forces desire that you pray
for their help, not only on Sunday, but
on every day in the week.
There is no one living who knows all
that is going on in his own city. He
may read the newspapers, or receive
letters and telegrams, still he does not
know it all, for people are working, and
they have no time to go from house to
house to find out what others are do-
ing. It is true, they will talk with those
with whom they are working, and if
these feel like it, they may tell about
themselves. Then they know only just
what they, and those they are working
with, are doing. It is just so with the
spirits in the spirit world ; everyone has
his work to do, and has no time to go
around and see what is going on.
As we have told you in other chap-
ters, there are messengers in the spirit
world, and when a messenger is wanted
to take a message from one part of that
world to another, one of these takes the
message and delivers it. That is the
way spirits get the news they give to
mortals, unless it is something right in
and around where the spirits are work-
ing, then they can receive the message
themselves, without sending a messen-
ger. Therefore, all that spirits know is
what they themselves see, or receive
from the other spirits that are around
The spirit that gives the message
may be truthful, but it may not know
anything about the spirit from whom it
receives it. It takes for granted that
the other spirit is telling the truth ; or
it may be that the spirit messenger was
misinformed, that the message it re-
ceived and delivered was not true. But
other spirits should not be blamed ; any
more than you should be blamed for re-
peating something you might have
heard and told as truth, which, when
investigated, was proven false.
Every time a spirit comes to you
with a message, or tries to manifest to
you, do not drive the spirit away, but
try to prove its message and see wheth-
er it is true or not. If it is not true do
not bother with that spirit, nor believe
it, until you have proven that the mes-
sage or manifestation is true ; then wel-
come it.
You cannot tell by the looks of a
spirit whether he is stating the truth or
not, until you have received, tried, and
proven the truth of his message. When
you receive a telegram from any part
of the country, you do not ask or care
who the messenger is, or what his past
life has been, or what he looks like, or
whether he can tell the truth or not, so
long as he brings the message; or, if
you are in need, you do not care who the
person is, or how he looks, that helps
you, provided you receive the help ; that
is all you ask. Therefore, there is no
one living here, nor in the spirit world,
who knows all ; neither is there any one
perfect here, or there.
It makes no difference whether you
are standing upright, or are ill in bed,
or unconscious, or with all your rela-
tives and friends around you, either
day or night, the moment so-called
Death takes place, your spirit will leave
its "earthly house, ,, which is your body,
at which time it will be clothed with its
spiritual clothing, which you have al-
ways carried with you. The appear-
ance of your spiritual clothing will de-
pend very much upon the kind of life
you have lived; whether it was clean,
pure, beautiful and full of good deeds,
or was clouded by evil deeds and
thoughts. Also, the appearance of it
will be marked by the color and style of
clothing you formerly wore, and the
colors that were your favorites, as these
will be the means your spirit will use to
show your individuality, and by which
you may be recognized by your earthly
After your spirit has assumed the
clothing which you have provided for
it while you were living, although you
may see other spirits with brighter and
more beautiful raiment than yours, you
cannot change the appearance of yours,
for that is the result of your past life,
and there is no one who can exchange
with you, for all must wear the raiment
which they have provided for them-
When you go into the spirit world,
you will go to your own home, which
you have builded by your thoughts, acts
and deeds, while living in your earthly
house or body. Your spirit also will
seek the companionship of those who
thought, and did, the same as you,
either good or evil, and will remain in
that condition until it has progressed
to a higher one. If your spirit, while
in that condition, is able to communi-
cate with mortals, it will try to impress
them to do the same deeds as you did
while living. These conditions are nat-
ural and cannot be broken, as they are
God's lav/; namely: "That as a man
sows, so must he reap."
If, while in earth-life, a person has
done that which was right, doing unto
others as he would that they should do
unto him, and has done all the good he
knew how to do, to his fellow-creatures,
both temporally and spiritually, that is
all that God requires of any one, and
he has fulfilled his life's mission. Then,
when he passes into the spirit world, he
will be free to go wherever he wishes,
and will not be compelled to remain in
the company of any certain class of
spirits ; nor with those who had led un-
clean lives, who will have to stay in a
certain place, under certain conditions,
until they have progressed beyond their
evil deeds, and are fit to mingle with
those of higher conditions, when they
too, will be free to go where they will.
If a person, while living, did evil deeds,
his spirit will seek those in the earth-
life who do such deeds, and will seek
to impress, and be a guide to, such per-
sons, thus satisfying the spirit's evil
Like attracts like, and as a man
thinks, so is he, and that is the kind of
spirits he attracts to himself, and that
is what his life will be. If a person,
while in the flesh, did only evil deeds, it
would not be natural for him, when he
became a spirit, to desire the company
of those mortals who were living clean,
pure lives; rather will he desire to be
with those who are evil, that he may
impress, and use, them, and cause them
to do as he did or desired to do while
Usually the spirits of those who in
their earth-life were good, noble, and
pure, do not seek to impress mortals
who, unlike themselves, are given to
deeds of darkness, but they may mani-
f est to such, if they wish, and feel that
it is their duty to do so, and desire to
lift such mortals from the evil of their
ways. It is much easier for those
higher spirits to manifest themselves
to mortals who are living unclean, evil
lives, than it is for those spirits of evil-
doers to manifest to mortals of clean,
pure lives ; because the pure, good and
noble spirits have learned, while living,
to overcome temptation and have pro-
gressed spiritually ; whereas the evil or
ignorant spirits, while on earth, cared
nothing for the things of the spirit life,
or if they did know about them, wil-
fully sinned. So when they have taken
their places in the spirit world, they
must suffer, and pay the penalty of
their wrong-doing. Thus they are more
easily attracted to those like themselves
in the earth-life.
Therefore, it can easily be seen, that
if mortals would only cultivate and use
their spirit-eyes, they could see these
impure spirits who are all around
them, and who, when these mortals are
thinking or doing evil deeds, are drawn
to them and further impress them to
continue in evil. If they would use their
spirit-eyes they could see the dark, evil
appearance of these spirits and thus
avoid, and protect themselves from,
ihem, through life.
A person may be walking along the
street or sitting in his home when sud-
denly the thought of some one who is
living may impress itself upon his mind
so that he seems to perceive his pres-
ence. Possibly he may not have seen
or heard from that individual for a
long time, yet as he keeps on walking,
or whatever else he may be doing, soon
he will come face to face with him, or
the person may call to see him unexpec-
tedly at his home.
People think ; they cannot help them-
selves ; but they are not obliged to take
on any particular thought. If they
take on some one else's thought or con-
dition they can throw that off. They
send out their thought wherever they
go, and whoever may come in touch
with that thought, it will either picture
itself on the person's mind, so that he
will see the other party as though he
were standing in front of him, or it will
impress that person in some way or
other, which may cause him to do or say
things he would not have said or done
had he not come in line or in contact
with that thought.
When you make up your mind to go
to a place, you think about that place,
and, as you think, you send out a
thought. The thought goes ahead of
you, — directly to the place to which you
had been thinking of going. It does not
jump over this or that house, down this
or that alley or street, but it will go
directly to the place to which you were
thinking of going; and if any one you
know should happen to be on the street
in direct line with your thought, it
would picture itself so on his mind that
he would see you and think about you.
So, inasmuch as thoughts are things,
whenever you send out a thought you
send out that part of yourself which
has force, power and strength, and can
be seen by the sensitive; if not, people
could not or would not see and think
about one another the way they do be-
fore they meet them face to face with-
out an appointment.
When a Doctor has a very sick pa-
tient, he will not allow any one to come
into the sick room to talk to or see the
patient. Why? Because it would make
the patient weaker, as it takes away so
much of his strength to talk. There-
fore, whenever any one speaks, he is
sending out and giving away his
strength, which is part of himself.
Around every person are thoughts of
the living and the dead, since every per-
son is thinking about some one else.
Every person, while living, thinks and
sends forth thoughts. These thoughts
live on after the death of the person,
remain here, and, becoming manifest to
the sensitive, are often seen around
people who sometimes describe them as
"spirits." The more a person thinks
about you, the more thoughts he is
sending out; and also the more
thoughts of different people that are
around you, and the stronger the con-
ditions, the easier it is for those who
are sensitive, to take on, or see and de-
scribe the conditions, or what they call
"spirits" around you, though in reality,
they do not see a "spirit." What they
do see is the thoughts, which are a part
of the living, and thus take on the ap-
pearance and condition of the living,
and of those who were thinking such
thoughts, had sent them forth, and, as
the sensitive see it, they "sense" and
see something which they call "spirit."
Instead of the "spirit" it is the thought
pictured before them that they see.
Thoughts are things, and things can
be seen. So if one thought will picture
itself so strongly on one's mind that
when he walks along the street with-
out a thought of any certain person,
that person's thought is pictured on his
mind as plainly as though he were in
front of him, how much easier must it
be to see the thoughts — or pictures —
around several persons when in their
company !
By the sensitive not understanding
the spiritual laws, and because of their
not having their spirit eyes opened, or
if their spiritual eyes were open, even
then, it is very difficult to tell the differ-
ence between the spirit of one who did
not know anything about the spiritual
laws before he passed out of life (as
we have explained in other chapters)
and the thoughts which take shape and
form and can be seen around people by
a sensitive person. Because the out-
lines or forms of such spirits are too
weak to be revealed plainly, it is very
difficult to distinguish the difference
between the thoughts of people which
are pictured on our minds and the spir-
its that we see around people. This is
one reason why we have written the
chapter, "Never Describe or Give
Spirit Messages in Public."
Never describe, or give a spirit mes-
sage, or try to give out what you see
around people spiritually, in a public
meeting ; because you will not be under-
stood, and there will be those present
who will hear you, but will not under-
stand how, or why, you are able to see
and describe what you see around them,
when they themselves cannot do so.
Why ? Because they have not had these
spiritual laws explained to them. Re-
member, it is for you to teach the people
how to live aright, and to read, study
and practice "Soul Science, the Proof of
Life after Death." Then they will
themselves be able to see and receive
the proof of life after death.
The main object of "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death" is to teach
the people how to open their spirit
eyes, which God has given them to use,
so that they can see the spirits and will
know how to attract the good spirits
to and around them; which will make
them happier here, and in the spirit
world. The giving out, to any one,
of what you see, or the spirit message
you receive from some spirit in the
spirit world, will never teach him how
to live aright and be a better person, or
how to open his spirit eyes to see and
know what spirits are around him.
It is true you may receive a spirit
message from a loved one in the spirit
world, which may make you feel very
happy for the time being. But, at the
same time, if that same person, who de-
livered to you the message, were to ex-
plain to you how you can open your
spirit eyes and see for yourself, and
assure you that you can and would be
able to see spirits and receive messages
from them at any or all times, would
you not be a happier person? When
your spirit eyes are open, such opening
will prove the continuity of life, thus
making you happier and better here,
and in the spirit world.
You will remember that we have
told you in other chapters that our life
and happiness in the spirit world do
not depend upon what some one else
may say or do, nor on what we believe,
but upon what we ourselves do. There-
fore all the messages we may receive in
this world will never teach us how to be
happy, nor make us any happier here,
or in the spirit world.
As we can only think one thought,
and speak one word, at a time, instead
of giving a message or describing what
we see around people at the meetings,
the time would be better spent in tell-
ing and explaining to them how they
can see the same as we can if they un-
derstand the spiritual laws. Life is so
short, and time so precious, we should
direct all our thoughts and words
where they will do the most good. So
by telling and explaining to them how
to live and how to think and do right,
and how to open their spirit eyes to see
for themselves, you teach them how
they may live happier lives,
Suppose you were in a meeting of a
thousand persons, and you were to give
one of those persons a spirit message
which that person would recognize at
once ; no doubt that individual would be
pleased, but none of the other nine hun-
dred and ninety nine persons present
would know whether the message given
was true or false, neither would they
understand the message. By giving
one person the message, you have made
that one person happy, whereas had you
spent that same amount of time ex-
plaining to the entire thousand persons
how they could all see spirits with their
spirit eyes, if they had them opened,
you would then have made the one thou-
sand persons happy all through life in-
stead of one person pleased for a short
No one can use your spirit eyes but
you. They are given for your use ex-
clusively, and if you do not use them
you cannot, or will not, be happy here
or in the spirit world. Because you
do not use these eyes that are given to
you to use every day of your life in your
business, your home, and your family
circle, either day or night, you are rob-
bing yourself.
Still you must carry those eyes
around with you, whether you use them
or not. They are yours, and belong to
you, and if you do not use them you are
not protecting your spiritual body, and
will have to pay the penalty for not
having accomplished your life's mis-
sion, which is, to use that which you
have, and to help to do all the good you
can to those who need your assistance.
The only way that you can accomplish
this, your work of service to mankind,
is to use your spirit eyes. Then you
will be able to see what spirits are
{•round you, and around those whom
jju meet; then you will be so happy
that you will be unable to keep it to
yourself, and will tell it to the world,
thus making others happy.
You will also see and know where
the spirit world is, and who and where
God is; you will do more and better
Jeeds, will love, and be loved by, all,
and will realize how precious and sweet
life is to you, and should be to all.
Classes should be held in every home
for the development of the spiritual
sight, and that would make the home a
haven of rest. After "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death" has been
thoroughly read, explained and under-
stood in the home, as to how the spirits
are around people, how we can, and
why every person should be able to, see
spirits with the spirit eyes, then class-
es should be formed; after which they
will be ready and able to understand
whatever the spirit is trying to mani-
fest to them.
When a person who has met with an
accident and has lost a limb, passes into
spirit life, he will have the use of the
limb in the spirit world that he lost in
earth life, but when he appears to his
mortal friends in spirit he will appear
just as he did when he last saw them,
that is, without the limb.
Just so when a babe passes out of this
life, it grows to the same height,
weight, color of hair, and complexion
it would have had, had it lived and
grown to maturity on the earth plane,
but when it appears to its mother, years
afterward, it will appear as a babe, so
that its mother can, and will, recognize
it as she last saw it, a babe. If it were
to appear as an adult, the mother could
not, and would not, recognize her own
The spirits cannot, or will not, mani-
fest in the home, unless you make the
conditions right for them ; therefore the
manifestation depends upon your-
selves, not the spirits. The spirits can-
not, or will not, manifest to you or any-
one else under adverse conditions. Re-
member, spirits do not have to mani-
fest to you just because you want them
to do so, or think they should.
When you sit in the class to develop,
you should dress neatly, and not have
any strong odor of tobacco or anything
else on your clothing. You would not
want anyone to visit you in that way,
neither do the spirits want, or expect,
you to call on them that way, for they
are very sensitive, and are unable to
manifest to you under such conditions.
The best is none too good for you, or the
spirits, and by your dressing neatly,
and by your thinking good thoughts,
and taking the very best thoughts with
you, you are helping the spirits to man-
ifest to you and to others in the class.
Do not go to the class, or sit in the
class, just to see what kind of spirit
message you will receive, or how the
spirits will manifest there. If that is
all you go for, stay at home; for you
will take with you, and establish, such
a condition that the others will not be
able to get good results.
If there are good conditions in the
class, each person should be able to see
and communicate with spirits in the
spirit world, not only in the class room,
but at all times, by spiritual under-
standing, if he will take time to read
and understand this book, "Soul Sci-
ence, the Proof of Life after Death."
Therefore, you do not have to go to an-
other person to receive communications
from your loved ones, for they are all
around you, as explained in other chap-
ters, doing all they can to manifest to
you. If you do not or cannot, receive a
communication from your loved ones,
it is because you are ignorant of the
spiritual laws. You have spiritual eyes,
and if you do not use them, you
will suffer for it. God has given those
eyes to you for your use, and unless you
use them you are robbing your spirit,
hindering its progress, and preventing
the fulfillment of its mission here.
Make up your mind in advance as to
the time when you want to call on the
spirit you wish to see or communicate
with; and keep thinking about that
spirit that you desire to manifest to
you ; that will help to attract that spirit
to you, and will help to open your spirit
eyes, that you may have a better spirit-
ual understanding.
After "Soul Science, the Proof of
Life after Death" has been thoroughly
read and understood, as already stated,
classes should be held in homes, once a
week, calling on the "Good Spirits" to
come and help you all to see spiritual-
ly. While you are all sitting in the
class, do not talk about the work of
every day, but keep your mind on the
"Good Spirits." You should all soon
begin to see, hear, "sense," or receive,
some impression, while sitting in the
class, which should prove to you all,
that the spirits are around, trying to
impress you and communicate with
As soon as you commence to sit in the
class, you should all sing and pray, as
directed in Chapter XXXIX of "Soul
Science," then sit quietly, and if any-
one speaks, he should speak only about
spirits or what he is receiving from the
spirit forces. If the spirits were not
there, you could not have thought or
talked about them. Every time you
think about a spirit, the spirit must be
there, or you could not have thought or
talked about it. Everything you talk
or think about must exist; if not, you
could not talk about it.
Whenever you think about a spirit,
speak to that spirit as though you were
speaking to a friend, and you will get
some impression in response to your
question. That is the way some spir-
its will answer you; others may want
you to write, so they will impress you
to get a pencil and paper, and will con-
trol your hand so that you will write
whatever they impress you to do. Try
sitting that way several times, and see
if it is not what they want you to do. If
it is, continue to follow that impression.
Before anyone sits in a class, he
should read this book "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death," through
and through, and understand it thor-
oughly, so that he will understand and
know just how spirits can and do man-
ifest to us every day, and why each
person should develop and use his spir-
itual eyes so as to see how to protect the
spiritual body, as the Creator intended
he should do. Had it not been so in-
tended, they never would have been
given to him.
God never makes a mistake. He
knows that spirits are everywhere, and
He also knows what will happen to
those who do not use their spiritual
eyes. Every person should have his
spiritual eyes open, so as to be able to
see spirits, the same as he has his mate-
rial eyes open to see material things.
Developing means understanding; if
you understand, you can see and can
develop. Remember, the Truth is found
in proving whether things be right or
When you go to call on a friend, you
should go with the intention of cheer-
ing him up, or helping him in any and
every way you can, but instead of help-
ing him some people often make him
feel worse, by having called on him.
When you call on the sick, do not tell
them they look so ill; you will only
make them feel worse. If they do not
know they are sick, do not tell them
they look so ill, for you may do them
more harm than good. It may be they
have been sick for a long time and have
given up hope of getting well; your
telling them that they are looking poor-
ly, might be the cause of their abandon-
ing hope, and passing out.
On the other hand, had you told them
that they were going to get well, or
had you given them a cheerful word,
they might have been encouraged and
made a greater effort to live, and lived
on for a number of years more ; just by
a word of cheer. If you cannot do that,
do not go near them, as you will only
make them worse, when they do not ask,
or have not asked, you to tell them how
they feel, or how they look. Should
you not have seen them for months, you
would be in no position to tell them
anything anyway.
When you talk to them, speak of
some subject that will please them; but
do not continue the talk until the sick
person is all worn out or getting nerv-
ous. Do not stay too long at a time, but
go often and then make your visit
pleasant. After you have left the sick
person, he will think for days to come
of everything you have said to him, and
it may run through his mind several
times a day. The more he thinks about
it, the deeper the impression will be,
until he believes every word of it,
whether it is true or not.
When people are ill and in a relaxed
condition, they will believe what is told
them at that time, though they would
not pay any attention to it if they were
well ; in fact you will tell them things
then that you would not have talked
about if they were well.
Do all the good you can to help them,
speak a word of cheer, and if they pass
out of life, you will be glad that you
called on them when they were in need,
and did all you could do ; you can glad-
den their hearts, and they will die hap-
pier by knowing that their neighbors
thought something of them, and that
all was done that could be done to help
them and make them feel happy as
their end drew near.
Now is the time to give to the sick
and needy. Do not wait until they have
passed into the spirit world to go and
place flowers on their graves. If you
have any smiles or roses to give to
friends, give them while they are liv-
ing, so they will appreciate them, and
do not wait until they are dead to place
them on the cold, cold grave, for the
roses and smiles will then do them no
good. What they need is encourage-
ment and cheer, while here.
Now is the time to give, for today is
the day of salvation. When persons are
hungry and starving, feed them now,
when the food is what they want. It
will save their lives ; they cannot eat it
after they are dead. It would never
do them any good then, nor make them
feel any happier in the spirit world. If
you want to be happy, or if you want to
give and help to carry out your mission
here in this life, give now, for you may
never have another opportunity to help
others, like to now.
Your waiting until you think you
will find some one else more worthy of
help will be no excuse. Remember, the
more you do here in this life the hap-
pier you will be in spirit life. There is
no excuse for shirking your duty, and
excuses cannot make you happy in spir-
it life. It is not what you think, or be-
lieve, that will make you happy there,
but it is what good you do while living
here; so give some of your love and
g,)od deeds here, and you will be happy
there. Not only will persons be hap-
pier in spirit life, but when they do
good here they know they have done the
right; consequently they are happier
here. No matter what others may say
or do, they have their reward for doing
good unto others.
Every person we meet is our brother
or sister, and it is our duty to do good
and give a helping hand to all who are
in need, to help them over the rough
and painful places in this life. There
are many spirits in the spirit realm
who would be much happier than they
are if they had only obeyed their good
impulses and given more assistance to
others, while on the earth-plane. Do
not wait or defer your good deeds to a
future date, for if you do not make
others happy or help to lighten their
burdens here, you will not find happi-
ness awaiting you in the spirit realm.
Do all the good you can to your fellow-
man here, and you will be happier in
fulfilling your mission in this life and
be blessed in the spirit world.
Why should "Soul Science, the Proof
of Life after Death," be read in every
home? Because it teaches how to open
the spirit eyes, to see spiritually the
different spirits that are around mor-
tals, so that those who live according to
its teachings will know, in advance,
just where they will go, whom they will
meet, and what they will do, when they
pass into the other life. Without this
knowledge, when they pass into spirit
life, their spirits will hover for some
time around the graves that hold their
bodies, unless some spirit comes and
tells them they are in the spirit world,
or shows them how to progress in the
spirit world.
As we have told you in other chap-
ters, if you do not know anything here,
you will not know anything in the spir-
it world. Therefore, if you are ignor-
ant while living here in your body, in
regard to seeing spirits, and in regard
to the spiritual laws of the spirit world,
you will have to learn those spiritual
laws there, before you will ever be able
to progress, and see and know whom
and where you are, in order to be able
to send a message or manifest your-
self to some loved one who is still liv-
If persons can see spiritually, and
would go to the graveyard, they would
be able to see spirits wandering about,
waiting for an angel to come and take
them to Heaven, as they were taught
they would be when they should die.
Since death, they have not been able to
find an angel waiting to show them the
way, and oh, how sad and disappointed
they seem to be! When we talk to
them, they do not seem to understand,
and yet they realize something is
wrong, and are amazed at the condition
in which they find themselves. They
see other spirits going about, each do-
ing his work. Some are happy, others
sad, according to the life they lived
while in their bodies.
After your loved ones have passed
into the spirit world, do not wear crape,
or mourning, or weep over their graves,
for that only holds their bodies; nor
wish they were living, for you are only
hindering their progress in the spirit
world, and keeping them from being
happy and from doing their work
there. We assure you that you do not
want to go and help anybody that is
sad and crying all the time ; you do not
even want to be near them, because it
makes you feel sad just as they do.
Just so with your loved ones in the
spirit world. They do not want you to
mourn, and feel sad and weep for them,
because they have passed into the spirit
world. They are free from pain and are
happier than you are here. They do
not care to be near or around you, nor
any one else who is sad or crying, for
they suffered enough while living, and
now want to rest and be happy, and
want you to think good thoughts, lead
good lives and be happy, so that their
spirits can come in to help you, and try
to repay you for the good you did in
helping them, while they were living
and suffering. You can, and do, help
your loved ones here and in the spirit
world, for they think and feel just as
you do. We pray you, do all the good
you can while living. That will make
every one happy here and in the spirit
A knowledge of the teaching of "Soul
Science, the Proof of Life after Death,"
will have a profound influence on chil-
dren. Parents often mark their chil-
dren's minds by thinking and talking
along certain lines. The home is the
place where they raise and teach their
children, who will remember, as long
as they live, just how they were raised
and what they were taught to believe,
in their homes.
When the little one is playing on the
floor, if the parents were to give it
something sharp, or throw something
sharp near it on the floor, the little one
would be likely to pick it up, and hurt
itself. They could not blame the child,
nor should they punish it for being
hurt. They are the ones that should be
blamed and punished ; not the child. It
is just so with children. They are in-
fluenced by your life and conduct.
Parents, talk to your children.
Mothers, talk to your daughters. Take
them into your confidence and tell them
the secrets of life, so they will know
how to take care of, and protect, their
bodies ; and if anything appears wrong
to them, they will tell you, and in that
way you may be the cause of saving
them much suffering, or even death. If
you do not tell them at home, they may
learn in a perverted fashion, away
from home, and it may be too late then
to save them. Just so, fathers, tell your
sons all about themselves. Teach them
not to smoke, chew, drink, or gamble.
Tell them that these are only evil hab-
its, which they can live without; that
if God intended that boys or men should
smoke, He would have created them
with a smoke-stack on their heads. Ask
them how they would like to see their
father with an old pipe in his mouth,
or tobacco-juice running down his chin.
Tell them not to drink any kind of liq-
uor, that it is not the last glass that
makes a person drunk, as you will hear
it said, but it is the first one ; for if they
never take the first glass they will
never get drunk.
When a young man has taken his
first glass, others will begin to treat
him, and the first thing he knows, he
will get into a fight — it may be with
his best friend— be brought home
drunk, and thus disgrace his parents
and may be the cause of his becoming
a drunkard. And they will remember
it as long as they live.
Parents blame their children for be-
ing mean. We do not blame the chil-
dren so much as we do the parents, for
when those children were born, they
were poor little innocent babes, could
do no harm, and were not then bad
children. You raise your children at
home, and if they are bad, you must
have raised them that way yourselves,
and did not train them right.
Speak only the truth to your chil-
dren, and they will respect you and
your word, and be a credit to you. You
may try to think you are deceiving your
children, but they are watching you,
and their minds are very active. They
will see you doing wrong, and although
they may not say anything to you about
it, they will be sure to follow your ex-
ample. They are all the time watching
and waiting for the time to come when
they can deceive you. Parents should
tell their children the truth if they ex-
pect the children to tell them the same,
and the best place to do that is in the
Children are not bad if not made so.
Parents, you are teaching your chil-
dren every day, by your lives. When
you do teach, or tell them, the truth, you
are drawing in, and around, yourselves
and children, that class of spirits and
conditions that will impress or cause
the children to do right. When you do
wrong, you are teaching your children,
and are drawing in and around them
and yourself, such conditions as will
encourage them to do wrong, the same
as you are doing, and when your chil-
dren do wrong, as a general thing, you
will blame some one else for teaching
them to do wrong, when really the
cause is in their own homes.
Parents, teach your children that
whenever they do wrong, though they
may not tell any one, or may try to
hide it or keep it from you, they will
suffer for it, whether they tell you or
not, and they will not have to wait un-
til it is found out, or wait until they
are dead and then commence to suffer,
but that when they tell the truth and
do right, they are going to feel happy,
and other children will see that they
are happy, and will want to know the
cause, — and of course, they will tell
them all about it. They cannot keep it
to themselves. They will "give it
away". Just so, when they think they
can do wrong, without its being known
or found out, they will appear guilty,
and will talk the way they feel, — will
tell on themselves. They cannot help
it, or keep it to themselves.
"Soul Science, the Proof of Life after
Death" teaches how to get, and have,
more confidence in self, and in home,
and how to make this home a paradise.
It will show every one the way to have
confidence, and drive out all fear, hat-
red and jealousy, and how to help im-
plant love in the hearts of all humanity.
It will rob the grave of victory, and
death of its sting. All who read it, and
observe its precepts, need not fear the
grave or death, — a fear which has
caused so much mental suffering
throughout all the ages past. The
grave is only a place in which to bury
the material body. Why should they
fear it? Death only means that their
life work is finished !
After any one has worked hard and
faithfully for a day of ten hours, he is
glad his day's work is done, so that he
can go home and rest. He is not afraid
to go home, for he knows where he is
going, and what he will do, and whom
he will see, when he gets there. The
home belongs to him and his. They
have made it just what it is. They do
not fear or dread to go to their home.
Why, we repeat, should people fear
death, when it only means that they are
going to their home in the spirit world,
to rest and enjoy that which they have
worked for? They have worked long,
and are tired ; why should they fear go-
ing to their home, which they built for
themselves according to the plans, and
with the material, they have provided
for it. There is something wrong; it
is useless to ask what it is. They say
they are good people. Then why will
they fear death?
The Truth is the most simple thing
in the world to speak. Any one who
can speak can tell the Truth, for it is
natural, even with a little child. If you
will respect the Truth you can respect
your neighbor, your neighbor will re-
spect you, he will look up to you, and
you will respect yourself ; it may be the
cause of your making something out of
yourself, building up a good business,
and of your becoming loved and re-
spected by every one.
Living the Truth is the only kind of
life that will make you happy here and
hereafter. The Truth is respected by
rich and poor, low and high, king and
ruler — all alike. The Truth makes peo-
ple free to think, act and do. The Truth
will rob jealousy of its fruit. Woe to
him who cannot stand up and face the
Truth. Some people are doing all they
can today to keep out of the way of
Truth. The Truth will lead the on-
ward march through life.
One does not have to stop and think
to tell the Truth, for it is perfectly nat-
ural to tell it. Yet there are those who
are going to great expense and doing
a l l they can to keep the Truth from the
people, and keep them in ignorance ; for
by so doing they can make them their
slaves and keep them from progressing.
Truth and Freedom go hand in hand,
even as slavery and suffering are the
fruits of ignorance. If every person
only knew the Truth and what it meant
to him, this would be a happier and
better world.
Man has been taught to believe in
Destiny and Heredity, which teaching
has caused some to pass out of life long
before they would pass had they not
been taught that way. It has caused
men to go through much unnecessary
suffering because they had been taught
to believe that God had destined every
person to a certain death by disease or
Those who teach such beliefs have
taken away the power God has given to
man, and have thus helped to destroy
the use of his body and limbs and to
make him as helpless as a babe. He is
taught that he cannot avoid accidents,
that his days are numbered, and that
the time is appointed when he is to die
by a certain accident or disease. Thus
he does not try to avoid accidents nor
take better care of his health. When
he gets into a place where he sees there
is danger, he thinks he knows what his
fate is, and instead of trying to avoid
this accident, he will stand there and be
killed; whereas, if he had not been
taught that way, he could and would
have avoided the danger and not been
Because a man knows that there have
been certain members of his family for
the last ten generations who have
abused or misused their bodies, con-
tracted colds which have settled on
their lungs, and caused them to pass
out of life with tuberculosis or other
trouble, he thinks that he must inherit
the same disease; and, just as soon as
he contracts a cold by not taking proper
care of himself, he commences to
cough, as he believes he has inherited
consumption, and must die that death.
He thinks that all the treatments and
medicines in the world will not cure
him of his malady. Of course, he gives
up all hope, and dies the way he pre-
dicted he would. By his thinking such
thoughts, he is attracting the spirits of
people who passed into the spirit world
with the same disease, and those spirits
are around him, and make him feel just
as they did before they passed out of
Those who believe in destiny and
heredity, and advocate that belief, are
the cause of sending many people into
the spirit world before they should. Be-
lieving that way, and not trying to live
rightly, cause much suffering in the
world to-day.
The cause of many diseases and
much suffering, as is explained more
fully in the chapter under the head of
"Diseases and Treatments", is that
people do not take care of themselves
as they should ; for example, they may
either eat too much, or not the proper
food. Heredity has nothing to do with
what you eat, how you dress, or take
care of your health ; there is something
within all people that tells them when
their hunger is satisfied. If they obey
this inward monitor and eat just
enough to be satisfied, they will never
eat too much, will not be ill from over-
taxing their digestion, and will live
Heredity has nothing to do with a
person's over-eating, and thus causing
him to have a stroke of apoplexy, and
dying from it. If, after eating certain
food, you find that it does not agree
with you, do not eat it again ; or, if you
like certain food, do not over-eat of it;
do not make yourself sick with it and
then blame your parents or some one
else, or destiny or heredity, for it, or
the spirit forces for allowing such con-
ditions around you. Use your reason
and common sense at all times. Use
your spirit eyes to see what is around
you, spiritually ; drive away what you
do not want, and welcome the good. You
make your own Destiny and Heredity
yourself, by your way of living and
thinking here.
If all the evil deeds and crimes that
are committed were not published,
there would not be nearly so much
crime of all kinds going on in the world
as there is today. Every time we read
about a crime we are thinking about it,
and as we think, we attract that class
of spirits to us. Not only do we at-
tract them to us, but as we read, sug-
gestions come to us which are very
harmful, and may cause us to do evil.
There are all kinds of people think-
ing all kinds of thoughts, and when a
person who has been thinking of mur-
dering some one, reads just how, when
and where, a certain crime was com-
mitted, given in full detail, and pub-
lished in the paper, it suggests some-
thing to that person, and, through that
suggestion it may cause him to commit
a crime that he never would have
thought of had he not read it in the
paper. Just as long as the details of
these awful crimes are allowed to be
published, just so long will people read
them, and the greater will be the num-
ber of crimes suggested and committed.
Whatever you are reading about, you
are attracting that class of spirits to
you, and the more that class of spirits
is around you, the more they are im-
pressing you to do what they did, or
wanted to do while they were living in
their bodies. How many times do boys
run away from home after reading
some cheap novel, or attending cheap
moving pictures that show the killing
of Indians, etc. They were good boys,
had good parents, and were raised all
right. Or maybe some neighbors' boys
were telling them what they had read,
heard or seen, and that was enough.
Such exciting stories or pictures are
very apt to impress boys to steal money,
buy a revolver, and run away in search
of just the excitement they read of,
heard, or saw on the screen. Probably
you could not have hired those boys to
steal, or run away, before they read
about the Indians.
People have committed all sorts of
crimes after reading about them. When
you read something funny, it causes
you to laugh, and you would not have
laughed at that time if you had not been
reading about it. If one thing you read
in the newspaper will cause you to
laugh, another thing will cause you to
cry, and thus act according to what you
read. As you read, so will you think,
and as you think, so are you.
Your life here and in the hereafter
depends upon what you read, your
thoughts, acts and deeds. Therefore,
as newspapers and books are the
thoughts of men made manifest, and as
those thoughts have power to mold the
minds of those who read them, they
may be the means of causing the eleva-
tion and purifying, or the degradation
and downfall, of the readers. Books or
papers detailing murder and crime
should be prohibited and not allowed
Thought is all-powerful, and in time
of war we have a very good illustration
of its power. For many a century, cer-
tain peoples have had it impressed upon
their minds, by those in authority, and
by some writers and authors, that
Might makes Right, and as their rulers
had allowed greed and the desire for
conquest to take possession of them,
thus drawing around them spirits of
those who had oppressed and made war
upon fellow-beings in past ages, they
had become obsessed by those evil spir-
its, and impressed by them to do the
atrocious deeds of which they have been
guilty — deeds that have never been
equalled for cruelty.
In recent years war has become an
institution of barbaric cruelty, some
modern wars never having been
equalled in ferocity by any of the un-
civilized nations of the past. In these
wars, crimes have been committed such
as were unknown in the dark ages,
crimes against humanity; the ethics of
war and of honorable warfare and civ-
ilization have been outraged by those
who have proved themselves worse than
Such have been the results of so-
called "modern" warfare. Some of
those people have become so evil in
their thoughts that even their religion
has been distorted into a self -worship,
and a worship of a god of their own
evil imaginations, a god of war, de-
lighting in the slaughter of innocent
women and children; they call upon
this god to help them to do these deeds
of evil. Thus, they call around them
the powers of evil, who are then taking
the place of the true God, and leading
them and their poor, benighted people,
to the verge of destruction. Those are
the fruits of so-called modern warfare,
that has been waged upon humanity.
As surely as a man thinketh in his
heart, so is he; and his thoughts will
bear fruit, either for good or evil. If
more books were written telling us how
to live aright and serve the true God,
the Spirit of Life, whose dwelling-place
is within our hearts, teaching us that
the God of Life is not a cruel God, who
delights in war and murder, but that
He is a God of Love, who desires all
His creatures to live in love and har-
mony with one another as brethren;
then love would be the ruling power and
we would have neither prisons nor elec-
trie chairs. Then would men progress
toward true civilization, and each man
would know where Heaven is, and what
his life will be after so-called "Death."
It takes a smart man to be a good
liar ; he has to keep thinking, and keep
his mind on the alert at all times, in
order that people may not catch him in
his lies, and he will stay awake many
an hour, and put in many sleepless
nights, trying to think and formulate
another lie to offset the last lie he told
the same person. He will not only lie
to one person, but he will lie to every
one, and he will lie when the truth
would answer the best purpose.
Those people are in all walks of life.
Lying becomes a disease, and often
causes the person to become obsessed.
Why will people talk to try to hurt one
another, when there is no one that is
perfect? Every person has his faults;
some may have greater faults than oth-
ers, some may not show their faults, yet
they may have greater faults than
those they are talking about.
As a general thing, people talk about
others on account of envy or jealousy;
and yet if all who talk about others,
either through jealousy or otherwise,
only knew that when they are talking
about others, they are talking about,
and hurting, themselves, they would
cease to do so. Just go home, and look
over your past life, and see what you
are doing; just think for one minute, if
you please, that there are other people
in this world. Say to yourself, "Well,
who and what am I, and am I doing
unto others as I would have them do
unto me?"
Never mind your neighbors' busi-
ness, but pay strict attention to your
own. Think of your past life. You
know it better than any one else does.
See if you have not, yourself, done
more and worse things than you know
or have heard about the person of whom
you are talking. Yet you will never
talk about the mean things you have
done, or were thinking of doing. Never
mind your neighbor; you are the one
you want to watch and to care for. You
cannot live or die for others; you can
only live and die for yourself.
You should do only the very best
deeds to all, and think the very best
thoughts of all. For the thoughts that
you are sending to a brother, good or
evil, will certainly return to the sender.
You do not understand that we are all
brothers and sisters, and that whatever
you say and do unto others, you say
and do unto yourself; not only that,
but whatever you are saying about oth-
ers, you are attracting the same
thing to yourself, and are bringing
yourself on the same level with those
about whom you are talking.
Usually people talk about those who
are better and higher in life than they
are themselves, for they are not afraid
of those beneath them ; they know that
they cannot hurt them by talking about
them. Instead of talking about, and
trying to disgrace, or degrade, one an-
other, when all are low enough at the
best, without making them any lower
or worse than they are, if they would
first sweep their own dooryard, and at-
tend to their own business before they
attempt to take care of their neighbors'
business, they would have all they could
do, and would be better off ; and we as-
sure you that their neighbors also
would be. If they would do that way,
and speak a kind word, instead of a
cross one, to every person, what a bless-
ing they would bestow upon themselves
and their community ! How they would
be loved by every one !
You do not like people to talk about
you all the time, neither do they like
you to talk about them all the time.
The people that talk about you are will-
ing to go half way if you are willing
to go the other half; that is, you stop
talking about them, and see if you will
not notice a great change in yourself
and in your neighbors.
No one can love you if you have no
love within you, for if you had, you
would not, or could not, talk about
people the way you do. If you will
keep on talking about every one, after
a while you will begin to talk about and
hate yourself, and will spend the lat-
ter part of your days in the mad-house.
If you do not believe this, just keep on
the way you are going; you have a good
start, for you are on the right road to
that place. If you were not, you could
not and would not talk the way you are
doing now.
People do not like to have anything
to do with a person who is always talk-
ing about his relatives or neighbors,
because they are afraid he will start to
talk about them next. A person that
is talking about this one or that one,
never seeing the good in any one, is a
slanderer; he is a person that must be
watched ; he cannot be trusted.
Slanderers are like robbers, who rob
people of their character and reputa-
tion, by talking, and lowering those
whom they talk about; people who have
worked hard all their lives, to build
themselves up honorably. Men are
murderers who murder their victims
by degrees, by taking away their char-
acter, the most precious thing they
nave ; they cause people to become mur-
derers. When a person will take his
own life, after he has been talked about
and slandered, he commits murder.
We could honor a thief in preference
to a liar and a slanderer, because we
can lock our doors and hide from a
thief, but we cannot lock ourselves up
or hide from a lying or a slanderous
tongue. People who do those things
have not developed their spirituality.
If they had, they would, or could, not
talk about one another. The best rem-
edy for lying and slandering is to open
the spiritual eyes, so that one may be
able to drive away lying spirits, and
speak the truth at all times, and pray
for the "Good Spirits" to give light to
the liars and slanderers, and to show
them the way to the Truth.
Remember, that according to God's
laws, if a person has talked about an-
other, and has injured him, or tried to
do so in any way, while living, and if
he has not already asked that person
to forgive him for all wrongs and mean
things he has said about him, he will
have to do so as soon as he passes into
the spirit world, before he will ever be
able to progress there.
How much easier it is for a person
while living to go direct to the home of
those whom he has tried to injure, or
who have tried to injure him, by back-
biting and slandering, and ask their
forgiveness, than to wait until he or
they have passed into spirit life. You
must forgive and be forgiven, either
while living here, or after passing into
the spirit world, before you can pro-
gress and be happy either here or there.
Any person is liable to be obsessed at
any time. The best way to avoid it is
to lead a clean, pure life and make up
your mind that you will not allow any
one to lead you in the wrong direction.
Know yourself, and pray to the Good
Spirit forces to lead you aright. If all
would, or could, see spiritually what is
around them, and drive the evil away,
there would not be so much obsession
as there is today.
What would you think of a young
lady who would go to a strange city
and accept the invitation of the first
man she met to go with him to view the
city? She would go without knowing
the first thing about him, although hav-
ing friends in that city who would have
been glad to go with her, had she called
on them. You certainly would not have
a very high opinion of her. What opin-
ion can we have of you, when you are
being led all over the city and every
other place by some one you do not or
cannot see with your material eyes;
they are spirits that you cannot or do
not see ; they are strangers to you and
may or may not lead you aright.
You have friends in the spirit world
(which world is right around you) who
would be glad to come at your call, and
help and lead you aright, if you were
to call on them. You should use your
spirit eyes, inasmuch as the great Cre-
ator has given them to you for use, to
see how to guide and protect your spir-
itual body against evil spirits, so there
would be no danger of your becoming
As there are different diseases in the
world today, so there are different
methods of treating them. No doubt
these different treatments are all do-
ing good, some more than others.
There is one certain kind of treat-
ment, which is a natural and universal
treatment, which is as old as the human
race, and will continue to be practised
as long as time lasts. Everybody prac-
tises it, even the animals, and if man
were to practise it more, or as much as
the animals, he would not be complain-
ing so much and would have better
health and live longer than he does.
Anyone can practise it, even a little
child, for it does not require the knowl-
edge of a professor to use it. In fact,
it is being practised today all over the
world, among all classes of people, and
it has the largest number of patients,
more than all the other methods of
treatment, combined.
To those who believe in other treat-
ments, when emergency arises, this, we
would say, is so easy to give and apply
to one's self, at any time of the day or
night, that one does not have to go to
the hospital to take the treatment, but
it can be given in any place. It has
been applied to, and it has cured. Loco-
motor Ataxia, Paralysis, acute or
chronic Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lum-
bago, Nervousness, Obesity and many
other troubles, after all other treat-
ments and known remedies have failed.
It does not make any difference who
the persons are; they can apply this
natural treatment, first and last.
When a little child falls down, any
one would think from the noise it made,
and from the sound of the bump, that
the little one had cracked its head.
What is the first thing its mother will
do? Will she run for a doctor or a
bottle of medicine? Neither. She will
run and pick up the child, rub its head,
or wherever it is hurt, and in a minute
or two, the child is playing again!
When you bump your forehead until it
seems as though you saw a million
stars, the first thing you do is to rub
the place with your hand, which re-
stores the circulation, and thus eases
the pain quicker than any amount of
medicine could. When you whip a cat
or dog, just as soon as the animal gets
away from you, it will lick the place or
rub it with its paw.
The first instinct with all, whenever
they injure themselves, is to put a hand
to the place injured, and rub it at once.
In other words, the first impression one
receives, on being hurt, is to rub or
manipulate the injured place, and if
that impression is followed, they are
relieved of their pain. The blow causes
the blood to stop circulating, which con-
tracts the muscles and wherever there
is contraction, when that part of the
body is moved, it causes pain. By rub-
bing and massaging the part where the
contraction is, thus causing the blood to
circulate and the muscles to relax, the
pain ceases.
The general cause of all pain is con-
traction of the muscles, and nothing
will remove contraction sooner than
manipulation. Because this form of
treatment is ancient, it is none the less
valuable as a remedial measure. Even
when used with little skill, it fre-
quently does much good, and that it sel-
dom works harm is evident from the
vast numbers who apply this art indis-
criminately !
People do not need to have faith in
order to have their bodies massaged, to
break up contraction of the muscles in
order that the blood may circulate ; be-
cause the blood is circulating both day
and night. Faith has nothing to do
with it. If your body is properly mas-
saged your blood will circulate, and by
keeping up proper circulation, the im-
purities of the blood are carried off
through the liver and natural channels
of the body. The blood keeps the body
warm, and when there is proper circu-
lation, the heart can beat regularly.
Anyone can rub the body, which will
cause circulation, and thus break up
the contraction of the muscles. If they
understand massaging scientifically,
much more benefit will be derived.
While the art of Massage is best
learned by personal instruction, yet
with some knowledge of anatomy and
physiology, good sense, and a general
understanding of the effects aimed at,
anyone can accomplish much good by
this means of treatment. If everyone
who gives massage treatments would
live clean, pure lives, their treatments
would have a better effect on their pa-
tients and that would help their busi-
The Creator has given us our hands
to use, to keep our bodies well, so that
tne spirit can carry out its mission
while on Earth. All should use their
hands to relieve the body of pain.
Schools should teach how to apply this
natural treatment, scientifically, so as
to get better results, and thus remove
the cause and effect of many diseases.
Ill every form of massage, one must not
be so strenuous as to do harm. The
patient will usually inform the oper-
ator if he is being made uncomfortable
by the treatment, and the feelings of
tne patient are a reliable guide.
Preliminary to giving massage, the
patient should be placed in a comfort-
able, relaxed position. As the giving
of massage, especially general massage,
requires not a little strength on the
part of the operator, one who is not
possessed of considerable muscular
force and endurance should not at-
tempt to specialize in this art, for signs
of fatigue on the part of the operator
will have a depressing effect upon the
There are millions of pores in the
human skin which act as suction-valves
and draw into the body many kinds of
diseases. We may carry the germs
around with us, which we have ab-
sorbed through the pores of our skin,
for years; after awhile, through im-
proper circulation of the blood and by
reason of our system being in a passive
condition, we become ill with a certain
disease, which we may have carried
around with us for years. Then we
wonder where we have been to contract
such a disease, as there is no one
around us who has had it, and we may
be the first one in years to have it in
the neighborhood. That is how many
diseases are carried around and spread
broadcast over parts of the country
where they were never known before.
There are many causes of disease.
People continually complain of being
ill, when they bring much of their sick-
ness upon themselves, by improper food
and poor circulation of the blood,
which, in turn, affects the heart and
every other part of the body. Sunstroke
cannot be called a disease, but it is
caused by excessive heat affecting the
circulation. If persons have improper
circulation, they will have trouble with
their liver, bowels and stomach, also
constipation, fever and resultant head-
aches. If people will think good
thoughts, eat what agrees with them,
have proper circulation and live ac-
cording to the teachings of "Soul Sci-
ence, the Proof of Life after Death,"
they will live long and enjoy the best of
Open the meeting by singing one or
more appropriate hymns or songs in
harmony with our teachings, then read
a prose selection or a poem suitable for
the occasion. All should then join in
reading our Creed, after which an in-
vocation along our line of teaching
should be given, something similar to
"Thou great Source of all Life, we
have gathered here this day in Thy
Name, praying that something may be
said or done that will make us happier
and better people by coming here, and
that we will have a better understand-
ing and realization of what life is. Help
us to realize that we and Thee are one,
and that we are all brothers and sisters,
and whatever we do unto one another
we do only unto ourselves and Thee.
Help us to understand and realize that
we are all Gods, that the Kingdom of
God is within us, that all of us are
standing before the great Judgment
Bar every moment of our lives; that
whether we do right or wrong the God
that is within us is judging us accord-
ing to our thoughts and deeds, and that
our punishment or reward commences
right here on earth, according to what
we do while we are living in the flesh.
Help us to realize this, we pray Thee —
that we are all building our home in
Heaven every day of our lives by our
thoughts and deeds, and some day, soon-
er or later, we shall go and can only go
to our own home — the home which we
have built for ourselves in Heaven. If
we create no sunshine in our lives here,
we will not have it there. Help and
give us strength, we pray Thee, to over-
come all our many weaknesses. This
we ask in the name of all. Amen !"
The leader should know in advance
what chapter he is going to read, ex-
plain or preach from, in "Soul Science,
the Proof of Life after Death," and
should sing songs and read a poem or a
prose selection in harmony with the
subject chosen, which will help to ex-
plain his teaching. It would be well to
announce the subject and make a few
remarks before reading the poem and
singing, and it would be well if these
were all along the same line of thought,
as it would help to impress on the minds
of his hearers the subject for the day.
Do not talk until you or your hearers
are all tired out; limit your talk to a
half of three quarters of an hour. Al-
ways open the meeting at the time you
have announced, and do not try at one
meeting to tell all you know about
"Soul Science, the Proof of Life after
Death;" but enough to make the audi-
ence want to learn more by coming
to hear you again. Never get into a
heated debate with any one at your
Sunday services, as it will hurt you,
and may cause unnecessary criticism of
your meetings. If you cannot convert
a person or cause him to think the same
as you do, by your preaching to him in
your own way, do not try to argue with
him to change his mind, for you will
never convert a person against his own
will. You will only lose time, and per-
haps cause trouble. If he wants to re-
main in darkness, let him do so. When
you have done all you can, you fulfil
your mission. If any one wants to
argue or debate, let him select some
other night. Always close the meeting
standing, singing, and offering the clos-
ing prayer, either the following or one
"We do thank Thee, Most Holy and
Divine Intelligence, for this Hour ; may
it be one that will be long remembered
for the words that have been spoken to
us, and may they sink deep into our
hearts, and bring forth much good;
and as we leave this church we ask for
the blessing of the Spirit world to go
with us, and to be and abide with us,
now and forever more. Amen."
There should be a midweek meeting
once a week, conducted about the same
as the Sunday meeting, with song,
reading of our Creed, and offering a
Prayer, either the following, or one
similar :
"Great, Infinite Source of all Life,
Thou over-ruling Soul of the Universe,
we do thank Thee that our lives have
been spared and that we are again per-
mitted to meet here in Thy name, pray-
ing that Thou wouldst help us to re-
move the veil of ignorance from our
spiritual eyes, so that we may see more
clearly, and have a better and clearer
insight as to what life is ; that we may
be able to go forth into this world and
fulfil our life mission, and, while here,
be able to lead and show others who are
in darkness the true way to life and
light. Help and inspire us with Thy
Love and we will give Thee the praise,
evermore. Amen !"
Explain the subject to your audience,
and let the meeting be an open one, to
give all a chance to talk on whatever
subject has been chosen for that meet-
ing, and to give their experiences.
Never allow any one to take up the en-
tire time speaking or giving experi-
ences, at the midweek meeting. If
much has to be said, it can be finished
at the next midweek meeting. You can
have the same subject for discussion as
many times as you please, if it be agree-
able to the majority present. It would
be well to announce at the Sunday ser-
vice the subject for your midweek
meeting. It will advertise all your
meetings. Close with song, and a
prayer, either the following or one sim-
"We do thank you, dear Spirit
Friends, for the many blessings we
have enjoyed in the past, and the health
and strength of this hour; and as we
leave we ask that the blessing of the
Spirit world may go with and help us
to be better men and women. These
favors we would ask you. Amen."
Classes should be, and can be, held in
homes. Open such classes with song,
reading of our Creed, and offering a
Prayer, either the following or one sim-
ilar: : :> ]
"Thou great God, the Source of all
Life, we do thank Thee for the many
blessings we have had, and are still en-
joying at the present hour. We pray
that we may all continue to enjoy the
same blessings, and we ask Thee to help
us do right. Inspire us, and fill us with
knowledge, that we may understand
ourselves, so that we may be able to
know how to live aright, be better peo-
ple, and know how to enjoy the bless-
ings that are in store for us, and are
even now all around us. Help us to
open our spiritual eyes, and to have a
better spiritual understanding than we
have ever had. We want to do right,
and we ask Thee to give us strength
and guide our footsteps in the right
way, that we may live a better life in
the future. These favors we ask in the
name of all that is good, pure and up-
right. Amen !"
If you are living in a town where
public services according to "Soul Sci-
ence" teachings are held on Sunday and
in midweek, all should attend, and you
should hold your home meeting, or
class, on some other evening through
the week. In towns and country places
where no public meetings are held, hold
one in your own home, and invite your
friends once a week to read and prac-
tise from "Soul Science, the Proof of
Life after Death," as it teaches you.
Close the class meeting with song and
prayer, either the following, or one sim-
"Angels of Love, we do thank you for
this hour, and that we have been able
to feel and know that our loved ones
from the Spirit realm have been near
to us tonight, trying to impress and
manifest themselves to us. Oh, may
we ever live such pure lives that our
loved ones will be able to manifest in
such way that we can see them. This
we ask in the name of our loved ones.
Amen !"
Death is as natural as birth, then
why should we fear it? It is as essen-
tial as growth. If it were not for
growth, there could or would be no
birth; and, if it were not for birth,
there would be no spirit or life. Life
is not complete until death. Death is
but the change of one form, and birth
the beginning of another.
Death is not a punishment; it is only
the fulfilment of God's laws. Our lives
and life histories, which all are writing
by their thoughts, acts and deeds, are
not complete until death takes place.
No excuse will be accepted then ; for all
have made and kept their own records,
and have their own life-histories with
them, just according to the way they
have themselves written them, and will
have to read them themselves in their
spirit home, to get their reward, for
either good or evil.
No one should ever worry about
death. It only takes a few seconds to
die, while it takes many years to live
here. If anyone is going to worry at
all, he should worry about how to live
rightly, for they who live right lives
will die rightly. Put in all the time you
have in thinking and living rightly.
Never mind death ; it will use you justly
when it comes and will take you to your
home in the spirit world where you
Oh, how beautiful is Death to those
who have had their spirit eyes opened,
and can see and know what is around
them, spiritually, and what their life
will be in the spirit world, — who have
lived clean, pure, just lives, and have
overcome evil by good !
The Resurrection morning will come,
but there never will be a day when all
the billions and billions of people that
have lived in this world will arise in
their material bodies and be known or
judged for the good or evil deeds done
while in the body. That would be ut-
terly impossible.
Take for instance, men who have
been working in and around rail-mills,
who have fallen into large vats of hot
iron, so hot when their bodies struck
the vats, that they were instantly de-
stroyed, and became as part of the
iron. No one knows what railroad
tracks those rails are laid on. Again,
when people have been blown all to
pieces, or when different fishes have
devoured the same body that was
drowned at sea, or when persons had
their bodies cremated and the ashes
scattered to the four winds on land or
sea, pray tell me, how could those pieces
of bodies all get together on a Resur-
rection day?
The only world that there is, is the
world that we are living in, and that is
within us, and at death our material
world has come to an end ; we lay aside
our material bodies. That is our Res-
urrection day, for immediately we re-
ceive our spiritual body. Every per-
son that lives must die; so at death it
does not make any difference where we
may be at that time; there and then
will be our Resurrection Morn.
This body of mine is a house of mine,
It is all the world for me;
It is shared by my good and my evil
Who live in my world with me.
I have built this world within myself,
It is day and night with me ;
The good and evil I have ever done
Live in my world with me.
No matter what you or others may say,
My Spirit dwells in there with me;
And my treasures are my golden deeds
And are in this world with me.
This world of mine holds all I possess ;
It is specially made for me,
To hold all the good and evil deeds
That are in this world with me.
While living in this world of mine
I have friends who stand by me;
But none can do the work of mine
That is in this world for me.
When I cast aside this house of clay
For the spirit realm, with glee,
Reward awaits me for the deeds
That shared this world with me.
If my deeds have been good, my reward
will be great,
Good spirits will flock to me ;
They will welcome me there, for the
good done here,
To that Spirit World which is for me.
"Thou Great Jehovah, the All-ruling
Soul of the Universe, whom men call
God, Good or Infinite Intelligence, call
Him or It by what name we choose, we
realize and know that Thou art the God
that causeth this mortal flesh to walk,
talk, and exist in its present form. We
ask and pray Thee, to help us to have
a better understanding from this hour,
of what life is, and Whom Thou art.
Fill us with Love and Kindness, inspire
us always to do right, help us to walk
in the right road; which will make us
happier and better people while living
on this mortal plane of existence, so
that when our life work is finished, it
may be said of us, that we have made
many homes happier and brighter by
our having lived, and set a good exam-
ple before the world. To Thee we will
give the honor and praise. Amen.
The Author of "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death" could have
written volumes on the different sub-
jects contained in this book ; but instead
of so doing, he has endeavored to place
these thoughts before his readers in
such a plain, concise and condensed
form that all who may read it with an
unbiased, liberal, mind, looking for the
Truth, will find herein the true way to
light and happiness. We beg our read-
ers not to allow prejudice or hearsay to
bias their judgment of this book, but to
prove the thoughts and teachings here-
in contained, and apply them to their
own lives; then they will be in a posi-
tion to judge of its truth and worth. We
know that the happiness of our lives,
here and hereafter, does not depend
upon the amount of matter and num-
ber of volumes which we may have
read, but upon what we understand, di-
gest and practise in our daily life.
It is the desire of the author of "Soul Science,
the Proof of Life after Death" to further strengthen
the Truth contained therein, and at the same time as-
sist those who may wish to hold meetings, or organ-
ize Societies and Churches in the interest of the Cause,
by formulating a Manual to be used by all Ministers,
Speakers and Teachers thereof. He will be glad if all
readers of "Soul Science, the Proof of Life after
Death" will be good enough to send him their names
and addresses, so that he may keep in close touch with
all who may read the book; thus he will be enabled
to send them literature or other matter from time to
time in regard to the same, that will be helpful to the
The author desires, as a special favor, that any
one who may have songs or poems original or selected,
in harmony with the teachings of "Soul Science, the
Proof of Life after Death" will send them to him, to
be used in formulating such a Manual, or Song book.
Any suggestions in regard to the same that readers
may care to make will be gratefully received.
Thanking all in advance, the author remains,
20 Bickerstaff Street,
Boston, Mass.
165 92
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