NORTH CAROLINA FARMS FOR SALE. COASTAL PLAI:N^ 8ECTIOX. ( , There ark Many Such Water Powers Throughout this Section. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS FOR SALE. COA8TAL PLAIN SECTION. There are Many Such Water Powers Throughout this Section. ^■^•^ STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. W. A. Gbaham, Commissioner, ex officio Chairman, Raleigh. J. J. Lauqhinghouse Greenville First District. C. W. Mitchell Aulander Second District. William Dunn New Bern Third District. Ashley Hoene Clayton Fourth District. R. W. Scott Melville Fifth District. A. T. McCallum Red Springs Sixth District. J. P. McRae Laurinburg Seventh District. R. L. DouGHTON Laurel Springs Eighth District. W. J. Shufobd Hickory Ninth District. A. Cannon Horse Shoe Tenth District. OFFICERS AND STAFF. W. A. Graham Commissioner. Elias Care Secretary. B. W. Kilgoee State Chemist, Field Crops. Veterinarian, Animal Husbandry. Feanklin Shebman, Je Entomologist. W. N. HtJTT Horticulturist. H. H. Brimley Naturalist and Curator. T. B. Paekee Demonstration Work. W. M. Allen Food Chemist. Feed Chemist and Microscopist. J. M. Pickel Assistant Chemist. W. G. HAYVi^ooD Assistant Chemist, Fertilizers. G. M. MacNidee Assistant Chemist, Soils. L. L. Bbinkley Assistant Chemist. S. O. Perkins Assistant Chemist. Hampden Hill Assistant Chemist. S. C. Clapp .Nursery and Orchard Inspector. S. B. Shaw Assistant Horticulturist. W. J. Haetman Assistant Veterinarian. Z. P. Metcalf Assistant Entomologist. J. A. Conoveb Dairyman. R. W. Scott, Jb., Superintendent Edgecombe Test Farm, Rocky Moflut, N. C. F. T. Meaciiam, Superintendent Iredell Test Farm, Statesville, N. C. John H. Jeffebies, Superintendent Pender Test Farm, Willard, N. C. R. W. Collett. Superintendent Transylvania and Buncombe Test Farms, Svvnnnanoa, N. C. A SHOET descriptio:n^ of the coastal PLAiK sectio:n^ of :n^obth Carolina. The Coastal Plain includes those counties west of the Tidewater Section, and extends across the State parallel with the coast, at an average distance of about one hundred miles inland. It rises very gradually from an elevation of about fifty feet above sea level to about five hundred feet. The surface is sufiiciently rolling for perfect drain- age. The soil is variable, the principal type being light loam, with clay subsoil. There are also to be found black sand and clay soils. These lands are entirely free from stones, are easy of cultivation and respond liberally to intelligent tillage. The chief market crops are cotton, corn, tobacco, peanuts, cowpeas, sweet and Irish potatoes, sor- ghum, oats, wheat, upland rice, etc. Truck and fruit gi-owing for Northern markets is quite an industry. Here, too, are the largest growers of tuberose bulbs in the world. The melons are especially fine and are shipped North by the hundreds of car loads. This section is netted by the Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line and Norfolk and Southern railroads, which furnish quick trans- portation for perishable products. The thermometer reaches the freezing point but few days during the winter; hence out-of-door work may be done during the entire year. There are a number of manufactories, principally cotton and wood- working plants. The predominating forest trees are pines, and among these are the noted health resorts of Pinehurst and Southern Pines. General farming, trucking, dairying, stock and poultry raising can be made profitable. The cowpea, the clover of the South, thrives everywhere. ♦ Following will be found a list of farms offered for sale. For fur- ther information in regard to them, please write the owners, whose names and addresses follow the descriptions. For information regarding any other section of the State, write The Department of Agriculture, raleigh, n. c. COASTAL PLAIX FAEMS. No. 1 C— Farm 432 acres; 200 in cultivation, 32 in old field, 200 in forest of pine, oak, poplar, etc. Variety of soil, stiff with clay subsoil, also light loam. Suitable for cotton, corn and trucking. Dewberry farm with vines already set, also strawberries. One-half mile from railroad town, 14 mile fi-om church and school. Drinking water and branches in abundance. Healthful location. New 9-room house. Price $30 per acre, 14 cash, balance 4 annual payments. Cumberland County. William Hatchek, Carlos, N. C. No. 2 C. — Farm 850 acres; 75 in cultivation, 50 in old field, 225 in forest of long-leaf pine, oak, poplar, etc. Surface medium level, light laud. Suitable for tobacco, cotton, peanuts, etc. Five and one-half miles from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad town, 1 mile from church and school. Wells and springs. Healthful location. Good oi'chard. Reserving timber, will sell for $10 per acre, part on time. McJ. Smith, Duplin County. Seven Springs, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. No. 3 C-6. — Farm 100 acres; 50 in cultivation, 100 in forest, heavily tim- bered with pine. Level, with sandy and clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn and tobacco. Three miles from railroad town on Norfolk and Southern Railroad, 2 miles from church, 1 mile from school. Good drinking water and branches. Healthful location. Four-room house, barn, stable and 3 tobacco barns. Price $27.50 per acre, i/^ cash. Lenoir County. Kinston Insubance and Realty Co., Kinston, N. C. No. 4 C-5. — Farm 200 acres ; 100 in cultivation, 100 in forest of pine, cypress, etc. Level, suitable for cotton, corn, tobacco and truck. One-half mile from Kinston, on the Atlantic Coast Line and Norfolk and Southern railroads. Good supply drinking water and branches. Healthful location. Two dwellings, barn and stable. Price $42.50 per acre, ^2 cash. Lenoir County. Kinston Insurance and Realty Co., Kinston, N. C. No. 5 C-4. — Farm 500 acres ; 300 in cultivation, 75 in old field, 125 in forest of small pines. Surface level, clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn, tobacco, etc. Two miles from railroad town, 4% miles from Kinston, % mile from church and school. Wells and branches on farm. Healthful location. Five dwellings, barns and stable, also tobacco barns. Price $11,500, % cash. Lenoir County. Kinston Insurance and Realty Co., Kinston, N. C. No. 6 C-3. — Farm 217 acres; 40 in cultivation, 177 in forest; timber sold, 11 years to cut. Surface level and sandy, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cot- ton, corn and tobacco. Three miles from railroad town, about 1 mile from church and school. Wells. Healthful location. Three-room dwelling, barns, stables and tobacco barns. Price $8 per acre, % cash, balance in 4 years. Lenoir County. Kinston" Insukance and Realty Co., Kinston, N. C. No. 7 C-4. — Farm 120 acres; SO in cultivation, 40 in forest of pine. Surface level, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, tobacco and corn. Four miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church and school. Good wells, with branches and creeks. Healthful location. Two tenant houses, barns, etc. Price $30 per acre, terms easy. Kinston Insurance and Realty Co., Lenoir County. Kinston, N. C. No. 8 C-1.— Farm 100 acres; 25 in cultivation, 75 in forest of 1,000,000 feet of gum, pine and ash, oh the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. Surface level, with dark soil. Suitable for cotton, tobacco, corn, etc. Two miles from railroad station, church and school. Good drinking water, branches and creeks. Healthful location. New 2-story, 6-room dwelling, valued at $800 ; necessary outhouses. Price $30 per acre, easy terms. Lenoir County. Kinston Insurance and Realty Co., Kinston, N. C. No. 9 C. — Farm 140 acres; 70 in cultivation, 70 in forest of oak. Level, soil sandy, with clay subsoil. One and one-half miles from railroad town. Well and spring of fine water. Healthful location. Two-storj', S-room dwell- ing, barn, dairy house, etc.. in good condition. Nice orchard. Ideal spot for truck or dairy farm. Price $40 per acre, cash. W. S. Cook, Cumberland County. Fayetteville, N. C. No. 10 C. — Farm 240 acres; 120 in cultivation, 120 in forest of oak and cypress. Surface level, soil light, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn and trucking. Three miles from railroad town, i^ mile from church and school. Good drinking water, running water for stock. Healthful location. Four-room cottage, barn, stable, 2-room dairy house, % acre in poultry yard. Two hundred and fifty peach and i)lum trees, grapes of all kinds, raspberries, strawberries, nuts, several kinds, both native and Japanese. Price $32 per acre, cash. W. S. Cook, Cumberland County. Fayetteville, N. C. No. 11 C. — Farm 00 acres; 40 in cultivation, 50 in forest of pine, oak and gum. Level, but well drained. Sandy loam, part medium stiff. Suitable for cotton, peanuts, grain, etc. One and ono-half miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church and school. Good supply drinking water, streams, etc. Health- ful location. Two good tenant houses. Farm might be divided. Price $40 per acre, 14 cash, balance to suit buyer. Andrew .T. Conner, Northampton County. Rich Square, N. C. 7 No. 12 C-1. — Farm 55 acres; 25 in cultivation, 30 in forest of pine. Liglit soil. Suitable for cotton, corn and peanuts. Limestone on place. On Sea- board Air Line Railroad, church joining property, 1% miles from school. Healthful location. Price $25 per acre, % cash, balance in 2 years. Halifax County. Charles Zollicoffer, Sunlight, N. C. Peach Orchard— Southern Pines. No. 13 C. — Farm 35G acres; 75 in cultivation, 35 in old field, 234 in forest of oak, pine, hickory, etc. Surface rolling, soil light, sandy loam, with clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, tobacco, cotton, peanuts. One mile from railroad town and school. Healthful location. Two-room house with kitchen, old 2-room house, barn, horse stable, cow barn, etc. Price $.30 per acre, % cash, balance reasonable time. H. C. V. Peebles, Lenoir County. 11 E. King St., Kinston, N. C. No. 14 C. — Truck farm .300 acres; 200 in cultivation, 100 in forest of pine, oak and gum. Surface level, soil sandy loam, with clay subsoil, part stiff. Specially adapted to truck, also corn, cotton, tobacco, etc. Three miles from railroad town, church and school. Deep wells. Fever never known on the place. Good dwelling with 10 rooms, 1 tenant house, stables, barns, smoke- house, brick cellar, etc. ; $2,200 house. Price $20 per acre, % cash, balance 3 years. S. M. Carlton, Duplin County. Warsaw, N. C. 8 No. 15 C. — Farm 2,075 acres; 300 iu cultivation, 75 in old field, 1,700 in forest of pine, cypress, juniper, oak, asL, etc. Surface level, yellow and dark soil underlaid with clay. Suitable for corn, tobacco, cotton and vegetables. Underlaid with shell lime, 91 per cent, and marl, 55 per cent carbonate of lime. Railway station on farm; 2 miles from church, li^ miles from school. Drinking water supplied by pump and 2 mineral springs ; 3 running streams. Healthful location. Eight tenant houses and outbuildings, 5 tobacco barns, 1 packhouse. Water power on plantation. Price $25 per acre, % cash, balance 1 and 2 years, with 6 per cent interest. C. H. Foy, Lenoir County. Kinston, N. C. No. 16 C— Farm 2,350 acres; 600 in cultivation, 50 in old field, 2,.300 in forest, on which timber has been sold down to 12 inches. Suflicient cypress to shingle houses for 100 years. Surface generally level, with variety of soil. Staple crops, cotton, corn, peanuts, etc. One and one-half miles from rail- road town, at nearest point. Generally healthful. Good wells. Farm on Roanoke River, also contains creek and millpond. Extremely rich laud ; good stock range ; hay in abundance. Game plentiful and fine fishing. Twenty tenant houses. Over 100 bales of cotton grown each year in one opening; amount can be increased. Will sell part at higher price, prefer selling as whole. Price named is sacrifice to close out estate. Improvements are cotton gin, engine boiler, water mill and pond covering 35 acres. Land in good con- dition. Price $7 per acre, ^^ cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Bertie County. The Dunning Co., Aulander. N. C. No. 17 C. — Farm 270 acres; 90 in cultivation, 4 in old field, 176 in forest of pine, oak, hickory, poplar, juniper, etc.; 210 feet above sea level. Gray land with red clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, peas, hay, oats, cotton, tobacco, etc. Seven miles from railroad town, 14 mile from chux'ch and school. Good drink- ing water in abundance; water for stock plentiful. Healthful location. Eight- room dwelling with necessai'y outbuildings, 3 tobacco barns, 1 packhouse with basement, 2 tenant houses. Price $20 per acre, % cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years, with good security. Hinton Maxwell, Sampson Sounty. Clinton, N. C. No. 18 C. — Farm 55 acres; 45 in cultivation, 6 in forest of pine and oak. nearly level, soil light, with clay sub.soil. Suitable for corn, cotton, tobacco and cowpeas. Three miles from Elm City, 3i^ miles from Wilson, a thriving town, and one of the largest bright tobacco markets in the world. Macadam- ized road being built to Wilson. Wells and branches for stock. Healthful location. Five-room dwelling, stables, etc.: 45 acres in high state of cultiva- tion. Price .$60 per acre, % cash, balance 4 equal annual payments. Wilson County. Silas Lucas, Wilson, N. C. 9 No. 19 C— Farm 142 acres; 50 in cultivation, 30 in old field, 60 in forest of pine. Surface nearly level, self-drained, light clay subsoil. Suitable for cot- ton, corn, tobacco and truck. Four miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church and school. Drinlcing water supplied by well ; good branches for stock. Healthful location. Two 5-room houses, large 2-story barn, 3 to- bacco barns and other outbuildings; 20-acre pasture fenced in. Land adjoin- ing could be purchased. Farm in high state of cultivation. Price $3.5 per acre, % cash, balance 4 annual payments. Silas Lucas, Wilson County. "Wilson, N. C. ^^^ Irish Potato Field. No. 20 C. — Truck farm 55 acres ; 40 in cultivation, 5 in forest. Surface level, with sandy loam soil, clay subsoil. Especially adapted to truck. One mile from center of town. Healthful location. Good drinking water, abun- dance for stock. Three-room dwelling, stable and storehouse, other outbuild- ings. Has 30 lettuce beds 11 x 118 feet, covered with cloth ; a complete irriga- tion plant for lettuce beds. Twelve acres in best variety dewberries ; 200 or 300 Japan plum trees, young and in good condition. Three acres especially adapted to asparagus growing. Price $3,000, easy terms for purchaser. Cumberland County. J. A. Pemberton, Fayetteville, N. C. 10 No. 21 C. — Farm 171 acres; 120 iu cultivation, 50 in forest of pine, etc. Surface level. Suitable for cotton, corn, tobacco. Six miles from railroad town, 1 mile from cburcb and scbool. Good drinking water and water for stock. Healtbful location. Price $20 ijer acre, i/4 casb, balance in 2 years. Farm in Sampson County. D. S. Hines, Kenansville, N. C. No. 22 C. — Farm 575 acres; 200 acres in cultivation, 75 in old field, 300 in forest of pine, oak, hickory, poplar, gum, etc. Surface gently undulating. Gray land and black bottom. Suitable for corn, cotton, tobacco, peanuts, grain, etc. Two and one-balf miles from Greenville, 2i^ miles from cburcb and i/o mile from scbool. Good spring water, branches for stock. Healtbful location. Dwelling cost $4,000; 40 other buildings, including large stables, barns, etc. Has been used for number of years as stock farm. Land rich and in high state of cultivation. Capable of producing 1 bale cotton to acre, without fertilizers. Price $50 per acre, % cash, balance to suit purchaser for ten years. Pitt County. O. L. Joyner, Greenville, N. C. No. 23 C— Farm 539 acres, all in forest of pine, oak, poplar, hickory, gum, maple, etc. Slightly rolling, with several small streams. Light loam, with clay subsoil. Fine grazing. No clearing on this property, but adjacent farms produce well. One mile from railroad town, 2 miles from church, 1 mile from school. Abundant supply of springs, creeks and branches. Healthful location. Part of a 1,429-acre tract of land, all of which can be had if desired. Ideal place for colony. Well adapted to the growing of vegetables, berries, etc. Fine fishpond and sufficient water power for mill or electric light plant. Price $5 per acre, to suit purchaser. George R. Beix, Cumberland County. Fayetteville, N. C. No. 24 C. — Farm 335 acres ; 135 in cultivation, 200 in forest of oak, pine, gum, poplar, etc. Surface level, loam and clay soil, with clay subsoil. Suita- ble for corn, cotton, rice, oats, peas, tobacco, truck, etc. Railroad station on farm. Five churches, 1 high school and 2 common schools in neighborhood. Abundance drinking water and water for stock. Healthful location. Large house with necessary outhouses, 3 tenant houses in good condition. Tract can be easily divided. Good location for colony, and adjoining lands can be bought. Price $15 per acre, terms to suit purchaser. George R. Bell, Cumberland County. Fayetteville, N. C. No. 25 C. — Farm 205 acres; 80 in cultivation, 125 in forest of oak, hickory, pine, poplar, etc. Surface gently rolling, easily drained, loamy soil, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn, rice, potatoes, vegetables, etc. ; especially adai)ted to early trucking. One mile from railroad station, 4 churches in vicinity, 2 schools near farm. Good water for drinking and stock. Healthful 11 location. Seven-room dwelling in good condition, 3-room house, necessary barns and outhouses. May easily be divided. Price $25 per acre, terms to suit purchaser. Richard R. Bell, Cumberland County. Linden, N. C. No. 26 C. — Farm 265 acres; 200 in cultivation, 42 in forest of pine. Sur- face level. Suitable for cotton, corn and tobacco. Four miles from Fremont, 2 miles from church, li/4 miles from school. Water for drinking and stock in abundance. Healthful location. Eight-room dwelling, four 4-room houses, two 2-room houses, large ginhouse, stables, barns, etc. Buildings could not be replaced for $10,000. Farm makes from 80 to 100 bales cotton, $1,500 to $2,000 worth tobacco and 150 to 200 barrels corn each year. Price $15,000, % cash, balance 3 notes with 6 per cent interest. Z. D. MtJMFOET, Wayne County. Fremont, N. C. Strawberries. No. 27 C— Farm 3,000 acres; 1,000 in cultivation, 2,000 in forest, which it is estimated will cut 1,000,000 feet pine timber, 14,000,000 feet hardwood timber. It is a sandy loam soil, level, but with sufficient fall for drainage into river and creek. Shell marl can be obtained at depth of GO feet. Especially adapted to trucking ; suited to all of the staple crops, such as cotton, corn, tobacco, peanuts, Irish potatoes, cabbage, etc. Would make ideal stock farm. Two miles from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, 2 miles from Norfolk and 12 Southern Railroad, with steamboat landiug on property, thus having advan- tage of competing freight rates. Drinking water good and in abundance. Ten miles from Washington, N. C, 2 miles from church and school. Great part of farm bordered by river and creek; fishing and hunting good. Health- ful location. Improvements : 5-room cottage, 20 two-room tenant houses, stables for 30 horses, ginhouse, tobacco packhouse, etc. Price $12.50 per acre, 14 cash. J. J. Laughinghouse, Pitt County. Greenville, N. C. No. 28 C-7.— Farm 800 or 900 acres, all woods, containing 1,000,000 feet original growth pine, 1,000,000 feet hard wood, balance second growth pine. Surface rolling. Three miles from Clayton. Price $10 per acre, % cash, bal- ance to suit purchaser. N. E. Ward, Johnston County. Selma, N. C. No. 29 C-6. — Farm 102 acres; 25 in cultivation, 7 in old field, 77 in forest of pine. Will cut over 500,000 feet. Surface level, with black and gray soil, clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn, grain and grass. Two miles from railroad town, church and school. Well. Bounded on 3 sides by river. Price $20 per acre, terms cash. N. E. Wabd, Johnston County. Selma, N. C. No. 30 C-5. — Farm 22 acres, all in cultivation. Level. Suitable for hay. corn, oats and pasture. Two miles from Selma, 2^^ miles from Wilson's Mills, 2 miles from church and school. Good spring; farm on Neuse River. Good location for small dairy. Price $30 per acre, % cash. N. E. Ward, Johnston County. Selma, N. C. No. 31 C-4. — Farm 63 acres; 60 in cultivation, 3 in forest. Surface slightly rolling, gray soil, with clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, peas, tobacco, truck, etc. Good clay for brick and tile making. One mile from Selma on Southern Railroad. Good well, branch and spring. Healthful location. Four-room dwelling and small orchard. Price $33.50 per acre, % cash. Johnston County. N. E. Ward, Selma, N. C. No. 32 C-3. — Farm 30 acres; 20 in cultivation, 10 in forest. Nearly level, sandy loam soil. Specially good for trucking and small fruits, tobacco, cot- ton, corn, etc. One mile from town of 2,000 inhabitants. Two good wells, branch for stock. Healthful location. Good 3-room dwelling and outhouse. Good point for poultry raising. Price $33.33 per acre, 14 cash. Johnston County. N. E. Ward, Selma, N. C. 13 No. 33 C-2.— Farm 100 acres; 60 in cultivation, 20 in old field, 20 in forest; rolling euougli for drainage, y-2 light and y-2 stifl: soil, clay subsoil, promising kaolin deposit. Five and one-half miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church and school. Good wells and springs, river and branches. Healthful location. Suited to cotton, bright tobacco, potatoes, peaches, etc. One 3 or 4 room dwelling, barns and necessary outbuildings. Price $20 per acre, ^ cash, balance 3 annual payments. N. E. Waed, Johnston County. Selma, N. C, No. 34 C-1.— Farm 404 acres; 200 in cultivation, 100 in old field, 104 in forest of pine, oak, poplar, gum, etc. Slightly rolling, both sandy and clay soils. Suitable for cotton, corn, peanuts, truck, etc. Two miles from Wilson's Mills, 1 mile from school and church. Good wells and springs. Healthful location. Good 4-room cottage, 4-room tenant house, 2 small tenant houses. Price $25 per acre, 1/10 cash, balance to suit purchaser. N. E. Ward, Johnston County. Selma, N. C. No. 35 C. — Farm 155 acres ; 50 in cultivation, 105 in forest of pine and oak. Loam soil, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton and corn. Good supply drinking water, including mineral spring. One-half mile from railroad town and school. Two tenant houses. Price $25 per acre, % cash, balance in 5 yearly payments. William Hatcher, Cumberland County. ' Carlos, N. C. No. 36 C. — Farm 60 acres ; 25 cleared, 35 in forest of oak and pine. Loam soil, with clay subsoil. One-fourth mile from railroad town. Plentiful sup- ply of water for drinking and stock. Healthful location. Price $35 per acre, % cash, balance 5 yearly payments. William Hatcher, Cumberland County. Carlos, N. C. No. 37 C. — Farm of 100 acres, timbered with oak and pine. Sandy soil, clay subsoil. Two and one-half miles from railroad town, I/2 mile from school. Plentiful supply drinking water and water for stock. Price $10 per acre, % cash, balance 5 annual payments. William Hatcher, Cumberland County. Carlos, N. C. No. 38 C. — Farm 72 acres; 10 in cultivation, 62 in forest. Soil black loam and snuff-colored. Suitable for corn and cotton. One-half mile from rail- road town, % mile from school, 1 mile from church. Good supply drinking water and water for stock. Healthful location. Price $35 per acre, % cash, balance 5 annual payments. William Hatcher, Cumberland County. Carlos, N. C. 14 15 No. 39 C-104.— Farm 147% acres; 60 in cultivation, about 90 in forest of oak and pine. Surface rolling, chocolate soil, with red subsoil. Suitable for cotton, wheat and corn. Seven miles from railroad town, li/^ miles from church and school. Drinking water supplied by well, branch for stock. Very healthful location. New 2-room house, barn and outbuildings. Price $1,600, $500 cash, balance to be agreed on. R. E. Prince, Farm in Chatham County. Raleigh, N. C. No. 40 C-103. — Farm 124 acres; 80 in cultivation, 44 in forest of oak and pine. Surface rolling, of sandy loam soil. Suitable for corn, cotton and tobacco. Four miles from Raleigh, % mile from church, near school. Fine well and 2 small streams. Very healthful. Five-room dwelling, 2-room kitchen, 3-room tenant house, good barn and stable, other buildings. Price $5,000, terms to be agreed on. R. E. Prince, Wake County. Raleigh, N. C. No. 41 C-101.— Farm 200 acres; 100 in cultivation, 100 forest of oak and ptne. Surface a little rolling, with sandy loam soil. Suitable for cotton, corn, tobacco, etc. Three hundred yards from depot, adjacent to church and school. Fine well, small streams. Healthful location. Nine or ten room dwelling, broad hall and high pitched rooms. Good outbuildings. Price $6,250, terms reasonable. R. E. Prince, Wake County. Raleigh, N. C. No. 42 C-100. — Farm 382 acres; 100 in cultivation, 75 in pasture, 200 in forest of oak and pine. Surface rolling. Suited for cotton, wheat, corn, etc. One and one-half miles from railroad town, church and school. Well, good running stream on which is fine mill site. Healthful location. Six-room cot- tage, 2 good tenant houses, storehouse, 3 stock and feed barns, 3-room corn barn, stock barn, 2-room smokehouse, etc., 3-story millhouse. Price $0,500. Wake County. R. E. Prince, Raleigh, N. C. No. 43 C. — Farm 675 acres, 125 in cultivation, 450 in forest of pine, oak cypress, etc. Surface nearly level, light soil, fine for truck, also peanuts, corn, cotton, tobacco, etc. Three-fourths of a mile from railroad town and school, adjacent to church. Fine well and mineral spring, water in abundance for stock. Healthful location. Good 10-room house, kitchen, 4 tenant houses. Price $25 per acre, % cash, balance 2 to 3 years. W. C. Manning, Martin County. Williamston, N. C. No. 44 C. — Farm 252 acres; 175 in forest of pine, oak and cypress. Surface level, good soil with clay subsoil. Seven miles from railroad town, 1 mile from school. Good supply drinking water, and water for stock. Healthful location. Price $10 per acre, ^/^ cash. W. C. Manning, Martin County. Williamston, N. C. 16 No. 45 C. — Farm 400 acres; 25 in cultivation, 375 in forest of pine, oalj and ash. Surface level, light soil with clay subsoil. Suitable for tobacco, peanuts, cotton, corn and truck crops. Three and one-half miles from railroad town, 2 miles from church, 1% miles from school. Good supply drinking water, good creek for watering stock. Healthful location. One tenant house. Price $8 per acre, 14 cash, balance to suit purchaser. W. C. Manning, Martin County. Williamston, N. C. No. 46 C. — Farm 45 acres ; 23 in ci.tivation, 22 in forest of pine and cypress. Surface level, with light sandy soil. Suitable for cotton, peanuts, corn, to- bacco, etc. Four miles from railroad town. Good drinking water. Healthful location. One tenant house, barn and stable. Price $28 per acre, cash. Martin County. W. C. Manning, Williamston, N. C. No. 47 C. — Farm 575 acres ; 75 in cultivation, 100 in old field, 400 in forest of pine and cypress. Level, with some elevation, variety of soil. Suitable for general farm crops, small fruit, peaches, grapes, etc. Two miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church. Artesian well. Healthful location. Twelve-room dwelling, with water and sewerage, good condition. New. Six tenant houses, office, commissary and necessary barns and outbuildings. Sawmill site on bank of South River. Desirable winter and summer home ; good fishing and hunting. Price $10,000 ; reasonable amount cash, balance notes. Farm in Cumberland County. M. O. Bullard, Nints, N. C. No. 48 C. — Farm 55 acres; 20 in cultivation, 35 in forest of oak. Loam and clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, cotton, truck, etc. Two and one-half miles from railroad town, % mile from church and school. Plentiful supply drink- ing water and water for stock. Healthful location. No improvements. Price $5 per acre, I/2 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. William Hatcher, Cumberland County. Carlos, N. C. No. 49 C. — Farm 275 acres; 60 in cultivation, 15 old field, 200 in forest of pine, oak, gimi, hickory, etc. Surface level, with clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, cotton, peas, etc. One mile from railroad station. Good water for drink- ing and for stock. Healthful location. Good 6-room dwelling and outhouses. Price $25 per acre, part cash. R. McMillan, Robeson County. Dundarrach P. O., N. C. No. 50 C-1. — Farm 164 acres; 38 in cultivation, 34 in old field, 92 in forest of oak, hickory, etc. Tx>am soil, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn, truck, vegetables, fruits, etc. Four miles from railroad town, 1 mile from church and school. Plentiful supply good drinking water and water for stock. Three acres in fruit trees, 5 years old. Four-acre fishpond. Price $0.50 per acre, cash. W. C. Dickens, Cumberland County. Fayetteville, N. C. 17 No. 51 C— Farm 192 acres; 65 in cultivation, 127 in forest of pine, oak, gum, cypress, etc. Soil underlaid with clay. Suitable for cotton, corn, etc. Three miles from railroad town, 14 mile from school. Plentiful supply water for drinking and for stock. Four-room dwelling and kitchen, also other out- buildings. Healthful location. Price $18 per acre, 1/0 cash, balance 6 per cent interest. j. w. Adcox, Cumberland County. Parkton, N. C, R. F. D. No. 2. The Pecan is Grown Commercially. No. 52 C. — Farm 700 acres; 115 in cultivation, 80 in old field, 325 in forest of pine, oak, hickory, gum, etc. Surface level, variety of soil. Suitable for corn, cotton, small grains, fruit, grapes, etc. One and one-fourth miles from church, 61/^ miles from Kenansville, county seat of Duplin County. Fine, cool water in abundance. Healthful location. Eight-room dwelling with kitchen attached. All necessaiy outbuildings. Two settlements for tenants. Price $15 per acre, 14 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. .John W. S. Miller. Duplin County. Kenansville, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. 18 No. 53 C-1. — Farm 215 acres; 90 in cultivation, 125 in forest of pine, oak, etc. Surface level, medium light, with clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, cotton, tobacco, peas, etc. Two miles from church and school. Good water for drink- ing and stock. Healthful location. Three-room dwelling, 1 tenant house, barn and packhouse combined, crib and tobacco barn. Price $12 per acre, i^ cash, balance in 4 yearly payments. P. H. Mewborn, Farm in Duplin County. La Grange, N. C. No. 54 C. — Farm 1,000 acres; 50 in cultivation, .50 in old. field, 900 in forest of pine, poplar, cypress, juniper, oak, etc. Surface undulating, variety of soil. Suitable for cotton, corn, peas, potatoes, melons, etc. Eight miles from rail- road town, 1 mile from church and school. Bountiful supply water for drink- ing and for stock. Healthful location. New 6-room dwelling, with outbuilding. orchard, etc. Price $10 per acre, terms easy. J. A. Wright, Cumberland County. Lobelia, N. C. No, 55 C. — Truck farm 400 acres; 40 in cultivation, 360 in forest of pine. Surface rolling, sandy loam, underlaid with clay. Suitable for cotton, corn, strawberries and truck. In the strawberry and trucking district ; has frontage of % mile on Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Adjoining town and railroad sta- tion, 1/^ mile from church and school. Good drinking water and water for stock. Healthful location. One-story dwelling, new barn, etc. Price $10 per acre, $2,500 cash, balance in 2 annual payments. J. S. Westbrook, Duplin County. Wallace, N. C. No. 56 C. — Farm 65 acres, with one-horse crop in cultivation, remainder in forest of oak, pine and cypress. Surface level, with variety of soil. Suitable for corn, cotton, etc. Five miles from railroad town, 9 miles from Fayetteville. Small ordinary tenant house. Price $1,000, cash. Cumberland County. Mrs. Kate Breece, Fayetteville, N. C. No. 57 C. — Farm 229 acres; 65 in cultivation, 154 in forest of pine, oak, etc. Surface level, with dark loam soil. Suitable for cotton, corn, tobacco, peas, truck, etc. Some phosphate rock. Two and one-half miles from railroad town, 1% miles from church, I14 miles from graded school. Good drinking water, good streams for stock. Healthful location. Good 7-room dwelling, good tenant house, shelters, barns, stables, etc. Plenty of fruit trees, grape- vines, flowers, etc. Price $17..50 per acre, in 4 yearly payments, with 6 per cent interest. S. L. Rose, Duplin County. Warsaw, N. C. No. 58 C. — Farm 160 acres; 50 in cultivation, 110 in forest of pine, oak, hickory, etc. Surface level, light soil, with clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn, tobacco, small grain, etc. One-half mile from railroad town. Healthful 19 location. Abundauce good drinking water and water for stock. Few im- IDrovemeuts. Price $35 per acre, ^i. cash, balance in 12 mouths. Farm in Cumberland Couutj-. G. H. Parker, Dunn, N. C. No. 59 C-1. — Farm IGG acres; 55 in cultivation, 25 in old field, 86 in forest of pine, oak, etc. Surface level, variety of soil, with clay subsoil. Suitable for corn, cotton, peas, potatoes, tobacco, etc. Seven and one-half miles from Kin- ston, 21/2 miles from railroad station. Good supply drinking water and water for stock. Healthful location. Four-room dwelling, dining room and kitchen, barn, stable, packhouse, tobacco barn, etc. Price $18 per acre, % cash, balance 5 yearly payments, with 6 per cent interest. P. H. Mewborn, Lenoir County. La Grange, N. C. No. 60 C-2. — Farm 100 acres ; 50 in cultivation, 50 in forest of oak, hickory, pine, etc. Surface rolling, with variety of soil. Suitable for corn, cotton, wheat, etc. Seven miles from railroad town, % mile from church and school. Plenti- ful supply good drinking water and water for stock. Healthful location. Two-room dwelling, barn, granary and other outbuildings. Price $700, i/4 cash, balance in 2 equal annual payments. W. T. Parrish, Chatham County. Millwood, N. C. No. 61 C. — Farm ISG acres; 50 in cultivation, 15 in old field, 120 in forest of oak, pine, hickory, poplar, etc. Surface rolling, with gray and sandy soil. Suitable for corn, wheat, cotton, tobacco, potatoes, etc. Gold and copper found on property. Four miles from railroad town, 7 miles from High Point, 11 miles from Greensboro, 1% miles from church, 1 mile from school. Plentiful supply good drinking water and water for stock. Very healthful location.. Two tobacco barns. Adjoining this property is mill site on Deep River with mill, which can be bought cheap. Price $15 per acre, cash or part on time. Guilford County. J. P. Freeman, Greensboro, N. C, R. F. D. No. 3. No. 62 C. — Farm 86 acres; 40 in cultivation, 15 in old field, 30 in forest of oak, etc. Surface slightly rolling, soil sandy and red loam. Suitable for cot- ton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, peas, etc. One and one-half miles from railroad station. Drinking water supplied by pump, branches for stock. Healthful location. Three-room dwelling, large barn and outbuildings. Good peach orchard now in bearing. Price $15 per acre, % cash, balance in 2 years. Iredell County. W. A. Dearman, Ostwalt, N. C. No. 63 C. — Farm 75 acres: 26 in cultivation, 12 in old field, 37 in forest of oak, poplar, hickory, maple, pine, etc. Surface mostly level, dark gray soil. Suitable for corn, small grain, tobacco, etc. Ten miles from railroad town, % mile from church. "''. mile from school. Good well, branch running through 20 pasture. Healthful location. Good Groom, 2-story residence, barn, 2 tobacco barns, etc. Post-office at tbis place. Good location for doctor or merchant. Price $25 per acre, y^ cash, balance 1 year. Walteb S. Watkins, Stokes County. Campbell, N. C. No. 64 C-1. — Farm 116 acres; 00 in cultivation, 56 in forest of oak, pine, etc. Surface principally level, with clay soil. Suitable for corn, wheat, tobacco^ etc. Ten miles from railroad town, adjacent to school and church. Plentiful supply water for drinking and for stock. Healthful location. Seven-room dwelling with a number of outbuildings, tobacco barn and good orchard. Land in good state of cultivation. Price $2,700, terms to suit purchaser. Yadkin County. A. W. Shore, East Bend, N. C. No. 65 C— Farm 53 acres; 2 in old field, 51 in forest of pine, poplar and oak. Soil dark loam. Suited to cotton, corn, oats, ets. Four miles from Troy, N. C, 2 miles from church and school. Good water for drinking and for stock. Healthful location. No improvements. Price $5 per acre. Terms easy. Montgomery County. P- M. Moeris, Immer, N. C. No. 66 C— Farm 209 acres ; 140 in cultivation, 9 in old field, 60 in forest of oak, hickory, poplar and pine. Mostly level, with loam and rich sandy soil. Suitable for cotton, corn, wheat, rye, potatoes, etc. Three miles from rail- road town, 1% miles from church and school. Abundant supply good water for drinking and branches for stock. Healthful location. Dwelling and necessary outhouses. Price $25 per acre, % cash, balance to suit purchaser. Iredell County. Mrs. N. E. Cornelius, Statesville, N. C. No, 67 C. — Farm 432 acres ; 200 in cultivation, 232 in forest of pine, oak, gum, poplar, etc. Sui'face level, with light loam soil. Suitable for cotton, corn, peas, etc. One-half mile from railroad town, 14 mile from church and school. Plentiful supply drinking water and water for stock. Healthful loca- tion. Nine-room dwelling, all necessary barns and outhouses, six tenant houses, ginhouse, etc. Price $30 per acre, % cash, balance 5 annual payments, with 6 per cent interest. William Hatcher. Cumberland County. Carlos, N. C. No. 68 C. — Farm 390 acres; ,50 in old field, 340 in forest of pine and oak. Very level, black sandy loam soil. Suitable for all farm crops of this section, fruits, etc. Five miles from Carthage, Pinehurst or Southern Pines, 1 mile from school. Good springs for drinking purposes, creeks and branches for stock. Healthful location. One hundred acres especially fine farming land. Price $7.50 per acre, % cash, balance in 1 and 2 years. R. L. Tyson, Moore County. Carthage, N. C. 21 No. 69 C— Farm 150 acres ; 25 in cultivatiou, 125 in forest of pine and oak. Surface rolling, with clay soil. Especially adapted to cotton and corn. Three miles from railroad town. Good supply drinking water, creeks and branches for stock. Healthful location. Very fine pa.sture. One small house. Price $5 per acre, % cash, balance in equal payments of 6 and 12 months. Moore County. R. L. Tyson, Carthage, N. C. Melons Grow to Perfection. No. 70 C. — Farm 150 acres, all in forest of pine and oak. Rolling, with sandy soil. Five miles from railroad town. Springs and branches. Healthful location. Price $5 per acre, i/^ cash, balance equal payments 6 and 12 months. Moore County. R. L. Tyson, Carthage, N. C. No. 71 C. — Farm 150 acres; .30 in cultivation, 20 in old field, 100 in forest of oak and pine. Rolling, with both clay and sandy soils. Especially adapted to cotton and corn. Pour miles from railroad town. Both springs and wells for drinking purposes and creeks for stock. Healthful location. Price $6 per acre, Va cash, balance in 6 and 12 months. • R. L. Tyson, Moore County. Carthage, N. C. No. 72 C. — Fruit farm .35 acres. Principally level, Avith sandy soil. Rail- x'oad station on farm. Good well and spring, with branches for stock. Health- ful location. Good 10-room dwelling, with bath and modern improvements. 22 Five acres in grapes, 3,000 peach trees, 400 plum trees, 2 acres in dewberries, etc. Price $4,000, lA cash, balance on time. Jos. D. Sayek, Cumberland County. Leavitt, N. C. No. 73 C— Farm 8641^ acres; 100 in cultivation, 250 in old field, 100 in forest of pine, poplar, etc. Rolling enough for good drainage, light sandy loam soil. Suitable for corn, peas, tobacco, watermelons, cantaloupes, lettuce, etc. Two miles from railroad station (Raleigh and Southport), 11 miles from Fayetteville, 14 mile from church and school. Good spring water in abun- dance. Healthful location. Especially suited for colonization, and on account of location and healthfulness suitable for sanitarium. Good 11-room house, barn, granary, wagon shed, 2 store buildings, 3-room tenant house, old tenant house. Price $4,322.50, % cash, balance to suit purchaser. Cumberland County. Albert A. Hale, 117 Broad St., Fayetteville, N. C. No. 74 C— Farm 200 acres; 32 in cultivation, 12 in old field, 165 in forest of long-leaf pine, oak, hickory, etc. Both rolling and level land, sand loam, with red clay subsoil. Suitable for cotton, corn, peas, tobacco and trucking. One mile from railroad town and school. Two pumps, open well and 2 springs, with branches for stock. Location unsurpassed for healthfulness. Railroad passes through land, and that in cultivation has recently been cleared. One 6-room dwelling, two 3-room tenant houses, one barn and necessary outbuild- ings. Price $15 per acre, % cash, balance in 12 months. Cumberland County. A. S. Richardson. Rockfish, N. C. No. 75 C. — Farm 265 acres; 100 in cultivation, balance in long and short- leafed pine, estimated will cut 700.000 feet of lumber ; 50 acres black soil, bal- ance sandy loam, with clay subsoil. Suitable for grass, corn, cotton, tobacco, potatoes, oats, trucking, etc. Nine-room dwelling (new), with 70 feet of porch, 2 large barns, 2 small barns, large stables, 2 tobacco barns, with stone flues, 2 tenant houses and other outhouses. Good water : no malaria. Post- office, with daily mail, on the farm. Church and school in sight. Plight miles from Fayetteville, with macadamized road, 2Vj miles from South Yander, a station on the Cape Fetir Rnilroad. Price .$6,000, terms easy. Cumberland County. D. C. Downing, Buckhorn, N. C. No. 76 C. — One mile west of the above farm lies a tract with 472 acres, 2 miles from Vander and 6 miles from Fayetteville on macadamized road, situ- ated on Cape Fear River, above high water mark ; 50 acres in cultivation, 245 good farming land, along river, 75 acres rich swamp, easily drained. Good water iiower for grist mill and cotton gin. Good springs. One million feet pine timber; several thousand cords of wood. Small dwelling. Can be made one of the best places in the country. Price $10 per acre, terms easy. Cumberland County. D. C. Downing, Buckhorn, N. C. 23 No. 77 C. — Farm 140 acres, within 100 yards of corporate limits of Grimes- land, on bigtiest elevation in this section. Within 1 mile of Tar River, which gives it advantage of water freight i.'ates, and about 700 yards frontage on Greenville and Washington road. Eight miles from Washington, N. C. Good 6-room dwelling and outhouses. Price $3,500. If sold in small lots $40 per acre. Alston and J. Bryan Grimes, Pitt County. Grimesland, N. C. No. 78 C. — Fai'm 129 acres; 60 in cultivation, 69 in forest of pine, etc. Sur- face level, gray and black soil. Staple crops, corn, cotton, tobacco, peas, pota- toes and truck. Eight miles from nearest railroad town, 2 miles from church, 11/2 miles from school. Pump and well, creek borders one side of farm. Very healthful. Good 6-room dwelling, with outbuildings and 2 tenant houses. About 35 acres now in high state of improvement, producing from 450 to 500 pounds lint cotton per acre ; 20 acres produce fine tobacco ; balance cleared, new ground, first and second year. Buildings valued at over $2,500. New railroad survey within one mile of farm. Rural telephone service. Price $37.-50 per acre, 14 cash, balance three annual payments, with interest. Sampson County. W. E. Baggett, Dunn, N. C, R. F. D. No. 6. No. 79 C. — Farm 136 acres: 110 in cultivation, 26 in forest of pine and gum. Soil coarse stiff sand and level clay subsoil. Staple crops, cotton, peanuts, corn, cane, etc. Marl on place. Four mile from nearest railroad town, 4 miles from church, 2 miles from school. Driven pumps for drinking purposes, branches for stock. Very healthful. Dwelling newly painted and renovated, good stables and outhouses. Two-story dwelling, large grove ; fine place for poulti-y. Price $33..S3 per acre, i/^ cash, ten years' time on balance. Edgecombe County. W. A. Thigpen, Conetoe, N. C. SHOULD YOU MOVE TO THIS STATE, PLEASE NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, RALEIGH, N. 0. E. M. UZZELL & CO., PRINTERS, RALEIGH. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 432 822 P