Hollin pH8 Mill Run I /> Excursion to St. Paul, Minn, JUNE 6th, 1893. MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. CoMMANDERY OF THE StATE OF IlLINOIS. Chicago, III., April 5th, 1893. Commander and Companions : Your Committee to arrange for an excursion to St. Paul, to attend the Seventh Quadrennial Congress and Second Grand Reunion of the Order, June 7th and 8th, 1893, submit the following report and program. Invitations to attend this reunion have been accepted by all of the Commanderies, and the indications are that there will be a large attendance. The Commandery of the State of Minnesota are making elaborate preparations for the entertain- ment of visiting Companions, and the affair throughout promises to be one of the most interesting and enjoyable events in the history of the Order. The Commandery of the State of Wisconsin have invited us to call on them at Milwaukee while en route to St. Paul, and will go with us on the trip from there. ^ VO i- .1 A'^t? une 6th, 11.00 A. M. <( X 1.15 P. M. << it 9.00 P. M. " 7th, 7.30 A. M. 9th, 8.30 A. M. << << 13.45 P. M " 10th, 8.00 A. M. << «t 13.30 P. M. (( <( 8.00 P. M. •' 11th, 8.30 A. M. We have engaged special trains over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and St. Paul & Duluth Railroads, to be run as follows : I.eave CHICAGO, - - Tuesday J Arr. MILWAUKEE, I.eave MILWAUKEE, " Arr. ST. PAUL., - - W^ednesday Leave ST. PAUL, - - Friday Arr. DULUTH, " Leave DULUTH, - - Saturday Arr. MINNEAPOLIS, " Leave MINNEAPOLIS, Arr. CHICAGO, - - Sunday On the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, June 6th, we will meet the Commandery of Wisconsin at their rooms in Milwaukee. On Wednesday June 7th, the Congress will assemble at 10 o'clock A. M., in the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. The Headquarters of the Minnesota Commandery will be at the Hotel Ryan, St. Paul, on June 7th and 8th, and will be the general rendezvous for Companions not otherwise engaged. On the evening of June 7th, a meeting in honor of visiting Companions will be held in the Metropolitan Opera House. On the afternoon of June 8th, an excursion will be made to Lake Minnetonka, leaving St. Paul at 1:30 p. m., and return- ing at 6 o'clock p. M. On the evening of June 8th, the Minnesota Commandery will tender a reception to visiting Companions and their ladies, at the Hotel Ryan. Something of interest will be found to occupy the time while at Duluth, and on Saturday afternoon, June loth, visits will be made to Minnehaha, Fort Snelling, and other points of interest in and near Minneapolis. The Hotel Ryan at St. Paul has made a rate of $3.00 per day for this occasion, or $3.50 to $4.50 for rooms with bath, and other hotels there have made reductions in rates. As soon as we can approximate the number to be provided for, suitable accommodations for our party will be secured at the principal hotels at points named. :9 The necessary cost of this trip will not exceed $35.00. The railroad fare has been fixed at one and one-third fares ($15.35) for the round trip Chicago to St. Paul and return, on the certificate plan, which makes it necessary for each person to pay full fare going, securing from the ticket agent a certif- icate, which must be countersigned by the Recorder at St. Paul, and stamped by the ticket agent there to secure a one-third fare returning; but to avoid errors and vexations incident to this plan, this Committee will secure certificates for those taking the special train at Chicago, and return tickets for all who go with us on this train. The fare from St. Paul to Duluth and return will be $3.00, and sleeping car berths between Chicago and St. Paul will cost $2.00 each way. All orders and remittances for tickets and accommoda- tions on these trains should be addressed to Gen. J. H. Stibbs, Room 88, Post Office Building, Chicago, 111. Those desiring to make the round trip as indicated above, should remit $22.35 for each person. This covers railroad fare and berths in sleeper going and returning. Companions who do not wish to make the trip to Duluth, may remit $17.35, which covers railroad fare Chicago to St. Paul and return and berth in sleeper Chicago to St. Paul. Any who secure places in this train who find it imprac- tical to leave Chicago at the hour named, may, if they prefer, take one of the regular later trains on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road and join our party at Milwaukee. Sleeping cars will be at a premium during the World's Fair season, and in order to secure the requisite number for this trip, it is essential that we shall know not later than May 15th, the number of persons to provide for, and to this end we enclose a card which we ask you to fill out and return at earliest date practicable, stating whether you expect to attend the reunion; whether you will make the round trip on special train; whether you wish a berth in sleeper secured; whether you will accept an upper berth, and whether you wish a room engaged at hotel. State number of persons. 012 195 458 8 Companions of other Commanderies who may receive this circular and who desire to secure accommodations through this Committee, should correspond at once with General Stibbs, making known their wishes as indicated by above questions, and remitting to him the amount stipulated. Companions accompanied by ladies are expected to engage a full section in the sleeper. Others are requested to choose partners, so that reservations may be made by sections. Lower berths will be reserved for the infirm and disabled, and all who can are requested to signify a willingness to occupy an upper berth. Where a full section is engaged it may be occu- pied by two or more persons. Transportation good on any other train of the C, M. & St. P. Railroad will be good on this train. Remittances may be made at any time after receipt of this circular, and all berths reserved must be paid for on or before June ist. A postal card receipt for remittances will be sent to all who engage places on this train, and this card must be preserved and presented when tickets are called for. Tickets will be delivered at office of F. A. Miller, Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent C, M. & St. P. Railroad, at No. 207 Clark Street, Chicago, 111., on or after June 5th, 1893. Return tickets will be handed you by General Stibbs on arrival at St. Paul. J. H. STIBBS, C. E. BLIVEN, E. A. BLODGETT, Committee. ^- / HoUinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3'l 955