■1 ^■i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^ ^g^-O ©l^p. _-.>.-_ ifljt^rig]^ ^ix* Shelf ...-V\L5S UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. y ?' ;•;=■= si uV^Ji^V;! :-V ^ ^7^ ^ A Lady's Book ^-^ l-L •-- ON ^ji_ l-L J*_v Crochet Work GIVING FULL INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL KINDS OF <5F(O<5[iEJlff0 ■IN- VDobbon ® Klnep ® Sill^ ^^d Wool Fdyy liidSTR/^TED PRICE 35 CENTS chicago, ill. Western Lace Manufacturing Co. .-. , ... .. . I.,, ;Bag a |^lonr;)e fop^oup family TEN YEARS RENT AT $40 A MONTH PAYS FOR AN ELEGANT HOME AT HUBURN PHRK, The Finest Stdmrb of Chicago. i- u & 0) U) o o JxT I U\ TO H T) :3 00 3 CA O 1— cA i— T3 u I -a N CO a. ro CA e ^ o TO •x: -o 0) TO (T3 c- u £ :3 TO -1 _ 3 ^ (t o CQ 00 00 > w -I z o m o •^ and into the first leaf from joining U and back into the ring, *.) and cross over, join to the first leaf from joining on opposite wheel, ch. 9 and back into the ring, ch. 9 and back into the next leaf, 9 and into the ring 9 and into the next leaf, 9 and back into the ring. Break your thread. Put the same joining on opposite side of tidy. The border is the same as on the mat, with the exception ol crossing joinings with the border chain and first row of holes on the borders. Set the needle into the top loop of little leaf, ch 7 between each leaf and ch. 9 crossing the join- ing and single crochet into center hole of the joining. The second row of border is the same as on mat No. 21, skip three stitches and double crochet into the fourth, so the border will not 1)6 too full on the sides. 23 XX. This tidy is same pattern as No, 21 and 1135, only more wheels are joined together which is done same as No. 1135 by joining the little leaves together, 3 on each wheel, leaving 3 leaves on each wheel in center for center joining which are made same as side joinings of 1135, only 9 ch. and into every leaf finishing off in 10 center ring. The same border is on all this pattern of tidy, but any border can be substituted in its place. No. 23. X. We give also a cut of one size larger tidy which is the- same pattern throughout as the above. This pattern is made into bedspreads and shams whicli are very pretty and durable, made in linen finished cotton. No. 22 X. Ch. 20 stitches: s. c. into each stitch of cli., s. c. 3 times into 18th stitch, crochet u[) o[)p()site side of ch., 16 stitchea ch. 1, turn, * s. c. into back half of 17 stitches, 3 s. c. into isth stitch, s. c. up other side, 10 stitches (always taken u[) back half of stitch), chain 1, turn, repeat from * until there are 4 points each side of center point (each point sets- 11 2 stitches lower than the last), finish at the end where you go 3 times into IStli stitch. Make 4: of these pieces, the second one joins to the first by a s. c. coming down last time at 13th stitch; the third piece joins to second the same; the fourth joins on one side to the third, and the other side to the first piece ; s. c. all together at the ends where each finish. THE ROW THAT CROCHETS AROl ND POINTS. Join thread in * 5th stitch on side, ch. 5 s. c, into 4th stitch of chair, ch. 1. s. c. into first point, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch of chain, ch. 1 s. c. into next point, c. h. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch of chain, c. h. 1 into s. c. into next point, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch of chain, ch. 1 s. c. into side of center point, ch. 8 s. c. into other side of center point. Repeat from * down the other side of center point to cross from one piece to the other, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch, ch, 1 count 5 stitches down on the next piece, s. c. into 5th stitch. Repeat from the first * all around the 4 pieces. (Separate wheels join in each of the 4 corners.) 1st Row: Ch. 4 join s. c. twice into each stitch until you have 16 stitches around the ring. 2d Row: Ch. 8 d. c. into 2d stitch, * ch. 4 d. c. into 2d stitch ch. 4. Repeat from * until you have 8 loops around. Ch. 2 d. c. into first loop, * ch. 4 d. c. into stitch at top of double crochet just below the first stitch of 4 chain, ch. 4 s. c. into same stitch, ch. 4 s. c. into same stitch, ch. 2 s. c. into stitch at top of first double crochet of preceding row, ch. 2 d. c. into next loop ch. 4, repeat * until you have 5 little leaves. The sixth leaf joins to the third picot; the seventh leaf joins to center picot ; the eighth leaf joins to 3d picot on opposite side. These three little leaves are joined while making, by top loop of little leaves. VI BORDER. 1st Row: There are 8 chains between each leaf, and 12 chains from top of 8 chains on points to the leaves joined. 2d Row: Ch. 4 d. c. into 3d stitch of chain. * ch. 2 d. c, into 3d stitch of chain. Repeat * all around. 3d Row: Ch. 4 d. c. into top of double of preceding row, * ch. 2 into to[) of next double. Repeat from * all around. 4th Row: Ch. 5 s. c. into every 4th stitch. Repeat this all around the mat. 5th Row: SI. st. to top of first loop, ch. 5 s. c. into top of next loop, ch. 5 into top of next loop, ch. 3, d. c. into second stitch of next loop, * d. c. into the next stitch of the same loop, d. c. into the next stitch making S doubles at top of loop ch. 3, s. c. into top of next loop, ch. 5 s. c. into top of next loop, ch. 5 into top of next loop, ch. 3 d. c. into 2d stitch of next loo[). Repeat from * all around, join si. st. to top of loop. 6th Row: Ch. 5 s. c. into top of next loop ch. 4, make 5 double crochets over the 3 doubles, * ch. 4 s. c. top of next loop, ch. 5 s. c. in top of next loop ch. 4, make 5 doubles over the next 3 doubles. Repeat from * until this row is finished. 7tli Row: 9 d. c. over the 5 doubles, 9 chains between. Repeat all around. 8th Row: 5 d. c. over 9 doubles, * ch. 4 d. c. into 4th stitch of 9 chain, ch. 1 d. c. into next stitch, ch. 1 d. c. into next stitch, ch. 1 into next stitch, ch. 1 into next stitch, ch. 4 d. c. 5 doubles over the next 9 doubles. Repeat from * until this row is finished. 9th Row: Starting from center of T) doubles over the 9 doubles, * ch. G s. c. into top of first double over 9 chain, ch. 3 s. c. into next double, ch. 3 into top of next double, ch. 3 into next, ch. 3 into next, ch. (3 into center of 5 doubles. Repeat *. 13 No. 22 XX. This cut is the same pattern as the mat above, only 2 squares are joined together by the 8 ch. over the middle point, and one little leaf on each wheel joins the opposite one on the finished square. After the 2 squares are joineil there is a space left each side of points for picot. Chain joinings fasten thread in little leaf, ch. s. o. into 4th stitch of chain, ch. 6 s. c. into 5th stitch of chain, ch. 5 s. c. into 5th stitch of chain, ch. 1 s. c. into first picot at side of middle point, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch, ch. I s. c. into first picot on opposite scjuare, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch, ch. 1 s. c. into little leaf, ch. 5 s. c. into 4th stitch, ch. 1 s. c. into little leaf. At the commencement of joining, break off the thread. This same joining goes in on other side of points. The same V)order goes on this as on the mats, others can be substituted. The next cut represents a tidy same pattern as this, only larger size, on which there is another border. 14 No. 23. There are the same number of stitches in the first row of border as in 22 X. 2d Row: Chain 4 treble into the next stitch, * chain 2 t. into 3d stitch, t, into next stitch, chain 2 t. into 3d stitch, t. into next stitch, chain 2, and repeat *. 3d Row: Chain 4, s. c. between the trebles under 2 chain. 4th Row: Chain 4 and make 6 trebles under the loop of 4 ch., * chain 1 make 6 trebles under the next loop of 4 ch., chain 4 s. c. under next loop, chain 4 s. c. under next loop, chain 4 make 6 t. under the next loop, and repeat from *. 5tli Row: Chain * 4 s. c. between the 6 t., chain 4 s. c. between (5 t. under the one chain, chain 4 s. c. between the next 6 t., chain 4 s. c. under the loop of 4 ch., chain 4 s. c. under the next loop, chain 4 s. c. under the next loop of 4 ch., chain 4 s. c. between the 6 i, and repeat from *. 6th Row: Chain 4 s. c. under each loop of 4 ch., and s. c. into the stitch between shells so as to draw it into a scallop. 7th Row: Chain * (> s. c. back into the 3d stitch, chain 3 s. c. under the loop of 4 ch., chain G and repeat from *. This row has a little picot at the top of each loop and that finishes the border. 15 No. 111. Make 8 ch. join in a ring. 1st Row: Cli. 3 (1. c. '24 times into ring, join to top of 8d chain. 2d Row: Ch. 5 d. c. into same stitch, * ch. 1 d. c. into second stitch, ch. 1 d. c. into same stitch. Repeat from * until you have 12 v shaped holes. 3d Row: Ch. 2 * d. c. into first v shaped hole, ch. 4 s. c. into top of double crochet below first stitch of 4 chain, ch. 4 s. c. into same place, ch. 4 s. c. into same place, ch. 2 s. c. under chain between v shaped holes. Repeat from * all around. 4th Row: Ch. 7 s. c. into top of each leaf all around wheel. 5th RoAv: Ch. 8 d. c. into each stitch of chain all around. 6th Row: Ch. 5 d. c. into same stitch, ch. 3 d. c. into 4th stitch, * ch. 2 d. c. into same stitch, ch. 3 d. c. into 4. Repeat from * until you have 24 v shaped holes. 7th Row: ch. 2 d. c. into first v shaped hole ch. 4. This row is same as 3d row, and finishes the wheel . Each wheel is joined together by 3 little leaves on last row while making little leaves, and are joined so as to leave 12 little leaves in centers on each wheel for center joinings. The center joinings are made same as 1st, 2d and 3d row of wheel and joined by little leaves while making. 16 BORDER. 1st Row: Join into one of the leaves, ch. 9 s. c. into 5th stitoli of i> chain, ch. 4 s. c. into top of next leaf ch. 9. Re- peat all around tidy. 2d Row: Ch. 7 s. c. into top of each picot on last row. (The 3 picots where the wheels join are drawn together l»y s. c. into each of the 8 picots to make a side chain joining. ) Repeat all around. (Join rows off even every time around. ) 3d Row: Ch. 3 d. c. into same place, ch. 1 d. c. into same place twice, * ch. 4 d. c. into top of next picot twice, ch. 1 d. c. into same place twice. Repeat from *. 4th Row : Make shell in center of preceding shell with 1 ch. between, ch. * 3 s. c. the chains of 7 and 4 together, ch. 3 d. c. into center of next shell 4 times with 1 ch. between. Repeat from * all around. 5th Row: Ch. 9 from center of shell, * s. c. into 5th stitch of 9 chain, ch. 4 s. c. into same stitch, ch. 4 into same place (making little leaf same as on wheel), ch. 4 s. c. into top of next shell ch. 9. Repeat *. STAR STITCH. Make a chain the required length. 1st Row: Raise 4 stitches in the tricotee (or Afghan) stitch. This makes 5 loops on the hook, pick up the thread, draw through all 5 loops, make one ch. Put the hook through the hole formed by this chain stitch, and raise one stitch; raise a second stitch by inserting the hook in the back part of the last of the 5 stitches through which thread was draAvn ; raise the next 2 stitches on the chain. There are now 5 loops on the hook. Draw the thread through all 5 ch. 1 ; this ends the second star. Repeat from * across the chain and break off the thread. 2d Row: Join the thread ch. 2: raise the first ch. st., then 17 insert the hook througli the next which is the small hole in center of the first star and raise another ; then raise another on the back half of the next horizontal stitch. There are now 4 loops on the hook. Draw thread through all 4 and ch. 1 *, insert the hook through the last hole formed by the last ch. st., and raise a stitch ; raise the back half of the next stitch, which is the last stitch of star just made; raise the next which ought to be the center of star in preceding row ; raise the following horizontal stitch — always the back half. There are now 5 loops on the hook. Draw thread through all ch. 1 ; repeat from * ; in finish- ing the row there will be only 4 loops to draw through. It is always best in making sacques or such articles to pick up one more stitch to make the 5 stitches at each side to shape a slop- ing edge. Every row is made the same as 2d row. STAR STITCH SACQUE. Make a chain of 88 stitches. 1st Row : Make 40 stars. '2d Row: Make 3, increase in 4th (increasing means two stars in same stitch) ; make 3, increase in fourth; make 1, in- crease in 2d; make 8, increase in 9th; make 1, increase in 2d; make 8, increase in 9th; make 1, increase in 2d; make 8. 3d Row: Make 8, increase in 9tli; make 25, increasa ia 2()th; make 3, increase in 4th; make 8. 18 4th Row: Make 0, increase in 7th; make 1. increase in 2d; make 4, increase in oth: make 7. increase in 8th; make 3, in- crease in 4tli : make It. increase in lUtli ; make 5, increase in «)t)i: make 1, increase in 2d; make (>. 5th Row: Make *>, increase in lOth; make (). increase in 7th: make 23, increase in 24th; make 7. increase in Nth; make 9. <)th Row: Make 5. increase in Oth; make 3, increase in 4th: make 8, increase in l)th; make ."), increase in ()th; make 10. inci'ease in 11th; make (]. increase in 7tli; make 9, increase in 10th; make It. 7th Row: Make 10, increase in 11th: make 10. increase in 11th; make 25, increase in 2()th : make 11, increase in 12th; make 4. increase in 5th; make 4. Nth Row: Make 2, increase in 3d: make 7, increase in ^th: make 12, increase in 13th; make 20, increase in 21st; make 4, increase in 5tli; make 21, increase in 22d; make 2. l)th Row: Make 11, increase in 12th; make 14, increase in 15th ; make 3, increase in 4th ; make 22, increase in 23d ; make 14. increase in 15th; make 11. 10th Row: Make ~), increase in Dth: make 5, increase in *)th: make K), increase in 17th; make 1, increase in 2d; make 22, increase in 23d; make 2, increase in 3d; make lO. increase in 17th: make 5, increase in Oth ; make 1(), increase in 17th; make 1. increase in 2d; make 22, increase in 23d; make 2, in- crease in 3d: make 10, increase in 17th: make 5, increase in i')th: make 5. 11th Row: Make 12, increase in 13th; make 18, increase in I'Jth: make 29, increase in 30th; make 18. increase in 19th; make 12. 12th Row: Make 9, increase in lOth; make 2, increase in 3d; make 20, increase in 21st; make 13, increase in 14th; make 1. increase in 2d; make 13, increase in 14th; make 20, increase in 21st; make 2. increase in 3d; make 9. 13th Row: Make 12, increase in 13th; make 1, draw 2 19 and 3 together; make 4. draw 5 and 6 together; make 1, draw 2 and 3 together; make 6, draw 7 and 8 together; make 3, increase in 4th; make 30, increase in 31st; draw 1 and 2 together; make 4, draw 5 and 6 together; make 11, draw 12 and 18 together; make 2, increase in 3d: make 13. (Tie sleeves together. ) 14th Row: Make 33, increase in 34th; make 23. increase in 24th;. make 1. loth Row: Make 1, increase in 2d; make 23, increase in 24th; make 35. 16th Row: Make 4, increase in 5th; make V-K increase in 20th; make 12. increase in 13th; make 20. increase in 21st; make 4. 17th Row: Make 67. 18th Row: Make 7, increase in 8th; make 15, increase in 16th; make 18. increase in 19th; make 16. increase in r7th; make 7. 19th Row: Make 71. 20th Row: Make 11, increase in 12th; make 17, increase in 18th: make 17. increase in 18th; make 12. increase in 13th; make 10. FOR SLEEVE. Do 3 rows, 24 stitches each. 4th Row: Make 8, draw 9 and 10 together; make 7, draw 8 and 9 together; make 5. 5th Row: Make 2, draw 3 and 4 together; make 18. ♦ >th Row: Make 18. draw 19 and 20 toofether; make 1. 7tli Row: Make 10, draw 11 and 12 toofether; make 8. BORDER FOR STAR STITCH SACQUE. 1st Row: Begin at bottom of sacque, make 4 double stitches in every other star ( across bottom only for 2 rows ) . 2d Row: Make in 1st stitch of 4 double, a chain of 5 stitches; insert the needle in the space between the double stitches, and make 4 double stitches. 20 .'5(1 Tlinv: Commence at neck, work down the side 4 doubles in every other star ; then at bottom -4 doubles in space between the 4 doubles on preceding row (at corners make s doubles in the space to prevent the border having a curled ap- pearance). 4th Row (which will be 1st row around neck) : Begin at corner of neck, crochet 4 doubles across neck and around sac(|ue; 4 doubles in space between 4 doubles on preceding row ) . 5th Row: Same as 4th; 1 row of silk. Now take knitting silk, tie in c;)rner at bottom, make a chain of 8 stitches, fasten by single crochet in the stars omitted on 1st row of double stitches ( tliis will form a scallop of silk in chain stitch), continue across bottom only, break the silk, and commence again at the corner where you tied the silk. 2d Row in silk: Make 8 chain stitches, tie the silk between the 4 double stitclies and through the silk scallop (tliis fastens- the scallop down), then make 8 chain stitches and put needle under 1st row of scallops and through center of 4 double stitches, and fasten by single crochet, continuing across the bottom. 3d Row: Commence at neck (tie silk at corner), crochet 8 chain stitches; insert needle in center of 4 double in wool- continuing around the sacque (except the neck). 4tli Row: Same as 3d row, only going around the neck. 5th Row: Same as 4th row. ()tli Row: For the edge make 7 double stitches of silk in center of 4 doubles in wool, and fasten scallop in space between 4 double stitches in wool; this completes the border; the sleeve is done in the same way, only making 3 rows of double stitches in wool and 3 rows of chain, finishing with 7 stitches in double, in silk. Finish sacque with cord and tassels. 21 SHELL STITCH FASCINATOR. Chain 7 d. c. intci first stitch of chain 10 times, turn chain 4 d. c. back into the same stitch 7 times s. c. into middle of first shell, d. c. into last stitch of shell 7 times, turn chain 4 d. c. into same stitch 7 times, s. c. into middle of next shell, 7 d. c. into the stitch be- tween the shells and s. c. into the middle of next shell, 7 d. c. into the last stitch of next shell, turn and repeat from * increasing 1 shell on each row, until the fascinator is ^ yd. wide and li yd. long, the border for this fascinator same shell, only d. c. lO times into same place, drawing thread so as to make the stitches long and fiuff'y. STAR STITCH TOBOGGAN CAP. (You will find directions for making star stitch in this book. ) Chain o join in a ring, fill Avith 24 d. c. join. Chain 3, make 3 plain rows of stars around, after this increase (> stars every time around, until the caj) measures 8 inches across (to in- crease means two stars in one place), crochet the stars plain around without increasing until the cap measures 12^ from the point to the bottom. Hold the cap with the wrong side out and reverse the rows until you have 4 rows of stars which turns up for the border, finish with a shell or scallop. This cap plaits down in the front, taking the ])oint and catching it down halfway, then make another plait down to the border, finish off the front with 3 pom -pons. To make the pom-pons wind the yarn around the four fingers ()0 times, tie in the middle, and clip the ends off even. 22 TUICOT AND CROCHET DRESS. The waistcoat and skirt are worked in one piece in ribbed crochet, commencing at tlie throat with 48 chain. 1st How: With blue wool pass over the first stitch, one double into each of 20 stitches, three into the next, one double into each of 20 stitches; the first and last stitches in each row are not M'orked into. 2d Row: One double into the back horizontal loop of each of 20 stitches, 3 into the next, 1 double into the back hori- zontal loop of each of 20 next stitches; all the rows are like the 2d; 2 rows are Avorked with blue and 2 with white wool. After you have worked 25 ribs of the length rec^uired for the waistcoat, continue to work G more ribs, but Avork 2 stitches into the first and last of the 43 stitches to increase the number of stitches for the front of skirt. When you have 30 ribs, counting from the top, M'ork on one side only of the point, pass over the first stitch at the bottom of skirt, and work 2 into the end stitch at top of the skirt. Continue to work in this way until you have 40 ribs. Then, to make the end of the work square, pass over the edge stitch at bottom as before, and work up to the last three in the row. The other half of skirt is worked in the stitch but same way. For the bodice commence at the lower edge, make a chain the length required; about 118 will be sufficient. 1st to Gth Row: Work up and off with blue wool in plain tricot. In the 7th row decrease (> times at equal distances by working up two loops together. There slioukl be 1 decrease iinder each arm, and 4 in the back; continue to work in plain tricot, decreasing () times in every 3d row, until you have de- creased to the size required for the waist; work five rows without increase or decrease ; now increase by working up 2 loops through 1 under each arm, and above the 2 center de- creases in the middle of the back; increase 5 times with 2 plain rows between each increase, or more if necessary. Now for the right front, work up 20 stitches, work off 2 together, work off in the usual way; work up 10 stitches, work up 2 together, work off in the usual way; work up 18, work up 2 together, work off in the usual way ; work up 17, work up 2 together, work off in the usual way; now work without increase till you reach the top of the arm. For the shoulder work up 10 stitches, work off, work up 14, work off, work up twelve, work off, work off ten, work \\i> all the loops to the end of the row, work off. The other front is worked as described for the first. For the back work on the remaining; stitches without in- crease or decrease till you have reached top of the shoulder; decrease for slope of shoulders as you did for the front, that is, by Avorking on 2 stitches less at each end in every row un- til you reach the neck. For the sleeve make a chain the length required acros.? the top of arm. To shape the sleeve a little at the top work 24 the 1st row on all the loops, 2d row on 21 center loops, 3d row on 2l> loops, that is, 3 more on each side of the 21 loops, tlieji work on all the loops for about 14 rows. Decrease twice in the center of each alternate row by working up 2 loops to- gether twice until the sleeve is the length required. Now sew the bodice up on the shoulders, sew in the sleeves. The waistcoat must next be sewed in, the edge of the front must be j)laced a little over the waistcoat at the waist, in order to give it a good shape. Sew the 2 ends of the skirt together, and arrange it in 4 box-plaits to fit the edge of bodice; and sew them together. For the scalloped trimming work round the bodice as fol- lows : 1st Row: With white wool draw up a loop through a stitch, turn the wool over the hook, draw up another loop, draw through all the loops on the hook together, one chain, repoat, working into each stitch. 2d Row: Like the first. 3d Row: With blue wool Avork one loosely into each stitch of last row. This trimming will form a frill Avhich must be arranged in scallops and fixed by a needle and wool. The same trimming forms a cuff for the sleeve. For the edge of skirt work with white wool ; draw up a loop through a stitch, turn the wool over the hook, draw up a loop through the next stitch, draw through all the loo})S on the hook to- gether, 3 chain, one double into the 1st. Repeat from begin- ning of the row. 4th Row: With blue wool, like the first, working into the stitches of last row behind the picots. A bow of ribbon is sewed on the left shoulder, and one in the center of the back at the edge of bodice. The little frock should have a IxdajjcNsc of muslin edged with lace put into the skirt where it is joined to the bodice, as this gives a refined finish. 25 PINEAPPLE LACE. Make a chain of stitches. 1st Row: Miss 4, 3 d. c. in 5th loop, ch. 2, 8 d. c. in same 5th loo[); this forms a shell, 1 d. c. in last stitch of chain; turn. 2d Row : Ch. 3 shell in shell, 1 d. c. in loop at end of first row; turn. 3d Row: Ch. 3, shell in shell, I d. c. in loo}) at end of 2d row; turn. Re[)eat 2d row until you have a strip of 10 shells. Under this strip a scallop is to be worked with the pineapple in the centre. This begins on the lltli row. 11th Row: Ch. 1, miss 2 shells, make a shell under the ch. 3, which is between the 8tli and Uth shells in strip, ch. 4, miss 3 shells in strip, make a shell, under ch. 3, between 5th and 6th shells in strip, ch. 4, make a shell under ch. 3, be- tween 2d and 3d shells in stri[) ; chain 5, fasten with s. c. in last loop of strip; turn. There are now 3 shells along the edge of strip of 10 shells. A row of shells is to be worked in the 1st and 3d of these shells, while the middle one forms the foundation for the pineapple. 12th Row: 10 s. c. under the ch. 5, ch. 1, shell in shell, ch. 4, 10 d. c. under ch. 2 in 2d shell, ch. 4, shell in shell, ch. 5, fasten with s. c. in ch. 1 of preceding row; turn. 13th Row: Work along the ch. 5 in slip stitch, to the 1st shell, ch. 1, shell in shell, ch. 4, 1 s. c. between 1st and 2d d. 20 c, cli. 2, 1 s. c. between 2d and 3(1 d. c. and so on through tlit^ 10 d. e."s.. eh. 4, shell in shell, ch. o, fasten with s. c. in ch. 1 oi: 12th row; turn. 14tli row: 10 d. c. under ch. o, eh. 1, shell in shell, ch. 3, 1 s. e. imder 1st 2 ch. * ch. 2. 1 s. c. imder next eh. 2; repeat from * until there are 8 s. c, ch. 3, shell in shell, ch. 5, 1 s. c. under ch. 1 in 13th roAv ; turn. ] 5th Row: Work along the ch. 5 in slip stitch, ch. 1, shell in shell, ch. 3. 1 s. e. under 1st ch. 2, * ch. 2, 1 s. c. under next ch. 2; repeat from * until there are 7 s. c, ch. 3 shell in shell, ch. 5, fasten in ch. 1 in 14th row; turn. l()th Row: Like 14th row, except there are only 6 s. c. iu. pineapple instead of 8. 17th Row: Like 15th row, but 5 s. c. instead of 7. iNth Row: Like lOth row. but 4 s. c. IDtli Row: Like 17th, but 3 s. c. 20th Row: 10 s. c. under ch. 5. ch. 1, shell in shell, ch. 3, 1 s. c. under 1st ch. 2, ch. 2. 1 s. c. under next ch. 2, ch. 3^ shell in shell, ch. 5, 1 s. c. under ch. 1 ; turn. 21st Row: Work along the ch. 5 in slip stitch, eli. 1, shell in shell, thread twice round the needle, put the needle between the 2 s. c. at end of pineapple, thread over draw it through two loops, thread over draw it through two loops, thread over draw it through two loops, shell in shell, ch. 5,. fasten with s. c. in ch. 1 of last row; turn. 22d Row: 10 d. c. under ch. 5, fold the Avhole pineapple together lengthwise, so the two end shells lie against each other; put the needle through the center of both shells, and join with 1 s. c. ; open out your work. eh. 5. fasten with 1 s. c. in ch. 1 of last row: turn. 23d Row: Work along ch. 5 in sli[) stitch, then turn, and ])ut 10 single crochet in large loop, 1 slip stitch in eh. 1. and so on till you have filled in the () loops, ch. 1, shell in shell,, join with s. c. at end of row; turn, and continue as at tirst, until you have 10 shells, when you start the 2d scallop by re- 27 peating from the 11th row. The first 4 loops on the edge of each scaHop are to be joined in the working to the last 4 loops of the previous scallop, by working 5 s. c, then taking the needle out, putting it through the middle s. c. of previous scallop, drawing the loop through, and finishing the 10 s. c. as usual. Slip stitch is to put your needle in each of the 5 stitches, thread over the needle, and draw it through the stitch on the needle. PINEAPPLE INSERTION. 1st Row: Make a chain of 32 stitches, turn, make double crochet into each stitch of chain, commencing with 4tli stitch from the needle, thus making a double chain of 2S stitches i tiirn. 2d Row: Ch. 4, d. c. in next 2 stitches, eh. 2, d. c. in 3d stitch from needle, d. c. in next 7 stitches, ch. 2, d. c. in 3d stitch from needle, d. c. in next 7 stitches, ch. 2, d. c. in 3d stitch from needle, d. c. in last 2 stitches: turn. 3d Row: Ch. 4, d. c. in 1st stitch of 2d row, d. c. 3 times in ch. 2 of preceding row, ch. 2, d. c. again 3 times in same loop, which forms a shell, ch. 6, make a shell in next loop, ch. f), shell in next loop, d. c. 2 times the 1st stitch in 2d stitch from shell; turn. 4tli Row: Ch. 4, d. c. once, ch. 1, shell in shell, ch. 4, d. c. 8 times M'itli 2 ch. ])etweeii each d. e., in the middle shell, ch. 4, shell in shell, ch. 1. d. c. twice; turn. 5th Row: Ch. 4. d. c. once, ch. 1, shel] in shell, ch. 4, s. c. in 1st loop of S d. c, ch. 4, s. c. in next looj), und so on till the last, ch. 4, shell in shell, ch. 1, d. c. twice; turn. t)th Row: Ch. 4 d. c. twice, the 2d stitch in ch. 1 of pre- cedin;'';- row. ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, go across as before, ch. 4, shell, ch. 1, a d. c. 7tli RoAv: Ch. 4, 3 d. c. ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, go across as before, ch. 4, shell, ch. I, 4 d. c. Nth Row: Ch. 4, H d. c, ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, go across as before, ch. 4, shell, ch. 1, 4 d. c. 9th Row: Ch. 4, 5 d. c. the 4th and oth stitches being in 1 ch. of preceding row, ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, go across as before, cli 4. shell, ch. 1, <) tl. c. the 1st and 2d stitches in 1 ch. of 8th row. loth Row: Ch. 4, 7 d. c, ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, go across as before, ch. 4, shell, ch. 1, 8 d. c. llth Row: Ch. 4, 1) d. c, ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, fasten, ch. 4, shell, ch. 1, 10 d. c. 12th Row: Ch. 4, 11 d. c, ch. 1, shell, ch. 4, fasten, ch. 4, make only half of the next shell, then fasten it to the last shell made, make the other half of shell, ch. 1, 12 d. c. 13th Row: Ch. 4, 11 d. c, 2 d. c. in first 2 stitches of first shell, 2 d. c. in last 2 stitches of next shell, then 12 d. c, begin with 2d row. 29 LACE EDGING. This edging is worked as follows: Make a chain of 38 stitches. 1st Row: 1 s. c. in the 23d stitch of chain; alternate 3 times : 5 ch. st. ; 1 s. c. in the following 5th stitch. Then work 5 ch. st. ; miss 4 ; 3 d. c. in the following 3 st. 2d Row: 3 ch. st., which will serve as 1 d. c. ; work twice, 1 d. c. around the loop between the next two d. c. of last row ; then work 2 ch. st. ; 1 s. c. around the middle one of the next 5 ch. st. Alternate 3 times : 5 ch. st. ; 1 s. c. around the middle one of the next 5 ch. st. Then work 5 ch. st. ; 2 d. c. separated by 1 ch. st., around the ch. st. following the last s. c. ; 15 ch. st. 3d Row: 2 d. c, separated by 1 ch. st., around the ch. st., coming before the next d. c. of last row; 1 ch. st. ; 1 d. c. around the ch. st. coming between the next 2 d. c. ; 1 ch. st. : 2 d. c, separated by 1 ch. st. around the next 5 ch. st. ; alter- nate 3 times: 5 ch. st. ; 1 s. c. around the middle one of the next 5 ch. st. Then 5 ch, st. ; 1 d. c. around the ch. st. com- ing before the next d. c. ; work twice ; 1 d. c. around the loop comino; between next 2 d. c. 30 4tli Row: 8 cli. st., whicli will serve as 1 d. c. ; work twice 1 (1. c. around the loop coming between the next 2 d. c. of last Tiny. Then work 2 ch. st. ; 1 s. c. around the middle one of the next 5 eh. st. ; alternate twice: 5 ch. st. : 1 s. c. around the middle one of the next 5 ch. st. Work 5 ch. st. ; 2 d. c. ; separated by 1 ch. st. around the 2 ch. si, coming before next d. c. ; alternate 4 times: 1 ch. st. ; 1 d. c. around the ch. si, coming between the next 2 d. c. Then work 1 ch. st. ; 2 d. c, separated by I ch. si, around the following 5 ch. st. ; 15 ch. st. 5th to 8tli Rows inclusive: Work in the same manner as 3d and 4th rows, yet in every one of the rows the number of chains diminishes and the number of d. c. augments, as is shown in illustration. 9tliRow: 2 d. c. separate by 1 ch. st.. around the ch, si, coming before the next d. c. ; alternate li) times: 1 ch. st. ; 1 d. c. around ch. st.. comino; between the next 2 d. c. Work 2 d. c, separate by 1 ch. st., around next 5 ch. st. ; 5 ch. st. ; 1 d. c. around the ch. st., coming before the next d. c. work twice 1 d. c. around the loop coming between the next 2 d. c. 10th to 17th Rows inclusive: Are worked in same way as from 8th to the 1st rows inclusive. But make 12 ch. st. where the 15 ch. st. have to be made. Always continue to work the pattern from the 2d to the 17th rows inclusive. The border is worked as follows: * 4 s. c. around the chain between 2 points of work; s. c. around the next ch. of bottom edge; 10 s. c. around the following one ; 12 s. c. around the next chain ; 14 s. c. around the next; 12 s. c. around the next; 10 s. c. around the next; s. c. around the next two following chains. Re- j)eat from *. 31 STAR COLLAR, MADE OF \0. 60 LINEN THREAD. No. 1158. IT) stitches; chain L, turn, s. c. 12 stitches; chain 1, turn, Chain 25 stitches, set needle into second stitch and s. c. in- to each stitch. * Chain 1, turn, set needle into back half of first stitch ; s. c. into 20 stitch- es; chain 1, turn, set needle in back half of stitch, crochet 20 stitches; chain 1, turn, s. c, 16 stitches; chain 1, turn, s. c. s. c. 12 stitches: chain 1. turn, s. c. 8 stitches; chain 1, turn. s. c. 8 stitches. Now you commence increase until you have 25, the same as when you started. Single crochet up your 8 and chain 5. set needle into 2d stitch of chain, crochet down and you will have 12; chain 1, turn, s. c. across the 12 and chain 5, set needle into 2d stitch of chain, s. c. back 10 stitches; chain 1. turn, s, c. 16 stitches and chain 5, set needle into 2d stitch of chain, s. c. back 20 stitches; chain 1, turn, s. c. 20 stitches and chain 5, set needle into 2d stitch of chain, crochet back 2-4 stitches; chain 1. turn, and repeat from * always taking up back half of stitch, crochet along until you have 12 whole points and a half one at each end. Next is a row of holes, draw the thread in at top of first ])oint, chain 5, double crochet into same point; chain 1, d. c. betAveen 1st and 2d point; chain 1, d. c. in 2d point, repeat all around with d. c. and 1 chain between, and in top of points ; on long points chain 5 stitches. Next row is the stars, chain (i, join in a ring; chain 4, treble crochet into same stitch, crochet all off but two stitches, treble crochet into same stitch and you will have 3 stitches on the needle. Treble crochet into same stitch and crochet all off; chain S, t. c. into next stitch, crochet all off but two stitches, t c. into same stitch, crochet all off but 3, t. c. into same stitch, 32 crochet all oif but 4, t. c. into same stitch, crochet all off; chain S, t. c. int(^ next stitch, crochet all off but two stitches; t. c. into same stitch, crochet all off but 3; t. c. into same stitch, crochet all off but 4 ; t. c. into same stitch, crochet all off' ; chain 4, join with s. c. into 3d hole from top between the points;, chain 4, t. c. and make another little leaf; chain 8, join in 3d hole from center; chain 3, join in opposite 3d hole from center; chain 4: join in center of 8 chain; chain 4, t. c. into next stitch and make another leaf; chain 4, join in 3d from top on the other point; chain 4, make another leaf; chain 8, and join to the first leaf. Between each of the points you crochet a stnr the same as above, BORDER. 1st Row: Draw thread in first point, * chain 8, s. c. in first 8 chain of star; chain, 8 s. c. in next 8 chain of star; chain 8, s. c. in next 8 chain of star; chain 8. d. c. in the 5 chain of the first point; chain 8, and repeat from * only across the bottom collar. 2d Row: Draw stitch in at top end of collar; chain 4, d. c. in 2d stitch; chain 1, d. c. in 2d stitch; chain 1 and repeat all around the collar, keeping it full going around the corners. 3d Row: Single crochet into each stitch from top end of collar to opposite top end. Row across the Neck: * Chain 4, t. c. in same stitch; t. c. into Oth stitch; chain 4, slip stitch into same stitch; chain 4 and repeat from *, turn. 2d Row across the Neck: The row is the same as preced- ing row, the needle sets in top of loops. 3d Row across the Neck: Chain 4, s. c. in top of each loop across the neck; this row will shape the collar. Last Row all around the Collar: Chain G, set needle into 2d stitch of chain, s. c. off; d. c. into the 2d stitch going around collar; * chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of the 4 chain, d. c. in the 2d stitch going around collar; chain 4 and repeat from *. This row finishes the collar. 33 No. 19x. TIDY. 1st Row: Chain 4, join in a ring; chain 3, d. e. tliiee times in ring; chain 3 d. c. 4 times in ring; cliaiu 3, d. c. 4 times in ring ; chain 3 d. c. 4 times into ring ; chain 3 and join.. 2d Row: * Chain 3, d. c. into the first stitch, d. c. into each stitch on the preceding row;d. c. three times under the 3 chain on corner ; chain 3, d. c. three times under the same 3 chain ; d. c. into each stitch on preceding row ; fill three in at corner ; chain S, fill three in at same corner ; d. c. into each stitch of })receding row, fill three in at corner; chain 3, fill three in at same corner; d. c. into eacli stitch of preceding row, fill three in at corner; chain 3, fill three in at same corner and join. Repeat from *, crochet around until you have 7 rows from center. 8th Row: Join the thread in at corner, chain 4, trebles crochet into next stitch, t. c. into next stitch, t. c. into next stitch; chain 3, t. c. into third stitch, t. c. into tlje next three stitches, making 4 trebles and 3 chains between. Around the» corner chain ~) stitches, join. 34 Ktli liow: Chain T), double treble croehet into the next hole of ii chain, (> times. Double treble (> times into the next liole. Ee])eat all aiound. at the corner you d. t. crochet into the corner; chain H, d. t. crochet into same ])lace. Make four squares, slip stitch together making a s(|uare tidy. BORDKH. 1st Bow: Di-aw the thread in at corner on chain of 3, make 4 chains, treble crochet into same stitch twice; chain 4, t. c. into the three first stitches of the (5 d. t. crochet; * chain 4, t. c. into the three stitches between the (> d. treble crochets; chain I and repeat from *. Join. '2d Row: Cliain 3, d. c. into same stitch 4 times; chain 5, s. c. into the next five stitches; * chain 5, d. c. into the 5th stitch 5 times; chain 5, s. c. into the next five stitches; chain 5 and repeat from *. Join. 3d Row: Chain 4, treble crochet 5 times over the 5, d. c. on preceding row; *. Chain 7, make 3 s. c. over the 5. s. c. on preceding row; chain 7, make 5 trebles over the 5, d. c. on preceding row; chain 7 and repeat from *, join. 4th Row: Make 1 s. c. over the 3, s. c. on preceding row; *. Chain S, double treble crochet into the first stitch ol trebles fm preceding row; chain 4. s. c. back into the first stitch of chain, d. t. crocli-'t into next stitcli ; chain 4, s. c. back into the 1st stitch of 4 chain, d. t. crocliet into next stitch ; chain 4. s. c. back into the first stitcli of chain, d. t. crochet into next stitch; chain 4. s. c. back into the 1st stitcli of chain, d. t. crochet into the last stitcli of trebles on preceding row; chain , s. c. back into the 2nd stitch of ch. ; chain 5, s. c. back into last stitch of 5 : chain ."), s. c. back into last * stitch of 5: chain 1, join with s. c. into leaf of wheel; chain n. s. c. back in 2d stitch of (r. chain o. s. c. back into last stitch of 5; chain ."), s. c. back into last stitch of 5; chain I, join with s. c. into the 2d stitch of ring. s. c. 3 stitches and repeat t'l'om *. (rochet Skirt, Miule of Gennautowii or Saxony. Make a cliain 1 yd. long, join, s. c. into the first stitcli, s. c. into the next stitch, s. c. into the next stitch, * s. c. three times into the next stitch, s. c. into the next stitch, s. c. into the next stit(;h, s. c. into the next stitch, ski}) 2 stitches, s. c. into the 3d stitch, s. c. into the next stitch, s. c. into the next stitch, F. c. three times into the next and re])eat from *. 37 2d Row is the same as first, always fulliug three times on the point and skipping two stitches between the points, so as to make it scalloped. Repeat until it is 10 inches long, and every five inches after you increase by fulling five times in same stitch on point until it is the required length. Finish around the bottom with a scallop or shell. Across the top you s. c. into each stitch and decrease toward the waist to form a yoke. FAN & VANDYKE EDGE. Chain 10. Turn. Ist. Make a shell of 8 t., 2 ch., 3 t. in 4th st. of ch., ch. 5, skip 5. make 2 i, separated by 2 ch. in next si, ch. 5, skip 5, shell in last si, ch. 3, turn. 2d. Shell in 2 ch. of shell in last row. ch. 4, make 7 t. in the next 2 ch. in the center, ch. 4, shell in shell, ch. 3, turn. 3d. Shell, chain 3, 1 i in each of the 7 i Avith 1 ch. be- tween. There must be 7 in all. Ch. 3, shell, ch. 3, turn. 4th. Shell, ch. 2, 3 t. in each of the six holes in the center, (18 in all), ch. 2, shell, ch. 2, turn. 5th. Shell ch. 5, 2 i separated by 2 ch. in the center of the 18 i, ch. 5, shell, instead of turning, ch. 15, tnrn and 38 fasten with ouo iloublo in the 7th st. to foi'in a circle as foun- , turn and work 10 t. in tlie S ch. and fasten with one double in the circle, ch. 7, turn, uiake 1 t. in bth st., ch. 2, 1 t. in 8th st., ch. '2, 1 t. in the space formed by the 8d ch. at end, ch. 2 and make one double in the 3(1 ch. at the end of the fan insertion, ch. 2, turn, 1 t. in 2d t., ch. 2, 1 t. in next t. so that the holes are directly op[H)site to form a square, ch. 2, 10 t. in the 7th ch. as before and fasten in circle * Ch. 7. turn, 1 t. in Oth, ch. 2, 1 t. in 8th, ch. 2, 1 t. in space made by 2d ch. at end. ch. 5, turn, 1 t. in treble, ch. 2, 1 t. in treble ch. 2, 10 t. in 7th ch. antl fasten in center with one double, repeat from * until you have made the 10 t. in the pin-wheel 8 times. Then make 10 doubles on the 8th ch. as a stem, ch. •:> and re{)eat the 2d and 3d rows. Ch. 1 instead of 3 at the end of the .3d rt)w and make one double in the 5th ch. at the end of the last section of the pin-wheel, cii. 1, turn, and re[)eat the 4th row and the 5th row to the shell where you cli. 3. Turn and again repeat the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th rows before the second pin-wheel is begun as there must always l)e two fans between, in the insertion, and the pin-wheel ])eiTins in the row with the 2 t. se[)arate(l by 2 chain. In making the 2d section of the next pin-wheel, chain 2 and make one doul)le in the corresponding section ch. 2 and and proceed as before. This lace is })eautiful in No. 40 (M-ru linen, and looks well on a scrim table-scarf, made with a hem and drawn work above. ( HILD'S ( U0( HETEI) PKTTK OAT. Begin at the lower edge with a chain a yard and a quarter long, and divisible by twelve, tlie number of each scallop which is dented tlius: 39 Work from right to left. * 1 d. e. on each of the first 5 chains, 3 d. c. into the ()th, for the center and outward peak; 5 d. c, on the next 5 chains, miss 2, ch. to shape the hollow, or inner peak; this at the same time, makes an open seam which divides the scallops. Repeat from * and at the end of row, to rib the crochet, turn the work and pierce the needle at the back of the stitch in the preceding row. At the 20th row, decrease by missing 1 st. on either side of the festoon, and fasten off at the ;]2d row, join at the back, leaving a placket hole, and sew on to a waist or band. The lower edge finish by a scallop of 1 c, 3 t. c, Ic, 3 i c, 1 d. c, into the third chain of the foundation. Allow 3 scallops on each festoon. BABY'S BOOTEE, OF SILK OR WOOL. Chain 18, set needle into 2d stitch and s. c. in each stitch of chain; * chain 1, turn, set needle in back half of stitch, s. c. in each stitch: chain 1 and repeat from star; crochet across 20 40 times. The last time down, chain 7. set needle into 2d stitch, single cnicliet back and you will have 23 stitches; chain 1, turn, s. c. down and chain H, turn, set needle in 2d stitch, s. c. hack and you will have 25 stitches: chain 1, turn, s. c. down and chain 3, turn, set needle in 2d stitch, crochet back and you will have 27 stitches; chain 1, turn, s. c. down to the point, chain 1, turn, s. c. back 27 stitches, chain I, turn, s. c. down 25 stitches; chain 1, turn. s. c. back 25 stitches; chain 1, turn s. c. doAvn 23 stitches; chain 1, turn, s. c. back 23 stitches; chain 1, put the two edges together and slip stitch down 17 stitches, whicli joins them together. Set needle in next stitch, s. c. in each stitch going around the foot; after you pass the first point you increase by going twice in the same stitch ; between each point you increase and twice on the toe. Crochet plain along the sides and at heel. 2d Row: Same as preceding only increase 3 times direct- ly on the toe and each side of toe. 3d How: The next 5 rows are s. c. in eacli stitch without any increase. Sth Eow: S. c. along tlie sides and around the toe you decrease S times; at the heel you decrease twice. l>th Row: S. c. along the sides and decrease 3 times at toe and once at heel. loth Row: Same as preceding row. 11th and 12th Rows: S. C. in each stitch. Last Row: Slip stitch the two edges together. SCALLOP FOR TOP OF BOOTEE. 1st Row: Draw the thread in andd.c. 4 times in the 2d stitch, catch down in 2d stitcli with single crochet; repeat and you will have S shells around the top. 2d Row: Double crochet in center of shell 1 times and catch down between with s. c. 3(1 Row: * Chain 2. d. c. in center of shell; chain 4. s. c. back in first stitch of 4 chain, d. c. in center of shell: chain 4, 41 s. c. back in first stitcli of 4 chain, d. c. in center of shell; <3hain 4, s. c. back in first stitch of 4 chain, d. c. in center of shell ; chain 2, s. c. between the shells ; chain 2, s. c. between 1st row of shells; chain 2, s. c. up the other side of shells; <3hain 2 and repeat from *. Make a cord and tassel draw it in the Bootee around the ankle and tie Avith a bow in front. THE DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING SILK HOOD SHOWN IN CUT ABOVE. Chain 4 join in ring, 1st Row: Ch. 3, d. c. 20 times into ring, join. 2d Row: Ch. 3, d. c. 1 into every stitch; twice into every 2d stitch all around, join. 8d Row: Ch. 3. d. c. 1 into every stitch, twice into every 4th stitch around. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8tli Rows are very near the same as the 3d row; going twice into stitches enough to make the crown lay perfectly flat and smooth, join. 9th Row: * 5 d. c. into third stitch, s. c. into third stitch, 5 d. c. into next third stitch, s. c. into third. Repeat from * until you are within 1^ inches from the starting point of this row ; * ch. 3, turn 3 d. c. into same stitch with chain, s. 42 c. into top of 1st shell. Make shell between every shell of pre- ceding row, s. c. into top of next shell. Repeat this from star * until you have (> rows of sliell. 14th Row: Ch. 3, 1 d. e. into every stitch of shell across. 15th Row: Ch. 3. 1 d. c. into top of every double crochet across. In starting the next row be sure the wrong side of the work is next to you, which is told by the right side of the crown; as the next row should come wrong side to the right side of crown. 16th Row: * Ch. 2, 3 d. c. into same stitch, s. c. into third stitch ; ch. 2, 3 d. c. into same stitch, s. c. into tliird stitcli. Repeat * across. I7th Row: Ch. 3 pass the shell, s. c. into the single crochet of preceding ro^^^ Repeat this row across. 18th Row: Ch. 2, 3 d. c. into same stitch, s. c. into single crochet of preceding row, ch. 2. Repeat this row across. There are 3 rows of those shells across front of hood each time drawn in with the chain as the 17th row tells you; tlie j)attern in shells and chain is called po[) corn. 20th Row: D. c. into each stitch of chain across, 21st Row: D. c. into top of each doubble crochet across. BORDKH. 1st Row: Ch. 4. 3 d. c. into same stitch, 4 d. c. into next 4th stitch, 4 d. c. into next 4th stitch. Repeat this row all around the hood, join. 1 d. c. into center of 4 doubles, ch. 4, s. c. into top of double, 1 d. c. into same place, ch. 4, s. c. into top of double. Repeat the doubles and chains until you have 5 double crochets and 4 picots at top of shell, s. c. under the <-liain between the shells and repeat from the 1st of this row around. Another Vei'j' Pretty Hood is Made as Diiectioiis. Chain 4, join. 1st Row: Fill with 20 double crochets. 43 2d Row: Crochet 1, d. e. into first stitch; 2 into next all around. 3d Row: Crochet 1, d. c into top of 8 doubles, 2 d. c. in- to 4th stitch around. 4th Row: Ch. 4, 1 d. c. into second stitch; ch. 2, 1 d. c. into second stitch, Repeat this row around. 5th Row: Ch. 3, d. c. into every stitch of chain around. Gth Row: D. C. into top of every double around. 7th Row: Like the 4th row. The 8th and '.tth rows are like the 5th and 6th. 10th Row: Ch. 4 d. c. into 2d stitch; * ch. 1, d. c. into second stitch; ch. 1, d. c. into second stitch; repeat from * leaving a space of 1^ inches in back; turn, ch. 3. 11th Row: 1 d. c. into every stitch of chain across IiockI; turn, ch. 3. 12th Row: 3 d. c. into same stitch, 4 d. c. into fourth stitch, 4 d. c. into next fourth stitch ; repeat this row across hood, turn. 13th and 14th Rows: The same shell into to[) of rdiell across. 15th Row: D. C. into every stitch across. 16th, 17th and 18th Rows are the same as 12th, 13tli and 14th roAvs. 19th: Same as 10th Row. 20th Row: D. C. into every stitch across. The Border is the same as in the directions of Hood with cut. CHILDREN'S CORCHETED REINS. 1st Row: Ch. 18; 1 s. c. into each stitch of chain; * ch. 1,. turn. 2d Row: Set the needle into back half pf stitch, s. c. across; repeat from * until you have p. strip 2A yds. long. Make a separate piece ^ yd. long, put the long piece back 44 of the neck, ])riiig the ends around under the arms, and join the short piece at each side across the chest leaving space enough to sli[) over the head. Get 4 small toy bells and fasten across the center band. These can be made from yarn or cord. Fine cord in color is very durable and pretty. UENTS' WOOL CAP. Chain 4, join and fill ring with single crochets, single crochet around until you have it 5 inches from center to the outside, keep it fiat by increasing (going twice into same stitch ) until it is this size, s. c. around without increasing un- til the rim is 2 inches wide. Keverse the cap holding wrong side toward you and s. c. until the band that turns up as 14 inches wide; finish with small scallo}). This cap can be made with any close stitch, using the same measures. CROCHETED TOILET SHOE. 1st Bow: Make a chain of 12 stitches, miss 1 stitch and work back on the next 5 with 1 s. c, in each, 3 s. c. in the Oth, and 5 s. c. in the remaining 5 stitches, work 1 ch. at the end and turn. 2d Row: 1 s. c. in the back looj) of eacli stitch in the previous row, 1 chain, turn. 3d Row: Work 1 s. c. in the back of next (5 stitches. 3 s. c. in the 7th, and () in the next G. Continue this way, increas- ing by working 3 stitches in the center of every other row, un- til the work reaches the ankle. If this increases too fast for a foot with a low instep, work two rows plain between, then in- creasing only in every 8d row. Crochet to the center of the last row necessary to bring the work to the ankle and then make a chain of 10 stitches, as 15 from this point one-half of the shoe is worked at a time and afterward joined at tlie back. Work back and forth on these rows until the strip is long enough to reach to the heel, then break the wool and com- mence at the bottom edge on opposite side of front. Crochet to the center where the extra stitches were added on the other side, and make a chain of 10 stitches as before. Work back and forth on this strip until it contains as many ridges as the first side, then join at the heel. Use lambs' wool soles ; sew the shoe to the sole with close stitches, and finish the top with loop-knitting or crocheting. Fasten on each side of the front o[)ening (two on each side) four large metal eyes, such as coine on cards with hooks; lace a narrow ribbon in them and tie a bow at the top. FEATHER EDGE TRIMMING FOR COLLARS IN CUT SEEN BELOW. No. 1140. 1st Row: Draw the thread through loop of braid * chain 6 s. c. in third loop of braid, chain 5 s. c. in 3d loop of braid, chain 5 s. c. in 3d loop of braid, chain 9 s. c. in 4th loop of braid, * chain 8 s. c. in 4th loop of braid, chain 8, re- peat from * 7 times; chain 4, turn, set neectle in the center stitch of the 8th chain, slip stitch off, set needle into center of next 8 chain, slip stitch off, repeat until you come to the 5 chain, join together in a small ring ; chain 5 s. c. in 4th loo[> of braid, chain 8 s. c. in opposite 5 chain, chain ;} s. c. in 3d loop of braid, chain 3 s. c, in opposite 5 chain, chain 8 s. c. in 3d loop of braid, chain 3 s. c. in opposite loop of 6 chain, chain 3 s. c. in 3d loop of braid. Set needle in next loop of braid and s. <•. !S times in each loop, making V> s. croiAets, chain <) and re})eat from first *. 2d Row: This row works around the first row on the other edge of braid, draw thread in loop opposite where first started : chain 4 s. c. in 2d loop of braid, chain 4 and repeat ■20 times. * chain 9 s. c. in 4th loop of braid, * chain 8 s. c. in 4th loo]) of braid, chain 8, repeat from * 7 times. Chain 4, turn, set needle in the center stitch of 8 chain, slip stitch off, set needle in center stitch of next H chain, slip stitch off, re- peat until you come to the 5 chain, join together in a small ring, chain 5 s. c. in 4th loop of braid, chain 2 s. c. in opposite looj) of 4 chain, chain 2 s. c. in 2d loop of braid, chain 2 s. c. in o})posite loop of 4 chain, chain 2 s, c. in 2d loop of braid, chain 2 s. c. in opposite loop of 4 chain, chain 2 s. c. in 2d loop of braid, chain 4 s. c. in 2d loop of braid, chain 4 s. c. in 2d loop of braid, repeat until you have 10 loops of 4 chain around the scalloj)-, chain 9 and repeat from first *. To make a collar as shown in cut, you will want 2 pieces of trimming, the lower piece has 20 scallops, the piece above has IH scallops. Any narrow edge of the trimming can be used to go around the neck. TO JOIN PIECES TOGETHER. Draw stitch in at the top edge of longest piece, chair. 8 treble crochet into first stitch of 9 s. crochets, * chain 5 t. c. into last stitch of 9 s, crochets, chain 5 t. c. into first stitch of t) s. crochets, chain 5 and repeat from *. Next row is the same only each t. c. is caught in the trebles of preceding row. The third row is the same as preceding row, with 4 chain l)e- tween. To join the second piece of trimming you chain 4 and 47 join in the first and last stitches of the 'J s. crochets ; if the piece is too small you will have to scant it on both ends by chaining 3 and setting needle in center of 9 s. crochets, always joining with a double crochet to the preceding row. The top edge is joined the same, first s. crocheting in your braid, then in the preceding row. No. 21x. ROSE TIDY. Chain 8, join, 1st Row: Fill ring with 16 s. c. ; chain 4, d. c, into second stitch; chain 2. d. c. into second stitch, repeat around, join; s. c. under first loop of 4 ch., 4 d. c. under same loop: 1 s. c. under same loop *, 1. s. c. under second loop of chain, 4 d. c. under same. 1 s. c. ; repeat from * all around. 2d Row: Chain 4, s. c. into stitch betAveen each scalloj) of preceding row. The filling of these loops are the same as the preceding row. adding 2 d. c. 3d RoAv: Ch. 5, s. c. between scallop of preceding row, fill these loops same as before, adding 2 d. c. 4th Row: Ch. (k s. c. between scallop of preceding row, fill same as 3d row, adding 2 d. c. ; break thread. 5th Row: Ch. 17, s. c. into each stitch of chain across; ch. 1, turn, * s. c. into back half of each stitch across; ch. 1, 48 turn, repeat * until you have worked 7 times across *, join in- to leaf of rose the middle of scallop; s. c. back across the square; ch. 17, s. c. across chain 7 times; repeat from * until you have 8 squares joined to the Rose. The next squares joiji to 2 points on each rose : when 4 roses with squares are joined together, leave a hole in center of the 4 for center joining. JOININGS FOR CENTER. Chain 10, join; fill with 82 d. c, join: ch. (3. s. c. into oth stitch of chain; * ch. 5, s. c. back into last stitch of 5 chain;: ch. 5, s. c. back into last stitch of 5 chain ; ch. 1, join into side of square ; ch. (), s. c. into 5th stitch ; ch. 5 back into last stitch of ch. ; chain 5 back into last stitch ;ch. 1, s. c. into next stitch on ring from where you started ; s. c. into the next 3 stitches, going around; chain (>, s. c. back in to r)tli stitch of chain ."), and repeat from *. There are two whole joinings and (> half ones, and (i roses same as shown in cut above. Any border can be put on this tidy, the border shown in cut is the same as border on 23x. 49 INSERTION AND BUTTONHOLE POINT LACE. No. 40 eeru linen thread. Chain thirty; Turn. 1st: One treble in seventh stitch; chain two, one treble in following third stitch; chain (5, skip five, make one double in sixth stitch; chain 3, one double in next; chain 3, one double in next; chain 0, skip five, one treble in sixth stitch; chain two, one treble in third stitch; chain two, skip two, one treble in last; chain five, turn. 2d: One treble in next treble; chain two, one treble in next treble ; chain three, one double in fourth stitch of chain ; seven trebles in first space formed by three chain of last row ; seven trebles in next space ; one double in second chain stitch ; chain three, one treble in first treble ; chain two, one treble in next treble ; chain two, one treble in third stitch of chain, at the end; chain five, turn. 50 ' 3d: One treble in first treble; chain two, one treble in second treble ; chain six, one double in seventh treble of center ; chain 3, one double in eighth treble ; chain three, one double in the ninth treble ; chain G, one treble in first treble to form the holes on the side; chain two, one treble in noxt treble; chain two, one treble at end ; * chain five. Make one double at the end of the last row to form a loo[) for the first scallop in the point; turn and make eight doubles in this loop to imitate but- ton-hole stitch, one treble in treble at the end; chain two. 4th : Like the second. 5th: Like the third to *; chain five, one double at end for second scallop, turn and make four doubles ; chain five, turn, make one double between the third and fourth stitches of the first scallop. Turn again, make 8 doubles in the chain for second row of scallops, and make four doubles in the second scallop of first row to finish it, one treble in treble at end. Chain two. 0th: Like the second. 7th: Like the third to *. After making the last treble, chain five, make one double in same place, turn, make four doubles ; chain five, turn, one double in center of the last scallop of first row; turn, make four doubles in loop; chain five, turn, make 1 double in the center of scallop in second row, turn. * Make eitrht doubles in this chain for third row and four doubles to finish each of the two half-finished scallops of the first two rows. One treble at the end. Chain two, 8tli: Like the second. 9th: Like the third to *, and like the seventh to *. Make four doubles ; chain 5, turn, one double in center of scallo}) in third row ; turn, eight doubles, and finish the other three with four doubles, one treble at end; chain two. Kith: Like the second. 11th: Like the third and seventh rows to the stars. Four doubles; chain five, turn, one double in center, turn, four doubles; chain five, one double in center of fourth row, turn. -v;- 51 -eight doubles and f oiiv doubles iu each of the unfinished scallops, one treble at end; chain two. 12th: Like the second. 13th: Repeat third and seventh rows, then four doubles; chain five, one double in fourth row, turn, four doubles ; chain five, one double in fifth row, turn; eight doubles for the sixth and last scallop, and four doubles in each of the unfinished scallops; one treble at end. Chain 2. 14th: Repeat second and third rows to *, then chain two and make a row of trebles around the entire point with two chain between ; these will come in every second stitch or in the center and at the end of a half scallop. There will be twenty- five holes. There must bo four trebles at the point, not in- cluding the trebles on either side at beginning and end of the scallop. At the end of twenty-fifth hole, catch to the in- sertion with one double; then chain three, turn, make one treble in first hole in the point ; * chain four, fasten back with one double in the first chain stitch. Repeat twice from *. Make the three doubles in same; chain three. One double in next hole; chain three. One treble in next hole and repeat from * until you have thirteen of these leaves around the point, six on each side and one at the top. End with one double in the treble of the insertion, and repeat the second and third to the * three times before beginning another point. Join by the center loops of first leaf. Make a similar row for top. 52 SCALLOP EDGE LACE. Lst Row. Cliuin 10 d. c. into 3il otitcli of chain, d. c. into the next stitch, tl. e. into the next stitch, chain 8 d. c. into 3d stitch, d. c. into next stitch, d. c. into next stitch, chain 4- s. c. into the hist stitch, of chain, turn. 2d Row: * Chain H d. c. 10 times in first hole of 4 chain, chain o d. c. 4 times in next hole, chain 3 d. c. over the last d. c. turn. 3d Row: Chain 3 d. c. 3 times in first hole; chain 3 d. c. 4 times in next hole; d. c. in top of each d. c. on [)i'ecedini^ row; and increase twice by going in same stitch twice, and you will have 13 d. c, turn. 4th Row: Chain 3 d. c. over the first d. c, double crochet over each double and increase 3 times, and you will have U> d. c, (diain 3 d. c. 4 times into tlie next hole, chain 3 d. c. over the last d. c. oth Row: Chain 3 d. c. 3 times in first hole, chain 3 d. c. 4 times in next hole, chain 1 d. c. over the next double, chain 2 d. c. over the next double, d. c. over the next double, chain 2 d. c. over the next double, d. c. over the next double, chain 2 and repeat until you come to the last double, turn. 0th RoAv: Chain )5 d. c. 3 times in first hole and catch down with s. c. in next hole, chain 3 d. c. 3 times in next hole and repeat across the scallop, and you will have small scal- lops, chain 4 d. c. 4 times in next hole, chain 3 d. c. over last 53 ilouble, chain 3 and turn, d. c. 3 times in first hole, chain 3 d. e. 4 times in next hole, chain 4 s. c. in top of second small scallop: chain 3, turn, d. c. 10 times in first hole and repeat from * each time across, join to the small scallops. A CHILD'S PETTICOAT, VERY PRETTY IN SILK OR WOOL. Make cli. 1^ yd. long, divisible by 12, the number of each scallop. Work from right to left, seaming the skirt up in back after finishing, and in doing this, leave a placket hole, 1st Row: * 1 d. c. on each of first 5 ch; 3 d. c. into the sixth, for the center and outward peak, 5 d. c. on the next 5 ch., miss 2 ch. to shape the hollow on inner peak. This at the same time makes an open seam, which divides the scallops. Repeat from *, and at the end of the row to rib the crochet. Turn the work and set the needle into the back half of stitch in preceding row, following this through. Ribs every row. At the 20th Row decrease by missing 1 stitch each side of the center on outward peak, fasten off at the 35th Row: pre- pair a band of d. c. in wliich to put a draw string. CROCHETED LACE. Chain 22 stitches, d. c. in- to the 18th stitch of chain: chain 1, d. c. in 16th stitch of chain. 1st Row: D. C. into 15th stitch of chain, d. c. into 14th stitch of chain ; chain 1, d. c. into 12th stitch of chain ; chain 1, d. c. 4 times into 10th stitch of chain ; chain 1, d. c. into 8th stitch of chain ; chain 1, d. c. into (3th stitch of chain; chain 1, d. c. into 4th stitch of chain ; chain 1, d. c. into 1st stitch of chain, turn. 54 2d Row: * Chain 4, d. c. over the first d. c, chain 1, d. e. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. twice over the first and last stitch of the 4 doul)les on preced- ing row and two doubles between, making (> doubles in all. Chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next three doubles; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. ' into the 2d stitch over the last hole, turn. 3d Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the first d. c. ; chain 1, d c. over the next three doubles; Chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. twice over the last and first stitches of the (5 d. c. on preceding row, and 4 doubles between, making S d. c. in all. Chain 1, d. c. over the next d, c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next double; chain 1, d. c. into the second stitch over the last hole. 4th Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the first d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain 1. d. c. twice over the first and last stitch of the 8 doubles on preceding row, with (> d. c. between, making 10 d. c. in all. Chain 1, d. c. over next d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. three times, over the next 3 d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ;. cliain 1, d. c. into 2d stitch over last hole, turn and commence the second scallop; chain 4, d. c. over the first d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. three times over the next three d. c. ; chain 1, d. c. over the next d. c. ; chain I, d. c. 4 times over the 1st stitch of the 10 d. c. on preceding row; cliain 1, d. c. into 4th d. crochet; chain 1, d. c. into the Gth d. c. ; chain 1. d. c. into the 8th d. c. ; chaini 1, d. c. into the 10th d. c. chain 4 and repeat from * 00 FAN LACE. 1st Row: Chain 20, d. c. in- to loth stitch of ch. ; ch. 1, d. c. into 13th stitch of chain ch;. o, d. c. into Sth stitch of chain; ch. 1, d. c. into ('Ah stitch of chain ; ch. 1, d. c. into -Ith stitch of chain ; ch. 2, s. c. in- to 1st stitch of chain. 2d Row: Ch. 3, * d. c. 13 times into first liole; chain 1, d. c. over the first double: chain 1 over the next doii])le, d. c. 7 times into the next hole; 1 d. c. over the next double; ch. 1, d. c. over the next double; chain 1, d. c. into second stitch over the last hole ; turn. 3d Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the first double; chain 1, d, c. over the next double: ch. 5, d. c. over the Sth double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d. c. into each stitch until there are 13 double crochets. Turn. 4th Row: Ch. 4, d. c. into top of each of the 13 stitches with one chain between. Ch. 1 d. c. into the next double; ch. 1, d. c. into next double, d. c. 7 times into next hole, d. c. over next double; chain 1, d. c. over next double; chain 1, d. c. into second stitch over last hole; turn. Sth Row; Ch. 4, d. c. into first double; ch. 1, d. c. into next double; ch. 5, d. c. over the Sth double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; cli. 1, d. c. over each of the 13 doubles around scallop with 1 chain between each ; turn. 6th Row: Ch. 5, d. c. over first double; ch. 2, d. c. over each of the 13 doubles with 2 chiins between ; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double, d. c. 7 times into next hole, d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d. c. over next; ch. 1, d. c. into second stitch over last hole; turn. 7th Row: Ch. 4, d. c. over first double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch. 5, d. c. over the Sth double, ch. 1, d. c. over 5t'. next double; ch. 1, li d. c into next hole, 3 d. c into each of the 12 holes around scallop, Sth Row: Ch. 5, s. c. between each oi: the tliree doubles around scallop with 5 ch, between. Ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; 7 d. c. into next hole; d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d, c. over the next double; ch, I, d. c. into second stitch of chain over the last hole; turn, 9th Row: Ch. 4, d, c, into first double; ch. 1, d. c. into next double; ch. 5, d. c. over the Sth double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch, 5, s. c. into top of each loop around scallop Avith 5 ch. between. Turn. lOtli Row: Ch. 5, s. c. into top of each loop around scallop with 5 ch. between 4 ch., d. c. over first double, ch. 1, d. c. over next double; 5 ch. d. c. over Sth double; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d. c. into second stitch over last hole; ch. 4 d. c, over first double; ch. 1, d. c. over the next 7, d. c. into next hole; ch. 1, d. c. over next double; ch. 1, d. c, over next; ch. 4, s. c. back into same stitch; ch. 3, turn, d. c. 13 times into first hole and repeat the scallo[) from star; each scallop joins to 4 looj)s of [)recedin^ row. (LOVER LEAF EIXiE. Chain 5, double crochet in Oth stitch 6 times, d, c, (> times in last stitch, chain 2, turn, d, c. (> times in center of shell on last row, * single crochet between the shells of last 57 row. chain s. c. in stitch at the end of shell on last row, chain 4, turn, d. c. 6 times in center stitch of 6 chain, d. c. (5 times in cen- ter of next shell, chain 10 s. c. in 5tli stitch of chain, chain 5, turn, s, c. in center of the hole, chain o s. c. in same hole, chain 5 s. c. in same hole, making 3 loops around the first hole, d. c. in first loop of T) chain 12 times, s. c. in same loop, s. c. in next loop, d. c. in same loop 12 times, s. c. in same loop, s. c. in last loop, d. c. 6 times, s. c. in shell on insertion, d. c. in loop 6 times more, s. c. in same loop, s. c. in each stitch of the 5 chain, which forms the stem of the clover leaf, chain 2, turn, d. c. 6 times in center of shell on last row. s. c. between, and repeat from *. 8ILK PURSE LIKE CUT. Chain 118 stitches, d. c. into 3d stitch, d. c. into the next 29 stitches, making 30 d. c, chain 55 stitches, d. c. into the last 30 stitches of the 118 chain. 2d * Row: Chain 8, turn, d. c. into the first d. c. and re- peat into each of the 30 d. crochets, chain 55 d. c. into the next 30 d. c. 3d Kow: Chain 3, turn, d. c. into the first double, and re- peat from * until you have 10 rows. The next 10 rows are the 58 same except you turn after you make ;30 d. c, and repeat without makiu^^ the chains ; join together with a single crochet across the end and down the side, join the thread on the other end of purse and d. c. across 10 times, join with a s. c. down the side and across the end. Hokl the side of purse toward you tliat has the chains on, and pick up the stitclies on the oppo- site side, crocheting 2 s. c. between eacli chain ; cliain 3, turn, d. c. into each stitch, turn ; chain 3 and repeat until you have -t rows of d. c, which forms a lappel and falls over the side that has the chains, the other side is finished the same, across the end of each purse make a row of d. c. ; finish off with a fringe of steel beads on each end of lappels and on the end of each purse. ANOTHER SILK PURSE. Chain 60 stitches, d. c. into 3d stitch of chain, * d. c. into each stitch of chain, chain 8, turn, d. c. into each stitch, and re- peat from * until you have 16 rows of d. c. Slip stitch together, leaving a space of about 2 inches open to put the money in ; ihaw the thread in at one end and s. c. around until you have the bag on one side, about two inches long, join together with a s. c, draw the thread in at the other end, s. c. around until you have the bag about 1^ inches long, then you commence and decrease and this end will finish off pointed, you can put a tassel of steel beads on the pointed end and a fringe of steel beads on the square end or you can buy the set of ornaments made for purses Avith two steel rings. 59 SCALLOP EDUE LACE. Chain 24 d. c. back 4th stitch, d. c. in next stitch, * chain 2 d. c. in 3d stitch, d. c. in next stitch, d. e. in next stitch, chain 2 and repeat from * to end of chain. 2d Row: Chain 3, turn, d. c. in first hole 3 times, chain 2 d. c. in next hole 3 times, make 3 d. c. over the 3 doubles on preceding row, d. c. three times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. three times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. in last stitch, turn. 3d Row: * chain 3 d. c. 3 times in first hole, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, d. c. in the next 9 stitches, d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. in next hole, chain 4 s. c. in the first stitch of the 24 chain, turn. 4th Row: Chain 3 d. c. 14 times in first hole of 4 chain, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. in 4th stitch, d. c. in next 8 stitches, making 9 doubles over the 15 double:* on preceding row, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 1 d. c. in last stitch, turn. 5th Row: Chain 3 d. c. 3 times in first hole, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 make 3 d. c. over the 9 doubles on preceding row, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. in the 2d stitch of the 14 doubles, chain 2 and repeat into every 2d stitch of the 14 doubles, making 7 holes over the 14 doubles, turn. 6th Row: Chain 3 d. c. 3 times in first hole, s. c. in top of next double, chain 3 d. c. 3 times in next hole, s. c. in top of next double ; repeat into each of the seven holes and you will 60 have 7 shells across the scallop, when you make the last shell chain 2 d. c. H times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. '6 times in next hole, make S d. c.'s. over the 3 doubles of preceding row, d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. 3 times in next hole, chain 2 d. c. in last stitch, turn, chain 3 d. c. 3 times in first hole and repeat from *. CROCHET DRESS FOR CHILD. You require eight ounces ot Saxony wool, eight satin but- tons to match, two yards of ribbon, two inches wide, one and one-fourth yards of deep frilling the depth of the skirt, lace for neck and cuffs, a long bone hook No. 6. The original dress measured six inches in width and 4 rows to the inch in heiirht You commence in the neck at back. Make a chain of 33 stitches, take up !♦) loops on the needle, one by one as in tricot stitch. Work back IB that is the wool on the needle, draw through the first loop on the needle, * the wool on the needle, draw through the first two loops on the needle ; repeat from * to the end of the row. Make two chain, take up the first of these two chain, so increasing two loops as the 2d chain is on the needle, take up each of the 16 loops, and the two next chain, w^ork back 20 loops, then 3 chain again, take up two loops on the chain as before, take up the 20 loops of the last row, and 3 more of the foundation chain, work back these 20 loops and make 2 chain at the end. Raise a loop on the 2 chain, the 26 loops, and 2 more on foundation chain, Avork back, make two chain at tlie end. Take up the first chain, take up the 30 loops and 2 more, Avork back 34 and make 3 chain. On this chain raise 2 loops, take up the 34 and 3 more, work back 40, make 3 chain, take up 2 loops on it, the 40 of last row, and 3 more; work back 4(5 loops, make 2 chain, raise 1 loop on it, the 46th of last row, and the 2 last on foundation chain, work back 50 loops, this brings you to the bottom of the shoulder, 3 rows plain. 61 4th Row of back: Take up 2 loops, take up the 2 next to- gether, take up all the loops until you come to the 4 last, then two togetlier, two plain work all back. 5th and 6th Rows: Plain. 7th Row: Take up 2 loops, 2 together, take up all until the 4 last, 2 together, take up 2, work back. 8th and 9th Rows; Plain. 10th Row : Take up all the loops, work back, through one twice, 1 chain through 2, to the last but 2. make an extra chain, then through the 2 last. 11th Row: Take up 2 on the chain, make a loop, take up all to the extra chain at the end, a loop on it. a loop on each of the last 2; work back in the same manner as last row, increas- ing a chain on each side of the work. 12tli Row: Repeat the 11th Row 5 times more. ITtli Row: Plain (58 loops). 18th Row: Plain. 19th Row: Take up the 3d and 4th loop together, and the 56th and 55th loops, work back. 20th and 21st Rows: Plain. 22d Row: Take up the 3d and 4th loops together, and the 4th and 3d from the end, work back. 23d and 24th Rows: Plain. 25th Row: Take up 2 loops, the next 2 together, take up 19, 2 together, take up 4, 2 together, take up 19, 2 together, take up 2, work back. 26th and 27th Rows: Plain. 28th Row: Take up 2, 2 together, take up 17, 2 together, take up 4, 2 together, take up 17, 2 together, take up 2, work back. 29th and 30th Rows: Plain. 31st Row: Take up 2, 2 together, take up 15. 2 together, take up 4, 2 together, take up 15, 2 together, take up 2, worlc back. 32d and next 3 Rows: Plain. <)2 86th Row: Take up all the loops as you work back, make an extra chain between the 19th and 20th lf)ops, take off 4, make a chain, work plain to the end. 37th Row: Take up all the loops, 1 on eacli of the 2 chain stitches made, work back 19, make a chain, take off (5, make a chain, work back the rest. 38th Row: Take up all the loops of last row and 1 on each of the 2 chain stitches. 39th Row: Work back 19, a chain, work off 8, a chain, work off the rest. 40th Row: Take up all the loops, and one extra on each of the 2 chain, work back 19, a chain, work off 10, a chain, work off the rest. 41st Row: Take up all the loops, work back all. 42d Row: Take up all, work back 19, a chain, work off 12, a chain, work off the rest., 43d Row, Take up all, and 1 extra on the 2 chain stitches, work off plain. 44th Row: Take up all, work off 19, a chain, work off 14, a chain, work off the rest, 45th Row: Take up all the loops, and 1 on the 2 chain stitches, work off all. 3 more plain rows, this completes tho back. The Right Front: Take up the stitches on the foundation chain, commencing at the bottom of the shoulder, upon the last row of increasings before the 3 plain rows. Take up 19 stitches, work back 3, take up the 2 first of these 3, work back n, take vp these again (the last is on the needle) work back 2, increase a chain, work off the rest and 3 more, take up these 9, and 1 on the chain stitch, work off 2, increase a chain, work off to the end of the last little row, and 3 more ; repeat this last little row until you have worked off all the loops, then 2 rows, increasing a chain in the neck of each row, plain on the shoulder. 4th Row of Neck: Take u[) all the loops, cast onto the 63 needle as if you were knitting 6 loops, work all off ; you should have 31 loops. 5th Row : Take up 2, 2 together, take up the rest, work off plain. 6th and 7th Rows: Plain. 8th Row: Take up 2, 2 together, take up the rest until the 3 last, a single crochet on the 3d from the last, take up 2, work off 2, a chain, work off the rest, 4 rows plain, working 1 on the chain — the hole forms a button hole. 13th Row: Take up all the loops, work off all but the last 2, increase a chain, work off the 2 loops. 14th Row : Take up all the loops and 1 extra on the chain, work off all but the 2 last, a chain, work off 2, repeat this row 5 more times, working a button hole in the loth row, at the end of the 19th row make 2 chains as well as the increase be- fore the 2 last stitches. 20th Row: Take up all the stitches; you should have 36 loops, a button hole at the end, two rows plain. 23d Row: Take up 3, 2 together, take up the rest, work off plain. 24th and 25th Rows: Plain — in the 25th make a button hole. 26th Row: Take up 3, 2 together, take up the rest and work off. 27th and 28th Rows: Plain. 29th Row: Take up 3, 2 together, take up the rest and work off. 30th and 31st Rows: Plain, make a button hole. 32d Row: Like 28th row, work 19 plain rows, and a but- ton hole in every 5th row, this completes the right front, join together with slip stitch the 19th and following rows to the 17th row of back and following rows. Left Front: Take up the 16th loop in the neck of the back piece, and the 3 next work back, take up these 4 loops and 3 more, work off, take up 7 and 3 more and *, work off, increase <>4 a chain before the 8d from the end, take up the loops, increase on the chain, take up all of the last little row and 8 more, work back from *, when all the loops are raided, work ;3 more rows, always increasing 1 stitch before 3 last loops in working off', at the end of 3d row make chain, take up on this 5 loops, 1 on the chain before the H last loops, and all the remainder, work all off. In the next, which we will call the 1st row of neck, take up all the loops but the last 4, 2 together, take up 2, work off. 2d and Hd Kows: Plain. -Uli Row: Like 1st row. 4 rows plain. Uth Row: Take up all. iiicrc^ase, in workiii<^^ off' between the Hd and 4th loops. 10th Row; Take up all the loops, and L on the extra chain, work off 2. a chain, work off the rest, repeat this row 3 more times, in the 4th repetition cast 2 on the needle when the loops are taken up, work all off. 15th Row and next 3 Rows: Plain. 19th RoAv: Decrease at the end by working the 3d and 4th from the end together, 2 rows plain; repeat from the 19th row 3 times, then work 19 plain rows, join to the other side the back with a row of slip stitch; take the right front, work a row of single crochet up the front edge, around the neck and down the left front, fasten off. Place the first (> stitches of the right front over the left one, and work them together with the first 6 stitches of the left front, and work a row of single crochet around the bottom of the back and fronts, one single crochet on the 1st s. c. on the right front, 1 chain, miss 2 s. c, in the next, work 1 double, 4 chain, single crochet on 1st chain, 4 times after the last picot of 4 chain, work another double stitch, 1 chain, miss 3 s. c, 1 s. c. in 3d. s. c, miss 3 s. c, and repeat, finish on the last s. c. Repeat this little border, on the 5th row of loops, or 5th stitch in all the rows, commencing in the neck and holding the opening next to you. We now make the skirt; this is double, commence in the middle of the back 65 with a s. c. on the last row worked, 4 chain, 1 double on the next stitch, * 2 chain, 1 double on the next; repeat from * mis- sing a stitch between every 2d and 3d d. stitches. There must be 60 d. stitches in this row. Join Avitli a single to the 3d of the first 4 chain, which forms the first double in the round. 2d Round; 5 chain *, one double over the next 2 chain, 2 chain ; repeat from * at the end of the round, work 2 chain and slip stitch to the 4tli of the 5 chain, work 9 more rounds like the 2d round. 10th Round: *, 1 s. c. over the next 2 chain, 4 doubles over the following 2 chain; repeat from *, join neatly on the 1st d. c. and fasten off. Over this skirt you work the fancy flounce, commence in the center of the back with one double on each of the first 2 single cr(»chet, *, miss a single crochet in the next, work 2 double, 2 chain, 2 double, 1 chain, miss the next single crochet, one double in each of the 2 following ; repeat from *, at the end of the round Avork 1 chain, slip stitch on the 1st double. 2d Round : 4 chain, one double on the 2d double * over the 2 chain between the 4 doubles, work 2 double, 2 chain, 2 double, 1 chain, 1 double on each of the 2 next doubles, repeat from *, work 5 more rounds like the last round, then work (I more rounds, working 2 chain after the 4 double, and always taking up the first of the 2 single double stitches in the last of these 2 chain. 14 Round: 1 s. c. between the first 2 double stitches *, 1 chain over the next 2 chain, between the 4 doubles work a double, a picot of 4 chain 6 times, a double again, 1 chain, 1 s, c. between the 2 next doubles, repeat from * and fasten off at the end of the round. The Collar: Take up the s. c. just over the 1st whole row on the front shoulder, take up 35 loops around the neck which should bring you to the corresponding row on the next shoulder. Work off 2, increase a chain, work off 6, increase 1, work off 1, increase 1, work off 8, increase 1, work off 2, in- m crease 1, work off 8, increase 1, work off 1, increase 1, work off (3, increase 1, work off 2. 2d Eow: Take up all tlie loops and 1 on each of the in- creasings, work off 2, increase, work off 7, increase, work off ii, increase, work off 9, increase, work off 2, increase ; these 2 are in the center of the back ; work off 9, increase, work off* 3, in- crease, work off 7, increase, work off 2, 3d Row: Take up all the loops, and 1 on each increased stitch ; work off 2, increase, work off 8, increase, work off 4, in- crease, work off 10, increase, work off 2, increase, work off 10, increase, work off 4, increase, work off 8, increase, work off 2. 4th and 5th Rows: Increase in the same places as in the 3d row. Oth Row: Take up all the loops and 1 on each increasing, work off plain. 7th Row: Take up all the loops, work back on increased row as before. 8tli and l>th Rows: Plain, fasten off'. 10th Row: Commence at the right hand side edge of the l>tli row, work a row of s. c. around the collar, 11th Row: Commence the lace, work a double on the single crochet, miss a s. c, *, 2 doubles, 2 chain, 2 doubles in the next, 1 chain, miss a s. c. 2, doubles, in the next s. c. miss as. c. ; repeat from *. At the corners leave no s. c. between any of the double stitches, at the end of the row fasten off. On this last row work rows like the top skirt, then the edge. Loop the lace together a little in the width, and work the edge on the row of s. c. in the neck ; a row f)f s. c. all around the neck and fasten off. The sleeve: Make a chain of 30 stitches, take up 12, work off, 3 chain, take up 2 on this chain, the 12, and 3 more, work off 18, *, and 4 more chain, take up 3, take up 18, and 4 more, work all off; repeat from * until all the loo[)S are taken u{), 48 loops must be on the work. 16 RoAvs: Plain. 67 ITtli Row: Take up 20, 2 together, take up 4, 2 together, take up the rest and work off. 18th Row: Plain. 19th Row: Take up 19, 2 together, take up 4, 2 together, take up the rest and work off. 20th Row: Work these last 2 rows, always decreasing 1 on each side of the 4 center stitches until you have worked (> rows of decreasings ; join it up, then a row of s. c. and fasten off. Hold the edge of the s. c. toward you and work on it 4 rows of the lace, and on the last row the edge, fasten off on the outer edge of the s. c. row. Work 1 s. c. on the 1st s. c, *, miss as. c, 1 chain, then 4 doubles in the next s. c, 1 chain, miss a s. c, 1 s. c. in the next; repeat from * and fasten off'; sew a piece of galloon ribbon under the row of button holes, and also under the row on which the buttons are placed; sew strings in tlie front, a sash just over the flounce fastening it at each side seam, iuid letting it fall behind; sew the frill under the 1st skirt on the row of s. c, add the lace in the neck and sleeves. G8 No. 24. Chain 15, d. c. back in Gth stitch of chain, chain 2, d. c back in 3d stitch of chain, cliain 2, d. c. back in 1st stitch of chain, * chain 5, turn, and d. c. in first hole, chain 2, d. c. in next liole, chain 2, d. c. 10 times in next hole, chain (), turn, d. c. in Gth stitch of double crochets; chain 2, d. c. in 3d stitch, chain 2, d. c. in 1st stitch, chain 5, and repeat from * until you have 8 points on the outside (each time you turn and chain 5 it counts a point). Join the stitches on the top of last 10 d. c. to the first 10 stitches you made of chain. Draw the thread in stitch between the 10 doubles in center, cliain 4, s. c. between the 2d and 3d row of 10 d. crochets, chain 4 s. c. between the 4th and 5th row of d. c, chain 4, s. c. between the i'dh and Tth row of d. c, chain 4 s. c. in same stitch where you started. These stars are joined on the points where 5 chain is made and you can make the tidy any size, for joinings be- tween the stars, cliain 7 join in a ring, s. c. 4 times in center of ring, * chain 4 s. c. in the point on star, chain 4, s. c. back 4 times in ring, chain 4 s. c. in next point on star, and repeat from * until you have 4 points in center, joined. 69 BORDER. Draw the thread in at top of one of the points, make 10 chain between each point, treble crochet in points that set lower than the middle point. 2d Eow: Chain 4, d. c. in 3d stitch of chain, * chain 2, d. c. in 3d stitch of chain, chain 2 d. c. in third stitch of chain, repeat from * around corner, chain 2 d. c. into 2d stitch, join. 3d Eow: * Chain 4, d. c. in 4th stitch, d. c. in next stitch, d. c. in next stitch, chain 4, s. c, in 4th stitch, s. c. in next (I stitches, chain 4, d. c. in 4th stitch and repeat from *, making 3 d. c, and 7 s. c. with 4 chain between, join. 4th Row: * chain 4 make 5 d. c, over the 3 doubles on l)receding row, chain 4, make 5 s. c. over the 7 singles on pre- ceding row, chain 4; repeat from *, join. 5th Row: * chain 4 d. c. in stitch before the 5 doubles, d. c. in 1st stitch of doubles, d. c. in 2d stitch of 5 doubles, chain 2, d. c. in 4th stitch of 5 doubles skipping one, d. c. in 5th stitch of 5 doubles, d. c. in next stitch, chain 4 make 3 s. c. over the 5 singles on preceding row, chain 4; repeat from *, join. 0th Row: * Chain 4. d. c. 3 times over the 3 doubles on preceding row, chain 1, d. c. in hole under the 2 chain, chain 1, d. c. 'in same place, chain 1, d, c. 3 times over the next 3 doubles, chain 4 s. c. in stitch in center of the 3 single crochets, chain 4; repeat from *, join. 7th Row: Make 3 d. c. over the 3 doubles on preceding row, * chain 4, s. c. back in 1st stitch of chain, d. c. in 1st hole, chain 4, s. c. back in 1st stitch of chain, d. c. in center hole, chain 4. s. c. back in 1st stitch of chain, d. c. in center hole, chain 4, s. c. back in 1st stitch of chain, d. c. in next hole, chain 4, s. c. back in 1st stitch of chain, d. c. 3 times over the 3 doubles on preceding row, d. c. 3 times over next 3 doubles, chain 4 and repeat from * and finish. 70 ii ■ H ^^^^^^ ^9 i i t^H^^^^I '■"•^i 1 ^^^^^HWtejK^^^^^i^^^ 1 jjH HALF WHEEL LACE. Chain 14, d. c. in 10th stitch of chain, d. c. in 9th stitch, chain 5 d. c. in 6th stitch, d. c. in 5th stitch, chain 5 d. c. in 2d stitch, d. c. in 1st stitch. 2d Eow: * chain 3, d. c. over first double, chain 5 d. c. over next double, d. c. over next double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, turn. 3d Kow: Chain 3 d. c. over first double, chain 3, set needle under the chains of 5 of preceding row and s. c. to- gether, chain 3 d. c. over next double, d. c. over next' double, chain 3, set needle under the next chains and s. c. together, chain 3 d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, turn. 4:th Row: Chain 3, d. c. over first double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over next double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, turn. 5th Eow: Chain 3, d. c. over first double, chain 5 d. c. over next double, d. c. over next double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, chain 5, s. c. in stitch be- low last double, turn. 6tli Eow: Chain 3, d. c. 15 times in center of the 5 chain, d. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, s. c. the chains of 5 to- gether, chain 3 d. c. over the next double, d. c. over the next 71 double, chain 3, s. c. the chains of 5 together, chain 3, d. e. over next double, d. c. over last double, turn. 7th Row: Chain 3, d. c. over the first double, chain 5 d. c. over the next double, d. cover next double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, d. c. into every 2d stitch with 1 chain between all around the 15 doubles and you will have 8 holes, s. c. in stitch at top of the 2d row you made, turn. 8th Row: Chain 3, d. c. 3 times in each of the 8 holes of preceding row, d. c. over the first double of insertion, d. c. over the next double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over next double, chain 5 d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, turn. 9th Row: Chain 3, d. c. over first double, chain 3, s. c. the chains of preceding row together, chain 3, d. c. over next double, d. c. over next double, chain 3, s. c. the chains together, chain 3, d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, chain 3, d. c. in 2d stitch, d. c. in next stitch, chain 3, d. c. in 2d stitch, d. c. in next stitch ; repeat around scal- lop and you will have 9 holes with 2 d. crochets between each hole, s. c. in stitch where you first started, turn. 10th Row: In each hole around the scallop make a shell of 5 double crochets and catch down with a s. c. in stitch at top of doubles, and you will have 9 shells, d. c. over the first double of insertion, d. c. over the next, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over next double, chain 5, d. c. over next double, d. c. over last double, turn, chain 3 and repeat from *. ROUND PIANO STOOL TIDY. Chain 8, join in a ring, fill ring with 20 s. c, 2d Row: Chain 3, d. c. twice in each of the 20 singles, making 40 d. c. in all, join. 3d Row: Chain 8, s. c. back in 4th stitch of chain, * chain 3, s. c. in the 5th d. c, chain 8, s. c. in 4th stitch of chain, chain 3 and repeat from *. 72 4tli Row: Chain 3, s. c. in center of pieot, * chain 4, s. c, in same place, chain 4, s. c. in same place, chain 4, s. c. in same place, chain 4, s. c. in same place, chain 4, s. c. 'in same place, chain 4, s. c. in next picot and repeat from *, chain 4, join. 5th Kow: Draw the thread in 2d loop of previous row *, chain 5, miss 1 loop, s. c. in next, chain 5, s. c. in 2d loop on next leaf, chain 5 and repeat from *, join. C)th Piow: Chain 4, d. c. in 2d stitch, chain 2, d. c. in 2d stitch, chain 2 and repeat all around, join. 7th Row: Same as preceding row, join. 8th Row: Chain 5, s. c. in 4tli stitch, chain 5, s. c. in 4th stitch, repeat all around, join and s. c. 7 times under the loop of 5 chain, s. c. 7 times under each loop all around. 9th Row: Slij) stitch to the top of next loop, chain (5 s. c. in top of next loop, chain 0, s. c. in top of each loop, these loops fill with 9 s. c, the same as row above only increas- ing 2 s. c. and 1 chain. 10th Row: Slip stitch to the top of loop, * chain 6, s. c. back in 3d stitch of chain, chain 0, s.c. back in 3d stitch of the G chain, chain 3, s. c. in top of next loop, chain 6 and repeat from * all around. 11th Row: Draw the thread in at the 3 chain between the picots of last row, * chain 0, s. c. back in 3d stitch of chain, chain 6, s. c. back in 3d stitch of the 6 chain, chain 3, s. c. under the 3 chain between the picots on preceding row, chain ('»; repeat from *. 12th and 13tli Rows are the same as 11th row. 14th Row: Draw thread in at top of picot, chain 5, s. c. in top of next picot, chain 5. s. c. in next picot, repeat all around; these loo])s fill with 7 single crochets. loth Row: Slij) stitch to the top of next loop, chain 5, s. c. in top of next loo|), chain 5, s. c. in top of each loop all around: these loops fill with 7 single crochets. l<)th Row: Slip stitch to top of next loop, chain 3, d. c. 73 in same stitch, chain 1, d. c. in same stitch, d. c. in same stitch, chain 1, d. c. in top of next loop 4 times with 1 chain in center of shell ; repeat all around a shell in top stitch of each loop of previous row, join. 17th Eow: Make a shell in top of shell on preceding row, chain 2. make a shell in top of next shell; repeat all around. 18th Row: Draw thread in at top of shell, * chain 6, s. c. back in 3d stitch of chain, chain 6, s. c. back in 3d stitch of the 6 chain, chain 3, s. c. in top of next shell ; re- peat from *. ll>th and 20th Rows are the same as 11th row. 21st Row: Draw thread in at picot, * chain 5, d. c. in top of next picot, chain 5, d. c. in top of next picot; repeat from *. 22d Row: Chain 3, d. c. in every 3d stitch all around tidy, finish ofP with fringe, cut the fringe the length desired, tie a knot of 3 strands in each hole. LACE FOR WINDOW CURTAINS. Chain 30 stitches, d. c. in 4th stitch, d. c. in next 7 stitches, chain 3, s. c. in the following 3d stitch, chain 3, d. c. in next 3d stitch, chain 3, s. c. in next 3d stitch, chain 3, d. c. in next 3d stitch, chain 3, s. c. in next 3d stitch, chain 3, d. c. in the last 3 stitches, turn. 74 2d Kow: * Chain 3 d. c, over the next d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 8, d, c. over the same d. c, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the same d. c, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the same d. c, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the 8 double crochets on preceding row, chain 11, turn. 3d Row: D. c. in the 4th stitch of chain, d. c. in the next 7 stitches, chain 3, s. c. in center of 8 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last d. c. of the 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over the next d, c, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over the 3 last double crochets, turn. 4tli Row: Chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3 d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, double crochet over next 8 doubles on preceding row, chain 11, turn. 5th Row: D. c, in 4th stitch of chain, d. c. in next 7 stitches, chain 3, s. c. in center of 8 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last d. c. of the 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over the next d. c, d. c. in next 7 stitches, making 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doub- les; chain 3, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3 d. c. over the 3 last double crochets, turn. Gth Row: Chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. e. over next d. c, chain 3 d. c. over the next 8 doubles on {)receding row, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3. d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the next 8 doubles on preceding row, chain 11, turn. 75 7tli Row: D. c. in 4tli stitch of chain, d. c. in next 7 stitches, chain 3, s. c. in center of 8 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last d. c, of 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, d. c. in next 7 stitches, making 8 doub- les, chain 3, s. c. in center of 8 doubles on preceding row, chain 3, d. c. over last d. c. of the 8 doubles, d. c. in next 7 stitches, making 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over next 2 doubles, chain 3 d. c. over last 3 double crochets, turn. 8th Row: Chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over sanje d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over next 8 doubles on preceding row, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over next 8 double on preceding row, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the next 8 doubles on preceding row, turn. 9th Row: Slip stitch back across the 8 doubles, o'^er the last of the 8, chain 3, d. c. in next 8 stitches, chain 3, s. c. over next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over first of the 8 doubles on preceding row, chain 3, s. c. in center of the 8 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last of the 8 doubles, d. c. in next 7 stitches, making 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. in center of next 8 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last d, c. of 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last 3 doubles, turn, 10th Row: Chain 3, 1. c. over next d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d, c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the 8 doubles on preceding row, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. e. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over next 8 doubles on preceding row, turn. 11th Row: Slip stitch back across the 8 doubles, over the last of the 8, chain 3, d. c. in next 8 stitches, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, s. c. 76 ill center of the 8 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last of the 8 doubles, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, s. c. in center of next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over last 3 doubles, turn. 12th Row: Chain 3, d. c. over next d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over next d. c, chain 3, d, c. over same d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over same d. c, chain 3 d. c. over same d. c, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, d. c. over the next 8 doubles on preceding row, turn. 13tli Row: Slip stitch back across the 8 doubles, over the last of the 8, chain 3, d. c. in the next 8 stitches, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over the nextd. c, chain 3, s. c. over the next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over the next d. c, chain 3, s. c. over next 2 doubles, chain 3, d. c. over the last 3 doubles, turn, chain 3, and repeat from *. No. 5, CROCHETED ElMUNCJS. 1st Row: Chain 41 stitches, d. c. in 3d stitch; * chain 1, miss 1 d. c. in next. Repeat from * until you have 8 holes; 77 chain 7, d. c. in 7th stitch; chain 7, d. c. in 7th stitch; chain 7, d. c. in 7th stitch; d. c. in same stitch; d. c. twice in next 3 stitches, turn. 2d Row: Chain 4, s. c. in center stitch of the 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in last stitch of the 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain ; chain 3, s. c. over d. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 3, s. c. over the d. c. ; chain 3,. s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 3, s. c. over the d. c; * chain 1, s. c. over next d. c. Repeat from *, turn. 3d Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the s. c. : * chain 1, d. c. over next s. c. ; repeat from * until you have 8 holes ; chain 3, s. c. over s. c. on preceding row ; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. over next ; d. c. 7 times over next s. c. ; s. c. over next s. c. ; chain 7, miss 1, s. c, s. c. over next, d. c. 8 times under last 4 chain, turn. 4th Row: Chain 4, s. c. in center of the 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in last of 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of the shell; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. over next double; * chain 1, s. c. over next; repeat from *, turn. 5th Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the s. c. ; * chain 1, d. c. over next s. c. ; repeat from * until you have 8 holes; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. over the next; d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next; chain 7, miss 1 s. c.,' s. c. in next, d. c. 8 times under the next 4 chain, turn. 'eth Row: Chain 4 s. c. in center of the 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in last of the 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of shell; chain 3, s. c. in next; chain 3, s. c. in center of shell; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain ; chain 3, s. c. over the next d. c. ; * chain 1, s. c. over next d. c. Repeat from *, turn. 7th Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the first s. c. ; * chain 1, d. c. over the next s. c. ; repeat from * until you have 8 holes; chain 3, s. c. over next s. c. ; d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next, 78 <1. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 8 times under the 4 chain, turn. 8th Row: Chain 8, s. c. in center of 8 doubles; chain 4, s. c. in last of 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 8, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 8, s. c. in center of shell ; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 8, s. c. in center of next shell ; chain 8, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of next shell ; chain 8, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. over next d. c. ; * chain 1, s. c, over next d. c. ; repeat from *, turn. 9tli Row: Chain 4, d. c. over the first s. c. ; * chain 1, d. c. over the next; chain 1; repeat from * until you have 8 holes; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next s. c, d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 8 times under the 4 chain of preceding row, turn. 10th Row: Chain 8, s. c. in center of 8 doubles; chain 4, s. c. in last of the 8 doubles ; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain ; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3 s. c. in center of shell ; chain 3 s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of shell; chain 8, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 8, s. c. in center of 7 chain; chain 8, s. c. over next d. c. ; * chain 1, s. c. over next d. c. ; repeat from *, turn. 11th Row: Chain 4, d. c. over first s. c. ; * chain 1, d. c. over next; repeat from * until you have 8 holes; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 7 times in next s. c, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, s. c. in next; d. c. 8 times under the next 4 chain, turn. 12th Row: Chain 3, s. c. in center of 8 doubles; chain 4, s. c. in last of the 8 doubles; chain 3, s. c. in center of the 7 chain; chain 8, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c, in center of shell ; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in center of 7 chain ; chain 3, s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 8, s. c. over next double; * chain 1, s. c. over next double; repeat from *, turn. 79 13tli Eow: Chain 4, d. c. over first s. c. ; * chain 1, d. c. over next; repeat from * until you have 8 holes; chain 7, miss 1, s. c, d. c. in next; chain 7, miss 1 s. c, d. c. in next; chain 7, miss Is. c, s. c. in next, d. c. 8 times under the 4 chain, turn and repeat from 2d row. No. 6, LACE EDGING. Make a chain the length required. 1st Row: S. c. in 2d stitch; * chain 6, miss 4 stitches, s. c. in next. Repeat from * to the end of the row ; turn. 2d Row: S. c. 11 times under the first two loops of 6 chain, s. c. 6 times under next, * turn ; chain 6, s. c. in top of next loop; chain 6, s. c. in top of next loop, turn, s. c. 11 times in loop of 6 chain, s. c. 6 times under the next loop, turn ; chain 6, s. c. in top of next loop, turn, s. c. 11 times under top loop; s. c. 6 times under each of the half loops down the side; s, c. 11 times under next loop, s. c. 6 times under next loop, turn, chain G. Repeat from * the second six chain you make, this time join to loop on last jwint you made. No. 7 EDGING. 1st Row: Chain 12, join in at ring, d. c. in ring 12 times, turn. 80 2d Row: Chain 3, d. c. iu top of each double on ])receding row with 1 chain between, turn. Sd How: Chain 4, d. c. between the first 2 doubles;* chain 2, d. c. between the next two ; repeat from *, turn. 4th Row: Chain 5, d. c. in top of double; * chain 3, d. c. in top of next double ; chain 3, repeat from * ; turn. 5th Row: * S. c. in first hole, d. c. 3 times in same hole,. s. c. in same hole ; repeat from *. To commence in next pat- tern, chain 17, s. c. in 5th stitch; chain 2, slip stitch in back of 2d scallop on preceding pattern. The rows are worked like the last, but the second and following patterns must be joined to the })receding pattern under the last row of scallops; by slip-stitching into the back of scallop at the turn of every backward row, this makes the patterns lie one over the other like shells. No. 8, CROCHET EDGE WITH NOVELTY BRAID. For the edge, commence with () chain, join in a ring. 1st Row: D. c. 12 times in ring, s. c. into a loop of braid. 2d Row : S. c. in top of the 3 double; chain 4, miss 2 d. c. in next, * two, chain, miss one stitch, d. c. in next; repeat from * twice more, turn. 3d Row: * Chain 5, s. c. under the 2 chain; repeat from * twice more; chain 3, d. c. under the 4 chain 12 times, s. c. in 5th loop of braid ; repeat from 2d Row. For the Heading: — 1st Row: Draw thread in loop on opposite side of braid, d. c. in 3d loop; * chain 3, d. c. 4 times under the double, d. c. in 3d loop of braid ; chain 3, repeat from *. 2d Row: D. C. in top of 3 chain on preceding row; chain 81 3, d. c. in next 3 chain ; * chain 3, d. c. in next 8 chain ; repeat from *. 3d Row: Draw thread in a stitch at beginning, chain 4, d. c. in 2d stitch ; * chain 1, d. c. in 2d stitch. Repeat from *. No. 11, LACE EDGIXO. Chain 18, miss 7 stitches, d. c. in next; chain 5, d. c. in last 5 stitches. 2d Row: Turn, * chain 3, d. c. in each of tlie 5 doubles on preceding row ; chain 3, d. c. 4 times under the chain of 5 ; <^;hain 3, d. c. in 3d stitch of the chain of 7 ; turn. 3d RoAv: Chain 7, d. c. in last stitch of the 3 chain; chain 5, d. c. under th« 3 chain 5 times; turn, repeat from *. 82 No. 12, (ROCHET TRIMMIXU. 1st Row: Chain 8, join in a ring; d. c. in ring 5 times; * chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain; d. c. in ring 5 times; chain 4, repeat from * nntil you have (> little picots around, join. 2d Row: Chain 4, foi- a treble crochet; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of 4 chain ; t. c. into the 4 next stitches of last round; * chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain; t. c. under first picot of last round; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of cliain; t. c. in same picot 3 times; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain; t. c. into each of the next 5 stitches. Repeat from * 4 times more; 4 chain, s. c. into first stitch of chain; 2 t. c. under next [)icot; chain 4, s. c. into first stitch of chain; 2 t. c. under same picot; chain 4, s. c. into first stitch of chain; 2 t. c. under same picot; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain, join. 3d Row: Chain 10, s. c. into 4t]i stitch of chain; * chain S, s. c. into 4th stitch of chain. Repeat from * twice more; S3 ■chain 3, miss 2 picots: t. e. into center stitch between the next 2 picots; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain; chain 8. s. c. in 4th stitch of chain; chain 3, t. c. between the 2d and 3d picots; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain. Repeat from first * 5 times more witli the exception tliat in working- the next and following scallops with 3 picots in ; you pass over only 1 picot of previous round instead of 2 as in first scallop. 4th Row: S. c. in each of the 4 stitches; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain. Repeat from * twice more; s. c. in next 4 stitches; miss 1 t. c, t. c. in each of the 3 next stitches; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of chain; s. c. in next 3 stitches. Rejieat from beginning of row 5 more times. In working the next and following rosettes draw through tne })icots of 1 rosette when working the corresponding picots on the next (see cut). The trimming shown in our illustration has only 2 rows of rosettes but any number of rows may be joined to- gether to make it tli3 depth required. FOR THE HEADING. 1st Row: Work a s. c. in top picot of rosette; chain 21, s. c. in 17th stitch ; chajn 4, miss 1 picot of rosette, s. c. in next; chain 4, s. c. in first stitch of the 4 chain; chain 4, s. c. in same place; slip stitch into top of last picot; chain 4, s. c. in the 12th stitch of the 17 chain; chain 16, s. c. in 12th of the 16 chain ; chain 8, s. c in 4th stitch of the 8 chain ; €hain 3 s. c. in next picot; chain 8, s. c. in 4th stitch of chain; slip stitch in next picot; chain 3, s. c. in 8th stitch of the 16 chain; chain 13, work a loop of picots like last, and join into next picot of next rosette (see cut) ; chain 16, work a loop of picots like the first into next picot, then chain 10 and repeat from beginning of row. 2d Row: D. c. into a stitch; chain 2, miss 2 d. c. in 3d; * chain 2 and repeat from *. 84 No. la LACE EDGING. 1st Row: Cliaiu 31 stitches, miss 7, d. c. in Sth and next 3 stitches; chain 4, miss 4; d. c. in next 4 stitches; chain 4, miss 4. d. c. in next 4 stitches; chain 3, d. c, in end stitch, turn. 2d How: Chain 7, d. c. in first double of last row; * chain 3, miss 3 stitches, d. c. in next: repeat from * four times more, d. c. in each of the 3 next stitches; chain 3; treble crochet in chain at end of last row; chain 8, turn. 3d Row: D. c. 4 times under the three chain; chain 3, repeat from beginning of the rcnv three times more; chain 3, d. c. in fourth, turn. 4tli Row: Chain 7. miss 3, * d. c. over tlie next; chain 3 miss 3 and repeat from * six times moie, d. c. under the next 3 chain; chain 3, t. c. in the next stitch; turn. 5th Row: Chain 7, d. c. under the three chain: chain 3, d. c. 4 times under next three chain; * chain 3, miss 3 chain, d. c. 4 times under the next; repeat from * twice more; chain 3 d. c. in 4th stitch of 7 chain, turn. ()th Row: * Chain 5, miss 3 stitches, d. c. in next 3 chain, repeat from * nine times more, d. c. 3 times under next chain ; chain 3, t. c. in next stitch, repeat from the first roAv, working under tin; 3 chain between the four doubles instead of into the chain. For Edge: — Work a s. c. into the depth between two Vandykes; chain 5, sc. in the first stitch of the 5 chain ; chain 1, miss two stit(;hes, s. c. in next; repeat from the l)eginning of row. 85 TABLE MATS, SET OF FIVE PIECES. The center of these mats are the same as No. 21, (see directions for No. 21 Mat,) crochet until you have 16 leaves, .S above and 8 under, on the last leaf at top chain 6, s, c. in top of next leaf; chain 6. s. c. in top of next leaf, take the upper and lower alternately with (> chain between each, join ; chain 3, d. c. in first stitch, d. c. in next stitch ; repeat around with a d. c. in each stitch, join; finish off two more rosettes the same way, join the three rosettes together lengthwise; slip stitch 10 stitclies of one to tlie other until the three are joined; chain 5, d. c. in same stitch; * chain 8, d. c. in 5th stitch ; chain 2, d. c. in same stitch ; chain 8, repeat from * all around, join: * chain 2, d. c. in first v shaped hole; chain 4, s. c. in top of d. c. : cliain 4, s. c. in same place: chain 4, s. c. 8G in same plaee; chain '2, s. c. under tlic^ next 3 oluiin ; chain 2, (1. c. in V shaped liole; repeat from *. Joining for the side is the same as on No. 1135; tlie join- ing sets in where the wheels are put together, two joinings on each side of the mat with the 3 rosettes. There are 5 pieces in tliis set, one witli 3 rosettes, two with 2 rosettes in eacli, and tMo with 1 rosette in each. The border is the same as lior- der on No. 21, (see directions). Cut card-l)oard the sha[)e of mats anil cover with ]-ed or blue silesia, tack the mats to this, and they make very pretty table mats. 24 X. KRIXii: TIDY. 1st Kow: Chain 8, join in a ring; s. c. 2-1 times in center of ring. 2d Row: Chain 5, d. c in 2(1 stitch; * chain •!, d. c. in following 2d stitch; chain 3 and repeat iVom -\ join. 3d How: Single crochet 5 times in each \\o]o under the 3 chain. ^^7 4tli Ptow: Chain n, d. r. in first stitch; d. c. in each stitch around the wheel; you will have ()l) double crochets, join. 5th Row: Chain 3, d. c. in first stitch; d. c. in next stitch ; d. c. in next stitch ; make 2 d. c. in 3d stitch ; d. c. in next 2 following stitches and twice in every third, making 8<) d. crochets around the wheel, join. ()th Eow: Chain 5, d. c. in 2d stitch; * chain 1, d. c. in 2d stitch ; repeat from * join. 7th Row: * Chain 2, d. c. in first hole, chain 4, s. c. in stitch at the top of double ; chain 4, s. c. in same stitch ; chain 4. s. c. in same stitch; chain 2, s. c. in next hole; chain 2, and re- peat from *, this finishes the wheel, these Avheels are joined together by the 3 leaves on last roAV, and can be made into any size tidy, when joined together in a tidy of 10 wheels you will have 9 holes for joinings, 2 leaves being left on each wheel for joining. DIRECTIONS FOR JOIMNO. 1st Row: Chain 7, join in a ring; s. c. in ring K) times. 2d Row: Single crochet twice in each stitch, and you will have 32 stitches. 3d Row : Single crochet in first stitch ; s. c. twice in next stitch, and repeat, you will have 48 stitches. 4th Row: S. c. in first 3 stitches; chain 3, s. c. to leaf on the wheel; * chain 3, s. c. in next 3 stitches; chain o, s. c. m next 3 stitches; chain 3, s. c. to the next leaf on wheel; chain 3, and repeat from *. BORDER. Draw in the thread at top of leaf, * make 7 chain between each leaf, going across while the wheels are joined together; make a chain of 12 between the last 2 leaves on the wheel you are crocheting on; chain 4, s. c. in leaf on next wheel; chain 4, s. c. in the 4th stitch of the 12 chain; chain 7, and repeat s>> from *. The next row you chain 4-, d. c. in 3d stitch, * chain 2, d. c. in 8d stitcli ; ciiain 2, d. c. in M stitch. Repeat from *. Last row is the same as the row above; chain 2, d. c. over each doul)le. Finish Avith fringe, wind the thread around cardboard the length you want the fringe, cut and tie 3 strands in each hole around the tidy. AFOHAN STITCH BABY SACQl E. 1st Row: Chain (57 stitches, pick up each stitch of the chain on the needle, crochet them off, two at a time, (Afghan stitch is made by picking up the stitches on the chain and leaving them on the hook, after the stitches are all picked up, * ])ut the wool over the hook, draw through 2 loops, wool over the hook and draw through the next 2 and so on to the end of row, A number of long upright loo[)S will now be seen upon the work. Put the hook through the first of these and make a stitch, leave it on the hook and continue to pick the loops, 89 teep thera on the needle to the end of row. Kepeat from * ; the work can be narrowed at any place by crocheting 2 stitches together and increased by a stitch made between the upright loops or at the end). 2d Row: Pick up 15 stitches, increase 1, pick up 4, in- crease 1, pick up 29 stitches, increase 1, pick up 4 stitches, increase 1, pick np 15 stitches, crochet off 2, crochet off 2 more, chain 4, crochet off 2, crochet off all until you come to last 3 stitches, chain 4, crochet off 2, crochet oft' 2, crochet off 2. 3d Row: * Pick up 15, increase 1, pick up 6, increase 1, pick up 15, increase 1, pick up 14, increase 1, pick up 6, in- crease 1, pick up 15 stitches, crochet off 2 at a time all the way across. Repeat from * until you have 12 rows; every time you pick up the stitches you increase the 2 stitches on each shoulder, and every second time across you make a picot down the front, and every second time across increase down the middle of back. 13th Row; Pick up 15 stitches, join the 16th and 43d stitches together to form a sleeve; pick up 40 stitches, join the 43d and 16th stitches together; pick up 15 stitches, crochet all off; pick up the stitches again, only increase in middle of back, and repeat for 13 rows more. 27th Row: Pick up the stitches, * crochet off 2,, crochet off 2; chain 4, crochet off 2, crochet off 2, crochet off 2; chain 4, repeat from * all the way across. 28tli and 29th Rows: Plain Afghan stitch. SLEEVE. Draw in thread where sleeve is joined, pick up the stitches and make 12 rows more, making 24 rows from where sieeve is started at neck. 25th Row is the same as 27th on the sacque. 26th and 27th Rows: Plain. 00 BOHDKH. Take a ditferent color of yarn, draw it in at side of [)ieots at neck, set needle under the next stitch below; s. c. otf, set needle in next stitch and repeat on both sides and across the bottom; make a row of the same on the other side of pi- cots; draw the yarn in at corner of sacque on the bottom; chain 4, d. c. in same stitch (draw up the loops), * miss 1 stitch, d. c. twice in 2d, repeat from * across the bottom ; take the other color of yarn and make a row of the same, break the thread. Start at neck of sacque, crochet down the side and around to opposite side of neck with the same kind of a row; chain 4 d. c. in 2d stitch going across neck; chain 1 d. c. in every 3d stitch across neck, 1 chain between, next row is the same, going around corners make more d. c. to keep it from getting scant, across neck chain 3 d. c. in same stitch, s. c. in 2d; chain 3, d. c. in same stitch, s. c. in 2d. Repeat all around the sacque. Sleeves are finished otf* with 2 rows of doubles and small scallop same as above. COLLAR. Make 2 rows of doubles and small scallop, hold the wrong side of sacque toward you so that the collar will turn back, make a cord and tassel, draw it in the row of holes and tie in a bow in the front, when 2 colors of yarn is used^ crochet the border with each color alternately. LADIES' CROCHET CAPE. Chain 100 stitches, d. e. in 4th stitch, d. c. in next stitch, d. c. 4 times in next, d. c. in next stitch, d. c. in next stitch, d. c. in next stitch; * chain 1 stitch, miss 1, d. c. in next, d. c. in next, d. c. in next, d. c. 4 times in next, d. c. in next, d. c. in next, d. c. in next; chain one, repeat from * across the chain and you will have 11 holes to run ribbon down, turn. 91 2d Row: Chain 3 for a d. c. ; d. c. in back half of stitch over the second d. c. ; d. c. in next two doubles taken together ; * d. c. 4 times in the center of the 4 doubles on preceding row : d. c. in next, d. c. in next, d. c. in next; chain 1, miss 1 double and one chain on preceding row; d. c. in double next to the one chain; d. c. in next, d. c. in next two doubles taken together ; repeat from * to end of row, turn. 3d Row: You increase on this row. Chain 3, d. c. in back half of 2d double ; d. c. in next, d. c. in next ; * d. c. 4 times in center of 4 doubles on preceding row. D. c. in next stitch, d. c. in next, d. c. in next; chain 1, miss 1 d. c. and the 1 chain: d. c. in double next to the 1 chain; d. c. in next, d. c. in next, d. c. in next; repeat from *. This row makes 3 d. c. on one side of the 4 d. c, and 4 d. c. on the other. 4th Row: This row is the same as the row above except that you don't increase any, so you will have to take the 3d and 4th doubles together. Next two rows is the same, 4 doubles on one side and 3 doubles on the other side of the 4 d. c. in center. 7th Row: This row you increase, which will make it 4 doubles each side of the 4 d. c. in center; repeat until you have 20 rows, every 3d row you increase, when you have 7 doubles each side of the 4 d. c. in center, you can put the fringe on, tie 3 strands of yarn in every 2d stitch across the bottom, or you can finish off with a crochet border; crochet a row of doubles with 1 chain between across the neck, finish down the fronts and across the neck with a scallop of 7 d. c. at the edge of every two rows of doubles. Get narrow ribbon, run it In between the shells where you made the 1 chain. Run a piece in at the neck to draw it to fit, and tie in a bow in the front. CROCHET CHEMISE YOKE. This yoke is made in wheels and joined together. You will want 20 wheels to make the yoke for a person that measures 3G bust 112 1st How of Wheels: Chain 8, join in a ring: chain '3, d. <,'. in ring 18 times, join. 2d Row: Chain 4, d. c. between the first 2 doubles; * chain 2, d. c. between next 2; chain 2 and repeat from *, join. 3d Row: Chain 8, t. c. in first hole, crochet all off but 2 stitches, t. c. in same hole, crochet off 2 at a time until you have them all off the needle; * chain 3, t. c. in next hole, crochet all off' but 2, t. c. in same hole, crochet all off but 3, t. c. in same hole, crochet all off, 2 at a time: chain 3 and repeat from *, join. 4th Row: Chain •"), s. c. in next hole of 3 chain; chain 5, s. c. in next, repeat all around, l)reak the thread, start another wheel, 3 loops of 5 chain on last row joins to 3 loops of last wheel you made; join 6 wheels together for the piece that goes across the chest and 6 wheels for the piece across the back. Now you join the wheels that go across the shoulder; you will want 4 wheels for each shoulder, these 4 join the same, only instead of joining so as to leave 6 loops on each side they will join so as to leave only 3 loop on the inside or neck and 1) on outside. Now you join 3 under the arm so as to form the sleeve. The first of the 3 wheels, join by 3 loops to the last of the (> wheels that go across the front, leaving 3 loops each side of where it is joined, the back wheel joins the same, the wheel directly under the arm joins twice, chrochet 10 loops of last row, the next 3 loops join to the wheel on the right, make 2 loops and the last 3 join to the wheel on the left, this closes the hole for the arm, the other side joins the same. 1st Row of Border around the Neck: Draw the thread in at the first half loop of 5 chain on any of the wheels; chain 4, t. c. in same place, t. c. in same place, t. c. 3 times under the next loop of 5 chain ; * chain 3, t. c. under next loop of 5 chain : chain 3, t. c. under next loop of 5 chain ; chain 3, t. c. under next loop of 5 chain ; chain 3, t. c. under next loop of 5 chain: chain 3, t. c. 3 times under next loop of 5 chain; t. c. 3 times under next lialf loop of 5 chain; t. c. 3 times under next 93: half loop of 5 chain; t. c. 3 times under next loop of 5 chain; chain 3, repeat from * all around, join. 2d Row: Chain 7, t. c. in first hole under the 3 chain of preceding row; chain 3, t. c. in next hole; t. c. in every hole and in the center of the 12 trebles between the wheels, with 3 chain between, join. 3d Row; T. c, in first hole 3 times; chain 2, t. c. in next hole 3 times ; * chain 2, and repeat from * all around. 4th Row: T. c. in first hole under the 2 chain of preced- ing row; * chain 3, t. c. in next hole; chain 3, t. c. in next hole; chain 3, and repeat from * all around, join. 5th Row: S. c. in first hole; * chain 4, d. c. 3 times in next hole; chain 4, s. c. in next hole; chain 4, and repeat from *, join. 6th Row : * S. c. in stitch over the first of the 3 doubles on preceding row ; chain 3, s. c. over next double ; chain 3, s. c. over next double; chain 5, and repeat from *, join. Finish off the sleeve with same border as above, except over the wheel that is directly under tlie arm, on the first row of border make 24 trebles, 3 in each loop and half loops. The 1st and 2d row across the bottom or Avhere the cloth will sew on is the same as 1st and 2d row of border, the 3d row you crochet 5 d. c. in each hole all around, this finishes the yoke : you can run narrow ribbon in around the neck on the last row of holes. 94 NO. 14. CROCHET SQUARE FOR ANTIMACASSARS, COUNTERPANES, ETC. Commence in the center of one of the rosettes at the cor- ners of the squares, make a chain of 1(> stitches, join in a ring, chain 2 to take the place of a double, * chain 7, slip stitch into the 3d, chain 7, repeat from * twice more, one-half double into 2(1 of last 7 chain, d. c. into each of the 2 next stitches (see cut), chain 4, slip stitch into top of last double, d. c. into each of the 8 next stitches, chain 4, slip stitch into top of last double, d. c. into each of the 2 next stitches, one-half double into the next, slip stitch into top of 1st 2, chain 2, d. c. in each of the 2 next stitches of center chain, repeat from * 7 times more, slip stitching into top of last double worked into center instead of into top of 2d chain, after each picot point ofp rosette. 2d Round : S. c. into picot at the end of one point of rosette, chain 15, s. c. in next point, chain 9, s. c. in next point, repeat from beginning of the round 3 times more, slip stitch to 1st chain, break the thread, work 4 rosettes for the corners as de- 95 f^cribed;for the center make a chain of 12 stitches, d. c. u each stitch twice, for the insertion between the corners work down the chain at one side of one of the corners with a s. c. into each stitch, commencing at the 8th of the 15 chain, work a t. c. into a stitch of center circle, t. c . and one double into next stitch, 1 d. c. into each of next 2 stitches, 1 d. c. and 1 t. c. into next stitch, 2 t. c. in next stitch ; take another corner, work 1 s. c. in each stitch at one side of the chain (see cut), 12 chain, 1 s. c. in 9th stitch, 5 chains, miss 4 stitches at side of corner first worked, * slip stitch into each of 3 1st stitches of the 4 chain, chain 5 s. c. in 2d, chain 9 s. c. in 6th, chain 4, miss 7 stitches at side of corner, repeat from * once more, chain 5 s. c. in 2d, chain 2 s. c. into side of small center square, chain 7 s. c. in 3d, chain 4, miss 5 stitches on the side of the other corner, * slip stitch into each of the 8 stitches, chain 5, s. c. in 2d, chain 2, slip stitch into each of the 3 center stitches of the chain worked between the picots, chain 7, s. c. m 3d, chain 4, miss 7 stitches, s. c. in next, repeat from last * once more, slip stitch into each of 3 stitches, chain 5, s. c. in 2d, chain 3, s. c. in the 7th of the 12 chain, chain 3, slip stitch to the 1st s. c, break off the thread, work the other 3 pieces of insertion between the corners as described. For the outer edge of square s. c. into each stitch at side of square, and 5 into each corner. NO. 15. CROCHET TRIMMING. Make a chain the length required. 1st and 2d Rows: 1 d. c. in a stitch, 2 chain, miss 2 stitches and repeat. 90 3d Row: Make 2 d. c. over each 2 chain, * chain 1, mis& 1, d. c. twice over the 2 chain, chain 1, repeat from *. 4th Row : * 2 d. c. in a stitch, chain 3, d. c. in next stitch twice, cliain 7, miss 9 stitches, s. c. in next stitch, cliain 7, miss- 9 stitclies and repeat from *. 5th Row: D. c. 7 times under the 3 chain, * chain 5, t. c. in tlie s. c. of the last row, chain 1, t. c. in same stitch, chain 5, d. c. 7 times under the 3 chain, chain 5 and repeat from *. ()th Row: * d. c. 9 times over the 7 doubles of last row each separated with 1 chain, chain -4, s. c. in the chain be- tween the trebles, chain 4 and repeat from *. 7th Row: S. c. in the 1st of the 9 doubles of the last row, * chain 5, s. c. in the 2d stitch of the o chain, chain 1, miss 2 stitches, s. c. in next, repeat from * (5 times, chain 7, s. c. in 1st of the 9 doubles, chain 5, repeat from beginning. CROCHET TRIMMING. NO. 16. Make a chain of 20 stitches, turn 1 d. c. into the 17th^ chain 3, 2 d. c. into next stitch, chain 4, miss 4 stitches, s. c. into the next, chain 4, miss 4 stitches, 2 doubles in next, chain 2, d. c. twice in next stitch, chain 5, miss 5 stitches, 2 d. c. in next stitch, separated by 3 chain, chain (), turn. 2d Row: 2 doubles separated by 3 chain under the 3 chain, chain 4, 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, chain 5, 1 d. c. into next double, chain 5, 2 d. c, 2 chain and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, chain 5, turn, 3d Row: 2 doubles, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 cliain, chain 11, 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under next 2 chain, 3 chain, 97 2 d. c. separated by 2 chain vmder the next 2 chain, 1 chain, 1 • d. c. under the 6 chain, 3 chain, 3 d. c, 3 chain, 3 d. c, 3 chain, 3 d. c. under same 6 chain, 1 d. c. into side of double of 1st row, cliain 3, turn. ■Jith Row: D. c. into each of the 3 next doubles, and 3 d. c. under 3 chain, 6 d. c. under next 3 chain, 6 d. c. under next 3 chain, 2 d. c. separated by 2 chain, under the 2 chain, chain 3, 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, cqain 4, s. c. in- to center of 11 chain, chain 4, 2 d. c, 2 chain, 2 d. c. under the next 2 chain, chain 4, turn. 5th Row: 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, chain 5, 1 s. c. in next s. c, 5 chain, 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, 3 chain, 1 double, 2 chain, and 1 double under the 2 chain, chain G, turn. 0th Row: 1 d. c, 2 chain, and 1 d. c. under the 2 chain, 3 chain, 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, chain 11, 2 d. c, 2 chain, and 2 d. c. under the 2 chain, chain 4, turn, repeat from 4th row for the length re(|uired. 98 CROCHET TEAPOT-COSY. NO. 17. Materials required 1 oz. each of 4 shades of olive, 4 shades of red, 2 shades of maize Berlin avooI and a crochet hook No. 12. 1st Round: Make a chain of ()4 stitches with the lightest shade of maize, join in a ring, with the darkest shade of red work. * 1 s. c. into each of two stitches. 3 into next, repeat from * 17 times more, 1 s. c. into each of 10 stitches. In tli3 next and all following rows work into the back horizontal loop of each stitch. 2d Round : With the 2d shade of red work 1 s. c. into each of 3 stitches, 3 into the next, * 1 s. c. into each of 4 stitches, 3 into the next, repeat from * 1(3 times more, 1 s. c. into each of 10 stitches. 3d Round: With the 3d shade of red, 1 s. c. into each of 4 stitches, 3 into the next, * 1 s. c. into each of 5 stitches, 3 into next, repeat from * IH times more, 1 s. c. into each of 10 stitches. 4th Round: With the 4th shade of red, 1 s. c. into each of 5 stitches, 3 into the next, * 1 s. c. into each of G stitches, 3 into next, repeat from * 16 times more, 1. s. c. into each of 10 stitche.^. 99 5th Round: With the lightest shade of maize, 1 s. c. iuto erteh of 6 stitches, o into next, * 1 s. c. into each of 7 stitches, 3 into next, repeat from * 16 times more, 1 s. c. into each of lU stitches. The work is now continued in rows over the van- dykes, but the plain part at the bottom of the cosy is not worked u})on. 6th Row: With the darkest shade of maize, 1 s. c. into each of 5 stitches, 3 into the point of vandyke, * 1 s. c, into each of 5 stitches, miss 2 stitches in the depth between 2 Vandykes, 1 s. c. into each of 5 next stitches, 3 into point of vandyke, repeat from * to the end of row, finish the row Avith 1 s. c. into each of 5 stitches. All the following rows are worked like the 6th row, and the wodl is broken off at the end of each row. 7th Row: With lightest maize. 8th and 9th Rows: With darkest olive. 10th and 11th Rows: 2d shade of olive. 12th and 13th Rows: 3d shade of olive. ll:th and 15th Rows: Lightest olive. 16th Row: Darkest shade of olive. 17th Row: 2d shade of olive. 18th Row: 3d shade of olive. 19th Row: 4th shade of olive. 2()th Row: Lightest maize. 21st Row: Darkest shade of maize. 22d Row: Lightest shade of maize. 23d and 21th Rows: Darkest shade of red. 25th and 26th Rows: 2d shade of red. 27th and 28th Rows: 3d shade of red. 29th and 30th Rows: Lightest shade of red. 31st Row: Darkest red. 32d Row : 2d shade of red. 33d Row: 3d shade of red. 31th Row: Lightest red. To fill up the hole at the beginning of the work with the darkest olive, work 1 s. c. into each alternate stitch of begin- ning chain. 100 2cl Rouiul: 1 d. c. into a stitch, miss 2 stitches, 1 d. c. in next, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, and repeat all around. 3d Ronnd: 1 d. c. into 2 chain, 1 d. c. into next 2 chain, 1 chain, repeat all around. 4th Round : 1 d. c. into each chain all around. The other side is worked like the first. Now to make up the cosy, place tlie two sides together, the wrong side of the work inside, as this forms the outside of cosy, sew them firmly together with a needle and wool through and through, leaving the points to turn inside the work ; take a piece of brown paper about six inches across and in the shape of a half .circle, put this over the })art of the circle worked in darkest olive and in tlie pattern round it, sew the work down to the paper so that it sets in nice Hutos, turn the work to the right side and line with thickly wadded satin or sateen. A crochet rosette is sewn over the olive circle. 1st Row: To work the rosette commence in the center with the lightest shade of red wool with a chain of 5. join in a ring, s. c. in ring 8 times. 2(1 Row : With the darkest shade of red 1 s. c. into a stitch chain 5, s. c. in same stitch the last was worked into, 1 chain, repeat all around. 3d Row ; With the 2d shade of red s. c. in the 1 chain, chain 5, s. c. in same stitch the last was worked into, chain 1, s. c. into next stitch, chain 1, repeat all around. 4th Row: With the lightest shade work 1 s. c. into a stitch, chain 5, s. c. into same stitch last worked into, repeat all around. Tlie cosy is edged with silk cord, comprising the various shades used; it is arranged in 3 loops at toj). 101 CROCHET TRIMMING. NO. 18. 1st Row: Chain 23 stitches, miss 7, d. c. in next, * chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. in next, repeat from * 3 times more, d. c. in each of the 3 next stitches, chain *>, turn. 2d Row: D. c. in each of the 3 first stitclies of the t) chain and 1 into the next, 2 chain, miss 2 stitches, d. c. in each of -1 next stitches, * chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. in next, repeat from * 3 times more, chain 5, turn. 3d Row: D. c. into top of next d. c, 2 chain, d. c. in next d. c, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitclies, chain 5, t. c. into center of next chain, chain 5, miss 4 stitches, d. c. into each of the 4 next stitches, chain 11, turn. 4th Row: D. c. into each of the 3 first stitches of the 11 chain, and 1 into the next stitch, chain 5, miss 4 of the 5 chain, s. c. into each of 3 next stitches, cliain 5, miss 4 chain and 3 doubles, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into the next, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into next, chain 5, turn. oth Row: Miss 2 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, chain 8, miss 8 stitches, s. c. into each of 5 next stitches, chain S, miss 8 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, chain 5, turn. 6th Row: D. c. into 8 chain 4 times, chain 7, s. c. 3 times into center of the 5 singles, chain 7, miss 4 chain, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into next stitch, chain 2, d. c. into end stitch, chain 5, turn. 102 7th Row: D. c. in next d. c, chain 2, d. c. in next d. c, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitclies, chain 4, t. c. into center of 3 s. c, chain 4, miss 5 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, chain 4, turn. Sth Row : Miss 3 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, chain 2, miss 3 stitches, d. c. into each of 4 next stitches, * chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into next, repeat from * 3 times more, chain T), turn. 5)th Row : Miss 2 stitches, d. c. into next, * chain 2, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into next, repeat from * 4 times more, d. c. into each of the 3 next stitches, chain 9, repeat from 2d row. For the Edge:— 1st Row: T. c. into the depth between 2 scallops, chain 3, s. c. into the next loop of chain at the end of 2d row, chain 3, d. c. into 4th row, chain 4, s. c. into Sth row, chain 5, s. c. into the 6th row, chain 5, s. c. into 7th roAv, chain 4, d. c. into Sth row, chain 3, s. c. into Dtli row, chain 3, repeat from beginning of row. 2d Row: S. c. under first 3 chain, chain 3, s. c. under next chain, * chain 5, s. c. under next chain, repeat from * twice more, chain 3, s. c. under next chain, chain 3, s. c. under next chain, chain 2, repeat from beginning of row. 3d Row: S. c. under first 3 chain, chain 1, d. c. under next 3 chain,* chain 3, s. c. into the first stitch of chain, d. c. under same 3 chain, repeat from * twice more, chain 1, s. c. under next 5 chain, chain 2, d. c. under next 5 chain, * chain 4, s. c. into the first stitch of chain, d. c. under same chain, repeat from last * twice more, chain 2, s. c. under next 5 chain, chain 1, d. c. under 3 chain, * chain 3, s. c. in first stitch of chain, d. c. under the 3 chain, repeat from *" twice more, chain 1, s. c. under next 3 chain, then repeat from beginning of row. 103 >0. 19. TRIMMING. The scollops of doubles are worked separately and are joined together when a sufficient number have been worked. 1st Row: Commence Avith 13 chain, work down the chain with 1 d. c. into each stitch, and 5 at the end stitch, work up the other side of chain in the same way. 2d Row: Turn, chain 2 to take the place of a double, miss 1 stitch, d. c. into each stitch except the center of 5 doubles, in this work 5; do not work on the last 2 stitches. 3d Row: Like 2d row. 4th Row : D. c. in each stitch, except the 2 first and 2 last stitches. 5th Row: Like 3d row; break off the thread and fasten it at the back of work : work as many patterns as are needed. To join two patterns together, work a s. c. into the point at side of pattern (see cut), chain 12, miss 4 stitches, s. c. into next, chain 11, miss 4 stitches, s. c. into the next, chain 5, s. c. into the (3th of the 11 chain and 7th of the 12 chain together chain 11, s. c. into the first, chain 5, s. c. in side of next pat- tern (see cut), chain 5, s. c. into first of previous 5 chain, chain 4, miss 4 stitches, s. c. into the next, chain 5, s. c. into first of previous chain, chain G, s. c. into point at side of pat- tern, chain 4, s. c. into same stitch, the first s. c. was worked into, chain 7, s. c. into 2d, chain 2. For the Edge: — S. c. into 1st point at side of pattern, * chain 1), s. c. into 1(14: 3(1. chain 2, s. c. into next point, re[)eat from * ;} times more, chain (>, s. c. into same point, * chain *.), s. c. into 3d, chain 2, s. c. into next point, repeat from last * 3 times more, chain 2, s. c. into point, repeat from beginning of row. For the Heading: — 1st Eow: D. c. into each at side of pattern (see cut), chain 4. s. c. into the point, chain 4, miss 4 stitches, d. c. into next, chain 7, s. c. into loop of 11 chain, chain 7, repeat from the beginning of row. 2d Eow: D. c. into a stitch, chain 1, miss 1 stitch and repeat. CROCHET LACE NO. 20. The thread is broken off each time across on this lace. 1st Row: Make a chain the length required, d. c. into 2d stitch. * 1 chain, miss 1 stitch, d. c. in 2d. repeat from *. 2d Eow: S. c. into a stitch, chain 3. miss 3 stitches, one half double into each of 2 stitches, chain 3, miss 2 stitches, s. c. into a stitch, 1 long chain, miss 2 stitches, and repeat from * 11 times more, re})eat from beginning of row. 3d Eow: D. c. into 1st s. c. of last row. chain 4, miss 1 stitch. 3 d. c. into next stitch, chain 3, miss 2 stitches, d. c. into next stitch, chain 4, d. c. into next s. c, s. c. into next s. c, chain 1, repeat from * U times more, d. c. into next s. c, repeat from * to the end of row. 4th Eow: D. c. into 1st d. c. of scallop, chain 4, miss 1 stitch, d. c. into each of 3 stitches, * chain 3, miss 3 stitches, d. c. into each of 3 stitches, repeat from * once more, chain 4, 105 d. c. in next s. c, miss Is. c, s. c. in next, * chain 1, s. c. into next s. c, repeat from last * 6 times more, then repeat from beginning of row. 5th Eow: D. c. into 1st d. c. of scallop, chain -1, miss 1 stitch, * d. c. into each of the 3 stitches, chain 3, repeat from * 3 times more, chain 1, d. c. into next d. c, miss 1 s. c, s. c. into the next, * chain 1, s. c. in next s. c, repeat from last * 4 times more, then repeat from beginning of row. 6th Eow: D. c. in 1st d. c. of scallop, chain 4, miss 1 stitch, * d. c. into each of 3 stitches, chain 3, miss 3 stitches, repeat from * 4 times more, d. c. into next d. c, miss 1 s. c, s. c. in next, * chain 1, s. c. into next s. c, repeat from last * twice more, then repeat from beginning of row. 7tli Kow: D. c. in 1st d. c. of scallop, chain 4, miss i stitch, * d. c. into each of the 3 next stitches, chain 3, miss 3 stitches, and repeat from * 5 times more, chain 1, d. c. into next d. c, miss 1 s. c, s. c. into next, chain 1, s. c. into next s. c, repeat from beginning of row. 8th Row: D. c. into 1st d. c. of scallop, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, * d. c. into each of next 3 stitches, chain 3, miss 3 stitches, and repeat from * C) times more, s. c. into center of doubles between the scallops, chain 3, repeat from 1st * to the end of row. 9th Row: S. c. into the s. c. of last row, chain 4, miss B stitches, d. c. into next stitch, chain 3, d. c. into same stitch, chain 2, miss 2 stitches, s. c. into next stitch, chain 2, repeat from * times more, chain 4, repeat from the beginning of row. lOG (ROCHET TRIMMIMi. NO. 21. Chain 4, d. o. in each stitch^ chain 4, turn, 'I chain to take the place of a double, d. c. in each of the 7 stitches, work backward and forward in this way until you have 20 stitches in the row, then decrease until you have only 4 stitches, and so on until you have worked the length recjuired. For the rosettes make a chain of 8 stitches, join in a ring. 1st Round: S. c. in ring 24 times. 2d Round: Chain 4 to take the place of a treble. * chain 3, miss 1 stitch, t. c. in next, repeat from * 10 times more, chain 3, join to the top of 4 chain. 3d Round: 1 s. c, one-half double, 1 double, 3 chain, 1 double, one-half double, 1. s. c. under each 3 chain of last round. To join the rosettes to the Vandykes, s. c. in center of 3 chain at edge of rosette, chain 3, s. c. into the side of the long- est point of Vandyke, chain 3, s. c. into next 3 chain of rosette, chain 3, s. c. in 2d point of Vandyke, chain 3, s. c. into next 3 chain of rosette, chain 3, s. c. in 3d point of vandyke, chain o, s. c. into next point, chain 4, s. c. in 1st point on next vandyke, chain 5, s. c. into 2d point, chain 3, miss 1 scallop of rosette, s. c. into center of next 3 chain, chain 3, s. c. in 3d point, chain 3, s. c. into next 3 chain, chain 3, s. c. into 4th point, chain 3, s. c. into next 3 chain, chain 3, repeat from beginning of row. For the heading on the other side of vandvkes, work 1 double in tlie top of double, chain 2, repeat. 10" NO. 22. CROCHET TRIM3IING. 1st Row: Begin every row from the same end: make a chain the length required: d. c. into a stitch, chain 1, miss 1 stitch, and repeat. 2d Eow: S. c. into a stitch, chain 4, s. c. in 2d stitch of 4 chain, chain 8, miss 5 chain, s. c. in next, chain 4, s. c. in 2d stitch of 4 chain, chain 8, miss 5, s. c. in next, chain 11, miss 5 stitches, s. c. in next, chain 11, miss 5 stitches, s. c. in next, chain 9, miss 5 stitches, s. c. in next, * chain 5, s. c. in 2d stitch of chain, chain 8, miss 5, s. c. in next, repeat from * twice more, then repeat from beginning of row. 3d Row: S. c. in center of 2d loop of last row, chain 11, s. c. into the 8th, chain 7, s. c. into the 4th, chain 9, s. c. into 4th, chain 7, s. c. into 3d, chain 8, s. c. twice into the oth, chain 7, s. c. into 4th, chain 7, s. c. in 4th, chain 9, s. c. in 4th, chain 7, s. c. in 4th, 7 chain, miss 2 loops on last row, s. c. into next, chain 9, s. c. into center of next loop, * chain 6, s. c. into 3d stitch of chain, chain P), s. c. in center of next loop, repeat from * 3 times more, then repeat from beginning of row. 4th Row: Make 7 d. c. between the two first picots of last row, chain 5, s. c. in 2d stitch of chain, chain 1, repeat from besrinninsr of row 3 times more, work the 3d shell into the large picot at top of scallop instead of between the 2 picots, d. c. 7 times between the next 2 picots, chain 2, s. c. in center of next loop, chain 9, s. c. in center of next loop, * chain 5, s. c. in 2d stitch of chain, chain 7, s. c. in center of next loop, re- peat from * twice more, chain 3, repeat from beginning of row. 5th Row: * Make 7 doubles into the center of 7 doubles of last roAv, chain H, repeat from * 4 times more, 1 chain, s. c. into center of loop, * chain 7, s. c. in center of next loop, re- peat from last * twice more, chain 1, repeat from beginning of row. (ith Row: Make H d. c. in center of 7 d. c. on last row. chain 8, s. c. in 1st stitch of chain, d. c. 8 times in same stitch the last doubles were worked into, repeat 11 times more, work- ing the shells into the 7 chain of last row as well as into the center of 7 doubles. Tlie spaces between the 2d and 3d rows in the center of scallops are filled in with a star of 8 little points, as follows: Chain 8, join in a ring, chain 6, s. c. in chain 2 stitches below first picot, s. c. into each stitch of the chain, slip stitch into next stitch on ring, chain 6, skip 2 picots, s. c. in center of next chain, s. c. in each of the 6 chain (see cut), chain (5 and repeat 4 times more, the last 2 points join to the 2 loops of 11 chain on the 2d row. >0. 23. CROCHET BORDER FOR SHAWL. Tliis design is pretty worked with Eis or Shetland wool, or with crystal silk wool. Make a chain the length required or work in- to the edge of shawl. 1st Row: * S. c. 5 times into a stitch, chain 2. miss 4 stitches, s. c. in next; chain 2, miss 4 stitches and repeat from *. 2d Row: * S. c. in center of 5 s. c. on row above; chain 3. s. c. in next s. c. ; chain 3 and repeat from *. 3(1. Row: * D. c. 5 times in center of 5 s. c. on row above; chain 3, s. c. in center of next s. c, ; chain 3 and repeat from *. 109 CROCHET TRIMMING No. 24. 1st Round: For the rosettes, commence in the center with Gth chain, join in a ring; * chain 6, work down the chain with 1 half double and 5 d. c. ; s. c. in ring, repeat from * 5 times more. 2d Round: Slip-stitch up the first 6 chain, * chain 7, s. c. in top of next 6 chain, repeat from * 5 times more, join. 3d Round: Chain 3, d. c. in every stitch and every 4th stitch, go twice in same one so as to keep from getting scant all around, join. liU 4tli Round: Chain 3, d. c. in first stitch; * chain I, d. c. in next, repeat from * join. 5th Round: Like 4th round. 6th Round: S. c. in each of two next stitches; * chain 8, s. c. back in 5th stitch of chain; chain 4, miss 5 stitches, s. c. in ()th stitch, s. c.^in next; chain 8, repeat from *. 7th Round: * D. c. 12 times in picot formed on last round, chain 3, d. c. 12 times, repeat from *. 8th Round: S. c. in center of 3 chain; * chain 4, s. c. in 3d of 12 doubles, chain 5, s. c. in 5th double; chain 5, s. c. in 7th double; chain 5, s. c. in 9th double; chain 4, s. c. in the 3 chain ; chain 4, repeat from * all around The rosettes are joined by a s. c. into the center of the 5 chain, when working the corresponding stitch of next rosette, (see cut). 1st Round: For the squares, commence in the center with six chain, join in a ring, s. c. in ring; * chain 7, s. c. in ring, repeat from * until you have 8 loops of 7 chain in each. 2d Round: Slip-stitch to center of the 7 chain; * chain 3, d. c. in center of next 7 chain 7 times ; chain 3, s. c. in top of next 7 chain ; chain 3, repeat from *. 3d Round: S. c. in the side of a scallop on lower rosette; chain 10, s. c. into each of the 3 first stitches of the 7 doubles; chain 2, s. c. in side of next rosette; (see cut) chain 2, s. c. into each of the 3 last of 7 doubles ; chain 3, s. c. into each of the 3 next doubles; chain 2, s. c. in side of upper rosette; chain 2, s. c. into the 3 last of the 7 doubles; chain 3, repeat from the beginning of row once more, join to the 8th stitch of 10 chain. In working the last corner there will be no rosette to work into, this is joined in working the Ijorder. For the patterns between the square, work 1 double into the corner of square not joined to a rosette ; chain 34, s. c. in corner of next square, turn, s. c. in each of the 5 stitches; chain 0, miss 10 stitches, s. c. in each of the 4 next; chain 1>, miss 10 stitches, s. c. in each of the 5 stitches and one single HI into side of square, turn, s. c. into each of 4 stitches; * cliain 4, d. c. in center of 1> chain ; chain 4 s. c. twice in center of the 4 s. c, repeat from * once more; 1 s. c. into each of the 4 last doubles, 1 s. c. in side of square, turn ; chain 8, 1 s. c. into first of 7 d. c. ; chain 3, miss two stitches, s. c. in next ; chain 3, 1 s. c. into edge of rosette; (see cut) chain 3, miss 3 stitches, s. c. in next ; chain 3, miss 2 stitches, s. c. in next ; chain 2, s. c. between next d. c. ; chain 2, repeat from * once more, 8 chain join to square with a s. c. For the edge: 1 d. c. in the middle of square, (see cut) 1 d. c. in center of chain ; chain 5, 1 d. c. in next scallop of rosette; * chain 10, d. c. in next scallop, repeat from * times more; chain 5, d. c. in center of next chain, d. c. in the middle of side of next square ; chain 3, miss 6 stitches, * d. c. twice in next; chain 5, miss 5 stitches, repeat from * 7 times more; chain 3. repeat from beginning of row. 2d Kow: One d. c. in a stitch: chain 1, miss 1 stitch and repeat, at the cornei's miss 5 stitches. 3d Kow : S. c. in 3d stitch at the side of scallop, chain 5, miss 3 stitches and repeat all around the edge of scallop ; chain 2, miss 5 stitches at the corner, s. c. in next; * chain 7, miss 4 stitches, s. c. in next, repeat from * 5 times more ; chai]i 2, repeat from beginning of row. 4th Kow : S. c. in center of first 5 chain ; * chain 5, s. c. in center of next 5 chain, repeat from * to end of scallop; chain 3, s. c. in center of 7 chain; * 7 chain, s. c. in center of next 7 chain, repeat from * 3 times more, then repeat from beo-in- ning of row. 5th Kow : S. c. in first 5 chain of last row ; * chain 0, s. c. in center of next 5 chain, work up the chain with one-half double, 2 doubles and one treble ; chain 4, slip-stitch into the other side of the treble ; chain 6, slip-stitch into the first of 4 chain ; chain 4, s. c. of next 5 chain, repeat from * to the end of the scallop; chain 4 to cross the corner, there continue the pattern along the straight part. 112 6th Row: S. c. in first s. c. of last row; chain 8, s. c. into the 5th of nine chain ; chain 3, s. c. into the second of the chain; chain S, s. c. into the 4th of the chain; chain 3, s. c. in the last of the (> chain; chain 4, s, c. into next d. c. worked into 5 chain; repeat from beginning of row. For the heading. 1st E-ow: S. c. in center loop of scallop, (see cut) 15 chain, s. c. in center of next scallop; chain 32, s. c. in 21st of 32 chain, slip-stitch into each of the 3 next stitches; chain 4, s. c. into the 2d stitch of loop of chain ; * chain 7, s. c. in loop of chain, repeat from * twice more; chain 3, d. c. into 27th of the 32 chain ; chain 4, seven doubles in center of 7 cliain; chain 4, s. c. in center of next 7 chain; chain 4 seA^en doubles in center of next 7 chain; chain 4, s. c. in 17th of the 32 chain, slip-stitch in each of two next stitches; cliain 4, s. c. in each of the 3 doubles; chain 1, s. c. into next scallop of rosette; (see cut) chain 1, miss 1 d. c, s. c. into each of two next s. c. ; chain 3, s. c. in each of 3 next s. c. ; chain 1, s. c. in scallop of next rosette ; chain 1, s. c. in each of three next stitches; chain 4, s. c. in top of d. c. at the top of half square; chain 14, s. c. in center of next scallop of rosette; chain 15, repeat from beginning of row. 2d Row: D. c. into a stitch; chain 1, miss 1 stitch and repeat. 3d Row: Treble crochet into each of the 2 stitches: chain 3, miss 3 stitches and repeat. 4th Row: Like second row. 113 The Mats and Tidies as shown in cuts on pages 7, 9, 10, 13. 14, 15, 33, 3."), 47, (58, 71, 85, 88, 94, can be made of Ger- man crochet cotton or linen finished antique crochet cord. The latter being preferable. Star Stitch Sacque, on \mge 17. is made of split zephyr with border of silk. Fascinator on page 21 can l)e made of Shetland fioss. Sax- ony or split zephyr. Toboggan Caja on same page is made of single zephyr. Child's Tricot Crocheted Dress on page 22 is made in tvro colors of Germantown yarn, or single zephyr. The Lace Edgings on images 25, 27, 29, 37, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 70, 73, 76, 79, 81, 82, 84, 95, 96, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, can be made of spool cotton or German crochet cot- ton, the last being much the best. It is not desirable to use linen as it does not wear well. (dollar on page 31 is made of crochet linen. Baby's Bootees on page 39 can be made of silk or Sax- ony yarn. Infants' Hoods on pages 41 and 42 are made of Hemin- way crochet silk. Amount required. 1^ oz. Gent's AVool Cap on page 44 is made of Spanish yard, which is the best for that purpose. Crocheted Shoes on page 44 are made of either single zephyr. Saxony, or Germantown yarn. Collar on page 45 is made wdtli featheredge braid No. 2, and either cotton or linen thread. Child's Petticoat on i)age 53 is made in silk or wool. Silk Purses on pages 57 and 58 are made of Heminway crochet silk. Amount required, -J oz. Lace Edge on page 80 is made with crocliet cotton and novelty braid. Afghan or Tricot Stitch Sacque on page 88 is made of single zephyr or fine quality of Germantown yarn. lU Lady''s Crocheted Cape on jKige '.'i) is made in Shetland lloss or Saxony yarn. Chemise Yoke on })age 01 is ]n;id(' of (xernian crochet cotton. Lace Border i'or shawl on page !<>>; is made ot* Ise wool. We recommend M. Heminway & Son's Silk' of crochet work. These silks stand unrival ' fabric, smoothness and uniformity of fibe^- and fastness of color and durability, it HETV^INWT^Y'S }^ niiting and P roehet Sv ili^s Ai;i: jiANiFAtTiRi::) rr.oM the PUREST RKM SILK. cli, being a pure thread silk, will not "rough up" in !* working, and will wear smooth. Some kinds of 1 cheaper silks will wear rough and look like Saxony Yarn. Ask for lleiiiinwav's Silks. ^Varranted the Best that can be Produced. '\DE Sl'PI'LIEI) AT FACTORY . IJL/atertou;^, ^OT)i,. AS ^ 74 9 76 Qveei) ^t., [iew Vorl^. I716 prel? 5t., pi?iladelpt?ia. ESTABLISHED 15^4^9. Heminway's Silks U^'RIVALE1) FOi; Purity of Fabric. Smoothness and Uniformity of Fibre. Brilliancy of Finish, ''Fastness" of Color, Dye and Durability. Hemipuyay's Rope ^\\\{, A coarse, loosely twisted Silk Thread, more especially used for producing bold effects on heavy materials, euth as Silk Plush, Felt, etc., and can also be used on lighter materials where an elaborate design is desired. Hemi^uyay's JapaQ VJL/asf^ ^ill^, For Outline Work on Splashers, Table Scarfs, Bureau and Wash-stand Co\ ers, and on any fabric which require.* washing, as this silk is guaranteed not to "run" or fade. THESE Corspts arc sperially constructed with two curved springs so as to fit exactly on and support tlie Shoulder Blades, and another sprinit to support the Spine, both made of the very finest tempered clock spriuK, thus rrcalinKaconiiilcte support for the Spine, sure to relieve or'pre vent Back -Ache, Spinal Irrita- tion, Hound Shoulders, Stooping Habits. Weakness. Pains in the Hip, Disease.'; of theSpine, Kidneys, and allied diseast.s. Tlicy sujiply a cDvering for tlic open spai e, and thereby protect the Spine from Cold, and give a smoothness of fit to llic ba<'k of Ihedrtss. niakioKthem a valuable and most necessary Corset for general wear, and of the greatest honelit to t'liiUtrcn and Younp: Ladies attending; school. Madame Dean's Spinal Suiii)<)rlin« Corset, without Slioulder Brace, $2.00; Madame Dean's Spinal Support- ing Corset, with Shoulder Brace conibinely iiiiparfing perfee/ smoothness and rleanliness. THESK RESlM/rS ARE PHYSICAL I!\IPO.S.SIBIL,ITIES « itii any other form of )>rusli yet ]>roi>ose