Ii5D3 .J:^ This collection of war relics was gathered during the first two years of the war by Mr. Ridgely Lytle of the Class of 1913, delegate in the province of Luxembourg of the Commission for Relief in Belgium and later member of the American ambu- lance in France. It was very fortunate that this catalogue of the collection could be made, practically entirely, by Mr. Lytle himself, dur- ing his recent visit to Princeton, H. B. VAN HOESEN, Souvenirs of the War in Europe. Presented by Ridgely Lytle, '13. List of Exhibits. Addresses of gratitude delivered on the occasions of demon- strations in honor of the American delegate of the province of Luxembourg LYT Dep5944-48 1. Les eit-vos des Soeurs de Nctre Dame. St. Hubert, May 7, 1915. 2. ComltS local de seeours et d'alimentation de Hautfays. Hautfays, July 29, 1915. Signed by tlie president. 3. Les fleves de I'Cvole des filles d'Hatrival. H;itrival, Mar. Ifi. 191.5. 27 outograiih signatures. 4. "Sosipe de guerre. Mai 15" [191 — ] 5. Le3 petits sarcons d'Hatrival. Hatrival, Mar. 22 fl9l— ]. 19 autograph signa- tures. American ambulance insignia LYT Exl477 White enameled shield with led ci-oss, at one time worn on the kbaUl American ambu- lance cap. but later replaced by a bronsse insignia of "wings", with American ambulance instead of red cross. Bronze letters A. A. orife'inally worn on uniform collar. (The use was not continued.) Balisaux, Andree. Poems oi a nine-year-old Belgian girl LYT Dep5976-79 1. I* Conrageux Soldat part pour la guerre. 2. lift guerre est d^clarC. 3. Jm Patrie en danger. 4. 1^ Hat.TiUe. Bayonet and scabbard. French LYT Exl452 Four-edtjed, and a blade of lUnmi t-sveiity inches. The scabbard is rounded with ball at end. Used in the battle of Verdun, probably In the French advance in Boi.s de Cail- lette. Brought back to Rovlgny by a vminded soldier who carried it, and given to an '■American am'mJnnce driver" there. Belgium. (Territory under German occupation, 1914 — ). Pass-port issued by the German government in Belgium for an American delegate of the Commission for Relief in Belgium to cro.ss the frontier into Holland LYT Dep5972 Belgium. (Territory under German occupation, 1914 — ). Pass-ports of an American delegate in Belgium. LYT Depr)970-71 1. Mitfahrorlaubuis I'iir krafrw^iii'ii. 2. Passierschein. Sijjrned by the ••OtxM-lciiliianC' in J'.riisNt-ls. Belt. French soldier's belt LYT Exl4o1 Partly cloth, strongly woven, and partly leather, given by a French wounded soldier to an "American ambulanro driver" in whose nnsbnlance he was beinj carried. Was woin on the battlefield :\t Verd\iii. PEiJNCETON UNiVEttSlTY LIBKAHY Belt buckle. German. LYT Exl489 Belt buckle worn by German infantrymen. The desljm is the German imperial crown, and the words are '-Gott mlt uns". This was taken off a German killed In Neuf- chateau, Lusembourgr, Belgium. Beret. Alpin chasseur's beret (97) LYT Exl454 French beret (corresponds to Scotch "tam o' shanter") worn by "Chasseurs Alpins". regiments devoted to service in the Vosges Mountains. Dark blue one exchanged by wounded chasseur from Verdun for an American ambulance cap. Insignia of the 97tlJ regiment (hand grenade). Beret. Chasseur Alpin beret (59th regiment) LYT Exl455 Light blue (new stvle) "beret" worn by a member of tlie 59th regiment brought back wounded from Venluti. These "Chasseurs Alpins" are probably France's best fighting regiments, and were employed very much in the Verdun attack. Bullets. Machine gun bullets LYT Exl441 Bits of machine gun bullets, which exploded when Zeppelin L Z 77 burst into flames on being brought down by the French at Revigny, February 21st, lOlfi. Found on the spot where the Zeppelin descended. Button. American ambulance button LYT Exl467 Brass coat button mth cross as insignia, worn by members of the American ambu- lance in the French service. Button. French engineers' button LYT Exl465 Coat button with emblem of the engineer branch of the French army, a helmet over a cnirass (emblem adopted by Napoleon). Given by a wounded engineer in the American hojjpit.-il at .Tuilly, Franco. Button. Frencli infantry button LYT Exl496 Largo brass button, from Zouave khaki uniform, given by a French soldier at JuiUy. Button. French infantry button LYT Exl495 Large gray Imttoa, given by a l-'rou'h soMii'i' at Juilly. Button. French infantry button LY^T Exl468 Small gray button, cut off from a discarded bloody coat of a French soldier brouglit back to llivigny after the battle of Vt^rduu. Button. French marine button LYT Exl491 Given by a wounded French marine who fell on the property of "La Claireau" to Count de Briey, in whose diftteau tl-.e soldier was cared for. Later given to nn American delegate. Button. Gei'man infantry button LYT Exl490 Bearing the imperial crown of Germany. Given by a wounded German soldier to Count de Briey, and later to an American delegate. The German fell at I^a Claireau. near Ethe. Luxenil>oiirg. August, 1914. Cap. French cabot LYT Exl494 . Fatigui' cap, worn by French soldiers. A new one presented to an American ambu lance driver at Hevigny. France. LYTLE WAR RELICS EXHIBITION. Cap. French infantry cap LYT Exl44ri Old-fashioned cap (kepi) with number thirteen embroidered on the front, indicating '■13th infantry regiment". Tills cap went through the battle of Verdun until the owner was wounded and brought back to Uevigny. The owner offered up his cap in gratitude for cigarettes given him by "an American ambulance driver". Cap. White cap worn bv soldiers with head wounds. LYT Exl492 From Verdun, Ked cross hospital service. Cap worn by chauffevir of the American ambulance in France. LYT Dep6056 On the front is the bronze insignia of the A. A. Cartridge. Belgian LYT Exl485 Klfle bullet secui-ed at Waterloo, Belgium. Old-type cartridge. Notice the blunt edge, ill contrast to the modern French and Germ.'in cartridges. Cartridge belt. French LYT Exl453 Leather straps and cartrj.lge holders (three) of a French private who fell at Verdun and was brought back to Revigny. On the back of one cartridge pocket, he has written: "151e inf'ry, S)e bataillon, 36e compagnie, 8208. Oiayere Derrien" (name backwards). Cartridges. Clip of five German infantrv cartridges. LYT Exl486 Clip of five German infantry cartridges given by a German wounded soldier to Count de liriey, governor of Luxembourg at the time of the German invasion, and later pre- sented to the Ani'jrican delegate of the i)r()vince. The chfltoau of Count de Briey was used for wounded soldiers. Cartridges. Clip of three French cavalry cartridges. LYT Exl487 Given to Count de Briey by a wounded French soldier who was being cared for in the former':- chateau. Later given to the American delegate. Count de Briey was active iu t;.e relief woik at Virton, southern Luxembourg. There was fphting on his pfoporty. Cartridges. Two French bullets and an emptv cartridge. LYT Exl488 Picked up in the battlefield of Luchy near the Chateau de Koumont, headquarters of the .American delegate of the Relief comodssioD. I'v the American deloirate, June. 1015. Chant de reconnaissance LYT Dep5968 Sung at the school of Nytre Dacie, St. lIulKjit, i>r<.viuce of LuxfmJxmri,', on the ©.-ea sion i.f n deic.onstration to the American delegates. Cigarette lighter. French LYT Exl460 Made by a .soldier who had returned fi-om the battle of Verdun to Uevigny, for an '•.American ambulance driver". Made of two German rifle shells. I'lie copper piece is [.art of a Zeppelin L '/. 77 brought down nt Revigny. Thet:e lighters .ire most practical nnd generally used in the trendies. Comite de secours et d 'alimentation du Liixembourg. Report drawn up by the delegates of the province of Luxem- bourg of economic and social conditions in the province. LYT D'op5n42 Commission for relief in Belgium. Letter lioads.IjYT l)ci)59.3f>-4l 1. Rotterdam office. 2. Brussels office. 3. rnr.vincial office. Luxemtumrg-. PfilNCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRABY Commission for relief in Belgium. -, x i. D S Letter of identity and recommendation made out by the "Commission for relief in Belgium" for a delegate about to enter the service. This enabled him to go to Belgium. LYT Dep5981 Signed by the chairman. rnnvov whistle LYT Exl463 Whistle uso.l bv -un" American 'ambulance driver" connected with the French army, aud .tat\on"d at Revi^ny for the Verdun attack. Ambulances travel in convoys, and whistles are used in signalling. Food tickets. Durbuy : ' ' Bons ' ' for food LYT Dep6011-13 Food tickets made on old picture post cards to serve the emergency. Signature •f Compte d'Ursel. President du Comite Regional. 1. Ardennes Beiges: L'Ourthe en Aval. 2. Route veuant de Rome et Barvaux. n. Vn du Bois de Cbapcly. France. Consulate. London. t vm t^ cnco D. S. Annexe du passeport LY 1 DepbUb^ Issued to an American ambulance driver at London, Dec. 16, 1915. It has the French and English seals of Dieppe, Follcestone and Loudon. Signed by the consul general. France. Consulate. London. D. S. Passport LYT Dep6063 Issued to an American ambulance driver for passage to and from France. Signed by the consul general. France. Legation. Great Britain. D. S. Certificate issued to a member of the American ambu- lance to enable him to go to France LYT Dep6060 Signed by the deputy secretary of the embassy. France. Ministere de la guerre. D. S. Ordre de mission LYT Dep6064 Issued for an American amlmlance driver, March 8, ISUG. Signed by tlie deputy of tlie undersecretary of state. France. Office des sections sanitaires etrangeres. L. S. April 6, 1916, to Ridgley Lytle LYT Dep6057 Signed by Captain Au.iay, head of the foreign ambulance sections of the French army. Gas mask and case. French LYT Exl447 This apparatus includes a pair of isinglass goggles, resembling motor goggles, which fit tightly to the chad, and an arrangement of cotton batting bound in gauze and pro- tected Ijy oiled cloth, wliich fits over the mouth and chin. The case is made of tin. Carried by Ren6 Le Sergent. a stretcher-bearer, at Verdun and given to "an American ambulance driver" at Revigny. Gas-mask can. Bullet-ridden gas-mask can LYT Exl449 A gas-mask holder with lliree large and one small shell holes received in the battle of Verdun. It belonged to Servant Pasquinet. 17th compagnie, 325th regiment, who was either severely wounded ol' killed. Given to "an American aiiilMilance driver" at Revlghy. LYTLE WAR RELICS EXHIBITION. Gas-mask case (old style). French LYT Exl448 A triangular-shaped cloth case to hold gas-mask apparatus. It has straps by which the case is attached to the soldier's belt. These straps are now replaced by a tin case. L'sed by R^nfe Le Sergent and given to "an American ambulance driver" at Revlgny. Head-dress of a French Red cross nurse LYT Exl493 Worn by an American Red cross nuriie at the American hospital, JuiUy, France. Hehnet. French LYT Exl443 steel head-piece (casque) psiinted war-gray, witli the ensign of the infantry, a flaming hand grenade with the letters It. V. (Republique francaisc) on it. The weight is about two pounds. The owner's name written under the vizor is 61ie Lamy. A bullet hole through the vizor. Brought back to Revigny by wounded soldier from the battle of Verdun. Helniet. French helmet, with covering LYT Exl444 steel head-piece with dust-colored cloth snu-coveriug, worn chiefly on the march or on sentinel duty to prevent the metal from absorbing heat. Used in the battle of Verdun and brought back to Revigny hy wounded infantryman. Identification book. French soldier's identification book. LYT Exl479 Picked up on the battlefield of Luchy, the heart of the Ardennes forest in the province of Luxembourg, l>y the American delegate of the Commission for relief in Belgium eight months after the owner had fulleu. A surprise ami slaughter of a French artillery attach- ment took place there. Identification tag LYT Exl464 Used, by "an American ambulance driver" at Revigny. It is worn on the wrist and bears the name of the wearer on one side and the military number on the other. Rvery French soldier wears one. Identification tagf of a French soldier LYT Exl466 Given by a wounded French soldier (wounded in the battle of the Champagne, Sep- tember 25th-2{»tli, 191.5), a patient in the American hospital at Juilly, to "an American ambulance driver". Emile is his name, and he enlisted from Valenciennes, northern France, still in Gei-man hands (July 1, 1016). Juilly. Mayor LYT Dep6059 Safe-conduct pass issued to an American ambulance driver to go to Senlis and return (zone of the army), Jan. 13, l!Ut). Leather cap of French cannon LYT Exl450 Found on un-lcr .'^ide of barrel of "120-long" (French flolil piere) after the Battle of Verdun, where the same gun had been practically shot to pieces. The leather cap was protected during the l)attle, but was studded with scattered bits of shells. These are still visible. Picked up at Revi.ijny. Letter from Belgian lady asking the American delegate of the province of Luxembourg to locate the graves of French offi- cers who were members of her family, and who had fallen in Belgium, Augu.st, 1914 '. LYT Dep5982 Letter of a Belgian young lady to "an American delegate'". LYT Dep59S0 This young lady had lost her old father, who was seized by a party of Genuau soldiers while the father and datightor were out walking. Uor father was sh PRINCETON UNlVERSiTY LIBRARY Letter sent from a wounded French soldier at the American hospital at Juilly to an "American ambulance driver" in a special field section at Revigny LYT Dep5984 Letter written by an eiffhteen-year-old French soldier while at death 's door in the American hospital at Juilly . LYT Dep5985 The letter is a request for his family to come and see liim. He has not seen them fop fifteen months. The letter was returned undelivered. The famil.v later received It and oame, and the boy immediately began to improve. Letters of gratitude to an American delegate in the province of Luxembourg, Belgium, January-August, 1915. LYT Dep5949-67 "La Libre Belgique". Extracts LYT Dep5974-75 1. Bedi DiKzionaire de Bochc du Dr. Kolossaal Kandlde. 2. I« petit rriuce Soldat. Treasonable J;i,'l:,-ian journal published in spite of German conquest. Luxemburg, Belgium (Province) Comite provincial de secours ct d 'alimentation. >Secours-travail. Reglement. n. p. 1915. 14 p. 24.4 x 15.7*^"'. LYT Dep6052 Luxemburg, Belgium (Province) Comite provincial de secours et d 'alimentation. Secours-travail AVateringue. Reglement. n. p. 1915. 14 p. 24.4 X 15.7 "' LYT Dep6053 Luxemburg, Belgium (Province) Comite provincial de secours et d 'alimentation. Secours anx indigents. Reglement. n. p. 1915. 9 p. 24.4 x 15.7"" LYT Dep6054 Luxemburg, Belgium (Province). Civil governor, 1914 — Letter of recommendation lor use of an American delegate of the C. R. B. in the province of Luxembourg, Belgium, grant- ed by the civil governor of the province of Luxembourg. LYT Dep5973 Luxemburg, Belgium (Province). Military governor, 1914 — A. L. S. addressed to the Commission for relief in Belgium by the military governor of the province of Luxembourg. LYTDep594.3 Medal. (iold medal with inscription: ''Comite de secours et d'ali- mentntion, 1914-19)5, a M. R. Lytle, delegue de la C. R. B. la iJolgiquo reconnaissante." LYT Dep6069 Medal. Medal made of 1914 Belgian 20-franc goldpiece. Presented to the American delegate by the town of Forrierres.LYT Dep6()70 LYTLE WAR RELICS EXHIBITION. Metal. Piece of a church near Verdun LYT Exl484 Small bit of a church that was subjected to German and French Are In the fighting near Verdun. Presented to "nn American ambulance driTcr" by an Algerian Zouave who rode alongside him to tlie hospital at Revigny. Money. Bar-le-Duc fifty centime note LYT Bxl471 Issued as war money by the Chamber of commerce of Bar-le-Duc, a small city about twenty miles from Verdun, and twelve miles from Revigny. This note corresponds to an American ten-cent piece, but Is only valid in the war zone. Money. Bar-le-Duc one franc note LYT Exl470 Issued by the Chamber of commerce of Bar-le-Duc and In circulation around Verdun, Bar-le-Duc and Kevigny were main munition and supply centers during the Verdun attaclt. Money. Belgian five franc note LYT Exl474 Issued by "La Socl6t6 gCnfrale de Belgique". It is written in French on one side and Flemish on the other. It says: "The present note will be erchanged against a note of a bank of the same standing as the Banqtie nationale de Belgique at the latest three months after peace is concluded". Money. Dutch two and one-half gulden note LYT Exl476 Issued by the Ministry of finance of the Netherlands, March 30, 191.1. It Is equivalent to an American dollar. Money. German two mark note LYT Exl475 Issued by the Imperial debt commission (Relchsschuldenverwaltung) of the German empire at Berlin. August 12th. 1914 (about a week after tlie beginning of hostilities). These notes are circulated in Belgium, particularly in the eastern part, as commonly as Belgian note. Prociired in Belgium by a delegate of the Commission for relief in Belgium. Money. Nancy one franc note LYT Exl469 Issued by the Chamber of commerce of Nancy, and in circulation near the front in northeastern France, during the war of 1914-1916. Secured at Revigny by "an American ambulance driver". Money. St. Dizier one franc note LYT Exl472 Issued by the Chamber of commerce of St. Dizier, a town about twi-lve miles south of Revigny. This small paper money is .is good as coin in the war zone of Verdun, but vahieless elsewhere. Oxford, Eng-. Police. D, S. Feb. 16, 1916. Certificate of registration of an alien. Issued to a Rhodes .scholar at Oxford LYT Dep5969 Signed liy the ciiief constRble. Paper-cutters. Two paper-cutters made of German shells. LYT Exl481-2 Paper-cutters, 18.5 and 31 em. long; made from fragments of large calibre German sliells fired at the fortitlcntions of lA^gi; in .\ngnst, 1914. The Inrgo one givcF an Idea of the size of thes*; gri-nt rfege !-he!ls. Photograph. American delegates in Belgium LYTDep6044 Delegates of the "American commission for relief in Belgium" standing by the C. i: B. automobiles during the first winter of the relief work. At ttiat time tlie delegates were allowed to fly the Ameriean fl.Tsr on their antos — ptm-e forl.iilitiii. (i^ee h.ii-k of plotnrf for OeiTiiiiri Heal.* PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Photofifraphs. American hospital at Juilly, France. LYT Dep6028-6037 1. Group of wounded and American nurses. 2. Interior of ward with wounded. 3. Christmas celebration, 1915. 4. Christmas celebration, 191.5 (sign at top says "Bon Noel aux Docteurs et Inflrm- lalree". tj. Group of wounded at recreation. C. Two wounded out for an uiring. 7. Group of convalescents. 5. Group of wounded in fi"ont of hospital. 9. Commissary convoy of French army in front of church on the way to the "front". 10. Group of soldiers, fully equipped, on their way to the "front". Photographs. Battlefield of Luchy, Luxembourg, Belgium. LYT Dep6038-40 1. Large gr.ave holding between seventy-five and ninety French and Geruiun soldiers. 2. Single grave of a dead French soldier in bnish at edge of wood. 3. Several graves of French and German soldiers in underbrush. Story: A French artillery ('.'t.ichment was on its way to join an infantry regiment at Ochamps, Lusemlwurg, in August, 1914, when it was surprised and cut to pieces by Gerniuu troops who w<;re ambushed in the woods on both sides of the road. It was a fight to the finish. The Bois de Luchy (Ardennes) was the scene. Postagfe stamps. German-Belgian postage stamps. LYT Exl478 Ten-centime stamps Issued by the German empire for use in Belgium. Were originally ten-pfennig stamps, but now are stamped "Belgien, 10 Centimes", thus indicating that Belgium is a German province. Post cards. Brabant-le Roi: Zeppelin LYT Dep6023-6026 I. Heap of aluniiniim frame-work. ". Broken proiieller, etc. 3. Imaginative picture of the French anti-aircraft men bringing down Zeppelin L Z 77. 4. Picture of a Zeppelin. Made out of a piece of silk from the envelope, and a bit of metal from the frame-work. (."^c-o description witli piece.) Post cards. Champfleury (von Kluek's headquarters). LYT Dep6045-6051 1. Intcrieur du bureau. 2. Salle de Mllard pulverisG par les obus. 3. Un salon nprC-s le bombardement. 1. Maison d'l^aoitatJon de la forme. Exterior of farm liouse where von Kluck had his headiiuarters. Ti. Ce qui reste des etal'les (near von Kluek's headquarters). (t. I'n coin des batiment.s do la feriae aprC-s le passage des Allemands. 7. I'c'.igny: Ferme incendieo. This neighborhood was the iiigh-water mark of the Gorman advance under General von Kluck. The Battle of tlie Marue began here, continuing five or six days, the German troops gradually retreating back to tlie positions held the greater part of the war. Post cards. Correspondanee des armees de la Republique. LYT Dep5998 Six poHt -- ->f *- French R., PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Revolver. French officer's revolver and holster. LYTExl442 Brought back to Revigny from the battle o( Verdun February ,1916. The officer was badly wounded and probably captain of the 69th infantry regiment. Rinffs. Aluminum war rings LYT Exl473,1497-99 Ornamental rings made from the aluminum parts of German shells «?? .f^en<:h soldiers by means of a penknife. This is a pastime and trade among the French Poilus . ihey sell for two to four francs or a package of cigarettes. 1. "Juilly" engraved on bezel. 2. Cannon and "1915" engraved on bezel. 3. Plain bezel. -I. Donble copper cross inlaid on oval l)ezel. Seine (Dept.) Prefecture de police. Conduite des vehicules a moteur mecanique. Permis de con- duire provisoire LYT Dep6065 Issued to Ridgely Lytle, '13, to conduct an automobile In Paris. Signed by the automobile inspector. This may be ox. hanged for a i)ermanent license at any time (American ambulance). Seine (Dept.) Prefecture de police. D. S. Extrait du registre d'immatriculation. . .LYTDep6066 Matriculation form filled out by an American ambulance driver on commencement of work in Paris. . . ^ ^ ^.. ^ Signed by the applicant and, for the prefect, by the chief of the fourth bureau. Seine (Dept.) Prefecture de police. D. S. Permis de sejour LYT Dep6061 Keiiuired of every resident in Paris. Issued to a member of the American ambu- lance at Neuilly. Paris. Dec. 18, !915. Signed by '"Le commis.saire". Shell. Fragments of a German siege shell LYT Exl480 Shell used against the famous fortifications of Li&ge by the heavy siege-guns of the Germans, in August, 1914. The blue which characterizes all German shells, as red the French, is barely visible. Procured by an American delegate of the C. R. B. Shell. Fragment of " 75 " shell LYT Exl461 Piece of French •'7.5' shell picked up in field near Reviguy where Zeppelin L Z 77 was brought down. Probably one of the shells fired at the Zeppelin by anti-aircraft guns mounted in automobiles. I'icked up by an "American ambulance driver" stationed at Revigny. Shell. French "75" shell (complete, except charge). LYT Exl457 riiexploded shell slmt from the famous French "soixante-quinze" (a seventy-five centimeter gun) that is the terror of the German attafkers. Picked up on the battlefield of the Marne (near Meaux). It is painted red when in use. Procured by an "American ambulance driver" stationed at an American hospital at Juilly, France. Shell. German "77'' shell (complete, except charge). LYT Exl458 UuexplodeU slicll of the GiTman gun that corresponds to the French "7.^>", but which is not nearly so effective. This shell (in three parts) was picked up on the battlefield of the Marne (near Meaux. tlio high water mark of the German ailvaruc). Shell. Three fragments of shell LYT Exl462 Picked up at Revigny, after being fired during the great battle of the Mame during the German retreat September. 1914. Probably German 10." centimeter or 120 "French T^mtr". IIJ LYTLE WAR RELICS EXHIBITION. Shrapnel shot from Liege LYT Exl483 Leaden bullet, enclosed in silver wire, which forms one of many shots' that are en- closed in a shrapnel shell. The shots and pieces of shell burst in all directions and are very effective. Telegram sent through the German service from the head of the Provincial committee of Luxembourg to the American delegate LYT Dep5983 Time fuse of German shell LYT Exl459 Top of time fuse of German 105 centimeter shell. Picked np on the battlefield of the MaiTie near the city of Meaux. .-ibout 30 miles northeast of Paris. U. S. Dept. of state. Passport issued to Ridgley Lytle, 13, on Sept. 15, 1914. LYT Dep6067 Signed by W. J. Bryan and used until June, 1916. Made valid by the American em- bassy in London for relief work in Belgium, Holland, France and England. Watch. Gold watch and case with inscription containing ex- pression of gratitude offered to M. R. Lytle (American delegate) by the Comite de secours et d 'alimentation of the province of Luxembourg. War 1914-1915 LYT Dep6068 Water bottle. French water bottle LYT Exl446 Canteen (bedon) carried on the battlefield of Verdun and brought back by a wounded soldier to Revigny. There it was given to "an American ambulance driver". The French are allowed to keep these canteens full of red wine. Zeppelin L Z 77 (aluminum framework) LYT Exl439 Brought down between Revigny and Brabant-le-Roi, behind Verdun, Prance, on the night of February 21st, 1916, by shots from two anti-aircraft guns mounted on auto- mobiles. The Zeppelin burst into flames and was totally destroyed; all of the crew were lost. Zeppelin L Z 77 (small pieces) LYT Exl440 Small portions of a silk envelope, canvas edging, wooden fixtures, aluminum frame- work of a Zeppelin brought down near Revigny, behind Verdun, by the French, February 21st, 1916. 11 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 544 700 5 iA5D3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 021 544 700 5 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5