>0' i^ "-^^ / /Jite'v %,^* ::4^ik\ '% / :% LIFE THOUGHTS A Book of Poems on Religion, Love, Temperance, Kind- ness toward the Lower Animals, Then, Now, (or Past and Present), Eternal Youth, The Brighter Side of Death, Hid- den Worth, and various other subjects. It also contains Eulogistic Poems on ''LOVELY CHARLEVOlXr AND ' ' BE A UTIFUL PETORKE Y. '' ^^-^-;-v. BY MRS. ALDIN fcHAMBERLlN. Full well I know that poetry in even waves should roll- ■ The rhythm tiow in symmetry from the poetic soul. But sometimes I have had to bend this rule so delicate, While trying to make sense to blend with measure obstinate. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, CHARLEVOIX, MICH. 1893. C 2-1 -7 €0PTK{QnT BT" '"^ HES. ALDm CflAMBERLIN, 1893. All Sights' Beserred. PRE F AGE. -0 — o- The first motive of tlie autiior in writing these poems has been the desire to make some use of tlie one talent graciously bestowed upon her by the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. And with this in mind, her aim has been to write something to interest her readers in religion, love, temperance, and kind- ness, not only to mankind, but also to God's lower creatures. She has also tried to penetrate what seems to be the dark shadow of death, and to comfort f^ad hearts by bringing to view the silvery lining of that and all other dark clouds. She does not imagine that her work as a poet is above criti- cism. But if the critics could know the difficult and even painful circumstances under which many of these poems have been composed;— together with her many educational and other disadvantages of the pioneer life of " T/ien ,- "— they would no doubt be less severe. She hopes that all readers will kindly excuse whatever the poems may lack of coming up to their expectations. The writer's experiences may have enabled her to sympathi7.e more fully with the many who labor and suffer. And if G