.._/-i.(.<-\XV 4 'A. Glass Li^i.. Book • I'A^ K REPORT ^-(j OF THE SW TREASURER •^^;. ,y or THE WESTERN SHORE, \ ON THE IPISl^SIItDl^ M^^^Q DECEMBER SESSION, 1824. ANNAPOLIS: |. BUCH£S, PRINTER. ^115 of Maryland. 'payment has generally been dell ^d at the period.^ authorised bi,\ . _^ Aggregate Amount cluer° ' ^* ^^c. I,, , 1,^ |to 1st Decei--! ^824. I Months. Days, ber 18'' -t 80 00 80 00 20 00 20 00 93 33 93 33 30 00 30 00 290 00 43 33 43 33 13 33 13 33 S3,389 03 r ?' L I' b o fio af 'I'M I. .le *ri I No. 1 A list of the names of the persons, who are entitled to receive a pension from the State of Maryland. NAMES OF PERSONS. Anderson, Richard Benson, Perry Dawson, Joseph Forrest, Rebecca (widow of U. Foirest). Gambell, Abraham Harman, Lazarus Levaschie, Ann ("Widow of Jno,) The following pensioners to be pa pective orders drawn on d in virtue of the Treasurer Allen, Jacob Adam, Adam Alvey, Josias Anderson, John Beall, D William Bruce, William Bullock, Jesse Btaven, Charles BonO';, John 3artot, Solomon Bateman, George Burgess, Basil BidweU, RiclK'.rd (dead) Bantham, Peregrine Becrofl, John Bennett, John Bailey, Thomas Burns, John Brashears, Ignatius Beall, Ehzabeth, (widow of L. Beall) Branson, B. John Bruff, Margaret widow of J. Bruff (dead j Bush, Joseph - B '.as, William ... Bomgardntr, W'lllam Bre\vc;r4,Susannna (widow of Thomas) luir rts- RANK. Annual pension. Captain do Private Lt. Col. [••rivate do Lieut. Private do do do Mnjor Captain Private Lieut. do Fifer Corporal Lieut. Pri vate do do do do do do Captain Private Captain Private Lieut. Private Sergeant 240 240 40 360 ?4 40 IbO By what Invs Jind resolu- tions made payable. Act Noy.S. 1785 ch. i' do Rtsoive 1791 Rt'tolve Oct. 1780 ■ Resolve Nov. 1791 Resolve April 179; 40 40 40 40 300 240 40 160 160 44 44- 160 40 40 40 40 40 40 240 40 40 160 40 60 Res ie Nr.v. 1812 Uir. 18-15 Time to which the pensions have been p:;id. S3,':232 Aup^iist 1, i«24 Novenioer 1, 1824 August 1, 1832 Novemlier 1,^1 «~>4 N^ovemher 1, 1H12 N)vemb«r J, 1823 November 1, 1824 Oitobcr 2, 1824 Octolicr 23, 1824 October 23, 1824 February 13, 1819 9<.ptem!)er 9, 1824 June 30, 1824 January 1-, 1 8 l-> Janurirv 23,^1824 October 23, 1824 October 23, 1824 Janaarv 23, 1824 January 27, 1818 Mav 3. 1821 April 27, 1823 Janurirv 27, 1817 May 20, 1824 November 19, 1824- November 7, 1824 October 30, 1824 July 2, 1824 August 12, lvS24 November 14, 1824 May 16, 1824 August 24, 1824 Amouw due to Ui Dfccmbfr Wii,to lhose\ Amount due to \st Dfcenibcr 1824 /lersons who had 7101 dcmand,-dJwinnnufor\^^,^g^g hcannent has eenerallu been de- the last tivo years, end in g oji the Mth -'>o-;,„„„^^J^ „■, ,,.^ ^ .*j „..,i, vember 1823' a?id who nave not demanded jtayment since that ficriod. manded at the periods authorised bij law. TERM. Years. Months. 12 11 Days. S 7 11 1 6 10 17 Amount due to 1st Decem- ber 1824. 290 00 231 89 476 67 1,095 12 143 00 313 77 TERM. Years. 82,550 45 Months, 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 10 1 1 10 7 6 1 4. D ays. 28 7 7 21 7 7 8 8 11 12 24 28 19 16 15 G Amount due to 1st Decem- ber 1824. 80 00 20 00 93 33 30 00 43 33 13 33 6 45 4 11 4 11 67 50 100 00 136 43 16 43 4 70 37 65 62 67 Aggregate amount due to 1st Dec. 1824. 80 00 20 00 93 33 30 00 290 00 43 :ii 13 33 6 45 4 11 4 11 231 89 67 50 100 00 476 67 138 43 16 43 4 70 27 65 1,095 12 143 00 62 67 313 77 21 22 21 22 1 33 1 33 2 67 2 67 20 00 20 00 16 43 16 43 12 12 12 12 7 10 7 10 21 67 21 67 16 00 16 00 S838 58 S3,389 03 ^■ L of Maryland. unt due to Xxt December 1824, payment has g-eiierallij been de- at the periods authorised bij TERM. Months. Coi Ca Cro Carl Clirt Clai Can Cra Cle^ Con Cat< Coe Cou Cha Cha Coy Dav Dor Dye Dav Dav Dov Due Dix Dav Dav Duf Dur Du\ Duv Kill- Ebb Feai Fra; Fra 4 4 4 3 10 10 6 1 4 9 4 7 7 Days. 28 (28 28 3 8 4 12 18 15 15 6 6 3 S 11 11 19 19 19 15 15 12 27 3 7 12 Amount due to 1st Decern ber 1824. 838 58 56 43 16 43 22 20 55 46 171 16 73 n 61 34 2 50 10 00 1 67 30 67 10 67 3 67 13 67 11 22 11 22 72 28 2 12 3 17 21 67 1 31 67 34 16 33 23 67 24 11 67 00 Si, 654 02 Aggregate amount due to 1st Dec. 1824. 3,389 03 604 17 56 43 16 43 22 20 495 43 55 46 171 16 334 22 7Z 77 61 34 2 50 10 00 1 67 30 67 10 67 274 22 912 00 3 67 13 67 132 56 11 22 11 22 72 28 2 13 S 17 21 67 1 67 31 34 16 33 23 67 24 11 275 56 67 OO S7,232 63 No A list of the names of the persons, wlip are entitled to receive a pension from the State of Maryland. 1 Amount due to 1st December 1824, to those] Amount due to Xat December 1824 fiersons the last 7uho had not demanded ]iaymcntJor two years, ending on the 30th jVo- xvhere payment lias g-eneralhj been de- 1 vember 1823, and vyho have not demanded mnnded at the periods authorised bi. ' Aggregate Time to which the /laymcnt since that /leriod. Icixv. RANK. Annua! pension. By what laws and resolu- fions made payable. tensions have been jaid. ■ amount due to 1st Dec. 1824, NAMES OF PERSONS. TERM. Amount due to 1st Decem- TERM. Amount due ^ 1 to 1st Decem A Years. Months. Days. ber 1824. Years. Months. Days. be r 1824. Brought from No. 1. Coin, Dominick (deadj 3,23? 2,550 45 838 58 3,389 03 Private Resolve Nov. 1803 Campbell, George 50 Nov. 1800 Novembet- 1, 1812 12 1 604 17 604 17 Crouch, Robert Private 40 Nov. I8i2 July 2, 1823 1 4 28 56 43 56 43 Carney, Thomas do 40 do Ju'y 2, 1824 4 'i9, 16 43 16 43 Clinton, Thomas . Fife Major 54 do July 2, 1824 4 28 22 20 22 20 Clarke, James Matross 50 do January 2, 1815 9 10 28 495 43 495 43 Can, Hezekiah Drummer 44 May, 1813 August 27, 1823 1 3 3 5S 46 5S 46 Crawford Nehemiah Sergeant 60 Dec. 1815 January 23, 1822 2 10 8 171 16 171 16 Clewley Joseph Privat«j 40 do July 23, 1816 8 4 8 334 22 334 22 Connelly, Hugh, sen. do 40 Dec. 1816 January 27, 1823 1 10 4 73 77 7i 77 Cato, George do 40 Feb. 19, 1819 May 19, 1823 1 6 12 61 34 61 34 Coe, William Matross 50 Feb. 12, 1821 November 12, 1824 18 2 50 2 50 Couits, C.Eleanor Ser. Mate 240 Feb. 16, 1821 November 16, 1824 15 10 00 10 00 Chambers, Edward Private 40 d<. November )6, 1824 15 1 67 1 67 Chapman, Thomas do 40 / Dec. 1823 Febru;iry 25, 1824 9 6 30 67 30 67 Coyn, Mary (widow of Dominic do 40 1 do August 25, 1824 3 6 10 67 10 67 Dawson, William (dead) do Nov. 1810 Donalh , Patrick do 40 Dec. 1815 • Januarv 23, 1818 6 10 8 274 22 274 22 Dyer, Walter Lieut. 160 Dec. 1816 March 19, 1819 5 8 12 912 00 912 00 Davidson, James Private 40 do October 27, 1824 1 3 3 67 3 67 Davis, William do 40 do July 27, 1824 4 S 13 67 13 67 Downing, Nathaniel do 40 Dec. 1817 Aui>ust 7, 1821 3 3 23 132 56 132 56 Due, James do 40 Feb. 19, 1819 August 19,1824 3 11 11 22 11 22 Dixon, William do 40 do August 19, 1824 3 11 11 22 11 22 Davis, Samuel Fifer 44 ;^eb. 12, 1820 February 12, 1S23 1 9 19 72 28 72 28 Davis, Thomas . Private 40 do November 12, 1824 19 2 12 2 12 DufFee, Thomas Sergeant 60 do Novemljer 12, 1824 19 3 17 3 17 . Dunning, Butler Private 40 Feb. 16, 1821 May 16, 1824 6 15 21 67 21 67 Duvall, Joseph do 40 do November 16, 1824 15 1 67 1 67 Duvall, Benjamin (of Elisha) do 40 Feb. 18, 1822 February 18,, 1824 9 12 31 34 31 34 Elliott, Robert ..... do 40 Nov. 1811 July 4,1824 4 27 16 33 16 33 Ebbs, Emanuel ..... do 40 Dec. 1815 Aoril 27, 1824 7 3 23 67 23 67 Fearson, Josepi\ ..... do 40 do April 23, 1824 7 7 24 11 24 11 Frazier, Samuel ' . . - - « do 40 Dec. 1816 January 7, 1818 6 10 23 275 56 275 56 Frazier, Solomon ..... Captain 240 Feb. 19, 1819 August 19, 1824 3 12 67 00 67 OO S5,164 S5,578 61 Si, 654 02 S7,232 63 Carried to No. 3. . of Maryland. unt due to Ul December 1824 payment has generally been de- al the periods authorised bi/ TERM. Months. 6 9 2 10 4 4 4 10 1 1 4 7 4 4 3 9 3 Days. 18 18 17 21 6 "25 8 7 3 3 7 11 11 12 18 18 IS 21 15 15 24 24 28 28 7 3 3 24 24 23 11 11 Amount due to 1st Decern ber 1824. Aggregate imount due to 1st Dec. 1824. 1,654 02 12 00 8 00 1 88 89 34 46 00 9 45 76 45 14 11 13 67 13 67 34 00 81 22 67 33 10 00 82 00 12 00 2 00 14 00 11 67 1 67 6 00 10 67 7,232 63 12 00 8 00 1 88 89 34 46 00 9 45 258 78 76 45 14 11 13 67 13 67 34 00 81 22 ■ 67 33 10 00 82 00 12 00 2 00 14 00 11 67 1 67 6 00 10 67 6 43 6 43 436 33 96 43 96 43 25 11 25 11 IS 67 IZ 67 20 67 20 67 92 66 92 66 42 66 42 66 31 22 31 22 231 22 11 22 11 22 41 22 41 22 S2,652 44 S9,157 38 4 6 A 40^ 40 40 40 ,6? 8 No. 8. A list of the names of the persons, who «' ntitled to receive a pension from the State of Maryland. NAMES OF PERSONS. Brought from No. 2. Foggett, Richard Frazier, Levin Frazici, James Foard, Hezekiah Fling, James Gordon, Archibald Gadd, Thomas Gerrish, Edward Goldsborough, Charles Galworth, Gabriel Griffith, Nathan Gates, William Gudgeon, William Griffith, Samuel Griffith, Philemon Gray, George Groves, William Greentee, Benjamin Gassaway, L. Elizabeth Gordon, Elizabeth (widow o Grove, David Hopkins, David (dead) Harvey, Zadock Halkerstone, Robert Hill, John Harper, William Hilhnan, William Hook, Joseph Harrison, Kinsey Hurdle, Lawrence Hurst, Samuel Hutson, John Hai' -pan, John Codlep Hewitt, James Head, John Hempston, William Carried to No. 4. Jno.; RANK. Annual pension. Private 1st Lieut. Private Lieut. Sergeant Private do do do do do do do Captain Major Private do do Captain Private do Ct. of horse Private Lieut. Private do . do Corporal Private Sergeant Private do do do do do 5,164 40 160 40 160 GO 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 240 300 40 40 40 240 40 40 40 160 40 40 40 44 40 60 40 40 40 40 40 40 S7,6?S ' 11 md resola- iiiadt payable. Feb. 12, 1820 do Feb. 14, 1820 Feb. 9, 1822 Dec. 1823 Nov. 1807 Nov. 1811 Nov. IS|2 Dec. 1815 Dec. 1816 do Dec. 1815 Feb. 19, 1819 do do Feb. 12, 1820 do do Feb. 10, 1821 Feb. 16, 1821 Feb. 17, 1821 Nov. 1805 Nov. )8I1 Dec. 1817 Nov. 1812 do do Dec. 1815 Dec. do Dec. do do Feb. 9, 1819 do do Time to which the pensions have been paid. Atnouiu due to 1st December 1824, to those /lersons who had not demanded /luijment for the taaC two years, ending on the iOth A'o- vember 1823, and mho have not demanded Imyment since that fieriod. 1816 1817 August 19, November 12, November 14, May 9, February 24, September 5, June 11, January 2, Julv 23, July 27, July 27, Janu;u-y 23, Noicmber 19, August 19, November 19, Novcmljer 12, August 12, .Vovem!)er 12, Noveml)er |0, August 16, November 17., Oc toiler 6, November 7, October 2, Janii;\ry 2, July 2, April 23, Ju'v 27, July 27, August 7, November 7, February 7, February 19, August 19, November 19, 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1818 1823 1824 1824 1824 1824 1822 1824 1824 1822 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1814 1S22 182+ 1824 1S24 1822 1823 18^4 1819 1824 1823 TERM. Y'ears. 10 Months. Days 5 19 10 28 11 Amount due to 1st Decern ber 1824. 5,578 61 258 78 Amount due to \sl Devcmber 1824 ivliere Jmi/ment has generally been de- manded at the periods authorised l>i/ latv. TERM. Years. 2. 436 33 231 22 S6,o04 94 Months. 6 9 2 10 4 4 4 10 1 1 4 7 4 4 3 Days. 18 18 17 21 6 "25 8 7 3 3 7 11 11 12 18 18 18 21 15 15 24 84 28 28 7 3 3 24 24 23 11 11 Amount due to 1st Decem ber 1824. 1,654 02 12 00 8 00 1 88 89 34 46 00 9 45 76 45 14 II 13 67 13 67 34 00 81 22 67 33 10 00 82 00 12 00 2 00 14 00 11 67 1 67 6 00 10 67 6 43 96 43 25 11 13 67 20 67 92 66 42 66 31 22 11 82 41 22 Aggregate imount due to 1st Dec. 1824. 7,232 63 12 00 8 00 1 88 89 34 46 (X) 9 258 45 78 76 45 14 11 13 67 13 67 34 00 81 22 67 33 10 00 82 00 12 00 2 00 14 OO 11 67 1 67 6 00 lO 67 6 43 436 33 96 43 25 11 13 67 20 67 92 66 42 66 31 22 231 11 41 22 22 22 g2,652 44 S9,157 38 /! of Maryland. - - int due to lit Uecc/nOtr 182+, pai/meiU has generally been ck- at the ptriods authorised bif Aggregate imount due TERM. Amount diK to 1st Decern to Isl Dec. 1824. Months. Days. ber 1S24. B 2,652 44 9,157 38 Holki 11 1 22 1 22 Hollai 11 61 82 61 82 Handj 3 21 74 00 74 00 Hjzei 151 67 Hand; 3 21 74 00 74 00 Hood. 7 78 78 Houst 7 78 78 Hamil 6 4 00 4 00 Imeso 1 24 86 00 86 00 Johns 399 83 Jones, 196 43 Jaque 501 17 Jones, 4 7 14 11 14 11 Jacob 1 4 15 12 15 12 Jefferi Jones, 3 19 12 10 12 10 Issal;] 10 1 67 1 67 Jacksc 3 8 10 89 10 89 King, E 2 20 13 33 13 33 Kersh 1 7 4 11 4 11 King, Kindh 272 55 King, 9 12 31 22 31 22 Kent, 9 18 32 00 32 00 Kiiigh 192 00 Kiity, 1 27 47 50 47 50 Lynch n 36 67 36 67 Langf 10 28 36 43 36 43 Lucas 10 3 50 34 50 34, Lord, L'^atii 10 4 50 50 50 50 Law, 253 67 Laym 1 3 14 67 14 67 Leonr 9 23 32 55 32 55 Lynn, 9 17 127 44 127 44 f 83,485 69 811,957 95 No. 4 A list of the names of the persons, who a je entitled to receive a pension from the State of Maryland. NAMES OF PERSONS. f J no.) Brought from No. 3. Holland, Joseph Holland, Jacob Handy, Elizabeth Hazelip, Richard Handyi Nancy Hood, Edwaid House, Michael Hamiltou, Margaret (widow o Imeson, John Johnson, Archibald Jones, Nealc J aquct, D.John Jones, Aaron Jacob J. John JefTeries, Jncob Jones, ^ViHiam Issatile, Elizabeth Jackson, Anne King, Thomas, transmitted to Resolve November 1811 Kershner, Michatl King, Henry (dead) Kindle, William King, George Kent, Is.fac Knight, Jacob Kilty, Catharine Lyn(.h, Hugh Langford, Elijah Lucas, Basil Lord, Andrew Cdead) ^ - L'tatht r, J t )hn - ^ I^aw, William Layman, V\ liam Leonard, James Lynn, Eleanor (widow of Jno.) Mary k; ng, wift see Carried to No. 5. RANK. Annual pension. Private Cor. Drag'' Ca|)tain Private Captain Private do Captain Private Sergeant Private Sergeant Piivate Lieut. Private do Scrf»eant ' Pi ivate Sergeant Piivate Co'iimis'iy. Private do do do Ct. of horst Private do Sergeant Private Sergeant Private Lieut. Private I/ieut. 7, 69 a 40 60 2-+0 40 240 40 40 240 40 60 40 60 40 160 40 40 60 40 60 40 40 40 4<' Sio, By what laws and resolu- tions itude payable. Feb. 19, do ^•eb. 9, Fcl). 16, Feb. 9, Feb. 23, do Dec. Nov. Nov. do Dec. do Dec. do Feb. 12» Fcl). 20, Feb. 23, June Dec. Dec. do Feb. 19, I<'eb. 12, do jary 4, Nov. do Dec. do Dec. do do Dec. do 1819 1821 1821 18 -'2 1822 1823 1803 18,2 1815 1816 1820 1822 1822 1809 1815 1817 1819 1820 1822 1812 1815 1816 Time to which thi jcnsions ,?aid. have beei ^-Idiouii! due to im December 1 8^4, to thom- fiersons who had not demanded /laymentfoi- the last two years, ending on the Mch A'b- vemb'-r ISJ.j, and who nave not demanded fiaym -nt since that fieriod. 1817 .Vovember 19, iVoiember 19, A-igust 9, Fcl)ruar\- 16, August 9, Novembt-r 23, N neiiibcr 23, Novci»l)er 25, October 6, April 2, Januarv 2, J'llv 23, July 23, October 27, 1824 1823 1824 18-M 1824 1824 18.i4 1 824 1822 18i8 l}-'20 1816 1824 1824 August 12, 1824 NoveniI>i:r 20, 1824 August 23, 1824 September 10, 1824 October 23, 18i'4 February 7, 1818 Februarv'19, 1824 February 12, 18'i'4 February li, 1820 October 4, 18^4 January 1, 1824 January 2, 1824 January'28, 1824 January 27, 1824 July 27, 1818 October 27,1824 February 7, 1 824 February 13, 1824 Amount due to Vst JJicc/noer lb^4- where payment has generally been de mnnded at the periods authorised by Imv. TERM. ,'vlontlis. 6 4 8 7 3 4 Day: ,\moiint due to 1st Decern ber 1824. 15 6,504 94 151 67 29 10 7 23 18 399 83 195 43 501 17 272 55 192 00 253 67 S8,4/2 26 TERM. Years. Months, 4 1 9 9 1 11 10 10 10 1 9 9 Days, 11 11 21 21 7 7 6 24 7 4 19 lo 8 20 7 12 18 27 28 3 3 23 17 Amount due to 1st Decern ber 1324. 2,652 44 1 22 61 82 74 00 74 00 78 78 4 00 86 00 14 11 15 12 12 10 1 67 10 89 Aggregate unount due to 1st Dec. 1824. 9,157 38 1 22 61 82 74 00 151 67 74 00 78 78 4 00 86 00 399 83 196 43 501 17 14 11 15 12 12 10 1 67 10 89 13 33 13 3i 4 11 4 11 272 55 31 22 31 22 32 00 32 00 192 00 47 50 47 50 36 67 36 67 36 43 36 43 50 34 50 34 50 50 50 50 253 67 14 67 14 67 32 55 32 55 127 44 127 44 g3,485 69 811,957 95 \ MM of Maryland, "haunt due to Ut December 1824, e payment has generally been de 'ed at the periods authorised by Brou Lomax, J Lewis, Wj Lucas, J(| Lloyd, T Lord, H< Lingan, Mahonej McCoy, Milburn, McConn McPhers Medler, McKinse McGee, ' McGee, ' Mahoneji Month, I McCannI MurdocH Minitree Mudd, B Moore, 1 McQuinj Mayhew] Mills, Z Merrick MiddletJ Middlet^ Marklan Jlowell, Newmai JJiblet, ' TJewton. Omdorfl Ott, AdJ Proctor^ jPeacockj jP«wers, Cat TERM, Months. Days. 3 3 1 5 4 4 7 1 10 4 3 6 6 9 9 3 1 6 10 1 7 3 3 11 18 18 15 8 25 29 7 7 7 7 7 20 25 25 11 11 11 11 19 15 22 6 6 28 3 3 24 11 9 28 7 Amount due to 1st Decern be r 18-24. 3,485 69 2t 22 3 00 2 00 11 67 43 56 19 11 16 67 24 83 56 45 28 00 6 52 34 10 14 10 12 12 2 78 91 10 31 84 31 22 31 22 11 22 52 12 1 83 14 66 24 00 82 67 36 44 5 50 23 67 52 56 67 33 4 00 6 45 S4 10 Aggregate amount due to 1st Dec. 1824. 11,957 95 SI S2 3 GO 2 00 11 er 43 56 256 20 19 11 16 67 24 83 56 45 28 00 6 52 34 10 14 10 354 10 12 12 2 78 91 10 201 2« 31 84 31 22 31 22 11 2« 52 12 1 83 14 66 24 Oo 82 67 36 44 5 50 23 67 52 56 67 3* 4 00 446 00 . 6 45 24 1© 4,373 75 j 214,103 53 No. A list of the names of the persons, who are entitled to receive a pension from the State of Maryland. NAMES OF PERSONS. Brought from No. 4 Lomaz, John Lewis, William Lucas, John (dead^ Lloyd, Thomas Lord, Henry Lingan, 1 homas Mahoney, Edward McCoy, John Milburn, Nicholas McConnel Samuel McPherson, Mark Medler, Bostian McKinsey, Moses McGec, Chailes McGce, William Mahoney, Clement Montlr, George for Mondlc) McCann, Michael Murdoch, Benjamin Minitree, Paul Mudd, Bennett Moore, Reuben McQuinny, Thomas Nay hew, Jonathan Mills, Zachariah Merrick, William Middleton, Sar