Class Book- SMiTMSONIAM OKPOSIT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress University of the State of New York New York State Library Melvil Dewey Director Bulletin 58 March 1902 HISTORY 6 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 PAGE Preface 3 Arrangement and abbreviations 5 Colonial governors 1664-1783 6 Colonial council 7 Colonial clerks 9 Council minutes Volume 3, pt I, 1668-73 10 3, pt2, 1674-78 19 " 5, 1683-88 32 " 6,1691-93 62 " 7, 1693-97 89 " 8,1697-1702 123 " 9,1702-6 168 " 10,1706-11 209 " 11,1711-19 243 " 12, 1719-20 271 " 13,1720-22 278 ^' 14,1722-25 287 " 15, 1725-29 298 Council minutes {continued) Volume 16, 1 729-34 309 " 17, 1734-38 322 " 18, 1736-40 333 19, 1739-44 333 " 20,1741-46 346 " 21, 1745-51 346 " 22,1746-52 382 " 23,1751-64 382 " 24, 1753-56 413 " 25, 1755-64 414 '• 26,1765-83 467 " 27,1757-62 508 " 28,1762-70 508 " 29,1767-72 508 " 30, 1770-75 563 " 31, 1772-76 563 Corrections 57^ Index 581 ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1902 Li5im-Ja»i5oo Price 75 ce^ts University of the State of New York REOENTS With years of elec'i* n 1874 Anson Judd Upson L.H.D. D.D. LL.D. CkanceZ/or, Glens Falls 1892 William Croswell Doane D.D. LL.D. Vice- C//a/ice//or, Albany 1873 Martin I. Townsend M.A. LL.D. _ _ _ Troy 1877 Chauncey M. Depew LL.D. - * - - New York 1877 Charles E. Fitch LL.B. M.A. L.H.D. - - Rochester 1878 Whitelaw Reid M.A. LL.D. - - - New York 1881 William H. Watson M.A. LL.D. M.D. - - Utica 188 1 Henry E. Turner LL.D. _ _ - _ Lowville 1883 St Clair McKelway M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. D.C.L. Brooklyn 1885 Daniel Beach Ph.D. LL.D. _ _ _ Watkins 1888 Carroll E. Smith LL.D. _ _ _ _ Syracuse .1890 Pliny T. Sexton LL.D. _ _ _ _ Palmyra 1890 T. Guilford Smith M.A. C.E. LL.D. - - Buffalo 1893 Lewis A. Stimson B.A. LL.D. M.D. - - New York 1895 Albert Vander Veer Ph.D. M.D. _ _ _ Albany 1895 Charles R. Skinner M.A. LL.D. Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officio 1897 Chester S. Lord M.A. LL.D. _ _ _ Brooklyn 1897 Timothy L. Woodruff M.A. Lieutenant-Governor, ex officio 1899 John T. McDonough LL.B. LL.D. Secretary of State, ex officio 1900 Thomas A. Hendrick M.A. LL.D. - _ _ Rochester ,1901 Benjamin B. Odell jr LL.D. Governor, ex officio 1 90 1 Robert C. Pruvn M.A. - - _ _ _ Albany 1902 William Nottingham M.A. Ph.D. - - _ Syracuse SECRETARY Elected by Regents 1900 James Russell Parsons jr M.A. DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS Melvil Dewey M.A. Sfa/e Library a?id Ho7ne Education School Dep"-/.- University of the State of New York New York State Library Bulletin 58 April 1901 HISTORY 6 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-17' , PREFACE This calendar covering the executive minutes of the New York colon H^ council from 1668-1783, was prepared by Mr Berthold Fernow, keep., i of historical records, shortly before his resignation Ap. i, 1889, and w:-. intended to form with other calendars an additional volume of the ser . s of Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York. Numbering of volumes. No minutes exist for the period direcij'- following the surrender of New Netherland to the English, Aug. 29, i6f ,, the earHest being those of the council convened by Gov. Francis Lovelace, Sep. 2, 1668. Many of the executive acts of Gov. Richard Nicolls's administration are to be found in " General entries 1664-65 " and " Got ! of assize, 1665-72," which volumes were for that reason listed by Jolin Van Ness Yates in his Report of the secretary of state relative to the records , etc. in his office, 1820, as i and 2 of a set of 33 volumes of colonial counc ' minutes and general entries, while the first volume of regular council minut 1668-78 was marked 3. This volume consists of two parts; the first em;- ing July II, 1673, and the second beginning Oct. 31, 1674. Minutes f( the intervening period of Dutch control are found in " New York coloni,,' mss", 23: 1-270 and have been translated and printed as "Minutes c: council of the administrations of commanders Evertsen and Benckes and of Anthony Colve, governor of New Netherland, 1673 and 1674", i-^ Docitments relative to the colonial history of the state of New York , 2 : 569 730. Toward the end of the second part of the volume another interruptio in the minutes occurs from Nov. 10, 1677-Aug. 17, 1678, including th period of Gov. Edmund Andros's visit to England and the temporar; administration of Capt, Anthony Brockholls. Minutes for this perioC maybe found in '■'■ New York colonial mss ", vol. 26-27. A volume of " General entries 1671-74 " having been marked 4, the next volume of council minutes, covering the years 1683-88 is marked 5 4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY leaving a gap from 1678 to 1683; part of the minutes for that period, up to November 1680, may be found in "New York colonial mss " vol. 29, while other executive acts are recorded in " General entries 1678- 80," vol. 32, and " Entries 1682-83," vol. 33. A gap in the council minutes occurs again between vol. 5, breaking off with the last council under Gov. Thomas Dongan Aug. 2, 1688, and vol. 6 beginning with the first council under Gov. Henry Sloughter, Mar. 19, 1691. For the first year of this period, when New York was united with New England under Gov. Sir Edmund Andros, no regular proceedings are among the New York archives, but for the years 1689-91, covering the administration of Jacob Leisler, a full record of commissions, appointments, orders, accounts, etc. with numerous letters are found in vol. 36 of " New York colonial mss.'' After vol. 6 the minutes form one uninterrupted series till Mar. 11,1776. A few pages of minutes of the councils of Gov. James Robertson and Lt.-gov. Andrew Elliott from Mar. 23, 1780-Nov. 19, 1783, held at New York city then in the hands of the British are also recorded. Legislative minutes. Beginning with the first regular colonial legis- lature, convened in 1691 by Gov. Sloughter, the council became a legislative body, coordinate with the assembly. Its legislative minutes have been printed as the Journal of the legislative coimcil of the colony of New York begun the gth day of Ap. i6gi and ended the jd day of Ap. 177S, 2 v. Alb. 1 86 1, and for that reason are not entered in this calendar. In vol. 6-8, executive and legislative minutes are kept separate, the latter at the end of each volume. Vol. 6 contains also the minutes of the council in its judicial capacity 1687-88, and vol. 7, proceedings of the court of oyer and terminer, 1679-85. In vol. 9-17, 1702-36, the two functions were mingled and the minutes printed as legislative have been marked by a pen or pencil line in the margin. Vol. 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28 and 30 contain only legislative minutes and were printed entire, as also some minutes of 1775-76, found in vol. 26. Of the greater part of these minutes the state library has two and in some cases even three copies. The first and most complete set described above and used for the compilation of this calendar, consists of engrossed minutes except vol. 9-1 1, which are made up of blank books of rough copies. The second set, covering with some interruptions the years 1709-76, consists entirely of blank books from which a few minutes not found in the bound volumes of engrossed minutes have been inserted in the calendar. The third set containing the original drafts of the pro- ceedings of 1754-75 are in the form of loose sheets. A. J. F. VAN Laer 4 V. 0. Alb. 974-7 N424 974-7 qN423 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 5 ARRANGEMENT AND ABBREVIATIONS In left column dates are those of council sessions; names indicate other than regular place of meeting. In right column are given volume number of manuscript minutes and under it, opposite each entry, the exact page referred to. Page citations within entries, e. g. (p. 10), refer to other entries in this calendar for the same manuscript volume. Other citations are to documents bearing on the subject of the minute calendared. In references volume and page numbers are separated by a colon, e. g„ 22 : 99 means vol. 22, p. 99. The abbreviations used are given below. Numbers following the full title are the location (or call) numbers in the state library. Doc. rel. to col. hist. N. Y. Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York. V. 12. Alb. 1877. 974-7 qN42i Doc. hist. N. Y. Documentary history of the state of New York. 1849-51. 4 V. Q. Alb. 1850-51. The quarto edition is indicated by Q prefixed to the reference ; Q 1 : 75. Hough. Pemaquid. Hough, F. B. Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present state^of Maine, known as Cornwall county when under the colony of New York. 136P. Alb. 1856. 974-15 B772 Hough. Nantucket. Hough, F. B. Papers relating to the island of Nantucket, Marthas Vineyard and other islands adjacent known as Dukes county while under the colony of New York. i62p. Alb. 1856. 974.49 N151 Jour. Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York 1691-1775. 2 v. Alb. 1861. Mss room Jour, assembly N. Y. Journal of the votes and proceedings of the general assembly of the colony of New York, 1691-1765. 2 v. N. Y. 1764-66. V328.7471 fA L.P. Landpapers, 1642-1803. dj, v. Original mss in . the office of the secretary of state ; for contents see Calendar of N. Y. colonial mamtscripts, indorsed land papers. Alb. 1864. N. Y. col. mss. New York colonial mss. 103 v. Mss room Described in N. Y. state library bulletin: histary 3, p. 215-17. y NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY COLONIAL GOVERNORS 1664-1783 In the following list of colonial governors dates represent, as nearly as could be ascertained from manuscript sources, the actual beginning of each administration, i. e. the first official act of a newly appointed governor. For a temporary administration the date of the governor's departure has been chosen in preference to that of the appointment or the oath of office in council of his lieutenant. Beginning with Sir Danvers Osborne, 10 Oct. 1753, all dates are given according to new style; for preceding dates, old style has been used in conformity with the records. Indiscriminate use of old style and new style dates in Civil list of New York, New York legislative manual and Harper's book of facts will account for most of the discrepancies. The list of members of the council printed below, is taken from Civil list of the colony and state of New York, Alb. 1889, p. 363-64. 29 Aug. 1664 23 May 1668^ 30 July 1673 9 Sep. 31 Oct. 16 Nov. 8 Aug. 7 Jan. 27 Aug. II Aug. 9 Oct. 1673 1674 1677 1678 16 i? 1683? 1688 1688 Richard Nicolls. Francis Lovelace. Cornells Evertse jr, and a council of war. Anthony Colve. Edmund Andros. Anthony BrockhoUs, commander-in-chief. Sir Edmund Andros, k'nt. Anthony BrockhoUs, commander-in-chief. Thomas Dongan. Sir Edmund Andros. Francis Nicholson, It.-gov. 3 June 1689 19 Mar. 16 5T 26 July 1691 30 Aug. 1692 2 Ap. 1698 16 May 1699 24 July 1700 5 Mar. 170? to 19 May 1701 19 May 1701 3 May 1702 Jacob Leisler.* Henry Sloughter. Richard Ingoldesby,* commander-in-chief. Benjamin Fletcher. Richard Coote, earl of Bellomont. John Nanfan, It.-gov. Richard Coote, earl of Bellomont. r Col. William Smith. ; Col. Abraham De Peyster. I, Col. Peter Schuyler.' John Nanfan, It.-gov. Edward Hyde, vis- count Cornbury. ^Documents signed by Gov. Nicolls are found as late as 21 Aug. 1668, while a warrant on the treasurer, the earliest record signed by Lovelace as governor, is dated 23 May 1668. Instructions for Capn John Backer for ye well regulating of ye Militia and other Afifairs at Albany, "were given at Albany by both the Governors in August 1668", see "Orders, warrants, letters", 2:233. "From 25 Oct. 1687-28 Mar. 1688, Gov. Dongan was absent at Albany and Major BrockhoUs in command at New York. •Assumed the title of It.-gov., Dec. 8, 1689, and was executed for high treason May 16, 1691. *The council administered the government from July 23, when Gov. Sloughter died, to July 26. *The earl of Bellomont died Mar. 5, 1701. During the absence of Lt.- Gov. Nanfan, and till May 19, 1701, the government was administered by the council, at which the oldest councilor presided during this period. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 7 18 Dec. 1708 6 May 1709 9 iNIay 1709 10 Ap. 1710 14 June 1710 2!i July 1719 17 Sep. 1720 15 Ap. 1728 I July 1731 I Aug. 1732 10 Mar. 17 il 30 Oct. 1736 22! Sep. 1743 10 Oct. 1753 12 Oct. 1753 3 Sep. 1755 3 June 1757 4 Aug. 1760 John Lord Lovelace. Peter Schuyler, pres. Richard Ingoldesby/ It.-gov. Gerardus Beekman, pres. Robert Hunter. Peter Schuyler, pres. William Burnet. John Montgomerie. Rip Van Dam, pres. William Cosby. George Clarke, pres. George Clarke, It.- gov. George Clinton." Sir Danvers Osborne,' bart. James De Lancey, It.- gov. Sir Charles Hardy, knt. James De Lancey, It.- gov. Cadwallader Colden, pres. 8 Aug. 1761 Cadwallader Colden, It.-gov. 26 Oct. 1761 Robert Monckton. 18 Nov. 176.1 Cadwallader Colden, It.-gov. 14 June 1762 Robert Monckton. 28 June 1763 Cadwallader Colden, It.-gov. 13 Nov. 1765' Sir Henry Aloore, bart. I2i Sep. 1769 Cadwallader Colden, It.-gov. 19 Oct. 1770 John INIurray, earl of Dunmore. 9julir 17711 William Tryon. 7 Ap. 1774 Cadwallader Colden, It.-gov. 28 June 1775 William Tryon. 23' Mar. 1780 James Robertson.* 15 Ap. 1783 Andrew Elliott,"' It.- gov. [13 June?] 1781 James Robertson. IS Ap. 1783 Andrew Elliott, It.- gov. COUNCIL OF THE COLONY OF NEW YORK Councilors Frederick Phillipse William Darvall Y ears Councilors 1665 Thomas Topping 1665-67 Robert Needham 1665-72 Thomas Willett 1667-73 Thomas Delaval 1667-80 Mathias NicoUs 1668-69 Ralph Whitefield 1669^73 Cornelius Van Ruyven 1670-73 Cornelis Steenwyck 1671-73 Thomas Lovelace 1672-79 John Laurence 1674-79 Anthony Brockholls 1674-81 William Dyre Years 1675-88 1676-80 1680-88 1683 1683-86 1683-86 1683-88 1684-85 1684-85 1685 1685 1685-88 Stephen Van Cortlandt John Youngs John Spragge Lucas Santen Anthony Brockholls Lewis Morris John Palmer Nicholas Bayard James Graham Jervas Baxter ^Commission revoked Sep. 17, 1709, communicated to the council Ap. 10, 1 7 10. ^John West, 7th Lord De La Warr was appointed governor, June 1737, but resigned that commission in September following. ^Committed suicide, Oct. 12, 1753. * Military governors during the revolutionary war, not recognized by the state of New York. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Years 1686-88 [687-88 [687-88 [687-88 [689 [689 [690 [690 [690 [690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1 691 [691-92 [691-^7 [691-98 [691-98 [691-98 [691-98 [691-98 [691-1700 [691-1704 [692 Councilors John Youngs Nicholas Bayard James Graham John Palmer John Allen Walter Clarke Joseph Dudley Robert Mason Walter Newberry Edward Randolph Richard Smith John Usher John Walley John Winthrop John Youngs Richard Panton Theunis Roelofsen Jan. Demarest Daniel De Klercke Johannis Vermillye Samuel Edsall Peter De La Noy Gerardus Beeckman Peter De La Noy Samuel Edsall Hendrick Jansen (van Feurden) William Laurence Jacob Milborne Samuel Staats Johannis Vermillye Thomas Williams William Pinhorne^ Joseph Dudley Thomas Willett Nicholas Bayard Chidley Brooke Gabriel Monvielle William Nicoll Frederick Phillipse Stephen van Cortlandt William Smith Thomas Johnson Years l692r-97 Councilors Caleb Heathcote 1693-98 1692-98 1692-98 I 692- I 720 1693-98 John Laurence Richard Townley* John Youngs Peter Schuyler William Pinhorne 1698 Robert Livingston I 698-1 702 I 698-1 702 Abraham de Peyster Samuel Staats I 698-1 702 Robert Walters I 699-1 700 James Graham 1701 I 701-2 Robert Livingston Thomas Weaver 1 70 1-2 William Atwood 1702-3 1702-4 John Bridges Sampson Shelton Brough- 1702-6 ton William Laurence 1702-8 Wolfgang William Ro- mer 1702-20 Caleb Heathcote 1702-23 Gerardus Beeckman 1702-35 i703'-4 Rip van Dam Matthew Ling 1703-9 Thomas Wenham 1704-19 Kiliaen van Rensselaer 1705-15 Roger Mompesson 1705-21 Adolph Phillipse 1705-28 John Barbarie 1708 1708-9 Abraham De Peyster William Peartree I 708-1 I David Provoost 1710-16 Samuel Staats 1710-22 Abraham De Peyster 1710-31 Robert Walters 1 71 1-25 Thomas Byerly 1716-22 John Johnston 1716-36 George Clarke 1720-35 Francis Harison 1721-29 Lewis Morris 1721-37 James Alexander 1721-76 Cadwallader Colden ^ Suspended Sep. i, 1692. " Refused to sit, being a resident of East Jersey. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 Years Councilors Years Councilors 1723-32 William Provoost 1755-60 James De Lancey 1723-41 Abraham van Home 1755-69 George Clarke jr 1725-50 Philip Livingston 1755-76 Daniel Horsemanden 1726-61 Archibald Kennedy 1758-68 William Walton 1729-53 James De Lancey 1758-76 John Watts 1730-48 Philip Courtland 1759-62 Josiah Martin 1733-44 Henry Lane 1760-76 Oliver De Lancey 1733-47 Daniel Horsemanden 1762-63 Benjamin Pratt 1738-54 George Clarke jr 1762-68 William Alexander 1744-58 Joseph Murray 1764-71 Joseph Reade 1745 Sir Peter Warren 1764-76 Charles Ward Apthorpe 1745-46 Jeremias van Rensselaer 1764-76 Roger Morris 1745-49 John Moore l^(>^-^2 Henry Cruger 1745^58 John Rutherford 1767-76 William Smith jr 174^47 Stephen Bayard 1769 James De Lancey 1748-56 Edward Holland i769r-76 Hugh Wallace 1750-56 James Alexander 1769-76 Henry White 1751-74 Sir William Johnson 1771-76 William Axtell 1752-63 John Chambers 1773-76 John Harris Cruger 1753^^7 William Smith 1775-76 James Jauncey CLERKS OF THE COUNCIL 1664-93 Secretary of the 28 Sep. 1698 Barne Cosens province 24 Mar. 1706 Secretary of the 1693 David Jamison province COUNCIL MINUTES 1668 Sep. 2 3 Nov. 6 p. m. 1669 Feb. 22 New Harlem 23 V. 3 June 28 / New York July 31 Fordham Sep. 9 New York 14 Names of the members of the council: Gov. Francis Lovelace, Sec. Mathias Nicolls, the mayor of New York, Capt. Thos. Willett, Ralph Whitfield. Order appointing a day of general fasting. Regulations for the commerce with neighboring colonies; details omitted because recorded elsewhere. Hearing of the case in difference between the town of New Harlem, represented by David Turnier, John Verveelen and Resolved Waldron vs John Archer. Hearing continued. Order to Geo. Tippett about his cattle marks. Order for making a convenient wagon road between New York city and New Harlem; commission appointed for that purpose. John Richbell of Momoronock, Wm. Lawrence of Flushing, Jacques Cortilleau of New Utrecht, Resolved Waldron of New Harlem and Thomas Wandall to be commissioners for settling the differences between the town of West- chester and Wm. Willett about Cornells Neck, and between the same town and Thos. Hunt about Throgmortons Neck. Inhabitants of Boswyck vs inhabitants of Newtown, Robert Coe, Richard Gildersleeve sr and jr, and Robert Jackson witnesses for Newtown; case referred to the court of assizes. Letter to be written to Messrs Mulford and James about Indian afifairs. Will the Indian not to be allowed to come to Easthampton or other places at the east end of Long Island. Order concerning the differences between John Archer, Wm. Betts and George Tippett about meadow land; Verveelen the ferrj'-man to have some. The garrison at Esopus to be discharged, as needless; Ralph Whitfield, Capt. John A/fanning, Capt. Jacques Cortelyou, Capt. Thos. Chambers, Wm. Beakman, Henry Pawling, Christ'r Berrisford to be commissioners for regulating the afifairs at Esopus and the New Dorpes (see N. Y. col. mss, 22:99). Order upon a letter from Capt. Carr concerning a threatening insurrection on the Delaware. The Long Fin to be kept in prison. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 II 1669 Oct. 18 p. m. 1670 Jan. 25 V. 3 Ap. 9 13 May 14 July 7 Aug. 24 Oct. 22 Orders concerning the insurrection in Delaware bay. The Long Fin sentenced to be whipped and branded in the face (see Doc. rel. to col. hist. N. Y. r2:469). Will the Indian sentenced to death for rape on a white woman. Order regulating customs duties on tobacco, sugar and other " grosse goods." Order concerning the Long Fin. Wm. Douglas' case taken into consideration (see Doc. rel. to col. hist. N. Y. 12:472). Orders on petitions: of Abr'm Frost for a review of a judg- ment against him at the suits of Wm. Osborne and John Firman; in the case between Nicasius de Sille and his wife; of Nicholas Wright concerning his daughter and her hus- band Eleazer Leveridge. Staten Island business deferred. Hearing of Indians, who claim to be the lawful owners of Staten Island. Hearing continued. Hearing continued; the island to be surrendered "by Turfe & Twigg " to Thomas Lovelace and Mathias NicoUs, as the governor's deputies. Deliberations on the relations between Martin's Vineyard and the province of New York, started by a letter from Mr Mayhew (see Hough. Nantucket, p. 20-21). Connecticut boundaries. Peace between the Maquaes and north Indians. Capt. John Baker dismissed the service (see A''. Y. col. mss, 22:78-91); Capt. Salisbury appointed in his place. Eleazer Leveridge granted a divorce from his reputed wife Rebeccah. Order concerning the difference between John Archer of Fordham and the three farms, Betts, Tippett and Heddy (p. 10). Katharine Harrison, accused of witchcraft by Thos. Hunt sr and Edward Waters in behalf of the town of Westchester, appears with her attorney Capt. Ponton and admits that as a resident of Wethersfield she has been tried for witchcraft and found guilty by the jury at Hart- ford, but acquitted by the bench; order of the Hartford court concerning her, signed by John Allen, secretary. Case against Widow Katharine Harrison continued; con- stable Edward Waters and John Quimby for Westchester, Capt. Ponton, Thos. Hunt sr and jr, Roger Townsend and More for Widow Harrison; letters from Capt. Talcott and John Allen produced; Josiah Willard testifies; case referred to the court of assizes. The schout of Albany continued in his office. Former order concerning Maritien Damens and Jan Clute's exchange of land to stand. Order on a letter from Capt. Salisbury 13 15 16 17 22 25 v/^ 26 28 30 12 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1670 Dec. I y 29 p. m. J 1671 Jan. II J Feb. 24 V. 3 about New England people trading at Albany. Father Pierron to be watched. Town and fort at Albany. Peace between the Maquaes and the Mahicanders. Bridge money. Stealing of canoes. Enumeration of inhabitants of Albany called for. Marriage of Eleazer Leveridge with Rebeccah Wright declared null. Customs at the Whorekill abolished. 31 Order on a petition of Richard Smith about the boundaries of Nesaquake lands in dispute with Huntington. Letter about the peace between Maquaes and Machicanders to be sent to Gov. Winthrop. Order on a petition of Johannes de Decker concerning some negroes claimed by him and salary due by the West India company. Philipp Pieters* [Schuyler] title to land on Staten Island declared invalid, Jacob Melyn, from whom he derives it, having sold it to the West India company. Order about Domines Hook, in dispute between Mr Sharpe, Mr van Brugh and Mr Bayard. Inhabitants of Seatalcott (Brookhaven) allowed to pur- chase Indian lands within their patent. House in Pearl street to be sold. 34 Case of the heirs of Anna Bogardus [Anneke Jans] against Mr Sharpe about the sale of Domines Hook. 32 Hearing on the petition of Johannes de Decker. Mynheer Stuyvesant and Resolved Waldron testifying. 38 Order concerning the claim of Johannes de Decker to land on Staten Island. Indian deed of sale to people of South- ampton and their election of a sachem to be confirmed and constable's staves sent to them. No liquor to be sold to the Indians at Southampton. 40 Orders: on a petition of John Cooper about Indians assist- ing as whalers and customs officers; on papers received from the court of sessions for Flushing, Hemstead and Jamaica. 4L Richard Smith of Huntington. Order on a petition of sol- diers for land on Staten Island. Orders on Seatalcott busi- ness, Mr Lane appearing for the town; Mr Lane and Mr Woodhull propose to purchase from the Indians and settle two farms at the Wading Place. Wyckerscreek Indians are willing to sell their lands. Charles Bridges and wife to be placed in possession of the estate of John Cockram, mortgaged to them. Eleazer Leveridge to satisfy his divorced wife, Rebeccah Wright, for her mar- riage portion. Capt. Seamans. Etienne Gaigneau. Jacques Guyon. Orders on petitions: of Peter Stanten- burgh, Jan Vigue et al. about land; of Jacobus and Cor- nells Loper. Delaware business to be deferred until Capt^ CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I3 1671 V. 3 Carr's arrival; a letter to be sent there by Peter Rambo. Letters of administration upon the estate of Samuel Mayo at Oysterbay granted to Anthony Wright. Gravesend to have a confirmatory patent for land, formerly belonging to Robert Pennoyer and given to the town. Mr Coe to report on the business of Joseph Thurston. Order author- izing the haven master to make arrests on the river. Or- der on a petition of Capt. Wm. Lawrence for a patent to land at Flushing (see A''. Y. col. tnss, 22:111). Orders: concerning the estate of John Cockram, late of Newtown alias Middleborough, vested in Charles Bridges and his wife Sarah, subject to a payment to John Sharpe; for payment to Capt. John Seamans for work done at Hemp- stead; on a petition of Capt. Silvester Salisbury about a difference with Frederick Gysberts. 44 Mar. 8 Elias Doughty having bought the interest of Charles and Sarah Bridges in the estate of John Cockram (p. 44), to receive title for it. Order concerning the payment of money borrowed for building the dominie's house at Breuklyn, to Mr Heggeman, then schout. Title of Jan Vigne and Peter Stoutenbergh to land near the Water Port to remain good. Action on Huntington business de- ^ ferred, also on West India company business. No wheat in grain to be exported for a year. No strange sloops al- lowed to go to Albany. Consideration of the refusal of Southampton and Southold to take out new patents post- poned. 51 27 Reports of Jeremiah van Rensselaer and Capt. Phil. Pieters Schuyler of Albany concerning fortifications, excise, min- isters' and town officers' salaries considered and orders thereon. 53 Ap. 15 Proceedings of the commissioners sent to the east end of . L. I. the mayor of New York, Mathias Nicoles and Isaac v Bedloo, approved and ordered to be recorded. Indian mur- ders at Delaware; sale of liquor to Indians there; many families desire to settle at Apoquining and Bombay Hook among them Mr Jones, Mr Wharton and Mr Whale. 57 26 Answers to a petition of inhabitants of Staten Island pre- sented by Thos. Carle and Nathan Whitmore. Gideon Marlette called before the council. Election of com- missaries at Kingston postponed. Capt. Chambers to be justice of the peace for the three towns in Esopus. Courts at Marbletown and Hurley. 58 27 Mr Stillw.ell and Nathaniel Brittaine to lay out lots upon the hills on Staten Island; a highway toward the bridge and the Greatkill to be made; new lots to be added to the old town. 59 14 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1671 V. 3 May i8 Esopus affairs: report of Mr Mayor and Capt. Lovelace on them; the commissaries chosen by them confirmed. Del- aware affairs: purchase of the Whorekill by the Dutch to be recorded; loss of Jan de Capre's sloop. Albany affairs: proceedings of Mr Mayor of New York and Capt. Loye- lace about the excise confirmed. Mr Beeckman and Stoffel Hoogelandt proposed to succeed Govert Loockermans as a lieutenant at New York; Beeck-man commissioned. Proposition for raising a troop of horse in the city to be considered. Officers for the troop of horse in the north and west end of Long Island to be returned to the gov- ernor for nomination. Order on a petition concerning the export of corn. 6o June 14 New Castle and Whorekill affairs: order concerning dis- tilleries at New Castle; concerning settlements at the Whorekill. 63 21 Patents issued by the officers in Delaware, confirmed. The grant to Mr Mills to extend only to the north side of Whorekill. Order on a report by Mr Payne and Mr Terry concerning Matinicock Indians. 64 28 Nantuckett affairs; orders made about titles to land on the island. 65 29 Tristram Coffin appointed chief magistrate at Nantuckett. 65 p. m. Order on a petition of Willem Hendricks Baker and other Lutherans of New York against their minister. 66 July 6 Order on a petition and proposals of Mr Mayhew concern- ing Martin's Vineyard (see Hough. Nantucket, p. z^). 67 7 Mr Mayhew with two assistants elected by the two towns oji Martin's Vineyard to hold court for cases up to £5; ap- peals to be made to their general court; Mayhew to be governor over the Indians on the island (see Hough. Nantucket, p. zz) ', allowed to , make purchases of land from the Indians for the duke of York (see Book of Indian purchases) . 8 Order on Mr Mayhew's and Mr Brenton's claims upon Eliz- abeth islands. Three assistants to be elected for a court on Martin's Vineyard; Mr Mayhew as president to have double vote. Mr Mayhew sr acknowledges he has sold his claim upon Elizabeth islands, but his grandchild sus- tains the claim as his father's right; Daniel Wilcocks claim to be recorded; the whole adjudged to Mr Brenton. 69 12 Quit rent to be paid by Mr Mayhew fixed. The former order against export of wheat continued. Order on petition of Govert Loockerman's wife about Capt. Manning's pur- chase. Richard Smith vs Huntington. 70 J CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 15 1671 13 Sep. 25 V. 3 Oct. 25 30 Richard Gildersleeve and Capt. John Seamans appear on be- half of Hempstead, against a grant to Mr Terry and to claim Matinicock land. Gov. Phil. Carterett and Capt. James Carterett of New Jer- sey present. Mr Tom sends report by' Peter Alricks of murders committed by Indians on Matinicock island in Delaware river. Meeting on the case adjourned to Eliza- bethtown. Order directing the mayor and aldermen to make an inves- tigation into the disturbances caused by George Spurre, Humphrey Davenport and others in seizing the ship Ex- pectation, Isaac Melyen, commander. Capt. Manning and Mr Dervall added to the bench. Negotiations for the land claimed by the Wyckerscreek In- dians from Monussing to Harlem river and from John Richardson's cross to Wyckerscreek; price asked by the Indians. Nov. 7 Governors Lovelace and Carterett, Messrs Steenwyck, Thos. Ellzabethtown Lovelace, Capt. Berry, Messrs de la Prairie, Pardon and Nicolls. The Indian murders on Matiniconck island and orders for preventing further mischief (see Doc. rel. to col. hist. N. Y. 12:484). Action on Capt. Salisbury's petition against Fred'k Gysbert (p. 44) postponed. Orders on petitions: of Domine Sam- uel Drisius for his salary in arrears for two years; of Coen- raat ten Eyck and Boel Roelofifs about an orphan's estate for which they are trustees; of Francis de Bruyne against Gravesend; of inhabitants of Breuklyn for the lot formerly- belonging to Charles Gabry and confiscated to the duke of York; of Newtown about their boundaries with Bos- wyck. Agreement made between Fred'k Lubberts and Michael Heynelle confirmed. Staten Island settlements. Proposals of the French minister to bring protestant fam- ilies from Europe approved. Order about fencing in town lots. A third militia company to be formed in New York city. One half of Capt. Wilkins' fine remitted. Report of Mr de la Vale concerning the peace made at Albany be- tween Maquaes and Mahicanders approved. Younker Vosch's estate to be secured. Case of Messrs Badgard, Ripley and Darvall against a bond of Mr Walker given at Jamaica, W. I. for a junk sailing to Campeachy bay. Order upon a report of Capt. Dudley Lovelace and Capt. Jac- ques Cortelyou on the differences between Mr Pell and Mr N. J. Dec. 5 Fort James 1672 Jan. II 18 71 71 74 75 77 87 l6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1673 V. 3 Richbell concerning land on Stony or Gravelly or Chap- men's brook; Elias Doughty, Mr Ponton and Francis Yeates testify about it. 89 May 17 Order on a petition of Capt. Salisbury about rent due from Fred'k Gysberts for a house in Stone street. Proposals of Mr Paine (Penne) to be considered later. Title of Hen- drick Jansen to land on Maspethkills, L. I. confirmed. Boundaries between Newtown and Boswyck to be resur- veyed. Schenectady tappers to continue their business un- til further orders. New Castle, Del.'to be an incorporated bailywick; English laws introduced there, etc. (see Doc. rel. to col. hist. N. Y. 12:496). Whalefishing at Oysterbay. Capt. Manning's petition about Capt. Blagg to be con- sidered later. Action of the of^cers in Delaware in- resist- ing the claims of Maryland on the Whorekill approved. 91 20 Complaint of Capt. Manning against Capt. Blagg for carry- ing ofif a soldier (Barth Salter) and for not showing re- spect to the duke's flag examined; Capt. Blagg not held; Philipp Jones, Mr Wasslyn, Mr Dyor, John Harris, James Westmore and others witnesses. , 96 24 Orders made on receipt of a letter from Lord Arlington brought from Boston by Mr Sharpe: care to be taken of the shipping, a war in Europe being imminent; battery for the protection of ships in the harbor to be erected. Capt. Haselwood to take letters to England. Correspondence with Major general Leverett to be recorded. 99 June 10 Trouble in New Jersey between Gov. Carterett and Capt. James Carterett. Delaware affairs. Cornelys Wyncoop and Joost Adriaensen to be new commissaries at Kings- ton. Hempstead to be allowed to call a minister. Orders on petitions: from Mad Man's Neck; from Matinicock about commonage; of Widow Nevius about a ferry; of Daniel Denton concerning a difference with Daniel White- head; of Hendrick Rooseboom sexton at Albany praying to be allowed to bury Lutherans. ,101 24 Contested election for constable and overseers in Hemp- stead; Robert Jackson, Simon Seryon, I. Smith, Thos. Hicks, James Pine contestants. Returns of voluntary contributions for repairs to the fort from Hempstead and Flushing. Thos. Hunt jr to be released under bond. f Gerrit Trevis, the tinker, likewise. Whalefishing. Indian V / [ affairs. Thos. Lovelace, High sheriff John Manning, Al- lard Anthony, Capt. Rich'd Morris, Mr Gibbs and Thos. Rombout to be comm'rs for receiving contributions for the fort. New order against the exportation of corn to be CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 1/ 1672 V. 3 issued. Commissioners to view the boundaries between Gravesend and New Utrecht. Correspondence with Capt. Carterett to be recorded. Order in tlie Hempstead elec- tion case, Robert Jackson confirmed as constable, John Smith Rocksen and John Carrman as overseers. 104 July I Contributions for repairing New York fortifications. Or- der for the roJease of Daniel Browne a planter at the Whore- kill imprisoned for abusive language against the duke un- der bonds. Taxes on liquor to be imposed at the Whore- kill for the repair of damages done by pirates. The bakers allowed to ship grain to Milford for grinding. Order con- cerning Mr Paine's proposals. Ariantie Bleeke widow of Joannes Nevius, allowed to continue the ferry kept by her husband. Agreement between Newtown and Boswyck confirmed. Capt. Carterett reports Indian plots against the English. 108 6 Declaration of war against the states general to be pub- lished at 'the gate of the fort and at the state house. Council to be enlarged. 114 Sep. 6 Inquiry to be made in Rhode Island about the imprison- ment of Mr Paine tUere. Orders: concerning Schenec- tady town court; Indian trading house; huts on the hill at Albany; on a petition of Richard Smith of Nesaquake y for a rehearing of the case between him and Huntington. Reports of Mr Lovelace and Capt. Manning about Mr Richbell's differences with his neighbors. Report of Mr Gibbs and Mr Rider of proceedings at Fordham; ap- proved. Action on Thos. Pettit's " business about a di- vorce " postponed. Country rates to continue as before. House in the fort at Albany to be repaired. iiS Nov. 19 John Jennings and Wm. Jane of Southampton against John Cooper for evil words against the government; Thos. Travally's deposition read and the case referred to the next court of sessions; Wm. Brawley of Southampton comes as witness. John Jennings to be customer at South- ampton vice John Laughton; Edward Petty at Southold; Wm. Perkins at Easthampton. Capt. Howell's commission renewed for one year. Mr Jenning's business about his bargain referred to the sessions. Order on a petition of Isaac Melyn for leave to unload his ship Expectation for repairs; Mayor John Lawrence of New York, Capt. Isaac Bedloo, Alderman Johannes van Burgh and Jacob Leysler to be arbitrators. IIP 23 Richard Smith vs Huntington; Thos. Benedict and Henry y Whitney witnesses. New order on petition of Isaac Melyn (p. 119). . 12a l8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1673 V. S Jan. 27 Order on a report from Albany that John Steward a soldier there, has been murdered by two north Indians of Nar- actak castle; Capt. Silvester Salisbury, Capt. Jeremias van Rensselaer, the commissaries and the officers of the mi- litia to sit as a court of oyer and terminer for the trial of the Indians. Order on a petition of Antonia van Curler, widow of Arent van Curler for leave to trade with the Indians at Schenectady. Order on a letter from Isaac Graveraat schout at Esopus about contributions for fort repairs and taxes. Capt. Chambers to be exempt from taxes. Capt. Pawling to be thanked for his vigilance con- cerning the Esopus Indians. Vessels coming from New York with the governor's license to be allowed free passage up Delaware river. Action on letters from Mr Wharton and Capt. Cantwell about Whorekill matters deferred un- til the return of Henryck the Loper. Wm. Douglas of Delaware to be sent by Wm. Shackerley to the Barba- does to be sold. Orders on the petitions of Benj. John- son and Thos. Faulx for discharge from prison. Con- sideration of the Quakers' paper suspended. Orders: on a petition of inhabitants of Manhattan island against Capt. Manning's patent for land by the Frenchman's; about hogs running in the city; on a petition of Sarah widow of Nich- olas Davis for protection against her late husband's cred- itors. 125 28 A packet from Whitehall received by the hands of George Moore arrived from England via Boston. 135 Ap. 14 Business of Peter Groenendyke and Mr Gardner of Nan- tuckett deferred. Order for the reducing of Whorekill. Quakers' paper about the fortifications considered. Mili- tary laws to be attended. Order on a petition of the ba- kers about the cure-masters. Kingdom's and Tys Barent's afifairs referred back to the justices who tried them before. Order on Jan Jansen's petition deferred. Mr Nicholls' charges in Delaware to be paid. Surveys from Mr Whar- ton to be patented. 136 18 Trial of Peter Smith alias Groenendyke for seducing two girls, Annetie daughter of Juriam Blanck sr and Maria de la Noy, under promise of marriage; Jurian Blanck sr and jr, daughter Catherine, Albert Bosch his son-in-law, and Peter de la Noy brother of Maria prosecuting. 139 22 Trial of Peter Groenendyke continued; Annetie Romers, Reyneer Willems baker, Cornelissen the fisher, testify; Groenendyke to pay damages and a fine. 141 29 Order prohibiting the exportation of wheat. 145 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 19 1673 V. 3 May 15 Letters received from the duke of York, Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carterett about New Jersey. Col. Nicolls' patent to Elizabethtown made void by the duke. Post rider to Milford to continue until further orders. Bea- cons to be erected. Former orders about the reduction of Whorekill to be carried out. Court of sessions ad- journed. Justices of the east riding to nominate three \^ persons for the governor to make a selection for high sheriff of Long Island. Case of Daniel Lane postponed until the arrival of his wife. Order on a petition of Mary Dobson about a payment to Mr Gabry. Order concern- ing a transaction in wheat between Asser Levy, Nicholas de Meyer, van der Cooley and Capt. Chambers. 22 Orders: about a quarrel between Capt. Pawling and Mr Graveraat; on a complaint of Capt. Chambers against Ed- ward Whittaker and his wife about a reputed witch. June 12 Proclamation to issue for the re-arrest of Daniel Lane; his wife and daughter are released under bonds; Harry New- ton the jailer to be examined. Order appointing a gen- eral day of fasting and prayer. Prohibition to export wheat suspended. Order upon a complaint of the cus- tomers and customhouse regulations. English laws intro- duced at the Esopus. A new alderman to be nominated in place of Mr Darvale, and a new militia captain in place of Isaac Bedloo. 24 Order fixing the value of wampum. Order on a petition of the bakers about the surveyor or cure-master of bread and flour (p. 136). Prohibition to export wheat to be en- forced. 15s July 4 Order taking off the excise from small beer and fresh meats and advancing the rate on liquor, wine and beer. 158 147 ISO 151 1674 Oct. 31 Nov. 2 Volume 3 Part 2 1674-78 The fort surrendered to the governor. Mathias Nicolls sworn of the council at the city hall and three constables sworn in for the city. Order continuing in office all magistrates and other officials at Albany, Esopus, the Delaware, etc. who held office be- fore the coming of the Dutch in July 1673, excepting Peter Alricks who had offered his services to the Dutch on the Delaware. Michael Siston appointed schout, Wm. Parker marshal! and Sergt. Thos. Sharpe clerk of ihe entries, at Albany; Rich- ard Pretty to take an account of the great excise there. 20 * NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1674 V. 8 Capt. Thos. Chambers to be as formerly justice of the peace. George Hall to be schout at Esopus. Capt. Edmund Cantwell reappointed schout or sherrif, Wm. Tom secretary, on the Delaware river, both to take poi- session of the fort etc. at Newcastle and be receivers of quit rents and other duties. Tristram Coffin sr, Matthew Mayhew and Thos. Dogget before the council on behalf of Martin's Vineyard and Nantuckett. a 7 Answer given to Tristram Coffin etc. recorded elsewhere. 3 10 Mayor, aldermen and sheriff of New' York appointed and sworn. 3 i6 Mayor and aldermen meet before the governor in the fort. Flour to be examined before shipping and marked with the town brand, meats likewise. Orders concerning weights and measures, bakers' bread, fortifications, gate at the Smith's valley. 3 21 The same, Capt. Anthony Brockholes and Wm. Dyre pres- ent. Order for the recovery of the provincial records in the hands of Nicholas Bayard secretary under Gov. Colve. Confiscations made by the Dutch to be void. 5 27 Justices for the west riding of Long Island commissioned and sworn in. 6 Nov. 30 Justices for the north riding commissioned and sworn in. 6 Dec. 4 Consultation in the fort, the governor, Capt. Richard Grif- fith, Capt. Cassibelam Burton, Capt. Anthony Brock- ,jj holes, Wm. Dyre, the mayor and aldermen present. Let- ter from the three eastern towns of Long Island signed by John Mulford, John Howell and John Youngs declining to acknowledge the authority of New York; and order thereon. 6 1676 Jan. 8 Fishing company to be established with £10 shares. Market day fixed for the city (see N. Y, col. mss, 24:67). John Burroughs of Newtown summoned with the constable for two letters reflecting on the government. Constable of Huntington sent for to answer for not obeying orders. Council to meet every Friday. lO Jan. 15 John Jackson constable of Hempstead brings John Jen- nings before council according" to warrant; Jennings is charged by Scudder of Maspethkills with taking away his brother's indentures as apprentice to Scudder; sentenced to prison. Petition of Nath. Brittaine against John Sharpe about a servant referred to the court of sessions. The constable of Newtown (p. 10) discharged upon recommendation of Richard Betts member of the ■J CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 21 1675 V. 3 Gravesend sessions; John Burroughs to be whipped and imprisoned; warrant to the sheriff for carrying out the sen- tence. Capt. Manning to be tried for surrendering Fort James to the Dutch. ll 19 Trial of Isaac Piatt constable of Huntington (p. 10); fined s/" 20s. for the poor. 16 22 Order concerning vacant lots in the city (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:56). Order on the petition of Nicholas Bayard about Gov. Colve's power of attorney (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:34). Preparations for the trial of Capt. Manning (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:36-53). Supervisor of drift whales on y Long Island to be appointed. Long Island sachems called before the council. Order of the court of sessions about the differences and separation of Wm. Hallet and his wife Susannah confirmed. 17 29 Trial of Capt. Manning (p. 11, 17) commenced; he is com- mitted to the sherrif. Appeal of Nicholas de Meyer from a judgment of the mayor's court referred back to the court. 20 Feb. 2 Articles against Capt. John Manning (p. 20); trial con- tinued. 21 5 Trial continued; Capt. Manning sentenced to be dismissed the service. 23 19 Prohibition to export corn continued. Trial of the case of Daniel, Mattys and Jacobus de Haart, Cooke and West attorneys, against Jacob Tennisse Key, Jan Hendricks van Bommel and Jacques Cousseau, Allard Anthony and Mr Sharpe attorneys, about the estate of their brother Balthazar de Haart (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:58). Order on a petition of Jan Jansen Verryn. On an appeal of Wm. Dyre in re de Meyer (p. 20). In re Richard Smith vs y^ Huntington. " 24 Mar. 5 The governor and council and the mayor with the alder- men. Order concerning the militia. No ballast to be thrown into the harbor. Prohibition to export corn con- tinued. Customs regulations; New York, Southampton -X and Southold to be ports of entry. 26 18 Gov. Phil. Carterett of New Jersey present. Cornelius Steenwyck, Johannes van Brugh, Johannes de Peyster, Nicholas Bayard, Eguidius Luyck, Wm. Beekman, Jacob Kip and Antonio de Mill to be committed and examined on the charge of disturbing the government (see A^. Y. col. mss, 24:73). Magistrates to keep the fortifications in re- pair. Order about hogs running in the streets to be en- forced. ^ V 22 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1675 V. 3 19 The prisoners (p. 27) examined and the matter referred to the court of assizes (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:76). 28 26 Order concerning peltry and tobacco seized on board of the flyboat Beurs or Exchange, of Amsterdam. 31 30 Timber cargo of the Castle, Capt. Hyatt. 32 Ap. 7 Rates remitted to Sotithampton, Easthampton and South- old. All inhabitants to take the oath of allegiance and fidelity. Action on a petition of Johannes de Peyster ac- knowledging his error and desiring to take the oath de- ferred. Order on a letter of James Hubbard about Graves- end township matters. 33- 16 Order on a letter of the commissaries at Albany about propo- sitions made by the Maquaes. 34 123 Orders on a report from Delaware of murders committed by Indians at Millstone creek. 35 28 Nantuckett affairs; Tristram Coffin and Matthew Mayhew appearing on one side, Peter Foulgar and Capt. John Gardiner with a power of attorney, signed for the town by Richard Gardiner, Edward Starbuck, Thos. Macy, Wm. Worth, on the other (seeHough. Nantucket, p. 83-84). 36 29 Nantuckett affairs discussed. 30 Discussion continued (ste N.Y. col. mss, 2'4:g2, 93, 98, 100, 102). 37 May I Orders made about Nantuckett; recorded elsewhere. 37 24 The ship Margaret of New York, Philips owner and master, cleared at Rye allowed to proceed. Royal African company. 38 25 Connecticut boundaries; Capt. Collier and Mr Ashton to go as commissioners with a letter to the governor and coun- cil of Connecticut. (See A^. Y. col. mss, 24:121). 39 31 All products of Barbadoes, Jamaica and Caribean islands except rum to be imported free of duty. 40 June 7 Order to the courts of sessions on Long Island to inquire about church affairs. Day of thanksgiving appointed. 40 14 Letter received from Gov. Winthrop on private business. 41 23 Correspondence with governor and council of Connecticut about the boundaries. Disturbances at the Delaware. 41 24 Aldermen Fred'k Philipps and Gabriel Minvielle present. Letter about the boundaries to be sent to Connecticut. Or- der concerning the valuation of wampum, etc. 42 28 Virginia tobacco to be imported duty free. Oath of allegi- ■'7 ance to the duke of York to be administered in the terri- ^ ' tory claimed by Connecticut. 43 July 4 Gov. Andros to go to Connecticut about the Indian troubles. 44 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 23 1675 V. 3 24 Gov. Andros reports on his journey to Connecticut. Orders concerning constables' watches and Indians on Long Island. Magister Jacobus Fabricius and John Ogle to be sent from Delaware to New York as prisoners for dis- turbing the peace. Delaware land matters. Court of ad- miralty to sit in the case of the ketch Susannah. 44 Aug. 5 Encouragement to immigrants from Europe. Staten Island land matters. Tackpousha sachem of Mashpeage against Hempstead represented by Rich'd Gildersleeve sr and George Hewlett. Condemned ketch Susannah to be sold at auction. Order on a petition of widow Elizabeth Bedloo for letters of administration on her late husband's estate. Letters of administration on Balth, de Haart's estate granted to his brothers, Daniel, Matthias and Jacobus (p. 24). Order in re widows Betts and Tippett vs John Archer about land. New rate of assessment to be made. Report on the accounts of widow Anna Elizabeth Wessells and Peter Nys for the tappers' excise approved. 45 Sep. 10 Fred'k Philipps sworn of the council. Indian affairs. SO 14 Indian affairs. Wm. Laurence to be justice of the peace for the north riding. Order on a complaint of Capt. Thos. Townsend of Oysterbay that, as the quakers refuse to bear arms, it is impossible to keep a strict watch as ordered. 51 15 Order to restore to the Indians of Long Island their arms, except to those of Easthampton and Shelter island, who ^ have paid contributions to the Narragansetts. Proclama- tion to issue quieting the people's minds. Order for the safety of Long Island towns. Magister Fabricius sus- pended from ministerial duties. Delaware land matters; dikes, Capt. Carr's meadow. Blockhouse at Newcastle to be removed and built on the backside of the town. 52 25 Complaint of Do. Nicholas van Rensselaer against Do. van Nieuwenhuysen examined (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:872-74; Q 3:526-27). 54 28 Cannons to be sent to Nantuckett and Martin's Vineyard for protection against the Indians (see Hough. Nantucket p. 88). 57 30 Do. van Nieuwenhuysen, Elders Jeronimus Ebbing, and Peter Stoutenberg, Deacons Jacob Teunissen Kay, Reyneer Willemsen, Gerrit van Tright and Isaac van Vleck before the council in re van Rensselaer (p. 54) (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:875; Q 3:527)- s8 Oct. IS Order on a request and proposals from Schenectady pre- sented by Sander Leenderts Glen and Ludovicus Cobey about land purchased from the Indians, Indian trade, y 24 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1675 V. 8 excise, taxes and seal. Order on a petition of Nicholas van Rensselaer (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:158). Order to Barent Mynderts shoemaker at Albany on a confirmatory patent. Albany taxes. Albany magistrates. 59 16 Orders on petitions: of Thos. Doxey in behalf of his mother, Mrs Catherine Lane relating to her husband's estate; of Wm. Osborne concerning land at Delaware falls; of Simon Athearne of Martin's Vineyard (see AT'. Y. col. mss, 24:159); of Rev. Thos. James and the sachem of Southampton for restoration of the arms to the Indians (see N. Y. col. mss, 24:157). Ambusco late sachem of Southold allowed to remove to Shelter island. - 63 23 Letters received from Dep.-Gov. Leete. of Connecticut and about Indian affairs. Long Island Indians to be again disarmed. 65 24 Order concerning an accidental killing of a lad at Hunting- ton. Indian affairs at Albany and at the Esopus. 66 Nov. 8 Nehemiah Peirce and James Pennyman sent from Albany under charge of having written to Boston that powder was sold to the Indians by Albany people, examined. Thos. Lewis, Adolph Pieters and Abraham Jansen to make a cal- culation of the expenses for building a new church. 68 Dec. 5 Order on letters from Delaware, Albany and Esopus about Indian affairs. Fenwick's claims to Delaware. 71 22 Letter to be written to the governor of Rhode Island about a vessel bound to New York with powder etc. and stopped in Rhode Island. 74 23 Justices of the west and north ridings called to N. Y. for a consultation about the harbor. 74 30 Meeting of Mathias Nicolls and Wm. Dyre of the council, , Justices Richard Cornell, John Pell, Wm. Lawrence, Thos. Hicks of the north riding, James Hubbard, Rich'd Betts, Elbert Elbertsen, Jacques Cortelyou of the west riding about the harbor and harbor defences. 75 1676 Jan. 12 Permission to export grain to Barbadoes asked by Jonathan Selleck denied. Prices of wheat fixed. 79 17 Letter to be written to the governor of Boston denying that King Philipp was provided with powder at Albany. Letter to be written to the governor of Rhode Island on Indian affairs. Sequetauke, Seatauke, Unchechauge and South- ampton Indians on Long Island to be disarmed. 81 Feb. 22 The constable and overseers of Huntington committed to prison for having signed a letter written by Jacob Walker reflecting on the court of assizes. 83 •v/y CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 2$ 1676 V. 8 24 The above are released under bonds. Order on a report of . y Mathias Nicolls and Samuel Leete who had been to Boston with an application to the governor. 84 26 Resolutions and orders on a letter from Gov. Coddington of Rhode Island, concerning the late Indian war and Indian affairs. Gov. Andros to go to Albany. Wickerscreek Indians allowed to plant near Spiting Devill on Manhattan island. Letter to be written to the governor of Rhode Island. 85 Ap. 4 Gov. Andros returned from Albany reports on his confer- ences' with the Maauaes. Wickerscreek and Long Island Indians sent for to meet the governor. Letters received from Sir Wm. Berkeley, governor of Virginia, and from the council of Connecticut. 87 8 Regulations for the cutting of timber, and for the Albany excise. Prohibition to export grain continued; Thos. Thatcher to have liberty to export a small quantity of meal. Boats passing through Hell Gate to take out custom house permits. Order relating to the case of Mrs Cath- erine Lane (p. 6s). 87 10 Samuel Willis and Wm. Pitkin with a letter from the council of Connecticut present. The letter and answer to it. 90 23 Verbal answers to letters from the council of Boston and from the council of Connecticut to be sent by Daniel Burre to the latter, and by Richard Patteshall to the former. 93 May 3 Gov. Carterett and Maior John Fenwick present. Considera- tion of Fenwyck's business suspended. John Palmer's proposition to take the mill on Staten Island agreed to. 94 5 Orders upon the report of Joseph Carpenter that many people in Rhode Island are homeless. Long Island towns to assist the sufferers. 94 17 Constable Symon Seryon, Overseers Robert Jackson, John Ellison and Rich'd Vallentine of Hempstead before the council on a charge of neglect of duty; discharged. Order concerning Hempstead lands. Mr Paterson's case. 95 23 Correspondence with the governor and council of Boston to be sent by the mayor of New York. 97 26 Orders concerning unfenced lots, decayed houses etc. in New York city. 98 28 Order upon news received from Rhode Island, Nantuckett and Martin's Vineyard. Long Island Indians to have their arms restored to them. 99 2Q Order for restoring the arms to the Indians. Order relating to the Indians at Anne Hook's Neck North Indians who submit to be protected against the Maquaes. 99 26 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1676 30 June 7 V. 3 July 26 28 Aug. 4 Gov. Andros to go to Albany; the Maquaes and Sinnekes to be called to meet him. The French receive north In- dians under their protection. Connecticut will protect Indians coming in. Order on a complaint of Lewis du Bois as lieutenant of the watch at Hurley against Adrian Albertsen, Rowland Swart- wood and Pauls Paulsen for creating a disturbance. Orders: on a report of Mr Pell concerning the travelling across and on the Long Island sound by Wyckerscreek Indians; on a petition of Nicholas Blake concerning a dif- ference between him and Francis Richardson master of a great fiyboat brought in by stress of weather. Governor and council of Connecticut write that north Indians are '' tending towards Hudson's river." Orders on peti- tions: of Domine Laurentius Caroli of Delaware about cases in the court of Newcastle; of Peter Groenendike of the Whorekill concerning his suit with Henry Smith for tobacco; John Avery the president of the Whorekill court, and the jurymen Helme Wiltbank, Abram Clement Petite, Jeofifrey Summersford, Simon Paling, John Oakey and George Young to appear before the council. Regulations concerning butchers, shoemakers and tanners, and dis- tilling and selling liquor to Indians (see N. Y. col. mss, 25:155)- Sweer Teunissen vs John Gerrittsen van Marken (see A^. Y. col. mss, 25:149-53, 160). Above case continued. Order concerning taxes in Albany. Old commissaries of Rensselaerswj^ck to continue in ofifice; changes to be made in Albany (see A/". Y. col. mss, 25:144-45). Thos. Chambers, George Hall and the magistrates at Esopus to sit as a court of oyer and terminer for the trial of a negro, Balthas, belonging to George Hall accused of murder. Order concerning the duties of the sheriffs of j/ Long Island and Delaware; Thos. Willett to be high sheriff of Long Island. Orders: on a letter of Capt. Ed- mund Cantwell at the Delaware about the Susquehannah Indians coming in; on a petition of the Widow Hans Block of Newcastle concerning an outdrift for cattle. Letters received from the governor of Canada, and the com- mander at Albany. Caniacka a Maquae sachem reports on • French movements. Conference with Caniacka sachem of the first castle, Dekassiedagareere sachem and Tayadorus, Mohawks, Cornells Arnout, interpreter (see AT". Y. col. mss, 25:162). Order rebuking Capt. Cantwell in Delaware for an unneces- sary alarm because SusquehannaJi Indians are coming in. 102 103 104 107 108 113 113 115 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 2/ 1676 V. 3 Sep. 2 Permission granted to a Dutch vessel of Commander Jacob Benckes' squadron to victual at New York. 115 3 Taxes to be laid at Esopus and Albany for expenses during the Indian war in the East. 116 8 Application made by Massachusetts for the surrender of north Indians denied. Order upon a letter from Abr'm Corbett concerning sufferers from the Indian war at Pemaquid (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 8-9). Domine van Rensselaer imprisoned at Albany for " dubious words," to be released (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:875; Q 3:527)- "7 15 Order upon complaint of Hans Juriaensen against Edmond Cantwell; the latter to pay a fine. 118 Meeting of Gov. Andros and council with the ministers of New York on the case between Jacob Leisler, Jacob Mil- burne and Domine van Rensselaer (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:875-76; Q 3:527-28). 119 16 Warrant sent to the commander and magistrates at Albany to place Jacob Milburne under bonds for his appearance in re Domine van Rensselaer (see A''. Y. col. mss, 25:166, and Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:876; Q 3:528). 119 18 Warrant for the arrest of Jacob Leisler in re Domine van Rensselaer (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:876-77; Q 3:528). 120 20 Order on complaint of George Hewlett constable of Hemp- stead for having been arrested at New York by order of ]\Iayor Wm. Darvall and Deputy-mayor Nich's de Meyer. 122 23 Trial of the case between Jacob Leysler and Domine van Rensselaer (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:877; Q 3:528-29). 124 Oct. 2 Order concerning a dispute between Capt. Thos. Chambers justice of the peace and Lieut. George Hall sheriff at Esopus, about the powers of the sheriff. 125 3 Land on Cowneck within Hempstead limits granted to John Cornill driven out from the East by the Indians (see N. Y. col. mss. 25:204). New order about the difference between Thos. Chambers and George Hall (p. 125). Petition of Abr'm Corbett (see N. Y. col. mss, 25:163) granted. 126 II Dep.-Gov. Treat of Connecticut present. Conference on Indian affairs. 128 14 Wm. Darvall sworn of the council. 129 18 Order on a complaint of Justices Richard Cornell and Thos. Hicks that Thos. Rushmore, Nath'l Piersall, Abr'm Smith, Joseph Langden, Adam Mottsen, Blue John Smith, Joseph Williams, Jonas Wood, Robert and John sons of Robert Beagles, John Mervin, Tim Halsteed, Sam. Denton etc. have destroyed the newly begun settlement of John Cornell at Cowneck (see N. F. col. mss, 25:225-34). 129 28 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1676 23 26 Nov. 20 1677 Mar. 12 V. 3 24 2.y 28 Ap. 2 6 May I 16 Final order in re Leisler and Milburne vs Domine van Rensselaer (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:879; Q 3:529-30). Order concerning taxes to be levied at Albany. Records in re Leisler etc. vs Domine van Rensselaer to be can- celled. Order concerning grants of land in New Jersey on the Dela- ware river made by John Fenwick; Jean Paul Jacquet to be repossessed of the land taken by Fenwick. Land matters at the Esopus. Indians who come in under the jurisdiction of New York to be incorporated with the Maquaes, Mahicanders or Esopus Indians. Purchase of Indian lands at the Esopus. Gerrit Clockluyer to be tried at the Esopus sessions foi " foolish words." French pretenses of jurisdiction over the Maquaes repelled, and the Jesuit missionary, Father Bruyas to be informed of it. Order concerning the felling of timber at Albany. Pro- clamation to issue against the sale of liquor, guns, powder etc. to the Indians. The aldermen of New York present. Orders regulating the size of barrels and casks, trade in beef and pork, rights of strangers, administration of estates. A gauger and a measurer of streets and houses to be appointed. A short answer to be written to a letter of the governor and council of Connecticut brought by John Bancks of Fairfield. Order that the Maquaes shall not send war parties to the eastward and recall those already sent. Gov. Andros to go to Albany. Vendue charges reduced. Order to Capt. Collier concerning the Susquehannah Indians. Vessels may go up Delaware river above New Castle for the collection of debts. Order on a petition of Wm. Corvan a mulatto in the service of Thos. Thatcher for freedom; Robert Little and John Huling of Rhode Island hirs evidences (see A^. Y. col. mss, 26:49-51). Order received from the duke of York for the arrest of any of Bacon's accomplices. Gov. Andros' negotiations with the Indians at Albany; Major Pincheon and James Richards present on behalf of Boston and Connecticut colonies. Gov. Andros to go to Nantuckett and settle matters there. Mrs Block to have an outdrift.for her cattle at Newcastle (p. 108). A court to sit at Southampton for the investiga- / tion of the murder of Eliz. Rayner's child. Order concern- ing the cutting of sassafras. Excise orders. Gristmills. Excise to he farmed in New York and Albany. Former order concerning trade at Albany to be enforced. Indians 131 132 133 134 137 139 13^ 141 145 144. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 29 1677 19 28 June 6 9 II p. in. 1676 Nov. IS 16 1677 July 2 16 27 Aug. 2 V. 3 to be called to meet the governor at Albany in August. Letter to be sent to Mon. la Salle at Cataresky. French- men to be escorted as prisoners to Father Bruyas. 146 Order concerning lawyers. Fees for cording wood. Letter to Mon. la Salle read. 148 Rensselaerswyck affairs. Land matters on Staten Island in dispute between Mr Thatcher, his sister widow of Nath'l Davenport and others (see L. P. 1:118). i^S Henry Courcy of Maryland, Martin Gerritsen of Albany, and Stephanus van Cortlandt present. Indian affairs. 151 Pemaquid to be again taken possession of for the duke and peace to be made with the Indians there (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 14-15) • ^53 The drums to beat for raising soldiers to go to the eastward. 154 News received from Albany that Maquaes have robbed and captured Mahicanders and north Indians at Philipp Pieter's [Schuyler] bowery and at the Half Moon; also that they have killed some of Uncas men. IS4 Examination of Joseph Knott a prisoner under charge of having shipped unculled staves (see A''. Y. col. mss, 25:249- 52). ^ ISS Examination of Knott continued and sentence of the mayor's court affirmed. IS" Order concerning a dispute about land between Hempstead and the Indians. 15° Punch Jansen committed to prison for saying that John Harding and all others sent east had been killed by the Indians. The sloop Hope alias Blue Cock of New York, Simon Barnsen master, John Shackerly part owner, con- demned for infringement of custom-house rules. Advice of council on letters received from Capt. Salisbury and Col. Henry Courcy at Albany with Indian news. 158 Case between Mrs Block and Johannes de Haes about an outdrift (p. 144) referred to the court at Newcastle. Order in re Walter Wharton vs Edmund Cantwell. 162 Orders upon receipt of a letter from Capt. Anthony Brock- holes at Pemaquid; he or Ensign Knapton to remain there as commander; Mr Joseline or other justice of the peace to settle differences between inhabitants and fishermen (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 16-18). Capt. Salisbury's letter and the answer of the Onondagas and Oneidas to Col. Courcy (see N. Y. col. mss. 26:69) not to be answered as the Governor will soon go to Albany. 163 30 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1677 V. 8 3 Orders: upon several letters from Nantuckett; Thos. Macy to continue as chief magistrate etc. (see A^. Y. col. mss, 26:77); on a petition of Samuel Moore who has infringed custom-house rules (see Hough. Nantucket, p. 113-14). 164 4 Permission to land, proceed to Delaware and settle on unim- proved land there, granted to Thos. Olive, Daniel Willes, John Penford, Joseph Helmely, Robt. Stacy and Benj. Scott, arrived from England in the .ship Kent, Gregory Mario w master (see Doc. rel. to col. hist. N. Y. 12:579). 166 5 ■ Order in the case between John Hendmer mariner, and Thos. Bray master of the ship Canary Merchant (see A''. Y. col. mss, 26:79). 168 Sep. II Orders for the government of Pemaquid (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 18-19). 169 27 New York is taxed by Connecticut on account of some mis- chief done by Indians at Hatfield. Letters received from Ensign Caesar Knapton at Pemaquid, and the French at St Johns and Penobscot (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 19-23). 170 28 Answer to Connecticut read and approved. 170 Oct. 5 Capt. Thos. de la Vail and Nath. Silvester present. Gov. Andros has leave to go to England. Garrison of New York to be increased. 170 19 Warrant for the commitment of Edward Grififeth merchant charged with scurrilous speeches and reflections on the government. 172 Nov. 7 Petition of Elizabeth Gibbs (see A''. Y. col. mss, 26:92) tabled. Former order regulating price of wheat suspended. Flour barrels to be marked when shipped (see A''. Y. col. mss, 26:147). Order regulating fees for anchorage; Joseph Lee wharfinger. Gov. Andros ready to sail for England; Capt. Anthony Brockholes to be commander in chief, Capt. Mathias Nicolls to command the militia of Long Island and dependencies; rules concerning the council. 173 10 Letter received from Albany by Claes Luck and two English- men from Boston, Benj. Waite and Stephen Jenning who- declare that they did not say Schenectady belonged to Boston, and that they were on their way to Canada to find their wives and children. 176 Council minutes for the intervening period are to be found in N. Y. col. tnss, 26:157; 27:2, 34-35, 44, 54-55, 57-58, 64, 66, 84-85, 108, 120, 125-26, 176. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 3I 1678 V. 3 Aug. 17 Brief granted to the church officers for collecting money to ransom people captured by the Turks in Jacob Leysler's pink. Regulations for the trade to and at Albany. 178 20 Martin Gerritsen and Dirck Wessels commissaries, with Robert Livingston their secretary, complain of French intrigues among the New York Indians. 179 22 Appeal of Major John Fenwick from the court of assizes to the king not allowed. The French intrigues among the Maquaes, Mahicanders and north Indians to be counter- acted. 179 23 Pemaquid affairs; Gov. Andros to go there in the spring (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 32-33). Sentence of the Albany court against Wm. Loveridge jr (see A^. Y. col. mss, 27:7) confirmed. Tohn Hendricks Bruyn of Albany sentenced to imprisonment and fine for illegally trading with Indians, released with a fine. Orders concerning the Indian trade at Albany. Seneca Indians at war southwest • of Mary- land. 180 Sep. 6 Land granted opposite Schenectady to the town for a minis- ter etc. Changes in the commissaries of Schenectady. Order concerning a dispute between Johannes Provost sheriiif of Albany, and Ludovicus Cobet schout of Schenec- tady, about their jurisdiction. 182 II Henry Jackson comes as messenger from a French man-of- war, anchored near Sandy Hook asking permission in the name of the French commander to come in for wood and other supplies; granted. 184 14 Capt. Bernard le Moine commanding the Golden Fleece French man-of-war produces his commission from his king and from Sieur de Povahcay governor of Tortudas. 184 19 Order on a deposition of Henry Clarke surveyor of the customs charging Thos. Lewis master and owner of the sloop Katharine of New York with illegal trading, and Thos. Thatcher with obstructing the surveyor in perform- ing his duties; Hendrick Arents alias Spaniard, and Jan Teunisse alias de Pape his witnesses. 185 24 Capt. Christopher Billop dismissed from military service for extravagant speeches. 185 Oct. 8 New commissaries appointed for Albany; Rich'd Pretty to be sherifif there (see N. Y. col. mss, 27:27). 186 23 Timothy Cooper ordered to remove from Albany for having written to Major Pincheon (see N. Y. col. mss, 27:18, 27-28). 186 31 Letters are written to the magistrates of Albany concerning trade with Schenectady, the rights of the van Rensselaer family, and ransom of the captives in Algiers (see A''. Y. col. mss, 27:26-27, 30). 186 32 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. 1678 V. 3 Nov. 30 Sentence against Dr Henry Smith of the Whorekill for idly- charging Justices Helmanus Wiltbank and Edward Southrin, and Clerk Cornelis Verhoofe of the court with crimes. 187- A ms list of books in the secretary's office in 1772, found in N. Y. col. mss, 99:44 shows that no v. 4 of Council minutes, Dec. 1678-Sep. 1683 existed at that time. Various scattered minutes up to November 1680 may be found in N. Y. col. mss, 28:58-59, 63, 74-75, 85-87, 120-23, 131-32, 142-43, 159-62, 168, .173-74; 29:2-3, 19, 27-28, 32, 36, 68, 117, 127, 136-37, 143, 150, 156, 169, 173, 179, 185, 187, 196, 212-13, 220, 230, 256, 258, 261. Vol. 5 1683-88 1683 Sep. 13 John Spragge, Fred'k Flypsen, Stephanus van Cortlandt sworn of the council. Some of the governor's instructions read. Appeal of Jacob Melyn from the judgment of the mayor's court in an action against Stephen Cregoe to the court of assizes allowed. Appeal allowed Isaac Melyn (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:45); also Thos. Lawrence from a judg- ment of the Gravesend sessions (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:72). Writs of election for representatives to be sent to the sheriff of Long Island. Staten Island to elect one repre- ^y sentative: Fishers, Silvesters and Gardiners islands to vote with the east riding. Writs sent to the Esopus and Albany. Schenectady to elect one representative. John Allen ap- pointed sheriff of Pemaquid and surrounding islands which are to elect one representative (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 73). Matthew Mayhew to be sheriff of Nantuckett, Martins Vineyard, Elizabeth islands and all other islands east of Long Island which are to elect one representative. Town clerk of New York called upon for a list of free- holders. Canadians trading at Albany must have a pass from their governor; New Yorkers, going to hunt with the French or Indians likewise. Order regulating the valua- tion of coin. 15 Order on a petition of Mingo Anthony a negro. Commis- sions to Lucas Santin as judge, Wm. Nicolls as register, and John Colier as marshall, for the trial of Nicolas Clough master of the ship Camelion read and approved. Appeal of the town of Hurley from a judgment of the Kingston sessions to the court of assizes allowed. Rules concerning markets to be observed. Sec. John Spragge to be clerk CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 33 1683 . V. 5 of the assizes. John Palmer appointed high sheriff of Staten Island. Writs of election sent to the sheriff of New York. 2 22 Order on a . petition of John Archer (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:42). None but freeholders to vote at the election. Case of Mingo Anthony deferred. Order on a petition of Thos. Willett for quiet possession of Hogs island. 4 24 Mingo Anthony adjudged to be a slave. Order on a petition of Wm. Moore and Jeremiah Fenwyck against their former captain, Edward Reade of the ship Golden Hind. 5 26 Conference on the case of John Archer (p. 4). Order on a petition of Rob't Cockram, John Darvill, Arthur Davis, Daniel Kelly, Henry Lewin, Robert Dawson, John Mer- styn and John Hallimore, convicted of a conspiracy on board the Camelion. Complaint of Wm. Moore (p. 5), John Finch, Jeremiah Fenwyck and Robert Annett against their captain referred to law. 6 Oct. I Petitions: of Edward Whittacres, George Meales and Richard Hays; of Henry Alberts; of Jacob Rutgers; of Aert Peter- son; of Robert Story tabled. Petition of Gerrit Egbaerts for his son detained by his wife referred to the justices of Staten Island. (5 4 Conference with Maquaes schems. 7 Conference continued (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:398-99; Q 1:262-63; Indian queens present. 8 9 Order on a petition of Tackpousha sachem of Mashpeage L. I. (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31: 82). 13 12 Orders: on petition of Richard Ponton, Wm. Richardson and Joseph Palmar all of Westchester against molestations by John Archer (p. 4, 6) ; on letters from the governor of Can- ada with complaints against Mon. Ville Roy; on petition from Eastchester asking for separation from Westchester; John Hinksman, Richard Stockin, Phil. Pinkney to ap- pear for Westchester, Francis Brown of Rye and Robert Blomer for Eastchester; on petition of Edward Hubbert and Dirck Garretsen for protection against John Archer. 13 22 Petition of Tackpousha (p. 13) referred to the court of as- sizes. Daniel Carty complaining against his master re- ferred to the mayor. 15 Nov. 5 Petition of J. Palmer married to the widow of John Win- der for a quietus referred on objections by Mr Pinhorn. Petition of John Rider referred until the arrival of Thos. Lewis. Thos. Coker sworn in as collector of excise money. 16 3,4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1683 V. 5 lo Petition of the mayor and aldermen of New York for a confirmation of their ancient priviledges; order thereon. Petition of J. Palmer for a quietus (p. i6) granted Pin- horn having withdrawn his objections. id 12 Gov. Dongan absent; Capt. Anthony Brockholes presides. Instructions to Edward Antill merchant to sail for England in the Camelion, Nicholas Clough master and consult in England with Sir Benjamin Bathurst concerning affairs of the Royal African company. , 20 i6 Examination of the case of Paulus Richards vs Stephen Gaineau for debt; Mon. Minvielle and Paul la Valloy wit- nesses. 22 20 Gov. Dongan returned. Petition of Dirck Dye for return of money paid for the release of his son John from cap- tivity in Algiers granted as the son was dead before the money reached its destination. 23 22. Instructions and orders for the governing of Pemaquid (see. Hough. Pemaquid. p. 75-81). 23 23 Petition of Fredk. Ellis (see A''. Y . col. mss, 31 : 93) referred v/ to Capt. J. Youngs, Capt. John Howell and Isaac Arnold. Petition of mayor and aldermen referred to Mr West. Cornelis Steenwyck appointed mayor, Nicholas Bayard, John Iniaus, Wm Pinhorne, Guline Verplanck, John Rob- inson and Wm Cox aldermen. 27 25 Governor of Connecticut Robert Treat, Sec. John Allyn, Major Nathan Gold and Mr Pitkin before the council on boundary matters. " 27 28 Articles of agreement between New York and Connecticut about the boundary line. 28 30 Capt. J. Colier late high sheriff of New York to give an ac- count of monies paid by Fr. Flypsen for two sailors of the ship Rebecca. 31 Dec. 6 Petition of mayor and aldermen of New York (see A^. Y. col. mss, 31:95); answer. 32 9 Orders of the weigh money read and signed. 35 15 Orders on petitions: of Winnaquaheag sachem of Connec- ticut on the south side of Long Island for remittance of v./ a fine in a suit with Richard Smith; of the inhabitants of Madmans Neck (see A'". Y. col. mss, 31:96). Ralph Cardall's deed. 35 20 Orders on petitions: of the inhabitants of Rye for confir- mation of their lands in Connecticut etc.; of Nathaniel Baker sr (see N. Y. col. mss, 31: 98). ■^d 1684 Jan. 3 Order on petition by the inhabitants of Madnans Neck (see N. Y. col. mss, 31: 100). 37 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 35 1684 V. 5 10 Orders OTi petitions: of Johannes Sanders Glen of Schenec- tady asking that no one but himself be allowed to plow the Mohawks sachems' land, granted; of Anna van Bor- sum against Jacques Cortiliau (see N. Y. col. mss, 31: 102); by the inhabitants of Hurley against Henry Pawling about fences (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:97). Answer to a let- ter from the commissaries at Albany on Indian afifairs and estates of deceased persons. 38 19 Inhabitants of other colonies not to plead in New York without the governor's license. Order to Robert Rob- erts master of the Rebecca to appear before the council on complaint of Archill Martlie mate, John Cochart boatswain, and others of the same ship. 41 IS Capt. Roberts and the above complainants present; the cap- tain settles the matter. 41 17 The matter between Anna van Borsum and Jacques Cor- tiliau (p. 38) referred to John Brown, Peter Jacobs, Nich's Bayard and Guline Verplanck. Order on petition of Peter Jacobs Marius (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:103). Case of John , Rider administrator of the estate of Roger Rugge de- ceased referred to the mayor and aldermen. Col. Lewis Morris made a member of the council. 42 28 Petition of Robert Wright (see L. P. 2:26) tabled. Wis- quoscheak Indians renew their allegiance. John de Fries and Harlem lands. Report in re Anna van Borsum vs. Jacques Cortiliau received (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31:107). 43 31 Orders on petitions: of Samuel son of Richard Smith of Nes- aquake about land matters; of Balth. Bayard and Hans Kiersted sons-in-law of Covert Lockerman deceased for an accounting by Francis Rumboutse and Johannes van Brugli executors of Maritie Jansen widow of G. Locker- man. Mr White summoned before the council in re Peter Jacobs Marius (p. 42). Recorder of New York city to give the charge to the grand jury; members of the council may sit as justices of the peace in the quarter sessions of New York county; John West to be clerk of the ses- sions; instructions for the recorder's charge. 44 Feb. 7 Nich's de Meyer, Guline Verplanck and Peter de la Nby to examine the books of Covert Lockerman (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31: III) on the petition of Bath'z Bayard etc. (p. 44). Orders on petitions: of Nich's de Meyer against John Young (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:110); of Paulus Richards for a quietus as administrator of Tyse Barnse deceased; of Richard Cornell against Robert Wright and Francis Pew. Commissions of Mathias Nicolls and John Palmer as judges read and amended. 46 Z^ NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1684 V. 5 9 Order on a petition of John Richbell concerning a differ- ence about boundaries with Rye. 47 16 Capt. Matthias Nicolls, John Palmer alid Recorder James Graham in the council. Boundaries with New Jersey dis- cussed. Court of chancery to be held. 47 18 Letter to Capt. Chambers, Thos. Garten and Mr Beakman as answer to a petition from the inhabitants of Esopus (see A'". Y. col. mss, 31:115). Mathias Nicolls and John Palmer sworn in as judges. , 48 23 Proclamation about debased Spanish coins coming from Boston. Order on a petition of I. Tooker who had his legs frozen. 4g Hearing of Richard Cornell vs Robert Wright and Francis Pew (p. 46) postponed. Order on a petition of Philipp and Dego Dequae (see TV. Y. col. mss, 31: 121). 50 25 Letter to Isaac Arnold about Long Island matters. Nich's de Meyer, Gabriel Minvielle, John Inyans and Wm Pin- horne to audit Capt. Brockholes' accounts. 51 Mar. I Orders on petitions: of John Archer jr (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:122); of Mrs Henry Soper of Huntington vs Jonathan Rogers; of Peter Schuyler and Robert Sanders for land at Schenectady; of Edey Parcells about a difference with George Stevenson and Robert Blackwell concerning land near Gravesend; Jacques Cortiliau and John Hinksman are to survey it. Answer to demands made by Recorder Gra- ham, Alderman Bayard and Pinhorne and Mr Lawrence concerning wharfage. S3 6 Orders on petitions: of Cornelius Steenwyck (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31:124); of John Williams of Newport, R. I. con- cerning No Mans Land, or Island of Man; of widow Maria van Rensselaer, Henrick van Nesse, Egbert Tu- nissen and Jacob van Cortlandt (see L. P. 2: 29). 54 8 Letter to the town of Bedford about boundaries and a road (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:123). Justice WoodhuU of Seat- alcot to examine into the complaint of Henry Soper vs Jonathan Rogers (p. 53). 57 17 Order on a complaint of John Richbell vs Rye (see L. P. 2:30). Rules for the seizure of flour. 58 18 Order on a petition of the mayor etc. of New York city (see N. Y. col. mss, 31: 125-26). 58 20 Order on petition of Robert Sanders, Mindert Harmaus, and Wm. Teller (see L. P. 2: 31). Quit rent exacted from George Cummins of Staten Island reduced and a new pat- ent issued. Same for Louis Lackman of Staten Island. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 ^J 1684 V. 5 Order granting the petition of Josias and Paulus Marlitt for a survey and division of their inherited land part of vi^hich has been sold to Paulus Richards. Sg 22 Rules for the purchase of land from the Indians. Action on a petition of Peter Losser for land at Esopus postponed. 60 24 Order on a petition of John Hansen, Jeronymus Rappalle and John Tunissen (see L. P. 2:32). Letters of admin- istration to be granted to Volkertie Pieters (see N. Y. col. mss, 31: 130). Jacobus de Haert asking a confirmatory patent for land at Haverstraw^ is told he cannot have one for various reasons given. 61 25 Inhabitants of Hempstead appear against the petition of John Hansen etc. (p. 61). 62 31 Petition of George and Harmanus Burger for land at Mas- pethkills rejected. Order for Paulus Richards adminis- trator of the estate of Tyse Barnsen deceased to settle certain debts of the estate with Nidi's de Meyer before he can have a quietus (p. 46). Order on a letter from Al- bany concerning bolting of flour. A member of the coun- cil present at the court of sessions in New York to sit as presiding judge. Patents for'land on Staten Island to be called for; the villages of Harlem, Boswyck, Brook- land, Bedford, Flatbush, New Lots, Gravesend, New Utrecht, Newtown, Maspethkills, Hempstead, Jamaica, Flushing and Oysterbay to produce their patents and In- dian deeds before the council. Laws and orders made by the mayor etc. of New York approved with amend- ments. Petition of John Palmer, James Graham, Thos. Coddrington and John Royse (see L. P. 2: 34) granted. 62 Ap. 9 Reasons for making the petition about bolting (p. 58) pre- sented by the mayor and aldermen (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31: 134). Letter from Gov. Broadstreet brought by Gov. Cranfield of New Hampshire. Conference with Minisink Indians. 65 11 A letter from Gov. Broadstreet brought by Messrs Dud- ley and Shrimpton about a probable Indian war discussed; Gov. Cranfield present (see Hough. Pemaquid, p. 91-93). Letters to the council of New Hampshire (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 93-94) ; and to Gov. Simon Broadstreet of Boston. 66 12 Orders on petitions: of John Cooly; of Richard Hayes about land matters; of Arent Tunissen; of Henry Desbrow (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:136); of Thos. Bayles vs Samuel Willson about papers of his wife the widow of Ralph Cardall; of Obadiah Holmes (see L. P. 2:42); of John 38 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1684 V. 5 Bull for land on Staten Island. Tappan and Haverstraw ordered to produce their patents. Letters of adminis- tration granted to Volkertie Pieters of Albany. 69 16 Order on petition of Elisha Hutchinson for a patent to Rowsac island. Cornelius van Dyke and Johannes Proo- vost of Albany present to argue about bolting flour. Gawen Laurie asks for letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Groome deceased; George Heathcot son- in-law of deceased objects. Commissioners to be appointed from Brookland, Newtown and Boswyck to settle their boundaries. 70 17 Order on petition by Corn's van Dyke and Johannes Proo- vost of Albany about flour. 71 18 Boswyck patent produced. Mrs Samuel Willson late widow of Ralph Cardall (p. 69) ordered to surrender the papers, and Thos. Bayles to be executor. 72 19 Flatbush and Harlem patents produced for settling the quit rents. 7-2 21 Postponement on petitions: from New Dartmouth for a patent (see Hoflgh. Pemaquid, p. 94-100); of Mr Alleyn. 72 23 Order on a complaint from Hempstead vs their constables for dissolving a townmeeting. Memorial exhibited by Thomas Lloyd and Wm. Welch comm'rs from Wm. Penn; letter to Lord Baltimore about it. 73 24 Wm. Welch and Thos. Lloyd in council about Indian af- fairs (see Doc. hist. AL Y. 1:399-400; Q 1:263). 78 25 Flatland and New Utrecht patents produced for settlement of quit rents. John Jackson, Simon Saring, John Tread- well of Hempstead, Rich'd Cornell, Mr Hickes, Mr Bowen of Flushing, John Townsend of Oysterbay, Daniel White and others of Jamaica, before the council about the boundaries of their respective townships. 79 28 Another court of sessions to be held at Pemaquid at the re- quest of Mr Goddard. Order concerning Boswyck and Newtown patents. Order for nominating an alderman vice Gulain Verplanck deceased. Order concerning the in- spection of bread, beer, and meat and the removal of the market into Broadway 80 May 5 Order on petition of Nath'l Baker sr, of Easthampton (p. 26). The house to be adjourned. Order on a petition of Cornelius Steenwyck (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31:145). 81 7 Order on complaint of Mr Graham vs Sheriff J. Tudor. Flour coming from Albany to be seized. 82 10 Orders on petitions: of Richard Patishall for land; of Har- men Jansen ropewinder (see N. Y. col. mss, 311: 146). 82 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 39 1684 V. 5 19 Order concerning customs duties. ' 83 21 J. Kingsland agent for the deputy-governor of Barbadoes complains of badly packed flour being exported from New- York; order thereon. Custom-house fees on Long Island complained of. 83 22 Order on a petition of Jacob Meleyn for land on Staten Island. N. de Meyer complains against Joseph Lee exe- cutor of the estate of Sam. Hitchcock, John Betts and Sarah Veale for not making returns. Orders on petitions: of John Houmbs; of Thos. Youngs about pilotage fees. 84 29 Clause inserted into the patent for Mr Mayhew and Mr Gardiner. Orders about packing flour and customs duties approved. 85 27 License to purchase Indian lands w^est of Nippro creek granted to Fred. Flypsen. Order on petition of Thos. Crandall jr for an attachment on the goods of English Smith and George Lockhart on board the Seaflower, Wallsall Cobbie commander. 85 28 Indians acknowledge their sale of land to Fred. Flypsen. Order on a complaint of Rev. Mr Hobard minister at Hempstead about his salary. 86 30 J. Palmer appointed judge, John Spragge register, and John ' Cavalier marshall of the admiralty. Vacancies in the vari- ous offices to be filled. 86 June 5 Petition of Jo. Hobart of Easthampton vs Giles Silvester for opposing officers referred to the court of oyer and terminer. Order concerning customs duties on Long Island. Enlistments in Capt. Hobard's troop approved. 87 20 Case of the Seaf^ower, Wallsall Cobbie com'r (p. 85). Ac- tion on the petition of Fred'k Ellis postponed. Petition of Ryck Abrams & Co. rejected. Order on petition of Gabriel Minvielle for letters of administration on the es- tate of Joshua L'Osseur late of Bordeaux deceased. Pe- tition of Dirck Jansen Hoogland rejected. Order on a petition of Mrs Rider for a quietus. 88 24 Orders on petitions: of Thos. Willett, Elias Doughty, Thos. Hickes, Richard and John Cornell (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:153); of Jacob Meleyne (see L. P. 2:46). Answer to a letter fi-om the governor of Canada (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:100-1; Q 1:68). 89 July 9 Order on petition of George Wood (see A''. Y. col. mss, 31:15s, 172). Action on a petition of Wm. Loveridge for land at Katskill postponed. Petition of Wm. Beekly for land south of Crabb island, Harlem river granted. Ac- tion on a petition of Jacob Kipp (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:155; 40 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1684 V. 5 and, L. P. 2: so) postponed. Mrs Rider to have a quietus for her late husband's administration on the estate of Roger Rugge (p. 88). Capt. Nicolls' bond as vendue master exchanged. 91 28 Gov. Dongan at Albany; Capt. Anthony BrockhoUs pre- sides. Minisink Indians before the council with presents for the governor (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:158). Quietus granted to Mrs Rider (p. 88). . 93 Sep. 6 Petition of the inhabitants of Kingston (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:180) referred. Order on a petition of Thos. Atkinson and other sailors against their captain, Wallsall Cobbie. Petition of the Lutheran congregation (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:173) referred (see Doc. liist._N. Y. 3:406; Q 3:246). Elisha Hutchinson to be legally prosecuted for unlawful settlement on Rowsac island (p. 70). Action on a petition of the inhabitants of Pemaquid (see A''. F. col. mss, 31:181) postponed. Boundaries between Hemp- stead and Jamaica settled. Order on a complaint of Caleb Carman, Elizabeth widow of Peter Smith, Wm. Creed and Wm. White vs the town of Flushing about land. Thos. Atkinson, Nich's Luist, Wm. Taylor, Wm. Gutheridge, Essex Knethell sailors of the Seaflower to have their private chests, etc. although the ship had been seized as not free under the navigation act. 91 13 Order in re Daniel Turneer vs Lewis Morris (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:156). Orders on petitions: of Capt. Cobby; of the inhabitants of Kingston (p. 91). . 95 Oct. 3 Petition of Phil. Wells referred. Orders on petitions: of Gertruyde widow of Jochem Wessells for land at Albany; of Edward Hornet and his wife Mary (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:14); of John Gilbert for pay; of Mr Denton. 96 21 Tov/n of Hempstead, and Isaac Horner for Oysterbay be- fore the council about their boundaries; Capt. Thos. Townsend and Henry Townsend sr ordered to appear for Oysterbay. 97 29 Order on a petition of John Williams and others, sailors of the ship Beaver against their captain, Jacob Maurice. 97 Nov. I Thos. Townsend, Nath'l Cole, John Wicks, Isaac Horner for Oysterbay, John Seamans, John Jackson, Simon Saring for Hempstead settle their boundary quarrels before the council. All justices of the peace and sheriffs continued in their respective offices. 98 3 Mayor and aldermen to hold the court of sessions and mayor's court. lOO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 4I 1684 V. 5 IS Mr van Clyffe and Mr 'Stautenburgh to have letters of ad- ministration under the will of Dirick Jans van Deventer (see N. Y. col. mss, 31:154). Gervase Marshall and brother granted letters of administration on their grandfather's estate. Petition of Dirick Hoogland rejected. Order on a petition by the inhabitants of Jamaica (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:25). 100 Dec. I John Palmer sworn of the council. Order concerning vic- tuaUing houses. Settlers on Staten Island, at the Younck- ers, Spiting Devil, Broncx river, Rye, and Bedford tO' produce their land titles. Petition of Wm. Morris referred. lOi 15 Major A. Brockholls presiding. Yonckers, Spiting Devil, Broncx river, Staten Island patents examined. Petition of Neely rejected. loi 24 Gov. Dongan present. Answer to a letter from Isaac Ar- nold; order to the same for searching after smuggled goods and unlicensed liquordealers. Answer to a letter from Josiah Hobard, Jo. Fordham and Thos. Mapes. Letters of administration granted to Mr Willson and Mr Rider on the estate of Ralph Cardall. 102 1685 Jan. 8 The governor absent. Mr Horton brings the Indian deeds of Rye, Joseph Theale the same for Bedford. Orders on petitions: of John Inians (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:40); of Gervasse Marshall and John Smith. 103 16 Dirck van Clyffe and Peter Jacob Marius oppose the grant- ing of letters of administration on the estate of Dirck Wogertse to Marshall and Smith (p. 103). 104 Feb. II Gov. Dongan present. The case of Dirck van Clyffe etc. vs Gervasse Marshall (p. 104) referred to arbitrators. Hen- drick Gillus appointed administrator on the estate of Jacob uyt den Bogard vice Petrus Bayard and Marinus de Witt who have left the province. Time to purchase Indian lands north of his father granted to Philipp Phil- ippsen. JOS Mar. 2 Regulations for preventing the running away of servants and debtors. Mr West appointed to claim the towns on the west side of Connecticut river for New York. Post office to be established. Order on a petition of Thos. Trowbridge (see A^. Y. col. viss, 32:51). Gervasse Mar- shall referred to the court of mayor and aldermen. Sheriff of New York county to take up the body of a negro buried at Corlears Hook. 106 23 Proclamation to issue about pedlars and concealed weapons. Same about landing goods at the bridge. Rule about giving the freedom of the city. 107 42 NEW .YORK STATE LIBRARY 1685 V. 5 31 Yonckers patent, etc. produced. John Robinson and Paulus Richards appointed arbitrators, Capt. J. Palmer umpire, between Ansell Sam'l Levy and Simon Valentine van der Wilde. 107 Ap. 3 Proclamation to issue forbidding all vessels to trade at other ports than New York. Stephan van Cortlandt and Wm. Creed to be arbitrators for Flatbush, Nicholas Bayard and Roeloff Murtens for Breucklyn. Petition of Jan Clute (see L. P. 2:66) rejected. * 108 7 Indians of Murthers creek acknowledge the sale of their land. Capt. Jonathan Selleck deposes having received clipped money from Benj. Blagge. log 9 Petition of George Heathcot referred to the law. • log 21 Solemnities on receipt of the news of the death of King Charles 2. King James 2 to be proclaimed. 109 24 Fortifications of New York city to be repaired. Petition of Arent Schuyler (see L. P. 2:93) granted. Robert Ham- mond clerk of the representatives ordered to deliver acts of assembly. Letters of administration granted to Jane Rider (sjee N. Y. col. mss, 32:68). Indians acknowledge a sale of land to Jacob de Key. Flushing patent pro- duced. Ill 25 Order to seize and prosecute the sloop of Rich'd Patishall upon information of Major Wm. Dyre. Order on a pe- tition of Hugh Riddall (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:61, 69). 112 29 John Lawrence, John Brown, and Mathias Harvy for Flush- ing vs Wm. Creed, Wm. White and widow of Peter Smith (see L. P. 2:92). Order of the court of record in New York city in re the brigantine Edmond and Martha,. Rich'd Patishall master; Major Wm. Dyre called upon for further report in the case (p. 112). Order on a petition of Nicholas Garrett (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:63). 112 May 13 Writs of election for representatives of N. Y. city, Staten Island, Kings county and Westchester to be sent out. Quitrents for N. Y. county to be collected. Order sum- moning Mrs Steenwyck before the council. Order on a petition of Margaret Steenwyck (see A^. Y. col. mss, 32:70). 115 June 3 Gervase Baxter sworn of the council. Captain le Sage of the ship Trompeuse allowed to come in for provisions. The ship Charles, belonging to Fr. Flypsen, and seized for having broken bulk contrary to flaw, is discharged. Land granted to Robert Livingstone (see A^. Y. col. mss, 32:75). 116 6 Inhabitants of Albany to bring in stockadoes for repairing the fort there. 117 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 ^ 43 1685 V. 5 8 Letter received from Walter Clark, deputy governor of Rhode Island. Caveat of Peter de la Noy against the grant to Robert Livingston. Order on a complaint of Richard Codner master of the ketch Adventure (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:78). Thos. Case of Long Island summoned before the council 117 15 Appeal brought by Sam'l Winder for Jacob Mauritz against the petition of his sister-in-law, Margaret Steenwyck (p. 115) read: order thereon. Orders: in re de la Noy vs Livingston (p. 117); on a petition of Wm. White, Wm. Creed and Sam'l Rosa, vs Dan'l Whitehead. 118 18 Peter N;ve and Sarah Skidmore ask for patents (see L. P. 2:68, 71). Thos. Walton, Mary Britton and Frangois Martineau to be taken in custody by the sheriff of Staten Island. ijg 2^5 Thos. Rtidyard of counsel for Jacob Mauritz pleads on the above appeal, John West of counsel for Mrs Steenwyck. Mrs Thos. Walton for her husband, Francis Martineau and Mrs Mary Brittain produce their land papers (see L. P. 2:67, 75, 87) and their quitrent is fixed. 118 23 Thos. Chambers and Henrick Beakman before the council about John Ward bell-ringer at Kingston; referred to magistrates and inhabitants. iig July 2 Gov. Dongan absent. Order in re Jacob Mauritz vs Mrs Steenwyck. no 13 Orders on petitions: of Peter Chock (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:80); of John Cornelissen (see L. P. 2:69); of Dirck Claes. J20 16 Gov. Dongan returned. Judge Palmer commissioned to hold a court of oyer and terminer at Martin's Vineyard if necessary. 120 20 Orders on petitions: of Adam, John, and Elizabeth Wright for letters of administration on the estate of their mother, Alice Crabbe; of Mary, widow of Philipp Jones of Rhode Island for letters on her husband's estate. Jean Basilier's sloop ordered to be seized for having wine and brandy on board. - 120 23 Orders on petitions: of Fr. Flypsen (see A^. Y. col. mss, 32:83); of Joseph Mayhew for letters of administration on the estate of his father, Samuel Mayhew, vice Anthony Wright. 121 25 Proclamation to issue against giving information and taking affidavits in a clandestine manner. New orders on the above petition of Fr'k Flypsen. 121 Aug. I Maryland Indians before the council want the peace made last summer confirmed. 122 44 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1685 V. 5 3 Major Wm. Dyre charged by the governor with having given clandestine information. 122 5 Examination of Major Wm. Dyre. The assembly to be dissolved and writs for the election of a new one to issue. 123 15 Indians acknowledge the sale of land to Fred. Flypsen. Petition of Jane Rider (see L. P. 2:135) granted. Order on a petition of John Boisbellau (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:85, 86). " 124 17 Order to David Toshack Miniveird who has settled on un- purchased Indian land. Jonathan Parker reprimanded for transporting servants to Rhode Island. 124 27 Petition of Joseph Mayhew (p. 121) denied upon production of Anthony Wright's papers by Isaac Horner and Mary Andrews his next of kin. Petition of Humphry Astly (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:66, 87) rejected. 125 Sep. 12 Letter from King James 2 received. Petition of Peter Lud- gar referred to the mayor etc. Order on a petition of Henry Filkin (see L. P. 2:132). All sheriffs of the province summoned before the council. 125 17 Order on a petition of Andrew Gibbs (see L. P. 2:141). Inhabitants of Tappan, Haverstraw and New Lots sum- moned before the council. Order on petitions: of Jacob Mauritz; of Aeltie Slichtenhorst. Petition of Saul Brown referred to . 126 21 Timber for repairing the fort at Albany to be brought in by the inhabitants. License to purchase Indian land granted to Peter Schuyler. 126 28 The sloop Happy Returne allowed to enter although come without clearing papers from Newfoundland. 127 Oct. 8 Mr Manning, Hendrick Smith, W. Alberts, George Steven- son, Stephen Georgson, John Buckhold, Thos. Wendall, Johannes Lawrensis, Peter Johnson Boeckhoult, Luke de Pau, Roelofif Peterson, Jan Jansen, John Albertus, John Allwyn, Mr Blackwell, Tho. Browne, Joseph Theale for Bedford; Dow Harmansen with Peter Jansen Haine, Tiebout Garretsen, Daniel de Clerk for Tappan; Hendrick Ricault, Flor Williams, John Cornelissen and Menny Johannes for Haverstraw produced their papers for patents. 127 p. m. Tackapausha and Paman acknowledge at Mr van Cortlandts house the sale of land at Rockaway to Capt. Palmer. Memorandum that on the loth' of Oct. two other Indians appeared before the council at Capt. J. Palmer's house acknowledging receipt of purchase money for their two- thirds of Crabb meadow on Katawawmacke. 128 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 45 1685 V. i 13 Claes Johnson Permasent, Teunis Roeloffs, Dow Harmen- son, Cornelius Claussen, Peter Johnson Haring, Garret Stenmetts, Johs. Garretsen, Hubert Garretsen, Ide van Vorst, Jan Stratemaker, John Vreese, Glaus Emanuel, Arian Lambertsen, Stats de Grote, Lambert Adriansen, Corn's Adriansen, Daniel de Clark and Corsen Haring granted land at Tappan. Peter Jacobs granted a confirma- tory patent for land at Haverstraw formerly granted to Jacobus de Hart. John Cornelissen granted land at Apomapo, next to S. van Cortlandt. Jacobus van de Water, Jeronimus Rapallese and Teunis Guisbertsen, for Breucklyn, Jacques Corteliau and John Johnson van Dyke for New Utrecht before the council to settle their respective quitrents. Ministers and magistrates forbidden to marry Jacques Vigor alias Jacques Gallop to his wife's sister Louisa with whom he has run away from Canada. Members of the council to have the power of justices of the peace in all counties. Nicholas Bayard appointed mayor, John Knight high sheriff, Tho. Caker coroner, Nich's Bayard, James Graham, Capt. Andrew Bowne, John de la Vail, Wm. Pinhorne, J. Robinson, Gabriel Minvielle, Wm. Beakman, Abr'm de Peyster, Job's Kipp and Jacob Leysler. justices of the peace of New York; Thos. Stillwell high sheriff, Corn's Coursen, Phil. Wells, Obadiah Holmes, Richard Stillwell justices of the peace, Francis Barber coroner for Richmond county; Roelofif Martensen high sheriff, Jacques Corteliau, Nich's Stillwell, Elbert Elbert- sen, Beakman and Mr Morris justices, Peter Johnson of Gueoos coroner for Kings county; Major Willett high sheriff, Thos. Hicks, Rich'd' Cornel, Elias Daughty, Thos. Stevens, Dan'l Whitehead, Capt. Symmonds, John Jack- son, Townsend of Jericho, Townsend of Oyster- bay justices, Edward Stevens coroner for Queens county; Capt. Hobart high sheriff for Suffolk county; Rich'd Pretty high sheriff, all the council justices, Peter Schuyler, Jan Jansen Bleker, Henry Cuyler, Robert Sanders, Goatson, Marten Garretsen, van Rensselaer magis- trates for the town, John Trapett coroner for Albany county; Capt. Sanders justice for Schenectady. Sheriffs to be sworn in before the justices of the peace and give bonds. Patent for land on Cowneck, L. I. granted to Mr Cornell, Mr Daughty and Mr Hicks. Land in Flush- ing township to be surveyed for Elias Doughty (see L. P. 2:165). Order on petitions of Isaac Swinton and of Dr Henry Taylor for land in Flushing township (see L. P. 2:135). 128 46 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1685 V. 5 22 Patent to John Williams of Rhode Island and associates made void Mayhew's patent being precedent. Warrant of survey granted to Wm. Creed et al (p. ii8). Order concerning land purchased by Cornwall and Willet. Warrant of sur- vey granted to Dr Henry Taylor (p. 128); to John Law- rence (see L. P. 2:133); to Jasper Smith all for land in Flushing. Order on a petition of Adrian Gerretts about the estate of Teunis Willemse. Patent granted to Peter Schuyler (see L. P. 2:136). * 133 23 Orders on petitions: Philipp Lawrence (see A'". Y. col. mss, 32:111). Ansell Sam'l Levy (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:110). James Lloyd (see L. P. 2:139). ' I34a 29 Orders on petitions: of Francis, Charles, and Elias Doughty for land (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:112). Lt.-col. Youngs re- ferred to the house of representatives. Bartholomew Mer- cier (see A^. Y. col. viss, 32:113). Elias Doughty (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:114). John Palmer (see L. P. 2:140). Francis Cooley for land in Flushing. 135 Nov. 3 J. Tuder appears for the town of Flushing against the peti- tions of Doughty and Swinton for land. Nath'l Pearsall likewise for Hempstead against the grant of land to Capt. J. Palmer at Rockaway. 136 10 Thomas Willett appears for Flushing to settle about the quitrents; grant of land to the petitioners recommended by the governor. Orders on petitions: of Dirick van der Clyffe and Peter Stoutenburgh in a will case, of T. Cooley 137 12 Day of thanksgiving for the victories over the rebels in Eng- land and Scotland appointed. Estate of Gabriel I'Asseur to be delivered by Gabriel Minvielle to the governor. 137 19 Orders on petitions: Regnier Williams and Barent Lewis (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:125). Andrew Gibb (see L. P. 2:142). Petition of Hendrick Thompson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:124) rejected. 138 20 Special commission to be given to the judges for the trial of Philipp Lawrence. Lucas Santen collector of the province to produce all books and papers relating to the revenue. Proclamation giving notice of the suppression of the rebellion in England and appointing a day of prayer and thanksgiving for " the good success of the Ottoman forces." 138 24 Patent for Flushing read and passed. License to purchase Indian land near Oysterbay granted to Henry Townsend sr and jr, John Underbill, Matthew Prior, Job Wright, Joseph Dickenson, James Townsend, and John Townsend. Mr Swinton allowed to draw up an information against Rye and Bedford about their land titles. 140 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 47 1685 V. 5 26 Deputies from Newtown, Bushwyck, and Brookland before the council about their boundaries. Order on petitions: Thos. Higby (see L. P. 2:1431). Dirck van Clyfife (see N. Y. col. mss, 32:126). 140 30 Recorder James Graham sent for. Philipp Lawrence to be punished according to the duke's laws. 141 Dec. I Patents to be issued to Newtown and Bushwyck. 142 3 Quietus desired by Dirck van Clyffe (p. 140) not to be granted until Jacob Leisler's return. Petition of Phil. Lawrence (see A/". Y. col. mss, 32:115) granted. Mrs Engel- tie Burger and Thos. Parcell desiring patents for the same land the case is deferred: Gabriel I'Asseur's estate. 142 10 James Graham appointed and sworn attorney general of the province, Isaac Swinton appointed clerk of the chancery, John Cavalier messenger of the court of chancery. Order on a petition of John West (see L. P. 2:144). 142 13 Warrant for Wm. Nicolls to go to Martins Vineyard, Nan- tucket, Elizabeth islands in Dukes county and inquire into the illegal trading there. 143 14 Order concerning revenues and quitrents and establishing a court of exchequer. Orders on petitions: Fred. Flypsen (see A''. Y. col. mss, 32:128); of Wm. Merrit (see A^. Y. col. mss, 32:129). 144 17 Mayor Nicholas Bayard sworn of the council, Isaac Swinton and John Knight as clerks of chancery. Philipp Lawrence to be transported to the West Indies (p. 141). Orders on petitions: Daniel Whitehead (see L. P. 2:146). Thos. Wenham for a bill of store. A new street to be made above the Smith's garden through the land of George Heathcote. 145 18 Mrs Engeltie Burger and Thomas Parcell (p. 142) referred to the courts. 146 1686 Jan. 7 Gov. Dongan absent. Order on a petition of Andrew Gibbs (see L. P. 2:147, and A''. Y. col. mss, 33:1). ^47 Feb. 19 Gov. Dongan present. Order on petitions: Morgan Jones (see A^. Y. col. mss, 33:3). Claes Bickers. Commission for the court of exchequer read and approved. I47 20 Patent for Newtown passed; all township patents to be drawn like it. Motion of the attorney general that the inhabitants of New York may have the vacant land to low water mark and the liberty of granting licenses. Richard Hartshorne to be arrested for taking up a whale in the sea. 147 22 Patent of New York considered and referred. A paper called a remittment given by Gov. Lovelace to David Gardiner not thought sufficient to release Gardiner from paying quit- rent. 148 48 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1686 V. 5 Mar. II Petition of David Scndder referred to the law. Orders on petitions: Inhabitants of Boshwyck. Wm. Beekly (see L. P 2:124, 128). John Tuder (see L. P. 2:152). Order con- cerning Westchester patents. 149 15 Order in re Jonathan Wright and Jasper Smith (see L. P. 2:154) vs Major Thos. Willett, Capt. Hicks and Justice Cornell. 149 18 Daniel Turneer appears against the petition of Wm. Beekly (p. 149); postponed. Order on a. petition of John Tuder (see L. P. 2:155). Petitions of some Newtown people and of J. Knight referred. 150 25 Orders on petitions: Richard Gibbs (see L. P. 2:157). Jacob Loockermans. James Lorkan (see L, P, 2:156). Henry Filkin. Aeltie Leisler (see N. Y, col. mss, 33:5). 150 Ap. X Warrant for opening a new street to be issued by the mayor arid damages paid. Sheriffs of Long Island to be sued in the court of exchequer. Petition of Samuel Rusgoe re- ferred to law. Land on Roeloff Jansen's kill granted to Philipp Schuyler (see L. P. 2:158). 151 7 Mr Woodhull and Capt. Tucker appear for Seatalcott against the grant of a patent to Andrew Gibbs; the latter's name to be inserted in the patent of Seatalcot. Orders on peti- tions: The Easthampton overseers of the poor (see L. P. 2:161). Jacobus Scalenger against sheriff Joseph Fordham of Suffolk county. Jacobus Scalenger and Sam'l Mum- ford vs the same (see A''. Y. col. mss, 33:2;^). Richard Woodhull for pay for clearing a highway. 152 15 T. Hicks, Elias Doughty and Thos. Willetts to take out the patent for Cowneck as petitioned for (p. 128). Orders on petitions: of Tachanick an Indian (see L. P. 2:169): of John de la Val, John White, John Knight, John Tuder, and John West (see L. P. 2:168). Order concerning trade with the Indians. 153 22 Order on a petition of Elizabeth Coppin widow of John Whight (see A''. Y. col. mss, 33:28). 154 26 Patent of New York city passed. Order on a petition of Joseph Brown and Isaac Gibes (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:29). 155 29 John Pell justice of the peace in West Chester county repri- manded for making pounds to take stray horses; he is advised to satisfy the Indians. Address of Elizabeth Coppin widow of John Whight. 155 June 10 Capt. J. Palmer to proceed to Pemaquid and settle the quit- rents there (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 107). Sheriffs to collect the quitrents take out their commissions at New York etc. 156 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 49 1686 V. 5 II Orders on petitions: Thos. Brooks (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:32); of White and others of Jamaica vs Daniel Whitehead. 157 14 Order on representation of Mr Betts and Mr Stephens of Newtown concerning their patent. 158 20 Newtown votes on the patent question received. Paulus Johnson granted letters of denization. 158 22 Order on a petition of Paulus Schrick (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:36). 158 30 Gawen Laurie deputy governor of east New Jersey and John Skene deputy governor of west New Jersey in council state that they intend to run the lines between the three govern- ments; George Keith, Andrew Robinson, and Phil. Wells to be the surveyors. 159 July 7 Orders on petitions: John Persons Weaver, Simon Hillyer, Jacob Dayton et al (see L. P. 2:192). Mary widow of Samuel Davis (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:39). Edw'd Antill (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:37). Case of Peter Chock vs Mr Fordham referred to the court of chancery. Samuel Day- ton, Samuel Tyrrell, Jonathan Rose, and Walter Jones ap- pear before the council about the petition of the Indian, Tachanick (p. 153). Order on a petition of Thos. Tall- madge for the inhabitants of Easthampton (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:38; and, L. P. 2:193). , 160 29 Robert Cody, John Parsons, Jacob Dayton, John Field, Sam'l Sherry, Oliver Norris, Wm. Hamilton, Daniel Kief, Simon Hillyer, John Richardson, inhabitants of East- hampton complain that the town would lay out no land for them; order thereon (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:351; Q 3:213)- Order on a petition of Jacobus de be Abois (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:42). Stephan van Cortlandt and Mr Rumbouts vs Peter Lansingh about Indian lands. 161 Aug. 9 The inhabitants of Hempstead and Oysterbay appearing ac- cording to order referred to the courts. Order on a peti- tion of John Hendrick de Bruyne (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:43)- 162 7 Conference with Minisink and Tappan Indians. 162 12 Order on petition of Stephen Hussey (see A''. Y. col. mss, 33:44). Joris Jacobson and others appear for Brookhaven and give reasons for their caveat against the grant to Rich'd Gibbs of the land bought by him from Robert Lea- cock. Jacobus de be Abois appears on his petition (p. 161). 164 30 Assembly prorogued. Mr Garton ordered to come to New York and give an account of the revenues in his hands. Sheriffs to give bonds. 164 50 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1686 V. 5 Sep. I Conference with five nations of Indians; Arnold interpreter. 165 Conference continued (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:403-5; Q 1:265- 66). Instructions given to surveyor-general Phil. Wells for running boundary line with east New Jersey. Order on a petition of Hendrick Kyler (see L. P. 2:197). 167 2 Attorney-general James Graham to draw an address on the state of the province. Question as to signing a writ of error decided. 171 6 Address delivered by the attorney general. Indians acknowl- edge a deed. Richard Hulse forbidden to build on land south of Seatalcot. Richard Cornell, John Jackson, and Daniel Whitehead to view the land called Unkechalk where Samuel Dayton, Samuel Tyrrell, Jonathan Rose, and Walter Jones live. Land on Cowneck to be reserved out of Hempstead patent. 171 14 Governor Dongan receives a commission as captain general and governor in chief of New York and takes the oath. Anthony Brockhalls, Fred. Flypsen, S. van Cortlandt, J. Spragge and Gervase Baxter nominated by the king as council, are sworn in. The swearing of Luke Santen post- poned. The governor reads some of his instructions. Order concerning trade and navigation. 172 16 Order to Major Nicholas de Meyer for an inspection of the companies of foot in the city. Order to Major Patrick Mackgregorie muster master to muster all companies in the province. General order to the militia. Capt. Lucas Santen to report with his troop of horse. 175 18 Order on a complaint of Mathias Nicolls judge of the ad- miralty against John Smith a custom house officer; Thos. Coker and Richard Rogers testify. 176 John Smith is fined and dismissed the service; the governor remits the fine. i8a 20 Christopher Billop deposes that Luke Santen has spoken scurrilously of the governor. A vessel to be bought for revenue service at the east end of Long Island. Lucas Santen to hand in his books and papers for audit and to turn in revenue moneys weekly. Petitions of George Battersby late master of the Mariners Adventure and of Christ Rennolls, Chas. Conner, Phil. Neason, Corn's Creek, Hogen Neale, and Thos. Salvage referred to the judge of admiralty. 180 23 Lucas Santen sent for and reprimanded. Edward Antill, Paulus Schrick, and Thos. Coker recommended for custom house officers (others wanting). i8l CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 5I 1686 "^' 5 Nov. 18 Petition of Capt. Colbache's men vs their master rejected (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:65). Thos. Jeames minister of East- hampton to be arrested for preaching a seditious sermon (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:66-70). Josiah Hubbard subpoenaed. Samuel Mullford, Robert Dayton, Sam. Parsons, Benj. Concklin, Thos. Osborne, and John Osborne of East hampton to be arrested for preaching a seditious sermon A^. Y. col. mss, 33:71-75): also Thos. Osborne, Stephen Hedges, and Mary Perkins for the same offense (see A''. Y. col. mss, 33.76 for all of the above entries; see also Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:355-56; Q 3:216): order to Mr Hubbart con- cerning it. Henry Peirsall appears for Southampton about land matters; order thereon. Mr Woodhull appearing for Seatalcot about land is referred to the court of exchequer. Isaac Piatt and Thomas Powell for Huntington referred to the same. Notice to be sent to Major Winthrop about his land on Long Island. Joab Wright appearing for Oyster- bay the town is ordered to purchase all unpurchased lands. Order on the difiference between Rev. Mr Prudden and his parishioners (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:356; Q 3:216). 183 20 Report of Messrs Cornhill, Hicks, John Jackson, and Daniel Whitehead concerning Southampton lands; John Laughton of South'n, Rev. Mr Ebourne of Seatalcot, and John Arreson their guides. Shinnecock and Unquechage In- dians examined as to their land sales; Sequetagie, Conut- cana, and Maersepege sachems likewise. 185 21 Warrant to issue for the seizure of a ship which coming from Ireland has entered at Amboy, N. J. 186 22 Isaac Swinton clerk of the council sworn to secrecy. Charges of John West against Lucas Santen read. Ordi- nary keepers to take out licenses. 186 25 Charges of the attorney-general vs Lucas Santen read. John Walwin appointed sheriff, Nich's Manning collector and receiver for Cornwall county; military commissions there to be made out according to Capt. Palmer's recom- mendations. Orders for Capt. Manning concerning trade in Kennebec river. Majors Brockholls and Baxter to try mutineers on Staten Island. Orders on the petitions of Abr'm Corbett (see N. Y. col. mss, 33:87) and Rev. Mr Jeames (see N. Y. col. mss, 331:79) ; referred. 187 Dec. 6 Petition of Abr'm Corbett granted. Patents for Southamp- ton and for Joseph Sackett signed. John Pell to buy un- purchased Indian lands in his bounds. Order on a motion of Mr Tudor on behalf of Thos. Kelly master of the Ad- 52 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1686 V. 5 venture for a speedy trial. Mr Arnold hands in his accounts. 187 9 Revenue and other laws to remain in force unless repealed. Order in re Adventure of Youghall, Thos. Kalian master (p. 187). Act against pirates and privateers to be prepared. Lucas Santen charges persons not named with " imbez- ling " and is ordered to give names. Patents for East- hampton and for Francis Pero signed. 188 13 Monday to be council day for the kin^s affairs, Thursday for public business. Order on the report against Lucas Santen. Order on a petition of Rev. Mr Ebourne (see A''. Y. col. mss, 33:86). Order in re Adventure, Thos. Kelly master (p. 188). Collector Lucas Santen's accounts to be au- dited. Patents to Samuel Eborne for Snakeneck and to John Cornhill for land on Cowneck passed. 189 27 [17?] Brookhaven to lay out and set apart land for the minister. Patents for Andrew Gibbs, Sam'l Eborne and for Seatalcot passed. 185 20 Act against privateers read the first time. Order for the seizure of goods, imported by Crawford and Campell, Scotch merchants, into East and Southampton. Lucas Santen brings his answer to the last order about him. 189 23 Simon Sareing, John Treadwell and Jonathan Smith com- missioners for Hempstead brought by Henry Filkin before the council for contempt; clear themselves and are ordered to set apart land for their minister, Jeremy Hobbart. Same order sent to Jamaica. Patents for John Seamans, John D. Bruyne and Andries Camons passed. 190 1687 Jan. 3 Petition of Samuel Rusco referred to the law. Order con- cerning Francis Stepney a dancing master from Boston (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 35:7). 191 6 Order on a petition of Francis Stepney (see A^. Y. col. mss, 35:3, 8). Patents for town, of Westchester, for John Chrushron, and John Pullon passed. 191 ID Capt. Billop appointed surveyor of highways on Staten ' Island. Wm. Beakman's patent passed. 192 13 Lucas Santen suspended from the office of collector and re- ceiver, and to be arrested; Peter de la Noy appointed col- lector pro tern. 192 Lucas Santen ordered to deliver to S. van Cortlandt all books, and to the governor all money in his. hands. 194 Lucas Santen refuses to deliver the books and Isaac Swinton is ordered to search for and seize them with the help of the sheriff of New York. 194 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 53 1687 ^- 5 Minutes from this date to July 6, exclusive may be found in N. Y. col. mss, 35:14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 26, 37, 39, 42, 43, 45, 48, SO, 52, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72. July 7 Gov. Dongan absent at Albany; Major van Cortlandt to take charge of the seals, Major Flypsen of the keys of the presses containing the books and records, John Knight of the books etc. and to act as deputy secretary vice Isaac Swanton deceased. I9S 19 A^Iajor Brockholls comes from Albany and Schenectady for men and provisions (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:244; Q i"-iSo). Major Willett to raise 60 men in Queens, and Col. Bayard .. ' the same number in New York counties. 195 26 Charles Lodwyck, John de la Val, and George Mackenzie to take an inventory of the books and records in the secre- tary's office v\'ith a view of opening it for public business. Copies of proclamations and acts of council to be made. 196 30 Above copies to be sent to the sheriffs of all counties; rules for receiving and opening them. 196 Aug. I Keys of the secretary's office to be delivered to John Knight the inventory having been taken. 197 2 Petition of Richard Perrott of Middlessex county, Va., to allow Judge Nichols to testify for him in a land matter granted, and the judge testifies. I97 18 Gov. Dongan returned. Account of expenses in the war against the French read (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:252; Q 1:154). Order on a petition of Daniel Duchemin et al. (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:92). 198 19 Taxes to be laid for paying the war expenses; bills to be drawn for that purpose (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:252; Q 1:154-55)- Assessors to hasten their work. Matthew Mayhew ordered to deliver the prisoners lately taken in Dukes county with the plate etc. in their possession to Ensign Sharp. ^9^ 20 Bill for raising a penny in the pound on the estates in Kings, Queens, Dukes, Dutchess, Richmond, Orange, West- chester, and Suffolk counties passed (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:252; Q 1:155). ^99 26 Order calling Joseph Harwood and Samuel Windor as evi- dences for Thos. Hawarden vs Rob't Allison (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:93) about a ketch, Mich'l Vaughten master. 199 27 Robert AlHson examined and ordered to give security for his good behavior. 200 54 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1687 V. 5 Sep. 2 Instructions to Judge Palmer going to England read and approved. Bill to raise one half penny in the pound on the estate in New York, Albany, and Ulster counties passed. Order concerning assessors. Bill for regulating the collection of excise money passed. Patents for George Lockhart and Thos. Hawarden signed. Petition of Harman Dowsen for land granted. 200 5 Time for making assessments in Suffolk county extended. Letter to be sent to the governor of Canada about Major Mc Gregory a prisoner of the French (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:265; Q 1:162). 201 6 Letter to the governor of Canada read and approved. 202 7 Letters from Gov. de Nonville of Canada, from Robert Livingston, and from Mayor Peter Schuyler of Albany received. Judge Nichols to translate Gov. de Nonville's letter. Examination by Rob't Livingston of John Rosee an inhabitant of Albany who was in Canada with Anthony Lis Pinar read; ordered that the mayor of New York ex- amine Anth'y Lis Pinar, Dirck van der Heyden, Fred'k and Naning Harmsen who escaped from prison at Quebec. Schenectady to be fortified; Indian scouts to be kept towards Corlaers lake; Christian Indians, coming from Canada to the five nations, to be sent to New York. No Indian corn or peas to be exported from Albany or Ulster counties. Inquiries to be made at Albany how long ago trade was carried on with the Indians who have straws or pipes through their noses and the farther Indians (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:266; Q 1:162-63). Carpenters to work on the Albany fortifications. Anthony Lispinar or la Fleur to be sent to New York from Albany if suspected that they have kept any intelligence with Canada. Petition of Donald Coffee vs John Palmer (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:98). 202 9 Translation of Gov. de Nonville's letter and Gov. Dongan's answer read. Mr Laprary to take the governor's letter to Canada. The French are reported as preparing 1500 pairs of snowshoes; women, children and old men of the five nations to be sheltered against a French invasion at Catskill, on Livingston's land, and along the river (see Doc. hist. N. Y.' 1:272; Q 1:166). 204 II Militia of the province to be put in readiness to meet the French (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:272; Q 1:866). Col. Nich's Bayard for New York, Capt. Thos. Stillwell for Richmond, Major Stephanus van Cortlandt for Kings, Major Thos. Willett and Capt. John Jaxon for Queens, Col. Thos. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 55 1687 V. 5 Young, Major John Howell and Capt. Joseph Fordham, Major Fred. Flypsen for Westchester to be in command and appoint subaltern officers. 205 22 Letter from Rob't Livingston received with propositions of the Oneidas and Maquaes and answers of the mayor of Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:99). Order on a petition of Phil. Smith for land at Tappan near Dr Lockhart's, Bill for naturalizing Daniel Duchemin et al (p. 198) passed. Order directing Major Chambers to have his men ready and mounted for a march to Albany. 205 27 Resolves of the court of lieutenancy in New York city con- firmed (see N. y. col. mss, 35:1031). Men Avho cannot go on military service to Albany to send substitutes. 206 29 Order on a petition of Wm. Merrit (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:104). Steph. van Cortlandt appointed mayor, Robert Hammond sheriff of New York. 206 Oct. 8 Col. John Young suspended from the council because he and Major Howell have mustered in the Suffolk militia men unfit for service. James Graham sworn of the council vice Young. Bill to prevent abuses in the excise read. Col. Young and Major Howell to pay for the clothing and arms issued to Capt. Fordham's company of Suffolk. Measures to be taken to restore Spaniards kept as slaves in the province to freedom. Patent to John de la Val for land in Ulster county passed. James Graham^ and Wm. Nichols to audit the accounts of George Brewerton (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:107). Provoost, John Trompeet, and partners to pay quitrent for their land in Albany county. Order on a petition of Henricus Selyns and his wife Margaret (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:106). Letters of ad- ministration not to be granted to the executors named in the will of Mary Mathews deceased. 207 II Order on petition of the mayor etc. of Albany (see N. Y. col. w.y.y, 35:114) [Marginal note, that this entry belongs to the 25th of October]. Bill to prevent abuses and frauds in the excise passed. Patent to Wessel ten Brook for land at Esopus passed. Thos. Walton's quitrent for land on Staten Island fixed. Sheriffs of all counties to continue in office, Peter Schuyler likewise as mayor of Albany. Order concerning the shoemaking and tanning trade. Sherrif of Albany to collect the quitrents due by Provoost, Trom- peet et al (p. 207). Christian Indians and children of Christian parents brought from Campeache and Laverde Cruisa (Vera Cruz) as slaves, to be set free. 209 50 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1687 V. 5 25 Above order on petition of mayor etc. of Albany repeated (p. 209). Order for the pay of George Brewerton. Peti- tion of Richard Tinker (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:116) rejected. Patents passed: John Knight for land on Rondout creek, called Knightsfield between Anna Beek's and Jacob Rudsen's land; John Pell for Pellham manor; John Lansing for land on the plain south of Albany; Johannes Wandall and Johannes Lansing for land on Ruttenkill, Albany; Harman Dowsen and Theunis Dowsen for land called Pessatinck in Orange county; Thos. Lovelace for land on Staten Island. Petition of Dirck Johnson Hooglandt vs Peter Lott (see N. Y. col. mj^,- 35:115) referred. Major Anthony Brockholls empowered to sign warrants, passes etc. during Gov. Dongan's absence in Albany. 210 Nov. 10 Major Brockholls presiding. Order on a petition of Samuel Burt brother of Richard Burt deceased, master of the ship Robert of London (see N. Y. col. mss, 35 : riS) ; Pierre Peyre, Peter Reverey and Michael Peck testify as to the manner of his death by drowning. 211 19 Inventory of books and papers on board the Robert, Rich- ard Burt late master made by Abr'm de Peyster, John de la Val and Samuel Burt to be recorded. Letters come from England for the governor to be forwarded to Al- bany, Messrs. Graham and van Cortlandt paying the charges. 212 21 Duplicate of a letter from the commissioners of plantations, brought by Gov. Hamilton of East New Jersey to be re- corded. 212 25 Orders for collecting duties on imported goods brought to East New Jersey. Application of Jacob Leisler for per- mission to enter a wreck granted. 213 29 Order on petition of Henry Willis and Edward Titus, Quakers of Hempstead (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:122). Sam- uel Burt appointed administrator of his brother's effects by the mayor's court confirmed. 213 Dec. 3 Order on being informed by Daniel Mackreig that David Toshack of Orange county is dead without heirs in the country. 214 5 Jacob and David Robles referred to the governor with their petition for denization (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:1231). Report of the proceedings between the governor of East New Jei-- sey and Mr Graham about a port of entry to be re- corded. 214 24 Order on the petition of John Robinson for letters of ad- ministration on the estate of Phil. Jones (see A^. Y. col. mss, 35:125). 215 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 57 1687 V. 5 26 Order on the petition of Thos. Meech late master of the ship Johanna; John Joost and Hendrick ten Eyck to assist him. 215 1688 Jan. 3 George Brown to go to the east end of Long Island about the transportation of whale-oil out of the province. 215 7 Order on petition of Richard Smith against Samuel Eborne (see N. Y . col. niss, 35:127). S. van Cortlandt and James Graham receivers of the revenue to pay George Brown (p. 215) on account for his services. 216 8 Warrant to impress sloops issued to Thos. Hawarden for raising the brigantine Richmond aground on the shoals near Thos. Walton's place on Staten Island. 216 23 Trial of the case between Richard Smith and Saml. Eborne. 216 Feb. 2 Thos. Stevens justice of the peace dismissed from office and with his brother Edward committed for having fraudu- lently procured a marriage licence for Wm. Norris and jane Hayes their niece and the daughter-in-law of Norris. Indian post to Albany. 217 13 Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs Elizabeth Graveratt granted to Pieter de Riemer. George Brown called back from east Long Island. 218 18 Order on information given by Richard Hartford com- mander of the Royal James, that Simon Grover master of the sloop Primrose carries on an illegal trade. Augur's sloop and goods, seized at Easthampton to be sent to New York. 218 27 Petition of Elias Doughty, Richard Cornhill and Thos. Hicks, justices of the peace of Queens county (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:130) referred. 219 Mar. 6 Order on petition of Richard Blacklidge (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:132). Order on petition of Thos. Roberts (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:131)- ^^° 13 Major Baxter comes from Albany with the governor's in- structions that the council shall provide for the war ex- penses; other colonies to be called upon for assistance (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:273-74; Q 1:167). George Brown (p. 218) paid off. Order on petition of Samuel Eborne (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:133)- ^^° 28 Gov. Dongan returned. Letter from the king received; copies to be sent to the other colonies. Proceedings be- tween Gov. Dongan and the French agents Father Valiant and Moh. Demon at Albany read; also letters between Gov. Dongan and Gov. de Nonville. Address to the king to be drawn (see Hough. Pemaquid. p. 132). aai 58 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1688 V. 5 30 Letter to neighboring governors read and approved. Sal- aries of judges of oyer and terminer to continue (see A^^. Y. col. mss, 35:134). Act for instructing negroes in Christian religion to be drawn. Christ'r Garvy to carry the gover- nor's letters to Maryland etc. 222 Ap. 2 Proclamation to issue for a public thanksgiving that the queen is with child. Stephanus van Cortlandt appointed deputy auditor of the revenues by Wm. Blathwayt and sworn in. Order on a petition of Domine Henricus Selyns (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:136). Jphn Cavalier mes- senger of the council to summon the jurors who tried the case of Josia Hubbert sheriff of Suffolk county, ex dem Rex vs the sloop Brothers' Adventure, Jonathan Hall master. Order on a petition of Daniel Verveelen (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:135). 222 9 Justices of the peace who have not made a return of the names of assessors sworn in by them called before the council. Order in re Cornelius Barnes, John Okey, Theo- philus Probasco, John Stryker, yeomen of Flatbush vs Adrian Bennet and Jocabus van de Water of Brooklyn in error. Order in re Thos. Lamberts, Randolph Evans, Jacobus van de Water, Jeronimus Rapalie and Adrian Bennet vs Corn's Barnes and John Okey in error. Order on petition of Matthew Midleton (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:137). 223 12 Warrant of survey for land on Staten Island granted to Richard Mitchel (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:138). Order on petition of Benj. Collier (see A^. Y. col. mss, 35:145). Order on petition of Capt. Robert Augur (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:139). Order on petition of Dom'e Henricus Selyns (p. 222). 224 16 Order on petition of John Okey and John Hegeman (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:146). Mathias Harvy and Edward Grif- fin of Flushing, Nathaniel Denton and Joseph Thorston of Jamaica, Abr'm Smith and Rich'd Valentine of Hemp- stead, Nath'l Cooley and Job Wright of Oysterbay are returned by Justice Daniel Whitehead as refusing to take the prescribed oaths as assessors, and are summoned be- fore the council. Col. Young and Isaac Arnold sum- moned on charges preferred by Daniel Whitehead ranger of Long Island. Inhabitants of Kings and Queens coun- ties to repair the Stony hill and the highway between Bed- ford and Jamaica. Justices to lay out highways between the respective towns. Mathias Nichols, Elias Dowty, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 59 .1688 T. 5 Thos. Hicks and John Townsend to sit as court of oyer and terminer for the trial of Wm. Jones of Queens county, accused of sodomy. 225 21 Jurors summoned by John Cavalier (p. 222) examined; affidavit of Thos. Howard in the same case; Isaac Arnold summoned (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:147). 226 26 Assessors for Queens summoned (p. 225) and committed for trial before a special court of oyer and terminer; and new assessors to be elected for the respective towns. Mode of collecting assessments prescribed. John Pell, John Palmer, Wm. Richardson justices, and Joseph Lee clerk of the peace for Westchester county appear on the petition of Benj. Collier (p. 224). Order concerning ac- counts of, and actions before the justices; all towns and ' liberties to maintain their own poor and pay for the kill- ing of wolves. 227 30 Letters received and read from Gov. de Nonville of Can- ada, and from Dirck Wessells. Propositions of Gov. Don- gan to the six nations (see N. Y. col. mss, 315 : 148) read and approved. Major McGregory's accounts for traveling expenses from Canada allowed. Accounts of Robert Liv- ingston for disbursements to the soldiers, Indians, French prisoners (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:274; Q 1:167); and for repairs of the fort at Albany read. 228 May 3 A new levy to be made, as the taxes lately ordered are not sufficient; quota expected from every county; the at- torney-general to draw an act accordingly (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:274-75; Q 1:167-68). Order on petition of Joseph Fordham (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:149). Col. Young and Isaac Arnold answer the charges of Daniel Whitehead (p. 225) ; order thereon. Proceedings in the trial of the sloop Brothers' Adventure, Jonathan Hall master* read (p. 226). Isaac Arnold appointed searcher and surveyor of customs for Suffolk county. Robert Lapraire to run the line be- tween Breucklin and Flatbush. Fine of Abr'm Corbett (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:151). 229 6 Gov. Dongan to go to Albany; scouts to lie in the Indian castles and the governor to send if necessary for the Bos- ton forces and make presents to the Indians. 231 7 Minissink Indians to be called to Albany for cooperation with the six nations. 231 14 Order against destroying trees on the high roads. John Cavalier's account of expenses as messenger allowed. Orders on petitions: of Dow Johnson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:153); of John Hoagland (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:i54); 60 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1688 V. 5 of Mathias Harvy (see N. Y. col. mss, 35:156); of Weyntil Teunis, widow of Tierck Kiberts for a survey of her land adjoining the lot of Abr'm Rycken in Queens county. Col. Bayard, Major van Cortlandt and Robert Lepraire to run the lines between Breucklin and Newtown. Col. John Young late high sheriff of Yorkshire on Long Is- land prays for a quietus. 232 17 Order on complaint of Col. Lewis Morris against sheriff Benj. Collier of Westchester county. Letter to be sent to the president and council of Pennsylvania about quit- rents in the three lower counties on the Delaware. Sheriffs to bring in the money raised under the late tax-acts. At- torney-general Wm. Nicholls to receive pay for services. Patent to the town and corporation of town, Ulster county, passed. Major Flypsen and Col. Bayard to audit the accounts of Major Stephanus van Cortlandt and James Graham as receivers of the revenue; their report to be the receivers' discharge. Acts for raising i2555 and for con- tinuing the salary of judges passed. Acts for the re- ligious education of Indian and negro slaves; to prohibit shoemakers from " using the mistery of tanning hides " read. 233 30 Gov. Dongan absent at Albany. A military watch to be kept in New York city, privateers being reported off the coast. Peter Bogardus to carry Long Island Indians to Albany. Governor's instructions to the members of coun- cil remaining in New York, Majors van Cortlandt and Philippse, and Col. Bayard read and to be recorded. 334 June 2 Order on petition of Thos. Walton against the sheriff of Richmond county. Copies of the act for raising £2555 to be sent to all counties. 235 6 John Knight late deputy secretary delivers the records, etc. to the council (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:162). Accounts of Josiah Hobart sheriff of Suffolk county for the collection of taxes allowed. 235 July 26 Order on petition of Domine Henricus Selyns (see A^. Y. col. mss, 35:167). 236 28 Gov. Dongan returned. Confirmatory patents granted: Elizabeth van Dyke for land at Kattskill; Maria van Rens- selaer, Hendrick van Nesse, Gerrit Teunissen and Jacobus van Cortlandt for land at Hossick; Jan van Loane, Joachem Staats and Johannes Provbost for Louenenburge, Albany county; Lewis de Boyce for land near the Palls, Ulster county; Wm. Cox for a lot in New York city. Patents to Wm. Nicolls for all the islands on the south side of CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 61 1688 30 Aug. 2 1686 June 3 Whitehall 1683 Jan. 27 St James 1684 Oct. 10 Stanford V. 5 Long Island; to Peter Schuyler for land opposite Med- lyne island at the Long reach, Dutchess county; to Garret Aertsen, Arien Rose, John Elton, Hendrick Kipp and Jacob Kipp for land in Dutchess county. Gov. Dongan to deliver the seals of the province to Sir Edmond Andros. Consideration of paying the war debts deferred until the new governor has arrived. 236 Spanish Indian slaves professing Christianity to be released and sent home. Col. Bayard and Major van Cortlandt to make up the accounts of the officers and soldiers of the expedition to Albany. New York being annexed to the government of New England the collection of the £2555 tax is suspended. Order concerning the pay of of^cers and soldiers. Quakers referred to. the courts with their petition (see A''. Y. col. niss, 35:168, 169). Petition of Robert Ellison (see A''. Y. col. mss, 35:169) rejected. 237 Major BrockhoUs presiding. Order on the report of Col. Bayard, Major van Cortlandt and Robert van Gunlin about Breuklin and Flatbush. Act about tanning hides (p. 233) passed. Patents to the town of Huntington, L. I.; to Godfrid Deelius for the pasture at Albany; to Jochem Staats for land in Ulster county passed. 238 Paytable of the officers and soldiers of the Albany expe- dition. 239 Order from the committee of trade and foreign plantations to the governor and council of New York, to transmit quarterly reports on the state of the colony. 241 Royal commission appointing John Spragge secretary of the province. 242 Report of the Connecticut commissioners, Volkin Gold, Jonathan Sellick, Dan'l Sherman, John Hariman, of their meeting with the New York commissioners, Lt. Col. John Young, Capt. John Pell and Surveyor Phil Welles, and fixing the boundaries from Lyons point on Byram river; approved by Governors Thos. Dongan of New York and Robert Treat of Connecticut at Millford, February 10, 1685. 62 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1691 Mar. 19 22, 24 Fort "Wm. Henry Vol. 6 1691-93 Arrival of Gov. Henry Sloughter; he takes the oaths and publishes his commission (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:358-59; Q 2:202). Major Ingoldsby brings before the council Joost Stool with a letter from Jacob Leisler. Leisler, Mil- bourne and his council called, but only the latter vi^ith Delancey appears; Leisler refusing. Joseph Dudley, Fred. Philipps, Stephanus van Cortlandt, Gabriel Minvielle, Chidley Brooke, Thos. Wiilett and Wm. Pinhorne sworn in as members of the council. Papers relating to Leisler delivered to the secretary. Col. Nich's Bayard and Wm. Nicolls sworn of the council. Jacob Leisler brought in as prisoner, also Abr'm Governeur, Gerard Beeckman, Wm. Churcher, Corn's Plevier, Hen- rick Jansen van Boerton, Wm. Lawrence, Thos. Williams, John Coe, Myndert Coarten, Rob't Leacock and Johannes Vernillie (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:359; Q 2:202). John Lawrence commissioned and sworn in as mayor of the city, Thos. Clarke as coroner of the city and county of New York. Sheriffs appointed; Thos. Lyndell for New York, Gerard Strycker for Kings, John Jackson for Queens, Josias Hobbard for Suffolk, Thos. Stillwell for Richmond, Benj. Collier for Westchester, Cornelius Bogardus for Ulster and Dutchess, Gasper Teller for Albany counties. Day of meeting for the general assembly fixed, and writs of elec- tion sent out. Thos. Stillwell sworn in as sheriff. Col. Dudley, van Cortlandt and Ch. Brooke appointed a committee for the examination of the prisoners (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:362; Q 2:204). Fred. Philipps, Gabr. Mon- vielle and Col. Wiilett to be a committee for taking ac- count of the stores in the fort and of the necessary re- pairs to it. Foot companies of the garrison. Salary due to James Graham for service in the collector's office. Thomas Newtown appointed attorney-general. Jasper Teller and Corn. Bogardus sworn in as sheriffs. Andrew Gibb to be clerk of the peace for Queens. Thos. Lyndall sworn in as sheriff of New York county. Joseph Lee to be clerk of the peace in Westchester county. Sir Robert Robinson, Col. Wm. Smith, Wm. Pinhorne, John Lawrence, Jasper Hicks, Major Richard Ingoldsby, Col. John Young and Capt. Isaac Arnold to hold a special court of oyer and terminer for the trial of the prisoners (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:362; Q 2:204). .Wm. Beekman, Job's Kipp, Wm. Merritt, Brant Schuyler, Bait. Bayard CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 63 1691 V. 6 and John Merritt, sworn in as aldermen. Mr De Lansee, Eben Wilson, Thos. Coker, Teunis de Key and Thos. Clarke as councilmen. Capt. John Tuder to be register of the admiralty and notary public. Wm. Pinhorne to be recorder of the city of New York. Capt. Wm. Kidd complains against Capt. Jasper Hicks commander of the man of war Archangel for imprisoning one of his men. Valuable services of Capt. Kidd. 5 25 Col. Wm. Smith takes the oath as councillor. James Barrey brought in a prisoner and admitted to bail. Capt. Rich'd Forster's petition granted. Asher Levy's bail. Court of admiralty to be held. John Joost to give bail; also Daniel Lawrence. Act to be proposed to the next assembly au- thorizing members of the council to act as justices of the peace. . 7 26 George Lockhart appointed to be clerk of the market. Fran- cis Blin and another Frenchman prisoners to be sent on board of the -Archangel man of war. Joseph Dudley and Thomas Johnson sworn in as judges of the admiralty. Leisler and fellow prisoners (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:362; Q 2:204). James Graham's salary as collector. 8 30 Nicolas Bayard, Steph. van Cortlandt and Wm. Pinhorne to be a committee for preparing evidence against prison- ers; Wm. Nicholls, Geo. Farewell and James Emmett to be king's counsel in the case (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:363; Q 2:205). Tramps to be arrested. 9 Ap. I Richard Smith sworn in as justice of the peace for Suffolk county. Account of Macgregerie's burial (see Doc. hist. N. y. 2:363; Q 2:205). Col. Dudley's account paid. Elias Makelson of Aquihanon in East New Jersey and John Capitaine of Bergen, N. J. to be arrested. 9 2 Tacapain sachem of Masepeeg, L. L with other Indians be- fore the council. lO p. m. Presents given to the Indians. Day of thanksgiving. Mc- Gregory's purchase of Indian lands on John Peache's creek, Hudson river, confirmed. 11 4(?) Col. Smith and Chidley Brook to swear in the assembly. Proclamation to go out concerning the late troubles. 12 10 Petition of widow Anna Schuyler, concerning some beavers considered. Isaac Arnold sworn in as justice of the peace for Suffolk county. 13 13 Order on petition of the daughters of Dr Hanmore deceased. Opinion of council concerning Leisler's authority to act upon a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Nicholson (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:365-66; Q 2:207). 13 64 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1691 V.6 14 Elias Doughty, Daniel Whitehead and Thos. Willett sworn in as justices of the peace for Queens county. Alex. Boyle as surveyor-general. 14 15 David Jamison sworn in as clerk of the council. Letters to be sent to the other English colonies asking for as- sistance against the French. 15 16 Accounts of incidental charges audited and ordered paid. Grant to Thomas Carhart for land on Staten Island. Ellis Duxbury, John Dally, Andrew Cannon, and Abr'm Lake-, man appointed justices of the peace for Richmond county. Attorney-general Newtown going to Boston. 15 17 Capt. Hicks of the man of war Archangel ordered not to impress citizens and seamen. 16 18 Gabriel Minvielle ordered to disburse 12 sh daily to Chev- alier Dient (d'Eau) a French prisoner. Dr Godfr. Dellius to have f6o yearly as formerly paid to the two Romish priests by Gov. Dongan. 16 20 Grant to George Brown of land on Staten Island. 17 21 Order on petition by Gabriel Le Bouteux for payment of damage, done him in Leisler's time. Praying Indians from near Montreal reported desirous of coming back to New York colony. 17 22 Le Conte's brigantine wrongfully seized to be released. Or- der on a petition by Edward Palmer and by Ellis Linden against injury by Connecticut. Quitrent. Westchester, county records to be delivered to Joseph Lee. Payment to Alex. Boyle surveyor-general ordered. 18 23 Hue and cry after John Hutton, Joseph Wright and Edm. Huyberts seamen deserted from their majesties' frigott ordered to be sent out. 19 24 Col. Nich's Bayard and Wm. Pinhorne to administer the oaths appointed by parliament to officers and inhabit- ants. Account of Nich's Garrett master of the sloop For- tune sent express to Bermudas by the council. 20 27 Papers relating to Leisler's troubles read. Order on pe- titions: by mayor etc. of New York concerning the weigh- house; by James Wright and John Jordaine on behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of Saybrook, Ct. for protection. 21 28 Riots on Staten Island (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:372; Q 2:211). Mathew Plowman to examine customs accounts by Thos. Coker. Nichs. Gerryts' account allowed. 22 May 4 Thos. Carhart and Widow Stillwell cited before the council about land matters. Order on a petition by Joseph Sackett about taxes in Newtown, L. I. Bayard's account for re- CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 65 1691 V. 6 9 II 13 14 15 16 27 Albany- June 3 Albany 29 Ft. "William Henry July 4 pairs to the fort by order of Leisler referred to a com- mittee. Robert Livingston's account for Indian presents ordered paid. Thos. Carhart to have the land claimed by Widow Stillwell. Arms taken from citizens of New York during the late troubles to be returned. Payment of charges for the governor's journey to Albany and of his salary ordered. Salary of Jarvis Marshall as doorkeeper of the council or- dered paid. Council advise that it is necessary the sentence against Leisler etc. be carried out (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:3174; Q 2:212). John Thompson ordered to be released from prison. Joseph Dudley appointed chief justice; Thos. Johnson, Wm. Smith, Steph. van Cortlandt and Wm. Pinkhorne justices of the supreme court. Col. Smith appointed judge of the prerogative court for Suffolk county; salary of the su- preme court justices fixed. Opinion of the house of representatives coinciding with council in the Leisler affairs (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 2:375; Q 2:212). Fred. Philipps, Nichs. Bayard, Chidley Brooke and Gabriel Monvielle appointed a committee to audit certain public accounts. Peter Schuyler, Dirck Wessells, Evert Bancker, John Beecker, Jan Janse Blycker, Gerrit Ryerson, Gerrit Teunissen, Kilian van Rensselaer, Martin Gerritsen, Derick Teunissen, San- der Glenn, Peter Vosburgh, Claes Ripse and Egbert Teu- nissen sworn in as justices of the peace for Albany city and county; Peter Schuyler also as judge of the common pleas. Proclamation to issue against exportation of pro- visions out of the county. Col. Dudley to go to the New England colonies and ask for assistance against the French. A company of volunteers to be raised for cooperation with the Indians against Canada. Troops for the defense of Albany to be raised in New Jersey. Call on the southern colonies for assistance in defending Albany, " the key and centre of all their matye's territories on the main of America." Col. Bayard, Col. Smith, Major Ingoldsby, Capts. Cortlandt, Wm. Merritt, Schuyler, de Key, Wilson and Gore to be a committee for inspecting the fortifications of New York 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 66 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1691 V. 6 city. Fred. Philipps, Col. Bayard and Major Minvielle to examine Jan Cornelisse having misbehaved in an expedi- tion to the eastward. Flour borrowed at Albany for the Canada expedition ordered paid. Representation of the state of the province to be sent to England. Augustine Graham to be surveyor-general vice Alex. Boyle deceased. Order on a petition by John Smith against the corporation of New York. Order granting land on Staten Island to Wm. Britten yeoman. ' 32 7 Warrants to impress seamen for the Archangel issued. Highland Indians before the council. Jarvis Marshall to be marshall of the admiralty, and water baily. 33 8 French Indians near Albany. Adolph Philipps sent to Con- necticut for troops. Acts of assembly to be sent to the sheriffs. 33 II Packets for southern colonies delivered to John Perry's post; for Connecticut to Mr Newtown. 34 14 Public moneys collected in Leisler's time to be accounted for. 35 18 Peter de la Noy's account for money disbursed as receiver by Leisler's order not accepted and he is ordered to refund, 35 21 Orders on petitions: by Nich's de Mauritz for restitution of or payment for guns taken from him during the Leisler troubles and now in the blockhouse at Albany; by Mr Antill. Payment to Christ'n Laurier for the hire of his sloop Grace ordered. 36 23 Gov. Sloughter dead; proceedings of council relating to it; Doctors Thornhill, Karbyle, Brett, Gaudineau, Tienhoven and Lockhart to hold a post mortem examination. 36 '24 Wm. NicoUs, Mr Graham, Judge Johnson and the sheriff to examine the governor's papers; Col. Bayard, Judge John- son and Mr Lyndale to make arrangements for the governor's burial in Stuyvesant's vault. Zl 25 The secretary to inform New England governors of the death of Gov. Sloughter. Public papers, taken out of the governor's returned. 38 26 Major Richard Ingoldsby to act as commander-in-chief; he is sworn in and proclamation to that effect issued. 38 28 Capt. Jasper Hicks refused to acknowledge the authority of the commander-in-chief; order of ct)uncil thereon. Philipp French, Thos. Wenham, Jonathan Selleck and Capt. Alloway to inspect provisions sent ashore by Capt. Hicks as unfit. Mr Broadbent to receive part of Leisler's salary. 40 29 Rip van Dam appointed in place of Phil. French. Letters by Gov. Sloughter to the king, to Mr Blathwayte etc. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 67 1691 V. 6 referred to a committee. The attorney general to write letters' to the lord president and Lord Nottingham on be- half of the commander-in-chief and council. Order on a petition by shipmaster for dispatch. Treasury affairs. 40 30 Charges of Mr Graham for his journey to Albany ordered paid. Report of the doctors as to the cause of the gov- ernor's death. Money to be sent to Albany for Mr Schuyler's expedition to Canada. 42 31 Order on petition by Cornelius Jacobs master of the sloop Planter against Capt. Hicks of the Archangel for detention of his men. Shipmasters refuse convoy by the Archangel for only 20 leagues. 42 Aug. I Capt. Hicks refused permission to leave the station to convoy ships to England. 41 3 Warrant ordered to issue for the payment of men discharged from the sloop Planter Corn. Jacobs master. 44 6 Papers for England signed and Capt. Alloway put under bonds for their safe delivery or to sink them if necessary. 44 8 Provisions etc. taken for Major Schuyler's expedition to Canada ordered to be paid. Public accounts. Order on complaint by Joseph Lee against Robert Bloomer sr and jr. Day for meeting of council on ordinary business fixed. Order on Francis Huling's report concerning escaped French prisoners. 44 13 Chidley Brooke to have credit for money sent to Albany for Major Schuyler's expedition. Beer measures fixed. Money advanced for the Canada expedition ordered to be repaid. Robert Bloomer sr and jr to be arrested for non- appearance on the charge made by Joseph Lee, Wm Laughter and Lieut. John Horton. 45 15 Wm Blankistein appears before the council as representative of the committee of Maryland. 46 17 Capt. Kidd's prize not to pay customs duties. 47 20 R. Livingston of Albany before the council reports that the Mohawks are uneasy on account of the running away of some French prisoners to Esopus; orders sent to Esopus for their apprehension. Matthew Mayhew reports disorders at Martins Vineyard and Nantuckett. New officers to be appointed. Dirck Wessells of Albany to be rewarded for his good services in Indian affairs. 47 24 Rumors of a French invasion. Major Beekman of Esopus to send troops to Albany; Col. Treat of Connecticut to do the same. Major Peter Schuyler presents to council the journal of his expedition against Canada. a8 68 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY • 1691 V. 6 27 Major Schuyler's account audited and ordered paid. Order on petition by Elizabeth Banker for land at Katskill. The accounts of Robert Livingston to be audited. Order on a petition by Egbert Teunissen for land. Public accounts. 49 Sep. 3 Robert Livingston's accounts audited and ordered paid. Charges of Mr Newtown for bringing records from Boston. Account of fortifications. Revenue. Virginia sends a present for the five nations. Elizabeth Banker. Jabez Dickieson. Thos. Clarke. 50 10 Johannes Vanburgh petitions to be relieved from the adminis- tration of the estate of Mary widow of Covert Lookermans. Order on petition by Francis Huling. Charles Lodwick. 52 11 Order on petition by Rudolphus Varick minister at Brooklyn for arrears of salary. Gabriel Le Bouten. Nicholas Anthony. 53 17 Johannes Vanburgh too old to appear before council. One half of the frigate Home belongs to the estate of Gov. Sloughter, the other half to Abr'm de Peyster. 54 25 Incidental expenses of the commander-in-chief to be paid. 54 26 Johannes Schenck to be schoolmaster at Flatbush. Accounts of Gov. Sloughter to be audited. 55 28 Order on a petition by William Britton for land on Staten Island (p. 32). Oct. I Accounts between Capt. Hicks and Col. Courtlandt to be audited. 56 5 Orders on petitions: by Lieut. Barent Lewis for pay; by the representatives of Albany county for pay. Guns at Schenectady. - Schachkook (Scatighcook) Indians to be provided with corn. 56 12 Jonathan Morrell of Queens, county to be arrested for " mutinous and seditious words spoken bj'' him." Samuel Mills and John Foreman to be summoned before the coun- cil. The secretary to be register, David Jamison and clerks in chancery. Warrants for salary and expenses. 57 14 Abr'm de Peyster appointed mayor, Thos. Codrington sheriff of New York and both sworn in. 58 19 Payment of ofificers and soldiers come from England. Bill of Mr Farwell king's counsel in the trial of Leisler to be paid. Collection of taxes urged. Virginia present to five nations. Salary of the secretary. Jonathan Morrell ar- rested by constable Edward Hunt to be tried in Queens county. 58 22 Drafts from the militia ordered for the defense of the frontiers, the other colonies having refused aid. Order on a petition of Augustine Grassett weighmaster. Adam CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 69 1691 V. 6 Mott. Order on a petition by Edward Antill for land on Staten Island. 60 29 Elizabeth Mott. Inhabitants of Plunderneck, L. I. complain that as their lands lie between Flatbush and Newtown they do not know to which militia company they belong. Christian Snydacker to be under the captain of Flatbush, and Joris Kimball under Newtown. Order on a petition of Barent Vempe, Sanders Glenn and Johannes Glenn sons- in-law of Snert Teunissen van Velsen killed at Schenec- tady for land. 61 Nov. 9 Salary of Judge Johnson to be paid. 62 13 Extremely cold weather. Clothing for the soldiers at Al- bany. Collection of taxes urged again. 63 19 Expenses of Hendrick Gerritse wounded in the Canada ex- pedition ordered paid. Petition of Barent Vempe, etc. (p. 62) granted. Jeremiah Tothill to be paid for piloting the Archangel. 62 Dec. 30 The attorney-general to write a letter to the secretary of state on the military forces sent to Albany and the bad behavior of the other colonies. ' 64 31 Hendrick Gerritse (p. 63) to receive a pension. Salary of collector, his employes, and of gauger fixed. 6=; 1692 Jan. 8 Letters to Lord Nottingham and Mr Blathwaite signed. Petition of Edward Antill granted. 65 II Caleb Heathcote's bill for 6 watchcoats for the garrison to be paid. Thos. Wenham's bill for supplies furnished the sloop Planter to be paid. Letter from Albany by the land post announces an Indian defeat by the French at Corlaers lake. Present to the five nations ordered for which the deputy-receiver at Albany is to give the money. Johannes Kipp and Jacobus Cortlandt to be administrators of Mary Loockerman's estate vice Job's Vanbrugh. John Perry's post to Virginia. 66 28 Order on petition by William Thompson for expenses in nursing Nicholas Reynolds a sick soldier. Custom house in bad repairs. Leisler's widow to find other quarters. 68 Feb. II Order on a petition by Philipp Philipps for land on Tapan creek. Bill of John Pelletreaux for candles for the garrison ordered paid. Salary etc. of John Clapp clerk of the As- sembly to be paid. Order on petition by John Williamse Rome surety for his brother Jacob Williamse Rome. 6S 22 Thos. Garton to be judge of the common pleas for Ulster county. Capt. Bradshaw at Albany to discourage his soldiers from deserting. Serg't Windiford to be court- 70 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1692 V. 6 martialled. Mathew Plowman's accounts as collector. Salary of doorkeeper Jarvis Marshall ordered paid. Peter Delanoy's debts to government (p. 35). Custom house to be repaired. 6g 25 Audit of Mathew Plowman's accounts ordered. Payment to James Moody for "navigating" the woodboat of the garrison. Payment to Jacobus Cortlandt. Order in a suit for ejectment of Fred. Philipps against the tenant of Papirinimon. 71 28 Fortifications of New York to be repaired but the mayor etc. refuse assistance. Carmen to do duty for the fort. fz Mar. 3 Albert Bos, Isaac Sandford, George Stoffell and Peter D'Milt accused of having spoken disrespectfully of the government at the house of Peter King. Lieut. Hutchins suspected of correspondence with disaffected persons to be removed to Albany. Day of thankgiving ordered. Proclamation to issue for insuring the peace disturbed by " factious and seditious persons at Boston." Examination of Albert Bos, Peter D'Milt and Jan de Forrest ordered. Ducking stool and pillory for women to be provided. ']t, g Jarvis Marshall ordered to bring before the council James Berry and his servant Daniel Lawrence of Queens county for resisting the justices of the peace. 75 Richard Ponton and Robert Bloomersen, of Westchester county to be arrested by John Jennings for seditious words. Capias to issue against James Berry and Daniel Lawrence. 76 17 Payment for making copies of revenue acts passed by the assembly ordered. Ashton's bill for firewood for the garrison to be paid. Fred. Philipps, Lieut. Col. Monviele and Chidley Brooke offer to pay the soldiers, the collector to refund their advances. Orders on petitions: by Andrew Gibb for land on the south side of Long Island between Winganhappagne and Orowake; by Thos. Barker for land on Cowneck, L. I.; of Miles Forster for renewed lease of one of Leisler's houses. Audit of Robert Livingston's bills ordered. 76 19 Letters from Albany full of alarm because Onondagoes have been defeated by the French and the soldiers are about to be disbanded; order thereon to Capt. Biadshaw. Pro- clamation to issue calling upon inhabitants of Albany to act in their self-defense. . Revenue of the weigh-house to be applied for repairing the fortifications of New York. Order on petition by Ellis Duxbury for the plantation of Gov. Lovelace whose niece he has married. 78 27 Disorders committed by the pinnace's crew of the hired ship Archangel. 80 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 71 1692 "^-6 31 Revenue of the weigh-house and fortifications. Justices of ihe peace to be commissioners for administering the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. Payment ordered to Thos. Coker. 81 Ap. II Warrants of impress to complete the crew of the Archangel to be issued. Trouble about provisioning the ship. Prisoners indicted for treason to give bail for their appear- ance before the supreme court. Thomas Johnson and John Lawrence sworn of the council. 81 16 Provisions for the Archangel. A lunatic son of John Law- rence married to Sarah widow of Charles Bridges. Taxes to be collected quickly for the payments of the soldiers at Albany. §3 18 Order on petition by Edward Wislake concerning the sloop Hopewell saved by him and seized by Capt. Hicks. Pay- ment of salary to Thos. Johnson ordered. 84 20 Copies of acts of assembly and minutes of council to be sent to England in place of those formerly sent and lost. Orders on petitions: by the constables of New York for remunera- tion of services in collecting taxes; by Rinea Pepar's wife about abuses by soldiers. 85 21 Defective warrants issued by Gov. Sloughter on the collector for payment of public moneys made valid. Case of Mrs Lawrence formerly Mrs Bridges referred to the preroga- tive court (p. 83). Rinea Pepar's wife. Capt. Hicks re- fuses to give up the men of all the Hopewell detained by him (p. 84). Payment of Secretary Mathew Clarkson's bill ordered. 86 22 Payment to Dirck Wessells of sum voted him ordered (p. 47). Audit of military accounts ordered. Letter to be sent to Jamaica concerning the complaint for nonpayment of salary made by John Prudden minister there. 88 25 Order on a bill of Attorney-general Newtown for expenses. Allowance to the secretary for copying papers to replace other copies lost with Capt. AUoway of Bristol. 8? 27 Order on a letter from the justices of Suffolk county who cannot collect taxes because the acts sent to them have not been signed. Stoffell Probasco and Peter Cortilian to be justices for Kings county. Payment ordered to Harpert Jacobs for going express to Albany. Order on a petition by Ellis Doughty and Samuel Height for license to pur- chase land near Orowake river called Appletree Neck. Payment of various sums for military purposes ordered. 8g May 2 Capt. Chante commander of the station ship Albrought in- quires for a victualler; Stephen van Cortlandt recom- mended. Messengers to Albany ordered paid. 91 72 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 6 4 Measures adopted to secure funds for a present to the five nations. 91 7 Capt. Shanks bill for corn delivered to the garrison at Al- bany ordered paid. Chevalier D'Eaux a French prisoner has escaped to New England. Letters to Connecticut and • New Jersey for assistance by money and men. Warrants for payment of various charges for military purposes at Albany etc. to issue. The attorney-general, Levinus van Schaick and Robert Livingston to consider propositions to be made to the Indians. Justices to be summoned for con- tempt in not collecting the taxes promptly. 92 12 Robert Livingston refuses the post of " providore " for the troops at Albany; Peter Schuyler, Dirck Wessells and Levinus van Schaick appointed managers of the incidental charges there. Commander-in-chief to go to Albany with " some handsome retinue " to meet the five nations. Col. Richard Townley refuses to be sworn of the council because he lives in New Jersey. Pay of gentlemen volunteers go- ing to Albany. Robert Livingston to take charge of the money for Indian presents. ^ 13 Indian messengers from Albany report on movements of French from Quebec to Montreal. Council engage their personal credit for payment of military expenses. Pro- clamation to issue about French movements calling for volunteers to go to Albany. 96 14 Payment to Fred. Philipps for clothing etc. to Mohawks lately run over from Canada ordered. Col. Willett to detach a company of New York city militia as escort of the com- mander-in-chief to Albany. Payment of £300 to Rob't Livingston for the incidental charges of this expedition ordered. 97 16 Council or five of the members to administer the govern- ment during the absence of the commander-in-chief. Capt. John Hutchins to have charge of Fort William Henry. Capt. Edw. Chants to be under the orders of the council. Thos. Johnson and John Lawrence of the council decline paying the secretary's fees for their commissions because they have " no benefit nor advantage by the ofifice." 97 20 Justices of Suffolk, Richmond and Queens counties bring their excuses for the slow collection of taxes. John Still- well appointed sheriff of Richmond county. Pilotage ac- counts to be examined. 98 22 Col. Willett reports that he will not be able to furnish an escort to Albany for the commander-in-chief; order thereon. 100 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 73 1692 V. 6 24 Jeremiah Tothill's bill for pilotage ordered paid. Bill of Jan Cornells and Major Merritt to be paid. Bill for charges of a sick seaman. Disorders in Queens county. 100 26 Detachment from Suffolk county. No escort for the com- mander-in-chief, loi 28 Thos. Coker to be paid for grain out of the credit of the two companies established in England. IC2 June 9 New York city in arrear with taxes. David Kennedy ap- pointed administrator of the estate of John Anderson mer- chant at Barbados deceased. 102 Hue and cry to issue after David Jellisen, Abr'm Montaigne, Johannes Lawrens and Harman Meyer deserters from the Albany detachment. Justices of Kings, Queens and West- chester counties to be summoned to answer for their negli- gent collection of taxes. Committee of council to examine into the report made by Mrs Lyndall that Clapper's wife had called the commander-in-chief a murderous rogue. 102 13 The mayor of New York explains why the taxes are collected so slowly. 103 16 The commander-in-chief returned from Albany reports on his expedition: fort very much out of repairs; alarm caused by skulking [scouting] parties of French Indians; meeting held with the five nations who are firm in the British in- terest; troops stationed at Schenectady and at the Half Moon, some needed for Cannestigaioenna. Address by the mayor etc. of Albany concerning the fortifications to be sent to the king. Wm. Morris, John Teunnisse, Roeloff Martins, Joseph Hegeman and Nicholas Stillwell, justices of Kings county brought before the council by the sheriff; Jacques Cortiliau another justice absent because sick abed; also John Pell and Wm. Barnes justices of Westchester county concerning slow collection of taxes. lo;;' 18 Letter to be sent to Col. Dudley for Sir Wm. Phips regard- ing the Chevalier D'Eaux. Incidental charges allowed to the collector. Payment ordered to James van der Spegel and mate for trying to catch three French prisoners. Col. Cortlandt will no longer be deputy to Mr Blathwayte the auditor. 106 ' 23 John Perry's post to be paid for carrying dispatches to Vir- ginia. Petition of Daniel Waldron for pension on ac- count of wounds received in his majesty's service during the Leisler troubles granted. 106 28 Order in regard to damages done during the Leisler disturb- ances. John Lawrence's lunatic son (p. 86). 107 74 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1692 V. 6 30 Peter Scliuyler sworn of the council; moves the needs of the garrison at Albany, and that niilitarj' guards are recjuired by the harvesting farmers. Payment of his expenses or- dered. loS July I Accounts of Peter Schuyler and Dirck Wessells audited and ordered paid. 109 14 Public accounts; expenses £5182, i2sh 8^d, and still due by government ^1984, 6sh, j'^d. Hendrick Gerritse's mainte- nance (p. 63 and 65). Expenses of Gov. Sloughter's fu- neral. Schuyler's accounts. Dr Thos. Thornhill to be paid for surgical services to men wounded in the Leisler troubles. no 16 Joost de Bane to haye a license as schoolmaster of New Utrecht, L. I. and no other allowed to teach school there. Nathaniel Silvester relieved from paying taxes for his island in Suffolk. Debts due by government to be paid. in 26 Accounts of provisions for the Albany garrison to be paid. 112 Aug. 9 Letter received from Col. Dudley at Roxbury, N. E. that Sir Wm. Phips " shifts " and delays the surrender of the French prisoners escaped from New York; order thereon. Payments for various charges to be made to the col- lector, to Caleb Heathcote and to Abr'm De Peyster. Order on a petition by Dirck Hansen Hooglandt of Flat- bush, L. I. against Peter Lott. 113- 12 Col. Lyonell Copley, governor of Maryland, and Lt. Gov. Nicholson of Virginia send each £100 for the defence of the frontiers and request that passes be given to New York Indians going south of Virginia. A'layor of Albany or- dered to issue such passes. Major Mayhew of Martin's Vineyard reports uneasiness in Duke's county on account of Boston officers serving papers there; order that the county still belongs to New York. Capt. Arent Schuyler to bring in some Sattaras Indians coming to make peace; warrant issued on the collector for Capt. Schuyler's charges. Warrant issued on the collector for beer fur- nished at Albany to the soldiers by Albert Ryckman and Harmen Rutyart. 113 17 Bill of Pieter de Reymier for mending glass windows in the fort ordered paid. Bill for provisions to the garrison at Albany ordered paid. iiS 18 Capt. Arent Schuyler with the far Indians called Showannios and some Senecas, before the council; Malisit chief of the Senecas reports a French port at the head of the lakes where he met Capt. Tontye; Showannios want to make peace. John Gardner makes a deposition against Gerrit CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 75 1692 , V. 6 Duykinc for railing against the commander and council. Robert White's account for firewood ordered paid. Dirck Hansen Hooglandt and Peter Lott referred to common law with their quarrel. 116 19 Reply to the far Indians with presents. 117 22 Proclamation to issue for a day of thanksgiving for a naval victory over the French and discovery of a plot against the king and queen. Indian presents to be paid for. Accounts of Dirck Wessells for military and Indian charges to be audited. The far Indians going home to have an escort under command of Capt. Arent Schuyler. Dirck Hansen Hooglandt's land to be resurv^ed (p. 116). 117 22 Report of a conference between Peter Schuyler and 35O' Indians on the warpath against Canada read. Payments to the Indians ordered. Dirck Wessell's accounts au- dited and ordered paid. 118 30 Benjamin Fletcher appointed governor takes the oaths, pub- lishes his commission and administers the oaths to the council. All officers civil and military continued in of- fice. - iig 31 Oath administered to Wm. Smith of the council absent on the preceding day. Peter Delanoy's accounts. Commit- tee of council to view the fort as to required repairs. James Graham wants to be restored to the place of attorney- general and recorder of the city which latter office is held by Wm. Pinhorne of New Jersey; Pinhorne summoned before the council. David Jamison sworn as clerk of the covmcil. ' 120 Sep. I Prisoners petition for pardon; order thereon. Wm. Pinhorne not being a resident of the province is not allowed to take the oath of office and is dismissed; James Graham reap- pointed as recorder. Orders concerning the ship Francis and Thomas claimed by Jacob Mauritz and Fred. Philipps respectively. Persons under bail for connection with Leisler discharged. 121 2 Resolution as to a provincial agent in England, John Povey appointed agent. Prisoners pardoned. Public accounts of Major Ingoldsby to be examined. 123 6 Major Ingoldsby called upon to account for public moneys received. Daniel Honan appointed accountant-general of the province. Order upon petitions by Wm. Churcher, Wm. Lawrence, Joost Stool and John Coe prisoners for high treason, and of Rich'd Ponton also a prisoner. 124 7 Petition by the inhabitants of Suffolk county for a port de- nied. Advice from Gov. Copley of Virginia concerning Indian outrages. 12=; 76 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1692 V. 6 8 Mayor of Albany reports jealousy of the five nations because of the intended peace with the Showannoes; soothing letter to be written. 126 9 Council advises against a journey to Albany by the gover- nor. John Coe versus Ths. Hicks. 126 ID Governor Fletcher repeats that his presence at Albany is desirable; council differs. 127 12 Assembly to be dissolved. Orders on petitions: by Thos. Slatham on behalf of Rich'd Ponton vs Gabriel Leggitt; by Wm. Livingston. James Graham sworn in as attorney- general of the province and as recorder of the city. 127 14 Warrants for payment of variotls charges issued. Council pass their personal credit for defraying the expenses of provisioning the troops at Albany. 128 15 Col. Caleb Heath proposed as a member of the council by Gov. Fletcher. Peter Delanoy's accounts. Commission- ers appointed for making estimates of ratable property, viz: for New York and Orange counties, Miles Forster, Lawrence Read, Job's Kipp, Wm. Merritt, Stephen De Lancey; for Kings, Henry Filkin, Jos. Hegerman, John Baker; for Queens, Thos. Hicks, John Jackson, John Robinson; for Suffolk, Henry Pierson, Isaac Arnold and Ebenetus Piatt; for Richmond, Ellis Duxbury, Corn's Coursen and Dennis Teunissen; for Ulster and Dutchess, Henry Beekman, Thos. Gorton, Wm. Demgre; for West- chester, John Pell, Jas. Theale, James Mott; for Albany Dirck Wassells, Jan Jansen Bleecker, John Abeel. 129 17 Conference with river Indians who had long been absent from their country with the Showannoes; presents or- dered to be given to them. Wm. Merritt. 129 19 Proclamation to be issued against profanity, malice, strife, etc. Accounts of the sheriff of Long Island. 131 20 Salary of the clerk of the council fixed. Accounts of Col. John Young passed. 132 22 Remittance from Maryland. 132 22 Joseph Dudley excluded from the council as non-resident. Non-residents cannot hold a public office of trust therefore Joseph Dudley ought to be deposed from his office as chief justice. Order on petition: by John Teunissen and others about fines; by Peter Billian about a bond given to Paulus Richards. Maryland bills. [In margin.] A letter from Gov. Fletcher about his going to Albany. 132 Oct. 10 Governor has returned from Albany and acquaints the coun- cil with his reasons for going; reports on state of affairs there. Indians of Suffolk county demand through the sheriff that one of their tribe be tried by English law for CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 ""/J 1602 V. 6 murdering another. Allowance to Rev. Godfr. Del- lius continued. Account of Rob't Livingston for disburse- ments to Capt. Schuyler's company of fusileers at Al- bany. 133 II Inhabitants of Schenectady excused from paying taxes. Sal- ary to Hellegont the female interpreter fixed. Various salary payments etc. ordered. 135 13 New election of representatives ordered for the city and county of New York on account of dissatisfaction with the former election. Herman Jansen, Elias Burger, and John Clute, prisoners of war, escaped from Canada, to receive pay. 135 14 Abr'm de Peyster sworn in as mayor and Stanley Hand- cock as sheriff of New York city. Thos. Codrington late sheriff discharged from the indenture given to his prede- cessor Thos. Lyndall for some prisoners. 136 15 Order on petition by Augustine Grassett weighmaster relat- ing to dues. Payments ordered to Wm. Welch servant of the assembly, and Hendrick Gerritsen a pensioner. 136 19 Council advises that the governor personally visit the field where the election of representatives is to be held. 137 24 A barge for boarding vessels at Sandypoint to be procured and the house on Nutten Island to be rebuilt. David ' Murray paid for transporting artillery to Albany. 137 25 Peter Schuyler sworn of the council. Committee appointed to receive the reports on valuation of estates. Allowance to Peter Mase and Joshua Mashloe for transporting sol- diers to Albany. Salary of Rev. Godfr. Dellius ordered paid. Col. Courtandt to provide beds for the Albany gar- rison. 138 26 Order on petition by John Hoglandt about a bond given to Capt. George Lockhart and Edw. Buckmaster. Order that the treasury warrants should be numbered. Payment of salaries ordered to: Peter Schuyler as captain of fusil- eers, John Schuyler lieutenant, Thos. Sharpe, lieutenant, Sanders Glen lieutenant in Capt. George Bradshaw's com- pany of fusileers. Robert Livingston's account for inci- dental military and Indian expenses to be paid. Peter Schuyler's account for Indian disbursements at Saraghto- gue to be paid. 139 27 Order on petition by Samuel Kni£fin of Rye regarding taxes. Capt. George Lockhart and Edward Buckmaster before the council in re John Hooglandt. 140 28 Petitioners for a port in Suffolk to appear the following morning. 141 70 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1692 V. 6 31 Justice Mayhew of Martins Vineyard, Dukes county, re- ports the defection of Justices Gardner and Coffin to Mas- sachusetts which threatens to take the island forcibly; let- ter to be sent to Sir Wm. Phips remonstrating against his proceedings. 14] Nov. 3 Joseph Johnson's account for gun-carriage wheels ordered paid. Petition of Robert Livingston referred to a com- mittee. Lieut. Joseph Horton and others of Bedford and Rye, Westchester county submit to the government of New York. 142 4 Petition of John Rogers against Daniel Whitehead referred to Col. Smith for examination' and report. 143 7 Order on a petition by Lieut. Robert Wharton appointed lieutenant of grenadiers after Capt. Bradshaw's death for suitable lodgings in the fort. Robert Livingston's ac- counts paid and report of committee on his petition. 143 8 Committee report on the case of John Hooglandt vs Capt. Lockhardt (p. 139). 144 9 Account of John Pelletreaux for candles ordered paid. Sal- ary of Capt. Bradshaw to be paid to his widow. Account of Joshua Blydenburgh for pork ordered paid. 145 11 William Smith sworn in as chief justice; salary of chief jus- tice fixed. Advance by Robert Livingston to Rev. Godfr. Dellius " minister of the Lidians;" his disbursements for a French prisoner, and for salary of Mr Shaw, the ganger at Albany to be repaid. 145 12 Account of Henry Ford carpenter for work in the fort or- dered paid. Order on a petition by Camp and others for land. 146 17 Account for pilotage to Albany of Henry Arrentsen to be paid. 147 24 Contingent charges by Daniel Honan ordered paid. One quarter's salary to be paid to Thos. Johnson. Order upon a petition by, Jasper Missepatt for discharge from a con- tract to repair the windmill in the common; time ex- tended. 147 28 Major Ingoldsby reports from Albany that four soldiers of the garrison, three of whom are Irish Roman Catholics, had deserted and are recaptured; they are to be tried by court-martial. Gov. Copley of Maryland wants a receipt for the money sent by him on account of Albany garrison. Mathias Nicolls petitions to be appointed vendue master and is appointed. 148 Dec. I Five mem.bers of council required to make a quorum. Ac- count of Robert White for firewood to be paid. Sheriffs CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 79 1692 V. 6 appointed: John Harrison for Queens county, Gerrit Strycker for Kings, Josiah Hobbart for Suffolk, John Stillwell for Richmond, Corn's Bogardus for Ulster and Dutchess, John Apple for Albany, Benj. Collier for West- chester. Petition by Gerritt Jansen Roose for land fenced in and added to the governor's garden referred to a com- mittee. Peter Strycker and Joseph Sackett reported as having public money in their hands raised in Leisler's time summoned before the council. 149 3 John Warren commander of the barkantine John's Ad- venture petitions for a letter of marque; granted. 150 8 Order on a petition of Anthony Tyce for land on Staten Island; granted. Committee report that Gerrit Jansen Roose has been wrongfully deprived of his land; ordered restored. Account of Capt. Arent Schuyler for travelling with Showannoes ordered paid. Account of Casper Teller for transporting soldiers etc. to Albany ordered paid. 150 15 Account of Jonah Thomas for entertaining a sick soldier or- dered paid. Warrants issued: to Lieut. Beckford for the pay of Capt. Bradshaw's company; to Nich's Bayard for gun- carriage wheels. Order on petition by the inhabitants of Boswyck, Brooklyn and Flatbush against Newtown for in- trusion upon their lands. Warrant issued to John Clapp for salary as clerk of the assembly. 151 22 Accounts of Gov. Sloughter and Major Ingoldsby to be examined. Fort to be viewed. Warrant issued to Col. Steph. Cortlandt for fort, Indian and French prisoners' charges. Peter Strycker and Joseph Sackett before the council (p. 149) and discharged of responsibilities. Order concerning Boswyck etc. against Newtown. 152 29 Order concerning commissions to be taken out of the sec- retary's of^ce by civil and military officers. Order on pe- titions: of Melle Caspars for land; of Jacob Lockermans for confirmatory patent of ground in New York. War- rant issued: to David Jamieson for salary as clerk of the council; to Daniel Honan for salary as accountant-gen- eral. 154 1693 Jan. 5 Advice of council concerning an inflammatory letter writ- ten at Boston by Abr'm Governeur a Leislerian condemned for murder, and pardoned. Jasper Nissepatt father-in-law of Governeur, and Gerard Beeckman summoned before the council. Capt. Thos. Clarke to fetch Abr'm Governeur from Boston. Warrant to the surveyor for laying out land of Richard and Thomas Willet and of Col. Courtlandt ac- cording to Indian deeds. Quietus granted to Henricus 8o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 6 Salinus husband of the widow of Cornelius Steenwyck as administrator of John Shackerly's estate. Warrant issued to Jacob Phenix for transporting soldiers to Albany. Or- der on petition by Miles Forster for payment of a warrant given by Major Ingoldsby. Letter from Gov. Fletcher to Sir Wm. Phips about Abr'm Governeur. , Governor Fletcher wants to heal the dissensions. Proclamation to issue for pacifying the people. 155 12 Warrant to issue to Stephen Courtlandt for presents to the far Indians; to James Graham for services as attorney- general; to Thos. Munsey for Indian presents; to John Pelletreaux for candles; to sundries for Indian presents. Edw. Stevens and Thos. Betts appear on behalf of New- town (p. 153). Order on a petition by Thos. Fullerton. Duplicate of warrant issued to Abr'm de Peyster for lost original. ' 157 16 Letter from Sir Wm. Phips concerning Martins Vineyard read with Gov. Fletcher's answer. 158 19 Joseph Burroughs of Queens county to be bound over to the next supreme court. Thos. Fullerton to have a patent for the land of Robert Fullerton deceased. Manor of Phil- lipsborough erected with duty to maintain Kingsbridge and tolls fixed. Petitions of Jane Berryman for confirmatory patent of land on Staten Island, and of George Brown for land on the same island referred to the attorney-general. Augustine Graham sworn in as surveyor-general. Com- mittee appointed to supervise the running of boundary lines between Boswyck and Newtown. 159 26 Order on the petition of Jane Berryman for land. Report on Major Ingoldsby's account kept in the governor's cus- tody. William Blathwayte auditor-general of the revenues allowed 5^ of all the revenues as salary. Warrants to issue to Chidley Brooke for his salary as collector and re- ceiver-general. 160 31 Major Ingoldsby reports the stockadoes of the fort at Al- bany in a rotten condition; council advises to build a stone fort there. Circulars sent out to hasten the collection of taxes. Committee to audit Gov. Sloughter's accounts of moneys given for extraordinary expenses. Committee on finances appointed. . ' 161 Feb. 2. Petition of Laurence Cornifleau & Co. vs Gabriel Monviele referred to Lt. Col. Lodwyck, Mr Barbaree and Mr De Lancy, merchants. Petition of Sarah Burger referred to the attorney-general. Warrant issued to Dirck van der Burgh bricklayer for work on the fort. The governor to have his expenses for coming to New York refunded. 162 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 81 1693 V. 6 9 Peter de Lanoy's accounts audited and sent to England. Committee appointed to consider an address by the mayor of New York for a confirmatory charter. Warrants to issue: for payment of carpenter's work done in the fort by Henry Ford before and another for work after Governor Fletcher's arrival; to Joseph Bueno for powder and goods furnished to the fusileers at Albany; to Jarvis Marshall for salary as attendant upon the council; to Abr'm de Peyster as administrator of the estate of Thos. Johnson late justice of the supreme court; to Dirck van der Burgh for work done in the fort before the governor's arrival. Peti- tion of Isaac Forrest for repayment of money advanced at former dates referred to committee. 162 10 Capt. Clarke reports that Sir Wm. Phips encourages and will not deliver Abr'm Governeur. Council agree to send an address to their majesties anent the matter. 164 13 Reports from Albany and Esopus that a body of French and Indians has been seen within 2>6 miles of Schenectady. Troops to be sent to Albany. Letter of Sir Wm. Phips. 165 14 First and second castles of the Maquaes in the hands of the French. Governor to go to Albany with Col. Bayard. Lieut. Jeremiah Tothill to get sloops ready. Express from Albany and Esopus to receive a reward. Appropriation made for the governor's journey to Albany. Opinion and advice of the council concerning Martins Vineyard. Ad- dress of council to their majesties. 165 15 The governor absent on his way to Albany with 200 men. Southern and New England colonies to be informed of state of affairs. 171 17 Provisions for the detachment gone to Albany provided for. Powder to be issued to some of Col. Willet's men gone to Albany. 171 25 Capt Edw. Chant commander of their majesties' ketch Al- brought advised to careen her bottom for repairs in " Jefferys cove through Hellgate," where Robert Darkins can pilote him. 172 26 Gov. Fletcher reports the escape of the French; his letter from Schenectady, Feb. 21, and Albany, Feb. 23. 173 Mar. 3 Gov. Fletcher returned reports on his expedition. Neighbor- ing colonies to be informed and their assistance asked. 175 10 Report on the condition of the fort at Albany. Council are of opinion, other colonies ought to contribute to building a stone fort. Committee to consider Indian speech that they want to see the governor " when the bark is loose upon the trees." Connecticut people complain of arbitrary 82 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 6 and illegal proceedings of magistrates. Movement of wheat regulated. Abr'm Lakeman to have a confirmatory patent for land on Staten Island. Warrants: to Daniel Honan for salary as accountant-general; to Col. Courtlandt for pork furnished to soldiers; to Gabriel Le Boyteaux for beef to soldiers; to Peter Belin for same. 175 13 Wm. Pinhorne proposed to be justice of the supreme court but action deferred. Tolls at Kingsbridge. 177 16 Clerks for the secretary's office. Measures to be laid before the assembly. Surveyor to lay out land for Col. Willet as petitioned (p. 155). Land petitioned for by Geo. Brown . (p. 159) to be patented to Dan'l Shotwell. Accountant- general and John Ashton to state the accoimts of the car- men of New York. 178 17 Martins Vineyard affairs. Connecticut to be called on to help bear the charges of the war on the frontiers. 179 20 Return by justices of Ulster county on the number and situation of farms, and Order thereon. • Fortifications considered necessary in Ulster and Dutchess counties. Petition of Wm. Sharpas to be appointed for life as clerk of New York city. Committee on measures to be laid be- fore the assembly. 180 22 William Pinhorne " residing in this province " is appointed judge of the supreme court. 181 23 Warrants: to Col. Stephen Courtlandt for payment of car- men's services to the fort; to Robert White for firewood; to Elisha Parker; to David Jameson for salary as clerk of the council; to Matthew Clarkson for expenses in his office as secretary; to Caleb Heathcote for bedding and blankets furnished to soldiers at Albany. Inducements offered to a printer coming to New York. Proclamation, concerning the A^alue of coins to issue. 181 25 Surveyor to lay out land on the Paltz creek, Ulster county for Gertruy Bruyn and her children, John, James and Hester according to petition. Value of " dog dollars " fixed. Committee to audit accounts of Rob't Livingston. 183 30 Letters from her majesty, the board of trade and Sir Wm. Phips read. Answer to the last to be prepared and Sir William's other letters forwarded to the southern colonies. Order upon a petition of David Provoost about carpenters from Ulster county. Audit of Gov. Sloughter's accounts. Warrants: for payment of carmen drawing firewood to the fort; to Peter Thowett for shoes furnished to soldiers; to Rob't Livingstone for subsisting soldiers. 183 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 83 1693 V. 6 Ap. 3 Wm. Pinhorne, Chidley Brooke and John Laurence take the oaths as judges of the supreme court. Warrant to Jeremiah Tothill for traveling express to Maryland and Virginia. Accounts of fusileer companies to be audited. 185 7 Permission to come in granted to a privateer. Governor reports his appointment as governor of Pennsylvania and New Castle, and committee of council is to go with him to his new government. Assembly to be adjourned. 185 8 Production of flax, hemp, tar and other naval stores in the province under consideration. Supplying the royal squad- ron under Sir Francis Wheeler, and Col. Foulkes land forces in the West Indies referred to a committee. Taxes on Staten Island. Proclamation to issue concerning free- holders who desert their farms on account^ of taxes. " Smart money " granted to Andrew Roos wounded in the expedition against the French. Petition of John Stillwell for a patent of land on Staten Island occupied by his father without patent granted. Quitrents to be paid in money. Warner Wessells whose son, and Antie Christians whose husband are prisoners of the infidels at Salley granted per- mission to collect money for ransom. Taxes in Ulster and Dutchess counties to be paid in wheat to Rob't Liv- ingston. Dirck Wessells, Livinus van Schaick and Kilian van Rensselaer to muster the four fusileer companies at Albany. Warrants to Rob't Livingston for Indian presents and for subsisting fusileer company. 186 10 Pennsylvania to pay for the expenses of Gov. Sloughter's journey to that province. Warrants: to Col. Andrew Hambleton for expenses on his journey to Piscataqua river and to Capt. Thos. Clarke for same to Boston; to Wm. Smith for salary as chief justice. 188 13 Warrants: to Amon Bonan for firewood; to Rob't Livingston for disbursements to the soldiers at Albany; to sundries for expenses of the expedition against the French. 189 14 The Maryland bill of exchange for assistance on the frontiers protested. Pecuniary difficulties of the government. Gov- ernor's object in going to Pennsylvania; David Jamieson to go with him. 190 19 Indians reported by Appollonia Welch . as intending to revenge Leisler. 191 20 Order on petition by Sarah Burger for land. Warrants: to Caleb Heathcote for a pinnace; to the secretary for clerical work in his office; to Stephen Courtlandt for subsisting soldiers on their way to Albany; to Dirck Wessells for Indian presents. 192 84 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 6 22 Governor intends to start for Pennsylvania and makes recom- mendations to council. Mrs Sloughter dissatisfied with the audit of her husband's accounts. Tavern keepers of New York intend to farm the excise. Peter de Lanoy's accounts. Thanks to council for giving their private money to the government. 19.3 26 Gov. Fletcher absent in Philadelphia. No money in the collector's hands; Thos. Monsey his clerk ordered to pro- cure some for the payment of soldiers at Albany. Suffolk, Queens, Westchester and Richmond counties to hasten col- lection of taxes. Transportation to Albany of soldiers provided for. Major Schuyler to make excuses to the Indians for the governor's not coming to meet them. Movement of grain out of Albany and Ulster counties for- bidden. Mrs Sloughter. 194 27 Letters to Major Schuyler and Lt. Col. Beeckman read and approved. Capt. Lancaster Simms' accounts to be re- audited. 19s 30 Reports of French mischief from Albany. Rewards to the messengers. Letter to Major Schuyler about people wandering in the woods being in danger. 195 May 4 Warrant to pay for tar for the garrison. Capt. Simms com- plains of backwardness of counties in sending men for Al- bany; colonels to be admonished. Mounting of guns. 196 II Sir Wm. Phips complains vs Capt. Edw. Chant of the Al- brought and states that Connecticut and Rhode Island have " refused his government." Powder for the fort. Col. Caleb Heathcote of Westchester writes about taxes and quota of soldiers. Col. Thos. Willett and 'Col. John Young urged to send their men. Irregular assessments in Newtown complained of. Report of proceedings to be sent to the governor. 197 15 Members of council promise to furnish money etc. for Indian presents. Production of naval stores. Supplying the naval and land forces in the West Indies. 198 18 Order upon a petition by Edward Buckmaster and Ahas- verws Fromanteel farmers of the excise. 26 men of Col. Thos. Willet's detachment for Albany run away. 199 20 Quota of Suffolk county do not come. Order sent to Major Arnold. ' 200 24 Order upon Lt. Col. Hicks report about some words spoken by Indians. 200 25 Taxes of Newtown. Warrant to Samuel Bayard for mak- ing Indian laced coats. 200 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 85 1693 V. 6 27 The ship Elizabeth of Berwick to be seized for not clearing. Letter to be written to Gov. Fletcher about a ship from Martinico, and time of his meeting the Indians at Albany. Martinico ship suspected of unlawful intentions. Money sent to Rob't Livingston for the payment of soldiers. 201 June I Dissensions in Newtown about taxes. 202 3 Newtown taxes. Warrant to Capt. Ebenezar Wilson for a drum delivered to Capt. Peter Matthews a* Albanv. 202 5 Gov. Fletcher, returned, reports on Pennsylvania affairs. His journey to Albany. Virginia has given money for the defence of the frontiers on credit which Stephen Court- landt accepts and will pay in the money. Revenue laws. Jonathan Marsh's invention of a new mold of vessel to be tried. 202 6 Letters from Virginia and Maryland read. Order upon a petition by Soveraine Tienhout for land at Showangunck, Ulster county. Revenue laws. Act for settling the militia. Indian presents. Gertrud Bruyn petitions for the same lands as Sov. Tienhout. Report by Barent Egbertsen from Nassau about Frenchmen passing in canoes between Cow- neck and New Rochelle. 204 7 Rumors of an Indian insurrection on Long Island; investiga- tion ordered. The ketch Albrought to go to Albany with the governor if possible. Lt. Col. Lodwyck to represent to the authorities in England the state of affairs in New York. The ship Elizabeth released. 205 8 Suffolk detachment still wanting. Col. Wm. Smith to super- cede Col. John Young as commander of Suffolk county militia. Warrant to Peter Waldron for having been wounded in the late expedition. Sir Wm. Phips' com- plaint vs Capt. Edw. Chant. Warrants: to Rob't Living- ston for disbursements to Albany troops; to Jarvis Marshall for salary. 207 10 Wm. Pinhorne come to live in New York reinstated as mem- ber of the council. Warrant to John Cooley for black- smith work in the fort. Wm. NicoUs to oversee the sod- work of the fort. Measure adopted for paying the debts of the government. 203 12 The governor is ready to go to Albany. Arrears of taxes to pay discharged officers. Warrant to Mrs Margaret Sharp in part of her husbands pay as gunner at .Albany. Money given by Virginia and Maryland for the defence of the frontiers applied. Warrant for the expenses of the governor's journey to Albany, Col. Stephen Courtlandt pays in the money for the Virginia bills of credit. War- 86 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 6 rant to Rob't Livingston for incidental military charges at Albany. Allowance for military substance fixed. Warrant to Francis Ber, Mattys Fayette and four other French prisoners allowed to return to Canada being exchanged. 209 13 Warrant for payment of discharged officers. Instructions for Col. Lodwyck. 210 July 14 The governor, returned from Albany, reports the Indians well satisfied; French troops on their way to Cadaracqua and to an unknown place; Indians sent out on a scout; Major Schuyler stationed at Schenectady; the governor is willing to return to Albany if he could find forces; Sir Wm. Phips has promised 200 men but none have come; Mohawks held prisoners by Sir William and Col. Pincheon on suspicion of having committed murders at Deerfield although it is proved French Indians have done it. War- rant to Col. Nich. Bayard for money advanced for Indian presents. Col. Abr'm de Peyster to view the fortification. Gov. Copley of Maryland sends money to assist in the defense of the frontiers. 211 17 Sir Francis Wheeler having arrived at Boston with the West Indies squadron, Chidley Brooke is sent there to congratu- late him on his safe arrival and consult about an attack on Canada. Commissioners from all the English colonies invited to come to New York and concert measures for the defence of the frontiers. Collection of taxes urged. Ques- tion raised as to the necessity of a court of exchequer. 213 20 Warrant to Daniel Honan for subsistance of a French prisoner Jean Lebord. Surveyor to lay out and map land 'on the Kill van Kull, late Gov. Lovelace's petitioned for by Philipp Welles. License to purchase land in Orange county granted to Ryck Abrahamse. Salaries ordered paid: to Rev. Godfr. Dellius; to David Jamison; to Wm. Pinhorne. Petitions by Kilian van Rensselaer and by Schenectady for remission of quitrents granted. Wm. Appeel wounded at Schenectady in 1689 excused from pay- ing excise. Salary to John Povey ordered paid. 215 27 Proclamation to issue concerning public moneys in private hands. No court of exchequer needed in the province. Assembly to be dissolved and new election ordered. Capt. Edw. Chant to have a silver tankard for services to Albany. Salary to Daniel Honan to be paid. Warrants: to John Peterse Bank for going express to Albany; to Henry Ford for carpenter work on the fort. Chapel in the fort in ruinous condition to be pulled down. 216 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 8/ Reversed side 16iB7 V. 6 Aug. 19 Order extending the time for collecting taxes in Dukes county. I Order directing the surrender of pirates taken and im- prisoned in Dukes county to Ensign Thos. Sharpe for transportation to New York. 2 26 Warrant for the arrest of Robert Allison on a complaint by Thomas Hawerden. 4 Sep. 7 Order to the mayor and aldermen of Albany requiring them to ask that the five nations of Indians deliver over all Christian Indians from Canada; to inquire about far Indians with straws or pipes through their noses and about Anthony Lispinard, Lalleur or other Frenchmen having correspondence with Canada. S Order directing Robert Livingston to hurry up the work on the fort at Albany. 6 Order concerning the fortifications at Albany and at Schenectady. 7 9 Order to mayor of Albany to ofifer shelter in the neighbor- hood to Indian women, children and old men, the French apparently intending to renew the war against Senecas. 8 Order to Thomas Buttler to take charge of and bring to New York the ship Joanna of Piscattaway seized for illegal trading. 9 14 Dedimus potestatem to administer the oath of assessors for Kings and Orange counties to Major Stephan van Cort- landt and Justice Beeckman, for Queens to John Jackson and Daniel Whitehead, for Huntington to Ebenetus Piatt, for Seatalcott and Smithstone to Andrew Gibb, for Southold to Isaac Arnold, for East and Southampton to Major John Howell, for Westchester to John Pell and John Palmer, for Richmond to Thos. Lovelace and Justice Stil- well, for Dutchess to Rob't Livingston, for Ulster to Major Chambers and Justice Beeckman; for Albany county to the mayor of the city. Rules for the collection of taxes. lO 26 Order to Major Thomas Chambers to have his troops ready for marching to Albany and Schenectady. 12 Oct. 8 Order to Col. John Young and Major John Howell of Suf- folk county to reimburse Capt. Joseph Fordham for arms etc. delivered to their detachment. 13 II Warrant: sheriff of Richmond county to levy on Thos. Walton for arrears of quitrent. 14 • Order: sheriffs in the various counties to continue in office for another year. 15 Warrant: sheriflf of Albany county to levy on John Trum- pett et al. for arrears of quitrent. 15 88 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Reversed side 1687 V. 6 25 Order on petition by Dirck Jansen Hooglandt against Peter Lott. 16 Order on petition by the mayor of Albany for continuance of a local duty on rum etc. 17 Nov. 10 Order: Samuel Burtt, brother to Richard Burtt master of the ship Robert of London drowned during the voyage, to act in the place of his brother with the mate and boat- swain. 18 Order: Abr'm de Peyster, John Delavall and Samuel Burtt to take an inventory of Richard Burtt's accounts. 19 25 Order in the governor's absence that S. van Cortlandt and James Graham appoint a collector and receiver for the province of East Jersey. 20 Dec. 3 Order: Daniel Mackreyck servant to the late David Tossach to take an inventory of his deceased master's estate. 21 S Order on petition by Daniel and Jacob Robles for denization and permission to land goods from the ship Phenix James Duncan master. 22 1688 Jan. 7 Order on petition by Richard Smith vs Samuel Eborne. 23 Feb. 9 Order for the arrest and dismissal from office of Thos. Stevens justice in Queens county, he having surreptitiously obtained a marriage license for Wm. Morris of the ferry and Jane the step daughter of Morris and niece of Edward Stevens. 25 18 Council minute on the report by Richard Hartford com- mander of the shallop Royal James that the sloop Prim- rose Symon Grover master has been seized for illegal trading. [26] 24 Order: Robert Augur's sloop and goods seized at Easthamp- ton to be sent to New York for trial. 27 Order: Stephen Bailey to appear before the council for deny- ing the authority of Capt. Rich'd Hartford. 27 Mar. 6 Order on petition by Richard Blackridge on behalf of the towns of Stratford, Milford and Fairfield for leave to pur- chase whale oil for soap boiling. 28 13 Order on petition by Samuel Eborne, to traverse the peti- tion of Rich'd Smith (p. 23). 28 Ap. 12 Order on petition by Benj. Colier high sherifif of West- chester county vs Joseph Lee the county clerk. 25 Order on petition by Robert Augur for release of his sloop Endeavour he paying fees. 31 16 Order: inhabitants of Kings and Queens counties to clear the road over the stony hill between Brooklyn and Jamaica. General order for laying out and clearing highways for wagon, carts etc. 31 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 89 Reversed side 1688 V. 6 26 John Pell, John Palmer and Wm. Richardson before the council with Joseph Lee covinty clerk of Westchester. Accounts examined and order thereon. 32 Order: assessors Mathias Harize and Edw'd Griffin for the town of Flushing, Nath'l Denton and Joseph Thurston of Jamaica, Abr'm Smith and Richard Valentine of Hemp- stead, Nath'l Coles and Jacob Wright of Oysterbay dis- missed from their offices for refusing to take the legal oath. The towns to elect new assessors. 33 July 30 Order: Jarvis Marshall to bring in the Spanish Indian slaves of Cornelis Fredricks Druger, Dirck van der Burgh, Joh's Clapper, Giles Shelley master of the ketch Prosperous, and Robert Allison, with a view of liberating them; the Indians must be able to say the Lord's prayer. 35 The remainder of "reversed side" is legislative minutes of the council separately paged 1-77, and published in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York. 1:1-39. Vol. 7 1693-97 1693 July 28 A messenger from Albany reports that the man sent to Canada by the Jesuit Milett a prisoner at Oneida has re- turned with a peace belt and letters for Domine Dellius. Dissatisfaction with proceedings of five nations. Major Dirck Wessells sent to Onondaga to counteract French intrigues. J 31 Letter to the five nations read and approved. 2 Aug. 3 Warrant for the payment of the messenger from Albany. Account of the governor's journey to Albany and of Indian presents, audited and ordered paid. New chapel in the fort. Confirmatory grant of lots in New York city to Peter Stoutenbergh. Warrant to Jarvis Marshall for re- calling ships from Sandyhook. Fort at Albany. War- rants: to Secretary Matth. Clarkson for clerical work and part salary of David Jamison; to Rob't Livingston for rebuilding the Mohogs fort. 2 ID Warrants: to Elisha Parker for firewood for the garrison; to Matthew Clarkson for cloaths given to the Indian boy Christian; to Gabriel Monviele for writing paper; to Jarvis Marshall for salary; to John Pelletreaux tallow chandler for candles. Survey of plantations on the Kill van Kull filed in the secretary's office. 4 90 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 7 17 Patent granted to Ryck Abrahamse for land near the High Lands purchased from the Indians. Warrants: to Joseph Bueno for powder; to Rev. Godfr. Dellius for maintenance of 3 Indian boys; to Wm. NicoUs for sodwork on the fort. John Comp and Gert. Bruyn's lands. Payment to Mrs Margaret Macgregere for the services in 1688 of her late husband Major Hugh Macgregere. Warrant to Nicholas Bayard for iron to mount the great guns. 4 18 Report from Boston of an attack feared from a French squadron. Militia of New York to be in readiness for a march to Boston. Ten of the greatest guns to be mounted at Sandypoint. 5 19 Proclamation to issue forbidding the exportation of pro- visions until further orders because they may be needed for the troops summoned to defend New York. 6 24 Report of the governor concerning fortifications at the lower bay. Expenses of the governor's journey to Sandypoint ordered paid. Report of Chidley Brooke on his journey to Boston and conferences with Sir Francis Wheeler and Sir Wm. Phips; he also produces a new patent as collector and receiver-general, allowing him deputies. Warrant to John Pelletreaux for candles. 7 25 Fortifications; assembly to raise funds for buiiding them. Militia camps. Beacons. 8 30 Permission granted to Samuel Burgesse to export flour. Report from Albany of Mons. Crevier being brought in as prisoner. 9 Sep. I John Comp and Gertrud Bruyn; the latter to have the land in Ulster county. Fort at Albany. New battery in New York. Peter Waldron. Warrants: to Nich's Bayard for wheels to the great guns; to Wm. Beckley for ropes. 10 4 Dirck Wessells reports that the five nations will not make peace with Canada and refer the governor of Canada to Cayenquiragoe (Swift Arrow, Gov. Fletcher's Indian name) whom they own as their master. i] 7 Warrants to Sec. Matthew Clarkson and Rev. Godfrey Dellius for salary. u 11 Connecticut and Rhode Island to assist at Albany. Pecuniary assistance by Maryland. County treasury of Kings county in the hands of Gerard Beeckman condemned for high treason. 12 12 Land granted on Staten Island to Anthony Tyce as petitioned for. 13 13 Expenses of the governor's journey to Albany. Warrants: to Rob't Cranell for salary as coxon of their majesties pinace; to Mangel Jans for firewood. 13 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 9I 1693 V. 7 14 Warrants: to Miles Forster for locks etc. for the fort; to Peter de Rimier glazier for glass for the fort. 14 19 Financial transactions. Dom. Dellius reports on the activity of the French. Governor thinks his presence at Albany is required. Order on a petition by Joachimintie Elting for leave to purchase Indian lands in Dutchess county. Weighhouse afifairs and revenues. 14 20 Connecticut refuses to assist at Albany but will send a com- missioner. 15 21 John Comp and Gertrud Bruyn. Warrant to David Jamison for salary. 16 25 Commissioners called from the other colonies; Sir Wm. Phips refuses to send any or give assistance. Post office. Warrant to Sergt. John Bulkeley for funeral expenses of Walter Woolford a grenadier. Order on petition by Hendryck Arianse for leave to purchase Indian land in Dutchess county. 16 28 Warrants: to Lieut. Enoch Fithian for expenses of the Suf- folk county detachment; to Thos. Munsey for subsistance of soldiers. Governor inquires whether he shall go to Albany for the winter. Warrants: to Chidley Brooke for his own and his employees salaries; to Dirck Wessells for expenses on the journey to Onondaga. License granted " to Claas Evertse commander of the Dutch ship King David to purchase provisions. 17 Oct. 2 Governor Fletcher appointed commander of the Connecticut militia. Taxes in New York city. Mrs Sloughter. 18 5 Accounts of Chidley Brooke as collector etc. audited and passed. Order on petition by Col. Wm. Smith to have his land on Long Island erected into a manor (St Georges). John van Comp and Gert. Bruyn. Warrants: to Peter Melett for blacksmith work in the fort; to Evert Bogardus for transporting soldiers to Albany. 19 7 Salary for James Graham attorney-general fixed. Warrant to John Clapp clerk of the assembly, for house rent, etc. Further accounts of Chidley Brooke passed. Col. John Young's accounts of taxes on Long Island. Gertruy Bruyn and John van Comp. 20 10 A French privateer, John Reaux formerly of New York com- mander, riding at anchor in Muskitoe cove; the commander arrested and Capt. Evans to capture his ship. Reports of French doings in Canada and consequent preparations in New York. Fortifications of New York. Examination of Jacob Dennis taken prisoner with Reaux who is likewise examined. 32 92 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1693 V. 7 6 Report by Major Schuyler of French intentions. Governor to go to Albany with troops. Gov. Andrew Hamilton of New Jersey writes about troops. Warrants: to Stephen van Cortlandt for pay of New Jersey troops; to Daniel Honan for expenses of the governor's journey. 25 12 Capt. Evans reports that he could not catch Reaux' ship in the sound. Governor may go to Connecticut by land. Nathaniel Cole's connection of John Reaux; suspended from his office of justice at Oysterbay. John Reaux' con- fession as to a naval attack on New York. Fortifications. Warrants: to Wm. Bradford printer for salary; to Wm. Pinhorne justice. Payment ordered to Mrs Margaret Mac- gregere. John Reaux' men disposed of. Account of Wm. Merritt for pilotage of the Albrought. 26 18 Letter of credit to be sent to Major Peter Schuyler and Rob't Livingston for defraying expenses of scouting parties etc. Pension to Peter Waldron wounded at the frontiers. Bedding for the soldiers at Albany. 28 2S Isaac Brashen and John Pero carpenters to finish work on the barkantine Greyhound, James Norman master, or- dered to pursue John Reaux' privateer before they go to work on the station ship Richmond. 29 Nov. 7 Governor returned from Connecticut reports on the opposi- tion of the general court of Connecticut in regard to assistance on the frontiers; men from there to be ordered out. Governor's presence at Albany not absolutely necess- ary. Anthony Crepel of Ulster county to have a confirma- tory patent. Warrants to the attorney-general and the secretary for clerical work. 2C 9 Philipp French, Jeremy Tothill, Miles Forster and Robert Downs, merchants to be a committee for supervising the provisioning of the Dutch ship King David. Storage allowed conditionally to Capt. John Evans and Purser Wm. Gannoway of their majesties' frigate Richmond. s^ 16 Dissolution of the assembly agreed upon. Musterrolls of Albany companies produced. Nath'l Cole jr, to be released on bail because he might perish from cold in Queens county jail. Warrant to Chief Justice Smith for salary. Dr Thos. Thornhill asks for his pay due by Gov. Sloughter. 32 23 Report from Albany that the Mohawks are cut off; the Jerseymen have run; Gov. Hamilton asked to replace the runaways but cannot get soldiers. New York city de- tachment to go to Albany. Lieut. Abraham Schuyler resigns in order to go to sea and is paid off. Warrant for CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 93 1693 V. 7 soldiers bedding. Accounts of Rob't Livingston to be audited. Warrants: to doorkeeper Jarvis Marshall for salary; to Evert Bogardus for transporting Col. Ingoldsby and soldiers to Albany. 33 30 Writs of election for the general assembly to issue. Accounts of the government to be laid before the next assembly. Stockadoes for the fortifications. John Reaux to be freed from his irons and the jail being insufficient have the liberty in city limits. Small arms in store to be fitted for use. Warrants: to Isaac Dechamp merchant for locks; to Fred. Philippse for iron and bunting; to same for kettles and an hourglass for the Albany soldiers; to Thos. Coker on behalf of Lieut. Sharp gunner at Albany. Surveyor to lay out land for Isaac Billian as petitioned for. 34 Dec. 2 Order from Whitehall in regard to Gov. Sloughter's accounts. 35 7 Warrants: to Daniel Honan for pay of express messenger from and of Jerseymen going to Albany; to same for inci- dental charges; to John Pelletreaux for candles used in the fort. Expenses of the governor's last journey. Gov. Sloughter's accounts. Fortifications. 35 II Report from Albany that Count Frontenac is still endeavor- ing to make peace with the five nations; Major Peter Schuyler to go to Onondaga and prevent it. Council are opposed to the governor's journey to Albany. Special court of oyer and terminer to be called for the trial of some soldiers. 36 14 Mayor etc. of New York summoned before council about the fortifications. Widow Sloughter. Woodboat of the . garrison. Warrants: to Abr'm Schuyler for transporting men from Ulster county to Albany; to Dirck Benson; to Jacob van Tilborough; to Robert Livingston for subsist- ance of soldiers at Albany. Indentures of William Bryan to Capt. Christ. Billop cancelled. Members of the coun- cil sworn in as justices of the peace. JH 15 Mayor and aldermen before the council but not enough of the latter to make a quorum; adjourned. 38 18 Speeches of governor, council and" aldermen, regarding fortifi- cations and the city's liability to pay for them. Mayor, aldermen and common council doubt their authority to levy money for such purposes but will give money from their private purses. 38 28 Members of council sworn in as justices of the peace. Order on petition by Peter King vs the sheriff of New York for releasing the goods of Robert Brett. 43 94 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1694 V. 7 Jan. 4 Justices of the peace. Money for fortifications at Albany. Bills of exchange sent from Maryland for military purposes protested. Col. Abr'm de Peyster allowed to import wines damaged by salt water free of duty. Day of thanksgiving. Warrants for salary: to Daniel Honan; to David Jamison. 44 8 Election of vestrymen. Proclamation with the governor's commission as commander of the militia to be sent to Connecticut. Order on petition by Thos. Merriet mer- chant in regard to the ship Litle Baltimore. 45 II Warrants: to Wm. Pinhorne justice of the supreme court; to Robert Crannell cockswaine for salary; to Nanning Har- mense for military transportation. Widows Leisler and Milbourne reinstated in their late husbands' property. ■ Order on petition by Jannetie Theys Buys widow of Jan Theys Buys. 46 17 Report from Albany that the French have a design on Onondaga or Albany and treat of peace with the Indians. Col. Henry Beeckman complains of the slowness of the militia in coining to Albany. Mayor etc. want to know whether by charter they can raise money for building fortifications. 47 18 Governor's efifort to raise troops against the French. Money called in. Warrants: to Peter Waldron for pension; to Thos. Parmetier matross for mounting guns; to Wm. Bradford printer for salary. Answer to questions by mayor etc. 48 25 Copy of Major Peter Schuyler's journal to Onondaga to be sent to England. Francis Martino to have land on Staten Island as petitioned for. Warrants: to Rev. Godf. Dellius for salary; to Henry Ford for carpenters work in the fort. . Well before the fort to be repaired and pump put in. Collection of taxes slow and expedition urged. Weigh- house- revenue. Warrant to Nich's Bayard for gun carriages. 49 26 Petition of Thos. Hicks & Co. for land on Cowneck, Queens county granted. Ordinance of mayor, aldermen etc. for raising money approved. 50 27 Reading of letters from Connecticut and of a manuscript. Seasonable considerations offered to the people of Con- necticut. 51 Feb. I Col. Beeckman of Ulster county reports a rumor that the French intend an attack on Kingston. Governor to review the militia in Kings and Queens counties. Peter Billian and two sons to ijave patents for land on Staten Island. 51 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 95 1694 V. 7 3 Report from Gov. Andrew Hamilton of the Jerseys that 100 French and 50 Indians are in the Minissink county de- bauching the Indians; Arent Schuyler sent to investigate. 52 5 Arrangements made for defense upon new reports of an in- tended French attack on Kingston. 52 8 Accounts of Daniel Honan accountant-general to be audited by a committee. 53 IS Warrant to Daniel Honan for expenses of the governor's journey to Long Island " in arms " and for the militia to drink their majesties' health. Expenses of the governor's journey to Pennsylvania audited and allowed. Expendi- tures of Daniel Honan for the fort. Warrants: to Wm. Bradford for printing sundry public papers and the book Seasonable consideratijons offered to the good people of Connecticut; to Simon Schermerhoorn for transporting soldiers to Albany; to Wm. Mosse and company of porters. Chaplain John Miller not considered entitled to the church living in New York. 53 22 The governor reports on his journey to Long Island. Boundary line between New York and New Jersey. 54 27 Correspondence about the protested Maryland bills of ex- change. Surveyor Aug. Graham to make a plan of the proposed fortifications and of New York city. 55 Mar. I Warrants: to Daniel Honan for governor's journey to Long Island; to same for incidental expenses; to Dirck Wessells for expenses on his journey to the five nations; to Mrs Eliz. Wandell for Indian corn given to Indians; to John van Inbrough for a canoe; to John Mosse for subsisting soldiers at the house of Mary Downs his wife; to Arent Schuyler for journeying to the Minissink country. New- town, L. I. to elect a collector vice Joras Abramse in- capacitated. John Evans to have a patent for land up Hudson's river purchased from the Esopus Indians. Order on petition by Widow Pauling for land. Warrant to Major Wm. Merrit for charges of collecting taxes. 55 2 Order on petition by Widow Ann Richbell for survey. War- rant to Stanley Handcock for a horse lost on the journey to Connecticut. 57 3 Proclamation for a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer to issue. 57 6 Order on petition by Jacques Guyon for land on Staten Island. 57 8 Warrants: to Daniel Honan for incidental office expenses; to Henry Ford for carpenter work in the fort. Order on 96 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1694 V. 7 petition by Samuel Bayard and Arent Schuyler for patent of land called the " dancing chamber." Col. Nich. Bay- ard's farm. Smith hill to be surveyed. Officers to com- mand the militia in case of an attack appointed. 58 9 New Jersey boundary line. 58 13 Warrants: to Chidley Brooke collector and receiver-general for salary etc; to John Abeel mayor of Albany for refitting the fort. 59 15 Warrant to Henry Ford for carpenter work. John Reaux allowed to serve on board the man of war commanded by Capt. Evans. John Ward to have land at Cocksingh near Marbletown. 59 19 Arrearages of taxes. Governor has to go to Pennsylvania. 60 21 Petition of Col. Thomas Willet for land at Cowneck, L. I. granted. 60 22 Nath'l Cole jr, discharged from bail (p. 32). 60 23 Petitions: of Wm. and Apollonia Welch for survey of land given to her by Indians granted; of Henryck Cornelius Bogard for patent. , 61 24 Warrant to Rob't Livingston for his salary as sub-collector at Albany. Committee to sit on Indian goods for presents and governor's journey to Albany. 61 26 Warrants for salaries: to Wm. Pinkhorne; to Col. Andrew Hamilton postmaster; to David Jamison; to Daniel Honan. Warrant to John Pelletreaux for candles. Widows Leisler and Milbourn. 62 28 Governor is going to Abany and makes recommendations to council. Warrant to John Clapp for salary as clerk of the assembly. Licence to Dirck Gerritse burnt out to col- lect charity. Surveyor to survey land for Thos. Hicks jr. Additional land granted to Henr. Corn. Bogard. 62 Ap. 6 Assistance from Connecticut in country produce and at the charge of collecting it. 6^ 17 Subsistance of soldiers at Albany sent to Major Peter Schuyler. 63 26 Payment of soldiers at Albany dependent on the sale of grain contributed by Connecticut. Powder for the fort. 64 May 4 Indians of Nassau island come to renew the covenant; their sachem Tapusha too old to come himself. 64 14 Governor returned is compelled to defer his report because of some clerical errors. Governor to meet the assembly of Pennsylvania. Expenses provided. Pay for Albany soldiers sent up. Licenses: to Col. Nichs. Bayard for the purchase of Indian lands; to Robert Sanders, Rev. John CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 97 1694 V, 7 Miller and Daniel Honan. Warrants for salaries: to Will- iam Smith chief justice; to Rev. Godfr. Dellius. Petitions for land by Daniel Shotwell and by Tjerck Caus de Witt granted. Order on petition by the owners and freighters of the barkantine Orange. Robt. Livingston to continue victualling the troops at Albany. 65 15 Maryland bills of exchange. Warrant to Evert Bancker for pay of Capt.' George Bradshaw's company. A riding col- lector of taxes to be appointed. Warrants to Hend. van Dyck surgeon to the Albany troops. Suffolk taxes. War- rants: to Robert Livingston for firewood, candles etc; to Col. Nichs. Bayard for disbursements to officers at Albany; to Robt. Livingston for pay of soldiers; to Joseph Yeats for firewood to Albany garrison. 66 16 Capt. John Evans commander of the Richmond allowed to fill his crew by impressing sailors. Expenses of the gov- ernor's journey to Albany audited and allowed. Warrants: to Daniel Honan for advances made; to Col. Bayard for the payment of troops; to Jarvis Marshall for salary; to Daniel Waldron for curing his wounds. Capt. John Evans to have a patent for land. Crexier the French prisoner at Albany redeemed from the Indians by Major Schuyler, dead. p. m. Virginia sends money. Governor going to Pennsylvania makes recommendations to the council. 66 21 French Indians throw a warclub over the stockadoes into the city of Albany and pursue inhabitants. Money and hour- glasses to be sent to Albany. 68 26 Dirck Stone appointed justice of the peace for Maynoth in Westchester county. Gerrit Strycker sheriff of Kings county dead; Jacobus Kiersted appointed in his place. Hourglasses for Albany. 6g June 13 Militia men uselessly detained at Albany. Warrant to' Henry Ford for carpenter work in the custom house. 69 July 2 The governor returned disappointed. Report from Col. Treat that it is removed. Gov. Fletcher intends to make war on the five nations. Order on petition by Phil. French regarding importation of goods. Justices of the peace careless about collecting taxes to be summoned. 70 5 Warrant to Col. Nich. Bayard for gun carriages. John Comp and Gertruy Bruyn. Warrant to Robert Livingston for salary of Hilleke the interpretress. Committee to view the governor's house in the fort as to repairs. Custom-house cellar to be leased. Warrants for salaries: to Matthew 98 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1694 V. 7 Clarkson; to Rev. Godfr. Dellius; to Robt. Crannell; to Wm. Pinhorne; to Daniel Honan; to David Jamison. Warrant to Capt. Peter Matthews for repairs on the gov- ernment pinace. 71 9 Cornelius Jacobs master of the barkantine Orange accused of comforting and abetting the French at Teludes (?); to to be tried for it. Correspondence with Sir Wm. Phips concerning the frontiers and Indian affairs. Warrants: to Robt. Livingston for Major Schuyler's expenses at Onondaga; to Thos. Coker for pay of Lieut. Thos. Sharpe's salary as gunner at Albany. 72 12 Four companies of English troops ordered to New York. Governor allowed to receive a present voted by the assem- bly. Col. Richard Ingoldsby's accounts. Remittances to England. Chapel in the fort. Governor to meet the In- dians at Albany. Order upon petition by John Berries tax collector at Newtown, L. I. Warrant to Robt. Liv- ingston for repairs to the fort at Albany. Paulus Richards to have a patent for land. Mayor and aldermen of New York, John Barbaree and Robert Lurton merchants, Jacob Boelen and Cornelius van de Burgh to consider reg- ulations for all scales and weights. Warrants: to John Cooley for blacksmith work in the fort; to Jarvis Marshall doorkeeper, Wm. Bradford printer, and James Graham attorney-general, for salaries. 73 IS Indian aiifairs. •](> 19 Clothing provided for Christian the son of Christagie a Mo- hawk captain killed by the French. Indian presents. Confirmatory patent granted to Wm. Barker. Petition of Capt. Thos. Dekey granted. Orders on petition: by George Harrison & Co. for land; by Wm. Pinhorne; by Den- nis Hegeman. Money for redemption of prisoners at Al- giers sent to England. Warrant to Jacob Moons (?) for gunsmith work. 76 26 Jacob Kiersted appointed sheriff of Kings county. Confirm- atory patents: to Arent Prael for land near Hubbard's plan- tation on Staten Island; to Abrm. Marlett; to Jarvis Mar- shall and Wm. Welch for land called Quaspeck in Or- ange county; to Wm. Pinkhorne. Wm. Demyre's ac- counts. Warrants: to Dr Thos. Thornhill for attending a sick soldier; to Dirck van der Burgh for mason work in the fort; to Daniel Honan for expenses of the gover- nor's journej'^ to Pennsylvania; to John Perry for carrying mail; to Dr Jacob Staats for attending sick soldiers. Or- der on petition by Thos. Clarke on behalf of Col. Dongan for land. Barracks in the fort to be inspected. yj CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 99 1694 V. 7 28 Indian presents. Governor about to start for Albany to raeet the Indians selects a committee of council to go with him. Mohawks before the council. ^g 30 Committee to consider what presents are to be provided for Indians at Albany. 80 Aug. 2 Col. Lodwick to receive the thanks of council for services in England. Belt sent from the Senecas and Onondagas to the Delawares in Pennsylvania disturbs the latter. War- rants: to Col. Nich. Bayard to defray charges of agency in England; to Chidley Brooke for salaries. Barracks in the fort to be taken down and rebuilt. Warrant to Stephen van Cortlandt for sundry expenses for clothing to Indians come from Canada, for firewood etc. in the fort. Warrant to pay fusileers. Additional land grant to Wm. Barker. Regulations of money scales and weight read and Jacob Boelen with Corn, van der Burgh ap- pointed money adjusters. Warrant to Col. Lodwyck for expenses in England. Orders on petitions: by Abrm, Luteine; by Richard Harvey; by Borland Swebringh, all for land: and by Joris Remse. Warrants to Daniel Honan for a chest with utensils for the governor's journey to Al- bany and for Indian presents. - 80 3 Warrant to James Spencer carpenter for work in the fort. Additional land grant to Paul Richards. Petition of Cor- nelius Jacobs for release of the barkantine Orange under bail granted. Capt. Henry Tergeny, Capt. Thos. Gleaver, Thos. Wenham, and Stephen de Lancey to appraise the Orange. Warrant to Thos. Gleaver for transporting guns from England. Market to be moved back to the green before the fort. 82 6 Address of thanks to their majesties. News from Boston. Expedition to Albany. Provisions. 83. 9 Orders on petitions for land: by Simon Simonse; by Geo. Brown.- Warrants: to Col. Andrew Hamilton for ap- prehending deserters; to Daniel Honan for expenses of the governor's journey to Albany; to Arent Schuyler for entertaining Mohawks; to Matthew Clarkson for the son of Christagie. Orders on petitions for land: by Arent Prael; by Paulus Richards; by Guy Bodein. Payment of fusileers at Albany. 84 13 Massachusetts presents to Indians to be given by the gov- ernor of New York not by Massachusetts commissioners. 85 p. m. Governor of New Jersey, Majors Pincheon and Sewell, and Capt. Townsend from Boston, Capts. Allein and Stan- lOO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1694 V. 7 ley from Connecticut sit with the council and discuss the giving of presents to Indians by Massachusetts. 85 14 Support during the war by neighboring colonies. Massa- chusetts presents to be delivered by New York. 86 17 Belt sent from Canada considered a snare but to be received. 86 20 Indian affairs. Troops for reinforcement needed at the Half Moon, Connestagnioena, Schenectady and the flats. 87 23 Accounts of expenses to Albany to be audited. Forts at New York, Albany, and Schenectady to be inspected. Warrant to Major Dirck Wessels for salary as^ commis- sary of musters. Order on a petition by Chas. Broad- head for land. Commissary of subsistance for men from England. Supply of firewood for the garrison. 88 24 Proclamation concerning strange Indians, to issue. War- rant to John Abeel for work on guns and the fort. Col. Rich. Ingoldsby to supply Albany garrison with firewood. ^ 30 Order on petition by Leonard Cole for land in Ulster county. Taxes due from islands at the east end of Long Island in arrears. Taxes from all counties. Warrant to Wm. Smith for salary as chief justice. Finances. Maryland bills of exchange. 89 Sep. ■ I Committee appointed to agree with Col. Abrm. de Peyster about victualling the forces in the province. 90 4 Troops coming from England and their pay. 90 8 Petition of Claus Luyter for land in Ulster county granted. Warrants: to Hilletie the Indian interpretress for salary and for expenses of journey to the Onondagas; to Martin Gerritse, Evert Bancker and Kilian van Rensselaer for use of their land to the Mohawks. Order on petition by Daniel Venvoos and Lammertse about land. 91 9 News from Albany that Count Frontenac is at Montreal and intends to march to Albany; thought more likely he in- tends to go to Cadaraequi. Governor advised not to go to Albany and the frontiers. 91 13 Cattle for victualling the forces. Assistance by other col- onies. Petition by Sander Glenn for new patents in Schenectady granted. Warrants: to Col. Lodwyck for transportation of military stores by Capt. Henry Tregeny; to Daniel Honan for the governor's journey to Albany. The city of New York claims all ground from high to low water mark. Indians of Long Island tumultuous. John van Comp and Gertruy Bruyn about land in Show- angung. 92 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 lOI V. 1694 20 Order on petition by Gertruy Bruyn for land. Warrants for transportation of soldiers to Simon Schermerhorne; to Thos. Wynne; to Casper Melle. Blacksmiths to live among the Indians. o^ 21 Victualling the troops at Albany. Warrant to Lieut. Thomas Sharpe for salary as gunner at Albany. 95 27 Warrant to Col. Rich. Ingoldsby for firewood at Albany. Patents for land to issue: to Wm. and Apollonia Welch; to Paul Richards for land on Staten Island purchased from Mark Dusachoy. Trial of John Reaux postponed. 95 28 News from Bermuda that the French have taken Jamaica sent to other colonies. Great guns to be mounted. Pat- ent for land granted to Wm. Welch and Jarvis Marshall. 96 29 French protestants at New Rochelle excused from paying taxes for the present. Indians of Queens county before the council. Col. Charles Lodwyck appointed mayor of New York. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for victualling the forces at Albany. gg Oct. I Indians of Suffolk county before the council. 97 5 Huntington erected into a township. Order on petition by Engeltie Burgen. Arnout Viele to live among the Onon- dagas. Warrants to Chief Justice Wm. Smith and other officials for salary. Indians coming to Albany to be vic- tualled. 98 ID Warrant to James Spencer for materials to repair soldiers' barracks in the fort. Daniel Honan to be overseer of fort workmen. 99 io(?) Far Indians before the council " own the governor of New York for their father." 99 II Warrant to Col. Nich. Bayard for nails to repair the block- houses. 100 13 Warrant to Dirck Benson for transportation of soldiers. Virginia bills of exchange. lOo IS Charles Lodwyck sworn in as mayor of the city and Stanley Handcock as sheriff for New York and Orange counties. loi 18 Petitions of Engelite Burger, of Thos. and George Hall granted. Order on petition by John van Comp & Co. loi 20 Accounts of Robt. Livingston to be audited. Warrant to John Aertsen keeper of the ferry for use of his snow. Al- bany accounts to be audited. 102 26 Warrant to James Graham for salary as collector in 1687. Petitions by John Hammell and by Widow Pawling for land granted. Warner Wessells and the Christian slaves at Salee. Accounts of Capt. Clarke to be audited. 103 I02 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1694 V. 7 Nov. I Warrant to John Clapp clerk of the assembly for salary, house rent etc. Order on petition by John Hoden concern- ing taxes. Thos. Baxter and Justice Wm. Barnes of West- chester county to appear in Hoden's tax case. Warrants: to Daniel Honan for firewood; to John Crooke cooper for work in the fort; to John Pelletreaux for candles; to Stephen van Cortlandt for presents to Long Island In- dians; to Robert Livingston for incidental military ex- penses at Albany, and for subsisting soldiers there. 103 3 Celebration of the king's birthday. 105 8 Exportation of pipestaves etc. prohibited by New Jersey and a free port established at Amboy. Capt. Thos. Thew com- mander of the sloop Amity granted a letter of marque against the French. Address to the lords of committee on behalf of Col. Ingoldaby receiving the pay of lieutenant- governor. Governor signs accounts of Chidley Brooke. Accounts of Daniel Honan approved. Wm. Barnes justice of the peace in Westchester county ordered to refund the taxes paid to him by John Hadon, and costs. Order on a complaint by Thos. Baxter collector of Westchester. 105 IS Account of the money from Virginia approved. Reissue of a warrant to Jacob Dickison the original being lost. Complaint against sloop from Bermuda selling salt by re- tail in the road. 107 22 John Ward granted a confirmatory patent. Accounts of Gov. Sloughter. loS 29 Warrant to Col. Andrew Hamilton for salary as postmaster. Col. Nich. Bayard to have the flag mount etc. paved. Warrant to Col. Ingoldsby for clearing away the brush around the fort at Albany. log- Dec. 9 Daniel Shotwell's petition for land granted. A Long Island Indian complains against John Smith and others in Hempstead for cutting his timber. The plantation of Lewis Morris at Harlem erected into a manor. Warrant to Capt. Thos. Clarke for services as tax collector on Long Island. 109 13 Petition of James Emott for land on Staten Island granted. Warrant to James Spencer for carpenter work in the fort. John Reaux conditionally allowed to serve as mate on board a merchant vessel. Accounts of Daniel Honan for firewood to be audited. no 31 Letter from Col. Henry Beeckman complaining against Capt. Thos. Garton and Capt. Haasbrook for neglect in fortify- ing their parts of Kingston; order thereon. iia CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 IO3 1695 V. 7 Jan. 3 Warrants: to government officials not named; to Daniel Honan as per audited accounts. John Reaux. Col. Cort- landt to provide fire buckets for the fort. Order on com- plaint of Gabriel Le Beauteaux vs Peter De Lanoy. In- habitants of Westchester county assessed for taxes in Ul- ster and Dutchess counties. Maryland refuses to assist New York in the defence of the frontiers. m 10 Licences to purchase land in Suffolk county granted: to Wm. Nicoll; to Ebenezar Wilson. Petition of Arent Praal for survey granted. Peter De Lanoy before the council. Troubles about the act of assembly establishing a min- istry. Paving the flag mount. Wandall vs Cooke. 112 17 The Two Brothers islands near Hellgate granted to James Graham. Warrants: to Margaret Selinus for iron fur- nished to the fort; to Nich. Bayard for material for the barracks. Report on the accounts of Gov. Sloughter. Cellar under the custom-house let to Mich'l Howdon. 113 24 Letter to the governor of Maryland read and signed. Ac- counts for work in the fort to be audited. Warrants: to Col. Heathcote for material furnished to the fort and for taking up two deserters; to John Appel of Schenec- tady wounded though not in the king's service to go beg- ging hereafter. Cooke vs Wandell. Gov. Sloughter's ac- counts. IIS 31 Boundaries between Newtown and neighbors. 116 Feb. 7 Order on petition by Mayor Charles Lodyck about the drink- ing houses. Cooke vs Wandell. 117 14 Assembly prorogued. Boundaries of Newtown and neigh- bors. 117 28 Confirmatory patent for land at Bushwick granted to Michael Parmitier. Boundaries of Newtown and Brooklyn. War- rants: to Dirck van der Burgh for brick layers work on the chapel; to Daniel Honan for material to the barracks; to James Spencer for carpenter work on the fort; to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for provisioning soldiers; to Daniel Honan for firewood; to Mayor John Abeel of Albany for repairs to the fort there. 117 Mar. 7 Pinhorne's account for shingles for the fort referred to a committee. Col. Andrew Hamilton's memorial for in- creased allowance to the post office referred to a full board. Confirmatory grant of land on Manhattan Island to Wm. Beeckman. Petition for land on Staten Island by Mark Dusachoy granted. Order on petition by Lawrence and Francis Wessells for permission to carry away oyster shells from Marshall's and Welch's land. Indians speak boldly I04 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1695 V. 7 to the governor of Canada. Col. Andrew Hamilton's me- morial considered all members being present. Warrants: to John Cooley blacksmith for work in the fort; to John Pelletreaux tallow chandler for candles. Government ac- counts. Cooke vs Wandell. ii8 13 French are marching to Cadaracqui. 300 fusileers to be sent to Onondaga to assist the Indians against French en- croachments; expenses of the expedition. 120 14 Peter Jacobs Marius provides money for the expedition at 8^ on the individual security of members. Land on Staten Island granted to Daniel Stillwell. Lawrence and Francis Wessels' petition granted. Order on memorial by Dirck van der Burgh about boats to carry material for the chapel. Warrant to Gabriel Monvielle for money advanced for the Onondaga expedition. 121 21 Warrants to Nich. Bayard for money advanced for the Onon- daga expedition; to Thos. Wenham merchant. Petition by Peter Hellebrandt against granting a patent to Geo. and Thos. Hall referred to Col. Henry Beeckman. Jacob Aertsen and Dirck Schepmoos of Ulster county. Commit- tee to superintend the building of the chapel. Account of governmental debts referred. Account of Peter de Rimier glazier referred. 122 26 Accovmt of the money collected to redeem New-York people from slavery in Algiers called for. 123 27 Land at Crown Elbow in Dutchess county granted to Widow Pawling. Petition of Dirck Jansen Hooglandt referred. Warrant to John Cobrin stonecutter in part for paving the flagmount. 123 29 Petition of Akus Cornelissen's w.idow for Varkes island in the Mohawk river above Schenectady granted. 124 Ap. 2 Petition of Susanna Vaughton on behalf of her son against granting a patent to Widow Pawling referred. Order on petition by Jasper Nissepat about the wind mill on the common. Additions ordered to the grant to Gretie Vroo- man widow of Akus Cornelissen. Warrants for salaries to various government officials. 124 4 Order on petition by Edward Stevens on behalf of Newtown concerning boundaries. 125 8 Military matters. Meeting with sachems of the five nations; they renew the covenant chain. 125 II Warrant to Col. Andrew Hamilton for charges of the post office. 126 13 Indians of the five nations are ready to take up the hatchet against the French. 127 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 IO5 1695 V. 7 15 Collection of taxes and disposition of the money collected. Printing of public papers. Confirmatory patent for land at Harlem granted to John Low. 127 16 Measures for the defence of the frontiers. Military accounts referred to a committee. 128 18 Various accounts referred to a committee for examination. Order on a petition by Henry Ranslear about the bark- s- antine Orange. I2g 22 The assembly dissolved. 129 23 The field officers in the province called together to delib- erate on measures for the defence of the frontiers. 130 24 Opinions of the field officers to be printed. Col. Caleb Heathcote of Westchester thanked " for his care and plain- ness " in bringing the militia of his county to a right un- derstanding of the governor's doings. 130 25 Some members of the council interested in accounts referred to them for audit request that others be appointed. War- rants: for payment of officers on the frcr-tiers; to Henry van Rensselaer for transportation of soldiers. Arnout (Viele's) petition referred to the mayor of Albany. War- rants: to Peter de Rimier for glass windows in the fort; to Elisha Parker for firewood. Military accounts and mus- ter rolls. 131 May 2 Patent for lands above Antonios Nose on Hudson river * granted to Theunis Dekey. Warrants: to Dirck Wessells for entertaining sachems of the five nations; to James Spencer for carpenter work on the barracks. Electioneer- ing. 132 9 Forces coming from Nassau (L. I.) to have free ferriage. Order upon a petition of Thos. Coker. Assembly to be called. Orders: on petition by Dirck Schepmoos about land;summoning Gerard Beeckman upon a complaint of the justices of Kings county. Warrant to John Theuniss for a " scan for the use of the fort." 133 13 Unofficial report of the death of the queen; order in conse- quence. 134 16 Accounts of the collector and receiver-general read and signed. Warrants to the collector for his and other offi- cers' salaries. Accounts of John Abeel mayor of Albany, Daniel Honan, Joachim Staats and Peter Bogardus referred to a committee. Patent for land on Staten Island granted to Daniel Perrin. 134 17 Writs of election for members of the assembly to be is- sued. 135 20 Death of the queen Confirmed; address of condolence to be sent to the king. 13S io6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1695 , V. 7 23 Warrants: to Joachim Staats and to Peter Bogardus for military transportation; to Daniel Honan for firewood; to John Abeel for bricks to the Schenectady blockhouse and repairs of the fort at Albany. Queens county Indians renew their allegiance. 136 30 Address to the king signed and sent to Mr Blathwayte. Quartering of soldiers in New York and Albany. Two * negroes belonging to widow Susannah Elliot pardoned. Survey of John Vincent's meadow ordered. Moses Levi granted denization. Patent for land at Southampton, L. I. granted to Josiah Hobbart. Account of Giles Gaudineau surgeon to the grenadeers referred to a committee. Lucas Tienhoven and John Cornelius granted license to purchase Indian land on David de Marez creek in Orange county. 137 June 13 Connestagioena and Half Moon to be regarrison^d with troops from the other colonies. Col. Bayard to buy the necessary pots, spoons, etc. for Albany soldiers. Warrant to Stephen Cortlandt for money advanced for public use. Attorney-general to prosecute in the court of exchequer people refusing additional duties. Committees appointed: to consider custom-house rules; to examine carpenters' ac- counts for work done in the fort. Order on petition by the owners of the Orange for remission of fines. Patent for land on Staten Island granted to John Vincent. 138 18 Address of thanks to the king for sending over troops. The * officers and soldiers to receive a present to drink the king's health. 139 p. m. Reports from Col. Ingoldsby of the French marching to- wards Albany and from Maryland of a French fleet coming to attack New York. One of the two companies arrived from Boston under Capts. Weems and Hide to be sent to Albany. Military accounts. 140 20 Military accounts. Patent for land in New York granted to Tobias Stautenburgh. Svtrvey of Indian land purchased by Lucas Tienhoven and John Cornelius ordered. Order on petition by Francis Pape regarding customs duties. 140 27 Account of Surgeon Giles Gaudineau audited; others referred to a committee. Warrants: to Capt. Benjamin Phips and Peter Matthews for pay of their companies, dismissed May 1st; to Major Peter Schuyler for subsistence of four com- panies and for incidental charges; to John Abeel for re- , pairing the fort at Albany; to James Spencer for material etc. to the barracks. Patent for a house and lot in New York city granted to Warner Wessells and John William- sen Neering. Form of a commission for holding courts of judicature to be framed. 141 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I07 1695 V. 7 28 Connecticut refuses to send troops and is again requested to do so. Warrants to Daniel Honan for incidental ex- penses. Addition to the governor's lodgings in the fort. 142 July 4 Warrant to Stephen Cortlandt for money advanced to the troops in the late revolution. 143 II New England and Pennsylvania refuse to assist New York against the French. Le Reaux to be tried. Governor's lodgings to be enlarged. Governor not to go to Albany. Warrants: to Daniel Honan for firewood; to John Clapp clerk of the assembly for salary. Michael Hawdon's ac- count for entertaining Capt. Paxton's pinace crew and for going express to Albany referred. Warrants for salaries of government officers. Patent for land in Marbletown granted to John Ward. Salary of printer increased. War- rant to David Jamison clerk of council for incidental and clerical charges. I44 15 Correspondence with Connecticut about military assistance. Conference with five nations and river Indians at Albany. Schachkook Indians desire assistance to build a fort; granted. River Indians not to go hunting in New Eng- land. 14s 25 Rhode Island offers other than military assistance; not ac- cepted men must come. Punishment for deserting. War- rant to Stephen Cortlandt for things furnished to soldiers. Capt. Peter Matthews called upon for an account of things furnished to his company. Peter Schuyler to get the same from the other companies. Warrant to John Pelletreaux for candles used in the fort. Daniel Honans accounts. Memorials of Major Anthony Brockholls. Widow Ber- riman and Nich's Blanck referred to a committee. War- rants: to Michael Hawdon for his account (p. 144); to John Abeel for payinent of loyalists in Leisler's time. I47 Aug. I Deserters from New York troop caught at Fairfield, Ct., and rescued by the mob. Soap for the soldiers. Care of sick soldiers at Albany. Warrant to Robert Smith for transporting timber to the fort. 148 5 A French privateer reported on the coast; reports of depreda- tions at Martins Vineyard; the royal ship Richmond sent after her; the brigantine Charles, Huxford commander sailing for a wreck on the Isle of Sables to take reinforce- ments for the Richmond but cannot. I49 8 Le Reaux acquitted. Money collected for redeeming the prisoners in Algiers to be used for the chapel in the fort. Accounts of Major Brockholls, Widow Berriman and Nidi's Blanck audited; warrants issued to them. Petition I08 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1695 * V. r of Lieut. David Schuyler and accounts of Jacob Monen, Cooley the blacksmith, and Capt. Peter Matthews re- ferred to a committee. Officers' lodgings in the fort need new furniture. 150 IS Virginia will send troops to New York. Warrant to Jacob Moenen for armourer work. Report on furniture in offi- cers' lodgings. Permission granted to Marten Cregyer to build a house at Albany. Military accounts of Captains Weems and Hide, Majors Schuyler and Howell referred to a committee. Warrants: to Peter Schuyler and Col. In- goldsby for pay of their companies; to Col. Ingoldsby for firewood; to John Cockburn for paving bastions in the fort; to Dirck van der Burgh for travelling on public service to Maryland; to John Rosie for like travel to Canada; to Chaplain Alex. Innes for salary. Survey of land purchased by Lucas Tienhoven and John Cornelius shows they want 100,000 acres; considered too much; may have 1000 each. Patent granted tp Martha Ashfordby and her daughters, Susan, Mary, Helen, Ann and Katherine for land at Mar- bletown originally patented to her husband. Confirmatory patent granted to Hendrick Hansen. Gov. Fletcher to go to Albany and meet the five nations who are to be called by Major Schuyler. » 151 18 French intend to resettle Cadaracqui and Indians want help ' to prevent them. Troops sent to the Mohawk castles. Connecticut repeats its refusal of assistance against the French; again written to. 153 24 Warrants: to Major Peter Schuyler for victualling troops; and for pay of his company; to Capt. James Weems and Wm. Hide for incidental military charges; to John Terevitt for military transportation. Various accounts referred to a committee. The governor to start for Albany on the 7th of September. 154 29 Letter from Gov. Nicholson of Maryland accrediting Thos. Tasker, read and answered. Petition of Capt. Ebenezar Wilson referred to a committee. Charges for the gov- ernor's journey and Indian presents. Thos. Tasker treas- urer of Maryland offers pecuniary assistance in place of troops; accepted. Old 'Maryland bills of exchange. Form of a commission for holding courts considered. Isaac Naptali granted denization. Warrant to Capt. Peter Matthews for incidental charges. Accounts for firewood and " rascarricks " referred. License to purchase Indian land in Westchester county granted to John Harrison, J55 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL' MINUTES 1668-I783 IO9 1695 V. 7 Sep. I Report from Albany that the French have retaken Cada- racqui. Five nations cannot come to Albany and the governor is not to go there. Indians want 500 men to help them; other colonies to furnish troops but none ex- pected from New England. 157 5 Warrants: to Capt. Thos. Clarke for military transportation in Leisler's time; to Major Peter Schuyler for Indian pro- visions; to Dan'l Honan for firewood and deal boards for the fort; to Joseph Johnson for gun whals. Expenditures to be examined. Warrants: to Col. Rich'd Ingoldsby for firewood at Albany; to Robert Livingston for salary as sub-collector. Salary of the sub-collector at Albany changed. Warrant to Dirck van der Burgh for brick- layer work in the fort. Accounts of carpenters and porters referred-. The governor to grant commissions for holding courts of king's bench, common pleas, and exchequer ac- cording to act of assembly. Warrant to Wm. Pinhorne for expenses of governor's journey to Albany. Maryland bills to be sold. 157 24 The governor reports on his journey to Albany; the French have again settled at Cadaracqui but cannot be driven out without help from other colonies; proposes to send an agent to England to represent state of affairs; conference held' with Indians at Albany. Warrant to Domine Dellius for repairing a house for the Indians. Petition of soldiers from Major Baxter's company referred. Capt. Sanders Glenn's account referred. Warrant to Col. Stephen Cort- landt for expressage paid to Albany. 159 28 Measures to be laid before the assembly. French protes- tants (not named) granted denization. Land 20 miles above Schenectady granted to Nich's Bayard. Survey of boundary lines in Flatlands ordered. iSg 29 Wm. Merritt nominated mayor of New York. Celebration of English victories and of capture of Namur. 160 Oct. I Petition for land in Ulster county by Thomas Noxon referred to representatives from the county. Returns of collected taxes called for. 161 3 Warrants: to Wm. Mosse for porterage; to Capt. John de Peyster for lead given to Indians. Accounts of Robert Livingston, of Thos. Winne and governor's expenses to Albany referred to committees. Lt. Gov. Stoughton of Boston sends money for Indian presents. Warrant to Ed- ward Graham and James Wells for carpenter work in the fort. 161 no NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1695 V. 7 10 Patent granted to Thos. Noxon. Warrants: for the payment of Major Baxter's company; to Thos. Robinson for work in the fort. Patent for land at Sequatage granted to Thos. and Rich'd Willett. 162 11 License to purchase Indian lands in Ulster county granted to Thos. Anthony and Bernard Swartod, Elias Hun, Peter Ginand and Isaac Cadebeck. Warrant to John Abeel for repairs in the fort of Albany. Petition of Lieut. Thos. Sharpas referred. Warrant to Robert Weight for boat hire. 162 14 Chidley Brooke and Domine Dellius to go as provincial agent to England; committee appointed to draw up in- structions for them. 163 16 Buildings near the blockhouse not to be allowed and the blockhouse to be repaired. 163 17 Account of Daniel Honan for furnishing officers quarters referred. Warrants: to James Wells for carpenter work in the fort; to Daniel Honan for firewood. Order on petition of Bathstina Wessells against her brother John Pell. Survey of land at Coxsinck in Ulster county ordered for Tjerck Claes de Witt. Warrant to Lieut. Thos. Sharpas ■ for salary. 163 18 Warrants: to Daniel Honan for officers furniture and for incidental expenses; for salaries of government officers. 164 24 Arrears of taxes for Suffolk called in. Accounts of the re- ceiver-general signed; warrants to same for salaries of him- self and employees; appointments of deputies by the same during his absence in England as agent. 164 25 Warrants: to Wm. Pinhorne for expenses of governor's last journey to Albany and Indian presents; to Robert Livings- ton for incidental expenses in the Albany fort. John Pell and his sister Wessells to be examined by a committee (p. 163). 165 30 Warrants: to Chidley Brooke for salary; to Daniel Honan for maps of Canada and the lakes prepared by Aug. Graham; for pay of the agents in England. 166 31 Warrants to John Clapp clerk of the assembly for fees etc. 166 Nov. I Indian affairs. Warrant to Thomas Monsey for expenses as deputy collector. 167 4 Correspondence with Gov. Nicholson of Maryland about assistance sent to England. Warrant to Chidley Brooke for Maryland bills. 167 14 Order on petition by Thos. Milton master of the dogger ketch Success bound from Jamaica to Madera. Warrant to John Pelletreaux for candles. New Utrecht boundary line. Lieut. Sharp's petition referred. Six French CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 III 1695 28 Dec. 14 19 1696 Jan. 9 V. 7 protestants from Ulster county granted extension of pur- chasing licenses. Various accounts referred. Warrant to Daniel Honan for incidental charges in the fort. 168 Warrants: to James Virtue for cutting the kings arms in brass; to Lt. Col. Gabr. Monviell.e for soap to the soldiers; to Joseph Johnson for gun wheels; to James Wells and to James Spencer for carpenter work in the fort; to Lieut. Thos. Sharp for salary as gunner at Albany; to Jacob Moenen for gunsmith work; to And'w Hamilton for the post office. Pennsylvania accounts referred. Petition of John Mila referred to the mayor and elders of the French church. Warrants: to John Cockburn for paving the bastions; to Major Peter Schuyler for making a well at Onondaga. Scarcity of corn in the province. The ketch Success to be surveyed as to its seaworthiness by Fred. Philipps and Caleb Heathcote of the council, John Scrougy and Thos. Cleaves masters of ships, Elias Puddington, Wm. Hellaker, Benj. Herring, and Clement Elsworth master builders. Patents for land granted to Ellis Duxbury, Mark Dusachoy and Jacob Lockermans. 169 Various accounts referred to committees. Josiah Hobbarts patent for land in Easthampton corrected. Orders on peti- tions: for land at the Gowannos by Ariaen Bennet; by Jeremiah Smith and others for remission of a fine. Sea- men of the ketch Success to be discharged for the winter. Amount of grain and flour in the city. 170 Report from New England that 1500 Canadians intend to attack Albany. Connecticut troops to march over land. 171 Warrants: to Aert Elbertse for boat hire; to Stephen Cort- landt for soldiers' provisions. Buildings round the block- house. License to purchase land in Orange county granted to Claes Janse and seven others. 171 Order upon petition by John Laurence. Gerrit Duycknighs account referred. Manor of Kingsfield at Schoharie. Correspondence from Maryland about assistance. Action on petition by the mayor etc. deferred. 172 Gov. Treat of Connecticut wants provisions for the troops coming from his colony. 172 Court of oyer and terminer in Ulster county. Col. Henry Beeckman appointed judge of the common pleas for Ulster county vice Thos. Garton refusing to sit. Captain George Lockhart appointed surgeon-general. i73 Warrant to Nichs. Bayard for freight of gun wheels. Carpen- ters account. Petition for incorporation by the minister and elders of the Dutch church granted. Jonathan Wright 112 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1696 V. 7 and John Talman appear for Flushing, L. I. on the com- plaint of John Laurence. Order on complaint by Isaac Smith and others against the justices of Queens county. Arian Bennet and Simon Aertsen to have land according to their patents. Balthazar Bayard wants permission to build a malthouse near the fort. License to purchase land granted to Jacob Rutse and company. Revenue measures to be laid before the assembly. Proclamation of thanks- giving for the king's return to England to issue. Warrant to government officers for salaries. John Denny. Patents granted to Abr. Lutein and Daniel Shotwell. 173 16 Account of Dirck van der Burgh for building in the fort referred. Balth. Bayard may build a malthouse near the fort. Order on complaint by John Laurence vs Flushing. Warrant to David Jamison for stationery. 175 23 Order on repeated complaint by Isaac Smith vs Justices Hicks and Whitehead of Queens county. 175 Feb. 6 Petition of Joseph Budd for a patent refused as illegal. Dennis Theunisse justice of the peace in Richmond county does not want to serve as tax coHector in New Utrecht, L. I. Land granted on Staten Island to Daniel Lake. French protestants granted denization. Isaac Smith and justices of Queens county. 175 13 Warrants: to Col. Bayard and Col. Heathcote for incidental expenses; to James Wells for carpenter work in the fort; to John Denny for pay as soldier. Account of timber for the fort referred. Petition for land in Westchester county by John Harrison referred to the surveyor-general, Joseph Theale, Joseph Purdy, and Joseph Horton. 176 20 Correspondence with Gov. Nicholson about assistance. Col. Heathcote and Aug. Graham granted license to purchase land on Hudson river. Dechamps' accounts referred. Order on petitions for land by Joseph Budd and John Harrison. 177 2^ Arent Fredericke pays in money from Boston for Indian presents. Bills received from Virginia and Maryland to be stated. Proclamation to issue for a day of fasting. Petition of Capt. Peter Mathews referred to the mayor. 177 Mar. S Warrants: to Dirck van der Burgh for buildings in the fort; Isaac Dechamps for ironwork; to John Cortlandt for military transportation by Evert Jansen; to John Pelle- treaux for candles; to Abr'm de Peyster for incidental charges; to Gerrit Duyckingh for painters work in the fort; to Gabriel Monvielle to replace an old warrant. Mr Emott to sit on the Dutch church charter vice Smith out of CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 II3 1696 ^' 7 town. Warrant to Col. Cortlandt for timber in the fort. John Harrison's purchase of land. Mr Emott to act as attorney for Miles Forster vs Lockermans. 178 12 Case between Ettie Leisler and Miles Forster deferred. Peti- tion of Thomas Noxon to be sheriff of Ulster county re- ferred. Petition of Timothy Halstead and others for remission of fine not granted. Saviott Broussard alias Dechamps and his wife Marie Chintrier granted denization. 179 ig Warrant to Dirck van der Burgh for work on the chapel; assembly to be asked for money to finish it. Warrants: to John Wessells for transporting timber to it; to Mr Forster for locks in the fort. Order on petitions by John Kip and Thos. Wenham. Sheriff of Ulster county. Peti- tion of members of the church of England for license to purchase land between the kings garden and the burying ground granted (Trinity church). Petition of Gerrit Travis deferred at the request of Humphrey Underbill. Town of Rye to have a patent. Town of Westchester to be incorporated as a city. Leisler and Forster. 180 26 Warrant to Capt. John Kip for pay of his company. Ac- counts referred and acted upon. Survey of land on Staten Island in the rear of Curtis ordered for Nath'l Brittain. Fortifications. Petition of Caleb Heathcote for land be- tween the kings garden and low water mark referred to a committee. ^81 Ap. 2 Warrant to Col. St. Cortlandt for incidental expenses. Peter Melott's account referred. Petitions for land patents by Jan Harmense and by Gerryt Jansen Roos granted. Quit- rents. Gerryt Jansen Roos receives a confirmatory grant of the slaughterhouse. Patent and lease for 41 years to Caleb Heathcote. Charter for the Dutch church granted. Patent to Capt. Kip granted. 182 9 No corn to be exported from Albany. Order for the arrest of Ryer Schermerhorn on complaint of Capt. Sanders Glenn for obstructing repairs to the fortifications. Dutch church charter. ^°^ 10 Order on petition by John Cuyler for license to export corn from Albany. Ground behind the wind mill granted to Capt. Kip. Warrant to John Glenn for incidental charges at Schenectady. Major Schuyler's accounts referred. 1S3 IS Mr Ranslear's accounts referred. Warrants: to Andrew Hamilton for the post office service; to justices for salaries. Goods brought from Boston by Isaac Le Noir and family admitted duty free. Warrants to Major Peter Schuyler for pay of his company, for victualling, for disbursements in 114 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1696 V. T the Albany hospital and to Indians and for repairs of main- guard. 184 16 Charter of Westchester. Licenses to purchase land granted: to Col. Beeckman; to Engeltie Anthony. John Cuyler. 185 20 Major Schuyler's accounts for a voyage to Onondaga re- ferred. Connecticut asked for men. 185 22 Proclamation to be issued for the encouragement of enlisting. 185 2S Warrant to Peter Melott for blacksmith work in the fort. Warrants: to Major Schuyler for pay of his company; to Major Wessells for pay as town major and muster master at Albany; to Hendrick Ranslaer for military transporta- tion; to Wm. Teller. 186 24 Warrant to Wm. Nicoll. Taxes from Ulster county in arrears. 186 28 Correspondence with Gov. Nicholson of Maryland about assistance given by Virginia. Recruiting money. Ulster county taxes. Thos. Noxon to be sheriff of Ulster county. Pay of Major Peter Schuyler's company. Arrears of taxes. 187 30 Ryer Schermerhorn before the council and put under bail for his appearance before the next supreme court. 188 May 10 News from Albany of damage done by the French. Troops to be sent up; no quorum of council present the matter is deferred. 188 II Quorum present. Capt. Martin Gerritse justice of the peace in Albany county and 3 others killed by French and In- dians. Proclamation to issue offering a reward for killing a Frenchman or a French Indian (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:160). Complaint of Lieut. Roger Wright vs Capt. Wm. Hyde referred to a committee (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:161). Lt. Gov. Stoughton asks permission to purchase flour and bread; granted. Warrants: to Col. Rich'd Ingoldsby for firewood to the Albany garrison; to James Wells for carpenter work in the fort. Patent for land granted to Widow Pauling. Dutch church Charter signed. Rule for navigation on the Hudson. 189 14 Deserters and mutineers at Albany pardoned. Exportation of corn from Albany. Order on a complaint of six French- men in Ulster against Rutsen & Co. about land matters. Quarters for officers in Albany. Warrant to Dirck van der Burgh for masonwork on the chapel. Farmers of the excise. John Harrison's patent. 190 21 Thanksgiving for "the discovery of a plot against King Wil- liam (see N. F.' col. mss, 40:164). Warrant to Daniel Honan for firewood to the fort. Farmers of the excise. Arrears of quitrents. Warrant to Stephen Cortlandt for 1696 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 V. 7 26 28 June II 19 express messenger. Blacksmith account. David Lloyd and Isaac Norris granted letters of administration on the estate of Thos. Lloyd deceased. Arrears of taxes in New York city. Capt. Wm. Hyde and Lieut. Roger Wright. Order on petition by Nich's Bayard for confirmatory patents. License to purchase land on Byram river granted to John Brundage. John Harrison's patent. Petition by Capts. Wilson and Clarke concerning Half Moon granted. Officers' quarters in Albany. 191 Letters from Sir Edmond Andros governor, and Mr Byrd auditor, of Virginia with money for the campaign received. Arrears of taxes in Queens county. 192 Celebration ordered for discovery of the plot in England. Connecticut evades giving assistance. 193 Petition by Gabriel Ludlow and John Sipkins referred to a committee. Survey of land petitioned for by William Tillier ordered. Warrant to Peter Melott for blacksmith work in the fort. Capt. Hyde's account to be sent to England. Officers' quarters in Albany. Warrants: to Dirck van der Burgh for leathers in the fort; to John Cobrun for stone cutter's work in the fort; to Capt. Wm. Hyde for charges in pursuing deserters. Order relating to the purchase of land by Rutsen & Co. and by Swartod & Co. at Waghhackemmick, Ulster county. George Ryer- son's petition referred. 193 Petition of Ludlow and Sipkins granted. Warrants: to Wm. Nicoll; to Stephen Cortlandt for Mr Povey; to Daniel Honan for firewood. No corn to be exported from New York. Warrant to Col. Rich'd Ingoldsby for garrison firewood at Albany. Arrears of taxes. Petitions for land granted: by Abr'm Lakeman on Staten Island near Barker and Bartlett; by Aug. Graham. Taxes in Suffolk county. Eliza Williamse granted license to collect money for the redemption of her husband from slavery in Salee. Order to disarm and imprison all Roman catholics. Receiver- general's accounts signed. Showanoes complain against the Senecas. Address of congratulation to the king signed. I94 Order on petition by Samuel Bayard for land in Orange county. Hendrick Tenyck granted license to purchase land. Order on petition for land by Daniel Honan and Mich'l Howdon. 196 Orders and rules for quartering officers in Albany. Simon Young to be sheriff of Albany county vice John Apple superseded for neglect of duty. 196 Il6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1696 V. 7 25 Warrants: to Robert Livingston for incidental charges in Fort Albany; to John Clapp for salary. Patent petitioned for by John Harrison granted to Wm. Nicoll, Eben. Wil- son, David Jamison, John Harrison and Samuel Height. Law-suit between Arian Bennet and Simon Aertsen, Emott and Tudor attorneys. Petitions for land: by Nathaniel Brittain; by Abr'm Lakeman; by Col. Cortlandt and Jacques Pullion granted. 197 26 License to export grain granted to Philipp Schuyler. Price of bread. 198 29 Lt. Gov. Stoughton of Massachusetts is granted permission to export a sloop load of provisions (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:173). Exportation of grain considered. 198 July 2 Appointments: Wm. Pinhorne to be judge; Wm. Sharpas register, and Richard Stoaks marshall of the admiralty court. Lieut. Roger Wright vs Capts. Weems and Hyde. Gov. Hamilton of New Jersey wants Capt. Peter Matthews to beat the drum for recruits in his colony. Survey of land for Wm. Barker ordered. Prohibition to export grain taken oi¥ for 8 days (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:178). 199 9 Rob't Sanders granted a license to purchase land. Salary of Robt. Livingston as sub-collector at Albany. Informa- tion by Lieut. George Sydenham vs Capt. Hyde read. Taxes in Suffolk county. News from Albany about French movements (see Doc. hist. N.Y. 1:323; Q 1:207). Military quarters at Albany. 200 II Petition by prisoners made by Capt. William Kidd com- mander of the galley Adventure, granted (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:179-80). Taxes in Suffolk county. 201 16 Quotas of men from Virginia and Maryland to be substituted by quotas of money. Charges made against Gov. Fletcher in England referred to the council. Royal present to the Indians received. Money collected for redemption of slaves at Salee to be applied for Trinity church (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:182). Lieut. Sydenham vs Capt Hyde. 201 20 Maryland disputes pecuniary liabilities. Act for trade and navigation to be enforced. Exchange of French prisoners. Gov. Fletcher on the charges against him and on " Mr Livingston's case." 202 23 French prisoners of war. Trinity church. Warrant to the chief justice for salary. Lieut. George Sydenham resigns and Lieut. Reeckford or Young are recommended for his place in Capt. James Weems company. 203 27 Reports from Connecticut and Onondaga about French movements (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:323-24; Q 1:207-8). Lieut. Roger Wright resigns. 204 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 117 1696 V. 7 31 Five nations call for assistance against the French (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:324; Q 1:283). Governor wants to go and members of the council raise money on their personal security. 205 Aug. 2 Trade and navigation act. French movements. Proclama- ation to issue warning people to have their arms in order. Militia to be called out. Letter from the governor to the council with instructions how to act during his absence at the frontiers. 205 3 People near the highlands of Neversink to be on the lookout for French ships. Fortifications. 206 4 Embargo laid upon all outward bound ships till September i. 207 7 News from Delaware of a ship taken in the bay by the French. 207 9 Capt. Evans of the station-ship Richmond wants a sloop. Mr Graveradt reports having been chased by French ships while going to Delaware. 207 18 The governor returned and his proceedings at Albany on Aug. 7th are entered as follows: 207 Speech of the governor on the situation (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:341-45; Q 1:217-19). Oneida sachems in town sent for. Report of committee on Indian affairs. Commission and instructions for Peter Schuyler, Rev. Godfrey Dellius, Major Dirck Wessells and the mayor of Albany to treat with the five nations. Money to be paid to Rev. Mr Dellius for the charges of the commissioners. Connecticut men marching to Albany. Onondaga and Oneida Indians to be supplied with corn. Taxes in arrears. 207 23 Pemaquid fort taken by two French ships (see Hough, New York Pemaquid. p. 134). Count Frontenac reported to have . orders for the taking of Albany and Schenectady. The governor expresses his readiness to take the field. Winter clothing for troops at Albany. More men wanted from Connecticut and New Jersey. Council object to the gov- ernor's going. The Richmond to cruise between Delaware and Block Island. 213 27 Petition of Peter Chock against the sheriff (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:190) referred. Arrears of quitrents in Schenectady re- mitted. Patent granted to Giles Shelley. Warrant to Evert Bancker and Domine Dellius for Indian charges. Thos. Wenham, Jeremiah Tothill, Rob't Lurting and John Morris, in charge of the ship Sarah and Ellinor lately cap- tured by the French and driven to New York by distress are granted leave to unload her duty free but not to sell I.l8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1696 V. 7 her goods. Chaplain Smith to examine Peter Mingo as to being fit for baptism. Rene Sunard purser of the French man of war. 213 Sep. 3 Warrants: to Hendrick van Rensselaer for military trans- portation; to John Cobrun for paving the magazine mount. Land granted to Domine Dellius. License to Col. Beeck- man. Supply for the provincial agents. Capt. Brant Schuyler and Capt. Laurence Read to distribute money among the fusileers. 214 10 Petition of Elizabeth Green referred to the overseers of the Sarah and Ellinor. Warrants: to John Pelletreaux and to James Wells for charges against the fort; to Corn's Low for military transportation. Petitions: of John Kesham; of Rob't Livingston, referred. Additional duty accounts. Report on a memorial of Capt. Weems approved (see N. y. col. mss, 40:193). 215 12 The governor to go to Albany and meet the five nations. Indian presents increased. Major Schuyler to victual Albany troops. Assembly to adjourn. Clothing for the soldiers. Proclamation for taking deserters to issue (see A''. Y. col. mss, 40:196). 216 15 Col. Willet complains against Justice Thos. Stevens, Capt. Francis Doughty and Lieut. Edward Stevens for refusing to sign the association. Soldiers' clothing. Warrants: to Henry van Dyck for salary as surgeon at Albany; to Lieut. Thos. Sharp for salary as gunner (see A''. Y. col. mss, 40:192). License to purchase land granted to Henry Filkin. Robert Livingston. Mayor of New York city to be continued in office. 217 17 Robert Livingston's commission; he is temporarily suspended from office as Indian agent (see N. Y. col. mss, 40:197). 218 Oct. 12 The governor reports on his doings at Albany. Journal to be printed. Measures to be laid before the assembly. Accounts. Petitions granted: of Joseph Holmes for land in the rear of Vincent fountain granted; of Peter Minna and Anthony Tyce for land on Staten Island; of Col. Heathcote for license to purchase land between Scroton river and Harrison's purchase. 218 14 Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. Account of public money in the receiver's hands called for. 219 15 Warrants: to Nich's Bayard, to Stephen van Cortlandt, to Fred. Philippse, to Gabriel Monvielle for moneys advanced by them for military expenses; to Jacobus van Dyck for salary as surgeon at Schenectady. Surveyor Henry Cornelius Bogard to survey land: for Col. Smith; for John Pew and Thos. Morgans. 220 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 II9 1696 V. 7 22 French prisoners to be sent for exchange to England. Order on petition by Katherine Salway for exchange. Patent for land granted to Mr Barker. Sheriffs ordered to collect quitrents. Payment to Dirk van der Burgh. Rob't Livingston. Land in Westchester county to be surveyed for Caleb Heathcote according to Indian deed. 221 26 Gov. Stoughton of Connecticut reports a squadron of French ships has gone to Pettiguavas. Petition of French and Livingston for importation of certain goods granted. 222 28 Mayor of New York to have the city taxes collected arid paid to the receiver-general. 222 30 Letters of denization granted to Erasmus Harrison. War- rants: to Harpert Jacobse for military transport; to Daniel Honan for Indian disbursements and military clothing; to Wm. Pinhorne for material in the fort. 222 Nov. 2 Execution of an act of assernbly to be enforced. Soldiers to be paid. Land near the governor's garden to be leased to Caleb Heathcote for 41 years. Patent for land granted to Gerrit Roose. Surveys of land ordered on petitions by Col. Cortlandt and by Mr Tillier. Patents granted to Pullion, Col. Cortlandt, Simon Aertsen, and Elizabeth Peacock. 223 3 Warrant to Col. Abr'm de Peyster for Col. Rich'd Ingoldsby's charges on the frontiers. 224 5 Good news from Albany of a successful expedition against the French. Pay of soldiers. Col. Cortlandt, Col. Heathcote, and Daniel Honan advance money at 10^ to the govern- ment. Justice Stevens, Capt. Doughty, and Lieut. Stevens arrested for refusing to sign the association. Warrant to Eliz. Butler for nursing Dowick a sick soldier. 224 6 Revenues fall short. Justice Stevens etc. have turned quakers and are dismissed from service. Pay of soldiers. Patent granted to Melle Caspers. 225 10 Warrant to Dan'l Honan for soldiers' pay. Money advanced by Cortlandt and others returned. 225 20 Gov. Fletcher absent on the frontiers. Pennsylvania sends by David Loyd money for the New York Indians. 226 27 Payment ordered to Giles Shelley for transporting Reyne Sinard of the French man of war. 226 Dec. 29 Flints for muskets required at Albany. Taxes. Jacob Rutsen justice of the peace refuses to account for taxes collected. Connecticut called upon for troops. Mr NicoU wants more land. 227 1697 Feb. 2 Punishment to be inflicted upon the body of a dead negro sentenced for murder before his natural death. 227 I20 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1697 V. 7 Mar. I Thomas Clarke appointed prosecuting attorney for the trial of vessels trading illegally. 228 25 Governor Fletcher, returned, reports on a conference with Onondaga sachems. Indian afifairs. Exportation of grain from Albany prohibited. Domine Dellius' account. War- rants for salaries of civil officers. Excise in Albany, Dutchess and Ulster counties. Proclamation to have a day of thanksgiving for the king's return to England. Petition of -John Massey referred. Petition of Wm. Shaw to be storekeeper at Albany granted. Quitrents at Katskill, Kinderhook, and Cockshaky. Orders on petitions: of Meyndert Frederickse; of Conrad Bonghard. 228 27 A new map of the Indian country ordered to be made. Ab- stract of taxes and law book required. Col. Schuyler, Major Wessells, Jan Janse Bleecker, John Schuyler, and Evert Bancker to manage the building of new barracks at Albany. Rye afifairs. 230 29 Order on a petition of Mr Butler for entry of his vessel. 331 Ap. I Rye affairs. The station-ship Richmond to be surveyed by Mayor Wm. Merrit, Alderman Robert Darkins, John Smart and David Collings mariners, Wm. Pell, Ben. Herring, Clement Elsworth and Wm. Hollaker, carpenters. Order on petition of the secretary for land. 231 8 John Ward objects to a patent for Tjerck Claes de Witt. Warrants: to Jacob Mayle for iron guns; to Stephen van Cortlandt to buy a new boat for the fort. Firewood for the Albany garrison. Account of Domine Dellius audited and adjusted. Warrants: to the city of Albany for military expenses; to Col. Schuyler for money advanced to buy shoes for the soldiers; to John Mosse & Co. porters for work in the fort; to Mrs Nicolls as salary for her husband, Wm. Nicolls; to Major Dirck Wessells for soldiers' pay; to Capt. Peter Mathews for same. 232 ID Petition of Thomas Williams for confirmatory patent granted. 233 12 Council to be a committee for answering questions by the lords of trade. 233 14 Indians of Queens county renew their allegiance. 234 15 Patent for land in Dutches county granted to Col. Beeckman. Order on petition by John Provoost and Margaret Mauritz. 234 22 Petition of Col. Beeckman for reduction of quitrent granted. ■• Survey of land for Joost Metere ordered. Rye and Bed- ford claimed by Connecticut. 235 May 6 False reports detain the meeting of the assembly. Boston vessel wrecked on Long Island. Charter for Trinity church to be drawn. Land at Matinconk granted to Lewis CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 121 1697 V. 7 Morris. Johann Provoost and Marg't Mauritz. Land granted to Gulick and Lake. Various accounts referred. Warrants: to John Pelletreaux for candles to the fort; to Francis Leconte for subsisting two French female prisoners; to Daniel Honan for money advanced by him, Col. Cortlandt, and Col. Bayard. 235 10 Connecticut's claim to Rye and Bedford. Indian affairs. James Stevens master of the ship Swift of Bristol before the council and allowed free entry. Taxes at Rye and Bedford. 237 17 Supply of firewood to the garrison at Albany by John Barker and Isaac Caspers. 238 20 Lot in Queen street, N. Y. granted to Major Merret. Lot granted to the secretary. Land in the Minissincks granted to Capt. Arent Schuyler. Excise at Albany. Dr Van Dyck's memorial referred. Various accounts referred. Warrants: to Lt. Col. Gabr. Monvielle for incidental charges; to James Wells for carpenter work in the fort; to Lieut. John Bulkeley for firewood to the garrison. Excise of New York to be let to the highest bidder at vendue in Geo. Rascarrick's house. Arrearages of taxes. 238 22 Justice Theale of Rye reports that the inhabitants of Rye and Bedford do not want to belong to New York. Em- bargo laid on all vessels because of privateers on the coast. Supply of bread for the city to be considered. 239 24 Rob't Livingston has failed to deliver letters from England. Rumors at Albany of a French- attack. Fireships. An- nexation of New York to Massachusetts. 240 2^ Fireships. Warrants to Daniel Honan for levy money, and for expenses of governor's journey to Albany. Indian presents and soldiers' pay. Furniture for officers at Albany. Warrants: to Col. Nich's Bayard for Indian charges; to John Clap clerk of the assembly for charges. Expenses of the governor's journey to Pennsylvania. Warrants: to Stephen van Cortlandt for soldiers clothing and for inci- dental charges; to John Ashton storekeeper for firewood to the fort; to Thos. Monsey for sea charges; to Dirck van der Burgh for mason work in the fort; Daniel Honan resigns as accountant-general. Warrant to Jacob Moene armorer. Patent for land in Dutchess county granted to Caleb Heathcote, Augustine Graham, Henry Filkin, David Jamison, Henry Tenyck, John Aertsen, Wm. Creed, Jarvis Marshall and Jas. Emott, (Great nine partners). Survey of land for Thos. Laurence ordered, and for Thos. Codring- ton. Order on petition by John Cuyler. Land granted to Theunis Eghbertse. Survey ordered for Joost van Meter e. 243 122 . NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1697 V. 7 31 City regiments of militia to be in readiness for defence. Supply of bread. Payment of salaries stopped. Corre- spondence with Connecticut. 243 'r> Reversed side April Sentence by the court of oyer and terminer for New York county of John Keglenor for burglary. I J, Zr Sentence by same court of Cornelise Jansen for burglary in / J' r[\ Col. Lewis Morris' house. 2 iT ▼ ^ Presentment of Isabell King for infanticide. 2 Presentment of Robert Whitty and his wife Elizabeth for enticing Daniel Hubbart to run away from his master ^ / ' Isaac Deschamps. 4 ^ y Complaint of Gawen Lawrie, Edward Billing, John Hinde * and Edw. Read owners of the pink Golden Hinde by their attorney John Knight, against Robert Annett carpenter of New York for tresspass, and order of court thereon. 6 Order of court on a complaint of Isaac Molyne inn holder, against Wm. Robinson mariner for tresspass. 9 October Judgment in the case of Isaac Deschamps vs Robert Whitty and wife. 12 List of cases before the court: Humphry Murray vs Darby Bryant; Edw. Taylar vs Peter Jacob Marius; Anthony Brockholls vs Christ. Deane; Christ. Deane vs Tho. Wandall; Ann Brittaine vs Simon Valentine; Abr'm Desoso vs Jacob Delong. 15 Judgment in the case of Abr'm Corbett vs Joseph Benbrigge for debt. 16 Judgment in re Sir Edm. Andros by Stephen Courtlandt and Phil. Wells his attorneys, vs Rich'd Pattishall for debt. 17 Case of Thos. Wenham vs Phil. French referred to the next court. 19 Judgment in re Robert Hamond vs Jarvis Marshall for illegal ejectment. 19 April Presentments by the grand jury: against Hendrick Paulus for burglary on board the sloop Desire, Obediah Edwards master, also on board the sloop Sun, Edw. Webley master he has broken out of jail; against Isaac Defrees baker for using false weights; against Peter Johnson; against Hen- drick van Dyck; against Sarah Vanderspeigle; against Hugh Barnson all for the sarne ofifence. 24 Bills brought in by the grand jury: ij-nimt Jirnh Tiflinlrn for a nuisance; against inhabitants of the Bevers Graft, Abr'm Delanoy, Hendr. Bowles, Jacob Lenden, Lawrence Colvelt and Jacob Fermon; against inhabitants of Mill street. Order in re Mathew Taylor vs John Crooke. 3f2 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I23 Reversed side 1697 V. 7 Cases rjot tried: John Kiersted vs Walter Marshall; John Delavall vs Walter Marshall; Walter Marshall vs James Barbor; Joseph Lee vs Walter Marshall; David Dufoy vs the same, all in ejectment. 33 Judgment in re Wallsall Cobble vs Dr George Lockhart and English Smith of London merchant. 33 Judgment in re Wm. Hallett vs Simon Valentine van der Wilden. 43 Judgment in re Lucas Santen vs George Heathcote. 45 Order of court: Capt. Wallsall Cobbie discharged by virtue of a habeas corpus; Hugh Ridell to give bail for having stabbed Mich'l Vaughton; appraisal of the sloop Lancaster Joseph Hopper master, and Geo. Heathcote owner, ordered. 50 October Judgment in re Matthew Taylor vs John Crooke for trespass and ejectment. 53 Judgment in re Amsell Samuel Levy vs Simon Valentine van der Wilden for debt. 57 Judgment in re Darby Bryant vs Wm. Griffeth and John Smith for trespass. Judgment in re Wm. Creed vs Peter Delanoy for ejectment. The remainder of " reversed side " is legislative minutes of the council, separately paged 1-129, and published in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York, 1:41-109. Vol. 8, pt I 1697-98 June 2 Carriages for field pieces to be provided. Embargo on out- going vessels raised. Land granted to Stephen Cort- landt. 3 Warrants: to John Cobrun stone cutter for paving the am- munition mount; to Evert Janse, Volkert van Hoose, Peter Bogardus and Francis Winne for military transpor- tation; to Henry Ranslaer for transporting military pro- visions; to Thomas Monsey for charges in letting the ex-, cise; to Caleb Heathcote and Nich's Bayard for lime and firewood; to the same for loss on Maryland bills. Survey of land for Humphry Davenport ordered. Orders on pe- titions: by Henry Francis Brestead; by Robert Griffin master of the ship Johanna, and Mathew Ling attorney for Richard Willet factor to the creditors of Tyrens and Cruger. Robert Livingston denies having received letters for the governor. 124 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1697 V. 5 Case of Robert Griffin and Mathew Ling vs Onzel van Swieter and Cruger considered out of the jurisdiction of council. 7 Permission given to export grain and provisions for the fleet and land forces at Newfoundland. 10 Orders on petitions: of Thomas Wenham; of White & Co.; of Mr van Rensselaer, and of others. Various accounts referred. Van Swieten and Cruger. 17 Order on petition by Mr Honeyman. Crew for the station ship Richmond. Small iron guns to be restored to Col. Lodwyck. Land granted: in Orange county and in New York city to Samuel Bayard; in Flushing to Samuel Height. Licenses to purchase land: on the Mohawk river to Col. Schuyler, Domine Dellius, Mr Wessells, Mr Banker and Judge Pinhorne; near Rockenkoway pond to Wm. Nicoll. Patents for land: between Southampton, South- old and Brookhaven, to be added to St Georges manor granted to Wm. Smith; at the highlands to Adolph Phil- ipps. Confirmatory patent for land on Staten Island to Leonard Lewis. Patents for land in Orange county granted: to Lucas Tienhoven; to Matthias Blanchan. An Indian wife murderer to be tried by the Suffolk court of . oyer and terminer. Order on petition by Matthew Plow- man. Patent for Cortlandt manor granted. 21 Patent for land granted to Col. Bayard. Orders on peti- tions: by Capt. van Rensselaer and by inhabitants of Ulster county for remission of quitrents. Queries by the lords of trade to be answered. 24 Payment of scouts. Orders on petitions: by Martin Cregier; by Gab. Monvielle; by Nicholas Stuyvesant. Warrants: to pay for work in the chapel; to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for soldiers pay and for timber to the fort; to Daniel Honan for plate in the chapel. Daniel Honan's resignation as ac- countant-general recommended to be accepted. Warrant to Col. Schuyler and Major Wessells for levy money. Capt. Joyner's petition referred. Livingston's petition referred. The secretary ordered to translate some papers from Dutch into English. 28 Permission given to take provisions to Curagao. River In- dians on the Merrimack in New England. Pay of officers' servants. July r Warrants: to Chidley Brooke for salary as receiver-general and auditor-general; to Nich's Stuyvesant for a bell bor- rowed from him and broken; to Col. Peter Schuyler for incidental expenses. Bond for Alathew Plowman late col- CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I25 1697 V. 8 lector given by Cols. Cortlandt and Bayard. Warrants: to Miles Forster for ironwork in the fort; to Isaac Dechamps for same; to Col. Peter Schuyler and Major Dirck Wessells for money advanced; to Rob't Livingston for salary as sub-collector; to Col. Peter Schuyler for soldiers' pay. Confirmatory patent for lots in the city granted to Wm. Huddleston and John Rodman. Patent granted to Anth'y Tyse and Peter Minna. 6 8 Orders on petition: by Dirck Hoghlandt; by Melle Casperse; by Christina Venvoos. Land granted to Matthias Hoogh- telingh. Report on repairs in the fort approved. Money granted by Pennsylvania in 1693. Warrants: to Col. Peter Schuyler for soldiers' blankets and for firewood; to Col. Cortlandt for firewood to the Albany garrison. No money in the treasury. Kings fa.rm to be let for the benefit of Trinity church. 7 10 Col. Schuyler and Major Wessells report that they cannot raise money in Albany for support of the Indians. Rumors of a new governor coming and annexation to Boston pre- vent New York merchants from lending money. War- rant to Francis Winne for the use of Col. Schuyler and Major Wessells in paying scouts. Prompt payment of taxes urged by circular letters. 8 15 Mr Laurence opposes a grant to the Widow Venvoos. The wreck of the bark Swallow on Long Island. Warrant to Fred. Philipps for timber to the fort. 9 22 Indian affairs. Defence of the frontiers. Christina Ven- voos. Patents granted to Harrison & Co. and to John de Bruyn. Warrant to Johannes van Zant for turners work in the fort. Warrant formerly issued to Dirck van der Burgh recalled and four new ones issued each for ^ of the original. g 23 Indian affairs. Col. Cortlandt to supply the New York garrison with firewood. 10 29 Various accounts referred. Warrants: to Harpert Jacobse for transporting soldiers to Albany; to Col. Peter Schuyler to pay Isaac Casperse and Jobs Bleecker for firewood. Land on Staten Island ordered to be surveyed for Richard Morrell. Warrants for salaries. 10 31 Patent for land on Mohawk river granted to Col. Schuyler and partners. Col. Schuyler's account referred. Major Dirck Wessells to collect all taxes and arrearages of taxes in Ulster and Dutchess counties. Confirmatory patent granted to Widow Venvoos. 11 Aug. 4 Rumors from Rhode Island and Boston of an attack intended by the French; precautions taken. 11 126 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1697 V. 8 5 Warrants: to Peter Jacob Marius for money advanced; to Col. Peter Schuyler for a debt due him by a soldier; to Stephen Cortlandt for firewood. Excise at Albany. Joseph Smith not to be tried by special commission. War- rant to David Jamison clerk of the council for this book of minutes. Dirck Hooghlandt's petition for land not granted, it being in Gravesend patent. I2 19 Confirmatory patents granted to Abr'm Lakeman; and to Egbert Teunisse and Barent Albertse Bradt. Survey of land for Anthony Bagley ordered. Warrants: to Peter Bogardus for transportation of soldiers; to Capt. John Merrett for a recruiting journey to Connecticut. Survey of land for Jan Svi^ebringh ordered. Warrant to Col. Peter Schuyler for salary as commissary. Lease of Kings farm for 7 years to be given to Trinity church. Warrant to Col. Nich's Bayard to pay express messengers from Ulster county. 12 Sep. 2 Patent for land granted to John Cuyler. Warrants: to Daniel Honan as overseer of the workmen in the fort; to Giles Gaudineau for nursing a French prisoner. Accounts referred. Warrants: to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for pay of express messengers from Albany; to Giles Shelley for passage of Reyne Sinard a French prisoner. Orders: on petition by Jacob Lockermans; on a memorial relative to arrears of quitrents in Ulster county. 13 7 Order relative to an examination into prizes and privateers by Mr Jennings and Mr Robinson. 14 9 Patent for city lots granted to Thomas Roberts. Order on petition by Balthazar Bayard. 14 20 Order on petition by Ebenezar Dennis and Edward Streete quartermaster of the bark Dorothy privateer against Capt. John Evans of the Richmond. Patents granted: to W"m. NicoU for Raconckonny pond and land on Mannetasquett river; to John Cornelius for his son Benjamin for land at Ramepogh, Orange county. Order on a petition of Patrick Waldron a sick soldier. 14 21 Capt. John Evans defends his proceedings against the bark Prophet Daniel, and Dorothy. 15 28 Order on petition by David Collins concerning the pink Blossom. Land in Orange county granted to Cornelius Clausen. The case of the Prophet Daniel. 15 29 Major William Merrett nominated for mayor of New York and Capt. Ebenezar Wilson for sheriff. 16 30 Warrant of survey granted to Aeltie Slegtenhorst. French prisoners. The case of the bark Prophet Daniel decided. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 12/ 1697 V. 8 Payment ordered to Col. Peter Schuyler for a debt due by Serg't Berryford. Warrants: to Lieut. Thos. Sharp for salary as gunner at Albany; to David Hendrix for trans- porting the governor's baggage from Pennsylvania. Order on a memorial by Col. de Peyster relative to stores imported by Griffith. The attorney-general to prosecute delinquent taxpayers. 16 Oct. 14 Collection of taxes to be enforced, the earl of Bellomont not having arrived with money for the soldiers as ex- pected. Petition of Joseph Smith referred. Mayor and sheriff sworn in. Proclamation by the mayor etc. of Al- bany against the exportation of grain approved. Land at Waghaghkemek granted to Codeber & Co. Order on petition for land by Peter Hendrix de Haas. License to purchase land granted to the secretary. Warrant of survey granted to Wm. West. Letters of denization granted upon the petition of Rev. P. Pieret, to six protestant French men taken prisoners (see A''. Y. col. mss, 41:120). Order on petition by Claus Evertse for leave to proceed to Curasao. Warrants for salaries of judicial and civil officers. 17 21 Coats for the sentries to be provided. Warrant to Ann Bowen for keeping two sick soldiers, Patrick Waldron and John Ormson. Land near Saratoga granted to Peter Hendrix de Haas. Warrant to Col. Henry Beekman for express charges. Order on account of Mrs Macgregere vs Col. Dongan. Warrants: to Adam Wallice for pay; to Capt. James Weems for a coat to Ephraim Pangborne; to Omy de Lagrange for transporting soldiers to and from Albany; to John Crooke cooper for work in the powder magazine. Assembly to be prorogued. 18 26 Collection of taxes. French prisoners. Taxes on Long Island to be collected by Capt. Thos. Clarke, in Richmond county by Major Wessells, in New York and Orange counties by the mayor. 19 28 Lieut. Abr'm Beeckford of Col. Ingoldsby's company to have furniture like other officers. Taxes of New York city. Lord Bellomont expected daily to arrive. Financial difficulties about soldiers' pay. 20 Nov. 4 Warrants: to John Pelletreaux for candles to the fort; to Col. Peter Schuyler etc. for pay of scouts; to Daniel Honan for locks to the fort. Land granted: to John Cassee; to Jacob Corbett. Proclamation to issue concerning deser- tions. Warrant to Col. Peter Schuyler for salary as com- missary. 20 128 ' NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1697 V. 8 12 Land granted: to Richard Smith; to Isaac Billian. Order on petition by Edw. Livingston. Warrants: to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for incidental charges and for firewood; to the mayor of Albany to pay for work on the new bar- racks. Mrs Fletcher and many " gentlewomen of the best quality " obtain a reprieve for four deserters condemned to death. 2i i8 Complaint of the church officers at Kingston against their minister, Domine Jobs. Petrus Nucella read. Warrant of survey for Widow Dorothy Clark's meadow issued. Order on report upon Edw. Livingston's petition for free admission of sugar. 22 25 Claus Evertse granted permission to purchase provisions for his ship Meerman. Warrants of survey granted: to Roeloflf and Daniel Swebringh; to Hendrick van Dyck and to Thomas Stillwell. Warrant to John Ashton for painting in the chapel. Reward granted to Lieut. Abr'm Beeckford for catching deserters. Quitrents on Long and Staten islands and in Westchester to be collected. 22 Dec. 2 Tax of one penny per pound. Account books of the ac- countant-general. Warrant for the salaries of the accountant-and the auditor-general. Captives in Algier with the exception of Barthold Rolfton having been redeemed or died, the money collected for that purpose to go to Trinity church; order to the trustees Stephen van Cortlandt, Peter Jacobs [Marius], Dr John Kerbyle and Jobs. Kipp concerning it (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:419; Q 3-'2'54)- Order on a petition for land by Daniel Honan and Mich'l Howden. Warrant to Major Wm. Merret for account of Col. Young. Order on petition by Dirck van der Burgh for interest. Warrant to Major Wm. Merret for incidental charges in Gov. Sloughter's time. Order in re Simeon Soumaine (Sonman) vs Wm. Prusher. Warrant to Col. Abr. de Peyster for wine given to the ^ soldiers to drink the king's health. 23 29 Confirmatory patent granted to Peter Peterse and Gillis Inyard. Tax of one penny per pound. Rewards to Capt. Weems and Lieut. Bulkeley for catching de- serters. Census for New York, Kings and Queens counties ordered. Warrant to Onzeel van Swieten for painting and glass in the chapel. Capt. Thos. Clarke appointed collector of quitrents in New York, Orange, Westchester and Richmond counties and on Long Island. Nicholas Feilding appointed landwaiter vice Wood resigned. 24 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I29 1697 V. 8 20 Advice of a peace with France received from Boston and orders sent to Albany to persuade the Indians to bury the hatchet. Lord Bellomont reported on the coast, Gov. Fletcher surrenders the plate for Kings chapel to the clerk of the council. Confirmatory patent granted to Sarah Scidmore. 25 22, Col. Cortlandt's account of money sent to Albany for pay- ment of scouts. Daniel Honan's account for incidental charges. Warrant to Daniel Honan for work in the chapel. Preparations for the reception of Lord Bellomont. 26 28 Warrants: to Dirck van der Burgh for work in the fort; to John Chavalier for carpenter work in the fort; to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for incidental charges; to Daniel Honan for accountant work before he was appointed; for salaries of officers. Confirmation by the lords justices of a number of laws relating to the Leisler aftair, militia, town govern- ment, taxes, intestates estates, etc., passed in 1695. Quar- ters for Lord Bellomont. -2^ 30 Auditing of Col. Dongan's accounts deferred. ' 27 1698 Jan. 6 News from Albany of an alarm (see A''. Y. col. mss, 41:139). Canadian prisoners to be released. Trial of a soldier for killing an Indian deferred. Trial of Gerrit Teunissen for accidentally killing a small daughter of Col. Schuyler deferred (see A''. Y. col. mss, 41:138). Warrants: to Col. Schuyler, Major Wessells and Captain van Rensselaer for soldiers pay; to Major Wm. Wessells for incidental charges and taxes on the kings house. 28 20 Order on petition of Dirck Jansen Hooghlandt. Warrants: to Wm. Sharpas for clerical duties; to Thomas Wenham for powder to Capt. Mitchell's sloop. Order on complaint of Peter Chock against Justice Hicks. 29 Feb. 10 Accounts referred. Warrant to Major Wm. Merret for house rent. Indian afifairs. Phil. Ketcham of Newtown appointed collector vice Edward Stevens who asks to be relieved. Gallery in Trinity church for the governor and council at government expense. 29 Mar. 4 Council meet in the house of a member confined by gout. Warrants: to John Pelletreaux for candles; to Savoy Dechamps for ironwork to the fort; to Nich's Bayard for incidental charges; to Williamke Schermerhoorn for trans- porting provisions to Albany; to Johannes Sanders for repairing blockhouse at Schenectady; to Gerardus van der Beeck for grave cloths and to John de la Montague for burying soldiers. John Lawrence appointed guardian of his insane son, John. Order for printing certain papers. 30 130 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1698 V. 8 17 Warrant to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for firewood and for clothing forWahaua the Indian. Orders: on petition by the agents of the city of Albany; on an Indian deed to Mr van Rensselaer. Petitions of Johannes Cuyler and James Bobin referred. Land granted to Andrew Cannon. 31 24 Act of parliament relating to trade via Maryland read. Ann Bowen's payment for taking care of Patrick Waldron a sick soldier. Warrant to Capt. Peter Matthews for in- cidental charges. Address to the king to be drawn up and the assembly to join. Petition of Dr Tienhoven and Daniel Waldron referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 41:146). 31 29 Warrant to Abr'm Schuyler and John Rosie for expenses on their journey to Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 41:148). Patent granted to Hendrick van Rensselaer. 32 31 Memorials of Capt. Hyde and of Mr Brooks referred. Pay- ment of Edward Antill as captain under Sir Edm. An- dros ordered. No funds to pay George Scott armorer under Andros. Collection of taxes. 32 Ap. I Warrants: to Chidley Brooke for agency expenses; to John Perry carpenter for the gallery in Trinity church. Com- mittee appointed to meet Lord Bellomont. Warrants: to Lt. Col. Gabr. Monvielle for wine on thanksgiving day; to Capt. Peter Mathews for repairs of the barge; for official salaries. Ann Bowen's memorial referred. 33 2 Richard, earl of Bellomont the new governor, and Capt. John Nanfan lieutenant governor present. Lord Bello- mont has his commission read, the seals are delivered to him, the oaths administered to him and the lieutenant governor, and he swears in the council. Proclamations to be drawn: i) For dissolving the assembly (see A''. Y. col. mss 42:1); 2) Against vice and profaneness; 3) To confirm all ofBcers in their positions. Writs prepared for a new assembly. 34 5 Attorney-general James Graham and Sec. Mathew Clarkson sworn in. The new assembly to meet May i8th. Special commission to sit for the trial of three sailors accused of murdering their captain and supercargo. 34 21 Commissioners to be sent to Canada with the articles of peace and to treat for an exchange of prisoners. Col. Peter Schuyler sworn in as councillor. Col. Peter Schuy- ler and Mr Godfrey Dellius to be commissioners to Canada. Warrant for their expenses. 35 May 8 Extraordinary meeting of council. Oath of secrecy admin- istered to the lieutenant governor, also to Edward Ran- dolph and Thomas Weaver who are not members of the CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I3I 1698 V. 8 council. Investigations into Gov. Fletcher's and Wm Nicoll's connection with pirates. Wm Nicoll suspended from the council and with Capt. Evans put under bail. 35 17 Measures to be laid before the assembly. Committee ap- peared to swear in the assembly. All excise except that of Albany to be farmed. 39 18 Order on petition of Lieut. Young for his pay. 39 19-23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:111-13). 40-43 24 The lords of trade deny the right of a port of entry at Perth Amboy, N. J.; proclamation to issue to that effect because many people think of moving there. Another proclama- tion against enlisting under foreign princes. Clothing to be provided for Mohawk proselytes. 43 June I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:113-14). Warrant to Brandt Schuyler for payment of provisions in Albany. 43 4 Present to be given to Wappingnes and Wighquighskeck Indians come to welcome the new governor. 45 7 Order for the trial of Barent Albertse Bradt accused of hav- ing killed an Onondaga sachem. Owners of vessels going to Madagascar to give bail, that they will not trade with pirates; this measure referred to the assembly. Wm Pin- horne suspended from the council. Chidley Brooke like- wise from the office of receiver-general, and collector of the customs; and from the council. Col. Stephen Cort- landt and Thos. Monsey jointly appointed to be receiver- general and collector. Chidley Brooke removed from his office as judge, and the governor's reasons for the sus- pension signed by E. Randolph surveyor-general. 45 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:114): Order on petition by George Philipps minister of Jamaica. Salaries of the French ministers, Pieret of New York and Bondet of New Rochelle, increased. Petitions of Joseph Smith for salary as comptroller of ordnance, and George Scott as armorer referred. 47 9 Indian presents. The governor proposes to visit the fron- tiers. Warrant to Robt Livingston for expenses of the governor's journey. Buildings in the fort to be finished. The gate-house to be enlarged to admit the governor's coach. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:115). 48 10 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:115): Fees allowed to the judge of the admiralty. 49 14 Chidley Brooke ordered to pay over the public money to Col. Stephen Cortlandt. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:115): Agent for the province to reside in England. 50 16 Order on petitions; by Widow Mary Milbourne; by Onzeel 132 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1698 V. 8 van Swieten. Geo. Philipps against Jamaica. Order on petition by Robt. Livingston jr and David Schuyler, opposed by Robt. Livingston sr. 51 18 Letter from Gov. J. Basse of New Jersey to Lord Bello- mont refusing to surrender some pirates imprisoned in . New Jersey, and answer. Order relating to a sloop seized for not being qualified according to act of parliament. Warrant to John Perry for carpenter work in the fort. John Ashton storekeeper to oversee the work in the fort. Defence of Wm Pinhorne. 52 25 Accounts referred. Rye and Bedford. Confirmatory patent granted to Major General Winthrope. Petitions of Agustie Keyser and Hendrick Janse referred. Order on petition by Jan Hooghtdingh for release of his condemned sloop. Major Selleck and other commissioners of Con- necticut admitted. Henry Beeckman examined as to his connection with an act against unlawful by-laws (bolting act) for which Gov. Fletcher is reported to have received £400. 55 July 4 The governor about to go to Albany recommends to the mayor and aldermen the peace of the city. Canada claims the five nations. Orders on petitions: by Mrs Delanoy; French protestants on Staten Island; Anna Bowen; Jacob Codeberand; Johs. de Graves. Warrants: to Chidley Brooke for charges of 2 Indians returned from England in the Fowey; to the same for charges in letting the excise to farm, for office expenses, for salary; to Robt. Anderson for porterage. 56 6 Order on complaint of Jacob Leisler against the sheriff's high charges. Warrants for official salaries.— Parmiter ap- pointed sheriff of New York vice Capt. Wilson suspended on charges. 57 22 Lord Bellomont absent. New Jersey asserts her right to a free port at Amboy; New York customs officers to go to Amboy and watch. 58 23 The governor of New Jersey demands a clearance to Amboy for the ship Dispatch, Stephen Jerome master; he reasserts the right to a free port. 58 Aug. 5 Security to be taken for the Dispatch until the government in England decides the New Jersey claim. 59 IS Lord Bellomont returned, reports on his transactions with the Indians. Petitions of inhabitants of Albany and Schenectady for payment of government debts granted. Col. Wm Smith in the name and by order of the council compliments the governor on his " successful pains with CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I33 1698 V. 8 the Indians." Canada and the five nations. Schenectady barracks to be repaired. 59 16 Constables of New York sharply reprimanded for neglect of duty. Warrant to Col. Peter Schuyler for firewood. Agreement to be made for delivery of firewood to Albany garrison. Wm Shaw searcher at Albany. Excise at Al- bany. Pay to Dr van Dyck and Dr Staats for salary as surgeons to the Albany companies. Order on petition by Andries Coeyman (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:48). 61 17 Indian afifairs. The mayor of Albany and John Baptista the interpreter, to go to Onondaga. Messenger sent to Canada. 61 Sep. 2 Lord Bellomont sick. A pirate ashore at Lewis in Dela- ware bay; Capt. Cullford of the Fowey man-of-war re- fuses to go in pursuit having ordeis to return to England. Deserters from his ship sheltered in East Jersey. Pilotage for the Deptford man-of-war demanded by Capt. John Trevitt. Embargo on outward bound ships. 63 21 Lord Bellomont sick. Indian news. 63 28 Barne Cosens appointed clerk of the council vice David Jamison dismissed. Nichs. Bayard, Gabriel Minvielle and John Lawrence suspended from the council; Abr, de Peyster, Robt. Livingston and Samuel Staats appointed in their places and sworn in. Thomas Willett and Richd. Townley also suspended. Warrant for salaries of civil officers. 64 29 Fredk. Philipps relieved from the council at his own request, he being 73 years old; Robert Walters appointed in his place and sworn in; Capt. John de Peyster appointed mayor, and Isaac de Reymer sherifif of New York. 64 Oct. 4 Abrm. de Peyster appointed justice of the supreme court of judicature and sworn in. James Spencer innholder com- mitted for slandering the governor. Warrant to Lieut. Thomas Sharp for salary as gunner at Albany. 65 6 Report by John Schuyler and John Rosie on their journey to Canada. Journal of John Schuyler read (see A^. F. col. mss, 42:69-70). Accounts of John Schuyler, of Lieut. Daniels, and of Richard Staats referred. Proclamation to issue for a day of prayer. Warrants: to Abrm. de Peyster for expenses of governor's journey to Albany, Indian pres- ents etc; -for Indian presents to Onzeel van Swieten; to Samuel Bayard; to Jobs, van Cortlandt; to Rip van Dam for a travelling chest; for Indian presents to Gabriel Min- vielle; to Peter Morin brazier; to Steven de Lancey; to Moses Levi; to Arent the turner for p-un carriages; for 134 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1698 V. 8 Indian presents and governor's charges to Robert Living- ston; for use of his sloop to Harpert Jacobse; to Abrm. Provoost; for provisions to Indians and French prisoners to R. Livingston; to Dr James Brodie for salary as surgeon to the govenor; to R. Livingston for expenses of governor's journey to Albany; to the same for care of sick soldiers and repairing blockhouses; for expenses in Albany fort and for Indian charges; to John Clapp for salary as clerk of the assembly; to Isaac Caspersen for fire- wood to Albany garrison; to Robert Livingston for soldier's pay. 66 7 Hendrick Hanson appointed mayor, and John Groenendyck sheriff of Albany. Warrants: to Capt. John Schuyler, John Rosie, Dirck van der Heyden, John Livingston, David Schuyler for their journey to Canada; to Lieut. Daniel Hunt for repairing barracks and blockhouses at Schenec- tady; to Richard Staats messenger of the council for horse- hire. 68 10 Little Minissinck Indians before the council offer their land for sale. Orders on petitions: by Mary Milburn (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:73-74); by John Middag (see N^ Y. col. mss, 42:73-74; 75'); by Dirck vander Heyden (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:72). Order on a representation by Col. Wm Smith re- lating to his property near the fort. 70 14 Licenses to purchase Indian land granted: to Widow Rim- derig Quick (see N. Y. col. mss, 42-76); to Wm. Tietsoor (see L. P. 4:104). Mayor John de Peyster, and Sheriff Isaac de Reymer sworn in. Warrants: to John Peter Melett blacksmith for work in the fort; to Dirck Benson for transportation of prisoners from Albany; to Miles Forster for candles sent to Albany; to Col. Peter Schuy- ler for salary as victualler; to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for timber, firewood and work in the fort and presents to Long Island Indians; to Robert Livingston for outfit and provi- sions to French prisoners; to Major Dirck Wessells for Indian expenses; to Anne Bowen for keeping two sick soldiers, Patrick Waldron and John Armston; to Robt. Livingston for John Schuyler's journey to Canada; to John Peter Melett for ironwork in the chapel; to Ryer Schermerhoorn, and to Robt. Livingston for military transportation. 71 22 Accounts of Robert Livingston, Col. Romar's (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:89) and others referred. Orders on petitions: by John Simpson (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:88); by Claus Clause Slyter for land (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 421:84); by Thos. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I35 1698 V. 8 Parmyter and Peter Chock for land in Queens county. Warrant to Aug. Graham surveyor-general for a map of the province made by him. Bedding for soldiers. Indians. Orders: on the account of Capt. Joachim Staats; on the petition of Lieut. Math. Shanke (see N. Y. col. mss, 42 :85) ; on the petition of John Trevitt (see A''. Y. col. mss, 42:86); on the accounts of Surgeon Jacob Staats and of Hendrick and Jacobus van Dyck. 73 Nov. 7 Soldiers quarters at Albany. French prisoners. Order on petition by Capt. John Smith of the brio^antine Swift and of Capt John Blake of the bark Concord (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:101). Sheriff to be appointed for and Representa- tives chosen in Orange county, as in other counties. War- rants: to Robt. Livingston for money advanced; to Abrm de Peyster for freight of military stores from England. Lieut. Mathew Shanke to be provided with bedding. War- rants: to Robert Livingston for sundries to the Indians and French prisoners, also for salary as commissary; to Surgeons Hendrick and Jacob van Dy9k for salary; to Harpert Jacobse and Evert Bancken for rum to the Indians; to Joachim Staats for the use of his sloop; to Col. Wm Romar for expenses in viewing fortifications at Albany and Schenectady; to Dr Jacob Staats for attend- ing sick soldiers. 74 10 Three representatives to be elected for Albany city and county. Order on petition by Barent Pieterse Coeman. Warrants: to Abrm de Peyster for wine given to the soldiers; to Richard Stocks messenger of the council, for horsehire. 76 17 Order on representation by Ducie Hungerford surveyor of the customs that the mayors court has no jurisdiction be- yond low water mark. 76 23 Proclamation against boarding vessels before the customs ofificers to issue. The ship Hester ready to sail from Perth Amboy without clearance from New York to be seized. Order on petition for bedding by the soldiers at Albany. Warrant to Gabriel Ludlow for clerical work. Proclarna- tion to issue relating to the oath of allegiance (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:117). yy 24 Order for the seizure of the ship Hester at Amboy by Ducie Hungerford; instructions to Capt. Peter Matthews for that purpose: 78 26 Order on petition by Capt. Adam Baldrige and Wm Taylor owners of the Swift, and of Capt. Blake of the Concord for release of their vessels. Warrant to John Nanfan for 136 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1698 Dec. 9 14 1699 Jan. 5 12 19 30 Feb. 6 V. 8 expenses on a journey to Albany. Order on petitions by Richard Ponton, by George Sydenham escheator of the province, and by Peter Chock. Warrant to Barne Cosens for stationery. Appraisement of the Swift and the Con- cord by Capt. John Corbet and Mr Robt. Lurting. 79 Orders on petitions: by Oswald Ford; by Joan Dewsbury; by Mary Milburn. Order on information laid by Lieut. George Sydenham escheator against Gabriel Legatt for usurping possession of Thomas Williams estate in West- chester county. 81 The ship Hester (p. 78) seized, to be piloted by Capt. Sinckler to Kips or Turtle bay. Houserent for Rev. Wm Vesey to be paid by government. Accounts referred. 82 License to collect charity granted to Samuel Terrell of Suffolk county (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:119, 126). Order on petition by Joseph Langdon. Warrants: to Richard Staats niessenger of the council for horsehire; for salaries of civil ofHcers. 82 Instruction to the governor relating to the establishment of courts of judicature under consideration. Memorial of George Sydenham read (see A''. F. col. mss, 42:129). 83 Writs to issue for calling a meeting of the assembly. Procla- mation to issue for continuing courts of justice, until the assembly acts upon it. Warrants to George Sydenham, John Shute, Benj. Collier and Joseph Hunt for fees in escheating the estate of Thos. Williams (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 42:131,132). John Peter Melett's account for ironwork in the fort reported as extravagant, and Thos. Parmyter mas- ter gunner and supervisor of buildings, suspended for hav- ing certified it as correct. John Ashton storekeeper ap- pointed supervisor of buildings. 83 Pass for trade with the Indians in Canada granted to Hen- drick Hansen and John Bleecker. Accounts of Col. Peter Schuyler and Dominie Godfrey-Dellius to Canada and peti- tion of Richard Wise late master of the ship Hester re- ferred. Alderman Jacobus van Cortlandt accused of seditious words before the council; put under bonds for trial by the supreme court. Petition of Paulus Turk referred. Order on petition by Lydia Rose (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:138). Warrant to Richard Stokes for horsehire. Orders on peti- tions: by John Bond master of the ship Endeavour; by Johannes Cavas. 87 84 85 I, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I37 1699 ^' 8 20 Order on petition by Richard Wyse. John Lawrence sheriff of Queens county, reports tumultuous behavior in his county; his petition dismissed. Order on petition by Johs. Beeckman (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:140). 88 28 Warrants: to Abrm Gouverneur for expenses on journeys for the public service (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:142); to Martin Wenham for salary as postrider (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:141) ; to Thos. Wenham for sauce. Accounts referred. Warrant to Abrm de Peyster for wine given to the trainbands. 88 Mar. 9 Petition of Dirck Jansen Hooglandt referred. Col. Isaac Arnold commissioned to make seizures on Long Island under the provincial acts, or trade and navigation acts; his salary. John Townsend to be surveyor of the customs and searcher at Oyster bay, Huntington and Musketoe cove. Henry Jourdains account referred (see A''. Y. col. mss, 42:152)- 89 13 Order granting the petition of Joseph Langdon. Warrants: to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for expenses in seizing the ship Hester; for candles and coals to the fort, timber, Indian presents and money advanced for lieutenant governor's salary; to Joachim Staats for bringing the lieutenant governor from Albany; to Barne Cosens for stationery; to Miles Forster for candles to the fort; to Col. Wm Romar inginieir-general for fireworks etc; to Col. Stephen Cortlandt and Ducie Hungerford commissioners of the customs for incidental charges. 89 14 Orders received from England for the prosecution of Adam Baldridge accused of harboring and trading with pirates at the Island of St Marie near Madagascar. gi 16 New custom-house barge to be built. Officers' quarters. Proclamation against lotteries to issue (see A''. Y. col. mss, 42:1512). Richard Floyd jr of Suffolk county summoned before the council on a charge of having cut up a drift whale, and justices Richd. Whodle and Thos. Holmes ordered to seize the blubber. Order in the suit of Tyrans and Cruger vs de Peyster. 91 20 Same case continued. Lord Bellomont's commission for the vice-admiralty read. Thomas Parmyter late gunner sum- moned before the council. 92 21 Order concerning the pay due to Thomas Parmyter late gunner and supervisor of buildings. 92 22 Capt. John Nanfan's commission as lieutenant governor read. He and the governor take the prescribed oaths. John Townsend wishes to surrender his commission of sur- veyor o"f customs at Oysterbay. The matter is laid be- fore the assembly. 93 138 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1699 V. 23 Auditing of accounts referred to a committee. Case of Tyrans and Cruger vs de Peyster continued. Capt. Richard Wyse of the ship Hester before the council. 93 24 Capt. Wyse's case. John Vincent to be prosecuted for boarding a ship before the customs officers. Warrant to Henry Jourdain for house rent for the last assembly (see A''. Y. col. mss, 42:152). 94 25 Order on a memorial by Robert Maxwell merchant, agent to Henry earl of Romney (see A^". Y. col. mss, 42:155). War- rants for salaries of civil officers. 95 28 Accounts of surgeons Hendrick van Dyck, Jacobus van Dyck and Jacob Staats referred. 95 29 Accounts of Robert Livingston to be audited by a committee. Petition of Richard Floyd referred (see A''. Y. col. mss, 42:156). 95 30 Warrant to James Evetts for making building; plans (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 42:157). Accounts referred. 95 31 John Bowden, John Parmyter, Nicholas Feilding and Robert Crannel appointed tidewaiters. 96 Ap. 3 William de Meyer superseded as town and county clerk at Kingston, Ulster county refuses to surrender the records to Humphrey Davenport appointed to succeed him; matter laid before the assembly. Memorial from inhabitants of the Outward laid before the assembly. Payment to John Kingsberry ordered. 96 4 Order on case in error of Tyrans and Cruger vs de Peyster. 98 5 Order for engrossing the proclamation for reviving courts. Petition of John Marsh (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:159) re- ferred to the assembly. 98 6 Warrant to Paulus Turk for surgeon's bill (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:162). Furniture for officers' quarters. Warrant to Peter de Reymer for glass windows in the fort. 98 7 Petitions of Jan Baptist van Eps referred; also those by inhabitants of Hempstead (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:164). Arnout Cornelise Viele called before the erovernor. Peti- tions of Elizabeth Edmonds and Ann Bowen referred. 99 9 Consideration of how to try mariners who run away, with the ship Adventure and were > caught in Connecticut; reward offered for their capture and for the capture of Joseph Broadish. ■ 99 11 Arnout I Cornelise Viele to be provided with coat etc for his journey to Onondaga. Survey of land ordered for Wm Hallet (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:165). 100 12 Warrants: to Jan Baptist van Eps for services as interpreter at Onondaga and in the Mahawk country ''see A''. Y. col. mss, 42:167); to Richard Playsteed for salary as doorkeeper of the assembly. loi CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 I39 1699 V. 8 13 Agreement with Jan Baptist van Eps for a journey to On- ondaga reported. loi 19 Memorials by Ducie Hungerford and by John Evetts re- ferred. Reward to be paid to John Morrey for intercepting a letter from Broadish the pirate, to Col. Pierson. 102 ■22. Accounts of seizing etc the ship Hester audited and ad- justed. IQ2 25 Thomas Palmer comptroller of the customs suspended for misbehavior. 103 J26 Petition by Garret van Trift referred to the mayor and alder- men for report. 103 27 Col. Dongan's accounts. Execution to issue against Valen- tine Cruger surviving partner of Francis Tyrens in re de Peyster. Inventory of a bag of jewels given by Joseph Broadish the pirate to Lt. Col. Henry Pierson. 104 May 4 Return of the execution against Val. Cruger " non est in- ventus."' Petitions of Duncan Campbell Csee N. Y. col. niss, 43:1) referred. 105 5 Warrant to Lieut. John Riggs for pursuing deserters to the Jerseys and for shifting powder. 105 8 Revenue accounts to be audited. Excise in Kings, Queens, Richmond, Westchester and Ulster counties. 105 10 Order on petition by Wm Shackerly. 106 11 Return, of scire facias in re De Peyster vs Crusrer. Case of the ship Adventure Joseph Broadish pretended master. 106 12 Indian presents. Inventory of papers belonging to the estate of — Shackerly deceased ordered to be made. War- rants: to Col. Abrm de Peyster for wine given to the soldiers; to Col. Wm Smith for express messengers sent on public service; to Samuel Staats for Dumont postrider in Ulster county. 107 13 Hearing of the case de Peyster vs Cruger. Execution to issue against Cruger's bail. 108 14 Proclamation to issue against holding corresoondence with the Scotch ships fitted out for making a settlement in America (Caledonia). 109 15 Warrants: to Wm Bradford for printing the votes of the assembly; to Robt Livingston for soldiers' pay. 109 p. m. Warrants: to Gabriel Ludlow for salary as clerk of the as- sembly; to Gabriel Thompson for salary as assembly door- keeper; to Wm Bradford for stationery; to James Gra- ham for services as speaker of the assembly. Additional instructions for the governor, and the governor's instruc- tions for the lieutenant governor, entered verbatim. War- I40 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1699 i6 19 25 31 June 5 14 21 28 July 5 rants: to Barne Cosens for government services; to David de Bon Repos for pension. Order on petition by Col. Abrm de Peyster relating to the ship Fortune (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:43r-44). Audit of Robt. Livingston's accounts ordered by the lords of the treasury. Petition by Benj. Feneile (Faneuil) granted (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:43-44). Lord Bellomont absent in Boston. Decision of the attorney- general that a certain oath relating to the plantation trade cannot be administered to the lieutenant governor. War- rant to Arnout Cornelise Viele for expenses on his journey to Onondaga. Indian affairs; Mr Dellius suspended from his ministerial function. Order on petition by Jacob Gerriot. Review of the accounts of Gabriel Ludlow clerk of the as- sembly ordered. Wm Lawrence and John Barbaree to be guardians of John Lawrence, non compos mentis. Order on petition of Lawyer Antill for appeal to the King's council in England in re Wandall vs Alsopp. John and Wm Bulckley's demurrer read. Order on petition by Wm Creed (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:23). Warrants to Robert Livingston for payments to soldiers at Albany and Schenectady, to Indians, to French prisoners, to sick soldiers and for salary as commissary. Letter (verbatim) of Col. Jeremiah Basse governor of the Jerseys, relating to Capt. Shelley a pirate arrived at Cape May. Capt. Giles Shelley summoned before the council. Indian affairs. Indian affairs. Edward Buckmaster who confessed to have been in the ship Nassau, Giles Shelley captain at Mada- gascar and Ste Marie committed. Otto van Toyle also accused of piracy likewise committed. Domine Dellius and the Indians. Custom-house barge. Order on memorial by Paroculus Parmyter and a petition by Mary Drew (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:26). Warrants to Daniel Bondet French minister of New Rochelle, and Peter Peret French minister of New York. Order on petition by Sarah van Feurden. Warrants for salaries of civil officers. Indians. Case of the ship Nassau found abandoned at Redd Hook. Order from Lord Bellomont at Boston for the commitment of Capt. Giles Shelley and crew of the Nassau; no piracy being charged against them it cannot be done, Petition of John Gerretse Decker referred. Indian affairs. 109 114 115 116 117 118 118 119 119 121 121 CALENDAR OF COUXCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I4I 1699 V. 8 12 Petition of Teunis Gysbertsen granted (see L. P. 2:272). 121 20 Connection of Carsten Luersen and Hendrick van der Heul with Capt. Kidd in taking oflf some of his goods near Gard- ners island. John Schuyler, Wessell ten Broeck Kilian van Rensselaer, and Hendrick van Rensselaer suspended from their ofifices as justices of the peace in Albany county for misbehavior. Examination of Indians. Chaplain Symon Smith of the fort ordered to baptize a child of Indian com- municants. 122 p. m. Order on petition by Barent Pieterse Coeymans. Indian presents. Warrant to David Schuyler for money advanced to the fort at Albany. Lt. Col. Rutsen reoorts the seizure of goods come from Canada. 123 26 Indian affairs. 123 31 Pay of crew of custom-house barge. Examination of Dorothy Lee housekeeper for Mrs William Kidd. John Tuthill justice of the peace of Suffolk accused of having concealed Kidd's treasure to appear before the council. 124 Aug. 2 Order on petition by Cragamawot and other Indians. 124 5 Letter received from Peter Schuyler on Indian afifairs. Pay- ment to Rev. Wm Vesey suspended. Inventory of goods brought by Carsten Luersen to be made. Samuel Vetch, Robert Drummond, and Thomas Drummond having aban- doned the Caledonia colonization scheme, ask for permis- sion to buy provisions. Order on petition by Alletie Doornes vs George and Elizabeth Sydenham. Warrant to Jonah Tomes for nursing a sick soldier. 125 9 Advertisements of and orders for catching James Gillam one of Capt. Kidd's men to issue upon information given by Peley Sanford of Rhode Island. Humphrey Clay, Martin Schank, and John Harrison of Capt. Kidd's crew to be arrested. Goods seized to be stored in the custom-house. Robt. Livingston's accounts to be audited. Lord Bello- mont asked to appoint officers for a court of chancery. 125 15 Goods brought by Carsten Luersen to be taken by Capt. Paine to Lord Bellomont at Boston. Letter from Gov. de Callieres of Canada read. Indian affairs. Order upon peti- tion by Jasper Scheurman a passenger on the Scotch ships. The confiscated ship Fortune required for public service. Domine Nucella of Kingston ordered to deliver a letter come from Canada for Domine Dellius. Firewood for Albany garrison. Accounts referred. Warrants: to Isaac Casperson for firewood; to Thos. Wenham for powder to the Indians; to Robt. Livingston for Indian provisions etc. 126 142 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1699 ' V. 8 16 Lt. Gov. Nanfan takes the oath to observe the acts of trade. Companions of Capt. Kidd offer to turn informers if assured of their own safety. 127 18 Orders on petitions: by the mayor of New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 43 :42) ; by Michael Hawdon (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:41); by Rich. Voizy. Warrants: to Jean Rosie, Abrm Schuyler, and Fraer Armot, for expenses on journey to Canada (see N. Y. col. mss, 42:40); to Jan Baptist van Eps for journey to Onondaga. Accounts of the ship Fortune. Order on complaint by Peter Villeponteaux vs Mr Bondet. Scheme for erecting courts of judicature drawn u-^ by Col. Wm Smith, John Guest, and James Graham approved. An Indian of Suffolk county to be tried for barn burning. Warrants: to Stephen Cortlandt for carpenter work in the fort; to Capt. Brandt Schuyler for nails to the fort; to Jacobus van Cortlandt for boards etc to the fort. 128 23 Warrant to Col. Abr'm de Peyster for purchasing the ship Fortune (see A''. Y. col. mss, 44:43-44). Letter received from Sec. Vernon directing Capt. Kidd and his crew to be seized. Order for seizure of James Gillam repeated (p. 1215). Orders on petitions: by Wm Paterson; by John Granada a Spaniard; by Thos. Worden. Order for the discharge of Rich'd Voizy from Capt. Robert Drummond's Scotch ship. Accounts of Alletie Doornes widow, and George Sydenham to be audited. Habeas corpus act not to be in force in the colonies. 130 25 Cornelius Quick mariner gives information concerning Capt. Kidd's treasure. 130 26 Proclamation to issue for the capture of Edward Buckmaster (see N.Y. col. mss, 43:50). John Tuthill before the council. 130 29 Proclamations to issue: for the arrest of James Gillam, Humphrey Clay, and English Smith; for proroguing the assembly. 131 30 Wm Murray and David Munro allowed to land from the Scotch ship Unicorn. Schaakhook Indians. Onondaga Indians trade in Pennsylvania, Daniel Tay to be land and tidewaiter vice John Parmyter declined. 131 Sep. 7 Indian affairs. James Gillam the pirate. Pirates' goods. Domine Nucella and John Martin refuse to surrender the letter sent from Canada to Domine Dellius. Orders on petitions: by Samuel Wood of Suffolk county; by free- holders of Brookland; by mayor of New York for demoli- tion of two bastions; to Elias Nean for his sufferings as a protestant in France. John Barbaric is at his own request relieved from the guardianship of John Lawrence (p. 116). CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I43 1699 V. 8 Crew of the pinnace. Revenue accounts. Trial of Indian barn burner. Highways to be laid out in Richmond county. 132 II Thomas Clarke to be arrested for connection with Capt. Kidd. Powder for the Schaakhook Indians. 133 13 John Chiampanti appointed agent of the province vice Weaver returning to New York. Samuel Vetch, Robert and Thomas Drummond summoned before the council. John Tuthill also. Order on complaint of Capt. Thos. Wenham vs deputy naval officer John Parmyter for ille- gally seizing the ship Speedwell. 133 14 Naval officer Paroculus Parmyter informs the council that an information against the Speedwell has been filed in the court of admiralty. Michael Harding wants to hire part of the custom-house. 134 21 Firewood for Albany garrison. Part of the custom-house leased to Michael Hawdon (Harding) (p. 134). Letters of denization for Surgeon Peter Bassett. Capt. Lancaster Syms has bought a negro boy from Capt. Kidd. Order on petition by Elizabeth Worshend. 134 22 Proclamation to issue against the destruction of pine trees on the Mohawk river. 136 27 Warrants for salaries of civil officers. Captains Robert Sinckler, John Smart and Isaac Brasier to appraise the sloop William. Lancaster Syms paid £15 for the negro to Capt. Kidd., 135 29 David Provoost to be mayor, Charles Oliver sherifif of New York; Peter van Brugan to be mayor of Albany city, and John Williams sheriff of Albany county. Sheriffs ap- pointed: John Elbertsen for Kings; Peter Berian for Queens; John Wick for Suffolk; Jacob Cowlson (Cous- seau) for Richmond; Edmund Ward for Westchester; John Petersen for Orange; Stephen Gasserce for Ulster and Dutchess counties. John Coe and other justices of Queens to appear before the council. 13S Oct. 4 Queens county justices. James How, Nicholas Churchill, Daniel Dooley and John Eldridge suspected pirates have broken jail in New Jersey. Accounts referred. Warrant to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for entertaining French agents from Canada. Carsten Luersen's securities discharged. 136 5 Robert Walters to be justice of the supreme court for trial of cases in which Abr'm de Peyster has an interest. I37 6 Order concerning informations filed, or to be filed in courts of law, or of admiralty. 137 144 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1699 V. 8 7 Order on petition by Rebecca Randall (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:61). Warrant to Rob't Livingston for provisions to French prisoners and Indians (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:55-57). 137 10 Indian affairs. Customhouse officers called before the council. 137 11 Accounts of the ship Adventure and of the revenues. In- ventory of seized goods in the custom-house ordered. 137 14 Mayor David Provoost, and sheriff Charles Oliver sworn in. 138 18 Thomas Clarke denies having received goods from Capt. Kidd's sloop, but admits that Cornelius Quick has deliv- ered him such from Madam Kidd. Order on petition by Bernardus Swartwout. Andrew Gibb clerk of Queens county before the council. 138 21 Col. de Peyster's purchase of the ship Fortune. John Thompson's chest. Warrants: to Robert Livingston for entertaining French agents, for incidental charges in the fort, for Indian provisions; to Jacob Mauritz, and Johannes Provoost for money levied during the " late happy revo- lution." 139 25 Petitions by Robert Sincklair and David Hendrickse (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:73) referred. Warrants: to Captains John Bleecker and John Schuyler for expenses on a journey to Onondaga; to Thos. Winne for transporting Indians (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:70-72); to Goose van Schaick for transporting soldiers; to Clem Elswordt for work in the fort and for pay to Aaron Blom for the same; to Samuel Staats for Indian entertainment. 140 Nov. I Ryer Schermerhoorn and Johs. Sanderse Glen to furnish candles and firewood to the garrison at Schenectady. Warrant to Thos. Sharp for salary as gunner (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:74). 140 3 Capt. Gulleck to settle the accounts for securing goods brought by Broadish the pirate. Order on petition by Geo. Anderson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:78). Warrants: to Dick Groot for a journey to Canada for exchange of prisoners; to Abr'm Schuyler and Jean Rosie for same. 140 8 Order on petition by Wm Trinwith (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:79). Warrant to Wm Morse for lodging etc of Wm Trinwith. Barne Cosens account for stationery referred. 140 15 Order on memorial by Paroculus Parmyter (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:82). Paroculus Parmyter sworn in as kings coun- sel. Order on petition by Ann Everndon against her hus- band Robert Everndon (see A^. Y. col. mss, 43:84-85). Ac- count of John Ellison referred. 141 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 145 1699 17 29 Dec. 7 14 21 1700 Jan. 4 16 Feb. 16 Mar. 14 Ap. 23 29 Case of Robert and Ann Everndon settled. Warrants: to Barne Cosens for stationery; to Gabriel Minvielle for wine to the soldiers. Surveyor of customs Ducie Hungerford and the seized ship Adventure. 142 Robert Everndon is reconciled to his wife and his bond for alimony cancelled. 142 Soldiers' barracks etc to be viewed. Jonah Tome's account for nursing John Berry a sick soldier referred. 142 Order on petition of Engelbert Lott and other inhabitants of Flatbush against Daniel Polhemus, Rouloff Verkirk, John Vleit, and Isaac Hegeman. 142 Flatbush case. Export of horses to Canada forbidden. Bed- ding for soldiers. Warrants: to Paroculus Parmyter naval officer for office stationery; to Jonah Thomas for nursing (p. 142). i43 Petition of Samuel Wood (p. 132) dismissed upon report of justices of Suffolk county. I43 Warrants: to Robert Walters for soldiers' bedding; for salaries of civil officers. I43 Queens county justices refuse to issue warrants under £2000 act. Account for candles to the fort referred. 144 Order against exporting horses to Canada to be enforced. Warrant to Cornelius van der Beek for soldiers' burial- cloth. Examination of Daniel Latham a quaker as to his connection with Capt. Kidd's crew. 144 Proclamation to issue forbidding the export of hofses to Canada. Order on complaint of Mrs Davis vs John Rod- man for intending to pull down a party wall between her house and the city hall. John Latham shipwright author- ized to cut ships timber for the public service. Warrant to David Hendrickse for a boat lost in assisting the Newport man-of-war, Captain Morris commander aground at the Narrows. Order on petition by Benj. Fenuille. Wm Sharpas reports on his mission to Pennsylvania and Mary- land about pirates. 14S Proclamation to issue for proroguing the assembly. 146 Order on petition by Thos. Lawrence vs Content Titus (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:105). Proclamation about horses read and approved. 14^ Robert Walters appointed and sworn in as justice of the supreme court vice Cortlandt sick. I47 Indian affairs. 147 Orders on petitions: by Engelbert Lott (see A^. Y. col. mss, 43:110); by Paul Richard (see N. Y. col. mss. 43:108). Proclamation to issue offering a reward for the discovery 146 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1700 V. 8 of the murderer of Hester wife of Marcus Lefort and daughter of Richard. Orders on petitions: by Martinus Lamberse (see N. Y. col. mss, 431:109); by Thomas Law- rence and on a motion made by Mr Emett in re James FuUerton vs Wm Creed. 147 x6 Content Titus justice of Queens county defends himself against the charges made by Engelbert Lott whose com- plaint is dismissed. Wm Creed to file a bill of errors. Two acts of parliament to be published. 148 17 Warrants: for salaries of civil officers; to Wm Sharpas for expenses of a journey to Maryland (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:113). Hendrick Hansen's accounts referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:114-15). Excise. Long Island Indians renew their allegiance. 148 18 Engelbert Lott vs Ducie Hungerford. Order on petition by Mich'l Hawdon (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:116). Warrants to Hendrick Hansen for sundries to the Indians. Shena- cock Indians renew their allegiance. 150 27 Proclamation to issue about unlicensed sale of liquor. 15a May I Martinus Lamberse suspected of the murder of Hester Le- fort to be tried by special commission of oyer and terminer. Frederick Piatt also for killing his slave. Examination of Fort Wm Henry ordered. Ryer Schermerhorn to be assistant judge of the common pleas at Albany. Survey of land ordered for John Hutchins et al: (see L. P. 3:1). 150 9 Order of the king in council in re Val. Cruger vs Abr'm de Peyster. £2000 tax. Order on petition by Thos. Morgan ■ and Gerrit Vechte. Warrants: to Jonathan Davis for sweeping chimneys in the fort (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:120); to John Rodman for building a wall between his house and the kings house. Stephen Cortlandt, Abr'm de Peyster, Samuel Staats, and Robert Walters tp be justices of a court of oyer and terminer for the trial of Mart. Lam- *bertse; also justices of the peace in Westchester for the trigil of Fred. Piatt. 151 15 Lt. Gov. Capt. Nanfan, takes an oath concerning the prop- erty taken from the pirates. Col. Abr'm de Peyster to go the circuit of Ulster county, the judge appointed being suspended. 153 16 Justices of Richmond county and Ellis Duxbury summoned before the council. Commission of oyer and terminer issued to Stephen Cortlandt etc. 153 20 Proclamation to issue for proroguing the assembly. 153 30 ■ Warrants: to Cornelius de Peyster and Garrit Banker for charges of the judge on circuit in Ulster county (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:127); to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for candles CALENDAR OF COUXCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I47 1700 V. 8 to the fort. Bill of sale to George Anderson for the ship Adventure to be given. Warrant to John Carter for read- ing" prayers to the soldiers. Commissions issued for the trial of Frederick Piatt. I54 June 6 Accounts referred. Order on petition by Hendrick and Dirck Caursen (see L. P. y.T,). Warrant to Robert Living- ston for providing wheelbarrows to be used in the fortifi- cations of Albany and Schenectady. 154 20 Proclamation to issue for the arrest of Ducie Hungerford (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:128). Warrant of survey of land in New York city for Peter de la Noy. Accounts of Engelbert Lott and Abr'm de la Noy to be audited. Order on petition by Evert Byvanck (see L. P. Z'-'^-)- Warrant to Dirck van den Burgh for work and material to the fort. 155 22 Cruger vs de Peyster. Survey of land for Amarens, widow of John Stout ordered (see L. P. Z'-^)- I5S July 2 Warrants for salaries of civil officers. Proclamation to issue for proroguing the assembly. 156 3 Order on petition by Henry Fowler (see L. P. 2i'-7)- Peti- tion of Evert Byvanck (p. 1,55) dismissed. 156 14 Proclamation to issue for convoking the assembly. 156 16 Indian affairs. Warrant to Barne Cosens for stationery. Accounts of Robert and John Livingston referred. 157 25 Lord Bellomont returned. Governors in America forbidden \ to give letters of denization by order of the king in coun- cil. Proclamation ordered by the lords of trade for the arrest of Henry King a pirate who has plundered Henry Munday master of the ship John Hopewell of London. Warrant to Lawrence Claese for a journey to Onondaga (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:139-140). 157 26 Warrant to Isaac Taylor for Indian hatchets. Accounts re- ferred. 159 29 Lord Bellomont wants his expenses to and from Boston paid; warrant to Isaac Taylor for that purpose. 160 31 Monsieur Maricour and Father Bruyas, S. J. reported as tampering with the five nations. Warrant to Johs. de Waudell and two others for coming express from Albany. 160 Aug. 2 Letter from the lords of trade relating to East Jersey read. Accounts referred. 161 3 Accounts of James Wells and Jean Le Chevalier referred. Warrants: to Robert Livingston for wheelbarrows to the forts at Albany and Schenectady, for stocks for Indian guns, for Indian provisions, for Indian disbursments, for sundries to the fort at Albany; to Col. Stephen Cortlandt 148 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1700 V. 8 for cleaning lodgings in the fort; to James Wells for carpenter work in the fort; to Henry Meason blacksmith for work in the fort. 161 5 Commission of oyer and terminer to issue to Peter van Brugh, Hendrick Hansen, Dirck Wessells and Jan Janse Bleecker for the trial of Thos. Long and John Plats accused of felony (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:145). Warrants: to John Livingston for catching deserters; to Isaac Taylor for the governor's expenses in catching James Gillam the pirate. 162 7 Warrants: to John Allen and John Reynolds sawyers for work in the fort; to Col. Wm Smith for presents to Long Island Indians and for official charges; to Garrit Luykase, Hendrick Rooseboom, Nicholas Bleecker and Jan Baptist van Eps for going with Col. Peter Schuyler to Onon- daga; to Rob't Livingston and Hendrick Hansen for ex- penses of this expedition; to Cornelius de Peyster and Gerrit Banker to pay Clem Ellswordt for carpenter work in the fort. 163 8 Warrant to Hendrick Hansen for firewood to the Albany garrison. Account referred. 164 9 Warrants: to Abr'm Gouverneur for services as speaker of the assembly; to Dirck van der Burgh for mason work in the fort; to Col. Peter Schuyler and Hendrick Hansen for a journey to Onondaga; to Ryer Schermerhorn for public transportation. The ship Fortune condemned in admiralty as foreign built, to go to England. 164 Sep. 13 Rye and Bedford. Indian afifairs. Proclamation to issue for convoking the assembly. Robert Livingston confirmed by royal order as collector of the excise, receiver of quitrents, town clerk, clerk of the peace, and clerk of the common pleas at Albany. 165 18 Mediterranean passes. Wayt Winthrop produces his com- mission as judge of the admiralty. Expenses of the governor's journey to Albany to be audited. Warrants: to Duncan Campbell for money advanced; to Robert Livingston for entertaining French agents. 167 19 Wayt Winthrop sworn in as judge of the admiralty. 167 23 Soldiers coming from Ireland (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:122). Proclamation to issue concerning Mediterranean passes. 167 27 Above proclamation read and approved. Nomination of mayor and sheriff of New York. 168 28 Isaac de Riemer appointed mayor, Peter de Mill sheriff of New York; John Bleecker sr mayor, and Jonathan Broad- hurst sheriff of Albany. Sheriffs: Benj. van de Water CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I49 1700 V. 8 for Kings; Zachariah Mills for Queens; John Mulford for Suffolk; Bernard van Benthuysen for Dutchess and Ulster; Teunis Dowisson for Orange; Jeremiah Fowler for West- chester; Christian Corsen for Richmond counties. 169 Oct. 2 Warrants: to Rob't Livingston for Indian provisions, for disbursements to the fort and to the Indians; to Francis Winne for use of his sloop by the governor; to Cornelius Low for his sloop; to Jan Baptist van Eps for services as Indian interpreter; to Peter van Brugh foi; Indian presents; to Wm Morris for presents; to Fred Oathout for beer to the governor; to Alexander Mason for necessaries on the governor's journey to Albany; to Thos. Noell for Indian presents; to Col. Cortlandt for candles to the fort; to Abr'm de Peyster for Indian presents; to Abr'm Staats for hire of his sloop; to Anthony Rogers for his expenses to Albany with the governor. Capt. James Weems' peti- tion referred. 169 7 Warrant to Col. Cortlandt for expenses of governor's journey to Albany. Military furnishings. Surgeon Jacob Staats appointed to Capt. Weems' company, and Hendrick van Dyck to Mayor Rich'd Ingoldsby's. Warrant to Wm Mumford for stonecutters work on the fort. Indian aflfairs. 171 8 Order on petition by Dirck Jansen Hooglandt. Soldiers bedding. Order on petition by Jacob Manritz and Jobs. Provoost. Warrant to John Bleecker for Indian interpret- ing. Order on petition by Michael Hawdon. Albany excise. Petition by James Kinard sergeant dismissed (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:171). 171 3 1 Commission for a trading expedition to be prepared for John Peroo owner and master of the sloop Three Brothers (see A''. F. col. mss, 43:168). Capt. Shelley and his crew suspected of piracy. Warrants for salaries of civil officers. 172 12 Suffolk county excise. 173 14 , Isaac de Riemer, John Johnson Bleecker and Peter de Milot sworn in as mayors of New York and of Albany and as sheriff of New York.. Warrant to Thos. Farmer for trans- porting John Williams a deserter. 173 15 John Hughes, Wm Webb, Patrick Waldrop, Daniel Lath- well, John Denny, and other old and decrepit soldiers to be sent to England in the galley New Port. Warrants: to Francis Vincent for sails to the custom-house barge; to Cornelius Lodge for paint etc to the same; to John Latham for carpenter work on the same; to Robert Cran- nell for rum to the pinace workmen; to Jean le Chevalier 150 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1700 V. 8 for carving work; to John Coolley for blacksmith work on the barge; to John Owen for joiners work on the same; to Aert Elbertsen for use of his sloop on public service; to John Ellison for sundries to the fort and the barge. 174 16 Governor's house to be examined for repairs. Indian affairs. Scow ashore near South-hold. 175 19 Aug. Graham the surveyor-general a man not to be de- pended upon, Pieter Cortileau appointed surveyor for the province. 176 22 Warrant to Bowdewyn de Witt for going express from Esopus to Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:175). 177 23 Warrants: to John Riggs for his trouble m. escorting pirate prisoners from Burlington, N. J. to New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:178); to Hendrick van Dyck for salary as surgeon (see N. Y. col. mss, 43:177}. 177 24 Warrant to Francis Chappell for rent of committee room. Samuel Clews appointed surveyor (see A''. Y. col. mss, 43:1179). Warrant to Johannes Vinhagen for going express to Albany. 177 25 Additional instruction to the governor concerning courts- martial. Warrant to Col. Stephen Cortlandt for work in the fort. Samuel Clews sworn in as surveyor. 177 26 Abr'm Gouverneur appointed recorder of New York city vice Graham illegally acting as such^ and sworn in. 179 29 Wine imported by the French advocate-general of Petit Guavas as a present to the governor admitted free of duty. Warrants: to Gabriel Ludlow for salary as clerk of the assembly; to Gabriel Thompson for salary as doorkeeper. 179 30 Stephen Cortlandt appointed chief justice and sworn in. Stephen Cortlandt, Abr'm de Peyster, Rob't Livingston and Rob't Walters, of the council, with Capt. Peter Matthews, Lt. Chs. Ashfield, and Lt. Henry Holland to be judges of the court-martial, Paroculus Parmyter judge advocate, Barne Cosens clerk, and Ricli'd Stokes marshal, under act of legislature. • [179] 31 Warrant to Gabriel Ludlow for copying council papers. Wm Bradford displaced as government printer. Warrant to Abr'm Gouverneur for copying council papers which should have been printed. [179I Nov. 5 Warrant to Jobs. Sanderse Glen for repairing Schenectady barracks. Albany firewood. Warrant to Hendrick Han- sen for same. Furniture for officers lodgings at Albany. 180 6 Warants: to Peter van Brugh for Indian disbursements and a journey to Onondaga with Col. Romar; to Hendrick Hansen for expenses of Col. Romar's journey (see N. Y. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I5I 1700 V. 8 col. mss, 44:4); to Dirck Wessells for Indian expenses; to Garrit Viele for the same; to Henry Meason for black- smith work in Fort Wm Henry; to Abr'm Gouverneur for services as speaker of the assembly; to Abr'm de la Noy and Engelbert Lott for material to the fort; to Dirck Wes- sells for journeys on public service; to Col. Peter Schuyler for provisions to French prisoners etc; to Lieut. Thos. Sharp for salary as gunner at Albany; to Capt. John Schuyler for provisions to Indians sent to Ottowawa; to Abr'm de Peyster for pay of Ryer Schermerhorn and John Latham, sent for ships timber. 180 12 Order of the king in council confirming Robert Walters as member of the council in New York. Barracks to be built outside the fort. Watch coats for soldiers. £2000 tax. Warrant to Ryer Schermerhorn for firewood to Schenectady garrison (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:8). Order on address by the house of representatives (see A''. Y. col. mss. 44:6). 182 13 Affidavits of John Parmyter, Robert Crannel, and Daniel Toy taken against Ducie Hungerford for malfeasance in office. Albany excise. 184 27 Sloop Batchelors Delight, John Roberts master seized for breach of the laws at Oysterbay. Warrant to Nicholas Blank for blacksmith work done by John Petersen Melott his debtor fled to East Jersey (see N. Y. col. mss, 44; lb IS~I9)- John de Peyster commissioner of customs to furnish bedding for the soldiers (see A''. Y. col. iiiss, 44:17). Correspondence and orders concerning courts of law. War- rants for work and materials to the ship Fortune to Benj. Faneuil, Aaron Bloom, Abr'm de Peyster, Isaac Brazier, , Samuel Phillips, Nichs. Jemain, John Sipkins, Daniel Roberts, Capt. Wm Collvitt, Frederick Philipps, Barent Rynderson, Isaac de Mill, Rich'd Willett, Francis Vincent, George Elswordt, Isaac de Peyster, John Davie, Abr'm Kipp and Sam'l Staats (see A''. Y. col. mss, 44:9-14). 186 Dec. 12 Warrants: to Paroculus Parmyter, Barne Cosens and Richard Stokes, for services in the court-martial; to Surgeon Henry van Dyck for services under the Indian commis- sioners. 188 28 Orders: on information by Richard Shute justice in West- chester county concerning Peter Villepontoon suspected of the murder of David Burgett; on memorial by the mayor etc of New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:23); con- cerning a bill of exchange drawn by Thos. Weaver; on a petition by Jacob Mauritz and Jobs. Provoost. 189 152 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1701 V. 8 Jan. 2 Thomas Weaver sworn in as collector and receiver-general; his salary. Freight for military stores by the Thomas and Elizabeth, Thos. Ogden master. Peter and Mary Ville- pontoon, son and daughter of Peter Villepontoon to be arrested (p. 189). igo 7 Proclamation to issue offering a reward for the discovery of David Burgett's murder (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:24). igi 8 Case of the ship John and Henry. Edward Antill and the mayor etc of New York. 191 21 Nathaniel Coles appointed surveyor and searcher of the customs at Oysterbay. Chief justice and attorney-general superseded under orders from England to appoint able lawyers to these places. Mr Atwood appointed chief jus- tice, and Mr Broughton attorney-general coming from England. Warrants for salaries of civil officers. Pay- ment to Dr Jacob Staats. Warrants: to Jacob van Noor- strandt for iron in the fort; to Mayou for sailors' coats; to Jonathan Davis for sweeping chimneys; to Daniel Mesuard for fitting out the governor's sloop to Thos. Swiney for work in the fort; to Jacob Mauritz and Jobs. Provoost for money illegally levied upon them (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:25). 192 27 Thomas Weaver appointed to and sworn of the council. Demands under act of assembly the books and accounts, of the revenue. Alien shipmasters cited before the council. Warrant to Abr'm Gouverneur for expenses on a journey to the east end of Long Island about pirates. Albany excise. 194 30 Captain Jacob van Cortlandt and Johannes van Cortlandt, brother and son, of the late Col. Stephen van Cortlandt testify concerning account books. Warrant fo Rob't Livingston for salary as secretary of Indian affairs not to be signed. Warrant to Abr'm de Peyster for wine given to the soldiers. 195 Feb. 3 Denization of aliens. Dirck van der Burgh's accounts to be audited. Order on petition of Boaz Bell late master of the John and Henry of Carolina against John Hold- critz present master (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:31). Barne Cosens to act as kings counsel before the court of sessions. 196 7 Order on petition by John Tollman and Nath'l Pearsall (see N. y. col. mss, 44:33). Petition of Magdalena Pelletreaux dismissed. Accounts of Ducie Hungerford to be audited. 197 II Accounts of Col. Stephen Cortlandt produced to be audited. Tide mill to be set up by John Marsh. Warrant to John Rodman for building a wall to the kings house. 197 1701 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 1 53 V. 8 12 Answer of the justices of Queens county to the petition of John Tollman and Nath'l Pearsall (p. 197) • ipS IS Orders of the king in council, approving and vetoing laws passed in 1699. Mathew Plowman. Audit of Col. Cort- landt's accounts. Government warrants to be legal tender for customs duties. 198 iS Memorial of commissioners to examine the public accounts. Memorial of Thos. Weaver collector and receiver-general. Deposition by the same. Order to search for Col. van Cortlandt's books refused by his widow. 202 19 Deposition by Barne Cosens concerning Mrs Gertrude van Cortlandt. Deposition by Ann Chappell tavern keeper. Proclamation to issue forbidding payment of excise money to Gertrude van Cortlandt. 209 20 Widow Gertrude van Cortlandt and her son Johannes and John Basford before the council relative to Col. A. van Cortlandt's books. Firewood for the fort. 210 Mar. 5 Death of Lord Bellomont. Lt. Gov. Nanfan absent in Barbados. Proclamation to issue announcing Lord B's death (see A^. Y. col. mss, 44:48). Absent members called to town. Abr'm de Peyster the eldest member to act as president until the return of the lieutenant governor, or Col. Wm Smith. Letters to be sent to Massachusetts and New Haven announcing the death (see A''. Y. col. mss, 44:49-50). Council to wait on Lady Bellomont. 211 6 Hendrick Hansen and Peter van Brugh of Albany to be asked to advance money for the pay and subsistance of the Albany garrison (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:52). 213 13 Wm Smith presiding. Discussion on the powers of the council. Military stores to be examined. Pay for the soldiers to be provided. 213 14 Clause of a letter from the lords of trade concerning legis- lative acts. Bills of stores to be given by the collector. Warrants: to Anne Bowen for nursing a sick soldier, Patrick Waldron; to Mary Thomas for taking care of sick soldiers. Order on petition by Peter Berrian. Proclama- tion to issue convoking the assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:55). 217 15 Col. Wm Smith refuses to sign and is directed to affix his signature to the preceding proclamation. Supreme court. Order on petition by Edward Folwell, Mathew Howel and Henry Pierson to be judges of the common pleas for the trial of Folwell vs Giles Sylvester, Judge Arnold being a party in said cause. Candles for Fort Wm Henry. Order 154 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1701 V. 8 on petition of Susannah Lawrence. Warrant to Barne Cosens for stationery. Col. Wm Smith obtains leave of absence. 2i8 17 Militia of Kings and Queens counties to attend the late governor's funeral. Dr Anthony Rogers. Memorial of collector Thos. Weaver vs naval officer Paroculus Parmyter read. Another memorial of Thos. Weaver about Col. Stephen van Cortlandt's books and orders thereon. Order on petition by Dirck Jansen Hooghlandt. 219 18 Petition of Wm Creed and Fred'k Hendrick referred to John Coe, Samuel Edsall and Content Titus. 220 20 'Mrs van Cortlandt and her late husband's books. Paroculus Parmyter given time to answer to Thos. Weaver's mem- orial. 220 ■ 21 Peter Schuyler and Robert Livingston fail to attend the council although in town. Pay of soldiers in Albany. Am- munition to be distributed for celebrating the governor's funeral. Order on petition by Widow van Bossah against Thomas Oneby a soldier for house rent. 221 24 Peter Schuyler and Robert Livingston will not attend the sittings of council. Military arrangements for the governor's funeral. Measures to obtain money for public expenses. 222 25 Military arrangements for the funeral. Pay of soldiers at Albany. 223 29 Days for meeting of council fixed. Abr'm de Peyster and Robert Walters offer to advance money for soldiers pay. 224 31 Mayor Isaac de Riemer and Alderman David Provoost ap-: pointed judges of the supreme court. Memorial of com- missioners of accounts against Peter Schuyler and Rob't Livingston read. Answer of naval officer Paroculus Parmyter to collector Weaver's memorial read. Orders: on petition by John van Cortlandt; on information by the naval officer concerning " bona peritura " (perishable goods) of Bartholomew le Feurt an alien seized and in the customhouse. Remonstrance of Col. Peter Schuyler and Robert Livingston read (see A''. Y: col. mss, 44:74). Clerk of council not to give to members copies of council minutes without order. 225 Ap. I Soldiers to be quartered in the fort barracks to prevent desertions. Petition by Thos. Spread granted. Payment to Richard Claese for chimney sweeping ordered. Gabriel Ludlow's account for clerical work referred. Wages of barge crew to be adjusted. Soldiers in hospital. Mary and Judith Thomas to be paid for nursing sick soldiers. Order on petition by Engelbert Lott. 226 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 1 55 1701 V. 8 2 Order on petition by Lieut. Mathews for power to command in the fort. 227 3 Military stores. Capt W. Caldwell of the Advice man-of- war. Soldiers. Proclamation to issue about deserting. Capt. James Weems denied leave to go to England and ordered back to Albany (see A^. F. col. mss, 44:78); his memorial concerning the garrisons at Albany and Schenec- tady to be laid before the assembly. Warrants: to Wm Sell for salary as tidewaiter; to Daniel Toy and Nicholas Feilding for same; to James Evitts for salary as searcher; to John Crooke gauger of liquors; to Barne Cosens for salary as clerk of the council; to Rich'd Stokes messenger of council. Assembly advised to adjourn. 228 4 Answer of Peter Schuyler and Robert Livingston to the me- morial of the commissioners of accounts read and ordered thereon (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:81). No quorum in the assembly yet. 230 5 Military stores by the Advice. Order on petition by Barne Cosens (see A^. F. col. mss, 44:88). Warrant to Jan Janse Bleecker for blockhouses and officers lodgings at Albany (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:91-92). Mayor etc of Albany to rent officers' lodgings: Wm Lawrence before the council on behalf of Susannah Lawrence. Order on application by John Lawrence concerning East India goods seized in Queens county. Assembly advised to adjourn and give council time to prepare bills. 230 9 Paper signed by Thos. Weaver, Abr'm de Peyster, Samuel Staats, and Robert Walters all of the council (see A''. F. col. mss, 44:94). 231 10 Col. Wm Smith not ready with his answer to the foregoing paper. Coronation day. 233 14 Col. Wm Smith's answer read; reply by the above four mem- bers of council (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:100). 233 15 Quarrel between Col. Wm Smith and the council as to the former's authority to act as governor continued. 238 16 Capt. Wm Caldwell of the Advice man-of-war asked to meet the council. 239 17 Orders to Capt. Caldwell. Dispute between the collector of customs and the naval officer. Warrant to Wm Davis for disbursments. 239 18 Warrant to Col. Wm Romar for fitting out messengers to the Ottowawas and other far nations. Leave to go to Boston denied him. Warrants: to Gabriel Ludlow and Gabriel Thompson for salary as clerk, and messenger, of the assembly; to Robert Crannell matross for pay due him; 156 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1701 V. 8 to Wm Richardson matross for same. Armorer to be looked for. Order on petition by Rich'd Ashfield (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:93). Warrant to the high sheriff of New York for expenses in taking and subsisting men arrested at the request of Gov. Penn; they are to be shipped to Philadelphia (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:104). 239 19 Assembly wants to adjourn; advised not to do so. Custom- house barge to be repaired. Robert Livingston refuses to act with the council in the absence of Col. Wm Smith, and leaves the council chamber. 240 22 Letters to be written to Pennsylvania, the Jerseys and Con- necticut about deserters. 242 29 Order on letter by Capt. John Schuyler (see A''. F. col. mss, 44:108, no, i/ii) about the Onagongo Indians. Lieut. John Bennet to continue in the command of Col. Ingoldsby's company at Albany. Customhouse barge. Warrants: to Abr'm de Peyster for Ryer Schermerhorn and John Latham (p. 180) ; to Cornelia de Peyster for Jean le Chevalier carpenter in the fort. 243. May 2 Warrants: to Capt. Jas. Weems for candles; to John Perry for carpenter work in the fort. Onagongo Indians. Bills of exchange to be drawn on John Champanti (see A^. Y. col. mss, 44:117). 244 5 Bills of exchange signed. Excise. Warrants: to Mathew Clarkson secretary of the province for clerical work (see N. Y. col. mss, 44:118); to Barne Cosens for same. 244 6 No action taken on letter from Gov. Andrew Hamilton of New Jersey. Dr Anthony Rogers to be paid for rent of the house used by him as hospital. Stores to be delivered to Capt. Jas. Weems, to the gunner at Fort Wm Henry, and to Dr Anthony Rogers. Barne Cosens to act as kings counsel in the court of sessions. 245 13 Soldiers to be paid in sterling money. Rev. Peter Brisac installed as chaplain to the fort. 246 16 Abr'm de Peyster and Thos. Weaver to adjust the accounts of Lord Bellomont with the officers of his company. Pay- ment ordered: to Richard Davis for sweeping chimneys in the fort; to John Maddock fort storekeeper for disburs- ments. Bills of exchange (see A^. Y. col. mss, 44:126-27). 246 19 Lt. Gov. Nanfan returned. Indian affairs. 247 22 Proclamation to issue calling on deserters to return. Ac- count for firewood referred. Oosterhouse a passenger in the ship Happy Peace, Capt. Dixon, suspected of carry- ing letters from Canada to Mons Pounchartreen and other French ministers of state; order thereon. 247 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 1 57 1701 V. 8 23 Accounts referred. Warrant to Barne Cosens for a^ttend- ing the commissioners of accounts. 248 30 Order of the king in council declaring Rye and Bedford to belong to New York. Letter from the I:99)- Accounts referred. Order on petition by Wm Lawrence (see L. P. 3:101). [148] 11 Survey of land in Suffolk county for Daniel Case ordered. Report on the papers and trial of John Hutchins received (see N. Y. col. mss, 46:149-78). Petitions: of Elias and John Pelletreaux referred; of Samuel Staats (see L. P. 3:102); of Isaac de Riemer, (see L. P. 3:104); of Abr'm Lakeman and Peter le Conte (see L. P. 3:103); all re- ferred. Warrants to Rip van Dam and Caleb Heathcote for firewood to the garrison. 149 18 Proclamation to issue forbidding the distilling of rum in New York city, and within a mile from the cit\' hall. Warrant to John Hudson for brickwork on the powder vault. 150 19 The chaplain and the surgeon in Fort Wm Henry to have furniture for their lodgings. Warrant to Rob't Livingston for salary as military storekeeper at Albany. 151 24 Accounts of Mrs Van Cortlandt. Order on part of petition by Margaret van Schayck executrix of Matthew Clarkson. Warrants: to Christopher Denn for carpenter work in the fort; to James Evitts for bricklayers work there. Petition 178 NEW YOl^.K STATE LTl'.RARY 1702 31 1703 Jan. 8 14 2% Feb. V. 9 by Samuel Bayard referred. Survey of land for Charles Congreve ordered. Peter Fauconier -and Dr Rokeby to examine into the allegations of certain distillers. Time for allowing distilling extended to January loth. 151 Petition by Paroculus Parmyter complaining against Wm Lawrence (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 47:12), and order thereon. Order concerning licenses to purchase Indian lands and warrants of survey. Survey of land in Sufifolk county or- dered for Dr John Bridges and Rip van Dam. Accounts referred. David Jamison called before the council on peti- tion by Olofif van Cortlandt (see L. P. 3:106). Petition by Cornelia Allison referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 47:10). Warrants for salaries of civil officers. Order on petition by Edward Cole (see A''. Y. col. mss, 47:9). 154 Accounts. Warrants: to Rob't Edwards for bricklayers work in the fort; to Isaac Lenoir for use of his house in Jamaica to the governor and council. 157 Parmyter vs Lawrence. License to purchase lands in Orange and Ulster counties granted Philipp French, John Corbett, Matthew Ling, Caleb Cooper and Stephen de Lancey (see L. P. 3:107). Samuel Denton and his negro woman (p. 60). Quakers. 158 Parmyter vs Lawrence. Orders on petitions: by John Chadeague [Chadaine] (see L. P. 3:108); by Jacob Gar- riott; by Margaret Stokes (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 47:221). Rip van Dam's accounts for building the powder vault re- ferred. Order to the secretary to produce all caveats • entered. Census. 160 Justice John Tallman of Queens accused of irreligious utter- . ances, suspended from office, and to be prosecuted (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:1.99; Q 3:124). Quakers. List of caveats received. Accounts referred. Petition by Sam'l Blackman rejected (see A^. Y. col. mss, 47:26). Parmyter vs Lawrence. Payment to Jacobus van Duersen for con- ducting a detachment to Albany. 162 Estate of Robt. Livingston restored to him. Peter Berrian called before the council. Warrants: to Robt. Livingston jr and John Baptist van Eps for a journey to Onondaga; to Barne Cosens for office furniture and stationery; to Wm Bradford for salary as printer etc.; to John d'Hon- neur for going express; to Elias and John Pelletreaux for candles to the fort; to Capt. Peter Matthews for expenses on governor's journey to Albany etc.; to Servas Morrisett for smith work in the fort; to Nanning Harmesen. for hire of his sloop. 164 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 1 79 1703 V. 9 4 Sampson Shelton Broughton continued as attorney-general of the province by orders from England and sworn in. John Coe, Content Titus and Wni Hallet, and the Quak- ers. Content Titus, Edward Hunt and Peter Berrian, trustees of Newtown, to be prosecuted for illegal methods in raising funds to build a meeting house for an indepen- dent minister. 167 5 Parmyter vs Lawrence, Schenectady. Hearing ordered on caveat by John Hutchins against a patent for land in Orange county to Melle Caspar, alias Springstead. Orders on petitions: by Wm Bradford; by Thomas Sanders; by David de Bon Repos; by 01of¥ van Cortlandt; by Isaac de Rienier; by Oliver Besley; by inhabitants of Schenec- tady; by Nichs Bayard; by Henry Filkin. Parmyter vs ^ Wm Hallet sr. 168 11 Trustees of New Haven want guns sent to New York in 1689 returned. Lancaster Syms and Michael Hawdon, by Oloff van Cortlandt their attorney against Mowbray, by Edward Antill and Wm NicoU in land matters. 171 12 Robt. LiA'ingston called before the council about his ac- counts. Mjmdert Harmense called on Henry Filkins peti- tion. Accotmts referred. Warrants: to Jacob van Duer- sen for military transportation; to Caleb Heathcote for firewood. 172 15 Warrant to Robert Sinclair issued June 27, 1701 to be an- nulled as obtained under false pretenses. Capt. Nanfan's certificate to Mrs Stokes' account required. Revenue ma- rine service. New Haven guns. 173 18 Persons having filed caveats to be called before the council. Parmyter vs Lawrence. Orders on petitions: by Wm Nottingham; by Robt. Livingston. Excise. Jonathan Whitehead. Warrants to Sam'l Bayard for firewood. 175 19 Letters received from Lieut, Thos. Sanders of the Jersey man-of-war, and tidewaiter Wm Sell informing that Edw'd Pette, Joseph Conckline and Wm Bradley of Southold have helped impressed sailors to desert; order for their arrest (see A''. Y. col. insSj 47:47-48). Accounts of commissioners of revenue. Care of sick soldiers. 177 p. m. Capt. Nanfan refuses to certify Mrs Stokes' account. Petitions by Paroculus Parmyter (see N. Y. col. mss, 47:49- 50) referred. 179 20 Paroculus Parmyter to be prosecuted on report upon his petitions. Petitions: by Robt. Livingston; bj^ Robert Milward; by Robert Walters referred. 179 25 The chief and the second justice report on the court of chancery. Capt. Nanfan reports on Mrs Stokes' account. i8o 1703 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY V. y Escheator-general to find an office of the estates of Jaspar Nessepatt an alien, and of Onzel van Sweeten an alien, both deceased without heirs. Warrant to Robt. Milward for services as prosecuting attorney at Albany. Duplicate of warrant issued to Robt. Walters for firewood and as- signed to Barth'w le Feurt. Proclamation to issue con- cerning deserters. i8o' Mar. I Isaac Arnold, Thomas Mapes and Thos. Young, justices of Suffolk summoned before the council on information by Major John Merritt. Edw'd Pette arrested (p. 177) con- fesses that he participated with Symon Grover, Stephen Bayley, Benj. Youngs, Lott Johnson and Daniel Terry in a riot on board of the seized sloop Discovery at Southold; Pette bailed not to leave the city; the others to be ar- rested. John Drake, Thos. Pinckney and Gregory Gud- geon, justices of Westchester county called before the council on an address by church wardens and vestry of the Westchester division. 183 4 Hearing on caveat by John Hutchins vs Melle Caspar post- poned. Edw'd Pette's bail approved. Parish of Eastches- ter. Order on petition by Joseph Sackett oni behalf of the town of Newtown (see A^. Y. col. mss, 47:61). John Par- cell elected collecter of Newtown discharged on camplaint of Thomas Wickenham that he is an illiterate person. John Mulford, Thos. Chatfield, Josiah Hobart and John Wheeler to be arrested on a report by Thos. Cardale deputy surveyor-general. Jonathan Horton to give bail for not leaving the province. Caveat against Sam'l Staats and others to be heard. 185 6 Rich'd Shaw, Nath'l Baker, Josiah Edwards, Enoch Tiffin, Wm Scallenger, Dan'l Bishop, John Gardner and Mama- seth Kempson to be arrested on a deposition by Thos. Cardale. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk county for the delivery of the sloop Discovery to Thomas Longworth. Bail of Jonathan Horton approved. Accounts for nursing sick soldiers referred. Warrant to Rip van Dam for work in the fort. Petition by Wm Bradford referred. 187 II Jobs, van Alen and others discharged. Albany quitrents. Report of commissioners on tavernkeepers' petition referred. Wawayanda patent. Accounts referred. Gun carriages to be provided. John Hutchins vs Melle Cas- par again postponed. Petition by Hendrick Johnson van Dyck and account of Elias and John Pelletreaux referred. 188 p. m. Order on petition by the mayor etc. of New York (see A*". Y. col. mss, 47:65). Albanj' quitrents. Petition by I\Irs CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 18I 1703 V. 9 Gertrud van Cortlandt referred. Warrant to Francis Wynne for firewood. 190 18 Patent for land in New York city granted to Jacob de Key upon deed from tlie mayor etc. Sloop Discovery afifair. Petition by Daniel Honan referred. Barent Staats' ac- count referred. Myndert Harmense to appear before the council. Wawayanda patent. License to purchase lands from the Minissink and Waghakemeck Indians granted to Phil. French and others. Excise. Orders on petitions: by Barne Cosens (see A^ Y. col. inss, 47:69); '^Y Rich'd Sackett (see L. P. 3:115) and by Cornelia Allison. 191 22 Isaac Arnold and Thos. Mapes put under bail not to leave the province. Nath'l Bishop and the high sheriff of Suf- folk county to be arrested on information by Thos. Car- dale (see N. Y. col. mss, 47:71-72). Orders on petitions: by Rob't Livingston; by Benj. Aske and by Charles Con- greve (see L. P. 3:105, 116). Warrants: to John Schuy- ler for sundries to Indians; to John Abeel for same; to Bern. Freeman for salai-y as Indian missionary; to Law- rence Claese for salary as Indian interpreter. 193 p. m. Writ to the escheator-general in regard to the estate of Jas- par Nessepatt revoked. 195 25 Caveat by the town of Brookland against patent to the city of New York discussed; Emott for Brooklyn, Buckley for New York. Paroculus Parmyter formerly disbarred again admitted to the bar. Warrants to ^Irs Gertrud van Cortlandt on accounts of her late husband. Order on petition by the same and her son 01of¥ van Cortlandt. Thos. Cardale swears to his reports of doings in Suffolk county. 195 p. m. License to purchase land in Suffolk county granted to Benj. * x\ske. Warrants for salaries of civil officers. 196 Ap. I Dr John Bridges appointed chief justice by the queen. Proclamation to issue for a day of thanksgiving. War- rants: to the wife of Jon'n Davis for chimney sweeping: to Samuel Blackman for going express; to Rob't Wal- ters for firewood; to Elias and John Pelletreaux for can- dles to the fort. 107 2 Major Dirck Wessells to go to Onondaga about French priests. Memorial by Peter Schuyler referred. Proclama- tion read and approved. Warrants to Peter Schuyler for firewood. 198 5 Dr John Bridges sworn in as chief justice. Dates for hold- ing courts in Orange county fixed. Petition by David de Bon Repos, minister of Staten Island referred. Inhabitants l82 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 V. 9 of the out farms in Albany county, especially of Half Moon, desert their places. 199 6 Robert A'lilward appointed second justice of the supreme court and sworn in. Thos. Wenhani appointed justice of the same court and sworn in. 201 8 Warrant to Thos. Longworth for services with the sloop Discovery. Salary of secretary fixed. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for Dirck Wessel's journey to Onondaga. 202 p. m. Patent for land called Kadarode in the Mohawk country granted to John Petersen Mebie. 203 13 Petition by Wm Carten referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 47:88). Josiah Hobart, Thos. Chatfield, Manassah Kempton, John Wheeler, Rich'd Shaw, Wm Scallenger, Daniel Bishop, Josiah Edwards, Joseph Conklin and Wm Bradley reported arrested, the others (p. 185) not to be found. Order on peti- tion by Lucretia widow of Denyse Hegeman. Warrant for the commitment to the New York jail of the above pris- oners (see A''. Y. col. mss, 47:90). 203 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:189): Joseph Conckline and Wm Bradley admitted to bail. Richard Greenes ac- count referred. Surveys of land ordered: for Cornelius Dykman (see L. P. 3:1118); for Andries Gardner (see L. P. 3:90). Warrants: to Peter Schuyler for victualling the forces at Albany in 1697 and 1698; to Daniel Honan for salary as secretary; to Thos. Davis for expenses as riding messenger; to Richard Greene for guarding the pink Hope. Forts at Nestigione and Half Moon. Myndert Harmense discharged. 204 14 Order on petition by Joseph Conckline and Wm Bradley (see N. Y. col. mss, 47:93). Hearing of caveats. 208 17 Conckline and Bradley (see N. Y.col. mss, 47:94). Capt. George Rogers, Lieut. Henry Long and Thos. Sanders, Purser John Francklin and Surgeon John Longford, all of the Jersey man-of-war sworn in. Hearings of differ- ences: between New York city and Brooklyn; between John Hutchins-and Melle Caspar deferred. Orders on petitions: by John Abeel; by Jacobus van Dyck; by John Baptist van Eps; by John Gilbert. Account of Harpert Jacobse referred. Jonathan Owen and the quakers. St George manor and Brookhaven. Joseph Conckline and Wm Bradley discharged. 209 20 John Wheeler discharged; the others to be prosecuted. 213 21 Warrants for quartering soldiers in 1700 to Mary Harris, John Davids, Robt Crannell, Anth'y Farmer, Thos. Carell, Cornelia Allison, Berkley, Wm Mosse and Susannah Robert. Fort for the Schaakhook Indians. 214 CALENDAR OF C(H XCfL MINUTES 1668-I783 183 1703 V. 9 22 New York city vs Brooklyn. Wawayanda patent. War- rants: to John Abeel for balance of expenses of Gov. Fletcher's expedition to Albany; to John Baptist van Eps for a journey to Onondaga; to Surgeon Jacobus van Dyck for salary. Accounts of Lawrence Claese and John Osburne referred. Ulster county taxes and quitrents. License to purchase Indian lands near Schenectady and Saratoga granted to S. S. Broughton (see L. P. 3:122). Petition of George Hadley granted (see L. P. 3:1211). Order on petition by Benj. Faneuil (see L. P. 3:120). 215 26 John Gardner, Nath'l Baker, Josiah Edwards and Nath'l Bishop arrested in Suffolk county and committed to jail in New York. 219 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:190). Patent to Dr John Bridges (Wawayanda) signed. Kings county taxes. 220 p. m. High sheriff of Suffolk county defends himself (see ;V. }'. col. iiiss, 47:106). Order on memorial of Dame Mary Sloughter widow of Gov. Sloughter (see N. Y. col. mss, 45:182). Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:190). 221 28 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:191). Ulster county quit- rents. Warrants to Rip van Dam and Caleb Heathcote for firewood. 222 29 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:191). 223 May 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:191). High sheriff Wm ^ Herrick of Suffolk county put under bail not to leave the province. 225 6 Suspension of Wm Atwood, Thos. Wenhani, Abr'm de Peyster, Sam'l Staats and Rob't Walters approved by the queen. Sentence of Nich's Bayard and John Hutchins re- versed by the queen. Acts repealed. Susannah Vaughton complains that Capt. Nanfan detains her Indian deed for land at Crown Elbow in Dutchess county. Hutchins vs Caspar heard. Caveats to be heard: by Jacob Rutsen vs Hurley, ]\Iarbletown and JNIumbackus; by Magdalena Rosekrans against a patent for Leendert Cooll; of Caleb Heathcote against a patent to people of Bedford; of Isaac de Riemer about Crop Meadow and Half Hollow hills; of Albert Manasse and Florus Wmse Cromelin: of — John Cosier; of Glaus Clause Slyter; of Sam'l ]Mulford; of Thomas Noxon vs. Leendert Cooll; of Samuel Paul du Four; of Leendert Cooll; of Nath'l Brittain. 226 7 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:192). ]\Iontaukett lands. 229 8 Hearing of caveat by Glaus Clause Slyter vs Capt. Thos. Garton. Patent granted to Garton. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:192): Warrants: to Wm Bradford for paper 184 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 V. 9 etc.; to Gabriel Ludlow for salarj' as clerk of the assembly. Accounts of the sloops Mary, and Society. Wreck at Brookhaven. Accounts referred. Wm Lawrence and Gerard Beeckman called before the council. Wm Her- rick's bail received. Petition by Lawrence van Schayck and Lawrence van Aele referred (see L. P. 3:124). Order on petition by Wm Nicoll and And'w Gibb. Warrant to Daniel Bonde-t for salary as minister at New Rochelle. Amount of quitrent to be paid by Severeyn ten Hout for the land called Masscaks, Ulster county, fixed. 231 11 Montauket lands. Wm Nottingham. Escheat of Onzel van Sweeten. Legislative minutes ' (see Jour. 1:192). New- town. 234 12 Excise of New York city to be taken into the hands of government. Newtown (see L. P. 2,'-'i^'26). Daniel Smith of Smithtown, Suffolk county, to be arrested and tried for assaulting a justice of the peace. 235 13 Montaukett lands. Jacob Rutsen, Jacob Aertsen and Abr'm Haasbrook to be arrested for failing to report on Ulster county quitrents; John Heermans reports and is discharged. Hearing of caveat by Rutsen vs Marbletown deferred. Petition by Rob't Livingston jr referred. Warrant to John Abeel for sundries to soldiers and Indians at Albany. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:193). ^3^ 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:193). Proclamation to issue contradicting false rumors. Order on petition by Nicoll and Gibb (p. 231). Newtown. Petition by Phil. French referred (see A^". Y. col. mss, 47:126). 238 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:193).. Prosecution of Thos. Weaver late collector suspended. 241 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:194). Special commission to issue for the trial of an accidental murder. 242 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:194). Abr'm. Haasbrook discharged. Quota .of Maryland and Virginia for forts in New York not forthcoming. 243 20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:194). 245 22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:195). 246 25 Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:196). Indian affairs. Order on petition by John and Daniel Lawrence. Newtown. Nicoll and Gibb (p. 231, 238). Petitions: by Barent Vrooman; by Johs. Sanderse Glen; by Cornelius Dykman (see L. P. 3:118, 127); and account of Francis Wynne, all referred. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:196): Report on Barne Cosens' account approved. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for pay to Indian messengers. ' 248 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 185 1703 V. 9 26 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:196): Warrant to Rob't Livingston jr for salary as clerk of a special court of oyer and terminer at Albany. 249 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. i:ig6). Order on petition by Jacob Rutsen and Jacob Aertsen prisoners. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:196). 251 29 Ulster county taxes. The above prisoners are discharged. 253 31 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:197). 254 June I Legislative minutes' (see Jour. 1:198). Peter Schuyler's ac- counts referred. Hurly, jMai'bletown and Mumbackus'. Newtown. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:198). Mon- tauket lands. Acts confirmed and repealed. 257 2 Marbletown bounds. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:198). Proceedings of Queens county court of sessions to be ex- amined. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for Lidian presents in 1688. 259 3 Legislative (see Jour. 1:199). Montauket lands. Hurley and Marbleton: Legislative (lb): House of office for the gar- rison to be removed as a nuisance: Order concerning John and Daniel Lawrence (p. 248). 261 9 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:200). 264 10 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:200). Warrants: to Jobs. Sanderse Glen and to Barent for firewood to Schenectady garrison; to Lawrence Claese for journeys to Onondaga; to Dirck Wessels for same; to James Spencer for recruit- ing services. Montauket lands. Patent for land granted ^ to Helmer Janse (see L. P. 3:75, 130): Legislative min- utes (see Jour, i :20o) : License to purchase Lidian lands in Orange county granted to Benj. Faneuil: Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:200). Quitrents for Marbletown and ]Mumbackus fixed. 267 11 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:201). 272 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:202). 273 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:202). 274 . 16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:202). Patents granted: to Mumbackus (see L. P. 3:132); to Marbletown (see L. P. 3:131). License to purchase Indian lands granted to David Schuyler and Rob't Livingston jr. Patent for land in Dutchess county granted to Henry Beekman. Legisla- tive minutes (see Jour. 1:202). 275 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:203). Dutch privateer from Curasao allowed to refit. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:203). 277 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:203). Order on petition by Henry Beekman (see L. P. 3:133)- Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:203). 278 1 86 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 V. 9 19 Order on petition by Caleb Heathcote mayor of the borough of Westchester (see N. Y. col. mss, 47:178, 180). Legisla- tive minutes (see four. 1:204). 280 24 Accounts of Thos. Wenham and Peter Fauconier referred. Hearing of caveat by Isaac de Riemer deferred. Orders on petitions: by Philipp French and others (see L. P. 3:136); by Florus Crom; by Richard Greener; by John Fort alias Libertee; by Peter Laesseing; by John Embree. Sloop Discovery seized and condemned for illegal trade to be used in the revenue service. Petition by Dirck van der Burgh referred (see A^. Y. col. mss, 47:183). Caveats by Jacob Rutsen vs Marbletown, Hurley and Mombackus dismissed. ' Warrant to Wm. Anderson. Newtown books to be examined. Clauses about fishing, fowling etc. to be inserted into the patents for Marble- town and Mombackus. Mombackus to be called Rochester. _ Accounts of the governor's journey to Albany to be audited. Petition by Schenectady church rejected (see A''. Y. col. mss, 47:168, and Doc. hist, N. Y. 3:143-44; Q 3:92). 382 July I Difference between Phil. French and Eben'r Wilson to be examined. Survey of Half Hollow hills to be made. Order on petition by Florus Crom. Patent granted to Wm. Nottingham. Warrants: for salaries of civil officers; to Wm. Vesey rector for house rent; to Gabriel Ludlow for salary as clerk and to Gabriel LufT as doorkeeper, of the assembly; to Michael Hawdon for rent of his house by the assembly. Vincent Tillon vs. Jacob Kierstead (p. 58). 28s I15 Shawannas Indians before the council make propositions. Presents to be given to them. 288 16 Presents delivered to the Shawannas. Schaakhook Indians leave their country to live among the Mohawks. 289 20 Roger Mompesson arrives from England with a commission of judge of the admiralty and is sworn in. Report on the petition of John Embree (see N'. Y. col. mss, 47:186). Indian afifairs. Warrants to Peter Fauconier and Thos. Wenham for disbursements for the fortifications. Forti- fication accounts. Warrants to Wenham and Fauconier for contingent public charge. 289 27 ii8oo tax. No assessment of the £2000 tax made in Hemp- stead. More taxes than called for by the act collected in Gravesend. Riot at Jamaica stirred up by Mr Hubbard a dissenting minister (see Doc. hist, N. Y. 3:202; Q 3:126). 292 29 Collection of taxes in Queens county. Clerks of the peace in Suffolk, Westchester, Richmond, Orange and Dutchess CALK^'I).\K ()1- (.OlXCIi: ..MINl'TKS 1668-I783 187 1703 V. 9 counties summoned before the council for not sending col- lected taxes to the receiver-general. Collectors of the iiooo tax for building the Onondaga fort to be appointed (see iV. F. col. mss, 48:6). Major Wm. Lawrence called before the council. Justices of Kings county also called. 294 30 Order of the queen in council received approving the act for granting unto her majesty £2000. Thos. Wenham ap- pointed of the council and sworn in. Lord Cornbury ap- pointed captain-general and governor-in-chief of the province of New York, and sworn in (p. 16). Wm. Smith, Peter Schuyler, S. S. Broughton, W. W. Romar, Wm. Lawrence, Gerard Beekman, Rip van Dam, John Bridges, Caleb Heathcote, Thos. Wenham, Matthew Ling and Kilian van Rensselaer appointed to, and some of them sworn of the council. Freedom of debate and vote in all cases granted to the council. Thos. Byerley appointed and sworn in as collector and receiver-general. George Clarke sworn in as secretary of the province. Proclama- tion to issue adjourning the supreme court on Long Island. 296 Aug. 3 Wm. Smith and Peter Schuyler sworn of the council. Order on petition by Wm Lawrence vs John Embree (see A^. Y. col. inss, 48:14). Collectors of the £1500 for erecting batteries at the Narrows to be summoned. Report on the petition by Wm Nottingham called for (p. I7S). Ulster county taxes; Jacob Rutsen called before the council (p- 2^53) ■ Accounts referred. Warrants: to Wm. Hodg- son for bricklayers work in the fort; to Elias and John Pelletreaux for candles; to Francis Wynne for firewood to Albany garrison; to Henry van der Spiegel for window glass in Fort Anne; to Rip van Dain and Stephen de Lancey for Lidian presents; to Robert Livingston, John Barbaric and Sam'l Bayard, executors of Gabriel Minvielle deceased;' to Ebenezer Wilson; to Hellegauda de Key; to Margaret widow of Rich'd Stokes for articles furnished for the governor's journey to Albany; to Nanning Har- niense; to Harpert Jacobse; to Wm Teller and to Dirck van den Burgh for hire of their sloops on the same occa- sion. Repairs to the fort. Petition by Capt. Jas. Weems granted (see A^ Y. col. iiiss, 48:20). Accounts to lie on the table. Warrants: to Anne Bowen; to Judith Pem- berton; to Elizabeth Smith; to Mary Thomas; to Susan- nah van Bonnel; to Susannah Churcher; to Elizabeth Stokes; to Elizabeth Letts; to Catherine Mansaile and to Hannah Graves, all for nursing sick soldiers. Report and Io6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 V. 9 order on an account of Sheriff Jon'n Broadhurst of Albany (p. 67). Daniel Honan ordered to turn over to George Clarke the records etc. of the secretary's office. 300 5 Order on petition by the inhabitants of Bedford. Kings county taxes. Phil. French et al. vs Ebenezer Wilson et al. Indian affairs. Peter Schuyler's accounts. War- rants: to Peter Schuyler for Indian payments; to Matthew Ling for provisions to the Indians. Wm. Lawrence vs John Embree. Warrants of the 20th of July signed. 308 6 Order on petition by Jacobus van Cortlandt (see L. P. 3:141). Phil. French vs Eben'r Wilson. License to pur- chase land granted to Thos. Wenham. Petition by Phil. French rejected. Warrants: to Wm. Smith for express messengers; to Peter Schuyler for firewood to Albany gar- rison and for Indian disbursements. 311 9 Caleb Heathcote sworn of the council. Order on memorial by Thos. Byerley collector and receiver (see N.. Y. col. niss, 48:42). Quitrents. Boat for the custom-house service to be purchased. The collector can draw salary only from the day of his arrival. Patent granted to Jacobus van Cortlandt. Attorney-general's accounts referred. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for a journey to the Onondagas and Oneidas, whom he is to call to meet the governor at Albany. Survey of the land claimed by Phil. French and by Eben'r Wilson to be made. Proclamation to issue for- bidding the boarding of vessels before the customs officers have visited them. 313 10 Hendrick Hansen, Peter Vosburgh and Lammert Jansen summoned before the council. Election of a representa- tive for Rensselaerswyck ordered vice Kilian van Rensselaer appointed to the council. Repairs to the custom-house to be made. Bedford. Orders on petitions: by Thos. Cardale (see L. P. 3:142) and by Dirck Jansen Hooglandt (see L. P. 3:143). Lord Cornbury intends to go to New Jersey in order to proclaim his commission. 316 17 Peter Schuyler presides. Capt. Henry Claver of the Dutch privateer Castle Roy not allowed to sail until he has given bonds that he will not take on board debtors etc. 318 31 Lord Cornbury returned. An Indian murdered. Legisla- tive minutes (see Jour. 1 :205) : Patent for Bedford to be drawn up. Jacobus Kierstead discharged of his bond. 318 Sep. 2. Wm. Carter appointed controller of the customs and sworn in. Letter from the queen forbidding governors to accept presents voted by the assembly, and fixing their salary. Letter from the lords of trade concerning courts of judi- CALENDAR OF C(n-XC1L MINUTES 1668-I783 189 1703 V. 9 cature. Letter from Lord Nottingham containing in- formation of the declaration of war in the West Indies and about trade with the French. Orders: on memorial by Thos. Byerley (see N. Y. col. iiiss, 48:53); on petition by Jacob Rutsen (see A''. Y. col. inss, 48:54). 320 6 The governor and members of the council present take the " protestant succession " oath. Barne Cosens sworn in as clerk of the council. Warrants: to Marg't Stokes for services by her late husband; to John Osburne for sweep- ing chimneys in the fort. Reports referred. Warrants: to John Clapp for carpenter work in the fort by John Perry; to Thos. Byerley for fitting out a revenue cutter, etc.; to Lucretia Hegeman for services done by her husband among the eastern Lidians; to Wm. Vesey for salary as rector of Trinity church and house rent; to Dan'l Bondet as minister at New Rochelle; to Peter Peiret as minister in New York; to Caleb Heathcote, Thos. Wen- ham and Peter Fauconier for salaries as commissioners of the revenue. 327 13 Capt. Henry Claver. Kinderhook affairs (see N. Y. col. msSj 48:9-12, 62). Wm. Peartree to be mayor, and Ebenezer Wilson sheriff, of New York. Order on petition by Wm. Bond master of the galley Cole and Bean. Warrants to Peter Fauconier and Thos. Wenham exchanged for others. Newtown books. Governor intends to go to Albany to meet the five nations. 330 Oct. 5 Governor absent in Albany sends directions for issuing a proclamation to adjourn the assembly. 333 8 Governor returned. Supreme court to sit longer than pro- vided in the ordinance establishing it. 333 14 Mayor Wm. Peartree and Sheriff Eben'r Wilson take the oaths. Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:205): Oaths of allegiance and supremacy administered to the officers of the independent companies; Capt. Peter Matthews, Lieuts. John Riggs, Matthew Shanke, Rich'd Hopson, Capt. Jas. Weems, Lieuts. Henry Holland, John Peirson and Sur- geon Phil. Rokeby; and to naval officer Peter Fauconier. 334 15 Supreme court. Edward Petty discharged from his bail. 336 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:206). Collector Thos. Byerley, Sec. Geo. Clarke, and Doorkeeper Edw'd Cole sworn in. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:206). 338 19 Lease of the custom-house. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:206). Patent for Jacobus van Cortlandt signed. Fort at Albany to be repaired. Warrants: to Thos. Byerley for carpenter work in the fort done by Christopher Denn; 190 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 V. 9 to Barne Cosens for stationery; to Capt. Jas. Weems for candles. Bedford patent. Orders on petitions: by Abr'm Lakeman as guardian of Susannah le Conte daughter of John le Conte (see N. Y. col. viss^ 48:84); by Albert Ryk- nian (see A''. Y. col. mss, 48:86). Warrants for salaries: to Hendrick van Dyk as surgeon; to Jacob Staats; to Jacobus van Dyk; to Fred. Mynderse as armorer in Albany. 339 20 Warrants to Henry Holland for firewood. Caleb Heathcote, and Judge Roger Mompeson take the oath of abjuration; also Mayor Wm. Peartree and recorder S. S. Broughton. Warrants for Thos. Wenham and Peter Fauconier signed. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Richard Sackett (see L. P. 3:115, 149). Lease of the custom-house. Order on petition by John Cloet. 342 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:207): Orders on petitions by Dirck van den Burgh, Manning Harmense, John Abeel and Capt. Jas. Weems. John Braddick's account referred. 343 22 Daniel Honan, Wm. Smith, Michael Hawdon, Jacob de Key and Lieut. Lancaster Syms subscribe the abjuration oath and the first four are also sworn in as justices of the peace. 345 23 Warrants: to Henry Holland for candles; to John Abeel for officers' lodgings at Albany. Legislative minutes (see Jotir. 1:20). Petition by Jane widow of Richard Greener sadler rejected (see A^. Y. col. mss, 48:82). Report on Florus Crom's petition to lie on the table.. Warrants: to Lancas- ter Syms for wine to the soldiers on the queen's birthday; to Dirck van den Burgh for wine at Indian treaty in Albany. 345 27 Kilian van Rensselaer sworn in as member of the council. Order on petition by Lieuts. John Riggs and John Person (see A^. Y. col. mss, 48:88). Warrants: to Gabriel Ludlow clerk, and to Gabriel Lufif doorkeeper of the assembly for salaries; to Michael Hawdon for use of his house by the assembly. Petition by Jacobus van Dyck referred. 347 Nov. 3 Proclamation to issue assuring sailors of privateers that they shall not be impressed for the royal navy. Orders on peti- tions: by Jannetie Cregier; by Gerard Beeckman; by Paroculus Parmyter; by officers stationed at Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 48:77). Warrant to Thos. Byerley for ex- penses of repairing the custom-house. Orders on petition by Kilian van Rensselaer (see L. P. 3:1153). Lieuts. Riggs and Person to have bed linen. 348 " 4 Confirmatory patent granted to Kilian van Rensselaer. New order on the petition by Jannetie Cregier. Orders on peti- tions: by Andrew Dupuj^ master of the sloop Jacob by CALEXDAK OF COL'NCII. MIXITKS 1668-I783 I9I 1703 V. 9 Barne Cosens. Custom-house. Hurley (see L. P. 3:154). Proclamation to issue to discourage desertions from the Jersey man-of-war, and from the army. Petition of Lieut. Henry Holland rejected (see iV. Y. col. niss, 48:100). Orders on petitions: by Thos. Byerley; by Hilletie van Olinda. Warrants: to Wm. Chambers for salary as gauger of the excise; for salaries of civil officers; to Peter Schuyler for firewood and for expenses of a journey to the Indian country; to Thos. Wenham for guns to Shatteras Indians; to Wm Sell for expenses on a revenue cruise. Bedford patent. 349 6 Wm Smith takes the abjuration oath. James Evetts searcher of the customs, Wm Chambers gauger of the excise, Wm Sell, Nich's Feilding and Daniel Toy land and tidewaiters, Richard Stillwell high sheriff of Kings county swear the abjuration oath. Newtown records. Warrants: to the attornej'-general for fees; to Barne Cosens for expenses in the escheator-general's oiSce; to Wm Chambers for salary. Ulster and Dutchess county taxes. Jacob Rutsen to be arrested. Col. Wm. Smith and the sloops Mary, and Society. Firewood for Albany garrison. Warrants to ^Irs Gertrud van Cortlandt for moneys due to her late hus- band. 354 9 Governor absent in New Jersey. Wm Smith presides. Wm Lawrence complains of having been assaulted on the street by one John Kincker who is to be arrested. Jacob Willse complains of having been assaulted by Wm Lawrence (see N. Y. col. mss, 48:106). 361 22 Lieut. Charles Congreve ordered to conduct military detach- ments to the frontiers is provided with money and provis- ions. 363 Dec. 4 Jacob Rutsen discharged from arrest upon giving security "for making up the tax accounts. 364 23 Lord Cornbury returned. Proclamation to issue concerning pay-warrants. Collection of the iiooo and £1500 taxes (see A^ Y. col. mss, 48:115). Jacob Rutsen's accounts. War- rant to Lieut. John Riggs for bed linen. License to pur- chase land granted to Robert Lurting and Sampson Broughton (see L. P. 3:158). John de Peyster, Samuel Staats and Isaac de Reymer called before the council. 365 24 Three above men ordered to produce the power of attorney from Mr Weaver late collector. License to purchase land granted to Wm. Peartree, Jacobus van Cortlandt and John van Home (see L. P. 3:155). Warrant to Lieut. Charles Congreve for military expenses. Permission given 192 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1703 1704 Jan. 6 V. 9 13 27 to John Willsee to prosecute Wm. Lawrence of the coun- cil for assauh (p. 361). Order on petition by Phil. French and others (see L. /-'. 3:159). 366 Warrants: to civil officers for salaries; to Rev. Wm. Vesey for his salary; to S. S- Broughton for fees as attorney- general; to Benj. Aske for wine, and to Jeremiah Tathill for articles provided for the governor's journey to Albany; to John Crook for bacon etc.: to Matthew Ling, Benj. Aske and Caleb Cooper, administrators of the estate of Onzel van Sweeten for wine and rum on the governor's journey to Albany in 1702; to John Vincent for mending pump of the garrison; to Thos. Noxon for wine for the governor's journey to Albany in 1702. Special court of oyer and terminer to sit in Queens county for trial of a quaker accused of blasphemy. Orders on petitions: by Wm Bradford (see N. Y. col. mss, 48:147); by Thos. Williams, by Stephen de Lancey, by Richard Sackett, by Tierck Harmense, by S. S. Broughton (see L. l'. .3:115, 149, 157, 160, 161). Warrant for Lieut. Chas. Congreve signed. Wm Bradford to receive his salary quarterly as other civil officers. Complaint of Paroculus Parmyter against Wm Lawrence of the council referred to two " in- different " persons. Newtown books. Orders on peti- tions: by Philipp Rokeby surgeon to the land forces (see A^. }". col. mss, 48:148); by Phil. French et al. Jacob Willsee vs Wm Lawrence. 2>^7 License to purchase lands granted to Peter Fauconier and others (see L. P. 3:164). Minissinck patent (see L. F. 3:163). Newtown books. Order on petition of Tierck Harmense p. 367). Jacob Willsee vs Wm Lawrence. Proclamation ordered on December 23 signed and to be printed. 371 Orders on petitions: by Lieut. Richard Hopson; by Peter Fauconier. Newtown affairs and books. Phil. Rokeby before the council in regard to his petition (p. 367). War- rant to Rev. Johs. Lydius for missionary services. Edw'd Cole messenger of the council. Jacob Willsee vs Wm Law- rence. 373 Order on petition by Mary Lawrence (see N. Y. col. mss, 48:158). Division of Minissinck patent. Warrants: to Stephen de Lancey for guns to the Indians; to Wm Brad- ford for stationery. Report on confirmed and repealed acts read. Survey of land ordered for Thos. Cardale et al. (see L. P. 3:165). Jacob Willsee vs Wm Lawrence. Col- lector's accounts referred. 375 CALENDAR OF COfXClL ^MINUTES 1668-I783 I93 1704 V. 9 Feb. 10 Newtown books. ]\Iary Lawrence vs Wm Lawrence. Minissinck patent. Zl^ 17 iiooo tax for building the Onondaga fort in Kings county. Petition by Alargarett van Schayck referred (see A''. Y. col. mss. 48:163). Warrants: to Lieut. Rich'd Hopson for fur- niture; to Thos. Byerley for a custom-house boat and in- cidental charges; to Rev. Win. Vesey for salary and house rent; to John Abeel for repairs of block-houses and of the Indian house at Albany; to Dirck van den Burgh for mason work in the fort; to Gabriel Luff for hire of wagons on Long Island; to John Braddick for use of his sloop in the revenue service; to Daniel Honan for incidental ex- penses on the fort; to Dr Phil Rokeby for medicines; to S. S. Broughton for fees in the case of the sloops Alary, and Society. Order on petition by Richard Sackett and others (see L. P. 3:166). Report on the petition of Thos. Byerley (p. 349) approved (see A''. Y. col. mss, 48:104-5). Petition by John Hutchins et al. referred. Accounts of the governor's journey to New Jersey (see N. Y. col. mss, 48:172). Parmyter vS' Lawrence (p. 367). Minissinck pat- ent, Lawrence vs Lawrence. 377 24 Justice Robert jMilward sworn in. Accounts of Albany ex- pedition referred. Petition by Benj. Aske et al. granted (see L. P. 3:168). Minissinck patent. Supreme court for Orange count}^ to be appointed (see A^ Y. col. mss, 48:170). Montauket lands. John Bachand's accounts referred. 382 Mar. 9 Minissinck patent. Orders on petitions: by Daniel Honan and IMich'l Hawdon (see L. P. 3: 169;. by John Hutchins (see L. P. 3:171); by Thos. Worden. Quitrents. War- rants for things furnished for the governor's journey to Albany bj' John Abeel, Daniel Honan, Peter Fauconier. Fort Anne to be inspected as to repairs. Warrants for the governor's salary to be prepared. 383 23 Report on Jacob Rutsen's accounts to lie on the table. Orders on petitions: by Thos. Wenham; by Barent Pieterse Coeyman (see L. P. 3:176); by John Vincent; by Anth'y Badgley (see L. P. 3:172); by justices of Kings county; by Christopher Rousby (see L. P. 3:173); by Jacob Regnier (see L. P. 3:175); by Rob't Lurting (see L. P. 3:174). 385 24 Richard Ingoldsby appointed lieutenant governor and sworn in. Petition by Christopher Rousby (p. 385) granted. Patent for land granted to Barent Pieterse Coeyman (p. 385). Warrant to Lancaster Syms for Bristol stones to the fort. Orders on petitions: by Jacob Rutsen (see A''. Y. 194 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1T04 V. 9 col. mss, 49:15); by Thos. Worden; by Elias and John Pel- letreaux. Warrants to Peter Fauconier for the governor's salary. Survey of land for Anth'y Badgley signed (p. 385). Warrant to Jacob van Duersen for journeys to Albany. Lancaster Syms and Chris'r Denn intend to put up lading cranes; permission- given. 386 Ap. 3 Ordinance for establishing the supreme court to be issued. Warrants: to civil officers for salaries; to John Trevitt for services on board the revenue sloop William in 1702. Orders on petitions: by Math. Ling et al (see L. P. 3:1.79); by Isaac de Reymer; by Mary Lawrence (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:18). Warrant to Francis Winne for fire- wood to Albany garrison. Division of Flushing common lands forbidden. 388 8 Ordinance concerning the supreme court signed. License to purchase land in Orange county granted to Lieut. John Riggs (see L. P. 3:180). 390 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:207). Warrant of survey granted to. Hendr. Martinse Witts (see L. P. 3:187). An- dries Coeyman called before the council. Flushing com- mon. Patent for Chris'r Rousby and wife Sarah to be prepared. 390 p.m. Legislative minutes (Jour. 1:208). Hearing of caveat by Barent Pieterse Coeymans vs Kilian van Rensselaer de- ferred. Orders on petitions: by Capt. Peter Matthews (see N- Y. col. mss, 49:20); by John de Merest (see L. P. 3:182). Patent for Chris'r and Sarah Rousby. 391 15 Warrant to Lieut. Charles Congreve for military expenses. Flushing matters. Orders on petitions: by Peter Lansing; by Arent Danielse; by Lieut. Charles Oliver. 'Warrants: to Jobs. Sanders and Jellis van Voorst for firewood to Schenectady garrison; to Peter Schuyler for incidental ex- penses at Albany. Order on the report concerning the petition of Thos. Worden pipemaker to dig clay in Flush- ing township. 393 20 Minissinck patent. Confirmatory patent granted to Peter Schuyler (sde L. P. 3:184). Petition by Helletie van Olinda referred. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:208). Petition by John Baptist van Eps referred. Warrant of survey for Anth'y Badgley to be executed. Accounts re- ferred. Ordinance for establishing a supreme court in Orange county to issue (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:26-27). Col- lector of quitrents in Albany to pay John Abeel for officers' house rent. Petitions referred. Warrant to Col. Wm Smith for services in seizing the sloop Society. 394 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I95 1704 V. 9 21 Order on petition by tiie trustees of Westchester (see L. P. 3:187). Warrant to Arent Danielse for repairing the Sche- nectady blockhouse. Orders on petitions: by Effie Hanse (see L. P. 3:185); by Richard Sackett & Co.; by the in- habitants of Schenectady (see L. P. 3:186). Ulster and Dutchess county taxes. Daniel Honan's petition referred. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for pay of soldiers. Wm Smith wants rent for his house used for quartering soldiers. 396 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:209). Flushing commons may be divided. Warrants to Peter Schuyler and to Jacob Turck for candles to Albany and Schenectady garrisons. 398 26 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:209). Westchester affairs. Edw'd Burroughs, justice of Queens county, Sam'l Clows and Sam'l Mills summoned before the council on the peti- tion of John Grice. Account of Dan'l Ebbetts bricklayer referred. ]\Iinissinck patent. Warrant to Isaac Caspersen for firewood at Albany. Dirck van den Burgh sworn in as justice of the peace in Orange county. Quitrents. 399 28 Tierck Harmense vs Effie Hanse. Anne Daniell's account referred. Minissinck patent. Order on petition by Wm NicoU and Andrew Gibb (p. 231). Legislative minutes (see Joitr. 1:209). John Grice's afifair (p. 399). Warrants given in October to Capt. Weems cancelled the originals having been found. Coeymans vs van Rensselaer. Or- ders on petitions: by Wm Peartree (see L. P. 3:189); by Wm Davis (see N- Y. col. mss, 49:32). Jacobus van de Water called before the council. Accounts referred. 401 May 3 Petitions by James Spencer and by Mrs Gertrud van Cort- landt to lie on the table (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:48-49). 403 4 Warrants: to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary and house rent; to Wm Hall for firewood to Schenectady garrison; to Barne Cosens for stationery; to Barent Staats for military freighting; to Thos. Williams for services in Indian affairs; to Daniel Honan for clerical work. Salary of Wm Davis as clerk in the custom-house fixed. Warrants: to Peter Schuyler, Rip van Dam and Caleb Heathcote for firewood to Albany, Schenectady and New York garri- sons: to Lawrence Claese for salary as Indian interpre- ter. Patent to Hendrick Johnson van Dyck deferred. Warrants to Wm Smith for use of his house as soldiers' quarters. Patent granted to Peter Lansing (see L. P. 3:183). Capt. Nanfan's accounts referred. Order on peti- tion by Jonathan and Samuel Smith (see L. P. 4:2). War- rants: to Peter Faiiconier for wine etc. on account of the governor's journey to Albany in 1702; to John Crook for 196 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1704 V. 9 salary as gauger; to commissioners of the revenue for fitting up cliaplain's and surgeon's quarters in the fort, for timber sent to England by the Benjamin in 1702, for car- penter's work in the fort done by Christopher Denn, for payments to Derick Wessells and Isaac le Noir, for mend- ing the governor's barge (see A^ Y. col. mss, 49:52-54). 404 6 Schenectady. Brooklyn taxes. Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:211). East- and Westchester. 409 8 Coeyman vs van Rensselaer. Warrants: to Caleb Heath- cote for firewood; to Daniel Ebbetts for bricklayers work in the fort; to Anne Daniels for nursing John Harris a sick soldier; to Elizabeth Stokes for nursing Edward Clay- ton and other sick soldiers. License to purchase land granted to Thos. Wenham and George Clarke (see L. P. 4:4). Warrants to Margaret van Schayck for the salary of the late Sec. Matthew Clarkson. Capt. Nanfan's accounts (see A^. Y. col. mss, 49:55). Report on the condition of Fort Anne read. Montaucket lands. 410 9 /Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:2111). Schenectady matters. / Brooklyn taxes. Warrants of the day before signed. War- rant to Lieut. Charles ■ Oliver for firewood to Albany garrison. Warrant for survey of land between Great Nut- tenhook and Swartahook, Albany county granted to Effie Hanse (see L. P. 4:3). Order on petition by Rob't Liv- ingston (see A^ Y. col. mss, 49:68). Warrant of survey granted to Wm NicoU and Andrew Gibb (sec L. P. 4:5). Repairs to Fort Anne ordered. Warrant to Wm Davis for salary as custom-house clerk. 414 10 East- and Westchester. Schenectady. Jeronimus Rapale and Brooklyn taxes. 416 11 Warrant to Peter Schuyler for a journey to Onondaga. Montaucket lands. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:211). Petition by Rich'd Sackett referred. Quitrents. Schenec- tady. Petition by Barent Pieterse Coeyman rejected (see L. P. 4:6). Order concerning firewood for the different garrisons. Jeronimus Rapale. Warrants: to Peter Schuyler for pay of soldiers; to Abr'm SchUyler for same and for scouting services; to Lieut. Charles Congreve for contingent military charges. 417 13 Patent granted to Matthew Ling et al. (see L. P. 4:8). War- rant to Capt. Abr'm Schuyler for military expenses. Taxes. Order on petition by Tierck Harmense (see L. P. 4:7). Peter Schuyler, John Sanders Glen, Adam Vrooman, Daniel Johnson and John Baptist van Eps appointed first trustees of Schenectady. Peter Schuyler's patent. 419 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I97 1704 V. 9 16 Minissinck quitrents. Patent for land granted to Andries Gardineur. Land to be granted to Tierck Harmense must first be surveyed. Warrants of May 13 to Peter Schuyler to be exchanged for others; another warrant to him signed. Warrant to Rob't Livingston for salary as store- keeper. 421 19 Accounts of Thos. Weaver late collector. East- and West- chester. Orders on petitions: by John Abeel (see A^. Y. col. viss, 49:73); by David de Bon Repos (see L. P. 4:10); by Daniel Toy (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:72). Jeronimus Rapale to be prosecuted. Schenectady and Ryer Scher- merhorn (see L. P. 4:9). Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:212). Petitions by George Clarke and by John Hutchins (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:75) referred. Date for election of trustees in Schenectady fixed. 423 23 Legislative minutes (see /o«r. 1:212). Schenectady quitrents. Warrants: to John Abeel for provisions to the Indians; to Capt. John Riggs for fencing Fort Anne. 425 24 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:212). Warrant of survey granted to Hendrick Martinse Wittz (see L. P. 4:11). 427 25 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:213). Orders on petitions: by Lieut. Henry Holland (see A". 1'. col. mss, 49:80); by Jacob Regnier & Co. (see L. P. 4:13). 427 26 East- and Westchester. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:213). 429 30 Legislative minutes (se& Jour. 1:2:14). New Rochelle bounds. Orders on petitions: by Robert Milward (see L. P. 4:15); by David de Bon Repos (see L. P. 4:16); by Jacob Reg- nier (see L. P. 4:13). Petition of John Hutchins (p. 423) granted. George Duncan vs Chris'r Rousby (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 49:86). Order on petition by Daniel Kirkpatrick and Thos. Ford. 430 31 The survey of Flushing commons. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:214). 43^ June I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:2x15). East- and Westchester. 434 2 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:216). Flushing commons. Accounts of Thos. Weaver late collector. 435 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 11:216). Supreme court to be adjourned on account of Chief Justice Bridges' illness. Warrant to Peter Schuyler of May 16 to be exchanged for another; also that to Hendr. Hansen of June 13, 1702. 437 9 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:216). Petition by John Abeel rejected (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:96). Samuel Smith vs Benj. Ask. Accounts of the late earl of Bellomont re- ferred. Survey of land for Rich'd Sackett called in ques- tion. Order on petition by Capt. Nanfan (see A'. ]'. col. mss. 49:97). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:216). 439 198 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1704 V. 9 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:218). Order on petitions of Jacob Regnier (p. 427, 430). £1300 tax. 441. 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. i:2ig). Jacob Regnier (p. 441). Warrants for salary: to Rev. Peter Peviett; to Rev. David Bondet. 443 16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:219). Caveat by David Jamison on behalf of Susannah Vaughton vs Jacob Reg- nier to be heard. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:219). Order on petition by Hendr. van Esse & Co. (see L. P. 4:17). Accounts of the ii8oo tax referred. 444 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:219). Vaughton vs Regnier. Warrant to John Abeel for Peter Schuyler on account of Indian affairs. Order on petition by Chas. Congreve (see L. P. 4:18). Ulster and Dutchess county taxes (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:117). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:219). Re- port on the £i8go tax read (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:115). Warrants: to Peter Fauconier for pay of Peter Schuyler's and Dirck Wessels' companies, for contingent charges, for pay of Capt. Abr'm Schuyler's company, for John Abeel's pay as agent of the militia and for military disbursements. Order concerning moneys paid by the commissioners of the revenue, and another concerning accounts. 445 20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:220). Nich's Bayard, Wm de Meyer, Chas. Broadhead, John Wyncoop and Wm Legg to audit the accounts of Ulster and Dutchess county taxes. 449 22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:220). Proclamation to issue concerning the agreement between England and Holland about trade with the Spaniards in the West Indies. 450 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:220). Warrants for salaries of civil officers. 451 July I Report about French movements received from Albany. Warrant to the receiver-general for pay of Albany messen- gers. Dancing on Sundays. John Osborn's account re- ferred. Warrant to Gabriel Ludlow and Gabriel Luff for salaries as clerk and as doorkeeper of the assembly. Order on petitions: by John Berry (see L. P. 4:19); by Caleb Heathcote et al. (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:1-27). Smithtown vs Benj. Ask. 453 13 Samuel Claus to be prosecuted for selling liquor without ■ license. Warrant to Wm Heywood for repairing custom- house pinnace. Proclamation ordered to issue on June 22(1 signed. Account of Thos. Byerley referred. Governor in- tends to go to Albany. Warrant to Capt. Peter Mathews for expenses of governor's journey. Patent granted to Rich'd Sackett (see L. P. 4:20). Roger Mompeson to be CALENDAR (.)F COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 I99 1704 V. 9 chief justice vice Bridges deceased. £1300 tax; justices of the peace in Richmond and Kings counties to l)e prose- cuted for neglect in collecting it; Samuel Clows clerk of the peace in Queens county to be committed for the same. New patent for Minissinck lands to be prepared. 455 18 Roger Mompeson sworn in as chief justice.. Order on peti- tions: by Thos. Byerley (see A''. Y- col. iiiss, 49:142); by Nanning Plarmense; by Thos. Hunt jr; by rector and wardens of Trinity church (see N. Y- col. mss, 49:137); by Peter Fauconier (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:143); by S. S. Broughton (see L. P. 4:21). Militia detachments to march to Albany. Accounts of Capt. Nanfan (see A". Y- col. mss, 49:1411). Governor goes to Albany. 457 26 A French privateer lands at Sandy Hook and plunders the inhabitants; the Dutch privateer of Capt. Adrian Claver and Capt. Evertse to pursue and capture him. 461 2j Ten large ships supposed to be French are reported to have come within Sandy Hook. Militia called out. The ships are found to be prizes of Capt. Claver. 461 28 Capt. Claver's men refuse to attack the enemy wdien in sight. Enlistment on board Capt. Claver's and Capt. Evertse's ships encouraged. Capt. Thos. Penniston given permission to cruize for the French privateer. Prizes of Capt. Claver allowed to come into port. Provisions for the three ships procured on credit of the council. 462 30 Capt. George Rogers of the Jersey man-of-war refuses to obey an order for cruizing but will do so when recjuested in writing. 463 31 Letter to Capt. George Rogers signed. 464 Aug. I Warrant to Abr'm Provoost master of the sloop Elizabeth for transporting militia to Albany. John le Roux lately on board of a French privateer examined and committed on suspicion of piracy (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:153). 464 7 The French privateer intends to go toward Boston; Gov. Dudley of Massachusetts warned; the Jersey goes in pur- suit. 465 24 Lord Cornbury returned. Minutes of council during his ab- sence read. He reports on Albany and Schenectady forts and on the five nations. Report on the petition by rector and wardens of Trinity church. Warrant of survey granted to Thos. Hunt jr (see L. P. 4:22). Justices of Richmond county pay the county quota of the £1300 tax and are dis- charged. Collector's accounts of the revenue petition by John le Roux (see A^. Y. col. mss, 49:169) referred. Sur- vey of Richmond county to be expedited. Memorial by 20O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1704 V. 9 Robert Milward referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:167). Wm Lawrence called. 466 28 Quitrents of land granted to Rich'd Sackett fixed. Land in controversy between Susannah Vaughton and Jacob Reg- nier granted to the latter. Capt. Praa of Piscataqua needed as witness against John le Roux. Warrant to Thos. Sharp for salary as gunner at Albany. Orders on peti- tions: by Thos. Lacey (see A^. Y. col. mss,4g:i77); by Barne Cosens; by Peter Fauconier (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:175). Governor goes to New Jersey. 468 p. m. George Clarke's name to be inserted in the Minissinck patent vice Edmund Mott deceased. Warrant to Thos. Wenham for expenses during the late alarm. Wm Peartree to be mayor, and Ebenezer Wilson sheriff, of New York. War- rant to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary. 470 Sep. 2 Order on petition by David Provoost, Leonard Lewis, Jo- hannes Tiebout and Abr'm Ketteltas vs Capt. Claver (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:1180-181). 471 4 Mr Regnier appears for Capt. Claver on the preceding com- plaint. 472 6 A French privateer supposed to be off Sandy Hook. 473 8 The ship is brought up to the city. 473 10 The crew of the same to be examined. 473 12 The ship proves to be a prize, taken by Capt. Rene Tongre- ton commander of a private man-of-war, from one L'Roux trading illegally with the Spaniards. The ship is released and a letter written to Capt. Tongreton (see N. Y. col. mss, 49:182). Capt. Peter Ramon receives assistance for the re- covery of deserters from his ship (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:182). 474 16 Matthew Ling dead; Rich'd Willett and Walter Thong to take charge of his estate (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:183). 475 20 Mary Sloughter widow of Gov. Sloughter to be buried in the fort (see A''. Y. col. mss, 49:184). 475 Oct. 2 Proclamation to issue adjourning the assembly. 475 6 Lord Cornbury returned. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:22). Adrian Claver, John de Peyster, Isaac de Riemer, Abr'm Wendell and Abr'm Gouverneur summoned before the council. Absent members called. 476 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:221). 476 14 Wm Peartree and Ebenezer Wilson sworn in as mayor and sheriff respectively. 477 17 Warrants: to civil officers for salaries; to surgeons for salaries. Accounts and petitions referred: by John Abeel; by Capt. John Nanfan; by Myndert Frederickse; by CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 201 1704 V. 9 Francis Winne. New patent to be prepared for Jacob Regnier substituting the name of John Peirson for that of Peter Fauconier. New patent for Rich'd Sackett et al. leaving out the names of Wm. Corlyout and Rich'd Blacklock. Order on petition by Adrian Claver captain, and Wm Nazareth quartermaster, of the private man-of- war El Caste! del Rey (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:9)- 477 20 Petitions by James Davis (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:16), and by John le Roux (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:15) referred. Wm Lawrence and Gerard Beeckman called to attend the council. Petitions: by Margaret Stoaks (see A''. Y. col. mss, 50:17) and by Jan Bronck, Jonas Dow, Francis Salis- bury of Katskill (see L. P. 4:25) referred. Warrant to Nanning Harmense for use of his sloop in 1703 (see TV. Y. col. mss, 50:12). 480 24 Warrants for the governor's salary exchanged for others. Petitions and accounts: by Hilletie van Olinda (see L. P. 4:27), by Mary Thomas, by Cornelius Cool (see L. P. 4:26) referred. Patent granted to Hilletie van Olinda. Sheriff of Queens countv summoned before the council. Justice Mott of Queens dismissed for malfeasance. War- rants: to John Abeel for military and Indian disburse- ments; to Myndert Frederickse for salary as armorer at Albany; to Abr'm Provoost for government freighting. Court of chancery to sit. ^lontauket lands. 481 26 Legislative minutes (see Jottr. 1:222). Date fixed for the trial of John le Roux; Capt. Samuel Sands of Queens county to be a witness. Wm Lawrence of the council arrested at the suit of Paroculus Parmyter; ordered to be discharged and Parmyter summoned before the council (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:18). Warrant to Thos. Byerley for military provisions furnished by Abr'm Provoost. Legis- lative minutes (see Jour. 1:222). Petition by Samuel Pray and various accounts referred. 483 27 Warrants: to Samuel Pray for expenses of a journey from Piscataqua as witness against John le Roux; to Lieut. John Riggs for pay to under sheriff of Queens county for services in securing deserters. Duplicate warrant to the deputy auditor to replace one that is lost. Legisla- tive minutes (see Jour. 1:222). P. Parmyter vs Wm Lawrence. 485 Nov. I Order concerning Peter Schuyler's accounts (see iV. Y. col. mss, 50:22). Warrants: to Peter Schuyler for firewood to Albany and Schenectady garrisons; to Thos. Byerley for incidental expenses in the custom-house; to George 202 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1704 V. 9 Clarke for clerical work in the secretary's office. Petition of Daniel Ebbetts referred. 486 2 Warrants: to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary and house rent; of survey granted to Isaac Switz of Schenectady (see L. P. 4:28). Orders on petitions: by Nanning Harmense (see L. P. 4:32) ; by Katherine Apple (see A''. Y. col. mss, 50:28); by S. S. Broughton (see L. P. 4:31); by John Lydius. Duplicate vi^arrants asked for. 487 3 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:2231). Warrant to John Abeel for expenses in building a fort at Kanestigione. Duplicate vi^arrant to Peter Schuyler for shoes to the soldiers. 489 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. '1:223^. 490 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:223). Warrant to Rev. John Lydius for missionary to the Indians. Order on memorial by Wm Carten (see A''. Y. col. mss, 50:32). Paroculus Parmyter vs Wm Lav^^rence (p. 483, 485) ; Parmyter dis- barred. Orders on petitions: by Kilian van Rensselaer (see L. P. 4:33); by S. S. Broughton (see L. P. 4:34). 491 7 Ordinance reviving the court of chancery read and signed (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:35). Governor intends to go to New Jersey. 493 12 Lt. Gov. Rich'd Ingoldsby presides. Indian affairs. 493 2 Warrant to S. S. Broughton for expenses of a journey to New Jersey with letters from England. Duties on Capt. Claver's prizes. 494 Letters from Boston sent to the governor in New Jersey. 495 Lord Cornbury returned. Roger Mompeson chief justice, appointed and sworn of the council. Representation by merchants concerning rates of foreign coins referred. 496 John Barbaric and Adolphus Philipps appointed and sworn of the council; joined to the committee on foreign coins. 497 Report of the committee on foreign coins. Warrants to Rip van Dam and Caleb Heathcote for firewood. 4^ Audit of the accounts of Thos. Weaver late collector ordered. Order on petition by Mrs Ann Bridges (see L. P. 4:35). 499 Writs of election for a new assembly to issue. East bastian of Fort Anne to be repaired. Fees in the admiralty court. 500 Revenue accounts certified. East- and Westchester. 501 Ordinance reviving the court of chancery read. Secretary Clarke to be also clerk of the council, Barne Cose:is to be register of chancery; both sworn in. 502 (29) Fees in the admiralty court considered. Orders on peti- tions: by Peter Fauconier; by George Booth (see L. P. Dec. 14 1705 Feb. 6 IS Mar. 14 17 24 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 203 1705 V. 9 4:38); by Jacob Regnier (see L. P. 4:39); by Mary Broughtou widow of S. S. Broughton (see I. P. 4:42); by James Mott (see L. P. 4:40); by Joseph Hedger; by Mrs Anne Bridges (see L. P. 4:41); by Jobs. Sanderse Glen (see A'. }'. col. mss, 50:54); by John van Loon (see L. P. 4:43. Warrants: to Peter Fauconier for Lord Cornbury's salary; to civil officers for salaries. 504 311 Robert Coe church warden, John Talman, Henry Wright, Sam'l Carpenter, Sam'l Highby, Anth'y Waters, John Everett, John Coe, Jon'n Hazard and Daniel Lawrence vestrymen of Jamaica, examined concerning their neglect or refusal to provide for the salary of their minister (see Doc. hist. N. y. 3:208; Q 3:130). Warrant to Lord Corn- bury for expenses on his journey to Albany. Glebe at Hempstead to be surveyed. 506 Ap. 5 Orders on petitions: by Dr John Rodman (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:56); by Margaret Peiret (see A^ Y. col. mss, 50:57). Joseph Hedger vs Flushing. Quitrent for John van Loon's land partially remitted. Orders on petitions: by Robert Luddington; by Cornelius Dyckman; by John Auboineau (see L. P. 4:44). Fees of the naval officer regulated. Warrant to Peter Fauconier naval officer for incidental charges. Admiralty court fees. 507 12 East- and Westchester. Salaries of admiralty court officers fixed. Ordinance to issue regulating the admiralty court. Fees of vendue masters and appraisers of the court. 510 14 Orders: on petition by Peter Fauconier (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 50:55, 58, 62); on memorial by Robert Milward (see A''. Y. col: mss, 50:63, 65); on petitions: by Daniel Kirkpatrick and Thos. Ford; by Isaac de Riemer (see L. P. 4:50); by Cornelius Dyckman (see L. P. 4:47) ; by John Clapp (see L. P. 4:48); by Mary Broughton (see L. P. 4:49). Ordi- nance regulating the admiralty court signed. 511 16 Warrants to Peter Fauconier for candles to the fort. Report on Rob't Milward's memorial (p. 511) confirmed. Peti- tion of Dr John Rodman referred. Order on petition by collector and custom-house officers (see A^ Y. col. mss, 50:67). 514 p. m. Thos. Byerley collector and receiver-general suspended for illegally granting a " bill of store " to Capt. Chollwell. 515 17 Commission of nisi prius to issue on petition by Barent Pieterse Coeyman (see A^ Y. col. mss, 50:66). Peter Fauconier appointed to act as commissioner of the col- lector's office and sworn in (see A''. Y. col. mss, 50:70). Warrants to Peter Fauconier and other former commis- 204 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1705 May 8 17 June 9 II 14 15 p. m. 16 25 V. 9 sioners for balance of dues. Proclamation to issue for- bidding the importation of " chipt " bitts and double bitts. Governor intends going to Albany. 516 Zachariah Roberts justice of Bedford, arrested on a com- plaint by John Thompson and Benj. Wright (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:74-76). John Jones a dissenting minister of Bedford arrested (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:77-79). Report on Thos. Weaver's accounts referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:81). Warrant to Thos. Byerley for incidental custom- house charges. Excise. Orders on petitions: by Dirck Egbertsen (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:80); by Hendrick van Dyck (see L. P. 4:51). Lord Cornbury goes to New Jersey. Thos. Byerley swears to his accounts. Thos. Odell a forger of Boston bills of credit apprehended by Jno. Cawley, Nicholas Thomas Jones and Robert Sanders, to be sent as prisoner to Massachusetts. Guard rooms for the town militia to be prepared in the city hall. Lord Cornbury returned. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:224). Legislative minutes (see Joiir. 1:224). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:224). A French privateer ofif the coast near Barnegat; measures to capture him. The ship Elizabeth Capt. Jones, the brigantine Return Capt. Potter, the sloops Peartree Capt. Dunscomb and Seaflower Capt. Cawley, to be fitted out for a cruize against the French privateer. Volunteers called for; none coming a proclamation is issued offering a reward to those, who will go on the cruize. Accounts of John Abeel referred. Warrant to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary. Indian propositions laid before the board. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:225). New patent granted to John Petersen Mebie (see L. P. 4:52). Warrants to Nanning Harmense exchanged for new ones. Order on petition by Hilletie van Olinda (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:103), and warrant to her for pay as Indian interpretress. Peter Schuyler's accounts referred. Indian affairs. Agreement to build a fort at Schenectady laid before the council (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 50:104-107). 527 Letter received from Col. Peartree commanding expedition against the French privateer (p. 525-26). The Return and the Peartree to be recalled. Warrants: to be prepared to John Abeel for expenses in building Schenectady fort; to 517 520 521 521 522 525 526 526 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 205 1705 V. 9 Lawrence Claesen for pay as Indian interpreter; to Peter Schuyler for building fort at Schenectady. 529 July 3 Warrants: to Lord Cornbury for salary; to civil officers for salaries; to Hilletie van Olinda and Lawrence Claese for pay as Indian interpreters; to John Abeel for officers' house rent, Indian disbursements and repairs to forts at Albany and Schenectady. Act for settling the militia to be prepared. Indian accounts of Peter Schuyler referred. Warrant to Caleb Heathcote for firewood. 53° 5 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:226). License to purchase In- dian lands for-Thos. Wenham renewed. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for Indian disbursements. Orders on petitions: by inhabitants of Rye; by Jannetie Kendall (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:114). Account of Indian expenditures. Legisla- tive minutes (see Jour. 1:226). 532 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:226). Account for firewood referred. 534 7 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:227). Order on petition for patent by John Clap. 535 ID Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:227). Warrants: to John Crook for salary as gauger; to Rob't Livingston for salary as storekeeper at Albany. Petition of Mrs Gertrud van Cortlandt to lie on the table. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:227). 536 11 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:228). 538 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. i:2a8). Orders on petitions: by Nanning Harmense (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:116); by John and Hope Williams of Oysterbay (see L. P. 4:53). 539 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:229). Warrants to Rip van Dam for firewood to be prepared. Caveat by George Booth against John Clap to be heard. Report on the petition of John and Hope Williams (p. 539). 540 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:229). Booth vs Clap heard and referred. 541 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:229). Patent for Westen- hook lands granted to Peter Schuyler (see L.,P. 4:54). 542 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:230). Warrant to Peter Schuyler for work done on Schenectady fort by Daniel Johnson. Patent to Trinity church for the queen's farm and queen's garden to be prepared. Accounts of tax col- lectors called for. 543 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:230). Booth vs Clap de- cided. John and Joseph Williams. 544 26 The Lowestaffe man-of-war arrives and brings acts of parlia- ment to be published. Letter from the lords of trade con- 206 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1705 V. 9 earning the assembly. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:230). Orders on petitions: by Barne Cosens (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:119-20); by George Booth (see L. P. 4:55). 545 ■ 27 Legislative minutes (see four. 1:232). Account of Wm Brad- ford referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:122). 550 30 Legislative minutes (see Tour. 1:232). Warrant to Wm Brad- ford for stationery. Orders on petitions: by Cornelius van Texel (see L. P. 4:56); by Peter Faueonier (see A''. Y. col. mss, 50:125). 551 31 Legislative minutes (see four. 1:233). Order on petition by Ebenezer Wilson for himself and Peter Schuyler (Westen- hook, p. 542, see L. P. 4:57). Stores in Fort Anne to be examined. - 553 Aug. I Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:233). 554 2 Report on Peter Fauconier's accounts [incomplete]. 555 3 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:233). 556 4 Order on petition by Sackamawigra a Westchester Indian (see L. P. 4:58). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:233). 556 9 Warrants: to Rip van Dam for firewood; to Gabriel Lud- low for salary as clerk of the assembly; to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary. 558 16 Patents to be prepared: for Peter Schuyler, for Corn's Dyke- man. Account of repairing passage between the chapel and fort distilling room referred. Bids for firewood in- vited. Warrant to Gabriel Luff for salary as doorkeeper of the assembly. 559 18 Warrants: to John Hutchins for entertaining Spanish pris- oners of war; to Rev. Daniel Bondet for salary; to Thos. Wenham for Indian disbursements. Platforms of the fort at Albany to be repaired. No bids for firewood received. 560 22 Account of damage to the ship Elizabeth Capt. Jones com- mander. Capt. Lancaster Syms agrees to furnish fire- wood for the fort. , Memorial by Peter Faueonier con- cerning duties on goods brought in by privateers laid on the table. Duplicate of a warrant issued to Airs de Forest. Lord Cornbury goes to Amboy. 561 30 Warrants: to Adolph Philipps for repairing passage (p. 559); to Wm Sell for damages to the Elizabeth (p. 561). In- habitants of Schenectady against Ryer Schermerhorn. 562 Sep. 6 Proclamations to issue: for adjourning the assembly; pro- hibiting the entertainment of mariners. New provincial seal received. Petition of Lieut. Charles Oliver referred. Governor goes to Long Island. 562 17 Peter Rolland master of the sloop Catharine receives permis- sion to take to Jamaica two Spanish prisoners, John Gon- sales de Riviera and Anthony Rosales. 563 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 207 1705 V. 9 26 Lord Cornl)ury returned. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:234)- 563 27 Patent for John Clap & Co. to be prepared (see L. P. 4:61). License to purchase land granted to Eben'r Wilson (see L. P. 4:60). 564 Oct. 4 Legislative minutes (see Jotir. 1:2135). Wm Peartree and Ebenezer Wilson renominated mayor and sheriff of New York. 565 5 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:235). 565 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:235). Patent to be prepared for Anne Bridges, John Clapp and others. Draft of sur- vey of land petitioned for by Cornelius van Texel called for. 566 11 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:235). 566 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:236). Patent to be prepared for JNIrs Broughton. Warrants: to Peter Schuyler for fire- wood to Albany garrison; to Caleb Heathcote for lire- wood to New York garrison. 567 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:236). Warrants to the gov- ernor and civil officers for salaries. Wm Davis appointed vice Evitts deceased to attend the searchers duties with Mr Chambers. John Crook to be land- and tidewaiter and ganger vice Tay removed for negligence. Governor in- tends to go to New Jersey. Order on petition by Joseph ]\Iallison (see A^. Y. col. mss, 50:163). 568 15 Wm Peartree and Eben'r Wilson sworn in as mayor and sheriff of New York. 569 30 Carpenters to be impressed by the mayor for making re- pairs to the Deal Castle man-of-war. Capt. Ogle com- mander. Hue and cry after a marine Simon Loundsdale deserted from the detachment of Lieut. Williams on the Lowestoffe. 57® Nov. 15 Orders on petitions by Peter Fauconier and by trustees of Westchester (see L. P. 4:63). Warrants: to Ann Evitts for salary of her dead husband; to civil oi^cers for salaries. 570 bee. 6 Letter from lords of trade received by the Triton Prize man- of-war concerning coin. Letters from the queen approv- ing the appointment of Roger Mompesson, John Barberie and Adolph Philipps to the council. Proclamation to issue for a day of thanksgiving for victories by the duke of Marlborough. Canadians reported as intending an attack on Albany; measures to prevent it. S/i 13 Proclamation (p. 571) signed and to be printed. Warrant to Rev. James Laborie French minister at New York -for salary. Patent to be prepared for ]\[rs S. S. Broughton 208 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1705 27 1706 Jan. 3 II 17 24 Feb. 21 26 28 Mc V. 9 and her son Sampson (see L. P. 4:62). New York cannot agree to sign the articles of peace made by Gov. Dudley of Massachusetts and New Hampshire with Canada. Quit- rents unpaid and to be discovered. Orders on petitions:, by Barne Cosens (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:179); by Hendrick Hansen. " Chipt " bitts and double bitts still imported contrary to order (p. 516). 573 Order on memorial by Peter Fauconier (see N. Y. col. mss, 50:177). Quitrent for the land granted to Broughton & Co. fixed. 575 Order on petition by George Booth, Mrs Anne Bridges and others (see L. P. 4:64). Accounts of Thos. Weaver. Order on petition by George Booth^ Wm Bond and others (see L. P. 4:65). Account of Geo. Booth referred. 576 Duties on prize goods. 576 Warrants to the governor and civil officers for salaries. Caveat by town of Rye against patent for Ponofield dis- -* missed. Duties on prize goods. Warrant to James La- borie for salary. 577 Warrant to John Crook for fees in gauging liquor. Thos. Weaver's accounts. 578 Warrant to John Crook signed. Report on the peti- tion from Rye referred. Order on petition by Geo. Booth, Wm Bond et al. (see L. P. 4:66). 57S Time to sue out a patent extended for Geo. Booth. War- rant of survey granted to Geo. Booth, Wm Bond and others. Patent for Isaac de Riemer & Co. for land in Suf- folk county signed. Patent to John Clapp & Co. to be signed (see L. P. 4:67). Duty on prize goods. 579 Indian murderers on Long Island to be tried by their tribe. Orders on petitions: by Robert Puddington (see L. P. 4:69); by Richard Harris (see A^. Y. col. mss, 51:79). Quit- rents. 580 Patent for John Clapp signed. Warrants: to Roger Mom- pesson judge, Sampson Broughton advocate, John Tudor register, and Jarvis Marshall of the admiralty, for salaries; to customs officers; to Rev. Wm Vesey. Caveat by East- chester vs Westchester. Bickley vs Emott. 581 Petition by Lancaster Symes referred (see A^. Y. col. mss, 51:81). Duty on prize goods (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:80). Warrants: to Richard Harris for escheat fees; to Jacob Staats for soldiers' pay. Hallet vs Wm Lawrence. East- chester vs Westchester. 582 Patent for Mrs Mary Broughton signed. Eastchester vs CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINL'TES 1668-I783 209 1706 V. 9 Westchester (see L. P. 4:70). Hallett vs Wm Lawrence (see A^ Y. col. iiiss, 51:83). Wm Lawrence suspended from the council. Indian affairs. 583 20 Warrants issued to and lost by Mr Bondct duplicated (see A''. ]'. col. DISS, 51:88). Order on petition by Mich'l Haw- don (see A'^. Y. col. niss, 51:92). Warrant of February 28 to Rev. Wm Vesey exchanged. Hearing of caveat of Capt. Wilson vs Rye deferred. Warrant to Barne Cosens for fees in escheat cases. Isaac Arnold discharged from his bail. Order on memorial by Judge R. Milward (see A^ ]'. col. viss, 51:91). Kilian van Rensselaer sworn " one of the court of chancery." 585 28 Warrants for salaries: to civil officers; to Barne Cosens. Peter Fauconier reports on payment of warrants. War- rant to Robert Millward duplicated. John Wildy arrested. 588 Ap. 4 Duties on prize goods (see A^ Y. col. niss, 51:98). Warrants to issue to Lancanster Symes for firewood. Sampson Broughton's name to be substituted for his mother's in a patent for land (see L. P. 4:72). Wilson vs Rye. 589 Vol. 10, 1706-11. Ap. II Warrants to Rev. Daniel Bondet signed. Warrants delivered to Dan'l Foy (see A''. Y. col. mss, 51:1013). Warrants to Lancaster Symes for firewood signed. Order on petition by Jacob Rutsen (see A''. Y. col. mss, 51:105). Wilson vs Rye. Excise. Petition by John Crook (see A'". Y. col. mss, 51:102) referred. i 18 Wilson vs Rye. Excise of Albany. Treaty of 1665 with the Esopus Indians to be renewed. East- and Westchester. Petition by Dirck Jansen Hooghlandt (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:105) referred. Riot in Queens county. 2 23 Controversy between Newtown and Bushwick, L. I. License to purchase land in Suffolk, granted to Peter Fauconier, renewed (see L. P. 4:73). Order on petition by Paroculus Parmyter (see N. Y. col. mss, 511:114). Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:236). Dumner's packet boats to the West Indies. 4 25 Boundaries of Newtown and Bushwick. License for P. Fau- conier (p. 4) signed. Warrants for salaries to admiralty officers. Accounts of Geo. Clarke referred. Parmyter given permission to sue Edw'd Cole. Patent for kayad- erosseras to be prepared. Governor going to New Jersey. 5 May 9 Fortifications for New York city necessary. Proclamations to issue concerning powder in town and concerning the militia. 7 2IO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1706 V. 10 14 Lord Cornbury defers his journey to New Jersey. Legisla- tive' minutes (see Jour. 1:237). Means for fortifying the city to be raised. 8 15 Citizens of New York will lend nion^ for fortifying the city, and Lawrence Reed, David Provoost, Robert Lurting and Abr'm de Peyster to be managers for buying material. 9 2T, Petitions by John Abeel and by Harpert Jacobsen referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:133-34, 136). Proposal to bring powder from Curagao. 10 29 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:237). Order on petitions by John Abeel (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 51:137-139). 10 June 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:238). Warrants to issue: to John Abeel for money advanced; to Harpert Jacobson for hire of his sloop; to Peter Schuyler for Indian disburse- ments and for firewood for Albany and Schenectady garri- sons. Petitions by Lieut. Phil. Schuyler (see A''. Y. col. mss, 51:145) and by Rev. Lydius referred. 13 14 Legislative minutes (see Jotir. 1:238). Warrants signed. Patent for land above Schenectady granted to Eben'r Wil- son and John Abeel (see L. P. 4:75). - 15 18 Legislative minutes (see Jotir. 1:2139). Warrants to issue: to Peter Schuyler for Indian disbursements; to Phil. Schuyler for work done on Schenectady fort. 17 20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:239). Petition of Johannes Mynderse (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:148-149) referred. Quit- rent for land granted to Wilson and Abeel fixed. Warrants to Peter and Phil. Schuyler (p. 17) and to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary signed. 18 21-22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:239). 20-22 24 Indian affairs; far Indians at Albany; French Indians gone to New England; Virginia Indians want to make an al- liance with the five nations. Present to the Indian mes- senger. Abr'm Schuyler to go to the meeting at Onon- daga. 22 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:240). 24 July 4 Advice received of a French fleet coming to this coast. License to purchase land granted to Dirck van den Burgh and Thos. Saunders (see L. P. 4:76). Warrants for salaries to issue. Report on Barne Cosens' accounts referred. Floras Crom. 25 II Warrants signed. Warrants for salaries to Rev. James La- borie and Daniel Bondet. Florus Crom. License to D. van den Burgh (p. 25) signed. 27 18 Warrants to Hendrick van Dyke, Jacobus van Dyke, sur- geons to Hilletie van Olinda Indian interpretress, for pay CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668 I783 211 1706 ^ V. 10 signed. License to purchase land granted to Jobs. Har- denbergh (see L. P. 4:77). Order on petition by Hendrick Hansen (see N. Y. col. mss, 5:154). 29 Aug. 7 Five nations want the governor to meet them at Albany. 30 22. Warrants signed. License to Jobs. Hardenburgh signed. Warrant to Dr Phil. Rokeby for curing a French Indian. Sampson Broughton to be appointed attorney-general after the session of the supreme court. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:241). 31 29 Warrant to Dr Rokeby signed. Books for the register of admiralty needed. Legislative minutes (see /own 1:241). 32 Sep. 2 Money for the governor's journey to Albany appropriated. Petition of John Abeel and Eben'r Wilson (see L. P. 4:78) referred. ^^ 27 Lord Cornbury returned. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:241). 34 Oct. 3 Warrants to issue: for salaries of the governor, civil and cus- tom-house officers; to Peter Schuyler for firewood; to Fred'k Minderse for pay as armorer; to Lieut. Holland for house rent at Albany; to Lieut. Gwyn for same; to Albert Slingerlandt for hire of his house at Albany to Lieut. Brewer. Quitrent for land granted to Wilson and Abeel reduced (see L. P. 4:78). Petition of Col. Beeckman (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:168-169) referred. Order on petition by B. Rynders concerning duty on prize goods. 39 14 Wm Peartree and Eben'r Wilson renominated mayor and sheriff of New York and sworn in. David Schuyler ap- pointed mayor, and Henry Holland sheriff of Albany; the latter sworn in. Warrants signed. Warrant to issue to Lieut. Chas. Oliver (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:163, 177-178). Order on reappointment of Robert Livingston to the offi- ces of town clerk, clerk of the peace, clerk of the common pleas for Albany city and county, and secretary of Indian affairs. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:242). 43 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:243). Patent to Wilson and Abeel to be prepared (p. 33, 39). Order on report by the justices of Richmond county concerning Jacob Garriott's petition (see A''. Y. col. mss, 51:165). Custom-house needs repairs. Patent for Nanning Harmense to be prepared (L. P. 4:79). 47 16 Legislative minutes (see /o»;-. 1:243). Warrants to issue:toCol. Beeckman (p. 39); to Lawrence Claesen Indian interpreter for salary and journeys to Onondaga; to Jobs. Mynderse for blacksmith work in Schenectady fort; to George Booth for joiner work in secretary's office (record cases). War- rant to Lieut. Oliver signed. 4(^ 212 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1706 17 19 21 p. m. Dec. 5 i'9 1707 Jan. 3 9 16 23 Feb. 6 13 27 Mar. 6 Newtown and Bushwick. Newtown and Bushwick. Warrants for salaries of the gov- ernor, civil officers and Rev. Wm Vesey signed. Newtown and Bushwick. Warrant to Register Tudor of the admiralty for books. Petitions referred by Nanning Harmensen (see L. P. 4:85); Mrs Anne Bridges, Lancaster Symes et al. Wilson vs Rye. Thos. Byerley restored to the office of collector and receiver- general (see N. y. col. mss, 52:9). Petition by Peter Fauconier with accounts referred (see A'". Y. col. mss, 52:21-25). Petition by Mrs Anne Bridges (see L. P. 4:86) referred (Cheesecocks patent). Rye and Wilson. Warrant to Nanning Harmensen. Warrant to Peter Fauconier (p. 73) ■ Reports on accounts of contingent expenses of Fauconier and Barne Cosens refer- red. Quitrent on Cheesecock patent reduced. Order on petition by Benj. Faneuil and Duncan Campbell (see N. Y. col. mss,, 52:16). License to purchase land at Oysterbay SI V. 10 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:243). Warrants signed. Petitions referred: of Lieut. Chas. Oliver; of Capt. Wm Bond (see A^. Y. col. mss, 51:174); of Sampson Broughton (see L. P. 4:80); of Lawrence Claese. Warrants to issue to surgeons Hendrick and Jacobus van Dyke for salary. Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:2431). Warrants to issue: to Lieut. Oliver for house rent; to Lawrence Claese for pay as Indian interpreter and "a journey to Onondaga. Peti- tions and accounts referred; of Phil. Schuyler (see N. Y. col. mss, 51:78); of Nanning Harmense. Warrants signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:244). Warrants signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:244). Newtown and Bush- wick. License to purchase -land granted to Isaac Switts (see L. P. 4:81). Rules for paying salaries of officers of the admiralty court. Wenham's memorial concerning duty on burnt wines and brandy referred to England (^N. F. col. mss, 51:179). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:245). Warrants to be prepared for salaries of assembly officers and of Rev. Wm Vesey. Warrants to issue: to Lancaster Symes for firewood; to Phil. Schuyler for work on Schenectady fort: to Nanning Har- mense for hire of his sloop in 1704. Newtown and Bush- wick. Newtown and Bushwick. 59 65 65 67 68 68 70 71 72 73 74 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 213 1707 V. 10 granted to Thos. Jones and John Townscnd. Account of Edward Cole referred. Petition and accounts of Lancas- ter Symes referred (sec A'. }'. col. niss, 52:s5-37)- Wilson and Rye. 75 20 Warrants signed: for salaries to civil officers; to Peter Fau- conier for candles; to Phil. Schuyler for work on Sche- nectady fort; to officers of the assembly for salaries. Petition by Peter Fauconier referred. Warrant to issue to Fauconier for contingent expenses. License for Thos. Jones and John Townsend (p. 75) to issue. Warrant to issue to Lancaster Symes for firewood. Warrant for drawing Cheesecock patent signed. Petition by Hendrick Tenike referred (see L. P. 4:89). Excise to be let. Wil- son and Rye. 7^ 22 Warrants signed. Rules for paying salaries of admiralty officers and warrants, to them to issue. Warrants to issue to Peter Fauconier for disbursements (see N. Y. col. vlss, 52:26-34, 38-39). Petition of John Lovell referred (see L. P. 4:108). Governor goes to New Jersey. So May 5 Order on petition by Andre Fresneau master of the brigan- tine St John of St Thomas (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:43). 82 16 Abr'm Sandford mariner reports, that Peter Cock master of a French privateer intended to cruize on the coast of Vir- ginia and New England. The- Tritons Prize man-of-war, Capt. Davis, commander, needs men for the crew; sailors from other vessels temporarily put on board. Vessels in port embargoed. 83 17 Soldiers put on board the Tritons Prize. 84 31 The Tritons Prize returns from the cruize and reports, that no French privateer has been seen. 84 June 4 Seamen to be impressed to fill the complement of the . Tritons Prize. Embargo taken off. 85 5 Volunteers to be called for the present cruise of the Tritons Prize and seamen to be impressed in Kings and Queens counties. Sheriffs of same counties to provide horses for Edw. Cole on public service. Sloop for public service to be hired or impressed by Mr Hull master of the Tritons Prize. Wm Chambers to receive pay for boat hire. 86 19 Lord Cornbury returned. Petitions referred: by inhabitants of Hurley; by Jobs. Hardenbtrg (see L. P. 4:91-93); by Margaret Stokes; by Hendrick Hansen (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:48); by Jacob Galliott (see L. P. 4^94); by John Rolland (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:47); by John Abeel (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:46). Patent granted to Nanning Har- mensen (see L. P. 4:95). Rombouts vs Crabtree. 87 214 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1707 V. 10 2(i Warrant for patent to Nanning Harmensen signed. Col- lector Byerley ordered to pay the warrants given to John Abeel. Jacob Galliot to be allowed a road through the land of Wm Tillier on Staten Island (p. 87). Newtown and Bushwick. Rombouts vs Crabtree. Order on petition by Sampson Broughton (see A''. Y. col. mss, 521:48). go July 3 Warrants for salaries of civil officers signed. Warrants to Lieuts. Brewer and Holland for house rent to be prepared. License to purchase land in Albany county granted to John Abeel and Eben'r Wilson (see L. P. 4:101). Warrant for Kayaderosseras patent to be prepared. Petition of Wm Sell referred. Collector Byerley to pay messengers from Virginia. Order on > petition by Jacobus van Cort- landt, Wm Peartree and John van Home (see L. P. 4:100). Rombouts vs Crabtree. 93 8 Warrants signed. Warrant to Jacobus Staats for salary as surgeon. License for John Abeel and Eben'r Wilson signed. Rombouts vs Crabtree. 96 10 Warrants to Peter Schuyler for firewood to be prepared. Petition of Lieut. Oliver referred (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 52:51). 98 17 Warrants signed. Petition of Capt. Jas. Weems referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:56-57). Order on petition by Lancaster Symes.' Rombouts vs Crabtree. License to purchase land in Albany county granted to Isaac Switz. Warrant to Lieut. Rich'd Hopson for bed linen (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:55-561). 99 23 Warrants and license signed. Hendrick Tenike to be heard on his petition (p. 76), opposed by John Hutchins. Rom- bouts vs Crabtree. Collector Byerley ordered to pay warrants issued to Lancaster Symes. Public accounts of Peter Fauconier to be examined. Warrant to Lieut. Thos. Sharpe for salary as gunner at Albany to be pre- pared. lOI Aug. 14 Warrants signed. Warrant to be drawn to Capt. Jas. Weems for work on Albany fort. Confirmatory patent granted to Lydia Rose (see L. P. 4:103). Accounts of Lancaster Symes for firewood, of Mr Anderson in behalf of Phil. Schuyler for sweeping chimneys in Schenectady referred. Orders %n petitions: by Capt. Tuder (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:60); by John Hutchins vs Tenike (see L. P. 4:102). Rombouts vs Crabtree. 103 Sep. I Lieut. Brewer arrives from Albany with Capt. Sheldon of New England and French prisoners (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:63-64). Appropriation for the governor's journey to Albany. Accounts of Mr Bogardus referred. 105 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 21 5 1707 V. 10 5 Warrants signed. Hutchins and Tenike. Newtown and Bushwick. Order concerning Collector Byerley's refusal to pay warrants given to Rip van Dam. 107 10 Newtown and Bushwick. Petition by Wm Tietsoort (see L. P. 4:104) to lie on the table. Wm Chambers called before the council. Hutchins and Tenike. 109 11 Hutchins and Tenike; patent granted to Tenike. Wm Chambers testifies about custom-house rules in re van Dam. Hearing of caveat by Gravesend vs Dirck Hooghland & Co. ordered. Orders: on petition by offi- cers of the forces for bedding; on a memorial of officers of the admiralty court for salaries (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:66-67). Byerley testifies in re van Dam. no Oct. 4 Lord Cornbury at Albany. Ebenezer Wilson nominated mayor and Wm Anderson sherifif of New York. 114 14 Lord Cornbury returned. Warrants for salaries to civil officers signed. Warrant to the widow of Edw'd Cole for her late husband's salary. Eben'r Wilson and Wm. Ander- son sworn in as mayor and sherifif of New York. Lord Cornbury reports having found everything quiet on the frontiers, also a great deal of smuggling to Canada. 114 Nov. 20 Petitions by Peter Schuyler et al, by Capt. Weems, Lieut. Hopson et al. about Sarachtoga patent, referred. War- rants to Peter Schuyler for firewood to Albany and Schenectady garrisons. 117 21 Saratoga patent. Warrants to Lancaster Symes for firewood. Patent for Hellgate rock granted to John Lovell (see L. P. 4:108). Collector Thos. Byerley under arrest and bond not to leave the province; examination of his accounts ordered; Peter Schuyler, Peter Fauconier and Robert Walters appear against him. Account of John Cross for lodging Indians referred. Gravesend vs Hooglandt de- ferred. 118 27 Orders on petitions: by Peter Fauconier (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 52:81-85); by Nanning Harmensen & Co. Salaries of admiralty officers. Accounts of Thos. Wenham, Adolph Philipps, Robert Walters, Barth'w Feurt and Jobs. Burgher (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:88-89) referred. Warrants: to Elizabeth Cole for the salary of her late husband; to Rev. Wm Vesey for salary and house rent. Report on Collector Byerley's books read. Order on petitions: by George Booth (see L. P. 4:110); by Sampson Broughton. Rombouts vs Crabtree. 124 Dec. 18 Patent to John Lovell signed. Petition of Lancaster Syms on behalf of Bernardus Verveulen for a patent for land 2l6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1707 1708 Jan. 8 29 Feb. 5 26 Mar. 4 V. 10 formerly granted by Phil. Carteret referred. Warrants to Thos. Wenham etc. (p. 124). Gravesend vs Dirck Hoog- landt heard and decided. 129 Patent granted to George Booth (p. 124). Petition of ad- miralty officers against Peter Fauconier. Warrants signed. 131 Orders on petitions: by Lancaster Syms (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:92); by Mayor Evert Bancker, and corporation of Albany (Saratoga patent; see L. P. 4:111.). Accounts of Geo. Clarke referred. 134 Warrants for salaries to civil officers. Reply of Peter Fau- conier to petition of admiralty officers read (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:94). Order on petition by Cornelius Seabring {seeN. Y. col. mss, 52:98). Collector Byerley appears on the petition of Lancaster Symes (p. 134). Rip van Dam vs Byerley. 135 Order on petition by Johs. Hardenbergh & Co (see L. P. 4:1121). Warrants: to Adrian Beeckman for provisions to sea expedition in 1705; to George Clarke for office ex- penses. Order on petition by mayor and corporation of New .York against Cornelius Seabring (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:99). Warrant to Barne Cosens for expenses as clerk of the council. Expenses in that office fixed. Rip van Dam vs Byerley. 137 Account of Henry Swift referred. Maurice Newenhuysen reports that letters are sent to France concerning the con- dition of New York. Corporation of New York vs Sea- bring. 140 Report on M. Newenhuysen's information (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:101-104). Capt. Faneuil called. Warrants: to Robert Crannel for pay as coxwain of the barge; to Adrian Beeckman (p. 137). Warrant for patent to George Booth signed. Peter Fauconier and his accounts. Fire- wood warrants to be taken in payment for custom-house duties. New York vs Seabring. 141 Order on petition by Wm Anderson on behalf of Hurley, Ulster county. Warrant to Wm Chambers for use of his sloop in 1705. Capt. Faneuil not to be suspected of send- ing information to France (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:431-32; Q 3:2611-62). Peter Fauconier's accounts. 144 Order on petition by Tjerck Harmensen Fisher (see L. P. 4:113). Saratoga patent (see L. P. 4:114). Warrants to Rev. D. Bondett for salary. Order on petition by Corn's Coole and Adrian Garritse of Hurley (see L. P. 4:115). Patent for Johs. Hardenbergh to be prepared. 146 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 217 170S V. 10 25 Warrant of survey for Harmensen Fisher signed. Petition of mayor etc of New York referred. Copies of deposi- tions and of council minutes regarding him to be given to Capt. Faneuil. 148 Ap. 8 Report on the petition of Corn's Cool (p. 146) received. Petitions referred: by Wm Cullen (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:124); by Lancaster Symes (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:115); by mayor etc of Albany (see L. P. 4:124). Patents granted: to mayor etc of New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:119); to Bern'd Verveulen for land on Peecks creek. License to purchase lands granted to Lawrence Claese (see L. P. 4:117). Orders on petitions: by Peter Schuyler and John Abeel (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:122); by John Abeel on behalf of Jacob Staats and Hendrick van Dyke (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:120-121); by Eliazbeth Cole (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:123,); by' Anne Newkirk (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:118); by Corn's Seabring and Henry Filkin (see /-. P. . 4:116). 14S 15 Warrants and licenses signed. Patent granted to Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 4:1.18). Report on the petition of mayor etc of Albany confirmed. Warrants: to Lancaster Symes for firewood; to Wm Cullen for hire of his sloop in the revenue service. Orders on petitions: by Wm. Apple (see L. P. 4:119); by Cornelius Swits (see L. P. 4:120); by Wm Carter controller of the customs (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:127); by John Roiie and others of Nestigione (seeL. P. 4:121). Warrants for salaries to civil officers. New patent to be prepared for George Booth (p. 141). Farmers of the excise at Albany to pay the warrants to John Abeel and Peter Schuyler notwithstanding Collector Byerley's orders. Petition of Anne Newkirk (p. 14B) granted. List of admiralty fees called for. I53 22 Patents granted to Lancaster Symes & Co., and to John Rosie (p. 153) signed. Patent for George Booth and for Cornelius Swits. Warrants for salaries and for firewood. Petition of Peter Praa and others of Bushwick (see L. P. 4:83, 122) to lie on the table. Admiralty officers' fees reported. French privateers and New York fortifications, 158 23 Controversy between Newtown and Bushwick decided for the latter. Warrants to the chief justice to be taken in payment for excise dues. 161 27 Lord Cornbury and the lieutenant-governor absent. Benj. Cooper master, and John Leroux passenger, of the sloop Endeavour report having been chased by a French ship off Sandy Hook. Vollenteers called to man the Tritons Prize, Capt. Norbury for a ten day cruize. 162 2l8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1708 V. 10 29 Deposition by Francis Jones (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:130) heard and an order issued to Capt. George Fane com- mander of the Lowestaffe man-of-war for a cruize. Infor- mation sent to Lord Cornbury. 162 May 115 Nicholas Tinchoven to be pilot for the Lowestoffe. Order for a cruize by Capt. Fane. 164 June I Indian afifairs. Lawrence Claese reports, that the French intend to build forts at Skowkase and at Ohoryagre. Indians want an English fort in their country. Payment of expenses to Lawrence Claese ordered. 165 4 Deposition of George Moore mariner concerning the tak- ing of the ship Experiment from Barbados near Sandy Hook and his escape. Ordfer to Capt. Fane for a cruize. 166 13 Letter to Capt. Fane about a French privateer with two prizes having been at Sandy Hook. 167 22 Lord Cornbury returned. Saratoga patent. Act of assem- bly declaring the proceedings against Bayard and Hutchins illegal confirmed by the queen; order of the queen in council at Kingston Jan. 8, 1708 is on p. 172. 168 July I Warrants for salaries to civil officers. Patent for Bushwick signed. Patent granted to Wm Apple and heirs of Har- manus Higedaam to be notified. -Collector Byerley re- fuses to pay warrants issued to Register Tuder of the admiralty and to Lawrence Claese Indian interpreter. Warrant to Lawrence Claese for expenses in New York. Loan by Wm Peartree to be returned. 170 Indian afifairs. Petition by Lawrence Claese referred. Quit- rent to be paid by Bushwick fixed. Proclamation to issue convoking the assembly. 174 8 Petition of Fred'k Minderse referred. Warrant to the same for pay as armorer at Albany. Petition of Peter Fau- conier (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:140) granted. Land peti- tioned for by Wm Apple to be patented to him and to heirs of Heigedorn (p. 153, 170). 175 9 Additional instruction concerning the president of the coun- cil received and entered. Indians desire the governor to meet them at Albany. Warrant for expenses of the gov- ernor's journey signed. Saratoga patent. Warrant to James Parker for express charges from Albany. Writs for election to issue. 176 Aug. 5 Quitrent for land granted to Wm Apple fixed. Orders on petitions: by Adam Vrooman; by Elias Boudinot (see L. P. 4:137); by Ellis Duxbury (see L. P. 4:126). Com- plaint of Tuder vs Byerley to be heard. 178 6 Fort Anne CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 219 1708 V. 10 16 Measures to be proposed to the assembly. Orders on peti- tions: by Peter Fauconier; by Francis Vincent. War- rant for patent to Ellis Duxbury signed. 180 19 Custom-house affairs examined. Warrants signed. Legisla- tive minutes (see Jour. 1:246). 182 20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:246). Custom-house affairs. Warrant to Rev. Wm Yesey for salary. Petition of Mr Vincent referred. New patent granted to Adam Vrooman for a creek and a mill above Albany. Patent granted to Tjerck Harmensen (see L. P. 4:129). 183 21 East- and Westchester. Fauconier and Byerley (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52: 146-147). 184 24 Order of the queen concerning attendance of the council. Patent granted to Fr. Vincent (see L. P. 4:130). Order on petition by Eben'r Wilson (see L. P. 4:132). Warrant to Lieut. Henry Holland for house rent.* Provisions for volunteers on the Triton's Prize. Examination of Peter Fauconier concerning custom-house affairs (see Jour. 1:247). 185 ,26 Collector Byerley charged with breach of trust. Fauconier's accounts. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:248). Petition of John Jackson sr and jr referred. Quitrent to be paid by Francis Vincent fixed. Accounts of the £1800 tax called for. Patents granted: to Eben'r Wilson; to Peter Fauconier (see L. P. 4:131). Warrant to Domine Lydius for services as Indian missionary (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:148). Collector Byerley refuses to accept for duties warrants issued to Peter Schuyler for firewood. 188 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:248). Warrant signed. Warrant for patent to John Jackson sr and jr. 189 30 Examination of Peter Fauconier's accounts continued. Quitrent for Adam Vrooman's patent fixed; also for John Jackson's. Schuyler and Byerley. Van Dam and Byerley. 190 Sep. 2 Time for settling land above Schenectady extended for Wil- son and Abeel. Quitrent for Eben'r Wilson's house in Wall street New York fixed. Warrant to Capt. Jas. Weems for moneys advanced by him (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:155-158). Patent granted to Mrs Anne Bridges et al. (see L. P. 4:134). East- and Westchester decided in favor of the former. 191 3 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:249). Order on the report of council about the ii8oo tax (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:149- 50). Custom-house investigation (see Jour. 1:249). 193 7 Legislative minutes (see (Jour. 1:250). Warrants signed. Pavment to Lawrence Claesen to be made out of the quit- 220 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1708 V. 10 rents of Albany and excise of Ulster counties. Byerley's answer to lie on the table (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:161). £1800 tax. Thos. Weaver's accounts. Commissions of Robert Livingston recorded. 197 9 Wilson and Rye. Thos. Byerley. Orders on petitions: by Eben'r Wilson; by Philipp Rokeby. Legislative minutes (see Jottr. 1:250). Duplicate warrant given to Rev. D. Bondet canceled. 200 10 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:250). Wilson and Rye de- cided in favor of the former. Confirmatory patent granted to Phil. Rokeby. Order on petition by Rob't Livingston. 202 11 Legislative minutes, and breaches of trust by Collector Byerley (see Jour. 1:251); .Byerley suspended from office; Col. de Peyster to act in his place. Patent granted to Col. Wm Peartree. 203. 13 Legislative minutes, and examination of Peter Fauconier concerning custom-house affairs (see Jour. 1:253). Fau- conier exonerated. 207 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:262). Mistake in entry of warrants. Warrants signed. Proclamation to issue em- . powering Peter Fauconier to receive the excise dues. Or- ders on petitions: by Rip van Dam (see L. P. 4:135); by Wm Bradford (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:163); of Nanning Harmen (see L. P. 4:138); by Robert Livingston (see N. Y. col. VISS, 52:165). 221 16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:262). Orders on petitions: by Claude Buissonet (see L. P. 4:140); by John Berry and James Wright (see L. P. 4:136). Warrant signed. 225. 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:262). Petition by Claude Bouissonet referred. Order on petition by Anne Bridges and others (see L. P. 4:139). Warrant signed. Order on petition by Major Thos. Jones (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:167- 168). Warrants to Rev. Bondett for salary. 224 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:263). 225 18. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:263). Petition of Elizabeth Cole referred (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:170-172). Warrant for patent to Anne Bridges signed. Petitions by Thos. Jones, Wm Bradford and Mich'l Hawdon (see A^". Y. col. mss, 52:169) referred. 225, 22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:263). Petition of Anne Bridges (see L. P. 4:139) referred. The collector called on Thos. Jones' petition, and Hendrick Hansen on that of Tierck Harmensen. 226 23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:264). Orders on petitions: by John Bodine (see L. P. 4:141); by Jacques Guyon (see CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES . 1668-I 783 221 1708 V. 10 L. P. 4:143). Thos. Jones' rum released (p. 324-25). Tierck Harmensen's petition granted. Memorial by Aug. Graham surveyor-general, to lie on the table. 227 24 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:264). Patents granted: to Claude Bouissonet; to Jacques Guyon; to John Bodine. Warrant to Henry Swift for entertaining Indians. Two Brothers islands granted to Wm Bond (see L. P. 4:142). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:264). 228 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:264). Warrants signed. Patent for Kayaderosseras granted to Nanning Harmense & Co. Petition for land on Staten Island by Lancaster Symes referred. Legislative minutes (see Joxw. 1:265). 229 28 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:265). The Lowestoffe man-^ of-war and an armed sloop to cruize for a privateer. Memorial by Aug. Graham and Wm Bond (see L. P. 4:152) referred. 230 29 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:265). Confirmatory patent granted to Wilson and Abeel (see L. P. 4:148). Mayor and sheriff of New York reappointed. Warrant for Westenhook patent signed. 230 30 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:265). Warrants: for sala- ries to civil officers; to George Clarke secretary, and to Barne Cosens clerk of the council for ofifice expenses. Order on petition by Peter Schuyler & Co. (see L. P. 4:153). Account of Mr Bachand referred. Capt. Fane cannot go to sea. bis 230 Oct. I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:266). Order on petition by Elias Pelletreau (see A''. Y. col. mss, 52:177). 231 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:267). Orders on petitions: by Anne Bridges (see L. P. 4:154); by Peter Fauconier (see A^. Y. col. mss, 52:178). 234 6 Legislative minutes {see Jour. 1:267). 234 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:267). Orders on petitions: by. Jacobus van Dyck; by Jobs, de Peyster (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:180). Warrants: to Lawrence Claesen for pay as Indian interpreter; to Lieut. John Collins for house rent. Accounts and petitions: by John Abeel (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:179); by Peter Schuyler & Co. (see L. P. 4:163); by John Mowbray; by Andries Gardiner (see L. P. 4:155). Warrants: to Wm van Ale for hire of his sloop; to Hans Cross for entertaining Indians. 235 II Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:268). Patent granted to Andries Gardiner. Warrants: to John Abeel for work on Albany fort; to Jacobus van Dyck for salary as surgeon; to Lieuts. Brewer and John Collins for house rent. War- '2.2.2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1708 V. 10 rants signed. Petition by Lieut. Brewer (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:181) referred. Patent granted to John Mowbray (see L. P. 4:156). Address to the queen concerning coins to be prepared. Custom-house affairs. 237 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:269). Warrant signed. 240 14 Ebenezer Wilson and Wm Anderson sworn in as mayor and sheriff of New York. Warrants signed. Patent granted to Cornelius Cool and others of Hurley (see L. P. 4:157). Quitrent for patent to Andries Gardiner fixed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:269). 241 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:269). Quitrent for John Mowbray's land in Suffolk county fixed. Patent granted to Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 4:1158). 241 16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:270). 242 18 Warrant to Cornelius van Dyck for the salary of his late father surgeon Henry van Dyck (see N. Y. col. mss, 52:183). Thos. Byerley's accounts (see N. Y. col. mss, 1:182); he is suspended and a proclamation to that effect is to issue. 243 21 Order on petition by Thos. Wenham (see L. P. 4:159). War- rant signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:270). Cus- tom-house books and papers to be inventoried. 244 22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:270). Patents: for Saratoga granted to Peter Schuyler (see L. P. 4:163-65); for Kaya- derosseras to Manning Harmensen (see L. P. 4:161-62); to Thos. Wenham (p. 244). Warrant to Johs. de Peyster for firewood. 245 22, Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:271). Warrants signed. Warrant to Peter Schuyler for firewood to Albany and Schenectady garrisons. 246 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:271). Joseph Hunt jr, John Ferris jr, Edw'd Griffin sr, Robert Heustis, John Oakly, Jas. Crumwell, James Ferris summoned before the council for opposing the survey of land granted to Wm Peartree in Westchester county. Quitrent for Saratoga patent fixed. Petition by Mr Anderson on behalf of Jac. van Dyck re- ferred. 247 26 Duplicate of patent warrant for Norwalk island signed. Leg- islative minutes (see Jour. 1:2721). Account of Peter Schuyler for candles referred (see A^'. Y. col. mss, 53:3). Warrant to the same for firewood. Account of Peter Schuyler for a journey to Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:2). Quitrent for land on Staten Island granted to L. Symes fixed. Complaints against Lord Cornbury declared groundless. 248 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:272). 250 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL .MINUTES 1668-I783 227, 1708 V. 10 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:272). Warrants to Peter Schuyler for expenses to Albany, and for candles. Declar- ation of council concerning complaints against Lord Corn- bury. Warrant signed. Petition by Mark Dusasway (see L. P. 4:167) referred. 250 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:273). 252 29 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:274). Warrants signed. Petition by Goosen Gerritse referred. Joseph Hunt jr et al. (p. 247) discharged. 254 p. ni. Legislative minutes {Jour. 1:274). 255 30 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:274). Warrant to Adolph Philipps (p. 131) canceled. Others for like services also to be cancelled, payment made by act of assembly. 255 Nov. I Warrants to Peter Schuyler for moneys advanced and ser- vices rendered. Rip van Dam's rum to be resurveyed. 257 2 Warrants signed. Lord Cornbury intends going to New Jersey. John Abeel's account referred. 258 16 Lorn Cornbury returned. Petitions referred: by Henry Beeckman (see L. P. 4:169-170); by Bernardus Freeman (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:7); by John Bachan (see N. Y. col. mss, 4:4-5, 30). 259 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:275). 259 24 Orders on petitions: by Isaac Mercier and others of New Rochelle against Peter Simon and wife, and on a counter petition by Barth'w le Roux (see L. P. 4:171); by Henry Taylor. 259 26 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:275). 260 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:275). 261 Dec. 2 Warrants to Elizabeth Cole. Report of S. S. Brough- ton late attorney-general on public money in the hands of Jeronimus Rapalie referred to attorney-general May Bick- ley. Weighmaster Grassett to pay " clipped " money into the treasury. 261 3 Accounts of Thos. Weaver late collector settled. 262 10 Warrants signed. Warrants to Gabriel Ludlow clerk and to Wm Churchill doorkeeper of assembly, for salary. Patent . granted to Goosen Adriaense (see L. P. 4:168). Warrant to Col. Wm Peartree for advances under act of assembly. 263 11 Warrants signed. Petition of Wm Anderson (see L. P. 4:172) referred. 264 15 Lord Lovelace arrives on Long Island and expects to be in New York the following day. Warrants for salaries signed. Petitions by Gertrud van Cortlandt (see A''. Y. col. 7»w, 53:11; and, L. P. 4:173) referred; barge accounts. Petition by Judge Milward concerning Byerley's bonds referred. 264 224 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1708 17 18 23 30 1709 Jan. 5 13 V. 10 Dinner to be prepared for Lord Lovelace. 266 Lord John Lovelace publishes his commission and takes the oaths and swears in the council. Proclamation to issiie confirming all officers in their posts. 266 Wm Peartree and David Provoost appointed by the queen to the council and sworn in; Abr'm de Peyster likewise ap- pointed, but refuses to be sworn. Communications re- ceived from England concerning Indian presents, pala- tines, rate of foreign coins and trade, and requiring an ac- count of ordnance stores. Proclamation to issue for ap- prehending straggling seamen. 267 Order on petition by Richard Harris (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:12). - 268 Powder magazine to be repaired. Proclamation to issue dis- solving the assembly and writs for election of a new one; also of coroners. List of debts of the government called for. Is security given by sheriffs? Servants imported by Mr Keeble for making potashes to be hired out, Mr Keeble not having come in the ship Globe with them. Ordinance establishing the court of chancery called for. Warrant to Abr'm de Peyster to pay Rip van Dam for repairs on the new magazine. 269 Prosecutions in excise cases to stay (p. 268). Anderson to lay his list of government debts before the council. Lord Cornbury to be asked for Thos. Weaver's bond, and other public papers. Security to be given by the sheriffs. Peti- tion of Johannis Romer referred. Assembly to meet April 17. Orders on petitions: by Samuel Staats and Robert Walters (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:14-15), and by Mag- telt Messepatt. Warrant to Lord Lovelace and civil offi- cers for salaries. 270 Peter Fauconier's recognizances. Execution against Rich'd Harris stopped (p. 268). Lord Cornbury wants time in which to deliver the papers called for; granted, and peti- tions for his salary (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:19-20). Orders on petitions: by Jobs. Roomer (see A''., 53:17-18); by Isaac de Riemer (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:29); by Wm An- derson (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:27). Debts of the govern- ment. Warrant to Rip van Dam for repairing the new magazine. Magtelt Messepatt's affair settled (see -N. Y. col. mss, 53:15). Orders on petitions: by Lancaster Symes and Eben'r Wilson (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 53 :28) ; by Robert Livingston (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:24); by John Bachau; by Daniel Ebitts and by Elias Pelletreau (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:25-26). 275 CALENDAR OF COUNCFL .MINUTES 1668-I783 225 1709 V. 10 27 Lord Cornbury to answer in writing to the complaint of Samuel ^taats and Robert Walters (p. 270). Messrs. Symes and Huddleston accepted as sureties of Sherifif An- derson. Order on petition by elders and deacons of the Dutch reformed church of Brooklyn (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:3; and Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:148-49, Q3:9S). Petition of John Harris et 'al. (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:33-34) referred. Thos. Byerley restored to his office of collector and re- ceiver-general upon orders from England; proclamation to issue to that effect. 278 Feb. 3 Answer to Staats and Walter's complaint (p. 270, 378) re- ceived from Lord Cornbury (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:37). Answer to Lord Cornbury from Thos. Byerley (p. 275; see N. Y. col. mss, 53:35). Brooklyn church and Bern. Free- man (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:150-51; 03:96). Orders of the queen in council approving acts of assembly. Additional instructions to the governor concerning land grants. Let- ter from the queen in regard to palatines and their min- ister Joshua de Kocherthal. Report on ammunition re- ceived. Petition of Mrs van Cortlandt (see L. P. 4:173-74) referred. 280 II Col. Heathcote sworn of the council and George Clarke as clerk of the council. Reply of Dr Staats and Rob't Wal- ters to Lord Cornbury to be sent to England (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 513:41). Lord Cornbury and Thos. Byerley (see N.Y. col. mss, 53:38). Symes and Wilson vs Thomas Byerley (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:42). Petition by Lord Cornbury (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:43) to lie on the table. Petition by John Abeel (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:44) to lie on the table. Petition by Henry Swift (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:40) referred. Petition by Rob't Livingston (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:45) referred. 286 24 Lord Lovelace in New Jersey. Order on petition by Lord Cornbury (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:46). Thos. Byerley is given time to make ready his answers to complaints. Accounts and petition of Lord Cornbury (see A^. Y. col. mss, 53:47-48) referred. Order on petition by Margaret widow of Pat- rick Magregory (see L. P. 4:175). Refunding money loaned by Wm Peartree in 1702. 287 Mar. 14 Useless ordnance stores to be sold and fort to be repaired. Ship Unity Will Patience commander reported at Ber- mudas on her way to New York with a rich cargo; the Maidstone man-of-war to cruize against French privateers for protecting the Unity and other ships. 289 ig The Kinsale, and Maidstone men-of-war ordered out for a cruize of three weeks towards Barnegat. 290 226 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY ( 1709 V. 10 20 Capt. George Gordon of the Maidstone ready to sail pro- vided he can get 40 men for his ship. Capt. John Clifton of the Kinsale refuses to obey orders of the council not signed by Lord Lovelace. Capt. Nich's Tienhoven is will- ing to be pilot of the Maidstone. Letter and orders to be sent to Capt. Clifton. 291 22 Quarrel between the council and Capt. John Clifton con- tinued: Wm. Calleway swears to an affidavit concerning it. Capt. Gordon with the Maidstone ordered to Bermudas as convoy of the Unity. Letters sent to Lord Lovelace at Perth Amboy, N. J., by the Pennsylvania post. 292 23 Capt. Clifton needs 50 to 60 men for his ship who are de- tailed out of the garrison. Warrant issued to Nich's Tienhoven for piloting the Kinsale (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:52). Capt. John Rolland of the sloop Lark reports hav- ing sailed from Bermudas in company with the Unity; the Maidstone to cruize for her. Charles German offers to carry the men aboard the Kinsale. 293 Ap. 6 Lord Lovelace returned. Col. Schuyler sworn of the coun- cil. Legislative minutes (see /oitr. 1:276). 295 7 Legislative minutes (see /otir. 1:276). 296 14 Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:277). Letter from Gov. Sal- tonstall of Connecticut about five nations received. 298 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:277). Expense account of the government called for. Order on petition by Peter Schuyler. Memorials from Messrs Winthrop and Leverett of Massachusetts and Messrs Hamlin and Whiting of Connecticut (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:57) received. Indian affairs (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:56). 299 20 Expense account of the government received and to be laid before the house of representatives. Answer to the me- morials of Massaclivisetts and Connecticut given to the agents. Answer to propositions made by Indians (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:58). Legislative minutes (see four. 1:277). Indian presents to be sent to Albany. 300 25 Shawanoes Indians in New York make propositions, and are given presents. 301 26 Indians. Legislative minutes (see four. 1:278). 302 May 6 Col. Ingoldsby to be informed of the death of Lord Love- lace. OfBcers to continue in their posts. Mr Cockrill Lord Lovelace's secretary asked for the governor's instruc- tions which are entered in the minutes. Capt. Matthews to command the garrison; the keys to be delivered to Col. Schuyler. Papers sent by Lady Lovelace. Letters to be sent to Gov. Saltonstall, Col. Vetch, Col. Nicholson and CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 227 1709 V. 10 the governor of Pennsylvania. Play acting and prize fighting forbidden. Instructions. 302 p. ni. Col. Schuyler presides. Instructions to two Indians going to Montreal and Quebec on a scout. Instructions for Mr van Renselaer and Robert Livingston with presents to the Indian spies. Col. Schuyler to keep the keys of the stores until they are examined and inventoried. 338 7 Lord Lovelace to be buried in New York. Warrant to Lady Lovelace for her husband's salary. New York regiment ordered out for the funeral and furnished with powder etc. 340 8 Vessels not to be cleared to prevent news of the intended expedition reaching the enemy. Col. Redknap not to leave the province till further orders. Warrants to Lady Lovelace for public expenses by her husband. Stores to be examined. Letters to be sent to Col. Dudley and to Mr Shackmapple about the privateer. 341 The entries on pages 342-457 are rough minutes of council; the fair and more complete copy of them is paged 645-733. 9 Lt. Gov. Rich'd Ingoldsby present and sworn in after read- ing his commission. Proclamation to issue continuing all officers. Mr Cockerill called upon to deliver the seals. Stores to be surveyed. Lady Lovelace called upon for pub- lic papers. Proclamation to issue for an embargo. 645 10 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:278). Lord Cornbury called upon for public papers. Stores to be inventoried. 645 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:278). Order on petition by Joshua Cockerthal. Masters of merchant vessels refuse to lend men for the man-of-war to go on a cruize after a privateer. 646 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:278). The queen's instruc- tions to Col. Vetch. Letter from the queen to Lord Love- lace about the expedition against Canada. 647 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:279). Proclamation to be published by Cols. Vetch and Nicholson similar to their Boston proclamation. 653 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:279). Palatines. Order on petition by Lord Cornbury (see A'". Y. col. mss, 53:66). Writ of ne exeat against Thos. Byerley to issue. Expenses of repairing the fort. Indian presents. 653 20 The sloop Diamond allowed to take aboard provisions for the fleet at Boston. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:280). Warrants: to Peter Schuyler for firewood to Albany and Schenectady garrisons; to Thos. Byerley for money paid for fort repairs. 655 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:280). Canada expedition and Indian afTairs. John son of Robert Livingston ordered 228 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1709 V. 10 to Canada has a bond of the court of chancery extended. Sloops with provisions and hospital stores to be sent to Quebec and Montreal. Peter Schuyler to be second in command under Col. Nicholson. Colonels Saltonstall and Gookin will go with their detachments as far as Albany. 655 p. m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:281). 657 2;^ Command of Canada land expedition settled. Proclamation to issue for the arrest of Thos. Byerley. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:281). Arms to be inspected (see N. Y. col. mss, 5.3:78, 83). Connecticut regiment (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:75). Col. Schuyler to command the Indians (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:80). Articles of war. Stafif officers to be appointed for the expedition. .The colonel, lieuten- ant-colonel and major of each regiment to have a com- pany. 658 24 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:282). Canada expedition. Col. Nicholson wants a certificate of his appointment to the command-in-chief and recommends that a general day of fasting be set. Memorial to -Gov. Gourdon Saltonstall of Connecticut, Lt. Gov. Charles Gookin of Pennsylvania and Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby from Col. Sam'l Vetch. Address by Cols. Ingoldsby, Saltonstall, Gookin with the council and assembly of New-York, to Col. Francis Nicholson; both about the expedition. 660 25 Peter Schuyler presides. Accounts of the Kinsale man-of-. war Capt. John Clifton to be audited. Arms to be dis- tributed to the garrison. 663 26 Capt. John Riggs to command the Connecticut detachment (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:85). Capt. Clifton to cruize for a topsail vessel off Sandy Hook and Neversink. Proclamation about arms of volunteers. Order on petition by Joshua Kocherthal and Herman Schuneman on behalf of the pal- atines (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:544-45; 03:329). 665 27 Arms for the expedition to be cleaned and repaired. Pre- siding officer of the council designated during the absence of the lieutenant governor and president. Capt. Clifton of the Kinsale cannot sail for want of men. 665 28 Capt. Clifton to take men out of the Maidstone. 666 30 Garret van Home and other owners of the Content privateer called before the council concerning Henry Hutchins and Loper two men impressed for the men-of-war. 666 31 Affidavit of Abr'm van Duersen, Jost Leysen and John Par- myter concerning the impressing of seamen for the Tri- tons prize man-of-war. Order on petition by Nich's Brower (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:87). 666 CALENDAR t)F COUXCII. ,iMIXLTKS 1668-I783 22iJ 1709 V. 10 June 3 Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby rt-turncd. Mr Cockrill called before the council. Legislative minutes (see /o«r. 1:282). Lord Love- lace's commission and other public papers called for. 668 4 Lady Lovelace is reluctant to give up her late husband's papers. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:282). 669 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:282). Boston post to be stopped until further orders. Canada expedition. 670 p. m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1 1283). 670 7 Legislative minutes (see /ojtr. 1:283). 671 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:284). Joint committees on Canada expedition to meet at the Coffee house (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:9^93)- 672 p.m. Legislative minutes (see /ow/'. 1:284). 673 13 Col. Ingoldsby absent. Letters from Peter Schuyler recom- mending officers for the Albany and Ulster county detach- ments (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:95), on Indian affairs, and covering a journal of John and Abr'm Schuyler sent to the lieutenant governor. Canada expedition; rendezvous for the county detachments fixed. 673 15 Canada expedition. 674 16 Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby returned. Address to the queen to be prepared. Letters from England to Lord Lovelace re- ceived. Indian affairs. Letter to be written to Capt. Davis of the Maidstone man-of-war about impress of sea- men. 675 18 Opinion of the chief justice and the attorney-general regard- ing the government's power to order impressing of sailors asked. Palatines (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:545; 03:329). Can- ada expedition. . 676 20 Order on petition by Lord Cornbury for a certificate that his creditors prevent his return to England. Legislative min- utes (set Jour. 1:284). 677 21 Memorial to the queen on the lack of arms signed. Legis- lative minutes (see Jour. 1 :285. Palatines called pietists (see Doc .hist. N. Y. 3-545', 03:3^9). Certificate for Lord Cornbury signed. Long Island Indians to be called to serve in the Canada expedition (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:100). Arms wanting for the expedition. Delegates of the five nations to go to Boston and see the fleet and army, which is to go on the expedition. Indian presents. Post route between Albany and Westfield to be established. 678 22 Militia of New York city to do guard duty at Fort Anne. Request to Capt. George Gordon of the Lowestaffe man- of-war to delay sailing signed (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:102). Indian affairs. Shoemakers to be impressed for making cartridge boxes. 680 230 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1709 V. 10 2S Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby absent. New York city militia troop to make the night rounds. Clearance of vessels ordered: sloop Speedwell, Phil. Wanton master for Jamaica; brigantineDol- phine, Thos. Rudden for Barbadoes; sloop Three Brothers, Thos. Lee; brigantine Success, Dan'l Dunscombe; sloop Lark, John Bolland all for Jamaica; sloop Endeavor, John Fowles for Curasao; sloop Seaflower, Thos. Hunt, for St Thomas; brigantine Eagle, Chas. Whitefield, for Antigua; sloop Friendship, Andrew Law, for Nevis; brigantine St John, Alex'r Woodcop for Surinam. Canada expedition (see A'', y. col. mss, 53:103). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:285). Guard to be kept at Albany and Schenec- tady. Addresses to Col. Francis Nicholson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:99). 681 ^5 " Sayns " asked from the men-of-war for the expedition. Money for the Canada expedition. Address to the queen to be signed by the members of the council. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:285). Impressing of sailors. French prisoners to be sent to Flatbush and Hempstead, L. I. New York troop discharged from duty. Votes of New Hamp- shire council approving the appointment of Col. Nichol- son. • 684 29 Order on petition by Edw. Hardrigh a deserter from Ber- mudas. Duties on prize goods: 686 July 2 Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby returned. ^ Col. Wenham to have arms repaired. Long Island Indians. Canada expedition. Legal opinion that the lieutenant-governor cannot order the im- pressing of sailors from privateers or merchantmen. 686 3 Garrit Ville to go to the Long Island Indians. Indian affairs Cols. Ingoldsby and Nicholson going to Albany. Station ship for New York asked for. Memorial from the com- missioners of the Canada expedition to Col. Sam'l Vetch, adjutant-general of her majesties forces. List of expendi- tures for the expedition. Order of the queen in council disallowing the provincial act about coin. Address to Col. Francis Nicholson from governor and council of Rhode Island; with letter from Gov. Sam'l Cranston (see A^. Y. col. mss, 53:104). 687 13 Too many officers in Col. Schuyler's regiment. 694 Albany 15 Surgeon wanted for Schuyler's regiment. Scouting parties of Albany militia and Connecticut troop to be sent out. Pay- ments made for building storehouses, canoes etc. Indian spies rewarded. Presents made to old men, women and children of the four nations present at Albany. Account ot of what is necessary for the expedition called for. 694 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 231 1709 V. 10 16 Arms given to the Indians to be repaired. Grenadiers to have red caps. Methods for transporting provisions to Wood Creek to be arranged. Disputes between commis- sioners of the expedition and commissioners of Indian afifairs to be settled by the council. Indian affairs; Mini- sink and Jersey Indians. 695 19 Commissioners of Indian affairs. Money advanced by Col. Schuyler cannot be repaid now. Minissink Indians will not come. Indian presents. Abraham Schuyler and five others to go to the Senecas. 696 21 Order on petition by Lawrence Claesen and Indian interpre- ters for pay. 697 23 Commissioners of the expedition approve of sending Abr'm Schuyler to the Senecas, to stay there 14 days, and the men accompanying him to be selected from the military. 698 25 Oneidas want John Bleecker, Evert Wendell, Stephanus Groesbeck, Abr'm Cuyler, John and Gerrit Rooseboom and Jobs. Harmanse Fischer to go with them to Canada as interpreters. 699 Affidavit by Jacob van Zutphen of Yellow Hook, L. I. con- cerning the refusal of Capt. Rodgers of the South Sea Castle man-of-war to release an impressed sailor. 699 Lt. Gov. Ingoldsby returned. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:286). Henry van Ball vs Roger Bret on a writ of error. Orders on petitions: by Peter ^Matthews, Wm Sharpas and Wm Davis for land near the paltz in Ulster county; by Alex. Griggs (see L. P. 4:182). 700 Complaint of Col. Beekman vs Col. Wenham. Patent granted to Matthews, Sharpas and Davis. Orders on peti- tions: by Christopher Rousby; by Wm Sunderland and Wm Chambers (see L. P. 4:179); by Peter Fauconier; by John Conrad Codweis (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:109); by Joshua Kocherthal (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:107-8). Proc- lamation to issue empowering P. Fauconier to receive cer- tain public moneys. Iron and steel to be sent to Albany for the expedition. 701 Sep. 6 Recommendation to the queen for J. C. Codweis and J. Kocherthal signed. Warrants for land patents signed. Order upon petition by Lord Cornbury. 701 8 Communications received from the expedition dated Wood creek. Order on petition by Gerardus Beekman et al. (see L. P. 5:1). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:286). Order on petition by Joseph Hegeman, Peter Navius and Jero- nimus Remsen on behalf of elders of Dutch church at Flatbush (see AL Y. col. tiiss, 53:111; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. Albany Aug. 4 New York 18 New York 25 232 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1709 V. 10 3:156; Q 3:99). Letter received from Sec. Stanley of Connecticut concerning Hannah Taylor (see A'". Y. col. mss, 53:110). Account of stores to be taken. 702 12 Arthur Knight and King owners of the sloop Seahorse vs Henry van Ball (see A''. Y. col. mss, 531:112). Caienquirago a five nations Indian to be lodged and fed while in town. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:286). 703 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:286). Bret vs van Ball in error. Isaac Mercier and other French protestants of New Rochelle vs Rev. D. Bondet. Wm Sunderland and Wm Chambers. Crabtree vs Rombouts. Trinity church. 704 16-20 Legislative minutes (see Jxiur. 1:287). 705-6 21 Order on address from the mayor etc. of Albany for secur- ing the frontiers. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:288). Patent granted to Sunderland and Chambers. 706 22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:288). Van Ball vs Bret in error. French church at New Rochelle. 707 Joint committee meeting on the address from Albany at the Coffee House. Address to the queen to be prepared. 708 24 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:288). 708 26 Col. Vetch asks the governors of colonies interested in the Canada expedition to meet at New London. Report of sick soldiers at Wood creek received. Opinion of the council that the congress of governors should meet at New York. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:289). 709 29 Eben'r Wilson and Wm Anderson renominated as mayor and sheriff of New York. 711 Oct. 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:289). Report on difficulties between Rev. Antonides and Freeman read (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:121). Orders on petitions: by Cornelius Sea- bring and Corn's van Brunt of the Dutch church in Kings county; by Dorus Folhemus and elders of the same; by John Auboineau for land back of New Wark; by David Provoost, Rip van Dam and Lawrence Jansen (see L. P. 5:2); by Wm Peartree. 711 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:289). 712 10 Letters received about congress of governors and Indian affairs. Palatines (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:122). Opinion of the council about the lieutenant-governor's going to the congress. 714 11 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:290). 714 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:290). The queen's forces to be posted at Albany and 100 provincials to be raised in addition. "yit^. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 233 1709 V. 10 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:290). Orders on petitions: by Rev. Dan'l Bondet; by Gerardus Beekman; by Caleb Heathcote (see L. P. 5:3). 71S 14 Mayor Wilson and Sheriff Anderson of New York sworn in.. 716 18 Orders on petitions: by John Barberie (see L. P. 5^5); by Peter Fauconier (see N. Y. col. niss, 53:123-25, 129). Forts on Wood creek and Canada expedition. 717 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:291). License to purchase Indian land near New Wark for John Auboineau signed. Resolve of assembly about congress received. 717 20 Rev. Daniel Bondet. Congress of governors. Land granted to Gabriel Ludlow and Wm Bradford (see L. P. 5:4). Van Ball vs Crabtree. Col. Ingoldsby intends going to the congress in Rhode Island and wants money (see Jour. 1:291). Order concerning the dispute between Antonides and Freeman (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:162; Q 3:103). 718 22 Letters to Lord Lovelace received, read and to be laid be- fore the assembly. Opinions and order on petition by Peter Fauconier (see A^. Y. col. niss, 53:129). 719 2/ Order on petition by George Norton that the sheriff of New York give security. Opinions and order concerning the dispute between Antonides and Freeman (see N. Y. col. tnss, 53: 127-28). Peter Fauconier. Order concerning petitions for land and land grants. Petitions by John Smith (see L. P. 5:6); by Lawrence Cornelisen; by Henry Oblinus (see L. P. 5:27) referred. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:291). Order on petition by Judge Robert Milward (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:130). 721 Nov. I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:292). Orders on petitions: by Peter Fauconier; by Peter Barberie (see L. P. 5:4); by Wm Anderson (see A^. Y. col. mss, 53:131). 723 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:292). Warrants cancelled. Order on petition by Peter Fauconier. French church at New Rochelle. Land granted: to John Smith, Nath'I Ma , John Sellwood and Corn's Lodye (see L. P. 5:6); to Lawrence Cornelissen, John Cornelissen, Abr'm Myre and Arent Quackenbush. Henry Oblinus (p. 721) to give names of his partners. Land granted: to Peter Barberie (p- 723); to Barent Waldron (see L. P. 5:12). Thos. Weaver's accounts. 725 9 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:293). Petition of New York merchants received (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:137)- 7^7 10 Order on petition by Judge Milward (p. 721). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:293). Order on petition by John van Home, John Theobald and Chas. Crombline (see L. P. 5:9). 728 234 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1709 II 12 Dec. 3 1710 Feb. 15 23 27 Mar. V, Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:294). The Kinsale, and Maidstone men-of-war to sail to Barbados and convoy merchant men from there. Order on petition by Rev. Vincent Antonides (see N. Y. col. niss, 53:139). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:294). Exchange of prison- ers (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:140). Audit of Capt. Clifton's accounts ordered. Pay of soldiers. Land granted: to Mrs Margaret McGreg- ory and Thos. Toshack; to Chas. Huddey and Phil. Brooke (see L. P. 5':3i). Fort Anne needs repairing. Revenues. Dr Johnson reports on Mr Cockerill's estate, as connected with pay of soldiers. Orders on petitions: by Thos. Jones & Co. (see L. P. 5:33); by Johs. Beeck- man (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:155); by Henry Beeckman (see L. P. 5:32). Proclamation to issue adjourning the assembly. Rev. V. Antonides. Judge Milward. Peter Fauconier and the sheriff to attend. Patent granted to Huddy and Brooke. Land granted to Roger Mompesson (see L. P. 5:34). Revenues. Warrant signed. Revenues. Patent granted to Augustine Graham (see L. P. 5:36). Petition of Roger Mompesson referred (see L. P. 5:35). Patent granted to Henry Beeck- man (see L. P. 5:32). Petition by Abr'm Hasebrook et al. for confirmatory patent for New Paltz referred. Order on petition by Melchior Gulch (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:157). Land granted to Judge Robert Milward. Patent granted to Marc Dasway [Dusachoy] (see L. P. 5:38). Warrant of survey granted to John Auboineau. Land granted to Daniel Crombine, Paul Droilhet and two others (see L. P. 5:7). Patents granted: to Rip van Dam & Co. (see L. P. 5:37); to Thos. Jones & Co. (see L. P. 5:33); to Roger Mompesson (p. 459); to Eben'r Wilson & Co. (see L. P. 5:39). Thos. Weaver's accounts and bonds. Flag of truce from Canada with prisoners for exchange at Albany. Father Maneuil a French priest and others to be exchanged. Warrants for patents and surveys signed. Patents granted: to Wm. Peartree and others (see L. P. 5:45); to John Barberie; to Peter Barberie (see L. P. 5:42). Warrant to Thos. Byerley to pay Rip van Dam for charges of trans- porting French prisoners to Albany. Wm. Davis and Wm Chambers appointed by Col. Quary, searcher of the customs, and tide surveyor respectively sworn in (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:159). 10 729 731 732 457 459 459 461 463 463 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 2^5 1710 V- 10 7 Warrants for patents signed. Father Mareuil called before the council. Orders on petitions: by Gerardus Beeckman et al. (see L. P. 5:49); by Ebenezer Wilson and Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 5:40). Warrants to Thos. Byerley for repairs of the fort made by Rip van Dam, Mr Philipse and Major Provoost. Order on petition by Lord Corn- bury. Land granted: to Charles Congreve (see L. P. 5:50); to John Lawrence; to Obadiah Hunt (see L. P. 5:43). Petition of Abr'm Hasbrouck and Paltz patentees referred (see L. P. 5:48). 465 9 Warrants signed. Orders on petitions: by Jacob Beeckman, Anthony Luick et al.; by Wm Bradford and Gabr'l Ludlow. 467 14 Pass for French prisoners signed. Warrant for patent to Ger. Beeckman signed. Report of committee on the peti- tion of Abr'm Hasbrouck (p. 465) confirmed. Petition of Chas. Congreve (see L. P. 5:53) laid on the table. Order concerning lands resumed by the crown from Capt. Evans. Expenses of transporting Father Mareuil to Albany. 467 21 Orders on petitions: by Wm Aertsen (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:161-62); by Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 5:62); by Wm Anderson (see L. P. 5:52); by Robert Read (see L. P. 5:54). Proclamation to issue for adjourning the assembly. The Maidstone man-of-war ordered on a cruize. 470 24 Report on the petition of Lancaster Symes confirmed. Or- ders on petitions: by Thos. Lawrence (see L. P. 5:55); by Obadiah Hunt (see L. P. 5:56); by Wm Glencross (see L. P. 5 :44, 63) ; by Wm Provoost (see L. P. 5 :s8) ; by John Thomas (see L. P. 5:57); by Wm Bond (see L. P. 5:61); by Dirck Bensing (see L. P. 5:59); by Joost Palding (see L. P. 5:51); by Henry Swift (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:163); by Abr'm de Peyster (see L. P. 5:60). 470 25 Warrants for patents: to Charles Congreve; to Augustine Graham (p. 459) and Alex'r Griggs; to Obadiah Hunt. Land granted to Wm Glencross 472 Ap. 10 Gerardus Beeckman presides in the absence of the lieutenant governor, whose commission is revoked. Order of the queen stopping all further grants of lands until the arrival of the new governor Robert Hunter received and to be published. Proclamation to issue for continuing officers in their places. 473 10 Col. Ingoldsby has locked up the seals and public papers. Lewis Morris not recognized as president of the New Jersey council. Col. Ingoldsby called before the council. Letter of the queen concerning land grants. 474 236 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1710 V. 10 p. m. Complaint of Myndert Schuyler, Johs. Cuyler and others of Albany against Col. Matthews and his soldiers and or- der thereon. Indian affairs. Albany to be stockaded. No more certificates for land to be signed. 476 13 Orders on petitions: by Stephen de Lancey and others (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:170); by mayor etc. of New York con- cerning scarcity of breadstuffs. Embargo of all vessels ordered for three months, and proclamation to issue to that effect. Riot in Jamaica (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:168; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:214-15; Q 3:i33-34). 478 17 Col. Ingoldsby before the council. Letter of the queen re- voking his commission. , 480 18 List of names of Indian commissioners at Albany called for. Orders on petitions: by Rev. V. Antonides (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:169); by justices of the peace of Queens county (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:172; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:170-71; Q 3:107-8). Wm Anderson willing to give se- curity as sheriff (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:173). 481 20 Myndert Schuyler and Johs. Cuyler of Albany before the council ordered to make their representations in writing. Order on petition by Benj. Faneuil (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:176). Capt. Richard Davis of the Maidstone man-of- war to have soldiers in place of some men whom he must leave ashore sick. Wm Anderson. Order concerning the riot in Jamaica (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:216; Q 3:134). 483 21 Kilian van Rensselaer, John Abeel, Evert Bancker, Hendr. Hansen and Johs. Roseboom appointed Indian commis- sioners at Albany. John Harmense Vischer commissioned ensign in Capt. Myndert Schuyler's company. Col. Peter Schuyler's regiment. Orders: on memorial of Myndert Schuyler and Johs. Cuyler (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:177-78); on petition by John Braddick (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:175). 485 22 The Kinsale man-of-war, Capt. Clifton ordered on a cruize. Order to victual the soldiers put on board given to Capt. Davis (p. 4831). Order on petition by John Cruger and others (see A^". Y. col. mss, 53:179). Col. Heathcote and Roger Mompesson ordered to attend the council. 486 27 Roger Mompesson cannot attend having been ordered to come to New Jersey. Palatines and provisions. Opinion of Attorney-general Bickley on the petition of John Cruger et al. Commission for Indian affairs signed. Alterations made in the order of April 21 on the memorial of M. Schuyler. The chief justice called. 488 28 Pass granted to John Braddick (p. 485). Powder in the fort. Capts. Congreve and Symes and Dr Rokeby or- CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 237 1710 V. 10 dered to appear before the council. Orders on petitions: by Benj. Faneuil and And'w Fresneau (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:180); by Joseph Lymen. Boats going to the mills with wheat to give bonds. Account of public stores in Albany called for. Stores in New York to be examined. Orders on petitions: by Daniel Remsen et al (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:182; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:172; Q 3:109); by Phil. Headman (see N. Y. col. mss, 53:181). 489 29 Account of provisions in the city received. Capt. Congreve, Symes and Mr Rokeby ordered on duty with the city companies. Attorney-general Bickley delivers his opinion in writing (see A^. Y. col. mss, 53:186). Letter received from Lord Clarendon. Petition of Benj. Faneuil and And'w Fresneau (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:2, 8) rejected. Palatines. Vessels going to New Jersey may be cleared. Order on petition by Wm Anderson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:184-85). 490 May 5 Capt. Matthews defends himself against the charge made by Myndert. Schuyler (p. 476, 483). John Everet appointed sheriff of Queens county vice Wm Creed jr deceased. Petition of John Lymen for clearance of the ship Gloster with pork and peas rejected because of the expected ar- rival of 3000 palatines. Embargo continued. Orders on petitions: by And'w Gibson (see N. Y. col. mss, 54=4); by John Abeel (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:3); by Garret Uncle- bag (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:5). 492 6 New Jersey asks that Lewis Morris be arrested and New York refuses. Military punishment. John Everet sworn in as sheriff of Queens county, John Coe and Anthony Waters being his securities. Andrew Gibson allowed to sail. 494 ID Provisions for the palatines. Mr Rednap and fortifications in the province. Letter to New Jersey to be written con- cerning the embargo. Advertisements for the supply of pork to the palatines. Palatines. 495 II Pork for the palatines to arrive. 49^ 15 Orders on petitions: by Abr'ni Daiton of Brookhaven for a brief for charity; by Art, Matthew and David Arsen (see L. P. 5:64). Pork for the palatines. 497 18 Lewis Morris denies having opened a letter as charged by the council of New Jersey. The Kinsale again ordered on a cruize. Headman vs Regnier. Mill at Jan Martyn's hook may be erected by Art Arsen (p. 497). Vote on the question whether the embargo is to be taken of. Bread in the hand of commissioners at Albany to be sent to New York and sold. 498 238 NEW. YORK STATE LIBRARY 1710 19 23 25 June 13 14 15 16 V. 10 Order on petition by George Woolsey, Hope Carpenter and others (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:7). Ship Glocester to be cleared on giving certain bonds. 500 Order on petition by John van Home (see L. P. 5:65). Fines of George Woolsey etc (p. 500) remitted (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:217; Q 3:135). 501 Soldiers pay. John Arms (see A''. Y. col. mss, 53:183). Capt. Clifton of the Kinsale man-of-war peremptorily ordered to cruize. Order in re Headman vs Regnier (p. 498). Benj. Faneuil and And'w Gibbs granted permission to export wheat in the ship Friendly Galley. 502 Subsistence of soldiers in ^Albany. Proceedings of Indian commissioners read. Orders on petitions: by Tierck Harmense Fisher (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:10) ; by Luis Gomes (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 54:9) ; by Garret Unclebag (p. 492). , 506 Order on memorial by Lancaster Symes and Phil. Rokeby concerning pay and subsistence of the governor's com- pany (see N. Y. cal. mss, 54:13) and on the reply to it by Dr Johnstone one of Mr Thos. Cockerill's executors. Luis Gomes & Co. granted permission to export wheat consigned to Francis Lewis de Vas conselos of Madeira (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:11). Forts at Albany and Sche- nectady to be repaired. 507 The council rebukes the president for refusing to grant a petition of Rev. V. Antonides (see, N. Y. col. mss, 54:14) and breaks up (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:173; Q 3:110). 509 Palatines arrived in the ship Lyon to be examined by Doctors Law, Moone and Garran and quarantined on Nut- ten island where Jobs. Hebon and Peter Williamse car- penters are to fit up buildings (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:551- 52; Q 3:333-34). Capt. Davis of the Maidstone man-of-war ordered to cruize. 510 Gov. Robert Hunter arrived; his commission read and published; he and the inembers of the council present are sworn in. Dr Samuel Staats reinstated to the council hesitates accepting. Proclamation to issue continuing ofificers in their places. 512 Dr Samuel Staats sworn of the council. Wm. Peartree dis- missed from the council. Orders of the queen in council confirming acts of assembly passed in 1708. Letter of the queen reinstating Dr Staats. Lands on the Mohawk river to be viewed for the palatines. [514] Scheme for the government of the palatines to be drawn up (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:552-53; Q 3:334). Proclamation to issue for their protection against extortions. Abr'm de Peyster sworn in. 518 CALENDAR OF COLXCIL IMIXLTKS 1668-I783 239 1710 V. 10 17 Officers for the palatines to be appointed (see Doc. hist. ^- y- 3:533; Q 3:334)- Letter from the queen regarding a new seal. 519 20 Gov. Hunter intends to go to Albany to meet the five nations. Palatine orphans to be provided for and an ad- vertisement to that effect to be published. Meeting of the assembly fixed. 521 22 Thomas Walters reinstated, David Provost appointed to the council; they and Caleb Heathcote sworn in. Letter from the queen reinstating Thos. Walters. List of officers in the militia regiments called for; also list of civil officers in the counties. Ordinance for courts on Nutten island read and to be published (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:32). Order on petition by Nidi's Tienhoven and Jacob Mau- ritz (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:24-25). Palatine orphans. 522 29 Journal of Evert Bancker and David Schujder on a treaty between the five nations and the Waganhaes read. Orders on petitions: by George Elseworth (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:21); by Melchior Gulch (see N. Y. col. m.y.y, 54:23). 525 July 5 Indian affairs; five nations want to come into the covenant chain. Ships which have brought the palatines have to pay tonnage dues. Lewis Gomez and Abr'm de Lucena granted permission to export wheat in the ship Expedi- tion, George Cock master. Pilots warrants of Nich's Tienhoven and Jacob Mauritz renewed (p. 522). 526 13 Indians will not allow the land at Schoharie to be sur- veyed. Opinion of council on the powers of the presi- dent. George Elseworth. 528 20 The Mohawks consent to have the Schoharie land surveyed. Order on petition by John Livingston. Length of service of May Bickley as attorney general attested. 529 27 Orders on petitions: by Wm Stokes and others (see A''. Y. col. mss, 54:43); by Anna Gravenraet (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:41). Palatine children. Order on petition by Elias Pelletreau (see A''. Y. col. mss, 54:42). 530 31 Order on petition by Thos. Bj-erley (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:44). Wm Anderson suspended from office as sheriff of New York on petitions; Francis Harrison appointed in his place and sworn in, Lewis Morris and John Johnston his sureties. 531 Aug. 28 Gov. Dudley of Massachusetts wants the five nations to go to war against the French Indians. Indian affairs (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:51)- 533 31 Orders on petitions: by Moses Gilbert (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 54:52, 60); by George Cock. 533 240 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1710 V. 10 Sep. I Schoharie lands and Indian affairs. Revenue, and canceling bills of credit. 534 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:296). 53S 9 Orders on petitions: by Peter Rose and Robert Sensing (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:61) ; by Thos. Higbee (see A''. Y. col. mss, 54:63). Table of fees submitted. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:297). 539 1 1-14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:298). 540~4i 14 Order on petition by Jannetie Cregier for land at Canesta- gione. 541 18 Order on petition by Abr'm de Lucena (see A''. Y. col. mss, 54:64). Moses Gilbert's, petition granted (p. 533). Legis- lative minutes (see Jour. 1:298). 541 21-25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:298-99). 542-43 29 Thos. Byerley swears to his accounts. Mr Davis also swears. Jacobus van Cortland nominated mayor and Francis Har- rison sheriff, of New York. Petitions by Jannetie Cregier, by Johannis Schuyler, by Elizabeth Sydenham to lie on the table. 544 Oct. 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:299). 545 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:300). Jacobus van Cortland sworn in as mayor, Francis Harrison as sheriff, of New York; Robert Livingston jr as mayor, and Johannis Cuy- ler as recorder, of Albany. 546 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:300). 550 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:301). Petition of Nicholas Bayard (see L. P. 5:70) to lie on the table. 551 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:301). Letter received from a Spanish governor prisoner of war at Boston, concerning the sale of other Spanish prisoners as slaves. Indian affairs. 553 26-30 Legislative minutes (see Jotir. 1:301-2).^ 554~56 Nov. 2 Order on petition by Mary widow of Capt. John Tudor (see A'', y. col. mss, 54:92). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:303)- 55S 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:303). Mrs Tudor. 559 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:303). Thos. Byerley pro- duces orders from England concerning certain revenues. 560 9-15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:304-5). 561-66 16 Expedition against Canada. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:306). 567 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:306). Orders on petitions: by the trustees of Hempstead (see L. P. 5:71); by Abr'm Santford (see A^ Y. col. mss, 54:100). 569 21-22 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:307-8). 57i~73 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MIXITKS 1668-I783 24I 1710 V. 10 23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:308). Order on petition by Margaret Macgregory (see L. P. 5:72). Court of chancery. Liabilities of members of the council to be arrested deter- mined. 574 p. m.-25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:308-9). S7S~77 2~ Dispute between Rev. Antonides and Freeman settled (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:176; Q3:iii-i2). Gov. Hunter intends to go to New Jersey. 578 1711 Feb. 22 Roger Brett vs Van Ball in error deferred. 579 Mar. I Order on petition by Wm Lawrence (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:168). Brett vs van Ball. 580 22 Wm Lawrence. Brett vs van Ball. Executors of Rom- bouts vs Crabtree. 580 29 Order on petition by Myndert Scutt (see L. P. 5:84). Indian affairs; New York Indians want to make war on the Wa- ganhaes; disapproved. 587 Ap. 12 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:310). Jane Tothill vs Helena de Key, in error. Barnes on the demise of Pear- tree vs Hunt in error. 583 18 Capt. Walter and Major Provost sworn of the council under a wrong Christian name; approved in England. Clause directed to be inserted in land patents; letter from the queen to that effect. 586 20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:311). Accounts of Rip van Dam (see N. Y. col. mss, 54:190) and of ^Irs Abeel for work on Albany fort referred. 588 24 Indian affairs; a French detachment at Onondaga; Col. Schuyler to go there. Spanish prisoners sold as slaves to ]\Ir Frew and Mrs Wenham petition for liberty to go into the queen's service. 590 27 Plate belonging to the chapel to be delivered to Mr Sharpe chaplain- to the forces. Order in re Wm Lawrence (p. s8o). 592 30 Order concerning Rev. Freeman and Antonides (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:177; Q3:ii2). 593 May 3 Examination in re Wm Lawrence (p. 580, 592). Tothill vs de Key. Fullerton vs Hunt. Roberts vs. Frost. 594 10 Table of fees called for by the lords of trade. Writs to issue for calling the assembly. Wm Lawrence's case to be decided by arbitrators. 595 June 16 Canada expedition. Gov. Hunter is going to New London to meet other governors; assembly to be prorogued. Em- bargo laid on outgoing vessels. Indian affairs. 597 2y Orders concerning the expedition: carpenters to be im- pressed for work on bateaux. Provisions not to be ex- ported. Long Island Indians for the expedition. Account of provisions called for. 598 242 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1711 V. 10 28 Gov. Hunter communicates the resolutions of the council of war at New London (see A^. Y. col. mss, 55:42). Annapolis Royal. Bakers to bake bread for the public service. No supply of men can be sent to Col. Vetch. Permission granted to the Fevershams Prize to sail under convoy or the Tritons Prize, Capt. Garlington (see A''. Y. col. mss, 55:57). Express messengers. Market houses except that at Burgers path to be used for building bateaux. Account of breadstuffs in Albany called for. 599 30 Order on petition by bateaux carpenters (see N. Y. col. mss, 55:65). Indians on the Susquehannah called upon to join the five nations (see A'', F. col. mss, 55:73). John Walters to procure materials for building bateaux. Independent companies to be formed into a regiment. Reply to me- morial of Col. Gookin (see N. Y. col. mss, 55:71-72). List of things wanted for the expedition presented. Account of military in Albany called for. 602 July 2 Indian affairs. French officers sent from Albany to be en- tertained by Mr Bradford. Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:312). 604 4 The ship Two Brothers allowed to ?^i\ under convoy of Capt. Garlington (see A''. Y. col. mss, 55:94). Money for the expedition. 607 ID Provisions for the expedition. Constables' watch to be rein- forced. Gov. Hunter intends to go to New Jersey. De- fence of the coast. 608 II Legislative minutes (s&e Jour. 1:313). ' 609 17 Order on petition of Rene Het (see A^. Y.col.mss, 55:113). Military establishment. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:313). Provisions to be collected in the country. 611 19--21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:314). 613 33 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:315). Order on petition by merchants of New York (see N.' Y. col. mss, 55:180), 616 25-Aug. I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:315-19). 618 Aug. 2 Legislative minutes (see (Jour. 1:3.19). Order on petition by Charles Forestier (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:6). 632 3^4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:319-20). 633 8 Gov. Hunter intends to go to Albany with Lt. Gen. Nichol- son. Order on petition by Rev. V. Antonides (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:15). 635 15 Gov. Hunter absent. Order on petition by militia officers of Kings county (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:47). 636 20 Order on petition by Abr'm Schellenger (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:50). Order to Francis Vincent gunner concerning the position of guns about the city. John Carter a deserter to be put in irons. 637 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 243 1711 V. 10 29 A French privateer off Sandy Hook; the Fevershams Prize man-of-war, Capt. Paston, disabled cannot go on a cruize; Capt. Rainer and Capt. Tynes offer to go in their ships. Volunteers for the expedition called for. 638 31 Volunteers entered on board Rainer's and Tyne's ships re- fuse to go because Capt. Paston has ordered the jacks and pendants to be lowered. Capt. David Tynes to be commis- sioned as commander of the sloop Swan and to hoist the jack ancient and pendant. Deposition of Capt. Samuel Thornton late master of the sloop Hopewell captured by a French privateer. 640 p. m. Letter from Capt. Robert Paston concerning the hoisting of the jack and pendant; he has taken them from the Swan. 643 The remaining pages of this volume, 645-733, are identical with 342-457. Vol. II— 1711-19 1711 Sep. 3 Act of parliament received and published for" establishing a general post office in the colonies. Thos. Byerley sworn of the council; queen's letter directing it to be done; another letter from the queen concerning his salary. Memorial re- ceived from Mr Polhampton about abuses in mustering. Embargo on vessels taken oflf. Minutes sent to England. i 13 Warrant of survey granted to John Parcell (see L. P. 5:86). Court of chancery. Warrants for salary to Wm Davis and Wm Chambers, customs officers (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:77)- Order on petition by Thos. Woodmansey (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:75). Inglebert Lott enters a caveat against grant- ing a charter to some Dutch churches on Long Island (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:180; 03:114). 6 18 Opinion of council regarding a rumor about misdemeanor and neglect of duty by the captains of men-of-war. 7 i8(?) News received from Gen. Hill that the naval expedition against Canada has failed; to be sent to Gen. Nicholson (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:94-95). 8 24 Fortifications of Albany reported weak; to be laid before the assembly. Court of chancery (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:100). 9 29 Land expedition against Canada about to return to Albany. Caleb Heathcote nominated mayor, Francis Harrison sheriff of New York. Report on the caveat entered by Inglebert Lott confirmed (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:103; and Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:180-81; 03:114). Report concerning a court of chancery confirmed. Conveyance of a pew in Trinity church to Col. Bayard and Heathcote called for. 10 Oct. 2 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:321). 11 244 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1711 V. 11 4 Legislative minutes (see Jou7-. 1:321). Order on petition by Wm Lawrence (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 56:114-18). Officers of the court of chancery appointed; masters, van Dam and Philipse, register Wileman, examiner Harison, clerks Sharpas and Broughton. Proclamation to issue announc- ing session of court. 13 5 Letter received from Lt. Gen. Nicholson (see A^. Y. col. mss, 56:113) to be laid before the assembly. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:222). Account of powder in magazine called for. 15 15 Mayor Heathcote, Sheriff Harrison, the recorder and jus- tices of the peace [aldermen] sworn in. 16 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:322). Contract for building forts in the Indian country read (see N. Y. col. mss, 56:124). Address from the magistrates etc. of Albany on the condi- tion of the frontiers to be sent to England with the above contract. Account for preparing sloops against the French privateer to be laid before the assembly. it> 18 Petition of Wm Barber convicted of felony, for pardon to lie on the table. Officers of the court of chancery sworn in. Deserters to be hunted up and tried. Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:322). Indian affairs. 17 20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:323). Provisions remaining over from the expedition. Commission of jail delivery for Westchester county to be made out. 19 23 Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:323). 20 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:323). Deed of conveyance of a pew in Trinity church produced and ordered to be re- corded. Rombouts vs Crabtree. 20 26 French Indians have killed David Kettelyn and family. Leg- islative minutes (see /owr. 1:323). Order on petition by New York merchants (see iV. Y. col. mss, 56:140). 21 30 Legislative minutes (see /(?»;'. 1:324). 22 Nov. I Legislative minutes (see /o«r. 1:324). Letters received from Col. Dudley, Lt. Gen. Nicholson and Col. Vetch. Address to the queen to be prepared. Accounts of Peter Arkell re- ferred. 23 2^-5. Legislative minutes (see /o/ir. 1 :325). 27 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour, i -.326). Pay of managers of the expedition to be fixed. Unused provisions to be sold. 30 9 Legislative minutes (see /oi/r. 1:326). Report on manager's pay approved (see A''. Y. col. mss, 56:161). 31 12 Legislative minutes (see /oj^r. 1:327). Warrants signed. 33 15-16 Legislative minutes (see Joitr. 1:327-28). 34 17 Legislative minutes (see /oMr. 1 :328). Order on petition bj' merchants of New York (see A". Y. col. mss, 56:159). 38 CALENDAR Oi" COUNCIL MINLTES 1668-I783 245 1711 V. 11 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:329). Petition of Daniel Bon- det for patent of a church lately erected " in the street of New Rochelle " referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 57:73). 41 20^24 Legislative minutes (see four. 1:330-31). 43 26 Report on answer to a letter from Governors Dudley, Salton- stall and Cranston. 49 29 Reply to the assembly in answer to message of November 17th to be drawn up. Resolves of the assembly communi- cated concerning establishment of courts (see Jour, assem- bly N. Y. 1:308). Van Ball and Rombouts vs Crabtree in error. 51 Dec. 6 Letter to the lords of trade approved. 13 The letter to the lords of trade. 53 20 A French prisoner sent from Boston to Albany to be retained at the latter place. Rombouts vs Crabtree. 61 1712 Jan. 3 Rombouts vs Crabtree in error. 62 10 Case continued. 62 17 Order on petition by Dr Staats (see L. P. 5:87)- The French prisoner to be kept at Albany notwithstanding Col. Dud- ley's request for his liberation. Rombouts vs Crabtree. 62 24 Warrant of survey granted to Dr Staats (p. 62). Order on petition of Peter Arkell (p. 23). 63 31 Report on the petition of Daniel Bondet (p. 41) approved (see A". Y. col. mss, 57:74). Rev. Mr Vesey, the clerk of the assembly, and the address to the queen. Patent granted to Daniel Bondet and his church at New Rochelle. Hunt vs Fullerton. 64 Feb. 14 Orders on petitions: by Henry Swift (see N. Y. col. mss, 57:80, 82); by John van Home and Evert Duycking (see N. Y. col. mss, 57:81). Van Ball vs Crabtree. 65 21 Henry Swift's petition (p. 65) to be laid before the assembly. Order on petition by Thos. Byerley for books and papers in the hands of Peter Fauconier (see N. Y. col. mss, 57:118). 66 Mar. 7 The attorney-general ordered to enter a nolle prosequi in re van Horn and Duycking (p. 65). 67 20 Thos. Byerley and Peter Fauconier called before the council (see X. Y. col. mss, 57:119). Report on the estate of John Lawrence filed (see A^. Y. col. mss, 57:116). Roger Mompes- son admitted to practice in the court of chancery. Letters received from lords of trade. Census to be taken. 67 27 Order on petition by Jane le Chevalier. Thos. Byerley and and Peter Fauconier (see A''. Y. col. mss, 57:121). 68 Ap. 3 Forts in the Indian country. ]\Ir Bonvenier a French pris- oner has gone to Canada with Lieut. Kettelhuyn who is 246 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1712 V. 11 , looking for his captured wife. Warrant of survey granted to Lambert Jansen Borland. 69 5 Indian affairs; Tuscaroras at war with North Carolina call on the five nations for assistance; peace to be made. Forces to be disbanded for want of money. 69 7 Insurrection of negroes and measures ordered to be taken ; for its suppression. 70 17 Petitions: by Roger and Pinhorn Mompesson (see L. P. 5:79); by Aug. Graham and Alex. Griggs (see L. P. 5:88) referred. Letter received from the governor of Martinico about Mr St Agnan. Remonstrance from the officers of Albany relating to the frontiers to be laid before the as- sembly. 71 24 Order on petition by Henry Wileman et al. License to pur- chase Indian land granted George Clarke and Leonard Lewis (see L. P. 5:90-91). Peter Fauconier called before the council. ^2 May I News received from Bermuda of a French fleet intending to take the island; help asked for but cannot be given as the men-of-war must be refitted. Order on petition by Samuel Rayner and David Tynes (see A''. Y. col.mss, 57:140). Bea- cons on Long Island to be guarded by militia. Examina- tion of Peter Fauconier in regard to public records and papers of the custom-house. Petitions: by minister, elders, etc. of the Dutch church at Kingston (see A''. Y. col. mss, 57:142); by Jacob Rutsen (see L. P. 5:93); by Scbring Brewer (see L. P. 5:94); by James Ross (see N. Y. col. mss,, 57:141), all referred. Wm Lawrence vs Wm Smith. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:332). •/2 7 Letter from the earl of Dartmouth secretary of state con- cerning military stores; sent to the assembly (see Jour. 1:33). 77 8 Patent granted to Dr Samuel Staats (see L. P. 5:87). Orders on petitions: by Jacob Rutsen (p. 72; see N . Y . col. mss, 57:146). Charter granted to the Dutch church at Kings- ton (see N.Y. col.mss, 57:144). Petition of Henry Wile- man and Henry van Bael (see L. P. 5:95) referred. Report on the petition of Aug. Graham and Alex'r Griggs (p. 71) confirmed (see L. P. 5:89). Order on petition of Sebring Brewer (p. ^2). Peter Fauconier. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:333)- 79 10 Indian affairs: French Indians going out against New Eng- land; governor of Canada intends to make war on the five nations. Route prescribed for Frenchmen said to be on the way to Albany and Boston with prisoners. Letters of CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 247 1712 V. 11 Indian commissioners to be laid before the assembly. Thanks to be given to the five nations for stopping war between Tuscaroras and North Carolina. Petition of Wm Bond referred (see L. P. 5:100). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:333). 81 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:334). Petition of Harman Jorise (see L.P. 5:99) referred. Warrants of survey granted. Henry Wileman and Henry van Bael (p. 79) ; to Wm Bond p. 81). Proclamation to issue concerning arrears of quit- rents. 83 22 Petition of Peter Macgregory (see L. P. 5:128) referred. Patent granted to Harman Jorise (p. 83). Patent to Lan- caster Symes for all vacant land on Staten Island to be in- vestigated. 86 23 Indian affairs. Cacknewaga Indians send a belt to atone for murders and desire an open path from Albany to Canada; Indian commissioners to decide the matter (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 57:152-531). Patent granted to Roger and Pinhorne Mompesson (p. 71). Depositions of Jacob D and James Spennick in regard land in Ulster county to be en- tered in the council minutes [not done]. Legislative min- utes' (see Jour. 1:3135). 87 29 Legislative minutes (see /o«r. 1:335). 89 31 Legislative minutes (see /oMr. 1:335). Quitrent for Harman Jorise's land on Staten Island fixed. Petition of palatines settled at Quaseck creek [Newburgh] referred. Order on memorial by Dirck Jansen Hooglandt (see L. P. 5:102). 89 June 3 Petition of John Macklain and Richard Winfield (see L. P. 5:102) referred. 90 5 Quitrent to be paid by Dutch church in Kingston fixed. Petitions: of John Rutsen and Jacob Bruyn (see L. P. 55:105); by Hugo Frere sr and jr, Isaac Frere and Simon Frere (see L. P. 5:103); by Jacob Rutsen (see L. P. 5:104), all referred. 91 6 Legislative minutes (see /oj, 46); by David Gala- tian; by Peter Schuyler (see L. P. 7:22), referred. 575 16 New Jersey boundary line. Warrants: to Benj. Burt for salary of Andrew Bagg deceased, late land and tidewaiter; to Thos. Fell land and tidewaiter for salary. Order on petition by Thos. Allison et al. (see N. Y. col. niss, 61:80). 580 23 New Jersey boundary line. Warrant of survey granted to Kilian van Rensselaer (see L. P. 7:44-45). 581 28 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:439). 5S2 29 Petition by Messire Christopher de Rossel (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:82) read. 585 30 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:440). List of persons in arrears for quitrents to be made and the attorney general to prosecute them. Proclamation to issue calling for speedy payment of quitrents (see L. P. 7:15). 586 May 3 Rob't Walter an,d Isaac Hicks appointed commissioners, and Allen Gerard surveyor to ascertain the New Jersej'- boundary line; warrant to them for expenses. Warrants of survey granted to David Galatian and to Patrick McGregory (p. 575). 589 5 Declaration of war against Spain received from the gov- ernor of Maryland. Warrants signed. 591 14 Ordinance for altering sessions of the courts of common pleas in Kings county signed and ordered to be printed. 592 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:441). 592 270 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1719 V. 11 28 Declaration of war against Spain received from England and published. Proclamation in regard to pirates pub- lished. Court of admiralty in New York empowered to the trial of prizes. Commission received for granting pardon to and trying pirates. 595 June 2 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:441). 598 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:442). Petition by Wm Baker (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:90) referred. Patent granted to David Galatian (see L. P. 7:50-51). Warrant of survey granted to Henry Beeckman (see L. P. 48-49). Com- plaints of Jamaica people against justices of Queens county (see A^ F. col. mss, 61:92-93, 96) referred. 601 9 Conference with Nappaner and River Indians. 607 10 Conference continued. Memorial of John Logan secretary of Pennsylvania concerning a war .between the five nations and southern Indians sent to Indian commissioners. Thos. Hask, John Miserol et al petition for recommitment of a bill concerning a conveyance of Mary Davenport; granted. 610 11 Petition by Gabriel Dubois Jourdain referred. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:442). Patent granted to Henry Beek- man and Gilbert Livingston (p. 601). Petition of Jonathan ■ Whitehead et al. (see A^. Y. col. mss, 61:142) referred. 614 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:443). Report on the peti- tion of Gabriel Dubois Jourdain confirmed (p. 614). Pa- tent granted to Wm Baker (see L. P. 7:91). Warrants for salaries read. 616 16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:444). 622 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:444). Warrant to Allan Gerard for expenses in surveying New Jersey boundary line. Petition by Gabriel Dubois Jourdain (see A''. Y. col. DISS, 61:145) referred. 623 18 Report on the petition of G. D. Jourdain confirmed. Legis- lative minutes (see Jour. 1:445). 628 19 Connecticut boundary line. Commissioners expense ac- count referred. 633 20 . Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:446). New Jersey boundary line (see A''. Y. col. viss, 6:149). 634 24 Indian afifairs (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:147-48). 638 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:448). Patent granted to Johannes Hallenbeck (see L. P. 7:58-59). 645 July 2 Indian affairs (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:147-48). Warrant to Thos. Brazier doorkeeper of the assemblj- (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 61:154). 649 CALENDAR OK COTXCIL MIM'TKS 1668-T783 2"/! 1719 V. 11 8 Warrants signed for Thos. Brazier and for Widow Katharine Post. Order on petition of Capt. de Rossel (see A''. Y. col. iiiss. 61:158). Petition of Arcliibald Kennedy for a lot in New York city referred. 650 9 Indians aflfairs (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:157). 651 13 Gov. Hunter turns the government over to Col. Schuyler, as president of the council. Petition of Wm Bradford (see L. P. 7:63) referred. Minutes sent home. 653 Vol. 12, 1719-20 1719 July 21 Peter Schuyler presides and is sworn in after reading of Gov. Hunter's commission and instructions. i 2S Order on petition of Thomas Grents on behalf of Andre Saens de Pietry (see A^. Y. col. mss, 61:165). 2 24 Order on petition by Henry Dewildey master of the brigan- tine Elizabeth and Catherine (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:161). Petition of Jacob Rutsen and Adrian Gerretsen (see A'. Y. col. mss. 61:167), and memorial of Col. John Riggs and Capt. Henry Holland commanders of the independent companies at Albany about bedding etc, referred. 3 30 Col. John Riggs authorized to repair the barracks at Albany. 5 Aug. 6 Orders on petition: by John Johnston, Gabriel Ludlow and Wm Bradford (see L. P. 7:65-66); by Kilian van Rens- selaer (see L. P. 7:64). Commission of oyer and terminer to issue for the trial of Jordan, who the sheriff of New York fears will escape from jail. Order on petition by Garret Vielly (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 61:172). Order on Air Noxon's report that the sheriff of Orange county has removed. 6 20 Report on petition of John Johnston, Gabriel Ludlow and Wm Bradford (p. 6) confirmed. Petition of Wm Brad- ford and Gabriel Ludlow (see L. P. 7:67) referred. Jus- 1 tice Cornelius Haring of Orange county reports that Sheriff Timothy Halstead has been absent for two months; another sheriff to be appointed. Petitions: by Mary Ingoldsby (see L. P. 7:69); by Stephen de Lancey et al. (sec L. P. 7:68) referred. 10 27 Order on petition by Christ, de Rossel commander of the ship Victory (see A'. Y. col. mss, 61:174). Account of debts to the weighhouse and porters presented by Dep. weighmaster Heath, to lie on the table. 15 28 Jonathan Jordan and a negro belonging to Harmanus Burger both sentenced to death, reprieved for a week. 17 Sep. 3 Account of the military storekeeper referred. Petition by Thos. Byerley (see L. P. 7:74) referred. Patent granted 272 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1719 V. 12 to Jacob Rutsen and Adrian Gerretsen (p. 3). Orders on petitions: by Melchoir Gellis (see L. P. 7:78); by Servas Fleraboom (see L. P. 7:70). 18 ID Orders on petitions: by merchants of New York (see N. Y. col. inss, 61:177); by Jacques Christoph Duplessis (see A^. y. col. mss, 61:180). Warrant of survey granted to John Cluit of Canestagione. Order on petition by Francis Furlong (see N. Y. col. mss, 61:179). 21 II Order on petition of Jacques Christoph Duplessis (p. 21;. 25 15 Order on petition of Gabriel Dubois Jourdain (see A^ Y. col. mss, 61:181). 24 17 Petition of Evert van Ness of Canestagione (see L. P. 7:qo) referred. 25 34 Orders on petitions: by inhabitants of the province (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:191); by Allan Jarratt [Gerard] (see N. Y. col. mss, 61:187); by Patr. McGregory; by Daniel van Olinda (see L. P. "7:76); by Jacques and Peter Cor- telyou (see A''. Y. col. mss, 61:190). Connecticut act of assembly concerning boundary line received (see L. P. 7:87). Account of New Jersey boundary line commission- ers referred. Warrants for salaries signed. 1-6 29 Jacobus van Cortlandt appointed mayor, Thomas Farmer sheriff of New York; Myndert Schuyler mayor, and Garret van Scak sheriff of Albany. 2>^ Oct. I Orders: on petition by Wm Ranking and Peter Porter (see N. Y. col. mss, 62 :6) ; on memorial by Allan Gerard. Francis Harrison says he has no objection to make to the petitions of Servas Fleraboom and of Melchoir Gellis (p. 18). Capt. Miller, commanding privateer allowed to sail. 2:i 8 Order on petition by Thos. Ellison, Wm. Ranking and Peter Porter (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:7). Patents granted: to Daniel van Olinda (p. 26) ; to Servas Fleraboom and to Melchoir Gellis (p. 18, 33). 35 14 Mayor, sheriff, recorder, and aldermen as justices of the peace sworn in. 38 15 Minutes of the Indian commissioners (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:1-2). Report on petition of J. and P. Cortelyou con- firmed (see A^. Y. col. mss, 62:8). Petition of John Steven- son for a ferry from Throggs point to Whitestone (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:15). Memorial of Lt. Col. James Weems and Capt. Lancaster Symes (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:9). Petitions: by Rich'd Floyd and Wm Smith (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:10, 12); by Burger Mynderts (see L. P. 7:80), referred. Sheriff of Suffolk county before the coun- cil. Petition of Peter Hoganboom referred. 38 CALENDAR OF COLIXCTL MINa^TES 1668-I783 273 1719 V. 12 22 Johannes Apple before the council on the complaint of Kilian van Rensselaer (p. 6). Order on petition of Thos. Codman. Patents granted: to Johannes, Peter and Catherine, children of Peter Johnson deceased (see L. P. 7:70, 77); to Melchoir Gellis (see L. P. 7:79). 46 29 Petitions: by James Christ. Duplessis owner, and Bernard Capela master, of the sloop St Michael (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:17-19); by Edw. Gatehouse (see L. P. 7:92), referred. 48 30 Rob't Walter, Rob't Lurting, John Cruger, Lancaster Symes and Phil. Cortlandt appointed to audit the accounts of Capt. John Rose of the Seaford man-of-war (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:16). Petition of Wm Eier for land referred. 49 Nov. 6 Hearing on the petition of Rich'd Floyd and Wm Smith (p. 38, see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:389; Q 3:235). Order on petition by Henry Lane, John Spratt and James Ricaut. 51 9 Warrant to John Riggs for repairing fort at Albany. Let- ter received from Mr Popple secretary of the lords of trade concerning smuggling, and pitch and tar making, to be printed. 52 12 Allan Jarratt [Gerard] to be appointed surveyor general (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:27). Orders: on memorial of Francis Harrison and Gilbert Livingston (see A^ Y. col. mss, 62:25); on the accounts of New Jersey boundary commissioners. Warrant for Col. John Riggs signed. Dep. weighmaster Heath to collect arrearages of debts. Petition of Nicholas Westfall and others of Orange county (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:24) referred. ' 54 13 James Christopher Duplessis allowed to sell some of his goods (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:20), and list of stores which he may buy. 58 16 Minutes of Indian commissioners at Albany November 7 and 9 to be sent to the southern Colonies. Petition of Rev. Petrus Vas et al. (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:28, 36) re- ferred. 61 17 Patent of incorporation granted to Rev. P. Vas. Petition of Jacobus Bruyn (see L. P. 7:81) referred. 71 26 Petitions: of Jacobus Kip, John Cruger, Oliver and John Schuyler, John Cruger, Phil, van Cortlandt and David Provost (see L. P. 7:86); of Francis Vincent (see L. P. 7:88) referred. Patent granted to Johs. Hardenbergh (see L. P. 7:83-84). 72 Dec. 3 Patent granted to Francis Vincent. Warrant of survey granted to Jacobus Kip et al. (p. 72). Petition of J. C. Duplessis and Bernard Capela (see A^'. Y. col. mss, 62:34); of Elizabeth Bridge widow of Christ'r Bridge (see A''. Y. 274 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1719 V. 12 col. niss, 62:37) referred. Letter from Gov. Sarn'I Shute of Boston (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:33) referred. 74 7 Report on the petition of J. C. Duplessis (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:35-36, 51) ■ 78 10 Isaac Bobin sworn in as deputy secretary. Letter from Col. Riggs about bad condition of the fort at Albany referred. 81 17 Warrant of survey granted to Edv\^. Gatehouse (p. 48). Petitions: by Jeremiah Schuyler, Jacobus van Cortlandt, Fred'k Philippse, Wm Sharpas and Isaac Bobin (see L. P. 7:94); by Andries Volk and Jacob Weber palatines (see L. P. 7:93), referred. Warrants for salaries signed. 82 27 Patent granted to Andries Volk and Jacob Weber (p. 82). Warrant of survey granted to Jere. Schuyler et al. Peti- tions: by Thos. Brazier '(see L. P. 7:111); by Egbert van Bursum (see L. P. 7:96) referred. 84 1720 Jan. 22 Petition by Cornelius Low, Gerard Schuyler and John Schuyler (see L. P. 7:98-99) referred. Patents granted: to Edw. Gatehouse (see L. P. 7:104); to Jere. Schuyler et al. (p. 82, 84). David Jamison appointed and sworn in as attorney general vice John Raynes deceased. Orders on petitions: by Thos. Clarke & Co. for wharf extension on the East river; by Cornelius Kuyper (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:57). 86 28 Letter from Sec. Josiah Willard of Boston with Massachu- setts charter (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:56) referred. Warrants of survey granted: to Thos. Brasier (see L. P. 7:1112); to Corn's Low et al. (p. 86). Order on caveat by mayor etc of New York against patent to Thos. Clarke & Co. Peti- tion by Mary Ingoldsby and Mary Pinhorne (see L. P. 7:114) referred. 89 Feb. 18 Order on caveat against the patent to Thos. Clarke (p. 89). 91 Mar. 3 Hearing on caveat against the patent to Thos. Clarke et al. Ordinance concerning sessions of the supreme court to be printed (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:70). Petition of James Anderson presbyterian minister for patent of incorpora- tion referred. 92 17 Warrant of survey granted to Corn's Low et al. (see L. P. 7:120). Patent granted to Thos. Brasier (see L. P. 7:117). Petitions: by Thos. Noxon (see L. P. 7:119); by Wm Bond (see L. P. 7:125), referred. . Pardon granted to Han- nah Travis (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:72). Caveat entered by May Bickley on behalf of Trinity church against patent of incorporation for the presbyterian church. Corn's Kuy- per and the sheriff of Orange county called before the council (p. 86) ; also Charles Broadhead witli trustees of CALENDAR OF CULNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 2/5 1720 V. 12 Marbletown and Justice Jacob Rutsen (see L. P. 7:116). Petition by John McGregory, Katherine Evans, Jane Lawrence, children of Patrick McGregory, and Thos. Toshack (see L. P. 7:115) referred. Warrants for salaries signed. 94 21 Warrant of survey granted to Thos. Noxon. 99 31 Hearing on May Bickley's caveat (p. 94) deferred. Peti- tions: by Wm Huddleston (see L. P. 7:128); by Jobs. Hey and others (see L. P. 7:122) referred. Mayor etc of New York against Thos. Clarke. 99 Ap. 16 Letter from Indian commissioners at Albany with afTfidavit of Jacobus Vedder (see A^. Y. col. mss, 62:80-81). Financial affairs. Warrants of survey granted to Wm Huddleston (p. 99) and to Wm Bond (p. 94). loi ;i Francis Harrison appointed to the council; king's letter to • the that effect; he is sworn in. Letter from Sec. Craggs .(.dent's about changes of officers. Proclamation to issue proro- I mber. guing the assembly (see Jour. 1:449). Letter from Sec. Craggs with the appointment of Dr Cadw. Colden to be surveyor general. Judge, justices etc of Orange county and Corn's Kuyper called before the council. 108 29 Petition of Charles Cromline (see L. P. 7:123) referred. orge Mayor etc of New York vs Thos. Clarke. 112 5 Letters received from Nicholas Laws governor of Jamaica complaining of John Hickford master of tlie privateer sloop Hunter. Pardon granted to Wm Smith. 113 fj m. Letters and papers from Jamaica referred to the court of admiralty. Order on petition of James Commerford late commander of the sloop Samuel and Elizabeth (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:91). 115 12 Order on petition by Joseph Loyd and Bernard Schaats (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:89). Chs. Broadhead et al. vs Jacob Rutsen. Petitions: by Richard van Dam (see L. P. 7:132); by Vincent Matthews (see L. P. 7:137); by Phil. Schuyler jun. and Christ. Abeel (see L. P. 7:133), referred. Peti- tion by Wm Lake (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:92) granted. 117 19 Warrants of survey granted: to Charles Cromline (p. 1I12); to Rich'd van Dam (p. 117); to Vincent Matthews; to Phil. Schuyler (p. 117). lig 28 Petitions: of Gerard Beekman, Rip van Dam, Adolph Philippse and Anne Peartree (see L. P. 7:146); of Francis Harrison, Oliver Schuyler and Allan Jarrat (see L. P. 7:149); of Philipp Schuyler, Jobs. Lansing jr, Henry Wile- man and Jacobus Bruyn (see L. P. 7:148), referred. Pa- tent granted to Thos. Noxon (see L. P. 7:139). Thos. 2/6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1720 June 2 V. Graham 12 17 30 July 7 14 Farmer appointed escheator general vice Aug, deceased. I2i Warrants of survey granted: to Gerard Beekman et al; to Phil. Schuyler et al. ; to Francis Harrison et al. (p. I2i). Patent granted to Wm Huddleston (p. 99, loi). Petition of Wm. Baker (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:87) dismissed. Dep- uty weighmaster Heath's report referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:97). 122 Proclamation to issue proroguing the assembly. 124 Indian affairs. Journal of Myndert Schuyler and Rob't Livingston jr, while at the Sennekies castle. Order on petition by Bernardus Swartwout (see L. P. 7:131). Corn's Kuyper before the co.uncil (p. 86, 94). Minutes sent home. [123] Patent granted to Vincent Matthews (p. 119). Order on petition by Mary Ingoldsby and Mary Pinhorne for them- selves and for Mary and John Pinhorne, infants (see L. P. 7:158). Petitions: by Jos. Budd, John Hoit, and Daniel Pufdy son of Joseph Purdy deceased (see L. P. 7:159); by Henry Beeckman and John Stoutenburg (see L. F 7:157); by Wm Chambers (see L. P. 7:162), all referre- Orders on petitions: by Isaac Anderson (see L. P. 7:156, by Rich'd Merril (see L. P. 7:155). Petition of Lew. Morris, Vincent Pearce, James Graham, Andrew Nicho ;- and Robert Kennedy referred. Warrants for salari ^ signed. -, , Patent granted to Richard van Dam. New warrar of survey granted to Phil. Schuyler et al. (p. 121-22; s L. P. 7:165); to Francis Harrison (see L. P. 7:164); Wm Bond (see L. P. 7:160). Petition of Patrick McGre, ory (see L. P. 7:163), referred. Orders on petitions: :. Dan'l Purdy, Sam'l and Benj. Brown (see L. P. 7:171; by John Kelly (see L. P. 7:184); by Lewis Morris (i-t L. P. 7:166). Indian affairs; letter from Indian comn> sioners, and journal of Lawrence Claesen on a jourr to Octjagara. Patents granted: to Francis Harrison et al. (p. 136); t" Phil. Schuyler et al.; to Wm Bond. Petitions: by Jam Commerford (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:109): by John Kel. (see A^. Y. col. mss, 62:110), referred. Warrant to Rci Walters and New Jersey boundary line commissioners '-■ expenses. Petition of Capt. Jos. Budd, John Hoit l;. . Dan'l Purdy (see L. P. 7:180) referred. 14^- Warrant of survey granted to Wm Chambers (p. 133). Petition of Rob't Walter (see L. P. 7:186-87; referred. CALENDAR Ol" COIXC'IL MINrTl-:S 1668-I783 277 1720 V. 12 Patents to Joseph Buck! et al. (p. 142) ; to Mary Ingolds- by and Mary Pinhorne (p. 133). Warrant of survey to Peter McGregory (p. 136). Order on petition of Lewis Morris et al. (p. 133). Petition of Wm. Baker (see L. P. 7:188) referred. Warrant to Rob't Walter et al. (p. 142) signed. Samuel Odell having entered a caveat against the patent to Dan'l Purdy et al. (p. 136; see L. P. 7:190) called before the council. Proclamation to issue prorogu- ing the assembly. Indian affairs; five nations to come to Albany for a meeting. ■ 145 21 Warrant of survey granted to Robert Walter (.p. 145). Ca- veat entered against the patent to Wm Baker (p. 145) by Thos. Byerley (see L. P. 7:188). Petition of Isaac de Peyster, Abr'm de Peyster jr, John and Jacob Walter (see L. P. 8:1) referred. Patent granted to Mary Ingoldsby and Mary Pinhorne (p. 145) exchanged for a warrant of survey. Orders: on representation by James Commerford against the privateer sloop Hunter; on petitions by Corn's van Home et al. (see A^. Y. col. tiiss, 62:115); by Abr'm Wendell and Rodrigo Pacheco (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:117). Petition by Rob't Walter et al. (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 62:116) referred. Warrant to John Little doorkeeper and mes- senger of the council for salary. Letter and minutes of Indian commissioners. 148 28 Letter from Gov. Keith of Pennsylvania about Indian af- fairs received. Warrants of survey granted: to Patrick McGregory (see L. P. 7:202-3); to Isaac de Peyster et al. (p. 148). Petition of James Graham referred. List of Indian presents and prices. Warrant for the expenses of the Indian conference at Albany to be prepared. Caveat entered by Cadwallader Colden against patent to Joseph Budd and others of Rye (see L. P. 8:4). Patents granted: to Joseph Budd et al. (p. 142, 145) ; to Gerard Beekman et al. (p. I3ii, 122; see L. P. 7:199-200). Hearing on caveat of Thos. Byerley and petition of Dan'l Purdy (see L. P. 7:171, 190) referred. Surveyor general to lay out land for Wm Chambers as per warrant. • I54 30 Warrant of survey granted to Daniel Purdy. Sam'l and Benj. Brown for land on Byram river. 158 Aug. 4 Warrant for expenses of Indian conference signed. Order on petition by Leah Courant (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:100, 127). Petitions: by Abr'm \\'endell (see A^. Y. col. mss, 62:128); by Rodrigo Pacheco (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:132); by Wm Chambers, referred. 159 278 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1720 6 V. 12 Sep. 9 IS 1720 Sep. 17 19 29 Oct. Patent granted to Patrick McGregory (see L. P. 8:11-12). Petitions: by Robert Walter et al. , (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:136); by Rev. Petrus van Driessen (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:136; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:911-12; 03:548) referred. Orders on petitions: of Robert Walter; of Abr'm Wendell; of Rodrigo Pacheco (p. 159, 161). Patent granted to Wm Baker (see L. P. 8:13). Patent of incorporation granted to the Dutch protestant church at Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:137, 139). Patent granted to Mary Ingoldsby and Mary Pinhorne (see L. P. 8:14-16). Jacobus van Cortlandt vs Joseph Hunt in error. Patent granted to Daniel Purdy, Sam'I and Benj. Brown (see L. P. 8:17-19). President Schuyler returned from Albany reports on the meeting with the five nations; minutes entered. Account of expenses; petition of Indian commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:146); and of John Clute (see L. P. 8:20), re- ferred. Patent granted to Jacobus Kip, John Cruger, Phil. Cortlandt, David Provost, Oliver and John Schuyler (see L. P. 8:24). Jacobus van Cortlandt vs Jos. Hunt in error. Proclama- tion to issue proroguing the assembly. Warrants for sal- aries signed. Vol. 13, 1720-22 Gov. Wm Burnet's commission read and the oaths adminis- tered to him. King's approval of an act of assembly. Proclamation to issue continuing all officers in their places. Seal and keys of the magazines delivered to the governor. Order on petition by Rev. James Anderson et al. (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:157). Warrant for firewood to issue. Letter received from Indian commissioners and representa- tion from mayor etc. of Albany concerning French en- croachments. Indian affairs. Robert Walter nominated mayor, Thos. Farmer sheriff of New York; Myndert Schuyler mayor, Henry Holland sheriff of Albany. Warrants signed for expenses of repair- ing Fort George and barracks and for firewood to Albany, Schenectady and Fort Hunter garrisons. Warrant" to be prepared for Indian expenses. Account of Indian expenses by Pres. Schuyler referred. Report on Pres. Schuyler's account confirmed (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:148). Warrant signed. Capt. Henry Holland to prepare a statement of the repairs necessary to Albany and Schenectady fortifications. Mr 161 162 163 164 16; 182 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINLTES 1668-I783 279 1720 V. 13 Livingston writes about trade with Canada from Albany. Petition of James Commerford (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:166) referred. 11 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:451). Capt. Henry Holland hands in the required statement. 12 14 Mayor, sheriff etc. of New York sworn in. Petition of Wm Townsend and others (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:169) referred.. 18 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:452). ig 28 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:453). Petition of Wm Pro- voost, John vander Hule and others (see N. Y. col. viss, 62:167) referred. 23 Nov. 3 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:454). Account of incidental charges by Thos. Byerley (see N. Y. col. mss, 62:173); ^^^d application by Mr Harrison on behalf of Isaac Hicks and Wm Willett Connecticut boundary commissioners referred. Order on petition by Mary van Rensselaer (see L. P. 8:30). Petition of Coenrat Bogart and Elias van Schaick (see L. P. 8:35) referred; that of Wm .Warner and others (see A''. Y. col. mss, 62:174) dismissed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:454)- > 25 4 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:454). 29 12 Peter Schuyler, Hend'k Hansen, John Cuyler, Peter van Brugh, Evert Banker, Henry Holland, Phil. Livingston, John Collins, John Wendell of Stone Rawbey [Stone Arabia] and John Bleeker appointed Indian commission- ers. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:455). Warrant to Isaac Hicks and Wm Willet for expenses as Connecticut boundary commissioners. 31 14-16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:456-58). 35~39 16 Warrant to I. Hicks and Wm Willett signed. 39 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:459-60). 43 18 Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:460). Petition of widow Cath- erine Brett (see L. P. 8:39) referred. 50 19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:461). 52 22 Warrants signed: to George Baimfield for public expenses; to Thos. Brasier for firewood and candles to tne assembly; to Lewis Morris for services in the assembly; to Cath. Post for use of her house by assembly committee; to Ga- briel Ludlow clerk of the assembly for stationery etc.; to Rob't Crannel for salary as sergeant at arms. Warrant to be prepared for Thos. Byerley. 60 28 Petition of John Haskall (see L. P. 8:40) referred. Warrant for Thos. Byerley signed. Minutes sent home. 61 Dec. 21 Surveyor general C. Colden ordered to examine a quadrant used by Allan Jarrat for the New Jersey boundary survey. Warrants for salaries signed. 62 28o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1720 27 1721 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 9 14 May 9 19 p. m. 23 June 9 12 15 23 29 V. 13 Oath of chancellor taken by the governor; and Rob't Walter, Rip van Dam, Rob't Lurting, Cadw. Colden appointed masters in chancery, Gilbert Livingston register, Francis Harrison examiner, Wm Sharpas and Rob't Livingston jr clerks, and John Gara messenger. Account of commissioners for signing paper money bills (see A''. Y. col. mss, 63:31) referred. Warrant to issue for paying account of commissioners for signing bills. Order on petition of deputy weighmaster Samuel Heath con- cerning pay due to porters. Warrant signed. Gov. Burnet goes to New Jersey. The assembly is ad- journed. Letter from the lords of trade about assembly sessions and Indian presents. Indian affairs; five nations "repulsed by Virginia Indians; Governor of Canada lays claim to Niagara. Warrants for salaries signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:464). Depositions received about ships commanded by Capt. Braddick and by Capt. Norton seized at Southold (see N. Y. col. mss, 63:72). Gov. Spotswood of Virginia reports that Roberts the pirate is on the coast with two ships; Capt. Braddick called before the council. Warrant to Rob't Walter for salary as second judge of the supreme court. Examination of Capt. John Braddick. Affidavits by Glaus Benning, Bastin de Keyser and George du Ref, Tunus Goverson. John Braddick committed for complicity with pirates. Letter from Chief justice Lewis Morris about Braddick. Opinion of council on bailing Braddick. Warrant of sur- vey granted to Henry van- Rensselaer (see L. P. 8:43). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:465). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:465). Opinion of council on a letter from the governor of New England relating to a naval rendezvous; Sandy Hook considered preferable to Nantasket. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:466). signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:467). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:467). granted to John Haskall (p. 61). Jacob Rutsen on behalf of the trustees of Hurley (see A''. Y. col. mss, 63:87-88). Warrants for salaries Warrant of survey Order on petition of 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 75 03 88 89 91 97 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 281 1721 July I 12 13 14-27 27 p. m. Aug. 3 24 26 31 Albany Sep. 2-9 9 II Livingston manor IS Ft George 19 V. 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:468). Patents granted: to Lewis Morris (see L. P. 8:52); to Vincent Pearce (see L. P. 8:51). The French are building a fort at Niagara. lOO Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:468). Ordinance establishing a court of common pleas in Dutchess county read, and to be printed (see N. Y. col. mss, 63:95). • 104 Legislative minutes (see/owr. 1:470). 109 Rip van Dam to go to Madame Cortlandt in relation to Mrs Bretts purchase (see L. P. 8:52). 11 1 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:470). 112 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:471). Inquiry to be made into the security given by the treasurer. 115 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:472-75). 118-30 Order on memorial by Thos. Byerley (see N. Y. col. mss, 63:106). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:475). Letter from the king appointing Cadw. Golden and James Alexander to the council vice Peter Schuyler and Adolph Philippse removed; they are sworn in. Warrants of survey granted: to John Haskall (see L. P. 8:59-60) ; to Andrew Nickells (see L. P. 8:55). Patent of in- corporation granted to Robert Walter, Corn's de Peyster, Lancaster Symes and Peter Fauconier (see L. P. 61-62). Gov. Burnet is going to Albany. Ordinance for changing sessions of the supreme court read, and ordered printed. . Gonfirmatory patent granted to Ger- ard Beekman, Rip van Dam, Ad. Philippse and Ann Pear- tree. Proclamation against selling liquor to the Indians. Trade carried on from Sarattogue to Ganada to be stopped. Palatines at Skoharee. Indian conference and list of presents given. Palatines. An ofhcer and 20 men to be stationed at Saratoga for stop- ping trade to Ganada; how to be paid; blockhouse to be erected. Indian affairs. Lawrence Glaesen to be paid for extraordinary services in the Seneca country; Mrs Mon- tour interpreter at Saratoga to be paid. Peter Schuyler jr to be captain of the company sent to live among the Sen- ecas. Indian presents. Purchase of land. Instructions for Gapt. Peter Schuyler jr. Measures proposed for preventing horse disease from spread- ing. Gov. Burnet reports on Indian conference at Albany. 173 Proclamation concerning horse disease to be printed. Letter received from the governor of Ganada on Indian affairs. 174 Letter received from the governor of Boston on Indian af- 130 133 137 139 140 141 143 162 163 282 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1721 V. 13 fairs. Order in relation to duty on Indian presents. In- dian affairs. Warrants for salaries signed. Minutes sent home. 175 20 Report on permission given to neighboring governments for treating with New York Indians, and letter from Sec. » Josiah Willard of Boston. Letter in reply from Deputy Sec. I. Bobin denying treaty right. 178 29 Robert Walter renominated mayor, Thos. Farmer sheriff of New York; Peter van Brugh nominated mayor vice Myn- dert Schuyler, Henry Holland renominated sheriff of Al- bany. Inventory of king's stores at Livingston manor re- ferred. Petitions: of John Waldron (see L. P. 8:57); of Patrick Hume (see L. P. 8:58); of Wm Bradford (see L. P. 8:64); of James Smith (See L. P. 8:63.), referred. Warrant to Cath. Post for use of her house by assembly committee signed. i8r Oct. 2 Royal mandamus appointing Lewis Morris jr to the council vice Caleb Heathcote deceased; he is sworn in. 184 3 Stores at Livingston manor to be brought to Fort George and some to be sold (see A''. Y. col. mss, 63:153). Reports on petitions: of John Waldron; of Patrick Hume; of James Smith; of Wm Bradford (p. 184), are approved. Petition of James Henderson (see L. P. 8:69) referred. 185 4 Report on the petition of James Henderson approved. 189 5 The Swartwouts and Westphalias before the council; they enter into recognizances for their good behavior. Divis- ion line between Orange and Ulster counties to be settled. 190 9 The Swartwouts' [Thomas, Bernardus, Jacobus jr Swart- wout, Peter Gamerse, Harm. Bernh. van Weigh] and the Westphalias [Nicholas, Nicholas jr. Johannes Westphalia, Corn's Dutcher, Corn's Conckendal] before the council. Report of the attorney general on running the division line between Orange and Ulster counties. Letter to be writ- ten to Indian commissioners of Massachusetts at Albany, that they cannot treat with the five nations. Palatines. 191 14 Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. 197 Nov. 2 Petitions: by Thos. Garland (see L. P. 8:74); by Rich'd Ash- field and Evert Wendell (see L. P. 8:75), referred. Ac- count of incidental office charges etc. by George Clarke re- ferred. Rules for carrying out an act for supervising in- testates' estates to be prepared. 197 7 Report on Sec. Clarke's account confirmed (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 63:162). Reports on petitions of Thos. Garland, of Rich'd Ashfield and Evert Wendell (p. 197) approved. Petition of Lewis Morris, Cadw. Colden, James Alexander, Abr'm Home, John Collins and Marg't Fether (see L. P. 8:76) CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783. 283 1721 V. 13 referred. Warrants to George Clarke for incidental charges signed. 199 9 Report on the act for supervising intestate estates approved (see N. Y. col. fiiss, 63:169). License to purchase Indian lands granted to Lewis Morris et al. (p. 199). 203 p. m. Letter from Capt. John Waldron. commanding the Grey- hound man-of-war (see N. Y. col. mss, 63:170) referred. 204 28 Report on Capt. Waldron's letter approved. Petitions: of Henry Lane (see L. P. 8:79) ; of John van Home (see L. P. 8:80); of Corn's van Home (see L. P. 8:78); of Jacobus Bruyn and Henry Wileman (see L. P. 8:84-85); of Richard Alsup (see L. P. 8:81); of Gilbert Willet and Edw. Gate- house (see L. P. 8:86), all referred. Boston reported very' unhealthy; quarantine measures. 205 Dec. 2 No quarantine against Boston considered necessary; only smallpox raging there. Reports on the petitions: of Gil- bert Willet and Edw. Gatehouse; of Jacobus Bruyn and Henry Wileman (p. 205) approved. Salaries fixed. 209 14 Public money paid to the late treasurer to be accounted for. Petitions: of John du Puy (see L. P. 8:95); of Stephen du Blois (see L. P. 8:93); of Peter van der Lyn and Tho^. Fell (see L. P. 8:94), referred. Reports on petitions: of John van Home; of Corn's van Home; of Henry Lane (p. 205), approved. Warrants for salaries signed. 211 21 Order on petition by Joseph Budd, John Hoit, Caleb Willet, Humphrey Underbill, Joseph Horton, George Lane, Daniel Lane, Moses Lop, David Horton, John Turner, Johath Lynch, Peter Hatfield, James Travis, Isaac Covert, Benj. Brown, John Horton, David Ogden and Wm Yeomans (see L. P. 8:91). 216 1722 Jan. II Petitions: of Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 8:98); of Samuel Hunt and Dan'l Brondage (see L. P. 8:92, 100); of Robert Walter, Rip van Dam, David Provoost, Hendrick Hansen. And'w Coeymans, Abr'm Gouverneur, Lawrence Claesen, Stephen Groesbeck and John Dunbar (see L. P. 8:99), re- ferred. Reports on petitions of Jas. Budd et al. (p. 216) ; of Stephen du Blois; of Peter van der Lyn and Thos. Fell (p. 211) ; of Rich'd Alsup (p. 205) ; of John du Puy (p. 211), approved. Account of public moneys delivered by Cath. de Peyster wife of the late treasurer Abr'm de Peyster, and orders concerning it. 217 18 Petition of Garret van Horn, John Read, Thos. Bayeux. Stephen Richards, Thos. Clarke, Rip van Dam jr, Henry Cuyler, Peter Bristed et al (see L. P. 8:103); mayor and 284 XEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1722 V. 13 corporation to be heard on this petition. Reports on peti- tions: of Hunt and Brondage (p. 217); of Rob't Walter et al. ; of Lancaster Sj^mes, approved. Petition of Francis Harrison, Lewis Morris jr, John Spratt, John Schuy- ler, Abr'm- Wendell and John Haskall (see L. P. 8:106)' referred. 223 22 Report on petition of Francis Harrison et al (p. 223) ap- proved. 226 23 Order on petition of Thos. Jansen and Thos. Cock in behalf of themselves -and inhabitants of Marbletown (see L. P. 8:110). Warrant of survey granted to Garrit van Horn et al (p. 223). 227 Feb. I Letters from Albany received. Petitions: of mayor etc. of of New York (see L^ P. 8:111); of Abr'm Ketteltas, Thos. Lynch, Rynier Hild and Anth'y Duane (see L. P. 8:115), referred. Memorial of Abr'm de Peyster jr treas- urer (see A''. Y. col. niss, 64:23) referred. Map of the soil on East river petitioned for by Garret van Home sub- mitted by the surveyor general (see L. P. 8:114). 229 8 Order on petition of Gabriel Ludlow, Fred'k Seabring, An- drew Clarke, and Thos. Fell customs officers, concerning their salaries. Report on petition of Garrit van Horn et al. (p. 223, 227, 229) referred to mayor etc. of New York. Council to meet in a fortnight. List of persons indebted to the weighhouse called for. Surveyor general to survey Capt. John Evans' patent, and a committee to hear testi- mony about it. 231 2^ Report of testimony given by John d'Honneur 40 years old, . Francis Wessells 70 years old, Charles Philippse 33 years old, Cornelius Low 52 years old, and Wm Bond 67 years old, concerning the highlands and boundary of Evans' patent; surveyor general to survey accordingly. Order concerning public moneys. Hearing on the petitions of Abr'm Ketteltas and mayor etc. of New York against grant to Garrit van Horn (see L. P. 8:103, iir, 115). Petitions: of Rob't Walter and Henry Beekman (see L. P. 8:119); of Edw. Blagg and Johs. Hey (see L. P. 8:127); of Robert Crook (see L. P. 8:121); of Thos. Braine (see L. F. 8:118); of George Burnet (see L. P. 8:122), referred. 235 24 Patents granted: to Robert Walter and Henry Beekman; to Thos. Braine; to George Burnet (p. 235). Petitions: of John Chambers (see L. P. 8:130); of John Teller and Jacobus Stoutenburgh (see L. P. 8:129), referred. Survey of White Plains laid before the council and referred (see L. P. 8:124-25). 240 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 285 1722 V. 13 Mar. I Report on White Plains claims (see L. P. 8:126) approved. Patent granted: to John Chambers (p. 240); to Edw. Blagg and Johs. Hey (p. 235). Account of Phil. Livingston for public expenses (see iV. Y. col. mss, 64:39-40) referred. Orange and Ulster county boundaries. Gov. Burnet in- tends to go to New Jersey. Accounts of the weighhouse referred. 244 3 Ordinance for altering sessions of the court of common pleas in Ulster read and ordered printed. Petition of Godfried de Wulfen (see L. P. 8:142) referred. Letter from the com- missioners of Indian affairs at Albany; opinion of council on it; persons tampering with the Indians to be punished. 246 24 Report on Phil. Livingston's account to be further consid- ered. Patent granted to Godfr. de Wulfen (p. 246). Peti- tion of Hugh Munro (see L. P. 8:144) referred. Warrants for salaries signed. 253 May 17 Order on memorial of Andrew Fresneau and Rene Hett (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:57). Warrants: to Phil. Livingston for public expenses; to John Schuyler for same (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:47). Petition of Phil. Livingston (see A^. Y. col. mss, 64:56) referred. Account of Lawrence Claesen (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:60-61) referred. 255 p. m. Report on memorial of Andrew Fresneau and Rene Het con- firmed. Warrants signed. 257 30 Memorial of And'w Fresneau and Rene Het (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:62) referred. Map of Evans' patent laid before the council. Legislative minutes (see four. 1:479). 258 June I Report on memorial of Fresneau and Het (p. 258) approved (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:64), and order thereon. Report on accounts of Phil. Livingston and of Lawrence Claesen (p. 255) ; warrants to issue. 263 8 Warrants to Phil. Livingston and to Lawrence Claesen signed. Minutes sent home. 265 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:480). List of patents granted before 1709 called for; also list of quitrents. Public papers in the hands of the late surveyor general to be delivered to Dr Colden. Table of fees for the admiralty court to be es- tablished. Warrants for salaries signed. 266 16 Proclamation to issue forbidding traffic to Canada. War- rant to Thos. Wildman for expenses on a journey to the 'Seneca country. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:480). 270 21 Legislative minutes (see /oMr. 1:480). Warrant signed. Order on petition of Gasper Springsteen et al. (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:84). 271 22 Legislative minutes (see /ojfr. 1:480). 273 286 XEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1723 V. 13 26 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:481). Petition of Charles Congreve (see L. P. 8:162) referred. 276. 28 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:482). List of patents granted before 1709 to be examined. Order on petitions of Joseph Sackett and William Doughty (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:91-92) in reply to Gasper Springsteens (p. 271). Patent granted to Charles Congreve (p. 276). 278 July 3 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:483). 283 5 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:484). Hearing on the north- west line of Evans' patent (see L. P. 8:185) postponed to ■ obtain affidavits of Peter Cortelyou, Corn's Cuyper and Peter Herring; Hanns and Johannes Hey, Adrian and Gis- bert Crum, Albert Mine et al. summoned as witnesses. Table of fees in the admiralty court referred. 287 6-7 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:484-86). 291 7 Mr Clows called before the council tO' show by what author- p. m. ity he acts as surveyor. 298 12 Report on patents granted before 1709. Mr Clows makes his submission and is dismissed after a reprimand. Procla- mation to issue revoking all commissions given and ap- pointments made by former governors, except of militia officers, clerks of the council and assembly, and revenue officers. Witnesses to be examined under oath concerning bounds of Evans' patent. 301 16 Time of supreme court sessions changed (see A^. Y. col. mss, 64:103). Table of fees in the admiralty court to be printed (see A''. Y. col. mss, 64:72^73, 102). 304 28 Letter received from the governor of Boston relating to In- dian affairs. 304 Aug. 2 Order concerning report on patents granted before 1709 (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:100, i07\ David Provoost and others [not named] to be examined about Evans' patent. Me- morial of Capt. Edw'd Smith, commanding the Greyhound man-of-war referred (see A''. Y. col. mss, 64:110-11). 306 8 Archibald Kennedy appointed collector and receiver general of the revenues, and collector of customs vice Thos. Byer- ley, and sworn in. Order on memorial of Capt. Edw. Smith (p. 306; see A^ Y. col. mss, 64:113, 118). Hearing on the northwest line of Evans' patent fixed. 308 9 Caveat against the surveyor general's return of the north- west line of Evans' patent dismissed (see L.P. 8:185). Order on petition of Jacobus and Samuel Swartwout on behalf of y themselves and Thos. Swartwout, Peter Gamer, Harmanus van Wege and Bernardus Swartwout against Johannes Westphalia (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:152). 310 CALENDAR OF COlXfir Vi 1 .N I T l-.S 1668-I783 28/ 1722 V. 13 13 Minute of commissidners re.ating to the bounds of Evans' patent. Letters from GoV- Alex. Spotswood on board the Enterprize man-of-war at Sandy Hook and from Gov. Sir Wm Keith of Pennsylvania about Indian affairs; confer- ence to be held with th'jm. 311 14 Order on petition of ."acobus and Samuel Svvartwout vs Edw'd Blagg. Accouit of Thos. Byerley's disbursements (see N. Y. col. mss, 64:121-26) referred. Conference betvi^een Gov. Burnet, the governor of Virginia vi'ith Mr Robinson and Mr Harrison, and the governor of Pennsylvania with Mr French and Mr Hambleton about treating with the five nations at Albany. * 326 15 Stores of the governor of Virginia to be free from duty. 334 27 Propositions to be made by Gov. Burnet to the five nations; Albany approved by council. Propositions 40 be made by gover- nors of Virginia and Pennsylvania. 335 p. m. Indian conference. Gov. Burnet makes his propositions. 344 28 Address of the justices and inhabitants of Schenectady. Peti- tion of Johann Christian Garlach, Wm and Nicholas York, and Elias Garlach for license to purchase land at Skoharee referred. Major Abr'm Schuyler to live among the Senecas for one year. 345 29 Gov. Spotswood of Virginia makes his propositions to the fiAe nations. 34-6 30 Hearing on the caveat of Hendrick van Rensselaer vs Coenrat Borgharet and Elias van Schaick postponed. John Baptist van Eps arrested for spreading false reports among the Indians. 347 31 License to purchase land granted to Johann Christ. Garlach et al (p. 345). Order on address of the justices etc. of Schenectady (p. 345). John B. van Eps to be prosecuted. Petition of Lieut. John Scott (see L. P. 8:188) referred. 347 p. m. License granted to Lieut. John Scott. Petition of Coenrat Borghaert and Elias van Schaick (see L. P. 8:35, 156) dis- missed. 34S Sep. 4 John Baptist van Eps admitted to bail in the sum of isoo. Instructions for Major Abr'm Schuyler. 349 8 Indian conference; Gov. Spotswood [Assarigoe -cutlass], Gov. Sir Wm Keith [Onas=pen], Gov. Burnet [Corlear] and five nations. Minutes sent home. 354 Vol. 14, 1722-25 1732 Sep. 25 Additional Instructions to Gov. Burnet relating to trade; Fort George proclamation to issue thereon. Boundaries between the five nations and Virginia Indians established. Receiver 288 NEW >..'!< K .- 1 .'. . £ LIBRARY 1723 V. 14 general to join the committee on patents granted before 1709. Petitions of Chrwt'r Denn (see L. P. 8:198) and of Anne Hooglandt (see L. P. 8:145) referred. Warrant to issue to Thos. Byerley vor disbursements. Warrants for salaries signed. i 29 Mayor and sherifif of»Ne\v V'ork and mayor of Albany re- nominated; Philipp Verplalick sheriff of Albany. 9 Oct. 3 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:487). Petitions: of Lewis Morris, Cadwallader Cblden, James Alexander, Abr'm van Horn, John Collins and Marg't Veder, wife of Harm. Veder (see L. P. 8:189-190, J93); of Francis Harrison et al (see L. P. 8:194); of Lieut. John Scott, commanding at Fort Hunter (see L. P. 8:197), all referred. 10 10 Patents granted: to Lewis. Motris et al. ; to Francis Harrison et al. ; to John Scott (p. 10); to Christ'r Denn (p. i). Me- morial of Cadw. Colden (see N.Y. col. niss, 64:151) re- ferred. Legislative minutes, (see Jour. 1:488). Warrant to issue to Peter Schuyler jr, Jacob Verplanck, Johs. Visger jr, Harmanus Schuyler, Johs. van den Bergh, Peter Gro- endyk and Peter van der Heyden, for residing in the Seneca country (see A^. Y. col. mss, 64:135-36). Warrant to Wm Pinthrop and Charles Burn for serving as smiths in the Seneca country. Swartwout vs Blagg. 13 14 Mayor, sherifif etc. of New York sworn in. Warrants signed. 18 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:488). 19 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:489). Complaint of Swart- wout vs Blagg dismissed with a reprimand to the latter. 23 p. m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:489). Warrant to issue to Cadw. Colden for expenses (p. 13). 25 23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:490). Petition of Stephen du Blois (see L. P. 9:3) referred. 29 24. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:491). Patent granted to Stephen du Blois (p. 29). 32 25-27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:492-93). 35 27 Vessel with palatines arrived from Holland; quarantine measures. Time for order in regard of Indian presents from Boston extended. 41 31-N0V. I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:495). 45 I Order on petition by Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 9:6). 47 29 Petition of Wm Burnet jr, Gerardus Beekman, Arch'd Kennedy and David Provoost (see L. P. 9:9) referred. Order on petition of justices and inhabitants of Richmond county (see iV. Y. col. mss, 65:29). Warrants signed: to Gabriel Ludlow clerk of the assembly for drawing bills; to Robert Eliiston custom house clerk for examining 1722 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MIXLTES 1668-I783 289 V. 14 revenue entries; to Wm Bradford for stationery to the assembly. 5i Dec. I License to purchase Indian lands granted to Wm Burnet jr et al (p. 51). Report on the petition of justices etc of Richmond county (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:30). Minute of the council of Virginia about Indian boundaries. Report on the petition of Garrit van Horn et al. _ 53 7 Claims of George Clarke on behalf of Horatio Walpole auditor-general, allowed; warrants to him to issue (see A''. Y. col. mss, 6s,:3). Memorial of Archibald Ken- nedy receiver-general on quitrents referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:44). Warrants for salaries of Francis Harrison judge of the admiralty, James Alexander attorney-general, and Cadw. Colden surveyor-general, signed. 60 II Warrants to Horatio Walpole signed. Account of Sec'y Clarke for incidental expenses (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:33) referred. 65 14 Letter received from Sec'y Willard of Boston on Indian af- fairs, and referred; report of council on it (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:35). Petition of Lewis and Mordecai Gomez (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:37) referred. 66 20 Reports: on the receiver-general's memorial (p. 60); on petition of Lewis and Mordecai Gomez (p. 66) ; on Sec. Clarke's accounts recommitted. Orders on petitions: of Francis Child (see L. P. 9:13); of Wm Bradford (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:34). Wari'ants for salaries signed. Order concerning the salary of the clerk of the council (13:209). 72 1723 Jan. II Report on the petition of Francis Child (p. 72) to lie on the table. Petition of Francis Harrison et al (p. 10; see L. P. 9:21) granted. New warrant signed for Wm Bradford (p. 72). 79 17 Petition of John Jost Petri and Conrad Rickert (see L. P. 9:21) granted. New warrants signed for Wm Bradford Feb. 7 Memorial of Archibald Kennedy concerning needed repairs of the customhouse referred. Petition of Cornelius Low for land under water dismissed and prayer of Fran. Child (p. 72, 79) to be granted to them jointly. Warrant to Sec. Clarke (p. 65, 72) signed. Attorney-general's and chief justice's opinion on land grants; council's report thereon. ' 83 28 Wm Dugdale high sheriff of New York gives bonds for due execution of his ofBce; David Provoost and Abr'm van Horn sureties. Letter from Gov. Wm Dummer of Boston. Instructions to Wm Sailer, Elisha Cooke, Spencer 290 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1723 V. 14 Phips and John Stoddard, Massachusetts commissioners to treat with the five nations at Albany; opinion of coun- . cil thereon. Petitions referred: of Robert Walter, Rip van Dam and Hendrick Hansen (see L. P. 9,:34); of Phil. Schuyler and David Provoost (see L. P. 9:315). 102 Mar. 7 Patents granted: to Robert Walter et al; to Phil. Schuyler and David Provoost (p. 102). Petitions referred: of J. Christ. Garlick, Wm York, Joh. Lawyer, Joh. and Hendrick Schuffer (see L. P. 9:8, 28); of Wm York, ■ Jacob Fred'k Lawyer and Nich's York (see L. P. 8:136; 9:23); of Joh. Conr. Weiser, Peter Wagoner and Peter Pick (see L. P. 9:37); of Edw. Bromhead (see L. P. 9:36); of Dederick Martinstock (see L. P. 9:38). Order on peti- tion by Rip van Dam, Paul Richards, Helena de Key, Jean Tothill, Abr'm de Peyster for himself brothers and sisters, Garrit van Horn, Henry Cuyler, Isaac Gouverneur, John Read, Peter Bristed, Thos. Bayeux, Sam'l Payton, Corn's Low and Francis Child (see L. P. 9:39); granted. Petition of Ger. Beekman (see L. P. 9:41) referred. iii 9 Reports on petitions: of Joh. Christ. Garlick et al; of Joh. Conrad Weiser et al; of Edw. Bromhead; of Ded. Martin- stock (p. Ill) approved and petitions granted. 120 14 Richard Bradley sworn in as attorney-general vice John Rayner deceased. Warrants for salaries signed. 124 21 Letter from Gov. Gordon Saltonstall of Connecticut; and act of Connecticut assembly concerning the boundary line; report of council thereon. Thos. Bayeux appointed um- pire in re Lt. Edw. Smith and Lewis Gomez. 125 28 Petition of Wm Bowen, Henry Huff, Arent Potman, Wau- ter Swart, Wm Sixbury, Sarah Grout and Thos. Wildman, who have spent a long time at hard labor among the Indians, for license to purchase land on Canada creek re- ferred. Order on petition of Robert Walter and other officers of the admiralty court (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:63). Minute of council of Boston. Quarantine against Jamaica. License granted to Wm Bowen et al. 135 Ap. 18 Gov. Burnet again takes the oath as chancellor. Memorial of Arch'd Kennedy (see N. Y. col.'inss, 65:69) referred. Accounts of Abr'm Schuyler (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:66) referred. Petition of Martha Heathcote, Jacobus van Cortlandt, Nehemiah Palmer and Henry Fowler (see L. P. 9:52) .referred. 140 19 Order on report on Arch. Kennedy's memorial (p. 140). Warrants to issue: to Arch. Kennedy for paying Mr Hamilton employed by him in suits for quitrents; to CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINL'TLS 1668-I783 29I 1723 V. 14 Abr'm Schuyler for Indian expenses. Report on the peti- tion of Martha Heathcote (p. 140) approved. 144 22 Warrant for paying Andrew Hamilton signed. Gov. Bur- net is going to New Jersey. 147 May 9 Patent granted to Lewis Morris et al (13:199, 203; see L. P. 9:55). Deposition of Sam'l Clows, coroner of Queens county, concerning Thos. Lynstead a counterfeiter re- ceived (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:78); order to search the houses of Sherrard, Thos. Kable and Deborah Wright the supposed wife of Thos. Lynstead, at Oysterbay, also the house of Thomas Pullen in New York. Order on an affi- davit of Jacob Cuyendall and Thos. Quick of Minisinck in Orange county concerning Lidian robberies. Warrant to Lawrence Claesen for expenses on a journey to the Senecas. Petition of Joseph Loyd for remission of duty on slaves referred. Indian presents from Boston to be admitted free from duty. 148 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:495). Sheriff of New York reports that he has not found any thing in Thos. Pullen's house, about counterfeit bills (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:81). Warrant for Lawrence Claesen (p. 148) signed. 153 15 Thos. Sherrard, Thos.' Kable and Thos. Pullen examined about Thos. Lynstead (see A''. Y. col. mss, 65:82-83) and dismissed. Orders to examine Samuel Burcham of Oyster- bay and others. Order on petition of Joseph Loyd (p. 153). 158 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:496). Memorial of Arch'd Kennedy concerning incidental expenses in the receiver- general's office referred. 160 23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:496). Petition of Daniel Chubb (see L. P. 9:64) to lie on the table. Warrant to issue to Arch'd Kennedy for incidental expenses (p. 160). Petition of Richard Bradley and Isaac Bobin for land referred. 162 25-30 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:497). 167 30 Petition of Corn's Low (see A''. Y. col. mss, 65:89) referred. 167 June 6 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:498). Petition of Francis Harrison for confirmatory patent to his share of 5000 acres granted in 1714 to Mary Tatham, Thos. Braine, James Graham and John Haskall referred. IMemorial of Jeremiah Schuyler, Joannis jr, and Joannis C. Cuyler for their and Lawrence Claesen's and Jurian Hogan's serv- ices in the Seneca country (see A''. Y. col. mss, 65:93) re- ferred. Petition of Rich'd Jerrard and Wm Bull (see L. P. 9:70) referred. Petition of Lewis and Mordecai 292 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1723 V. 14 Gomez concerning import duties referred. Petition of Peterse Mebee (see L. P. 9:69) to lie on the table. 169 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:498). Patent granted to Francis Harrison (p. 169). Warrants to issue to Jeremiah Schuyler et al (p. 169). Petition of Rich'd Bradley and Isaac Bobin (p. 162) granted. Warrants for salaries etc signed. 171 14 Legislative minutes (see Tour. 1:499). Petition of Lewis and Mordecai Gomez (p. 169) granted. Patent granted to Rich'd Jerrard and Wm. Bull (p. 169). 175 20 Legislative minutes (see Tour. 1:501). Patent granted to Conrad Weiser jr, Jobs. -Lawyer jr, and Peter Wagoner (see L. P. 9:58). ~ 181 27 Legislative minutes (see Tour. 1:501). Memorial of Archi- bald Kennedy concerning public funds; and, petition of John Pieterse Mebee (see L. P. 9:80) referred. 183 28-July 6 Legislative minutes (see Tour. 1:502-6). 184-97 18 Allowance for the company of one captain, two lieutenants and eight men who are to go to the Seneca country for a year fixed. Warrants: to Jacob Verplanck for services in the Seneca country; to Derick Egbert doorkeeper, Robert Crannel sergeant at arms and Catherine Post for services to the assembly. 197 Aug. 10 Royal mandamus appointing Abr'm van Horn and William Provoost to the council; they are sworn in and take their places. Further allowance for the men going into the Seneca country; premium set on knowledge of the Indian language. Petition of Wm Apple relating to land in the city dismissed. House and lot of Richard Elliot, cooper, of New York city, escheated and granted to Lewis Rou (see L. P. 9:85). 200 15 Report of the committee on boundary act of Connecticut; order of council thereon. Report on table of fees in the chancery court and in the court of appeals, of governor and council referred. 208 22 Ordinance of fees reported and to be printed (see A''. Y. col. mss, 65:120). Ordinance relating to the recording of deeds to be sent to county clerks (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:121). Ordinance of fees in the court of appeals (see A''. Y. col. mss, 65:117) to lie on the table. 233 Sep. 12 Petition of Wm Bowen et al (see L. P. 9:63) referred. Order on memorial by Capt. Henry Holland (see N. Y. col. mss, 65:131). Accounts of the auditor and treasurer (see A''. Y. col. mss, 65:128) referred. Robert Walter re- nominated mayor, Wm Dugdale sheriff of New York, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 293 1723 14 16 Oct. 14 Dec. 12 13 p. m. 16 30 1724 Jan. 23 27 31 Mar. ig Peter van Brugh mayor, Thos. Williams sheriff of Albany. Indian trade from Albany to Canada. Patent granted to Wm Bowen et al (p. 234). Report on treasurer's accounts (see A''. V. col. mss, 65:130) approved. Petition of Archibald Kennedy for land referred (see L. P. 9:105). Warrants for salaries signed. Warrant to George Clarke for Horatio Walpole. Gov. Burnet is going to New Jersey. Journal of Abr'm Schuyler in the Seneca country received; warrant to him for expenses signed. Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. Additional instructions for Gov. Burnet relating to his assent to private acts. Letter from Gov. Saltonstall and resolu- tion of Connecticut assembly about boundary line received and referred. Copy of an order of council to be sent to the receiver-general. Memorial of Archibald Kennedy about incidental office expenses (see A^. Y. col. mss, 66:26) referred. Warrants for salaries etc signed. Report on letter of Gov. Saltonstall about the boundary line. Warrant to issue to Arch'd Kennedy for office expenses. Warrants for salaries etc signed. Warrant to Charles Burns Indian interpreter for services at Mount Burnet, certified to by Lieut. Wm Helling stationed there. Order on petition of Robert Willasy (see A^. Y. col. mss, 66:30). Commissioners for running the Connecticut line to meet at Rj^e in February following. . 14 234 238 241 242 243 24.8 254 Order of the king in council for restitution of Spanish property taken in the war. Time in which to buy Indian k.nd as per license granted to Wm Burnet jr et al extended (see L. P. 9:90-91). Warrant to Charles Burns (p. 251) signed. Instructions for Connecticut boundarj- commissioners to be prepared. 257 Letter from Gov. Saltonstall concerning the boundaries received. Report on instructions to commissioners ap- proved; allowances to them fixed; commissions for them to be prepared. 263 Warrants to Francis Flarrison, Cadw. Colden, David Pro- voost and Jolis. Jansen, Connecticut boundary commis- sioners for expenses signed. 266 Petition of And'w Fresneau and John du Puy (see L. P. 9:94) referred. Connecticut commissioners fail to meet the New York commissioners: new meeting fixed. Warrants for salaries signed. 267 294 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1724 Ap. 2 May 15 June 13 15 23 24 V. 14 Report on the petition of John Pieterse Mebee (p. 183) ap- proved and warrants of survey granted. Account of Geo. Clarke for enrolHng laws referred. Resolution concerning the Connecticut boundary line; allowance to commission- ers fixed and instruction for them. 271 License to purchase Indian land granted to Hartman van Deker, Roolof Stayley, Gerrit Spender, Ryndert Skeefort, Christ'r Hillse, Charles Aker, Lambert Stenbergh, Johan- nes Lager, Derick Login and Nicholas Aker, palatines (see L. P. 9:95-96). Gov. Burnet is going to New Jersey. 274 Royal assent to the New York act for running the Connec- ticut boundary line. Report of the Connecticut boundary commissioners. ~ 275 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:507). Opinion of council on a letter from Capt. Peter Salgard commanding the Greyhound man-of-war relating to the issue of rum to ship- wrights, stopped by the admiralty board. 291 Petition of Jacob Sharp, Christ'r Hagatorn, Jacob Shoe- maker and other palatines (see L. P. 9:101) referred. Ad- dress of Justices Wm Willet, Isaac Hicks and Richard Floyd of Westchester county (see N. Y. col. mss, 66:80) referred. New license to purchase land granted to Wm Burnet jr, to include the name of Rob't Livingston jr (see L. P. 9:99). Petition of John Haskoll (see L. P. 9:108) referred. Warrant to Lawrence Claesen for services in the Seneca country (see A''. Y. col. mss, 66:77). Petition of Rich'd Jerrard (see L. P. 9:98) referred. Warrants for salaries signed. Report on the petition of Jacob Sharp et al approved and order thereon (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:722- 23; Q 3:431-32). Patents granted to John HasskoU and to Richard Jerrard. 298 Order on petition of Stephen and Paul Richards, Jacob Leis- ler et al (see A''. Y. col. mss, 66:79). Letter from Gov. Wm Dummer of Massachusetts on Indian conference received; also instructions from him to John Schuyler and John Stoddard deputies for ^lassachusetts at the Indian con- ference; opinion of council thereon. 305 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:509). Answer of mayor of New York to the petition of Stephen and Paul Richards (p- 305) referred. Petition of Wm Bull (see L. P. 9:106) referred. 3°^ Answer of mayor etc of New York (p. 308) withdrawn. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:509). Connecticut bound- - arv line. 3^1 CALENDAR OF COrNCIL MIXrTKS 1668-I783 295 1724 V. 14 29 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:510). Patent granted to Wm Bull. 314 July 9 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:510-11). 317 II Order on the account of Sec. Clarke for incidental expenses. Warrant of survey granted to Philipp Pipoon and Abr'm Gouverneur (see L. P. 9:110). 318 13-16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:511-12). 320 16 Petition of Marc Legaur (see A^ V.col.iuss, 66:97-98) referred. Allowance to ofificers employed in the trial of pirates to be fixed. Warrant to John Haskall for carrying notice of intended survey to Connecticut (p. 311) signed. Order on new answer of mayor etc of New York to the petition of Stephen and Paul Richards et al (p. 305, 308, 311; see N. Y. col. 1USS, 66:99). ;i2;i 18 Legislative minutes (see .To.ur. 1:513). Report on allowances to Marc Legaur, Joseph Whittemore and John Callean (see iY. Y. col. mss, 66:97-98, 100, 114) approved and war- rants signed. 326 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:514). Warrants to officers emplo3'ed in the trial of pirates to be made out according to report (see N. Y. col. mss, 66:104). Johs. Glen and Johs. Wemp to clear the road from the Mohawk river car- rying place to Wood creek going into Oneida lake. 330 22-24 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:515-17). 333-40 Aug. 6 Royal approval of acts of assembly. Warrants to issue: to James Alexander for drawing bills of assembly; to Gabriel Ludlow clerk of the house, for incidental charges; to Henry Vernon for drawing bills; to David Le Tellier for translat- ing Mrs Montour's deposition; to the doorkeeper of the assembly for whitewashing the chamber etc; and to Cath. Post for use of her house by assembly committees. Peti- tion of Lewis Morris jr and Andries Coeymans (see L. P. 9:119) referred. Warrants to James Alexander advocate- general, Richard Nicholls register, Wm Dugdale provost marshall, Robert Crannell marshall of the admiralty court. Isaac Bobn deputy secretary, Abr'm Gouverneur French interpreter, and Rodrigo Pacheco Spanish interpreter, signed. 34^ 27 Warrants to James Alexander etc. signed. Petitions re- ferred: of Jacob Sharp et al (see L. P. 9:114-16); of Wm Bradford (see A^ Y. col. mss, 66:121): of John Scott jr (see L. P. 9:118). Report on petition of Jacob Sharp (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3-725-26 ; Q 3:434-35)- 346 3 Patent granted to Lewis ]\1 orris jr and Abr'm Coeymans (p. 342). Warrants to issue: for paying account of conimis- 296 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1724 V. 14 sioners to sign bills of credit (see A''. Y. col. inss, 66:130); to Jacobus Kip and Corn's van Home for material to re- pair Fort George. Account of the auditor-general re- ferred (see A''. Y. col. mss, 66:128). Gov. Burnet intends to go to Albany and renominates now Robert Walter to be mayor and Wra Dugdale sheriff of New York, mayor and sheriff of Albany are renominated. Warrant to issue for the salary of the auditor-general. Warrants signed. 349 Oct. I Memorial of Wm Bradford concerning unprinted laws of Gov. Dongan's time referred. Warrants for salaries signed. Minutes sent home per Capt. Downing. 351 8 Edward Blood commanding at Mount Burnet reports on il- legal trade to Canada carried on by Nicholas, son of Philipp Schuyler and Jacob, son of Hermanns Wendell, , with affidavit concerning it by Charles Buckley, sergeant at Mount Burnet; minutes of Indian commissioners about it received and council's opinion on it. Gov. Burnet com- municates the propositions made by him to the six nations on Sep. 14, IS, 17, 19 and 20. 353 14 Robert Walter sworn in as mayor, Wm Dugdale as sheriff and both as justices of the peace of New York. ' 374 15 Petition of Abr'm van Home, Wm Provoost, Wm Burnet jr and Phil. Livingston (see L. P. 9:125) referred. Warrant to issue to Jobs. Glen and Johs. Wemp for improving the carrying place to Wood creek, upon certificate of Major Goose van Schaick and David van der Hfeyden (see A''. Y. col. mss, 66:140). License granted to Abr'm van Home et al. 374 29 Letter from Allured Papple, secretary of the lords of trade (see N. Y. col. mss, 66:110-12) with a petition of London merchants trading to New York; king's order on the peti- tion; extract from the minutes of the board of trade. Memorial of Rip van Dam and other merchants of New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 66:143) referred. Petitions re- ferred: of Thos. Noxon (see L. P. 9:126); and of John Mebee (see L. P: 9:129). 375 Nov. 6 'Report on petition of London merchants (p. 375). ^385] 19 Accounts of Jacobus Kip and Corn's van Horn, managers for repairing Fort George referred. 402 26 Report on the memorial of Rip van Dam et al (p. 375). Warrant to Jacobus Kip and Corn's van Horn signed. Dr Colden's report (see A''. F. col. mss, 66:124) to be filed in the secretary's office. Petition of Nathaniel Osborn (see L. P. 9:131) referred. 402 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 297 14 4IS 416 419 1724 V. 14 Dec. 16 Letter from Lt. Gov. Wm Dummei of Massachusetts, about war against the eastern Indians (see N. Y. col. mss, 66:161) referred. Warrants for salaries signed. 408 p. m. Report on Gov. Dummer's letter (see N. Y. col. viss, 67:1). 413 1725 Jan. 14 Petition of Corn's Low, Thos. Bayeux, Peter Bristcd and Samuel Payton (see L. P. 9:133) referred. Order on peti- tion of members of the French church (see A^. Y. col. mss, 67:5; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:469; Q 3:284). 28 Order on the petition of Corn's Low et al (p. 415). Answer of Mr Moulinar and rest of consistory of French church (see A''. Y. col. mss, 67:8-10); order thereon. Petition of Wm Sharpas and Rob't Livingston jr, clerks of the court of chancery about fees (see N. Y. col. mss, 66:16) referred. Sec. Clarke's accounts of incidental expenses referred. Petition of the heirs of Gerard Beeknian and others (see L. P. 9:136) referred. Feb. II Executors of David Provoost to hand in the accounts of the tonnage office. Proclamation to issue for the better ob- servance of the laws of trade (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:12). Secretary's fee-table to be scrutinized. 18 Report on petition of members of the French church (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:14-15; and, Doc. liist. N. Y. 3:474'75; Q 3:286-87). Patent granted to the heirs of Gerard Beek- man et al (p. 416). Fees allowed to the clerks of the court of chancery (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:17). Mar. 5 Report on the reply of Mr Moulinar etc (p. 416) to petition etc (see A''. Y. col. mss, 67:20; and. Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:479-80; Q 3:289-90) and order thereon. 18 Warrants for salaries signed. 25 Additional instructions for Gov. Burnet about assenting to bills. Petition of Rodolph Stehle and Nich's Eckerd (see L. P. 9:138) referred and warrant of survey granted. Ap. 3 Order on petition of Wm Flalliday commanding the ship Princess Carolina (see A''. Y. col. mss, 67:25). Isaac Hicks appointed Connecticut boundary commissioner, vice David Provoost deceased. 4^9 8 Instructions to be prepared for the commissioners appointed to survey the Connecticut boundary hne. Instructions. 431 Warrants for expenses of surveying said line signed. Peti- tion of James Alexander, Andries Coeymans and heirs of Samuel Staats etc for land in the i\Iohawk country re- ferred. Archibald Kennedy's account of incidental charges in the receiver-general's office referred. 436 420 423 425 426 298 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1725 IS 19 29 May 13 V. 14 Francis Harrison, Cadw. Colden and Isaac Hicks sworn in as commissioners to run the Connecticut line. Patent granted to James Alexander et al (p. 436). War- rants: to Geo. Clarke for incidental office expenses; to Archibald Kennedy. 438 James Livingston resigns as deputy to Surveyor-General C. Colden. Colden proposes that either John Haskoll, Robert Crooke, John Verkerke or Cornelius Low be ap- pointed to survey the Connecticut line. Orders referred: on petition of Peter Vallette, merchant of New York city, about duty on negroes belonging to Capt. Rowden; on memorial of William Bradford (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:28). Order directing Mr Wileman, formerly deputy secretary to search for missing acts of assembly (see A^. Y. col. mss, 67:29). 440 Accounts of David Provoost late tonnage officer, handed in by Mr van Wyck executor of his will; order thereon. Petitions referred: of Robert Letice Hooper (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:33); of Wm Burnet jr, Arch'd Kennedy, Rob't Livingston, David Provoost, Catharine van Wyck and Helena Santford, children and grandchild of David Pro- voost deceased (see L. P. 9:143). Minutes sent home by Capt. Downing, master of the ship Alexander. 442 Mr Wileman writes that he cannot find the missing acts (see N. Y. col. mss, 6y:2g). Patent granted to Wm Burnet jr et al (p. 442). Memorial of Jacobus Kip and Corn's van Home (see A^. Y. col. mss, 67:44-46) referred. 444 Memorial of Francis Harrison, Cadw. Colden and Isaac Hicks, Connecticut boundary commissioners; discussion of it. Warrants signed: to Jacobus Kip and Corn's van Home for repairs in Fort George; to Mr Cuyler for re- pairing the fort at Albany and the blockhouse at Sara- toga (see A''. Y. col. mss, 67:42); to boundary commission- ers for expenses in surveying Connecticut line. Widow Goose van Schaick appointed to furnish firewood to the Albany garrison, vice Widow Hendrick Hansen. Gov. Burnet is going to New Jersey. 445 1725 May 25 Vol. 15, 1725-29 Capt. Robert Walter presides. Capt. Woodside, master of the brigantine Hopewell from Madeira to be examined as to smallpox on that island; his mate Henrj^ Fuller has been carried sick to Goalets, a painter in Maiden Lane. Quarantine measures. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 299 1725 V. 15 26-31 Quarantine measures (see A''. Y. col. inss, 67:55, 57). 2^3 June 4 A pirate reported near Rockaway on Long Island. Order for a cruize etc (see A''. ]'. col. mss, 67:48-49). 4 7-16 Quarantine measures. 4-6 16 A son of Sir Richard Everett and the children of Afr Good- win passengers of the ship Samuel from London have been ill with smallpox (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:56). 6 18 Letters received from Gov. Cranston of Rhode Island and from Gov. Burnet in relation to John Drake. 6 23 Gov. Burnet returned. Passengers of the Hopewell allowed to land on Bedlows island. Warrant to Barent Rynders and John van Home, owners of the Hopewell for pro- visioning quarantine guard put on board her. Warrants signed: for salaries; to John Cuyler and Catharine van Schaick for firewood and candles to Albany garrison; to Rynders and van Home; to John Moore, Thos. Shebow, George Southal and John Gififord for services as quaran- tine guard. 6 Sep. 2 Legislative minutes (see four. 1:518). Marg't Codrington, executor of Tho. Codrington in error vs Adolph Philippse executor of Phil. French. Warrant to Wm Dugdale for services in connection with quarantining the Hopewell. 8 15 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:519). Memorial of Jacobus Kip and Corn's van Home (see A''. Y. col. mss, 67:62-64) referred. 9 16 Warrant for their expenses signed. Warrants to issue to Phil. Livingston for paying Herm. Vedder and company, also the smith sent to the Onondaga country. 11 23 Warrants signed: for salaries; to Phil. Livingston for Herm. Vedder, Isaac Staats, Andrles Bradt jr, Hendrick Wempt arid Herm. van Slyck. 12 29 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:520). Order on petition of Jan Mebee son of Jan Peterse Mebee (see L. P. 9:148). Johannes Jansen nominated mayor, Wm Dugdale sheriff of New York; Johs. Cuyler inayor and Thos. Williams sherifif of Albany. 13 Oct. 14 Royal order appointing Phil. Livingston to the council vice Gerard Beekman deceased. He is sworn in and takes his seat. Mayor and sheriff sworn in. Legislative minutes (see 7oiii\ 1:520). Repairs needed, and to be made on the fortifications of Schenectady, Fort Hunter and JNIount Bur- net; also new gun carriages at AlbanJ^ iNIinutes of Indian commissioners received; they have had meetings with some of the six nations and with Caghnawaga, Skawninada and Roudix Indians. 1=; 300 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1725 19 ^1 28 Nov. 2 9-10 10 Dec. 16 1726 Feb. 10 Mar. 17 Ap. 6 IS V. 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:521). Minute of the Indian commissioners laid before the council (see iV. F. col. mss, 67:47). Warrant to issue to Lawrence Claesen for ser- vices in Onondaga country. Samuel Burchild to be re- leased from jail, James Smith the sole witness against him, not being a credible person. 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:521). Warrant to Lawrence Claesen signed. 18 Petitions referred: of Lewis Morris jr and Andries Coey- mans (sec L. P. 9:155); of Wm York for himself and other palatines (see L. P. 9:151); of Lewis York and Wm York (see L. P. 9:152); of Robert Crannell jr (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:79)- - 19 Licenses to purchase land granted: to Wm York and pala- tines; to Lewis Morris jr and A. Coeymans; patent to Wm and Lewis York (p. 19). Warrant to issue to Rob't Crannel for keeping Samuel Burcham in jail. Legislative minutes (see JoUr. 1:521). Order on deposition by Dr Johnson relating to Lettice Hooper's negroes (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:74). Smiths to be sent to the Onondagas and Senecas. Road from the carrying place to Wood creek. 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:522). Petition of Lewis Morris jr and Andries Coeymans (see L. P. 9:156) granted. Rob't Crannel allowed additional charges for keeping Sam'l Burcham. 23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 522). Warrant for Robert Crannel signed. 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 523). 26-27 Minutes sent home by Peter Waye master of the brigantine Prince Fredik. 27 Order on petition by Wm Sharpas town clerk and clerk of the peace of New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:86). War- rants for salaries signed. ^ . 28 Jacob Moene in error vs John Everson. Warrants for salaries signed. License to purchase. Indian land granted upon petition of Abr'm van Home, Wm Provoost, Mary Burnet jr and Phil. Livingstone (see L. P. 9:159)- Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:524). Order on petition of Jobs. Roseboom and Hendrick Ten Eyck (see L. P. 9:164). Legislative minutes (see Jotir. 1:525). License to catch porpoises granted to Lewis Hector Plot de Langloiserie (see N. Y: col. mss, 67:101). Legislative 29 30 31 33 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 30I 1726 V. 15 minutes (see Jour. 1:526). Warrant of survey grafited on petition of Jacob Rutsen (see L. P. 9:168). 37 28 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:526). Petition of Johannes Fisser (see L. P. 9:172) referred. 40 Alay 18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:527). Petition of Evert Wendell, Jan Janse Bleecker, Phil. Schuyler, Joannis ten Broeck, David Abeel and others (see L. P. 10:4) referred. 41 p. m.-23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:527). ' 42 23 Petitions referred: of George Burnet (see L. P. 10:9); of Wm Jevon (see L. P. 10:10). Account of the auditor- general referred. 43 24 Warrant to the auditor-general for auditing treasurer's ac- counts signed. Patents granted to Wm Jevon and to George Burnet (p. 43). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:528). 45 June 7-8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:530-31). 50 8 Order on petition of Moses Gombeaux (see N. Y. col. mss, 67:107). SI ^14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:532). 55 14 Warrants for salaries signed. Order on petition by Moses Gombeaux (see A''. Y. col. mss, 67:109). 56 15-16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:534-35). 60-63 17 Order on petition of Charles and Francis Doughty (see A'". Y. col. mss, 67:110) and table of ferriage fees. 65 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:536). 66 23 Warrants to Tunis Tiebout, Adrian Koning and Christ'r Duyckin for work in Fort George signed. John .Everson in error vs Jacob Moene. 6g 29 Wm Newman, Thos. Marsh, Wm Ward, Thos. Atkinson and Robert Yates arrested on suspicion of piracy; on ex- amination they say they are sailors of the ship Pleasant from London, James Morris master, sprung a leak at sea. Petition of Evert Wendell etc (p. 41) referred to the gov- ernor of Connecticut. Gov. Burnet is going to New Jersey. 70 July II Capt. Walter presiding. Jacob Fleerboom vs Fred. Morris in error. 71 28 Gov. Burnet returned. Jacob Fleerboom vs Fred. Morris ex dem. Honan. John Everson vs Jacob Moene in error. Wm Kirten and Andrew Law appointed pilots. Petition of Henry Hofife (see L. P. 10:12) referred. Warrant to the clerk of the assembly for incidental charges signed. 72 Aug. II Assembly dissolved; writs to issue for election of a new one. Gov. Burnet is going to Albany. 73 Sep. 27 Gov. Burnet returned. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:539). 74 302 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1726 V. 15 29 Robert Lurting nominated mayor, Wm Dugdale sheriff of New York, Rutger Bleecker mayor, Thos. Williams sheriff of Albany. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:540). 77 Oct. 14 Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:541). 80 15-21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:542). 82-83 21 Minutes of the Indian conference at Albany, Sep. 7, 9, 13, 14. 83 25-27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:543-44). iii 27 Order on petition of Dorothy Barclay for pay of expenses in taking care of Michael Montour the son of Montour the Indian. Accounts of Peter van Brugh for work on the fortifications of Albany etc referred. Warrants to issue for services in the Indian country, to Jacob Brewer, Herm. Vedder jr, Jurian Hogan, Phil. Livingston and Gertrud Schuyler on behalf of Abr'm Schuyler deceased. Jobs. Mulder, Jacob Maase, Cornelius Cuyler and Lawrence Claesen; allowances fixed for services there in the follow- ing year to Evert Bancker, Jost van Sysen and Nicholas Wemp. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:544). 113 29 Warrant to issue to Peter van Brugh (p. 113). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:545). ii7 Nov. 2 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:545). Warrants signed. iig p. m.-3 Legislative irnnutes (see Jour. 1:546). 120 3 Indian deed for the beaver hunting country as far west as Tegerhunkserode (Detroit, Mich.) received and ordered to be recorded (see L. P. 10:13). 122 5-1 1 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:547-50). 124-30 15 Warrants to pay for work done in Fort George to Tunis Tiebout and Adrian Koning signed. • 132 24 Warrants for salaries signed. Petition of Henry Hoofe (p. 72; see L. P. 10:13-14) referred. Minutes sent home by Capt. Downing master of the ship Alexander. 132 1727 Jan. 5 Warrants for salaries signed. Patents granted: to Johannes Fischer (p. 40; see L. P. 10:25-28); and to Hy. Hoofe (p. 132). 133 Mar. 2 Ordinance establishing courts in Dutchess county passed. Letters and resolutions received from Massachusetts con- cerning Westenhook patent and boundaries; referred. Fort to be built at the mouth of Onondaga river (Oswego). 134 9 Fort at the mouth of Onondaga river; palatines to help in building it; how to be paid for; Indian consent to be ob- tained. 13s CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MIXITKS 1668-I783 303 1727 V. 15 16 Warrants for salaries signed. A garrison of soldiers to be sent to the mouth of the Onondaga river. 137 Ap. 13 Royal mandamus appointing Archibald Kennedy to the council vice Thos. Byerley deceased; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Orders on the answer of the Westenhook patentees to the letter from Massachusetts (p. 134). Massachusetts boundai-y matter to be referred to the as- sembly. Orders upon letters sent from Massachusetts to the Indian commissioners at Albany, Oswego. Service in the Indian country. 138 27 Preparations made for the garrison to be sent to Oswego. Instructions for Capt. Lancaster Synies and Lieut. Nicholls who are to command the detachment to Oswego. 141 May 6 Indians object to the building a fort at Oswego. Account of the auditor-general referred and a warrant for it signed. Petition of Robert Livingston jr and Lancaster Synies jr i (see L. P. 10:30) referred. 146 June 15 Warrants for salaries etc signed. The Indians have given their consent to build the Oswego fort. 147 20 License to purchase land granted to Rob't Livingston jr and Lancaster Symes jr (p. 146). 149 July 31 The governor of Canada has summoned the garrison at Oswego to stop building the fort and to leave; opinion of council that they are to remain and continue their work; Mr Bancker to treat with the five nations about it. 149 Aug. 4 Letter from Gov. Beauharnois of Canada; French expedi- tion reported ready to go against Oswego; answer to the letter from Canada discussed. 151 10 Answer to Gov. Beauharnois. Caghiiawaga Indians want to come ancj live at Saratoga. A few Indians and smiths to live at Oswego. i55 21 Proclamation to issue of the accession of George II (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:17-18) and to be sent to the sheriffs of all the counties. Writs for election of a new assembly. 160 24 The governor and members present take the oaths. Proc- lamation to issue requiring all officers to take the oaths to King George II. Additional instructions to Gov. Bur- net concerning appeals to the king in council. 161 Sep. 14 The six nations have agreed to defend Oswego against the French. Warrants signed: for salaries; to Susanna Par- myter and Egbert van Borsom' for boarding the messen- gers from Canada. Order in regard to illegal trade from Albany to Canada. 163 29 Warrant to issue to Mr Bancker for Indian service (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:20). Petitions of Johannes Hornebeck 304 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1737 V. 15 (see L. P. 10:31) and of Jacob Fisher (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:16) referred. Robert Lurting and Wm Dugdale re- nominated mayor and ■ sheriff of New York, Rutger Bleecker and Thos. Williams of KVozny. 165 30 Warrants signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:554). 166 Oct. 7 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:555). Petition of Lewis Francis Fauchere commander of the ship Vigilant Postillion of Nantes (see A^. F. col. mss, 68:51-52) referred and granted. 168 14 Duplicate orders from the privy council to proclaim King George IL Royal proclamation continuing all officers in their places received (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:13). Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. Legislative minutes (see Joiir. 1:555). 170 18-19 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:555-57). I7i'~73 26 Dr Golden takes the oaths to King George IL Warrant to John Rose for supplies to messengers from Canada signed. Legislative mintites (see Jour. 1:557). Petition of Abr'm van Home and Wm Provoost (see L. P. 10:33) granted. 174 Nov. I Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:558). Petition of Lewis Francis Fauchere for leave to sell enough of his cargo to pay his debts in New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:53-54) referred. Warrants to pay for Indian services to issue to Phil. Livingston, Stephanus Groesbeck, Lawrence Claesen, Joseph van Sice and to Joseph Clement. Petition of Jannetie Cregier (see L. P. 10:41) granted. 176 2 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:558). Report on the petition of Capt. Lewis Francis Fauchere approved. 177 II Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:559). Warrants signed. Warrants to pay for Indian services to issue: to Peter Schuyler, Gaishort van Brockel and Kilian Reader (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:21-22); to Myndert Schuyler; to Stephen Groesbeck; and to Herm. Wendell (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:25). John Cuyler reappointed Indian commissioner. 179 15-18 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:560-61). Warrants signed. 180-82 18 Petition of Sarah Varick, Wessell Wessells jr, Abr'm Laker- man, Corn's van Home (?), And'w Teller, Stephen Bay- ard, Jacobus van Cortlandt, John Lemontes, Phebe Out- man and Antie Ten Eyck (see L. P. 10:38) referred. Royal approbation of an assembly act. Patent granted to Sarah Varick et al (see. A''. Y. col. mss, 68:33). 182 24-25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:561-62). 185-86 215 Petitions referred: of Joseph Sacket and Nath'l Hazard (see L. P. 10:42); of Rip van Dam, Thos. Thong, Helena de Key, John Searle, Garret van Home, Henry Cuyler Gou- verneur and John Read (see L. P. 10:43). 186 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 305 1728 Feb. 12 28 1727 V. 15 p. m. Patent granted to Joseph Sackct and Nath'l Hazard (p. 186). Petition of Rip van Dam ct al (p. 186) granted. 191 27 Committee on resolutions of the last assembly authorized to send for persons and papers. 192 Dec. 5 Report of the above committee (see A'. Y. col. mss, 68:34-39). Memorial of Att'y-Gencral Bradley (see A''. )'. col. mss, 68:28) referred. 192 19 Report on the ordinance relating to fees in the court of chancery (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:44). Order directing the attorney-general to prosecute land suits (see N. Y. col. diss, 168:43). Patents granted: to Johannes Hornebeck (see L. P. 16:37): to Wm York, Phil. Moor, John Peter Zenger, Hans George Baringer and Jacob Burst, palatines (see L. P. 10:511). Warrants for salaries signed. Minutes sent home by Capt. Thos. Smith of the Beaver. 200 The French of Canada reported as intending to attack Oswego. Writs of election to issue quickly. 212 Ordinance of fees in the court of chancery approved and to be printed. Ordinance concerning procedure in the court of chancery to be prepared. Petitions of Corn's Low et al (see L. P. 10:50) referred and order thereon. Petition of Martha Heathcote (see L. P. 10:52) referred. Van Cort- landt and Philippse vs Palmer, Quinby et al. * 213 Mar. 2 Van Cortlandt and Philippse vs Palmer et al. Patent granted to Corn's Lowet et al. Petition of Martha Heathcote granted (p. 213). 216 7 Van Cortlandt and Philippse vs Palmer et al. Report on the ordinance for procedure in the court of chancery (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:60). 218 20 Warrants signed: for salaries: to Tunis Tiebout, Abr'm Alstine and Adrian King for work on Fort George. 221 28 Petition of Peter van Brough, Jonas Douw, John Wittbeene, Pftrus Douw, Wm Dugdale and Gerard Beekman (see L. P. 10:56) referred. Van Cortlandt and Philippse vs Palmer et al. License to purchase Indian land granted to Peter van Brugh et al. 223 Ap. 5 License to purchase Indian land granted to Abr'm van Home, Wm Provoost, Mary Burnet and Phil. Livingston see L. P. 10:57; and, A^. Y. col. mss, 68:63). Petitions of Dederick Masterstock (see L. P. 10:59, 62), and of John Spratt and Andries Marschalck for land referred, and sub- sequently granted. Order on complaint of the mayor of Albany (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:61). 224 306 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY^ 1728 V. 15 15 Gov. John Montgomerie takes the oaths after the reading of his commission. Members present sworn in. Seals de- livered to Gov. Montgomerie by Mr Burnet. Proclama- tion to issue continuing officers in their places (see A''. Y . col. mss, 68:65). Governor's commission published at the city hall. 226 18 Lewis Morris jr and Wm Provoost sworn in. Letter re- ceived from the Indian commissioners concerning batteaux at Oswego; order thereon. Phil. Livingston hands in his answer to the complaint of the mayor of Albany (see N. Y. col. Tuss, 68:70, 72) referred. Ass,embly to be dissolved and writs for election of a new one to issue. 227 25 Order on Phil. Livingston's answer. 229 May 2 Robert Walter sworn in. Warrant to Wm Burnet for bal- ance of his salary signed. 229 30 Return of writs of election fixed. Mayor etc of Albany vs Phil. Livingston. 230 June 4 Lt. Gov. Wm Dummer writes about Indian designs against Oswego; order thereon. 231 20 George Clarke confirmed by the king in his office of provin- cial secretary. . 232 21 Royal disallowance of an act of assembly. Capt. Bagley commanding at Oswego reports on repairs and provisions needed there; referred to Indian commissioners. Warrants for salaries signed. ' 232 27 Accounts of the auditor general referred; warrant signed. 236 July 23-Sep. 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:563-81). « 237-74 Sep. 18 Phil. Livingston and Derick ten Broeck farmers of the excise swear to their accounts. 265 21 Gov. iMontgomerie is going to Albany. President of the council to announce nominations of mayor and sheriff. 274 29 Robert Walter presiding. Letter nominating Robert Lurt- ing mayor, Henry Beeckman sheriff of New York. 278 29 Gov. Montgomerie presiding. Robert Lurting and Henry Beeckman nominated as above, Rutger Bleecker as mayor and Goosie van Schaick sheriff of Albany. 279 Oct. 12 License to purchase Indian land granted to Rutger Bleecker, Nich's Bleecker, James de Lancey and John Haskoll. Order on petition of Francis Salisbury et al (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 68:97). Warrants for salaries signed. 280 14 Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. Minutes of the Indian conference, Oct. i, 4, 5, 7. Proclamation prohibit- ing the sale of liquor to the Indians. 282 « Legislative minutes of Aug. 31, Sep. 5, 10, 11, 12 and 13, given in ihe Journal, are missing in this mss of Council minutes. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 307 1728 V. 15 Nov. 7 Nolle prosequi to be entered in re Francis Salisbury et al (p. 280). Petitions of Richard Bradley and Wm Jamison (see L. P. 10:72) referred. Warrants of survey granted: to Edw. Blagge, Gisbert Crom, Derick Crom, Gerrit Blo- velt, Tlios. Husk, Paulus Yorkson, Flora Crom and Albert Minnelye; to Solomon and Lewis du Bois (see L. P. 10:74). Petitions referred: of Andrew Nicolls, Evan Drummond, Edward Collins, John Wemp and Corn's van Slyck (see L. P. 10:75); oi Johannes Christman (see L. P. 10:73); from Dr Colden (see A''. Y. col. mss, 68:99) and order thereon. Patent granted to Richard Bradley and Wm Jamison. License to purchase land granted to And'w Nicholls et al. 308 30 Memorial of. Att'y Gen. Richard Bradley concerning his salary referred. Petitions referred: of the owners of a tract in Orange county (see L. P. 10:78); of Capt. John Riggs (see L. P. 10:77); the latter subsequently granted. Gov. Montgomerie going to New Jersey. 313 1729 Mar. 10 Gov. Montgomerie returned. Sessions of the supreme court in New York city temporarily suspended on account of measles; warrant to issue to that effect. Petition of Burgher Myndertse jr (see L. P. 10:81) referred. 315 Ap. 10 Royal disallowance of an act of assembly. Ordinance regu- lating sessions of the courts of general sessions, and com- mon pleas to be prepared on representation made by the representatives, judges and justices of various counties. Letter from Gov. Burnet at Boston about French designs on Oswego. Letter from Gov. Montgomerie to Indian commissioners on the same subject. Patent granted to Rutger Bleecker et al (p. 280; see L. P. 10: [84]). License to purchase land granted to Abr'm van Home, Wm Pro- voost, Mary Burnet and Phil. Livingston (see L. P. 10:84). Warrants for salaries signed. Report on Att'y-Gen. Brad- ley's memorial (p. 308). Patent granted to Burgher Myndertse (p. 315). Proclamation to issue calling for the speedy paying of quitrents. 317 21 Supreme court further adjourned, upon the opinions of Doctors Johnson and Colden; writ to that effect to issue. 326 •May S-June 5 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:582-83). 327~29 June 5 Petition of Johan Peter Kinskern (see L. P. 10:88) referred. 329 12 Warrants for salaries etc signed. Mr Morris makes objec- tions to have the warrant for the chief justice signed as drawn. Warrant to Daniel Gautier for repairs in Fort George signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:583). 331 3o8 np:vv york state library 1729 V. 15 13 Legislative minutes (see Jour. IJ584). Paper of Mr Morris concerning manner of drawing warrants (see A^. Y . col. mss, 68:iig) rejected. License to purchase Indian land granted to Johan Peter Kinskern (p. 329). 335 19 Legislative minutes (see four. 1:584). 338 26 Royal mandamus appointing James de Lancey to the coun- cil; he is sworn in and takes his place. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:585). Lewis Morris jr suspended from the council for reading a scandalous paper before it (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:117, 121). 341 27 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:585). Petition of Fred'k Pellinger (see L. P. 10^89) referred. --345: 30-July 2 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:586). 346 July 2 Order upon representation hy the clerk of the council con- cerning his fees for engrossing private acts. 347 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:587). License to purchase Indian lands granted to Fred'k Pellinger (p. 345). 350 4-9 Legislative minutes (see /owr. 1:587-88). 352-55 9 Memorial from members of the assembly concerning the ordinance regulating sessions of the county courts referred. 355 10 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:589). Report on the above memorial recommending some alterations in the, ordi- nance, approved and a new ordinance to issue. 356 11 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:590). 360 M Auditor-general's account referred; subsequently warrant to him signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:590). 361 Sep. 10 Warrants for salaries signed. James Alexander objects to the signing of the warrant for the chief justice. Warrant to Daniel Gautier for repairs in Fort George signed. Petition of Vincent Matthews, John Cornwell, Samuel Heath and Abr'm Lodge (see L. P. 10:90-91) referred, and subse- quently granted. 364 29 Petition of Rutger and Nicholas Bleecker (see L. P. 10:96) referred and patent subsequently granted. Warrants signed to pay for firewood and candles to the frontier gar- risons; for Johannes Cuyler, Peter van Brugh and Stephen van Rensselaer. Robert Lurting and Henry Beeckman renominated mayor and sheriff of New York; John de Pey- ster mayor, Goose van Schaick sheriff of Albany. 367 Oct. 14 Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in. 309 18 Deposition of Richard Murphy master and owner of the galley Jenny of Dublin about mutiny of his chief mate with John McCullock and crew; order thereon. 369 CALENDAR OF COl'Nfir. MlNl'TES 1 668- 1 783 309 1729 Oct. 20 39 1730 Mar. 5 Ap. July 22 Vol. 16. 1729-34 Mr Ashfield agent for Richard Murphy, and Dr Richard Davis report that T\Iurphy is too ill to appear before the council for further examination. Examination of Wm McKinley, chief mate of the galley Jenney, of John Mc- Kinley second mate, of John McCullock supercargo, of James McCarroll and Wm Espy passengers. Examinations continued; of Peter Hagan mariner, Peter Stanley apprentice, Richard Carroll cabin boy, John Forbes passenger, Patrick McGan, Nidi's English apprentice: case referred. Report on the case of the galley Jenney and vote; accused discharged. The entry of the above in the minutes of council not to estab- lish a precedent. Court of chancery opened. Petitions granted: of John de Peyster (see L. P. iio:iog); of Richard Colburn Riggs (see L. P. 10:101); of Johan Peter Kinskern (see L. P. 10:98). 15 \ 17 / Warrants signed: for salaries; to Daniel Gautier for work in Fort George. Order concerning sessions of the supreme court. Petition of Thos. Williams, Corn's Jacobus Scher- merhorn and Lendert Conyne jr (see L. P. 10:105) re- ferred. Warrant of survey for land in Westchester county granted to Rich'd Warman, Wm Anderson, Lawrence Gardiner, Joshua Hanlock, John Clapp and John Ferris. Gov. Montgomerie takes the oath as chancellor. Royal mandamus dismissing Lewis Morris from and appointing Phil, van Cortlandt to the council (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:145); the latter is sworn in and takes his seat. Letter received from Henry Smith with examinations at Southold and Southampton concerning Samuel Booth firing at the sloop of John Baker; order that Judge Francis Harrison make inquiries about it. Petition of Abr'm van Home, Wm Provoost, Mary Burnet and Phil. Livingston (see L. P. 10:114) referred. Gov. Montgomerie intends going to New Jersey. Petition of Isaac Bobin and Abr'm Lodge (see L. P. 10:1131) referred. Order on petition of Thos. Williams et al (p. 17; see L. P. 10:116). Petitions of Abr'm van Home et al and of Isaac Bobin granted. [18] Warrants for salaries signed. Royal order for the restoration of all Spanish prizes (see N. Y. col. mss. 68:144). Letter from the duke of Newcastle to the same effect. Translation of the cedula of the king of Spain ordering the restoration of all English prizes (see N. Y. col. mss, 68:141); to be 310 ^'EW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1730 V. 16 printed in the New York gazette. Indian commissioners report that Jacob Brower has been murdered by an Onon- daga Indian near Oswego; order thereon. Order on peti- tion of Charles Butler (see L. P. 10:122). 22 Aug. 6 The Indian murder not to be meddled with until the gov- ernor goes to Albany. Hearing on caveat by Mathias van Alstyn vs patent to Thos. Williams (p. [18]). Petition of mayor etc of New York (see L. P. 10:130) referred. Petition of Jacob Burst and other palatines for a patent of pur- chased Indian lands referred and granted. 30 13 Report on the petition of mayor etc of New York (p. 30). 32 7 Discussion on the above petition. New charter granted to the city of New York. Hearing on the caveat of the city of Albany against a patent to Charles Butler (p. 22). 32 26 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:591). 36 Sep. 3 Warrants for salaries signed. Patent granted to Thos. Hen- ley, Nathan St John, Samuel Smith, Benj. Benedict, Rich'd Olmstead, Thos. Smith, Ebenezer Smith, Daniel Sherwood, Benj. Burt, Thos. Hyatt, Benj. Willson, Joseph Lee, Jos- eph, Timothy and Jonah Keiler, James Benedict, Rich'd Osburn, Daniel Olmsted, Matthew Seymour, Joseph Northrup, James Brown, Adam Ireland, John Thomas, ' Benj. Birdsell and others of Ridgefield. Connecticut line to be run; Cadw. Colden, Vincent Matthews and Gilbert Willett to be commissioners; Jacobus Bruyn jr deputy surveyor. ^7 16 Legislative minutes {see Jour. 1:592). Petitions referred and subsequently granted: of Gabriel and Wm Ludlow (see L. P. 10:134); of Corn's Cuyler and Wm Ketlyn (see L. P. 110:136); of Hartman Wendeker, Coenrad Contreman and Caspar Leng, distressed palatines (see L. P. 10:135). 40 24 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:5921). Petition of David Jamison (see L. P. 10:137) referred. 43 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:593). Order on petition of the Westenhook patentees about encroachments by Con- necticut. 44 29 Mayors and sheriffs of New York and of Albany renomi- nated. 48 Oct. I No more licenses to purchase Indian lands on the Mohawk river to be given, on representation of Indian commission- ers (see A''. Y. col. mss, 69:99). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:594). 49 8 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:595). 50 9 Order on petition of Peter Caverly (see L. P. 10:145). Legis- lative minutes (see Jour. 1:595). Warrant of survey granted to David Jamison (p. 43). 51 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 3I I 1730 ^ V. 16 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:596). Fred'k Morris sworn in as deputy secretary. Petition of Arent Bratt jr (see L. P. 10:146) to lie on the table. 54 14 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:597). Mayor and sheriff of New York sworn in; also aldermen John Cruger, Herm. van Gelder, Fred'k Philippse, Gerardus Stuyvesant, An- thony Rutgers and John Rosevelt and Recorder Francis Harrison as justices of the peace. Petition of Benj. Blagge (see L. P. 10:147) referred. 56 15 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:597). Petition of Elias Pipon (see L. P. 10:148). 57 16 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:598). Petition of Joseph Sackett and Joseph Sackett jr (see L. P. 10:150) referred. 59 17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:598). 61 21 Petition of Thos. Standard and Thos. Hammond (see L. P. 10:151) referred. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:599). 63 23-23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:599-600). 64-65 23 Patents granted: to Benj. Blagge (p. 56); to Joseph Sackett and Joseph Sackett jr (p. 59); to Thos. Standard and Thos. Hammond (p. 63). 65 24-28 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:600-1). 67-69 p. m. Proclamation to issue for the arrest of Solomon Jennings a horse thief (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:102). 69 29 Auditor-general's accounts referred and warrant subse- quently issued and signed. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:601). Minutes sent home. 70 Dec. 3 Warrants for salaries and services signed. The French re- ported as intending to build a fort at Tiederondequat. Jean Coeur among the Senecas. French fort at Crownpoint building. Order on these news. 72 1731 Jan. 4 John Connor convicted of felony pardoned. Petition of the Hon. Charles Boyle (see A''. Y. col. mss, 69:111) referred, and patent subsequently granted. 75 Feb. 11 Charter of the city of New York delivered to Robert Lurt- ing the mayor; John Cruger appointed deputy mayor. Ad- dress to the governor by Recorder Francis Harrison. 76 Ap. 7 Warrants for salaries signed. Barracks in Fort George need repairing; Daniel Gautier to make the repairs and warrant for paying signed. Additional instructions received by Gov. Montgomerie concerning destruction of the woods. Letter from the duke of Newcastle concernmg piracies ' committed by Spaniards; order thereon. Petition of John Avory, Corn's van Ness, John Lyndesay, Gerardus Stuyve- sant, Stephen van Rensselaer and Fred'k Morris for license 312 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1731 V. 16 to purchase Indian land on the east side of Hudson's river referred and granted. Additional instruction communi- cated by the governor concerning ecclesiastical jurisdiction to be exercised by the bishop of London or his commis- saries. 79 May 19 Gov. Montgomerie at Albany, Capt. Walter presides. Capt. Fred is reported as having brought negroes sick w^ith smallpox from Jamaica and is examined; order thereon. 84 25 Quarantine measures. 87 June 3 Gov. Montgomerie returned. Warrants for salaries etc signed. James Coden and Mathias de Hart appointed pilots. Warrant of survey granted to Johs. van Alst (see L. P. 10:154). Petition of John Lindsay et al (see L. P. 10:155) referred; date fixed for hearing a caveat by the cor- poration of Albany against it. Petition of James Wallace (see L. P. 10:1621) referred. Order on petition of John Fred (see A''. Y. col. mss, 69:124). Indenture between New York and Connecticut concerning the boundary line; also description of monuments. 87 24 Patent granted to James Wallace (p. 87). Petitions referred: of Petrus van Driesen and Johs. Ehl (see L. P. 10:162); of Corn's Cuyler and Wm Kettelhuyn (see L. P. 10:164); of Daniel Kettelhuyn and Thomas Sharp (see L. P. 10:167); of Charles Boyle (see L. P. 10:166). Quitrent for land granted to Chas. Boyle fixed. Caveat being entered against a patent to Daniel Ketelhuyn and Thomas Sharp by John Lindsay, petition to lie on the table. Patent granted to Corn's Cuyler and Wm Kettelhuyn. License to purchase land granted to Petrus van Driesen and Johs. Ehl. Capt. John Fred's vessel to be sunk for the purpose of cleaning it from infection (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:127). John Kirten son of Wm Kirten deceased appointed pilot. , 107 July I Gov. John Montgomerie dead; Rip van Dam presides; com- mission of the late governor and his instructions read; pro- clamation to issue announcing the death and confirming all officers in their places. Members not present called to attend. Seal of the province etc delivered to Rip van Dam. George Clarke, Arch'd Kennedy, Jaines de Lancey and Charles Hume [Home] to take an inventory of Gov. Montgomerie's estate. ill 2 Messrs Kennedy and van Cortlandt to inspect the stores and make an inventory of them. Rip van Dam sworn in as president; James de Lancey as second justice, and Fred'k Philippse third justice of the supreme court. [This page follows p. 122 in the manuscript minutes]. 113 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 3I3 1731 V. 16 6 No will made by Gov. Montgomerie to be found, letters of administration are to be given to Charles Home. 113 10 Charles Boyle, Capt. Wm Dick and John Scott to be sureties for Charles Home. 114 27 Order on memorial of Peter Soumans (see A^. Y. col. mss, 69:137). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:6021). Order on petition of Mary Price, widow of Lieut. John Price (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:138). Petition of Jenneke Creggier (see L. P. 10:168) referred. Warrant to John Miller the late governor's gardener for work in the garden; he is to con- tinue until the arrival of a new governor. 115 Aug. 21 Indian affairs. War rumors in Albany. Wai*rants: to Chas. Home for the late governor's salary; to Jobs. Cuyler, Peter van Brugh, Stephen van Rensselaer and John de Peyster for firewood and candles to Albany, Schenectady and Fort Hunter garrisons. Answer of Sheriff Henry Beektjian to Peter Soumans' complaint (p. 115; see N. Y. col. mss, 69:139) delivered. II7 10 Pay of independent companies. Petitions referred: of Bur- ger Huick and 9 others (see L. P. 10:170); of the corpora- tion of Albany (see L. P. 10:169): the first subsequently granted and order made on the second. 118 17 Assembly adjourned. Francis Pelham justice of the peace in Westchester county suspended and removed from office (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:131). 121 20 Assembly adjourned. 121 24 Assembly adjourned to meet the next day at the house of Harmanus Rutgers in the Bowr}^ lane, outward. 122 25 Legislative minutes (see four. 1:603). Royal instruction concerning attendance of members of the council. Peti- tions referred: of Rob't Livingston' jr, Peter Livingston, John Cruger. Henry Cuyler and Edward INIan (see L. P. 10:173); oi John van der Spiegel, Wm Smith and John Borghart (see L. P. 10:171). 122 Sep. 3 Legislative minutes (see lottr. 1:604). Petition of Thos. Smith (see L. P. 10:175) referred. Pay of independent companies. Salary of the president under consideration (see A^ Y. col. mss, 69:146). 125 4 Report of comrhittee on the salary of the president; ap- proved. Supply of gunpowder needed. 128 7 License to purchase Indian land granted to Jannetie Cregier (p. 115). Order on the petition of John van der Spiegel et al (p. 1122). Patent granted to Thos. Smith (p. 125). Petition of Rob't Livingston jr et al (p. 122) rejected. 3,14 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1731 V. 16 Account of Herm. Wendall for victualling the troops at Oswego referred. 129 13-14 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:604-6). I3i~35 14 List of papers laid before the assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:144). 135 1.5-17 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:606). 137-38 17 Salary of the president under consideration; warrant to him and for other salaries signed. Warrant to Indian commis- sioners and to James O'Brien surgeon at Oswego to lie on the table. Petitions referred: of Tunis van Sleyck and Peter Lodowick (see L. P. 10:178); of Hartman Win- deckef, Coenrat .Contreman and Caspar Leyp (see L. P. ; Ii:i)j of Stephen van Cortlandt, Wm Provoost, Rich'd van Dam, Rich'd Hansen, Rob't Livingston jr and Daniel Kettelhuyn (see L. P. 10:177); of Johs. de Wandelaer (see L. P. 10:176); of John van der Spiegel et al (p. 122). 138 18-20 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:607-8). 142-44 20 Warrant to Jas. O'Brien surgeon at Oswego signed. 144 21 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:608). License to purchase Indian land granted to John van der Spiegel et al (p. 138). Petition of Stephen van Cortlandt et al (p. 138) rejected. Order on petition of Tunis van Sleyck (p. 138). Patent granted to Hartman Windecker et al (p. 138). Petition of Johs. de Wandelaer (p. 138) to lie on the table. 145 22 Legislative minutes (see /own 1:609). Petitions referred: of Henry van Rensselaer (see L. P. 11:2); of Jurch [George] Hough, Hendrick Set, Wm Foex and Roelof Steel (see L. P. ri:5). 148 23 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:609). Petition of Henry van Rensselaer (p. 148) granted. License to purchase Indian land granted to Jurch Hough et al (p. 148). War- rants: to Indian commissioners for necessary expenses; to Johs. Cuyler, Peter van Brugh, Stephen van Rensselaer and John de Peyster for firewood and candles to Albany garrison. Goods come for Gov. Montgomerie from Eng- land to be inventoried. 149 24 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:609). Warrant to Arent Stevens for services as Indian interpreter at Oswego as per certificate of Capt. Edmund Blood, commanding there (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:125). 151 p.m. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:610). Petition of Abr'm van Home, Wm Provoost, Rob't Livingston and Mary Burnet (see L. P. 11:3-4) referred, and subsequently I granted. 152 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 315 1731 V. 16 25 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:610). Petition of Petrus van Driesen and Johs. Ehl (see L. P. 11:6) referred. 154 29 Robert Lurting renominated mayor, Henry Beeckman sherif? and Richard Nicholls coroner of New York; Hans Hansen nominated mayor, coroner and clerk of the market, James Stevenson sheriff of Albany. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:610). iPetition of Petrus van Driesen et al (p. 154) to lie on the table. I55 30 Warrants signed: to Herm. Wenoall for victualling troops at Oswego; to Arent Stevens Indian interpreter. Legis- lative minutes (see Jour. 1:611). Minutes sent home. 158 Oct. 7 Warrants signed: to Gabriel Ludlow clerk and to Dirck Egbertse doorkeeper of the assembly for salaries (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:154). Lancaster Symes and Corn's Cuyper summoned before the council on a deposition of Justice Edw'd Sands of Orange, that Symes had said at Cuyper's house " God damn King George; is he a king? no." 160 II Warrant to James O'Brien for service as surgeon at Oswego signed. Supreme court adjourned on account of smallpox in the city. Inquiry to be made concerning warrants is- sued to Gov. Montgomerie for repairs in the fort etc, now in the hands of Charles Home. 161 14 Robert Lurting sworn in as mayor; John Cruger appointed deputy mayor of New York. 163 21 Lancaster Symes does not appear as ordered (p. 160) and new charges having been brought against him of mal- feasance as justice of the peace, he is again summoned. Affidavit of Thos. Husk against Thos. Pullen (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:160) referred to Judge Corn's Herring of Orange county. Order on petition of Samuel Baker and affidavits of Wm Henry and Thos. Fowler and Joseph Green (see N. Y. col. mss, 69:150-53). 163 Nov. II Petitions referred: of Jurch Miller, Hendrick Windecker, Peter Deygert and Coenradt Coltman (see L. P. 11:16); of Fred'k Bell and Hendrick Hager (see L. P. 11:24); of John Jurch Kast jr and Jacob Hilts (see L. P. 11:25). Petition of Abr'm van Deurson et al (see A''. Y. col. mss, 70:5) re- jected. 165 13 Lancaster Symes before the council; clears himself of the charge of disaffection: examination to continue. 167 15 Lancaster Symes before the council. Complaints received from Joseph Clement of Oswego against the commanding officer there for wasting the provisions: Robert Dunbar also complains of Capt. Smith's allowing Frenchmen to inspect the fort at Oswego; order thereon. 168 / 3l6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1731 V. 16 Dec. 2 Discussion as to the president's salary. Petitions referred: of Jurch Hough, Hendrik Sex, Wm Foex and Roeloff Steel (see L. P. ii:i8); of Nath'l Hazard jr (see L. P. Ii:i7). I/O 9 President's salary. Proclamation to issue adjourning the assembly. 171 1.3 Examination of Lancaster Symes postponed. 171 23 Petitions referred: of John Collins et al (see L. P. 11:26); of Gabriel Ludl?)w jr (see L. P. 11:22). Reports on peti- titions: of Jurch Miller & Co. (p. 165); of Fred. Bell et al p. 165); of John .Jurch Kast jr & Co. (p. 165); of Jurch Hough (p. 170); of Nath'l Hazard jr (p. 170); of John Collins; and of Gabriel Ludlow (p. 170). 172 1732 Feb. 4 Letter received from the governor of Boston in relation to Crownpoint; inquiry to be made whether Crownpoint belongs to the river Indians* or to the five nations. Royal order disallowing an act of assembly. Assembly ad- journed. Petition of John van der Spiegel, Wra Smith and John Borghghart (see L. P. 11:28) referred and patent subsequently granted. Order on petition of justices of the common pleas in Sufifolk county. 173 7 Salary of the president fixed and warrants for it and other salaries signed. 178 II Measures to prevent French encroachments on Lake Cham- plain. Petition of Henry Lane, John Spratt, Rob't Ellis- ton and Fred'k Morris (see L. P. 11:29) referred. Assem- bly prorogued. 179 Mar. 13 Warrants for salaries signed. Petition of Samuel Heath, Wm Wallace and John Kelly (see L. P. 11:30) referred and patents subsequently granted to them, and to Henry Lane et al (p. 179). Assembly adjourned. 180 Ap. 18 Warrants to Anne Wendell executor of Hermanns Wendell deceased for victualling troops at Oswego signed. 182 28 Petitions referred: of John Lawrence (see L. P. 11:34); of John' Anderson (see A^. Y. col. mss, 70:14) ; of Thos. Hanley and others (see L. P. 11:33); reports on these petitions agreed to. Warrant to Harme Vedder for services as Indian interpreter at Oswego in the winter of 1729-30, cer- tified to by Capt. Wm Helling commanding there. 183 May 5 Assembly adjourned. Order on petition of Francis Harrison as attorney for Sir Joseph Eyles against the petition of Thos. Hanley and others (p. 183). 185 19 Letter from Wm Cosby -appointed governor of New York relating to pay of independent companies; order thereon. 186 CALENDAR OF COL-NCI L MINUTES 1668-I783 317 1732 June 6 July 3 21 26 Aug. I p. m. -8 10 23 24 Warrants for salaries signed. Nolle prosequi to be entered in re John Wickham, justice in Suffolk county, charged with neglect of duty. Assembly adjourned. IMembers of the asseml)ly in town called for a conference on appropriations for the support of troops at Oswego. War- rant to Rip van Dam for firewood etc to New York gar- rison signed. His further accounts referred to the assem- bly. Petition of Petrus van Driesen and Jobs. Ehl (see L. P. II :3^). 40 Warrant to Mathew Beeckman for transporting soldiers to Oswego. Order on petition of Thos. Williams and Edw'd Collins (see L. P. 11:167). Minutes sent home. ' 42 Addition to the proclamation of Nov. 5 (p. 14). Accounts of the auditor-general examined and warrant signed. War- rants for salaries signed. 46 Additional instruction to Gov. Cosby that the surveyors gejieral of customs shall be members of the councils in the colonies; John Peagrum present surveyor general sworn in and takes his seat. Patent of incorporation granted to the church at Hempstead (see A^". Y. col. mss, 70:1311). License to purchase Indian lands granted to Jacob Glen et al (see L. P. 111:177). John de Peyster and John Schuy- ler appointed commissaries for victualling the troops at Oswego. 48 Paul Richards appointed mayor vice Robert Lurting de- ceased. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to John Groesbeck, Peter Wagenaer et al (see L. P. 11:180); to Wm Dick (see L. P. 11:181); to Lieut. Walter Butler and Greetje Vrowman (see L. P. 111:182). 51 Royal order confirming an act of assembly. Draft of patent to Hempstead church (p. 48) referred and subsequently approved. Gov. Cosby is going to New Jersey. 53 Warrants for salaries signed. Mistake in drawing warrant to Matthew Beeckman on the wrong fund rectified. Gov. Cosby intending to go to Albany nominates Paul Richards as mayor, Capt. Wm. Cosby sheriff and Rich'd NichoUs coroner of New York; Edw'd Holland mayor and John Lindesay sheriff of Albany. Patent granted to Aron Stephens and John Lindesay (see L. P. 11:185.). 55 Nominations for mayors etc of New York and Albany made as above. 57 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:652). 57 Account of moneys appropriated for military purposes called for. Warrant to Surgeon Chas. Kerr for services at CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 325 1735 V. 17 Oswego signed. Petition of Lieut. Paschal Nelson (see A''. Y. col. niss, 70:141) referred. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Arch'd Kennedy and Lewis John- ston (see L. P. 11:189). Nov. 3 Patent granted to David Schuyler and John Lindcsay (see L. P. 11:190). Report on the petition of Lieut. Paschal Nelson (p. 58; see A'. ]'. col. viss, 70:145); order thereon. Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:652). 4-7 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:653-54). 64-66 7 Patent granted to Peter de Lancey and John Lindesay (see L. P. 11:191). 66 8 Legislative minutes (see Joar. 1:655). 69 24 Gov. Cosby ill and the council meet in his bedroom. Rip Van Dam suspended from the council. ^Minutes sent home 1736 Mar. 10 Ap. Gov. Cosbv dead. George Clarke elected to act as president, James Alexander not voting; he is sworn in and takes the chair. Proclamation to issue giving notice of Gov. Cosby's death and confirming all officers in their places. Seal commission etc delivered to President Clarke; also seal of New Jersey. Communication received from j\Ir Home, secretary of New Jersey, concerning the seal of that province and Cosby's commission of it; order thereon. Assembly adjourned. Patents granted: to Wm Bowen, Jacob Glen and John Lindesay (see L. P. 12:2); to John Groes- beck, Peter Wagenaer, David Schuyler, John Enipie, Stephen van Rensselaer and Gerardus Beeckman (see L. P. 12:4). Patents granted: to James Stringham (see L. P. 11:193); to John Schuyler and Neltje Bradt, widow of Jochim Bradt . (see L. P. 12:37). Petition of John Lindesay and Phil Livingston (see L. P. ia:8) to lie on the table. Order con- cerning purchases of Indian lands. Patrick Lithgow ex dem Wm Nicoll defendant in error vs Brinley Sylvester. Patrick Lithgow ex dem Wm Nicoll and Ruth Dwight defendants in error vs Brinley Sylvester. Warrants for salaries signed. Order in relation to " coun- terparts " of bills of credit found in the warehouse of Rob't Lurting deceased. Counterfeited dollars found in the secretary's office: order thereon. Brinley Sjdvester vs Patrick Lithgow etc in error (see N. Y. col. mss, 71:14). Petitions of Joseph Sackett (see L. P. 12:9) referred. Order on petition of freeholders of Orange county complaining against James Jackson judge of the common pleas. 58 60 74 79 83 8.^ S6 J 326 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1736 V. 17 27-May 4 Assembly adjourned. 87-88 6 Patents granted: to John Lindesay and Phil. Livingston \J (p- 79); to Joseph Sackett (p. 86). Patrick Lithgow etc A's Brinley Sylvester. Indian affairs; South Carolina In- dians want to make a treaty with the five nations (see N. Y. col. mss, 71:20). 89 13 Account of the revenue called for. Petition of John de Pey- ster and Johannes Lawyer (see L. P. 12:11) referred. 91 16 Report concerning the counterparts of bills of credit found (p. 83). Patent granted to John, de Peyster and Johannes Lawyer (p. 91). Oath taken by the president a:s chancellor. Tools for Oswego. ga 20 Order on petition of freeholders of Orange county against Judge James Jackson. Petition of Adoniah Schuyler (see L. P. 12:18) referred. g6 2y Indian affairs. Minutes sent home.' 98 June 10 Provision to be made for Mrs Cosby widow of the late gov- ernor. Mrs Cosby^ makes a present to the government of the queen's picture. Account of the revenue to be filed (see N. Y. col. mss, 71:24). Furniture for the council cham- ber to be bought. Petition of Lieut. Walter Butler re- ferred, and license to purchase Indian lands subsequently granted (see L. P. 12:115-16). Accounts of the auditor- general examined and warrant signed. Patent for a ferry from Staten Island to Elizabethtown granted to Adoniah Schuyler (p. 96). Warrants for salaries signed. 99 15 Letters received from the duke of Newcastle and from Mr Oglethorpe about the settlement in Georgia and Spanish designs; order thereon. 102 17 Proclamation against supplying provisions to the Spaniards to be printed. Patent granted to Wm Dick, Fred'k Mor- ris, Alex'r Colden, Elizabeth Colden, Wm Cosby, Tim'y Bagley, Charles Williams and John Lyne (see L. P. 12:20). Warrants signed: to President Clarke for council chamber furniture; to commissaries for victualling troops at Oswego. 104 26 Pardon granted to Marg't Glass convicted of felony on the application of Mrs Cosby. Petition of Lieut. Walter Butler (see L. P. 12:31) to lie on the table. Petition of Richard Nicholls (see L. P. 12:29) granted. 106 July r Patent granted to Lieut. Walter Butler (p. 106). 108 15 Patent granted to Thos. Noxon (see L. P. 12:34). 108 24 Assembly adjourned. Draft of patent to Adoniah Schuyler (p. 96, 99) approved. Daniel Horsmanden appointed judge J of the court of vice admiralty. Patrick Lithgow etc vs Brinley Sylvester. no CALENDAR OF COIXCIK MIXL'TKS 1668-I783 327 1736 V. 17 29 Patrick Lithgow etc vs Brinley Sylvester. Dan'l Ilorsman- ^ den sworn in as judge of the admiralty. ill Aug. 5 Patent granted to James Mounell (see L. F. 12:37). License to purchase Indian land of John Wemp (see L. P. 12:38). Warrant to issue to Dr Shuckburg surgeon of the four independent companies for medicines furnished to the gar- rison at Oswego. 112 Sep. I4r-I5 Assembly adjourned. 1 13-14 23 Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to James Hen-- derson and John Lindesay (see L. P. 12:44); to Wouter Vrooman (see L. P. 1,2:43). Patent to Fred'k Morris and Samuel Heath (see L. P. 12:41). Orders on petitions: of John Wemp (see L. P. 12:40); of Thos. Hunt jr (see L. P. 12:42). x\ccount of John de Peyster for supplies to Oswego garrison (see A''. Y. col. mss, 71:33-34) referred. Warrant to Dr Shuckburg (p. 112) signed. Fees for reports on peti- tions fixed. 115 29 Paul Richard appointed mayoj;;, Wm Cosby sheriff, Rich'd Nicholls coroner, of New^ York; Edw'd Holland mayor, John Lindesay slxerifif of Albany. 118 30 Report on Oswego accounts (see N. Y. col. mss, 70:35) ap- proved and warrants to pay them ordered. Rip van Dam appoints municipal officers: Corn's van Home maj'^or, Wm Smith recorder, Rich'd Ashfield sheriff, Richard Nicholls coroner, of New York. Alderman Jobs. Burger delivers a copy of Rip van Dam's appointments to Wm. Sharpas. Absent members of council called to attend. Pro- clamation to issue to admonish all ofiticers and to warn them against Rip van Dam. 119 p. m. Draft of above proclamation referred. 122 Oct. I Proclamation approved and ordered published. Instruction relating to the attendance of members of the council. Gun- powder to be purchased. 122 5 Equipments and camp utensils to be bought for the garri- son of Fort George. 124 6 Account of military stores to be taken. 124 7 Hearing on the objections, made by the mayor of West- chester against patent to Thos. Hunt jr (p. 1115) postponed. License to purchase Indian lands granted to James Hen- derson and John Jost Petri (see L. P. 12:44). Necessaries to be bought for the garrison of Fort George. 125 12 Assembly adjourned. 127 13 Additional instruction to President Clarke relating to the form of prayer for the royal family (see .V. )'. col. mss, 71:44). - 127 328 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1736 14 15 . 16 19 Nov. 4 Dec. 2 1737 Jan. 6 Feb. 24 Mar. 3 24 V. 17 Hearing of caveat by the corporation of Albany against patent to John Wemp (p. 115) postponed. Legislative minutes (ste Jour. 1:661). 128 Petition of Thos. Hunt jr (p. 115) rejected. 133 Albany against John Wemp (p. 115, 128) heard, but not decided. 133 Petitions received: from settlers near Fort Hunter about building a fort at the carrying place; from Oswego traders in behalf of Surgeon Charles Kerr; both referred to the assembly. - 135 Geo. Clarke appointed lieutenant governor, takes the usual oaths and publishes his commission at the city hall. 136 Memorial of Dr Cadw. Colden concerning purchases of In- dian lands (see N. Y. col. mss, 71 -.6$) referred. Petition of Wm Cosby and Charles Clinton (see L. P. 12:49) referred. 137 Patent granted to Wm. Cosby and Charles Clinton (p. 137). Henry Holland and Rensselaer Nicoll appointed assistant justices of the common pleas at Albany vice Phil. Schuy- ler and Edw'd Holland, resigned. 137 Assembly to be prorogued henceforth instead of being ad- journed. A freeholder to be appointed sheriff of West- chester county. Patent granted to Chief Justice James de Lancey, John Lindesay, Paschall Nelson, Jacob Glen and Wm Bowen (see L. P. 12:50). 139 License to purchase Indian lands granted to John Poole, Timothy Green, Martin van Bergen et al (see L. P. 12:51). 140 Report on the memorial of Dr Colden (p. 137). 141 Patents granted: to Samuel van Home (see L. P. 12:63); conditionally to Thos. Ellison, and to John Sackett and James Stringham (see L. P. 12:6111). License to purchase Indian lands to Valentine Herman andFred'k Romo (see L. P. 12:62). 143 Thos. Broughton of South Carolina writes that he has nev^s from Commodore Dent at Jamaica of Spanish designs against Georgia. Proclamation to issue forbidding the sale of provisions etc to the Spaniards. 146 Proclamation approved. No vessels to be cleared for St Augustine. 147 License to purchase Indian lands granted to Cloude de la Metre, Thos. Nottingham, Wm. Leggitt, George Ingoldsby and Isaac van Alstyne (see L. P. 12:70). 148 The mayor of New York ordered to impress seamen for the Tartar man-of-war, Capt. Norris commanding; a committee to inquire about desertions from the ship. 149 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 329 1737 29 30 Ap. 4 5 6 14 28 May 3 26 June 15 Ausr. 2 June 24 Albany Aug. 25 Ft George 26 Sep. 2 14 Assembly prorogued. Proclamation to issue for a day of thanksgiving (see iV. Y. col. mss, 71:78). Mayor of New York writes to Capt. Norris that he cannot comply with the order of the 24th (p. 149) and the coun- cil decides it has mo power in the matter. Above decision of council reiterated on a new letter from Capt. Norris. Deposition of Capt. Abr'm Kipp (see A^. Y. col. mss, 71:80). Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:675). Warrant of survey granted David Abrahamscn Schuyler, Fred'k Morris, Charles Williams, Thos. Clarke, Edw'd Col- lins and Sarah Williams (16:204). Petition of Simon John- son, John Auboyneau and James Faviere (see A^^. Y. col. mss, 71:81) and ai^davit by Jobs. Martimus van Harlingen (see L. P. 12:65) read. Warrant of survey granted to Thos. Ellison (see L. P. 12:71). Indian affairs; treaty between the five nations and the Vir- ginia Indians (Cherriquees and Cattabaws) ; French trying to get a foothold at Tierondequat; order thereon. Assembly prorogued. Assembly dissolved. Minutes sent home. Writs for election of a new assembly to be issued. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Capt. Pfeter Warren, Alex'r Ramsey and Wm. Tattum (see L. P. 12:79). War- rant of survey to James Stringham and John Sackett (see L. P. 12:80). Letter received from the lords of trade concerning Massachu- setts and New Hampshire boundaries; order thereon. Rules made in regard to patents for land for which purchase licenses had been granted (16:312). Indian affairs; the French have received permission to build at Tierondequat. Assembly meets. Patent granted to Wm Corry late of Ireland for land at or near Aries creek, Tienonderoga creek, Godority patent and Schoharie. Gov. Clarke's speech to the five nations about permission given to the French to build at Tierondequat (see A''. Y. col. mss, 71:85, 87). Letters received, from Phil. Severne English consul at Sallee to Macky and Smith at Cadiz, and from these to Guilian Verplanck, about Edw'd Burrows master of the sloop Happy of Bermuda (see A''. Y. col. mss, 71:90-92). Examination of the above Edward Burrows; order thereon. Legislative minutes (see lotir. 1:681). Order on petition of inhabitants of New York city -(see A''. Y. col. mss, 71:95). 17 151 153 154 155 160 164 167 167 170 173 173 177 178 184 330 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1737 V. 17 15 Wm Cosby sheriff of New York heard on the above peti- tion; council advises not to intermeddle in the matter. 189 26 Petition from Albany about securing the frontiers referred to the assembly. Military stores to be inspected. License to purchase Indian land granted to Wm Corry (see L. P. 12:94). Patent to John Lindesay, Jacob Roseboom, Leen- dert Gansevoort and Sybrant van Schaick (see L. P. 12:93). 192 29 Mayor etc of New York, and of Albany renominated. War- rants signed: to Henry Koster for salary as commissary at Oswego; to Peter Schuyler as same; to Arch'd Fisher and to James Henderson for medicines furnished to the garrison there. 195 Oct. 6 Patent granted to John Wemp, the caveat by th^e corpora- tion of Albany having been withdrawn. 197 10 Warrants signed: for salaries; for supplies and incidentals at Oswego; all for a year past. 197 13 Order on a petition from Schenectady (see L. P. 12:99). Patent granted to John Lindesay (see L. P. i3:ioo). 204 114 Patent granted to Jacob Lansingh, Abr'm Lansingh and Jacob Glen (see L. P. 12:100). 207 18 Patent granted to Zacharias Hoffman and Evert Derwilliger (see L. P. 12:95). 208 28 Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to John Jurie Kast jr, John Wendell jr, George Seypel and Peter Sney- der (see L. P. 112:103); to Arent van Dyck, Barent van Beuren, Leendert Conyn jr and Johan Coenrat Petri (see L. P. 12:104); to Henry van Rensselaer jr, Hendrick Wemp and Arent Stephens (see L. P. 12:105). 211 Nov. 22 Patents granted: to Aaron Bradt (see L. P. 12:1,16); to Wm Kettelhuyn, Kilian de Ridder, Gerrit de Rider and Wal- raven Gluts (see L. P. 1:2:112-13); to Valentine Herman and Fred. Romo (see L. P. 12:115). Petition of Micajah Town- send and Wm Hawkshust (see A^. Y. col. niss, 71:117) read. Order on petition of Phil. Livingston for a certificate (see A^. Y. col. mss, 71:116). Warrants to the Indian commis- sioners for salaries. 213 Dec. 6 Patent granted to John Schuyler jr, Phil. Schuyler, Stephen Bayard, Samuel Bayard jr, James Stephenson and John Livingston (see L. P. 12:121). License to purchase In- dian lands to Jobs, van Deurson and Jobs, van der Poel (see L. P. 112:120); renewal of such license to Timothy Green and Martin van Bergen (see L. P. 12:119). 219 13 Petition of Coenrat Frank for land on the south side of the Mohawk river to lie on the table. 223 16 Legislative minutes (see lour. 1:712). 224 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 33I 1738 V. 17 Jan. 5 Sessions of the circuit courts in the various counties set- tled; ordinance for it to be prepared. Questions concern- ing the province from tlic lords of trade; referred to dif- ferent committees. 226 18 Ordinance concerning sessions of circuit courts read and approved. 2,32 -Mar. 16 Patents granted: to Charles Boyle (see L. P. 12:128); to James Henderson sr, James Henderson jr and John Linde- say (see L. P. 13:125); to Phil. Livingston (see L. P. 12:126); licenses to purchase Indian lands to Aaron Bradt, Volkert van Veghten, Gerrit Cornelise van der Bergh, Hen- drick Vrooman, Myndert Wemp, Abr'm Mebee, John Hen- drick Clarke jr, Arent Stephens, Leendert Helmer and Nich's Pickett (see L. P. i3:ii2q); to Henry van Rensse- laer jr, Hendrick Wemp, Abr'm Truax and Arent Stephens (see L. P. 12:127). 233 Ap. 4 Assembly to be prorogued. 238 5 Assembly prorogued. 238 6 Hearings on the petitions: from Schenectady (p. 204; see L. P. 12:123); Wouter Vrooman (p. 115); the first to be granted, the latter dismissed. 239 17 Royal commission received for settling the difficulties be- tween Connecticut and the Mohegan Indians; meeting ap- pointed. ■ 241 May 5 Customhouse officers to search the sloops of Abr'm Kipp and Edw'd Griffith for goods forbidden to be exported. Depositions of Abr'm Kipp master of the sloop Don Car- los, of David Griffith master of the sloop Jacob, of Lewis Thibon, of John Lush master of the sloop Georgia Packet, concerning Spanish designs upon Georgia (see N. Y. col. inss, 72:54-57). Proclamation to issue forbidding supplies being carried to St Augustine (see N. Y. col. mss, 72:61). Patent granted to Arent Bradt and Jacob Glen (see 'L. P. 12:132). Petition of Joseph Carpenter and John Lattin (see L. P. 12:133) to lie on the table. Royal order confirming an act of assembly. 243 8 Rhode Island commissioners agree upon the date fixed by New York commissioners in the Connecticut-Mohegans matter (see N. Y. col. mss, 72:52-53). Sloop of David Griffith not to be cleared. Examinations of shipmasters continued; Thos. Pemiston of the sloop Eagle (see N. Y. col. tnss, 72:58). 258 18 Sloops of Abr'm Kipp and David Griffith may be cleared under bond upon representation of their owner, 'Sir Wal- ton. Chief Justice de Lancey to be present at the meeting 332 1738 19 June 6 24 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY V. 17 27 Aug. 22 Sep. 29 p. m. Oct. 5 17 of the commissioners for settling Mohegans-Connecticut difficulties. Order in re Burger Huyck et al (16:118). 261 Capt. James Tucker of the sloop Midnight, and Alex'r Hext examined in regard to the Spanish intentions against Georgia (see A''. Y. col. mss, 72:59-60). Proclamation of May 5th rescinded (see A''. Y. col. mss, 72:63). 265 Assembly prorogued (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 72:69). 271 George Clarke jr appointed secretary, and Fred'k Morris his deputy; the latter sworn in. Examination of shipmasters; Wm Seymour of the sloop Johanna, and Joseph Hinson of the sloop Mary concerning smallpox in the West Indies (see N. y. col. mss, 72:70-71). Quarantine measures. 271 John Hunt, of the brigantine St Peter examined (see N. Y. col. mss, 721:72). Vessels from the West Indies and from South Carolina to be quarantined near Bedlars (Bedloes) island. 276 Indian affairs; five nations not to go to Virginia to make • treaties (see A''. Y. col. mss, 72:77-78). License to purchase Indian lands granted to Eben'r Holly, Solomon Carpenter, George Wood and Wm Fin (see L. P. 12:158). Patents to Cadw. Colden jr, and Coenrat Rightmeyer (see L. P. 12:159); to Johannes van Deurson and Johs. van der Poel (see L. P. 12:160). 279 Simon Johnson proposed for mayor, James Livingston for sheriff of New York; both rejected: Wm Cosby preferred as sheriff; Richard Nicholls nominated coroner. Patent granted to John Lindesay (see L. P. 12:164). Order on petition of Robert Hunt (see L. P. 12:165). Warrants signed: to Surgeon Charles Kerr for services at Oswego; to commissioners for victualling troops there; to Lieut. Paschall Nelson for salary as commissary there. 282 Edward Holland nominated mayor, John Lindesay sheriff of Albany. 285 Petition of the sachems of the Seneca country for a pastor; referred to the assembly. License to purchase Indian land granted to Capt. Edw. Clarke (see L. P. 12:163). 286 Patents granted: to Alex'r Montgomerie, Alex'r McNaught, Peter McArthur, Daniel Carmichil and 26 others lately arrived from North Britain (see L. P. 12:170); to John Mc- Neal (see L. P. 12:168); to Ronald Campbell (see L. P. 13:1); to Anne, Sarah, Catherine, George, Elizabeth and Mary Bradley, children of the late Att'y-Gen. Richard Bradley (see L. P. 12:167). Petition, of John Thomas (see L. P. 12:169) tabled. 290 Legislative minutes (see Jour. 1:724). 295 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 333 1738 V. 17 1739 Feb. 9 Royal mandamus appointing Geo. Clarke jr to the council vice Francis Harrison resigned. Patent granted to Tim- othy Bagley, John Watts and George Lurting (see L. P. 13:6). Order on petition of John Thomas (see L. P. ly.S)- Warrants for military expenses at Albany, Schenectady, Fort Hunter and Oswego signed. 3.1inutes sent home by Capt. Bryant. 301 Royal order repealing an act of assembly. Assembly dis- solved; writs for election of a new one to issue. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Geo. Ingoldsby, Timothy Bagley, Rich'd Nicholls, Fred'k Morris, Rich'd Shuckburgh, Alex'r Colhoun, Chas. O'Neile, Jas. Lyne, Arent Stephens, Leendert Lansing, John Baptist van Eps jr, Dow Fonda, Abr'm Truax, Rob't Todd, Wm Eng- lish and Alex'r Malcolme (see L. P. 13:18); to Leonard Gansdeworth, Gerrit Corn's van der Bergh, Abr'm Wen- dall, Abr'm Dow, Dow Fonda, Jobs. Hun, Jacob Wendall et al (see L. P. 13:17). Patent to Phil. Livingston, John de Peyster, Cadw. Colden jr, John Joseph Petri, John Lindesa-^ and James Henderson (see L. P. 13:17). 305 VoL 18, 1736-40 Legislative minutes of council from Oct. 14, 1736 to Nov. 3, 1740 printed in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York, 1:661-767. 1739 Vol. 19, 1739-44 Mar. I Order on petition of Capt. John Budd, Hachaliah Brown and Jonathan Brown (see A^. Y. col. mss, 72:101). 27 Table of fees for the ferry from Rye to Oysterbay approved (see L. P. 13:24). Ap. 14 Gov. Clarke not to go to Albany and meet the Indians be- cause of smallpox in town. Assembly to adjourn for the same reason. Minutes sent home. May 17 Patents granted: to Corn's du Bois (see L. P. 13:27); to Edward Clarke (see L. P. 13:28); to Jas. Henderson and Philipp Livingston (see L. P. 13:29); to Arent Bratt et al (see L. P. 13:30). License to purchase Indian lands to Samuel Burn and William Helen (see L. P. 13:31). Peti- tion of James de Lancey and Edw'd Collins (see L. P. 13:33) granted. Petition of Jeremiah Dunbar (see L. P. 13:34)- Indian affairs (see N. Y. col. mss, 72:107-9). 21 Indian affairs; French intrigues. Answer of Dr Cadw. Colden to the petition of Jeremiah Dunbar (see L. P. 13:35-36); order thereon. 334 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1739 June 28 July 3 6 Aug. 8 14 17 p. m. 26 Sep. 29 Oct. 24 25 Nov. 7 Dec. 6 V. 19 Patent granted to Edw'd Clarke (see L. P. 13:42;. License to purchase Indian land to Charles Boyle (see L. P. 13:43). Order on a petition of John Auboyneau, Corn's Clopper and Widow Ann McKnight (see A^. Y. col. mss, 72:117). Information, concerning forged bills of credit; proclamation to issue regarding it (see N. Y. col. mss, 72:118). Certifi- cate prayed for by John Auboyneau et al (p. 18) approved. Warrant to commissioners for victualling troops at Oswego signed. Above proclamation to be printed. Above certificate signed. Order on complaint by Walter Hetherington, schoolmaster at the ferry vs Justice Christ'r Codwise of Kings county (see A''. Y. col. mss, 72 :i'2o). License to purchase Indian land granted to James Dillon (see L. P. 13:48). Patent granted to Martin van Bergen (see L. P. 13:50). Petition of Charles O'Neile, Alex'r Colden and Peter Matthews (see L. P. 13:51) tabled. Hearing of Walter Hetherington vs Christ'r Codwise (p. 25; see A^. Y. col. mss, 72:121, 125). Royal warrant to grant commissions of marque and reprisal against Spain; letter from duke of Newcastle in relation thereto. Proclamation to issue authorizing reprisals (see A''. Y. col. mss, 72:122). Above proclamation read, approved and ordered printed. Draft of a commission of marque to be prepared. Form of the commission and instructions to be given to commanders of private men-of-war. Form of bond for owners of them. Capt. Pearce of the Flamborough, royal man-of-war wants carpenters impressed to clean his ship; opinion of council thereon. John Cruger nominated mayor, Wm Cosby sheriff and Richard NichoUs coroner of New York; Edw'd Holland mayor, and Henry Holland sheriff of Albany. Assembly matters referred to a committee. Report of the above committee. Petition of Benj. Faneuil, Peter Fauconnier and Jobs. Hardenbergh (see A''. Y. col. mss, 72:135-36) read. Patent granted to Peter Winne (see L. P. 13:59). Warrant to commissioners for victualling troops at Oswego signed. Vessels known or suspected of trade with the Spaniards to be cleared only under bond. Lieut. Walter Butler commanding at Fort Hunter to be commissioner for building a fort in the Mohawk country vice Hendrik Vrooman deceased, with Jan Wimple. 18 21 24 27 29 33 33 44 44 45 50 CALENDAR OF COlXCll. MIXL'TKS 1668-I783 335 1739 17 1740 Fob. 8 V. 19 Ap. 23 24 30 Ap. May 13 17 29 June 23 Vidonia and Malmsey vines on board the snow Restoration Thos. Fowler master, and the ship Canary Merchant John Plunkett master, not to be seized (see A'. )'. co]. iiiss, 72:146-47). Letter received from Gov. Belcher relating to boundary mat- ters. Commissioners to meet at All)any. 53 Capt. Henry Row appointed commissioner of fortifications vice Corn's de Peyster declined. Petitions of Rev Henry Barclay (see L. P. 13:63); of Peter Winne and James Dillon (see L. P. 13:64) for licenses to purchase Indian lands referred and subsequently granted. Petitions of Jacques Cortelyou, Jacques Cortelyou jr, Hermanns Borkelo and Simon Simonson (see L. P. 13:22), and of Thos. Stillwell both for ferry rights from Long Island to Staten Island referred. Warrants for salaries signed. Debtors of the treasury to be prosecuted. Fees of the admiralty court in cases of prizes considered and an ordinance relating to them to be prepared. Ordinance for establishing fees for the condemnation of I'tizes in the admiralty court. Massachusetts boundary. Jacques Cortelyou et al to withdraw their petition (p. 56) and bring in another. Proclamations to issue: against damages to the fortifications; to recall commissions of marque. Leggit of Westchester accused of dissuading men from enlisting against Spain, to be prosecuted. Opinion of council concerning a double guard at Oswego. Mohawks want a new chapel; referred to the assembly. Letters received from the duke of Newcastle with the declaration of war against Spain; proclamation to issue announcing it and calling for volunteers. Royal order re- ceived concerning letters of marque. Order on a caveat entered by Corn's van Brunt, Jose van Brunt, Rutger van Brunt, Nich's van Brunt, George Lott and Thos. Pallut against ferry right petiti(jned for by Jacques Cortelyou et al (p. 56, 64). Legget and Barnes not to be prosecuted for the present. Message from the assembly about adjournment. Reversed side Draft of a commission of marque and reprizal and instruc- tions to commanders of private men-of-war. Form of bond to be given by owners. Terret Lester appointed pilot. i Embargo laid on all provisions. 14 Instructions to Gov. Clarke for the expedition against the Spanish colonies. Proclamation to issue for the en- couragement of volunteers (see A''. Y. col. niss, 73:1-2). 15 56 62 64 69 70 71 72 336 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Reversed side 1740 V. 19 24 Proclamation to invite volunteers to come forward and enlist. " Method and form " to be subscribed by volun- teers received from Col. Blakeney. 2j 2"] Col. Blakeney present in council. Letters to be written to enlisting officers (see A''. Y. col. mss, ^y. 3-4). 30 28 Account of available moneys in the treasury called for. Alinissink affairs. Assembly to be asked to provide means for the expedition. 31 July 5 Order on a letter from Anth. Lispenard jr, John Ward, David Ogden and Wm Fowler about the command of a company raised by them; Anthony Lispenard to be captain. Affidavit of Solomon Davis about Minissink matters referred. 32 12 Opinion of council concerning the pay to be given to the volunteers. t^^i 22 David Provoost jr to be captain of a company raised by him; the lieutenancy is offered to Hinman who refuses to accept; he is to be persuaded to take it. 35 26 Robert Kennedy appointed 2d lieutenant, Wm Nicolls ensign in Capt. Provoost's company. Answer from the burgomasters of Amsterdam (see N . Y. col. mss, 72:142). Warrants for salaries signed. Patent granted to Valkert ' Oothout, John de Wit, James Gardiner, Chas. Williams, Rich'd Nicholls, Wm Jamison et al (see L. P. 13:68). 36 Aug. 4 Embargo on provisions raised sufficient quantities having been secured for the expedition. , 38 5 Translation of letter from the burgomasters of Amsterdam (p. 36). Thos. Stillwell granted the sole ferry right from Yellow Hook, Kings county, to the mouth of the Kill van KuU on Staten Island. Minutes sent home. 39 Sep. 29 Indian conference at Albany, Aug. 16-17. Royal approbation of an act of assembly. John Cruger nominated mayor, Wm Jamison sheriff, Rich'd Nicholls coroner of New York; John Schuyler jr mayor, Henry Holland sheriff of Albany. Warrants for salaries signed. 41 Oct. 14 Warrant to commissioners for victualling troops at Oswego signed. 58 20 Patent granted to Jacob Mase, John Rutger Bleecker and Jacobus Rutger Bleecker (see L. P. 13:67). 66 Nov. 3 Warrant to commissioners for victualling troops at Oswego. 59 6 Additional instruction to Gov. Clarke relating to the value of foreign coins; proclamation to issue promulgating it. 59 Dec. 2 Proclamation relating to foreign coin read, approved and to be printed. Paul Frangois Cebe surgeon, and wife, both from Languedoc, France, granted letters of denization. 64 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 337 1740 1741 Jan. 19 Feb. 4 Mar. 12 19 26 28 Ap. 2 IS 16 71 12> Reversed side V. 19 Letter from the lords of trade abuut the boundary line be- tween Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Patent granted to Stephen Bayard et al (see L. P. 13-70). Warrants for salaries signed. 67 Letter received from Admiral Vernon regarding Spanish and French naval movements. No provisions to be ex- ported to foreign ports. Indian afifairs (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:29). Letter from the duke of Newcastle about trade etc; order thereon. Wheat forbidden to be exported. Draft of patent to Stephen Bayard approved. Petition of Jeremiah Lattouch and Joseph Hains for leave to export wheat bought for Thos. Gunter and Thos. Perkins of Boston granted. Col. John Moore and Col. Joseph Robinson, allowed to export beer and candles loaded on board a brigantine before the order of January 19th. Warrants for salaries signed. Petition of Corn's van Home (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:37, 40) rejected. Vincent Pearce vs John Key and Michael Hubbard in error;, same vs George Cummins. Records saved from the fire in the fort to be stored in the city hall. Arrangements to be made in the common council room of the city hall for placing the records. Archibald Kennedy vs Thomas Fowles. Petition of Gulian Verplanck (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:42); not granted. Petition of John Cruger (see A^. Y. col. mss, 73:44); not granted. Council advise that the petitions of Isaac and Abr'm de Peyster (see A^. Y. col. mss, 73:45) and of John Merrett (see A''. Y. col. viss, 73:43) be granted. Royal order and proclamation concerning military stores etc received; also letter from And'w Stone secretary of the lords justices in relation to export of provisions; orders thereon. Corn's van Home's sloop Garrett to be sent from Suffolk county to New York when found. Request of the common council to offer by proclamation a reward for the discovery of incendiaries (see A''. Y. col. mss. 74:9); so ordered. Petition of Lauchlan Campbell et al (see L. P. 13:73-74) referred. Comyns vs Pearce; Key and Hubbard vs Pearce; Kennedy vs Fowles. Information received concerning Langlazaree suspected of being a French spy; to be arrested. Pearce vs Comyns; same vs Key and Hubbard. 74 77 79 80 81 87 ,/ 91 93 97 ^;^8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Reversed side 1741 V. 19 17 Key and Hubbard vs Pearce; Comyns vs Pearce; Kennedy vs Fowles. 98 18 Report on the petition of Lauchlan Campbell (p. 93; see L. P. 13:76-77); approved. Kennedy vs Fowles; Pearce vs Comyns; same vs Key and Hubbard. 98 22 Petition of Lauchlan Campbell (see L. P. 13:75); report thereon. 103 23 Pearce vs Comyns; same vs Key and Hubbard. 106 25 Order on representation from the judges of the supreme court for enlarging the present term. Royal order con- cerning form of prayer for the royal family to be pro- mulgated by proclamation. 107 27 Pearce vs Comyns; same vs Key and Hubbard. 109 29 Letters received from Gov. Faesch of Curagao concerning want of flour and provisions there; referred. 109 30 Report on the above letters. Accounts of Lieut. Paschall Nelson and Surgeon Charles Kerr referred. no May 23 Term of the supreme court further extended. Petition of the mayor etc of New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 73:46); not granted. in June 9 The negro Jack convicted of connection with the conspiracy pardoned (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:54-55, 57). 114 13 The negro Bastian likewise (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:58). 114 14 Circuit courts " up Albany river " postponed for a year on account of trials of negro conspirators. Proclamation to issue offering a pardon to all who give information con- cerning the conspiracy. 115 27 Term of the supreme court extended. 116 July 16 Sentence of the negroes Quack and Othello who were to be burnt changed to- hanging. Jasper, a negro belonging to Robert Bound, and Toby to Hercules Windover par- doned. Order on petition of Hendrick Ramsen et al (see L. P. 13:79). Warrants for salaries signed. 116 Aug. 3 Term of the supreme court extended. 118 10 Four Spanish negroes brought to New York to Capt. John Lush pardoned, a fifth one belonging to Capt. Surlye to be executed. 119 31 Term of the supreme court enlarged. Proclamation to issue appointing a day of thanksgiving for deliverance from the " wicked and dangerous conspiracy." 120 Sep. 5 Letters: from the duke of Newcastle about troops for the expedition under Lord Cathcart; from Gen. Thos. Went- worth on the same subject. Proclamation to issue calling for volunteers. 120 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 339 Reversed side 1741 V. 19 23 Warrants: to Charles Kerr surgeon at Oswego; to Lieut. Paschall Nelson for transporting soldiers; to Gov. Clarke for same and for salaries signed. Petitions referred: of Peter Winne and James Dillon (see L. P. 13:87) of Rev. Henry Barclay (see L. P. 1,3:88). 123 25 Patents granted to the foregoing. 125 29 Petition of Jean Drouet (see N. ]'. col. inss, 73:59-60) re- ferred. Mayors etc of New York and Albany renominated. 126 Oct. 6 Petitions referred: of Leendert Gansevort, Henry Hol- land, Corns, ten Broeck, Jacob Wendell, Abr'm H. Wen- dell, Johannes H. Wendell, Johs. Hun, Abr'm Dow, Peter Winne, Garrit Corns, van den Bergh, Dow Fonda, John Lindesay, Anna widow of Johs. Everts Wendell and Edw'd Holland (see L. P. 13:94); of John Schuyler (see L. P. 13:96); of Gerardus and John Groesbeck (see L. P. 13:97). The last two granted; further information required on the first. Warrants signed to Wm Bradford for salary as printer; to Andries Bratt for salary as commissary at ■ Oswego. Letters: from Gov. Wm Shirley of Boston; from Jno. Minote about French intrigues among the Indians: referred to the assembly. Report on petition of Jean Drouet (p. 126). 128 29 Warrants: to contractors for victualling troops at Oswego; to Henry van Rensselaer for same; to James Ramsay for salary as surgeon there; to Gov. Clarke for military trans- portation. 132 Nov. 4 Warrant to Henry van Rensselaer for transporting powder to Oswego signed. Patent granted to Leendert Gansevort et al (p. 128; see L. P. 13:104). 132 16 Petition of Jean Drouet master of the ship Zephyr de Bourdeaux for leave to sell some of his cargo to pay for repairs to his ship granted. 134 26 License to purchase Indian lands granted to Stephen Bayard, Corn's van Schaick, John Baptist van Rensselaer, Johs. van Duersen, Barent Vaasburgh and Jacobus van Rensselaer (see L. P. 13:109); patent to Peter Schuyler et al (see L. P. 13:81). Petition of Robert Livingston, John Cannon, John Cannon, jr, Jesse Montagnie, John Aspinwall and Gerard Beekman for wharf right and land. under water in Mont- gomerie ward referred for further information. 135 Dec. 22 Order on complaint by inhabitants of Rye against Benj. Brow-n justice of the Peace (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:65). Warrants for salaries signed. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Phil. Livingston jr, Henry Holland, Gerrit Abramse Lansing, Jacob Lansing jr, Johs. Beeckman and 340 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1741 1742 Jan. 2 Feb. 25 Mar. 10 Ap. I 7 27 May 12 Reversed side V. 19 Johs. Seger (see L. P. 13:110). Report on the petition of Robert Livingston et al (p. 135); granted. 137 Conference with members of the assembly concerning mili- tary stores arrived from England. Petition of Altje Colden, Samuel Heath and Francis Sylvester (see L. P. 13:106) referred. Petition of Edw'd Collins, Arent Stephens, Cornelia widow of- John Schuyler jr, and Henry Holland for the same tract of land granted. Answer of Benj. Brown to the complaint against him (p. 137; see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:70). Order in regard to filing complaints. Protest and affidavit by the master and supercargo of the brigantine Sea Horse against Thos. Pickering governor of Tortola. Complaint against Benj. Brown (p. 137, 139) to be dismissed. Warrants for salaries signed. Negro Tom sentenced to be hanged for burning the house of Widow Bratt reprieved. Patent granted to Richard Bradley (see L. P. 13:115). Negro Tom to be executed. Bond given for the Sea Horse (p. 143) to be cancelled. Letter handed in by Col. Robinson, which directed to '' Capt." Robinson was found under his door revealing some design against the city; opinion of council thereon. Smallpox reported raging at Curacao; vessels arrived from there to be inspected and quarantined if necessary. Quarantine measures. Indian affairs; southern Indians ex- pected at Albany; Gov. Clarke to go there. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Hendrick Ramsen (see L. P. 13:116). Order on petition of Mary Burton (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 74:142- 43). Warrant to Gov. Clarke for house rent. Fred'k Philipse and Dan'l Horsmanden certify that Mary Burton is entitled to the reward claimed. Minutes sent home. Indian affairs; meeting between six nations and southern Indians necessary; Georgia sends money for presents to six nations; Gov. Clarke advised to go to Albany. Petition of Thomas, William, Richard, Nathaniel and Walter Hughson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 73:72) rejected. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Adoniah Schuyler, Sam'l Bayard jr, J. B. van Rensselaer, Oliver de Lancey, Margaret Vetch, Claus van den Bergh, Marg't Guss, Abr'm Vaasburgh, John van Duerse, Hendrick Coster and Tobias ten Eyck (see L. P. 13:120). Petition of Joseph Sackett jr (see L. P. 13:117) not granted. 139 142 143 145 146 147 148 149 iSi 152 153 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 341 1742 22 31 June 24 July 14 30 Aug. 3 Sep. I Oct. 13 S/eversed side V. 19 Warrants to Gov. Clarke for Indian presents and for ex- penses of journey to Albany signed. 155 Difificulties tO' obtain the money on the above warrants from the treasurer. 156 Order on petition of James Alexander and John IMoore (see L. P. 13:119). Warrants for salaries and Indian commis- sioners. 157 Report of the plague raging at Surinheim [Surinam]. Order on a petition of Stephen Bayard, Corns, van Schaick et al (p. 13s; see L. P. 13:123), and caveat against it by the owners of Westenhook patent. License to purchase Indian land granted to Jeremiah Greslaer, Martinus Vrooman, Barent Vrooman and Jesaias Swart (see L. P. 13:124). Warrants to Gov. Clarke for firewood and candles to Fort George signed. 160 Letters from Capt. Wm Ellis, commanding the Gosport man- of-war, wanting men and announcing that he has orders to sail for S. Carolina; impress warrants issued; volunteers for the cruise called for. 163 Letter received from Capt. Wm Ellis, asking that an em- bargo be laid on all ships, until he has completed the crew of the Gosport; council advise not to do it. ■ 165 Edward Collins as agent of the Westenhook patentees with- draws the caveat against patent to Stephen Bayard et al (p. 160); it is granted. 166 Patent granted to Richard Bradley (see L. P. 13:125). Peti- tion of John and Eupham Alsop (see L. P. 13:127) not granted because the land asked for might lay in the Wawayanda or Minisinck patents. Letter received from Cadw. Colden concerning Luke Barrington arrested for seditious and treasonable words; Luke Barrington who has passed himself of for a schoolmaster and for a methodist preacher under the name of Singleton, to be kept in prison. Warrants for salaries signed. 167 George Jos. Moore deputy clerk of the council appointed upon her petition guardian of Mary Burton under age, for receiving a reward (p. 149). I/O Mayor, sheriff and coroner of New York renominated; Cornelius Cuyler nominated mayor, Henry Holland sheriff of Albany. 170 Patents granted for land in Orange county: to John and Eupham Alsop (see L. P. 13:133); to Bartholomew Vroo- man, Martinus Vrooman, Barent Vrooman, Jesaias Swart and Jeronimus Greslaer (see L. P. 13:131). Licenses to pur- 342 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 30 1T43 Ap. 27 Reversed side 1742 V. 19 chase lands: to Jobs. Lawyer jr, Nicholas York, John Ecker- son and Peter Silly (see L. P. 13:130); to Wm Bauch and Jacob Fred'k Lawyer (see L. P. 13:129). Warrants signed: to Corns, ten Broeck for military transportalion; to Chas. Kerr for salary as surgeon at Oswego. 171 18 Letter from Thos. Corbett, secretary of the admiralty board in regard to providing crews for men-of-war. Letter re- ceived from Capt. Peter Warren of the Launceston man- of-war about desertions; proclamation to issue accord- ingly. 174 Warrants for the service at Oswego signed. Minutes sent home. 176 Letter received from Lt. Gov. Wm Gooch of Virginia on Indian troubles; Virginia and Maryland intend to send commissioners for a treaty with the six nations. Indian affairs; minutes of Indian commissioners Mar. 7, 20, 1743; letter from Gov. Clarke to Indian commissioners. 177 28 Assembly votes received. 187 29 Warrants for salaries signed. Patents granted to Richard Bradley and his daughters Anne and Catherine (see L. P. 13:138)- License to purchase Indian lands to Moses Northrup, Abigail his wife, and Moses Northrup jr (see L. P. 13:140). Patent to Casparus Bronck, Gerrit van Bergen, Martin van Bergen and Hendrick Ramsen (see L. P. 13:137). i83 May 15 Letter received from Gen. Oglethorpe at Frederica on Indian afifairs, Spanish invasion and asking for guns and powder; no guns can be sent on account of the threatening war with France. 192 24 Order on a memorial by Patrick Houston (see N. Y. col. mss, 74:15s) and a letter from Gen. Oglethorpe about the loan of guns. Warrant of survey granted to John de Peyster (see L. P. 13:145). Petition of Alex'r Golden (see A''. Y. col. mss, 74:157) granted. 193 27 Report on the memorial of Patrick Houston (p. 193) ; old guns to be loaned. Order on petition of John Little (see L. P. 13:147). Warrant of survey granted to Richard Bradley (see L. P. 13:146). 198 June 16 Letter from Indian commissioners at Albany; minutes of the same, May 2. Warrants for salaries etc signed. Patent granted to Stephen Bayard (see L. P. 13:148). 201 21 License to purchase Indian lands granted to John Ruther- ford (see L. P. 13:152). Answer received from Cadw. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 343 (Reversed side 1743 V. 19 Colden to the petition of John Little (p. 19S). Order on petition of John Cleves (see A''. Y. col. mss, 74:151). 213 Sep. 22 Gov. George Clinton takes the oaths after the reading of his House of commission and swears in the members of tlie council Geo. Clarke present: Lt. Gov. Geo. Clarke delivers the seals. Procla- mation to issue continuinp all officers in their places. The governor's commission published at the city hall. 216 26 Dr Cadw. Colden takes the oaths. Assembly to be dissolved. 217 27 Writs to elect a new assembly to be made returnable on the 8th of November. 218 29 Mayors, sheriffs and coroner of New York and of Albany renominated. 218 Oct. 18 Philipp van Cortlandt and Dan'l Horsmanden sworn in. Letter from the lords justices about impending war with France. Council adjourns to the house of Geo. Clarke. 219 19 Lt. Gov. Clarke to be sworn in as councillor; refuses on account of infirmity; his opinion on what is necessarj'' for the defense of the frontiers; orders given accordingly. Vessels to Albany to wait for letters. 220 Dec. I Warrants: to Indian commissioners for expenses; to Hyde Clarke for salary as commissary; for salaries to officials; to Johan Jost Herkeman etc. 224 7 Smallpox reported raging in Jamaica; quarantine measures. Warrant to Chas. Kerr surgeon at Oswego signed. License to purchase Indian land granted to Abr'm Lansing jr, Abr'm Dow, Peter Winne and Jacob Lansing (see L. P. 13:150). 225 22 Warrants for salaries signed (Goldsbrow Banyan and Christ'r Blondell doorkeepers of the council). Richard Warner and Amos Petit appointed pilots; captains Jasper Farmar, Rich'd Durham, Hugh Wentworth, Thos. Vater and John Lush to examine them. 229 1744 Jan. 12 Order of the king in council on an appeal of Vincent Pearce vs George Comyns in error. 230 Feb. 29 The brig Mary and Ann, James Jauncey master arrived from Jamaica with smallpox on board ordered to quaran- tine off Bedlar's island; certificate by Dr Roeloflf Kiersted of health for said ship called in question; James Jauncey refuses to go into quarantine; prosecution against him for contempt ordered; Dr Kiersted examined and the Mary and Ann allowed to come to town. General quarantine measures. 237 344 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1743 Mar. 27 May II 16 June 5 13 Albany 14 20 27 New York 29 July 5 ■Reversed side V. 19 Warrants for salaries signed. Letters received from Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego and Indian commissioners complain- ing of George Savan (see N. Y. col. mss, 74:167); order thereon. Minutes sent home. 239 Warrants: to Gov. Clinton for Indian presents and ex- penses of a journey to Albany; to Geo. Jos. Moore for expenses in prosecuting counterfeiters. Patent granted to ■ Phil. Livingston jr, and Henry Holland (see L. P. 13:163). License to purchase Indian lands to John Baptist van Rensselaer, Jos. Yates et al (see L. P. 13:162). 240 Proclamation to issue forbidding the exportation of provi- sions and military stores (see A^. Y. col. mss, 74:170); merchants having made contracts to supply the French at Cape Breton. 243 Troops to be sent to Oswego. Warrants: to Nicholas Lazalere sheriff of Richmond county for expenses in arrest- ing John Stephens; to the printer for salary. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Stephen Bayard, Nicholas Bayard, Samuel Bayard jr, Peter Kemble and David Pro- voost (see L. P. 13:164). 243 Letter received from Gov. Shirley with news of the declara- tion of war with France. Assembly dilatory in replying to messages. Proclamation to issue forbidding export of powder (see vY. Y. col. mss, 74:169). Connecticut called upon to help in case of an attack on New York city. 245 Gov. Clinton going to Albany. Militia to mount guard in New York city. 248 Joseph Murray appointed to the council vice Henry Lane deceased; sworn in he takes his seat. Military ineasures. 250 Order on letter from Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego to the Indian commissioners. Connecticut will raise 200 men to assist New York if attacked. Letters received from Gov. Shirley on the subject of assistance and of carrying the war into Canada from the duke of Newcastle with declaration of war (see A''. Y. col. mss, 74:171). Nathl. Stanly and Roger Wolcott appointed by Gov. Low to treat with the six nations. Propositions made by Gov. Clinton to the six nations. 250 Answer of the six nations. 257 Warrants for salaries etc signed. 261 Michael Houdon and wife escaped from Canada confined to their lodgings; examined. 262 Letters received: from Lieut. Lindesay and Lieut. Butler in relation to M. Houdon and French movements; from CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 345 Reversed side 1744 V. 19 John Ashley to Col. John Stoddard of Massachusetts on Indian movements; from David Whitney to Roger Wol- cott on the same. Gov. CHnton has written Col. Henry Beeckman justice of the peace for Dutchess county about Moravians; Col. Beeckman reports on the Moravians and Indians at Schacomico; Moravian priests summoned be- fore the council (set Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:1012-13; Q 3:613). 262 17 Difficuilties met in trying John Stevens for counterfeiting bills of credit; order thereon. 265 26 Advice of council concerning a private message from the assembly of dissatisfaction with Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego. Report received from Henry Filkin sheriff of Dutchess county in regard to the Moravians, Gudlop Bydner, Henrich Joachim Sinseman and Joseph Shaw living at Shacomico (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:1014; Q 3:614). 266 Aug. I Examinations of Joseph Shaw, of Hendick Joachim Sinse- man and of Gudlop Buydner (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:1014-19; Q 3:614-17). 267 ir Gov. Clinton ill sends a message by his private secretary John Catherwood concerning George Swan (p. 239) ; also concerning Michel Houdon, and asks what should be done with the Moravians. Examination of George Swan con- cerning trade at Oswego; to be laid before the assembly. Michel Houdon allowed to live in town. Moravian priests dismissed. 273 20 Gov. Clinton present. Letter received from Indian commis- sioners relating to French designs upon Oswego; to be laid before the assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 74:176). 276 22 Petition of John Stevens sentenced to death for counterfeit- ing and asking for pardon, rejected. French prisoners; how to be disposed of and provisioned. 276 25 French prisoners taken by the privateers Clinton, Hester, Polly, and Mary Ann disposed of. Letter received from Gouverneur Morris in regard to counterfeiters referred. 278 30 Another message to be sent to the assembly about provi- sions for the French prisoners. Peter v. B. Livingston and Abr'm van Home will support some at their own charge. 279 Sep. I Assembly will make provisions for sending off the French prisoners. 280 4 Gov. Clinton ill sends by Mr Catherwood a letter received from Indian commissioners (see iV. ]'. col. mss, 74:177); to be referred to the assembly. 280 13 Gov. Clinton present. Warrants for salaries signed. Chief justice to have a commission " during good behavior." 346 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Reversed side 1744 , V. 19 Dan'l Horsmanden moves the same for the other justices; referred. French prisoners to be sent to the French islands. 281 29 Stephen Bayard nominated mayor of New York, sheriff and coroner of New York, and mayor and sheriff of Albany renominated. Warrant to ' Surgeon Charles Kerr at Oswego for salary. French prisoners ordered out of town. Minutes sent home. 283 Oct. IS Nicholas Bayard and Henry Cuyler willing to carry off French prisoners granted flags of truce. Letter received from Indian commissioners; Jean Coeur the French in- terpreter expected in the Seneca country; order thereon. License to purchase Indian lands granted to John Becker and Johs. Eckerson (see L. P. 13:167). 284 19 Warrants to Johan Joost Herkeemer, Henry van Rensselaer, Johs. H. Wendell and Garrit A. Lansingh for supplies to Oswego garrison signed. 286 Nov. 6 Warrants: to Andries Bradt commissary at Oswego for salary; to Stephen van Rensselaer for firewood and candles to Albany city and county garrisons. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Richard Nicholls et al (see L. P. 13:168). 287 27 Accounts of Adam Lawrence sheriff of Queens, and of Isaac Willett sheriff of Westchester counties, for subsisting French prisoners referred. Act of assembly for support- ing the government read. Letters to be written to the sheriffs of Albany, Ulster and Dutchess counties concern- ing Moravians; justices of the peace also to be written to (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:1019-20; Q 3:617). 289 29 Permission given to export powder to the neighboring English colonies. 290 Dec. 13 Warrants for salaries signed. Report by Indian commis- sioners on the mission of Mr Bleecker to the Seneca country to counteract Jean Coeur's intrigues. 291 Vol. 20, 1741-46 Legislative minutes of council from Ap. 14, 1741 to May 3, 1746 printed in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York, 1:767-814, 2:819-926. Vol. 21, 1745-51 1745 Jan. 14 Allowances made for transporting and subsisting French prisoners to Henry Cuyler jr, Nicholas Bayard, Wm Jami- son, John Catherwood and Geo. Jos. Moore and warrants CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1 783 347 1745 V. 21 subsequently signed; Peter Warren, Joseph Murray and John Moore appointed to the council (see -'V. Y. col. mss, 74:164-66). Order on petition of Phil. Verplanck (see L. P. 14:2) and a caveat against it by James Lamb of Haverstraw (see L. P. 14:3). Petition of Phil. Verplanck (see L. P. 14:1) referred and subsequently granted. Gudlop Bydner, Christian Hendrick Rough and Johannis Martin Mock, Moravian preachers at Shacomico, summoned by Justices Francis Filkin, Lawrence van Kleek and Anth'y Yelverton of Dutchess upon the report of the sheriff. 1 31 Letter from the lords of trade relative to settlers on the island of Ratan (see A^. Y. col. mss, 74:173); proclamation to issue accordingly (see N. Y. col. mss, 74:184-89). 5 Feb. 9 Letters received from Gov. Shirley about the intended expe- dition against Cape Breton and asking for men, money and artillery; guns can be sent but the assembly has to meet before any answer in regard to money can be given. 6 12 Letter received from Col. Phil. Schuyler about provisions for the militia stationed at Oswego; conference with mem- bers of the assembly in town about it and Gov. Shirley's letter. Moravians and a French deserter found by Capt. John Rutherford among the Moravians sent to New York for examination. Michael Houdon and wife to be confined to their lodgings. 7 p. m. Examination of the Moravians, David Seisberger [Zeisber- ger] and Christian Fred'k Post, and of the French deserter, Estien la Roche; the latter says, ^Michael Houdon was superior of the Recollects at Trois Rivieres and his name is Father Potencien. 7 Mar. 5 Warrants for salaries signed. 10 29 Assembly wants the garrison at Oswego reduced by one half: letter received from Lieut. Butler at Oswego about French intentions against the place. Letter from Georgia on in- trigues among the Chickasaws by INIarquis de Bodderel, governor of New Orleans. Opinion of council is not to re- duce the Oswego garrison. Petition of Joseph Sackett jr (see L. P. 14:6) rejected. Patent granted to Thos. Lamb (see L. P. 14:4); license to purchase Indian lands to Henry Lane and Hendrick Remsen (see L. P. 14 o)- David Zeis- berger and Christian Fred'k Post released on petition (see N. Y. col. mss, 74:191). II Ap. 4 Inquiry to be made of persons in Dutchess county suspected of forging bills of credit. 13 6 Examination of John Henry L}^dius on Indian matters: copy of it to be sent to Indian commissioners. 14 348 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1745 V. 21 11 Ordinance for changing time of holding the county court in Ulster county to be prepared. Assembly recommends Nichs. Schuyler and Jacobus Myndertse for resident agents among the Senecas; objections made against Nichs. Schuy- ler. Caveat entered by Barent van Benthuysen against patent to Thos. Lamb. -, i6 12 Report received from Commodore Knowles for Commodore Warren of a probable attack upon Epglish settlements by troops and ships from Martinico. Nathaniel Marston be- fore the council virith letters from Capt. Jeffery, command- ing the Greyhound privateer of Newr York and from Capt. Wentworth to Rich'd Durham on the same subject; affi- davit of Thomas Vardill on the same subject taken. Letters to Commodore Warren opened and copies sent to Gov. Shirley. 17 May 9 Mr Swartwout examined in relation to the counterfeiters living near the Oblong; John Scious and Joseph Boyce to be arrested and tried. John Brandt appointed branch pilot vice John Carten deceased (see A''. Y. col. mss, 74:194). 19 ID Petition from Albany asking for relief against the Indians read and Martin van der Heyden examined about it; Gov. Clinton advised to go to Albany and lay the petition be- fore the assembly. 20 14 Assembly takes no notice of the above petition and neglects other things while assuming the control of military affairs; it is dissolved and writs issued. 21 16 Work on the battery at Copsey rock to go on. Capt. Rutherford at Albany reports that he has news from Lieut. Butler at Oswego of an intended escape from Niagara of the interpreter and two soldiers there. 22 21 Accounts of moneys appropriated for the Oswego service laid before the council. Accounts of commissioners for the Oswego duties called for. Accounts of building Fort George received and the commissioners, Roome and Roosevelt, ordered to continue. Order on a petition of John Francis, a free negro, for relief against Mr Huisman. French prisoners. 22 23 Messrs Bayard, van Horne, Lewis and Marsten offer to carry French prisoners to Petit Guave under flag of truce; commissions granted. Petition of John Francis (p. 22) dismissed upon the answer of Abr'm Huisman. 23 27 Letters received: from the duke of Newcastle approving of Gov. Clinton and ordering him to assist Commodore War- ren with men, provisions or shipping; from Commodore Warren on board the Superbe, Chapeaurouge bay, siege of CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 349 1745 V. 21 Louisbnrgh, wants assistance; from Gov. Shirley, calls for assistance; money to be raised by subscription. 24 30 Letter received from Jacobus Swartwout with papers relat- ing to counterfeiters (see A''. Y. col. mss, 74:197-204). 27 June 6 Warrants for salaries signed. Order on a petition of Fern- ando Bernard and Antonio Agilar, Spanish negroes, captured by the privateer Batchellors, Capt. Greenhill com- manding. 27 10 Samuel Canfaeld of Connecticut examined in regard to an account of Ephraim Seely about counterfeiters. 28 14 James Livingston, Stephen van Cortlandt, Brandt Schuyler and Wm Bayard ofifer to carry French prisoners to the French islands; commissions granted. Warrants to Gov. Clinton for firewood, etc. to New York garrison and for expenses of journey to Albany. 29 19 Smallpox reported at Curagao; all vessels from there to be quarantined. 29 29 Capt. Farmar offers to take Spanish prisoners to Santo Domingo; commission granted. 30 July 6 Warrants signed: to Sheriff Adam Lawrence of Queens county for quartering French prisoners; to Johan Joost Herkemer and Gerrit A. Lansingh for victualling Oswego troops; to residents among the Senecas. 30 16 Letters received: from Gov. Shirley giving an account of the reduction of Louisburgh; from Gov. Laws on the same and enclosing affidavits by Capt. Jonathan Smith and David Umberville, taken prisoners by a French fleet and discharged after examination. Minutes sent home. 31 29 Commission appointing John Catherwood secretary of the province during the absence of George Clarke jr; he is sworn in. Journal of Conrad Weiserthe Pennsylvania in- terpreter of his sojourn among the six nations. Letters received: from Indian commissioners, Mohawks going to Canada, Orandax are near Fort Drummer, have killed two men from New England; from Capt. Rutherford, same topic; from Commodore Warren at Louisburgh, asking for supplies of men and provisions; from Gov. Shirley, on the murders by the Orandax Indians; from Gov. Laws, French western Indians. Indian murders to be referred through commissioners to the six nations. Meeting of Gov. Clin- ton with the six nations deemed urgent. 32 Aug. 20 Letter received from Indian commissioners, Mohawks have returned from Canada. Gov. Clinton must come. Peti- tion of Abr'm Huisman and Gulian Verplanck in behalf of John de INIan and other subjects of the king of Den- 350 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1745 V. 21 mark for leave to ship for St Thomas provisions on board the sloop Hopewell, to rep'ace what was taken out of her when taken by the privateers Castor and Pollox of New York, not granted. 40 27 Letters received: from Lt. Gov. Phips asking for men, pro- visions and ammunition; from Commodore Warren, has sent the Superbe and the Wager men of war to the south- ward for the protection of trade, thinks the colonies ought to protect their own trade; referred to the assembly. Nath'l Marston, Henry Cuyler- and Phil Phillips granted commission to carry French prisoners to French places. 41 28 Assembly adjourned at their own requesjt. 41 Sep. 3 Warrant to Gov. Clinton for Indian presents signed. Lt. Gov. Phips reports he has declared war against the eastern and Canada Indians. Copy of a letter from Col. Stoddard to Indian commissioners received, Indian afifairs. Report from Indian commissioners; opinion of council thereon. 42 12 Quarantine business. Supreme court adjourned as two of the judges, members of the council, have to accompany the governor to Albany. Examination of Peter Mone concern- ing Boston Killet and John Ryan who have counterfeited dollars at the house of Patrick Phagan [Faganl. 44 Nov. I Gov. Qinton reports proceedings of Indian conferences at Albany on October 5, 10, 12, 14. Order of the lord justices: to repeal certain acts of assembly; to give Peter Warren and Joseph Murray the precedence of John Moore in the council. 45 24 Settlement at Saraghtoga destroyed; Jacob Rutsen of Livingston manor gives an account of it. All to be laid before the assembly. Warrants for salaries signed. 65 27 Two men from the Fishkills 90 miles from Albany examined; report that Woodstock has been taken by the enemy. Six nations to be called out. 65 Dec. 4 Letters received from Col. Phil. Schuyler asking for 300 men, militia, from the lower counties for the defence of Albany and Schenectady and recommending the building of a fort at Saraghtoga. Council approves of building a fort at Saratoga and at the carrying place; an independent company having already been sent to Albany, militia is not necessary. New York militia refuses to do guard duty; to be fined according to law if they continue to refuse. 66 II Letters received: from Gov. Laws, Stockbridge in danger; from Indian commissioners, on security of the frontiers; from Col. Schuyler, about Saratoga fort, Hosick has been deserted by the inhabitants; from Jacobus Swartwout, the CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1 783 351 24 1746 Jan. 15 1745 V. 21 French at Messasippi prepare great many snow-shoes to march against Albany, Esopus, Minisinck and llic frontiers of Jersey and Pennsylvania; from Cadw. Colden, enclosing Swartwout's and giving information as to the enemies in- tentions. Governors of Connecticut, Jersey and Pennsyl- vania to be informed. Letters referred. 67 Letter received from Indian commissioners about the fort at Saraghtoga, militia and a message to the six nations. Governor has written that the message must be sent. Re- port on the letters received on the nth. 68 Minutes of the Indian commissioners and letter from Col. Schuyler received, fortifications on the frontiers, militia. Letters received: from Arent Bratt, supplies for the security of Schenectady; from Cadv^^. Colden, blockhouses, peti- tion from Kingston that the town be fortified; from John van der Heyden, fortifications at the carrying place. All except the last twD referred to the assembly; the last two to a committee of council. [Remark in pencil, " Report never made the' called upon by me several times."] 70 17 Account of what passed December 21 between Col. de Kay, Major Swartwout, Ensign Coleman, Adam Wisener, in- terpreter, Benj. Thompson and the Cashigton Indians who had withdrawn themselves from Orange county to their hunting houses; Col. Thos. de Kay examined in regard to it. Belt of wampum to be sent to the Cashigton Indians. 71 Letters received: from Gov. Shirley, military measures recommended; from Indian commissioners, message to the six nations sent, fort at Saratoga; from Capt. Nichs. Schuyler, Saratoga fort; from John van der Heyden, fort at the carrying place; from the surgeon of the two com- panies sent to Albany, hospital conveniences; mayor of Albany to see to the latter. Proclamation to issue for a day of fasting and prayer (see AL Y. col. viss, 75:21). Guns loaned to Massachusetts to be recalled. Warrants for salaries signed. 73 Feb. I Capt. Scott, arrived with part of Gen. Fuller's regiment, allowed to land notwithstanding the smallpox " very rife " in the city. 74 10 Letter received from Dr Thos. Standard, accusing upon hearsay Dr Magraw of New York of being in French pay; referred for examination. List of strangers in the city called for. Three Frenchmen in the city to be confined. 74 11 Committee of council examines witnesses, Wm Brownejohn, Archibald Fisher, Mrs Garland, in regard to Dr Magraw; 31 Greenwicli 352 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 V. 21 Dr Standard's allegations not proved. Lewis Bernard a French prisoner examined and committed to the care of Capt. Hett and Mr Bemper. 75 Mar. 5 Letters received: from Indian commissioners (with minutes), fort at the carrying place, six nations refuse to take up the hatchet again.=;t the French; from Lt. Gov. Thomas of Pennsylvania, meeting of commissioners from the colonies, message from the assembly, desiring to adjourn on ac- count of smallpox. Matters referred; council advised to adjourn the assembly to Westchester. 76 13 Report on the preceding letters. Letters received: from Admiral Warren and Sir Wm Pepperel at Louisburgh, asking for men; from Gov. Wanton of Rhode Island, promising assistance; referred to the assembly. Order on a petition of sundry Germans for leave to maintain a minister of the Lutheran ;hurch. Warrants for salaries signed. T] 17 Assembly adjourned from Westchester to Brooklyn. 80 Ap. 2 Report on a message from the assembly about bills of credit. Minutes of Indian commissioners received, Mohawks will send men to Saratoga; Canajoharie Indians want their town fortified. 80 II Letter received from Gov. Laws, meeting of commissioners from the colonies. Capt. Richard Collins, commodore af the Gibralter transport convoy gives orders to Capt. Wm Starkey, master of the Ruby transport, about sailing to Louisburgh; opinion of council thereon. Letters received: from lords of trade: AI. Gorsdorfif and Moravians; from Marquis de Caylus, governor of Martinico about a prize taken by Capl. Arthur Helme; from the governor of Havannah about free negroes sold as slaves; referred. 81 20 Capt. Richard Collins, the Ruby transport and troops on board of her under Capt. Scott: The Ruby may sail under convoy of a privateer. Letters received: from Gov. Thomas of Pennsylvania, meeting of commissioners from the colonies; from Admiral Warren, wants support, French militia and Indians are arming, to attack Louis- burgh; the latter referred to the assembly. Royal order to the master general of ordnance for sending an engineer to New York. 82 25 John Ayscough appointed sherifif of New York, vice Wm Jamison deceased. French prisoners. The case of the prize taken by Arthur Helme referred to the governor of Rhode Island who gave the commission. Letters received from Indian commissioners, John Lydius has asked the CALENDAR OF COUNCIL IMINUTES 1668-I783 353 1746 V. 21 May 3 13 House of James de Lancey City hall 20 Greenwich Cacknawaga Indians to settle in this province (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:29); from Gov. Shirley to Lydius (see iV. F. col. mss, 7S'-22); from Indian commissioners resigning their office (see A^. Y. col. mss, 75:31); from Lieut. Bur- rows at Ft William to Capt. Hubert Marshall of Albany, French building a fort near Lydius house; from Indian commissioners (with minutes) (see A''. ]'. col. mss, 75:32); all referred. Advice of council in regard to the governor signing an act^ of Assembly creating bills of credit, contrary to his in- structions. Report of committee on letters from lords of trade, governor of Alartinico and governor of Havannah. Assembly adjourned. Letters received: from Indian commissioners, doings of the enemy, house of Simon Grocha burned, etc; from Arent Stevens, Cacknawaga and Skeweandie Indians willing to live among the six nations; opinion of council thereon. Letters received: from Gov. Gooch of Virginia and Gov. Wentworth of New Hampshire in regard to the meeting of commissioners; from Gov. Shirley about the cannons lent by New York. Abr'm Glen of Schenectadj^ au- thorized to raise a company of volunteers. Petition from Kinderhook and Claverack for a garrison re- ferred to the assembly. Circular letters to be written to the members of the assembly to be prompt in meeting. Military measures. Petition of John Lefever and Noah Etting of Ulster county for land near Newpaltz (see L. P. 15:10) referred. Letters received from Indian commissioners (see A'. Y. col. mss, 75:40) (with minutes), frontiers, interview with Mohawks and Onondagas, murders by the enemy Indians; from Col. Schuyler, militia; referred. John Lydius to be prohibited from intermeddling or treating with the Indians. Quota of militia from Ulster, Orange, Dutchess, Westchester, Queens and Suffolk counties to be sent to Albany and Schenectady. Letters received: from Jacob Ten Eyck, commanding at Saratoga; from the same and Sybrant van Schaick to Col. Schuyler, their men uneasy and want to be relieved; from Col. Schuyler and Major Collins, blockhouses, rang- ing the woods, insecure feeling at Albany; from Col. Myndert Schuyler and Rutger Bleecker, frontiers; re- ferred. Blank commissions for officers in Albany county to be sent to Col. Phil. Schuyler. Exchange of prisoners. 85 89 90 91 9-' 354 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 V. 21 Report of committee on letter from lords of trade relat- ing to Moravians (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:38). 93 30 Dutchess county militia. Permission given to two French- City hall men captured by the Prince Charles privateer to return to France by way of Holland. John Lodewick Hofgood for- . bidden upon complaint of Rev. Mr Knoll to officiate as minister of the Lutheran church. 98 June 2 Goldsbrow Banyar appointed deputy secretary by John Greenwich Catherwood and sv/orn in. Letters received: from Mr Warren and Mr Pepperel, levies required for the defence of Louisburgh; from the duke of Newcastle on an expe- dition against Canada. Proclamations to issue: calling for volunteers; embargoing all vessels for a month (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:42). Letter received from Gov. Shirley. 99 3 Letter received from Indian commissioners (see N. Y. col. City hall fuss, 75:41). French prisoners to be sent to Jamaica, /L. L; vessels trying to leave port contrary to orders to be fired upon. 102 5 Assembly wants to know how the troops raised and the Indians will be stationed. Council advises to place 200 at Saratoga with the 50 Indians, 30 at Kinderhook, 50 at Connestigione, 170 between Albany and Schenectady; to have 4 captains and 8 lieutenants. Necessaries for the soldiers to be provided. Petitions for clearances tabled. Absent members of council called to attend. 103 6 Orders to the sheriffs of Kings and Queens counties in re- Brooklyn gard to the French prisoners. 104 7 Draft of the proclamation calling for volunteers read and New York approved; to be printed. 105 9 Letter received from Gov. Thomas about embargoing ves- sels. Royal mandamus appointing Stephen Bayard to the council vice Jeremiah van Rensselaer deceased; he is sworn in and takes his place. Clearances given to the sloop Sarah, Wm Williams master, and the brigantine Abigail, Wm Carlile master, to Jamaica; sloop Jenny, Thos. Hammond master, to New Providence; ship William and Mary, Wm Walton master, to Louisburgh; ship Arent, Wm Savary master, to Amsterdam; snow York, Joseph Wilson master, to Hamburg; snow Sally, Ferdinando Clark master, to London; sloop Don Carlos, Abr'm Kip master, to Curagao; ship Griffin, John Lum- ley master, to Virginia. Frangois D. Heurten. a French- man from Hispaniola examined. 105 II Governor's speech and the addresses of council and assem- Greenwich bly to be printed separately and in the New York post CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 355 1746 V. 21 boy. Clearances granted for the brigantine Anne, John Stalberry master, to St Christophers; sloop Mary, John Theobald master, to Surinam; ship William, James Sample master, to Madeira, Bounty to be given to volunteers, appropriation for provisions to the forces. Questions pro- posed by the governor relating to the intended expedition referred. 10% 13 Order on a complaint of Capt. Eleazer Hawkins of Suffolk v/ City hall county militia against his major, John Merry. Report on the above questions of the governor. Proclamation to issue forbidding carpenters in the city to do other work than on the bateaux. Order on a petition of Hermanns Rutgers et al (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:48). Clearances granted for the sloops Good Intent, Wm CuUin master, to Boston, and Carolina, John Schermerhorn master, for South Carolina. , lop 16 Letter received from the Indian commissioners, difficult to engage Mohawks for the Saratoga service; not advisable to appoint Indian officers. Indian conference to be held at Albany. Letter from Lieut. Ingoldsby at Saratoga on the bad condition of the fort referred. Message to be sent to the assembly concerning bateaux, etc for the expe- dition. Clearance granted for the sloop Huzza, Thos. Barnes master, to Louisburgh. 112 17 Proclamation to issue to take off the embargo, ordered Brooklyn June 2, except for military stores. Report on the message to the assembly amended. Jourdain, a French prisoner in the service of Wm Smith of Ulster county to be em- ployed as St Lawrence pilot. French prisoners allowed to return to France via Madeira. 114 18 Report on the message to the assembly approved. Letter City hall of Lieut. Ingoldsby, after examination of Jacob ten Eyck, referred to the assembly. Warrants signed for salaries, public services, Indian presents, fortifications, transport- ing soldiers, etc., printing bills of credit. 115 23 Letter received from Pres. Hamilton of New Jersey, assem- bly of New Jersey has voted to raise 500 men and given £20,000 for the expedition. Votes of the New York assem- bly concerning the expedition received. 1 18 30 Letters received: from Gen. Gooch, men for the expedition, theii" clothing and equipments; from Gov. Laws, Connec- ticut assembly refuses to give money for paying the six nations; from Gov. Thomas of Pennsylvania, assembly refuses to send commissioners to treat with the Indians at Albany. Warrants signed: to Indian commissioners for 356 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 V. 21 expenses; to Lieut. Walter Butler for salary as commis- sary at Oswego. 118 July 3 Deputation from Geo. Clarke jr, appointing Goldsbrow Banyar his deputy; the latter is sworn in. Message to be sent to the assembly on the above letters. 120 4 Warrant to members of the council and of the assembly in town for repairing Fort George. 123 8 New Jersey not allowed to purchase in New York arms, etc prohibited by act of assembly. Letter of Lieut. Ingoldsby about bad condition of the Saratoga fort referred to the assembly. Financial operations. 123 9 Letter from Gov. Shirley and Admiral Warren on the expe- dition against Canada referred to the assembly. Warrant to Charles Karr for salary as surgeon at Oswego. 124 14 Opinion of council on a letter from Gov. Shirley and Ad- miral Warren in regard to embargo on provisions. Letter from Gen. Wm Gooch, sends £300 for presents to the six nations. Arthur Helme not to be granted a new commis- sion of marque, he having plundered a French flag of truce. Gov. Clinton intends to go to Albany. Assembly to be adjourned. Proclamation to issue for a day of thanksgiving. Warrants to Phil. Schuyler and Edw'd Collins for supplying the Saratoga garrison. 125 15 Warrant for impressing carpenters and material to build bateaux, scows, etc to be prepared. Proclamation for a day of thanksgiving (see A^. V. col. mss, 75:62) approved and ordered printed. Council advises the governor to give his assent to an act creating bills of credit his in- structions notwithstanding. Financial measures. 127 16 Ordinance for holding the court of common pleas in West- chester county passed. Warrant for impress of carpen- ters, etc (p. 127) signed. Bills of exchange to be drawn on the treasury lords. 129 18 Gov. Clinton has left for Albany, Chief Justice de Lancey presides. Military commissions and equipments. Charles McKentosh to be captain; Gen. Gooch to be received with military honors. 130 19 Arrival of a Spanish flag of truce with letters for Gov. Clinton. Capt. Mcintosh receives his commission and asks that Abr'm Mills be appointed his lieutenant, which is done. Albertus Tiebout appointed captain, John Mouli- nars his lieutenant (see A'^. Y. col. inss, 75:60, 64, 65). 131 21 Jonathan Laurence of Westchester declares himself unable to raise a company and returns his warrant; John Honeyman , wants to take the men enlisted by Laurence into his com- CALEXnAR OF COIXCIL MIXITKS 1668-I783 357 1746 V. 21 pany; ordered accordingly. Spanish letters to Gov. Clin- ton translated (see A'.}', col. diss. 75:78, 79) and sent to him. John Bryant, master of the ship Prince Charles, allowed to take French prisoners to Leghorn. 133 p. m. Richard Langdon appointed captain, John Cuyler and George Brewerton his lieutenants (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:59, 63). 134 25 Oliver de Lancey gives notice that the snow Catherine, James Brown master, will be ready to sail for Louisburgh with provisions in three weeks. Orders to the colonels v/ of militia in Westchester, Queens, Suffolk, Kings and lower part of Orange counties in case of alarm. Letters written: to Pres. John Hamilton of New Jersey asking for establishing a beacon on the Highlands of Neversink and to send the Bergen and Essex militia to New York in case of alarm; to Thos. Cornell concerning a possible alarm. 134 28 Archibald Kennedy presides. Military necessaries to be pro- vided; Arms. Letter from the duke of Newcastle to Gov. Clinton cannot be opened, is to be sent to him at Albany. / Suffolk county militia men desert, to be arrested and re- turned to their regiment at Albany. James Fanning com- missioned captain (see A^. Y. col. mss, 75:68). 135 29 Letter received from Gov. Clinton to Arch'd Kennedy (see A^. Y. col. mss, 75:66); Companies which are complete to be sent to Albany. Order on a petition of Joseph Es- pinosa, master of the sloop Aligel y la Virgen de los Dolores, Spanish flag of truce (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:68). 137 p. m. Chief Justice de Lancey presides. Not sufficient members Brooklyn present, the assembly is further adjourned. 139 30 Arch'd Kennedy presides. Members of the assembly to be Ne-w York admonished to be prompt in "their attendance on the day of adjournment. Peter Wraxall commissioned captain, John Treadwell jr and Benj. Lewis his lieutenants (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:71). Answer of Pres. John Hamilton re- ceived (p. 134). 139 Aug. 4 Chief Justice de Lancej^ presides. Soldiers ordered to Al- bany want clothing; order thereon. 140 8 Robert Robinson and Timothy Hudson commissioned Teu- tenants in Capt. James Fannings company (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:73). Order on a petition of Joseph Espinosa (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:75). 141 12 Archibald Kennedy presides. Letter received from Gov. Clinton (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:74); council's opinion thereon (see A^. Y. col. mss, 75:76). 141 12 The chief justice in the chair. Assembly adjourned, no Brooklyn quorum being present. 143 358 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 19 New York P- rri. Brooklyn 20 New York 28 p. m. Sep. 2 p. m. Brooklyn 16 New York p. m. Brooklyn 20 New York 25 26 27 V. 21 Order on a complaint of Joseph Espinosa that Thos. Barnes and Thos. Seymour intend to carry Spanish mulattoes out of the province as slaves. The chief justice in the chair. Assembly adjourned by order of Gov. Clinton. Thos. Seymour and Thos. Barnes forbidden to carry the Spanish mulattoes, Antonio Joseph and Antonia Ferres, out of the province. Mr Kenne'dy presides. Minute of council of New Jersey (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:77) and orders to the colonels of Monmouth, Bergen and Essex counties' militia. Letter of, thanks to be written to Pres. John Hamilton. Orders in relation to deserters. The chief justice presides. Capts. Wraxall and Honeyman report that some deserters from their companies are probably concealed on board the Clinton privateer sloop, Thos. Beaven master; order thereon. Order in relation to deserters directed to the mayor, etc of New York. Assembly adjourned. 143 144 145 145 149 149 149 Petition of Joseph Espinosa (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:84, 85) to be sent to Gov. Clinton. 150 Assembly adjourned. 151 Oliver de Lancey gives notice that the sloop Griffin, Wm Brown master, will be ready to sail with provisions for Louisburgh in three weeks. Order on an application of Mr Banker and other owners of the privateer brigantine William in regard to disposal of her French prisoners. Affidavit of Capt. Rene Het (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:87)- Order in regard to Spanish mulattoes. French prisoners confined to Kings county to be arrested when found in New York. I5i CI. Kennedy presiding. Charles Mort, a Frenchman fled from Acquin in the West Indies to Rhode Island, ordered to return to Rhode Island in the ship of Joshua Amy, in which he came thence. Capt. John Fred, royal coasting pilot, and the branch pilots to consider what part of the channel between the city and Sandy Hook could be most easily obstructed. Deserters caught to be held until the governor's return. I53 Report of Capt. Fred and other pilots on obstructing the channel received (see N. Y. col. mss, 75 ••87, 89, 90)- ^54 Order on a petition of Joseph Espinosa for a certificate of the number of prisoners delivered by him. Capt. Waldron CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MJNUTES 1668-I783 359 1746 . V. 21 headgunner, Adam van den Berg, Jacobus Turck and John Young examined in regard to cannons, etc carried out of Fort George. 154 29 Letter received from Admiral Warren, appearance of a large French fleet off the island of Sables. Armament for Louries battery. Orders: to Capt. van Wyck and Waldron in case of an alarm; to Capt. Isaac de Peyster, John Pro- voost, Pierre de Peyster and Robert Livingston. John Honeyman commissioned captain, Wm Proctor jr, and Wm Hammersley jr his lieutenants (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:92, 94). 155 p. m. Papers of French prisoners in the city to be examined to dis- cover destination of the French fleet (see iV. Y. col. mss, 75-95) ■ 157 30 List of the French fleet under command of the Duke d'An- ville found and to be sent to neighboring governors. 158 p. m. Assembly adjourned. 158 Brooklyn Oct. I Letter received from Col. Hamilton (see A''. Y. col. mss, New York 75:91). Orders: on a decree of the admiralty court (sec ■I N. Y. col. mss, 75:93); on a letter from Wm Richards (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:96). Ammunition ordered for Louries battery and batteries at Burnets key, Rutgers wharf and Red Hook. 159 4 Gov. Clinton returned. Letter received from Gov. Shirley, wants men to be sent to Rhode Island in case of an attack by the French fleet; to be considered. Virginia troops, destined for Albany, in need of many necessaries. 160 7 Letter received from Gov. Shirley, French fleet. Leave granted to Wm Richards to carry French prisoners in the Caster, Sam'l Bourdet master, to Cape Franqois (p; 159). 161 8 No troops from Albany to come down for the defence of New York; Virginia and Maryland ti;oops to remain in the city for that purpose. 162 II Maryland troops ordered to Albany. Letters received from the governor of Havannah (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:78-80;. Thomas Barnes, arrived from Louisburgh, examined about the French fleet. Order on a petition of Joseph Espinosa concerning Indians and mulattoes in the possession of Mr Leaycraft, Capt. Langdon, John Groesbeck, Francis Johnson, and Mr Kilmasten. 162 14 Hearing on the above petition; deposition of Edward Light- wood in support of it (see A'. Y. col. mss, 75:98); order thereon. Pilots for the Alaryland transports ordered to Albany to be impressed. 164 36o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 ♦ . V. 31 15 Order on a petition of Francis Lewis, Jasper Farmer and Thos. Barnes regarding their Spanish mulattoes slaves. Commission granted to Thos. Greenil (see A'^. F. col. mss, 75:100) for carrying French prisoners under flag of truce to the French West Indies. Examination of witnesses Hugh Wentworth and John Easom on the petition of Joseph Espinosa (p. 162). 166 16 Gov. Clinton ill, Cadw. Colden presides. Report on the petition of Joseph Espinosa (p. 162). 168 18 Message from Gov. Clinton about provisions to the troops at Albany. Letters received from Col. Roberts at Albany concerning a deficiency in the bounty money. Dominicus van der Veer appointed high sheriff of Kings county. 169 20 Message from Gov. Clinton about provisioning the troops; Gov. Bladen of Maryland writes that he ought to have nothing to do with it after the troops have left his province. 170 20 Gov. Clinton again in the chair. Rev. Henry Barclay to succeed Rev. Mr Vesey as rector of Trinity church. Re- ports on Gov. Bladen's letter and on Gov. Clinton's mes- sage of the i8th; the latter recommitted. 171 July 22 Indian conference. * 172 Albany 2S Orders: to Indian commissioners; to Col. Schuyler and Major Collins. Letter received from Wm Johnson (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:67). 173 24 Minutes of Indian commissioners received. Warrant to im- press carpenters, etc. for building batteaux issued to Henry Holland. I75 27 Letter received from Lieut. Burrows about movements of the French. Troops sent to the Mohawk country for the pro- tection of Wm Johnson. Orders to the militia of Cana- joharie and Col. Schuyler's regiment. 175 29 Commission from Gov. Shirley appointing John Stoddard, Jacob Wendell, Samuel Wells and Oliver Partridge repre- sentatives of Massachusetts at the Indian treaty to be held. Letter from the same and Admiral P. Warren about the expedition against Canada. 176 Aug. 4 Scouts to be sent to the eastward for intelligence about the enemy. Esopus and Minissink Indians called to the meet- ing through Capt. Hornbeck. Gov. Shirley and Admiral Warren to be informed that Crownpoint must be taken. Minutes of Indian commissioners received. Instructions to Isaac States and Cornelius Vrooman as messengers to the Indians on the Susquehannah approved. 179 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 361 1746 V. 21 6 Accounts of commissioners for repairing fortifications in Albany county referred. Orders: on letter from Lieut. Dirk W. ten Broeck of Capt. Livingston's company about his detachment; on letter and papers from Don Diego de Penalosa (see A'. ]'. col. mss, 75:79). Proclamation to issue forbidding the sale of rum. etc to the Indians. Huts for the Indians to be prepared. 181 18 Propositions to be made to the Indians approved. 183 23 Letters from Gov. Shirley and Admiral Warren referred. 183 25 Report on the preceding letters. 183 Sep. 6 Abraham Low appointed sheriff of Ulster county. Capt. Rutherford makes application to be paid for firewood to Fort Frederick at Albany; order thereon. 187 11 New Jersey troops, arrived at Albany, ordered to camp on the patroon's pasture. John Abeel, who wants to go as smith to the Senecas, called before the council. 188 12 John Abeel allowed to go as smith to the Senecas; his pay fixed. Charges preferred against Lieut, ten Broeck by Major Collins; both ordered before the council. 189 16 Question of giving up the expedition against Crownpoint for the present year referred. , 189 p. m. Report on the preceding question. 190 20 Letters received: from Gov. Shirley and Admiral Warren, Brigadier Waldo appointed commander-in-chief; from Gov. Thomas, Pennsylvania troops ready to proceed to Albany; from Gov. Bladen on Maryland troops. Trans- port of provisions not being provided for by act of the assembly, wagons are to be impressed for that service. 191 27 Gov. Clinton must return to New York to meet the assem- bly, and Gen. Waldo has not arrived yet; councils ad- vice. Artificers to be impressed for building forts and blockhouses. Canajoharie Indians have gone to fight the enemy and ask to have their castle protected; Capt. Shefer's company detailed for it. 192 29 Stephen Bayard appointed mayor, John Ayscough sherifif and John Courtlandt coroner of New York; Dirck ten Broeck mayor, Edw'd Collins recorder, and John Rutger Bleecker high sherift of Albany. No commissary of pro- visions appointed. I93 Aug. 19 Propositions made by Gov. Clinton to the six nations and the delegates of the Missisages, a far nation. 193 21 Propositions made to the river Indians. 197 23 Answer of the six nations. 198 26 Answer of the river Indians. 200 Sep. 8 Propositions made to the Susciuehannah Indians, tributary to the six nations. 200 362 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1746 - v:21 9 Their answer. 201 13 Presents given to the Indians. Minutes sent home. 203 Nov. 3 Warrants for salaries and for soldiers pay signed. Order on N&w York a petition of Sergeant Cornelius Verplanck et al (see N. Y. col. mss, 715:106). Patent granted to John Moore (see L. P. 14:11). Petition of Thomas Smith for patent of land in Evans former grant rejected. John Driskell to be ap- pointed branch pilot if found capable after examination by Capt. Jasper Farmar, Rich'd Durham, Hugh Wentworth, John Fred, Thomas Vatar and John Lush. Joseph Espinosa, master of a Spanish flag of truce, captured by Capt. Easom; order thereon. 204 4 Examination of Joseph Espinosa (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:104, 108) ; John Easom and Michael Beazley to be arrested. 2o5 6 Examinations of John Easom and Michael Beazley (see N. Y. col. DISS, 75:109-10); they are committed for trial. 209 18 Order on petition of Joseph Espinosa for return of his vessel condemned by the admiralty court of New Jersey (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:107). 212 Dec. I Warrants to Wm Johnson for supplying the troops at Oswego. 215 16 Rules in regard to giving commissions of flag of tru:e. Letter received from Gov. Shirley; New England troops ordered to march to Saratoga; Crownpoint; Indians. Opinion of council thereon. Spanish mulattoes bought by Barnes, Farmar and Lewis to be treated as prisoners of war. Commission of flag of truce to carry prisoners to the French settlements granted to Joseph Hildreth master of the sloop Postilion. 215 Order in regard to a French prize taken by the Greyhound privateer and suspected of having smallpox on board. Commissions of flag of truce granted to Isaac Steele master of the brigantine New Port and to Robert Griffith jr master of the sloop Good Intent (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:115, 116). 217 13 Quarantine measures. Examination ordered in regard to the above French prize. Assembly adjourned (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:117)-. 218 IS Report on the examinations of Jasper Farmar, Jacob Roome master, and Francis van Geldtrom Vandel, late master of the La Fleur, the French ship taken by the Greyhound (see A^^. Y. col. mss, 75:118); orders thereon. Commission of flag of truce to carry prisoners to French settlements to be granted to Mr Pintard. 219 1747 Jan. 12 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 363 1747 V. 21 16 Order upon an application of Nathl. Marston, Nichs. Bay- ard, Edw'd Holland and Henry Cuyler, owners of the Greyhound, in regard to the La Fleur prize (see N. Y, col. mss, 75:121). Letter from Gov. Shirley with minutes of the council and assembly of Massachusetts, military opera- tions. 221 19 Report on the preceding letter from Gov. Shirley. 226 Feb. 2 Council's opinion asked about a winter campaign against Crownpoint. Lawrence Payne to command John Pintard's brigantine New Port, going as flag of truce (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:119). 226a 4 Report of council about a winter campaign against Fort St Frederick at Crownpoint. Objection raised by Mr Murray to the entries of the minutes of council held at Albany. 227 13 Letter received from Gov. Shirley about the march on Crownpoint; council advise against it. Warrants for salaries signed. 229 20 Goods taken from a French vessel by Thos. Wilier and Abr'm Man considered free from infection. Proclama- tion to issue proroguing the assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:120). Warrants signed; to Lieut. Walter Butler com- missary and Charles Kerr surgeon at Oswego for salaries. 230 Mar. 2 Petition of the OA.ners of the Greyhound relating to goods on board their prize La Fleur denied. Gov. Shirley writes that he has given up the expedition against Crownpoint. 231 II Order on a petition of the owners of the Greyhound (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:1-2). Letters from Capt. Livingston at Fort Clinton, Saratoga, to Col. Marshall received; attack by French Indians on a woodcutting party; Col. Schuyler and Major Collins complained of for not supplying fire- wood to Saratoga garrison. Kinderhook people want a garrison; order thereon. 232 16 Proclamation to issue proroguing the assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:122). 233 Ap. 2 John Durfy master of the New Port brigantine granted a commission of flag of truce upon petition of John Pintard. Petition referred: of John Retou a French mulatto prisoner of war and sold to Capt. Rene Het for restoration to freedom; and of freemen of New York city against allow- ing tradesmen from New Jersey. Answer of Col. Schuyler and Major Collins to a complaint against them (p. 232) received (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:123-24). Petition of Corns, van Schaick et al of Kinderhook for a garrison referred to the assembly. Warrants for salaries signed. 234 9 Assembly wants to adjourn but council advises against it. Order on petition of Joseph Espinosa (see A''. Y. col. mss, ;. 75:127). 236 364 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1747 V. 31 10 Report and order on petitions of John Retou (p. 234) and of the freemen of New York. 238 14 Letters received from Capt. Trent and Livingston to Col. Marshall, skirmishing with French and Indians near Fort Clinton. Gov. Clinton asks who are to be appointed offi- cers of the rangers. 239 18 Johannes Hough jr and Wm Hogan recommended and ap- pointed captains, Andrew Lambert Hough and Johs. de Wandelaer lieutenants of Albany county rangers. 240 29 Officers at Fort Clinton write to Col. Marshall that their men are likely to desert in a body for want of pay; advice of council thereon. Letter read from Col. Roberts to Col. Wm Johnson about Indian troubles; order thereon. Order on two copies of affidavits sworn to before Justice Johs. Hardenbergh of Ulster county, charging Gysbert Crum with rescuing a deserter. Proclamation to issue in regard to apprehending deserters (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:130). 240 30 Letter from Col. Roberts at Saratoga to Col. Marshall at Albany received, wholesale desertions; order thereon. Officers appointed to command the rangers can not get men to enlist; matter referred to the assembly. Peter de Jon Court master of the brigantine Sarah granted a com- mission of flag of truce over Wm Griffith (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:134, 136). Warrant to John Joost Herkemer and Gerrit A. Lansingh for provisioning Oswego garrison signed. 242 May 2 Capt. Tiebouts' company and others refuse to march to Saratoga; money to pay them to be raised in the city. Agreement signed by David Clarkson, Paul Richards, Joseph Haynes, John McEvers, John Livingston and Robert Rob't Livingston to furnish i5500 sterling or £9075 New York currency; accepted. 243 3 Col. Peter Schuyler writes that the Jersey troops are mutinous for want of pay; deliberations thereon. 245 5 Difficulties about the money promised by the New York merchants. 246 p. m. Time for drawing the bills of exchange, to be taken by the merchants, extended to 90 days. 247 6 Difficulties with the troops at Saratoga; Massachusetts and Connecticut troops called for. Hudson river counties militia to be held in readiness for marching. Col. Schuy- ler to take part of his regiment to Saratoga. Provisions for the rangers allowed by the assembly. Kinderiiook rangers to go to Saratoga. Col. Hambleton approves of Gov. Clinton's action in regard to new levies. 248 CALENDAR OF COrXCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 365 1747 V. 21 14 Johs. de Wandelaer refuses the commission of lieutenant in the rangers. Blank commission sent to Major Collins to be filled by him with the advice of the mayor of Alba'ny. Letters from Mr Hamilton to Peter Schuyler concerning New Jersey troops received; from Gov. Shirley with minutes of Massachusetts council, meeting among the new levies. Col. Phil Schuyler ordered to Albany. 249 20 Deposition of Bernard Eyrand (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:131) received from Gov. Thomas. Jean du Puy, mentioned in the same, to be examined. 250 30 Deposition of Jean du Puy, lieutenant (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75''i33) of the ship Marguerite of Bordeaux, captured by three privateers, Triton, Capt. ]\Iann commanding, Castor, Capt. Burges, and Pollux, captain unknown. The advo- cate general is ordered to prosecute the commanders of the privateers. Commissions of flag of truce granted: to Thos. Brown master of the Monmouth sloop, owned by Wm Griffith, and to Rob't Griffith jr, master of the Good Intent sloop, to carry French prisoners to Leogan and Guade- loupe; to Thos. Fish master of the Don Carlos sloop, Jacob and Wm Walton owners, to carry Spanish prisoners to St Augustine (see A^". Y. col. mss, 75:132, 134, 135). 252 31 Representation to Col. Roberts at Albany from Captains of the new levies received. Letter from field officers J. Roberts, Hubert Marshall, Thos. Clarke and John Ruther- ford of the new levies. Minutes of a council of war held at Fort Frederick all in regard to the pay of the men re- ceived. Capt. John Honeyman examined about it; opinion of council. 255 June 6 Letter from Gov. Clinton to Col. Roberts (see iV. Y. col. mss, 75:137). 257 8 Alderman Johnson and Dr Baird examined in regard to Mr Wessells, arrived from Boston to be inoculated for the smallpox. Proclamation to issue forbidding inoculation for the smallpox (see A''. Y. col. mss, 75:147). 259 19 Commission of flag of truce granted to Thomas Greenhil master of the Mary sloop. Warrants for salaries, etc. signed. Gov. Clinton intends to go to Albany. 260 July 28 Letters from Gov. Shirley, meeting of commissioners at New York; scouting parties to be sent from Saratoga to the Massachusetts fort; general court to meet for provid- ing means to prosecute the expedition against Crownpoint, orders of council thereon. Order on examinations of persons suspected of counterfeiting. 261 Aug. I Disposal of troops to be employed against Crownpoint and Niagara. 263 366 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1747 V. 21 3 Estimate of charges for the above expeditions received. Indian afifairs. Letters of Gov. Shirley (p. 261) con- sidered. 264 22 Message from Gov. Clinton to the council on military affairs; referred. Order on the petitions of John Pintard, Henry Lane, Wm Griffith, Edw'd Holland and Alex Forbes (see A^. Y. col. mss, 75:150-53). 265 25 Letter from Gov. Shirley with c'opy of letter from the gov- ernor of Quebec relating to exchange of prisoners to be laid before the assembly. Letter from the governor of St Augustine about Spanish mulattoes sold as slaves re- ferred to the advocate general. . 266 28 Report of committee on governor's message of the 22d handed in; question whether it should be received not set- tled. Minutes sent home. 267 Sep. 4 Letters received: from Col. Johnson, goes on an expedition with 400 Christians and 400 Indians; from Gov. Shirley with commission appointing Samuel Welles, Robert Hale and Oliver Partridge delegates to the meeting of commis- sioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:156). 267 11 Copy of commission received from Gov. Law appointing Roger Wolcot, Thos. Fitch and Benj. Hall delegates as above (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:15?). Memorial of Massa- chusetts commissioners in regard to powers of New York commissioners referred. 268 12 Daniel Horsmanden, suspended from the council, demands the reason of it. Commission to New York commissioners made out, granting to them the same powers as to Massa- chusetts and Connecticut delegates, leaving out Dan'l Horsmanden's name. 269 IS Letters from Major Jacob Glen to Col. Phil. Schuyler (see N. y. col. mss, 75:158) received. Detachments of Albany county regiment to go to Oswego. Order on report of Richard Bradley the advocate general on the case of Arthur Helme commanding the Polly privateer. Warrants for salaries, etc. signed. Albany county rangers. Account of the governor's disbursements (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:138-146). 269 22 Appointment of officers for Albany county rangers referred to the mayor of Albany. Draft of instructions >to Phil. Livingston and Joseph Murray of the council, Wm NicoU, Phil. Verplanck and Henry Cruger of the assembly, as commissioners at the meeting to confer on measures for the encouragement of the six nations read and amended ; (see N. Y. col. mss. 76:1-3). 271 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL xMINUTES 1668-I783 367 1747 V. 21 26 Warrant to Col. Roberts (see N. Y. col. mss, 75:161) and letter from the same (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 75:161) laid before the council; advice of council. Saratoga deserted by the levies (see A''. Y. col. mss, 76:4); orders in relation to it. 272 29 Stephen Bayard suspended from the council. Henry Hol- land appointed mayor, John Ayscough sheriff, John van Cortlandt coroner of New York, John ten Broeck mayor and Jacob ten Eyck sheriff of Albany. 273 Oct. I Agreement made by the commissioners of the colonies re- ferred to the assembly. Report of Mr Murray on his efforts to have forts ordered built by them at the great carrying place. Defense of the frontiers to be considered. 274 2 Defense of the frontiers and preserving the six nations in their allegiance submitted to the consideration of the council. ■ 274 3 Mr Livingston lays a paper, " Proposals for the security of the frontiers" before the council; referred. Col. Johnson to be examined on Indian affairs. 275 6 Examination of Col. Johnson (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 76:8, 9). 275 14 Fort Clinton burnt, cannon and stores removed to Still- vi^ater. Order on a deposition of Wm Johnson, charging Joseph, John and Lewis Clement with selling rum to the six nations. Lieut. Lindesay ordered to take command at Oswego upon petition of Oswego traders and Indians. 276 31 Commission of flag of truce granted upon petition of Edw'd Holland to Thos. Seymour master of the brigantine Good Friends (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:13). Exchange of prison- ers in Canada. 277 Nov. 6 Letters received from Gov. Shirley and Knowles; pay of troops; discharge of troops. Opinion of council asked about measures for the defense of the frontiers. 277 7 Allowances of pay of troops by the assembly. Report on measures for the defense of the frontiers. Merchants to be asked to advance money for paying troops. 278 20 Troops s'.ationed at the Mohawks and Canajoharie castles and at Wm Johnson's have deserted; new levies expected to enlist to be sent there. 279 25 Council advises the governor to sign acts creating new bills of credit notwithstanding objections thereto. Arent Ste- phens appointed Indian interpreter. 280 Dec. 31 Resolves of the general court of Massachusetts concerning the agreement between the commissioners of the colonies (p. 274) received with amendments. Petition of Jacob de Hart for rights of ferry from Staten Island to New York and to Bergen county, N. J. tabled. New license to pur- 368 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1748 Jan. 2 174T V. 21 chase Indian lands south of Jeremiah van Rensselaer's land, west of Hudson river and near Johs. Hallenbeck, in Albany county, granted to Henry Lane and Hendrick Remsen. License to purchase Indian lands near the Katts- kills granted to William and Abr'm Salisbury and Cas- parus Bronck. Report on Gov. Clinton's account (p. 269). Warrants to him to be prepared and warrant for his house rent signed. Mr Miln appointed surgeon to the forces. 280 Warrants to Gov. Clinton for contingent expenses signed. Writs for election of a new assembly to issue. 283 4 Gov. Shirley complains that Nicholas Schuyler has enlisted men in Hampshire county and asks them to be discharged; referred. Action on demand of president and council of Pennsylvania for loan of battering cannon deferred. 283 22 John Burnet appointed coroner of New York vice John van Cortlandt deceased. 284 26 Meeting of commissioners discussed. Order on a petition of mayor and aldermen of Albany for continuance of Capt. Nicholas Schuyler's company as garrison there. 284 Feb. 4 Letters received from Gov. Law about meeting of commis- sioners; from president of Pennsylvania about loan of cannons. No powder at Albany. Richard Smith appointed branch pilot, but must pass examination. 285 12 Governor's speech to be made to the council and assembly read (see A^". Y. col. mss, 76:21 and Jour. 2:1004). 286 16 Commissioners to communicate letters to the general assem- bly, John Canon master of the brigantine William and Mary to be examined as to the cannon with which he sailed and did not bring back. 287 17 Letters received: from Phil. Ryley in the Seneca country to Col. Johnson, from Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego, and from Capt. Chew to Col. Marshall at Albany about movements of the French; from Col. Schuyler about orders he has given. 287 18 Arent Stevens sent to make inquiries among the Indians about the reported movements of the French. Advice of council in regard to the news in above letters. 288 24 Extract from a letter of the duke of Newcastle (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:10); referred. 289 . 29 Report of committee on the above letter. 290 15 Pennsylvania again asks for the loan of cannon; order thereon. Scouts from Albany taken or killed by the enemy. Petitions of Noah Kiting and Nath'l Lefever (see L. P. 14:19), of Otto van Tuyl et al (see L. P. 14:14) with Me CALENDAR OF COUNCIL XUNCTLS 1668-I783 369 1748 V. 21 caveat against patent to Jacob de Hart (see L. P. 14:23) referred. 293 18 Cannons can be loaned to Pennsylvania. Patent granted to Noah Elting and Nath'l Lefever. 294 28 Gov. Clinton ill, Mr Livingston presides. Gov. Shirley pro- poses a meeting with Gov. Clinton and an Indian confer- ence; writes also about expedition against Crovvnpoint, forts in the Indian country, Indian affairs. Council of Massachusetts concur in the sentiments of the New York council (p. 290). Letter received from Col. Johnson by Mr Catherwood on killing of outscouts and garrisons among the Indians. 295 29 Gov. Clinton present. Report on the letters laid before the . council yesterday. 296 Ap. 9 Council advises the governor to give his assent to several acts notwithstanding objections thereto. 298 May 2 Letters received from Gov. Shirley with resolutions, etc. of the Massachusetts representatives in regard to the Crown- point expedition; advice of council thereon. Order on a memorial of Advocate General Richard Bradley (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:16). Petition of clergymen complaining that justices of the peace perform the marriage ceremony re- ferred. 299 23 Letters received: from Col. Johnson on Indian affairs; from Col. John Stoddard to Mr Lydius with enclosure from T. Williams, movements of the French; Col. Johnson's Jour- nal of an Indian at Onondaga April 24. 25, 26. Exchange of prisoners to be proposed to the governor of Quebec. Copy of Col. Johnson's Journal to be sent to Gov. Shirley. Letter received from Gov. Tincker, recommending Hugo Grangent, a Frenchman. Warrant for salaries signed. 300 June 6 Assembly adjourned. Letter received from the governor of Quebec to Gov. Shirley about exchange of prisoners. Order of council in regard to three French prizes brought to New York by the Royal Catherine privateer. Copy of the report made by John Armstrong engineer on the forti- fications of the city to be laid before the assembly. Repon of committee on letters and papers, received May 23, ap- proved. 307 10 Royal proclamation prohibiting commerce with the French received and to be reprinted (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:23). French prisoners to be sent to the country. 308 20 Governor's message to the assembly read (see A''. Y. col. mss.. 76:32). Message read from the general court of Massa- chusetts to Gov. Shirley about meeting of commissioners. 370 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1748 V. 21 French privateers off the coast reported by Mr Wassel of the Pennsylvania council. 308 30 Resolutions of the general assembly relating to the exchange of prisoners received. Proposals for carrying 100 prison- ers under flag of truce out of the province, made by Mr Richards, accepted. Order on a petition of Joseph Havi- land, Gerard Smith et al isee_N. Y. col. mss, 76:37). War- rants for salaries, etc. signed. 309 July 8 Governor Clinton is going to Albany. 3i>l II Letters received from the duke of New Castle about giving FoTtFrederick, presents to the Indians. Money to pay the troops ex- Albany 23 26 27 Aug. 9 Ft George, New York 17 25 Sep. 26 30 I 13 pended, council advises to keep them in service, hoping the assembly will make appropriations. Letter from John Chandler to Gov. Shirley about counterfeiters living at Dover, N. Y. Propositions made to the six nations and their allies, the Oghquages, Tftataghreghroones and Scanehaderadeigh- roones. Answer of the six nations. Speech made to the river Indians and their answer. Letter received from the duke of Bedford with royal procla- mation announcing cessation of hostilities between Great Britain, France and the States General (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:25). Assembly adjourned. Order on a petition of Lewis Bouvet master of the ship I'Amazone of Nantes (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:45). Order on a petition of Joseph Blondi boatswain of the French polacca St Charles of Marseilles (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:43). Desertions reported by Col. Johnson from the companies on the frontiers. Petition of Joseph Blondi (p. 318) dismissed for reasons given. Louis Bouvet allowed to sell cotton from his ship and purchase provisions. Thos. Carey and Teunis Rivett appointed branch pilots. Assembly adjourned. Assembly adjourned by proclamation. Lottery tickets to raise funds for a college to continue on sale. Masters and officers of the French ships Le Marechal de Saxe, Le. Concord and Le Zephir, taken by the Brave Hawk privateer, Edw'd Menzie master, allowed to come ashore. Order on a petition of Jean Larraldi, Joseph Oilier, Pierre le Prince, masters of the above vessels, and of Guillaume Chapelien, master of the brigantine L'Industrie (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:48). 311 311 314 316 317 317 318 319 320 320 320 321 CAI.K.XDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 37I 1748 V. 21 17 Edward Menzie, commanding the Brave Hawk, heard in opposition to the foregoing petition with aflfidavits by- Joseph Courts, James Biveau and Louis Flott (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:49, 51). 321 20 Assembly adjourned. The prizes of the Brave Hawk are re- stored to their masters, consenting to receive them under protest (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 76:52). Liberty granted to the flag of truce snow L'Hirondelle, S. Arnavielhe master, to refit and provision. 322 24 Dispatches from the governor of Canada delivered by M. Deligniere. Difficulties in provisioning the troops. 323 29 Edward Holland appointed to the council vice Phil, van Cortlandt deceased; he is sworn in and takes his place. Edw'd Holland reappointed mayor, John Ayscough sheriff and John Burnet coroner of New York; Jacob Coenradt ten Eyck mayor, Thos. Williams jr, sheriff of Albany. Letters received from the governor of Canada about ex- change of prisoners ' and about cessation of hostilities. Stephen Arnavielhe allowed to allow his vessel for re- fitting. 324 Oct. 3. Letter received from the duke of Bedford announcing that Spain and Genoa have signed the preliminaries of the treaty of Aix la Chapelle. Proclamation to issue announc- ing cessation of hostilities with Spain. French prisoners among the Indians. 325 4 Above proclamation read, amended and ordered printed (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:54). Speech intended to be made to the Indians. Provisions to the troops. 326 6 Mr Richards explains why he has not sent provisions for the troops to Albany; Mr Catherwood contradicts him. Orders to ten Broeck and Cuyler, commissaries at Albany. 327 8 Monsieur de Ligniere presents a memorial on the exchange of prisoners; referred. Minutes sent home. 328 13 Cadw. Colden presents a memorial of what passed in the council between him and Chief Justice de Laiicey on the 8th; copy to be sent to de Lancey. Charter of incorpora- tion granted to the parish church at Jamaica, Rev. Thos. Colgan rector. 32S 21 ^lemorial of Cadwallader Colden (see iV- Y. col. mss, 76:57) ; Chief Justice de Lancey's answer (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:58). Resolutions of the assembly received about pay and dis- charge of the troops on the frontiers; opinion of council thereon. Warrants for salaries, etc. signed. 329 Nov. 8 Reply of Cadw. Colden to Chief Justice de Lancey's answer (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:60). 335 Z7^ NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1748 Dec. 7 IS 1749 Jan. 12 Feb. 23 Mar. 6 14 16 17 V. 21 Wm Beekman jr, son of Dr Wm Beekman, to be one of the managers of the public lottery vice Peter Vallett, resigned on account of ill health. 338 Orders on petitions of Solomon Comes for ferry rights from Staten Island to New York (see L. P. 14:15, 16) and of John Dickinson (see L. P. 14:25). Patent granted to Thos. Smith (see L. P. 14:24).- 338 Mayor and corporation of New York ask that exportation of flour, bread, corn and butter be prohibited; not granted. 340 Hearing on the petition of Solomon Comes and of Otto van Tuyl (see L. P. 14:29). Patents granted: to Sarah, Cath- erine, George, Elizabeth and Mary Bradley (see L. P. 14:28); to Henry Lane and Hendrick Remsen (see L. P. 14:54); to Abr'm and Wm Salisbury and Casparus Bronck (p. 280). 340 Letter received from the governor of Canada about exchange of prisoners referred. 342 Report on the preceding letter called for. Letter received from Capt. Rich'd Ferris commanding the Centaur man of war about a Spanish vessel carrying news of the peace to Porto Rico having been captured by one King of New York; referred to the judge of the admiralty. 342 Report on the letter of the governor of Canada relating to exchange of prisoners read and approved. 343 Hearing on the petition of Solomon Comes (p. 340) ; con- tinued. 343 Letter received from J. H. Lydius, Indian affairs. Petition of fishermen, badly treated by Jerseymen, referred to Gov. Belcher. Patents granted to Hendrick du Bois and Cor- nelius Schoonmaker jr (see L. P. 14:35) and to David Rees (see L. P. 14:33). Petition of Zacharias Hoffman and Abr'm Smeddies (see L. P. 14:30) tabled. Warrants for salaries signed. 344 Hearing on the petition of Solomon Comes (p. 343) post- poned. 346 License to purchase Indians lands granted to Thos. Lane and Joris Remsen, son of Hendrick Remsen (see L. P. 14:36). Ferry rights granted to Solomon Comes; table of fees to be prepared. 346 Letter written to M. de Lignerie about his powers to treat for an exchange of prisoners and affirmative answer re- ceived; Chief Justice de Lancey and Mr Rutherford are appointed to treat with him. 347 CALENDAR (IF COUNCIL MTNUTES 1668-I783 373 1749 V. 21 27 Letter received from Wm Jolinson about excliange of pris- oners among the Indians; opinion of council. M. de Lignerie not to return to Canada by way of Oswego. 348 Ap. 4 Correspondence with INI. de Lignerie about exchange of prisoners continued. 349 10 Orders on petition by Manuel Josephee de la Mar (see AL 1 . col. iiiss, 76:6s); by David Seaman. Jacob Seaman, Thos. Seaman, John Jackson and Thos. Allen (see L. P. 14:38). 349 May 10 Letter received from the duke of Bedford with royal procla- mation of peace; to be published. 350 18 Letter received from Wm Johnson, Indian affairs. Procla- mation to issue for a day of thanksgiving. Proof laid before the council that David Seaman et al have complied with the order of April 10 and their petition is granted. Table of fees for Solomon Comes' Staten Island ferry ap- proved. 351 June 7 Letter received from Wm Johnson about French prisoners among the Indians; order of council. 353 28 Letter received from French commander at Crownpoint to Capt. Marshall enclosed in a letter from the latter to the governor, Indian affairs; French movements toward the Belle Riviere; Gov. Hamihon and Shirley to be informed. 353 July I Depositions: of Thos. Cumming a quaker about disrespect- ful words spoken of the governor at the tavern of Andrew Ramsay; of John Woolaston; Oliver de Lancey to be prosecuted for them. . 354 13 Speech of the governor in relation to the preceding; Phil. van Home refuses to testify in regard to it. 358 14 Philipp van Home, David Johnston and Wm Ricketts called before the council as witnesses in the above case. 359 17 Phil, van Home and David Johnston examined, Nath'l Johnson dismissed not having heard anything (see N. V. col. inss, 76:79, 80). 359 Aug. 8 Message from the assembly concerning, redemption of pris- oners among the Indians. Correspondence with the gov- ernor of Canada on exchange of prisoners approved. Warrants to Wm Johnson for supplying Oswego troops. Patents granted to Cornelius ten Broeck (see L. P. 14:44) and to Jane and Ellis Colden (see L. P. 14:45)- Petition of Michael Christian Knoll, minister of the Lutheran church in New York (see N. Y. col. inss, 76:72) tabled. Minutes sent home. 360 Sep. 8 Order on a representation by Capt. Roddam, commanding the Greyhound man of war, about carpenters refusing to come to Turtle bay for repairing his ship. Letters received; 374 NEW YORK STATE LIERARY 1749 V. 21 from Wm Johnson, Indian affairs, M. Beaubassin sent back from Albany, enclosing a letter from M. Louis a French engineer about latitude of Fort Niagara (45° 53' 17"); from Marquis de la Jonquiere, governor of Canada, ex- change of prisoners. Half of the garrison at Oswego may be withdrawn. Warrant to Thos. Butler administrator of Chas. Kerr for the latter's salary as surgeon at Oswego. 361 29 Mayor, sheriff and coroner of NewYork reappointed, mayor of Albany also; Richard Miller appointed sheriff of Albany. Complaint of inhabitants of Dutchess county against their sheriff Wm Barnes rejected as frivo'ous. Otto van Tuyl to be prosecuted for speaking contemptuous words against the governor, as per affidavit of Solomon Comes. Con- stables in Dutchess and Orange counties, who have neg- lected to make census returns, to be prosecuted. 363 Oct. 26 Letters received: from Robert Saunders sent to Canada for exchange of prisoners (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:90); from Gov. de la Jonquiere about the exchange of Abenakis, prisoners near Boston, and of Amalacites, taken by Capt. Gorham, to be referred to Gov. Shirley. James Swan ap- pointed branch pilot, if he can pass the examination (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:93). Petition of the Lutheran minister and congregation in New York (see A''. Y. col. mss, 6:89) tabled. Order on a petition of Abr'm Kip for a ferry across the Hudson near Kingston (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:92). Patents granted: to George Murray and Jacobus Bruyn (seeL.P. 14:50); to Peter van Brugh Livingston and John Provoost (see L. P. 14:51). Order on a petition for running the line between Ulster and Albany counties (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:91). 364 28 Letter received from Col. Jacob Wendel, the Indians near Boston supposed to be prisoners are Pigwackit Indians who came of their own accord to escape the war. Mr Lannier, satisfied with this explanation, to return to Canada. 3^7 Nov. IS Letter received from the duke of Bedford in relation to an address by the house of commons on colonial bills of credit. Treasurer ordered to prepare an account of out- standing bills. Order on a letter from the governor of Leogan, concerning property belonging to Messrs Pazan and Gazan, taken away by the Polly sloop, Nath'l Beek master, John Willet & Co. of New York owners. 368 Dec. I Account of outstanding bills of credit received from the treasurer; mistakes in it pointed out and the treasurer called, but he does not come. Orders to the treasurer to CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MJNUTES 1668-I783 375 14 21 28 1750 Ap. 3 1749 V. 21 give a correct account. Order in regard to Indian children, taken in pawn by Mr Bradt of Albany and Peter van Driesen of Schenectady. Negroes in Albany grown very insolent since the peace. Examinations of David Johnston and Phil, van Home (p. 359) entered in the minutes. 369 Answer of the treasurer to the objections against his account of outstanding bills of credit. 371 Treasurer fails to come with a corrected account as ordered. 373 Excise matters. Proclamation to issue reviving an act of 12 Anne for laying an excise (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:104). Treasurer's account received. Patent granted to Douw Funda and Tohs. H. Vrooman (see L. P. 14:56) 373 Letters received: from Gov. Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire (see A''. Y. col. mss, 76:97, 98); from Col. Wm Johnson, Indian affairs, Mohawks want to go to war against the Catawbas, Oneidas want a smith; from mayor, etc of Albany; Indian children in pawn; from Thos. Hill, secretary of lords of trade with acts of parliament relating to the Unitas Fratrum [Moravians] and to whale fishery. 374 4 Advice of council regarding letters of Col. Johnson, from 'mayor, etc. of Albany received yesterday. New license to purchase Indian lands granted to Thos. Lane and Joris Remsen (see L. P. 14:61). Patents granted: to Anthony Tancret and Samuel Rogers (see L. P. 14:62); to George Harrison (see L. P. 14:60); to Thos. Ellison and Laurence Roome (see L. P. 14:58). Petition of Germans in New York (see A''. F. col. mss, 76:113) granted. Order on letter from the governor of Havannah claiming certain negroes as freemen. 376 12 Letter received from the duke of Bedford (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:102). Patents granted: to John Ayscough (see L. P. 14:65); to Hugh Wentworth (see L. P. 14:63); license to purchase Indian lands to Jacob Roseboom, John Jacobus Roseboom and John G. Roseboom (see L. P. 14:64). Order in regard to granting patents and licenses. 378 May 22 Account of the treasurer of outstanding bills of credit re- ceived. Letters received: from the duke of Bedford (see A^. Y. col. mss, 76:108); from Capt. Stoddert at Quebec, exchange of prisoners; from Col. Johnson, French with 1 western Indians intend to destroy the Indians on the Ohio in British interest and then the five nations. Assistance promised to the latter in case of attack. Gov. Hamilton writes about French designs against Ohio Indians. 380 2;j6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY ' 1750 V. 21 June S Correspondence: with Gov. Wentworth (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:114, 115); with Lt. Gov. Phips relating to a complaint by Gov. de la Jonquiere about Indian prisoners (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:117). 381 25 Letters received: from Marquis de la Jonquiere, Abenaki prisoners; from Lt. Gov. Phips confirmii.g Col. Jacob Wendell's account of them; 'from Col. Wendell with affi- davits about the Pigwackit Indians; from mayor of Albany with affidavit of I. Switts master of the sloop on which M. Lanniere and the Abenaki sachem went to Albany; from Lieut. Lindesay to Col. Johnson, Indian affairs; all referred. Order on a petition of Robert Augustine Auvray, master of the brigantine St Michael (see A^. Y. col. mss, 76:120). 383 26 M. Beaubassin before the council reports on the Abenakis near Boston. Report on the letters received the 25th. Proclamation to issue forbidding Oswego traders to take Indian children in pawn (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:118). Lib- erty granted to R. A. Auvray for unloading his vessel and selling part of his cargo to pay for repairs. 385 July 2 M. Beaubassin again before the council receives dispatches for Canada. Patent granted to Wm Smith and James Brown (see L. P. 14:68). Order on petition of Hugh Wentworth (see L. P. 14:69). Petition of Hendrick Myer (see L. P. 14:73) tabled. License granted to Johan Joost Herkimer (see L. P. 14:72). Caveat entered by Abr'm Haasbrouck, Samuel Bevier, and Daniel Haasbrouck agains't Hugh Wentworth. 386 24 Writs for election of a new assembly to issue. Correspond- ence with the governor of Canada and Col. Johnson about exchange of prisoners. Letters received: from Gov. Went- worth (see A''. Y. col. mss, 76:119); case to be laid before the king; from Gov. Glen of South Carolina, Indian affairs. 389 Aug. 6 Draft of an ordinance changing terms of the supreme court read and approved. Letters received from Thos. Lee, president of Virginia, Indian affairs. 391 9 Hearing on caveat against Hugh Wentworth's petition (p. 386). - 391 Sep. 4 Royal mandamus appointing Edward Holland of the council vice Phil, van Courtlandt deceased; he is sworn in. 392 15 Order on an address from the assembly asking that the act for preventing importation of copper money be reprinted. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Teady McGin for 8000 acres between Stone Rabey and Canajo- harie patents on Canada's Kill; to John Becken and Johs. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 377 1750 V. 21 Eckerson (see L. P. 14:80); patents for a ferry between Staten Island and Bergen, N. J. to Jacob Corsen (see L. P. 14:82). Order on a petition of Staats Long Morris (see L. P. 14:79). Order in regard to caveats entered against granting patents. _ 392 19 Letter received from Gov. Wentwortli (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:133). Order on a petition of Manachna and Aman natives of Arabia (see A^. Y. col. mss, 76:135). 395 24 Hearing on the caveat against Hugh Wentworth's petition (p- 391); caveat dismissed. Papers received from Gov. Hamilton; Twightwee Indians want to enter into an alli- ance with the six nations and Ohio Indians. Owendaets on the Ohio want to be included in the peace with the French; to be laid before the assembly. Letters received from Lieut. Butler at Oswego and Col. Johnson, Indian affairs. Patent granted to Hugh Wentworth. Petition of Jacob, John Jacobus and John G. Roseboom (see L. P. 14:84) referred. 3p6 29 Edward Holland to be mayor, John Ayscough sheriff, An- thony Rutgers coroner of New York; Robert Saunders mayor and Richard Miller sheriff of Albany. Representa- tion of the attorney general on the eastern boundary (see N. y. col. mss, 76:135) referred. Patent granted to Jacob Roseboom et al (p. 396). 398 Oct. 5 Letter received from Col. Johnson, Indian affairs and French intentions; referred to the assembly. Petition of John Joost Petrie (see N'. Y. col. mss, 76:156) read. 399 8 Warrants granted to the above J. J. Petrie for supplying Oswego troops; accounts for this service called for from John de Peyster and Gerrit Corn's van den Bergh. Acts of parliament relating to African trade, silk culture and ex- portation of iron from American colonies received from Thos. Hill and to be fi'ed for public inspection. Procla- mation to issue in regard to the iron industry (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:138). I 400 15 Letter received from Gov. Hamilton, Indian affairs, the new headman of the six nations a Roman catholic and greatly attached to the French interest. Too late in the season for an Indian conference at Albany. 401 Nov. 5 Journal kept by Conrad Weiser on his journey to Onon- daga received with letter from Pres. Thos. Lee of Virginia on Indian affairs, six nations will not go to Fredericks- burgh, but meet Virginia delegates at Albany. Message from Gov. Hamilton to Pennsylvania assembly and answer on Indian affairs received and referred to the New York assembly. Minutes sent home. 402 378 NEW YOEK STATE LIBRARY 1750 V. 21 26 Mandamus of the lords justices restoring James Alexander to his seat in the council; he is sworn in and takes his place. Letters received from Pres. Lee of Virginia and Gov. Glen of South Carolina, Indian affairs. Warrants for salaries, etc signed. 403 Dec. 5 Letter received from the duke of Bedford with act of parlia- ment relating to American iron; order thereon. Circular letters to governors of English- colonies to be written (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:14s). 405 14 Caveats entered: by the heirs of Dr Samuel Staats, deceased (see L. P. 14:85); by Joseph Banks (see L. P. 14:85); by Barent van Benthuysen and R. R. Livingston (see L, P. 14:85). Orders on the petitions: of Johannis Jansen (see L. P. 14:88); of Staats Lang Morris (see L. P. 14:89, 87); of Wm Bauch and Jacob Fred'k Lawyer (see L. P. 14:93); of Johs. Becker and Johs. Eckerson (see L. P. 14:97). Patent granted to Thos. Lane and Joris Remsen (see L. P. 14:95). Warrants for salaries signed. 406 1751 Jan. 3 Letter received from Col. Johnson, Cloron's leaden plate. / Johnson's conference with Scanaghradeya, a Cayuga sachem who brought the plate; copies to be sent to Gov. Hamilton. Patents granted: to Alex'r Phoenix, Abr'rii Bokee and John Exceen (see L. P. 14:99); to Richard Durham (see L. P. 14:101). Alexander Colden to be surveyor general with his father. 409 Mar. 12 Letters received: from Lt. Gov. Phips, Gov. Belcher and Gov. Hamilton in answer to the circular letter (p. 405) ; from Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego, about a Missisaga boy, kept by Mr Bratt. Warrants for salaries signed. Assem- bly prorogued. Licenses to piirchase Indian lands granted: to Jacob Borst, Jerominus Greslaer, Mathias Bowman, Barent Keiser, Hendrick Hens, Adam Zehe, Robert Stuert, Barent ten Eyck and Jacob C. ten Eyck (see L. P. 14:102); to Benj. Nicol, John Rutse Bleecker, Valkert P. Douw and Peter Laroway (see L. P. 14:104). 411 Ap. 12 Brigantine Sarah, Robert Leonard master, arrives from St Christophers with smallpox; quarantine measures. Gov. Wentworth writes that the assembly of New Hampshire will not allow him to send a commissioner to the Indian meeting at Albany and asks Gov. Clinton to appoint. a New York or Albany man as representative of New Hampshire, can not be done without presents to the Indians. Gov. Ogle of Maryland and Gov. Hamilton of Pennsylvania are i doubtful whether their assemblies will make the necessary appropriations for the meeting; Gov, Phips will either CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 379 1751 V.21 come himself or send commissioners. Time of meeting at Albany postponed until end of June and assembly to be prorogued from week to week. Warrants to Gov. Clinton for Indian presents and expenses to Albany signed. 413 May 16 Letters received from Mayor 'Saunders of Albany and Mr Bratt about the Indian boy; the latter refuses to give up the boy unless paid for; deferred until the governor 'is at Albany. Gov. Phips will have everything ready for the Indian conference. Ordinance for changing time 'of court of sessions in Westches'ter county approved. Assembly called to meet. Warrant to Martice van Dyck for taking care of cannons, etc. at Red Hook signed. Petitions of Richard Nicholls land waiter for sa'ary, of Wm Bauch and Jacob Fred'k Lawyer (see L. P. 14:107) tabled. Warrant of survey granted to Thos. Braine (see L. P. 14:108), patent to John Neilson (see L. P. 14:112), licenses to purchase ' Indian lands to Wm Johnson, Thos. Butler and John But- ler'(see L. P. 14:114), to Hendrick Myer (see L. P. 14:115). 414 24 Death of the prince of Wales and change of prayer for the royal family to be announced by proclamation (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:158). Gov. Hamilton writes that the assembly of Pennsylvania will have nothing to do with the Indian meeting at Albany, but he intends to send Conrad Weiser with a present; approved. Letter received from Owen Rice and Rudolphus van Dyck in behalf of the Unitas Fratrum (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:157), intention approved. 417 30 Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego reports that the French are build- ing forts at Oniagara and on the Ohio; referred to Gov. Hamilton and to the assembly. 418 31 Governor of Canada 'to be written to about the building of above forts. Mr Bull, commissioner for South Carolina, arrives with six sachems of the Catawbas. Indians dis- pleased with act relating to Oswego duties; referred to the assembly. 419 June 6 Assembly prorogued. Letter received from Arent Stephens the Indian interpreter (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:160). Com- mission appointing Brig. Gen. William Bull as delegate to Albany. 420 12 Report at Albany that a great number of Catawbas are coming up spreads uneasiness among the New York Indians; to be contradicted. Letter received from the governor of St Augustine relating to Englishmen ship- wrecked on the coast of Florida and by him sent to New York. Warrants for salaries signed: Licenses to pur- chase Indian lands granted: to Matthew Ferral (see L. P. 38o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1751 V. 21 14:124, 125); to Luykas Johannes Wyngaard, John Garret Roseboom, Jacob Merkell and Nicholas Jacobus Lydius (see L. P. 14:109); to Theobalt, Adam, Frederick and Andries Yongh, Gerrit Staats, Henry Dow, Jacob ten Broeck, Corn's ten Broeck, Gerardus Groesbeck, Benj. Nicoll and Henry Holland (see L. P. 14:119); to Koenradt Kanterman (see L. P. 14:123); patents to Jacob Borst et al (see L. P. 14:1116 and p. 411); to Johann Joost Herkemer and his son Hendrick (see L. P. 14:126). 421 19 Letters received: from Hendrick a Mohawk sachem to Rev. Mr Ogilvie asking that the sale of liquor to Indians be stopped; from Sec. Willard of Massachusetts, lieutenant governor is sick, commissioners are chosen by the general court. Speech of Gov. Clinton to the council (see A''. Y. col. mss, 76:167); referred. 424 p. m: Answer of the council to the governor's speech (see A''. Y. col. mss, 76:168). Gov. Hamilton has sent Conrad Weiser to Albany with message of condolence on the death of Canasatego and presents to the six nations and asks per- mission for Weiser's son to remain a few years among them near Fort Hunter and learn the Indian language; granted. 42^ July 15 Gov. Clinton lays minutes of proceedings at Albany June 28-July 8 before the council as follows. June 28 Proclamation to issue forbidding the sale to or distribu- Albany tion among the Indians of rum. 428 July I Report of Lieut. Lindesay at Oswego: Onondaga sachems gone to Canada to forbid the building of forts in their country; Young Red Head has taken four squaws to Canada; Nimnack has carried six English traders to Niag- ara, confirmed by some of the five nations with Cocknawaga and Sienundie Indians; Micel Mackenock (Missili- mackinak) Indians, arrived at Oswego, report war between the Twightwees and Ottawa was likely to break out; French interpreter and two Indians from Cadaraqui at Oswego, supposed with the intention of inviting all the five rations to Canada; recommends Chiquaquendi, an Onondaga . sachem, of great influence. Letter to be sent to the gover- nor of Canada remonstrating against the building of forts. Expenses of Rev. Mr Ogilvie in going to theMohawks about treaty with the Catawbas to be paid out of Indian treaty 'fund. Commission of Jacob Wendell, Joseph De Wight and Oliver Partridge, delegates of Massachusetts read. Gov. Clinton's speech to the Indians. 428 2 Cocknawaga Indians pay their respects to Gov. Clinton; speeches upon the occasion. Speech at a private confer- ence with the six nations about Col. Johnson refusing to act longer as Indian agent. 430 CALEXDAR OF COUXCIL MIXUTES 1668-I783 381 1751 V. 21 3 Public condolence on 'the death of the prince of Wales by the Indians; Gov. Clinton condoles on the deaths of their sachems. His answer relating to Col. Johnson. Com- mission of Wm Pitkin and Jobs. Chester as delegates from Connecticut and instructions to Conrad Weiser, as inter- preter for Pennsylvania read. 432 5 Col. Johnson gives his reasons for refusing to act any longer as Indian agent; he is asked to continue as such for the present, to which he consents but refuses to be sworn of the council. 434 6 Cocknawagas, 200 in number, to leave Albany as soon as possible. 436 8 Letter from Commissioner Bull, and his speech intended for the six nations read and approved, also Gov. Glen's letter to the nations. Expenses of the meeting heavy. 436 10 Speech of Massachusetts commissioners read. Order in re- gard to the Indian boy in possession of Johannes Bradt. 437 p.m. The Indian boy turned over to the sheriff: Jobs. Bradt to be prosecuted by information. Col. Johnson given 'charge of the Indian bey to return him to his parents. Royal mandamus appointing Col. Wm Johnson of the council; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Letter from the com- missioners to Gov. Clinton (see iV. Y. col. inss, 77:2); re- ferred. Speeches to and 'answers of the six nations, July I, 6, 8, 10 and letter of Gov. Glen to them. 438 July 19 Report of committee on the above letter 'from the commis- sioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:4) 453 30 Lieut. Lindesay reports the arrival at ' Oswego of some Twightwees well disposed toward the English. Assem- bly prorogued. John Chambers appointed second justice of the supreme court vice Fred'k Philippse deceased. 455 31 John Chambers sworn in as justice. 455 Sep. 30 Mayors, sheriffs and coroner of New York 'and of Albany reappointed. Letters received: from Corns. Cuyler, sent with dispatches to Canada, no Indians of the six nations there on his arrival but Senecas came just before he left; from ]\Iarquis de la Joncquiere, governor of Canada, to Gov. Clinton (see JV. Y. col. mss, 77:7); from Col. John- son, a200 French and '200 Orondacks have passed Oswego on an expedition against British western Indians and to prevent the Pennsylvanians from building a fort at or near the Ohio; -from Lieut. Lindesay and Capt. Stoddard (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:5); same information; from Gov. Wool- cot, about sending missionaries to the six nations; from Gov. Hamilton, grant of -land to Col. Johnson on the 382 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1751 V. 21 Susquehannah objected to; referred. Warrants for salaries, etc signed. 455 Oct. 9 Report on the above letter of Gov. -Hamilton. Petition of Jacob Borst et al for inserting the name of Anna Margrieta Greslaer in the patent, instead of her husband Jeronimus deceased (see L. P. 14:134) granted. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Johan.Fred'k Bauch, Christian Zehe, Johs. Zehe, Michael Wanner and Johs. Knisker (see L. P. 14:13s); to John Lawyer and Phil. Bergh (see L. P. 14:136); patent to S. Bayard, Nich's Bayard, Sam"l Bayard, Peter Kemble and David Provoost (see L. P. 14:137). 461 Vol. 22, 1746-52 Legislative minutes of council from June 3, 1746 to Nov. 11, 1752 printed in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York, 2:926-11107. Vol. 23, 1751-64 1751 Oct. 18 Report of committee on the representation of the attorney general relating to boundary with New Hampshire (21: 398; and see N. Y. col. mss, 77:13). Col. Johnson's re- marks on a petition of Abr'm van Eps and other Oswego traders for increase of duties; to be laid before the assem- bly. Answer of Gov. Clinton to letter of governor of Can- ada of Aug. 16 (21:455) referred to the assembly. Patent granted to John Leake (see L. P. 14:138). I 25 Royal order received creating Prince George prince of Wales (see N. Y. col. mss, 76:153); proclamation to issue accordingly. Letter received from Lieut. Mills at Oswego, trading house in a ruinous condition; referred to the assembly. ^ il 28 Letter received from the same, expedition of M. Bellatre -, against the Twightwees failed because the Ottawawahs re- fused to join in it and of smallpox among the Indians; will be tried again in the spring with help of Orondacks, Abenakis and Micmack Indians; referred to Gov. Hamil- ton and the assembly. Message from the assembly that they will make provisions for sending smiths to Tieronde- quat, the Senecas and Onondagas and recommending Abr'm Wendell as resident agent among the Indians. Council will select an Indian agent if the assembly will make provisions. ii 30 Assembly has made provisions for three smiths by resolu- tions, copies to be sent to Albany for selecting proper i" persons. 12 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTKS 1668-I783 383 1751 V. 23 Nov. 1 Correspondence with Gov. Glen of South Carolina and the king of the Catawbas, six nations have killed some Cataw- bas; to be sent to the six nations. Treasurer to attend and explain why he has not paid warrants issued to Col. John- son. 13 4 Explanation of treasurer as called for. Petition of propri- etors and inhabitants of the glebelands at Quassaick, for- merly granted to the palatines, that the grant may be con- firmed for the use of an English rector and schoolmaster; granted. 14 7 Acts of parliament relating to naval stores, bills of credit and pot ashes received from the lords of trade and to be pub- lished in the New York gazette. Order to prosecute the commissioners for Oswego duties for neglect of duty. <- Council's opinion on a private message from the assem- bly wanting to know who will be appointed commissioners of Indian affairs. 17 19 Peter Vrooman, Corn's Vrooman and Hendrick Hagadorne to be prosecuted on an affidavit of Jacob W. Vrooman, for having helped Roger alias Ryer Baxter of Schoharie to escape from jail. Reasons given by Col. Johnson for ob- taining a deed for land on Onondaga lake from the In- dians: to be laid before the lords of trade. Petition of Wm Smith and James Brown (see L. P. 14:129) granted. 19 1753 Jan. 9 Letter received from Arent Stephens the Indian interpreter with letter from the six nations to the Catawbas (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:28). Assembly called to meet. Threatening letter received by Robert Gilbert Livingston; reward for discovery of writer offered by proclamation (see A''. Y. cqI. mss, 77:30). 21 Mar. 2 Letters received: from Arent Stephens, six nations unde- cided about going to Canada; from earl of Holdernesse (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:26). Warrants for salaries, etc. signed. Order on a petition of lawyers practising in the - mayor's court for an ordinance on fees. Patent granted to Goldsbrow Banyar, John Benson and Joseph Webb jr (see L. P. 14:141). 23 May 4 Letter received from the governor of St Augustine, the New York privateer Hester, Robert Troup commander, has taken the Spanish sloop Carmen, Fernando Antonio Laguna master, after cessation of hostilities; referred to the judge of the admiralty court. Order on a petition of Robert Livingston jr (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77 '-39, 4o; and. Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:734-38; Q 438-41)- Letter received from 384 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1752 V. 23 Arent Stephens with messages from the Onondagas, Vir- ginia and South CaroHna endeavor to keep the five nations and the Catawbas peaceful; from the Cayugas and Senecas, French intrigues; and from the Mohawks, Twightwees "~ have taken a French fort and want to destroy Niagara; Ohio Indians have taken Jean Coeur a prisoner. To be laid before the assembly. 25 8 Royal mandamus appointing John Chambers to the council vice Stephen Bayard; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Order directing John de Peyster one of the commissioners of duties on Indian goods to render an account of moneys received. Six nations send a belt of wampum asking them to come to Virginia, to be returned to the governor of Vir- ginia; Albany being the place of treaty; advice of council thereon. Warrant to Lieut. Walter Butler for salary as commissary at Oswego signed. Licenses to purchase In- ■ dian lands granted: to Teady Magin et al (see L. P. 14:149); to Jacob Starnbergh (see L. P. 14:148); to Rudolph Staley and Johan Joost Herchheimer jr (see L. P. 14:144); to Jacob Timberman [Zimmerman] and John Joost Snell (see L. P. 14:147). 27 21 The sloop Maria, Fernando Laguna master, not to be re- stored. Order on a petition of Fernando Antonio Laguna for the discharge of Spanish negroes, freemen sold as slaves. Letter received from Lieut. Mills at Oswego, Twightwees on the warpath against the French ; French intentions; to be communicated to governor of Pennsyl- vania and the assembly. Patents granted: to Henry Hol- land (see L. P. 14:150, 151, 153); to Abr'm Hasbrouck, Louis Bevier jr and Jacob Hasbrouck jr (see L. P. 14:128). Wampum belt received from the Senecas asking for a blockhouse to secure them against the French; recom- mended to the assembly. 29 25 Letter received from Don Melchior de Navarette governor of St Augustine, Spanish negroes sold as slaves; referred to the advocate general. Patent granted to Augustus van Cortlandt (see L. P. 14:154). Order in relation to the lands on Onondaga lake given by the Indians to Col. Johnson. 31 29 Letter received from Gov. Glen of South Carolina, Catawbas and six nations. 33 July 3 Letter received from Gov. Hamilton of Pennsylvania. Re- port on the petition of Rob't Livingston jr (p. 25) and petition of Westenhook patentees (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:44, 46, 47) referred. Warrants for salaries signed. Re- port of attorney general about Spanish negroes (p. 31) to CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 385 1753 V. 23 be sent to the governor of St Augustine (see N. Y. col. inss. 77:50). Patents granted: to Coenradt Kanterman (see L. P. 14:157); to Jobs Lawyer and Phil. Bergh (see L. P. 14:159); to John Leake (see L. P. 14:158): to Augustus van Cortlandt (see L. P. 14:154). Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Arent Stevens et al (see L. P. 14:164): to David Schuyler, Peter D. Schuyler, Adolph Myer and John van Cortlandt (see /,. P. 14:165). Ferry patent granted to Abr'm Kip and Moses Cantine (see L. P. 14:167). 33 14 Warrant to Johan Joost Petrie for supplies to Oswego gar- rison signed. Petitions of T. Young et al (see L. P. ■ 14:161) with caveat against it by Nicholas Bayard, and of Stephen, Nicholas and Samuel Bayard, Peter Kemble and David Provoost (see L. P. 14:166) heard and decided in favor of the first. Patents granted: to Arch'd Kennedy (see L. P. 14:171); to John Chambers, Vincent Matthews, Evan Jones, Joseph Sacket, Samuel Bayard Mariner, James Tuthill, Eben'r Seeley, John Yelverton, Hezekiah Howell, Henry Brewster, Brandt Schuyler, Lodowick Bamper, Christ'n Hertell, John Sacket and Mathias Ear- nest (see L. P. 14:170). ■ 3-; Aug 14 Letter received from Arent Stevens Indian interpreter, six • nations and Catawbas have made peace. John Dowgan, Michael Fin- and John Colson to be arrested by the sherifif -^ of Albany on depositions taken before the mayor charging" them with mutiny at Oswego and desertion. 40 21 Col. Johnson writes that the six nations are in great want of— provisions; peace with the Catawbas who return to South Carolina under escort of Iroquois warriors. Report received from Lieut. Mills and Oswego traders on the ruinous con- dition of buildings there; mayor of Albany to be asked to have it repaired and assembly to make necessary appropri- ation. Assembly prorogued. Letter and report received from Lewis Morris judge of the admiraltj- relating to Spanish negroes. Patents granted to Samuel Auchmuty, John Burges, Wm Ogilvie, Anne Avery, Morley Harrison. Josiah Crane, Wm Mitchell, Hendrick Cropsie and John Bickerton (see L. P. 15:6); to Thos. Ellison (see L. P. 15:5); to Abr'm Fonda (see L. P. 15:1). License to pur- chase Indian land granted to Teleman Cuyler. Joris John- son and Henry Ramsen jr (see L. P. 14:174). 40 Sep. 29 Mayors, sheriffs and coroner of New York and Albany re- nominated. Assembly prorogued to meet at the house of Jacob Dyckman in Harlem. Warrants for salaries, etc. 386 NEW YORK STATE. LIBRARY 1752 V. 23 signed. John Dowgan and Michael Fin, Oswego deserters, to be brought to New York. Mayor of Albany writes it is too late in the season to have repairs at Oswego made. 43 Nov. 16 Acts of parliament, relating to correction of calendar, culti- vation of coffee, attestation of wills received and ordered published. Letter received from the lords of trade with additional instructions. Commissioners of Indian affairs appointed. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: south of the Mohawk river and west of Schoharie to John Christ'r Hardwick et al; on Otsego lake and Adaquick- tinge creek to Fred'k Miller, Adam Scheffer, George Cuntz, Adam Tippel, Luke van Ranst et al; between Schoharie and Cobus kill to Lawrence Lawyer (see L. P. 15:21); to Johs. Becker jr, Jobs. Schafer jr, Hendrick Schafer jr and Jacob Schafer (see L. P. 15:213); to Lambertus Starnbergh (see L. P. 15:20); to Jacob Miller (see L. P. 15:22). Patent granted to Arent Stevens, Barent Vrooman, Matthew Fer- ral, Rob't Adams, Cadw. Golden jr, John Young, John Sewell, Ephraim Arnold, Dow Fonda and Jelius Fonda (see L. P. 15:24). Lease of a house near Fort George granted to Christ'r Blundell (see L. P. 15:25). Order on petition of Wm Bauch, Jacob Fred'k Lawyer, Nich's York and Thos. Eckerson (see L. P. 15:14). Minutes sent home. 45 21 Warrants signed: to John Wallace for salary as surgeon; to Wm Livingston administrator of Lieut. John Lindesay, for the latter's salary as commissary at Oswego. New license to purchase Indian lands granted to Matthew Fer- ral (see L. P. 15:28). 50 Dec. I Patent granted to John Fred'k Bauch, Christian Zehe, Jo- hannes Zehe, Michael Wanner and Johs. Knisker (see L. P. 15:30). Caveat by Noah Elting and others against a grant to Abr'm Hasbrouck et al (p. 29) dismissed and patent confirmed. Warrants for salaries signed. 51 2 Letter received from Don Fulgencio Garcia de Solis governor of St Augustine respecting the claim of the sloop Carmen, Fernando Laguna master; referred to the attorney general. Report made by the recorder and aldermen on the petition of attorneys (p. 23) referred. 53 1753 Mar. 2 Report of the chief justice on petitions of Robert Living- ston jr and Westenhook partners (p. 25, 33) to be sent to the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts. Patent granted to Nich's Colton and Edw'd Wilkins (see L. P. 15:42'). Warrants for salaries signed. 55 16 Report of the attorney general on the claim of the sloop Carmen and Spanish mulattoes (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:70) referred. Letter from Gov. Dinwiddle of Virginia about ~ treaties with the six nations (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:65) re- ferred. Assembly prorogued. 61 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 387 1753 V. 23 Ap. 16 Letters received: from lieutenant governor of Boston, boundary affairs; from Col. Johnson on Gov. Dinwiddie's letter (see N. Y. col. mss, 77-76); from sachems of the six nations denying that they have been in Virginia to treat; ^ all referred. Order on petition of Johs. Becker and Johs. Eckerson (see L. P. 15:43). 63 30 Royal mandamus appointing Wm Smith of the council vice __ Sir Peter Warren deceased; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Col. Johnson writes of a French army marching ap- parently to Ohio; sent to Gov. Hamilton. Massachusetts will appoint boundary commissioners; referred. Assem- bly prorogued to meet at the courthouse in Jamaica. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Johannes Samuel Pruyn and Dorick Bratt van Schoonhoven (see L. P. 15:44); to Rudolph Staley and Johan Joost Herch- heimer (see L. P. 15:46). Patent granted to Abr'm Duyon (see L. P. 15:48). Ordinance to issue regulating sessions of circuit courts. 65 May I Report on the appointment of commissioners to settle the boundaries with Massachusetts; to be sent to Boston. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Teady Magin (seeL. P. 15:49). 67 30 Letters and papers received: from Robert Charles, colonial agent at London, concerning New Hampshire boundaries; referred to assembly; from Gov. Hamilton of Pennsylva- nia, robberies by French Indians in Kentucky; from Lieut. Holland at Oswego, Indian news, French army moving to the Ohio; all referred to assembly. 70 31 Letter from Capt. Stoddard to Col. Johnson, French move- ments (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77:87); referred to assembly. 72 June 4 Memorial of Rob't Livingston jr (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77:94) and petition of John van Rensselaer (see A''. F. col. mss, 77:92) referred to assembly. Repairs of the Oswego build- ings. Six nations to be met at Albany. 72 12 Hendrick and other Mohawk sachems before the council; their speech. 72 13 Order on report of advocate general in relation to Spanish mulattoes (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77:98-99). Corporatioij of Albany has provided transportation to the Mohawks. Letter received from Arent Stevens, he has tried to dissuade them from going to New York. Minutes of the conference with the Mohawks at New York (see A". Y. col. mss, 77:100-5. 75 15 Letter from the speaker of the assembly David Jones, allow- ance for Indian presents. Hendrick's speech referred. Pe- tition of corporation of Albany for an appropriation to fortify the city referred to assembly. 78 p. m. Complaint by the Mohawks of encroachments upon their lands investigated. • 79 388 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1753 V. 23 i6 Speech to be made in answer to the Mohawks, the reply of Hendrick, their speaker and concluding remarks. 8o i8 Above speeches to be laid before assembly. Letters received: . from Arent Stevens, wampum belt sent by the governor of Canada to the six nations forwarded to New York; from Lieut. Butler to Col. Johnson, same topic; referred to as- sembly and Gov. Hamilton. Indian affairs (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:88). Petition by inhabitants of Kinderhook for the building of two forts there referred to assembly. 84 July 3 Letters received: from Timothy Woodbridge to Col. John- son with belts of wampum, against sale of rum to five nations and Susquehanna Lidians (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77:116), proclamation to issue accordingly (see A^. Y. col. mss, 77:119); from Lt. Gov. Phips with report of committee on the boundary (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77:109, no), referred; from Gov. Hamilton, Indian affairs. 85 4 Time set for hearing on caveat by Thos. Ellison against grant ^ of land under water to John Chambers et al (see L. P. 15:45). Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to David Schuyler, Peter David Schuyler and Nicholas Picket (see L. P. 15:56); to John Schuyler and Abram Douw (see L. P. 15:57). 86 28 Report on Lt. Gov. Phips' letter (p. 85; and see'iV. Y. col. mss, 77:144). Proclamation to issue ordering rioters in the manor of Livingston to be arrested (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:146); copies of both to be sent to Gov. Phips (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:145). Message received from the sachems of the Canajoharie castle (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:115). Let- ters received: from Mayor Robert Saunders of Albany, he, Myndert Schuyler, Jacob C. ten Eyck, John Beeckman and the recorder have qualified as Indian commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:1231); from the said commissioners with letters of Indian traders, prisoners of the French and In- dians (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:97, 140); Senecas, Shawanese and Cayugas will take up the hatchet against the French (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:143); all referred. Report of the advocate general on the cases of Josepho Antonio Fallo and Alexander Joseph de la Torre, Spanish negroes, re- ferred. Letter received from Gov. Belcher (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:141). Warrants for salaries, etc signed. Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Jacob Starnberger, [ George Zimmer, Hendrick .Weaver and Jacob Zeimer, all of Schoharie (see L. P. 15:55); to Jacob Timberman and John Joost Snell (see L. P. 15:61); to Jobs. Lawyer jr, Jacob Borst jr, George Forster and Reinhart Heints (see L. P. 15:63); to James Stewart et al (see L. P. 15:64). Petitions CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 389 1753 V. 23 referred: of Lambertus Starnbergh and Adam Starnbergh (see L. P. 15:60); of Jobs. Becker jr, Jobs. Schafer jr, Hen- drick Scbafer jr and Jacob Scbafer (see L. P. 15:59). Dan- iel Horsmanden appointed tbird justice of tbe supreme court. 88 Aug. 8 Letters received: from Gov. Hamilton, Indian and Ohio affairs, Conrad Weiser sent to Onondaga; from Lieut. Hol- land at Oswego, French troops going to the Ohio, troops from the Mississippi to join them. Petition of Miguel Joseph Fuentes a free Spanish negro referred. 94 ID Patents granted to Lambertus and Adam Starnbergh and to Jobs. Becker jr et al (p. 88). License to purchase Indian lands granted to John McNiele, John McKillip, Charles McKay, Alex'r Stewart and John Wilson (see L. P. 15:65). Order on a representation by the advocate gen- eral (see A'". Y. col. mss, 77:150). 95 31 Letters received: from Col. Johnson, Indian affairs; from Lieut. Holland, Indian movements (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:147); from Gov. Shirley, boundaries (see A''. Y. col. mss, 77:152). Isaac Hubbard appointed collector of duties in Suffolk county. License to purchase Indian lands granted to Ury Rightmeyer and Hendrick Weaver (see L. P. 15:66). Patent granted to Augustine Moore and John Myer cordwainer (see L. P. 15:67). 97 Sep. I Order on petition of Abel Hardenbrook (see A-^. Y. col. mss, 77:155)- Warrants for salaries signed. Hearing on the caveat of Thos. Ellison against grant to John Chambers (p. 86) ; patent granted. 99 20 Letters received: from Gov. Glen of South Carolina, Carolina Indians, proclamation (see A''. ]'. col. mss, 77:113-14); from Gov. Dinwiddie of Virginia, Catawbas and Cherokees har- rassed by the Praying Indians (see A^ Y. col. mss, 77:151); from Col. Johnson, French Indian movements; opinion of coimcil thereon. Controversy between Wm Bauch & Co. and Jobs. Becker et al (p. 63) to be examined. 102 29 Edward Holland reappointed mayor, John Ayscough sheriff. Anthony Rutgers coroner of New York; Robert Sanders mayor, James Wilson sheriff of Albany. Letter and papers received: from Gov. Shirley (see A^ Y. col. mss, 77:157-60) and referred; from the governor of St Augustine (see N. Y. col. mss, 77:156) referred. 104 Oct. 10 Letter from duke of Newcastle granting leave of absence to Gov. Clinton and enclosing lieutenant governor's commis- sion for Chief Justice de Lancey. 106 10 Sir Danvers Osborn baronet has his commission as governor, etc read and takes the oaths; Gov. Clinton delivers the 39° NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1753 V. 23 seals and proclamation to issue continuing all officers (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:17). Sir Danvers publishes his commis- sion at the city hall. 107 11 John Roberts appointed sheriff of New York vice John i Ayscough resigned to go to England. 109 12 James Alexander presides, Sir Danvers Osborn having • died. Thos. Pownall Sir Danvers' secretary delivers the seals and commissions. James de Lancey sworn in as lieutenant i- governor. Proclamation to issue continuing all officers (see A''. Y. col. mss, 78:18). Instructions to Sir Danvers { read, appointing Cadwallader Golden, James Alexander, ■' Arch'd Kennedy, James de Lancey, George Clarke jr, Joseph Murray, John Rutherford, Edw'd Holland, Wm. Johnson, John Ghambers and Wm Smith of the council. Lt. Gov. de Lancey advised to publish his commission with- out the usual solemnities at the gate of Fort George near the Bowling Green. Gommittee of inqtiest on Sir Danvers' death appointed. no p. m. Committee appointed to take an inventory of Sir Danvers' estate and make arrangements for his funeral. 112 13 Cadwallader Golden sworn of the council, takes his seat. 112 18 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:24). 113 25 Letter received from Lieut. Holland at Oswego, needed re- pairs; referred to assembly. Sir Danvers Osborn's papers 1 to be examined. 113 29 Letter received from Col. Johnson, French are making settle- ments on the Ohio and Mississippi, Swiss brought there; his minutes of Indian conferences at Oswego with speeches, July 26-27. Sep. 8, 10 (see N. Y. col. mss. 78:2-8). Letter '■ received from Lieut. Holland, Indian news. Instructions to Sir Danvers Osborn to be laid before the council and assembly. Oliver de Lancey, Thos. Pownall and Charles Williams appointed administrators of Sir Danver's estate. 114 Nov. 7 Orders on petition of Hendrick, Abr'm Paulus, Johannes and Nickas, Mohawk sachems (see L. P. 15:77). Inventory of military stores in Fort George to be taken. Warrant to John van Rensselaer for firewood and candles to Fort Wil- liam and to Albany and Schenectady garrisons signed. 125 10 Letter from Lord Holdernesse to- Sir Danvers Osborn, en- croachments by foreign powers, mutual assistance of the colonies; referred to assembly. 127 19 Report of committee on the eastern boundaries (see iV. Y. col. mss, 78:33) to be sent to Gov. Shirley. 128 21 Certificate granted on petition of the minister of the re- formed church in New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 7^-34, 3S)- Isaac Honeywell justice of the peace and colonel of mili- tia in Westchester county dismissed. 129 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 39I 1753 V. 23 Dec. 6 Letter received from Lieut. Holland, French troops returned from the Ohio will make another attempt next year; to be sent to lords of trade and southern governors. Order on message from assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:37). Report of committee on the death of Sir Danvers Osborn (see A'', y. col. mss, 78:19-23) and representation of committee on eastern boundaries (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:32) to be sent to lords of trade. 130 10 Letter received from the lords of trade to Sir Danvers Os- born, Indian conference to be held; to be laid before as- sembly. 131 12 Council advise that the governor give his assent to fifteen acts passed, Arch'd Kennedy dissenting. Assembly con- sents to make appropriations for Indian presents. Indians called to meet at Albany. Assembly prorogued. 133 1754 Jan. II Riot in New York citj^ because the merchants refuse to take copper money at standard rate. Proclamation to issue for suppressing the disorders (see iV. Y. col. 7)iss, 78:50). Wendal Ham and Mathiat Sleght committed. 133 31 John Burnet appointed coroner of New York vice Anthony Rutgers deceased. 26th and 27th articles of the instruc- tions to Sir Danvers Osborn relating to appeals to gover- nor and council from the supreme court; 56tli and 59th of same relating to grants of land (see L. P. 15:89), referred. Petition of Ury Rightmeyer, Hendrick Weaver, John Lansing, Abr'm Lott jr, Isaac Goelet and Edw'd Taylor for land south of Schoharie referred. Letters received from Gov. Belcher, the sheriff and justices of Orange county about New Jersey boundary line and disturbances there (see A''. Y. col. mss, 78:53-62). Committee appointed to establish a line of peace. 134 Feb. 4 Letters received: from Gov. Shirley, boundaries; from Mr Smith to Gov. Shirley, French on the Ohio. 139 18 Col. Johnson takes the oaths as member of the council. Letter received from Gov. Dinwiddi'e (see .Y. Y. col. mss, 78:63); advice of council thereon. Examination of Stephen Coffin (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:49) received from Col. John- son, French Forts at Presqu'ile and Riviere aux Boeufs. 140 Mar. I Report of committee on instructions relating to grants of land. Assembly prorogued. Patent granted to Ury Rightmeyer et al (p. 134) for 8000 acres of land in Albany county. Petitions referred: of ^latthew Ferral et al (see L. P. 15:92); of John Christ'r Hardwick (see L. P. 15:95); of Fred'k Miller, Adam Scheffer. George Cants, Adam Tip- pel and Luke van Raust (see L. P. 15:91)- Order on re- port of committee on petitions of Spanish mulattoes. 142 392 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1754 V. 23 4 Letter received from Gov. Shirley, wants Indian meeting at Albany postponed; not consented. Report of commit- tee on the disturbances along the New Jersey line (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:74); copy to be sent to Gov. Belcher. 145 13 Dissent of James Alexander to the preceding report (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:81); .referred. Letter received from Rob't Livingston jr (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:67); referred to committee on eastern boundaries. A Frenchman ar- rived from Canada to be confined to his room. 151 p. m. Report on petition of Matthew Ferral (p. 142) ; license to purchase Indian lands granted. Report on the peti- tions of J. C. Hardwick and of Fred. Miller et al (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:67); licenses granted. • M. Paco the above Frenchman examined and ordered to leave as soon as possible. Order relating to people coming from Can- ada sent to Albany. Gov. de Lancey sworn in as chan- cellor. 158 14 Letter received from Gov. Dinwiddle, Virginia assembly has granted £10,000 for operations against the French on the Ohio, with proclamation (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 78:68). Gen- eral plan of campaign to be concerted, Virginia proclama- tion sent to Connecticut. Petition of Wm Walton, Rob't Crommelin, Thos. Barnes and James des Brosses (see L. P. 15:98) referred. 164 18 Bills of credit of New York are reported counterfeited; gov- ernor of Connecticut to be asked to arrest Nath'l Key one of the counterfeiters. 166 23 Assembly prorogued (see L. P. 15:80). 167 26 Letters received from Lord Holdernesse (see L. P. 15: Sii), referred to assembly; from Gov. Dinwiddle (see L. P. 15:75)- Assembly called to meet promptly. 167 Ap. 4 Letters received: from Gov. Hamilton (see L. P. 15:86); from Gov. Shirley (see L. P. 15:85); from Gov. Dinwiddle (see (L. P.' 15:76). Propositions to be made to assembly: supplies for independent companies ordered to Virginia; forts in the Indian country; dotible garrison at Oswego; repairs at Oswego and Copsy battery. Independent com- "" panics to go by water in the station ship, Lieut. Kennedy commanding. Letter received from Peter Bours (see L. P. 15:83). Communication from James Alexander (see L. P. 15:90) referred. 168 9 Proclamation to apprehend deserters (see L. P. 15:92) signed. Speech to be made to the council and assembly read (see L. P. 15:91). 171 p. m. Letters left by M. Paco in the hands of Mr Stilwell to be sent to the ministry. 172 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 393 1754 V. 33 15 Letters received: from the lords of trade, approving resolu- tion to assist other colonies when invaded, referred to the assembly; from John Pownal, secretary of the lords of trade, Indian conference approved. French deserters from Niagara examined, confirm news given in a letter of Dr Colhoun; to be further examined. Indian presents arrived from England to be inspected. 172 29 Letter and papers received from Gov. Shirley (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:98) referred to boundary commissioners. Vote of assembly in relation to gunpowder seized by Collector Kennedy referred (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 78:100). New char- ter granted to the corporation of Kingston (see L. P. 15:99). Patent granted to Wm Walton et al (p. 164). 173 May I Assembly prorogued for one day. Recommendation to be made to provide means for securing the colony. 175 9 Letters received: from Gov. Dinwiddle, attack on the French at Kennebeque river may prevent their designs on the Ohio; from Gov. Hamilton with letter from Major G. Washington (see iV. Y. col. mss, 78:111) and speech of the Half King (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:112); to be sent to Connecticut. Warrants to the governor, Indian commis- sioners, officer at Oswego for Indian expenses and to Indian interpreter for salary signed. Report of committee and eastern boundary commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:110) read and ordered on file. Cadw. Golden, Joseph Murray, Wni Smith, Benj. Nicoll and Wm Livingston appointed commissioners to settle the boundaries with Massachusetts. 176 13 Letters received: from Gov. Belcher (see A''. Y. col. mss, 78:108-9); from Gov. Dinwiddle, Virginia and North -- Carolina troops have marched to the Ohio; from Gov. Wentworth, commissioners to the Indian meeting at Al- bany shall be fully instructed. Reasons of council why the station ship, Lieut. Kennedy commanding, should take the independent companies to Virginia, Capt. Diggs' or-"~ ders notwithstanding. 178 17 Assembly decline to provide gunpowder on account of the seizures by the collector. Collector Kennedy releases some of the seized powder for transportation to Oswego. Warrant to Henry Brasier for going express to Virginia. 180 28 Assembly prorogued. Petition of the trustees of Kings col- lege (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:120); referred. iSl 30 Report of committee on preceding petition approved. War- rant to issue to the attorney general to prepare letters patent for the college (see A'. Y. col. mss, 78:121). Dissent of James Alexander and Wm Smith to the above report 394 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1754 V. 23 ^ (see N. y. col. mss, 78:126); not to be published. Letter received from Lieut. Hitchen Holland (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:115). Commission and instructions for Massachusetts boundary commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:125, 127) read and approved. 183 June 4 Order on petition of Johannes van Werdts, master of the French brigantine Virgin of Light (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:123, 129). 188 18 Letter received from Lieut. Holland at Oswego (see A^^. Y. Albany col. mss, 78:122). Minutes of Indian commissioners read; opinion of council thereon. Commissioners of the other colonies asked to meet the governor in the city hall. 189 19 Commissioners of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Con- City hall necticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Maryland pres- Albany ent. Letter from lords of trade read, also minutes of In- dian commissioners and remonstrance of Oswego traders. 191 26 Upper Mohawk castle not arrived; message sent to them. 191 27 Conference with the lower Mohawk castle, Canadagaia their speaker. 192 28 Canajoharie or upper castle Mohawks have come; speech of Hendrick and the governor's answer. 194 July 2 Conference with the Canajoharie Mohawks, Hendrick their speaker. 196 3 Hearing on complaints of the Canajoharies about encroach- ments upon their lands. 198 4 Proclamation forbidding buying of Indian presents for rum (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:146) signed. License to purchase Indian lands granted George Klock, Wm Nellis et al (see L. P. 15:111). 199 5 Order on petition by six Housatannunck or Stockbridge Indians for redress in regard to their lands on Hudson river: Hendrick Peterson, Wm Dariorus, Nicus Jacob, Paulus, Johannes Jacob and Henry Rett Canajoharie Indians sign a deed to George Klock, Wm Nellis et al; their transactions with Teady Magin; governor's answer to their complaints. 200 6 Message from the commissioners of the colonies wanting I to know particulars of the Indian complaints. Governor's answer. Conference with the lower Mohawk castle about the Kayaderosseras patent; Rev. Mr Barclay, Capt. Butler. 202 8 Conference with the Canajoharie castle to prove to the com- missioners that they are satisfied. 205 9 Addition to be made to the speech intended for the Schach- kook and river Indians; approved. 207 ID Report of the Massachusetts boundary commissioners read I and additional instructions given. 207 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 395 1754 V. 23 ri Report and instructions continued. 208 25 Minutes of the proceedings at Albany laid before the coun- Ft George cil. Petition of Wawayanda and Minisink patentees (see N. Y. col. mss, 78:149) referred. 209 p. m. Assembly prorogued. 210 27 Order on application made by Hendrick, Paulus and Nickus, Mohawks, that a patent for land be granted to Coenradt Mattys a poor man to whom they have given i^. 210 Aug. 9 Plan for the union of the colonies referred. Petition of David Schuyler, Nich's Pickard, Peter D. Schuyler, Gerardus Stuyvesant, James Livingston, John Willet, Leonard Lispenard, Abr'm Lynsen, Gualtherus du Bpis, Peter P. Schuyler, Nich's Bayard, Christ'r Bancker, Sam- uel Heath, John van Cortlandt, Phil, van Cortlandt, Wm Kelly, David van der Hyden, Robert Benson, John de Peyster jr, John Myer and Augustine Moore (see L. P. 15:115) referred. 211 p. m. Report of the Massachusetts boundary commissioners that no settlement has been made, referred. Representation of Cadw. and Alex'r Golden (see A''. Y. col. mss, 79:1) re- ferred. 211 20 Order on information sent by the Indian commissioners that the six nations intend to go to Canada upon invitation of the governor. 212 28 Letters received: from Lieut. Holland, French Indians on the way to the Ohio; from Gov. Dinwiddie, Major Wash- ington defeated; to be laid before assembly. 213 31 Indian commissioners report with affidavit of Peter Hogg (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:17), that Hosick is burning (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:18). 213 Sep. I Orders on preceding report. 214 3 Letters received: from Indian commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:19); from Lieut. Holland (see A'. Y. col. mss, 79:8). Fort to be built near Saratoga. Patents granted to James Stewart, Hamilton Stewart, John Vroman, John Wolf Bar- let, James Rogers, James Glen, John Thompson, Francis Burk, Dennis Maddin, James Dobbins, Wm Powell and Hendrick Philipps (see L. P. 15:119); to Hendrick ten Eyck (see L. P. 15:118). Order on petition of Samuel Rodman and John Wooley (see L. P. 15:116). 215 7 Letter received from Gov. Belcher with representation of council of proprietors (see A'^. Y. col. viss, 79:15-16); re- ferred. 218 16 Letters received: from Indian commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:23, 25, 30); from corporation of Albany, repairs of 396 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1754 V. 23 fortifications; from Gov. Belcher (see A''. Y. col. mss, 79:35); from Messrs Schuyler and Cuyler (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:32). Patent granted to James Stewart et al (p. 215). 218 20 Letter received from Gov. Dinwiddie (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:29). Warrant signed to Lt. Gov. de Lancey for money u advanced to provision troops sent to Virginia. Message from Gov. Dinwiddie to the six nations forwarded. Orders: on petition of the magistrates of Schenectady for cannons, etc; on the affidavit of Myndert Wemple (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 79:36). Warrant to Henry Brasier for go- ! ing express to Virginia signed. Letter received from Indian commissioners (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 79:34). 220 29 Hans Hansen appointed mayor, Abr'm Yates jr sheriff of Albany. 221 30 Mayor, sheriff and coroner of New York reappointed. Order on a petition of Wm Bauch, Jacob Fred'k Lawyer and Nich's York (see L. P. 15:121). Letter received from the commissioners of Indian affairs (see A*". Y. col. mss, 79:43). Letter to be written to the governor of Canada complain- ing of hostilities by the French Indians. Patent granted to David Schuyler et al (p. 211). 222 Oct. 31 Patent to the governors of the college of the province of New York (Kings) approved, Mr Smith dissents. War- rant to John van Rensselaer for firewood and candles to garrisons at Albany, Schenectady and Ft Hunter signed. 224 p. m. Letters received: from Indian commissioners (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 79:25, 44-52, 59), from Gov. du Quesne of Canada (see A^ F. col. mss, 79:38); from missionaries at the falls of St Louis (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:37, 38). Petitions re- ceived from inhabitants of Schenectady (see A''. Y. col. mss, 79:68) and from Canajoharie sachems (see A''. Y. col. mss, 79:58). 225 Nov. I Hearing of Stephen Thorne and Abr'm Guyon against the petition of Samuel Rodman and John Woolley (p. 215) continued. 226 7 Warrants to Johan Joost Petrie for supplying the troops at Oswego. 227 9 Bartholomew Crannel appointed coroner of New York vice John Burnet absent. 228 14 Message from assembly (see A''. Y. col. mss, 79:74) referred. Letters received: from Sir Thos. Robinson secretary of state, French on the Ohio must be expelled; from the same to Gov. Shirley, plan for driving the French from the Kennebeck approved; from lords of trade, general union of the colonies, New Jersey boundaries; all referred to CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 397 1754 V. 23 assembly. Memorial of Capt. John Morke (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:78, 79) referred to a joint committee of the council and assembly. Charter for Kings college to be printed. 228 20 Letter received from the officers at Albany, their troops - need bedding; referred to assembly. Hearing in re Rod- man and Woolley continued (p. 226); patent granted to them for ferry between New Rochelle and Sands point, L. I. Petition of Rudolph Staley, Johan Joost Herch- heimer jr, Thos. Schoonmaker, Peter Bellingher jr, Fred'k Arendorph, Hans Michael Itigh jr, Hendrick Spone, Aug. Hess, Nich's Woolever, Christ'r Fox, Rud. Schoonmaker, Sam'l Broughman, Jacob Itigh, Jacob and George Kess- laer, Nich's Herchheimer, Hans Dederic Staley (see L. P. 15:122) referred. 2-3 1 26 Letter received from Gov. Belcher with opinion of council of New Jersey (see A^. Y. col. mss, 79:83, 84) referred. Order on a petition of James Flood to be appointed branch pilot. ^^^ 30 Petition of Col. Thos. de Kay (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:93) re- ferred to assemtsly; James Alexander dissents. Order re- lating to the accounts of the Indian commissioners (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:92). Order on complaint of the magis- trates of Albany against Capt. Staats Morris for interfering in civil jurisdiction. 234 Dec. 7 Council advises the governor to pass all the acts of assembly except a bill for raising money by lottery for the church^^ at Oysterbay. Assembly to adjourn. 235 10 Patent granted to George Klock, Wm Nellis, Lendert Hel- mer, Johannis Klock, Hendrick Klock, Juria Wendecker, Henry Klock jr, Fred'k Bellinger, Johannis Hess, Sig- frenus Tygert, Coenradt Klock, Christ'n Nellis, Henry Walrat and Godfred Helmer (see L. P. 15:127). 235 17 Letter received from Sir Thomas Robinson, secretary of state: Sir Peter Halket's and Col. Dunbar's regiments to go to Virginia; Gov. Shirley and Sir Wm Pepperel to raise two regiments of 1000 men each. Council are of opinion that as the forces are not in the province nothing i can be done. The ship Neptune arrived with palatines from Rotterdam to be removed from Rotten Row to Turtle bay for quarantine. French subjects to leave the- city. Report on the disturbances along the New Jersey line (see A''. F. col. mss, 79:102). 237 18 Above report to be printed. Quarantine orders. 256 24 Cannons to be lent to Gov. Shirley on his demand (see N. Y. col. mss, 79:101). John O'Bryant vs Wm Bryant in error. 258 398 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1754 V. 23 28 Letter received from Gov. Morris recommending two Indian chiefs with messages to the six nations; they explain their errand to the council and it is approved. 2=;q 1755 Jan. 10 Indian affairs (see A''. Y. col. mss, 79:105, 106). Assembly to be called to make provisions 'for driving the French from the Ohio; proclamation to that effect signed (see N. Y. col. mss, 80:1). Warrant to Peter Wraxall for cler- ical work. 260 31 Letters received: from Lieut. Holland at Oswego, French intrigues; from the Indian commissioners, Indian corn to be sent to Oswego for use of the six nations; from cor- poration of Albany, defenceless state of the city (see N. Y. col. mss, 80:5), referred to assembly; from Corn's Cuy- ler (see N. Y. col. mss, 80:3); from the governor of Can- ada, hostilities by French Indians prohibited; to be sent to Gov. Shirley. Mr Rutherford sworn of the council, takes his seat. 262 Feb. 5 Negroes insolent, proclamation to issue for enforcing the laws against them (see N. Y. col. mss, 80:13). Militia to do guard duty in the city. Patents granted to Rud. Staley et al (p. 23,1) ; to Jacob Timberman and Johan Joost Snell (see L. P. 15:13s); to Johs. Samuel Pruyn and Dirck Bratt van Schoonhoven (see L. P. 15:134). 263 6 Application to be made to New Jersey for erection of a beacon near Sandy Hook. 266 19 -. The sheriff of Albany taken prisoner by people from Massa- chusetts and imprisoned at Springfield; letter to be written to Gov. Shirley about it. Council advise the governor to- pass acts of assembly and adjourn the house. 266 21 Commissioners to purchase materials for fortifications are given instructions, Copsy battery to be repaired. Warrant to Indian commissioners for expenses in 1746 signed. 267 28 Minutes of a conference between Col. Johnson and the Mo- hawks on the 7th of February. Depositions of John and Henry van Rensselaer (see A^. Y. col. mss, 80:31, 32) to be sent to Gov. Shirley with the affidavit of Abr'm Yates sheriff of Albany (see N. Y. col. mss, 80:24). Letter re- ceived from Gov. Shirley (see A''. Y. col. mss, 80:18, 26). Regulations for the export of provisions (see A''. Y. col. mss, 80:36, 38). A Frenchman, fled on account of a duel from Canada to Albany, ordered to New York. Patents granted: to Johs. Becker, Johs. Eckerson and Thos. Eck- erson (see L. P. 15:136); to Wm Bauch and Jacob Fred'k Lawyer (see L. P. 1^:121). Order on a memorial of Josiah Martin (see A^. Y. col. mss, 80:37). 267 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 399 1755 V. 23 Mar. 3 Order of council that entries of government affairs shall be kept separate from those concerning private persons. 272 27 John O'Bryant vs. Wm Bryant. 272 Ap. 25 Petition of Jacob Folt/:, Johan Joost Petrie, Johannes Petrie, George Klock, Johannes Schauman, Johannes Klock, Marcus Petrie, Hendrick Klock jr, George Wen- desker, Coenradt Klock, Casper Hannes, Jost and Adam Leyb, Hendrick, Devalt Hannes and Adam Merckell, Adam Gunterman, Dederick Horning, Adam Grey, Elias, Chris- tian and Lips Garlock, Daniel, Dederick and Christian Petrie, Ackus van Slyck, Michael Itigh, Henry Merckell jr, Hendrick and Peter Hauck, Adam Walrad, Jacob and Abr'm van de Wercken, Felix Meyer, Lodwick Kram, Wm Nellis, George Klock jr, Hendrick Windecker, John Jacob Ael, Hendrick Nellis, Adam Walrad jr, Fred'k Bellinger, Philipp Sternberger, Conradt Kels, Lips Bellin- ger, Abr'm Lansingh, Jacob Klock jr, Henry Walrad and Joost Petrie jr (see L. P. 15:138) referred. 272 26 License to purchase Indian lands granted to the preceding. Patent granted to Richard Shuckburgh and Jacob van Dyck (see L. P. 15:124). 273 May 13 Patent granted to John Chris'r Hartwick, Theod. Frieling- havisen, Marcus Kuhl, Hendrick Keppele, George Kitner, Fred. Meyer, Thos. Tuermer, Carl Ewald, Hendrick Schleydorn, John Maurice, Goet Shius and David Seckel (see L. P. 15:137). 27s 19 Order on petition of the governors of Kings college for an additional charter enabling them to appoint a Dutch pro- fessor in divinity. 276 30 Draft of the above additional charter read and approved. 277 June 5 The same is to be printed. 277 30 Certificate granted upon a petition of Christ'r Bancker, John Morin Scott, John McEvers, John Alsop, Leonard Lispen- ard and Oliver de Lancey (see N. Y. col. mss, 80:43), Mr Jas. Alexander dissenting. 277 July 22 Patent granted to Gotfried Miller, Adam SchefTer, Adam Tippel, Luke van Ranst, Conradt Silbernagel, Johannes Silbernagel, Wm Williams, Wm Traflfort, Neal McCarty, John Cock, Charles and Samuel Beeckman, George Peter- son, Erich Christian Hoyer and George Cantz (see L. P. 15:140). 279 Dec. I Sir Charles Hardy, knight, governor. Order of the lords justices repealing the New York act for submitting the New Jersey line controversy to the king. 280 6 Royal order approving the act enabling the Dutch church in New York to sell Fordham manor. 281 400 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1755 20 30 1757 Nov. 15 1759 Feb. 8 V. 23 IS Mar. 14 30 June 21 nth, 15th, 37th, 38th, 54th and 93d instructions to Sir Chas. Hardy. Petition of Gilbert Burnet eldest son of Gov. Wm Burnet (see L. P. 15:142) referred. Petition of Wm Brown for money due to the estate of Gov. Burnet referred. Above petition of Gilbert Burnet granted. Petition of Wm Brown to be laid before assembly. 283 Lt. Gov. James de Lancey presides. Royal order approving the act disposing of part of Phil, van Cortlandt's estate. 290 Petition of John Albert Weygand minister, Charles Beek- man, John David Wolf, George Peterson and Jacobus van Boskerk, elders, and Charles Beeckman jr and Balthasar Dasch, deacons of the Lutheran church in New York for a charter referred. 291 Petitions referred: of Josiah Haywood, Wm Benson, Eben'r Moulton, Timothy Allen, James Lawrence, Freeborn Moul- ton, John and Samuel Moulton, Daniel Earle and Matthew du Bois (see L. P. 15:145, 146); of Samuel Robins, Asa Douglas, Jonas Marsh, Joseph Hanchet, Wm Warner, David Wright, Zebulon Robins, Solomon Bebee, David Russell, John Bebee, Ozias Curtis, Gamaliel Whiting, Eli- jah Russell, Elisha Hurlbutt, John Konickabaker, Abr'm Hallenbeck, Daniel Terris, James Bebee, Joseph Kellegg, Sam'l Wright, Benj. Willard, John Ensign, Solomon Demmon, Solomon Wright, Jon'n Chipman, Samuel Kelp, James Nicholls, Daniel Horsford jr, Wm Holmes, Andrew Stevens, David Wright jr, Chas. Belding, Elizur Wright, Nathan'l Dean, Asahel Bebee, Augustin Bryan jr, Jacob Bunce, Jeremiah Andruss, Jon'n Russel, Samuel Russel, John Dean, Stephen Russel, Gideon Ball and Timothy Hurlbutt (see L. P. 15:147). 292 Charter granted to the Lutheran church of New York, pat- ent to be prepared. 293 Petition of the minister, elders and deacons of the Presby- terian church for a charter referred. 293 Patents granted: to Abr'm, Anne, Jacobus, Johannis, John Joseph, Sarah Montanie, Abr'm, Everardus jr, Jacob Jacob jr, John Brouwer, Anne and Benj. Payne, John and Mary Tompkins, Catherine and Stephen Callow, Elizabeth and George Gififing, Joseph and Sarah Devoe, John and Sarah Oliver (see L. P. 15:148); to John Tabor Kempe and Goldsbrow Banyar (see L. P. 15:147); petitions referred: Vincent and David Matthews (see L. P. 15:149); of Maurice Robinson, Christ'r Blundell, Garret Abeel and Henry White for land in Evans' patent; of Nicholas Colton and CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 401 1759 1760 Jan. 3 Feb. 19 Mar. 20 Ap. S May 5 7 9 Aug. 28 299 V. 23 Edw'd Wilkins for land in same and caveats entered by John Tabor Kempe (see L. P. 15:148) and Vincent Mat- thews (see L. P. 15:148). 294 Petition of John R. Bleecl CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 457 1762 V. 25 promising extra bounty to recruits enlisting in these regi- ments. Speech to be made by the governor to council and assembly (see A^. V. col. inss, 90:84) read and approved. Warrant to paymasters and commissaries for pay of troops signed. 426 6 Depositions of Francis Gondall and Peter Alvarez against their captain, Mantiel de Britto referred. 428 8 Complaint against iM. de Britto dismissed (see A^ )'. col. diss. 90:90-91). Warrants for salaries signed. Pilots James Ward, John Owen and James Wilkie fined for neglect of dut}^ (p. 415-16). Hearing on memorial of the attorney general in the case of John Henry Lydius (see j^V. Y. col. iiiss, 90:92) deferred. Thomas Griffiths imprisoned as ac- complice of John Anderson and Abr'm van Ornem par- doned on condition of leaving the province. 429 17 The attorney general ordered to file a second information against John Henry Lydius. Gen. Amherst sends a list of deserters from the provincials in garrison at Fort Ontario, referred. List of commissions of the peace and pleas for Albany county received. 431 , 24 Judges of the supreme court called uoon to decide whether they will accept commissions '" during pleasure." 432 26 Daniel Horsmanden appointed second justice of the supreme court " during pleasure " vice Chambers resigned on ac- count of age. 433 31 Da\'id Jones accepts commission of third judge " during pleasure '". Proclamation to issue against riots in Liv- ingston manor (see N. ]'. col. luss. 90:83) on letter of Robert Livingston (see A^. Y. col. inss. 90:100). Proceedings against George Klock. 433 Ap. I Letter from Lord Egremont with the declaration of war against Spain (see A^. Y. col. mss. 90:55); order for pub- lishing it. 434 2 Ceremonies of publishing the declaration of war against Spain. Order on petition of George Klock (see A''. 1'. col. mss, 90:106). 439 7 Col. Josiah Alartin present takes the oaths as member of the council. The attorney general ordered to prosecute George Klock by information for procuring Indian deeds by fraud and to take prooer measures for restoring the lands to the Indians. 440 13 Assembly adjourned (see A^ )'. col. mss. 90:109). Proclama- tion to issue for a day of fasting and prayer (see A\ )'. col. mss, 90:113, 115). 442 15 Provisions to be impressed for the army at the request of Gen. Amherst (see A'. Y. col. mss, 90:111); John Cruger, 458 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1762 V. 25 Joseph Read, Nath'l Marston, Gabriel Ludlow and Andrew Barclay to be appraisers. Proclamation to issue against carrying provisions to the enemy or to neutral ports (see A''. Y. col. mss, 90:112, 114). Warrants to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops and to commissioners of fortifications for repairs signed. 442 19 Thomas Shrieve appointed coroner of New York vice John Burnet deceased. Recommendation to the assembly to grant additional enlisting bounty. Warrants to issue for bounty and enlisting money upon production of vouchers. 443 May 4 Message to be sent by the governor to the assembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 90:131) read and approved. Peter Dannely, George Sears and Wm Thomas, sentenced for grand larceny to be burned in the hand, pardoned on condition of enlisting for the war (see N'. Y. col. mss. 90:130); Ar- chelaus Lewis (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 90:132) pardoned on giving bonds. 444 6 The assembly will not grant additional bounties and is ad- journed. Chief Justice Pratt granted leave to Boston. 445 12 Order not to clear vessels with provisions except for the public service. Albany commissions of the peace and pleas approved with additions. Leave of absence to the West Indies granted to Col. Josiah Martin member of the coun- cil. 445 20 John Lickens and Mary White convicted of robbery par- doned on condition that he enlist and she leave the province (see A^. T. col. mss, 90:130). Brief to solicit charity granted to Joseph Lewis of Huntington for losses by fire. Warrant to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 446 22 John Dislow and David Miller pardoned on condition of en- listing. Warrant to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. Assembly adjourned. 447 June 2 Warrants for salaries signed. Charter for the French church at New Rochelle ordered to be engrossed and to pass the seals. ' 448 II Assembly adjourned (see A'. Y. col. mss, 91:5). Garret Cowenhoven justice of the peace in Kings county to ap- pear before the council on complaint of Justice Hors- manden. 449 14 Gov. Monckton returned; seals and papers are delivered to him. 449 25 Royal mandamus to swear Wm Alexander '' claiming to be earl of Stirling" of the coimcil: he is sworn in and takes his seat. Warrants to the commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 450 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 459 1762 V. 25 28 John Fox informs that illegal trade is being carried on by the schooner Charming Polly; offenders ordered to be arrested. 451 July 7 Sir Wm Johnson present takes the oaths as member of the council. Bounty appropriated for recruiting to fill up the regular regiments. Assembly prorogued (see N. )'. col. mss, 91:31). Joseph Buckland appointed branch pilot, Nathaniel Freeman convicted of burglary pardoned (see N. y. col. DISS, 91:30). , 452 21 Assembly prorogued (see N. }'. col. mss, 91:37). Letter re- ceived from Gen. Amherst, the pasture at Albany claimed by the Dutch church; referred to the attorney general. 453 28 Daniel Nimham an Indian claims lands in Dutchess county in possession of Col. Hendrick Philippse's' heirs and of ^Nlr Brett; attorney general ordered to examine the case. 454 Aug. 10 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 91:47-48). War- rants to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 455 25 Petition of Matthew Ernest for pardon of his negro boy con- victed of roberry (see iV. Y. col. mss, 91 -.46) granted. Mus- ter roll of Capt. Timothy Northam's company (see iV. Y. col. mss, 91:49) received. Opinion of council as to their bounty. 456 Sep. I Assembly prorogued (see A'". Y. col. mss, 91:60). 457 8 Gen. Amherst wants 173 men to be continued in pay during the winter; ordered accordingly (see A". Y. col. mss, 91:62-63). 457 15 Assembly prorogued (see A\ Y. col. mss. 91:64). Order on petition of Johannes Evertse Wynkoop and Jobs. Trumbor (see A^. }'. col. mss, 91:66). Report of the attorney general concerning George Klock's land transactions (p. 440) re- ceived. 458 29 Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. x\ssembly prorogued (see X. Y. col. mss, 91:71). Commissions of the peace and pleas for Suffolk county issued. Attorney general's report concerning the pasture at Albany (p. 453) received. Warrants for salaries signed. Order for hearing on the complaint of the Con- najoharie Indians against Geo. Klock (p. 440). 459 Oct. 13 Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 91:86). Order on petition of Johannes Snyder jr on behalf of the corporation of Kingston (see X. Y. col. mss, 91:85). Warrant to com- missaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 461 Nov. 3 Indian testimony in re George Klock to be taken before Sir Wm Johnson and justices of Alban}'- count}', ^^'arrant to Christ'r Bancker and John Dies for expenditures on the fortiiicp.tions signed. 462 460 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1762 25 462 Dec. 1763 Jan. 5 9 Assembly prorogued (see A''. ]'. col. mss, 91:92). 23 Message to be sent to the assembly recommending provision for running the line between Albany and Ulster counties. Memorial of Abr'ni de Peyster, Ann de Lance\', Lewis Johnson and Matthew Clarkson concerning riots in west, middle and east patents of Westchester county with de- position of Jonathan Browne, Elisha Budd and Charles Clinton referred to the attorney general, and he is ordered to file an information against Charles Green, John Rundle and George Dibble and all others concerned in the riots. 463 2 Petition of John Morin Scott and other owners of land along the New York and New Jersey line for settlement of the boundaries referred to the assembly. 463 3 Message to be sent to the assembly recommending that the billeting and impressing laws be revived. 464 4 Instructions for altering the prayers for the royal family received: proclamation to issue accordingly (see iV. Y. col. mss, 91:80). 464 11 Council advise the governor to pass the bills before him and adjourn the assembly. 465 15 Hearing on the complaint of the Connajoharie Indians (p. 440, 458, 462) postponed. Warrants for salaries, and to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 465 22 Order on memorial and petition of Oliver de Lancey and Lambert Moore owners of Shenondehowah alias Clifton park, Albany county, supported by affidavits of Volkert P. Douw, Jacob H. ten Eyck and Abr'm ten Brook, charging Anthony van Schaick and Jacob C. ten Eyck with obstruct- ing the legal partition of said lands. Proclamation to issue enforcing the law relating to the partition of lands (see A^. Y. col. mss, 91:127). Minutes sent to the board of trade. 467 Above proclamation signed. Petition of Captain Timothy Northam (see A^. Y. col. mss, 91:128-29) referred to the pay- masters. 468 12 Order on the report of the paymasters relating to Capt. Northam's petition; warrants to Capt. Timothy Northam for bounty and enlisting money, and to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. Declarations of the Connajoharie sachems taken before Sir Wm Johnson etc (p. 465) received and day for hearing of the case fixed. 469 19 Hearing of the parties claiming under the Connajoharie patent and consequent order in the case. 470 22 Roj'al proclamation declaring a cessation of hostilities with France and Spain; ordered reprinted and published (see N. Y. col. 7nss, 91:105-7). 471 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 461 1763 V. 25 24 Ceremonies of i)ublisiTinii tlie al)ove i^roclaniation in the parade and at the city hall. 474 26-Feb. 16 Assembly adjourned (see .V. )'. col. iiiss. 91:1,37, 142). 474-75 Mar. 2 Assembly adjourned (see A'. )'. col. iiiss. 91:14.3). Warrants for salaries signed. 475 16 Assembly adjourned (see N. )'. col. iiiss. 91:147). Daniel Horsmanden appointed chief justice of the supreme court vice Benjamin Pratt deceased. David Jones second justice, Wm Smith third, and Robert R. Livingston fourth. 476 22 Proceedings relative to the claims of the Connajoharie In- dians. Ordinance for altering the time of holding the court of common pleas in Orange county passed. 477 Ap. 6 Assembly adjourned (see A". ]'. col. iiiss. 91:153-54). Warrant to Bancker and Dies for the fortifications signed. 479 20 Letter received from Sec. John Pownall with a petition of Charles Scott and Henrj- Holding (see A". ]\ col. iiiss. 91:155); referred. Assembly adjourned. 479 May 18 Assembly adjourned (see AL Y. col. tuss. 9i:i6u). 480 Jmie 8 Assembly adjourned (see A'. )'. col. iiiss. 92:8). New Jersey act for submitting the boimdary controversy to the king received (see A'. ]'. col. riiss. 92:3). Warrants for salaries signed. Brief to collect mone)^ for building a presbyterian church at Wallkill, Ulster county (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:5) granted. Petition of George Tabele, Samuel Falkingham, Andreas Luckam, George Wachtel, Godfried Lydeback and Michael Kayser on behalf of the high Dutch Lutheran church in the Swamp at New York, to compel John Philipp Leydig and Joseph Hawser to give an accounting of moneys collected for the church in Europe, referred to the attorney general. ^Memorial of Frederick Philippse (see A''. ]". col. mss. 92:9) referred. 481 15 Report on the above petition of Charles Scott and Henry Holding (see A". Y. col. mss. 92:10). 483 18 Gen. Amherst writes that on learning that the Indians are moving to the west he has ordered the New York troops to continue in the service; approved and provision for their pay to be recommended to the assembly. 486 22 Assembly adjourned (see A'. ]'. col. mss. 92:12). 487 25 Petition of Gabriel Dufau commander of the French ship America, and of Jean Baptist Rince commander of the ship La Ville des Cayes (see A'. )'. col. mss, 92:14) granted. Gov. ]\Ionckton intends to go to England and delivers the seals to the lieutenant governor. 487 July 13 Lt. Gov. Golden presides. Assembly prorogued (see A*. )'. col. mss. 92:16). Treasurer directed to advance money to the commissioners of fortifications. 488 462 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1763 V. 25 19 Royal proclamation of peace with France and Spain (see N. Y. col. mss, 91:148); to be published and proclamation for a day of thanksgiving to issue. Ceremony of proclaim- ing the peace. 489 Aug. 10 Assembly prorogued (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 92:26). Account of charges for repairing the French ship America (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 92:15) filed. 491 Sep. 14 Assembly prorogued (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 92:30). Treasurer to advance money for paying troops on the frontiers (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:29). 491 29 Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. Court of general sessions in Dutchess county ordered to be held three times in the year. Wm van Drill and Wm Cassell appointed branch pilots (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 92:32, 41-42). Warrants for salaries signed. 492 Oct. 17 Gen. Amherst writes that Indians (Senecas and Delawares) are gathering at Kaghraandote to attack settlements at Shamokin, Esopus, Cherry valley and on the Mohawk river above Schenectady; orders to the militia sent out (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:39). 494 26 John Smith sentenced to death for felony not a proper object of mercy. 494 Nov. 2 Gen. Amherst requires 1400 men to be used against the In- dians (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:43); to be recommended to the assembly. Order relating to the Spanish sloop Holy Christ, Francis Valle commander belonging to Don Manuel Zaniora of St Domingo and taken by a New York privateer. 495 8 Speech to be made by the lieutenant governor to the council and assembly (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:45) read and approved. 497 12 Warrant to issue for enlisting 200 men for service on the frontiers. 497 16 Tom a negro slave of Mrs Jane Haynes sentenced to death for rape on Mary Ryen reprieved for a week. 497 23 Account of John Martin for pay as gunner of Copsey battery to be paid by John Dies surviving commissioner of fortifi- cations. Inquiry to be made, who cut down a tree on Bergen common which served as a landmark for the pilots. 498 25 Warrant to John Dies surviving commissioner of fortifica- tions for expenditures. Executors of Christopher Bancker called upon for the accounts of public moneys received by the deceased. 498 Dec. I Royal proclamation declaring the limits of the new govern- ments (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:37) received; to be published. 499 2 Warrants to issue for enlisting men. Memorial of Waddel Cunningham (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:54) referred to the at- torney general. 5QO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 463 1763 V. 25 1764 Jan. 9 16 Warrant to the commissaries and paymasters for the pay of troops signed. Proclamation to issue asserting the right of New York to the boundary of Connecticut river (see A^ ]'. col. )iiss, 92:60-61). 500 21 Report of the attorney general on the memorial of Waddel Cunningham (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 92:56) received; also re- port of the admiralty judge concerning the Spanish sloop Holy Christ (p. 495). List of commissions of the peace and pleas for Westchester county (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:59, 62) approved. Petition of Isaac Man, Garret van Home and Peter R. Livingston (see A^^. ]'. col. mss. 92:55) read. Warrants to issue for payment of bounty and enlisting money. 501 28 Warrants for salaries signed. Proclamation asserting the territorial right of New York (p. 500) signed. 502 Order to stop a large number of Indians coming from near Lancaster, Pa. and going to the head of the Susquehannah river (see A^. 1'. col. mss, 92:67). Royal requisition to raise troops against the Indians received from the earl of Halifax. 503 20 John GrifBth appointed master of the port, vice Richard Jefteries resigned, James Jauncey, Thos. Vardill, Sidney Breese, Daniel Stiles, Anthony van Dam and John Smith wardens (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:75). Order to remove pilots complained of by the master and wardens of the port (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:73). Ordinance to issue extending the session of the supreme court. 505 Feb. 2 Assembly adjourned (see A''. Y. col. mss, 92:81). Nolli prosequi to be entered in the case of John Glen of Schenec- tady (see A'". Y. col. mss, 92:68-70, 79-80). Commission to issue for a special court of oyer and terminer in New York county. 505 8 All the suspended branch pilots except Wm Hibbins sus- pected of cutting down the tree on Bergen common re- stored to their duty. New ordinance establishing fees in the court of chancery to be prepared. Inquiry to be made, who broke open the jail in Dutchess county and released some prisoners. Search to be made by the sheriff of Queens coimty for Joseph Cornwell and Richardson Corn- well accused of having shot Timothy McCarty at the house of Henry Sands at Cowneck. Order on the sherifif of Al- bany county to produce proof of the assault upon him l)y an ofificer of the 55th regiment. 506 IS Action on petition of Johannes Evertse Wynkoop and Johannes Trumbor (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:84) deferred. 508 464 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 V. 25 22 Adam Lawrence sheriff of Queens county and Justice Kis- sam of Cowneck examined concerning Joseph and Richard- son Cornwell; Dr Samuel Latham. Richard Sands, Wm Doty boatman, Obadiah de Milt, Henry Sands and Mary Shoe, all of Cowneck summoned before the council in the same matter (p. 506). 508 27 They appear and are examined: Henry Sands committed. Justice Kissam, Thos. Thorne coroner of Queens county and Wm Baker to appear before the council. 509 Mar. 5 Letter received from Sir Wm Johnson recommending that the Indians from Pennsylvania be sent to Albany by water; council advise not to admit them into the province. Letter received from Gen. Gage with resolutions of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut concerning the raising of troops against the Indians; they decline doing so, and council advise it is not necessary to call the assembly. As- sembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:90). Proclama- tion to issue for the arrest of Joseph and Richardson Corn- well (see A''. Y. col. mss, 92:91). Opinion of council on the petition of J. E. Wynkoop and J. Trumbor (p. 508). 509 7 Proclamation for the arrest of J. and R. Cornwell signed. Warrants for salaries signed. 511 8 Memorial of New York merchants on the sugar act sent to the lords of trade. 512 21 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss. 92:95). Order for the prosecution of intruders upon crown lands pretending title under New Hampshire, to wit Samuel Robinson of Benningtown, John Fray of Sharpsberrytown and John Wallis of Allingtown. S12 Ap. 4 Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:96). 513 18 Letter received from Gen. Gage (see A''. Y. col. mss, 92:97). Speech to be made by the governor to the council and as- sembly (see A^. Y. col. mss, 92:106) read and approved. Copy of a mandamus to swear Charles Ward Apthorpe of the council vice Benj. Pratt, received and referred. 513 19 Warrant to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 514 May 2 Assembly prorogued (see A^. 1'. col. mss, 92:107). Reasons for swearing Charles W. Apthorpe of the council given by the committee, and of Wm Smith against it (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:109-10). 514 9 Reasons of the lieutenant governor for not swearing in Charles Ward Apthorpe. Warrants for payment of bounty and enlisting money to issue. S'^7 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 465 1764 V. 25 June 9 Royal mandamus to swear Joseph Read of the council, vice Josiah Martin removed to Antigua; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Assembly prorogued. Warrants for sala- ries signed. 518 July 10 Account of bills of credit issued since 1749 called for by the lords of trade and so ordered. Acts of parliament relating to xA.merica received. Opinion of council on the applica- tion of the marquis de Fenelon governor of Martinicjue, to allow Sieur Nadeau de Belair to take 150 French Acadians to the West Indies (see A''. Y. col. inss, 92:120). 519 Aug. 7 Assembly prorogued. Additional instructions relating to fees in public offices; proclamation to issue accordingly (see N. Y. col. viss, 92:24). Warrants to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops. Brief to collect charity granted to Haynes of Dutchess county whose house etc were destroyed by fire. Order on complaint of Peter Reune against Matthew du Bois, justice of the peace of Dutchess county (see A^ Y. col. mss, 92:128). Petition of the German "congregation in New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:126) tabled. Sheriff Harm. Schuyler reports that in obedience to orders he has arrested Samuel Ashley, Samuel Robison, John Monfort and Isaac Charles who have ousted Peter Vass and Bastian Deal from their farms under pretence of New Hampshire jurisdiction. 521 Sep. 4 Speech to be made by the governor to the council and as- sembly (see N. Y. col. mss, 92:136) read and approved. Peace made by Sir Wm Johnson with the Hurons, Ot- tawaes, Chippiwaghs, Sakis, Puans, Reynards, Menomi- nies and all the western nations, except 300 under Pondiac on the Miainis river and the Potawatomees: Shawanese and Delawares of the Ohio, now up on the Sioto did not at- tend. Cannajoharie Indians complain of Cobus Maybe; he is ordered away from the Indian country. Gov. Went- worth asks for the release of people from New Hamp- shire; can only be discharged on bail (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:576-77; Q 4:3.56-57)- 523 5 Freeholders of Southold, L. I. to restore Indian lands to their owners. Indian prisoners in New York jail to be re- moved to Long Island. B^S 17 Governor's answer to an address of the assembly. 526 19 Letter from the lords of trade. New Hampshire boundaries, and Lutheran congregation; New Jersey boundaries; com- plaints of violence on Spanish subjects made, but not proved. IMoses Owen justice of the peace of Westchester on trial for perjury discharged from his office. 527 466 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 V. 25 26 Order to recover the Indian lands at Southold by legal trial. Time for hearing complaints against Matthew du Bois (p. 521) fixed. Warrants for salaries signed. 528 29 Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. 529 Oct. II Proceedings on the petition of Silas Charles and other Montauk Indians for recovery of their lands. 530 20 Council advise the lieutenant governor to pass the bills before him and adjourn the assembly. 531 26 Royal mandamus to swear Charles Ward Apthorpe of the council Aace Benj. Pratt deceased. 42d article of the in- structions to Gov. Monckton directing that the surveyor general of customs should be a member of the council. Charles W. Apthorpe and John Temple surveyor general of the customs for the northern district are sworn in and take their seats. 53i Nov. 7 Hearing on the complaint against Matthew du Bois (p. 528) postponed. Warrant to commissaries and paymasters for pay of troops signed. 532 14 Reprieve granted to John Kelly (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:2) on representation of Rev. Samuel Auchmuty rector of Trinity church, New York. 533 19 Assembly adjourned (see A^^. Y. col. mss, 93:5). 533 21 Matthew du Bois heard in answer to the complaint of Peter Renne (p. 53^2). 533 Dec. 5 Royal mandamus to swear Roger Morris of the council vice John Chambers deceased; he is sworn in and takes his seat Warrant for salaries etc signed. Opinion of council on the report of the attorney general in the case of the Montauk Indians (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:8-9; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 3:392-94; Q 31:237-38). Order on complaint of Cor- nelius Blauvelt, Garret Onderdonck and others of Orange county presented by Richard Morris against Abr'm Her- ring justice of the common pleas and colonel of militia in Orange county. Bonds to be given on all petitions and complaints, to pay costs. Commissions of the peace to be issued for New York city and county unless the corpora- tion show cause to the contrary. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 535 8 Proclamation to issue declaring peace with the Indians (see N. Y. col. mss. 93:10). 537' 20 Objections of the corporation of New York against the issue of commissions of the peace filed. 537 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 467 Vol. 26, 1765—83 The minutes on land grants from Sep. 5, 1764 to Nov. 13, 1776 will be found in vol. 29-31. 1765 Jan. 8 Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 93:20). Letter re- ceived from Gov. Bernard of jMassachusetts on the bound- ary question. I II Hearing on the complaint against Abr'm Herring (25:535) postponed. I 30 Dennis Hall and Mary Yates sentenced to death for stealing pardoned (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:30). 2 Feb. 6 Petition of Roger Morris, Beverly Robinson and Philip Philippse (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:32) referred: Form of ■ license and bond for Indian traders approved (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:31, 33). Petition of John Anderson owner of three small islands in the sound for relief against Justus, David and Wm Bush and John Gregg, who claim the islands under Connecticut title read; proposed to refer it to the king. 2 Mar. 6 Order on petition of Shadrack Chatterton (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 93:38). Warrants for salaries signed. Hearing on the claim made by Daniel Nimham, Jacobus Nimham, One Pound Poctone, Stephen Cowenham and other Wappin- gen Indians to lands granted to Adolph Philippse; opinion of council thereon. Report on the petition of Roger Mor- ris et al (p. 2) ; Samuel Munroe, Daniel Monroe, Stephen Wilcox and Joseph Craw named in the report to be prose- cuted; Justices Jacobus ten Boss and John Akin to show cause why they should not be dismissed from office. Charles Lewis appointed branch pilot. 4 13 Assembly prorogued (see A". Y. col. mss. 93:44)- Letter re- ceived from Gov. Bernard of Massachusetts (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:39-40) and filed because Lt. Gov. Colden had al- ready written to the governor of Porto Rico about it. Order on the petition of Corn's Blauvelt et al against Abr'm Herring (p. i). 9 15 Sir Wm Johnson writes of the dissatisfaction among the Indians in regard to land transactions [Kayaderosseras patent] ; the attorney general is ordered to bring a scire facias at common law against claimants under patent of Nov. 2, 1708 to Nanning Harmense et al (see L. P. 4:161- , 62). Date for hearing the complaint against Abr'm Herring (p. 9) fixed. 10 27 Resolve of Massachusetts relating to the boundary question received. On representation of Surveyor General Alex. 468 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 V. 26 Colden that the Minisinck patentees have taken possession of crown lands, the attorney general is ordered to file in- formation against them. Hearing on the petition of Shadrack Chatterton (p. 4). Wm Hibbin reappointed branch pilot (see A^. Y. col. mss, 93:49). Ii 29 Case of Shadrack Chatterton against Justices John Coe, John Parcells and John van der Voort decided in their favor. 13 Ap. 3 Committee appointed for the case of Corn's Blauvelt et al (p. 10) against Abr'm Herring. 13 ID Hearing in re Minisinck patentees (p. 11). 13 30 Opinion of council concerning a letter from Abr'm Lott and Christ'r Smith, managers of the hemp lottery (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:66). 14 May 8 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:70-71). 14 July 8 Orde;r from the king received to prosecute the persons who burned the boat of the sloop-of-war Chaleur, Lieut. Langharne commanding (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:46); also resolution of the house of lords concerning two Mohawk Indians taken to London and exhibited in a public show by a Jew named Myers (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:41). Letter from Gov. Fitch of Connecticut in regard to the islands claimed by John Anderson (p. 2; see A'". Y. col. mss, 93:73). Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:75). Warrants for salaries signed. 14 Sep. 4 Gen. Gage offers military assistance for support of the civil power. Full council needed for an answer. James McEvers scared by the occurrences at Boston resigns his office as distributor of stamps. 16 5 Warrants for salaries signed. Warrant to the managers of the New York and New Jersey boundary controversy for expenses (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:91) signed. Tom a negro slave of Wm Pontine under sentence of death for burglary pardoned to deportation to Honduras (see A^ Y. col. mss, 93:92). 17 7 Opinion of council on the letter of Gen. Gage (p. 16) ; military assistance not needed. 18 9 Opinion of the corporation to the same effect. Assembly prorogued (see A^". Y. col. mss, 93:92). 19 25 Godfrey Swan sentenced to death for killing his own child pardoned to imprisonment for life (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 93:94). Warrant to Lt. Gov. Colden for contingent ex- penses signed. Case of the sufferers by fire at Montreal referred to the assembly (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:74). 20 30 Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. Joshua Sands justice of the peace in Ulster CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 469 1765 V. 26 county suoerseded on complaint of inhabitants (see A^ Y. col. mss, 93:93) ■ 21 Oct. 9 Sir Henry JNIoore newly appointed governor writes that he will soon leave England. Assembly prorogued. Petition of Thos. Chandler. Isaac Man, David Wooster, Daniel Jones and Robert Harpur (see A^. V. col. mss, 93:99) re- ferred. 21 15 Petition of Thos. Chandler et al withdrawing their former petition and asking for the establishment of one county within the stated bounds referred. 22 22 Petition of Thomas Chandler et al giving reasons for the establishment of a new county referred (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:110-11). 23 23 James McEvers desired to take charge of the stamps just ' arrived refuses. Report of committee on the petition for establishing a new county (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 93:112) read. Patrick McKay, justice of the peace in Ulster county super- seded on complaint of inhabitants (see A\ Y. col. inss, 93:95)- 23 24 Order in relation to the unloading of the stamps brought in Capt. Wm Davis' ship. 24 29 Assembly prorogued (see A\ ]'. col. mss, 93:117-18). 24 31 Oath of the lieutenant governor required to be taken under the stamp act. 25 Nov. 2 Riot in the city. Threatening letter sent to the lieutenant governor in connection with the stamps. Fort George to be put into condition for defense. 25 p. m. The lieutenant governor having no directions for the dis- tribution of the stamps, council advise him to declare he would do nothing with them but await the arrival of Sir Henry Moore. 26 5 Minutes of the common council of New York, asking for custody of the stamps (see A'. Y. col. mss, 93:123-24); coun- cil advise that the stamps be delivered to them. 27 6 Letter from Lt. Gov. Colden to Gen. Thos. Gage (see A'. Y. col. mss, 93:122): Gen. Gage's reply advising that the stamps be turned over to the corporation. Letter from the lieutenant governor to the mayor etc of New York. Mayors receipt for the stamps. 28 12 Assembly to be adjourned from day to day by the speaker until a quorum is in town. [Minutes sent to the board of trade. 31 13 Sir Henry Moore arrived takes the oaths, and the seals are delivered to him by the lieutenant governor. The mem- bers of council present are sworn in. The new^ governor's 470 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 V. 26 commission to be recorded and proclamation to issue fpr continuing all officers in their places (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:126-27). The new governor publishes his commission in the fort and at the city hall. 31 15 The governor declares himself ready to put the stamp act in execution; council are of opinion it is impracticable at present. Stamped paper arrived in the ship Minerva to be delivered to the mayor. Assembly to meet, and council advise that the governor make no allusion to the late dis- turbances. Fort George to be placed in the same condi- tion as before the disturbances. ^3 18 Action on letter from the collector and the controller of customs (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:129) deferred. 35 20 Order on petition of Roger Morris, Philipp Philippse and Beverly Robinson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:130). 35 29 Opinion of council concerning an act of parliament for pro- viding quarters for the royal troops in America. 36 Dec. 2 Letter of Gen. Thos. Gage (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:141) to be laid before the assembly. Proclamation to issue offering a reward as ordered by a resolution of the assembly (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 93:138). 37 18 Order upon an application of the mayor and magistrates for a military guard (see A^. Y. col. mss, 93:148). 38 Address of the governor to the council on receipt of letter from Sec. H. S. Conway relating to the late disturbances. Proclamation to issue offering a reward for discovery of the persons who destroyed the stamped paper (see A''. Y. col. mss, 93:157). Magistrates to declare whether the peace can be maintained by civil authority. 39 II The mayor and magistrates are of opinion they can for the , future preserve the peace of the city; the people in general disapprove the destruction of the stamps. 42 14 Opinion of council on the above letter from Sec. Conway. 43 Feb. 12 Letter received from Gov. Bernard, designs of the " sons of liberty." The governor proposes applying for military assistance, council advise to defer it. 45 Mar. I Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. i7tss, 93:165). 46 22 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. viss, 94:2). 47 31 Gen. Gage present. Order on an application of the general to procure a vessel for securing the king's stores. 47 Ap. 2 The ship Minerva,- — Tillet master taken into the public ser- vice with consent of her owners. 48 19 Assembly prorogued (see A". Y. col. mss, 94:5-6). 48 30 Assembly prorogued. Proclamation to issue offering a re- ward for the arrest of rioters in Westchester county (see 1766 Jan. ID CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 471 1''66 V. 26 A^. V. col. viss. 94:7) on an affidavit of Benj. Randolph of , Cortland manor. 48 May 17 Assembly prorogued (see A'. Y. col. niss, 94:9). Justices Pawling and Hardenbergh to answer a complaint against them made by Rev. Gerhard Daniel Cock (see A^. Y. col. inss, 94:10). 49 28 Stamp act repealed. Assembly prorogued (see A''. J', col. mss, 94:11). Opinion of council concerning Gen. Gage's requi- sition of ciuarters for the royal troops coming from the outposts. 50 30 Magistrates in the province to be urged to exert themselves in the suppression of riots and disorders. 51 June 7 Order on complaint of Wm Provoost as attorney against Surveyor General Alex'r Colden for taking fees for survey- ing lands to be granted to disbanded soldiers. Warrants of arrest to issue against Silas Washburn, Wm Pendergrast, James Secord, Elisha Cole, Isaac Perry and Michael Veal for traitorous conspiracy etc on affidavits of Samuel Peters justice of the peace in Dutchess county and Simeon Bundy. 52 9 Draft of the speech to be made by the governor to council and assembly (see A^ ]'. col. mss, 94:13) read. 53 10 James Livingston sheriiT of Dutchess county reports that John Way arrested at the suit of Petrus ten Broeck for debt has been rescued by a mob giving as reason that the debt was for rent which they do not approve of. 53 12 Warrants for salaries signed. 53 18 Answer of the surveyor general (see A\ ]'. col. mss, 94:18) to the complaint of Wm Provoost (p. 52). 54 19 Council advise to apply for military assistance to suppress disorders in Dutchess county. Merchants refusing to take out "'let pass" for vessels outward bound the governor pro- poses to apply to the men-of-war in the harbor to stop all vessels going to sea without the paper; council needs time to give advice. Order on^ petition of Joshua Sands (see A^. ]'. col. mss, 94:20). 54 20 The 28th regiment on the way from Albany to land at Pokeepsing. Proclamation to issue offering a reward for the arrest of rioters (see A". Y. col. mss. 94:21). 56 23 Opinion of the judges and of council concerning the taking- out of "let pass." 57 July 2 Sheriff James Livingston of Dutchess reports the landing at Pokeepsing of the 28th regiment and dispersion of the rioters (see A^ Y. col. mss, 94:26). Proclamation of 20 June to be sent to neighboring governments. Troops to proceed to Albany to assist the civil authorities. Courts of oyer and terminer to sit in Albany and Dutchess counties. 57 472 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 V. 26 3 Council advise that the governor pass the bill for furnishing barracks with necessaries for the troops; the governor de- clares himself unable to pass the vendue and larceny bills unless a suspending clause be added. Assembly prorogued. Procamation to issue offering a reward for the arrest of Robert Noble of Claverack (see A^. F. col. mss, 94:29-30). 58 7 Reply to petition of inhabitants of Nobletown contradicting affidavits of Robert van Rensselaer and Sheriff Schuyler. 59 II Ordinance for establishing a court of common pleas, and a court of general sessions in Cumberland county passed; commissions for the courts to issue. Nathan Stone the high sheriff of the new county to give bonds. 61 Sep. 3 Daniel Horsmanden presiding communicates a letter from the governor at Albany, that the mayor of New York wishes to resign; council defer recommending a new name. 61 4 Whitehead Hicks is recommended as new mayor of New York. 62 Oct. 4 Commission of Whitehead Hicks as mayor of New York, dated at Albany, Sep. 29, 1766. 62 13 Gov. ]Moore returned communicates a letter from Lord Sliel- burne, who has succeeded the duke of Richmond as sec- retary of state, about the act for providing necessaries to the troops. Assembly prorogued. 62, 17 Warrants for salaries signed. 64 22 Complaint of Sir Wm Johnson against George Klock for purchasing lands from the Indians without license referred to the attorney general. 65 Nov. 6 Letter received from Lord Shelburne, violence and murders committed on Indians, settlements extended beyond limits prescribed. Speech to be made to council and assembly read (see A^. Y. col. mss, 94:60). Assembly prorogued (see N. y. col. mss, 94:58), the speaker not having arrived. 65 7 Lords of trade call for a report on manufactures set up and carried on since 1734 (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:732-33; Q 1:497). 66 ig Letter received from Gov. Carleton at Quebec, Justice Walker of Montreal assaulted on the street; referred to the commanding officer of the troops. 67 21 Papers relating to the assault on Justice Walker at Montreal to be sent to Gov. Franklin of New Jersey. Deborah wife of Wm Tongue, Elizabeth wife of John Dent, and Eliza- beth Floyd capitally convicted are pardoned on representa- tion of the chief justice and the other justices of the su- preme court. 68 Dec. 17 Letter from Lord Shelburne, claim of Wappingen and Stock- bridge Indians, referred. 69 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 473 1766 V. 26 18 23 1767 Jan. 3 Feb. 4 17 Mar. s 6-9 9 II 20 Order on Jacobus ten^Boss and John Akin (p. 4). Council advise the passing of bills before the governor and proro- gation of the assembly. Report of committee on the letter of Lord Shelburne (p. 69). Minutes sent to the board of trade. Daniel Nimham sachem of the Wappingen Indians desires a farther hearing on his claim against Ad. Philippse. Hearing appointed on the claim of the Wappingen Indians on a memorial of Daniel Nimham. Warrants for salaries signed. Order for nolle prosequi granted on the petition of Joseph Forman (see N. Y. col. iiiss, 94:78). Order on petition of Ennis Graham for a nolle prosequi on a provision bond. Brief to collect money for repairing the church at Eastchester granted. John van Tassell, Elijah Tompkins, Samuel Field, John Tompkins, David Paddock, Henry van Ambrugh, Johannes Boyce, Peter Angevine, Richard Curry, Wm Hill, George Curry, Jacobus ten Bush [Boss], James Dickinson, George Hughson, James Phillips, Samuel Causten. Daniel Corn- wall, Gilbert Bloomer, Joseph Merit, Nath'l Underbill, John Depee, Wm. Ogden, Samuel Hozier, Nehemiah Hor- ton and Joseph Travis called as witnesses for the Wappin- gen Indians. Letter from the lords of trade, petition for charter of the presbyterian church in New York; referred. Memorial of Abr'm Lott, Isaac Low, Peter Remsen and Nicholas Low for aid to recover debts from the French referred to the attorney general. Justices ten Boss and Akin given more time for their answer (p. 70). Letter received from Lord Shelburne, New York and Massachusetts boundary controversy; opinion of council thereon. Order on petition of the ministers etc of the presbyterian church in New York (see A''. ]'. col. iitss, 94:84). Samuel Drake, Daniel Townsend, Capt. Crane and Samuel Munroe summoned as witnesses for the Wap- pingen Indians. Hearing opened on the claim of the Wappingen Indians represented by Mr Spaulding and Mr Marsh; ]\Iessers . Livingston, Scott and Duane, attorneys for Adolph Philippse. Case continued. 82- Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 94:91). Judgment and opinion in the case. Warrants for salaries signed. Proclamations to issue: about Indian traders' passes and bonds; about prohibiting purchases of Indian lands (see A''. Y. col. mss, 94:92). 70 71 74 74 77 78 79 80 474 1767 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY V. 26 25 Gov. Bernard of Massachusetts writes that the general court has appointed Lt. Gov. Brattle and Capt. Sheafe bound- ary commissioners. 30 Gov. Bernard writes that the general court has prepared in- structions for the boundary commissioners. Ap. 9 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. inss, 94:98). 15 Report of committee on the petition of the minister and elders of the presbyterian church in New York (p. 80; see A'', y. col. mss, 94:93-94). Petition and remonstrance of river Indians [Mohkuhannuck tribe] (see A''. Y. col. mss, 94:100) referred to Sir Wm Johnson. 22 Order on letter from James Ross complaining that the sur- veyor general charges exorbitant fees for surveying land granted under royal proclamation of Oct. 7, 1763. Repre- sentation to be made to the home authorities for providing funds to defray charges of prosecution on the part of the crown. May 5 Assembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. mss, 94:105). 13 Letter received from Lord Shelburne, pay of men under Col. Bradstreet in 1764; referred to the assembly. 27 Speech to be made by the governor to the council and as- sembly (see A^. Y. col. mss, 94:108) read. John Anderson charged with murder and piracy on board the sloop Polly, Roeloff Durgue master to be examined and wit- nesses called. 28 Examination of John Anderson and witnesses [no details given]. June 3 Petition of Thos. Carrol, Richard Peters, Samviel Legget and John Haynes for the reward for apprehending Elisha Cole (p. 56) referred to the assembly. 6 Council advise the governor to pass the bills before him and to prorogue the assembly. 10 Opinion of council on the petitions to the king by the Society for propagation of the gospel, and by Samuel Robinson of Bennington and 1000 other grantees under New Hampshire. 22 Order to the mayor of New York for the C[uartering of troops expected to arrive. Warrants for salaries signed. July 29 John Wentworth appointed governor of New Hampshire and surveyor general of the woods in America: proclama- tion to issue accordingly (see A^ 1'. col. mss, 94:114). Or- der for prosecuting George Klock by information etc. New York and Alassachusetts boundary commissioners to meet at New Haven. Aug. 6 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 94:116). 90 91 91 91 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 97 lOI 102 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 475 1767 14 19 31 Sep. 16 Oct. 3 Nov. 4 16 Dec. 21 1768 Jan. 27 V. 26 William Johnson convicted of felony in stealing prayer books out of St Pauls church. New York pardoned on condition of leaving the province. 102 Order for hearing the complaint of Rev. Gerhard Daniel Cock against Justices Levi Pawling and Johannes Harden- bergh (p. 49). 103 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. iiiss, 94:118). 103 Assembly prorogued (see A'. Y. col. iiiss, 94:120). Warrants for salaries signed. 104 Acts of parliament received: i, granting certain duties in the British colonies etc; 2, prohibiting the governor from passing acts vmtil necessaries for the troops are provided by the assembly. Assembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. mss. 94:123). Warrant for the use of a new great seal sent from England. 104 Hearing of the case between Rev. G. D. Cock and Justices Pawling and Hardenbergh; Air Duane, counsel for Cock produces Phil. Klum, Jacob Decker, Cornelius MuUer, Corn's Parser, Wm Elting, Jobs. Kater, Edw'd Loonsbury as witnesses, Rudolphus Ritzema interpreter: Air Kempe counsel for Pawling and Hardenbergh produces Abr'm Haasbrouck, John Elanckjean, Benj. van Keuren and Abr'm van Keuren as witnesses. Action on petition of Rev. John Peter Tetard (see A^ ]'. col. mss. 94:125) de- ferred. 106 Opinion of council in the case of Rev. G. D. Cock vs Jus- tices Pawling and Harbenbergh. 107 Royal mandamus to swear Wm Smith jr of the council vice Wm Smith sr resigned; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Frances Alalone sentenced to death for stealing pardoned on condition of leaving the province. Dutch consistory of New- York ordered to answer to the remonstrance of Abel Hardenbrook et al (see A^. Y. col. mss, 94:112, 117). 108 Royal mandamus to swear Henry Cruger sr of the council; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Opinion of council on the complaint of Abel Hardenbrook et al (p. 108). 109 Draft of the governor's speech to the council and assembly (see A". Y. col. mss, 94:133-34) read. Catharine Crow pardoned (see A". Y. col. mss. 94:129). Elizabeth Johnson reprieved (see A^. Y. col. mss, 94:135-36). no Proclamation to issue for the discovery of the author of certain seditious papers (see A'. ]'. col. mss. 95:5). Ill The king's order in council dismissing the petition of the minister etc of the presbyterian church for a charter of incorporation (see Doc. hist. X. Y. 3:306-7: Q 3:506-8). 476 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 V. 26 The governor laj's before the council his instruction on the passing of private bills. Warrants for salaries signed. II2 Feb. 6 Council advise the governor to pass the bill for vesting the estate of the late treasurer, Abr'm de Peyster in trustees to pay his debts as not a private act. Warrant to John de Peyster jr for military equipment signed. Assembly dissolved. II5 ID Commission of oyer and terminer for New York county to issue 30 daj^s before the commencement of the supreme court terms. Writs to issue for election of a new assem- ^ bly. . Ordinance passed for erecting the county of Cum- berland. Order on petition of John Young and John Storm (see L. P. 23:1312). ]\Iinutes sent to the board of trade. 115 24 Warrant to Goldsbrow Banyar for express messenger's ser- vices signed. 117 Mar. 9 Warrants for salaries signed. 117 16 Assembly prorogued by "writ patent" under the great seal. 118 18 Letters patent for erecting the county of Cumberland read and approved. " Writ patent " for proroguing the assem- bly signed. 118 22 Elizabeth Clark, alias Elizabeth Johnson pardoned on con- dition of leaving the province (p. no). iig 26 Warrant to John de Peyster jr for military equipments signed. List of judges, justices of the peace, sheriff, clerk, and coroner for Cumberland county approved. 119 Ap. 7 Ordinance passed for establishing inferior courts in Cum- berland county. 119 •23 Ordinance of fees for the court of chancery and other courts (see A''. Y. col. mss, 95:38) passed. 120 May 2 Warrants signed: to Isaac Colton for services in appre- hending counterfeiters; to Alex'r Colden for express mes- senger services. 121 18 The governor intends going to Albany to meet the Indians and settle the boundary line with them. Assembly prorogued. W^arrant to John de Peyster jr for military equipments signed. Ordinance of fees for the court of chancery signed (p. 120). Ordinance for prolonging the term of the circuit court at Albany signed. Letter from Lord Hillsborough with report of the solicitor and attorney general on the acts of parliament 12 Anne and 4 George I for preserving ships and goods cast ashore. 121 June 29 Letter received from Lord Hillsborough with report of the lords of trade on Indian affairs. Warrants for salaries signed. 12S CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 477 1768 V. 26 July 13 Warrant to Henry Holland, Frederick Philippse, John Alorin Scott, Wm Bayard and Benj. Kissam for expenses in running New York and New Jersey partition line signed. 126 Aug. 3 Proclamation to issue for the arrest of the persons who robbed the New Jersey treasurer's office (see N. Y. col. mss, 95:46-48). Warrant lo John dc Peyster for military equip- ments signed. 126 29 Letter received from Gov. Carlcton of Quebec, Indian trade; advice of council thereon. Warrant to issue on the treasurer to order of Att'y Gen. John Tabor Kempe for ex- penses in a lawsuit against John van Rensselaer. Assem- bly prorogued. 127 Sep. 9 Sir Wm Johnson to prevent the purchase by Pennsylvania of Indian lands north of the 43d degree. Warrant for salaries signed. 128 28 Proclamation to issue offering a reward for the discovery of the author of certain seditious papers (see A'. Y. col. mss. 95:57)- 129 Oct. 21 Letter from Lord Hillsborough with papers relating to the New York and Quebec boundary line (see Doc. hist. N'. Y. 1 050-51: Q 1:354-55)- Another letter received from the same with directions for inducing the New York assembly not to take any notice of a circular sent out by the speaker of the Massachusetts assembly. 130 Nov. 2 Order on a memorial of John Tabor Kempe (see N. Y. col. mss, 95:65). 135 19 Proclamation to issue offering a reward for the discovery of rioters in the city. Benjamin Peirson appointed branch pilot. Account of John ^Nlunroe (.V. Y. col. mss. 95:68-69) referred to judges of the supreme court. 136 Dec. 2 Report on the above account of John ]\Iunroe, and warrant to him issued. 137 5 Proceedings of the Indian conference at Fort Stanwix for settling the boundar}- line received, with a letter from Sir Wm Johnson; to be laid before the assembly. Letter re- ceived from Sir Wm Johnson, Indian trade. Order on a petition of Dirck. Swart (see N. Y. col. mss, 95:66). 137 15 Special commission of oyer and terminer to issue for Albany county. Trial of Joseph Andrews confined for piracy put off. 138 2^ List of judges and justices for the counties of Alban}^ Dutchess, ■ Orange and Westchester (see A''. J', col. mss. 95:79-83) laid before the council. 139 31 Afifidavit of John Cantine and John Keator (see .V. Y. col. mss. 95:70) read. 139 4/8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 '^- 26 Jan. 2 Resolution of the assembly in regard to taxation. Assembly dissolved (see A^. Y. col. mss, 95:87). 140 4 Writs to issue for the election of a new assembly. Isaac Stonehouse convicted of burglary in store of Benj. Booth pardoned. 142 18 Warrants for salaries etc. signed. Francis James appointed branch pilot. Examination of in regard to counter- feiters. 143 20 James de Lancey reftises the appointment to the council vice Wm Alexander resigned. Royal mandamus to swear Hugh Wallace of the council vice Wm Walton deceased; he is sworn in and takes his seat. 144 31 Assembly prorogued by " writ patent." Warrant to David Gould as reward for discovering counterfeiters signed. Richard Hudnett and Owen McFarlane convicted of bur- glary at Albany, and John Hamilton Stewart convicted of grand larceny, all sentenced to death, pardoned on condi- tion of their leaving the province (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 95:88). ' 145 Feb. 22 John de Peyster jr, barrack master ordered to deliver his ac- counts. Warrant to Goldsbrow Banyar for money ad- vanced for express messengers signed. 146 Mar. I Order on receiving John de Peyster's accounts. Assembly to meet. 146 8 Royal mandamus to swear Henry White of the council; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Warrants for salaries etc signed. I47 15 Warrant on the receiver general for payment of expenses out of the quitrents to Wm Cockburn surveyor and shower for the crown in the suit against John van Rensselaer. 148 29 Letter received from Gen. Gage respecting the appointment of officers to superintend the Indian trade; Pennsylvania to appoint for Fort Pitt and the Illinois, New York for Niagara and D'Etroit, Quebec at Misilimakinak; to be laid before the assembly. . Ordinance to be prepared amending the ordinance for establishing fees of courts. 149 Ap. 5 Preceding ordinance read and passed. 150 May 20 The governor declares he can not sign the bill for a new emis- ' sion of bills of credit and asks whether he shall pass the bills: I, for regulating elections; 2, for regulating auction sales. Council advise him to sign the last two and to pro- rogue the assembly. PubUc notice that a private act will be introduced for a division line between Kakiate and Cheesecock patents, and affidavit relating thereto by David Pye. ' 150 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 479 1769 V.26 26 Commissions of the peace and of the pleas to issue for West- chester (see A''. F. col. mss, 95:115), Orange and Albany counties. 151 June 14 Warrants for salaries and to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. 152 July 5 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 95:119). 153 12 Payment demanded for quarters of officers for whom there is no room in the barracks; referred to the assembly. John Smith appointed one of the justices of the quorum for Westchester county. 153 18 Letters received from the earl of Hillsborough, Indian lands' ceded by the last treaty; proceedings in parliament concerning America. 153 Aug. 16 John Hennesy convicted of robbery and sacrilege pardoned and to be conveyed to Philadelphia as a lunatic. John Jubeart sentenced to death for counterfeiting reprieved. 155 22 Letter received from Sir Wm Johnson, necessity of appoint- ing officers for the Indian trade. 155 29 Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 95:126). 156 Sep. 12 Sir Henry Moore dead. The great seal delivered to Lt. Gov. Golden with Sir Henry's commission. 156 13 Lt. Gov. Golden takes the usual oaths. Proclamation an- nouncing the death of Gov. Moore and continuing all offi- cers in their posts (see AL Y. col. mss, 95:128) issued. Ad- ditional instruction read against lotteries. Gov. Moore's general instructions delivered to Lt. Gov. Golden by Mr Livingston, Gov. Moore's private secretary. 156 29 Municipal officers of New York and of Albany reappointed. Warrant issued on the' petition of the manager of the New York and New Jersey boundary controversy (see A^. Y. col. mss, 95:136). Warrants signed: for salaries; to John de Peyster jr and Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops (see A''. Y. col. mss, 95:133). Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 95:135). Order on the petition of Thomas Lasalle, and Jacques Hermand (see A''. Y. col. mss. 95:129-32). A new recorder for New York to be appointed vice Simon Johnson who neglects his duties. 158 Oct. 17 Order on petition of Lewis Pintard (see A^ Y. col. mss. 95:140-43). 161 20 A.ssembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. mss, 95:146). Warrants signed: to Lt. Gov. Golden for postage; to Joseph Yates and Dirck Swart for expenses as elisors on the trial against John van Rensselaer for intrusion on crown kinds; to Jeremiah Hogebooni and Jacob van Valkenbourgh for boarding Gapt. Campbell and Wm Cockburn surveyors in 4.8o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 Nov. 17 22 29 Dec. 12 1770 Jan. 5 17 18 27 31 Feb. 7 14 V. 26 the same trial. King's order in council forbidding grants of land claimed by New Hampshire; opinion of council thereon (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:609-11; Q 4:375-76). 162 Speech to be made by the lieutenant governor to council and assembly read and approved (see A''. Y. col. mss, 96:25). Commissions of the peace etc for Ulster county (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 96:10-11) to issue. Thomas Jones appointed re- corder of New York. 165 Special commission of oyer and terminer to issue for New York city and county. 165 Warrant issued for expenses of managers of the New York and New Jersey boundary controversy. 166 George Duncan Ludlow appointed justice of the supreme court vice Smith deceased. Commission to the puisne judges to issue distinguishing their rank by the date of their appointment. Proclamation to issue for the arrest of rioters in Wallumschack patent (see N". Y. col. mss, 96:28) on petition of Abr'm ten Broeck. 167 Proclamation to issue ofifering a reward for the discovery of the authors of seditious papers (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 96:31) at request of the assembly. Campbell sentenced to death for felony reprieved. 168 Council advise the lieutenant governor to pass the bill for emitting new bills of credit (see N. Y. col., mss, 96:37). 169 Agreement to be made for articles to be furnished to the ' troops. Daniel Lawrence justice of the peace for Orange county superseded at his own request. 170 Agreement concerning articles for the troops made between Gen. Gage and the lieutenant governor. Warrant to Gerard Bancker for providing them signed. 170 Order on petition of John Graham (see A^ Y. col. mss, 96:38); granted. 171 Council advise passing the bill declaring judges of the su- preme court ineligible to the assembly. John Akin, Henry Ellis and James Atwater appointed justices of the peace for Dutchess county. 171 Military commissions for Claverack to be recalled, the same having been issued in blank and distributed by Col. John van Rensselaer with a view to countenancing his claims against actual occupants. Warrants for salaries signed. 172 James Parker, Alichael Lane, Anthony Carr, John Carr and Edward Fitzrandel examined about a seditious paper, signed " Son of liberty ". I74 John Ryan and Hannah Hyatt sentenced to death pardoned on recommendation of judges of the supreme court. I74 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 668- 1 783 48 1 1770 V..26 28 Ordinance to be prepared for erecting the county of Glouces- ter. Whitehead Hicks, James Duane and Thos.- Jones to be assistants, to the attorney general in the trial against Alex'r McDougal for libel. The managers of the New York and New Jersey boundary controversy want more money; their accounts are called for. 175 Mar. 7 Ordinance establishing Gloucester county passed. Warrants for salaries signed. Assembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. niss, 96:57). Order on petition of Henry Holland and John van Cortlandt masters in chancery (see A''. Y. col. niss, 96:56). 176 9 Whitehead Hicks, David Clarkson, George Folliot, Wm Mc Adam and David van Home to 'audit accounts of the New York and New Jersey boundary managers. Commissions to issue to the judges, justices, clerk and sheriff of Glouces- ter county. Letter received from Gov. Penn with Penn- sylvania act for forming regulations of the Indian trade. 178 14 Letter received from Gov. John Wentworth of New Hamp- shire complaining of Justice Samuel Wells with affidavits of Benj. Whiting, Benj. Wait and Amos Tute (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:49-50); Samuel Wells called upon for an answer. Roper Dawson convicted and burned in the hand for manslaughter granted restitution of his forfeited goods. James Parker printer of the libel for which Alex'r Mc Dougal is being prosecuted pardoned. 179 21 Samuel Wells delivers his answer and is found not innocent of Gov. Wentworth's charges. Warrant signed to Gerard Bancker for necessaries furnished to the troops. List of judges and justices for Albany county referred. 180 28 Commission of the peace and pleas for Albany county to issue. 181 Ap. II Time appointed for a meeting of commissioners to make regulations for the Indian trade. 181 18 Names of Jeremiah Hogeboom, Phil. Emburg and Abr'm Cuyler added to the list of Albany justices. 182 20 Further order concerning the French ship L'Esperance, Jacques Hermand master (p. 158, 161) on petition of Lewis Pintard (see A^. F. col. mss, 96:72, 77). 182 28 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. viss, 96:76). 183 May 2 Lewis Pintard allowed to make further sales for the benefit of the French ship L'Esperance (p. 182). Warrant to Michael Cummings as reward for discovering the publisher of the " Son of liberty " paper signed. Commissions of the peace and pleas for Queens county (see A'. ]'. col. mss, 96:78) to issue. 183 4-82 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 17.70 V. 26 9 Commissions of the peace and pleas for Kings county (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:88) to issue. Warrant to be prepared to John de Noyelles and Wm Wickham. for surveying the New York and New Jersey boundary line with the New Jersey surveyors (see A*". Y. col. mss, 96:86-87). 184 16 Jacob Osburn and Thos. Clay sentenced to death for bur- glary pardoned on condition of leaving the province (see A''. Y. col. mss, 96:83). Draft of warrant to de Noyelles and Wickham read and approved, Mr Smith dissenting. 186 [13] Order on petition of John Sebron commanding the snow Chaste Marie of Bordeaux (see TV. Y. col. mss, 96:88-90). Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. 1S7 June 6 John Sebron allowed to sell part of his cargo for refitting his ship (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 96:91, 92, 97). Assembly pro- rogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:93). Warrants for salaries signed. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 187 Jiily 3 John Sebron allowed to ship the rest of his cargo to France in the brigantine King George, John Finglass master, or any other English bottom (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:101). 189 25 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 96:106). Warrant signed: to Goldsbrow Banyar for entertaining Okayo- weess, captain of the Tawan Indians and his interpreter on the way to Sir Wm Johnson. The commissioners for regulating the Indian trade appointed by Virginia and New York meet and adjourn, no commissioners from the other colonies having come (see A^. Y. col. mss, 96:111). Letter from Capt. John Brown charging Mr van Evra, Indian trader from Albany with fraud (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:96); referred to the assembly. Opinion of council on the report of the auditors of the New York and New Jersey boundary managers' accounts; warrant to the managers for their ex- penses signed. Complaint by magistrates of Cumberland county of riotous proceedings of Justices Nathan Stone and Israel Curtis, and of Joseph Wait et al of Windsor re- ferred to the judges of the supreme court. 190 Aug. 14 Royal order received concerning meetings of the commis- sioners to settle the New York and New Jersey line; also five acts of parliament relating to the colonies. Letter and memorial of Gov. Wentworth (p. 179) referred. 192 Sep. 3 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:119). Warrants for salaries signed. 194 29 Mayor, sheriff and coroner of New York reappointed; Abr'm C. Cuyler appointed mayor, Henry ten Eyck jr sheriff of Albany. Assembly prorogued (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 96:122). CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 483 1770 V. 26 Report of committee on the charges against Samuel Wells (see iV. Y. col. inss, 96:121). 195 Oct. 19 John, earl of Dunmore has his commission as governor etc read, takes the oaths and swears in the council present. Form of the oath of a privy councillor: Proclamation to issue confirming all officers in their places (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:127). The new governor publishes his com- mission at the city hall. 197 31 John Watts, Oliver de Lancey, Roger Morris and Hugh Wallace sworn. Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 96:129). Order on complaint of Abr'm ten Broeck and other Wallumschack patentees, accompanied by affidavits of John R. Bleecker et al (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:124). Proclamation to issue for the arrest of Simeon Hatheway, Moses Scott, Jonathan Phisk [Fisk] and Silas Robinson. 199 Nov. 17 Two negroes belonging respectively to Anthony Shackerly and Robert Gibbs pardoned, one to leave the province, the other to be taken to the West Indies. Order on peti- tion of Frederick Philippse relative to royal mines on his manor (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:134). 201 19 The sloop Susannah, John Kain master arrived from Port au Prince ordered into quarantine off Bedlows island. 202 27 The sloop Susannah released from quarantine on petition of Peter Mesier jr (see N. Y. col. mss, 96:137-38). [202] 30 Lord Hillsborough writes that the governor of Buenos Ayres reports the Spaniards have taken Fort Egmont on the Falklands islands; war with Spain may be expected, meas- ures to be taken accordingly. [202] Dec. 10 Speech to be made by the governor to council and assembly read. John van Alen of Claverack, John Wattson, Robert Lewis and Benj. Spencer appointed justices of the peace for Albany county by writ of association. 203 18 Order on memorial of Robert R. Livingston justice of the supreme court asking that the king's veto of the New York act declaring the justices ineligible to the assembly, be laid before that body; not considered necessary as it has been published by proclamation. Order for the trial of Silas Robinson (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:671-72; 04:411-12). Sheriff Henry ten Eyck jr of Albany to be commended for arresting Robinson. 203 1771 Jan. 17 Lord Hillsborough's letter received, Indian trade, referred to the assembly. Robert Gibbs arrived with his vessel from Hispaniola, and the pilot who brought him up to the city summoned before the council. 204 484 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771. V. 26 22 Order on memorial of John Morin Scott (see A''. Y. col. mss, 96:150). Order on complaint by inhabitants of Ulster county against Justice Wm Elsworth and John Dumont attorney at law (see A''. Y. col. mss, 96:151-52). Richard Smith pardoned. Richard [Robert] Gibbs and the pilot examined and order to the master and wardens of the port thereon. 205 Feb. 8 Hugh White appointed justice of the peace for Albany county vice Robert Lewis superseded because he is a tavernkeeper. Fine imposed on Patrick Walsh for misde- meanor remitted. Provision to be made for running the line between New York and Quebec. 207 9 Complainants against Wm Elsworth and John du Mont to give bonds for costs. 208 16 Notification and proof in the case of a private act relative to the estate of Philipp van Cortlandt. Former regulations for the Indian trade called for by the assembly. Gen. Gage needs money to pay for quarters of the troops; referred to the assembly. Assembly to be adjourned for ten days. 208 25 Governor's message to the assembly recommending pro- visions to be made for quartering troops read. Notifica- tion and proof in the case of a private act for partition of the common lands in Schenectady township subscribed by John B. van Epps, Jacobus van Epps, Harmin Vadder, Henry Glen, John Taller, John Shomaker, Aberhem Truex, Myndert van Gysling, Tunis Putman, Balmus Vadder, Tieman Schermerhorn, John S. Vroman, Daniel de Graft, Wm Taller, Jacobus Taller, Jacob Schermei-horn, Reyier Schermerhorn, John Glen, P. v. B. Benthuysen, Tunis van Vleek, Clous de Graft, Phil, van Patten, Handrick Brower jr, John Cuyler jr, John Schermerhorn, Abr'm Schermer- horn, Peter Calment, Arant Vadder, Peter Mabee and John Littel. 210 Mar. 4 Letter received from Lord Hillsborough with orders to en- courage volunteering for the new light companies voted by parliament. Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:28). Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. 212 II Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:33). Orders on petitions of inhabitants of Cumberland county to have the ' county court house moved from Chester to the river towns; on petition of Daniel Parish (see A^. 3^. col. mss, 97:22). 214 18- Ap. I Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 97:34-35). 215-16 3 Hearing and opinion of council on the complaint against Wm Elsworth and John du Mont (p. 205, 208). Johannes CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 485 1771 V. 26 Sleght, justice of the peace for Ulster county reprimanded for soliciting causes before other justices. Warrants for salaries signed. 216 10 Warrants to Lt. Gov. Golden for salary in 1770 signed. James Gray and Alex'r Grant appointed justices of the peace for Albany county. Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. DISS, 97:44). 218 15 Isaac Sears inspector of pot and pearl ashes resigns, and a new one is to be appointed. Additional c^uarters for the troops needed. Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:47). ■ 219 17 Abraham de la Montague appointed inspector of pot and pearl ashes vice Isaac Sears resigned. 220 22-May I Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:48, 50). 220 William Smith of Huntington appointed judge of the com- mon pleas for SufTolk county vice Rich'd Floyd, deceased. Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. 220 29 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:54). Warrants signed: to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops; to Samuel Verplanck on account of Adolphus Benzel for surveying the Quebec line (see A^ Y. col. mss, 97:55). 221 31 Mayor and magistrates of Albany complain that they are not included in the commission of oyer and terminer: commis- sion to issue as usual. 222 June 7 Time for meeting of commissioners to regulate the Indian trade fixed. 222 14 An Indian, Jan, sold as Pawnee by another Indian to Jacobus van Epps, Abr'm Fonda and Abd'm P. van Antwerp but claiming to be a free Shawanese, asks the protection of government against George Wray; referred to Sir Wm Johnson. 223 19 Warrants for salaries signed. 224 July 3 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:66). Order on a letter from John Munroe (see A''. Y. col.. mss, 97:59)- 225 9 William Tryon has his commission read, takes the oaths and swears in the council. Proclamation to issue confirming all officers in their posts (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:67). The new governor publishes his commission at the city hall. 225 24 Warrants signed: to Alex'r Golden for postage; to Lord Dunmore for firewood and candles for the garrison. Jan the Indian (p. 223) declared a free man. James Hamilton president of Pennsylvania, and Wm Nelson, lieutenant gov- ernor of Virginia write that commissioners from their gov- ernment will attend for the Indian trade meeting. Assem- 486 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 V. 26 bly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. niss, 97:69). Order on com- plaint against John Chandler clerk of Cumberland county, for ill behavior. Instructions to Gov. Tryon, council, passing of laws, presents to the governor, lotteries, appeals from lower courts, appointment of judge and justices, salaries, land grants, Massachusetts boundary, French grants on Lake Champlain, Indian lands, forfeitures and escheats, powers of president of council. 227 31 Form of oath administered to Goldsbrow Banyar as deputy . clerk of the council. Letter received from Lord Hillsbor- ough, grant to Col. Bradstreet; referred. 238 Aug. 7 Royal mandamus to swear Wm Axtell of the council vice Joseph Reade deceased, he is sworn in and takes his seat. Assembly not to be dissolved. 239 14 Proclamation to issue calling on owners of French grants on Lake Champlain to file their claims in the secretary's office (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:75; and. Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:554; Q 1:357)- Report of committee on Lord Hillsborough's letter (p. 238). 240 21 Letter written to the comniander-in-chief at Quebec concern- ing French grants on Lake Champlain read and approved. Order on letter from Adolphus Benzel concerning the sur- vey of the New York and Quebec line (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:81). Order on complaint of Donald Mclntyre and six others against one Cockren and 14 others who had ejected them from their lands near Argyletown (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:80). 244 28 Lt. Gov. Colden sworn in. Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:82). Warrant to Gerard Bancker for neces- saries to the troops signed. Brief granted to Alex'r Camp- bell of Schenectady for collecting charity (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:87). Petition of Daniel Frisby master of the sloop Hawke captured by a Spanish guarda costa commanded by Lawrence Canel, referred to the governor of St Domingo (see A''. Y. col. mss, 97:98). 245, Sep. 18 Order on complaint of Lewis du Bois against Henry Rose- krans jr sheriff of Dutchess county. Warrants for salaries signed. 246 23 Order on deposition of Catherine Simpson (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:92-93) charging Han Joost Herckheimer, Peter ten Broeck, Coenradt Frank and Hendrick Fry justices of the peace with maladministration. 247 30 Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:97). Letter to the governor of St Domingo (p. 245) CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 487 1771 V. 26 read and approved. Warrant to issue for tlie arrest of Setli Warner, Elnathan Huble, and Amos JVIateson on a deposi- tion taken before Justice John Munroe of Albany county (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:729-31; Q 4:444-45). Samuel Wells judge of the common pleas in Cumberland county writes upon an affidavit of Nath'l Howe that Whiting and Grout had made an erroneous survey of Connecticut river (see iV. y. col. mss, 97:90-91); letter to be written about it to Gov. Wentworth. 248 Oct. 9 . Hearing of the complaint against Sheriff Henry Rosekrans jr of Dutchess county (p.. 246) ; Andrew Bostwick, John Childs, Nich'l Hoffman. Lewis du Bois, Thomas Duncan, David Bostwick, George Freligh, Edmond Terry, Noah Coleman, Barent Lewis, Alex'r Barr, Nath'l du Bois, Wm Alercer and Jacob van den Bergh witnesses for complainant. Darby Doyle for defendant. 249 10 Hearing continued; Henry Webb, Henry van Cleck, Nath'l Bancker, Joshua Carman, Ichabod Rogers, Henry Lud- dington, Daniel ter Boss and Thos. Wooley sworn for the complainant, Wooley not examined. 250 11 Hearing closed after examination of Isaac Ryckman jr and Derick Brinkerhoff for the defendant; opinion of council on the case; Sheriff Rosekrans to be prosecuted for pack- ing the jury in the trial of Peter Harris and Thos. Wooley, Lewis du Bois on an indictment found in the last general sessions; Peter Harris to be superseded as justice of the peace. 250 15 Lt. Gov. Nelson of \ irginia writes that the commissioners appointed by the last assembly for regulating the Indian trade will not attend the meeting; notice to be sent thereof to the New York commissioners. 251- Nov. 5 Petition of the corporation of Albany for an explanatory charter received and action deferred. Affidavits of Robert Yates and others summoned as a sheriff's posse to assist him in serving a writ of possession on James Brakenridge of Wallumschack patent, complaining of armed resistance; tabled. Assembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. viss. 97:127). 252 13 William Davison sentenced to death for pocket picking par- doned. Letter received from Lt. Gov. Cramahe of Quebec, French grants on Lake Champlain. Letter to Gov. Hutch- inson of Massachusetts, boundary line troubles. Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. Bar- rack master Gerard Bancker to repair the barracks. Letter received from Gov. Benning W'entworth of New Hamp- shire in answer to letter (p. 248; see Doc. hist. N'. Y. 4:748-49; 04:455). Proclamation to issue accordingly. 254 488 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 V Dec. 2 31 1772 Jan. 6 V. 26 Account of charges for surveying the New York and Quebec Hne settled and somebody to be appointed in Ad. Benzels place who will attend to his duties in person. Warrant to John Collins deputy surveyor general of Quebec for his charges. Letter received from Justice Alex'r McNaghten, of Albany county complaining of the riotous proceedings of Robert Cockran, Allen, Baker and Sevil, New Hamp- shire claimants in burning the houses of Charles Hutcheson and John Reid (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:133; and, Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:749-50; Q 4:456). Proclamation to issue for their arrest. 258 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:138). Letter re- ceived from Gov. Hutchinson of Massachusetts, boundary line (p. 254). 260 Gov. Penn of Pennsylvania writes that no commissioners from his province will attend the meeting to regulate the Indian trade. Proclamation as ordered (p. 258) signed (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:141). Justice John Munroe of Albany county writes that Robert Cockran and party have violently ejected John Todd and Robert Todd (see A^. Y. col. mss, 97:129). 260 Letters and papers received from Lt. Gov. Cramahe of Quebec (see A'". Y. col. mss, 97:119-22, 131-32; and. Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:554-56; Q 1:357-58). 262 List of papers referring to French claims on Lake Cham- plain (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:556-58; Q 1:358-59). Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. Petition of Dirck Brinckerhoff and Benj. Blagge (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:3) referred. List of fees charged in the gov- ernor's, secretary's, clerk of the councils and auditor's office for passing land grants called for. 263 Report of committee on the French claims to land on Lake Champlain; order of council thereon (see Doc. hist. AL Y. 1:567-72; Q 1:365-67). 266 Alexander Colden to run the New York and Quebec line either himself or by deputy. 271 Letter from Gov. J. Wentworth of New Hampshire with minute of New Hampshire council (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 98:39). Catherine Longworth 15 years old sentenced to death for felony pardoned. Messages to be sent to the assembly; i, about necessaries for the troops; 2, Simon Metcalf's account against the province; 3, expenses for running New York and Quebec line. Instructions to the surveyor general concerning the New York and Quebec line read and approved. 271 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 489 1772 V. 26 Feb. 5 Table of fees on grants of land (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:44). Order on memorial of Andrew Elliot receiver general (see N. Y. col. mss. 98:53). 274 19 Letter received from John Munroe (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:42) tabled. 278 26 Notification and proof in case of the private act allowing Zebulon and Robert Seaman to change their name to Will- iams. 278 28 Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. Joseph Lord judge of the common pleas in Cum- berland county reports that a party of 70 to 80 men came across the river to the house of Jonas Moore at Putney and took property from it (see A^ Y. col. mss, 98:25); he and Justices Thos. Chandler and Wm Willard are examining the case and are assisted by Justices Bellows and Olcott of New Hampshire (iV. 1'. col. mss, 98:60); order thereon. 279 Mar. 24 Council advise the governor to pass bills before him. Notifi- cations and proofs in cases of private acts: for ascertaining boundaries between New York city and Harlem (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:48); for selling undivided lands in Kakiate patent; for selling lands in Goshentown rights. 281 26 Sheriff ten Eyck of Albany reports that Allen and Baker have escaped to New Hampshire (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:770; Q 4:468). Gloucester county courts hitherto held in Kingsland to be held in Newsberry (see A^. Y. col. mss, 98:62, 83). Commissions of judges and justices in Glouces- ter county, in Cumberland county and in Albany county to issue (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:65-66). 284 Ap. 8 Report of committee on table of fees for land grants (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:82). Warrants for salaries signed: to Hugh Gaine public printer; to Gerar-d Bancker for neces- saries to the troops. Covtrts in Charlotte county to be held at the house of Patrick Smith near Fort Edward. New list of judges and justices for Cumberland read, approved and commissions to issue. Justices to be appointed for West- chester count}' including Duncan Campbell and Alex'r Grant. 285 15 Princess dowager of Wales dead. Accounts received from Justice John ]\Iunroe of the temper of the rioters on the Hampshire grants. 288 22 Prayer for the royal family to be altered by proclamation (see A^. ]'. col. mss, 98:89). 289 29 Accounts of Gavin Lourie for repairing barracks and lodg- ing officers of the 26th regiment to be paid by Gerard Bancker the barrack master. Warrant to the same for 490 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 V. 26 necessaries to the troops signed. Assembly prorogued (see N.. y. col. niss, 98:92). Proclamation to issue for the discovery of the thieves who stole wine out of the custom house (see A'^. Y. col. inss, 98:93). Commissions of judges and justices for Tryon county to issue when the courts there are established (see N. Y. col. mss, 98:94-95). Philipp Schuyler, Philipp Skene and Wm Duer to be judges of the common pleas in Charlotte county. Letter to be written to Justice John Munroe on the escape of Remember Baker. 290 May 2 Order on application for quarters and transportation for troops marching from Quebec to New York and vice versa. Warrant to Lt. Col. James Robinson for neces- saries to the troops in 1770 signed. 292 9 Warrant to Jacob Walton and James Jauncey for repairing the fortifications signed. Opinion of the judges to be taken on the claim of Albany magistrates (p. 222, 252). Rensselaer NicoU, Volkert P. Douw, Jacob C. ten Eyck, Daniel Campbell, John Duncan, Abr'm C. Cuyler, John K. ten Eyck, Peter Lansingh, Peter Sylvester, John van Rens- selaer and Isaac Switts to be of the commission of oyer and terminer for Albany county. Hazard Wilcox of Ben- nington examined about the riots there; JamesBrakenridge, Jedediah Dewey and Stephen Faey leaders of the rioters called on for explanation. Ordinance to be prepared for establishing courts in Tryon county and appointing Johns- town as county town. 293 19 Letter received from Justice Munroe with letter from Eben'r Cole, the rioters have brought artillery from the fort at East Hoseck to Bennington; Remember Baker and party have maltreated Bliss Willoughby. Letter to the leaders care of Jed. Dewey read and approved. 294 26 Ebenezer Cole, Bliss Willoughby and Jonathan Wheate of Bennington to be examined. Assembly prorogued (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 98:107). Ordinance for establishing courts in Tryon county passed. 295 29 Opinion of council on letter from Thos. Sowers captain of engineers concerning the fortifications of New York city. Magistrates of Albany to appoint a barrackmaster. John Munroe, Eben'r Cole, Bliss Willoughby and Jonathan Wheate swear to their depositions. Dr Clarke of New Perth examined. All depositions with that of Lieut. Hugh Frazer referred. 296 June 3 Order on letter from Andrew Elliott and Lambert Moore (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 98:106). Letters received from Justice CALENDAR OF COUXCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 49I 1772 V. 26 Benj. Spencer of Albany county living at Durham with deposition of Joseph Pringle that Bennington rioters threaten to burn him out; from Major Philipp Skine that Mr Fay and friends intend to wait upon the governor (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:781-82: Q 4:475). 297 4 Commissions of judges and justices for Albany county to issue. Account of John Faulkner for making council room chairs to be paid out of the contingent fund. 299 9 Letters received: from sherift of Albany with receipt of Mr Dewey minister at Bennington for a letter (p. 294) ; from Gov. Thomas Hutchinson of Alassachusetts with act for ap- pointing boundary commissioners: opinion of council on the latter. 299 15 Opinion of judges on the Albany claim (p. 293) received (see A''. Y. col. mss, 98:108). Warrants for salaries etc signed. Letter to Gov. Hutchinson in answer (see A^. Y. col. niss, 98:114) read and approved. 300 25 Proceedings of the supervisors of Cumberland county in re- moving the county court house from Chester to West- minster after examination of Crean Brush county clerk ap- proved. Assembly prorogued (see A^. Y. col. mss, 98:119). Major Phil. Skene writes that. James Brakenridge and com- pc'.nions are afraid to go to New York. Action on me- morial of Benj. Spencer, Jacob ]\Iarsh, Ebenezer Cole, Bliss Willoughby and Jacob Pringle, asking for relief from the Bennington rioters deferred (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:786; Q 4:478). Order on information concerning a band of counterfeiters at Pitsfield, Dutchess county. 302 27 Stephen Fay and his son Jonas delegates from the Benning- ton committee before the council. 305 29 Hearing of the preceding Fays, and of the above memorial- ist [Spencer et al] continued. All papers referred. 306 July I Chief Justice Horsmanden authorized to bring James Bud and Lemuel Gustine to trial for counterfeiting bills of credit on a letter from Justice Metcalf Bowler of Rhode Island. Draft of Thomas Valentine in favor of Robert Jackson for New York and Quebec boundary line services to be honored. Warrant to Gov. Tryon for same ex- penses. Report of committee on Bennington riots (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:786-792; Q 4:478-81). 307 8 Frederick Tobias convicted of stealing a hog pardoned on the report of Orange county judges that the verdict of the jury was against the law (see X. Y. col. }iiss, 98:120-21). Gov. Tryon intends to go to Albany. Assembly to be prorogued. 312 492 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 "^- ^6 29 Sir Wm Johnson, Messrs de Lancey and White present of Johnson Hall council. Sir Wm is sworn in. Speeches tO' be made by the Tryon co. governor to the upper and lower castles of the Mohawks read and approved. Opinion of Sir Wm Johnson as to lands referred to in the 51st article of Gov. Tryon's instruc- tions. Letter from Thos. Valentine at Le Coles. The sur- veyors to complete the division line from Lake Champlain to the St Lawrence river. Commission of oyer and termi- ner for Tryon county to issue to Chief Justice Horsmanden, Sir Wm Johnson bart. David Jones, Robert R. Livingston, George Duncan Ludlow, justices of the supreme court, to Guy Johnson, Sir John Johnson knt. judges of the common pleas and others [not named]. 313 Aug. 21 Minutes of council held at Johnson hall read and approved. Fort George Minutes of the Indian conference to be filed. Capt. Ham- mond commanding the Arethusa man-of-war lays before the council his instructions from Admiral Montagu. Order concerning the proceedings and minutes of the New York and New Jersey boundary commissioners. Peter Johnson sentenced to death in Ulster county for felony pardoned on condition of leaving the province within 48 hours. W^arrants signed: to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops; to Jacob Walton and James Jauncey for repairs of the fortifications. John Terril appointed justice of the peace for Dutchess county, John Griffiths for Charlotte county. Letter received from Timothy Ruggles inspector and surveyor of white pine trees, trees of the west side of Connecticut river and map of the tract. 3^15 Sep. 8 Felix Meigs late of Connecticut and sentenced to death for counterfeiting reprieved for 9 months on request of the governor and lieutenant governor of Connecticut. Assem- bly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 99:1). Warrants for salaries signed. Letters received: from John Munroe, Ebenezer Cole and Bliss Willoughby about Bennington people; from inhabitants of Bennington explaining their behavior; tabled (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:794-95; Q 4:483)- 3l6 29 Opinion of council on the preceding letters and on the pe- tition from Massachusetts and New Hampshire to the king for an alteration in the jurisdiction of New York (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:795-96; Q 4:483-84). Opinion on the Massa- chusetts report concerning the boundary line. Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany re- appointed. Petition of Peter Dory master of the sloop Sally imprisoned for altering his clearance papers and ask- ing for release referred to the attorney general (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:2). 318 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 493 1772 V. 26 Oct. 5 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. iiiss. 99:7). Draft of a clause proposed to be inserted in the commissions of all colonial governors relating to insane persons (see N. Y. col. niss, 99:8) ; referred to Justice Horsmanden. Memorial of Lt. Col. Reid in answer to suggestions made by the Bennington people to be sent to England. 321 12 Benjamin Blagge, appointed coroner of New York vice Thomas Shrieve, deceased. Report of Chief Justice Hors- manden on the clause (see N. Y. col. inss, 99:10). Report of the attorney general on the petition of Peter Dory (p. 318) filed (see N. Y. col. mss, 99:9). List of judges and justices for Suffolk county (see A''. Y. col. mss, 98:134-36) read. 322 21 Warrant to issue for the arrest of Remember Baker, Ara Allen and five others [not named] for assault on Dep. Surveyor Benj. Stevens, John Brandon and John Dunbar at Onion river (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:799-800; Q 4:485-86). Firewood allowed to the Royal artillery camping on Nassau island. Sir Wm Johnson writes that New England people are passing counterfeit Spanish dollars among the Indians. Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:19). 323 Nov. II James Brown a soldier indicted for receiving stolen goods and witnessing against Jacob Moses convicted of the same crime pardoned. Commission of the peace and pleas for Suffolk county to issue including the names of John Sloss Hobart and Phineas Fanning as assistant judges. Time set for hearing the complaint of Stephen Case against Egbert du j\Iont sheriff of Ulster county (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:17). Letters received: from Capt. James Graj'-; from Donald Mcintosh, sawmill on Col. Reid's land at Otter creek; tabled. 325 17 Special commission of oyer and terminer to issue for Al- bany county. 326 25 INIajor Philipp Skene writes that Jehiel Hawley and James Brakenridge are appointed to go to London and ask for a confirmation of their grants under New Hampshire (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:802-3; Q 4:487-88); opinion of council thereon. Writ to issue for electing two representatives for Tryon county. Assembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. mss, 99:32). Accounts of barrack masters Evert and Gerard Bancker filed (see A^. Y. col. mss, 99:14). 326 27 Capt. Hammond commanding the Arethusa writes of a pirate being on the coast. 328 Dec. 16 Complaint of Stephen Case against Egbert du Mont (p. 325) heard and dismissed. Proposal for the appointment of two 494 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 23 1773 Jan. 4 27 Feb. V. 26 lawyers as judges of the inferior courts in the northern and southern districts rejected. Order on letter from Thos. Valentine, Quebec boundary line. John Collins surveyor of Quebec writes on the same topic. Justice John Munroe of Albany county reports that John Searles and Comfort Carpenter arrested for counterfeiting have escaped while being taken to Albany; their utensils etc to be sent there. 329 Writs to issue for the election of two representatives for Cumberland county. Warrant to Abr'm van Gelder and Benj. Quereau constables for expenses in fetching two counterfeiters from Rhode Island signed. 331 Speech to be made by the governor at the opening of the legislative session (see A'^. Y. col. diss, 99:52) read and ap- proved. Warrants signed: to the governor to pay John Jones for boarding Kiah Sutta a Seneca chief while at New York; to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops. Barrack utensils unfit for service to be sold at auction. Henry Bleeker appointed judge of the common pleas for Albany county vice van der Heyden deceased. 332 Account of Thos. Valentine for expenses in surveying the Quebec line referred to the assembly. List of persons in- dicted at Albany for counterfeiting (see A^. Y. col. inss, 99:47) laid before the council and petition of John Smith (see A^. Y. col. mss, 99:49) rejected. Copper plates and counterfeit bills delivered to Richard Morris clerk of the assizes. 333 William Hulbert, Joseph Bill, John Wall Lovely, Gilbert Belcher and John Smith convicted of counterfeiting at Al- bany. Wm Hulbert pardoned (see A^. Y. col. mss, 99:53-56). New commission of oyer and terminer for Albany county to issue; Wm Hulbert to give bonds for his appearance as witness. 334 John Thorpe convicted of wife murder reprieved (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:63-66). Ordinance to issue declaring Skenes- borough as the county town of Charlotte county (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:69-73). 335 Abr'm ten Broeck appointed judge of the common pleas, Dirck ten Broeck assistant, justice and justice of the peace, and John Knickerbacker jr, justice of the peace for Al- bany county. 336 The case of Felix Meigs (p. 316) laid before the king re- ferred back to the governor of New York. Gerard Bancker to pay the account of Peter Sharp barrackmaster at Albany. Order on letters from Sheriff ten Eyck and Justice Adgafe of Albany county (see A^. Y. col. mss, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 495 1773 V. 26 9976, 79); letter to be written to Gov. Hutchinson about it. 336 15 Letter written to Gov. Hutchinson read and approved (see A''. }'. col. mss, 99:82). Message to be sent to the assembly recommending the passage of a law for securing the Mo- hawks in the possession of their lands. 338 17 Draft of the above message read and approved. Henry van Schaack justice of the peace of Albany county writes (see N'. Y. col. mss, 99:80) that Sheriff Williams and Justice Ashley of Massachusetts have been summoned before the Massachusetts assembly; Gov. Hutchinson to be thanked. 339 Mar. I The government of Massachusetts ask that the sentence against the counterfeiters be not carried out; council are of opinion the law must take its course. Message to be sent to the assembly for increasing the grant for the troops. Accounts of the governor for postage, of James and Alex- ander Stewart for gunpowder, and of Peter Vessels for making aprons to the battery guns to be paid out of the contingent fund. 339 9 Council advise the passing of bills before the governor and a prorogation of the assembly. Report of committee on letting the law take its course in the case of the convicted counterfeiters. 340 17 Warrants signed: tO' Alex'r Golden for postage; to Christ'r Blundel for gunpowder and gun aprons. Order on pe- tition of Wm Partridge (see N. Y. col. mss. 99:89). George Townsend, John Rodman, Joseph French, Dow Ditmars jr, Nath'l Coles and John Hewlit jr, appointed justices of the peace for Queens county by commission of association. Lands surrendered by Major Philipp Skene in Skenes- borough to be appropriated to the support of a minister and other public uses. 347 Ap. 5 Letters received: from Gov. Hutchinson, Justice Wood- bridge's action against Albany constables (p. 336), boundary commissioners to meet at Hartford; from Lt. Gov. Cramahe, boundary matters. Andrew Mitchel ap- pointed justice of the peace for Albany county. Warrants for salaries signed [Thos. Moore one of the gaugersJ. 349 12 Special commission of oyer and terminer for Westchester county to issue for the trial of Zephaniah Hubbs, Abr'm Miller jr and Thos. Smith charged with counterfeiting. Felix Meigs (p. 336) pardoned. Time set for hearing the petition of Silas Charles (see A'^. Y. col. viss, 99:100) against the town of Easthampton. Warrant to Gerard Bancker for expenses in repairing barracks signed. 350 496 ■ 'new YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 V. 26 21 Letter received from Sir Wm Johnson, Indians complain that no regulations for their trade have been made. Com- plaint of Wm Partridge against Justice Ephraim Paine (p- 347) not sustained. Assembly prorogued (see A''. F. col. mss, 99:114). Accounts of Thos. Valentine for ex- penses in surveying Quebec line and of Theophilus Har- denbrook for repairs in Fort George, in the niansion house and on the battery received, filed and warrants for them signed. 352 28 Charles Oliver Bruff reports a " malignant distemper " pre- vailing in Talbot, Dorset and Queen Annes counties, Md.; order to the pilots accordingly. Elizabeth Hubbs w^rites to Abraham Hatfield justice of the peace of Westchester county, that her imprisoned husband w^ill make confes- sions; he is promised a, pardon (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:1110, 113). Bench warrant to issue for the arrest of Sylvanus Brown, Charles Quishman and Raws or Ross for pulling down the house of Nathan Nicholls of Socialbor- ough and burning his fences. John Blagge appointed coroner of New York vice Benj. Blagge resigned. 353 May 7 The barrackmaster to provide new bedding and other articles for the barracks. Warrants signed: to Robert R. Liv- ingston for expenses at the Tryon county court of oyer and terminer; to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops. Gov. Tryon intends going to Hartford to be present at the meeting of the New York and Massa- chusetts boundary coinmissioners. 355 26 Agreement between the New York and Massachusetts boun- dary commissioners. Order upon letter from Lt. Gov. Cramahe of Quebec asking that one Ramsey an Indian trader arrested at Albany be sent to Quebec, where his brother is to be tried for killing some Indians. Sheriffs of New York and of Albany to send in the census returns. John Burn sentenced to death for burglary to be executed. Noah Elting, Matthew Rea, Johannes Jansen jr and Adnan Wynkoop appointed additional justices and assistant jus- tices; Phil. Swartwout, Matthew Cantine, Wm Pick, Johan- nes G. Hardenbergh and Benj. de Pue additional justices of the peace in Ulster county (see N. Y. col. mss, 99:124-25). Order on memorial of inhabitants of Kings district, Albany county (see N. Y. col. mss, 99:126). Draft of Thos. Valen- tine in favor of Robert Jackson for Quebec boundary line expenses, and expenses of Wm Crossing jr in coming from Rhode Island as witness against John Burn to be paid. 355 June 9 John Thorpe (p. 335) pardoned by the king. Moulds for CALENDAR OF COUN'CIL MINUTES 1668-I783 497 1773 V. 26 counterfeiting Spanish dollars delivered and placed in the secretary's office. Proclamation to issue for the arrest of Francis Personel charged with the murder of Robert White (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:131). Assembly prorogued. Warrants for salaries signed [John Griffiths one of the gangers]. 358 26 Wm Banyar sworn in as deputy clerk of the council pro tern. Commissions of the peace and pleas to issue for Charlotte county. Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. Order on letter from Lt. Gov. Cramahe stating upon Lieut. Hope's certificate that Thos. Valentine is too ill to finish the survey of the New York and Quebec line. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 360 July 7 Zephaniah Hubbs offers to disclose the names of the per- sons who helped prisoners to escape from Westchester county jail on condition of pardon (see vV. Y. col. mss, 99:120); accepted. Assembly prorogued. 361 12 Gov. Tryon intends going to Quebec to expedite the survey of the New York and Quebec line. John Herbert carpen- ter, Francis Beaujoe cook, and Charles Surisco mariner, of the snow York, John Marshall master, charge John Lovel chief mate with cruelty to slaves shipped on the coast of Africa; order thereon (see A^". Y. col. mss, 99:141). Wm Dobbs appointed branch pilot vice Wm Hibbins deceased. 361 Aug. 26 Royal mandamus to swear John Harris Cruger of the coun- cil; he is sworn in and takes his seat. Proceedings of the Quebec council. Hector Theo. Cramahe, lieutenant gov- ernor, Wm Hey chief justice, Hugh Finlay, Thos. Dunn, Colin Drummond, Francis Levesque, John Collins, Edw'd Harrison members and correspondence between Gov. Tryon and Lt. Gov. Cramahe on boundary matters (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 1:580; Q 1:372). Two negroes belonging to Claas Viele and Ryer Schermerhorn sentenced to death at Albany for burglary pardoned (see A''. Y. col. mss, 99:140). Letter and map of Thos. Ruggles (see N. Y. col. mss, 99:156) filed. Gov. Hutchinson writes that Major Hawley Massachusetts commissioner and Mr Miller will attend the running of the line on behalf of his colony. 362 31 Lt. Col. John Reid late of the 42d or Royal Highland regi- ment, Henry Ertley., Godfried Brookman and Johannes Snouse report new outrages by Seth Warner, Remember Baker, Allen and others (see Doc. hist. X. Y. 4:843-44; Q 4:5111); military to be called to assist the civil authorities. 369 498 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 V. 26 Sep. 3 Gen. Haldimand refuses to send regular troops against the New Hampshire grants rioters, thinking militia ought to . be called out. Warrants for salaries signed. 37a 8 Opinion of council on Gen. Haldimand's refusal (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:845-46; Q 4:512). Ordinance to issue for es- tablishing courts of common pleas and general sessions for Charlotte county to sit at the house of Patrick Smith near Fort Edwards (see A^. Y. col. mss, 100:5). 37'!^ 10 New commission of oyer and terminer to issue for West- chester county. 372 20 Wm Nicoll to be commissioner, Gerard Bancker surveyor on behalf of New York, .for running the Massachusetts line (p. 362). Letter received from Justice Munro (see N. Y. col. mss, 99:159) to be sent to London. Warrants signed: to Abr'm van Gelder and John Falkanhier con- stables for expenses of bringing Francis B. Personel from Rhode Island; to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops. 373 29 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:15). Deposition of John Cameron (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:12) filed. Draft of commissions for Wni Nicoll and Gerard Bancker read and approved. Gen. Haldimand will send 200 men to Crownpoint and Ticonderoga for the suppression of the rioters; declined as too late in the season (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:85s; Q 4:517). Thomas Jones appointed justice of the supreme court vice David Jones resigned. Whitehead Hicks reappointed mayor, John Roberts sherifif of New York; Abr'm C. Cuyler mayor, Henry ten Eyck sheriff of Albany, Edward Blagge appointed coroner of New York. Minutes sent home. 374 Oct. 15 Letter received from Adolphus Benzel, Sachlan Mcintosh and Thos. Sparham, justices of the peace in Charlotte county with affidavits of Jonathan Eckert and John Beder (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:10-11) to be transmitted to the secretary of state in London. Warrant to Gov. Tryon for ' money advanced for running the Quebec line signed. 375 Nov. 17 Report of Wm Nicoll and Gerard Bancker on the running of the Massachusetts line received (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:32); copies to be sent to England and to Gov. Hutchin- son. Elizabeth Donnohough and Neptune a negro sen- tenced to death for felony pardoned (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:38). Thomas Valentine called upon for his accounts in surveying the Quebec line. Warrants to Robert R. Livingston and George D. Ludlow for expenses at the Tryon county court signed. Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:317). 376 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 499 1773 Dec. V. 26 1774 Jan. 5 I Proceedings of John Collins surveyor for Quebec, and Claude Joseph Sauthier surveyor for New York, for run- ning the New York and Quebec line laid before the coun- cil. Order on memorial of Henry White, Abr'm Lott and Benjamin Booth (see iV. Y. col. mss, 100:39). Depositions of Angus McBean and James Henderson (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:14) to be sent to England. Joseph Robertson to be justice of the peace for Westchester county, Alex'r Webster jr for Charlotte county and Barnet Stillwell for Albany county. 376 15 Further proceedings of council in regard to the tea consigned to Henry White et al (p. 378); the tea to be stored in the fort barracks. Warrant to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops signed. Petition of Simon Jenny and Solo- mon Johns of Durham, Charlotte county, for relief from the Bennington mob to be sent to England. Mr Duane of council for the New York patentees granted access to the papers relating to the riots. 380 17 Meeting of citizens to be held at the city hall; rtiayor and recorder directed to attend; they report the people are averse to the landing of the tea. 382 29 Letters received from Adolphus Benzel (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:13) and from Justice Nathan Stone with deposition of Charles Button relating an assault on Justice Benj. Spen- cer by the Bennington mob, to be sent to England. Letter received from Lord Dartmouth, grants of land, case of Rachel Smith's legatees. 382 Account of a fire in the governor's house. Speech to be made to the council and assembly read and approved. Minutes sent home. 383 11 Depositions of Justice Benj. Spencer, Justice Jacob Marsh, Benj. Hough, Nathan Rice and Anna wife of Charles But- ton (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:43-47) to be sent to England with a letter to Benj. Spencer, Amos Marsh and the people of Clarendon by Jehiel Hawley, Abel Hawley. David Cas- tle, Ethan Allen, Gideon Hawley and Reuben Hawley. 384 12 Letter received from Gov. Hutchinson of ^Massachusetts, boundary matters (see iV. Y. col. mss, 100:51). 385 26 Journal of the New York and ^Massachusetts boundary com- missioners received and filed in the secretary's office. Plan of iMr Dean, Connecticut member of assembly for shorten- ing the post road between New York and Hartford to be laid before the assembly. 385 Feb. 8 Resolution of the assembly asking the governor to ofter by proclamation a reward for the arrest of Ethan Allen, Seth 50O NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 V. 26 Warner, Remember Baker, Robert Cochran, Peleg Sunder- land, Sylvanus Brown, James Brakenridge and John Smith (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 100:66) ; proclamation to issue accord- ingly. 386 18 Estimate of expenses of additional necessaries for the troops referred to the barrackmaster (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:70-71). Grant of deodand to the widow of Daniel Brown of Rye. Account of Evert Bancker jr and Gerard Bancker pro- vincial barrackmasters (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:91) filed. ^7 Mar. 2 Additional articles to be allowed to the troops. Nicholas de la Vergne justice of the common pleas and of the peace in Dutchess county superseded for maladministration. 388 9 James Jauncey jr appointed master of the rolls; commission for him to be prepared by the attorney general. Benj. Hough, Thos. Green and John McNeil to be justices of the peace for Charlotte county, Bliss Willoughby and Ebenezer Cole for Albany county. Jonas Williams justice of the peace in Suffolk county complained of a petition of freeholders (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:81). 389 16 Hearing of the complaint against Justice Jonas Williams represented by his brother Nathaniel. Commissions for additional justices of the peace and pleas in Albany and Suffolk counties (see A^. Y. col. mss, 100:84-85) to issue. Walter Livingston to be judge of the common pleas in Albany county, George Robinson, Jonathan Paulding Horton and Gabriel Purdy justices of the peace in West- chester county. Warrant to the governor for losses by the fire signed. Warrant to issue to John Watts for postage of Gov. Monckton in 1763. 390 19 Council advise the governor to pass a bill of shorter duration than two years and to prorogue the assembly. 391 23 Petition of the elders and deacons of the German reformed church in New York (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:83-93) granted. Draft of commission for James Jauncey jr as master of the rolls approved. John Haring appointed judge of the common pleas in Ulster county (see A*". Y. col: mss, 100:28, 86-87). Warrants signed: to John Watts . for Gov. Monckton's postage; to Gerard Bancker. Peti- tion of Benj. Hough and others of Charlotte county for protection against the Bennington mob to be sent to Eng- land. 392 31 Warrants signed: to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops; to Alex'r Golden for postage. Map of the province by Claude Joseph Sauthier laid before the council and de- clared the most complete work of the kind. 393 CALENDAR OF COUXCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 501 1774 Ap. 6 V. 26 13 16 May 2 16 Kings CO. ferry June 14 29 Warrants signed: for salaries; to Gov. Tryon for various ser- vices; to Justice Ludlow for his burned up library; to Richard Morris for services as clerk of the circuits; to Hugh Gaine printer for services. Edmund Fanning pro- vincial surrogate granted leave of absence. Gov. Tryon intends to go to England and delivers papers to Lt. Gov. Golden. Minnte's sent home. Lt. Gov. Golden presides after having taken the usual oaths. Proclamation to issue confirming all officers in their places (see N. Y. col. inss, 100 ;97). Additional instructions for granting crown lands; letter from Lord Dartmouth on the same subject. Ordinance to issue for changing the terms of Dutchess county courts. War- rant to Joshua and Abijah Rood signed (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:97-98). Thomas Vardill warden of the post resigns and resignation is accepted (see iV. Y. col. mss, 100:96). Power of attorney from Sec. George Clarke appointing Samuel Bayard his deputy; he is sworn in. The lieutenant governor asks the council's opinion on the above additional instructions and letter; council want time. Letter received from Wni Duer at Harriottville recom- mending Garret Keating of Skeensborough for the office of justice of the peace in Charlotte county and Jonathan Jones for the same office in Albany county. Commissions tO' issue to them. Order on petition of inhabitants of New York city (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:109). Ordinance for fixing the time of hold- ing courts in Dutchess county (see ^V. I', col. mss, 100:110) passed. Petition of Silas Cooke of Southampton (see iV. Y. col. mss, 100:35) granted. Lt. Gov. Golden intending to go to the country adjourns the council to Brookland ievry, L. I. Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss. 100:1112). Isaac Smith appointed judge of the common pleas for Dutchess county, and Peter Vrooman justice of the peace in Albany county. Act of parliament for closing the port of Boston received. Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss. 100:117). Warrants for salaries signed [Jacob Roome land and tidewaiter]. Thos. Welling appointed justice of the peace for Orange county, Nathan Smith for Ulster county, John Marlett (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:113) for Tryon county. Michael Myer convicted of felony in Ulster county pardoned 'on recommendation of Justice Jones of Kingston and in- 393 395 396 401 403 403 404 405 405 502 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 Aug. Sep. I New York 29 Oct. V. 26 habitants. David Colden appointed surveyor general dur- ing the illness of Alex'r Colden. 406 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. niss, 100:130). John Stanworth sentenced to death for burglary pardoned. Commissions of judges, justices and additional justices for Ulster county (see A^. Y. col. mss, 100:131) to issue. 407 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:1). Opinion of council on letter received from Gov. Penn M^ith a petition of Thos. and John Penn to the king concerning the New York and Pennsylvania boundary (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 100:147). Military aid to be called against the Bennington mob on complaints of Benj. Hough, Benj. Spencer, Jacob Marsh, Amos Chamberlain, Jeremiah Gardenier, Daniel Walker, Phil. Nicolls, Thomas Brayton and Daniel Wash- burn (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:1135-42). Letter received from Col. Guy Johnson (see N. Y. col. mss, 100:132) filed. 407 Arthur Parks to be additional justice of the peace in Ulster county. 408 David Colden resigns the office of surveyor general, Alex- ander being restored to health. Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. As- sembly prorogued (see A'^. Y. col. mss, 101:12). Certificate of Richard Morris clerk of the courts of oyer and terminer, that Robert R. Livingston and Thos. Jones attended the sessions of the court at Johnstown, Tryon county (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:146). Gen. Gage refuses to send troops against the New Hampshire rioters (see N. Y. col. mss, 101:9). Letter received from Col. Guy Johnson with speech of the Conajohary Indians and memorial of inhabi- tants of Conajohary (see A''. 1'. col. mss, 101:6-8); to be laid before the assembly. John Snyder sentenced to death for burglary at Albany reprieved on petition of the mayor, recorder and aldermen (see A^. Y. col. mss, 101:10). Com- missions of the peace and of the quorum for Dutchess county (see N. Y. col. mss, 101:4-5) to issue. Peter Lan- singh and Stephen Tuttle to be justices of the peace for Albany county. John Peters to be judge of the common pleas in Gloucester county (see A''. Y. col. mss, 101:11). 410 Warrants for salaries and for expenses of Judges Livingston and Jones at Tryon county court signed. Ordinance to issue for fixing the times of court sessions in Charlotte county. 411 John. McKesson notary public and deputy register of the court of vice admiralty to bring to trial prisoners charged with piracy. 4^2; CALENDAR OF COLTXCII, MINa'TES 1668-I783 503 1774 V. 26 28 Assembly prorogued (see N. Y. col. mss, 101:22). Special commission of oyer and terminer to issue for Dutchess county. Certificate of Richard Morris clerk of the courts of oyer and terminer that Judge Robert R. Livingston has attended the courts at Westminster, Cumberland county and at Newberry, Gloucester county; warrants for his ex- penses signed accordingly; warrants to Gerard Bancker for necessaries to the troops. 412 Nov. 8 Letter received from Gov. Penn of Pennsylvania, survey of boundary line; Capt. Holland to act on behalf of New York. 413 30 Assembly prorogued (see A". V. col. mss, 101:34). Special commission of oyer and terminer to issue for New York, at the request of Mayor Hicks. Henry Bleecker appointed justice of the peace for Albany county. 414 Dec. 7 Order on letter from George Klock of Conajohary (see N. Y. col. mss, 101:26). New York and New Jersey boundary commissioners called on for a report of their proceedings and account of their expenses. Commissions of the quorum and of the peace to issue for Orange county (see A^. I', col. mss, 101:37). 414 20 David Colden appointed surveyor general vice Alex'r Colden deceased. 415 Draft of the lieutenant governor's speech for the opening of the general assembly read; council want time to consider it. 416 7 Speech approved after some amendments. John Snyder (p. 410) pardoned (see A". Y. col. mss, 101:40). 416 II Speech to be made by the lieutenant governor again read and approved. 417 25 Report of the commissioners to fix the beginning of the 43d degree north latitude, Samuel Holland of New York and David Rittenhouse of Pennsylvania. Action on a petition from freeholders of Charlotte county for representation in the assembly postponed. 417 Feb. 2 Royal mandamus to swear James Jauncey of the council; he is sworn in and takes his seat. 419 8 Advice of council on the report that a vessel arrived from Glasgow had been cast ofif from the wharf by a mob. 419 9 Letter received from Capt. James Mountague commanding the man-of-war Kingfisher relating to the above Glasgow vessel; advice of council thereon. 420 28 Petition of James Done of Ulster county (see A'. )'. col. mss, 101:65) rejected. 421 Mar. 9 Account of barrackmasters Evert and Gerard Bancker (see A'. Y. col. )iiss, 101:41) filed. Warrant to Gerard Bancker 1775 Jan. 5 504 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1775 V. 26 for necessaries to the troops signed. Advice of council of complaints of Benj. Hough and others (see A''. Y. col. mss, loi :69-75) against the Bennington mob. Commissions of additional justices of the peace and assistant judges of the common pleas to issue for Tryon, Albany, Westchester and Richmond counties. Ordinance to issue fixing the times of court sessions in Tryon county. 421 13 Letters received: from Gov. Tryon recommending moderate treatment of the people; from Lord Dartmouth, no dele- gates ought to be sent to the general congress at Phila- delphia; council advise against issuing a proclamation to that effect. 423 20 Message to be sent to the assembly concerning the riots in Charlotte county. Order on complaint of James Duane, Col. Sternberger and Col. Law^yer of Schoharie, Albany county, against Justice Alexander Campbell. Phineas Fan- ning justice of the peace in Suffolk county superseded at his own request. 424 21 Col. Wells and Crean Brush, representatives of Cumberland county report a violent riot in their cotmty during which Justice Butterfield was wounded (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:903-4; Q 4:544-45). 425 22 Oliver Church of Brattleborough and Joseph Hancock of Hopkinson, JNIiddlessex county, Mass. examined concern- ing the riot in Cumberland county (see N. Y. col. mss, 101:74-76). Message to the assembly thereon read. Re- port of New York commissioners for running the New Jersey line. Warrant to Samuel Gale and Wm Wickham surviving commissioners, for expenses in marking the New Jersey line signed. 426 Ap. I Gilbert G. Marselis appointed justice of the peace and assist- ant judge of the common pleas, David McCarthy justice of the peace for Albany county; Lewis McDonald jr justice of the peace for Westchester county; Lawrence Lawrence, Thos. Baker, Corn's Humfrey, John Wilkinson, justices of the peace and quorum, Wm van Wyck, Peter L Monfoort, Stephen Duryea, Corn's Dennis, John Wooley, James Ger- mon, Eliab Yeomans and Daniel Ketcham justices of the peace for Dutchess county; Wm Shaw justice of the peace for Ulster county. 428 7 New list of judges and justices for Orange county to be made out. Order on petition of Benj. Hough and Daniel Walker (see iY. Y. col. mss, 101:82). 428 II Warrants for salaries signed. Wm Edminston to be justice of the peace and of the quorum, Wm Faulkner and Rich- arts Brooks, justices of the peace for Tryon county. 429 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 505 1775 V. 26 13 Gen. Robinson reports a riot in which two transports were cast off from the wharf, and threats of destroying the magazine at Turtle bay made; orders thereon. 430 24 A mob has seized arms lodged in the city hall and the public powder house. Rioters will hold a meeting. Judges of the supreme court, mayor and recorder, and field oi¥icers of the militia called to join the council. 431 p. m. Capt. Benj. C. Paine, i8th regiment, writes that the mob intend to attack Fort George. Present disorders said to be the consequence of what happened at Boston. Council cannot advise any further measures. 431 28 The attorney general to draw a charter for the protestant episcopal church at Schenectady. 432 May I Col. Lispenard granted leave to call out his regiment of militia for drill. Assembly prorogued (see iY. Y. col. mss, 101:86). Reasons of council for advising a prorogation. 433 5 Petitions granted: of Samuel Wells, Wm Patterson sheriff, and Samuel Gale clerk of Cumberland county (see A''. Y. col. niss, loi •.gi-g2) ; of Jonathan Stearns (see JSf. Y. col. mss, loi :93) granted and warrants on the treasurer issued. Cer- tificate of Richard Morris (see A''. Y. col. mss, loi :8g-go) filed and warrants issued. Lt. Gov. Golden intends to go to his country seat at Flushing, L. L 435 June 3 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 101:94). Warrants Broockiand for salaries signed [Henry Law, land and tidewaiter]. No powder in the magazine for the usual salute on the king's birthday. 437 28 Gov. Tryon returned; the great seal is delivered to him. He New York requires the advice of the council on the present state of the colony. 438 30 Opinion of council on the state of the colony. Edmund Fanning sworn in as surveyor general of lands. 439 July 3 Assembly prorogued. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 440 II Copies of an address by the maj'or and corporation of New York (see A''. Y. col. mss, 101:97) received and filed. 440 31 Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 101:98). Instruction received from Lord Dartmouth relating to the grant of charters to presbyterian churches; papers relating to it re- ferred to the attorney general. Yerry Gillie convicted of felony, John Allen convicted of the same, and Nicholas Bassong charged with passing counterfeit money, par- doned. 441 Sep. 4 Letter received from Lord Darmouth, purchases of land from the Indians. Assembly prorogued (see A''. Y. col. mss, 101:103). John Nesbit and Archibald Campbell appointed qo6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1775 V. 26 judges of the common pleas for Charlotte county. Peti- tion of Nathan Ker et al (see A'". Y. col. mss, 101:102) re- ferred to the attorney general. • 442 29 Mayors, sheriffs and coroners of New York and of Albany reappointed. Assembly prorogued (see A^ Y. col. mss, loi :i05). Special commission of oyer and terminer to issue for Tryon county. Petitions for charters to Ulpianus van Zinderen, and Johannes Casparus Rubel, ministers of the reformed Dutch church at Flatbush (see A''. Y. col. mss, 101:108); of the baptist church in Gold street, New York (see A". Y. col. mss, 101:106, 109); of Mathias Burnet minis- ter of the presbyterian church at Jamaica (see A'. Y. col. mss, 101:107), referred to the attorney general. Warrants for salaries and to John Antill for postage (see A". Y. col. mss, loi :96) signed. 443 Oct. 31 The governor's reasons for leaving the city and his corre- On board the spondence with the mayor about it. Assembly prorogued Dutchess of (see N. Y. col. mss, 101:118). Minutes sent to the board Gordon of trade. 445 Nov. 13 Royal proclamation for suppressing sedition and rebellion in America received from John Pownall; to be published (see A^. Y. col. mss, 101:119). Advice of council on the applica- tion by persons in Westchester county for arms. Commis- sion of oyer and terminer to issue for Dutchess county. 449 Dec. I Assembly prorogued (see A". Y. col. mss, 101:121). Gov. Tryon obtains permission to return to England; his letter to Samuel Bayard deputy secretary concerning safety of the records. 45° 4 Advice of council with respect to the records; part to be re- moved to the Dutchess of Gordon. 451 Assembly prorogued (see A'. Y. col. mss, 101:124). 451 Assembly to be dissolved and writs for the election of a new assembly to issue. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 452 John Bryan sentenced to death for felony, Wm Elkins and Abr'm Stokes sentenced to be whipped for petit larceny, pardoned. Commission of oyer and terminer to issue for Westchester county. Warrant to Samuel Bayard for ex- press messenger services signed. Adam Laucks appointed assistant judge, John Thompson and Donald McGregor additional justices of the peace for Tryon county. Jelles Fonda judge, and John Marlett justice of the peace in the same county removed. Assembly prorogued by writ patent. 453 Feb. 14 Writ patent for proroguing the assembly signed. Whitehead Hicks appointed justice of the supreme court vice Living- 23 26 1776 Jan. 29 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 507 1776 Mar. II 1780 Mar. 23 Governmeut house Ap. IS 1781 May 23 Dec. 20 1782 Mar. 21 May 4 1783 Ap. 10 V. 26 ston deceased, David Matthews mayor of New York vice Hicks. Royal artillery and ordnance removed from the fort and lower battery. Records taken to the house of Nicholas Bayard in the Outward, Samuel Bayard the deputy secretary paroled. Letter from Robert Benson secretary of the committee of safety on the subject. 455 Assembly prorogued by writ patent. Letters received from Lord Germain secretary of state with gazettes, com- municated to the council. 457 Major Gen. James Robertson present produces his commis- sion as governor; Andrew Elliot his as lieutenant gov- ernor. They take the usual oaths and the council and deputy secretary are sworn in. Gov. Robertson publishes his commission at the city hall. 458 Proclamation publishing Gov. Robertson's appointment and his majesty's gracious intentions signed and ordered printed. Oath of secrecy taken. Lt. Gov. Elliott presiding informs the council that the gov- ernor had left the city for a short time and delivered the seals to him; he takes the oaths. 463 Gov. Robertson in the chair. Samuel Hake, in a letter to Lt. Col. Oliver de Lancey adjutant general, transmitted by Sir Henry Clinton, accuses Roger Morris of disloyalty; order for hearing of the case. 463 Hearing on the accusation of Samuel Hake against Roger Morris; Abr'ni Teller, Hannah Watson sworn as witnesses make their depositions; Roger Morris exonerated the charge being scandalous and malicious. 464 Opinion of council on the expediency of reviving civil gov- ernment; they advise against it. Chief Justice Smith dis- senting. 467 Gov. Robertson appointed commander-in-chief of the forces in America requires again the opinion of council as to civil government. Letter received from Welbore Ellis secretary of state on the same subject, with resolves of the house of commons, laid before the council; council are against the reestablishment of civil government, Mr Smith dissenting. 468 Address of the governor to the council; he is returning to England; answer of council. Report of the deputy secre- tary on the records. The seals and papers to be left with the lieutenant governor. 469 508 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1783 V. 26 1/ Lt. Gov. Elliott in the chair. He reports that he has the . seals and instructions; he takes the oaths. 473 May 26 Letter from John Morin Scott dated Fishkill, records claimed; opinion of council concerning it. Vol. 27, 1757-62 Legislative minutes of council from Feb. 15, 1757 to Jan. 8, 1762 printed in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of Nezv York, 2:1291-1463. Vol. 28, 1762-70 Legislative minutes of council from Mar. 2, 1762 to Jan. 27, 1770 printed in Journal of the legislative council of the colony of New York, 2:1291-1463. Vol. 29, 1767-72 1764 Sep. 5 Lt. Gov. Cadwallader Golden in the chair. Petitions referred: of Francis Stephens storekeeper and paymaster of the ordnance (see L. P. 18:18); of Wm Kempe, James Lamb and John Crum (see L. P. 19:138); of Phil. Embury and others (see L. P. 18:30) ; of Isaac Vrooman, John van Sice, Isaac Marselis, Isaac Vredenbergh, Corn's van der Volgen, Johannes Fort, Johannes van Etten, Abr'm Vredenbergh, Thos. Murray, Reuben Horseford, Adam Smith, Arent Ans Bratt, Wm Heemstrat, John Switman, Johannes Quacken- boss, Herry Peak, Johan J. Bastianze, Hermanns Bratt, Andrew Mitchel, Rynier Myndertse, Walter Vrooman, John Duncan, Robert Gallbeck, Richard Duncan, George Smith and Alex'r Crukshank (see L. P. 18:143); of Ralph Wilkinson, Philipp Steers, Jellys Fonda, Peter Conyn, Hendrick Hanen, Jost Harnourf, Andries Schneyder, Fran- cis Kysert, Wm Thompson, Joseph Cathcart, Thos. Baarup, Philippus Sheaver, Peter Myer, Hendrick Buskerk, John Butler, Barent Vrooman, David Mareness, James Hare, John Smith, John Hicobs, Peter Mynderse, Johs. Vrooman, Barent Wimple, Jacob Pikel and Adam Fonda (see L. P. 18:311); of Edward Smith, Wm Jones, John Felan and Charles Morse (see L. P. 18:26); of John Munro, Henry Brower, John Rickey and Corn. Brewer (see L. P. 18:141). I 17 Petition of Francis Stephens (p. i) granted. 4 Oct. II Bond of Johannes Quackenboss (see L. P. 18:39) received and filed. 4 31 Instruction relating to appeals in civil causes from the courts of common laws. Petition of Robert R. Waddel CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 5^9 1764 V. 29 bond in re Thos. Forsey vs Waddel Cunningham (see A''. Y. col. mss, 92:154-56); writ of inhibition to issue to re- move the case from the supreme court on appeal to the governor and council. 4 Nov. 7 Minister and members of Trinity church, New Rochelle vs Peter Flandreau, Sam'l Gillet and Elizabeth Rylander in error. Petition by the corporation of Albany against granting a township charter to Schenectady (23:469-70) dismissed. Bond of John Williamson, Wm Forman and Francis Stephens (see L. P. 18:45) filed. 8 14 Waddel Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey on appeal. Peter Flandreau et al vs Trinity church. New Rochelle in error. 9 16 Petition of Peter Jay, Elisha Budd, Christ'r Isinghart, Timothy Wetmore, Caleb Purd}-, Joshua Purdy, John Guion, Joseph Purdy, Gilbert Willet, John Carhart, Thos. Sawyer, Gilbert Brundige, John Thomas, Wm Sutton, Anthony Miller and John Adee all of Rye for a charter of incorporation for their church (protestant episcopal) granted. W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey. 10 19 W. Cunnineham vs Thos. Forsej^; reasons ofifered by Chief Justice Horsmanden against making return on the writ for . removal of the case from the supreme court; other judges asked for their reasons. 11 28 David Provoost vs Mary Lush administratrix of John Lush deceased, in error. John van Rensselaer vs James Jack- son ex dem Thos. Williams et al in error. Peter Flandreau et al vs Peter Quiet ex dem minister etc of New Rochelle in error. 17 Dec. 5 Petition of John Duncan, Daniel Campbell, John Visger and others of Schenectady for a charter of incorporation granted. 17 6 David Provoost vs 'Mary Lush administratrix of John Lush deceased in error. Peter Quiet ex dem minister of New Rochelle vs Peter Flandreau et al in error. Petition of James Duane (see L. P. 18:100) referred. Minutes sent to the board of trade. • 18 12 W. Cunningham vs Tlios. Forsey; Justice Jones writes that he can give no reasons on the removal of the case from the supreme court because he does not know anything about it; Justices Smith and Livingston give their reasons. Peter Quiet ex dem minister of New Rochelle vs Peter Flandreau et al in error. 19 19 Peter Flandreau et al vs Peter Quiet ex dem minister of New Rochelle. Draft of the charter for the protestant episcopal church at Rye passed. 28 510 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1764 V. 29 20 Order on memorial of Major Philipp Skene (see L. P. 18:103). 29 W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey; reasons of Justice David Jones against removal of the case from the supreme court. 30 26 1765 Jan. 8 9 II 23 Order on memorial of Major Phil. Skene asking that the names of ^ John Maunsel, Thos. Moncrief, Nath'l Marston, Lawrence Read, Hugh Wallace, Alex'r Wallace, Thomas White, John Marston, John Gill, Robert Stevens, Robert Alexander, John Moore, Joseph Alicock, Richard Curson, Evert Bancker, Gerard Bancker, James Deas, John Lamb, Boyle Roche, Acheson Thompson, John R. Myer, Peter Ketteltas, Levinus Clarkson and Abrm Brazier be inserted in the patent prayed for (see L. P. 18:109). W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey. W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey; reasons of council about removal of the case from the supreme court; additional reasons of Justice Livingston. Petition of Robert R. Waddell of counsel for Waddel Cun- ningham vs Thos. Forsey (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:25) re- ferred. Feb. 6 Opinion of council on the above petition, the lieutenant governor dissenting. 20 Petitions for land granted: Lieut. Guy Johnson (see L. P. 17:105); John Allen private 40th regiment (see L. P. 18:115); Capt. Daniel Disney 8otli regiment (see L. P. i8:iiio); John Young provoost marshal (see L. P. 18:116); Lieut. Daniel Wriesberg (see L. P. 39:129); Capt. John Wharton (see L. P. 39:132); Capt. John Small, Lieuts. Ann Gordon, John Gregor, Adjt. Wm Gregor, 42d regiment and Lieut. James Bain (see L. P. 17:130); Josias Harper surgeon's mate (see L. P. 18:107); Chaplain Michael Schlatter 6oth regiment (see L. P. 17:165); Ralph Barrass, Skeen Douglass, Wm Sharp, John Smith and Thos. Saun- ders miners (see L. P. 18:150); Ensign John Watkins 6oth regiment (see L. P. 18:104); Col. Ralph Burton (see L. P. 18:46); Ralph Spooner, Samuel Richardson, Joseph Early, Robert Robinson and Benj. Robinson miners (see L. P. 18:54); Sergeant Alex'r McKenzie 48tli regiment (see L. P. 69) ; Corporal Isaac Reemar 48th regiment (see L. P. 39:135); Sergeant Wm Beard (see L. P. 39:95); Capt. George le Hunte 80th regiment (see L. P. 39:144); John Friswell acting lieutenant in the navy (see L. P. 39:146); Peter Stewart master's mate (see L. P. 39:145); Lieut. Ed- mund Newland, 8oth regiment, not located, (see L. P. 32 32 33 58 59 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 5II 1765 V. 29 18:119); Lieut. Richard Williams, 80th regiment, not located (see L. P. 18:120); Capt. John Garden 2d battalion Roj'al Americans, not located (see L. P. 18:48); Sergeant Patrick Stone Royal Americans (see L. P. 18:118); Quarter- master Duncan McVicar 5Sth regiment (see L. P. i8:ili); Lieut. Nich's Wai:d 80th regiment (see L. P. 18:115) not located; Samuel Dick hospital mate, not located (see L. P. 18:113); Lieut. Gilbert King 8oth regiment, not located (see L. P. i8:iii2); David Pryce, agent to transports with field officers rank (see L. P. 18:7); Lieut. George Demler 6oth regiment, not located (see L. P. 17:144); Lieut. Samuel Steel 42d regiment, not located (see L. P. 17:38); James Boggs apothecary's mate, not located (see L. P. 18:102); Lieut. Alex'r Grant (see L. P. r8:8o); Capt. Wm Sherriff 47th regiment, not located (see L. P. 18:47); Lieut. John des Bruyeres s6th regiment, not located (see L. P. 18:49); Lieut. Wm Potts (see L. P. 18:130); Lieut. Charles Men- zies, 42d regiment (see L. P. 18:55); Surgeon John Hicks (see L. P. 39:131); Corporals Wm Blaylock Royal Ameri- cans, Thomas Denhard, John Viand (see L. P. 39:138-40); Sergeants John Betkie Royal Americans, John Smith Royal Americans, and John McCarthy 40th regiment (see L. P. 39:138-40); Joseph Handsforth, 35th regiment (see L. P. 39:138); Corporal Phil. Simon Royal Americans (see L. P. 39:140); Privates Francis Fay, Edward Blakeney, Dennis Hall, 17th regiment, Thos. Sidwell Royal artillery, and Corn's Hays 40th regiment (see L. P. 39:137) ; Peter Leckee (see L. P. 39:136); Wm Gillylan 35th regiment, Peter Sul- livan 47tli regiment, JN'Iichael Keough 44th regiment (see L. P. 39:142); Conrad Lefler Royal Americans (see L. P. 39:142); Surgeons George Monroe, Wm Barr and Jonathan Mallett (see L. P. 18:125). Order concerning grants of land to non-commissioned officers and soldiers. Petition of James Napier director general of hospitals (see L. P. 18:125) granted. 59 27 Favorable opinion of council on the following petitions for lands purchased from the Indians and surveyed before the receipt of the additional instruction of Dec. 9, 1761 (25:421). and patents granted: of Fred'k Young, Cornelius ten Broeck, Adam Young, Hendrick Mathias, Johannes Kesslaer, Andries Young, Nich's Oxinor, Francis Johnson, Christian Frolic, Robert Leonard, Elias Bailey, Theobald Young, John Carman, John Ja Glen, John Hujder, Garret Abr'm Lansingh, Henry C. Cuyler, Abr'm Yates jr, Simon Groot and Jonas Southerd for land on the ^lohawk river 512 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 V. 29 (23:276, 379); of Wm Smith jr, Jobs. Hendrick Vrooman, John Reade, John Glen, Abr'm Dowe, Guysbert Fonda, Peter Douw. Valkert Abr'm Domo, Jobs. Hendrick ten Eyck, 'Barent C. ten Eyck, John C. ten Broeck, Francis Welsh, Abr'm ten Broeck, Hendrick Young, Guysbert Marselis, Thos. Gordon, Wm Weyman, Rich'd Smith, Leonard de Kleyn and Samuel Boyer for land on. the Mo- hawk river (23:379); of Coenradt Franck, Fred'k Franck, George Herchheimer, Michael Itigh and Peter Piper (23:379); of Wm Cunningham (23:379; see L. P. 19:49); of Jacob Starnberger, George Zimmer, Hendrick Weaver, Jacob Zimmer, John Joost Becker, Wm Zimmer, John Schever and Petrus Zimmer for land adjoining Schoharie patent. Report on a petition of James Duane to erect certain lands into a township (see L. P. 8:100); favorable. 64 Mar. 13 Reports on petitions: of Isaac Vrooman et al (p. i); of Ralph Wilkinson et al (p. i), granted. Draft of patent to Major Phil. Skene (p. 32) and for the town of Duanesburgh (p. 64) passed. Reports on petitions: of Phil. Embury et al; of John Munroe et al (p. i). Petitions granted: of Evert Bancker jr, Gerard Bancker, John Bancker, Abr'm Heyer, John West, John Hughes, Thomas Burgie, George Cooke, James Lynas, Edward Anderson, Edward Prior, Edward Prior jr, Elizabeth Bancker, Robert Barland, Mary Bancker, John Harris and James Deas (see L. P. 18:40); of Surgeon John Storm 6oth regiment, not located (see L. P. 18:124); of Lieuts Nich's Ward and Edw'd Newland (see L. P. 18:139); of Lieut. George McDougal Royal Ameri- cans (see L. P. 18:140); of Lieut. Benj. Wickham, not located (see L. P. 18:146). ^ 15 Bond for settlement of lands signed by Major Phil. Skene (see L. P. 18:147) filed. 70 27 Lieutenant governor's reasons against taking cognizance of causes in error. Order concerning the location of lands to be granted to Evert Bancker jr et al (p. 66). 70 Ap. 10 Royal order faxing the boundaries between New York and New Hampshire. Petition of John Montresor, Francis Mee and Robert Wallace (see L. P. 17:99) referred. Peter Quiet ex dem minister of New Rochelle vs Peter Flandreau et al in error. 72 May 8 Petitions granted: of Peter de Lancey (see L. P. 18:175); of David Johnson and Oliver de Lancey. (see L. P. 18:177); of David Jamison, son of Wm Jamison (see L. P. 19:6); of John Montresor et al (p. 72). Petition of Lewis Powell Williams surgeon's mate (see L. P. 18:163) tabled. CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 513 1765 V. 29 Petition of John Cook, Phil. Cook, Edw'd Carscallen, George Long, JuHus Shire, Paul Sparling, Peter Sparling, Paul Heck, Jacob Heck and Elias Huffman (see L. P. 18:151) referred. Petitions granted: reduced oflicers, Lieut. John Crukshank 47th regiment (see L. P. i8:i'S7), John Waterhouse surgeon's mate (see L. P. 18:179), Kennedy Farrel wagon master general (see L. P. 18:161), Lieut. John Bowen, 45th regiment (see L. P. 18:166), John Carter, surgeon's mate (see L. P. 18:167), all not located; Lieut. Thos. Roskruge Royal artillery (see L. P. 18:173); Ser- geant Alex'r Dingwall 55th regiment (see L. P. 18:176); Sergeants Porter, • ■ McKenzie barrack master at Crownpoint, Corporals Henry Jeffery and John O'Neil, 60th regiment (see L. P. 18:159); Conrad Ball, Simon Ben- nis, Edmond Bowman, John Williamson, Thos. Stafford, Henry Moore and Daniel Morarty, non-commissioned officers (see L. P. 39:148); Daniel Buxton, Phil. Richards, Donald Cuthbert, Rich'd Aspinwall, George Tingle, John Smith, Daniel Kells and James Smith privates, Robert Alexander and Christ'r Dugan, non-commissioned officers (see L. P. 39:147). 74 15 Petitions granted: of reduced officers Capt. James Rogers independent company of rangers (see L. P. 18:181), Lieut. James Gorrell, 60th regiment (see L. P. 18:180); of Rev. John Ogilvie (see L. P. 19:21); of Robert Harpur of Kings college (see L. P. 19:4). Petitions referred: of Peter Hasenclever, Daniel Vriesbergh, James Richie, Nich's Hofifman and Gabriel H. Ludlow (see L. P. 19:20). 78 2x2 Petitions of Joseph Randall gunner Royal artillery, Evan Cameron, Allan Cameron and Roderick Eraser corporals 78th regiment, Timothy Leonard and Jon'n Davis privates 8oth regiment, for land not located granted. Peti- tion of Benj. Whiting et al, township of Newberry, (see L. P. 19:24) granted. Lands actually possessed by claim- ants under New Hampshire grants to be reserved to such actual settlers (see Doc. hist. N. Y. 4:577-78; Q 4:357). Council being interested in the land prayed for decline giv- ing an opinion on the memorial of Lieut. James ^McDonald 6oth regiment (see L. P. 18:158). 81 July 8 Petitons of reduced officers and soldiers for land granted: Major Henry Gladwin 80th regiment (see L. P. 18:41); Surgeons Mate Jas. Edwards (see L. P. 18:150); Lieut. James Grant 45th regiment (see L. P. 19:52); Capt. John Treby 80th regiment (see L. P. 19:58); Lieut. Peter Brown Royal artillery (see L. P. 19:87); Capt. Nathan Whiting (see L. P. 19:60); Capt. Norman McLeod 80th regiment 514 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1765 V. 29 (see L. P. 19:62); Surgeon Donald McLean 77th regiment (see L. P. 19:63); Lieut. Hugh Frazer 78th regiment (see L. P. 19:67); Lieut. James Eddington, ^26. regiment (see L. P. 19:82,); Surgeons Mate Peter Brown (see L. P. 19:86); Sergeants Leeks de Keyser, John Colly, John Able, Garret Kating, Wm Patterson, Corporals John Underhill, Thos. McGuire, Thos. West, Thos. Goldsmith, John Gotten, Privates John Durgan, John Williams, Edw'd Fitspatrick, Samuel Taylor, Peter Kerns, Joseph Badley and Daniel Bayard, for land north of Otter creek; of Sergeants Wm Moore and John Andrew 8oth regiment. Corporals David Taylor, 55th regiment, Rob't Monroe 47th, Alex'r Young 77th, Drummers David Davidson 77th regiment, David Mustard 5Sth, Privates Francis Mee, Rich'd Benson, Fred'k Hardburger, Arch'd Montgomery 80th, and Samuel Skinner Royal Americans, not located. Oliver de Lancey protests against granting patents for lands set apart for paying ex- penses of the partition of Minisink patent (see L. P. 19:850. Petitions granted: of Wm Smith (see L. P. 19:17); of Gual- terus du Bois and other heirs of Henry van Bael and John Nicoll, and heirs of Dr John NicoU (see L. P. 19:26). Patent to Wm Cunningham (p. 64) passed. 83 Sep. 4 Certificates of Sir Wm Johnson concerning the lands prayed for by Coenrad Frank et al (p. 64) and by Wm Smith et al (p. 64) filed, and patents to be granted. 86 25 Petition for land by 113 non-commissioned officers and 29 privates [not named] granted. Hearing appointed on a caveat by Thos. Jonas in behalf of Oysterbay, L. I. against granting lands there to Gilbert Lester surgeon's mate (see L. P. 17:1155). Petitions granted: of Peter Goelet (see L. P. 19:88); of Benj. Doughty (see L. P. 19:136); of George McNish, Thos. Gale, Abrm Gale and David Curwin (see L. P. 19:161). 87 Oct. 9 Petitions for land granted: by quarter master John Clark 60th regiment (see L. P. 20:10); Charles Clinton apothe- cary's mate (see L. P. 19:129); Lieut. Allan Grant 60th regiment (see L. P. 19:133); Lieut. James McDonald 60th regiment (see L. P. 19:161); Lieut. John Hall 8oth regi- ment (see L. P. 20:9). Royal order for allowing an appeal in re Waddel Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey. Action on the petition of Robert Ross Waddel (see N. Y. col. mss, 93:98) deferred. 90 15 W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey admitted on appeal. 93 22 Petitions for land granted: Lieut. Jehu Hay Royal Ameri- cans (see L. P. 19:128); Capt. Wm Williams, 52d regiment (see L. P. 20:33); Capt. Cortland Schuyler and Commis- CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 515 1765 V. 29 sary Henry Cuyler (see L. P. 20:47). Patents to Capt. John Small and hospital director James Napier (p. 59) to pass, notwithstanding- the caveat of Jacob Marsh (see L. P. 20:18). 94 23 Hearing on the caveat of Oysterbay (p. 87) postponed. Charter for erecting the " free borough town " of Schenectady to pass the seals. 95 29^ Petition granted: of Thomas Chandler et al for a confirma- tion of the township of New Hamstead (see L. P. 19:162); of Zedekiah Stone, Nathan Stone and David Stone 2d (see L. P. 19:155) for confirmation of Winsor; of Oliver Part- ridge et al for confirmation of Halifax (see L. P. 20:5). Patent granted to Wm Kempe, James Lamb and John Crum (p. i). Petition of John Reid, George Etherington, Phil. Livingston jr, James Gray, Hugh Parker, George Souter and Angus McKay (see L. P. 20:71) referred. Pe- tition for land by 18 non-commissioned officers and 19 privates [not named and not located] granted. 96 Petitions for land granted: Capt. Wm Sherrifif on behalf of his brother Lieut. Charles Sherrifif 45th regiment (see L. P. 20:96): Lieut. Alex'r Graydon Royal Americans (see L. P. 19:102). 100 W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey on appeal. Chief Justice Horsmanden says that his court cannot comply with the king's order (p. 90). lOl Surveyor general called upon for a map of the lands west of Connecticut river and north of the Massachusetts line. 102 Petition of Lt. Col. John Vaughan (see L. P. 20:102) re- ferred. 102 The king vs Theophilact Bache; the king vs Ennis Graham; the king vs Joseph Forman: in error, all on provision bonds. 103 Opinion of the lords of trade, the attorney and solicitor general on the appeal in re W. Cunningham vs Thos. Forsey. Royal instructions confirming Daniel Horsman- den, George Clarke, Sir Wm Johnson, Wm Smith, John Watts, Wm Walters, Oliver de Lancey, Wm Alexander claiming to be earl of Sterling, Chas. Ward Apthorpe, John Reade and Roger Morris as members of the council and concerning land grants. 103 Ap. z-23 Hearing on the caveat of Oysterbay (p. 87, 95). ir3-i4 30 Petition of Martin Garretson van Bergen, Thos. Lynot, John French, Wm Cain, Hugh Dennison, John Morin Scott, Daniel Denison and Joseph Blanchard (see L. P. 20:152) granted. 115 31 Nov. 12 29 Dec. 20 1766 Tan. 8 Mar. 22 5i6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 May 7 28 June 2 V. 29 Opinion of council on the petition of Captains John and David Brewer and Lieutenants John Butler and Joshua Lock for land (see L. P. 20:164). 117 Order concerning claimants to patents under former licenses to purchase Indian lands. Petitions of Capt. Jonathan Brewer (see L. P. 20:170) and Lieut. John Butler (see L. P. 20:171) granted. Petition of Adolphus Benzel, Re- becca Benzel, Anna Ulrica Benzell (see L. P. 20:178) read. 117 Petitions granted: Samuel Wells et al (see L. P. 20:185); Oliver Willard et al (see L. P. 20:184); James Rogers et al (see L. P. 20:18). 119 Petitons granted: Col. James Robertson on behalf of hos- pital director John Adair (see L. P. 21:1); Samuel Adams (see L. P. 17:148). 123 Order on petitions: of Lt. Col. Richard Maitland and Cap- tain Sir Henry Seton (see L. P. 20:167); of Lieut. Walter Stewart Welch volunteers (see L. P. 21:6). Order to notify claimant under New Hampshire grants to support their claims. 124 Petition of Samuel Stevens (see L. P. 20:94) granted; the names of Samuel Stevens, Samuel Hunt, Abr"m Downer, John Chamberlain, Joseph Hubbard, Joseph Billing, Elea- zer Porter, Benj. Baldwin, Eben'r Green, Zebede Howard, Elisha Hunt, Nehemia Wright, Simeon Strang, Richard Chancy, Elisha Hubbard, Bread Batchalder, Solomon Bott- woort, David Persons, Josiah Chancy, Arad Hunt, Josiah Chancy jr, Samuel Hunt jr, Dan'l Shattuck and Daniel Jones to be inserted in the patent [town of Fairlie]. Re- port on the petition of John Reid et al (p. 96) ; granted. Petition of Surgeon's Mate James Murdock, 42d regiment (see L. P. 19:118) granted. 126 Order on petition of Sergeant Hugh Munroe (see L. P. 20:163). Surveyor's returns with maps to be laid before the council before patents are granted. Petition of Josiah Wil- lard and Medad Pomroy (see L. P. 19 06) for Putney granted; the names of Josiah Willard, Joshua Hide, Daniel Hubbard, Josiah Willard jr, Lois Butler, Thos. Frink, Jeremiah Hall, Joseph Hammond, Thos. Hill, Eunice Wil- lard, Elijah Alexander, Sampson Willard, John Ellis, Henry' Foster, Thos. Lee, Micah Lawrence, John Gould, James Scott and Nehemiah Houghton to be inserted in the patent. 128 Petitions granted: Gabriel H. Ludlow, Samuel Gale, Thos. Ludlow jr, Wm Wickham, Richard Morris, Miles Sher- brook, John Morris and associates (see L. P. 21:29); Adol- phus, Rebecca and Anna Ulrica Benzel (see L. P. 21:28). 130 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 517 1766 V. 29 13 Petition of Capt. Archibald Hamilton, io8th regiment (see L. P. 21:14) granted. 132 19 Petition of Lewis P. Williams, surgeon's mate (see L. P. 211:27) granted. ij^ 2T, Petition of Alajor Thomas James (see L. P. 21:37) granted. 134 27 Order concerning the lands to be granted to Capt. Arch'd Hamilton (p. 132). Patent for land granted to Sir John St Clair (see L. P. 21:32, 34); order concerning these lands. Petition of Lt. Col. Vaughan (see L. P. 21:46) granted. Hearing on the caveat by the owners of Coeymans patent against a grant to Richard Maitland and Sir Henry Seton (p. 124). Thomas Chandler, John Chandler, Thos. Chand- ler jr, Elizabeth Chandler, Timothy Olcott, Joseph Lord, Joseph Lord jr, Stephen Lord, Jotham Lord, Nathan Earl, Joshua Farwell, Jabez Sargent, Edw'd Johnson, Isaiah Johnson, Cyrus Whitcomb, Joshua Church, Ebenezer Hol- ton, Jonathan Holton, David Hutchinson, Gersham Hobart, Wm Hoar, Hezekiah Hoar, David Young, Matthew Pat- terson, John Thorp, John Myer, Nath'l McKinley, Alex'r Lamb, Wm Swan, John Crosby, Christ'r Kennedy and John Osborn to be patentees in the township of Chester. 135 30 Petitions of Lieut. John Nordbergh 6oth regiment (see L. P. 20:142) and of Sergeqnt Hugh Munroe (p. 128) granted; of Peter Hasenclever, David Green, Andrew Seton et al (see L. P. 21:51) referred. Certificate of Sir Wm Johnson that Jacob Starnberger et al (p. 64) have purchased the lands prayed for, from the Indians; patent granted accord- ingly. Order concerning the laying out the township of Kent (see L. P. 21:52). Petition of Aaron Brown, Daniel Pond, Jonathan Hammond, Jonathan Houghton, Abner Ousgood, Robert Powers, Glasher Wheeler, Peter Wheeler, Abijah Powers, James Maxwell, Luke Brown, Jacob Waters, Abiatha Houghton, Mat'w Powers, Stephen Shadduck, David Tajdor, John Taylor, Nathaniel Rament, Peter Wright, Whitcom Powers, Dan'l Aniason, Daniel Prest, Silas Brown, Josiah Powers, David Fales, Joseph Hucher, Edw'd Fuller, Wm Kennedy, Peter Buckle, Joseph Fuller, Stephen Powers, Benj. Abbot, Robert Powers jr, Joseph French, Oliver Sawyer, Oliver Corey, Ebenezer Griffin, Jonathan Pekham, Ezra Genet, Ephraim Brown. David Spaiiford, Nahum Powers, Abel Powers, Robert Cut- ler, Josiah Horing, John Cuming, Jeremiah Powers and Joseph Storie of the township of Leicester (see L. P. 21:33) granted. 138 5l8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 V. 29 July 7 Petitions granted: Elkana Deane, Elkana Deane jr, Richard Deane, Nesbit Deane, Wm Deane, John Deane and Samuel Deane, lately arrived from Ireland (see L. P. 20:109; 21:31); Peter Hasenclever et al (p. I138). 142. 9 The king vs Theophilact Bache; the king vs Ennis Graham; the king vs Joseph Forman; all. in error. The names of Zedekiah Stone, Nathan Stone, David Stone, Samuel Stone, Israel Curtis, Jacob Hossington, Steel Smith, Willard Stevens, Enos Stevens, Joel Stone, Thos. Cooper, David Young, Wm Pearson, Robert McGinnis, John Armstrong, John Fitzpatrick, George Wilson, Peter Prim, Wm Swan, Martha Stone, Alexander Dalles, John Paisley, Mary Stone and Samuel Hunt to be inserted as grantees in the Windsor patent. 145 II Hearing on the caveat by the owners of the Coeymans patent (p. 124, 135). I44 14 Map of the Minisink angle called for. Petition of David Embury, David Embury jr, Wm Dunlap, John Winters, Wm Green, John Embury, Peter Lawrence, George Em- bury, John Lewis, Andrew Embury, Michael Steep, Phil. Embury jr, John Wilson and Abr'm Harris (see L. P. 20:126) referred. I44 18 Petitions for land granted: officers of the rangers, Lieut. Samuel Stevens, Ensign Wm Haldane, Lieut. Wm Jones, Ensign Edmund Munroe, Lieut. Willard Stevens, Capt. David Brewer, Capt. Joseph Waite, Ensign Benj. Waite, Lieutenants Joshua Lock, Noah Porter, David Stone and Wm Barron (see L. P. 21:15-26); Sergeant James Ross 78th regiment (see L. P. 20:107) ; Corporals Rich'd Colliet, James Read, 44th, Peter McGrowder 46th, John Garrison 47th, John Dunnavon 4Sth, Henry West, John Almann and Richard Ford 40th, John McCann independent company, near Argyle; Sergeant James Rose 55th regiment near Crownpoint (see L. P. 211:17-19); of Samuel Ward, Jonas Cutler, Clark Chandler, Daniel Ward, Daniel Ward jr, Henry Ward, Wm Ward, Zacheus Cutler, Eben'r Cutter, Levi Willard, Abel Willard, James Putnam, Benj. Whiting, Phineas Ward, Benj. Stout jr, Hugh Cosgrifif, Thos. Carmer, Peter Taylor, Peter Wright, John Webster, Viner Mitchell, Rich'd Edwards. Adolph Delpove and Dainiel Thorpe of the township of Corinth (see L. P. 20:72) ; of Alex'r Phelps, Wm Buel, John Phelps, John Phelps jr, Israel Post, Obadiah Horseford, Samuel Filer, Ebenezer i . Green, Daniel Horseford, Asahel Phelps, Nehemiah Hunt- I ington, Charles Hinkley, Abiel Stark, Amos Phelps, Joshua CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES I668-I783 519 1766 V. 29 Phelps, Benj. Buel, Enos Horsefnrd, Aaron Phelps, Roger Phelps, Gamaliel Little and Aaron Stiles of the township of Thetford (see L. P. 20:125) : of Hannah Horsey (see L. P. 20:115); of Andrew Gautier, Benj. Blaggc, Robert Boyd, Jonathan Hampton sr and jr, of the township of Orwell (see L.P. 20:106) ; of Adam Gilchrist, Jas. Boggs, Abr'm ten Eyck, VVm Newton, Robert Hull, Elizabeth Barnard, Jane Harle, Samuel Jobs, Thos. Pringle, John Thompson, Samuel Selby and Wm Hume (see L. P. 20:157); of Oliver Corey, Jonathan Whitney, Wm Holt, Nath'l Harris, Phil. Goodridge, Benoni Boynton jr, Peter Reid, Jonathan Wood, Ephraim Whitney, Benj. Wheatherbee, Jacob Gould jr, Oliver Gould, Jacob Gould, Thos. Gould jr. Joseph Goodridge, Rogers King, John Buttrick, Zachariah Whit- ney, Stephen Stickney, Joshua Stickney, Oliver Stickney, Nehemiah Bowers, Samuel Larrabee, Isaac Holden, Eleazer Lawrence jr, Samuel Preston, James Preston, Jonathan Whitcombe. Joseph Baker jr, Eleazer Davis, John Baker, James Allen, Nathan Chase, Simon Tuttle, Joseph Wooster, Simon Tuttle jr, Thomas Warren, Jonas Warren, Oliver Warren, James King, John Fox jr, Peter Fox, Daniel Fox, Jacob Fox, Stephen Shattuck, Steplicn Chase, Joshua Chase, Ezekiel Chase, Benj. Shattuck and Thos. Bell of the township of Thomlinson (see L. P. 20:97). 144 22 Petition of Lieut. George Deniler 6oth regiment (see L. P. 21:93) granted. Petition of Gerrit Slover, Samuel Loudon, Robert Ewing, Rudolphus Ritzema, Samuel Kissam, John Valleau, John Winn, John Kelly, John Woodward, John Shipboy, Daniel McCormick, Daniel Neil, John de Bow and James A. Stewart (see L. P. 20:122) referred. 156 Oct. 17 Gov. Bernard desires that his interest in lands granted by New Hampshire may be secured to him; opinion of coun- cil thereon; Gov. Wentworth expresses the same wish. Petition of Phineas Lyman. Daniel Lyman, Daniel Lyman jr, Joseph Little, ^Nledad Lyman, Samuel Miles, Samuel Miles jr, Enos Allen, James Rice, Joseph Trobridge, Ross- well Woodward, Thos. Trobridge, Abr'm Thompson jr, Abr'm Thompson, Jacob Thompson, Stephen Allen, Gideon Lyman jr, James Storer, Sylvanus Bishop, Samuel Bishop jr, John I\Iix. John Peirpoint, John Bradley jr, Phineas Bradlej-. Elijah Lyman. John Cornall. Lemuel Hotchkins. Jonah Bradley. Hezekiah Parmerly jr, John Osten, Israel ^lonson. Joel Gilbert, Joseph Thompson, Caleb Gilbert. Joseph Dorman, Joseph Worder, Timothy Potter, Ebenezer Johnson, Selah Wright. Naomi Lyman, 520 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 V. 29 John Lyman jr, Gad Lyman, Benj'n Sheldon, Reuben Wright, Phineas Lyman Hodley, Eleazer Burt, Elnathan Wright, Ephraim Wright jr, Bildad Wright, EHas Lyman and Nath'l Phelps of the township of Wheathersfield (see L. P. 22:4-6), granted. Gov. Moore reports on purchases of Indian lands made by him at the late conference in Sir Wm Johnson's house. 156 22 Time appointed for a hearing on the caveat of Wm O'Brien against a patent to the earl of Ilchester, Lord Holland et al of lands located by Walter Paterson (see L. P. 19:160; 21:110). Agents of transports not entitled to military bounty lands (see L. P. 18:7). 159 24 Hearing on the caveat of owners of Coeymans patent post- poned (p. 144). Petitions referred: of Gen. Thomas Gage, Peter Hasenclever, Phil. Schuyler, John French and Peter Lewis (see L. P. 22:16); of Wm Bayard, John French, Thomas Shipboy, Wm Kane, Wm Proctor, Thos. Browne, Wm Hogan, Kennedy Ferral, Marte Gerretse van Bergen, Daniel Steel, David Edgar, Gerard Chesnut, Wm Benson, Daniel Denniston, Hugh Denniston, Abr'm Lyle, John Constable, Thos. Lotteridge, Patrick Smith, Robert Adams, Dunlap Adems, Aaron Bradt, John Bradt, Walter Butler and Robert Henry (see L. P. 22:14); oi Lt. Col. Vaughan 6oth regiment (see L. P. 22:10); of Michael Byrne, Frans Ruport and Lucas Vedder (see L. P. 22:11) ; of Nich's Mat- thias and Lawrence Lawyer (see L. P. 22:17); of Hendrick Heeger, Jacob Myer, Adam Zee and Nicholas Becker (see L. P. 22:12) ; of David Prym (see L. P. 22:13) ; of Johannes Lawyer, Jacob Zimmer, Moses Ibbet and Jacob Enters (see L. P. 22:15) with caveat against it by James Duane. 159 29 Opinion of council on the caveat of Wm O'Brien (p. 159). Order concerning the lands granted to Ralph Wilkinson (p. 66). Hearing on the caveat of James Duane (p. 159). Petition of John Kathan for the township of Fulham re- ferred. 163 Nov. 3 Petitions granted: of Lt. Col. Vaughan; of Mich'l Byrne et al; of Nich's Mathias et al; of Hendrick Heeger et al; of David Pryn; of Johannes Lawyer et al (p. 159); of Garret Slover et al (p. 156); of John Kathan, Alex'r Kathan, Daniel Kathan, John Kathan jr, Charles Kathan jr, Daniel Serjeant, Rufus Serjeant, Moses Watkins, *Alex'r Bulson, Samuel Smith, Thos. Broaderick, Lemuel Bowers, Benj. Smith, Eben'r Howard, Stephen Tuttle, John Tuttle, Joseph Tuttle, Charles Boyle and Robert Mountain of the township of Fulham (see L. P. 20:120); of Ebenezer Jessup, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 52I 1766 V. 29 Wm Johnson, David Hunter, Dederick Miller, Jonathan Jones, Isaac Matson, Timothy Knap, Samuel Bishop, Ed- ward Jessup, Rutger Bleecker, Johannes Beeckman, Jacob Hat, Joseph Jessup jr, Jonas Meyer, and James Murray (see L. P. 21:172); of Ebenezer Cole, Jacob Marsh, Samuel Waters, James Draper, Edward Fitsimmons, Abiather Wal- dow, Simeon Cowell, John Trumble, Ichabod West, James Draper jr, Ebenezer Wright and heirs of Elihu Marsh (see L. P. 22:24); of Lieut. Thos. Etherington (see L. P. 22:38); of Lieut. Thos. Gamble (see L. P. 21:56); of Lieut. Dennis Carleton (see L. P. 22:29). Petitions referred: of Joseph Reade jr, and Wilhelmus van Antwerp (see L. P. 22:2,2) ; of Wm Livingston, Wm Smith jr. Whitehead Hicks, John Brevoort, Elias Brevoort, Thos. Hicks, John Woods, Gil- bert Hicks, Elizabeth Livingston, Thos. Jackson, Garret Noel, John Brown, Joseph Royal, Peter Yates, Gerard Bancker, John Robinson, Gilbert Ash, Wm Sorral, John Dutton Cramshire. Frances Brown, John Smith, Moses Nicolls, Garret Roorbach, John Powers, John McKenney, Isaac Heron, James Mathers, Elias Nixon, Francis Child and Wm Feris of the township of Royalton (see L. P. 22:35); of Wm Kelly, Isaac Ogden, David Rogers, Benj'n Johnson, Isaac Ball, Joseph Rogers, John Nisbit, Gabriel Ogden, Nath'l Firran, John Cockeran, Ebenezer Ward, Isaac Longworth, Thos. Richards, Nath'l Richards, Elias Crane, James Banks, Solomon Davis, James Johnson, David Johnson, Thos. Longworth, David Person, Daniel Crane, Eleazer Brewer and John Brewer of the township of Gageborough (see L. P. 22:30); of Pierre G. de Peyster, Thos. Smith, Winter Fargie, Nicholas C. Bogart, David Shaw, Peter Bard jr, Benj'n Tusten, John Bogart jr, Adrian Bancker, Samuel Hobbs, Wm Weaver, Isaac Ryck- man jr, John Lewis, Henry Ritter, Thos. Nutman, Thomas Johnston, John Doe, John Dawize, John Shine, Stephen Elmes, Andrew Cunningham, Jacob Shaver, John Elliot, Samuel Bard, Faucenier Valleau, John Bassenett, John Turner, Edw'd McDermot, Wm Ruttlidge, Miles Keen, Henry Dougherty, John Cree, James McCartney, Wm ]Mc- Dermot and Joseph Frazer (see L. P. 21:159). 165 6 Petition of Francis Legge (see L. P. 22:40) granted. Peti- tion of Robert R. Livingston, Robert R. Livingston jr, John Will, Henry Will, Phil. Will, Wm Will, Chris'n Will, Isaac Stoutenburgh, Wm Scott, John Whiteman, Henry Wells, Rich'd Wootton, Wm de Peyster, Adolph de Grave, Robert GrifSth, Henry Beeckman, James Wessel, Henry 522 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 V. 29 Brevoort, John Stout, Thos. Broockman, John Vernor, John McDovall, John McCurdy, Andrew Cusack, George Shaw, John Crum, John Wool, Joseph Mountford, Edward Lawrence, James Barron, Wm Meeks, John Ran, John Evans, Wm Christie and Samuel Moore of the township of Camden (see L. P. 22:45) referred. Order concerning Gov. Benning Wentworth's allotment in the township of Putney. 173 7 Petition of Peter Hasenclever (see L. P. 22:46) granted. Lands granted to: Lt. Col. James Robertson (see L. P. 21:127); Lieut. John Nordbergh (see L. P. 22:38); Lieut. John Walker of Major Joseph Goreham's company of Rangers (see L. P. 21:148); Capt. David Skene io8th regi- ment (see L. P. 22:27); Corporal James Duncan 55th regi- ment, Sergeant John St Leger 80th, and Sergeant Thos. McCarty 6oth (see L. P. 21:122); Privates John Duggin 43d, George Clayton, James PhilLpps and Noah Flood 44th (see L. P. 21:121); Drummer Johan Christ'r Long 48th regiment (see L. P. 21:126): John French and 23 others not named (see L. P. 22:39). Petitions granted: of Joseph Reade jr et al; of Wm Livingston et al; of Wm Kelly et al; of Pierre G. de Peyster et al (p. 165); of Robert R. Livingston et al (p. 173). Grant to Henry Cuyler commis- sary of stores and provisions (p. 94) enlarged. 174 12 Petitions granted: of Stephen Dannall armorer (see L. P. 22:58); of Elkanah Deane, Elkana Deane jr, Richard Deane, Nisbet Deane, Wm Deane, John Deane and Samuel Deane (see L. P. 21:147): of Oliver Willard in behalf of Prince Tracey, Benj. Wright, Benj. Burck. Joseph Marsh, Benajah Strong, Elisha Marsh, John Baldwin, John Ben- nett, Nath'l Holbrook jr, Noah Dewey jr, Solomon Strong, Jonathan Marsh, Amos Robinson, Rufus Baldwin, Daniel Pinneo, Elijah Strong, Ebenezer Gillet jr, Giles Alexander, Abel Marsh, and Zadock Wright of the township of Ware [Hartford], excepting lots of Daniel Warner, Joseph New- march, Thos. Bell and Samuel Wentworth (see L. P. 20:98). 179 19 The name of the township of Fulham changed to Galway. Township of Cavendish granted to David Sternes, Amos Kimball, Phineas Stewart, David Goodridge. Benj'n Stewart, Ephraim Kimball, Josiali Bayley, Simon Butler. Samuel Read jr, James Descomb, Abijah Sternes, Nathaniel Hastings, Rich'd Taylor, John Buss, John Buss jr, George Kimball, Peter Page, Jonathan. Wetherbee, Oliver Capree, Giles Alexander, James Scott, and Simeon Alvard, reserv- ing the lot of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 21:77). Peti- tion of Lieut. Alex'r Dowe, son of Lieut. James Dowe 60th CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 523 1766 V. 29 regiment deceased (see L. P. 21:91) granted. Petitions re- ferred: of John de Witt, -Matthew Hopper, Peter WilHams and Anthony Bulson (see L. P. 20:19); of Elijah Alexander, Eben'r Alexander and Ephraim Dorman (see L. P. 20:103); of Samuel Asly. Hilkiah Grout and Wm Smeed (see L. P. 20:91); of Jeremiah Hall, Jonathan Hammon, John French and John Hunt (see L. P. 20:92). 181 28 Wessel van Dyck and Gerrit van Dyck, grandchildren of Jacob Lockerman to show cause why they should not be prosecuted for intrusion on crown lands, on the petition of Francis ^IcDermott (see L. P. 22:87). Petition of George Williams, Paul Swift, Wm Reed and Evan Jones sergeants. Simon Solomon. John Little, Daniel Campbell, John White and John ^VIcGee privates 28th regiment (see L. P. 22:18) granted. Petition of Israel Putnam (see L. P. 21 :3) referred. The names of Willard Stevens, Thos. Will- ' iams, Wm Griggs, Benj. Stout, John Armstrong and Caleb Hyatt to be inserted in the patent for the township of Fair- lie instead of Benj. Baldwin, Bread Bachelor, Daniel Shat- tuck, Daniel Jones, Nehemiah Wright and Josiah Chancey jr (p 126). 186 Dec. 3 Report of committee on the petition of Israel Putnam (p. 186) ; Putnam to be prosecuted for forgery. Petition of John de Witt et al (p. 181) granted. Township of Falkland granted to the Hon. Lucius Ferdinand Carey, Anne Maria Care}', James Vanegan, George ]\IcIntosh, Francis Schlos- ser, Christ'r Pauli, Thomas de la Main, John Peter Rochet, John Burent, Wm Prescot. Perkins Margea, Andrew Nelson, James Deas, John Larey, Thos. Doughty, Adam Gilchrist, George Lenach, Edw'd Farrel, Rich'd Kent, Isaac Goelet, Thos. Freeman, Wm Ferris, John Dutton Cramshire, Francis Child, James Brown, John Smith, Moses Nicholls, Benj. Garrison, Isaac Noble and Joseph Whipple (see L. P. 22:19). Petitions granted: of Aug. van Cortlandt, Henry White, Isaac Low, Fred'k van Cortlandt, Aug. van Home, Benj'n Helmes. Dirck de la Metter, Abr'm Lent, Phil. Kissick, Joseph Young, Wm Miller, John Waldron. Michael van der Cook jr, Richard Man- devil, John Cotgrave, Alex'r Cocken, James Oliver, Daniel Sullivan. George Crookshanks. ^lichael Power, Ephraim Bennet. John Clark, Wm Lightburne, Francis Cowen- hoven, John Kanon, David Brooks. Nath'l Earle, Jacob Lent, Hendrick Quackenboss, Joseph Jadwin, Thos. Hayet, ]\Ioses Nicholls, James Brown, ^lichael van der Cook sr, and Benj. Garrison (see L. P. 22:52): of John Jackson, 524 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1766 V. 29 Thos. Allen and Samuel Seaman (see L. P. 22:74). License to purchase Indian lands granted to Phil, van Petten, Simon Schermerhorn and John Glen jr (see L. P. 21:175). 189 S Township of Springfield granted to Gideon Lyman, Joseph Little, Elijah Lyman, Phineas Lyman, Selah Wright, Elias Lyman, John Phelps, Medad Alverd, John Burt jr, Oliver Lyman, Simeon Parsons, Nath'l Day, Elias Lyman jr, Samuel Parsons, Eleazer Root, Ephraim Wright, Benj'n Parsons, James Lyman, Reuben Coates, John Lyman, Caleb Ljanan, Josiah Pearce, Israel Lyman, Stephen Root and Thos. Quiner; the shares of Benning Wentworth, James Apthorpe, John Gould, Henry Hilson to remain vested in the crown (see L. P. 22:97). ^93 10 Hearing on the caveat of the owners of Coeymans patent (p- 159)- 195 12 Opinion of council sustaining the caveat as the owners of Coeymans patent are entitled to all the lands comprehended in the patent of confirmation given in 1714. The king vs Joseph Form an; the king vs E. Graham. 195 20 Township of Westminster granted to Bildad Andross, ^Michael Metcalf et al not named (see L. P. 21:40). Town- ship of Clarendon granted to Elijah Alexander et al (p. 181), names of Ephraim Dorman, Samuel Whitmore, Jeremiah Whitmore, Benj'n Melven, Benj'n Melven jr, Ebenezer Alexander, Hilkiah Grout, Oliver Ashley, Wm Smead jr, Elijah Grout, Thos. Bridgman, Zadock Hawks, Eliphalet Carpenter, Seth Heaton, Seth Heaton jr, Thos. Baker, Thos. Riggs, Jeremiah Thayer, Henry Bond, Abr'm Scott, Elijah Dodgejim, Elisha Marsh and Joshua Tucker to be inserted in the patent. Township of Shrewsbury granted to Samuel Asley et al (p. 181), names of Samuel Ashley, Orlando Bridgeman, Wm Smead, Jonathan Houghton, Clement Sumner, Joseph Whitcomb, Nath'l Heaton, Gideon Ellis, Joseph Ellis, Phinehas Stevens, Simeon Alvard, John Wheeler, Elijah Dodge, Wm Heaton, Moses Wright, Abijah TtTcker, Moses Tucker, Samuel Hills, Joseph Whitcombe, Joseph Stone, Wm Frink, Gideon Ashley, Joseph Ashley and Wm Warner to be in- serted in the patent; Benning Wentworth's lot to remain vested in the crown. Township of Saltash granted to Jeremiah Hall et al (p. 181), names of Ichabod Fisher, David Nims jr, Michael Metcalf jr, Moses Field, Nathan Blake, Paul Field, Wm Wright, Thos. Christen, James Grimes, Samuel Hall, John Hunt. Eleazer Burt, John French, Wm Grimes, Joseph Ashley jr, Jeremiah Hall, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 525 1766 1767 Jan. ; 13 19 21 28 V. 29 Samuel Field, Reuben Alexander, Jesse Hall, Ebenezer Nims. Wm Carr, Phinehas Stevens and Samuel Hills to be inserted in the patent; Benning Wentworth's lot to re- main vested in the crown. JMinutes sent to the board of •trade. 196 The king vs Ennis Graham. The name of Caleb Hyatt to be inserted in the patent of New Windsor vice Alex'r Dallas. Order on petitions of Surgeon Donald McLean, Surgeon's Mate Malachi Treat and Lieut. Neal McLean, and of Surgeon Wm Young (see L. P. 22:129, 138). Hearing on the preceding petitions of Surgeon Donald Mc- Lean et al. Opinion of council thereon; grants of land to be made to: Lt. Col. Augustine Prevoost and his son; Lt. Col. Richard Maitland; Lieut. Hugh Frazer; Lieut. Walter Stewart; Martin Garretsen van Bergen; Surgeon Donald McLean; ]\Ialachi Treat; Lieut. Neal McLean; Surgeon Wm Young; Abr'm Lott. The king vs Ennis Graham. Township of Woodstock granted to Levi Willard, Jonathan Grout, Israel Curtice, John Church, Wm Powers, Jonathan Flunt, Aaron Burt, Nathan Willard, Joseph Stibbins, James Call, Ebenezer Dike, Wm Syms, Aaron Smith, Elijah Grout, Joel Grout, Moses Belding, Daniel Warner, James Powers and Andrew^ Powers (see L. P. 20:155); the lots of Richard Wiberd, James Nevin, Jonathan Tuck, Zebulon Giddings and Abner IMorrell to remain vested in the crown. Township of Bridgewater granted to Seth Field, Rufus Field, Elisha Hunt, Stephen Pomroy, James Harwood, Thos. Sergent, Oliver Field, Oliver Warner, Wm Syms, Zur Evans, Shammah Pomroy, John Sarjeant, Ezra Pom- roy, Jonathan Hildreth, Hilkiah Grout, Smith Ingram, Joel Smith, Abel Emans and Daniel Shattuck (see L. P. 20:154), excepting the shares formerly allotted to Benning Went- worth, John Downing, Sampson Sheafe, Thos. Wiggins, Wm Richardson, Abel Morse, Samuel Wentworth, Rev. Mr McClintosh, Rev. Mr Chace, Rev. Mr Bayley and Meshek Ware, which are to remain crown lands. Town- ship of Somerset granted to Thos. Denny, James Taylor, Daniel Serjeant, John Mofifet, John Beaman, John Holton, Nehemiah Wright, Daniel Jones, Elijah Williams jr, Samuel Denny. Wilder Willard, Daniel Field, Samuel Field, Samson Willard, Obadiah Dickenson, Lucius Doo- little, Amasa Wright, Lemuel Hastings, Joseph Willard and Abel Walker; reserving the lots of Sampson Sheafe, 20:; 202 204 526 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY , 1767 V. 29 John Downing and Benning Wentworth as crown lands (see L. P. 2i:S6). Township of New Fane granted to Luke Brown, Jacob Hallett, Charles Morse, Samuel Brown, Magnus Garrett, Samuel Bailey, John Brizell, James Bryan, Thos. Arden, Giles Alexander, George Shaw, James Armstrong, • Matthew Hopkins, Crosfield Rushton, Christ'r Hannon, Nidi's Parsell, John Lent, John Arm- strong, John Corselius, Thos. Stooley, Alexander Wilson, Samuel Hopson, James Smith, Abr'm Ingraham and Gregory Ives (see L. P. 22:169): excepting the lots of Daniel Warner, Mark Hunking Wentworth and Theo. At- kinson. Petitions granted: of Col. Nathan Whiting, Samuel Fitch, Col. Eleazer Fitch, Col. James Smedley, David Baldwin, And'w Myers, Samuel Wkiting, Robert Alton, Amos Hitchcock and Nathan Haynes Whiting (see. L. P. 22:65); of John Springer, Elizabeth Springer and Ann Catherine Parlin (see L. P. 22:54). Lands to be granted as prayed for by: Captains John Skinner and Norman Mc- Leod, Lieutenants Wra Irvin. Walter Patterson, Samuel Steel, James Henderson, Wm Brown, Thos. Hopson and Alexander Fraser (see L. P. 22:174); Surgeon Wm Young (see L. P. 2'2:i29); Capt. Wm Sherriff for Capt. Wm Hand- field and Lieut. Charles Sherriff (see L. P. 22:171-72); Lieut. John Hamilton (see L. P. 22:42); Lieut. Adolphus Benzel 50th regiment (see L. P. 22:50); Lt. Col. John Maunsell (see L. P. 22:175); Private Andrew Rusk (see I. P. 23:49). -04 Feb. 4 Order on memorials of Robert Leake coi;nniissary general and his deputies (see L. P. 21:124; 22:100) and on caveats against them by Henry Beeckman and Robert Livingston, by Andrew Morehouse and Samuel Waldo (see L. P. 22:84), by John Morin Scott (see L. P. 22:84), by David Johnston (see L. P. 22:86) and by Jonathan Dennis and John Ryder. Petition of the governors of Kings col- ' lege (see L. P. 23:11) referred. 212 12 Report on the petition of the governors of Kings college; township of Mooretown granted to them. Township of Socialborough granted to John Harris Cruger, Wm Wal- ton jr, Thos. Jones, Jacob Walton, Thos. Hicks, Theo- philact Bache, John Jones, Isaac Low, Peter du Bois, John de Lancey, Fred'k van Cortlandt. Fred'k de Peyster, Gerard Walton, Henry White, Petrus Stuyvesant, Robert Cam Livingston, James Emot, Christ'r Smith, Anthony, van Dam, John van Dam, Teleman Cuyler, Derick Schuy- ler, Thos. Lawrence, Thos. Bayeux, John Elliot, Wynant CALENDAR OF COUXCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 527 1767 V. 29 van Zandt, John Vernor, James Seagrove, Wm Kennedy, Wm Hutton, John Riker, John Thompson, Samuel Shelby, John Taylor, Lewis Relay. Wm Cockburne, Arch'd Camp- bell, John Woodward, John Smith, James Long, Hamilton Young, Fleming Colgan, Robert Robinson, Samuel Bayer, John Keen, Charles Ramage, John Wilson and Moses Nicoll (p. 437; see L. P. 22:115). Town of Barnet granted to Simon Stevens, Willard Stevens, Joel Stone, James Blanchard, Nathan Stone, John Smilly, Rob't McMenomy, John Manbrut, Samuel Stevens, Jonathan Grout, Jacob Hallett. Charles Morse, Giles Alexander, Shem Kentfield, Enos Stevens, Benj. Allen, Simeon Alvard, Phineas Stevens, Jonathan Weatherby, Silas Whitcomb, Nath'l Powers, Lemuel Hastings and Benj. Whiting (see L. P. 21:104); excepting the lots of Theodore Atkinson, Wm Temple, John Odiorne, John Lard and Meshek Bell which remain vested in the crown. Township of Sharon granted to David Rowland and associates not named (see L. P. ^2>'2>2)- Petition of Whitehead Leonard of Kingston, N. J. (see L. P. 22:34) granted. Boundary lines of Newberry al- tered according to petition of Benjamin Whiting (p. 81). ■ Order that the principal owners in townships under New- Hampshire grants attend the council before action is taken on their petitions. 214 Mar. 4 Order on petition of Johs. van der Pool, Robert van Deur- sen, Peter Vosburgh and Hendrick Remsen (see L. P. 21:61). 220 II Hearing on the caveats against granting patents to Robert Leake (p. 212) postponed. ' 221 20 Warrant of survey granted to Rob't Leake (see L. P. 22:148). Petitions for land granted: Surgeon Samuel Dick (see L. P. 22:128); Capt. John Wilson 59th regiment (see L. P. 23:81); Capt. Joseph Williams 59th regiment (see L. P. 19:146); Abr'm Lott, Nich's C. Bogert, Engelbert Lott, Johs. Lott, John Abeel, James Abeel, John Nielson, Thos. Cral. Abr'm P. Lott. Peter T. Curtenius, Isaac^ Roosevelt, Jacobus Roosevelt jr, Dirck Brinckerhoff, Dirck Brinckerhofif jr, Theodorus van Wyck, John Oothout, Anth'y ten Eyck, Coenradt m\. ten Eyck, Wm Lupton. Jacobus van Zandt, Wynant van Zandt, Wm Horsefield and Phineas Mcintosh of the township of Monckton (see L. P. 23:26). 222 25 Petitions granted: Mar\' Graham (see L. P. 23:63); John Munro. Henry Brower, John Richey, Corn's Brower, Moses Nicholls and John Smith (see L. P. 23:25). Hear- ing on the petition of Francis McDermot (p. 186). 224 528 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 V. 29 30 Petition of Francis McDermot (p. 224) dismissed. Orders on petitions: of Lieut. Thos. Swords (see L. P. 22:168); of Henry Smith sr, Samuel Fowler and Isaac Fowler of Newburgh (see L. P. 23:28, 35). Township of St Catharine granted to Adam Gilchrist and associates not named (see L. P. 22,-22, 28). Petition of Corporal Wm Gravis Royal Americans (see L. P. 231:90). 225 Ap. ir Patents granted to: John Monier and John N. Bleeker (see L. P. 22:135); Samuel Chandler, Gardiner Chandler, Joshua Chandler sr and jr, John Chandler sr and jr, Moses Chand- ler, Charles Church Chandler, Theophilus Chandler, Win- throp Chandler, John Chandler 2d, Joseph Chandler, David Chandler, Josiah Chandler, Seth Chandler, Timothy Paine, James Putnum, John Murray, Levi Willard, Samuel Mc- Clallen, John Green, John Green 2d, Benj. Green sr and jr, Nath'l Green, Daniel Hubbard, Russell Hubbard, David Holmes and Daniel Paine (see L. P. 22:137); Lieut. Josias Banks, independent company (see L. P. 21:125); Philipp Castles, John Smart, John Mason, Wm Sheels, Thos. Fisher, John Thorley, John McVey, Brien McKinley, Thos. Skinner, Robert Mercer, Stephen Row, Henry Plank, An- drew Knowles, John Douglas, John Neal, Wm Andrews, Corn's Brown, Robert Gray, Patrick Quin, Jacob Bates, Thos. Sutton, Samuel Lewis, Henry McDougal, Rob't Wheary, late Privates Daniel Corbin, Ebenezer Hodgkins and Ricli'd Beatley sergeants, Edward Yarrow corporal (see L. P. 23:12); Privates Charles Hughes, John Simpson, John Cammock, Corporals Henry Biram, Peter St Clair, Charles Halbert, John Miller, James Downs, Richard Tenor, Arthur Rogers, Alex'r Marshall, James Wilson, Sergeants James Rogers, Zopher Haaden, Musician Wm Harbourn (see L. P. 23:141): the same with lots formerly granted to Lieutenants John Cruckshanks, John Bowen, . Ensign Alex'r Fraser, Surgeons James Boggs and Peter Brown and vacant lands north of Princetown to be erected into the township of Chatham. Patent granted to Philipp Daulton, Alex'r Blackwood, Patrick Kelly, Francis Taylor, John Donnelly, John Bevan, James Webster, Edmund Carney, Wm Pearce, John Vaughan, Richard Frederick, Rich'd Kellet, Peter Maturin, Thos. Dunning, Wm Mc- Donald, John Callaghan, Wm Smith, Thos. Fisher, Francis Sumpter, John Dobbs, James West, Timothy Johnson, John Nash, Barney Mailey, William Burns late privates. Sergeants Robert Calhoon, John Felding, Wm Christie, James Mofifat, Corporals Wm Gibson, Edward Lawrence, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 529 1767 V. 29 Joseph Hudson, John McVae, John Baker, Wm Thomp- son, Evan West, Patrick Fitzsimmons, Wm Little, James Heavy and Robert Haisty (see L. P. 23:19). 227 9 License to purchase land from the Onoughquage Indians at the head of Delaware river granted to John Harper sr and jr, Wm Harper, Joseph Harper and Alex'r Harper (see L. P. 33:92). Petitions' granted: Major Paul Rycaut 17th regi- ment (see L. P. 24:21); Capt. Lewis van Fuser 6oth regi- ment for 3000 acres east of Otter creek; Ensign John Clarke (see L. P. 23:40); Corporal Alex'r Frazer 78th regi- ment (see L. P. 23:48); Sergeant Hugh Patrick 44th regi- ment (see L. P. 23:403); Wm Halyburton, D. D. (see L. P. 23:37); Wm Sherrifif, Rich'd Maitland, Gabriel Maturin, John Small, Stephen Kemble, Samuel Kemble, Rich'd Kemble, Wm Kemble, Henry Munro, John McNeal, Fran- cis Panton, Buckridge Webb, Henry Hornefer, John Sackerby, Thomas Wallis, James Glassford, Samuel Ver- planck, Thos. Wm Moore, Edw'd Gold, Medad Pomroy, Ebenezer Harvey, Jos. Burt and Shem Kentfield of the township of Halesborough (see L. P. 23:49). 229 15 Hearing on the petition of John van der Pool et al (p. 220) postponed. Warrant' of survey granted to Henry van Vleck et al (see L. P. 23:24). Petitions granted: Abr'm van Vleck, John van Vleck, Benj. Booth, Abr'm Brasher and Thos. Bartow jr (see L. P. 23:23); Hugh Wallace and Alex'r Wallace (see L. P. 22:111); Jacobus Montanye, Jacobus van Zandt, Wm Waddel, Wm Newman, Jacobus Montanye jr, John Levine, Phil. Doughty, Thos. Gordon, Samuel Wharton, Edmund Millne, Smith Ramadge, Chris- tian Demure, Samuel Plume, Benj'n Plume, Abr'm Plume, Robert Plume, James Carter, John Lewis, John Keen, James Armstrong, Moses Nicholls, John Smith, Dudley Davis, John Dutton Cremshier, Isaac Wilkins, Abr'm ^lon- tanye and Andrew Cunningham (see L. P. 23:142); of Ser- geant Wm Freind ist regiment (see L. P. 21:149); Private James Scott 44th regiment for land near Rogers Rock; Private Hugh Gackson [Jackson] (see L. P. 21:152); Pri- vate George Robertson 22d regiment (see L. P. 21:151). Order for correcting a mistake in the Indian purchase made by Wm Bayard and partners (see L. P. 23:88). 231 16 Township of Reading granted to Simon Stevens, Joel Stone, Willard Stevens, George Wilson, Cornelius van den Burgh, George Shaw, John Armstrong, INIatthew Hopkins, James Armstrong, Evert Kip, Wm Bailey, Joseph Blanch- ard, Garret van den Bergh, Rynier Hopper, Richard 530 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 ' . V. 29 Varian, Thomas Arden, Daniel Goldsmith, Daniel Gold- smith jr, Caleb Hyatt, John Stout and James Wessells (see L. P. 23:56); excepting the lots of Benning Wentworth, ' Wiseman Clagget, Daniel Warner and Samuel Wentworth which remain crown lands. Petitions granted: of Arch'd Campbell, Wm Stewart, Thos. Buchanan, Arch'd Currie, Wm Pagen and John Murray (see L. P. 23:118); of Henry Erklev, John Enny, John Snouse, Godfrey Snouse, George Workhout, Michael Nestle, Wm Sobke, Peter Pyster, Theodorus Anthony, Nich's Anthony, Thos. Sloker, Edw'd Carrol, John Lockhart, John Watson, James O'Brien, Charles Berrow, Joseph Ogden, Isaac Peirsen, John Bowlls, Moses Nicholls, Benj. Garrison, Rich'd Curson, Isaac Wilson, Samuel Plume and Thos. Stewart (see L. P. 23:51); of James Gilliland, James Anderson, James Campbell and Richard Wootton (see L. P. 23:52); of John Brackan (see L. P. 23:82); of Wm Cockburn, Alex'r Ellice, Robert El- lice, John Portius, George Phyn, Wm Duncan, Alex'r Campbell, John Smyth, George Lewis, John Lewis, Fran- cis Child, John Ramsey, Walter Buchannan, John Thomp- son, James Phyn, John Bowles and Crean Brush (see L. P. 23:61); of Major Gen. Ralph Burton (see L. P. 23:87); of Rev. John Ogilvie, chaplain Royal Americans (see L. P. 23:86); of Lieut. Francis Turbut 44th regiment (see L. P. 23:100); of Sergeants Peter Deacon 46th, John Kane 44th, Corporals John Baus, Samuel Whitehouse, John Rotstone Both, John Smith 17th, James Connor 55th and Privates I Joseph Halbrouk, John Neal, Wm Adley, John Waller, George Smith, Walter Middon 46th, Donald McDonald highland regiment, Michael Ralf 55th, John Dunn, Wm Watson, Benj. Grosman, James Blair 66th (see L. P. 23:39); ' of Sergeants John Inwood, George Lenach, John Maccay, Royal Americans, John Stewart 28th regiment. Corporals Rich'd Moss, John Moon, Joseph Lambert, James McLean 60th, Wm Pitts. Richard Irwin 28th, Drummers David English 28th, John Fellows 44th, Privates Robert Gray, Rich'd Livingston 28th, John Cross, Joseph Coppney, John Thomas, Angus Fletcher, Simon Burley, John Marshall, Wm Wheeler, John Hulsey, Lazarus Marchan, John Bogan, Manuel Cats 6oth, John Brown 45th (see L. P. 33:74); of Corporal James Brown 8oth regiment (see L. P. 23:99) ; of Corporals John Norman 28th, Daniel Taylor 80th, and Privates Alex'r McKenzie, John Robertson 42.d. John Fotheringham 40th. John Kerens 28th (see L. P. 23:108); of Private John Woodman 27th regiment for 50 acres on CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 531 1767 V. 29 Lake Champlain; of Jolin Morin Scott, John French and Joseph Blanchard (see L. P. 23:73). 233 29 Townships of Bernard and Stockbridge granted to Wm Story agent (see L. P. 23:44-45). Petitions referred: of Phineas Bradley, Samuel Bishop, Benj. Dodgester and Eliakim Hall (see L. P. 21:180): of Eliakini Hall (see L. P. 19:169). 238 May 5 Warrant of survey to issue for the whole of the Indian pur- chase made by Johannes Lawyer et al (p. 159, 163, 165). Petition of Henry Smith sr, Samuel Fowler and Isaac Fowler (p. 225) granted. Hearing appointed between Thos. Swords and the corporation of Kingston (p. 225). The king vs Ennis Graham; the king vs Joseph Forman. 240 13 Order on petition of Abr'ni Lott, John Bratt, Richard Yates, Isaac Lefferts, Thos. Wells, Simon Lott, Richard Mercer, Jonathan Lawrence, Wm Heyer and Henry Remsen jr (see L. P. 22:177). The king vs Ennis Graham; the king vs Joseph Forman. Petition of Nath'l Marston, Gabriel Ludlow, Charles Williams, Robert Crommelin. Edw'd Man, David Clarkson, Andrew Barclay, Elias des Brosses, Nicholas Wm Stuyvesant, Theophilact Bache, Adrian Renaudet, Alex'r Golden, Thos. Hill, Edward Laight, Anthony van Dam, Robert R. Livingston, John Charlton, Humphrey Jones, Matthew Clarkson, Benj. Kissam, John Provoost, James Duane, Lambert Moore and Wm Bedlow (see L. P. 23:137) granted. Township of Windfall granted to Phineas Bradley, Abr'm Thompson sr and jr, Isaac Thompson, Benj'n Dorchester, Erastus Bradley, Phineas Bradley jr, John Bradley, Samuel Bishop jr, Eliakim Hall sr and jr, Isaac Hall jr, Hezekiah Hall, Caleb Hall and Stephen Hall (p. 238) ; excepting the lot of Benning Went- worth which remains crown land. Township of Walling- ford granted to Eliakim Hall sr and jr, Isaac Hall jr, Heze- kiah Hall, Stephen Hall, Caleb Hall, Samuel Hall, Elisha Hall, Samuel Bishop jr, Phineas Bradley, John Mix, Enos Tuttle, David Austin, Isaac Doolittle, Daniel Lyman, James Rea, John Sacket, Jeremiah Townsend, Isaac Town- send and Medad Lyman (p. 238) : excepting the lots of Benning Wentworth, Daniel Warner. Joseph Newmarch and Samuel Willis which remain crown lands. Petition of John Kerr, James McMillan, John Cook and John Trotter (see L. P. 23:134) rejected because deputy commissaries of stores are not entitled to bounty lands under the proclama- tion of October 1763. 241 June 3 Order concerning the lands to be granted to Lt. Col. Aug. Prevoost and his son, Lieut. Aug. Prevoost. Petition of Lieut. Pierce Pensonby Butler (see L. P. 23:145) referred. 244 53^ NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1767 V. 29 lo Petition of Lady Susannah widow of Sir Peter Warren, Wm Bayard and Jellis Mandeville (see L. P. 23:146) referred. 244 July 6 Warrant of survey to issue for Lieut. Pierce Pensonby Butler. Order for hearing on caveat of Isaac Fort vs Joseph Reade jf (see L. P. 23:135). Warrant of survey ' granted to Quarter Master George Butrick (see L. P. 23:148). Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to George Croghan and associates not named (see L. P. 23:159); to Valkert P. Douw, Lambert Moore and others not named (see L. P. 23:162). 245 Aug. 6 Hearing between Thos. Swords and corporation of Kings- ton (p. 240) postponed. New charter to be granted to the borough of Schenectady (see N. Y. col. mss, 94:115). 246 14 Corporation of Kingston to show cause why the above order for a hearing should not be revoked. Proprietors of Min- isink patent called upon for a statement of their claims. 247 19 New date for the hearing between Thos. Swords and cor- poration of Kingston fixed. Hearing on the petitions of Abr'm Lott et al (p. 241), and of Johannes van der Pool et al (p. 231) postponed without day. 247 31 Order on representation of Abel Hardenbrook and others (see N. Y. col, mss, g4:ii2, 117). 248 Sep. 16 Hearing between Thos. Swords and corporation of Kings- ton (p. 247) ; decided in favor of Thomas Swords, Surgeon Josiah Harper 80th regiment, and Wm Spaight master royal navy. 248 Oct. 8 Royal orders disallowing the New York acts for furnishing the barracks with firewood and for establishing the county of Cumberland; to be published by proclamation. 249 Nov. 16 Petition of Lieut. John Hallum R. N. (see L. P. 24:34) re- ferred. 250 19 Hearing on the petition of Robert Leake (p. 221) ; adjourned. Hearing on caveat of Isaac Fort (p. 245). 251 2S Petition of Ebenezer Jessup, Wm Johnson, David Hunter, Dederick Miller, Jonathan Jones, James Dole, Timothy Knap, Cornelius van Santvoort, Edward Jessup, Rutger ■ Bleecker, Jobs. Beekman, Jacob Hatt, Joseph Jessup jr, Jonas Meyer and James Murray (see L. P. 24:17) granted. 251 1768 Jan. 27 Petitions for land: of Quartermaster Thos. Fricket for 2000 acres between Crownpoint and Ticonderoga; of Lieut. Edw'd Tudor (see L. P. 23:135); of Surgeon Donald Mc- Lean 77th regiment. Surgeon's Mate Malachi Treat and Lieut. Neal McLean 47th regiment (see L. P. 24:8); of Corporals Neal McKinnon 77th, Arch'd Mclntire 40th and CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 533 1768 V. 29 Private Dugal McDugal 40th regiment (see L. P. 22:2,^); of Charles Friedenberg, Gottlieb Friedenberg, Wm Bis- chausen, Ernest Friedenberg, Hans Friedenberg, Samuel Williams, THos. French, Henry Pace, Henry Seton, Wm Price, Charles Hand. John Meyer, John Inlos, James Pace, Christ'r Pauly, Wm Samuel, Daniel Vels, Miguel Vels, Thos. Dibden and John Jones (see L. P. 24:15); of David Matthews and Jacob Shafer for 2000 acres south of Ticon- deroga; of Simon and George Metcalfe (see L. P. 23:147); of Lieut. John Garden (see L. P. 24:71); of Michael Sals- bergh (see L. P. 23:107); of Capt. Harry Gordon (see L. P. 24:14) granted. 252 Feb. 10 Lieut. John de Berniere 44th regiment, John Taylor and associates, Lieut. P. P. Butler, Lieut. Abernethy Cargil, Simon Remsen and three others, John Muller and Nicholas Killman, Simon Metcalf attorney (see L. P. 24:29, 78; 23:105, 109, 145) to support their petitions for land in the Minisink patent; Johannes Tnimper et al, John Monk (see L. P 24:45), Henry Freligh jr, Petrus Schart (see L. P. 24:46), Capt. Thos. Farrel to support their petitions for land along the Albany and Ulster county line. The king vs Ennis Graham. Warrant of survey granted to George Croghan (see L. P. 24:7;^). 254 17 Time for hearing on the above and on a petition of Robert Leake (p. 251) extended. Orders on petitions: of Kennedy Farrel and Christ'r Horsefall (see L. P. 20:175-76); of Roger Smyth (see L. P. 22:161). Hearing on the caveat of Isaac Fort (p. 251) further postponed. 255 24 Order on petition of Sergeant Joseph Smeeton 47th regi- ment (see L. P. 24:37). Lands granted to: Corporal David McClay 73d regiment (see L. P. 24:84); Sergeants Daniel Mcintosh, Wm Patterson, Thos. Scott, Drummers James Smith, Wm Thursting, John Roulson, Privates James Winterbottom, Aaron Lyllie, Stephen Gale, John Grant, Giles Pov^^er, Patrick Reed 8oth regiment, Benj. Crumpton, John Barlow, Tobias Tyre and John Johnson 6oth regiment (see L. P. 23:95); Sergeants James Coleman 6oth, Henry Greenshields 46th, Corporal John Black, Drummers James Scott and Thos. Cowans, 55th, Corporal James Barker Royal Americans, Privates Jacob Johnson 60th, Gabriel Woods 46th. James Smith 44th (see L. P. 24:81). James Jackson vs John van Rensselaer in error. Names of ^Nloses Ibbit, Edward Roach, John Mitchum, John Brachan, Gilbert Tice, And'w Hanlon, Achilles Pres- ton, Joseph Irwin, Jonathan Runnion, Wm Philipps, John 534 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 V. 29 Fraser, Wm Fraser, Wm Mclntire and Dan'l Campbell to be added to the patent issued to Michael Byrne, Francis Rupert and Lucas Vedder (p. 165). Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted to: Henry White, James A. Stewart et al (see L. P. 24:27); Guy Johnson, Marcus Prevoost et al (see L. P. 24:25); Gabriel Maturin, Abr'm Benn, et al (see L. P. 24:24) ; Daniel Clans, John Powell et al (see L. P. 24:26); John Leake, Ann Leake et al (see L. P. 24:22). 25s Mar. 2 Lands granted to: Sergeant Samuel Moore, Privates An- thony Williams, Wm Taopar 80th, Abr'm Fairbanks, i Stephen Gaffen 28th, Henry Towell 17th, John Elmor 48xh, Dennis Connell, James Terpley 44th, Philipp McCullogh SSth, Christ'r Syfard 60th regiment (see L.P. 22:/ 1); Private Thos. Frazer 17th regiment, not located. Patents granted to: Peter Hasenclever, David Greem, James Crawford, Arthur Forrest, John Elves et al (see L. P. 24:82); Peter Lewis sr and jr, Moses Ibbit, Samuel Runnion, Peter Miller, Lucas Veder, Peter Friederick, Stephen Hipp, Michael Russell, Peter Fiax, Coenradt Crutzenburger, • Michael Gallenger, Andreas Snyder, Nicholas Shafer, George Hipp, Johannes West, Adam Rupert, Francis Beard, George Keep, George Stam, Lawrence Ceman, Mathias Link, Thos. Morgan, Joseph Mordaunt and John Timms (see L. P. 24:77). ' 259^ 16 Hearing, on petitions ordered Feb. 17 postponed. Petition of Wm Walton jr, Jacob Walton, Thomas Walton, Gerard Walton et al (see (L. P. 24:88) referred. 260- 18 Hearing on the petition of Robert Leake (p. 251) ; ad- journed. 261 21 Hearing continued. Hearing on the caveat of Isaac Fort against Joseph Reade jr, and Wilh. van Antwerp (p. 251). 262 22 Opinion of council in re Fort vs Reade and van Antwerp and in re Leake. 263 24 Hearing in re petitioners (p. 254) for lands in Minisink patent. 264 26 Opinion of council that there is no vacant tract between the Philippse and Rumbout patents as prayed for by Robert Leake. Opinion concerning Poghkeepsingh patent; lands east of the 20 mile line, Minisink. Patent granted to Wm Walton jr (p. 260). 264 29 Opinion of council on the petitions of John Taylor, Judali Harlow, George Stewart, Joseph Allicock, and Robert Harding (see L. P. 24:29), and of Lieut. Pierce Ponsonby Butler (p. 245) granted. Action on the petition of Johan- nes Trumper et al (p. 254) deferred. 266- CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MIXL-TKS 1668-I783 535 1768 V. 29 Ap. 7 Petitions granted: of Sergeant Joseph Smeeton (p. 255); of Sergeant David Reid 42d. Privates Thos. Frazer 17th, Daniel McQuin 17th, Alex'r Reid 42d, Roderick McKenzie 55th regiment (see L. P. 24:44); of Sergeants Robert Allen, Wm Herring, Corporal Wm Trost, Privates Wm Darling, John Wiseman, Olirick Esick, John Dinsley, Robert Alid- dleton, Tobias Ponder 6oth, Peter Reid' 28th, 'John Do- mini 48th regiment (see L. P. 24:89); of Wm Butler in behalf of Sergeant Archibald Brecken 28th, Corporal Wm Arison Ogden's rangers, Privates Thomas Dougel 28th, Jesse Waddle, Wm Trigger, Wm Saunders and Fred'k Smith Royal Americans (see L. P. 24:22). 267 22 Patent for land purchased by Johannes Samuel Pruyn and Derick Bradt van Schoonhoven granted to Thomas and* Cornelius Eckerson (see L. P. 24:111). 269 Alay 2 Order on deposition of ^lartin Gurretsen van Bergen, Wm Kane, Thos. Lynot of Albany county and Peter Short (see A''. ]'. col. DISS, 95:29, S3)- Order on petition of Stephen van Rensselaer (see L. P. 24:122). Order for laying out the lands granted to Sergeant Samuel Moore et al (p. 259; see L. P. 24:113). Petitions for land granted: of Corporals Solomon Davenport. John ]\Iorgan 6oth, Terence Kill- patrick 28th, John Hubbert, Andrew Bowen, Edward Holt 8oth, Privates Richard Baker 28th, Wm Haddock 47th, and John Parker 17th regiment (see L. P. 22:176); of Drummer John Tilsey 77th, and Private Michael Law 60th regiment (see L. P. 23:115); of .Sergeant Fred'k John for 200 acres north of Kingsbury; of Corporals Thos. Ford, John Kill- ing, Edw'd Oates, Henry Browall, Wm Totton, Peter Hughs, Jeremiah Dogherty, Drummer Hugh Baines, Privates George Robinson, James Russet, Joseph Richard- son, Thos. Carr, John Prusk, John Aggaton, Thos. ]\Iitting, Wm Penny, John Howard, James Bears, John Hooper 6oth, Robert Brodie, Thomas Frazier, Joseph Barnes 55th, Hamilton Elliot 44th regiment (see L. P. 24:41); of Private James Osburn 60th (see L. P. 24:53); of Wm Watcock, Wm Ruston, Thos. Mount, Wm Risdell 60th, Jasper ]^Iartin 8oth. Nicholas Woobrick, Robert Gil- more 44th regiment (see L. P. 24:64): of Privates Edward Quin, Hugh Speers, Thos. Webster. Phil. Anterbush 60th, Richard Evans, John Shine 8oth, Thomas Grindle 46th regiment (see /-. P. 24:65): of Sergeant John Mountfort, Corporal John [Murray 6oth, Drummer Peter Buzzard 8oth regiment (see L. P. 24:66); of Sergeant. Wm Christie 80th (see L. P. 24:67); of Sergeant Wm Douglass, Corporals 536 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 V. 29 John McGinnis and John Harrison 60th, Corporals John Newland 55th, James Richardson 46th, (see L. P. 24:96); of Corporals Thos. Cearnes, Joseph Aunets 55th, John Bunteel, Gabriel Smith 28th, Thos. Reilly 6oth regiment (see L. P. 24:97); of Sergeants John McKinsey, James Bellany, Drummers John Bui-k, John Anderson, Valentine Metcalf 5Sith regiment (see L. P. 24:98); of Sergeant James Rossbottom, Corporals John Johnson, Wm Bourke, Drummers John Luson and Moses Patterson 55th regi- ment (see L. P. 24:102); of Sergeant Wm Price, Corporal James Woodworth and Drummer Isaac Taylor 6otli, Ser- geant Edward Downe, Corporal Hvigh Gurnal 28th regi- ment (see L. P. 24:100); of Sergeant Edw'd Leader, Cor- poral Thomas Hasborn, Privates Hugh Scott, John Mc- Caber, John Tool 46th regiment, Wm Barron, Wm Man- son, Phil. White 44th, James Dougherty, Wm Meachen i7tli, John Bridgeman 6oth, John Hodge Both, John Miller 55th, John Buckley 28th, Wm Mitchel 45th, Solomon Bickerton 47th (see L. P. 24:99); of Edward Jessup and Ebenezer Jessup (see L. P. 23:88); of Samuel Deal (see L. P. 24:83); of John Morin Scott, Henry Andrew Franckin, Martin Garretse van Bergen et al (see L. P. 24:86, 90); of Peter Dejo sr and jr (see L. P. 24:113); of Privates Thos. Moore, Abr'm Gallaugher, Donald Millson, Isaac Cotteril, Richard Shaw, Thos. Thallay, Wm Bennet, Matthew Holland, Robert Gray, Alex'r Simpson, James Jack, John Downie, James Snowden, Wm Carrol 55th regiment (see L. P. 24:103); of Corporal Phil. Lambert 46th regiment for land on the Katskill. 270 18 Petition of minister of St Peter's church at Albany (see N. Y. col. mss, 95:42) referred. 276 July 13 Report on the preceding petition; charter of incorporation granted. Petitions granted: Theophylact Bache, James Barclay, Wm Lucas, John Roome, John Hardenbrook, John Singleton, John Lambert, John Wm Vredenbergh, Peter Goelet, David Morld, Wm McDermot, Wm Ken- nedy, Rich'd Lewis, James Seagrove, Wm Cockburne, John Vernor, Dennis McCready, and Alex'r McCuUough (see L. P. 24:119); of Wm Kelly in behalf of Sir George Yonge, David Banks, Joseph Ball, John Dobbs, Stephen Johnson, Samuel Huntington, James Bankes, Jeremiah Breuen, Jonas Peirson, Solomon Davis, James Johnson, Daniel Buen, Theophilus Langworth, John Robinson, James Nutt- man, James Nuttman jr, Nath'l Richards, Isaac Langworth, John Bruen and Daniel Baldwin (see L. P. 24:118); of Wm CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 537 1768 V. 29 Beekman sr and jr. Richard Bancker, Abr'm Beekman, James Beekman, Robert Rvitgers, Mary Beekman, Abr'm de la Noy sr and jr. Francis Child, Wm Ferris, Rudolphus van Dyck, Garret Keteltas, John Sydel, Elias Jones, Francis Marschalck, Andrew ^Nlarschalck, John Vreden- burgh, James Cobham, Hcndrick Suydam, Corn's van der Veer, Jacobus van der Veer, Adrian Voorhis, Johannes Ditmars. Jacob Suydam, Thos. Hammersley, John I. Kip, Peter Goelet, Eleazer ^liller jr, and Benj'n Jones (see L. P. 24:126); of Ennis Graham, John Keily, Thos. Royce and Thos. Griggs (see L. P. 24:128): of Drummer Wm Smith 60th regiment (see L. P. 24:120); of Jeremiah van Rens- selaer, Philipp van Rensselaer, Henry K. van Rensselaer, Jacob Bleecker jr, Rutger' Bleecker et al (see L. P. 24:129). Orders on petitions: of Minne Fisher (see L. P. 24:140); of Abr'm Haasbrouck, Louis Bevier, Abr'm van Keuren, Levi Pawling, Jacob Hoornbeck, Jacobus Bruyne and John Cantyne (see L. P. 24:107). 277 Aug. 3 Petitions granted: of John McNeile, Alex'r Stewart, John Talbert, Alex'r Stewart jr, James Stewart, Daniel Mc- Cormick and John Shaw (see L. P. 24:18); of Samuel Stringer hospital steward (see L. P. 22:122); of Samuel and Isaac Fowler (see L. P. 24:104). 281 29 Petitions granted: of John Harper et al (p. 229; see L. P. 25:12); of Henry White, James A. Stewart, Thomas Stewart, John Besant, Charles Dickinson, John Singleton, Richard Stevens, Oliver Templeton, Samuel Breese, Hugh Wallace, Thomas Pettit, Samuel Bayer, Hugh Gaine, Thos. Lowrie, John Allen, Thos. Newland, Jacob Wilkins, James Deas, Moses Nicholls, John Moore, Thos. Freeman, Rich'd Wenman, Marinus Willet, John Lasher, Rob't McMennomy, John Bowles, Isaac Rykman jr, Crean Brush, Joseph Beck and Jacob van Voorheis (see L. P. 25:13); of Gabriel Maturin, Abr'm Benn, Joseph Ogden, Charles McCafferty, James Martin, Michael Savage, Andrew Hunter, Rob't Ridley, George Jackson, Robert Johnson, Wm Page, Buckridge Webb, John McNeil, Francis Panton, Daniel Philipps, James Spears, Samuel Deal, Joshua Mullock, Samuel Bayard jr, Robert ^IcWilliams, John Seekly, John Lambert, George Ball, ^liles Sherbrooke, John Dumond, John Berea, Dennis Hagerman, Fred'k Jaj-, Nichs. Quackenboss, and Peter Goelet (see L. P. 25:15); of Guy Johnson, Marcus Prevost, Fred'k Prevost, Ann de Visme, Peter de Visme, Samuel de Visme, Phil, de Visme, Coen- radt Rapp, Henry Andrees, Benj. Oldes, David Acker- 538 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1768 V. 29 man, Augustine Prevost jr, John Chambers, Benj'n Jack- son, Josiah Halsted, Jacob Dennis, John Tucker, Joseph Leonard, John West, Stephen West, Samuel Hutchins, Robert Adams, John Adems, James Rogers, Catherine Adems, James Ralph, John Roberts, Thomas Wilson, John Wilson and Samuel Powells (see L. P. 25:10); of Daniel Claus, John Powel, John Stevenson, James Sharpe, John Owens, George Brown, Wm Brown, David Williams, And'w Williams, William Jackson, John Jackson, James Rutherford, John Rutherford, John Sisnay, Wm Sisnay, John Burnay, James Doyle, John Moore, Wm Rogers,, John Williamson, James Livingston, James Glassford, Gamaliel Wallace, Thomas Wallace, George Burns, David Brown, John Robinson, Wm Sills and John Taylor (see L. P. 25:11); of John Leake, Ann Leake sr and jr, Rob't Wm Leake, John George Leake, Robert Leake, Wm Fen- wick, Ann Fenwick. Thos. Strafford, Ann Strafford, ■ •. Richard Galley, Thos. Dougal, John Leake Burrege, Robert Burrege, Ann Burrege, Martha Burrege, Roger Richards, Susannah Richards, Richard Ball, Roger Gifford, Augustine Prevost, George Prevost, Garret Hopper, John Hopper, Catherine Smith, Jonathan Holmes, Wm Holmes, Catherine de Visme, John Zabrisky sr and jr (see L. P. 25:14). 283 Sep. 9 Petitions for licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Philipp Schuyler, Rutger Bleecker, Nanning Vischer and Cortlandt Schuyler (see L. P. 25:9); of John Bradstreet, Thos. Carpenter, Wm Goddard (see L. P. 25:7): of Thos. Woods, Volkert P. Douw, Thos. Ferguson, Jonathan Plummer et al (see L. P. 25:17); of Jellis Fonda et al (see L. P. 25:19); of Thos. Wharton sr, Reese Meredith, Joseph Wharton and Samuel Morris jr (see L. P. 25:18). 288 Nov. 21 Order on petition of Jolian Nicholas Mathias sr and jr, and Volkert P. Douw (see L. P. 24:132). 291 Dec. 5 Names of John Archer. Aaron Jefferys, Gilbert Tice, David Jecocks, Matthew Hind, Alex'r Clarke, Peter Miller, Peter Young, Praise Wadman, Joseph Irwin, Joseph Fitchet, Arent van Sickler, Matthew Sapwith, Lawrence Lawyer, Harman Sidnigh, Thos. Bowden, Chris'r Markel. John Bowers, Christ'r Redigh, Michael Markel, Johannes, Banck jr, Jacob Borst, David Hosack, Abr'm Starnberger, Hendrick Weber, James Wilkinson, Johannes Becker, Peter Zimmer, Gerviss Hawksford, George Peter Zeely. Josias Swart and Peter Snyder to be added to the patent CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 539 1768 V. 29 1769 Jan. 18 to Johannes Lawyer. Jac(jb Zinuner, Moses Ibbit and Jacob Enters (p. 240). 292 23 Royal order granting to Gen. Thos. Gage a patent for Indian lands purchased by him (p. 159; see L. P. 24:162). Petition of Peter Hasenclever, David Greeme, ^^ary Crofts, James Crawford, George Jackson, John Elves, Arthur Forrest. Richard Willis, Thos. Danipier, John Dewal. Wm Robert- son. Wm Berr}', Neal Ward, Alary Lucy Sleech, Hutchin- son Mure. Catherine Hasenclever, Alary Elizabeth Hasen- clever and Charles Crofts (see L. P. 25:44) granted. 293 Names of Gabriel Sprong and Samuel Waldron to be inserted in the patent to Elkanah Deane et al (p. 179) instead of John and Samuel Deane, minors (see L. P. 25:6). 295 20 Petitions of Wm Kelly in behalf of Sir George Yonge and 19 others not named (see L. P. 25:38), and of John Mouatt secretary to Admiral Durell (see L. P. 24:74.) granted. Alinutes sent to the board of trade. 295 31 Lands granted: to Lord Henry Holland by royal mandamus (see L. P. 25:64); to Francis Le.gge (see L. P. 25:104); to John Small (see L. P. 25:103). 297 Feb. 22 Draft of charter for St Peters church Albany read and ap- proved. James Jackson ex dem Thos. Williams et al vs John van Rensselaer. Warrant of survey granted to John Glen jr, Simon Schermerhorn. Phil, van Petten, Henry Glen. Abr'ni C. Cuyler and Cornelius Glen (see L.P. 25:63). 298 Mar. I Petitions granted: of Corporal James Glassford 27th regi- ment (see L. P. 25:50): of Drummer John AlcCarty 80th regiment (see L. P. 25:27): of Sergeants Godlieb Sweitzer and Aeneas Alackay Royal Americans (see L. P. 24:155). Order on petition of Corporal Simon Bennis ist regiment against which a caveat has been entered bj- Thos. Smith for John Naugel et al (see L. P. 24:20). Township of Beekman erected (see L. P. 24:70). Petitions granted: of Oliver de Lancey and John Alorin Scott (see L. P. 24:59); of John Bard, Henry Wisner jr, and John Morin Scott (see L. P. 24:62); of Evert Bancker, Adrian Renaudet and Benj. Kissam (see L. P. 24:66); of John Aliller and Nicholas Kilman (see L. P. 24:148). W^arrants of survey- granted to Capt. Wm Edmeston and Lieut. Robert Edmes- ton (see L. P. 25:53): to Alajor John Wrightson (see L. P. 22:96, 113). 299 8 Petition of James Livingston. Clear Evert Beaudevine La- count and other inhabitants of Poughkeepsie (see L. P. 25:58) referred. 303 540 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 V. 29 15 James Jackson vs John Rensselaer. Petitions granted: of Surgeon General Peter Middleton (see L. P. 25:76); of Ser- geant Augustine Stine 6oth regiment and Corporal James Richardson (see L. P. 25:1); of John Watts (see L. P. 25:67); of George Croghan, Volckert P. Douw and Lam- bert Moore (see L. P. 25:73); of John Morin Scott, Martin Garretse van Bergen and associates (see L. P. 25:83); of Francis Child, Crean Brush, John Bowles, Alex'r Mac- Cullagh, John Thompson and John Lewis (see L. P. 35:75); of Achilles Preston, Francis Beard, George Rowe, Peter Grove, Samuel Runnion, Peter Frazer, John Frazer, Peter Weaver, Ury Kreitz, Michael Gallinger, James Davis, Mathias Link, John Mclntire, Arent van Sicler, Wm Philipps, Lucas Veeder, Peter Miller, Wm Farlington, Mark Reeve, Moses Ibbit, George Kass, Johs. Wert, An- dreas Snyder, John Koughnot, Peter Servis sr and jr, Valentine Dorn, James Rogers, John Brachan, Daniel Campbell, Jelles Funda, Michael Byrn, Douw Funda, Adam Funda, John Funda, Stephen Schuyler, Christ'r Yeates, Francis Phister, Benj. Roberts, Wm Smith, Thos Barton, George Shape and Norman McLeod (see L. P. 'ZS'-Zy, 72). 304 22 Petitions granted: of John Butler and 39 others not named (see L. P. 25:88) ; of John Wetherhead, John Tabor Kempe, Elizabeth Kempe, Philadelphia Kempe, Catherine Kempe, Jane Kempe, James Downes, Robert Watts, Catharine Morris, Wm Proctor, Cardan Proctor, John van Allen, John R. Bleecker, Allen McDougal, Henry Remsen, Thos. Fisher, Anthony Rutgers, Harmanus Rutgers, Joseph Alli- cocke, John Lamb, Grove Bend, John Lambert, Charles Nicoll, Jonathan Lawrence, Thos. Jones, Alex'r Rob- ertson, Paul Miller, Nicholas Bogert, Jacobus van Ant- werp, Wm Campbell, Wm Benson, Alex'r McDougal, Phil. John Livingston, Samuel Bayard, Robert Harper, Joseph Haviland, Patrick McDavit, Robert Adams and James Phyn (see L. P. 25:91); of Stephen Skinner and 39 others not named (see L. P. 25 :89) ; of Alex'r McKee and 39 others not named (see L. P. 25:92); of John Bowen, Bartholomew Pickle, Jacob Snook, John Davis, Hugh Craw- ford, Jelles Fonda, Michael Byrn, Robert Adams and Gil- bert Tice (see L. P. 25:94); of Staats Long Morris, Wm Wickham, Lewis iMorris, Benj. Kissam, Vincent Pearce, Ashfield, Anthony Rtitgers, Thos Walton, Gerard Walton, Samuel Schuyler, Ricli'd Morris, Rud. Ritzema, Lewis Gra- ham, John McKesson, Joseph Sutherland, Nath'l Reid, Charles Hughes, Samuel Kissam, Gabriel H. Lvidlow, CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 54I 1769 V. 29 Jonathan Landan, Gilbert Burger, John Anderson, George Brewerton jr, Thos. Ludlow jr, Augustine Graham, Egbert Benson, Anth'y Glean, Stephen Steel, Jacob Parcel!, John Kilman and Jasper j\Iarinot (see L. P. 25:74, 85); of Thomas Webb, Charles Arding, Wm Lupton, James Jarvis, George Robinson, Wm Forman, Rich'd Sause, Charles White, Paul Heck and Henry Newton (see L. P. 25:86). Land granted to Clotworthy Upton in obedience to a royal order (see L. P. 25:39). Warrant of survey granted to Sampson Fleming in obedience to a royal mandamus (see L. P. 20:129). Order on petition of the clergy of the church of England in the province asking for a charter of incor- poration to enable them to raise funds for the support of clergymen's widows and orphans. Petition of Robert Leake (see L. P. 25:79) received. 308 29 Petitions granted: of Wm Trent, Charles Reade, Thos. Whar- ton sr and 97 others not named (see L. P. 25:97); of Isaac Low and associates (see L. P. 25:82); of Thos. Moore and John Osburne for land in Orange county; of John Rapalje and 29 others not named (see L. P. 25:84) : of Wm Walton, Thos. Walton, Gerard Walton, John Harris Cruger, Tele- man Cruder and Nicholas Cruger (see L. P. 25:96). 313 Ap. 5 Warrants of survey granted: to Peter Lansingh and asso- ciates for land near Fort Stanwix; to Alex'r Wallace, Hans Wallace sr and jr, John Shaw and John Kennedy (see L. P. 25:99). 315 ig Petitions granted: Wm Bayard, Robert Bayard, Joshua ]\Iul- lock, Thos. Shipboy, Peter Sjdvester, Henry van Schaack, Robert Adams, Richard Cartwright, James Phyn, Wm Kane, Allan McDougal, George Lindsey, Wm Nixon, Ken- nedy Farrell, Robert Leake, John George Leake, iDaniel Steel, Robert Wm Leake, Ann Leake jr. Tiros. Lotteridge, Thos. O'Brien, Gerard Chessnut, Henry Thomas, Jacob Broeuver, John van Dalsem, Ruloph Sickels, Wm Benson, James A. Stewart, Alex'r Stewart jr, Robert Henry, Robert ]\IcLallan, John Vernon, Wm Proctor, Cardan Proctor, Adrian Renaudet, John Edwards, Richard Nassau Stevens. Thos. Edwards, John Constable, Alex'r Ellice, John Duncan, Dunlap Adams, Wm Adams, James Adams, • David Edgar, Wm Edgar, James Rankin, Jane Lyie, John van Allen, Barent van Allen, Abr'm Schenck, Henry Rem- sen sr and jr, John Tayor and Joseph Griswold (see L. P. 25:111); of Lieut. Richard Robert Crowe (see L. P. 25:114). 316 26 Petitions granted: of Jacob Hendrick ten Eyck, Alex'r Colden, John R. Bleecker and Goldsbrow Ban3'ar (see 542 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 V. 29 L. P. 25:117); of Adam Vrooman (see L. P. 25:112); of Sergeant Thos. Mason and Private Peter Crean of the Iniskilling regiment (see L. P. 25:119); of James Living- ston, Clear Everit, Beaudevine Lacount, Evert Pels, Barent Kip, Abr'm Palmatier, Jacobus van Kleeck, Leonard van Kleeck, Hendrick Hendrickse, Wm Fornian, Johs. Steen- berg, John Seabury, Hugh van Kleeck, Christoffel Ostran- der, Barent Lewis, Daumond Palmatier, Robert Kidney, Michael Pells, Jacobus Palmatier, Henry Pells, Gale Yel- verton, Daniel Roberts, Peter Palmatier, Abr'm Freer, Alex'r Griggs, Isaac Fitchet, Michael Palmatier, Myndert van den Bogert, Peter van den Bogert, Johs. Swartwout, Cornelius Viele, Hendrick Blercom, Jacobus van den Bogert, Myndert van den Bogert, John Beardsley and Myndert van Kleeck (p 305). 318 May 3 James Jackson ex dem Thos. Williams vs John van Rens- ' selaer. Z^^i 24 Warrant of survey granted to Charles de Freudenbergh (see L. P. 25:127). Petition of Wm Sherriff, Margaret Sherriff and Peter du Bois and other heirs of Blandina Bayard (see L. P. 25:124) to be considered with the petition of Capt. Samuel Bayard, Sir James Jay and Henry Flower Ayhen the New York and New Jersey line is settled. 323 June 14 Lands granted to Gen. Thos. Gage erected into the town- ship of Firle (see L. P. 25:131). Petitions of Private David Reid 21st regiment (see L. P. 25:60) and of Rev. Thos. Brown, deputy chaplain 6oth regiment (see L. P. 18:122) granted. 324 21 Petitions of Lt. Col. Dudley Ackland (see I. P. 25:132), and of Phil. Livingston, Henry Holland, Garret Abr'm Lan- singh and Joseph Lansingh (see L. P. 25:133) granted. 3'25 Aug. 22 Warrants of survey granted: to Corporals Joseph Mountfort 46th regiment and Thos. Donally 2Bth regiment (see L. P. 25:116); to Lieut. Adolphus Benzel 50th regiment (see L. P. 25:45) ; to Lieut. xA.ndrew Phil. Skene 72d (see L. P. 25:115) ; to Sergeants John Jones 44th, John Bruce 55th and Private Wolf Camp 6oth regiment (see L. P. 25:125); to Ensign James Savage 76th (see L. P. 25:1,38); to Sergeant James McCrindle 6oth for land on the south side of the Mohawk river; to Lieut. Wm. Houghton of the artillery (see L. P. 26:2); to Thos. Ford et al (p. 271). Order on petition of Private James Osburn 6oth regiment (see L. P. 25:135). Petitions granted: of Matthew Dies and Roger Smith (see L. P. 25:142); of Wm Ogilvie, Caleb Hyatt, Richard Wen- man, Monson Ward, Jacob Wilkins, Wm Lowry and Wm CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 543 1769 V. 29 Kennedy (see L. P. 25:140); of John Rightmyre (see L. P. 25:144); of Isaac Levy and 12 others not named (see L. P. 25:146); of Dr John Bard, James Bennett, Monson Ward, Patrick Smith, Alex'r Havie, Isaac Ryckman jr, and Daniel Crowther (see L. P. 25:147); of John Wattson sr and jr (see L. P. 25:45) ; of John Andrews (see L. P. 25:83) ; of Henry Glen, Alex'r Campbell, John Visger jr, Phil. Garlock, Harmanus H. Wendle and Alex'r Ellice (see L. P. 26:1); of Leonard Lispenard sr and jr, Anthony Lispenard, David Johnston, Stephen de Lancey, John Fitzpatrick, Jordan Cock, Peter Stuyvesink, Teunis Somerindyck, Mar- tin Shier, George Stanton, Henry Stanton, Rose Graham and Mary Graham (see L. P. 25:144). Warrant of survey granted to Daniel Coxe and associates of New Jersey (see L. P. 25:148). 327 Sep. 29 Draft of charter of incorporation for the relief of clergymen's widows and orphans read and approved. Petition of Thomas Jones attorney at law and associates (see L. P. 26:7) referred. 334 Oct. 20 Names of Augustus van Cortlandt, Frederick van Cortlandt, Isaac Low, Augustus van Home, John Jay, Egbert Ben- son, Arent Schuyler, Abr'm Lent, John Waldron, George Crookshanks, Jacob Lent, Hendrick Quackenboss, Joseph Jadwin, Thos. Hyatt, Michael van der Cook sr and jr, John Cotgrave, Peter van Brugh Livingston, Gerardus Bancker, Wni McDermott, Joseph Gfiswold, Thos. Gris- wold, Joseph Hildreth, Phil. Kissick. John Cosine jr, Fran- cis Cowenhoven, Dirck de la Mater, John Crum, Wm Ken- nedy, Thos. Grigg, Wm Gillilen, James Seagrove, John Outhout, Jacob Keen and Stewart Wilson to be inserted in the patent to Aug. van Cortlandt (p. 189: see L. P. 26:14) and the lands granted to be erected into the town- ship of Middlessex. Names of Robert R. Livingston sr and jr, John Will, Henry Will. Phil. Will. Christ'n Will, John Skeffington, Isaac Stoutenbureh. Wm Scott, Peter Montanye, Rich'd Nassau Stevens. Benj'n Jones, James Yeoman, John Vernor, John Collins, John Wilson, George Shaw, John Bowles, Catherine Bowles, John Lewis, An- drew Myer, Isaac Ryckman jr, Henry Brevoort, John ^Ic- Doval, John Keen. Alex'r MacCullagh. James Bennett, Thos. Ryan, Henry Wills, John Stout, Wm de Peyster, Adolph de Grove. Robert Griffith, Henry Beeckman and Thos. Broockman (see L. P. 26:12) to be inserted in the patent to Robert R. Livingston et al (p. 174). Names of Wm Livingston, Wm Smith jr. Whitehead Hicks, John 544 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1769 V. 29 Kelly, Susannah Livingston, Elizabeth Livingston, John Brevoort, Elias Brevoort, Thos. Hicks, John Woods, Gil- bert Hicks, John W. Smith, Samuel Smith, Garret Noel, John Brown, Gerard Bancker, John Robinson, Gilbert ' Ash, Wm Sorrall, John Button Crimshier, Garret Roor- back, John McKenney, Isaac Heron, Elias Nixon, Robert Hyslop, Francis Child, James Moran, Isaac Myer, John Lewis and Samuel Boyer to be inserted in the patent granted to Wm Livingston et al (p. 174). 334 Nov. 7 Petitions of Pierre G. de Peyster and associates (see L. P. 26:111), and of John Reade and associates (see L. P. 126:19) granted. 23^ 17 Lands granted to John Wetherhead and associates (p. 308) to be erected into the township of Blenheim and the names of Stephen, de Lancey, Jacob le Roy, Rich'd Francis and James Lamb to be substituted in the patent for those of Harmanus Rutgers, John van Allen, John R. Bleecker and John Lamb (see L. P. 26:36). 338 29 Township of Harpersfiield granted to John Harper sr and jr, Wm Harper, Joseph Harper, Alex'r Harper, Andries Rebar, Wm Gott, Thos. Henry, John Wells jr, Joseph Har- per jr, John Thompson sr and jr, Robert Thompson, James Moore, Robert Wells, James Harper, Timothy Mc- Ilwain, John Rebar and Jobs. Walrad (p. 229; see L. P. 26:41). 339 Dec. 12 Petition of minister of the society's mission at Newburgli for a charter of incorporation (see A^. Y. col. mss, 96:27) granted. Petition of John Butler et al (see L. P. 26:42) referred. Names of Stephen Skinner, Matthew Gushing, Patrick McDavit, Smith Ramage, Isaac Heron, Rich'd Graham, Thos. Stewart, John Stewart, Charles Ramage, John Turner, Eleazer Miller jr, Francis Lewis jr, James Seagrove, Alex'r McAUester, John Dunlap, George Traile, Wm Campbell, James Bennet, John Morton, James Duns- comb, Alex'r Forbes, John Shaw, James Sacket, Samuel Stevens, Rich'd Nassau Stephens, Edmond Carrol, Wm Barker, Thos. Lupton, John Lamb, Fred'k Carrol, Edw'd Smith, John Marshall, Francis Koffler, John Lambert, George Brewerton jr, Robert McMennomy, Marinus Wil- let, Thos. Ryan, Alex'r McGinnis and Joseph Beck to be inserted in the patent • granted to Stephen Skinner et al (p. 308). 339 20 Letter from Lord Hilsborough; the lands agreed to be sold by the Indians before the treaty of Fort Stanwix not to be considered as part of the land ceded to the crown by that treaty. Patent granted to John Butler et al (p. 339). 341 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 545 1770 V. 29 Jan. 5 Names of Alex'r McKee, Daniel Dunscomb, And'w Cun- ningham, Francis Koffler, Rich'd Nassau Stephens, James Nixon, James Dabell, James Howard, John Eccles, John Sands, Robert Harpur, jMatthew Gushing, James Sacket, John Shaw, Alex'r Forbes, James Dunscomb, John ]\Iorton, Wm Campbell, James Bennet, John Kelly, Thos. Lupton, Wm McDermott, Chas. Ramage, Smith Ramage, Wm Manoe, Joseph Beck, James Stevens, Edw'd Smith, Crean Brush, John Bowles, Joseph Blanchard, John Ship- bo}^ James Cobham, John Vredenburgh, Edw'd Carrol, Wm Barker, Fred'k Carrol, John Dunlap, John Lamb and Roger Richards to be inserted in the patent granted to Alex'r McKee et al (p. 308). 342 25 Names of Charles Reade, Thos. Wharton sr and jr, Joseph Galloway, Reese Meredith, Isaac Wharton, Samuel Pres- ton Moore, Charles Moore, Thos. Moore. Henry Hill, Samuel Burge, George Roberts, Thos. Fisher, Samuel Fisher, Sam'l Morris jr, Phil. Kinsey, Samuel Sansum jr, Joshua Howell, John Drinker, Henry Drinker, Joseph Coleman, Peter Reeve, Charles Wharton, Carpenter Wharton, Thos. Carpenter, Stephen Collins, Isaac Parish, Josiah Franklin Davenport, Cadwallader Evans, Jonathan Odell, Wm Lovett Smith, Wm Dilwyn, Rich'd Smith, Samuel Allinson, John Hopkins, Richard Wells, Daniel Smith, Robert Smith sr and jr, James Kinsey, George Price, James Sterling, Daniel Ellis, John Neal, Thompson Neal, Joseph Smith, Abigail Smith, Ann Decow, James Veree, John Smith, Samuel Smith, Peter Worrell, Charles Pettit, Thos. Pryor jr, Thos. Rodman, John Shaw, Isaac Hewlings, Wm Hewlings, Thos. Palgreen, John Lawrence, Edw'd Cathrall, Samuel How, Thos. Powell, Thos. S5:at- tergood, Dan'l Bacon jr, David Clayton, John Carty, James Craft and Thos. Parke to be inserted in the patent granted to Wm Trent et al (p. 313); Trent being in England. 343 31 Memorial of Thos. Webb (see L. P. 26:50) granted. Lands granted: to Capt. James Grant Soth and Lieut. Allan Grant 6oth regiment (see L. P. 26:67) ; to Corporal John Wifreld Soth, and Private John Clifford 6oth regiment (see L. P. 26:77). Lands surveyed for Daniel Coxe et al (p. 327) to be erected into the townships of Carolana and Coxebor- ough (see L. P. 26:86). Petitions granted: Col. Nathan Whiting (see L. P. 26:84); of Lawrence Kortright, Peter van Schaack, John Woods. Hubert van Wagenen of the township of Bessborough (see L. P. 26:20) ; of John Woods et al (see L. P. 26:^2,): of Wm Swan, Harman Rutgers et 546 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 V. 29 al (see L. P. 26:32); of John Morin Scott, Thos. Smith et al of the township of Kingsborough (see L. P. 26:34, 38) ; of James Abeel of the township of Halton (see L. P. 26:27); of Jacobus van Zandt of the township of New Brook (see L. P. 26:30); of Wm Shirreff and Sam.'l Bayard (see L. P. 26:31); of Phil. John Livingston et al (see L. P. 26:37) ; of John Jay, Jacob Townsend et al for land between the towns of New Stamford, Woodford, Draper and Cum- berland; of Sergeant Thos. Oliver 46th, Corporal Edward Lawrence, Drummers John Rockenfoos and John Wid- sell 60th. Corporal James Barron 80th, Privates Jeremiah Thomson, Fred'k Dawson, John Fergee, Peter Michael, Henry Hassels, Conradt Meissenger, Joseph Anthony, Thos. Price, Miles Cunningham, Andrew Kainnard 60th, Ludwig Simon, John McNeal, Charles Dougherty, Wm Dutton, Philipp Waller, Thos. Tumblin 44th, Samuel Cun- ningham, John Smedley, Walter Bond, Daniel Campbell, Henry Furniss, John Fosson 46th, Evan Grant 48th, Mur- dock Kennedy 42d, Richard Gamblin 35th, Robert Broadie 55th, Robert Mathews, John Oswell, John Garrow inde- pendents, James Swift, John Mason, Thos. Kempeton, John Fielding, Peter Cummings, Samuel Knight, Robert Gill, Abr'm Rooker, Phil. Lafell, Joseph Stringer 28th, Wm Meeks, John Ran, John Daweze, John Evans, John Doe, Phil. Harry, John Donolly, Wm Bowen and Phil. Peni- cuf¥ 80th regiment (see L. P. 26:35); of John Tabor Kempe and Goldsbrow Banyar (see L. P. 26:3, 8). 344 Feb. 7 Township of Kortright granted to Lawrence Kortright, John Harper et al (see L. P. 26:68); township of Franklin to Thos. Wharton, Reese Meredith, John Harper et al < (see L. P. 26:89); township of Kingsland to the governors of Kings college (see L. P. 26:95); township of Charlotte to Nath'l Margton, Gabriel Ludlow, Charles Williams, Robert Crommelin, Edward Man, David Clarkson, Andrew Barclay, Elias des Brosses, Nich's Wm Stuyvesant, Theo- philact Bache, Adrian Renaudet, Alex'r Golden, Thos. Hill, Edward Laiglit, Anthony van Dam, Robert R. Livingston, John Charlton, Humphrey Jones, Matthew Clarkson, Benj'n Kissam, Rich'd Nicholls, John Livingston, James Duane, Lambert Moore, and Lewis Pintard (see L. P. 26:94). . 352 14 Township of Whiteborough granted to Henry White et al (see L. P. 26:102). Petitions granted: of Walter Franklin et al (see L. P. 26:54) ; of Richard Loudon, John Yates jr, John Thompson, Wm Steuart, James Downes, Wm Ken- CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 ' 547 1770 V. 29 nedy, Walter Thomas, Henry Thomas, Richard Kip, Richard Wenman, Thos. Ryan, Richard Nassau Stephens and Thomas Lupton (see L. P. 26:49). Township of Bel- videre granted to George Croghan. Petitions granted: of the governors of Kings college for additional powers (see A'. ]'. col. mss, 96:53); of Robert Leake, inspector general of provisions, Lieuts. James Clarke, John de Berniere and Charles Babbington (see L. P. 26:85); of Lieut. Hezekiah Somner, rangers (see L. P. 26:90); of Lieut. Wm Snow Steel 55th regiment (see L. P. 26:100); of Lieut. Abernethy Cargill, rangers. Corporals John Creag, Henry Freaker, Benjamin Robeson, Drummers John Russell and Thos. Lang 55th regiment (^ee L. P. 26:105); of Corporal Donald McKay 42d regiment (see L. P. 26:103); oi Hugh Wallace, Alex'r Wallace and John Kennedy of Sadachqueda patent (see L. P. 26:93). 355 28 Charter granted to the corporation of the chamber of com- merce in the city of New York, John Cruger president. Petitions granted: of John Leake et al of the township of Bedlington (see L. P. 26:114); of Wm Walton, John Harper et al of the township of Walton (see L. P. 26:112); of James Jauncey et al of the township of Jaunceyborough between Ryegate, Topsham and Peachum; of Thos. Law- rence, Francis Dominick, Alex'r Stewart jr et al of the township of Chatham (see L. P. 26:111); of Alex'r McKee, Wm Thompson, John Little, Hugh Crawford, Thos. Small- man and Henry Montour (see L. P. 26:116). Order for hearing between Dan'l Coxe et al, and the owners of Oris- kene patent. 361 Mar. 7 Lands granted: to Sergeant David Smith, Corporal Alex'r Ogilvie, Sergeant Hugh Henry, Gunner Joseph Randill, Private John Cawley et al (see L. P. 26:65); to Sergeant Thos. Porter (see L. P. 27:149); to Sergeant Neal Mc- Donald et al (see L. P. 26:110); to Corporal John Laulb, Private George Sutherland 78th, Sergeant Wm Baker 28th and Private John Havill 44th regiment (see L. P. 26:81); to Private Ross McKabe et al (see L. P. 27:46); to Hans Springsteel et al (see L. P. 26:128); to Gilbert Wilson et al (see L. P. 26:115); to Henry Halstead et al (see L. P. 26:113); to Dietrich Echardse et al (see L. P. 26:104); to Edw'd Wm Kiers et al, north east of Argyle. Township of Kelso granted to Wm Cockburn and Arch'd Campbell (see L. P. 26:76). Order on petition of Leonard Lispenard, Samuel Verplanck, Linus King, Wm Walton, John Harris Cruger, James Jauncej^ et al for a charter to the Marine 54^ NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1770 V. 29 society (see A^. Y. col. mss, 96:55). Draft of charter for the chamber of commerce read and approved. Order on me- morial of Wm Butler attorney for Arch'd Brachen et al (see L. P. 26:69). 365 9 Lands granted to John Watts as per royal mandamus (see L. P. 26:117). Charter of incorporation for a public hos- pital granted to Drs Peter Middleton, John Jones and Samuel Bard. 370 14 Hearing between Daniel Coxe and Oriskene patentees (p. 361). Draft of letters patent to the governors of Kings college (p. 355) read and approved. 371 21 Names of Cornelius Cuyler, Abr'm Cuyler, Henry Cuyier, Catherine Cuyler, Andrew Myer, Adam Borger and James Stevenson to be inserted in the patent to Lt. Col. John Vaughan (see L. P. 26:152). Petition of Sir Wm Johnson et al for land (see L. P. 26:127) granted. Charter of in- corporation granted for the episcopal church at Peekskill to Beverley Robinson, Charles Moore, Jeremiah Drake, Caleb Ward, John Johnson, Joshua Nelson, Thomas Davenport and Henry Purdy. Land in the Minissink angle granted to Jonathan Smith, George Smith, heir-at- law of Joshua Smith, Isaiah Veal, Nath'l Owen, Henry Smith and Wait Carpenter (see L. P. 26:155). Hearing on the memorial of Wm Butler (p. 365). 37*3 28 Charter granted to the Marine society (p. 365). Township of Moore granted to Wm Smith et al (see L. P. 27:3). Final order on the memorial of Wm Butler (p. 372). 375 Ap. II Lands granted: to Wm Wood clerk of ordnance, David Buf- fington and Robert Morrison conductors Royal artillery (see L. P. 26:101; 27:13); to Lieut. Trevor Newland on the south side of the Mohawk and west side of the Schoharie river; to Lieut. Thos. Moncriefe and Ensign James Steven- son soth regiment (see L. P. 22:51); to John Whitehead et al (see L. P. 27:18); to Wm Annin, John Campbell, Grear Brown, Jacob Starnbergh, Richard Cartwright and James Wilson (see L. P. 27:2); to Charles McEvers, Theophilact Bache, Hamilton Young et al (see L. P. 27:12). Draft of charter for the Marine society read and approved. Order upon letter from Abr'm Lott (see L. P. 27:10). 377 18 Order on petition of Teunis van Veghten (see L. P. 25:4). Petition of Teunis van Veghten (see L. P. 25:5) granted. 380 20 Royal order vetoing the New York act for emitting £120,000 in bills of credit. 382 May 2 Charters of incorporation granted: to St George's church, Newburgh (see A^". Y. col. mss, 96:70); to St Andrew's CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 549 1770 V. 29 church, Wallkill precinct (see L. P. 27:26); to St David's church, Cornwall precinct (see A''. Y. col. niss, 96:71). Peti- tion of John ]\Iorin Scott and Thos. Smith (see L. P. 27:35) granted. 383 9 Order concerning the grant to Jonatlian Smith et al (p. 372; see L. P. 27:36). Petitions of Lieut. Trevor Newland (see L. P. 27:41), and of Sergeants Daniel Crean, Francis Elliot, Corporals Wm Whitefield, James Realy and Drummer Felix Daugherty (see L. P. 27:25) granted. Time for hear- ing on the petition of Teunis van Veghten (p. 380) fixed. 384 16 Petitions granted: of Archilles Preston et al for 37,000 acres adjoining Vrooman's and Leonard Gansevoort's patent and Northampton patent; of John Butler (see L. P. 26:5, 9); of Lieut. Wm Houghton Fv.oyal artillery (see L. P. 27:40); of Sergeant John Stinson, Corporal Paul Sarson, Privates Nich's Deverick and George Underwood 8oth, Corporal Price Roach 77th, Corporal Thos. Hasborne, Private James McGowen 46th, and Private Thos. Lowrey 35th regi- ment (see L. P. 27:43). Hearing on caveat by John An- drews against granting a patent to Thos. Moore and John Osbon (see L. P. 27:66, 78). Petition of Stephen de Lan- cey, John de Lancey, Daniel Harris, James Babcock, Samuel Gardner, Wm Haight, James Meade and Daniel Harris jr (see L. P. 27:27) granted. 385 30 Petitions granted: of Lieut. Alex'r Colhoun independents (see L. P. 27:54); of John Goodridge in behalf of Lieut. Samuel Stevens, Ensign Wm Haldane, Sergeant Peter Muerenbelt, Corporal Benj. Dickson 60th, Corporal James Stevenson ist. Corporal George Rogers 27ih, Privates Hugh McBride 45th and Robert Bresier 60th regiment (see L. P. 27:50). Township of Leyden granted to Peter Ketel- tas et al (see L. P. 27:34). Draft of patent to Daniel Coxe, Wm Coxe, Rebecca Coxe, John Tabor Kempe and his wife Grace Kempe for Carolana and Coxeborough read and ap- proved. Caveat of John Andrews (p. 385) dismissed (see L. P. 27:52). Order on petition of Col. John Bradstreet (see L. F. 27:53). 389 June 6 Petitions granted: of Hugh Wallace, Magill Wallace and Alex'r Wallace (see L. P. 27:55); of Gerard W. Beekman, Wm Beekman, Abr'm Beekman et al of the township of Mecklenburgh (see L. P. 27:42); of John Woods, Charles Nicoll, Evert Bancker, James Sacket, Isaac Heron et al (see L: P. 26:121); of John Glen jr, Simon Schermerhorn, Phil, van Petten, Henry Glen, Abr'm C. Cuyler and Cor- nelius Glen (see L. P. 27:64). Township of Goldsborough 550 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY July 25 Brookland Kings CO. 1770 V. 29 granted to Lieut. Edward Tudor 85th, Ass't , Engineer Barnard Ratzer and Quartermaster John Clarke 60th regi- ment (see L. P. 27:58). Land granted to Lieut. Duncan Campbell 42d regiment (see L. P. 27:57). Order for hear- ing on the petitions of John Glen and Henry Glen (see L. P. 26:48), and of Simon and John Remsen (see L. P. 27:47). Hearing on the petition of Col. John Bradstreet (p. . 359) postponed. Lands granted to Sergeant Alex'r Kennedy 78th, Corporal Peter Kelly 46th, Privates James Axtence 60th, Anthony Harper 35th, Hoseah McFalls 28th, Wm Bolton 60th, Isaac Freeborn 46th, James Philipps 44th, and Sergeant Henry Welt 6oth regiment. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 391 Petitions granted: of James Abeel (see L. P. 27:29); of Elias Bland et al (see L. P. 26:145); of Benj. Stout et al of the township of Virgin Hall (see L. P. 27:77); of Wm Far- quhar, James Farquhar, John Amiel jr, Thos. Farmer and James Farmer (see L. P. 27:68); of John Lawrence, Henry Boel and Stephen Tuttle (see L. P. 2j:66) ; of James Downes et al (see L. P. 27:79); of John Woods and Wm Swan (see L. P. 27:74); of Privates Wm Gill 28th, Peter Chapman 6oth and Sergeant Alex'r Kennedy's party (p. 391 ; see L. P. 27:67) ; of Robert Saunders, miner Royal artillery (see L. P. 27:65). Drafts of charters for the churches of St George, St Andrew, and St David (p. 383) read and approved. Royal order vetoing the New York act explaining the duties of loan officers. 395 Aug. 14 Royal order repealing the New York act declaring certain Ft George persons ineligible for the general assembly; to be published by proclamation. Hearing on the petition of Teunis van Veghten (p. 380) ; land prayed for granted. Drafts of char- ters for St Peter's church at Peekskill (p. 372), and for the public hospital (p. 370) read and approved. 401 Sep. 3 Petitions granted: of Archibald Hamilton, Alice Hamilton, Anthony and Elizabeth Farrington, John and Margaret Antill, Richard Nicolls Colden, Jane Golden, John Golden, Elkanah Deane, George Traile, Rich'd Deane, Wm For- man, George Wray, Samuel and John Tudor, Lewis Antill, Lambert Cadwallader, Archibald A-Iercer and Samuel Bur- ling of the township of Kersborough (see L. P. 27:83) ; of Glaus 6oth, Norman McLeod 8oth, and Lieut. Benj. Roberts 46th regiment (see L. P. 27:86). List of names to be in- serted in the patent to Tohn Bowen (see L. P. 25:95) re- ceived and filed. 404 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINCTES 1668-I783 55I 1770 V. 29 29 Hearing on the petitions of Glen and Remsen (p. 391); decided in favor of John and Henry Glen. Order on peti- tion of Private Henry Stilson 8oth regiment (see L. F. 27:84). 406 Oct. 31 Lord Dunmore governor. Petitions granted: of Win Mc- Adam ct al (see L. P. 27:104, 118); of Francis Stephens et al of the township of Truro (see L. P. 27:110): of Thos. Barnett et al of the township of Penryn (see L. P. 27:109); of Samuel Stitt and John Zabrisky (see L. P. 27:113): of Waldron Blaau, Francis Groome, Nich's Roach et al (see L. P. 27:114); of Samuel Jones et al (see L. P. 27:75, 103, 1 1.5): of Jacob Brewerton, Hubert van VVaggenen, Samuel Wells, Thos. Valentine et al of the township of Fincastle (see L. P. 27:119); of Wm Thorne, Walter Thomas, Henry Thomas, Jacob Wilkins and John Lewis (see L. P. 27:120); of Samuel Bayard sr and jr, Thos. Grant et al for land north of Ebenezer Jessup between Hudsons river and Lake George; of Jotliam Bemus, Thos. Hunt, John Taylor, Asa WoodrutT, John I\Ioore, Henry Ertley, Asa Flint and Barent de Klyn for land adjoining the preceding; of John Bergen et al (see L. P. 2y:iiy); of Robert Leake for license to purchase Lidian lands on the south west branch of Hud- sons river; of Peter Remsen for same; of Dirck Lefrerts for same; of Isaac Low for same; of Thos. Palmer for same; of Sergeant Peter Tobin 48th regiment (see L. P. 27:116) and Sergeant Wm Adams (see L. P. 27:112). 417 Nov. 27 Petitioners for land neglecting the necessary steps for obtain- ing their grants for three months to lose the benefit of their applications. Hearing appointed in re Col. John Bradstreet and Hardenbergh patentees (p. 391 ; see L. P. 27:128). 418 Dec. 10 Hearing in re Bradstreet vs Hardenbergh patentees (p. 418). Order on petition of Thomas Tobias, son of Christ'r Tobias of Oysterbay, L. L (see L. P. 27:129). 420 1771 Jan. 17 An office to be found for the lands petitioned for by Thos. Tobias. Petition of Adolphus and Anna Ulrica Bentzel (see L. P. 28:10) granted. 421 Feb. 5 Further hearing between Bradstreet and Hardenbergh patentees (p. 420). Regulations for causes to be heard be- fore the council. 423 8 Hearing between Bradstreet etc continued. Petition of Alex'r McClure and 50 others (see L. P. 28:44) referred. Hearing between Ebenezer Jessup, attorney for Henry Stil- son (p. 406), John Tabor Kempe council, and Kayaderos- 552 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 V. 29 seras patentees, Isaac Low attorney; decided in favor of Stilson. 424 16 Report on the above petition of Alexander McLure et al; granted. 426 25 Petitions granted: of Thos. Ludlow jr, John Schuyler jr et al (see L. P. 27:101); of Lawrence L. van Boskerk, John van Boskerk, Jacobus van Boskerk jr et al of the town- ship of Leighton (see L. P. 27:145); of James Sacket, Mat- thew Gushing, Gerardus Bancker, Wm Swan and Benj. Jones (see L. P. 27:7); of Galeb Spencer sr and jr, Abr'm Sedgwick et al (see L. P. 26:143); of Phineas Mun, Seth Guttin et al (see L. P. 27:85); of Nanning Vischer, Simon M. Veeder, Abr'm Veeder, Abr'm Wemple, Gerrit S. Veeder, Abr'm Yates jr, Stephen de Lancey and Hendrick B. ten Eyck; of John Watts innholder in behalf of Ser- geant Daniel Gampbell, Corporals Gharles Gordon and John Laviston and Private Rich'd Livingston, all of the 28th regiment for land on the west side of Hudsons river north of Batavia; of David Abeel jr, John Dederick, Jacobus Abeel and James Abeel (see L. P. 27:111). Order granting the petition of Wm Bayard (see L. P. 28:48). 426 Mar. 7 Land granted to Gorporals Thos. Murphy and Edward Ford 80th regiment (see L. P. 27:126). License to purchase In- dian land granted to Edward and Ebenezer Jessup (see L. P. 27:134). Names of Edward and John McDonald to be inserted vice -those of John Rickey and Gornelius Brower deceased, in the patent to John Munro et al (p. 224) upon petition of John Munro, Henry Brower, Ed- ward and John McDonald (see L. P. 28:61). Roj^al order repealing four New York acts of 11767, 1768 and 1769; to be published by proclamation (see A^. Y. col. niss, 96:144; 97:27). Order on petition of Petrus ten Brook (see L. P. 28:83). Patent for land granted to Lt. Col. John Reid, Phil. Livingston jr, Arch'd Clark, Evert Bancker jr, Adam Berger, Alex'r Wylly and Fred'k Guion (see L. P. 28:63). Order on petition of Cornelius Low, Cornelius Teabout and Dirck Lefferts (see L. P. 28:81). 432 11 Further hearing between Bradstreet and the Hardenbergh patentees (p. 424). 436 12 Opinion of council in the preceding case between Brad- street etc. 436 13 Petition of John Bradstreet (see L. P. 28:98) referred. Order concerning grants to Abr'm Lott, Capt. John Wilson et al (p. 222) and to Capt. Lewis van Fuser (p. 229). Hear- ing on petition of Benj. Spencer et al (see L. P. 27:132) CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 553 1771 V. 29 and the caveat of Crean Brush against granting it, post- poned. Names of James Duane, John Jay, Cornelius Duane, Thos. Stewart, James Yeomans, Robert Ross Wad- del, Egbert Benson, John Devan and James Sacket to be i inserted in the patent to John Harris Cruger et al (p. 214) vice Fleming Colgan, James Long, Teleman Cuyler, James Seagrove, Wm Hutton, John Smith, Robert Robinson, Moses Nicoll and John Verner (see L. P. Town- ship of Chesterfield granted to Edw'd Wm Kiers, Peter Barberie, John Lewis, Joshua Mullock, Lawrence Kilburn, Manuel Josephson, Alex'r Stewart jr, Thos. Lawrance, John Long, Peter Stoutenburgh, Garret Waldron, Lewis Relay, John Elliot, John Wilson, Rich'd Graham, John Stewart, Samuel Stevens, Benj. Jones, George Bell and John Woods (see L. P. 27:97). . 437 18 Action on the above petition of John Bradstreet deferred. Petition of Henry Stilson (see L. P. 27:102) granted. 440 20 Lands prayed for by John Bradstreet (p. 437) granted. Peti- tions of Michael and Ann Long of Philadelphia (see L. P. . 27:9), and of Thos. Duncan et al (see L. P. 26:87) granted. Petitions dismissed: of Ass't Surgeon John Carter (see L. P. 28:114); of John de Bernier, Thos. Swords, John An- thon3^ Kerns, Charles de Bernier, Niel McLean, Edward Smyth, James McMillan and Draper Simon Wood (see L. P. 28:116); of Lt. Col. Rich'd Maitland in behalf of Capt. David Skene (see L. P. 28:1113); of Robert Leake,- Fred'k Wm Hecht, Robert Ross, Wm Butler, Allen Mc- Lean, Dugald Campbell and John Trotter (see L. P. 28:115); of Col. John Montresor (see L. ^P. 28:111); of Lieut. John Montresor 48th regiment (see L. P. 28:112); the lands prayed for being in the Hardenbergh patent. 441 Ap. I Names of John Hay, Robert Dixon, Joseph Black, Benj. Ried, Daniel Frazier, John Wilson, Wm Swan, Samuel Stevens, Samuel Wells and Anthony van Dam to be in- serted in the patent to Wm Shirrefif et al (p. 229) vice John ]\IcNiel, Wm Kemble, Buckridge Webb, John Sackerly, Henry Hornefer, Medad Pomroy, Ebenezer Harvey, Joseph Burt, Shem Kentfield and James Glassford (see L. P. 28:108). Order on petition of John Bradstreet (see L. P. 28:124). Order on caveat by Joseph Greswold (see L. P. 28:99). 444 3 Name of Samuel Boyer to be inserted in the patent to Abr'm Lott et al (p. 222) vice Wm Horsefield (see L. P. 28:128). 446 10 Final order concerning the grant to Henry Stilson (p. 440) and a caveat against it by Thos. Clarke. Caveat by 554 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY - 1771 V. 29 ^Joseph Griswold dismissed (p. 444) and patent granted to Wm Bayard et al (p. 426). 446 15 Hearing between Benj. Spencer et al and Crean Brush (p- 437) postponed. 447 22 Hearing of the preceding case. Township of Durham granted to Benj. Spencer et al. 447 May I Hearing appointed on the petition of the Dutch reformed church at Schenectady (see L. P. 28:69). Petitions granted: of Lieut. Adolphus Benzell 60th regiment (see L. P. 28:86); of Ensign Kenneth McCullock 78th regiment (see L. P. 28:89); of Corporal James Brown 8oth regijnent (see L. P. 28:91); of John Springer, Elizabeth Springer and Ann Catherine Parlin (see L. P. 28:85); of John Wilson, Richard Graham and Robert Hyslop for addition to Fin- castle township (see L. P. 28:812); of Richard Maitland and Andrew Elliot as guardians to John the infant son of Sir John St Clair (see L. P. 29:2); of Stephen de Lancey, John de Lancey, Daniel Harris, James Babcock, Wm Haight, James Meade, Samuel Gardiner and Daniel Harris jr (see L. P. 28:104); of Gerardus W. Beekman et al (see L. P. 28:129); of Richard Morris et al of the township of Mor- risfield, substituting the name of Henry Ludlow jr for John Morris removed to New Jersey (see L. P. 29:7). 448 29 Charter granted to the Society of the hospital in the city of New York. Township of Newry granted to Charles Mc- Evers, Theophylact Bache and Hamilton Young (see L. P. 28:123). Petition of Robert Leake, Fred'k Wm Hecht and Robert Ross (see L. P. 28:95) granted. 454 31 Petitions granted: of Colin Drummond, John Livingston and Jacob Jordan of Quebec (see L. P. 27:11211); of Phineas Lyman, John Hinsdale, Samuel Field et al (see L. P. 28:13) ; of Richard Slack et al of the township of Holywood (see L. P. 28:30); of James Christy et al (see L. P. 28:32); of John Earl et al (see L. P. 28:31); of Edward Smith et al (see L. P. 28:28);. of Samuel Wells et al (see L. P. 28:96); of Jacob and George Brewerton (see L. P. 28:110); of Jacob Walton et al (see L. P. 28:143): of Dr Thomas Clark of New Perth, Albany county, for islands in the Battenkill; of Hugh White (see L. P. 28:65); of Simon McTavish on behalf of his father Lieut. John McTavish 78th regiment (see L. P. 28:45); of Sergeant Donald Mcintosh 42d regi- ment for land on Otter creek; of Lieut. Josiah Banks in- dependents. Surgeon's Mate Albert IVIeinert Lubcken, 32 non-commissioned officers and 35 privates (see L. P. 28:107). 455 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-1783 555 1771 V. 29 June 7 Order on petition of Lt. Col. Raid and Capt. James Gray (see L. P. 29:40). Hearing on petition of Pierre Guillaume de Peyster (see L. P. 29:6) appointed. Order on petition of Sergeant Kenneth Morrison 55th regiment (see L. P. 28:19-22). Petitions granted: of Joseph Griswold et al (see L. P. 28:103); of Gerrit van Sante (see L. P. 28:37); of Jeston Homfray, ]\Iiles Sherbrook and 28 others of the township of Prattsburgh (see L. P. 28:121); of Wm Will- iams et al of the township of Summerhill (see L. P. 28:150): of Benj. Hugget et al (see L. P. 28:125); of George Brewerton jr (see L. P. 28:126); of Edward Thatcher et al (see L. P. 28:135); of John Davan et al of the township of Richmond (see L. P. 29:7); of Wm Smith and Wm Liv- ingston of the township of Newport Pagnel (see L. P. 29:27); of Thos. ^IcCrae, Andrew Lytle, John McCrae and Dr Thos. Clarke all of New Perth (see L. P. 29:33); of Thos. Hicks, Whitehead Hicks, Gilbert Hicks, John Bre- voort, Elias Brevoort et al (see L. P. 29:61); of Evert Bancker jr and Mary Bancker (see L. P. 29:42); of Simon and Catherine Metcalf (see L. P. 29:52); of Joseph Totten and Stephen Crossfield (see L. P. 28:141); of Lt. Col. Robinson in behalf of Sir Jeffrey Amherst (see L. P. 99:12); of Sergeants Wm Crawford, James Thompson, Corporals James Ross, Thos. Birtch, Privates Wm Legus, George Pringle, Peter Stalker, James Currant 55th, Cor- poral Anthony Williams Both, Private Joseph Anderson 17th regiment (see L. P. 29:46; 28:119); oi Sergeants Thos. Millet 46th, Robert Davidson, Thos. Whiten 55th, Cor- porals Phil. Lambert 46th, Benj. Niblet and Wm Forbes 55th regiment (see L. P. 28:118); of Sergeant John Watts and Private Michael Wells (see L. P. 29:13); of Capt. Gil- bert McAdam (see L. P. 29:35) ; of Capt. John Ross 95th regiment (see L. P. 29:38). Order on memorial of Lt. Col. John Reid (see L. P. 28:53). List of names to be inserted in the patent to Samuel Wells (p. 455; see L. P. 29:51) filed. 461 12 Hearing between Lt. Col. Reid and Capt. James Gray of the one part, and G. W. Beekman et al of the other (p. 461); decided in favor of Beekman. The surveyor general or- dered to attend the council. 474 14 The surveyor general produces a list of persons who have failed to take the necessary steps for obtaining patents petitioned for by them, and their names are struck out. Petitions granted: of Moses Clements (see L. P. 27:51); of John Bruster and Thos. Mofifat for lafld in Orange county; 556 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 V. 29 of James Leadbetter and Charles Giles (see L. P. 28-66) ; of Joseph Stringham, Wm Smith et al (see L. P. 38:140); of Donald Stewart, 16 other privates and Corporal Roderick McLoed Royal highlanders (see L. P. 28:59); of David Matthews et al (see L. P. 28:59); of Joseph Smith and 29 others (see L. P. 28:83); of Wm Stepple [Staples] and 29 ■ others (see L. P. 28:88); of Alex'r McLure and 29 others (see L. P. 28:92); of Andrew Elliot and 29 others (see L. P. 28:90); of Peter Sylvester et al of the township of Spring- hill (see L. P. 27:139) ; of Abr'm P. Yates et al of the town- ship of Bloomingdale (see L. P. 27:146); of Samuel Bayard jr et al of the township of Jamaica (see L. P. 27:147); of Lambert Moore et al of the township of Barbadoes (see L. P. 27:138); of James Smith et al of the township of Tyrone (see L. P. 27:127). Warrant of survey granted to Philipp Skene (see L. P. 29:82). 475 19 Petitions granted: of Privates Donald Frazer, Henry Frazer, Duncan Bayne, John Cameron, Robert Stewart 42d, John Higinson, Michael Lyon 46th. Richard Pricket Inniskill- ings, Sergeants Robert Bell 43d, John McDougal 6oth regi- ment, for land west of the Green mountains; of Sergeant John Campbell, 28 other non-commissioned officers and four privates for land "east of Lake Champlain; of Lieut. Alex'r Donaldson (see L. P. 28:109); of Charles Robinson et al (see L. P. 28:133); of Oliver Willard and 27 others (see L. P. 29:64); of Francis and Samuel Mackay (see L. P. 29:65); of John Tuder (see L. P. 29:66); of John Shaw, John Kennedy and 23 others (see L. P. 29:84); of Broughton Reynolds et al (see L. P. 29:85); of Wm Nicholls, Wm Swan, Simon Stevens, Wm Malcom, Gamaliel Wallace, Richard Wenman et al (see L. P. 29:87); of Charles Nicoll, Joseph Allicock, Evert Bancker and Isaac Heron (see L. P. 29:86); of John Tabor Kempe (see L. P. 29:68); of Lieut. Richard Price, R. N. (see L. P. 29:73); of Philipp Skene (see L. P. 29:70); of Capt. Beams- ley Glasier (see L. P. 29:31) ; of Htigh Gaine (see L. P. 29:45); of Jelles Fonda (see L. P. 29:88). Order on peti- tion of Abr'm Jacob Lansingh (see 29:72, 76). 484 July 3 Orders on petitions: of Henry van Vleck and four others (see L. P. 29:97); of Henry Erkly and eight others (see L. P. 29:90) ; of Mary widow of Lewis Foy conductor of ordnance stores for land not located. 492 Aug. 7 Gov. Wm Tryon in the chair. Time appointed for hearings on the petitions: of James Leadbetter and Joseph String- ham (see L: P. 29:122), caveat of John Terwilliger (see CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 557 1771 V. 29 L. P. 29:128); of Eneas McKay and Godlieb Switzer (see L. P. 29:123); of John Miller and Nicholas Killman (see L. P. 29:127): of Surgeon Lewis P. Williams (see L. P. 29:51); of Peter van Ness, Peter Vosburgh, Hendrick Remsen, and Robert van Duersen (see L. P. 29:54); of the Dutch church at Schenectady and George Smith (see L. P. 29:47). Petitions granted: of John Montanye (see L. P. 29:115); of Richard Morris and Wm Wickham (see L. P. 28:76); of George Brewerton et al (see L. P. 29:116); of Alexander A-IcLure et al (see L. P. 29:117); of Sergeant Daniel Mcintosh 42d and Private John Alder 6oth regiment (see L. P. 29:99); of James Davis collar maker Royal art'y (see L. P. 29:80); of Sergeant Wm Guise 27th, Corporals Lodowick Stewart, James Duncan, Thos. McWilliams SSth, Privates Fred. Shonnard 60th, Edward Barber, Samuel Robinson, James Putman 27th regiment (see L. P. 29:104); of Kenneth Morison in behalf of John Kennedy private 55th regiment (see L. P. 29:118); of James Kay petty officer and linguist on board the Fame man-of-war (see L. P. 29rii4). 494 14 Additional instructions concerning gold and silver mines on Philippsburgh manor. Petition of Fred'k Philippse (see L. P. 29:129-30) granted. 499 21 Petition of Oliver de Lancy and Peter du Bois for land near New Perth or Turner's patent (see L. P. 29:1132) granted. 501 28 Draft of patent to Fred'k Philippse (p. 499) amended. Peti- tion of John Butler et al of the township of Strasburgh (see L. P. 29:142) granted. 503 Sep. 5 Draft of patent to Fred'k Philippse (p. 5031) further amended. Royal orders confirming the New York act enabling aliens to hold real estate and vetoing three others; to be published by proclamation (see A^. Y. col. mss, 97:63- 64, 85-86). The surveyor general to prepare a map of the land between Hudsons and Connecticut rivers. 504 18 Patent to Fred'k Philippse passed (p. 504). 507 Oct. 2 Caveat of John Terwilliger (p. 494) dismissed. Order on caveat entered by Simon Remsen, John de la Meter, Dirck Lefiferts et al (see L. P. 29:128); lands to be granted James Leadbetter, Charles Giles et al and to James Creassy (see L. P. 29:113). Petitions granted: of Simon Remsen, John de la Meter, George Lindner and Henry Thomas (see L. P. 30:64); of Abr'm LefYerts (see L. P. 27:123); of Cor- poral Wm Sutherland 77th regiment (see L. P. 29:91). 507 3 Hearings: between Lewis P. Williams and Peter van Ness et al (p. 494) ; between P. G. de Peyster of the one part, Phil. Schuyler and Jeremiah van Rensselaer of the other 558 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1771 V. 29 (p. 461) ; between Schenectady church and George Smith (P- 494). 510 15 Petitions granted: of Sergeant Kenneth Morrison, Corporal Wm Stephison and Private Daniel Lucas 55th regiment (see L. P. 31:136); of Private Philipp Grindlemeyer 6oth regiment (see L. P. 30:11). Orders on petitions: of Dirck Lefiferts (see L. P. 30:22); of Crean Brush, John Crumley and Joseph Beck (see L. P. 30:20). 511 22, Petitions granted: of David Abeel jr (see L. P. 30:24); of John Taylor, Judah Harlowe, Ceorge Stewart, Joseph AUi- cocke and Robert Harding (see L. P. 30:23). Report on the above petition of Crean Brush et al; granted. 513 Nov. 13 Petitions granted: of Drummer Donald Mcintosh jr. Corporal Robert McConnachy 78th, Privates Anthony Fox 46th, Donald Mcintosh sr 70th, John Black 63d, John McKenzie, John Stewart and Donald Henderson (see L. P. 29:148): of Privates Thos. Biddeford 27th, John Alclntosh 77th and Corporal John McGilliray 78th regi- ment (see L. P. 29:147); of Corporal Alex'r Graey 78th regiment (see L. P. 28:148); of Lieut. Archibald Campbell 42d regiment (see L. P. 30:28) ; of Samuel Deal in behalf Corporal Thos. Tomlin, Private Stephen Blundel 44th and James Stewart 46th regiment (see L. P. 30:31); of Ensign Wm Bard 8oth regiment (see L. P. 30:38); of Joseph Gres- wold and John Watts (see L. P. 29:141); of Hugh IMonro, Walter Thomas and Henry Thomas (see L. P. 30:29); of John Glen and Abr'm C. Cuyler (see L. P. 30:21); of Dr Thos. Clark (see L. P. 29:143). Grant of land issued to Lt. Col. Thomas Howard in accordance with royal man- damus. Charter of incorporation granted to Trinity church at Fishkill upon petition of Rev. John Beardsley (see N. Y. col. mss, 97:99). 514 27 James Abeel, Jacobus Abeel and John Dederick release to David Abeel jr their respective shares in the patent granted on October 23. Opinion of council as to lands granted to Lewis P. Williams et al (p. 510). Hearing be- tween Schenectady church and George Smith (p. 510) postponed. 518 Dec. 2 Order on petition of Michel Chartier de la Biniere of Quebec for confirmation of French grants on Lakes Champlain and George. 519 II ]\Iap of lands east of the Hudson river laid before the council by the surveyor general. Map of patented lands on the Mohawk river called for. Order on petition of Johannes Freud asking that the land improved by him and associates CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 559 I'TTl V.29 be not included in the grant to Lewis P. Williams (see L. P. ,^0:53). Township of Win Hall granted to Abr'm Thompson. Benj. Dorchester, Phineas Bradley, Samuel Bishop jr, Samuel Stevens. Simon Stevens. John Kenned}', John Shaw, Jacob Wilkins, Waldron Blaau, James Cab- ham, James Abeel, John de la Mater, Alex'r Blackburn, Joseph Blanchard, Giles Alexander, James Smith, Hugh Rider, Isaac Roosevelt. John Alsop. Richard Yates. John R. Alyer. Peter Keteltas. Wynant Keteltas and Benj. Stout jr (see L. P. 30:50). 520 31 Orders on petitions: of inhabitants of Poughkeepsie (see L. P. 29:150); of Rev. John Beardsley (see L. P. 30:15); of Robert Leake et al (see L. P. 29:146). 522 1772 Jan. 22 Names in the patent for the township of Wallingford (p. 241) to be changed to Eliakim Hall sr and jr, Isaac Hall jr, and wife Hester. Hezekiah Hall and wife Elizabeth. Stephen Hall, Caleb Hall. Samuel Hall. Elisha Hall jr, Isaac Doolittle. John Hotchkiss, Caleb Johnston, Miles Johnston and Ruth Johnston jr his wife, Sarah Johnston widow of Israel Johnston, Rachel Johnston, Roger Sher- man, Rev. Nathan Williams. Mary Williams, Jesse Cook and Elizabeth Hall; all the reserved lots except that of Benning Wentworth to be added (see L. P. 30:88). 523 29 Names in the patent for the township of Windsor (p. 96) to be changed to Nathan Stone. Wm Swan. Waldron Blaau, John Abeel. Wm Puntine. ]\Iichael Nan. John ■McGinniss. Richard McGinniss. Robert McGinniss. Patrick Walsh, James Abeel, Edward McCollom, Marinus Low. Edward Patten. Andries Reiglar. George Klein, Thos. Lupton, Duncan Robertson. Samuel Stevens. John Peisinger, George Lucam. Francis Groome and James Cobham (see L. P. 30:100). Patent for the township of New Fane (p. 204) to issue in the names of Walter Franklin. Giles Alex- ander, John Thompson. John Franklin. Jacob Watson, Joseph Bull. Peter Bard. Isaac Corsa, Samuel Franklin, Robert Brown. Lawrence Kortright. Teddeman Hull, James Bown. Anth'y Byvanck. Robert Benson, Lindley Murray and Wm Backhouse: all the lots formerly reserved except that of Benning Wentworth to be added (see L. P. 30:98). License to purchase Indian lands granted to James Creasey et al (see L. P. 30:48. 55). 525 Feb. 5 Order on petition of the owners of the great nine partners patent (see L. P. 30:28). Patent for the township of Weathersfield (p. 156) to issue to Daniel Lyman, Medad 560 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 V. 29 Lyman, Enos Allen, James Rice, Roswell Woodward, Abr'm Thompson sr and jr, Samuel Birch jr, John Mix, John Pierpoint, John Bradley jr, Phineas Bradley, John Cornell, Lemuel Hotchkiss, Jonah Bradley, Hezekiah Parmell jr, John Austin, Israel Monson, Joel Gilbert, Joseph Thompson, Caleb Gilbert and Joseph Dorman; in- cluding the lots formerly reserved, except that of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 30:103). Patent for the township of Reading (p. 233) to issue to Simon Stevens, George Wil- son, Cornelius van der Bergh, George Shaw, Wm Bailey, Garret van der Bergh, Rinier Hopper, Richard Varian, Thos. Arden, Daniel Goldsmith, Caleb Hyatt, John Stout, James Wessels, Waldron Blaau, Obadiah Wells, Henry Gulick, John Brook, Samuel Stevens, Isaac Corsa, Marinus Willett, James Cobham and Wm Kennedy; including the shares formerly allotted to Wiseman Clagget, Daniel War- ner and Samuel Wentworth (see L. P. 30:106). Patent for the township of Newberry (p. 81, 214) to issue to Jacob Bayley, John Taplin, Stephen Little, Samuel Stevens, Joseph Blanchard, Nathan Stone, Waldron Blaau, James Cobham, Joseph Beck, Samuel Bayard, John Wetherhead, Wm Williams, James Creasey, John Bowles, John Grumly, Marinus Willett, Richard Wenman, John Kelly, John Shat- ford Jones, James Downes, Samuel Boyer, John Keen, John Lewis, Crean Brush, and John Taylor; including the lots formerly reserved except that of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 30:111). Patent for the township of Wood- stock (p. 204) to issue to Oliver Willard, Isaac Corsa, Joseph Bull, John Blagge, Wm A. Forbes, Benj. Stout sr and jr, Corn's van der Bergh, Peter van der Voort, Wm Talm-an, George Birks, Henry Gulick, Wm Clarke, John B. Stout, Henry Beekman, John Fowler, Caleb Hyatt, Daniel Goldsmith, Daniel Green, Samuel Stevens, Charles McEvers, James Seagrove, Christ'r Blundel and Adam Gilchrist, including all the lots formerly reserved (see L. P. 30:107). Petition of Sergeant Daniel Mcintosh 42d, Corporal Thos. Brown 6oth, Drummer Alex'r Leslie ist. Privates Christ'n Aloon, Edward Kingsley, John Flint- larm, Wm Douglass and John Alder 6oth, Andrew Flint 77th regiment (L. P. 30:112) granted. 529 II Hearing between the owners of great nine partners patent and the inhabitants of Poughkeepsie (p. 529). 535 ' 12 Hearing continued and caveat of the great nine partners people dismissed. Patent for the township of Corinth (p. 145) to issue to Samuel Holland, John Taplin, Henry . CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 561 1772 V. 29 Moore, Win Wickham, Cornelius van der Burgh, Adam , van der Burgh, Gilbert Burger, Thos. Duncan, John Shat- ford Jones, John L. C. Roome, Garret Abeel, John Fowler, Joseph Charter, Wm Crossley, John Blacklock, Samuel Roberts, Oliver Willard, John Someryndyck, Henry Broad- well, Peter Webbers, John Carpenter jr, and Obadiah Wells, including the lots formerly reserved (see L. P. 30:120). Order on petition of Wilder Willard of Brattle- borough, Cumberland county, by Wm Shepherd his at- torney (see L. P. 30:122). 536 19 Patent for the township of Bridgev^ater (p. 204) to issue to John Church et al and to include the lots formerly re- served except that of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 30:128). Patent for the township of Westminster (p. 196) to issue to Bildad Andross, Michael Metcalfe, Benj. James, Samuel Boyer, Daniel Mesnard, Lawrence Kilburn, John Lewis, Wm Williams, Alex'r White, Oliver Willard, Giles Alexander, Benj. Stout, John B. Stout, Samuel Wells, Samuel Stevens, John Church, John Kelly, Wm Malcom, Benj. Garrison, Gamaliel Wallace, Francis Elsworth, Joseph Beck, Wm Thompson, Egbert Benson and Wm Willard; including lots formerly reserved except that of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 30:130). Patent for the township of Fulham (p. 165) to issue to John Kathan, Peter Sim, Daniel McFee, Thos. Lupton, Jacob Albright, Samuel Wells, Thos. Barnet, John Shatford Jones, Abr'm Spier, Edw'd Ferine, John Peters, Josiah Willard, Daniel Whipple, John Fowler, Oliver Willard, John Church. Nathan Stone, Wm Deane and Wm Williams; excepting 500 acres in the northwest corner and the lot of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 30:138). Petition of Lieut. Peter Pinniere (see L. P. 30:134) granted. Order on petition of Aaron Paine, Ebenezer Judd and Martin Preston (see L. P. 30:127). Patent for land prayed for by Lieut. John Thompson (see L. P. 30:124) to issue in obedience to royal mandamus. 539 28 Order concerning the grant to Wm Nicoll et al (p. 484). Township of Windham granted to Joseph Beck et al. Order that no land grants pass unless all the names of the parties are given. Order on petition of Thos. Hendrick- * son, John Whitson and Daniel Hendrickson (see L. P. 31:5). 544 Mar. 26 Patent for the township of Springfield (p. 193) to issue in the names of Charles Shaw, Wm Sidney, Gabriel H. Lud- low, Richard Hatfield, Richard Morris, Wm Wickham, 562 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 V. 29 Thos. White, Stephen Steel, Samuel Jones, Benj. Kissam, John Barret, Jasper Drake, Cornelius van Alen, James Armitage, Jacob Parcel, Anthony Gleen, Gilbert Taylor, John McKesson, Lewis Graham, Miles Sherbrook and Thos. Ludlow jr; including lots formerly reserved except that of Benning Wentworth since granted to Lieut. Thos. Etherington (see L. P. 31:23). Patent for the township of Fairlie (p. 126) to issue to Samuel Stevens, Isaac Corsa, John Blagge, John Vredenbergh, Joseph Bull, Waldron Blaau. James Cobham, John Abeel, John de la Mater, Ger- cord Bancker, James Abeel, Ennis Graham, Matthew Lane, Alex'r McLean, Wm. Wilcocks, John Warner, Alex'r Bradburn, Caleb Hyatt, John Grumly, Abr'm Wilson, Andrew Myer, Lewis Relay, Henry Relay and Simon Stevens (see L. P. 31:25). Patent for the township of Bar- net (p. 214) to issue to Simon Stevens, Benj. Allen, Joseph Bull, Jonathan Grout, Simeon Alvard, Phil. Brasher, Henry Beekman, Wm Nicbll, Jonathan Weatherbee, Wm Swan, Samuel Stevens, Nathan Stone, John Manbout, Enos Stevens, Robert Andrews, Peter Thompson, Cornelius van der Burgh, Adam van der Burgh, Willard Stevens, Caleb Hyatt, James Abeel and Phineas Stevens; including lots formerly reserved except that of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 31:49). Township of West Camden granted to John Monier and John Nicholas Bleecker (see L. P. 31:52, 54). Township of Norbury granted to Samuel Chandler, Ed- mund Fanning. Charles Preston, Wm. Bayard, James Duane, Arch'd Kennedy, Jonathan Mallet, Andrew Elliot, Isaac Willet jr, Thos. Moncrief, Goldsbrow Banyar, An- drew Gordon, Charles Williams, Samuel Wells, John Reid, Johnston Fairholme, James Moran, John Kelly, Samuel Stevens, Benj. John Johnston, Christ'r Blundell, John Grumley, Joshua Littlewood, Francis Panton, Malcolm Mclsaac, John Hodges and Moses Marden (see L. P. 31:43). Patent for the township of Grafton (p. 385) to issue in the names of Stephen de Lancey, John de Lancey, John Harris Cruger, James de Lancey jr, John de Noyel- les, Peter du Bois, John Kelly, Samuel Wells, Crean Brush, John Bowles, Nathan Stone, John Wetherhead, John Church, James Rogers, Samuel Stevens, Charles NicoU, Isaac Heron, Joseph Allicocke, John Woods, James Moran, George Janway, James Yeaman, John Davan, Francis Panton, Joseph Beck', Adam Gilchrist, Wm Smith, Samuel Boyer, John Keen, John Lewis and James Cobham (see L. P. 31:65). Minutes sent to the board of trade. 546 , CALICN'DAK (II'- COUNCII. M 1 N I ''J'LIS 1668-I783 563 Vol. 30, 1770-75 Legislative minutes of council from Dec. 11, 1770 to Ap. 3, 1775 printed in Journal of the legislative conncil of the colony of Nezv York, 2:1744-1998. Vol. 31, 1772-76 Ap. 8 Patent for the township of Cavendish (29:181) to issue to John Church, Waldron Blaau, John de la Mater, Jacob Shafer, John Machett jr, John Gardineer, James Cobham, Jacobus Verveelen, John van Order, Wm Day, Christian de Marrees, John Lee, John de Groot, James Abeel, Nathan Stone, Simon Stevens, Joseph Beck, Wm Ken- nedy, Cornelius van der Burgh, James Christy, Samuel Steetens, and John Abeel (see L. P. 31:26). Patent for the towrnship of Hartford (29:179) to issue to Jonathan Burtch, Hugh Gaine, John Kaine, James Lanckashire, Wm Ross, Wm Smith, Valentine Nutter, Isaac Heron, Robert Neille, Daniel Neille, Robert Neille jr, Wm Young, Wm Todd, Christian Will, Johannes Will, Peter Montagnie, John Schevington, Wm Scott, James Thompson, James Roles, Matthew Gleves, George Ball, Christ'r Dudley and John Kelly; including lots formerly reserved except that of B. Wentworth (see L. P. 31:73). Names of Carey Ludlow, Patrick Dennis, Thos. Smith, Peter Goelet, Thos. Dun- can and Rudolphus Ritzema to be added to the patent for the township of Springfield (29:546; see L. P. 31:76). Order on petition of John Grout in behalf of Hannah widow of John Spafiford, Nath'l Powers, James Call, Ebenezer Dike, Oliver Farnsworth, and Noah Porter (see L. P. 31:61). Township of Townsend granted to Lord George Town- send, John Osburn, Wm Longhead, Robert Hoakesly, Jacob Wilkins, Robert Hall, Alex'r Lessley, Stephen Thompson, Simon Metcalf, Wm Kennedy, Joseph Beck, Joseph Allicock, Charles Nicoll, Wm Swan, John Grumly, Samuel Wells, James Leadbetter, Thomas Lupton, John Shatford Jones, Samuel Stevens, James Abeel, John de la Mater, John Abeel, Lewis Relay, Henry Relay, Garret Abeel, Evert Byvanck, Simon Stevens, Phil. Lott and Henry Kelly (see L. P. 30:113). Lands granted: to Cor- poral Dougal McAshlin 43d regiment (see L. P. 30:89); to Lieut. Neal McLean 43d regiment (see L. P. 30:87). 1 15 Patent for the town of Saltash (39:196) to issue to Eleazer .Oswald, Benj. Stout, John Stout, John Fowler, Caleb Hyatt, John L. C. Roome, Corn's van der Burgh, James Cobham, Alex'r Bradburne, John Stout 3d, Bciij. Stout jr. 564 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772 V. 31 John Church, Simon Stevens, Joseph Beck, Wm Boyer, Henry Beekman, Wm Swan, John Lewis, Samuel Stevens, Benj. Garrison, John Keen, Waldron Blaau, James Thomp- son, Wm Kennedy and Benj. James; including lots form- erly reserved except that of Benning Wentworth (see L. P. 30:911). New survey of the township of Wallingford ordered (see L. P. 30:133). 4 22 Petition granted: of Ebenezer Clark and Thos. Watson (see L. P. 30:47); of Elihu Spencer, Peter Schenck, Peter Ne- fius, Joseph Philipps, Jonathan Philipps, Edmond Bam- bridge, Wm Philipps, Joseph Laboyteux, John Laboyteux and Benj. Stevens (see L. P. 30:66); of Alex'r Grant, Dun- can Campbell and Benj. Spencer (see L. P. 30:82); of Dougal Campbell, Thomas Burnet and John Godfrey (see L. P. 30:85); of Colin Campbell (see L. P. 30:83); of John McEwen, Benj. Prime and John Taylor (see L. P. 30:84); of Dugal Campb*;;'! (see L. P. 30:70); of John Lawrence (see L. P. 30:91); of Sergeants Peter Sharpe 55thi and Donald Muriroe 60th regiment (see L. P. 30:86); of Cor- poral John Gillaspie 27th regiment (see L. P. 30:80); of Robert Leake commissary general, his deputies, and Garret van Sante (see L. P. 30:73). Warrant of survey granted to Lieut. Donald Campbell, his brothers George and James, and his sisters Rose Graham, Margaret Eustace and Lilly Murray (see L. P. 31:1106). Patent granted to Henry van Vleck et al (29:492). S May 2 Order on royal mandamus in favor of Lt. Col. Josiah Martin 68th regiment (see L. P. 27:69). Land granted to Ser- geants Charles Mair 42d Wm Anderson 77th and Corporal Alex'r Gray 78th regiment (see L. P. 31:115). Hearing ap- pointed between Robert Leake et al, inhabitants of Pough- keepsie, and Rev. John Beardsley. 9 8 Petitions granted: of Lieut. Joseph Conway, Royal marines, (see L. P. 31:122); of John Holland master of the Deal Castle man-of-war (see L. P. 31:125). Township of Minto granted to Andrew Elliott et al (see L. P. 311:1120). Order on petition of Elizabeth Mathews (see L. P. 31:107). Hear- ing between Leake and Beardsley (p. 9); decided. 10 19 Charter of incorporation for the episcopal church at Pough- keepsie granted to Rev. John Beardsley, Wardens Barth'w Crannel, Samuel Smith, Vestrymen Richard Davis, John Child, John Davis, John Ferdon jr, John Medlar, Zacha- riah Ferdon, Isaac Baldwin jr, and Dr David Brooks (see L. P. 31:134). Royal order confirming New York act vesting in Phil, van Cortlandt an estate in fee simple passed in February 1771. 12 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 565 1772 V. 31 June 3 Petitions granted: of Daniel Horsmanden, Miles Sherbrook, Samuel Camfield and Wm Sidney (see L. P. 31:144); of Samuel Avory, Garret Rapaljc, Wm Butler, Jacoh Town- send, Abr'm Schenck, Davis Hunt, Samuel Bunce, John Adams, John Cline, Joseph Hunt, John Hunt, John Felt- hausen, Henry Edwards, Edward Blagge, John Myers, Gerardus Myers, Jacobus Turk, John van Sice, Ludwick Hinsbee, John Anderson, John Stout, Henry Riker, An- dreas Riker and Peter Riker (see L. P. 30:142); of Hum- phrey Avory, Jonathan Trumbell, Hezekiah Huntinigton, Ebenezer Avory, Joseph Morgan, Solomon Morgan, Ebenezer Avory jr, Latham Avory, John Perret, Joseph Carpenter, Gardiner Carpenter, Ebenezer Whiting, Ebene- zer Bacchus, Isaac Tracy, Zebdiel Rogers, Theophilus Rogers, Benj. Butler, Joseph Gale, Wm Morgan, Joseph Rose, Daniel Lathrop, Joshua Lathrop, Job Taylor, Gers- ham Budd, Peter Lanman, Samuel Coit, Isaac Coit and Benj. Coit (see L. P. 30:143); of Sergeant David Reid 42d regiment (see L. P. 31:1158). 13 15 Confirmatory patents granted: to Samuel Wells and John Kelly for the township of Guilford and Wilmington; to Wm Williams for Marlborough; to Samuel Stevens and Timothy Bradley for Ludlow; to James Rogers for Rock- ingham; to Jacob Bayley and John Peters for Strafiford; to John Church for Ryegate; to Phineas Lyman for Peacham; to John Peters for Topsham; to Samuel Stevens for Tun- bridge; to Jacob Bayley for Maidstone; to Joseph Smalley for Norwich; to Jonathan Grout for Lunenburgh; to Amos Babcock for Andover; to Israel Putnam for Pomfret (see L. P. 30:123; 31:48). Confirmatory patents granted: to in- habitants of Maidstone, Minhead, Limington and Averill (see L. P. 31:121); to Isaac Searles et al for Stratton (see L. P. 30:37); all former New Hampshire grants. Lands ungranted in Shrewsbury granted to Samuel Ashley, Eph- raim Dorm'an et al (see L. P. 30:132). Order on petition of Benj. Edwards, James Weyman, Giles Alexander et al for part of the township of Draper alias Wilmington (see L. P. 30:39). Petitions granted: of John de la Mater and 39 others (see L. P. 31:109); of Peter Schenck et al (see L. P. 31:156); of Wm Wickoff and 26 others (see L. P. 31:160); of Josiah Willard et al (see L. P. 31:73); of Abel Walker et al (see L. P. 31 : 108) ; of Nathan Stone and 34 others of the township of New Rutland (see L. P. 31:16); of Samuel Ashley and 25 others (see L. P. 31:118); of Thomas Pettit and 29 others (see L. P. 31:114); of James Canneff, 566 NEW YOKK STATE LIBRARY 1772 V. 31 Hans Springstale, Jonathan Hobbs and Samuel Knight (see L. P. 31:128); of Robert Bound and 30 others (see L.F. 311:105); of John Woods et al of the township of Meath (see L. P. 31:138); of David Mathews and 19 others of the township of Thirming (see L. P. 31:139); of Garsham Lott and Gersham Mott (see L. P. 311:143); of Hugh Duncan, Mathew Lane, John WalHs, Gamaliel Wallis and Alexander Wallace (see L. P. 30:140); of John Blagge, John Grumley, Benj. I. Johnson, Edipond Fanning^ John Kelly and Wm Kennedy (see L. P. 31:137); of John Peters and 23 others of the township of Peterstown (see L. P. 31:53); of Daniel McKeuen and Lawrence L. van Alen (see L. P. 31:82); of Joseph Philipps et al (see L. P. 30:34); of Jelles Fonda (see L. P. 31:90); of Robert and Thos. Clark (see L. P. 32:1) ; of John Jones deputy barrack master at Fort George (see L. P. 31:15). Licenses to purchase Indian lands granted: to Dirck and Rikert van Vranken (see L. P. 30:94); to John Williams et al (see L. P. 31:31); to John Graham et al (see L. P. 31:36); to Jesse Fairchild et al (see L. P. 31:35); to John Jones et al (see L. P. 31:40); to James Eldridge et al (see L. P. 31 :39) ; to Neal Nicholson et al (see L. P. 31:38). Lands granted: to Ensign Kenneth McCullock 78th regiment (see L. P. 31:6); to Privates Walter Graham, John Urliard, Andrew Hutton 42d regi- ment (see L. P. 31:157); to Privates Allan Grant, Duncan McCall, Wm McLean 42,d, John Black 515th regiment (see L. P. 31:159); to Sergeant Richard Gregory 60th, Privates Robert Masdam 60th, and George Kennimine 44th regi- ment (see L. P. 31 :79) ; to Capt. Beamsley Glasier (see L. P. 31:126); to Private James Black 42d, Corporal John Craney 3d regiment, and Matross John Grigg Royal artil- lery (see L. P. 31:68); to Sergeant Edward Morrison 35th regiment (see L. P. 31:135); to Sergeant Charles Mair 42d, Wm Anderson 77th, and Corporal Alexander Gray 78th regiment (see L. P. 31:155). Petitions granted: of John Ogilvie in behalf of the heirs of Major General Ralph Bur- ton (see L. P. 31:129); of Jeremiah French in behalf of himself and other inhabitants of Dover, Dutchess county (see L. P. 31:50; 32:28); of Timothy Bush, Robert Barnet, John Mann sr and jr, James Chalkins, Henry Moore, Joseph Phelps, Thos. Chamberlain, David Sutton, John Taplin sr and jr, Nehemiah Sovwell, Daniel Horsford sr and jr and Daniel Miller (see L. P. 31:115). Minutes sent to the board of trade. 16 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 567 1772 V. 31 July I Hearing appointed on the petitions of Abr'm J. Lansing (29:492) and of the inhabitants of Half Moon (see L. P. 31:56). 28 8 Lands granted to Corporal Gregor Drummond 55th, Privates Hugh Morrison, James Stuart, Malcom Stuart, Andrew Yates, John Fisher, George Gun, John Hickie, George Monro, Robert McPherson, Duncan Fraser, Alex'r Baxter 42d regiment (see L. P. 32:26); to John Robinson boatswain of the Onondaga, snow-of-war, Capt. Joshua Loring (see L. P. 32:11). Order concerning petitions for land under the proclamation of 1763. 28 Aug. 21 Royal order vetoing three New York acts of 1770 and 1771. Patent granted to Henry Thomas, John de la Mater et al (29:507) to issue in the names of Thomas de la Mater, Robert Harding and Wm Butler (see L. P. 31:1). List of Indian lands purchased before Gov. Tryon at Johnson hall; by Joseph Totten, Stephen Crossfield et al; by Ebenezer Jessup, Edward Jessup et al; by Thomas Palmer, Isaac Low, Dirck Lefferts, Peter Remsen, Robert Leake et al; by John Glen and Christopher Yates; by John Bergen et al; by Jeremiah van Rensselaer et al; by Jelles Fonda et al (see L. P. 32:40-45). 29 Sep. 8 Petitions granted: of Joseph Ingell, David McVVithey, James van Duser, Wm Fairfield, Abr'm van Duser, Gidion Esquire, Isaac McWithey, Charles Miller, John Monroe, Reuben McWithey, Samuel Colver, Jonathan Ingell, Benj. Mclntier and Aron Cormstock (see L. P. 32:20); of An- drew Little, James Little and 32 others for 32,000 acres be- tween Skeensborough and Kelso. Charter of incorpora- tion for a public library granted to Wm Smith, John Watts, Robert R. Livingston, Whitehead Hicks, Wm Liv- ingston, Goldsbrow Banyar, Samuel Jones, Peter van Brugh Livingston, Peter Keteltas, Walter Rutherford, . David Clarkson and Samuel Bard. 32 Oct. 12 Draft of charter for the Society library read and approved. 34 21 Committee to hear parties on the petition of Abr'm J. Lan- sing (29:484). 34 Nov. II Opinion and advice of council on the preceding petition [Lansingburgh]. Warrant of survey for the township of Thetford granted (see L. P. 32:105). Petitions granted: of Stephen Greenleaf, Benj. Butterfield, John Grout and Samuel Knight (see L. P. 32:10); of David van Rensselaer, Jacob J. Lansingh and Samuel Stringer (see L. P. 3i':Si); of Wm Graham, John Graham, Benj. Egbertse, Jacob G. Lansingh, George Tuttle, Abr'm ten Eyck, Walter V. 568 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1772. V. 31 Weniple and Stephen McCrea (see L. R. 31:50)-, of Thos. Swords, Christ'r Francis, Robert Hatton, John Vernon, Robert Ross, Fred'k Wm Hecht, John Donoldson,, Thos. Hunt, Wm McDougal, John Stanhouse and John Riviere (see L. P. 31:83); of John Bell et al (see L. P. 31:85); of Stephen Moore and 30 others (see L. P. 31:25); of Wm Wentworth and 35 others (see L. P. 31:125); of Thos. Scott, John Bracken, Wm' Lucky, James Seymour and Thos. Adems (see L. P. 31:78); of Sir Wm JoHnson, James Bennet, Samuel Sutton, Nathaniel Hyllyard, Moses Ibbit, Joseph Erwin, Edward Donnellan, James Darby, James Cotter, Wm Fraser jr, John Friel and John Looney (see L. P. 2^:77) ; of Samuel Holland, John Holland, Henry Hol- land et al of the township of Goodwood (see L. P. 31:47); of Mary Fisher widow of Sergeant Wm Fisher 17th regi- ment (see L. P. 31:4). Orders on petitions: of Andrew Elliot et al (see L. P. 31:80); of Donald Campbell et al (see L. P. 31:92). License to purchase Indian lands granted to James de Lancey jr et al (see L. P. 32:30, 128). Lands granted: to Corporals Robert Russel 55th, and John Holmes ist regiment (see L. P. 31:88); to Sergeant John McKenzie 55th regiment (see L. P. 2)^:7); to Bombardier Joseph Sexton, Sergeants Archibald Weir, Thomas Bow- den Royal artillery, Samuel Stevenson 56th, Cooper Un- derwey 6oth, Wm Baven 46th, Gawen Lowries ist, Peter Forster 9th, John McGarrah, Wm McGee, John McGarry 28th, Henry Grant 44th, John Deane 49th, Henry Lawson 6ist, Corporals Daniel Tomlinson 9th, John Hunter 45th, Robert Anderson ist, Drummers John Dunn 38th, John Philipps 76th, Privates Manasses Bradley, Godlyr Beart- man 6oth, Richard Dorrington 40th, Elijah Wedy of Major Gorham's rangers, Thos. Harman ist, Richard Kitchen, George Showier 45th, Jacob Monroe 46th regiment (see L. P. 32:64); to Lieut. Donald Campbell (see L. P. 32:93); to Lloyd Danbarry and his wife Mary for William Coven- try Calder infant son of Mary by her first husband, Capt. James Calder Independents (see L. P. 32:98). Orders on petitions: of John David of Albany, vintner (see L. P. 32:9); of Cornelius Burhans, Johannes Planck, Leonard Planck, Petrus Planck and Johannes Row (see L. P. 32:61); of Henry Fonda (see L. P. 32:59); of Frederick Johannes Cluet (see L. P. 32:33). 34 35 Petitions granted: of Catharine Lodge, Catharine Morris, Augustus van Cortlandt, Robert Crommerline, Rich'd Francis and Samuel Bayard jr for 3000 acres on Little CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 569 1772. Dec. 23 1773 Jan. 4 15 Feb. 17 Mc V. 31 Schohary kill; of John Glen, Henry Glen, Simon Scher- merhorn, Adam M. Vcedcr, John Bntler, Christ'r Yates, Gerrit S. Veeder, Yellis Yates and Abr'm Wimple (see L. P. 32:65); of Edward and Ebenezer Jessup cum al of the township of Hyde (see L. P. 32:108); of Corporal John Miller 28th, and Private Stephen Bhmdell 44th regiment (see L. P. 32:112). 42 Order on the petitions of John van Rensselaer (see L. P. 32:138) and Peter van Schaack (see L. P. 32:136). Peti- tions granted: of Wm Anstruther, Archibald Campbell, ' Finley Miller et al (see L. P. 32:121); of Waldron Blaau et al (see L. P. 32:119); of Luke Knoulton and John Taylor et al (see L. P. 32:120); of John Bergen et al (see L. P. 32:130); of Jeremiah van Rensselaer, James Abeel et al (see L. P. 33:137); of Leonard McGlashan (see L. P. 32:135); of Lieut. Edward Newland and Nicholas Ward 80th regiment (see L. P. 32:89). Order on the petitions of Jellis Fonda and others (see L. P. 32:131) and of James Creassij et al (see L. P. 32:139); the former granted, the latter dismissed. Minutes sent to the board of trade. Order on a royal mandamus, granting lands to William, bishop of Chester, George Markham and Major Enoch Markham (see L. P. 32:5). Proceedings relative to the intended grant and confirmation to John van Rensselaer (p. 44; see L. P. 32:2, 157); includ- ing orders on petitions of John Borghert et al (see L. P. 32:4) and of Capt. Lieut. Alex'r McDonald (see L. P. 32:154). Petition of Capt. Lieut. Alex'r McDonald (see L. P. 33:10) referred. John van Rensselaer surrenders certain lots of the Claverack lands claimed by him, and the surrender is accepted. Order on petition of James Savage in behalf of the people of New Concord, Spencertown and New Britton (see L. P. 33:34). Opinion of council on the letter and caveat of Capt. Lieut. Alex'r McDonald, the report of the attorney general and the draft of a confirmatory patent to John van Rensselaer (see L. P. 33:18-19, 21, 29, 32). Charter of in- corporation for the episcopal church at Poughkeepsie passed. Petitions of Peter Garnsey (see L. P. sy.^S) and John Garn- sey (see L. P. 33:39) referred to the ministers in England. Petition of inhabitants of New Britain, Kings district, Albany county (see L. P. 33:36) referred to the ministers in Eng- land. 44 52 54 58 59 68 68 570 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1773 V. 31 5 Answer of Justice David Jones to the attorney general's reasons for not proceeding to the reversal of the judgment obtained by John van Rensselaer (p. 59). Minutes sent home. 69 Ap. 2.1 Petitions of Capt. Solomon Uhhaunnaunaunmut (see L. P. 33:49-50) rejected, Indians not being entitled to grants of land under the proclamation of 1763. Order on petition of the inhabitants of Spencertown (see L. P. 33:51). 71 May 7 Petition of Samuel Deal for ferry rights over Lake George and the carrying place to Lake Champlain granted. Peti- tion of Johannes Montanye, John Montanye, Joseph Mon- tanye and Everardus Brouwer, in behalf of the legatees of Rachel Smith (see L. P. 29:115) referred. 72 June 9 Royal order prohibiting all grants of land until further orders. 74 26 Unlocated land granted to Capt. Benoni Banks as a reduced officer. Minutes sent home. 75 Aug. 26 Order upon royal mandamus for granting land to Major Wm Markham 47th regiment (see L. P. 29:29). Order on petition of Mary Lavoyne widow of Lieut. Louis Demetral 60th regiment (see L. P. 33:60). Lands' granted to Lieut. Archibald Campbell 42d regiment (see L. P. 33:59); to Daniel Coxe of New Jersey in Charlotte county. 76 31 Petition of Major Gen. John Bradstreet (see L. P. 33:62) granted. 77 Sep. 20 Order on the petitions for land by Capt. Daniel McAlpine 60th regiment (see L. P. ^y.^^), and Capt. Samuel Pintard 50th regiment. 78 Oct. 5 Petition of Sergeant John Donnaldson 55th regiment (see 33:69) granted. 78 Nov. I Petitions of Capt. Daniel McAlpine (see L. P. 33:70) and Lieut. John Thompson 95th regiment (see L. P. 33:70) granted. 79 17 Lands in Charlotte county on the southwest side of Lake George granted to Sergeant Hector McKenzie 60th, Cor- poral Morris Dodd 3Sth, Corporal John Armstrong 80th, Private Richard Kelly 60th regiment; an island in Lake George to Private John Cameron 6oth regiment. Order on petition of John Baptist van Eps (see L. P. sy.7:i). 80 Dec. I Royal orders confirming two New York acts of 1771 and 1772. Royal orders repealing two acts of 1772; to be pub- lished by proclamation. Lands granted near New Perth to Gregor Drummond et al (p. 28) ; to Daniel Jaquire clerk of stores, Royal artillery (see L. P. 33:79). 83 CALENDAR OF COUNCTL MINUTES 1668-I783 571 1773 V. 31 1774 Jan. 26 15 Petition of Lt. Col. Thos. Orel Royal artillery (see L. P. 33:81) granted. Order on petition of Charles Mair and Wm Anderson (see L. P. 33:74). Land granted to Private Dougal McVicar 55th regiment (see L. P. 33:87). Minutes sent home. Order on petition of the corporation of the Dutch church at Schenectady for an enlargement of their powers. List of persons to whom royal mandamus for land grants had been issued: Lord Stephen Ilchester, 20,000 acres (see L. P. 18:1); Lieut. Donald Campbell, George Campbell, James Campbell, Rose Graham, Margaret Eustace and Lilly Mur- ray, 30,000; Lt. Col. Charles Lee, 20,000 (see L. P. ii8:io6); Capt. Walter Patterson, 20,000 (see L. P. 18:105); Sir Wm Mayne, 5000; Robert Mayne, 5000; Edw'd Mayne, 5000 (see L. P. 19:144-45); Capt. John Small, 5000 (see L. P. 19:143); Capt. Joseph Williams (see L. P. 19:146); John de Berniere, Thos. Swords, John Anthony Kernes and Charles de Berniere, 10,000 (see L. P. 19:141); Robert Leake, 5000 (see L. P. 20:139); Fred'k Wm Hecht, 3000 (see L. P. 20:140); Robert Ross, 3000 (see L. P. 20:141); Wm Butler, 3000 (see L. P. 20:136); Draper Simon Wood, 3000 (see L. P. 20:131): Allan [Neil] McLean, 3000 (see L. P. 20:130); John Read, 3000 (see L. P. 20:127); Dugald Campbell, 3000 (see L. P. 20:130); John Trotter, 3000 (see L. P. 20:133); Edward Smyth, 3000 (see L. P. 20:135); James McMillan, 3000 (see L. P. 20:132); Joshua Moore, 3000 (see L. P. 20:137); Robert Moore, 3000 (see L. P. 20:138); Capt. David Price, 5000. Petitions granted: of Fred'k Wm Hecht for the residue of 2620 acres due him agreeably to royal mandamus; of Daniel Jaquiere (see L. P. 33:102). Mar. 2 Petition of Private Cornelius Malone 60th regiment (see L. P. 33:112). Order on petition of Thos. Stone non-commis- sioned officer 48th regiment (see L. P. 33:108). Charter of incorporation granted to the episcopal church at Schenec- tady, Rev. John Doty rector, John Brown, Robert Clench wardens, John Croushorn, Michael Grass, Charles Miller, John Wood, Joseph Kingsley and Thos. Jay vestrymen (see N. Y. col. inss, 100:73). Order on petition of the in- habitants of Spencertown and Nobletown (see L. P. 33:109)- 9 Lands granted: to reduced officers Wm Barron, David Stone, Noah Porter and Joshua Lock (see L. P. 33:111); to Susan- nah Reilly widow of Commissary John Watts (see L. P. 85 88 572 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 V. 31 33:110). Order on petition of Richard Harrison in behalf of Andrew Faneuil Philipps of Boston (see L. P. 33:116). Lands granted: to Corporal Gregor Drummond 55th regi- ment (see L. P. 33:115); to Privates Peter Quin and Rich- ard Mease 60th regiment, not located. 90 16 Cadwallader Colden lieutenant governor. Order concerning two royal mandamus granting to Thos. Graeve and to James Porteous each 3000 acres. Lands granted: to Capt. Mark Prevost (see L. P. 33:107); to Mary widow of Lieut. Airey, Independents (see L. P. 33:1211); to Private Hercules Brown 47th regiment (see L. P. 33:117); to Cor- porals Abr'm Frazier 42d, and Wm Campbell 55th regi- ment. 92 23 Petition of Lt. Col. Samuel Cleaveland, Royal artillery (see L. P. 33:130) granted. Order concerning two houses in New York city, one in Wall street, the other in Cortlandt street, escheated to the crown and petitioned for by John Montanye et al legatees of Rachel Smith, and by widow Elizabeth Brown. 94 31 Petitions granted: of Quartermaster Duncan Campbell 42d regiment (see L. P. 33:9, 106); of Sergeants Samuel Willis iSth regiment and Wm King Lovell, Royal artillery (see L. P. 34:86). Tract no. 3, Totten and Crossfield purchase, to be erected into a township. Lands granted to the bishop of Chester, Enoch, George and Wm Markham to be erected into the township of Markham. Order on peti- tion of Dirck Lefferts, Isaac Low, Henry Remsen, Thos. Palmer, John Bergen and Robert W. Leake for patents to lands purchased from the Indians in 1772 (p. 30). 96 Ap. 16 Hearing appointed on petition of Edward Hallock et al against granting a patent to Charles Mair and Wm Ander- son (p. 84). Petition of Hugh Morrison 42d regiment (see L. P. 33:124) granted. 97 22 Petition of Hugh McNabb 8oth regiment (see L. P. 33:145) referred to the surveyor general. Petition of Gasper Un- derweg 6oth regiment for land not located granted. 98 May 2 James Jackson ex dem trustees of Kingston vs Wm Dede- rick in error. 98 5 Hearing in re Edward Hallock vs Charles Mair and Wm Anderson (p. 97); petition of Mair and Anderson dis- missed. Petitions granted: of Corporal Patrick McGregor 78th regiment (see L. P. 34:2, 6); of Privates Manasses Bradley 60th, Richard Dorrington 40th regiment, Elijah Weedy of Gorham's rangers (see L. P. 34:5); of Lieut. Alex'r Grant (see L. P. 34:3). James Jackson ex dem trus- tees of Kingston vs Wm Dederick in error. 99 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINIJTRS 1668-I783 573 1774 16 Ferry in Kings CO. V. 31 June 14 29 Au.£ Petitions granted: of Sergeant John Jones 44th regiment (see L. P. 34:7); of Lt. Col. Samuel Cleaveland (see L. P. 34:8). James Jackson ex dem, Thos. Williams et al vs John van Rensselaer in error; royal order in the suit. Further time allowed for selling the estate of Patrick Smith for the benefit of Rachel Smith's legatees (p. 94). Peti- tions granted: of Sergeant Peter Deacon 46th, Corporals John Breese, Samuel Whitehouse, John Robinson 8oth, John Smith 17th, James Conner 44th, Privates Joseph Hal- brook, John Neal, Wm Adley, John Walter, George Smith, Walter Midden 46th, Donald McDonald 42d, Michael Ralph 5Sth, John Dunn, Wm Weston, Benj. Grosmer, John Blare i6th regiment (see L. P. 33:126); of Charles Tate and George Smart, non-commissioned officers, Royal artillery (see L. P. 33:62; 34:52); of Capt. James Neil, rangers (see L. P. 33:146); of Humphrey and Samuel Avery (see L. P. 34:21); of Samuel' Ashley et al for a confirmatory patent of lands granted by New Hampshire; of Luke Knoulton, John Taylor et al (see L. P. 34:15); of Josiah Willard et al (see L. P. 33:151)- Petitions granted: of Lieut. Wm Brown (see L. P. 34:22); of Elias Bland and other proprietors of Hillsborough (see L. P. 34:17); of Humphrey and Samuel Avery et al (see L. P. 34:21); of Nathan Stone et al (see L. P. 34:24). Water lot at Claverack granted to Peter van Ness, and Law- rence Fonda (see L. P. 34:26). Petitions granted: of Josiah Willard et al (see L. P. 34:32); of Samuel Ashley et al (see L. P. 34:31); of Luke Knoulton et al, names of Daniel Whipple, David Joy, Joseph Charters, Jonathan Hunt, Simeon Alcott, Elijah Williams, and Wm Wentworth to be substituted for John Grout, Josiah Armes, Malachi Church, John Sergent, John Wilson, EHsha Harding and Wm EUice (see L. P. 34:33); of Phineas Lyman, John Hinsdale, Samuel Field et al (see L. P. 34:37) ; of John Felt- hausen et al (see L. P. 34:28); of John Woods, Charles Nicoll et al (see L. P. 34:34). Royal order confirming New York act for the partition of Goshentown rights in the Wawayanda patent; to be pub- lished by proclamation (see A''. Y. col. mss, 100:133). Peti- tions granted: Jacob Walton et al of the township of Golden (see L. P. 34:72); of Edward Foy and 29 others (see L. P. 34:80); of Edward Thatcher and ir others (see L. P. 34:71); of James Jauncey et al of the township of Jauncey- burgh (see L. P. 34:27); of James Stevenson (see L. P. 34:77); of Ass't Surgeon Robert Kennedy (see L. P. 34:76); 105 107 574, NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1774 Sep. I New York 29 Oct. 6 V. 31 of Elizabeth widow of Lieut. James Henderson (see L. P. 33:143; 34:35)- Order on petitions of Benj. Evans and his wife Joan, sister of Lewis P. WilHams deceased (see L. P. 34:56), and of Johannes Friend et al (see L. P. 34:81). iii Draft of letters patent to Stephen de Lancey jr in trust for the devisees of Rachel Smith (p. 100) read and approved. Corporal Joseph Robinson 55th and Private John Michael 60th regiment, allowed to locate lands due to them under the proclamation of 1763 (see L. P. 34: [100], 103). Peti- tions of John Blagge, Edmund Fanning et al (see L. P. 34:100), and of Rev. John Ogilvie and other devisees of Lancaster Symes (see L. P. 34:102) granted. Order on petition of Stephen Hogeboom, Wm H. Ludlow, Robert van Rensselaer et al (see L. P. 34: [100]). 115 Hearing appointed on the petitions of Benj. Evans and of Johs. Friend (p. mi). Land granted to Lieut. John Mon- tresor 48th regiment (see L. P. 34:105). Private Adam Vandil 6oth regiment allowed to locate land under the proclamation of 1763. Petitions granted: of Daniel Whip- ple et al of the township of Whippleborough (see L. P. 34:61); of Oliver de Lancey and John Morin Scott (see L. P. 34:107) ; of John Bard, Henry Wisner and John Morin Scott (see L. P. 34:104). Order on petition of Wm Bayard, Cornelius van Schaack, John Schuyler et al (see L. P. 34:82). 117 Royal order vetoing a New York act of 1773; to be pub- lished by proclamation (see iV. Y. col. mss, 101:13). Widow of Capt. John Rudolph Fesch 6oth regiment allowed to locate lands under royal proclamation of 1763 (see L. P. 34:112). Mayor etc of New York vs executors of Hen- drick Renisen deceased, in error. Hearing appointed on petition of Peter van Ness and Lawrence Fonda (see L. P. 34:116). Order on petitions: of Hezekiah Baldwin, Martin Beebe, David Pratt and other inhabitants of New Canaan, New Concord, Spencertown, New Britain etc (see L. P. 32:94, 116); of Henry Remsen, Peter Vosburgh, Robert van Deusen and Johannes van der Poel (see L. P. 34:110); and of a caveat entered by Alex'r McDonald and other officers (see L. P. 34:109). 120 Petition of Wm Smith et al (see L. P. 23:379; 34:113, n?) granted. Sergeant Nicolas Harrison and Private John Garrison 47th regiment allowed to locate lands under the proclamation of 1763. Hearing between the proprietors of Wawieghnunk patent and th^ proprietors of Westenhook patent; the petition of the former, Wm Bayard et al (p. 117) rejected. 124 CALENDAR OF COHNCIi: MINUTES 1668-I783 575 1774 Nov. 8 Dec. 7 1775 Jan. 5 15 25 Draft of letters i)atcnt to Harry Gordon Ijrothcr and to Peter Gordon (see L. P. 33:i3'2'; 34:30, 63) read and ap- proved. Hearing on the petitions of Peter van Ness and Lawrence Fonda (p. 107, 120) and of Stephen Hogeboom et al (p. 115); the former rejected. Hearing appointed on petition of the proprietors of Westenhook patent and the caveats against it (see L. P. 34:75, 110, ur). Petitions granted: of John van Alen (see L. /'. 34:130); of Samuel Holland et al asking that tiie names of James Abeel, John Abeel, Robert Snell, Jacob Albright, James Cobham and Alex'r Bradburn be substituted in the patent for John and Henry Holland, Matthew Hallenbeck, John Rogers, Wm Hume and John Elliot jr, dead or removed out of the province (see L. P. 34:66). Petitions granted: of Thos. Clark et al (see L. P. 34:09, 134); of Walter Rutherford and Henry Balfour (see L. P. 34:122); of Surgeon's Mate John Cochran (see L. P. 314:1120, 131). Orders on the petitions: of Jacobus Perse (see N. Y. col. DISS, 101:28); of John Peters et al (see L. P. 34:138); of James Downs, Christ'r Duyckinck and Wm Kennedy (see L. P. 34:111). Petitions granted: of John Blagge, Edmund Fanning et al (see L. P. 34:137); of Samuel Jones and 19 others of the township of Jonestown (see L. P. 34:125); of Richard Slack et al (see L. P. 34:126); of John Earle and 27 others (see L. P. 34:127); of Robert Bowne et al (see L. P. 34:99); of Abel Walker et al (see L. P. 34:74); of John Zabriski jr et al (see L. P. 34:98). Hearing on the petition of Westenhook patentees (p. 125) postponed. Hearing on the petition of John Peters et al (p. 127) ; granted. Hearing on the petition of the Westenhook patentees (P- 134) ; continued. V. 31 leir 125 127 134 134 Feb. Hearing on the petition of Westenhook patentees (p. 134) postponed on a petition of inhabitants of Kings district (see L. P. 35:10). 136 Petitions of Josiah Willard, John Stout et al (see L. P. 35:16), and of Lawrence Kortright, John Harpur et al (see L. P. 34:40) granted. Names of Stephen Lush. Richard Varick, John L. C. Roome, John Lawrence, David Wells and Wm Todd to be inserted in the patent to Edward Wm Kiers in place of his former associates (29:437; see L. P. 34:148). 136 Hearing on the petition of Westenhook patentees (p. 136) ; continued. 137 Petition of Edmund Famiing and Moses Mardin (see L. P. 35:17) to have the names of Samuel Avery, John Peters, 576 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1775 V. 31 James Cobham, Wm Kennedy and Samuel Boyer inserted into their patent in place of Benj. J. Johnston, John Hodges, Joshua Littlewood, Malcom Mclsaac and John Grumley granted. 138 22 Hearing on the petition of Westenhook patentees (p. 137) ; continued. 138 Mar. 9 Order on caveat entered by inhabitants of Canistegione against granting the petition of Jacobus Perse (p. 127). 139 Ap. 7 Petitions granted: of Samuel Avery and the associates of Daniel Whipple deceased (see L. P. 35:58); of Henry Cuyler, Robert Adems et al of the township of Edinburgh (see L. P. 35:49). Order on petition of Corn's Tymonse and 89 others (see L. P. 35:59). 140 II Hearinig on the caveats against the petition of Jacobus Perse postponed. Minutes sent to the board of trade. 141 13 Petition of John Wetherhead and Rachel, his wife (see L. P. 34:153) granted. 142 June 3 Petitions granted: of John and Garret Rapalje, to have the names of Wm Thorn, Walter Thomas, Joseph Smith, Rem Remsen, Jacob Remsen jr, John Remsen jr, John Lewis and John Hansen inserted into their patent vice Aaron Simonson jr, Francis KofHer, Edward Joice, Alex'r Mc- Alester, John Wilson, Richard McGuire, Andrew Myer and Patrick Smith, deceased or removed out of the province (see L. P. 35:70); of John Church et al of the township of Ryegate (see L. P. 35:68). Minutes sent to the board of trade. 142 July II Gov. Wm Tryon returned. Petition of James Stevenson (see L. P. 35:78) granted. 144 31 Col. John Leland late major in Col. Grey's corps, Lieut. John Bruyers 56th, and Private George Murray 42d regi- ment allowed to locate lands under the proclamation of 1763. Petition of Edmund Fanning et al of the township of Stratton (see L. P. 35:79) granted. Capt. David Pryce allowed to locate lands as above. 145 Sep. 4 Petitions granted: of Christ'r Duykinck, James Downs, Wm Butler and Wm Kennedy (see L. P. 35 :84) ; of Gertrude Pinhorn, widow of Lieut. John Pinhorn 45th regiment (see L. P. 35:87); of Sergeant John Pounset and Corporal Gil- bert Wier 55th regiment (see L. P. 35:76). Order on letter from Agatha Butlar and Martha Bradstreet daughters of Gen. Bradstreet deceased (see L. P. 35:65). 146 29 Petitions granted: of Corporal Gilbert Wier (see L. P. 35:90) ; of Francis Panton (see L. P. 35:92); of Amos Babcock et al of the township of Andover (see L. P. 35:88). Minutes sent to the board of trade. 148 CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I7S3 577 1775 Nov. 13 Minutes, accompany 1774 Dec. 4 Ship Dutchess of Gordon, N. Y. harbor 1775 Jan. 23 Dec. 26 1776 Jan. 29 Feb. 14 V. 31 Petitions granted: of Fred'i-c Rhinelander et al of the town- ship of Rhineland called Underhill (see L. P. 35:107); of Henry Franklin et al of the township of Milton (see L. P. 35:106); of Wm Rhinelander jr et al of the township of Westford (see L. P. 34:140; 35:112). 149 lacking in both vol. 26 and 31, to be found among rough drafts ing vol. 31. Petitions granted: of Samuel Holland and others for town- ship of Topsham, Gloucester county, according to orders of June 15, 11772, reserving share of Benning Wentworth to the crown; of Luke Knoulton, John Taylor and others for two strips of land surveyed for, but not included in the New Hampshire grant of the township of New Fane. Petitions granted: of Chas. W. Apthorp and others for the township of Lunenberg, Gloucester county, according to orders of June 15, 1772, reserving to the crown the share of B. Wentworth; of Wm Baylis late staff officer for 2000 acres owned by Edward and Ebenezer Jessup north of the township of Hyde. Petitions granted: of Alex'r Grant for 5000 acres south of Crownpoint and north west of Ticonderoga near a grant to Capt. James Stevenson; of Frederick Rhinelander, James Downes, Wm Butler, Wm Kennedy that the name of Rhinelander be inserted vice that of Christopher Duyc- kinck in letters patent granted to said Downes and others as associates of James Leadbetter. Petitions granted: of Edmund Fanning and others for the township of Tunbridge, Gloucester county, according to orders of June 15, 1772, reserving the share of B. Went- worth to the crown; of Chas. Moore a late officer for 2000 acres in Charlotte county, adjoining 7550 acres granted Ebenezer Jessup; of Mark Noble, Thomas Reade, Henry and Wm Philips for 2000 acres each in one parcel in Al- bany county between Massachusetts and Stephentown. Petitions granted: of Samuel Wells and John Kelly agents of the proprietors of Guilford for confirmatory patent, re- serving the allotment of B. Wentworth to the crown; of Robert Rodgers and others for land on Lake Momphra Magog to be erected into the township of Rogersborough, in compensation for the township of Dunbar granted to Rodgers in I76[2] by New Hampshire but already oc- cupied; of Lt. Col. Thomas Howard, Chas. Howard and others for letters patent to lands west of Crownpoint peti- tioned for in 1772. 578 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY CORRECTIONS Errors have not been noted where the correct forra of word or right meaning of phrase is obvious. p. 12, Jan. II, 1. 5, add page reference 42 at end p. 12, Feb. 24, 1. 7, for Vigue read Vigne p. 33, Oct. 4, 1. I, for schems read sachems p. 34\ Dec. 15, 1. 4, for Madmans read Madnans p. 36, Mar. 20, 1. I, for Harmaus read Harmans p. 42, Ap. 3, I. 4, for Murtens read Martens p. 51, Nov. 18, for 1. 7 substitute: hampton to be arrested for publishing a seditious libel (see p. 67, Aug. 3, for 1. 2 substitute: from the sloop Planter, Cornelius Jacobs master p. 76, Sep. 15, 1. I, for Heath read Heathcote p. 76, Sep. 15, 1. II, .for Demgre read Demyre p. 78, Nov. 24, 1. 3, for Missepatt read Nissepatt p. 92, Oct. 23, 1. I, for Brashen read Brasher p. 95, Feb. 3, 1. 2i, for county read country p. 96, Mar. 28, 1. I, for Abany read Albany p. 97, May 14, 1. 3, for Caus read Claus p. 97, May 16, 1. 7, for Crexier read Crevier p. 97, July 2, for 1. 2 substitute: Treat that it is rumored Gov. Fletcher intends to make p. 100, Sep. 9, 1. 3, for Cadaraequi read Cadaracqui p. 109, Sep. 5, 1. 4, for whals read wheels p. no, Nov. 14, 1. 2, for Madera read Madeira p. 120, May 6, 1. 3, for Matinconk read Matiniconk p. 124, June 5, 1. 2, for Swieter read Swieten p. 132, July 4, 1. 5, for Codeberand; read Codeber and [no semicolon] p. 142, Aug. 18, 1. S, for 42: read 43: p. 142, Aug. 23, 1. 2, for 44: read 43: p. 147. July 31, 1. 3, for Waudell read Wandell p. 1.49, Oct. 8, 1. 2, for Manritz read Mauritz p. 151, Nov. 27, 1. 14, for 186 read 184 p. 163, Feb. 9, 1. 7, for Scriben read Scrifen p. 164, Mar. 12, 1. 9, insert 3: before 39-41 p. I170, June 1(0', 1. 3, for 33: read 3: p. 176, Nov. 24, 1. 7, for Slaten read Slater p. 177, Dec. I, 1. 5, for Handon read Hawdon p. 182, Ap. 13, 1. I, for Carten read Carter p. 198, June 15, 1. 2, for Peviett read Peirett p. 199, Aug. 24, 1. 7, read : revenue. Petition by p. 202, Nov. 6, 1. 3, for Carten read Carter p. 209, Ap. II, 1. 2, for Foy read Toy p. 209, Ap. 25, 1. 4, for kayaderosseras read Kayaderosseras p. 211, July 18, 1. 3, for 5: read 51: p. 2a2i, Nov. 16, 1. 4, for 4: read 53: p. 234, Feb. 27, 1. 3, for Crombine read Cromline CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1668-I783 579 p. 234, Mar. 4, 1. I, for Maneuil read Mareuil p. 238, June 8, 1. 6, for conselos read Conselos p. 24J7, June 5, 1. 3,, for 55: read 5: p. 253, Oct. I, I. I, for Fatham read Tatham p. 259, July IS, insert after 1. 2: of C. Van Brunt (see L. P. 6:128) re- ferred. 307 p. 262, Nov. I, 1. 5, insert Hanson after Hendrick p. 269, Ap. 9, 1. y, insert 7: before 24-26 p. 270, June 20, 1. 2, for 6: read 61 : p. 272— 73^ for Melclioir read Melchior p. 281, July 8, 1. 2, for 52: read 54: p. 281, Aug. 24, 1. 4, insert 8: before 61-62 p. 282, Oct. 3, 1. 4, for 184 read 181 p. 289^ Jan. 17, for 1. 2 substitute: 9:22) referred and warrant of survey granted. 81 p. 295, Aug. 6, 1. 12, for Bobn read Bobin p. 295, for Aug. 3 read Sep. 3 p. 296, 1. 5, for renominates read nominates p. 297, Jan. 2S, 1. 5, for 66: read 67: p. 300, Nov. 8, 1. I, insert i: before 522 p. 300, Nov. 9-10, 1. I, insert i: before 523 p. 305, Dec. 19, 1. 4, for 168: read (&: p. 305, Dec. 19, 1. 5, for 16: read 10: '• ■ p. 305, Mar. 2, 1. 2, for Lowet read Low p. 308, June 13, 1. 3, for no read 113 P- 2'^2, July 27, I. I and Aug. 21, 1. 6, for Soumans read Sonmans p. 313, for Aug. 21 read Aug. 2 p. 314, Sep. 22, 1. 3, for Set read Sex p. 319, Sep. 29, 1. 2, for Horsmander read Horsmanden p. 319, Sep. 29, transpose 1. 7 and 8 p. 322, Au>g. 23, 1. 2, for Horsmander read Horsmanden p. 325, Mar. ID, 1. 5, insert comma after seal p. 325, Mar. 25, 1 3, for 37 read 7 p. 2)^7, Aug. 5, 1. 2, for of read to p. 331, May S, 1. 5, for Pemiston read Penniston p. .343, Dec. 22, 1. I, for Banyan read Banyar p. 344, Mar. 27, 1. 3, for Savan read Swan p. 344, June 14, 1. 7, for Low read Law p. 2iS^> Ap- 20, 1. 6, cancel comma after arming p. 360, for second Oct. 20 read Oct. 22 p. 367, Sep. 29, 1. I, for Henry read Edward P- 374, Oct. 26, 1. 9, for 6: read 76: p. 376, Sep, 15, 1. 5, for Becken read Becker p. 383, May 4, 1. 7, insert 3: before 438-41 p. 392, Mar. 23-Ap. 9, for L. P. 15: read A''. Y. col. mss, 78: p. 399, Ap. 25. 1. 5, insert comma after Devalt p. 401, Feb. 19, 1. 3- Aug. 28, for L. P. 16: read L. P. 15: p. 407, Nov. 23, 1. 3, cancel comma after Praa p. 408, Jan. 5, 1. I, for Mason read Wason p. 424, Dec. 6, 1. 6, for Spitzen read Spitzer 580 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 428, May 22, 1. I, for exmained read examined 430, 1. 2, for 81 : read 83: 430, Aug. 25, 1. 9, for Dusaw read Dusau 430, Aug. 25, for 1. IS substitute: Philippsburgh manor; Charles and Michael Gooda, Jean 440, June 17, 1. 2, for 85: read 86: 453, July 8, 1. 2, for Moriss read Morin 465, Aug. 7, 1. 7, for Reune read Renne 481, Ap. 18, 1. I, for Emburg read Embury 485, June 14, 1. 21, for Abd'm read Abr'm 498, Oct. IS, 1. I, for Sachlan read Lachlan Soo, Mar. 9, 1. 6, read: complained of by a petition S02, Sep. I, 1. I, for 100: read loi: 512, 1. 3,, for Domo read Douw 51S, Oct. 29, 1. 2, for Hamstead read Flamstead 5120, Nov. 3, 1. 3, for Pryn read Prym 5214, Dec. 20, 1. 10, for Dodgejim read Dodge jr 538, Dec. S, 1. 6, cancel comma after Johannes 539, Mar. 8, 1. i, for Evert read Everet, 541, Ap. 19, 1. 16, for Tayor read Taylor 550, Sep. 3, after 1. 7 insert: Matthew Gleeves (see L. P. 27:78); of Cap- tains Daniel S55, June 7, 1. 23, for 99 read 29 S62, 1. lo-ii, for Gercord read Gerard S62, 1. 19, for Manbout read Manbrut 569, Dec. 23, 1. 12, for Creassij read Creassy INDEX _ It has been impossible in many cases to identify persons because of incon • ■sistencies in spelling, irregularity in use of 'van,' 'sr' and 'jr' and omission of other designations. If there are few references to the same form of name they are grouped together, though referring to more than one person, unless the text furnishes some means of distinction. The same method is followed for names under which there is a large number of entries when many can not be certainly identified. In cases of different spellings of what might be the same name, if the identity seemed certain, entries have been made under one form with references from other forms; if uncertain, entries are made under the different forms, with cross references. As it is quite unlikely that all such cases have been recognized, it will be well to have at hand all pos- sible variants of a name one wishes to find. Where surname alone or with a distinguishing title is given the person may be identical with one entered later under full name. The superior figures tell the exact place on the page in ninths; e. g. 558* means page 558 beginning in the third ninth of the page, i. e. about one third of the way down. Abbot, Benjamin, 404^ 405*, SI7^ Abeel. Mr, 4i8l Abeel. Mrs, 241'. Abeel, Christopher, 275^ Abeel, David, 301", 301^ Abeel. David, jr, 552*, 558', 558'. Abeel, Garret, 400", 561-, 563^ Abeel, Jacobus, 552', 558'. Abeel, James, land grants, 527^ 546^, 550', 552°, 552', 559% 559', 562^ 562', 563', 563', 569*, 575'; releases share in patent, 55S^ Abeel, John, commissioner, 76^, 236"; warrants, 96', 100*, I03^ io6\ 106', ■ I70^ 175', 1176', I8I^ 183', 193', 193', 194', 197', 198', 202^ 204", 205", 2I0^ 2.14\ accounts, I05^ 200°, 204', member of court of oyer iner, 172^; petitions, 182', 197", 210', 210', 21 1^ 213', , 237"; land grants, 210', quitrent, 210°, 2i\i^;' licen- ses to buy land, 2I4^ 214''; time for settling land extended, 219^. See also Albany, mayors. Abeel. John (2d), before council, 361^, tried for selling rum to Indians, 418"; examined, 427°; war- rant. 442°; land grants, 527^ 552°, 559°- 562.', 563*, 563', 575'. Abercrombie, James, 429°, 438°, 441'-; letters from, 429", 439^ 440"; com- mander in chief, 438'; requests, 438", 439", 442°; arms purchased by, 439°; retreats, 441*. Aberdeen, James, 450'. Abigail (brigantine), 2S4^- Able, John, 514-. 107'. 1 10", 184', 190°, 198^ 201°, 217°. 221"; 221', 223*; and termi 190*, 197', 21 7^ 225°, 211", 22 L^; Able, William, 411'. Abrahamse, Ryck, 39^ 86^, 90'. Abrams, see Abrahamse. Abramse, Joras, 95^ Acadians, 427\ See also French neu- trals. Acherley, Nathaniel, 404', 405*. Achilles (brigantine), 433^ Ackerman, David, 537°-38\ Ackland, Dudley, 542°. Acquin, 358^. Adair, John, 5i6l Adams, Catherine, 538'. Adams, Dunlap, 520^, 541'. Adams, James, 54I^ Adams, John, 4I6^ 538', 565'. Adams, Robert, land grants, 386*, 538', 540', 540', 541°, 544'; petitions, 520°, 576'. Adams, Samuel, 516^. Adams, Thomas, 568^. Adams, William, 541^ 551'. Adaquicktinge creek, 386^ Addison, Joseph, 265^ 266°. Adee, John, 509*. Adems, see Adams. Adgate, Matthew, 494°. Adley, William, 530', 573^ Admiralty court, 63^ 270" 202^ 202^, 203^ 203", 217' 286^ 286°, 335*: officers' 203^ 212*; petition of 2 1 6". Adriaensen, Joost, 16". Adrianse. Goosen, 223*. Adriansen, Cornelius, 45". Adriansen, Lambert, 45\ Adventure (ship), 43-, 51" fees, 131*, 217'. 285', salaries, officers. 52- 116", 138", 139°, I44^ 145'. 147 52f. 455*. 582 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Advice (man-of-war), 155', 155*, 155', I6I^ Ael, John Jacob, 399^ Aertsen, Garret, 6i', 173^ - Aertsen, Jacob, 104'', 184*, 185^ Aertsen, John, loi", 121^. Aertsen, Simon, 112^^, 116', 1119". Aertsen, WilHam, 235°. Affidavits, proclamation against tak- ing in clandestine manner, 43". African trade, 377^ Agard, Joshua, 406^ 407'. Aggaton, John, 535', 542'. Agilar, Antonio, 349''. Airey, Mary, 572^ Aiton, Robert, 526^. Aix la Chapelle, treaty announced, 371'. Aker, Charles, 294". Aker, Nicholas, 294^. Akin, John, 467°, 473', 473', 480'. Albany, 14", 26*, 30', 232'', 244*; Cana- dians to attack, 106', iii^, 117', 207''; caveat against patents, 310*, 312^ 328', 328', 330^; changes made in, 26'; churches, see Churches; clerk of peace and common pleas, 148"; collector of excise, 148"; commissaries, 22^, 31^; com- missioners to meet at, 335'; com- plaint against, 455', 456^; complaints from, 258"; court of oyer and ter- miner at, 185^; expeditions, gg', 193°; express from, 81°; fortifica- tions, 13', 54', 87', 94\ I4f, 236', 243^ 248^ 278^ 387^ 395^ 398^ 414^ fiour, 37^^, 38"'; French designs on, 94*, 351'; French officers sent from, 242*; French on way to, 246"; grain exportation, 114^, leo", 127^; hos- pital, 114^; huts on hill, 17"; in- habitants enumerated, i;2"; journals kept at, 256"; land patent, 56"; laws against riots, 259^*; magistrates, 19^ 24"; messengers to, 71°; mur- ders, i8\ 263^; petitions, 16", 40", 88-, 13,2^ 13,5', 190', 216', 3:13', 330', 387', 487', 490*, 491*, 509'; pier, 435°; post route, 229^*; public stores, 237^; quitrents, 180^; remonstrance from officers, 246^; representatives, 135^; rioters discharged, 417*; salaries of officials, 13°; schout, 11°, 19^; scouts killed, 368^: sexton, 16'; shoemaker, 24"^; no strange sloops to go to, 13°; smallpox in, 333', 43i^ sub- collector, 109'; taxes, 13^ 19°, 24^ 25*, 26^ 27\ 28^ 28', I20^ 121', 125=, 126', 131', 133', 149', 151°, 152', i6o', 173'", 209°; timber, 28^; Sybrant van Schaick, recorder, 388", 417"; war rumors, 313'; writs sent to, 32"; fort: I2\ 89^ 90°; condition, 8I^ 274-; inspection, 100'; plan, 417°; repairs, 17^ 42", 44°, 59^ 73', 80', 87*, 98*, 1 10", 189", 205-, 206'', 238", 260^ 263^ 265', 273*, 298'j Indians: 24^ 24^, 35"; approach of, 81*; attack by, 97"; cause alarm, 70^ 73% 129^; from Canada, 87^; conferences, 72"^, 98^ 109^ i6g\ 188", 239', 277', 277', 281°, 302,=, 3361', 355', 377", 378', 379\ 387', 391'; Indian post, .57*; negotiations with, 28^; peace between Maquaes and Mahi- canders, 15"; powder sold to, 24', 24*; Indian presents, 226^; provides transportation, to Mohawks, 387^; relief against, 348°; trade, 54", 293^; treaty, 190°; Waganhaes Indians asked to come to, 170^; ^mayors: Abeel, John, 105^ 232'; Bancker, Evert, 117°, 2117', 217^; Bleecker, Rutger, 302\ 304", 305', 306', 306*, 306^ Cuyler, Abraham C. 482^, 485', 486^, 492", 498', 502', 506'; Cuyler, Cornelius, 34I^ 343^ 346-, 351'; De Peyster, John, 308', 310*, 311', 318^; Douw, Volkert P. 454', 459", 462:', 466', 468', 479"; Holland. Edward, 319^ 324^ 327*, 330^ 332\ 334' ; Livingston. Robert, jr, 240°, 249^ 265°, 268'; Saunders, Robert, 377% 38i\ 385', 385', 386\ 389'; Schuyler, John, jr, 336', 339'; Schuyler. Peter, =55% 55', 56', 73% 7a\ 7&, 87', 87*, 88^; Ten Broeck, Dirck, 361^, 368*; Ten Eyck, Jacob Coenradt, 371*, 374', 375*, 3"5'. 3'6'; Van Brugh, Peter. 143", 282:^ 288", 293^ 296^; Van Schaick, Sybrant G. 431'. 436", 442*, 447\ 449"; Wessells, Dirck, 128-, 133'; soldiers: barracks, 120^ 271°; de- serters, 78**, 114"; fusileer com- panies, 83"; guard, 230^; militia, 97'', 230°, 242*; musterrolls of com- panies, 92^; officers' quarters, 114^, II5^ 115*, I,I5^ ii6^ 121°, 150': pay, 7I^ 8s', 96°, 120°, 333^; subsistence, 69^^ 74*, 74^ 7&, 92*, 93\ 9^\ 97\ loi', 107', 238''; troops sent to, 65', 67', 69*, 72', 77\ 77\ 8o\ 8ii=, %4, 91', 92', 95*, 232', 354', 359'; trade. 28*, 31^ with Canada, 32:\ 279', 303'; Indian, 31*, 54', 293^; ^Names of persons under Albany city and county include only references pertaining to the office under which they are entered; for other references see individual names in main alphabet. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 583 with New England, 12'; with Schenectady, 31". Albany conference of i/'54, 394^, 395*- Albany county, appraisal of estates, 76"; oath of assessors, 87'; bound- ary line, 374°, 455% 456°, 460'; com- missions of peace and pleas, 438', 438", 457', 458', 479\ 4«i', 4S9", 49U, 500'; coroner, 45**; court of oyer and terminer, 471", 477^ 490^ 493', 494^; deputy receiver, 167^; fortifi- cations repaired, 361^; grain ex- portation, 54°, 84^; judges of com- mon pleas, 65^ 494^ 494^ 500^ 504', 504'; judges of peace,' 477°, 481"; justices of common pleas, 328*; justices of peace, 65', ii4f, 141", 477", 481", 483', 484', 485', 487', 488\ 4Q4\ 494^ 495', .495^ 499', 500', 50 1^ 50I^ 502^ 503*, 504% 504'; I'and grants, 60", 39I^ 577^; licenses to buy land in, 214^ 214^ 368"^; quit- rents, 55", 220^; rangers, 364", 364^, 364^, 364''', s6s^, 36&; regiment, 229*, 366'; representatives, 68°, 135*^; taxes, 54^; Ulster county line, 374^ 533^ 534"'; warrant for land survey, 196': ^sheriiTs: Babington, Samuel, 262^ 268'; Holland, Henry, 211"', 278'. 282', 334', 336', 339', 341', 343', 346-, 346"; Lindesay, John, 319^; Miller, Richard, 381"; Pretty, Richard, 31,^ 45', 55^ 87'; Schuyler, Harmanus, 459', 462^ 466', 468^ 479°; Teller, Gasper, 62°, 62'; Ten Eyck, Henry, jr, 482^ 486", 491^, 492^, 496', 498°, 502^ 506"; Van Schaick, Goose, 306', 3o8^ 310^; Van Schaick, Jacob, 447\ 449''; Williams, Thomas, 249^, 253^ 256', 293\ 296", 299', 302\ 304- ; Wilson, James, 385", 389^; Yates, Abraham, jr, 396", 398', 414', 415', 423', 442'. Albany (galley), 25I^ Albert, Peter, 172^ Alberts, Henry, 33*. Alberts. W. 44'. . Albertsen, Andrian, 26^ Albertus, John, 44^ Albey, Abraham, 411". Albright, Jacob, 56I^ 575'. Albrought (ketch), 71', 81', 84", 85'"',92*. Alcott, Simeon, 573'. Alder, John, 557*, 560'. Aldridge, Richard, 418^. Alexander, Ebenezer, 523^ 524°. Alexander, Elijah, 516', 523', 524°. Alexander, Giles, land grants, 522'', 522", 526% 527=', 559^ 559\ 561*; pe- tition. 565^■ Alexander, James, petitions, 268*, 282^ 288'', 297', 341'; patents granted,' 269', 298'; appointed to council, 28I^ 390"; warrants, 289^ ^5s 295', 298': objects to council proceedings, 308", 392', 393", 397', 399'; letter under door, 320"*; with- holds vote in council, 325^; restored to seat in council, 378'; presides in council, 390', 421"; communications from, 392^ 41 6''; death, 440'. See also N. Y. (colony), attorneys gen- eral. Alexander, Reuben, 525\ Alexander, Robert, 510^, S1I3*. Alexandei", William, 458", 478', 515*. Alexander (ship), 298% 302'. Alexandria, council of war at, 4151 Algerines, passes for ships to, 258'. Algiers, captives in, 31°, 34^, 98', 104"*, 107", 128'; treaty with, 158". Alicock, see Allicock. Allaz, James, 412". Allein, captain, 99^ Allen, Benjamin, 527', 562*. Allen, En OS, 5I9^ 560^. Allen, Ethan, 488', 489^ 497', 499', 499°- Allen, Ira [Ara], 493^ Allen, James, 519*. Allen, John, S05^ 510', 537^ Allen, John, sawyer. I48^ Allen, John, sherifif of Pemaquid, 32\ Allen, iNIary, 450^ Allen. Robert, 535^ Allen. Stephen, 519*. Allen, Thomas, 373', 373^, 524^ Allen, Timothy, 400*. Allen, see also Alleyn; Allyn. Alleyn, , 38=. Allicock, Joseph, petition, 534*; land grants, 410'. 510', 540°, 544^ 556', 558^ 562^ 563'. Allingtown, 464". Allinson, Samuel, 545"^. Allison, Cornelia. 178^. 181', 182?. Allison [Ellison], Robert, 53°, 61*, 87', 89', I76^ Allison, Thomas, 269*. AUoway, captain, 67*, 71^ Allwyn, John, 44.". Allyn [Allen], John, IlI^ 11", 34". Almann, John, 518". Aloon, Christian, 56o^ Alricks, Peter, 15', ig^. Alson, John, 323^ Alsop, Eupham, 341^. 341°. Alsop, John, 341°, 341', 399^ 559'. Alsop, Richard, I40^ 266^ 283*, 283*, 4o6\ ^See footnote p. 582. 584 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Alstine, see Van Alstyne. Alsup, see Alsop. Alt, Johannes, 4Ds\ Alvard, Simeon, 522^ 524', 527', 562-'. Alvarez, Peter, 457". Alverd, Medad, 524'. Alvertste, , 416'. ^ Aman (Arabian), 2>77'- Amason, Daniel, 5I7^ Amboy, see Perth Amboy. Ambusco (sachem), 241 America (ship), 461^ 462". Amherst, Jefifery, letters from, 444', 445^ 446', 452', 459'; occupies Crownpoint, 446^; application for cannons, 446°; suggestion by, 446'; requests continuing New York provincials, 446"; repays money, 447^; number of men required by, 447'; writes that Fort Levi has been taken, 449^; sends letters, 4Si°; receives news of king's death, 451°; requests that provincials be retained in service, 453' ; writes about provisions, 453°; wants men employed during winter, 454^, 459'; promises extra bounty to recruits, 456°; sends list of deserters, 457*;l requests provisions for army, 457°; orders New York troops to con- tinue in service, 461'; writes about Indians, 462*; requires 1400 men, 462^; land grant, 555°. Amiel, John, jr, 550*. Amity (sloop), I02l Amsterdam (Holland), 336^ 2)Z^^, 354', 446'. Amy, Joshua, 358^ 422". Anchorage, fees, 30'. Ancram, ironworks at, 416*. Anderson, , 222", 224°. Anderson, Edward, 512^ sra'. Anderson, George, 144', i47\ Anderson, Isaac, 276°. Anderson, James, 274', 278^ 530^ Anderson, John, 430*, 457*; petition, 316", 317'; land grants, 408', 536', 54i\ 565^ land survey for, 411^; isl- ands claimed by, 467*, 46^; charged with murder, 474^ Anderson, John, of Barbadoes, 7:f. Anderson, Joseph, 555^ Anderson, Robert, 132°. Anderson, Robert, corporal, s68^ Anderson, William, 2I4^ 236^; war- rants, 186^, 309°; petitions, 2I6^ 223', 233^ 235^ 237*; security as sherifif, 225^ 236*; suspended, 239^ See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Anderson, William, sergeant, 564°, 566^ 57r, 572' 57^1 Andover, 565°, 576^ Andrees, Henry, 537*. Andrews, John, 514', 543°, 549", 549'. Andrews, Joseph, 477^ Andrews,^ Mary, 44\ Andrews, Robert, 562^ Andrews, William, 528'. Andrews, William, missionary to- Mohawks, 258'. Andros, Edmund, 130*; meeting in fort, 2(f, 20^ 2ii''; goes to Con- necticut, 22^, 23^; goes to Albany, 25-, 26\ 28", 28^; conferences with Mohawks, 215^; meeting with New York ministers, 27^; goes to Nan- tucket, 28^; goes to England, 30*; goes to Pemaquid, 31'; receives seals of province, 61^; letters from, 11,5^ vs Richard . Pattishall, 122'. See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Andross, Bildad, 524°, 561*. Andruss, Jeremiah, 400°. Angevine, Peter, 473*. Annapolis (Md.), 415^ 4i9\ Annapolis (Nova Scotia), 242". Anne, queen, proclaimed, I72^ 172^; approves act, 18/'; fixes governor's salary, 168"; birthday, igo"; ap- proves appointments to council, 207*'; order in council, 218*; ap- proves acts of as-embly, 2i8\ 225*,. 238^; order on attendance of council, 219^; addresses to, 222^^ ^9^ 230*, 232^ 244', 245°; appoints William Peartree and David Pro- voost to council, 224'; letter about palatines, 225*; instructions about land grants, 225^ 2135^, 235^, 241''; instructions to Col. Vetch, 227'; letter about Canada expedition, 22/; memorial to, 229'; order about coin, 230^; recommendation signed by, 231'*; revokes Ingoldsby's com- mission, 236'; reinstates Dr Staats, 238^; letter about new seal, 239^; reinstates Thomas Walters. 239^; order concerning Thomas Byerly, 243.'*; letter about trial of cases con- cerning church, 253"; death, 256^ Anne (brigantine), 355\ Anne (sloop), 433*. Anne Hook's neck, 25^. Annett, Robert, 22>^, 122*. Annin, William, 548^ Anstruther, William, 569^ Anterbush, Philip, 535^ Anthony, Allard, i6\ 21'. Anthony, Engeltie, 114'. Anthony, Hendrick, petitions, 255% 255^ 259', 263', 265^; vs Stephen Gasherie, 264^ 267^ Anthony, Joseph, 5■46^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 585 Anthony, Mingo, 32', 32>'- Anthony, Nicholas, 68*, 530'. Anthony, Theodorus, 536''. Anthony, Thomas, iiio". Antigua, 230'', 249^ 465''. Antill, Edward, 49*, 152% 179*; to go to England, 34""; recommended for custom-house officer, 50"; land grants, 6g^, 69°; payment as cap- tain, 130*; petitions, 140*, 172^^ 1715'*; refuses to take oaths, 16&, i6f; warrant, 176^. Antill, John, 506*, 55o^ Antill, Lewis, 55ol Antill, Margaret, 55ol Antonides, Vincent, 234''; dispute with Bernardus Freeman, 2321*, 22,Z^, ^33\ 24i\ 241^, 253'; petitions, 234^ 236', 238", 242P. Antonio, Hillario, 427°, 431'. Antonios nose, 105°, Apomapo, 4S^ Apoquining, 13^ Appeel, William, 86". Appel, John, I03^ Apple, Johannes, 2.73}. Apple, John, sheriff, 79', 115'. Apple, Katherine, 2021'. Apple, William, 2I7^,2I8°, 218', 218', 292°. Appletree neck, 7I^ Apthorp, Charles Ward, financial agent for army, 445^; member of council, 464^ 464', 464^ 466^ 515'; land grant, 577^ Apthorpe, James, S<24^. Aquihanon (N. J.), 63\ Archangel (man-of-war), 63^, 63*. 64^, 67', 69^ 70^ 71". Archer, John, vs New Harlem, 10^; land dispute, lo^ ii*', 23*; petitions, 33', 33\ 33\ 33'- Archer, John _(2d), 538^ Archer, John, jr, 36'. Arden, Thomas, 526^, 530^ 56ol Arding, Charles, 422,^ 5411 Arding, Jacob, 4o6^ Arendorph, Frederick, 397', 398^. Arent, , 133". Arent (ship), 354^ Arents, Hendrick, 3,1^ Arethusa (man-of-war), 492^ 493*. Argyle, 518', 547". Argyletown, 486'. Arianse, Hendryck, gi*. Aries creek, 329^ Arkell, Peter, 244', 245°. Arlington, lord, 16'. Armes, Josiah, 573^ Armitage, James, 562?. Armot, Fraer, 142". Arms, John, 238^. Armston, John, 134'. Armstrong, James, 5126", 529^ 529'. Armstrong, John, 369', 5118*, 523*, 526% 529", 570'. Arnavielhe, Stephen, 371', 371'. Arnold, Ephraim, 386*. Arnold, Isaac, petition referred to, 34°; letters to, 36*, 52', 153^ to search for smuggled goods, 41*; surnmoned before council, 58^ 59', 180'"; answers charges, 59"; searcher and surveyor of customs, 59'; to try prisoners, 62°; justice of peace, 63^; commissioner, 76'^; order con- cerning Suffolk county militia, 84*; assessor, 87"; to make seizures on Long Island, 137^; under bail, 181*; discharged from bail, 209^ Arnout [Arnold], Cornells, 26°, 50'. Arrentsen, Henry, 78'. Arreson, John, 51^ Arsen, Art, 237^ 237*. Arsen, David, 237^. Arsen, Matthew, 237'. Arthur, John, 4io\ Arthur, Samuel, 4io\ Ash, Gilbert, 45 1^ 521*, 522', 544^ Ashfield, , 309\ Ashfield, Charles, 150^ Ashfield, Richard, 156', 282', 282», 327*. Ashfield, Vincent Pearce, 443', 540"*. Ashfordby, Ann, 108*. Ashfordby, Helen, Io8^ Ashfordby, Katherine. 108*. Ashfordby, Martha, Io8^ Ashfordby, Mary, io8\ Ashfordb3% Susan, 108*. Ashley, Gideon, 524^ Ashley, John, 345'. Ashley, Joseph, 524'. Ashley, Joseph, jr, S24^ Ashley, Oliver, 524°. Ashley, Samuel, arrested, 465'; sum- moned before Massachusetts as- sembly, 495^; land grants, 523-, 524^, 565', 565^ 573*, 573'. Ashton, John, 70', 82', laf, I28^ 132*, 136^ Ashton, Thomas, 22"'. Aske, Benjamin, petitions, i8i^ 193'; license to buy land, 181^; warrants, 192", 192.^; vs Samuel Smith, 197'; vs Smithtown, 198^. Askoll, John, 253*, 254''. Asley, see Ashley. Aspinwall, John, 339*, 3z)jo\ 403'. Aspinwall, Richard, 513^. Assembly, act illegal. 218*; acts sent to England, 168"; Gabriel Ludlow, clerk, 301*; day of meeting fixed, 62°; to be prorogued instead of ad- journed, 328'. Assizes, court of, see Court of assizes. 586 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Astly, Humphry, 44*. Athearne, Simon, 24". Atkinson, Theodore, S36^ 527^ 559I Atkinson, Thomas, 40^ 40^ 30i'\ Atwater, James, 480'. Atwood, Leigh, 159", 160°, i6i^ 163^ 16&. Atwood, WilHam, chief justice, 152', 158', 158^; judge of admiralty, 158';. warrant, 162:^; member of council, 168^; judge of chancery court, 169'^; memorial, 169''; charges against, 170°, 170"; suspension, 183". Auboineau [Auboyneau], John, peti- tions, 203', 232', 3.29', 2i2'^\ 334'; license to buy Indian land, 233^; warrant, 2l34^ Auchmuty, Samuel, 385^ 466°. Auction sales, 478^. Auger, Joshua, 434". Augur, Robert, 57', S8', 88^ 88^ Aunets, Joseph, 536\ Austin, David, 53i'.' Austin, John, 560". Auvray, Robert Augustine, 376', 376*. Averill, 565'. Avery, Anne, 3851 Avery, Ebenezer, 565^ Avery, Ebenezer, jr, 5'6s^ Avery, Humphrey, 565', 573', 573'. Avery, John, 26*, 31 1^ Avery, Latham, 5,651 Avery, Samuel, 565', S72', 573', 575", 576'. Axtell, William, 4861 Axtence, James, 550^ 550'. Ayres, Enos, 401°. Ayscough, John, 375', 3<30'. See also N. Y. (cormty), sheriffs. Ayscough, Richard, 422", 437°. Baarup, Thomas, 508', 512*. Babbington, Charles, 547^. Babcock, Amos, 565^ 576^ Babcock, James, 549^ 554*. Babington, Eliza, 262^. Babington, Samuel, 255^ 255°, 256', 262'^. See also Albany county, sherififs. Bacchus, Ebenezer, 565*. Bachand, John, 157^ 161', 166', 193°, 221°, 223', 224'. Bache, Theophilact, king vs, 5I5^ 518'; land grants, 526?, 531', 536', S46^ 548^ 554'. Bachelor, Bread, 516", 523*. Backhouse, William, 559^ Bacon, Daniel, jr, 545^ Bacon, Nathaniel, 28'. Badgard, , isl Badgley, see Bagley. Badley, Joseph, 5141 Badrow, Peter, 430". Bagg, Andrew, 269'. Bagley, captain, 306''. Bagley, Anthony, 126*, 193^ 194^ 194*. Bagley, Timothy, 326', 2^,^"-, ^^iS"- Bahamas, 264', 266'. Bailey, Elias, 405', 406^ 5II^ Bailey, Samuel, 405^, 406", 526^ Bailey, Stephen, 88'. Bailey, William, 405", 406', 410', 529', 560^ Bailey, see also Bayley. Bain, James, 510^ Baines, Hugh, 535", 542''. Bainford, George, 279'. Baird, Alexander, 257°, 2S7\ 26^, 266'. Baird, see also Bard. Baker, John, iii°. y6% 309', 519*, 529\ Baker, Joseph, jr, 519*. Baker, Nathaniel, 34", 38', I8o^ 183'. Baker, Remember, 488', 489^ 490^ 490', 493', 497°, 509'. Baker, Richard, 535^ Baker, Roger, 167^ 170^ Baker, Samuel, 315'. Baker, Thomas, 504^ 524". Baker, Willem Hendricks, 14°. Baker, William, petitions, 270^, 276", 277-; land grants, 270^ 278', 54/; caveat against patent to, 277^1 before council, 464'. Bakers, 17^ 18', 19^ 20^ 242\ Balck, John, 165". 1651' Baldridge [Baldrige], Adam, 135', 137°. Baldwin, Benjamin, 516'', 523*. Baldwin, David, 526*, 536". Baldwin, Hezekiah, 574'. Baldwin, Isaac, jr, 564^ • Baldwin, John, 522^ Baldwin, Rufus, 5212'. . Balfour, Henry, 575*. Ball, Conrad, 5131 Ball, George, 537', 563'- Ball, Gideon, 400^ Ball, Isaac, 521°, 522^ Ball, Joseph, 536^ Ball, Richard, 538=. Ballard, Daniel, 408*, 409^ Balthas (negro), 26'. Baltimore, lord, 38^ Bamberger, Lawrence, 402l Bambridge, Edmond, 564^ Bamper, Lodowick, 385°. Banck, Johannes, jr, 538". Bancker, Adrian, 521', 522^ Bancker, Christopher, petition, 395'; patent granted, 396"; certificate granted, 399"; warrants, 415^ 416^ 417', 417', 418", 418", 42I^ 4215', 426', 428*, 428°, 429", 436°, 442/', 447', 449*, 453', 458% 459", 461' ; accounts, 439', 446^; to pay for work in fort, 449^; to pay salary of gunner, 453^; INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 587 money advanced to, 461°; execu- tors of, 462^ Bancker, Elizabeth, 512'', 512". Bancker, Evert, justice of peace, 65"; warrants, 97", 100", 117*, 135'', 30 f; manager of building new barracks, I20''; license to buy land, 124*; member of court of oyer and ter- miner, 172"; petitions, 2a6\. 257^; Indian commissioner, 236", 279^; journal, 23g^; allowance for ser- vices, 302*; to treat with five nations, 303". See also Albany, mayors. Bancker, Evert (2d), land grants, 410', 510', 539', 549", 556'; accounts, 493', 503". Bancker, Evert, jr, 500", 512", S112V 552', 555'- Bancker, Gerard, land grants, 410°, 510?, 51a', 512^ 52r^ 522', 543", 544% 552^, 562^ warrants, 479", 479', 480', • 4811°, 482', 484', 485', 485', 486", 467', 488", 489^. 489'', 492% 494'', 495°, 496^ 497', 498', 499', 500', 500''', 503', 503^-4^; barrackmaster, 487°, 489^ accounts, 493^ 500", '503'''; to- pay account of barrackmaster, 494'"'; surveyor Massachusetts boundary line, 498^, 498', 498^ Bancker, John, 512^ SI2^ Bancker, Mary, 512'", SlI2^ 555°. Bancker, Nathaniel, 487*. Bancker, Richard, 537\ Bancks, John, 28% Banes [Vanes], Philipp y, 434", 442', 443', 443'.. 443', 446'. Banisters kev, 264^. Bank, John Peterse, 86°. Banker, , 358'. Banker, Elizabeth, 68\ 681 Banker, Gerrit. 146°, I48^ Banker, sec also Bancker. Banks, Benoni, 570*. Banks, David, 536*. Banks [Bankes], James, 521'', 522^ .536^ Banks, Joseph, 376^ Banks, Josias, 528*, 554". Banyar, Goldsbrow, warrants, 343°, 424*, 476\ 478°, 482^; deputy secre- tary, 354% 356'; land grants. 383P, 400', 403^ 541°, 546"', 562*; deputy clerk of council, 486'; charter for Society library granted, 567'. Banyar, William, 497". Baptist churches, see Churches. Barbadoes (township), 556^. Barbados, jS\ 73\ 21&, 230^ 2134'; products free of duty, 22^; grain exportation, 24'; flour sent to, 39\ Barber, David, 404", 404". Barber, Edward, 557*. Barber, Francis, 45^ Barber, James, 123'. Barber, Stephen, 404", 404". Barber, William, 244'. Barberie [Barbaree, Barbaric], John, petition referred to, 80"; to consider regulations for scales and weights, 98"; guardian of John Lawrence, 140', 142"; work on Mrs Van Cort- landt's accounts, 167'; executor of Gabriel Minvielle, 187'; appointed to council, 202', 207'*- ; petition, 233''; patent granted, 234\ Barberie, Peter, 233', 233^ 234^ 553-'." Barclay, Andrew, 421', 442', 458V 53i', 546'. Barclay, Dorothy, 302^ Barclay, Henry, 335', 339', 360*, 394'. Barclay, James, 536'. Bard [Baird], John, 365''; petitions, 408', 409', 409^ 409"; French prison- ers put in charge of, 4211*; ex- amines ships, 425^ 431^, 439*, 446°; land grants, 539', 543', 574'. Bard, Peter, 559*. Bard, Peter, jr, 521', 522''. Bard, Samuel, 52i\ 522", 548', 567^ Bard, William, 558^ Barent, , 185". Barent, Tys, 18'. See also Barnsen. Baringer, Hans George, 305^ Barker, James, 533^ Barker, John, I2lI^ Barker, Thomas, 70', 253\ Barker, William, 98", 99*, 116*, 119^ 544', 545l Barland, Robert, 512^, 5I2^ Barlet, Hannis Wolfe, 405^ Barlet, John Wolf, 395". Barlow, John, 5331 Barnard, Elizabeth, 519". Barnegat, 204", 225°. Barnes, Mr, 24I^ 335^ Barnes, Cornelius, 58*, 58'. Barnes, Joseph, 535;, 542". Barnes, William, justice in West- chester county, 7s', I02\ 102', 162". Barnes, William, sheriff of Dutchess county. 374"- Barnet, Robert, 566'. Barnet, Thomas, 551", 561°. Barnet (township), 527". Barnsen, Simon, 29'. Barnsen [Barnse], Tyse, 35^, ;^7*. Barnson, Hugh, 122'. Barr, Alexander, 487^ Barr, William, 413", 413°, 413', 511^ Barrass, Ralph. 510^ Barret, John, 562\ Barrey, James, 6y. Barrington, Luke, 341". Barron, Edward, 412''. Barron, James, 522', 522^ S46^ 588 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Barron, William, jiS", 536*, 571". Bartman, G. 435*. Barton, Thomas, 540°. Bartow, John, 407^ Bartow, Thomas, jr, 529°. Basford, John, 153*. Basilier, Jean, 43'. Bass, Robert, 4131 Basse, Jeremiah, 132", I40^ See also New Jersey. Basseau, , 416^ 416'. Basseaux, Michael, 430^ Bassenett, John, 52:1^ 522'. Bassett, Peter, 143*. Bassong, Nicholas, 505^ Bastian (negro), 338°. Bastianze, Johan J. 508", 512*. Batavia, 552*. Batchellors (privateer), 349". Batchelors delight (sloop), 151^ Bates, Jacob, 528^ Bathurst, Benjamin, 34". Battailey, , i66^ Battenkill, 554". Battersby, George, 5o^ Bauch, John Frederick, 382-, 386". Bauch, William, license to buy land, 342'; petitions, 378*, 379', 386', 396'; controversy with Johannes Becker, 389'; patent granted, 398^ Baur, John, 405', 405*. Bans, John, 530°. Baven, William, 568°. Baxter, Alexander, 567', 570". Baxter, Gervase, 42^, 50*, 51', S7\ 109^ iio\ Baxter, Roger [Ryer], 38 f. Baxter, Thomas, i02i\ 102°, 159^ 159', Bayard, Balthazar, 35^ 35^, 62^ ii2f, 112', 126°. Bayard, Blandina, 542^ Bayard, Daniel, 5141 Bayard, Nicholas, dispute about Domines hook, 12''; records re- covered from, 20''; petitions, 3I^ lis", 163^ I66^ I74^ 174^ 179', 240°; charged with disturbing govern- ment, 21*; alderman, 34°; to settle dispute, 35*; demand about wharf- age, 36"; arbitrator for Brooklyn, 42^; mayor, 45*; justice of peace, 45°; sworn in council, 47^ 621^; to raise men in N. Y. county, 53^; to command militia, 54"; boundary survey, 60', 61*; member of council, 60°; to audit accounts, 6o^ 65^ 198^; to make up military accounts, 6i:^; reports on Breuklin and Flatbush, 61*; to prepare evidence against prisoners, 63^; to administer oaths, 64^; account for repairs to fort, 64'; to inspect fortifications, 65°; to ex- amine Jan Cornelisse, 66^; war- rants, 79\ 86*, 90', 90', 94', 97\ g7\ 9f, 99^ loi'j I03*> I04^ iiiif, i\d, ii8^ 121^ I23^ 126*, 129^ sent to Albany, 81°; farm, 96"; license to buy Indian lands, 96^; to have flag mount paved, 102''; to buy supplies for Albany soldiers, 106*; land grants, 109^ 124'^; money advanced by, 121"; gives bond, les^; sus- pended from council, 133^; con- veyance of pew, 243"; work on Mrs Van Cortlandt's accounts, 167'; trial: placed under bonds, 162'; address, 162^ committed, 162^; trial, 163^ 165°; petitions, 163', I66^ 174', 174^ 179^; condemned, 164*; letter to lords of trade, 166^; bail re- ceived, 175^; discharged from prison, 175^ sentence reversed, 183*^; proceedings illegal, 218*. Bayard, Nicholas (2d), license to buy Indian lands, 344*; to transport French prisoners, 346^ 346^ 348^; application of, z^jf; patents to, 2^'^, 396°; caveat against petition, 385^; petitions, 385^ 395^ records taken to house of, 507'. Bayard, Peter, 319', 319". Bayard, Petrus, 41^ Bayard, Robert, 541"'. Bayard, Samuel, land grants, 96\ 124'; warrants, 84", I33^ 179''; pe- titions, II5^ 178', 251", 253*; placed under bonds, 162"; offers to lend money to the government, 177^; executor of Gabriel Minvielle, 187^ Bayard, Samuel (2d), land grants, 382?, 540", 544^ 546', 55 1*; petitions, 385^ 542,^ letter to, 506"; warrant, 506*; paroled, 507-. Bayard, Samuel, jr, license to buy Indian lands, 340^ 344*; land grants, 330', 537', 551*, 556?, 560°, 568"; deputy secretary, 501*, 507". Bayard, Samuel, see also Bayer. Bayard, Stephen, petitions, 304', 34I^ 341', 385'; land grants, 330', 337', 337^, 342°, 382^ license to buy In- dian lands, 339^ 344*; mayor, 346', 361^; appointed to council, 354^; suspended from council, 367"; suc- ceeded in council, 384'. Bayard, William, 349^; warrant, 477'-; petitions, 520^ 5321^; buys Indian lands, 529^; land grants, 541", 552^ SS4-, 562"; petition, 574', 574'. Bayer [Bayard?], Samuel, 527', 537*. Bayeux, Thomas, 283^, 290*, 290^ 297^ 526'. Bayles, Thomas, 37\ 38^ Bayley, Rev. 525^ Bayley, Jacob, 560', 565'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 589 Bayley, Josiah, 522^ Bayly, Oliver, 250', 2152". Bayley, Stephen, 180". Bayley, see also Bailey. Bayliss, William, S77*- Bayne, Duncan, 556^. Beach, Azariah, 403''', 404*. Beach, Benjamin, 403", 404'. Beacons, 19', 246^ 415^ 415^, 417^ Beagles, John, 27°. Beagles, Robert, 27^. Beakman, see Beekman. Beaman, John, 525^. Bear, Henry, 4IO^ Beard, Francis, 534*, 54ol Beard, William, 510^ Beardsley, John, land grants, 539°, 542^; petitions, 558', 559"; vs Robert Leake, 564", 564**; charter granted, S64^ Bears, James, 535^ 542". Beartman, Godlyr, 568^ Beatley, Richard, 528". Beaubassin, Hertel de, 374\ 376^ 3761 Beauharnois, Charles, 303^ See also Canada, governors. Beaujoe, Francis, 497^ Beaven, Thomas, 358*. Beaver (ship) 40", 305*. Beazley, Michael, 362*. Bebee, Asahel, 400". Bebee, Ja:mes, 400^ Bebee, John, 400^ Bebee, Solomon, 400^ 407^ 407", 407^ Bebier, Louis, 537*. Beck, Joseph, land grants, 5317^ S44^ 545% 560', 561°, 561', 562', 563^ 5631', 564'; petitions, 558', 558'. Becker, Johannes, jr, 389^ 3891 Becker [Beecker], John, 65°; licenses to buy Indian lands, 346^ 376^ 386^; petitions, 378*, 3S7''; controversy with William Bauch, 3189'; land grants, 398', 538'- Becker, John Joost, 406", 407", 407^ 512', 517'. Becker, Nicholas, 520^ 520^ Beckford, lieutenant, yg^. Beckley, William, 90'. Beekman, Henry, 560^, 562*, 564\ Beder, John, 498'. Bedford, duke of, letters from, 370°, 371', 373\ 374", 375', 375', 378'. Bedford, 58°, 78', 174'', 204"; bound- aries, 36'; French neutrals settle at, 430'; Indian deeds, 41^ land patents, 37\ .44', 183', i^\ I88^ igo\ 191^; land titles, 41^ 46^; question of ownership, 120^ I2I^ 121°, I32^ 148°, I57\ vsf, 157'; petitions, 173*, i88-; taxes, I2I^ 161*. Bedlars island, see Bedlow's island. Bedlington, 547^ Bedloe, Bedloo, see Bedlow. Bedlow, Elizabeth, 23^ Bedlow, Isaac, 13', 17", 19". Bedlow, William, 531^ Bedlow's island, cotton unloaded on, 450"; passengers land on, 299''; ship removed to, 446'; vessels quaran- tined off, 332', 343', 419', 431', 443', 449'', 483". Beebe, Martin, 574^ Beeckford, Abraham, 127^ I28\ Beeckman, see Beekman. Beef, trade in, 28". Beek, Anna, 56". Beek, Nathaniel, 374°. Beekly, William, 39', 48', 48". Beekman, lieutenant, 14', 84*. Beekman, Abraham, 537', 549^ Beekman, Adrian, 216*, 216''. Beekman, Charles, 399*, 400^ 419'. Beekman, Charles, jr, 40o\ Beekman, Gerard, justice of peace, 45"; before council, 62*, 79^ 105^, 184", 201^; assessor, 87"; condemned for high treason, 90^*; member of council, i68^ 187^; judge of court of chancery, 169'; license to buy Indian lands, 174"; petitions, 190*, 23 1^ 233\ 235S 275', 268', 290'; war- rants, 235*, 276^; presides in council, 235'^; oath administered, 256''; patents granted, 277% 281°; patent granted to heirs, 297°; place in council filled, 299^. See also Coun- cil. Beekman, Gerard (2d), petitions, 305', 3i8\ 325', 339', 34o\ Beekman, Gerard W. 549', 554', 555:- Beekman, Henry, before council, 43"; sends troops to Albany, 67^; com- missioner, 76°; assessor, 87'; com- plaint, 94^; reports rumor of at- tack, 94°; letter from, 102^; petition referred to, 104^; jtidge of common pleas, liiii^; license to, 118'; licenses to buy land, 114", 164*, 174'; peti- tions, I2o^ I85^ 21 1^ 223^ 234*, 252', 254', 262^ 262^ 276^, 284*; land grants, I20^ I85^ 234', 253", 265s 270^ 284^ 5211", 522^ 543°; warrants, 127^, 211°, 270^; examined, 132*; vs Col. Wenham, 231?; answer to com- plaint, 313*; meets with council, 317^; reports on Moravians and Indians, 345'; caveat against me- morial, 526^. See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Beekman, Jacob, 235^ Beekman, James, 537\ Beekman, Johannes, of Albany, 339', 38^, 52:1', 532'. Beekman, Johannes, of New York, 137', 234'. 590 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Beekman, John James, 405", 406". Beekman, Mary, 537^. Beekman, Matthew, 3212.-, 324^ 304'. Beekman, Samuel, 3Q9^ Beekman, WiUiam, commissioner, 10*; charged with disturbing gov- ernment, 21^; letter to, 36'; justice of peace, 45°; land grants, 52^, 10^. Beekman, William (2d), 372', 537', 549'- Beekman, William, jr, 372J 537^. Beekman (township), 539'. Beer,_I9^ 3&\ 67", 74^ 33?'. Belair, Nadeau de, 465^ Belcher, Gilbert, 494". Belcher, Jonathan, 372^ .392", 428^ 435'; letters from, 335', 378", 388', 391', 393°, 395', 396', 397', 433*- See also Boston. Belding, Charles, 400". Belding, Moses, 525'. Belin, Peter, 82". Bell, Boaz, 152". Bell, Frederick, 315', 316'. Bell. George, 553'. Bell, John, 408", 568". Bell, Meshek, 527*. Bell, Robert, 556'. Bell, Thomas, 5,19', 522^ Bellany, James, 536'. Bellatre, Mr, 382'. Belle Riviere, 373^ Belle Savage (ship), 42'5^ 4125'. Bellinger, Frederick, 397^ 399*. Bellinger, Lips, 399*. Bellingher, Peter, jr, 397^ 3gS°. Bellomont, earl of, arrival from Eng- land, 127^ I27^ I29\ I29^ 129*; committee appointed to meet, 130°; commission as governor read, r.30'; reports on transactions with In- dians, 1312^ illness, I3.3^ 1313*: com- mission for vice-admiralty read, 137^ in Boston, I40^ 147^ order, 140'; asked to appoint officers for court of chancery, 141''; goods taken to, 141^; death, 153*; accounts, 156', 197^ letter from William 3, 157^; work for, I66^ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Bellomont, lady, council to wait on, 153''; accounts referred, 158®; war- rants, i6i\ 161', 163*, 165^; to re- fund money, 173^. Bellows, justice, 489*. Bellue, John, 249^ 250', 25,1^. Belvidere, 547^. Bemper, Mr, 352^ Bemus, Jotham, 55,I^ Benbrigge, Joseph, I2e^ Benckes, Jacob, 27\ Bend, Grove, 540", 544'. Benedict, Benjamin, 310*. Benedict, James, 310^ Benedict, Thomas, 17®. Benjamin (ship), 1-96". Benn, Abraham, 534^ 5,37''. Bennet, Adrian, 58^ iri'^, 112", 116*. Bennet, Ephraim, 523". Bennet, James, 543", 543', 544', 545*, 5681 Bennet, John, 156^ 171", 520*. Bennet, William, 536^ Benninckhofif, Jacob, 4021'. Benninckhoff, John, 402^*. BenninckhofT, Philipp, 402?. BenninckhofT, Valentine, 402'. Benning, Glaus, 280^ Bennington (Vt.), 464", 474', 490^ 491'; riots: 490", 4.91'; artillery taken to, 490"; committee before council, 491"; letter from inhabitants, 492^ 493"; petition for relief, 499*, 500^; assault by mob, 499"; military aid called, 502i^; complaint, 504\ Bennis, Simon, 513*, 539^ Bensing, see Benson. Benson [Bensing], Dirck, warrants, 93', loi", 134^ 256"; petitions, 173*, 235^ 256^; land survey for, 175*. Benson, Egbert, S4i', 543', 553\ S^i". Benson, John, 383^ Benson, Richard, 514^. Benson, Robert, 240', 395', 396', 507^ 559'- Benson, William, 400*, 403', 520^ 540', 541', 544°- Benthuysen, P. v. B. 484'. Benzel, Adolphus, surveying account,' 485°; letters from, 486°, 498^ 499°; superseded as surveyor, 488^; peti- tion, 516^; land grants, 5I6^ 526', 55 1^ 554^ warrant, 542^ Benzel, Anna Ulrica, 516', 516', 551'. Benzel, Rebecca, Sii6\ 5116°. Ber, Francis, 86\ Berea, John, 537'. Bergen, John, 551", 567", 569', 572^- Bergen (N. J.), 63', 377'. Bergen common, 462^ 463^ Bergen county (N. J.), 3.57', 358*, 367^ Berger, Adam, 552^. Bergh, Philip, 382', 385'. Berian, Peter, 143^. Berkeley, lord, I9\ Berkeley, William, 25'. Berkley, _, I82^ Bermuda (privateer), 432?. Bermudas, 64', IOI^ 102', 225°, 226^ 230°, 246*, 4218°, 429°. Bernard, Fernando, 349'. Bernard, Francis, 444', 467', 467', 470', 474\ 474', 519'- Bernard, Lewis, 352^. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 591 Bernard (township), 53i\ Bernier, , 422^ 4;22', 422^ Bernier, Charles de, 553?, 571". Berniere, John, 533', 534', 547=, 553', Berrian, Peter, 153', I78^ 179'. Berries, John, 98*. Berriman, sec Berryman. Berrisford, Christopher, 10'. Berrow, Charles, 530^ Berrus, Christophel, 402*. Berry, captain, 15*. Berry, James, 70". Berry, John, 145", 1198^ 2120'. Berry, William, 539^ Berryford, sergeant, 127^. Berryman, Jane, 8o^ 80°, 107", 107*. Besant, John, 537°. Besley, Oliver, 179^ Bessborough, 545°. Betkie, John, 51 1^ Betsey (sloop), 442*. Betts, Altie, 23\ Betts, John, 39". Betts, Richard, 20°, 24^ 49^ Betts, Richard, of Jamaica, 403°. Betts, Thomas, 80'. Betts, William, 10', ii\ Beurs (ilyboat), 2i2'. Bevan, John, 528^ Severs, Graft, 122'. Bevier, Louis, jr, 384*, 3S6'. Bevier, Samuel, 376^ Bickers, Claes, 47^ Bickerton, John, 385'. Bickerton, Solomon, 536*. Bickley, May, vs James Emott, 208'; report referred to, 223'; opinion on petition, 2it,6^, 237^; length of ser- vice attested, 239''; bill of costs, 259^; caveat against patent, 274*, 27s'. See also N. Y. (colony), at- torneys general. Biddeford, Thomas, 558'. Bill, Joseph, 494*. Billian, Isaac, 93*, i28\ Billian, Peter, 76', 94"- Billing, Edward, It2i2*. Billing, Joseph, 5I6^ Billings, John, 423°. Billop, Christopher, 31', 50', 52?, 93'. Billop, Joseph, 172'. Bills of credit, account called for, 32'3', 465^; account of outstanding, 374', 375^ 375^ accounts and war- rants for signing, 260', 261°, 261*, ■266*, 267', 296^; act of parliament concerning, 383'; address by house of commons on, 374'; blank, de- stroyed, 268'; canceled, 24/0^, 443.*, 448*; counterfeited, 323°, 32S^ 326^ 345'. 392^ 494"; emission of, 415', 42.5', 478^ 480°; engraving, 26o^ 261-; forged, 334^ 347°; governor signs act creating, 353^ 356"; mis- take in printing, 445'' ; report about, 352''; royal order vetoing New York act, 548'. Bills of exchange, 356^ 364". Biram, Henry, 528". Birch, Samuel, jr, 56o\ Birdsell, Benjamin, 310°. Birks, George, 56o^ Birtch, Thomas, 555'. Bischausen, William, 533^ Bishop, Daniel, 180', 182^ Bishop, Nathaniel, 181', 183^. Bishop, Samuel, 5i2i\ 531". Bishop, Samuel, jr, 519', 531', 531', 559'- Bishop, Silvanus, 519 . Bitts, " chipt " and double, 204', 208'. Biveau, James, 37i\ Blaau, Waldron, land grants, 405', 405', 551', 559', 559", 560', 560^ 562', 563=, 564', 569"- Black, James, 566^ Black, John, 533^ 558^ 566'. Black, Joseph, 553'. Blackburn, Alexander, 559". Blacklidge [Blackridge], Richard, 5f, 88\ Blacklock, John, 561-. Blacklock, Richard, 20il Blackman, Samuel, 173^ 174', I78^ 181'. Blackridge, see Blacklidge. Blackwell, Jacob, 4o6\ Blackwell, Robert, 36', 44^ 2150'. Blackwood, Alexander, 528'. Bladen, Thomas, 360*, 36o^ 36il Blagge, Benjamin, 16"', 42?; petitions, 311', 488°; land grants, 31 1*, 519'; nianager of tea excise, 447*. See also N. Y. (county), coroners. Blagge, Edward, land grants, 284', 285\ 565'; petition against, 287'', 288"; vs Jacobus and Samuel Swartwout, 288^ warrant, 307^. See also N. Y. (county), coroners. Blagge. John, s6o^ 562', s66^ 574', 575'. Blair, James. 530'. Blake, John, I35-'', 1315' Blake, Nathan, 524'. Blake, Nicholas, 26'. Blakeney, Edward, 511*. Blakeney, William, 33G'. Blameless, Roger, 434^. Blanchan, Matthias, 124'. Blanchard, James, 527^. Blanchard, Joseph, 515', 529°, 531^, 545'. 559', 560°. Blanchard, Joseph, Acadian settler, Blanchard. Joseph, colonel of New Hampshire troops, 419'. 592 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Blanck, Annetie, i8^. Blanck, Nicholas, 107^ 107^ 151°. Blanckjean, John, 475^ Bland, Elias, S50^ 573°. Blane, Archibald, 4112'. Blankistein, William, 67^ Blare, John, 5731 Blathwayt, William, 5&', 69', 8o^ io6\ See also N. Y. (colony), auditors general. Blauvelt, Cornelius, 4o8^ 466^, 467^ 468I Blauvelt, Gerrit, 307". Blauvelt, Johannes Joseph, 408^. Blauw, see Blaau. Blaylock, William, 4VI', 511*. Bleecker, Mr, 346'. Bleecker, Messrs, 4S4^ Bleecker, Henry, 494*, 503*. Bleecker, Jacob, jr, 5317^. Bleecker, Jacobus, 407'. Bleecker, Jacobus Rutger, 336^ Bleecker, Jan Jansen, magistrate, 45^; justice of peace, 65^; commis- sioner, 76"; manager of building of new barracks, 1120*; commissioner of oyer and terminer issued to, 148^; mayor, 149'; warrants, 155*, 168', 169'"; recorder, 159'; petition, 30I^ 301'. Bleecker, John, sr, warrants, 125^ 144^ 149,^, iGo'^; pass for trade with Indians, 136'; mayor, 148^; goes to Onondaga, 157*; journal of visit at Onondaga, 158", 159"; accounts, 160^; instructions to, 160*; Oneidas want him to go to Canada, 231*; Indian commissioner, 279^ Bleecker, John, jr, 159^, 172®. Bleecker, John Nicholas, 528", 562^ Bleecker, John Rutger, land grants, 336', 404', 540", 541', 544'; sheriff, 361*; licenses to buy Indian lands, 378', 401^ petitions, 401", 403^; affi- davit, 4831 Bleecker, Nicholas, 148^ 306^ 307^ 308^ Bleecker, Rutger, licenses to buy In- dian land, 306^ 538"; land grants, 307', S2!i\ 532', 537"; petitions, 308', 321*; letter from, 353". See also Al- bany, mayors. Bleeke, Ariantie, 17^. Bleeker, Bleker, see Bleecker. Blenheim, 544*. Plercom, Hendrick, 539°, 542^ Blin, Francis, 63*. Block, Hans, widow of, 26^ 28^, 29'^. Block island, II7^ 434^ Blockhouses, loi^ IIO^ iii''. Blom, Aaron, 144^ 151°. Blom, Jacob, 167^. Blomer, see Bloomer. Blondell, Christopher, 343'. Blondi, Joseph, 370*, 370^ Blood, Edmund, 3I4^ Blood, Edward, 2961 Bloom, see Blom. Bloomer, Gilbert, 473°. Bloomer, Robert, sr, 33*, 67^ 67% 70". Bloomer, Robert, jr, 67% 67^ Bloomingdale, 556^ Blossom (pink), 126^. Blovelt, see Blauvelt. Blue Cock (sloop), 2Q^. Blue hills, 248I Blundell, Christopher, house leased to, 386*; petitions, 400^ 402^; land grants, 403', 413', 560', 562^; to de- liver material for fortifications, 435^; to deliver key of magazine, 436^; to deliver ordnance, 442°, 446''; doorkeeper of council, 451*; warrant, 495°. Blundell, Stephen, 558°, 569-. Blycker, see Bleecker. Blydenburgh, Joshua, 78®. Bobin [Bobn], Isaac, deputy secre- tary, 274'; petitions, 274^ 291'^, 2921^, 309^ 309''*; warrants, 274^ 295^; land grant, 274*; denies treaty right, 282^ Bobin, James, 136^ Bodderel, marquis de, 347^ Bodein, Guy, 99*. Bodine, John, 220^ 201". Bodraw, Francis, 430^ Boeckhoult, Peter Johnson, 44''. Boel, Henry, 550*. Boelen, Jacob, 98^, 99*, 169^ 407*, 4o8\ Bogan, John, 530^ Bogard, Henryck Cornelius, 96*, gS', 118". • Bogard, Jacob Uyten, 41^ Bogardus, Mr, 2:14°. Bogardus, Anna [Anneke Jans], I2^ Bogardus, Cornelius, 62", 62^ 79\ Bogardus, Evert, gf, gs^. Bogardus, Peter, 6o^ IOS^ io6^, I2f, 1261 Bogart, Coenrat, 279*. Bogart, John, jr, 444^ 4Siif, 521'', 5212P. Bogart, Nicholas C. 521^ 522^ 527^ 540', 544^ 552*. Boggs, James, 511', 519', 5^^- Boisbellau, John, 44". Bokee, Abraham, 378^ Bolland, John, 230". Bolting act, 132*. Bolton, Hugh, 408*, 409*. Bolton, Matthew, 4o8^ 409*. Bolton, William, 550', 550'. Bombay hook, 13^ Bonan, Amon, 83^ Bond, Henry, 524'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 593 Bond, John, I36^ Bond, Walter, 546*. Bond, William, petitions, 189°, 208', 2o8^ 2-12:'-, 235", 247^, 274^; warrants, 208", 247', ^247', 27S^ 276'; land grants, 2211'^, 276*; memorial, 221*; testimony concerning Evans' patent, 284°. Bondet, Daniel, ^^Z'^^-; salary in- creased, i^i'', 172°, 173'; warrants for salary, I40^ 176^ 184', 189^, 198', 206°, 209", 209^ 210®, 216", 220", 220'; complaint against, 142.^ 232^; peti- tions, 2133', 245^ 245'; patent granted, 245^ Bonee, Abraham, 427'. Bonnet, Daniel, 409'. Bonrepos, David de, 140^ 179', 181*, 197', 197'. Bonvenier, Mr, 245^ Boone, Thomas, 452'', 454^. Booth, Benjamin, 478", 499^, 529^ Booth, George, petitions, 202^*, 206^ 2o8^ ao8^ 2115*; vs John Clap, 205', 205^; time to sue out patent ex- tended, 208"; warrants, 208", 211^; land grant, 216", 216^ 217", 217'. Booth, Samuel, 309\ Borcea, Michael, 430°. Bordeaux, 365', 482^. Borger, Adam, 5481 Borghart, Conrad, petitions, 120^ 263^, 287^; before council, 177°; war- rant, 263^; caveat against, 2^7'^. Borghart, John, petitions, 3113^ 313^ 314*, 316^ 569"; license to buy In- dian land, 314^; warrant, 406^ Borkelo, Hermanns, 335', 335°, 335^ Bornan, Jean, 430'. Bornheyer, William, 404^. Borry, David, 4i2l Borst, Jacob, license to buy Indian lands, 378^; land grants, 38o^ 4JD4^ 538"; petition, 382'. Borst, Jacob, jr, 388'. Bos, see Bosch. Boscawen, Edward, 419^. Bosch, Albert, I8^ 70', 70*. Boss, Justus, 2Sl\ Boston, iS^ 24*, 30^, 64^ 70*, go^ 90*, 99', 147', 259', 365'; application made to Gov. Leverett, 25^; cannon returned from, 417*; correspond- ence with Gov. Leverett, 24^ 25*; dancing master from, 52'; exporta- tion of provisions to forbidden, 434*; fire in, 447*; fleet at, 227*; Frenchmen go to, 246^ 418^; George 3 proclaimed at, 451°; In- dian presents from, 112^ 288^ 291*; Iroquois delegates to go to, 2129*; letter from Gov. Belcher, 316*; let- ter from Lt. Gov. Phips, 387^; let- ters from, 16°, as"*; letters from Gov. Shute, 281*, 286"; news from, 99^, 125"; port, 501"; post, 229-; records brought from, 68'; reported un- healthy, 2^f\ represented in coun- cil, 28"; rumors of annexation to, 125*; ship cleared for, 355*; Sir Francis Wheeler arrives at, 86"*; Spanish coins from, 361^*; Spanish governor prisoner there, 240*; stamp act riot, 468°. Bostwick, Andrew, 487^ Bostwick, Daniel, 401,^, 402^ 406^ 407\ Bostwick, David, 4871 Bosveld, J. 455'. Boswyck, see Bushwick. Bottwoort, Solomon, 516°. Boudinot, Elias, 218^ 251^ 252^ 261*. Bouissonet, Claude, 220", 221'. Bound, Robert, 22,^\ 566\ Boundaries Connecticut: ii^ 22', 22^, 269^ 27o^ 294", 310'; articles of agree- ment, 34"; assembly act concerning, 272*, 290^ 292''; assembly resolution, 2931'; indenture concerning, 312^; letter of Gov. Saltonstall, 293^ 293*; New York's right to Connecticut river as boundary, 463\ 463*; resolution concerning, 294"; royal assent to New York act, 294^; commissioners: 279*; ap- pointed, 297^ 298\ 310°; ex- penses, 293^; instructions, 293^, 294-, 297*; memorial, 298"; New York commissioners for run- ning line, 268^; report, 61*; meeting, 293"; to meet at Rye, 293°; warrants, 279°, 298'; Massachusetts: 303", 335^^; arbi- trators proposed, 417^ 417^; dis- turbances on line, 424", 424^; gov- ernment instructions, 486'; letter from Gov. Belcher, 335-; letters from Gov. Bernard, 467'; letter from Gov. Hutchinson, 488^ 499*; letter from Gov. Pownal, 437^; let- ter from Lord Shelburne, 473°; letters from lords of trade, 329", 43'8'; letter to Gov. Hutchinson, 487^; map of lands north of line, 515°; opinion on Massachusetts re- port, 492°; papers sent to New York, 434*, 434'; remonstrance, 434^; report on running line, 498^; report of committee, 435-; resolve of Massachusetts, 467°; Rhode Island boundary line, 2i37^', sur- veyor appointed, 498'; commissioners: agreement with New York commission- ers, 496"; appointed, 387^ 387*, 393', 498'; instructions to, 394^; 594 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY journal, 499^; reports, 394^ 395^ 498"; to meet at New Haven, ' 474'; New Hampshire: 3129°, 382°, 387"', 465', 512'; New Jersey: 36^ 95', 96', 269", 269", 270*; act for submitting con- troversy to king, 461''; disturb- ances along line, 391^ 392'; instruc- tions for running line, 50'; letters about, 391", 396^ 465°; managers' accounts of, 48i-, 49I^ 4821^; order concerning, 399"; petition for settle- ment, 460'; petition of manager, 479^; quadrant used in surveying examined, 3.79"; surveyor appointed, 269*; warrant for surveying, 270', 477'^, 482", 504'; warrant to man- agers, 468^ 480^; commissioners: accounts, 2.y:^, 273^; appointed, 269*; pro- ceedings and minutes, 4912'*, 503"'; report of New York com- missioners, 504'^; royal order concerning meetings of, 482^; warrants, 276^ 277', 277", 504'; Pennsylvania: 502', 503^ 503'; Quebec: expenses for surveying, 488^ 49I^ 494^ 496", 498^; instruc- tions to surveyor, 488"; proceed- ings of surveyors, 499^; provision for running line, 484^; survey, 477°, ■ 486^ 494', 497^ 497'; surveyor ap- pointed, 488^ 488^; warrant for sur- veying, 485'; Rhode Island and Massachusetts, Bounty money, warrants for, 42.7 , 445^ 448^ 452', 458', 463', 464"^; recommendation to increase, 458'', . 458*. Bourdet, Samuel, 359'. Bourke, V/illiam, 53,6'. Bours, Peter, 392'. \\(f. _ Bouvet, Lewis, 370°, 370'. Bowden, John, 138*. Bowden, Thomas, S.38^ 568'. Bo wen. , 38". Bowen, Andrew, 535^ Bowen, Ann, warrants, 127^ I30_", I34^ 153'. i6o\ 187'; memorial, 130^ petitions, 132^ 138'. Bowen, John. 513', 528', 540', 550". Bowen, William, license to buy land, 290°, 290*; license granted, 290^; petition, 292^ land grants, 293\ 32S^ 328^, 54^'. Bowers, John, 538^ Bowers, Lemuel, 520^. Bowers, Nehemiah. 519*. Bowler, Metca'f, 491'. Bowles. Catherine. 543*. Bowles, Hendrick, 122°. Bowles, John, land grants, 530^, 530', 537', 540% 543', 545', 560', 562'. Bowling Green, 390^ Bowlls, see Bowles. Bowman, Mr, 427^ Bowman, Edmond, 513*. Bowman, Mathias, 378', 380"'. Bowman, Samuel, 429'. Bown, James, 559*. Bowne, Andrew, 45°. Bowne, Joseph, 403^ Bowne, Robert, 575°. Boyce, Johannes, 473*. Boyce, Joseph, 348^ Boyd, Mr, 416'. Boyd, Robert, 519'. Boyer, Samuel, land grants, 405', 4d6', 512', 514', 544', .S53^ 560', 561', 562^ 576'. Boyer, William, 564\ Boyle, Alexander, 64^ 64*. Boyle, Charles, land grants, 311', 2i2.f> 331", 52o''*; petition, 312^; quitrent fixed, 312"; surety, 313"; license to buy Indian land, 334\ Boynton, Benoni, jr, 519^ Brachan [Bracken?], John, 533^ 540*. Brachen, Archibald, 548^ Bracken, John, 530*, 568^ Bradburn. Alexander, 562^ 563^ 575'. Braddick. John, account, 190*; war- rant, 193^; petition, 236^; pass granted, 236^; complicity with pirates, 280% 280°, 280'. Braddock. Edward, 414^ 416'', 419^ Bradford. William, warrants, 92^ 94^ 95V 98^, 139', 178', 183', I92f, 206-, 260', 263', 289', 2'89', 339^ 344"; salary. I07^ 192°; displaced as gov- ernment printer, 150'; petitions, I7o^ I79^ 180**, 192*, 220", 2^o^ 235^ 263°, 27,1-, 271°, 271', 282*, 282°, 289°, 295^; land grant, 233'^; to entertain French officers, 242*'; furnishes sta- tionery, 261'; delivers bills of credit, 268^ affidavit against, 269^; memorial, 296^ 298^ Bradick, see Braddick. Bradley, Anne, 332^ 342^ Bradley, Augustus, 4Siil Bradley, Catherine, 332'. 342^ 372^ Bradley, Elizabeth, 332^ 372^ Bradley, Erastus, 531^ Bradley, George, 332', 372'. Bradley, John, 531^ Bradley, John, jr, 519', 560'. Bradley, Jonah, 519°, 560". Bradley, Manasses, 568', S72^ Bradley, Mary, ■^'^if, ^72^. Bradley, Phineas, 519°, 53i% 53'i', 53i^ 559', 560'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 595 Bradley, Phineas, jr, 531°. Bradley, Richard, attorney general, 290°; petitions, 291', 292", 307^; memorials, 305", 307^ 307^ 369''; land grants, 307', 340*, 341", 342'; children of, patent granted, 332^; warrant, 342*; report on case, 366'. See also N. Y. (colony), advocates general; attorneys general. Bradley, Sarah, 332", 3.72^. Bradley, Timothy, 565°. Bradley, William, 179', I82^ 182', 182°, 182', 182'. Bradshaw, George, 69*, 70', 77\ 78*, 78', 79', 97". Bradshaw, James, 401', 402", 406^ 407\ Bradstreet, John, warrants, 416", 438*, 439*; letter from, 417*; complaint against, 426'; pay of men under, 474°; grant to, 486^; license to buy Indian lands, 538"; petitions, 549", 550', 551', 551', 552', 553*, 553'; land grants, 553', 570"; death, 576^ Bradstreet, Martha, 5761 Bradt, Aaron, 330°, 33I^ 520^ Bradt, Andries, 339*, 346*. Bradt, Andries, jr, 299^ Bradt, Arent, 320', 3C23', 331', 333^ 351'. Bradt, Arent, jr, 31 1\ Bradt, Arent Ans, 508', 512*. Bradt, Barent Albertse, 126^ 131*. Bradt, Hermanus, 5Q8^ 512*. Bradt, Jochim, 325*^. Bradt, John, has Indian child in pawn, 37S\ 3/8', 379% 381*; peti- tions, 520', 531', 532*. Bradt, Neltje, 325", 340*. Braine, Thomas, petitions, 253^ 254^ 284^ 403"; warrants, 254*, 3119'', 379*; land grants, 284^ 29I^ Brakenridge, James, 487', 490^ 49I^ 493\ 5oo\ Brand, Daniel, 445°. Brandon, John, 493*. Brandt, John, 348*, 435^ Brandy, duty on, 212*. Branson, Philip, 447^ Brant, see Brandt. Brasher [Brazier], Abraham, 169*. Brasher, Abraham (2d), 510^ S29^ Brasher, Isaac, 92°, 143°, 151^ Brasher, Philip, 562*. Brasier, Heni-y, 393^ 396'. Brasier, Thomas, 270*, 271^ 274*, 274^ 274', 279'. Bratt, see Bradt. Brattle. William, 474'. Brattleborough (Vt.), S04^ 561'. Brave Hawk (privateer), 370', 37i\ 371'- Brawley, William, 17''. Bray, Thomas, 30'. Brayton, Thomas, 502*, 504'. Brazier, see Brasher; Brasier. Bread, baked for public service, 242'; exportation, 372"; inspection or- dered, 38'*; price, 116°; sent to New York, 237^; supply, 121", 122'. Breadstufifs. 236", 242\ Brecken, Archibald, S35^ Breese, John, 573'. Breese, Samuel, 537°. Breese, Sidney, 463^ Brenton, , 14'. Bresier, Robert, 549^ Brestead, Henry Francis, 123°. Brett, Mr, 459''. Brett. Catherine, 279^, 281'". Brett, Robert, 93^ Brett, Roger, 231", 232', 232*, 241^. Breucklen, see Brooklyn. Breuen, Jeremiah, 536". Breuklyn, see Brooklyn. Breville, i66l Brevoort, Elias, 521*, 522', 544', 555*. Brevoort, Henry, 52i*-2'2\ 522^ 5'43*. Brevoort, John, 521*, 522', 544', 555*. Brewer, Cornelius, 442^ Brewer, Cornwall, 5o8^ SI'2^ Brewer, David, 516^ 5118°. Brewer, Eleazer, 521", 522''. Brewer, Jacob, 302*. Brewer, John, S'^6^, 5i3\ 521°. Brewer, Richard, 172"; hires house at Albany, 211^; arrives from Albany, 214°; warrants, 2I4^ 2121"; petitions, 174", 222\ Brewer, Seljring, 246", 246*. Brewerton, George, 55,", 56'. Brewerton, George (2d), lieutenant, 357'; petitions, 401°, 402', 4o8^ 409*; land grants, 554", 557'. Brewerton, George, jr, petitions, 401', 402", 408", 409"; bonds for settlement of lands, 412"; land grants, 541*, 544', 555'- Brewerton, Jacob, 432', 442^ 551*, 554'. Brewster, Henry, 385°. Bridge, Christopher, 267^, 267^ 273'. Bridge, Elizabeth, 272^. Bridge money, 12". Bridgeman, John, 536*. Bridgeman, Orlando, 524^ Bridger, John, 264^. Bridges, Mrs Anne, petitions, 202*, 203', 2o8^ 212', 212*, 220", 220*, 221''; land grant, 207^ 219*; warrant, 220'. Bridges, Charles, 12?, I3^ 13*, 71^, yif. Bridges, John, justice of supreme court, 171*; judge of supreme court, 171'; examines Thomas Weaver's papers, i7i°-72^; license to buy land, 173^, 174"; land survey for, 178'; chief justice, i8i\ i8i*. 596 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 199'; patent signed, 183°; appointed to council, 187"; illness, 197*. Bridges, Mrs Sarah, 13*, 71^ 7I^ Bridges, see also Bridger. Bridgewater, 525", 561'. Bridgman, Thomas, 524°. Briggs, James, 429^. Brinckeroff, Dirck, 487', 488^ 527', 552'. Brinckerhofif, Dirck, jr, 527', 552". Brisac, Peter, 156'. Bristed, Peter, 283^ 290*, 297'. Brittaine, Ann, I22^ Brittaine [Britton], Nathaniel, land surveys for, if, 113°, 166'; vs John Sharpe, 20®; land grant, 116'; caveat, 183'*; report, 250". Brittaine, see also Britton. Britto, Manuel, 455', 456°, 457'. Britton, Mrs Mary, 43', 43'. Britton, William, 68", 250', 250", 250^ Brizell, John, 526". Broaderick, Thomas, 520°. Broadhead, captain, 437". Broadhead, Charles, 100', 198', 274^ 2/5'. Broadhurst. Jonathan, 148^, 159', 166 , i88\ Broadie, see Brodie. Broadish, Joseph, 138^ 139', I39^ 139', 144'. Broadstreet, Simon, 3/, 37^. Broadwell, Henry, 561'. Brockholls [Brockholes], Anthony, 20*, 20", 53^■56'; letter from, 29^ commander in chief, 30^; accounts audited, 36^ 107°; presides in coun- cil, 34', 40^ 41^; sworn in council, 50*; tries mutineers, 51'; memorial, 107"; vs Christopher Deane, 122^ Brodie, James, 134''. Brodie [Broadie], Robert, 535', 542°, 546'. Broenver, Jacob, 541''. Brome, Joseph, 408', 409''. Bromhead, Edward, 290^ 290'. Bronck, Casparus, 342", 368', 372*. Bronck, Jan, 20il Broncx river, 41^ Brondage, Daniel, 283^ 284'. Brondage, see also Brundage. Bronnson, Samuel, 401^ 402^, 406^ 407'. Broockman, see Brookman. Brooke, Chidley, member of council, 62'; examines prisoners, 62*^; swears in assembly, 63^; audits accounts, 65°; money for expedition, 67'^; offers to pay soldiers, 70"; war- rants, 80^, 91°, 96^ 99^ no', no', 130*, 132'; judge of supreme court, 83\ 131^; sent to meet Sir Francis Wheeler, 86^; report on journey to Boston, 90^; accounts, 91", 91^ 102'; goes to England, no'; suspended from office of receiver general, 131"; ordered to pay over public money, 1311^ See also N. Y. (colony), re- ceivers general. Brooke, Philips, 234^ 234*. Brookhaven, 49^ 182^ 237^; Acadians settle at, 427"; French prisoners sent to, 4411°; land patents, 52*, 1214*; purchase of Indian lands, 12**, 12'; wreck at, 184^. See also Seatalcot. Brookland, see Brooklyn. Brooklyn [Breucklyn, Breuklyn, Brookland], 58°; arbitrator for, 42'; assembly adjourns to, 352*; boun- daries, 38^ 47\ 59', 60', 103'; council adjourns to, 501'; domine's house, 13^; Dutch reformed church, 174^ 174^ 225', 225'; land patents, 37'; minister's salary, 68'; vs New. York, 181°, 182', 183'; petitions, 15^ 79°> 142"; quitrents, 45'; road to Jamaica, 88"; taxes, 196', 196°, 196°. Brookman, Godfried, 4197'. Brookman, Thomas, 424^ 522', 522^ 543°. Brooks, Mr, 130*. Brooks, David, 523^ 564^ Brook, John, 560^. Brooks, John, 410°. Brooks, Richarts, 504^ Brooks, Thomas, 49\ Brothers' adventure (sloop), s8^ 59'. Broughman, Samuel, 397', 358''. Broughton, Mrs Mary, 203', 203^ 207*, 207", 208°. Broughton, Sampson, license to buy land, 176\ 191^; quitrent, 208'; war- rant, 2o8^ land grant, 209*; at- torney general, 21 1"; petitions, 212", 214", 215°; clerk of court of chancery, 244'. Broughton, Sampson Shelton, at- torney general of court of ad- miralty, 152', 158", 179''; negligence in Bayard trial, I65^ 166'; warrants, i66^ 191*, 192-, 193', 202^; member of council, 168', 187'; examines Thomas Weaver's papers, 172^; license to buy land, 173"; accounts, 188°; takes oath of abjuration, L90^; petitions, 192*, 199', 202', 202^; patent prepared for, 208'; report on public money, 223°. See also N. Y. (colony), attorneys general. Broughton, Thomas, 328'. Broussard, Saviott, 113'. Brouwer, see Brower. Browall, Henry, 535', 542°. Brower [Brouwer], Abraham, 400^ Brower, Cornelius, 527^ S52l INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 597 Brower, Everardus, 570^ Brower, Everardus, jr, 400'. Brower, Handrick, jr, 484". Brower, Henry, 5o8^ 512", 527", 552". Brower, Jacob, 3io\ 40o\ Brower, Jacob Jacob, jr, 400^ Brower, John, 400^ Brower, Nicholas, 228'. Brown, captain, 449". Brown, Aaron, 517". Brown, Benjamin, petitions, 376', 283°; caveat against patent to, 277'; warrant, 277"*; patent granted, 278"; complaint against, 339*, 340^ 340''. Brown, Cornelius, S28^ Brown, Daniel, 17", 500''. Brown, David, 538^. Brown, Deliverance, 161". Brown, Elizabeth, 572*. Brown, Ephraim, 517^ Brown, Frances, 521*, 522^. Brown, Francis, 33', 403^ Brown, George, inquiries about whale oil, 57% 57', 57', 57"; land grant, 64^ petitions, 8o\ ScB"*, 99^ Brown, George (2d), 538". Brown, Grear, 548^ Brown, Hachaliah, 333!'. Brown. Henry, 408^ 409^ Brown, Hercules, 572^. Brown, James, 357^; land grants, 310^ 376% 523^ 523°, 530^ 5S4'; petition, 383°; pardoned, 493^ Brown, John, 35*, 42", 482", 521^ 522^ 530', 544', 571'. Brown, Jonathan, 333^ 46o^ Brown, Joseph, 48'. Brown, Luke, 517^ 526\ Brown, Peter, 513°, 514^ 528^ Brown, Robert, 433^, 5591 Brown, Samuel, 276^, 277', 277^ 278^ Brown, Saul, 44^ Brown, Silas, 5I7^ Brown, Sylvanus, 496*, 500^. ' Brown, Thomas, 44^ 365^ 448^ 520*, 542", 56o^ Brown, William, 358"; petitions, 400^ 400", 413*; land survey for, 412° commander of flag of truce, 442° land grants, 526', 538', 573'- Browncjohn, William, 35lI^ Bruce, Archibald, 408^ 409^ Bruce, John, 542*. Bruce, William, 408^ 409\ Bruen, John, 536^. Bruff, Charles Oliver, 4961 Brundage, John, 115". Brundige, Gilbert, 509*. Brush, Crean, 491^, 504''; land grants, 530'. 537', 540', 545'; caveat against petition, 553', 554'; petitions, 558', 558^ 560=, 562'. Bruster, John, 555°. Bruyas, Jacques, 28^ 29'. Bruyers, John, 576'. Bruyn, Mr, 454^ Bruyn, Francis de, 15°. Bruyn, Gertrude, land survey for, 82^, 85'; land dispute, 90", 90", 91", 91^ 91^ 97". 100"; petition, ioi\ Bruyn, Jacobus, petitions, 247', 265*, 273'. 275", 283', 283', 537'; warrants, 247''', 265^ 276', 276"; land grants, 248'\ 267", 276^ 374°. Bruyn, Jacobus, jr, 310". Bruyn, John de, 52", 125'. Bruyn, John Hendricks, 3I^ 49^ Bryan, Augustin, jr, 400°. Bryan, James, 5126". Bryan, John, 506'. Bryan, William, 93^ Bryan (ship), 252'. Bryant, captain, 320°, 333^. Bryant, Darby, 122'', 123'. Bryant, John, 357'. Bryant, William, 397', 3gg^. Buchanan, Thomas, 530". Buchannan, Walter, 530^ Buck, John, 406', 407^ Buckhold, John, 44^ Buckland, Joseph, 459'. Buckle, Peter, 517^ Buckley, Mr, 181'. Buckley, Charles, 296*. Buckley [Bulckley, Bulkeley], John, 9I^ 121*, I28^ 140^ 536*. Buckley, William, 140°. Buckmaster, Edward, yy'', yy^, 84% 140", 142°. Bud, James, 491^ Budd, Elisha, 460", 509^ Budd, Gersham, 565*. Budd, John, 33.3°. Budd, Joseph, petitions, 112*, 112', 2y6\ 276*, 283", 283^; land grants, 277', 277;. Buel, Benjamin, 5I9\ Buel, Henry, 405^ 405^ Buel, William, 518". Buen, Daniel, 536". Bueno, Joseph, 81", 9o\ Buenos Ayres, 4831 Buffington, David, 548°. Bulckley, Bulkeley, see Buckley. Bull, John, 3S\ Bull, Joseph, 559', 560', 562', 562'. Bull, William, 291", 292^ 294°, 2gs\ Bull, William, commissioner for South Carolina, 379', 379^ 381^ Bulson, Alexander, 520". Bulson, Anthony, 523", 523°. Bunce. Jacob, 400°. Bunce, Samuel, 565'. Bundy, Simeon, 471*. Bunteel, John, 536'. 598 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Burcham, Samuel, 291°, 300^ 300*, 300'. Burchild, see Burcham. Burck, see Burk. Burent, John, S23^ Burge, Samuel, 545*. Burgen, see Burgers. Burger, Elias, 77^. Burger, George, 2,7^. Burger, Gilbert, 541', 56i\ Burger, Harmanus, 27^, 271*, Burger, Johannes, 21 5^ 327®. Burger, Myndert, 405", 4o6^ Burger, Sarah, 80', 83'. Burgers, Mrs Engeltie, 47^ 47°, loi', IOI^ Burges, captain, 365*. Burges, John, 385'. Burgesse, Samuel, 90''. Burgett, David, 151°, IS2^ Burgh, Johannes de, see Van Brugh. Burgie, Thomas, 512°, 5I2^ Burhans, Cornelius, 568^ Burhans, [Burhorns], Henry, 40I^ 402', 406', 407\ Burhorns, see Burhans. Burk, Benjamin, 522^ Burk, Francis, 3951 Burk, John, 405°, 406", S^^^. Burley, Simon, 530^ Burling, Samuel, 550^ Burlington (N. J.), i5ol Burn [Burns], Charles, 288^ 293^ 293'. Burn, John, 496', 496^. Burn, Samuel, 333^ Burnay, John, 538^ Burnet, George, 284^, 301^ 32ol Burnet, Gilbert, 40o\ 400". Burnet, John, 396^ 458'. See also N. Y. (county), coroners. Burnet, Mary, 305^ 307^ 309^ 314°. Burnet, Mary, jr, 30ol Burnet, Mathias, So6l Burnet, Thomas, 456', 456^ 5641 Burnet, William, takes oath as gov- ernor, 2/8*^; goes to New Jersey, 28o^ 285^ 291-, 293^ 294^ 298^ 301'; reports on Indian conference, 281"; conference with five nations, 287^ 287^ 2&7^; instructions to, 287°, 293^ 297', 303^; takes oath as chancellor, 290^; goes to Albany, 296', 301"; propositions to six nations, 296*; letters from, 299^, 307*^; delivers seals to Gov. Montgomerie, 306'; warrant, 306*; petition of son, 400'; money due estate of, 40o\ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Burnet, William, jr, petitions, 288^ 296^ 298\; licenses to buy Indian lands, 289^ 293^, 294^; land grant, 298°. Burnets key, battery, 359'. Burns, George, S38^ Burns, William, 528°. Burns, see also Burn. Burre, Daniel, 2Sl Burrege, Ann, 538*. Burrege, John Leake, 538*. Burrege, Martha, 538*. Burrege, Robert, 538*. Burroughs, Eden, I65^ 166*, i6g^. Burroughs, Edward, 167*, 167", I95^ Burroughs, John, 20', 2i\ 251', 428^ Burroughs, Joseph, 80*. Burroughs, Mary, i6g^. Burrows, lieutenant, 353^ 360^ Burrows, Edward, 329", 329"'. Burst, Jacob, 305/, 310^ Burt, Aaron, 525°. Burt, Benjamin, 269^ 310*. Burt, Eleazer, 520^ 524'. Burt, John, jr, 524'. Burt, Joseph, 529'', 5531 Burt, Richard, 56', 56', 88'. Burt, Samuel, 56^ s6^ 56^ 88\ 88^ Burtch, Jonathan, 563*. Burton, Cassibelam, 20". Burton, Mary, 340^, 340', 34 il Burton, Ralph, 5I0^ 530°, 5661 Bitrton, Robert, 427". Bush, David, 467^ Bush, Johannes, 167^. Bush, Justus, 467*. Bush, Timothy, 5661 Bush, William, 467*. Bushwick [Boswyck], Acadians set- tle at, 427*; boundaries, 15", 16", 38^ 47^ 80'; land patents, 2,7% i^"", 3^\ 47': vs Newtown, 10°, 17^, 79', 209^ 209^ 212', 212^ 214", 2I5S 215", 217^; patent, 2'i8%- petitions, 48^ 79", 217^; quitrent fixed, 218". Buskerk, Hendrick, 508', 512*. Buss, John, 522^ Buss, John, jr, 532". Butchers, regulations concerning, 26^ Butlar, Agatha, 5761 Butler, Mr, 120^ 434.". Butler, captain, 319^ 394^ Butler, Benjamin, 565*. Butler, Charles, 310", 3I0^ Butler, Elizabeth, 119'. Butler, John, letters from, 344^ 347^ 377'', 388"; news from, 348°; license to buy Indian lands, 379''; land grants, 508', 512', 516', 516', 540', 544', 544", 549*, 557", 569'. Butler, Lois, 516^ Butler, Pierce Pensonby, 531', 532^ 533', 534', 534'. Butler, Simon, 522^ Butler, Thomas, 374", 379*. Butler, Walter, petitions, 319', 319*, 320^ 322°, 326^ 520^; licenses to buy INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 599 Indian land, 324°, 326'; land grant, 326*; commissioner, 334°; warrants, 363°, 384^ Butler, William, warrant, 356^; land grants, 535-, 565', 567', 571', 576'; memorial, 548^ 548°, 548°; petitions, 553 > ilT- Butler. Sec also Buttler. Butrick, George, 532". Butter, exportation, 3,72^. Butteriield, justice, 504^ Butterfield. Benjamin, 567'. Buttler, Thomas, 87^ Button, Anna, 499'. Button, Charles, 499'. Buttrick, John, 519*. Buxton, Daniel, S^3*- Buydner, see Bydner. Buys, Jannetie Theys, 94*. Buys, Jan Theys, 94^ Buzzard, Peter, 535^ Bydner, Gudlop, 345^ 347". Byerly, Thomas, collector and re- ceiver general, I87^ I89^ 203^ 212", 220^ 222^ 225', 261^, 265^ 268^ 286'; memorials, i88^ 189", 249', 253", 354^ 263', 281*; warrants, 189', 189°, I90^ 193-, 201', 201', 204^ 227^ 234^ 235% 259', 265', 279^ 288'; petitions, 191', 193', 199', 223', 239', 24s', 271'; accounts, 192', 198°, 204^ 259^ 261', 261^ 279", 287^; to pay warrants, 2i4\ 214", 2i5\ 215^; to pay messen- gers from Virginia, 214^; arrested, 215"; report on books, 215^; ap- pears on petition of Lancaster Symes, 216^; vs Rip van Dam, 216*, 2i6^ 219' ; orders concerning excise, 217'; vs John Tuder, 218^, 218°; and Peter Fauconier, 219'; charged with breach of trust, 219°, 220^; and Peter Schuyler, 219", 219'; answer to order of council, 22o\ 220'; and Lord Cornbury, 225^ 225°; vs Lan- caster Symes and Ebenezer Wilson, 225^ 225'; writ of ne exeat against, 227^; proclamation for arrest of, 228": swears to accounts, 240"; orders concerning revenues, 240^; member of council, 243^; called be- fore council, 245^, 245^; caveat, 277'; caveat against, 277^; death, 303'. Sec also N. Y. (colony), receivers general. Byram river, 6i^ 115^ 277^ Byrd, William, II5^ Byrn, Barnaby, 4II^ Byrn, Michael, 520', 520', 534', 540*, 540'. Byvanck, Anthony, 559'. Byvanck, Evert, 147^ 147°. Byvanck, Evert, jr, 407^, 408', 429', 563^ Cadaracqui, see Cataracqui. Cadden (ship), 252'. Cadebeck, Isaac, iio". Cadwallader, Lambert, 550'. Caienquirago (Indian), 232". Cain, William, sis". Caker, Thomas, 45*. Calannan, Cain, 411". Calder, James, 568^ Calder, William Coventry, 568*. Caldwell, captain, 443', 443', 443*. Caldwell, William, 155', 155', 155*, i6r, I64^ Caledonia colonization scheme, 139?, I4I^ Calendar, correction, 386'. Calhoon, Robert, 528°. Call, James, 525', 563°. Callaghan, Barney, 450'. Callaghan, John, 528^ Callahan, John, 450^ Callbeck, Robert, 508°, 512*. Callean, John, 295*. Calleway, William, 262^. Callieres, de, 141^. Callow, Catherine, 400'. Callow, Stephen, 40O^ Callow, William, 411^-12^. Calment, Peter, 484^ Camden, 522'. Camelion (ship), 312°, 33*, 34^ Cameron, Allan, 411^, 513^ Cameron, Archibald, 410®, 413°, 413*. Cameron, Evan, SiX- Cameron, John, 498% 5s6^ 570'. Camfield, Samuel, 565\ Cammock, John, 528". Camons, Andries, 52°. Camp, , 781 Camp, Israel, 40I^ 402', 406', 407\ Camp, Wolf, 5421 Campbell, ■ , 480% Campbell, captain, 410", 430', 437*, 479'. Campbell, Alexander, 410', 486^ 504*, 530', 543""- Campbell, Allan, 410°. Campbell, Archibald, memorial, 410*, 410^; land grants, 410°, 527-, 530*, 547°, 558', 569'. 570'; land survey for, 413"; petition, 413*; judge of common pleas, 505°. Campbell, Archibald, jr, 413". Campbell, Archibald Archibald, 411*. Campbell, Colin, 564*. Campbell, Daniel, petitions, 4x2', 412", 509°; member of commission of oyer and terminer, 490°; land grants, 523', 534^ 540', 546', 552*. Campbell, Donald, petitions, 408^, 409% 568*; warrants, 409^ 564'; land grants, 410', 416', 411^ 568^ 571*. Campbell, Dugald, 553°, 564', 571'. 6oo NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Campbell, Duncan, 139*, I48^ 2I2^ Campbell, Duncan (2d), 489', 550', 564', 572'. Campbell, George, 408'', 409°, 564', 57I^ Campbell, James, petition, 408", 409°; land grants, 4ii\ 411^ 530'', 571^; warrant, 564^. Campbell, John, 411", 413^ 548^, S56^ Campbell, Lauchlan, 337^, 338', 410'. Campbell, Moses, 91 il Campbell, Robert, 411'. Campbell, Ronald, 3321 Campbell, William, 540^ 544^ 544^ S4S', 572'. Campeachy, I5^ 55°. Campell, , 52°. Canada, articles of peace with, 208'; attack on Albany planned, 86", 207^; claims the five nations, 1312°, ^33^', commissioners to be sent to, 130'; Frenchmen and Indians from, 163*; export of horses to forbidden, I45^ 145', 145'; Indians, 350*; co- operation with Indians against, 65"; Indians on warpath against, 75^; maps, 1 10^; messenger sent to, 133^; order relating to people com- ing from, 3921'; exchange of prisoners, 367"; Peter Schuyler's expedition to, 67", 67^, 6/, 67"; smuggling to, 215°; trade with, 32', 279^ 281", 281^, 285^ 293^ 296^ 303"^; expedition: 227®, 2128'', 228', 229', 229^ 229^ 229", 230^ 230", 233-, 240^ 241^; arms repaired for, 228'; com- mand of, 228'; commissioners, 23 1', 23I^ 257^; meeting of joint com- mittees, 229^; expenditures for, 230^ 236', 242^; failure, 243^; flag of truce, 234^; iron and steel for, 231^; land expedition to return to Albany, 243^; letter from Queen Anne, 227^; letter from duke of Newcastle, 354^; letter from Gov. Shirley, 356^ 360*; letter from Admiral Warren, 356^ 360^; Long Island Indians called to serve, 229^; pay of man- agers, 244^; necessaries called for, 230°; order concerning, 241**; pro- visions for, 242^, 242°; provisions remaining from, 244°; volunteers called for, 243'; governors: Beauharnois, Charles, 303®; Denonville, marquis de, let- ter, 54^; Du Quesne, marquis de, 388", 396^ 398''; Frontenac, count, 26^, 104^; La Galisonniere, comte de, 366', 369', 369', 371', 371': 372*, 372°; La Jonquiere, marquis de, 373', 376', 379', 380', 382"': Vau- dreuil, marquis de, 246°, 280*, 281°. Canada creek, 290^ Canada Indians, see Indian tribes. Canada's kill, 376^ Canadagaia (Mohawk chief), 394*. Canajoharie [Cannajoharie, Conajo- hary, Connajoharie], 376'', S03*; memorial of inhabitants, 502'; money for building church, 454*; orders to militia, 360'; patent to be vacated, 428*; petition for assist- ance against Indians, 438'. Canajoharie Indians, see Indian tribes. Canary merchant (ship), 30''. 335^ Canasatego (Onondaga sachem), 380*. Canastagione [Canestagione, Canis- tegione, Cannestigaioenna, Kanes- tigione], 73°, 202\ 240^ 267', 272^, 272^ 576'-, 576*. Candles, exported, 337*. Canel, Lawrence, 486^ Canfield, Samuel, 349^. Caniacka (Mohawk sachem), 26^. Cannef¥, James, 565^ Cannestigaioenna, see Canastagione. Cannon, Andrew, 64^ 130'. Cannon, John, 339^ 34o\ Cannon, John, jr, 339^ 340'. Canoes, 12". Canon, John, 368". Cantine, John, 477". Cantine, Matthew, 496^ Cantine, Moses, 385'. Cants [Cantz], George, 391°. 399'. Cantwell, Edmund, 18"', 20'. 26^ 26*, 27\ 29I Cantyne, John, 537 . Cape Breton, 320*, 344*, 347*. Cape Frangois, 359'. Cape May, I40^ Capela, Bernard, 273', ■27'i. Capitaine, John, 6'^ . Capre, Jan de, 14'. Capree, Oliver, 522'. Cardale, Thomas, 180', 180', 181', 181*, I88^ 192'. Cardall, Ralph, 34^ 37\ 38', 41"- Garden, John, 511', 5331 Carell, Thomas, 182^. Carey, Anne Maria, 523'. Carey, Lucius Ferdinand, 523". Carey, Thomas, 370^ Garfield, Samuel, 40I^ 402', 406', 407^ Gargil, Abernethy, 533', 534'. 54/'- Garhart, John, 509*. Garhart, Thomas, 64^ 64', 65'. Caribbean islands, 22^ Carle, Jean, 409^ Carle, Thomas, 13'. Garleton, Dennis, 521°. Garleton, Guy, 472', 477'. Garlile, William, 354'. Carman, Caleb, 40*. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 60 1 Carman, John, 405', 406', 511'. Carman, Joshua, 487*. Carman, see also Carrnian. Carmen (sloop), 383^ 386', 386". Carmer, ■ , 451*. Carmer, Thomas, 5I8^ Carmichil, Daniel, 332^. Carney, Edmund, 528^ Carolana, 545', 549'. Caroli, Laurentius, 26^ Carolina, princess, 438^. Carolina (sloop), 355*. Carpenter, Benjamen, 403^ Carpenter, Comfort, 494". Carpenter, Eliphalet, 524". Carpenter, Gardiner, 565^ Carpenter, Hope, 2318'. Carpenter, John, jr, 561". Carpenter, Joseph, 25°, 331', 565^ Carpenter, Samuel, 203^ Carpenter, Solomon, 22,2*. Carpenter, Thomas, 538°, 545°. Carpenter, Wait, 548°, 549'. Carr, Anthony, 480'. Carr, John, 10", 13^ 23^ 48o^ Carr, Stair Campbell, 413". Carr, Thomas, 535^ 542°. Carr, William, 525^ , Carries, Peter, 430^ Carrman, John, 17". Carrol, Edmond, 544^ Carrol, Edward, 530^ 545^ Carrol, Frederick, 544*, 545^ Carroll, Richard, 3091 Carrol, Thomas, 474^ Carrol, William, 536^ Carscallen, Edward, 408", 409'', 513^ Cartaret. Philip, 2i6\ Carten, John, 348^ Carter, James, 529^ Carter, John, 147', 242', 513', 553°. Carter, William, collector of customs, 168'; memorials, T/O', 202*; peti- tions, 177', 182^ 217"; controller of customs, 188°; memorial, 202^ See also N. Y. (colony), controllers of customs. Carterett, George, I9\ Carterett, James, 15", i6^ 17', iy\ Carterett, Philip, 15-, 15*, 16°, 21^ 25'. Cartwright, Richard, 541*, 548^ Carty, Daniel, 32^. Carty, John, 545^ Case, Daniel, 177°, 177'. Case, Stephen, 493*, 493', Case, Thomas, 43'. Caspars [Caspers, Casperse], Melle, 79^ 119', 125^ vs John Hutchins, 179', 180', i8o\ 182:', 183'. See also Melle. Casperson [Caspers], Isaac, 121', 125*, 134', 141", I95^ Cassee, John, 127'. Cassell, William, 462*. Cast, George, 319'. Caster (ship), 359'. Castle, David, 499'. Castle (ship), 22'". Castle Roy (privateer), i88\ Castles, Philipp, 528'. Castor (privateer), 350', 3651 Cataracciui [Cadaracqui], 100', 380'; French take and settle at, 86", 104', io8^ i09\ I09^ Cataresky, 29'. Catawbas, see Indian tribes. Catharine (sloop), 206', 357', 4U', 440'. Cathcart, lord, 338*. Cathcart. Joseph, 508', 512*. Catherwood, Mr, 369^ 371^ Catherwood, John, 345', 345*, 346*, 349'- . Catholics, imprisoned, 115'^. Cathrall, Edward, 545^ Cats, Manuel, 530'. Catskill [Katskill], French invasion, 54'; Indians send war belt, 248"; land grants, 60', 536"; land matters, 68^^; land survey near, 173^; licenses to buy land, 174", 26S'; quitrents, I20^ Caursen, Dirck, 147^. Caursen, Hendrick, I47^ Causten, Samuel, 473°. Cavalier, John, 39', 47', 58', 59', 59'. Cavas, Johannes, 136'. Cavendish, 522^ 563'. Caverley, Richard, 264*, 264^, 264', 268'. Caverly, Peter, 310'. Cawley, captain, 204". Cawley. John, 204*, 547^ Cayenquiragoe [Gov. Fletcher], 90^ Caylus, marquis de, 352*. Cayuga Indians, 384\ 388^ Cearnes, Thomas, 536\ Cebe, Paul Francois, 336*. Ceman, Lawrence, 534'. Cenea, Juan, 440^ Census, 178'; of New York, Kings and Queens counties, 1128^ to be taken, 157',. 158', 368', 245'; neglect in sending in lists, 159'". Centaur (man-of-war), 372^, 430'. Ceoghan, Mr, 442\ Chace, Rev. 525'. Chadaine [Chadeague], John, 178'. Chadeague, see Chadaine. Chaleur (sloop-of-war), 468*. Chalkins, James, 566°. Chamberlain, Amos, 502', 504s Chamberlain, John, 516°. Chamberlain, Thomas, 566'. Chambers, John, petition, 284*; patents granted, 285', 385''; justice 6o2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY of supreme court, 381^ 455^ 457^ appointed to council, 384', 390^ caveat against grant to, 388*, 389° affidavit of, 446^; report, 450^; com- missioner for trial of Greatrakes and Moores, 450^; grants a re- prieve, 450"; case of De Noyelles referred to, 453°; death, 4^6°, Chambers, John (2d), 538'. Chambers, Thomas, commissioner, 10'^; justice of peace, ^3^ 20^^; ex- empted from taxes, 18^; wheat transactio,n, 19^; complaint against, 19*; to judge negro, 26'; dispute with George Hall, 2/; letter to, 2,6-; before council, 43°; order con- cerning troops, 55', 87^; assessor. Chambers, William, 232^; warrants, 191", 191*, 2i6^ 243^ 276"; gauger of excise, 191^; searcher, 207°; to re- ceive pay for boat hire, 213*; testifies about custom-house rules, 21,5-; petitions, 231^, 276^ 277^; patent granted, 232''; tide surveyor, 234"; land survey, 277^ Champante, John, 143', 156', 259^ 26ol Champion, John, 170*. Chancery court, see Court of chan- cery. Chancey, Josiah, 516", 523°. Chancy, Josiah, jr, 516^ Chancy, Richard, 516". Chandler, Charles Church, 528'. Chandler, Clark, 518'. Chandler, David, 528'. Chandler, Elizabeth, 517'. Chandler, Gardiner, 528^. Chandler, John, 370*, 486', 5I7^ Chandler, John (2d), 528'. Chandler, Joseph, 5281 Chandler, Joshua, sr, 5l28^ Chandler, Joshua, jr, 528^ Chandler, Josiah, 528^ Chandler, Moses, 528'. Chandler, Samuel, 528', 562°. Chandler, Seth, 528'. Chandler, Theophilus, S28^ Chandler, Thomas, 469-, 469', 489*, 515", 517^- Chandler, Thomas, jr, 517'. Chandler, Winthrop, 528'. Chant [Chante, Chants], Edward, 71°, 72^ 8r, 84", 85'', 861 Chapeaurouge bay, 348'. Chapelien, Guillaume, 370^ Chapman, Peter, 550°. Chapmen's brook, i6\ Chappell, Ann, 153'. Chappell, Francis, 150*. Charles 2, death, 42*. Charles, Isaac, 465'. Charles, Robert, 387', 442^ Charles, Silas, 466", 495'. Charles (ship), 42^ 107*. Charleston (S. C), 427'. Charlotte, princess, 4S4^ Charlotte county, commissions of peace and pleas, 497"; courts, 489^ 498^ 502°; judges of common pleas, 490^ 506^; justices of peace, 492', 498^ 499^ SCO*, 501^; land grants in, 570°, 577'; petitions, 500', 503''; riots, 504'; Skenesborough made county town, 494^. Charlotte (township), 546'. Charlton, John, 531°, 546'. Charming Nancy (sloop), 430*, 433*. Charming Peggy (privateer), 432^, 432'. Charming Polly (schooner), 459\ Charter, Joseph, 56r, 573". Chartier de la Biniere, Michel, 558'. Chase, Daniel, 4031 Chase, Ezekiel, 519°. Cliase, Jonathan, 403\ Chase, Joshua, 519^ Chase, Nathan, 519*. Chase, Stephen, 519°. Chaste Marie (snow), 482^ Chatfield, Thomas, I8o^ 182'. Chatham, 528", 547". Chatterton, Shadrack, 467^ 468". Chauncey, colonel, 423". Chavalier, John, i'2g^. Cheap, George F. 404^. Cheesecock patent, 478®, 212^ 2112', 213'. Cherokee Indians, see Indian tribes. Cherry, James, 411°. Cherry valley, 462*. Chesnut, Gerard, 520°, 541^ Chester, Johannes, 381". Chester, William, bishop of, 569', 572°. Chester (township), 484', 491*, SI7^ Chesterfield, 553"- Chew, Joseph, 368'. Chiampanti, see Champante. Chicgnecto (Nova Scotia), 4I9\ Child. Francis, petitions, 289', 289', 289, 290^; land grants, 521^, 522", 523', 530', 537", 540', 544'- Child, John, 487', 564''. Chintrier, Marie, 113". Chipman, Jonathan, 400^ Chiquaquendi (Onondaga sachem), 380'. Chissolm, John, 41 1^ Chock, Peter, 43°, 49*> n?', 129', I35S 136'. Chollwell, John, 163', 203', 260'. Cholmondeley, Robert, 437^ Chosen, John, 430'. Chris, John, 451'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 603 Christ Rennolls (ship), 50*. Christagie (Mohawk captain), 98^, 99". Christen, Thomas, 524*. Christian (Indian boy), 89", 98°, 99'. Christians, Antie, 83^ Christiansen, Cornelius, 255\ Christie, Gabriel, 435^ 447^ Christie, John, 425*. Christie, William. 522^ 522^ 528^, 535°. Christman, Johannes, 307^ Christy, James, 554^, 563^ Christyanse, Barent, 167^. Chrushron, John, 52'. Chubb, Daniel, 291°. Church. John, land grants, 525^ s6i\ 56r, 56I^ 562^ 563% 564\ 565', 5761 Church. Joshua, 517*. Church, INIalachi, 573'. Church. Oliver, 504^ Churcher, Susannah, 187°. Churcher, William, 62*, 75'. Churches baptist: New York, 506°; episcopal: 541^ 543''; Albany, 257\ 536', 539' (St Peter's); Corn- wall, 549\ 550"; Flushing, 403", 404°; Hempstead, 324^ 324'; Jamaica, 37 1^ 403^, 404"; New Rochelle, 509', 509', 509^ 509', 512'; New York, 475^ (see also Trinity church) ; Newburgh, 544', 548^ 550"; New- town, 406'-; Peekskill, 548*, 550^; Rye. 509^ 509°; Schenectady, 505', 571'; Wallkill, 549\ 550"; West- chester, 407^ 407°; French church: New Rochelle, 232', 233', 245', 245°, 407=, 458'; New York, 1 11^, 297^ 297^ 297°, 409^; German reformed: New York, 465*, 500'; Lutheran: Albany. 16' ; New York, 14', 40', 352', 373\ 400', 400', 4I0^ 461"; Presbyterian: 505^; Jamaica, 506'; New York, 400^, 473°, 473', 474-, 475^ Reformed Dutch: Albany, 278', 459^ Brooklyn, 174°, 174^ 225", 225': Flatbush, 174', 174°, 506'; Flatlands, I74^ 174°; Long Island, 243°: New York, 24°, III^ 112°, 113', 114', 318". 390', 399', 419', 461", 47S'; New Utrecht, 174°, 174°; Schenec- tady, 186', 321=. 32I^ 554=, 557', 558', 558^ 571^ Churchill, Nicholas, 143'. Churchill, William, 223^ Circuit court, 33 1^ 331', 387', 454'. Claes, Dirck, 43'. Claese, Richard. 154'. Claese. see also Claesen, Claesen, Lawrence, warrants, 147', 160', i66», 168", 173=, 181*, i8s', 195', 205\ 2^5', 211°, 2I2-, 218°, 221', 285^ 291', -.Jl', 294", 300', 300'-, 302*, 304', 323*; land patent, 158'; peti- tions, 171', 212'-, 218", 231^, 253', 283^; accounts, 183', 285", 285"; license to buy land, 217^; reports movements of French, 218"; payments, 218', 219°, 281'; to go to Onondagas, 248'; journal, 276'; memorial, 291'. Claesen. See also Claussen. Clagget, Wiseman, 530-, 560*. Clapp, John, warrants, 69^ 79°, 91', 96', 102', io7\ no', 116', 121', 134', 189*, 309°; petitions, 203^ 205^; vs George Booth, 205^ 205°; land grants, 207^, 207', 208°, 208'. Clapper, Johannes, 73*, 89*. Clarendon, lord. 237^. Clarendon (township), 524*. Clark, Archibald, 552'. Clark, Dorothy. 1281 Clark, Ebenezar, 564''. Clark, Elizabeth, 475^ 476^ Clark, Ferdinando, 354^ Clark, Jeremiah, 409'. Clark. John, 514', 523'. Clark, Moses, 409'. Clark, Reuben, 409*. Clark, Robert, 566*. Clark, Walter, 43\ Clarke, Dr, 490**. Clarke, Alexander, 538*. Clarke, Andrew. 284'. Clarke, Edward, 332', 333', 334': Clarke, George, 165', 333', 343*; war- rants, 167*, 202\ 2l6^ 221^ 283\ 289*, 293', 298'. 326', 339\ 339', 340', 341', 341*; secretary, 187*, 188', I89^ 2i59\ 306°; licenses to buy land, 196*, 246*, 322'; petition, 197^; name to be in- serted in Minissinck patent, 200'; clerk of council, 202®, 225^; ac- counts, 209', 216", 2^2^, 282*, 289*, 289°. 294\ 295-, 297*; expenses, 259^, 259^; member of council, 261^ 317^; deputy auditor general, 267^; com- missioner of Connecticut boun- dary line, 268'; claims on be- half of Horatio Walpole, 289'; in- ventories Gov. Montgomerie's estate, 312'; land grants, 32o'\ 323'; acts as president of council. 325*; instructions to, 327', 335*, 336*; lieu- tenant governor, 328'; speech to Iroquois, 329^; to go to Albany, 340', 340*; letter to Indian commis- sioners, ,342*; delivers seals to George Clinton, 343*; refuses to be councillor, 343*. See also Council; 6o4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY N. Y. (colony), deputy auditor general; secretaries. Clarke, George, jr, secretary, 332°, 349'; appoints deputy secretary, 356', 501*; appointed to council, 336\ 39o\ 515". Clarke, Capt. George, 410', 411*. Clarke, Henry, sV. Clarke, Hyde, 343°. Clarke, James, 547". Clarke, John, 411', 529^ 550'. Clarke, John Hendrik, jr, 33I^ Clarke, Simon, 446". Clarke, Thomas, 68'; coroner, 62^; member of council, 63'; to bring Abraham Gouverneur from Boston, 79*, 81*, 83°; petitions, 98*, 11 5", 250^ 274°, 283®; accounts audited, 101°; warrants, 102^ 109', 329'; prosecuting attorney, 120'; tax col- lector, 127'; collector of quitrents, 128*; arrested, 143-, 144', 164*; caveat against patent, 274°, 274^ 275', 275'. Clarke, Thomas (2d), 365', 428', 553'; land grants, 554', 555*, 558", 566', 575'- Clarke, William. 5,60'. Clarkson, David, 364°, 442', 48I^ S3I^ 546^ 567^ Clarkson, Levinus, SI0^ Clarkson, Matthew, 71"; warrants, 82°, 89^ 89^ 90', 98\ 99', 1.56', 196'; sworn in secretary, 130^; license to buy land, 162°; petition, 163'; death, 173"; petition of executrix, 177°. See also N. Y. (colony), secretaries. Clarkson, Matthew (2d), 460", 531°, 5461 Claus, Daniel, 534', 538', 550'. Claus, Samuel, I98^ Claussen [Claesen], Cornelius, 45^ I26^ 164". Claver, Adrian, 199^ 199', 200*, 200', 201^ 202^ Claver, Henry, 188', 189'. Claverack, 353=, 472.-, 480', 483', 573'. Clay, Humphrey, 141", 142'. Clay, Thomas, 482.". Clayton, David, 545^ Clayton, Edward, 1961 Clayton, George, 522*. Cleator, Joseph, 167^. Cleaveland, Samuel, 572^ S73^- Clement, John, 367°. Clement, Joseph, 304', 315', 318', 367^ Clement, Lewis, 367'. Clements, Moses, 555°. Clench, Robert, 571'. Cleveland, Mr, 434'. Cleves, John, 343\ Clews, Samuel, 150*, 150'. Clifford, John, 545'. Clifton, John, 226^; letter and orders sent to, 226"; needs men for ship, 226^ 228'; ordered on cruise, 228°, 236', 238"; accounts, 234''. Clifton park, 460°. Cline, John, 565". Clinton, Charles, land grants, 328*, 514'; to attend land case, 404'; let- ter from, 425*; to select places for blockhouses, 437*; deposition, 460'. Clinton, George, takes oaths as gov- ernor, 343'; warrants, 344', 349*, 350^ 368^ 3.79'; goes to Albany, 344', 356', 365', 370'; makes propo- sitions to Iroquois, 344*; letter to Col. Beeckman, 345'; ill, 345*, 345', 36o^ 369'; advised to go to Albany, 348"; ordered to assist Commodore Warren, 348°; meeting with six nations urgent, 349"; reports Indian conferences, 350°, 380", 381'; letters for, 356', 357\ 381', 381'; letter to Archibald Kennedy, 357^; letters from, 357^ 365 ^; order to adjourn assembly, 358'; petition of Joseph Espinosa, 358°; messages from, 360', 360*, 360°, 366'; must return to New York, 361"; proposition to Iroquois and Missisages, 361"; report on ac- count of, 368"; meeting with pro- posed, 369^; asks about rangers, 364"; action in regard to levies, 364'; to appoint New Hampshire repre- sentative for Indian conference, 378'; speech to council, 380'; lays minutes of Indian conference be- fore council, 380*^; speech to In- dians, 380°; condoles with Indians, 381'; answer to letter of governor of Canada, 382°; leave of absence granted, 389**; delivers seals, 389'- 90^; petition, 404^; patent granted, 404^ See also N. Y. (colony), gov- ernors. Clinton, Henry, 507°. Clinton (privateer), 345^ 358*. Clock. Martin, 169'. Clockiuyer, Gerrit, 28^ Cloet, John, i9ol Clopper, Cornelius, 334\ 334". Cloron's leaden plate, 37S'. Clough, Nicholas, 32*, 34'. Clows, Samuel, 195'. 199', 286*, 29I^ Cluet, Frederick Johannes, 568^. Cluit. John, 272", 278*. Clute, Jan, 11°, 42', 77^. Gluts, Walraven, 330^ Coarten, Myndert, 62*. Coates, Reuben, 524'. Cobble, Wallsall, 39*, 39^ 40', 40", I23^ 123*. Cobet, see- Cobey. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 605 Cobey [Cobet], Ludovicus, 2:^, 31°. Cobham, Jacob, 575^. Cobham, James, land grants, 537", 545', 559% 559', 560*, 560^ 562^ 562", 563^ 563^ 576\ Cobrun ICobrim], John, 104", 115*, 118", 123'. Cobus kill, 386^ Cochart, John, 35'. Cochran, John, 575*. Cochran. Sec also Cockran. Cock, Abraham, 409^ Cock, George, 239^ 239^ Cock, Gerhard Daniel, 471", 475', 475*, 4/5 • Cock, John, 399^ Cock, Jordan, 543'. Cock, Peter, 2131 Cock, Thomas, 284^. Cockburn, John, io8^ mi'. Cockburn, William, 478', 479°, 527^ 530', 536', 547'. Cockcroft, William, petitions, 401', 402', 408", 409'; bonds for settlement of lands, 412°; warrant, 419''; letter from, 421-. Cocken, Alexander, 523^ Cockeran, John, 521^ 522^ Cockerill [Cockrill], Thomas, 226'; called on to deliver seals, 227^; be- fore council, 229'; report on estate of, 234^; Dr Johnstone executor, 238^ Cockerill, Thomas (2d),3I8^3I8^320^ Cockerthal, Joshua, see Kocherthal, Joshua. Cockram, John, I2^ 13', 13*. Cockram, Robert, SS'- Cockran [Cochran, Cockren], Rob- ert, 486', 488', 488*, 50o\ Cockshaky, see Coxsackie. Cocksingh, see Coxsinck. Coddington, William, 25". See also Rhode Island. Codeber, Jacob, 127*, 132°. Coden, James, 312^, 317^. Codman, Thomas, 273^ Codner, Richard, 43". Codrington, Margaret, 299*. Codrington, Thomas, 37', 68', 77*, 121", 299'. Codweis, John Conrad, 231^ 2-31', 255'. 255'- Codvvise, Christopher, 334^ 334*. Cody, Robert, 49^ Coe, Mr, 13'. Coe, John, 179^; petition, 75'; vs Thomas Hicks, 76'; prisoner, 62*; before council, 143'; petitions re- ferred to, I;54^ 158^; examined, 203'; security, 237"; vs Shadrack Chatter- ton, 468". Coe, Robert, 10°, 203". Coen, Elizabeth, 416'. Coenties dock, 428". Coeur, Jean, 311", 346^ 346^ 384-. Coeyman, Abraham, 256', 295*. Coeyman, Andries, petitions, 133', 255", 283', 295', 297', 300", 300'; be- fore council, i'94^; warrant, 253^; license to buy land, 300^; caveat against patent, 324^ Coeymans, Barent Pieterse, 135°, 14I^ I93\ 196', 203"; land grant, 193°; vs Kilian van Rensselaer, 194^ 195'', I96^ Coeymans patent, 517^ 518'', 520^ 524*. Coffee, Donald, 54'. Coffee, cultivation, 386". Coffin, Stephen, 391^. Coffin, Tristram, 14", 20', 22*, 78*. Coins, address to queen about, 222'; foreign, 202', 224^; letters about, 207^; order concerning, 230'; valua- tion, 32^, 82', 336". See also Money. Coit, Benjamin, 565*. Coit, Isaac, 565*. Coit, Samuel, 565*. Coker, Thomas, collector of excise, 3S^; testifies, 50'; recommended for custom house officer, 50°; member of council, 63'; accounts examined, 64"; payments to, 7i\ 73'; warrants, 93', 98'; petition, 105*. Cojemans, Samuel Staats, 405'', 405''. Colbache, Thomas, 5i\ Colden, Alexander, land grants, 326', 403', 403', 531", 541', 546'; petitions, 334', 342', 402^; surveyor general, 378", 456'; representation of, 395^; examined concerning exportation of provisions, 427°; claim concern- ing Minisinck patentees, 468'; war- rants, 476^ 485^ 495^ 500^ com- plaint against, 471'; to run Quebec line, 488'*: illness, 502''; death, 503^ See also N. Y. (colony), surveyors general. Colden, Altje, 340^ Colden, Cadwallader, 285^ 298", 307', 448": petitions, 268*, 282^ 288', 307^ warrants, 268', 288*, 289', 293', 468', 479^ 485"; patent granted, 269'; surveyor general, 275", 456"; caveat against Joseph Budd, 277^; to ex- amine quadrant used in boundary survey, 279°; master in chancery, 280^^; appointed to council, 280*, 390^ memorials, 288*, 298^ 328*, 328*, 371*, 371', 371'; report, 296'; commissioner to run Connecticut line, 29S\ 310^; takes oaths, 304*, 343^ 501"; answer to petition of Jeremiah Dunbar, 333"; letters from, 341', 343\ 351', 351*, 437=, 469'; 6o6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY sworn in council, 390^ 424"; com- missioner to settle Massachusetts boundary, 393°; representation of, 395°; president of council, 401^449^; lieutenant governor, 405°, 453^ 455^ 486°, 572^; presides in council, 410^; reports mischief done by Indians, 436^; report concerning block- houses, 437*; seals delivered to, 461^ 479^; adjourns council to Brookland ferry, 501^; to go to -Flushing, 505". See also Council; N. Y. (colony), lieutenant gov- ernors; surveyors general. Golden, Cadwallader, jr, 3312^ ZZS", 386*, 402°. Golden, Catherine, 403^ 405'. Golden, David, 402", 502', 502*, 503'. Golden, Elizabeth, 326'. Golden, Ellis, 373^- Golden, Jane, 373', 55o'. Golden, John, 550'. Golden, Richard Nicolls, 550'. Golden (township), 573^ Golding, Dr, 269'. Gole, Ebenezer, letters from, 490', 492'; examined, 490^ 490*; memo- rial, 491^ justice of peace, 500*; land grant, 52a^ Gole, Edward, doorkeeper of council, I74^ 189^ petition, 178^; messenger of council, 192^; to be sued, 209°; account, 2113^; horses for public service, 213'; warrant to widow, 215'. Gole, Elisha, 471*, 474 ■ Gole, Elizabeth, 215*, 215', 217*, 220*, Gole, Leonard, 100*. Gole, Nathaniel, 40', 89', 92', I52^ 495^ Cole, Nathaniel, jr, 93^ 96*. Gole and Beon (galley), 189'. Coleman, ensign, 35 1^ Coleman, James, 533^. Coleman, Joseph, 545°. Coleman, Noah, 487'. Golgan, Fleming, 527', 553^. Golgan, Thomas, 37I^ Golhoun, Alexander, 333', 393', 549*. Gollcutt, Jeremiah, i6y^. College of the province of New York, see Kings college. Collier, Benjamin, petitions, 58*, 59', 88^ complaint against, 60^; sheriff, 62^ 79'; warrant, 136°. Collier, John, 22", 28°, 32', 34'- Collier, Richard, 518'. CoUings, see Collins. Collins, major, 353", 360=, 361*, 262", ?>(>2^ 365'. Collins, David, 120°, 126'. Collins, Edward, petitions, 307^, 324*, 333"; license to buy land, 307', 322*; warrants, 323', 329', 356-; caveat against patent to, 324°; land grant, 340'; withdraws caveat against patent, 341°; recorder of Albany, 361'. Collins, John, petitions, 171*, 257^ 282*, 288^ 316', 316^; warrants, 2121', 221°, 257^; license to buy Indian lands, 257"; land grants, 257*, 543'; Indian commissioner, 279°. Collins, John, of Quebec, 488', 494^ 497°, 499'- Collins, Richard, 352", 352^ Collins, Stephen, S45^ Gollvitt, William, 151'. Colly, John, 514'. Colonies, commissioners of, 86^ 26y^, 29^; circular letters to governors, 378'; plan for union, 395^ 396^ Colquhun, Alexander, 410'. Colson, John, 385°. Coltman, Coenradt, 315^ 316'. Golton, Isaac, 476^ Colton, Nicholas, 386^ 400', 401*, 401^ Colvelt, Lawrence, 122^ Golver, Samuel, 567^ Colves, Anthony, 21^. Comes, Gilbert, 403^ Comes, John, 403^ Gomes, Solomon, 374^; ferry, 27^ t 272''; petitions, 372', 372', 27^^, ZT^- Comfort, Gerardus, 173^ Commerce, lo^ 369'. Gommerford, James, 275^ 276*, 277*, Commins, David, 4o6^ 407". Commissions, proclamation concern- ing, 163°; for civil and military ofifi- cers, 79'; for holding courts, 106', Io8^ 109*. Gommo, Francis, 427^ Gonimo, Joseph, 427*. Gomyns [Cummins], George, 337*, 2-^7\ 338', 338', 338', 343'- See also Cummins. Gonajohary, see Ganajoharie. Gonckendal, Cornelius, 282^ Concklin, Benjamin, 51". Gonckline, Joseph, 179', 182', 18.2*, I82^ I82^ 1S2'. Concord (ship), 135', 135'. 136'. Gongreve, Charles, land survey for, 173', 178'; petitions, 181*, 198', 235*, 286^; money and provisions to, 191°; warrants, 191', 192", I94^ 196', 235'; land grant, 235', 286'; before council, 236°; ordered on duty, 237*. Gonkey, Joshua, 408*, 409*. Gonkey, William, 4o8^ 409*. Gonklin, Thomas, 408', 409^ _ Connajoharie, see Ganajoharie. Connecticut, aid asked from, 72^ 114*, 119°, 344°, 364'; assistance from, 82*, INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 607 • 9o'» 96^ 344'; refuses assistance, 91°, 92', 107', 108", 115', 355°, 464"; boun- daries, see Boundaries; Canada ex- peditions, 228®; cavalry, 236"; claims Rye and Bedford, 120*, 121"; com- missioners at Albany conference of 1754, 294^; complaint, 8i°-82'; com- plaint made to Gov. Saltonstall, 267^; correspondence with, 107*, 122^; correspondence with Gov. Leete, 26^ 28^*; correspondence with Gov. Winthrop, 22'; in Crownpoint expedition, 415°, 415*, 416°, 41 7^ 420^ 420°, 4215^ 426*; dele- gates to Indian conference, 381^; Gov. Fitch to arrest counterfeiter, 392°; Indian troubles, 22*, 26', 331°, 32^*, 332^; Gov. Law informed of French intentions, 351^; letter from council of, 25^ 25^ 26^, 28^ 94f; let- ters to, I56^ 393°; memorials from, 226', 226'; militia, 91°; New York taxed by, 30*; refuses government of Phips, 84''; regiment, 228^; report about French movements, 116'; representatives at Indian confer- ence, 366°, 381''; represented in council, 28^ troops, ill". Connecticut river, 41^ 481^ 492®, 515'. Connell, Dennis, 534^ 535°. Conner, Charles, 50^ Conner, James, 573^ Connestigione, loo", 106*, 354^ Connolly, John, 4I2^ Connor, James, 530°. Connor, John, 31 1^ Conselos, Francis Lewis de Vas, 238'. Constable, John, 520^ 541*. Content (privateer), 2281 Contreman, Coenrad, 310^ 3I4^ Conway, H. S. 470^ 470^ Conway, Joseph, 564'. Conyn, Lendert, jr, 309'^, 309', 330'. Conyn, Peter, 508^ 512*. Cook, Jesse, 5591 Cook, John, 408', 409', 513', 531'. Cook, Philip, 408°, 409°, 5I3\ Cooke, — — ; 21", 103^ 103^ 103°, 1041 Cooke, Elisha, 289'. Cooke, George, 512°, 512'. Cooke, Silas, 50I^ Cool, Cornelius, 201*, 216', 217', 2122*. Cooley, Francis, 46*, 46'. Cooley, Isaac, 441°. Cooley, John, 37', 85', 98', 104', 108', I50\ Cooley, Nathaniel, 58'. Cooley, T. 46'. Cooley, van der, 19'. Cooll, Leendert, I83^ 183*, Cooper, Benjamin, 217*. Cooper, Caleb, 178', 192'. Cooper, Cornelius, 253*. Cooper, John, 12*, 17'. Cooper, Nicholas, 322*. Cooper, Thomas, 518*. Cooper, Timothy, 31*. Copley, Lionel, 74', 75*. 78', 86*. Copper plates, 494'. Coppin, Mrs Elizabeth, 48^ 48'. Coppney, Joseph, 530^ Copsey battery, 348', 392', 398^ 415*, 416', 462^ Corbett, Abraham, 27', 27^ 51'. 59^ 122'. Corbett, Edward, 172', 175'. Corbett, Jacob, 127'. Corbet, John, 136', 174^ 178°. Corbett, Thomas, 342^. Corbin, Daniel, 528*. Corey, Oliver, 517^ 519*. Corinth, 518°, 560*. Corlaers hook, 41*. Corlaers lake, 54^ 69'. Corlyout, William, 201'. Cormstock, Aaron, 567*. Corn, exportation, 14*, 16', 2I^ 21^, i:i3\ 113', 114", 115^ 372°; scarcity, III". Cornall, John, 519*. Cornbury, Edward, 188^, 191°, 204°, 2o6^ 2io\ 215^ 223*; wine and beer for, 166*; house for, 166^; sworn in as governor, ,I68^ 187^; sworn to observe laws of trade, 168^; governors notified of arrival, 168'; warrants, 169^ 203*, 205^; re- ports on forts, 199^; salary, 203'; reports on frontiers, 215°; informa- tion sent to, 218^; complaints against, 222', 22^^, 225^, 225^, 225^; to be asked for Thomas Weaver's bond, 224°; wants time to deliver papers, 224^; and Thomas Byerly, 2025^ 225'; petitions, 225°, 225^ 225^ 227^ 229°, 231^ 235'; called on for public papers, 227^; certificate for, 229^ See also N. Y. (colony), gov- ernors. Cornelisen, Lawrence, 2^^'^, 233'. Cornelisse, Hans, 446*. Cornelissen, the fisher, 18*. Cornelissen, Akus, 104', 104^ Cornelissen, John, petition, 43^; pro- duces papers for patents, 44'; land grants, 45^ 126', 233^; examined, 66^; bill to be paid, 73^; license to buy Indian land, io6^ 167^; land survey for, Io6^ 108*. Cornelius, Benjamin, 126^ Cornelius, see also Cornelissen. Cornell, Charles, 403^. Cornell [Cornhill, Cornill, Corn- wall], John, 27'', 27°, 39', 46^ 52*. Cornell, John (2d), 560'. 6o8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Cornell [Cornwall], Richard, 24'; complaint, 27*; petitions, 35*, 39°, 57°; vs Robert Wright and Francis Pew, 36^; before council, 38°; jus- tice, 45^; land grant, 45^ land pur- chase, 46'; vs Jonathan Wright and Jasper Smith, 48'; to view land, 50^ 51°; license to buy Indian lands, I67^ Cornell, Thomas, 357*. Cornells neck, 10°. Cornhill, see Cornell. Cornifleau, Laurence, 8o^ Cornill, see Cornell. Cornwall, Daniel, 473°. See also Cor- nell. Cornwall county. Si''. Cornwall (township), 549^^, 550'. Cornwell, John, 308^ Cornwell, Joseph, 463', 464', 464*, 464^. Cornwell, Richard, 320^ 320^ Cornwell, Richardson, 463^ 464', 464*, 464'. Coronation day, 155°. Corry, William, 329^ 330'. Corsa, Isaac, 412", 426", 559", 560*, 56o^_562^ Corselius, John, 526". Corsen, Christian, I49^ Corson, Jacob, 377^. Corteleau, Corteliau, see Cortelyou. Cortelyou [Corteleau, Corteliau, Cortileau, Cortiliau, Cortilleau], Jacques , commissioner, 10°, 10^; report on land differences, 15*; discussion about harbor defenses, 24'; vs Anna van Borsum, 35^ 35*; 35°; to survey land, 36°; before council, 45^; justice, 45"; ill, 73'; petition, 272*, 272*. Cortelyou, Jacques (ad), 335', 335', 335'- Cortelyou, Jacques, jr, 335', 335°, 335'. Cortelyou, Peter, justice, 71^; sur- veyor, . 150'; land survey for, 165*; land patent, 166^; petition, 272*, 272'; affidavit on Evans' patent, Cortileau, Cortiliau, Cortilleau, see Cortelyou. Cortlandt, see Van Cortlandt. Cortlandt manor, 125^ 321^ 321*, 430'. Corvan, William, 28'. Cosby, Mrs, 326^, 326^. Cosby, Henry, 323", 324'. Cosby, William, 32i\ 322', 324^; gov- ernor, 316"; takes oaths, 317"; war- rants, 317^; instructions to, 318', 324*; takes oath as chancellor, 319'; nominations, 324^; ill, 325^; death, 325*; commission of seal, 325^ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Cosby, William, jr, land grants, 321*, 324", 326', 328*; license to buy In- dian land, 323°; sheriff, 324*, 327*, 33^", 334^; opinion on petition, 33o\ Cosens, Barne, clerk of council, 133°, 150', I68^ 189"; warrants, I3&-, 137*, i4o\ I45\ 147', 151', I54\ 155', 156', 157", 157', I59^ I6I^ 169', I76^ 178*, i9o\ 191*, 195', 209', 209^ 216°, 2i2i'; accounts, 144^ 184", 2I0^ 212"; to act as king's counsel before court of sessions, 152^ 156'; deposition by, 153'; petitions, 155*, 163', 164', 18 1^ 191 \ 2oo^ 2o6\ 208'; register and examiner, 157^ 158", 202^; li- cense to buy Indian lands, 164*; escheator general, 1651 Cosgriff, Hugh, 5I8^ Cosier, John, 183*. Cosine, John, jr, 543'. Coster, Hendrick, 340*. Cotgrave, John, 523', 543'. Cotten, John, 514". Cotter, James, 568^ Cotteril, Isaac, 536°. Council, clerks, 9^ 76\ 129^ 289'; Pres. Colden's message to council, 452^; committee for answering questions of lords of trade, 120^; days, 20^ 52', 67^; declaration as to complaints against Lord Cornbury, 223^; engage personal credit for military expenses, 72"; to be en- larged, 17*; freedom of debate and vote granted, 187*; furniture for council chamber, 326*, 326^; instruc- tions to president, 218^; members i663-iyy6, 7^-9° ; members 1668, lO"; liabilities of members for arrest. 241^; members to have power of justices of peace, 45*, 63*; quorum, 78^ George Clarke president, 326'; powers of president, 239", 486^; president's salary, 313^ 314', 3i6\ 316", 316°; rebukes Pres. Beeckman, 238^; receives thanks for financial aid to government, 84"; rules, 30'; to transmit quarterly reports, 61*. Counterfeiters, 348*, 370*, 494°; papers relating to, 349'; proclamation for discovery of, 323"; sentence against to be carried out, 495^ 495°- Counterfeiting, 365^, 494°. See also Bills of credit; Money. Countess of Coventry (brigantine), 433'- Courant, Leah, 277 . Courcy, Henry, 29^ 29\ 29'_. Coursen, Cornelius, 45^ 76°. Courtlandt, see Van Cortlandt. Courts, Joseph, 371^ Courts, fees, 24o^ 241^ 253-, 478^ of admiralty, see Admiralty court; of INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 609 appeals, 292', 292**; of assizes, 24°, 260^; of chancery: 36', 241^ 243^, 243^ authorized, 157''; fees, 292^, 297°, 305', 305!, 463", 476", 476'; officers, 244\ 244"; opened, 309*; ordinance concerning cases in, 171^; ordi- nance for estabHshing, 158^ 224^; ordinance for procedure, 305"; ordi- nance reviving, 202^ 202°; report concerning, 243^; circuit, 331', 331', 387^ 454^ of common pleas, I09^ 174", 307"; county, 308'^; of exchequer, 47^, 47', 86", 86^ 109^ i65\ 318'; of judicature, 136°. 142^ 188°; of jus- tice, 136'^; king's bench, 109^; mayor's, 40°, 135'; of sessions, 37^ 40^ 307"; supreme, see Supreme court. Cousseau [Cowlson], Jacob, 143'. Cousseau, Jacques, 21^ Coventry, George, 404^ 404^ Coventry, William, 421-, 435^ 439®, 442°, 451'. Covert, Isaac, 283°. Cowans, Thomas, 533^ Cowell, Simeon, 521". Cowenham, Stephen, 467^. Cowenhoven, Francis, 523", 543". Cowenhoven, Garret, 458*. Cowlson, see Cousseau. Cowneck, 85°, 463^, 464^; land grants, 27', 27", 45', 48", 52*, 94^ 96*; land reserved, 50'; petition for land, 70'. Cox, John, 434^ 45 1^ Cox, William, 34', 6o\ Coxe, Daniel, 543', 545', 547", 548', 549', 570°. Coxe, Rebecca, 549^ Coxe, William, 549^ Coxeborough, 545', 549^ Coxsackie, 120^ Coxsinck, 96^ not Cozzens, Matthew, 420*. Crabb island, 39''. Crabbe, Alice, 43^ Crabtree, George, vs Helena Rom- bouts, 213", 214-, 214*, 2I4^ 214^ 214', 215', 232', 233', 241', 244°, 245', 245'- 245^ 245'. _ Craft. James, 545'. Cragamawot (Indian), I4it Craggs. James, 275*. Cral, Thomas, 527', 552'. Cramalie, Hector Theophile, member of Quebec council, 497°; corre- spondence with, 487^ 488^ 495^ 496', 497', 497'. Cramshire [Cremshier, Crimshier], John Button, 521*, 522^, 523', 529', 544'- Crandall, Thomas, jr, ^9*. Crane, captain, 473". Crane, Daniel, 521", 522°. Crane, Elias, 521", 522t Crane, Josiah, 385^. Craney, John, 566^ Cranfield, Edward, ^f, ^y^. Crancll tCrannel], Robert, warrants, 90". 94', 98', 149', 155°, 182?, 2l6^ 279", 292', 295', 300*, 300"; tide- waiter, 138'; affidavit, 151^; charges for keeping prisoner, 300^ Crannel, Bartholomew, 396', 564'. Crannell, Robert, jr, 300^ Cranston, Mr, 419*. Cranston, Samuel, 230^ 245-, 299*. Sec also Rhode Island. Craw, Joseph, 467°. Crawford, , 52\ Crawford, David, 401^ 402^ Crawford, Hugh, 540^, 547°. Crawford, James, 161^. Crawford, James (2d), 534*, 539*. Crawford, James, jr, 401", 402'. Crawford, John, 408*, 409*. Crawford, William, 555". Creag, John, 547^ Crean, Daniel, 549". Crean, Peter, 542\ Creassy, James, 557', 559^ 560', 569*. Cree, John, 521^ 522". Creed, William, vs Flushing, 40*, 42"; arbitrator for Flatbush, 42'; vs Daniel Whitehead, 43^, 159^, 159*, 159°, 160": warrant, 46^- land patent, 121*"; vs Peter Delanoy, 123^ peti- tions, 140', 154'; vs James Fuller- ton, 146": before council, 163°; ex- ecution against for costs of appeal, 163^; license to buy Indian land, 167"; death, 237^ Creek, Cornelius, so^ Cregier [Creggier], Jannetie [Jen- neke], petitions, I90^ 190", 240*, 24ot 255\ 255", 263°, 265^ 304^ 3I3^ Cregier, Martin, 108', 124°. Cregier. See also Cruger. Cregoe, Stephen, 32*. Cregyer. see Cregier. Creitz, Hanthy, 4041 See also Kreitz. Creitzenbergher [Crutzenburger], Coenradt, 405', 534^ Cremshier, see Cramshire. Crepel, Anthony, 92^ Ci-evier [Crexier], M. 90", 97', Crexier, see Crevier. Crimshier, see Cramshire. Crofts, Charles, 539\ Crofts, Mary, 539'. Croghan, George, 532=, 533"^, 540', S47-. Crom, Derick, 307-. Crom, Flora, 3071 6io NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Crom, Florus, i86^ 186', igo^, 210', 210°. See also Cromelin. Crom. See also Crum. Cromelin, Florus WillemsCj I83^ Cromline [Crombline], Charles, 233®, 275',. 2.75'. Cromline, Daniel, 169^ 234'. Crommelin, Robert, 392", 393?, 531*, 54^', 5681 Crooke, John, warrants, 102', 127°, IS5^ I57^ i66^ I92^ 195^ 205^ 208^ vs Matthew Taylor, 122", 123^; petitions, 209", 259^; land and tide- waiter, 207^ Crooke, Robert, 284^ 298'. Crookshanks, George, 523^ 543^ Crookshanks, Thomas, 437^. Crookshanks, see also Crukshank. Crop meadow, 183^ Cropsie, Hendrick, 385^ Crosby, John, 517°. Cross, Hans, 221*. Cross, John, 215^ 530^ Crosset, William, 408*, 409*. Crossfield, Stephen, 555^ 567*. Crossing, William, jr, 496". Crossley, William, 561^. Croushorn, John, 571^. Crow, Catharine, 475^. Crowe, Richard Robert, 541^ Crown elbow, 104", 183I Crown lands, intruders on, 464^ Crownpoint, 433*, 518", 532", 577', 577"; French, fort at, 311'^; letter from French commander, 373''; letter from governor of Boston about, 316*; question of owner- ship, 316''; suppression of rioters, 498=; expedition against: 360^ 362^; artillery for, 417^; Connecticut offers , men for, 415^; disposal of troops, 365"; given up, 363°; ques- tioned, 361"; letters from Gov. Shirley about, 369", 414^; means to prosecute, 365^ 417"; occupied by Gen. Amherst, 446^; Gen. Shirley wants battering cannons for, 429'; resolution of Massachusetts repre- sentatives, 369"'; winter campaign, 36>3'- Crowther, Daniel, 543^ Cruckshanks, see Crukshank. Cruger, Henry, 366^, 475'. Cruger, John, vs Griffin and Ling, I24\ 124- ; petitions, 236^ 236^, 251*, 27^^ 3I3^ 337''; warrants, 260", 273^ 27.3^, 4I6^ 426', 431', 432^ 432', 437\ 441^ 442', 444*, 448^; to audit ac- counts, 273^; patent granted, 278^; justice of peace. 311'; deputy mayor, 31 1^ 315°; to borrow money for building barracks, 436^; ap- praiser of arms, 439*; to fix prices of provisions to be impressed, 442"; asked to lend from funds for pro- vincials, 445'; commissioner for trial of Greatrakes and Moores, 450°; appraiser of army provisions, 457^-58^; president of chamber of commerce, 547^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Cruger, John Harris, 497°, 526', 541', 547", 553% 5621 Cruger, Nicholas, 541°. Cruger, Teleman, 541°. Cruger, Valentine, vs Abraham de Peyster, 123', 137', 138', 138", 139', 139*, 139", 139', 146^ 147*, 163', 164', 164°, 165'', 165^; petition on behalf of, 170''. Crukshank, Alexander, 508°, 512*. Crukshank [Cruckshanks], John, 513', 528^ Crum, Edwin, 286^ Crum [Crom], Gisbert, 286^ 307', 364^ Crum, John, 508°, 515*, 522', 522", 543°. Crumpton, John, 533^ Crumwell, James, 222^. Crutzenburger, see Creitzenbergher. Cuba, Royal company of, 432'. Cumana, Manuel du, 416*. Cumberland, 546". Cumberland county, clerk, 486', 505*; commissions of judges and justices, 489°; complaint of magistrates, 482'; court of common pleas estab- lished, 472^; court of general ses- sions established, 472^; courthouse removed, 491*; inferior courts established, 476°; judge of common pleas, 487', 489^; judges and jus- tices, 489"; officials approved, 476°; ordinance for erecting, 476^ 476*; petition of inhabitants, 484'; repre- sentatives elected, 494''; riot, 504®, 504**; royal orders disallowing acts for establishing, 532"; sheriffs. 505*. Cuming, John, 517". Gumming, Thomas, 373'. Cummings, Michael, 481°. Cummings, Peter, 546°. Cummins, George, 36°. See also Comyns. Cunningham, captain, 441^. Cunningham, Andrew, 521^, 522*, 529\ S45\ Cunningham, Miles, 546''. Cunningham, Samuel, 546*. Cunningham, Thomas. 449^ Cunningham, Waddel. arrested for rioting, 447*; memorial, 462*, 463'; vs Thomas Forsey, 509\ 509^ 509", 509^ 510', SI0^ 514', 515', 515'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 6ll Cunningham, William, 405^, 406", 512', 514'. Cuntz, George, 386^ Curagao, 185", 230', 338', 354°, 44^', 455''; French prisoners taken to, 440^; permission :to take provis- ions to, 124": powder from, 210''; smallpox at, 340", 349'. Currant, James, 555". Currie, Archibald, 530''. Curry, George, 473'. Curry, Richard, 473*. Curson, Richard, 410", 510^ 5301 Curtenius, Peter, 401', 402^ Curtenius, Peter T. 527", 552°. Curtice, see Curtis. Curtin, see Garten; Kurtin. Curtis [Curtice], Israel, 482^ 5i8',525°. Curtis, Ozias, 400^ Curton, Thomas, 411". Cun\'in, David, 514". Cusack, Andrew, 522^ 522°. Gushing, Matthew, 544", 545% 552". Custom house, 219-, 219*, 219", 220*, 222-; barge, 137^ 140^ 141*, 149", I54^ 156', 156', 167', 223"; boat, i88\ 198°; books and papers, 222^^, 246°; carpenter work, 97"; cellar leased, 97°, 103*; seized goods stored in, 141', 144'; leased, 14.3'', I89^ 190^; of- ficers before council, 144"; permits, 25^; repairs, 69^ 70', 188', 211*, 289^; wine stolen from, 49o\ Customs, abolished at Whorekill, 12"; account to be examined, 257*; duties, ir, 39', 39', 39', 56°, 153', 208*, 2o8^ 208°, 209^ 2I6^ 230^ 257"; fees, 39-; regulations, 19^ 21?, 106"; surveyors general of, made mem- bers of council, 324^ Cuthbert, Donald, 513^. Cutler, Jonas, 518'. Cutler, Robert, 517". Cutler, Zacheus, Si8l Cutter, Ebenezer, SI8^ Cuttin, Seth, 552^ Cuyendall, Jacob, 2911 Guyler, Abraham, 23 1^ 319^ 411°, 48V, 5481 Guyler, Abraham C. 490^ 539^ 549^ 558''. Sec also Albany, mayors. Guyler, Catherine, 54i8^ Guyler, Cornelius, petitions, 274'', 310", 312:'; before council, 274^ 275", 276^ 315*: affidavits on Evans patent, 286^ Avarrant, 302-^; land grants, 312", 548^ letters from, 381', 396', 398'. See also Albany, mayors. Guyler, Henry, 45^, 50'; petitions, 283^ 2go\ 313^ 576^; to carry off French prisoners, 346', 350*; appli- cation, 362"^; land grants, Si5i\ 522^ 548^ Guyler, Henry, jr, .346°, 435', 442'. Guyler, Henry C. 405', 406", 511'. Guyler, Joannis, jr, 291". Guyler, Joannis C. 291^ Guyler, John, 114'; petitions, US', 121", ISO', 174-, 405''; land patent, 126^; complaint against Colonel Matthews, 236', 236'; memorial, 236'; recorder of Albany, 240'; war- rants, 260', 262", 298', 299'', 308*, 313'., 314', 317'. 323'; account, 265^; Indian commissioner, 2/9", 304'; mayor, 299'; commissary, 371'; lieu- tenant, 35/"; patent granted, 406". Guyler, John, jr, 484'. Guyler, John I. 405^ 406'. Guyler, Teleman, 385^ 526'', 553-. Guyper, see Guyler. Dabell, James, 545-. Daiton, Abraham, 237**. Dallas [Dalles], Alexander, 518', 5-25^ Dally, John, 641 Dalrymple, John, 412^ Damaries cove, 2641 Damens, Maritien, ii^ Dampier, Thomas, 539'. Danbarry, Lloyd, 568'. Danbarry, Mary, 568^ Dancing on Sundays, 198'. Daniels, lieutenant, I33\ Daniels [Daniell], Anne, 195", ig6^. Danielse, Arent, 194", I95\ Dannall, Stephen, 522^. Dannely, Peter, 458'. D'Anville, duke, 359*. Darby, James, 568". Dariorus, William, 394^ Darkins, Robert, 81', 120', 162". Darling, William, 535'. Darling (brigantine), 427^ Dartmouth, earl of, 246^ 249*. Dartmouth, lord, 499", 501', 504^, 505^ 505'. Darvall, Mr, 15*, 19'. Darvall, William, 27', 27^ Darvill, John, 33^ Dasch, Balthasar, 400^ Dason, Volgert, 402*, 402°, 405", 405''. Dasway, see Dusachoy. Daugherty, Felix, 549^ Daulton, Philipp, 528^ Davan, John, 555', 562^ See also Devan. Davenport, Humphrey, 15^ I23^ I38^ Davenport, Josiah Franklin, 545°. Davenport, Mary, 270^ Davenport, Nathaniel, widow of, 29". Davenport, Solomon, S35^ Davenport, Thomas, 548\ David, John, 568I Davids, John, I82^ 6l2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Davidson, Adam, 411*. Davidson, David, 514^. Davidson, Robert, 555°. Davie, John, 151'. .Davies, David, 408^ 409''. Davies, Thomas, 408'^, 409". Davis, Mrs, 145^ Davis, Arthur, :i3\ Davis, Dudley, 529''. Davis, Eleazer, 519*. Davis, EHas, 451^ Davis, James, 2or, 540^ 557^ Davis, John, 540", 564". Davis, Jonathan, 146", 152'', 165", 513'. Davis, Mrs Jonathan, 181'. Davis, Mrs Mary, 49*. Davis, Nicholas, widow of, i8^ Davis, Richard, 156^, 213°, 229', 236^ 236', 238'. Davis, Dr Richard, 309-. Davis, Richard, of Poughkeepsie, . 564^ Davis, Samuel, widow of, 49*. Davis, Mrs Sarah, i8^ Davis, Solomon, ss6\ 521", 522', 536". Davis, Thomas, 164'', 173", 174', 182". Davis, William, warrants, I5.5^ 196°, 243^: . petition, 195"; clerk in cus- tom house, 195'*; to attend search- ers duties, 207°; patent granted, 231"; searcher of customs, 234"; sworn to accounts, 240*, 250". Davis, Capt. William, 469°. Davison, William, 487^ Dawize, John, 521", 522°, 546°. Dawson, Frederick, 546\ Dawson, Robert, 33'. Dawson, Roper, 481°. Day, Aaron, 423^ Day, Nathaniel, 521". Day, William, 5631 Dayne, Francis, 4031 Dayton, Jacob, 49^ 49°. Dayton, Robert, 51". Dayton, Samuel, 49'', 50^ Deacon, Peter, 530°, 573-. Deal, Bastian, 465°. Deal, Samuel, sr, 407'^, 408', 536^ 537^ 558=, 570\ Deal, Samuel, jr, 407^ 4o8\ Deal, William, 407^ 408'. Deal Castle (man-of-war), 207", 564^ Dean, Mr, 499^ Dean, John, 400'. See also Deane. Dean, Nathaniel, 400°. Deane, le chevalier, 433^ Deane, Christopher, 122°, 323^. Deane, Elizabeth, 323^. Deane, Elkanah, 5i8\ 522", 539'', 55o\ Deane, Elkana, jr, 5i8\ 522^ Deane, John, 5,i8\ 522^ 539^, 568^ Deane, Nesbit, 5i8\ 522^ Deane, Richard, 5i8\ 522^ 550^ Deane, Samuel, 518-, 522'', 539^ Deane, William, 518', 522'', 561^ Deas, James, 410^ 510^ 512", 512*, 523", 53/. D'Eau [D'Eaux], chevalier, 64*, 72^ 73'- De Bane, Joost, 74'. De be Abois, Jacobus, 49"', 49'. De Bernier, see Bernier. De Blez, James, 407', 453^. De Bon Repos, see Bonrepos. De Bow, John, 519'', 520^ De Boyce, Lewis, 60'''. De flritto, see Britto. De Bruyne, see Bruyn. Debtler, Valentine, 408', 409^ Debtors, regulations for preventing running away of, 4i\ De Casta, Joseph, 450'. Dechamps, Savoy, 129'. Dechamps, see also Deschamps. Decker, Hendrick Jan, 173^ Decker, Jacob, 475^ Decker, Johannes de, I2^ 12^ Decker, John Gerretse, 140^ De Clerk, Daniel, 44', 45'. De Conasora (Onondaga sachem), 248'. De Conty, Peter Marquis, 411'. Decow, Ann, 545°. Dederick, Frederick, 407°, 4o8\ Dederick,^ Hendricus, 40"", 4o8\ Dederick, John, 407''', 408', 552^ 558^ Dederick, Petrus, 40;", 4o8\ Dederick, William, 407^ 408', 572', Deeds, ordinance relating to record- ing, 2921 Deerfield (Ct.), 86*. De Forest, Mrs, 206". De Forest, Isaac, 408', 409°, 409*. De Forrest, Jan, 70*. Defrees, Isaac, I22l De Fries, John, 35". De Graft, Clous, 484'. De Graft, Daniel, 484''. De Grave [Grove], Adolph, 521*, 522=, ■ 543^ De Graves, Johannes, 132°. De Groot, John, 5631 De Grote, Stats, 45'. De Haart, Balthazar, 2I^ 23I De Haart, Daniel, 21", 23^. De Haart [Haert, Hart], Jacobus, 21', 23=, 37', 45^ De Haart, Mattys, 21°, 23^ De Haas, Peter Hendrix, 127^, 127°. De Haes, Johannes, 29^ De Hart, Jacob, 367^, 369^ De Hart, Mathias, 312^ De Herrera, Vizente, 432^ D'Honneur. John, 171*, 178', 284'. De Hoyo, Manuel, 432^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 613 Dejo, Peter, sr, 536"'. Dejo, Peter, jr, 536"'. Dekassiedagareere (INIohawk sach- em), 26". De Key, captain, 65°. De Key, Helena, vs Jane Tothill, 241', 241'. 255*, 257', 258', 262'''; pe- titions, 290'', 304''*. De Key, Hellegonda, 187^ De Key, Jacob. 42", 161°, 181', 190'. De Key, Tennis, 63\ 105^ Dekey, Capt. Thomas, 98*^. De Key [Kay], Col. Thomas, 315 1^ 397^ 424'. De Keyser, Bastin, 280°. De Keyser, Leeks, 514'. De Kleyn, Leonard, 405^ 406', 512", 514'. De Klyn, Barent, 551*. De la Main, Thomas, 523^ De la Mar, Manuel Josephee, 373". De la Mater [Metter], Dirck, 523^ 543". De la Mater [Meter], John, 557'; land grants, 557', 559=, 562', 563?, 563', 565', 567'. De la Mater, Thomas, 567*. De la j\Ietre, Cloude, 328^ De Lancey, Ann, 460'. De Lancey, James, 331', 414^ 419', 442\ 448^; license to buy Indian land, 306'*; patents granted, 307^, 326^ 410°; member of council, 308", 390^ 478^; inventories Gov. Mont- gomerie's estate, 312'*; second jus- tice of supreme court, 312''; chief justice, 319"; petition, 3^3^; presides at council, 356', 357', 40o', 414'; Colden's memorial concerning, 37I^ 371"; to treat with Deligniere, 372^; lieutenant governor, 389^ 390', 390'; chancellor, 392'' ; war- rants, 396", 418°, 429", 444"'; intends to go to Annapolis, 415'; letter to Lieut. Gov. Phips, 416''; to go to Albany, 426^ 435^ 441", 442'; letters from. 435", 44i\ 442"; to go to Hart- ford, 438°, 438'; answer to Chero- kees, 440^; to go to Philadelphia, 445'; death, 448^ 455°. See also N.Y. (colony), chief justices; lieutenant governor. De Lancey. James, jr, 562', 568*. De Lancey, John, 526^ 549', 5S4'> De Lancey, Oliver, 357-, 358", 492 ; license to buy Indian lands. 340°; to be prosecuted, 373": administra- tor of Sir Danvers Osborn's estate, 390'; certificate granted, 399'; peti- tions, 402^ 460^; license to buy In- dian lands, 402^ warrants, 4I5^ 416', 417', 4i8«, 426', 431'- 432', 432', 432', 437', 441', 442', 444', 445". 445', U7^; contracts for fort supplies, 424*; asked to lend from fund for pro- vincials, 445'; sworn of council, 45I^ 483°; letter to, 507"; land grants, 512", 539^ 557', 574^^; pro- tests against certain land patents, 514''; member of council, 5I5^ De Lancey, Peter, 321", 32,5^ 407*, 512". De Lancey, Stephen, before council, 62"; member of council, 63'; com- missioner, 76^; petition referred to, 80"; to appraise the barkantine Orange, 99"; warrants, 133", 187'', I92^ 320°; petitions, 158', 192'', 236', 271*; offers to lend money to gov- ernment, 177'; license to buy land, 178^; meets with council, 317^. De Lancey, Stephen, jr, petition, 402'; land grants. 403-, 543', 544*, 549', 552', 5,54^ 562'; letters patent to, 574'. De la Noy, Mrs, 132'. De la Noy, Abraham, bill against, 122"; accounts audited, 147^; war- rant, 151- ; petition, 157^; patent drawn, 159*; quitrent of patent, 161"; land grants, 162^ 537\ De la Noy, Abraham, jr, 537\ De la Noy, Maria, 18'. De la Noy, Peter, prosecutes Peter Smith, 18^; examines Go vert Lockerman's books, 35^; caveat against grant, 43\ 43^ collector, 52^ accounts, 66\ 70', 75^ 76*, 8iS 84'; complaint against, 103^; before council, 103^; vs William Creed, 123°; land survey for, 147^; petition concerning will. 157^. Delavall [De la Val], John, justice of peace, 45^; petition. 48^; takes in- ventory in secretary's office, 53*; land patent, 55^: takes inventory on ship Robert, 56^; takes inventory of Richard Burtt's accounts, 88'; vs Walter Marshall, I23\ Delavall, Thomas, 30°. See also N. Y, (city), mayors. De la Vergne, Nicholas, 452', 452', 500". Delaware, I4\ i6'^ claims, 24^^; dis- turbances at, 22'; Indian afifairs, 13', 24'; land grant, 30"; land mat- ters, 22', 23°, 24"; magistrates, 19*; patents issued by the officers, 14*; report of murders. 22'^; sheriffs, 26'. Delaware bay, 10". ii\ 117^ Delaware falls. 24'. Delaware Indians, see Indian tribes. Delaware river, 18', 20', 28', 6o^ 268*, 529'. Dellemont, John. 253', 257'. 6i4 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Dellius, Godfrey, land grants, 6i', Ii8'; salary, 64*, -jf, 77\ 86'; dis- bursements repaid, y^^; letters from Canada, 89®, 141^ 142'; warrants, 9o\ 90^ 94' , 9f, 98', 109", 117^; re- ports on French, 91'; to go to Eng- land, 1 10^; to treat with five nations, 117°; money paid to, 117°; accounts, 120", 120", 136'; license to buy land, 12-4^; commissioner to Canada, 130^; suspended, 140"; and the Indians, 140^ Belong, Jacob, 122*. Delpove, Adolph, 518'. Del Valle, Francisco, 443*. Demarez creek, loff, 162*. De Marrees, Christian, 563'. De Mau, John, 349^ Demetral, Louis, 570^ De_ Meyer, Nicholas, wheat transac- tion, 19^; appeal from mayor's court, 21^; appeal of William Dyre against, 21'; deputy mayor, 27°; pe- tition, 35,^; to audit Capt. Brock- holls' accounts, 36*; Paulus Rich- ards and, :>,']'^; complains of Joseph Lee, 39"; to inspect city militia, 50°. See also N. Y. (city), mayors. De Meyer [Demyre], William, com- missioner, 76°; accounts, 98^; super- seded as town and county clerk, 138°; trial, 169^; petitions, 170", 171^; to audit accounts, I98^ De Mill [Milot, Milt], Peter, 70', 70', 148', 149', 151'. See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. De Milt, Obadiah, 464-. Demler, George, 511^ SI9^ Demmon, Solomon, 400". Demon, M. 57^ De Morest, John, 194". De Mott, Mathias, 2-53'. Demure, Christian, 529'*. Denham, Isaac, 159^ 162^ Denhard, Thomas, 511°. Denison, Daniel, 515°. Denization, letters of, I47^ Denn, Christopher, 177^, 189®, 194', 196=, 288', 288\ Denning, William, 405^ 406". Dennis, Cornelius, 504^ Dennis, Ebenezer, 126''. Dennis, Jacob, 91", 538\ Dennis, Jonathan, 526", 527^ Dennis, Patrick, 563". Dennison, Hugh, 515", 520^ Denniston, Daniel, 5^0°. Denny, John, 112', 112", I49^ Denny, Samuel, 525'. Denny, Thomas, 525^ Denny, William, 433°, 442^. Denonville, marquis de, S4^ 54^ 57°, 59*. See also Canada, governors. De Noyelles, John, 453', 453', 455', 482,\ 482^ 5621 Dent, commodore, 328'. Dent, Elizabeth, 4721 Dent, John, 472^ Denton, Mr, 40^ Denton, Daniel, 16', 321*, 322^. Denton, Nathaniel, 58^ 89'". Denton, Samuel, 2f, 158*, I62^ 178', 404". De Pape, Jan, see Teunissen, John. De Pau, Luke, 44/. Depee, John, 473°. De Peyster, Alaraham, 56°, 100°, I43^ 283^; justice of peace, 45°; interest in frigate Home, 68*; mayor, 68^ 77^ \ payment to, 74°; warrants, 80*, 112°, 119=, 128', 133', 135*, 135", 137', 139*', 142*, 149', I5I^ 151', 152', 156*, I63^ 165^ 167s 168', 224'; to view fortification, 86t; to take inventory of Richard Burtt's accounts, 88^; administrator of estate of Thomas Johnson, 81^; imports wines, 94'; memorial, 127^; member of council, 133^ I68^ 224"; justice of supreme court, 133'; vs Tyrans and Cruger, 137', 138', 138', 139', 139', 139'; pe- titions, 140', 235^ 257°, 290*: pur- chases ship Fortune, 144^ vs Valentine Cruger, I_46^_ 147*, i6f, 164^, 164^, 165*, 165'; justice of court of oyer and terminer, 146' ; to go Ulster county circuit, 146^; judge of court martial, 150°; acts as presi- dent of council, I53^;j/0ffers to ad- vance money for soldiers' pay, IS4°; paper signed by, 155^ to adjust Lord Bellomont's accounts, 156'; associate judge of supreme court, I58^ 166°; deputy auditor general. 158^; offers to assist government, 167''; judge of court of chancery, 168': charges against, 170"'; sus- pended from council, 183°; manager for buying material for fortifica- tions, 2ii0"; acts as collector. 220^; sworn in council, 238°; license to buy Indian lands, 257^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors; N. Y. (colony), chief justices. De Peyster, Abraham, jr, 277'', 277^ 284', 337", 460', 476". See also N. Y. (colony), treasurers. De Peyster, Catharine, 283". De Peyster. Cornelius, 146*, 148"', 163', i67\ 281', 335'- De Peyster. Frederick, 526'. De Peyster, Isaac. 151^ 277^ land survey for, 16^^: petitions, 253^ 254', 277*, 337': orders to, 359'. De Peyster, James, 446'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 615 De Peyster, Johannes, charged with disturbing government, 31"; peti- tions, 22^, 169*, 23i'; warrants, 109*, i6i^ I65^ 1 65°, 222"; mayor, 133'^, 134"; to furnish soldiers' bedding, 151"; master of court of chancery, 158"; license to buy Indian lands, 164'; ordered to produce power of at- torney, 191^; before council, 191*, 200^ ^ff also N. Y. (city), mayors. De Peyster, John, petitions, 309*, 321', 326=:, warrants, 313', 314', 317', 319*, 321^ 342', 416^ 418"; license to buy land, 321*; patent granted, 326", ZZi^'' commissary, 324^ 417^; ac- counts, 327', zn\ 384', 437°- See also Albany, mayors. De Peyster, John, jr, petition, 395*; patent granted, 396"; warrants, 476', 476'', 476', 477-, 479'; to deliver ac- counts, 478"'. De Peyster, Pierre, 359". De Peyster, Pierre Guillaume, 521", 522^ 544^ 555\ 5571 De Peyster, William, 521*, 522^ 543°. Deptford (man-of-war), 133^ 162^ De Pue, Benjamin, 496^ De Pue, John, 159'. Depuy, , 264°. De Puy, John, 164^ i66\ De Puy, sec also Du Puy. Dequae, Dego, 36*. Dequae. Phillip, 26*. Dequipe, Joseph, 403^ Derby (Ct.), 402°. De Reimer, De Reymer, De Rey- mier, sec De Riemer. De Ridder, Kilian, 330^ De Rider. Gerrit, 330'. De Riemer, , 255', 256°, 256^ De Riemer [Reimer, Reymer, Rey- mier, Rimier], Isaac, sheriff, 133", 134*, 159'; niayor, 148*, 149^; judge of supreme court, 154''; license to buy Indian lands, 165', 167°: war- rant, 167^ petitions, 177^ I79^ I94^ 203^ 224^; caveat, I83^ 186'; or- dered to produce power of at- torney, 191^; before council, 191°, 200^: land patent, 208°. See also N. Y. (city), mayors; N. Y. (county), sheriffs. De Riemer, Pieter, letters of admin- istration granted, 57^; bill ordered paid, 74^ warrants, 9i\ 105°, I38^ 157'. 167'; account, I04^ De Rimier, see De Riemer. Dervall. Mr, I5^ Derwilliger, Evert, 330^ Desachoy. see Dusachoy. Des Brosses, Elias, 425^ 531'. 546'. Des Brosses, James, 392% 393^ 409I Des Brosses battery, 435°. Desbrow IDisbrowe], Henrj', 27^, 165-. Des Bruyeres, John, 5ii\ Deschamps IDechamp, DechampsJ, Isaac, 93^ 112", 112", 122^, 122^, 125'. Descomb, James, 522". Deserters, 358^ act to punish, 416'; proclamations about, 155', 180'; proclamation to apprehend, 364*, 392", 431^ 420''; proclamation for arrest, 4I7^ 421', 434^ 441'; procla- mation to discourage, 191^; procla- mation granting pardon, 170'*, iJlK De Sille, Nicasius, ii^ Desire (sloop), 122^ Desoso, Abraham, 122°. Detroit, 302'', 478". Devan, John, S53^- See also Davan. Deverick, Nicholas, 549\ De Visme, Mr, 420^ De Visme, Ann, 537*. De Visme, Catherine, 538°. De Visme, Peter, 537°. De Visme, Philip, 537®. De Visme, Samuel, 537*. Devoe, Joseph, 400^ Devoe, Sarah, 400*. Devon, Jean, 430^ Devon, John, 430^ Devon, Paul, 430". Devon, Peter, 430'. Dewal, John, 539-. De Wandelaer, Johannes, 147^ 3I4*, 314", 264', 365', 401°. Dewey, Mr, 49I^ Dewey, Jedediah, 490^ 490^ Dewey, Noah, jr, 523'. De Wight, Joseph, 380^. Dewildey, Henry, 271*. Dewit, Felix, 448\ De Witt, x\ndries, 449\ De Witt [Widt], Boudewyn, 150', 159', I7I^ 172*, 172'. De Witt, John, 336^ 523', 533'. De Witt, Marinus, 41'. De Witt, Tierck Claes, 97", no', 120'. Dewsbury, Joan, 136'. De Wulfen, Godfried, 285^ Deygert, Peter, 315', 316^ Diamond (sloop), 227^ Dibble, George, 46o^ Dibden, Thomas, 533'. Dick (negro). 318*. Dick, Samuel, 51 1", 527^ Dick, Thomas, 408^^. Dick. William, 313-, 319*, 322^, 322*, 324', 326'. Dickenson, Joseph, 46°. Dickenson, Obadiah, 525'. Dickieson, Jabez. 68". Dickinson. Charles, 537". Dickinson, James. 473*. Dickinson, John, 372'". 6i6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Dickison, Ephraim, 403^ 406^ Dickison, Jacob, i02\ Dickson, Benjamin, 549". Dickson, David, 439*. Dient, see D'Eau. Dies, John, petitions, 40I^ 402", 407^ 4o8\ 408®, 409'; warrants, 41 5^ 415^ 416-, 417^ 417^ 418°, 4I8^ 421^ 424", 425^ 426*, 428^ 428", 429°, 436*, 442^ 447% 449', 453% 458', 459', 461', 462^; to select places for beacons, 415^; accounts, 437', 439^ 446^; to pay for work done in fort, 449'; to pay salary of gunner, 453"; money ad- vanced to, 461"; to pay account of John Martin, 462^ Dies, Matthew, 407^, 408', 542^ Dieskau, baron de, 421°, 422', 422'. Diggs, Dudley, 393^ 425'. Dike, Ebenezer, 525", s63^ Dikes, 23". Dillon, James, 334', 335', 339'. Dilwyn, William, 545°. Dimmock, Mrs, 422^ Dingwall, Alexander, 5I3^ Dinsley, John, 535'. Dinwiddle, Robert, letters from, ^S6°, 387', 389', 391', 392', 392^ 392i', 393*, 393', 395°, 396'; message to six nations, 396'; complaint, 414*. See also Virginia. Disbrowe, see Desbrow. Discovery (sloop), i8o^ 180', 181", 182^ i86l Dislow, John, 458'. Disney, Daniel, 510'. Dispatch (ship), 13,2^ Distilleries, at Newcastle, 14*. Ditmars, Dow, jr, 495^ Ditmars, Johannes, 537^ Dixon, captain, 156^ Dixon, James, 265*, 268^ 268'. Dixon, Robert, 553^ Dobbins, James, 395^ Dobbs, John, 528", 536'. Dobbs, William, branch pilot, 497'. Dobs, William, sexton of Trinity church, 26o^ 264% 264^ Dobson, Mary, I9^ Dodd, Morris, S7ol Dodge, Elijah, 524^ Dodge, Elijah, jr, 524^ Dodgester, see Dorchester. Doe, John, 521^ 522°, 546°. Dogget, Thomas, 20^ Dogherty, Jeremiah, 535', 542'. Dole, James, 532^ Dolphin (ship), 444°. Dolphine (brigantine), 230^ Domines hook, I2^ 12°, 435'. Domingo, Stephen, 2S3^ Domini, John, 535'. Dominick, Francis, 547". Donaldson, Alexander, 556% Donaldson, John, 568\ Donally, Thomas, 542^ Don Carlos (sloop), 331', 331°, 354', 365°. Done, James, 503^. Dongan, John, 255'. Dongan, Gov. Thomas, goes to Al- bany, 40', 53', 56^ 59^ 60°: receives commission as governor, 50^; cor- respondence with Gov. Denonville, 54^ 57^ proceedings with Father Valiant, 57"; propositions to six nations, 59*; delivers seals to An- dros, 61'; approves report on Con- necticut boundaries, 61**: yearly payment to Romish priests, 64**; concerning unprinted laws of, 2g6^. See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Dongan, Col. Thomas, 98", 127", 129*, 139^ 262". Dongan, Walter, 262". Donnaldson, John, 570^ Donnellan, Edward, 568^. Donnelly, John, S28^ Donnohough, Elizabeth, 498". Donolly, John, 546'. Dooley, Daniel, 143^ Doolittle, Isaac, 531', 559*. Doolittle, Lucius, S25^ Doornes, Alletie, 141°, 142°. Dorchester [Dodgester], Benjamin, S3r, S3'i°, 559'- Dorland, Lambert Jansen, 246'. Dorman, Ephraim, 523", 524'', 565'. Dorman, Joseph, 519", 560". Dorn, Valentine, 540*. Dorothy (bark), i26\ I26^ Dorrington, Richard, 568', 5-2". Dory, Peter, 492^, 493*. Doty, John, 571^ Doty, William, 464'. Doucet, Glode, 427*. Dougal, Thomas, 535', 538^ Dougherty, Charles, 546*. Dougherty, Henry, 521^ 522°. Dougherty, James, 536^ Doughty, Benjamin, 514". Doughty, Charles, 46^ 301% Doughty [Daughty, Dowty], Elias, I3^ 16^; petitions, 39s 46^ 46^ 46*, 57"; justice of peace, 45", 64'; land grants, 45^ 48°; member of court of oyer and terminer, 58^. Doughty, Ellis, 71'. Doughty, Francis, 46^ 118^, 119". 301'. Doughty, Isaac, 403". Doughty, Philip, 529^ Doughty, Thomas, 523^. Doughty, William, 286'. Douglas, Asa, 400*. Douglas, John, 52^. Douglas, William, ii", 18*. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 617 Douglass, Skeen, 510'. Douglass, William, 535°, 56o^ Douw [Dow], Abraham, licenses to buy Indian land, 32;^*, 343''', 388°, 403^; petitions, 339', 402', 4X)5'; patents granted, 339", 406", 512^ 514°. Douw, Jonas, 201^ 305'. Douw, Peter, 305', 405^ 5x2^ 5I4^ Douw, Volkert Abraham, 405", 512^ 514°. Douw, Volkert Peter, licenses to buy Indian lands, 378', 532", 538"; peti- tions, 412^ 538'; commissioner, 4124^; warrant, 437"; manager of tea excise, 444°; affidavit, 460°; member of commission of oyer and ter- miner, 490'; land grant, 540". See also Albany, mayors. Dove, John, 249^ 250^ 251". Dover, 370^ 566*. Dover (man-of-war), 451'. Dow, Archibald, 412". Dow, Henry, 380'. Dow, James, 41 1^ 412', 522^ Dowe, z'Vlexander, 522". Dowgan, John, 385^ 386\ Dowick, , 119". Dowisson [Dowsen], Teunis, 56', 149', 159'- Downe, Edward, 5361 Downer, Abraham, 516°. Downie, John, 536^ Downing, Dennis, 269^ 2g6^, 2g8^, 302'. Downing, John, 525^ 526^. Downs, James, petitions, 575", 577°; land grants, 528', 540', 544'> 546", 550°, 560", 5/61 Downs, Mary, 95°. Downs, Robert, 92^ Dowsen, Harman, 54'", s6\ See also Dowisson. Dowty, sec Doughty. Doxe3% Thomas, 24". Doyle, Darby, 487'. Doyle, James, 538I Drake, Gilbert, 429^ Drake, Jasper. 562\ Drake, Jeremiah, 548*. Drake, John, 180*, 299^ Drake, Samuel, 473'. Draper, James, 521". Draper, James, jr, 521". Draper (township), 546', 565", 565'. Dreadnought (ship), 433". Drew, IMary, 140'. Drinker, Henry, 545°. Drinker, John, 545^ Drisius, Samuel, 15^ Driskell, John, 362". Droilhet, Paul, 234'. Drouet, Jean, 339', 339', 339^ Drowned lands, 437'. Druger, Cornells Fredricks, 89''. Drummond, Colin, 4)97", 554°. Drummond, Evan, 307', 307^. Drummond, Gregor, 567", 570", 572\ Drummond, Robert, 141^ 142", 143'. Drummond, Thomas, 141°, 1431 Duane, Mr, 473', 475', 499'. Duane, Anthony, 284\ Duane, Cornelius, 5,53'. Duane, James, petitions, 405'"', 509', 512''; land grants, 405', 531'', 546^, S53\ 562"; to assist in libel case, 481'; complaint, 504^; caveat against petition, 520^ Duanesburgh, 5i2\ Du Blois, Stephen, 283', 283', 288'. Du Bois, Cornelius, 333'. Du Bois, Gualtherus, 395^ 3g6\ 514*. Du Bois, Hendrick, 372', 407", 408'. Du Bois, Lewis, 26", 252", 307^ 486*, 487^ 487^ Du Bois, Matthew, complaint against, 465*, 466\ 466'', 466^ patent, 403%- petitions, 400^ 407", 408', 437'. Du Bois, Nathaniel, 4871 Du Bois, Peter, petitions, 402^ 405', 542^; license to buy Indian lands, 402^; land grants, 406', 526", 557*, 5621^; bonds for settlement of lands, 412', 413'. Du Bois, Samuel, 252". Du Bois, Solomon, 307", 407°, 408'. Duchemin, Daniel, 53'^, 55'. Ducking stool, 70*. Dudley, — — , 37'. Dudley, Christopher, 563^ Dudley, Joseph, member of council, 62'; to examine prisoners, 62*; judge of admiralty, 63^; account paid, 63"; chief justice, 65*; to go to New England, 65"; letters to, 73'' , 227*; letters from, 74*, 244^ 245'; excluded from council, 76': gov- ernor of Massachusetts, 199': ar- ticles of peace made by, 208^: wants Iroquois to fight, French Indians, 239^; requests liberation of French prisoner, 245°. Duer, William, 490", 501°. Duevey, Ebenezer, jr, 403", 404'. Dufau, Gabriel, 461^. Du Foir, Paul Samuel, 172". Du Four, Samuel Paul, I83^ Dufoy, David, laf. Dugan, , 320°. Dugan, Christopher, 513^ Dugdale, William, 289''', 295', 29/. 305^ See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Duggin, John, S22\ Dukes county, 47', 53', 53', 74', Sy^ 87^ Dulmidge, Jacob, 408°, 409^ 6i8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Dulmidge, Jacob, jr, 408', 409^ Dumas, ,' 428°. Dummer, William, 289', 294', 297\ 297;, 306*. Dumner, , 209'. Dumond, John, 537°. Dumont, , 139^ Du Mont, Egbert, 493', 493^- Dumont, John, 484', 484', 484^ Dunbar, colonel, 397', 416', 419°, 419', 420', 42 1 ^ Dunbar, Jeremiah, SS3^- Dunbar, John, 283', 493*. Dunbar, Robert, 3I5^ Dunbar (township), 577®. Duncan, lieutenant, 436^ Duncan, George, 197^ Duncan, Hugh, 566'. Duncan, James, 88^ 522^ 5S7\ Duncan, John, petitions, 404^ 412", 412". 509°; hcense to buy Indian lands, 404"^; member of commission of oyer and terminer, 490^; land grants, 508°, 512', 541'. Duncan, Richard, 508°, 512*. Duncan. Thomas, 487^ 553°, 56i\ 563'. Duncan, William, S30^ Dimk, John, 264'"''. Dunlap, John, 544', 5451 Dunlap, William, 518''. Dunmore, earl of, 483^ 485^ 551". See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Dunn, John, 530", 568", 573'. Dunn, Thomas, 497^ Dunnavon, John, 518'. Dunning, Michael, 321*, 322*. Dunning, Thomas, 528^. Dunscomb, captain, 204^ Dunscombe, Daniel, 230", 545\ Dunscomb, James, S44', 545^ Du Perron, Philip, 4i2\ Duplessis, Jacques Christoph [James Christopher], 272", 272^, 273', 273^ 273', 274\ Dupuy, Andrew, 190°. Du Puy, Jean, 3651 Du Puy, John, 283^, 283^ 2gf. Du Puy, see also De Puy. Du Quesne, marquis de, 396^ 6"^^ also Canada, governors. Du Ref, George, 28o^ Durell, Philip, 438', 445', 539'. Durfy, John, 363^ Durgan, John, 514". Durgue, Roeloff, 474^ Durham, Richard, 343'', 348^ 362^ 378". Durham (township), 49i\ 554-. Duryea, Stephen, 504*. Dusa, Peter, 430'. Dusachoy [Dasway, Desachoy, Du- sasway, Dusochouy, Dusochauy], Mark, land purchased from, 101'; land grants, 103°, 11 1*, 164**, 2134®; land survey for, 166^-74'; petition, 223'. Dusah, Joseph, 430'. Dusasway, see Dusachoy. Dusau, Francis, 430'. Dusaw, Peter, 430°. Dutch, confiscations made by, 20^ Dutch churches, see Churches. Dutcher, Cornelius, 282'. Dutchess county, annexed to Ulster county, 250"; oath of assessors, 87^; bills of credit forged in, 347"; clerks of peace, 186"; commission of oyer and terminer, 437\ S03\ 506 ' ; commis- sions of peace and pleas, 4S3\ 502^; complaint of inhabitants, 374''; con- stables to be prosecuted, 374*; court of common pleas, 261"; court of general sessions, 462''; court of oyer and terminer, 471^; ordinances con- cerning courts, 26I^ 26i\ 302^ 501^ 501"; appraisal of estates, 76'; for- tifications, 82°; Indian lands in, 91^ 91*, 160^ Indians, war belt sent to, 248'; jail broken into, 463'; judge of common pleas, 501'; list of judges and justices, 477"; justices of peace, 345-, 452', 465', 471*, 480', 492^ 500^ 504^ land claim, 459*; land patents, 6i\ 61", i20^ lai', 185*; license to buy Indian lands, 164^ 173", 176°; military assistance to suppress disorders in, 471^; militia, 353**, 354^; sherififs, 62^ 79", 143^ I49\ 159', 34S^ 346^ 374', 47^', 486^ 487'; taxes, 53^ 83', 103', 120", 125', 191*, 1 95-, 198*, 198°. Dutchess of Gordon (ship), 506^ Duties, see Customs. Dutton, William, 546*. Duxbury, Ellis, justice of peace, 64'; petitions, 70^ I7I^ 218°; commis- sioner, 76°: land patent, iii*; before council, 146^; warrant, 219". Duxbury, Mary, 171°. Duyckinck, Christopher, 301^, 575°, 576^ 577"- Duycking, Evert, 245^ 245^ Duykinc [Duychingh, Duycknighs], Gerrit, 7S\ iii', 112°. Duyon, Abraham, 387*. Dwight, Ruth, 3251 Dye, Dirck. 34^ Dyckman, Jacob, 385". Dyer, colonel, 4j23'. Dyer, John, 403'. Dykman [Dyckman, Dykeman], Cor- nelius, I82^ 184*, 203°, 203^ 206°. Dyor, Mr, 16*. Dyre, William, 20*, 20^ 21^, 24°, 43*, 42', 44'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 619 Eagle (brigantine). 230-. Eagle (sloop), 331". Eanian, Lawrence, 410^ Earl, Edward, 405', 406'. Earl, John, 554', 575'. Earl, Nathan, 517'. Earle, Daniel, 40o\ Earle, Nathaniel, 523^ Earnest, Mathias, 385''. Easoni, John, 360", 362^ 2,62*. East Hoseck, 490''. East Jerse}', sec New Jersey. East river. 274', 284', 321', 435". Eastchester, church repairs, 473*; French neutrals settle at, 430"; parish of, iSo^*; and Westchester, 2,3'. ig6\ 196", 197', 197', 197', 202*, 203", 2o8^ 2o8^ 209", 219^, 219^ Easthampton, 10', 38\ 52°, 88"; Acadians settle at, 427°; oath of assessors, 87'; complaint of in- habitants, 49"; customer appointed, 17"; Indians of, 2^^; land patents, 52". Ill'*: minister, 51^; overseers of poor, 48^ petition against, 495'""; petition for inhabitants, 49^; rates remitted, 22"; sloop seized at, 57'^; vs Giles Silvester, 39'. Easton, 442^ 444-. Ebbetts [Ebitts], Daniel, I95^ I96^ 202', 224^ Ebbing, Jeronimus, 23^. Ebitts, see Ebbetts. Eborne [Ebourne], Samuel, 5I^ 52^ 52^ 57^ vs Richard Smith, 57", 57^, 88; 88'. Eccles, John. 545". Echardse, Dietrich, 547^ Eckerd, Nicholas. 297'. Eckerson, Cornelius, 535^. Eckerson, John, 342', 346', 377^, 378', 3^7\ 398^ Eckerson, Thomas, 386"', 398°, 535*. Eckert, Jonathan, 498". Ecuyer, Simon, 412''. Eddington, James, 514'. Edgar, David, 520; 54I^ Edgar, William. 408; 409*, 54I^ Edinburgh, 576^. Edmeston, Robert, 539'. Edmeston, William, 539'. Edminston, William. 504". Edmond and A'lartha (brigantine), Edmonds, Elizabeth, 138'. Edsall, Samuel, 1541 Edwards, Benjamin, 565'. Edwards, Henry, 565'". Edwards, James, 513°. Edwards, John, S4I^ Edwards, Josiah, 180', I82^ 183'. Edwards, Obediah, I22^ Edwards, Richard, 5i8l Edwards, Robert, 171^ 178*. Edwards, Thomas, 54i\ Egbaerts, Gerrit, T)?)"- Egbert, see Egbertsen. Egbertse, Benjamin, 567". Egbertsen, Barent. 85'. Egbertsen [Egbert, Egbertse], Dirck, 204; 292; 3151 Eghbertse. Theunis, 121°. Egremont, lord, 455', 456", 457'. Ehl, Johannis, 312", 312", 315', 317', 3i7\ 3i8l Eickler. Augustus, 405'. Eier, William, 273; Elbert, Alexander, 427". Elbertse [Elbertsen]_, Aert, 111°, i5o\ Elbertsen. Elbert, 24", 45°. Elbertsen, John, 143°. El Castel del Rey (man-of-war), 201'. Eldridge. James, 566". Eldridge. John, I43^ Electioneering, 105^ Elections, 77', 77% 93", I05^ 478'. Elford, captain, 248^. Elizabeth (ship), 85', 85', 199', 204', 206', 2o6^ 430*, 442'. Elizabeth and Catharine (ship), 159^ 159', 161', 173°, 271*. Elizabeth islands, I4^ I4^ z^\ 47*. Elizabethtown, 15', I9\ 326°. Elkins, William, so6\ Ellice, Alexander, 530*, 54I^ 543'. Ellice, Robert, 53o\ Ellice, William, 573'. Elliot. Andrew, memorial, 489^; letter from, 490''; takes oath as lieutenant governor. 507^; seals delivered to, 507', 508'; land grants. 554*, 556% 562; 564*; petition, 568*. See also N. Y. (colony), lieutenant gov- ernors; receivers general. Elliot. Benjamin, 4o6\ 407'. Elliot. Francis. 549'. Elliot. Hamilton. 535*, 542'. Elliot, John. 521'. 522', 526', 553'. Elliot, John, jr, 575^ Elliot, Richard, 292°. Elliott, Susannah, 106". Ellis, Daniel, 545'. Ellis. Frederick. 34*, 39^ Ellis. Gideon, 524". Ellis, Henry, 480'. Ellis. John. 5i6l Ellis. Joseph, 524". Ellis, Welbore, 507'. Ellis. William, 341; 341'. Ellison, John. 25', 144', 150", i6il Ellison, Robert, see Allison. Ellison, Thomas, 444\ 454'; petition, 272"; warrant. 329^; patents granted, 328^ 375'\ 385^ caveat of, 388*, 389°; letter from. 425'. Elliston, Robert. 288', 316'', 316'. 620 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Ellswordt, Elswordt, see Elseworth. Elmes, Stephen, 521^, 522^ Elmor, John, 534', 535'. Elseworth [Ellswordt, Elswordt], Clement, iii*, 120^ 144°, 148*. Elseworth [Elswordt], George, 151^, 239^ 239'. Elsworth, Francis, 561^ Elsworth, William, 484\ 484', 484'. Elting, Joachimintie, 91". Elting, Noah, 353^368^369^ 386^ 496'. Elting, William, 475^ Elton, John, 6r. Elves, John, 5,34*, 539'. Elwood, James, 430^ Emans, Abel, 525'. Emanuel, Claus, 45". Embargo, see Provisions; Vessels. Embree, John, i86% 186', 187', 188I Embury, Andrew, 518°. Embury, David, 408", 409', 5i8\ Embury, David, jr, 518*. Embury, George, 518''. Embury, John, 408", 409°, 409^, 518*. Embury, Peter, 408", 409^ Emburv, Philip, 408°, 409', 481', 508', 5 12'. Embury, Philip, jr, 518°. Emerson, Moses, 423^ Emett, , 146". Emmett, James, 63°. Emory, William, 433''. Emott, James, land grants, 102^ I2I^; sits on Dutch church charter, 1112"; attorney for Miles Forster vs Lockermans, 113.^; attorney in case Bennet vs Aertsen, 116'; Indian purchase produced by, 163''; ap- pears for Brooklyn, 181"; Bickley, 208'. Emott, James (2d), 409^ 526^ Emott. See also Emett; Emmett. Empie, John, 32,5". Enan, Lawrence, 404^*. Endeavour (sloop), 88^ 217^, 230'. England, acts .of assembly sent to, 71*, 168'; church of, 113''; com- munications concerning Indian presents, 224"; council minutes sent to, 71*; peace with France, 252", 253^; war with France, 249', 429''; guns transported from, 99°; procla- mation concerning agreement with Holland, 198°; letters from, 2.57°; prisoners sent to for trial, 253'; soldiers sent to, 149^ troops, 98^ 100°; victories, celebration of, 109'; war with Spain declared, 173". ■ English, David, 53ol English, Nicholas, 309^ English, William, Z2>2*. Enlisting money, 427', 448', 452', 458^ 463', 464°. Enny, John, 530". Ensign, John, 40O^ Enterprize (man-of-war), 287\ 448^ Enters, Jacob, 520°, 520", 531", 539'. Episcopal churches, see Churches. Erickson, Garret, 4o8^ 409*. Erkley, Henry, 530', 556'. Ernest, Matthew, 459^ Ertley, Henry, 411", 497^ 551*. Erwin, Joseph, 5681 Esick, Olirick, 535'. Esopus, affairs, lo^ 14^; petition, 36^; approach of Indians, 81*; English laws, 19°; express from, 8i^ French prisoners escape to, 67^; French to march against, 351^; garrison, 10*; Indian affairs, 24*, 24°; Indians to attack, 462*; justice of peace of, 13^; land matters, 28^ zf', land patent, 55^; magistrates, I9^ 26'; schout, i8^ 20^; powers of sheriff, 27°; taxes, 27^ writs sent to, 32°. Esopus Indians, see Indian tribes. Esperance (brigantine), 455^ Espinosa, Joseph, petitions, 357', ZSy'^, 358=, 358', 3S9U 360% 36o^ 2,(^2.', 363'; complaint, 358"^; examination, 362 ; captured, 362^ Espy, William, 309". Esquire, Gidion, 567°. Essex county, militia, 357*, 3581 Estates, administration, 28°; valua- tion, 7y\ Etben, Seres, 427*. Etherington, George, SI5^ 516°. Etherington, Thomas, 412', 413', 521', ■ 562". Eustace, Margaret, 564', 571'. Evans, Benjamin, 574^ 574*. Evans, Cadwallader, 545". Evans, David, 403^ Evans, Joan, 574\ 574*. Evans, John, 91", 92', 92^, 96^ land patents, 95^ 97°; allowed to impress sailors, 97*; wants a sloop, 117*; petition against, 126'; defends his proceedings, 126^ under bail, 131^; warrant, 160'; order concerning lands, 235*; land surveyed, 268°_; boundaries of patent, 284", 284', 285', 285", 286=, 286', 286', 287'. See also Evans' patent. Evans, John (2d), 403*, 522'-, 522', 546'. Evans, Katherine, 275.. Evans, Randolph, 58". Evans, Richard, 535^ Evans, Zur, 525'. Evans' patent, 362", 400^ Everet [Everit], Clear, 539', 54^'- Everet, John, 203', 237', 237°. Everett, Richard, 299'. Everit, see Everet. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 621 Everitt, Daniel, 323-. Everndon, Ann. 144°, I45\ Everndon, Robert, 144", 145^, 145-. Evers, Morduck, 439''. Everson, John, 300', 301°, 30I^ Evertse, captain, igg*, 199". Evertse, Claas, 91", 127'', I28\ Evetts, Ann, 207'. Evetts [Evitts], James, warrants, 138'. 155^. i6i^ 177"; examines Paroculus Parmyter's books, 163^; petition referred, 174", 177'; salary- doubled, 176*; searcher of customs, 191^ death, 207^ Evetts, John, I39\ Evidence, proclamation against giv- ing in clandestine manner, 43''. Evotse, John, 167^ Ewald, Carl, 399°. Ewing, Robert. 519", 52ol Exceen, John, 378°. Exchange (flyboat), 22". Excise, see Taxes. Exnine, 2641 Expectation (ship), 15^ if. Expedition (ship), 239^ 250^ Experiment (ship), 2i8l Eyles, Joseph, 316". Eyrand, Bernard, 365'. Eyre, William, 417^. Eyres, Phinehas, 320^ Fabricius, Jacobus, 23', 23°. Faesch, , governor of Curagao, 338^ Faesch, George, 412^ Faesch, see also Fesch. Faey, Stephen, 490°. Fagan, Patrick, 350°. Fairbanks, Abraham, 534^, 535°. Fairchild, Jesse, 566^ Fairfield, William. 567". Fairfield (Ct.), 28^ 88", 107'. Fairholme, Johnston, 562". Fairlie, 516", 523^ 562^ Fales, David, 517^. Falkanhier, John, 498*. Falkingham, Samuel, 461'. Falkland, 52^. Falklands islands, 483^ Fallo, Josepho Antonio, 388^ Falls of St Louis, 306". Fame (man-of-war), 557^. Fane, George, 2i8\ 218", 218^ 221^ Faneuil, captain, 216'. 216', 2i7\ Faneuil [Feneile, Fenuille], Ben- jamin, petitions, 14O', 145', 183^ 212°, 236^, 237^ 23-7^, 249^ 264', 264", 334*; warrant, 151°; license to buy Indian lands, 185"; permission to export wheat, 238'; memorial. 249\ Fanning, Edmund, leave of absence, 501'; surveyor general, 505"; land grants, 562", 566^ S74\ 575\ 5/6', 577": petition, 575". Fanning, James, 357-', 357'. Fanning. Phineas, 493", 504\ Far Indians, see Indian tribes. Farewell, George, 63", 68^ Sec also N. Y. (colony), attorneys general. Fargie, Winter, 521', 522". Farlington, William, 540^ Early, Joseph, 510^ Farmar, Jasper, 349'', 362°; examines pilots, 343', 362'' ; petition, 360'; ex- amination of ship La Fleur, 362^; inquiry into death of, 439", 441°. Farmer, Anthony, 182". Farmer, James, 550*. Farmer. Thomas, 149', 265", 276'. 550*. See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Farnsworth. Oliver, 563°. Farquhar, lieutenant, 412". Farquhar, James, 550*. Farquhar. William, 550'. Farrant, Henry, 41 1", 412°. Farrel, Edward, 523". Farrel [Ferral], Kennedy, 513-, 520"*, 533", 541'. Farrel, Thomas, 533°, 534". Farrel. see also Ferral. Farrington, Anthony, 550^ Farrington, Elizabeth, 550^ Farwell, Joshua, 517*. Fast, day of, appointed, 10'', 19'; proclamations for, 95^ II2^ 173^ 174', 351', 419", 427', 434', 439", 457^ Fauchere, Lewis Francis, 304", 304°, 304". . Fauconier, Magdalen, 177°. Fauconier. Peter, 246**; to manage office of collector and receiver gen- eral, 170°; commissioner of re- ceiver general's office, I73^ 203®; petitions, 177^ 192^ igg^, 2O0\ 202^ 203°, 206-, 207^ 2i2\ 213^, 215", 218', 219', 22i\ 231^ 233-, 233', 233°, 233', 334*: to examine into allegations of distillers, 178^ accounts, i86% 206*, 214', 2i6\ 2I6^ 219"; warrants, 186*, 189', 189', 190', 193', I94\ 195", 198*, 203', 203", 203', 203^ 212", 213", 213^ 213^; takes oaths of allegiance and supremacy, 189*; name dropped from patent, 201'-; license to buy lands, 192°, 209^ 209'; memorials, 2o6^ 208': reports, 209^ 212": ex- amined about custom house afifairs, 219*, 220^ 246^: patents granted, 2I9^ 281°; empowered to receive excise dues, 220'; recognizances, 224' ; power to receive certain pub- lic moneys. 231'; before council, 234\ 245', 245°, 246'; and Thomas Byerly, 215^ 2I9^ 245'; petition against, 216", 216^; vs Queen Anne, 622 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 255', 256', 257", 257°, 258°; vs George I, 258^ bill of costs, 259". Faulkner, John, 491^ Faulkner, William, 504^ Faulx, Thomas, I8^ Faviere, James, 329^ Fay, Francis, 511". Fay, Jonas, 491". Fay, Stephen, 491', 491"- Fayal, application of governor to ex- port provisions, 441'. Fayette, Mattys, 86\ Feeraboom, see Feraboom. Fees, see Courts. Feild, Robert, 159"- Feikling, Nicholas, 128', 138*, 155 ■. 161', i9il Felan, John, 508'. Felding, John, 528'. Fell, Christopher, 429'. Fell, Thomas, 269', 283', 283', 284". Fellows, John, 530". Felthausen, John, 565', 573'- Felton, John, 31S', 3I8^ 320', 323, 324'. Feneile, see Faneuil. Fenelon, marquis de, 465". Fenuille, see Faneuil. Fenwick, Ann, 538^ Fenwick, John, 24', 25', 28% 31'. Fenwick, William, 538*. Fenwyck, Jeremiah, 33^ 23^. Feraboom [Feeraboom, FerabloomJ, Servas, 259'', 272', 272', 272'. Ferdon, John, jr, 5641 Ferdon, Zachariah, 564®. Fergee, John, 546^. Ferguson, Joseph, 41 1^ Ferguson, Thomas, 5381 Ferguson, William, 41 1^ Feris, sec Ferris. Fermon, Jacob, I22^ Ferral, ^vlatthew, 379', 386', 386°, 39i'> 392'. Ferral, see also Farrel. Ferres, Antonia, 3<58'. Ferris, James, 222^ Ferris, John, 309°. Ferris, John, jr, 222'. Ferris, Richard, 372°. Ferris [Feris], William, 521', 522', 523', 537^ Ferry, fees, 105°, 250', 251", 301', 333^; keeper, lOi^ patent granted, 385'; across Hudson near Kingston, 374^; Long Island and Staten Isl- and, 335*; New Rochelle and Sands point, 397"; New York and New Jersey, 406'; Rye and Oyster bay, 332'; Staten Island, 373*; Staten Island and Elizabethtown, 326'; Staten Island and New York, 251', 372^ 373*; Staten Island and Bergen, 377^; Throggs point and Whitestone, 272^ Fesch, John Rudolph, 574V Fesch, see also Faesch. Fether, Margaret, 282'. Feurt, Bartholomew, 154', 162', 170', 180', 215', 250*, 250', 25,1'. Fevershams prize (man-of-war), 242", 243'- Fiax, Peter, 534 • Fick, Peter, 290'. Field, Daniel, 525°. Field, John, 49', 412'. Field, Moses, 524''- Field, Oliver, 525'. Field, Paul, 524'- Field, Rufus, 525"- Field, Samuel, 473', 52S\ S25', 554 , 573'- Field, Seth, 525 • Fielding, John, 546°. Filer, Samuel, 404^ 404", 518^ Filkin, Francis, 347^ Filkin, Henry, 52'; commissioner, 76'; land patent, 121*; license to buy land, 118"; petitions, 44*, 48^ 179^, 179°, 217^; report in regard to Moravians, 345^ Fin, Michael, 385', 386'. Fin, William, 332'. Finances, committee on, 8o\ Fincastle, 55 1^ 554*- Finch, John, 33^. Finglass, John, 482^. Finlay, Hugh, 497°. Firax, Peter, 404°. Fireships, 121°. Firle, 54:2'. Firman, John, ill Firran, Nathaniel, 521", 522°. Fischer, see Fisher: Visger. Fish. Thomas, 365'. Fisher, Archibald, 321', 330', 35i • Fisher, Donald, 411*. Fisher, Ichabod, 524'- Fisher, Jacob, 304\ Fisher, John, 567", 570°. Fisher [Fischer, Vischer], John Har- manse, 231*, 236", 262', 262*, 262, 2631 Fisher, Mary, 5681 Fisher, Minne, 537*.^ Fisher, Samuel, 545''- Fisher, Thomas, 528°, 528', S40 , 544, Fisher, Tjerk Harmensen, 2i6l 2i7\ 238^ Fisher, William, 568*. Fishers island, 32^ Fishing company, established, 20 . Fishkill, 350', 5o8'\ 558'. Fisk, Jonathan, 483*- Fisser, see Visger. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 623 Fitch, Eleazer. 526'. Fitch, Samuel, 526°. Fitch, Thomas, appointed delegate, 366^; expedition against Crown- point, 415", 416"; letters from, 419*, 420^ 420", 439", 468^; application, 422^; warrant, 423^, 423'* ; complaint, 439^ See also Connecticut. Fitchet, Isaac, 539^ 542'. Fitchet, Joseph, 538'*. Fithian, Enoch, 9I^ Fitsimmons, Edward, 521". Fitspatrick, Edward, 514". Fitzpatrick, John, 518', 543^ Fitzrandel, Edward, 480'. Fitzsimmons, Patrick, 529\ Five nations, see Iroquois. Flamborough (man-of-war), 334°. Flandreau, Peter, 509', 509^ 509', 509°, 512'. Flat Rock battery, 4I4^ 415*, 4I6^ Flatbush, 58°, 69'; Acadians settle at, 427^; arbitrators for, 42"; assembly to meet at, 432^; boundary, 59"; French prisoners sent to, 230^; land patents, 37'', 38*, 38°; petition' _ of Dutch church elders, 231°; petition of inhabitants, 45^ 79^; reformed Dutch church, _ 174°, 174^ 506^; schoolmaster, 68°. Flatlands, 109', 174°, 174'. Flax, production, 83^ Fleerboom, Jacob, 301^ Fleming, Sampson, 541^ Fletcher, Mrs, 128'. Fletcher, Angus, 530^ Fletcher, Benjamin, takes oath as governor, 75*; goes to Albany, 76', 7&, 85', 108'; letters from, 80', 80*, 81^; reports on expedition, 81'; goes to Pennsylvania, 83^ 85^; let- ter to, 85^; five nations refer gover- nor of Canada to, 90'; commander of the Connecticut militia, 91°, 94'; goes to Connecticut, 92", 92^; in- tends to make war on five nations, 97"*; charges against, 116', 116*; visits frontier, 119', 120^; surren- ders plate for King's chapel, 129- ; connection with pirates, 131'; con- nection with bolting act, I32\ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Flint, Andrew, 560I Flint, Asa, 551*. Flintlarm, John, 56o^ Flood, James, 397*. Flood. Noah, 522^ Florida, 262°, 379^ See also St Augustine. Flott, Louis, 37i\ Flour, 20^ 30", 36^ 38^ 38', 39\ 39\ 66': bolting, 37% 37\ 38^ 38^; ex- portation, 90°, 372^ 419^ 4I9^ 428^ Flower, Henry, 542^ Floyd, Elizabeth, 472". Floyd, Richard, 138', 272°, 273': be- fore council, 137'; accused of ill practices, 266"; address, 294'"; letter from, 435'; death, 485'. Flypsen, Frederick, sworn of council. 32*; moneys paid by, 34'; license to buy Indian lands, 39*: ship of, 42'; petitions, 43', 43", 47^ buys land of Indians, 44'; member of council, 50*; given charge of books and records, 53''; to command militia, 55^; to audit accounts, 60*. Foex, William, 314°, 314', 316'. Folk, William, 408', 409"- Folliot, George, 446', 481'. Foltz, Jacob, 399'. Folwell, Edward, isf. Fonda, Abraham, 385', 485"- Fonda [Funda], Adam, 508', 512*, 540'- Fonda [Funda], Douw, 333, 339. 339°, 375', 386*, 540^ Fonda, Guysbert, 405^ 5I2\ 514'. Fonda, Henry, 568^ Fonda [Funda], Jellis, land grants, 386\ 508', 512^, 54o\ 540', 556\ 566^ petitions, 402', 569*; license to buy Indian lands, 402', 538^ 567"; jus- tice of peace, 506''. Fonda, John, 540*. Fonda, Lawrence, S73^ 574^ 575'- Forbes, x-Vlexander, 366', 5A4. 545'- Forbes, Charles, 410, 411 . Forbes, Duncan, 413'. Forbes, John, 309^ Forbes, William, 555". Forbes, William A. 560". Ford, Edward, 552". Ford, Henry, 78°; warrants, 81", 86'', 94", 95", 96', 97'. Ford, Oswald, 136". Ford, Richard, 518". Ford, Thomas, 197', 203", 535'', Ford, William, 408^ 409'. Fordham, Joseph, letter of. 41'*; sheriff of Suffolk county, 48"; vs Peter Chock, 49*; in command of militia, 55\ 55'; petition, 59"; furnishes arms to militia, 87^ Fordham, 11°, 17"; manor, 399". Foreman, John, 68\ Forestier, Charles, 242^. Forman, Joseph, 428*, 473^ king vs, 515', 518-, 524', 531', 531'- Forman, William, petitions, 4o8\ 409°; bond, 509^; land grants, 539', 54r, 542', 550'. Forrest, Arthur, 534*, 539". Forrest, Isaac, 8il 624 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Forsey, Thomas, vs Waddel Cun- ningham, 509', 509', 509', 509', 5io\ 510*, 514", 515', 515'- Forster, George, 388^ 404*. Forster, Miles, petitions, 70', 80"; commissioner, 76^; warrants, 9i\ 113^ 125^, 134", 137^; to provision Dutch ship, 92^; vs Lockermans, 113^; vs Ettie Leisler, ii3-, 113*. Forster, Peter, 568'. Forster, Richard, 631 Fort, Isaac, 532^ 532', 533', 534'. Fort, Johannes, 508", 512*. Fort, John, 186". Fort Anne, condition, 196*; inspec- tion, 193'; New York miUtia to guard, 229^*; repairs, 196*^, 202'*, 206°, 206®, 225^, 234^; stores to be ex- amined, 206'; warrants for repairs, 187', 197'. Fort CHnton (Saratoga), 363', 364-; burnt, 367'; letter from, 364'' ; letters about, 350', 351-, 351", 355°, 356'; recommended, 350^ Fort Drummer, 349^ Fort Edward, 423°, 424^, 426', 434^ 489', 498'. Fort Egmont, 483^ Fort Frederick (Albany), 361', 365'. Fort George, 386", 390', 406*, 470'; accounts of building, 348^; cannons carried away from, 359^ equip- ments for, 327^ 327''; fire in, 337"; inventory of stores, 390'; rnaga- zine, 436"; militia to guard, 426^, 440'; mob intend to attack, 505^; repairs, I87^ 278', 296', 296^ 298^ 417°, 429*, 440', 469°, 496'; royal artillery removed from, 507^; stores brought from Livingston manor, 282*; warrants for work in, 301'', 302^ 305", 307', 308', 311', 317', 356'. Fort Hunter, 278', 288^ 317°, 319', 328', 334'"'; repairs, 26o\ 299'; sup- plies for, 396°; warrant, 333'. Fort James, barracks, 151^; buildings to be finished, 131^ chapel, 86^ 89^ 104^, 104°, I07^ 241'; chaplain, 156'; commissioners for receiving con- tributions for, 16°; committee to examine accounts for work on, 106°; contributions for repairs, 16^; declaration of war published at gate, 17*; George i proclaimed at, 256^; governor's house, 97^ I07^ 166°, 168''; Capt. Manning tried for surrendering to Dutch, 21^; needs new furniture, 108^; powder for, 96^ 236^; repairs, 18', 62', 227^; soldiers quartered in, 154^; stores, 62J; taxes, 18''; well in, 94^ Fort Levi, 449^ Fort Ontario, 457*. Fort Pitt, 478'. Fort St Frederick (Crownpoint), 363'. Fort Stanwix, 477', 541', 544^ Fort Willem Hendrick, 19'. Fort William, 353", 390^ Fort William Henry (New York), chapel, 98*; chaplain, 156"; furni- ture for, 177^; Capt. John Hutchins to have charge of, 72'; inspection, 79^ 98', 100^ 146^; officers, 165^; re- pairs, 75^ 99^; superintendents of work in, 172'; supplies for, 153^ 166'*, 177^; work in, 136^ I5i\ Fort William Henry (Lake George), garrison, 424^, 427^; surrendered to French, 435", 435*, 435'; militia to reinforce, 426^; condition of troops from, 435^; Gen. Webb marches to, 435'- Fortifications, 92^ 93°, 113°, 117, 217, 237''; accounts, 68", 186*; commis- sioners, 421*, 461°; to be com- pleted, 433^; funds for, 90°; letter from William 3 about, IS7";_ at lower bay, 90^; order concerning, 20*; proclamation against damages to, 335*; repairs, ^ 17', 21^ 113^; stockadoes for, 93'. See also Al- bany, fort; N. Y. (city), fortifica- tions; names of forts. Forts, contract for building, 244^; on frontiers, 263^; in Indian country, 245°; in Mohawk country, 248""; in New York, 184'. Fortune (ship), 64^ 140^ 141^, 142^, 144', 148', 151', 163'. Fosson, John, 546*. Foster, colonel, 4So\ Foster, Amos, 408''. Foster, Henry, 5I6^ Foster, John, 259', 259°. Fotheringham, John, 530^ Foulgar, Peter, 22*. Foulkes, colonel, 83'. Four friends (sloop), 4421 Fowey (man-of-war), 132^ I33^ Fowler, Abner, 4o6l Fowler, Benjamen, 403*. Fowler, Henry, 147', 161*, 162^ 290'. Fowler, Isaac, 528', 531', 537'- Fowler, Jeremiah, I49\ Fowler, John, 560', 561', 561', 563'. Fowler, Samuel, 528^ 531', 537'- Fowler, Thomas, 315', 335^ Fowler, William, ^3361 Fowles, John, 230". Fowles, Thomas, 337\ 337\ 33^\ 33^'- Fox, Anthony, 558^ Fox, Christopher, 397^ 398'. Fox, Daniel, 519°. Fox, Henry, 428'. Fox, Jacob, 519°. Fox, John, 459'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 625 Fox. John, jr, 519"'. Fox. Peter, 519'. Fox, William, 401', 402\ Foy. Daniel see Toy, Daniel. Foy, Edward, 573°. Foy, Lewis, 556°. Foy, iNIary, 556'. France, peace with, 129', 252°, 253^ 462^; cessation of war with, 249', 460°; war with declared, 173", 344^ 429*"; war with impending, 168", 343'- Francis, Christopher, 568\ Francis, John, 348', 348°. Francis, Richard, 544*, 568°. Francis, Turbutt, 411". Francis and Thomas (ship), 75'. Franckin, Henry Andrew, 536^ Francklin, John, 182^ Frank [Franck], Coenradt, 330^ 405', 406', 486', 512% 514'. _ Frank [Franck], Frederick, 405^ 406', 512', 5114'. Franklin, Henry, 577^ Franklin, John, 559^ Franklin, Joseph, 413°. Franklin, Samuel, 559^ Franklin, Walter, 546', 559^ Franklin, William, 472^ Franklin (township), 546°. Fraser [Frasier, Frazer, Frazier], Alexander, land grants, 41 1^ 41 1^ 412', 413*, 526^ S28J, 529'. Fraser, Duncan, 567', 570". Fraser, John, 411', 533''-34\ S4o'. Fraser. Roderick, 513^ Fraser. William, 534\ Fraser. William, jr, 568^ Fraser. see also Frazer; Frazier. Fray, John, 464°. Frazer, Donald, 556^ Frazer, Henry, 556'*. Frazer. Hugh, 490^ Si4\ 525*. Frazer. Joseph, 521^, 522°. Frazer. Peter, S40^ Frazer. Thomas, 533', 535S 535", 542°. Frazer. see also Fraser: Frazier. Frazier. Abraham, 572^ Frazier. Daniel, 553". Frazier, Michael Hugo, 40S^ 406'. Frazier. Robert, 448'. Frazier, see also Fraser; Frazer. Freaker, Henry. 5471 Fred. John, 263^ 312', 312*, 312', 358', 362'. _ Frederick, Andrew, 41 1^ Frederick, Peter, 405', 534*. Frederick, Richard, 528I Fredericke, Arent, 112'. Frederickse, Myndert, I20^ 200°, 201°. Freeborn, Isaac, 550^ 550°. Freeman, Bernardus, 165^ 167"; peti- tions, l6o^ 170', 171", 223*; war- rants. 172', 173", 181^; and Brook- lyn church, 225^; dispute with Vin- cent Antonides, 232", 233*, 233', 241 ■-, 241', 253'. Freeman, Nathaniel, 459". Freeman, Thomas, 523", 537'. Freer, Abraham, 539", 542^ Freligh, George, 487\ Freligh, Henry, jr, 5.33'', 534°. French, Jeremiah, 566'*. French, John, 515", 520', 522.', 523', 524", 531'. French, Jonathan, 405\ French, Joseph, 495", 5171 French, Philip, 92^; petitions, 97^ I,I9^ 169', 184°, iS6\ I88^ 192', 192'; vs Thomas Wenham, 122^; address, 162'; refuses to deliver papers, 163'; superseded, 163''; complaints against William Atwood, 169'*; license to buy land, 178*, 181'; vs Ebenezer Wilson, 186', I88^ 188'; land survey for, 188"; Adolph Philippse executor, 299^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. French, Thomas, 533''. French, agents, sf; in Albany, 84*, 106"; attack on, 393*; rumors of attack by, 125^; settle at Cadarac- qui, 104". 108", i09\ 109^; capture ship, 117^ 1,17"; invasion at Cats- kill, 54^; pass between Cowneck and New Rochelle, 85^; churches, see Churches; damage done by, 114^; defeated at Lake George, 421^; efforts to raise troops against, 94"; encroachments, 104'; the expedition against, 83', 119"; fleet. 106", 359'; build fort at Ni- agara, 281^; building fort, 353'; destroy fort at Crownpoint, 446^; intentions of, 92^; intrigues among New York Indians, 31'; invasion, 67"; Iroquois ready to take up hatchet against, 104**; in conference about treating with Iroquois, 287'; take Jamaica, loi^ attack on Kingston, 94°, 95-; letter from, 30*; at Messasippi. 351^; on ]\Iississippi river, 390"; militia, 352^; money for operations against, 392''; move- ments reported, 72^ ii6^ 198^ 368^ 369", 437*; murders by, 114"; New York asks assistance of other colonies against, 64', 65^; officers sent from Albany, 242*: on Ohio river, 390', 39i\ 391', 396", 398'; de- sign on Onondaga or Albany, 94*; expected attack of Oswego, 305''; pass Oswego, 381^; renew war against Senecas, 87'; in Seneca country, 320°; ships, 119'; trade 626 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY with, 189', 258', 369°, 428', 450'; war, 53". French Indians, see Indian tribes. French neutrals, 427^ 430", 434', 435*. French prisoners, 59°, 126''', 127', I35^ 352"; assembly refuses to make further provisions for, 439"; on board Centaur, 430^; letters of den- ization granted, 127^; escaped, 67", 67^ 74^ 441^; exchanged, 116", 234'; among Indians, 371°, 2>72*', in New York, list, 438^ 442"; of Kings county, 358'; quartered on Long Island, 450^; taken from New York jail, 435'; ordered out of town, 346'; papers of, 359^; pass signed, 235^; proclamation about, 446"; engaged as workmen, 436''; taken as sailors, 440^ 444^ subsisting, 121% 346"; warrant to, 86"; disposal of: 345^ 345'; sent to country, 369", 435^; taken to Curagao, 440^; sent to England, 119^; sent to Flatbush and Hemp- stead, 230*; to return to France, 355''; sent to Cape Francois, 359'; sent to French islands, 346^; car- ried to French West Indies, 249", 360"; sent to Jamaica, 354^; carried to Leghorn, 357'; carried to Leogan, 365°; sent to New York, 44i\ 441°; sent to Petit Guave, 348^; sent to Suffolk county, 436^ 446*^. French privateers, 107^*, 199'', 199^, 200", 204^, 204'; 204^, 217^ 225^, 243^ 244-. French protestants, 109°, 112°, 132°. French West Indies, 249", 360". Frere, Hugo, jr, 247', 247", 259', 259'. Frere, Isaac, 247^, 247®. Frere, Simon, 247', 247^ Fresneau, Andrew, 213°, 237^ 237*, 285\ 285^ 285^ 29/. Freud, Johannes, 558°. Freudenbergh, Charles de, 542*. Frew, , 241 ^ Fricket, Thomas, 532'. Friedenberg, Charles, 533\ Friedenberg, Ernest, 533^ Friedenberg, Gottlieb, 533^ Friedenberg, Hans, 533'. Friel. John, 568^ Frielinghausen, Theodore, 399°. Friend, Johannes, 574', 574*. Friend, William, 529'. Friendly gal'ey (ship), 2381 Friendship (sloop), 230^ Frink, Thomas, 5i6l Frink, William, 524^ Frisby, Daniel, 486". Friswell, John, Sid'. Frodsham, John. 449^ Froeman, Thomas, 321^ Frolic, Christian, 405', 406", 511'. Fromanteel, Ahasverus, 84^ Frontenac, count, 93^ 100', 117'. See also Canada, governors. Frost, , 241'. Frost, Abraham, 11^. Frost, Thomas, 409'*. Fry, Hendrick, 486'. Fuentes, Miguel Joseph, 389^ Fulham, 520', 52o\ 522"*, 561". Fuller, general, 351". Fuller, Edward, 517^ Fuller, Henry, 298". Fuller, Joseph, 517^ Fullerton, , 241"*, 245°. Fullerton, James, 146'. Fullerton, Robert, 8c>^ Fullerton, Thomas, 80*, 8o^ Funda, see Fonda. Furlong, Francis, 272'. Furlong, Matthew, 4I5^ Furnis, , 442", 443'. Furniss, Henry, 546*. Fusileer companies, 83", 83°, 99^ Gabel, Moritz, 402^ Gabry, Mr, I9^ Gabry, Charles, 15°. Gackson, see Jackson. Gaffen, Stephen, 534', 535". Gage, Thomas, agreement about articles for troops, 480'^; com- mander at Schenectady, 426"; land grants, 539", 542°; letter to, 469'; letters from, 464^ 464^ 468', 47o\ 478'; money for troops, 484''; offers military assistance, 468"; petition, 520*; refuses to send troops against New Hampshire rioters, 502''; requisition of quarters for royal troops, 471". Gageborough, 521^ Gaigneau [Gaineau], Etienne [Stephen], 12°, 34'. Gaine, Hugh, 489', 5or, 537', 556', 563'. Gaineau, Stephen, see Gaigneau. Galatian, David, 269^, 269^ 270^ Gale, Abraham, 514'. Gale, Joseph, 565*. Gale, Samuel, 443?, 504^ 505^ 516*. Gale, Stephen, 533^ Gale, Thomas, 514^ Gallaugher, Abraham, 536°. Gallenger, Michael, 534°, 540^ Galley, Richard, 538\ Galliott, Jacob, 213^ 214'. Gallop, Jacques, 45*. Gallop, Thomas, 266?. Galloway, Joseph, SAS*- Galway, 522^. Gambler, James, 422^. 422^ Gamble, Thomas, 52il INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 627 Gamblin, Richard, 546*. Gamer, Peter, 286°. Gamerse. Peter, 282". Gangeon, Gregory, 259'\ Gannoway, William, 92". Gansevort, Harme, 4X)i'. Gansevort, Johii, 401". Gansevort [Gansdeworth, Ganse- voort], Leendert [Leonard], 330", 333\ 339i\ 339", 549'- Garcia, Juan, 440''. Gardenier, Jeremiah, 502'^ 504\ Gardineer, John, 563^. Gardiner, Mr, 39'. Gardiner [Gardineur, Gardner], An- dries, 182", 197^ 221^, 221°, 222^ Gardiner, David, 47". Gardiner, James, 336^. Gardiner, John, 22*. Gardiner, Lawrence, 309°. Gardiner, Richard, 22*. Gardiner, Samuel, 554*. Gardiner, Valentine, 4I0^ Gardiner's island, 2^", 141^. Gardner, Mr, 18". Gardner, justice, 78\ Gardner, John, 74^ 180", 1831 Gardner, Samuel, 549". Garlach, Christian, 399^ Garlach [Garlock], Elias, 287^, 399^. Garlach [Garlick], Johann Christian, 261", 287^ 287^ 290', 29o\ Garlach, Lips, 399^*. Garlach, Philip, 543-. Garland, Mrs, 35il Garland, Thomas, 282P, 282P. Garlick, see Garlach. Garlington, captain, 242", 242'. Garlock, see Garlach. Garnsey, John, 569^ Garnsey, Peter, 5^**. Garraw, Dr, 238^ Garretsen [Gerritse], Dirck, S3^, Q^"- Garretsen, Hubert, 45\ Garretsen, Johannes, 4S\ Garretsen, Tiebout, 44^ Garretsen, see also Gerritsen. Garrett, Magnus, 526'. Garrett [Gerryts], Nicholas, 42', 64", 64^ Garrett (sloop), 3t,7^. Garriott [Gerriot], Jacob, 140^ 178', 2.1 1\ Garrison, Benjamin, 523', 523P, S30^ 561', 564'. Garrison, John, 5i8\ 574". Garrison, Nicholas, 419', 42I^ Garritse, see Gerretsen, Gerritse. Garrow, John, 546". Garsen, Daniel, 427^ Garton, Mr, 49". Garton, Thomas, 36', 6g^, 102^ in', I83^ Garvy, Christopher, 58". Gasherie, Stephen, 172", 259", 263^, 264", 267''. Gasserce, Stephen, 143'. Gatehouse, Edward, 273', 274", 274', 2S3\ 283'. Gaudineau, Giles, 106', io6\ 126'. Gaul, William, 413^. Gauticr, Andrew, 519". Gautier, Daniel, 307", 308", 309', 311^ 3^i''- Gazan, Mr, 374". Gellis, Melchior, 272', 272", 272', 273'- General Johnson (privateer), 44o\ Genet, Ezra, S^/"- George i, accession, 256'; proclaimed, 256*, 256""; Indians to congratulate, 258": Peter Fauconier vs, 258"; order about land grant, 259'; ap- proves acts of assembly, 260'', 278"; appoints George Clarke to council, 261"; appoints Lewis Morris chief justice, 261"; appoints John John- ston to council, 262\ George 2, accession, 303'; oaths to, 303^ 304''; orders to proclaim, 304^; death, 451 1 George 3, proclaimed prince of Wales, 382°; proclaimed king, 451", 452'; marriage, 45^', 45,5'''; corona- tion, 455°: birthday, 505''. George, Mr, 254", 254'. George (privateer), 440'. Georgia, 326", 332', 340", 347'. 430'. Georgia packet (sloop), 331". Georgson, Stephen, 44'. Gera, John, 280". Gerard, Allen, surveyor for New Jersey line, 269*; warrants, 270', 276", 276"; petitions, 272^ 275"; memorial, 272"; surveyor general, 273''; patent granted, 276'; quadrant examined, 279'''. Germain, lord, 507". German, Charles, 226*. German flats, 430'', 434°, 437*. Germans in New York, 375". Germon, James, 504'. Ceroid, Lewis, 427^. Gerretsen [Garritse, Gerretts], Adrian, 46", 216°, 271', 272\ Gerretts, Gerrytts, see Garrett; Ger- retsen. Gerritse, Garrit, 164". Gerritse, Goosen, 223'. Gerritse, Hendrick, 69^ 69^ 74', 77^. Gerritse, see also Garretsen; Ger- ritsen. Gerritsen I Garretsen, Gerritse], ]\Iar- tin, 29^ 31'-, 45', 65", 100", 114^ Ghiglino, Lorenzo, 436", 442^ 444\ Gibbs, J^Ir, 16", 17°. 628 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Gibbs, Andrew, petitions, 44°, \G, 47^ 1o\ 184', 184", 184^ 195°; land grants, 48^ 52*; clerk of peace, 62^; iissessor, 87"; before council, 144^; \\ arrant, 196"; permission to export wheat, 2381 Gibbs, Elizabeth, 30". Gibbs, Richard, 48^ 49^ Gibbs, Robert, 483^ 483', 484". Gibbs, Thomas, see N. Y. (county), sherififs. Gibes, Isaac, 48^ Gibralter (transport), 352^ Gibson, Andrew, 237°, 237*^, 237'. Gibson, William, 528". Giddings, Zebulon, 525,°. Giffers, Joseph, 405^ 405*. Giffing, Elizabeth, 400^ Giffing, George, 400**. Gififord, John, 299^. Gififord, Roger, 538^ Gilbert, Caleb, 5I9^ 560". Gilbert, Joel, 5191°, 560". Gilbert, John, 4c', i82\ Gilbert, iMoses, 239°, 240^ Gilbert, Samuel, 403°, 404°. Gilbert, Samuel, jr, 404", 404*^. Gilbert, Thomas, 403^*, 404^ Gilboa, Joseph, 430'. Gilchrist, Adam, 519', 523", 528', s6o^ 562". Gildersleeve, Richard, 10", is\ 23^. Giles, Charles, 556', 5571 Gill, John, 5I0^ Gill, Robert, 546". Gill, William, 550^ Gillam, James, 141^142^ 142', 142^ 148^ Gillaspie, John, 564^ Gillespie, Neal, 410', 4iol Gillet, Ebenezer, jr, 522'. Gillet, Samuel, 509-, 509', 509'^, 509^ 512'. Gillie, Yerry, 505^ Gilliland, James, 53o\ Gillilen, see Gillylan. Gilliot, John, 404", 404^ Gillus, Hendrick, 41'. Gillylan [Gillilen], William, 5II^ 543". Gilman, colonel, 423". Gilmore, Robert, 535^ Ginand, Peter, iio". Gladwin, Henry, 5I3^ Glasgow, 503^, 5031 Glasier, see Glazier. Glass, Margaret, 3261 Glassford, James, 529^ 538', 539', 5531 Glazier, lieutenant colonel, 427^ Glazier, Beamsley, 401^ 402", 4o8^ 409^ 556^ 5661 Glean [Gleen], Anthony, 541^ 562". Gleaver, Thomas, 99°, iii''. Gleen, see QA&ssi. Gleeves, Matthew, 580*. Glegg, captain, 446'. Glen, Abraham, 320", 353". Glen, Cornelius, 539°, 549'''. Glen, Henry, 484°, 539*^; land grants, 543% 549', 569'; petition, 550% 551'- Glen, Jacob, license to buy Indian lands, 320", 324^; patents granted, 323', 325'j 328', 330', 331'; letter from, 366'. Glen, James, correspondence with, 376', 378% 383\ 384^ 389^ 418^; let- ter to Iroquois, 381*, 381"'; patent granted, 395'. Glen [Glenn], Johannes, 69', 113?, 295', 296'. Glen, Johannes Sanders, petitions of, 35\ 184^ 203"; supplies to Schenec- tady garrison, 144''; warrants, 150^ 185^ trustee of Schenectady, \Q^. Glen, John, 463°, 484"; petitions, 405^ 550", 551^ land grants, 406'", 512^ 514', 558", 569'; buys Indian lands, 567% Glen, John, jr, 524', 539", 549'. Glen, John James, 405', 406', 5II^ Glen, Sander Leenderts, 23'''. Glen [Glenn], Sanders, 65', 69", Tf , I00^ 109", 113'. Glencross, William, 235", 235'. Gleone, Thomas, 259^. Gleves, Matthew, 563% Globe (ship), 224% Gloster (ship), 237% 238\ Gloucester county, 481^ 481-, 48.I^ 489', 489'', S02'. Glover, William, 263'. Goalets, , 298'. Goatson, -, 45^. Goddard, Mr, 38". Goddard, William, 538^ Godfrey, John, 5641 _ Godority patent, 329'. Godwin, John, 408', 409°. Godwin, William, 408", 409^ Goelet, Isa^c, 391°, 39I^ 40I^ 402\ 523'. Goelet, Jacob, 4351 Goelet, Peter, 514', 536', 537', 537', 563". Goff, Daniel, 437'. Gold, Edward, 529*. Gold, Nathan, 34'. Gold, Volkin, 6il Gold finch (privateer), 443*. Golden fleece (man-of-war), 31'. Golden hind (ship), 2,f, I22\ Goldsborough, 549^ Goldsmith, Daniel, 409', 530', 560', 560^ Goldsmith, Daniel, jr, 530 . Goldsmith, Thomas, 514". Gombeaux, Moses, 303'', 303^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 629 Gomez, Lewis, petitions, 238^ 264', 264^ 266^ 289':, 292', 292^; permis- sion to export wheat, 2>t,S', 239'*; vs Edward Smith, 290". Gomez. Mordecai, 289", 292^ 292'. Gondall, Francis, 457". Gonsales, John, iGy". Gooch, WiUiam, 342*, 353', 355', 356', 356^ Good friends (brigantine), 367^ Good intent (sloop), 355*, 362', 365'', 45I''- Gooda, Charles, 580". Gooda, Michael, 580". Goodridge, David, 522^ Goodridge, John, 549^ Goodridge, Joseph, 5,19^ Goodridge, Philip, 5I9^ Goodwin, jNIr, 299'. Goodwood, 56S^ Gookin, Charles, 228", 228^, 242^. See also Pennsylvania. Gordon, ■ — ■ — , 410^ Gordon, Andrew, 562^ Gordon, Ann, 411", 510^ Gordon, Charles, 552^ Gordon, George, 226^ 226^, 229^ 267'. Gordon, Harry, 533', 575\ Gordon, Peter, 575^ Gordon, Thomas, 405^, 406', 512", 5 14', 529"- Gore, captain, 65^. Gorham, captain, 374^ Gorham, Joseph, 522^, 568^ Gorrell, James, 513°. Gorsdorff, M. 35-21 Gorton, Thomas, 76^ Goshen, 436", 441^. Goshentown, 489°, 573^ Gosport (man-of-war), 341*, 341^ Gott, William, 544^ Gouder, Terama, 427°. Gould, David, 4781 Gould, Jacob, 519^ Gould, Jacob, jr, 5I9\ Gould, John, 5I6^ S24^ Gould, Oliver, 519^ Gould, Thomas, jr, 5I9^ Gouverneur, Abraham, prisoner, 62^ 79^ 80% 81*; warrants, 137^ 148^ 150', 151', 152^ 160', i68\ 29s', 29s'; recorder, 150^; clerk of court of chancery, 159^; license to buy In- dian lands, 165''; corrector of the press, 168'^; petitions, 169*, 283^ be- fore council, 20O^ Jane Tothill vs, 256", 257', 257°, 258'. See also N. Y. (city), recorders. Gouverneur, Henry Cuyler, 304^. Gouverneur, Isaac, 164^ 290*. Gouverneur, Nicholas, 442", 446*. Governors, congress of, 232'', 232', 233^. See also names of governors and colonies. Governor's island, 77^, 238", 239^ Goverson, Tunus, 280". Gowannos, iii^. Graeve, Thomas, 572'. Graey, Alexander, 558^ Grafton, 5621 Graham, Augustine, surveyor gen- eral, 80", 93", 150"; to make plan of New York city, 95^^; preparation of maps, no'; license to buy land, 112^; land grants, 115', 121", 234^*; warrants, 135^ 235^; illegally acts as recorder, 150^; memorial, 22i\ 221*; petition, 246^ 246*; to survey land, 268^; deceased, 276'. Graham, Augustine (2d), 541^ Graham, Edward, 109". Graham, Ennis, petition, 473*; king vs, 515^ 518% 524', 525', 525', 531", 531", 533"; land grants, 537'', 562''. Graham, James, 36% 36", 56^ 56^, 62', SS'i petitions, 37", 253*, 254', 276", 277", 277^; vs J. Tudor, 38"; justice of peace, 45"; recorder, 47', 75°, 75'; attorney general, 47^ 76^; to draw address on state of province, 50'; sworn of council, 55*, 130"; to audit accounts of George Brewerton, 55"; to pay George Brown, 57^; receiver of revenue, 60*; salary, 63^, 91^; charges for journey to Albany, 67^; letter to secretary, 69''; warrants, 8o^ 98", 101°, 139^ 254*; land grants, 103^ 291''; scheme for erecting courts of judicature, 142^ See also N. Y. (city), recorders; N. Y. (colony), attorneys general. Graham, James, of Westchester, 407^. Graham, John, 4I0^ 413^ 480', 566^ 56f. Graham, John, weighmaster, 263*, 265\ 267'. Graham, Lewis, 540°, 562". Graham, Mary, 527", 543^. Graham, Richard, 544', 553", 554'. Graham, Rose, 543^ 564°, 57I^ Graham, Walter, 566". Graham, William, 567°. Grain, exportation, 24^ 25^ Ii6^ 116*, 120", I24\ 127^ Granada, John, 142°. Grangent, Hugo, 369^. Grant, Alexander, land grants, 41 1\ 511*, 564^ 572", 577°; justice, 4S5', 489^ Grant, Allan, 410*, 5I4^ 545^ 566°. Grant, Charles, 413'". Grant, Evan, 546^ Grant, Henry, 568". 630 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Grant, James, 412*, 413*, 513', 545'. Grant, John, 41 1^ 5313'. Grant, Robert, 410". Grant, Thomas, 551*. Grant, William, 408^, 409^ Grass, Michael, 57il Grassett, Augustine, 68^ j"]^, 22:^. Gravelly brook, i6\ Gravenraet, Anna, 239''. Graveraat, Isaac, i8^ 19*. Graveradt, Mr, II7^ Graveratt, Elizabeth, 57^ Graves, Hannah, 187°. Graves, James, 170'. Graves, Jedediah, 406*, 407^. Graves, John, i6i^ 170^ Gravesend, boundaries, 17^; vs Fran- cis de Bruyne, 15®; vs Dirck Hooghland, 215^ 215^, 216^ differ- ences about land near, 36^; land patents, I3\ Z7'°', sessions, 21^, t^'; taxes, 186*'; township matters, 22^ Gravesend patent, 126". Gravis, William, 528". Gray, Adams Clarke, 408°, 409*. Gray, Alexander, 564", 566\ Gray, James, 485', 493", 515*, 516', 5SS\ 555'. Gray, Robert, 528', 530^ 536I Graydon, Alexander, 515°. Great Barnes island, I65^ Great nine partners patent, 121*, 559®, S6o^ 56o^ Great Nuttenhook, 196°. Greatkill, 13^ Greatrakes, Osborn, 449^ 450^ 450^ 450^ Greem, David, 534*, 539-. Green, Benjamin, sr, 528*. Green, Benjamin, jr, 528*. Green, Charles, 460^ Green, Daniel, 560'. Green, David, 517°, 518'. Green, Ebenezer, 516°, 5IS^ Green, Elizabeth, 118^. Green, John, 528*. Green, John (2d), 528*. Green, Joseph, 315". Green, Nathaniel, 528*. Green, Thomas, 500*. Green, Timothy, 328'', 330'. Green, William, 518*. Greene, Richard, 1&2*, I82^ Greener, Jane, 190°. Greener, Richard, 186", 190°. Greenhill [Greenhil, Greenil], Thomas, 349', 360^ 365^ Greenleaf, Stephen, 567°. Greenshields, Henry, S33^ Gregg, captain, 443'. Gregg, John, 467^ Gregor, John, 510^ Gregor, William, 410", 510^ Gregory, Richard, 566". Grenel, Thomas, 403^ Grents, Thomas, 271*. Greslaer, Anna Margrieta, 382". Greslaer, Jeremiah, 341^ Greslaer, Jeronimus, 341", 378', 380% 382^ Greswold, Joseph, 553", 554', 558'. Grey, Adam, 399^ Greyhound (ship), 92^ 283", 286\ 294^ 34E^ 362', 362^ 363', 363^ 363', Grice, John, 195*, 195'. Gridley, Richard, 429". Griffeth, Edward, 30°. Griffeth, William, 123*. Griffeth, see also Griffith. Griffin, Ebenezer, 517^ Griffin, Edward, 58^ 89', 222'. Griffin, Robert, 123'', I24\ Griffin (ship), 354^ 3S8l Griffith, , 127'. Griffith, David, 3.31", 331^ 331'. Griffith, Edward, 331^ Griffith, John, 463°. Griffith, Richard, 20°. Griffith, Robert, 362', 365^ 52I^ 522', 543"- Griffith, William, 364°, 365*, 366-. Griffith, see also Griffeth. Griffiths, John, 492°, 497^ Griffiths, Thomas, 457^ Grigg, John, 566^ Griggs, Alexander, 231", 235^ 246^ 246^ 539", 542'. Griggs, Thomas, 537^ 543"- Griggs, William, 523*. Grimes, James, 524'^. Grimes, William, 524". Grindle, Thomas, 535^. Grindlemeyer, Philipp, 558". Grissen, Jacob, 250^ 25 1^ 25 1''. Gristmills, 28^ Griswold, Joseph, 541', 543', 555=. Griswold, Thomas, 543°. Grocha, Simon, 353^ Groenendyck, Johannes, 134^ i6o^ 167', 174'. Groenendyke, Peter, 18', I8^ 26*, 288°, 4i8l Groesbeck, Gerardus, 339^ 380". Groesbeck, Harme, 401". Groesbeck, John, 324", 325', 339*, 359'. Groesbeck, Stephanus, 231*, 283^ 304°, 304'. Groesbeck, Stephanus, jr, 318', 318 . Groome, Francis, SSI^ 559^ Groome, Samuel, 38". Groot, Dick, 144^ Groot, Simon, 405^ 406" ,511''. Grosman, Benjamin, 530', 573^ Grout, , 487". Grout, Elijah, 524', 525'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 631 Grout, Hilkiah, 523-, 524°, 524", 525'. Grout, Joel, 525". Grout, John, 563°, 567°, 573". Grout, Jonathan, 525'', 527'', 562^ '565''. Grout, Sarah, 290°. Grove, Peter, 5401 Grover, Simon, 57", 88°, 180I Grumley, John, petitions, 558",' 558^, 560', 562^ 562', 563', 566'; land grant, S/C. Grundel, George Weider, 402*. Guadaloupe, 248^, 250", 365^ Gudgeon, Gregory, i8o^ Gueoos, 45°. Guest, John, 142^ j66\ Guilford, 565', 577'. Guillan, Joseph, 430'^. Guion, Frederick, 552^ Guion, John, 509*. Guisbertsen, see Gysbertsen. Guise, William, 557^ Gulch, Melchior, 234", 239*. Gulick, , I2i\ Gulick, Henry, 560*, 560^ Gulleck, captain, 144^ Gun, George, 567-, 570^ Gunpowder, 313", 327', 393^ 393', 4141 Gunter, Thomas, 337^. Gunterman, Adam, 399^. Gurnal, Hugh, 5361 Guss, Margaret, 340^". Gustine, Lemuel, 491^ Gutheridge, William, 40°. Guy, Townsend, 413^. Guyon, Abraham, 396". Guyon, Jacques, 12", 95,^ 220^ 2i2i*. Gwyn, Robert, 176^ 2'ii°. Gysberts, Frederick, 13^ 15^ 16'. Gysbertsen, Teunis, 45^ 141^. Haaden, Zopher, 528^ Haasbrook, Haasbrouck, see Has- brouck. Habeas corpus act, 142^. Hadden. Richard, 432', 434', 440^ 4431 Haddock, William, 535°. Hadley, George, 175^ 183^. Hadley, Mary, I75^ Hadon, John, see Hoden. Hagadorne, Hendrick, 383'^. Hagan, Peter, 309^ Hagar, John Frederick, 267'. Hagart, William, 4I0^ Hagatorn, Christopher, 294*. Hager, Hendrick, 315', 316^. Hagerman, Dennis, 537". Hagewout, George, 405', 405*. Haight, Samuel, see Height. Haiglit, William, 549°, 5S4^ Haine, Peter Jansen, 44.^ Haines, Hains, see Haynes. Haisty, Robert, 529\ Hake, Samuel, 507^. Halbert, Charles, 528". Halbrouk, Joseph, 530", 573''. Haldane, William, 518'', 549". Haldimand, Frederick, 498', 498'. Hale, captain, 449". Hale, Robert, 366*. Halesborough, 529". Haley, Peter, 440"'. Half hollow hills, 183^ i86\ Half King (Indian), 393''. Half moon, 29^ battery, 417'; fort at, 182°; inhabitants desert homes, 182^; petitions, 115'", 567'; to be re- garrisoned, 106'; troops at, 73'^, 100'. Halifax, earl of, 463'. Halifax -(N. S.), 415", 419', 433', 434', 434-', 436', 437', 439^ Halifax (township), 515'. Halket, Peter, 397", 416'^, 419^ Hall, Benjamin, 366°. Hall, Caleb, 531", 531^ 559*. Hall, Dennis, 467', 51 1^ Hall, Eliakim, sr, 531-, 531", 531', 559*. Hall, Eliakim, jr, 531', 531', 559', Hall, Elisha, 531^ Hall, Elisha, jr, 559*. Hall, Elizabeth, 559*, 559'. Hall, George, 2o\ 26', 27", lai^ 104*. Hall, Hester, 559*. Hall, Hezekiah, 531^ 531^ 5S9^ Hall, Isaac, jr, 531", 531^ 5S9^ Hall, Jeremiah, 516^, 523', 524". Hall, Jesse, 525\ Hall, John, 5141 Hall, Jonathan, 58^ 59^ Hall, Robert, 563'. Hall, Samuel, 524', 531', 559'. Hall, Stephen, 531', 5S9^ Hall, Street, 418'. Hall, Thomas, I04\ Hall, William, i69\ 195^ Hallenbeck, Abraham, 400^ Hallenbeck, Johannes, 266'-, 267", 270', 368\ Hallenbeck, Matthew, 575^ Hallet, George, 2o8^ 209\ Hallett, Jacob, 526\ 527'. Hallet, Mrs Susannah, 21^ Hallet, William, 2f, 123', 138^, I79\ 179'- ' Halliday, William, 297'. Hallimore, John, 33'^. Hallock, Edward, 572^, 572*. Hallum, John, 532°. Halstead, Henry, 547^ Halsted, Josiah, 538\ Halsteed, Timothy, 27", 113', 271^ Halton, S46\ Halyburton, William, 529^ Ham, Wendal, 391*. Hambleton, Mr, 287'. Hambleton, see also Hamilton. 632 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hamburg, 354'. Hamilton, Alice, 550^ Hamilton, Andrew, 56°; warrants, 83^ 96°, 99', 102", 104, III', 113"; writes about troops, 92^; asked to replace runaways, 92°; report, 95^; me- morial, 103^, 104^; letter from, 156". See also New Jersey. Hamilton, Andrew (2d), 2.90**, 29i\ Hamilton, Archibald, 517', SI7^ 550'. Hamilton, James, 116 ; informed of French movements, 373°; writes of French designs, 375,'; papers from, 2,77^; letters from, Z77\ Z77\ 378', 378^, 379', 38I^ 382^, 384', 388^ 389^ 392^, 393*; letters sent to, 378°; letter referred to, 379", 382^ 388"; sends messenger to Albany, 380''; news of French army sent to, Z^7^', let- ter concerning robberies by French Indians, 387^; writes about Indian trade meeting, 485". Hamilton, John, patent granted, 323^; letters from, 355^ 359°, 365"; letters to,_ 357', 357', 358'; approves Gov. Clinton's action, 364®. Hamilton, Lieut. John, 526^ Hamilton, Robert, 408*, 409*. Hamilton, William, Aff. Hamlin, Jabez, 443^ Hammell, John, I0I^ Hammersley, Thomas, 537". Hammersley, William, jr, 359*. Hammond, captain, 492'', 493^ Hammond [Hammon], Jonathan, 5 17', 523', 524', 524'- Hammond, Joseph, 516^. Hammond, Robert, 42*, 55*, 122^ Hammond, Thomas, 311*, 31 1^ 323^, 354'. Hampton, Jonathan, sr, 519". Hampton, Jonathan, jr, 519". Hampton, William, 252^ Hanburg, Mr, 430". Hanchet, Joseph, 400*. Hancock, Joseph, 504'. Hand, Charles, 533'. Handcock, Stanley, 95'. See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Handfield, William, 5261 Handsforth, Joseph, 511'. Hanen, Hendrick, 508^, 512*. Hanley, Thomas, 3I6^ 3I6^ Hanlock, Joshua, 309". Hanlon, Andrew, S33^ Hanmore, doctor, 63®. Hannes, Casper, 399". Hannon, Christopher, 526^. Hanny, Abraham, 430^ Hanse, Effie, 195-, 195^, 196°. Hansen, captain, 450', 455', 455'. Hansen, Alida, 401^ 402\ Hansen, Hans, 252^ 252'^, 315-, 396*, 423'. Hansen, Hendrick, patents granted,. 108°, 252°; mayor of Albany, 134*; pass for trade with Indians, 136''; accounts, 146^ 265^; warrants, 146*, 148*, 148°, 150', 150', 157', 158', 160% 169^ 171^, 197^ 249', 26o^ 262®; commission of oyer and terminer issued to, 148'; asked to advance money for Albany garrison, 153'; petitions, 169", 170**, 208', 21 1\ 213", 249\ 252*^, 283^ 290-; before coun- cil, 188°, 220"; Indian commissioner, 236", 279°; journal received, 253°; widow of, 298^. Hansen, John, 37-, 37^ 405^ 406', 576°. Hansen, Peter, 405^ 406". Hansen, Richard, 314*, 314°. Happy (sloop), 329^ Happy peace (ship), 156^ Happy returne (sloop), 44^ Harbourn, William, 526'. Hardburger, Frederick, 514^. Hardenbergh, Johannes, license to buy land, 2ii\ 211"; petitions, 213*, 2i6^ 216®, 265*, S34^'' warrant, 265'; patent granted, 267", 273". Hardenbergh, Justice Johannes, of Ulster county, 364*, 47i', 475', 475% 475\ 496'. Hardenbergh, Col. Johannes, 454^ 454'- Hardenbergh patent, 551^ 55I^ 552^ 553'- Hardenbrook, Abel, 389^ 4-5', 531°. Hardenbrook, Johannis, i63\ Hardenbrook, John, 536'. Hardenbrook, Theophilus, 496". Hardinbergh, John, 164^. Harding, Elisha, 573^ Harding, John, 29^ Harding, Michael, 143^ I43^ Harding, Robert, 534', 558', 567'. Hardrigh, Edward, 230°. Hardwick, John Christopher, 386*, 391', 392\ Hardy, Charles, governor, 399^ 416®, 420^; instructions to, 400'; goes to Albany, 421*; letters from, 421^, 422^ 43o\ 439^; agreement with Massachusetts and Connecticut commissioners, 424^; asks for per- manent revenue, 424°; answer to River Indians, 426"; warrants, 43I^ 432^; order to join fleet at Halifax, 433^; account for repairs of house in Fort George, 437'. Sec aha N. Y. (colony), governor.;. Hare, James, 508^ 512*. Hariman, John, 6I^ Haring, Cornelius, 271^ Haring, Corsen, 45". INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 633 Haring, Fredericus, 408^. Haring, Johannes, 408', 500^ Haring, John CorneUus, 4o8^ Haring, Peter Johnson, 45^. Harison, see Harrison. Harize, Mathias, 89-. Harle, Jane, sigl Harlem, lo^ 102^, 138^ 385^ 507- ; vs John Archer, 10'; assembly to meet at, 436^ 447-; boundaries, 489°; land patents, 37^, 38*, 105^; lands, 35^*; petition of inhabitants, 252'; road, 10*. Harlem (sloop), 442^ Harlem river, is''. Harley (packet), 248^ Harlow, Judah, 534", 5_58^ Harman, Thomas, 568". Harmansen [Harmenson], Dow, 44', 45'. Harmense [Harmans], Myndert, 36^, 179°, i8r, 182'. Harmensen, John, 113°. Harmensen [Harmen, Harmense, Harmesen, Harmsen], Nanning, 54°; warrants, 94^ I78^ 187^, 201^, 204^ 212°, 212^ 214^; petitions, I90^ 199", 202", 205", 212^ 212', 215^ 220'; patents granted, 211^, 213'', 221^ 222°, 467^. Harmensen, Tierck, petitions, 192*, 192^ 196^ 220", 221^; vs Effie Hanse, 195^; land grants, I97\ 2I9^ Harmsen, Frederick, 54°. Harnourf, Jost, 508', 512*. Harper, Alexander, 529", 537^, 544". Harper, Anthony, 550^ 550°. Harper, James, 544°. Harper, John, 529', 537', 544', 546', 546', 547'. Harper, John, jr, 529-, 544^ Harper, Joseph, 529", 537^ 544=. Harper, Joseph, jr, 544^ Harper, Josiah, 532°. Harper, Josias, 510^ Harper, Robert. 408', 409^ 410°, 540', 544', 545'- Harper, William. 529;, 537°, 544". Harper, see also Harpur. Harpersfield, 544°. Harpur, John, 575^ Harpur, Robert, 469", 513". Harriottville, 501°. Harris, , 255^ 256". Harris, Abraham, 518^ Harris, Daniel, 549^ 554^ Harris, Daniel, jr, 549^, 554*. Harris, John, i6^ 196^ 225-, 512°, SI2^ Harris, Mary, 182". Harris, Nathaniel, 5I9^ Harris, Peter, 487', 487°. Harris, Richard, 159^ 208', 208^ 224', 224^ Harrison, Edward, 497^ Harrison, Erasmus, 119^ Harrison [Harison], Francis, ex- aminer of court of chancery, 244^, 280'; petitions, 253^ 2S4^ 275'-', 284^ 288^ 289°, 291^ 316°; warrants, 254*, 276", 276", 289^ 293"; patents granted, 255^ 276^ 288^ 292'; sur- veyor and searcher of duties, 264"; opinion on petitions, 272"; me- morial, 273^*; appointed to council, 275^; application, 279^; conference about treating with five nations, 287^; Connecticut boundary line commissioner, 298'; memorial, 298''; judge, 309'; justice of peace, 311''; address to governor, 311^; sworn in council, 317'; resigned from coun- cil, 333^. See also N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Harrison, George, 98^ 375". Harrison, John, sheriff, 79^; license to buy land, 108'; petition for land, 112", 112^, 113'-; patents granted, II4^ 115', ii6\ 116-, 125". Harrison, John, of Capt. Kidd's crew, 141". Harrison, John, corporal, 536\ Harrison, Katharine, 11". Harrison, Morley, 385^. Harrison, Nicolas, 574°. Harrison, Richard, 572^ Harry, Philip, 546''. Hart, Samuel, 432°. Hartell, Frederick, 412*. Hartford, Richard, 57% 88°, 88'. Hartford (Ct.), 438', 438', 499'. Hartford (township), 522^, 563*. Hartshorne, Richard, 47^. Hartwick, John Christopher, 3991 Harvey, Ebenezer, 529^ 553^ Harvey [Harvy], Mathias, 42', 58', 6o\ Harvey, Richard, 99^ Harwood, James, 525^ Harwood, Joseph, 53^ Hasborn, Thomas, 536^ 549''. Hasbrouck, colonel, 436**, 437^ 454^. Hasbrouck [Haasbrook, Haasbrouck, Hasebrook], Abraham, complaint against, 102"; arrested. i84\ 184'; petitions, 234', 235', 235', 408', 537'; caveat against Hugh Wentworth, 376"^; patent granted, 384'; caveat against grant to, 386'; witness, 475^ Hasbrouck, Daniel, 376". Hasbrouck, Isaac, jr, 408'. Hasbrouck, Jacob, jr, 384°, 386'. Haselwood, captain, 16^. Hasenclever, Catherine, 539'. Hasenclever, Mary Elizabeth, 539^ Hasenclever, Peter, land grants, 513', 517", S18-, 522', 534", 539'; petition, 520^ 634 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hask, Thomas, 270^ Haskall [Haskoll, Hasskoll], John, petitions, 268^, 279^ 264', 291^ 294'; warrants, 268^ 280°, 28I^ 295'; patents granted, 269'', 294^ 307^; proposed to survey Connecticut line, 298'; Ucense to buy Indian land. 3o6^ Haskett, Elias, i6i\ 161'. Hassels, Henry, 546". Hassen, Burger, 440'". Hasting, Jacob Hendrick, 253", 2154". Hastings, Lemuel, S25^ 527''. Hastings, Nathaniel, 522^ Hat, Jacob, 521", 532*. Hatfield, Abraham, 496^ Hatfield, Peter, 283'''. Hatfield. Richard. 56I^ Hatfield (Ct.), 30'. Hatheway, Simeon, 483^ Hathorne. James. 433^ Hatton, Robert. 568'. Hauck. Hendrick, 399^ Hauck, Peter, 3991 Havannah, 352'. 353', 359', 375". Haverstraw, 37^ 38'. 44^ 44", 45% 347"- Havie. Alexander, 543". Havi and, Joseph, 370'. 403", 540', S44^ Havill, John. 547^ Hawarden. Thomas, 53^, 54", 57\. 87". Hawdon [Howdon], Michael, leases custom house cellar, 103*; war- rants. I07^ 107'. 177*, I86^ 190'; petitions. 115°, 128", 142", 146*, I49^ I93^ 209", 220*'; land controversy, 179^; justice of peace, igo*. Hawke (sloop). 486'. Hawkhurst. William, 403^ Hawkins. Eleazer, 355'. Hawkins. Zachariah. 402*, 403^ Hawks. Zadock. 524". Hawksford, Gerviss, 538". Hawkshust, William, 330^ Hawles, John, 166*. Hawley, Abel, 499^ Hawley, Gideon, 416^ 499^ Hawley, Jehiel, 401^ 409'", 493^ 499''. Hawley, Joseph, 497^ Hawley, Reuben, 499^. Hawser. Joseph, 461". Hav. Jehu, 514". Hay, John. 553'. Hayes, Jane, 57*. Hayes, Richard, 37". Hayet. see Hyatt. Haynes. , 465*. Haynes. Mrs Jane, 462". Haynes, John, 474**. Haynes. Joseph, 3^7^, 364', 442^ Hays, Cornelius, 511". Hays, Richard, 33'^. Haywood, Josiah, 406*. Hazard, James, 4o6\ Hazard, Jonathan. 203*. Hazard, Nathaniel, 304", 305^ 316^ 316^ 41 o\ Hazard (sloop), 257^ Hazelton, major, 423-. Hazzens, Moses, 403% Headman, Philip, 237'", 237", 238^. Heath, Samuel, deputy weighmaster, 271^ 273", 276'; petitions, 280'^ 308', 316', 319', 340', 395'; patents granted, 316'^, 327^ 396°. Heathcote, Caleb, 69*^, 74'', 76^, 105^; warrants, 82\ 83'"*, 103*, 112^ 123^, ^77', 179°, I83^ 189'', 195^ 196^, 202^ 205^ 307''; on taxes and soldiers, 84'^; to survey ketch Success, iii*; licenses to buy land. 112', 118', 175"; petitions, 113^ 163', 164', 186', I98\ 233^; land lease, 113^ 119*: land patent, 113', i^i'*; land survey for, 119') 175^; advances money to gov- ernment, 119'^; Scarsdale manor, 164', 165^; vs Dr Samuel Staats, 165'*, 167"; to manage office of col- lector and receiver general, 170''; appointed to council, 171", 187^; to superintend work in Fort William Henry, 172'; commissioner of re- ceiver general's office, 173°; caveat against patent, 183'; sworn of council, I88^ 225°, 239^*; takes oath of abjuration, 190'; ordered to attend council, 236^*; mayor of New York, 243', 244', 249-, 249", 253', 253'; conveyance of pew, 243^; ill, 249*; commissioner for Connecticut boundary line, 268": death, 282^ Heathcote, George, 38', 42^ 47", 123^ Heathcote, Martha, 290*", 291^ ' 305^, ■305". Heaton, Nathaniel, 524'. Heaton, Seth, 524°. Heaton, Seth, jr, 524^ Heaton, William, 524'. Heavy, James, 520^. Hebon, Johannes, 238^ Hecht, Frederick William, 553", S54^ 568'. 571', S7i'- Heck. Jacob, 513^. Heck. Paul, 408°, 409", SI3^ 541'. Heddy farm, 11°. Hedger, Eliakim, 259^ Hedger, Joseph, 203", 203*. Hedges, Stephen, 51'. Heeger, Hendrick, 520", 520'. Heemstrat, William. 508°, 512''. Heerman, John, 184". Hegeman, Dennis, 98', 182''. Hegeman, Isaac, I45^ Hegeman, John, 58^ Hegeman [Hegerman], Joseph, 73^, 7&, 231°- Hegeman, Lucretia, 182*, 189^. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 63: Heggeman, Mr, 13°. Heigedorn [Higedaam], Harmanus, 218', 2l8^ Height, Samuel, 71^ 116", 134', 159*, I68^ Heints, Hendrick, 404*. Heints, Reinhart, 388". Heints, William, 407^ Helen, William, 3;^^. Hellaker, William, iii\ Hellebrandts, Peter, I04\ Hellegont, female interpreter, 77-. Sec also Hilleke. Hellgate, 25\ 215", 250-. Helling, William, 293^ 316^ Helme, Arthur, 352', 352", 356', 366'. Helmely, Joseph, 30". Helmer, Godfred, 397'. Helmer, Leendert, 331^, 397". Helmes, Benjamin, 523^ Hemp, production of, 83^ Hempstead, 13^, 25", 27", 49^, 56', 58', 102'; Acadians settle at, 427^; as- sessors dismissed, 89"; boundaries, 38", 40*, 40', 40""; commissioners, 52"; constables, 17", 20'^, 38"; con- tributions toward repairs on Fort James, 16^; court of sessions, 12'; contested election, 16', 17^ French prisoners sent to, 230''; glebe sur- veyed, 203''; land claims, 15'; land dispute, 29*^; land granted within limits. 27'; land grant opposed, 46'; land patents, 37% 50^ lands, 25'; minister at, 16°, 39°; patent of incorporation granted to church, 324^ 324V; petitions, 138', 240"; vs John Hansen, S7^; vs Tackpousha, 23-: £2000 tax, i86l Hemstead, sec Hempstead. Henderson, Donald, 558*. Henderson. Elizabeth. 574\ Henderson, James, petition, 282'; license to buy Indian lands, 327'. 327^: warrant, 330^*; patent granted, 331'. 333', 333'- Henderson, James, jr, 331". Henderson, Lieut. James, 4I3^ 499", 526', 574'. Hefidmer, John, 30". Hendrick (Mohawk sachem), 258^, 380'. 387', 387", 388\ 390", 394\ 394', 395'- Hendrick, Frederick, 154^. Hendrickse [Hendrix], David, 127^ 144°, 145'. Hendrickse, Hendrick, 539', 542'. Hendrickson, Daniel, 561". Hendrickson, Thomas, 56I^ Hendrix, David, see Hendrickse. Henke, Christian, 268'. Henley. Thomas. 310*. Hennesy, John, 479^ Henry, Henry Peter, 402^. Henry, Hugh, 547'. Henry, Robert, 520'', 541". Henry, Thomas, 544'. Henry. William, 315". Henryck the Loper. 18'. Hens, Hendrick, 378", 38o^ Hepburn, David, 412". Herbert, John, 497^ Herchheimer, George, 405", 406", 512', 5I4''- Herchheimer, Nicholas, 397^, 398". Herchheimer. sec also Herkemer. Hercules (snow), 448". Herkemer, Han Joost, 486". Herkemer, Hendrick, 380'. Herkemer [Herchheimer, Herke- man, Herkimer], Johan Joost, warrants, 343', 346*, 349', 364', license to buy lands, 376^, 387^; patent granted, 380'. Herkimer, see Herkemer. Herman. Valentine, 328', 330'. Hermand, Jacques, 479", 481^ Heron, Isaac, land grants, 521', 522°, 544', 544'. 549", 556', 562", 563'. Herrick, William, 1S3*, 183°, 184'. Herring, Abraham, 466', 467", 467'^, 467'. 468^ Herring, Benjamin, iii\ 120". Herring, Cornelius, 315'. Herring, John, 403^ Herring. Peter, 286^ Herring, William, 535-. Hertell, captain, 427**. Hertell, Christian, 385'. Hess. Aug. 397^ 398". Hess [Hesse], Johannis,397", 4o8',409^ Hester (ship), i3.5\ 135', 136", 136?, 137', 138'. 139', 345', 383', 427'. Het, Rene, 242'; 285*, 285', .285^ 352^ 358', 363'- Hetherington, Walter, 334^, 334*. Heurten, Frangois D. 354". Heustis. Robert, 222'. ITewlett. George, 23^ 27^ Hewlings. Isaac, 545'. Hewlings, William, 545^ Hewlit, John, jr, 495''. Hext. Alexander. 332^. Hey, Hanns, 286". Hey, Johannes, 275^ 284', 285', 286\ Hey, William, 497". Heyer, Abraham, 512', 512^ Heyer, William, 422^ 531^, 532*. Heyler, Adam, 405^ 405*. Heynelle, Michael, 15". Heyner, George, 4021 Heysham, William, 433'', 446". Plcywood. William, 198". Hibbins [Hibben], William, 448', 463', 468', 497'- Hickes, see Hicks. 636 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hickford, John, 275'. Hickie, John, 567', 570'. Hicks, Mr, 38', 51'. Hicks, lieutenant colonel, 84". Hicks, Gilbert, 521*, 522^ 544", 555*. Hicks, Isaac, commissioner for Con- necticut boundary line, 268", 279^ 279", 297^, 298^; commissioner for New Jersey boundary line, 269^; address, 294^; memorial, 298". Hicks, Jacob, 71*, 71°. Hicks, Jasper, 62", 63', 64', 67', 68'. Hicks, John, 412', 51 1^ Hicks, Thomas, i6^ 24^ complaint, 27^; justice, 45"; land patents, 4s''', 48"; land dispute, 48'; petitions, 39^ 57^, 94*; member court of oyer and terminer, 59^; vs John Coe, 76'; commissioner, 76"; complaints against, ii2\ ii2^ 112', 129'. Hicks, Thomas (3d), 521^ 522', S44^ 526', 555'- Hicks, Thomas, jr, 96^ Hicks, Whitehead, petitions, 409^ 453", 455'; letter ^ from, 435'; to assist in libel case, 481"^; to audit accounts of boundary managers, 481^; request, 503^; justice of su- preme court, 506*'; land grants, 521', 522'. S43^ S5S'; charter for Society library granted, 567'. See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Hicobs, John, 508', 512^ Hide, Joshua, 5i6l Hide, William, see Hyde. Higbee, Thomas, 240''. Higby, Thomas, 47\ Higedaam, see Heigedorn. Highby, Samuel, 203^. Highlands, 430*^, 444-. Higinson, John, 556^ Hilches, Nicholas, 444**. Hild, Rynier, 284*. Hildreth, Jonathan, 525^ Hildreth, Joseph, 362", 543". Hill, Henry, 545'. Hill, Gen. John, 243^ Hill, John, land and tide waiter, 445". Hill, Thomas, secretary of lords of trade, 375', 377'. Hill, Thomas, land and tide waiter, 447"'. Hill, William, 473*, 5i6', 53 1', 546'. Hilleke [Hellegont? Hilletie], In- dian interpretress, 97', 100". Hills, Samuel, 524', 525'. Hillsborough, earl of, letters from, 4I3^ 476^ 476^ 477^ 479^ 483^ 483^ 484', 486", 486*, 544'- . Hillsborough (township), 573°. Hillse, Christopher, 294". Hillyer, Simon, 49^ 49". Hilson, Henry, 524^ Hilton, Lancelot, 412^ Hilts, Jacob, 3I5^ 3i6l Hinchman, Thomas, 403^ Hind, Matthew, 538'. Hinde, John, 122*. Hinkley, Charles, 518^ Hinksman, John, 33^ 26". Hinman, , 336*. Hinman, Trueman, 401'', 409^ Hinsbee, Ludwich, 565". Hinsdale, John, 554', 573^ Hinson, Joseph, 332^ Hipp, George, 534'. Hipp, Stephen, 534*. Hispaniola, 354^ 44I^ 483^ Hitchcock, Amos, 526*. Hitchcock, Isaac, 40I^ 402", 406', 407\ Hitchcock, John, 40I^ 402", 406', 407\ Hitchcock, Jonathan, 401^ 402°, 406^, 407'. Hitchcock, Samuel, 39'. Hoagland, John, 59**. Hoakesly, Robert, 563^ Hoar, Hezekiah, 517*. Hoar, William, 517*. Hobard, see also Hobart. Hobard [Hobbart], Jeremy, 39', 45^ 52', 62°, 79'. Hobart, Gersham, 517*. Hobart, Jo. 39^ Hobart, John Sloss, 493°. Hobart [Hobard, Hobbard, Hob- bart, Hubbard, Hubbart, Hub- .bert], Josiah, 39"; letter from, 41*; subpoenaed, 51"; in case of sloop Brothers' adventure, 58^; accounts, 60'; land patent, 106^, iii'; pay- ment to, 164'; arrested, I8o^ 182^. Hobbard, Hobbart, see Hobard; Hobart. Hobbs, Jonathan, 566^ Hobbs, Samuel, 521^ 522^ Hoden [Hadon], John, I02\, 102', 102'. Hodge, John, 536^ Hodge, Robert, 439\ Hodges, Edward, 159^. Hodges, John, 562', S76\_ Hodgkins, Ebenezer, 528^ Hodgson, William, 171°, 187". Hodley, Phineas Lyman, 52o\ Hofife, Henry, 301". Hofifman, Elias, 408", 409". Hoffman, Martin, 435*. Hoffman, Nicholas, 487', 513". Hoffman, Zacharias, 261', 261'', 262% 330=, 372'. Hofgood, John Lodewick, 354". Hogan, Jurian, 29I^ 302\ Hogan, William, 364-, S20^ Hoganboom, Peter, 272^. Hogeboom, Jeremiah, 479', 481^ Hogeboom, Stephen, 574^ 575". INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES ^Z7 Hogeland, Dirck, see Hooglandt. Hogeland, Hendrick 405^*, 405*. Hogg, Peter, 395". Hoghlandt, sec Hooglandt. Hoglandt, sec Hooglandt. Hogs island, zi'- Hoit, John, 276*, 276", 277^ 277', 283°. Holbrook, Nathaniel, jr, 522'. Holburne, Francis, 433'. Holdcritz, John, I52^ Holden, Isaac, 5I9^ Holdernesse, earl of, 383^ 390", 392°, 434", 434'. Holding, Henry, 461^ 461^ Hollaker, William, I20^ Holland, Edward, assistant justice of common pleas, 328^; petitions, 339^ Z^^', 367"', patent granted, 339"; ap- plication, 363^; appointed to coun- cil, 37I^ 376*, 3.90^; warrant, 415*; reports on French neutrals, 430°; death, 43 1^ 440^ See also Albany, mayors; N. Y. (city), mayors. Holland, Henry, judge of cotirt martial, 150'; petitions, 174", 191', 197', 252', 339^ 48I^; takes oaths of allegiance and supremacy, 189^; warrants, 190", 190°, 211'', 214^, 219*, 254', 2S8^ 360°, 393', 477'; memorial, 271*, 292"*; reports necessary gar- rison repairs, 278®, 279"; Indian commissioner, 279^; assistant jus- tice of common pleas, 328''; land grants, 339', _ 340", 3^44', 384". 542", 568^ 575^: license to buy Indian lands, 339^ 380". See also Albany county, sherifTs. Holland, Lord Henry, 52o\ 539^ Holland, Hitchen, letters from, 387*, 389', 389', 390', 390", 391', 394\ 394^ 395', 395', 398', 415°; warrant, 424°. Holland, John, 564^ 568', 57s'. Holland, Samuel, 503^ 503', 560", 568^ 575', 577'- Holland, proclamation concerning agreement with England, 198". Holly, Ebenezer, 332^ Holmes, David, 528*. Holmes, John, 568^ Holmes^ Jonathan, 538^ Holmes, Joseph, 118". 167^ Holmes, Obadiah, 37^, 45'. Holmes, Thomas, 137^ Holmes, William, 400", 5381 Holt, Edward, 535^ Holt, William, 519'. Holton, Ebenezer, 517*. Holton, John, 525^ Holton, Jonathan, 5I7^ Holy Christ (Spanish sloop), 46r2'', 463'. Holywood, SS4'. Home, Mr, 325^. Home [Hume], Charles, 312^ 313^ 313', 313', 315'''. Homfray, Jeston, 555^ Homlin, , 226". Honan, Daniel, accountant general, 75^ 121*, 124'; contingent charges, 78'; warrants for salary, 79^ 82', 94-, 96", 98-, 129^, 182''; warrants, 86", 93*, 95', 95", 95°, 97', I07\ no', 119'', 119', i2r, 121", 124^, 195'; salary, 86°; warrants for gover- nor's journeys, 92", 98''', 99^ 99', I00^ 193'; accounts, 95-, I02^ 102^, 105^ 107", iio\ 129"; expenditures for fort, 95^; license to buy lands, 97\ 174"^; overseer of fort workmen, loi"; warrants for fort supplies, 102% 103', 103', io6\ I07^ 109', 110% no', iii\ 114°, 115"; petitions. II5^ 128°, 177', 181", 193", 195'; advances money to government, 119"; war- rants for work on fort, 126'', 127^ 129^ 193^; secretary of province, 173", I73^ i88% justice of peace, 190^; vs Jacob Fleerboom, 301*. See also N. Y. (colony), account- ants general; secretaries. Honduras, 468\ Honduras bay, 420^ Honeyman, Mr, 124^ Honeyman, John, 356^ 358^, 359^, 365^ Honeywell, Isaac, 390^ Hoof, Peter, 259". Hoofe, Henry, 302", 302^. Hoogelandt, Stofifel, 14'". Hooghtdingh, Jan, 132^. Hooghtelingh, Matthias, 125^. Hooglandt, Anne, 288'. Hooglandt [Hogeland, Hoghlandt, Hooghland, Hooghlandt, Hoog- land], Dirck, 41', 125^, 126", 405^ 405*; vs Gravesend, 215^ 215', 2i6\ Hooglandt, Dirck Jansen, petitions, 39', 104", 129", 137', 149', 154". 175=, 188', 209'; vs Peter Lott, 56', 74", 7S\ 88'; land resurveyed, 75''; me- morial, 247'^. Hooglandt, John, 77\ 77', 78'. Hoop (brigantine), 440'', 440'. Hooper, John, 535^ 542'. Hooper, Robert Letice, 298% 300^ Hoornbeck [Hornbeck], Cornelius, 426'. 449', 449', 454', 454". Hoornbeck. Jacob. 454^ 454°. 537*. Hoosick [Hosick, Hossick], 60", 350°. 395'. 452'. Hope (pink). 182". Hope (sloop), 29°. Hopes, Richard. 497^ Hopewell (ship), 71*, 71', 243', 298^ 299', 299', 3So\ Hopkins, John, 545°. 638 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Hopkins, Matthew, 526", 529". Hopkins, Stephen, 421", 422', 422', 428; 428'. Hopkinson (Mass.), 504°. Hopper, Garret, 538°. Hopper, John, 538". Hopper, Joseph, 122^. Hopper, Matthew, 523^ 523°. Hopper, Rynier, 529", 560^. Hopson, Richard, 189', 192', 193", 214", 215'. Hopson, Samuel, 52-61 Hopson, Thomas, 526^ Horing, Josiah, 5171 Hornbeck, captain, 360°. Hornbeck, Cornehus, see Hoorn- beck. Home, Abraham, 282". Home (frigate), 62>^. Hornebeck, ensign, 248°. Hornebeck, Johannes, 303^ 305^ Hornefer, Henry, 529\ 553^ Horner, Isaac, 40^, 40^*, 44^ Hornet, Edward, 40'. Hornet, Mrs A'lary, 40^ Hornigold, Benjamin, 264*. Horning, Dederick, 399^ Horsefell, Christopher, 449^ 533^ Horsefield, WilHam, 527*, 552", 553^ Horseford, Daniel, 400", 518", 566". Horseford, Enos, Sig^. Horseford, Obadiah, 403^ 404°, 518°. Horseford, Reuben, 508', 512^ Horses, exportation to Canada for- bidden, 145", 145'; disease, 28I^ Horsey, Hannah, 5i9\ Horsmanden, Daniel, member of council, 319', 366°, 420'', 515^; license to buy Indian lands. 322'; judge of court of vice-admiralty, 326^, 2i27^', certifies concerning Mary Burton, 340'; sworn in council, 343*; motion in council, 346'; justice of supreme court,_ 389-, 457°, 461-; commissioner for trial of Greatrakes and Moores, 450"; case of De Noyelles referred to, 453": judge of supreme court, 455'; complaint, 458^ communi- cates letter from governor, 472^; to bring counterfeiters to trial, 491'; member com'mission of oyer and terminer, 492^; clause relating to insane persons referred to, 493": opinion in case Cunningham vs Forsey, 509^ 515"; land grant, 565\ See also N. Y. (city), record- ers. Horton, Mr, 41^ Horton, David, 283". Horton, John, 67°, 163', 283'. Horton, Jonathan, 180°, 180'. Horton, Jonathan Paulding, 5oo^ Horton, Joseph, 78^ 112°, 283". Horton, Nehemiah, 473°. Horton, Nicholas, 444^ > Hosack, David, 538". Hosick, see Hoosick. Hosman, captain, 263", 263^ Hossington, Jacob, 518'. Hotchkiss, John, 559*. Hotchkins, Lemuel, 519", 560'. Houdon, Michael, 344^ 345°, 347', 347", 407'- Hough, Andrew Lambert, 364^ Hough, Benjamin, 499', 500*, 500^, 502', 504', 504". Hough, George [Jurch], 314*^, 314', 3i6\ 316^ Hough, Johannes, jr, 364'. Houghton, Abiatha, 517'. Houghton, Jonathan, 517^, 524^ Houghton, Nehemiah, 5I6^ Houghton, William, 542', 549*. Houmbs, John, 39^. House, Eliphalet, 403^ 404". House of representatives, 226^ Houston, Patrick, 342^ 3421 How, James, 143^ How, Samuel, 545^ Howard, Charles, 577". Howard, Ebenezer, 520". Howard, James, 54S'. Howard, John, 535', 542". Howard, Thomas, 59', 558', 577^ Howard, Zebede, 516°. Howdon, Michael, see Hawdon. Howe, lord, death of, 44i\ Howe, Nathaniel, 487". Howel, Mathew, 153". Howell, captain, 17^ Howell, Hezekiah, 385'. Howell, John, 20^ 55\ 55"; petition referred to, 34°; to command militia, 55\; assessor, 87'; order to, 87**; military accounts, io8^ Howell, Joshua, 545'. Howell, Robert, 403". Howell, Theodore, 266". Hoyer, Erich Christian, 399^ Hoyt, Benjamen, 401^. Hoyt, see also Hoit. Hozier, Samuel, 473^ Hubbard, Daniel, 516', 528^ Hubbard, Ehsha, 516°. Hubbard, Isaac, 389*, 438'. Hubbard, James, 22^ 24'. Hubbard, John, 186". Hubbard, Joseph, 516°. Hubbard, Michael, 337% 337^, 338', 33S\ 3381 Hubbard, Russell, 528*. Hubbard, William, 438". Hubbard, see also Hobart. Hubbard's plantation, 98^ Hubbart, Mr, 51'. Hubbart, Daniel, I22^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 639 Hubbel, Gaylord, 401^ 402", 406', 407'. Hubbert, Edward, ;};i''. Hubbert, John, 535'. Hubbert, sec also Hobart. Hubbs, Elizabeth, 496^ Hubbs, Zephaniah, 497^ 495**. Ruble, Elnathan, 487^ Hucher, Joseph, 517^ Huckleberry, Isaac, 444". Huddleston, Mr, 225'. Huddleston, William, 125", 275-, 275^, 276I Huddy, Charles, 234^ 234*, 252'. Hudnett, Richard, 478". Hudson, John, lyy^. Hudson, Joseph, 529^ Hudson, Robert, 266*. Hudson, Timothy, 357^ Hudson, William, 172^ Hudson river, counties, 364^; north Indians nearing, 26^; land grant along, 55i*;_ license to purchase land on, 112^; map of lands east of, 558^; rule for navigation, 114'; patent for islands in, 402*^; petition for ferry across, 374^ Huf¥, Henry, 290^ Huffman, Elias, 512,^. Hugget, Benjamin, 555^ Huggins, Jeremy, 264*, 264^ 268^. Hughes, Charles, 528'', 540^ Hughes, David, 403^. Hughes, John, 149'*, 410^ 512', SI2^ Hughs, Peter, 535", 542^ Hughson, George, 473°. Hughson, Nathaniel, 340^ Hughson, Richard, 34ol Hughson, Thomas, 340^ Hughson, Walter, 340^ Hughson, William. 34o^ Huick, Burger, 313^ Huisman, Abraham, 348*, 348°, 349°. Hulbert, William, 494", 494'. Huling, Francis, 67', 68^ Huling, John, 28^ Hull, James, 213^ Hull, Robert, 519-. • Hull, Teddeman, 559^ Hulse, Richard, 50^. Hulsey, John, 5301 Hume, Charles, see Home. Hume, Patrick, 282^ 282°. Hume, William, 519^, 575^ Humfrey, Cornelius, 504^ Humphrey, James, jr, 405^, 405^ Hun, Elias, iio". Hun, Johannes. 333*, 339', 339°. Hungerford, Ducie, limits jurisdic- tion of mayor's court, 135°; orders ship Hester to be seized, 135*; war- rant, 137°; memorial, 139^; survej'-or of customs, 145 \: vs Engelbert Lott, 146^; proclamation for arrest, 147''; accused of malfeasance in office, 151'; accounts audited, 152". Hungerford, Samuel, 406', 407''. Hungerford, Thomas, 406^, 407-. Hunn, William, 408', 409". Hunt, , 241^ 241'', 245". Hunt, Arad, 516°. Hunt, Daniel, 134^ Hunt, David, 408', 408". Hunt, Davis, 565". Hunt, Edward, 68^ 179". Hunt, Elisha, 516'"', 525°. Hunt, John, 523', 524", 565'. Hunt, John, justice in Westchester county, 159^ 159", I6o^ Hunt, John, ship captain, 332^. Hunt, Jonathan, 525^, 573". Hunt, Joseph, 136", 278^ 278^ 411*, 56S^ Hunt, Joseph, jr, 222^ 223'. Hunt, Obadiah, 235', 235', 235', 235'. Hunt, Robert, 332". Hunt, Samuel, 283', 284^ 516", 518^. Hunt, Samuel, jr, 516°. Hunt, Thomas, differences with Westchester, 10°; accuses Kath- arine Harrison of witchcraft, 11', ii'^; vs Thomas Baxter, 159^ 159°; placed under bonds to keep peace, 159**; master of sloop, 230'; land grants, 551', 568'. Hunt Thomas, jr, 16'*; petitions, 199", 253 , 327^ 328'; warrant, 199"; objec- tion to patent to, 327^. Hunter, Andrew, 537^ Hunter, David, 521^ 532''. Hunter, John, 568". Hunter, Robert, governor, 235''; com- mission read, 238'; to meet Iro- quois, 239-; goes to New Jersey, 241', 242', 254\ 267-, 267^ 269': goes to New London, 241 "; goes to Albany, 242'*; disrespectful com- ments about, 254"; informs council of Queen Anne's death, 256'; re- appointed captain general, 260"; vice-admiral, 261°; confers with In- dians, 264^; advised not to attend meeting of governors, 265"; reports on Indians, 268^; turns govern- ment over to Col. Schuyler, 27 1", 27I^ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Hunter (ship), 275", 277'', 451^. Hunterdon county, 454'. Huntersfield, 266^ Huntington, Daniel, 405^ 405*. Huntington, Hezekiah, 565''. Huntington, Nehemiah, 518". Huntington, Samuel, 536". Huntington, 36", 458'', 485''; Acadians settle at, 427^; oath of assessors, 87"; boundaries, 12"; boy killed at, 640 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 214*; trial of constable, 20', 2r, 24*; land dispute, 12", 13,^; land matters, 51*; land survey near, 173**; patents, 61'; vs Richard Smith, 14°, if, \f, 21^; surveyor of customs, I37^J made a township, loi". Hurd, Ebenezer, 422^ Hurlbutt, Elisha, 400^ Hurlbutt, Timothy, 400^ Hurley, appeal, 32'; court at, 13'; lieutenant of watch, 26'; patent granted to inhabitants, 222^; peti- tion for patent of, 191^; petitionin behalf of, 216", 280^; petition of in- habitants, 35', 173', 213'; vs Jacob Rutsen, 183^ 185^ i86^ Huron Indians, see Indian tribes. Hurtin, William, see Kirten. Husk, Thomas, 307-, 315". See also Orange county. Hussey, Stephen, 49^ Hutcheson, Charles, 488'. Hutchins, Hannah, 167**. Hutchins, Henry, 2281 Hutchins, John, sent to Albany, 70^; to have charge of Fort William Henry, 72'; land survey for, 146''; ordered to produce papers, 162*; petitions, 163°, 193*, 193% I97^ 197°, 403°; vs Melle Caspar, I79^ 180*, i8o^ 182^ 183^; warrant, 206"; op- poses Hendrick Tenike's petition, 214*^, 214^ 2'i5\ 215-; trial for treason: 163°; petitions, 163', i66\ 175"'; letter in regard to, 166"; trial of, 177"; sentence re- versed, 183"; proceedings against illegal, 2i8\ Hutchins, Mrs John, I69^ Hutchins, Samuel, 538\ Hutchinson, David, 517^ Hutchinson, Elisha, 38", 4ol Hutchinson, Francis, 411''. Hutchinson, Jonathan, 404", 404". Hutchinson, Thomas, 498"; letters to, 48 7^ 491*, 495^; thanks sent to, 495^; letters from, 488', 49 1^ 495', 497^ 499'- Hutton, Andrew, 566°. Hutton, John, 641 Hutton, William, 527', 553'. Huxford, , 1071 Huyberts, Edmund, 64"^. Huyck, Btirger, 332^ Huyler, John, 511^. Huzza (sloop), 355°. Hyatt, captain, 22". Hyatt, Caleb, land grants, 523', 525', 530', 542^ 560', 560', 562', 562°, 563'. Hyatt, Hannah, 48o^ Hyatt, Thomas, 310*, 523', 543'. Hyde, William, 106' , 115'; military accounts, 108"; warrants, 108^, 115^; complaint against, 114^; account sent to England, 115*; vs Roger Wright, 116^; vs George Syden- ham, 116°, 116^; memorial, 130*. Hyde (township), 569", 577°. Hyllyard, Nathaniel, s68^ Hyslop, Robert, 544=, 554'. Ibbet, Moses, land grants, 520^ 520^ 531', 533", 534*, 539', 54o\ S68'. II Santo Christo (sloop), 443*. Ilchester, earl of, 520^, 57I^ Illinois, Indian trade, 478'. Immaculate Conception (sloop), 444^. Immigration, encouragement of, 23", 323', 324'- Inchauraga, Joseph, 442^, 443^. Indian affairs, lo^ i6^ 23*, 29^ 38^, 98^ 100", iio^ 120^, 121^, 125", 125^ 129^ I33^ 140^ 140", 140^ 141", I4I^ 142', 144-, I45^ 147', 148', 149', 150', 156', 157°, 157', 158', 160', 160', 173', 176°, I84^ I86^ 188', 202', 204^ 209', 210", 226'^, 227^, 229°, 229', 230^ 232^, 239°, 239", 24o\ 240^ 241*, 241^ 241*, 242*, 244°, 246^ 246", 247*, 248^, 248^ 248^ 250^ 25 1^ 251°, 252', 252^ 2iS2°, 253', 253', 254', 255*, 255°, 260', 260*, 260", 2621^ 262^ 262^, 262', 263^ 263*, 265^ 265*, 267*, 267^ 270^ 270^ 271^ 276', 276', 277', 27&, 28I^ 282\ 313', 320°, 326', 326*, 329*, 329^ 332*, 333", 337'\ 339°, 340°, 340', 342^. 350^ 366', 373°, 388', 398^; agent, 380', 381', 382'^ 448^^; commission for, 236", 236^; J. H. Lydius examined, 347"; letter from J. H. Lydius, 372**; let- ter from Lieut. Lyndesay, 376^; letters from Peter Schuyler, 141*, 229*; letters from Col. Johnson, 369', 373\ 374\ 37 5\ 377\ 389*; reports, 117'', 476^^; secretary of, 448^ at Albany, 24*, 24°, 35"; Canada and, 28o^ 281'; Connecticut and, 22°, 24^; at Esopus, 24\ 24'; Georgia and, 342°; Massachusetts and, 286^ 289*, 369'; Pennsylvania and, 277^, 287^ 377', 377\ 388^ 389'; Rhode Island and, 24^ 25-; South Carolina and, 376^, 378"; Virginia and, 289^ 376', 377\ 378;. _ Indian commissioners, 247*, 252^ 303^ 306^, 310^; accounts, 397^; ap- pointed, 236", 279", 386"; certificate, 318"; dispute with Canada expedi- tion commissioners, 231"; informa- tion sent by, 395°; letters from, 247^ 25,1 ^ 275^ 276', 277^ 278^ 285^ 3o6^ 307', 342', 344\ 345', 345', 346', 349', 349^ 350^ 35 r, 35i°, 352', 352^ 3S3\ 353% 353', 353'. 354', 355*, 395', 395 , 396^ 396^ 396'', 398^; memorial sent INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 641 to. 270^; minutes, 272', 273', 277", 296'. 299', 20o\ 342', 351', 352', 360", 394^ 394*, 415''; names called for, 236^; order to, 360°; payment to, 250*; petition, 278^; proceedings read, 238'; qualified, 388'; reports, 346', 350'', 395"; treaty of neutrality made by, 414"; warrants, 262", 314", 314', 3I9^ 330^ 34r, 343^ 3ss^ 393^ 398^ Indian conferences, 27*, 287*, 287', 360°, 393-; at Albany, 29^, 109^ 27 f, 28i\ 28I^ 302', 306', 336', 350', 355", 377l, 378", 379'; at Fort Stanwix, 477"; at Oswego, 390^; proposed, 369"; to be held, 391^; warrant for expenses, 277**. See also Iroquois. Indian corn or peas, S4^ Indian lands, acknowledgment of sale. 167'; bought, 12\ i2\ 23°, 28', 37-, 42', 5I^ 63'', 90', 106', 160°, 163°, 472", 505', 517°, 520', 529', 531', 539', 567"; ceded, 479'' ; deeds, 12"', 41°, 130^ 257^ gift of. 158*; government in- structions. 486"; licenses to buy, 39^ 44'. 46', g6\ Io6^ Io8^ 110% 134°, 162", 164-, 164^, I64^ 165-, 165*. 167^ 174", 175', 176', 178', I8I^ 183', 185', I85^ 190'. 205', 233', 246*, 254*, 254', 257', 257*, 257=, 257^ 257', 260', 262*, 265', 266". 283", 289\ 293", 294-, 30o^ 305^ 306', 308', 308', 312', 313'. 314', 314', 319', 320\ 32O", 321°, 321", 322*, 322^ 323^ 323% 323^ 324', 324°, 32iS\ 326', 327"-, 327\ 327', 328=, 328'. 328', 329% 330^ 330', 331', 332*, 332', 333\ 333\ 334\ 334\ 33S^ 339', 339", 34o\ 34o', 341'. 342^ 342', 343', 344', 344*. 34^', 346% 347', 368', 36S', 372.', 375'. 375'. 376^ 378\ 379\ 379°. 382% 384^ 385% 385^ 386=, 386", 387^ 387', 388^ 388^ 389=. 389°, 392', 394', 399', 401% 402-, 402% 402', 403*, 404°, 524', 529=, 532=, 534=.. 538^ 551', 552^ 559', 566^ 568^: map. 120^; memorial concerning purchase. 328^; on Mohawk river, 310^ north of 43d degree, 477^; order concerning license to buy, 516"; order concerning purchases, 325': patents granted, 511^; petition for patent, 310^; purchase allowed, 14'; purchases prohibited, _473''; time to purchase granted, 41^: ex- tension of time for purchase, 317"; to be restored, 457^, 465^, 466'. Indian language, 292°. Indian presents, 59^ 63', 85*, 89^ 98^ 99\ 99', 121°, 131', 139'. 141', 172', 22 7^ 229^ 23 1^ 264', 277°, 28I^ 362\ 421'': sent to Albany, 226'; assembly appropriations for, 387"^, 391^ not to be bought from Indians, 394"; mem- bers of council give money for, 84'; to far Indians, 75"; from George i, 262'; increased, 118*; inspected, 393"; William Johnson to dis- tribute, 426°; letters from England about, 224-, 280*, 370'; from Massa- chusetts, 99^ lOQ-, 109°, 112', 288*, 291^; order concerning duty on, 282'; warrants for, 80', 83", i68\ 169', 341'; from William 3, 116' . See also Iroquois. Indian slaves, 60', 6I^ 89'. Indian trade, i8\ 23", 48^ 54°, 483'; commissioners, 482'^ 485", 485", 487^ 488^; regulations, 481^ 481', 484^ 496'; traders, 473"; trading house, if. Indian tribes: Abenakis, 374*, 376", 376^ 376^, 382^. Amalacites, 374^ Caghnawagas [Cocknawaga], 247*, 299', 303", 3S3\ 353*, 380°, 380', 38I^ 414", 414', 418'. Canada, see French Indians. Canajoharies, 352°, 361^, 367^ 388^ 394*, 394', 394', 396', 459', 460°, 460^ 461^ 465', S02^ See also Mohawks. Carolinas, 260*, 326", 389". Cashigton, 3SI^ Catawbas, 329*, 375*, 379^ 379", 383\ 383^ 384s 384', 38S^ 385^ 389^ 41 8\ Cayugas, 384^, 388". See also Iro- quois. Cherokees, 329*, 389^ 440", 443^ 447'- Chickasaws, 347^ Chippewas, 465". Christian, 54', 55', 87'. Conutcanas, 51°^ Delawares, 99', 449*, 454', 454', 454', 462', 465'. Eastern, 297^ 350^ See also Aben- akis. Enemy, 353^ 436", 440^ Esopus. 18', 95', 209', 248', 360'. Far, 80', 87', IOI^ 210'', 26o*._ Five nations, see Iroquois in main alphab-et. Flatheads, 267*. See also Chero- Frencli [Canada], 86*, 87', 97', 163', 210°, 239', 244°, 246°, 248", 350*, 387% 305°, 396°. See also Praying Indians. Hurons. 465". Iroquois, see Iroquois in main alf^habet. Jersey. 231". Long Island, 23^, 23°, 23", 24*, 24', 25^ 25°. 60", 100', 134", I46^ 229^ 230", 241'. Maersepege, 51°. 642 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Indian tribes (continued) : Matinicock, 14°. Menominies, 465". Micmacs, 382^ Minisinks [Minissink, Minissinck], 37\ 40', 49", 59', 134', i8i^ 231", 36o^ 424°. Missilimackinaks, 380', 4/8^ Missisages, 36I^ Mohawks, see Mohawk Indians in main alphabet. Mohegans [Machicanders], 11°, I2\ 12', 15', 28', 29*, 31', 331', 331', 332'. Montauks, 466', 466^ Nappaners, 270^. North, 11', 25", 26^, 26^ 27", 29*, 3I^ Oghquages [Oncoquagah, On- oughquage], 3.70^ 416''', 529-. Ohio, 377', 384', 414'- Onagongos [Onagongue, On- nagongue], 156', 156", 163^ 172', Oneidas, see Oneida Indians in main alphabet. Onondagas, see Onondaga Indians in. main alphabet. Orondacks, 349^ 38^, 382^ Oswegatchies, 433"'. Ottawas, 155', 380', 382', 465°. See also Waganhaes. Owendaets, sjy''. Pigwackits, 374^ 376'. Potawatomees, 465". Praying, 64^ 389'. See also French Indians. Puans, 465°. Reynard, 465°. River, 76", 107', 107', 124', 172', 2155", 270', 361', 370', 394", 424', 426', 474'- Roudix, 299**. Sakis, 465''. Scanehaderadeighroones, 370*. Schaticook Indians [Scaticoke, Scatighcook, Schaakhook, Sch- ackhook], 68', 107', 142', 143', i72\ I82^ I86^ 254', 394^ Seatauke, 24^ Senecas, see Seneca Indians in main alphabet. Sequetauke [Sequetagie], 24\ 51^ Shatteras [Satteras], 74^ 191'. Shawanoes [Shawanese, Shawan- nas, Shawanoes, Showannoes, Showannios], 74*, 75', 75^ 76\ 76^ 7;9^ II5^ 186', 226', 248°, 388;, 465'. Shinnecocks [Shenacock], 51', 146*. Sienundie, 380^ Six nations, see Iroquois in main alphabet. Skawninadas, 299^. Skeweandies, 353". Indian tribes (concluded) : Southern, 254^, 270'', 340°, 340". Stockbridge, 394°, 472". See also Wappingers. Susquehannahs, 26^, 26", 28°, 242', 360^ 36I^ 3881 Tappan, 49**. Tawan, 482". Toataghreghroones, 370'. Tuscaroras, see Tuscaroras Indians in main alphabet. Twightwees, 377", 380', 381°, 382^, 384'', 384". Unchechauges [Unquechage], 24^ si'- Venango, 433". Virginia, 210', 280*, 287", 32g*. See also Catawbas, Cherokees. Waganhaes, i6o^ 160*, 170^ 170*, 239*, 241^. See also Ottawas. Waghakemecks, 181". Wappingers, 131*, 467", 472", 473', 473°, 473^ 473^ See also Stock- bridge. Western, 375^ 381^. Wyckerscreeks [Wighquighskeck, Wisquoscheak], 12**, 15', 24^ 25^ 26', 35', 131*. Indians, 135^, 140^ alarms reported, 248°; at Anne Hook's neck, 25"; arming against Louisburgh, 352'*; arms given to, 24^ 231^; assisting as whalers and customs officers, 12"; blacksmiths to live among, loi'; to meet at Albany, 28^ 391^ claim to Staten Island, ii^ coming from Lancaster, 463*; conference with Peter Schuyler, 75*; coopera- tion with against Canada, 65**; corn sent to, 414"; defeated by French, 69°; examination of, 141'"; expenses for clothing, 99^; French prisoners among, 371°, 373''; French treat of peace with, 94*; at Hatfield, 30*; Gov. Hunter confers with, 264^*; in- surrection on Long Island, 85^; in- terpreter appointed, 367^: intrigues, 31"; land dispute, 29°; not entitled to grants of land, 570"; dissatisfied with land transactions, 467**; inten- tion of revenging Leisler reported, 83*; form of license and bond for traders, 467'-, license in Mohawk countrv, 258^; sale of liquor to, 12", 13', 26^ 28*, 281°, 306', 361', 38o^ 380^ 428'; at Martha's Vineyard, 14^; mischief done by, 425\ 436'; money for support of, 125^; mur- ders committed by, 13\ 15', 15% i8\ 22*, 114", 208'; of Nassau island, 96^; negotiations with, 28^ outrages, 75°; payments ordered made, 75*; peace declared, 466"; at Pemaquid, INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 643 29^; Pennsylvania sends money for, 119'^; plots against English, 17''; powder sold to, 24", 24"*; prisoners, 465'; propositions, 204', 226'; pro- tection against, 23*; of Queens county, loi^ 106', 120'^; redemption of prisoners among, 273''< reported moving toward German flats,, 437^; false reports spread among, 258", 287"; smallpox among, 382'; spies, 230"; of Suffolk county, 76'', loi"; to be persuaded to bury the hatchet, 129^; to be quieted, 157^; treaties, igo'', 360*, 444', 449^; troops to be raised against, 463"; uneasy, 258'; want an English fort, 218'; want help to prevent French reset- tling Cataracqui, 108"; war in South Carolina, 260". Industry (sloop), 429\ Ingell, Jonathan, 567°. Ingell, Joseph, 567^ Ingham, Daniel, 403°, 404°. Ingoldsby, George, 328', t,t,z\ 355", 355', 356'. Ingoldsby, Mary, 27I^ 274°, 276'', 277^ 277'. 278'. Ingoldesby, Richard, 62-, 62", 68^, 93.^, 100*; to inspect fortifications, 65"; accounts, ;s\ 79", 80', 98^ reports, 78^ 8o\ 106"; warrants, 80", loi", 102°, Io8^ I09^ 114', 115°, 119°; re- ceives pay of lieutenant governor, 102*; his company, 127", 149°, 156*; lieutenant governor, 193^, 2.2'j'^\ to be informed of death of Lord Lovelace, 226^; memorial from Col. Vetch, 228°; address about Canada expedition, 228°; absent from council, 229^, 230^; going to Albany, 230'; going to congress in Rhode Island, 2^2^; locks up seals, 235**; before council, 235^ 236'. See also N. Y. (colony), commander- in-chief; lieutenant governors. Ingraham, Abraham, 526\ Ingram, Smith, 525". Inians [Inyans], John, 34^, 36^ 41'. Inlos, John, 533'. Innes, Alexander, IQ8^ 176^ Innes, John, 403". Innis, captain, 448°. Inniskillings, Richard Pricket, 556^ Insane, clause about in colonial gov- ernor's commissions, 493^ Inwood, John, 530^ Inyans, sec Inians. Inyard, Gillis, 128^ Ireland, Adam, 3I0^ Ireland, soldiers coming from, 14S'. Irene (snow), 419", 420', 421", 42 1^ Iron, industry, ^yf; exportation,, 377'; American, 378"; lords of trade call for account of, 436". Iroquois, 54', 282', 353 ',414'; allegiance, 367^ Evert Bancker to treat with, 303"; to be called out, 35a'; claimed by Canada, _ 132^, 133'; going to Canada, 383', 395'; will not make peace with Canada, 90", 93''; Canada to make war on, 246"; and Cataw- bas. 383', 383", 384', 384^ 385^ 418'; to deliver Christian Indians, 87''; Gov. Clarke's speech to, 329"*; com- mittee appointed to treat with, 117"; conferences with, 5o\ 73'', lo/, 287', 287', 380", 381'; Connecticut refuses money to pay, 355"; Lord Cornbury to meet, 189", 169', 211", 218'*; Lord Cornbury reports on, 199*'; trouble with Flatheads, 267''; Gov. Fletcher to meet, 108'', 118*; ask assistance against French, 117'^; ready to war against French, 104"; refuse to take up hatchet against French, 352'; and French Indians, 239°; delegates to go to Boston, 229^; dissatisfaction with, 89°; Gov. Dongan's propositions to, 59^; en- couraged, 366"; armed against Eng- lish, 252**; Gov. Fletcher intends to make war on, 97^; French designs against, 375"; French tampering with, 147%- headman of, 377'' : Gov. Hunter to meet, 256', 268', S39'; In- dian commissioners meet, sgg"; In- dian corn for, 398'^ Indian -murder referred to, 349''; Col. Ingoldesby to meet, 72*; jealousy of, 7&; letter from sachems, 387': letter to, 89'; Massachusetts commissioners, to treat with, 282', 290'; spread terror in Massachusetts, 252'^ ; meetings with, I04^ 109', 277^, 387', 414'; to hold secret meeting, 254'; messages to, 351', 351', 396', 398'; and Mini- sink Indians, 59*, 424": missionaries to, 381"; visit of half king of Ohio Indians, 414°; defend Oswego against French, 303'*; presents to, 68-, 68', 69", 72', 230°, 356*, 380'; propositions by, 296^; propositions to, 287^ 287", 36i\ 370^ need pro- visions, 385°; rum sold to, 367', 388''; Gov. Saltonstall's letter about, 226"; Col. Schuyler to meet, 248^ 2'^8*; and South Carolina Indians, 260*, 326"; and southern Indians, 270*, 340"; Nathaniel Stanley and Roger Wolcott to treat with, ,344*; Susquehannah Indians called to join, 242^ letter about treaties with, 386°; and Tuscaroras, 246', 247\ 251*, 252*; alliance with 644 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Twightwees, Zll'^', uneasy, 267^ 379"; not to go to Virginia, 332"; and Virginia Indians, 210', 28o^ 287^ 329^; and Waganhaes, I6o^ i6o\ 239^, 241*; wampum belt sent to, 3S8"; send a wampum belt, 384^; want to come into covenant chain, 239". See also Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tusca- roras Indians; and Indians. Irwin, Joseph, 533', 538'. Irwin, Richard, 530^ Irwin, William, 52.6'. Isaac, Jacob, 157", 157'. Isinghart, Christopher, 509^ Isle of Sables, 107**. Islyng, Lendert, 402^ Itigh, Hans Michael, jr, 397^ 398^ Itigh, Jacob, 3971 Itigh, Michael, 399^ 40S\ 406', 512^ 5 Ha- lves, George, 526^ Jack (negro), 338'. Jack, James, 536". Jackson, Benjamin, 538\ Jackson, George, 537', 539'. Jackson, Henry, 31". Jackson, Hugh, 5291 Jackson, James, complaint against, 325''', 326^; vs John van Rensselaer, 413', 509", 533', 539', 540', 54^*, 573'; vs William Dederick, 572^ 572''. Jackson, John, 7,7 f, 373'. 523", 538'. Jackson, John, sr, 219°, 219'. Jackson, John, jr, 2I9^ 219'. Jackson, John, of Hempstead, 20'; before council, 38", 40'; justice, 45^; views Southampton lands, 50^ 51°; sheriff, 62°; commissioner, 76"; as- sessor, 87". Jackson, John, of man-of-war Win- chester, 45i\ Jackson, Robert, 49I^ 496". Jackson, Robert, of Hempstead, 10", 16', 17', 25'. Jackson, Thomas, 521*, 522°. Jackson, William, 5381 Jacob, Johannes, 390", 394^. Jacob, Nicus, 390', 394', 395'. Jacob (sloop), 190', 331', 331', 331^ Jacobs, Cornelius, 67^ 67*, 98", 99". Jacobs, Peter, 35*, 45'. Jacobsen [Jacobs, Jacobse], Harpert, payment to, 71^ warrants, II9^ 125', I34\ 135', I68^ I87^ 210'; ac- count referred, 182^; petition, 210". Jacobson, Mr, I69^ Jacobson, Joris, 49^ Jacquet, Jean Paul, 28^ Jadwin, Joseph, 523", 543'. Jamaica (L. I.), 49\ I32^ 176°; Acadians settle at, 427*; assembly meet at, 174^ 387^; assessors, 89'; boundaries, 38^ 40*; church char- ters granted, 371'', 403^ 404'', 506'; complaints against justices of Queens county, 270"; complaint of minister, yi'; council meet in, 178*; court of sessions, 12'; French prisoners sent to, 354^; grant of township, 556^; land patents, 37°, 52"; minister, 131°, 203^; petition of inhabitants, 41'; resolutions of as- sembly of, 436*; riot, 186°, 236', 236°; road to Bedford, 58''; road to Brooklyn, 88". Jamaica (W. I.),, IS^ s8\ IIO^ 131^ 230', 264', 328^ 354'; letter from governor, 275°; products free of duty, 22'; quarantine against, 290^; smallpox in, 312", 343^ 343*; taken by French, loil James 2, 42^ 44^ 57', 57". James, Mr, lo". James, Benjamin, s6i\ 564''. James, Francis, 478'. James, Major Thomas, 517'. James, Rev. Thomas, 2^. James, William, 4501 Jameson [Jamison], David, clerk of council, 64", y^', 133"; clerk in chan- cery, 68'; warrants, 79^ 82", 89^ 9I^ 94', 96^ 98', I07^ II2^ 1261", 157", 310°; goes to Pennsylvania, 83.*; salai'y ordered paid, 86' ; land patents, 116", 121*; receives plate for Kings chapel, 129"; deputy sur- veyor general, 157°; before council, 164°, 17^^; caveat on behalf of Susannah Vaughton, 198"; attorney general, 274^; petition, 310". See also Council; N. Y. (city), re- corders; N. Y. (colony), attorneys general. Jamison, David (2d), SI2^ Jamison, William, 512"; petition, 307^; patents granted, 307^ 336"; sheriff, ZZS'; allowance for transporting French prisoners, 346^*; death, 352^ Jan (Indian), 485", 485^ Jan Martyn's hook, 237°. Jandine, Charles, 409^ Jane, William, 17". Jans, Anneke, see Bogardus, Anna. Jans, Mangel, 90^ Janse, Claes, iii'. Jansen, Abraham, 24°. Jansen, Cornelise, 122'. Jansen [Janse], Evert, ii2^ 123^ Jansen, Harmen, 38^ 77^ Jansen [Janse], Helme, 173', 185". Jansen [Janse], Hendrick, 16", I32^ Jansen, Jan, 44^ Jansen, Johannes, 293^ 299^, 299^ 378^. Jansen, Johannes, jr, 496^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 645 Jansen, Lambert, 188". Jansen, Lawrence, 2302'. Jansen, Maritie, 35'. Jansen, Punch, 29". Jansen, Roeloff, 4&. Jansen, Thomas, 284^. Janway, George, 562^ Jaquire, Daniel, 570^ 57I^ Jarratt, sec Gerard. Jarvis, James, 541". Jasper (negro), 338'. Jauncey, James, 343"; memorial, 437'; commission of flag of truce granted, 440°; warden, 463°; war- rant, 490^ 492^; sworn of council, 503'; land grants, 547^ 573^ peti- tion, 547". Jauncey, James, jr, 500^, 500^ Jauncey, John, 45 il Jaunceyborough, 547^, syf. Jaxon, John, 54*. Jay, Frederick, 537''. Jay, James, 542°. Jay, John, 543', 546', 553^ Jay, Peter. 509^ Jay, Thomas, 571'. Jeames, Thomas, 51^ 5I^ Jecocks, David, 538^ Jefiferies, see Jeffery. Jefifers, captain, 263". Jefifery, captain, 348^ Jeflfery, Henry, 513'. Jefifery [Jefferies], Richard, 445^ 463^ Jefiferys, Aaron, 538^ " Jeffre3'^s cove ", Si'^. Jellisen, David, 72^. Jemain, Nicholas, 151°. Jenkins, Edward, 4I3^ Jenkins, James, 261^. Jenney, Robert, 263^ Jennings, Mr, 126^ Jennings, John, if, 17^, 20^, 70^ Jennings, Solomon, 311°. Jennings, Stephen, 30'. Jenny, Simon, 499*. Jenny (ship), 308', 309', 309', 354'. Jericho, 45'. Jeroir, Jack, 430". Jeroir, Loud, 430'. Jerome, INIrs, 453^ Jerome, Stephen, 132^. Jerrard. Richard, 291", 292^ 294°, 294^ Jersey (man-of-war), 169", 173^ 179^ 182', 191', 199", 1991 Jessup, Ebenezer, 551*, 551', 552=, 567*; land grants, 520", 532', 536^ 569', 577^ 577'- Jessup, Edward, 552^ 567*; land grants, 521', 532', 536', 569', 577'. Jessup, Joseph, jr, 521", 532'. Jesuits, 28^. Jevon, William, 30I^ Jevon (snow), 433°. Joanna (ship), 87'. Jobs, Samuel, 519'". Johanna (ship), 57', 123°, SS^'- Johannes, Menny, 44^ John, Frederick, 535". John Hopewell (ship), 147°. John and Anne (ship), 446\ John and Elizabeth (ship), 267* John and Henry (ship), 152". Johns, Solomon, 4gg*. John's adventure (barkantine), yg^. Johnson, judge, 69^ Johnson, Benjamin, I8^ 521', 522°. Johnson, Benjamin I. s66^ Johnson, Catherine, 273". Johnson, Daniel, 196^ 205^ Johnson, David, 512", 521", 522°. Johnson, Dow, 59^ Johnson, Ebenezer, SI9^ Johnson, Edward, 517*. Johnson, Elizabeth, see Clark, Eliza- beth. Johnson, Francis, 359^ 405^ 406^, 511*. Johnson, Guy, 492^, 502^ 502", 510', 534', 537'. Johnson, Isaiah, 517*. Johnson, Jacob, 533^ Johnson, James, 521", 522", 536'. Johnson, Johannes, 273". Johnson, John, 1581 Johnson, John (2d), 492^; petition, 404', 404"; land grants, 405*, 533*, 536=, 548'. Johnson, Joris, 385". Johnson, Joseph, 78", 109^, iii". Johnson, Lewis, 460'. Johnson, Lott, i8o^ Johnson, Nathaniel, 373'. Johnson, Paulus, 49". Johnson, Peter, 45", 122^ 247', 248*, 273-, 492:*. Johnson, Robert, 537'. Johnson, Simon, 318^, 329^ 332^ 365^ 450°, 479'- Johnson, Stephen, 536'. Johnson. Thomas, 63^ 65*, 71", 71* 72\ 78\ 8il Johnson, Timothy, 528^ Johnson, William, 379^, 404^ 475^. Johnson, Sir William, 382^ 383^ 442*, 482"; letters from, 36o^ 366^, 369', 369', 373\ 373\ 373\ 374\ 375\ 375^ 375^ 3-7\ 377\ 37^% 38I^ 3^7\ 3^7\ 389', 389', 39o^ 391', 418', 418', 419*, 420', 421°, 422^ 422\ 423^ 423', 424^ 426\ 433\ 433^ 436", 455^ 464^ 467', 477', 479*, 493^ 496'; troops sent to protect, 360"; warrants, 362°, 373^, 3?>3\ 414', 416', 418", 421', 430^; let- ters to, 364', 368\ 376^ 387", 388% 388^ 418*; examined on Indian af- fairs, 367''; order on deposition of, 367^; troops desert house of, 367^', 646 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Journal, 369"; desertions reported by, 370^; correspondence with, 376'; refuses to act as Indian agent, 380^ 38i\ 381"; given charge of Indian boy, 381^ member of council, 381°, 390', 391', 4S9\ 515'; land grants, 38I^ 384', 52i\ 532', 548^ 568^ news of Indians, 385''; conference with Mohawks, 35S'; petition, 404''; Iro- quois at house of, 414"; superin- tendent of Indian afifairs, 415"; let- ters referred to, 4i8\ 426^; minutes of council of war, 420^ 423'*; letter from aid, 421^; suggests embargo on boards, 4^3"; sworn of council, 42S'; complaints, 426", 456^ 472"; to march for relief of Oswego, 426'; Cherokee Indians going to join, 440^; testimony taken before, 459^ 460^; peace made with Indians, 465"; Indian petition referred to, 474^ 485^; prevents purchase of In- dian lands, 477^; opinion as to lands, 492^; member of commission of oyer and terminer, 492^; certifi- cate concerning lands, 514°, 517°; conference at house of, 520". Johnston, Andrew, 268^ 269*. Johnston, Benjamin J. 576^ Johnston, Caleb, 559*. Johnston, David, 373', 375', S^S", 543'. Johnston, Harman, 263^ Johnston, Israel, 559^ Johnston, John, 404^ 445^ 562'. Johnston, Dr John, reports on estate, 234^ 238^; surety for Francis Harri- son, 239^^; appointed to council, 262^; petition, 255", 271°, 271'; de- position by, 300*; supreme court adjourned on opinion of, 307^. See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Johnston, Lewis, 322^ 325''. Johnston, Miles, 559". Johnston, Rachel, 559^ Johnston, Ruth, jr, 559". Johnston, Sarah, 559°. Johnston, Thomas, 408^ 409^ 521^ 522'. Johnstown, Alexander, 268°. Johnstown (town), 490^ S02^ Joice, Edward, 576°. Jonas, Thomas, 514°, 515', 5i5'- Joncourt, Mrs de, 422^ Joncourt, Peter de, 364^. Jones, Mr, 13^. Jones, Benjamin, 537', 543', 55 1', 553'- Jones, Daniel, 469", 516°, 523°, 525". Jones, David, letter from, 387'; jus- tice of supreme court, 442?, 4C7^ 461', 498"; commissioner for trial of Greatrakes and Moores, 450^; member of commission of oyer and terminer, 492^; opinion in case Cunningham vs Forsey, 509*, 510"; action in case John van Rensse- laer, 570'. Jones, Elias, 537". Jones, Evan, 385*, 523'. Jones, Ezekiel, 404^ 404^ Jones, Francis, 204", 206^ 21 8\ Jones, Humphrey, 531", 546^ Jones, Joel, 404\ 404^ Jones, John, 494*, 526', 533% 542', 548'- Jones, John, barrack master, 560 , 566^ Jones, John, Bedford minister, 204'. Jones, John, sergeant, S73\ Jones, John, surgeon, 403°. Jones, John Shatford, 560^ 561', 561', 563^ , . Jones, Jonathan, 501^ 521 , 532'. Jones, Mrs Mary, 43^ ' Jones, Morgan, d^'. Jones, Nicholas Thomas, 204*. Jones, Philip, 16*, 43', 56^ Jones, Samuel, petitions, 404^ 409'; land grants, 404', 55 1^ 562', 575'; charter for Society library granted, 567'. Jones, Thomas, licenses to buy land, 213s 2I3^ 402^ 403*; petitions, 220', 220**, 220", 234^ 402^, 543*; rum re- leased, 221^; land grants, 234', 526^ 540", 544'; meniorial, 433'. Jones, Thomas, judge, recorder, 480"; assists in libel case, 481^ justice of supreme court, 498"; recommends pardon, 501"; certificate of attend- ance at court sessions, 502°; war- rant, 502l Jones, Walter, 49^ 50'. Jones, William, 59', 5o8^ 518'. Jonestown, 575". Joost. John, 57^ 63^ Jordaine, John, 64^. Jordan, Jacob, 554°. Jordan, Jonathan, 271", 271*. Jorise, Harman, 247", 247^ 247°, 248'. Joseline, A4!r, 291 Joseph, Antonio, 358^ Josephson, Manuel, 553^ Jourdain, , 355°. Jourdain, Gabriel Dubois, 270', 270', 270', 2721 Jourdain, Henry, 137*, 138". Joy, David, 573''.' Joyce, Cornelius, 4.50'. Jovner, captain, 124^ Jubeart, John, 479*. Judd, Ebenezer, 561'. judd, James, 412^ Juewah, Jeremiah, 430^. Juiah, Joseph, 430^ Jukes, Joseph, 4o6^ Juriaensen, Hans, 27'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 647 Justices of the peace, 35"; members of the council act as, 63'', 93", 93"; neglect to send in census lists, 159'"; to administer oaths of allegiance, 71^; to try causes to value of ^5.403"- Kable, Thomas, 2Qi^ 291°. Kadarode, 182^. Kaghraan'...ote. 462*. Kain, John, 483", s63^ Kainnard, Andrew, 546*. Kakiate patent, 478", 489". Kalian, sec Kelly. Kane, John, 530". Kane, William, 520^ 535*, 541". Kanestigione, see Canastagione. Kanon, John, 523°. Kanterman, Coenradt, 380", 385^. Kase, Jean, 430°. Kass, George, 540*. Kast, John, jr, 315^ 316I Kast, John Jurie, 321^ Kast. John Jurie, jr, 330^ Katawawmacke, 44^. Kater, Johannes, 475*. Kathan, Alexander, 520'. Kathan, Charles, jr, 520^ Kathan, Daniel, 520*. Kathan. John, S2o\ 520', 56I^ Kathan, John, jr, 520^. Katharine (sloop), 31^ Kating, Garret, 514". Katskill, sec Catskill. Kay, Jacob Teunissen, 23'. Kay, James, 557*. Kayaderosseras patent, conference with Mohawks about, 394^; granted to Nanning Harmense, 221^, 222^; Indians dissatisfied about, 467'; patentees vs Henry Stilscvn, 551"- 52^ prepared, 209^ 214^; vacated, 4281 Kayser, Michael, 461". Keating, Gerard, 501^. Keator, John, 477'. Keeble, Mr, 224*. Keen, Jacob, 543^ Keen, John, petition, 401': land grants, 402', 527', 529', 543', 560", 562', 564'. Keen. Miles. 521*, 522'. Keep, George, 534^ Keglenor, John, 122". Keiler, Jonah, 310^ Keiler, Joseph, 3I0^ Keiler, Timothy, 310°. Keily, John, 537^ Keiser. Barent, 378^ 380". Keith. George, 49'. Keith, William. 277^287', 287'. Kellegg. Toseoh. 400". Keller, Rudolph, 405^ 406". Kellet, Richard, 528'. Kellet, Roger, 410'. Kells, Daniel, 5i3\ Kelly, Daniel, ^if. Kelly, Henry, 563". Kelly, John, petitions, 276^ 276', 318', 577'*; land grants, 316", 519", 520', 544', 545', 560; s6i\ 562\ 562^ 563°, 565", 566^ reprieved, 466-. Kelly, Peter, 550'', 550'. Kelly, Richard, 570". Kelly I Kalian I, Thomas, 51", 52", 52'. Kelly, William, petition, 395^ land grants, 396\ 521', 522'', 536', 539'; warrant, 430'; certificate granted, 444"; arrested, 447*. Kelp, Samuel, 400*. Kels, Conradt, 399*. Kelso, 54/, 567". Kemble, Peter, 344', 382', 385'. Kemble, Richard, 52g*. Kemble, Samuel, 529^. Kemble, Stephen, 529^ Kemble, William, 529*, 553'. Kempe, Catherine, 540°, 544'. Kempe, Elizabeth. 409', 409", 540*, 544'- Kempe, Grace, $40^. Kempe, Jane, 540', 5441 Kempe, John Tabor, 47^^ 551"; land grants, 400', 403', 540', 544', 546', 549', 556^; caveat against petition, 401^ petitions, 408", 409', 409^ 413^; memorials, 446", 452'', 452", 477°; at- torney and advocate general, 446^; warrant, 477^. See also N. Y. (colony), attorneys general. Kempe, Philadelphia, 409', 409', 540', 544^- Kempe, William, 428\ 44o\ 440", 446', 508', 515I See also N. Y. (colony), advocates general; attorneys gen- eral. Kemper, Jacob, 406'. Kemper, Matthew, 406". Kempeton, Thomas, 546^ Kempton [Kempson], Manassah, i8o\ I82^ Kenady, Duncan, 411°. Kendall, Jannetie, 205'. Kennebec river, 51', 393*, 396'. Kennedy, lieutenant. 392*, 393^ Kennedy. Alexander. 55o^ 550'. Kennedy, Archibald. 562°. Kennedy, Archibald, receiver gen- eral, petitions, 250^ 252", 271^ 288", 293", 298*, 322^ 406''; warrants, 259'', 290", 291^ 293^ 298'; patents granted, 26o^ 269*. 385"; collector and receiver general. 286': me- morials. 289', 289', 289'. 290\ 290', 291". 292^ 293': account, 297'': mem- ber of council, 303". 390^: inven- 648 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY tories Gov. Montgomerie's estate, 312^; inspects stores, 312^; license to buy Indian lands, 325^; vs Thomas Fowles, 227\ Z37\ 338\ 338''; presides at council, 2,-S7'^, 357^ 357'; letter from Gov. Clinton, 357^; dissent in council, 391^; seizes gun- powder, 393^, 393'; to pay salary to secretary of Indian aflfairs, 448*. See also N. Y. (colony), receivers general. Kennedy, Catherine, 403". Kennedy, Christopher, 517'. Kennedy, David, j^'- Kennedy, James, 268^ Kennedy, John, petition, 408', 409°; land grants, 410', 547', 5S6', 557", 559-; warrant, 541". Kennedy, Murdock, 546*. Kennedy, Quintin, 404^, 404*. Kennedy, Robert, 276", 277^ Z2>^^> 573'- Kennedy, William, land grants, 517 , 527', 536', 543', 543', 546', 56o^ 563', 563', 564', 566', S76^ 576'; petitions, 575', 577°. Kennimine, George, 566'. Kent, Richard, 523^ Kent (ship), 30". Kent (township), 5I7^ Kentfield, Shem, S27^ 529*, 553*. Keough, Michael, 51 1^ Keppel, commodore, 4I9^ Keppele, Hendrick, 399'. Ker. Nathan, 506'. Kerbyle, John, I28^ Kerens. John, 530^ ^ Kerns [Kernes], John Anthony, 553°, S7i'. Kerns, Peter, SI4^ Kerr, Charles, petition, 318^ war- rants, 321°, 322', 324^ 332'. 339\ 342', 343', 346', 356*, 363', 374'; peti- tion in behalf of, 328'; accounts re- ferred, 338*. Kerr, John, 531'. Kersborough, 55o^ Kerten, see Kirten. Kesham, John, 118'. Kesslaer, George, 397', .■^g.S'. Kesslaer, Jacob, 397-^ 39i8'. Kesslaer, Johannes, 405^, 406^, 511'. Ketcham, Daniel, 504^ Ketcham, Philip, 129''. Ketelhyn, see Kettelhuyn. Keteltas, Abraham, 161°, 200*, 284', 284'. Keteltas, Garret, 537^ Keteltas, Peter, 5I0^ 549'', 559^ 567''. Keteltas, Wynant, 559^ Kettelhuyn, lieutenant, 245^ Kettelhuyn, Daniel, 312', 312", 314^ 314', 318=, 3i8^ 553% 97% 446^ Kettelhuyn [Ketlyn, Ketelhyn], William, 170% 310% 312°, 312°, 330% Kettelhuyn, see also Kettelyn. Ketteltas, see Keteltas. Kettelyn, David, 244°. Key, Jacob Tennisse, 21". Key, John, 227', 227\ 338% 338;, 338% Keyser, Agustie, 132'. Kiah Sutta [Seneca chief], 494% Kiberts, Tierck, 60% Kidd, Charles, 408% 409% Kidd, William, complaint, 62': prize, 6y''; petition, 116°; disposition of goods, 141*; men and crew, 141% 141% 142% order to seize, 142*; in- formation concerning treasure, 142"; sells negro boy, 143% 143'; sloop, 164% Kidd, Mrs William, 141% 144% Kidney, Robert, 539% 542% Kief, Daniel, 49% Kiers, Edward William, 547% 575% Kiersted, Hans, 35% Kiersted [Kierstead], Jacobus, 98% 172% 186% 188% Kiersted, John, 123% Kiersted, Lucas, 162% 169% Kiersted, Roeloff, 343% 343". Kilburn, Lawrence, 553% 561% Kilby, Christopher. 439% 442% Kill van Kull, 86% 89% 336% Killet, Boston, 350% Killing, John, 535% 542% _ Killpatrick, Terence, 535". Kiiman, John, 541% Kilman [Killman], Nicholas, 533% 534% 539% 557% Kilmasten, Mr, 359% Kimball, Amos, 522% Kimball, Ephraim, 522% Kimball, George, 522% Kimball, Joris, 6g% Kinard, James, 149% Kincker, John, 191% Kinderhook, 189% 265° cations, 414'; forts, 3 rison for, 353% 2^2\ 2^3^ \ quitrents, 120'; rangers, 364^; troops placed at, 354% ^ King, , 232% King, Adrian, see Konlng. King, Duncan, 411% King, Gilbert, 511% King, Henry, 147% King, Isabell, 122^. King, James, 519% King, Linus, 547% King, Peter, 70% 93®. King, Rogers, 519% King David (ship), 91% 92% King George (brigantine), 482% Kingdom, , 18% 406% fortiii- 8% 417'; gar- INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 649 Kingfisher (ship), 434', 503'. Kings chapel, 129'. Kings college, 410"; charter, 393°, 396^ 397\ 417^; petition for charter, 393^ 399"; draft of letters patent to, 548'; land grants, 526', 546': peti- tion for additional powers, 547". Kings county, 58", 88^ 354°, 415'; as- sessors, 87"^; census, 128''; commis- sions of the peace and pleas, 454°, 482^; coroner, 45*^; Dutch churches, I74^ 174°, 232"; appraisal of estates. 76°; justices, 45^ 71^ 72^, 105'. 187-. 193', i99\ 263', 458'; militia, 54', 94', 154', 176°, 242^ TiS7\ 441^; ordinance signed, 269'; repre- sentatives, 42'; seamen impressed in, 213'; sheriffs, g-\ 175^ 191*, 435°; sheriffs appointed, 45°, 62°, 79\ 98', 143', 149', 159', 360'; taxes, 53', 7Z\ 139', 183', 188'; treasurer, 9o^ Kings district, 496^ 575^ Kings farm, 125*, I26^ Kingsberry. John, 138^ Kingsborough, 546\ Knigsbridge, 80°, 82^ Kingsland, J. 29^- Kingsland (township), 489^ 546". Kingsley, Edward, 56ol Kingsley, Joseph, 57il Kingston, 43°, 165-, 501^; block- houses, 445'; new charter granted, 393^; church officers' complaint, 128"; commissaries, I3^ 16"; Dutch church, 246'', 246', 247'': French at- tack, 94®. 95"; neglect in fortifying, 102°; petition for ferry, 374°; peti- tion of inhabitants, 40', 40": order of Queen Anne at, 218*; petition on behalf of, 456^, 459''; petition to have town fortified, 35 1^ 443": ses- sions, 32^; town and county clerk, 138^; trustees vs William Dederick, S72^^ S72^\ vs Thomas Swords, 53I^ 532^ 532*, 532^; warrant to trustees, 2651 Kinsale (man-of-war), 225', 226', 226^ 228^ 228^ 234^, 236', 237^ 238'. Kinsey, James, 545°. Kinsey. Philip, 545*. Kinskern, Johan Peter, 307°, 308', 309*. Kip, Parent, 539', 542". Kip. Evert. 529®. Kip, George, 405". Kip [Kipp], Jacob, charged with disturbing government. 21': peti- tions. 39°, 273': land patents. 6I^ 278^: warrants, 273", 296\ 296°: ac- count, 296'; memorial, 298". 299'. Kip [Kipp], Johannes, justice of peace, 45°; alderman, 62^; adminis- trator, 6g'; commissioner, 76'; peti- tion, 113^ 162^; warrant, 113'; land grant, 113', 113*; trustee of Trinity church, I28^ Kip, John I. 53r. Kip, Richard, 547\ Kip, Stephen, 405'. Kip, Thomas, 406^. Kipp [Kip], Abraham, warrant. 151^; deposition, 329", 33i°; sloop searched, 331"; sloop cleared. 331*; master of sloop Don, Carlos, 354'; petitions, 374^ 406"; ferry patent granted, 385'. Kipp, Balthazar, 45 1^ Kipp. Hendrick, 61'. Kips bay, 1361 Kirkpatrick. Daniel, 197', 203". Kirten, John, 312^ Kirten [Kerten, Kurtin], William, 26 1 ^ 263°, 30 1 ^ 312^ Kissam, justice, 464^ 464". Kissam. Benjamin, petition, 409'; warrant, 477^; land grants, 531', 539', 540'. 546', 562'. Kissam, Samuel, 519',. 520', S40^ Kissick. Philip, 523'. 543^ Kitchen, Richard, 568'. Kitner, George, 399°. Kleen, John, 405', 405*. Klein, George, 559'. 1 Klock. Coenradt. 397^ 399". Klock, George, Indians sign deed to, 394"; licenses to buy Indian land, 394^ 399", 399^, 402"; patent granted, 39?^ complaint against. 455^ 472'; before council, 456^^; petition, 457^; prosecuted, 457"; land transactions, 459^; Indian testimony about, 459®; order for prosecuting, 474'; letter from, 503'. Klock, Hendrick, 397'. Klock. Henry, jr, 397', 399'. Klock, Jacob, 402^ Klock. Jacob, jr, 399*. Klock, Johannes. 397^ 399". Klum, Philip, 475*. Klyne, Peter H. 404'. Knap. Timothy, 52i\ 532^ Knapton, Caesar, 29', 130*. Knethell, Essex. 40^ Knickerbacker, Harme, 401°. Knickerbacker, John, jr. 494'. Knickerbacker, see also Konicka- baker. 1 Knififin, James, 429^ Kniffin, Samuel, yy^. Knight, Arthur, 232". Knight, John, sheriff. 45*; c'ork of chancer3% 47': petition. J.8". 48'^; deputy secretary, 53^ 53°. 60': land patent, 56"; attorney, 122*. Knight, Samuel, '546", 566", 567°. 650 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Knightsfield, 56". Knisker. Johannes, 382', 386". Knoll, Michael Christian, 354", 2>7f, 374'- Knott, Joseph, 29°. Knoulton, Luke, 569', 573', 573", 577'. Knowles, Andrew, 528^ Knowles, Charles, 348', 367^ Kocherthal, Joshua, letter from Queen Anne in regard to, 225*; petitions, 227", 228', 231^ 253"; recommendation for, 231^: patents granted, 256'\ 267"; certificate of good behavior, 267^. Kofiier, Francis, 544^,576^ Koffler, Richard, 545'. Konickabaker, John, 400'. Koning [King], Adrian, 301", 302^ 305'- Kortright, Lawrence, 448", 545^ 546', 559'. 575'. Kortright (township), 546^. Koster, Henry, 3301 Koughnot, John, 540*. Kram, Lodwick, 399^ Kreitz, Ury, 540^ Kuhl, Marcus, 399°. Kurtin, William, see Kirten. Kuyper, see Cuyler. Kyler, see Cuyler. Kysert, Francis, 508^ 512*. Laboos, captain, 264^ Laborie, James, 207'. 208*, 210'. Laboyteux, John, 564^. Laboyteux, Joseph, 564^ Lacey, Ebenezer, 40I^ 409\ Lacey, Thomas, 200". Lackman, Louis, ^i^^. La Coste, captain, 422'. Lacount, Beaudevine, 539°, 542^. Laesseing, Peter, ' 186'. Lafell, Philip, 546'. La Fleur, Anthony. 54'"', 87'. La Fleur (ship), 362^ 362', 362", 2^2^ , La Galisonniere, conite de, see Canada, governors; Quebec. Lager, Johannes, 294^ Lagrange, Omy de, I27^ 266^ Laguna, Fernando Antonio, 383", 384=, 386^ Laight, Edward, 531^ 546^ La Jonquiere, marquis de, 374", 374*, 37'6\ 376', 3811 See also Canada, governors. Lake, , i2i\ Lake, Daniel, ii2\ I64^ 1671 Lake, Hendrick, 404^ 405''. Lake, James, 404^ 404". Lake, 'John, 404°, 404°. Lake. Nicholas, 405^ 405*. Lake, Nicholas, jr, 404°, 404'. Lake, Thomas, 404\ 404'. Lake, William, 2, 5~. Lake Champlain, 316°; division line, 492"; ferry rights, 570^; French grants on, 486% A^\ 486=, 487', 488', 488', 558'; land grant on, 531', 556'. Lake George, 441^ battle at, 42i\ 421*, 421", 4^1*; ferry rights over, 570"; fort, 422^ 423'': French grants on, .'558°; land grants on, SSi'', 570^ Lake Momphra Magog, S77^ Lakeman, Abraham, justice of peace, 64^ land grants, 82\ 115', 116', 126', 172^; petitions, 177^ i9o\ 304^ L'Amazone of Nantes (ship), 370". Lamb, Alexander, 517''. Lamb, James, 347', 508', 515', 544*. Lamb, John, 410", 5io\ 540", 544^ 544', 545l Lamb, Thomas, 347^ 348'. Lamberse [Lambertse], Martinus, I46\ 146", 146'. Lambert, John, 536', 537', 540', 544', 544'. Lambert, Joseph, 530'. Lambert, Philip, 536', sss". Lamberts, Thomas, 58°. Lambertse, see Lamberse. Lambertsen, Arian, 45". Lammertse, ■, ioo\ Lamont, Archibald, 412', 413*. Lamotten. Charles. 427". Lancaster (Pa.), 463*. Lancaster (sloop), 123'. ■ Lanckashire. James, 563^. Land grants, agents of transports not entitled to military bounty lards, 520^*; attorney general's and chief justice's opinion on, 289'; no more certificates to be signed, 236"; fees, 488^ 489^; instructions and orders about, 233", 235^ 39i\ 406', 40-\ 456\ 486', 511", '570*; law about petitioners, 551"; letter of queen concerning, 235°; memorial relating to form, 452*; must include all names, 561*; New Hampshire claims forbidden, 480'; to officers and privates, SI4^ 515*; treaty of Fort Stanwix, 544". For grants to individuals see under names. Land patents, warrant for. 231'; clause to be inserted, 241°; granted before 7709, 285', 286\ 286\ 286', 288'; rule about granting, 322°, 329°; caveats against granting, 377^ For patents to individuals see under names. Landan, Jonathan, 54i\ Lands, petitions for. 233"; partition, 460'. See also Indian lands. Lane. Mr, 12^ Lane, Adrian, i66\ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 651 Lane, Mrs Catherine, 24'", 25^ Lane. Daniel, I9^ 19', 283''. Lane, George, 2S3". Lane, Henry, petitions. 273\ '283'', 283', 316". 366^ patents granted, 316". 372*; appointed to council, 319'; licenses to buy Indian lands, 347', 368'-; death, 344". Lane, iMatthevv, 562^ 566". Lane. ^Michael. 480°. Lane, Thomas. 372'. 375', 378'. 443", 547'. Langdon, Joseph. 2f, I36^ 137^ Langdon. Richard, 357", 359". Langharne, lieutenant, 468''. Langlazaree, French spy, 337°. Langloiserie. Lewis Hector Piot de. 300''. Langworth. Isaac. 536". Langworth. Theophilus. 536''. Lanman, Peter. 565^ Lannier, Mr. 374". 376^ Lansingh. Abraham. 330*, 3gg*. Lansing, Abraham, jr, 343". Lansingh ' [Lansing], Abraham Jacob, petitions. 401", 403\ 556", 567'. 567^ license to buy Indian land. 401": patent granted, 404°. Lansingh, Francis, 404\ 404°. Lansingh, Gerardus, 405°, 406". Lansing, Gerrit, 320'. Lansingh [Lansing], Garrit Abra- ham [Gerrit Abramse], license to buv Indian lands, ,339": warrants, 346*, 349^ 364": petition, 405"; land grants, 406", 51 1^ 542'. Lansingh [Lansing], Gerrit Johan- nisen, 322^. 324'. Lansingh [Lansing], Jacob, 323^^, 330\ 343°.' ■ Lansing, Jacob, jr, 339". Lansingh, Jacob Abraham, 403". 404". Lansingh. Jacob G. 567". Lansingh. Jacob J. 567". Lansingh [Lansing]. Johannis. 56", 318". 322\ 322'. Lansing. Johannes, jr. 27^^, 276". 276". 276;. Lansingh. Johannes Jacob, 403', 404". Lansing, John, 56', 391", 391^ Lansingh, Joseph, 542^ Lansing. Leendert, 333^. Lansingh [Lansing]. Peter. 49'. I95^ 490', 502", 541'. Lansingh, Philip, 405'', 406'. Lansing [Lansingh], Robert, 322\ 324-. Lansingburgh, $67^. Lappius, John Casper, 454^ Lapraire [Laprary], Robert, 54", 59^ Laprairie, de, I5^ Lard, John, 527*. 194. 320\ Larey, John. 523". Lark (brigantine), 422\ Lark (sloop), 226', 23d-. Larkin. George, 161". La Roche, Estien. 347°. Laronde, Mr, 320''. Laroway, Peter, 378'. Larrabcc. Samuel. 519'. Larraldi, Jean. 370". La Salle, Robert Cavalier, 2g\ 29'. Lasalle. Thomas. 479^ Lasher. John, 537^ L'Asseur. Gabriel, 46". 47^. Latham, Beverley. 17,3'. Latham. Daniel. 145". Latham, John, 145", 149^, 151^ 1^6*. Latham, Samuel, 464\ Lathrop, Daniel. 565^ Lathrop, Joshua. s65\ Lathwell, Daniel, I49^ La Torre, Alexander Joseph de. 388'. Lattin. John, 33\\ Lattonch, Jeremiah, 337^. Laucks. Adam. so6l Laughter. William. 67°. Laughton, John, 17', 51'. La Vale. Mr de, 15'. Laulb, John, 547". Launceston (man-of-war), '342". La Valloy, Paul, 341 La Ville des Cayes (ship), 461". La Virgin del Rosario y el Santo Christo de buen Viage (ship), 434'. Laviston, John, SS-*- Lavoyne, Mary, 570''. Law, doctor, 238". Law, Andrew, 23o\ 301^ Law, Henry, 505". Law [Laws], Jonathan. 349^ 349'; letters from, 350", 352=, 355", 368'; commission from, ,366". See also Connecticut. Law, Michael, 535''. Lawrence, Mr, 36^. Lawrence, Adam, 346\ 349", 403°, Lawrence, Charles, '415", 419 , 427 . Lawrence, Daniel, 63^ 70", 70", 185', 203'. 480^ Lawrence. Edward. 522", S22^ 528", 546'. Lawrence. Eleazer, jr, 519*. Lawrence, Isaac, 406'. Lawrence, James, 275\ 400^ Lawrence, John, petitions, 137', 184', 2o8^ 316": application, 155'': war- rant, 166"; order concerning, 185''; land grants, 235", 26()\ Lawrence, John (2d), 545', 550', s^4\ 575^ Lawrence, John, mayor and judge, 42°. 62^ 72'': appointed mayor. I7^ 62^: warrant, 46"; sworn of conn- 652 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY cil, 71"; lunatic son of, 7I^ 72", 129'; judge of supreme court, 83^; peti- tion, III'; complaint, 112^ 112^; op- poses grant, 125^; suspended from council, 133°. Lawrence, John, jr, 129", 140*, 142^ 245^ Lawrence, Jonathan, 344^ 356°, 406", 531', 532', 540', 544'. Lawrence, Lawrence, 504'- Lawrence, Mary, 192', 193', 193', 194'. Lawrence, Micah, 5I6^ Lawrence, Peter, 4o8^ 409^ 518'. Lawrence, Philipp, 46^ 46', 47-, 47^ 47'. Lawrence, Richard, 261', 261". _ Lawrence, Susannah, I54\ 155°. Lawrence, Thomas, appeal, 32": land survey for, 121^; petitions, I45^ 146', 23s'; land grants, S26\ SAT, 553 ■ 5 Lawrence, Capt. Thomas, 433 , 453 • Lawrence, William, 24'^ commis- sioner, 10'; petitions, 13', 177°, 24I^ 241^ 241^ 244^; justice of peace, 23''; prisoner, 62*, 75^; appointed guar- dian, 140^; before council, 155", i68\ 184^ 187", 20o\ 201^; member of council, I68^ I87^ 209^; judge of court of chancery, 168^; vs Paro- culus Parmyter, 178", I78^ 178', 178', 179", 179', I92^ 193"; 20I^ 202^ vs John Embree, petition, 187°, 188'; complains of assault, 191''; complained of for assault, 191", 192^; vs Jacob Willsee, 192". 192', I92^ 192'; vs Mary Lawrence, i93\ 193^; arrested. 201^; vs George Hal- let. 2o8^ 209^; vs William Smith, 2461 Lawrensis [Lawrens], Johannes, 44^ 72'. , , Lawrie [Laurie], Gawen, 38', 49, 122*. Lawrier, Michael, 323^ Laws, Jonathan, see Law. Laws. Nicholas, 275^ 275^_ Lawson, Francis, 408', 409". Lawson, Henry, 568'. Lawton, Isaac, 429^. Lawyer, Jacob Frederick, petitions, 290^ 378*, 379^ 386°, 396''; license to buy land, 342"; patent granted, 398'. Lawyer, Johannes, . petitions, 290', 326'; land grants, 326^ 385', 520', 520^ 531'. 539'- Lawyer, Johannes, jr, 292% 342', 388 , 404*. Lawyer, John, 382^ 504*. Lawyer, Lawrence, 386^ 520", 520', 538^ Lawyers, order concerning, 29"; peti- tion for an ordinance on fees, 383^ 3861 Lay, John, 402l Lazalere, Nicholas, 344*. Leach, Amos, 4o6^ 407". Leacock, Robert, 49^ 62^. Leadbetter, James, 556', 556', 557', 563^ S7f. Leader, Edward, 536 . Leader, John, 162*. Leake, , 442^ Leake, Ann, 534', 538*. Leake, Ann, jr, 538', 541'. Leake, John, 382^ 385"-, 534'. 538', 547'. Leake, John George, 538*, 541'. Leake, Robert, memorials, 526^ 527', 532', 533'. 534', 534'; warrant of survey granted, 527''; land grants, 538*, 541'. 547'. 554', 564', 571'; peti-. tions,'54i', 553°- 559"; hcense to buy Indian lands. 551"; vs Rev. John Beardsley. 564', 564^; buys Indian lands, 567^. Leake, Robert William, 538", 541', 572l Leate, John, 455 . Leaycraft, Mr, 3591 Le Beauteaux, see Le Bouteux. Lebord. Jean, 86'. Le Bouteux [Beauteaux, Bouten, Boyteaux], Gabriel, 64', 68', 82', 103'. Le Chevalier, Jean, 147^ 149'. 156*, I57^ 245'. Leckee, Peter, 511". Le Concord (ship), 370^ Leconte, Francis, 121'. Le Conte, Guillaume, 64'. Le Conte, John, 190". Le Conte, Peter, 166', 177^ Le Conte, Susannah, igo\ Le Conte, William, 162*, 162^ Lee, Charles. 57il . Lee, Dorothy, 141*. Lee, John, 5631 Lee, Joseph, wharfinger, 30''; com- plaint against, 39"; before council, 59^ 89^: clerk in Westchester county, 62^ 64^; complaint, 67°, 67''; petition against. 88^ vs Walter Marshall, 123'; patent granted, 310*. Lee, Thomas, 516'. Lee, Thomas, president of Virginia, 376', 377\ 378'. Lee. Thomas, shipmaster, 230". Leete, Samuel, 25^. Leete, William, 2^. See also Con- necticut. Leeward islands, 248^ Lefever, John, 353^ Lefever, Nathaniel, 368^ 369". INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 653 Lefferts, Abraham, 5571 Lefiferts, Dirck, 551', 552', 557^ 558", 567^ 572". Lefferts, Isaac, 531'', 532^ Lefler, Conrad, 511'. Lefort, Hester, 146', 146". Legatt, Gabriel, 136'. Legaur, Marc, 295", 29S\ Legg, William, ig8". Legge, Francis, 521', 539". Leggett, John, 433'. Legget, Samuel, 474°. Leggitt, Gabriel, 76". Leggitt, William, 328', 335', 335'. Leghorn, 357'. Legus, William, 555°. Le Hunte, George, 5 lo^ Leicester, 517". Leighton, 552'. Leisler, Aeltie [Elsie, Ettie], 48^ 113% 113*- Leisler [Leysler], Jacob, 17^ 3i\ 47^ 65°, 75'; vs Nicholas van Rens- selaer, 27^ 27^ 27°, 28^; justice of peace, 45°; applies for permission to enter wreck, 56"; trial, 62', 62^, 63', 6f, 64', ds'; Indians to re- venge, 83^; bill against, 122"; com- plaint, 132°; petition, 294^ Leisler, Mrs Jacob, 69', ^4^ 96*. Leisler troubles, proclamation con- cerning, 63^. Leland, John, 576^ Le Marechal de Saxe (ship), 370'. Le Moine, Bernard, 31". Lemontes, John, 304*. Lenach, George, 523^, 530^ Lenden, Jacob, I22^ Leng, Caspar, 310^ Le Noir, Isaac, 113', I78^ 196". Lent, Abraham, 523^ 543°. Lent, Jacob, 523", 543'. Lent, John, 526'-. Leogan, 365', 374'- Leonard, Joseph, 538\ Leonard, Robert, 378^ 405' 5II^ Leonard, Timothy, 513^. Leonard, Whitehead, 527*. Le Reaux, , 107", 107®. Le Reaux, Charles, see Le Roux. L'Roux, ■ ; 200^ Le Roux, Bartholemew, 223", 401°, 402", 408°, 409°. Le Roux, Charles, 260', 261". Le Roux, John, committed on sus- picion of piracy, 199^: petitions, 199°, 201^; witness against. 200", 201^; date of trial fixed, 201°; re- port, 2I7^ Le Roux. Peter, 171^ Le Roy, Jacob, 421^ 441', S44^ Le Rue, Samuel. 407^, 407^ 409^ 4o6^ Le Sage, captain, 42'. Leslie LLessley], Alexander, 560', 563'. Leslie [Lessley], William, 412", 413*. L'Esperance (ship), 481', 481'. Lessley, captain, 264^ Lessley, see also Leslie. Lester, Gilbert, 514". Lester, Terret, 335". Le Tellier, David, 295". Letts, Elizabeth, 187". Leverett, major general, 16°. Leverett, John, 226°. See also Bos- ton. Leveridge, Eleazer, ii\ 11°, 12", 12'. Levesque, Francis, 497°. Levi, Moses, io6^ 133". Levies, action in regard to, 364°. Levine, John, 529". Levy, Ansell Samuel, 42\ 46^ 123*. Levy, Asser, I9^ 63^. Levy, Isaac, 543\ Lewin, Henry, 33'. Lewis, , 348'. 362^ Lewis, Anne, 268'. Lewis, Archelaus, 458*. Lewis, Barent, 46", 68^ 487'. 539', 542'- Lewis, Benjamin, 357 . Lewis, Charles, 467'. Lewis, Foster, 40,^^. Lewis, Francis, _36o\ Lewis, Francis, jr, 544^ Lewis, George, 530*. Lewis. John, petition, 518°; land grants, 521', 522'. 529'. 53o\ 54°', S^f, 544% ^^^i\ 5S3^ S6o°, 561', 562^ 564'. 576-'. Lewis, John, pirate, 268''. Lewis. John, shipmaster, 425*. 449°. Lewis, Joseph, 458^ Lewis, Leonard, 124^ 200*, 246*, 251*, 255^ 255^ Lewis, Peter, =120*, 534*. Lewis, Peter, jr, 534^ Lewis. Richard, 536^ Lewis, Robert, 483], 4841 Lewis, Samuel, 528°. Lewis, Thomas, 24",' 31^ 33^. Lewis, 1331 Leyb. Adam, 399". Leyb. Jost, 399'. Leyden, 549^ Leydig. John Philipp, 461°. Leyp. Caspar, 314^ Leysen, Jost. 228^ Leysler. see Leisler. Le Zephir (ship), 370'. L'Hirondelle (snow). 371'. Libertee, alias John Fort, 186'. Lickens. John. 458". Lightburne. William, 523°. Lightfoot, William, 427^ 654 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Lightwood, Edward, 359". Ligniere [Lignerie], M. de, 371^ 371', i-2\ Zif- Lilly, . Peter, 342\ Limington, 565". Linck, Thomas, 447''. Linden, Ellis, 64". Lindesay [Lindsay], John, caveat, 312"; patents granted, 320", 324^ 325'. 325', 325', 326', 328=, 330', 330', 331', Z2>2''r ZZZ% 339'; licenses to buy Indian lands, 322^ Z'^2', 2>2y^\ sheriff, 318", 324', T,2y\ zz^'\ petitions, 311", 3I2^ 3i8\ 319", 319', 325", 339^ let- ters from, 344\ 344', 344', 368', 376', 378'', 381°: dissatisfaction with, 345''; to take command of Oswego, 2>^T\ reports, 379", 380'; 381"; warrant to administrator, 386''. See also Al- bany county, sheriffs. Lindner, Benjamen, 4.02*. Lindner, George, 557^ Lindsay, John, see Lindesay. Lindsey, George, 541°. LTndustrie (brigantine), 370". Ling, ]Mathew, petitions, 123'', 194"; vs Onzel A^an Swieter, 124^; to ex- amine sloop, 174'; license to buy land, 178"; appointed to council, 187*^: warrants, 188", 192^: patent granted, 196°; death, 200'. Link. [Nlathias, 404^, 534\ 54ol Linsing, Joost, 260^. Lintott, Bernard, 4091 Liquor, distillation of rum forbidden, 177': duty on rum, 88'-; order con- cerning unlicensed dealers, 41^; proclamation against unlicensed sale, 146''; sale 'to Lidians, 12°, 13', 26\ 28\ 281°, 306', 361-, 367', 380', .•^80', 388', 416', 428'; sold without license, 198*; tax, if, 19". ■ Lispenard, colonel, 5051 Lispenard [Lispinar, Lispinard], An- thony, 54=, 54^ 871 Lispenard, Anthony, jr, 336'\ 543^. Lispenard, David, 407". Lispenard, Leonard, petitions, 395\ 547'; land grants, 396^ 543^; certifi- cate granted, 399'; to borrow money for building barracks, 436"; appraiser of arms, 439": to fix prices of provisions, 442^ Lispenard, Leonard, jr, 543^ Lispinar, Lispinard, see Lispenard. Lithgow, Patrick, 325', 325^ 326^ 326°, 327\ Litle Baltimore (ship), 94^ Littel. John, 484'. Sec also Little. Little, Andrew, 5671 Little. Gamaliel, 519^ Little, James., 567'. Little, John, 277", 342', 343^, 523', 547'- Little, Joseph, 519^ 524". Little, Robert, 28'. Little, Samuel, 440*. Little, Stephen, 560°. Little, William, 529\ Little Bob (privateer), 450'. Little Esther (schooner), 45i\ Little Schohary kill, s68"-69\ Littlewood, Joshua, 562', 576". Livingston, Mr, 367''. Livingston, captain, 361', 363", 364'. Livingston, Cornelius, 451^. Livingston, Edward, I28\ 128'. Livingston, Elizabeth, 521*, 522°, 544\ Livingston, Gilbert, 270^, 273", 28o\ Livingston, James, resigns as deputy surveyor general, 298'; proposed for sheriff of New York, 332^; offers to transport French pris- oners, 349^; petition, 395^; land grants, 396', 538', 539^ 542'; sheriff of Dutchess county, 47I^ 471*. Livingston, John, wari-ants, 134', 148"; accounts referred, 147°; bond extended, 227^-28^; petition, 239"; land grants, 330^ 546\ 554"; agree- ment signed by, 364'; examined, 427'. Livingston, Peter, 313". Livingston, Peter R, 463^. Livingston, Peter van Brugh, sup- ports French prisoners, 345^; land grants, 374°, 54^"; license to buy Lidian lands, 402°; letter from, 422'; warrant, 448^ charter for Society library granted, 567^ Livingston, Philip, 2S7^ 285°, 296^ 309-, 325': Indian commissioner, 279": accounts for public expenses, 285', 285', 285": warrants, 285*, 285', 299", 302*, 304^ 318"; appointed to council, 299^; licenses to buy In- dian land, 300*, 305', 307'; answer to mayor, 306'; vs Rutger Bleecker, 306*; farmer of excise, 306°; patents granted. 326', 331'. 333'^ 333^- peti- tion for certificate, 330^; instruc- tions to, 366". Livingston, Philip (2d), petitions, 401', 402*, 405'; land grants, 402*, 406", 542"; license to buy Indian lands, 402°: deposition taken, 45I^ Livingston, Philip, jr, 339", 344", 479', 515*, 516'. 5.S2^ Livingston, Philip John, 540', S44^ .S46'. Livingston, Richard, S.•^o^ 552*. Livingston, Robert, 72^ 72^, 72°, 78', 227^; secretary, 31"; land grants, 42°; land grant opposed, 43\ 43'; letters from, 54^ 55", 279^ exam- INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 655 ination by, 54^; accounts, 59'', 65', 68', 68-, if, 7f, 78^ 82^ 93', IOI^ 109', 134", 138', 140', 141', 14/', 157', 171', 173', .i76^ 176', 177'; before council, 67', 179^; bills audited, 70'; refuses post of " providore," 72'; petitions. 78", II8VII9^ i-24\ I57', 159', 159'', 160', 170', 172', 179", 179", l8I^ 196", 220^ 226", 224", 225', 253", 298^ 314", 339^ 340'; warrants, 82°, 83^ 85^ 86', 93', 96\ 97^ 97^ 98^ 98^ 102", io9\ no", ii6\ 116", 125'', 131', 134', 134% 134', 134', 134', 135', 135'. 139', 140; 141', 144'. 144', 147', 147', 148', 148', 149% 152', 17-2", 177', 187', 197-, 205^; taxes paid to, 83"; presents to Indians, 83": receives money for paying soldiers, 85"; supervises erection of fort, 87*; as- sessor, 87'; rebuilds fort of Mo- hawks, 89*; letter of credit given, 92^: care of troops, 97-; case of, ii6'*; suspended as Indian agent, 118°; neglects to deliver letters, 121"; denies having received letters from governor, 123"; opposes son's petition, 132'; member of council, 133°; collector of excise, 148"; judge of court martial, 150°; fails to at- tend council, 154*, 154°; memorial against, 154', 155^; remonstrance of, 154**; refuses to act with council, 156"; vs Thomas Weaver, 158^; judge of court of chancery, 159*; act of assembly against, 167'; con- fiscation of estate, 167"; suspended from council, 167°; member of court of oyer and terminer, 172^; comniittee on petition enlarged, 175®; estate restored, 178*; secretary of Indian affairs, 211': commis- sions, 220": instructions, 227": opin- ion in case Dobs and Vincent, 264^ Livingston, Robert, jr, petitions, 132', 173'. 184', 297', 303'. 313'. zn\ 314', 314", 383°, 384', 386'; warrants, 178'. i85\ 496^ 498'; license to buy lands, I85^ 294^ 303°: mayor, 253^ 256', 262": journal, 276'; clerk, 280"; orders to, 359"; memorial, 387''; let- ters from, 392", 414', 417", 418*, 420*, 431^ 457"; complaint, 416^ Gov. Shirley's application referred to, 419"; riot at Livingston manor, 433^; caveat against memorial, 526^. See also Albany, mayors. Livingston, Robert Cam, 526''. Livingston, Robert Gilbert, 38.3°. Livingston. Robert James. 403". Livingston. Robert Robert, agree- ment signed by, 364^; caveat, 378^: letter from, 417"; commissioner for trial of Greatrakes and Moores, 450"; justice of supreme court, 461^; in case Adolph Philipse. 473"; memorial, 483'; member commis- sion of oyer and terminer. 492^; certificate of attendance at court sessions, 502'', 503"; warrant, 502"; death, 506''; opinion in case Cun- ningham vs Forsey, 509"; land grants, 521°, 522-\ 531', 543', 546"; charter for Society library granted, 567'- Livingston, Robert Robert, jr, 521", 522', 543'. Livingston, Susannah, 544\ Livingston, Walter, 500". Livingston, William, 76'. Livingston, William (2d), warrant, 386"; Massachusetts boundary com- missioner, 393"; petition, 405": land grants, 406", 521', 522', 543', 555'; charter for Society library granted, 567^ Livingston manor, 282^ 282^ 388°; riots at, 431', 433'. 433", 443", 457'- Lloyd [Loyd], David, 115^ ii9\ Lloyd, Tames, 46^. Lloyd. Thomas. 38'. 38°, ns'- Lloyd, see also Loyd. > Lock. Joshua, 516', SI8^ 571". Lockerman, see Loockermans. Lockhart, George, 39*, 55": land patent, 54"; clerk of market. 63*; . (^ in case John Hoglandt, 77'', 77'. 78*: surgeon-general, in"; vs Wallsall Cobbie. 123-. Lockhart, John. 530^ Lockstadt, George. 256'. Lodewick, see Lodwyck. Lodge, Abraham, 308', 3091 Lodge, Catharine. 568". Lodowick, Peter, 314'. Lodwyck [Lodewick, Lodwick. Lodyck], Charles. 53*. 68'. 8o^ 85;. 86"; receives thanks of council, 99-; warrants, 99^ 100*; mayor, loi^, ioi\; petition, 103"; guns restored to, 124^; memorial, 261^. Lodyck, see Lodwyck. Lodye. Cornelius, 149^ 233^ Loe, Peter. 427°. Logan, John, 270^ Login, Derick, 2941 London, 296^ 296', 354^ London, bishop of, 312^ Long, captain, 321-, 32I^ Long, Ann, 553'. Long, George. 513^ Long, Henry, 182'. Long, James, 527'. 5'^.V. Lo^ng, Johan Christopher. 522*. Long, John, 445-, 553'. Long, ]\Iichael. 553^ 656 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Long, Thomas, 148". Long, Fin, 10", ii\ ii". Long Island, Acadians settle on, 427*; beacons, 246^; cavalry, 14'; church affairs, 22^; collector of quitrents, 128"; customhouse fees, 39"; customs duties, 39"; declines to acknowledge authority of New York, 20'^; Dutch churches, 243°; ferries, 176*, 335*, 336"; French prisoners on, 45o\ governor's journey to, 95^ Indian insurrec- tion, 85'; Indian murderers on, 208'; letter about, 26^: militia, 30'; land patents, 60°; petition, 70'; pro- clamation adjourning supreme court on, 187*; ciuitrents, 128"'; rid- ing messenger of council, 164*; sheriffs, 19', 26^ 48^ 76°, 76' ; sloop ashore on, 161", 164", 164^; super- visor of drift whales, 21^; taxes, 91^ 127'; towns, 23°, 25®: wrecks on, 120®, I25^ See also Yorkshire. Long Island \ Indians, see Indian tribes. Long reach. 6i\ Longford, John, 182^ Longhead, William, 563^ Longworth, 'Catherine, 488^ Longworth, Isaac, 521", 522'. Longworth, Thomas, i66^ 180'', 182^ 521°, 522^ Loockermans [Lockerman, Looker- mans], Covert. I4^ I4^ 3S^ 35^ widow of. 35^ 68^ 6g\ Loockermans, Jacob, 48', 79^ III^ 113'. 126'. 523'. Loockermans, Mrs Maria, 35', 68^ 69'. Lookermans, see Loockermans. Loomis, Josiah, 420*. Looney, John, 568^ Loonsbury, Edward, 475*. Lop, Moses, 283°. Loper, , 228". Loper, Cornells, 12®. Loper, Jacobus, 12'. Lord, Joseph, 489^ 5171 Lord, Joseph, jr, 517*. Lord, Jotham, 517^ Lord, Stephen, 517*. Lord Russel (snow), 433°. Lords justices, letter about war with France, 343*; repeal acts of assem- bl}'. 350^ order of, 399^*. Lords of trade, commission for trial of pirates from, 442°; order em- bargo on 'provisions, 431°: letters from, 147', > 153', 166*, 188', 205*, 207', 245', 2S3\ 258^ 266*, 266% 268^ 268', 280*, 329', 337\ 347'. 352', 353', 354'. 386-. 391', 393'. 394'. 396°. 428^ 432', 436°, 438°, 452', 465', 473'; let- ters to, 166^ 245^ 269'; opi^iion in case Cunningham vs Forsey, 515^; questions about province, 331^; call for report on manufactures, 472'; table of fees called for by, 24I^ Loring, Joshua,567l Lorkan, James, 48^ Losser, Peter, 37'. L'Osseur, Joshua, 39'. Lothrop, Elijah, 404", 404^ Lott, Abraham, petitions, 391^ 531^ 532^ letters from, 468^ 548^; me- morials, 473^ 499"; land grants, 525^ 527^ 552^ 553'. Lott, Abraham, jr, 391', 405", 405*. Lott, Abraham P. 527^ 552'. Lott, Engelbert, petition, I45^ 145', 154°; complaint, 146'; vs Ducie Hungerford, 146''; accounts audited, 147^ warrant, 151"; ^caveat, 243', 243^ report, 243^; land grants,* 527', 552^ Lott, Garsham, 566". Lott, George, 335'. Lott, Johannes, 450^ 527^ 552°. Lott, Maurice, 435^ Lott, Peter, 56', 74', 75', 88\ 175'. Lott, Philip, 563'. Lott, Simon, 531*, 532*. Lotteridge, Thomas, 520^ 541^ Lotteries, church, 397°; college, 370'; hemp, 468^ instruction about, 479°, 486"; I proclamation against, 137'; public, 372^ Loudoun, earl of, 433*, 438"; com- mander-in-chief in America, 428'; calls for assistance, 430"; letter re- ferred to, '431^; calls for 1000 men, 432^*; requests embargo on all ves- sels, 432°; letter from, 433"; trans- ports for, 436^ 436*: governors to meet him at. Hartford, 438"; ordered to England, 438^ Loudon, Richard, 546^ Loudon, Samuel, 519°, 52o\ Louenenburge, 60^. Louis, M. 374\ Louisburgh, 352', 352°, 354', 355°, 359^ Indians to attack, 352^ levies for defense, 354^; reduction of, 349^: siege of, 349^ Loundsdale, Simon, 267''. Lourie [Lowries], Gavin, 489', 568°. Louries battery, 359', ,359^ Love and unity (hospital ship), 446^. Lovelace, Charlotte, lady, 226^ 227', 227^, 229^, 255°. Lovelace, Dudley, 13', I4\ I5^ 17'. Lovelace, Francis, 10", IS^ 47^, 70', 86^ Lovelace, John, arrives on Long Isl- and, 223^; publishes commission, 224^; warrant for salary, 224^; in INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 657 New Jersey, 225^, 226"; Capt. John Clifton refuses to obey orders not signed by, 226-; death, 226'; secre- tary of, 226°; funeral, 227'; letters to, 227', 229^ 233''; commission called for, 229^ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Lovelace, Thomas, ii^ 15^ 16", 56'', 8f. Lovell, John, 213*, 215", 215", 497^ Lovell, William King, S72^ Lovely, John Wall, 494^ Loveridge. William, 31^ 39'. Low, Abraham, 361^ 411^, 412^ 4I3^ Low, Cornelius, warrants, 118', 149', 274", 274*; petitions, 274*, 289^ 29o\ 291', 297', 297', 305', 552'; testimony about Evans' patent, 284"; proposed to survey Connecticut line, 298"; patent granted, 305°. Lov/, Isaac, 552'-; petitions, 405^ 572"; land grants. 405*, S23^ 526^ 541*, 543^ memorial, 473"; license to buy Indian lands, 551°; buys Indian lands, 567°. Low, John, io5\ Low, Marinus, 559^. Low. Nicholas, 473^ Lowestafife (man-of-war), 205', 207^, 218". 22 1 ^ 229*. Lowrie. Thomas. 537^, 549*. Lowries. see Lourie. Lowry, William. 542'. Loyall Sybell (sloop), 250'. Loyd. Joseph, 275', 291*, 291'. See also Lloyd. Lubberts, Frederick, 15^ Lubcken, Albert Meinert, 554*. Lucam. George, 559^ Lucas, Daniel, 558". Lucas, AVilliam, 536'. Lucena. Abraham de, 239', 240', 25 1^ 261', 261^. Luck. Claes, 30". Luckam. Andreas, 461^. Lucky. William. 568'. Lucore. John. 408*. 400*. Luddington, Henry. 487*. Luddington. Robert, 203°. Ludgar. Peter, 44^ Ludlow. Carey, 563''. Ludlow. Gabriel, petitions, 115*, 115', 235^ 27I^ 27I^ 284°, 310'; warrants. I35^ I^9^ 150°. I5o^ 155', 163'. 166'. I77^ 184', 186°. 190'. 198^ 206*. 223', 279'. 288°, 295°. 3I5^ 320': accounts. T4o\ 154°; land grant, 233'; affidavit, 269'. Ludlow. Gabriel, jr. 316', 324^, 458', 5.^1'. 546'. Ludlow, Gabriel H. 513", 516°, =;4o', 561'. Ludlow, George Duncan, 480^ 492\ 498°, 50i\ Ludlow, Henry, 164°. Ludlow, Henry, jr, S54^ Ludlow, Thomas, jr, 516', 541^ 552', 562'-'. Ludlow. William, 310". Ludlow, William H. 574^, 575-. Ludlow (township), 565^. Luersen. Carsten, 141^ 141°, 141^, 143'. LufT. Gabriel, 177*, 186°, 190', 193', 198", 206^ Luick, Anthony, 235^ Luist, Nicholas, 40^ Lukes. James, 408*, 409*. Lumley, John, 354". Lunen'burgh (Vt.), 565°, 577*. Lupton, Thomas, 544^ 545^ 547', SS9^ 561°, 563^ Lupton. William, 527^ 541^, 552^ Lurting, colonel, 261', 261*. Lurting. George, 333^. Lurton. Robert, 98°, 210", 262', 325'; warrant. 117'; appraises ships, 136^; license to buy lands, 176^ 191'; pe- tition. 193'; to audit accounts. 273^; master in chancery, 280^; charter delivered to, 311*; death, 324^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Lush. John, 331", 338', 343', 362', 412', 50Q^ 509'. Lush. Mary. 412', 413", 509^ 509^ Lush, Stephen, 575^ Luson, John, 536^ Lutelne, Abraham, 99', 112', 166'. Lutheran churches, see Churches. Luyck, Equilius, 21'. Luykase, Garrit, 148^ i6o^ Luykasse, Jacobus, i6ol Luykasse. John. i6o^ 176^. Lyal, Peter. 45 1\ Lydeback. Godfried. 461®. Lydius, Johannes, petitions, 171*, I7l\ 173", 202", 210''; warrants, 192^, 202*, 219°. Lydius, John Henry, examination, 347°: interferes with Indian com- missioners, 352®, 353'; letters to, 3'^3^. 369°: letter from, 372": com- plaints against. 414'': order for ar- rest. 4Sr. 455^: land claim, 452*, 452'. 4=^2'': proceedings against for contempt. 456^, 456-, 457'. 457*. Lydius. Nicholas Jacobus, 38o\ Lyle, Abraham. S20^ Lyle. Jane. 541^. Lyllie. Aaron. 533^ Lvman. Caleb. 524'. Lyman, Daniel. 519^ 531^ 559*. Lyman, Daniel, jr. 519". Lvman. Elias, 52o\ 524'. Lj'man. Elias, jr. 524'. Lyman. Elihu. 423". 658 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Lyman, Elijah, 519°, 524'. Lyman, Gad, 520'. Lyman, Gideon, 524". Lyman, Gideon, jr, 5191 Lyman, Israel, 524''. Lyman, James, 524^. Lyman, John, 5241 See also Lymen. Lyman, John, jr, 520'. Lyman, Medad, 519', 531', 560'. Lyman, Naomi, sig''. Lyman, Oliver, 524'. Lyman, Phineas, 519', 524', 554', 565", 573'- Lymen, John, 237''. Lymen, Joseph, 237\ Lynas, James, 512', 5I2^ Lynch, Johath, 283°. Lynch, Thomas, 284*. Lyndall, Mrs, 7z''. Lyndall, Thomas, 62% 62', 77^ Lyndesay, see Lindesay. _ ^ Lyne, James, 321', 321', 321', 321 , 333'. Lyne, John, 326'. Lyne (ship), 266'. Lynot, Thomas, 5I5^ 535*- Lynsen, Abraham, 3_95^ 447^- Lynsen, Joseph, 406', 407\ Lynsen, Leonard, 396^ Lynstead, Thomas.^ 291', 291', 291=. Lyon, Michael, 5S6^ Lyon (ship), 238". Lyons point, 61^. Lytle, Andrew, 555"- Ma , Nathaniel, 233^ Maase, Jacob, 302*. Mabee, Peter, 484'- McAdam, Gilbert, 555'- McAdam, William, 481', 55 1'- McAllester, Alexander, 544', 576-. McAlpine, Daniel, 570°, 57o'. McArthur, Peter, 332'. McAshlin, Dougal, 56,f • McAullay, Robert, 411*- McBean, Angus, 499'- McBride, Archibald, 401°, 402'. McBride, Hugh, 549'- McBride, James, 410^ McBride, James Smith, 428'. McCaber, John, 536'. McCafferty, Charles, 537'. McCall, Duncan, 566". McCann, John, 518'. McCarroll, James, 309'. McCarter, Duncan, 411*. McCarthy, David, 504'. McCarthy, John, 511', 539'- McCartney, James, 521', 522. McCarty, Neal, 399'- McCarty, Thomas, 522*. McCarty. Timothy. 463'- Maccay, John, 530^ McClallen, Samuel, 528*. McClay, David, 533'. McCleverty, William, 449'. McClintosh, Rev. 525'. McClure, Alexander, 551''', 552'. McCollem, Daniel, 4o8^ 409*. McCollora, Edward, 559'. McConkey. David, 411*. McConnachy, Robert, 558*. McCormick, Daniel, 519", 520', 537'- McCracken, William, 4£)S", 406'. McCrae, John, 555*. McCrae, Stephen, 568'. McCrae, Thomas, 555*. McCready, Dennis, 536^ AlcCreles, John, 408*, 409*. McCrindle, James, 542^ McCuddy, , 45i'- MacCullagh, Alexander, 540', 543'- McCullock, John, 308', 309'. McCullock, Kenneth, 554', 565=. McCullock, Nathaniel, 413'. McCullogh, Philipp, 534', 5.35'. McCullough, Alexander, 536'. McCuloch, , 410'. McCurdy, John, 522\ 522=. McDavit, Patrick, 540', 544', 544'- McDermont, Alexander, 411°. McDermot, Edward, 521', 522'. McDermott, Francis, 523', 527'. 528'. McDermot, William, 521', 522^, 536', 5-13", 545'. McDonald, Alexander, 412 , 413 - 569°, 569', 569', 574'- McDonald, Angus, 41 1'. McDonald, Donald, 411', 53o', 573'. McDonald, Edward, 552', 552'. McDonald, Finlay, 41 il McDonald, James, 5I3'> 514'- McDonald, John, 411', 411*, 552°, 552". McDonald, Lewis, jr, 504^ McDonald, Neal, 547"- McDonald, William, 528'. McDougal, Alexander, 481'. 481', 540", 544^ McDougal, Allen, 5-40", 54i°, 544'- McDougal, George, 512'. McDougal, Henry, 528^ McDougal, John, 556'. McDougal, William, 568'. McDovall, John, 522\-522', 543'. McDugal, Dugal, 53.f- McEvers, Charles, 548', 554°, 56o'. McEvers, James, 468°, 4691 McEvers, John, 364', 399^ McEwen, John, 564'. McFalls, Hoseah, 550', 550'. McFarlane, Owen, 478*. McGan, Patrick, 309'. McGarrah, John, s68°. McGarry, John, 568°. McGee, John, 523^ McGee, William, 568°. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 659 McGilHray, John, 558'. McGin, Tead}', 2,76'. McGinnis, Alexander, 544^ McGinnis, John, 536', 559". McGinniss, Richard, 559". McGinnis, Robert, 401', 402", 408", 409°, 444'/ 5 1 8', 559°. McGlashan, Leonard, 569*. McGowan, James, 549''. Macgregere, Hugh, 63", 90'. Macgregere [McGregory, IMagreg- ory], Mrs Margaret, 90', 92^, 127°, 225', 234', 24i\ 256'. McGregor, ■ , 4I0^ McGregor, Donald, 5o6^ McGregor, Patrick, 5721 McGregory, major, 54^ 59^, 62^. McGregory, John, 275\ McGregory [McGregor, Magreg- ory], Patrick, 225^ petitions, 268^ 269°, 272^ 275\ 276''; warrants, 269^ 277®; patent granted, 278\ Macgregory, Peter, 247^ 249°, 277". McGrowder, Peter, 518". McGuire, Richard, 576°. McGuire, Thomas, 514". McHarris, Timothy, 4I6^ Machett, John, jr, 563^ Mcllwain, Timothy, 544^ Mclntier, Benjamin, 567". Mclntire, Archibald, 532^ Mclntire, John, 411*, 540^ Mclntire, William, 534\ Mcintosh, captain, 356'. Mcintosh, Alexander, 410^ Mcintosh, Daniel, 4II^ S33\ 557*, 56ol Mcintosh, Donald, jgf, 554^ 5s8^ Mcintosh, Donald, jr, SS8^ Mcintosh, George, 523^ Mcintosh, Hugh, 411°. Mcintosh, John, 41 1^ 411', 413', 558". Mcintosh, Lachlan, 498^ Mcintosh, Phineas, 268^ 269'', 527^ Mcintosh, William, 412'. Mclntyre, Donald,^ 486°. Mclsaac, Malcolm, 562^, S76^ McKabe, Ross, 547'. Mackay, Aeneas, 539^ 557^ McKay, Angus, 515*, 5161 McKay, Charles, 389'. McKay, Donald, 547'. Mackay, Francis, ss6l McKay, Patrick, 469*. Mackay, Samuel, 556^ McKee, Alexander, ^540^ 545^ 547°. McKenen, Daniel, 5661 McKenney, John, 429^ 521*, 522', 544'. McKentosh, Charles, 356'. McKenzie, sergeant, 5I3^ McKenzie, Alexander, 510', 530', McKenzie, Charles, 410". Mackenzie, George, 53'. McKenzie, Hector, S70^ McKenzie, John, 411", ^558', 568I McKenzie, Roderick, 535'. McKesson, John, 502^ 540", 562-. McKey, Alexander, 404*. Mackey, William, 450''. Mackgregorie. Patrick, 50". See also McGregory. McKillip. John, 389'. McKinley, Brien, 528". ^IcKinley, John, 309'. McKinley, Nathaniel, 517*. McKinley, William, 309°. McKinnon, Neal, 532^ McKinsey, John, 536'. Macklain, John, 247°, 247'', 248^, 249'. McKnight, Ann, 334-. McKnight, Patrick, 264', 264', 268', 269''. Mackreig [Alackreyck], Daniel, 56^ 88*. Macky, , 329'. McLallan, Robert, 541I MacLane, John, 259\ McLaughlin, James, 433°. McLean, Alexander, 562^. McLean, 'Allan Neil, 571^ McLean, Allen, 553'. McLean, Donald, 5I4^ 525', 525*, 532". McLean, James, 530'. McLean, John, 41 1\ McLean, Neal, 525'. 525', 532', 553", 563^ McLean. William. 566'. McLee. Daniel, 561". McLeod, Norman, 5I3^ 526*, 540', McLoed, Roderick, 556". McLure, Alexander, 556'. 557^ McMenony [Mennomy], Robert, 527^ 537'. 544*. McMillan, James, 531', 553°, 571'. McMullen, John, 416'. McNabb, Hugh, 572V McNachten, Alexander, 409", 409', 410", 41 o^ McNaghten, Alexander, 488". McNaught. Alexander, 332'. McNeal [Neil, \Neile, Niele], John, 389', 500'; land grants, 332', 404*, 520', 537'. 537', 546'. 553°. McNicol. John, 411*. ]\TcNish, George, 514^. ^facPherson. Alexander, 411°. ^NlcPherson, John, 4II^ 411°. T^IcPherson, Robert, 567', 570'. ]McQuin. Daniel, 535\ McTavish, 'John, 554'. McTavish, Simon, 554'. McVey [Vae], John, 528', S29\ 66o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY McVicar, Archibald, 41 il McVicar, Dougal, 571". McVicar, Duncan, 51 1". McWilliams, Robert, 537'. McWilliams, Thomas, 557*. McWithey, David, 567'. McWithey, Isaac, 567". McWithey, Reuben, 567". Macy, Thomas, 22*, 3o\ Madagascar, 131', 137°, 140^ Maddin, Dennis, 395^ 404'- Maddock, John, 156', 158', 161*. Maddox, David, 170". Madeira, no', 238', 260', 2gS\ 355", 355". 430'. Madnan's neck, 16', 34 , 34. Maeslyes, Richard, 445°. Magin, Sarah, 401", 402\ Magin, Teady, 384', 387', 394^ 40i\ 402\ Magraw, Dr, 351', 351'. Maha, John, 4291 Maidstone (man-of-war), 225^ 226\ 226', 226^. 226^ 228^ 229^ 234\ 235°, 236', 238'. Maidstone (township). -565°, 565'. Mailey, Barney, 528". Mair, Charles, 564", 566', 57i\ 572', 572l Maitland, Richard, petitions, SI6^ 517', S18', 520', 524*, 553'; land grants, S2S\ 529', 554'. Makelson, Elias, 63". Malcohne, Alexander. 333*. Malconi, William, 556', 561°, 561^ Malie. Joseph, 4271 Malisit (Seneca chief), 74^ Mall, Thomas. 429^ Mallett, Jonathan, 511', 562^ Mallison. Joseph, 207^ Malone, Cornelius, 57I^ Malone, Frances, 475°. Mamaroneck, 10°. Man, Abraham, 363^. Man, Edward. 3I3^ 53I^ 546^ Man, Isaac. 463^, 469". Manachna (Arabian). 377'. Manasse. Albert, 1831 Manbrut. John, 527\ 562°. Mandevil. Richard, 523'. Mandeville. ■ Jellis. 532^. Mando, . IS7^ 158*. Manhattan Island, 25", I03^ See also N. Y. (city). Mann, captain, 3651 Mann, John, sr, 566^ Mann. John. jr. 566^ Mannetasquett river, 126^. Manning. Mr, 44'. Manning, captain, 51^. Manning, John, commissioner, lo^ 16^; purchase. 14': added to bench, 15^; complaint, 16''; report on Mr Richbell, 17''; vs Manhattan island, 18'; trial, 21', 21^ 2I^ 21°. Manning, Nicholas, 51'. Manoe, William, 545'. Manson, William, 536*. Mapes, Thomas, 4I^ 180-, 181'. Maps, of Canada, no'; of lands east of Hudson river, 558"; of Indian country, 120''; of the lakes, no"; of patented lands on Mohawk river, 558°; of New York province, 135^ 499', 500''; of western frontier, 437'. Maquaes, see Ad^ohawk Indians. Marbletown, bounds, 185^; clause about fishing and fowling inserted in patent, 186"'; court at, 13"; land patents, I07^ io8\ 185'; petitions, 173^ 263', 284"; quitrents, 185"; vs Jacob Rutsen, 183', 184', 185', 186'; trustees before council, 275\ Marcell, see Merrell. Marcellis, Gilbert, 255', 255'. Marchan, Lazarus, 530^ Marden. Moses, 562', 575^ Mareness, David, 508', 5I2^ Mareuil, Father, 234", 235', 23s*. Margaret (ship), 22". Margea, Perkins, 523°. Marguerite (ship), 365'^ Maria (sloop), 384'. A'laricour, Paul Lemoine de, 147^ 157*. Marine society, 547'-48\ 548°. 548'. Mariner, .Samuel. Bayard, 385*. Mariners adventure (ship), 50*. Marinot, Jasper, 541'. Marius, Peter Jacobs, 35*, 35', 4I^ i04\ 122", i26\ 128". Markel. Christopher, 538'. Markell, Jacob, 380'. Markel, Michael, 538'. Markham, Enoch, 569° ,_ S72^ Markham, George, 569°, 572^. Markham, William, 570', 572'. Markham (township). 572". Marlborough, duke of, 207^ Marlborough (township), 565'. Marlett, Abraham, 98'. Marlette, Gideon, I3l Marlett, John, 501', 506'. Marlitt, Josias, 37\ Marlitt, Paulus, 37\ Marlow. Gregory, 30^ Marque, commissions of, 334^ 335^; letters of, 335"; and reprisal, 335^. Marriage ceremony, petition regard- ing. 369^ Marriner, Andrew, 165, 167 . Marriner, George, I65^ Marschalck, Andrew, 305J, 537'. Marschalck, Francis, 537'. Marschalk, John, 428'. Marseilles, 370^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 66i Marselis, Gilbert G. 504'. Marselis, Gisbert, 405^ 406", 512", 514'. Mai'selis, Isaac, 508", 512''. Marselius, Peter, 404^ 404". Marsh, Mr, 473'. Marsh, Abel, 522^ Marsh, Amos, 499^ Marsh, Elihu, 406", 407", 521". Marsh, Elihu, jr, 406", 407". Marsh, Elisha, 522", 524'. Marsh, Jacob, 491", 499', 502^ 504^ 515', 52V. Marsh, John, 138", 152', 248'. Marsh, Jonas, 40o\ Marsh, Jonathan, 85^, 408^ 409*, 522^ Marsh, Joseph, 522°. Marsh, Thomas, 301". Marsh, Witham, 448^ 455^ 456^ Marshal], Gervase, 41^ 41°, 41', 41* salary, 65^ 70^ order of council 70', 89^ warrants, 8r, 85', 89', 89" 93\ 97% 98^ 208^ land patents, 98^ IOI^ 121^; vs Robert Hamond, 122' Marshall, Hubert, letters to, 353", 363", 364', 364', 364', 368', 415'; let- ters from, 365", 373\ Marshall, John, 497°, 530^, 544^ Marshall, Walter, 123^ 123", 408^, 409°. Marshall's land, 103'. Marston, John, 403", 410*, 510^. Marston, Nathaniel, before council, 348^: transports French prisoners, 348'. 350^ application, 363^; land grants, 410'', 510', 531*, 546'; to fix prices of provisions, 442*^; com- plaint, 448'; appraiser of army pro- visions, 458\ Marten, John, 427^ Martensen [Martins], RoelolT, 42", 45". 73% Martha's A^ineyard, 20', 24", 74% 82^ court of oyer and terminer, 43° depredations, 107^; disorders, 67^ Massachusetts threatens to take 78', 8o\ 81°; news from, 25^; pro- posals concerning, 14'^, 14^; protec- tion against Indians, 23'; relations to New York, 11°; representative, 32^: illegal trading at, 47*. Martin, Francis, 427°. Martin, James, 537'. Martin, Jasper, 535". Martin, John, 142^ 41 1^ 439\ 446^ 449". 453", 462'. Martin, Josiah, 398", 445', 457', 458', 465% 564". Martin, Josiah, jr, 403^. Martineau [Martino], Frangois, 43^ 43*, 94", i66\ Martinico, 85', 348^ 453'; French prisoners to go to, 250-, 250^; let- ters from governor, 246^ 352', 353^*; rebellion, 265', 265"; no vessels to be cleared for, 265'. Martinique, 465-. Martino, see Martineau. Martins, see Martensen. Martin's Vineyard, see Martha's Vineyard. Martinstock, Dederick, 290^ 290'. Martlie, Archill, 35^ Mary, queen, 82**, 105', 105^ Mary (sloop), 161", 162% 164', 164', 174', 175', 175', 176', 176', i84\ ipr, 193', 355', 365', 428". Mary and Ann (brig), 343', 343=". Mary Ann (ship), 264% 264", 345% Maryland, assistance from, 76% Ss', 85", 90'. 103% io8^ iii\ 116% 184'; bills of exchange, 76% 83", 94', 95^, 97', 100', 108', 109'; claims on Whorekill, i6^ commissioners at Albany conference of 1754, 394'; commissioners for treaty with Iro- quois, 342,^; disputes pecuniary liabilities, 116'; letter to Gov. Nicholson, 103^; letters from, 85^; mission to about pirates, 145^; plague reported, 496^ A^asdam, Robert, 566°. Mase, Jacob, 336^ Mase, Peter, 77°. Mashloe, Joshua, 77''. Mashpeage [Masepeag], 23', 33"', 63% See also Maspethkills. Maskake. i6r, 184'. Mason, Alexander, 1491 Mason, John, 528*, 546^. Mason, Thomas, S42\ Maspethkills, 16", 20^ 37^ 37^. See also Mashpeage. Massachusetts, annexation of New York, 121^ application for sur- render of Indians, 27-; application to for line of peace, 420^; boun- daries, see Boundaries: charter, 274"; circular of speaker of assem- bly, 477"; commissioners at Albany conference of 1734, 394^: concurs with New York council, 369''; peti- tion for counterfeiters, 495^: dele- gates to Indian conference, 36o^ 366*. 380', 380'. 381'. 381"; export of provisions prohibited, 418': five nations spread terror in. 252^; fort, 365'; message from general court, 369^: resolves of general court. 367'^: guns loaned to, 351"; Indian com-m.issioners, 282', 366' ; Indian presents, 99"*. 100": letter to. 153°; letters from, 302^. 303"; report sent to Lieut. Gov. Phips, 386': me- m.orials from, 226", 226"; men for 662 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Crownpoint and Ticonderoga ex- pedition, 419°, 419*, 421', 425', 426'; petitions king for alteration in jurisdiction of New York, 492*; proposal from, 417°; resolutions about raising troops against In- dians, 464'; troops called for, 364. Masscaks, 161', 184'. Massey, John, I20^ Masterstock, Dederick, 305^ Masterton, David, 446'. Mateson, Amos, 487\ Matheo, Juan, 436', 438'- Mathers, James, 52I^ 522 . Mathews, lieutenant, I5S^ Mathews, Elizabeth, 5641 Mathews, Mary, 55'. Mathews, Robert, S46^ ^ Mathias, Hendrick, 405', 406', 511 • Mathias, Johan Nicholas, sr, 538'. Mathias, Johan Nicholas, jr, 538". Mathias, Nicholas, 520', 520'. Matinicock, 15', 15', I5', 16', 120. Matson, Isaac, 521'. Matthews, , 404^- Matthews, captain, 226^ Matthews, colonel, 236\ 2zf- Matthews, major, 437'. ^ Matthews, David, petitions, 400 , 404^ vs Colton and Wilkins, 40i\ 401'; land grants, 402', 533% 556", 566^; agent for John van Rensse- laer, 413"; mayor, 507^ Matthews. Peter, 85', 107°, 116'; war- rants, 98', 106', Io8^ 120', 130', I30^ 178°, 198'; petitions, io8\ 112', 194°, 231", 334''; ordered to seize ship Hester, 135^ judge of court_ mar- tial, 150^; takes oath of allegiance, 189^; patent granted, 23 1^ Matthews, Vincent, petitions, 275', 3o8\ 400°, 40I^ 404*; warrant, 275^ patents granted, 276',^ 322', 385', 402^; commissioner. 310'; license to buy land, 321*; clerk in Orange county, 324'; vs Colton and Wil- kins, 401*, 401^ Matton, Charles, 427^^ Mattys, Coenradt, 395^. Maturin, Gabriel, 529', 534", 537^ Maturin, Peter, 528'. Maunsel, John, 510', 526^ Maurice, John, 399^ Mauritz [Maurice, Morris], Jacob, petition against, 40^; vs Margaret Steenwyck, 43". 43^ 43°; petitions, 44^ 149°, I5I^ I62^ 239*, 263"; ship claimed by. 75^ warrants, 144*, IS2^ 239"; pilot. 26il^ Mauritz, Jacob, jr. 252". Mauritz. Margaret, 120', I2i\ Maxwell, Mr, 254". Maxwell, James, 517^ Maxwell, Robert, 138'. Maybe, Cobus, 465''. Mayhew, Mr, 39^ 46^ Mayhew, justice, 78\ Mayhew, Joseph, 43^ 44^ Mayhew, Matthew, letter from, 11°; petition and proposals concerning Martin's Vineyard, 14°, 14'; Nan- tucket dispute, 20^ 22*; sheriff of Nantucket, 32^; to deliver prison- ers, 53^; reports disorders, 67^ 74".. Mayhew, Samuel, 43^ Mayle, Jacob, I20^ Mayne, Edward, 571*. Mayne, Robert, 57i*- Mayne, William, 571*. Maynoth, 97°. Mayo, Samuel, \f. Mayou, , 152*. Meachen, WiUiam. 536*. Meade, James, 549^ 554*- Meal, liberty to export, 2S^ Meales, George, zz^. Mease, Richard, 572". Measles, court suspended on account of, 307'- Meason, Henry, 148', 151 . Meath, 566'. Meats, excise taken off, 19^ exani- ined before shipping, 20^; in- spection, 38^ Mebee, Abraham, 331'. Mebee, John [Jan], 296', 299'. Mebee [Mebie], John Petersen [Jan Peterse], land patents, 173', 182, 204"; petitions, 2S8\ 292\ 292*; war- rants, 258^ 294^; petition of son, 299'- Mecklenburgh, 549 . Mediterranean passes, 148^ 148^ Medlar, John, 564^ Medlyne island, 6i\ Mee, Francis, 512', 512', SH"- Meech, Thomas, 57^ Meeks, William, 522', 522', 546'. Meerman (ship). I28l Meigs, Felix, 492', 494', 495'- Meissenger, Conradt, 546*. Melle, Casper, ioi\ See also Cas- pars. Melott [Melett], John Peter, war- rants, 91', 114', 115', 134', 134', 151"; accounts, II3^ 136". Melven. Benjamin, 524^ Melven, Benjamin, jr, 5241 Melyn [Melyen], Isaac, 15', 17', T-7 , 32'. Melyn [Meleyn], Jacob, 12*, 32, 39", 39'- Menzie. Edward, 370^ 37i'. Menzies, Alexander, 41 1\ Menzies, Charles, 413", SH*- Menzies, Thomas, 41 1\ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 663 Mercer, lieutenant colonel, 414°, 416'. Mercer, Archibald, 550^ Mercer, Richard, 531'', 532^ Mercer, Robert, 410°, 528\ Mercer, William, 4871 Merchant service, 407*. Mercier, Bartholomew*, 46^ Mercier, Isaac, 223'^, 232\ Merckell, Adam, 399^. Merckell, Devalt, 399". Merckell, Hannes, 399^ Merckell, Hendrick, 399^ Merckell, Henry, jr, 399'. Meredith, Reese, 538', 545", 546^ Merit, Joseph, 473^ Merrell, Gad, 404", 404". Merrell, John. 404", 404'. Merrell, Philip, 173*. Merrell, Richard, 249^ 251^ 251^ 276°. Merrell, William, 173*. Merrell, see also Morrell. Merret, maior, I2I^ Merrett [Merritt], John, 63", 126', I8o^ 33f. Merrett, Richard, 2S2^ Merriet, Thomas, 94^. Merrimack river, I24^ Merritt, major, 73^. Merrit, William, 76', 120°; petitions, 47°. 55*; alderman, 62*; to inspect fortifications, 65*; commissioner, 76*; account, 92^; warrants, 95', 128", 128', 129^ 160'. See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Merry, John, 355^ Merstyn, John, sf. Mervin, John, 27". Mesier, Abraham, 169*. Mesier. Peter, jr, 483'. Mespath creek. 266^ Messasippi, 35i\ Messepatt, Magtelt, 224^ 224'. Mesuard, Daniel, 152*, 561*. Metcalf, Catherine, SS5°. Metcalfe. George, S33^ Metcalf. ^tichael, 524°, 561*. Metcalf. ^lichael, jr. 524*. Metcalf. Simon, 488', 533', 533*, 534', 555', 56 r. Metcalf. Valentine. S36^ Metere. Joost. i2ol Meuls. John. 4511 Meyer, Felix. 399^ Meyer, Frederick, 399'. Meyer, Harman. 73^. Meyer, Hendrick, 401'. Meyer, John. 533". Meyer, Jonas. 521^ 532*. Meyer, de. see De Meyer. Miamis river, 465". Michael, John. 574". Michael, Peter, 5461 Michel, Michael Angelo, 444^ Middag, John, 134", 164". A-Iidden, see Middon. Middleborough, see Newtown. Middleburgh, see Newtown. Middlesex county (Va.), 53^ Middlesex (township), 543'. Middleton, Matthew, 58". Middleton. Peter, petitions, 401°, 402^ 408', 409°; bonds for settlement of lands, 412"; charter granted, 548". Middleton, Robert, 535", 54o\ Middletown (N. J.), 428'. Middon [Midden], Walter, 530", 573'. Midnight (sloop), 332^. Migel y la Virgen de los Dolores (sloop), 357°. Mila, John, in'. Milburne [Milbourne], Jacob, 2.7*, 28\ 62I Milburn [Milbourn, Milborne], Mary, 94*, g6', 131', 134*, 1361 Milbury, , 44f. Miles, Samuel, 519''. Miles, Samuel, jr, 5I9^ Milett, Pierre, 89^ Milford (Ct.), i7\ 19=, 6I^ 88^ Military stores, account taken, 327^; inspected, 330'; royal proclamation concerning. 337''; exportation for- bidden, 344^ Mill, Antonio de, 2I^ Miller, , 432^ 497'. Miller, captain, 272^ Miller, Abraham, jr, 495'. Miller, Anthony, 509*. Miller, Charles, 567^, 571'. Miller, Christopher, 406', 443', 443'. Miller, Daniel, 403^ 566'. Miller. David. 458'. Miller. Dederick. 52i\ 532^ Miller, Eleazer, jr, 537^ 544^ Miller, Finley, 5691 Miller, Frederick, 386^ 391*, 392'. Miller, Gotfried, 3991 Miller, Jacob, 386'. Miller, James, 403'. Miller, John, 403', S28^ 536*, 539', 557\ 569'. Miller, John, gardener, 313^. Miller, Rev. John, 95*, 97\ Miller, Jurch, 315', 316'. Miller, Paul, 408'. 409^ 540^ 544'. Miller, Peter, 534', 538", 54o'. Miller, Richard, 374', 377^, 381'. Miller, Robert, 403*. Miller, Thomas, 410'. Miller, William, 5231 Millet, Thomas, 555". Millne, Edmund, 529^ Mills, Mr, I4^ Mills, Abraham, 356'. Mills, John, 382", 384°, 385'. 664 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Mills, Samuel, 68', 195', 267'. Mills, Zachariah, 149', 159', 167^ Millson, Donald, 536'. Millstone creek, 22^ Miln, Mr, 368'. Milner, John, 407'. Milton, Thomas, no". Milton (township), 577\ Milward, Robert, 234*; petitions, 179°, 197", 223^ 233^ 233^, 253"; warrants, 180', 209*, 256'; justice of supreme court, i82\ 193°, 254^; memorials, 20o\ 203^ 203', 209^; land grants, 234°, 257'. Minderse, see Mynderse. Mine, Albert, 286'. Minerva (ship), 470^ 470^ Mingo, Peter, ii8\ Minhead, 565'. Minisinck [Minisink, Minnisink, Minnissinck], 291^ 336-, 336^ 437^ 534^; angle, 518*, 548°; French and Indians in, 95^; French to march against, 351^; journey of Arent Schuyler to, 95'; land grant, 121^; quitrents, I97\ Minisinck patent, I92^ I93\ 193', 193", 194", 19s', 195=, 341'; di- vided, 192^ lands set apart for pay- ing expenses of partition, 514*; name inserted, 200^; to be prepared, 199"; claim against patentees, 468\ 468^: petition of patentees, 395^; petitions for land in, 533'^, 534^; proprietors asked for statement of claims, 532''. Miniveird, David Toshack, 44'. Minne, Peter, ii8^ 125-. Minnelye, Albert, 307^. Minote, John, 339*. Minto (township), 564^ Minvielle [Monviele, Monviellel, Gabriel, 34'. 36*, 46'. 62", 64*,, 65'; before council, 22^ 158'; petitions, 39', 124"; justice of peace, 45^; in Leisler case, 62^ 62'; to examine Jan Cornelisse, 66^; offers to pay soldiers, 70"; vs Laurence Corni- fleau, 8o^ warrants, 89^ I04^ in", 112", II8^ 121*, 130', 133", I4.S\ 187'; suspended from council, 133^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Miranda, John, 420', 427", 428*, 43I^ 439'- Miserol, John, 270*. Mitchell, captain, 129^ Mitchel, Andrew, 495^ 508", 512*. Mitchell, Jacomiah. 403^ Mitchel, Richard, s8'. Mitchell, Viner, 518'. Mitchell, William, 385\ .S36^ Mitchellson, Walter, 408", 409". Mitchum, John, 533°. Mitting, Thomas, 535^ 542'. Mix, John, 519', 531', _56o\ Mock, Johannis Martin, 347". Mode, Hugh, 449°. Moelder, Carsten, 446*. Moene [Moenen, Monen], Jacob, io8\ 108-, III", 121^ 300', 301", 301'. Moet, Hugh, 445°. Moffat, James, 528'. Mofifet, John, 525'. Moffit [Moflfat], Thomas, 449'. 555"- Mohawk country, 254^ 254', 258\ 297', 334', 360'. Mohawk Indians [Maquaesl. 28', 28', 92^ 261°. 352°, 355''; before council, 99^; call to meet Gov. Andros, 2&; going to Canada, 349'; return from Canada, 349°; castle, 252'; clothing for, 72", 131^ complaint of, 387", 388^; conferences with, 387^ 422", 423"; conference with Gov. Andros, 25''; conference with Col. Johnson, 398'; conference with lower castle, 394^ 394^; conferences with sachems, 26°, 33^, 319', 321^; consent to land survey, 239": forts, 89^ 42'i\ 430^; French intrigues among, 31^; French pretenses of jurisdiction over, 28'; att?cked by French, 81°; interview with Indian commissioners, 353^; law for secur- ing in possession of their lands, 495'; taken to London, ^\ 334', 2>2&, 339% 341', 343', 346'; 'Rutgers, Anthony, 377\ 381', 385', 389'; Shrieve, Thomas, 458', 459', 462', 466^ 468^ 479', 482', 486^ 492'; sheriffs: Anderson, William, 215*, 221^ 222', 232°, 233^ 234*; Ays- cough, John, 352". 361', z67\ 371', 374', ?>77\ 381', 38s', 389'; Beekman, Henry, 306', 3o8^ 310', 3iS\ 3i8', 319^ De Milt, Peter, 156^; De Riemer, Isaac, j6f, 169^ Dugdale, William, 291*, 292^ 293', 295', 295', 299^ 299', 302^ 304\ 304^ Farmer, Thomas, 264^ 265', 272', 272', 278^ 279^ 282^ 282^ 288', 288': Clbbs, Thomas, 20^ 21^ Handcock, Stan- ley, 77\ 93°, IOI^ II7^ 1x8'; Har- rison, Francis, 239^ 240*, 240^ 243^ 244', 249', 249', 253', 253', 256^ 256^ 26o^ 260', 262^ 262^ 264', 268-, 268°; Jamison, William, 339', 34I^ 343^ 34S; Roberts, John, 39o\ 396^ 42I^ 423', 431', 436', 442*, 447\ 449', 454', 459^ 462^ 466^ 468', 479', 482', 486", 492^ 496^ S02^ 506- ; Wilson, Ebenezer, 126^ I27^ I32^ 171', I74^ 189°, 189', 200^ 200', 207', 207°, 21 1^ New York gazette, 3io\ 383^ 434', 436'- , , New York post boy, 354 -55 . Newark (N. J.), 232', 233'. Newberry, 489", 503', 513', 527', 560*. Newburgh, 247", 251'', 255^ 256', 267^ 268^ 544", 548", 550". Newcastle, duke of, letters from, 309', 311'', 326", 334', 335", 2,2,7\ 338". 344', 348", 354'. 357', 368^ 370', 389''. Newcastle (Del.), 26', 27', 28''', 29'; blockhouse at, 23"; court, 26^ dis- tilleries at, 14*; Benjamin Fletcher governor of, 183"; fort, 20'; to be in- corporated, I6^ Newenhuysen, Maurice, 216*', 216'. Newfoundland, 44^, 124'. Newkirk, Anne, 217*, 217^. Newland, Edmund, 510", 5i2V'569\ Newland, John, 536\ Newland, Thomas, 537°. Newland, Trevor, 548^ 549". Newman, William. 301°, £29". Ne^rmarch, Joseph, 522', 53I^ 559'. Newpaltz, 234=, 235', 353°. Newport (man-of-war), I4S^ Newport (R. I.), 2,6\ Newport >Pagnel (township), 555*. Newry (township), 554^ Newton, Harry, I9^ Newton, Henry, 541'. Newton, William, 519-. Newtown, Mr, 681 Newtown, Thomas, 62*, 6^, 71' ■ Newtown [Newton], 13^, 20', 69", 129', 184', 184', 184", 184', 185'; Acadians settle at, 427*: assess- ments, 84'; attorneys for, 80'; boundaries, iS**, 16", 38^ 47\ 60% 80°, 103°, I03^ 103^ I04^ 209^ vs Bush wick, 10°, if, yg', 80*, 209^ 209\ 2I2^ 212°, 214-, 2is\ 215", 217^ caveat against granting land, 250°; charter to church, 405*; tax col- lector, 95', 98*, i8o^ constable dis- charged, 20°; land patents, 37'', 38J, 47-, 47^ 49"; petitions, 48^ 79^ 180°; records, I86^ 189', 191*, 192% 192', 192'', 193'; taxes, 64', 84', 85-'. Neynis, Pier, 4401 Niagara, 348°; claimed by Canada, 280*; expedition, 4i6\ 417"; French deserters from, 393"; French fort, 28i\ 379°; Indian trade, 478^; dis- posal of troops against, 365'. Niblet, Benjamin, 555". Nicholls, Mr, 419'. Nicholls, lieutenant, 303^ Nicholls [Nicolls, Nickells], Andrew, 276°,' 277-, 28I^ 307', 307'. Nicholls, James, 400". Nicholls, Jonathan, 420', See also Rhode Island. 'See footnote, p. 669. 6^2 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Nicholls [Nicolls], Moses, land grants, 521*, 522', 523', 52,3^ 527', 527^ 529', 530^ S37^ 553l Nicholls, Nathan, 496^ Nicholls, Peter, 40I^ 402°, 406', 407\ Nicholls [Nicolls], Richard, warrant, 29s'; petitions, Z2(i\ 379', 453"; li- cense to buy Indian lands, Z?>f, 346^; land grants, 336", 546^ See also N. Y. (county), coroners. Nicholls, see also Nicolls. Nicholson, Francis, 74°, 243'; corre- spondence with, 6f, 108', IIO^ 112", 114*, I59^ 226^ 244", 244.^ proclama- tion published by, 227^; to com- mand Canada expedition, 228", 230^; commander-in-chief, 228*; ad- dresses to, 228°, 230^ 230^; goes to Albany, 230^ 242^ See also Mary- land. Nicholson, Neal, 566". Nicoll [Nicol], Benjamin, 378', 380", .393'. 446'. Nicoll, Charles, land grants. 540^ 544'. 549°, 556^_562^ 563', 573'- Nicoll. John, 439°, 514''. Nicoll, Mary Magdalen, 4031 Nicoll, Rensselaer, 328\ 490*. Nicoll [Nicholls], William, 366', 498^ 498'. 498^,556^ 56I^ 562^ Nicolls, captain, vendue master, 40^ 78^ Nicolls [Nicholls, Nichols]. Mathias. is', 18'. 24', 25\ 36'; Staten Island surrendered to, 11^; commissioner to Long Island, 13'; member of council, 10". 19'; patent annulled, 19^ to command militia, 30'; judge of admiralty, 3S^ 36"; complaint, 50^; testifies in land case, 53''; to translate Gov. de Nonville's letter, S4*\ member court of oyer and ter- miner, 58^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Nicolls, Philip, .S02^ .S04\ Nicolls [Nicholls, Nichols, Nicoll], William, register, 32': warrants, 47'. 90', iT4^ 115°. 106": to audit ac- counts of George Brewerton, 55"; attorney general, 60^; land patents, 60'; member of council, 62^ 131^; in Leisler case. 63°; to oversee work on fort, 85^; license to buy land, lo.^^, 124^ patents granted, it6\ 126^; wants land, 119"; con- nection with pirates, 131^; in land case, 179*; petition, 184'. I84^ I84^ 195°; vs Brinley Sylvester, 325', 325', 326', 326', 327\_ Nicolls, William, ensign, 336°. Nicolls, Mrs William, 120^ Nicolls, see also Nicholls. Nielson, John, 527^ 552^ Nightingale (man-of-war), 425^ 430^ 437'. Nimham, Daniel, 459^ 467°, 473", 473'. Nimham, Jacobus, 4671 Nimnack (Indian), 380°. Nims, David, jr, 524^ Nims, Ebenezer, 525\ Nippro creek, sg^. Nisbit, John, 521°, 522^ Nissepatt [Nessepatt], Jasper, 78^, 79^ I04\ 180', 181', 2-55*, 256'. Nixon, Elias, 521°, 522^ 544\ Nixon, James, 545'. Nixon, William, 541^ No Man's Land, 36'. Noble, Gideon, 401^ 402^ 406^, 407\ Noble, Isaac, 523^ Noble, James, 411^. Noble, Mark, 577'. Noble, Robert, 472". Noble, Thomas, 40I^ 402^ 406'', 407\ Nobletown, 472", 57I^ Noel, Garret, 443', 521*, 522°, S44\ Noell, Thomas, 149', 158', 159'. See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Noorstadt, Jacob, 405'. Norbury, Coningsby, 217". Norbury (township), 562". Nordbergh, John, 517°, 5221 Norman, James, 92^ Norman. John, 530^ Norris, captain, 328^ 329^ 329-. Norris, Isaac, ii5\ Norris, Oliver, 49^ Norris, William, 57*. North Carolina, 246", 247^, 248', 393'. North river, 43S^ Northam, Timothy, 459', 460^ Northampton patent, 549*. Northcastle, 436^ Northorp, Thomas, 4o6^ 4071 Northrup, Abigail, 342°. Northrup, Amos, 40I^ 402^ 406^ 407^. Northrup, Joseph, 3I0^ Northrup, Aloses, 342°. Northrup, Moses, ir. 342°. Norton, captain, 28o^ Norton. George, 233°. Norwalk island, 222^. Norwich (man-of-war), 449^. Norwich (township), 565^. Nostra Sefiora de Guadalupe (ship), 432'. 440'. Nottingham, lord, 67', 69', iSg". Nottingham, Thomas, 328^, 449*. Nottingham, William, 173', 179', I84^ 186'. T87'. Nova Scotia, 41 6^ 4ip\ 427'^. Noxon, Thomas, petitions, 109^, II3^ . 274^ 296^; patents granted, iio\ 275^ 326"; sheriff, 114*; vs Leendert Cooll, 183^ warrants, 192', 275"; re- port, 271°. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 673 Nucella. Johannes Petrus, 128'', 141", I42^ Nutten island, sec Governor's island. Nutter, Valentine, s63\ Nuttman, James, sr, 536". Nuttman, James, jr, 536". Nutman, Thomas, 521", 522°. Nys. Peter, 23'. Oakey, sec Okey. Oakly, John, 222'. Oates, Edward, 535", 542^. Oathoiit, Fred, I49^ Oathout, sec also Oothout. Oblinus, Henry, 233*^, 233^ Oblinus, Peter, 252'. Oblong, the, 348^ O'Briant, Daniel, 441^ O^Brien, James, 314', 314', 315^ 530'. O'Brien, Thomas, 541'. O'Brien, William, 520", 520^ O'Bryant, John, 397^, 3gg\ Octjagara, 276^ Odell, Jonathan, 545^ Odell, Samuel, 261^ 277-. Odell, Thomas, 204^. Odiorne, John, 527*. Ogden, David, 283', 3361 Ogden, Gabriel, 521", 522^ Ogden, Isaac, 52I^ 522^ Ogden, Jacob, 403^ Ogden, Joseph, 530", 537". Ogden, Thomas, 152^. Ogden, William, 473'. Ogden, William Arison, 535^. Ogilvie, Alexander, 547^ Ogilvie, John, letter to, 380''; goes to ]\Ioha\vks, 380^; petition, 401^ land .grants, 402^ 513', 5.30', 566', 574'; takes messages to Indians, 423\ 42.r. Ogilvie, William, 385', 542'. Ogle, captain, 207". Ogle, John, 23^. Ogle, Samuel, 378^ Oglethorpe, James, 326^ 342^ 342^. Ohio river, French designs against Indians on, 375', 387°. 389', 393': building of forts on the, 379"; operations against French, 392^ 393'. 396°, 398': French Indians on way to, 395"; French reinforce- ments sent to, 416^ Ohoryagre, 2i8l Okavoweess (Ottawa chief), 482'. Okey [Oakey], John, 26'. 58', 58'', 58'. Olcott, justice, 489*. Olcott, Timothy, 5171 Oldes, Benjamin, 537°. Oldfield, Joseph, 403^ Oldfield, Joseph, jr, 403^ Olive, Thomas, 30'. Oliver, Charles, sheriff, 143", 144"; seizes goods on sloop Mary, 161", 164", 175', 176*; bedding allowed to, 176'; petitions, 194", 206'', 212', 214''; warrants, 196'', 211", 211", 212'. Oliver, James, 523'. Oliver, John, 40o\ Oliver, Sarah, 400". Oliver, Thomas, 5461 Oliver Cromwell (privateer), 439", 439'- Oilier, Joseph, 370". Olmsted, Daniel, 310'. Olmstead, Richard, 310''. Onderdonck, Garret, 466^ 467'. Oneby, Thomas, 154*. Oneida, 89°. Oneida carrying place, 428". Oneida Indians, answer to Col. Courcy, 29"; want interpreters, 231*; message sent to, 423^; propo- sitions of, 55-; sachems, 117°; want a smith, 375^ supplied with corn, 117". See also Iroquois. Oneida lake, 295^ 433*. O'Neil. John, 5131 O'Neile, Charles, 33^, 334*. Oniagara, see Niagara. Onion river, 493^ Onondaga, expeditions, I04^ 104*, 159'; fort, 157*, 165', 173°. i87\ 193'; French design on, 94*, 116°; French detachment at, 241"; fusileers sent to, 104": Indian meeting at, 426®; Major Peter Schuyler goes to, 93^ 94"; Col. Schuyler to meet five nations at. 248°; Dirck Wessells sent to, 89", 1331 Onondaga Indians, 29°; belt sent from. 99": Capt. John Bleecker to quiet, 157''; defeated by French, 70^; Gov. Fletcher confers with. 120^; interference in Indian war, 248': in- terview with Indian commissioners, 353^ messages from. 384^: sachems go to Canada, 380"; smiths to be sent to, 300', 382': supplied with corn, 117°; trade in Pennsylvania, 142''; Arnout Viele to live among, 101°. See also Iroquois. Onondaga lake, 383", 384^ Onondaga (snow-of-war), 567^ Oosterhouse, , I56^ Oothout, John, 527', 543', 552'. Oothout, Valkert, 336". Orange (barkantine), 97', 98", 99", 105", io6^ Orange county, appraisal of estates, 76^: assessors, 87": boundaries, 282^ 282', 285": clerks of peace, 186", 324^; collector of quitrents, 128"; commis- sions of peace and pleas, 479\ 503"; 674 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY constables, 374*; dates for holding courts, 181°, 319', 461'; French neutrals settle in, 430"; proposals for attacking Indians, 425'; judge and justices called before council, 275°; judge of common pleas, I6o^ 171®; list of judges and justices, 477^ 504*; justices of common pleas, 466^; justices of peace, 195*, 391*, 456', 480", 501'; land grants, 124', 126', I62^ S4I^ 555^ land patents, 56^ 98^ 124°, 126", 179^ 341^; land purchase in, 86"; license to buy land in, iii^, 178^ 185°, 194^; militia, 353^ 357^ 4I5^ 441^ 454=; petitions, 115', 273', 307^ 319', 325', 326^; River Indians invited to re- move into, 424"; sheriffs, lOi", 135^ 143', I49\ 159', 171^ 271", 274', 391', 441*'; supreme court, 193", 194"; taxes, 53*, 127^ Ord, Thomas, S7i\ Orem,- Samuel, 408^, 4091 Oriskene patent, 547'^, 548^ Orme, Robert, 4i9\ Ormson, John, 127^ Orowake, 70^ Orowake river, 7I^ Oruna, Joseph Joachim de, 432'. Orwell (township), 519". Osborn, Danvers, takes oath as gov- ernor, 389", 390^; death, 390", 390*, 391'; instructions to, 390^ 390°, 391^ inventory of estate, 390^; papers examined, 390°; adminis- trators, ,390'; letters to, 390^, 391^; commission filed, 449". Osborn, Nathaniel, 296°. Osborne [Osborn, Osburne], John, arrested, 51": accounts, 183", 198^; warrant, 189^ letter from, 434^; land grants, 517", 541*, 549', 563"- Osborne, Thomas, 51^. Osborne, William, 11^, 24-. Osburn, Jacob, 482'. Osburn, James, 535^, 542^ Osburn, Richard, 3I0^ Osburn, see also Osborne. Oselton, Mr, 166F. Osgood, Benjamen, 403*. Osgood, James, 4031 Osgood, Samuel. 403^ Osten, John, 519°. Ostrander, ChristofYel, 539", 5421 Oswald, Eleazer, 563". Oswego, accounts, 327', 348^; Albany county regiment goes to, 366^; bateaux at, 306^; besieged by French and Indians, 426'; com- manders, 303^ commissioners for duties, 383^ warrant for expenses at. 333': fort, 302^ 303*, 303', 315*; French designs on, 307", 345°; French expedition, 303°; French inspect fort, 315'; French intend to attack, 305^ 426''; French take fort, 430"; garrison, 303^ 303', 335', 347', 347', 374% 392', 415"; Indian con- ferences, 390"; Indians consent to fort, 303^; Indian designs against, 306^; Iroquois to defend, 303'; Lieut. Lindesay to command, 367°; provisions for, 306°, 347^; repairs needed, 306", 385', 392'; ship car- penters at, 429°; ship cleared for, 433^ tools for, 326^; traders, 328', 376'; troops at, 317=, 317*, 336', 336', 339", 344'- Oswell, John, 546°. Othello (negro), 338°. Otsego lake, 3861 Ottawas, see Indian tribes. Otter creek, 493', 514', 554^ Ottowawa, 151". Otway, general, 428^ Ourry, Lewis, 413I Ousgood, Abner, 517^ Outhout, see Oothout. Outman, Phebe, 304^ Outward, see Harlem. Owen, John, 150^ 167^ 448', 457', 5381 Owen, Jonathan, I82^ Owen, Moses, 465^. Owen, Nathaniel, 548^ 549-. Owen, William, 263", 264^ Oxiner [Oxinor], Nicholas, 405^ 406', sii'. Oyster bay, I3\ 23°, 4s\ 49^ 58^ 92^ 205", 29I^ 291', 551^; Acadians settle at, 427^; assessors, 89"; boundaries, 38°, 4o\ 40^ breach of laws at, 151°; caveat in behalf of, SI4^ 515-, 515^; church at, 397^; ferry to Rye, 333'; Indian land near, 46"; land matters, 51*; land patents, 37^; license to buy land in, 212^; petition of in- habitants, 175^; pirates from, 166"; surveyor of customs at, 137^ 137", 152^; whalelishing at, I6^ Oyster fishing, 266^. Pace, Henry, 533". Pace, James, 533". Pacheco, Rodrigo, 277^ 278', 277', 295'. Paco, , 392^, 392^ 392", 414^. Paddock, David, 473^. Page, John, 406^, 407^. Page, Peter, 522^. Page, William, 537I Pagen, William, 530". Pain, Ezekiel, 406^ 407^. Paine, Mr, I7^ 17°. Paine, captain, 141^ Paine, Aaron, 561^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 675 Paine, Benjamin, 505'. Paine, Daniel, 528^ Paine, Ephraim, 496'. Paine, Joseph, 420'. Paine, Timothy, 528^ Paisley, John, 5i8\ Palatines, 227^ 225)°, 229", 2t,2'^, 237'', 282"; arrival, 237^ 238^ .288', 397**; children, 239'; complaints against, 258^; help build fort, 302"; scheme for government, 238"; land grants, 256', 267°, 30S^ 383'; lands viewed for, 238"; letters about, 224", 225*; license to buy lands, 294^^, 300''; mutinous, 266"; at Newburgh, 25 1^ 255^ 256"; officers, 239^; orphans, 239", 239'; petitions, 228^ 247°, 249^, 274^ 294*, 300^ 310', 310^; pro- visions for, 236^ 237^ 2^y^; at Schoharie, 281^ Palding, Joost, 235^ Palgreen, Thomas, S4S'. Paling, Simon, 26°. Pallut, Thomas, 335'. Palmatier, Abraham, 539^ 542". Palmatier, Daumond, 539^ 542". Palmatier, Jacobus, 539", 5421 Palmatier, Michael, 539^ 542^ Palmatier, Peter, 539^ 542^. Palmer, Antony, see Pennsylvania. Palmer, Benjamin, 407^ 407°, 409^. Palmer, Edward, 64". Palmer, John, 25", 42^, 43®, 48°, 51'; sherifif. 33^; petitions of, 33^, 34^, 37^ 4&; judge of admiralty, 35®, 36^ 39^; in council, 36^; member of council, 41"; sale of land to, 44^ 46^ house of, 44'; goes to England, 54^; petition against, 54'; before council, 59^ 89^ assessor, 87^ Palmer, Joseph, 33". 407^ 407°, 409^ Palmer, Nehemiah, 290". Palmer, Quinby, 305°, 305", '305^. Palmer, Silvanus, 320^ Palmer, Stephen, 403^ 404^. Palmer, Thomas, I39^ 551°, 567*, 572'. Paltz, see Newpaltz. Paltz creek, 82". Paman, 441 Pangborne, Ephraim, 127°. Panton, Francis, 529^ 537^ 562^, 562°, 5/6^ Pape, Francis, Io6^ Papirinimon, 70". Parbon, Lewis, 440^ Parcell, Jacob, 541^ 562'. Parcell, John, I8o^ 243°, 250^ Parcell, Nicolas, 250". Parcell. Thomas, 47', 47', I6s^ Parcells, Edey, 36^. Parcells, John, 468". Pardon, Mr. I5^ Parish, Daniel. 484^ Parish, Isaac, 545^ Parke, Thomas, 545'. Parker, Elisha, 82", 89^ 105"'. Parker, Hugh, 515', 516". Parker. James, 218', 419', 427^ 480', 48r\ Parker, John, 435-, 535''. Parker, Jonathan, 44''. Parker, Peter, 456\ Parker, William, 19". Parks, Arthur, 502'. Parlin, Ann Catherine, 526\ 554^ Parmell, Hezekiah, jr, 560". Parmerly, Hezekiah, jr, 519°. Parmetier, Thomas, 94". Parmiter, , 132''. Parmitier, Michael, 103^ Parmyter, , I59^ Parmyter, John, I38\ 142'*, 143', 151*, 228". Parmyter, Paroculus, 143^; memorial, 140^; king's counsel, 144^; warrants, 145', 151^; judge advocate, 150^; memorial against, 154", I54^ 154^; books called for, 163'; vs William Lawrence, 178=, 178*, '178'. 178', 179', 179°, 192^^, i93\ 201", 20I^ 202''; vs William Hallet, 179'; petitions, I79\ I90^ 209'; prosecuted, 179^; again admitted to bar, i8i^ before council, 201^; to sue Edward Cole, 209^ Parmyter, Susanna, 303^. Parmyter, Thomas, i^5\ 136°, 137^ Parsell, Nicholas, 526^ Parser, Cornelius, 475*. Parsons, Benjamin, 524^ Parsons, John, 49^ Parsons, Samuel, 51", 524". Parsons, Simeon, K24". Parton, Noah, 26i\ Partridge, Oliver, 360', t,6&. 380', 515^ Partridge, William, 495°, 496\ Pascoutal, M. i6g^. Paston. Robert, 243*, 243'. 243'. Patents, see 'La.nd patents. Paterio, Joseph Benito Buseta, 443^ 44,f- Paterson, , 25^ Paterson, William, 142''. Patience, Will, 225^. Patishall FPatteshall. Pattishall], Richard. 25', 38°, 42', 42^ 122^ Patrick, Hugh, 529^ Patten, Edward. 559^ Patterson, Matthew, ^17*. Patterson, Moses, 5,36'. Patterson, Walter, 520^ 526'. 571*. Patterson, William, 50s', 514". 533^ Pauli [Pauly], Christopher, 523', 53.3'. Pauling, , 163". NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Paulsen, Pauls, 26". Paulus, Abraham (Mohawk sachem), 390', 394', 395'- Paulus, Hendrick, 122'. Pauly, see Pauli. Pauw, Jan, 444". Pavia, Francisco, 256^. Pawling, Henry, 10', 18', 19*, 35% 95'- Pawling, Levi, negotiations with In- dians, 449', 454°; letter from, 454^ vs G. D. Cock, 471', 475% 475*, 475'; petition, 537^ Pawling, widow, 101°, I04^ 104^ 114^ Paxton, captain, 107^. Payne, Mr, I4l Payne, Anne, 400^. Payne, Benjamin, 400^ Payne, Lawrence, 363". Payton, Samuel, 290^ 297-. Pazan, , 374'- Peache, John, 631 Peachum, =;d7', 565°. Peacock. Eli^abeth, 119^ Peagrum, John, 324^ Peak, Henry, 508". .^I2^ Pearce, captain, 266', 2671 Pearce, John, 411°. Pearce, Josiah, 5241 Pearce, Thomas Dean, 4o8\ 409^ Pearce, Vincent, 266', 334^ letter from, 266"; petition, 276^ 277"; patent granted, 281^^; vs George Comyns, 33'7', 3.^< 338\ 338', 338', iAf\ vs John Key and Michael Hubbard, 337^ 337^ 338\ 338% 338'. Pearce, William, 528^ Pearle (man-of-war), 267^. Pearsall [Piersall], Nathaniel, 27"", 46^ 152'. 153'. Pearson, Thomas, 450^ 456*. Pearson, William, 5I8^ Peartree, , 241*. Peartree, Anne, 27S^ 276^ 277^ 281'. Peartree, William, takes oath of ab- juration, 190'; license to buy land, 191": petitions, I95^ 214*, 2'32''; let- ter from, 204'; loan refunded, 2I8^ 225''; land grants, 220^ 222^ 234^; warrant. 223^; apoointed to council, 224"; dismissed from council, 238^ Sec also N. Y. (city), mayors. Peartree (sloop), 204^ 204'. Peck, Abraham, 433-. Peck, Beniamin, 266^ Peck. Michael, ^6\ Pedlars. 41'. 431". Pedra, Philipp de la, 432^ Peecks creek. 2I7^ Peekskill. 548', S5o'. Peet. William, 4io\ Peggy (orivateer), 434^ 443', 443'. Peirce, Nehemiah, 24^ Peiret, Margaret, 203^ Peiret, Peter, 127*, 131', 140', 177', 189', 198'. Peirpont, John, 5i9\ Peirsall, Henry, 5il Peirsen, Isaac, 53o\ Peirson, Benj&min, 477°. Peirson, John, 189'. Peirson, Jonas, 536°. Peisinger, John, 559'. Pekham, Jonathan, 517^ Pelham, Francis, 313% Pelham manor, 56". Pell, John, 24\ 26", 48^ land dispute, 15''; to buy land, 51°; land patent, 56'; before council, 59', 7.3", 89'; boundary commissioner, 61'; com- missioner, 76°; assessor, 87'; vs Bathstina Wessells, no*, no". Pell, Samuel, 406". Pell, William, 120'. Pelletreaux, Elias, petitions, 177^ I94\ 221", 224°, 239'; warrants, 178*, 181', 187'=; account, 180'. Pelletreaux. John, warrants, 60', 78^ 8ol 89', 90', o^*, 96', 102', 104% I07*, IIo^ II2^ II8^ i2i\ i2-\ 1291 I78^ 181^; petitions, 177', 194^; account, 180'. Pelletreaux. Magdalena. 152^ Pellinger, Frederick, 7o8^ 308*. Pells, Henry, 539^ 542'. Pells, Alichael, .q39^ =;42'. Pels, Evert, 539', 542'. Peltry, order concerning:. 22'. Pem.aquid, 29'. 30^ 31^ court of sessions at, 38^; fort, 117": govern- ment of, 3ol 34*: Indian war, 27^; petition of inhabitants, 40*; quit- rents. 48"; sheriff, 32"; taken pos- session of for duke, 29^ Pemberton. Judith, 163*, 170', I87^ Penalosa, Diego de, 361". Pendergrast, William, 471*. Penford. Tohn, 30'. Penicuff. Philip. 546'. Penn, Tohn, 502^ Penn, Thomas, S02^ Penn. William, 38% 156^ 481', 48S', S02-, 503'. Penniston, Thomas, 199% 331®. Pennoyer, Robert, 13". Pennsylvania, 83^ 414^; accounts re- ferred, 1 11^; boundaries, see Boun- daries; commissioners at Albany conference of 1754. 394^: Col. Flet- cher made governor. 8.3°; hostile Indians in, 424^; letter from Pres. Palmer, 368^ letter to Gov. Gookin, 227^ letters to, 6o\ 156^; men to build fort, 426*; mission to about pirates, 145^; money for Crownpoint expedition, 417'; money for Indians, 119^; Pres. Pal- INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 677 mer demands loan of cannon, 368', 368", 369': refuses to assist against French. 10/"; refuses help in case of war, 160"; refuses to treat with Indians. 355''; Gov. Thomas in- formed of French intentions, 351". Pennj-. William, 535', 542°. Pennyman. James, 24^ Penobscot. 30*. Penryn. 551'. Pepar. Rinea. 7I^ 71'. Pepperel. William, 352^ 354^*, 397', 414'. 414'. 434*. Percival. captain, 451". Ferine. Edward, 561^. Perkins. Mary, 51". Perkins. Thomas, 337*. Perkins. William, 17'. Permasent. Claes Johnson, 45\ Pero, Francis. 52". Pero, John, 92^. Peroo. John. 149°. Perret. John. 565'. Perrin. Daniel, 105'. Perrott. Richard, 53°. Perry, Isaac, 47I^ Perry, John, post to Virginia, 69', 73^: warrants, 98°, 130', 132', 156'; work in fort, 165^ I89^ Perry, ]\Iervin, 410^ Perse, Jacobus, 575*, 576", 576*. Person. John, 190^ 190^ Personel, Francis B. 497\ 498*. Persons. David, 516^ 52I^ 522^ Perth Amboy (N. J.), 51', 102', 131', 132', 135", 2o6^ 226^ 32 1^ 421^, 450'. Pessatinck. 56^ Peters, Herman, 408^ 409*. Peters. John, petitions, 404', 575^ 575^ land grants, 404^ 561°, s6s^ 565°, 566^ 575°; judge of common pleas, 502^ Peters. Richard, 418', 428', 474°. Peters. Samuel, 47I^ Petersen, John, 143^ Peterson, Aert, 33*. Peterson, George, 399^ 400', 4I0^ Peterson. Hendrick. see Hendrick. Peterson. Peter. 128'. Peterson. Roelofif, 44^ Peterstown, 5661 Petit. Amos, 343^ Petit, Guavas, 119', 150', 3481 Petite. Abram Clement, 26*. Petrie. Christian. 399^ Petrie. Daniel. ,399^ Petrie. Dederick, 399'. Petrie. Johannes. 399'. Petri, Johannis Coenrat, 322^ 330'. Petrie [Petri], John Joost, petitions, 289', 377°. 402^: license to buy In- dian lands, 327^ 399", 402^: patent granted, 333': warrants, 385', 396*, 42i\ 424"; refuses to furnish pro- visions, 414". Petrie, Joost, jr, 399*. Petrie, Marcus, 399". Pettit, Charles, 545'. Pettit, Thomas, 17", 537°, 565°. Petty [Pette], Edward, 17', 179' , iSo*, 180', 189". Pew, Francis, 35', 361 Pew, John, 11". Peyre, Pierre, 56'. Phagan, see Fagan. Phelps, Aaron, 519'. Phelps, Alexander. 403", 404", 518°. Phelps, Amos, 518". Phelps, Asahel, 518'. Phelps, Ichabod, 404', 404°. Phelps, John, 518^ 524-. Phelps, John, jr, 518^'. Phelps, Joseph, 566^. Phelps, Joshua, 404\ 404°, 518". Phelps, Nathaniel. 404\ 404", 520-. Phelps. Roger, 519^ Phenix. Jacob, 8o\ Phenix (ship), 88*. Philadelphia, 265-, 418^ 504'. Philippsburgh manor, 8o^ 557'. Philips, , 22^ Philipse, Mr, 235', 305', 305', 305'. Philippse, colonel, 3171 PhiHpse [Philips, Philipps, Philippse, Phillippse], Adolph, land patents, I24^ 277', 281°: petitions, 158°, 158', 275"; member of council. 202^ 207^ 281'*; warrants, 2o6^ 223^. 276^; ac- counts, 215^; master of court of chancery, 244"; oath administered, 256": Connecticut boundary com- missioner, 268^: vs Margaret Cod- rington, 299^ meets with council, 317': Indians claim land granted to. 467'. 473'. 47.f . Philipps, Andrew Faneuil, 572^. Philippse, Charles. 284^. Philipps. Daniel. 537~^ Philipse [Philipps, Philippse, Phil- lipsl, Frederick, 22*. 62'. 66^; mem- ber of coimcil, 23*. 60", 62", 133*; to audit accounts. 65': suit against tenant. 70"; offers to pay soldiers, 70°: payment for clothing, 72*; claims ship, 75^: warrants. 93', Ii8^ I25^ 151^; to survey ketch Success. tit\ Philiose [Philippsel, Frederick (2d), petition, 274^ patent granted, 274*; justice of peace. 31 1"; justice of su- preme court. 312', 319°; certifies conrerning Mary Burton, 340^; death, 381^ Philinse [Philippsel. Frederick (3d), 46t\ 477\ 4S3\ 557'. 557°. 557^. Phillips. George, 131', 132^. 678 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Philipps, Hendrick, 39S', 459 , 577 • Philipps, James, 473', 522*, 550, 550°. Philipse, John, 450^ 568'. Philipps, Jonathan, 5641 Philipps, Joseph, 564', 566'. Philippse, Philip, 350', 402^ 402', 467 , 467^ 470'. Phillips, Samuel, 151 . Philipps, William, 533', S4o', 564, 577'. Philippse patent, 534 . Philippsen, Philipp, 4i\ 6g^. Philipson, John, 433^ Phips, Benjamin, Io6^ Phips, Spencer, commissioner to treat with five nations, 290'; asks for supplies, 350'; declares war against Canada Indians, 350^^; cor- respondence with, 376^ 376', 378°, 419", 421", 421^; represented at In- dian conference, 378^ 379'; ^report of boundary committee, 388^ 388°; requests, 350", 4I6^ 420'. Phips, William, 73\ 74°; correspon- dence with, 78-, 8o% 80*, 81', 82^ 98=; refuses to deliver Abraham Gov- ern eur, 8i^ vs Edward Chant, 84^ 85°; holds Mohawks prisoners,_ 86^; promised 200 men, 86^; Chidley Brooke confers with, 90^; refuses assistance, 9I^ Phisk, see Fisk. Phister, Francis, 540". Phoenix, Alexander, 378°. Phoenix (man-of-war), 266^ 266". Phyn, George, 412", 530*. Phyn, James, 530', 540', S4i', 544'- Pickard, Nicholas, 395', 396°. Pickering, Thomas, 340^ Pickett, Nicholas, 331', 388'. Pickle, Bartholomew, 54ol Pickle [Pikel], Jacob, 405', 5o8'. 512'. Picksley, Joseph, 424^ Pico, 441'. Pieret, see Peiret. Pierpoint, John, 560'. Pierron, Jean, i2\ Pierson, Henry, 76% 139', 139*, IS3^ Pierson, John, 20i\ Pieters, Adolph, 24^ Pieters, Volkertie, 37-, 38'. Pietry, Andre Saens de, 271*. Pillory, 70*. Pilots, fees, 39^ proclamation about pilotage, 263"; order to remove, 463", 463'- Pincheon, major, 28', 31^ 86', 99^ Pinckney, Thomas, i6i\ 180*. Pine, James, I6^ Pinhorn, Gertrude, 576^ Pinhorne, John, 276*, 576". Pinhorne, Mary, 274", 276', 277\ 277', 278'. Pinhorne [Pinhorn, Pinkhorne], William, 3^, 34', sS*^; alderman, 34°; to audit accounts, 36^ justice of peace, 45''; member of council, 62^ 85', 131°; member court of oyer and terminer, 62^; recorder, 63", 75^ 75^; i" Leisler case, 63'; to administer oaths, 64^; judge of su- preme court, 65*, 82% 82^ 83'; War- rants, 86', 92', 94', 96', 98', 109', no", 119*; petition, 98'; patent to, 98^; accounts, 103^; judge of ad- miralty court, 116''; license to buy land, I24\; defense, 132'; salary as assistant judge, 166*. Pinkney, Philip, 33\ Pinneo, Daniel, 522''. Pinniere, Peter, 561^ Pintard, John, 362', 363', 363', 366". Pintard, Lewis, 481"; petitions, 401 , 407°, 479^ 481'' ; land grants, 402^ 407', 546'. Pintard, Samuel, 570 . Pinthrop, William, 288". Piper, Peter, 405', 406', 512', 5H'- Pipon, Elias, 31 il Pipon, Silas, 404', 404''- Pipoon, Philipp, 295'. Pirates, 264', 264'; act against, 52-; act of 1700 repealed, 455"; Adam Baldridge accused of harboring, 137°; broken jail in New Jersey, 143^; commission concerning, 270'; damage done by, 17"; in Dukes county, 87'; Gov. Fletcher's and William Nicolls' connection with, 131'; goods, 142'; imprisoned in New Jersey, 132'; mission to Penn- sylvania and Maryland about, 145': orders to reduce, 266'; owners of vessels not to trade with, 131'; pardoned, 266°, 268', 270'; procla- mation from England about, isS"; property taken from, 146'*; rendez- vous, 264^*; ship in Delaware bay, 133'; surrender, 267^; trial, 266", 266^ 295'; William 3 writes about, 157-. Piscataqua [Piscattaway], 87'', 200^ 20ll Piscataqua river, 83°. Pitch, complained of, 268'; letter about making, 273*. Pitkin, William, 25", 34', 381". Pitsfield (Mass.), 49i"- , „, Pitt, William, letters from, 433 , 438 , 438', 442', 445', 447', 450', 452', 454' ; retires from office, 455''. Pitts, William, 530'. Planck, Johannes, 568^ Planck, Leonard, 568". INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 679 Planck, Petrus, 568'. Plank, Henry, 528'. Plantation trade, i4ol Planter (sloop), 67', 6f, 69". Plate river, 264^ Platkill, 437^ Plats, John, 148'. Piatt, Ebenetus, 76°, 87°. Piatt, Frederick, 146', 146^, 147-. Piatt, Isaac, 21", 51^ Play acting, forbidden, 227^ Playsteed, Richard, 138°. Pleasant (ship), 301^ Pless, Clements, 412^ Plevier, Cornelius, 62^. Plevier, John, 167^ Plowman, Matthew, 64®, 7o\ 70", 124°, I24^ 1 53-, 157-. See also N. Y. (colony), receivers general. Plume, Abraham, 529°. Plume, Benjamin, 529". Plume, Robert, 529'. Plume, Samuel, 529", 530^. Plummer, Jonathan, 538°. Plunderneck, 6g^. Plunkett, John, 335\ Poctone, One Pound, 467^ Poff, Peter, 408', 409°. Pokeepsing, see Poughkeepsie. Polhampton, William, 243°. Polhemus, Daniel, I45^ Polhemus, Dorus, 232^ Pollox (privateer), 35o\ 365*. Polly, (privateer), 345", 366', 374^ 474°- Polock (?), Thomas, 41 1^ Pomfret, 565°. Pomroy, Ezra, 525^ Pomroy, Medad, 516^ 529*, 553^ Pomroy, Shammah, 525". Pomroy, Stephen, 525°. Pomroy, sec also Puniroy. Pond, Daniel, 517^ Ponofield, 2o8^ Pontine, William, 468'. Ponton, captain, 11^, II^ Ponton, Richard, testifies in land case, 16^; petitions, ^Z'^, 75^ 136^; arrested, 70°; vs Gabriel Leggitt, 76=. Poole, John, 328". Poor, lieutenant, 425^. Poor, all towns to maintain their own. S9*- Popham, Allen, 45 il Popple, Allured, 273*, 296°. Popple, William, 428', 429^ Port au Prince, 483^ Porteous, James, 572". Porter, sergeant, SI3^ Porter, Benjamin, 413'. Porter, Eleazer, 516". Porter, Increase, 404^ 404". Porter, Noah, 518", 563", 571^ Porter, Peter, 272", 272". Porter, Preserved, 401', 402°, 406^ 407'. Porter, Thomas, 263", 547^ Fortius, John, 530'. Porto Plata (St Domingo), 443'. Porto Rico, 372'', 467'. Post, Catherine, 271', 279^ 282^ 292', 295'- Post, Christian Frederick, 347°, 347'. Post, Isaac, 405'', 405\ Post, Israel, 404'', 404", 518". Post, Jazaniah, 404", 404". Post, Jedediah, 404', 404°. Post, John, 404', 404". Post, Jordan, 404\ 404". Postillion (sloop), 264^ 362°. Postoffice, to be established, 41^ 243*. Pot ashes, 383^ Potencien, Father, 347". Potman, Arent, 290°. Potman, Cornelius, 430'. Potter, captain, 204". Potter, Timothy, 519". Potts, Alexander, 4i2\ Potts, William, 511*. Pouder, Tobias, 535". Poughkeepsie [Pokeepsing, Pogh- keepsingh], 452^^; episcopal church charter, s64^ 569^*; patent, 534'; petitions of inhabitants, 539^ 559°; 28th regiment to land at, 471^ 471"; vs Rev. John Beardsley, 564', 564'; vs owners Great nine partners patent, 56o^ Pounchartreen, M. IS6^ Pounset, John, 576^ Povancay, sieur de, 31°. Povey, Mr, 115°. Povey, Henry, i6o\ 163*. Povey, John, 7S\ 861 Powder, sale to Indians, 24", 24^ 28*; magazine repaired, 224^; exporta- tion, 344^ 346'. Powell, John, 534=, 538=. Powell, Thomas, 51*, 545'. Powell, William, 3951 Powells, Samuel, 538". Power, Giles, 533'. Power, Henry, 408°, 409". Power, Michael, 523^. Powers, Abel, 517'. Powers, Abijah, 517^ Powers, Andrew, 525°. Powers, James, 525°. Powers, Jeremiah, 517^ Powers, John, 521^ 522^ Powers, Josiah, 5I7^ Powers, Mathew, 517^. Powers, Nahum, 517^ Powers, Nathaniel, S27^ 563". 68o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Powers, Robert, 5I7^ Powers, Robert, jr, 5I7^ Powers, Stephen, 517®. Powers, Whitcom, 517^ Powers, William, 525^ Pownall [Pownal], John, 421^, 434®, 453^ 506^; letters from, 393', 416^ 436', 437', 438', 447', 451', 453', 461*. Pownall [Pownal], Thomas, 390', 390', 414',. 414'. Praa, captain, 200". Praa, Peter, 2171 Praal [Prael], Arent, 98', 99', 103^ Pratt, Benjamin, 455", 458^ 461', 464^ 466^ Pratt, David, 574^ Pratt, Elisha, 404", 404*. Prattsburgh, 555'. Pray, Samuel, 201', 20I^ Predent, Roger, I6I^ Presbyterian churches, see Churches. Prescot, William, 523°. Prescott, captain, 451^. Presqu'ile, 391^ Prest, Daniel, 5I7^ Preston, Achilles, 533^ 540^ 549^ Preston, Charles, 562°. Preston, David, 406^ 4071 Preston, Ebenezer, 406^ 407^. Preston, James, 519*. Preston, Martin, 561^ Preston, Samuel, 519*. Pretty, Richard, 19^. See also Albany county, sheriffs. Prevost, Augustine, 412^, 525*, 531^ 538^ Prevost, Augustine, jr, 412^ 531 , S38\ Prevost, Frederick, 537 . Prevost, George, 538^ Prevost, Marcus, 534', 537®, 572^ Prevost, see also Provoost. Price [Pryce], David, 450', 511', 571^ 576^ Price, George, 545°. Price, John, 313". Price, Joseph, 437^ Price, Mary, 313-. Price, Richard, 556'. Price, Thomas, 546^. Price, William, 533", 536^ Prideaux, Roger, 170^ 170°. Prim, Peter, 5I8^ Prime, Benjamin, 564*. Primrose (sloop), 57*, 88'. Prince, Pierre le, 370®. Prince, Roger, 403^ Prince Charles (privateer), 354^ 357\ Prince Fredik (brigantine), 300^ Prince of Orange (brigantine), 439*, 439'. Prince of Wales (snow), 433 . Princess Carolina (ship), 297'. Princetown, 528^ Prindle, Aaron, 406', 407'. ' Prindle, Daniel, 401*, 401^ 406', 407^. Prindle, John,, 401^ 402", 406', 407^. Pringle, George, 5551 Pringle, Jacob, 491°. Pringle, Joseph, 49i\ Pringle, Thomas, 519". Printer, inducements offered to bring one to New York city, 82^ See also Bradford, William. Prior, Edward, 512^ 512^ Prior, Edward, jr, 512°, SI2^ Prior, Matthew, 46^ Prisoners, sent to England for trial, 253'. See also French prisoners; Spanish prisoners. Privateers, act against, 52'': sailors not to be impressed for royal navy, 190^; instructions for commanders, 434^ 434', 436'. See also French privateers. Prize fighting, forbidden, 22/. Probasco, Stoffel, 7f. Probasco, Theophilus, 58^ Proctor, Cardan, 540*^, 541^ 544^ Proctor, William, 520*, 540'', 541^, 544'. Proctor, William, jr, 3591 Proney (sloop), 429^ Prophet Daniel (bark), 126'. 126^. Prosperous (ketch), Spl " Protestant succession " oath, 189'. Providence (West Indies), 161', 264^, 267'. Provisions, 99'; embargo on, 335°, 336', 421', 423', 429', 429', 431', 431', 434"; exportation, 337'. 398'. 427"; exportation allowed, ii6^ 124-, 432*, 432^ 436", 439^; exportation for- bidden, 65', 90', 251', 251', 251', 251', 251', 337', 344', 428', 434*, 441'. 458'; from New Jersey, 428"; from Penn- sylvania, 428"; to Rhode Island, 420*, 420°, 420^, 42 1^ 422\ 428", 429^ 43o\ 430=. Provoost, , 55', 55'. Provoost, Abraham, 134^ 164', 199^ 201^ 20l\ Provoost [Provost], David, peti- tions, 82', 200*, 232^ 273\ 2S3\ 288', 290'; mayor, 143", 144"; judge of su- preme court, 154°; license to buy Indian lands, 164^; land patents, I66^ 278', 290'; warrants, 168', 273^ 293^; manager for buying material for fortifications, 210"; appointed to council, 224', 239", 241°: repairs fort, 235^; memorial, 264°; ex- amined about Evans' patent. 286^; surety for William Dugdale, 289*; accounts as tonnage officer, 297*, 298*; death, 297^; petition of child- INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 68i rem, 298'; license to buy Indian lands, 344^; patent to, 382^; vs Mary Lush, 4I2^ 413", 509^^, 509''; warrant, 249^, 249^. Provoost, David, jr, petitions, 298°, 385', 407', 408'; captain, 336^ 336'. Provoost [Proovost, Provost], Johannes, dispute with Ludovicus Cobet, 31°; in council, 38'; peti- tions, 38^ 1210^ 149^ 151"; land grants, 60^, 121^; warrants, 144*, I52^ Provoost, John, 359-, 374", 41 1^ 531^ Provoost, Peter Praa, 407^, 4o8\ Provoost, William, petitions, 235", 279-, 296°, 304*, 3og\ 3I4^ 314; 3i4»; appointed to council, 292", 306", 317'; license to buy Indian land, 300^ 305^ 307'; gone to New Jer- sey, 319^ complaint, 471', 471". Prudden, John, 51^ 71'. Prudent, Peter, 444^ Prusher, William, 128^ Prusk, John, 535', 542^ Pruyn, Johannes Samuel, 387^ 398°, 535'- Pryn, David, 520", 52ol Pryor, Thomas, jr, 545^ Puck, William, 4961 Puddington, Elias, iii*. Puddington, Robert, 208^ Pullen, Thomas, 291^ 291", 291°, 315°. PuUion, Jacques, 116", 119°, 174*. PuUion, Jacob, 253^ Pullon, John, 52I Pumroy, Benjamin, 404", 404^ Pumroy, Eleazar, 403^, 404°. Puntine, William, 559". Purdy, Caleb, 509*. Purdy, Daniel, petitions, 276*, 276^ 276°, 277^; patent granted, ^77^, 277', 278^; caveat against patent to, 277", 277'; warrant, 2771 Purdy, Gabriel, 500°. Purdy, Henry, 548^ , Purdy, Joseph, II2^ 163^ 276^ 509*. Purdy, Joshua, 509*. Purtell, Thomas, 449^ Pusling, Thomas, 166". Putman, Tunis, 4841 Putnam, Esa, 4031 Putnam, Israel, 523*, 523', 565". Putnam, James, 518" , 528^ 557^ Putnam county, 402°. Putney, 489^ 516', 522". Pye, David, 478'. Pyster, Peter, 530^ Quack (negro), 338'. Quackenbosh, Peter, 406'', 407\ Quackenboss, Hendrick, 523", 543'. Quackenboss [Quackenbosh, Quack- enbush], Johannes, 404^ 404^, 406^ 407\ 425^ 508", 508', 512*. Quackenboss [Quackenbosh], Nicho- las, 406', 407', 537^ Quackenbush, Arent, 233'. Quakers, 178', 178', 182'; paper about fortifications, I8^ 18°; refuse to bear arms, 23^; petitions, 61*, 159*, 320°, 320'; accused of blasphemy, 192*. Quanje, John Batist de, 4IS^ Quary, Robert, 234^. Quaspeck, 98*. Quassaick, 383". Quasseck creek, see Newburgh. Quebec, 558**; boundaries, sec Boun- daries; letter to commander-in- chief, 486^^; council proceedings, 497°; letter from De la Galison- niere, 366^; Indians going to. 227-; prisoners escape, 54^*; exchange of prisoners, 369", 369^ 375': sloops sent to, 228^; troops from, 490^ See also Canada. Queens county, assessors, 59-, 87°; census, 128^; clerk of peace, 62^ 144^ 199-, 433^; commissions of peace and pleas, 253^, 427-, 481®; coroners, 45^, 464°; court of oyer and terminer, 192^; court of ses- sions, 1851^; disorders in, 73^: East India goods seized in, 155°; ap- praisal of estates, 76'; Indians, loi*, 106', 120''; inhabitants to repair Stony hill, 58** ; judges and assist- ant justices commissioned, 433''; justices of peace, 57^ 64^ 112^ 112°, 143',. 146', I53\ 178', 195', 495°; petitions of justices, 236*, 254"; complaints against justices, 112^, 112*, 112°, 270^; soldiers to be raised in, 53^^; militia, S4^ 94^ IS4^ 176', 353', 357', 415', 435', 436', 441'; petition for land in, 135^; road. 88*; riot, 209"; seamen to be impressed, 213^; sheriffs, 62°, 7^, 137'. 143^ I49\ 159', 201', 237', 237^ 346', 349', 354", 463', 464'; taxes, 53', 72\ 7Z\ 84', 115', 13?', I86^ Quela, Francis, 427^ Quereau, Benjamin, 494^ Quick, Cornelius, 142'*, I44^ Quick, Jurian, 173^. Quick, Rimderig, 134°. Quick, Teunis, 173^ Quick, Thomas, 291^. Quiet, Peter, 509", 509', 509^ 512'. Quimby, John, ill Quin, Edward, 535^ Quin, Patrick, 528'. Quin, Peter, 572". Quinby, , 305', 305', 305'. Quiner, Thomas, 5241 Quishman, Charles, 496*. Quitrents, 113°, 120^ 193", 196'. 208^; arrears, II4^ 117^ 2o8\ 267'; to be 682 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY collected, 128*; order about, 47^; to be paid in money, 83*; proposals about, 322'; sheriffs to collect, 119^; statement called for, 158°. See also names of towns and counties. Race, see Rees. Rainer, captain, 243^ See also Ray- ner. Ralph, James, 538". Ralph [Ralf], Michael, 530°, 5731 Ramage, Charles, 5.27', 544', 545'. Ramage, Smith, 529', 544', 545-. Rambo, Peter, I3\ Rament, Nathaniel, 5i7\ Ramepogh, 126'. Ramon, Peter, 200^ Ramsay, Andrew, 373''. Ramsay, James, 339". 5"^'^ also Rum- sey. Ranisen, Hendrick, 338\ 340°, 342''. Ramsen, Henry, jr, 385^. Ramsey, , 496'*. Ramsey, Alexander, 329°. Ramsey, John, 530". Ran, John, 522', 522°, 546^ Randall, Joseph, 513'', 547". Randall, Rebecca, I44\ Randolph, Benjamin, 47i\ Randolph, Edward, 130^, 131". Ranger (sloop), 434\ Rankin, James, 54I■^ Ranking, William, 272^ 272'. Ranslear, see Van Rensselaer. Rapalie [Rapale, Rapallese, Rap- palle], Jeronimus, 37', 45^, 58^ I96^ I96^ 197^ 223'. Rapalje, Garret, 565^ 576^ Rapalje, John, 541', 576*. Rapp, Coenradt, 537". Rascarrick, George, 121*. Ratan, island of, 347". Ratzer, Barnard, 55o\ Raws, see Ross. Ray, lieutenant, 437^ Rayner, Elizabeth, 28°. Rayner, John, 290'. See also N. Y. (colony), attorneys general. Rayner, Samuel, 246°. Raynes, John, 274"'. Rea, James, 531'. Rea, Matthew, 496'. Reade, Charles, 541^ 545*. Reade, Edward, 33^^, I22\ Read, James, 518'. Read, John, petitions, 28/, 290^ 304", 405^; land grants, 406', 512^ 514°, 544^ 571'; member of council, 5I5^ Read, Joseph, 442", 458', 465^ 4861 Reade, Joseph, jr, 521^ 522', 532°, 532', 533*^, 534^ Read, Lawrence, 76^ 118', 403", 410', 5iol Read, Robert, 235'. Read, Samuel, jr, 522'. Reade, Thomas, 577'. Read, see also Reed, Reid. Reader, Kilian, 304'. Reading (township), 529^, 560^ Realy, James, 549^ Reaux, John, 91^, 92", 92", 93", 96^ lOI^, 102^ I03\ Rebar, Andries, 544°. Rebar, John, 544^ Rebecca (ship), 34', 35^ 444'. Recollects, 347". Red Head (Onondaga sachem), 38o^ Red Hook, 140', 359', 379'. Redigh, Christopher, 538'. Redknap, John, 227". Rednap, Mr, 237'. Reeckford, lieutenant, 116^. Reed, Lawrence, 210'. Reed, Patrick, 533'. Reed, William, 523^ Reed, see also Read, Reid. Reemar, Isaac, 5I0^ Rees, David, 372'K Rees, William, 41.5', 416*. Reeve, Mark, 540^ Reeve, Peter, 545°. Reformed Dutch churches, see Churches. Regnier, Elizabeth, 258". Regnier, Jacob, petitions, 193^ 197°, 197'', i98\ 203^; vs Susannah Vaughton, 198', I98^ 200"; appears for Capt. Claver, 200°; new patent, 201^; vs Philip Headman, 237^, 238^; answer to petition, 255^ Reid, Alexander, 535\ Reid, David, 535', 542°, 565*. Reid [Read], Duncan, 410', 4I0^ 4ir. Reid, John, land grants, 4I0^ 41 1^ 552', 562'; house burned, 488^; me- , morial, 493', 555^; sawmill on land of, 493*"; reports new outrages, 497'; petitions, 51S*, S16', 5SS\ SSS'. Reid, Nathaniel, 540^ Reid, Peter, 519', 535'. Reid, see also Read, Reed. Reiglar, Andries, 559'. Reilly, Susannah, 571^. Reilly, Thomas, 536". Reis, Philip, 402*. Reiter, Paul, 404^ Relay, Henry, 562*, 5631 Relay, Lewis, 527", 553', 562*, 563'. Relivo, Joseph, 430'. Remsen, Daniel, 237^. Remsen, Hendrick, license to buy Indian lands, 347^, 368'; land grants, 372*, 54o\ 544', S4i'; son of, 372'; petitions, 527', 529°, 532-, 557% 557', 572', 574', 574'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINL'TES 683 Remsen, Henry, jr, 531'*, 532^ 54I^ Remsen, Jacob, 442". Remsen, Jacob, jr, 576^. Remsen, Jeronimus, 231°. Remsen, John, 550", 55i\ Remsen, John, jr, 576^ Remsen [Remse], Joris, 99'', 372', 375^ 378^ Remsen. Peter, 473°, 551", 567^ Remsen, Rem, 576". Remsen, Simon, 533', 534', 550-, 551^ 557'- Renandet, Adrian, 409', 531', 539**, 541', 546'. Renne, Peter, 465^ 466". Rensselaerswyck, 2^, 29'', 188". Resha. Peter, 430". Reshaur, Peter, 430'. Resokition (ship), 157", 446'. Restoration (snow), 335\ Reton, John, 363', 364'. Retrieve (sloop), 429^. Return (brigantine), 204", 204". Revenues, 68", 234'\ 234^ 234^ 240'; accounts, I43\ 255', 2>'^f, 326", 326*; commissioners of, 179^, 196^ 198^; fall short, 119'; laws, 52', 85^ 85*: marine service, 179"; measures laid before assembly, 112'; order about, 47'- Reverey, Peter, 56^ Reviere aux Boeufs, 39I^ Reynolds, Broughton, 556°. Reynolds, John, 1481 Reynolds, Nicholas, 69". Rhineland, 577^. Rhinelander, Frederick, 577^ 577". Rhinelander, William, jr, 577". Rhode Island, 25", 25^ I25^; address from governor and council, 230*; assistance from, 90", 107''; boun- daries, see Boundaries: commis- sioners at Albany conference of ^754^ 394^: commissioners in Con- necticut-Mohegans matter, 331*; committee of war, 419'; congress in, 22,i^\ danger of attack, 359"; let- ter from. 422"; men for campaign against Ticonderoga, 426"; exporta- tion of provisions to, 4I9\ 4i9\ 420*. 420°, 420', 42 1 ^ 422\ 428", 428', 429'. 430^; refuses government of Phips. 84"; governors: Coddington, William, 24°, 24^ 25-; Cranston, Samuel, . 230*"; Hopkins, Stephen, 42o\ 422'; Nicholls, Jonathan, 420^ Wanton, Gideon. 352®. Ricault, Hendrick, 44*. Ricaut, James, 2"]:^*. Rice,- James, 5I9^ 560^ Rice, Nathan, 499". Rice, Owen, 379^ Richard, Michael, 427". Richard, Zachary, 427'. Richards, James, 28^ Richards, Jean, 43o\ Richards, Jeremiah, 44i\ Richards, Nathaniel, 521", 522°, 536°. Richards, Paul, petitions, 145°, 290', 294", 294", 295\ 322'; license to buy Indian lands, 320^: agreement signed by, 364"; proposal accepted, 370': explanation, 371". See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Richards, Paulus, vs Stephen Gaineau, 34^; petitions, 35^ 99'; grant of land owned by, ;i7'^; ad- ministrator, 27*; arbitrator, 42^; petition about bond given to, 76^; land grants, 98^ 99", loi'. Richards, Philip, 513*. Richards, Roger, 538', 545'. Richards, Stephen, 283'"', 294', 294', 295'- Richards, Susannah, 538". Richards, Thomas, 521", 522°. Richards, William, 359", 359', 420°, 420', 421°, 428°. Richardson, Francis, 261 Richardson. James, 536', 540". Richardson, John, is'', 49". Richardson, Joseph, 535', 542^ Richardson, Samuel, 510*. Richardson, William, 23"^, 59^ 89^ 156', 157'. 525'. Richbell, Mrs Ann, 95'. Richbell, John, io\ 16', 17°, 36', 36'. Richey, John, 527". Richie, James, 513". Richmond, duke of, 472''. Richmond, 250'. Richmond county, assessors, 87': clerks of peace, 186": collector of quitrents, 1218'': commissions of peace and pleas, 426", 453^ 504'; coroner, 45"; court of common pleas, 417°; appraisal of estates, 76°; highways, 143^; justices of peace, 64^, 112°, 146*, I99\ 199", 211^; land survey, I75^ 199^; militia, 54°, 41S', 441'': petitions, 249^ 288', 289-; sheriffs, 60', 62^ 72^, 7g^, 87^ 143^ 149;, 159"; taxes, 53', 72*, 84', 127', 139". See also Staten Island. Richmond island, 264^ Richmond (ship), 57', 92', 92', 97*, 107^ 117^ 117'', 120*, I24^ Richmond (township), 555^. Richmondtown, 427^ Rickert, Conrad, 289'. Ricketts, William, 373\ Rickey. John, 5o8^ 512', 552". Ricter, Henry, 410^ 684 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Riddall [Ridell], Hugh, 42% 123'. Rider, Hugh, 5591 Rider, Mrs Jane, 39', 40^ 40', 42', 44^ Rider, John, 17', 33^ 35', 4^. See also Ryder. Ridgefield, 310°. Ridley, Robert, 537'. Ried, Benjamin, 553^ Riggs, John, warrants, 139*, ISC'*, 190', 191', 197^ 201', 273', 273'; takes oaths of allegiance, 189'; petitions, I90^ 307*; license to buy land, 194^; to command Connecticut de- tachment, 228°; memorial, 271*; to repair Albany barracks, 271"; letter from, 274". Riggs, Richard Colburn, 309^ Riggs, Thomas, 524". Rightmeyer, Coenrat, 332\ Rightmeyer, Ury, 389^ 391^, 391^ Rightmyre, John, 543'. Rigoult, Jean, 166'. Riker, Andreas, 565^ Riker, Henry, 565''. Riker, John, 5-27^ Riker, Peter, 565'. Rince, Jean Baptist, 461^ Rineau, , 453°. Riots, laws against, 259^; in Benning- ton, see Bennington; in Boston, 468°; in Charlotte county, 504^; in Cumberland county, 504°, 504"; in Jamaica, 186''', 236^ 236"; in N. Y. city, 391*, 496°; in Queens county, 209'; on Staten Island, 64'; in West- chester county, 460', 470", 471". Ripley, Mr, 15'. Ripse, Claes, 65'. Risdell, William, 535^ Rittenhouse, David, 503^ Ritter, Henry, 521', 522°. Ritzema, Rudolphus, 475^, 519", 520^ 540', 563°. River, John, 433*. Rivett, Teunis, 370", 41 5^ 437°, 444^ Riviera, John Gonsales de, 206". Riviere, John, 568'. Roach, Edward, 533^ Roach, Nicholas, 551^ Roach, Price, 549*. Roads, order for laying out, 88°; be- tween Brooklyn and Jamaica, 88"; between Jamaica and Bedford, 58"; between New York city and Hart- ford, 499"; between New York city and New Harlem, 10*; in Rich- mond county, 143"^; toward bridge and the Greatkill, 13^ Robert, Christopher, 403'. Robert, Susannah, 182". Robert (ship), 56^ 56^ Robert and Anne (snow), 433°. Robert of London (ship), 88". Roberts, — ■ — , 241^, 28o^ Roberts, Benjamin, 540^, 550". Roberts, Daniel, 15 1\ 539", 542^ Roberts, George, 545*. Roberts, John, 442"; letters froin, 360', 364', 364*, 365'; representation to, 365'; letter to, 365'; warrant, 367''; land grant, 538". See also N. Y. (county), sheriiTs. Roberts, John, shipmaster, 151°. Roberts, Robert, 351 Roberts, Samuel, 561". Roberts, Thomas, 57', 126°. Roberts, Zachariah, 204". Robertson, Alexander, 540', 544^. Robertson, Duncan, 5,59^ Robertson, George, 529^ Robertson, James, land grants, 411^ 516^ 522^; petition, 413^; impress warrant issued, 444''; commander- in-chief in America, 507'^; takes oath as governor, 507^ See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Robertson, John, 530^*. Robertson, Joseph, 499". Robertson, William, 539". Robeson, Benjamin, 547^ Robie, William, 176*. Robins, Samuel, 400*. Robins, Zebulon, 400^ Robinson, Mr, 126°, 287'. Robinson, general, 505\ Robinson, lieutenant colonel, 555°. Robinson, Amos, 522'. Robinson, Andrew, 49^ Robinson, Benjamin, 5iIO^ Robinson, Beverly, land grants, 402°, 402°, 548^ warrants, 426^ 43 1^ 432^ 432^ 437', 441', 442', 444^ 445', 448'; petitions, 467^ 467^ 470*. Robinson, Charles, 556°. Robinson, George, 500°, 535'. 541^, 542". Robinson, James, 490^ Robinson, John, 34^ 42^ 45', 56^ 76^. Robinson, John (2d), 521^, 522^, 536^ 538', 544', 567', 573'- Robinson, Joseph, 337*, 340''. Robinson, Joseph, corporal, 574'. Robinson, Maurice, 400^ Robinson, Nathaniel, 443'. Robinson, Robert, 62', 357'", 510", 527", 553'. Robinson, Silas, 483*, 483^ Robinson, Thomas, iio\ Robinson, Sir Thomas, 396*. 397', 415', 419', 422'. Robinson, William, 122*. Robison, Samuel, 464°, 465'', 474^, 557'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 685 Robles, Daniel, 88^ Robles, David, 56'. Robles, Jacob, s6^ 88'. Roche, Boyle, 5I0^ Rochester, 186*, 436", 438^ Rochester (man-of-war), 456^. Rochet, John Peter, 523". Rockaway, 44^, 46^, 299^ 415^. Rockenfoos, John, 5461 Rockenkoway pond, 124*, 126'. Rockingham, 565^ Rocksen, John Smith, 17". Roddam, Robert, 373". Rodgers, captain, 231°. Rodgers, Robert, 577^ Rodman, John, 125", 145*, 146", 152", 203*, 203', 495'. Rodman, Samuel, 395^ 396", 397". Rodman, Thomas, 545". Rodriguez, Manuel, 432^. Roe, Nathaniel, 250^, 251', 251". Roebuck, Jarvis, 4o6^ Roelofif, Sarah, 162^. Roeloffs, Boel, 15^ Roeloffs, Teunis, 45^. Rogers, captain, 425'. Rogers, Anthony, 149*, 154-, 156^ Rogers, Arthur, 528'. Rogers, David, 521^, 522°. Rogers, George, 182', 199*^, 549*^. Rogers, Ichabod, 487*. Rogers, James, land grants, 395^ S}3', 516', 528\ 538% 540*, 562^ 56s'; license to buy Indian lands, 403^ 404'. Rogers, John, 78', 575^ Rogers, Jonathan, 36°, 36^. Rogers, Joseph, 5^1°, 522^ Rogers, Richard, 50'. Rogers, Robert, 403^ , Rogers, Samuel, 375". Rogers, Theophilus, 565*. Rogers, William, 538I Rogers, Zebdiel, 565*. Rogers Rock, 529'. Rogersborough, 577*. Rokeby, Philip, petitions, 177", 192", 192^, 220"; to examine into allega- tions of distillers, 178^; takes oaths of allegiance and supremacy, 189''; warrants, 193^ 21 1", 211^; patent granted, 220^; ordered before coun- cil, 236°; ordered on duty, 237^; me- morial, 238^ Roles, James. 563°. Rolfton, Barthold, 128'. Rolland, John, 213", 226*. Rolland, Peter, 206". Roman catholics, imprisoned, lis''. Romar, William, 134", 135^ 137^, 150", 155', 157'. Romar, Wolfgang William, i68'\ i6q\ 187'. Romar, see also Romer. Rombout, Thomas, 16*. Rombout patent, 534^ Rombouts, Francis, 49^ Rombouts, Helena, vs George Crab- tree, 213", 214', 214*, 214', 214°, 214^ 215" 232^ 24I^ 244", 245^ 245^ 245^ 24s. Rome, Jacob Williamse, 69". Rome, John Williamse, 69'. Romer, Johannis, 224", 224*. Romers, Annetie, 18°. Romney, Henry, 138^ Romo, Frederick, 328", 330'. Rondout creek, 56". Rood, Abijah, 50I^ Rood, Joshua, 501*. Rooker, Abraham, 546^ Roome, , 348'. Roome, Jacob, 362^, 501^ Roome, John, 536^ Roome, John L. C. 561", 563^ 575^ Roome, Lawrence, 375", 445'. Roorbach, Garret, 52 1^ 522^, 544-. Roorback, John, jr, 402*, 402^ 405', 405'. Roos, Andrew, 83*. Roose, Gerrit Jansen, 79'", 79", 113", 119'. Rooseboom, Gerrit, 231*. Rooseboom, Hendrick, 16', 148^ Rooseboom, John, 231*. Roosevelt, , 348'. Roosevelt, Isaac, 527^ 552^ 559^ Roosevelt, Jacobus, jr, 527*, 552^ Root, Eleazer, 554-. Root, Stephen, 5241 Rosa, Albert, 164'. Rosa, Antonio de la, 438". Rosa, Samuel, 43^ Resales, Anthony, 206". Rose, Arien, 61". Rose, James, 518'. Rose, John, 273^, 304^ Rose, Jonathan, 49*, 50^ Rose, Joseph, 565^ Rose, Lydia, 136'', 214^. Rose, Peter, 240". Roseboom, Jacob, 330', 375'. 377*, . Roseboom, Johannes, 236", 300\ 32o\ Roseboom, John Garret, 375"^, 377*', 377% 380'. Roseboom, John Jacobus, 37^', 377*, 37f. Rosekrans, Henry, jr, 486^ 487^, 487^ Rosekrans, Magdalena, 183'. Rosencrans, Maudlin, 259°. Rosendale lands, 259^ Rosevelt, John, 31 1^ NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Rosie [Rosee], John, journey to Canada, 54*, 133^, 176''; warrants, 108', 130', 134', 142-, 144', 175'; patent granted, 217°, 217^ Roskruge, Thomas, 513^ Ross, , 496*. Ross, James, 246", 411^, 412^ 474', 5I8^ 555'. Ross, John, 555^ Ross, Robert, 553", 554°, 568', 571=. Ross, William, 563*. Rossbottom, James, 536". Rossel, Christopher de, 269°, 271^ Rossman, Conradt, 405^ 405*. Rosimi, Edward, I65^ Rotstone, John, 5,30''. Rott, Henry, 394^ Rotten Row, 397^ Rotterdam, 397^ Ron, Lewis, 292°. Rough, Christian Hendrick, 347". Roulson, John, 533^ Rousby, , 255', 256', 256". Rousby, Christopher, 193^ 193^ 194'', 194", 197", 231'. Rousby, Sarah, 194^, 194°. Roussel, John, 450', 45o\ Row, Henry, 2>3S'- Row, Johannes, 568^ Row, Stephen, 528^ Rowden, William, 298\ Rowe, George, 540^ Rowland, David, 42^, 527*. Rowsac island, 38"; 40^ Roxbury (Mass.), 74^ Royal, Joseph, 521*, 522^ Roj^al African company, 22", 34'. Royal Ann (ship), 260". Royal Catherine (privateer), 369^. Royal James (ship), 57^, 88\ Royalton, 521°. Royce, Thomas, 537^ Royse, John, t,7^. Rubel, Johannes Casparus, 506'. Ruby (transport), 352^ 352^ Rudden, Thomas, 230". Rudsen, Jacob, 56". Rudyard, Thomas, 43*. Rugg, Joseph, 408^ 409*. • Rugg, Roger, 3S^ 4o\ Ruggles, Thomas, 497^ Ruggles, Timothy, 492". Rula, Julian, 430'. Rumbout, sec Rombout. Rumsey, James, 4ii\ See also Ram say. Rundle, John, 46o^ Runnion, Jonathan, 533'. Runnion, Samuel, 534*, 54ol Rupert, Adam, 404°, 534^ Rupert, Francis, 404", 534\ Ruport, Frans, 520°, 520^ Rusgoe [R'usco], Samuel, 48*, 52^ Rushmore, Thomas, 271 Rushton, Crosfield, 526". Rusk, Andrew, 526^ Russ, John, 404^ 404^ Russell, David, 400°. Russell, Elijah, 400°. Russell, John, 547". Russel, Jonathan, 400^ Russell, Michael, 404^ 534^. Russel, Robert, 5681 Russel, Samuel, 400°. Russel, Stephen, 400^ Russell, Wilhemus, 404^ Russet, James, 535^, 542^. Ruston, William, 535^ Rutgers, Adrian, 409'. Rutgers, Anthony, justice of peace, 31 1'; meets with council, 317^; patents granted, 320"; death, 39I^ See also N. Y. (county), coroners. Rutgers, Anthony (2d), 540*^, 540', 544'. Rutgers, Harman, 170', 313", 355', 540", 544', 545'- Rutgers, Jacob, :^2>*^. Rutgers, Robert, S37^- Rutgers wharf, 359°. Rutherford, James, 538^ Rvitherford, John, 347°, 348^ license to buy Indian lands, 342°; letters from, 349^, 365^; pay for firewood, 361'*; member of council, 390^ 398''; to treat with Le signerie, Z7^^\ land grant, 538'. Rutherford, Walter, petition, 404^; license to buy Indian lands, 404"; letter from, 418"; charter for So- ciety library granted, 567'; land grant, 575'. Rutsen, Jacob, license to buy land, 112"; complaint against, 114^; buys land, IIS^ refuses to account for taxes, 119^; reports seizure of goods, 141''; judge of common pleas, 171^; vs Hurley, 183', 184°, 186^; to be arrested, 184'', 191*; vs Marbletown, 184°, 186'' ; petitions, 185", 189", 193''', 209°, 246", 246^, 247', 25 1''*, 254', 263', 271*, 280", 301^; be- fore council, 187", 275^; accounts, 191', 193'; discharged from arrest, 191'; warrant, 247^; caveat against patent, 263", 263^; patent granted, 272^; vs Charles Broadhead, 275'; account of destruction of Saratoga settlement, 350". Rutsen, John, 247", 248'. Ruttenkill, 56'. Ruttlidge, William, 521'*, 522^ Rutyart, Harmen, 74^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 687 Ryan, John, 350", 480°. Ryan, Thomas, 543", 544", 547'- Rycaut, Paul, 529'. Rycken, Abraham, 60". Ryckman, Albert, 74', 190'. Ryckman, Isaac, jr, 487'', 521", 522°, 537', 543% 543'- Ryder, John, 526'. Rye, 22^ 78', I20^ 293", 500": Acad- ians settle at, 427"; boundaries, 36'; caveat against patent, 208^ caveat against petitioners, 277^^; complaint of inhabitants, 267", 339^ 340^, 340^; episcopal church, 509^ 1509"; ferry to Oyster bay, 333'; In- dian deeds, 41^; land titles, 41^ 46^; question of ownership, 120'', 121", 121', 132', 148°, I57\ 157% 157'; to have patent, 113*; petitions, 34^ 205^ 208°, 267^; vs John Richbell, 36*; taxes, i2i\ 161*; vs Capt. Wil- son, 209", 209*, 209°, 212', 212^, 213", 213^ 220", 220l Ryegate, 547', 565°, 5/6°. Ryen, Mary, 462'. Ryerson, George, 11.5'. Ryerson, Gerrit, 65^ Rykert, George, 402^ 402", 405', 405*. Rykert, Markes, 402*, 402°. Rykman, see Ryckman. Rylander, Elizabeth, 509', 509^ 509', 509^ 512'. Ryley, Philip, 368'. Rynders, B. 211°. Rynders [Rynderson], Barent, 151', 299', 299'. Rypenberger, Adam, 433*. Sabbath day point, 411". Sables, island of, 359'. Sackamawigra (Indian), 2o6\ Sackerby, John, 529', 553". Sacket, James, 544', 545',' 549", 55^% 553'. Sackett, John, 328°, 329-, 385-, 531 • Sackett, Joseph, land patents, 51°, 305^, 311*; petitions, 64^ 180°,^ 286", 304°, 31 1^ before council, 79', 79°; patent granted, 305^ 311*. Sackett, Joseph, jr, petitions, 31 1^ 325^, 340", 347^ patents granted, 311', 323', 326\ 385'. Sacket, Nathaniel, 409^ Sackett, Richard, petitions, iSi\ 192', IQS*, 195', 196^ "• license to buy In- dian lands, 190^; land surs^ey called in question, 197^; patents granted, I98^ 201"; quitrent of land granted, 200". Sacket, Samuel. 4io\ Sacket, William, 406'. Sadachqueda patent, 547*. Sailer, William, 289". Sailors, impressing of, 230', 230": act of assembly for better government of, 407*. St Aignan, Courtin de, 246'', 250% St Augustine, letters from governors, 366'', 379". 383^ 3&4', 386\ 389\ 427"; provisions sent to, 422', 432', 4.32'', 436'; report sent to, 385'; Spanish prisoners carried to, 365'; supplies not to be carried to, 331'; no ves- sels to be cleared for, 328^ Sec also Florida. St Catharine (township), 528". St Charles (pollacca), 370". St Christophers, island of, 355'. St Clair, John, 41 1", 412'", 429', 517', 554'. St Clair, Peter, 528". St Croix, 431*. St Domingo, 349', 421', 442'. 443', 462', 486', 486''. St Eustatia, 439°. St Fernando (ship), 444'. St Georges manor, 91'^, 124*, i82\ St John, Nathan, 310*. St John (brigantine), 213", 230^ St Johns, 30^ St Joseph (sloop), 440% St Lawrence river, 492'. St Leger, John, 522^ St Marcus (ship), 446*, 446^ St Marie island, 137°, 140'. St Michael (sloop), 273", 376^. St Peter (brigantine), 332^ St Peter's church (Albany), 257', 536', 539'- St Thomas, island of, 35o\ 425*. Salas Cotilla, Francis de, 452^ Salee [Sallee, Salley], 83', lor', 115', 116', 329^ Salgard, Peter, 294^ Salinus, Henricus, 8o\ Salisbury, Abraham, 368", 372'. Salisbury, Francis, 201^, 258*, 3o6^ 307'- Salisbury, Silvester, deputy governor of Albany, 11"; letters from, 11®, 29^ 29^ petitions, I3^ i6'; vs Frederick Gysbert, 15'; member of court to try Indians, 18". Salisburj', William, 368", 372*. Sallenger, Michael, 404". Sally (ship), 354', 428', 492°. Salsbergh, Michael, 533^ Salt, sale of, 102". Saltash (township), 524^, 563'. Salter. Barth, i6\ Saltonstall, Gurdon, 226", 228', 228*, 228''; letters from, 226°, 245", 266', 267", 290", 293', 293^, 293". Sec also Connecticut. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Salvage, Thomas, 50'. Salway, Katherine, iig^. Sample, James, 355\ Sampson (ship), 449°, 450^ 450^. Samuel, William, 533". Samuel (ship), 299'. Samuel and Elizabeth (sloop), 275^ Sanders, Johannes, 129^ 194^ Sanders, Robert, petitions, s^^> 36^; magistrate, 45'; justice, 45^; license to buy lands, 96", 116°, 164^; land patent, 167^; prisoner, 204*. Sanders [Saunders], Robert, mayor of Albany, 374*, 379=, 388°, 550'. See also Albany, mayors. Sanders [Saunders], Thomas, 167°, I79^ 179", 182', 210^ Siol Sanders, see also Saunders. Sandford, Abraham, 213^ Sandford, Isaac, 70^ Sands, Edward, 315*. Sands, Henry, 463*, 464-. Sands, John, 545". Sands, Joshua, 468^ 471^ Sands, Richard, 464\ Sands, Samuel, 20i^ Sands point, 39/. Sandy hook, 358^; beacon erected near, 398'^ ; lighthouse at, 452'; as naval rendezvous, 280^; ships off, 31*, I69^ 199*, 200°, 2I8^ 2I8^ 228^ 243\ 287^; ships recalled from, 89^ Sandy point, 77^ 90', 90*. Sanford, Peley, I4il Sansum, Samuel, jr, 545*. Santen [Santin, Santon], Lucas, 50*, 50', 5o^ 50°; judge for special trial, 32^; collector, 46'; charges against, 51'; charges persons with embez- zling, 52"; accounts audited, 52^; answer to order, 52°; suspended frcm office, 52^; vs George Heath- cote, 1231 Santford, Abraham, 240®. Santford, Helena, 2981 Santiago de Cuba, 432^ Santin, Santon, see Santen. Sapwith, Matthew, 538'. Sarachtoga, Saraghtoga, see Sara- toga. Sarah (ship), 354', 364°, 378'. Sarah and EUinor (ship), 117', ii8l Sarah and Mary (sloop), 169°. Saratoga [Sarachtoga, Saraghtoga, Saraghtogue, Sarattoque], 77^, 127% 183', 183', 363', 395'; block- house, 298'^; Caghnawaga Indians at, 303''; fort, see Fort Clinton; Kinderhook rangers ordered to, 364®; patents, 215^ 215^ 2i6^ 216°, 218*, 218', 222=, 222^ 456^ Col. Schuyler ordered to, 364'; scouting parties sent from, 365.'; settlement destroyed, 350®; trade with Canada stopped, 281^ 281^; troops at, 354^ 364', 367'. Sargent, Jabez, 517*. Saring, Simon, 38^, 40^ S2^ Sarjeant, John, 525^ Sarson, Paul, 549*. Sassafras, 28°. Saunders, Charles, 445*, 445^. Saunders, William, 535^ Sause, Richard, 541". Sauthier, Claude Joseph, 499^, 5oo^ Savage, James, 542^ 569'. Savage, Michael, 537^ Savary, William, 354^. Savine, John, 172^. Savoit, Charles, 427'. Sawyer, Edward, 403^ 404". Sawyer, Isaac, 401", 401^ 403^ 404*. Sawyer, John, 403^ 404^ 428^ Sawyer, Oliver, SI7^ Sawyer, Thomas, 403", 404", 509*. Sax, , 436^ Saylarook (Ct.), 64^ Scalenger, Jacobus, 48°. Scallenger, William, 180", i82l Scanaghradeya (Cayuga sachem), 378^ Scarroyady (Delaware sachem), 414°, 416". Scarsdale manor, 164^, 165^ 165'. Scattergood, Thomas, 545". Schaats, Bernard, 275^ Schackerley, see Shackerly. Schacomico, see Shacomico. Schafer, Hendrick, jr, 386^ 389^ 389^ Schafer, Jacob, 386^ 389', 389'. Schafer, Johannes, jr, 386^, 389^ 389^ Schank, Martin, I4I^ Schart, Petrus, 533*, 534^. Schaticook Indians, see Indian tribes. Schauman, Johannes, 399". Scheffer, Adam, 386^ 39I^ 399^. Schellenger, Abraham, 242". Schenck, Abraham, 541**, 565'. Schenck, Johannes, 68", 174°. Schenck, Peter, 564^ 565^ Schenectady, 23®, 30^ 35\ 165^, 179°, 183°, I96^ 196*, 196°, 196^ 202", 463^ 486'; address of justices and in- habitants, 175', 287*, 287^; barracks, I33^ I50^ 278^ blockhouse, 195^; charter, 509^ 509', 515', 532'; com- missaries, 31°; Dutch church, 186*, 321°, 321', 554% 557', 558', 558', S7r; episcopal church, 50S^ 571^; fort, I00^ 204^ 205', 238°, 260^ 417"; forti- fications, S4^ 87^ 147', 278^ 299^ 414'; Count Frontenac to take, 117"; guard at, 230^ guns at, 68°; Indians near, 81*; justice, 45^; land INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 689 grant to, 31*; land patents, 100', I73^ 210°; partition of common lands, 484°; petitions, 36°, 132", i6o\ 171", I79\ I9S', 330', 331', 396", 396°, 4I2^ 412"; quitrents, 86', II7^ 197''; representatives, 32°; vs Ryer Scher- merhorn, ■ 197^ 206*; schout, 31"; Major Schuyler stationed at, 86^; tappers, 16^; taxes, 77'; town court, 17": trade with Albany, 31"; trade with Indians, 18"; troops at, 73", 100". 354^; trustees, 196', 197*; war- rant for military expenses, 333'. Schepmoos, Dirck, 104", 105'. Schermerhorn, Abraham, 484^ Schermerhorn, Cornelius, 169^ Schermerhorn, Cornelius Jacobus, 309'. 309'. Schermerhorn, Freeman, 406^ 407^. Schermerhorn, Jacob, 404^ 404'^, 406°, 407\ 484°. Schermerhorn, John, 355*, 484'. Schermerhorn, Ryer, of Albany, 144.", I5I^ T-73'', arrest of, 113', 114*; war- rants, 134', 148", 151', 156', 166', i69\ 169", 171*; assistant judge of common pleas, 146''; journey to Mohawk country, 160^; petition, 160": called before board, 171^; and Schenectady, 197^ 2o6l Schermerhorn, Ryer, of Schenectady, 404^ 404'', 406", 407^ 484°, 497". Schermerhoorn, Simon, 95*, ioi\ 524^ 539". 549', 569'. . Schermerhorn, Tiernan, 484^ Schermerhorn, William, 406°, 407'^. Schermerhoorn, Williamke, I29^ Scheurman, Jasper, 141^ Schever, John, 406", 407', 407'^, 512^ Schevington, John, 563°. Schlatter, Michael, 510^ Schleydorn, Hendrick, 399°. Schlictenhorst, Aeltie, 44°. . Schlosser, Francis, 523^. Schneider, Peter, 438°. Schneyder, Andries, 508', 512^. Schneyder, Hendrick, 404^ 405*. Schoharie [Skoharee], 383°. 39I^ 504'; land grants, 257', 329', 386', 386\ 391^ 512^ lands, 240'; license to buy land at, 287°; land survey, 239"; manor at, iii^; palatines at, 258^ 2Si\ Schoharie river, 548". Schoonmaker, Cornelius, jr, 372'. Schoonmaker, Rudolph, 397', 398^ Schoonmaker, Thomas, 397^ 398^ Schrick, Paulus, 49", 50^ Schuffer, Hendrick. 290^. Schuffer, Johann, 290'. Schuneman, Herman, 228'. Schureman, John, 407', 408'. Schuyler, captain, 65°. Schuyler, colonel, 364", 368^ 441°. Schuyler, Abraham, resigns, 92"; war- rants, 93", 130', 142', 144'*, 176', 196', 198^ 291^ accounts, 176^ 290'; to go to Onondaga, 210"; journal, 229\ 293^; to go to Senecas, 231^ 287^ instructions to, 287"; death, 302'. Schuyler, Abraham A. 4o6^ Schuyler, Abraham D. 4o6^ Schuyler, Adoniah, 326^ 326", 326^ 340'. Schuyler, Anna, 63^ Schuyler, Arent, petition, 42*; to bring Sattaras Indians, 74^ 74', 75^ account, 79*; sent to Minissink country, 95-; warrants, 95^, 99^; land grants. g6\ 121', 543'. Schuyler, Brant, alderman, 62'; to give money to fusileers, 118'; war- rants, I3i\ 142%- patents granted, 161°, 385"; offers to carry French prisoners, 349^. Schuyler, Cornelia, 340". Schuyler, Cortland, 5,14^, 538". Schuyler, David, petitions, io8\ 132^ U3\ 395^ warrants, 134*, 141', 160°, 175°: journal, 158°, 159', 239*; ac- counts, i6o\; license to buy Indian lands, 185^ 385', 388'; mayor, 211'; patents granted, 322', 325", 325", 396'. Schuyler, David Abraham, 318-, 318*, 318', 323', 329'. Schuyler, David Abrahamsen, jr, 3i8:. 3i8^ Schuyler, David D. 321", 322°. Schuyler, Dirck, 406', 526°. Schuyler, Dirck, jr, 4o6l Schuyler, Gerard, 274*, 274", 274'. Schuyler, Gertrud, 302*. Schuyler, Harmanus, 288^ 453^, 465^ 472'. See also Albany county, sherififs. Schuyler, Jeremiah, 274", 274^, 274*, 291^ 292". Schuyler, John, lieutenant of fusi- leers, 77''; manager of building bar- racks, i2o\- report on journey to Canada, 133'; journal, 133', 229*; accounts, 133'; warrants, 134', 134^ 144', 15U, 157', 163', 172', I8I^ 273^ 274', 274^ 285*; suspended as justice of peace, 141-; letter from, 156^; pe- titions, 240^ 254', 273', 274^ 284', 322^ 322", 339'; land patents, 267', 278', 323', 325°; Massachusetts deputy at Indian conference, 294'; license to buy Indian lands, 320^ 690 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 320"; petitions, 322", 322''; commis- sary, 324'. Schuyler, John, jr, petitions, 322^ 322", 5.74', 574°; land grants, 330', 552', 574"; license to buy Indian land, 388^ See also Albany, mayors. Schuyler, ' Myndert, warrants, 167*, 254", 304'; complaint against Col. Matthews, 236^ 236^ 237*; before council, 236°; captain in Col. Peter Schuyler's regiment. 236"; memo- rial, 236', 236°; petitions, 253^ 253^ 254^, 254'; patents granted, 257"; mayor, 272°, 278^ 282^; journal, 276^; letter from, 353^; Indian com- missioner, 388°. Schuyler, Nicholas, 296^ 348', 351", 368^ 368I Schuyler, Oliver, 27^, 273^, 275", 276", 276", 276^ 2781 Schuyler, Peter, petitions, 36', 206^, 215", 217^ 221°, 221^, 226'', 254*, 254', 257', 269"; licenses to buy land, 44", 124', 175', 257'; magistrate, 45'; land grants, 46^ 6i\ 125^ 194'*, 196^ 205*, 206°, 222°; letters from, 54^ 141*, 229^; mayor, 55^; justice of peace, 65"; judge of common pleas, 65'; expedition to Canada, 67'', 6j'^, 67\ 67^^; accounts, 68\ 74', 74^ 77\ Io8^ 113^ 114', 125', 136', 170^ 185^ 188', 201^ 204^ 205', 222', 278''; manager, 72^; member of council, 74\ 77\ _Uo\ I68^ 187', 187°, I88^ • 226^ 265°, 281*; conference with In- dians, 75^; company of fusileers, 77''; salary ordered paid, 77''; ex- cuses to Indians, 84^ letters to, 84*, 84°; stationed at Schenectady, 86^; report concerning French, 92^; expenses of scouting parties, 92*; Onondaga journeys, 93^ 98^ I48^ 241°, 248"; journal, 94''; subsistence of soldiers sent to, 96'; redeems prisoner, 97^; to give account of com.panies' supplies, 107"; to call five nations to Albany, 108°; pay of company, 114*; to treat with five nations, 117°; to victual Albany troops, 118*; manager of building barracks, 120*; report about sup- port of Indians, 125^; payment for debt, 127^; daughter killed, 129"; commissioner to Canada, 130^; fails to attend council, 154*, 154'; me- morial against, 154^ 154^, 155', 181^; judge of court of chancery, i6g^; trustee of Schenectady, i9'6''; and Thomas Byerly. 215", 219"; keys of garrison delivered to, 226", 227-; second in command in Montreal . expedition, 228'; to command In- dians, 228^; regiment of, 230*, 236''; money advanced by, 231'; memor- ial about, 261^; government turned over to, 271', 271*; reports meeting with five nations, 278*; Indian com- missioner, 279"; warrants: for garrison supplies, 125', 133', i/o", 175', 181', 188', 191', I95^ I95^ 2oi^ 207*, 21 1^ 2i4\ 215^, 219", 222"^, 227"; for Indian disburse- ments, 109', 113", I84^ i8s\ 188', 198^ 205^ 210^ 210^ 210°; for jour- neys to Onondaga and Canada, 148^ I70^ 171', 182", 188°, 196'; for salary, 126', 127", 134"; for soldiers' pay, Io8^ II4^ 125', 125^ 127', 129'', 195% I96^ 198*; for soldiers' sup- plies, IOI^ 106**, 108", 113^ 120°, i25\ 182°, 202^; miscellaneous, III^ II3^ 124^ 124^ I25\ I26\ 151-, 194', 197", 197", 205\ 205^ 217", 223\ 223^, 26s^ See also Albany, mayors. Schuyler, Peter (2d), warrants, 304^ 330^; patent, 339*^; orders to, 360", 360'; complained of, 363°, 363*; re- ports on Jersey troops, 364' ; letter to, 365'. Schuyler, Peter, jr, 281', 288'. Schuyler, Peter David, 385', 388', 395', 396'. Schuyler, Peter P. 395 , 396-. Schuyler, Philip, sr and jr, 296^; land grants, 48*, 276**, 290", 330'; license to export grain, 116^; petitions, 210*, 212^ 26 1 ^ 275^ 30 1", 301', 322°, 322°, 402^ 520*; warrants, 210', 210^ 212', 213', 264^ 275', 276', 276'', 3,56', 418"; 'account for sweeping chim- neys,- 214^; licenses to buy land, 261^ 32o\ 320^ 402^, 538°; resigns as assistant justice of common pleas, 328*; letters from, 347', 350', 350', 35 1\ 353', 353', 396'; letters to, 353^ 366'; blank commissions for officers in Albany county, 353"; ordered to Albany, 365'; appointed, 417**; judge of common pleas, 490"; vs P; G. de Peyster, 557^ Schuyler, Philip John, 432^ 444^ Schuyler, Philip Pieters, I2^ 13", 29\ Schuyler, Stephen, 540^ 540°. Scidmore, Sarah, 129". Scius, John, 348*. Scotch settlement, 139". Scotland, emigrants from, 409". Scott, Mr, 473'. Scott, captain, 351', 352". Scott, Abraham, 524". Scott, Benjamin, 30''. Scott, Charles, 461*, 461^ Scott, George, 130*, 131^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 691 Scott. Hugh, 536'. Scott. Hunter, 26S\ 268'. Scott, James, 516^ 522", 529', 533^ Scott, John. 261", 287", 288', 288', 313'. Scott, John, jr, 295*. Scott, John Morin, certificate granted, 399'; petitions. 408", 409', 409', 413', 453', 455', 460'; warrant, 477^: memorial. 484'; letter from, 508=; land grants, 515*, 53i\ 536', 539', 539',. 540', S46\ S49\ 574°; caveat against memorial, 526'. Scott, Moses, 483^ Scott. Rebecca, 268^ 268°. Scott, Thomas, 410', 533', 568'. Scott, William, 521", 522', 543^, 563^ Scrifen, Jonathan, 163^ 164.1 Scroton river, 118'. Scrougy, John, iii*. Scudder, , 20^ Scudder, David, 48\ Scudmore, Thomas, 451^ Scutt, Myndert, 2-41*. Seabring, Cornelius, petitions, 216*, 217*, 232^, 256^; vs N. Y. city, 216^ 216", 216*^; Avarrant, 256^ Seabring, Frederick, 284°. Seabury, John, 539^ 5421 Seabury, Samuel, jr, 403°. Seaflower (ship), 39'', 39°, 40°, 204°, 230=, 250'. Seaford (man-of-vi^ar), 2l73^ Seagrove, James, 527^ 536', 543', 544", 553"', 560^ Seahorse (ship), 232', 340^ 340^ Seal, proposal about, 24^; provincial, 206"; great, 429*; sent from Eng- land, 475l_ Sealey, Benjamin, 406*, 407^ Seaman, DaVid, 373", 373^ Seaman, Jacob, 373', 373^. Seaman, Robert, 489'. Seaman, Samuel, 524\ Seaman, Thomas, 373', 373^. Seaman, Zebulon, 489". Seamans, John, 12°, 13^, 15^, 40^ 52^ Seapost (ship), 446*. Searle, John, 304". Searles, Isaac, 565^ Searles, John, 494". Sears, George, 458^. Sears, Isaac, 434', 485'. " Seasonable considerations offered to the good people of Connecti- cut," 94^ 94^ 95*. Seatalcot [Seatauket], 36*, 51°; pur- chase of Indian lands, I2^ 12^; land patents, 48^ 52^; land matters, 50^ 51"; assessors, 87°. See also Brook- haven. Sebron, John, 482^ 482^ Seckel, David, 399". Secord, James, 471'. Sedgwick. Abraham, 552". Seeber, William, 454'. Seekly. John. S37^ Seeley, Ebenezer. 385*. Seely, Ebenezer. jr, 425". Seely. Ephraim, 349^ Seeley, John. 406^ 407". Sefer, Jacob, 405'. Seger. Johannes, 340'. Seisberger, see Zeisberger. Selby. Samuel, 519''. Selena, Ba, 427". Selinus, Margaret. 103'. Sell. William, warrants, 155'. i6i\ I9I^ 206'*; letter from, 1:9'; swears abjuration oath, 191^; petition, 214'. Selleck, major. 132^. Selleck. Jonathan. 24^ 42", 6il Sellwood, John, 233**. Selyns, Ilenricus, 55°, 58^ 58', 6o^ Semora, Manttel, 443^ Seneca country, Lawrence Claesen in, 281^ journey to, 285^ Seneca [Sennekies, Sinnekes] In- dians, agents among, 348'; to attack Mohawk river settlements, 462^; belt from, 99", 384^; called to meet Gov. Andros, 26'; go to Canada, 381**; castle, 276^; complaint against, 115^; before council, 74*"; French re- new war against, 87*; messages from, 384^; mission to, 346'; peti- tion for pastor, 332'; Abraham Schuyler to go to, 23 1^ 287"; smiths , sent to, 300^ 361*. 382'; to take up hatchet against French, 388' : troops to live among, 281^; at war, 31''; warrant, 349°. 6"*?^ also Iroquois. Sequatage, iio\ Sergent, John, 573'. Sergent, Thomas, 525''. Serjeant, Daniel, 520", 525^ Serjeant, Rufus, 520'. Servants, regulations for preventing running away of, 4I^ Servis, Christopher, 404°. Servis [Service], Peter, 404°. 438", 540'. Servis, Peter, jr, 540^ Seryon. Simon. 16*, 25^ Seton, Andrew, 517^ 518". Seton, Henry, 516*, 517-', 518*, 520^ 524'. 533'- Severne, Philip. 329^. Sevil, — , 488'. Sevoy. Francis, 430^ Sewell. major, 99". Sewell. John, 386'. Sex, Hendrik, 314", 314^ 3i6\ Sexton, Joseph, 568\ 692 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Seymour, James, 568'. Seymour, Matthew, 310°. Seymour, Thomas, 358^ 358', z^^^■ Seymour, WilHam, ZZ^^- Seypel, George, 330"'. Shackerly, , 13,9". Shackerly, Anthony, 483*. Shackerly, John, 29', 8o\ Shackerly, William, 18*, 139'. Shackmapple, Mr, 227^ Shacomico, 345', 345', 34.7'- Shadduck, Stephen, 517'. Shadine, David, 429^ 429^ Shadwell, John, 167^ ■ Shafer, Jacob, 533', 563'. Shafer, Nicholas, 534". Shamokin, 426*. Shanke [Shank], Mathew, 135', 135*. 175', 189'. Shanks, captain, 72\ Shape, George, 540". Sharon, 527*. Sharpe, Mr, 12*, 12', 16', 21°. Sharpe, chaplain, 241'. Sharp, Cornelius, 424^ Sharp, Jacob, 294*, 294", 295', 295". Sharpe, James, 538". Sharpe, John, 13', 20', 165'. Sharp, Mrs Margaret, 85'. Sharp, Peter, 494", 564*. Sharp, Richard, 4091 Sharpe, Thomas, clerk of entries, I9^ Sharpe, Ensign Thomas, 53^ 87'._ Sharpe [Sharp, Sharpas], Lieut. Thomas, salary paid, Tj'^; war- rants, 93^ 98^ 101-, 110°, III', II8^ 127', 133', 144', 151', 159', 200', 214'; petitions, iio", no', 312", 3i2l Sharp, William, 510'. Sharpas, William, 145', 327''; peti- tions, 82', 177-, 231', 274^ 297^ 300"; register of admiralty court, Ii6^ 161'-; warrants, I29^ I46^ 274'; patents granted, i(>f, 23i\ 274*; clerk of court of chancery, 244', 280-. Sharpsberrytown, 464^ Shattuck, Benjamin, 519°. Shattuck, Daniel, 5i6',_523', 525'. Shattuck, Stephen, SI9°._ Shaver, Jacob, 521', 522°. Shaw, Charles, 5.6I^ Shaw, David, 521^ 522°. Shaw, George, 522^ 522°, 526", 529°, 543', 560'. Shaw, James, 4iil Shaw, John, 537', 54i', 544', 54S', 545', 556°. 559'. Shaw, Joseph, 345^ Shaw, Neal, 4io-, 4iol Shaw, Richard, i8o^ I82^ 536^ Shaw, William, 78^ I20^ 133', 5041 Shawangunk [Shawangunck, Show- angung, Showangunck], 85^ 100', 161', 434', 436°. Sheafe, captain, 474\ Sheafe, Sampson, 525^ 525*. Shearman, , 443-. Sheaver, Philippus, 508', 512*. Shebow, Thomas, 299*. Sheels, William, 528^ Shefer, captain, 361". Shelburne. William, 472', 472", 472®, 473', 473", 474*. Shelby, Samuel, 527\ Shelding, Joseph, 428'. Sheldon, captain, 214'. Sheldon, Benjamin, 52o\ Shell, George, 44il Shelley, Giles, 89'^ patent granted, 117''; payment to, 119''; warrant, 126°; suspected of piracy, 140'', 140'', 149"- Shelter island, 23°, 241 Shenondehowah, see Clifton park. Shepherd, William, 56i'l Sherbrook, Miles, 5I6^ 537^ 555', 562', 565'. Sherer, Gilbert, 427', 428\ Sherlock, William, 403". Sherman, Daniel, '6i\ Sherman. Roger, 559'. Sherrard. Thomas, 291', 291'. • Sherriff, Charles, 515'', 526''. Sherriff, Margaret, 542^ Sherriff [ShirrefJ], William, land grants, 511', 515', 526', 529', 533', 546-; petition. 542*. Sherry, Samuel, 49". Sherwood, Daniel, 310"', 4io\ Sherwood, Joseph, 447''. Shier, Martin, 5431 Shimmel, Valentine, 408'. 4091 Shine, John, 521', 522% 535'. Shipboy, John, 519", 520". 545I Shipboy, Thomas, 52o^ 541". Ships, passes for, 258'. See also names of ships. Shire, Henry, 408^ 4091 Shire, Julius, 4o8^ 409", 513'. Shirley, William, 348', 398', 4i8\ 419', 422', 42S\ 429-; letters from, 339*, 353', 354', 362', 3^3\ 365', 365', 366^, 366', 366\ 367', 392', 398", 414', 416 , 417', 417', 417", 419°, 419', 423'; .let- ters about expedition against Louisburgh, 347*, 349', 35 1', 353°, 356', 356', 359", 360', 361', 361', 363*, 369''; sends news of war with France, 344°, 344'; gives account of reduction of Louisburgh, 349°; re- ports Indian murders, 349'; com- mission from, 360"; gives up ex- pedition against Crownpoint, 363°; INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 693 complaint by, 368^ told Crown- point must be taken, 368"; proposes a. conference, 369''; journal sent to, 369"; letters to, 369', 396", 398^ 418': message to, 369";- -informed of French movements, 373^; letters about boundaries, 389'', 389', 391^ 393'; report on boundaries sent to, 390*; wants Indian meeting post- poned. 392^; to raise two regiments, 397'; cannons to be lent to, 397'; depositions sent to, 398^*; proposal about expedition against Crown- point, 414^; to go to Annapolis, 414'; wants cannon for Niagara ex- pedition, 4i6\ 416^; prohibits ex- port of provisions from Massa- chusetts, 418'; letter referred to, 418*; proposes embargo, 418*; pro- poses campaign against Ticonde- roga, 425-, 425^; proposal about boundary commissioners, 425^; wants battering rams for Crown- point expedition, 429^; copies of Indian deeds and grants from, 456\ Shirreff. see Sherrifif. Shius, Goet, 399°. Shoe, i\Iary, 464". Shoemaker, Jacob, 294*. Shoemakers, regulations concerning, 26"; order concerning trade, 55 , act against tanning hides, 60°. Shohawkin, 425^ Shomaker, John, 484^ Shonnard, Frederick, 557*. Short, Peter, 535*. Shotwell, Daniel, 82^, 97-, 102', 112I Shotwell, John, 261^ 2621 Shoulds. Nicholas, 408^ 409^ Shoulds, Peter, 408", 409". Showangung, see Shawangunk. Showier, George, 568^ Shrewsbury, 524', 565'^. Shrieve, Thomas, 493'. See also N. Y. (county), coroners. Shrimpton, , 37'. Shuckburgh, Richard, 327", 327^ 333^, 399°. Shute, John, 136°, 403*. Shute, "Richard, I5il Shute, Samuel, 274\ See also Boston; New England. Sibson. Thomas, 408', 4C9^ Sickels, Ruloph, 541^. Sidney. William, 56I^ 565^ Sidnigh. Harman, 538^ Sidwell. Thomas. 408', 409', 5II^ Sier. Joseph, 430^ Sier, Peter. 430'. Silbernagel, Conradt, 399'. Silbernagel, Johannes, 399^ Silk culture, 377'. Sills, William. 5381 Silvester, Giles, see Sylvester. Silvester, Nathaniel, 30", 74*. Silvesters island, 32°. Silye, Benjamen, 401^ 402", 406', 407\ Silye, Ebenezer, 401^, 402", 406', 407^. Sim, Peter, 561". Simms, Lancaster, 84^ 84^ Simon, Ludwig, 546\ Simon, Peter, 223^. Simon, Philip, 51 1^ Simonse, Simon, 99'. Simonson, Aaron, jr, 576^ Simonson, Simon, 335', 335", 335^ Simpson, Alexander, 536". Sinpson, Catherine, 486^ Simpson, John, 134", 528". Sinard, see Sunard. Sinclair [Sincklair, Sinckler], Robert, 136', 143^ 144^ 157", 157^ 179=. Singleton, John, 536', 537^ Sinnekes, see Seneca Indians. Sinseman, Hendrik Joachem, 345*. Sioto river, 465'. Sipkins, John, 115*, 115', 151^, 267'. Sisnay, John, 5381 Sisnay, William, 5381 Siston, Michael, 19". Six nations, see Iroquois. Sixbury. William, 290^ Skeefort. Ryndert, 294". Skeffington. John, 543^ Skene, Andrew, 4I0^ 542'. Skene, David, 410*, 522^ 553". Skene, John, 49^ Skene, Philip, petition, 410', 410*; land grants, 410*, 413', 556'; judge of common pleas, 490"; letters from, 491'-, 491^, 493'; lands sur- rendered by, 495'^; memorial, 5io\ 5 10": draft of patent to, 5I2^; bond for settlement of lands, 512'; war- rant of survey, 556\ Skenesborough, 494', 495", 501', 567^ Skidmore, Sarah, 43^ Skinner. John, 526^ Skinner. Samuel, 514*. Skinner, captain, 450^ Skinner. Stephen, 540", 544". Skinner, Thomas, 528^. Skoharee, see Schoharie. Skowkase, 2i8l Skunemock, 444". Slack, Richard, 554', 575'. Slane, lord, 254". Slater. Richard, 160', 163', 166', 176'. Slatham. Thomas, 76^. Slaughter, Samuel, 425", 426^ Slaves. 55°, 60', 104''; Indian, 61'; negro, I2^ 58', 60°, 375-, sg8\ 435'; at Salee, loi", 115', 116'; Spanish, 55^ 89^ 240^ 241*'. 248^ 252*, 3s8\ 366\ 384^ 384\ 384'. 385^ 386', 387'. Sleech, Mary Lucy, 539-. 694 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Sleeth, Abraham, 432^ Sleght, Johannes, 484*-8s\ Sleght, Mathias, 39I^ Slegtenhorst, Aeltie, 126', SUngerlandt, Albert, 2,1 1^ Sloker, Thomas, 530^ Sloughter, Henry, commission as governor, 62^; place of burial, 66'; interest in frigate Home, 68*; ac- counts, 68', 79', 8o^ 82^ 93', 93', 102°, 103*, 103'; defective warrants, 71'; funeral expenses, 74'; journey- to Pennsylvania, 83". See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Sloughter, Mrs Mary, 84S 84', 9^\ 93", 183', 200'. Slover, Gerrit, 519^ 520'. Slyter, Claus Clause, 134', 183', 183'. Small, John, land grants, 410*, 4I0^ Sio', 515', 529', 539', 571*. Smalley, Joseph, 565^ Smallman, Thomas, 547^. Smallpox, inoculation for forbidden, 365'; in Boston, 283*; in Curagao, 340", 349'; in New York, 315', 351', 431'', 431'; in West Indies, 332^ Smart, George, 573*. Smart, John, 120°, 143^ 528*. Smead, William, jr, 5,24^ Smeddies, Abraham, 372'. Smedley, James, s.26^ Smedley, John, 546*. Smeed, William, 523', 524^ Smeeton, Joseph, 533', 53S\ Smilly, John, 527^ Smith, , 329^ 391', 404^ 441 1 Smith, Aaron, 525°. Smith, Abigail, 5451 Smith, Abraham, 27^ 58', 89-. Smith, Adam, 508^ Si2\ Smith, Benjamin, 520". Smith, Blue John, 27^ Smith, Catherine, 538°. Smith, Christian, 402*. Smith, Christopher, 468^ 52G'. Smith, Conradt, 405\ Smith, Cornelius, 408^. Smith, Daniel, 184*, 545'. Smith, David, 547'. Smith, Ebenezer, 3I0^ Smith, Edward, memorial, 286', 286^; vs Lewis Gomez, 290*^; petitions, 401^ 508^; land grants, 402^, 544.^, 545", 554^ Smith, Mrs Elizabeth, 40*, 187'. Smith, English, 39*, 123-, i42\ Smith, Frederick, 535^ Smith, Gabriel, 536". Smith, George, land grants, 508^ 5I2^ 530', 548', 549-, 573'; petition, 557", 5S8\ 5581 Smith, Gerard, 370". Smith, Henry, vs Peter Groenendike, 26*; sentence against, 32^; produces papers for patents, 44'; clerk, 166^; letter from, 309'; land grants, 528^ S3i', 548', 549'. Smith, I. 16'. Smith, Isaac, Ji2\ 112*, 112°, 501'. Smith, James, petition, 282^ 282°; not a credible person, 300"; land grants, 513', 526^ 533', 533^ 556*, 559'. Smith, Jasper, 46^ 48^. Smith, Jeremiah, iii^ Smith, Joel, 525''. Smith, John, petitions, 41°, 41^ 135^ 233'^, 403°, 406', 494°; custom house officer, 50^ 50''; complaint against, 102'; vs Darby Bryant, 123'; land grants, 233', 407', 508', 510', 511% 512*, 513*, 521*, 522°, 523', 527", 527", 529', 530', 544', 553; 545', 573'; land and tide waiter, 448°; sentenced to death, 462°; warden of the port, 463"; justice of the quorum, 479^; convicted of counterfeiting, 494"; proclamation for arrest of, 50o\ Smith, John Peterson, 4o8^ 456". Smith, Jonathan, 52°, 195'', 548°, 549% 549'- Smith, Joseph, 126^, 127", 131', 545", 556", 576'. Smith, Joshua, 548°. Smith, Josiah, 448°. Smith, Nathan, 50I^ Smith, Patrick, 489'', 498', 520^ 543% 573', 576'. Smith, Peter, see Groenendyke, Peter. Smith, Philip, 55-. Smith, Rachel, 499", 570^ 572*, 573", 574'- Smith, Richard, 34*; vs Huntington, 12', 12", 14'', 17°, 17^ 21'; vs Samuel Eborne, 57', 57', 88', 88'; justice of peace, 63"; land grants, I28\ 406", 512', 514°, 545°; branch pilot, 368"; petition, 405''; pardoned, 484". Smith, Robert, 107^ 545". Smith, Robert, jr, 545^ Smith, Roger, 5421 Smith, Samuel, petitions, 35°, 195", 403"; vs Benjamin Ask, 197'''; land grants, 310*, 520', 544', 545'; warden episcopal church at Poughkeepsie, 564'''. Smith, Steel, 518'. Smith, Symon, ii8\ 141'. Smith, Thomas, petitions, 313^ 362", 406'; land grants, 310*, 3I3^ 372", . 407', 521', 522°, S46\ 549\ 563"; li- cense to buy Indian lands, 402**; charged with counterfeiting, 495'; caveat against petition, 539". INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 695 Smith, Thomas, master of ship Beaver, 305^. Smith, Capt. Thomas, of Oswego, 315". Smith, Wilham, 112", 153°, 195'; mem- ber court of oyer and terminer, 62"; member of council, 63^ i68^ 187^, 187^; to swear in the assembly, 63''; judge of prerogative court, 65*; justice of supreme court, 65''; to in- spect fortifications, 65'^; takes oath, 75^ petition referred to, 78^; chief justice, 78°, 170'^; warrants, 83', 92^ 97\ 100", 101°, 139', 148', 171^ 188', 194", 195^; of militia, 85°; order for erection of manor, 91°; land survey for, 118'; land patent, 124*; compliments Gov. Bellomont, 132*; property near fort, 134''; scheme for erecting courts of judicature, 142^; presides in coun- cil, 153'', 191°; refuses to sign proclamation, 153*; leave of ab- sence granted, 154^; claims right of seniority to preside in council, I55^ 155'; absent from council, 156^; commissioner for trial of pirates, 161"; judge of court of chancery, 167'; statement about sloops seized, 170'; license to buy Indian lands, 175°; memorial, 176^; justice of peace, 190*; takes abjuration oath, 191^; sloops Mary and Society, 191*. vS"^'^ also N. Y. (colony), chief jus- tices. For undetermined references see Smith, William (4th). Smith, William (2d), appointed re- corder by Rip van Dam, 327^; member of council, 387", 390^ 420^ 475"; commissioner to settle Massa- chusetts boundary, 393"; objects to Kings college patent, 393'"', 396^; letter from, 417"; memorial, 446'; commissioner for trial of Great- rakes and Moores, 450°; case of De Noyelles referred to, 453"; justice of supreme court, 461^; reasons against swearing C. W. Apthorpe as member of council, 464^; death, 4801 See also N. Y. (colony), ad- vocates general; attorneys general. For undetermined references see Smith. William (4th). Smith. William (4th), vs William Lawrence, 246°; petitions, 272", 273'. 313'. 313', 314', 316', 383'. 401', 409"; pardon granted, 275"; license to buy Indian land, 314°; land grants," 316', 376', 402', 514*, 528', 537'. 540^ 548', 555', 556^ 562^ 563\ 574^; Jourdain in service of, 355"; charter for Society library granted, 567'. Smith, William, jr, petitions, 402^, 40S\ 453'; license to buy Indian lands, 402''; land grants, 406', 512', 514', 521', 522\ 543"; agent for John van Rensselaer, 413^; member of council, 475", 515'*; objects to war- rant for surveyors, 482-; judge of common pleas, 485'; dissents to de- cision of council, 507', 507'; opinion in case Cunningham vs Forsey, 509\ See also N. Y. (colony), ad- vocates general; chief justices. For undetermined references see Smith, William (4th). Smith, William Lovett, 545''. Smith hill, 96'. Smithstone, 87°. Smithtown, 198'*, 427^. Smokers point, 166'. Smuggling, 41', 273'. Smyth, Edward, 553°, 571°. Smyth, John, 530^ Smyth, Roger, 533'. Snakeneck, 52^ Snell, John Joost, 384', 388', 398^ Snell, Robert, 5751 Snelle Looper (snow), 446^ Snook, Jacob, S40^ Snooke, , 434". Snouse, Godfrey, 530^ Snouse, John, 410^ 497', 530". Snowden, James, 536". Snydacker, Christian, 69'. Snyder, Andreas, 404", 534^ 540*. Snyder, Johannes, jr, 456'*, 459^ Snyder, John, 502^, 503^ Snyder [Sneyder], Peter, 330', 538'. Soaper, Benjamin, 253^ Soaper, Henry, 253". See also Soper. Soaper, John, 253^ 258*. Soaper, Samuel, 253". Sobke, William, 530^ Socialborough, 496'', 526^ Society (sloop), 175*, 175', 176*, 176*, 184', 191', 193', 194'. Society for propagation of the gospel, 474'. Society library (New York), charter, Soldiers, proclamation against strag- gling, 431^ Solebay (ship), 258^ 263', 264'. Solis, Fulgencio Garcia de, 386'. Solomon, Simon, 523^. Someryndyck, John, 561". Somerendyck. Teunis, 447", 543'. Somerset, 5251 Somner, Hezekiah, 547^ Sonman [Soumaine], Simeon, 128'. Sonmans, Peter, 313", 3I3^ " Son of liberty ", paper signed, 480*, 481^ " Sons of liberty ", 470". 696 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Soper, Henry, 2,(^^. See also Soaper. Soper, Mrs Henry, 36^ Sorlings (man-of-war), 254^ 355^, 255". Sorral, William, 521*, 522°, 544-. Souter, George, 515*, 516°. South bay, 40I^ South Carolina, 341*; Cherokees at war with, 44.7'; exportation of pro- visions to, 429^; Indian war, 260*; prisoners in, 261^; ship cleared for, 355*; vessels from, 2>22^- South sea castle (man-of-war), 231'. Southal, George, 299^ Southampton, 12", 17^ 51^ 52°, 309^ 501'; Acadians settle at, 427°; as- sessors, 87'; court at, 28%- cus- tomer, 17^; Indian deed of sale to, 12*; Indians disarmed, 24^; land matters, 51^ 51°; land patents, 51*, 124^ 166^; petition of sachem, 24^; port of entry, 21^; rates remitted, 22"; refusal to take out new patents, Southard, Benjamin, 405 , 405 . Southerd, Jonas, 405', 406", 5II^ Southold, 24^ 150', 179', 280', 309^; Acadians settle at, 427^; assessors, 87'^; customer at, 17'; Indian land restored, 465^ 466^; land patent near, 124*; port of entry, 2I^; rates remitted, 22'; refusal to take out new patents, I3^ Southrin, Edward, 32\ Southwick, Benjamin, 408^ 409*. Southwick, David, 4o8l Southwick, Samtiel, 408'', 409^ Sovwell, Nehemiah, 566^ Sowers, Thomas, 490^ Spafford, David, 517^ Spafford, Hannah, s63^ Spaight, Williarii, 532". Spain, commissions of marque and reprisal against, 334°; expedition against, 335°; king orders restora- tion of English prizes, 309"; peace with, 255*, 371°, 462^; vessels trad- ing with, 334"; war with, 173", 269^ 270', 335', 457', 460^ Spangenburgh, John, 404°. Spaniard, Hendrick, see Arents, Hen- drick. Spaniards, in Florida, 262'; procla- mation against supplying pro- visions to, 326\ 3281 Spanish coins, 36^ 497\ Spanish negroes, see Negroes. Spanish prisoners, 240", 241", 248^, 365.=. Spanish slaves, see Slaves. Sparham, Thomas, 498". Sparling, Paul, 513^ Sparling, Peter, 408^ 409^ 513'. Spaulding, Mr, 473^ Spears, James, 537^ Speedwell (ship), 143^, 230', 446^ Speers, Hugh, 5,35'. Spencer, Benjamin, justice of peace, 483^; letter from, 491^; memorial, 491"; assaulted by mob, 499"; de- position of, 499^; letter to, 499'; complaint of, 502^ 504'; petition, 552', 554'; land grants, 554', 564'. Spencer, Caleb, sr, 552^ Spencer, Caleb, jr, 552\ Spencer, Elihu, 564^ Spencer, George, 447*, 45 1", 45 1^ Spencer, James, warrants, 99^ loi', 102', 103^ 105", 106", III', 185'; peti- tion, 195". Spencer, James, innkeeper, 133'. Spencertown, 569", 570', 571''. 574'. Spender, Gerrit, 294-. Spennick, James, 247°. Sphinx (man-of-war), 422°. Spier, Abraham, 561". Spin, Jacob, 444°. Spiting devil, 25', 41'. Spitzer, Ernest, 417^ 424'. Spone, Hendrick, 397^, 398^ Spooner, Ralph, 5,10^ Spornheyer, William Ernst, 407^ Spotswood, Alexander, 265', 280^, 287', 287', 287'. Spragge, John, 32^ 32^ 39', 50', 6f. Spratt, John, 273*, 284', 305^ 316', 316'. Spread, Thomas, 1541 Springer, Elizabeth, 526*, 55 1\ Springer, John, 526', 554'. Springfield (township), 524', 561^ 563°. Springfield (Mass.), 398'. Springhill, 556'. Springstead, Melle, see Caspar, Melle. Springsteel, Hans, S47^ 566\ Springsteen, Gasper, 285^ 286". Sprong, Gabriel, 539^ Spurre, George, 15^. Squirrell (ship), 266". Staats, Abraham, 149^ 160', 160", 258'. Staats, Barent, 164^ iSi', 195'. Staats, Gerrit, 380", 402^ 402'. Staats, Isaac, 299^ See also States. Staats, Jacob, 98**; warrants, 135°, I64^ 175', 190", 208", 214'; pay as surgeon, 133'; accounts, 135'', 138^; appointed to Capt. Weem's com- pany, 149^ payment of, 152^; peti- tion in behalf of, 217^ Staats, Joachim, land patents, 60', 61°; accounts, ids'*, 135'; warrants, io6\ 135', 137', 157'. Staats, Richard, 133^ 134^ I36^ Staats, Samuel, member of council, 133°, i68^ 238^ 262^; warrants, 139', INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 697 144^ 151', 256*; justice of court of oyer and terminer, 146'; paper signed by, 155°; commissioner for trial of pirate, 161'; petitions, 163-, 165", 177', 224'', 245*, 257'; license to buy Indian lands, 164', I64^ 257'; vs Caleb Heathcote, ,165', 167'; judge of court of chancery, 168''; charges against, 170^ caveat against, 180''; suspended from council, 183"; before council. 191^ ordered to produce power of at- torney, igi**; complaint against Lord Cornbury, 225^ 225', 225'; re- instated to council, 238', 238'; patent granted, 246'; petition _ of heirs, 261°, 297^*; warrant of heirs, 265^; caveat of heirs, 378^ Stacy, Robert, 30'. Stafford, Thomas, 513*. Stalberry, John, 355'. Staley, Hans Dederic, Z97\ apS"- Staley [Stayley], Rudolph, 294', 384*, 387*, 397% 398'. Stalker, Peter, 555". Stam, George, 404°, 534°. Stam, George, jr, 404"*. Stamp act, notice given of, 431'; oath of lieutenant governor, 469^; governor ready to put into execu- tion, 470"; repealed, 471'. Stamps, arrival, 469'; destruction of, 470^ 470'; devices on, 431°; disposal of, 469", 469^ 469^ 470'; distributor of resigns, 468°; order about un- loading, 469°, 4691 Standard, Thomas, 311', 3S'i', 352'. Standish, David, 408°, 409'. Stanhouse, John, 568". Stanley, , 232'. Stanley, captain, 99^ Stanley, Nathaniel, 344'. Stanley, Peter, 3091 Stantenburgh, Peter, 12*. Stanton, George, 543^ Stanton, Henry, 543'- Stanwix, John, 431', 44i% 443'- Stan worth, John, 502". Staples, William, 556'. Starbuck, Edward, 22^ Stark, Abiel, 518'. Starkey, William, tjS2^. Starnberger, Abraham, 538". Starnberger, Jacob, 388', 4o6^ 407, 407', 504*, SI2^ 517°. See also Starnbergh. Starnbergh, Adam, 389', 389'- Starnbergh, Jacob, 384\ S48^ Starnbergh, Lambertus, 386', 389, 389I See also Stenbergh. Starr, Comfort, 401', 402", 406', 407^ Staten Island, Acadians settle on, 427'; beacons, 415'; episcopal church, 247', 248*, 252'; ferries, 25 1^ 326', 335', 336", 336', z(>7\ m\ 373*, 2,17^; Indian claims, ll'; land claim, 12''; land grants, 64-, 64*, 79', 90°, I02^ 103°, 104', 112', 115', 118'; land matters, 12', 23', 29', 55', 68\ 69', 94", 95"; land patents, zf, 56', 8o\ 82', 83', 94", 98", loi', 105', 106', 124*, I64^ 166-, 167", 172', 247^ 247"; land surveys, 58", 113', 125", 165', 166^; lots laid out, 13°; mill on, 25"; peti- tions for land, 12', 38\ 39', 22i''; petition of inhabitants, 13'; quit- rents, 128^ 222"; representatives, 32°, 42'; riots, 64"; road, 214"; set- tlements, 15'; settlers to produce land titles, 41^; sheriff, ZZ^\ surren- dered to Gov. Lovelace's deputies, II*; surveyor of highways, 52"; taxes, 83'. See also Richmond county. States [Staats?], Isaac, 360". Stautenburgh, Mr, 4i\ Stautenburgh, Tobias, io6\ Stayley, see Staley. Stearns, Jonathan, 505*. Steel, Daniel, 520', 541'. Steele, Isaac, 362^ Steel, Roelof, 314', 314', 3i6'. Steel, Samuel, 51 1^ 526°. Steel, Stephen, 541', 562'. Steel, William Snow, 547'- Steenberg, Johannes, 539", 542'. Steenmeyer, Bastian, 405\ Steenwyck, Cornelius, 15^ charged with disturbing government, 21*; mayor, 34'; petitions, 36", 38*; widow of, 8o\ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Steenwyck, Mrs Margaret, 42', 43', 43*, 43^ 8o\ Steep, Michael, 518'. Steers, Philipp, 508', 512'. Steetens, Samuel, 563*. Stehle, Rodolph, 297'. Stelles, Margaret, 437'. Stenbergh [Starnbergh?], Lambert, 294". Stenmetts, Garret, 45^ Stephens, Mr, 49\ Stephens, governor, 443\ Stephens, Aron, 3241 Stephens, see also Stevens. Stephenson, James, 33ol Stephentown, 577''. Stephison, William, 558". Stepney, Francis, 52^ Stepple, see Staples. Sterling, James, 545^ Sternberger, Jacob, see Starnberger. Sternberger, Philipp, 399'. Sternes, Abijah, 522*. 698 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Sternes, David, 522'. Steuart, see Stewart. Stevens, Andrew, 40o^ Stevens, Arent, warrant, 314^ 315'; license to buy Indian lands, 330", 331', 331*, 333', 385'; land grants, 340', 386*; letters from, 353", 379', 383^ 383^ 384\ 385^ 387', 388=; In- dian interpreter, 367^; sent among Indians, 368^ Stevens, Benjamin, 493^ 5641 Stevens, Edward, 45', 8o^ 88^ 104^ 118°, 119^ 129^ Stevens, Enos, 518^, 52 f, 562^ Stevens [Stephens], Francis, 435°, 435', 436', 508*, 508', 509', 551'. Stevens, James, 121", 545". Stevens [Stephens], John, 344^ 345^ 345'. Stevens, Phineas, 524^ 524', 527*, 562°. Stevens, Richard, 537^ Stevens, Richard Nassau, 541^, 543^ 544', 545\ 547'. Stevens, Robert, 510^ Stevens, Samuel, land grants, 516°, 518', 527'. 544', 549'- 553', 553', 559'. 559', 560*, 560°, 560', 561°, 562=, 562', 562', 562', 563', 564\ 565°, s65^ Stevens, Simon, land grants, 527", 529', 556', 559', S6o\ 561', 562*, 563', 563', 564\ Stevens, Thomas, 45', 57*, 88°, 118°, 119°, 119^ Stevens, Willard, 518', 518"', 523*, 527", 529', 562'. Stevenson, George, 36°, 44^ Stevenson, James, 315°; land grants, 548^, 548^ 549^ 573^ 576°, S77^ Stevenson, John, 272^ 45 1\ 538". Stevenson, Samuel, 568°. Steward, John, i8\ Stewart, Alexander, 389^ 404*, 495*, 537'. Stewart, Alexander, jr, 537', 541^, 547', 553'. Stewart, Benjamin, 522^ Stewart, Donald, 556^ Stewart, Duncan, 411^. Stewart, George, 534^ 558^ Stewart, Hamilton, 395'. Stewart. James, 388", 395', 396^ 495*, 537', 5S8l Stewart, James A. 519^, 520', 534", 537', 541'- Stewart, John, 530', S44\ 553', 558'. Stewart, John Hamilton, 478*. Stewart, Lodowick. 557*. Stewart, Peter, 510''. Stewart, Phineas, 522^ Stewart, Robert, 556\ Stewart, Thomas, 530^, 537", 544", 553'- Stewart, Walter, 516*, 525*. Stewart [Steuart], William, 530', 546'. Stibbins, Joseph, 525°. Stickney, Joshua, 519*. Stickney, Oliver, 519*. Stickney, Stephen, 519*. Stiles, Aaron, 5i9\ Stiles, Daniel, 463°. Stillwater, 36^. Stillwell, Mr, 13', 392^ Stillwell, Mrs, 64', 65-. Stillwell, Barnet, 499^ Stillwell, Daniel, 104^ Stillwell, John, 72', 7g\ 83*. Stillwell, Nicholas, 45'*, 73^ Stillwell, Richard, 45°, 87', 175^ 175', 191*. Stillwell, Col. Richard, 435^ Stillwell, Samuel, 416^ 428^ 428*, 444^ Stillwell, Thomas, sheriff, 45°, 62^, 62'^; to command militia, 54^*; war- rant, 128^ land survey for, 166^; petition, 335''; granted ferry right, 336^ Stilson, Henry, 55 1\ 551', 553*, 5531 Stine, Augustine, 540^ Stinson, John, 549*. Stitt, Samuel, 551^ Stoaks, see Stokes. Stockbridge (Ct.), 350^ Stockbridge (township), 53i\ Stockin, Robert, 33\ Stoddard, Benjamin, 375', 381', 3871 Stoddard, John, 290^ 294^, 345^ 350*, 360', 369'. Stoffel, George, 7ol Stokes, Abraham, 5o6^ Stokes, Elizabeth, 187°, 196'. Stokes, Mrs Margaret, petitions, I;8^ 20I^ 213"; accounts, 179°, 179', 179^ warrants, 187", 189°. Stokes [Stoaks, Stocks], Richard, marshal of admiralty court, 116*, 150'; warrants, 135', I36^ 151', ISS', 157', i6i^ death, 174*; warrant to widow, 187'. Stokes, William, 239'. Stone, Andrew, 337^. Stone, David, 515', 518", 518', 571'. Stone, Dirck, 97l Stone, Joel, 518', 527-, 529'. Stone, Joseph, 524^ Stone, Martha, 518'. Stone, Mary, 518'. Stone, Nathan, sheriff, 472^; com- plaint against, 482"; letter from, 499'; land grants, 515', 518', 527', 559', 560°, 561', 562°, 562', 563', 565', 573^ Stone, Patrick, 511". Stone, Samuel, 518". Stone, Thomas, 571^. Stone, Zedekiah, 5I5^ 518". INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 699 Stone Arabia, 279'', 376''', 438''. Stonehouse, Isaac, 478'. Stony brook i6\ Stonyhill, sS'l Stool, Joost, (>2-, 75l Stooley, Thomas, 526". Storer, James, Sigl Storie, James, 446'. Storie. Joseph, 517^ Storm, John, 476^ 512°. Story, Robert, zz""- Story. William, 531". Stoughton, John, 410". Stoughton, William, 109", 114°, \\&, Stout, Amarens, I47\ Stout, Benjamin, 409'', 523', 550^ 56o^ 56i\ 563^ Stout. Benjamin, jr, 518^ 5S9^ 560', 563^ Stout, John, I47^ Stout, John C2d), land grants, 522^ 522^ 530\ 543', 560', 563', 565% 575'- Stout, John (3d), 563". Stout, John B. 560', 56I^ Stoutenburgh, Isaac, 52 1^ 522°, 543^ Stoutenburgh, Jacobus, 284". Stoutenburg, John, 276°. Stoutenburgh, Peter, petition, 46"; title to land, 13^; before council, 2z^: land grants, 89', 553^; to be called for examination, 427^ 428\ 428^ Strafford, Ann, 538'. Strafiford, Thomas, 538*. Strafford (township), 565°. Strang, Simeon, 516°. Strasburgh (township), 557^ Stratemaker, Jan, 45'. Stratford, 88'. Stratton (township), 565', 576'. Street, Edward, I26l Strembeck, Thomas, 405^ 405*. Stringer, Joseph, 546^ Stringer, Samuel, 537°, 567^ Stringham, James, Z'^i\ 325", 328', 3-9'- Stringham, Joseph, 556', 556 . Strong, Benajah, 522'', 522'. Strong. Solomon, 52.2'. Strycker, Gerrit [Gerard], 62^, 79\ 97'- Strycker, Peter, 79-, 79 . Stryker, John, 58'. Stuart, James, 567', 570^ Stuart, ]\Ialcolm, 567', S70^ Stuert, Robert, 378', 380'. Stuyvesant, , 12''. Stuyvesant, Gerardus, 311", 311', 395^ 396'- Stuyvesant, Nicholas, 124°, 124 . Stuyvesant, Nicholas William, 53 1^ 546^ Stuyvesant, Pctrus, 526". Stuyvesink, Peter, 543''. Success (ship), no", in'', in", 230', 430'. Suffolk county, clerk, i66''', 186"; col- lector of duties, 389', 438'; com- missions of peace and pleas, 459', 493", 500^; detachment from, •j2,'', appraisal of estates, 76^; French prisoners sent to, 436^ 446"; In- dians, 76°, loi^; judges, 65*, 485*, 493'; justices, 63", 63°, 71', 141', I45^ 1 80'', 262', 266", 316", 31/, 493', 500*, 504*; land patent, 208''; land sur- veys, 177", 178'; licenses to buy land in, 103-, 162^, 165', 167", 173^ 181', 209'; militia, 55*, 84' 85", 353', y^l\ 357', 415', 441", 43^ ; petition for land in, 173*; petition for port in. 75^ lf\ quitrent, 222^; searcher and surveyor of customs, 59'; sheriffs, 45', 58^ 60', 62°, 79\ 143', 149', 159', i62\ 167', 180", i8i\ 183*, 272^; sloops seized in, 170'; sloops wrecked in, 174", 175*; taxes, 53^ 54% 71', 72', 84', 97', liio', 115', il6', 116°, 149", 160°; drift whales in, 165*. Sugar, duties on, ii"; petition for free admission, 128^; act, 464". Sullivan, Daniel, 523'. Sullivan, Peter, 5 11*^. Summerhill, 555^ Summersford, Jeoffrey, 26^ Sumner, Clement, 403", 404'^, 524". Sumner, William, 404", 404''. Sumpter, Francis, 528". Sun (sloop), I22\ Sunard [Sinard], Rene, ii8\ II9^ 126?. Sunderland, Peleg, 500^ Sunderland, William, 231", 22,2', 232*. Superbe (ship), 348', 350\ Supreme court, i89\ 315''; ordinance for adjourning, 160'; established, 65', 194', 194'; judges, 82', 83', 457', 480', 505"; justices, 65°, 483'; ordi- nances concerning sessions, 161', 260', 274', 309^ 454'; term enlarged, 189". 338^ 463°; time of sessions changed, 265", 281°, 286=, 319'. 376'. Surinam [Surinheim], 230^^, 341', 355\ Surisco, Charles, 49"^ Surlye, captain, 2>?^ ■ Susannah, lady, 532\ Susannah (ship), 23-, 23', I7I^ 483^ Susquehannah river, 360**, 463^ Sussex county, 454\ Sutherland, lieutenant, 443^. Sutherland, Erick, 4I■I^ Sutherland. George, 411^ 547'. Sutherland. Hugh, 4II^ Sutherland, Joseph, 540^ 700 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Sutherland, Nicholas, 410°. Sutherland, William, 41 1^ 557". Sutton, David, 566". Sutton, Samuel, 5681 Sutton, Thomas, 528°. Sutton, William, 509*. Suydam, Hendrick, 537'. Suydam, Jacob, 537-. Swallow (bark), 1251 Swan, George, 344', 345°. Swan, Godfrey, 468^ Swan, James, 374°, 444°. Swan, William, land grants, 5I7^ 518', 545', 550', 552', 553', 556', 561', 559", 562*, 563', 564'. Swan (ship), 243', 243', 433'. Swart, Dirck, A^f, 477", 479'- Swart, Josias, 341', 34i', 538"- Swart, Wauter, 2go''. Swartahook, 196". Swartout, major, 351''. Swartwood, Rowland, 26'. Swartwout [Swartod], Bernardus, no", 115°, 144^ 276^ 282", 286". Swartwout, Jacobus, before council, 282"; petitions, 286', 287'; vs Edward Blagg, 287', 288', 288"; ex- amined about counterfeiters, 348*; letters from, 349', 350', 351'. Swartwout, Johannes, 539", 542^ Swartwout, Philipp, 447-, 4S2^ 496^ Swartwout, Samuel, 286^ 287', 288°, 2881 Swartwout, Thomas, 282", 2861 Swebringh, Daniel, 128*. Swebringh, Dorland, 99''. Swebringh, Jan, I26^ Swebringh, Roeloff, 128*. Sweitzer, Godlieb, 5391 Swift, Henry, 216", 221-, 225^ 235", 245", 245'. Swift, James, 546^ Swift. Paul, 523'. Swift (ship), 121', 135', 135^ 136I Swiney, Thomas, 152°. Swinton, Isaac, 46"; petition, 45^ 46°; clerk of chancery, 47^ 47°; clerk of council, 51°; to seize col- lector's books, 52^; death, 53'. Switman, John, 508°, 512*. _ Swits, Cornelius, 217°, 217". Switts, I. 376'. Switz [Switts], Isaac, 173", 202', 212*, 214°, 490°. Switzer, Godlieb, 557^. Swords, Thomas, oetition, 528". 553"; vs Kingston, 531', 532', 532*, 532'; land grants, 568', 571^ Sydel, John, 537'. Sydenham, Elizabeth, 141°, 240^ Sydenham, George, vs Capt. Hyde, 116°, 116"; resigns, 116*; petition, 136'; escheator, 136'; memorial. 136"^; warrant, 136'; vs AUetie Doornes, 141''; accounts, 142". Syfard, Christopher, 534^ 535'. Sylvester, , 4291 Sylvester, Brinley, 325', 325'', 226\ 326', 327'. Sylvester, Francis, 340". Sylvester, Giles, 39°, 1153^. Sylvester, Peter, 490°, 541", 5561 Sylvester, see also Silvester. Sylvestre, Jean, 416". Symes, John, 32i2\ Symes [Syms], Lancaster, buys negro boy, 143'', 143°; petitions, 163', 2o8^ 212', 213^ 214°, 215'', 216", 216*, 217', 221', 224", 235', 235', 235', 252", 252', 283', 284^ 288^; land con- troversy, 179*; subscribes abjura- tion oath, 190*; warrants, 190'', 193", 209*, 209^ 2,12^, 213^ 214", 215", 217^ 260'; permission to put up lading cranes, 194"; to furnish firewood for fort, 206'^; accounts, 214*: land grants, 217°, 217^, 222^ 222", 247^ 2S2^ 253*, 281°; surety of sheriff Anderson, 225^; vs Thomas Byerly, 225''; to appear before council, 236*, 315', 315', 315'; ordered on duty, 237'; memorial, 238*, 272^; to audit accounts, 273^; instructions, 303^; examination postponed, 316"; devisees of, 574^ Symes, Lancaster, jr, 303*. Syms, William, 525''', 525'. Symmonds, captain, 45'. Symmonsen, Johannes, 266^. Tabele, George, 461^ Tacapain (sachem), 63'. Tachanick (Indian), 48^ 49°. Tackpousha [Tackapausha, Tapusha] (sachem), 23', 33", 33^ 44', 96\ Taggart, John, 403*. Talbert, John, 537*. Talcott, captain, 11^. Taller, Jacobus, 484'. Taller, John, 484^ Taller, William, 484". Tallmadge, Thomas, 49°. Talman, John, ii2\ 178°, 203". Talman, William, 560'. Tancret, Anthony, 375". Tanners, 26°, S5^ 61". Tapan, see Tappan. Tapan creek, 69^ Taplin, John, 560', 56o^ 566'. Taplin, John, jr, 566'. Tappan, 38\ 44', 44', 45', 55''- Tappar, William, 534', 535°. Tappen, , 443^ Tar, production of, 83^; complained of, 268''; letter about, 273*. Tartar (privateer), 453^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 701 Tarter (man-of-war), 328°. Tasker. Thomas, 108'. Tate. Charles, 573'- Tatham, John, 253', 254', 254°. Tatham, Mary, 29^. Tattum. William, 329°. Tax, of £1000 for fort at Onondaga, IS/*, 157', 158', 187', 191', 193'; of £1300, 198', 199', 199'"'; of £1500 for batteries at the Narrows, 191'; of £1800, I86^ ig8\ ig8\ 219% 219', 220^; of £2000 for Queen Anne, 145', 146", 151', 157', 158", 165', 186', 187- ; for raising £2555, 6o\ 6o'\ 61''; rate of, 128', 128'. Taxation, resolution of assembly, 478\ Taxes, 119', 146', 156", 179°, 181', 196', 204^ 209°, 375^; abstract required, 120'; in arrears, 96^ 100*, 115", 117^, 121*, 256', 263^; bill to prevent abuses, 55^ 55^; collection, 54% 71^ 105^ 127', 130^; collection hastened, 80**; collection neglected, 7^*; col- lection to be enforced, 127'; collec- tion urged, 68', 69', 86', 94', 125'; rules for collection, 87'; slow col- lection of, 72*, ys': collector ap- pointed, 97'; collectors' accounts called for, 205^; to be farmed, 131'; farmers of, II4^ 114^; freeholders desert farms on account of, 83^; French protestants excused from, loi''; justices careless about collect- ing, 97^; to be let, 213^; on liquor, 17^; order regarding, 77^ ; to pay discharged officers, 85^ for paying war expenses, 53"; petition of con- stables for remuneration in collect- ing, 71*; proclamation about, 171^ "^JS^', proposals about, 24^; prosecu- tions to stay cases, 224"; returns called for, 109^; not sufficient, 59l Tay, see Toy. Tayadorus (Indian), 26". Taylor, Daniel, 401", 402°, 406", 407\ 530'. Taylor, David, 5I4^ 517^ Taylor, Edward, 122°, 391°, 39il Taylor, Francis, 528^ Taylor, Gilbert, 562=. Taylor, Hannah, 232\ Taylor, Henry, 45°, 46', 223°. Taylor, Isaac, 147', 148', 536'. Taylor, James, 52S^ Taylor, Job, 565*. Taylor, John, shipmaster, 434'; land grants. 517'. 527'. 538', 541°, 55 1', 558', 560", 564', 569', 573^ 577'; pe- titions, 533'. 534', 534'. Taylor, Matthew, 122', I23^ Taylor, Nathaniel, 401', 402", 406', 407'. Taylor, Peter, 518". Taylor, Richard, 522°. Taylor, Samuel, 514'. Taylor, Thomas, 322^. Taylor, William, 40', 135°, 404', 405*. Tea, action of council concerning, 499'; people object to landing of, 499'- Teabout, Cornelius, 552'. Tegerhunkserode, see Detroit. Teller, Abraham, 507". Teller, Andrew, 304'. Teller, Gasper, 79^ See also Albany county, sheriffs. Teller, John, 284'''. Teller, William, 36', 114', i6^\ 163', I87^ Teludes (?), 98'. Temple, John, 466*. Temple, William, 527''. Templeton, Oliver, 404^ 537°. Ten Boss, Tacob, 437', 467", 473', 473*, 473"- Ten Broeck, , 371'. Ten Broeck [Brook], Abraham, pe- tition, 405^ 480*; patents granted, 406% 512', 514"; affidavit, 460'^ com- plaint, 483^; judge of common pleas, 494^ Ten Broeck, Cornelius, petitions, 339', 402*, 405'; patents granted, 339". 373', 406', 511'; warrant, 342;; license to buy Indian lands, 380", 402"; petition, 405'. Ten Broeck, Dirck, 306', 494'. See also Albany, mayors. Ten Broeck, Dirk W. spr, 361*. Ten Broeck. Jacob, 380'". Ten Broeck, Joannis, 301', 301'. Ten Broeck, John, 367'. Ten Broeck, John C. 512', 514'. Ten Broeck, Petrus, 471', 486', 552'. Ten Broeck, Wessell, 55', 141'. 319". Ten Bush, see Ten Boss. Ten Eyck, Abraham, 519', 567°. Ten Eyck, Anthony, 304', 435', 527', 552'. Ten Eyck, Barent, 378'. 380'. Ten Eyck, Barent C. 405', 406', 512', 514'- Ten Eyck, Coenraat, 15 . Ten Eyck, Coenradt A. 527', 552'. Ten Eyck [Tenike, Tenyck], Hen- drick, 57^; license to buy land, 115"; land patents, I2I^ 2.15-, 395*, 402'; petitions, 213', 214°, 2I4^ 215', 215', 300'. Ten Eyck. Henry, jr, 483', 489'. 494'- See also Albany county, sherififs. 702 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Ten Eyck, Hendrick B. 552*. Ten Eyck, Jacob, 353', 355', 367'. Ten Eyck, Jacob Coenradt, 378', 380^ 388', 46o^ 490'. See also Al- bany, mayors. Ten Eyck, Jacob H. 402*, 402', 405^ 405', 460", 541". Ten Eyck, Johannes Hendrick, 405^ 406', 512', 514'. Ten Eyck, John C. 405^ 4o6l Ten Eyck, John K. 490°. Ten Eyck, Tobias, 340°. Ten Hout [Tienhout], Sovereyn, 85*, 163', 165*, 169', 170', 1841 Tenike, see Ten Eyck. Tenor, Richard, 528^ Tenyck,~-,ye? Ten Eyck. Ter Boss, Daniel, 487*. Terevitt, John, 108'. Tergeny, Henry, 99^ Terpley, James, 534', 535'. Terrell, Samuel, 136^ Terril, John, 492^ Terris, Daniel, 400°. Terry, Mr, 14*, i5\ Terry, Daniel, 180^. Terry, Edmond, 487^ Terwilliger, John, 556", 557^ Tetard, John Peter, 475°. Tennis, Weyntil, 6o\ Teunissen, Arent, 27^. Teunissen, Dennis, 76^ 112*. Teunissen, Derick, 65^ Teunissen [Tunissen], Egbert, 36^, 65'. 68\ 1261 Teunissen, Gerrit, 60^, 65^ I29^ Teunissen [Teunisse. Tunissen], John, 31^ 37-, 72\ 76\ 105'. Teunissen, Sweer. 26". Thacher, Partridge, 40I^ 402**, 406^ 407^ See also Thatcher. Thallay, Thomas, 536^ Thanksgiving, days of, 22^ 63', 70*, 94', 174', 181', 253\ 258', 26o^ 329', 373^; for deliverance from con- spiracy, 338'; for discovery of plot against king, 75-, 114'; for king's return to England, 112", 120'; for peace with France and Spain, 462^; that queen is with child, 58'; for reduction of Montreal, 449"; for suppression of Monmouth rebel- lion, 46^ for victories of duke of Marlborough, 207^ for victories over French, 75-, 447*: for victories over the rebels in England, 46", 261', 356', 356'; for victory at Lake George, 421°. Thatcher, Edward, S55^ 573^. Thatcher, Thomas, 25*, 29", 31'. Thatcher, see also Thacher. Thayer, Jeremiah, 524". Theale, James, 76^. Theale [Theule], Joseph, 41", 44', 112°, 121^, 164-. Theobald, John, 233^ 3S5\ Thetford (township), 519^ s67^ Theunisse, see Teunissen. Thew, Thomas, 102^ Thibon, Lewis, 331°. Thirming (township), 566'. Thodey [Theday, Thoday], Michael, 40I^ 402-, 408**, 409^ 412°, 437^ 4541 Tbom, William, 576'. Thomas (Mohawk chief), 422^. Thomas, Abraham, 409^.- Thomas, George, 352^ 352', 354', 355", 361'', 365^ See also Pennsylvania. Thomas, Henry, 541', 547^ 551*, 557", 558^ 567^ Thomas, John, 235', 310", 332", 333-, 509*, 530'. Thomas [Tome, Tomes], Jonas, [Jonah], 79*, 141', 145', 145^ 163'. Thomas, Judith, 154®. Thomas, Mary, 153', I54^ 187", 201*. Thomas, Walter, S47\ 55 1', 558°, 576". Thomas, William, 458'. Thomas and Elizabeth (ship), I52\ Thomase, Laurence, 173'. Thomlinson (township), 519°. Thompson, Abraham, 5,19^, 531'', 559', 56o\ Thompson, Abraham, jr, 519^ 531', 560'. Thompson, Acheson, 5iol Thompson, Benjamin, 351°. Thompson, David, 403^. Thompson, Gabriel, I39^ 150^ 155', 163*, i66\ Thompson, George, 408*, 409*. Thompson, Hendrick, 46^ Thompson, Isaac, 531". Thompson, Jacob, SI9^ Thompson, James, 555', 563', 564'. Thompson, John, released from prison, 65*; chest of, 144*; com- plaint, 204"; land grants, 395^ 5I9^ 527'- 530', 540', 544', 546', 559', 561', 570^; justice of peace, So6^ Thompson, John, jr, 544^ Thompson, Joseph, 519^ 560". Thompson, Peter, 562°. Thompson, Robert, 544^ Thompson, Stephen, 563^. Thompson, William, 6g\ 508^, 512*, S29\ 547\ 561'. Thomson, Jeremiah, 5461 Thong, Thomas, 304^ Thong, Walter, 200^ Thorley, John, 528°. Thorn, Benjamen, 403^. Thorn, Daniel, 403^ Thorn, Jacob, 403^ Thorn, William, 403^ Thorne, Stephen, 396^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COl'NCIL MINUTES 703 Thorne, Thomas, 464-. Thorne, William, 551'. Thornhill, Thomas, 74', 92', 98*. Thornton, Samuel, 243^ Thorpe, Daniel, SiS'". Thorpe, John, 494', 496°, Si?'- Thorston, sec Thurston. Thowett, Peter, 82^ Three brothers (sloop), 149", 230'. Throggs point, 372^ Throgmortons neck, I0^ Thursting, William, 533'. Thurston, Edward, 451'. Thurston [Thorston], Joseph, 13', 58', 89'. Tice, Gilbert, 533', 538', S4o'. Tick, Philip, 402'. Tick, Philip, jr, 402'. Ticonderoga, 425', 426', 498°, 532, 533', 577'- ^, ^ , Tiebout, Albertus, 356^ 364'. Tiebout, Johannes, 20o\ Tiebout, Tunis, 301*, 302', 305'- Tienhout, see Ten Hout. Tienhoven, Lucas van, 106', 106", Io8^ 124', 130'. Tienhoven, Nicholas, 218", 226", 226^ 239', 239'- Tienonderoga creek, 329'. Tierondequat, 311', 329*, 329^ 329', 218,2'. Tietsoor [Tietsoort], William, 134, 215'. Tiffin, Enoch, iSol Tillet, , 470'. Tillier, William, 115*, 119*, 214'. Tillon, Vincent, 172', I86^ Tillotson, Daniel, 403°, 404'. Tilsey, John, 535*. Timber, 25*. Timberman, Jacob, 388°, 398'. Timenson, Adert, 255\ 255^ Timms, John, 534'. Tincker, John, 369^ Tingle, George, 513*. Tinker, Richard, 56\ Tippel, Adam, 386', 391', 399'- Tippett, Mrs, 23*. Tippett, George, 10* lo^ II^ Titus. Content, 145^ 146', iS4', 179", 179'. Titus, Edward, 56'. Tobacco, duties on, 11'; order about, 22^; duty free, 22'. Tobias, Christopher, 551'. Tobias, Frederick, 491^ Tobias, Thomas, 551', S5i'. Tobin, Peter. 551^ Toby (negro), 338'. Todd. John, 4881 Todd, Robert, 333'^ 488'. Todd, William, 563', 57S'. Tollman, John, 152', I53\ Tom (negro), 340', 340', 462', 468'. Tom, Nathaniel, 403'. Tom, William, 15', 20'. Tome, sec Thomas. Tomkins, Nehemiah, 429'. Tomlin. Thomas, 558^ Tomlinson, Mr, 430'. Tomlinson, Daniel, 568". Tompkins, Elijah, 473^ Tompkins, John, 400". 473*. Tompkins, Mary, 400 . Tongreton, Rene, 200^ 200'. Tongue, Deborah, 472'. Tongue, William, 472°. Tontye, captain, 74^ Tooker, I. 36'. Tool, John, 536'. Topsham, 547; 565", 577'- Tortola, 340^ Tortudas, 31°. Toshack [Tossach], David. 56', 88*. Toshack, Thomas, 234', 275'. Tothill, Jane, vs Helena de Key, 241*, 241', 255^ 256^ 257", 257', 258*, 262^; petition, 290^ Tothill, Jeremiah, 69*, 73\ 8r, 83', 92^ II 7^ 1921 Totten, Joseph, 555', 567'. Totten and Crossfield purchase, 572^ Totton, William, 535", 542'. Tournier, Jean, 427". Toussaint (negro), 453", 453^ Towell, Henry, 534', 535'. Townley, Richard, 72% 133". Townsend, , 45'. Townsend. captain, 99'. Townsend, Daniel, 473*. Townsend, George, 495°>.563'- Townsend, Henry, sr, 46', 46". Townsend, Henry, jr, 46'. Townsend, Isaac, 434', S3i'- Townsend, Jacob, 546', 565\ Townsend, James. 46". Townsend, Jeremiah, 53I^ Townsend. John, 38', 46°, S9\ i37', 137", 213', 213'. Townsend, Micajah, 330^ Townsend, Roger, II^ 405', 406'. Townsend, Thomas, 23^ 40', 40^. Townsend, William, 279". Townsend (township), 563^ Toy [Tay], Daniel, land and tide waiter, I42\ 207^; affidavit, 151*; warrants, 155-, 161', 209°; swears abjuration oath, 191'; petition, 197'- Tracey, Prince, 522^ Tracy, Isaac, 565*. Trade, acts, 116', 11 7", 130'; com- munications from England about foreign, 224^; forbidden with other ports, 42"; committee of, 61°; laws, 297*; lords of, see Lords of trade; 704 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY order concerning, 50°; proposals, 322'. Traffort, William, 399^ Traile, George, 544', 550'. Trainbands, 1371 Tramps, to be arrested, 6^^. Trapett. John, 45^ Travally, Thomas, 17^. Travis, Gerrit, 113*. Travis, Hannah, 274". Travis, James, 283°. Travis, Joseph, 473°. Treadwell, John, 38", 52^ Treadwell, John, jr, 2S7^- Treasury, no money in, 125*; debtors to be prosecuted, 335*; account of available moneys called for, 336'. Treat, Malachi, 525", 525*, 532^ Treat, Richard, 443'. Treat, Robert, 27', 34", 61', 67^ 97', 11 f. Treavor, Thomas, 166''. Treby, John, 513'. Trees, order against destroying, 59^ Tregeny, Henry, loo^ Trent, captain, 364". Trent, William, 541*, 545". Trevis, Gerrit, i&. Trevitt [Trevett], John, 133*, 13-5", 171', 1 94-. Trigger, William, 535^ Trinity church (New York), 232^; caveat, 274^; charter, 120"; gallery, 129^*, 130°; Kings farm let for, 125'', 126'': letter from William 3 con- cerning, 158^; license to buy land for, 113*; money for redemption of slaves applied to, 116', 116*, 128']; patent for queen's farm, 205''; peti- tion, 199^ 199*; pews, 243^ 244^; rectors, 189'', 360*, 466'; sexton, 26ol Trinwith, William, 1441 Triton (privateer), 365^ Tritons prize (man-of-war), 207^ 2I3^ 213^, 217°, 219*, 228^ 242'. Trobridge, Joseph, 5191 Trobridge, Thomas, 5I9^ Trois Rivieres, 347^ Trompeet, John, 55', 55'. Trompeuse (ship), 42*. Troop, captain, 427^ Trost, William, 535'. Trotter, John, 531^ 553", 57I^ Troup, John, 403". Troup, Robert, 383', Trowbridge, Thomas, 4I^ Truax [Truex], Abraham, 320^ 331*, 32,i\ 484'- True Briton (privateer), 446\ Trumbell, Jonathan, 565^ Trumble, Benjamin, 404", 404^. Trumble, John, 521". Trumbor, Johannes, 455', 459', 463°, 464'. Trumper, Johannes, 533*, 534^ Trumpett, John, 87^ Truro (township), 551-. Truxton, Thomas, 403**. Tryon, Daniel, 406^ 407'. Tryon, William, governor, 485^ 556', 576°; instructions to, 486"^; warrants, 49I^ 498^, 501^; goes to Albany, 491'; correspondence on boundary matters, 497^; goes to England, SOI"; letter from, 504"; returned from England, 505", 506". See also N. Y. (colony), governors. Tryon county, commissions of judges and justices, 490', 504"; commission of oyer and terminer, 492^ 506"; courts in, 490", 490', 504'; judge, 506^ justices of peace, 501^ 504°, 506*; representatives, 493\ Tuck. Jonathan, 525". Tucker, captain, 48^ Tucker, Abijah, 524^ Tucker, James, 332\ Tucker, John, 538\ Tucker, Joshua, 524^ Tucker, Moses, 524'. Tuder [Tudor], John, sheriff, 38', 41^; appears for Flushing, 46*; peti- tions, 48^ 48", 48^, 214"; motion in behalf of Thomas Kelly, 51^; regis- ter of admiralty, 63'; attorney in case Bennet vs Aertsen, 116'; me- morial, 175°; warrants. 208**, 212'; vs Thomas Byerly, 218^ 218"; peti- tion of widow, 240'. Tuder, John (2d), 550^ 556". Tudor, Edward, 532^, 550'. Tudor, Mary, 240'. Tudor, Samuel, S5ol Tuermer, Thomas, 399°. Tumblin, Thomas, 546*. Tunbridge (township), s6s\ 577'. Tunissen, see Teunissen. Turbut, Francis, 530°. Turck [Turk], Jacob, 195^, 359^ 565". Turk, Paulus, 136^, 138". Turneer, Daniel, 40", 48". Turner, Alexander, 408^ 409*, 409^ 413'- Turner, Alexander, jr, 408*, 409*. Turner, James, 408^ 409*. Turner, John, 283^ 52 f, 522°, 544^ Turner's patent, 557^ Turnier, David, lol Turtle bay, 136'. 321=, 373^ 397^ S05^ Tuscaroras Indians, call for assist- ance, 246", 247^ 248"; defeated in North Carolina, 251*; message sent to, 423^; may settle beyond Blue Hills, 248°; not to settle among Iroquois, 252^; willing to settle INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 705 among Esopus Indians, 248"; want to renew treaty of peace, 449\ See also Iroquois. Tusteen LTusten], Benjamin, 409°, 43S', 521', 522'. Tute, Amos, 481". Tuthill, James, 385'. Tutliill, John, 141', 142", 143'. Tuttle, Enos, 531'. Tuttle, George, 567°. Tuttle, John, 520". Tuttle, Joseph, 520". Tuttle, Simon, sW^- Tuttle, Simon, jr, 519^ Tuttle, Stephen, 502", S20^ 550'. Twick, Jacob, 4I5^ Two brothers (ship), 242^ Two brothers islands, I03^ 22I^ Tyce [Tyse, Tyssen], Anthony, 79^, 90", 118', 125', 167". Tygert, Sigfrenus, 397^ Tymonse, Cornelius, 576^ Tynes, David, 243^ 243", 246°. Tyre. Tobias, 533**. Tyrens. Francis, 123", 137', 138', 138°, 139'- Tyrone (township), 556*. Tyrrell, Samuel, 49^ 5ol Tyse. Tyssen, see Tyce. Uhhaunnaunaunmut, Solomon, 570". Ulster county, 54^ 82", 449*; assessors, 87'; boundaries, 282^ 282', 285', 374°, 455% 456', 460', 533', 534"; col- lector of excise, 169^; commissions of peace and pleas, 456^ 480", 502"; complaint of inhabitants, 484'; courts, iii^ 285^ 348^; detach- ments, 229*; Dutchess county an- nexed to, 250^ appraisal of estates, 76"; farms, 82*; fortifications, 82°; export of grain forbidden, 84^*; in- vaded by Indians, 436'^; proposal for attacking Indians, 425^; judges, 69". III^ I46^ 500^; justices, 263^ 364\ 468^ 469', 485\ 496^ 50I^ 502^ 504'; land, 247"; land grants, 90", 100": land patents, 55°, So*, 60^, 6i'\ i66\ 167'''; land survey, 161'; li- cense to buy land in, iio", 164% 164^, 165*, 178'; militia, 353', 441", 454'; petitions for land in, lOO'', 109^, 231°, 257"; quitrents, 124", 126", 173', 183', 184*; refuses to surrender records. 138°; regiment, 438\ 443^ River Indians invited to remove into, 424^; sheriffs, 62^ yg^, 113", 113', 114*, 143', I49\ 159', 172', 346°, 361', 493"; taxes, 54', 83=. 103', 114', II4\ 120=, I2S\ 139', 183', 185=, 187°, 191*. 195-, jg8\ 198", 22o\ Umberville, David, 349°. Umphrey, James, jr, 406°. Uncas, 29'. Uncleljag, Garret, 237", 238', 250". Underhill, Humphrey, 113^ 283". Underbill, John, 46", 514-. Underbill, Nathaniel, 407^ 473% Underhill, township of, see Rhine- land. Underweg, Gasper, 572'. Underwey, Cooper, 568''. Underwood, George, 549\ Unicorn (ship), 142'. Unitas Fratrum, see Moravians. Unity (ship), 225'*, 226^, 226'. Unkechalk, 5o^ Updike, Daniel, 422^ Upton, Clotworthy, 541". Urhard, John, 566". Urian, Jean Baptist, 430°. Urian, Jean Bastil, 430". Vaasburgh, Abraham, 340^ Vaasburgh, Barent, 339', 341^, 341^ Vaasburgh, see also Vosburgh. Vadder, Arant, 484^ Vadder, Balmus, 484^ Vadder, Harmin, 484% Vadder, see also Vedder. Valentine, Richard, 25', 58^, 89". Valentine, Simon, I22^ Valentine, Thomas, draft honored, 491', 496"; letter from, 492', 494^; accounts, 494°, 496", 498^; certificate as to health, 497^; land grant, 5Si\ Valiant, Father, 57^ Vallade. Peter, 409^ Vallarde. Mr, 428". Valle, Francis, 462^ Valleau, Faucenier, 521^, 522^ Valleau, John, 519°, 520^ Vallette, Peter, 298^ 372'. Van Aele, Lawrence, 184". Van Aken, Mariane, 259°. Van Ale, William, 22I^ Van Alen, Cornelius, 562^. Van Alen, Johannes, 177^ I8o^ Van Alen, John, 483", 575". See also Van Allen. Van Alen, Lawrence L. 566^ Van Allen, Barent, 54I^ Van Allen, John, 540", 54I^ 544^ See also Van Alen. Van Alst, Johannis, 3121 Van Alstyne [Alstine], Abraham, 177'. 305'. Van Alstyne, Isaac, 328'. Van Alstyn, Mathias, 310". Van Ambrugh, Henry, 473^ Van Antwerp, Abraham P. 485°. Van Antwerp, Jacobus, 540', 544'. Van Antwerp, Wilhelmus, 521^, 522', 534'- 7o6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Van Bael, Henry, 246^ 247", 247', SI4^ Van Ball, Henry, vs Roger Brett, 231°, 232", 232^ 241^; vs Knight and King, 222'; vs George Crabtree, 233', 245\ 245'- Van Benthuysen, Barent, 348', 3/81 Van Benthuysen, Bernard, I49\ Van Betithuys'en, Garrit, 319'. Van Bergen, Gerrit, 342°. Van Bergen, Martin, 328^ 330^ 334*, 342^ Van Bergen, Martin Garretse, peti- tions, 405^ 406", 520*; land grants, 405*, 5 1 5', 525*, 536', 540'; sloop of, 431"; deposition of, 535*. Van Bergen, William, 405', 405^ 406^ Van Beuren, Barent, 330". Van Beuren, Hendrick, 40I^ Van Beuren, Maes, jr, 40I^ Van Boerton, Hendrick Jansen, 62''. Van Bommel, Jan Hendricks, 2I^ Van Bonnel, Susannah, 187". Van Borsum, Anna, 35'", 35^ 35^ Van Borsom, Egbert, 303**. Van Boskerk, Jacobus, 400^ Van Boskerk, Jacobus, jr, 552^ Van Boskerk, John, 552". Van Boskerk, Lawrence L. 552". Van Bossah, Mrs, 154*. Van Brockel, Gaishort, 304'. Van Brough, see Van Brugh. Van Brugan, see Van Brugh. Van Brugh, Johannes, dispute about Domines hook, 12*; arbitrator, 17"; charged with disturbing govern- ment, 21*; executor of Govert Loockerman's estate, 35*^, 68^ 68^ 69'. Van Brugh, Peter, commission of oyer and terminer issued to, 148"; warrants, 149^, 150^ 160°, 171^, 302°, 308', 313*, 314', 317'; asked to ad- vance money for Albany garrison, 153°; petitions, 169", 170^ 253^, 305', 318"; Indian commissioner, 279°; accounts, 302^; license to buy In- dian lands, 305^. See also Albany, mayors. Van Brunt. Cornelius, 232", 256^ 256", 335', 579'. Van Brunt, Jose, 335'. Van Brunt, Nicholas, 335^ Van Brunt, Rutger, 335I Van Burgh, captain, 249^ Van Bursum, Egbert, 274*. Van Cleck, Baltus, 248^ Van Cleck, Henry, 487*. Van Clyffe, Dirck, 4i\ 41", 46^ 47^ 47'. Van Comp, John, 90", 90", 91^, gf, 91^ 97^, Ioo^ IOI^ Van Corlear [Curler], Arent, 18', 404', 404°. 44 - 305% 305% Van Cortlandt, - 305', 312°, 321'. Van Cortlandt, madame, 281". Van Cortlandt, Augustus, 384^ 385% 403', 523', 543', 568'. Van Cortlandt, Frederick, 523^, 526*,. 543'- Van Cortlandt, Mrs Gertrude, refuses order to search for husband's books, IS3\ 154'; deposition con- cerning, 153^; payment of excise to forbidden, 153^; before council,. 153*; empowered to receive debts due her husband, 159°: petitions,, 173!, '^77', 181', 181°, 195', 205', 223°, 225^; warrants, 161', 181", 191"; re- fuses to sign husband's account, 162^; accounts, 167°, 177". Van Cortlandt, Jacobus, petitions, 36', 188', 214^, 260', 274", 290', 304'*; land patents, do'*, 188°, I8g^ 274*; administrator of Govert Loocker- man's estate, 69^; payment to, ycr; put under bonds, 136^; warrants,. 142*, 274"; testifies about account books, 152"; license to buy land, 191'; mayor, 240'', 240^ 272^ 272^; vs Joseph Hunt, 278", 278^ See also- N. Y. (city), mayors. , Van Cortlandt, James, 40;^. Van Cortlandt, Johannes, warrants, 112^, 133": testifies about account books, 152"; before council, 153^; petition, 154^; coroner, 361^, 367''; death, 368'. Van Cortlandt, John (2d), 385", 395^ 396°, 413', 481'. Van Cortlandt, Olofif, 176', 179', 179'. Van Cortlandt, Philip, to audit ac- counts, 273''; petition, 273*; war- rant, 27 f: patent granted, 278"; member of council, 309°, 317", 343*; death, 37 1^ 376^. Van Cortlandt, Philip (2d), 395', 396^, 400', 484*, 564^. Van Cortlandt, Pierre, 429^ Van Cortlandt, Stephanus, 29^ 45', 6o^ 77^; member of council, 32'', 50*, 60^; arbitrator for Flatbush, 42"; vs Peter Lansingh, 49"; city books de- livered to, 52'; to take charge of seals, 53"; to command militia, 54^; mayor, 55*; pays charges for let- ters, 56^; to pay George Brown, 57'; deputy auditor of revenues, 58\ 73^' receiver of revenue, 60*; to make up military accounts. 61^; re- ports on Breuklin and Flatbush, 61*; in Leisler case, 62', 62", 63°; justice of supreme court, 65*; to in- spect fortifications, 65®; accounts audited, 68", 152*, 153^ i6i^ 162°, INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 707 172^; recommended as victualer, 71"; land survey for, 79", 119^; ac- cepts Virginia's credit, 85''; money advanced by, 85", 119", I2r;. as- sessor, 87"; to appoint collector and receiver, 88^; provides fire buckets for fort, 103^^; land grants, 116", 119V123'; money returned to, 119'; attorney in case of Edmund Andros, 122"; bond given by, 125'; to supply garrison with firewood, 125'; trustee of Trinity church, 128^; account of money, 129"; re- ceiver general, 131^; public money paid to, 131"; justice of supreme court, 145"; justice of court of oyer and terminer, 146', 146'*; judge of court martial, I'So"; chief justice, ISC'*; controversy over books of. 153', 153*, 154% I54%- papers of, 172"; warrants: for fort supplies and work, 79", 113^ 120°, 125^ i26\ 130', 134', 142^ 146", 147", 149^ 150^; for soldiers' supplies, 82', 83", 103", 107°, III", ii8^ 121', 124°; miscellaneous, 8o^ 82", 92", 99^, 102'-, 106*, 107", 109", rI3^ 114", 115'', 126^, i28\ 129^ 137^ 137', 143', 149'- Van Cortlandt, Stephen (2d), 3I4^ 3I4^ 349', 429'. Van Courtlandt, see Van Cortlandt. Van Curler, Antonia van, 18". See also Van Corlear. Van Dalsem, John, 541'. Van Dam. Anthony, 406^ 463^ 526^ S3i'. 546', 553'- Van Dam, John, S26^ Van Dam, Richard, 275^ 275^ 276', 314*. 314'. Van Dam, Rip, warrant for traveling chest, 133°; ofifers bond, 159'; ad- dress to lieutenant governor, 162'; refuses to deliver papers, 163^; not to be prosecuted, 164'; member of council, i68^ 187^; judge of court of chancery, 168^; offers to supply government with money, 172', 177': to superintend work in Fort Will- iam Henry, 172'; license to buy land, 173^, 257^; land survey for, 178^; warrants, 177", I8o^ 183^ I87^ 195^ 202^ 205'', 206*, 224% 224^ 234**, 26^, 276', 317', 3I7^ 318"; accounts. 178", 241°; and Thomas Byerly. 2I5\ 215^ 2i6\ 2I6^ 219'; petitions, 220°, 232^ 257*, 275^ 283^ 283°, 290'. 290^ 304^ 305'; rum to be resur- . veyed, 223*; patents granted, 234^ 27'/'', 281°; repairs fort, 235'"; master of court of chancery, 244\ 280^ to go to Madame Cortlandt, 281"; me- morial, 296^, 296^; presides in coun- cil, 312^; seal delivered to, 312*; president of council, 312"; to refund half of salary, 318': suspended from council, 325^; appoints municipal ofiicers, 327"; proclamation against, 327°. Van Deker, Hartman, 294'. Van den Bergh, Abraliani, 404', 404". Van den Berg, Adam, 359', 416'', 426", 561'. 562% Van den Bergh. Claus. 340''. Van den Burgh LVan de. Van der], Cornelius, 98", 99'. Van den Burgh, Cornelius (2d), 529°, 560', 560', 561', 562'', 563', 563". Van den Burgh [Van deri. Dirck, warrants, 80", 81', 98', 103'. io8\ 109^, 112^*, 113^ 114^ 115^, 121^ 125", 129', 147', 148', 187', 190", 193'; slaves of. 89''; memorial, 104^; ac- counts, 112'', 152'; payment to, 119^^; petitions, 128', 160', 177', 186''. 190*; agreement with Leigh Atwood & Co. 161^; license to buy land, 16/^, 2I0^ 210**; justice of peace. 195*. Van den Bergh. Garret, 529^ 560'. Van den Bergh, Gerrit Cornelise, 331', 3M\ 339', 339°, 277"- Van den Bergh, Jacob, 487*. Van den Bergh, Johannes, 288*. Van den Bogert, Jacobus. 539^ 542'. Van den Bogert, Myndert. 539^ 542^ Van den Bogert, Peter, 539", 542^ Van der Beeck. Gerardus, 129% Van der Beek, Cornelius, 145'. Van der Belt. Aries, 174". Van der Bilt, Mrs, 420°. Van der Clyffe, see Van Clyfife. Van der Cook, Michael, sr, 523", 543'. Van der Cook, Michael, jr, 523^ 543°. Van der Heul. Hendrick, I4i\ Van der Heyden, , 494% Van der Heyden. David, 296", 396', 433'- Van der Heyden, Dirck, 54*, 134', 404', 404'. Van der Heyden, Jacob, 404", 404". Van der Heyden, John. 351*, 351°. Van der Heyden. Martin, 348^. Van der Heyden. Peter, 288% Van der Hule. John, 279^ Van der Lyn. Peter. 283°, 283'. Van der Poel [Pool], Johannes, 330', ?,2,2\ 404'. 527'. 529', 532=._ 574'. Van der Spegel, James, 72i'- Van der Spiegel, Henry, 187". Van der Spiegel, John, 313', 313", 314'. 314'. 316'. Vanderspeigle, Sarah. 122'. Van der ^^<^^r, Cornelius, 537'. Van der Veer, Dominicus, 360'. Van der Veer, Jacobus. 537'. Van der Volgen, Cornelius, 508% 512*. Van der Voort, John, 468'. 395, 134, 7o8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Van der Voort, Peter, 560'. Van der Wilden [Wilde], Simon, 42", 123' 123'. Van der Zee, Albert, i6o\ Van de Thoft, Elizabeth, 170'. Van Deursen [Deusen], Robert, 527°, 529'. 532', 574". Van Deventer, Dirick Jans, 4i\ Van de Water, Benjamin, 148", iS'f, 175'. 175', i/S'- Van de Water, Jacobus, 45^ 58', 195°. Van de Wercken, Abraham, 399^ Van de Wercken, Jacob, 399^ Vandil, Adam, 574^ Van Driesen, Petrus, petitions, 278^ 312=, 315', 315', 317', 317', 318'; li- cense to buy land, 312"; patent granted, 317"; ' Indian ' prisoners taken in pawn by, 375\ Van Drill, William, 462". Van Duerse, Isaac, 321', 321"'. Van Duerse, John, 340^. Van Duersen, Abraham, 228", 3151 Van Duersen, Jacobus, 167', 178', I79^ 194'- Van Duersen, Johannes, 330 , 339', 332', 341', 341'. Van Duersen, Robert, 404°. 557', 557 . Van Duser, Abraham, 567°. Van Duser, James, 567^ Van Dyck, Arent, 330°. Van Dyck [Dyke J, Cornelius, 38'', 38^ 222*. Van Dyck, Gerrit, 523-. Van Dyck, Hendrick, warrants, 97^ 118", 128*, 135*, 150', 151', 175', 190', 210', 212'; memorial, 121^; present- ment against, 122^; pay as surgeon, 133'; accounts, 135'", 138^ surgeon to Ingoldesby's company, 149°; petition, 204^*; petition in behalf of, 217'; death, 222\ Van Dyck, Hendrick Johnson, I8o^ 195'- Van Dyck, Jacobus, warrants, 118', 135*, 157^ 183', 190", 2I0^ 2I2', 221^; accounts, 135", 138^; petitions, 182', 190", 221^; petition on behalf of, 222*; patent granted, 399"; com- plaint of, 445\ Van Dyck, Martice, 3791 Van Dyck, Rudolphus, 379°, 537". Van Dyck, Wessel, 523-. Van Dyke, Elizabeth, 6ol Van Dyke, John Johnson, 45^ Vanegan, James, 523". Van Eps, Abraham, 382^ Van Epps, Jacobus, 484', 4851 Van Eps, Jan Baptist, goes to Onon- daga, 133"; petitions, 138'. 182', 194', 570'; warrants, I38^ 139', 142', 148*, 149-, 158*, 17S\ 183^ land patent, 1 58*; trustee of Schenectady, 196"; arrested, 287"; to be prosecuted, 287!; admitted to bail, 287'. Van Eps, John Baptist, jr, 233^, 438^ 484*. Van Esse, Hendrick, I98^ Van Etten, Johannes, 508^ 512*. Van Evra, , 482". Van Feurden, Sarah, i4ol Van Fuser, Lewis, 529", 552°. Vangelden, Johannes, 433''. Van Gelder, Abraham, 494^, 498*. Van Gelder, Herman, 31 1". Van Geldtrom Vandel, Francis, 362^. Van Gunlin, Robert, fii*. Van Gysling, Myndert, 484°. Van Harlingen, Johannes Martinus, 329'. Van Hook, Isaac, 403°. Van Hoose, Volkert, 123'. Van Horn, Mr, 2So\ Van Home, Abraham, petitions, :^S^, 296^ 304*, 309', 309^ 314"; surety for William Dugdale, 289^ appointed to council, 292"; license to buy land, 296", 300', 305^ 307'; servant pardoned, 318''; supports French prisoners, 345**; to carry French prisoners to Petit Guave, 348^ Van Hornc, Augustus, 523'\ 543°. Van Home, Cornelius, petitions, 277*, 283^ 283', 304^ 2S7*\ warrants, 296^ 2g6\ 298'; account, 296''; memorial, •298", 299'; license to buy Indian lands, 323^; appointed mayor by Rip van Dam, 327" -. sloop of, 3^7^. Van Home, David, 451*, 48il Van Home, Gerrit, before council, 228'; petition, 283^ 284*, 284", 289", 290^ 304^ 463^; warrant, 284^; peti- tion against grant to, 284'. Van Home, John, license to buy land, 191'''; petitions, 214^ 233^ 238', 245*^, 245^ 283^ 283^; warrant, 299^ 299*. Van Home, Philip, 373", 375-. Van Home, Samuel, 328". Van Housen, Caspar, 263^, 263^ 321^ 321'. Van Houten, Elias, 444^ Van Houten. Roelof, 4o8l Van Inbrough, John, 95". Van Jansen, Harmen, 177°. Van Keuren, , 437'. Van Keuren, Abraham, 475", 537^ Van Keuren, Benjamin, 475^ Van Kleeck, Hugh, 539'-', 542". Van Kleeck, Jacobus, 539", 542". Van Kleek, Lawrence, 347^ Van Kleeck, Leonard, 539", 542^ Van Kleeck, Myndert, 539', 542*. Van Loane, Jan, 60°. Van Loon, John, 203', 203^. Van Marken, John Gerrittsen, 26'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 709 Van Metere. Joost, 121". Van Ness. Cornelius, 311", 318'. Van Ness, Evert. 258", 259'. 272\ Van Nesse. Henrick. 36', 6o^ Van Ness, Peter, 557', 557", 573", 574', 575'- Van Nieuwenhuysen, Wilhelmus, 23 , 23'- Van Noorstrandt, Jacob, 152*, idf. Van Olinda, Daniel, 262^ 263**, 272*, 272'. Van Olinda. Hilletie, igi", 194^, 201'', 201"'. 204\ 205", 210'"". Van Orden. John, 410^ 563^ Van Ornem, Abraham, 456', 457*. Van Petten. Avent, 257'. Van Petten [Patten], Philip, 484°, 524', 539'; 549". Van Putter. Arent, 253I Van Ranst. Abraham, 407', 408'. Van Ranst. Luke, 386^ 391', 399'. Van Ranst, Sarah, 420^ 43 1". Van Rensselaer, , 45**, 124", 130', 427'. Van Renssalaer, David, 567'. Van Rensselaer [Ranslaer, Rans- lear], Hendrick, sr and jr, peti- tions. 105', I24^ 314", 314'; vi^ar- rants. 105*, II4^ 118", 123**, 129", 280'. 339', 339', 346*; accounts, 113'; patent granted, 130^; suspended as justice of peace, 141"; hearing of caveat postponed, 287^. Van Rensselaer, Henry, license to buy Indian lands, 330°, 331^; de- position, 398°. Van Rensselaer, Henry K. 537^. Van Rensselaer, Jacobus, 339^, 34I^ 341'- Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, 13°, 18". Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah (2d), 318", Z2z\ 354'- Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah (3d), 368'', 405I 406', 537', 557'. 567'; 569'. Van Rensselaer, John, petitions, 387^, 405^ 406", 569", 569"; warrants, 390', 396''; deposition, 398'; caveat against land grants, 405*, 407^. 407^ 407^; agents for, 413°; vs James Jackson, 413', 509°, 533', 539'. 540', 542*; account. 437^; lawsuit against, 477^ 478^ 479'; claims in Claverack, 480"; member of commission of oyer and terminer, 490''; surrenders lots of Claverack lands, 569'; con- firmatory patent, 569*, 570^; vs Thomas Williams, 573'. Van Rensselaer, John Baptist, 339^ 340", 341', 341'. 344'-. Van Rensselaer, Kilian, justice of peace, 65°, 141"; to muster fusileer companies at Albanj', 83^; remis- sion of quitrent. 86': warrants, too". 269"; petitions, I7I^ I90^ 202*, 271'; appointed to council, 187", 188', 190"; patent granted, 190"; vs Barent Pieterse Coeyman, 194°, 195", 196^; sworn in court of chan- cery, 209''; instructions to, 227'"; Indian commissioner, 236"; buys Indian lands, 260'; vs Johannes Apple, 273'. Van Rensselaer, Maria, 36^, 6ol Van Rensselaer, Mary, 279'. Van Rensselaer, Nicholas, 23', 23', 24^ 27^ 27*, 27", 28'. Van Rensselaer, Philipp, 537^ Van Rensselaer, Robert, 472", 574', 575'- Van Rensselaer, Stephen, warrant, 308', 313*, 314', 317', 346'; petitions, 31 1^ 3i8\ 535^ patent granted, 325'. . . ^ , Van Rensselaer family, rights of, 31 . Van Sante, Gerrit, 555', 564'. Van Santvoort, Cornelius, 532^ Van Scak, Garret, 272^ Van Schaack, Henry, 495", 541*. Van Schaaks, Elias, 263^ 279*, 287', 28r. Van Schaak, Peter, 545°, 569'- Van Schaick, Anthony, 46o^ Van Schaick, Catharine, 298', 299\ Van Schaick [Schaack], Cornelius, 339\ 341', 341'. Z^i\ 574°, 574'- Van Schaick, Goose, 144"', 296 . See also Albany county, sheriffs. Van Schaick, Jacob, 453^ See also Albany county, sherififs. Van Schaick, Levinus, 72", 72', 83^ Van Schaick, Sybrant. 330', 353", 423', 424", 424*. See also Albany, mayors. Van Schayck, Margaret, 177", 184", 193', 196'. Van Schoonhoven, Dorick Bratt [Dirck Bradt], 3^7^ 398", 535'- Van Sice, John, 508', 512', 565'. Van Sice, Joseph, 304^ Van Sickler, Arent, 538', 540'. Van Sleyck, Tunis, 3i4\ 314^ Van Slike, see Van Slyck. Van Slipk, see Van Slyck. Van Slyck, Ackus, 3991 Van Slvck, Cornelius, 307^ Van Slyck [Slike, Slipk, Slyke], Har- man, 257^ 259*, 262", 299'. Van Slyck. Jacob, 438". Van Swieten, Onzeel. vs Robert Grif- fin and i\Iathe\v Ling, 124^ 124'; warrants, 128", 133^; petitions, 132^ 170-: estates, 180'; escheat of, 184^; administrators of estate, 192'. Van Sysen. Jost. 302^ Van Tassell. John, 473*. 7IO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Van Texel, Cornelius, 2o6^ 207^ 251^, 254'. Van Tienhoven, Lucas, see Tien- hoven. Van Tilborough, Jacob, 93'. Van Toyle, Otto, 140^ Van Trift, Garret, 139^ VanTright, Gerrit, 23'. Van Tuyl, Otto, 368', 372^ Zl^. Van Valkenbourgh, Jacob, 479^ Van Veghten, Teunis, 548", 549', 5So'. Van Veghten, Volkert, 33 1^ Van Veighten, John, i^f. Van Velsen, Snert Teunissen, 69^ Van Vleck, Abraham, 529°. Van Vleck, Henry, 406', 529°, 556', 564^ Van Vleck, Isaac, 23^ Van Vleck, John, 5291 Van Vleck, Paulus, 176', I77^ Van Vleek, Tunis, 484". Van Vlerg, Abraham, 263'. Van Voorheis, Jacob, 537^ Van Voorhuise, Jan, 406^. Van Voorhuise, Minnie, 406*. Van Voorhuise, Peter, 4o6^ Van Voorst, Jellis, I94^ Van Vorst, Ide, 45-. Van Vos, Christina, 125*, 125°, 125', 125^ Van Vos, see also Venvoos. Van Vranken, Dirck, 566\ Van Vranken, Rikert, 566*. Van Wagenen, Hubert, 545°, 5Si^ Van Wege, Harmanus, 286". Van Weigh, Harmanus Bernhardus, 282^ Van Werdts, Johannes, 394^ Van Wyck, , 298*. Van Wyck, captain, 359-. Van Wyck, Catharine, 298°. Van Wyck, Theodoras, 443^ S27^ 552^ Van Wyck, William, 504^ Van Zandt, Jacobus, 527', 529', 552^ 546'. Van Zandt, Johannes, 125", i66\ Van Zandt, Wynant, 526''-27^ 527', S52'._ Van Zinderen, Ulpianus, 5o6^ Van Zutphen, Jacob, 231^ Vardill, Thomas, 348^ 463°, 501*. Varian, Richard, 529''-3o\ 560^ 575^ Varick, Rudolphus, 68^ Varick, Sarah, 304^ Varkes island, 104'*. Vas, John Thompson, 258°. Vas [Vass], Petrus, 273', 465°. Vas Conselos, Francis Lewis de, 238°. Vater, Thomas, 343', 362^ Vaudreuil; marquis de, 25 1". See also Canada, governors. Vaughan, John, 515", 517', 520'', 520', 528^ 548^ Vaughton, Michael, 53^ 1231 Vaughton, Susannah, petition, 104^ 163", 165^ 166^; before council, 163°, 163"; complaint, 183"; vs Jacob Regnier, 198', 198^ 200-. Veal, Isaiah, 548°, 549". Veal, Michael, 471*. Veale, Sarah, 39". Vechte, Gerrit, 146*. Vedder [Veder], Harnian, 288', 299', 3I6^ 408^ 409*. Vedder, Herman, jr, 302*. Vedder, Jacobus, 275^ Vedder, Johannes, 252^, 252°, 253", 254*, 254'. Vedder [Veder, Veeder], Lucas, 404^ 520^ 520', 534\ 534*, 54o'. Vedder, see also Vadder. Veder, Margaret, 288'. Veeder, Abraham, 552^. Veeder, Adam M. 569\ Veeder, Gerrit S. 552', 569'. Veeder, Simon M. 552^ Vels, Daniel, 533". Vels, Miguel, 533-. Vempe, Barent, 69^ 69*. Venvoos, Christina, see Van Vos. Venvoos, Daniel, loo^ Vera Cruz, 55', 455'. Verbyck, Samuel, 408^ Ver'ee, James, 545°. Verhoofe, Cornelius, 32s Verkerke, John, 298". Verkirk, Rouloff, I45^ Vernillie, Johannes, 62*. Vernon, Edward, 337". Vernon, Henry, 264°, 295*. Vernon, James, 142^. Vernon, John, 541', 568'. Vernor, John, 522', 522', 527', 536*, 543', 553'- Verplanck, Cornelius, 362'. Verplanck, Gulian, 34', 35', 38', 329', 337', 349°- Verplanck, Jacob, 288*, 2921 Verplanck, Philipp, sheriff, 288"; pe- tition, 347"; instructions to, 366"; to plan fortifications, 414^; refuses to serve as commissary, 417'; ac- count, 417^ warrant, 418'; charge of French neutral settlers, 430^. Verplanck, Samuel, 485^ 529^ S47^ Verryn, Jan Jansen, 2I^ Verveelen, Daniel, lo^ 58*. Verveelen, Jacobus, 563^- Verveelen, John, 10'. Verveulen, Bernardus, 215®, 217'. Vesey, William, 245"; house rent paid by government, 136^, I70^ 172', i86^ 193^ 215^ payment to sus- INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 711 pended, 141'; warrants for salary, 177', I89^ 192', 193', 195", 2Co', 202'-, 204', 206", 2o8^ 209", 210", 212", 212'', 215-, 219"; succeeded, 360'. Vessels, clearance of, 28', 227^ 230', 433'. 458"; embargo on, 117^ 121', 123'. 133', 213", 236', 241', 354', 432', 435°, 435°, 438°, 439', 439!, 441', 441'.; embargo taken off, 213', 243'', 433', 434*, 434^ 439" J forbidden to trade at other ports, 42-; free from im- press, 439'; invention of new mold, 85"'; merchant, 227'^; orders about, 251", 251", 251''', 252''; regulation for boarding, 135", 188°; trading with Spain. 334^ Vetch, Margaret, 340°. Vetch, Samuel, asks permission to buy provisions, 141"; before council, 143"; sloop of, i6i^ 162^ 171-; pe- tition, 171^; vs John Savine, 172°; letters sent to, 226'''; proclamation published by, 2.2f; queen's instruc- tions to, 227^; memorials from, 228^ memorial to, 230'; requests congress of governors, 232°; no men to be sent to, 242"; letter from, 244'. Viand, John, 5iil Victory (ship), 271^. Viele, Arnout, loi', 105°, 138', 138', I40l Viele, Claas, 497^ Viele, Cornelius, S39^ 542^ Viele [A^ille, Viely], Gerrit, i5i\ 165', 230", 271". Vigilant Postillion (ship), 304". Vigilante (ship), 444". Vigne, Jan, 12°, I3^ Vigor, Jacques, 45*. Ville, see Viele. Villepontoon, Mary, 152^. Villepontoon [Villeponteaux], Peter, I42^ 151^ 152', 175'. Ville Roy, M. zz'- ■ Vincent, Francis, warrants, I49^ 151'; land survey for, 174"; petitions, 2i9\ 219-, 273^; patents granted, 2I9^ 21 f; quitrent fixed, 219-; order to, 242'. Vincent, John, 106', Io6^ 138", I92^ 193'- Vincent, Samuel, 264 , 264 . Vinhagen, Johannes, i5o\ Virgin Hall (township), 550^ Virgin of light (brigantine), 394". Virginia. 184", 266"; bills of credit, 85^ bills of exchange, loi'; sends commissioners for treaty with Iro- quois. 342*; letters from, 85*; minute of council about Indian boundaries, 289''; sends Indian presents, 68", 68**; sends money. 85^ 85", 97''', 392^; refuses help in case of war, 160"; tobacco imported duty free, 22'; troops, 108', 116°, 359", 393'; wampum belt sent to Gov. Dinwiddie, 384''. Virtue, James, iir. Vischer, Manning, 538", 552'. Vischer, see also Fisher, Visger. Visger [Fischer, Fisser, Vischer], Johannes, warrant, 288'; petitions, 301-, 412", 41 2^ 509"; patent granted, 302*; complaint against, 426'; ap- pointed to commission of peace for Albany county, 438^ Visger, Johannes, jr, 543'. Vleit, John, 145''. Voizy, Richard, 142", 142'. Volk, Andries, 274^ Volunteers, 428'; to be raised, 65'; call for, 204", 338', 341*, 354°, 426=; proclamation to encourage, 335°, 336', 428', 445\ 447";^ pay of, 336*; bounty given to, 355^ Voorhies, Martinus, 404', 405*. Voorhis, Adrian, 537". Vosburgh, Peter, 65', 188". Vosburgh, Peter (2d), 527^ 529', 532', 557', 557', 574'. Vosburgh, see also Vaasburgh. Vosch, Younker, I5^ Vredenbergh, Abraham, 508^ 512*. Vredenbergh, Isaac, SoS"", 512*. Vredenburgh, John, 537%_ 545', 562'. Vredenbergh, John William, 536'. Vreese, John, 45". Vriesbergh, Daniel, see Wriesberg. Vroman, Eyda, 449^ Vroman, Frederick, 253'. Vroman, John, 395'. Vroman, John S. 484°. Vrooman, , 549^. Vrooman, Adam, land patents, 173*, 219^ 219^ 256*, 542'^; trustee of Schenectady, 196"; petitions, 218', 252°, 255^; license to buy Indian lands, 254^ Vrooman, Barent, I84^ 341*, 341', 386^ 5o8^ 5I2^ Vrooman, Bartholomew, 341'. Vrooman, Cornelius, 360', 383*. Vrooman, Gretie, 104", 324". Vrooman, Hendrik, 33I^ 334^ Vrooman, Isaac, 402', 508^ 512*. Vrooman, Jacob W. 383^. Vrooman, Johannes, 508*, S12*. Vrooman, Johannes Hendrickse, 375", 402', 402°, 405', 406', 512', 514'. Vrooman, Martinus, 341^ 34I^ Vrooman, Peter, 383*, 50I^ Vrooman, Walter, 5o8^ 512*. Vrooman, Wouter, 327^ 33 1^ Vrow Clara Magdalena (ship), 444*. 712 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Wachtel, George, 461'. Waddel, Robert Ross, 508', 510', 5H\ 553'- Waddel, William, 529'. Waddle. Jesse, 535'. Wade, Ferral, 404**. Wade, Nathaniel, 164°. Wade, Samuel, 411°. Wading place, 12^. Wadman, Praise, 538'. Wager (man-of-war), 350". Waghhackemmick, 115', I27^ I73^ Wagoner [Wagenaer], Peter, 2C)0^ 292^ 324', 325'. Wahana (Indian), 130. Waite, Benjamin, 30', 481', 518'. Waite, Joseph, 482', 518^ Wake, John, 158', 159', i6o=, 160', 161', Waldo, Samuel, 361', 526'. Waldow, Abiather, 521'. Waldron, Barent, 233'. Waldron, Daniel, 73'- 97', 130'. Waldron, Garret, 553'- Waldron, John, 282', 282^ 283', 3S8', 359') 523^ 543°- Waldron, Patrick, 126', 127', 130", I34^ I49^ 153'- „ « , 5 Waldron, Peter, 85', 90 , 92', 94 • Waldron, Resolved, 10', 10', 12-'. Waldron, Rutgert, 167'. Waldron, Samuel, 539'. Wales, prince of, 379^ 38I^ Wales, princess dowager, 489^ Walker, Mr, 15'. Walker, justice, 472^. Walker, Abel, 525', 565', 575°- Walker, Daniel, 502*, 504', 504". Walker, John, 522'. Wallace. Alexander, 529^ 541", 547, 549^ 566^ Wallace, Alexandria. 510 . Wallace, Andrew, 448\ Wallace [Wallis], Gamaliel, 538', 556', 561=, 56I^ 5661 Wallace, Hans, sr, 541°. Wallace, Hans, jr, 54I^ Wallace, Hugh, land grants, 410°, 410', 510-, 529', 537', 547', 54?'; war- rant, 450'*; sworn of council, 478, Wallace, James, 312', 312'. Wallace, John. 3861 Wallace, Magill, 410', 549"- Wallace, Robert, 512'. 512'. Wallace, Thomas, 538'. Wallace, William. 316^ Wallace, see also Wallice, Wallis. Waller, John, 530^ Waller, Philipp, 546'. Wallice, Adam. I27^ Wallingford (township), S3i', 564'- Wallis, John, 464', 566=. Wallis, Thomas, 529*. Wallkill, 441', 461', 549', 550°. Wallumschack patent, 48o^ 483^ 487^ Walpole, Horatio, 267', 289", 289*, 293". See also N. Y. (colony),^ auditors general. Walrad, Adam, 399^ Walrad, Adam, jr, 399*. Walrad [Walraat, Walrat], Henry, 397', 399';' 402'. Walrad, Johannes, 544°. Walsh, Patrick, 484', 559°- Walter, Jacob, 277*, 277^ Walter, John, 242', 277*, 277°, 573'- Walters, Robert, member of council, I.33^ I5I^ I68^ 183', 241°, 306*; jus- tice of supreme court, 143''', 145*; warrants, 145*, i6o^ I63^ 166'. i67S 168-, 180-, 181', 267', 276', 277'^ 277', 280°; justice of court of oyer and terminer, 146^; judge of court ,martial, 150"; offers to advance money, 154"; paper signed by, 155''; associate judge of supreme court, 158^ 166^; commissioner for trial of pirates, 161'; licenses to buy Indian lands, 162", 257^ 262', 265^ 269^ petitions, 163", 164^ I79^ 224", 257', 26f, 276°, 277', 278\ 278^ 283', 284', 284*, 29o\ 290^; judge of court of chancery, i68^ charges against, 170°; appears against Thomas Byer- ly, 215^; accounts, 215^ com- plaint against Lord Cornbu/y. 225\ 225^ 225°; buys Indian lands, 260*; New Jersey boundary commis- sioner, 269*; to audit accounts, 273^; master in chancery, 280J; patents granted, 281°, 284'. 290'; presides in council, 29i8^ 301', 306^ 312"; death, 319^ See also N. Y. (city), mayors. Wahers, Thomas, 239', 239'. Walters, William, 515'. Walton, Gerard. 402', 403', 52^, 534% 534\ 540^, 541°. Walton, Jacob, 365', 422': petition, 402^ license to buy Indian lands. 403^ warrants, 490*, 492"; land grants, 526', 534', 534', 554'. 573'- , Walton, Joseph, 408', 409°, 409 . 4i3 • Walton, Thomas, 43', 5S', 57', 6o^ 87'. Walton, Thomas (2d), 402'. 403 , 534", 534'. 540^ 541°. Walton. Mrs Thomas, 43'. Walton. William, shipmaster. 354^ 365°; petition, 392°; patent granted, 393^; memorial, 432", 432^ 434°; general embargo granted to. 432^; sworn of council, 440^ 455^ to cancel bills of credit, 443*; death, 4781 INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 713 Walton, William, jr, petitions, 402^ 547°; license to buy Indian lands, 403'; land grants, 403', 526', 534°, 534', 541', 547'- Walton (township), 547"- Walwin, John, 51'. Wampum, value, 19", 22'; belts, 99-, IOO^ i70\ 248^ 384^ 3^4', 388^ Wandall, , 103', 103", 103", 104-, 140*. Wandall, Johannes, 56'. Wandall, Thomas, 10'', 122'. Wandell, Mrs Elizabeth, 95". Wanner, Michael, 382', 386". ^ Wanser, Anthony, 406', 407-. Wanton, Gideon, 352'. See also Rhode Island, governors. Wanton, Philip, 230'. Wanzer, Abraham, 4o6\ 407^ Ward, Arah, 402', 403'. Ward, Caleb, 548'. Ward, Daniel, 518'. Ward, Daniel, jr, 518'. Ward, Ebenezer, 521", 522". Ward, Edmund, 143'. Ward, Henry, 518". Ward, James, 437', 457'- Ward, John, 43', g6\ 102', 107', 120, 336'. Ward, Monson, 542', 543'. Ward, Neal, 539'- Ward, Nicholas, 511'. 512', 569- Ward, Phineas, 518'. Ward, Samuel, 518'. Ward, William, 301', 518'. Ware, Meshek, 525'. Ware (township), 522'. Warman, Richard, 309°. Warner, Daniel, township lots of, 522\ 526^ 530% 531', 559', 559', 560'; land grant, 525'. Warner, James, 437 , 445 , 447 : ^ Warner, John, 401', 402°, 406', 407, 5621 Warner, Oliver, 525'. _ Warner, Richard, 343'. Warner, Seth, 4S7'. 497°. 499 "Soo . Warner, William, 279', 400*, 524- Warren, John, 79^ Warren, Jonas, 519°. Warren, Oliver, 519'. Warren, Peter, 348', 350 , 300_,; license to buy Indian lands, 329^; letters from, 342', 348°. 3So'. 352 . 352^ 354', 356^ 356*, 359% 36o^ 361;, 361°; appointed to council, 347 ; letters to, 348*; wants assistance, 348', 349': letters from. 348^^; death, 387'; petition of widow, 532'. Warren, Thomas. 519". Washburn, Daniel, 502', 504'- Washburn, Silas, 471*. Washington, George, 393*, 395"- Wason, John, 408', 409*. Wassel, Mr, 370'. Wassells, see Wessells. Wasslyn, Mr, 16'. Watcock, William, 535'. Water port, 13^ Waterbury (Ct.), 402'. ^ Waterhouse, John, 513". Waters, Mr, 441% Waters, Anthony, 203', 237'. Waters, Edward, ll', ll'. Waters, Jacob, 517'.^ Waters, Samuel, 521'-^ Watkins, captain, 176'. Watkins, John, 510'. Watkins, Moses, 520". Watson, Hannah, 507°. Watson, Henry, 413% Watson, Jacob, 559'. Watson, John, 53o\ See also Watt- son. Watson, Thomas, 564". Watson, William, 530'. Watts, John, land grants, 333 , 540', 548% 552', 555', 558'; dissents to act of council, 404'; gunpowder bought by, 414'; warrants, 416% 500°, 500**: sworn of council. 440*, 483', 515'; letter to, 442'; cancels bills of credit, 443''; delivers Sir Danvers Osborn's commission, 449'; objects to memorial, 452"; charter for Society library granted, 567'; widow of, 571"- Watts, Robert, 540', 544'- Wattson, John, 483', 543'- Wattson, John, jr, 543'. ■ o 1 Wawayanda patent, 180', i8r. 183 , 183', 341", 395', 573'- , ., _, Wawieghnunk patent, 574 , 575 • o75 . 575', 575^ 576'. Way, John, 159', 47I''- Waye, Peter, 300". ^ Weathersfield (township), 520', 559- Weaver, Hendrick, license to buy Indian lands, 388', 389'; petitions, 391', 406", 407'; patents granted, 391', 407', 512', 517°. Weaver, John Persons, 49 . Weaver, Peter, 540'. Weaver, Thomas, 130', 151', 172', I73 , 191"; agent for province, 143": col- lector and receiver general.^ 152'; member of council, 152% i68^ me- morial. 153% 154% 154', 170'; vs Paroculus Parmyter, 154% 154, I59 ; paper signed by, 155°; to adjust Lord Bellomont's accounts. 156^; salarjs 158'; vs Robert Livingston, 158'; accounts, 159% I97% I97'. 202^ 204', 208', 208', 220% 223', 233', 234 ; vs Capt. Wake, 160% ido"; war- rants, I6o^ 163', 163*, 166% 170'; 714 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY commissioner for trial of pirates, i6i'; collector of duties, 161'^; solici- tor general, 163^ 164', 165""; books delivered to for examination, 163*; land survey, 166^; charges against, 170^ 170"; to be prosecuted, 170'; proclamation against paying public moneys to, 170'; warrant for arrest of, 171'; papers to be examined, 171", 172"; protection assured, 172*; petition, 172°; prosecution sus- pended, 184°; bond of, 224°. See also N. Y. (colony), receivers gen- eral. ' Weaver, Mrs Thomas, 171". Weaver, William, 52a', 522'. Webb, Buckridge, 529', 537', 553'- Webb, Daniel, 435,', 435*, 435'- Webb, Henry, 487'- Webb, Joseph, jr, 383'. Webb, Samuel, 44I^ Webb, Thomas, 541', 545'- Webb, William, 149', 4og^ Webbers, Peter, 561'. Weber, Hendrick, 538'. Weber, Jacob, 2741 Webley, Edward, I22l Webster, Alexander, jr, 4991 Webster, James, 5281 Webster, John, 518^ Webster, Thomas, 535^ Wedy, Elijah, 568', 572'. Weeks, Jonathan, 406^ 407". Weelyart, Frederick, 412^. Weems, James, 106"; accounts, io8^ lyf, 174"; warrants, 108", 127°, 156', I75^ 190^ 195^ 214^ 219'; vs Roger Wright, 116^; company of, 116", 149°; memorials, 118*, 272°; re- warded for catching deserters, 128^ petitions, 149*, I75^ I87^ 190*, 214^°, 215^ 254^ ordered to Albany, 155"; stores to be delivered to, 156''; takes oaths of allegiance and supremacy, 189'. Weight, Robert, iiol Weights, order about, 20^; regula- tions for, 98°, 99*. Weir, Archibald, 568°. Weiser, Conrad, patent granted, 292^; journal, 349', 277") sent to Albany, 379^ 380*: interpreter for Pennsyl- vania, 381"; sent to Onondaga, 389''. Weiser, John Conrad, 258', 259', 259', 290\ 290^ Welch, Appollonia, 83', 96*, loi'. Welch, Thomas, lor. Welch, William, 38^ 38", 77\ ^\ 9^\ lOll Welch's land, 103^ Welgedaan, Michael, 442'. Welling. Thomas, 501'. Wells, David, 575'. Wells, Edmond, 401', 401^ 403^ 404". Wells, Henry, 409', 521^ 522^ 543'. Wells, James, warrants, I09^ no*, iir, II2^ II4^ II8^ 121*, i^\ 167^-, accounts, 147*. Wells, John, 444*. Wells, John, jr, 544°. Wells, Joseph, 403', 404^ Wells, Michael, 555'. Wells, Obadiah, 409', 560', 561'. Wells [Welles], Philip, 40", 45', 49', 5o\ 6I^ 86^ 122'. Wells, Richard, 545'. Wells, Robert, 544'. Wells [Welles], Samuel, 360', 366* 487", 504*; petitions, 44I^ 505*, 577^' complaint against, 481*, 481'', 483^ land grants, 516', 551', 553\ 554' 555', 561', 561", 562', 562', 563', 565 Wells, Thomas, 403', 404', 531*, 532*- . Welsh, Francis, 405", 406', 512', 514'. Welt, Henry, 550', 550'. Wem^p, Hendrick, 299', 330', 331*. Wemp, John, 295"; warrant, 296°; pe- titions, 307', 327^; licenses to buy Indian land, 307^ 327-; caveat against patent to, 328\ 328'; patent granted, 330'. Wemp, Myndert, 33il Wemp, Nicholas, 302°. Wemple, Abraham, 5521 Wemole, Myndert, 3961 Wemple, Walter V. s67'-68\ Wendecker, Juria, 397^ Wendeker, Hartman, 3I0^ Wendell, Abraham, before council, 200'; memorial, 255'; petitions, 277", 277^ 278', 284''; license to buy In- dian lands, 32,2^; recommended as agent among Indians, 3821 Wendell, Abraham H. 339", 339'- Wendell, Anne, 316', 318*, 339', 339'- Wendell, Evert, 231*, 282', 282°, 301', 30i\ Wendell, Harmanus, 296', 304', 3I4\ 315'. 316', 318', 432'. Wendell [Wendle], Harmanus H. 543'- Wendell, Jacob, carrymg on illegal trade, 296^ license to buy Indian lands, 222'; petition, 339'; patent granted, 339^ representative at In- dian treaty, 360'; letters from, 374', 376-; delegate of Massachusetts, 38ol Wendell, James, 451 . Wendell, Johannes H. 339', 339', 346*. Wendell. John, 279'. Wendell, John, jr, 330'. Wendall, Thomas, 44'. Wendesker, George, 399". Wenham, Mrs, 241'. Wenham, Martin, 137'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 715 Wenham, Thomas, petitions, 47°, 113', 124-, I69^ 193', 222'; bill paid, 69"; to appraise ship, 99"; warrants, 104*, 129", 137', 141", 186", 189', 189', 190^, 191-, 200", 206'^, 216'; in charge of ship, 117"; vs Philip French, 122'; complaints, 143^, 169'; address to lieutenant governor, 162'; re- fuses to deliver papers, 163^; to manage office of collector and re- ceiver general, 170''; commissioner of receiver general's office, 173"; offers to lend money to govern- ment, 177'; justice of supreme court, 182'; suspended from coun- cil, 183'*; accounts, 186", 215''; sworn of council, 1S7', 187^; license to buy land, 188", ig6\ 205^; memorial, 212'; patent granted, 222°; to have arms repaired, 230"; complaint against, 231^ Wenman, Richard, 537', 542", 547^ 556', 560', 561'. Wentworth, captain, 348". Wentworth, Benning, letters from, 353', 375', 376', 376', 377\ 378', 393', 418*, 421^, 421°, 487"; asks for re- lease of New Hampshire people, 465'; wants shares in New Hamp- shire grants reserved, 519'; shares in townships reserved for, 522', 522', 524', 524', 525', 525', 526', 530', 531'. 531', 559^ 56o^ 56o^ 561', 561', 56r, 562'^, 562% 563', 564', 577', 577', 577', 577 • Wentworth, Hugh, examines, pilots, 343', 362^; examination, 360"; patent granted, 375', 3/7*; caveat against, 376', 376', 377': petition, 3761 Wentworth, John, 474^ 481', 482, 487'. 4881 Wentworth, Mark Hunking, 526^ Wentworth, Samuel, 522', 525*, 530", 560'. Wentworth, Thomas, 338^. Wentworth, William, 568', 573". Wert, Hannis, 4041 Wert, Johannes, 540''. Wessells, Mr, 365^ Wessells, Anna Elizabeth, 23*. Wessells, Bathstina, no*, no'. Wessells [Wessels], Dirck. com- plaint, 31'; letters from, 59^; jus- tice of peace. 65'': rewarded for ser- vices, 67*; payments to, 71°, 196'; manager of incidental charges in Albany, 72^: accounts, 74", 75^ 75^; commissioner, 76"; to muster fusi- leer companies, 83^; warrants, 83^, gi\ 95^ 100', 105°, II4^ I2g', 124', 125'. 125', 129°, 134', 151', 151'. 166', I70^ 175^ 185°, 198^; goes to Onon- daga, 89^ I8I^ 182"; reports on five nations, 90'; commission to treat with five nations, 117"; manager of building barracks, 120'; license to buy land, 124^; report about sup- port of Indians, 125*; tax collector, 125", 127'; commission of oyer and terminer issued to, 148'; member of court of oyer and terminer, 172°; petition, 257'. See also Al- bany, mayors. Wessells, Francis, 103°, 104', 284". Wessells, Mrs Gertrude, 40''. Wessels. James, 521", 522', 53o\ s6o\ Wessells, John, 113', 404^ Wessells, Lawrence, 103", I04^ Wessels, Peter, 495\ Wessells, Warner, 83', loi", 106". Wessells, William, 1:29". W^essels, Wessell, 304'. Wessells, Wessell, jr, 3041 West, , 21°. West, Mr, 430'. West, Evan, 529^ West, Henry, 518'. West, Ichabod, 521". West, James, 528". West, John, 34', 35', 41', 43*, 47', 48^ 51^ West. John (2d), 512", 512', 534°, 538'. West, Stephen, 538'-. West, Thomas, 514". West, William, 127*. West Camden, 562". West India company, I2^ 13°. West Indies, 209', 458"; declaration of war in. i8g\ French prisoners car- ried to, 360''; naval and land forces in, 84'; smallpox in. 332^; trade with Spaniards, 198''; transportation to, 47°; vessels from quarantined, 332^. Westchester, 33', 195', 195', 352'; charter, 114^; collector, 102^; vs Eastchester, 33\ 196', 196°. 197% 197^ i97\ 202^ 203°. 2o8^ 208', 2og\ 209^ 219^ 219*; episcopal church, 407". 407'*; French neutrals settle at, 430"; case of Katharine Harrison, II'; vs Thomas Hunt, 10'': to be incorporated as city, 113^ land patents, 48', 52', 327*; representa- tives, 42", 173^; petition of trustees, 175', 207'; vs William Willett, 10'. Westchester county, application for arms, 506^; assessors, 87'; clerk of peace, 59^ 62'^, 89^ 186®; commis- sioners of peace and pleas, 463^ 479\ 504=; courts in, 356^ 379'. 495,', 498^ 506^ appraisal of estates, 76''; jail delivery, 244^; judges, 477^ 1489'; justices, 73', 102", 146', IS9^ 161", 162", i8o\ 294°, 313*, 390^ 447°, 477*, 479', 496', 499', 500', 504'; land surveys in, 119", 222^, 309^ licenses 7i6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY to buy Indian land in, Io8^ 164^ petitions for land in, II2^ 164° militia, 55', 105', 105', 353/, 357 415", 435"; quitrents, 128% 128 records, 64'; riots, 460', Mo\ 471' sheriffs, 60', 62°, 79% 88', 143', I49 159^ 162' I63^ 328^ 346', 433 , 465' taxes, 53 , 73', 84', 103', I39''- Westenhook patent, agents for, 413^ granted to Peter Schuyler, 205 , 206^; letter from Massachusetts abovit, 302', 303'-; owners' caveat against petition, 341', 341'; petition of patentees, 310', 384', 386^; cori- troversy of proprietors, 574^; peti- tion of proprietors, 575", 575',. 575 , 575^, 576'; warrant signed, 221°. Westfall, see Westphalia. Westfield, 229'. ^ - Westford (township), 577'. "_ ^ Westminster, 491*, 503', 524°, 5oi ■ Westmore, James, I6^ Weston, William, 573'- Westphalia [Westphale], Johannes, 173^ 282', 286". Westphalia [Westfall, Westphale], Nicholas, 173', 273', 282^ Westphalia, Nicholas, jr, 282 . Westphalia [Westphale], Symon, 173^ Wetherbee, Jonathan, 522', 527', 562*. Wetherhead, John, 540°, 544', S6o^ 562^ 576^ Wetherhead, Rachel, 576*. Wetmore, Timothy, 509*- Wetteck, John, 404', 405'- , Weygand, John Albert, 400 , 410 • Weyman, James, 56s^ Weyman, William, 405', - 4o6', 512% 514^ Whale, Mr, 13'. Whalefishing, 16', 16', 375'. Whale-oil, transportation of, 57'- Whanewright, Elizabeth, 158'. Wharton, Mr, 13'. Wharton, Carpenter, 545°. Wharton, Charles, 545°. Wharton, Isaac, 545'. Wharton, John, 510'. Wharton, Joseph, 538'. Wharton, Robert, 78'. Wharton, Samuel, 529'. Wharton, Thomas, sr, 538', 54i', 545 , 546^ Wharton, Thomas, jr, 545 . Wharton, Walter, 18', 18', 29'. Wheary, Robert, 528'. Wheat, exportation, 13', 14°. I8^_I9, I9\ ■T^'if; transaction, 19^; prices, 24^ 30"; trade regulated, 82\ Wheate, Jonathan, 490', 49ol Wheatherbee, Benjamin, 5191 Wheeler, Francis, 83', 86% 90*. Wheeler, Glasher, 517^ Wheeler, John, 180', 182', 182', 524'. Wheeler, Peter, 517'. Wheeler, William, 530'. Wheten, Joseph, 408% 409*. Whight. John, 48', 48'. Whipple, Daniel, 561', 573°, 574°, 576'. Whipple, Joseph, 523^ Whippleborough, 574°. Whitcomb, Cyrus, 517*. Whitcombe, Jonathan, 519*. Whitcomb, Joseph, 524', 524'. Whitcomb, Silas, 5271 White, , 124'. White, Alexander, 561*. White, Charles, 541'. White, Daniel, 38'. White, Henry, 421', 427', 492'; peti- tions, 400% 402'; license to buy In- dian lands, 402% 534"-; sworn of council, 478°; memorial, 499'; tea consigned to, 499^; land grants, 523^ 526% 537', 546'. ^ White, Hugh, 484', 554 • White. James, 401% 402\ White, John, 48', 523'. White, Mary, 458°. White, Philip, 536*. White, Robert, 75\ 78', 82% 497'. White, Thomas, 408', 409*, 5 10', 567 • White, William, 35', 40°, 42', 43', 49'- White Plains, 284", 285'. Whiteborough, 546'. Whitefield, Charles, 230'. Whitefield, William, 549'. Whitehall, 18°. Whitehall slip, 419°, 425"- Whitehead, Benjamen, 403°. Whitehead, Daniel, 16", 50', 51% 58', 59°; petitions against, 43% 49'^. 78 ; justice, 45', 64'; petition, _ 47^ as- sessor, 87*^; complaint against, 112, 112% 112'; vs William Creed, 159% 159*, 159% 160"; warrant, 177% Whitehead, John, 548". Whitehead, Jonathan, 169', I79'. 254', 270% Whitehouse, Samuel, 530°, 573'- Whiteman, John, 521', 522°. Whiten, Thomas, 55S'- Whitestone, 272% Whitfield, Ralph, io=, io'._ ^ Whiting, Benjamin, 481", 4S7', 513, 518% 527'. 527'. Whiting, Ebenezer, 565 . Whiting, Gamaliel, 400°. Whiting, Nathan, 513', 526', 545'- Whiting, Nathan Haynes, 526*. Whiting, Samuel, 526% Whiting, William, 226% Whitmore, Jeremiah, 524% 1 Whitmore, Nathan, 13'. INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 717 Whitmore, Samuel, 524°. Whitney, David, 345". Whitney, Ephraim, 519'. Whitney, Henry, 17°. Whitney, Jonathan, 519'. Whitney, Zachariah, 5i9\ Whitson, John, 561°. Whittaker [Whittacres], Edward, 19', 33*- Whittemore, Joseph, 295'. Whittlesey, Elisha, 423*. Whitty, Elizabeth, I22l Whitty, Robert, I22^ 122I Whodle, Richard, 137'. Whorekill, 17', 18*, 26*, 32'; claims on, 16*; customs abolished, 12"; land grants near, 14*; purchase of, 14^ orders for reducing, 18°; reduction of, 19'; settlements at, 14'; tax on liquor, I7^ Wiber, John Philipp, 402'. Wiberd, Richard, 525". Wickenham. Thomas, i8o\ Wickham, Benjamin, 512°. Wickham, John, 317'. Wickham, William, 453*, 455^ war- rants, 482', 482', 504°; land grants, 516', 540", 557% 56i\ 561°. Wicks. John, 40', 143', 102', 164 . Wicofif, William, 565'. Widgery, , 45I^ Widsell, John, 546'. Wier, Gilbert, 576', 576'. Wifreld, John, 545'. Wiggins, Thomas, 5251 Wilcock, Peter. 251'. Wilcocks, Daniel, 14'. Wilcocks, William, 562'. Wilcox, Hazard, 490°. Wilcox, Stephen, 467°. Wildman, Benjamen, 401', 402 , 406 , 407\ Wildman, Thomas, 285', 290'. Wildridge. Ralph, 433". Wildy, John, 209'. Wileman. Henry, register of court of chancery, 244'; petitions, 246', 246 375^ 283^ 283"'; warrants, 247', 247, 276", 276°; opinion in re Dobs and Vincent, 264'; patent granted, 276°; to search for missing acts of as- sembly, 298', 298\ Wilemantown, 425^ Wilkie, James, 445°, 45/'- Wilkins, captain, isl Wilkins, Edward, 386', 401 , 401 , 401', 40i\ 402'. Wilkins, Isaac, 529^ Wilkins, Jacob, 537°, 542°, 551*, 559% Wilkms, John, 410 . Wilkinson, James, 538", Wilkinson, John, 504". Wilkinson, Philip, 430*, 5o8', 51 2'. 520'. Wilks. James, 425', 428". Will, Christian, 521^ 522', 543', 563'. Will, Henry, 521", 522', 543'- Will, John, 521", 522', 543', 563"- Will, Philip, 521°, 522', 543'- Will, William, 521", 522'. Will (Indian), 10', 11'. Willard, colonel, 423'- Willard, Abel, 518'. Willard, Benjamin, 400'. Willard, Eunice, 5i6\ Willard, Joseph, 525^ Willard, Josiah, 11". Willard, Josiah, secretary of Massa- chusetts, letters from, 274", 282% 289'. 380'; letter to, 419'; land grants. 516', 516', 561", 565", 573"', 573", 575'- , . Willard, Josiah, jr, 516. Willard, Levi, 518', 525", 528. Willard, Nathan, 525% Willard, Oliver, land grants, 510, 522". 556", 560", 561-, 561', 561". Willard. Sampson, 516", 525'''- Willard. Wilder, 525", sSi'. Willard. William, 489', 561'. Willasy, Robert, 293-. Willems [Willemsen], Reyneer, ib, 23'. Sec also Williams, Regmer. Wiilemse. Tennis. 46'. Wilier. Thomas. 363*- Willes. Daniel, 30'. Willet. Mrs, 453"- Willet, Caleb, 283°. Willet. Gilbert. 283'. 283', 310°. 509 • Willet. Isaac. 346% 407', 433''- Willet. Isaac, jr. 562'. Willet. John. 374", 395', 390% Willet. Marinus. 537', 544'- 500 , 500^- Willett, Richard, 79", no', ^^3, I5i , WUlett. Thomas, 53=, 62', 72\ 72", 81J, 84' 84'; member of council. lO", 62^; sheriff. 26', 45": petitions. 33'. 90 : land purchase. 39'. 4^'. 48'': appears for Flushing. 46': land dispute. 48': to command militia, 54': justice of peace. 64': land surveys for, 79, 82'' ; land patent, no": complaint, 118'; suspended from council. 133"'; complaint against, 169': papers re- lating to, 169'; before council. 169'. Willett. Thomas (2d), 408', 409'- Willett. William, I0^ 268'', 279', 279, 294'. 402', 403"- William 3, thanksgiving for dis^- covery of plot against. 75'. 114, iiq''; address of council to. 81'': ad- dress of thanks to. 99', 106°; cele- bration of birthday. 102', 160'; ad- dress of condolence to, I05^ 106"; 7i8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY health drunk, io6'^- thanksgiving on return to England, 112^; address of congratulation to, 115"; address to, 130^; forbids governors to give let- ters of denization, 147°; approves and vetoes laws passed in i6gg, 153^; letter about Trinity church, I58^; order concerning Cruger vs De Peyster, 163®; grants pardon to pirates, 2661 William (ship), 143°, 194^ 355^ 358'. William and Mary (ship), 354", 368°. Williams, lieutenant, 207'. Williams, Andrew, 5381 Williams, Anthony, S3A\ 535', 555'- Williams, Charles, petition, 318', 3I8^ 319", 319^ 320^^; land grants, 318", 326', 336^ 531'', 546^ 562^; license to buy Indian lands, 320^; warrant, 329"; administrator of Danvers Os- born's estate, 390'. Williams, David, 538'. Williams, Elijah, 573\ Williams, Elijah, jr, 525'. Williams, Flor, 44^ Williams, George, S^S^- Williams, Hope, 205", 205^ Williams, John, 369", 401', 402^ 514^ 566^ Williams, John, of Newport, R. I. 36", 46'. Williams, John, of Oyster bay, 205", 205', 20s'. Williams, John, deserter, 1491 Williams, John, sailor, 40^. Williams, John, sheriff of Albany county, 143^ Williams, Jonas, 500*, 500°. Williams, Joseph, 27^ 205". Williams, Capt. Joseph, 527", 571^. Williams, Lewis Powell, 5I2^ 517%. 55f, 557'. 558', S59\ 574'- •Williams, Mary, 559". Williams, Nathan, 559°. Williams, Nathaniel, 500°. Williams, Peter, 523^ 523". Williams, Regnier, 46". See also Willems. Williams, Richard, 51 1\ Williams, Robert, 489'. Williams, Samuel, 533'. Williams, Sarah, 329^ Williams, Thomas, prisoner, 62*; patent granted, 120'; estate of, I36^ 136°; warrants, 166", 172-, 176^ 195^ 323"; petitions, -192*, 309°, 309^ 324^; vs Mathias van Alstyn, 310"; ac- counts, 22(2'; license to buy Indian lands, 322*; caveat against patent to, 324^; sheriff, 371^; vs John van Rensselaer, 413', 509", 539=, 540', 542^ 573^; land grant, 523*. See also Albany county, sheriffs. Williams, Thomas, of Massachusetts, 495'- Williams, William, shipmaster, 354'; land grants, 399', 514", 555=, 560', 56I^ s6I^ 565^ Williams, Zebulon, 489\ Williamsburgh (Va.), 422^ Williamse, Eliza, 115^ Williamse, Peter, 238°. Williamson, Garrett, 404', 405^ Williamson, John, 408", 409", 509^, 5I3^ 5381 Willis, Henry, 56'. Willis, Richard, 539'. Willis, Samuel, 25", 410^ 531^, 559^, 572=. Willoughby, Bliss, 490', 490^, 491", 492', 500^ Willse, Jacob, 191", 192'', 192', 192^, 192^ Willsee, John, i92\ Willson, Benjamin, 310''. Willson, Samuel, 37", 38*, 41', 408', 409°. Willson, Mrs Samuel, 38*. Wilmington (township), 565°. Wilson, Abraham, 406^ 5621 Wilson, Alexander, 411*, 526'. , Wilson, Ebenezer, councilman, 63^; to inspect fortifications, 65**; war- rants, 85", 187'; licenses to buy land, 103^ 207", 214^ 214*; petitions, I08^ 115', 177', 206^ 21 1^ 219*, 220^ 224", 235^ land patents, 116', 210°, 211', 219", 221*, 234^; vs Philip French, I86^ 188', i88^ land survey for, 188°; vs Rye, 209", 209*, 209^ 212^ 212^, 213', 2I3^ 220-, 220^; quit- rent for land, 210", 211°; time for settling land extended, 219'; quit- rent for house, 219**; vs Thomas Byerly, 225°. See also N. Y. (city), mayors; N. Y. (county), sheriffs. Wilson, George, 408", 409', 518^ 529°, 560'. Wilson, Gilbert, 547^ Wilson, Isaac, S3ol Wilson, James, 408^, 409", 528", 548^ See also Albany county, sheriffs. Wilson, John, 573', 576°; license to buy Indian lands, 389^ petitions, 403', 408°, 409^ 518°; land grants, 527'. 527', 538% 543'. 552', 553', 553', 554'. Wilson, Joseph, 354^ Wilson, Richard, 262**. Wilson, Stewart, 543'. Wilson, Thomas, 449', 538'. Wilson, William, 408', 409°. Wiltbank, Helme, 26*, 32\ Wimple, Abraham, 569". Wimple, Barent, 5o8^ 512*. Wimpel, Frederick, 418^ INDEX TO CALENDAR OF COUNCIL MINUTES 719 Wimple, Jan, 334". Win Hall (township), 559\ Winchester (ship), 449'', 451'. Windecker, Hartman, 314", 314^ Windecker, Hendrick, 315', 316^, 399'. Winder, John, ^i^'^. Winder, Samuel, 43', 53^. Windfall (township), 531°. Windham (township), 561^ Windiford, sergeant, 69". Windover, Hercules, 338^ Windsor, 482', 515^ 518', 559". Wines, duty on, 19', 212*, 260', 264^; importation, 94". Winfield, Richard, 247^ 247', 248*, 249'. Winganhappagne, 70'. Winnaquaheag (sachem), 34^ Winne, Francis, warrants, 123', 125°, 149", 172", i8i\ 187^ 194^; accounts, 184', 20 1 \ Winne, John, 401°, 443^ 519°, 520^ Winne, Levinus, 404", 404°. Winne, Peter, petitions, 3I9^ 339^ 339'; patents granted, 323", 334', 339^, 339*; licenses to buy Indian lands, 335', 343°. Winne, Thomas, ioi\ 109^ 144^ Winne, William, 40I^ Winship, Joseph, 171°, i72\ Winslow, John, 429-. Winter, Isaac, 428'. Winterbottom, James, 533'. Winters, John, si8\ Winterton, William, 404', 404^ Winthrop, Mr, 226^ Winthrop, Balthazar, 430*. Winthrop, Fitz-John, 51*. 132^. Winthrop, John, governor of Con- necticut, II", 22^, 22", 22^ See also Connecticut. Winthrop, Wayt, 148', 148'. Wise, , 402l Wise [Wyse], Richard, 136', 137', I38\ 138=. Wiseman, John, 535". Wisener, Adam, 351'. Wiser, see Weiser. Wislake, Edward, 7I^ Wisner, Henry, 409°. 574'. Wisner, Henry, jr, 409°, 539^ Wittbeene. John, 305^ Witts, Hendrick Martinse, 194*, 197'. Wizer, see Weiser. Wogertse. Dirck, 4I^ Wolcott. Roger, 344', 345\ 381°, 366'. Wolf. John David. 40ol Woobrick, Nicholas, 535'. Wood, . 128'. Wood. Draper Simon, 553^, 571°. Wood. George. 39^ 332°. Wood, John, 571^. Wood, Jonas, 27^. Wood, Jonathan, 5I9^ Wood, Samuel, 142', 145'. Wood, William, 548". Wood creek, 231', 231", 232°, 233-, 295'. 296". 300^ 40 1 ^ Woodbridge, Thomas, 495^ Woodbridge, Timothy, 388'', 434". Woodcop. Alexander, 230^. Woodford, 546'. Woodhull, Richard, 12', 36', 48'', 48", Woodman, John, 530°. Woodmansey, Thomas, 243". Woodrow, Paul. 430°. Woodruff, Asa, 551*. Woods, Gabriel, 5331 Woods. John, petition, 409^; land grants, 52 1\ 522'. 544', 545", 549', 550', 553', 562°, 566% 573'- Woods, Thomas, 538". Woodside. captain, 298^ Woodstock, 350'. Woodstock (township), 525^ 560". Woodward, John, 519", 520^ 527'. Woodward, Rosswell, 519^ s6o\ Woodworth, James, 536^ Wool, John, 522^ 522^ Woolaston, John, 373^ Woolever, Nicholas, 397', 398°. Wooley, John, 395", 396', 397', 504*. Wooley, Thomas, 487*, 487^ Woolford, Walter, 91*. Wooll, Jeremiah, 408', 409^ Woolsey, George, 238^ 238". Wooster, David, 410*, 469-. Wooster, Joseph, 5191 Wootton, Richard, S2I^ 522°, 530*. Worden, Thomas, 142", 193", 194', 194'. Worder, Joseph, 519 . Workhout, George, 530*. Worrell. Johannis. 321*. Worrell. Joseph. 318', 318". Worrell, Peter, 545*. Worshend, Elizabeth, 143*. Worth. William. 22'. Wraxall, Peter, 357", 358', 398', 421*. Wray. George, 485', 550' Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr W^r Wr Wr WV Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr esberg, Daniel, 5I0^ 513*. ght, Abel, 401-. 402*, 406^, 407' ght, Adam, 43". ght, Amasa, 525°. ght, Anthony, 13', 43', 44'. ght, Benjamin, 204', 522". ght, Bildad, S2o\ ght. Charles, 403^ ght. David. 40o\ ght, David, jr, 400'. ght. Deborah. 29I^ ght. Ebenezer, 521-. ght, Elizabeth, 43^ ght, Elizur. 400". ght, Elnathan, 52o\ ght, Ephraim, 404", 404', 524'. ght, Ephraim, jr, 52o\ 720 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Wright, Henry, 203'. Wright, Jacob, 89''. Wright, James, 64"*, 220^ Wright, Job, 46°, si', 58'. Wright, John, 43'. Wright, Jonathan, 48', III^ 250', 251', 251", 259', 259'. Wright, Joseph, 64°. Wright, Kent, 401', 402°, 406', 407\ Wright, Moses, 524'. Wright, Nehemiah, 516°, 523'°, 52S^ Wright, Nicholas, if. Wright, Peter, 517', 518'. Wright, Rebeccah, II^ 11°, 12", 12'. Wright, Reuben, 520^ Wright, Robert, 35", 36^ Wright, Roger, 114", 115', 116*, 116'. Wright, Samuel, 400". Wright, Selah, 519', 524'- Wright, Solomon, 400°. Wright, William, 524'. Wright, Zadock, 522'. Wrightson. John, 539°. Wroe, Joshua, 252^ Wylly, Alexander, 552'. Wynantson, Peter, 2S0^ Wynkoop, Adnan, 496*. Wyncoop, Cornelys, 16*. Wynkoop, Johannes Evertse, 455', 459". 463', 464'. Wyncoop, John, 198'. Wyngaard, Luykas Johannes, 38o\ Wynne, sec Winne. Wyse, see Wise. Yarrow, Edward, 528^ Yates, Abraham, jr, 398', 405', 4o6', 431'. 436°, 511". 552'. See also Al- bany county, sheriffs. Yates, Abraham P. 556'. Yates, Andrew, 567', 570'. Yates, Christopher, 540', 567°, 569 • Yates, J. O. 429'. Yates, John, jr, 546^ Yates, Joseph, 344', 479"- Yates, "Joseph, jr, 438^ Yates, Mary, 467^ Yates, Peter, 521*, 522". Yates, Richard, 53^, 532*, 5S9^ Yates, Robert, 301', 487'- Yates, Yellis, 569'- Yeaies, Francis, i6\ Yeats, Joseph, 97^ Yellow hook, 231', 336'. Yelverton, Anthony, 347^ Yelverton, Gale, 539", 542'. Yelverton, John, 385*. Yeomans, Eliab, S04^ Yeomans, James, 543'. 553\ S62 . Yeomans. William, 2831 Yonge, George, 536', 539*. Yongh, see Young. Yonkers [Yonckers, Younckers], 41 , 42\ York, duke of, 14^ I5^ igS 22^ 28^ York, Lewis, 300^ 300*. York, Nicholas, 287*, 290^ 342^ 386', 396*. York, William, 287*, 290", 300^ 300*, 305'- York (snow), 354', 497". Yorkshire (L. I.), 19', 20°, 2f, 24^, 6o'- Yorkson, Paulus, 307'. Young, lieutenant, 116', 131'. Young [Yongh], Adam, 380^ 405', 406", 454*, 511'. Young, Alexander, 514^. Young [Yongh], Andries, 380', 405^ 406^ 511°. _ Young, Benjamin, 180^. Young, David, 517*, 5i8l Young [Yongh], Frederick, 380*, 402^ 402^ 405", 406-, sill Young, George;, 26°. Young, Hamilton, 527', 548', 554". Young, Hendrick, 405*, 406', 512°, 514'- Young, John, 20°, 55°, 84''; petition referred to, 34°; petition against, 35'; petition, 46^; suspended from council, 55*; charges against, 58', 59°; sheriff, 60"; boundary commis- sioner, 61^; member court of oyer and terminer, 62"; accounts, 76^, gf, 128"; commander Suffolk county militia. 85'; order to, 87'. Young, John (2d), 359', 386', 476', 510". Young, Joseph, 523 . Young, Peter, 538'. Young, Simon, II5^ Young [Yongh], Theobald, 380', 385', 405', 406', 5ii'- Young, Thomas, 39', 55', 180'. Young, William, 450', 525', 525*, 526\- 563*. Zabrisky, John, sr, 538', 551'. Zabrisky, John, jr, 538', 575'- Zamora, Manuel, 442*, 462'. Zee, Adam, 520°, 52ol Zeely, Peter, 538'. Zehe, Adam, 37S', 380'. Zehe, Christian, 382=, 386'. Zehe, Johannes, 382', sS6\ Zeimer, see Zimmer. Zeisberger, David, 347', 347'. Zenger, John Peter, 305', 322'- Zephvr de Bourdeaux (ship), 339°. Zimmer, George, 388', 406', 407', 407^ 5I2^ 517'. 538". Zimmer [Zeimer], Jacob, petitions, 406", 407'^; land grants, 407", 512', Sif, 520°, 520', 531!. 539'. ^ ^, Zimmer, Petrus, 407', 512', 5i7 . S38 • Zimmer, William. 407', 512', 5I7''. Zimmerman, Jacob, 384^