, ; §m*& mm BHg M -" ; - '■"•■"■.-■>.■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. TS I *oi - — ©|np, inp^rig^i 3§a. Shelf .A^ ^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AIRS FROM ARCADY AND ELSEWHERE. AIRS FROM ARCADY AND ELSEWHERE. H. C/BUNNER. A Book of Verses underneath the Bough, A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread, and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness — Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow / — Omar KhayyE e ]i {MATTHEWS: *BY THE HEtA^TH. The night is late ; your fire is whitening fast ', Our speech has silent spaces, and is low ; Yet there is much to say before I go — And much is left unsaid, dear friend, at last. Yet something may be said. This fading fire Was ?iever cold for me ; and never cold Has been the welcoming glance I knew of old — Warm with a friendship usage could not tire. The kindly hand has never failed me yet, And ?iruer yet has failed the cheering word ; Nor ever went Perplexity unheard, But ever was by thoughtful Counsel met. The plans we made, the hopes we nursed, have fed These friendly embers with a genial fire. Not till my spirit ceases to aspire Shall their kind light within my heart be dead. Take these, the gathered songs of striving years, And many fledged and warmed beside your hearth ; Not for whatever they may have of worth — A simpler tie, perchance, my work endears. With them this wish : that when your days shall close, Life, a well-used and well-contented guest, May gently press the hand I oft have p?-essed, And leave you by Loves fire to calm repose. CONTENTS. PAGE Dedication — J. B. M. ......... v iARCA the thrift - sown fields of ( across ) wheat, [commonplace ?] A-shimmering green in breezes born of heat ; And lo ! And high C a? } And my soul's eyes behold < > billowy main ( the ) Whose further shore is Greece strain again vain [Arcadia — mythological allusion. — Mem.: Lempriere.] I see thee, Atalanta, vestal fleet, 36 "BOHEMIA. And look ! with doves low-fluttering round her feet, fields of ? ) bowing Comes Venus through the golden < grain (Heard by the Poet's neighbor. ) Venus be bothered — it 's Virginia Dix ! (Pound on the Poet's door.) 37 YES? IS it true, then, my girl, that you mean it — The word spoken yesterday night? Does that hour seem so sweet now between it And this has come day's sober light ? Have you woke from a moment of rapture To remember, regret and repent, And to hate, perchance, him who has trapped your Unthinking consent ? Who was he, last evening — this fellow Whose audacity lent him a charm ? Have you promised to wed Pulchinello ? For life taken Figaro's arm ? Will you have the Court fool of the papers — The clown in the journalists' ring, Who earns his scant bread by his capers, To be your heart's king ? ^8 "BOHEMIA. When we met quite by chance at the theater, And I saw you home under the moon, I 'd no thought, love, that mischief would be at her Tricks with my tongue quite so soon ; That I should forget fate and fortune Make a difference 'twixt Sevres and delf — That I 'd have the calm nerve to importune You, sweet, for yourself. It 's appalling, by Jove, the audacious Effrontery of that request ! But you — you grew suddenly gracious, And hid your sweet face on my breast. Why you did it I cannot conjecture : I surprised you, poor child, I dare say, Or perhaps — does the moonlight affect your Head often that way You 're released ! With some wooer replace me More worthy to be your life's light ; From the tablet of memory efface me, If you don't mean your Yes of last night c But — unless you are anxious to see me a Wreck of the pipe and the cup In my birthplace and grave-yard, Bohemia — Love, don't give me up ! 39 A POEM IN THE PROGRAMME. A THOUSAND fans are fretting the hot air; Soft swells the music of the interlude Above the murmurous hum of talk subdued ; But from the noise withdrawn and from the glare, Deep in the shadowy box your coiled hair Gleams golden-bright, with diamonds bedewed ; Your head is bent ; I know your dark eyes brood On the poor sheet of paper you hold there, That quotes my verses — and I see no more That bald-head Plutus by your side. The seas Sound in my ears ; I hear the rustling pines ; Catch the low lisp of billows on the shore Where once I lay in Knickerbockered ease And read to you those then unprinted lines. 4 o BETROTHED. HE SPEAKS. IF when the wild and wintry weather Moans baffled round your warm home nest, And swoops to pluck the light foam-feather From off the broad bay's heaving breast; If then your fancy dim and dreamy One careless moment floats to me, I hope, my sweet, you may not see me As others see. Amid the crowd that glooms and glances — A silk sea, islanded with black, And vexed with local storms of dances — I, making slow a sinuous track, Bow, to the* right, to Fan or Florry, Nod, to the left, to Nell. And she Upon my arm, I should be sorry You knew knew me. BOHEMIA. The band above rolls rhythmic thunder Down on the whirl and glare below; The dusty pine-floor pulses under The feet that balance to and fro. Oh ! dream of me that ills afflict me ; Or dream about me not at all; But do not let your dream depict me As at the ball. With eyes that glisten, hands that tremble ; With breasts that heave and cheeks that burn, The gaudy groups disperse, assemble, And melt in other groups in turn. Through flush of paint and frost of powder, I see a face or two I 've known, That, rougeless, donned a carmine prouder For me alone. If this were all, or worst, the whirling Among the other fools a fool — But when I stand my whiskers twirling Off by the lobby window cool — And watch the dance where death's-heads grin to Death's-heads, bemasked, beflowered in vain ; See all — and then step reckless into That dance again ! 'BOHEMIA, It were not sin to sin unthinking — The drunken sense shall shrive the soul ; But when, withdrawing from the drinking, I stand with cursed self-control — Ah, then, forgive me then, my pure one ! Poor, pettier deeds themselves defend ; For time and crime combine to lure one — And there 's an end. But, with hard eyes that plead no error, To see my Life, sharp-waked from rest — And then to lull the painted terror To smirking slumber on my breast : To see, beneath the rose and lily, The black-rimmed eye, the sallow skin, As clear as if even now the chilly Gray dawn crept in. Forgive me that ! — Who touched my shoulder ? Oh, it was you, you ivory fan ? Dark domino, with eyes no bolder Than should belong, by rights, to Nan. What 's that ? Aha, you 've caught me moping ? Fine me a bottle for the wrong — A quart with silvered shoulders sloping — Well, come along ! *& %? "j£ >£ ' t " There was a vague murmur in the air of little brooks, that one might fancy had lost their way in the darkness, and were whispering together how they should get home." " In the Distance," by G. P. Lathrop. 2 The only authority I have for calling this ' 'A Real Romance" is the following, clipped from a stray newspaper in '77 or '78 : "A school-girl at Bellefontaine, Ohio, offended her boy lover, and he refused to speak to her. She passed a note to him, asking forgiveness, but he refused. She wrote to him again, saying that she would kill herself if he did not make up ; and he replied that he would be glad to go to her funeral. She then began her suicidal efforts by drinking a bottle of red ink, which only made her sick. A bottle of black ink had no deadlier effect. Finally, she cut her throat with a knife, but not fatally, though she made a deep and dangerous gash." 3 Like the Roman citizen's right of appeal to Caesar, there was, according to some authorities, a supreme right of appeal to Harold of Normandy. It was invoked by crying " Haro ! Haro ! Haro !" In a modified form, the legal tradition still survives, I believe, in some of the Channel Islands. 4 Read at the farewell dinner to Salvini, New-York, April 26th, 1883. 109