itbiNG umm Class Book GopightN . COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT &e&. ©r. ^tiller's Books. SILENT TIMES. A book to help in reading the Bible into life. i6mo, cloth, white back, gilt top, $r.oo; white and gold, full gilt, $1.25; Levant morocco, $2.50. MAKING THE MOST OF LIFE. A book to stimulate the reader to earnest and worthy living. i6mo, cloth, white back, gilt top, $1.00 ; white and gold, full gilt, $1.25; levant morocco, $2.50. THE EVERY DAY OF LIFE. Dedicated to those who want to grow better. i6mo, cloth, white back, gilt top, $1.00; white and gold, full gilt; $1.25; levant morocco, $2.50. GLIMPSES THROUGH LIFE'S WINDOWS. Selections from Dr. Miller's writings, arranged by Eva- lena I. Fryer. i8mo, ornamental binding, with portrait, 75 cents. THE BUILDING OF CHARACTER. i6mo, cloth, white back, gilt top, $1.00; white and gold, gilt edges, $1.25; levant morocco, $2.50. BOOKLETS. GIRLS: FAULTS AND IDEALS. Ornamental white binding, 35 cents. YOUNG MEN: FAULTS AND IDEALS. Ornamental white binding, 35 cents. SECRETS OF HAPPY HOME LIFE. Ornamental white binding, 35 cents. For sale by all Booksellers. Catalogues sent free upon application. NEW YORK AND Gliomas i. ©rcfoetl & ffio., ne TOon THE BUILDING OF CHARACTER BY J. R. MILLER, D.D. AUTHOR OF "SILENT TIMES," "MAKING THE MOST OF LIFE, "THE EVERY DAY OF LIFE,'' "GLIMPSES THROUGH LIFE'S WINDOWS." ETC. " Build it well, whate'er you do ; Build it straight, and strong, and true ; Build it clear, and high, and broad : Build it for the eve of God." «.*7? -~Z~ V NEW YORK: 46 East 14TH Street THOMAS Y. CROWELL & COMPANY BOSTON : 100 Purchase Street Copyright, 1894, BY Thomas Y. Crowell & Company. j