mmmmmmim^mm I £! RECEIVED *»\ \k MAY IS 1911 *) #^aU ». )4^^ ( GENEALOGY OF THE PARKE FAMILIES OP MASSACHUSETTS; INCLUDING RICHARD PARKE, OF CAMBRIDGE, WILLIAM PARK, OF GROTON, AND OTHERS. COMPILED BY FRANK SYLVESTER PARKS; Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, o€ Boston, Massachusetts, and the New London County Historical Society, of New London, Connecticut. Like leaves on trees the race of man is found, Now green in youth, now withering on the ground; Another race the following spring supplies; They fall successive, and successive rise; So generations in their course decay, — So flourish these, when those have passed away." WASHINGTON,, D. C. 1909. 0^ No , PRIVATELY PRINTED. Presswork by the Columbia Polytechnic Institute Printing Office. Portraits engraved by Maurice Joyce Engraving Com- pany, and printed by Henry A. Parks. By Trnnpfer JAN 17 ....20 >\ RECEIVED /^) TO MY CHILDREN; THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THE COMPILER. LCt PARKE FA't^^aiS '^/; ^l5 Contents. FRONTISPIECE. TITLE PAGE- - - . - i DEDICATION. - - - - 3 ABBRE^TATIONS. - - - - 6 PREFACE. - - - . 7 PARKE BIBLIOGRAPHY. - - 11 COATS OF ARMS. . - - 13 ORIGIN OF THE NA2.IZ. - - 16 OLD PARKE FAillLIES O? A^.f£RICA. 17 ENGLISH FA3»nLIES - - - 23 RICHARD PARKE AND DESCENT) ANTS: FIRST GENE5^TION, - - - 25 SECOND GEN'ES^TION. - - 31 THIEJJ GENERATION. - - - 36 FOrXTH GENERATION. - - 41 FIFTH GEN'ERATION, - - . 49 ?IXTH GEN-ERATION, - - 6^ SETENTH GENERATION. - - - S^ EIGHTH GENERATION. - - 115 NINTH GENERATION. . _ - 15^ TENTH GENERATION. - - ' 173 . IZXANDER PARK ANT' DZSCZNIiANTS. 17= ~:ii:.\M PARK AND DES*! END ANTS. i:+4 JOHN ?i:?ZS AN~' DZS<:Z:^n»ANTS. 2 *- ROBT . P AP.KZ S DES<: END ANTS, i- ' ' :: 3 MISCELLANZOrS PaHKZ FA^HLIE-. 227 VT. AND N. H. FAMILIZS. Z-^z^ of 1790) 24^J INDEX OF PARKE Gr^'EN NAVIES - 2-^1 INDEX OF OTHER S1"RNA\IES - 2*^ INDEX OF PLACES - - - 25fc PARKE FAMILIES ai>breviatton0, a. age. ae. aged. b. born. bp. and bapt. baptized, ch. child or children. Co. or CO. county or company. d. died or dead, dr. daughter, h. husband, inf. infant. int. intention of marriage. Jr. junior. m. married, and month, prob. probably, pub. published. *. son. Sr. senior. . w. wife, ■wid. widow. y. young. 1st. first. 2nd. second. And other abbreviations in common use. OF MASSACHUSETTS /% * * " Thfc sad features of a book are in the possibilities indicated but not accomplished. Nevertheless the inevitable time comes when the impressible clay hardens into stone; when the work, if not to be completed, yet must be put forth." "The Parke Families of Massachusetts" is pub- lished primarily for the information of the living descendants of the families. Secondarily it places in permanent record form many facts which might otherwise be irrevocably lost to posterity. For convenience in writing ''P-a-r-k-e" has been selected for use here, that being the old English spelling of the name; and the use of this form of orthography in a general way is intended to include the various other methods of spelling, such as Park, Parkes, Parks, Peirks, etc. An effort has been made to include in these pages some record of every person born Parke in Massachu- setts, whose ancestor came to America previous to 1800. A number in New Hampshire and Vermont have also been included. The complete Parke an- cestry has been given when obtainable; except in the case of descendants of Robert^ Parke, which will be found in " The Parke Families of Connecticut." The preparation of a genealogy is usually attended by many difficulties, as will be attested by anyone who has attempted such a work. The compilation o€ this book has been no exception to th€ general fttle; aad in addition to the usual obstacles, the com- ^ilet has had to attempt to set right a number of S FAKSZ J-OriLIES wccss ajsf. i.i'p^ beea acoe :5 dj AcwXTJCT k^is tteei. tie aiat ix e^^^ryt iters; 2' titit : 20c ■ - - ■ been: '-*"--'" -- — ciseiL i^*-L vtti rire !:esc ix~z^ _ . :L:^ ue r_ : aa."re eTer«" scare^re^" rTrr^r.:. rt r* '->?' ▼- titiir errcF^ v£II ie i - : - : : .^- -ra.r cars _ 13,%?^ to ex-ilznie e^esy sCirs-ater: tiit -ist^ 5a. ■v-rio: j:. Otie cai^e is. pccct benr^ witere s. ccrt^ »D£3Jt ci^a.:Trei. tiit ajt iicesrcir It : : ■ - tfctT ,* ~T. gtriTTTI reJt tm-r. Tpittdi LXrr ti^:t Wi^ •JtCSSCrr TTii HI-EIL. txmz-,' ; . : _rs ii."?^ te£X ^33Jinrriea_ T 1 - n : • " : ; ^'etstrira'lj "ristrfi. Tr:?-r y if rie -Trif t - ^ : . 1 . - ^^ntiiins xescsntixts 65, taken by John Sherman and John Spring, the dwelling house, barn, out-houses, and six hundred acres of land adjoining, whereof twenty acres is broken up, is appraised at ^660 and twenty- nine acres elsewhere at ^100. The whole amount of inventory was £,^12. During the contest between the Village and Cambridge to be set off, he sent a petition to the Court, in 1661, praying to retain his connection with the Cambridge Ch. In 1663 he was released from training, on account of his age. He d. 1665, leaving wid, Sarah, son Thomas and two daughters. One of the daughters m. Francis Whit- temore of Camb. All his property (except the 600 acres and buildings) was equally divided between the two daughters. Thirteen years after his decease, 30 PARKE FAMILIES Thomas bought the life estate of the wid. for ;!{^45;15s. Her release is dated Sept. 26, 1678, in which she calls herself of Duxbury, in the Colony of New Plymouth, relict of Richard Parke, late of Camb. Villag-e. This transaction would seem to indicate that she was his mother-in-law." While all previously published accounts give but three children to Richard' Parke, and have entirely ig'nored the existence of a second Richard; there seem to be very good reasons for believing that this second Richard was the oldest son of Richard'. [See article by Mr. Tolman on page 31.] Richard' Parke married 1st, Margery . (One correspondent stated that her name was CRANE.) No record of her death has been found. About 1656 he married 2nd, Sarah, daughter of William and Jane Colier, and widow of Love Brewster. He had no children by the second wife. Children: a Richard^ 3 Thomas% b about 1628-9. 4- Isabel'^, b about 1628-9. 5 Elizabeth^ b 1631, in England; d Sept. 19, 1690; m Ed- ward Winship, of Cambridge, as his second wife. Had children. Hfe« ..vfeD p^. Massachusetts 31 Secon^ (Bcneration. 2. RICHARD' PARKS, (RichardM, was born In England, probably before 1628. No record of his voyage to America has been discovered, but he prob- ably came with the rest of the family in 1635, although his name and that of his brother, Thomas", do not appear on the passenger list. He lived in Cambridge, Sherborn, Concord and Weston. His wife's name was Mary. On Oct. 14, 1678, Richard Parks, of Cambridge, planter, and his wife Mary, conveyed to Joseph Wilson, " all that tract of land on which I have erected rny now dwelling house," etc., As shown in the Cambridge Proprietors' Records of 1642, this is the property which Richard Parke owned at that time. The following explains the reasons for believing that Richard' was the son of Richard'. PARENTAGE OF LT. RICHARD PARKS, OF CONXORD. By Mr. George Tolmau. (Published by permissiou of Mrs. C. H. Wheeler, of Concord.) Dr. Bond says in substance, (page 384 et. seq.) that RICHARD PARKS WAS A PROPRIETOR IN Cambridge in 1636; of Camb. Farms (Lexington) in 1642, and settled in Cambridge Village (Newton) about 1647. His will, dated July 12 1665, mentions wife, not named, a son Thomas, two daughters not named, one of whom married Thomas Whittemore, of Cambridge. His inventory was dated Aug. 19, 1665. His wiaow Sarah was living at Duxbufy in 1668. Thus far Mr. Bond was perfectly in accordance with recorded facts. But here he begins to blunder. He says THOM- AS PARKS the only son of Richard died in 1690. He married in Dec. 1653 Abigail Dix and had children: Thomas born 1654; John born 1656, died March 21, 1717-18, had two children by first wife 32 PARKE FAMILIES and six by second wife Elizabeth Miller; Abigail born 1659; Ed- ward born 1661; Richard born 21 Dee. 1663; Sarah b 1666; Rebecca born 1668; Jonathan born 1670; Elizabeth born 1679. RICHARD PARKS son of Thomas married ist Sarah Cutler by whom he had one son, born at Newton; married 2nd Elizabeth Billings of Con- cord in 1690; settled at Concord; was Lieutenant and Representa- tive, and died at Concord June 19 1725 aged 58 years. His will mentions wife Elizabeth, sons Joseph, Josiah, Jonathan, Isaac, Ephraim, Daniel and Zacheus, and daughters Elizabeth Fassett, Sarah Post, Abigail Fiske and Rebecca. Richard bis oldest son and the only son by his first wife is not mentioned in the will, but he married and had eight children all born at Newton. On page 8b6 of the same work, Mr. Bond makes some corrections and ad- ditions to the above statement on the authority of Jackson's History of Newton. From this revised statement it is shown that Sarah the wife of the first Richard Parks was a second wife and not the mother of his children. The statement that John Parks whose children were baptized in Weston in 1718 was the son of Thomas of Newton remains uncontradicted and Richard Parks sou of same Thomas is still held to he identical with the Richard who came to Concord and married Elizabeth Billings, but in order to get over the recorded facts that Richard son of Thomas had children born in Newton in the years 1690, 1693, 1696 and 1699, the settlement of Richard of Concord, and his marriage with Elizabeth Billings are said to have taken place about the year 1700. These statements of Dr. Bond as corrected by Mr. Jackson, are accepted by Dr. Savage in his Genealogical Diction- ary of the First Settlers of New England, and by the Rev. L. R. Paige in the History of Cambridge; and therefore, having got into print in these several works, all of which are regarded as authori- ties, are now regarded as truth. It is however quite demonstrable that these writers have confounded two entirely distinct Richards and two entirely distinct Johns. That Lt. Richard Parks, of Concord, was not identical with Richard, son of Thomas, is easily proved by the following consid- erations: ist. Richard Parks and Elizabeth Billings were married according to the Concord records, May 14, 1690. They bad children Joseph born 1691, Elizabeth born 1692, Sarah born 1696 Josiah born 169S and Abigail born 1700; just in the very decade of years that Richard the son of Thomas, was on Mr. Jackson's authority having quite a different lot of children born at Newton. 2nd. 'Lt. Richard Parks, of Concord, died June 19, 1725, in the 58th year of his age; his tombstone being the authority. This would bring his birth in the year 1667 or 1668. While according to Dr. Bond, Richard the son of Thomas was born Dec. 21, 1663, and was thus four or five years older than the Lt. Richard of Concord. 3rd. In the record of the births of his children at Concord, Lt. Richard is frequently called Richard Parks JR. This of itself would imply that there was a Richard Parks SENIOR, then living OF MASSACHUSETTS 33 at Concord. But the only Richard, who according to Dr. Bond and the others, was a senior to the Lieutenant, had died a quarter of a century before. Now, as a matter of fact, both Richard Parks Senior and Richard Parks Jr., were living in the south west quarter of Concord in the year 1689, and were assessed a highway tax, as shown by Concord Records. In 1687 only one Richard Parks was so assessed; plainh' because the younger was not of full age. In 1693 both of them are reported as being still in default of their respective proportions of the tax assessed two years before for building the great bridge. Both names, still diflerenLiated l>y the terms senior and junior, appear from time to time on the records of the town from 1693 to 1711, where the distinguishing term disappears and thereafter there is laut one Richard, uniformly designated as L/ieutenant. It is plain then, that Lieutenant Richard Parks of Concord, and the Richard born in 1663, son of Thomas of Newton, can not have been one and the same. .The difficulty goes further back, to a Richard Parks whom these authorities have never detected; the Richard Parks Senior of Con- cord. On Oct. 14, 1678, Richard Parks of Cambridge, planter, and his wife MARY convey to Joseph Wilson, "all that tract of land on which I have erected my now dwelling house in Cambridge Village on the south side of Charles River, being six acres and bounding on Noah Wiswall, Daniel Pre.ston, Thomas Wise, Thomas Hammond, James Trowbridge, and Deliverance Jackson." — (Rec. Mid'x. Deeds VIII, 64). Now the first Richard Parks had been dead 13 years; Richard of Newton, (son of Thomas) the second Richard in Dr. Bond's tracing, was not yet old enough to have married a wife, or to have built a dwelling house, or to convey real estate; so it is quite plain here is a Richard whom all the authorities have entirely ignored. Notwithstanding the fact that the first Richard dying in 1665, named in his will no son but Thomas, I am still convinced that this Richard of Cambridge Vil- lage was his son, who being older than his brother Thomas, had already received his portion of his father's estate during the life- time of his father. The will of the first Richard Parks is a curious document; written partly in the first person and partly in the third person; obviously dictated; not mentioning by name his wife or either of his daughters, and with a meaningless and shapeless blot in place of a signature, as if the hand that held the pen were already too weak to write. Apparently the instrument was drawn up very hurriedly, perhaps while the testator was in articulo Mortis, and was intended to record his wishes already known and acquiesced in by his heirs, as to the disposition of his property; which wishes, if he were to die intestate, might be defeated by the administration of his estate, under the requirements of the common law. That in such an instrument as that he should have omitted all rhention of a son who had been already provided for, and who was satisfied with such provision, is not strange. In the year 1682, and perhaps earlier, Richard Parks and his wife Mary appear at Sherborn, and on March 18, 1686-7 they con- 5 34 PARKE FAMILIES vey to Daniel Bigelow ten acres of land in that place (Rec. Mid'x Deeds XIII 516). The deed by which Richard Parks came into possession of this Sherborn property appears not to have been recorded. Immediately after selling out at Sherborn he bought from Nathaniel Billings eaytheene (18) acres of upland &c.. copy of deed acknowledged before Peter Bulkeley on May 26, 1687. It was never recorded. He must have purchased more land in same locality; for on April 9, 171 1, Richard Parks, senior and his wife Mary and John Parks and wife Deliverence, all of Concord, sell and convey unto Richard Parks Jr., of said Concord, a certain messuage or tenement containing two • dwelling houses, and two barns and thirty acres of upland, in south part of Concord and bounding on land of Joseph Da — ey, John Smith, Daniel Dean, and John Heywood. This deed, as well as several others from various grantors to Lieut. Richard Parks, appears to have escaped record until after Lt. Richard's death when they were all recorded at once, probably to facilitate the settlement of the estate. The land was in the extreme southerly corner of Concord, old bounds, now Lincoln and touching on the boundary of Weston, not far from the present Silver Hill station of the Fitchburg R. R., and some portion of it yet remains in the possession of Lt. Richard Parks's descendants. John Parks, husband of Deliverance, was a son of Richard and Mary. Find no record of his birth or that of Lieutenant Richard. They must have been born before their parents left Cambridge for Sherborn. John Parks sold his birthright to Lieut. Richard, removed to Weston with his wife and two daughters; and father and mother went there also, for it is recorded in Vol. II of the Middlesex Court records, page 316, under date of Aug. 30, 1 715 that: "At his Majesty's Court of General Sessions of ye Peace holden at Concord the Selectmen of Weston are allowed to enter their caution against one Richard Parks, and his wife Mary, both being aged and impotent persons, being inhabitants of their town, having been warned by a constable pursuant to law, to remove out of their town." Here we must leave our newly discovered Richard and Mary, parents of Lieut. Richard Parks. From and after the marriage of Lieut. Richard Parks and Elizabeth Billings, at Con- cord in 1690, the line of their children is easily traced.- . =.> 'i' • • t Children of Richard^ and Mar^ jParks: 6 John* 7 Richard^ b about 1667. 3. THOMAS' PARKE, (Richard.^), was born in England about 1628-9, and probably came to America OF MASSACHUSETTS 35 with his father in the ship "Defence," in 1635, although his name does not appear on the passenger list. He died Aug. 11, 1^90. He was a farmer, and his house was near Bruce's (or Bemis's) mill on the bank of the Charles river. He married Abigail Dix, Dec. 1, 1653, a daughter of Edward and Jane (Wil- kinson) Dix. She was born May 21, 1637, and died Feb. 3, 1691. The Town Records of Cambridge, under date of April 12, 1665, say that Thomas Parkes was chosen a Constable "for the yeare ensuing." He was admitted Freeman of Cambridge, May 31, 1671. He settled upon the 600 acre tract formerly owned by his father. His estate was divid- ed among his heirs in 1693-4. It then comprised 722. acres and part of a corn-mill on Smelt brook erected by I^t. John Spring. Children: ••- Thomas^ b Nov. 2, 1654; d Aug. 28, 1681; prob. unm 8 John3, b Sept. 6, 1656. ^ Z,u.\^ . : . . - 9 Abigail\ b March 3, 1658; m John Fiske Dec. 9, 1679; he b at Watertown, Nov. 20, 1655. 10 Edward-\ b April 8, 1661. 11 Richard^ b Dec. 21, 1663. . 12 Sarah», b Jan. 21, 1666; m John Knox, Aug. 4, 1686. Hi Rebecca^ b April 13, 1668. 14 Jonathan'^^ b Aug. 27, 1670. 15 Elizabeth^, b July 28, 1679. in 4. ISABEL^ PARKE, (Richard'), was born .„ England, about 1628; came to America with her father 1635, and died March 31, 1665. She married Francis Whitmore. After her death he married Margaret Harty and had five children. 36 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Elizabeth Whitmore, b May i, 1649. Francis Whitmore, b Oct. 12, 1650, John Whitmore, b Oct. i, 1654. Samuel Whitmore, b May i, 1658. Abigail Whitmore, bp. July 3, 1659. Sarah Whitmore, bp. March 30, 1662. Margery Whitmore, bp, March 27, 1664; d. y. ^btvb (Beneration. 6. JOHN' PARK, (Richard', Richard'), was born probably at Concord, Mass. He married Deliverance Jackson. From Middlesex deeds: "John Parks of Concord bought land in Concord March 27, 1697. April 9, 1711, he sold land in Concord and bought land in Weston." In 1725, while living at Stoning- ton, Conn., he bought land at Stafford, Conn. The Church Records of Weston have the following: "Sept. 14, 1717, Deliverance and Mary Parks, chil- dren of John, owned Covenant. Sept. 14, 1718, De- liverance and Mary, adult children of John, baptized. March 4, 1721-2, Deliverance Parks, wife of John, recommended to church of Killingly, Conn." Town Records of Weston; 1727-8: "John Parks, then of Killingly, gave up right where deceased father, Richard Parks, did formerly dwell, in the southerly part of Concord." Children: 16 Deliverance*, b April 18, 1698. Mary*, b Aug. 31, 1700; d. y. 17 Mary*, b Nov, 10, 1707. OP MASSACHUSETTS 37 7. RICHARD' PARKS, (Richard', Richard'), was born about 1667; lived at Concord, where he became a large land owner, and died there June 19, 1725, aged 58 years. He married Elizabeth (Hastings) Billings, of Concord, July 14, 1690. She died June 27, 1756, ae. 87. He was a Lieut., and was also a Representative of Concord. His will, dated June 8, 1725, mentioned wife Elizabeth; sons Joseph, Josiah, Jonathan, Isaac, Ephraim, Daniel and Zaccheus; daughters Abigail Fiske, Elizabeth Passett, Sarah Post and Rebecca. One clause of his will left to his son Joseph land and buildings where he now improves reserving only the fruit of an orchard "which was formerly my Hon'd Pathers." Children: 18 Joseph*, b Jan. 9, 1690-1. 19 Elizabeth*, b Jan. 29, 1692; m Benj. Fassett, of L,exington, Feb. 4, 1713-14. 20 Sarah*, b Ma^ 6, 1696: m John Post, Dec. 12, 1723. ■ 21 Josiah*, b Jan. 10, 1698. 22 Abigail*, b Sept. 11, 1700; m Stephen Fiske, in Reading, Jan. 7, 1722-3. 23 Jonathan*, b Feb. 1702. 24 Hannah*, b May 18, 1704; m David Thayer, David*, b July 30, 1705; d. y. 25 Isaac*, b Dec. 26, 1707; possibly moved to Conn. 26 Rebecca*, b Dec. 26, 1707; m Zachariah Parker, in Weston, April II, 1732. 27 Ephraim*, b 1710. 28 Daniel*. 29 Zaccheus*; prob. unm; d Jan. 27, 1792. 8. JOHN' PARKE, (Thomas', Richard'), was born Sept. 6, 1656, and died March 21, 1718. He was twice married. His second wife's name was Elizabeth 38 PARKE FAMILIES Miller, who he married April 5, 1694. He was a distinguished soldier in the Colonial wars and was t severely wounded at the battle of Northfield, 1675, " in the elbow joint and the bone broken," etc. His petition says it was "in the fight in which Captain Beers was killed." The Cambridge Probate Records state that John Park was appointed Admr. of his estate May 12, 1719. Wife Elizabeth and children John, Solomon, Elizabeth, Abigail, Joseph and Mary are mentioned. Children by first wife: George*, bp. Oct. 24, 1686; d. y. Anna*, bp May 17, 1691; d. y. Children by second wife. Elizabeth*, b Feb. 24, 1695; d. y. 30 John*, b Dec. 20, 1696. 31 Solomon*, b Oct. 16, 1699. 32 Elizabeth*, b Feb. 27, 1701; m Joseph Morse, Nov. 30, 1720, at Newton. 33 Abigail*, b April 20, 1702; m Nathaniel Whittemore, June 16, 1724, at Newton. 34 Joseph*, b March 12, 1705. 35 Mary*, b March 17, 1708; m Isaac Sanger, July 13, 1727, at Newton. 10. EDWARD" PARKE, (Thomas', Richard'), was born at Watertown or Newton, April 8, 1661, and died March 1, 1745. He married Martha Fiske, March 13, 1695, at Charlestown, the daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth (Fry) Fiske, of Newton. She was born Jan. 12, 1671. Children: , 36 Martha*, b May 16, 1699. 37 Edward*, b April 18, 1701. 38 Thomas*, b 1703. 39 Nathan*. OF MASSACHUSETTS 39 11. RICHARD' PARKE, (Thomas', Richard'), was born at Newton, Dec. 21, 1663, and died there Feb. 1, 1737-8. He married Sarah King, a step- daughter of James Cutler. She died May 16, 1727. ' Children: Thomas*, b Feb. 7, 2690; d Feb. 9, 1703. 40 Abigail*, b July 25, 1693; prob. d. y. 41 Richard*, b March i, 1696. 42 Sarah*, b May 11, 1699; prob. d. y. 13. REBECCA' PARKE, (Thomas', Richard'), was born at Watertown, April 13, 1668; married John Sanger, Watertown, 1685-6. He died Jan. 1705. Children: John Sanger, b Dec. 19, 1685. Rebecca Sanger, b March 7, 1689. Mary Sanger, b March i, 1694. David Sanger, b March 21, 1697. Isaac Sanger, b Nov. 9, 1699. Elizabeth Sanger, b June 21, 1703. 14. JONATHAN' PARKE, (Thomas', Richard'), was born Aug. 27, 1670. He married 1st, Anna Spring, March 18, 1689, in Watertown. She was born Sept. 21, 1671, and died April 27, 1691; the daughter of Henry Spring. He married 2nd, Eliza- beth (or Abigail) , who died April 10, 1713. He married 3rd, Hannah Kimball, April 27, 1715. Children: 43 Jonathan*, b March 30, 1695. Jonas*, b Jan. i, 1696-7; d. y. Lydia*; prob. d. y. 44 Mindv^rell*, 45 Margery*, 46 Eunice*, 47 Hannah*, b Oct. 25, 1718. 40 PARKE FAMILIES IS. ELIZABETH' PARK, (Thomas', Richard'), was born in Cambridge or Newton, July 28, 1679. She married John Holland. He was born at Water- town, April 7, 1674. Children: John Holland, b Dec. 25, 1699. Joseph Holland, b Jan. 19, 1702. John Holland, b April 5, 1704, Elizabeth Holland, Abigail Holland, b May 18, 1709. Jonas Holland, b May 12, 171 1. Ephraim Holland, b Jan. 11, 1714. Sarah Holland, b Sept. 11, 1716. Ruth Holland, Samuel Holland, Abigail Holland. OF MASSACHUSETTS 41 fourtb (Beneration* 18. JOSEPH* PARKE, (Richards Richard*, Rich- ard'), was born at Concord, Jan. 9, 1690-1. His wife's name was Abigail. They lived at Concord. Children: Benjamin^, b Jan. 13, 1718-19; d. y. 55 Stephen^, b April 30, 1721. 56 Joseph^, b April 2, 1723. 67 David^, b Jan. 10, 1724-5. 58 I^ove^ b May 4, 1716; m Ezra Richardson, March 2, 1749. 59 Sarah^, b July 20, 1730. 60 Elizabeth^, b July 4, 1732. 61 Benjamin^, b Jan. 20, 1733-4. 62 Grace^, b Feb. 26, 1735-6. 21. JOSIAH' PARKS, (RichardS RichardS Rich- ard'), was born at Concord, Mass., Jan. 10, 1697-8. He married 1st, Sarah Grant, who died Jan. 6, 1729- 30. He married 2nd, Thankful Coolidge, August 5, 1730. He married 3rd, Mary Merriam, of Lexington, April 7, 1757. In 1735 he was one of the petitioners that "the easterly part of Concord, northerly part of Weston, and westerly part of Lexington," be made into the town of Lincoln. The petition was not granted at that time, but the town of Lincoln, where he lived, was incorporated in 1754. The date of his death has not been found, but his will was dated Dec. 18, 1764, and mentions wife Mary, children James, Elisha, Josiah, Beulah Winchester and Lydia Lee. 42 PARKE FAMILIES Children by 1st wife: Elizabeth^, b Sept. 17, 1723; d. y. 63 Elisha^, b Nov. 8, 1725. 64 Beulah^, b Nov. 8, 1727; m Nathan Winchester, of Brook- line, Oct. 17, 1746. 65 Josiah^, b Jan. 6, 1729-30. Children by 2nd wife: 66 Nathan*, b March 7, 1732-3; d April 27, 1760; m Mary Farrar, April 8, 1756. She b July 6, 1732; d April 14, 1760; children: Cotton^, bp. Aug. 8, 1757; George^, born and died 1760. Lucy^ b May 31. I735; d. y. James*, b March 27, 1736-7; d. y. 67 L,ydia*, b May 23, 1739; m Charles I^ee, Feb. 15, 1763. 68 James*, b Feb. 17, 1 740-1. 23. JONATHAN* PARKS, (Richard', Richard', Richard^), was born at Concord, Mass., Feb. 1701-2. He married Mary Whiting, of Dedham. It is sup- posed that they moved to Connecticut and from there to New York state. It is also thought that the following were their children: 69 Jonathan*, b Feb. 28, 1728-9. 70 Samuel*, b June 12, 1731; probably moved to Dutchess county, N. Y., and was in the Rev. War, in the 6th regt., with his two brothers. 71 Whiting*, b 1735. 27. EPHRAIM* PARKS, (Richard', Richard', Richard^, was born at Concord, Mass., 1710. He married Mary Hobbs, of Weston, March, 1732-3. Children: 72 William*, b July 28, 1734. 73 Ephraim*, b June 27, 1737; m Mary . Child: Anna^, b July 20, 1761, and probably others. 74 John*, b Sfov. 3, 1739. 75 Jacob*, b May 19, 1742. 76 Isaac*, b May 19, 1742; m Rhoda Ferguson, 1768. Isaac Parks was in Capt. Hartwell's co., Col Brooks's regt.. OP MASSACHUSETTS 43 March 4, 1776, in Rev. War. The Census of 1790 re- cords Isaac Parks residing at Lincoln, with household of three boys under 16 years of age and four females. It is possible that this family moved to Thompson, Ct. 77 MaryS, b Feb. 18, 1745. 78 Ivucy^, b March 14, 1747. 79 Samuel^, b Nov. 6, 1749. Dorothy^, (?) 80 Dorcas^, b June 9, 1752; m John Flagg, of Weston, Aug. 27, 1771. 81 Eleazer^, b Nov. 20, 1754; d Sept. 20, 1817; m Elizabeth Whitney, Dec. 8, 1781, and moved to Winchendon. No children. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Nathan Fuller's co., etc. 82 Josiah^, b Aug. 9, 1757. 28. DANIEL* PARKS, (Richard', Richard', Rich- ardO, was born at Concord. He married 1st, Eliza- beth (although it is recorded in an old family- bible that he married Hannah Majmard). He mar- ried 2nd, Lj^dia Priest, Dec. 29, 1763. The Census of 1790 gives his household as consisting of 1 boy under 16 years, and six females besides himself. His will, dated March 5, 1796, mentioned wife, Lydia; chil- dren Daniel, Isaac, Elizabeth, Hannah, Sibil, Lucy, Relief and Rebecca. He died Jan. 15, 1800. Children: Elizabeth^ b March 18, 1749; d. y. DanieP, b May 5, 1752; d. y. Sarah-^, b Feb. 20, 1754; d. y. 83 Elizabeth', b June 30 1755; m James Jones, Dec. 23, 1778. 84 Hannah^, b Aug. 25, 1757, at Lincoln; m ist, Thoma Williams, Aug. 29, 1780, at Waltham; he died June 21 1796, at Weston. She m 2nd, Joseph Stone, at Westoa June 1799. Rebecca^, b April 6, 1764; d. y. 85 Daniel\ b July 7, 1766. 86 Sybils b April 14, 1772, m Jesse Marsh, of Weston, March 22, 1792. 44 PARKE FAMILIES Zobeb^, b Dec. i, 1775; prob. d. y. 87 Isaac^, b Feb. 29, 1780. 88 Rebecca^, b Oct. 12, 1784; m Elisha Harrington, Jan. 7, 1809. 89 Relief'', b Oct. 22, I778(?); probably married Hosea Whit- ing, at Boston, July 4, 1799. 90 Lucy*, bp. Dec. 10, 1774; m Jonathan Whitney, April 9, - 1793 (?)• 30. JOHN* PARK, (John', Thomas', Richard'), was born Dec. 20, 1696, and died May 21, 1747. He lived at Newton Mass. He married 1st, Esther . He married 2nd, Abigail Lawrence, July 14, 1720. Child by 1st wife: John'\ b May i, 1719; d. y. Children by second wife. John*, b May 8, 1723; d 1741. Samuel*, b April 14, 1725; d 1741. Gideon*, b Sept. 10, 1729; d. y. Abigail*, b April 15, 1731; d. y. 91 Lois*, b Aug. 28, 1732, m Moses Prince, March 15, 1753. Child: Abigail Prince. 92 Gideon*, b April 7, 1 734. 31. SOLOMON* PARKE, (John*, Thomas', Rich- ard'), was born at Newton, Mass., Oct. 16, 1699, and died Jan. 3, 1754. He lived at Holliston, where he was prominent in local affairs; being a Selectman for seven years and Town Clerk ten years. He married Lydia Lawrence, of Newton, June 21, 1722, at Water- town. Children: Samuel*, d. y. Keziah*, b March 16, 1723; d April 19, 1742. 93 Lydia*, b May 6, 1725; m Parker. 94 Mary*, b Aug. 8, 1727. Elizabeth*, b April 27, 1729; d. y. Soloman*, b May 21, 1732; d 1753; unm., was a graduate of Harvard. 95 Samuel*, b April 23, 1734. OP MASSACHUSETTS 45 34. JOSEPH* PARKE, (John^Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Newton, Mass., March 12, 1705, and died at Westerly, R. I., March 1, 1777. He married Abi- gail Greene, June 15, 1732. She died Oct. 19, 1772, ae. 68. He was a graduate of Harvard in 1724; re- ceived the degree of B. A., and subsequently that of A. M. He was a missionary to the indians in Rhode Island. " Westerly and Its Witnesses," says: This good, laborious, tried and faithful man died at his home in Westerly in the 72nd year of his age and the forty-fifth of his successful ministry. Prom " Westerly Settlers, No. 9:" In 1733, five years before the division of the town of Westerly and a hundred years after the settlement of the Plymouth Colony, the Commissioners of the Government at Boston appointed to send out missionaries to the Indians, sent out Rev. Mr. Park, a Congre- gational minister to organize a church of that persuasion or to preach God's word in its simplicity to the Narragansett tribe of Indians. After laboring nine years unsuccessfully with the in- dians, who were forbidden by their chief to have dealings with or listen to preaching from the whites, Rev. Mr. Parke was not with- out encouragement in his work among the English and natives. A great revival sprang up and many were added to the church. This caused an enquiry among the indians and more than a hundred joined the congregation. On a tombstone near where the meeting house stood is the inscription, still legible: "In memory of Rev. Joseph Park, who died March 1, 1777, He was a faithful minister of the Gospel, a great patriot, a kind husband, tender parent, a great friend to the widow and fatherless and an excellent neighbor." Thinking the law of God superior to that of man, he succored a woman not belonging to the Parish who was ill of the small-pox, taking her to his own house " when she seemed like to starve." Defending him- self in this action to the authorities he preached a sermon the text of which was: "Shall I not visit for these things? saith the I^ord; and shall not my soul 46 PARKE FAMILIES be avenged on such a nation as this?" — Jeremiah, V chapter, 9th verse. Children: 96 Jonathan Green^, b Oct, 30, 1733. 1)7 Benjamin^, b Nov. i, 1735. 98 Joseph'^, b 1736. I *' 99 Thomas*, b 1738. I 100 Anne^, b 1739. jji 101 John^ b 1742. ' 102 Henry*, b 1744. 103 Samuel*, b 1747. 104 Mary*, b 1749. 37. EDWARD* PARKE. (Edward', Thomas', Rich- ard'), was born at Newton, April 18, 1701. He mar- ried 1st. Eunice Barnes, at Newton, Jan. 1, 1730. She died and he married 2nd, Elizabeth . Children by first wife: 105 Elizabeth*, b May 12, 1731; m John S, Crafts, July 6, 1758. 106 Elisha*, b Nov. 22, 1733; d 1770; was a Dr. in Wellfleet. 107 Mary* b Jan. 17, 1738, m Edward Durant, of Newton, Nov. 12, 1761. Children by 2nd wife: 108 Samuel*, b July 6, 1744. 109 Martha*, b July 14, 1749; m Dr. John Ames, at Bridgewater, Mass., May 9, 1771. 38. THOMAS' PARKE, (Edward', Thomas', Rich- ard'), was born 1703, and died Sept. 2, 1775. (?) He married Elizabeth Harrington, April 14, 1748. She died Jan. 1767. He lived in Newton, where he was by occupation a weaver. He was also a Selectman of that town. The Champney & Park Genealogy says: " His first wife died 1766-7. He shortly after ex- changed his estate in Newton with James Bryant for two estates in Conn., at Tolland and Mansfield, re- moved to Connecticut, and married again. The Reg- OP MASSACHUSETTS 47 istry of Deeds, Mansfield, shows that he held real estate in the extreme N. W. portion of the town. A deed is on record there which he executed 1776. It is supposed he died there. The children by his second wife, Nathaniel and William were born in Conn." Children by 1st wife: no Elizabeth^ b June i8, 1749. Ill Jonathan, b Nov. 6, 1750; m Mary Trowbridge. Children: two sons, and Mary who m Seavey. 112 Sarah, b June 4, 1752. 113 Thomas, b March 8, 1754. 114 Anna, b Feb. 5, 1756. 115 Joshua, b Aug. 13, 1757. 116 Susannah, b Oct. 10, 1760. 117 Samuel, prob. d. y. 118 Daniel H., b July 29, 1765. Children by 2nd wife: 119 NathanieP, 120 William. 39. NATHAN* PARK, (Edward', Thomas', Rich- ardO, was born probabl}'^ at Newton. He resided in Mendon; part of that portion which afterwards be- came Uxbridge; and died March 20, 1753. He mar- ried Sarah Brown, of CJxbridge, Nov. 10, 1736. One account states that he married Sarah Cotton. He is mentioned sev-eral times in the Mendon records. Feb. 26, 1728-9: " laid out for nathan park five acers Eighth division of land Joyning to his other land on east side of the great river," etc. From this time until 1751 he received various parcels of land as re- corded in the town records. The division of his es- tate is recorded in the Worcester Probate records, and mentions widow Sarah, sons Nathan and William and daughters Martha Read and Eleanor Park. 49. PARKE FAMILIES Children: 121 Martha*, m Thomas Read, of Uxbridge, int, June lo, 1763. 122 Nathan^ b June 16, 1738. 123 William^ b 1749. 124 Eleanor. 41. RICHARD* PARKS, (Richard', Thomas', Rich- ard*), was born at Newton, March 1, 1696. He mar- ried 1st, Sarah Fuller, July 17, 1717. She died Mar. 20, 1737, and he married 2nd, Esther Fuller, May 24, 1738. She died Dec. 28, 1746, ae. 42. He died Nov. 28, 1748, as recorded on the Newton records. It is also recorded on these records that " Ensign Richard Philip Park d Nov. 28, 1746 ae 52." Children: 131 William^ b Feb. 16, 1718, 132 Thomas, b Nov. 15, 1719. 133 Jerusha, b Nov. 22, 1722; m James Trowbridge, of Worces- ter, Jan. 18, i|39-4o. 134 Huldah, b Dec. 18, 1724, m Thomas Hall, of Sutton, June 24, 1758. Children; Moody, b Feb. 21, 1760, and Hul- dah Hall, b July 26, 1761. 135 Priscilla, b April 5, 1726; m Antipas Holland, Fab. i, 1753. 136 Abigail, b June 28, 1728. 137 Amariah, b 1733; m Elizabeth Holland, Feb. 7, 1759. She died at Sutton, July 17, 1761, and is buried there with two children. The " History of Sutton " states that he was in the Colonial service from Sutton between 1755 and 1 761; and also in the Revolution. He probably moved to Marlborough, Vt., and married again. 138 Edward, b 1740. n 139 James. 43. JONATHAN* PARK, (Jonathan', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Watertown or Newton, March 30, 1695, and died at Sutton, Dec. 20, 1763. He mar- ried 1st, Sarah Coolidge, April 28, 1720, in Water- OF MASSACHUSETTS 49 town. She died March 5, 1721; and he married 2nd, Abigail Smith, Oct. 12, 1721. He moved to Sutton, probably about 1727; where he "sat on the 4th seat in the meeting house 1731." Children by 1st wife: Elisha, d at Newton, 1723. Oliver, b Feb. 5, 1721; d. y. Children by 2nd wife: 141 Jonathan^, b Aug. 1722. 142 Sarah^, b May 8, 1724; m Asaph Putnam, Sept. 7, 1743. 143 Abigail^ b Oct. 30, 1725. Lucy, b May 27, 1727; d. y. 144 Phinehas^, b June 8, 1729. 145 Lucy, b May 21, 1731; m Benjamin Sibley, Feb. 6, 1754. 146 Dorcas, b Feb. 4, 1733: m Jbshua Woodbury July 6, 1752. jfiftb (5eneratton» 55. STEPHEN* PARKS, (Joseph*, Richard', Richard", Richard^), was born at Concord, April 30. 1721. He married Abigail Garfield, of Waltham, April 12, 1749. They lived in Lincoln. She died May 30, 1775, and int. of marriage between Stephen Parks and Mary Richardson was published in Lin- coln, Oct. 30, 1775. Children: 161 Cade®, b Feb. 11, 1750. 162 Willard«, bjan. 7, 1753. 163 Sarah*, b Aug. 15, 1757. 164 Abigail^, b Sept. 7, 1760. 7 50 PARKE FAMILIES 56. JOSEPH' PARKS, (Joseph*, Richard', Rich- a^d^ Richard^), was born April 2, 1723, at Concord. He married Lydia Garfield, of Waltham, April 17, 1755. They lived at Lincoln. Children: 165 Aaron*, b Feb. 2, 1758. 166 Amos*, bp Feb. 3, 1765. And possibly others. 57. DAVID'* PARKS, (Joseph*, Richard', Rich- ard", Richard^), was born at Concord, Mass., Jan. 10, 1724-5. He married Sarah Gibbs, at Sudbury, Jan. 8, 1755; a daughter of Isaac and Thankful (Wheeler) Gibbs. She was born at Sudbury, Nov. 14, 1735. David Parks was in the Rev. War, in service at Cam- bridge in 1775, in the expedition to Canada in 1776 and at Cambridge in 1778; and was paid for 1-4 part of a three years' campaign in the Continental Army. He probably moved to Springfield, Vt., before 1790, as the Census of that year gives the name of David Parks as residing in that town. Children: 171 Jonas*, b Oct. 10, 1755. 172 Molly*, b Jan. 30, 1758; m Samuel Fuller, 1778. 173 Leonard*, b Oct. 25, 1760. 174 David*, b May 26, 1763. / /n C'harle'^ic y^ r VV/ 175 Sarah*, b Dec. 17, 1765; m William Bond, Sept. 18, 1783. Cade*, b Dec. 18, 1767; d. y. 176 Cade*, b May 19, 1774; d at Claremont, N. H. 177 Joseph*, b April 17, 1776. 178 Sukey (or Susan)*, b July 28, 1779; m Benj. Fuller, of Newton. OF MASSACHUSETTS 51 61. BENJAMIN' PARKS, (Joseph\ Richard', Richard', Richard'), was born at Concord, Mass., Jan. 20, 1733-4, and died at Livermore, Maine, 1825. He married 1st, Lois Gibbs, Aug. 29, 1754, at Sud- bury, a dr. of Nathaniel and Basheba (Parmenter) Gibbs. She was born July 12, 1732, and died Dec. 22, 1758. He married 2nd, Sarah , who died Sept. 6, 1771. He married 3rd, Lydia Wheeler, int., May 14, 1772. He was in the Rev. War, was in ser- vice 8 months at Cambridge in 1775. Children: Loiss, b Jan. 8, 1755; d Nov. 10, 1775, 179 Fanny*, b July 14, 1756. Abel, b May 24, 1758; d. y. 181 Charles«, b March 8, 1762. 182 Reuben*, b March 7, 1763. 183 Phebefi, b March 10, 1764; m Daniel Child, Jan. 7, 1787. 180 AbeP, b April 5, 1765; possibly moved to Hanover, N. H. 184 Benjamin Allen^, b Dec. 11, 1773. 63. ELISHA' PARKS, (Josiah*, Richard^ Rich- ard', Richard'), was born at Concord or Weston, Nov. 8, 1725, and died at Westfield, April 11, 1778. He married Mary Ingersoll, at Westfield, Jan. 29, 1751, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Dewey) Ingersoll. She was born at Westfield, Nov. 16, 1733, and died there June 18, 1823. He was a soldier in the French and Indian War, and a prominent patriot in the Rev- olutionary struggle until his death. He was a Dele- gate to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Provincial Congresses. Children: 185 Warham*, b March 13, 1752. 186 Roland^, b Dec. 11, 1756. 52 PARKE FAMILIES 65. JOSIAH' PARKS, (Josiah*, Richard', Rich- c^d^ Richard^), was born at Concord, Jan. 6, 1729-30. He moved to Westfield, where he married Lydia King, dr. of Ebenezer and Lydia (Searle) King. She was born April 28, 1730. Children: 187 Lydia«, b April 9, 1753. 188 l/ovinia*, b Sept. 3, 1756. Sampson, b Dec. i, 1758. 189 Nathan*, b Nov. 19, 1759. 190 Lucy®, b Feb. 2, 1761. 191 Lyndonia*, b March 17, 1763. 192 King Josiah'', b Nov. 7, 1767; m Lydia Sheldon, of South- ampton, Oct. 10, 1806, at Westfield. 193 Pliny*, b March 7, 1770. » 68. JAMES' PARKS, (Josiah*, Richard', Rich- ard*, Richard'), was born at Concord, Feb. 17, 1740-1, and died at Lincoln about 1790. He married Hannah Wesson, Dec. 5, 1771. She d Aug. 21, 1778. He was a Lt. in Capt. Samuel Farrar's (6th) co., in Rev. War. Children: 194 James*, b Sept. 20, 1772; d Nov. 1817. 195 Josiah*, b June 24, 1775; d Sept. 16, 1822, at Sullivan's Island, S. C. 69. JONATHAN' PARKS, (Jonathan*, Richard', Richard^ Richard^, was born at Concord, Mass., Feb. 28, 1728. [This is probably the Jonathan Parks who was in the Rev. War, in the 6th regt., from Dutchess county, N. Y., d at Stanfordville, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1802; married Polly — , and had son David.] Child: 196 David*, b Sept. 12, 1762. And possibly others. OF MASSACHUSETTS 53 71. WHITING' PARKS, (Jonathan*, Richard', Richard*, Richard^), was born about 1735, probably in Canterbury, Conn., and died about 1801 in Dutch- ess county, N. Y. He married Mary Sutherland. He was in the Rev. War, in the 6th regt., from Dutchess county. Children: 199 SamueP, 200 WhitingS, b 1777 201 Polly, 202 Washington ' 203 Jonathan, 204 Betsey, 205 Matilda, 206 Warren, 207 Clara, Patience; 72. WILLIAM' PARKS, (Ephraim*, Richard', Richard^ Richard^), was born at Concord, July 28, 1734, and moved to Winchendon. He married Lydia . The Census of 1790, gives William Parks as residing at Winchendon with one boy over 16, one boy under 16 and five females. Children: 208 Elizabeth®, b May 8, 1758; d Sept. 10, 1843; m Fawcett. 209 Mehitable", b Aug. 17, 1760, d March i, 1853; m Simonds. 210 Jacob*^, b Jan. 31, 1763. 211 Lydia**, b June 18, 1765; d Feb. 2, 1854; m Townsend. 212 Williani«, b Feb. 28, 1768. 213 Phinehas", b July 28, 1770. 214 Elisha*', b June 6, 1773. 215 Eliphalet®, b Feb. i.s, 1777. 216 Mary'', b Nov. 11, 1780; d May 10, 1866; m Joshua Kendall, of Franconia, N. H. Children: Gilbert Kendall, and others. 217 Martha*", b Nov. 11, 1780; d April 23, 1866; m ist, Kendall. Children: Charles, Ephraim and Nathan Kendall. She m 2nd, Noah Battles. Child: Martha Battles. 54 PARKE FAMILIES 74. JOHN' PARKS, (Ephraim*, Richard', Rich- ard^ Richard^, was born at Concord, Nov. 3, 1739. He married Ann Ferguson, Oct. 8, 1761. They lived at Weston and Lincoln. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Smith's co., Col. Pierce's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Lincoln, and was eight months at Cambridge. Children: 2i8 John^, b May 14, 1764. 219 Abigail, 220 Abijah^, b Jan. 29, 1775. 221 Samueie, b July 6, 1778. 79. SAMUEL' PARKS, (Ephraira*, Richard', Richard^ Richard^), was born at Concord, Mass., Nov. 6, 1749, and died at Lincoln, Dec. 18, 1832. He married Hannah Richardson, at Townsend. She was born at Townsend, 1749. His will, dated Nov. 19, 1831, mentioned children: Eliza, Elisha, Luther, and Lucy Whitman. Samuel Parks was a resident of Stoddard, N. H., during the Revolution, and was chosen a member of the town's Committee of Corres- pondence & Safety. — [See Stoddard Town Records] In the year 1780 he was Ensign in Capt. Silas Wright's company of militia, called into the service by the Royalton Alarm, and served about one month. That is, as long as the company was needed. — [See N. H. State and Town Papers; Vol. XVI, page 840.] Children: 229 Eliza^ 230 Elisha*; owned the woollen mill in Winchendon. 231 Luther6, b Nov. 11, 1788. 232 Lucy*, m Joseph Whitman, of Stow, May 15, 1798. 233 Harriet. 234 Sarah. OP MASSACHUSETTS 55 82. JOSIAH' PARKS, (Ephraim*, Richard', Rich- ard*, Richard'), was born at Weston, Mass., Aug. 9, 1757, and died June 13, 1841. He married Beulah Tower,, of Lincoln, July 6, 1780, a dr. of Jonathan and Eunice Tower. She b Aug. 22, 1760; d Oct. 28, 1845. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Hartwell's CO., Col. Brooks's regt., at the time of fortif3'ing of Dorchester Heights, in 1776, etc. In 1790, according to the Census of that year, he lived in Lincoln, his household consisting of himself, 3 boys under 16 and two females. Children: 235 Josiah'', b at Lincoln; m Sally Parmenter, March i8, 1804, at Sudbury. Children: Emily', and Mary', m John N. Hanaford, of Newton. 236 Eunice*, b Feb. 1790; d June 2, 1878; m Joel Flagg, Nov. 9, 1809, at Waltham. Children: Josiah Park, Charles, Eliza, William, Eunice, Joel Dexter, Daniel and Eunice Colby Flagg. 237 Emerson*, b July 21, 1793. 23S Priscilla", b April 9, 1796; d Sept. 6, 1870; m ist, Ezekial Combs, April 8, 1816; children: Esaac (or Isaac) and George Reuben Combs. She m 2nd, Enock Garfield; child: Frank Garfield. She m 3rd, Phineas Sanderson, (or Sherman) of Watertown. 239 William*, b April 28, 1798. Beulah*, b Oct. 20, 1800; prob. d. y. 240 Sally*, b April 22, 1802, m Benj. F. Neally and lived at Wayland. 85. DANIEL' PARKS, (Daniel*, Richard', Rich- trd^ Richard^), was born July 7, 1766, lived at Lin- coln, and died April 24, 1823. He m 1st, Rebecca Bacon, May 25, 1790. She died Sept. 15, 1801. He m 2nd, Lurana Whitimg, of Hingham in 1805. She d eb. , 1860, ae 93. 56 PARKE FAMILIES Children: 241 ClaracyS, b Oct. 7, 1790; d Aug. 11, 1836; m EHsha vSmith, Nov. 16, 1807. Children: Benj. F., b Dec. i, 1808; Dan- iel, b Dec. 24, 181 1 ; Francis, b Oct. 4, 1813; Sarah, b Nov. 20, 1815; Harriet E., b Oct. 22, 1817; Rebecca B., b April 7, 1821; George, b Oct. 23, 1823; Reuben, b Jan. 12. 1827; Clarissa A., b Feb. 6, 1829; Elisha, b Dec. 30, 1831 and Esther vSmith, b July 26, 1836. 242 Parnal", b Jan. 12, 1794; m Wm. Jones, May 29, 1810; he d Sept. 23, 1865, ae 80; child: Laurana W. Jones. 243 Schuyler«, b Feb. 16, 1796. 244 Francis^, b Jan. 7, 1798. 245 Roxana^, b July 31, 1799; m Lewis Whiting, June 8, 1823. Children; Caroline P., b Sept. 14, 1825; Rebecca B., b Oct. 18, 1828 and Phoebe Whiting, b Jan. 19, 1832. 87. ISAAC PARKS, (Daniel*, Richard', Richa^d^ Richard'), was born at Lincoln, Feb. 29, 1780. [It is supposed that this is the Isaac Parks who married Catharine Clark, and had children Etta, George and possibly others.] Children. 246 EttaS, 247 George®. 92. GIDEON' PARK, (John*, John', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Newton, April 7, 1734, and died Aug. 28, 1794, at Framingham. He m Hannah Fuller, Aug. 31, 1758, in Newton. She died July 16, 1805, ae 70. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Ful- ler's CO., from Newton; marched on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775. Children: 254 John", b Nov. 16, 1759. 255 Ivois^ b Oct. 24, 1761; m Daniel Usher, Dec. 26, 1785, in Framingham ; 256 Abigail®, b Nov. 28, 1763; m Obed. Metcalf, Feb. 4, 1790. in Framingham, OF MASSACHUSETTS 57 257 Samuel^, b Aug. 9, 1766. 258 Joseph*^, b June 30, 1768. 259 Hannah*", b May 10, 1770; m Samuel Perry. Moses, b March 2, 1772; d. y. 260 Sarah®, b Dec. 22, 1773; m Joseph Whitney, Oct. 3, 1792. 261 Esther'', b May 10, 1775; m Reuben Fay, July 24, 1796. Gideon, b 1776; d 1817; unm. 95. SAMUEL' PARK, (Solomon*, John', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Holliston, April 23, 1734, and died at Berlin, Mass., about 1807. He married Mary Russell, March 30, 1758, dr. of James Russell. Mr. Park was a Representative in 1787-8, a Selectman of Holliston, in 1789, and a Magistrate for many years. Children: 262 Solomonfi, b Sept. 11, 1758. 263 James Russell*^, b 1760. 264 Betsey: m Stephen Barnes. 265 Samuel®, 266 Abigail. 97. BENJAMIN' PARKE, (Joseph*, John', Thom- as^, Richard'j, ,was born at Westerl}^ R. I., Nov. 1, 1735, and died at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. He married Hannah Stanton, Dec. 4, 1757, dr of James and Hannah (Stanton) York. She was born at Westerly, June 1, 1739, and died at Charles- town, R. I., Dec. 1800. He was a prominent man in his time, active in town affairs and a zealous patriot. He was one of the Committee who drafted the celebra- ted resolutions to the freemen of the town of Charles- town, before the Declaration of Independence. — See "Westerly and Its Witnesses," p 110. While at Stonington, visiting his sister, Mrs. Peleg Pendleton, the Lexington Alarm occurred. At the head of a company of minute men, his neighbors, he marched to the relief of the American Army at Boston, and on 8 58 PARKE FAMILIES June 17, fell mortally wounded on the field. — [See Hannah Stanton Park's petition to the General As- sembly of the State of Rhode Island; Page 217, Historical Register of Narragansett, Vol, I.] Children: Mary^, b Sept. 8, 1758; unm; d at Parkvale, Pa. Jonathan^, b March 5, 1760; d. y. 271 Joseph*', b Nov. 13, 1763; lived in N. Y. city. 272 Beiijamiu'', b Sept. 16, 1765. 273 Thomas«, b Sept. i, 1767. 274 John*, b Aug. 29, 1769. Hannah^, b July 12, 1771; unm; d at Harrisburg, Pa., 1831. 275 Henry*, b Sept. 12, 1774; d 1830; lived in N. Y. city. 276 Susan*. 100. ANNE' PARK, (Joseph*, John', Thomas', Richard^), was born at Westerly, R. I., 1739; d March 20, 1817. She married Peleg Pendleton, of Stoning- ton, Conn., Sept. 7, 1758. He was born July 9, 1733, and died July 10, 1810. Children: Peleg Pendleton, b June 22, 1760. Anna Pendleton, b June 4,- 1762. Abigail Pendleton, b Dec. 2, 1764; d. y. Thomas Pendleton, b June 4, 1767. Joseph Pendleton, b June 17, 1769. William Pendleton, b June 17, 1769. Lydia Pendleton, b Aug. 11, 1771. Abigail Pendleton, b Aug. 11, 1771. Green Pendleton, b June 21, 1774; m Nancy^ Park. Prudence Pendleton, b Oct. 5, 1777. Phineas Pendleton, b Sept. 26, 1780. 101. JOHN' PARK, (Joseph*, John^ Thomas', Richard^, was born at Westerly, R. I., in 1742, and died in Searsport, Me., 1812. He lived at Charles- town, R. I., where he married 1st, Abigail Chapman, a daughter of William Chapman, Nov. 4, 1772. The OF MASSACHUSETTS ^ 59 Rhode Island Colonial Records state that he was a Captain in the Revolutionary War. About 1790 he moved to Prospect, (now Searsport,) where he prob- ably married his second wife, Abigail Hiscox. Children by 1st wife: 277 John^ b Sept. 25, 1773. 278 AbigaiP, b March 17, 1775. 279 Annie*^, b Sept. 28, 1776. 280 SamueP, b Aug. 15, 1778. 281 Joseph^, b June 20, 1780; m Katharine Griffin, 282 Kate Kendall", b April 28, 1782. 283 Benjamin*', b April 27, 1784. 284 Mariah'', b April 5, 1786; m ist, Mossman and 2nd, Ford. 285 Amelia"; m John Colcord. Children by 2nd wife: 286 Sarah"; m Jeremiah Sweetser. 287 Thomas"; m Betsey Ridley. 288 Jonathan Green"; m Sallie Black. 289 Susan"; m Valentine Felker. Henry, d. unm. William, d. unm. 110. ELIZABETH' PARK, (Thomas*, Edward', Thomas\ Richard^, was born Jan. 18, 1749, and died at Woodstock, Vt., May, 1811. She married 1st, George Dana. He died at Ashburnham, April 11, 1787, and she m 2nd, Alexander Parmalee. Children: Three daughters; d. y. Francis Dana, b 1772. Edmund Dana, Thomas Dana, John Clark Dana, James Dana, Charles Dana, b Nov. 6, 1781. Caleb Dana. 60 PARKE FAMILIES 112. SARAH' PARK, (Thomas*, Edward', Thom- as*, Richard^), was born June 4, 1752, and died July 1, 1841. She married Joseph S, Hatch, at Tolland, Conn. He was b at Tolland, 1750, and died there March 7, 1823. Children: Joseph Hatch, b Jan. 9, 1773. Betsey Hatch, b Aug. 27, 1774. Anna Hatch, b Sept. 24, 1776. Sally Hatch, b Oct. 24, 1778. William Hatch, b Dec. 30, 1780. Ephraim Hatch, b March 20, 1783. Ruth Hatch, b July 20, 1785. Dana Hatch, b Jan. 3, 1788. Frank Hatch, b April 28, 1790. 113. THOMAS' PARK, (Thomas*, Edward', Thomas'", Richard^, was born at Newton, March 8, 1754, and died at Northboro, Dec. 5, 1851. He mar- ried Abigail Kendall, widow of John Wilder. She died at Stow, Jan. 18, 1817. Children. 295 Deborah^, b Nov. 11, 1780; d March 4, 1835; m Reuben Hastings, June 8, 1806. Children: John, b June 29, 1808; Mary Ann, b May 26, 1811; three sons who d. y., and Lydia Harrington Hastings, b Oct. 2, 1820. 296 Elizabeth", b June 15, 1782; m Oliver Fisk, of Sherborn, Nov. 9, 1820. 297 Thomas''; "went to Canada." 298 Susan*^; m Peter Green, Oct. 16, 1815. Children: Susan, Edward, Jane and Abigail Green. 299 DanieP; " went to Canada. " 300 Abigail^, b Aug. 8, 1794, d Feb. 18, 1820; m Oliver Fisk, of Sherborn. April 17, 1814. Children: Mary, b Feb. 24, 1815 and Samuel Fisk, b Nov. 10, 1816. 301 Caleb®; " went to Canada." OP MASSACHUSETTS 61 114. ANNA' PARK, (Thomas*, Edward'. Thom- as', Richard^), was born at Newton, Feb. 5, 1756, and died at Sherborn, Sept. 9, 1843. She married Con- verse Bigelow, Oct. 8, 1778, son of Josiah and Mary (Harrington) Bigelow. He was born at Weston, Jan. 20, 1755, and died at Sherborn, April 28, 1829. Children: Betsey Bigelow, b July 31, 1779. Anna Bigelow, b March 21, 17S1. John Bigelow, b Jan. 26, 1783. Converse Bigelow, b Nov. 20, 1784. Elijah Bigelow, b Aug. 31, 1786. Calvin Bigelow, b July 27, 1788; d. y. Calvin Bigelow, b June 30, 1790. Sukey Bigelow, b April 17, 1792. Sally Bigelow, b Feb. 4, 1794. Josiah Bigelow% b March 22, 1796. Amos Bigelow, b March 17, 1798; d. y. Amos Bigelow, b June 29, iSoi. 115. JOSHUA* PARK, (Thomas*, Edward', Thomas", Richard^), was born at Newton, Aug. b, 1757, and died there Feb. 11, 1836. He married 1st, Salome Hammond, Juh^ 28, 1779. She was born March 20, 1760; died March 22, 1783. He married 2nd, Lois Fuller, March 18, 1784. She b at Brook- line, Feb. 13, 1759, and died Jan. 6, 1823. The Cen- sus of 1790 gives Joshua Park as residing at Newton, with 6 boys under 16 years of age, and 3 females. Children by 1st wife: 302 Abigail*, b April 29, 1780; d Sept. it, 181S; m Samuel Davis, April 30, 1801. Children: Samuel, b Feb, 1S02; Joshua, b Nov. 5, 1803, d. y.; John, b Feb. 10, 1S05, d. y.: Thomas P., b March 20, 1S07; Charles, b Oct. 1809; William W., b Oct. 7. i8ri; John H.. b Sept. 2, 1813; Su- san, b Oct. 23, 1815 and Abigail Davis, b Aug. 31, 1817. Sally, b Aug. 10, 17S1; d. y. 303 Thomas^, b Oct. 2, 1782. 62 PARKE FAMILIES Children by 2nd wife: 304 Charles*, b Dec. 15, 1784. 305 Joseph*', b Sept. 14, 1786; d Sept. 12, 1833; unm, 306 Joshua, b March 2, 1788; unm; d at Santa Cruz. 307 Asa*, b Oct. 16, 1790; unm; was a portrait painter and d at Lexington, Ky. 308 Sukey", b Aug. 2, 1792; m Samuel Davis, March 11, 181 9. Children: George F., b Feb. 15, 1820; Joshua, b Sept. 2, 1821; Lucy C, b April 14, 1823, d. y.; Ann J., b Feb. 19, 1826, d. y.; Adoniram J., b Dec. 19, 1829; Eliza A., b April 26, 1833 and Henry D. Davis, b Jan. 27, 1835. 309 Salome, b Dec. 3, 1794; unm. 310 Daniel Harrington*, b Feb. 10, 1797. 311 Eliza Harrington*, b Dec. 27, 1801; m Benj. Sargeant. Child: Eliza Jane Sargeant, and possibly others. 312 William Aspinwall*, b Dec. 8, 1805. 313 Stewart^. 118. DANIEL HARRINGTON' PARK, (Thom- as*, Edward', Thomas^ Richard^, was born July 29, 1765, at Newton, and died at Royalton, Vt., April 1 , 1850. He married 1st, Hannah Marsh. She died in 1798, and he m 2nd, Welthy Ladd, March 1800. She was born March 14, 1778, and died Aug. 2, 1853. They lived at Royalton. Children by 1st wife: Joel M.^, b 1796; d 1814. 318 Sarah Marsh*, b 1798; d 1841; m Rev. Francis Danforth. Children by 2nd wife: 319 Hannah Marsh*, b Sept. 13, 1803; m Rodolphus Kinney Dewey, Dec. 8, 1830, and livad at Royalton, Vt. Chil- dren: Iris, b 1832; Ann, b 1834; Mary, b 1836; Charles Kinney, b 1838; Welthy, b 1840; Franklin, b 1842, d. y.; George W., b 1844, and Hannah K. Dewey, b 1846. 320 Eliza Ladd*, b 1807; m Spencer Smith. 321 Electa Ann*, b 1810; d Nov. 14, 1879; m Robert S. Benne- son, Dec. 4, 1842; Susan, b 1812; unm. OF MASSACHUSETTS 63 322 Welthy Jane*, b 1819; m James Clark, of St. Johusbury, Vt., 1845. 323 Charles Dana*, b Aug. 15, 1821; d 1847; m Miranda Clark. Child: Susan', b Jan. 12, 1847. 122. NATHAN' PARK, (Nathan*, Edward', Thomas'^ Richard^), was born, probably in Uxbridge, June 16, 1738, and died at Newton, Aug. 13, 1806. He married Ruth Bannister, of Marlborough; int. pub. at Uxbridge, Nov. 19, 1763. She born Aug. 8, 1737; d April 21, 1818. The}^ lived at Newton where the following five children were baptized March 10, 1782. Children: 329 Amasa*, d 1813, at Brimfield; m Lucy Whitwell, June 15, 1796, at Newton. 330 Calvin^, b Sept. 11, 1774. 331 Chloe«, 332 Nathan®, 333 Thomas®, - And five others. 123. WILLIAM' PARK, (Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Richard'), was born Dec: 22, 1749, at Ux- bridge, and died at Woodford, Vt., March 5, 1840. He married Sarah Read Potter, Oct. 13, 1780. She was born 1762; died at Woodford, April 17, 1836. He was in the Rev. War, was a 2nd Lieut, in Capt. David Bachelor's (7th) co., 3rd Worcester county militia, Jan. 30, 1778. In May of the same year he was appointed a Quartermaster. Following is a copy of his appointment; the original being in the posses- sion of a descendant, Miss Anna C. Park, of Ben- nington, Vt.: "STATE OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY." "To WILLIAM PARK, of Northbridge, in the County of Wor- cester, and State aforesaid: Gentleman; — Pursuant to a resolve of 64 PARKE FAMILIES the General Court of said State, of the 20th of April last, I, the subscriber being appointed to take the command of a Regiment of Militia raised in said State for the space of eight months from the time of their arrival at Pike's Kill, [Peekskill] on Hudson River, the place of their destination, do appoint you Quartermaster of said Regt. " For which this shall be your suflBcient warrant. Given under my hand and seal at Upton in said County, this eighteenth day of May, A. D. 1778." "EZRA WOOD, Col." Children: 334 Lutherfi, b March 4, 1789. 335 William^, 336 Sophia^; m David" Lyman. 337 Betsey Potter**; m John Wilson. 338 vSally«; m Galen Cutler. .131. WILLI AM' PARK, (Richard*, Richard', Thomas', Richard'), was born Feb. 16, 1718. He married Lucy Fuller, Nov. 13, 1845, in Newton. The Census of 1790 gives William Parke residing at New- ton with one son over 16 years and two females. Children: 343 Penuel®, b May 12, 1746. 344 Richard^; b Feb. 29, 1748; d May 22, .1778. Was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Fuller's co., from Newton, April 19, 1775- 345 Esther, b Dec. 25, 1749; m John Savage, Feb. 14, 1773. 346 William^, b Aug. 25, 1751. 347 Cornelius^, 348 Nathan^, b 1756. ' . Hannah, Jerusha, 349 John«, 350 Joseph", 351 L,ucy; d Feb. 1769. 141. JONATHAN' PARK, (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard'), was born Aug. 30, 1722. He lived at Sutton and Millbury, and died March 10, 1789. He married Lucy Sibley, Jan. 28, 1743. She OF MASSACHUSETTS 65 was born April 26, 1726, and died Dec. 13, 1821. His will, dated March 5, 1788, and proved at Worcester, April 7, 1789, mentions wife Lucy, son Samuel, drs. Hannah Trask and Abigail Park. Children: 357 Jonathan^ b Sept. ii, 1743. 358 Lucy*', b Dec. 30, 1744; m Andrew Putnam, Jan. 10, 1764. Ji5i) Reuben", b Oct. 12, 1746. 360 Eleanor® b Aug. 15, 1748; d Oct. 1S39; m, Ruggle.s; in 2nd, Joel Johnson, vSept. 27, 1768. 361 Moses«. b May 19, 1750. 362 Hannah", b April i, 1752; d Nov. 6, 1816; m Trask. 363 Aaron", b March 30, 1754; d Aug. 29, 1777; was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Burbank's co.. Col. Holman's regt. 364 Joshua", b March 7, 1756; d Nov. 3, 1791; wa.s in Rev, War, in Capt. Greenwood's CO., Col. L,earned's regt. 365 Caleb", b March 20, 175S; d Aug. 18, 1823; m Ruth Wood- ward, int. Feb. 57, 1784; lived at Di.Kfield, Me. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Burbank's co., Coi. Holman's regt. Census of 1790 gives Caleb Parks as residing at Sutton, with 2 boys under 16 years and 3 females. 366 Betsey", b May 8, 1760. 367 Abigail", b May 9, 1763; m Isaac Willard, int. pub. Feb. 6, 1790. 308 Sanmel", b :May 5, 1767. 144. PHINEAS' PARK, (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard^j, was born June 8, 1729. He lived at Millbury. He married Ruih xsewton, Oct. 25, 1750, at Shrewsbury. Children: 369 Ruth", b Oct. 13, 1 75 1. 370 Miriam", b Dec. 2, 1753. 371 Tryphena", b Oct. 20, 1755. 372 Elijah", b Aug. 28, 1757. 373 Thad. bp. Jan. 25, 1761; probably went to Chester, Vt., as Thadeus Parks resided there with his family in 1790. 374 Try])hosa", bp. May r, 1763. Molly", bp. Feb. 2, 1765. 66 PARKE FAMILIES Molly*, bp. Feb. 9, 1766. 375 MoUy^ bp. Jan. 10, 1768. 376 Phinehas'^, bp. Dec. 22, 1771. Sixtb (Bencration, 162. WILLARD* PARKS, (Stephen', Joseph*, Richard^ Richard% Richard'), was born at Concord, Jan. 7, 1753, and died March 2, 1816, at Lincoln. He married Lucy Parks, of Lincoln, Jan. 11, 1777, at Bos- ton. He was in the Revolutionary War, in Capt. Smith's CO., Col. Pierce's regt. and was eight months at Cambridge in 1775. He lived at Lincoln, where he is recorded in the Census of 1790, His household con- sisting of himself, one boy under 16, and four fe- males; probably his wife and daughters. Children: Caleb^ (or Cady), b Feb. 5, 1777; d vSept. 27, 1797. 400 Abigail", b Oct. 10, 17S0; m Charles Baker, May 31, 1807. 401 Rebecca', b June 15, 1783. 402 Lucy", b July 22, 1786; m Joseph Peirce, of Sterling, May 27, 1820. 165 AARON'PARKS, (Joseph', Joseph*, Richard', Richard", Richard'), was born at Lincoln, Feb. 2, 1758, and died at Charlestown, N. H., March 13, 1832. He married Anna Jennison, of East Sudbury, Dec. 23, 1783. She was born Jan. 11, 1759, and died Aug. 28, 1825. He was in the Rev. War, in service at Winter Hill in 1775, and with the expedition to Canada in 1776. He enlisted March 28, 1781, to serve during the war; and was a revolutionary pensioner. He OF MASSACHUSETTS . 67 probably married the second time, as the list of his children includes two born after his first wife's death. It is possible that he resided in Vermont in 17*;»0, as the U. S. Census of that year gives Aaron Parks with two male children residing at Sudbury. Vt. Children: 403 Calvin', b Dec. 19, 1784. 404 Elihu', b April 29, 1786. 405 Aaron'', b Oct. 8, 17S7; d April 8, 1S65. at Leicester, Vt.; m Betsey , who d Sept. 11, 1846, ae. 59.. 406 William", b Nov. 5, 17S9. 407 Joseph', b April 2, 1791. 408 Nancy^ V) May 17, 179^ 409 Nathan^ b April 17, 1795. 410 Amos', b Feb. 26, 1797. 411 Peter", b Jan. 8, 1799. 412 Frederick", b April 3, iSoi; d Sept. 29, 1877; m Elvira Davidson. Nov. 1824. Children: Oren H.'*, d. y.; Mar- tha*, d. y., Milan L.**, killed in Civil War; Frederick A.*, d. y.; J. Milton", d aged iS. 413 Harvey', b Jan. 3, 1803. 414 Thomas JeflFerson\ b Dec. 31, 1804; d Aug. 1S64. 415 Lucinda Ann^, b July 30, 1S27. 416 James L,.', b August, 1829. 171 JONAS" PARKS, (David', Joseph*, Richard', Richard", Richard' ), was born at Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 10, 1755. He married 1st, Eunice Tower, Jan. 30, 1783, a daug'hter of Jonathan and Eunice Tower of Lincoln. She was born Oct. 16, 1762. After her death he married Elizabeth Rollins. She died at Charlestown, N. H., 1838. He was in the Rev. War, in service eight months at Cambridge in 1775, and in the expedition to Canada, 1776. Received ;:£,130 for three months pay in the Continental service 1781. He was drowned in the Connecticut river about 1802. 68 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Jonas", b Feb. 20, 1783; d. y. Betsey^ b May 12, 1786; d 1795. 4-17 James Otis", b June 15, 1787. 418 Mary (or Polly)", b vSept. 25, 1788; d 1862. 419 vSally', b May i, 1790; d July 22, 1829. 420 Abigail", b Jan. 9, 1792; d 1853; m Horace Pettis; had five children. 421 Susan', b May 11, 1793; d 1858; m Moses HaskeU; no chil. 422 Schuyler'^, b April 12, 1797; d June 10, 1837, in Essex, (N. J. or N. Y.?) \yas married and had several children. Plis widow married a Palmer. 423 Betsey', b Nov. 3, 1798; d 1861; m a Clapp. 424 Martha", b Feb. 2, 1800; d Jan. 16, 1845; m Joseph Mann, of Boston; two children. 4iio Jonas', b Feb. 20, 1803. 173. LEONARD" PARKS, (Dpvid', Joseph*, Rich- ard', Richard'^ Richard^, was born at Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 25, 1760, and died at Cambridgeport, June 8, 1838. He married Elizabeth (or Betsey) Buckman, of Maiden, 1784. The following is taken from a newspaper printed in 1838: " In Cambriugeport, Maj. Leonard Parks, aged 78. Mr. Parks was a soldier of the revolution. He was at the battle of Lexing- ton as a lifer, and was then 14 years old. He was also at the battle of Bunker Hill, in the regiment of Col. Gardner of Cambridge. He enlisted in the northern army, and was at the taking of Bur- goyne, and being transferred to the main army, he was also at the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and Brandywine. From that time, until his age prevented, he was an eminnet fifer in this neighborhood. He lived by his industry until he was 70, and has since received a pension from his country which he so faithfully served." Children: [List furnished by a descendant.] 436 Marshall', b Feb. 19, 1786. 427 Leonard", b Jan. 14 1787. 428 Lorey Richardson", b Nov. 29, 1788; d Dec. 22, 1827. 429 David', b Sept. 9, 1789, at Lincoln; d Sept. 21, 1825, at Norfolk, Va.; m Margaret Abbott, OF MASSACHUSETTS 69 430 Betsey Buckman', b Oct. 10, 1790: d 1868; in ist, Neh'eniiah Lovejoy; child: Charles J. Lovejoy. She married 2iid, Charles Pike. Caleb Goddard, b June 4, 1792: d. y. 431 Caleb Goddard", b July 29; 1793: d Oct. 29, 1826; unm. 432 Pamelia D.-, b Nov. 11, 1795; d Dec. 15, 1842; m J«nies Twing. 433 Royal Mifflin", b July 7, 1797. 434 Mary Goddard''; b Nov. 6, 179S. 435 Sarah Gibbs", b Dec. 3, 1799; d 1820. Hannah Reed", b May 5, 1802; d. y. Harriet Gooding', b Feb. 8, 1804; d. y. Joseph^ b March 20, 1807; d. y. Susan, b March 20, 1807; d 1S36. 436 Martha Washington", b Dec. 17. 1808, d 1S33. 437 George Washington", b Jan. 24, 1812; d 1867. 174. DAVID^ PARKS, (Darid% Joseph\ Richard'', Richard', Richard'), was born at Lincoln, Mass., May 2f), 1763, and probably died at Chariestown, N. H. He married Mary Eing-ham. They had two children and possibly more; but we have found the records of only two. Children: 438 Wendel", b .Alarch 28, 17S8. 43i) Darius", b June 18, 1S04. 181. CHARLES^ PARKS. rBenjaniin'% Jo^eph\ Richard', Richard"', Richard'), was born Aug. S, 1762, and died 1811. He was a truckman in Cambridge, and afterwards moved to Sudbury, where he married Dolly Puffer, Aug. 23, 1795, a dr. of Phineas and and Molly Puffer. Children: Mary", b Feb. 27, 1796; d April 2. 1856; unm. Lewis", b Feb. 20, 1798; d April 27, 1819. 442 Fanny^ b April 10, iSoo; m Lewis Whitnex , of North Brookfield, June 15, 1837, Lived at Wavland. 70 PARKE FAMILIES 185. WARHAM* PARKS, (Elisha% Josiah*, Rich- ard\ Richard^ Richard';, was born at Westlield, Mass., March 13, 1752, and died at Uhariestown, March 6, 1801. He married 1st, Mary IngersoU, Jan. 15, 1778, his cousin, a daughter of John IngersoU. She was born b eb. 19, 1755, ana died Aug. 29, 1790. He married 2nd, Rebecca Gorham, Dec. 20, 1791, a daughter of iSathaniel Gorham. She died at Cam- bridge, Nov. 2b, 1834. He graduated from Haivard College, 1773. Upon the first alarm at Lexington he commanded a compan}^ of seventy men, all of whom were from Westfieid. He became a Major, served throughout the Revolutionary War, and at the time of his death was a General. He lived in Westfieid, where he was a large land-owner: and was Selectman in 1790-1, 1797-98-99 and 1800. Children: 447 Julia", b Aug. 30, 1778; d 1845; m ist, John Houghton, of Boston, 1801; in 2nd, Nathaniel West, of Salem. Elizabeth, b 1779; d. }•. Polly, b 1781; d. y. Elisha', d. y. 448 Gorham", b May 27, 1794. 449 Mary', b Aug. 30, 1795; d Nov. 28, 1863; m William Hurd. 450 Rebecca', b Aug. 6, 1796. 4:51 Rufus", b May 24, 1798. 452 Elizabeth', b Dec. 19, 1800; d Nov. 20, 1871. 186. ROLAND" PARKS, ( Elisha', Josiah*, Rich- a^d^ Richard'^ Richard^), was born at W^estfield, Dec. 11, 1756, and died May 16, 1829. He married Sarah Morrison, of Cornwailis, Nova Scotia. He was a Tory during the time of the Revolutionary War, and was a Captain in the British Army. After the war he went to Canada, but m later years returned to Westfieid, OF MASSACHUSETTS 71 Children: George', b 1778; d Nov. 22, 1802. Frances", b 1779; d 1803. Nancy, b 1780; d July 6, 1802. 456 Harriets b 1787; m ist, William Butler; child- Nancy Butler. She m 2nd, Chester Fowler, of Westfiel.l 4-.5H Charles^, b 1795. 189. NATHAN^ PARKS, (Josiah% JosiahS Rich- ard , Richard-, Richard' J, was born in Westtield, Nov. 19, 1759, and died in Montgomery, Nov. 23, 1797- he married Irena Bascom, June 10, 1782, in Southamp'ton. She was born in Southampton, Feb. 15, 1763, and died 1836. After his death she married in 1803, Isaac, a son of Elisha and Mary (Searle) Poraeroy. ' Children: 459 Sophia', b May 24, 1783. Dotia, b Aug. 27, 1784; d. y. 460 Datia', b April 26, 1786. 461 Irena', b March 14, 178S. Russell, b April 22, 1790; d. y. 462 Philura', b April 27. 1792; m'zebina Strong, 1810. 463 Pollina, b July 21, 1794. 464 Phillissa", b July 23, 1790; m EHsha Bozworth, 1816 465 Nathans b Feb. i, 1798; d Oct. i, 1852. His wife's name was Helen J. . After his death she m Chidley. 193. PLINr PARXS, (Josiah-, .Tosiah', Richard', Richard-, Richard'), was born at WestJiell, March 7, 1770, and died Nov. 14, 1823. He married Either Strong-, 1793. 72 PARKE FAMILIES Children. 4-71 Josiah', b Nov. 17, 1794. 472 Love', b June 26, 1796; m Theoflore Fariium. 473 Plin\', b Dec. 13, 1799. 474 Sarah', b April 27, 1803; m ist, Eli Robinson, of Holyoke; m 2nd, Joel layman, of vSouthampton. 475 James', b Nov. 8, 1804. 476 Esther, b Dec. S, i8o5; m Chester Smith, of Holyoke. 477 Octavia, b Feb. 24, 1809. 1%. DAVID* PARKS, (Jonathan', Jonathan*. Richard'', Richard'', Richard^, was born, Sept. 12, 1762, and died April 11, 1843. He lived at Stanford- ville, N.' Y. He married Catharine North. She was born April 18, 1766, and died April 1, 1846. Children: Deborah', b Feb. 25, 1786; d Aug. 2, 1850; unm. L^dia, b Oct. 6, 1787; d. y. 483 Amy, b Sept. 4, 1789; m David Gurney. Jonathan, b Jan. 2, 1792; d. y. 484 Mary, b Oct. 9, 1794; m Morehouse Wakeman. David M,', b July 2, 1797; d May 2, j88i; unm. Catharine, b June 18, 1799; d March 4, 1884; unm. 485 Lydia, b Aug. 4, 1801; d Oct. 28, 1871; m H. W. Bartlett. 486 Paulina, b April, 1806; d Aug. 1, 1851; m George Bishop. 200. WHITING* Px\RKS, (Whiting', Jonathan*, Richard\ Richard'^ Richard^, was born probably at Pine Plains, or Dovor, Dutchess county, N. Y. , 1777; lived at Sand Lake, N. Y., and died 1861. He mar- ried 1st, Hannah Tabor. He m 2nd, Sarah Finch. OP MASSACHUSETTS 73 Children: 487 Jonathan', b July i6, 1801. 488 Silas, m Joanna Westfall. Two children. 489 Paulina'; married Rhodes; had two children. 4rl>0 Tabor', b 1809. 491 Phebe; m Samuel W. Eliot, Oct. 13, 1838. Children: Hannah C, Anna Parks and Almira H. Eliot. 492 Mary; m Schermerhorn. 493 Amy; m Schermerhorn. 210. JACOB' PARKS, (William', Ephraim*, Rich- ard^, Richard% Richard'), was born Jan. 31, 1763, and died Oct. 22, 1850; lived at Lincoln and Winchendon. He married Hannah Chaplin, Dec. 2*>, 1794, She died March 18, 1845. Children: 501 Polycrates', b Jan. 10, 1796; m Delight Ball, Nov. 6, 1867, at Winchendon. Both were aged about 70 at time of marriage. He was known as " Crates." 502 Thomas G., b Jan. 6, 1798. 503 Sophronia, b Sept. 1799; d aged over 90. 212. WILLIAM* PARKS, (William', Ephraim*, Ricllard^ Richard^ Richard^, was born in Massachu- setts, Feb. 28, 1768. He lived in Litchfield, Maine, where he was in the clothing business. He also lived in Skowhegan, Me., and St. Johns, N. B. He married Polly Stone. Children: 507 William H.', b Sept. 7, 1796. Walden, b 1798; d. y. George, b 1800; d. y. 508 Walden S.\ b Oct. 4, 1802, at L,tchfield, Me.; m Isannah or Susannah Ross, and " went west." 509 Matilda S., b Nov. i, 1806; m John J. Plunimer, April, 1831. 510 George, b Jan. 11, 1809; m Ann L,amb, of Calais, Me. John S., b 1811; d 1831. 511 Charles', b June 11, 18 14. 10 74 PARKE FAMILIES 213. PHINEHAS' PARKS, (William% Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^, was born July 28, 1770, probably at Winchendon', and died Oct. 28, 1857. He married Betsey Stewart, of Winchendon. They lived at Lincoln and Winchendon. Children: 512 I.uke'. 513 Pliiiiehas', b Dec. 19, 1795. 514 Elizabeth", b at Winchendon; m ist, Richard Kimball: child: Sarah Kimball. She m 2nd, Samuel Holman; children: Lucy A., Frances E)., Albert G., William W. and Madison Holman. 515 Levi', b June 21, 1803. 516 Lucy'; m ist, Josiah Bennett; m 2ud, Charles H. Younge. 214. ELISHA' PARKS, (William', Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard\ Richard'), was born in Winchen- don, Mass., June 6, 1773; and died Jan. 27, 1858. He went to New Hampshire, was in the manufacturing business for a while and then "went west." He was married. Children: 517 Mary', ^ /^^/t^ 518 Elisha, '^ViWj.*^. ->ytX'^ ^^ 519 Milton, ' And others. 215. ELIPHALET* PARKS, (William', Ephraim% Richard^ Richard", Richard'), was born at Winchen- don, Mass., Feb. 15, 1777, and died Oct. 23, 1855. He married Abigail Boynton, a daughter of Paul Boyn- ton. She died Feb. 26, 1855, aged 74. Child: 533 Eliphalef. OF MASSACHUSETTS 75 220. ABIJAH' PARKS. (John', Ephraim', Richa^d^ Richard', Richard\) was born at Weston, Mass., Jan. 29, 1775, and died at Stow, Mass., July 25, 1836. He married Polly Whitney, May 2, 1800. She died at Stow, Oct. 29, 1851, age 73. He lived at Boxboro and Stow. Children: • 528 vSally', b 1801; m Johnathan Wolcott. 5til> Johnathan HapgoocP, b July 6, 1802. 530 Charles^ 531 Mary', m Lorenzo Stratton, of Bolton. 532 Ann'', m Charleg, Hastings. 533 SamueP, b Aug. 16, 1816. 534 Hannah'', b July 1820, d May 30, 1875; m Edwin Rice, of Marlboro, June 4, 1839. He died at Stow, Sept. 4, 1884, age 70. 221. SAMUEV PARKS, (John', Ephraira*, Rich- ard^, Richard", Richard^), was born at Weston, Mass., July 6, 1778, and died at Stow, Mass., Dec. 31, 1808. He married Abigail Wliitmarsli in Boston (July 6, 1801 — Boston Records.) She was born May 8,1776, at Cape Ann, and died Sept. 19, 1841. Children: 535 George'', b Oct. 15, 1 801. 536 Samuer, b March 2, 1804. 537 William', b Feb. 3 1807. 538 Silas', b Jan. 25, 1809. 231. LUTHER' PARKS, (Samuel', Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard', Richard V), was born at Lincoln, Nov. 11, 1788, and died at Boston, Oct. 25, 1869. He married Sarah Dutch, at Ipswich, Feb. 11, 1816, a daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Dodge) Dutch. She 76 PARKE FAMILIES was born at Ipswich, March 29, 1792, and died at Boston, Oct. 10, 1859. He was a prominent merchant in Boston. In 1820 he was a member of the firm of Gilman, Pritchard & Co., dealers principally in Am- erican goods, at 93 State street. In 1830 he associa- ted with John b. Wright and E. P. Whitman, at 101 State street, under the name of Parks, Wright & Co. That partnership centinued until 1838, and from 1850 to 1857 he was in business at 56 Water street. He was one of the founders of the Temple Club. Child: 543 Luther'', b Nov. 4, 1823. 237, EMERSON* PARKS, (Josiah', Ephraim*, Richard", Richard^ Richard^, was born July 21, 1793, and died Dec. 15, 1852. He lived at West Cambridge. He married Sally Sherman, July 4, 1819. She was born July 30, 1801. Children: Caroline', b Feb. 22, 1820. Henry', b Feb. 6, 1821; d 1836. 544 Elizabeth", b Dec. i, 1822; m Simon D. Hatch, and lived at Belmont, Mass. 545 Alfred^ b Nov. i, 1824. 546 Sarah A.', b Aug. 26, 1S26; lived at Belmont. 239 WILLIAM' PARKS' (Josiah', Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^), was born April 28, 1798. He married Lucy Boynton, of Waltham, Oct. 4, 1819. Children: 547 Mary"; m John M. Goodwin, of Milton, June 16, 1842. 548 Sophronia', b at Lincoln; m Eseck Coombs, Sept. 4, 1842. 549 Sarah'', unm. OF MASSACHUSETTS 77 243 SCHUYLER' PARKS, (Daniel', Daniel*, Richard^ Richard", Richard' j, was born at Lincoln, Mass., Feb. 16, 1796, and died there May 30, 1856. He married Susan Jones April 10, 1817, of Walthara, a daughter of Eli Jones, who was a Revolutionary soldier. She died March 22, 1886, age 93. Children: 550 Susan Ann'', b Jan. 24, 1818; m Cyrus Pierce, Oct. 9, 1836. Children: Susan Ann, b Aug. 28, 1838; George, b March 27, 1840; Eliza R., b Feb. 27, 1842; Ella, b Dec. 15, 1845; Frank, b Oct. 12, 1849; Martha, b April 6, 1852; Ida R., b Oct. 17, 1855; Cyrus, b Nov. 28, 1857, d. y.; Alfred, b Oct. 9, i860, and Arthur Pierce, b April 24, 1863. 551 Amanda Malvina, b Sept. 26, 1819: d Sept. 27, 1864; m Nathan Simonds, Oct. 20, 1840. Children: Schuyler P., b Aug. 24, 1841; Susan G., b Dec. 16, 1842; David A., b Oct. 6, 1847, and Alice W. Simonds, b Oct. 16, 1856. 552 Martha Roxana', b Dec. 24, 1826; at Lincoln: d April 16, 1897, at San Francisco Call ; ni ist Donald I^IcLeiinan, Nov. 26, 1848. He d Feb. 2, 1886. Child: Frank Parks McLennan, b in Lincoln 1849. She m 2nd, — Ewing, of San Francisco. Mr. McLennan was a woollen man- ufacturer and started the first woollen mill on the Pacific coast. 244 FRANCIS' PARKS, (Daniel', Daniel*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^), was born at Lincoln, Mass., Jan. 7, 1798, and died there May 1. 1826. He married Elizabeth Smith of Sudbury, Jan. 9, 1823. Child: 553 Francis Elizabeth', b Sept. 14, 1824; died June 24, 1896; m Daniel Haynes, of Lincoln, March 2, 1841. Child: Daniel Francis Haynes, b Dec. 20, 1842. 78 PARKE FAMILIES 254. JOHN' PARK, (Gideon', John*, John', Thom- as", Richard^, was born at Framingham, Nov. 16, 1759, and died March 24, 1829. He married Lucy Richardson, of Watertown. Nov. 20, 1791. She was born Dec. 20, 1769, and died March 27, 1849, She w^as a daughter of Edward Richardson. Mr. Park was a Selectman of Framingham. Children: 564 Lucy R.', b July 13, 1792; m Moses Harrington, of Weston, May 16, 1822. 565 Joseph, b Jan. 6, 1794; d Nov. 28, 1820. Gideon, b Nov. 6, 1795; d. y. .S66 Susan, b Sept. 29, 1797; m Joel Marble, Nov. 29, 1827. 567 Thomas F.', b May 18, 1799; moved to Colchester, Out. 568 John R.', b March 26, i8oi; moved to Colchester, Ont. 569 Gideon, b March 14, 1803. 570 Samuel, b Dec. 31, 1804. 571 Hannah Ann, b June 13, 1807; m Jason Hall, Nov. 5, 1828. 572 Sally K.; b July 5, 1809; m Lyman Perry, of Boston. 573 Theodore F.", b July 7, 181 1; d March, 1884, in Ontario; m Caroline F. Kevill, of Ont. 574 Eliza D., b Dec. 1813; m Thomas W. Slack, of Albany, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1836. 262. SOLOMON' PARK, (Samuel' Solomon*, John', Thomas", Richard^), was born Sept. 11, 1758, probably in Holliston; lived in Berlin and died at Wardsboro, Vt., Dec. 18, 1846. He married Mary, a daughter of Timothy Twitchell, Oct. 8, 1789. The Census of 1790 gives a Solomon Park as residing at Holliston with one male and two females. Children: 579 Sene', b March 8, 1790; d May 7, 1880; m Nathan Dexter. 580 Miranda, b May i, 1791; d June i, 1845. 581 Mary, b Oct. 21, 1792; d Sept. 14, 1877. 5S2 Adams', b Dec. 16, 1794; d June 17, 1853. Was married and had children: [1149] George Adams*, [1150] Wil- liam Henry*, and a daughter. OF MASSACHUSETTS 79 583 James Russell, b Aug. 22, 1796; d Dec. 12, 1835; uo chil. Alinira, b Sept. 3, 1798; d 1814. ■ 584 Appleton'', b April 24, 1800. 585 Joanna, b Sept. i, 1802; d Feb. 5, 187S. 586 Sarah, b Feb. 13, 1805; d Aug. 10, 1S83; m D. Fairbanks. 587 Warreu', b Nov. 18, 1806. 588 Louisa, b Sept. 28, 1808; d Dec. i, 1841. Two infants, b March 30, 181 1; d. y. Caroline, b March 26 1813; d. y. 263. JAMES RUSSELL' PARKS, (Samuel', vSol- omon*, Joh^^ Thomas^ Richard' j, was born 17G0, and died July 13, 1813, He married Anna Leland in 1786. She died 1828. Children. 589 Joseph', b Nov. 11, 1787. 590 Anna, b Oct. 13, 1790; m Edward Johnson. 591 Charlotte, 592 Pamelia, b Oct. 3, 1797; m John Powers. 265. SAMUEL' PARKS, (Samuef, Solomon*, John\ Thomas", Richard'), was born in Holliston or Berlin. He married Sarah Perry and moved to Auburn, N. Y. Children: 593 Sele', b 1797. 594 Nelesse', b Jan. 12, 1799. „ And possibly others. 272. BENJAMIN' PARK, (Benjamin', Joseph*, John^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Charlestown, R. I., Sept. 16, 1765. He married Susannah M. Keens, 1800; dr. of Joseph and Mary Keens. »She was born Dec. 2, 1776, and died Feb. 17, 1807. He died Aug. 5, 1807, and is buried in Trinity church- yard, N. Y. city. 80 PARKE FAMILIES Children: 60 1 Susanna', 602 Hannah Ann', b April 24, 1805; d June 28, 1888; m ist, Samuel Putnam Avery, Jan. i, 1821; he b Jan. 1797, and died July 24, 1823. Children: vSamuel P., b March 17, 1822, d Aug. II, 1904; Hannah vStanton, b Oct. 12, 1824; Susan jane, b Dec. 11, 1826, Benjamin Park, b Nov. 11, 1828; .^.lary R., b Aug. 10, 1830, d June 9, 1862, m Rev. T. DeWitt Talmadge; and Charles C. Avery, b Oct. 1832, d. y. She m 2nd, John N. Coyne, Sept. 25, 1835; he b in Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 22, 1815; d May 31, 1854. Children: a child, b 1837, d. y., John Nicholas, b Nov. 14, 1839, d March 4, 1907, was a Ivieut. Col. in the Civil War; Wm. H. H., b Jan. 20, 1841; Jane A., b April 6, 1843, d. y., and Charles R. Coyne, b Sept. 11, 1845. She m 3rd, John O. Rouse, 1858, in Jersey City. 273. THOMAS' PARKE, (Benjamin', Joseph*, John\ Thomas'\ Richard^, was born at Charlestown, R. I., Sept. 1, 1767, and died at Parkevale, Pa., Nov. 16, 1842. He married Eunice Champlin, a daughter of Geoffre}^ Champlin, Dec. 4, 1800, at Newport, R. I. She was born Sept. 18, 1768, and died at Parke- vale, Nov. 19, 1857. He was a Civil Engineer, a Colonel of miltia, an LL.D., and a man of letters. A little before 1800 he moved to Pennsylvania and settled Parkevale, where he lived until his death. He was one of the Commissioners of Luzerne county for three years and in 1811 was appointed by the Governor one of the three trustees to lay off and organize Susquehanna county. Children: 603 Benjamin', b Oct. i, 1801. 604: Sarah Champlin', b Dec. 5, 1802. 605 Hannah M. b July 25, 1804; d May 3, 1853; m Leebrick. 606 Eliza. A.', b July 12, 1S06; m Ezra Strickland. 607 William C. ', b vSept. 27, 1807; d April 19, 1839; unm. 608 Louisa C, b May 12, 1809; d March 26, 1835; m Durham. 609 Harriet C, b March 31, 1812; m Edwin Gere. 610 Lucy M.', b Oct. 6, 1813; d Jan. 28, 1891; m H. C. Hickok . OF MASSACHUSETTS 81 277 JOHN* PARK, (John', Joseph*, John', Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Charlestown, R. I., Sept. 23, 1773, and died at Searsport, Me., April 9, 1851. He married Mary Nichols, Jan. 14, 1801, probably at Westerly, R. I. She was born April 22, 1783; and died at Searsport, Aug. 12, 1837. Children: John', b Nov. i, 1802; d. y. 616 Samuer, b Oct. 24, 1804. 616 Mary ', b Aug. 6, 1806; d March 12, 1848. 617 Harriet', b July 9, 1808; d Jan. i 1881. 618 Eliza C, b March 11, 1811; d Oct. i, 1845. 619 John', b May 22, 1813; d Dec. 26, 1878. 620 Joseph', b Feb. 17, 1816; d Nov. 14, 1888. 621 James G.', b Jan. 11, 1820. 622 William H.'. 283 BENJAMIN' PARK, (John*, Joseph*, John', Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Charlestown, R. I., April 27, 1784; lived at Prospect, Me., and died at Searsport, Me. He married Amy Crary, of Prospect, Oct. 31, 1808, at Belfast, Me., dr. of Joseph Crary, of Preston, Conn. Children. L/Ucy Arzelia', unmarried. 631 Benjamin Bentley', b July 14, 181 2. 632 Sarah Louise', b at Searsport, 1814; d at Boston, Aug. 1901; m Joseph Williams of Boston. 633 Oliver Crary', m Catharine Park. 634 David Nichols', unm. 635 Emma Jane', m George Edwin Bates, of Boston. 636 John Colcord', unm. 303. THOMAS* PARK, (Joshua*, Thomas*, Edward', Thomas*, Richard'), was born Oct. 2, 1782, at Newton. Lived at Somerville. He married Margaret Johnson, April 23, 1809. She was born Sept. 4, 1786. She was dr of Peter Johnson, of East Sudbury. 11 sa PARKE FAMILIES Children: 655 Emeline', b 1809; m Porter Crosby, of Jaffray, N, H.; d 1838; no children. 656 Thomas Hammond', b 181 1; m Clarissa Eaton and lived at North Chelsea. Children: [1275] Thomas Eaton*; [1276] Theodore®, and [1277] Edward Gregory^, who was probably an Acting Asst. Eng. U. S. N., in 1864. 657 George W.', b 1813; went to California in 1849. 658 Francis William', b 1818; m Eliza J. Bazin, had children. Asa O.', b April 19, 1820; d. y. Charles H.', b July 14, 1822; d. y. 659 Charles Otis^, b Jan. 17, 1824; living at Somerville, 1855. 660 John Champney', b Oct. 6, 1826; living at Somerville, 1855; m Sarah M. Griggs, of Roxbury, Oct. 28, 1852. Child: Lncy E.«; d. y. 304 CHARLES* PARK. (Joshua*, Thomas*, Ed- ward', Thomas^ Richard^), was born Dec. 15, 1784, at Newton, Mass. He married 1st, Rebecca Trow, Sept. 8, 1811, at Dorchester. She died at Dorches- ter May 31, 1823. She was a daughter of Richard and Rebecca Trow, of Dorchester. He married 2nd, Mary A., a daughter of Wm. Whall, May 5, 1831, at Quincy. They lived at Weymouth. Children: 661 Clarissa A.', b June 24, 181 2; m James M. Beckford, of Weymouth, June 5, 1835, son of Robert and Hannah (Dame) Beckford. Children: James Robert Beckford b Oct. I, 1836; and three others who d. y. 662 Charles R.', b June 17, 1813; m Rebecca E. Montgomery, Jan. 14, 1841. Two children who d.y. Ann R.', d. y. 663 Sarah Elizabeth', b April 27, 1816; m Andrews Lane, Feb. 3, 1839; lived at Weymouth. 664 William Henry', b Oct. 20, 1820. Francis', b 1822; d. y. Francis', b 1823; d. y. 665 Joseph Francis', b March 11, 1832. A son b and d 1833. 666 Edward Whall', b Aug. 13, 1834. George Otis', b Oct. 7, 1838; d. y. 667 Mary Anne', b July 10, 1843. OF MASSACHUSETTS 83 310. DANIEL HARRINGTON* PARK, (Joshua', Thomas*, Edwa^d^ Thomas^ Richard^, was born Feb. 10, 1797, and died Feb. 3, 1828. He married Elizabeth Phipps, of Boston. Child: 668 Daniel', b July 3, 1824. 312. WILLIAM ASPINWALL* PARK, (Joshua', Thomas*, Edward', Thomas^, Richard^), was born Dec. 8, 1805, and died at Boston, Sept. 2, 1853. He lived at Boston. He married Elizabeth Stewart, dr. of Jonathan and Abigail Stewart. She was born at Boston, May 25, 1808. Children: William', d. y. 669 Victorine O.', b Sept. 13, i83i;m Benjamin Hamilton. 670 Elizabeth, b 1832. Josephine, b April i, 1837; d 1853. Adriana, d. y. Emeline, d. y. William H., b June 23, 1845; d. y. 671 William H., b Nov. 23, 1846. 330. CALVIN' PARK, (Nathan', Nathan*, Ed- ward^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born Sept. 11, 1774, at Needham, Mass. He married Abigail Ware, dr. of Nathan Ware, May 21, 1804. She was born Sept. 12, 1774, and died Sept. 21, 1836, at Stoughton. He m 2nd, Lucinda Hodges, of Stoughton. He was a pro- fessor in Brown University, Providence, R. I., for several years prior to 1826, when he became pastor of the Congregational church at Stoughton. Mass. Children: 681 Harrison G.', b July 28, 1806. 682 Edwards Amasa', b Dec. 29, 1808. 683 Calvin E.', b Dec. 30, 181 1. 84 PARKE FAMILIES 334. LUTHER' PARK, (William', Nathan*, Ed- ward', Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Chesterfield, N. H., March 4, 1789, and died at Bennington, Vt., July 10, 1871. He married Cynthia Pratt, Dec. 13, 1816. She died Sept. 1, 1871. They lived at Wood- ford, Vt. Children: 687 Sophia Emeline''. 688 David Lyman. 689 Maria. 690 Trenor W.', b Dec. 8, 1823. 691 Anna', b 1827; living at Bennington, Vt., 1908; unm. Jennie Asenath. 692 Alma Lyman; m Alonzo Valentine. 693 Austin L.', b Aug. 24, 1836; living at Redlands, Cal., 1908. 335. WILLIAM' PARK, (William', Nathan*, Ed- ward', Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Northbridge, Mass., Jan. 15, 1782, and died at Woodford, Vt., April 18, 1867. He married Betsey Taft, Dec. 21, 1808, dr of Nathan Taft. She died July 9, 1854, age seventy years. Mr. Park was prominent in local and State affairs. He served as Town Clerk, Constable, Surveyor and Collector of Taxes; represented Wood- ford in the Vermont legislature three terms; and was Postmaster at the time of his death. Children: 694 William Edward^ b April 27, 1812. 695 Betsey Jeanette', b Dec. 23, 1809; d Aug. 4, 1833; ™ Wm. Weed. 696 Amasa, b Feb. 24, 1814; d. y, 697 Fanny, b Jan. 6, 1816; unm. 698 Lucy, b April 11, 1818; m Emory Hollister. 699 Calvin', b May 7, 1820; d Nov. 29, 1875; m Fanny Fenton. 700 Henry Martyn, b May 3, 1824. 701 Sarah Taft, b Dec. 25, 1826; d Jan. 16, 1890; unm. OF MASSACHUSETTS 85 343. PENUEL* PARKS, (William^ Richard*, Richard^ Thomas^ Richard^, was born May 12, 1746, and died in Waltham, May 6, 1796. He married 1st, Dorothy Walker, May 30, 1773, in Sudbury. She died in Waltham, Jan. 19, 1790. He married 2nd, Jerusha Garfield, Nov. 11, 1790, in Waltham. He was a baker and lived in Waltham. Children: 709 Lucy', b 1774. 710 Dorothy, (or Dolly), b 1782. Arty, b 1784; d. y. 711 Artemus (or Arty)'', b Jan. 6, 1791. 712 Sally, b July 17, 1793; m Lewis Mclntire, March 28, 1811. 347 CORNELIUS* PARK, (William', Richard*, Richard\ Thomas^ Richard^), was born probably in Watertown or Newton. He married Abigail Sanger, in Watertown, Oct. 19, 1777. He was in the Rev. War; served in Capt. Barnard's co.. Col. Gardner's regt., in the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Water- town; and was in Capt. Craft's co., Col. Bond's (37th) regt., from Cambridge in Oct. 1775. Census of 1790 records him in Watertown with 3 males under 16, and 4 females. Child: 713 Richard'. And probably others. 348. NATHAN* PARKS, (William', Richard*, Richard^, Richard*, Richard'), was born about 1756. He married Mary Davis, Nov. 29, 1791, at Newton. Children: Nathan'', bapt. July i, 1798, ae. 6; d Nov. 30, 1803. 719 Luther', b Dec. 18, 1793, 720 Mary', b Jan. 20, 1796, in Weston. 86 PARKE FAMILIES 721 John Davis', b Sept. 20, 1797; prob. m Susan Loud, as int. was pub. at Newton, Mar. 18, 1821. Abigail, b May 26, 1800; d. y. 722 Elizabeth White', b June 2, 1802. Elenor', b July 5, 1804; d. y. 723 William', b Feb. 7, 1807; m Aseneth . Children: Klener**, b Sept. 23, 1833; William Warren^, b July 14, 1836, and possibly others. 357. JONATHAN* PARK, (Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ RicnardO, was born at Mill- bury, Sept. 22, 1743; and died July 28, 1827. He lived at Newfane, Vt. He married 1st Elizabeth Fletcher. She was born Jan, 14, 1750; d Feb. 1787. He married 2rjd, Sarah Scott; she b June 29, 1751; d May 11, 1789. His third wife was Miriam Fiske, b 1758; d March 26, 1841. Children: Elizabeth', b Feb. 20, 1768; d. y. lyucy', b 1769; d. y. 741 Jonathan', b June 17, 1771; d June 17, 1829: m Caroline Ivocklin, March 14, 1799. Lived at Lyndon, Vt. David', b 1772; d. y. 742 Submit', b Oct; 26, 1774; m Thurstin Holman, Feb. 19, 1801. 743 Samuel', b Oct. 6, 1776; d Sept. 17, 1863; m Rachel Chase, Jan. 27 1802. 744 Lydia', b July 12, 1778; d May 5, 1857; m Thomas Downs, Nov. 19. 1798. 745 Ephraim', b March 29, 1780; d Feb. 6, 1861. m Hannah Whitcomb, Sept. 20, 1802. 746 Rhoda', b Feb. 18, 1782; d March i, 1873; m Thomas Cook Feb. 21, 1802. Moses', b I788;d. y. 747 Nathan F.', b June i, 1794; d March 18, i860; m Almena Bennet, Oct. 29, i8i8- 748 Sarah', b Feb. 26, 1796; m Jasper Stone, March 16, 1817. 749 Miriam', b July 17, 1797; d Nov. i, 1850; m Thomas Sherwin, March 8, 1818. OP MASSACHUSETTS 87 359, REUBEN* PARK, (Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jo^athan^ Thomas", Richaad^), was born at Sutton, (now Milbury,) Oct. 12, 1746, and died at Bernard- ston, Feb. 20, 1813. He married Mary a daughter of Samuel Barton, Sept. 27, 1768. She was born April 27, 1746, and died 1839. He was in Rev. War in Capt. Greenwood'sco. , Col. Learned's regt,, April 1775, from Sutton. Following are the names of their children, although the correct order of their birth is not known. Children: 750 Mary^, (called Polly), d May i6, 1867; m Daniel Hale. Children: IvOren, b April 15, 1799; Aaron, b Oct. 6, 1800; Polly, b June 19, 1803; Betsey, b Sept. 7, 1805; Charles, b Sept. 19, 1809, and Nelson Hale, b March 9, 1813. 751 Jonathan'. 752 Gracia', m Isaiah White. 753 Reuben', b Nov. 16, 1780. 754 Simeon', b Aug. 22, 1784. 755 Levi', b Nov. 27, 1786. 756 Hannah, m Reuben Loveland, of Gill, 1809. 361. MOSES* PARK, (Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jon- athan^ Thomas^ RichardM, was born May 19, 1750; lived at Sutton and Millbury, and died Jan. 13, 1842. He married 1st, Hannah Barton, Oct. 29, 1770. She was born 1750, and died Oct. 6, 1778. He married 2nd, Lydia Bixbee, May 19, 1779, a daughter of Sam- uel and Lydia (Bond) Bixbee. She b Oct. 17, 1753; d Feb. 20, 1837. Children by 1st wife: 757 Lucy', b Au^. 27, 1771; m Amos Trask, April 19, 1795, and lived at Dixfield, Me. He was born Aug. i, 1769; d Nov. 17, 1821, son of Samuel and Anna (Bond) Trask. 758 Moses, b July 22, 1773; m Betsey Huse, Jan. 13, 1796; lived in Maine, and also in Michigan. 88 PARKE FAMILIES Hannah, b July 1775; d. y. Aaron, b July 1777; d. y. Children by 2nd wife: 759 Lydia, b Dec. 20, 1779; d Sept. i, 1819; m John Barber, of Wrentham, Sept. 28, 1808; lived in Thompson, Conn. 760 Aaron, b Oct. 28, 1781; d July 3, 1837; m Maria Cheny, of Auburn, 1810. Children: Aaron A.*, b July 24, 1811, d. y., and [1489] Maria*, b Oct. 9, 1814; James Holman. Hannah', b Nov. 7, 1783; d. y. 761 John', b Dec. 31, 1784. 762 Hervey'', b June 26, 1790, 368. SAMUEL* PARK, (Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Sutton, May 5, 1767. He married 1st, Polly or Molly Hol- man, April 28, 1791. It is possible that he married 2nd, Lucy — ; as "Aaron, son of Samuel and Lucy," was bapt. at Millbury, May 13, 1804. Children: 763 SamueF, bapt. July 5, 1801, 764 Salmon', bapt. July 5, 1801. 765 IvUther', bapt. July 5, 1801. 766 Calvin', bapt. July 5, 1801; m Miranda White, Aug. 24, 1825. Child: [1519] Mary M.«, b 1829; m John B. I/aflin, Aug. 23, 1846. 767 Aaron', bapt. May 13, 1804. OP MASSACHUSETTS 89 Scventb (Beneration, 406. WILLIAM' PARKS, (Aaron', Joseph', Jo- seph*, Richard\ Richard^ Richard^), was born at Leominster, Mass., Nov. 5, 1789, and died at Cuya- hoga Falls, Ohio, June 29, 1856. He married Eliza- beth W. Filley, Dec. 7, 1815, at Leyden, N. Y. She was born at Windsor, Conn., Aug. 29, 1797, and died at Cuyahoga Falls, Dec. 26, 1878. They lived at Leydon, N. Y., Stowe, Ohio and Cuyahoga Falls. Children: 8oi William'^, b Dec. 28, i8i6; d May 13, 1888; was married. 802 Elizabeth*, b Sept. 21, 1818; d July 21, 1884; was married. 803 George^, b Jan. 27, 1821. 804 Mary*, b Dec. 17; 1822; m Weeks, May 7, 1843. Harvey, b Jan. 29, 1824; d. y. 805 Almira*, b Dec. 6, 1826; was married. 806 Ann Eliza*, b June 9, 1829; d May 10, 1869; was married. Nancy, b April 29, 1831; d 1850. 807 Huldah^, b Oct. 14, 1834; was married. 808 Harvey E.*, b Oct. 12, 1837; was married. 809 Laura J.^, b May 22, 1840. 413 HARVEY F.' PARKS, (Aaron', Joseph', Jo- seph*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^), was born Jan. 3, 1803, and died March 31, 1871. He married Elvira Strong. He lived at Providence, R. I., and Worces- ter, Mass. Children: 819 Edward Harvey^, b Feb. 12, 1837. 820 Julia Ann*. George Francis, b Feb. 6, 1844; d. y. 821 Fred William*, b Aug. 11, 1845. Ellen Maria, b Feb. 25, 1848; d. y. 12 90 PARKE FAMILIES 417 JAMES OTIS' PARKS, (Jonas*, David', Jo- seph*, Richa^d^ Richard", Richard^, was born June 15, 1787, and died March 2, 1848. He married Mary B. Nowell, March 20, 1818. She was born July 1797, and died March 19, 1877. Children: 822 Hannah*, b 1818. 823 Benjamin*, b Aug. 4, 1820; d April 28, 1905, in Boston, where he was in the printing business nearly all his life. He was not married. 425. JONAS' PARKS, (Jonas', David', Joseph*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^), was born at Lincoln, Mass., Feb. 20, 1803, and died July 30, 1883. He married Caroline Dudley, Oct. 8, 1826; the daughter of Samuel and Betsey Dudley. She was born July 1806, and died Dec. 9, 1882. Children: 830 Caroline Matilda*, b July 10, 1827; m William Locke, Mar. 17, 1846, in Waltham. 831 Marshall*, b Jan. 27, 1829, 832 Martha Ann*, b Jan. 26, 1831. 833 Jonas Leyanda*, b April 16, 1833. 834 Charles Henry*, b Oct. 17, 1837. 835 Eliza Jane*, b Dec. 8, 1839; m George D. Bill, Dec. 8, 1870. 836 George E.*, b April i, 1843. Mary Ella, b Dec. 9, 1845; d. y. 837 Mary Emma, b June i, 1847; m Edward H. Field, Oct. 3, 1871. 838 Clara, b Feb. 23, 1852; m John R. Moore, Dec. 24, 1872. 426. MARSHALL' PARKS, (Leonard*, David', Joseph*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^), was born at Lincoln, Mass., Feb. 19, 1786, and died at Norfolk. Va., Jan. 19, 1840. He married 1st, Sally Cushing, of Salem, 1807. There were no children by this marriage. He married 2nd, Martha Sawyer Sweney Frances Boush, Nov. 19, 1817, at Norfolk, Va., great-granddaughter of Samuel Boush, first Mayor of OP MASSACHUSETTS 91 Norfolk, and the man who gave ground and brick for the building of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Norfolk; which was built in 1639, and shelled by Lord Dun- more in 1776. Children: 839 Elizabeth Boush8, b Aug. 28, 1818. Marshall, b Dec. 6, 1819; d. y. 840 Marshall Ott^, b Nov. 8, 1820. 841 Jane, b Sept. 17, 1823; d July 22, 1869. 842 John T. Wythe^, b Dec. 19, 1826. "And 12 others who d. y." 427. LEONARD' PARKS, (Leonard", David', Jo- seph*, Richard^ Richard'^ Richard^, was born at Lincoln, Jan. 14, 1687, and died at Cambridge, Oct. 8, 1866. He married Jane Henry Wellman, Sept. 9, 1809, at Boston. She was born at Boston, March 15, 1792, and died Aug. 30, 1863. Children: 843 William Henry^, b Jan. 19, 1811. 844 Mary Jane^, b June 14, 1813, in Boston; m Clark Moore, April 8, 1830. Children: W. H. Clark, b March 3, 1S31, d May 9, 1851; Alfred M., b Oct. 24, 1833; d. y.; Angelina M., b Oct. 16, 1835; Stephen W., b Feb. 11, 1839, d Aug. 21, 1862; Jane H., b Aug. 24, 1843; Ellen S., b Oct. 5, 1845; Byron, b Aug. 20, 1847, d. y.; Emery A., b Oct. 1848, d. y., and Mary L. Moore, b March 31, 1850. 845 Leonard Wellman^, b Dec. 5, 1815. 846 Louisa Maria*, b Aug. 6, 1818, at Walpole, N. H.; m David Morrison, March 27, 1839. Children: Franklin, b Jan. I, 1844, d. y. ; Angelina G., b Aug. 26, 1845; Lewis Bradbury, b July 5, 1847, d. y., Frances Ellen, b Dec. 21, 1848, d. y., Lewis W.; b March 18, 1850, and Fanny L. Morrison, b June 19, 1854. 847 Franklin Brooks^ b June 6, 1821. 848 Charles Thadeus^, b Dec. 29, 1824. 849 Lewis Washington^, b .Sept. 13, 1827, in Cambridgeport; unmarried. 850 Frederick Warren^, b Jan. 25, 1833, at Cambridgeport; m Mary Hathaway. Child: Frederick W.^, who d 1862. 92 PARKE FAMILIES 433. ROYALL MIPPLIN' PARKS, (Leonard*, David^ Joseph*, Richa^d^ Richard^ Richard^, was born July 7, 1797, and died March 30, 1853. He married Betsey Alley. Children: 853 Mary*; m Joel Pettingill. 854 SamueP. 855 Maria. 856 Sarah; m William Perkins. 857 Susan; m Ellendow. 858 James*. 438. WENDEL' PARKS, (David*, David', Jo- seph*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^, was born March 28, 1788. His wife's name was Etta J. Child: 863 David W.*, b Sept. 10, 1818. And possibly others. 439. DARIUS' PARKS, (David*, David', Joseph*, Richard^ Richa^d^ Richard^, was born at Spring- field, Vt., June 18, 1804, and died Feb. 14, 1890, at Charlestown, N. H. He married Lydia F. ShurtlefF, at Charlestown, a dr. of Lazarus and Orpha Millard Shurtleff. She b at Charlestown, June 8, 1808, and died there Dec. 27, 1888. Children: 867 Julia F.*, b Dec. 15, 1830; m James Jardine. 868 Charles Willard*, b Sept. 25, 1832. 869 Harriet, b Sept. 3, 1834. 870 George Washington Sumner^, b Sept. 12, 1836. 871 Charlotte Sophia, b March 19, 1839; m George O. West. 87S2 Fred Sylvester Bonaparte*, b June 12, 1841. 873 Marcia Eliza, b April lo, 1844; m Robert A. Joseph, March 27, 1871. 874 Sarah Challis, b Dec. 19, 1847; ^ Frank G. Willard, lived at Denver, Colo. RUKUS PARKS Page 93 OF MASSACHUSETTS 93 448. GORHAM' PARKS, (Warham*, Elisha', Jo- siah*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^, was born May 27, 1794, and died Nov. 22, 1877. He lived at Charlestown, Mass., and Bangor, Me. He married Mary Ann Thompson, of Waldoboro, Me. He grad- uated from Harvard in 1813. He became a very prominent man in Maine. He was a Justice of the Peace in 1829; became a member of Congress; ran for Governor, but was not elected; and was Minister to Brazil. Children: Warham^; d. y. Elizabeth; d. y. 887 Rebecca*. Gorhani*; d. y. 888 GorhamS; lived at Albany, N. Y. 889 Caroline. 890 Rufus^ b 1837. 891 William Henry. 892 Edward. 451. RUFUS' PARKS, (Warham*, Elisha', Josiah*, Richard^ Richa^d^ Richard'), was born at Westfield, Mass., May 24, 1798, and died at Summit, Wis., Sept. 14, 1878. He married Harriet Eliza Fairservice, July 27, 1839, at Milwaukee, Wis., a daughter of Marshal and Maribee (Fisk) Fairservice. Rufus Parks was a lawyer and was admitted to practice in Penobscot county. Me., in 1832. In 1836 he went to Wisconsin, having been appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Milwaukee, by President Jackson; which position he also filled under President VanBuren. When Wis- consin was admitted into the Union, in 1848, he was chosen member of the first constitutional convention. For four years he held the offi.ce of Superintendent of 94 PARKE FAMILIES Public Property, 1858-62. In 1867 he was elected a member of the legislature. He was a zealous and efficient public officer; prompt and untiring in the ex- ercise of his duties. He was a man of strong convic- tions and unflinching integrity, and brought from New England those qualities of patriotism, courage and morality, which he, and other men of his class, succeeded in so firmly engrafting on the then youth- ful and growing commonwealth of Wisconsin. In manner he was simple and unassuming; in disposition genial and courteous. A warm and steadfast friend, a kind and considerate husband and happy father. Children. 893 Warhams, b Nov. 5, 1840. 894 Julia^ b Feb. i, 1843; lives at Haddonfield, N. J.; unm, 895 Elizabeth^ b June 25, 1844. She married Ammi A. Thom- as, at Vineland, N. J., July 8, 1869. He was born Aug. 29, 1844, at Alexander, N. Y., the son of Amery Thom- as. They live at Washington, D. C, where he is an attorney-at-law. No children. 896 Mary«, b July 10, 1846. 897 Marshall Hutchinson^, b Aug. 17, 1854, at Summit; d Jan. 4, 1887, at Republican City, Ohio; killed in a railroad accident while traveling for the Bureau of Labor. Was a graduate of Columbia University L,aw School. 898 Nathaniel Gorham*, b June 5, 1859; d Jan. 7, 1884. 899 Helen^, b Oct. 26, 1863; m Erwin Graves, Sept. 25, 1895; lives in Haddonfield, N. J. No children. 458. CHARLES' PARKS, (Roland*, Elisha', Jo- siah*, Richard^ Richard*, Richard*), was born at Westfield, Mass., 1795, and died at Springfield, Mass., June 8, 1862. He married Maria L. Sage, of Middle- town, Conn. OF MASSACHUSETTS 95 Children: 901 Sarah C.^, b 1828; m Dr. George Hall, of Courtney, Tex. 902 John C.*, b 1830; was in U. S. army. 903 Ann G.*, b 1834; d June 8, 1863; m William Craig, in Ohio. Children: Maria Louise, b 1854, and William S. Craig, b 1859. 904 Maria Louise*, b 1836; m William Graber, of Waxahachie, Texas. 461. IRENA' PARKS, (Nathan', Josiah', Josiah*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard'), was born at Hebron, N, Y., March 14, 1788, and died in Montgomery, Mass., Oct. 25, 1853. She married Harris Bartholo- mew, Jan. 26, 1809. [There were probably several children, but we have the record of only one.] Child: Sophia Bartholomew, b Nov. 26, 1822; d Jan. 15, 1847; m May 16, 1842, Elisha Provin' Parks, son of Oren^ and Mary (Squier) Parks, and a descendant of Robert^ Parke, of Connecticut. Children: A child, born and d April 25, 1843; Oren Elisha', b July 10, 1S44, d. y., and Oren Bartholomew^ Parks, b Dec. 28, 1846, has been a prominent merchant in Westfield, Mass., for many years. 471, JOSIAH', PARKS, (Pliny*, Josiah', Josiah*, Richa^d^ Richard", Richard^), was born at at South- hampton, Mass., Nov. 17, 1794, He married Eliza. Pierce. She was born Aug. 1, 1799, and died July 28, 1862. They lived New Milford and Litchfield, Conn. Children: 915 Elizabeth^ b Jul> 25, 1818; d Feb. 13, 1S63; m George Bostwick, of New Milford. 916 Mary Marilla^, b Feb 5, 1820; m Leverett W. Wessels. Emily*, b 1821; d. y. Eliza*, d ae. 12. 96 PARKE FAMILIES 917 James*, b May 27, 1826, 918 Julia**, b Nov. 13, 1831; m Henry Fuller, of Ludlow, Mass. 919 Joseph Peerce^, b Feb. i, 1836; was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June i, 1864. Married Sarah Northrop, May 10, i860; child: Dudley'; d. y. Annie*, b 1838; d 1855. 920 Emma Grace*, b May 27, 1840. Josiah*, William*, and Isabella*; all d. y. 475. JAMES' PARKS, (Pliny', Josiah', Josiah*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^), was born at West- Springfield, Mass., Nov. 8, 1804, and died June 25, 1869. He married Elizabeth Brainard, at Simsbury, Conn. They lived at Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: 921 Josiah*, b April 2, 1830, Middletown, Conn. 922 Almira Louise*, b Aug. 22, i83i;m Dr. George Franklin Shove, Aug. 26, 1869. 923 James Lyman*, b June 30, 1833. 924 Mary Holton*, b 1S36; m Sherman S. Hine, of Southbury, Conn., Nov. 20, 1855. 487. JONATHAN' PARKS, (Whiting*, Whiting', Jonathans RichardS RichardS Richard^), was born at Sand Lake, N. Y., July 16, 1801, and died 1873. He married 1st, Almira Hunt. He married 2nd, Mary Jane Parks, his second cousin. Children by 1st wife: 937 Alonzo Hunt* 938 John Wesley*, b July 16, 1829, at Sand Lake, N. Y.; married Lucinda Horton, dr. of George Horton; live at Averill Park, N. Y. Children: Myron Horton'', George Wes- ley", Joseph Hayford", Grace^ and Edith'. 939 Stephen Cushing*. Children by 2nd wife: 940 Sarah*. 941 Almira*. OP MASSACHUSETTS 97 490. TABOR' PARKS, (Whiting*, Whiting', Jonathan*, Richard^ Richard*, Richard^), was born at Sand Lake, N. Y., 1809. He married 1st Eliza Ann Hoag, 1834. He m 2nd, Perling Pulver. He lived at Maiden, N. Y. Child: 942 James H^. And possibly others. 507. WILLIAM H.' PARKS, (William', William*, Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard"', Richard^), was born at Litchfield, Me., Sept. 7, 1796. He married Betsey Harriman, Feb. 21, 1821. He lived in Aroostook county, Maine. Children: 961 Albert H.*, b July 17, 1822. 962 Mary^, b Aug. 17, 1824. 963 William^, b Oct. 2, [826. 964 Elizabeth**, b Nov. 25, 1829. 511. CHARLES' PARKS, (William', William*, Ephraim*, Richa^d^ Richard^ Richard^), was born at Litchfield, Me., June 11, 1814, and died 1855. He married Rachel Glass, April 19, 1842. She died Dec. 25, 1875. Children: 981 Mary A'', b May 5, 1843; m Johu E. L,euzader. 982 Emma ].^, b March 5, 1845; ™ Arthur Waldrou, Dec. 1875; lived at Auburn, Me. 983 Charles E.**, b March 28, 1846; lived in Montana. 984 L,ucy M.**, b May 23, 1850; m William Frost; lived in Auburn, Me. 985 George*, b Oct. 3, 1854, in Maine; lived in Florida. 512. LUKE' PARKS, (Phinehas*, William', Ephra - im*, Richard^ Richard", Richard'), was b. at Winch - endon, Mass., where he lived. He married Betsey Jones. 13 98 PARKE FAMILIES Children: 986 A. EdwinS b March 3, 1822. 987 Pluvius Elwin*, b March 3 ,1822; m A]mira May, Nov, 8, 1842. Child: Elwin», b 1842; killed in L,a., June 21, 1863, in 26th Mass. Inf., in Civil War. 988 Milton M^., b Feb. 22, 1824. 989 LukeS. 990 Austin*. 991 Mary E., lived at Keene, N. H.; m ist, Joseph Wilder; m 2nd, Nathan Woodbury. Children: Elva, George and Belle. 513. PHINEHAS' PARKS, (Phinehas*, William', Ephraim', Richa^d^ Richard*, Richard^, was born at Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 19, 1795, and died at Pitz- william, N. H., March 1, 1887. He married 1st, Hepsabath Haywood, Nov. 28, 1816. He married 2nd, Eliza Hapgood, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hapgood. She was born at Winchendon, Dec. 13, 1803, and died May 10, 1887. Children by 1st wife: 992 Melvina*, b Sept. 25, 1817, at Winchendon; m Ephraim Kendall, Sept. 25, 1842, and lived at Koene, N. H. Children: Sarah E., Eliza M., Adna E., Ada M., and Cora A. Kendall. 993 Eliza E., b Dec. 7, 1819; d Oct. 20, 1844; m Stephen Ken- dall, July 24, 1844. Levi Alonzo, b July 25, 182 1; d 1837. Phinehas I/., b June 2, 1824; d 1844. Children by 2nd wife: 994 George H.*, b Sept, 21, 1829. 995 Frances Jane*, b Feb. 22, 1831. Mary Amanda, b March 25, 1833; d 1837. 996 Ellen M., b Dec 15, 1839, at Winchendon; m Jonas Damon, July 24, 1862, and lived at Fitzwilliam, N. H. Children: Walter S., Fred L,., Elmer P., Minnie M., UHian L., Isaac M., Clarence M., Justin J., and Harrison C. Damon. OF MASSACHUSETTS 99 515. LEVI' PARKS, (Phinehas*, William', Ephraim*, Richard', Richard', Richard*), was born at Winchendon, Mass., June 21, 1803, and died Nov. 6, 1884. He married Caroline Hayward. Children. 997 Levi Nelson^, b Feb. lo, 1828; m Lauretta W. Woodbury, Dec. 28, 1852. Child: Flora', b 1856; d 1883, in Lynn. 998 Emily S., b Sept. 1829; m George S. Loud. Child: Fred W. Loud. 999 Lucy Jane, b May 24, 1831, in Winchendon; m Joseph G. Ball, June 7, 1857. Lived in Washington, D. C, and Winchendon. Child: Levi Parks Ball. 1000 Martin H». looi William M.', b in Winchendon; m Ellen Craighton, Sept. 27, 1864. No children. 523. ELIPHALET' PARKS, (Eliphalet*, William', Ephraim*, Richard', Richard^ Richard*), was born at Winchendon. He died Aug-. 2, 1860. He married Rebecca Prentiss, Sept. 16, 1829. Children: Helen^, b Nov. 1830; d 1844. 1031 Emma, b March 23, 1848. George H., b Aug. 4, 1844; d Sept. 19, 1864, at Annapolis, Md. 529. JOHNATHAN HAPGOOD' PARKS, CAbi- jah*, John*, Ephraim*, Richard\ Richard*, Richard*), was born July 7, 1802. He married Almira Elliott, of Worcester, and lived at Stow. Children: 1059 George E.^ b June 25, 1830. 1060 Martha, b Jan. 23, 1832; m George Brown; lived Elgin, 111. 1061 Mary L., b Dec. 15, 1835; m A. McCollum. Children: Western, Ella and Mary McCollum. 1062 Sarah S., b April 26, 1837; m Jacob Snyder, of Penn., and lived at Woodstock, ills. Child: Charles Snyder. 1063 Charles H.«, b June 5, 1840. 1064 Hannah L., b May 20, 1843, at Stockbridge, Vt.; d Nov. 8, 1871, at McHenry, Ills.; m Joseph Draper. Child: Georgianna Draper, 100 PARKE FAMILIES 530. CHARLES' PARKS, (Abijah*, John*, Ephra- im*, Richa^d^ Richard', Richard^), was probably born at Stow, Mass., where he died 1857. He married Lydia Ann Kelly. She died Oct. 1, 1892. Children: Abijah; d. y. 1065 Caroline E.; m ist, Ephraim Bemis, May 15, 1861; had one child who d. y. She m 2nd, — Saunders; had 2 chil. 1066 Addelaide; d Feb. 2, 1891; m Frank Eastman, Clara J. Mary. 1067 Emma; m Eugene Curtis, a harness maker of Worcester. 533. SAMUEL' PARKS, (Abijah*, John^ Ephra- im*, Richard^ Richard\ Richard^, was born at Ash- burnham, Aug. 16, 1816, and died at Stow, Dec. 13, 1891. He married Melinda Lawrence, of Boxboro, Nov. 11, 1838, dr. of Edmund and Molly Wood (Ray- mond) Lawrence. She was born at Boxboro, June 1, 1809, and died at Stow, June 4, 1889. Children: 1068 Susan M.», b Jan. 12, 1840. Hannah, b May 12, 1841; d. y. Albert, b June 10, 1845; d. y. 535. GEORGE' PARKS, (SamuelS John^ Ephra- im*, Richard^ Richard", Richard'), was born at Ham- ilton, Mass., Oct. 15, 1801, and died at Stow, July 9, 1881. He married Betsey Morse, Dec. 12, 1836. She died Dec, 1860. Children: 1069 Mary Ann*; m John O. Conant, 1858. Children: Frank S., b May 28, 1859, d 1882; Charles A., b Feb. 6, 1861, and Blanche A. G. Conant, b Aug. 27, 1880. 1070 George Whitmarsh, b Aug. 14, 1844, at Stow; died July 3, 1863, at the battle of Gettysburg. He was in the first regt., CO. A, of Mass. OP MASSACHUSETTS 101 536. SAMUEL' PAEKS, (Samuel', John', Ephra- im*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^), was born at Bev- erly, Mass., March 21, 1804, and died at Stow, Jul}^ 5, 1880. He married Abigail W. Wolcott, dr. of Joseph Wolcott, Dec. 1, 1831. She was born Feb. 10, 1810, and died Aug. 15, 1844. He married 2nd, Mary Ann Austin, Dec. 17, 1844, at Stow. She was born at Marlboro, Mass., Oct. 15, 1819, and died at Stow, March 8, 1872. He was a brickmaker and also fol- lowed the trade of carpenter. Children by 1st wife: 1075 Lucy B*., b Sept. 17, 1832; lived at Maiden; unm. Charlotte, b Nov. 12, 1834; d Jan. 28, 185 1. 1076 Alonzo*, b March 18, 1839, at Stow; d March 16, 1S99, at Loango, Africa. He married Grace Sherwood, May 29, 1895, at Stow. He went to the southwest coast of Africa when a boy, and became a large trader in rubber and ivory. He had many adventures in the wilds of Africa. No children. 1077 Amelia, b March 7, 1841; d Jan. i, 1903; lived in Maiden. 1078 George Kendall, b March 29, 1844; m Vesta F. Lynde, at Stoneham, Nov. 4, 1868. They lived at Lynn. He was in the Civil War, in co. E, 26th Mass.; also in Frontier Cavalry, co. A. He lives at the Soldiers' Home, in Togus, Me. Children b)^ 2nd wife: Hervey C, b 1847; d. y. 1079 Abijah E«., b Nov. 22, 1S48. 1080 Sarah A., b Jan. 8, 1852; m Thomas F. Dickson, June i, 1894, at Maiden. 1081 William G^., bjan. 2, 1855. 1082 Elizabeth M., b Oct. 2, 1859; m George Mudford, June 10, 1895. They live at Stoneham, where he is a gardener. 537. WILLIAM' PARKS, (Samuel', John'', Ephra- im*, Richard', Richard', Richard^, was born at Stow, Mass., Feb. 3, 1807, and died there Oct. 1, 1879. He 102 PARKE FAMILIES married Dollie S. Mclntire, of Westminster, Sept. 29, 1836. She was born July 12, 1814, Children: 1083 Jane Allina^, b Nov. 25, 183S. 1084 Gilbert Mclntire, b Aug. 15, 1842. 1085 Frederick William, b May 30, 1844; killed before Peters- burg, March 25, 1865, in Civil War, co. F, 57th Mass. David Flint, b 1846; d. y. 538. SILAS' PARKS, (Samuel', John', Ephraim*, Ricllard^ Richard*, Richard^, was born at Stow, Mass., Jan. 25, 1809, and died there March 27, 1882. He married Caroline Goodnow, May 7, 1837. She was born Aug. 5, 1807, at Stow, and died there Sept. 23, 1877. She was a daughter of Silas Goodnow. Children: SamueF, b 1838; d. y. 1086 Lewis*, b Feb. 8, 1839. Elizabeth Stevens, b Nov. 23, 1840; d 1859. , Hannah C, b 1844; d. y. 1087 Mary Caroline^, b July 2, 1847. 543. LUTHER' PARKS, (Luther*, Samuel', Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^, was born in Boston, Nov. 4, 1823, and died at Pau, France, Nov. 19, 1886. He married Julia Dale, June 1, 1848, at Boston, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Lin- coln) Dale. She was born at Springfield, July 8, 1827, and died at Swampscott, Aug. 24, 1859. Luther Parks was a ph3"sician of note in Boston for many years. He graduated from Harvard in 1843, eighth /i in his class; and received the degree of A. M. Four years later he received the degree of M. D. , and then served in the Massachusetts General Hospital, He witnessed the first operation under ether. He went to Ireland before his marriage as surgeon of the dis- OF MASSACHUSETTS 103 mantled sloop of war Jamestown, which carried bread to the starving Irish; and was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland; an honor which he valued extremely. After his marriage he again went to Ireland and studied under Churchill at the Rotunda Lying-in Hospital, in Dublin. He practiced at the South End in Boston for about eleven years with especial attention to obstetrics but was also an excellent all around physician. He was not especially a surgeon, and the modern art of gynaecolog}^ did not exist. After virtually retiring from practice he was for some years editor of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. In the Civil War, at the re- quest of Gov. Andrew, he went to the Peninsular with two or three other Boston doctors, and rode from Yorktown over ground strewn with mines which might exploke on contact with the horse's shoe, to Williamsburg. He did not, however, receive a com- mission. Children: iioo Edward lyiither^, b May 14, 1849, at Boston. He is also a prominent physician in Boston. He was educated at Phillips. Exeter Academy and Harvard College; and graduated from Jefferson College in Philadelphia in 1874. Served in several hospitals; the Children's, Block- ley, Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane and Will's Eye Hospital. Has also studied in Vienna and Paris; one year in Vienna and two in Paris. About 1876 he earned his passage to England as surgeon of the S. S. Minnesota. From 1880 to 1885 he was an active mem- ber of the First Corps of Cadets and is now on the vet- eran list. He is a Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society, the American Medical and two or three less learned societies. He has made more of a specialty of surgery than did his father. 1101 Sarah Elizabeth^ b March 14, 1854. 104 PARKE FAMILIES 545. ALFRED" PARKS. (Emerson*. Josiah*, Ephraim*. Richard' Richard*. Richard^), was born at Watertown. Nov. 1. 1S24. He married Almira Frost, Oct. 9. 1S49. and lived at Arlington and Belmont, Mass. Children: 1105 Frederick IT., b Jan. lo, 1S50. 1 106 Charles Amos F*., b Jan. 15, 1852. 1 107 Frank E-. b March 1S56. 1 106 Minnie, b Sept. 5, 1S61. 5S4. APPLETOX" PARK. ':Solomon*. Samuef. Solomon*. John, Thomas'. Richard^), was born at Holiiston, April 24, ISOO. and 4ied at Pawtucket. R. I., Dec. 30, 1874. He married Susan West, May 16, 1836, at Seekonk. Mass.. daughter of Joseph and Patience 'Peck) West. She was born at Seekonk, Jan. 5, 1806, and died at Pawtucket, Jan. 23. 1S46. Children: 1152 ilinersa Victoria*, b Dec 23, 1838. Fonr sons who died voun? . 1 153 Snsan. 587. WARREN' PARK. Solomon*. Samuel', Sol- omon*. John', Thomas". Richard'), was born at Dover. Vt.. Nov. 18, 1806, and died in Illinois, Nov. 30, 1SS6. He married Sophia Wheaton, of Central Falls, Mass. Thej lived at Pittsheld, Roseville, and Hoppers Mills, Ills. Children: llo-t RIlsseU^ b Feb. 9. 1S37. Joseph Warren, b March S, 1S39: d. y. 1155 Marj Calisto*, b June 28, 1S41. 1 156 James Herbert*, b Oct. 24, 1843; is a prominent banker in Humeston, Iowa; unm. OF MASSACHUSETTS 105 1157 Alonzo Warren-, b July 13, 1S47. 1158 Orlando Appleton', b June 6, 1S49: was married; ckfldren: Barrie*. b July 25, 1895, and Harold Hurlbut*, b Oct. 1897. 1 1 59 Solomon Adams^, b July 4, 1851. 1160 Harriet Eva-, b Sept. 11, 1S53. A son, b Jan. 31, 1856; d. y. A son, b Jan. 31, 1S57: d. y. 1 161 Eugene Walter*, b Aug. ir, 1858. 1162 Harry Elmer*, b March 25, 1861. 589. JOSEPH" PARKS, TJames R.V Samuel*, Solomon*, John', Thomas', Richard^;, was born at Berlin, Mass., Nov. 11, 1787; and died 1381. He lived at HoUiston. He married 1st, Hannah Merriam Nov. 29, 1807. She d 1825; and he married 2nd, Eliza TBlood; Cole; who d 1842; and he m 3rd, Olive Daniels Leland. Children: 1 163 Beulah Leland', b 1808; d 1S54. 1164 James Russell', b Aug. 31, 1810. 1165 Melissa*, b 1812. Lawson^, d. y. 603. BENJAMIN' PARKE. (Thomas', Benjamin*, Joseph*. John". Thomas', Richa^d^^ was born at Newport, R. I.. Oct. 1. 1801. and died at Harrisburg-, Pa.. May 30. 1SS2. He married Elizabeth Leebrick, at Halifax. Pa.. Dec. 30. 1830. She was born at Halifax. Feb. 10. 1807. and died April 16. 1882. She was the daughter of George and Mary ' Mohr) Lee- brick. of Mohrstown. Benjamin Parke was a law- yer, an LL.D., and a man of letters. At the age of 21 years he became a teacher in the Academy at Wilkesbarre. Pa., and entered the office of Judge Cunningham as a law student. After being admitted 14: 106 PARKE FAMILIES to the bar he removed to Harrisburg, Pa., and was appointed Prothonotary. He also held the office of Commissioner of Bankruptcy, and in 1838 was the principal compiler of Parke and Johnsons " Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania." From 1851 to 1853 he was associated with Prof. Charles E. Bluementhal in the editorship of The Temple, a magazine devoted chiefly to Masonry. He held some of the highest and most honorable offices in the Masonic order, of which he was a devoted and zealous member. He contributed largely to magazines, reviews, etc., and published many addresses, political and masonic. Dickenson college, in 1852, conferred upon him the honorary degree of doctor of laws. He was an ar- dent Episcopalian, filling many positions in St. Stephens Church, Harrisburg, and its Vestry. Supt. of the Sunday school for many years, a licensed lay reader, and one of the founders of St. Pauls Mission. Children: ii8i Charles*; d. y. 1182 Emma Elizabeth^, b Sept 13, 1835. 1183 Eunice^ b June r, 1833. 1 184 Hannah Juliette; d. y. 1 185 William Joseph, d May 4, 1872; unm. 1 186 Benjamin Charles, d Oct. 28, 1897; unm. 1187 Sarah Georgianna*, b Oct. 25, 1842. 604. SARAH CHAMPLIN' PARKE, (Thomas*, Bejamin^ Joseph*, John^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Springville, Pa., Dec. 5, 1802, and died at Chatfield, Minn., Apr. 19, 1874. She married George Morgan Gere, Nov. 20, 1822. He was born at Nor- wich, Conn., March 15, 1801, and died at Chatfield, Oct. 13, 1871. OF MASSACHUSETTS 107 Children: Sarah M. Gere b Dec. 19, 1824; d. y. Edwin B. Gere, b Jan. 22, 1828. William B. Gere, b Jan. 29, 1830. Helen L. Gere, b March 25, 1832; d. y. Mary L,. Gere, b May 16, 1834. Hellen A. Gere, b Feb. 22, 1837. Charles T. Gere, b March i, 1839; d. y. Thomas P. Gere, b Sept. ro, 1842. 615. SAMUEL' PARK, (John', John', Joseph*, John^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Searsport, Me., Oct. 24, 1804, and died there July 11, 1950. He married Mary Patterson, at Searsport, June 14, 1830. She was born at Searsport, and died at Rochester, N. Y. April 17, 1885. Children: 1217 Isaac Carver^, b Dec. 20, 1832, at Searsport; d Jan. 27, 1903; m 1st, Caroline M. Bailey, Aug. 16, 1854; m 2nd, Prudence GriflSn, Aug. 4, 1877. Charles Gordon^, b Dec. 20, 1834; d. y. William Eaton^, b June 29, 1836; d. y. 1218 Hannah J*., b Oct. 27, 1837; m James Marden. Children: Ella May and Ida Jennie Marden. 1219 Charles Cooper^, b Sept. 20, 1840. 1220 Samuel D"., b Oct, 3, 1847; lived in China in 1907; is mar- ried. 1231 Jeremiah G»., b Dec. 9, 1849. 631. BENJAMIN BENTLEY' PARK, (Benjamin*, John', Joseph*, John', Thomas^, RichardM, was born at Searsport, Me., July 14, 1812, and died there April 24, 1884. He married 1st, Lydia Parker Treat, Dec. 25, 1836; the daughter of James and Lydia (Parker) Treat. She was born April 5, 1815, and died July 4, 1874. He m 2nd, Alice Treat. 108 PARKE FAMILIES Children by 1st wife: Fernando Bentley*. b Aug. i8, 1838; d June 20, 1857, in Havana, Cuba. Sarah Jane*, b Aug. 18, 1839; d. y. Frederick Willard**, b Jan. 7, 1841; d. y. 1232 Frederick Willard^ b May 30, 1843; married Mary Alice Billings, April 18, 1869, at Boston. She was born at Monroe, Me., May 15, 1842. No children. He resided in Boston, where he took an active interest in the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Phineas Pendleton®, b June 7, 1849; d. y. 1233 I^ydia Estelle^, b June 29, 1858; m Dr. Winfield Scott Hill, of Augusta, Me., Oct. 16, 1889. No children. Children by 2nd wife: 1234 Florence M». 1235 Bentley Treat*. 664. WILLIAM HENRY' PARK, (CharlesMosh- ua', Thomas*, Edward% Thomas', Richard'), was born at Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 20, 1820, and died Nov. 16, 1885, at Newton. He married 1st, Dorcas Stacy, Sept. 10, 1843, dr. of John and Mary Stacy, of Wiscasset, Me. She died at Newton, Aug. 31, 1853. He married 2nd, Eliza Ann Gordon, at Lowell, June 17, 1860, a daughterof Joseph and Emeline (Edgerly) Smith. She was born at Durham, N. H., Sept. IS, 1830, and was living at Newton in 1907. Children by 1st wife: 1 281 William Henry*, b Oct. 22, 1844. 1282 Emma Augusta, b July 13, 1846. 1283 Dorcas A., b Oct. 22, 1848. Edward, b 1851; d. y. Charles W., b 1853; d. y. Children by 2nd wife: 1284 Ella Riihamah**, b Dec. 22, 1863, at Newton; living there in 1907. 1285 Joseph Herbert*, b Aug. 13, 1866, at Newton; living there in 1907. Lillie Emeline, b July 30, 1868; d. y. EDWARDS A MAS A PARK Pagk lOO OF MASSACHUSETTS 109 681. HARRISON GREENOUGH^ PARK, (Cal- vin', Nathan*, Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Rich- ard'), was born July 28, 1806, at Providence, R, I. He was a minister of the Gospel, and resided at sev- eral places. He married 1st, Julia Bird, about June 10, 1830; daughter of George and Martha (Newell) Bird. She was born at Dedham, Dec, 15, 1811, and died May 2, 1835. He married 2nd, Elizabeth Bird, a sister of his first wife, at Walpole, July 6, 1837. She was born June 21, 1814, and died Jan 16, 1882. Children by 1st wife: 1315 Abigail Newell", bapt. May 24, 1831- 1316 George Calvin, bp. July i, 1832; m Angeline J. Briggs, of Canton, Nov. 29, 1855; dr. Avery and Eleanor Briggs. 1317 WisnerS, b Feb. 23, 1835. 1318 Harrison G. Children by 2nd wife: 1319 Julia B. 1320 Ebenezer Burgess; was in the Civil War. 1 32 1 Francis William. 1322 Calvin Ware. 1323 Henry M., b June 10, 1842, at Walpole; d June 6, 1864, in the Civil War. 1324 Montgomery N., b Feb. 6, 1845; at Westfield; d Sept. 5, 1866. 1325 William FrancisS, b Aug. 8, 1849. 1326 Hannah Elizabeth. 1327 Arabella Elizabeth. • 682. EDWARDS AMASA' PARK, (Calvin*, Na- than^ Nathan*, Edward^ Toomas'^ Richard'), was born at Providence, R. I., Dec. 29, 1808, and died June 4, 1900. He married Anna Maria Edwards, Sept. 21. 1836. She was born April 22, 1812, and d. Oct. 7, 1893. He graduated at Brown University 1826; at Andover Theological Seminary, 1831. Pas- 110 PARKE FAMILIES tor at Braintree, Mass., 1831-3; Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy at Amherst College 1835-6; Professor of Sacred Rhetoric at Amherst Theological Seminary 1836-47; Professor of Christian Theology at Andover 1847-81. He spent several years in Europe at different times; at Hanover and at the Universities of Marburg, Berlin and Halle, and also in Great Britain, Italy Palestine, Egypt and Greece. He began to write for the secular press in 1826 and for religious publications in 1828. He published a number of pamphlets, many of which were repeatedly republished. Some started controversies; one of which was his " Dudleian Lecture," at Harvard Col- lege in 1845, on the " Intellectual and Moral Influence of Romanism." This was controverted in an elabo- rate review by Dr. Orestes A. Brownson, who had then recently joined the Catholic Communion. His sermon delivered in 1850 before the Congregational ministers of Massachusetts, "Theology of the Intel- lect and that of the Feelings," called forth a number of replies, to which Prof. Park responded in three separate pamphlets. He did a great deal of editorial work. In 1839, in connection with Prof. B. B. Ed- wards, he translated and edited an octavo volume of 472 pages, entitled " Selections from German Litera- ture." In connection with Prof. Austin Phelps, D. D., and Dr. Lowell Mason, he compiled and edited the "Sabbath Hymn Book," which within the period from 1859 to 1866 reached a circulation of about 120,- 000. In 1844 Prof. Edwards and Prof. Park estab- lished the " Bibliotheca Sacra " on its new plan, and Prof. Park was editor-in-chief from 1851 to 1884. A complete list of his writings would make quite a cat- alogue. For more than thirty years he was president TRENOR WILLIAM PARK Page 111 OP MASSACHUSETTS 111 of the Board of trustees of Abbott Academy at An- dover; by the will of its founder he was appointed one of the original trustees of Smith College at Northampton; from 1863 he was a member of the Board of Fellows of Brown University. He was a member of the Victoria Institute in England and of several historical societies in the United States. Children: 1328 William Edwards*, b July i, 1837. Ann Maria*, b Feb. 23, 1841; d. y, 1329 Agnes*, b July 6, 1845. 683. CALVIN E'. PARK, (Calvin^ Nathan^ Na- than\ Edward^ Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Providence, R. I., Dec. 30, 1811. He was a Professor in Brown University. He married Harriet T. San- derson, Nov. 5, 1839. She was born Aug. 31, 1813. He died at West Boxford, Mass. Children. 1330 Anna*, b Sept. 18, 1842. 1331 Charles W*., b vSept. 8, 1845. 1332 Caroline McL,*,, b July 23, 1849. 1333 William*, b Aug. 4, 1853. 690. TRENOR W^ PARK, (Luther*, William*, Nathan*, Edward^ Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Woodford, Vt., Dec. 8, 1823, and died at sea Dec. 13, 1882. He married Laura V. S. Hall, Dec. 15, 1846. She was born Jan. 27, 1828, and died June 21, 1875. At the age of twelve he became a clerk in a grocery store in Troy, N. Y. He bought out this store in two years, and began to read law in his spare hours. He never had school advantages; but was admitted to the bar in his native State and rose at once to prominence. His wife was a daughter of Hon. Hiland Hall, who 112 PARKE PAMIUES successively held the offices of representative in Con- gress for twelve consecutive years, Governor of Ver- mont, Justice of the Supreme Court, and afterwards one of the U. S. Land Commission under President Fillmore. Mr. Park built the Harlem Extension R. R., from Rutland through Bennington to Harlem, N. Y., and was, at his death, the principal owner and its President. He removed to California in 1854 and entered the law firm of Halleck, Peachy, Billings and Park. He was prosecuting attorney for the San Francisco Vigilant Committee of 1856, and was in- strumental in hanging four of the murderers. He was one of the builders of the Panama R. R., and was president of the road and principal owner when he died. He was the first who attempted to tunnel the Hudson river, and lost half a million dollars in the failure of that undertaking; but the many tunnels now running into New York are evidence of his good judgement. He accumulated several millions by his large legal practice and his various successful busi- ness enterprises. A most generous giver and friend of the poor, yet he left several millions at his death. Children: 1349 Eliza Hall\ b Nov. 17, 1848. 1350 Laura Hall*, b Sept. 8, 1858, at Bennington, Vt.; married Frederick B. Jennings, July 27, 1880. Children: Percy Hall, b May 6, 1881, and Elizabeth Jennings. 1361 Trenor L,uther8, b Jan. 6, 1861. 694. WILLIAM EDWARD' PARK, (William', William', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Woodford, Vt., April 27, 1812, and died at Boston, Mass., Feb. 24, 1873. He married Selinda OP MASSACHUSETTS 113 Cook, of Stamford, Vt., Apr. 3, 1836. She was born at Whittingham, Vt., Nov. 6, 1816, and died at Bos- ton., Nov. 9, 1879. He was a quiet, strong character of few words, and was highly respected. They are buried in Woodford. Children: 1355 William Henry^, b March i, 1837. Eunice Jeannette, b May 27, 1840; d. y. Charles Edward, b Dec. 29, 1841; d, y, Sarah Cornelia, b March 29, 1845; d. y. Mary Agnes, b Sept. 1851; d. y. Charles Arthur, b Oct. 15, i860; d. y, 713. RICHARD' PARK, (Cornelius', William', Richard*, Richard^ Thomas^ Richard^). One ac- count says that he m Betsey Fullura, and had child Kdwin\ This is possibly the Richard Parks who married Violet Robbins at Watertown, Jan. 29, 1809. Child: 1385 EdwinS, And possil)ly others. 751. JONATHAN' PARK, (Reuben', Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Thomas", Richard'), was born at Bernardston, Mass., and died in Ohio. He was living at Worthington, Ohio, in 1816. He married Patience Fox, about 1793, probably in Mass., dr. of Wm. and Sarah Pox. Children: 1435 Jonathan^, b Dec 9, 1793. Sally, b Sept. 9, 1795; d July 1814. 1436 Betsey, b Aug. 21, 1797; d Sept. 13, 1861; m H. Aldrich. Fox P., b March 19, 1800; d. y. 1437 Gad Fox, b April 24, 1803. 1438 Alva*, b 1807; d Jan. 19, 1885; m Anna Park (a cousin); lived in Ohio. Child: Almeda*. 1439 Almeda. Mary (or Patience), d Jan. 31, 1807. 15 114 PARKE FAMILIES 753. REUBEN' PARK, (Reuben', Jo^athan^ Jon- athan*, Jonatha^^ Thomas', Richard'), was born Nov. 16, 1780, and died at Bernardston, Mass., July 25, 1877. He married 1st, Betsey Warren, Feb. 25, 1802. She was born March 20, 1782, and died Sept. 27, 1844, at Bernardston. He married 2nd, Lucinda A. Mitchell, widow of Jared Fox, June 11, 1845. She b Sept. 27, 1798, and died at Bernardston, Oct. 10, 1875. Children: 1440 Warren^, b March 10, 1803; d Sept. 28, 1822, at Bernard- ston; m Gratia Wrisley, March 25, 1822. The Gill town records show that Alvah Allen*, child of Warren and Gratia Parks was born Oct. 10, i826(?). 1441 Lucy», b Feb. 7, 1805; m Moses Aldrich, Sept. 14, 1820. 1442 SamueP, b Dec. 7, 1810; d Dec. 11, 1836; m Mary E. Wright, Oct. 28, 1832. 1443 Betsey^ b Feb. 15, 1814; m Levi Hancock. 1444 Hannah^, b Oct. 17, 1S16; m Velorus Moore, 1836. 1445 Reuben*, b Oct. i, 1820; m Marcia M., dr of Willis Gray, April 16, 1844. She b April 11, 1823. 1446 Joseph^, b Sept. 8, 1822; m Persis Coles. 1447 Eleanor^, b Dec. 25, 1824; d Sept. 9, 1869; m Wm. Mirick. 1448 Nancy*, b Sept. 15, 1826; d Sept. 21, 1855; ni Benj. Eddy. 754. SIMEON' PARK, (Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jon- athan*, Jonathan', Thomas*, Richard'), was born Aug. 22, 1784, at Millbury, Mass., and died March 9, 1869, near Unionville, Ohio. He went to Ohio about 1833. He married 1st, about 1803, Cyrena Hale; she b 1783. (About her, the Bernardston Town History has the following: "Simeon m Syrena or Trena, sis- ter of Joseph Aldrich and widow of Wm. Hale, of Greenfield. Int. Dec. 12, 1803." While a descendant writes: "Jonathan Hale had a daughter Cyrena. He was drowned in Ct. river, and his widow m Joseph OF MASSACHUSETTS 115 Aldrich. Cyrena may have taken her stepfather's name but her right name was Hale.") Simeon mar- ried 2nd, Lucinda Coates, 1834(7). She was b Sept. 9, 1799; died Oct. 23, 1849. He married 3rd, Jane Smith (nee Phillips) a widow, Feb. 6, 1850. Children: 1449 Mary'', b Nov. 19, 1804, at Bernardston; d Aug. 24, 1S88; m Warren S. Williams, 1820. 1450 Oren^ b Dec. 15, 1806. 1451 Cyrena^, b Jan. 26, 1809; d at Assyria, Mich., May 17, 1891; m Abel Holton. 1452 Simeon", b April 16, iSii. 1453 Anna^, b Sept. 21, 1813; m Alva^ Park, a cousin. Jonathan^, d. y. 1454 Rachel, b Feb. 13, 1815; lived at Herkimer Co., N. Y.; m Wm. Orvis. 1455 Jonathan**, b April 17, 1820. 1456 Abigail, b March 17, 1822; m Henry Pierce. 1457 Alva, b March 5, 1825; m Cornelia Weeks, and lived at Greenfield. Children: Julia^, b June 1849, d. >., and Carrie^, b July 1S56; d. y. 1458 Edwin A^., b Dec. 29, 1834. 1459 Sarah^, b Aug. 17, 1838, at Unionville, Ohio; m Oscar F. Curtin. Lived at Ashtabula, Ohio. 1460 Levis, b Jan. i, 1842. 1461 Charles, b March i, 1851. 755. LEVI' PARK, (Reuben*, Jonathan', Jona- than*, Jonathan', Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Bernardston, Mass., Nov. 27, 1786, and died there May 12, 1869. He was a farmer and lived at Bern- ardston all his life. He was the father of twenty- one children, and lived to see twenty of them ^rrow to man's estate. He was married three times. His first wife was Phebe Slate, who he married April 7, 1807. She was born Nov. 27, 1786, and died June 16, 1820. He married 2nd, Chloe Slate, Dec. 28, 1820. 116 PARKE FAMILIES She was born May 27, 1798, and died April 7, 1829. He married 3rd, Mary B. Hale, Jan. 28, 1830. She was born June 16, 1806, and died March 3, 1871. Children by 1st wife: 1462 Chauncey B^., b Oct. i6, 1807. 1463 Miranda A^., b May 25, 1809. 1464 Charles S^., b July 25, iSii. 1465 Levi Wesson*, b Aug. i, 1813. 1466 Harvey H»., b July 22, 1815. 1467 Rodney R»., b March 10, 1817. 1468 Phebe L^, b Sept. 22, 1818. Children by 2nd wife: 1469 Barton^, b Jan. 30, 1822. 1470 Minerva^, b April 20, 1823. 1471 Lorenzo*, b March 23, 1824. 1473 Francis**, b June 20, 1825. 1473 Hulbert^, b Nov. 24, 1S27. 1474 Chloe*, b March 23, 1829. Children by 3rd wife: 1475 Henry*, b Jan. 11, 1831. 1476 Dwights, b Jan. 10, 1833. Frederick, b July 29, 1835; d. y. 1477 Frederick Ralph*, b Dec. 12, 1837. 1478 Mary J*., b Aug. 3, 1840; m Charles P. Cushtnan, Nov. 27, 1866.. He b April 15, 1836; d Feb. 11, 1887. Child: Theo. R. Cu.shman, b Aug. 1S69; d Feb. 5, 1896. 1479 Lucy A»., b Oct. 10, 1842. 1480 Albert M*., b July 29, 1845. 1481 Harriet M*., b Nov. 4, 1848. 761. JOHN' PARK, (Moses', Jonathan', Jona- than*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, Richard'), was born at Millbury, Dec. 31, 1784, and died Sept. 1, 1854. He married Nancy Chamberlain, July 9, 1812, daughter of Jacob and Lydia (Buck) Chamberlain. She was born Oct. 15, 1786; d Nov. 25, 1855. He was by occu- pation a farmer. He was a Lieut, in the Mass. mili- tia from 1820 to 1825. OF MASSACHUSETTS 117 Children. Tyler Augustus, b May i, 1813; d 1S33. 1496 George^, b Sept. 9, 1815. 1497 Calisto, b Oct. 5, 1818; d May 15, 1900; m Muriel Pren- tiss. No children. Emily, b June 10, 1820; d. y. 1498 Adaline, b July 17, 1823; d June 30, 1897. 1499 Nancy, b July i, 1825; d April 29, 1851. 1500 Alanson^, b Sept. 6, 1S27; d Oct. 18, 1870; m Prudence Eldridge, of East Douglas, Dec. 29, 1859. Child: Agnes Sophia*, b April 23, 1869; m George Green. 762. HERVEY' PARK, (Moses'', Jonathan', Jon- athan*, Jonathan^ Thomas', Richard'), was born at Millbury, June 26, 1790, and died there Sept. 13, 1875. He married Joanna Robbins, of Mendon. She died 1865. He was a farmer b}^ occupation. He was a member of the Masonic fraternit}^. For ten years he was chairman of the Board of Assessors of Millbury. In 1823 he was one of the organizers of the First Baptist church. Children: Lydia, b March 11, 1S27; d 1844. 1501 Hervey^ b Oct. 12, 1831. And possibly others. 118 PARKE FAMILIES letObtb (Bcncratton. 803. GEORGE' PARKS, (William\ Aaron*, Jo- seph^ Joseph*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^), was born at Leyden, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1821. He married 1st. Ruth Tuthill, at Cuyohago Falls, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1841. She was born in Orange County, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1822; dr. of Samuel and Maria Tuthill, and died at Cuyahoga Falls. July 3, 1875. He married 2nd, Sarah A. Loomis, at Piqua, Ohio, Dec. 14, 1876. He has always been a member of the Episcopal Church. He lived at Cuyohoga Falls, in 1907. Children: i6oo Charles TuthilP, b Oct. 27, 1842; is a member of the I. O. O. F., and the K. of P. Was in the Civil War; was a Sergt. in i6th Ohio V. I.; was honorably discharged on account of wounds received at the Battle of Vicksburg. 1601 George Janes^, b April 3, 1852. 1602 Edward Franklin^, b March 24, 1857; d Dec. 3, 1892. 1603 William Fred^, b March 23, i860. 1604 Laura Louisa^. 809. LAURA J'. PARKS, (William', Aaron*, Jo- seph*, Joseph*, Richard^, Richard*, Richard^), was born at Stowe, Ohio, May 22, 1840. She married Herman W. Harlow, Aug. 27, 1863, at Springfield, Vt. He was born at Charlestown, N. H., Nov. 16, 1835. Children: Frederick M. Harlow, b Dec. 3, 1864, at Springfield, Vt.; married Mabel A. Tilsby, Sept. 14, 1893, at Hartford, Conn., where they reside. Milan Parks Harlow, b Aug. 23, 1871, at Springfield, Vt.; married Dorothy S. Carey, Nov. 10, 1896, at Boston, Mass. They resida at Hartford, Conn. OP MASSACHUSETTS 119 819. EDWARD HARVEY' PARKS, (Harvey P'., Aaron*, Joseph^ Josepll^ Richard"', Richard^, Rich- ard^), was born at Providence, R. I., Feb. 12, 1837. He married Fannie Evans, of Lowell, Mass., Feb. 21, 1861. Children: George Arnold^; d. y. 1615 Edward Francis', b Dec, i8, 1866. 831. MARSHALL' PARKS, (Jonas', Jonas", Dav- id^ Joseph*, Richard^ Richard"', Richard^), was born at Lincoln, Mass., Jan. 26, 1829. He married Harriet Stevens, July 6, 1851. She was born 1832, and died April 16, 1874. He was a carpenter. Child: 1626 Charles Francis^ b April 10, 1853. 833. JONAS LEYANDER' PARKS, (Jonas', Jo- nas\ David^ Joseph*, Richard\ Richard^ Richard^, was born at Lincoln, Mass., April 16, 1833, and died Sept. 9, 1865. He married 1st; Lucy A. Hoar, 1855. She was born in Waltham, March 15, 1837, daughter of Samuel and Margaret Hoar. She died Sept. 17, 1860. He married 2nd, Lenora H.Whitman, 1861, at Waltham. She died April 5, 1864. He was a car- penter. Children: 1631 Frank JJ., b May 4, 1856. Frederick L,'., d i860. 834. CHARLES HENRY' PARKS, (Jonas', Jo- nas*, David', Joseph*, Richard'. Richard', Richard'), was born at Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 17, 1837, and lived at Waltham. He married Carrie W. Reed, June 3, 1867. 120 PARKK PAMILIKS Children: Ellis J., bNov. 2, i86S; d. y. 1633 Arthur H»., b Oct. 4, 1S71. 1634 Hattie A^., b Sept. 23, 1877. 836. GEORGE E'. PARKS, (Jonas', Jonas*, Dav- id^ Joseph*, Richard^ Richard^ Richard^, was born April 1, 1843, and died Aug. 27, 1871. He married Sarah E. Leland, Aug. 14, 1866; lived at Waltham. Child: 1641 George L,^., b Oct. 7, 1867, 840. MARSHALL OTT' PARKS, (Marshall', Leonard^ David^ Joseph*, Richard\ Richard'^ Rich- ard'), was born at Old Point, Va., Nov. 8; 1820, and died at Norfolk, Va., June 12, 1900. He married Sophie Chauner Jackson, June 6, 1855, at Norfolk. A descendant says that she was a great-neice of Sir William Congrieve, of England, the poet and drama- tist; who is buried in Westminster Abbey. Mr. Parks succeeded his father as superintendent of the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and while holding that position he conceived the plan of building another canal, which would be a shorter cut for ves- sels to and from the waters of North Carolina. This canal was built and he was President of the company for many years. Shortly after becoming interested in the canal. Commodore Parks purchased a large tract of land on the Virginia coast and erected thereon a hotel, which he called "The Hollies," and while at the time it was thought by many that it would never become what the promoter desired and believed — a famous seaside resort — even this was but the beginning, and the end is not yet. The con- struction of a narrow-gauge railroad between Norfolk OP MASSACHUSETTS 121 and Virginia Beach was also one of the enterprises carried out by this man of many resources, so that he was the father of the Princess Anne Hotel and the present standard gauge road connecting the two places. Commodore Parks always took an active interest in all affairs concerning the city of his adoption. For a number of years he was a member of the City Councils, and in 1872 served a terra in the State Legislature. The only public office he ever held was Supervising Inspector of Steamboats, which position he filled during the first term of President Cleveland. He was a canidate for Congress from Norfolk at one time, but was defeated. Commodore Parks was a man as, widely known perhaps as any man in Virginia, and his fund of information on almost any subject was unusually large. He was one who alwa3's had a kind word for everybody, and his reminiscences" were very interesting. During the Civil Vv'^ar he served in the Confederate States navy, having been in the navy of the State of North Caro- lina at the breaking out of the war. Children: 1656 Harriet Worthington'-*, b May 24, 1856; married Holt Wil- son Page, (soil of Capt. Hugh Nelson Page of the navy —the midshipman who carried Perry's message to Con- gress from Lake Erie); had seven childJen: i. Marshall Parks, who married Myrtle Lee Wright daughter of Dr. Wright, of Dallas, Texas, have daughter Elizabeth Page. 2. P>ettie Burwell, died. 3. Harriott Congrieve, died. 4. Jane Byrd, m Charles Mcintosh Tunstall (son of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, son of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall) and had daughter Anne Nclntosh Tunstall. 5. Harriott Jackson. 6. Holt Wilson. 7. Hugh Nel- son, died. 1657 Jane Weston*, b Feb. 25, 1S5S; m Dr. George H. Rose. No children. 1658 Sophie Jackson^, b Nov. 20, i860; m Richard U. Goode. Children: Sophie Parks, Sallie Urquhart and Richard Urquhart Goode. 16 122 PARKE FAMILIES 842. JOHN TUNIS WYTHE PARKS, (Mar- shair, Leonard*, David^ Joseph*, Richa^d^ Richard^ Richard'), was born at Norfolk, Va., Dec. 19, 1826, and died Oct. 15, 1879. He married Victoria Wood- land Marchant, April 19, 1855. at Norfolk, only child of Jordan and Juliana Marechant. Children: 1661 Wythe Marchant', b Sept. 8, 1856. Victoria', b June 27, 1858; d. y. 1662 Martha Boush', b April 31, i860. 843. WILLIAM HENRY* PARKS, (Leonard', Leonard\ David^ Joseph*, Richard^ Richard', Rich- ard'), was born at Boston, Mass., Jan. 19, 1811, and died at Norfolk, Va., Oct. 1, 1858. He married Angelina Burt, at Portsmouth, Va., Jan. 22. 1835. Children: William H. H'., b Oct. 26, 1835; d. y. 1665 Margaret Jane'; became a Roman Catholic sister. 1666 Virginius'. 1667 James Wilson', b April 25, 1844. 1668 Alice'; became a Roman Catholic sister. 845. LEONARD WELLMAN' PARKS, (Leon- ard\ Leonard", David*, Joseph*, Richard^ Richard'^ Richard'), was born at Walpole, N. H., Dec. 5, 1815. He married June 19, 1838, at Woburn, Mass., Roxan- na B. Nichols, daughter of Stephen and Abigail (Tidd) Nichols. She was born in Woburn, Nov. 2, 1818, and died there Jan. 12, 1850. Mr. Parks was a manufacturer of leather and shoes. Children: 1669 Granville', b Sept. 23, 1840. 1670 Ella Jane', b June 18, 1844; m Charles W. Tidd, of Stone- ham, June 8, 1865. Child: Charlena W. Tidd. OF MASSACHUSETTS 123 847. FRANKLIN BROOKS' PARKS, (Leonard', Leonard*, David^ Joseph*, Richard', Richard", Rich- ard^), was born at Cambridgeport, Mass., June 6, 1821. He married Hannah Stone, May 5, 1845, at Cambridgeport. He was a manufacturer of tinware. Children: 1671 Albert', b April 27, 1849. 1672 Cora Alice^, b June 1861. 848. CHARLES THADEUS* PARKS, (Leonard", Leonard*, David^ Joseph*, Richard' Richard", Rich- ard'), was born Dec. 29, 1824, and died June 27, 1870. He married Susan M. Snow, Jan. 1, 1849. Children: 1673 Leonard Wellman^, b June 12, 1850; d Nov. 17, 18S9; m Catharine M. Rooney, Nov. 3, 1880. Children: Charles Walter'", b July i, 1881, d Sept. i, 1S81; Gertrude Ether", b April 15, 18S3, and Elmer'", b July 21, 1887. He was proprietor of a machine shop. Marietta Snow^ b Sept. 11, 1851; d Sept. 5, 1857. Marietta Sophia*, b Dec. 21, 1856; d Feb. 14, 185S. Carrie Snow^, b June 29, 1859; d unmarried. 863. DAVID W*. PARKS, (Wendelf, David*, Dav- id", Joseph*, Richard', Richard", Richard'), was born Sept. 10, 1818. He married 1st, Jane Ellison, Oct. 15, 1840. She died Aug. 1874. He married 2nd, Mrs. Ellen Brown, March 24, 1875. Children: 1703 Mary", b April 28, 1841; m W. D. Putnam. 1704 Josie C^. ; m ist. Henry B. Graves, in 1863. Child: Annie Graves, b Jan. 31, 1865. He died Oct. 15, 1865, and she m 2nd, Oscar M. Welman, May 3, 1868. Children: Henry, b Aug. 1869, and Emma Welman, b March 1871. 1705 Ada»,; m G. G. Silsby, March 12, 1873. Child; Bertha Silsby, b July 12, 1S75. 124 PARKE FAMILIES 868 CHARLES WILLARD^ PARKS, (DarW David , David^ JosephS Richard^ Richard^ Rich- ard ), was born Sept. 25, 1832. He lived at Charles- own, N. H. He naarried Elizabeth Kelty, Jan. 1865. He was m the Civil War and is a pensioner. Children: 1 71 1 Charles Edward^. 1712 Elizabeth Irene^. 870. GEORGE WASHINGTON SUMNER^ PARKS, (Darius\ David«, David^ JosephS Richard^ Kichard-, Richard^), was born at Acworth, N. H., Sept. 12, 1836. He married Marietta Coffin, Feb e' .!l T. "• ^^^ '''^' ^°^" ^* ^^- Charlestown, in 1840. He was in the Civil War, in co. B, 1st N. H. reg-t., and is a pensioner. Children; 1715 Frank Sylvester', b April 8, i86r, at Charlestown N H 1716 ArthiirGeorge', b Sept. 21, 1866. ' ' ' Mabel Sophia', b July 6, 186-; d 1883. 1717 Ellen Maria', b Aug. 26, 1871. 1 718 Esther I,illian'. b Oct. 28, 1877. 872. FRED SYLVESTER BONAPARTE^ PARKS, (Darius', David^ David^ Joseph*, Richard-\ Richard , Richard^), was born June 12 1841 at Charlestown, N. H., and died April 11, 'l869 ' He married Ella F. Smith, June 9. 1868. Child: 1719 EstellaM'., b 1869. 890. RUFUS^ PARKS, (GorhamS Warham\ Eli- sha, Josiah*, Richai^r, Richard% Richard^), was born at Bang-or, Me., April 9. 1837. He married AhnePettj, at Norfolk, Va., May 14, 1877. She COL WARHAM PARKS 1-»AGK 125 OF MASSACHUSETTS 125 was born at Kempsville, Va., Aug. 24, 1850, the daughter of John and H. W. Petty. Mr. Parks was appointed Captain's Clerk on the U. S. S. Vandalia, November, 1860 to June 1861. He was appointed Acting Paymaster and Assistant Paymaster in 1861; Paymaster in 1862; Pay Inspector 1877, and Pay Director in 1886. He served as Pay Officer of various vessels, as Fleet Paymaster, and as General Store- keeper at the navy yards Boston, League Island, New York, Washington, etc. He was retired on account of reaching the age limit, April 9, 1899, with the rank of a Rear Admiral. He lives at Norfolk, Va. Child: 1734 Rufus^, b March 15, 18S0. 893. WARHAM' PARKS, (Rufus', Warham', EU- sha^, Josiah*, Richard^ Richard"', Richard^), was born at Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 5, 1840, and died at Oconomowoc, Wis., Aug. 25, 1899. He nlarried 1st, Helen M. Howell, of LaPorte, Ind., Nov. 22, 1872. She died April 21, 1891. He married 2nd, Annie E. Taylor, ot Pawtucket, R. I., June 27, 1892. In April 1861, he enlisted in co. K, 3rd Wis. regt., Vols., and served during the entire Civil war; having reached the rank of Major, and was brevetted Lt, Col., for gallant and meritorious services in Georgia and the Carolinas. At the close of the war he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1866. He was always a Republican in politics. In 1876 President Grant appointed him Postmaster of Oconomowoc, and he was reappointed by Presidents Hayes, Arthur and Harrison. He served as Deputy under U. S, revenue collector Erskin. He wa^ a consistent member of- Zion Episcopal Chuuch of his city. 126 PARKE FAMILIES Child: 1749 HowelP, b Aug. 21, 1882; graduated from Madison Univer- sity, 1903, and from the law class of 1900. Is now prac- ticing law in Muskogee, Ind. Ter. 896. MARV PARKS, (Rufus^ Warllam^ Elisha^ Josiah*, Richard'. Richard', Richard'), was born at Summit, Wis., July 10, 1846. She marrried Flavius J. Macmillan, Aug. 31, 1873. He was born at Chel- sea, Mass., May 22, 1845. Child: Julia Thekla Macmillan, b Jan. 12, 1879, at Republican City, Neb. She is a graduate of the High School, and the George Washington University, of Washington, D. C. 917. JAMES^ PARKS, (Josiah', Pliny^ Josiah^ Josiah*, Richard', Richard', Richard') was born May 27, 1826. He married Jane Dunbar, at Waterbury, Conn., May 14, 1853. They lived at Bridgeport, Litchfield, and New Milford, Conn. He was in the Civil War and lost a leg at the battle of Cedar Creek. Children: 1779 Emma^. b March 14, 1854. 1780 Edward^, b Feb. 12, 1857. 986. A.EDWIN' PARKS, (Luke^Phinehas^ Wil- liam', Ephraim', Richard', Richard', Richard'), was born at Winchendon, March 3, 1822. He married 1st, Sarah M. Burman, Jan. 1844. She died Feb. 11, 18^7, and he married 2nd, Roxanna Weston, Oct. 16, 1861. He lived in Idaho. Children: 1900 Clarence A»., b Oct. 26, 1847. Lived in Chicago. Was married and had a daughter, Grace". 1901 Ella M»., m Warren W. Mason, and lived near Boston, OP MASSACHUSETTS 127 Children: Ernest W., Helen, Florence, Letlie, Elmer, Edith, Ina and Iniz Mason. Helen A., b Oct. 1849; d. y. 1902 Edwin P., b 1S52; m Hattie Pratt. " Lived in the west." 1903 Sarah Jane", b April 5, 1855; m Charles Pratt. Children: Carl and Edwin Pratt. 988. MILTON MAURICE* PARKS, (Luke', Phinehas*, William^ Ephraim*, Richard", Richard'^ Richard^), was born at Winchendon, Feb. 22, 1824, and died at Keene, N. H., Sept. 15, 1889; married Elizabeth A. Porter, March 5, 1851, at Winchendon, dr. of Ezra and Ada Porter. She was born at Win- chendon, June 1839; living at Mattapan, 1907. Children: Frank Elliot^, b March 10, 1854; d. y. 1904 Ellery Milton^, b Feb. 11, 1S57. 989. LUKE' PARKS, (Luke', Phinehas*, Wil- liam", Ephraim*, Richard^, Richard", Richard^), was born at Winchendon, Mass., and lived at Hinsdale, N. H. He married Augusta Howard. Child: 1905 Lewellen^; married Fay. 990. AUSTIN" PARKS, (Luke', Phinehas*, Wil- liam^ Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^, was born at Winchendon, where he lived and married Eliza Goddard. Children: 1907 Henry9, b Oct. 23, 1855. 1908 Elmer A»., b Oct. 18, 1S56. 1909 Harry^. 1910 Hattie E"., b May 21, 1869. 994. GEORGE H'. PARKS, (Phinehas', Phine- has^ William^ Ephraim*, Richard\ Richard". Rich- ard'), was born at Winchendon, Sept. 21, 1829. He 128 PARKE FAMILIES married 1st, Lizzie Q. Pierce, May 30, 1858. She was born Jan. 11, 1835, and died 1875; and he mar- ried 2nd, Hattie Packard, March 8, 1881. He was a farmer. Child: 1917 George Hapgood", b Sept. 30, 1894. 995. FRANCES JANE' PARKS, (Phinehas', Phinehas', William', Ephraim*, Richard', Richard", Richard^), was born at Winchendon, Mass., Feb. 22, 1831. She married William S. Brooks, March 11, 1847. He was a farmer and lived at Rindge, N. H., where he was born March 17, 1822. She was living- in Winchendon in 1907. Children. Emma Amanda Brooks, b Oct. 17, 1848. Eugeue P. Brooks, b Feb. 25, 1850. Herbert E. Brooks b Oct. 30, 1852. George F. Brooks, b Aug. 23, 1856; m Amanda H. Davis, Nov. 24, 1881. The)' live in Worcester, where he is Treasurer of the Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., manufacturers of fire-arms. Chiklreu: L,illian M., Ralph E., Ida F., and Elizabeth G. Brooks. Edgar W. Brooks, b July 23, 1858, Ellen I. Brooks, b Dec. 24, i860. Clarence Adna Brooks, b April 10, 1868. ,t 1000. MARTIN H'. PARKS, (Levi', Phinehas', William% Ephraim*, Richard% Richard", Richard^, was born at Winchendon, Mass. He married Maria Craighton, May 26, 1861. He was a manufacturer of woodware. Children: Mable E^, d Aug. 16, 1867. 1918 Harry 'hP., b April 19, 1869. 1919 Adelbert^, b July 23, 1871. OP MASSACHUSETTS 129 1059. GEORGE E'. PARKS, (Johnathan H'., Abi- jah^ John", Ephraim*, Richa^d^ Richard*, Richard'), was born at Stow, Mass., June 25, 1830. He lived at McHenry, Ills. Children: 2001 Libbie C, b Dec. 28, 1857; m Herbert 1,. Allen. 2002 Emma*; m Albert Matthews. Children: Edith, b Feb. 4, 1S80, and Emma Matthews, b 1883. 2003 Johnathan H*., was married and had child, Hugh'". 2004 Etta M»., b Feb. 26, 1868; m Fred Bryant; had 3 children. 2005 Minnie*. 1063. CHARLES H'. PARKS, (Johnathan H\, Abijah', John^ Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard^ Rich- ard'), was born at Stock^ridge, Vt., June 5, 1840. He married Mary Claxton, at McHenry, Ills. Children: 2006 Albert S»., b March 16, 1863. 2007 Nettie M*., b Dec. 5, 1864; m George A. Stevens, of Ring- wood, Ills., Oct. 7, 1884. Children: Agnes, b Nov. 19, 1885; Harold, b June 29, 1S88; Zillah M., b Aug. 1891, and Charles H. Stevens, b Oct. i, 1893. 1068. SUSAN MELINDA" PARKS, (Samuel', Abijah^ John% Ephraim*, Richard% Richard', Rich- ard'), was born at Stow, Jan. 12, 1840. She married Charles Houghton, July 7, 1861, a son of Ezra and and Sally Raymond Houghton. He was born April 18, 1820, and died Nov. 10, 1885, in Littleton, N. C. He was a farmer. She lives in Hudson, Mass. Child: Clara Eva Houghton, b Dec, 15, 1868. 1079. ABU AH E'. PARKS, (Samuel' Samuel*, John*, Ephraim*, Richard\ Richard'^ Richard'), was 17 130 PARKE FAMILIES born at Stow, Mass., Nov. 22, 1848. He married Clara J. Goddard, April 14, 1875, at Stow. She was born at Bolton, Mass., Dec. 9, 1850. They reside at Stoneham, where he is by occupation a shoemaker. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and both he and his wife are members of the Golden Cross. Children: 2021 Frank Edwin', b Jan. lo, 1877. He is in the real estate business in Stoneham; is a membar of the Congrega- tional Church and several societies. 2022 Lottie F9., b Dec. 26, 1878; d April 18, 1904. Amy G^., b June 27, 1881; d. y. 1081. WILLIAM GRANVILLE* PARKS, (Sam- uel', Samuel*, John', Ephraim*, Richard', Richard', Richard^), was born at Stow, Jan. 2, 1855. He mar- ried Jessie Cullen, Dec. 24, 1879, at Stow. She was born at Rochester, N. H., April 13, 1858, daughter of Robert Cullen. Mr. Parks is a shoemaker and lives in Stoneham. Child: 2025 Alonzo R9., b Jan. 2, 18S6. 1083. JANE ALLINA' PARKS, (William\ Sam- uel', John', EphraimS Richard', Richard', Richard^, was born at Lancaster, Mass., Nov. 25, 1838. She married Wm. K. Ashton, of Philadelphia, Pa., 1858. Children: Maud Ashton, b Wyoming, Minn., Sept. 4, 1859; m F. S. Stone, of Hudson; lived in Fitchbujg. Anne Ashton, b March 19, 1861, at Wyoming; m W. S. Bucklin, Nov. 1880, of Red Bank, N. J. Kate Ashton, b Sept. 25, 1S65; m Frank S. Pierce; lives in Philadelphia. Fred M. Ashton, b March 9, 1869, at Fitchburg; m Grace McGrath. OP MASSACHUSETTS 131 1084. GILBERT MC'INTIRE' PARKS, (Wil- liam^ Samuel^ John*, Ephraim*, Richard', Richard", Richard^, was born at Westminster, Mass., Aug. 15, 1842. He married Abbey F. Sampson, of Fitchburg, Oct. 27, 1870. He is a large dealer in plumbers' sup- plies, and resides in Fitchburg. Children: 2027 Robert S'., b March lo, 1872; m Carrie Goodwin, of Fitch- burg, Jan. 1895. 2028 Fred W^., b Dec. 21, 1874; m Ruth Chapin, of Southbridge, Sept. 3, 189S. 2029 Jennie A^., b Feb. 11, 1876. 2030 Howard M^., b Dec. 26, 1879. 2031 Helen A»., b Aug. 8, 1884. 1086. LEWIS' PARKS, (Silas', Samuel*, John', Ephraim*, Richard\ Richard^ Richard'), was born at Stow, Mass., Feb. 8, 1839. He married 1st, Sarah C. Wolcott, May 8, 186L She was born in Stow, Oct. 4, 1837, and died March 20, 1870. He married 2nd, Lydia M. Stone, Nov. 30, 1871. daughter of Ephraim Ward Stone. She was born in Stow, May 15, 1845. They lived in Gleasondale, Mass. Children: Arthur A^., b July 2, 1862; d. y. 2032 Henry Grant", b Nov. 14, 1872; married, and lives in Chel- sea, Mass. 2033 Warren Stone", b Jan. 27, 1875; is married and lives in Syracuse, N. Y. 2034 Ernest Albert^, b Dec. 9, 1876. Eunice F"., b Aug. 17, 1S79; d. y. 2035 Ralph Silas", b March 10, 1882; lives at Syracuse, N. Y. Flora M"., b March 14, 18S5; d. y. 132 PARKE FAMILIES 1087. MARY CAROLINE" PARKS, (Silas', Sam- uel*, John^ Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^, was born at Stow, Mass., July 2, 1847. She married Walter S. Lewis, Jan. 1, 1873. Children: Lillian N. Lewis, b May 9, 1874. Marshall C. Lewis, b May 9, 1874. Caroline G. Lewis, b March 24, 1876. M. Abby Lewis, b Dec. 2, 1880. Lena B. Lewis, b Sept. 23, 1883. Herbert W. Lewis, b April 18, 1887. Jessie M. Lewis, b May 28, 1890. 1101. SARAH ELIZABETH' PARKS, (Luther', Luther*, Samuel\ Ephraim', Richard', Richard^ RichardO, was born at Boston, Mass., March 14, 1854. She married Caleb Henry Wheeler, at Concord, Nov. 13, 1879, the son of Henry Adams and Dolly (Kendall) Wheeler. He was born at Concord, Nov. 10, 1842, and died there Sept. 1, 1900. Mrs. Wheeler is greatly interestsd in the subject of genealogy and has spent considerable time and money in searching the history of her ancestors. Children: Julia Dale Wheeler, b Oct. 19, 1S80. Sarah Kendall Wheeler, b May 25, 1882. Mary Ellen Wheeler, b April 18, 1S85. Elizabeth Parks Wheeler, b April 21, 1888. Caleb Henry Wheeler, b May 22, 1891. 1105. FREDERICK H'. PARKS, (Alfred', Emer- son*, Josiah^ Ephraim*, Richard', Richa^d^ Rich- ard'), was born Jan. 10, 1850. He married Martha A. Hill, April 19, 1880. They lived at Belmont. Children: 2065 Frederick George^. ^066 Herbert Eber', b June 30, :5883, OF MASSACHUSETTS 133 1106. CHARLES AMOS F^ PARKS, (Alfred\ Emerson*. Josiah^ EphraimS Richard% Richard^ Richard^), was born Jan. 15, 1852. He married Julia Reardon, Oct. 31, 1876. They lived at Belmont. She died March 15, 1883. Children: 2069 Mary Agnes'. 2070 Nellie Elizabeth'. 1107. FRANK E*. PARKS, (Alfred', Emerson', Joeiali*, Ephraim*, Richard^ Richard", Richard^), was born at Belmont, Mass., March, 1856. He mar- ried Sarah T. Hill, Aug. 10, 1882. Child: 2073 Mable Alice', b Jan. 30, 1883. 1152. MINERVA VICTORIA' PARK, (Appleton', Solomon^ SamueP, Solomon*, John^ Thomas', Rich- ard^), was born at Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 23, 1838. She married Zephaniah Williams, Nov. 24, 1864, at Pawtucket. He was born at Pomfret, Conn., Feb. 20, 1835, and died at Providence, R. I., May 16, 1899. She resides at Providence. Children: Appleton Park Williams, was born at Providence, Jan. 28, 1S67; was educated in the public schools of Providence, and graduated from Brown University in 1S89, with de- gree of A. B. He marriad ist, Emelyn Palmer Butts, Sept. 20, 1893, a daughter of George Whitfield and Louisa Munford (Greene) Butts. She was born at Prov- idence Aug. 18, 1866, and died at West Upton, Mass., June 22, 1895. He married 2nd, Adelaide Augusta Sis- son, June I, 1907, a daughter of Charles Richmond and Laura Frothingham (Potter) Sisson. Mr. Williams has always taken a prominent part in the local affairs of West Upton, Mass., where he lives, and also in state affairs. He has been a member of the School Board 134 PARKE FAMILIES since iSg.s and its chairman since 1896. He was a mem- ber of the Mass. House of Representatives in 1898, and Selectman of Upton in 1901. Was President of the Massachusetts Sunday School Association 1904-5, and Vice-Pres. of the Religious Education Association in 1906. Since 1905 he has been a member of the Execu- tive Committee Llass. Home Missionary Assn., and since 1896 Superintendent of the Congregational Sun- day School in Upton. He is president of the Farmers' Club, of Upton. He is a member of the National Geo- graphic Society; of the University and Twentieth Cen- tury Clubs of Boston; of the University Club and the Delta Kappa Epsilon Assn., of B. I., Providence, R. I., and the City Club of New York City. Pie is also a member of Milford Commandery, Knights Teiuplar. Frank Elmer Williams, b Sept. 27, 1870; m Bertha M. Bald- win, June 10, 1902. Child: Marian Minerva Williams, b Jul> 19, 1903. Florence Minerva Williams, b Sept. 18, 1874. 1154. RUSSELL* PARK, (Warren^ Solomon', Samuel^ Solomon*, Jolin^ Thomas", Richard^, was born at Pawtucket, R. I., Feb. 9, 1837. He lived at Fontenell, Neb. He married Dorothy B. Smith, a widow, at Denmark, Lee county, Iowa, Mar. 20, 1866. Children: 2171 Harriet Eliza', b April 6, 1867. 2172 Eugene Christian*, b May 3, 1869. Elizabeth B''., b July 7, 1871; d Nov. 3, 1899. 2173 Bertha BelP, b Feb. 6, 1873. 2174 Dorothy Christian", b March 10, 1875; m Frank Leverett, Dec. 18, 1895. 2175 Arthur Conrad®, b Mav 10, 1878. 2176 Ruth Edith", b Feb. 29, 1880. 1155. MARY CALISTO' PARK, (Warren', Solo- mon^ Samuel", Solomon*, John^ Thomas% Richard^), was born at Pittsfield, Ills., June 28, 1841. She married George Anderson, March 9, 1859. OF MASSACHUSETTS 135 Children: Oscar A. Anderson, b Nov. 9, 1859. Horace Maynard Anderson, b May 29, 1861. Alice S. Anderson, b Feb. 10, 1867. Jennie Anderuon, b June 5, 1869; d. y. Walter H. Anderson, b July 21, 1S71. George M. Anderson, b Feb. 7, 1873. Charles G. Anderson, b Dec. 27, 1874. Flora Ellen Anderson, b Sept. 30, 1876. 1164. JAMES RUSSELL* PARK, (JosepliMames Russeir, Samuel*, Solomon*, John^, Thomas', Rich- ard^), was born at Berlin, Mass., Aug. 31, 1810, and died May 8, 1897. He lived at Holliston and Worces- ter. He married 1st, Ann . She died and he m 2nd, Harriet N. Fay, April 2, 1840. She died May, 1848, and he m 3rd, Martha Ann (Bemis) Collins, a widow, April 4, 1849. [The names of his wives and children as given here are supposed to be correct, but there is no certainty of this.] Children: 2196 Beulah Ann^. 2197 Harriet J'., b Aug. 3, 1843. 2198 Joseph Russell*, b 1847. 2199 Carrie^. 2200 Emma^. 2201 Minnie*. 1182. EMMA ELIZABETH' PARKE, (Benja- min\ Thomas^ Benjamin\ Joseph*, John^ Thomas^, Richard^) was born Sept. 13, 1835, and died March 1, 1864. She married Simon S. Carrier, Oct. 15, 1857, son of Aristobolus and Electa, (Adams) Carrier. 136 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Frances Alberta Carrier, m Alan W. Wood. Children: Parke Carrier Wood, b Aug. 2, 1879; m Edna Rolfe, Aug. 25, 1900. Children: Elizabeth, b July 24, 1901; Alan W., b Sept. 28, 1902, and Alberta Carrier Wood, b Nov. 13, 1905. Clarence Gilpin Wood, b July 10, 1881; d. y. Rosalind Wood, b Nov. 22, 1882; m Augustus Gross MacConnell. Child: Augustus G.; d. y. Alberta Wood, b Aug. 30, 1884; m Grosny Chamberlain McLean. Anita Wood, b July 29, 1S86. Roland Gilpin Wood, b Nov. 22, 1888. Helen Foster Wood, b Nov. 28, 1890. Laura Gilpin Wood, b Sept. 22, 1892. William Joseph Carrier. Benjamin Parke Carrier. 1183. EUNICE' PARKE, (Benjamin', Thomas*, Benjami^^ Joseph*, John^ Thomas'^ Richard^), was born at Harrisburg, Pa., June 1, 1833. She married John S. Detweiler, Sept. 29, 1853, at Harrisburg. He was born Oct. 29, 1829, and died Aug. 16, 1878. He was commissioned Capt. of co. E, 9th Pa. Cav., Oct. 19, 1861; was on staff of Gen. DuMont, and was appointed Major of the regt., March 19, 1863. Re- signed his commission the same year for disability. " Was a brave soldier and served his Country well," Gen. Rosecrans, his commanding officer, said of him. He was made Register in Bankruptcy in 1872, which office he held at the time of his death. He stood sev- enth on the list of practicing attorneys of the Har- risburg bar. "An able pleader, with a well stored mind as well with the lore of his profession as the riches of literature, and it may be said tliat the bar has lost one of its ablest members by his death." — Resolutions of Harrisburg Bar. MKS. KTJXICE P^VRIvE DETWEILER r»AGE 136 OF MASSACHUSETTS 137 Children: Benjamin Parke Detweiler, b June 24, 1854; d. y. William Champlin Detweiler, b Aug. 3, 1856; d Oct. 24, 1890; m Sarah MacConnell, of Shamokin, Pa. John Shelley Detweiler, b June 15, 1865; m Alice Frazer, Aug. 21, 1897. Children: Alan Wood, b Aug. 21, 1902, and Charles F., b July 13, 1906. Eunice Parke Detweiler, b Jan. 24, 1872; m Aug. 2, 1899, Frederick Huntington^ Parke, (a descendant in the ninth generation of Robert^ Parke, of New London, Conn). Children: Eunice Champlin^", b in St. Peters- burg, Russia, Oct. 4, 1900, and Theodosia'°, b June 29, 1906. Charles Parke Detweiler, b April 5, 1869; m Lelia M. Smith, at Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 15. 1891. Resides at Wal- bridge Farms, Toledo, Ohio. Child: Parke Merideth Detweiler, b July 1892, 1187. SARAH GEORGIANNA' PARKS, (Benjamin\ Thomas^ Benjamin", Joseph*, John^ Thomas^ Richard^, was born Oct. 25, 1842. She married John E. Parsons, of Toledo, Ohio. Children: Catharine Elizabeth Parsons, b Feb. 6, 1875; m William E. Taylor, June i, 1905. Hannah Leebrick Parsons, b July 24, 1877. Georgianna Parke Parsons, b Oct. 14, 1879; d March 18S1. John Emory Parsons, b May 7, 1888. 1219 CHARLES COOPER' PARKS, (Sarauef, John*, John*, Joseph*, John^, Thomas^, Richard^, was born at Searsport, Me., Sept. 20, 1840. He mar- ried Annie Towers Segers, at Stockton, Me., Sept. 20, 1862, dr of Joseph and Judith Segers. She was born at Stockton, Dec. 4, 1840. They lived at Stockton Springs. Me., in 1907, 138 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Child", did not live. 3302 Isaac Park", b March i6, 1867. 2303 Henry Seger^, b June 20, 1870; d at Revere, Mass., March 4, 1907. 1221 JEREMIAH GRANT' PARK, (Samuel', John*, John'\ Joseph*, John', Thomas'", Richard^, was born at Searsport, Me., Dec. 9, 1849. He mar- ried 1st, Frances Harrison, He married 2nd, Sylvia Taylor, of West Harwich, Mass. Child by 1st wife: 2314 Clifton Drummond*, b May 3, 1877. Children by 2nd wife: 2315 Augusta Viel", b July 4, 1885. 2316 Emma Florence*, b July 15, 1889. 2317 Jennie May**, Nov. 24, 1891. 1317. WISNER' PARK, (Harrison G\, Calvin', Nathan^ Nathan^ Edward", Thomas", Richard^), was born at Dedham, Feb. 23, 1835. He married Mary Ann Mansfield, March 20, 1864, daughter of William and Phebe (Tilson) Mansfield. She was born at Canton, March 15, 1840. He was a Captain in the 40th Mass. Inf., in the Civil War. Lived at Concord in 1907. Children: 2515 Wisner", b May 4, 1866. 2516 Ruth9, b Oct. 19, 1874. 2517 MabeF, b Feb. 26, 1S79. 1325. WILLIAM FRANCIS' PARK, (Harrison G'., Calvin*, Nathan', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Richard^), was born at Canton, Mass., Aug. 8, 1849, OP MASSACHUSETTS 139 and died at Norwood, July 18, 1883. He married Adeline Elizabeth Guy, at Norwood, a daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth Clapp (Perry) Guy. She was born at Dedham, April 12, 1850, and died at Lunenburg. Children: 2523 Ida Amelia^, b Jan. 28, 187S. 2524 Addie Josephine®, b June 9, 1879, at L,unenburg; living at Quincy in 1907. 2525 Francis Guy®, b Sept. 2, 1880. 1328. WILLIAM EDWARDS' PARK, (Edwards A^, Calvin', Nathan', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas*, Richard^), was born at Andover, Mass., July 1, 1837. He married Sarah Billings Edwards, March 4, 1874, at Andover, daughter of Bela Bates Edwards. She was born Nov. 18, 1836. Rev. Mr. Park was fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, studying under the direction of the famous Dr. Samuel H. Taylor. Graduated from Yale University in 1861, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1867. He was one of the first party of teachers sent from the North to educate the Southern freedmen, and labored in the work during the spring and summer of 1862. He served also on the Coristian Commission during the Civil War and preached to Union soldiers and white refugees during the spring of 1864. He was ordained pastor of the Central Congregational Church of Lawrence, Mass., in Nov. 1867, and re- mained there eight years. In June, 1876 he was installed as pastor of the Congregational Church in Gloversville, N. Y., and remained in the position twenty-eight years. In June, 1904, he removed to 140 PARKE FAMILIES Oberlin, Ohio, where he has since been engaged in literary work. Dr. Park has made six trips to Europe; one of them including visits to Egypt, the Holy Land, Constantinople and Greece. He has made tliree journeys to the Pacific coast, two of them to Alaska and one to Southern California. He has at various times filled the following positions: Corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; four times Delegate to National Congregational Councils; three times Moderator of the New York state Congregational Association; trustee of the New Yoik state Home Missionary So- ciety for seventeen years and vice-president of the same body; state Secretary for N. Y., of the Congre- gational Church Building Society; Corresponding and afterwards Recording Secretary of the Fulton and Hamilton County Bible Society; President of the Yale Alumni Association, of Eastern N. Y.; Presi- dent of the Yale Alumni Association, of Fulton county, N. Y.; Moderator of the Ministerial Associa- tion of Oberlin, Ohio, and moderator of several ec- clesiastical councils in N. Y. state. He has been and still is a prolific writer of sermons, essays, addresses, etc., on a great variety of subjects. Children: 2526 Marion Edwards^, b Dec. 31, 1875; is a teacher in Provi- dence, R. I. 2527 Edwards Albert', b Dec. 30, 1877; is a physician in New York City. 1349. ELIZA HALL' PARK, (Trenor W'., Lu- ther', William', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Rich- ard'), was born at Bennington, Vt., Nov. 17, 1848. OF MASSACHUSETTS 141 She married John G. McCullough, Aug. 30, 1871, son of Alexander and Rebecca (Griffith) McCullough. He was born Sept. 16, 1835, in Welsh Tract, near Newark, Delaware; graduated from Delaware College at the head of his class in 1855; studied law in Phil- adelphia, and graduated at the law school of the University of Pennsylvania in 1858, and was admitted to the bar the same year. He was obliged to leave Philadelphia, owing to ill health, and went to Cali- fornia, arriving there in Dec. 1859. He was elected to the General Assembly of California in 1861, and to the State Senate in 1862, where he made a brilliant record. He was Attorney General from 1863 to 1867, and the position he held is shown in the dedication to him of the recent History of the Bench and Bar of California, " as a light to the early bar of California, and for his brilliant administration of the office of Attorney General." He practiced law in San Fran- cisco until 1873, when he returned east and settled in Bennington, Vt., his wife's home. He has since de- voted his energies to railroad, financial and commer- cial interests. He was for eight years Vice President and General Manager of the Panama Railroad, and after Mr. Park's death in 1882, at the earnest solicit- ation of M. de Lesseps and the French owners, he became President and continued so until his resigna- tion in 1888. In 1884 he became a director in the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad, and in 1888 chairman of the Executive Committee. In 1893 he was appointed by the Court one of the receivers in the suit which resulted in the reorganization of the road as the Erie Railroad, of which company he is now a director. For more than ten years he was President of the Chicago and Erie Railroad and for 142 PARKE FAMILIES more than sixteen President of the Bennington Rail- road. He is now President of the First National Bank, of North Bennington, Vt., and director in many companies, including the National Life Insur- ance Co., of Vt., the Central Vermont R. R., the Fidelity and Casualty Company, American Trading Compan)% New York and New Jersey R. R., Atche- son, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R., Lackawanna Steel Co., and Bank of New York; and is Trustee of Mid- dleburg College and of the University of Vermont. In spite of his many other engagements he has always taken an active interest in politics. He was a member of the Republican National Conventions in 1880, 1888 ann 1900. In 1898 he was State Senator from Bennington County, Vt., and president pro tem. of the Senate. In 1902 he was Governor. The hanorary degree of LL. D., was conferred upon him by Middleburg in 1900, the University of Vermont in 1904 and Norwich University in 1905. Children: Hall Park McCullough, b Juue 23, 1872, in San Francisco; married Nov. 26, 1901, at Albany, N, Y., Edith A., daughter of Arthur Lyman and Edith (Clarke) van Benthuysen. He is a lawyer. Children: Edith Clarke, b Oct. 2, 1902, and Elizabeth Hall McCullough, b April 16, 1907. Elizabeth Laura McCullough, b July 22, 1873, at North Bennington, Vt.; married there May 31, 1898, Thornton Floyd Turner, son of Herbert Beach and Sarah (Floyd) Turner. Children: Herbert Thornton, b May 30, 1900; Elizabeth Park, b Nov. 17, 1901, and John McCullough Turner, b March 5, 1908. Ella S. McCullough, b July 20, 1874, at North Bennington. Esther Morgan McCullough, b March 19, 1888, in N. Y. City. TREISOR LUTHER PARK Page 143 OP MASSACHUSETTS 143 1350. LAURA HALL' PARK, (TrenorW., Lu- ther', William', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Rich- ardO, was born at Bennington, Vt., Sept. 8, 1858. She married July 27, 1880, Frederic Beach Jennings, son of Rev. Isaac and Sophia (Day) Jennings; born in Bennington Centre, Vt., Aug. 6, 1853. He grad- uated at Williams College in 1872, studied at the Harvard Law School and was admitted to the New York bar. He entered the office of Evarts, South- mayd & Choate, where he remained until he estab- lished the law firm of Jennings aud Russell, subse- quently merged into Stetson, Jennings & Russell, which has an extensive practice. Mr. Jennings is a Trustee of Williams College, and is director in many banks, railroads and other corporations. Children: Percy Hall Jennings, b May i6, iSSi, in New York City; m Jan. 12, 1907, Elizabeth, daughter of John W., and Joanna Rowland (Russell) Auchincloss. Child: Percy Hall Jennings, b Oct. 7, 1907, in New York City. Elizabeth Jennings, b June 28, 1889, at North Bennington. Frederic Beach Jennings, b Feb. 19, 1891, in N. Y. City. Edward Phelps Jennings, b March 20, 1895, in N. Y. City. 1351. TRENOR LUTHER' PARK, (Trenor W'., Luther*, William', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas*, Richard'), was born at San Francisco, Cali., Jan. 6, 1861, and died in New York City, Oct. 23, 1907. He married April 27, 1889, Julia Hunt, daughter of Julius and Frances (Hunt) Catlin. He prepared for college at St. Mark's School, and graduated from Harvard in 1883, where he played substitute quarter- back on the football team. After graduation he be- 144 PARKE FAMILIES came Vice-president of the American Trading Com- pany, of New York City; and in 1887 went to Japan on behalf of the company. On his return he took an active part in building up the company, which now has extensive connections throughout the East and with South America. After the death of his father- in-law he became the head of Catlin & Company, one of the leading wholesale dry goods firms of New York City. All his life he was an enthusiastic yachtsman and was a prominent member of the New York, the Larchmont, the Eastern and the American Yacht Clubs, of the last of which he was Commodore at the time of his death. His auxiliary steam yacht "Sultana," in which he took his wedding trip, was built under his personal supervision. He was one of the very few yachtsmen who had a master's license and was able to navigate his own boat. He was a most skillful sailor and took great interest in the small racing boats sailed by amateurs. In 1906 he built the "Vim" especially to compete for the Roosevelt Cup, in the races with Germany off Mar- blehead, and won three out of the five races. He was a shrewd and sagacious business man and most honorable in all his dealings. Personally he was quiet and retiring and of a peculiarly lovable disposi- tion. All who met him, whether in business or so- cially, were attracted to him, and he left a host of devoted friends. Children: Edith Laura», b Feb. 3, 1893; d. y. 2571 Frances HalP, b June 10, 1894. Julia Elliott^, b Sept. 22, 1897; d Jan, 4, 1906, WILLIAM HE>RY PAKK Jr'AOK 145 OP MASSACHUSETTS 145 1355. WILLIAM HENRY* PARK, (William E'., William', William', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Richard"), was born at Woodford, Vt., March 1, 1837, and died there Aug-. 4, 1906. He married Josephine Emerson, Dec. 20, 1866, at Boston. She was the daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Howard) Emerson. She was born Sept. 8, 1840, and was liv- ing at Boston in 1908. Mr. Park resided at Boston where he was ever active in the public interest. With no aspirations for public office, he yet stood as a candidate of the Prohibition party, of which he was a prominent member, for Senator of Massachusetts, also for Governor, and for many years was elected delegate to state conventions. He was a member of many associations and boards of public interest. He stood ready to serve wherever dut}^ called. For six- teen years he served as Deacon of the Fifth Baptist Church, Charlestown, Mass., and faithfully, ideally fulfilled every trust. In the business world he was well known. Trusted, respected, beloved and suc- cessful, he carried the ever kindly Christian spirit into daily dealings, uniformly trusting his associates and being trusted in turn. In the hurry and bustle of business life he worked always in the Master's ser- vice, feeling that he might never pass that way again. Men sought him in affliction, in business adversity, and found him ever ready to extend a help- ing hand. Generous, kind, unselfish and conscien- tious through life, few persons leave such noble and unsullied memories. A memorial service was held for him in Boston, also one in Woodford, Vt. His earthly remains were laid in the Woodford cemetery, where four generations of this Park famil}'^ rest? the earliest being William Park, of Uxbridge. 146 PARKE FAMILIES " ' Servant of God, well done,' So doth the Master greet, And so with solemn aptitude Our saddened hearts repeat." Children: 2581 Ethel Josephine', b Nov. 12, 1867, at Charlestown. Mary Emerson^, b Dec. 6, 1868; d. y. 2582 Grace AdelP, b May 30, 1871; m Luther Payne Adams, April 6, 1899. 2583 Lillian Marie^ b June 23, 1873; m Fred Martin Burroughs, Oct. 8, 1902. 2584 William Emerson^, b Jan. 3, 1875; d. y. 2585 Florence Jeannette', b Dec. 4, 1876; d. y. 2586 Inez Selinda', b June 3, 1881; d. y. 1385. EDWIN' PARK, (Richard', Cornelius*, Wil- liam", Richard*, Richard', Thomas', Richard^, was born at Leominster, Mass. He married Abigail Bowers Atwood, at Taunton. In 1858 he lived in Fitchburg. Children: 2635 Emma Eliza', b in Taunton; m Abner Coleman. 2636 Mary Louisa', b in Needham; m Onias Paige. Child: Abbie Louise Paige. 2637 Eugene Hale', b April 30, 1858, 1435. JONATHAN' PARK, (Jonathan', Reuben*, Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas*, Richard*), was born at Bernardston, Dec. 9, 1793, and died at Worthington, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1865. He married Amelia Slate of Bernardston, dr. of Israel Slate, Sept. 29, 1814. She was born June 9, 1793; prob. at Chatham, Conn. She died June 6, 1878, at Worth- ington. They moved to Worthington, with his father, about 1816, and settled on a 203 acre farm. He was highly respected in the community as a man of the highest Christain principles. OP MASSACHUSETTS 147 Children: 2737 Rodney', b Oct. i, 1816; d Nov. 12, 1898; mMynus Coe, of Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1842. 2738 Henry Hurlburt^, b July 25, 1818. 3739 William S»., b Jan. 5, 1820. 2740 Sophia', b March 21, 1823; d Nov, 11. 1894; m Q. V. Morse Dec. 2, 1842. 2741 Sylvia^ b 1827. 2742 Juliette'. 1450. OREN* PARK, (Simeon', Reuben*, Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard^, was born at Gill, Mass., Dec. 15, 1806, and died near Oneida, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1865. He married Lydia Dickenson, May 24, 1824. She was born Nov. 10, 1808, and died Sept. 1, 1886. They moved to Unionville, Ohio, about 1835, and to near Oneida, about 1843. She was the daughter of Beatham and Torisa (Field) Dickenson. Children: 3793 Anson Albert', b Nov. 24, 1826. 2794 Jane Maria', b Aug. 26, 1829; m Ambrose Lipe. March i, 1847. Child: \Vm. E. Lipe, b May 28, 1850, d. y. 2795 Martha Helen', b July 28, 1832; June 7, 1889; m Branson Bangle, Dec. 7, 1859. No children. Henry Dickenson', B Oct. 21 1835; unm, 3796 Charles Bethan', b Feb. 27, 1841. 1452. SIMEON* PARK, (Simeon', Reuben*, Jona- than^ Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Gill, Mass., April 16, 1811, and died at Russia, Herkimer county, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1893. He married 1st, Melinda Flint, in Bernardston, dr of Asa Flint. She was born at Brooklyn, Vt., Feb. 11, 1812, and died at Trenton Falls, N. Y., April 21, 1875. He married 2nd, Sally Powers. 148 PARKE FAMILIES Children by 1st wife: 2797 I/Ucy Ann^, b 1834, at Gill, Mass.; d at Marcy, Oneida Co., N. Y., 1S58. 2798 Benjamin Nelson', b Sept. 9, 1840. 2799 Martha', b 1842, at Deerfield, N. Y., d at Vienna, N, Y., Jan. 8, 1874. 2800 Alvah N'., b June 25, 1851. 2801 Mary9, b 1858, at Whitestown, N. Y. Child by 2nd wife: 2802 Asa S^., b Nov. 17, 1881, at Trenton Falls, N. Y., ni Emma B. Ingersoll, Jan. I, 1902, she b at Lyon Falls, N. Y., July I, 1879. 1455. JONATHAN' PARK, (Simeon', Reuben', Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas*, Richard^) was born (probably in Mass.) April 17, 1820. He lived in Unionville, Ohio, and died in Oklahoma, Dec. 18, 1899. He married Juliet Merry, in Union- ville. Children: 2803 Alonzo', b 1840. 2804 Lydia', b March i, 1841, in Geneva, Ohio; m James Grif- fith, at Hulberton, N. Y., April 19, 1865. He d Oct. 5, 1899. She lived at Gladbrook, Iowa, 1902. 2805 Hadley', b Feb. 5, 1843. 2806 Fanny M°., b 1846; m Thomas Green, March 5, 1865. Lived at Battle Creek, Mich. 1458 EDWIN A'. PARK, (Simeon', Reuben*, Jonathan% Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas", Richard\) was born at Unionville, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1834. He married 1st, Helen M. Snediker, Sept. 7, 1854. She was born Jan. 17, 1835. He married 2nd, Emeline E. Keyes. She was born Nov. 12, 1839. They lived at Gilroy, California. OF MASSACHUSETTS 149 Children: 2807 Jlelen IP., b April 21, 1855. Floyd F., b March 9, 1859; d. y. 2S08 LucindaS"., b July 9, i860. 2809 George E^., b Aug. 28, 1S61. 2810 Frank L^., b May 17, 1863. 281 1 Celia V^., b Aug. 30, 1864. 2812 Nora E»., b July 26, 1866. 2813 Dwight W'., b April 4, 1S70; was married. Child: Mary'". 2814 Sarah E^, b Feb. 9, 1880. 1460. LEVr [called "LEE"] PARK, (Simeon^ Reuben% Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^}, was born at Unionville, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1842. He married Emma R. Ha3^ford, daughter of Samuel and Lucinda (House) Hayford, July 3, 1870. She was born Feb. 16, 1850. They lived at Lenox, Ohio. Children: 2815 I^ida L^, b March 2, 1872. 2816 Daniel V., h June 23, 1874. 2817 Simeon vS^., b Feb. i, 1S76. 2818 Gertrude^ b Aug. 17, 1SS5, 1462. CHAUNCEY B'. PARK, (Levi^ Reuben', Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Bernardston, Mass., Oct. 16, 1807, and died Feb. 17, 1835. He married Emeline L. Field, March 8, 1829. She was born Feb. 2, 1808, d Sept. 20, 1873. They lived at Northfield. Children: 2525 Josephine M'., b Nov. 2, 1830; d Oct. 25, 1904; m March II, 1S51, Robert C. Dunham, who was b Oct. 4, 1827. Children: George C, b Feb. 22, 1S56; William N., b Dec. 31, 1857; Fred P., b July 31, 1S60; Minnie J, b Oct. 29, 1862, and Julia E. Dunham, b Jan. 17, 1S64. 2526 Chauncey T»., b May 26, 1832; m Henrietta T. Tompkins, Oct. 27, i860. 150 PARKE FAMILIES 1463. MIRANDA A*. PARK, (Levf, Reuben*, Jo^athan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Bernardston, Mass., May 25, 1809, and died Oct. 16, 1875. She married Salmon H. Bur- rows, May 27, 1829. He was born Dec. 11, 1802, and died Feb. 20, 1855. They lived at Bernardston. Children: Barnard H, Burrows, b July 17, 1831. Bryant S. Burrows, b June 26, 1834. Levi P. Burrows, b March 4, 1836. Josephine P. Burrows, b March 26, 1S39. 'Emogene M. Burrows, b July 4, 1845. 1464. CHARLES S'. PARK, (Levi', Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas^, Richard^, was born July 25, 1811, at Bernardston, and died Sept. 4, 1891. He married Catharine C. Burt, of Gill, March 29, 1835. She was born Sept. 28, 1813, and died Oct. 12, 1881. She was ^he daughter of Enos and Mary Atherton Burt. Children: 3827 Charles B"., b Nov. 19, 1836. 3828 Angelia C»., b Jan. 30, 1841. 3829 Francella S\, b Sept. 13, 1845. 1465. LEVI WESSON* PARKE, (Levi^ Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, Richard^), was born at Bernardston, Mass., Aug. 1, 1813, and died at Chicago, Ills., March 9, 1891. He married Juliana S. Roberts, Oct. 25, 1837, at Gill, Mass. She was born March 16, 1818, at Gill, and died July 12, 1889, at Chicago, Ills. She was the daughter of Ho- ratio and Eunice (Davis) Roberts. Joseph Davis, father of Eunice Davis, was a Revolutionary soldier from Guilford, Vt. OP MASSACHUSETTS 151 Children: 2830 Amorette Augusta*, b Nov. 9, 1839; m ist, Charles H. Philleo, of Albany, N. Y., Nov. i, 1858; he was born at Albany, 1838; d March 24, 1S61. She m 2nd, Philip B. Ayer, of Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 22, 1S62; he born June 28, 1838; d Nov. 4, 1875. She married 3rd, David B. Cooke, of Northampton, Mass., April 29, 1877; he born Feb. 10, 1826; d Oct. 21, 1884. Mrs. Cooke resides in Washing- ton, D. C. 2831 Everett Buckley*, b Nov. 30, 1846. 1466. HARVEY HART' PARK, (Levi', Reu- ben^ Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas", Richard'), was born at Bernardston, July 22, 1815, and died March 16, 1892. He married Sarah F. Amidon, July 4, 1838. She was born Nov. 6, 1817, and died March 13, 1895. Children: 2832 Francisco C»., b Nov. 14, 1840. 2833 Sarah E'*., b Feb. 28, 1846. 2834 John H»., b Oct. 10, 1861. 1467. RODNEY REUBEN' PARK, (Levi', Reu- ben', Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas'^ Richard'), was born at Bernardston, March 10, lSl7, aud died May 14, 1905. He married 1st, Sylvia S. Slate, Sept. 1, 1841. She was born Nov. 17, 1821, and died July 9, 1850. He married 2nd, Tryphena Chapin, April 22, 1851, daughter of Otis and Eliza- beth Stephen Chapin. She was born April 10, 1827, and died Nov. 28, 1904. Children: Edgar R9., b 1850; d. y. L,inus, b 1852; d. y. Sylvia T**., b Sept. 25, 1854; unm.; lives at Seattle, Wash. 152 PARKE FAMILIES 1468. PHEBE h\ PARK, (Levi', Reuben', Jona- than', Jonathan', Jonathan', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Bernardston, Sept. 22, 1818, and died there June 5, 1901. She married Nelson Burrows, of Gill, Feb. 21, 1840. He was born March 12, 1817, and died Feb. 28, 1900. He was a son of Amos and Phebe Hunt Burrows. Children: Martha M. Burrows, b Oct. 21. 1841. A daughter, b 1846; d. y. Baxter P. Burrows, b Aug. 21, 1847. 1469. BARTON* PARK, (Levi', Reuben*, Jona- than', Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Bernardston, Jan. 30, 1822, and died Feb. 11, 1900. He married Harriet B. Harkness, April 22, 1846. She was born Feb. 21. 1827, and was liv- ing at Omaha, Neb., in 1908. Children: Grove H»., b 1847; d. y. 2835 Herman E^, b Oct. 5, 1849. 2836 Abbie A'., b Nov. 15, 1851. 2837 G. Edward^, b June 25, 1854; d May 7, 1901; m Mary E. Jordan, of Texas, Nov. 29, 1878; she b April 21, 1848, 2838 Amy H^., b Feb. 24, 1862. 2839 Hattie A»., b Feb. 22, 1865. 2840 Stella ps., b Dec. 4, 1868; d Sept. 14, 1893; m Frank W. Conkling. Aug. 2, 1888. He b Aug. 16, 1857. 1470. MINERVA' PARK, (Levi', Reuben', Jon- athan', Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard'), was born at Bernardston, April 20, 1823, and died Oct. 21, 1892. She married Henry C. Kellogg, May 2, 1843. He was born June 19, 1819; d May 8, 1896. OP MASSACHUSETTS 153 Children: Mary J. Kellogg, b 1845; d. y. William H. Kellogg, b Feb. 13, 1S47. Charles P. Kellogg, b May 21, 1S48; d 1888. Mary E. Kellogg, b Feb. 15, 185 1; d. y. Jennie M. Kellogg, b 1862; d. y. 1471. LORENZO' PARK, (Levi', Reuben", Jona- than\ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Richard^, was born at Bernardston, March 23, 1824, He mar- ried Caroline A. Clark, daughter of Wilkins Clark, March 8, 1849. She was born July 15, 1828. Living at Hinsdale, N. H., 1908. Children: 2841 Helen M^., d Nov. 2, 1850; d Sept. 17, 1905; m William H. I/yman. Arthur L'., b May 22, 1855; d 1875. Carrie A^., b Oct. 26, 186S; d. y. 1472. FRANCIS' PARK, (Levi', Reuben', Jona- than'', Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas', Richard'), was born at Bernardston, June 20, 1825, and died Aug. 12, 1904, at Montague City, Mass. He married 1st, Harriet Dyke, Nov. 28, 1848. She was born Dec. 9, 1828, and died March 28, 1850. He married 2nd, Eveline M. Simonds, Jan. 15, 1851. She b July 26, 1831; died Nov. 24, 1853. He married 3rd, Jane E. Wells, Nov. 29, 1854; daughter of Charles and Eunice M. (Allen) Wells. She was born March 2, 1832, and lives at Montague Cit}^, Mass. Child by 2nd wife: 284:i2 Ella G^, b Aug. 20, 1852. 20 154 PARKE FAMILIES Children by 3rd wife: 2843 Charles S\, b Aug. i, 1856. 2844 Frank H'-*., b Jan. 15, 1858. 2845 Hattie J»., b June 7, i860. 2846 George B^., b Dec. 4, 1863. 1474. CHLOE' PARK, (Levi', Reuben', Jona- than^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas% Richard^), was born at Bernardston, March 29, 1829. She mar- ried George H. Cushman, of Amherst, Dec. 2, 1851. He was born April 6, 1829, and died April 22, 1890. He was the son of John R., and Rhoda (Crafts) Cushman. She lives at Lynn. Children: G. Herbert Cushman, b Aug. 21, 1854. Hattie P. Cushman, b Aug. 4, 1856; d June 10, 1892. Frank L,. Cushman, b July 20, 1S65. 1475. HENRY* PARK, (Levi' Reuben', Jona- than^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas", Richard^), was born at Bernardston, Jan. 11, 1831, and died at Turners Falls, Mass., Oct. 7, 1904. He married 1st, Julietta L. Amidon, Dec. 10, 1850. She was born Oct. 20, 1830, at Marshfield, Vt., and died at Turners Falls, Oct. 16, 1894. He married 2nd, Minnie Baker, July 11, 1900. She lives at Bernardston. Children: 2847 John H^., b Sept. 6, 1855. 2848 Fred A. W^., b July 8, 1858; m Jennie M. Hall, Dec. 25, 1878. She b Sept. 28, i860. Child: Guy E^"., b Aug. 7, 1879; d 1892. 2849 Mary P., b March 14, 1864; d July 14, 1888; married Otis M. Woodman, July 4, 1881. 2850 Ernest E^., b Oct. 3, 1868; m I^ou Eva Goodridge, Nov. 4, 1903. George C»., b Oct. 18, 1871; d. y. OF MASSACHUSETTS 155 1476. DWIGHT* PARK, (Levi\ Reuben', Jona- than^ Jonathan*, Jonatlian\ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Bernardston, Jan. 10, 1833, and died Feb. 18, 1879. He married Laura A. Sliattuck, daughter of Rufus Shattuck, May 2, 1858. She was born May 20, 1837, at Leyden. Pie was in the Civil "War, in the 52nd regt., Mass. Vols., in 1862. Children: Nellie O., b 1862; d. >. 2851 Mary V., b Sept. ii, 1S64; m Frederick E. Porter, April 4, 1881; he b Feb. 5, 1861. Children: Ethel M., b Aug. 13, 1S82; Florance E., b July 14, 1884; Fred E., b July 22, 1SS6, and Harry G. Porter, b May 31, 1S90. She mar- ried 2nd, Frank Porter, Feb. 4, 1899. Dickson D., b 1867; d. y. 2852 Andy G^., b April 25, 1871; m Ethel M. Goodnow, Aug. 6, 1890. She b April 28, 1873. 3853 Lulu B"., b July 24, 1874. 1477. FREDERICK RALPH" PARK, (Levi^ Reu- ben% Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jo^athan^ Thonlas^ Richard^, was born at Bernardston, Dec. 12, 1837, and died Dec. 25, 1903. He married Cynthia L. Baker, Jan. 12, 1860. She was born Jan. 29, 1839, and now lives at Bernardston. He was in the Civil War, in the Mass. Vols., 1862. Children: 2854 Edwin F'*., b May 20, 1873. 2855 Dayton V., b April 2, 1S75. 1479. LUCY A\ PARK, (Levi', Reuben', Jona- than^ Jonathan*, Jonathan\ Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Bernardston, Oct. 10, 1842. She married Henry W, Hale, Sept. 21, 1865. He was born July 1, 1844, son of Charles D. and Lucy (Langdon) Hale. He was a member of the 21st regt, Mass. Vols., from March 3, to Oct. 16, 1862. They live in Greenfield. 156 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Homer B. H. Hale, b April 19, 1868; d. y. Gertrude P. Hale, b Nov. 4, 1872. Alvie B. Hale, b Sept. 13, 1S77; d. y. 1480. ALBERT M', PARK, (Levr, Reuben*, Jon- athan", Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Bernardston, JuW 29, 1845. He married Lydia A. Capron, June 1, 1864. She was born Feb. 17, 1842. The}^ live in Nebraska. Children: 2856 Thaddeus H^., b Jan. 25, 1866. 2857 Alvah L"., b March 20, 1S68; m Sadie Suider, May 10, 1893. 2858 Emma S^., b June 24, 1871. 2859 Le^'i W^-. ^ Nov. 29, 1873; m Nettie M. Skinner, August 2, 1893. 2860 Arthur N'., b Dec. 10, 1877. G. Jessie, b Dec. 25, 1S79; d. y. 2861 George T. C^., b Dec. 22, 1884. 1481. HARRIET M'. PARK, Levi', Reuben', Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan", Thomas', Richard^, was born at Bernardston, Nov. 4, 1848. She married Samuel C. Wood, at Bernardston, Jan. 2, 1867. He was born at Prescott, Mass., Jan. 17, 1831, and died at Westfield, Feb. 27, 1901. She was living at Springfield, Mass., in 1907. Children: Herder Cutler Wood, b Jan. 25, 1868. Fannie Estelle Wood, b May 16, 1870, at Whately, Mass.; married Edward Gillett Clark, at Westfield, July 25, 1895. He was born at Westfield, Sept. 18, 1870, son of Lyman Noble Clark. They reside in Westfield. Irving P. Wood, b July 24, 1873; d. y. Carrie F. Wood, b Dec. 25, 1877. OF MASSACHUSETTS 157 1496. GEORGE' PARK, (John', Moses', Jona- than^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Millbury, Mass., Sept. 9, 1815, and died at Worcester, Jan. 4, 1908. He married Marcia Ann Peirce, of West Bo3'lston, Nov. 29, 1843, daughter of Levi Peirce. She was born March 20, 1823, in West Bo34ston. and died May 16, 1905. They resided in Worcester, where he was a machinist by trade. He was also a farmer, and while he did not work at the machinist trade after 1898, in 1907 he planted a gar- den on the old farm in Millbury, being then ninety- two years old. Children: Henry Lyman^, b Sept. i8, 1844, at Shrewsbury; was a Corporal in Co. H, 57th Mass. Vols. Was killed at North Anna River, Va., May 24, 1864. William C^., b June 14, 1846; was a Sergt. in 57th Mass. Inf. Was wounded at the battle of Petersburg, Aug. 30, 1864, and died at Danville, Va., Jan. 6, 1865. 2891 Frances Adelaide^, b March 10, 1848; d March 13, 1S82; m Loren L. Hicks, Dec. 24, 1868. Children: Alice May, b Feb. 2, 1870, m Henry Beacher Ward, Dec. 24, 1S94; Agnes Childs, b Dec. 9, 1871, m Fred Barrett, April 7, 1892; Helen Frances, b Aug. 31, 1874, and Grace Anna Hicks, b Dec. 2, 1877. Emily Jane'*, b March 23, 1850; d 1856. 2893 George Arthur^, b Dec. 11, 1855. 2893 Charles Sumner^, b Nov. 28, 1857. 2894 Theresa Mandana', b Jan. 3, 1861. 2895 Cora Anna^, b March 10, 1867; m May 11, 1887, Frank L. Gray, of Port Jervis, N. Y. ; live at Worcester. Children : Marcia Park, b Aug. 10, 1S90, and Ethel Arline Gray, b April 25, 1893. 158 PARKE FAMILIES 1501. HERVEY* PARK, (Hervey\ Moses*, Jona- than", Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Millbury, Mass., Oct. 12, 1831, and died there Nov. 26, 1900. He married Amanda Elizabeth Guild, April, 1855. She was born Sept. 2, 1835, at Augusta, Me., and died at Millbury, Jan. 18%. He took an active part in the Masonic fraternity. Children: 2906 Mary Lydia*, b April 17, 1857. 2907 Ada Eliza*, b Nov. 7, 1858. 3908 Edwin H»., b Aug. 6, i860. 2909 Alice A*., b Sept. 21, 1863. 2910 IvUcy M^, b Jan. 8, 1865; d. y. 291 1 Charles Willis', b June 24, 1S67. OP MASSACHUSETTS 159 Bintb Generation, 1601. GEORGE JANES' PARKS, (Geo^^e^ Wil- liam', Aaron*, Joseph', Joseph*, Richard^ Richard*, Richard^), was born at Cuyahoga Palls, Ohio, April 3, 1852. He married Cornelia Smith Lodge, Nov. 3, 1874, at Odessa, Del., daughter of George H. Lodge. Mr. Parks resides in Cleveland, Ohio, where he is a prominent member of the I. O. O. P., having been Pinancial Secretary of his lodge for Jwenty-three years. He has also been District Deputy Grand Master, and representative to the Grand Lodge. Children: 3100 Ruth Aldine^o, b Sept. 5, 1876. 3101 Milan Arlan'", b May 8, 1879. Violaio, b July i, 1881; d. y. 1626. CHARLES PRANCIS' PARKS, (Marshal*, Jo^as^ Jonas*, David\ Joseph*, Richard% Richard*, Richard'), was born at Waltham, April 10, 1853. He married Anna McWain, Jan. 12, 1879. She was born April 16, 1848, at Waterford, Me. He was a civil engineer and lived at Bradford, N. H. Child: 3127 IvOuise Sumner^", b Jan. 19, 18S0. 160 PARKE FAMILIES 1661. WYTHE MARCHANT* PARKS, (John T. W'., Marshall', Leonard*, David', Joseph*, Richard', Richard^ Richard^), was born at Norfolk, Va., Sept. 8, 1856. He married Lilian L. Baird, Aug. 17, 1882, at Portsmouth, Va. He is an officer in the U. S. Navy. Children: 3162 Lilian Baird", b July 25, 1S84; m Richard H. Pritchett, of Danville, Va., Oct. 31, 1896, at Washington, D. C. 3163 Victoriai", b July 18, 1S87. 3164 Marshall", b April 28, 1892. 1666. VIRGINIUS' PARKS, (William H'., Leon- ard', Leonard*, David% Joseph*, Richard% Richard'^ Richard^* lived at Norfolk, Va. He married Mary A. Cusick, 1862. Children: 3167 William", b 1863. 3168 Stephen", b 1869. 3169 George", b 1871. 1669. GRANVILLE' PARKS, (Leonard W*., Leonard', Leonard^ David^ Joseph*, Richard^ Rich- ard^ Richard^), was born at Woburn, Mass., Sept. 23, 1840, and died Sept. 14, 1897. He married 1st, Elizabeth Augusta Carter, Oct. 3, 1861, daughter of Charles and Eunice (Weston) Carter. She was born March 20, 1840, and died Dec. 19, 1884. He married 2nd, Alice Goff, of Boston, Nov. 16, 1886; no children. He was a manufacturer of leather and oil. Children: 31 70 Charles Wellman", b March 22, 1863. 3171 Granville Hamblett", b July 26, 1864. 3172 Albert Franklin", b March 19, 1869. A child; b and d Oct. 4, 1874. 3173 Karl Eaton", b Oct. 9, 1877. OP MASSACHUSETTS 161 1715. PRANK SYLVESTER' PARKS, (George W. S'., Darius', David', David', Joseph*, Richard', Richard", Richard^), was born at Charlestown, N. H., April 8, 1861. He married Hattie Kilborn, at West- minster, Mass., Jan. 5, 1889. She was born Oct. 26, 1856, at Winchendon, the daughter of John and Har- riet Kilborn. Mr. Parks is engaged in farming. Child: 3216 George Leslie'", b Nov. 12, 1890. 1904. ELLERY MILTON' PARKS, (Milton M'., Luke', Phinehas', William', Ephraim*, Richard', Richard^ Richard^, was born at Richmond, N. H., Peb. 11, 1857. He married Mary E. Grover, Sept. 3, 1885, at Marlboro, N. H., daughter of Daniel Grover. Mr. Parks is in business in Boston, as an optician, and resides in Mattapan. Child: 3405 Elliot George'", b Dec. 27, 18S6. 1907. HENRY H'. PARKS, (Austin S'., Luke', Phinehas", William', Ephraim', Richard', Richard', Richard^), was born at Winchendon, Mass., Oct. 23, 1855. He married Lina I. Morse, Dec. 22, 1875. They lived at Winchendon. Children: 3408 Frank Edson'", b April 2, 1877. 3409 Eva'", b May 12, 1878. 2302. ISAAC PARK' PARK, (Charles C, Sam- uel', John^ John', Joseph*, John', Thomas", Rich- ard^), was born at Stockton, Me., March 16, 1867. He married Eva Mina Dolliver, at Augusta, Me., Dec. 7, 1892, daughter of Pillsbury Coombs Dolliver. She was born at Augusta, Oct. 4, 1869. Dr. Park is one of the prominent phvsicians of Revere, Mass. Child: 3803 Harry Linwood'", b Jan. 8, 1898. 21 162 PARKE FAMILIES 2515. WISNER' PARK, (Wisner*, Harrison G'., Calvin', Nathan', Nathan*, Edward', Thomas', Richard^), was born at Canton, Mass., May 4, 1866, and died at Concord, Dec. 23, 1899. He married Ida Richardson, of Westford. Children: 4016 George Coolidge'", b Oct. 19, 1886. 4017 Charles Richardson'", b Jan. 24, 1888. 4018 Margaret Adelaide"*, b Aug. 3, 18S9. 4019 Wisner Irving'", b July 20, 1891. 2738. HENRY HURLBERT' PARKS, (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Reuben^ Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jona- than^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Worthing- ton, Ohio, July 25, 1818, and died Feb. 21, 1898. He married Martha Gingles, at Edgington, Ills. She v^as born in Penn., and died at Rock Island, Ills. Children: 4239 Martha Amelia'". 4240 Jonathan Hurlbert'". 4241 William Sandford'", b May 20, 1845, at Edgington; m Ella Juliette Fairchild, Oct. 7, 1875. She b 1846. Child: Harry", d. y. 4242 James Julius'", 2739. WILLIAM SANFORD' PARK, (Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Reuben^ Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas', Richard^), was born at Worthington, Ohio, Jan. 5, 1820, and died there March 18, 1882. He married Cornelia Elizabeth King, of Sufl&eld, Conn., Aug. 14, 1850, dr. of John Bouker and Hannah (Newton) King. She was born at Suffield,' Dec. 8, 1827; d at Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1893. He succeeded to his father's estate and by judicious man- agement added to it until he became possessed of a very comfortable competency. OF MASSACHUSETTS 163 Children: William C.'^ b Nov. 17, 1S51; d. y. 4343 Harriet Eloise'", b May 20, 1854. 4244 Willam D.'»,b Aug. 10, 1S56. 4245 Frances Cornelia'", b Dec. 4, 1859; lived at Columbus, Ohio. 4346 Howard Courtland'o, b March 7, 1S63; m Llartlia Sells, of Columbus, Oct. 11, 1891. 4247 Mary King'", b May 20, 1866; m Charles William Miller, Jan. 7, 1903, at Columbus, where they reside. Warren Hubbard'", b Aug. 31, 1868; d 1877. 2793. ANSON ALBERT' PARK, (Oren', Simeon', Reuben*, Jonathan% Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard^), was born at Gill, Mass., Nov. 24, 1S26. He married Tasey Elizabeth Ney, Nov. 21, 1847, dr. of Nathan B. and Sally (Wilcox) Ney. She was born June 3, 1829, and died Dec. 5, 1898. He lived in Unionville, Ohio. Children: 4294 Mary Delila'", b March 11, 1850; d Nov. 27, 1S74; m David Robbin. Child: David Robbin. 4395 Adelbert Anson'", bjan. 11, 1S54. 2796. CHARLES BETHAN' PARK, (Oren', Simeon', Reuben", Jonathan% Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas', Richard'), was born in Ohio. Feb. 27, 1841. He married Ruby Jane Wightman, Nov. 26, 1862, the daughter of Jonathan H. and Eleanor (Shaver) Wightman. She was born Dec. 31, 1841. Children: 4297 Charles Louis'", b Feb. 19, 1S64. 4298 Jonathan Edwin'", b Dec. 15, 1867; m Carrie May Alvord, Dec. 31, 1S95. She b Jan. 19, 1S72; d Feb. 5, 1902. 4299 Frank Osmer'", b Jan. 26, 1869. 4300 Ruby Jane'", b Aug. 26, 1872. 4301 Julia Edna'", b Dec. 6, 1875. 164 PARKE FAMILIES 2798. BENJAMIN NELSON' PARK, (Simeon\ Simeon\ Reuben', Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas', Richard'), was born at Marc)% Oneida Co., N. Y., Sept. 9, 1840. He married Anna E. Westcott. She was born at Russia, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1838. Children: Libbie^", b June 29, 1S62; d Dec. 2, iSSo. 4302 Gardner B^^, b Sept. 29, 1871. 2800. ALVAH N'. PARK, (Simeon^ Simeon\ Reuben^ Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Utica, N. Y., June 25, 1851. He married Sophia J. Hart, June 8, 1874. She was born April 17, 1850. Children: 4303 Rebecca A'"., b Oct. 16, 1875. 4304 Charles'", b July 15, 1S77. 4305 Mary M'o., b Oct. 30, 1878. 4306 Anna E"., b Jan. 4, 1880. 4307 Lulu M'»., b Sept. 2, 1881. 4308 Maggie J'"., b Feb. 24, 1883. 4309 William N'"., b Aug. 6, 1884. 4310 Benjamin N'"., b Dec. 30, 1887. 431 1 Mabel S"'., b June 22, 18S9. 2803. ALONZO' PARK, (Jonatha^^ Simeon", Reuben^ Jonathan", Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas", Richard^, was born at Unionville, Ohio, 1840. He married Lucena Wilbur, in Bellevue, Mich., Dec. 1864, the dr. of Richard and Charlotte Wilbur. She was born in Oneida county, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1813. The3^ resided in Assyria, Mich. Children: 4318 Oscar Jio., b 1866. 4319 Carrie'", b 1869. OF MASSACHUSETTS 16S 2805. HADLEY' PARK, (Jonathan', Simeon', Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Richard^, was born in Vernon county, Ohio, Feb. 5, 1843. He married 1st, Elizabeth C. Negley Feb. 6, 1863, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Negley. She died March 25, 1900. He married 2nd, Lucy Foster, Feb. 9, 1902, dr. of George W. and Hannah Foster. He lived at Victor, Iowa. Children: 4321 Fanny D^"., b Sept. 9, 1S64. 4322 William H'"., b Jan. 8, 1866. 4323 John Di"., b Nov. 16, 1867. 4324 Alonzo D'"., b Nov. 10, 1872. 4325 Rosa May'", b May i, 187S. 2827. CHARLES BURT' PARK, (Charles S'., Levi', Reuben®, Jonathan'\ Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Richard^, was born at Bernardston, Nov. 19, 1836. He married Maria S. Weatherhead, Feb. 1, 1860. She was born Jan. 11, 1840. Child: 4353 Bertha G'"., b Sept. 25, 1863; d May 25, 1S98; m Elmer G. Monroe, Jan. 2, 1882. He was born July 22, 1S61. Child: Roy Park Monroe, b June 15, 1S92. 2828. ANGELIA CATHARINE' PARK, (Charles S*., Levi', Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan'\ Thomas", Richard'), was born Jan. 30, 1841. She married 1st, Henry C. Frizzell, March 6, 1861. He was born March 19, 1839; d Aug. 7, 1867. She mar- ried 2nd, Arthur C. Brooks, Oct. 19, 1873. They re- side at Greenfield. Children: Carrie S. Frizzell, b Dec. 20, 1861; d. y. Flora A. Frizzell, b Nov. i, 1863. Charles H. Frizzell, b Dec. 9, 1S66. 166 PARKE FAMILIES 2829. FRANCELLA SOPHIA' PARK, (Charles S*., Levi^ Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas^ Richard^), was born at Bernardston, Sept. 13, 1845, and died Aug. 29, 1877. She married 1st, Henry O. Streeter, Dec. 4, 1866. He was born Sept. 25, 1842, and died Sept. 25, 1870. She married 2nd, Henry R. Wells, Dec. 3, 1874. He was born April 2, 1842, and died Sept. 13, 1892. Children: Ervin H. Streeter, b May 23, 1868. Henrietta L. Streetar, b Nov. i, 1870; d 1884. George E. \yells, b Aug. 26, 1877; d. y. 2831. EVERETT BUCKLEY' PARKE, (Levi W*., Levi^ Reuben*, Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Thomas*, Richard^), was born at Springfield, Mass., Nov. 30, 1846. He married Addie M. Stiglemau, Dec. 4, 1867, daughter of Calvin and Nancy V. Sti- gleman, of Alton, Ills. She was born Sept. 6, 1847, at Alton. Mr. Parke resides at Washington, D. C. Children: 4354- Philip Bi«., b Dec. 15, 1868. 4355 Levi W"*., b Aug. 31, 1871; lives in Chicago, Ills. 4356 Everett B^". , b Nov. 3, 1875; m ist, F. Margaret Stone, June 13, 1899. She was born Jan. 2, 1878. He married 2nd, Ruby H. Newton, June 26, 1907. She was born at Globe, Arizona, Feb. 7, 1SS4, daughter of George Almon and Alice Wilson NeiR'ton. 4357 Pearle Frances^", b Aug. 2, 1880; m Dr. George F. Adair, Nov. 8, 1905. He was born April 14, 1878, at Fort Reno, New Mexico. 4358 Adelaide Augusta^", b Sept. 2, 18S6. OP MASSACHUSETTS 167 2832. FRANCISCO C. PARK, (Harvey H*., Levi', Reuben*, Jonathan", Jonathan*, Jonathan\ Tho^las^ Richard'), was born Nov. 14, 1840. He married Jennie Hayward, June 27, 1867. She was born April 11, 1843. Children: 4359 Mabel L'"., b April 26, 1872; m Delmore F. Pease, Oct. 16, 1900. 4360 Alice E., b March 29, 1874. 4361 Robert H. b June 22, 1876; m Thei-esa Keenan, Sept. 15, 1901. 4362 Florence M., b Jan. 9, 1887. 2833. SARAH E'. PARK, (Harvey H'., Levi^ Reuben', Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born Feb. 28, 1846, and died Jan. 5, 1907, at Keene, N. H. She married John Thayer, of Belchertown, Mass., Sept. 24, 1863. He was born Jan. 13, 1837 and died July 11, 1901. Children: John M. Thayer, b June 8, 1875; d. y. J. Philips Thayer, b Oct. 24, 1878. 2834. JOHN H'. PARK, (Harvey H*,, Levi', Reu- ben*, Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas', Richard'), was born Oct. 10, 1861. He married Minnie E. Millard, July 5, 1884. She was born March 24, 1861. Child: 4363 Georga W, b Oct. 3, 1885. 2835. HERMAN E'. PARK, (Barton*, Levi', Reu- ben*, Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan% Thoraas^ Richard'), was born Oct. 5, 1849. He married Addie B. Morgan, of Louisville, Ky., Dec. 17, 1873. 168 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Ada Bi"., b Jan. i8, 1875; d. y. 4364 Levi W"., b Sept. 21, 1877; m Ellanore K. Hassfurther, Sept. II, 1905. Child: Barton Lee^^ b July 7, 1906. 4365 Lizzie'", b Nov. 27, 1879; m John Henry Woods, Nov. 18, 1905. Child: Evelyn May Woods, b Feb. 20, 1907. 2836. ABBIE A'. PARK, (Barton*, Levi', Reuben', Jo^athan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Richard^, was born Nov. 15, 1851. She married Albert S. Bil- lings, Nov. 15, 1870, son of Gideon and Hannah Kenney Billings. He was born Dec. 13, 1844. They live in Omaha, Nebr. Children: ' Albert S. Billings, b Sept. 15, 1873. Asa W. K. Billings, b Feb. 8, 1876. Barton P. Billings, b July 14, 1878. 2838. AMY H'. PARKE, (Barton', Levi^ Reu- ben*, Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, Richard^, was born Feb. 24, 1862. She married Theodore P. Dulion, of Mississippi, March 20, 1886. He was born Oct. 25, 1861, and died Feb. 20, 1907. Children: Ura C. Dulion, b May 13, 1887. Theodore R. Dulion, b Nov. 20, 1889. Harriet F. Dulion, b March 27, 1891. Barton Park Dulion, b Oct. 13, 1893. Paul Dulion, b Nov. 24, 1895. Julia Abbie Theodora Dulion, b Feb. 22, 1907. 2839. HATTIE A'. PARK, (Barton', Levi^ Reu- ben*, Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Jonathan"^ Thomas^, Richard^), was born Feb. 22, 1865. She married George S. Harriss, Sept. 20, 1884, son of Richard and Amanda Day Harris. He was born July 27, 1863. They live in Lincoln, Nebr. OP MASSACHUSETTS 169 Children: Uoyd R. Harriss, b Sept. 2, 1SS6. Barton P. Harriss, b Jan. 30, 18S9. Elmer R. fiarriss, b June 18, 1891. George E. Harriss, b April 12, 1893. Harold G. Harriss, b Jan. 31, 1897. Mildred J. Harriss, b Nov. 9, 1898. 2842. ELLA G'. PARK, (Francis', Levi', Reuben', Jonathan% Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born Aug. 20, 1852, at Springfield, Mass. She married Baxter S. Stimson, April 22, 1873, son of Lucius and hncy Ann (Clark) Stimson. He was born Feb. 24, 1851. They live at Greenfield. Children: Frank P. Stimson, b Aug. 4, 1877. Nina E. Stimson, b May 22, 1879. 2843. CHARLES S". PARK, (Francis', Levi\ Reuben^ Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jonathan% Thomas", RichardO, was born Aug. 1, 1856. He married Mary E. Otterson, Dec. 29, 1886, daughter of P. S. and Asenath H, Otterson. She was born in Wentworth, N. H., Oct. 9, 1860. They live at Greenfield. Children: 4366 Ruth Ji°., b Sept. 16, 1887. 4367 Helen M'o, b March 18, 1889. 2844. FRANK H'\ PARK, (Francis', Levi', Reu- ben^ Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan% Thomas'", RichardO, was born at Bernardston, Jan. 14, 1858. He married Lizzie J. Hunt, Oct. 10, 1883, daughter of Edwin W. and Arvilla Belle Hunt. She was born July 14, 1866, and died Aug. 26, 1901. He resides in Greenfield. 22 170 PARKE FAMILIES * Children: 4368 Raymond H"., b Oct. 3, 1887; d Dec. 18, 1905. 4369 Howard E^°., b 1897; d. y. 2845. HATTIE J'. PARK, (Francis', Levi', Reu- ben®, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas", Richard^), was born June 7, 1860. She married Orrin C. Millikin, Nov. 20, 1889. He was born June 26, 1859. They live in Greenfield, Mass. Children: Francis P. Millikin, b Dec. 18, 1890. Laura Etta Millikin, b July 16, 1897. 2846. GEORGE B'. PARK, (Francis', Levi', Reuben^ Jonathan% Jonathan* Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born Dec. 4, 1863. He married Jennie L. Holden, March 18, 1888, daughter of George P. and Emma L. (Robinson) Holden. She was boin Sept. 14, 1871. They live at Greenfield. Children: 4370 Edith M", b July 10, 1889. A daughter; b and d 1892. 2847. JOHN HENRY' PARKE, (Henry', Levi', Reuben', Jonathan', Jonathan*, Jonathan' Thomas', Richard'), was born Sept. 6, 1855, at Bernardston. He married Emma F. Tasker, Oct. 2, 1876, at Pitts- field, New Hampshire. She was born March 15, 1855, at Pittsfield, N. H. Lived at Manchester, N. H. Child: 4371 Raymond Taskeri", b Oct. 2, 1877; at Pittsfield, N. H; m Carolyn M. Belcher, at Easton, Mass., Oct. 16, 1905, a daughter of George C. Belcher. Mr. Parke is in busi- ness in Boston. OP MASSACHUSETTS 171 2853. LULU B''. PARK,(DwigHt*, Levi^ Reuben*, Jonathan\ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born July 24, 1874. She married Fred E. Thompson, Feb. 14, 1894. Children: Ebin Thompson, b July 2, 1S96. Hazel L,. Thompson, b Dec. 11, 189S. 2855. DAYTON L'. PARK, (F. Ralph', Levi^ Reuben^ Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born April 2, 1875. He married Cj^nthia Brown, June 28, 1899. Children: 4375 Ralph Lowell'", b Oct. 11. 1902. 4376 Hugh RaynioncP", b July 31, 1905. 2856. THADDEUS H'. PARK, (Albert M\,Levi\ Reuben^ Jonathan\ Jonathan*, Jonathan\ Thomas', Richard^), was born Jan. 25, 1866. He married Jennie Smith, Nov. 26, 1891. They live in Nebraska. Children: 4381 Lilian Agnes'", b March 19, 1893. William Albert, b and d March 29, 1S94. 4382 Hazel May'", b Jan. 21, 1897. 4383 Alma Jane'", b July 21, 1904. 2858. EMMA S\ PARK, (Albert M'., Levi\ Reuben\ Jonathan', Jonathan*, Janathan^ Thomas^ Richard^), was born June 24, 1871. She married George C. Waldron, April 1, 1888. He was born Jan. 1, 1867. They live in Nebr. Children: Lawrence C. Waldron, b vSept. 9, 1888. Elsie M. Waldron, b Nov. 8, 1890. Delsie Irene Waldron, b Nov. 19, 1901. George Edward Waldron, b Jan. 12, 1904. 172 PARKE FAMILIES 2892. GEORGE ARTHUR' PARK, (George*, John', Moses^ Jonathan", Jonathan*, Jonathan\ Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Worcester, Dec. 11, 1855, He married Hattie Flint Woodward, Nov. 5, 1879. Child: 4390 Halford Woodward'", b April 7, 1884. 2893. CHARLES SUMNER' PARK, (George^ John\ Moses^ Jonathan", Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Richard'), was born at Worcester, Nov. 28, 1857. He married Kate Arvilla Grover, daughter of Frederick E. Grover, Jan. 29, 1879, at Worcester. Child: 4391 Everett Lyman'", b May 13, 1S79; m Alma Kingston, June 19, 1906. 2908. EDWIN HERVEY' PARK, Hervey^ Her- vey", Moses®, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan', Thomas", Richard'), was born at Millbury Aug. 6, 1860. He married Nellie H. Lovell, at Millbury, May 21, 1892, the daughter of Russell B. Lovell. She was born at Oxford, Aug. 3, 1859. They reside at Millbur3-, where he is a general mechanical engineer and expert designer of new machinery and mechani- cal specialties of all kinds. He also takes an active interest in church work in connection with the Baptist Church. Children: 4401 Dorothy L'"., b May 29, 1893. 4402 Lydia F'°., b April i, 1898. 4403 Norman H'"., b Oct, 14, 1899. OF MASSACHUSETTS , 173 ^entb (Bcncration* 3170. CHARLES WELLMAN'" PARKS, (Gran- ville^ Leonard W'., Leonard\ Leonard^ David^ Joseph*, Richard'', Richard", Richard^, was born at Woburn, Mass., March 22, 1863. He married Martha B. Prear, April 14, 1887, daughter of William and Deborah (Davis) Frear, of Tro}', N. Y. She was born June 18, 1861, in Coxsackie, N. Y. Mr. Parks is a Civil Engineer in the United States Navy. He was U. S. Superintendent of Department of Liberal Arts at the Paris Exposition of 1889. Member of Jury for Class 6, Education. Was given the decora- tion of Officier de I'lnstruction Publique; Fellow of American Association for Advancement of Science; member of Geographical Societies; American Society of Civil Engineers, and American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers. Has written papers on Forestry Instruction in Europe, European Trade Schools, and Educational Exhibits at International Expositions. He is also interested in genealogy having collected and written much of the data concerning his branch of the family for this volume, and is a member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. No children. 174 PARKE FAMILIES 3171. GRANVILLE HAMBLETT^" PARKS, (Granville% Leonard W*., Leonard', Leonard*, David*, Joseph*, Riclla^d^ Richard', Richard^), was born at Woburn, Mass., July 26, 1864. He married Mary Freeman Dunlap, April 28, 1890, daughter of Charles James and Mary (Long) Dunlap. She was born in Jocksonville, Ills., Jan. 1868. Mr. Parks is an architect. Child: 4500 Dorothy Louise", b March 2, 1S94, in Seattle, Wash. 3172. ALBERT FRANKLIN'" PARKS, (Gran- ville', Leonard W'., Leonard", Leonard', David', Joseph*, Richard\ Richard,' Richard'), was born at Woburn, Mass., March 19, 1869. He married Susie Slemmons, Oct. 6, 1896, a daughter of John Osborne and Caroline Anna (Miller) Slemmons, She was born at Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 23, 1874. They reside in New York City. He is a civil engineer. Children: 4506 Caroline Elizabeth", b April 20, 1S98, at Allegheny. 4507 Charles Osborne", b Oct. 15, 1S99, at Dayton, Ohio. 3173. KARL EATON'" PARKS, (Granville', Leonard W*, Leonard\ Leonard^ David'\ Joseph*, Richard^ Richard", Richard'), was born at Woburn, Mass., Oct. 9, 1877. He married Bessie Parker Kendrick, Oct. 29, 1901, daughter of Simon Edgar and Emily Howland (B^aber) Kendrick. She was born at Chelsea, Sept. 8, 1878 He is a mechanical engineer. Children: 4510 Edgar Kendrick", b May i, 1903, at Woburn. 451 1 Wellman White", b Dec. 24, 1906; at Woburn. OP MASSACHUSETTS 175 4243. HARRIET ELOISE'" PARK, (William S'., Jonathan^ Jonathan', Reuben*, Jonathan", Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas", Richard^), was born at Worth- ington, Ohio, May 20, 1854. She married David C. Welling, of Columbus, Ohio, Aug, 14, 1878. Children: Faith C. Welling, b Oct. 4, 1880. Park H. Welling, b Sept. 4, 1S82. David A. Welling, b Aug. 4, 18S4. 4244. WILLIAM DWIGHT'" PARK, (William S^. Jonathan*, Jonathan', Reuben*, Jonathan*, Jona- than% Jonathan^ Thomas", Richard^), was born at Worthington, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1856. He married Clara Cherry, of Delaware, Ohio, May 13, 1880. They reside in Asbury Park, N. J. Children: 4552 Amelia Belle", b Nov. 27, 1881; m Homer Curtis Howard, April 27, 1905; resides in Columbus, Ohio. 4553 William Cherry", b March i, 1884. 4554 Myrta Frances", b Jan. 28, 1887, 4555 Howard Irving", b June 12, 1889. 4246. HOWARD COURTLAND^' PARK, (Wil- liam S'., Jonathan% Jonathan', Reuben*, Jonothan% Jonathan*, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Richard^), was born at Worthington, Ohio, March 7, 1863. He married Martha Sells, Oct. 1891, at Columbus, Ohio. Children: 4556 Elizabeth", b Feb. 4, 1895. 4557 Warren Sells", b March 11, 1898. 4558 Martha", b Sept. 21, 1901. 4295. ADELBERT ANSON'*' PARK, (Anson A'., Oren% Simeon', Reuben*, Jonathan*, Jonathan*, Jon- athan^, Thomas^, Richard'), was born Jan. 11, 1854. 176 PARKE FAMILIES He died Jan. 18, 1896. He married Sarah Jane Torrey, July 23, 1874, daughter of Thomas J. and Nancy (Sweaves) Torrey. She was b May 25, 1851. Children: 4612 William Ansoii^', b Sept. 3, 1S75. 4613 Orson Addison'^ b Sept. 11, 1877. 4614 Warren Charles", b Jan. 28, 1881. 4615 Mary Elizabeth", b Aug. 12, 1884. 4616 Jane Nancy", b July 3, 1886. 4617 Harriet Skinner", b Aug. 28, 1889. 4618 Thomas Jefferson", b Jan. 25, 1891. 4297. CHARLES LOUIS'" PARK, (Charles B'., Oren*, Simeon', Reuben^ Jonathan* Jonathan*, Jon- athan', Thomas', Richard'), was born Feb. 19, 1864. He married Hattie Mae Hurd, Sept. 30, 1891, the daughter of Charles S. and Nancy (Buryea) Hurd. She was born Jan. 22, 1871. Child: 4625 Harold Louis", b July 13, 1893. 4299. FRANK .OSMER'" PARK, (Charles B'., Oren^, Simeon', Reuben*, Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Jon- atlian^ Thomas', Richard'), was born Jan. 26, 1869. He married Nellie Kernan, Nov. 1, 1891, the daugh- ter of Thomas and Mary (Kelly) Kernan. She was born June 29, 1875. They reside at Syracuse, N. Y. Child: 4630 John Arthur", b July 29, 1892. 4300. RUBY JANE" PARK, (Charles B'., Oren', Simeon^ Reuben*, Jonathan^ Jonathan*, Jonathan^, Thomas'^ Richard'), was born Aug. 26, 1872. She married Charles Arthur Field, Sept. 21, 1892, son of Charles and Sophia (Denn30 Field. He was born Aug. 26, 1872. OP MASSACHUSETTS 177 Children: Charles Raymond Field, b July 2, 1893. Donald Edwin Field, b Feb. 27, 1895. Celia Leona Field, b April 10, 1899. 4301. JULIA EDNA'" PARK, (Charles B*., Oren*, Simeon^ Reuben*, Jonathan', Jonathan* Jonathan', Thomas^ Richard'), was born Dec. 6, 1875. She married Albert Theodore Marcy, Sept. 27, 1899, son of Charles and Magdaline (Myers) Marcy. He was born June 29, 1870. Child: Alfred Russell Marcy, b July 21, 1900. 4354. PHILIP BROTHERSON'" PARKE, (Ever- ett B'., Levi W*., Levi', Reuben*, Jonathan', Jona- than*, Jo^athan^ Thomas*, Richard'), was born at Bloomington, 111., Dec. 15, 1868. He married Mana E. Lee, Aug. 17, 1898, at Washington, D. C. She was born at Manassas, Va. Feb. 3, 1875, the daugh- ter of Geo. Washington Lee and Elizabeth Alexander, of Va. Children: 4731 Helen", b Oct. 25, 1901 4732 Lee W"., b April 3, 1904. 4733 Virginia Dare", b Dec. 19, 1906. 23 178 PARKE FAMILIES aiexant)er ipavk ant) Dc9cen^ant0. FIRST GENERATION. 1. ALEXANDER' PARK was born in Scotland about 1688, and died at Windham, N. H., Jan. 26, 1762. He married Margaret Waugh, who was prob- ably born in Scotland about 1691, and died at Wind- ham May 11, 1752. He came to America about 162:8- 29, landing in Boston. From there he moved^ to Methuen, Mass., residing there about four years, and then settled in Windham, N. H., on a farm which he purchased from Somuel Allison. He became a prom- inent resident of Windham, being Moderator of special meetings, and Selectman in 1743. Children: 2 Robert', b Jan. i6, 1717. 3 Jennets Thomas'-', b in Ireland; d in Boston about 1729. 4- Alexander'-', b 1724. 5 Sarah-', m Charter Robert Boyes, of Londonderry, as his 2nd wife. Children: Janet, Robert, Margaret, James, Alex- ander and Sarah Boyes. 6 Mary'*, m Hugh Smiley, and moved to Maine. 7 Joseph'-', b 1728-9, on the ocean; d Dec. 7, 1762, m Alice Boyd. Child: Mary'-, who d Nov. 6, 1824; m Eliphalet Ladd, May 13, 1778; children: Alice, Joseph P., Timothy, lyydia, Alex. P., Darius, Mary Jane and Asenath L,add. OP MASSACHUSETTS 179 SECOND GENERATION. 2. ROBERT' PARK, (Alexander'), was born Jan. 16, 1717; and died May 17, 178S, at Windham, N. H. He married Jane Wear, April 25, 1745, a dauji^liter of Andrew and Jane (Lintell) Wear, of Londonderry, N. H. She was born March 1726, and died Feb. 24, 1804. He was a farmer, an elder in the church, and was a Selectman in 1744-5. Children: 8 Agnes", b July 9, 1746; d July 3, 1838; m Nathaniel Hemp- hill. 9 Margaret-', b Dec. 3, 1747; m William Thorn. 10 Andrew'', b Dec. 10, 1749. Janet', b Dec. 24, 1751; d Dec. 2, 1832; unm. 11 Alexander', b Nov. 27, 1753. 12 Sarah'\ b Sept. 4, 1757; d Dec. 27, 1789; m Samuel Morrison. 13 Mary-', b July 4, 1761; d ae. 38 years; m Robert Dinsmoor. 14 Joseph-', b June 3, 1770. 3. JENNET' PARK, (Alexander^), married John Park, and moved to Harvard, Mass. [We have not discovered who this John Park was or where he came from.] His will, dated June 1, 1767, and proved in Worcester Nov. 20, 1768, mentioned wife Jane and the children. Jane Park resided in Harvard in 1790, according to the census of that year. The will of Jeane Park, dated June 14, 1794, and proved in Worcester, March 4, 1800, mentions: "sons William and Joseph, grandson Andrew, o^randdaut^hters Betty and Molly drs. of my son John died, daughters Mar- garet Little wife of John Little and Molly Kelsey wife of John Kelsey," 180 PARKE FAMILIES Children: 15 John^ i6 Andrew", d July 6, 1775; was in Rev. War, Capt. Burt's co. , Col. Whitcomb's regt. 17 William^ 18 Joseph^. 19 Margaret", m John Little. 20 Marcy or Molly", m John Kelsey. 4. ALEXANDER' PARK, ( Alexander') was born probably in Scotland, 1724, and died May 31, 1808, at Windham, N. H. He married Sarah Maxwell, of New Bedford. She d Oct. 6, 1813. He was a farmer and blacksmith. Children: Margaret", b May 27, 1766; d. y. 21 Mary", b Feb. 21, 1769; djune 16, 1848; m Samuel Dinsmoor. 22 Sarah", b July 12, 1771; b Feb. 28, 1867, 23 Margaret', b March 31, 1773. 24 Alice^, b May 22, 1775; d Nov. 10, 1830; m Robert Arm- strong, June 6, 1803. THIRD GENERATION. 10. ANDREW PARK, (Robert', Alexander') ,was born at Windham, N. H., Dec. 10, 1749, and died there June 7, 1820. He married Mary Cochran, Feb. 22, 1774, a daughter of John Cochran. She was born March 28, 1750, and died July 21, 1828. Besides being Postmaster, he was a blacksmith and wood- turner. At the time of the Lexington alarm he with several others started from Windham and volunteered their services. OF MASSACHUSETTS 181 Children: 25 John*, b Jan. 7, 1775. 26 Robert*, b Sept. 7, 1777; d at Havana, Cuba, Sept. 25, 1805; m Esther Greenleaf, Dec. 23, 1804. Child: Robert- John', d Nov. 1829. 27 Isaac*, b March 10, 1780; d Oct. 7, 1821; m Eliza Miller, Dec. 1811. 28 Jane*, b March 26, 1784; d May 22, 1861; m Josiah Adams, Feb. I, 1810. 29 Andrew Weare*, b June 11, 1786. 30 Alexander*, b Oct. 7, 1789. 31 Horatio*, b March 24, 1793; d at Natchez, Miss., Oct. 1812; was a sailor. 11. ALEXANDER' PARK, (Robert', Alexander^, was born at Windham, N. H., March 27, 1753, and died March 15, 1837. He married 1st, Martha Bet- ton, a daughter of James and Elizabeth Betton. She was born Sept. 15, 1757, and died Oct. 1808. He married 2nd, Rebecca Corliss, a dr. of Asa Corliss. She was born June 8, 1770, and died Aug. 30, 1864. Children: 32 Elizabeth*, b Jan. 20, 1780; m James Doak, of Londonderry, N. H. Children: Alexander, Mary J., Darius, James, Martha and Horace Doak. 33 Jane*, b Nov. 9, 1782; m Benjamin Marshall, of Weare, N. H. Child: Lydia J. Marshall, b Aug. 26, iSiS. 34 Robert*, b Nov. 17, 1785. Sarah*, b Nov. 25, 1789; d ae. about 23. Mary*, b July 26, 1792; d. y. 35 James*, b June 13, 1795. 14. JOSEPH' PARK, (Robert', Alexander'), was born at Windham, N. H., June 3, 1770, and died May 11, 1820. He married Mary Dinsmoor, a daughter of William Dinsmoor. She was born Nov. 30, 1768. He was a farmer and dealer in wood. He was Capt. of the 5th CO., 8th regt., N. H. Militia from 1805 to 1812. 182 PARKE FAMILIES Children: Sally*, b Dec. lo, 1796; d April 19, 1821, William*, b July i, 1798; d. y, Betsey Caroline*, b Sept. 11, 1801; d Oct. 21, 1833. 36 Joseph*, b March 17, 1803. 37 William*, b Feb. 19, 1805. 38 Mary*, b April 24, 1806; m James Fenner. 39 Robert*, b Jan, 11, 1808. Jane*, b Nov. 21, 1809; d Sept. 23, 1828, 15. JOHN' PARK, (Jennet', Alexander'), was probably born at Harvard, Mass., and moved to Fitchburg. He married Rhoda Finney. Children: 40 Betty*. 41 Molly*. 42 Andrew*, b about 1779; prob. d at Sutton, July 2, 1798, unm. Joseph Parks was Admr. of estate of Anbrew Parks, of Sutton, July 27, 1798. — Worcester Probate Records. 17. WILLIAM' PARK, (Jennet", Alexander^, was probably born at Harvard, and died there about 1820-7. He married Eunice , as his will dated Dec. 14, 1820, and allowed May 15, 1827; mentioned wife Eunice, chileren John, Nancy, Polly, Moody and Sally. In the Census of 1790 he is given as re- siding at Harvard, with one male under 16 3^ears of age and three females. Children: 43 John*. 44 Nancy*; m Polander Hamlin. 45 Polly*; m Asa Wetherbee. 46 Moody*. 47 Sally*. OP MASSACHUSETTS . 183 18. JOSEPH' PARK, (Jennet% Alexander^), was born Feb. 25, 1753, probably at Harvard, and died May 17, 1807, probably at Sutton, where he lived. He married Mary Peirce, May 21, 1789, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Goodale) Peirce. She was born Sept. 1, 1768. Children: 48 John*, b Aug. 9, 1795. 49 Asa*; m Persis Wood. And possibly others. FOURTH GENERATION. 25. JOHN* PARK, (Andrew', Robert', Alexan- der^), was born at Windham, N. H., Jan. 7, 1775, and died at Worcester, March 3, 1852. He m 1st, Louisa Adams, June 25, 1799, a dr. of Moses Adams of Acton. She died about 1813, and he m 2nd, Mrs. Agnes Major. He graduated from Dartmouth 1791, and intended to study for the ministry, but studied medicine and began to practice in 1799. Turning to literature he established a newspaper in Boston called the "Repertory," which afterwards became the "Boston Daily Advertiser." In 1811 he estab- lished in Boston a school for young ladies, which became widely known as one of the most select schools in the Country. Children: Warren^, d. y. 50 lyouisa Jane^, b Feb. 7, 1802; m Rev. E. B. Hall. Child: Harriet Ware Hall, b Sept. 15, 1841. 51 John Cochran^, b Jan. 10, 1804. 52 Mary Ann*, b May 26, 181 1; m Judge Beuj. F. Thomas, Oct. I, 1835, at Worcester. 184 PARKE FAMILIES 29. ANDREW WEARE* PARK, (Andrew', Rob- e^t^ Alexander^), was born at Windham, N. H., June 11, 1786, and died at Belfast, Me., Sept. 4. 1867. He married Margaret Morrison, Nov. 10, 1823. She b Aug. 11, 1793, and d April 14, 1864. Children: Agnes^' b 1824; d. y. Agnes^, b 1826; d 1832. 53 Margaret M^. Robert J^ b 1830; d. y. 54 Martha J^., b May 17, 1832, 55 Louisa^ b Sept. 24, 1834. 56 Horace^, b Feb. 20, 1837. 30. ALEXANDER* PARK, (Andrew', Robert*, Alexander^), was born at Windham, N. H., Oct. 7, 1789, and died at Dracut, Mass., May 13, 1863. He married Elizabeth Nesmith, Feb. 14, 1815, daughter of John Nesmith. She was born April 3, 1791, and died Jan. 18, 1836. He m 2nd Martha Carter. Children: ♦• 57 Charles A^, b Nov. 21, 1815; d at sea Feb. 14, 1874. 58 Lucy Ann^, b April 23, 181 7; m Francis A. Harden, May 16, 1839; lived at Nashua, N. H. 59 Andrew Horatio^, b April 11, 1819. 60 John Nesmith^ b Feb. 10, 1821. Josiah A^., b 1823; d. y. Robert B^, b 1825; d. y. Mary J^, b 1827; d. y. 61 Agnes ly^., b May 9, 1829; m James Barker. Isaac^, b 1831; d. y. 62 Mary J^, b April 28, 1833; m John Humphrey, Feb, 14, 1857. OP MASSACHUSETTS 185 34. ROBERT* PARK, (Alexander', Robert', Alex- ander^), was born at Windham, N. H., Nov. 17, 1785, and died at Dracut, Mass., July 21, 1847. He mar- ried 1st, Mary Coburn, a daughter of Samuel Coburn. She was born Feb. 17, 1788, and died July 28, 1810. He married 2nd, Sarah Coburn, a sister of his first wife, Nov. 1811. She was born May 7, 1791, and died April 24, 1858. Children: 63 Isaac C^., b July i8, 1810; m Almira Hemphill. 64 Mary^, bjan. 22, 1813; m Wm. P. Varnum, June 4, 1844. Children: Wm. P., Mattie K., and Mary A. Varnum. 65 Robert^ b Nov. 2, 1814. 66 Sarah R^., b Oct. i, 1816; d May 30, 1847; m George Marston, July 4, 1844. Children: Ellen R., and George Marston. Clarissa^ b 1818; d 1828. Hannah\ b i82i;d 1828. 67 James^ b Oct. 3, 1824. Parmelia^, b 1826; d 1846; unm. 68 Francis Sylvester^, b Jan. 29, 1828; m Maria D. Castello; had a family. Lived in California. 69 Alexander*, b Oct. 24, 1829, at Dracut; d April 26, 1881, at Webster, N. H.; unm.; was in Civil War, in 6th Mass. 70 Clarissa J^., b July 18, 1832, at Dracut; m Jerome B. Brown, Feb. 4, 1854, at Lawrence. Children: George P., bDec. II, 1854, and Clara Agnes Brown, b May 13, 1857. 35. JAMES* PARK, (Alexander', Robert', Alex- anderO, was born at Windham, N. H., June 13, 1795, and died at Dracut, Mass., Aug. 24, 1882. He mar- ried Sarah Webber, Jan. 1, 1834. She was born June 8, 1798, and died 1857. Child: 71 Eliza Farley^, b Dec. 21, 1838. 24: 186 PARKE FAMILIES 36. JOSEPH* PARK, (Joseph', Robert', Alex- anderO, was born at Windham, N. H., March 17, 1803, and died there Dec. 15, 1875. He married Charena Cochran, May 16, 1844, daughter of John and Margaret (Hemphill) Cochran. She was born June 25, 1814, and died Jan. 9, 1882. Children: 72 Mary Ellen^ b July 31, 1845. 73 John Alfred^ b April 27, 1848. 74 Joseph Willard*, b May 14, 1853. 37. WILLIAM* PARK, (Joseph^ Robert^ Alex- ander'), was born at Windham, N. H., Feb. 19, 1805, and died Nov. 9, 1881. He married Sarah Allcock, li'eb. 9, 1831. Children: 75 William^ b April 2, 1832. 70 Francis E^, b Oct. 5, 1835. 39. ROBERT* PARK, (Joseph', Robert', Alex- ander*), waa born at Windham, N. H., Jan. 11, 1808, and died at DeSoto, Mo., July 24, 1877. He married Mary C. Baker, of Hoosick, N. Y., June 5, 1845. Children: Mary J^, b 1846; d. y. 77 Daniel Mosely*, b Aug. 14, 1850. Sarah J^, b 1854; d. y. 48. JOHN* PARK, (Joseph', Jennet', Alexander'), was born Aug. 9, 1795. He lived at Sutton or Mill- bury. He married Betsey Harback, March 20, 1815; int. pub. Jan. 22, 1815. She b Aug. 13, 1793. Children: 78 Joseph^ b Feb. 23, 1816; d Nov. 13, 1838. 79 Mary Goodale^ b Nov. 18, 181 7; m Charles A. Smith, Nov. 29, 1849. 80 I^ucretia Jane*, b Nov, 26, 1819. OF MASSACHUSETTS 187 81 Daniel Harback^, b Nov, 23, 1821; d May 13, 1864, at Ander- sonville, Ga., in the Civil War, Mass. Vols. He mar- ried Lina M. Stone, Sept. 26, 1846, at Worcester. 82 John Delano\ b Jan. 26, 1824. 83 Edmund Mills^, b March 16, 1826. Elinor P^., b Nov. 25, 1828; d 1844. 84 Horatio Lyman*, b Feb. i, 1831; was in tha Civil War, Mass. Vols., 1864. 85 George Henry\ b July 18, 1833. Walter Lewis*, b 1839; d. y. FIFTH GENERATION. 51. JOHN COCHRAN' PARK, (John*, Andrew', Robe^t^ Alexander'), was born at Boston, June 10, 1804. He married 1st, Mary Moore, Nov. 1829. He married 2nd, Charlotte Dean, Nov. 9, 1854. He gradu- ated at Harvard in 1824; admitted to the bar in 1827, and immediately began to practice in Boston. In 1837 he was a member of the House of the Mass. Leg- islature, and was re-elected until 1844, when he was State Senator for two years. He held a number of other offices, and in 1881 was appointed a judge in Newton. It was a delightful experience to have the privilege of hearing Mr. Park as a public speaker. Easy in manner, graceful in delivery, eloquent in language, he was able to hold his audience without apparent effort. Children: 86 Edward Granville^, b March 9, 1835; d Aug. 14, 1864; was a Major of 35th regt., Mass. Vols., and died from wounds received in the war. 87 Mary Louise*, m Charles W. Tuttle, Jan. 31, 1872, 88 Carl Haven^, b Dec. 18, i860; lived in Dakota. 89 William Dean«, b Sept. 14, 1862. 188 PAi^KE FAMILIES 56. HORACE' PARK, (Andrew W*., Andrew', Robert^, Alexander*), was born at Windham, N. H., Feb. 20, 1837. He married Lizzie Morrison, of Wind- ham, Jan. 29, 1869. She was born Dec. 25, 1838. They lived at Belfast, Me. , Children: 90 Mable Agnes*, b July 18, 1875. 91 Edward Horace'', b Aug, 9, 1877. 59. ANDREW HORATIO' PARK, (Alexander*, Andrew', Robert', Alexander*), was born at Wind- ham, N. H., April 11, 1819, and died Feb. 22, 1897. He married 1st, Sophronia Walton, May 18, 1855, daughter of Jonathan Tarbell, and Sarah Harrison (Rugg) Walton. She was born July 14, 1827, and died July 12, 1862. He married 2nd, Mrs. 'Sarah F. Allen, April 18, 1864, a sister of his first wife. She was born Feb. 19, 1833. Mr. Park was blind from birth; but in spite of this very serious drawback he made a success of life. Until his thirteenth year he attended school in the "old red schoolhouse," where his lessons were read to him. and he readily under- stood and committed them to memory. At the age of 13 he went to the Institution For The Blind, at South Boston, Mass., and remained a pupil there for seven years, and afterwards as teacher for some time; teaching natural philosophy, astronomy, algebra and geometry; being connected with the institution for more than thirty years. He was a born mathemati- cian, having a most surprising power of doing sums in his head. While in Boston at school he formed the acquaintance of the late Rev. Thomas Hill, who was at one time President of Harvard Collie. Mr. Hill was a genius with figures and well versed in OF MASSACHUSETTS 189 science. He read mathematics to Mr. Park, and to- gether they solved knotty problems with great enthusiasm. They also formed a warm personal friendship which lasted through life. In his younger days Mr. Park made a thorough study of astronomy, which interested him greatly, and he obtained a re- markable knowledge of that science. He used to go about lecturing on the subject, illustrating his mean- ing by the use of diagrams on cloth prepared for the purpose, which he would hold up to the audience one after the other as he came to them. About the year 1852 he visited a friend of his, who was also blind, and embarked in business as a book agent on his own accouut. The most remarkable part of it was that he made a financial success of it. He went about from house to house in the country on horseback, with a hired boy on another horse for a guide. In 1855 he married Sophronia Walton, of Reading, and they kept house in Lowell, Mass., for several years. During that time he was engaged in teaching at the Institution in Boston, going down on the train in the morning and returning at night unattended. After his second marriage he bought a farm, and with characteristic enthusiasm entered upon his new life as a farmer. With one of his small boys to guide him he would rake hay, or go to mill with a barrel of corn on a hand cart. He used to milk the cows and cut their fodder and feed them, until the small boys grew up. He loved good music and played the flute and piano. He recognized people by thevt voices, and when in his prime never made a mistake. The secret of his going about alone so readily was his knowledge of echo and the quickness of his hearing. All solid objects reflect sound, and as he 190 PARKE FAMILIES went about he was continually listening to the echo of his footsteps. Sound that we would not notice at all meant something to him. He could tell whether he was walking past a house or a picket by the dif- ference in sound thrown back to him. He would step into a strange room, aud if it were empty, walk to the middle, make a clacking noise with his mouth, and then tell within a foot how long, how broad and how high it was. If it was full of furniture the echo would not be so good. He encouraged reading in his family and had a lively interest in what was going on in the world about him, and took great delight in having the daily paper read to him as long as he lived. With his wonderful memory and active brain he was always ready to discuss almost any subject. In order to understand how this universe seemed to him we must imagine everything existing without color, or the various shades of light and dark that mean so much to us. When we consider how he was handicapped in the beginning of life's battle, we must agree that he fought courageously and well and his example should encourage those of faint heart. During the greater part of his life he was buoyant and happy; more so than the average man who can see. Children: 92 Andrew Heady*, b Sept. 15, 1856. 93 Louisa J**., b May 1S60. 94 Walter N*., b July 12, 1862. 95 Howard L*., b March 6, 1865. 96 Charles E^, b Sept. 15, 1867. 97 Philip R«., b Feb. 28, 1870. 98 Fred W«., b July 22, 1874; m Martha Sarah Hall, Oct. 12, 1899, dr. of John and Charlotte Hall; b Dec. 22, 1874. Child: Charlotte H'. OP MASSACHUSETTS 191 60. JOHN NESMITH' PARK, (Alexander*, An- d^ew^ Robert*, Alexander^), was born at Windham, N. H., Feb. 10, 1821, and died at S. Chelmsford, Mass., Feb. 3, 1901. He married 1st, Harriet M. Davis, May 9, 1848, She was born May 11, 1825, and died Feb. 28, 1854. He married 2nd, her sister, Mrs. Cynthia Davis Jameson, Nov. 29, 1854. She was born 1816, and died 1856. He married 3rd, Rebecca F. Titcomb, Dec. 14, 1859, daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca (Pilsbury) Titcomb. Children: 99 Harriet Elizabeths, b April 8, 1849. John v., b Oct. 6, 1850; d. y. 100 Alexander Joseph^, b Dec. 31, 1866. William T*., b and d 1871. 65. ROBERT' PARK, (Robert*, Alexander', Rob- ert*, Alexander^), was born at Windham, N. H., Nov. 2, 1814, and died at Dracut, Mass., June 12, 1879. He married 1st. Relief A. Brown, Feb. 27, 1837. She was born Jan. 16, 1814, and died May 12, 1853. He married 2nd. Letitia B. Sawyer. She was born Jan. 27, 1834, and died Jan. 12, 1903. Children: Rosella®, b April 10, 1838; d 1852. Orrin*, b May 24, 1841; was Corp. of co. A, 6th Mass. Vols,, and died at Suffolk, Va., Nov. 15, 1862. loi Othniel Robert*, b June 25, 1862; m Clarinda Oliver, June 20, 1895. They live at Lowell, Mass. 67. JAMES D'. PARK, (Robert*, Alexander', Rob- ert*, Alexander^), was born at Dracut, Mass., Oct. 3, 1824, and died at Los Angeles, Cali., Sept. 7, 1850. He married Susan M. Derby, April 8, 1845. Children: 102 Charles*. Eugene D®.; was in the Civil War in 1863, from Dracut. 192 PARKE FAMILIES 74. JOSEPH WILLARD* PARK, (Joseph*, Jo- seph^ Robert", Alexander^, was born at Windham, N. H., May 14, 1853. He married Mary Ellen Phin- ney, at South Boston, Mass., Sept. 15, 1880, daughter of Israel Bradford and Clarissa (Haley) Phinney. She was born at Plympton, Mass.', Dec. 31, 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Park reside at South Boston, Mass. Children: 103 Harry Willard'^, b May i, 1883. 104 Chester Bradford^, b Feb. 21, 1887. 75. WILLIAM' PARK, (William*, Joseph*, Rob- ert^, Alexander^), was born at Boston, Mass., April 2, 1832. He married Lillie E. Cherrington, April 2, 1855. She was born June 1833. He enlisted in the 9th Mass. regt., in 1862, and became a Lt. in 1865. Children: 105 Lillie Frances®. 106 Walter Ellsworth®. Frederick Dinsmoor®, b 1868; d. y. 76. FRANCIS E'. PARK, (William*, Joseph', Robert*, Alexrnder^), was born at Boston, Oct. 5, 1835". He married 1st, Mary E. Wilder, Oct. 5, 1859. She was born March 16, 1844, and died Jan. 1864. He m 2nd, Laurette J. Vincent, June 1, 1865, who was born Jan. 1846. He was in the Civil War, in the 6th Mass. Vols. Children: Frances E®., b 1861; d. y. 107 Mary Wilder®, b Sept. 12, 1862. , Francis Edwin®, b 1866; d. y. 108 Francis E®., b May 10, 1867. 109 Sarah Laurette®, b Nov. 19, 1868. William Asa®, b 1870; d. y. Asa William®, b 1872; d. y. Elizabeth M®., b 1874; d. y. no Frances Eva®, b March 13, 1877. Ill Sybil Adelaide®, b July 27, 1879. OP MASSACHUSETTS 193 92. ANDREW HEADY* PARK, (Andrew H'., Alexander*, Andrew^ Robert^ Alexander*), was born at Lowell, Mass., Sept. 15, 1856. He married Celia Parklmrst Battle, at Chelmsford, June 26, 1898, the daughter of William D. Battle." Child: 112 Homer Battle', b July 6, 1902. 100. ALEXANDER JOSEPH' PARK, (John N'., Alexander*, Andrew", Robert", Alexander'), was born at Baltic, Conn., Dec. 31, 1866, and died at S. Chelms- ford, Mass., Dec. 30, 1906. He married Lizzie Parker Garland, May 26, 1891, at S. Chelmsford. Children: 113 Ruth Agnes", b June 10, 1892. 114 Ethel Marie', b March 3, 1S94. 115 Alexander Garland', b Jan. 22, 1896. 25 194 PARKE FAMILIES Milliam pax\\, of (Broton, fiDass., an^ 1Hi0 2)e0cent)ant0, BY LAWRENCE PARK. Member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. 1. WILLIAM' PARK, was the son of William and Janet (Reid) Park, of Glasgow, Scotland, and was baptized at Balornoch, a Glasgow parish, on Oct. 7, 1705. I learn from a memorandum written by his grandson, Stuart James^ Park, that he lived in Scot- land until 1756, "and sometime in that 3'ear he came to America" and landed in Boston. He moved, prob- ably soon after, to Westford, Mass., and about 1760 to that part of Groton, Mass., now within the limits of the town of Ayer, where the remainder of his life was spent. By occupation he was a worker in stone; hammering and lettering stone and making grave- stones. He was "tall in statue, vigorous and athletic," and in mind "sound and discriminat- ing, well disciplined and educated." In religion he was a staunch Presbyterian. He married at Glas- gow, May 6, 1730, Anna Law, who was born in 1704, probably in Scotland. She came to this Country in 1765 with her sons James and Thomas. Of her, her grandson says: " She was an industrious, intelligent and good woman and retained in a wonderful degree her faculties, both physical and mental, to the last of her life." She died at Groton, Oct. 2, 1789, and is OF MASSACHUSETTS 195 buried beside her husband in the old burying ground in Groton. He died in Groton, June 17, 1788. Children: 3 John", b March 15, 1731. 3 James'-, b March 19, 1741, in Glasgow; d Feb. 23, 1778, at Groton; unm; 4 Thomas^, b probably in 1745. 5 Margaret'-, ni Alex. Fisher; never came to America. 6 Janet"; unm; never came to America. SECOND GENERATION. 2. JOHN* PARK, (William'), was born at Glas- gow, (probably), March 15, 1731. He married Jean Stewart, June 2, 1758. She was born Feb. 12, 1732. He was a stone mason, " a good draftsman and a very ingenious mechanic and an intelligent and judicious man." In 17bO he was engaged by the Duke of Ar- gyle in work on his castle at Inveraray, Scotland, and in laying out the grounds of the Duke's estate. This work occupied him for seven years, and in 1767, accompanied by his wife and three children, he sailed for America and landed in Boston, Aug. 17, 1767, and went immediately to Groton. He had been there only a few 3'ears when he received repeated letters from the Duke of Argyle containing liberal offers for him to return to Scotland and take charge of the Duke's establishment. At length he decided to accept and went to Boston to engage his passage. He found upon arriving there that the harbor had just been blockaded by the British fleet, so he returned to Groton. He bought four hundred acres of land in Groton, some of which is still in the possesion of his descendants; and shortly before his death built, for 196 PARKE FAMILIES his occupancy, the first brick house in Groton; which is still standing, though now in the town of Ayer. In 1784-88 he was engaged in building a stone jail at Worcester, which was considered the second stone building of importance in the commonwealth. In 1789 he built the stone jail at Concord, Mass., and in 1793, while engaged in constructing the jail at Am- herst, N. H., he met with an accident w^hich caused his death on the following day, Aug. 15, 1793. His wife died at Groton, April 25, 1793, and both are buried in the old burying ground at Groton. He was a Whig, and in his religious views a Presbyterian, and says his son: " Somewhat rigid in the practical observance of them, but liberal towards those whose religious opinions differed from his own." The Cen- sus of 1790 records him at Groton with two boys over 16, one under 16 and three females. Children: 7 Alexander^, b Oct. 12, 1759; prob. d. y. 8 John'*, b July i, 1761. 9 William-^ b April 15, 1763; d Nov. 14, 1795; m Sarah Farns- worth, Oct. 3, 1793. Child: William Stewart*, b Aug. 26, 1795; d. y. 10 Anna'', b June 20, 1765. 11 Jean^, b Nov. 16, 1767. 12 Elizabeth'', b March 29, 1770. 13 Stuart James'', b Feb. 7, 1773. 4. THOMAS'- PARK, (William'), was born 1745, probably in Glasgow. He came to America in 1765. He married Rosannah Conn, daughter of George and Mary Conn, at Harvard, May 3, 1768. They had emigrated a few years earlier from the north of Ire- land, where she was born in 1745. She died at Har- vard, Oct. 28, 1814. Thomas Park remained in Groton until about 1780, when he removed to Shirley; OF MASSACHUSETTS 197 He probably went to Harvard about 1765, and lived there the remainder of his life. He was by trade a stone cutter. He held several town oflices, and in 1803 and the two following years represented Har- vard in the legislature. He died at Harvard June 8, 1806, and is buried there. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Henry Farwell's co., Col. Prescott's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775. The census of 1790 gives Thomas Park residing at Har- vard with 2 sons over 16, 3 sons under 16 and five females. Children: 14 Mary-"', b Feb. 20, 1769; m Abel Morse, Sept. 16, 1793. 15 James'', b Sept. 28, 1770, at Groton; d April 9, 1793; uum. 10 Anna-', b Nov. 2, 1772. 17 Margaret", b Jan. 27, 1775; d Nov. i, 1795; unm. 18 Thomas'', b March 21, 1777; d Aug. 16, 1803; unm. 19 Elizabeth', b Aug. 8, 1779; m Abraham Houghton. 20 William^, b Aug. 8, 1779. Martha-', b Nov. 17S2; d. y. Son and daughter, b April 10, 1784; d. y. 21 John', b April 24, 1786. THIRD GENERATION. 8. JOHN' PARK, (John', William'), was born at St. Catharines, Argyleshire, Scotland, July 1, 1761, and came to America with his parents in 1767. He married Lydia Hamlin, June 1, 1786, at Pepperell, Mass.-, the daughter of Captain. Eleazer and Lydia (Bonney) Hamlin, of Pembroke. She was born at Pembroke, Nov. 5, 1763, and died at Groton, Sept. 2, 1845.' "He- was a stone-mason and did a large amount of building in connection with his brother William. He was a member of the South Military co., of Groton for several years. He died at Grotou, May 26, 1811. 198 PARKE FAMILIES The census of 1790 gives his liousehol as himself, one male and three females. Children: ii2 John\ bFeb. i, 1787. Eleazer*, b Oct. 28, 1788; d. y. 23 Sarah*, b Sept. 3, 1790. 24 Eleazer*, b March 7, 1792; drowned in James river, Va., 1816, 25 William Stewart*, b Dec. 18, 1796; d Aug. 20, 1816. 10. ANNA' PARK, (John*, William'), was born probably in Scotland, June 20, 1765, and died Nov. 10, 1831, at Dunstable, Mass. She married Edward Dunn, 1786. He died at Dunstable, May 12, 1816. Child: William Dunn, b March 5, 1787. 11. JEAN* PARK, (John', William'), was born at Groton, Nov. 16, 1767, and died there Oct. 14, 1816. She married Moses Day, Jan. 1, 1800, son of Nathan- iel and Sarah (Chapman) Day, of Ipswich. He was born at Ipswich, Feb. 1, 1778, and died at Nashua, N. H., Aug. 1839. Children: Moses Day, b Nov. 17, iSoo. Jane Stewart Day, b Jan. i, 1803. Nathaniel Day, b Sept. 17, 1805. * Sarah Chapman Day, b Dec. 2r, 1807; d. y. Infant, b July 27, 1813; d. y. 12. ELIZABETH' PARK, (John', William'), was born at Groton, Mass., March 29, 1770, and died there Sept. 21, 1804. She married Thomas Gass, May 2, 1793, at Groton. He was of Burlington Bay, now Burlington, Vt. After her death he married Eleanor Holden, Dec. 16, 1805; and about 1812 remov- ed with his family to Wales, Hampden Co., where he died. OF MASSACHUSETTS 199 Children: John Park Gass, b Aug. 30, 1794. Joseph, Gass, b Dec. 2, 1799. Anna Gass, b March 28, 1803. 13, STEWART JAMES' PARK, (Joh^^ Will- iam*), was born at Groton, Mass., Feb. 7, 1773. His early education was obtained from the district schools of his native town: and he was then apprenticed to his father and was working with hira at the latter's death. Soon after this event he began business for himself at Concord, Mass. From here he went to Worcester and in 1798 he built the jail at Portland, Me. In 1796 he purchesed a farm in Pelham, Mass., and here met Miss Nancy Gray, to whom he was mar- ried on May 17, 1798. She was the daughter of Ebene- zer and Agnes ( Barry) Gray, and was born at Pelham, Oct. 6, 1778. She died at Pelham, Dec 22, 1803, and is buried there. On Sept. 10, 1804, he married Cath- erine Taylor, at Pelham, the daughter of James and Abiah (Moore) Taylor. She was born at Pelham, May 11, 1782, and died at Groton, Aug. 2, 1872, and is buried beside her husband in the New Cemetery in that town. Mr. Park built in succession the jail at Northampton, Mass., in 1801; the Massachusetts State Prison, 1803 to 1806; the state prison at Wind- sor, Vt., 1808 to 1810; the state prison at Concord, N. H., 1810 to 1812; his own house at Groton in 1812: the stone locks in the Middlesex Canal, Mass., 1813 to 1814. In 1815 he submitted to the legislature of New Hampshire an estimate and an original plan for a new State House to be erected at Concord in that State and in 1816 was awarded the contract. He 200 PARKE FAMILIES was occupied with the construction of this building until July 1818. In 1820 he was employed to super- intend the construction of the so called Mill-dam which extended from Boston across the Back Bay to Brighton. This was completed in 1822; in 1824 he was appointed County Agent of Essex County, Mass., to construct in stone the jail and county build- ings at Newburyport. In 1827 he began the construc- tion of the dry dock at Charlestown, Mass., which was finished in 1831. He then returned to Groton to the cultivation of his extensive farm, and the remain- der of his life was spent .there. In 1817 he was ap- pointed Justice of the Peace and of the Quorum, an office which he held until his death. In 1837 he was elected a member of the Massachusetts State Senate, being re-elected in 1838 and served until 1840. He was the wealthiest man in Groton, one of the largest landholders in Middlesex County; and was known over a wide region by the title of "Squire." He was a man of great perseverance and tenacity of purpose, genial and witty; and had all the natural traits of his Scotch ancestors, without perhaps, their religious bigotry. In religion he was a Unitarian and was one of the founders of that society in Groton in 1826. He died at Groton, Aug. 14, 1859. Children by 1st wife: Jane^ b March 12, 1799; d Feb. 2. 1802. 26 John Gray^ b Aug. 31, 1801 . Infant, b Dec. 22, 1803; d same day. Children by 2nd wife: Infant, b Sept. 7, 1805; d. y. 27 Jane*, b Aug. 7, 1806; m Rev. Charles Robinson. / OF MASSACHUSETTS 201 16. ANNA' PARK, (Thomas', William'), was born at Groton, Mass., Nov. 2, 1772. She married Israel Reed, Feb. 1, 1795, at Harvard. Children: Thomas Park Reed, b Aug. 27, 1795. Israel Reed, b March 28, 1797. Heury Reed, b Jan. 19, 1799. Anna Reed, b Jan. 15, 1801. Sarah Reed, b Jan. 30, 1803. 20. WILLIAM' PARK, (Thomas', Wiliam'), was born at Groton, Aug. 8, 1779, and died at Harvard, Aug. 7, 1854. He married Abigail Stowe, widow of Joseph Farnsworth, and daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Atherton) Stowe. She was born at Har- vard, May 22, 1784, and died at Charlestown, Mass., May 27, 1863. He was a stone cutter. Children: Maiia Stetson-*, b 1814; d. y. Susan Haywood*, b 1816; d. y. William*, b 1818; d. y. Stuart James*, b 1820; d. y. 28 William Stuart*, b June, 1824, at Harvard; d July 16, 1872, at Cambridge; unm. Hannah Fisher*, b 1826; d. y. Thomas*, b 1829; d. y. FOURTH GENERATION. 22. JOHN* PARK, (John', John", William'), was born probably at Groton, Feb. 1, 1787. He married Anna Shurtliff, Sept. 9, 1811, at Concord, N. H., the daughter of John Carver and Jennet (Taylor) Shurt- liff, of Pelham, Mass. She was born at Pelhara, June 1, 1793. He was a stonecutter and a maker of grave- stones, and lived all his life in that part of Groton which is now Ayer. He was struck by a train while 26 202 PARKE FAMILIES crossing the tracks of the Fitchburg Railroad in Groton, April 20, 1848, and instantly killed. His widow died at Ayer, Oct. 23, 1882, and is buried beside her husband in Woodlawn cemetery in that town. Children: 29 John*, b Aug. 27, 1812; d 1887; m Sophia Nutting. Children: William Stuart'^ b Jan. 8, 1836, d. y.; Edward Everett^, b Dec. 16, 1837, d. y., and George Hamlin*, b Dec. 16, 1837; dDec. 6, 1857. 30 Sarah Aun^ b Sept. 14, 1814. 31 Catharine Jaue^, b July 28, 1822, d at Worcester, Sept. 12, 1891; m Thomas Pollard. 32 Stuart James*, b Aug. 24, 1824. 33 William*, b July 5, 1827; d Oct. 17, 1S55, at Groton. Cyrus Hamlin*, b Jan. 30, 1834; d. y. Charles Robinson*, b Nov. 16, 1835; d. y. 23. SARAH* PARK, (John', John', William*), was born at Groton, Sept. 3, 1790, and died there March 8, 1815. She married Nathaniel Stone, June 5, 1811, the son of Amos and Molly (Moore) Stone, He was born at Groton, April 8, 1787, and died there Sept. 17, 1861. Children: Martha Stone, b Aug. 28, 181 1. Infant, b Aug. 24, 1813; d next day. Sarah Park Stone, b Feb. 24, 1815. 26. JOHN GRAY* PARK, (Stewart J'., John', William^, was born at Pelham, Mass., Aug. 31, 1801. His early years were passed with his grandfather Gray at Pelham, his mother having died when he was a little over two years old. Upon his father's settlement in Groton in 1812 he entered Groton Acad- emy, now Lawrence Academy . In 1822 he formed a partnership with Henry Woods, of Groton, for the OF MASSACHUSETTS 203 sale of general merchandise, under the firm name of Park & Woods. On June 4, 1829 he married Maria Thayer, at Bostan, the oldest child of Joel and Abigail (Brastow) Thayer, a well-to-do merchant of Boston. She was born at Boston, Aug. 18, 1809, and died at Groton, Sept. 27, 1892, and is buried there. In 1832 Mr. Woods retired from the firm and in March, 1835 Luther P. Potter, of Groton, was admit- ted a partner with the firm name of Park & Potter. Mr. Park retired in 1842. In March 1834 he was elected Town Clerk of Groton, and served until March, 1837. In November, 1836, he represented Groton in the State Legislature, and was re-elected in 1838. In 1853 he was elected a Delegate to repre- sent the town at a convention held at Boston on May 4, 1853, for altering the Constitution of the Common- wealth. His health during the latter part of his life was poor, and caused him much suffering. He died at Groton, Sept. 23, 1875, and is buried in the new cemetery there. In politics he was a Whig and in religion a Unitarian. He was a man of firm purpose and strict integrity, and was much respected by his associates. The following extract from a letter to Mrs. Park, written by a former partner of Mr. Park, gives in a few words Mr. Park's character: "In all my experience I have never known any man so con- stantly mindful of the rights of others as Mr. Park. He could be firm and at the same time, cautious, hon- est and generous. And now as my mind runs back over the past nothing comes up in connection with Mr. Park that is unpleasant — everything is pleasant to remember. It is now [1875] forty-four years since I first knew Mr. Park, and nearly forty-two since I first went into his store as a clerk; and when I con- 204 PARKE FAMILIES sider my own imperfections, and that he was human, how wonderful that in all this time nothing — no lit- tle thing should occur that is unpleasant to remember. I never knew him to do anything that he need wish to hide or be ashamed to have all the world know. And yet one so pure and so just is made to suffer as but few do." Children: 34 Charles Stuart^ b Nov. 26, 1831. 35 Sarah Maria^, b April 6, 1833; d Dec. 8, 1901, at Boston; unm. 36 John Gray^ b Jan. 3, 183S. FIFTH GENERATION. 30. SARAH ANN' PARK, (John\ John', John', William^, was born at Groton, Sept. 14, 1814, and died at Ayer, Mass., 1900. She married Abel Stone, who was born at Groton, Nov. 1811, and died at Ayer, Aug. 13, 1874. Children: Abel A. Stone, b March 5, 1838. Charles H. Stone, b April 7, 1839. Sarah J. Stone. Catharine P. Stone, b Jan. 22, 1S45. Silas N. Stone. John H. Stone. 32. STEWART JAMES' PARK, (John*, John', John^, William^), was born at Groton, Mass., Aug. 24, 1824, and died at Marshall, Mich., Oct. 23, 1902. He married 1st, at Lynn, Mass., May, 1851, Louisa Reed Manning, born at Auburn, Me., Feb. 23, 1822; daughter of Samuel and Susannah (Hart) Manning. She died at Groton Junction, (now Ayer) July 31, OP MASSACHUSETTS 205 1864. He was in the Civil War; enlisting Oct. 17, 1862, in CO. D of the 53d Mass. volunteer infantry, and served until Sept. 2, 1863. He removed in the Autumn of 1866 to Marshall, and was married there in 1867, to his 2nd wife Harriet D. Kipp. He was an active business man of Marshall in the marble indus- try which he established immediatel}" upon his set- tlement there. Children: 37 Julia Becket", h July 18,1852, at Garduer, Me.; m Stowell Washburn Davis, Dec. 15, 1SS6, at Harvard, Mass. 38 Stuart Jatnes^, b May 10, 1S55, at Gardiner, Me.; was married and had child: Arthur', who lives in L,eominster. William Ivemont", b April 13, 1S63, at Ayer; unm. 34. CHARLES STUART' PARK, (John G*., Stewart J''., John", William^, was born at Groton, Mass., Nov. 26, 1831, and died at Savannah, Ga., May 13, 1893. He was educated in the schools of Groton and at Lawrence Academy which he entered in 1841. He was engaged in mercantile pur- suits in Sycamore, Ills., for a short time. Returning to Groton he was mustered into Co. E, 44th regt., Mass. Vols., Aug. 24, 1862, and was honorably dis- charged June 18, 1863. He was appointed Acting Assistant Paymaster in the U. S. Navy, Oct. 26, 1864, and was attached to the U. S. S. Chimo until the close of the war; receiving his honorable discharge Aug. 31, 1865. He then settled in Savannah, which was his home during the remainder of his life. He married Nannie Wickliff Yulee, June 1, 1870, at Bainbridge, Ga., the daughter of Elias and Rachel (Benjamin) Yulee. She was born in Cincinnati, O., Nov. 27, 1851, and lives in Savannah. 206 PARKE FAMILIES Children: 39 Charles Stuart«, b Jan. 21, 1872. 40 Edward Yulee^, b Jan. i, 1875. Alice Marie", b March 8, 1S79; d. y. 36. JOHN GRAY' PARK, (JohnG*., Stewart P., John", William^), was born at Groton, Mass., Jan. 3, 1838. He entered Lawrence Academy at Groton in 1845, from which he was graduated in 1854, and in the same year entered Harvard University, from which he graduated in 1858. He then spent three years at the Harvard Medical School; during one of which he was a house physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and in Feb. 1862 he was appointed Acting Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Navy. He served in the North Atlantic and West Gulf Squad- rons until November, 1865, when he was honorably discharged, receiving his medical degree in 1866. He at once returned to his native State and settled in Worcester, where he built up a large practice. In 1871 he became the first Superintendent of the new Worcester City Hospital, and largely through his efforts it was started upon a successful basis. On Oct. 22, 1872, he married at Groton, Elizabeth Bige- low Lawrence, daughter of Hon. Asa Farnsworth and Sarah Jane (Bancroft) Lawrence, of Groton, who was born at Pepperell, March 9, 1841, and died at Groton, March 7, 1903. In 1872 Dr. Park was ap- pointed one of the medical staff of the Worcester in- sane asylum and in 1877 became its Superintendent. In 1879 he was appointed Superintendent of the new Worcester Lunatic Hospital, where he remained for eleven years, until ill health compelled him to resign in the fall of 1890. The summer of 1881 he spent in OP MASSACHUSETTS 207 Europe, studying particularly the methods employed in the care and management of the insane in Great Britain. In 1890 he removed with his family to his native town of Groton, which was his home for the remainder of his life. In 1892 he was appointed by Gov. Russell, one of the trustees of the newly estab- lished Medfield insane asylum, and became Chairman of the Board and a member of its building committee. He gave the building of the new asylum his personal attention, and devoted the larger part of the remain- der of his life to perfecting its needs. He made sev- eral trips to California during the last fifteen years of his life for the benefit of his health. He was called upon as an expert on insanity in several im- portant murder and legal cases. He was one of the consulting physicians of the Memorial Hospital for Women and Children at Worcester; a member of sev- eral Massachusetts medical societies, of the American Medico-Psychological Association and the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and he held at different times various positions of trust in Groton. He re- turned in ill health from California in June, 1905 and soon after went to the City Hospital at Worcester for an operation. The operation was successful but other complications were present which caused his death at Worcester, on Aug. 29, 1905. He was buried in the new cemetery at Groton beside his wife. In character Dr. Park was kind and affectionate, thoughtful of others and eminently just in his deal- ings. He was especially fond of flowers and their care. Child: 4:1 Lawrence''', b Dec. i6, 1873. 208 PARKE FAMILIES SIXTH GENERATION. 39. CHARLES STUART' PARK, (Charles S*., John G*., Stuart J^, John". William^), was born at Savannah, Ga,, Jan. 21, 1873. His education was obtained in the public schools of Savannah. For a number of years he has been employed by the Savan- nah, Florida & Western Railroad as Superintendent of the repair shops of that company in Savannah. He married Ophelia Dent Pritchard, June 10, 1903, at Savannah, daughter of Col William and Elizabeth (Sneed) Pritchard, of Savannah, and formerly of Charlestown, S. C. She was born at Elizafield Plantation, Glynn county, Ga., Dec. 7, 1876. Child: ^2 Charles Stuart '', b Aug. 26, 1S06. 41. LAWRENCE' PARK, (John G\, John G*., Stewart J^, John^ William^, was born at Worcester, Mass., Dec. 16, 1873. He attended a private school for boys in that city and entered Harvard University in 1892, completing his course with the class of 1896. After five years spent in an architect's office in Bos- ton, in July 1901, he opened an office at 8 Beacon street, Boston, for the practice of architecture, under the name of Park & Kendall, which partnership still exists. On Nov. 16, 1905, he was married at Groton, Mass., to Maria Davis Motley, (born Groton, March 22, 1876,) only child of Col. Thomas Lawrence and Charlotte Elizabeth (Rhoades) [Head] Motley, of Boston and Groton. Mr. and Mrs. Park live in Gioton. Mr. Park is a member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society and of the Society of Colonial Wars. Child: 43 John Gray', b Sept. 15, 1908. / OF MASSACHUSETTS 209 3obn iPeirFis, of Sbrewebnr^, flDaee,, an^ Wq S)c0ccn^ant5» 1. JOHN' PEIRKS resided in Shrewsbury, Mass., from about 1749 to June 8, 1804, when he died there. Diligent research has failed to gather any informa- tion as to his ancestry. He was married Nov. 24, 1748, at Waltham, to Hannah Hammond, who died in 1809. In the marriage record in Waltham his name is spelled "Parks," and it is possible that he was a descendant of Richard' Parke, of Cambridge, through one of the lines that we have been unable to trace. The census of 1790 gives "John Pirks" as a resident of Shrewsbury; his household consisting of two females. Children: 2 Abigail-', b June i, 1749; d July 4, 182S; uiim. 3 Hannah-', b Nov. 22, 1750; d April 1S47; m Nathan Waite, of Leicester, ISIay 20, 1773. 4 Jonathan-, b April 12, 1753; d March, 1847; tn ist, Rhoda Allen, Dec. 7, 1780; ni 2nd, Sarah Spencer, April 28, 1787. He was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Cushing's cc. Col. Ward's regt., 1775-1778, and in Capt. Rice's co.. Col. Cushing's regt., in 1777. Lived in North Brookfield. 5 David^ b April 12, 1753. 6 Nathum'-, b June 13, 1756. 7 John-', b July, 1759. 8 Samuel"-, b Aug. 1761; m Annis Muzzy, Oct. 14, 1793. Mary'-, b 1767; m Nathan Muzzv, March 30, 1790. 37 210 PARKE FAMILIES 5. DAVID' PEIRKS, (John^, was born at Shrewsbury, April 12, 1753. He married Catharine Parker, April 27, 1778, daughter of Stephen and Ab- igail Parker. Mr. Parks was in the Rev. War, in Capt. Cushing's co. of Minute-men and militia, Col. Ward's regt., April 19, 1775. He lived in Shrews- bury about a year after he married and then moved to Burlington, Vt., where he lived seven or eight years on a farm when he died. After his death his widow married Samuel Goddard. Children: Nahum", b 1779; d. y. i) Dana", b Sept. 29, 1780. 10 David'-, b 1782; d March 7, 1809. 11 Stephen", b July 25, 1785, at Brattleboro; lived at Hamilton, N. Y., and died at Evans, N. Y., in 1832 He married Amy Ballon, of Richmond, N. H., Oct. 9, 1808, at Roy- alston, Mass. She b Oct. 27, 1785, at Richmond, and d Nov. 19, 1820, in N. Y. Child Tamar Goddard^ 7. JOHN' PEIRKS, (JohnM, was born at Shrews- bury, Mass., July, 1759. He married Mary Joslin, Nov. 25, 1788. She died Nov. 3, 1831, aged 61. He was in the Rev. War, as a private in Capt. Harring- ton's CO., Col. Dike's regt., muster roll for Dec. 1776- Feb. 1777, and was in Capt. Maynard's detachment. Col. Cushing's regt., Sept. 29, to Oct. 14, 1777. The census of 1790 gives John Parks Jr., as residing at Shrewsbury with wife and one male child. Children: 12 Joseph Joslin', b Aug. 22, 1790; m Relief Cary, June 27, 1S13; moved to Savannah, Ga., where they died. 13 John Seager", b April 13, 1793; ™ Charlotte Smith, March 20, 1814. 14 Jesse', b Jan. 7, 1795; m Julia Knowlton, March 30, 1821. 15 Hannah'\ b April 4, 1798; d Feb. 10, 1834; unm. OP MASSACHUSETTS 211 i6 Catharine H-'., b March 4, 1801; m Solomon Bathrick, of Westboro, March 8, 1835. 17 Eunice Eddy'', b March 26, 1804; d Dec. 13, 1837. 18 George Sumner^ b May, 1807, m Caroline Cotting, of East Sndbury, Feb. 20, 1830. 19 Charles Freeman'', May, 181 1; m Elizabeth Hathaway, Nov. 24, 1834. 9. DANA' PARKS, (David"', John'), was born at Shrewsbury, Sept. 29, 1780, and died at Boston, June 6, 1861. He married 1st, Eunice Thompson, Jul}' 16, 1801. She died when her child was six months old. He married 2nd, Sarah LePavour, at Salem, Sept 26, 1826. She was born at Salem, Oct. 12, 1806, and died at Boston, Ma_y 5, 1892. He served in a N. Y. regiment in the War of 1812. Child by ist wife: 20 Eunice*, d Dec. 13, 1837; ae. 34. Children by 2nd wife: 21 Caroline Aiigusta''; d unm. 22 Sarah Catharine^; m Augustus Smith. 23 Mary Elizabeth*; m Albert French. 24 Emily Marshall*; m ist, John Courtenay; m 2nd, Phillip H. Coudell. 25 Ellen Eouisa*; m William Cutter. 26 Henry Clay'; d unm. 27 William Harrison*; m Maria Elodget; he was in the Civil War. 28 Joseph Wilkins*; m Ollie Dodd; he was in the Civil War. 21> Dana*. Hi} George Albert*, b June 17, 1S49. 29. DANA* PARKS, (Dana', David', John'), was born at Boston, Mass. He died May 16, 1894. He married Ellen T. Oliver, at Boston, daughter of Eben and Anna T. (Blacker) Oliver. Dana Parks was in the Civil War. 212 PARKE FAMILIES Children: 31 Ida^ 32 Helen T^. 33 Dana^, b March 29, 1880; lived at Newton, Mass., in 1908. 34 William H^ 35 Kitty^ 30. GEORGE ALBERT* PARKS, (Dana', David', John'), was born at Boston, June 17, 1849. He mar- ried Caroline M. Gardner, at Revere, June 3, 1879, daughter of Larkin Turner. She was born May 27, 1858, at Charlestown. Children: 36 Fannie May''. 37 George Albert^ b Oct. 7, 1882; lived at Maiden in 1907. 38 Florence Eniily^. 39 Lillian Dawkins^. 40 Caroline LeFavour^. 41 Dorothy Gardner^. OF MASSACHUSETTS 213 Bc6cenbant0 of IRobert iparhe* (IN MASSACHUSETTS. ) ROBERT' PARKE came from England in 1630; landed at Boston or Salem, moved to Connecticut and settled there. The majorit}" of his descendants lived in Connecticut until just prior to the Revolutionary war, when some of them emigrated to the western part of Massachusetts. As full details of these families are given in "The Parke Families of Con- necticut," whicTi was published in 1906; only a slight notice of each is recorded in the folowing list. AARON', (Robert'), b Preston, Conn., Nov. 2, 1748; d Montgomery, Jan. ii, 1824; m ist, Zipporah Clark; m 2nd, Mar\ Provin; m 3rd, Lydia Provin. AARON', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, July 16, 1791. AARON PROVIN', (Moses'), b Sept. 16, 1810, at Montgomery; d May 10, 186S; m Statira B. Moore, 1S39. ABIGAIL', (Nehemiah'), b Feb. 26, 1757, at Volun- tovv'n, Ct.; lived at Tyringham; m Stephen Webster. ABIGAIL', (Nathan'), b Westtield about 1780. ABIJAH', (Isaac', Isaac', William', Samuel"', Rob- ert^), b Plainfield, Ct., April 4, 1748; d Dalton, Aug. 14, 1813; m Mary Dean, March 25, 1772. ABIJAH', (Abijah'j, b prob. in Dalton; m Lucinda Weston. ADALINE', (Lyman'), b Russell, Jan. 10, 1826; d March 10, 1850; m Horace Parks. ALICE A'., (Horace'), b Russell, March 29, 1844; m Charles Clark; March i, 1862. ALONZO A'., (Abijah'), b at Dalton. 214 PARKE FAMILIES ALONZO HENRY', (Sylvester'), b Palmer, Oct. 28, 1828; d Washington, D. C, Jan. 4, 1890; m Julia Elizabeth San- born, at Palmer, Oct. 5, 185S; she b March 4, 1835, at St. Johns- bury, Vt.; d March 10, 1S77, at Washington. Children: Henry Alonzo', Frank Sylvester®, Noel Bancroft^ and Nora Isabella®. AMANDA, (Vestus), b Russell; m A. A. Bradley. AMANDA', (Aaron*), b Montgomery, June 4, 1796; m Caleb Nichols; moved to Twinsburg, Ohio. AMANDA', (David'), b Blandford, 1808; d 1852, unm. ANGELINE', (Sylvester'), b Palmer, Oct. 28, 1828; d Nashua. N. H., Oct. 1894; m Francis Parkman Whittemore; heb Peterboro, N. H., March 29, 1825, living at Nashua in 1908. Children: Helen A., Alice P. and Fred. P. Whittemore. ANNA', (Nathan'), b Westfield, Dec. 19, 1784; d. y. ANNA', (Neheniiah"), b Sept. 14, 1779; lived at Tyringham; m Richard Bailey. ANNA', (Roger'), b at Blandford; m Sacket. ANNIE', (Warren'), b at Blandford. ARTHUR S'., (Horace'), b Russell, April 12, 1860; d Oct. 30, 1885; m Nellie P. Alderman, Dec. 4, 1879. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN*, (Sylvester'), b Palmer, Oct. 12, 1826; living at Cedar Ropids, Iowa, 1908; m ist, Lydia F. Oilman; m 2nd, Laura S. Coman. BETSEY', (Reuben'), b Westfield about 1787; m Edmund Kelso. BETTINA LORING'", (John H'.), b Boston, Dec. 27, 1SS4. CALEB', (Matthias'), b Tyringham, April 18, 1792; d April 15, 1888; m L,avinia Dowd, 1825. CALVIN GOODWIN'", (George B.'), b Worcester, March 4, 1900. CAROLINE', (Moses'), b Montgomery, March 8, 1812; d April 16, 1S31; unm. CAROLINE ELIZABETH', (Lysander F.'), b Aug. 17, 1S40. OF MASSACHUSETTS 21S CARRIE', (Hezeklah'), b Oct. 16, 1836; m James Allen at Boston, Sept. lo, 1892. CARRIE S'., (Aaron P'.), b Montgomery, Dec. 17, 1841. CELIA', (Nathan*), b Wectfield, Oct. 5, 1796; m Moses Bradley. CHARLES FRANCIS', (William Robert'), b April 1869; m Maud M. White, Oct. 31, 1S94. CHARLOTTE', (Reuben'), b Russell after 1781; m Moore. CHARLOTTE EMILY'", (Oren B'.),bOct. 15, 1874. CHRISTOPHER', (Christopher'), born Voluntown, Conn., Sept. 22, 1761; lived in Dighton, and d in East Bloom- field, N. Y., April 4, 1842. CLARISSA', (Nathan'), b Westfielcl, April 29, 1789; ni Theo. Boyce. DAVID', (Roger'), b 1781, at Blandford; d March 24, 1S59; m Sarah. DAVID', (Warren'), b Blandford. DEBORAH', (William'), b Roxbury, 1647; d. y. DEBORAH', (William-), b Roxbury, 1651; d. y. DEBORAH', (Robert'), b Preston, Conn., Aug. 27, 1761; d Russell, Jan. 25, 1S30; m Isaac Palmer, Dec. 28, 17S0. DE LAFAYETTE', (Moses'), b Montgomery, July 9, 1823. DEXTER', (Robert'), b Russell, Nov. 25, 1823; d June 2, 1901; m Elizabeth Brown. DEXTER ROBERT', (Dexter'), b Russell, July 5, [872; m Ida J. EARL HOWLETT'", (George B'.), b Peru, May 21, 1891. EDITH LAURA'-', (William Henry'), b Great Bar- ■rington, Nov. 10, 1861; m Charles Erling Hotchkiss, Dec. 28, 1892, at New Haven, Conn. They live in Brooklyn, N. Y. EFFIE ELIZABETH"', (Dexter R'.), b at Russell, Dec. 8, 1898. 2ie . PARKE FAMILIES ELEANOR', (Plenry'), b Russell; m H. Thompson. ELIAS', (Jeremiah'), b Oct. 20, 1762, at Union, Ct., d Russell, May lo, 1S28; m ist, Isabella Lindsey; m 2nd, Hul- dah Herrick. ELIHU', (Nehemiah'), b Aug. 18, 1793, at Tyring- ham; m Elizabeth Moon: moved to Ohio. ELISHA', (Aaron"), b Montgomery, Oct. 14, 1780; d June 27, 1804. ELISHA LEWIS', (Moses'), b Montgomery, Oct. 24, 1808; d Nov. 3, 1906, at Twinsburg, Ohio; was married. ELISHA PROVEN', (OrenO, b Montgomery, Aug. 6, 1816; d Westfield, Feb. 28, 1875; m ist, Sophia Bartholomew, May 16, 1842, dr. of Harris and Irena (Parks) Bartholomew; she b Nov. 26, 1S82; d Jan. 15, 1S47. He m 2nd. Mary Ann South- worth, Oct. 25, 1S48. ELIZABETH', (Nehemiah'), b Voluntown, Conn., March 25, 1772; m Abram Millman, at Tyringham, Nov. 1791. EMELINE', (Lyman'), b Russell; m Francis H. Bradley, Nov. 13, 1850. EMILY', (Aaron"), b at Montgomery; m Cooley. EMILY', (Robert'), b Russell, 1833; d March 8, 1862; unm. EMMA F\, (Hezekiah'), b Dorchester, Feb. 26, 1853, m Henry G. Albright, June 23, 1875. EUGENE DEXTER', (Horace'), b Russell, Jan. 17, 1862; m 1st, Elizabeth — — ; m 2nd, Minnie B. Wright. EUNICE', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, Sept. 11, 1782; d June 19, 1S69; m Nathan Chapman, 1803. EUNICE', (Sylvester'), b Russell, May 20, 1817; d Chicago, Ills., 1902; m Dr. John R. Bigelow, and lived at Wash- ington, D. C, many years. FANNY', (Nathan'), b Westfield, Jan. 28, 1791; m Daniel Dayton. FANNY MARIAH', (William Robert'), b Jan. 25, 1871; m Herman G. Hodges, Nov. 30, 1898. FLORENCE LOUISE', (Hezekiah'), b Dorchester, Nov. 26, 1862; m Lorenzo Griffin, N»v. 26, 1884. FRANK SYLVESTER PARKS Page 217 OF MASSACHUSETTS 217 FRANCIS ROBERT', (Robert W^), b Russell, April lo, 1S76; m Jennie Belle Slocum, Oct. i, 1902. Child: Robert William^*', b Sept. 30, 1904. They reside in Brookline and Westfield, Mass. FRANK SYLVESTER', (Alonzo H\), b Palmer, Dec. 13, 1861; m Mary Ann L,ynn, Nov. 20, 1SS8, at Washington, D. C. Children: Marie Ann^", b Aug. 25, 1SS9; Frank Sylves- ter'", b Aug. 30, 1891; Paul John'", b Nov. 5, 1893, and Thomas McGuigan'", b July 7, 1904. He is interested in genealogy, and has compiled " The Parke Families of Connecticut," and "The Parke Families of Massachusetts," during his leisure hours. He resides in Boston, Mass., and Washington, D. C. FRED EUGENE'", (Eugene D'.), b Russell, Sept. 15, 1889. FREDERICK W'., (Nelson D'.), b Blandford, March 23, 1849. GEORGE A'., (AbijahO, b Dalton, 1827; m Harriet R. Meacham, June 4, 1856. GEORGE S'., (Caleb'), b Tyringham, Sept. 2, 1833; m Martha M. EveringHam, July 4, 1856. GEORGE W'., (Hezekiah"), b Feb. 22, 1840; m Ma- tilda Becket, vSept. 22, 1S62. GEORGE V/l, (James% Elijah', ThomasS Thomas*, Thomas^ Thomas^ Robert'), b Stockbridge, May 13, 1815; d Simcoe, Canada, Aug. 18, 1868; m Sarah Banker, Dec. 25, 1861. GEORGE BRYON', (George Al), b Dalton, Dec. 13) 1^57; m Clarra V. Brown, June 25, 1890; they live at SuflSeld, Conn. GEORGE URmE'^ (George B'.), born at Peru, Mass., March 11, 1893. HANNAH, (Vestus), b Russell, Feb. 28, 1844. HANNAH', (William'), bapt. Roxbury, Sept. 28, 165S. HANNAH', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, Sept. 20, 1772; d June 6, 185S; m Guy Moor, 1795. HANNAH', (Neheraiah'), b June 27, 1776; lived at Tyringham; m Asaph Brown. HARRIET', (Elias'), b Russell, m Anthony Froman. 218 PARKE FAMILIES HENRY', (Robert'), b 1769; lived at Russell. HENRY ALONZO', (Alonzo H*.), b Palmer, Dec. 5, 1859; lived in Washington, D. C, 1908; unm. HENRY Hi, (David'), b Blandford, 1822; d May 7, 1865; m Betsey. HENRY ORLAND', (MosesO, b Montgomery, June II, 1825; d. y. HENRY LYMAN', (Robert W\), b Russell, Sept. S, 1S70; d June 14, 1893; unm. HESTER L'., (DavidO, b Blandford; m William A. Parks, Dec. 5, 1853. HEZEKIAH\ (Robert', Hezekiah', Robert', Robert', Thomas'-', Robert' ), was born at Grafton, Vt., Sept. 2, 1806; d Dorchester, April i, 1871; m Elizabeth M. Cook, at Lexington, April I, 1832. Children: Elizabeth A*., Hezekiah^, Carrie*, John H»., George W^., Horatio F^., Robert*, Elmira F«., Thad- deus^ and Emma F*. HEZEKIAH', (Hezekiah'), b Grafton, Vt., Nov. 23, 1834; d Boston, June, 1900; m Louise Ome, Dec. 20, 1861. HORACEl (Robert'), b Russell, March 10, 1821; m ist, Adaliue^ Parks, May 19, 1839; m 2nd, Ellen Lewis, May 14, 1852. He was living in Russell in 1908. HORACE L'"., (Arthur S\), b Russell, Dec. 26, 1880; d. y. HORATIO F^, (Hezekiah'), b Jan. 21, 1843; d April 9, 1883; m Amanda A. Brooks, Jan. i, 1878. ISABEL', (Reuben'), b Russell, about 17%; m Sam- uel A. Dewey and moved to Ohio. ISABELLA% (Elias"), b Russell; m Marvin Gorham, 1825. ISABELl (Lyman'), b Russell; m Henry D. Allyn, Nov. 20, 1858. JEREMIAH', (James*, Robert', Thomas', Robert'), bapt. Preston, Conn., April 7, 1725; lived at Union, Conn., and prob. lived a short time at Montgomery, Mass., and then moved to Kinderhook, N. Y. OP MASSACHUSETTS 219 JERUSHY', (Joshua'), b Tyringham, March 5, 1808. JESSIE ELLIS', (William R'), b Palmer, May 30, iS6i; m J. P. Wheeler, iS8S. JOEL M'., (Christopher'), b Oct. 18, 1790; m Batli- sheba Gooding, Dec. 1816; lived at Dightou. JOHN', (William'), b Roxbury, 1845; d. y. JOHN', (William'), b Roxbury, 1649; d. y. JOHN", (Nehemiah'), b Preston, Ct., April 27, 1759; m Freelove Wilcox, at Tyringham, Nov. 4, 1779. JOHN\ (Joshua"), b Tyringham, Dec. 27, 1805. JOHN', (Matthias'), b Tyringham, Nov. 27, 1797. JOHNS, (WarrenO, b Blandford, April 13, 1811. JOHN HENRY% (Hezekiah'), b Roxbury, Dec. 2, 1S38; m Susan I. Gibson, June i, 1S63. Children: Lillie Lang- - don^, Nellie Atherton", Grace Livingston^ and John Henry*. JOHN HENRY', (John C), b St. Louis, Mo., July 25, 1849; m Nancy Sprague Loring, of Duxbury, May 27, 1S69. Children: Laura Loring^", Samuel Loring^", John Ward'", and Bettina Loring'". He m 2nd, Elizabeth Ray Tarker, of Balti- more, Md., in 1904. JOHN WARD'", (John H'.), b Plymouth, Dec. 3, 1879. JOSEPH', (Matthias'), b Tyringham, June 20, 1785. JOSEPHINE FRANCES', (Hezekiah'), b Dorches- ter, Aug. 29, 1865; ra Wm. E. Howe, Aug. 31, 18S7. JOSHUA', (Nehemiah'), b Voluntown, Conn., Oct. II, 1764; lived at Tyringham; m Arauna . JOSHUA', (Joshua'), b Tyringham, June 6, 1802. JOSHUA', (Nehemiah'), b Tyringham, March 17, 1786; m Susan Cooley. JUSTIN D'., (Nelson D*.), b Blandford. KEZIAH', (Aaron"), b Montgomery, July 11, 1787; d.y. 220 PARKE FAMILIES KEZIAH', (Nathan*), b Westfield, Feb. 21, 1786; d in Ohio, May 27, 1849; m Silas Burk, Oct. 12, 1807. LADORA', (Aaron P'.), b Montgomery, June 24, 1844. LAURA*, (Moses'), b Montgomery, Nov; 16, 1813; m Nathan Hutchinson. LAURA', (Warren'), b Blandford, Nov. 26, 1806; m Leverett Knox, of Chester. LAURA', (Moses D\), b Montgomery, June 11, 1843. LAURA LORING'^ (John H".), b Duxbury, May 27, 1870; m Thomas Russell, of Boston, Sept. 19, 1S94. Chil- dren: Barbara, b Aug. 23, 1898 and William Goodwin Russell, b May 19, 1904. LEAH'^ (Eugene D'.), b Russell, Oct. 20, 1899. LEROY BURTON'", (George B'.), b V/orcester, Oct. 30, 1897. LEWIS'. (Nathan"), b Westfield, Nov. 30, 1800; d at Burton, Ohio, May 26, 1868; m Ruth Amy Tyrrell. LEWIS', (Robert'), b Russell, Nov. 2, 1818; d Bland- ford, Dec. 21, 1904; m Mary E. Cook, April 9, 1842. LILLA E'., (Nelson D*.), b Blandford, Aug. 18, 1861. LOVINA', (Warren'), b Blandford, June 6, 1809; m 1st, Horace Culver; m 2nd, Lynian Parks. She was living at Westfield in 1907. LUCINDA', (Reuben'), b Westfield about 1795; m Israel Cannon, and moved to Ohio. LUCINDA C, (Abijah'), b Dalton; m Ensign. LYDIA', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, Nov. 28, 1778; m David Crow Jr. LYMAN', (Ellas'), b Russell, Sept. 22, 1803; d July 22, 18S1; m 1st, Almira Gorham, 1S24; m 2nd, Ruhamah Fuller, 1829; m 3rd, Lovina (Parks) Culver. LYMAN K'., (Nathan*), b Westfield, Sept. 8, 1782; m Fanny Dickenson. OF MASSACHUSETTS 221 LYSANDER F'., (Abijah'). b Dalton, May 23, 1813; m Mary E. Knox, May i6, 1838. MARION B'"., (Arthur S'.), b Russell, Jul)^ 27, 1883. MARTHA', (Willianr), b Roxbury, March 2, 1641; d Oct. 24, 1674; m Isaac Williams. MARTHA', (Matthias*), b Tyringham, Sept. 28, 1794- MARY', (Neheraiah'), b Preston, Ct., May 21, 1768; ni Ebenezer Adams, at Tyringham, June 2, 1791. MARY', (Joshua'), b Tyringham, Dec. 10, 1810. MARY', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, Jan. 18, 1777; d Dec. 22, 1797. MARY', (Matthias'), b Tyringham, July 8, 1782. MARY', (Nehemiah*), b April 23, 1782; lived at Tyringham; ra Solomon Collins. MARY', (Reuben'), b Russell, March 26, 1798; d Palmer, June 3, 1S71; m Alonzo N. Dewey, May 30, i82o. MARY A'., (Lyman'), b Russell, 1828; m Albert A. Wright. MARY ANN* (David'), b Bland ford. 1825; m Henry Loomis. MARY ANN', (Roland"), b Russell; m Mr. Major Bishop. MARY ANN', (Sylvester'), b Russell, May 21, 1815; d Monson, 1887; m John W. Smith. Chil(h-en: Jane, George, Annie and Arthur Smith. MARY D\, (Abijah'), b Dalton; m Perley. MATTHIAS*, (Nehemiah-^), b Voluntown. Ct.. April 13, 1761; m Sarah Gasper, June 21, 17S1. MATTHIAS', (Matthias'), b Tyringham, July 21, 1787. MOSES', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, March 8, 1785; d Feeding Hills, March 15, 1862; m 1st, Electa Avery; m 2nd, Nancy Avery. MOSES DEWEY\ (Moses'), b Montgomery, Dec. 0, 1819; d Nov. 2, 1851; m Semira W. 222 PARKE FAMILIES MURRAY B'", (George B'.), b Dec. 21, 1894. MYRA', (DavidO, b Blandford, 1825; d 1853; unm. NATHAN', (James*, Robert', Thomas', Robert'), b Preston, Conn., Dec. 22, 1722; prob. lived at or near Erinifield for a time and then moved to N. Y. state. NATHAN', (Robert'), b Preston, Ct., May 6, 1758; lived in Westfield from about 1770 to 1801, when he moved to Ohio where he died Dec. 19, 1849; ™ ist, Keziah Doolittle; m 2nd, Mary Ann Mallor}-; m 3rd, Mary Bishop. NATHANIEL', (Neliemiah"), b Voluntown, Conn., May 20, 1774; lived at Tjringham; died at Cardiff, N. Y., about 1S12; m Pamelia Heath. NEHEMIAH% (Samuel*, Thomas', Thomas', Rob- ert^), b Preston, Ct., May 23, 1719; d Tyringham, Jan. 26, 1780; m Mary Button. NEHEMIAH', (Nehemiah'), b Preston, Ct., Oct. 18, 1754; lived at Tyringham; m Margaret Stewart. NEHEMIAH', (Nehemiah'), b Voluntown, Ct., July 29, 1778; lived at Tyringham, and moved to New York state; m 1st, Ruth ; m 2nd, Clarissa Hill. NELSON D'., (DavidO, b Blandford; m Isabella , Loomis. NOEL BANCROFT', (Alonzo H'.), b Palmer, March 3, 1863; resides at Washington, D. C; m Nathalie Walther, 1S90. OLIVE', (Nathan'), b Westfield, Feb. 28, 1794; d Burton, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1S73; m Solomon Charter. OLIVE C-'., (Roland'), b Russell, May 2, 1837; d June 29, 1887; m Jarvis Gibbs, 1S65. OLIVER', (Nathan'), b Preston, Conn., Sept. 7, 1755; was in Rev. War from Mass., and moved to N. Y. state. OREN', (Aaron'), b Montgomery, Sept. 17, 1793; d Sept. 15, 1872; m Mary Squier, Nov. 9, 1815. OF MASSACHUSETTS 223 OREN BART^OLOMEW^ (Elisha P\), b Dec. 28, 1846, at Montgomery: m L,ottie E. Weller, May 19, 1870; she b Westfield, Sept. 23, 1845. Mr. Parks is also a descendant of Richard' Parke, of Cambridge, through his mother Sophia Bartholomew, who was daughter of Irena' Parks, [No. 461]. He resides at Westfield. OREN ELISHA'", (Oren B'., b Oct. 26, 1871; lives at Westfield. PHIEO, m Anna M. Ives, May 29, 1816, at Great Barrington. POLLY', (Robert'), b Russell, Aug. 11, 1816; m David Gilbert Sperry, May 19, 1836, at Blandford. REBECCA BILL', (Oren'), b Montgomery, Jul.v 24, 1824; d 1878; m Anderson Allyn, 1849. REUBEN', (Robert'), b Preston, Conn., Aug. 13, 1755; lived at Russell, where he died Sept. 14, 1802; m Betsey Clark, July 20, 1777. REUBEN', (Reuben*), b Westfield, Dec. 16, 1779; moved to N. Y. state about 1804, and died at Nelson, Madison county, Dec. i, 1848; m Thankful Knox, about 1804. REUBEN SYLVESTER', (Sylvester'), b Russell, Sept. 29, 1821; d Washington, D. C, June 28, 1894; m ist, Em- meline Ann Scott, 1847; she b March 4, 1825; d Nov. i, 1869; he m 2nd, Ellen vSarah Parsons, 1S70; she b April 6, 1833, d July I, 1900. Children: Mary F"., Annie Adella', William S'., Geo. T®., Frederick K^., b in Ohio and Alice M^., b in Washington. ROBERT', b England, 1580; lived in Roxbury prob- ably from 1630 to 1639, moved to Wethersfield and Pequot (or New London), Conn., and died at Mystic, Conn., Feb. 4, 1664-5. ROBERT', (James*, Robert', Thomas', Robert'), bp. at Preston, Conn., Aug. 18, 1718; lived at Westfield; m Mary Killam, Jan. 22, 1744-5. ROBERT*, (Nathan'), b Preston, Conn., about 1756-8. W^as in the Rev. War from Brimfield, and afterwards moved to N. Y. state. ROBERT' (Ellas'), b Russell, 1792; died there Nov. 24, 1866; m Sally ShurtlilT, Jan. i, 1816. 224 PARKE FAMILIES ROBERT', (Reuben'), b Westfield. ROBERT', (Thomas'), b Tyring-ham, Sept. 28, 1807. ROBERT LEWIS', (Horace^), b Russell, Aug. 5, 1864; m Margaret Ethel Leamy, July 16, 1888; live at Russell. ROBERT LEWIS'", (Robert L'.), b Russell, June 15, 1890. ROBERT WILLIAM*, (LymanO, b Russell, Nov. 6, 1S46; d Hartford, Conn., May 12, 1902; m Sarah V. Gaylord, of Wjalusing, Pa., Oct. 12, 186S. She boru May 6. 1850; living at Westfield in 1908. ROBERT WILLIAM'", (Francis Rl), b Brookline, Sept. 30, 1904. ROGER', (Robert'), b Preston, Conn., Aug. 29, 1752; lived at Blandford; d Aug. 12, 1836; m Ann Scott, Nov. 3, 1776. ROLAND^ (Warren'), b Blandford, Dec. 21, 1803; d Aug. 5, 1892; m Marcia Culver. ROLON', (Reuben'), b Westfield, 1790; d Russell, May 31, 1836; was married. SALLY, (Matthias'), b Tyringham, July 26, 1801. SALLY', (David'), b Blandford; m Albert Knox. SAMUEL DEXTER*, (Moses'), b Montgomery, March 9, 181 7. SAMUEL SHAW', (William R*.), b Palmer, May 6, 1863; lives at Chicago, Ills.; m Grace Runyan, 188S. SAMUEL L'"., (John H'.), b Duxbury, April 25, 1872; m Anna Mae Ryall, of Montreal, Can., Aug. 13, 1895. SARAH', (Nehemiah'j, b Tyringham, Sept. 25, 1787; m Araasa Heath. SARAH', (Reuben"), b Russell, July 7, 1781; d July 12, 1852; m 1st, Gersham White, Oct. 14, 1804. He died April 16, 1833, and she m 2nd, Charles Tinker. SARAH E'., (Lewis*), b Aug. 15, 1843; m Henry Knox Herrick, Nov. lo, 1862, in Blandford. OP MASSACHUSETTS 225 SARAH J'., (Nelson'), b Nov. 20, 1846; m Edward Pease, 1S72. SILAS HENRY^ (William Henry*), b Great Bar- rington, Nov. 10, 1S61; m Mabel Frances Brown, Feb. 15, 1892, at Reading. Children: Henry Francis'", b March 9, 1893; Rdith MabeP", b Sept. 19, 1894, and Catharine Eva'", b Jan. 7, 1898. SOLOMON", (Nathan'), b Westfield, Feb. 20, 1792; d in Ohio, July 9, 1834; m Lucy Williams, at Westfield. SOPHIA', (Henry'), b Russell, m Ephraim Maine. SOPHIA CROW, (OrenO, b Montgomery, April 29, 1821; d March 8, 1879; m Hiram Bartholomew, 1842. SYLVESTER', (Reuben'), b Russell, April 8, 1792; d at Palmer, Aug. 29, 1858; m Laura Andrus, at Russell, 1813. THADDEUS', (Hezekiah'), b Dorchester, Feb. 4. 1850; m Addie Phelps, Jan. 24, 1883. THEODA', (William'), b Roxbury, 1637; m Samuel Williams, March 2, 1654. THOMAS', (Robert'), bapt. Hitcham, Suffolk Co., England, Feb. 13, 1615; prob. lived at Roxbury from 1630 to 1639; d at Preston, Conn., July 30, 1709. THOMAS', (Nehemiah'), b Tyringham, June 2, 1784; moved to Lafayette, N. Y.; m Hannah Steadman. TIMOTHY', (Joshua'), b Tyringham, May 15, 1804. TRYPHENA', (David'), b Blandford; m William T. Hamlin. VERA M'"., (Dexter R'.), b Russell, Dec. 1900. VESTA', (Nehemiah'"), b Sept. 16, 1795, at Tyring- ham; m Charles Chadwick. VESTUS (Henry' Parks, of Russell, adopted Vestus Haley as his son in 1S27, and Haley's name was changed to Parks), b Jan. 25, 1806; d Aug. 31, 1889; m Hannah S. Gowdy. VIRGINIA, (Vestus), b Russell; m Albert Clark. WARD', (Christopher), b July 15, 1787; m Roxana Gooding, Feb. i, 1S16; lived at Dighton. WARREN A., (Vestus), b Russell, Feb. 13, 1835; d Oct. 15, 1900. 21» 226 PARKK FAMILIES WARREN\ (Roger'), b July 21, 1779, at Blandford; d Feb. 3, 1835, at Russell; m Lydia Sacket, 1803. WARREN', (Warren'), b Blandford. WARREN W'"., (Eugene D'.), b Russell, Feb. 14, 1896. WARUM', (Nathan^), b Westfield, April 8, 1798; m Sally Edson. WEIGHTY', (Matthias'), b Tyringliam, Nov. 30, 1789. WILLIAM', (Robert'), bapt. Semer, England, April 21, 1607; d Roxbury, May 11, 1685; m Martha Holgrave. WILLIAM ROBERT', (Joseph', Robert', Joseph*, Robert', Samuel-', Robert^), was born at Brooklyn, Conn., Aug. 19, 1S31; m Ann Eliza Eldridge, Sept. 20, 1854; he lived at Taunton, 1907. WILLIAM AVERY', (Moses'), b Montgomery, Aug. 23, 1815; m Hester L. Parks, Dec. 5, 1S53. WILLIAM ROBERT', (William Robert'), b Boston, Aug. 29, 1867; m Martha E. Hodges, Oct. 28, 1891. Children: Robert Hodges^, b July 30, 1893, and Russel Jenks^, b March 21, 1895- WILLIAM ROLON', (Sylvester'), b Palmer, March 9, 1S33; d Chicago, Ills., 1907; m Dora E. Shaw. ZILPHA', (Abijah'), b Dalton. ZIPPORAH', (Aaron') b Montgomery, April 20, 1774; d Feb. 1850; m Elias Carter, 1797. OP MASSACHUSETTS 227 nDleccUancous fiDassacbusette yamtltes, WHOSE ANCESTRY WE HAVE NOT FOUND. ABBIE N. PARK, b Shirley, Sept. 28, 1864; m Melvin W. Longley. Children: Edith Park, Howard Melvin, Christine Gibson and Margaret L,ongley. ABIGAIL PARKS m Peter Johnson, at Worcester, Oct. 12, I75S. ABIGAIL PARK m Isaac Fuller, at Newton, July 19, 1721. ABIGAIL PARK m Ephraim Jackson, at Newton, May 12, 1S14. ABIGAIL PARKS m Jacob C. Whitney, Dec. 31, 1835, at-Waltham. ABRAHAM PARKS m Rose Whittocke, 18 (9) 1644, at Concord. ABRAHAM PARKES was a soldier 1757, from Grafton. AGNES PARKS, Boston, m James Ray, Aug. 31, 1742. ALPHEUS PARKES, Worcester, was in Rev. war in Capt. Whipple's co., Col. Steam's Regt., March 30, to July 2, 1778, etc. — Mass. in Rev. AMOS PARKS, is recorded in the Census of 1790 as residing in Westfield, with 2 males under 16 and 2 females; was assessed at Westfield in 179S, under the Mass. direct tax of that year on liooo. ANN PARK, Boston, b July, 1761; d April 17, 1843; m Daniel Kinney, of Barre, Vt., Jan. 18, 17S0. ARCHIBALD PARK, b in Scotland; d Ryegate, Vt., Dec. 12, 1847; m Margaret Renfrew, 1806; had 12 children. 228 PARKE FAMILIES ASA PARKS, Hinsdale; children: Ransalaer, b March lo, 1799, and Ashley, b June 6, 1S02, d Sharon, Mich., July 20, 1S83. ASA PARKS lived at Dalton, 1790, with 2 males under 16 and 5 females. — Census of 1790 AUGUSTUS R. PARKS, Lynn; was in 38th Mass. Inf., 1862 in Civil war. BENJAMIN PARKS was a printer in Boston in 1800; m Mrs. Lucy Fisher, Aug. 1805. BETHIA PARKS, Dorchester, b 1784; d Jan. 31, 1812. BETSEY PARKS m James Banting, at Boston, July 27, 1796. BETSEY PARKS m Francis Marcie, at Boston, Sept. 22, 1803. BETSEY PARKE, Grafton, m Stephen Barnes, Aug. 9, 1793. CALEB PARK, Newton, wife Abigail, had child: Joshua, b Sept. 5, 1722. CORNELIUS N. PARK, Millbury, wife Mary A., had child: Franklin Nelson, b March 27, 1800. CYRUS PARKS, Waltham, m Mary Sanderson, Jan. 31, 1813. CYRUS PARKS, Waltham, m Elizabeth Head, Oct. 18, 1839. DANIEL PARKS, Boston, m Lydia Mackintosh, Aug. 22, 1765. Was elected Fence Viewer from 1771 to 1775 in- clusive; and was a member of the Volunteer Company, August, 1777- DANIEL PARK, Concord, m Sarah Walker, June i3. 1749, at Sudbury. EBENEZER PARK, Newton, wife Mary, had ehild; Mary Ann Davis, bp, April 7, 1822. OP MASSACHUSETTS 229 EBENEZER PARKS, Lincoln, minuteman in 1775. EDWARD PARK, Dorchester, wife Sarah, had children: Jerusha, b Sept. 9, 1772 and Andrew, b Feb. 25, 1774. EDWIN A. PARKS, Winchendon, wife Sarah, had children: Ella Maria, b July 17, 1846; Clarence A., b Oct. 15, 1847, and Helen A., b Oct. 15, 1849. ELIJAH PARKS was a taxpayer in Weston, 1801. ELIJAH PARKS, Lincoln, m Mary Warren, Nov. ELIJAH PARKE, Concord, was a private in Capt. Wheeler's company, Col. Robinson's regiment, marched Feb. 4, (year not given; probably 1776). — Mass. in Rev. 15, 1810. ELIZABETH PARK, Sudbury, m Nathaniel Knowlton, Aug. 3, 1761. Children: John, Betty, Sarah and Wil- liam Kuowlton. ELIZABETH PARKS, Lincoln, m Cornelius Me- lonia, March 11, 1756, at Sudbury. ELIZABETH PARKS, Newton, m Jonathan Simp- son, April 21, 1737, at Boston. ELIZABETH PARK, Newton, m Nicholas Baylies, of Uxbridge, Nov. 29, 173S. HANNAH PARK, Newton, m Thomas Codman, of Boston, Sept. 7, 1792, at Waltham. HANNAH PARKS, Boston, m Edmund Jenkins, July II, 1802. HANNAH PARKE, Boston, m Nathaniel Willis, July 3, 1803. ISAAC PARKE owned house corner of Sudbury and Hanover streets, Boston, 1790. ISAAC R. PARK, Sturbridge, wife Sally, had children: Pizarrow, b Feb. 21, 1815; Plinny, b Nov. 6, 1S16; Rod- eric Randall, b Oct. 16, 1818, and John Cortez, b Nov. 29, 1820. JABEZ PARK, Westford, m Roxanna Fletcher, Nov, 9, i8i2. 230 PARKE FAMILIES JACOB PARKS Freeman, 6 May 1657, of Cape Poipus (sworn at Wells).— N. E. Hist. Reg, Vol. III. JAMES PARK, Groton, wife Jane (Ritchie), had child: William, b April 14, 1740. JAMES PARKS, Boston, m Martha Caldwell, Jan. 22, 1746. JAMES HENRY PARKS, Cambridge, changed his name from James Keenan, March 23, 18S6, under the Massa- chusetts laws. JERUSHA PARKS, Newton, m Isaac Randall, Dec. 31, 1780, at Waltham. JOHN PARK, Groton; private, Capt. Minot's co., Col. Whitney's regt., May 10, to July 9, 1777, at R. I.; roll dated Warwick Neck. — Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARK, Newton; list of men raised in Mid- dlesex county; Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Thatcher's regt.; age 19 yrs.; statue 5 ft. 10 in., April, 1778, etc. — Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARK; list of men raised to serve in the Continental Army; reported as belonging to Newfoundland, etc. — See Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARK; private, Capt. Pierce's co., Col. Brooks's regt. of guards; Jan. 12, to April 3, 1778. — Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARK; Corporal, Capt. McFarland's co.. Col. Howe's regt.; July 24, to Oct. 30 1780; regiment raised in Middlesex county. — Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARK; private, Capt. Chamberlin's co.. Col. Dean's regt.; March 7, to March 14, 1781; company marched to R. I. — Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARKS, b Albany, N. Y., May 23, 1834; d Brockton, Sept. 3, 1897; m Susan M. Hersey, at Cohasset. Chil- dren: Martha M., John, Charles, Mary L., William F., George W., Edward E., Josephine M., Bertha A., Fred E., Edgar, Ethel Mae, b March 16, 1884, and Lester D. JOHN PARRES, of Dublin, Ireland, married Oct. 14, 1716, Susan Preston, at Portsmouth, N. H. OP MASSACHUSETTS 231 JOHN PARKE, b Boston, Jan. 31, 1697. JOHN PARKE, d at Sutton, March 17, 1807, aged 53- JOHN PARKS, was born March 2, 1759 and lived at Brookfield. His will was recorded Dec. 2, 1795, at Worcester. He married Hannah Moore, May 14, 1786. Children: Joseph, b July 20, 1788; Harriet, b 1787; William, b 1789; Katharine, b 1791; Nathan, b 1792, and Charles, b 1794. JOHN PARK, m Catharine Higgins, Dec. 30, 1804, at Boston. JOHN PARKS, Dorchester, wife Susannah, had children: Lydia, b July 20, 1823, and Emeline, b June 28, 1825. JOHN PARKS; account dated Ipswich, Jan. 18, 1782, of bounties paid said Parks and others. — Mass. in Rev. JOHN PARKS, Newton; list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk county, dated Boston, March 30, 1777, age 25 years, statue 5 ft. 9 in., complexion dark, residence Newton. — Mass. in Rev. JONATHAN PARKES; private, Capt. Wilder's CO., Col. Sparhawk's regt., July 4, to July 15, 1778. Roll dated Templeton. — Mass. in Rev. JONATHAN PARKS, private; list of men returned as serving on picket guard under Major L,oammi Baldwin, dated May II, 1775. — Mass. in Rev. JONATHAN PARK, S. Cambridge, had son James bapt. at Brookline, Nov. 9, 1777. JOSEPH PARKS, Concord, m Mary Barron, at Boston, March 30, 1754. JOSEPH PARKS, resided in Sutton, 1790, his family consisting of himself, i male under 16 years of age and two females. JOSEPH PARKS resided in Brookfield in 1790, with I male under 16, and i female. — Census. JOSEPH PARK was one of the organizers of the 1st Church in Huntington, 1778. 232 PARKE FAMILIES JOSEPH PARK resided at Norwich 1790 together with 5 females and 4 other males over 16 years of age. — Census. JOSEPH PARK JR., resided at Norwich 1790 with 5 females. — Census. JOSEPH PARK; private, Capt. Bonney's co.. Col. Porter's (Hampshire county,) regt.; July 21, to Aug. 27, I779- Roll dated Chesterfield. — Mass. in Rev. JOSEPH PARK, Harvard; private, Capt. Burt's CO., Col. Whitcomb's regt., April 19, 1775, etc. — Mass. in Rev. JOSEPH PARKS; private Lt. Fairbank's co., Col. Cushing's regt., Sept. 6, 1777, to Nov. 29, 1777; company drafted from militia. — Mass. in Rev. JOSEPH PARKS; private. Col. Dickenson's regt., Lemuel Pomeroy's co. ; pay abstract for wages and mileage home, dated July 10, 1777. — Mass. in Rev. JOSEPH PARKS, (also given "Joshua"); pri- vate, Capt. Fuller's co., Col. Bullard's regt., Aug. 20, to Nov. 29, 1777, at Stillwater; etc. — Mass. in Rev. JOSHUA PARKS, (see "Joseph," above). JOSHUA PARK, (dates of birth and death not found), married Frances Wing and had one son, Joseph Holland", and possibly other children. JOSEPH HOLIvAND-, b Nov. 1S22; m Elizabeth Chase. He lived in Charlestown. Children: Frederick M^, b Sept. 10, i860. Irving G^. Benjamin F^., married, and had daughter Grace*. Joseph H-^, b 1856; d Sept. 1899; married and had chil- dren: Frederick M*., Henry*, Edward* and Elizabeth*. Mariana^; m Pearce. Children: Emma F., Ida F., Ethel M., and Benjamin F. Pearce. Gabriella*. JOSHUA PARKS lived at Milford 1791. His widow Sarah, died there Dec. 27, 1801. Children: Sarah-', m Levi Nelson, Sept. 31, 1806; Nancy^ m James Barber, April II, 1803; Patty-, John-, Gardner- and Fanny. OF MASSACHUSETTS 233 JOSHUA PARKS, Sutton, m Sarah Freeland, of Hopkinton, Jan. 9, 1799. JOSHUA PARK, Sutton; private, Capt. Green- wood's CO., Col. Learned's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, etc. — Mass. in Rev. JOSIAH PARKS, Weston; private, Capt. Wyman's cc, Col. Whitney's regt., May to July 10, 1777. — Mass. in Rev. JOSIAH PARKS; private, Capt. Minot's co., Col. Bullard's regt.; Aug. 16, to Nov. 30, 1777. — Mass. in Rev. JOSIAH PARKS, Lincoln, m Sarah Munroe, March 12, 1750. He probably died soon after that, as she m 2nd, Elisha Cutler, Dec. 22, 1753. JOSUA PARKS, Lincoln, m Anna Parks, June 11, 1789. LEVI PARK lived near Chester, 1798; assessed in the Mass. direct tax on |2oo. LEVI PARKS m Percis Potter at Concord, Feb. 12, 1792. She was born Jan. 10, 1772, and died June 3, 1792. LEVI POTTER' PARKS, (probably son of the above), was born at Concord, May 19, 1792, and died at Barnet, Vt., Feb. 4, 1856. He married Ruth Armington, dr. of Joseph and Deborah Armington, at Waterford, Vt., Dec. 17, 1816. She was born at St. Johnsbury, Vt., April 8, 1795, and died Feb. 18, 1836. He married 2nd, Harriet Swasey, of Newbury, Vt. Children: JOHN ARMINGTON^ b Dec. iS, 1817. MIIvO KENT', b Barnet, Vt., Sept. 19, 1819; died Jan. 28, 1890, at Davenport, Iowa. He married ist, Althera M. Hosmer, at Waterford, Vt., Nov, i, 1849; daughter of 30 234 PARKE FAMILIES Washington and Lois (Pike) Hosmer. She was born at Littleton, N. H., March 27, 1828, and died there May 3, 1862. He m 2nd, Phebe L. Baker, Oct. 7, 1867. She d Feb. 14, 1S76, and he m 3rd, Sarah A. Rohm, June 8, 1880, at Davenport, dr. of Henry and Elizabeth Rohm. Mr. Parks was a merchant and also Postmaster at Wat- erford, for many years. He moved to Davenport, Iowa in 1857 and was a prominent merchant there for twenty years. He was a Lt. of militia in Vt. in 1S44. Chil- dren: Emily T*., b March 29, 1S52; d. y. Isabel Merial*, b Nov. 13, 1857. Luther*, b June 11, 1861; d. y. Carrie Ruth*, b March 16, i88r. Milo Kent*, b Aug. 13, 1885. EZRA ARMINGTON^ b May 15, 1821; m Louisa Tha>er; had child: Charles Edward*, b April 22, 1850; m Ellen C. Clark, Dec. 18, 1879. Children: Edward Ezra^ b Nov. 26, 18S2, and Charles Armington^, b Feb. 16, 1886. GEORGE^ b June 20, 1824. EMILY JANE^ b Sept. 7, 1826. TIZRAH MARIA^ b April 30, 1S28. CHARLES HENRYS, b Dec. 6, 1837; d. y. LEVI POTTER^ b April 25, 1839. HARRIET ELIZABETH\ b Dec. 31, 1843; d. y. LOIS PARKS, Ashford; int. pub. June 12, 1787, at Becket, to Timothy Snow. LUCINDA PARKS m Josiah French, Oct. 8, 1789, at Westfield. LUCY PARKS, Lincoln, m Ephraim Hosmer, at Concord, Oct. 17, 1817. LUCY PARKS, Lincoln, m Jos. Peirce, July 25, 1780. Children: Joseph, b 1781, and Mary, b 1782. OF MASSACHUSETTS 235 LYDIA PARKS, Roxbury, m George Pettis, July 5, 1726. MARGARET PARKS, Needham, m William Cook, Oct. 23, 1716, at Boston. MARGERY PARKE, a servant, came in the " Confidence," of London, April 24, 1638. MARGERY PARKES, Boston, m William Willet' Feb. II, 1730. MARTIN PARKES, Boston, m Mary Coverly, Nov. II, 1767. MARY PARK, Watertown, m John Stevens, Feb. 22, 1779. MATTHEW' PARKE was born in England, 1746, lived at Boston and died there Dec. 28, 1813. He married 1st, Judith Cooper, June 28, 1781. He mar- ried 2nd, Jane Inglish, Dec. 8, 1796. Child by first wife: WILLIAM COOPER', b Aug. 7, 1782; d Nov. 11, 1857; mar- ried Susan Wilde, Nov. 16, 1816. Child: William Coop- er^, b Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 21, 1S21; d Honolulu, H. I., May 29, 1SS9; m Annie Severance, Jan. 15, 1851; child: William Cooper*, b Sept. 19, 1865, at Honolulu. MATTHEW E. PARKS, wife Annie, lived at Boston. Children: John-. Charles^, b 1839; m Marietta Judd, Oct. 30, 1S60; lived at Springfield. Child: William H^ William^. Matthew^. James". MINOR PARKS, near Chester; assessed on $300, iu the Mass. direct tax of 179S. 236 PARKE FAMILIES NATHAN BOND PARKS married Nancy Hawes, at Concord, April 20, 1805, daughter of Joseph Hawes. Mr. Parks died at Providence, R. I., Oct. 22, 1833. Children: Maria Caroline-, b July 13, 1803; d April 18, 1895; unm. Henry Pomery-, b Gloucester, April 6, 1807; d Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 22, 1876; m Emily Phoebe Kenyon, dr. of John Kenyon. She was born at Sterling, Conn., April 5, 1815, and died at Providence, Sept. 14, 1900. Chil- dren: Mary Frances^. Henry Sterling-', b Nov. 26,1843, at Sterling, Conn.; m Anna Moore Campbell, June 10, 1874; had one son, b Dec. 3, 1876; d July 13, 1897. Charles Julius'. Alice Blake'. Nancy Blake-, b Sept. 12, 1811; d Aug. 28, 1899; m A Sack- et. May 20, 1856. Harrison Gray Otis-; lost at sea 1836. Harriet A^, b Oct. 16, 1816; d. y. NATHAN PARK; private, Capt. Leonard's co., Col. Porter's (Hampshire Co.,) regt.; July 28, to Sept. 2, 1779. — Mass. in Rev. NATHAN PARK; receipt dated Westfield, July II, 1780, for service to be performed b}' said Park and others (;^I2 each) in the Continental Army, etc. — Mass. in Rev. NATHAN PARKS; private, Capt. Rowlee's co., Lt. Col. Robinson's detachment of Hampshire Co., militia; roll dated Ticonderoga, Feb. 25, 1777, etc. — Mass. in Rev. NATHAN PARKS; private, Capt. Sacket's co.. Col. Woodbridge's regt., Aug. 20, to Nov. 29, 1777. — Mass. in Rev. NATHAN PARKS; private, Capt. Raymond's co., Col. Chapin's regt.; Oct. 18, to Nov. 21, 1771. — Mass. in Rev. OF MASSACHUSETTS 237 NATHAN PARKS; descriptive list of men raided to reinforce the Continental Army for the term of 6 months, agree- able to resolve of June 5, 17S0; statue 5 ft. 10 in.; complexion rud- dy; engaged for town of Westfield; etc. — Mass. in Rev. NATHAN PARKS JR.; private, Capt. Sacket's CO., Col. Moseley's (Hampshire Co.,) regt.; Oct. 21, to Nov. 17, 1776. Roll dated Westfield. — Mass. in Rev. NICHOLAS PARKS, Cape Cod; private, Capt. Page's CO., Col. Tupper's (loth) regt., 17S0, reported not mus- tered; also reported deceased. — Mass. in Rev. NOAH PARKES, Weston, (also Kittery); de- scriptive list of men raised in Middlesex Co., etc., age 24 years, statue 5 ft. 5 1-2 in., complexion light, hair brown, eyes blue, occupation farmer, Nov. i, 17S1, for 3 years, etc. — Mass. in Rev. NOAH PARKES; private, Capt. Wilder's co.,Col. Sparhawk's regt.; July 4, to July 15, 177S. Roll dated Templeton. — Mass. in Rev. POLLY PARKS, Lincoln, m Benjamin Fuller, 1779- POLLY PARKES; int. pub. with Samuel Wilcox, at Peru, Feb. 18, 1799. PRISCILLA PARKS, church member 1795, at Hinsdale. REUBEN PARKS: private, Capt. Hunt's co.. Col. Brooks's regt.; Nov. 3, 1777, to April 3, 1778. — Mass. in Rev. ROBERT PARKS lived at Montgomery in 1790, with one male over 16 and 3 females. — Census. ROBERT PARKS, Boston, int. pub. May 26, 1750, with Ann Robinson. RUTH PARKS, Boston, m John McNamara, Nov. 12, 1754. SALLY PARKS, Groton, m Jacob Chase, Jan. 5, 1797. 238 PARKE FAMILIES SAMUEL PARKES, b 1688; d at Waltham, Sept. 2, 1768. SAMUEL PARKS lived at Sutton in 1790, with I male under 16 and 2 females. SIMON PARKES lived at Shrewsbury 1790, with I male over 16 years of age and 3 females. — Census. SUSANNA PARKS, Newton; int. pub. Dec. 31, 1791, with Nathaniel Champney. SUSANNA PARKES, Uxbridge; int. pub. Oct. 30, 1771, with Paul White. THOMAS PARKS, b in Ireland, wife Mary, lived at Arlington, 1856. Children: Catharine^ born Feb. I, 1856; James'^ b Aug. 15, 1857; Mary^, b July 20, 1858, and Eliza^, b Dec. 22, 1859. THOMAS PARKES resided in Boston 1771. THOMAS PARKS, Pittsfield; private, Capt. Wm. Goodrich's CO., Col. Paterson's rsgt.; May 16, to Aug. i, 1775. — Mass. in Rev. THOMAS PARK, Cambridge; private, Capt. Cook's CO., Lt. Col. Bond's (37th) regt., company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; etc. — Mass. In Rev. TITUS PARKE; private, Capt. Rowley's co.. Col. Ashley's detachment of Berkshire Co., militia; July 22, to Aug. 13, 1777. — Mass. in Rev. URIAH PARKS, near Chester; assessed on $812, in the Mass direct tax of 1798. WILLIAM PARKS, Harvard; descriptive list of men raised in Worcester Co., April 1778; age 28 years, statue 6 ft. , complexion light; etc. — Mass. in Rev. WILLIAM PARKS, Lincoln; private, Capt. Wm. Smith's CO., Col. Pierce's regt.. which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775. — Mass. in Rev. OF MASSACHUSETTS 239 WILLIAM PARKS; private, Capt. Barnard's co., Col. Gardner's regt., wkich marched on the alarm of April, 19, 1775. Roll endorsed Watertown. WILLIAM PARKS; private, Capt. Sawtell's co., Col. Prescott's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775. — Mass. in Rev. WILLIAM PARK, Harvard; private, Capt. Burt's to.. Col. Whitcomb's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775. — Mass. in Rev. WILLIAM PARK JR., Newton; private. Captain Fuller's co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775. — Mass, in Rev. WILLIAM PARKS, (s of Thomas and Mary), b CO. Leitrim, Ireland, March, 1S37. Was a bootmaker and lived at Milford, 1861-4. Was in co. A, 57th Mass., regt. in Civil war. WILLIAM PARK, Newton; int. pub. Jan. 13, 1783, to Bethia Hatch. WILLIAM PARKS, Brookfield; d about 1785; left children: Sarah aged 9 years; William 7; Polly 4 and Susan i, ZOA PARKS, Sutton; m Samuel March, Oct. 6, 1810. 240 PARKE FAMILIES LIST OF HEADS OF FAMILIES NAMED PARK AND PARKS, residing in Vermont and New Hampshire in 1790, as given in the First Census of the United States. VERMONT. NAME. TOWN. COUNTY. \0 tn ■*? en « Ta V 5^3 9—* t tn eo ? « 4; p, U S rt « 3.- i* E-o bfi 0) f*^ i" 5 c •^ TJ t*^ .S u Wl yeans inclu famil ^ 4; AARON PARKS Sudbury Rutland I 2 I AMARIAH PARKS Marlborough Windham I I 4 ASAHEL PARKS Orwell Rutland 2 4 2 BENJAMIN PARKS Danby " I 2 2 DAVID PARKS Springfield Windsor 2 I I GEORGE PARK Sandgate Bennington I 4 3 JESSE PARKS Orwell Rutland 2 — 4 JONa. PARK New Fane Windham 2 3 3 JONATHAN PARKS Chester Windsor 2 I JOHN PARKS Royalton " 2 I I JOHN PARKS Arlington Bennington X 4 JOHN PARKS Thomlinson Windham 2 3 REUBEN PARKS Arlington Bennington I 3 THADEUS PARKS Chester Windsor 3 THOS. K. PARKS Thomlinson Windham I 2 WILLIAM PARKS Ira Rutland — 2 NEW HAMPSHIRE. EDWARD PARK Atkinson Rocki'gham 4 I 5 ABEL PARKS Hanover Grafton I 5 ALEXAN'R PARKS Windham Rocki'gham — 4 ANDREW PARKS ( i ( c 5 3 JOSEPH PARKS t( (( I 2 ELEXAN'R PARKS t ( n 2 2 DAVID PARKS Charlestown Cheshire I 2 JONAS PARKS t i t I 1 4 ROBERT PARKS Exeter Rocki'gham I 3 OF MASSACHUSETTS 241 lPar??e 1In^cx. Including Park, Parkes, Parks, Perk, Peirks, Pierks, Pierkx, etc. The same name may appear twice or more on the same page, such cases it is recorded but once in the index for that page. In O' ^/O- A. EDWIN, 98, 126. Aaron, 50, 65, 66, 67, 88, 213, 240. Abbie A., 152, 16S. Abel, 51, 240. Abigail, 32, 35, 37, 38, 44, 48, 49. 54, 56, 57. 59. 60, 61, 65, 66, 68, 86, 109, 115, 209, 213, 227. Abijah, 54, 75, 100, 213. Abijah K., roi, 129. Abraham, 227. Ada, 123, 158, 168. Adaline, 117, 213, 218. Adams, 78. Addie, 139. Adelaide, 100, 166. Adelbert, 128. Adelbert Anson. 16 Adriana, 83. Agnes, III, 117, 179. 1S4, 227. Alanson, 117. Albert, 97, 100, 123, 129. Albert Franklin, ibo, 174. Albert M., 116, 156. Alexander, 5, 11, 21, 178, 179, 180, 181, 1S4, 185, 193, 196, 240. Alexander Joseph, 191, 193. Alfred, 76, 104. Alice, 122, 158, 167, 180, 206, 213. 223, 236. Alma, 84, 171. Almeda, 113. Almira, 79, 89, 96. Alonzo, 96, loi, 105, 130, 148, 164, 165, 213. Alonzo Henry, 214. Alpheus, 227. Alva. Alvah, 113, 114, 115, 156. Alvah N., 148, 164. 31 ' . / / • Amanda, 214. Amanda Malvina, Amariah, 48, 240. Amasa, 63, 84. Amelia, 59, lor, 175. Amorette Augusta, 151. Amos, 50, 67, 227. Amy, 72, 73, 130. Amy H., 152, 168. Andrew, 179, 180, 182, 229, 240. Andrew Heady, 190, 193. Andrew Horatio, 184, 188. Andrew Weare, iSi, 184. Andy, 155. Angela C, 150, 165. Angeline, 214. Anna, Anne, 24, 42, 46, 47, 58, 59, 61, 63, 75, 79, 82, 84. 89, 95, 96, III, 113, 115, 164, 196, 197, 198, 201, 214, 223, 227, 233- Anson Albert, 147, 163. Appleton, 79, 104. Arabella, 109. Archibald, 227. Artemus, (Arty), 85. Arthur, 21, 120, 124, 131, 134, 153, 156, 205, 214. Asa, 62, 82, 148, 183, 192, 228. Asahel, 240. Ashley, 228. Augusta, 13S. Augustus, 228. Austin, 98, 127. Austin L., 84. BARRIE, 105. Barton, 116, 152, 16S. Benjamin, 41, 46, 51, 57. SS, 59. 79, 80, 81, 90, 105, 106, 228, 240. 242 PARKE FAMILIES Benjamin Bentley, Si, 107. Benjamin F., 214, 232. Benjamin Nelson, 148, 164. Benlley, 108. Bertha, 134, 165, 230. Eelhia, 228. Betsey, 53, 57, 64, 65, 68, 69, 84, iij, 114, 179. 1^2, 214, 22b. Bettiiia Coring, 214, 219. Beulah, 41, 42^ 55, 105, 135. CADE, 49, 50. Caleb, 60, 65, 66, 69, 214, 228. Calisto, 1 17. Calvin, 63, 67, 83, 84, 88, 109, 214. Calvin E., 83, iii. Carl, 187. Caroline, 76, 79, 90, 93, 100, III, 174, 211, 2X2, 214. Carrie, 115, 123, 135, 153, 164, 215, 218,234. Catharine, 72, 202, 211, 225, 231, 238. Celia, 149, 215. Charles, 51, 62, 69, 71, 73, 75, «2, 94. 97. 100. 106. io7, 108, 111,113, 115,118,123,124, 158, 162, 164, 174, 1S4, 190, i9i, 202, 211, 230, 231, 234, 235, 236. Charles Amos F., 104, 133. Charles B., 150, 165. Charles Bethan, 147, 163. Charles Cooper, 107, 137. Charles Dana, 63. Charles Francis, 119, 159, 215. Charles H., 99, 129. Charles Henry, 90, 1 19. Charles Louis, 163, 176. Charles Otis, 82. Charles S., 116, 150, 154, 157, 169, 172, 204, 205, 206, 208. Charles Thadeus, 91, 123. Charles Wellman, 8, 160, 173. Charles Willard, 92, 124. Charlotte, 79, 92, loi, 190, 215. Chaunc}', 149. Chauncey B., 116, 149. Chester, 192. Chloe, 63, 116, 154. Christopher, 215. Clara, 53, 90, 100. Claracy, 56. Clarence, 126, 229. Clarissa, 82, 185, 215. Clifton, 138. Cora, 123, 157. Cornelius, 64, 85, 228. Cotton, 42. Cyrena, 115. Cyrus, 2u2, 22S. DANA, 210, 211, 212. Daniel, 19, 20, 32, 37, 43, 55, 60, 83, 149, 186, 187, 228. Daniel Harrington, 47, 68, 83. Darius, 69, 92. Datia, 71. David, 37, 41, 50, 52, 68, 69, 72, Si, 84, 86, 102, 209, 210, 215, 240. David W., 92, 123. Dayton L., 155, 171. Deboiah, 60, 72, 215. DeLafayette, 215. Deliverance, 36. Dexter, 215. Dickson D., 155. Dolly, 85. Dorcas, 43, 49, loS. Dorothy, 43, 85, 134, 172, 174, 212. Doiia, 71. Dudley, 96. Dwight, 116, 149, 155. EARL, 215. Ebenezer, 109, 22S, 229. Edgar, 151, 174, 230. Edith, 96, 144, 170, 225. Edith Laura, 215. Ednmnd, 187. Edward, 19, 32, 35, 38, 46, 48, 82, 93, 108, 118, 119, 126, 187, 188, 202, 206, 229, 230, 232, 234, 240. Edward Harvey, 89, 119. Edward Luther, 103. Edwards Albert, 140. Edwards Amasa, 19, S3, 109. Edwin, 113, 127, 146, 155. Edwin A., 115, 14S, 229, OF MASSACHUSETTS 24: Edwin H., ii, 15S, 172. Effie, 215. Eleanor, 47, 4S, 65, 114. Eleazer, 43, 198. Electa, 62. Elenor, Elinor, 86, 187, 216. Elias, 216. Elihu, 67, 216. Elijah, 65, 229. Eliphalet, 53, 74, 99. Ehsha, 42, 46, 49, 51, 53, 54, 70, 74, 216. Elisha Provin, 95, 216. Eliza, 54, 62, 78, 80, 81, 90, 95, 98, 185, 238. Eliza Hall, 112, 140. Elizabeth, 25, 30, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 53, 59, 60, 70, 74, 76, 83, 86, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, loi, 102, 124, 134, 168, 175, 181, 192, 196, 197, 198, 216, 218, 232. Ella, 122, 126, 229. Ella G., 153, 169. Ella Ruhamah, 108. Ellen, 89, 124, 211. Ellery Milton, 127, 161. Elliot George, 161. Ellis, 120. Elmer, 123. 127. Elmira, 218. Ehvin, 98. Enieline, 82, S3, 216, 231. Emerson, 55, 76. Emily, 95, 99, 117, 157, 211, 216, 234. Emma, 81, 96, 97, 99, 100, loS, 126, 129, 135, 138, 146, 216, 218, 232. Emma Elizabeth, 106, 135. Emma S., 156, 171. Ephraim, 32, 37, 42, 86. Ernest, 131, 154. Estella M., 124. Esther, 57, 64, 72, 124. Ethel, 193, 230, 232. Ethel Josephine, 9, 146. Etta, 129. Eu.^ene, 105, 134, 146, 191, 216. Eunice, 39, 55, 106, 113, 131, 136, 137. 211, 216. Eva, 161. Everett, 172. Everett Buckley, 151, Ezra A., 234. 166. FANNY, 51, 69, 84, 148, 165, 212, 216, 232. Fernando, 108. Flora, 99, 131. Florence, 108, 146, 167, 212, 216, Floyd, 149. Fox P., 113. Francella S., 150, 166. Frances, 71, 77, 157, 163, 192. Frances Hall, 144. Frances Jane, 98, 128. Francis, 56, 77, 82, 116, 139, ^53- Francis E., 186, 192. Francis Robert, 217. Francis Sylvester, 185. Francis William, 82, 109. Francisco C, 151, 167. Frank, 119, 127, 149. Frank E., 104, J30, 133, 161. Frank H., 154, 169. Frank Osmer, 9, 12, 163, 176. Frank Sylvester, i, 10, 12, 124, 161, 214, 217. Franklin, 228. Franklin Brooks, 91, 123. Fred, 131, 154, 190, 217, 230. Fred vS. W., 92, j 24. Frederick, 67, 89, 91, 102, 116, 119, 132. Frederick H., 104, 132. Frederick Huntington, 137. Frederick I\I., 232. Frederick Ralph, 116, 155. Frederick Willard, 108. G. EDWARD, 152. Gad Fox, 113. Gardner, 164, 232. George, 9, 3S, 42, 71, 73, 75, 7^, 82, 89, 96, 97, 100, loi, 109, 117, 118, 119, 120, 128, 154, 156, 157, 160, J62, 167, 202, 211, 217, 2KS, 240. 223, 230, 234. 244 PARKE FAMILIES George Albert, 211, 212. George Arthur, 157, 172. George B., 154, 170. George E., 90, 99, 120, 129, 149. George H., 98, 99, 127, 187. George Janes, 118, 159. George Leslie, 161. George Washington, 69, 82. George W. S., 92, 124. Gertrude, 123, 149. Gideon, 44, 56, 57, 78. Gilbert Mclntire, 9, 102, 131. Gorham, 70, 93. Grace, Gracia, 41, 87, 96, 126, 146, 219, 232. Granville, 122, 160. Granville Hamblett, 160, 174. Grove, 152. Guy, 154. HADLEY, 148, 165. Hannah, 37, 39, 43, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 75, 78, 80, 87, 88, 90, 99, 100, 102, 106, 107, 109, 114, 18,5, 201, 209, 210, 217, 229. Hannah Ann, 80. Harold, 105, 176. Harriet, 54, 69, 71, 80,81,92. 105, 134, 135, 176, 191, 217, 231, 234, 236. Harriet Eloise, 163,' 175, Harriet M., 116, 156. Harriet Worthington, 121. Harrison G. O., 236. Harrison Gieenough, 83, 109. Harry, 105, 127, 128, 161, 162. Harry Willard, 192. Harvey, 67, 89. Harvey H., 116, 151. Hattie,.i20, 127. Hattie A., 152, 168. Hattie J., 154, 170. Hazel, 171. ■» Helen, 99, 127, 131, 149, 153, 169, 177, 212, 229. Henry, 24, 46, 58, 59, 76, 109, 116, 127, 131, 138, 147, 154, 157, 161, 211, 218, 225, 232, 236. Henry Alonzo, 2, 214, 218. Henry Hurlburt, 147, 162. Henry Martyn, 84. Henry Sterling, 236. Herbert, 132. Herman E,, 152, 167. Hervey, 88, 101, 117, r58. Hester, 218, 22b. Hezekiah, 218. Homer, 193. Horace, 184, 188, 213, 218. Horatio, 181, 187, 218. Howard, 131, 170, 175, 190. Howard Courtlami. 163, 175. Howell, 126. Hugh, 129, 171. Hulbert, 116. Huldah, 48, 89. IDA, 139, 212, 232. Inez, 146. Irena, 71, 95, 223. Irving, 232. Isaac, 32, 37, 42, 43, 44, 56, 107, 181, 184, 185, 229. Isaac Park, 138, 161. Isabel, 25, 30, 35, 96, 218, 234. ,TABEZ, 229. Jacob, 42, 53, 73, 230. James, 21, 41, 42, 48, 52, 67, 72, 81, 92, 96, 97, 122, 126, 162, 181, 185, 191, 194, 195, 197, 230, 231, 235, 238. James Herbert, 104. James Lyman, 96. James Otis, 68, 90. James Russell, 57, 79. 105, 135. Jane, 91, 121, 147, 176, 178, 181, 1S2, 200. Jane Allina, 102, 130. Janet, 195. Jean, 196, 19S. Jennie, 84, 131, 138. Jennet, 178, 179. Jeremiah, 218. Jeremiah G., 107, 138. Jerusha, Jerushy, 48, 64, 219, 229, 230. Jesse, 210, 240. Jessie, 219. Joanna, 79. Joel, 62, 219. OF MASSACHUSETTS 245 Jo5i", 5, 21, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 3», 42, 44, 46, 54, 56, 5«, 59, 64, 73, 78, 81, 82, 86, 88, 95, X16, 165, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 191,195, 196, 197, ^9^^, 201, 202, 209, 210, 219, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 240. John Arthur, 176. John Cochran, 183, 1S7. John Gray, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208. John H., 151, 154, 167, 170, 21S. John Henry, 219. John Nesniith, 184, 191. John T. Wythe, 91, 122. John Ward, 219. John Wesley, 96. Johnathan Hapgood, 75, 99, 129. Jonas, 39, 50, 67, 68, 90, 240. Jonas Ivcyander, 90, 119. Jonathan, 32, 35, 37, 39, 42, 47, 4«, 49, 52, 53, 5a, 64, 65, 72, 73,^86, 87, 96, 113, 115, 146, 14^, 162, 163, 209, 231, 240. Jonathan Green, 46, 59. Joseph, 20, 32, 37, 38, 41, 45, 46, 50, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 67, 69, 78, 79, 8r, 82, 96, 104, 105, 108, 114, 135. 178, 179. 180, iSi, 182, 183, 186, 210, 2x1, 219, 231, 232, 240. Joseph Willard, 186, 192. Josephine, 83, 149, 219, 230. Joshua, 47, 61, 62, 65, 219, 22S, 232, 233. Josiah, 32, 37. 41,42, 43, 52, 55, 72, 95, 96, 1S4, 233. Josie, 123. Josua, 233. Judith, 24. Julia, 70, 89, 92, 94, 96, 109, 115, 144, 205. Julia Edna, 163, 177. Juliette, 147. Justin, 219. KARI, EASTON, 160, 174. Kate, 59. Katharine, 24. Keziah, 44, 219, 220. King Josiah, 52. Kitty, 212. JLADORA, 220. Laura, 118, 219,^220. Laura Hall, 112. 143. Laura J., 89. 118. Lawrence, 9, 194, 207, 2uS. Lavvson, 105. Leah, 220. Lee, 149, J 77. Leonard, 50, 68, 91. Leonard Welhnan, 91, 122, 123. Leroy, 220. Lester, 230. Levi, 12, 74, 87, 9S, 99, 115, 149, 233. Levi Nelson, 99. Levi Potter, 233, 234. Levi Wesson, 9, 12, ij6, 150, 156, 166, 168. Lewellen, 127. Lewis, 9, 69, 91, 102, 131, 220. Libbie, 129, 164. Lida, 149. Lillie, Lillian, 108, 146, 160, 171, 192, 212, 2J9, 220. Linus, 151. Lois, 44, 51, 56, 234. Lorenzo, 116, 153. Lorey R., 68. Lottie, 130. Louisa, 79, 80, 91, 159, 1S3, 184, 190. Love, 41, 72. Lovinia, 52, 220. Lucinda, 67, 149, 220. 234. Lucretia, 186. Lucy, 42, 43, 44, 49, 52, 54, 64, 65, 66, 74, 7S, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 97, 99, loi, 114, 158, 234. Lucy A., 116, 14S, 155, 184. Luke, 74, 97, 98, 127/ Lulu, 155, 164, 171. Luther, 54, 64, 75, 76, 84, 85, 88, 102, 234. Lydia, 39, 41, 42, 44, 52, 53, 72, 86, 88, 108, 117, 148, 172, 220, 23L 235. Lyman, 220. 246 PARKE FAMILIES Lyndonia, 52. Lysander, 221. MABEL, 124, 12S, 133, 13S, 164, 167, 188. Marcia, 92. Margaret, Margery, Maggie, 25, 30, 39, 122, 162. '164, 179, 180, i«4, 195. 197, 235. Maria, 59, 84, 88, 92, 95, 201, 236. Mariana, 232. Marie Atm, 217. Marietta, 123. Marion, 221. Marion Edwards, 140. Marshall, 68, 90, 91, 119, 160. Marshall Hutchinson, 94. Marshall Ott, 91, 120. Martha, 38, 46, 47, 48, 53, 67, 68, 69, 90, 99, 122, 147, 148, 162, 175, 184, 197, 221, 230. Martha Roxana, 77. Martin, 235. Martin H., 99, 128. Mary, 24, 36, 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 53, 5«, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 7«, 81,85,87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 113, 115, 116, 123, 126, 133, 146, 148, 149, 154, 155, 158, 163, 164, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 197, 209, 211, 221, 223, 230, 235, 236, 23S. Mary Ann, 82, luo, 183, 221, 22S, Mary Calisto, 104, 134. Mary Caroline, 102, 132. Mary Jane, 96. Matilda, 53, 73. Matthew, 235. Matthias, 221. Mehitable, 53. Melissa, 105. Melvina, 98. Milan, 67, 159. Milo K., 233, 22,\. Milton, 67, 74, 98, 127. Mind well, 39. Minerva, 116, 152. Minerva Victoria, 104, 133. Minnie, 104, 129, 135. Minor, 235. Miranda, 78. Miranda A., 116, 150. Miriam, 65, 86. Moily, 50, 65, 66, 179, iSo, 182. IMontgoniery, 109. Moody, 182. Moses, 57, 65, 86, 87, 221. Murray, 222. Myron H., 96. Myra, 222. Myrta, 175. NANCY, 67, 71, 89, 114, 117, 182, 232 236. Nahuni, Nathum, 209, 210. Nathan, 38, 42, 47, 48, 52, 63, 64, 67, 71, 85, 86, 222, 231, 236, 237- Nathan Bond, 236. Nathaniel, 47, 222. Nathaniel Gorham, 94. Nehemiah, 222. Nelesse, 79. Nellie, 133, 155, 219. Nelson, 222. Nettie, 129. Nicholas, 237. Noah, 237. Noel Bancroft, 214, 222. Nora, 149, 214. Norman, 172. OCTAVIA, 72. Olive, 222. Oliver, 49, 81, 222. Oren, 67, 95, 115, 147, 222. Oren Bartholomew, 95, 223. Oren Elisha, 95, 223. Orlando, 105. Orrin, 191. Orson, 176. Oscar, 164. Othniel R., 191. PAMEIJA, 69, 79, 1S5. Parnal, [female] 56. Patience, 53, 113. Patty, 232. Paul John, 217. Paulina, 72, 73, Pearle, 166. OF MASSACHUSETTS 247 Penuel, 64, 85. Peter, 11, 21, 67. Phebe, 51, 73. Phebe ly., ] 16, 152. Philip, 15, 190. Philip B., 166, 177. Phillissa, 71. Philo, 223. Philura, 71. Phineas, Phinehas, 49, 53, 66, 74, 98, 108. Pizarrow, 229. PHny, 52, 71, 72, 229. Pluvius Elwiii, 98. Polly, 53, 70, 87, 182, 223, 237, 239- Polycrates, 73. Priscilla, 48, 55, 237. KACHEI., 115- Ralph, 131, 171. Ransalaer, 228. Raymond, 170. Rebecca, 32, 35, 37, 39, 43, 44, 66, 70, 93, 164, 223. Relief, 43, 44. Reuben. 51, 65, 87, 114, 225, 237, 240. Reuben Sylvester, 223. Rhoda, 86, Richard, i, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 4'"^, 64, 85. 113, 209, 223. Robert, 5, 7, 11, 13, iS, 19, 95, 131, 137, 167, i7«, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 191, 213, 218, 223, 224, 226, 237, 240. Robert Lewis, 224. Robert William, 217, 224. Roderic, 229. Rodney, 147. Rodney R., 116, 151. Roger, 12, 20, 224. Roland, 51, 70, 224. Rosa, 165. Rosella, 191. Rosvvell, 19. Roxana, 56. Royal Mifflin, 69, 92. Ruby Jane, 163, 176. Rufus, 70, 93, 124, 125. Russell, 71, 104, 134, 226. Ruth, 65, 134, 138, 159, 169, ^93, 237- SALLY, 55, 61, 64, 68, 75, 78, 85, 113, 182, 224, 237. Salmon, 88. Salome, 62. Sampson, 52. Sanmel, 12, 18, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 53, 54, 57, 59, 65, 75, 78, 79, 81, 86, 88, 92, 100, loi, ro2, 107, 114, 209, 219, 224, 238. Samuel C, 19. Samuel Shaw, 224. Sarah, 32, 2,5, 37, 39, 4T, 43, 47, 49, 50, 54, 57, 59, 60, 62, 69, 71, 72, 76, 79, ^i, 82, 84, 86, 92, 95, 96, 99, loi, 108, 113, "5, 127, 149, 17S, 179, 180, 181, T85, 186, 192, 198, 202, 204, 211, 224, 225, 232, 239. vSarah Ann, 202, 204. -Sarah Chaniplin, 80, 106. Sarah K.. 103, 132, 151, 167. vSar.ih Gcorgianna, 106, 137. Schuyler, 56, 68, 77- Sele, 79. Sene, 78. Silas, 73, 75, 102, 225. Silsby, 123. Simeon, 12, 87, 114, 115, J47, 149, 238. Solomoti, 38, 44, 57, 78, 105, 225. Sophia, Sophie, 64, 71, 84, 12 r, M7, 225. Sophronia, 73, 76. Stella, 152. Stephen, 41, 49, 96, 160, 210. Stewart, 62. Stuart James. 194, 190, 199, 201, 202, 204, 205. Submit, 86. vSusan, Susannah, Sukey, 47, 50, 58, 59, 60, 62, 68, 6"9, 78, 80, 92, 104. 201, 238, 239. Su.san Ann, 77. Susan M., 100, 129. 248 PARKE FAMILIES Sybil, 43, 192. Sylvester, 225. Sylvia, 147, 151. TABOR, 73, 97. Thadeus, 65, 218, 225, 240. Thadeus H., 156, 171. Theoda, 225. Theodore, 7S, 82. Theodosia, 137. Theresa, 157. Thomas, 11, 18, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, 35, 3«, 46, 47. 4^, 5«, 59, 60, 61, 63, 73, 7«, «o, 81, 176, 178. 194, 195, 196, 197, 201, 225, 238, 239, 240, Thomas Hammond, 82. Thomas Jefferson, 67. Thomas McGuigan, 217. Timothy, 225. Titus, 238. Tizrah, 234. Trenor Luther, 112, 143. Trenor W., 84. in. Tryphena, 65, 225. Tryphosa, 65. Tyler, 117. URIAH. ^38. VERA, 225. Vesta, 225. Vestus, 225. Victoria, 122, 160. Victorine O., S3. Viola, 159. Virojinia, 177, 225. Virginius, 122, 160. WALDEN,'73. Walter, 187, 190, 192. Ward, 225. Warham, 51, 70, 93, 94, 125. Warren, 53, 79, 104, 114, 131, 163, 175, 176, 183, 225, 226. Warum, 226. Washington, 53, Weighty, 226. Wellman, 174. Welthy, 63. Wendel, 69, 92. Whiting, 42, 53, 72. Whitney, 75. Willard, 49, 66. William, i, 5, 9, 11, 18, 20, 21, 24, 42, 47. 4«,, 53, 55, 59, 63, 64, 67, 73, 75, 7b, 80, 83, 84, 86, 89,96, 97, 99, loi, 106, 107, III, 118, 122, 145, 146, 157, 160, 163, 164, 165, 171, 175, ^76, 179. 180, 1^2, 186, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 19^, 2o[, 202, 205, 218, 226, 230, 231, 23^'^, 239, 240. William Aspinwall, 62, 83. William Cooper, 235. William D., 163, 175, 187. William Kdward, 84, 112. William Edwards, iii, 139. William Francis, 109, 138. William G., loi, 130. William H., 73, Si", 83, 97, 211, 212, 235. William Henry, 78, 82, 91, 9^, 108, 113, 122, 145. "\V il Ham Robert, 226. William S., 147, 162, 223. Wisner, 109, 138, 162. Wythe Marchant, 122, 160. ZACHEUS, 32, 37. Zilpah, 226. Zipporah, 226. Zoa, 239. Zobeb, 44. OF MASSACHUSETTS 249 Unbex to Qthcv Surnames* The same name may appear twice or more on the same page. In such cases it is recorded but once in the index for that page. ABBOTT, 68. Adair, i66. Adams, 135, 146,181, 183, 221. Albright, 216. Alderman, 214. Aldrich, 113, 114, 115- Alexander, 177. Allcock, 186. Allen, AUyn, 129, 153, 188, 209, 215, 218, 223. Alley, 92. Allison, 178, Alvord, 163. Ames, 46. Amidon, 151, 154. Anderson, 134, 135. Andrew, 103. Andrus, 225. Argyle, 195. Arminglon, 233. Armstrong, 180. Arthur, 125. Ashle\ , 238. Ashton, 130. Atherton, 201. Atwood, 146. Auchiucloss, 143. Austin, 101. Avery, 80, 221. Ayer, 151. BACHELOR, 63. Bacon, 55. Bailey, 107, 214. Baird, 160. Baker, 66, 154, 155, 186, 234. Baldwin, 134, 231. Ball, 73, 99. Ballau, 210. 32 Bancroft, 206. Bangle, 147. Banker, 217. Bannister, 63. Banting, 228. Barber, 88, 231, 232. Barnard, 85, 239. Barnes, 46, 57, 228. Barron, 231. Barry, 199. Bartholomew, 95, 216, 223, 225. Bartlett, 72. Barton, 87. Bascom, 71. Bates, 81. Bathrick, 211. Battle, 53, 193. Baylies, 229. Bazin, 82. Becket, 217. Beckford, 82. Belcher, 170. Beers, 38. Bemis, 35, 100, 135. Benjamin, 205. Benneson, 62. Bennett, 74, 86. Betton, 181. Betts, 27. Bigelow, 34, 61, 216. Bill, 90. Billings, 32, 34, 37, 108, 112, 168. Bingham, 69. Bird, 109. Bishop, 72, 221, 222. Bixbee, 87. Black, 59. Blacker, 211. Blodgett, 211. Blood, 105. Bluemeuthal, 106. Bond, II, 31, 32,33, 50, 85, 87, 238. Bonney, 197, 232. Bostock, 25. Bostwick, 95. Boush, 90. Boyce, 215. Boyd, 178. Boyes, 178. Boynton, 74, 76. Bozworth, 71. Bradley, 214, 215, 216. Brainard, 96. Brastow, 203. Brewster, 30. Briggs, 109. Brooks, 42, 55, 128, 165, 218, 230, 237. Brown, 47, 99, 123, 171, 185, 191, 215, 217, 225. Brownson, no. Bruce, 35. Bryan, 24. Bryant, 46, 129. Buck, 116. Bucklin^ 130. Buckman, 68. Bulkeley, 34. Bullard, 232, 233. Burbank, 65. Burman, 126. Burroughs, Burrows, 146, 150, 152. Burk, 220. Burt, 122, 150, 180, 232, 239. Buryea, 176. Busii, 71. Butler, 71. Button, 222. Butts, 133. 250 PARKE FAMILIES CALDWELL, 230. Campbell, 236. Cannon, 220. Capron, 156. Carey, 118. Carrier, 135, 136. Carter, 160, 1S4, 226. Cary, 210. Castello, 1S5. Catlin, 143, 144. Chadwick, 225. Chamberlain, 116. Cliamberlin, 230. Champlin, 80. Champuevs, 27, 46, 23S. Chapin, 131, 151, 236. Chaplin, 73. Chapman, 58, 19S, 216. Charter, 222. Chase, 86, 232, 237. Cheny, 88. Cherriugton, 192. Cherry, 175. Chidley, 71. Child, 51. Choate, 143. Clapp, 68. Clark, Clarke, 12, 56, 63, 142, 153, 156, 169, 213, 223, 225, 234. Claxton, 129. Coates, 115. ' Coburn, 185. Cochran, 180, i85. Coddington, 26. Codman, 229. Coffin, 124. Colcord, 59. Coles, 105, 114. Coleman, 146. Collier, 24, 30. Collins, 135, 221. Coman, 214. Combs, 55. Conant, 100. Congrieve, 120. Conkling, 152. Conn, 196. Cook, Cooke, 9, 86, 151, 218, 220, 235, 238. Cooley, 216, 219. Coolidge, 41, 48. Coombs, 76. Cooper, 235. Corliss, 181. Cotting, 211. Cotton, 47. Coudell, 211. Courtenay, 211. Coverly, 235. Coyne, 80. Crafts, 46, 85, 154. Craig, 95. Craighton, 99, 128. Crane, 30. Crary, 81 . Crosby, 82. Crow, 220. Cullen, 130. Culver, 220, 224. Cunningham, 105. Curtin, 115. Curtis, 100. Cushing, 90, 209, 210, 232. Cushman, 116, 154. Cusick, 160. Custis, 20. Cutler, 32, 39, 64, 233- Cutter, 211. DALE, 102. Dame, 82. Damon, 98. Dana, 59. Danforth, 62. Davidson, 67. Davis, 61, 62, 85, 128, 150, 173, 191, 205. Day, 143, 198. Dayton, 216. Dean, 34, 187, 213, 230. deLesseps, 141. Denny, 176. Derby, 191. Detweiler,9, 136,137. Dewey, 51, 62, 218, 221. Dexter, 78. Dickenson, 147, 220, 232. Dickson, loi. Diusmoor, 179, 180, 181. Dike, 210. Dix, 31, 35. Doak, 181. Dodd, 211. Dodge, 75. Dolliver, 161. Doolittle, 222. Dowd, 214. Downs, 86. Draper, 99. Dudley, 90. Dulion, i68. Dummer, 29. DuMont, 136. Dunbar, 126. Dunham, 149. Dunlap, 174. Dunmore, 91. Dunn, 198. Durant, 46. Durham, 80, Dutch, 75. Dyke, 153. EASTMAN, 100. Eddy, 114. Edgerly, 108. Edson, 226. Edwards, 109, no, 139- Eldridge, 117, 226. Eliot, 73, 99. Ellendow, 92. Ellison, 123. Emerson, 145. Ensign, 220. Erskin, 125. Evans, 119. Evarts, 143. Evelyn, 20. Everingham, 217. OF MASSACHUSETTS 251 Ewing, 77. 1«'ABER, 174. Fairbanks, 79, 232. Fairchild, 162. Fairservice, 93. F-arnswor^h, 196,201. Farnuni, 72. Farrar, 42, 52. Farwell, 197. Fassett, 32, 37. Fawcett, 53. Fay, 57, 127, 135. Felker, 59. Fenner, 182. Fenton, 84. Ferguson, 42, 54. Field, 90. 147, 149, 176, 177. Filley, 89, Fillmore, 112. Finch, 72. Finney, 182. Fisher, 195, 228. Fiske, 32, 35, 37, 38, 60, 86, 93. Flagg, 43, 55. Fletcher, 86, 229. Flint, 147. Floyd, 142. Ford, 59. Foster, 165. Fowler, 71. Fox, 113, 114. Frazer, 137. Frear, 173. Freeland, 233. French, 211, 234. Frizzell, 165. Froman, 217. Frost, 97, 104. Fry, 38. Fuller, 29, 43,48,50, 56, 61, 64, 96, 220, 227, 230, 232, 237, 239- Fullum, 113. GARDNER, 68, 85, 212. Garfield, 49, 50, 55, 85. Garland, 193. Gaspar, 221. Gass, 198, 199. Gaylord, 224. Gere, 80, 106, 107. Gibbs, 50, 51, 222. Gibson, 219. Gilnian, 76, 214. Gingles, 162. Glass, 97. Goddard, 127, 130, 210. Goff, 160. Goodale, 183. Goode, 121. Gooding, 219, 225. Goodnow, 102, T55. Goodridge, Good- rich, 154, 238. Goodwin, 76, 131. Gordon, 108. Gorham, 70, 21 8, 220. Gowdy, 225. Graber, 95. Grant, 41, 125. Graves, 94, 123. Gray, 114, 157, 199. Green, Gieeue, 27, 45, 60, 117, 133, 148. Greenleaf, 181. Greenwood, 65, 87, 233- Griffin, 59, 107, 216. Griffith, 141, 148. Griggs, 82. Grover, 161, 172. Guild, 158. Gurney, 72. Guy, 139. HALE, 87, 114, 115, 116, 155, 156. Haley, 192, 225. Hall, 48, 78, 95, iir, 154, 1S3, 190. Halleck, 112. Hamilton, 83. Hamlin, 182, 197, 225, Hammond, 33, 61, 209. Hampton, 26. Hanaford, 55. Hancock, 114. Hapgood, 98. Harbeck, 186. Harkness, 152. Harlow, 118. Harriman, 97. Harrington, 44, 46, 61, 78, 210. Harrison, 125, 138. Harriss, 168, 169. Hart, 164, 204. Hartwell, 42, 55. Harty, 35. Haskell, 68. Hassfurther, 168. Hastings, 28, 37, 60, 75- Hatch, 60, 76, 239. Hathaway, 91, 211. Hawes, 236. Hayes, 125. Hayford, 149. Haynes, 77. Haywood, 98. Head, 208, 228. Heath, 222, 224. Hemphill, 179, 185, 1 86. Herbert, 24. Herrick, 216, 224. Hersey, 230. Hey wood, Hayward, 34, 99, 167. Hickok, 80. Flicks, 157. Higgins, 231. Hill, 108, 132, 133, 188, 222. Hine, 96. Hiscox, 59. Hoag, 97. Hoar, 119. Hobbs, 42. Hodges, 83, 216, 226. Holden, 170, 198. Holgrave, 226. Holland, 40, 48. PARKE FAMILIES Hollister, 84. Holman, 65, 74, 86, 88. Holton, 115. Horton, 96. Hosmer, 233, 234. Hotchkiss, 215. Hotten, 25. Houghton, 70, 129, 197. House, 149. Howard, 145, 175. Howe, 219, 230. Howell, 125. Humphrey, 184. Hunt, 96, 143, 169, 237- Hurd, 70, 176. Huse, 87. Hutchinson, 220. Hyde, 28. INGERSOLL, 51. 70, 14S. Inglish, 235. Ives, 223. JACKSON, 27, 28, 29. 32, 33- 36, 93. 120, 227. Jameson, 191. Jardine, 92. Jenkins, 229. Jennings, 112, 143. Jennison, 66. Johnson, 65, 79, 81, 106, 227. Jones, 27, 43, 56, 77, 97. Jordan, 152. Joseph, 92. Joslin, 210. Judd, 235. KEENAN, 167, 230. Keens, 79. Kellogg, 152, 153. Kelly, 100, 176. Kelsey, Kelso, 179, 180, 214. Kelty, 124. Kendall, 53, 60, 98, 132, 208. Kendrick, 174. Kenyon, 236. Kernan, 176. Kevin, 78. Keyes, 148. Kilborn, 161. Killam, 223. Kimball, 39, 74. King, 39, 52, 162. Kingston, 172. Kipp, 205. Knowlton, 210, 229. Knox, 35, 220, 221, 223, 224. L.ADD, 62, 178. Laflin, 88. Lamb, 73. Lane, 82. Langdon, 155. Law, 194. Lawrence, 44, 100, 206. Leamy, 224. Learned, 65, 87, 233. Lee, 41, 42, 177. Leebrick, 80, 105, LeFavour, 211. Leland, 79, 105, 120. Leonard, 236. Leuzader, 97. Leverett, 26, 134. Lewis, 132, 218. Lincoln, 19, 102. Lindsey, 216. Lintell, 179. Lipe, 147. Little, 179, 180. Locke, 90. Locklin, 86. Lodge, 159. Long, 174. Longley, 227. Loomis, 118, 221, 222. Loring, 219. Loud, 86, 99. Lovejoy, 69. Loveland, 87. Lovell, 172. Lyman, 64, 72,153- Lynde, loi. Lynn, 217. MACAULAY, 26. MacConnell, 136, 137. Mackintosh, 228. Macmillan, 126. Maine, 225. Major, 183. Mallory, 222. Mann, 68. Manning, 24, 204. Mansfield, 138. Marble, 78. March, 239. Marchant, 122. Marcy, 177, 228. Marden, 107, 184. Marsh, 43, 62. Marshall, 181. Marston, 185. Martin, 24. Mason, 28, 29, no, 126, 127. Matthews, 129. Maxwell, 180. May, 98. Mayhew, 29. Maynard, 43, 210. McCollum, 99. McCullough, 141, 142. McFarland, 230. McGrath, 130. Mclntire, 85, 102. McLean, 136. McLennan, 77, McNamara, 237. McWain, 159. Meacham, 217. Melonia, 229. Merriam, 41, 105. Merry, 148. Metcalf, 56. Millard, 167. Miller, 32, 38, 163, 174, 181. Millikin, 170. OF MASSACHUSETTS 253 Millman, 216. Minot, 230, 233. Mirick, 114. Mitchell, 114. Mohr, 105. Monroe, 165. Montgomery, 82. Moon, 216. Moor, Moore, 90, 91, 114, 187, 199, 202, 213, 217, 231. Morgan, 167. Morrison, 11, 70, 91, 179, 184, 188. Morse, 38, 100, 147, 197. Mosely, 237. Mossman, 59. Motley, 2ob. Mudford, lor. Munroe, 233. Muzzy, 209., Myers, 177. NEALLY. 55. Negley, 165. Nelson, 232. Newell, 109. Nesmith, 184. Newton, 65, 162, 166. Ney, 163. Nichols, 81, 122, 214. North, 72. Northrop, 96. Nowell, 90. Nutting, 202. OLIVER, 191, 211. Ome, 218. Orvis, 115. Otterson, 169. PACKARD, 12S. Page, Paige, 28, 32, 121, 146, 237. Palmer, 68, 215. Parker, 28, 37, 44, 107, 210, 219. Parmalee, 59. Parmenter, 51, 55. Parsons, 137, 223. Paterson, 238. Patten, 27. Patterson, 107. Peachy, 112. Pearce, 232. Pease, 167, 225. Peck, 104. Peirce, 157, 183, 234, 238. Pendleton, 57, 58. Perkins, 92. Perley, 221. Perry, 57, 78, 79, 121, 139. Pettingill, 92. Pettis, 68, 235. Petty, 124, 125. Phelps, no, 225. Philleo, 151. Phillips, 115. Phinney, 192. Phipps, 83. Pierce, 54, 66, 77, 95, 115, 128, 130, 230. Pike, 69, 234. Pilsbury, 191. Plummer, 73. Pollard, 202. Pomeroy, 71, 232. Porter, 127, 155, 236. Post, 32, 37. Potter, 63, 133, 203, 232, 233. Powers, 79, 147. Pratt, 84, 127. Prentiss, 99, 117. Prescott, 197, 239. Preston, 33, 230. Priest, 43. Prince, 44. Pritchard, 76, 20S. Pritchett, 160. Provin, 213. PuiTer, 69. Pulver, 97. Putnam, 49, 65, 123. Pynner, 24. RANDALL, 230. Ray, 227. Raymond, 100, 236. Read, 47, 48. Rearden, 133. Reed, 119, 201. Renfrew, 227. Reid, 194. Rhoades, 208. Rhodes, 73. Rice, 75, 209. Richardson, 49, 54, 78, 162. Ridley, 59. Robbins, Rob bin, 113. 117, ^63. Roberts, 150. Robinson, 72, 170, 200, 229, 236, 237. Rohm, 234. Rollins, 67. Rooney, 123. Rose, 121. Rosecrans, 136. Ross, 73. Rouse, 80. R o w 1 e e, Rowley, 236, 238. Rugg, 188. Ruggles, 65. Runyan, 224. Russell, 57, 143. 207, 220. Ryall, 224. SACKET, 214, 226, 236. 237. vSage, 94. Sampson, 131. Sanborn, 214. Sanderson, 55, iii, 228. Sanger, 38, 39, 85. Sargeant, 62. Saunders, 100. Savage, 32, 64. Sawtell, 239. Sawyer, 191. Schermerhorn, 73. Scott, 86, 223, 224. Searle, 52, 71. Seavey, 47. Segers, 15, 137. 254 PARKE FAMILIES Sells, 163, 175. Severance, 235. Shaver, 163. Shattuck, 155. Shaw, 226. Sheldon, 52. Shepard, 28, 29. Sherman, 29, 55, 76. Sherwin, 86.. Sherwood, loi. Shove, 96. Shurtleff, 92, 201, 223. Sibley, 49. 64. Simonds, 53, 77, 153. Simpson, 229. Sisson, 133. Skinner, 156. Slack, 78. Slate, 115, 146, 151. Slemnions, 174. Slocum, 217. Smiley, 178. Smith, 34, 49. 54. 56, 62, 66, 72, 77, 108, 115, 124, 134, 137, 171, 210, 211, 221, 238. Snediker, 148. Sneed, 208. Snider, 156. Snow, 123, 234. Snyder, 99. Southmayd, 143. Southworth, 216. Sparhawk, Sparrow- hawk, 27, 231, 237. Spencer, 209. Sperry, 223. Spring, 29, 35, 39. Squier, 95, 222. Stacy, 108. Stanton, 57. Steadman, 225. Stearn, 227. Stetson, 143. Stevens, 119,129,235. Stewart, 74, 83, 195. 222. Stigleman, 106. Stimson, 169. Stone, 43, 73, 86, 123, 130, 131, 166, 187, 202, 204. Stowe, 201. Stratton, 75. Streeter, 166. Strickland, 80. Strong, 71, 89. Sutherland, 53. Swasey, 233. Sweaves, 176. Sweetser, 59. TABOR, 72. Taft, 84. Talmadge, 80. Tasker, 170. Taylor, 125, 137, 138. 139. 199. 201. Thatcher, 230. Thayer, 37, 167, 203, 234. Thom, 179. Thomas, 94, 183. Thompson, 93, 171, 211, 216. Tidd, 122. Tilsby, 118. Tinker, 224. Titcomb, 191. Tolman, 9, 30, 31. Tompkins, 149. Torrey, 176. Tower, 55, 67. Townsend, 53. Trask, 65, 87. Treat, 107. Trow, 82. Trowbridge, 33, 47. 48. Tunstall, 121. Tupper, 237. Turner, 142, 212. Tuthill, 118. Tuttle, 187, Twing, 69. Twitchell, 78. Tyrrell, 220. USHER, 56. VAN BENTHUY- SEN, 142. VanBuren. 93. Varnum, 185. Vincent, 192. WAITE, 209. Wakeman, 72. Waldron, 97, 171. Walker, 85, 228. Walther, 222. Walton, 188, 189. Ward, 157, 209, 210. Ware, 83. Warren, 114, 229. Washington, 20, 21. Waugh, 178. Wear, Weare, 179. Weatherhead, 165. Webber, 185. Webster, 213. Weed, 84. Weeks, 89, 115. Weller, 223. Welling, 175. Wellman, 91, 123. Wells, 153, 166. Wessels, 95. Wesson, 52. West, 70, 92, 104. Westcott, 164. Westfall, 73. Weston, 126, 160, 213. Wetherbee, 182. Whall, 82. Wheaton, 104. Wheeler, 9, 31, 50, 51, 132, 219, 229. Whipple, 227. Whitcomb, 86, 180, 232, 239. White, 87, 88, 215, 224, 238. Whiting, 42, 44, 55, 56. Whitman, 54, 76, 119. Whitmarsh, 75. OP MASSACHUSETTS 255 Whitmore, Whitte- more, 24, 29, 31, 35, 36, 38, 214. Whitney, 43, 44, 57, 69, 227, 230, 233. Whittocke, 227. Whitwell, 63. Wightman. 163. Wilbur, 164. Wilcox, 27, 163, 219, 237, Wilde, 235. Wilder, 60, 98, 192, 231. 237. Wilkinson, 35. Willard, 65, 92. Willet, 235. Williams, 43, 8r, 115. 133, 134, 221, 225. Willis, 229. Wilson, 31, 33, 64. Winchester, 41, 42. Wing, 232. Winship, 27, 30. Winthrop, 18. Wise, 33. Wiswall, 29, 33. Withe, 28. Wolcott, 75, 101,131. Wood, Woods, 64, 136, 156, 168, 183, 202, 203. Woodbridge, 236. Woodbury, 49, 98, 99- Woodman, 154. Woodward, 65, 172. Wright, 54, 76, 114, 121, 216, 221. Wrisiey, 114. Wyman, 233. YORK, 57. Young, 74. Yulee, 205. 256 PARKE FAMILIES lln^ex to ipiacc0. The same place may appear twice or more on the same page. In such cases it is recorded but once in the index for that page. Where the state is not given the town is located in Massachusetts. Acton, 183. Albany, N. Y., 78, 93, 142, 152, 230. Alexander, N. Y., 94. Allegheny, Pa., 174. Alton, Ills., 166. Amherst, no, 154. Amherst, N. H., 196. Andersonville, Ga., 187. Andover, in, 139. Annapolis, Md., 99. Antrim, Ireland, 21. Arlington, Mass., 104, 238. Arlington, Vt., 240. Aroostock county, Me., 97. Asbury Park, N. J., 175. Ashburnham, 59, 100. Ashford, 234. Ashtabula, Ohio, 115. Assyria, Mich., 115, 164. Atkinson, N. H., 240. Aubiarn, Me., 97, 204. Auburn, N. Y., 79. Augusta, Me., 108, 158, 161. Averill Park, N. Y., 96. Ayer, 194, 196, 201, 202, 204, 205. BAINBRIDGE, GA., 205. Ballybeglej', Ireland, 21. Baltic, Conn., 193. Baltimore, Md., 219. Bangor, Me., 93, 124. Barnet, Vt., 233. Barre, Vt., 227. Battle Creek, Mich., 148. Becket, 234. Belchertown, 167. Belfast, Me., 81, 184, 188. Bellevue, Mich., 164. Belmont, 76, 104, 132, 133. Bennington, Vt., 63, 84, 112, 140, 141, 142, 143- Berlin, Mass., 57, 78, 79, 105, 135- Bernardston, 12, 87, 113, 114, 115, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153. 154. 155, 156, 165, 166, 169, 170. Beverly, loi. Blandford, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226. Bloomington, Ills., 177. Bolton, 75, 130. Boston, I, 18, 21, 25, 57, 66, 68, 70, 75. 76, 78, 81, 83, 90, 91, 102, 103, 108, 112, 113, 118, 122, 125, 126, 132, 134, 145, 160, 161, 170, 178, 183, 187, 188, 189, 192, 194, 195, 200, 203, 204, 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 220, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 235, 237, 238. Boxboro, 75, 100. Boxford, III. Bradford, N. H., 159. Braintree, no. Brandywine, 68. Brattleboro, Vt., 210. Bridgeport, Conn., 126. Bridgewater, 46. Brimfield, 63, 222, 223. Brockton, 230. Brookfield, 69, 209, 231, 239. Brookline, 42, 61, 217, 224, 231. Brooklyn, Conn., 226. Brooklyn, N. Y., 96, 215. OF MASSACHUSETTS 257 Brooklyn, Vt., 147. Buifalo, N. Y., 19. Bunker Hill, 57, 68. Burlington, Vt., 198, 210. Burton, Ohio, 220, 222. CALAIvS, ME., 73- California, 82, 112, 185, 207. Cambridge, 12, 19, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35. 3!^. 40, 50, 54, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 76, 85, 91, 201, 209, 223, 231, 238. Cambridgeport, 68, 91, 123. Canada, 50, 60, 66, 67, 70. Canterbury, Conn., 53. Canton, 109, 138, 162. Cape Ann, 75. Cape Cod, 237. Cardiff, N. Y., 222. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 214. Central Falls, 104. Charleston, S. C, 12, 208. Charlestown, Mass., 38, 70, 93, 145, 200, 201, 212, 232. Charlestown, N. H., 66, 67, 69, 92, 118, 124, 161, 240. Charlestown, R. I., 57, 5^, 79. 80, 81. Chatfield, Minn., 106. Chatham, Conn., 146. Chelmsford, 191, 193. Chelsea, 126, 131. Chester, 220, 233, 235, 238. Chester, Vt., 65, 240. Chesterfield, 232. Chesterfield, N. H., 84. Chicago, Ills., 126, 150, 166, 216, 224, 226. China, 107. Cincinnati, Ohio, 205. Claremont, N. H., 50. Cleveland, Ohio, 159. Cohasset, 230. Colchester, Out., 78. Columbus, Ohio, 162, 163, 175. Concord, 31, 32. 33, 34. 3^. 37. 4], 42. 43. 49, 50, 51, 52. 53. 06. 132, 13S, 162, 196, 199.227. 228, 229, 231, 233, 234, 236. Concord, N. H., 199. 201. 33 Cornwallis, N. S., 70. Courtney, Tex., 95. Covington, Ky., 11. Coxsackie, N. Y., 173. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 89, 118, 159- DAKOTA, 187. Dallas, Tex., 121. Dalton, 213, 217, 220, 221, 226, 228. Danby, Vt., 240. Danville, Va., 157, 160. Davenport, Iowa, 233, 234. Dayton, Ohio, 174. Dedliam, 42, 109, 138, 139. Deerfield, N. Y., 148. Delaware, Ohio, 175. Denmark, Iowa, 134, Denver, Colo., 11, 92. DeSoto, Mo., 186. Dighton, 215, 219. Dixfield, Me., 65, 87. Dorchester, 55, 82, 108, 216, 218, 219, 225, 228, 229, 231. Dorset, Fng., 13. Dover, N. Y., 72. Dover, Vt., 104. Dracut, 184, 185, 191. Dublin, Ireland, 80, 103, 230. Dunstable, 198. Durham, N. H., loS. Dutchess county, N. Y., 42, 52, ,53- Duxbury, 30, 31, 219, 220, 224. EAST BLOOMFIELD, N. Y., 215- East Douglas. 117. Easton, 170. Edgington, Ills., 162. Elgin, Ills., 99. Exeter, N. H., 240. Evans, N. Y., 210. 1<^EEDINCt hills, 221. Fitchburg, 9, 130, 131, 146, 182 Fitzwilliam, N. H., 98. Fontenell, Neb., 134. Ft. Reno, N. M., 166. Framingham, 56, 78. 258 PARKE FAMILIES GARDNER, ME., 205. Geneva, Ohio, 148. Gestingthorpe, Eng., 15. Gettysburg, Pa., 100. Gill, 87, 114, 147, 148, 150, 152, 163. Gilroy, Cali., 148. Gladbrook, Iowa, 148. Glasgow, Scotland, 194, 195. Gleasondale, 131. Globe, Ariz., 166. Gloucester, 236. Gloversville, N. Y., 139. Grafton, 227, 228. Grafton, Vt., 218. Great Harrington, 215, 223, 225. Greenfield, 114, 115, 165, 169, 170, Groton, Conn., n. Groton, Mass., 21, 194, 195, 196. 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 230, 237. Guilford, Vt., 150. HADDONFIELD, N. J., 94. Halifax, Pa., 105. Hamilton, 100. Hamilton, N. Y., 210. Hampshire county, 236, 237. Hanover, N. H., 51, 240. Harlem, N. Y., 112. Harrisburg, Pa., 58, 105, 106, 136. Hartford, Conn.. 118,224. Harvard, 179, 182, 183, 196, 197, 201, 205, 232, 238, 239, Havana, Cuba, 181. Hebron, N. Y., 95. Herkimer county, N. Y., 115. Hingham, 55. Hinsdale, 237. Hinsdale, N. H., 127, 153. Hitcham, Eng., 225. Holliston, 44, 57, 78, 79, 104, 105, 135. Holyoke, 72. Honolulu, H. I., 235. Hoosick, N. Y., 186. Hoppers Mills, Ills., 104. Hudson, 129. Hulberton, N. Y., 148. Humestou, Iowa, 104. Huntington, 231. IDAHO, 126. Ipswich, 75, 76, 1 98, 231. Ira, Vt., 240. Ireland, 12, 178, 238. JACKSONVILLE, ILLS., 174. Jaffray, N. H., 82. Japan, 144. Jersey City, N. J., 80. KEENE, N. H., 98, 127, 167. Kempsville, Va., 125. Kenosha, Wis., 151. Killingly, Conn., 36. Killingworth, Conn., 19. Kinderhook, N. Y., 218. LANCASTER, 130. Lafayette, N. Y., 225. LaPorte, Ind., 125. Lawrence, 139, 185. Leicester, Vt., 67. Leitrim, Ire., 239. Lenox, Ohio, 149. Leominster, 89, 146, 205, Lexington, Ky., 62. Lexington, Mass., 29, 31, 37, 41, 57, 68, 70, 218. Leydon, N. Y., 89, 118. Lincoln, 34, 41, 43, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 90, 91, 119, 229, 233, 234, 237, 238. Lincoln, Neb., 168. Lincolnshire, Eng., 26. Litchfield, Conn., 95, 126. Litchfield, Me., 73, 97. Littleton, N. C, 129. Littleton, N. H., 234. Livermore, Me., 51. Loango, Africa, loi. London, Eng., 19, 23, 24, 25, 235. Londonderry, N. H., 178, 179, 181. LosAngeles, Cali., 191. Louisville, Ky., 167. Lowell, 108, 119, 189, 191, 193. OF MASSACHUSETTS 259 Ludlow, 96. Lunenburg, 139. Lyndon, Vt., bb. Lynn, loi, 154, 204, 228. Lyon Falls, N. Y., 14S. MALDEN, 68, loi, 212. Maiden, N. Y., 97. Manchester, N. H., 170. Manasses, Va., 177. Mansfield, Conn., 46, 47. Marblehead, 144. Marcy, N. Y., 14S, 164. Marlborough, 63, 75, loi. Marlboro, N. H., 161. Marlborough, Vt., 48, 240. Marshall, Mich., 204, 205. Marshfield, Vt., 154. Mattapau, 127, 161. McHeury, Ills., 99, 129. Medfield, 207. Mendon, 47, 117. Methueu, 21, 178. Middlesex county, 33, 34, 36. Middletown, Conn., 94, 9b. Milford, 239. Millbury, 64, 65, 86, 87, 88, 114, 116, 117, 157, 158, 172, 186, 228. Milton, 76. Milwaukee, Wis., 93, 125. Mohrstown, Pa., 105. Monroe, Me., 108. Monson, 221. Montague City, 153. Montgomery, Ala., 12. Montgomery, 71, 95, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 237. Montreal, Can., 224. Muskogee, Ind. Ter., 126. Mystic, Conn., 223. NASHUA, N. H., 184, 19S, 214. Natchez, Miss., 181. Needham, 83, 146, 235. Nelson, N. Y., 223. New Bedford, 180, Newfane, Vt., 86, 240. New Hampshire, 74. New HaveOj Conn., 2x5. New London, Conn., i, 11, 137, 223. New Milford, Conn., 95, 126. Newport, R. I., 80, 105. Newton, 19, 29, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 81, 82, 85, 86, 108, 187, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 238, 239. New York, N. Y., 58, 79, 112, 125, 134, 140, 142, 143, 144. 174. Norfolk, Va., 68, 90, 91, 120, 122, 124, 125, 160. Northampton, in, 151, 199. North Anna River, Va., 157. Northboro, 60. Northbridge, 63, 84. North Carolina, 120. Northfield, 149. Norwich, 232. Norwich, Conn., 106. Norwood, 139. OBERLIN, OHIO, 140. Oconomowoc, Wis., 125. Odessa, Del., 159. Ohio, 113, 216, 218, 220, 222, 225. Oklahoma, 14S. Old Point, Va., 120. Omaha, Neb., 152, 168. Oneida and Oneida county, N. Y., 147, 164. Ontario, Can., 78. Orange county, N. Y., 118. Orwell, Vt., 240. Oxford, 172. PALMER, 214, 217, 2i8, 219, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226. Paris, France, 103, 173. Parkvale, Pa., 58, 80. Pau, France, 102. Pawtucket, R. I., 104, 125, 133, 134. Peekskill, N. Y., 64. Pelham, X99, 201, 202. Pepperell, 197, 206. Peru, Mass., 215, 217, 237. Peteiboro, N. H., 214. Petersburg, Va.j io3, ig/i 260 PARKE FAMILIES Philadelphia, Pa., 103, 130, 141. Pine Plains, N. Y., 72. Piqua, Ohio, 118. Pittsburgh, Pa., 9. Pittsheld, 238. Pittsheld, Ills., 104, 134. PittsfielQ, N. H., 170. Plainheid, Couu., 213. Plymouth, 45, 219. Plympton, 192. Pomtret, Coun., 133. Port Jervis, N. Y., 157. Portsmouth, N. H., 230, 235. Portsmouth, Va., 122, ibo. Prescott, 156. Preston, Coun., 81, 213, 215, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225. Preston, Lancashire Co., Eng., 15- Princeton, N. J., 68. Prospect, Me., 59, 81. Providence, R. 1., 83, 89, 109, 111, 119, 133, 134, 14U, 236. QUINCY, 82, 139. KEADING, 37, 189. 225. Red Bank, N. J., 130. Redlands, Call., 84. Republican City, Ohio, 94. Republican City, Neb., 126. Revere, 13S, 161, 212. Rhode island, 58, 59. Richmond, N. H.. 161, 210. Rindge, N. H., 128. Ringwood, Ills., 129. Rochester, N. H., 130. Rochester, N. Y., 107. Roseville, Ills., 104. Roxbury, 18, 82, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 226, 235. Royalston, 210. Royalton, Vt., 62, 240. Russell, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223. 224, 225, 226. Russia, N. Y., 147, 164. Rutland, Vt., iii. Rye, N. Y., 12, 20. Ryegate, Vt., 227. SALEM, 18, 70, 90, 2U, 213. Sandgate, Vt., 240. Sand Lake, N. Y., 72, 96, 97. San Prancisco, Cali., 77, 112, 141, 142, 143. Savannah, Ga., 205, 208, 210. Scotland, 12, 15, 21, 178, 180, 227. Searsport, Me., 58, 59, 81, 107, 137, 138- Seattle, Wash., 151, 174. Seekonk, 104. Semer, Eng., 226. Shamoken, Pa., 137. Sharon, Mich., 228. Sherborn, 31, 33, 34, 60, 61. Shirley, 196, 227. Shrewsbury, 65, 157, 209, 210, 211, 238. Simcoe, Can., 217. Sinisbury, Conn., 96. Skowhegan, Me., 73. Somerville, 81,82. South America, 144. Southampton, 52, 71, 72, 95. Southbridge, 131. Southbury, Conn., 96. Springfield, 94, 96, 102, 156, 166, 169, 235. Springfield, Vt., 50, 92, 118, 246. Springville, Pa., 106. Stafford, Conn., 36. Stamford, Vt., 113. Stanfordville, N. Y., 52, 72. Sterling, 66. Sterling, Conn., 236. St. Johns, N. B., 73. St. Johnsbury, Vt.,'63, 214, 233. St. Louis, Mo., 219. Stockbridge, 217. Stockbridge, Vt., 99, 129. Stockton, Me., 137, 161. Stoneham, loi, 130. Stonington, Conn., 21, 36, 57, 58. Stoughton, 83. Stow, 9, 54, 60, 75, 99, 100, loi, 102, 129, 130, 131, 132. Stowe, Ohio, 89, 118. Sturbridge, 229. OF MASSACHUSETTS 261 Sudbury, 50, 51, 55, 66, 69, 77, 81, 85, 228. Sudbury, Vt., 67, 240. Suffield, Conn., 162, 217. Suffolk, Va., 191. Sullivans Island, S. C, 52. Summit, Wis., 93, 126. Sutton, 48, 49, 64, 65, 87, 88, 182, 183, 186, 231, 232, 238, 239- Swampscott, 102. Sycamore, Ills., 205. Syracuse, N. Y., 12, 131, 176. TAUNTON, 146, 226. Tenipleton, 231. Thomliuson, Vt. , 240. Thompson, Conn., 43, 88. Togus, Me., loi. Toledo, Ohio, 137. Tolland, Conn., 46, 60. Townsend, 54. Trenton, N. J., 68. Trenton Falls, N. Y., 147, 148. Troy, N. Y., iii, I73- Turners Falls, 154. Twinsburg, Ohio, 214, 216. Tyringham, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226. UNION, CONN., 216, 21S. Unionville, Ohio, 114, 115, 147, 148, 149, 163, 164. Utica, N. Y., 164. Uxbridge, 47, 63, 145. 229, 238. VIENNA, AUS., 103. Vicksburg, Miss., 118. Victor, Iowa, 165. Vineland, N. J., 94. Voluntown, Conn., 213, 215, 216, 219, 221, 222. WALDOEORO, ME., 93. Wales, 19S. Walpole, 109. Walpole, N. H., 122. Waltham, 43, 49, 50, 55, 76, 77, 85. 90. 119. 120, 159, 209, 227, 228, 229, 230, 238. Wardsboro, Vt., 78. Washington, D. C, i, 10, 94, 99, 125, 126,151,160, 166, 177, 2J4, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223. Waterbury, Conn., 126. Waterford, Me., 159. Waterford, Vt., 233, 234. Watertown, 11, 28, 35, 38, 39, 40, 44, 48, 55, 78, 85, 104, 113, 235, 239. Waxahachie, Tex., 95. Wayland, 55, 69. Weare, N. H., i8r. Webster, N. H., 185. Wednesbur\, Eng., 15, 23. Wellflret, 46. Wentworth, N. H., 169. We-stboro, 211. West Boylston, 157. Westerly, R. I., 45. 57, SS, Si. Westfield, 51. 52, 7<^, 7 i, 93, 94, 95, 109, 156,213,2x4215, 216, 217, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 234, 236, 237. Westford, 162, 194, 229. West Harwich, 138. Westminster, Weston, 31, 42, 51, 54 102, 13 32, 34, 55, I, 161. 36. 37, 6i, 75, 41, 7S, 85, 229, 233, 237. West Upton, 133. Wethersfield, Conn, 223. Weymouth, 82. Whately, 156. Whitestown, N. Y., 14S. Whittingham, Vt., 113. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 105. ^^^^ Williamsburg, Va., 21, 103. Winchendon, 43, 53, 54, 73, 74, 97, 98, 99, 126, 127, 128, 161, 229. Windham, N. II., n, 21, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 191, 192, 240. Windsor, Conn., 89. Windsor, Vt., 199. Wiscasset, ]Me., loS. Woburn, 122, 160, 173, 174- Woodford, Vt., 9, 63, 84, m, 112, 113, 145. Woodstock, Ills., 99. Woodstock, Vt., 59. 262 PARKE FAMILIES Woonsocket, R. I., 236. Worthington, Ohio, 113, 146, Worcester and Worcester coun- 162, 175. ty, 9, 47, 48, 63, 65, 89, 99, Wrentham, 88. 100, 128, 135, 157, 172, 179, Wyalusing, Pa., 224. 183, 187, 196, 199, 202, 206, 207, 208, 214, 220, 227, 238. yORKTOWN. VA., 103. GENEALOGY OF THE IParl^e Jfamiliee of Connecticut, INCLUDING PARK AND PARKS. BY FRANK SYLVESTER PARKS. In one volume; containing 360 pages, including 18 illustrations, one being a full page plate in its true colors of a Parke coat of arms. This book is similar in size and style to " The Parke Families of Massachusetts." Besides the history of the Connecticut families it has a list embracing 23 pages and mentioning 290 men who fought in the Revolution. This list will give many an opportunity to secure the data needed to qualify them for membership in the societies of the Sons and Daughters of the Rev- olution. This book also gives information that will qualify many to join the Society of Colonial Wars, etc. Only a limited edition of this book was printed and but few remain to be sold. PRICE $7, POSTPAID. Address: FRANK S. PARKS, 2104 H street, N. W., Washington, D. C. . . -]_ ^