Class _ n L P CDEffllGHT DEPQSm EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS Emancipation of the Slavs LETTERS PUBLISHED IN THE SUN OF NEW YORK BY JULIUS A. HUPERT, M. D. NEW BRITAIN PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR MDCCCCXIX i-o"^ n-\ COPYRIGHT, I9I9, BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS Mas -3 ISIS ©CI. A5 11844 ''The dismemberment of Austria-Hungary, the creation of independent republics of every race, is the only guarantee of a permanent peace in Europe. The present war may fulfill that mission partially or completely. If the latter results, the war will be blessed by future generations.'^ — Dr. Julius A. Hupert, in The Hartford Times, August 15, 1914- CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Emancipation of the Slavs as an Issue of the War 9 II. A League of Nations. Certain Prelimi- nary Requirements of Its Formation . 19 III. Protest against Teaching German. Ad- vocate Spread of English Language Around World 24 IV. Banish Language of Hun from United States 31 V. German in the Schools. Its Elimination Urged in Behalf of a Future Decent World 35 VI. Lusitania Day 40 VII. The Irreducible Minimum that Poland Demands — September 26, 1917 . . 44 VIII. The Pole's Nationality 49 IX. Poland and Germany. A Dissection of the Infamous Terms Offered by the Prussians 52 X. Burian's Pretences ^6 XI. Beat Germany — March 13, 191 8 . . 61 XII. The Causes of the War .... 63 [7] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS AS AN ISSUE OF THE WAR AMERICA SHOULD HAVE AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE SOLUTION OF THIS GREAT RACE PROBLEM The material issues of this war are many and mighty. First. The curbing forever of Germany's am- bition to dominate Europe, America and the world. Second. The emancipation of the Slavs and other nations oppressed by Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the late Czaristic Russia. Third. Replacement of autocracy by demo- cratic forms of government. Fourth. The arousing of America to an active participation in the settlement of world policies, and to the realization of her great national des- tiny to be the maker of a peace giving freedom and independence to all Slav and other op- [9] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS pressed nations, to be the warrantor and guard- ian of a just and lasting peace and of the sacred- ness of international obligations. That mission of America and the coming emancipation of the oppressed Slav nations make it necessary for the United States to plan a permanent policy toward the Slavs. America is the great hope of the Slavs. America must be the liberator of the Slav nations. She must organize and finance the political, indus- trial and economic institutions of the resur- rected Slav nations, not as a matter of phi- lanthropy, but as an urgent commercial and political business of immense benefit to both the contracting parties. Traditional American policy of no "entan- gling alliances" must be replaced by one of EARLY PLANNING AND EVER READINESS AND POWERFUL ALLIANCES, because of the hostility of the whole German race toward Americans. It is right to assume that this enmity will last at least until the whole German nation is cured of her con- stitutional and mental disease expressed by her ambitions to dominate the world. To be safe, we must assume that the Germans after their first failure to conquer the world will try it again and [lO] AN ISSUE OF THE WAR again ; that we MUST BE PREPARED FOR THE NEXT WAR, not only by complete military prepared- ness, but also by powerful political alliances. I venture the opinion that for the future safety of our country. South America, Europe and the world it is more important to free all Slav nations and Russia from German domination than to liberate only Alsace-Lorraine, Belgium and compromise on the Slav problems. If WE ALLOW Germany to keep and exploit the WESTERN Slavs, Russia and the Balkan NATIONS, Germany will be invincible and she will again attack the entente nations and win a political and commercial domi- nation of the world. The right settlement of the Slav problems by the Allies is of the utmost importance and of great urgency. It was impossible to do it when Czaristic Russia was alive with her policy of Panslavism and aspirations to rule in Constan- tinople. The western and southern Slavs were justly more afraid of Panslavism than of Pan- Germanism. Panslavism meant death to their independent national lives. Panslavism's real objects were to gradually deprive the other small Slav nations of all institutions of national inde- EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS pendence — a Russification by force and cruel persecution. Fear of Panslavism and a Russian Constanti- nople drove Bulgaria and Turkey into the arms of the Teutons. The Allies, excluding America, were agreed to allow a free hand to Russia in the settlement of the Slav problems as far as September, 19 17. Since then conditions have changed and the Allies have not to sacrifice the interests of the western and southern Slavs to satisfy the Panslavistic greed of a Czaristic Rus- sia. Russia is only one of the Slav nations. THE OTHER Slav nations do not want to be re- ferred TO AS PEOPLES, RACES OR PARTS OF RUSSIA. They HAVE nothing in common with Russia, BUT THAT THEY ALL ARE SLAVS. To make the Slav nations united and independ- ent Austria must be dismembered. It is so obvious that it does not need explanation. Aus- tria cannot make a separate peace, nor can she be a federation of equally independent units. Both parties, the German Magyar minority and the Slav majority, rebel against such a state of affairs. The minority wants to continue her unspeakable oppression of the majority. The majority must have independence. The German provinces [12] AN ISSUE OF THE WAR united to Germany, an independent Magyar land, the different Slav and Latin nations freed and united in independent states must be Aus- tria's end. Any other solution is POLITICAL HY- POCRISY AND MAKES ABSURD ANY PEACE IN REGARD TO CLAIMS OF JUSTICE OR PERMANENCY. America is best fitted to champion the cause of all Slavs, because : 1. Her motives in this war are unselfish. 2. Of all Allies, she is best known, most re- spected and beloved by all Slav nations, great and small. 3. She has the means to do it. 4. Ten million or more of ties are binding America and Slavdom through the Slavish resi- dents in America and their descendants. 5. Her real democracy and her mental and emotional make-up appeal strongly to the hearts and souls of Slavdom. 6. It will bring to the United States the greatest moral satisfaction of a colossal task well per- formed for humanity and civilization's sake. 7. It means for America immense commercial, industrial and financial expansion and a political alliance of paramount importance to curb any future attempts of Germany at world conquest. [13] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS The terms of a just settlement of the Slavish problems are : First. America and the Allies declare in a signed proclamation to stand not only by Russia, but by all western and southern Slav nations and to support their claims to be united, abso- lutely independent and democratic states. Such a declaration is necessary to counteract German propaganda that tells the Slavs that the Allies are selfish and not interested in Slav aspirations to freedom. Second. America and the Allies declare for: (a) A free United Poland composed of all lands genuinely Polish, with access to the seas by way of Danzig and the Baltic coast. That the Allies have done partly. (b) An independent Bohemia, composed of Bohemia, Moravia, parts of Silesia and the land of the Slovaks. Bohemia must be given free access to the Black Sea by free navigation rights on the Danube and access to the Baltic Sea by privilege to use a Polish port in exchange for free transit of Polish goods through Bohemia to the Danube, which must be made an inter- national waterway. (c) An independent Greater Serbia, composed [14] AN ISSUE OF THE WAR of Slavonia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Serbia proper. (d) For a free Ukraine, whose frontier must be determined by a commission representing Ukraine and Greater Russia. Ukraine is a crea- tion of the Teuton powers. There never was a state known as Ukraine or a Ukrainian nation with distinct frontiers and political traditions of an independent State. The upper classes, all educated classes of Ukraine, considered them- selves, until recently, Russians. The peasants talk a Slavic language, called the Little Russian, and did not aspire in Russia to form a separate dis- tinct nation. Only the Little Russian peasants and clergy in Galicia were taught by the Aus- trians to claim a separate nationality. The Little Russians are a subdivision of the Great Russian race. If they desire now to form a separate state there are no reasons to oppose it. White Russia cannot have any just claims to form an independ- ent state. (e) For a free, independent Lithuania. It is worth while to take under serious consideration the creation of a Baltic republic on lines of Swit- zerland, composed of Lithuania, Courland and Esthonia. Those Baltic peoples were united [15] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS before in the Kingdom of Poland, and later under Russia. They have many common interests and traditions and would be able to form a strong and prosperous state. Such a republic patterned on the Swiss Republic could respect the rights of the German minorities in those provinces. (f ) The rest of Russia to be free and independ- ent Great Russia without further subdivisions. Autonomy to the Caucasian races in federation with Russia could be granted if those people are fit for self-government. Third. America and the Allies declare that all Slavic nations must have free access to the seas and ports free of ice. That only can assure the Slavs a free development of industry and com- merce, prevent their economic enslavement by Germany and give the Slavic nations direct access to the markets of the Allies and America, not by the way of Hamburg and Bremen. Fourth. America declares her readiness to or- ganize and finance the commerce and industry of the new Slav states by long term loans, by building of railroads and factories, and cover- ing the new state with a network of strong fi- nancial institutions, not to exploit the Slavic countries, but to build up and develop on terms [i6] AN ISSUE OF THE WAR of helpful partnership in all important branches of commerce and industry. In 19 16 I had infor- mation that Poland's future was at the mercy of Germany, which after destroying Poland's na- tional wealth was making arrangements to get absolute control of Poland's future raw ma- terials, Poland's future commerce and industry. The same policy of merciless exploitation by Germany will apply to Lithuania, Ukraine and the whole of Russia, if America and the Allies do not take proper steps at once to counteract it. Fifth. America and the Allies will safeguard their own interests and the freedom of the world best by forming a permanent military and com- mercial and political alliance with (a) A Central European League, composed of Poland, Lithuania, Bohemia and Ukraine. (b) The Balkan League, composed of Greater Serbia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Greece. (c) Great Russia. The creation of a Central European League of Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Bohemia and the restoration of the former Balkan League, including Rumania, are political necessities to safeguard the independence of those small nations. [17] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS Such a solution of the Slavic problems is the only just one, the only guarantee of a lasting peace, the only way to curb the German ambi- tions to dominate the world. To MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE Germany must first be beaten. She WILL ADMIT DEFEAT ONLY WHEN THE ALLIES' ARMIES CROSS THE RHINE AND NOT BEFORE. America will find the means, the courage and perseverance to perform this colossal task. Hail to America, the great and only help of the Slav, whose emancipation is one of the great issues of this war! June 17, 1918. [18] II A LEAGUE OF NATIONS CERTAIN PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS OF ITS FORMATION The project of a league of nations is fathered by great men, such as President Wilson, Vis- count Grey, Lord Bryce and other well-known statesmen. Being the expression of lofty ideal- ism, it has met in democratic countries with a widespread and hearty acceptance. The pur- poses and aims would be: First, to prevent war, threatening to ruin civil- ization by the immensity of its horrors and waste on account of the rapid perfection of all instru- ments of warfare, and to abolish destruction of life and national wealth ; Secondly, to settle international disputes by a tribunal of arbitration and board of conciliation in accord with a code of international laws and rules made by the collective efforts of all part- ners of the league ; Thirdly, to effect a universal, real, military and [19] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS naval disarmament to curb burdensome expenses for costly future armaments and by such disar- mament to enable all nations to pay off their national debts; Fourthly, to create a friendly international co- operation in all labors directed to raise the eco- nomical, social and political standards of all units of the league. The unselfish aims of such a union are so ideal that many doubt that such a league is possible. The difficulties ahead are great. The experience of mankind and history teaches us that hereto- fore all disputes between nations have ultimately been settled by the force of arms, that peace has followed every war and war has followed peace. Nobody can deny it. Human nature has not lost its ferocity, but rather increased it, if we judge by the terrible cruelties perpetrated in this war. The passion for national unity and independ- ence is the supreme instinct and the supreme right of all free and oppressed nations, and use of force and war is accepted as the last resort to defend or get national freedom and rights, as it is done now. No nation can or will renounce that supreme right. Apparently the obstacles are colossal, but the [20] A LEAGUE OF NATIONS benefits of a real union of nations would be so immense that a league of nations may be formed if the following preliminary essential conditions of a league are established as the result of this world war: 1. German militarism, the real and great ob- stacle of a union of nations, must be broken by a crushing defeat of the German armies. 2. All oppressed European nations and all non- Turkish races in the Ottoman Empire must be free and independent nations. That condition demands the dismemberment of Austria and Turkey. 3. All states must have constitutions BASED ON REALLY DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES. IT IS NOT A QUESTION OF CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY OR REPUBLIC. That decision may be taken by THE RESPECTIVE NATIONS. BUT THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES BY ALL PRESENT IN- DEPENDENT NATIONS AND ALL NATIONS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED AND FREED BY THE WAR MUST BE ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL TERMS OF PEACE. TO REGARD IT, AS HERETOFORE, AS AN INTERNAL AFFAIR OF EACH STATE IS NOT RIGHT, BECAUSE ON THE REAL DEMOCRACY OF THE RESPECTIVE STATES DEPENDS THE PEACE OF THE WORLD. BY MAKING [21] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES OBLIGATORY FOR ALL NATIONS NO ONE SHALL HAVE REASON TO OBJECT. Don't we know that in many countries, on ac- count of privileged classes, the democratization of the government would be slow or impossible without outside pressure from the existing de- mocracies? That is the only way to make "the world safe for democracy." The WORLD IS NOT yet democratic, so autocracies must be re- placed by democracies by the terms of the coming peace. The democratic principles to be accepted by all nations should be : First, universal, equal, secret ballot is given all men in every country. Secondly, v^oman suffrage is conceded. Thirdly, parliamentary representation is to be based on the number of votes, not dis- TRICTS. Fourthly, parliamentary responsibility of ministry will be enforced. Fifthly, the declaration of war and mak- ing OF PEACE ARE TO BE THE RIGHT OF THE PAR- LIAMENTS BY FOUR-FIFTHS OF THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS. [22] A LEAGUE OF NATIONS Sixthly, the right to veto the declaration of war is conceded to the international tribunal at the hague. all are to accept the judgment of the international court. In EXCEPTIONAL CASES THE TRIBUNAL AT ThE Hague may recommend a reconsideration of the declaration of war by newly elected parliaments of the nations involved, prom- ising non-interference. that would make a local war theoretically possible, but in practice very difficult on account of the influence of woman suffrage, new elec- tions and delays. Seventhly, open diplomacy, the publish- ing OF ALL TREATIES BETWEEN NATIONS MUST BE ENFORCED. ALL NATIONS MUST HAVE ACCESS TO AND THE FREEDOM OF THE SEAS. If such prelim- inary conditions can be established as the result of this war, the formation and successful main- tenance of a league of nations, based on inter- national, military and naval force and mutual pledge and faith to obey international rules, may become a reality. Dr. Julius Hupert. New Britain, Conn., October 4. [23] Ill PROTEST AGAINST TEACHING GERMAN ADVOCATE SPREAD OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AROUND WORLD Having passed through eight classes of a Ger- man gymnasium and spent over two years at the German university of Vienna, being very fa- miliar with the German, English, French, Polish and Rumanian languages and having studied some time ago the Dutch, Malay and Italian, I may know something of the impor- tance of foreign tongues in one's life work. My experience has been broadened and matured by three years of travel all over the world. The Germans study French, English, Italian, Spanish and Russian. They do it because, to live and prosper, they must sell goods to people who talk those foreign tongues. Many hundred mil- lions, who were the best German customers, have a natural and justified antipathy to the German [24] PROTEST TEACHING GERMAN language, so the Germans must study their cus- tomers' tongues. It is obvious that the Americans must also study Spanish, Italian, French and Russian to meet the German salesman on even terms in those respective countries. For an Amer- ican salesman to try to trade in German for the next hundred years with any of the present allied nations after this war is to commit commercial suicide. FRENCH, RUSSIAN, Italian and Span- ish ARE THE FOREIGN TONGUES NECESSARY TO THE COMMERCIAL MEN OF OUR COUNTRY, AND NOT German. The German language is welcome only in Germany, in the German-Austrian provinces AND BY A GREAT NUMBER OF JEWS, who talk Juedisch, a German jargon. Nobody else loves German. The German business men talk Eng- lish, so the American salesman does not need to bargain with them in broken German when he can honor the Teutons by talking with them in English. There is no commercial good reason for American boys to torture their tongues and poison their minds by the study of German. The commercial transactions in the United States, Asia, Australia and Africa are not and shall never be made in German. English is there [25] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS supreme; Spanish in Latin America. With REGARD TO KNOWLEDGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES THE United States is better provided than ANY OTHER COUNTRY. ThE SONS OF OUR IMMI- grants talk all the languages of the world. Pick them out and give them a commercial training and send them to all corners of our globe. The Germans study foreign tongues because the educated and upper classes admire them as beau- tiful languages giving them access to the richest and most artistic literature of the world. In this foreign literature only can they satisfy their taste for the beautiful, when they have it, and find models and inspiration for German writings, which are mostly imitations of foreign novels, dramas and poetry. If that is so, why should an American boy study German? We must recom- mend to him perfect English and French, or Russian, or Spanish, but no German. Some say scientific works are published in Ger- man. The few specialists will FIND ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS of anything worth while. The German language is a rough and poor lan- guage. The study of it is very trying and un- [26] PROTEST TEACHING GERMAN pleasant. The constant presence of "der," "die" and "das," the numberless foreign and com- pound words, the confusing use of auxiliary- verbs, koenen, sollen, wollen, moegen, haben, werden and lassen — the use of verbs at the end of the sentence, the German grammar and syn- tax in general, make the German language a very unwelcome and tiresome study for the Slav, the French, and I suppose the American boy. Why torture his mind with such stuff when there is no real necessity for it? Another very important consideration: By teaching German in public schools we help German propaganda and the German national aims. What are these aims? They are and will be until the Germans are subdued by the ALLIES* ARMS AND TRADE BOYCOTT AND CULTURAL OSTRA- CISM AS FOLLOWS : First. Weltherrschaft, which means WORLD CONQUEST BY FORCE OF ARMS. Second. Welthandel, which means SU- PREMACYINTHE WORLD FORTHE GERMANTRADE, BASED NOT ON FAIR AND PEACEFUL COMPETITION, BUT ON SPECIAL PRIVILEGES, THE RESULT OF VIC- TORIES IN WAR ANNEXATIONS AND INDEMNITIES. [27] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS Third. To MAKE OF THE GERMAN KULTUR A WELTKULTUR, AND OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE A WELTSPRACHE. BY TEACHING GERMAN IN PUB- lic schools you help to make the german language a weltsprache. unintentionally you help to spread german kultur and Germanism. The present and the future interests of this country demand the exclusion from public schools of the teaching of German and THE SUB- STITUTION OF French, Spanish and Russian. The national policies and the commercial in- terests of the United States and Great Britain must suggest to statesmen with the proper fore- sight a systematic and very active propaganda for the English language among the Slavs AND Latin nations. The field has been neg- lected. The Anglo-Saxon world and the United States in particular ought to create A hundred million dollar fund for such a PROPAGANDA. By proper diplomatic negotiations they can get the privilege to open in the Allied countries, in every city of 20,000 inhabitants or more, an AGENCY FOR ENGLISH CULTURE. The tasks of such centers would be : [28] PROTEST TEACHING GERMAN 1. Teaching of the English language free of charge. 2. The support of a free English library. 3. The training of youth in English games, sports, athletics and English culture. 4. The stimulation of trade with the United States and Great Britain. 5. All religious and political propaganda in such centers must be strictly forbidden. By doing it you will confer a great boon on the Slav and other nations and strike mortal blows at the ag- gressive Germanism, WHOSE ATTEMPTS AT WORLD CONQUEST BY GERMAN ARMS FOR GERMAN TRADE AND KULTUR AND LANGUAGE WILL NOT END WITH THE PRESENT WAR. I regard the immediate organization of agencies of English culture in foreign countries as of great importance to the United States. After THIS WAR THE UNITED STATES CAN NEVER RETURN TO THE STATUS OF ISOLATION AND IN- DIFFERENCE TO WORLD POLICIES. America's na- tional destiny is and must be to lead all nations in the affairs of the world. For such leadership she must plan and prepare. A long and bitter strug- gle of a just, humanitarian, progressive and [29] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS democratic Americanism against the most effi- cient and Satanic powers of Germanism is in progress. By pushing forward the English lan- guage and hindering the spread of German we shall help in one way Americanism to triumph. May 3, 1918. [30] IV BANISH LANGUAGE OF HUN FROM UNITED STATES My protest, published in The Sun of May 7, against the teaching of German in our public schools gets every day more friends. For na- tional reasons of great importance to the present and future safety of our country we must go further in our well-understood and from the American point of view well-justified endeavors to bar German from our country and promote by all means the spread and study of English. Every true American must have a passion to see English take the place of German in the homes in America where German is spoken. If he does not he is ignorant of the power of one's language or is a camouflaged American or a soft senti- mentalist, alias weakling, in regard to national policies. One of the articles of the German national credo is that the position of the Germans in the world depends on the number of the people who will talk in the future German. [31] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS One of the principal national aims of Germany is to make her kultur a ^Weltkultur" and her language a "Weltsprache." For that purpose they have great funds for German schools and propaganda of German kultur in foreign lands. What they can't do by those means they hope to impose by the might of their arms. How much the Germans think of the power of one's lan- guage shows plainly their cruel prosecution of the Polish language in the provinces of old Poland under German rule. Polish is the natives' language, but it is eliminated from schools, public life and worship in German Poland. What shall we do here? What we do must be. done well and at once and by federal authority or action of Congress to make it nation-wide. Let us eliminate the teaching of German from public schools, private schools and Sunday schools. Forbid our public libraries to lend to readers German books and our city and state officials to spend public money for buying of German books. Forbid the printing and sale of German news- papers. If, as sentimentalists claim, there are Americans who do not know English, they must [323 BANISH LANGUAGE OF HUN be ashamed of it. Such ones need urgently Eng- lish primers, but certainly not German news- papers. Forbid the use of the German language at pub- lic meetings. Make English the official language of all societies and lodges. Forbid in war time the use of German in tele- phonic conversation and telegrams. An invitation ought to be sent to all German churches to replace, when and where possible, the German language in worship by the English as a voluntary demonstration of loyal Ameri- canism. Confine the use of German to homes only and leave it optional with the German churches as a language of worship. All Teutons, subjects of the two Kaisers, are enemies of the american nation. Neither the hatred of America by Germany will end with the present war nor will the plans and attempts of the german na- tion to dominate the world end with her first failure. the germans will try it AGAIN AND AGAIN. THE SOONER WE REALIZE that the struggle of americanism against Germanism is going to last for many years [33] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS THE BETTER WILL WE BE PREPARED TO MEET SUC- CESSFULLY THE MANY FORMS OF GERMAN EN- MITY. A PASSION FOR ALL THINGS ENGLISH IN THE United States is neither hysteria nor FANATICISM NOR SILLY HATRED. IT IS A HEALTHY^ VIGOROUS NATIONAL POLICY AND ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR THE FUTURE WELL-BEING OF OUR COUNTRY. At the end of THIS WAR WE MUST have all the melting elements of our coun- try melted into loyal americanism, and English must be the language of every HOME in the United States. May 30, 1 91 8. [34] V GERMAN IN THE SCHOOLS ITS ELIMINATION URGED IN BEHALF OF A FUTURE DECENT WORLD G. W. K. did not read well my protest against the retention of German instruction in the schools or can't understand it. I did not advise to drop the teaching of German because it is difficult, but because "there is not real necessity for it." Does Mr. Advocate of German mean to say that we shall not be an educated nation if we talk perfect English and substitute French, Spanish and Russian for German in our public schools, as I advocate for very good reasons? "The future uselessness of the German lan- guage is a matter about which it is unsafe to speculate. None can predict what the commer- cial development of the next few decades will be. The German language will continue to be im- portant in the future .... has been considered [35] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS of sufficient importance in the curricula of our leading universities," says the advocate of Ger- man. Do not v^orry, sir. The Allies, whose eyes have been opened to a real understanding of the present and future German menace which will not end with this war, will confine the usefulness of the German language to the frontiers of Ger- many and the German- Austrian provinces ; they must make the commercial development of the United States, of Great Britain and France their leading enterprise and must do all in their power to develop the individual, commercial and po- litical interests of the Slav and Latin peoples, as their permanent allies. They must do it, or the Germans will do it for their own benefit! The Teuton leaders, the German nation and their friends know the economic war against them must come ; they are terribly AFRAID OF IT. It means the doom of German am- bitions. The Allies must do it because this war is only the first act in the world drama: Ger- many's attempt at world conquest. GERMANY WILL TRY IT AGAIN ! Only repeated failures will reform the German nation and make her fit for partnership. [36] GERMAN IN THE SCHOOLS Many subjects of limited value to the general public are in curricula of universities; that is no argument that German must be taught in our public schools. '^Shut up the study of German in public schools merely because it is the tongue of our enemies or weakens a man's love for his own country," are not my arguments. I said to eliminate German because it is a well-known fact that one of the vital national German aims is to make the GER- MAN KULTUR A WELTKULTUR AND THE GERMAN LANGUAGE A WELTSPRACHE BY ALL MEANS POS- SIBLE, AS WITNESS PROPAGANDA AND SPECIAL FUNDS FOR German schools in foreign lands. Germany desires to impose it on an unwilling world by right of might. By teaching German in public schools, I said in my protest, you help to make German language a Weltsprache. I said in my protest to bar German is not sufficient — but an organized, very active, and universal propa- ganda for the English language and English cul- ture, on lines indicated by me, in all Slavic and Latin nations, to combat the German propa- ganda, is an urgent necessity for the future safety and prosperity of the United States and our Allies. Russia is ruined by German propaganda [37] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS antedating the war and by the Bolshevik an- archists under command of the cowardly Trot- zky gang, who have camouflaged their Jewish descent. The war will not be won by hysteria — HOW ARROGANT TO CALL ANTI-GERMAN AND PRO- American propaganda a nervous disease — but dropping of german from public schools will hurt the germans more than many lost battles by striking at one vital german national aim: the making of german a weltsprache, a world language! It may interest the advocates of German that the Teutons are waging a rabid and cruel war against the Polish language and Polish culture in the Polish provinces of Posen, lands inhabited by Poles from time immemorial, their ancestral homes. The Prussian kings have promised under oath to respect the Pole's language and na- tionality; they naturally have broken the Prus- sian sacred pledges and try to exterminate the Polish language by inhuman and mean persecu- tion. It shows how much the Prussians think of the power of one's language. I STAND BY MY THESIS : BAR GERMAN LANGUAGE FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND SPREAD THE ENGLISH [38] GERMAN IN THE SCHOOLS LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH CULTURE TO EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD. Hail to the Union League Club and Americans who want to clean of Germanism our country! Let the Germans and their friends talk, as the Kaiser said to the Poles, "wie Ihnen der Schna- bel gewachsen ist" in their homes! (How their beaks have grown.) New Britain, Conn., May 25, 1918. [39] VI LUSITANIA DAY A NATIONAL MEMORIAL OBSERVANCE LEST WE FORGET The anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania should be designated a national memorial day by act of Congress to commemorate the mar- tyrdom of American men, women and children who perished at sea, innocent victims of the super-savage German submarine warfare. How ashamed the Huns must be of the savage human tribes of Borneo and New Guinea who have mercy and pity on women and babies of their enemies. Lusitania day should be the great memorial day for all American heroes fallen in the present, the most sublime and unselfish war of the United States. Lusitania day should be an everlasting memo- rial, as the Roman poet says, *'aere perenniusi' to the insane brutality of the Teutons who have violated all laws of God and man. [40] LUSITANIA DAY When the war is over and wounds are healed, times, conditions and men have changed, we may perhaps forget the sufferings and sacrifices of our American martyrs and heroes as many great historic events have been forgotten. That cannot happen if Lusitania day is made a national me- morial day. Future generations would meet every May 7 for prayer, to pay respect to their great dead, to renew their pledge of readiness to sacrifice their all in defence of national honor and country. On May 7 the Teutons should hear forever our "Remember the Lusitania!" and perhaps a new and reformed Germany, ashamed of the Lusi- tania murders, would answer, ''Never again." Such a change in the nature of the Ger- man NATION IS POSSIBLE ONLY IF THE GERMAN PEOPLE SUFFER A CRUSHING DEFEAT, IF THE GER- MAN NATION, AFTER ACCEPTING THE ALLIES' TERMS OF PEACE, IS PUT ON PROBATION TO KEEP PEACE FOR MANY YEARS TO COME BY A LEAGUE OF NATIONS IN ARMS. The men who talk of a league of disarmed nations after this war are simply dreaming of an impossible Utopian condition of world affairs, totally forgetful of the character, organization [41] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS and history of the German nation. Have Jena and Austerlitz broken the German spirit? Did Napoleon with his crushing victories, Ger- many and Austria at his feet, cower the Teutons for a long time? By no means. The Germans forced the Slavs to help them and, driving the Slav soldiers into their battles, regained their freedom. It is asserted that 60 per cent, of the soldiers in the wars of liberation from Napoleon were Slav soldiers. Millions of Slavs were brutally forced by Austria to fight for Germany in the present war against their own national interests. On more millions of Slavs has Germany now laid her oppressing hands with the intention to use them in peace as cheap laborers, as soldiers and "Kanonenfutter" in war to conquer the world for Germany's use. On this Lusitania day let every wise American say: ^'Germany, we did not know you before, but now we are sure that you are the most brutal outlaw among the nations, a terror and a menace to human progress, freedom and civilization. We shall beat you. We shall force you to keep peace by a LEAGUE OF NATIONS IN ARMS. We [42] LUSITANIA DAY shall free the Slav nations from your tyrannous grip, your unwilling soldiers in war, and indus- trial slaves in peace. Never hereafter shall you find us unprepared as we were on the fateful May 7, 1915. ''Hereafter, we will forever be prepared to meet you and defeat you by our armed forces in the air, on land, on sea and under sea — American forces, raised by a universal mili- tary SERVICE — UNTIL SUCH NATIONAL POLICY proves to be mercenary beyond any doubt whatever/' Let the Lusitania day be a sacred national memorial day and ordered so by act of con- GRESS OF THE United States. New Britain, May 11, 1918. [43] VII THE IRREDUCIBLE MINIMUM THAT POLAND DEMANDS SHE MUST BE REUNITED AS A FREE AND IN- DEPENDENT STATE DEMOCRATICALLY GOVERNED AND HAVING ACCESS TO THE SEA May a graduate of a Polish university, an in- timate friend of such Polish leaders as the late Francis Smolka, the famous President of the Austrian Parliament, and Count Dzieduszycki, tell the truth about Polish aspirations? There is only one Polish national policy. All Poles, excepting a few holding offices by the grace of the Austrian Government, are agreed on the following terms : 1. All Polish provinces, such as Galicia, German and Russian Poland, must be united in one national state of poland. 2. Poland must be a free and independent state. [44] THE DEMANDS OF POLAND 3. Poland must have a democratic govern- ment. 4. Poland must have free access to the SEA; Danzig was a Polish seaport to 1792. 5. These stipulations must be guaranteed by the powers at the coming peace confer- ence, to which representatives of the Polish nation must be summoned. No other terms, as those of semi-independence or autonomy under protection and sovereignty of a foreign Power, can ever satisfy the Poles. The United States through President Wilson demanded a free and united Poland in January, 1917. The Poles are grateful and believe that the United States will help Poland to her freedom more than any other Power. The Poles know that America's victory means Poland's victory and independence. That explains the enthusiasm of the Poles in the American army and the love of the Poles for America. The relations of Poland to the Allies need a little explanation. Poland belongs to the West in thought, spirit, literature, art and political as- pirations, if by the West we mean France, Italy and England. Poland's heart and soul were al- ways and are with France. Poland's history is C45] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS full of wars against Tartars and Turks, the brothers in spirit and arms of the present-day Huns ; they were wars to shield European civili- zation from Ottoman destruction. Poland has had two terrible enemies. One is over a thousand years old, the Prussians trans- mitting their brutal and maniacal ideas of exter- minating the Polish race from their forefathers to the present generation of Prussians. The other cruel destroyer and oppressor of Poland was autocratic Russia, a member of the Allies. That Russian autocracy is dead; we hope gone for- ever! The new Russia has declared for an inde- pendent Poland, partly to atone for past wrongs, partly from motives of humanity and justice, and partly because she has lost the ownership of Polish lands. So THE Poles have at present only one im- placable ENEMY V^HOSE BESTIAL V^RONGS, A thousand years old, can never be forgotten : Prussia. How can any Pole state that "Polish interests are in accordance with those of the Central Powers," and claim Polish leadership? If he believes so he has a distorted personal opinion. If he claims to be a representative of the Poles [46] THE DEMANDS OF POLAND he is a fool or a liar. Nine hundred and ninety- nine Poles out of a thousand are pro-Ally. A Teutonized Poland is absolutely impossible. The German language and customs, German politics and aspirations, are sincerely hated. Polish in- terests are in accord with the present aims of the Allies, if a real independent and united Poland is made by the Allies a condition sine qua non of peace. Occasionally statesmen of the Allies have spoken in vague terms about a free or ^^autono- mous" Poland. That is not satisfactory to the Poles. We Poles want and need a collective, of- ficial declaration by all the allied Powers that no peace is possible unless Poland is independent, united and has access to the sea. Such a declaration is urgently needed (i) to counteract German intrigues and (2) because we hear lately from the Allies so much about Al- sace-Lorraine and Belgium and so little about Poland's future status, and (3) because of a dec- laration that "no dismemberment of empires" is to be one of the preliminary terms of peace. That is dangerous to Poland's cause. How can Poland be free if Austrian and Ger- man Poland are not disannexed? Poland has [47] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS been so much sinned against by the Powers, so many times disappointed in her hopes, so many times have promises given her been broken. England's policy toward Poland's national claims has been mostly indifferent in the past. France cheered Poland often with kind and sym- pathetic words, but not with real, material and effective help to gain her freedom. Russia merely oppressed Poland. Now THE Allies must not forget Poland AGAIN. Her claims to independence are by NO MEANS OF LESS IMPORTANCE THAN BEL- GIUM'S. The mistakes of the past must be MADE GOOD. ALL POLAND WAITS ANXIOUSLY FOR AN OFFICIAL COLLECTIVE DECLARATION BY ALL THE Allies that no peace is possible with- out A FREE UNITED POLAND. Then let the Allies organize and lead Polish armies under Poland's flag from Russia, France and America. September 26, 1917. [48] VIII THE POLE'S NATIONALITY A CALL FOR THE RECOGNITION OF POLAND AS AN INDEPENDENT STATE May I respectfully beg you to use the influence of your paper to gain for the Poles in the United States the right to register as Poles and not force on them the outrage of being considered as Germans or Austrians? I am a Pole, and believe me, sir, it breaks my heart to be branded as Austrian. Every student of history knows that the Poles hate the Teutons, their enemies for the last i,ooo years. So long has been the struggle for existence of the Polish nation against the Ger- mans! I may say it is an everyday w^ar, because V^hen it is not a V^ar WITH ARMS ON THE BATTLE- FIELDS IT IS AN ENDLESS FIGHT AGAINST INDUS- TRIAL, FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL TEUTON DOM- INATION. The Poles in America have the same feelings against the Germans. They dislike Austrians and Germans more sincerely than Americans could [49] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS ever do, because they have suffered untold miseries at the hands of Teutons before coming to this country. In this critical war time as always in the past the Poles have only sentiments of gratitude, re- spect, loyalty and love for the Government and the citizens of the United States. THEY REALIZE THAT America's victory is Poland's victory, THAT their only TRUE FRIENDS ARE THE AMER- ICANS. Now it is alleged that the United States and the Allies are aiming to see Poland united and inde- pendent. In January, 1917, President Wilson said that all statesmen have agreed on it. De- cember 4, 1917, the President said that he was thinking of Poland. Why could not America give some concrete expression to these aims in recognizing Poland as an independent state, whose frontiers are to be drawn exactly at the peace conference, and give the Poles in America the right to register as Poles? The Central Powers have already recognized some kind of an independent Poland. It cannot hurt the United States to take such a step. Such a recog- nition of the Poles as an independent nation would [50] THE POLE^S NATIONALITY 1. Define properly the status of all Poles in the United States ; 2. Allow the Poles to register as what they are, as Poles ; 3. Help the Poles in Europe in their fight for freedom and liberty. A nation of twenty million Poles waits anxiously for America's recognition of Poland's independence. America, we pray, call us by our historic right and dear name of Poles. We hate to be considered as Germans, Austrians or Russians. New Britain, Conn., December 7, 1917. [51] IX POLAND AND GERMANY A DISSECTION OF THE INFAMOUS TERMS OFFERED BY THE PRUSSIANS The Poles can neither consider seriously nor accept nor tolerate without violent protests Ger- many's plan for a free Poland as published by the Augsburg Abend Zeitung. That plan is an attempt to destroy in instalments the national, political and industrial body of Poland. Such a brutal policy can be imposed on Poland only by a permanent military occupation of the country by Prussian executioners. Poland's answer will be a continuous revolt against the Germans. Down with Prussia! Down with Austria! We wish all as just punishment, miseries and defeat to the German oppressors of Poland, whose policy since Bismarck's time is to exterminate the Poles. Glory and triumph are due to America that promised us a united, free and independent, democratic Poland with access to the seas. [52] POLAND AND GERMANY The promises to Poland cannot be kept, the Polish problem not justly solved, without disan- nexing from Austria Galicia and part of Silesia; from Germany Posen and parts of East Prussia and Silesia. Prussia would consider it a supreme sacrifice to return the stolen Polish lands. SHE will concede it only when her own armies have crossed in flight the rhine back into Germany, when the Allies' armies have TAKEN Trieste and Laibach and driven the Germans from Poland and Russia. Many Poles sometimes doubt that the Allies would insist on it for poland's sake but for America's interference. The Poles have so many times been disap- pointed in their hopes by the European Powers that they really have the fullest confidence and faith only in the justice and strength of America. We believe that America will not compromise on the Polish problem, and will influence the Allies to stand by Poland. Let us now interpret the German conditions to a free Poland: ^The frontiers will be fixed by the German high command according to military necessi- ties." It means a slicing in all directions of important [53] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS parts of Russian Poland, as the districts of Dom- brovo, Lodz, Chelm, Lomza, Grodno, the re- duction of Poland to a little more than the prov- ince of Warsaw. ^'The Polish army will be restricted to 90,000." An impotent army sufficient to police the coun- try, but unable to defend Poland against the at- tacks of a strong neighbor. ''For fifty years Poland must make most favor- able economic concessions to the Central Powers on the principle of the most favored nation." That means economical, industrial and finan- cial enslavement of Poland by Germany, a con- scription of all Poland's future wealth by Prus- sia. "Publication of German, Austrian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Turkish papers must be al- lowed." We can't understand it. There is not an Aus- trian language. Hungarians, Bulgars and Turks are not living in Poland. Do the satanic Teutons intend forcibly to colonize Poland with such people? "In any locality where there are ten German children a German school will be opened." That means a German school in every Polish [54] POLAND AND GERMANY village, because where there are not three Ger- man families the Germans will always find three Jewish families willing to register as Germans. It means a Germanization of Poland by force and Poland to pay the costs of it. Ninety-eight per cent, of the Jews in Poland, the millions of them, would be supporters of German schools and Germanization. A terrible future for the native Poles. '^The German conditions will be incorporated in the constitution, which cannot be modified without the approval of the Central Powers." That amounts practically to slavery. No free and independent state could accept such condi- tions. Such a German Poland would be a repu- diation of all high aims of the Allies in this war, a negation of all human rights to which the Poles are entitled as well as the British, the French or others. We believe that America will never allow Germany to enslave the Poles in such an INFAMOUS AND TERRIBLE WAY. We TRUST AMER- ICA. She IS THE GREAT HOPE OF POLAND AND ALL THE Slavs. July 12, 1918. [55] X BURIAN'S PRETENCES THE FALSENESS OF HIS WORDS ON AUSTRIA'S SITUATION EXPOSED Baron Burian does not speak for the national- ities of Austria and Hungary. He may represent his weak master, Karl von Hapsburg, by whose grace he holds office and draws a fat salary, and perhaps a minority of the Germans of Austria and the Magyars of Hungary. I say a minority because the majority of the Austrian Germans are worshippers of the Potsdam gang and look to a unification with Germany, and the majority of the Hungarians dream of a complete independ- ence for Hungary with privileges to continue the present oppression of the non-Magyar races of Hungary. Baron Burian represents the yellow and black striped mentality (yellow and black are the Aus- trian national colors) of the Austro-Hungarian government employees. They are creatures [56] BURIAN^S PRETENCES without soul, character and true morality. They have sold their all to the government to climb higher the ladder of officialdom for high sala- ries, decorations, titles and official honors. Their manners are very polite. The faculties of their minds are limited. The importance of their office is measured by their ability to lie and lie, to break promises, to master the arts of hypocrisy and intrigue. Baron Burian is for the moment their master. He represents only those yellow- black officials. His last speech is nothing but a web of lies. The only true passages are those re- ferring to America and the Allies' moral and just aims. We are glad, that at least he is able to understand it. How contemptible is Baron Burian when he asserts : ^'These States with their various nationalities are no accidental structure, but a product of his- torical and ethnographical necessity which carry in themselves the fundamental principle of life and race." Certainly they are not an accidental structure, but a historical enslavement of different races by the sword and fire of conquest, by plunder and intrigue and by those famous imperial marriages [57] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS expressed in the motto: ^'Tu felix Austria nube" (You Austria fortunate by marriages). Has Baron Burian forgotten the revolutionary years of 1848, 1849 and 1867, that the Austrian constitution camouflaged by the notorious para- graph 14 was given to the people after lost wars and revolutions? Does he not know that the policies of Vienna and Budapest are hated and cursed by the great majority of the people every hour of every day; that since 1848 all national- ities of Austria fight and struggle for release from the Austro-Hungarian terrible prison to national freedom, independence and unity with the national fragments on the frontiers of Aus- tria-Hungary? Has Baron Burian forgotten the resolutions of all Poles for independence in May, 1917, in Cra- cow? Is he deaf to the incessant clamorous claims of all Czechs, Jugoslavs, Italians and Ruma- nians and others for separation from Austria- Hungary? He keeps them down only by brute force of arms, oppression of every kind, execu- tions by the tens of thousands, and when in need or cowardly flight from the battlefield appeals to the Hohenzollern hangman for help to per- petuate that despicable tyranny. [58] BURIAN'S PRETENCES How shameless to call such conditions ^*fun- damental principle of life and race." "As has always been the case for centuries past, the states and races of the monarchy will settle their in- ternal problems in agreement with their ruler." You must be blind, deaf and dumb. Baron Burian. We all are in this fight to make a cen- turies-old oppression impossible. Your master, a weakling and servant of the Kaiser, the son of an unworthy father and a member of a family of stupid tyrants, may have to choose between a life with the present fortunes of Nicholas II of Russia or something worse. Neither you nor your kind will settle the affairs of the oppressed nationalities of Austria-Hun- gary. It will be done by their chosen representa- tives at the peace conference. The great majority of the subjects of Austria- Hungary hope, believe and trust to hear the answer of the great American Republic and because of her interference the answer of the Allies to Baron Burian's arrogant peace feelers as follows : We are in this war for justice and freedom and independence of every nationality imprisoned in the state of Austria-Hungary. Nothing is by [59] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS human and moral right Austrian but the Ger- man provinces of Austria, nothing Hungarian but the land inhabited by the 8,000,000 Magyars. That may be free and independent. The German Austria may exist as a free state or unite with Germany. The Czechs, Slovaks and Moravians will form a free Bohemia. The Poles belong to a free united Poland. The Serbs, meaning the Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, will form a free greater Serbia. The Italians, Rumanians and Ruthenians will be attached to their respective mother countries. We do not annex, we simply are resolved to return the stolen liberties, the stolen independence to their rightful owners, the people, in accord with the laws of God and man. It is our resolve, our pledge. No compromise is possible. It is the aim of our supreme sacrifices, the only foundation and guarantee of a just and lasting peace. Julius Hupert, M. D. New Britain, Conn., July 19. [60] XI BEAT GERMANY! THAT IS THE SUPREME TASK AND DUTY OF THE UNITED STATES I beg you to print on the top of your paper, just over the title The Sun, the following phrase: To beat Germany is the United States' supreme duty and chief business. Doing it and inducing other patriotic news- papers to follow you, you may do more good than expected. Such a motto printed on the top of every American paper will remind thousands of their duty every day. An enormous peace propaganda is tacitly and openly carried on. You understand that peace at the present time means admission of a German victory and a German peace; it is humiliation and more or less of enslavement by Germany of every nation of the world. To THINK OF PEACE BEFORE BEATING GERMANY IS WEAKNESS, TO TALK OF IT BEFORE VICTORY IS [6l] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS FOLLY, TO BARGAIN WITH GERMANY BEFORE DE- FEATING Germany is a desperate surrender. Many Americans do not realize it because they do not know that the Germans are not able and fit to think, to feel and act like the free Americans. With the blood of their forefathers the Ger- mans have inherited the lust to war on their neighbors, to murder them, to plunder them of land, wealth and political freedom. This in- herited maniacal desire for war has been enor- mously increased by the peculiar German educa- tion and military propaganda, whose national policies are expressed in mottoes as "DRANG NACH osten" and "Deutchland uber alles." I know the Germans very well. That is why I tell you they are not able to think as free men do. A peace with such rascals, victorious as they are now, would be a calamity for the United States and the other nations. That urges me to ask you to print every day on the top of The Sun: "To BEAT Germany is the United States' SUPREME DUTY AND CHIEF BUSINESS." New Britain, Conn., March 13, 1918. [62] XII THE CAUSES OF THE WAR [Published in The Hartford Times, August 15, 1914.] "Freedom for the Poles and the other op- pressed races of Europe is the only guarantee for peace in Europe." The real causes of the present world crisis, the Pan-European war, are misunderstood, when the assassination of the Austrian Crown Prince and the desire of the Serbian people for political unification are proffered as the causes of the present war. That tragic act was only the spark which lighted the European powder house. Since 1846, the different races of Europe are trying by legal and legislative work, and by revo- lutions and wars, to establish : First. National, independent, political states. Second. To replace autocracies by democratic governments. The Italians had to fight Austria in 1859, to get a united and democratic Italy. Only a part of Italy, the Trentino and Trieste, [63] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS suffers still under Austrian government. The Prussians had to crush Austria in 1866 and to triumph over France in 1870, to unite the big majority of the Germans into one political Empire. THAT UNIFICATION IS NOT FINISHED, AS THE 10,000,000 Austrian-Germans are to BE UNITED INTO A NEW AND BIGGER GERMANY. The creation of the independent states of Ru- mania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and at last Albania, was the result of several v^ars. But that process of '^NATIONALIZATION" of races is not completed. Some races, as the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slavonians, are totally ignored; others, as the Serbs, Rumanians, are only partially independent; large fragments of these races are under an oppressing Austro-Hun- garian domination. Let us review the oppressed races of Europe : First. The Poles. Twenty millions, once a mighty kingdom, divided in three parts by the most infamous political crime, called the parti- tion of Poland. In Germany are three and a half millions living under terrible oppression. Mighty Prussia is waging a war of extermina- tion on their Polish citizens by colonization of Polish lands with Germans, by dispossession, by [64] THE CAUSES OF THE WAR driving out the Polish language from all schools, courts, ojfBces and public meetings of Poles. All officials and teachers are Germans. The hatred of Prussians for the Poles is an obsession. They fear the vision of a free Poland as the murderer the ghost of his victims. In Russia are living 12,000,000 Poles. Their op- pression by the Russian government is just as bad as in Germany. Any movement in Petersburg to make the conditions of the Poles in Russia more bearable was, as a rule, to be strongly opposed by the authorities in Berlin. In Austria are living 4,500,000 Poles. They have a partial autonomy. Pay for it, heavy taxes, must serve in the Austrian army and fight in the Austrian wars. These twenty million of suffering Poles want, work for, and dream of a united Poland, a free, independent, democratic Poland. They hate all three oppressors, they wait with anxiety for the result of the present war! Their beloved country is devastated by the present war, Poland being the battlefield of the three enemies, the flower of their manhood is forced to battle for the hated oppressors. They hope France and Great Britain may build a [65] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS free Poland, but they may be deceived as in the past. Second. The Czechs, Bohemians. They are seven millions and live all in Austria and hate the Germans. They are industrious, thrifty, cul- tured, prosperous. Their sympathies are with Russia. They desire to have the Kingdom of Bohemia revived. It was crushed by Austria. The Czechs want a free democratic Bo- hemia. Third. Two million Slovaks in northwestern Hungary are oppressed by the Magyar govern- ment of Budapest. They desire home rule, they hate the Hungarians. Fourth. Seven million Serbs-Croatians living in the southern part of Austria and Hungary. They have only partial autonomy. The Serbians and Croatians are really brothers. The Croatians are Roman-Catholic and use Latin letters for the Serbian language, while the Serbs are mostly Greek-Orthodox and use Greek letters. They WANT A UNIFICATION WITH INDEPENDENT Serbia. They are suffering for centuries from Austro-Hungarian oppression. Fifth. Slavonians, 1,500,000 of them in south- ern Austria and Dalmatia. They are a part of [66] THE CAUSES OF THE WAR the southern Slavs, desiring their political free- dom. Sixth. Ruthenians, 3,500,000 in Austria and Hungary and 11,000,000 in Russia, dream of a political independence. They never were a po- litical entity, like the Albanians, but they are a Slavic race to be distinguished from the proper Russian by language and religion, being mostly Greek-Catholics. Seventh. Rumanians, a Latin race, 4,000,000 of them oppressed by Austria and Hungary, desire a unification with the independent Kingdom of Rumania. They were once united. Eighth. One million Italians under Austria desire unification with Italy. Ninth. Hungarians, 9,000,000, have the most of privileges under Austrian domination, but want a wholly independent state of their own and to get it in 1848 and 1867 were fighting Austria. They hate the Austrian-Germans, but oppress and try in vain to Magyarize the Slavs and Rumanians in Hungary. Tenth. Ten million Austrian-Germans dom- inate the other races of the Austrian Empire, but a majority want a unification with Germany. [67] EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVS Eleventh. Two million Albanians in process of creating an independent political state. Eleven races and 72,000,000 of dissatisfied people, the majority of them forced together by cruel conquest into THAT POLITICAL COMPOUND OF INCOMPATIBILITIES CALLED AUSTRIA-HUN- GARY. The majority of them oppressed, misgov- erned and bullied into submission by the Ger- man government of Austria, in Vienna, or the Magyar government in Budapest. All under the supreme command of the Berlin government and the interests of Deutschland (iber alles! Every one of these oppressed races aspires to be a national, independent, political state, and works for that ideal since 1846. It is their natural right to be independent as are France, England, Italy, Germany, etc. These races, except the Austrian-Germans, at present conquered, perse- cuted and oppressed by German, Russian and Magyar power must in time win their political freedom and will fight to get their freedom, their human rights. The conditions sine qua non, to give the op- pressed races of Europe their freedom, are: I. The dissolution of that political compound of incompatibilities called Austro-Hungary; [68] THE CAUSES OF THE WAR and that process started in 1859 when Austria lost her Italian provinces. 2. The transformation of the present empires and military, aristocratic and clerical autoc- racies INTO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICS. The desire of the oppressed races for a national, political, independent life, and the longing of the people for a real democratic government for the people and by the people on one hand, and the unwill- ingness of the ruling autocracies to yield to the people their power on the other hand, are the real causes of the European war. The dismemberment of Austria-Hungary, the creation of independent republics of every race, is the only guarantee of a permanent peace in Europe. The present war may fulfill that mis- sion, partially or completely. If the latter results, the war will be blessed by future genera- tions ! New Britain, Conn., August 13, 1914. [69] Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: u.y 2001 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 007 628 476 3