nnnilUnrMrrC in fiHinK an orders is always a ieature "^ *>"/, ^"f^,?^" want will be sent by Catalogues sent free. Any Play.Uiaiogue «""•i'°^^*^^;• ^ AMES- SERIES OF STANDARD AND MINOR -DRAMA. No. 325. ^ A Coincidence. 4^ P ( FARCE.) W ITH 1 ',»] M 22vt 2f»S •>2:; "si S5 M3 1% 29 301 280 110 *. DRAMAS. Arthur Kustac'-', 2.)(; In 4 A Desperate (jiune -j '^ Alter Ten i'ears 7 5 A Lif(•'^^ Revenge 7 .} Arrah de Baugh 7 5 Aurora Floyd 7 2 Auld Robin Gray 2'>c 1.1 ^ Beauty of Lyons II 2 Bill Detrick 7 :; Brae, the Poor House (iirl.... 4 1 Brigands of Calabria • 1 Beyond Pardon 7 "> Conn ; or. Love's V ietory II '■] Cleirintf tlie Mists > o Dora 5 2 Driven to the Wall 10 3 Driven from Home 7 4 Dutch Jake 4 3 Bast Lynne >i 7 Emisrant's Daughter '^ 3 Fielding Manor 1' (rertie's Vindicatiou ■'< 3 Grandmother Hildeljraud's Ij-gacv, 2)f 5 4 Haunted bv a Shadow S 2 Kal Hazivrd, 2.5c 10 3 Henrv Granden 11 8 ilow He Did It 3 2 Hidden Treasures 4 2 Hunter of the Al|)s ^» 4 Hidden Hand 1". 7 Lights and Shadows ot the (freat Rebellion, 25(' lo •) Lady of Lyons 12 5 Lady Audley's Sevret '> 4 Lost in London o 4 Man and Wife 12 7 Maud's Peril 5 3 Midnight Mistake '» 2 iMillie, the Quadp'on "i o Miriam's Crime •') 2 Michael Eric s :\ Miller of Derwciu Water 5 2 Mistletoe Bough 7 :; Mountebanks (Tiiii. N'ew York Book A-« i ' Old Honesty Old Phil's Birthday Outcast's Wife....:.^ 12 .'. Out on the Wo Id..^ 5 4 Oath Bound (^ 2 Painter of Ghent ;' 3 Penn Hapgod in 3 Pelegand Peter. 25c'.. J 2 Poacher's Dooiu Phee'im O'Rookes' ( i Phyllis.,- tbe nn^^;r c. Reverses . Rock All.', 7'» .^py of Atlanta, :: 273 Mmple Silas.... 236 Sweetbrier 144 Tliekla 2s4 The Commercial i)rummer. 242 The Dutch R.-criut 2V (.7 The False Friend i'7 The Fatal Blow 119 The Fortv-^Tiners 304 The (.'eneral.Maiiair r 0.". The Gentleman in Blacik.... n2 The New Magdalen 71 The Reward of Crime. 3 1(1 The l^hroe Hats !o."i Through Snow at)d Siii, 201 Ticket of Leave .Mmi 2('3 Tom liiossom 193 Toodles 277 The Musical -iiitain 200 Uncle Tom's Cabin 20 Wild Mab... 121 Wiil-o'-the-Wisp,. 41 »/on at Last 192 Zion TEMPERANCE PJLAYS. 73 At Last 7 75 Adrifr...: r, 1S7 Aunr Dinah's Pledge. , . ti 254 Dot: the Miner's Daughter. . M 202 Drunkard [The] 1;', 1S5 Drunkar''s Warning t; 189 Drunkard's Doom 15 181 Fifteen Years of a Drunk ard's Life ]:\ 183 Fruits of the Wine r.nv <; 104 Lost ...V... 146 Our Awful Aunt 1 53 Out in the Street.-^ r. 51 Rescued 59 Saved 102 Turn of the 4'iu.- 7, Three Glasses a Day... •52 Ten Nights in a Bar-li- 5^ Wrecked COMEDIES. 105 A Pleasure Trip 7 136 A [...ail Holiday 5 124 An Afflicted Family 7 2>7 '^'aught in the Act 7 248 Canture.'^.? two shots from revol- vrr; Greenberry a?z^^ Iaze. falls. ^ x\.y^^r starts to run offL. E. and falls over Pete and Jim in their timl. F >', Fatty, L. Y..,grahs Sussy, rushes her ojf L. e., (I ihhlng Ji r QUICK CURTAIN. THE END. DtS^In last scene only Pete and Jim wear white masks. -^ B roken 'i> Link s. 4*- A Drama in 5 acts by E. Nelson Barr, for 8 male and 4 female characters. Cost -am es modern. Time of perform- ance 2 hours. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS. ACT I.-Home of Mr. Armand, Biddy and Mike. An Irish love scene, discovered by Ned, who is under the sofa "MJ"r-TI^^~,^™/, Mr. Armand and Fanclion She refuses her father's requesf! My will 13 law.'' Pomp the black haython." Song "Little Black Mustache'* JVed and the verb, Move." lanchon refuses Harry Temple. A father's curse Uut of my home forever. ' ACT Il.-Woods Scene. x-r^S^®^ Glenmore, a villain. Ned and Pomp. "Twinkle, twinkle little <5tar " b Mifdred's £nd "" ^*°^^' ^^^^ '^^°^^^' ^"*^^®^''^ revenge. Death of Roger ACT Ill.-Same ss Act I. «l,^J' ^aT*°'*/M^l^®• , Search for Fanchon and Mildred. Mike, the happiest man alive. News of Mildred. Fanchon discovered by Harry. ACT IV .-Same as Act I. PompandNed. Mr. Armfvnd's attempt to burn the house. "I'm mad— mad." Milhe and Guy. Death of Millie. *** ACT V.-Same as Act I. Fanchon at home. Mr. Armand's reason restored. A father's belssine Mike anH Biddy aad Pomp. Mr. Armand's advice. Price 1 5 Cent Aunt Charlotte's Maid. A Farce in 1 act by J. Madison Morton, for 3 male and 3 female characters. One of the best of this prolific humorist's dramatic pieces. Costumes of the period, and scene an apartment in a dwelling house. Time of ' per- formance 40 minutes. Price 15 Cents That Rascal Pat. A Farce in 1 act by J. Holmes Grover, 3 male and 2 female characters. A deservedly popular farce— excel- lent characters for all. Pat, the Irish servant is immense whose varying scenes of drollery, blundering and impu! dence will bring down the house. The Major Living- stone and both ladies' parts are good. Each character has a chance for effective work, the action is brisk, the fun continuous, and the play a sure winner. Modern costumes. Time of performance 30 minutes. Price 15a 9^ dimes' Plays — ^^G nntinuBii. ^. 12() 114 2(J4 2 1 'J 23!) 2'>1 2fi2 S7 1.! J-ld Iti Comedies Continued. Not Such a Fiol ;is He Look; Our Daughters Pug and the ]5al).v Pas^ 4 2 2 FARCES & COMEDIETTAS. 129 ;>0.'! 166 30 169 2F6 SO 7S :;i 21 12:; 20 175 8 Sti 22-". 249 49 72 19 42 iss Tis 21.S 224 233 Vry\ 1S( 271 ik; 120 ax .Aar-u-ag-oos 2 1 Actor and Servant 1 1 A Colonel's M'Stiaf) A Camta Match , 3 2 A Kiss in the Dark 2 3 ATe.van Mother-in-Law 4 6 A Day Well Spent 7 o A Regular P'ix 2 4 A Professional (iardener 4 2 Alarmingly Suspicious 4 3 An Awfil Criminal 3 3 A Pet of the Public 4 2 A Romantic Attachment 3 3 A Thrilling Item 3 1 A Ticket of Leave 3 2 Betsey Baker 2 2 Better Half 5 2 Black vs. M'hite 4 2 Captain Smith „ 3 3 Cheek Will Win 3 o Cou.sin Josiah I 1 Cupids Capers 4 4 Double Eleeti n 9 1 Der Two Surprises 1 1 Denco is in Him h 1 iJid Dream it 4 3 Domestic Felicity 1 1 D-iteh Prize Fighter 3 Dutchyvs. Nigger 3 o Fh? W at Did You Say 3 1 P^verybody Astonished 4 Fooling with the Wrong iMan 2 1 Freezing a .Mui,hcr-in-Law... 2 1 Fun in a Post Oliice 4 2 Family Discipline 1 l-'auiily Jars ."> 2 (loose with the (Jolderi hiu'gs.. r> ;{ (live Me Mv Wife .'. 3 ll,Vi;ilK.l.o,ili., th.' ;\le*2 182 127 228 302 lot) 28S 139 231 2;i5 l Two Aunt K' '* ITU U.S. Afliil 7 ^ -I,'. Vt-ruKMit Wool DeiiuT ' 7 !.,! W:,nr,e(laHasb!m.l.......: -^ ■ nC Wooing Under Ehffifniru- n .i 7(1 Which will h« M:'.r - •? l,',:. Wi.lu\v(M's TriiiU^.. ' •; 1^7 Waki-gllim Up..^ ■ - IV. Why they Jmned fbu Kc- bocni- \> t 111 Vatikoe Puf^list -j » 1.".7 Ya- koe PtuMU'r ' •> ETHIOPIAN FARCES. 2ni Ac!idoni\ of Stars 'i <' t',T An Unwelcome Ketnrn •! J I", An Unhappy Pair I ' 17-J I'.lsu-k Shueniakcr h ^ MS BiiK'k Stututi ^ - L'l!_' ('olored Senators _j " :iil Chops ;' '' 14.^ Cuff's Luck ^ \ I'.iii Crinii>i' Trip •> I* 27 Fetier Lane to id;; How Sister Paxey got her Child Baptivi;d 2 1 24 Handy Andy...: 2 23 <> 2'« Old Dad's Cabin 2 1 150 OldPompey 1 1 246 Othello.; 4 1 NO. ioO 297 1:54 2.-.X 177 96 107 lai 179 :-t4 24 i 25 92 2.iS 10 64 CONGRESS 0^16 103 981 ffi M Other P Pomp (iroetf Pomp's Pranks Prof. Bones Latest Invention ^ Outirrel ome Servants 3 Rooms to Let 2 1 School .". n Seein.t; Boating ;^> Sham Doctor 'i ■^> 16.000 \>;irs Ago H Sports on a Lark '■'> •» Sport with a Sportsman 2 Stage Struck Darkey 2 I Str.iwberrv Sliortcake 2 Stocks Up, Stocks DoWn 2 That Boy Sam H 1 The Best Cure \ 1 The Intelligence Office :> 122 The Select School ,-, lis The Popcorn Man :; 6 The Studio lOH Those Awful Boys ;> 24n Ticket Taker 4 Twifcin'g Dodging. 197 Tricks I OS Uncle Jet! 216 Vice Versa 206 Villkens and Dini 1 210 Virginia Mummy. 1. 208 Who Stole, the Chickens 1 2()o William Tell 4 1.^5 WifT-Maker and His Servants GUIDE BOOKS. ;{ 17 Hints on Filocution i;',0 Hints to Amateurs CANTATA. 2I0 On to Victory TABLEAUX. 4 2.^0 FestivHl of Days PANTOMIME. •m Cousin John's Album MAK E YOU R OWN WIGS! PREP/vRED WOOL '. wrrnof'TAyy ETC. /^ /.'/•;/> \h'/:/) WOOL IS AN AJt'iicL'-: tha/i evrryom:. EXPERIENCE. CAN MAKE INTO WU.s; BEARDS! MUSTACHES'. 17' VERY LITTLE COST, AND WILL HE SURE TO (JIVE SATISEACTION. '^1^ PRICE 50 CENTS PER OUNCE. ^'^'- THE A MES I > 1 7/ /. ISIIINC CO. , I, ./ , CL YIHl OHIO Bt- -r6