LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Chap^flJl^Copyright No.. ShelfJfj UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT IN THE REIGN OF HENRY III. -J^jy \(S o THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT IN THE EEIGN OF HENRY III. AND ITS CULMINATION IN THE BARONS' WAR BY OLIVER H. RICHARDSON, A.B. PROFESSOR OF HISTORY IN DRURY COLLEGE 18l897J^ 1 .V,H-^r-\ THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. 1897 All rights reserved N COPYRIGHT, 1896, By OLIVER H. RICHARDSON. Norfooott Ifkess J. S. Cushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. O ®o tyy Mitt PKEFACE This book does not represent an attempt to rewrite the history of the beginnings of parliamentary govern- ment in England, nor does it contain an exhaustive account of the political history of the reign of Henry III. Its object is to portray, first, those movements which tended to denationalize the church and state of England by the perversion of the English constitution and by the introduction of the political doctrines of thirteenth-century France and the Empire- Church ; and second, those counter-movements which resulted in the complete triumph of the national principle as manifested in the dim beginnings of the revolt from Rome, in the completion of race unity, and the estab- lishment of the constitution upon a basis both national and popular. The literature of the period is both copious and picturesque, as befits an epoch in which the personality of the actors has unusual weight, and in which the study of motive is of unusual importance. If the author has been enabled to catch the spirit of the time from the pages of the historians who lived among the events which they so vividly describe, his object will have been accomplished. Heidelberg, Germany, Aug. 12, 1896. vii LIST OF AUTHORS AND EDITIONS CITED Bartholomaei de Cotton. Historia Anglicana. Ed. Luard. Rolls Series, 1859. Benedictus Abbas Petroburgensis. Ed. Thos. Stapleton. Camden Society, 1849. Blaauw, W. H. The Barons' War. London and Lewes, 1844. Bohmer, Joh. Fried. Regesta Imperii. Stuttgart, 1844. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium. London, 1802. Fabyan, Robert. The New Chronicles of England and France. Ed. Hen. Ellis. London, 1811. Fiske, John. The Beginnings of New England. Boston. Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman Conquest of England. Oxford, 1876. Gardiner and Mullinger. English History for Students. New York, 1881. Gneist, R. Englische Verfassungsgeschichte. Berlin, 1882. Green, J. R. History of the English People. London, 1877. Grosseteste, Roberti, Epistolse. Ed. Luard. Rolls Series, 1861. Guizot, M. Histoire des Origines du Gouvernement Repr^sentatif. Paris, 1851. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedis. Ed. Sir Henry Ellis. Rolls Series, 1859. Chronicon de Lanercost. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1839. Lanfranci Opera. Ed. Giles. Oxford and Paris, 1844. Liber de Antiquis Legibus. Ed. Thos. Stapleton. Camden Society, 1846. Lingard, John. History of England. 4th ed. Paris, 1826. Chronica de Mailros. Bannatyne Club. Ed. J. Stevenson. Edin- burgh, 1835. Matthsei Pariensis Chronica Majora. Ed. Luard. Rolls Series, 1872-1882. Matthseus Westmonasteriensis. Flores Historiarum. Frankfort, 1601. ix X AUTHORS AND EDITIONS CITED Migne. Patrologia Latina. (T. 159.) Annales Monastici. Ed. Luard. Rolls Series. 1864-1869. Vol. I. Annales de Theokesberia. Annales de Burton. Vol. II. Annales Monasterii de Wintonia. Annales Monasterii de Waverleia. Vol. III. Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia. Vol. IV. Annales Monasterii de Oseneia. Chronicon Vulgo Dictum Chronicon Thornse Wykes. Annales Prioratus de Wigornia. Monumenta Franciscana. Ed. Brewer. Rolls Series, 1858. Pars I. Thomas de Eceleston De Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. Pars II. Adse de Marisco Epistolse. Nangis, Guillaume de. Chronique Latine. Ed. H. Geraud. French Hist. Soc. Paris, 1843. Pauli, Reinhold. Biider aus Alt-England. Gotha, 1876. Geschiclite von England. Hamburg, 1853. Simon von Montfort, der Schopfer des Hauses der Gemeinen. Tubingen, 1867. Tiibinger Programm. Tubingen, 1864. Pearson, C. H. History of England in the Early and Middle Ages. London, 1867. Chronicon Petroburgense. Ed. Thos. Stapleton. Camden Society, 1849. Von Raumer. Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. 5th ed. Leipzig, 1878. Raynaldus. Annales Ecclesiastici. (Mansi.) Lucca, 1747. Rishanger, Wilhelmi, Monachi S. Albani, Chronica. Ed. Riley. Rolls Series, 1865. Continuatio Matthsei Parisiensis. Ed. Wats. London, 1640. (Earlier edition of the preceding.) Chronicon. Ed. Halliwell. Camden Society, 1840. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle. Ed. Hearne. London, 1810. Rymer, Thomas. Fcedera, Conventiones, etc. Ed. Clarke and Hol- brook. London, 1816. Shirley. Royal and other Historical Letters, illustrative of the Reign of Henry III. Rolls Series. London, 1866. Statutes of the Realm. 1810. AUTHORS AND EDITIONS CITED xi Stubbs, William. The Constitutional History of England. 5th ed. Clar. Press. Oxford, 1891. Select Charters, illustrative of English History. 8th ed. Clar. Press. Oxford, 1895. Taswell-Langmead, T. P. English Constitutional History. London and Boston, 1886. Trivet's Annales sex regum Angliae. Ed. Hog. E. H. S. London, 1845. Walteri de Hemingburgh, Chronicon. Ed. H. C. Hamilton. E. H. S. London, 1848. Wood. Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis. Oxford, 1674. Wright, Thomas. Political Songs of England, from the Reign of John to that of Edward II. Camden Society, 1839. CONTENTS CHAPTER I The Forces which made England a Nation in the Reign of Henry III. PART PAGE I. Introduction : Primary Forces ..... 1 II. The Influence of the Friars 19 CHAPTER II The Forces which roused England to Armed Resistance I. The Poetical Literature ...... 36 II. The Alienation of London from the Crown . . 42 III. The Alienation of Simon de Montfort from the Crown ......... 50 IV. The Denationalization of England : the State . . 65 V. The Denationalization of England : the Church and the Pope 84 VI. The Denationalization of England : the Church and the King 105 VII. The Sicilian Crown 113 VIII. The Welsh War, and the Famine of the Year 1258 . 145 xiii XIV CONTENTS CHAPTER III The Outbreak : and the Culmination of the National Movement PART PAGE I. The Reform Parliaments of the Year 1258 • . . .152 II. The Government of the Barons : War and Peace . . 181 III. Parties and Principles 203 CHAPTER I THE FORCES WHICH MADE ENGLAND A NATION IN THE REIGN OF HENRY III. :>*X