.B25 Copy 1 ^^ hMmI "IH^GS xwlH" jPC alpV ^^'V J ^ it 1^1 PRLSCILLA Isig I , I Baby Book Knitting ana Crocliet Jn ^iJK and WooJ i§Ui Published by ThePnsciUaPublishing Co. Boston. Mass. ^^■n K—v^ »_--.r Now Ready Bound Volumes of the Priscilla Fancy Work Instruction Books Hundreds of thousands of Needleworkers have purchased the paper-covered Priscilla Instruction Books, and have been thoroughly delighted with their clear, simple instructions for various kinds of Fancy Work. However, there has long been a demand for these books in a more substantial form so that they could be added to home libraries and withstand the hard usage given books of reference. In response to this demand, we now offer you the entire set of Priscilla Instruction Books, handsomely and durably bound in red Law Buckram, with titles stamped in gold. Price, $1.35 per Volume, Postpaid Each volume contains four Instruction Books as follows: VOLUME I VOLUME II Irish Crochet No. 1 Tatting Irish Crochet No. 2 Hardanger Filet Crochet Wool Knitting Edgings and Insertions Wool Crochet VOLUME III VOLUME W VOLUME V Bead Work Punched Work Embroidery Filet Crochet No. 2 Basketry French and Eyelet Embroidery Crochet Bedspreads Macrame Colored Cross Stitch No. 1 Netting Bobbin Lace Colored Cross Stitch No. 2 Drawn Work Every book in the Priscilla Library is a genuine teacher. All the different stitches are fully described and explained, then in addition there are a multitude of illustrations showing stitches, details, motifs and finished pieces, all of which makes the work just as clear and simple for the beginner as for the expert needlevyorker. Send your order for the volumes you wish at once as the first edition is limited. Priscilla Publishing Co., 85 Broad St., Boston, Mass. NO. 1 A COLLECTION OF BABIES' GARMENTS IN KNITTING AND CROCHET WITH Mittttion^ for iHafeing; ELSA BARSALOUX PRICE, 25 CENTS PUBLISHED BY tirtje ^risciUa IDufaUsiiing Company 85 BROAD STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Copyright, 1915, by The Priscilla Publishing Company Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Patent Office All rights reserved Copyright in Great Britain and the Colonies TT?2o \7 ■^■"::^;' : V': •lf»»-lt • U<'»<4«>^kM-' .. M Li4.XJ«JA« ;^^? ,^.gn m^MiMiMi^^lllll^ CREEPING RUG IN CROCHET AND CROSS-STITCH EMBROIDERY NO. 14-12-5 See directions and cross-stitch g^ltern, page 4 V ^ - — ©GI.A428403 APR -5 1916 BABIES' GARMENTS Explanation of Stitches f'liAi.v (ch). With a slip knot on the hook, draw thread tlirough this loop ; a^ain draw thread through this second loop and continue until the chain is of the length required. Slip Stitch (si). Having a st on the hook, put hook througli work ; draw tliread through work and loop on hook at the same time. UofBLE (d). Having a loop on the hook, put hook through work, draw thread through work (making two loops on the hook) ; thread over again and through both loops. (This stitch has been, especially in wool crochet, called "single crochet." But for the sake of standardizing the terms it is called "double," after the custom of workers in Irish crochet, eliminating entirely the name "single") Half Treble (h t). Having a through work, thread over sts on the hook), thread ove st on the hook, threarl over, hook - and through work (having three • and through all three sts at once. Treble (t). Having a st on the hook, thread over, hook through work, thread over and through work (having three sts on the hook), thread over and through two loops, thread ovi-r and again through two loops. Double Treble (d t). Having a st on the hook, thread over twice, hook through work, thread over and through wurk (having four sts on the hook), thread over and through two, over pnd through two, over and through two. Long Treble (1 t) or Triple Treble (t t). Having a st on hook, thread over three times, hook through work, thread over and draw through (having five sts on hook) thread over and work off by twos. Sometimes "1 t" is used for anything longer than d t, and the number of loops is stated. PicoT (p). A p is formed on a ch by joining the last four sts (or any given number) in a ring by working a si or a d, in the fourth st from hook. In the following directions a si is understood unless otherwise designated. Shell. A group of t, ch 1 (or more), the same number of t, all joined in the same st or over same ch, as (4 t. ch 3, 4 t). The number of t. as well as number of ch, may vary. "Shell over shell" the t are all made ovtr ch of shell below. Fancy Stitch (f). Having a st on the hook, draw loop through work, thread over and through one loop, thread over and through two loops. Afghan Stitch. Make a ch the length required, draw a loop through each st of ch until all are on the hook ; this is the first half of 1st row. Second half of row— Wool over, draw through 1st st, * wool over, draw through 2 sts ; repeat from * until there is but one loop left on hook. First half of 2d row — Draw a loop through each of the upright sts, until all are on the hook. Second half of 2d row— Like 2d half of 1st row. First and 2d half of 2d row are counted as one row of Afghan Stitch. To Bind off Afghan Stitcii. * Insert hook in 2d st, wool over, draw through the upright st and loop on hook ; repeat from * until all sts are bound off, ch 1, break wool. To Increase Afghan Stitch. At starting of row, draw a loop through ch st between two upright sts; and at ending of row, draw a loop through ch st between the last two upright sts of row. t'ross stitch designs are applied to afghan stitch in a number of articles, with good results, because of the distinct square of the afghan stitch. The designs on the different garments are worked out according to the diagram of color symbols, which is made for each one, A hea\->' rope silk is used, so the crosses stand up well from the wool. Knit (k). Purl (p). directed ; k off IMPORTANT. -Lady Wool has been selected because of its special softness and adaptability for baby garments. Thiswool may be found in the various stores under the following names: Lady Alice. Lady Jane. Ladyfair. Lady Grey, and Lady Betty. The crochet wool inentioned is the same as the soft fine twofold Saxony, Zephyr Shetland, or Shedand Zephyr and Super- fine Crochet, which may be obtained at all stores. INTRODUCTION IT is with a feeling of well placed confidence that the following pages of Babies' Garments are of- fered for copying. The garments themselves are in every way desirable, well planned, well executed, and not intricate beyond the ability of the average worker. The directions have been very carefully given and if carefully followed should insure success. Some- times a failure results for lack of a little care in fol- lowing directions, sometimes for want of the right sized needle, or sometimes because a different mate- rial is employed. While it is true in many cases a worker may substitute material or use a different needle or make changes in the directions and succeed, very often it means disaster: and then one inquires why the No. 30 thread does not produce the result of Xo. 150 in the model. Especial attention is called to the articles on pages 16 and 17, the complete outfit on page 16 being knitted of Saxony Wool, and that of page 17 being crocheted of Lady Wool. The knittmg is simple ribbing throughout the body of all the knitted outfit : and a very effective, easily worked crochet-stitch is used for the body of the crocheted outfit. Other articles throughout the book are noticeable for employing stitches that are new. or novel combina- tions of well known stitches, — the fancy stitch of Bootees on page 9, — the combination forming the stripe of the Sweater on page 10, — the bordering of Afghan strips on page 27 are examples. The Creeping Rug (Frontispiece) is a very interesting piece and will prove a great attraction for, and favorite of, the wee laddie or lassie fortunate enough to possess one. The embroidering of many of the articles is in the simplest manner imaginable, either in Cross-stitch, for which block patterns are given, or the universally admired Rambler Rose with its leaves of lazy-daisy stitch. Either one adds much to the beauty of the pieces, while dainty edges of silk crocheting finish the work handsomely. \ caution to the one who crochets much in cotton might be added, — when wool is used the crocheting should not be too tight, not loose enough to be "sloppy," vet loose enough to show the beaittv of the wool. These garments are all of that tension. ^^M^ I . • i ':"C ' HI I Ji IP. S^P--- -------- CROCHETED CREEPING RUG NO. 14-12-5 Cross-Stitch Design Rug (left) OM Creeping * until there is one loop left on hook. 27th row — Draw a loop through upright st, * slip the 3-ch forward, draw a loop through each of the next 2 upright sts ; repeat from * having 36 sts on hook, draw back as in plain afghan st. Repeat 26th and 2;th rows until there are loi rows of colored wool. With white wool, make 25 more rows of plain afghan st, bind off. Make 3 of these strips and work cross-stitch design as illustrated. To Join Strips. — With white wool ch i, * insert hook in cor- responding st on each strip, draw through a loop, wool over, and draw through two loops; repeat from * until strip is joined. Border. — With colored wool, ch I, i d in each st on both sides. 3 d in each of the four corner sts, * i d in each of 3 sts, miss i st : repeat from * on both ends of rus, join, turn. 2d rouiui — One d in each st. 3 d in each of the four corner sts, join, turn. 3d round — One d in st, * draw a loop through next st, ch 3, wool over, draw through two loops on hook, i d in next st ; repeat from * around cover, making 3 sts in each of the four corner sts. Repeat 2d and 3d rows alternatelv until there are 8 rows from start. Line with silk or eiderdown. Materials 6 skeins white 4-fold Germantown. 6 skeins colored 4-fold Germantown. II skeins dark pink rope silk. 7 skeins light pink rope silk. 6 skeins green rope silk. 3 skeins yellow rope silk. 2 skeins blue rope silk. I skein gold rope silk. lYn yards 36-inch silk or eiderdown to line. Amber hook No. 5 — -8 inch. DIRECTIONS WITH white wool make 151 rows of plain afghan st. having 36 sts in each row. Make two of these strips and work cross - stitch design as illustrated, start- ing figures on 4th, 36th. 69th, 96th, and 129th rows. Centre Strip. — Make 25 rows of plain afghan st on 36 sts. 26th rozv — Knot afghan st with colored wool, draw a loop through each of the upright sts, having 36 loops on hook, wool over, draw through one loop, wool over, draw through two loops, * then on the loop drawn through, ch 3, (wool over, draw through two loops) twice ; repeat from ■ Dark Pink X Green k Blue SYMBOLS , Light Pink -I- Yellow o Dark Yellow CROCHETED SACQUE NO. 14-8-30 Materials 1 skein white Lady Wool. 2 skeins white crochet wool. 10 skeins colored rope silk. I spool colored crochet silk. 4 yards ribbon to trim, ^•2 yard silk to line yoke. Celluloid crochet - hook No. 4 — 8 inch. Steel crochet-hook No. 8. i:A DIRECTIONS YOKE. — With Lady Wool, ch yi sts, make 2 rows of plain afghan st. sd roi^' — Draw a loop through each of the next two upright sts : for trel)le of silk, with rope silk * draw a loop through next up- right st, silk over, count down 2 rows, draw a loop through, (silk over, draw through 2 loops') twice, wool over, draw through silk loop ( do not break off silk, it is to be carried on wrong side of work), draw a loop through each of the next 3 upright sts ; repeat from * until there are 71 loops on hook, draw- back as. in plain afghan st, 4th roiv — Plain afghan st. $th roik' — With rope silk, draw a loop through next up- right st, silk over, count down 2 rows, draw a loop through upright st, (silk over, draw through 2 loops) twice, wool over, draw through silk loop, draw- a loop through each of the next 3 upright sts ; repeat from *, ending row with a silk t and draw through last up- right st : draw back as in plain afghan st. 6th roii' — Plain afghan st. Repeat from 3d to 6th rows inclu- sive, until there are 25 rows from start, then crochet pattern on 27 sts for over shoulder for 9 rows ; w-ith an extra ball of w-ool, ch 12 sts, join with a si to 1st row- toward front on last row of front, then draw a loop through each of the 27 upright sts and the 12 ch sts, having 30 loops on hook, crochet pattern on these 30 sts for 24 rows, bind off. With an extra ball of wool, ch I, start at shoulder of back yoke and bind off 18 sts for back of neck and on the remaining 27 sts crochet pattern for rows, and on ending of last row ch 12 sts for front ; crochet other front on 39 sts to correspond. FioriY. — With crochet wool, ist rozi' — Ch i, 5 t in 1st st, * miss 2 sts, 4 t in next st ; repeat from * across front, ch 5 for underarm, 4 t in ist st on back of yoke, ** miss 2 sts, 4 t in next st : repeat from ** across back, ch 5 for underarm, miss I st on front yoke, *** 4 t in next st, miss 2 sts ; repeat from *** ending with 5 t in last st in row-, turn, ch 3. -'1/ row — Four t in centre of each shell, and 4 t in 3d ch st on 5-ch, at both underarms, having 52 shells in row, i t in last t in last shell in row, turn, cli 3. jd rozc — Four t in each shell, i t in last t in last shell in row, turn, ch 3. Make 3 more rows, having 4 t in each shell, 6 rows having 6 t in each shell, 6 rows having 8 t in each shell. Sleeves. — Ch i, 4 t in 1st st on yoke at underarm, * miss 3 sts, 4 t in next st ; repeat from *, making 4 t in centre of shell at underarm, join with si to top of first t made in round, ^d round — One si in next st, I si in space between 2d and 3d t of shell, ch 3, 3 t in same sp, 4 t in each shell to end of rovmd, join with a si to top st on 3-ch first made in round. Repeat 2d round until there are 16 rounds or the required length from start. CcFFS. — With crochet silk, ch I, * i t in st. ch i, miss 2 sts; repeat from * around, join with a si, ch 3. ^d round — One t in each st, join with a si to top ch st on 3-ch, ch 3. Repeat 2d round for 7 rounds. Edge. — * One d in next st, ch 4; repeat from * around cuffs. CoLiAR. — With crochet silk, ch i, i t on 1st st on yoke, * ch I, I t in next st : repeat from * around neck, turn, ch 3. Jd ro'v — Miss i st, I t in each st, turn, ch 3. Repeat 2d row for 7 rows. Edge Arouxd Collar, Dow'n Fronts, and Across Bottom. — One d in st, * ch 4. I d in next st ; repeat from * around. Draw ribbon through meshes at neck and through spaces between the shells at first row underneath yoke, to tie. Line yoke with silk. The charm of this little garment is in the combina- tion of color and material, white fluffy crochet wool being chosen for the sleeves and body, and a softer wool also in w-hite for the yoke. This is over-shot wMth dainty pink or blue rope silk : collar and cuffs are of crochet silk, also in color, and ribbon bows and ties give an added touch of daintiness. The silk lining not only gives added warmth to the yoke por- tion, but helps to keep the little garment in shape. CROCHETED WRAPPER NO. 14-8-33 Materials I skein white Lady Wool. 4 skeins crochet wool. 10 skeins colored rope silk. I spool colored crochet silk. ID yards ribbon to trim. Vi yard silk to line yoke. Celluloid crochet-hook No. 4 — 8 inch. Steel crochet-hook No. 8. DIRECTIONS YOKE.— With La(l\- Wool follow directions for sacque No. 14-8-30, page 5. Bouy. — With crochet wool. 1st roiv — Ch i, 5 t in ist St, * miss 2 sts. 4 t in next st; repeat from * across front, ch 5 for underarm, 4 t in 1st st on back of yoke, ** miss 2 sts, 4 t in ne.xt st ; repeat from ** across back, ch 5 for underarm, miss I st on front yoke. *** 4 t ill next st, miss 2 sts : repeat from *** ending with 5 t in last st in row, turn, ch 3. 2d row — Four t in centre of each shell, and 4 t in 3d ch st on 5-ch at both underarms, having 52 shells in row, i t in last t in last shell in row, turn, ch 3. jid rati' — Four t in each shell, i t in last t in last shell of row, turn, ch 3. Make 3 more rows, having 4 t in each shell, 6 rows having 6 t in each shell, 28 rows having 8 t in each shell. Sleeves. — -Ch i, 4 t in ist st on yoke at underarm, * miss 3 sts, 4 t in ne.xt st ; repeat from *, making 4 t in centre of shell at underarm, join with a si to top of 1st t made in round. 2d round — One si in next st, si in space between 2d and 3d t of shell, ch 3, 3 t in same sp, 4 t in each shell to end of round, join with a si to st on 3-ch first made in round. Repeat 2d round until there are 16 rounds or the required length. .\round Neck. — With crochet silk, ch i, i t in ist st on yoke, * ch i, i t in next st ; repeat from * around neck, break off silk. Edge Around Neck and Fronts. — Ch i, i d in st at neck, * miss 2 sts, 6 t in next st, miss 2 sts ; repeat from * around neck and down front of wrapper : across Iiottom, ** I d in next st, ch 4; repeat from ** across liottom of wrapper, and repeat from * on other front. Edge .Around Sleeves. — Ch i. * 1 d in ne.xt st, ch 4: repeat from * around sleeve. Draw ribbon through meshes at neck and through spaces between shells at 1st row underneath the yoke, and through spaces between shells at 4th row of sleeves, to tie. Line yoke with silk. CROCHETED WRAPPER IN SHELL STITCH NO. 785 Materials 7 skeins white crochet wool. I skein white Lady Wool. 1 spool colored crochet silk. 6 skeins each, pink, blue, and sjreen rope silk. 2 yards silk, 36 inches wide. DIRECTIONS B.\ X 1).— With white Lady Wool, ch 15 sts. make 348 rows of plain afghan st, bind off, work rosebuds in cross-stitch design, as illustrated, 6 rows apart. ( See Fig. 2.) Divide the rows on band as follows. 158 rows for right front, i row to start front with. 30 rows for back of neck, I row to start left front, and 158 rows down left front. Right Front. — With crochet wool, ch 16 sts, join w-ith a si to the one row which was left on band toward front, i si in each of the next 3 rows, turn, * miss ruseiud 2 sts on ch. 4 t in next st ; repeat from *, having 5 shells of 4 t on the ch sts. turn, ch 3. 2d row — Four t in centre of each of the 5 shells of 4 t, miss 2 rows on band, I si in each of the next 3 rows on band. turn, sd rozt' — Four t in centre of each of the 5 shells of 4 t in row, turn, ch 3. 4th rozt.' — Same as 2d row. ^th row — Same as 3d row. 6th roiC — Same as 2d row. ^Ih rozv — Four t in centre of each of the 5 shells of 4 t, 4 t in top of ch st first made in preceding row, having 6 shells of 4 t in row. turn, ch 3. 8ih row — Same as 2d row, but having 6 shells of 4 t in row. gth roii.' — Same as "th row, but having 7 shells of 4 t in row. loth row — Same as 2d row. but having 7 shells of 4 t in row. break off wool. Lkft Front. — Repeat directions from right front, do not break off wool. B.\CK. — Ch I, start at left shoulder. ist row— Four t in centre of each of the .S shells of 4 t. 4 t in same st where ch st w'as joined for left front, * miss 2 rows on band, 4 t in next row; repeat from * until there are f) shells of 4 t on band across neck, miss 2 sts, 4 t in same st where ch st was joined for right front. 4 t in centre of the 3 shells of 4 t. having 21 shells of 4 t in row, turn, ch 3. 3d rozv — Four t DlA- in centre of the 21 shells of 4 t. turn, ch 3. Repeat 2d row until there are TO rows from start at neck, break off wool, iiili row — Across front, back, and other front, starting on left front, 6 t in centre of each of the 7 shells of 4 t on front. 6 t in centre of each of the 2t shells of 4 t across back. 6 t in centre of the 7 shells of 4 t on other front, having 33 shells of 6 t in row. miss 2 rows on band, join with si to next row on band, Fig. 2. I si in each of the next 3 rows on band. g ^^ wing turn. I2th roii.' — Six t in centre of each Placement shell to end of row. miss 2 rows on op Colors. band, join with a si in next row on band, I si in each of the next 3 rows on band, turn. Repeat 12th row until there are 22 rows having 6 t in each of the 35 shells in row. Then crochet 21 more rows, having 8 t in centre of each of the 35 shells of 6 t in row. care beiiig taken to join ali rows accurately so that band will lie flat on front and around neck of wrapper. Sleeves. — Ch i, start at underarm, a shell of 4 t in spaces made by 3-cIi, around armhole, having 12 shells in round, join with a si to 1st t made in round. 2d round — One si in next st, I si in space between 3d and 4th t in shell, ch 4, 3 t in space with last si, 4 t in each shell to end of round, join with a si to top of 4th ch st first made in round. Repeat 2d round until there are 12 rounds, having 12 shells in round, from where sleeve was started, or the desired length, isth round — * One d in ist st, miss i st; repeat from *, having about 30 d in round, join, break off wool. Cuffs. — With white Lady Wool, ch 15 sts, make 30 rows of plain afghan st, bind off. Work cross- stitch design on cuff same as on band. (See Fig. 2.) Sew cuff to sleeve. Edge for Front. — With colored crochet silk, i d in 1st st at bottom of band, * miss i st, 5 t in ne.Kt st, I d in next st ; repeat from * across bottom, up front, around neck, down other front, and across bottom of band, but making 7 t in corner sts of fronts instead of the 5 t, then ** I d in ist t, ch 4, I d' in next st ; repeat from ** across bottom of wrapper, join. Repeat edge from * aroimd cuffs. Buttons. — With colored silk, ch 4, join, 8 d in ring. 2d round. — Two d in each st. _?(/ round — Two d in each st, stuff with cotton, draw together, leave enough silk to sew to wrapper. Loops. — With colored silk, ch 14 sts, join, 30 d in ring, join, ch 14 sts, join to d to form a ring, 30 d in CROCHETED CAPE WITH HOOD NO. 14-8-29 Materials 2 skeins white crochet wool. I spool colored crochet silk. S yards ribbon to trim. Celluloid crochet-hook No. 4. Steel crochet-hook No. 8. DIRECTIONS C.'\PE. — Ch 68 sts, turn, miss 5 sts, I t in next st, * ch I, miss i st, I t in next st ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 4. 2d rozi- — A shell of 6 t in each space to end of row, 32 shells in row, i t in last st, turn, ch 4. ,?^;,Jii':: K X ._II_ Sj. S_ «^___ ptMiffl 1 I '01: Fron"^ m.\y rk ]vi.\ni: FROSI THI.S PaTTKKX, roMMEXClXG WITH Skcoxd Blue Fi.oWEE. See s.vm- l)ols. page 12. for neck, ch I, I t around each of the 73 t, i t in last st, ch I, break off wool. Join side seams to- gether with a s! st or sew together. Si.EEViis. — Ch 48, miss 3 sts, i t in each of the 45 sts, turn, ch 3. Repeat from 2d to Sth row of pat- tern inclusive, until there are 27 rows from start, do not break off wool, join sleeves together with si or sew together. Finish bottom with i d in each row, 30 d in all, break off wool. Cuffs. — Ch 17, make 30 rows of plain afghan st, work cross-stitch design (see Figs. 3. 4K sew cuff to sleeve, line with silk. Band for Right Front. — Ch 29, make 74 rows of plain afghan .st, bind off, work cross-stitch design (see Fig. 3), join to right front with si. Collar. — With crochet silk ch 27 sts, turn, miss 3 sts, I t in each of the next 24, having 25 t in row, counting 3-ch as l t, turn, ch 3. 2d row — Miss l st, I t around each of the 23 sts, I t in last st, turn, ch 3. ,^d row — Miss i st, i t in each of the 23 sts, turn, cii 3. Repeat 2d and 3d rows alternately, un- til collar measures 12 inches or the required size to fit neck. Edge. — One d in 1st st. * miss 2 sts, 5 t in next st, miss 2 sts, I d in ne.xt st ; repeat from * 4 times, f/ t in corner st, ** i d in next row, 5 t in next row ; repeat from ** across collar, 9 t in corner st ; repeat from * 4 times, sew collar at centre of band on front to neck of sweater. Edge Around Cuffs. — With silk I d in st, * miss i st, 5 t in next st, miss l st, i d in next st ; repeat from * around cuffs. Buttons. — With silk ch 4. join. 1st round — Right d in ring. 2d round — ■ Two d in each st. jd round — Same as 2d round. 4th round — One d in each of the 32 sts. Repeat 4th round until button is re- quired size to cover mold, draw over mold, and sew together. Make 3 large buttons and I small button for rnlHr I*"""'- ■*. FOR I.EFT sniaii Dutton tor collar. f,^.^^ j,^^ svmbols. Loops for Button at Neck. page 12. ■ " ■ ■ ■ ~ ■■ X X K 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 i I i 1 > < - — W'itli silk cli 12 sts. join to form a ring, 24 d in ring, leave enough silk to sew at front on collar. Buttonholes. — ■ Start at 21st st from bottom of right front with white wool, I d. * (ch 4, I si in 1st ch st on ch 4) 3 times, miss 3 sts, I d in each of the next 21 sts ; repeat from * once more, (ch 4, I si in 1st ch st) 3 times, miss 3 sts, i d in last st on front, break off wool. Line band on front with satin, and sew in sleeves to complete. This dainty sweater coat forms one of a carriage set, the other pieces being the bootees, carriage robe, and bonnet shown on this and the two following pages. The cross-stitch pattern on sweater and bon- net are identical. CROCHETED BOOTEES NO. 13-9-45 Materials I skein white Lady WooL 4 skeins colored crochet silk. 1 skein each, light blue, pink, and green rope sill 2 yards ribbon. '4 yard colored messaline silk to line. I celluloid crochet-book No. 4 — 10 inch. DIRECTIONS THESE bootees are crocheted in the afghan stitch. Chain 68, break off wool, ch i, start at tlie 23d ch and draw a loop through each of the 24 ch, wool over, draw through i loop, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 4 times, to decrease i St. wool over, draw through 3 loops, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 10 times, to decrease i st, wool over, draw through 3 loops, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 5 times, ch i, break off wool. 2d row — 'Chain i, draw a loop through the 20th st of ch first made, draw a loop through each of the next 2 ch, draw a loop through each of the next 22 upright sts, draw a loop through each of the next 3 ch, wool over, draw through I loop, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 6 times, wool over, draw through 3 loops, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 10 times, wool over, draw through 3 loops, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 7 times, ch I, break off wool, jrf row — Chain i, draw a loop through the 17th ch, draw a loop through each of the next 2 ch, draw a loop through each of the next 26 upright sts, draw a loop through each of the next 3 ch. draw back through the first 9 loops, wool over, draw through 3 loops, draw back through each of the next 10 loops, wool over, draw through 3 loops, draw back through the g loops on hook, ch i, break off wool. 4lh row — Chain i, draw a loop through each of the 16 ch, j,,,,, ^,,, kosebi'ds draw a loop through each of the wrrn' Pixk and 30 upright sts, draw a loop Bick Centres through each of the 16 ch, draw back through each of the 24 loops, wool over, draw through 3 loops, draw back througli each of the 10 loops, wool over, draw through 3 loops, draw back through each of the 24 loops. 5//; rozv — Draw a loop through each of the 60 upright sts, draw back through each of the 23 loops, wool over, draw through 3 loops, draw back through each of the next 10 loops, wool over, draw through 3 loops, draw back through 2,^ loops. Repeat 5th row. having i st less on each side of the decreasing points :^::ii:cr:i and 10 sts between the decreasing points until there are 11 rows from start, having 46 sts in last row. Side of Bootee. J2tli row — Draw a loop through each of the 18 upright sts, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 17 times, this will decrease i st towards vamp. /j//i roiv — Same as 12th row. hav- ing I st less in row. On 16 sts crochet 4 more rows, liind off the 16 sts, i si in each st down front, bind off the 10 sts, and on other 16 sts crochet other side of bootee to correspond, bind off, work rose- buds in cross-stitch design as illustrated. Sole. — Chain 6. ist rozi.' — Six afghan sts. 2d row — * Draw a loop through ch. between the 2 upright sts, draw a loop through upright st, repeat from * having 11 loops on hook, draw back as in afghan st. Sd row — Eleven afghan sts. -^Ilt rozv — Increase i st on starting and I st at ending of row. having 13 sts in row. 5//1. 6lh, /tit, and Stii roivs — Thirteen afghan sts. Qlli row — Draw a loop through each of the 13 sts ; to decrease, draw back as follows : Wool over, draw through 2 loops, woo! over, draw through 3 loops, repeat wool over, draw through 2 loops 5 times, repeat wool over, draw through 3 loops twice. loth row — Nine afghan sts. nth rozv — Decrease i st on start and I st at ending of row. Crochet 4 rows, having 7 sts in row. i6tli row — Increase I st at starting and I st at ending of row. having 9 sts in row. lylli rozc — Same as i6th. but having 13 sts in row. Crochet 7 rows, having 13 sts in row. 24th row' — Same as 9th row. 2Stli row — Same as 9th row, having 7 sts in row. bind off. Cut silk to fit upper and sole before joining. Edge Around Tor. — With white wool, ch i. i t in 1st St. * ch I, skip I St. I t in next st, repeat from * around top. Silk Epge. — Chain i. * i d in row on top at side, 5 t in next row, repeat from * down side, across vamp, up the other side, and across top. Buckle. — With silk ch 6, join with a si, 12 d in ring. Make bows with buckle sewed across and sew to vamp. Line with silk, draw ribbon through holes to tie. CROCHETED CARRIAGE ROBE NO. 13-9-48 Materials 8 skeins white Lads Wool. 12 skeins liglit blue rope silk. 2 skeins yellow rope silk. 8 skeins each of pink, light pink, and green rope silk for cross-stitch design. I celluloid crochet- hook No. 4 — 10 inch. I yard silk to line. DIRECTIONS THIS robe is made of 3 plain afghan strips on w-hich cross- stitch designs are worked as illustrated, and 2 strips of bean- stitch which are joined between tlie afghan strips, and a bean- WITH CROSS STITCH DECORATION Draw a loop through each of the l8 upright sts, to increase i st, draw a loop through the ch St between the second and last up- right St in row, draw a loop through last upright St, draw Tiack as in afghan st. Re- peat 2d row, having one more st at end- ing of each row until there are 29 sts in row ; on these 29 sts crochet 167 rows of afghan st, having 177 rows from starting of strip. Work cross- stitch design as il- lustrated on the three strips. (See Figs. 6 and 7.) Be.\x Stitch Strip. — Ch 20, turn, miss i st, I d in each of the Fig. G. Section ok GacILANP Kffkct FOR Left Side Strip. Pattern to BE KEVERSED for Right Side Strip. See No. 13-9-48. stitch strip, for down side, across bottom, and up other side of robe and joined to robe with si. Centrk Strip. — Ch 29. Crochet 177 roW'S of plain afghan st, bind off. Right Pl.mx Strip. — Ch 19. 1st roiv — Plain afghan st. 2d row — To increase a st. draw a loop through ch st between the two first upright sts, draw a loop through each upright st to end of row, draw back as in plain afghan St. Repeat 2d row, having one more st at starting of each row until there are 29 sts in row ; on these 29 sts crochet 167 rows of afghan st, having 177 rows from starting of strip. Left Pl.mn Strip. — Ch 19. ist roic — Plain afghan st. zd row — • Yellow X Green ■ Da:k Pink — Light Pink I Blue Color Symbols for floral garlands. Buds are blue with yellow eyes. next ig, turn, ch i. 2d roiv — One d in each st, turn, ch I. sd and 4th ro'i's — Like 2d row. 3th row — One d in each of the next 3 sts, * wool over, counting down three rows, draw a loop around next st, ( wool over, draw a loop around same st I twice, wool over, draw through the 7 loops on hook, miss i st, i d in each of the ne.xt 3 sts ; repeat from * to end of row. turn, ch I. Repeat 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th rows until there are 177 row's, break off wool. Crochet two of these strips. Care must be taken to have these strips the same length as the afghan strips. Join bean strip and afghan strip together with si. Outside Strip. — Ch 16, turn, miss i st, i d in each of the ne.xt 15 7. Fii;i!:i:s von Centre Strip of Carriage Robe No. 1.3-9-48. ch. Repeat 2d to 5th rows inclusive from other bean- st strip, crochet 177 rows for down the outside of side of afghan strip, allow about 20 rows to turn the corner, about 104 rows across bottom of robe, 20 rows to turn the othe; corner, and 177 rows for other side. Join this strip carefully around outside of robe, missing I st every other st on the 20 rows in turning the corners ; this will allow the necessary fulness. Border. — Start at top on right side, ist row — Ch I, I t in 1st st, * miss 3 sts for bean-st, wool over, draw a loop through next st, wool over, draw a loop through same st, wool over, draw a loop through same st, wool over, draw through all loops on hook, ch I. miss 3 sts, a shell of 4 t in next st : repeat from * down side, across bottom and up other side of robe, ending row with miss 3 sts, I bean-st, miss 3 sts, I t in last st, ch l, break off wool. 2d, 3d, and 4lh rows — Ch I, I t on t, * wool over, draw a loop around bean-st, wool over, draw a loop around same st, wool over, draw a loop around same st, wool over, draw through all loops on hook, ch i, 4 t in centre of shell of 4 t in preceding row ; repeat from * ending row I bean-st around bean-st, l t on t, ch i, break off wool. 5//1 row — Ch I, I t on t, * I bean-st around bean-st, 2 t in centre of next shell, ch 5, 5 t in 2d ch st made on ch 5, leaving the last loop of each t on hook, wool over and draw through all loops on hook, ch 2, 2 t in centre of same shell ; repeat from * around the three sides of robe, ending with a bean-st, i t in t. ch I, break off wool. Across top of robe, starting on wrong side so that top edge will lie on right side, ch i, * 4 t in space made by t, i bean-st in next space ; repeat from * once more, then repeat border from side of robe across top : repeat from * in the four last spaces, ch I, break off wool. Repeat 2d, 3d, and 4th rows of border, starting and ending each row with a shell of 4 t. sth row — Ch I, I si in t, a shell of 4 t with a ball between in the 1st shell and in the 3d shell on side and in 1st shell at corner, then repeat from * of Jth row on border across, ending with a shell of 4 t with a ball between in last shell and in 2d and 4th rows on side, join with si. break off wool; fasten all ends. Line with silk. The cross-stitch designs con- sist of floral garlands with blue birds. In placing the designs find the exact centre of each of the panels and block patterns and work ac- cordingly. Figure 6 is a repeating pattern of the garland design. Begin and end the application on the side panels with the large rose as in the illustration of the n j-'^'^'s i^i'^'. finished robe. I,„ls' paVe'l'- CROCHETED BONNET WITH CROSS STITCH NO. 13-9-47 Materials 2 skeins white Lady Wool. 5 skeins light blue twisted embroidery silk. 2 skeins each, light blue, pink, pale pink rope silk. 3 skeins green rope silk. J4 yard silk to line. 4 yards ribbon to trim. Celluloid crochet-hook No. 4. — 10 inch. DIRECTIONS BAND.— Ch 10, make 88 rows of afghan st, bind off, work cross-stitch design with rope silk as illus- trated (see Fig. 5). Top. — Ch 92 (16 inches), make pattern of ist to 4lh rows of sweater (page 10), until there are 42 rows, or 10,'/' inches from start. 43d row — One d in each of 20 sts, * miss I st, i d in next st ; repeat from * 25 times, i d in each of the remaining sts in row, break off wool. This piece will measure about 15 inches in length, and To^_ inches in width. Join band to front edge on straight side (having the right side of band toward inside of bonnet) with si so that band will turn over. Neck Edge.— With silk ch i, start on wrong side, I d in each st across neck, turn, ch I, I d in ist st, * 5 t in next st, I d in next st ; repeat from * across neck, break off silk. Edge ox Turx-over B.\ni).— With silk i d in ist st on side, * miss i st, 5 t in next st, miss i st, i d in next st : repeat from * on both sides and across band making q t in each of the four corners. Cut silk lining for crown, 6 inches in length and 5'j inches in width, the straight piece around crown, 16 inches in length and 6'/. inches in width, join the straight piece to the three sides of silk crown. Sew straight side of lining to inside of bonnet, make four downward turning plaits in crocheted top sec- tion on each side and sew firmly to each side of lining; trim with ribbon and sew on tie strings. INFANTS' KNITTED LAYETTE SEE COLORED PLATE. PAGE 16 CARRIAGE ROBE NO. 786 Materials 7 skeins pinl< 3-fold Saxony wool. 3 skeins white Saxony. 3 skeins rose-pink rope silk. 2 skeins green rope silk. 414 yards lace to edge. I', 8 yards China silk to line. I pair steel knitting-needles No. 10. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. Bone crochet-hook No. 2. 3 25-yard spools white crochet silk. DIRECTIONS This cover is knit in ridges; (to knit back and forth is called a ridge). For Outside Strip. — With white wool cast on 45 sts (about 5 inches), knit 39 ridges; with pink wool knit 14s ridges, with white knit 39 ridges, bind oflf and make two of these strips. With pink cast on 45 sts and k 145 ridges, with white k 39 ridges, with pink k 39 ridges, bind off, and make two of these strips. Centre Strip. — With pink cast on 45 sts and k 106 ridges, witli white k 39 ridges, with pink k 39 ridges, with wliite k 39 ridges, and bind off. With pink wool and bone crochet-hook ch I, I d in each st on both sides of every strip; work rambler roses as illustrated. (See Figs. 11 and 12.) Join the strips, in order as illustrated, with a row of doubles. Border. — With pink wool ch i, i d in st, * miss 2 sts, 6 t in next st, miss 2 sts, i d in next ; repeat from * around, making 10 t in each corner st. Silk Edge. — With steel hook and crochet silk cli I, I d in t, * ch 4, I t in last d, i d in next t; repeat from *, missing all the d between shells. Sew lace edging around cover, allowing fulness at the corners. Line with silk. BOOTEES NO. 787 Materials J^ skein pink 3-fold Saxony wool. 1/2 skein white Saxony. 1 skein, each, green and rose-pink rope silk. 2 25-yard spools white crochet silk. 3^ yards ribbon No. l. 2 pair steel knitting-needles No. 12. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS Leg. — With pink wool cast on 42 sts (about S inches), k 3 ridges. 7//1 ro^f — K 3, over, k 2 tog, k until there are 4 sts on left needle, then, over, k 2 tog, k 2; repeat from ist to 7th row (inclusive) until there are 26 ridges from Ftart. Vamp- — Slip the first 7 sts and the last 7 sts on one needle, slip 14 sts on each of two needles and knit around; with white wool k i round, pur! (p) i round, k i round, p i round, then knit back and forth 19 ridges on the 14 sts of vamp. Foot. — Pick up i st from each of the 19 ridges on side of vamp and the 14 sts on needle from leg; re- peat on the other side, having 33 sts on each of two needles and 14 sts on needle for toe. 1st and jd rounds — Knit. 2d and 4th rounds — Purl, sth round — K i^ sts, k 2 tog, k ID, k 2 tog, k a. 6th round — Purl ; repeat 5th and 6th rounds until there are 6 sts between the two decreasing points. Then k one round, p one round until there are 13 ridges from where foot was started. Bind off and sew neatly together. Work rambler roses (see Figs. 11 and 12) and lace boots with ribbon. WRAPPER NO. 788 Materials 5 skeins pink 3- fold Saxony. 2 skeins white 3-fold Saxony. 3 skeins, each, green and rose-pink rope silk. 3 2S-yard spools white crochet silk. 1 5-2 yards lace to edge. 3 yards ribbon No. i. I pair steel knitting-needles No. 10. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS Back. — With pink wool cast on 152 sts, knit in ridges, decreasing i st on each end of needle every 8th row until there are 82 sts on needle, and about 19 inches from start. Next row — K 2. * over, k 2 tog, k 2; repeat from * across, making a row of beading. Next roiv — Knit. With white wool ** cast on 45 sts for sleeve, k the 82 sts across back and cast on 45 sts for other sleeve, having 172 sts on needle, k in ridges for 3'/^ inches, this completes the back; then on 73 sts k in ridges for one inch over shoulder and front, then k in ridges, increasing i st towards front every other row until there are 454 inches from where shoulder and front started, bind off 45 for sleeve, ** with pink wool, on the remain- ing sts, k I row, make one row of beading, k in ridges, increasing i st towards side seam every 8th row until side seam measures 14 inches, k in ridges, increasing i st in every 8th row towards side seam, and decreasing I st every other row towards front until side seam is same length as side seam on back, bind off. Leave 26 sts for back of neck and on other 73 sts (with white wool) k over shoulder and front, making same to correspond with other front. Sew up side seams and sleeves, embroider and trim as illustrated. KIMONO NO. 789 Materials 3 skeins pink 3-fold Saxony. 2 skeins rose-pink rope silk. 2 skeins green rope silk. 2 25-yard spools white crochet silk. iJ-4 yards lace to edge. 2 yards ribbon No. I I pair steel knitting-needles No. 10. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS Back. — With pink wool cast on 80 sts (about 10 inches), k in ridges for 7 inches, follow directions for wrapper from ** to ** (noting there are 80 sts in back of kimono — 82 in wrapper — 170 in kimono — 172 in wrapper) ; on sts remaining, after binding off sleeve, k in ridges until side seam is same length as side seam on liack, bind off. Leave 24 sts for back of neck, and on the other 73 sts k over shoulder and front, making same to correspond to other front. At bottom of side seam leave about 2 inches for opening, sew up the remainder and sleeve. Finish edge and embroider like wrapper. times, draw wool through and break off, fasten on wrong side. Sew up until where the lacing starts, l-'inish edge and embroider like kimono; lace with rib- bon and trim with bows. BED SOCKS NO. 790 Materials I skein pink 3-fold Saxony. yg skein white 3-fold Saxony. The other materials are the same as for the Bootees. DIRECTIONS With pink wool cast on 45 sts (about 5H inches), k 3 ridges, ylh row — K 2, over, k 2 tog or narrow (n), k until there are 4 sts on needle, n, over, k 2. Repeat from 1st to 7th row (inclusive) until there are 26 ridges, then k 21 more ridges on 45 sts. Toe. — Divide the 45 sts on three needles ; with white wool * k 7. n ; repeat from * around. K 4 rounds. 6tli round — * K 6, n: repeat from *. K 2 rounds. Qtli round — * K 5, n ; repeat from *. K 2 rounds. I2tli round — * K 4, n; repeat from *. K i round. 14th round — * K 3, n; repeat from *. K i round. l6th round — * K 2, n ; repeat from *. K i round. iSth round — * K i, n ; repeat from *. K 2 tog 5 CAP NO. 791 Materials i;^ skeins pink 3-fold Saxony. I2 skein white 3-fold Sa.xony. J skeins, each, green and rose-pink rope silk. I 25-yard spool white crochet silk. 54 yard lace to edge. 6 yards ribbon No. 2. I yard ribbon No. 9. 5 steel knitting-needles No. 10. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS With white wool cast on 92 sts. k lO ridges ; with pink wool k 21 ridges. Slip 30 sts on each of three needles, to the 2 sts on the 4tli needle, cast on 2S more sts ; having 30 sts on the 4th needle join and knit in rounds, ist round — * K 2 tog, k 13; repeat from * around, having 8 narro wings with 13 sts be- tween. 2d round — Purl. Repeat 1st and 2d rounds alternately, having i st less between narrowings every other round, until there are 8 sts left, break wool and draw through the 8 sts, fasten on the wrong- side. Band around neck. With steel needle pick up I St from each of the 31 ridges on each side of cap, and I st from each of the 28 sts across neck of crown. 1st rote — K 31 sts, n 14 times, k 31. Then k in ridges until there are 10 ridges of the band. Embroider and finish edge like kimono ; edge with lace and trim with ribbon. TO LAUNDER WOOL GARMENTS IT is of the utmost importance to know how to launder these beautiful wool garments when they are soiled, and to this end a few "Nevers," as well as complete directions for correctly laundering, are here given. Never rub soap on the garments. Never wash them in hot water. Never wring them by twisting. Never hang them up to dry. Never use any but the purest white soap (Ivory is always best). Never change the temperature of the water for Mashing or rinsing. Never allow the garments to soak in the water. Never rub them on a washboard. DiRFXTioxs. — Procure Ivory soap and dissolve enough of it in lukewarm water to make a good frothy soapsuds. An ordinary wash-bowl or large pan of enameled ware would be large enough for any of the articles unless it be the .Af.ghans. Carriage Robes, or Creeping Rug : for any of these a small tub would give better results. The water should ni't lie hot, only lukewarm and kept at that tem- ]H-ratiire. Put one article at a time into the water and witli both hands squeeze the warm suds through it; keep on squeezin.g it until it seems clear, working as rapidly as possible. Wring the garment out by squeezing it tightly with Ixith hands, this is much better than to use a wringer. Have ready a second water of the same temperature with soap dissolved in it, if tlie piece is more than slightly soiled, and repeat the same process rapidly Have the water for rinsing the same temperature anii rinse with the same motions, squeezing always, not twisting. Usually one rinsing is sufficient, but if it seems to be necessary, rinse twice, each time in luke- warm water. .\fter the last rinsing and the garment is wrung dry as possible, spread it (without stretching) on a clean wliite cloth. As it drains and begins to dry, take it up in the hand.s, tossing it about and fluffing up the wool : this should be done in a warm room or in the warm sunlight. If there is but one color in the piece, or if it is all white, it may be dried in a heap, tossed over now and then. With any of the pieces having embroidery or finish of silk, especial care should be taken to dry the ar- ticle as fast as possible, to prevent the color of the silk running into the wool. Where white silk is used the greatest caution should be exercised, since white silk will turn vellow with a verv little heat. ■J V V W^ V skein white Lady Wool. I skein, each, rose-pink and green rope silk. 1 25-yard spool blue crochet silk. 4''2 yards ribbon No. 12. I yard lace. Bone crochet-hook No. 3. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS Crow.v. — Ch 6 sts, join in ring. 1st round — Ch 2 (as I ht), 7 ht in ring (join with si, turn, ch 2 at ending of each round). 2d round — * I ht in front loop of ne.\t st, I ht in back loop of same st ; repeat from *, making 16 ht. sd round — Like 2d round, making :i2 ht. 4th round — * 2 ht in first st. I ht in next st (always alternating between front and back loops), making 48 sts. 5//! round — * Widen, 2 sts over next 2 ; repeat from *, making 64. 6th round — * Widen, 3 sts over 3 sts, repeat from *, making 80. 7th round — Like 6th round, making 100. 8th round — Crochet without widening, making 100. gth round — * Widen, 8 sts over 8 sts ; repeat from *, mak- ing no. loth and nth rounds — Crochet without widening, making no. Leave 10 sts for back of neck, and on remain- ing 100 sts make 13 rows. Turn-over Band. — With white wool make 7 more rows, decreasing i st on each end of every row. Silk Edge. — Like around wrapper. BABY'S CROCHETED BOTTLE COVER NO. 796 Materials 54 skein blue Lady Wool. % skein white Lady Wool. I skein, each, rose-pink and green rope silk, 1 25-yard spool blue crochet silk, 2 yards ribbon No. i. I baby bottle. Bone crochet-hook Xo. 3. Steel crochet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS With blue wool ch 40 sts, turn, miss 2, i ht in each st, having 3g sts. turn, ch 2. 2d rozv — Same as 2d row of afghan, 3g sts. Repeat 2d row until there are 7 rows. Make 7 more rows with 13 sts blue. 13 sts white, 13 sts blue in each row. Make 7 more rows of blue, turn, ch 3, miss 2 sts, i t in next, * ch I, miss I. I t in next; repeat from *, ch r. miss I, join with si, break off wool. Embroider and sew up cover. To Close Cover.— With blue silk and steel crochet- hook, 1st and 2d rounds — i d in each st. 7rf round — * 4 d over 4 d. miss i ; repeat from *. Repeat from 1st to 3d round twice more, then close, * miss i, i d in next; repeat from * until closed; draw together and sew on the wrong side. Edge Around Top. — With blue silk and steel cro- chet-hook ch I, 6 t in every other sp, join with si, ch 4. 2d round — 5 t in first sp, 6 t in each sp around top, join with si. sd round — Si in each of 3 sts, i d in sp, * (3 t, ch 4, 3 t ) in next sp, I d between 3d and 4th t in next shell ; repeat from * around. Draw ribbon through spaces to tic. BABY'S CROCHETED HIGH BOOTS NO. 797 Materials I skein blue Lady Wool. Vi skein white Lady Wool. I skein, each, rose-pink and green rope silk. I 25-yard spool blue crochet silk. I yard ribbon No. i. Bone crochet-hook No. 3. Steel crocliet-hook No. 7. DIRECTIONS Soles. — With lilue wool ch 6. ist row — 6 afghan sts. 2d row — II afghan sts (increase between up- right sts). sd row — II sts. 4th roiv—l^ sts, increase I st at each end. 5th, 6th, yth, and Sth rows — 13 sts. Qlh coK' — Decrease 2 sts at each end, having g sts. loth, nth, i2th, and isth rows — 9 sts. 14th row — Increase to 11 sts. i^th rov.' — 11 sts. i6th row — Like 4th row. Six more rows of 13 sts. Last two roii's — Decrease to 7 sts. \amp.— With blue wool ch 68 sts, break off wool. Make first half of afglian row on middle 24 sts of ch. draw back through i loop, through 2 loops 4 times, through 3 loops (to narrow), through 2 loops 10 times,_ through 3 loops (to narrow), through 2 loop 5 times, break wool. 2d and sd rows — Like first row, using 3 sts more of ch at beginning and end of row, narrowing as before and breaking wool each row. 4th row — Work from beginning of ch, draw loops through 16 sts of ch, through 30 afghan sts and through 16 ch sts, working to end of ch ; draw back and decrease in the same two places each row. Repeat this row, having i st less on each side of narrowing and 10 sts between narrowings until there are 11 rows from start, having 46 sts in last row. Top OF Boot. — Make 13 rows like 2d row of afghan, having 46 sts, am' 2 rows more of white wool. Sew neatly together. Silk Edge.— With blue silk and steel hook ch i. i d in St. * ch 5, 2 t in last d, miss i st. i d in next ; repeat from *. To Join Boot to Sole, — Crochet edges tc^gether with a d in each st, break wool. 2d round — With lalue silk and steel hook, 2 d in each st. Embroider wreath of rambler roses before joining. Run ribbon around top and tie in bow as illustrated. Edge Arolxd Top.— With pink silk ch i, I t in st at seam, * ch i, miss i st, i t in next st ; repeat from *, ending round, ch i, miss i st, join with si to top of 1st st in round, ^d round — Ch 3, i t in space (sp), * ch 3, miss I sp, 2 t in next sp ; repeat from *, ending round, ch 3, miss I sp. join with si, ch I, break off silk, sd i-oKiirf— With white silk ch i, * 3 t in sp, ch 2; re- CROCHETED SILK KNEE BOOTEES NO. 15-6-11 Materials I'A spools white crochet silk. I spool pink crochet silk. I skein, each, pink and green rope silk. 1 steel crochet-hook No. 8. 2 yards narrow ribbon to trim. DIRECTIONS WITM white silk ch 37 sts, turn, miss i st, I d in each of 36 sts, turn, ch I. M row — 2 d in first st, i d in each st, 2 d in last st in row, turn, ch I. sd row—i d in each st, turn, ch i. Repeat 2d and 3d rows alternately, until there are 64 sts in row, turn, ch i. Make 28 more rows, having 64 sts in row. To Shape Leg. — Decrease by making l d in st, miss I st, i d in each st, miss second last st, i d in last st, then i d in each st for 3 rows. Repeat, decreasing i st on each end of row every 4th row until there are 50 sts in row, turn, ch 3, * miss i st, i d in next st, ch i ; repeat from * to end of row. Chain i, break off silk. Vamp. — Leave 15 sts on each end and on the intervening 20 sts make 28 rows, having I d in each st in row ; work flowers in lazy-daisy stitch, as illustrated (see Fig. 8), sew up leg. Foot. — With pink silk ch i, start at heel, i d in each st across heel and I d in each st on side of vamp, I d across bottom of vamp, on the other side and across heel, having about 104 sts to end of round. 2d round — i d in each st. Repeat 2d round until there are 15 rounds, join by folding in half, starting at centre of heel, * insert hook in correspond- ing st on each side, silk over, draw through the sts and loop on hook ; repeat from * until joined, ch i, break off silk. peat from * to end of round, join with si to top of first st made in round, ch i, break off silk. 4lh round — With pink silk ch i. I si in sp, then same as sec- ond round ytli round — * 6 t in sp, I d in sp between the 2 t; repeat from * around, join, ch I, break off silk, fasten. Draw ribbon through spaces around top to tie. and through spaces around vamp. CROCHETED SILK BIB NO. 15-6-14 Materials I spool white crochet silk. I skein blue twisted silk. 3 yards ribbon to trim. I yard lace. Steel crocliet-hook No. 0- DIRECTIONS IN making the double crochet take up back of st only. Right Side.— Ch 23 sts, turn, miss i st. I d in each of 22 sts, turn, ch i. 3d roii'— 2 d in first st, 1 d in each st, miss 2d last st in row, I d in last st, turn, ch i. 3d row — I d in st, miss I st, I d in each st, 2 d in last st, turn, ch i. Repeat 2(1 and 3d rows alternately until there are 41 rows. Li-.FT Side. — Ch 23 sts ; repeat directions from right side until there are 42 rows, the last row ends toward front. Ch S3 sts, to join bib for front, join with si to first st on last row, on right side of bib, ch 1, break off silk. Start on CROCHETED SILK CAP NO. 15-6-13 Materials I spool wliite crocliet silk. I spool blue crochet silk. 1 skein, each, pink and green twisted silk. 2 yards lace. ^ yards silk to line. 4 yards ribbon to trim. Steel crochet-hook No. 8. DIRECTIONS CHAIN 6 sts, join with si to first ch st, ch .3, 16 t in ring, counting 3 ch as I t, ch 3. 2d round — i t on t. 2 t in each st, join with si, ch 4. Sd round — * I t on t, ch I ; repeat from * to end of round, join with si to ch 4, ch 5. 4tli round — * I t on t, ch 2 : repeat from * to end of round, join with si to 3d st on 5 ch, ch 5. ^tli round — Like 4th round. 6th round — I t in same t where joining was made, ch 2, I t on next t, ch 2, * i t, ch 2, I t on next t, ch 2, I t on next t, ch 2 ; repeat from * to end of round, join with si to 3d-ch st of 5-ch. ~th round — Same as 4th round. Stii round — Same as 6th round, gth and lotli rounds — Same as 4th round, nth round — Same as 6th round. I2th, Iph, and I4lh rounds — Same as 4th round. ij//i round — Leave 15 spaces for back of neck, ch 5, I t on t, * ch 2, I t on t : repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 5. i6th ron' — I t on t. * ch 2, I t on t : repeat from * to end of row. turn, ch 5. i/th, iSth. igth, and 30th ro'^i's — Same as l6th row. 2ist row — Ch 3, miss i st, I t on each st, turn, ch 5. 22d row — Miss 2 sts, I t in each of 4 sts, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t on each of 4 sts, turn, ch 3. 2sd row — Miss I St. I t on each of 3 sts, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t on each of 4 sts : repeat from miss 2 sts, I t in last st, turn, ch 5. 24th row — Same as 22d row, turn, ch 5. 25th row — Same as i6th row. B.^XD. — With blue silk ch i, * i d in st, miss I st ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch i. 2d row — I d in each st, turn, ch i. Repeat 2d row un- til there are 15 rows. Embroider flowers in lazy- Fto. 8. Method of Working Flower FOK Cat * ending row, daisy stitch. (See Fig. 8.) Edge. — * l d in st. miss 2 sts, 5 t in next st, miss 2 sts : repeat from * around front and neck of cap, work with flowers, as illustrated. Outline stems and place a French knot in centre of each flower. Edge with lace, line with silk, and trim with ribbon. CROCHETED SILK BIB NO. 15-6-14 CONCLUDED FROM PACE 20 outside edge of right side, ist rozv — i d in each of 48 sts, 3 d in next st, i d in each of 48 sts, turn, ch I. 2d row — I d in each st. turn, ch i. Repeat 1st and 2d rows alternately until there are 32 rows from where front of bib was started. Enr.E. — With silk ch i, * 4 t in st, miss 3 sts; repeat from * around bib, ch i, break off silk. 2d ro^v — With blue twisted silk ch i, 4 t in centre of each shell of 4 t in preceding row, ch i, break off silk. Spaces .Around Neck. — With white silk ch I, I t in st, * ch I, miss I st, i t in next st ; repeat from * around neck, cb i, break off silk. Edge. — With white silk ch i, * 6 t in centre of shell of 4 t, I d between shell : repeat from * around bib. making i d in space, 6 t in next space around neck, join with si, ch I, break off silk. Edge with lace and draw ribbon through spaces a: neck to tie. CROCHETED SILK JACKET WITH ^ SILK LINING is* NO. 15-6-15 Materials 5 spools white crochet silk. 1 spool bkie crociiet silk. 2 skeins each, green and pink twisted silk. I yard 36-inch silk. 4/4 yards lace. 10 yards ribbon Xo. 2. Steel crochet-hook Xo. 8. DIRECTIONS Sr.\CE (sp), ch 2, miss 2 sts, i t in ne.xt st. Back. — Chain 138 sts, turn, miss 3 sts, i t in each of 135 sts, turn, ch 5. 2d row — Sps entirely across. Sd row — Miss 3 sts, * l t in each of 4 sts, ch 2, miss 2 sts ; repeat from * ending row i t, turn, ch 3. ^tli roii.' — -Miss I St, I t in each of 3 sts, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t in each of 4 sts ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 5. 5th rozo — Same as 3d row, turn, ch 5. 6th row — Miss 3 sts, I t on t, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t on t ; repeat from * to end of row, having 45 sp in row, turn, ch 5. Repeat 6th row until there are 47 rows from start, ch 92 for sleeve, do not break off silk. With an extra spool of silk ch go sts for sleeve, join with si to top of first st in last row, ch i, break off silk. Start where silk was left, turn, miss 3 sts, I t in each of 3 sts, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, i t in next st ; repeat from *, having 29 sp on ch, 45 sp across back ; repeat from * on the 90 ch sts, ending with 3 t, turn, ch 3. 4glh rozc — Miss i st, i t in each of 3 sts, 103 sp, 3 t, turn, ch 3. Repeat 49th row for 19 rows from where sleeve was started. For Over Shoulder a.nd Sleeve, ist rozu — Miss i st, I t in each of 3 sts, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, i t on t; repeat from *, having 47 sp, turn, ch 5. 2d row — Miss 3 sts, I t on t, 46 sp, I t in each of 3 sts, turn, ch 3. Repent 1st and 2d rows alternately "for 5 rows over shoulder, turn, ch 5. 6lh ro7V — To increase, I t on t, 47 sp, I t on each of 3 sts, turn, ch 3. ytli row— Miss I st, I t on each of 3 sts, 48 sp, ch 2, i t in same t where last t was made, turn, ch 5. Repeat 6th and 7th rows alternately, having i more sp in each row, until there are 17 rows from where shoulder and front was started. rSlli row — Turn, ch 3, 3 t in first t, 59 sp, I t in each of 3 sts, turn, ch 3. i'qIIi roa'— Miss i st, 3 t. 55 sp, I t in each of 3 sts, ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t ui each of 4 sts, ch 2, miss 2 sts, i t in eacli of 4 sts, turn, ch 3. 20l!i row — Miss I st, i t on each of 3 sts, ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t on t, ch 2, miss 2 sts, I t on each of 4 sts, 56 sp, i t on each of 3 sts, turn, ch 3. Repeat 19th and 20th rows alternately, until there are 24 rows from where shoulder was started, ch i, break off silk. Leave 4 t, 29 sp on same end where sleeve was started, ch I. 25th rozv — One t on t, 26 sp, 3 t, I sp, 3 t, I sp, 3 t. 26th row — Miss i st, 3 t, 2 sp, 3 t, 27 sp. Repeat 2Sth and 26th rows alternately, until there are 42 rows from where sleeve was left off, turn, ch 3. 4Sd row — Miss i st, 3 t, * I sp, 3 t : repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. 4-lth rozv — Miss I st, 3 t, 2 sp, * 3 t, I sp ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. 45th row — Same as 43d row. 46tli rozv — Miss I st, 3 t, 30 sp, turn, ch 3. 4ytli row — One t in each st, ch I, break off silk. Leave 9 sp at neck and on the remaining 47 sp, 3 t, crochet following pattern from other sleeve, shoulder, and front, care being taken to increase at proper side of work and to follow pattern accurately. Cut silk lining, sew up side seams and sleeves. Collar. — With blue silk ch 23 sts, turn, miss I st, I d in each of 22 sts, turn, ch i. 2d rozi' — i d in each St. Repeat 2d row until there are 14 inches or the required size. Edge of Collar. — With white silk ch i, 4 t in st, * miss 3 sts, 4 t in next st : repeat from * around col- lar. 2d rozv — With blue silk * 5 I in centre of shell of 4 t, I d in space ; repeat from * around collar, work flowers as illustrated. Edge .Around Kimono. — Start at top of left front, * 5 t in row, i d in next row : repeat from *, missing 3 sts between shells across bottom of kimono. Repeat edge from around collar around sleeves. Sew collar in place. Edge collar, sleeves, and kimono with lace, line with silk, and trim with bows as illustrated. CARRIAGE ROBE EMBROIDERED WITH FIAMBLER ROSES NO. 15-11-68 Materials 8 skeins white Lady Wool. 5 skeins each, pink, rose-pink, and green rope silk. I spool pink crochet silk. 4J4 yards lace, 2 inches wide. Celluloid crochet-hook No. 4 — 8 inch. Steel crochet-hook Xo. 8. DIRECTIONS AFGHAN STRIP.— Ch 35 sts. make 181 rows of afghan st. l)ind off. Make 3 strips. Work flowers as illustrated. starting on 7th row on 9th st from each end. The roses are done in overlapping outline-stitch ( see Fig. 12, page 28) in two shades of pink, tlie darker, in the centre, worked round and round over a heavily raised satin-stitch dot of green. The stems are outlined and leaves worked in lazy-daisy stitcli (see Fig. 8, page 21 ) with green. Edge of Strip. — Starting on wrong side of strip, ch I, i d in 1st st, * wool over, draw a lodp through ne.xt st, wool over, draw tlirough 2 loops, wool over, draw a loop through same st, wool over, draw through 2 loops, wool over, draw through the 3 loops on hook, I d in next st ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch i. 2d row — One d in each st, turn, ch i. _,'(/ roii' — One d in each of 2 sts, * wool over, draw a loop through ne.xt st, wool over, draw through 2 loops, wool over, draw a loop tlirougli same st, wool I'ver, draw through 2 lops, wool over, draw ill rough 3 loops on hook, I d in next st ; repeat from * ending row with I d in last st, turn, ch i. 4th row — Same as 2d row. Repeat these 4 rows once more, ch i, break iMBi.Ei! Rose off wool. Repeat these ^2^:i9:£^>i^:^!;:^j^ji^^v^^v;<^^ 8 rows on each side of the three strips. Join strips with criss-cross joining as follows: Ch I, slip this ch off the hook, take the 2 strips to be joined, insert hook in 1st st on one side of one strip, slip ch st on hook again and draw through st (this will bring wool on wrong side of work), insert hook in 1st st on side of other strip, * draw through a loop, draw this loop throu,gh loop on hook, pass wool over to other strip, insert hook in next st on side of other strip; repeat from * until joined, care buing taken not to miss any sts, ch i, break off wool, fasten. Join other strip in same way. Work across both ends of cover as follows: Ch I, * I d in each of 3 sts, miss i st ; repeat from *. Shell BoRDEE.--Ch i, i d in st, * miss 3 sts, make 9 d t in next st for shell, miss 3 sts, d in next st ; repeat from * around cover, making 12 d t in each of the four corners, join, ch i, break off wool. Edge. — With pink silk, ch i, i d in st, * ch 4, i d in next st : repeat from * around. Sew lace under shell border, allowing extra fulness at corners. Line with silk. H^ 1^ IffiHt CROCHETED CARRIAGE ROBE WITH CROSS STITCH EMBROIDERY NO. 798 Materials 5 skeins white Lady Wool. 7 skeins colored Lady Wool. 12 skeins green rope silk. 8 skeins pink. 7 skeins rose-pink. 3 skeins bine. 3 skeins yellow. I yard silk to line. Celluloid crocliet-Iiook No. 4. DIRECTIONS CHAIN 29 sts, and make 28 rows of plain afghan St. ^gth /OIL' — With colored wool, plain afghan si. soth roiv — Draw a loop through each upright st. having 2g loops en hook, wool over, draw through I loop, wool over, draw through 2 loops, * then on the loop drawn through ch 3 ; (wool over, dravv through 2 loops) twice: repeat from * until there is I loop left on hook, ^^ist roiv — Draw a loop through up- right st, * slip the 3 ch forward, draw a loop through each of the next 2 upright sts : repeat from *, hav- ing 29 loops on honk, draw hack as in plain afghan St. Repeat 30th and 31st rows alternately until there are 28 rows. Repeat alternately white and colored squares until there are 4 while and 3 colored squares in strip, hind off. Make 3 of these strips. Then make 2 strips startinK with colored squares, then white square, un- til there are 4 colored and 3 white squares in strip: work cross-stitch design on white squares as illus- trated. (See block pattern. Fig. 9, on page 25.") Join strips with a d as follows : With white wool ch I. * insert hook in corresponding sts on each strip, wool over, draw through the sts, wool over, draw through 2 loops: repeat from * until strips are joined, ch I, break ofif wool. BoRDrR. — With colored wool ch I, i d in each st on both sides, 3 d in each of the 4 corner sts, * i d in each of 3 sts, miss i st : repeat from * on both ends, join, ch i, break off wool. 2d row — Ch I, * I t in next st, miss 2 sts, I t in next st, ch 3, 3 t in sp made by t, miss 2 sts ; repeat from * around robe, not missing any sts at the 4 corners so that the robe will lie flat, join with si, ch i, break off wool. 3d round — * 5 t in top of t, take loop off hook, insert hook in top of first t, slip loop back on hook, wool over, draw through 2 loops, ch 2, I d in top of t on group of 3 t in preceding round, ch 2 : repeat from * around robe, join with si, ch I, break off wool. .;//; round — * i t on d. It in joining of s t cluster: (ch 3, draw a loop through first st of 3 ch and through loop on hook, I t in same st w-here last t was made") 3 times : repeat from * around robe, make a shell of 6 t with picots on each t in each of the 4 corners. Line rohe with silk. In this carriage robe there is not only a charming combination of color, but an etfective contrast between plain and tufted crochet stitches, the plain blocks being in wliite with a colored cross-stitch ornamentation, and the tufted or fancy blocks in color. The edge is also in color and the silk lining should match. The colored wool may be pink or blue, whichever color is chosen for baby's belongings. The cross-stitch designs in shades of rose-pink, blue, yellow, and green goes witli either color very nicely. The block pattern. Fig. 9, shows the placement of the different colors, each one represented by a different symbol, as given on the diagram. Each square of afghan stitch measures 28 stitches each way, and as the cross-stitch pattern is 24 stitches in height, the work should be commenced on the third row of the crocheted white square, instead of on the fourth, as on the block pattern, Fig. 9. In other words, leave two row's of crochet at top and bot- tom of cross-stitch design instead of three. Find exact centre of third row of crocheted block, mark centre of block pattern, and work cross- stitclics in the usual way, taking care that the top stitches slant in tlic same direction throughout. The carriage strap below is done in a harmonizing design, and in the same color scheme as the carriage robe, anil mav be used with it. CROCHETED COVER FOR CARRIAGE STRAP NO. 799 Materials I skein white Lady Wool. I skein each, pink, green, blue, and yellow rope silk. I leather carriage strap, llK' inches long. I piece cardboard, 23.4 inches wide. ^ vard satin ribbon to line. « i-' •^^1^,^^^ DIRECTIONS CHAIN 20 sts, and make 64 rows of plain afghan St or the length required, bind off, cross-stitch as illustrated. ( See Fig. 10. ) Fit cardboard on strap, cover with afghan strip, line back with satin, and sew together. Fasten an ivory ring to each end and loop short leatlier straps tlirough rings. The color diagram of the cross-stitch design. Fig. 10, does not indicate the number of stitches in the crocheted strip. Find the centre of the strip length- wise, mark the centre of your design and arrange work so that there will be an equal number of rows of plain crochet at top and bottom of rose. Fig. 10. Diagram op Color Symbols Used on Careiaqe Strap No. 799 I.iglit pink rope sill; is not iispfl in tin- <'ania£:.- strap. • Pink ~ Light Pink ■ Green I Blue X Yellow CROCHETED KIMONO SWEATER OF WHITE WOOL WITH COLORED SILK TRIMMING NO. 14-12-3 Materials 3 skeins white Lady Wool. 3 spools crochet silk. .-\mber crochet-hook No 4. Steel crochet-hook No. 6. DIRECTIONS SLEEVE.— Ch 53 sts; miss 3 sts (for i fancy st), * draw a loop through next st, wool over, draw through I loop, wool over, draw through 2 loops ; repeat from *, having 50 sts in row, turn, ch 3. 3d rozc — * Draw a loop through sp between sts, wool over, draw through I loop, wool over, draw through 2 loops : repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. Re- peat 2d row until there are 23 rows from start, ch .S7 sts for back, do not break off wool ; with an extra iiall of wool, ch I. I si in 1st st in row. ch 54 sts for front, break off wool. Start where wool was left, miss 3 sts, make i fancy st in each of the 54 ch sts, I fancv st in each of 50 sts and i fancy st in each of the 54 sts, there will be 158 sts in row, turn, ch 3. Make 14 more rows on these 158 sts: the last row will end at bottom of back, make 13 rows on 77 sts for back, the last row will end at top of back, ch 4 sts for shoulder at neck, do not break off wool. With an extra ball of wool, leave 4 sts for neck at shoulder and on the other 77 sts make 12 more rows for front, ch I, break off wool. Right Front.— Ch 80 sts. miss 3 sts, and make 77 fancv sts on ch, turn, ch 3. Make 12 rows from start' on these 77 sts, do not break off wool; the I2th row will end at bottom of front, then join the 4 ch sts, which were left at top of neck on back, with a si to 1st st in row, ch I. break off wool. Start where woo! was left at bottom of front and on the j,g 5,p rnake T."; rows, then leave .=;4 sts at each side and on the intervening .qo sts. make_ 23 rows for sleeve ; ch i. break off wool, sew up side seams and sleeves. Buttonholes. — Ch i, start at bottom of right front. 1 d in each of 7 sts, * ch 2, miss 2 sts, I d in each of 7 sts ; repeat from * to top of front, ch 2. miss 2 sts on collar band, I d in each of 5 sts, ch 2. i d in last st, ch I, break off wool. CoLL.\R Band. — With white wool, start at neck of right front, I d in each st around neck, having about 60 sts in TOW. turn, ch i. 2rf rozi' — One d in each st, turn, ch I. Repeat 2d row until there are 8 rows from start, ch I, break off wool. (Note. — For turn-over collar, cuffs, and belt, use 2 threads of silk.) Tl-rx-ovkh Collar. — Ch i. I d in each st, turn, ch I. 3d rozv — One d in each st, turn, ch I. Repeat 2d row for 17 rows, ch I, break off silk. Edge. — One d in st at start of turn-over collar, * ch 3, draw a loop through same st, miss i st, draw a loop through next st, silk over, draw through the 3 loops : repeat from * around collar. Do not miss any sts at the two corners. CrFF B..\ND. — With white wool ch i, i d in eacli of the SO sts. 3d round — One d in each st. Repeat 2d round for 8 rounds, ch i, break off wool. TiRN-ovER Cuff. — Repeat ist row for 13 more rows, finish with same edge as on collar, sew cuffs together. Belt. — Ch 22 sts, turn, miss I st, I d in each st, turn, ch i. 3d ro7v — One d in each st, turn, ch i. Repeat 2d row until belt is required length or 2.; inches : in next row make buttonhole, i d in each of 2 sts, ch S- mi's ,=i sts. I d in each of 7 sts, ch 5, miss .=; sts, I d in each of 2 sts, turn, ch I, make 4 more rows, having I d in each st, ch I, break off silk. Sew belt in place at side seam on sweater. CROCHETED AFGHAN WITH CROSS STITCH EMBROIDERY NO. 800 Materials S skeins white 4-fold German- town. 5 skeins blue 4-fold German- town. 5 skeins each, rose and pale pink rope silk. 4 skeins each, light and dark green rope silk. 2 skeins eacli, yellow and lighl blue rope silk. I yard silk to line. DIRECTIONS WITH white wool ch 30 sts. make 135 rows of afghan st. bind off as follows : * Insert hook in next upright st, wool over, draw through upright St and loop on hook : repeat from * until all sts are bound off, ch i, break off wool. Work cross-stitch design (on page 25) as illustrated, starting the first wreath on 2d row. the second wreath on the 57th row. and the third wreath on the 107th row on afghan strip. SiDK OF Strip. — With blue wool ch l, l d in st, (wool over, counting down 3 rows, draw a loop through next st) 3 times, wool over, draw through the 7 loops, miss i st, * i d in each of the next 3 sts. (wool over, count down 3 rows, draw a loop through next st) 3 times, wool over, draw through the 7 loops ; repeat from * ending row, miss i st, i d in last st in row, turn, ch i. 2d roiu — One d in each st in row, ch I. ^d rozi.' — One d in each of 3 sts. * (wool over, count down 3 rows, draw a loop through next stl 3 times, wool over, draw through the 7 loops, miss I St. I d in each of 3 sts ; repeat from * to end of row. turn, ch i. 4th row — Same as 2d row. Repeat from 1st to 4th rows, inclusive, until there are it rows on side of strip. Repeat the II rows on each side of the three strips. To Join Strips. — With white wool ch i. take the two strips and insert Iiook in ist st on strip so that wool is on wrong side of work, draw through a long loop, cross over to 1st row on other strip, in- sert liook. draw through a long loop, draw this loop through loop on hook, cross back to 2d st on first strip, continue crossing back and forth, drawing a loop from one strip, then the other, care being taken not to miss any stitches. Border.— With blue wool ch i. ** i d in each st on side of robe, 3 d in corner st, * i d in each of 3 sts. miss I st : repeat froin * across top. 3 d in cor- ner st ; repeat from ** once more, join with si. ch i, break off wool. 2d round — With white wool ch I. * (wool over, draw through st) 3 times, wool over, draw through the 7 loops, ch 2, miss I st ; repeat from *, making 3 puff sts in each of the 4 corner sts, join with a si, ch i. break off wool, sd round — One d in sp between puffs. * miss 2 puff sts, I t in sp, (ch 4, draw a loop through first of 4 ch and loops on hook. I t in same sp) 5 times, miss 2 puff sts. 1 d in next sp ; repeat from *. making a shell of 7 t with a picot on e.icli t in each of the four corners, join with a si. Line with silk. Pink wool might be substituted for the blue, the cross-stitch wreath in shades of rose, light blue, and green will harmonize with either coloring. On the color diagram (Fig. g on page 25), the two shades of ■rose are "referred to as li,ght and dark red. Cross- .stitch embroidery in silk is wonderfully _ effective against wool. The carriage strap on page 25 is worked in a similar cross-stitch design. KNITTED AFGHAN EMBROIDERED WITH RAMBLER ROSES NO. 14-11-35 Materials 6 skeins each, pink and white 2-fold Saxony. 6 skeins each, green and rose- pink rope silk. 4!/j yards lace. i!j inches wide. I yard silk to line. I pair bone knitting-needles No. 2 — l2-inch. Steel crochet-hook No. 8. Celluloid crochet-hook No. 4. Ii:. MlCTTIOri OF M.iKixr, .1 I!am- BLER liOSE DIRECTIONS THIS afghan is knit in three sections, which are joined; each section must fit exactly into the next section. Centre Section (white). — Cast on bone needles 88 sts (these 88 sts measure 20 inches in width), knit in plain knitting back and forth 142 ridges, bind off. Colored Outside Sectio.v. — With pink wool cast on 152 sts, knit about 4 inclies or 30 ridges, slip 32 sts on a spare needle, or cord, bind off 88 sts, and on other 32 sts knit 142 ridges, slip these 32 sts on a spare needle, knit for 142 ridges on the other 32 sts, then cast on needle toward centre 88 sts, slip the other 32 sts to these sts, having 152 sts on needle, knit for 30 ridges, bind off. White Outside Section. — Cast on 216 sts, knit 30 ridges, slip 32 sts on a spare needle, bind off 152 sts, and on the other 32 sts knit 202 ridges, slip these 32 sts on a spare needle, knit 202 ridges on the other . 32 sts, then cast on needle toward centre 152 sts, slip the other 32 sts to these sts, having 216 sts on nee- dle, knit 30 ridges, bind off. Work rambler roses on pink section, as illustrated. Detail showing the making of the lazy-daisy stitch, which is used for the leaves, is given on page 21. A knot of stitches is built up for the centre of the rose, then the stitches are taken around and around, as shown in Fig. 12. The centre should be green, and the enclosing stitches pink. The lazy-daisy stitch is a long loop or buttonhole-stitch held by a short stitch in the end of the loop, which is always the tip of leaf or petal. Join centre white section to pink section as fol- lows : With celluloid crochet-hook and pink wool, ch I, slip this ch off the hook, take the two sections to be joined, insert hook in first ridge on inside section, slip ch St on liook again and draw through st (this will bring wool on wrong side of work), insert hook in second ridge on other section, draw through a lon.g loop, draw this loop through loop on hook, cross back to third ridge on first section ; repeat, crossing back and forth, drawing a long loop from one section, then the other, care being taken to miss only one ridge oil eacli section in crossing back and forth. To join pink section to outside white section, repeat di- rections witli pink wool from pink joining. Border. — With pink wool and celluloid crochet-hook ch I, * I d in next st. miss 3 sts, 6 t in next st, miss 3 sts ; repeat from * around afghan. Edge. — With white silk and steel hook ch i. i d in st, * ch 4. I d in next st : repeat from * aroimd af.ghan. Sew lace around afghan on wrong side, allowing extra fulness on each of the four corners. Line afghan with silk. This pretty afglian is one of a sei I't imir piece-. Directions for the jacket are given helow, and the bon- net and bootees follow on page 30. The set would of- course be equally charming in a combination of blue and white, the tiny pink and green rosebuds showing off to good advantage against the blue back- ground. Dainty lace edging and ribbons matching the colored wool trim the several pieces most effectively. The rambler roses should be quite highly raised in the centre, the stitches overlapping one another. KNITTED KIMONO JACKET IN PINK AND WHITE NO. 14-11-34 Materials 4 skeins white 2-fold Saxony. 2 skeins pink 2-fold Saxony. 5 skeins green rope silk. 5 skeins rose-pink rope silk. 4 yards lace, i inch wide to edge. 4 yards ribbon X'o. 1J-2. 3 yards ribbon Xo. 12. I pair bone knitting-needles Xo. 2, point on each end. 3 pairs steel knitting-needles Xo. 12 Steel crochet-hook Xo. S. DIRECTIONS B-\CK. — With white wool cast on bone needles 90 sts, knit in ridges for S inches, then cast on 50 sts for sleeves on each end of needle, having 190 sts on needle, knit in ridges for 3^2 inches. Knit in ridges for i inch on 80 sts for over shoulder and sleeve, cast on 16 sts toward front, having 96 sts on needle, knit in ridges for 3^4 inches, bind off 50 sts for sleeve, and on the other 46 sts knit in ridges for 9 inches, slip these sts on a steel needle, leave 30 sts for back of neck and on the other 80 sts knit, fol- lowing directions, for over shoulder, sleeve, and front. CvFF. — With steel needles and pink wool pick up 30 sts for cuff, knit 15 ridges, bind off. Sew up side seams, sleeves, and cuffs. Border. — With steel needles pick up I st from each ridge down front, on second needle have the 30 sts across bottom of front, on third needle pick up 90 sts across back, on fourth needle have 30 sts of other front, on fifth needle pick up i st from each ridge up front. 1st rov.' — With pink wool (on right side of work) knit to within i st of corner, wool over, knit the corner st, wool over, knit across the bottom of kimono to within I st of corner, wool over, knit the corner st, wool over, knit to top of front, turn. 2d fozv — Knit. Repeat ist and 2d rows alternately until there are 12 ridges, bind otif. Work rambler roses as illustrated on border and cufTs. .A.S the cuffs turn back the embroidery should be done on the wrong side of the work. X'eck. — With white w'ool ch i, I t in st, * ch i, miss I st, I t in next st : repeat from * around neck. 2d rnzc — With pink wool * I d in space, 5 t in next space ; repeat from * to end of row. Sew lace, shirring a little, around kimono and cuffs. Line border with ribbon and draw ribbon through spaces at neck to tie. KNITTED PINK AND WHITE BOOTEES NO. 14-11-32 Materials ^ skein white and Vz skein pink 2-folcl Saxony. I skein each, green and rose-pink rope silk. 3 skeins white twisted silk. Yi yard silk to line. I pair steel knitting-needles \o. 12. Steel cmchet-hook No. 8. DIRECTIONS VAMP AND Upper.— Cast on 88 sts. ist rou,' — Knit. 3d row— Kn\t 37. to decrease knit 2 sts together, knit 10, to decrease knit 2 sts together, knit 37. Repeat ist and 2d rows alternately, having- 1 st less on each side of decrease every other row, until there are 16 ridges from start, having 56 sts on nee- dle ; knit 3 ridges on these 56 sts. Knit 23 sts, bind off 10 sts, knit 23 sts. break off white wool. Top of Boot.— With pink wool knit 23 sts from one side of vamp, then knit the 23 sts from other side, having 46 sts on needle. 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th rows — Knit. 6th row — Knit 2 sts together, knit 42, knit 2 sts together. Repeat ist to 6th row inclusive, un- til there are 14 ridges, bind off. Work rambler rose as illustrated, sew up heel and cut silk lining. Sole. — With white wool cast on 8 sts. ist and 2d rows — Knit, jrf row — Knit, increasing I st on each needle. Repeat ist to 3d row inclusive, until there are 18 sts on needle. Knit 2 ridges on these iS sts. Then decrease i st on each end of needle every 3d row, until there are 12 sts on needle. Knit 7 ridges on these 12 sts. Knit, increasing l st on each end of needle every 3d row, until there are 18 sts. Knit 4 ridges on these 18 sts. Then decrease i st on each end of needle every 3d row until there are 12 sts on needle, bind off, cut silk lining for sole. To join vamp and sole together, with white wool ch I, start at heel, * insert hook in corresponding st of upper and sole, draw through a loop, wool over, draw through 2 loops; repeat from * until joined, ch I, break off wool. With white silk and steel cro- chet-hook ch I, I d in st, * ch I, I d in next st ; re- peat from * around, ch I, break oft" silk. Edge .Around Top. — With pink wool and steel hook ch I, I t in st, * ch i, miss i st, i t in next st ; repeat from * around top, ch i, break off wool. With silk ch I, 5 t in space at top of boot, * miss 2 sts, 5 t in next st, miss 2 sts, i d in next st ; repeat from * around opening of boot, then 5 t in space, I d in ne.xt space around top of boot, ch i. break off silk. Line boots with silk and draw ribbon through meshes to tie. KNITTED CAP NO. 14-11-33 Materials 2 skeins, each, pink and white 2-fold Saxony wool. 3 skeins green rope silk. 3 skeins rose-pink rope silk. 2 yards lace to edge. 4 yards ribbon to trim. I cap lining No. 14. I pair bone knitting-needles No. 2. I pair steel knitting-needles No. 12. DIRECTIONS CROWX. — With white wool cast on bone needles 82 sts. knit in ridges for 14 inches or 107 ridges, bind off. ( To knit a ridge is to knit plain across and knit plain back.) B.\N"n .Around Neck of Crown. — With pink woo! and steel needle, pick up l st from each of the 107 ridges, having 107 sts on needle. With pink wool start on right side, decrease to 54 sts by knitting to- Kether 2 sts to end of row. Knit 13 ridges on these 54 sts. bind off. Rand on Front of Cap. — With pink wool and steel needles pick up i st from each of the 13 ridges on bind (See each silk. off. Fig. side neck liand. i st from each of the 107 ridges, and i st from each of the 13 sts on neck band, having 133 sts on needle. Knit 13 rid.ges on these 133 sts, and work rambler roses as ilhistrated. 12.) Sew three upward-turning plaits on of crown. Sew on lace, and line with Trim with ribbon rosettes as illustrated. CROCHETED SACQUE NO. 801 Materials 3 skeins white crochet wool. I skein colored crochet wool. I amber crocliet-Iiook No. 4. I spool colored crochet silk. DIRECTIONS NI-XK. — With colored wool ch 116 sts, turn, skip sts, I t in next st, * ch I, skip I st, i t in ncxi st : repeat from *, having 57 t in row, counting ch 3 at starting of row as i t, turn, ch I. 2d roii.' — 4 t in 1st t. * I t in next t, 4 t in next t; repeat from *, having 29 shells of 4 t and I t between each of the 29 shells in row, turn, ch 3. jrf roiv — 4 t in centre of shell of 4 t in preceding row, * I t around the i t, 4 t in centre of shell ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. /th row — 4 t in centre of shell, * i t on t. 4 t in centre of shell : repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. ^tli roK — Same as 3d row. 6th roiv — 6 t in centre of shell, * I t on t, 6 t in centre of shell ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. 7th roiK.' — 6 t in centre of shell, * I t around, t in centre of shell : repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. Sth row — Same as 6th row. Qth row — With white wool, same as "th row. loth rozc — * 6 t between the 2d and 3d t of shell, I t in space between the next 2 t, 6 t in space between the next 2 t, I t on t ; repeat from * until there are 10 shells with I t between each shell, 6 t between the 2d and 3d t of next shell, there will be II shells with i t between on left front, skip 4 shells for sleeve, I t in 4th t, 6 t between the 4th and 5th t of next shell. ** I t on t, 6 t between the 2d and 3d t, I t in space between the next 2 t. 6 t in space between the next 2 t : repeat from ** until there are 14 shells with t t between shells. I t on t, 6 t between the 2d and 3d t. and i t on 3d t of next shell, having 16 shells of 6 t with I t between across back, ch i, skip 4 shells for sleeve, 6 t between the 4th and 5th t of next shell, *** I t on t, 6 t between the 2d and 3d t, I t in space between the next 2 t, 6 t in space lietwcen the next 2 t: repeat from ***, having 11 shells with I t between on right front, having 38 shells with I t between the shells, turn, ch 3. ////; row — 6 t in centre of shell, * i t around t, 6 t in centre of next shell ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. I3lli rozi- — 8 t in centre of shell, * 1 t on t, 8 t in centre of next shell : repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. Jjith rozv — 8 t in centre of shell. * i t around t. 8 t in centre of next shell ; repeat from * to end of row, turn, ch 3. Repeat I2tli and 13th rows, alternately, for 9 more rows. 2_?i/ ron' — 10 t in centre of shell, * I t around t. 10 t in centre of shell : repeat from * to end of row, break off wool. Sleeve. — One t on t at underarm, 4 t in space in next shell, i t in centre between the 3d and 4th t. and 6 t between the 5th and 6th t of next shell, * i t on t. 6 t in centre of 6 t ; repeat 4 times from *. i t on t. 6 t between the 1st and 2d t. i t in next space be- tween the 2d and 3d t of next shell, 6 t in space of next shell, join with si to first t made in round, ch I. 2d round — Turn, i si in each of the ne.xt 3 t, I si in space between the 3d and 4th t of shell, ch 3, 5 t in same space where last si was made, i t around t, * 6 t in centre of next shell, I t around t; repeat from *, having 8 shells of 6 t with I t between each shell in round, join with a si to top of ch 3, first made in round, ch I. sd round — Turn, I si in each of the 3 t, I si in space between the 3d and 4th t of shell, ch 3, 5 t in same space where last si was made, i t on t. * 6 t in centre of next shell, I t on t ; repeat from * to end of round, join with a si to top of ch 3 first made in round, ch I. Repeat 2d and 3d rounds alternately until there are 12 rows from where sleeve was started or the desired length, i^th round — * I d in ist st. skip i st, I d in next st ; repeat from *, having about 30 d in round, join with a si, break off wool. Cuff. — With colored silk, i t in ist st, * ch i. i t in next st ; repeat from *, ending round, ch i, join with a si. 2d round — i si in space, ch 4, I t in next space, * ch i, i t in next space ; repeat from *, ending round, ch i, join. Repeat 2d round until there are 5 rounds from start. 6l!i round — * i d in space, 5 t in next space; repeat from * around cuff, join, break off silk. Edge Around Neck. — Chain i, i si in ist t at neck, ch 4, i t on t, * ch 2, i t on next t ; repeat from * around neck, for front ; * repeat ch 4, i d 4 times in next space, ch 4, draw a loop through same space, draw a loop through next st. silk over, draw through the 3 loops on hook, ch 4, draw a loop through same st, draw a loop through next st, silk over, draw through 3 loops on hook, ch 4, draw a loop through same st, draw a loop through space, silk over, draw through 3 loops on hook : repeat from * down left front of sacque, I <1 in st, ** ch 4, i d in next st ; repeat from ** across bottom of sacque, then repeat from * on right front, join at neck, fasten. Cut silk lining for sacque before cuffs and silk edg- ing are crocheted on. allowing about one-half inch for seams on sleeves and side seams, and one inch for hem at neck and around bottom of sacque. Sew lining at neck and inside of sleeves at cuffs, draw ribbon through holes at neck and cuffs to tie. CROCHETED COVER FOR NURSING BOTTLE NO. 14-8-32 Materials I skein white Lady Wool. 8 skeins colored rope silk. I skein twisted silk. J4 yard ribbon to trim. Celluloid crochet-hook No. Steel crochet-hook No. 8. -8-inch. DIRECTIONS CH.\IN 43 sts and make 2 rows of plain afghan St. Sd, 4th, 5th, and 6th rozcs — Like same rows of sacque, page 5. Repeat from 3d row to 6th row in- clusive for 38 rows or until long enough to tit bot- tle, bind off, sew neatly together. Bottom of Covfr. — With rope silk ch i, i d in each St to end of round, sd round — * One d in each of 2 sts, miss I St : repeat from * to end of round, jrf round — With wool : repeat 2d round for 2 more rounds, then with silk ( i d in st, miss i st), repeat until closed, ch i, break off silk, fasten on inside of cover. Top Edge of Cover. — With wool ch i, i t in each st around top, join with si, ch 1, break off wool, fasten. With rope silk ch I, i d in each st for 2 rounds, ch I, break off silk, fasten. 4th round — With wool, same as first round. Edge. — With twisted silk ch i, * l d in next st, miss I st, 6 t in next st, miss I st ; repeat from *, join with a si, ch i, break off silk, fasten. Draw ribbon through first row of meshes to tie. The effect of the colored silk (pink or blue) used in combination with the white wool is charming. CROCHETED COVER FOR HOT WATER BOTTLE NO. 14-12-2 Materials I skein white Lady Wool. 14 skeins colored rope silk. 3 skeins tw'isted silk. 4 yards ribbon to trim. Amber crochet-hook No. 4 — 8-inch. Steel crochet-hook No, 8. DIRECTIONS CH.MN 55 sts or the width required to fit around the bottle. (For each additional pattern add 4 more ch sts.) Follow directions of st from ■arque, page 5, for 38 rows or the length required, sew neatly together. Edge Around Bottom.— With rope silk ch i, i d in each st to end of round, join with si. break off silk, fasten. .?rf roiriirf— With wool ch i, i t in each st, taking up the back of st only, join. Edge— With twisted silk, ch i, * i d in next st, miss i st, 6 t in next st, miss I st: repeat from * around, join. Draw ribbon through spaces between tb.e t to tie. Edge Around Top. — Follow directions of ist and 2d rows around bot- tom of cover, sd row — With rope silk same as ist row. 4th row — Same as 2d row. Edge.— Same as around bottom of cover. Draw ribbon through spaces and trim with bows, as illustrated. :illa Color- ed Cross Stitch Book No. l.Thirtv-tive differ- ent Cross Stitch designs in actual colors of the work. Also complete alphabet. The Priscilla Colored Cross Stitch Book No. 2. Shows forty Cross Stitch designs in full color. The Priscilla Wool Knit- ting Book. Our latest inslruction book on Knitting. Full of good things for those who knit. 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