*^ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll^ THE STORY OF THE 139th INFANTRY iflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^^ Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE STORY OF THE 139th INFANTRY BY CLAIR KENAMORE 1920 GUARD PUBLISHING CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip 5 iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiunniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy^ Copyright, 1920 By Clair Kenamore All Rights Reserved Author JUL ) t ISB Printed in the United States of America iiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6 FOREWORD When the History Committee of the 139th Infantry put the pro- duction of this book into the hands of the Guard Pubhshing Company early in September, 1919, that company arranged with me to write it. -Many difficuhies have arisen in the collection of data, principally through my inability to obtain the regimental records. Officers and men of the regiment have resumed their civilian pur- suits and some of them have wandered far afield since they were dis- charged from the army, so far indeed that letters and telegrams are unanswered. The Regimental History, which would have been of great assistance, has not been found. Such officers and men as I have been able to get in touch with have been most kind and helpful, and whatever value the book has is due to them. I am fully aware that the narrative given here does not do jus- tice to the fine regiment with which it deals, but no book could do that. The great bravery of these men, the grim persistence, the for- titude in the face of great odds, have made for them a fame which should live forever. My poor words cannot add to their glory. All I can hope to do is briefly to tell their story and off'er a book which will preserve the pictures of these gallant men in the uniforms they wore with so much honor on the fields of France. Clair Kenamore Hill CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 7 The Story of the 139tli Infantry 11 Table of Casualties 48 Citations in General Orders 49 Company Rosters 64 A Company 64 1! Company 69 C Company 75 D Company 82 E Company 88 F Company 94 G Company 100 H Company 105 I Company 112 K Company 117 L Company 123 M Company 130 Machine Gun Company 135 Headquarters Company 139 Supply Company 143 Miscellaneous Rosters 146 First Assignment of Officers 150 Roster of Officers, Feb 28, 1919 151 Winning a Competition 153 Address of Commander of Fortress of Vaux 153 A Vosges Regimental Order 154 Citations in Divisional Orders 154 Distinguished Service Crosses 159 Comment by Col. Davis 161 Lieutenant Cofifman's Story 161 A Record of Movements l65 Map of 139th Sector in the Argonne Under back cover Illustrations are on all pages from the beginning to Page 141, and from that page on, they occur occasionally. The company pictures are not on the pages with the same company's roster. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii{iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^ VAUQUOIS HILL AND CHAUDRON FARM 'r^ f The crosses in the snow-covered field of Chaudron Farm are at the heads of graves of 35th Division men. The pictnro of tlie top of Vanquois Hill was made from an airplane at a height of about 400 feet. The craters were made by mines exploded by the French and Germans before we entered the war. Trenches can be seen on either side. 10 ■iiiiiiiiiiii Ill II mill iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiinniiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^^^^^^^^^^ i iiiini iiiiiii mm l^trj A COMPANY ONE of the firm convictions of natives of Missouri and Kansas used to be that the citizens of the other state were a bad lot. This impression came down from the days when we Missourians, out of the goodness of our hearts, used to go over into Kansas and help them hold their elections. Even before Kansas was a state, Missourians were trying to lead them onward and upward to better things. We took them by the hand, led them to the ballot box, showed them how to vote, told them which way to vote, voted ourselves to give them the benefit of our example. Often we voted for them when they were backward or timorous. Did they appreciate it? They did not. They called us many thing-s that were not pleasant to listen to. We called them things which sounded even worse. Twenty yeare ago the boys in any respectable Missouri school had a bitter contempt for Kansas and its people. In my own family there was an uncle who moved to Kansas and bought a farm. We spoke in low tones of him in the family circle afterward. Now all that feeling has passed away. The prejudice and in- tolerance of Civil War days are forgotten. The only rivalry is in the tilt yards of trade, and the only bitterness is upon the foot-ball field. The last vestige of this old rancor was swept away by regiments such as the 139th Infantry of the United States Army. This regi- ment was made up of the 4th Missouri Infantry and the 3rd Kansas Infantry, two National Guard outfits of enduring fame. They were united soon after they were called to the colors, they were trained as one unit. By the time they were sent to France, all state lines had been lost. In France thev worked and learned and trained 11 A COMPANY and fought as one man. The 139th fnfantry came out of the Argonne with its bloody head held high in air. No prouder outfit ever stepped than the ragged band which trailed back to Somaisne with the guns roaring behind it and the relieving troops holding the position the regiment had conquered in the valley of the Aire. To start this story properly and to give the reader an accurate conception of the men and traditions that made this regiment, it is best to look over the records of the two regiments which were joined to make the One Hundred Thirty-ninth. The first 3rd Kansas \'olunteers were recruited by Senator James H. Lane in the summer of 1861. It was an infantry regiment with calvary and artillery companies. Certain companies of this 3rd Regiment were on active duty from 1861 to 1864. In October, 1864, General Sterling Price of the Confederate Army crossed the Kan.sas border from Missouri, and threatened to raid the state. Nearly all of the 3rd Regiment including the Battery and Com- panies O and P took part in the opposition to General Price. In 1884 there was a 3rd Kansas National Guard Regiment, and it existed until the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in 1898. After the vSpanish-American War, plans for re-organization of the National Guard provided for only two regiments of infantry, and so from 1898 until 1917 there was no 3rd Kansas Infantry of the National Guard. As soon as permission was given by the Federal Government in 1917, Brigadier General Charles I. Martin commenced the organization of a unit to be known as the 3rd Kansas Infantry. liiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiliilliilliliiilliiiiilliiiliiiiiiilililili 12 ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ A COMPANY The 1st Kansas Infantry was, generally speaking, in the east- ern part of the state, and the 2nd Kansas Infantry was in the western part, but both were pretty well scattered. The 3rd Regi- ment was raised without regard to geography, and came from that territory which would be covered by a triangle drawn from Leaven- worth to Downs to Eldorado. The conditions under which the regiment was raised made it possible to assign to companies officers who came from towns other than those in which the companies were raised. General Martin him- self selected the officers of the regiment, and it had an excellent per- sonnel. The new regiment was without equipment other than that sup- plied by the local committee. It was called into Federal service Au- gust 5, 1917 and was sent to Doniphan on September 26, 1917. H Company did not go to Doniphan on that date as it was quarantined because of sickness among the men. The affairs of the regiment were administered from Topeka from August 5. to September 26. The men of this new 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Kansas National Guard were not the descendants of the old 3rd Kansas regiments, and there were no traditions to connect the new regiment with the old ones, but they were husky young Kansans of the same breed and from the same land that the men of the other 3rd Kansas regiments had been. The 4th Missouri Infantry was organized March i, 1891. It was composed of seven companies and Colonel J- A. Arbuthnot was 13 ,.!;^e:«v-«^-#~ • -w -# ■«» -life A r - -4 ■ i ^.* i *■ -i^V ;^f^.l^ib— ^ A COMPANY its first commander. It was located generally in the northern part of the state, and many towns have been represented in its organization. The forming and nnistering-out of companies have gone on steadily since that time. Concerning the early life of the regiment Col. William E. String- fellow says : "In those days, there was no state appropriation for the main- tenance of the companies. Equipment was issued. The companies had to be maintained by the officers and men. Some small amount in dues was paid by each member and the officers had to dig up to supply the deficiencies. We held our annual encampments much in the manner that a street carnival is held. We approached the various towns in north and northwest Missouri of suitable size to be inter- ested, and saw what they would allow us in the way of camping- grounds, wood and water, and anything else we might get, including a percentage of the receipts of a sham battlq, which usually was given as the principal means of obtaining any ready cash. The officers made up the deficiency. "From the date of my acquaintance with the regiment, which was practicallv at the beginning of its organization, there has been a high degree of military spirit and willingness to serve on the part of a nucleus, which spirit has been maintained until now, and it is my sincere belief that a part of the splendid spirit shown by the One Hundred Thirty-ninth in France was due to the esprit de corps created in the early days and maintained until now." The regiment volunteered for service in the Spanish-American 14 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm^ mil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iff J ' ^ V' iv ; ' A COMPANY War, was mustered into Federal service May i6, 1898, and was mobi- lized at Jefferson Barracks. On May 25, it moved to Camp Alger, Pennsylvania, where it was assigned to the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps. It was brigaded with the 4th Penn- sylvania and the 6th Blinois. On Aug'ust 20, 1898 it moved to Camp Meade, Pennsylvania and in November moved to Greenville, South Carolina. It was discharged from Federal service at Camp Weather- ill, South Carolina, February 10, 1899. The regiment continued its course of changes in personnel and location and maintained its existence without a break up to June 23, 1916, when it reported at Nevada, under the order of the President for duty on the Mexican border. On July 4, 1916, it departed for Laredo, in three special trains. It was commanded by Col. John D. McNeely. On the Mexican border it had an interesting tour of duty until February 21, 1917, when it moved to Ft. Riley, Kansas. It was formally released from Federal service February 28, 1917. The regiment was reviewed by General Funston who praised it highly for its soldierly bearing and discipline. Just before it left the border two companies, A of Tarkio and B of Caruthersville, made a remarkable hike. These companies were stationed at San Ygnacio, 45 miles from regimental headquarters at Laredo. Under command of Major Clay C. Macdonald they left San Ygnacio at 5 minutes to 3 in the afternoon and marched to headquarters. The roads were narrow, rocky and sandy, and it was in the dark of the moon, but they reached their destination the next morning at 7 o'clock. They lost but two men to the ambulance. The 45 miles were made in 16 15 Illllllllllllllillllllllllllllll K 1 .*. /S r i: w-^si^ A COMPANY hours, or leaving out the rest for supper and the 5 and 10 minute rest periods on the march, a marching time of 13 hours. The last 12 miles of the march was covered in 3 hours and 5 minutes. Major Macdonald was the first oificer inducted into Federal service in May, 1917, and the only officer who served with the regiment in the Span- ish War, on the Mexican border and in France. Among its officers on the border were Major Macdonald, com- manding the 1st Battalion; Captain Williamson, commanding D Company; Major James E. Rieger, commanding the 2nd Battal- ion; Captain Wilson, commanding G Company; Captain McQueen, commanding H Company and Major Stepp, commanding the 3rd Bat- talion. We shall hear of these men again in France. Major Ralph Ramer who served with the South Carolina troops in the world war, Major Donald Bonfoey who served on the Border and in France, and Captain Donald Duncan of the Marines, who fell in battle near Chateau Thierry, all had their training with the old Fourth Missouri. . When the 139th Regiment, U. S. Infantry was formed, A Com- pany was made by joining A Company of the 3rd Kansas and A Com- pany of the 4th Missouri. The ranking Captain took command of the company. Since the Kansas regiment had been newly organized, most of the regimental and company commands went to Missouri officers for the time being. Disi)laced officers were attached, or were sent to the Depot Brigade. Colonel AIcNeely commanded the regi- ment and to assist, advise and instruct him there was a procession of regular armv officers, none of whom stayed long with the regiment. lillllllllliil 16 ^ PS ^^ ^ r«^ »', *^ , ^v A C(.)MPAXV All through the training- period at Camp Doniphan, a dreary and unrelieved spell of work, officers and men were upheld by the thought that much good would come out of it. Incidents and events at the time seemed to have great importance, but they are now virtually forgotten. It was the same with the journey to the Atlantic sea- board, the exciting voyage to England and thence to France. Things that made the greatest impression then have passed out of the mem- ory, or are at best but faint wisps of recollections. Even the work with the British in the north of France, when the regiment was near to the battle lines, and the later days in the \"osges, when the troops went into the trenches, are dim now. Nearly all of these things have been thrown into memory's dis- card by the great days of the Argonne. Trench raids, patrols in No- Man's land, excursions to repair barbed wire entanglements were great events in the Vosges and they all did have an important bearing on the future fitness of the regiment, but the things that we thought always would be high-lights in our recollection became very dim after five days of battle in the valley of the Aire. During the stay in the Vosges, Lieutenant Thomas Hopkins lost his life. The 137th Infantry, which joined up with the 139th Infan- try in the trenches, made a trench raid on the morning of July 20. A wounded soldier was caught in the wire. Lieutenant Hopkins saw this man's predicament from his post and though he had nothing to do with the raid, went to aid the wounded man. In doing so he passed unhurt through an enemv barrage, but in assisting the 17 uiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii Ill mill iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii I ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii I mil i iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiin i niai i mni COL. CARL L. RISTINE A National (kiard Officer, who, at the ago of 32. led a comhat regiment in the Argonne-Meuse offensive with such skill and daring that his troops made the farthest ad- vance accomplished by the 35th Division. He was promoted to Colonel for his work in bat- tle. He was a hard taskmaster on the drill ground, but won the love of his regiment by his valor on the field, ami his untiring devotion to his men. lillllll 18 B COM PAX Y wdundcd man to cover, Lieiilcnant I rojikins was himself fatally wounded. The Distiui^uished Service Cross and the Croix de Guerre were both awarded to Lieutenant Hopkins and an American Legion Post in his home in Wichita, Kansas has been named for him. The regiment also lost Captain Alexander M. Ellett in the Vosges. He was commanding I Company and had done, excellent work in rounding the company into shape. Near Amiens in the spring, his company won first place in the competitive drill within the bat- talion and one of his platoons won tirst place in the competition among platoons. His company in the Vosges occupied the town of Metzerall. The explosion of a hand-grenade while he was inspecting- an intermediate line of defense caused wounds from which Captain Ellett died before reaching the hospital. Captain Charles H. Browne, who had commanded H Company of the 3rd Kansas and later E Company of the One Hundred Thirty-ninth and who had done such good work in Alsace was sent back home as an instructor August 11. He became a Major and while he never saw the Argonne, the work he had done in training the men lived after him on that field. Colonel McNeeley, who had commanded the regiment at Doni- phan was relieved after several weeks in France. He was promoted to a corps job and did not see anj^ further service with the One Hun- dred Thirty-ninth. But I am sure he would have forgone the promo- tion for the privilege of staying with his outfit. 19 glilllillllllllllllllillllllllllllll^^ 1! CUM PAX ^' The 139th Infantry was 3208 men and 79 officers strong on Sep- tember 25, the day before the Argonne offensive opened. Lieutenant- Colonel Carl L. Ristine was in command. It had been the intention to have Colonel Americus Mitchell lead the regiment, but he arrived late. The regiment, with the One liimdred Fortieth, formed the 70th Brigade. The attack was made by the 69th Brigade, with the 137th Regiment on the left half of the divisional front. The 139th Regi- ment advanced behind the One Hundred Thirty-seventh. While the forward regiments, the One Hundred Thirty-seventh and One Hundred Thirty-eighth, were becoming tangled and mixed because of the fighting in the fog, Ristine succeeded in keeping his regiment clear and in order. The regiment moved forward in colunms of bat- talions with companies and platoons in staggard formation. As the C)ne Hundred Thirty-ninth approached the defenses of Varennes, it found the One Hundred Thirty-seventh was immediately in front of it and held up by the opposition. The One Hundred Thirty-ninth dug in, as there was considerable artillery fire and waited. It was not long before the reserve battalion of the One Hundred Thirty-seventh came up behind the One Hundred Thirtv-ninth. This battalion had been in some way passed by the One Hundred Thirty-ninth in the ad- vance. Ristine waited two hours, then went forward and asked Colo- nel Hamilton, commanding the One Hundred Thirty-seventh, what delayed his advance. Colonel Hamilton's regiment had suft'ered from inter-mingling and mixture of troops and when it was stopped by the \^arennes defenses and had lain for some time under the heavv and 20 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ ■■■-"■ ' w ^f wi~ B COMPANY concentrated fire upon it. the Colonel was doubtful whothor or not he could make headway against the enemy position. Ristine returned to his regiment and sent a runner to the Bri- gade Connnander, telling him of the condition of the One Hundred Thirty-seventh and asking permission to take the One Hundred Thirtv-ninth forward and continue the fight. He received no answer to that message or to another similar one which he sent afterwards. The One Hundred Thirty-ninth was beginning to suffer from the bombardment and Ristine feared that the morale of his outfit would go down if he held them inactive any longer. Being unable to get any answer from his Brigade Commander he put his regiment in forma- tion and went forward. The order was: Scouts, a skirmish line, the 3rd Battalion, ist Battalion, 2nd Battalion. The most of the town of Varennes lies across the River Aire from the 35th Division's sector. On our bank of the river there were a good number of houses and a ruined church. All of these are situ- ated in the low and flat hollow places under the river bank. The hills around run to the right like the rim of a cup. Ristine did not attack frontally, but took his command around the hills with very little damage to the regiment and as soon as the Germans found him in their rear, they evacuated the position. There was not much stiff fighting. He merely "pinched out" the place. The regiment had proceeded possibly a kilometer further, when the front line slowed up. Ristine, again becoming concerned about the morale of his outfit, told Maior Stepp to take command of the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ 21 r, C< ).M1'A.\\ regimc'iil while he went forward and look command of the skirmish Hne. lie had advanced about 200 meters when a runner came to him and said that a major over on his right vv^anted assistance. Ristine moved to the right and there found the galkint Rieger with about 100 men, trying to breach the Hne. After cleaning up A'auquois Hill and the Rois de Rossignol, he had come up to the right of the regiment and finding the One Hundred Thirty-seventh stopped had tried to drive a wedge through the enemy line to relieve the One Hundred Thirty seventh. He had driven a wedge into it, Init with his small command also had been stopped and was fighting desperately when Ristine's advance came to his assistance. Ristine put Rieger in command of the right wing and told him to push on towards V'ery. Ristine who had strengthened his skirmish line, drove straight ahead destroying everything before him and finally reached a point about a kilometer and a half south of Charpentry, where he ran into a verv heavy enfilading fire. He told his detachment to dig in and wait for the regiment to come up. When the regiment failed to ap- pear, Ristine left his skirmish line, holding the front, and went back to the regiment. There he learned Major Stepp had been killed and the regiment had not moved. 1 le reformed his command in a column of battalions and took the regiment forward and the men dug in just back of the skirmish line at nightfall. Rieger had volunteered for the mopping up of A^auquois Hill and the Bois de Rossignol. Captains Wilson and McQueen had matched coins for the i)rivilege. AVilsou with two conipaiu'es had attended aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy 22 B COMPANY to the \'au(|Uois job, while ^iTcOueen had ke])t his place in the regi- mental organization. It was on the slopes of ^'auquois Hill that Lieutenant Donald jM. ATacdonald was killed, valorously leading his men over the net work of enemy defenses. Writing- to Mrs. Stepp, Chaplain Daniel Lane thus described Major Stepp's death : "It was just at 3 o'clock in the afternocm of this first day of the engagement when our beloved Major fell. We were emerging from the vallev bv the German cemeterv on the Eastern suburbs of Va- rennes, w'alking up the narrow gauge raihvay turning to the right and walking up to the forks of the Cheppv-^"arennes and Charpentry roads and mounted to the summit of the opposite hill. There had been a hush unnatural, as we reached the summit overlooking the vallev in which these devastated towns lav. It was broken by the storm wdiich burst furiously upon us. I was carr}'ing my Major's Musette bag and w^as a few steps in advance when the enemy's fire swept the heights. The last picture I have of your dear brave hus- band is the best. It better reveals the unselfish, brave warrior that he was. Thinking not of himself at all he stood fearless! v and wheeled about to order his men to stay below when a bullet hit its mark and he fell, pierced through the brain without an instant's pain, save that last thous^ht for the welfare of his men." Major Samuel G. Clarke was in command of the ist Battalion on the evenino- of September 2^. The ist Battalion, less C Com- panv which had been detailed for dutv at Neuvilly. left the woods 23 riiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiim B COMPANY with tlic regiment and niarehed to the ]'inni)ing vft place. Evervbudy got a Httle sleep except the scouts, who were busy all night locating the best passages of the river. After receiving the reports of the scouts it was decided to take the whole regiment over the railroad crossing. The ist Battalion crossed immediately behind the Third and took position 500 meters in the rear of the Third early on the morning of Sept. 26. When the advance began, at 5:30 a.m., it was necessary to use the scouts in order to kcej) the prescribed distance behind the 3rd liattalion. b'arlv on this morning, Captain Cater joined the ist Battalion with C Company. The advance, which was 500 meters in the rear of the 3rd Battalion, was with companies 1) and A in the lead and companies B and C about 400 meters in the rear. The companies advanced in line of platoon colunms. The onl\- work the battalion had to do that morning was to keep the ijrescribed distance behind the 3rd llattalion and to send back a message every half hour, all of which was accurately and promptly done. Lieutenant Ridlon was the scout leader and Captain Morgan was charged with the direction of the lines. The Battalion advanced through the fog with nothing of great interest to report until about noon, when it halted in the rear of the 137th Infantry. The men took advantage of what little cover there was, as the position was being- shelled at intervals and during this halt a good many men were wounded. Major Clarke organized the battalion to be readv for the advance 24 B COMPANY and finally word came to him that the One Hundred Thirty-ninth was to go through the One Hundred Thirty-seventh and attack. The Third Battalion led the way through, the First was behind it 500 meters and in the rear was the 2nd Battalion. All three battalions suffered more or less from the enemy barrage and from the front, rifle fire was beginning to liven up. Enemy machine guns were very active, and this, with the heavy artillery made a terrific din. Finally the combined fire of the opposition halted the 3rd Battalion and it dug in for the night. Major Stepp had been killed, Rieger was with his outfit, and Ristine had gone back to headquarters for orders and conference, so Clarke found himself in command of the regiment. Captain Nesbitt with his machine guns protected the right flank, and men from the ist Battalion were placed as outposts along the entire left flank. Machine gun fire on the forward elements of the 3rd Bat- talion was kept up all night and a German patrol which tried to pene- trate the lines during the night was repulsed. While Major Clarke had every confidence in the judgement of Lieutenant Davidson, who had placed the outposts, he thought it the part of wisdom to inspect them himself. Major Clarke's orderly and all the ofiicers in his P. C. were asleep, so he went forward alone, got lost a time or two, and finally ran into a bunch of wounded sol- diers who were trying to devise a way to get to the rear. He put them in a protected place, sent for assistance for them and after inspecting the outposts and wandering about for a while in the darkness and rain decided he had better go 1)ack to his own Battalion Post of Com- mand. He thinks he fell over a hundred men in trving to find that 25 ^^^W^i^ ^'-^I# ■■^■v^^ ^^X B COMPANY P. C. He finally reached it and soon was asleep but was almost im- mediately awakened by a runner who said the Regimental Adjutant wanted to know if he would not come at once to the regimental P. C, as he was expecting the Germans to attack on our left. No attack came and about dawn Ristine returned. He gave out information concerning the advance and placed the ist Battalion in the line with the Third. Major Clarke went back to his battalion to give the necessary orders for the advance. In getting into position the air seemed alive with machine gun bullets. Everybody walked close to the ground. A sudden machine gun burst pinned Major Williamson and Major Clarke to the ground. Williamson was hit on the left side, but not badlv hurt. Clarke was hit four times with machine gun bullets, once in the left wrist, once in the left leg and two minor wounds in the right leg below the knee. 1 lis left leg was useless, but he remained where he was for some time, thinking it might be pos- sible for him to go forward again when the time came. Tie crawled a little to the rear to get into the path of the litter bearers and he thought he would be able to stay throughout the day, but Colonel Ristine saw him and ordered that he be taken to the rear. So ended his part in the Meuse-Argonne Battle. He was in the hos- pital until November 25, then returned to duty, but had to go back to the hospital again as he was not yet fit. He finally rejoined the regi- ment December 21, ic)i8. On September 2/, the second day of the battle, the attack was to be resumed at 5 130 a.m. by the 70th Brigade which had been in sup- port on the first dav. Tt was not necessary for the One Hundred 26 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiy^ 13 COMPANY Thirty-ninth to effect a passage of Hnes in order to be in position to attack as it had done this the day before in front of Varennes. The One Hundred Thirty-ninth attacked with two battalions in the front line and one in support. A machine gun company was attached to each of the front line battalions. Ristine did not order his men for- ward until 6:30 a.m. He had tried to get the time delayed until 8:30 when there would be a chance of getting" artillery support. He felt sure that there would be no artillery support at 5 :30, as promised. The artillery had not opened at 6:30. Ristine sent a message to Brigade Headquarters telling them he was ready to attack but that there was no artillery fire. He got no reply to this message, so he attacked without any help from the big guns. The German artillery and machine guns had been well placed so as to sweep the territory over which the One Hundred Thirty-ninth had to advance. The regi- ment was able to go ahead but it was paying a very heavy price. In writing of a battle, authors are too jirone to accept the easy way of referring to an outfit by the name of the commander. In every instance the present writer knows of, the fights have been won and the credit should go to the enlisted men. If the text says, "Jones moved forward 500 3'ards," it is hoped the reader will know that it was the doughboys who did it. They carried the rifles, thev forced back the enemy and they took the wounds. A proper his- tory, to be complete, would have the names of the individual sol- diers and would recite their deeds, but we are not now far enough advanced to do that. It is useless to repeat that the men of the 139th Infantry 27 RIEGER OF EXERMONT "On the morning of September 26, Major James E. Rieger vvitlt his battahuu made the frontal attack on tlie heights of Vaiiquois, capturing this almost impregnable position in forty minutes. Reorganizing his battalion he pushed forward and on the evening of September 27, without regard for his own safety, personally led the charge into Charpentry with such speed and dasli that a large body of the enemy were cut off and captured. He, with his battalion, captured the foremost point readied by the Division."— From his citation. iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiMiiiuiiiii iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiii liiiiii iiuiiiiii iiiii iniiiiiiiiiii "in »u>» i 28 C COMPANY fought with superlative fortitude and daring, but it would be true to write that at the end of every day's story. Ristine balanced the cost in men against the profit of ground gained and decided he was in a losing business, so he ordered the regiment to halt and told the men to dig in. He notified brigade head- quarters that he could advance no further without artillery support. That was about lO o'clock in the morning of September 27. About II a.m. word was brought forward of tanks in the rear. Ristine sent messages to the officers of the tanks commanding them to come forward with all speed. They came and he placed them on his right wing, formed the infantry behind them and ordered the ad- vance to be resumed. Artillery and anti-tank fire was so heavy that it drove the tanks from the field. This left the right of the 139th Regiment's line well ahead of the left. The troops dug in again, and held fast. Our artillerv was beginning to open and Ristine sent word to Brigade Headquarters that he could move forward if he had a 30 minute destructive fire on Charpentry and Baulny and a barrage in front of that part of his line which was east of the road. He received no reply to this message, so he pulled his right back to straighten the line and again ordered the men to dig" in. He called a meeting of battalion and company commanders and this meeting was in session at 5 p.m. when he received an order to attack at 5 130 p.m. Ristine sent his officers scurrying back to their commands. This order had been inspired by a sharp message General Traub had received from General Pershing. This order read as follows : 29 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ C COMPANY 2/ Septciii1)er, _j i^o p. in. From C. ill C. He expects the 35th Division to move forward. He is not satisfied with the Division being stopped by machine gun nests here and there. He expects the division to move forward now in accordance with orders. Lieutenant Cosgrove and Captain Brown, Regimental Adjutant, ah^eady were dead in that day's fighting. Both were daring and bril- Hant fighters. The casualties among the enlisted men had been heavy, but the regiment came out of its fox holes at 5:30 and went ahead with a rush. They guided to the left and got a heavy fire from machine guns and artillery, but they went ahead cleaning up ma- chine gun nests as they went and before they stopped both Charpen- try and Baulny had been taken. They had broken through the Ger- man line which had stopped them twice already that day. Lieutenant Axline of E Company was killed as he was taking his platoon through a passage in the wire northwest of Charpentry. A machine gun bullet hit him in chest. He covered the wound with his hand and stood by until the entire detachment was out of the wire and going ahead. He then fell behind, crawled into a shell hole and died. When the attacking troops finally stopped, Rieger's battalion lay in the edge of Montrebeau Wood and the regiment had to its credit the capture that evening of Charpentry, Baulny and the Chaudron Farm. One must study the map and take into account the difficulties of the terrain fully to understand the work the 139th Infantry had miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiy 30 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ C COMPANY done in the first two days of this l)attle. Defenses and strong' points which had an evil fame all along the battle line had fallen before the dash and impetuous courage of Ristine's men. On the night of Sep- tember 2y the regiment lay well beyond Baulny. Captain Haftle, commanding the 3rd Battalion, dug in there. Rieger was in Montre- bean Wood and the ist Battalion was not far from Chaudron Farm. Lieut, Carlisle Wilson who was afterward promoted to Captain was wounded when the regiment was attacking Charpentry. He was operating with his company as a protection for the left flank and was near Montblainville. He had crossed the River Aire and driven out the enemy machine gunners who threatened the success of the attack. Montblainville was in the 28th Division's sector, but thev were far behind and Wilson cleaned up the neighborhood of Montblainville effectively. He died of his wounds. No braver man than Wilson fought in the Argonne. His fighting spirit was shown early on the football field where he became Captain of the University of Missouri team. Thinking that he could prevent mixing up of the troops, Ristine had taken charge of his own skirmish line, and pressed ahead too rapidly. Finally only Lieutenant McCord accompanied him, and they became separated in crossing a small stream. McCord guided to the left and, unable to find his colonel, joined a party which penetrated far into the enemy territory near the bank of the river. Ristine went ahead. He believed the American front line was still in front of him and seeing some soldiers through the dusk climb- 31 ;^ M^^ ?^\ 1^^ J^ -^'^ ^ " V C COMPANY ing" a hill across the valley made this belief stronger. They were the retreating Germans, but he was not close enough to them to dis- tinguish their uniforms. Indeed our troops had stopped and there was nothing ahead of Ristine but the Germans. He reached a hill just south of the valley which leads to Exermont and found himself c[uite near one of these lines of troops. "What outfit is this?" he yelled through the gathering darkness, but got no answer. He drew nearer and found it was a German outfit in retreat. The Colonel was up against it. What he knew of the terrain he had learned from the map and it liad now grown so dark that he could not put this knowledge to any use. He had lost his flash light, and probably would not have dared to examine his map even if he had had the light. He was in a quandary. He surely did not want to be surrounded by the enemy and he had a natural reluctance to retire from a retreating foe. With him at this time were a lieutenant and five privates of the 137th Infantry, whom he had run across on the field after leaving McCord. The seven men went to the crest of the hill and crawled into a big new shell hole. They organized it by dig- ging the soft earth out of the bottom and putting it around the rim for a barricade. The)' had made four automatic ritle positions in the sides of the hole, when a German machine gun began to shoot across their position. Soon it appeared that two guns were crossing their fire over the shell hole. After a period of waiting, Ristine decided the detachment could do better as individuals and gave each man permission to look out for himself. Ristine explained to them his idea, which was to crawl 32 C COMPANY out of the hole towards the Oerman Hues some Joo yards, and then to try and find the way back to the American Hnes. He was sure that a direct retreat was cut off. Ristine set out alone. He crawled for a long distance towards the enemy, then turned and walked parallel to the position he supposed the lines to occupy. By this time it was very dark. Ristine could see that the Ger- mans were in retreat. The American artillery was putting a slight interdiction fire on the territory and its results were to keep the Ger- mans from grouping. This helped Ristine as there were many other individual soldiers wandering about besides himself. The night was verv dark and a cold, hard rain was falling. The Colonel was wet and hungry. The Germans were in retreat and, naturally, virtually all of the movement was backwards but there was the incidental movement of men forward and up and down the lines. At a dug out apparently deserted Ristine found a German ofificer's kit all laid out ready to be packed. The American Colonel had no overcoat, so he took the one which belonged to the German officer and put it on. Then as he walked on he figured out a course of action which he thought would render him least open to suspicion. This plan was to act as nearly as possible as he supposed a German officer moving about would act under similar circumstances, ^^l^enever he came near a working party or near to anyone else who would be likely to observe him, he pretended to be very busy and in a great hurry. He bustled by soldiers as if some very important affair had been entrusted to him. He figured that he was not likely to be discovered in the in- tense darkness, if he did not make an open attempt to reach the 33 iiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy C COMPANY American lines. Whenever he came to a road he proceeded along it as if he knew it thoroughly and knew exactly where he was going. Whenever he found himself comparatively alone, he stopped and en- deavored to orient himself, in order to lind tlie road for home, hut whenever anyone aj^proached, he immediately became very busy again. He had decided that if he were challenged and found he was un- able to bluff his way through gruffly, as he assumed a Cierman officer would do, he would shoot the challenger and run for it toward the American lines. He reasoned that since he was an American Col- onel, caught inside the German line, he would rather take his chances on fighting his way out than to be taken prisoner. He might have got away with this if he had been challenged. During the more than 24 hours he was inside the German lines, he carried his Colt's auto- matic pistol in his hand, usually inside his overcoat pocket. Dawn found him still within the German lines. Throughout the night he found no opportunity to return to his own people. He had wandered almost to Chateau Chehery and he saw the retreating enenly blowing up ammunition dumps near Fleville. From the light of these flames he could see other ammunition dumps near by and he noted these to be located on the map when he might have the oppor- tunity of seeing it again. Just before daylight, Ristine found himself near a field through which ran an untrimmed hedge. He crawled under the rows of the hedge and crept stealthily forward until he found a place from which he could watch both sides. Then he made himself as comfortable as he could to spend the day. 34 C COMPANY There he la\' all day long. Along the road from Apreniont, which he could see on his right, a German battery of four cannon came and took position not far from the hedge. After that several ma- chine gunners also took position in the open field. They made em- placements in little fox holes and stuck branches of hedge brush up in front of them. Ristine had an excellent opportunity that day to observe the work of German artillery and machine guns. Twice dur- ing the day he heard sounds from the American lines which were full of meaning for him. He heard the tanks enter Baulny and he heard the American guns open. This showed him the artillery had come forward. Some of the shells fell near to Ristine and while the Ger- man artillery was not hurt, one shell got a fair hit on a machine gun emplacement. When night came he had a good idea of his position and as soon as it was thoroughly dark he crawled out of the hedge and started down the main National Fleville highway. He passed several artil- lery emplacements and an occasional soldier, but was never chal- lenged. The German overcoat doubtless served him well. Finally he saw the River Aire, but between him and the river was a heavy band of barbed wire. In climbing over it some of the rotten posts broke, once a machine gun traversed across the top of the wire and another time flares were sent up. Each time he lay still and finally crossed the wire and slipped down into the river. It was too deep to wade and he was afraid to try to swim it. Although an athlete, he was much weakened as he had had no sleep for yi hours and very little food. After three attempts to wade, he finally found a tree which had iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ 35 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii^ KILLED IN ACTION 1. Capt. Saiiford Brown, Jr. 2. Lieut. Arthur A. Axline 3. Capt. Carlisle R. Wilson 4. Capt. Edgar H. Dale 5. Lieut. John D. Cosgrove IllllllllllllllllllllillllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 36 D COMPANY been felled across the river, walked over it and so reached a brigade headquarters of the 28th Division. On the morning of September 28, Ristine was in the German lines, but that was unknown to the other officers of the regiment. Captain Brown, Regimental Adjutant, was dead, many other officers were wounded and the Regimental Headquarters was virtually wiped out. Every batallion had suffered heavily, the 3rd battalion was commanded by a Lieutenant, the ist Battalion was commanded by a Captain, but he had only one officer for each company. Rieger still held his second battalion together. Through the tangle of Alontrebeau Wood Rieger pushed slowlv ahead. There was much enemy infantry and many machine gunners, but despite the oppositions he finally reached the upper edge of the wood, where he dug in at night. In Montrebeau Wood, Colonel Americus Mitchell appeared, looking for the 139th Regiment which he was to command. A cold rain was falling, it was verv dark, the enemy was sullenly shelling the wood and Colonel Mitchell was un- able to locate any elements of his command. It should be remembered that throughout its part of the Ar- gonne battle, the 139th Infantry, except for a few hours, did not move, maneuver or fight as a regimental unit. Here was a unit, battalion company, platoon or squad, under its special commander doing a certain duty; yonder was another unit doing another dutv. The men fought just as gallantly and effectively on the night of 37 D COMPANY the 27th and all through the day of the 28th as they did at any other time, and the losses were very heavy. It was on September 28 that Lieutenant Everett B. Hosier met his death. This officer was new to the regiment, but had made a very good impression. He had been an athlete and sportsman in Phila- delphia when the United States entered the war. He was one of the organizers of the Philadelphia District Lawn Tennis Association and was considered probablv the best racket plaver in Philadelphia. He had applied for admission to the first officers' training camp, passed the physical examination, but was not called. He then applied for admission to the Fort Oglethorpe training camp but was not called there. Soon afterward he was drafted. In January, i<^i8, he was selected for the third officers' training camp at Camp Gordon, passed satisfactorily and was sent to France in Mav. Julv 18 he was com- missioned Second Lieutenant and transferred from the 82nd Division to the 35th Division. On this day he was leading parts of two companies of the 2nd Battalion near the edge of Montrebeau Wood. The Germans, filter- ing forward threatened to surround him. He ordered his men to fall back for safety, but before this was possible for many of them, the detachment was surrounded. The last seen of Hosier he was fight- ing desperately with a few of his men. He was entirely surrounded by the Germans. He and this little band did not surrender, but died fighting. He was at first listed as missing, but his grave was found afterwards about 700 yards north of Chaudron Farm. Captain Dale was killed on September 2S. He was in command 38 i ■■nil iiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiini 'i"i""""""""" " D COM PAX Y of F Company and had helped to take Charpentry. E. F and H com- panies pushed forward and drove the Germans out of then" position near Chaudron Farm and took the hedge to the north of it on the evenino- of September 27. Supports from the One Hundred Thirty- seventh and One Hundred Thirtv-eighth came forward on the morn- m^ of September 28 and this movement brought heavy enemy artil- len- fire upon the advanced Hue of the One Hundred Thirty-ninth. Captain Dale was hit bv a 77 shell. His fox hole was about fifteen feet from Rieger's. The explosion threw dirt over Rieger and know- incr that the shell had hit nearbv he called to Dale but got no answer. Rieger went over to Dale's fox hole and found him dead At Divisional Headquarters, acting as Divisional Mail oHicer, was Major Clay C. Macdonald, a tall, elderly man, who had been placed in that position because it was assumed he was too old or duty on the battle line. He had been a National Guardsman from his votith up and all of his service had been with the 4th Missouri and 'the I soth Infantry, into which it had been merged. He was at Head- quarters when he was told his son. Lieutenant Donald Malcolm Mac- donald had been killed on Vauquois Hill. He received the informa- tion unmoved, as a soldier must, and went at once into the head- quarters of General Traub and demanded that he have an assignment in the front line where he might hazard his own bodv in the for unes of war after the manner of his clan. He was immediately sent for- ''""''on the night of Sei.tember 28. he was in ^b.ntrebeau Wood. He took detachments of V> and D Companies and put Lieutenant McLord llilllllillllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllil iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii ■iiiiiii iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii 39 J) COMPAXV in immediate command and willi them formed a line facing the enemy. Major Macdonald on Septemlier 2Q took command of A and B Companies by direction of Colonel Ristine. Lieutenant iNIcCord on September 29 was wounded and sent to the rear. On the morning of September 30 Major Macdonald. still capable and efficient, turned over A and B Companies to Captain Williamson, connnanding the 1st Battalion of the One Hundred Thirty-ninth, and under orders of Colonel Mitchell took command of the 2nd Battalion of the 137th Infantry and formed a line just in the rear of that line held bv Stav- ton and the Engineers. He stayed with the One Hundred Thirty- seventh until the regiment was withdrawn, when he was returned to the One Hundred Thirty-ninth where he took command of his old bat- talion. Despite his 61 years. Major Macdonald endured great physi- cal hardships and the pounding and wear of battle better than some of the younger men and when he came home it was as a Lieutenant- Colonel, a promotion won on the field. On the morning of September 26, the morning which, as one officer -grimly said, was "to separate the men from the boys," Cap- tain Heiny was one of many men who wondered how he was going to stand the strain. It Avas a dubious question with him. Fourdays later, after he had taken two severe wounds and had kept fighting with the forward elements at all times and had voluntarily gone for- ward through an enemy barrage to get information, there was not much doubt in any body else's mind as to whether he was a soldier. The morning of September 2<) dawned dark and grav on the 40 D COMPANY Argonne battle field. A cold rain was falling steadily, and the hungry troops were soaked and chilled. The dreary untended field which lay between the northern edge of Montrebeau Wood and the town of Exermont was most desolate and repelling. The 35th Division was ordered to take Exermont and push as far beyond as it could. The Corps' orders transmitted to General Traub said specifically the troops must advance w-ithout regard to the division on either side. The division's front already made a salient in the enemy's line and further pushing forward of this salient meant that the advancing troops w^ould receive fire not only from their front, but from both flanks. The division was a division in name only now. Brigade and Division Headquarters had almost ceased to function. The effectives in charge of the direction of the troops were the regimental, battalion and company organizations. What semblance there was to the 70th Brigade Headquarters was only what had been willed to it by Gen- eral Martin, a master organizer, when he was relieved just before the battle. The 35th Division was, in effect, a number of small units, com- panies, battalions and regiments, waging little individual wars against a well organized and w^ell directed enemy. The higher com- mand, which should have held together and directed the eff'orts of these smaller bodies as a unit, had lost its cohesion and had ceased to be a factor. Exermont never was much of a town and the intense desire for it in the high command of the American Armv was because of its 41 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin^ D COMPANY position and ihe fact that it had l)ecn strongly fortified by the Ger- mans. It blocked the way. For its further defense the enemy had brought into it since the beginning of the Argonne Battle, large num- l)ers of veteran machine gunners. ' These were in the prepared em- ])lacements in the town and scattered over the open tield between Montrebeau Wood and the Exerniont Ravine. The first to make the attempt on Exermont was Major Kalloch with about 125 men, mostly of the 137th Infantry. Kalloch was beaten back and his command was virtually destroyed. He left his dead and wounded on the field. After him came Major James Rieger, a devout man, who was not in the custom of spending his Sunday mornings in such a scene. His battalion had sulTered heavy losses, for it had been through all the fighting at Vauquois Hill, the Bois de Rossignol, at the taking of Charpentry, Baulny and Chaudron Farm and the Montrebeau \Vood. 'fhose unwieldy French names for places were hardlv known to us then, but they will live in history as long as Missourians and Kansans read of martial deeds and revere their soldier dead. The little dots on the map of France were that day passing from the obscurity of rural villages, to the blaze of flame in the Midlands of America thousands of miles across the sea. Rieger formed the remnants of his battalion behind Montrebeau Wood, intending to pass through it for the sake of the shelter it would give against enemy fire, and to advance directly from its upper edge towards Exermont. Colonel Nuttman, commanding the brigade met him just as he was entering the wood and insisted that Exermont lay "that way," pointing due east. Rieger assured his superior of- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 42 iiiiiiiiiiiimnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm^ D COMPANY ficer that he was wrong. Nuttman insisted that he was right and gave a direct command to move in the direction indicated. Rieger was thereby compelled to pass to the right of Montrebeau Wood and thus expose his command to the enemy fire for a much longer space of time. Naturally he got many additional casualties because of this. It was broad daylight when he turned the last protecting corner of Montrebeau Wood and faced across the open ground. The field ahead of them was thick with machine gunners, placed there during the night, rifle fire from every protection was brought to bear on the attacking troops, artillery from three sides pounded them. Rieger's men had been without warm food for four days. They were chilled with the rain and they were extremely tired because of the constant work of battle. So heavy was the fire from the front that men were seen to turn their faces from it while still advancing, as one will do in a gale of wind. The command was '"Forward." There was no barrage and if General Berry's artillery was aiding the infantry, the infantry did not know it. That was the General Berry who spent so much time at Camp Doniphan trying to get rid of Major Rieger, and this was the Major Rieger that stayed. Both had reached the day of supreme trial. Across the open field the worn infantr\- went, the losses growing heavier every minute. Across the little valley of Exermont and the creek. Fairly against the town they charged and they took it, grimly killing the enemv machine gunners at their guns, and bombing the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 43 D COMPANY dug outs with awful thoroughness. Through the town they passed and to the heights heyond. There they dug a hne and held it. and there the 2nd BattaUon, the 139th Infantry and the 35th Division reached the height of their glory. Captain McQueen was badly wounded in Exermont ; Lieutenant McManigal was shot through the chest and with Private Joe Simpich lay three days without care or attention. This story has been told in detail in the first chapter of "From Vauguois Hill to Exermont." Of all of McManigal's detachment in the desperate move on Exermont, Leroy Moss, who did as much fighting as anyone else. was the only man who was not either killed or wounded. Not far behind Rieger came Delaplane with part of the One Hundred Fortieth, making firm and sure the American occupation of Exermont. On the field behind these advanced units, in Montrebeau Wood, about Chaiidron Farm and on both sides of it. the troops were suffer- ing as the result of confused orders and loss of capable officers. On our right. Colonel Walker commanding the 69th Rrigade had ordered two advances and a retirement. Ristine, again with his own division, reached that part of the field as the troops were coming back. He tried in vain to stop what elements he met. declaring he had later orders from high authority that the whole division was to advance and support the forward troops. Fie was too late, but if there had been another like him the farthest advance might have been held. Colonel Walker's message ordering a withdrawal anoral Cundiff, Roy E. Corporal White, Guy L. Corporal Dragoo, Dale, Corporal Long, Roy D. Cori>oral Cotton, Harry C. Corporal Deboard, Frank C. Corporal Tabor, Calvin A. Corporal Love, Blanton D. Corporal Home Addr Coffey AND Re\ 3r.i OS-MA. Tarkio. Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A. 4th Mo. OS-MA Trans. M. P. Co. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio. Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS- Trans. Hosp. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS- Trans. Hosp. Tarkio. Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Officers Training School Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Officers Training School Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA, Trans. Hdqrs. Co. 139th Inf. Nowata, Okla. Go. A, 3rd Kans. OS- Trans. Hdqrs. Co. 139 Inf. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Captured. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS- Trans. Hospital Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kan's. W-HE- Trans. Hosp. Tarkio. Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Captured. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. Trans. 110 Am. Train. Nowata, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA- G. Hosp. Tarkio. Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. W-S. Hartford, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Xowata. Okla. Co. A. 3rd Kans. OSMA. 64 G COMPANY Jones, Edgar L. Corporal Shaw, Ronald F. Corporal Kaup, Clarence Corporal Brown, Paul Corporal Gunsolley, Bernard Fredlund, John A. Howe, Robert W. Martin, Samuel J, Mueller, Fred Perry, Robert Hayes, Don Garst, Jonathan H.gginbotham, Jam^ Meek, Charley Pevehouse, John D. Sharp, Nuell Snoderly, Dcwel E. Tangney, Ralph M, Wrinkle, Ola E. Hanes, James B. Kortekaas, Leonard Perry, Henry E. Petrus, Antonv Vael, William P Wise, Robert Lupton, Clifford L. Nelson, George E. Gailey, Bert Woolhether, Lawre Herrick, Ben F. Kelley, Olin F. W. Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corpora! Corporal s H. Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal , Corporal Corporal Corporal I Corporal Corporal Corporal Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Corporal nee A. Corporal Corporal Corporal Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Star City, Ind. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Trans. University. Shakopee, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. 55 South Washington Street, Chilli- cothe. Missouri. Co. A. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Glen Wood. Iowa. Camp Dodge, Iowa. OS-MA. Scandia, Kansas. Camp Funston, Kans. OS-MA. Delaware, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Nowata, Oklahoma, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Olmit, Iowa. Camp Dodge, Iowa. OS-MA. Sigourney, Iowa. R. F. D. 3, Camp Dodge, Iowa. OS-MA. Iowa, Camp Dodge, Iowa. OS-MA. Trans. University. Depew, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Decatur, Illinois. Camp Dodge, Iowa OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Trans. M. P. Minn. Camp Dodge, Iowa. OS-MA. Trans. MP. Olmitz, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA, Trans. MP. Unknown. Trans. MP. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS MA. Coffevvillc. Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Missouri. 3rd Mo. Trans. M. P. Coffeyville, Kans. OS. Trans. Co. A, 130th Machine Gun Bn. Tarkio. Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Trans. Hosp. Coffeyville. Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. Trans. Hospital. Ilutson, Rufus Corporal Lindley, Robert H. Corporal Farley, G rover C. Mechanic V'ernon, Joe Mechanic Martin, Verne Mechanic Hogue, Robert G. Mechanic Arnold, Clarence Cook Dragoo, Carl Cook Walton, Grover C. Cook Uucher, Tilden Cook Cobb, Charles R. Cook Duncan, Paul W. Bugler Searcy, Alvie Bugler Ahnert, Walter E. Pvt. Icl. Benedict, Harry W. Pvt. Id. Boom, Samuel J. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Icl. Berg, Earl Pvt. Icl. Boston, Levi S. Pvt. Icl. Bncher, Barney Pvt. Id. Brunning, George Pvt. Id. Bunbury. Dennis L. Pvt. Icl. Carlson, Carl F. Pvt. Id. CarlsoD, Carl E. Pvt. Id. Carlson, Emil Pvt. Id. Carter, Frank A. Pvt. Icl. Cathers, Charles P., Tr. Pvt. Id. Clanton, Thomas I. Pve. Icl. 719 South 19 St. Independence, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Captured. Fairfax, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. 112 East Cottonwood Street, Inde- pendence, Kans. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Nowata, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. 206 East Valley Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A. 3rd Kans. OS-Trans. Hosp. 209 East 11th St., Coffeyville, Kans. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Nowata, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Kansas. Camp Funston, Kans. OS- MA. Trans. Hosp. Corning, Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Nowata, Oklahoma, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS- Trans. Hosp. Minn. Unknown. Ithaca, Mich. 8 Co. 2nd Bn. 160 Depot Brig. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA W-S. Delaware, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. 209 E. 11th St. Coffeyville, Kans Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. 349 Sander St. Indianapolis, Indi ana. Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. 415 South 3rd St. Niles, Mich Camp Zacharv Taylor, Ky. 711 East Danaher Street, Ludention Mich. Camp Custer. 711 East Danaher Street, Ludention Mich. Camp Custer. 1105 Hawthorne Avenue, St. Paul Minn. Camp Dodge, OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas, Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS. Hosp. 65 G COMPANY Cr for.l, Claude C. Pvt. Id. 1, Vaughn D. Pvt. Id, Doh Farley, Clyde Pvt. Id Fuzzell, David W. Pvt. Id Friend, James O. Pvt. Id Grady, George E. Pvt. Id Glidwcll, Marion D. Gray, Charley A. Pvt Harmon, Claude Pvt Harsh. Cecil P. Pvt. Haring, Myron h. Pvt. Henson, Caston Pvt. Ilughey, Charle M Hull, William P. Pvt. Pvt. MacHatton, Joe Pvt. McEIfish, John Pvt. Isley, Crayton W. Karns, Jess W. Kaup, Nick H. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Keeppen, Henry A Latta, John ' Pvt. Pvt. Lyons, Roscoe M. Marshall, Irvin Pvt. Pvt. Meyer, Paul L. Pvt. Miller, Clarence M Pvt. Moody, Harrison Pvt. Montague, Harold Pvt. Mussleman, Karl A. Pvt. Olson, John B. Pvt. 1302 West 11th St. Coffcyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS- MA. Deward, Michigan. Camp Custer ICau Claire, Michigan. RFDl, Camp Custer. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A, 4tli Mo. OS-MA. Nowata, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Trans. Hosp. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Nowata, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kansas. OS-MA. Lihertv, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. 0S-.\IA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA Trans. Co. A, 139th In- fantry. Goodrich, North Dakota. Camp Dodge, Iowa. OS-.MA. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS- Trans. Hosp. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA Trans. M. P. 516 South Sarah St. Escanaha, Michigan. Camp Custer. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. CotTeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Trans. Hosp. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA Trans. Mech. School Shelby, Michigan. Camp Custer. Pleasantville, Iowa. Camp Dodge. Shakopee, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Kill, Wis. RFDl. Camp Grant. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Olid, Micliigan, Camp Custer. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. 1326 Stophlet Street. Fort Wayne, Iiidiana. Camp Dodge. Thornton, Iowa, Camp Dodge, OS- MA. Turon, Kansas. Camp Funston. OS- MA. 621 Walnut St. Cadillac, Michigan. Camp Custer. 212 Kenwood Avenue. Edoit, Mich- igan. Camp Grant. Litchfield, Minnesota. RFD2. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. -son, Charle o, Alphonse Harold S. Renfro, Karl K. Scholes, Richard Smith, Ilcrhcrt Schiffern, Roy Scott, Albert V,. Schwartz, \'incer Shirer, Fred Silsbee, Glendon Stagner, Claude Stone, Roy Trough, Lloyd Romish, Mile Tharp, Roy C. Vanderford, Ea Van Sickle, Sel Walton, Ellis P. Wade, John A. Pvt. G.Pvt. Pvt. C. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. t B. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. ■1 K. Pvt. ih Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. r, Cla Wa Wy Withr( World, Hen Wilson, Will Zciser. Conrad Allen, Sylvester Pvt. Id. Floyd C. Pvt. Icl. erman Pvt. Id. R. Pvt. Icl. North Fork, Kentucky. Camp Zach- ary Taylor. Nowata, Oklahoma. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Trans. Hosp. Chicago, Illinois. Camp Wheeler. Champion, Michigan. Camp Grant. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Dewitt, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. Trans. Co. K, 139th Inf. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Captured. Indiana. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Trans. Co. M, 139th Inf. Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA Trans. Hospital. Chanton, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. 606 East Green Street, Hastings, Michigan. Camp Grant. Redding, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS. Trans. MP. Unknown. Trans. Hospital Unknown. 1402 West Seventh Street. Coffey- ville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. W-S. Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- Trans. University. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS. 1802 West Tenth Street, Coffey- ville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA 1212 Elm Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. 110 Am. Train. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS Trans. Hosp. Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. W- HE Trans. MP. Medora, North Dakota. Camp Grant. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA-K. 66 G COMPANY AJlcman, William Private Amiindson, Norman Private Amlerson, Walter C. Private liachman, Ross B. Private Bragg, Harley W. Private Barnes, William Private Barlund, Albin, Private Barrett, Ranson H. Private Benefiel, Leian J. Private Bennett, Jess Private Billgren, John Private Blackstead, Ola A. Private Blatter, Berthold Private Boetcher, Edward Private Bogg, Earnest Private Boxsted, Herman Private Branderhort, Ralph J. Private Brodie, Dale C. Private Brown, Leo R. Private Bunch, John R. Private Bonmpensiero, Salviator Private Busse, Ben E. Private Butcher, Roy L. Private Cheesman, William M. Private Clark, Allen G. Private Campbell, James Private Charmichacl, Charles V. Christia Carl A. Private Christlock, Harold J. Private Clanton, Thomas, Private Coltveit, Thomas E. Private Collison, Elba A. Private Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. Trans. Co. A, 130th Mch. Gun Bn. OS. Minot, North Dakota. Camp ijodge. OS-MA. Dallas, Wis. Camp Dodge. OS-MA, Olds. Iowa, Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Union, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri, Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-D. Page, North Dakota. Camp Dodge. MA. Iowa. Camp Dodge. Trans. Hosp. Allen Mills, Pa. Camp Dodge. MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Wilhston, North Dak. Camp Dodge MA. Minot, North Dakota. Camp Dodge. MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Stanton, North Dak. Camp Dodge. MA. Champion, 111. Camp Wheeler. Lakota, North Dak. MA. Crosby, North Dakota. Camp Dodge MA. St. John, Kansas. Camp Funston. OS-MA. Kulm, North Dak. Camp Dodge. MA. OS. Melrose, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Milwaukee, Wis. Camp Grant. Unknown. Trans. Hospital. Ivovila, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Lovila, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA St. Paul, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS MA. Captured. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo, OS. Trans. Hosp. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo OS- Trans. Hosp. Abline, Kans. Co. H, 3rd Kans. OS MA. Mt. Ayre. Iowa, Camp Dodge. OS MA. Landa, North Dak. Camp Dodge OS-MA. Redwing, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo, OS-MA, Williston, North Dak. Camp Dodge OS-MA. Hastings, Mich. Camp Custer. M.\ ate 67 Coon, William D. Private Costas, Francis Private Crotty, Francis W. Private Davenport, Frank C. Private Denzler, William Private Donelson, Dean Private Dodge, Emery Private Dyson, Melvin Private Engelke, Otto A. Private Engen. Hans Private Fall, Earl C. Private Farris, John Private iMscher, Edward Fisher, Guy K. Foster, Grover R. Private Franklin, George T. Private Gleason, Walter Private Grasso, Alfrcddo Private Gray, Charles A. Private Gunsallus, John Private Halvorson, Andrew Private Hancock, William L. Private Hannon, John F. Private Henson, Loyd Private Hollick, Phillip Private Hover, Ray R. Private Howell, Harvey P. Private Irwin, Willie E. Private Jacobsmeyer, Joseph Private Janke, William Private Jones, James Private Jundy, Dewey Private Keasling, Lloyd F. Private Kuster, Henry Private Chillicolhe, Mo. Co. A, 4th JIo. OS- MA. W-S. New York City. New York Trans. MP. Bernard, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Osceola, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Carlton, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Tarkio, Mo. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-iMA. Trfd. MP. Oskaloosa, Kansas. 3rd Kans. MA. Saginaw, Michigan. RFDl. Camp Custer. MA. Williston, North Dak. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. La Moure, North Dak. Camp Dodge OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Deulah, North Dak. Greenville, Mo. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Minot, North Dak. OS-MA. Camp Dodge. Minot, North Dak. Camp Dodge. MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Cella Cerbetta, Italy, Camp Dodge OS-MA. DenhofT, North Dak. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Osage, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Calvin, North Dak. OS. 119J4 W. 9th St., Coffeyville, Kan- sas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Litchfield, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Mansfield, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Kenmare, North Dak. Camp Dodge OS-MA. Minot, North Dak. OS. Grinnell, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. Osceola, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. RFDl Luxenburg, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Janesville. Minn. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. 707 East nth St. Coffeyville, Kan- sas. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Hayesville, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. RFD 4, Buffalo Lake, Minn. G COMPANY I.atta, James McGlothen, Or Mowery, Merle Olstad, Olai R. Osfng, John H. Palmer, Magnus Papen, James I!. Peterson, Roy V. Plank, William I'. Piatt, Clyde A. Proffitt, Harry L. Richard, lien Priva Priva Schii lelpfennig, Jo Earnest Smeback, Carl O. Pr Stagner, Claude M. Pr Steele, Albert H. Pr Stephens, Clyde G. Pr Stephens, Ray Pr 1209 Elm St. Coffey ville, Kans. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. W-G. RFD2 Larmar, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. 1st. St. Willmer, Minn. Memjihis, Missouri. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Foxholme, North Dak. Camp Dodge. MA. Linn Creek, Missouri. Co. A. 3nl Kans. OS-MA. Box 30, Appleton, Minn. Webster. Iowa. Camp Dodge OS. Dickens, Iowa. Camp Dodge OS- MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. RFDl, Harper, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kansas. 120-1 -2 W. 8th St. Co. A, 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Roseau, Minn. OS-MA Camp Dodge. RFDl Redding, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. EFDl. New Sharon, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS. Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS. Maloy, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS Trans. Hosp. Sunday, Clarence Swenson, Harry M. Shelton, Irwin Thompson, Oscar Tintes, Hubert Walker Fra nk M. Walters , Ru ber L, Wallen Iter ry -T. Wheele r, Fi ed Walker Wo rie V M Witthoeft, Her ry Vochun 1, W alt r L Yoerg, Shcld on E. Zulick, Har y H. Zeiner, F,ld^ •oc d Boxstet Brown. Gchard . He Leo Ben R J an Hastings, Nebr. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS. Trans. Hosp. Svea, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. Kirksville, Missouri. MA. RFD5, Red Wing, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS. RFDl, Eden Valley, Minn. Camp Dodge, OS-MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. Grand View, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. 1511 Gnahan St. Burlington, Iowa. Camp Dodge. OS-MA. ngsto Mo 3rd .„..,. OS-MA. Westboro, Mo. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS- MA. Tarkio, Missouri. Co. A, 4th Mo. OS-MA. RFD.S Long Prairie, Minn. OS- MA. Longville, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS- MA. RFDl, Little Falls, Minn. Camp Dodge. OS-W-S. RFDl, Judson, North Dak. Camp Dodge. OS. Trans. Hosp. 344 East 44th St. New York City, New York. OS-MA. Lakota, North Dak. OS- Ilalbright Sask, G. Camp Dodge. Don Springs, Kans MA. 68 G COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY B, 139th INFANTRY Name and Rank Blcviiis, Theodore R. 1st Sgt. Kinimel, William 1st Sgt. Culpepper, Henry G. 1st Sgt. Strciff, John P. Sup. Sgt. Taylor, James R. Sup. Sgt. Chance, Benjamin H. Mess Sgt. Cecil, Clarence C. Sergeant Brey, Marlin Sergeant Gibson, Perry F. Sergeant Ilarr, Lloyd T. Sergeant Kennedy, John L,. Sergeant learner, Leland S. Sergeant Segraves, Victor L. Sergeant Vendel, Joseph J. Sergeant Williamson, Sherman H. Sergeant Young, Karles C. Sergeant Kelley, Fred Sergeant Edwards, James H. Sergeant Robohn, Walter E. Sergeant Farris, Earl A. Sergeant Gutschenritter, baniuel B. Sergea.it Shepard, John W. S.rgeant Miller, Virgil W. Sergeant Roberts, Herbert R. Sergeant Anderson, Alba \^^ Sergeant Langley, Arbie F. Sergeant Baynes, John W. Sergeant Davis, Lewie E. Sergeant Adams, Carl Sergeant Gibs Lu P. Corporal Corporal Ham, Willi; McCullum, John L. Corporal McGhee, Robert L. Corporal Home Address and Remarks Oskaloosa, Kansas. OS-MA-St.M. 1400 West 6th St., Topeka, Kansas. OS-MA-St.M. Caruthersville, Mo. Discharged to accept commission, 2nd Lt. OS. Havti, Mo. MA-MGF. OS. St.M. Lawrence, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Atwood, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Steele, Mo. OS. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-MGF- St.M. Winchester, Kans. OS. Trfd. to 110th Ammu. Tr. Aug. 18, 1918. Emporia, Kans. OS. Trfd. to U. S. A. Aug. 15. 1918. Scotts Hill, Tenn. OS. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS. Discharged to accept 2nd Lt. Commission. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-K-St.M. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-G-MGF- St.M. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-MGF-S- St.M. Ft. Worth Tex. OS. Discharged to accept 2nd Lt. Commission. Steele, Mo. OS-MA-St.M. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Lawrence, Kans. OS-MA-MGF-St. M. Oskalo M. Elytheville, Ark. OS-MA-MGF-G Trfd. Co. K, 139th InL Feb. 15, 1919. Howard. Kans. OS-MA-MFG-St.M. Elytheville, Ark. OS-St.M. Valley Falls, Kans. OS-St.M. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-MA-St.M. Winchester, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-MA-St.M- HE Winchester, Kans. OS-MA-St.M- MGF. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Kans. OS-MA-MGF- St. Name and Rank Neel, Robert N. Corporal Xeel, Lawrence C. Corpora Pratt, William M. Corpors Corpora Cole, Fred G. Corpora Pottorf, Frank H. Corpora! Conley, Loren Corpora Grossman, Edmund A. Corpora Robertson, Lee W^ Corpora Sill. Richard I. Corpora Radclitf, George D. Corpora Woolbright, Everett Corpora Barckman, Donnel Corpora Bliss, Stanley V. Corpora Ramsey, David W. Corpora Wells, Mervin Corpora Hillard, Clark H. Corpora! Davis, Clinton Corporal Lawrence, Melvin C. Corpor. Flynn, James S. Corporal No Home Address and Remarks lie, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- La Mat J. Corpora uthe ille. Mo. OS-St.M-MA-C. Dark, Stanley Corporal Hammond, William F. Corpora Shively, Charles W. Corpora Gallion, Ruff Corpora Clock, John H. Corpora Hesser, Fred S. Corpora Blair, Charles H. Corpora Heskett, Alvin J. Corpora Hudson, William B. Corpora Kalin, Thomas Corporal Massow, Charles A. Corpoi Severn, Arnold Corpora Walters, Austin M. Corpora Hanson, Sophus W. Corporal MGF Kennett, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Emporia, Kans. OS. Killed in Al- sace trenches. Ozawakie, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Ellsworth, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-S. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to Co. I, 139th Inf. Feb. 15. 1919. Emporia, Kans. OS. Trfd. in Sept. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Trfd to Co. I, Feb. 15, 1919. Winchester, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Emporia, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-K. Goldendale, Wash. OS-St.M-MA. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Howard, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., OS-St.M-MA. Dunavant, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-S. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Tyler, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. 153 Stephens Ave., St. Paul, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Thief River Falls, Minn. OS-St.M- MA. Warden, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Valley Falls, Kans. OS-St.M. Valley Falls, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Oskaloosa. Kans. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Alta Vista, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Glennwood, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Antelope, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. 826 North Street, Peru, 111. OS. Eldora, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA, 128 Van Street, Neenah, Wis. OS- St.M-MA. 69 G COMPANY Clark, George R. Corporal Lost Springs, Kans. OS-St.M-MA Coffeyville, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. 708 2nd Ave., Minot, N. D., OS- St.M-MA. Wariltll, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. I.oniston, Mich., OS. Oskaloosa. Kans. OS-St.M-MA G. Oskaloosa. Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Tyler, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Ozawakie, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-K. OS-St.M-MA-S 18 OS Joined Oct. 19. Ellsworth, Kansas. OS-MA-G. 18. OS. Jained Oct. 19. James Town. N. D. OS. Wounde.l in Alsace trenches. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. 71 Turriel Ave. LaPeer, Mich. OS. Trfd. July 1918 to Hq. Co. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Dyersbnrg, Tenn. OS. Trans, tu Mg. Bn. May. 1918. Stanley, N. D. OS-St.M-MA-S-K. Spring Vallev, 111. OS. Admitted to Hosp. Sept. 1918. Kenneth, Mo. OS. rpora Avers, Richard I'orpora Golden, Philip Corliora Vendel. William 1-. Corpora Larkins, William J. Corpora Warren, Carl D. Corpora \'igus, Frank M. Corpora Duke, William R. Corpora Davison, Curtis L,. Corpora I'aul, Clinton Corpora Krick, Albert Corpora Gie?e, Richard K. Corpora Citius, Henry L. Fletcher, Charles W. Cc Ilagendeffer, Ernest F. C( Kellogg, Harry Ci r.randon, Benjamin F. Mecha Cratty, Ollie B. Mecha Craiglow, John H. Mecha Ikbert, Henry W. Mecha llaremski, Ignatius I,. Mecha Rodgers, Virgcl C. Mecha Cook French Enos G. Mec lanic Dow. N.D. OS-St.M-MA. Jenning s, Carl Mcc lanic Halls. Tcnn. OS-St.M-MA. Jenning s. Hall Mec lanic Halls. Tenn. OS-St.M-MA. listers. Ecxie C. 1! ,gler Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA MGF. ^"oung, Clark B igler Howard, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. B.nnett Curtiss Pvt Icl. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G Armstr Batema ng. Thoma 1, Lumcul s E. Pvt E, Pvt Icl. Id. OS. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA MGF. Blockw tz, Birt Pvt Id. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-MGF Brown. Homer Pvt Id. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M. Trans to MP. Amsler WilliaTU Pvt Id. 14 Wisconsin St. Indianapolis, Ind OS. Abholt, Dean A. Pvt Icl. f)sawkie, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Austin, Robert A. Pvt Icl. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA MGF. Bvrd, r l;'rann. 'Everett W Pvt Id. H,avti. Mo, OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M. Burkha t. William 11. Pvt. Pvt Chaska. Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Blcvins William E Ich Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-K- MGF. Bishop, Chester M Pvt Icl. Albia, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA-K-S. Boik, Buckl Mike ■y, Houston Pvl H. Adam Cot tie 5, Shelby r, Albert Pvt Coons Davis Deitri Dodge Dougl Kenneth Lester M. ch, Peter , Alfred D. ass, Shelton F. Davis William L. Pvt. Dunca n, Elmer E. Pvt Dicke- l-;dwa , Forrest H ds. Thomas Pvt H. Evans, Nathaniel, Fletcher, Clair Greeley, Charles E Pvt Pvt . Pvt Guay, Golf. Gillila John George nd, Gilbert Pvt Pvt Pvt Harper, Lynn, I'vt Holmes, Clyde Pvt Hudson, Leslie A. I'Vl IKnuloi , Charles E. l-'vt Hudson George A. Pvt. Ilenson Everett C Pvt Hanson Henry M. Pvt Idso, O car Pvt Ingram, Joseph Pvt Jenkins, Lloyd Pvt Johnson Fred W. Pvt Knutsoi , Oliver G. Pvt Knight, Dan R. Pvt. Lambov, Tommie J. Pvt. Lee. Melvin A. Pvt. Langley, Ernest L. Pvt. Little, George A. Pvt. ■ - ■ , n. Pvt. Clarence B. Lunsford, Mat , Elme Shirle Pvt. Pvt. L'Ause, Mich. OS. Hayti, Mo. OS-St.M. Steele. Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Western Union, Iowa. OS-St.M- MA-G. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Winchester, Kans. OS-St.M. Ellis, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Lvndon, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Kennctt, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Kans. OS-K. Als; Oskaloo Trenches. Williamstown. Kans. OS. Trfd. May. I91S. OS. Hayti. Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Dunavant, Kans. OS. Xortonville, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Topeka. Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-K-HE. Tyler, Mo. OS. Trfd. to Hq. Co. Mav. 1919. lUrnian. Mo. OS-St.M-MA. .!J2 Jn,l Ave. Evansville, Ind. OS- St.M-MA. Wiudledom, N. Dak. St.M-MA-OS. \ irginia, Minn. OS-St..M.MA. \ irgil. Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Brocket, N. D. OS-St,M-MA. Caruthersville. M" Si MM.VOS. Tvler. Mo. OS Si \I M A K Oskaloosa. Mo. i i> M M-MA-K. Caruthersville, Mn dS-SlM-MA- W-MGF. Steele. Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-MGF. OS-St.M-MA. Lowrv, Minnesota. OS-St.M-M.'\. Paullina. Iowa. OS. Pike, Arkansas. OS-St.M-MA. Faust, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Caruthersville. Mo. OS-St.M. Moorchead, Minnesota. OS-St.M- M.\. Havti. Mo. OS. M.adison, Mo. OS Si M^T.V G. Walcntt. N. D. 11^ S-S. Bl ruthersville. M. field, Iowa MGF-W. . I'aul. .\ IS SiM OS-St.M-MA- OS-St.M-M.\. 70 Bragg Citv, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Hayti, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-G. Rigely, Tenn. OS-St.M-MA. iiiiiii II Ill mil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii mill iiiiiii miiiiii 111111111111 CITED FOR VALOR 1. Capt. J. VV. AIcQiiecn 3. Capt. John D. Heiiiy 2. Lieut. Cobiirn Hull 4. Capt. N. B. Lomau 5. Lieut. William Perrigo lllllllllllll 71 T'^'¥->. AMiV i.li jA-^ jmSL imA Mi'"^^ ■-»^ ^:t^- H COMPANY McLees, Guy, Moose, Joseph Morrissey, Leo Morley, Roy C. Morton, Jason Mott, Roy A. Meyers, Newton Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Neinecek, Milo V. Pvt. Icl. Xichols, Ralph M. Pvt. Icl. Olson, Theodore R I )wcn. Albert .\. o'Brion, William : Owen, Wade R. Olmstead, Hugh Popejoy, William Powell, Odis L. Pottorf, Fred G. Rushing, Herman Ray, Hugh V. Shilley, Carl Smith, Shirley M. Snelson, Ben H. Stowe, Tohn M. Shultz, Everett T. Soencer, Marshall Southern. Walter Trapp, Merle A. Vance, Claborn Vandruflf, Grovcr W; Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. George IC. Pvt. Ul. Wilbanks. Jack W. Pvt. IcT. Wind, Fred J. Pvt. Id. Woessner, Otte E. Pvt. Icl. Watts, Chester Pvt. Id. Winrick, Clarence E. Pvt. Id. Zidek, Rafeal Pvt. Icl Abernathv, Claborn Private Akers, Howard Private Ahl. Gust E. Private Andr John M. vatc Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Genoa, Wisconsi Daune, Minn. Anamosa, Iowa, ch, N. Atw Kan 1. OS-St.M-MA. OS-St.M-MA-WG. OS-St.M-MA. OS-St.M-MA. OS-St.M-MA-W-S- MGF. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-W-S. Alsace trenches. Ilavti, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-MGF. 210 A St., North Moorehead, Minn. nSSt.M-MA. Ifll9 Ninth Ave., East Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. OS. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Florence, Wis. OS-St.M-MA. Winchester, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. OS-Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. July 16/19. Oskaloosa, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA-K. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Decatur, Tex. OS-St.M-MA. Hayti, Mo Oskaloosa, Sikeston, OS-St.M-MA-S. Kans. OS-St.M-MA-S. o. OS-St.M-MA. Ste Mo. I 1 Mo. < ) \1 .\ \1 .\ -. Lovilia, Iowa, i i.S Sl.M MA .MGF. Foley, Minn. OSSt.M-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-K. Oskaloosa, Kans. OS. Tvler, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. McClouth, Kans. OS. Trfd. to 130th M.G. Co. May 4/19. 103 S. Franklin St., Junction Citv, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Ilavti, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. 113 Market St., Emporia, Kans. OS- St.M-MA.W-G. Park( MA. Caruthersv W-MGF. Ozawkie, I Minn OS-St.M- OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Maryville, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-K. Kennett, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Reedsville, Ky. OS. 1219 7th St., South Minneapolis Minn. OS-St.M-MA-K. OS. tz, Jacob e, Howard J. vate Bartels, Otto C. Baron, Michael Private Bevelhymer, Harry A. Private Biggs, Noah M. Private Borlaugh, Gerhard E. Private Brown, Lyie J. Private Braun, Frank H. Private Brown, Ira Private Blank, Harrv J. Private Bousfield, George II. Private H. Private Private vford, Willard I. Private ti, James H. Private Collins, Joseph R. Private Carleton, Guy Private Creason, Ilardie Carmichcal, Dolph Duuavan, Merle L. Private He Darnell, William I'erry, Samuel Duranto, Antonii Edling, Reuben Ekstrom, Oscar Eugene, Amund Flannigan, John Fletcher, Louis Foelker, Walte Foste H. Private , Tohn W. Private Fromm, Edwin H. Private Furcht, Francis F. Private Frederickson. Frank H. Private Froehlick, Andrew Private Given, John Private Glomstead, Elmer Private Grassmidt, Jacob Private Gray, John Private Grondale. Henry Private Gundberg. John, Private Goeke, Raymond .\. Private Trfd. to Co. K, 139th Inf., Feb. 15/19. OS. OS-Trfd. Co. K, 139th Inf., Feb. 15/19. Gregory, Iowa, OS-St.M-MA. Mandon, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Ceder, Mich. OS. Trfd. to Co. K. Oxford, Mich. OS. Rothsav, Minn. OS-St.M-MA-K. Norwood, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-K. OS. Trfd. May 1918. Vallev Falls, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA- Trtd. to Hq. Co., 139th Inf. \'ersailles. Kentucky. OS. West Union. Iowa. OS-St.M-MA- W-G. Sawyer, N. D. OS-St.M-MA- W-S- Conran, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Winnelk. 111. OS. Caruthersville. Mo. OS. Trfd. to Hq. Co.. 139th Inf., May 1919. Conran. Mo. OS. Trfd. to Supply Co.. Mav 1919. OS-St.M-MA-Trfd. to Hq. troop Jan. 1919. 1313 Brooklyn Ave.. Kansas City, Mo. OS. Trfd. to Hq. 35th Div. OS. Trfd. Huntsville, Ala. OS. Trfd. to M OS. Trfd. to K Co. 139th Inf. RobinsviUe, Minn. OS-St.M-MA-W- S. Plaza, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Casselton, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. 2303 Gerard Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. OS. Boyle, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. 1036 S. 3rd Ave., Wausau, Wis. OS-St.MMA. Dyesberg, Tenn. OS-St.M. 1712 N. Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. OS. Dallas. Iowa. Joined Jan. 1919 OS. Portland, N. D. OS. Wounded in Alsace Trenches. Mandon. N. D. OS-St.M-MA. 7122 Ingleside Ave., Chicago, 111. OS. N. D. Whe 856 nth St., Grand St., Mich. OS. Cosell, Mich. OS. Roy, N. D. OS-St.M-MA-W-MGF. Detroit. Mich. OS-St.M-MA-W- MGF. OS-St.M-MA-K. 72 H COMPANY Giftord, Leon D. Private Ooetze, Albert L. Private Gibler, Forrest S. Private Harrington, Clifford Private Ilau, Henry T. Private Iledland, John Private Heine, Henry Private Helgeson, Henry L. Private Henrickson, Nicolai Private Hanson, Martin C. Private Hill, Alfred Private Hilleren, Henry C. Private Hoffman, Leslie L. Private Hogan, George F. Private Hopp, Charles A. Private Iloiits, Jehrias Private Hubbard, Felix Private Harlow, Luther T. Private Hartman, Charles L. Private Harris, Robert Private Hatling, Walter H. Private Hellerud, Paul Private Hiatt, Elmer Private Hilderbrandt, Edward Private Hiterdal, Clifford Private Hoard, Clement Private Haugland, Conrad Private Hargrave, Glen N. Private Irwin, Kelley O. Private Johnston, Traynor Private Johnson, Robert L. Private Kiln Ja T. Kosan, Frank J. Private Kilroy, James P. Private Kreul, Anton J. Private Kramer, Reuben L. Private Koenig, August W. Private Kruchten, Edward A. Private T,ewis, George S. Private Large, Oral F. Private Laverty, Clarence Private Logsdon, Shirley R. Private Lunsford, Dorcie D. Private Lake, Artie C. Marlin, Delmar R. Private Mally, George A. Private Minneapolis, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Mora, Minn. OS-Trfd. May, 1918. Toplin, Mo. OS. Trenton, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Newberry, St. Appleton, Wis. OS. Kindred, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Krem, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Mohawk, N. K. OS-St.M-MA. Appam, N. D. OS-St.M-MA- W-G. Grenade in Alsace Trenches. Newton, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Park Hill, Ontario, Canada. Troga, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Amhearst Junction, Wis. OS. 5616 Green St., Chicago, 111. OS. 230 Fullerton Ave., Detroit, Mich. OS. Masion, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Brock, Ky. OS. Leonard, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Stanley, N. D. OS St.M-MA-K. Mohall, N. D. OS-Trfd. to Hospital as sick in Aug.. 1919. Crosley, N. D. OS-St.M-MA-S. Minton, N. D. OS-St.M-MA. Minfon, N. D. OS-St.M-MA-K. Watseka, 111. OS-St.M-MA-S. Moorehead, Minn. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Tamestown, N. D. OS. "OS St.M. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. Co. M. Belle Prairie, 111. OS. Ft. Wayne, Ind. OS. Caruthersville, Mo. OS. Trfd. to Supply Company, May, 1918. Ozawkie, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. 4950 South Seely Ave., Chicago. III. OS. 1514 East 9th St., Minneapolis, Mil OS. Highland, Wis. OS. Wabash, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Moorehead, Minn. St.M-MA-K. St. Cloud, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. 27t 13th St., Milwaukee, Wis. OS. Numa. Iowa. OS. 26 West Winfred St., St. Paul, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. 416 West 6th Ave., Flint, Mich. OS. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Bloomfield, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA-W- MGF. Topeka, Kansas. Trfd. to Hq. Co. July/18. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Chicago, 111. OS. Malpiede, Clyde Private Mannion, Michael Private Martin, Theodore F. Private Mattfolk, Alfred Private Matson, Herbert Private Meyer, John Private Miller, Howard Private Monroe, Alvin J, Private Moore, David W., Jr. Private Moore, John Private Myhand, Wvatt V. Private Marley, James J. Private McAninch, Howard Private Miles, George H. Private .Miller, Grovcr C. Private Martin, Wilson M. Private Nordberer, John Private Oelkcrs, Albert J. C. Private Oman, Ernest Private Ostile, Oscar O. Private Owens, Earl D. Private Olson, Herbert Private Ozzelo, Eniil Private Palmer, Frank Private Park, John Private Parson, Clint Private Patrick, Tames W. Private Plester, Charles R. Private Parson, Tolmie A. Private Peterson, Verner G. Private Pollock, Newton D. Private Prall, Ross L. Private Pride, Frank Private Pfleuger, Chester H. Private Pepples, Joseph Private Remoga, Nick Private Renner. Harley Private Reynolds. Roy L. Private Rothel. Arthur F. Private Reed, Daniel W. Private Rockstroh, Ernest R. Private Rice, William M. Private Russell, Willard P. Private Ralph, Harry Private Robertson, Lee A\'. Private Rogers, Clyde J. Private Repologe, Karl M. Private Roberts, Frank D. Private Ray, George W. Private Reed, Mansie Private Denver, Colo. OS. Glenamaddy, Ireland. OS. Stuttgart, Ark. OS. Muskegon, Mich. OS. Ludington. Mich. OS. Conwav, Mo. OS. Manceioa, Mich. OS. Elleston, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Wounded in Alsace trenches. Peoria, 111. OS. Minconning, Mich. OS. Opelika. Ala. OS. Hayti. Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-G. OS-St.M-MA-K. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-MA. Valley Falls, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- W-S. Dunvant, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- W-G. Minneapolis, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Redwing, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Chicago, 111. OS. Northwood, N. D. OS. Akron, Mich. OS. Spirit Lake, Iowa. OS-St-M-MA. OS. Trfd. to K Co. 139 Inf. Feb. 16, '19. Corydon, Iowa. OS. Galesville, Wise. OS. Brownell, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-W- S. Paris. Mo. OS-St.M. Harbor Beach, Mich. OS. Kent Center, Ontario, Canada. OS. Shauer, Mich. OS. Chicago, III. OS. Carlisle, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-MA. Ortonville, Minn. OS. Pascola, Mo. OS. Trfd. to M. G. Gun July 1, '19. Saint Andrea, Sulloneo Province, Contonzaro, Italy. OS. Indianapolis, Ind. OS. Lansing, Mich. OS. Cleveland, Wis. OS. Beaukiss, Tex. OS-St.M-MA. Chicago, III. OS. St. Johns, Mich. OS. Hayti, Mo. OS-St.M. Hayti, Mo. OS. Trfd. to Hosp. as sick. Winchester, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-W- MGF. Nortonville, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-K. OS. Trfd. to Hosp. as sick. Caruthersville, Mo. OS-MA. OS. Trfd. to Hosp. sick. OS. Trfd. to IIosp. sick. 73 H COMPANY Rivtria, Vintnra Private Sanik-1, WaltLT E. Private Sapinza, Anihony Private Scarnton, Samuel E Pr.vate SchafFer, George W. Private Seller, William G. , Private Sensor, Harley R. Private Slniltz,- Mark, L. Private Slatten, John 1). Private Southern, Robert Private Smith, William W. Private Smith, Jetha- I,. Private Snvder, Lewis F. Private Sorensen, Henry B. Private Stephanon, Neofitos J. Private Storey, William F. Private Snelson, Pen H. Private Stovcrn, (Iscar Private Swanson, Albert C. Private OS. Trfd. to M Co. l.l'iih Inf. CovinKtOn, Kv.' OS. ' ' - ' Detroit, 'Mich. OS. Grand Rapids, Mich. OS. Watertown, Wis. OS. Roiviihis, Mich. OS. West Union, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Spirit Lake, Iowa, OS-St.M-MA. Poretville, Cal. OS. Steele, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Winston, Mo. OS-St.MMA. Des Moines. Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Harbor Springs, Mich. OS. Chicago, ill. OS-St.M-MA-MGF. Chicago, 111. OS. Junction. Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Knoxville, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Fergus Falls, Minn. OS. Spirit Lake, Iowa. Trans. Red Wing, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Detroit, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Tinsley, George Tressen, .Morgiin Tessin, Edward Vaughn, Flovd Vanorsdair,' Seef ' Wachs. William A Walters, Frank Whiting, Howard Wiegert, Lewis C. Williams. Tohn V Wrobhel, Oscar C Woessner, Otto E. Ware, Tohn Warnert, Louis E. Wertz. Steve Witchi, Thomas Willis. Charle Private Caruthersville, .Mo. OS St.MMA. Private - OS^St.M-MA. . ■ Private OS. died IIosp. Private Lost Siirings, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Private CofFevville, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Private Kenosha. Wis. OS. Private Winchester, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- MGF. Private Riplev, W. \'. OS. Private Milwaukee, Wis. OS. Private Noble, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Private Plymouth, Mich. OS. - Privat; Stanley, N. D. OS. Trans. In IIosp. Private Caruthersville. Mn < >SM M MA. Pr'vate Ilimidji. Minn, i is W r, AU.uc. Private Mandan. N. D. i ■ -, \\ ,„ Alsace. Private Linton, N. D. l)SSlM.M.\K. in Arg. Private Adel. Iowa. OS-St.M-MA-K. OS. Tames M. Pi Regge- 74 H COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY C, 139th INFANTRY Jasper N. Gates Captain Oscar C. Erownlee Captain '' ^ Captain Captain William Perrigo Samuel Daugherty George. H. Stephen; Lewis E. Hansen Paul A. Cannady Paul O. Botkin David C. Mcwhiter Frank L. Armstcad George L. Prindel John L. Creech Captain St Lt. st Lt. St Lt. st Lt. St Lt. st Lt. 1st Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. Harold G. Dean 2nd Lt. Charles Lynch 2nd Lt. Richard P. .McDonald 2nd Lt. Peterson. Tohn L. 1st Sgt. McKeeha Carl Kent. Claude J. 1st Sgt. 1st Sgt. I'ergu^on, Stei)hen Sup. Sgt. Howcy, Earl W. Sup. Sgt. Pauer, Leon Mess Sgt. Harding, David Mess Sgt. Anderson, Grover Mess Sgt. Ray, Boyd K. Sergeant Denton, Manvil S. Sergeant Bennett, Alva Sergeant HoN[E Address and Remarks Spartensburg, S. Carolina. C Co. OS. 1st Kans. Inf. 4th Mo. Bo nee, Kan 1, Mass. ■ille. Mo. C Co . Gassed. City, Kans 4th Mo. OS- C Co. 3rd C Co. 3rd MA Juncti( Kans, Junction City, Kans, Kans. Topeka, Kans. Officers Reserve. OS- MA-G-S. Sedalia, Mo. Officers Reserve. OS. Vates Center, Kans. 1st Kans. Inf. OS-MA. Wichita, Kans. Bn. Adj. 3rd. Kans. OS-MA-G. Replacement. Replacement. Replacement. Poor Fork. Arkansas. Officers Re- serve. OS. Trans, to Sup. Co. 139th Inf. Alderson, Ala. Replacement. Columbia, Penn. Replacement. Kansas City, Mo. Trans, fr 140th Inf. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Now Jnd Lt. with 5th Division. Grand Meadow, S. Dak. Oi Returned to U. S. as instructo C Co. 4th Mo. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS MA. Commissioned as 2nd Lt ORC. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS MA-G. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Kansas City, Mo. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS MA. luiMiinn Cilv. Kans. C Co. 3rd K.ms iiS.SlA-HE. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-G. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-G. Name and Loder, John L. Rutherford. Joe Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Hanks, Ackland Barnes, William Singley, Chas. Singley, Riley .MacDougal, Hubert Sergeant Jones. Earl L. Sergeant Brassficld, Orrin Sergeant Clark, John C. Strgeant Deitrich, William Sergeant Foley, Timothy J.. Jr. Sergeant Fiscus, Ray Sergeant Otnes, Fred J. Sergeant Pegues, Henry Sergeant Turner, Ben F,. Sergeant Woods. Oliver S. Sergeant Crawford, Chas. Sergeant Eggert, Ralph Sergeant McKinney, Earl H, Rubin, LeRoy Foutch, Chase Sergeant Sergeant Home Address and Remarks Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Ouincy, III. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Kenneth, Mo. Trans, fr 140th Inf. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Trans, to G Co. I39th Inf. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-MG died of wounds. Junction City, Kans. OS-MA. Miss- ing in action. Kirksville. Mo. C Co. 139th Inf. Trans. Romsev. England. OS. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans. Ronisey, England. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Deserted at Camp Doni- l^han, Okla. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Gassed. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, to IJ. S. as instructor. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Junelion City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Comm. 2nd Lt. 137th Inf. Kahoka, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Comm. 2nd Lt. 28th Divi- Oueen' City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Trans, to sanitary de- tachment 139th Inf. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, to U. S. as instructor. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd OS. Comm. 2nd Lt. 28th Dii iion. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Gassed. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Comm. 2nd Lt. ORC. 75 FIGHTING LINE OFFICERS 1. Licul, Kubcrt VVarrcu Roberta 2. Lieut. Paul A. Cannady 3. Lieut. J. H. Wil-sou 4. Lieut. Paul O. Botkiu 9. Lieut. Cliarle 5. Capt. Ralph Lucier 6. Lieut. Will H. Morse 7. Lieut. F. A. Appenfclder 8. Lieut. C. M. Flyun idollai- II 76 I COMPANY Storey, Fred I-,. Sergeant Conkin, William Sergeant Unfer, L,ouis Sergeant Webber, Thomas Sgt. Major Bentley, William Sergeant Bailey. Kenneth Corporal Lawrence, Brown Corporal Beall, Orrin O. Corporal Crawford, Henry F. Corporal Dawdy, Leslie Corporal Kstes, John W. Corporal Guthrie, Belt D. Corporal Gates. Alfred L. Corporal Mallon. George W. Corporal Miles, Lloyd B. Corporal Oliver, Fay E. Corporal Plemmons, Thomas D. Corporal Robinson, Levy C. Corporal Stahl, Earl L. Corporal Thompson, George H. Corpora] Taylor, LeRoy G. Corporal Warnock, Charles Corporal Wellman, Elba Corporal Wiggins, Richard C. Corporal Hartung, Harry E. Corporal Brueggeman, Theodore Corporal Martin, Eddie A. Corporal Mead, William O. Corporal Shepard, Edwin L. Corporal Collins, Elmer L. Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Trans. B Co. 139th Inf. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Laplata, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Trans, to Army Hdq. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Gassed. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-G. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Laplata. Mo. C Co. 4ih Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction Citv. Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Mo. A Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Gassed. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Laplata, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Gassed. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MAG. Laplata, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Yarrow, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-H)'. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Trenton, Mo. D Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Fort Washington, Wis. repl. MA. Caro, Michigan, repl. MA. Caro, Michigan, repl. MA. Hillsdale, Michigan, repl. MA. Durham, Earl Conwral Davenport, Leslie J. Corporal Fisher, Earnest Corporal Glynn, Derby Corporal Hurley, Daniel T. Corporal Halfpenny, Gordon Corporal Hood, Martin E. Corporal Hull, Warren Corporal Kerr, Paul Corporal Lowe, Mannie Corporal McKinney, Earl H. Corporal Martin, Earl Corporal Miller, Ralph Corporal O'Meara, Paul A. Corporal I'iersee, Charley Corporal Ross, Clyde T. Corporal Rivers, Leo E- Corporal Rieber, Carl S. Corporal Scanlon, Leo T. Corporal Thompson, \'ance E. Corporal Taylor, Leroy G. Corporal Winn, William Corporal Bozarth, Allen Corporal Cole, John B. Corporal Dowis, Carl C. Corporal Foster, Earl Corporal Leas, Clyde A. Corporal Pinkerton, Joseph A. Story, William F. Corporal Vetsch, John H. Corporal c Co. 3rd c Co. 3rd c Co. 3rd c Co. 3rd c Co. 3rd Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Comm. 2nd Lt. Aviation. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, to Veterinary Corps. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Junction City, Kans. Kans. OS. Junction City, Kans. Kans. Junction Citv, Kans. Kans. OS-MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. Kans. OS. Junction City, Kans. Kans. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Killed in action. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Comra. 2nd Lt. 2Sth Div. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, to Ambulance Co. Green Citv, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Junction "City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, to 110 Motor transport Bn. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. "Gassed. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS. C Co. 3rd to RR Engi- C Co. 3rd . C Co. 3rd , Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- , Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- C Co. 4th Mo. 77 Junction City, Kans Kans. Junction City, Kan Kans. OS. Kirksv MA. Kirksv MA. Green City, M OS-MA. Gassed. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Junction City, Kans. 3rd Kans. OS. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. '^. ^3^-^'. ^ _ I COMPANY Ccas, I.cster Corporal Innction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Kirby, Martin K. Mechanic ChancL-lov, Clartnc C..r,„jrt,l Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Killed in action. Petit, Harry Jlechanic Giiswold, Levi W. Corporal Yarrow, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Killed in action. D.S.C. Runyon, Erwin Mechanic Hampton, liarl Corporal Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Fickle, Roy Iv. Mechanic Jinnings, Ray L. Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Conley. James W. Jlcchanic Jon;s, Otis K. Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Alln, Noble Bugle, Kellcy, I_,eo Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Thomas, George Bugler Moore, Omer Corporal Junction Citj', Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Sperry, Clifford !•". Bugler Mallon, George W. Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Paschal, Luther Buglei Osbcrn, Raymond Corporal Green Castle. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-GSW. Andrea, Walter L Pvt. Icl Saunders, Clinton J- Laplata, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS->L\ Corporal Alverson, Archie Pvt. Icl Joss, Phillip E. Corporal Beulah, N. D. Repl. MA. Killed Archbold, George Pvt. lei lientley. William Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Dullock, Milan A. Pvt. lei Kans, OS-MA-Gass. P.arnett, Edgar Pvt. Icl llartnett, Lester Corporal Kepi. MA. lluitt, Ldward Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3nl Kans. OS-MA. Killed in action. Bedford, Charles E . Pvt. Icl rallberg. Ldward Corimral Repl. MA. Trans, to 3rd Armv Corps. liurris, Ross S. Pvt. Icl Snill, Clyde R, Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Killed in action. rientz, Edward Pvt. Icl Valmar, John O. Corporal Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Cater, Bert Pvt. Icl Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Chrisman, Willie Pvt. Icl Ilardister, Orbie Sergeant Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, to 110 Motor Supply Train. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Cooper, Glen Pvt. Icl Gouin, Forrest E. Cook Cox, Curtis Pvt. Icl Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Gaunt, Herman M Cook Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Commaek, Ralph Pvt. Icl Standforth, David Cook Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Cowgill, lasie M. Pvt. lei Trans, at Romsey, England. Czlapelski, Vincent Pvt. Icl Kaup, Harrison L Cook Unionville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- Cameron, George Pvt. Icl MA-GSW. Gassed. Courneya, Ernest T Pvt. Icl. Brazil, Chester G Cook Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Card, Richard Pvt. Icl. Kans. OS-MA. Detrich, Fred Pvt. lei Huey, Archie Cook Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-'MA. Diegelman, Joseph Pvt. le! Paris, Alva R. Cook Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Deason, Henry M Pvt. Icl Ashcr, Gene Conk Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS. Trans, at Romsey, Draper, William H Pvt. Icl England. Dean, Charles W. Pvt. Icl Uriddell, William S. Cook Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Deaton, Walter Pvt. Icl. Kans. OS-MA. Summers, Richard Cook Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Du|,ree, Wallace Pvt. lei. Kent, William H. Mechanic Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- M,\-GSW. Ellzey, Wesley Pvt. Id. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Green Castle, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-GSW. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, at Romsev, England. Trenton, Mo. D Co. 41h Mo. OS- MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Elsworth, Kans. Replacement OS- MA. Junction City. Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Replacement. MA. Stanton, Kans. OS-M.\. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4lh Mo. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. Kingman, Kans. repl. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-GSW. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction City. Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Lewistown, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, to aviation corps. Green Citv, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS Parkview, 111. Repl. MA. Sacramento, California. Repl. Standish, Mich. Repl. Repl. MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Gassed. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Caro. Michigan. Repl. Carrol, Mich. Repl. Highee. Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. 78 . SkSn; '^ •7 J "•' \r^^'^ijj_^ -' I COMPANY Finney, Frank A. I'vt. Id. Ford, Glee L. I'vt. Jcl. Ford, tloyd K. I'vt. lei. Fisher, John R. Pvt. IcI. Flatland, Andrew O. Pvt. Icl. Foick, Lilburn T. Pvt. Icl. Frerk, Edward Pvt. IcI. Glenn, Artllur D. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Id. Oatton, William M. Gardner, Lloyd ('.r,en, George Madden, William Horton, James L. Flanes, Harry Hayes, Price L. Hilt, P.yrl J. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Id. Pvt. Id. Pvt. Id. Pvt. Id. Pvt. Icl. Ha s, Harlen W. Pvt. Icl. Hiiltqui'st, Frederick L. Pvt. Hartung, William H. Pvt. nines, William D. Pvt. Holt. an. Emil J. Pvt. Icl. Hein, Daniel Pvt. Hagerty, James H. Pvt. Harbin, Ernest C. Pvt. Kneer. Clare F. Pvt. Kidd, James E. Pvt Kazmucha, Andre Kissling. John w M. Pvt Pvt r.ittle, Lewis Pvt Lindell, Lloyd Pvt. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. Emporia, Kans. Repl. OS-MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Repl. MA. Repl. MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3ril Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Repl. MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Died at Camp Doniphan, Okla. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Repl. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co, 4th Mo. Trans, to supply Co. 139th Inf. Millard, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Gass. Kirksville, Mo. MA. Comm. Kirksville, Mo. MA. Repl. MA. Junction City, Kans. OS-MA, Junction City, Kans. C Kans. OS-MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Gassed. Minot, N. D. Repl. MA. Detroit, Mich. Repl. Repl. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Chicago, HI. Reid. MA. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-HE. Repl. MA. Leach, Thomas Pv Lovgren, Harry M. Pv Mclntyre, Harry A. Miller, He Montgonier Nelson, Ge y O. Pvt. Karl Pvt. d Pvt. Nixon, Guy L. Pvt. O'Mcara, Charles T. Pvt. Id. Phillips, Ora Pvt. Id. Palmer, Ewart G. Pvt. Icl. Powers, Lewis Pvt. Icl. Peterson, Albert V. Pvt. Icl. Rathert, Lewis R. Pvt. Id. Reynolds, George Pvt. Icl. Shumake. Gerald Pvt. Icl. Sateriee, Fred Pvt. Id. Schraag, Willie S. Pvt. Icl. Shafer, Andrew J. Pvt. Icl. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- 1st Lt. 35th Divi- Shipley, Harry Pvt C Co. 4th Mo. OS- Skaggs. Roy P. Pvt Kans. C Co. 3rd Sexton. Dixon Pvt Thompson, Elmer Pvt Thomi)Son, Petloff Pvt. Upham, Ralph Pvt \'etsch, George Pvt. Weaver, Ben Pvt. Wyatt, John O. Pvt. White, Ralph P. Pvt. Welbaum, Freddi) O. 79 Pvt. Id. Welzd, George C. Pvt. Id. Whiteoak. Earl Pvt. Id. Young. Farron G. Pvt. Icl. Akers, James W. Private Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS. Chicago, HI. Repl. MA. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-H£. Junction City, Kans. Tran Junction Citv Kans. OS-? Jun Kans. C Co. 3rd at Ft. Sill, Okla. Kans. C Co. 3rd MA. Junctio Kans Kalama Junctio Kans. C Co. 3rd at Ft. Sill. Okla. ville. Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- Trar 3rd Repl. 3rd L Citv, K OS-MA. :oo, Mich. 1 City, K OS-MA-GSW. I City, Kans. OS-MA. Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Killed in action. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- Co. 3rd OS- Jvinctio Kans Laplata MA. Kirksville, Mo MA. Killed Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE-GSW. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill. Okla. Junction Citv. Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. . C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo. MA-GSW. Repl. Repl. MA. Repl. Killed i Junction City, Jun City, C Co. 4th Mo. OS- 1 action. Kans. C Co. 3rd at Ft. Sill, Okla. Kans. C Co. 3rd at Ft. Sill, Okla. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- ambulance Co. 35th Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Trans, to Hdq. Co. 139th Infantry, ""'rksville. Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA Kirk: MA-GSW Saginaw. M Repl. MA. Mo. Kirksville, Mo. C C^ MA-HE- Mound City, Kans C Co. 4th Mo. OS- Repl. 4th Mo. OS- Repl. OS-M.\. I COMPANY Albertillia, Massimo Private Andrews, Ira Private Adams. Frank Private Alibott, Avery Private PelJon, George Private lilong, William A. Private llaettcher, Earl F. Private P,artli, Robert C. Private I'.avin, Leo T. Private Howling, Worthy G. Private Bostrom, William Private liarnes, Newton Private llryson. Warren V. Private liassham, James C. Private Brady, Raymond L. Private nookhout, Henry Private Clark, Howard C. Private Chapman, William A. Private Clancy, Michael Private Cooley, Lloyd D. Private Christensen, Thomas Private Cornell, Victor Private Caswell, Albert Private Collins, Pat Private Daines, James W. Private Dixon, Edgar N. Private Duda, Antyonv L. Private Duncan, Fresrick Private Darnell, Purl Private England, Glen W. Private Foster, Orrin L. Private Francis, Eugene Private Froehlich, Harrv F. Private Flogsdad, Oscar Private Freise, Ferdinand Private Gardner, Orvil Private Green, William. H. Private Garver, Joseph Private Garhardt, Bern Private Gatts, Chester A. Private Indiana, Penn. Repl. Mason, Michigan. Repl. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Caro, Michigan. Repl. Gaylord, Michigan. Repl. Ortinville, Michigan. Repl. MA- HE. Leland, Michigan. Repl. Hillsdale, Michigan. Kepi. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA-IIE. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA-IIE. Repl. MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, to SOS. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Gassed. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Gassed. Jackson, Michigan. Repl. Adrian, Michigan. Repl. Repl. MA-GSW. Watertown, Minn. Repl. Killed in action. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Trans, at Romsey, England. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Gassed. Watseka, 111. Repl. Badaxe, Michigan. Repl. Badaxe, Michigan. Repl. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Trans, to 110 Motor Supply Train. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Green City, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA-GSW. Stewartsville, Mo. Rci.l. OS-MA- Sheboygan, Michigan. Repl. Repl. MA-GSW. Repl. MA. Gassed. Kirk.sville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Detroit, Michigan. Repl. Monticello, 111. Repl. MA-GSW. Repl. MA. Gassed. Lancaster, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Died at Ft. Sill, Okla. Herman, Henry Private Hotchkiss, Roy C. Private Humphreys, James F. Private Hugo, John Private Hatfield, Marcus Private Insley, William E. Private Jetton, Erwin II. Private Jewett, Leon E. Private Kendzierski, Anton Private Krause, Joe Private Kondrochi, Frank E. Private Kelley, Hubert Private Klein, Nichlos Private Knapp, Olaf Private Knudson, Servin Private Kipple, Ray G. Private Lindow, Harry A. Private Leitritz, Elmer A. Private Luoma, John Private Larson, Nels R. Private Lowe, Robert Private Lucak, Mike Private Lucak. George Private Lindell, Lindow Private Lokken, John Private Landers, Carl E. Private Makowski, John Private Menke, George Private Michna, Adolph Private Motal, Frank Private Melland, Edward Private Messmore, James T Private Mix, Leroy Private Marlatt, Esel Private Morris, Earnest Private McNalley, George Private Midgarden, Gulbrai d Private Marcy, Fred Private Momonie, Tony Private Marshell, Clore Private McDowell, Tomy Private Nelson, Carl A. Private Nillsen, William R. Private Nichol, Harry Private St. Joseph, Mo. G Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Peoria, 111. Repl. Pekin, 111. Repl. Ozena, Texas. Repl. Repl. MA-HE. Connelsville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Killed in action. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. Greenville, Texas. Repl. Caro, Michigan. Repl. Springvalley, 111. Repl. Chicago, 111. Repl. Grand Rapids, Mich. Repl. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA. Gassed. Repl. MA-GSW. Repl. MA-GSW. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Sheboygan, Mich. Repl. Spokane, Washington. Repl. Gogebic County, Mich. Repl. Repl. MA-GSW. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA. Gassed. Repl. MA-HE. Kenmore, N. D. Repl. MA. Killed in action. Milwaukee, Wis. Repl. Lancaster, Wis. Repl. Wichita Falls, Texas. Repl. Halltesville, Texas. Repl. Marquette, Mich. Repl. Flint, Mich. Repl. Monroe, Mich. Repl. Repl. MA. Gassed. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA. Gassed. Repl. MA. Gassed. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Killed in action. Repl. MA. Killed in action. Repl. MA. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Peoria, 111. Repl. Repl. MA-HE. Kahoka, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Killed in action. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Deserted at Camp Doni- phan. Okla. 80 I COMPANY <_)tties, John Pri CHand, John Pri Olsen. Emil G. Pri Paske. Walter F. Pri Parcell, Wayne Pri Putman. Alvin W. Pri RadlofT, Charles J. Pri Rcidhenbach, Carl Pri Reed, Charles Pri Keilly, John J. Pri Strayer, llertie A. Pri Saaii.an, Cornelious Pri Saccone, Anyhony J. Pri Saunders, William R. Pri Smith, Willard N. Pr Szemanis, Jonas Pri Shinafelt, O. K. Pri Sanford, Millard W. Shelton, Ervvin Shirley, Ferda Spriggs, Ray Smith, Frank- Styles, Harold D. Smith, Oscar P.. Salsbery, David Schultz, Walter Scott, Walter Shaffe Shi Willie Junction City, Kans, C Co. Kans. OS-MA. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA-HE. Sheboygan, Wis. Repl. Nevada, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. 1 at Ft. Sill, Okla. Junction City, Kans. C Co Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Waukesha, Wis. Repl. Allegan, Mich. Repl. Repl. MA-GSW. Junction City, Kans. C Co Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Repl. Sheboygan, Wis. Repl. Cook County, 111. Repl. Chicago, 111. Repl. 11. Repl. ;r. Wis. Re|>l. Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS Ottow; Eagle Kirksv MA. Williston, N. D. Repl. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Sentre, Ala. Repl. Kirk-sville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Rosscommon, Mich. Repl. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Waukeshem, Michigan. Repl. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Trans, to Base Hospital. Haughton, Mich. Repl. Pure air. Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Dis- charged at Ft. Sill, Okla. Gravling, Mich. Repl Novinger, Mo. C Co. 3rd Steinbruick, Adolph Private rrans. Sass, William Schilling, Otto Stephens, Norman R. Private Private Private 3rd Okla. Snyder, Otto Supernant, Carl Private Private Talbott, .\ubert Private 3rd Okla. Treacy, Philip Talbott, Hubert Private Private Thomas, Cornelius C Tibbling, Victor M. Thompson, Edgar Private Private Private MA. 4th Mo. OS- C Co. 3rd Junction City, Kans. Kans. OS-MA-HE. Junction City, Kans. C Co. . Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill. Okla Repl. MA-HE. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. Kans. OS-MA. Junction Citv, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-HE. Repl. MA-HE. Repl. MA. Killed in action. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Gassed. Repl. MA-HE-GSW. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Killed in action. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS- MA. Chicago, HI. Repl. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. Discharged at Ft. Sill, Okla. Burlington, Iowa. Repl. St. Paul, Minn. Repl. MA-GSW. Kirksville, Mo. C Co. 4th Mo. OS. Killed in action. Taylor, Clifford Private Repl. MA-GSW. Trssin, Morgan Private Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS. Trans. at Romsey, England. Veltkamp, Berand Private Lenton, N. D. Repl. Vandermeer, Albert Private Repl. MA. Killed in action. X'etsch, Charles Private Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kaus. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. White, Floyd Private Junction City, Kans. Kans. OS-MA. C Co. 3rd Wigent, Ross C. Private Whitefish Point, Mich Repl. Ware, George E. Private Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Winn, William C. Private Junction Citv, Kans. Kans. OS-MA. HE. C Co. 3rd Wold, Peter Private Repl. MA-HE. Wunnenburg, Hubert Repl. MA-HE. Private Wrakestraw, George A. Private Whitley, Frank Private Whalen, Charley Private Whitmore, Arthur F. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. Trans, at Ft. Sill, Okla. Junction City, Kans. C Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA-GSW. Repl. MA-HE. Parma, Mich. Repl. Kirksville, JIo. C Co. 4th Mo. Discharged at Ft. Sill, Okla. 81 I COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY D, 139th INFANTRY Name and RANh William C. Willian Charles E. Miinn Jesse H. Wilson Homer B. Loman Guy Hobgood Lawrence O'Kelky Jnd Lt. McArtor, Paul 1st Sgl. Rinehart. Stephen R. Me Gride Witten, James M. Sergeant Axtell, Dale Sergeant Mitchell, Lesley IL Sergeant Captain 1st Lt. 1st Lt. Ut Lt. Jnd Lt. Sgt. Roy N. Supply Sgt. Taylor, Benja Serge Og: Bradley, CI nper, Floyd W. Sergeant , Hoyt R. Sergeant Davis, Ralph A. Millett, Samuel Moss, Wilbur D. Kvans, Ferrol E. Grain, Frank Wise, Zina L. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Mapes, William M. Corporal Hemmingway, William B. Corporal Bofman, James E. Corporal Emergency Address Mrs. Grace Williamson, wife, Tren- ton, Mo. Mrs. C. E. Munn, wife, Mound City, Mo. Mrs. Frances Wilson, wife, Canev, Kans. Mrs. H. B. Loman, wife, 1(j11 K. 9th St., Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Guy Hobgood, wife. Landers, Wyo. a-c W. P. Haines. C. W. O'Kelley, father, lOOt, E. eth St., Pueblo, Colo. Mr. Ervin Dunlap, uncle, 804 E. 17th St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Stephen Rinehart, father, Caney, Kans. Mr. Robert E. Grider, father, To- ronto, Kans. Mr. Tom M. Witten, father. Tren- ton, Mo. Mr. C. D. Axtell, father, Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Mary E. Mitchell, mother, 1215 W. Howard St., Caney, Kans. Mrs. Myrtle M. Taylor, mother, 716 N. 17th St., Independence, Kans. Mr. Sylvester E. Belscamper, father, La Fountaine, Kans. Mr. R. D. Ogram, father, 324 Sher- idan Ave., Whiting, Tnd. Mr. James T. Bradley, father. National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. M. IL Davis, mother. Green City, Mo. Mrs. H. L. Hersberger, mother, 1433 Lulu St., Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Wilbur D. Moss, wife, Tren- Mo Mr. Robert M. Evans, father, Tren- ton, Mo. Mr. Ernest Crain, father, Trenton, I. O. O. F. Lod Mo. No. 669, Tindall, Mr. George E. Mapes, father, Tren- ton, Mo. Mr. Emmett Hemmingway, father, 142.S Norton Ave., Trenton, Mo. Mr. George W. Bofman, father, RR No. 3, Trenton, Mo. Name and Rank McLaughlin, Floyd F. Corporal Tittsworth, Lemuel M. Corporal Ingersoll, Hulett P. Corporal Crandall, Clarence L. Corporal Nance, Ward D. Corporal Rogers, Charles A. Corporal Leatherock, Wesley K. Corporal Bowen, Chester J. Corporal Pettibon, Edgar H. Corporal Walton, Edward Corporal Belscamper, Earl B.^ Coate, Frank D. Husted, Earl H Brown, Ernest 1! Gullic, Jesse Miller, Frank O. Tomlinson, Jo L Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Burrill, Forrest C. Corporal Nelson, John E. Corporal Reynolds, Ernest E Webster, Al Jones, William J. Corporal Miller, Claude Craig, Lloyd Witten, Ralnl Corporal E. Corporal Corporal Corporal Ho D. Corporal Mr Emergency Address Lula Bell McLaughlin, mother. Mo Mr. William S. Tittsworth, father, Tindall, Mo. Mrs. Fannie E. Ingersoll, mothe Gallatin, Mo. Dr. Charles T. Crandall, father, Peru, Kans. Mrs. A. D. Nance, mother, Niotaze. Kans. Mr. W. E. Rogers, father, Caney, Kans. Mrs. Rilla Leatherock, mother Cherryvale, Kans. Mr. Charles C. Bowen Caney, Kans. Rev. Washington M. Pettibon, fa- ther, 137 Robard St., Brookfield, Mo. Mrs. Nellie Walton, mother, Tren fathe ton Mc Sylvester E. Belscamper, fa ther. La Fountaine, Kans. Mrs. Emily C. Coate, mother, Trin ity, Tex. Mrs. Sarah Husted, mother, 1811 Baltimore St., Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Sidney M. Brown, mother, K R 1, Caney, Kans. Mrs. Alonzo Gullic, mother, Kosh- konong. Mo. Albert L. Milan, step-father, Bo.t 488, Drumright, Okla. Lena E. Proctor, cousin, 1203 Main St., Trenton. Mo. Mr. Fred D. Burrill, father, 1000 W 13th St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Nels Nelson, father, Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Sarah A. Reynolds, mother, Cedarvale, Kans. Mr. William A. Webster, father, 510 E 10th St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Henry D. Jones, father. Tyro, Kans. Mrs. Lena Miller, mother, 404 Monroe St.. Trenton, Mo. Mr. Sherman Craig, father, 1333 Shanklin Ave., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Dave Witten, father, RR 8, Mo Mr nother, RR 1, Vann, 82 I COMPANY Smith, Robert H. Corporal Branson. William E. Mechanic Snyder, James R. Mechanic Butler, Fred Mechanic Lucas. Homer D. Mechanic Payne, Robert H. Cook Prall, Joseph N. Cook Schweppe, Edward L. Cook McCoy. Martin G. Cook Sperry. ClilTord F. Bugler Kirk, Xorman Bugler Allen, Dewey W. Pvt. li Bland. Arthur Pvt. 1( Boles. Edward J. Pvt. Ic Booker, Harry C. Pvt. I< Boon, Audry D. Pvt. 1( Bowen, Charles R, Pvt. li Brewster, Willard O. Pvt. 1. Bridges, Hubert C. Pvt. 1( Burns, Monroe C. Pvt. li Buster, Roy F. Pvt. li Carson, John L. Pvt. Ic Collins, Alva R. Pvt. 1< Corbitt, Joseph \V. Pvt. 1( Cottom, Ira E. Pvt. 1. Cottrell, Harry E. Pvt. li Cram, Harry H. Pvt. 1. Culver, James E. Pvt. 1. Da abv, Harold M. Pvt. 1 Pvt. 1 Vane S. Dragoo, Leonard R. Mrs. Minnie Smith, mother, Prio; Mo. James Kieth, brother-in-law, 1716 Lulu St.. Trenton. Mo. Mr. Ben Snyder, father, Princeton, Mo. James E. Butler, father, Lared' Mo. William E. Lucas, father. 1200 Ha ris Ave., Trenton, Mo, Mr. Edward Payne, father. Prince ton. Mo. Mrs. Etta R. Jones, mother, Sterl ing. Kans. Mr. F. L. Schweppe, father, Regan Mo. Mr. Tim C. McCoy, father, 194 Main St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Lewis Brown, grandfather, 909 Avalon St., Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Martha Kirk, mother, Trenton, Mo. Mr. O. N. Allen, father, Havana, Kans. Mr. Albert E. Bland, father, Larve, Ark. Mrs. Dora Boles, mother, Kosh- konong. Mo. Mrs. Elizabeth Booker, mother. Canev. Kans. Mr. Gus Boon, father. Hickory, Mo. Mr. Charles C. Bowen, father, Caney, Kans. Mrs. Anny S. Glen, mother, Sedan, Kans. Arthur M. Bridges, father, Laredo, Mo. Mr. L. A. Burns, father, Lelia, Mo. Mr. lohn I. Buster, father. Tyro, Kai"is. Mr. James T. Carson, uncle. Caney, Kans. Mr. Elerado L. Collins, father, Trenton, Mo. Mrs. James W. Ostrander, mother, 203 5th St., Cherryvale, Kans. Mr. Henry R. Cottom, father, Cherryvale, Kans. Mr. William Cottrell, father, Prince- ton, Mo. Mrs. Fannie H. Cram, mother, Trenton. Mo. Mr. Henry Culver, father, Gallatin, Mo. Mrs. Adolph Pharis, sister, 201 W. nth St.. Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Vane S. Day, wife, 511 E. 9th St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Ed Dragoo, father, RR 1. Princeton, Mo. Drvbread, McKinlev Pvt. Dunn, Wilbur E. Pvt. Edmundson. Morrill IL Pvt. Ellington, Earl J. Pvt. Evans, Joe O. Pvt. Foster. Roy Pvt. Franklin, Roy E- Pvt. George, Hubert H. Pvt. Gillen, Glen C. Pvt. Harrelson, Clarence Pvt. House, Roy F. Pvt. Koons. Frank W. Pvt. Kunz, Lawrence W. Pvt. Lage, James Pvt. Lindquist, Svante J. Pvt. McCoy, Floyd G. Pvt. McAfee, William A. Pvt. McClelland, George W. Pvt. McGhee, Clarence O. Pvt. Nelson, Sidney T. Pvt. Powell, John J. Pvt. Raymond, Roy B. Pvt. Rooks, Glen Pvt. Ross, William W. Pvt. Ryan, Floyd Pvt. SandHn, Cleo L. Pvt. Simpson, Robert E. Pvt. Snyder, William II. Pvt. Stevenson, Herbert L. Pvt. Straight, Albert E. Pvt. Mr. John T. Drvbread. father, 531 S. 3rd St., Independence, Kans. Mr. George H. Dunn, father, 2H2 Lulu St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Hudson Edmundson, brother, Caney, Kans. Mrs. Emity Ellington, mother, 1218 Franklin Ave., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Jim Evans, father, 203 S. 5th St., Fredonia. Kans. Mr. George W. Whorton, friend, Gumlog. Ark. Mr. William M. Franklin, father, Xatural Dam, Ark. Mr. Albert George, father, 2101 Lulu St. Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Elizah C. Gillen, mother, RR 7, Independence, Kans. Mr. Lee Harrelson, father, Milan, Mo. Mr. Frank House, father, RR 1, Hickory, Mo. Mr. Emanuel Koons, father, RR 1, Wann, Okla. Mrs. Lena Kunz, mother, Cherry- vale, Kans. Mrs. Fred Lage, mother, Gladhrook, Iowa. Mr. Bendard Lindquist, father, RR 1, Hiteman, la. Mr. Jim C. McCoy, father, 194 Main St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. E. L. McAfee, father, Sedan, Kans. Mrs. F. T. Wilkin, sister, 408 West- minster Ave., Independence, Ks. Mrs. Sam M. McGhee, mother. Tyro, Kans. Frank T. Nelson, father, Tagus, N. Mr D. Irs. Kan John Powell, mother, Elgin, Mr. David B. Raymond, father, Mullenville, Kans. Mr. Ezekiel G. Rooks, father, La- redo, .Mo. James M. Ross, father. Walnut, Kans. Mr. C. K. Ryan, father, Angalo, Kans. Mrs. Emma Sandlin, mother, Mill- grove, Mo. Mr. Robert A. Simpson, father, 805 Harris Ave., Trenton. Mo. Mrs. Bert Ellis, sister, RR 1, Tren- ton. Mo. Mr. James W. Stevenson, father, RR 7. Trenton, Mo. Mr. John E. Straight, father, Se- dan, Kans. 83 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy^^ THEY TRAINED THE REGIMENT JJrii;. Cell. Harviv C. Clark Col. John 1). McN\-cI> 3rig. Gen. Charles I. Martin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy 84 K COMPANY Summers, Servly S. Pvt. Icl. Taylor, Earl Pvt. Icl. Thickstun, Lovell J. Pvt. Icl. Thompson. Jesse E. Pvt. Icl. Thrasher, Sibert A. Pvt. Icl. Tittsworth, Tames I.. Pvt. Icl. Trimble, Chester F. Pvt. Icl. Veerkamp, Franz L. Pvt. Icl. Whorton, Cleo Pvt. Icl. Wilson, Homer C. Pvt. Icl. I'.erg, Hans C. Private Black. Roy C. C. Private Bonnes, Olaf E. Private Booher, Charles T. Private Borg, Glenn F. Private Brandt, Oscar Private Brandt, Martin Private Biirlingamc, Alton W. Private Callaway, Craven S. Private Campbell. Earl \V. Private Cochran, Arden C. Private Cochrane, William M. Private Cover, Joseph Private Cooley, Harry S. Private Co.x, William P. Private Crepps, Cden M. Private Davidson, Martin Private Dennis, Henry D. Private .Mr. William A. Smnniers, father, Caney, Kans. Mr. W. G. Taylor, father, 1504 Kensington Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mr. H. O. Thickstun, father, Spick- ard, Mo. Mr. John F. Thompson, father, Sharpsburg, O. Mrs. Rosalie Thrasher, mother, Se- dan, Kans. Mrs. Margaret Tittsworth, mother, Tindall, Mo. Mrs. Armina Trimble, mother, Canev, Kans. Mrs. Franz L. Veerkamp. wife, 408 E. Hickory St., Neosho, Mo. John C. Whorton, father, Hickory, Mo. Mr. \V. R. Wilson, father, Caney, Kans. Mrs. Petra Fossum, sister, 3641 39th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Elza Black, father, Stuartsville, Mo. Mrs. Lars Bonnes, mother, Hend- ricks, Minn. Mr. Jim Booher, father, Trenton, Mo. Mr. Martin Borg, father, RR 5, Par- kers Prairie, Minn. Mr. Anton Brandt, father, RR 3, Argyle, Minn. Mrs. Martin Brandt, mother, Mal- vinia, la. John Brandt, father, Nye, Wis. Mrs. David Brown, mother, Caney, Kans. Mr. Albert Burlingame, father. Ken- more, N. D. Mr. Richard K. Callaway, father. 720 Arnold Ave., Thief River Fall, Minn. Mrs. Hannah Campbell, mother, Ponca, Nebr. William A. Cochran, father. Blue Grass, N. D. Mrs. Ed Cochrane, mother, Caney, Kans. Mrs. C. A. Batham, mother, 2224 Cedar Ave. S.. Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Dora Cooley, mother, Maquok- eta, la. Mrs. M. E. Carr, mother, Wichita, Kans. Mr. T. W. Crepps. father. Sedan, Kans. Mr. Ale.x Davidson, father, 956 For- est St., St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Anna Dennis, mother, Rich- ville, Mo. Dumond, .Albert W. Pri Dummer, 'I'beoclore Pri Egermeier. Arbor J. Pri Elk, John Pri Fields, Charles W. Pri Fields, Frank L. Pri Franklin, William J. Pri Garrison, Ralph H. Pri Garvey, John J. Pri Gillett, Orrie A. Pri Gray, William G. Pri Graybull, Thomas Pri Griggs, Floyd E. Pri Grimsley, Henry D. Pri Griffin, Delbert Pr Hall, William II. Pri Hagen, Ole H. Pri Hanson, Chester Pri Hanson, Henry A. Pri Hardman, Ralph W. Pri Harp, Clyde E. Pr: Hemphill. Loyd Pr Hicks, Ralph E. Pri Hofstad, I.ouis A. Pr Hustad, Peter Pr Karlen, Ernest F. Pri Kunz, George Pr Killion. Fred Pr Koppel, Joseph I.. Pr Kneeland. Earl Pr .Mrs. Marv Dumond. mother. RR 2. Minot, N. D. Herman Dunmier. father. New Ger- many, Minn. Mrs. T. C. Egermeier, mother, RR 7, Oklahoma City, Okla. Mr. Jerome Elk, father, Cannon- ball, N. D. Mrs. C. F. Ruettel, sister, a-c Ruet- tell Clo. Co., St. Cloud, Minn. Mr. John C. Fields, father, RR 1. Tvro. Kans. Chester Franklin, father, RR 2, Princeton, Mo. William E. Garrison, father, Barnes- ville, Minn. Mrs. E. T. Hagen. mother. Main St.. Wiiliston, N. D. Mrs. M. Gillett, mother, 808 4th St. SE.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mrs. Mary Williams, sister, Sardis, Miss. Charles Graybull, father. Cannon- hall. N. D. Miss Ida Marie Griggs, sister, Al- bion, la. Mrs. Safronia Grimsley. mother, Bonaparte, la. Mr. Charles Griffin, father, RR 2, Spickard, Mo. Mrs. Edith Hall, mother, 501 Grun- dy St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. l.iijuard Hagen, father, ER I, Jackson, Minn. Carl Hanson, father. New Golden. Minn. Mr. Andrew Hanson, father. 4224 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Frank W. Hardman, mother, Canev, Kans. Mrs. Ida M. Bright, mother, RR 1, Niotaze. Kans. Mrs. J. T. Hemphill, mother, Canev, Kans. Mrs. Mahel Hicks, mother. Park St.. Hamburg. la. Mr. Alfred Hofstad. father, Madi- son, Minn. Mr. Erick Hustad, father, Minot. N. D. Mr. Alfred Karlen, father, 147 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul. Minn. Mr. Fred Kunz, father, Judson, N. D. Mr. Jim Killion, father, Houston, Mo. Mr. Toseph Koppel, father, Waver- ly.'Minn. Mr. H. E. Kneeland. father, RR 1, Medina, N. D. 85 K COMPANY liaison, Ludvig Privai Loftus, Thomas Priva .Mason, Otis A. Priva Mackley, Guy K. Priva Maiden, George A. Priva Marek, George Priva Medlen, Charley A. Priva McConachie, Theodore Priva McKinley, Roy R. P: iMidstokke, Einar P. P Mil, William J. Priva Mikkelson, Harry Priva Miller, Edward Priva Miller, Curtis \V. Priva Millett, George Priva Minota, Thomas Priva Miller, Milton K. Priva Morehouse, Harry Priva ^rulville, Joe Priva l\lurr.hy, James C. Priva Nelson, Nels U. Priva Norris, Walter D. Priva O'Neil, Emmett Priva Olson, Paul Priva O'Donohue, John Priva Olson, George C. Priva Ostrande il II. Parsons, Charles C. Priva Pearson, Edmund W, Mr. L. 7. Larson, father, RR 4, Waukon, la. Mr. S. T. Loftus, father. Banks, N. D. Mrs. Johanna Mason, mother, 1115 Summit Ave., Hancock, Mich. Mr. Claude Mackley, father, Tren- ton, Mo. Mrs. Ada Maiden, mother, Stafford, Kans. Mrs. Anna Marek, mother, 919 N. Elm St., Owatonna, Minn. William A. Medlen, father, Copan, Okla. Mr. Nathaniel McConachie, father, RR 4, Perham, Minn. Mrs. B. McKinley, mother. Homer, Neb. Einar Midstokke, father, RR 1, Arnegard, N. D. John Peter Mil, father, 912 W. -t9th St., Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Lena Mikkelson, mother. South Park. Minn, Mrs. Magdalena Miller, mother, W. Summit St., Monroe, Wis. Mrs. Anna Miller, mother, 404 Monroe St., Trenton, Mo. Mrs. H. L. Hershberger, mother, 1433 Lulu St., Trenton, Mo. Mr. Raymond Golebricky, friend, Depue, 111. Mr. C. M. Miller, father, Trenton, Mo. Leslie Morehouse, father, Sanish, N. D. Mrs. Mary Mulville, mother, Dar- win, Minn. Mrs. Frances P. Murphy, mother. Shields, N, D. R. N. Jorgenson, friend, RR 1, Kenmore, N. D. J. W. Norris, father, RR 2, Ha- vana, Kans. Mrs. W. L. Lussenhop, friend, Morton, Minn. Mr. Hans Olson, father, Ringebn, Norway. Coley Mullen, friend, 413 W. 3rd St., Anaconda, Mont. Mrs. .\nna Nelson, mother, 2626 S. Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. John W. Ostrander, step- mother, 304 W. Clark St., Cherry- vale, Kans. Mrs. C. W. Parsons, mother, 808 N. 6th St,, Fredonia, Kans. Mr. Aron Grant, friend, RR 2, Braham, Minn. Pettegrew, John R. Private Prosser, Albert N. Private Robertson, Martin E. Private Rodness, .Martin Private Rupprecht, Bert A. Private Sanerud, Christian C Savelkoul, Harry C. Shafer, William F. Shane, James C. Shelton, Frank M. Stewar t, James W. Pri Steele, Jefferson H. Pri Steinde 1, Mat Pri Storms Everett E. Pri Storm, Leonard Pri Streed Daniel Pri Slower s, Walter C. Pri Stringe r, Clyde L. Pri Sundva 11, Carl W. Pri Swigci Fred O. Pri Trowb Vane, ridge. Archie John H. S. Pri Pri Woken , Peder L. Pri Waller Alfred J. Pri Ward, Charles H. Pri Wheel r, Fred Pri Whela 1, Edward P. Pri Webb, Henry C. Pri Mrs. John R. Pettegrew, mother, 1611 9th St. Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Anna Gusta Prosser, mother, 653 Fo.\ St., Denver, Colo. Mr. W. L. Robertson, brother, Caney, Kans. Hans P. Rodness, father, Clarke- field, Minn. Mr. George T. Rupprecht, father, 813 S. 3rd St., North Yakima, Wash. Mr. Alfred Anderson, friend. Ha- zel Run, Minn. Mrs. Elizabeth Savelkoul, mother, Chaska, Minn. Mr. Augusta Shafer, friend, RR 3, Postville, la. Mrs. Sarah Shane, mother, Caney, Kans. Mrs. W. H. Shelton, mother, Tren- ton, Mo. Mr. C. W. Snyder, father, Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Bertha Stewart, mother, Nio- taze, Kans. Mr. Millard Steele, father, Trenton, Mo. Mr, Joseph Steindel, father, Phil- brook, Minn. Mrs. Mary E. Storms, mother. Pleasant Hill, Mo. Mr. Otto Storm, father. Hartley, Iowa. Mr. Carl Streed, father, Grandy, Minn. RR 2. Mr. J. C. Stowers, father, Felton, ■ate Mrs. Ida Stringer, mother, Trenton, Mo. ,-ate Mr. C. O. Sundvall, friend, 2813 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis. Minn, •ate Mrs. Ida Swiger, mother, 620 E. 9th St., Cherryvale, Kans. Horace S. Trowbridge, father, RR ■ate 3, Wellestown, N. D. ■ate Mrs. Mary Vane, mother, 1009 10th St. W., Cedar Rapids, la. /ate Paul Woken, father. North Wood, N. D. /ate Mr. John Waller, father, Wegdall, Minn. ;ate Mr. Charley Ward, father, Monett, Kans. /ate Mrs. Bears Arm, mother, Ellwood, N. D. /ate Mrs. Anna Hewitt, sister, 423 Tomp- kins, Syracuse, N. V. /ate Mr. Charles Owen, uncle, Caney, Kans. 86 K COMPANY Welker, Carl M. Private Westby, John Private Wenstrom, John J. Private Western, Charles \V. Private Wlljek, ^rartin F. Private Mort Welker. father, P.nwman, N. D. Mr. Ole Bgornstead, friend, Couby, Minn. WilUam Wenstrom, father, 1219 W. Olive St., Mrs. Emmie Western, mother, Fountain City, Tcnn. Thomas Wujek. father, RR 23, La- Salle, 111. Feli: vate Schulte, Henry A. Private Hanson, Charles O. Private Johnson, Albert Private Williams, Hiram M. Private Rotlke, Edward A. Private Mrs. Frances Zamor, mother. New Brighton, Minn. .\nton Schulte, father, 471 Rice St. St. Paul, Minn. Mr. William Modendricker, friend, RR 34, Peoria, 111. Laurtz Larson, friend, RR I, Vin. ing, Minn. Louis J. Williams, father, Sedan, Kans. Wm. Rottke, father, RFD 5, bx 5, Waseca, Minn. 87 K COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY E, 139tli INFANTRY Name and Rank Ocurge n. JKlnikcrluss Cha.ks 11. li.ownf Cainain lltrbert C. Smith 1st Lt. lames LI. .Maiiiii Kt Lt. I'alll C. Radford 1st Lt. VVm. 11. McDonald 1st l^t. V\m. J. Oakes 1st Lt. .\lvin G. Steier Jiid Lt. Clarence B. Council Jnd Lt. Joseph M. Darst Jnd Lt. Welker, Glenn D. 1st Sgt. Kadloff, Henry \V. 1st Sgt. Kclsey, Harry R. Ist Sgt. Gould, Jesse R. 1st Sgt. Noble, Burl N. iless Sgt. Griggs, Walter Mess Sgt. Vheulon, Harry Sup. Sgt. . -Moss, LeRoy Sergeant Sigler, Bryan Sergeant Slaughter, .Mbert Sergeant Mason, Kmmct Sergeant Jones, Howard Sergeant Perkins, Harry A. Sergeant Taylor, Raymond Sergeant Woodyard, Wesley M. Sergeant Cooper, Robert E. Sergeant Bursch, George W. Sergeant Chambers, Ernest F. Sergeant Johnson, Chas. J. Sergeant IIOMK Address and Remarks Overland, Mo., Box 180a. OS-St.M- MA. Fres. Horton, Kans. OS. Tr. service in U. S. Aug. 191!i. Detroit, Mich. Pres. Hamilton Club, Chicago, 111. Pres. Leavenworth, Kans. GS-St.M-MA- G. tr. 5th Div. Jan. 1919. Barrv, III. OS. tr. to U. S. Aug. 1919. Columbia, Tenn. St.M-MA. tr. to Field and Staff. Union Hill, New Jersey, Pres. Detroit, Minn. Pres. St. Louis, Mo. OS. tr. to U. S. Aug. 1918. St. Louis, Mo. OS. tr. to U. S. July 1918. Shelbina, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 607 Osage St., Leavenworth, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Easton, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action Sept. 27, 1919. Hannibal, Mo. OS. Transferreil to Headquarters Co. June, 1919. Shelbina, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS. Trans, to B. Hosp. June, 1919. Hannibal, Mo. St.M-OS-MA. Pres. 100 Minnow St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. R. F. D. No. 2, River Road, Han- nibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-GS. Pres. R. F. D. No. 3, Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. 2514 Chestnut St., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G. Pres. 1313 S. Broadway St., Leaven- worth, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 1212 Colfax Ave., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 1508 Broadway St., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Sta. B, Route 28, Topeka. Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 519 N. Manhattan Ave., Manhattan, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Leavenworth, Kansas. OS-St.M- MAG. Pres. Mohall, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Name and Rank Siuith, Otto C. Sergean Lake, Stephen Sergean Coleman, Don. P. Sergean Douglas, William J. Sergean Piper, Clifford Sergean Cochran, Walter H. Sergean Dodd, Ray E. Sergean Sloan, Tesse P. Sergean Branstetter, Jean O. Corpora' Paulus, Lester \V. Corpo Harding, Geo. E. Corpo Sparks, Lee Coriio Perkins, William H. Corpora Winner, Jesse B. Corpora! Renner, Fred Corpora Porter, Clifford A. Corpora Bauer, John A. Corpora Mitchell, Sidney B. Corpora Sykes, John Corpora Glasgow, Robert Corpora Belz, Gus C. Corpora Harris, Edwin M. Corpora Cole, William T. Corpora McAdams. William Corpora Home Address and Remarks 120 E. Sth St., Abilene, Kansas. OS. Trfd. Ser. US Aug. 19/19. 4418 Station Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action, Sept. 2(1 to Oct. 1/lS. 611 6th St., Leavenworth, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Trfd. to B. Hosp. October, 1918. R.F.D. No. 6, Leavenworth, Kansas. OS.St.M-MA-W-S. Trfd. to B. IIosi). Oct. 1918. 1921 Broadway St., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct., 1918. R.F.D. No. Jarbalo, Kansas. OS- St.M-MA.WS. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct., 1918. Esbon, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Roff, Okla. Pres. 509 N. 4th St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. 717 Union St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. 231 Walnut St., Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 1109 Lyon St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. 1313 S. Broadway, Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Appleton, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G. Pres. 1906 Ervin St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Dec. 1918. 616 N. Monroe St., Mason City, la. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Perry, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-M-G- F. Pres. Limit and Girard Sts.. Leaven- worth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA-G. Pres. 1402 W. Sth St., Coffey ville. Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 300 Lynn St., Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. R.F.D. No. 1, Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. R.F.D. No. 2, Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 2124 Market St., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 213 S. 7th St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. CAPTAINS ALL 1. Capt. John F. Coffman 2. Capt. Matt Guilfoyle 3. Capt. Charles Haftle 4. Capt. C. A. Lusk 5. Capt. George C. Brewster 6. Capt. WilHani GilHgan 7. Capt. R. W. Cater 8. Capt. F. D. Mathias 9. Capt. Henry F. Halverson 10. Capt. Brown Dyer 11. Capt. C. E. Munn 89 L COMPANY Moody, Charles A. Corporal Settles, Oscar L. Corpor, Phillipps, Clifford Corpor Wilson, Georg:e T. Corpora! Agee, Miles H. Corpora! Corpor Corpor Briscoe, Orval B. Miner, Henry E. JVIelby, Carney M. _Corpor -BrouglUon, Lloyd iGivan, Raymond Harder. Fred I'. Ninemire, George ■Ohman, Frank H. Doman, John R. 'Godoshii Faulkne n, Dajad Howard Corpo Corporal Corpora Corpora Corpora M. Corpora] n. Corpo Corpo Corpora! Marshall, George R. Corpor Riley, George R. Corpor ■Graham, Tolbert P. Corpor ■Curtis, Samuel D. Corpor Skinner, Jos. W. Corpor Peters, Wallace J. Corpor; Roach, Delbert D. Corpora! Stout, Henry H. Corpor Clancy, George Corpor R.F.D. No. 1. Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. Oakwood, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 322 N. 4th St.. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. R.F.D. No, 2, Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Trfd. to B. Hosp. March 1919. R.F.D. No. 3, Nocoma, Te.xas. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. Douglas, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 1347 N. 32nd St., Kansas City, Kan. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Pres. 209 E. Gordon St.. Hannibal, Mo OS-St.M-MA. Pres. R.F.D. No. 4, Ebina, Mo. OS-St.M MA. Pres. Stanley, N. Dak. St.M-MA. !I Bronson, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA Pres. 213 S. 7th St., Hannibal, Mo. OS St.M-MA. Pres. 1044 Winslow Ave. W., St. Paul, Minn. St.M-MA. Pres. Weston, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. R.F.D. No. 4. Albany, Minn. Pres. 454 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Pres. 19 W. Wilson Ave., Pontiac, Mich. Pres. Leavenworth, Kansas. OS. Trfd. to Isolation Camp, Romsey, Eng., May 1918. 214 Ohio St., Leavenworth, Kan. OS. Trfd. to U. S. Ser. July 1918. 1306 Grand Ave., Leavenworth, Kan. OS. Killed in action, Aug. 20/1918. 2016 Hope St., Hannibal. Mo. OS. Killed in action Aug. 26/18. 106 John St., Hannibal, Mo. OS. Killed in action Sept. 27/18. R.F.D. No. 3, Fayetteville, Ark. OS. Killed Sept. 27/18. 423 S. 6th St., Hannibal, Mo. OS. Killed in action Sept. 27/18. Thayer, Kans. OS-St.M-MA- W-M- G-F. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct. 1918. R.F.D. No. 3. Leavenworth, Kan- sas. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct. 1918. Briggsville, 111. OS-St.M-MA-W- MGF. 608 Summer St., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action Sept. 26 to Oct. 1/1918. W. Market St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA- W-MGF. Blockberger, Edward R. Fox, Layton V. Corporal Crook, Marion F. Corporal Foerstner, George Corporal Davis, Frank M. Cook Cinder, Roy F. O'Con Cook John W. Mechanic Greenwood, George Mechanic Welker, Harry D. Mechanic Wood, Norman W. Mechanic Yate, Edward C. Mechanic Cornelius. Arthur Mechanic Gist, Waller M. Mechanic Nelson, Nels T. Mechanic Leach, Elwood M. Bugler Abott, Lloyd E. Bugler Bagwell, Ernest M. Bugler Aascn, Ole Pvt. Icl. Barrett, Carl F. Pvt. Id. Broxton, Geo. V. Pvt. Icl. Ashurst, Raymond Pvt. Ic!. Brenneman. Perry L. Pvt. Icl. 90 Basley, Patr Bates, Eaf Bell, Hugh M. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Id. 5th and Chestnut Sts.. Leaven- worth, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action Sept. 26 to Oct. 1/1918. R.F.D. No. 3. Leavenworth, Kan- sas. OS-St.M-MA. Captured by enemy Sept. 26 to Oct. 1/1918. LaGrange. Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to B. Hosp. December 1918. 9th and Walnut Sts.. Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Dec. 1918. Pres libal. Mo rth, OS-St.M-M. Sheffield, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Cambell. Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to M.PC. Mar. 1919. R.F.D. 2, Belvue. Kan. OS-St.M- Mar. 1919. Shellsburg, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Shelbina, Mo. OS. Pres. -\pplegate, Mich. Leavenworth, Kan. OS. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. May, 1918. Hannibal, Mo. OS-. Trfd. to B. Hosp. May 1918, Leavenworth, Kan. OS. Trfd. to UOth San. Train June 1918. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA Killed in action Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, 1918. 104 Third Ave., Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA-G. Pres. 25 F. West St., Hutchinson, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to MP March 1919 Tonganoxie, Ka Killed in acti Watford City, ! IS. OS-St.M-MA. Sept. 28/1918. Dak. St.M-MA. inibal, Mo. OS- nnibal. Mo. OS- in action Sept. 904 Ely St., Ham St.M-MA. Pres. 509 Bluff St., Han St.M-MA. Killed 27/1918. 703 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-H-E. Sept. 29/ 1918. 125 N. 2nd St., Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to MPC March 1919. Fenton, Mich. Pres. 2019 Irvin St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. Akerland, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. L COMPANY Berg, Alfred C. Pvt. Blackburn, Guy R. Pvt. Borrendame. Conreaii H. Pvt. ell, Benj. F. Pvt. Er P.rierc, Ligaurie Pvt. Icl. Buchanan, James L. Pvt. Id. Burton, Farris Pvt. Icl. Casselman, Gideon Pvt. Id. Clifton, Clyde Pvt. Icl. Connelly, James E. Pvt. Icl. Craft, John M. Pvt. Icl. Curtis, Robt. R. Pvt. Id. Daniels, Allan J. Pvt. Id. Douglas, Lewis F. Pvt. Id. Courtney, Guy H. Pvt. Id. Charlesworth, Geo. H. Pvt. Icl. Downing, Robert A. Pvt. Id. Dubbert, Louis R. Pvt. Icl. Dunkin, George R. Pvt. Icl. Dunphy, William F. Pvt. Icl. Douglas, Oscar L. Pvt. Id. Epley, Roy E. Pvt. Id. Edwall, Theo M. Pvt. Icl. Francois, George J. Pvt. Id. Froemke, Dan Pvt. Icl. Haggerty, James W. Pvt. Id. Franklin, Marley Pvt. Icl. Hitzman, Clarence A. Pvt. Id. Hofflinger. Sam A. Pvt. Icl. Kanell, Louis Pvt. Icl. King, William A. Pvt. Icl. Kuhlmann, Otto D. H. Pvt. Icl. Klatt, Adolph Pvt. Icl. Dak. St.M-MA-G. bal, Mo. OS- 'ine St. S. S., H St.MMAW-S. ;rand Rapids, Mich. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS- Pres. 704 Webb St., St.M-MA. ] Strong, Mich. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Wesleyville, Ky. Pres. St. Joseph, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. JUlt) Irviii St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. Bowling Green, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Paris, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Indianapolis, Ind. Pres. Ontanogan, Mich. Pres. Columbia, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Ackerland, Kansas. OS. Trfd. UOth M.S. Trfd. June 1918. Clarion, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA- W-S. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct. 1918. Lowemont, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA- W-S. Pres. Maquoketa, Iowa. OS-St.M. Pres. K.F.D. No. 4, Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. 184 Canfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. Pres. Wallula, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA-W- S. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct. 1918. R.F.D. No. 3, Bowling Green, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. St. Paul, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to M.P.C. March 1919. Maquoketa, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to 1st Repl. Depot Apr. 13, 1919. Lisbon, N. Dak. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Canton, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. W-H-E. Garrison. Kansas. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action Sept. 26/1918. Laurel, Mont. St.M-MA. Trfd. to 1st Repl. Depot Apr. 13/1919. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Charteroak, Iowa. St.M-MA. Pres. California, Killed in a 1/1918. Scanville, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA OS-St.M-MA. Sept. 26 to Oct. Lee, Greenleaf W. Pvt. 1. Long. William H. Pvt. 1( Lowe, Ray Landes, Roy E. McCusic, John C. Miller, Edward J. Pettitt, Harvey R. Pvt. Icl. Pullos, Harry Reed. Cecil J. Olson, John P. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Robertson, Irwin B. Pvt. Root, Harvey O. Pvt. Spidahl, Ben J. Pvt. Stevenson, Frank G. Pvt. Stewart, Joe Pvt. Swart, Archie H. Pvt. Tarkowski, Walter J. Pvt. Trackwell, Ernest E. Pvt. \'ia, Melvin B. Pvt. Walters. Joe H. Pvt. Webb, Roscoe Pvt. Wilcox, Frank E. Pvt. Wilson, Andy B. Pvt. Wilson, Chas. N. Pvt. Worley, Ellis O. Pvt. Wi ek, Fr, Ward, Cha Watters. Chas. J. Pvt. Id. Pvt. Icl. Burnaugh, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Pres. Griggsville. 111. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to 1st Repl. Depot Apr. 13/1919. Wheaton, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA-W- S. Detroit, Mich. Pres. R.F.D. No. 4, Leavenworth, Kan. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Leavenworth. Kansas. OS. Trfd. to Isolation at Romsey, Eng., May. 1918. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Mohall, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Douglas, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Boyd, N. Dak. OS-St.M-MA-W-M- G. Pres. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA- W-G. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. enworth, Ka OS-St.M-MA. Rothsay, Minn. St.M-MA. Pres. Leavenworth, Kansas. OS-St.M- MA. Pres. 711 Lyon St., Hannibal, Mo. OS- St.M-MA. Pres. Platville, Wisconsin. Pres. Bay City, Mich. Pres. Ackerland. Kansas. OS-St.M-MA- W-S. Pres. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. St. Bernard, La. Pres. 1821 Patchen St., Hannibal, Mo OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Fergus Falls, Minn. OS-St.M-MA W-S. & G. Pres. R.F.D. No. 3, Leavenworth, Kan, OS-St.M-MA. Pres. R. F. D. No. 2, Leavenworth. Kans, OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Tongano-xie, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA, Pres. 272 24th St., Detroit, Mich. Pres. Tonganoxie, Kansas. OS. Trfd. to Isolation Camp, Romsey, Eng., May 1918. Linwood, Kansas. OS-St.M-MA-W- S. Greely, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action Sept. 26 to Oct. 1/1918. Tracy, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Honeyford, N. Dak. St.M-MA. 91 L COMPANY Balliet, Adam, Jr. Pri' rSarkhau, Earl C. Pri- Becklev, Sherman D. Pri' Bell, Ernest L. Pri' Bellowes, Everett Pri' Bender, Jos. Pri- Btnnetti, Valentine Pri' I'.erg, Oscar R. Pri- Berskow. Thos. Pri- liiUs, Thos. S. Pri' B.itoff, -Morris Pri Bowen, Clarence M. Pri' Bratcher, David Pri Brown, X^esler G. Pr.- Brown, Wm. J. Pr.- Brumback, David Pri Bnnkc, Herman X. Prr Burass, Casper Pri Busse, Samuel E. Pri Butler, James \\ . Pn Benninger, Fred Pri Bjarnson, Hilgif Pri Brelsford, Harry L. Pri Brown, Clarence Pri Blair, Wm. J. Pri Carlson, Melktr V. Pri Chapman, loscph Pri Chounard, Frederick Pri Christensen, Edward A. Pri Comer, Ray S. Pri Collins, Ray L. Pri Dalen, Theodore J. Pri Davis, Leo Pri DeLaGardella. Rene Pri Douglas, Tohn J. Pri Dales. Martin H. Pri Matlieville. III. I )S-St..M.ll A. Trfd. to MFC March 1919. Harvey, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Covington, Ky. Pres. Sedalia, Mo. OS-St.M-W-H-E. Pres. 2606 Chestnut St., Hannibal, Mo. nS-St.M-MA. Pres. I.aurey, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G. Pres. Williston, N. Dak. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Bay City, Mich. Pres. I.aMaure. N. Dak. OS-St.M. Pres. Elbow Eake, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Ionia, Mich. Pres. Underbill, Wisconsin. Died 3/17/ 19. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-H- E. Pres. Lafayette, Ind. Pres. Milca, Minn. OS. Pres. Bay City, Mich. Pres. Tarkio, Jlo. OS-MA. Pres. Racine, Wise. Pres. N'orthwood, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Amlioy, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. LaGrange, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. St. Jose, III. OS. Trfd. to B. Hosp. July 1918. Mountain, N. Dak. Trfd. B. H. Oct. 1918. St.M-MA-W-HE. St. Joseph, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. to B. Hosp. Oct. 1918. Hope St., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M- MA-G. Trfd. to B. H. Oct. 1918. Langdon, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Died Jan. 25/1918. Bowman, N. Dak. W-HE. Pre^. Ft. Yates, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Mohall. N. Dak. St.M-MA. Trfd. 1st Repl. Dep. Mar. 1919. Racine, Wise. Pres. X. Branch, Mich. Pres. Topeka. Kans. OS-St.M-MA-G. Trfd. B. Hosp. Oct. 191S. Sargeant, Minn. OS-St.M-MA-W- HE. Pres. COS Hawkins Ave., Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Xew York, X. Y. Pres. Carulhersville, Mo. OS-MA. Pres. Climax, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Killed in action Sept. 26 to Oct. 1/1918. Fargo, N. Dak. St.M-MA-W-HE. Trfd. B. H. Oct. 1918. Eurove, Isaac Private Falcone, Paul R. Private Ford, Louis Private Fullhart, Lawrence E. Private J-'ullerton, Charles R. Private Fesscnden, Harry A. Private Garvcy, Harry O. Private Guenther, Louis W, Private Gordon, Ray Private Hall, George S. Private Hampton, Everette L. Private Hansen, Oscar Private Harper, Arthur J. C. Private Harrison, Guy M. Private Tlaug, Jlarti ate Ileckathoru, David L. Private Hoatson, Lester Private Hogue, John G. Private Holwell, Wm. J. Private Hornung, Albert Private Iloskins. Willie ,\. Private Ilovland, Hans Private Hutchinson, Thurman D. Private Hngan, John Private llagerman, Wm. F. Private n, Gunwald 92 Johnson, Edvin Private Tohnson. Gustaf H. Private kehoe, Charles Private Kelling, Paul E. Private Kellv, Edward L. Private Klefl'er, George Private Knight, Harrell Private R. F. D. Xo. 2, Gilman, Iowa. OS- St.M-MA-W-HE. Trfd. to B. H. Oct. 191S. Paris. Ky. Pres. Portland, Ore. Pres. 4th & Sheridan Sts., Leavenworth, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Cincinnati, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 327 Beardsley St., Winnipeg, Can- ada. St.M-MA. Pres. LaGrange, Mo. OS-St.M-MA- W-S. Trfd. B. H. Oct. 1918. Bain City, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-G. Pres. Midland, Mich. Pres. Atchison, Kans. OS-MA-St.M. Killed in action Sept. 27/1918. R.F.D. Xo. 1, Leavenworth, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Bowling Green, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. South Boardman, Mich. Pres. Canton, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Braddock, N. Dak. Pres. Chicago, 111. Pres. R.F.D, Xo. I, Leavenworth, Kans. OS-M.\-St.M. Pres. Downer, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. B. H. April 13/19 Galien, Mich. Pres. 128 Iroquo Mich. Terre Haute, Ind. Pres. Wallhalla, X. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Grand Forks, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Canton, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. 1st Repl. Dep. April 1/1919. Xome, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Princeton, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Xorthwood. Minn. OS. Trfd. 130th M.G. Bn. May 1918. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-HE. Trfd. B. H. 10/18. Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G. Trfd. B. H. Oct. 1918. Grand Forks, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Litchville, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Garfield, Minn. St.M-MA. Pres. St. Louis, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. New England, N. Dak. St.M-MA- W-GS. Pres. Englevale, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Kensal, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Calumet, Mich. Pres. ^^i5^' L COMPANY Knoch, Arthur ]. Private New York, N. y. I'res. Nielson, Carl E. Pr ivate Tripoli. Iowa. Pres. Kowalski. Clarence F. Nieni, Edgar F. Pi vate Calumet. Mich. Pres. Pr ivate Merrill, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Pres. Nagel, Albert A. Pi ivate New Ulm, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. BH. 10-18. Kroeger, Arnold H. Pi ivate Lavina. Montana. St. M-MA-\V- Nessit, Arthur B. Pr ivate Austin, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. Kriischke, Alexander F. Private Knehl. Charles F. Private Kostelecky. Harry Private HE. Pres. Melvin. 111. OS-MA-St.M-W-S. Pres. Mukwanago, Wise. Pres. Dickson. N. Dak. St.M-MA-W-S. Nitz, Edward Norman, Clyde C. Private Private BH. Nov. 1918. Cummings, Kans. OS-St.M. Trfd. to MPC. 3-19. St. Joseph. Mo. OS-St.M. Trfd. Trfd. B. H. Oct. 1918. MPC. 3-19. Kerr, Len D. Pr ivate Leavenworth, Kans., OS-St.M-MA- Oldfield, Charles W Pi ivate Three Rivers, Mich. Pres. WHE. Trfd B.H. Oct. 1918. Orbeck, Hans Pr vate Surrev. N. Dak. St.M. Pres. Lanipach, Isaac Pi vafe New York City. Pres. Oien, Joseph J. Pr ivate Boyd,' Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Captured Larkin, Tames P.. Pi Abilene, Kans., OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, 1918. Larsen, John L. Pr vate Duhith, Minn. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Oswald, Win. H. Pi vate Fertile, Minn., OS-St.M-MA-KIA. Lassher, Alferd Pr vate McCluskv, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Sept. 26, to Oct. 1, 1918. Laukkala, Eli Pi vate Beldon, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. O'Hearn, George E Pr vate Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G. Leaton, George Pr vate Holton, Mich. Pres. Trfd. BH. 10-18. Liebowitz. Tacob Pr vate New Y'ork City. Pres. Perman, Christ Pi vate Blue Grass, N. Dak. St.M. Pres. Lone. Glen C. Pr Corydon, Iowa. Pres. Perrella, Luci Pi ivate lenners. Penn. Pres. Lewis. Milton ir. Pr vate Canton. Mo. OS-St.M MA. Pres. Phelan, Harrol I'l vate "Oshkosh, Wise. Pres. Lnbeno, Lawrence J. New Munster, Wis. Pres. Porter, Wm. D. Pr ivate Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Pr vate Pederson, Koldjorn Pi ivate Chicago, HI. Missing in action. Larmer, Clifford A. Pr ivate Laurens, Iowa. OS-St.M-KIA. Sept. Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, 1918. 29, 1918. Praether, Finis B. Pr ivate Iluntsville, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Trfd. Johns. Angus G. Pr vate Wenatchee, Wash. St.M-KIA. Sept. MPC. 3-19. 28. 1918. Riebel, Charlie Pr ivate West Point, Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Landsphcre, James Pr vate Burlington, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Missing in action. Sept. 26 to Oct. Robb, Aschel Pr ivate Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 1, 1918. Rosenkrantz, Ike Pi ivate Leavenworth, Kans. MA-KIA. Linnel. Russell J. Pr vate Sebaka, Minn. OS-St.M-MA- W-HE. Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, 1918. Trfd. BH. 10-18. Robbins, Lawrence Pr ivate Perry, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-W-MGW Logan. Tracy Pr vate Regina. Canada. St.M-MA-KIA. Trfd. MPC. 3-19. Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, 1918. Scott, Jesse T. Pr ivate Tonganoxie, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-W. McDonald, Charles T. Topeka. Kans. St.M-G. Trfd. EH. Pres. Private Oct. 1918. Shobe, Audrey Pi ivate Chillicothe, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Mclnnes. Hugh Private Fargo, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Pres. Manks, John Private Ionia. Mich. Pres. Smith, Robert D. Pr vate Kansas Citv. Mo. OS-St.M-MA- Mapes. Charles Pi vate Charles City, Iowa. St.M-MA. Pres. MGW. Pres. Martin, Thereon Pi vate Harlem, Montana. St.M. Pres. Stiencipher, Robert H. Paris, Mo. Pres. Mastropietro, Lorer zo Sioux City, Iowa. Pres. Pi vate Pr vate Salisbery. Edgar R. Pr vate Ovei-hrook, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-W- :\retzler, Edwill T, Pr vate Nicholson. N. Dak., St.M-MA. Pres. HE. Trfd. BH. Oct. 1918. Meuler, Carl K. Pr vate Oshkosh, Wise. Pres. Saylor. Grover C. Pi vate Hannibal. Mo. OS-St.M-MA-G. Miller, Joseph J. Pr vate Linton, N. Dak. St.M-MA. Pres. Trfd. BH. 10-18. Miske, August h. Pr vate Herington, Kans. OS-St.M-MA-W- S. Pres. Simms, Joseph D. Pr vate Hannibal. Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W- MG. Trfd. BH. Oct. 1918. Monkvold, Eddie Pr ivate Irene, S. Dak. St.M-MA-G. Pres. Timola. Charles Private Odanah. Wise. Pres. Moore, George H. Pr vate Piano, Iowa. Pres. Waddle. Ciadv Pr vate Hindman. Kv. Pres. Morris, Ern-st Pr vate Pomeroy, Iowa. Pres. Wagner. David Pr vate Sheboygan, Wise. Pres. Meirison. Irwin Pr vate St. Joseph. Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Way. Albert W. Private Ionia. Mich. Pres. Trfd. BH. Oct. 1918. Webb, Harrell R. Pr vate Leavenworth, Kans. OS-St.M-MA. Mentzer, Paul E. Pr vate Neosho Falls. Kans. OS-W-HK- Pres. Trfd. BH. August 1918. Webster, Wesley M Pr vate Douglas, Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Mosely, Dewey Pr vate Leavenworth, Kans. OS. Trfd. Julv West. Harvey Pr vate Hannibal. Mo. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. 1918 to BH. "ieLnns, Dannie C. Pi vate Beech Grove, Kv. Pres. Naeher, Stephen A. Pi vate Leavenworth, Kans. OS-St.M. Pres. Wilkinson. Calvin Pr vate Dows. Iowa. OS-St.M-MA. Pres. Nelson, Gullai N. Pr vate Ambrose, N. Dak. Sl.MA-G. Pres. Willett, Robert N. Pr vate Hannibal, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-W-S. Xewcombe, Charles K Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Pres. Pres. Pr ivate Witzel. Roy Pi vate Ionia. Mich. Pres. 93 > ». L COM PAX Y ROSTER OF COMPANY F, 139th INFANTRY Name and Rank Edgar H. Dale Captain George H. Klinkerfuss 1st Lt. Richard O. Worrell 2nd Lt. John A. Hoffman 1st Lt. Glenn W. Davis 2nd Lt. Byrl J. Hilt 1st Lt. Perry A. Coker 1st Lt. Raymond M. Reese 2nd Lt. George W. Mackey 2nd Lt. Rice, Fred L. 1st Sgt. Bell, Beverly R. 1st Sgt. Gaumnitz. Walter H. Mess Sgt. Over, Rov E. Mess Sgt. Griggs, Louis C. Sup. Sgt. Walla Roy D. Sup. Sgt. Frederick K. Fishc Arnold, Lonzo B. Brown, Joe O. Calvert, John F. Correll. John L. Goiif, Manuel B. Harmoh, Karl ^L Harris, Joe W. }Iarshbarger, Ned r 2nd Lt. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Hulen, Harold Ingraham, Thomas C Sergeant Jones, Russell F. Sergeant McCurdy, Walter R. Sergeant McGilton, George T. Sergeant Norris. Henry T. Sergeant Roberts. Frank F. Sergeant Ros Alfred T. Sergeant Scofield, Beniamin F. Sergeant Stratford, Ray A. Sergeant Warden, Hubert P. Sergeant Tipple, Franklin A. Sergeant Ho.ME Address and Remarks Coffeyville, Kans. OS-K-MA-MGF. St. Louis, Mo. OS-MA. Me Mo Lo Reading, Mich. Kirksville, Mo. MA-OS. Hattiesburg, Miss. MAG. Los Angeles, Calif., 240 West Santa Barbara Avenue. OS. Charleston, S. Car. MA. Augusta, Kans. OS. RFD 2, Cuba, Mo. OS. Rice, Minn. OS-MA-W. Box 188, Moline, Kans. OS-MA. •495 Oyma St., Columbia, Mo. OS- MA. 1641 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, OS-MA-W-MGF. Edi: Mn. Agua Dulce, Tex. OS-MA. RFD 2. Boicourt, Kans. OS-MA-W MGF. 817 College Avenue, Columbia, Mo, Edna, Tex. OS-MA. 117 Settler Street, El Dorado, Kans OS-MA. 1218 College Avenue. Rosedale, Kans. OS. 212 Third Avenue, Columbia, Mo, OS-MA. 403 Board of Commerce, LittU Rock, Ark. OS-MA. Route 10, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA. Mountain Grove, Mo. OS-W-MGF D. Cameron, Mo. OS-MA. 119 North 8th Street, Wellington, Kans. OS-W-HE. 7J0 North Adams Street. Nevada Mo. OS. 3303 College Avenue, Kansas City Mo. OS-MAG. Hallsville, Mo. OS-MA. 541 Melrose, Chicago, 111. OS-MA 1008 Maud Street, Poplar Bluff, Mo. OS. 504 Denver Street, El Dorado, Kan Berkebile, Juds E. geant Daggs, Jackson A. Sergeant McRae, Charles Sergeant Alexander, Harlan A. Corporal Barger, Jesse W. Corporal Blc r, Charles E. Corporal vvn, Allen L. Corporal John Tv. Corporal Bert F. Corporal Roy E. Corporal , Robert E. Corporal Home Address and Reniarks 70S Rangeline, Columbia, Mo. OS- MA. Arbela, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. Fort Ogden, Fla. MA. Medora, N. Dak. MA. 810 Highland Avenue, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA. 323 North Summit Street, El Do rado, Kans. OS-MA. 209 Mulberry Street, Jefferson City, Mo. OS-MA. (Captured by Ger- mans.) RFD 5, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA. 807 Pannell Avenue, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA. Knox City, Mo. OS. 208 Kansas Avenue, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA-W-MGF. Daniels, William O. Corporal Box 125, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA Derrig, Thomas L. Corporal Mapleton, N. Dak. MA. Doyle, Delts W Corporal Harrison Street, Hillyard, Wash OS-MA-K-MGF. Dugan, Sherman Corporal Red Rock. Okla. OS. Fehland, George B. Corporal 2ir.'.< Ann Street, St. Paul. Minn OS-MA. Forristall, George C. Box 16, Sulphur Springs. Ark. OS Corporal Grossman, Edml md A. Box 37, Staples, Minn. MA-W- Corporal MGF. Gordon, James Sergeant Amarillo, Tex. OS-MA-K-MGF. Halfhill. Noah Corporal 515 Star Street, El Dorado, Kans OS-MA. Harris, Earl Corporal 501 Mulberry Street, Murphysboro 111. OS. Hennessey, Job. w. Corporal Preston, Minn. OS-MA. House, Carl W Corporal RFD 4, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA-W Hufford, Glenn F. Corporal Hunter. Flovd M. Corpor.al Lindsay, Nat M. Corporal McCauIey. Robert M. Sergeant McCulIum. John L. Corporal Melloway, Frank Corporal Moore, Omer Corporal Crow, Archie G. Corporal Neal, Andrew M. Corporal Osterud, Lars Corporal MGF. Latham, Kans. OS-MA. Plainville, Kans. OS-MA. RFD 1, Lawrenceville, 111. OS-MA- K-MGF. Clements, Kans. OS-M.\-W-MGF. Steele, Mo. MA-W-MGF. 504 West Broadway, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. Lincoln Center. Kans. MA. Kimble. Mo. OS-MA. RFD 1, Billet, III. OS-MA. Ostrander, Minn. OS-MA. 94 ??^^1S L COMPANY Riggs, Voung E. Corporal Sanders, Charles L. Corpora' Sapp, Wilbur I. Corpora! Sharp, Olive Corpora Smith. Edward W. Corpor Smith, .Marion VV. Corpor Strickler, Dudley D. Corpora! Stratford, John R. Corpora Tomlinson, Jo C. Corpora Vaughn, Lloyd E. Corpora Waters, John J. Lorpora Wilson, Charles H. Corpora! Mayes, Harri Oliver, Clyde Robnett, Jam 1 H. Cook v. Ci o. c Thomas, John W. Cook Adamson, Murl L. Mechanic Cooper, Frank 7. Mechanic Hightower, Herbert H. Mechanic Foiist, Benjamin E. Mechanic Oblander, Charles J. Mechanic Thnma. Lester C. Mechanic Ricord, Edwin O. Mechanic Biggs, Russell V. Cook Houchen. Thomas E. Bugler Oliver, Charlie L. Bugler Aprille,, William Pvt. Icl. Benson, Anton T. Pvt. Icl. Bressell, Philip Pvt. Icl. Brock, George H. Pvt. Icl. Brodbeck, Ernest A. Pvt. Icl, Bruno, Michael Pvt. Icl. Eumgarner, Hubert T. :Pvt. Icl. Cain. Philip M. Pvt. Icl. Christiansen, Herbert C. Pvt. Icl. Cook, Andrew W, Pvt. Ic!. Cookson, Harry B. Pvt. Icl. Connelley, George T. Pvt. Icl. Counts, John T. Pvt. Icl. RED 7, Columbia, Mo. OS. 219 South 8th Street, Ponca City, Okla. OS-MA. Third Avenue, Columbia, Mo. OS- MA. ■114 West Steele, Cushing, Okla. OS-MA. Moundridge, Kans. OS-MA-G. 1219 West Delaware, Evansville, Ind. OS-MA. Knox City, Mo. OS. 301 Clark Street, Augusta, Kans. OS-MA-W-MGF. 1213 Main Street, Trenton. Mo. MA-W-MGF. Fulton, Mo. OS-MA. 301 Hitt Street, Columbia, Mo. OS- MA. 301 Orchard Street, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA-W-MGF. Hallsville, Mo. OS-MA. Thompson. Mo. OS-MA. 1509 Broadway, Columbia, Mo. OS- MA. Centerville, Iowa. OS-MA. RFD 3. Guthrie, Mo. OS-MA. Jlillersburg. Mo. OS-MA. Star Street, El Dorado, Kans. OS- MA. Columbia, Mo. OS-MA-W-MFG. Lehigh, Kans. OS-MA. 114 Vine Street, El Dorado. Kans. OS. Caldwell. Kans. OS-MA. (Missing in action.) 112 North Main Street, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA-W-MGF. Salem, 111. OS-MA. Thompson. Mo. OS-MA. Pulaski, Wis. Lakota, N. Dak. OS-MA. RFD 4. El Dorado, Kans. MA-OS. Wadena, Minn. OS-MA. RFD 1, Wichita, Kans. OS-MA-K- MGF. Province Cosenza, Maranomarchis- ato, Italv. Spring \'alley, Minn. OS-MA. Main Street. Sugar Notch, Pa. 112S South Main Street, Bellefon- tain, Ohio. OS-MA. 1414 South Kentucky, Sedalia, Mo. OS-MA. Winslow, Ark. OS-MA. nport. lomas J. Pvt. Floyd E. Pvt. Doores, Forrest L. Pvt. England, Kenton J. Pvt. Fall, Albert Pvt. Feingold, Fred Pvt. Ferguson, Harold E. Pvt. Foster, Roy E. Pvt. Gilliland, Claude K. Pvt. Graves, John F. Pvt. Green, Harry B. Pvt. Icl. Hailev, George W. Pvt. Icl. Harrington, Birt Pvt. Icl. Hiffner, Carl M. Pvt. Icl. Hood, George W. Pvt. Icl. Hoffman, Walter Pvt. Icl. Holmquist, Carl C. Pvt. Icl. Hounshell, Fred Pvt. Icl. Jacks. John M. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Icl. Kassaros, Jii Klein, John M. Pvt. Id. Kolbu, Aslak Pvt. Icl. Krauser, Earle E. Pvt. Id. Kurtz, William E. Pvt. Id. LaCroix, Tracy M. Pvt. Icl. Larson, Arthur E. Pvt. Id. Lewis, Clarence Pvt. Id. Love, Rama S. Pvt. Id. Lvnch, Clarence Pvt. Icl. McCaskey, Russell D. Pvt. Id. McDonald, Millington L. Pvt. Icl. McDorman, Scott Pvt. Icl. McKivett, James C. A. Pvt. Id. Montague. Harry A. Pvt. Id. Marback, Mike Pvt. Id. Merritt, Henry P. Pvt. Icl. Morrissey, Thomas M. Pvt. Icl. Mullins, Oscar B. Pvt. Icl. Neal, L Noonan, eonard F. Pvt. Id. Tohn P. Pvt. Id. :Elba B. Pvt. Icl. West Frankfort, HI. Simmons, Tex. OS-MA-W-MGF. Bronaugh, Mo. OS. Box 696. Casper, Wyo. OS-MA. Neodesha, Kans. MA. 690 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wis. RFD 10, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA. Caney, Kans. OS-MA. Leon, Kans. OS-MA. Douglass, Kans. OS-.MA. Captured. 317 South Topeka Street. EI Do- rado, Kans. OS-MA. Brinkley, Ark. OS-MA. Edwardsport, Ind. Itha Mich. OS- South shington, Kans. OS-MA-K-MGF. Detroit, Mich. Allegan, Mich. 317 South Clinton Avenue, Middle- town, Ohio. 726 Bluff Street, Fulton, Mo. OS- MA-W-MGF. RFD 4, Paullana, Iowa. OS-MA. Metsovon, Hyperos, Greet MA-W-MGF. Strausburg, N. Dak. MA. Van Hook. N. Dak. MA. 709 South Bend Avenue Bend, Ind. 216 Logan Avenue, Waterloo, la. OS. Boyne City, Mich. RFD 6, Muskegon, Mich. Everton, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. RFD 1, Odin, 111. OS-MA-K-MGF. Plummer, Minn. OS-MA. 6718 East End Avenue, Chicago, 111. OS-MA Owendale, Mich. West Plains, Mo. OS-MA. 224 West Avenue, Grand Junction, Col. OS-MA. 4180 Enright Street, St. Louis, Mo. OS. 1310 South Street. Bismark, N. Dak. MA. Coopersville. Mich. New Richland, Minn. OS-MA-W- MGF. 20,S South Waters Street, Robinson, 111. OS-MA. RFD 6, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA-G. Elma. Iowa. OS-MA-W-MGF. 719 South Star Street. El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA-W-JIGF. (Reported later as missing.) 601 Wheeling Avenue. Muncie. Ind. OS-MA. 95 L COMPANY Pottorf, Vertis S. R. Pvt, Rcc, Ingwald J. Pvt Rceder, Stuart II. Pvt RicliarJso.i, Ol Robin Pla N. Dak. OS-M.\. Schrader, H Schmidt. H; Pvt. Harold S. Pvt. s Pvt. y .T. Pvt. Sheen, Joe R. Pvt. Smith, Joe J. Pvt. Smith, Millard Pvt. Stanfield, Howard P.. Pvt. Stoltz, Ray I,. Pvt. Tillery, Lewis W. Pvt. Tyliski, Joseph R. Pvt. Young, Herbert O. Pvt. \'aughan, Otis P. Pvt. Watson, Earnest F. Pvt. Whalen, John P. Corp. Whitner, Kent O. Pvt. Williams. Herbert C Pvt. Wilson, Karl F. Pvt. Woods, John F. Pvt. 7.umalt, Martin W. Pvt. Zumalt, Roy P. Pvt. ■Gunsell, Fred D. Pvt. .\bels. Conrad Pri\ .\lbrecht, Harrv Prix Alsbeimer, Andrew J. Prix Anderson, Albert S. Prii .\nderson, John A. Prii Allphin, William E. Prix Barron, Rov I. Prii el, Walte it, Charle Becker, Charles Perry, James H., Jr r.nrgen, Christ J. Pr 753 Raincry Street, St. Paul, Mimi. OS-MA. 117 Westwood Avenue, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA. Stady, N. Dak. OS-MA. Carlos, Minn. OS-MA. 317 Broadway, Fort Worth, Te.x. OS-MAWMGF. 617 Star Street, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA. Box 44, Grange, Pa. Corydon, Iowa. 412 Olive Street, Peabody, Kans. OS-MA-G. RED 4, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA. California, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. 2421 Pattie Street, St. Joseph, Mo. OS-MA. Rocheport, Mo. OS-MA. RFD 4, Fulton, Mo. OS-MA-W- MGF. Winfield, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. Great Valley, New York. OS-MA. Mokee, Kv. Edgar, Mont. MA. 912 West Churchhill, Stillwater Mi: OS. Carnes, Alber t H. Private Casbeer, Will am B. Private Cherry, Elme r E. Private Cichon, Thorn as J. Private Clark, Frank M. Private Cline, Charles Private Coliton, William Private Collins, Clarence Private Crum, Lonnie H. Private Cronin, Peter T. Private Plattsmouth, Neb. Bo.x 264, Lampasas, Tex. 409 Bates Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 125 Popular, Ironwood, Mich. 313 East Central Avenue, El Do- rado, Kansas. OS-MA. 29 North 11th Street, Phoenix, Ariz. Moorehead, Minn. Yale, Okla. OS-MA. Box 338 Seneca, III. MA. 717 State Street, Lincoln, HI. OS- MA-W-MGF. Later reported miss- ing. Crist, Angelo Daak, Otto J. Dickson, Frederick Private Private H. Columbia, Mo. OS-D. RFD 4, Hutchinsoi., Minn. OS-MA W-MGF. 461 Hamilton, Detroit, Mich. Duchovney, Ileyma Private r Private 1412 Columbus Avenue, Bay City Eilertson, Peder K. Private Elliott, Flovd E. Private Emery, Wiiliam H. Private (Missing in action.) English, Thomas P. Private Oblong, III. OS. Erickson, Mike Private 101 Sexton Road, Columbia, Mo. Erickson, George Private OS-MA-K-MGF. Ekre, Selmer T. Private Gurdon, Ark. OS-MA-W-MGF. 509 Moss Avenue, Columbia, Mo. Faulkner, Harry B. Private OS. Fay, James C. Private Fulton Gravel, Columbia, Mo. OS- MA. Feyed, Mike Private Fulton Gravel, Columbia, Mo. OS- Fisher, Roy E. Private MA-W-MGF. Fitzpatrick, Edm md W. Carroll, Mich. Private Holland, Iowa. MA. Fonk, Adolph Private RFD 5, Battle Creek, Mich. Forsberg, Otto T. Private 1141 St. Vincent Street, Utica, New York. Foss. Elmer P. Private Harmony, Minn. OS-MA. Frochlich, Walter F. Private Rvenbergv, Christinia, Norway. OS- "D. Wyaconda, Mo. OS. Gardner, Robert Private Getz, Pcder D. Private Route 1, Newport, Mich. Route 2, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA- W-MGF. Gilmore, Harrison H. Route 5, Austin, Minn. OS-MA-W- Private MGF. Gist, Ernest C. Private RFD 5, Columbia, Mo. MA-W- Gnadt. Walter Private MGF. 934 16th Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Groth, Harry Private Hallsville. Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. Grahek, Paul A Private New Richland, Minn. OS-M.V-W- Guthrie, Justus VV. Private MGF. Haftorson, Silas s. Private Mich. State Farm, Crookston, Minn. RFD 4, Osage. Iowa. OS-MA. 117 North nth Street, Enid, Okla. OS. 114 Palm Street, Detroit, Mich. McNally, Iowa. MA. Winger, Minn. OS. RFD 4, Mcintosh, Minn. OS-MA. (Missing) Marceline, Mo. OS-MA. Christian College Avenue, Colum- bia, Mo. OS-MA. 1929 Mahonev Road, Canton, Ohio. Boonesboro, Missouri. Langdon, N. Dak. MA. Harvey, N. Dak. MA. 1014 7th Avenue, South, Fargo, N. Dak. Hatton, N. Dak. MA. Crystal, N. Dak. MAG. RFD 2, Bonfield, III. MA-K- MGF. 1309 Bell Avenue, Grand Fork, N. Dak. K-HE. (At Camp Picard Alsace.) Richland, Mo. Remsen, Iowa. OS-MA. 829 Highland Avenue Mich. Box 369, Fulda, Minn. MGF (reported later Mora, Minn. OS-MA. Detroit, OS-MA-W- is missing). Box 55, Colo RFD 4, Fertile Mich. Mill 96 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^ LIEUTENANTS OF MARK 1. Lieut. W. S. Gray 2. Lieut. Ralph W. Martin 3. Lieut. W. H. Ellenburg 4. Lieut. Edward Johnson 5. Lieut. Homer Yale 6. Lieut. William J. Oakes 97 M COMPANY nhardt Private Hanson, Halvean K. Private Hansen, Alfred 15. Private Harden, Milton J. Private Hart, Harry S. Private Haas, Jolin Private Hays, George W. Private Herrington, Curtis C. Private Howard, Joseph S. Private Howell, Percy E). Private Hoven, Caniiel Private Hoyt, Harry L. Private Hulen, Amos B. Private Hunt, Frank IJ. Private Ingberg, John Private Jossi, I^ouis Private Johnson, Earl Milan Johnson, Harold Johnson, Ingbert H. Johnson, Ole Johnson, Paul Johnson, Theodore Johnson, Willis R. Jorgenson, Carl W. Kachidlow, John Kappus, Thomas J. Kelsey, Benjamin H. Kidd, Harry L. Kirby, William J. Kite, John Kiekbush, Charles V. Koch. Franklin B. Kotila, Arthur E. Kuhn, John Kurpius, Lawrence Lackawitzer, Fdward_ t,arsen, Magens Law, John H. Layman, Ferris A. Private Privaie Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private RFD 5, Haddock, N. Dak. MA-W- MGF. Crystal Lake, III. MA. (Reported as missing, later as captured, wounded in German prison camp) Route 1, Stella, Mo. OS-MA-W- MGF. 614 Pasadena, Whittier, Calif. McCluskey, N. Dak. OS-MA. A22 Elmwood Avenue, Traverse City, Mich. Ponca City, Okla. OS-MA-G. 609 State Street, Marshalltown, la. OS. Wahalla, N. Dak. MA. Laverne, N. Dak. MA-W-MGF. Alamo, N. Dak. MA. 207 College Avenue, Columbia, Mu. OSMA. Emmet, Idaho. OS-MA. Fooston, Minn. OS-MA-W-G. Emporia Street, El Dorado, Kans. OS-MA-W-MGF. (Taken prison- er.) 204 Clark Street, Augusta. Kans. OS-MA. Crystal Springs, N. Dak. OS-MA. RFD 5, Walhalla. N. Dak. Route 2, Carpio, N. Dak. OS-MA. Belden, N. Dak. OS-MA. Rhame. N. Dak. OS-MA. RFD 3, Princeton. Minn. MA. Kensal, N. Dak. MA. Carpio, N. Dak. MA. 336 Michigan Street, Eauclaire, Wi: et. Ha 1630 South Jefferson Sir tings, Mich. Mandan, N. Dak. MA. (Reported as missing.) Seattle, Wash. MA-W-MGF. Rocheport, Mo. OS-MA-K-MGF. Route 4, St. Charles, Mich. McCluskey, N. Dak. MA-W-MGF. Staples, Minn. OS-MA-W-MGF. Perham, Minn. MAG. Route 2. Ludington, Mich. EI Dorado, Kans. OS-MA. Berrien Center, Mich. Lindblom, Albin Lemke, George Ltntz, Bernard Lindquist, Edd I Loran, Nicholas F McAndrews, Michael P McDanicls, Baylis G. P .McKav, Belmont M. F Mayew, Leslie J. F Michelson. Tohn R. F Mikulas, Frank F Moe, Benjamin I Murtovara, Willi; vate Ogren. Julius 1 Olson, Hugo Olson, Olaf E Omsted. Clifford P. P Palmer. Harry H. Pawneshing, Willi! Peterson. Carey E. Peterson. Carl V. Petty, Frank S. Pirtle. Charles E. Ransom, Daniel R. R. Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Rapson, Carl H. Private Rasmussen, George W. Private Rasmussen, Walter Private Reagan. Richard Private Reed. Arlie R. Private Private Re Herbert W. 98 Rintzler. Abraham Private Robbins. Ollie E. Private Rogers. Homer M. Private Root. Willis S. Private Ross. Mervin G. Private Richardson. Roy R. Private Russell. Cecil Earl Private Oual. Robert Private Rogers, Forrest L. Private 211, Des Plains Avenue, Park, III. MA. 325 East 58th Street, Chicago, III. OS-MA-W-MGF. Portland, Oregon. Whitewater, Wis. 812 Harmon Street, Milv Wii ukee, OS- RFD North St. Paul. Min MA-W-.MGF. Chisago City, Minn. MA-W-MGF. Mandan, N. Dak. MA-W-MGF. Dickinson, N. Dak. MA. Steedn m. Mo id. Mich. OS. 216 Cherry Street. Green Bay. Wis. Belden. N. Dak. MA-W-MGF. New York City. N. V, 259 Hilger Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Box 279, Atlantic Mine. Mich. 633 Lake Street. Cadillac, Mich. Route 2. Freesoil. Mich. \'ining. Minn. OS. Fooston, Minn. OS-MA-W-MGF. Rockport, 111. OS-MA. East Jordan. Mich. Clarks Grove. Minn. OS. 287 Scott Street. Oshkosh. Wis. 513 South 6th Street. Columbia, Mo. MA-G. Oaktown. Ind. 348 Di.x Avenue. Detroit. Mich. OS- M.-\-W-MGF. Carp Lake, Mich. 2682 Champlain Avenue, Chicago, 111. Hajbysjalland, Denmark 166 Garnett, Houghto "" ' 808 North 7th Stre Mo. ?t, Columbii Taylors Falls. Minn. OS-MA. 1327 Broadway Street, Brenerton. Wash. OS. RFD 2. Donnelson. Iowa. OS-MA- W-MGF. 1436 Trumble Avenue. Chicago. 111. Buffalo, Okla. OS-MA. RFD 2. Farewell. Mich. Long Prairie. Minn. OS-MA. Harrisburg. Mo. MA-W-MGF. Route 1. Odii MGF. (Died Wamego. Kans. Mahnomen. Min Route 9, Trento OS-MA-W- n hospital.) OS-MA-W-MGF. .. OS-MA-K. . Mo. OS. M COMPANY Sandalil, Rmlolph E. 1236 Brookdale Avenue, Chariton, Walling, Charles E. Private Private Iowa. (JSMAK-MGF. Walden, Carl G. A. Private Schmieder. Fred Private Minster. Ohio. Welliver, Delbert M. Segerstroin, Ilelge R. Milaca, Minn. OS-MA-W-MGF. Private Private Wells, Tohn R. Private Shepka, Leo Private Iron Mount.iin. Mich. Williams, Benjamin F. Smitll. Bernard F. Private 5111 Pallister Avenue. Detroit, Mich. Private Springer. Frank B. Private Linden. .Mich. White, Roscoe Private Smith, Oeorge W. Private ii95 Cavalry Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Windsor, Fred Private Shultz, Vernie H. Private Ilcdrick, Iowa. OS-MA-W-MGF. Somers. Thomas A Private Red Lake Falls, Minn. OS-MA. Winterrowd. Guy F Private ( Reported as missing, later as Erickson, John E. Private W-MGF.) Spiegel, Abraham Private -1859 Champlain Avenue, Chicago, Letcher, Fred Private 111. Davisson, Curtis L. Private Spindler, Adolph Private Browns Valley, Minn. OS-MA-W- Gant, Tracv L. Private MGF. Lumm, Eari L. Private Steine, Norman H. Private Luverne, Mich. Straw, Walter V. Private Ray, Ind. Sussex, Floyd W. Private Route 1, Edson, Kans. OS-MA-K. (Died in German Prison Camp.) Mahlum, Christian Private Takes, Leo P. Private Box- 33, Walker, Iowa. OS-MA. Marden, Earl C. Private Tantow, Maynard A. Private Private Manley, Iowa. OS. Mars, Truman G. L Private Terrell, William C. Bluford, 111. OS-MA. Marvin, Tohn E. Private Thede, Herman R. Private Reinbeck, Iowa. OS-MA-W-MGF. Morgan, Vard M. Private Thomas, Glen W, Private Welcome, Minn. OS. Oblander, Rhiney Private Trana, Elmer H. Private Ilenning, Minn. OS-MA. Gus S. Gehlbach Captain ^'alos, Gust Private East Moline, 111. Edgar A. Miller. 1st Lt. Vernon, Earnest F Private Oblong, 111. OS. Norwood K. Lillybr idge, Walcott, Henry Private Zeeland, Mich. 2nd Lt. Redman, Oklahoma. OS-MA. Tracy. Minn. 1133 35th Street, Rock Island, III. OS-MA-K-MGF. 3901 Gilbert, Latonia, Kv. 005 North 6th Street, Columbia, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. Savage. Ky. Spokane,. Washington. OS-MA-W- MGF. Washington, Kans. OS-MA-W-G. 46 McGrath Street, Muskegon, Mich. St. Joseph, Mo. MA. Clarksburg, W. Va. MAW MGF. Morris, Okla. 917 East Virmy Street. Colorado Springs. Colo. MA-W-MGF. (Re- ported as prisoner.) RFD 2, Palermo. N. Dak. MA-W- MGF. Kenmar, N. Dak. MA. Bentley, N. Dak. OS-MA-W-MGF. (Reported later as missing.) Brooks, Wis. Dewey, Okla. OS-MA-W-MGF. Lehigh, Kans. OS. Trenton, Mo. OS-MA. Ohio. 149 Broadway, New York City, N. 99 .M CoMl'AXV ROSTER OF COMPANY G, 139tK INFANTRY Name and Rank Randall Wilson Captain Hugh B. Dudley 1st Lt. Thomas Hopkins 2nd Lt. John A. HofFman 2nd Lt. Richard P. McDonald Attached 2nd Lt. Cowley, Richard P. 1st Sgt. Moore, Ora G. Mess Sgt. Blanke, Dean T. Sup. Sgt. Dillon, Oscar N. Sergeant Bryant, George \V. Sergeant Walker, Jackson E. Sergeant Henry, Harley Sergeant Murray, Charles K. Sergeant Crum, Raymond H. Sergeant Arend, Harold D. Sergeant Stansbury, Vaughn L. Sergeant Hollar, Everitt R. Sergeant Smith, Wren Sergeant Fisher, William F. Sergeant Scott, Robert D. Corporal Tobias, John B. Corporal Fruit, drval Corporal Wightman, Edwin S. Corporal Flint, Paul O. Corporal Sutton, Cecil A. Corporal White, John N. Corporal Williams, Albert J. Corporal Remick, Glenn W. Corporal Gale, Russell K. Corporal Wilkinson, Levi C. Corporal VanCleavc, Clifford M. Corporal E.MERCENCV Address C. Wilson, father, Bethany, Irs. Edna I. Hopkins, wife. 1124 Bitting Ave., Wichita, Kans. Edward Cowley, brother, Downi Kans. George Moore, father, Eaglevilh Mo. Earon Blanke, father. Downs, Kans, Mrs. Oscar Dillon, wife, Bethany, Mo. Mrs. George Bryant, wife, Bethany, Mo. R. L. Walker, father, Bethany, Mo Mrs. T. F. Henry, mother, Weath erby. Mo. Mrs. James Murray, mother. White more, Kans. A. M. Crum, father. Downs, Kans Frank S. Arend, father. Downs Kans. E. M. Stansburv, father, Cawker City, Kans. J. E. Hollar, father, Ovando, Mont. E. J. Smith, brother, Bethany, Mo. Joe Nutter, frienti, HoUenburg, Kans. Mrs. Robert D. Scott, wife, Beth- any, Mo. J. W. Tobias, father, Bethany, Mo. Mrs. Maude Carr, mother, Bethany, Mo. Mrs. W. S. Wightman, mother, Bethany, Mo. A. J. Flint, father, Bethany, Mo. Mrs. Cecil A. Sutton, wife, Cawker City, Kans. F. S. White, father, Litchfield. Neb, Mrs. Anna Williams, mother, Downs, Kans. E. H. Remick, father. Downs. Kans, Joe Gale, father, Bethany, Mo. J. B. Wilkinson, father, Bethany, Mo. T. W. VanCleave, father, Lynville Tenn. Carl W. Corporal Yardlcy, Marshal G. Corporal Meek, Byron Corporal Allen, Vivian S. Corporal Bottorff, Glen W. Corporal Maize, John Corporal Mathews, Raymond Corporal Smith, Frank Corporal Sexton, Joseph C. Corporal Meyers, Richard L. Corporal Hull. Laurel W. Corporal Tones, Ralph H. Corporal "Odam, Wilber C. Corporal Strait, Noel Corporal Sellee, Earnest Corporal Bowers. Arthur W. Corporal Talbot. Richard W. Corporal Edwards, Harry Corporal Stuart, Pearson D. Corporal McDanicI, Cecil G. Corporal Hardy, Lloyd E. Corporal Bryant, George L. Cook Baker, Lou E. Cook Emergency Address F. Turner, father, Cawker City, Kans. Alex. Yardley, father, Boynton, Mo. C. A. Meek, father, Bethany, Mo. D. E. Allen, father. Downs, Kans. J. W. Bottorir, father. Downs, Kans. W. R. Maize, father, Bethany, Mo. Alice Mathews, mother, Dora, Kans. Kate Smith, mother, Montrose, Mo. H. G. Sexton, father, RFD 3, Nor- ris City, 111. Emma Meyers, wife, RFD 3, Cin- cinnati, la. F. b. Hull, father. Downs, Kans. E. B. Jones, father. Downs, Kans William G. Odam, father. Union ville. Mo. William Strait, father, Bethany, Mo, W. A. Sallee, father, Mt. Moriah Mo. W. E. Bowers, father. Downs, Kans W. G. Talbot, father. Downs, Kans Alfred Edwards, father, Downs Kans. Mrs. Pearson D. Stuart, wife, Al bany. Mo. T. D. McDaniel, father, Cainsville, Mo. T. A. Hardy, father, Bethany, Mo. F. T. Bryant, father. Downs, Kans, W. M. Baker, father. New Hamp ton. Mo. Gorham, Arthur Cook Blorence Gorham, mother, Cawker City, Kans. Stevenson, Floyd E. Cook R. M. Stevenson, father, Bethany, Mo. Charles E. Johnson, father, Beth- Johnson, Ercelle W. Bugler any, Mo. Burch, Rofcoc E. Bugler Mrs. Bertha E. Burch, mother, Ken- sington, Kans. King, Ben Mechanic Mrs. Boda Carroll, mother, Beth- any. Mo. Killinger, LeRoy Mechanic W. H. Killinger, father, Portis, Kans. White, Dan Mechanic Theodore Hodge, friend. Gen. Del. Akens, Frank M. Pvt. Icl. Baker, Orval Pvt. Icl, St IT. Pvt. Id, Detroit, Mich. W. H. Akens, father, Portis, Kans. Fannie Baker, mother. Ford City, Mo, W, H. Creamer, father, Portis, 100 M COMPANY Creek, Thomas Cordlc, William M. Covert, Louis L. Davis, George M. Dinsmore, He Earles, Gordon L. Elliott. Anderson Finley, Harold A, Fowler, Clyde L. Fowler, David B. Franklin. Golin H. Garrett. Ray B. Goss, William G. Greenman, IJenjamii llanber. Joseph M. Pvt Harris. Otto P. Hanptli. Angust T. Harrellson. George Henderson, Arthur Henderson, Walter Hobbs. Rov V. TInll, Flovci K. Trcv, John M. Jones. John Ladow, Aubrey L. Covering, Earl W. T.arson, Edwin K- Leslie. Joseph P. Marzolf, Milton J. Morgan, Joseph D. Mover, Harry E. Muilenix, Gurney Parks, Lemiel A. Poe. Clarence C. Payne, Cail Matlie Wilson, sister, Darlingt Mo. John B. Cordle, father, Downing Mo. Harve Covert, father. Glen Eld Kans. J. W. Davis, father. New Hamptc Mo. W. M. Dinsmore, father, Mt. Mor iah. Mo. J. H. Earls, father. Downs, Kans. W. A. Elliott, father, Rogers, Ark, Albert J. Finley, father, Cawkei City, Kans. W. L. Fowler, father, Eagleville Mo. Mrs. Thomas Fowler, mother, In dnstry. III. Mrs. Ira Markley, sister. Leon. la Mrs. Louis R. Garrett, mother, Milan. Mo. Carrie Weymier, aunt, 715 6th Ave, S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. J. J. Greenman, father. Do Mr Ha othe fathe r, Cora RED 7 Tohn R. Hauhe St. Joseph. Mo. J. F. DeLong, uncle. Lamoni. la. j. H. Hauptii, father. Glen Eld Cathe Ha ells nothe Dowr ton. Mo. V. P. Henderson, fathe W. P. Henderson, fathe Kans. C. B. Hobbs. father, Eagleville, Mo, Ed Hull, father. Downs, Kans. S. G. Irey, father. Downs, Kans. Homer Minenthaler, uncle, Portis Kans. Mrs. Charles Ladow, mother. Caw ker Citv, Kans. Waldo Lovering, father. Hector Minn. Jane Ballew, mother, Princeton Mo. W. T. Leslie, father, Milan, Mo. J. H. Marzolf, father. Glen Elder Kans. Mrs. W. I. Morgan, mother, Pol lock. Mo. Frank Moyer, father. Portis, Kans John C. Muilenix, father, Unio ville. Mo. Parks, father. New Hampton, Vii Mo. Poe nother, .Mbany, Mo Reedcr, Carl W. Pvt. Icl. Rcddick, Earl E. Pvt. Icl. Robinson. Charley L. Pvt. Icl. Rogers, William M. Pvt. Id. Sharp, Chester Pvt. Icl. Sharp, Gordon Pvt. Icl. Shipps, Thomas C. Pvt. Id. Smothers. Ward M. Pvt. Id. Stufflebean, Dewey A. Pvt. Icl. Tipton, Albert Pvt. Id. Tipton, James E. Pvt. Icl. Trea.'iter, Oscar N. Pvt. Id. Wilson. Charlev C. Pvt. Icl. Wright, William Pvt. Icl. Williams, Carl Yeater, Glen Aasved, Jesse I. Pvt. Icl. Private .'\damson, Gernie B. Addams, Irwin Akens. Charley R Anderson, Frank E. Anderson. Glen Welch, Jesse Welch, Preston Wells, Donald K. Wideman, Fred IC. Wilke, Albert A. Winters, .\ndrew 1 Wood, Lemiel Yoakum, Louie G. Neifort, Jesse G, Dial, Lawrence IC. VVolters. Bastaan Private Private H. L. Rceder, father, 2S13 S. 22nd St., St. Joseph, Mo. N. E. Reddick, father. Downs, Kans. J. W. Robinson, father. Downs, Kans. J. A. Rogers, father, Boynton, Mo. William Sharp, father, Cawker City, Kans. Lulu B, Sharp, mother, Lynnville, Tenn. Frank Shipps, father, Princeton, Mn_ Eagleville, ler, Milan, Grant Smothers, ; Mo. Ellen Stufflebean Mo. Alfred Tipton, father, Milan, Mo. Tipton, mother. North Sa- Mo. H. D.' Treaster, father. Glen Elder, Kans. Mrs. Limje Ward, mother. Downs, Kans. Tom Simpson, uncle. Boynton. Mo. Irwin J. Wright, father, Clifton, Kans. Benjamin Williams, father, Beloit, Kans. E R. Yeater, father, Ridgeway, Mo. Mrs. H. C. Aasved, mother, Wan- naski, Minn. B. T. Adamson, father. Tabor, la. G. A. Addams, father. Downs, Kans. W. H. Akens, father, Portis, Kans. Orin Anderson, father. Eagle Bend, Minn. .\. C. Anderson, father, Bethany, Mo. Zalus Welch, father, Dallas City, 111. Zalus Welch, father, Dallas City, 111. E. W. Wells, father. Downs, Kans. Marrete Wideman, mother, Cawker City, Kans. Louisa Wilke, mother, 2402 Broad- way Ave . Everett. Wash. Edward Winters, father, Portis, Kans. Mrs. Wood, mother, Denver, Mo. J. W. Yoakum, father, Brookfield, Mo. J. F. Neifort, father. Glen Elder, Kan Dial, father, Caxvker City, ther. Down.s, Kan,. Mrs. C. H. Wolt 101 M COMPANY Shubert, Borthokl G. Havertv, Birklantl. H.ilvor Private Crayley, F.lige Private Brooks, Albert L. Private Campbell, Howard L. Private Carmer, Kov C. Private Casey, Philip Private Casina, Sam Private Carmody. Thomas Private Cushing, Roy W. Private Coble, Glen C. Private Cope, James II. Private Cowan, Robert H. Private Cox, Robert D. Private Cox, I.aRose Private Duncan, Frank K. Private Dii I,. ate Florea, Glen E. Fiison, Richard n. French, Minor E. Free, Howard O. Private Glidewcll, Lee S. Private Goheen, Manrice S. Private Green, Ralph P. Private Griffin, John T. Harris, Cecil Hiatt, Tnhn n. Holton, Sigurd Holland, Raymond E. Privat Hanson, Albert E Home, Arthur B. Privat Cheesman, Theodore Privat ate ate Teddo Arends. father, Watford City, N. Dak. Maggie Becker, mother, Osborne, Kan. Ola Birkland, father, Oklee, Minn. Mrs. S. V. Brayley, mother. Milan, Mo. Mrs. C. Brooks, mother. 417 No. 8th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Fannie Campbell, mother, Mt. Sterl- ing, HI. Cage Carmer, father, Boynton, Mo. B. F. Casey, father. Glen Elder, Kans. Angella Casina, mother, Patterson Road, Joliet, 111. Miss Mable Carmodv, sister. Tar- kio. Mo. G. W. Cushing, father. Downs, Kans. Julia E. Coble, mother. Glen Elder. Kans. Anna F. Swanson. mother. Mineola. Minn. Elizabeth Cowan, mother, Bethany, Mo. Mrs. E. B. Cox, mother, \>rmont, 111. John W. Cox, father. Downs, Kans. Ed Duncan, father, Blooniington, Ind. Florence Rogers, mother, 23 W. 4th St., Hutchinson, Kans. Elizeberth Florea. mother. Republic. T. J. Fuson. father, 3416 Lafayette St., St. Joseph. Mo. O. I'.. French, father. 1415 High St.. Keokuk. la. James Free, father, Parker, Ind. Mary Glidewell, mother, Milan, Mo. John Goheen, father. Downs, Kans. Oklay R. Green, father, Beloit, Kans. J. J. Griffin, father. 427 Thompson Ave.. Hoopeston, 111. George \V. Hammonds, uncle. Beth- any, Mo. Orlando Hiatt, father, Bethany, Mo. O. T. Holton, father, Langdon, N. Dak. E. C. Holland, father, Milan, Mo. Ole Hanson, father, Milaca, Minn. Lizzie Kaup, mother. Downs, Kans. Charles Cheesman, father. Rock Port, Mo. Hoyt. James O. Private Humphrey, Everitt R. Private Ingvaldson, Peter Private Iserman, William F. Private Johnson, Carl Private Johnson, Leonard L. Private Johnson, Phillip R. Private Johnson, Nicholas W. Private Johnson, V'earl V. Private Kicker, Gustav Private Kirshbaum, Henry Private Kling, John W. Private LaRock, Roy Private Larsen, Joe M. Private Larson, Ole L Private Leibenow, Paul G. Private Lemburg, Edward D Private Locke, Velma G. Private Lyson, Arthur Private Lvnch, Harvev W. Private McCarly, William A. Private McCullough, Tello B Private Malcolm, Oil!. M. Private Manor. John D. Private Markfort. Joseph F. Private Marsh, Willie Private Marvanic. Frank P. Private Mattson. Mathews Private Maxwell, Rav Private Mew, George W. Private Michcals, Elmer A. Private Miller, Jess Private Montgomery, Earl Private Morrell, John S. Private Morris, Edward G. Private Dora Hout, mother, 315 N. Penn St., Independence, Kans. Dora E. Humphrey, mother, Beaver Creek, Minn. Thore Ingvaldson, father, Starbuck, Minn. Minnie Iserman, mother, Dakota, 111. Ole Johnson, father. Kildeer, N. D. T. P. Johnson, father. 432 Haines St.. Kane. Pa. Helen Johnson, mother, 2625 1st. St. Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Tom Johnson, father, Bethany, Mo. H. N. Johnson, father. Cawker City, Kans. Mrs. K. Kirshbaum. mother. Downs, Kans. P. C. Kling, father, 700 Blend St., Canton, Mo. Bert LaRock, father, Felton, Minn. Mrs. J. Larsen, mother, 2300 E. 35th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Lars Lee, uncle, Manfred, N. D. Mrs. Gust Hanev, mother, Durbin, N. D. Henry Lemberg, father, Lynd, Minn. H. W. Locke, father. DeLean. Tex. L. O. Lyson, father, Parshall, N. Dak. J. C. Lynch, father, Beloit, Kans. Mrs. William McCarty. wife. 903 9th Ave. So., St. Cloud, Minn. J. H. McCullough, father, Milton, N. D. I. I. Keeney, uncle, Braymond, la. Beile Manor, mother, Eagleville, Mo. Anna Flory, sister, Princeton, Minn. W. N. Marsh, father, Ridgeway, Mo. F. P. Marvanic, father. Downs, Kans. Elias Mattson, father. Stanchfield, Minn. Ben W. Maxwell, father. J. H. Mew. father. West Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. O. M. Micheals, father, Bethany, Mo. Mrs. Clements, friend. Regent, N. D. Minnie Mortgomery, mother, Ridge- way, Mo. Joseph Morrell, father, Beloit, Kans. 'Mrs. Lou Morris, mother. 201 Hel- lem St.. Brookfield. Mo. 102 M COMPANY Mor Ha Private Private Murphy, William I Xasman, Elmer V Xasman, Etldie L. Xeal, Harry Xedoff, Mike Xclson. Arthur T. Xichols, Bernie E. Okland, Thomas Olson, Oscar A. Olson, Walter A. Paucineau. Dave Paul. John Private Parmeiee, Dickinson L. Private Peterson. Oscar A. Private Phillips. Harry Private Popnler. T^dward T. Private Rachuy. Samuel A. Private Randall, James R. Private Rav. Ralph P. Private Reddick, William T. Private Redenbo, William J. Private Reiter. August C, Private Richardson, Wavne J. Private Renolds. James H. Private Rosenberg. Edward H. Private Rollins. Vcrn Private Louis A. Mortenscn. father, 2329 X. Keeler Ave., Chicago, 111. Mrs. William Murphy, mother, 538 Pearl St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Emma Nasman, sister. Clay Center, Kan. Lillie Nasman, sister, 308 Clark, Clay Center, Kans. Luther Propes, friend, Fairfax, Mo. Ed Nedoff, father, Milliston, N. D. Thos. A. Nelson, father, Tracy. Minn. Ray Nichols, father, Berthold, N. D. Hans Okland, father, Walford City. N. D. Adolph Tolgen, uncle. Sanish, X. D. Gust Olson, father. Irvin \'alley. Minn. Guy Packineau, father, Elbowood. X. D. Joe Paul, father. Glen UUin, N. D. Lynhmp Parmeiee, father, Osborne, Kans. Howard F. Peterson, father. Ada. Minn. Daisy JeiTreys, friend. Portis, Kans. Tnhn Poppler, father, Frazee. Minn. Ernest Rachuy, father, West Hook, Minn. Serah L Randall, mother. Webster. Kans. Chas. G. Ray, father. Downs, Kans. N. E. Reddick, father. Downs, Kans. David Redenbo, father, Smithbou, HI. Louise Reiter, mother, 3047 W. Courtland St., Chicago, 111. Zell Richardson, father. Clay Cen- ter, Kans. Chas. E. Renolds, father. Winne- bago. Minn. Mrs. S. Rosenberg, mother. Sobeski. Roth. Chas. T. Sadowsky, Benjamir Seashore, Harry A. Sears, Claude Sheets, Rudolph F. Slette Swins scar C. Charle: Smith, Orval T. Private Smith, Zeb Private Spake, James Private Stanton, John T. Private Strickler, Omar N. Private Swanson, Selby J. Private Sztuk, John F. Private Thompson, John T. Private Thrasher. Robert Private H. ate Tobias, VanVeghel, William A Privat Virak, Elias Private Wahlstrand, Harry L vate ate Wattenbarger. Verna E. Pr Weiniiartner. Andrew P. Privat Walkf-r. Earl E. Privat H. C. Roth, father, 2518 Mullberry St.. St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Chosha Sadowsky, mother, 22i E. Chicago Ave., St. Paul, Minn. T. A. Seashore, father, Buffalo, Minn. Anna Sears, mother, Milan, Mo. Dewey Sheets, father, Cawker City, Kans. Dan C. Six, father, La Plata, Mo. Lauritz Slette, father, Mahnomen, John O. Smith, father, Bowen, 111. John W. Smith, father, St. Cloud, Minn. Clarence W. Smith, father, Downs, Kans. J. W. Smith, father, Osborne, Kans. Edward Spake, father, Brookfield, Mo. Mrs. ,\. W. Stanton, mother. Union- ville. Mo. L. F. Strickler, father, Centerville, la. C. L. Swanson, father. Slayton, Minn. Nellie Sztuk, sister. New Brighton, Minn. John Thompson, father. Princeton, Minn. R. E. Thrasher, father. Downs, Kans. J. W. Tobias, father, Bethany, Mo. Cecilia VanVeghel. mother, 724 10th Ave. N., Fargo, N. D. Nels Virak, father. Harmony. Minn. J. A. Wahlstrand, father, Willmar, Minn. T. E. Wattenbarger, father, Milan, Mo. Margret Weingartner. mother, Wa- basha. Minn. I. M. Walker, father. Downs, Kan. 103 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ I SHOCK TROOPS 1. Sergt. J. J. KirkpatricU 2. Sergt. Earl A. Morgan 3. Bugler Kenneth M. Robinson 4. Chauncey E. Tipton 5. Corp, Wilber C. Odam 6. Joe S. Simpich 7. Albert E. Steele 8. Cecil L. Smith 9. Sergt. Albert E. Suess 10. Sergt. Hubert P. Warden, Jr. 11. William Plank 104 SIGNAL 1'1,.\T< hjX (jF HEADOUARTER.S COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY H, 139th INFANTRY Name and Rank Edward S. Axline Jnd Lt. Charles H. Brown Captain Kalph II. Cox Jnd I,t. Brown Dyer Captain Donald A. Eskridge 2nd Lt. William S. Gray 1st Lt. Charles W. Graham 2nd Lt. Theodore Hunt 2nd Lt. Coburn Hull 1st Lt. Clarence T. Johnson 1st Lt. Rodney J. Ludlow Captain Charles F. Lynch 2nd Lt. Ralph F. Lucier Captain Richard V. McDonald 2nd Lt. .lohn W. McManigal 1st Lt. Joe VV. McQueen Captain Harry Ross 2nd I.t. Todd 2nd J.t. Francis Wall 1st Lt. Adkins. Oliver P. Cook Adkins, Robert O. Pvt. Icl. Adkins, Charley Private Adkins, Ira Corporal Allgire, Ray R. Corporal Alstrom, Carl W. Corporal Anderson. Arvid H. Corporal Home Address and Remarks Weona, 111., joined Org. 11-1-18. Horton, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 60th Depot Brigade when 3rd Kans. and 4th Mo. were consoli- dated. Carrollton, Mo.. 4th Mo. Discharged at Camp Doniphan, Okla. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. Retd. to States as instructor. A. Joined Org. 11-12-18. A. Vankton, S. Dak., joined Org. at Camp Doniphan, Okla. St.M-A-G- P. Gardner, Kans., joined Org. 5-1-18. St.M. Wounded in Argonne. A. St. Louis, Mo., Joined Org. 7-5-lS. St.M-W-Argonne. Joined Org. 11-17-18. St.M-W-Ar- gonne. Trfd. to 12-n-lS. Baltimore, Md., 4th Mo. Retd. to States as instructor. A. Chicago, 111.. 5th Mo. St.M and Argonne. Joined Org. 1-16-18. Columbia, Penn., joined Org. 10-6- 18. Trfd. Camp Dodge Det. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Hq. Co. this Regt. Joined Org. at Camp Doniphan. Horton, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Wounded in Argonne. A. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Wounded in Argonne. A. Joined Org. 10-8-18. Trfd. Co. 2nd Bn. Staff. Joined Org. 11-11-18. Retd. to States as instructor. Hardin, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Sent to hospital. A. Wakenda, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- GSW. Argonne. P. Hardin, Mo., 4th Mo. Left in cas- ual camp. Camp Doniphan. Okla. Carrollton. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Sent to hosnital. A. Wakefield, Kans., .Ird Kans. St.M- MA-P. Enterprise, Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Sent to hospital. A. Enterprise, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Name and Rank Anderson, William J. Private Andres, Albert Pvt. Icl. Aplin, Robert Private Appel, Albert B. Private Armstrong, Harry A. Pvt. Icl. Arnold, George W. Mess Sgt. Aspley, Roscoe R. Private Auckland, John H. Private Bly, Frank H. Private P,oehmke, Edwin G. Pvt. Id. Boschert, Leo Sergeant Boyd. John Private Branch. Irving Private Bradbury, Cyril H. Pvt. Icl. Brenner, Svdney C. Bn. Sgt. Maj. Brinkmeyer, John A. Pvt. Icl. Brinkmeyer, William F. Pvt. Icl. Brotherton, Lewis F. Corporal Buchanan. Dewey H. Pvt. Id. Buchanan. Frank L. Private Buchanan. Harry W. Bugler Buchanan, Paul Private Buchanan. Ward Private Baarsgaard. Carl J. Private Home Address and Remarks Grand Rapids. Mich.. 85th Repl. Joined 10-20-18. P. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to llOth Supply Train. A. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. B 139th Inf. A. 85th Repl. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to General Hq. 7-23-18. A. 1233 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Sev. Shrapnel in Argonne. A. Detroit, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Detroit, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Velva, N. Dak.. SSth Repl. T. 5-25- 18. St.M-GSW in Argonne. P. Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. Dis- charged at Camp Doniphan, Okla. A. Port Huron. Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. New Ulm. Minn.. SSth Repl. T. 5- 25-18. St.M-GSW. Argonne. P. Wakefield, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-A. Navarre, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Enterprise, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Wakenda. Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M. Kill- ed in Argonne. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW. Argonne. P. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Holden, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Rochert. Minn.. SSth Repl. J. 5-25- IS. St.M-MA-P. 105 SIGNAL I'J.ATOOX (jF HEAI)<»l \KTI-;rs Cii.Ml'AXA Bales, Charles G. Corporal Ballweg, Clarence Private Bankers, Arnol.l .\r. Pvt. Id. Bargabas, Ralph J. Pvt. Id. liarkley, Klmer W. I'rivate Barrier, Hugh A. Private liates, Miirl L. Pvt. Icl. Beck, George J. Private Berry, Robert C. Private Best, Earl P. Private Bierle, Samuel Private Blair, Obcrton .T. Private lilomberg. Amil Private Cairns. Charles E. Pvt. Icl. Callahan, Holly \V. Private Callahan, Joe H. Private ■Cameron, Harry Private Campbell, James Private Camplen, Charles H. Private Carter, Geortte P. Corporal Cashman, John I,. Pvt. Id. Caton, W Ilia 11 J. Pri\ ate ■Charle , I uth er A Pvt. Id. Chestnut, Clark, Hr Ra> L. d I,. Pvt. c Icl. ook Cobbs, E mer \V. Private Cochra n, Rob rt A Sergeant Conle> ConIe% .T E ihn w., tt L Jr. Pvt. Serge Id. •Correll, Elvin O. Corpor Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW. Argonne. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 110th Amm. Train. A. Ghent, Minn., 88th Repl. 5-25-18. StMMA-A. Royalton, Minn., 88th Repl. 5-25-18. St.M-GSW in Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Sent to Hospital. A. Carrollton. Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Trfd. Hq. Co. 138th Inf. Hale, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Sent to hospital. A. Norborne, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Royal Oak, Mich., 85th Repl. 10- 20-18. P. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Sev. wounded in Argonne, died in hospital. McCluskv, N. Dak., 88th Repl. J. 5-25-18. St.M-MA-P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. 139th Inf. A. 85th Repl. J. 10-20-lS. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. 139th Inf. A. Wakerteld, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSVV Argonne. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Langdon, N. Dak., 88th Repl. T. 5-25-18. St.M-MA-P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. A, 139th Inf. A. Detroit, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Okmulgee, Okla., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Gassed in Argonne. A. Washington, Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 139th MC-A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M- MA-P. Mildred, Kans., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- Cox, Joseph J. Corporal Cravens, Guy D. Pvt. Icl. Croke. Charles J. Private Crouse, Burnie D. Private Crunirine, Harvey Curran, Mark S. W. Pvt. Id. Private Currier, Frank B. Corporal Cole, Frank A. Corporal Coles. Harry E. Private Collins. Sammy Pvt. Icl. Cooper, James M. Corporal Conner, Walter Private Curtis, Joseph A. Private Curtis, James O. Corporal Cutler, James R. Corporal Cutler. Dale J. Corporal Dalton. Jess A. Private Daniels. Jesse Private Davis. Arch W. 1st Sgt. Davis. Frank E. Corporal Dawson. Eee Roy Sergeant Day. Williard L. Private Dayton. Howard E Private Dean. Leslie Private Dederick. Howard Deering. Richard E. Private Private DeHaven. Walter Private Demagio. Sam Pvt. Icl. Dettmcrs. William TI. Dixon. Weslev Sergeant Private Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-A. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Wyandott, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Murray. Ky., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. Abilene, Kan 3rd Kans. St.M-MA- 106 Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed in Argonne. 112 N. Prospect St., Rochester, Minn. 88th Repl. J. 4-20-18. St.M- MA-P. Norborne, Kans., 4th Mo. St.M- GSW Argonne. P. Marceline, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Killed in Argonne. A. Manson, Tenn., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. P. 88th Repl. J. 10-20-18. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. 139th Infantry. Carrollton, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed m Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW in Argonne. P. Fort Thomas, Ky., SSth Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 110th Amm. Train. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Base Hosp. A. Blue Rapids, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.- M-GSW in Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Sent to Hospital. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW in Argonne. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to General Headquarters. Pontiac, Mich., 85th Repl. T. 10-20- 18. P. Battle Creek, Mich., 85th Repl. T. 10-20-18. P. Pontiac, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. Left in Miami County Hosp. Peru. Ind. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW in Argonne. P. Edwardsville. 111., 88th Repl. 85th Repl. T. in.20-18. Trfd. to Troop L. 2nd Cal. SIGNAL PLATUON OF HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Dixon Louie E Pvt. Icl. Dixon Clarenc E Private Dixon Rodger F. Private Dobki IS, John Private Dockc ry, Elmer E. Pvt. Icl. Dono\ an. Murl L. Private Doole ■. Willie D. Private Doole ■. Carl Corporal Dower . Jess R Mechanic Drone Duckx Duffy nbnrg. R •orth, W Issac jssel X. Private lliam A. Private Pvt. Icl. Durne 11, Oscar K. Pvt. Icl. Dyer. Vanghn Private Kaves Everett Corporal F.cklc ■. Charle T Pvt. Icl. Ehley, August A. Pvt. Id. Elwick. Fay A. Pvt. Icl. England. Robert J. Pvt. Id. English. Byron A. Private Erp, John B., Jr. Corporal Etherington, Geo. W. Private Ewing, Re.\forrI E. Corporal Farley. William Private Farmer, Thomas R. Private Faulkner, Harry B. Private Fears. Hulbert O. Private Fisher, Grant H. Private Flanngi, Paul P. Private Bigsville, 111., 8Sth Repl. J. 4-J0-18. St.M. Gassed Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW in Argonne. P. Norborne, Mo., ^th Mo. Left in cas- ual camp. Camp Doniphan. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. 139th Inf. A. Hale, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Ar- gonne. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. SDD Camp Doniphan. A. Lexington. Mo., -Ith Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Sent to hospital. Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Kill- ed in Argonne. Talmage, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Sent to hospital. S.Sth Repl. I. 10-20-18. Trfd. to 110th M. S. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Tina, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M. Gassed in Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M-MA. Trfd. Hdqrs. 35th Div. P. Manchester, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Trfd. B. Hospital S.'i. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to C. Hosp. 34, Romsey, Eng. Retd. to Co. 6-18-18. P. Fort Washington, Wis., 85th Repl. 10-20-18. P. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Kill- ed in Argonne. Mason, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Bogard, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 110th MP-A. Eirchtree, Mo., 3rd Kans. St.M-MA P. Fort Slocum, N. Y., 85th Repl. T. 10-20-18. P. Marinette, Wis., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Marceline, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Trfd. to F. Co. 1 39th Inf. A. Bosworth, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Trfd. to 70th Brig. Hdqrs. Det. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Foltz, Edward J. Corporal Foltz, Carl H. Private W. Sergeant vate Franke, August .\. Sup. Sgt. Frazier. Leslie Private Frazier. John J. Private Frazier, Joseph L. Corporal Frencb, Proctor Private Frey, John Sergeant Fugit, Rector E. Private Carton. William H. Private Gibbs, Glenn I. Private Gibson, Eldon I.. Private Gish. Jacob M. Corporal Gish, Ray Corporal Glover. Daniel T. Private Coin, Roy E. Private Goldsmith, Samuel B. Private Grasso. Alfredo Private Griffith. Lorenzo Private Gunby. William E. Private Hall, James E. Private Halterman. Willie T. B. Pvt. Icl. Halterman. William S. Private Halverson, Harry B. Private Hanna, Max 1st Sgt. Harris, Ralph M. Corporal Ha Be Aliilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Trfd to 70th Brig. Hdqrs. Det. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. MA-P. 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. Sent to hos- pital. Carrollton, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Sent to hospital. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. A. Wakenda, Kans.. 4th Mo. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Wakenda, Kans., 4th Mo. Returned to States as instructor. Ilardingsburg, Ky., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-A. Trfd. to 130th M. G. Bn. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Sth Army replacement bn. A. 4th Mo. Left in Base Hospital, Camp Doniphan, Okla. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. Trfd. to Base Hospital Port Debarkation New- port News. A. Bogard. Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. 8Sth Repl. Trfd. to Base Hospital. A. New York City, N. Y., 8Sth Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Centerville, Iowa., 88th Repl. J. 5-25-18. P-St.M-MA. Dubuque. la.. 88th Repl. J. 5-2S-18. PSt M-M\. Braymer, Mo., 4th Mo., St.M-MA. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. B, 139th Inf. A. Hardin. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Richmond. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P Wchfield, Minn., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. 705 E. 34th St.. Kansas City, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M-MA-P. Wakefield, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. Trfd. to Hospital. A. Ionia. Midi., S5th Repl. T. 10-20-18. 107 HEAUOUARTEKS COMPANY Hatcher, Issac Private Hawthorne, Coe Private Haynes Quinn H. Pvt. Icl. Hehii, Curtis S. liiigler Herman, Walter R. Corporal Herman, Carl J. Private Heskitt, Alvin Private Hess. F.dwar.l J. Private Hcston, Alfred A. Private Hoham, Fred B. Private Hollowav, William R. Private Horn, Walter B. Corporal Howe. George H. Private Hndson. David K. Serircant Hummel, Frank W. Privat? Huss, I^onis O. Private Issitt, George Private Ivaneck, Ignatz Private Jacobson, Knud Private James. David R. Pvt. Icl.' Jawerski. Joseph W. Private Teffcoat, Melvin E. Cornoral Jensen. Albert Private Johnson. Arthur S. T^r^vate Johnson. Harry Privat- Jones. Ralph E. Private Jones. Aaron E. Sergeant Jordan. Frank B. Mechanic Jordan, Harold M. Pvt. Icl. Rochester, Mich., 85th Repl. 7. 10- 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 1.10th M. G. Bn. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Hale. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Charles City, la., 88th Repl. J. 5-23- 18. P-St.M-MA. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. A. Chicago, in., 85lh Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Jamestown, Ark., 4th Mo. St.M- GSW Argonne. P. Ft. Wayne, Iiid., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Charlotte, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-lS. P. Carrollton, 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Hersev, Mich., S5th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo., St.M-MA-P. Monroe, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Makoti, N. Dak., 88th Repl. J. 5-25- 18. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Enterprise. Kans., 3rd Kans. Left in Camp Doniphan. A. Mandan, N. Dak., S8th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. Sent to hospital. A. Coules. N. Dak.. 88th Repl. T. 5- 25-18. St.M-MA-P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. P. 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. A. Sent to hospital. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.:M- GSW Argonne. A. Cando. N. Dak., 88th Repl. St.M- MA-P. SSth Repl. J. 4-15-18. A. Lamberton.'Minn., SSth Repl. 5-25- 18. P-St.MGSW Argonne. Tina. Mo,, 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Trfd. to 110th Amm. Train. A. Enterprise, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. 1244 Wash. St.. Kansas City, Mo., 3rd Kans. St.M-GSW in Argonne died of wounds. Pilot, N. Dak., SSth Repl. J. 5-25- 18. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Milwaukee, Wis., SSth Repl. J. 10- 20-lS. P. rank H. Sergeant Clyde Sergeant Kauffman. Clarence Kehler, Ward II. Pvt. Icl Kellington. Cbark Kelman, James C s ,\. Private Pvt. Icl Kemmerer. Birtru ^ Corpora Kil.by, Doe D. Private Kirk. Charles G. Sergeant Klug, Henry Private Knoblock, Julius Knutson, Erling A. Pvt. Id Private Koontz, Sam F. Pvt. Icl Kooistra, Jacob J Private Koost, Otis A. Private Kotts, Robert B. Private Koch. David Private Kugler, Henry Jr. Private Labadie, Clifford D. Pvt. Id. Lackey, Ray Private Lamb. Frank Corporal Langehoug, Emil O. Private Larkin, James Private Lasscr. Edward F. Sergeant Lautenschaeger, Henry J. Private Lee, .\rthur S. Private Leshley, Floyd Private Leshley, Blake Private Lewis, Robert R. Private 108 Norborne, Mo.. 4lh Mo. Trfd. OTS. Assigned to 42nd Div. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Dis- charged to accept Com. as 2nd Lt. Assigned to 28th Div. A. Salina. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. OTS. Assigned to 5th Div. A. 85th Repl. 10-20-lS, A. Trfd. to Hdqrs. Co. 139th Inf. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. SSth Repl. J. 5-25-18. A. Sent to hospital. A. 85th Repl. I. 10-20-18. Trfd. to 1st replacement depot St. Agnieau. A. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne, awarded D.S.C. P. Cadillac, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Return ed to states for service. Bad Axe. Mich., S5th Repl. J. 10 20-18, P. Allegan, Mich., S5th Repl. J. 10 20-18, P. Williston, N. Dak., SSth Repl. J 5-25-lS. P-St.M-GSW Argonne. Carrollton. Mo., 4th Mo. Trfd. to Hdqrs. 139th Inf. A. Lake City, Mich., SSth Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Carrollton, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. Taken prisoner in Ar- gonne. A. Ypsilanti, N. Dak.. SSth Kepi. J. 5- 2S-1S. A. St.M-GSW Argonne. New York Citv. N. Y., SSth Repl. T. 10-20-18. P. Hardin. Mo., 4th Mo. Discharged at Doniphan. Manistique, Mich.. SSth Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 110th Amm. Train. A. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. St.iT-MA-P. Northwood. N. Dak.. SSth Repl. J. S-2S-1S. P-St.M-MA-P. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. E, 139th Inf. A. Carrollton, Mo.. 3rd Mo. St.M-MA- P. Milwaukee. Wis., SSth Rei.l. J. 10- 20-18. P. White Earth. N. Dak., SSth Repl. J. S-25-1S. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Dis- charged at Camp Doniphan. Abilene. Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. I. 139lh Inf. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 110th Supply Train. A. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Loader, George L. Pvt. Id. Loader, Robert K. Pvt. Icl. Ivindberg, Harry W. Private Lonsdale, Arthur L. Private Lovell, John C. Private Luc.er, Alcide H. Private Luck, Charles J. Private Lukas, Anthony Corporal Lutes, Olin S. Private Machen. John E. Sergeant Madden, John H. Private ^lancel, Uarney L. Corporal Mann, Allie Corporal McClanahan. Albert Private McCormack, Wharton J. Sergeant McCosh, Harry Private McGran, Preston J. Pvt. Icl. McGuire, Dewey H. Pvt. Icl. McKerghan, Harry E. Private McKibbin, Bryon D. Private McNeal, Ellis A. Private Meier, Theodore Private Melby, Einil J. Corporal Merillat, Harve G. Pvt. Icl. Merkling, George Private Michaels, Elmer A. Private Michelson, Frank J. Private Mill, Fred Private Mints, Robert J. Private Wakefield, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. P. Wakefield, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Scranton, N. Dak., 88th Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-Killed in Argonne. Prestigo, Wis., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. Killed in N'osges Mts. 1st man killed in action in 35th Div. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Solomon, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. I, 139th Inf. A. Racine, Wis., 88th Repl. J. 5-25-18. St.M. Gassed in Argonne. Coal Center, Penn., 8Sth Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-MA-Trfd. Aver. Uni. Solomon, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne taken prisoner, la- ter in An^erican hospital. Lansing, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Williston, N. Dak., 88th Repl. J. 5-25-18. St.M-MA-P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 1 10th Amm. Train. Brooksville. Ky., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. Wounded in Argonne. Pcrham, Minn. 8Sth Repl. St.M. Gassed in Argonne. P. Norborne, Mo. 4th Mo St.M-GSW. Argonne A. Coleraine, Minn. 88th Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-GSW. Argonne. A. Hastings, Mich. 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Vet. Corp. 5th Unit. A. Hallottsville, Te-x. 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Williston, N. Dak. 88th Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-MA. P. Enterprise. Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Pierz. Minn. 88th Repl. J. 5-25-18. St.M-GSW. Argonne. A. Bethany, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA. P. Mandan, N. Dak. 88th Repl. St.M- MA. J. 5-25-18. P. Stanley, N. Dak. 88th Repl. St.M- MA. J. 5-25-18. P. Vernon, Tex. 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Moe, Herbert L. Pvt. Icl. Monroe, Elmer L. Pvt. Icl. Monty, Floyd F. Private Meyers, Frederick D. Private Neighbors, Chester B. Private Neil, James H. Private Nelson, Oscar Private Nelson, Nels E. Private Nemec, William N. Pvt. Icl. Newton, Herbert J. Sergeant Neibrugge, John Private Nowland, Owen Pvt. Icl. Olson, John G. Private Olson, Carl O. Private O'Neal, Willie H. Private O'.Veil, Clarence F. Sergeant Parcels, Lee W. Private Parke, Ellis C. Private Parkins, Ray W. Sergeant Parkins, William Sergeant Parkin.^, Charle B. Sergeant Parsons, Clent Private Parks, Everett L. Corporal Paul, William H. Pvt. Icl. Paynter, Byron H. Pvt. Icl. Pederson, Otto D. Private Perreton, Henry J. Pvt. Icl. Pesel, Charles F. Private Petry, Frank Private Phillips, Edwin O. Private Phillips, Burl Private S(. Paul. Minn. 8Slh Repl. J. 5-25 18. St.M-GSW. Argonne. P. Enterprise, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M, Missing in action Argonne. Freyburg, N. Dak. 88th Repl. J. 5 25-18. St.M-GSW. Argonne. A. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA Lemonville, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M GSW Argonne. A. 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. Trfd. to Hq. 139th A. Minot, N. Dak. 88th Repl. J. 5-25 18. St.M-MA-P. Kenmare, N. Dak. 88th Repl. J. 5 25-18. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to BH No. 3i Portsmouth, Eng. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Sent to hospital. A. Bunston, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Vanhock, N. Dak. 88th Repl. J. 5- 25-18. P-St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Muland, Minn. 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M-MA- P. Norborne, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne P. 4th Mo. Sent to hospital at Camp Doniphan. A. Hillsdale, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. Coram. Lt. Camp Doniphan. Assigned to 138th Inf. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M- GSW Argonne P. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Trfd. to Co. I. 139th Inf. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M-MA- P. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M-MA- P. Darlington, Wis. S5th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Williston, N. Dak. SSth Repl. T. 5- 25-18. P-St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. Discharged at Camp Doniphan, A. 108 Grant Ave., Dubuque, Iowa. SSth Repl. 5-25-18. P-St.M-MA-P. Flint, Mich. 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Roy, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Ar- 109 HEADQUARTERS COiMPAXY Pickett, Victor E. Pvt. Id. I'lymell, Charlie D. Private Pomeroy, Vernon W. Pvt. Icl. Porter. Ray R. Sergeant Prall, Kugene Pvt. Prebble. Milton Pr Price, Earl Pr Icl vate vate Proffitt, Charles R. Pr Raines. Charles E. Pvt. Kav, lames I. Pvt. vate IcI Icl Reer, Elmer L. Pvt. Icl. Abil Se Reese, Claude A. Pr vate Abil 11 Reid, George A. Pn vate Abil Rice. Charles F. Corr oral Carr Rile elle Rinehardt, Charles Pvt. Icl. Rinkenbangh, John R. Private Robinson, George P. Private Romberger, Roy Privat Roshan, Jacob Resell, Darrell R. Corpora Rnssel, Roy R. Pvt. Icl Shermack, James A. Privat. Sagissor, George W. Pvt. Id. Sampson, Clarence A. Sergeant Sandberg. Frank L. Private Savidge. Arthur I Savidge, Ernest 1 Schmidt, Edward 1 Schmidt, William J. 1 Schneider, August G. I Schneider, Kelen A. Harris, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Coffeville, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. I.emmon, S. Dak. 88th Repl. J. .■;- 25-18. P-St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Enterprise, Kans. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to SOS Hosp. A. Toplin, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Paris, Kv. 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Scranton, Ky. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. Norborne, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. \'ersailles. Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Gallatin, Mo. 4th Mo, St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M-MA- ne, Kans. 3rd Kans. St.M-MA. It to Hosp. A. lie, Kans. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Amm. Train. A. ne, Kans. 3rd Kans. to MG . A. llton. JIu. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. vate Glenwood, Minn. 88th Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Hale, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. Trfd. to hospital Eng. A. 85th Repl. 10-20-18. A. Trfd. to hos- pital. A. Abilene, Kans. 4th Kans. Trfd. to Co. M. 139th Inf. A. Mandan, N. Dak. 88th Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Norborne, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne A. P.uchanan, Mich., SSth Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Wabasha, Minn.. SSth Repl. J. 5-25- 18. St.M-:MA-P. .\bilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Kenosha, Wis., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. vate Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. vate Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. vate Indianapolis, Ind., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. vate Chicago, 111., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. ate chtr Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- Shum, Lawrence E. Private Seeds, Robert Private Seip, Howard h. Corporal Seivin. Albert E. Private Seymour, George H. Private Shannon, Clarence I. Cook Sheridan, Patrick J. Private Sherwood, Roy C. Pvt. Icl. Shingleton, Walti Shirk, Lonze D. Pvt. Icl. Sho Shu Fred Job ate Icl. Shook, Antony Shook, Grover C. Private Shook, Wilbur V. Private Shoup. Clarence A. Private Siiiuers, John F. Pvt. Icl. Simpich, Joseph S. Pvt. Icl. Simpson, Clarence A. Private Singer. William L. Pvt. Icl. Skidinore, Everett E. Pvt. Icl. Smith, Puirl W. Private Smith, William Corporal Smith. Otto B. Sergeant Smith, Albert W. Corporal Smiihpeter, William L. Bugler Sparwasser, Edward Private Specht, Harry M. Private Starr, John R. Mechanic Greenleaf, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Dis- charged at Camp Doniphan. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Litchfield, Minn., SSth Repl. J. 5- 25-18. A-St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Traverse City, Mich., SSth Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Newhampton, la., SSth Repl. J. 5- 25-18. St.M-GSW Argonne. .-K. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Nevada, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to I Co. 139th Inf. A. Talmage. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. K. 139th Inf. A. Wakefield, Kans., 3rd Kans. StM- MA-P. New Franklin, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M- GSW and taken prisoner in Ar- gonne. Abilene, Kans.. 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. I39th Inf. A. Winthrop, la., 88th Repl. J. 5-25- 18. St.M-MA-P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Hale, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Sent to hospital. A. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. E. 139th Inf. A. Burdick, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Died from wounds in Argonne. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Killed in Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. K. 139th Inf. A. Saginaw, Mich., SSth Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M- GSW Argonne. A. 110 HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Staley, Will L. Private Stanley, Fred J. 1st. Sgt. Steers, George E. Spotts, Edgar Private Cook Stevenson, Henry J. Pvt. Icl. Stick, Joicijli J. Private Steinborn, George Private Stayer, Clark Corporal Stith, Forest G. Pvt. Icl. Strowig, Olin R. Sergeant Stuck, William J. Private Stuck, Mcrvin Private Sutton, William S Private Szczygjelski, Standley J. Private Tabbron, John W. Mechanic Tate, William E. Pvt. Icl. Temuleton, Willian Thelan, Victor A. 1 A. Corporal Private Thorn, Victor Private Tisron, Eugene Private Tober, Claude A. Pvt. Icl. Tomlin, James Private Toupin, Albert Pvt. Icl. Thomas, Frank P. Pvt. Icl. Tubbs. Earl C. Van Akin, Charles Private H. Private Vance, Earl Corporal \'andcrpool, Leo Pvt. Id. V^anderkooi, Georg : Private VanDoren, Chester G. Viola. Ralph H. l.e.vington, Kv., S5lh Repl. J. 10-20- 19. P. Carrollton, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. Sent to hospital. A. 8Sth Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Marceline, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M- GSW^ Argonne. Sent home. A. St. Ignace, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Died at Camp Doniphan. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Sent to hospital. A. Norborne, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to 110th Amm. Train. A. Enterprise. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Co. K. 139th Inf. A. Chicago, III., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. New York City, N. Y., 3rd Kans. St.M-GSW in Argonne. P. Enterprise, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Sent to hospital. A. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Grand Rapids, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Tiffin, O., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Charlevoix, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA-P. Catlettsberg, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Hancock, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Carrollton, JIo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. 88th Repl. J. 5-25-18. Trfd. 130th MG Bn. A. Adrian, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Xorbornc, Mo., 4th Mo. Trfd. to camp hospital at Camp Mills. Muskegon, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. Carrollton, Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. Sent to hospital. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M. Killed in action in Argonne. Wade. Jess A. Pvt. Id. Wagner, Rudolph Sergeant Walker, Alexander Sergeant Walters, Harry E. Private Ward, Fletcher T. Private Weaver, Earl C. Pvt. Icl. Weaver, Robert S. Cook White, Leslie S. Pvt. Icl. White, Harry Private Wiggins, Williams Private Wilke, David B. Pvt. Icl. Willett, Byron Private Williams, James P. Private Williams, Luther A. Pvt. Icl. Wilson, Clarence Private Wilson, Russell Corporal Woods, Charles J. Corporal Wilson, Buck M. Private Workman, Le' Wright, W'esli. Xorbo Mo.. 4th Mo. St.M-MA- Private Wright, Cyrus H. Corporal Wright, Thurman Private Wight, Lewis E. Private Veadon, Jay Private Yeadon, George W. Corporal Yeadon, Henry Private York, Bradley Private York, Glenn O. Pvt. Id. Young, Roscoe D. Mechanic Zukowski, John Private Carrollton. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA. Trfd. to OTS. A. Norborne. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Killed in action in Argonne. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. 130 MG Bn. A. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M- GSW. Argonne. A. Carrollton, Mo. 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Bogard, Mo., 4th Mo. Trfd. to hos- pital at Camp Doniphan. A. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. Trfd. to 130 MG Bn 139th Inf. A. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MAP. Big Rapids, Mich., 85th Repl. T. 10- 20-18. P. Detroit, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Bucklin. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA-P. Carrollton. Mo., 4th Mo. Trfd. to hospital at Camp Doniphan. A. Marceline, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-MA- P. Sent to hospital St. Nazaire. Detroit, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- M.\-P. Ardmore, Okla., 3rd Kans: St.M- GSW Argonne. A. Muskegon, Mich., S5th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Marceline. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M. Died of wounds in hospital from Argonne offensive. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. Sent to hospital A. Detroit, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20- 18. P. Flint, Mich., 85th Repl. J. 10-20-18. P. Abilene. Kans., 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th Inf. A. Abilene, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- MA. Gassed in Argonne. P. Solomon, Kans., 3rd Kans. St.M- GSW Argonne. P. Manchester, Ky., 85th Repl. J. 10- 20-18. P. Norborne. Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. P. Carrollton, Mo., 4th Mo. St.M-GSW Argonne. A. Kenosha, Wis.. 85th Repl. T. 10-20- 18. P. Ill HEADQUARTERS COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY I, 139tK INFANTRY Name and Rank Kalph W. Martin Ca .\k-.\-aiider M. Elett Ca Henry F. Halverson C; WilHnm D. Turnbull Truman O. Poole Robert W. Robert Matthew Guilfovle William H. Morns ptain t Lt. St Lt. St Lt. St Lt. 5t Lt. Ivugene A. Hirsch 1st Lt. rd, Jr Ross Dichl Robert L. 1 Joseph Glasho« 1st Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. Jnd Lt. rd S. Carmack Jnd Lt. Ho Ji,He >I organ S. Irwin H. Miller llatta, Frank Kistler, John J. nidfield, Willie . Click, Vern R. Hopkins, Arthu Avery, Thoma: Rowland, Jams Foley. Claude F.lackburn, CI 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. Jnd Lt. 1st Sgt. 1st Sgt. 1st Sgt. Mess Sgt. ir B. Sup Sgt. E. Sup. Srt. H. Sergeant Sergeant Calkins. Arthur Sergeant Cramuer, William S. Sergeant Krause. John A. Sergeant McWilliams. Earl J. Sergeant F.rvin. William M. Sergeant Reed, Alonzo L. Sergeant Danielson, Herbert E. Sergeant Hoskins. Geo. A. Sergeant Harris, Fred K. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Hoskins. Frank E. Sergeant Boyle. Joseph L. Sergeant Home Address and Remarks Moran, Kans.. OS-St.M-MA-P. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-K-G. \'alley City, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA- W-MG-A. Detroit, Mich., OS-P. ,, OS-P. OS-A. , OS-St.M-MA-P. OS-St.M-MA-W- Burlington, Kar Chillicothe, Mo. Herington, Kan Hillings, Mont MG-A. Little Rock, Ark., OS-A. Schenectady, N. Y., OS-A. St. Joseph, Mo., OS-A. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-A. Philadelphia, Penn., OS-A. New York City, N. Y., OS-A. 6325 Washington St.. St. Louis. Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Horton, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-A. Jonesville, Va., OS-A. Shawano, Wis., OS-A. Chillicothe. Mo., OS. Aha \'ista, Kans., OS-MA. Canton, Kans., OS-MA. 117 East Jackson, Chillicothe, OS- MA-K-HE. Grant City, Mo., OS-MA-W-HE. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA. Stover, Mo., OS-MA. 217 E. 9th St., Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA. 1304 Webster, Chillicothe, Mo., OS. Woodbine. Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. Alta Vista, Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. 537 S. Main, Brookfield, Mo., OS- MA. Hope, Kans., OS-MAG. 1123 Clay St., Chillicothe. Mo., OS- MA. Marceline. Mo., OS-MA. 437 Cherry St., Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA. Brookfield. Mo., OS-MA. 539 W. 144th St., N. Y., OS-MA. Marceline, Mo., OS-MA. Herington, Kans., OS-MA. .McMur Dicgcin Samuel Sergeant , Harold D. Corporal n, John Sergeant McUolIand, Joseph D. Clark, Ora Corporal .McCkllan, Irl Corporal McClaren, C Grouse, Clia Sheehan, Fr ry R. Corporal W. Corporal Iturgard, Lester C. Corporal Sturgis. George Corporal King, Pearcie rporal Corporal Thomas, Earl D. Corporal Rogers, Thomas R. Corporal Rader, Procter E. Corporal Spidle, Forest L. Corporal Volkman, Arthur W. Corporal ung, Leo H. Corporal Corporal Corporal Schrolick, Martin W. Corporal Wright, Earl Corporal U'Niel. John J. Corporal Bently, Preston M. Corporal Zimmerman, Harvey F. Corporal Ruyle, Lawrence R. Corporal Marble, Clinton D. Corporal Strunk, Milton Corporal Bratcher. Homer Corporal Kohler, Ervin F. Corporal Meyers, Thomas D. Corporal Ward, Isom R. Corporal Carpenter, George W. Corporal Fisher, Elmer C. Corporal Maddu.x, George Corporal Moore, Samuel H. Corporal Home Address and Remarks Konialty, Okla., OS-MA-W-MG. 1047 Quindaro Bvd., Kansas City, Kans., OS-MA. 934 Remmonia Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., OS-MA. Chillico.the, Mo., OS. Hamilton, Mo., OS-MA-K. 1518 Calhoun, Chillicothe, Mo., OS- MA-W-MG. Culver, Kans., OS-MA-K. 1420 W. Calhoun, Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MAG. Herington, Kans.. OS. Avalon, Mo., OS-MA-K. Hamilton. Mo., OS-MA. 315 W: Helm St., Brookfield, Mo., OS-MAG. Wheeling, Mo., OS-MA. Granite;' Okla., OS-MA. Russell, Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. Gallatin, Mo.. OS-MA-W-MG. Woodbine, Kans., OS-MA. Milford, Kans.. OS-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., OS-MA. 412 N. 9th St., Herington, Kans., OS-MA. 90(> Wv Olive, Herington, Kans., OS-MA. Buckliri, Mo., OS-MA-W-MG. I(i53 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo., OS-MA. Sawver, - Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. 802 S. Oak St., Pratt, Kans. Lincoln, Kans., OS-MA. Ardath, Sask., Canada, OS-MA. Dillon, Kans., OS-MA. Hamilton, Mo., OS-MA. Woodbine, Kans., OS-MA. Herington, Kans., OS-MA. Tampa. Kans.. OS-MA. CowgiU, Mo., OS-MA. Alta Vista, Kans.. OS-MA. Hamilton, Mo., OS-MA-G. R.F.D. No. 3, Chillicothe, Mo., OS- MA. 112 •^ \ ] \ HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Morehead, Fred D. Corporal Rauber, Floyd S. Corporal Wakefield, Fred Corporal Schrader, Herbert C. Corporal Tomlinson, Jack Corporal Rotimer, Lloyd Corporal Wager, Claude H. Corporal Seffen, George P. Corporal Longfofer, Godfrey Corporal Stone. Marion Corporal Hicks, Carl Cook Oldfield, Lewis D. Cook Anderson, Clarence L. Cook Ireland, Fred Cook Cardiani, Mike Cook Allen. Kanes Mechanic Clark, Palmer Mechanic Lightner, Tames Mechanic Brown, William E. Mechanic Nelson, Andrew A. Mechanic Chapman, Van Bugler Johnson, Dolph C. Bugler Adam, Wilbur L. Pvt. Icl. Anderson. Vivian C. Pvt. Asling. Fred Pvt. Arnold. Percy H. Pvt. Bane. George K. Blythe, Harold J. Boyd, Anderson J. Burkett. Roy L. Borchardt, Frank Bower, James Braden. Monte C. Callahan, Charles Carolan, Anthony Cashman, Clarence Cameron, Robert S Clark, George R. Culver. Harold E. Chalifoue, Edward Chrisman, Earnest Cook. Hugh P. Costello, Joseph J. Cox, Rov B. Edens, Harrv H. Fetter, Clyde T. Goodwin, Charlie R Goodwin, Ray Pvt. Icl, Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. F. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. W. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Fort Scott, Kans., OSMA. Hamilton, Mo., OS-MA. Alta \'ista, Kans., OS-MA. Council Groves, Kans., OS-MA. 2110 S. 10th St., St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA. R.F.D. No. 1, Reese, Mich. Leon, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. 506 E. Church St., Champaign, 111., OS-MA. Woodbine, Kans., OS-MA-W-S. Fowler, Ind„ OS-MA-WHE. Hamilton, Mo., OS-MA. Canton, Kans., OS-MA. Herington, Kans., OS-MA. Chillicothe. Mo., OS-MA. Racine. Wis. R.F.n. No. 5, Chillicothe, Mo.. OS. Pittsburg, Mo., OS. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA-W-MG. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA. 411 Charlotte St., Escanaba. Mich., OS-MA. 1021 W. Polk, Chillicothe, Mo., OS- MA-W-HE. 402 Maple St., Dowagiac, Mich. Woodbine, Kans., OS-MA. Herington, Kans., OS-MA. Delavan, Kans., OS-MA. Latimer, Kans., D. Herington, Kans.. OS-MA-W-MG. White City. Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. Independence, la., OS-M.-V 200 High St., Chillicothe, Mo., K. Waconia, Minn., OS-MA. R F.D. No. 1, Kendall, Mich. Sank Rapids, Minn., OS-MA. Herington, Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. R.F.D. No. Gage Town, Mich. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA-W-G. White City, Kans., OS. Herington, Kans. Fowler, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. R.F.D. No. 2, Levering, Mich. Laredo, Mo., OS-MA. 134 Prospect Ave., Marshall, Mich. Herington, Kans., OS-MA. Brunswick. Mo., OS-MA. Council Groves, Kans.. OS-M.\. c/o Central Hotel, Three Rivers, Mich. Laclede. Mo., OS-MAG. Laclede, Mo., K-OS. Grice, Wallace Grouse, John A. Kahle, Frank W. Pvt. Kahle, Harvey J. Pvt. Knight, Lawrence R. Pvt. Koppelo, William G. Pvt. Krause, Erphine A. Pvt. Leigh, Arthur F. Pvt. Leshley, Blake Pvt. Thomas M. Longhofe Luck, Charles J. Mahoney, Everett McDandel, Earl O. McDiffett, Larenzo Jlctevier, Ludgier Michels, Herbert MidkilT. Carl E. Pio, Jess L. Pvt. L. Pvt. Pvt. O'Leary, Francis Pvt. Owens, Barney E. Pvt. Peeorsch, Henry A. Pvt. Penegor, Edward A. Pvt. Plucinski, Stanislaw Pvt. -^ Parkman, Morris J. Pvt. Ic Rauber, Ernest Pvt. Remick, Louis M. Pvt. Rupert, Evert Pvt. Schump, Joseph F. Pvt. Schump, Paul J. Pvt. Seaman, Elmer J. Pvt. Shultz, Elmer D. Pvt. Shultz. Harrv W. Pvt. Silvev. Stokelv O. Pvt. Sisson, Haden H. Pvt. Smith, Lloyd A. Pvt. Smith, Roy H. Pvt. Stalev. H-nrv H. Pvt. Steckhoffer, Howard D. Pvt. Stevens, William G Pvt, Tavlor. Lee R, Pvt, Purdin, Mo., OS-MA. 1420 W. Calhoun, Chillicothe, Mo., OS-MA. Bemidji, Minn., OS-MA. R.F.D. No. 2, Box 4, Chanchard Ville, Wis. Eskridge, Kans., OS-MA. Eskridge, Kans., OS-MA. 1248 Clay Ave., N. Y. City. Delhi, la., OS-MA. Woodbine, Kans., OS MA-W-MG. Nettleton. Mo., OS-MA. R F.D. No. 7, .\bilene, Kans., OS- MA-W. E. Lake, Minn., OS-MA-W-S. Woodbine, Kans., OS-MA-W-MG. Houston. Mo., OS-MA-W-HE. ShcUsburg, Wis. Laclede. Mo., OS-MA. Alta \'ista, Kans., OS-MA. R.F.D, No. 2, Sheboygan, Mich. Osage, la., OS-MA-W-MG. Manchester, la.. OS-MA-K. RED, No. 4, Eskridge, Mo., OS- MA-W-HE. Liberty, Mo„ OS-MA. White City, Kans., OS-MA-W- MGF. Neche. N. Dak., OS-MA. Tibbetts, Mo., OS-MA, „ ,,^^ Herington, Kans,, OS-MA-W-MGF. Plato, Mich, 8816 Exchange Ave,, Chicago, 111. Laredo, Mo., OS-MA. Hamilton, Mo., OS-MA. 1219 Como Bvd., St. Paul, Minn., OS Springfield, Mo., OS-MA-W-S. White City, Kans., OS-MA. White Citv. Kans.. OS-MA. Chillicothe, Mo„ OS-MA-G. Milan. Mo., OS-MA. Milan, Mo.. OSMA, Nettleton, Mo,. OSMA, Benson, Minn., OS-MA, Clay City. III., OS-MA Council Grove, Kans., OS-MA. Kiowa. Tex., OS-MA. Pontiac, HI., OS-MA-W-S. Grand Forks, N. Dak., OSMA. Chillicothe, Mo., OSMA. 113 Si .M .\1.\ P. Port Hope. Mich. 101 Monroe St. Minnt, N. Dak., 99 Elizabeth St., Herington, W-MGF. Chillicothe, WHE-A. Carlton, Kans., St.M-MA-W-MGF-P. 1141 2Sth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fairfax, Mo., OS-St,M-MA-P. 220 East King St., Franklin, Ind. Sandusky, Mich. 758 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. 543 West 160th St.. New York City, York, N. Y. OS-MA-P-St.M. Detroit, Mich. 5., OS-St.M-MA-A- o., OS-St.M-MA- N. Y. Ahr Mich. City, Gall Can Gib. nk Private :il Gri Ka OS-St.M-MA- , Joseph Private . Fred E. Private Grimslev, Henry D. Private Gross, Walter M. Private Gullick, Russel H. Private Hagen, Peter Private Harthun, Otto R. Private Harvey, Wayne W. Private Haverstuck, Dewey G- Private Hicks, Henry W. Private Jaakola, Uno Private Johnson, Fred Private Johnson, Peter A. Private Kage, Heinrich K. Private Iveefer, Samuel B. Private Klassen, Math A. Private Kermode, John Private Kozlowski, Anton Private Kranzler, Henrv Private Kuempel, Jacob Private Larson, Edgar A. Private Leitzan. Rudolph Private Lojewski, Joseph Private Lundine, Arthur G. Private .Maack. Ernest I,. Private Mutter. Leroy Private McCullock, Roy L. Private McArthur, Upton B. Private "cCaleb. Ernest T. Prvate McCulla, Sam A. Private .McCurdy, Howard V. Private McDaniel, Wilbur L. Mellu Gus Private O. Private Atptcalf, Albert L. T Meyers, Roy F. I Mullinix, Leonard C, I Mason, Sidney E. I Mazzarano. Joseph T Moen, ridrick I Nichols. Thomas J. I Nilson, Bernard I Sheboygan, Mich. Neuvetle, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA-P. Keosauqua, la., OS-St.M-MA-P. Breckenridgc, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Brookfield, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Darlington, Wis. Dent, Minn., OS-St.M-MA-P-W- MG. Ford City, Mo. OS-St.M-MA-WHE- A. He \ ii.ji .\li OS-St.M-MA- OS-St.M-MA-P. -M.irie, Mich. Graiul .\lca.luw, Minn., OS-St.M- MA-W.MGP. W'avisau, Wis. Tampa, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. Ionia, la., OS-St.M-MA-WG-P. Ind. W; Wi! Ashley, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA-P. Ionia, Mich. Woordward, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA- P. Chicago, III. Chicago. III. Hope. Kans., OS-St.M-MA-A. Charter Oak, la., OS-St.M-MA-P. Grandview, III.. OS-MA-St.M-WMG A. Saskatoon, Sask. Ca., OS-St.M-MA- WMGF-A. Backoo, N. DaK., OS-St.M-MA-P. Brookfield, Tenn., OS-St.M-MA-P. Sutherland, la., OS-St.M-MA-P. Mich. Mo Ma Hamilton Tinsley, WHE. Dunlap, Kan Sedalia. Mo., New Cambria Br .. OS-St.M-MA-P. OS-St.M-MA-P. Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Va., OS-St.M-MA 111., OS-St.M-MA WMGF-A. Springvalley, WNYD-A. Shawnee, N. Dak., OS-St.:M-MA-M Potomac, P. Pa'-k Ri' III., OSSt.M-MA-WMG Dak,, OS-St,M-MA 114 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ I FIGHTING MEN 1. Sergt. Frank C. Spargur 3. Sergt. Wesley O. Love 4. Calvin Wilkinson 5. Sergt. Dean T. Beanekc 6. Walter, Harry and Charley Buffington 7. Russell M. Dudley 8. Herbert F. Stoffle 9. Conrad Alogan 10. Frank J. Kilfoyle 11. Loran Conkin llllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillli^ IIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIII 115 SUPPLY COMPANY Normanilin, Willi: N'eil, Artlnir Private Nichols, Harold C. Private Norton. William F. Private Novak, Frank A. Private Oaks, Curtis L. Private Oakland, Alfred B. Private Olson, Alfred Private Paquet, Cornelius I Private Peacock, Frank Private Porsch, Arthur T. Private Porter, William R. Private Potts, Albert S. Private Polk, John O. Private Passalacqua, Ross Private Ouamme, Clarence N. Private Rauber, Ed. Private Rauber, Henry Priv Richards, George F. Priv Rittel, August Priv Richie. Leonard C. Priv Roepke. August C. T. Priv Russel, Delbert C. Priv Renier, Joseph C. Priv Reed, Daniel W. Private Sailor, Arthur H. Priyate Sainsbury, Kdward Private Saltamacchia, Mariano Private Schrader, Robert C. Private Seavey. Charles A. Private Scigenthal. Albert Private Semler. Anthony D. Private Shappard, Abe Private Council Grove, Kans., OS-St.M-MA- WMG. Bucklin, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WHE-A. Carlton, Kans., OS-MA-St.M-S. Otsego, Mich., OS-St.M-MA. Chicago, 111. New Market, Tenn.. OS-St.M-MA-P. Tinsley, N. Dak., OSSt.MMAP. Mayville, N. Dak., OS-StM-MA-P. Chicago, III. Morris, 111., OS-St.M-MA-P. Leeds. la., OSSt.M-MA-A. Grandforks, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA- P. Hope, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. Seymour. III., OS-St.M-MA-WMG-A St. Louis, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WMG- A. Norihwood, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA- P. Hamilton, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WM GF-P. ate Hamilton, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WM GF-P. ate Denison, la., OS-St.M-MA-WMG P. ate Herington, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. ate X'ersailles, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WM GF-A. Kenosha, Wis., OS-St.M-MA-P. ate ate Chillicothe, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-G. Jamestown, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA- WHE-A. Beaukiss, Tex., OS-A. Marion, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. iMadison, Wis. Chicago, III., OSSt.M-MA-WMG-P. White City, Kans., OS-P. Unionville, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WH E-P. Marion, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. Smith, Joseph Sheehan, Thomas Private Shepperd, John R. Private Shust. Alexander Private Seims. Herbert Private Signarini. Dominico Private Smith. Herbert T. Private Smith, Joseph E. Private Smith, Cecil E. Private Wi! la., OS-St.M-MA-WII Des Moil E-P. Williston, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA-P. Pekin, 111., OS-St.M-MA-P. Kalamazoo, Mich. Baudette, Minn., OS-St.M-MA-P. Grandville. 111., OS-St.M-MA-P. Tokio. N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA-P. Monticello, III., OS-St.M-MA-P. Lost Springs, Kans., OS-St.M-MA- WH E- A. Ste Luthc Statton. Adolphus A. I Sticayecues, Peter I Stone, William M. I Stryjcvvski, Wladyslaw Willi; M. ate Shirek, Tom A. Private Sopher, Frank W. Private Sorenson, Robert N. Private Sparks, James H. Private Spady, Ale.x P. Private Torgeson, Gilbert Private Thompson, Thomas H. Private Willi. Tulli: Ha W. Trosper, Roy C. Turner, Edward Private Trumblec, Roy O. Private Van Iloozer, LeRoy Private Walters, Claude W. Private Winegar, Trace Private Wilkison, Ray Waylan, H Id E. Walker. Earl R. Private Wilde. Lavern F. Private Co.x, Floyd C. Mess Sgt. (Jstrander, Clarence Sergeant McCourt, John W. Sergeant Sage, Orpha E. Corporal Sterling, Joseph A. Private Tamestown, N. Dak., OS-A. bunlap, la., OS-St.M-MA-WHE-A. Williams, Minn., OS-St.M-MA-WH E-A. Reynolds, N. Dak., OS-St.M-MA-W HEP. Herington, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. Hinton, W. \"a. Kenosha, Wis. Sampsell, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WG-P. New York City, N. Y. Utica, 111., OS-St.M-MA-P. Lankin, N. Dak., OS-St.MMA-G-A. Dwight, HI., OS-St.M-MA-D. Grafton, N. Dak.. OS-St.M-MA-K. Avalon, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-K. Herington, Kans. Preston, Minn., OS-St.M-MA-P. Chicago, 111., OS-St.M-MA-WMGA. Tarkio, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Hope, Kans., OS-St.MMA-WHEA. Breckenridge, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Chillicothe. Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Independence, la., OSSt.M-MA-P. Chillicothe, Mo.. OS-St.M-MA-G-P. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-K. Laclede, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-WMG- 1., OSSt.M-MA-G-A. Minn., OS-St.M-MA- Zincak, Frank Private Chicago, 111. Zwiebel, Leo J. Private Burlington, W Kardiani, Mike Cook Milwaukee, W Darling. John Private Herington, Kar Lund, Axel Private Florence, Wis Rovve, Earl W. Private Jamestown, N. Waseca, Mil Minneapolis, WMGA. Avalon, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-A. Lost Springs, Kans., OS-St.M-MA- A. Hope, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. White Cifv, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. Laredo, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-P. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-G-P. Atchison, Kans., OS-St.M-MA-P. Chillicothe, Mo., OS-St.M-MA-A. Davton, Kans., OS-St.M MA WMG- Dak.. OS-St.M-MA- 116 SUPPLY COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY K, 139th INFANTRY Name and Rank John E. Wells Capta Marcus J. Morgan Capta William H. Ellcnburg Coburn Hull George C. Brews Oliver F. Crocke Charles M. Flyn 1st Lt. 1st Lt. 1st Lt. A. Da Lt. Frederick Homer J. Henney Andrew T. Kirk John D. Cosgrove John W. Frazier Stanislaus Lafond James M. Brown Frazer, Eldon M, Stultz, Percy Roddy, Tame: West, Frank Timmons, Fi O. Pooler 1st Lt. E. Swanson 1st Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. Jr nd Lt. 1st Sgt. Mess Sgt. Sup. Sgt. Sergeant Sergeant Miller, Wclty A. Sergeant Huey, Frank G. Sergeant Arnold, Irvin Sergeant Swearingen, Charlie E. Sergeant Arnold, Milford Sergeant Smith, Carlton S. Sergeant Donovan, Thomas W. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant H. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Wil Nor N. Hill, Al P. Helman, Charle Barnett, Carl D. Charle Cobu Wilson, coourn Wolter, Fred W. Chambers, W^alte- Hampson, Tho aergi Hill, James W. Serg, Smith, Emmett E. Sergi Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant E. Sergeant i C. Sergeant Sergeant Home Address and Remarks W'eston, Mo., OS. Coffeyville, Kans., OS-MA. Corvallis, Ore., MA-W-MGF. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF. Newton, Kans., OS. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Bluefield, W. Va., OS-MA. (?; MA. Burlington, Kans. Ci) Herington, Kans., OS-MA. Conway Springs, Kans., OS-MA-K. St. Louis, Mo., OS-MA-K. 2nd Lt. Kankake 111. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-G. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS. Weston, Mo., OS. Newton, Kans., OS. Marysville, Kans., OS. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-S. Weston, Mo., OS. Newton, Kans., OS. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-G. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. 1213 Park Ave., Kansas Cit Kans., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Dearborn. Mo., OS-MA-K. Weston, Mo., OSMA-W-G. Newton, Kans.. OS-MA. 407 E. 1st St., Newton, Ka; MAWS. Tulare, Calif., OS-MA. OS- Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Shepard, John W. Sergeant Spinner, Richard C. Sergeant Derby, Harry Sergeant Barker, Roy B. Corporal Arnold, Armstrong Corporal Raines, Clarence M. Corporal Purcell, Miles Corporal Simpson, Duke B. Corporal Hill, Neely Corporal Starrctt, Royce E. Corporal ^" " " Corporal Corporal Moberly, Harry F. Corporal Reeder, William A. Corporal Snyder, John R. Daily, Allen H. Corporal Corporal Corporal 117 Daily, Lee Wright, Robert M. Corporal Stone, Edward A. Corporal Geer, John W. Corporal Hankins, James L. Corporal Pletcher, Paul Corporal Tinder, Robert L. Corporal Duncan, John S. Corporal Kennedy, Arthur T. Corporal Wilson. Otis E. Corporal Mitchell, Thomas W. Corporal Heavelow, Clarence E. Corporal La Foe, Laurence Corporal Renick, Harry H. Corporal Shertz. George R. Corporal Wilson, William B. Corporal Corporal Branum. Rov F. Corporal Hartman. Joseph W. Corporal Kinard. Fred E. Corporal Rogers. Harold A. Corporal Pace, William L. Corporal Home Address and Remarks 3805 W. Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. OS-MA-W-MGF. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. 1258 Broadway, Quincy, HI., OS- MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS. Clinton, Mo., OS-MA-K. Edgerton, Mo., OS-MA-W-G. Salina, Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF. Scott City. Kans., OS-MA-W-G. Peabody, Kans., OS-MA-W-S. Farwell, Tex., OS-MA. 1345 S. 25th St., Kansas City, Kans., OS-MA-W-S. 1016 S. Locust St., Ottawa, Kans., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-S. 205 Indiana Ave., St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-W-G. 205 Indiana Ave., St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA. Weston. Mo., OS-MA. Burrton, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. East Leavenworth. Mo.. OS-MA. Syracuse. Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Newton, Kans.. OS-MA-W-S. 1529 Locust St.. Kansas City. Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF. Dearborn, Mo.. OS-MA-W-HE. Clav Center, Kans.. OS-MA-W-S. Rushville. Mo.. OS-MA-W-MGF. Weston. Mo.. OS-MA-W-G. Augusta, Ka OS-MA. (W-S-AI- Peabodv. Kans.. OS-MA-W-HE. Garden Citv, Kans., OS-MA-K. Newton. Kins., OS-MA-W-HE. Camden Point, Mo,. OS-MA-W-MG F. Burrton. Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Sedgwick, Kans., OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-M.\. Newton. Kans.. OS-MA. Garden City, Kans., OS-MA. SUPPLY COMPANY Ninemire, George W. Corporal Simmons, Lester L. Corporal Kerby, Earl L. Corporal Harder, Fred P. Corporal Ohman, Frank M. Corporal Tapscott, Silas W. Corporal Wallis. Delmer L. Corporal Corporal Duncan, Ben F. Corporal Dally, Rav M. Corporal Paulson, Gustav Corporal Armstrong, ICarl D. Corporal Palmer, Alva, W Corporal Krick, Albert A. Corporal viock, Herbert T. Melton I.ouis \V. Cc , Bone A. Cc . Charles E. Cc Hardy L. C( ion, George E. Cc llian, James W. Mecha Harry L. Mecha Albert E. Mecha nak Mo Sla Clemt Morri McMi Hall, Denzi Simpson, Oren S Bauer. John Ouinley, Pete J. Fowler, Clarke D. Adkins. Ira Agee, Milard T. Albrecht, Henry G. Armstrong, Lloyd Mechanic Mechanic Bugler Bugler Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Icl. Ashburn, Robert A. Pvt. Id. Barchus, William Pvt. Icl. Berens, Martin Pvt. Icl. P.erknes, Tobn O. Pvt. Icl. P.lough, Vernon L. Pvt. Icl. Bowdre, Harry F. Pvt. Icl. Boyd, Hugh T. Pvt. Icl. Brogdon, John I. Pvt. Icl. Burgener, Leo I. Pvt. Icl. Campbell. Karl W. Pvt. Icl. Carter, Tames L. Pvt. Icl. Carter, Milo O. Pvt. IcI. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Centerville, la., OS-MA. 1044 Wislow Ave., West St. Paul, Minn., OS-MA. Albany, Minn., OS-MA. Laclede, Mo., OS-MA. Platte City, Mo., OS-MA. 1213 Helen Ave., Detroit, Mich. Dearborn, Mo., OS-MA. Laporte, Minn., OS-MA. More Springs, la., OS-MA. 2737 S. 18th St., St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-W-G. Braddyville, la., OS-MA. 3223 N. Lyndale Ave., Mi) iineapo Kans., OS-MA. Hopkins, Mo OS-MA-W-MGF. Muskogee, Okla., OS-MA. Clinton, Mo., OS-MA. Peabody, Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. New Market, Mo., OS-MA-Missing. 24th and Lincoln St., Topeka, Kans. OS. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Ulysses, Kans., OS. Ney, Ohio., RFD 1. Weston, Mo.. OS-MA-W-MGF. Lost Springs, Kans., OS-MA. (No records.) 151 S. Main. Trenton, Mo., OS-MA- W-G. Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-G. Salina, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Camden Point, Mo., OS. Wathena, Kans., OS. Gray Eagle, Minn., OS-MA. Sedan, Minn., MA. Garden City, Kans.. OS. 544 S. 11th St., Kansas City, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. RFD 5, Maysville, Mo., OS-MA. Peabody, Kans., OS. 125 E. 14th St., Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-S. Ponca, Nebr. latan. Mo., OS-MA-W-G. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Cavanaugh, Earne t Pvt. Id. Cheesman, Tbeodo re Pvt. Icl Coots, Tames M. Pvt. Icl. Currie, Donald H. Pvt. Icl Davniero, Anthony Pvt. Icl Delehanty, Howarc R. Pvt. Id Deets, Stanton E. Pvt. Icl Deschncr, Walter H. Pvt. Icl Duncan, George E Pvt. Id Duncan, Robert L. Pvt. Icl Dunn. Frank Jr. Pvt. Icl Dyvig, Edward S. Pvt. Icl Ecton, Wiley J. Pvt. Icl Egan, William D. Pvt. Icl Fieth, Milton E. Pvt. Icl Finnell, Lauren Pvt. Icl Flinn, Flvert L. Pvt. Id Freeburne, Clarenc e L. Pvt. Id Fulk, William A. Pvt. Icl Griffin, Michael P. Pvt. Icl Grisham. Jesse D. Pvt. Icl Griswold, Oberly A. Pvt. Icl Groh. Earl C. Pvt. Id Hamilton, Thomas D. Hegle, Martin Hopperstad, l^oui: Howard, Arthur t Hull, Wilson E. Hutton, LeRoy T. Tohnson, Charles Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. Tohnson, Elmer R. Pvt, Kaith. Claude Pvt, Karnick. Milton T. Pvt, Kenney, David T. Pvt Kessler, Harold H. Pvt, Roller, Jacob E. Pvt Knutson, Peter G. Pvt Lantz, Chauncy M. Liggett, Austin A. Linch, George I. Livingston, ,\rthur Loubey, I.ouis A. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. D. Pvt. Pvt. Pvt. McDanid, llilh Platte City, Mo., OS-MA. Rock Port, Mo., OS-MA. Platte City, Mo., OS-MA. Prescott, Mich., MA-W-MGF. 17 Saint Edward St., Brooklyn, N. Camden Point, Mo., OS-MA-K. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Dearbo (?) n. Mo., OS-MA. n. Mo., OS-MA. City, Iowa.. OS-MA. Osborn, Mo.. OS-MA-W-HE. Covington, Ky. Higginsvillc. Mo., OS-MA. Newton. Kans., OS-MA-K. Stewartsville, Mo., OS-MA. Peabody, Kans., OS. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. (Missing.) ( ?) Platte City, Mo.. OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA. Platte City, Mo., OS-MA. Sedgwick, Kans., OS-MA. Wolverton, Minn.. OS-MA. Calmar, la., OS-MA. Bnrrton, Kans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-M.\-WG. Langley. Kans.. OS-MA. Ludington, Mich. Bruce Cr Tising Mich., D. Woodrntl \bi liSMA. Hasting-, \l 1 [ ' Mh.MA. 3434 S. I , ,1 Ni , n,i,.icn. Ill, Spickard. -M" . c )>M.A-W-I1E. Stillwater Min n., OS-MA-W-MGF 3923 W. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. OS-MA Newton, Kans. OS-MA. Peabody, Kans , OS-MA. Norborne (?) Mo. OS-MA-K. Rushville Mo., OS-MA. Brunswick, Mo , OS-MA. Fridley, Minn., OS-MA. 118 SUPPLY COMPANY .McDonald, Harvey McGinn, Thomas .Miller, Wilbe F. .Minnick, Donald C. Phillips, Ora Pvt. Ouiglcy, Edward D. Pvt. Raincv. Leslie Pvt. Keed. William J. Pvt. Rein, Will Pvt. Rhoades, Mavvin E. Pvt. Richards, Roy Pvt. Royse, Elbert Pvt. Russell, George L. Pvt. Sands, Ewart W. Pvt. Sawyer, Gordon W. Pvt. Sellers, Merle D. Pvt. Smith, Albert Pvt. Sorrell, Leshe Pvt. Steeno, Ralph Pvt. Still, Clyde W. Pvt. Thronson, Joseph Pvt. Torgerson, Kimpton C. Pvt. Tritt, James E. Pvt. Vig. Alfred V. Pvt. Wagle. John H. Pvt. Warner, John C. Pvt. \Varner, Merle B. Pvt. Wasrick, Edward Pvt. Weber, Theodore Pvt. West, Paul L. Pvt. White. John S. Pvt. Wilcox, "Tames ^[. Pvt. Woodworth, James R. Pvt. 1 Aase, Albert Priva Abbott, Lloyd E. Priva ,\bsher, Rov Priva Ackcrman, Alger E. Priva Anderson, George A. Priva Anderson, Joe Priva Anderson, Rov A. Priva ■Bailard, Tay L. Bailey, Harrison Priva Ba S Ha Becker. Ralr.h E. Bengston, Eli F. Bennett, Charles . Xewton, Kans., OSMA-W-MGF. (?) Burrton, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. 524 E. Missouri Ave., St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-K. Pcabody, Kans., OS. 50 Wegman Parkway, Jersey City, RFD 3,' Galena. Kans., OS-MA. 1536 Potter Ave., Wichita, Kans., OSMA. Kirksville, Mo. 1715 S. Market St., Wichita, Kans. OS-MA-W-MGF. (?) Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Ponca City, Okla., OS-MA-W-MGF. Tucumcari, N. M., OS. ( "') Sweetwater, III., OS-MA-K. lalan. Mo., OS-MA-W-HE. Eldorado, Kans.. OS-MA. Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Syracuse, Kans., OS-MA. Marceline, Mo., OS. Midway, Ky., OS-M.^-W-MGF. 814 Kellog St., Green Bay, Wis. Trenton, Mo., OS-MA. Emerado, N. Dak., OS-MA. Faredale, N. Dak.. MA. Smithville. Mo., OS-MA. Sharon, N. Dak., MA-W-MGF. Platte City. Mo., OS-MA-K. Burrton, Kans., OS-MA. Burrton, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. 514 Park St., Kenosha, Wis. Independence, Iowa, OS-MA. McCracken, Kans., OS-MA-K. Sedgwick, Kans., OS-MA. Chili, Wis., OS-MA. 20 Nesbit St., Providence, R. I. OS-MA-K. Ross, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF. (?) OS. Anderson, Ind., OS-MA-W-G. Gaines. Mich. Newton. Kans.. OS-MA-W-HE. 405 1st St.. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 310 Scott St., Milwaukee, Wis. (?) New Rockford, N. Dak.. MA-W- MGF. 127 W. Oak St.. Ironwood, Mich. ,\bilene, Kans., OS-MA. (?) Rush Citv, Minn-. OS-MA. McClusky, N. Dak., MA. Benson, Bernard Private Berry, Luther Private Blumhagen. Willie Private Boderski, Wtystlaw Private Boje, Edward Private Bolen, Jesse T. Private Bollum, Edward W. Private Bounds, Engine F. Private Bragg, Pearl Private Brennen, Chester F. Private Brown, Thomas F. Private Brummond, Charles F. Private Burrock. John A. Private Campbell, Carl F. Private Chabot, Ovila A. Private Clemens, Roy H. Private Clothier, Alba Private Coleman, Virgil H. Private Coppock, Charlie Private Crockett, Charlie A. Private Cox, .\lphonsus C. Private " s, Milton J. Curtis, George W. Private Dally. Donald H. Private Dean, Clinton D. Private Delavergne. Nelson W. Private Doberstein, Frank W. Private Dokkesven, Clarence Private I'ugall, Paul F. Private Dupras, William Private Durante, Antonio Private Dutcher. Raymond Private Dybdal, Olaf Private Dykstra, .Albert Private Enns, George Private cks. H. Private Einarson, Carl E. Private Fahnestock, Harry A. Private Farr, James Private Field, Ole E. Private Fisher. Clarence Private Francis. Eugene Private Friel. Roy Private Garland. Joseph E. Private George. Henry J. Private Giesick. Henrv Private Gillespie, Tames F. Private Giroux. Hector. O. Private Ontario. Canada.. OS- (?) Weston. Mo.. OS. Kief. N. Dak., MA. Joliet, HI., MA-W-HE. 42414 Brown St., Davenport, Iowa, Bessemer, Mich. (?) Knoxville, Tenn., MA-W-HE. Kirksville, Mo., OS-MA. (?) Detroit, Mich. Marmarth, N. Dak. 713 Vliet St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hatton, N. Dak., MA. 341 N. Hydraulic Ave.. Wichita, Kans. (?) Fort Fr MA. Malta. Mont., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF. Woodsville. Wis., MA. Ithaca, Mich. Garden City, I'Cans., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-K. 313 Townsend Ave.. Detroit. Mich. 32 Allen St., Rochester. N. Y. McEwen. Tenn. La Porte. Minn.. OS. Nora Springs, Iowa., OS-MA. Oberon, N. Dak. (?) OS. (?) OS. (?) 481 Elizabeth St., Kenosha. Wis. 635 Elizabeth St., Utica. N. Y. (?) McLeod. N. Dak.. OS-MAWHE. Hndsonville. Mich. Unich, N. Dak. Cambridge. N. Dak., OS. (') 211 E. Locust St.. Mechanicsburg, Pa.. OS-MA. 623 St. Paul St., Burlington. Va., OS-MA-K. Cummings, N. Dak.. MA. (?) Stewartsville, Mo., OS. (?) OS-MA-W-? Lamorn, Iowa, OS-MA. (?) Leota, I'Cans.. OS-MA. Ahervale. W. \"a. Buchanan. N. Dak., MA. 119 SUPPLY COMPANY Grace, Riley G. Pr Gratton. Hubert T. Pr Gray, Harold T. Pr Grochowsky, Tacob Pr Gustavson. David A. Pr Haberman, William F. Pr Hall, Decatur B. Pr Hall, Thomas H. Pr Hanson, Walter Pr Harden, Ellis I. Pr Harris, Weston V. Pr Heller, George H. Pr Hodges, Edgar Private Holle, Frank J. Private Holt, Lester H. Private Horwitz, Jake M. Private Houfer, Henrv F. Private Huntsinger, Eddie Private Huseman, Ernst C. Private Hutchinson, Otis Private Iverson, Elwin P. Private Jensen, Eddie Private Johnson, Andrew H. Private Kelley, Herbert T. Private Kleine, Richard Private Kline, Bert D. Private Koeppen, Hanccl G. Private Krause, Carl Private I,a Croix, Archie D. Private Lane, George Private Larson, Albert H, Priva'te Leigh, Lee Private Letcher, Fred Private Lindquist, Kaleb E. Private Linville, David E. Private Linville, Vernard V. Private Loeffler, Frank G. Private Loing, Oliver Private Lokken, John Private Loveland. Floyd Private Lower, Fred W. Private Lukes, Joseph F. Private Lundeen, Hjalmer Private Lundgren. Ernest H. Private Madrigal, Lorenzo Pr vate Maki, Eric V. Private Marcussen, Lucius H. Private Marolf, William E. Private -Marshall, Chester B. Private Martin, Raymond F. Private Mash, Ervin Private 112 E. D St., Pueblo, Colo., MA- W-MGF. (?) 53 Printic St., Lockport, N. Y. Aulne, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Vifing, Minn., OS-MA. (Missing.) 1091 Wakefield Ave., St. Paul, Minn., OS-MA. Weston, Mc. OS-MA. 1955 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Athens, Wis. Syracuse, Kans., OS-MA-K. Newton, Kans., OS-MA-W-G. 2439 Madison Ave., Granite City, 111. Cofleyville, Kans., OS-MA. 1018 Jcnks St., St. Paul, Minn., OS- MA-W-MGF. 577 Ellen St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ntwton, Kans.. OS-MA. Oconnmowoc, Wis. 172 Garfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Fairmont, Minn., OS. Forest City, N. C. (?) Princeton, Mc, OS-MA-W-MGF. Englevale, N. Dak. Alta, Iowa, OS-MA. Tracy, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF. (?) OS. Scotts Express Co., Minneapolis, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF. Weber, Kans., OS-MA. Attica, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. RED 2, Station D, Milwaukee, Wis. (?) 1929 Elm St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gluckeen, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF. Tarkio, Mo., OS-MA. (?) OS-MA. Rosean, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF. Weston, Mo., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF. Hampton, Minn.. MA. Reynolds, N. Dak., MA. (?) Oskaloosa, Kans., OS. (?) OS. Long Prairie, Minn.. OS. Adams, N. Dak., MA-W-MGF. Grafton, N. Dak., MA. Lyons, 111. Newberry, Mich. (?) Rushville, Mc. OS-MA-K. Platte City, Mo., OS. Cumberland, Wis. .Masten, Jesse W. Private .McClellan, Henry W. Private Mclntyre, Alexander Private McMillen, Ralph E. Private McNeal, Joe Private McNutt, George W. Private .Miller, Peter Private Miller, William F. Private Milmine, John H. Private .Miranda, Herbert Private Moeling, Benjamin W. Private More. Lawrence D. Private .Mortenson, Richard E. Private Mosher, Grant E. Private O'Connor, Joseph H. Private Orphan, Nick Private Ozzello, Emil Private Palmer, Magnus Private Parsons. James H. I'rivate Peterson, Oscar E. Private Pillatzki, Robert B. Private Plcttl, Otto J. Private Post. Raymond Private IJuinn, Michael W. Private Raffauf, Charles B. Private Rasler, Lawrence Private Reed. Elmer. Private Reed, Mansie Private Reinwand, Alie A. Private Renfro, Earl E. Private Revira, Ventura Private Rix, Max W. Private Rogaski, Stanley Private Rogers, William L. Private Royer, Paul Private Scanlon, Thomas J. Private Schmarzo, August G. Private Schmidt. Edwin G. Private Schofield, Rufus F. Private Schrade He Private 120 Schreiber, William P. Pr Schuessler, Albert W. Pt Scott, Leon C. Pr Scully, Edward Pr Sedlack, Rudolph Pr Sewell, Ole E. Pr Sharp, James P., Jr. Pr Manitowoc, Wis., D. Newberry, Mich., D. Peabody, Kans., OS-MA-K. Tarkio, Mo., OS-MA. 107 W. 7th St., Sedalia, Mo. Lorato, Minn., OS-MA. Mount Rose. Mo.. OS-MA-K. Sheboygan, Mich. (?) 3916 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. Ionia, Kans., OS-MA-K. Farmington, Minn., OS-M.\ (Miss- ing.) Cassopolis, Mich. 390 Linwood Ave., Detroit, Mich., D. 12 Broadway, Milton, Pa. Durango, Colo. Foxholm, N. Dak. Boyne City, Mich. 3940-12th Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn., OS. Nassau, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF. Little Falls, Minn., OS-MA-W-HE. Bridgmen, Mich. Gen. Del., Minneapolis, Minn., OS- MA. (?) OS. Liberal, Kans., OS-MA. Logan, W. Va., OS-MA-W-MGF. (?) 2422 W. 6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Hopkins, Mo., OS. Las Cruces, N. M. Oshtemo, Mich. 312 N. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Newton, Kans., OS-MA-K. RED 1, Newton, Kans., OS. 320 E. North Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Osage, Iowa, OS-MA-W-S. 48 Union St., Hillsdale, Mich. 1244 13th St., Des Moines, Iowa, OS. 6601 National Ave., West Allis, Wis. 531 2nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. 947 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, HI. Prosper, Minn., OS. Blue M. D. Road, Wauwatosa, Wis. Mishicot, Wis. Liberal, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. Merkel, Te.xas. SUPPLY COMPANY Shellhorn, Hubert P (?) OS. Thompson. Martin Private Private Thorvilson, Barney Private Shinn, Thomas Private Laurel, Miss. Tollifson, Harry Private Shirlev, Charlie C. Private (?) OS-MA. Trimirka, Adam Private Shockey, Rudolph R. Private N. St. Paul, Minn., OS-MA-K. Truitt, Cecil T. Private Sisson, Alvin E. Private Ccurtland, Kans., OS-MA-K. Volpatti, Christ Private Slivensky, Joseph Private 318 S. Lowell St., Ironwood, Mich. Smart, Wyatt S. Private Wheeler, Te.xas. W'alter, Clarence U. Private Smith. Frank W. Private Portage, Pa. Ward, Oscar G. Private Sorensen, Soren B. Private 132 Nausou St., New York, N. Y. Weber, Charles Private Sparwasser, Edward W. Glasco, Kans., OS-MA-WMGF. Weber, John F. Private Private Weisner, Arthur J. Private Sperrv. Frank L. Private Scott City, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGK. Westby, Einar P. Private Starkovitch, Charles Private 1405 Melen St., Lincoln, III. Wichman, Max Private Stephens, Clyde G. Private Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Wiggins, Richard T. Private Stephenson, William E. Snider, Mo. Williams, Claude F. Private Private Winter, Math G. Private Stevens, Edson C. Private 52 Adams St., Ashtabula, Ohio. Whale. Earl G. Private Stoleson, Howard Private Tigerton, Wis. Whitesell, Arthur P. Private Stufflebeam. Ray Private Lewistown, III. Wheeler, William W Susewic, August Private 33S-33rd St.. Detroit, Mich. Private Sward, Henry W. Private Graceton, Minn., OS-MA-WMGF. \\'olf, Fredrick, L. Private Tangen, Andy O. Private Morehead, Minn. OS-MA-K. Wood, Dueber R. Private Taylor, George W. Private 692-4th Ave., Detroit, Mich. Woolev, Burt G. Private Tavlor, Warren A. Private (?) Worthingham. Thor nton K. Thimmesch, Fred J. Private Windsor, N. Dak. Private Lisbon, N. Dak., MA-W-HE. Adams. N. Dak., MA-W-MGF. Warwick, N. Dak., MA. 1076 Wabash Ave., Detroit, Mich. Osewathamie, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. 46 Franklin St., Grand Raiiids, Mich. Berlin, N. Dak., MA. Piedmont, Mo. Independence, Iowa, OS-MA-W-ME. Independence, Iowa, OS. Sauk Center, Minn., OS-MA. Fairdale, N. Dak., MA. 386 .Adelaide St., Detroit, Mich. Tienton, Mo., OS-MA. Weston, Mo., OS-MAWHE. Albany, Minn., MA. 631 17th St.. Detroit, Mich. RFD 4, Newton, Kans.. OS-MA-K. Oskaloosa, Kans., OS-MA. Rowell Ave., Toliet, III., M.^-W-HE. Panama, III., "MA. (PW) Grand Junction, Mich. La Crescent, Minn., MA-W-S. 121 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnmiiimiiiiiiiii DO YOU REMEMBER THESE TWO DAYS? The upper picture was taken on Septeml)er 30 in the trendies dug t)y the Engineers. The enemy had just started a counter attack v\hich was promptly beaten ofi. The lower picture was taken October 1, at the rendezvous in the open field near Chepi)y. Surely you remember that day? 122 MACHINE GUN COMPANY ROSTER OF COMPANY L, 139th INFANTRY Charles Haftle, Captain Spencer Otis, Jr.. 1st Lt. C.eorge C. Walters, 1st Lt. Lonnie N. Young. 2nd Lt. George A. Gleason. 2nd Lt. Schoonover, Orville 1st Sgt. Bridgmon, Orville L. Sup. Sgt. Gibson, Hugh J. Sergeant Cardinell. John H. Sergeant Xethcrton, Charles E. Sergeant Mcjunkins. John R. Sergeant .Montgomery, William S. Sergeant Llickel, Fred E. Sergeant Roberts, Jack A. Sergeant Weightman, Ray Sergeant Zook, Russel A. Sergeant Renn, George S. Sergeant Sunderland, Roscoe Sergeant Casselman, Phillip J. Sergeant drowning. Frost A. Sergeant Halcomb, John S. Corporal Hopper. Frank C. Beattie. James I. Ostrander, Roy Anderson, i W: Corpo rd. Harold C. Corpo Hill, Roy D. Corporal Rerick. Charles A. Corporal Gomel. Lois Corporal Scott. Francis E. Corporal Baker, Mont., St.M-MA. Chicago, 111. Saurata, Tex. Anna, Ky. Jacksonville, Fla. Bigelow, Mo., OS-P-4th Mo. Bigelow, Mo., 0S-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OSMA-P-Sl.M- 4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M 4th Mo. Wellington. Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Maitland, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Horton, Kans., OS-MA-G-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Mound City, Mo.. OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Milan. Kans., 0S-MA-P-St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., GS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Belle Plaine, Kans., OS-MA- P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-W-S-P- St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans. 3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans. 3rd Kan We Kan OS-MA-P-St.M- OS-MA-P-St.M- OS-MA-P-St.M- OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Wellington, 3rd Kans. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-G-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Fortescue, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M.4th Mo. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Craig, Mo., OS.MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St..M. 4th Mo. Winsor, Glenn H. Dyste, Percy H. Wilson, Roscoe Meredith, Warren Cook, Charlie Overby, Jesse IL Blanchard, Floyd Allison, Albert Potucek, Charles Reynolds, Floyd Tucker, Robert B. Caples, Russel B. Spahr, Orville -Vnderson, Carl E. Wilson, Julian Robinson, Ronald Myers. William Br D. Curtin. Joseph McFarland. Oral Cardinell, Roy G. Collins. Claude L Couts. Clyde S. Rives. George W. Noll. Jacob S. McKee. Nelsoi Wilson. Ray 123 Corporal Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Corporal Foreman, N. D., OS-MA-P- St.M-4- 20-18. Corporal Argonia, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M-3rd Kans. A. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- Corporal 3rd Kans. Corporal Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Corporal Callio, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-3rd Kans. Corporal St. Joseph. Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th M"o. Corporal Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Corporal Portland. Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Corporal Marvville, Mo., 0S-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Corporal Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-G-P-St.- M-3rd Kans. Corporal Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Corporal Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3 rd Kans. Corporal 22 North Sarah, Escanaba, Mich., P-joined Oct. 5, 1918. Corporal Mound City, Mo., OS-P-St.M-4th Mo. Corporal Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Corporal 307 Colo. Ave., St. Joseph, Mo., OS- MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Corporal Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3 rd Kans. Corporal 824 Parker St., St. Joseph, Mo., OS- MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Corporal Wellington. Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Cook Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. L Cook Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Cook Bigelow, Mo., 0S-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Cook Colorene, Ala., OS-MA-P-10-5-18. Mechanic Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Mechanic Bigelow, Mo., OS-MA-P.St.M-4th .Mo. Mechanic Mankato. Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- joined 2-15-17. MACHINE GUX COxMPANY Ogden, Lafe Mechanic Madden, Harry Bngler I.ilts, Charles, liugler A.lams, George \V. Pvt. Icl. Anno, Trevor G. Pvt. Icl. Italhnger, James R. Pvt. Icl. lianghart. Merle Pvt. Icl. Harlow, Harry Pvt. Icl. Hanckle, I-rank F. Pvt. Icl. IJertram, William E. Pvt. Icl. Bose, Charles W. Pvt. Icl. liraukman, Harry H. Pvt. Icl. r.rickey, Henry G. Pvt. Icl. liuckles, Carl R. Pvt. Icl. Crimmons. Leo M. Pvt. Icl. Cross, Lcmmie Pvt. Icl. Denny, Martin R. Pvt. Icl. Donan, Francis B. Pvt. Id. F.dmondson, Rale F.. Pvt. Icl. Eklnnd, Ralph L. Pvt. Icl. Fitzmaurice, Michael P. Pvt. Icl. Hatch, Alfred Pvt. Id. Hunt, Clarence M. Pvt. Icl. Johnson, LeRov Pvt. Icl. Kinsella, Thomas T. Pvt. Icl. Kraeszig, Adam Pvt. Icl. Lane, Edward J. Pvt. Icl. Lavengood, Earl T. Pvt. Icl. Manning, Charles H. Pvt. Icl. McLees, Walter R. Pvt. Icl. Miller, Jacob W. Pvt. Icl. Moore, Delmer O. Pvt. Icl. Mound Citv, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-G-P-St.M. ■4th Mo. 3029 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo., US-MA-G-P-St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- ■4th Mo. Fortescue, Mo., OS-MA-P.St.M--lth Mo. Mound Citv, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Oxford, Kans., OS-MA-W-S-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Moline, 111.. 418-19th St.M-.\-P- joined lO-.S-lS. Brewster, Minn., OS-MA- W-HE-in left arm. P. Joined 10-5-18. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Detroit. Mich., 142 Palmer Ave., P. Joined 10-5-18. 709 Craig St., Covington, Ky., join- ed 10-5-18. P. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-P- 4th Mo. Nodawav, Mo., 0S-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Port Huron. Mich., 828 Erie St.. P. Joined 10-5-18. Muncie. Mich., 30155 Jefferson St., P. Joined 10-5-18. Pellston, Mich., P. Joined 10-5-18. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-41h Mo., St.M. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. McPherson, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Forest City. Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Trfd. to Hosp. 4th Mo. P-St.M. St. Joseph, Mo., Gen. Delivery, OS-MA-W-S-in leg. Spottsville, Ky., P-10-5-I8. Glencoe, Mich., P.Apr. 20, 1918. 143 West 115th St., Chicago, HI., P- 10-5-18. Louisville, Ky., P-10-5-18. 7403 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Til., p.10.5-18. Elsie, Mich.. P-10-5-18. Stambaugh, Mich., P-10-518. Sanborn, N. U., OS-MA-P-Apr. 20, 18 St.M. 164 William St., Louisville, Ky., P- 10-5-18. Bigelow, Mo., OSP-4th Mo. N'auman. Robert Pvt. Icl. Nye, Elmer Pvt. Icl. (Istrowski, Joseph Pvt. Id. Perrvman, William H. Pvt. Icl. Quinby, Albert M. Pvt. Id. Riesburg, Elmer O. Pvt. Icl. RohliSf, John A. Pvt. Icl. Rybacki, Michael Pvt. Icl. Scherhaufer, Thomas Pvt. Icl. Schoonover, Tot Pvt. Icl. Schult Sinclai , William r. Glen "■ Pvt. Pvt. Ic Skotla id, Jason Pvt. Ic Smith, Walter E. Pvt. Ic Small. John J. Pvt. ic Sparks George -A. Pvt. Ic Stevenson. Godfred P. Pvt. Icl. Stewart, Hiram Pvt. Icl. Stokes, Don D. Pvt. Icl. Story, Earnest G. Pvt. Icl. Story, Thomas M. Pvt. Icl. Thomas, Claude F. Pvt. Icl. \anslyke, William T. Pvt. Icl. Verscheuron, Gust Pvt. Id. Walker, Earl B. Pvt. Icl. Watters, Clarence G. Pvt. Icl. Williams, James Pvt. Id. Vount, Clyde C Pvt. Id. Anderson. Jame Andrews, Irwin , W F. ■ Private Private Earner, Lee M. Private Booton, Wesley Botkins, Elmo J- Private Private Boyd, John Private Bragg, Jake Private Craig. Mo.. OS-MA-St.M-P-4th Mo. Forest City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Plymouth, Mich., P-Oct. 5, 1918. Greenland, Mich., 10-5-18. Trfd. to Hosp. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- Trfd. to Hosp. 4-18-19. Moorland, Mich., P-Oct. 5, 1918. Denver, Colo., P-Oct. 5, 1918. 889-lOth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., P- 10-5-18. 1427 South 12th St., Sheboygan, Wis. P-10-5-18. Bigelow. Mo., OS-MA-G-P-4th Mo. St.M. Aldrich, Mich., OS-MA-W-S-Eight shoulder. St.M-P. 4-20-18. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-4th Mo., Trfd. to Hosp. Willow City, N. D., OS-MA-P-St.M- May 21, 1918. St. Joseph, Mo., 2004 Boyd St., OS- MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. 7601 Champlaign Ave., Chicago, 111., P-10-5-18. Otterville, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Wakefield, Mich., P-10-5-18. Petoskey, Mich., P-10-5-18. Craig, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Craig. Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Craig, Mo., OS-MA-G-P-St.M-4th Mo. Flushing, Mich., P-10-5-18. Oregon, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Hart. Mich., P-10-5-18. Ashland, Wis., P-10-5-18. Craig, Mo., OS-MA-G-P-St.M-4th Mo. Fortescue, Mo., OS-P-St.M-4th Mo. Trfd. to Hosp. Bigelow, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Mt. Pulaski, 111., OS-MA-P-St.M. May 21, 1918. Altantic. HI., OS-MA-P-St.M-May 21, 1918. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Knapp, Wis., P-10-5-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Tingley, la., OS-MA-P-St.M-April 20. 1918. Squires. Mo.. OS-MA-HE. Shell shocked. P.St.M-4th Mo. 124 ';^ 'i ^.. ' ----- ^<^^^^t^:W^ Brokamp, William J. Card, Joseph E. Cavanaugh, Vincent Coleman, Charles C. Connett, Carrol H. Coyle, William T. Darrow, Clair L. Dege, Adolph Doering, Richard Donoho, Pat Dugar, Sidney L,. Duncan, Thomas ? Elbert, Mathew A Ellis, Emmons B. Everett, Roy Fettig, Leo J. Fischer, Arthur E. Fitzmaurice, Francis Flesch, John Ford. Mayo F. Fritzm, Charles P. Frosch, Loyd Gnesin, Phillip Grabler, Emil E. Gracewski, William Gray. Veress Gutherie. Robert X. Hainsworth. Ralph Ilering, Richard F. Hicks, Luther Huck, Casper Hunt. Clarence M. Janik. Albert A. MACHINE GUN 1215 Scott St., Covington, Ky., P- 10-5-18. Gibson. 111., P-May 21.1918. Madison, N. J., 75 Park Ave., MA- Private St.M-P-Jan. 15, 1919. Ludington, Mich.. 322 North Wil- Private liam St.. P-10-5-18. Private 2511 Faron St.. St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Private Maitland, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M -tth Mo. Private Cross Village, Mich., P-10-5-18. Trfd. to Hosp. Private Craig. Mo., OS-MA-St.M-P-4th Mo. Private Goodrich, N.D., MA-St.M-P-May 20, 1918. Private Alma. Mich., MA-St.M-P-Jan. 15. 1919. Private 125 East 57 Ave., Chicago, III., P- 10-5-18. Mound City. Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF Private in right ear. P-St.M-4th Mo. Private St. Bonifacius, Minn.. MA-St.M- Apr. 20, 1918. Trfd. to Hosp. Private Williston, N. D., MA-St.M-P-May 21, 1918. Private Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-P- 4th Mo. Private Petoskey, Mich., P-10-5-18. Private 3623 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., P-10-5-18. Private Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Private 430 Bridgewater Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis., MA-OS-P-St.M-joined 4-20-18. Private 18 East 114th St., Chicago, 111., MA P-joined Oct. 5, 1918. Private 234 14th Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. OS-MA-P-Oct. 5, 1918. Private Alma, Mich., OS-MA-P-Oct. 5, 1918 Private 262 Elliot St., Detroit, Mich., P-Oct 5, 1918. Private Milwaukee, Wis., Hosp.-Jan. 13 1919. Joined Oct. 5. 1919. Private 20" Wash. St., St. Bibbing, Minn. P-Oct. 5, 1918. Private Norwalk, la., Hosp. Dec. 12, 1918 joined Oct. 5. 1918. Mound City, Mo., OSMA-F-St.M Private 4th Mo. B. Wellington, Kans.. OS-MA-W-MGF Private right hand. P-St.M-3rd Kans. 6247 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., P joined Oct. 5, 1919. Tarkio. Mo.. OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo, : New Salem, N. D., P-joined 10-5-18, ! Spottsville, Ky.. P-joined 10-5-8. Lena, Wis., Hosp. Jan. 18, 1918, joined 10-5-18. COMPANY Johnson, Angus M. Private Johnson. LeRoy Private Johnson, Nathen Private Jones, Sumbcr Private Kalman, Edward Private Kauth. Raymond Kclley, Michael J. Knapp. Olof Private Private Private Krauth. Edward F. Private Kreek, John Private Kvelve, Rudolph Private Marshall, Thomas Mattice, Rov D. Maudlin, James V\ Ma.\on, Emery L. B. Private Privat- Private Private Mayes, Curtiss L, McCabe, Delbert E. Privat McCombs, Nathanial G. Privat McGlinchev. Hugh T. Privat McNier. William E. Privat Michaelson, Morris Privat Miller, Jacob W Mostu, Arthur Mueller, Alex C Nauman, Clareni te te Private Nelly, Glen •;iie .\la chael T. Private Ogline, Earl H. ] Opdahl, Albert 1 Ostrowski, Joseph A. 1 Parker, Eliiah E. 1 Pagano, Phillip ] Phillips, Thomas 1 Wellington, kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Glencoe, Mich., OSMA-P-joined 10- 5-18. 11930 Parnel Ave., Chicago, 111., P- joined 10-5-18. Perth, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M-3rd Kans. Melrose, Minn., OS-MA-P-St.M-5- 21-18. Potosi, Wis., P-joined 10-5-18. Buford, N. D., OS-MA-G-P-St.M- April 5, 1918. Massena, la., OSMA-PSt.M-April 4, 1918. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. Spring Grove. Minn., OS-MA-P- St.M-May 21, 1918. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Mason, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Craig. Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Wichita. Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-St.M-P- 3rd Kans. Douglas. Okla., OS-MAG-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Flint. Mich.. P-joined 10-5-18. Merrill, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. 1244 North Wood St., Chicago, 111., P-joined 10-5-18. 164 William St.. Louisville, Ky., P- joined 10-5-18. Minneapolis. Minn.. OS-MA-P-St.M- Apr. 4, 1918. Pawnkee, Wis., RFD 14, P-joined 10-5-18. Craig, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Craig. Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Anamosa, la., OS-MA-P-St.M-Apr. 4. 1918. 771 7th St.. Milwaukee. Wis., P- joined 10-5-18. Parkersburg. la., P-joined 10-5-18. Starbuck. Minn., OS-MA-G-P-St.M- May 21, 1918. Plymouth, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Trenton, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. 1598 Barr St.. Detroit. Mich., P- joined 10-5-lS. New Castle, Wye, OS-MA-St.M-P- 4th Mo. 125 MACHINE GUX COMPANY Reed, Clifford E. Pr vate Reese, Francis Private Riesburg, Elmer O. Pr vate Riner, Howard Pr vate Rnnnington, Albert Pr vate Root, Elzer Pr vate Roth, Charles T. Pr vate Russel, Floyd I. Private Ryhacki, Michael Pr vate Sarbacker, Bernert Pi vate Savage, Charles Pi vate Scanlon, Francis, Pr vate Scheflo, Rudolijh Pr vate Schantz, George L. Pr vate Schiebel, Albert W. Pi vate Shaffer, Charles I'r vate Shinafelt, O. K. Pr vate Simmons, Rolla E. .vate Smith, Charles Pr vate Smith, Clarence Pi vate Solin, John A, Pr vate Souter, Arthur Pr vate Sparks, George A. Pr ivate Stephens, Norman Pr ivate Stoller, Henry Pi .vate Suholalski, Joseph Pr ivate Snllivan, Ambrose F Hi ivate Sweeter, John Hr ivate Swift, Claude J. Pr .vate Timmons, Olin T. Pr .vate Torfin, Adrian D. Pr ivate Toolcy, Chester M. Pr vate Pittsford, .Mich., P-joined 10-5-lS. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA- W-MC.F- in left hip. St.M-P-3rd Kans. Dickinson. N. D., P-Trfd. to Co. Tan. 18, 1918. Chesaning, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Blandburg, Penn., P-joined 10-5-18. Moreland, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.JI- 3rd Kans. Spring \'alley, Minn,, P-joined 10- 5-18. 3317 Duncan St., St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M-4th Mo. Velva, N. D., OS-MA-P-St.M-Apr. 4, 1918. 889 10th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., P- joined 10-5-18. Kenosha, Wis., 436 Lyman Ave., P- joined 10-5-18. Velva, N. D., OS-MA-W-S-left arm. P-St.M-Apr. 5, 1918. Harmony, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Alanda, N. D., OS-MA-St.M-to Hosp. 12-10-18-joined 4-4-18. 304 Hampshire St., Quincy, 111., P- joined 10-5-18. Ellendale, N. D., P-joined 10-5-18. Alilan, Kans., OS-MA-St.M-Trfd. to Hosp. 3rd Kans. (Unknown) Joined Jan. 12, 1919 Trfd. to Hosp. Granada, Minn., OS-iMA-St..M-P- joined Apr. 5, 1919. Owosso, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Takota, N. D., OS-MA-St.M-P-Aiir. 4, 1918. Heimdal, X. D., OS-^lA-St.MP- Apr. 4, 1918. Paris, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Otterville, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-P-4th Mo. Bru.iswick, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-P-4th -Mo. Carson, N. D„ OS-MA-St.M-P-join- ed Apr. 4, 1918. Detroit, Mich., 236 Haslet St., P- joined 10-5-18. Sears, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Rice. Minn., P-joined 10-5-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-St.M-P- 3rd Kans. Stanton, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Aneta, X. D., OS-MA- W-MGF-in chest. St.M-P. 5-21-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3 rd Kans. Turner, Ray Private Uphouse, Loyd T. Private \'anzandt, Benjamii Varvel, Luther Private Private Vaughn, Warren Z Private Vogt, John Walker. Earl B. Webster, Ray B. Private Private Private Week, Albert O. Wilds, Fred H. Williams, Claude D Private Private Private Winters, Harry M. Worel, James L. Private Private ^•oung, John E. Private Zavitniewicz, Peter Private Iloi>kins, Jesse Rock, Waldo Sergeant OS-MA-P-St.M- lound City, Mo., OS-MA-P-St.M- 4th Mo. We Nathi: vate .Mathews, Whit O. Pvt. Icl. Berndt, Frederick, Private Chi stens Stuart, \'ernon Shutts, Paul P. Elkins, Orville Chuning, Edwir Dovel, Tassel Benoit, Guy V Botkins, Jay Collins, Glen Fleming, Claude Holt, Elmer M. i-ncll Private Private Sergeant Corporal F. Corporal Pvt. Icl. Private Private Fortes. Mo. Mc ., 0S-MA-P-St.M-4th Vt., OS-MA-G-P- Wallingford, St.M-3rd Kans. Detroit, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Ashland, Wis., P-joined 10-5-18. Sturgis, Mich., 202 West .Maple St., P-joined 10-5-18. Reed City, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Chesaning, Mich., P-joined 10-5-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-P-St.M- 3rd Kans. Barlow, Ky., P-Trfd. Oct. 5, 1918. 2230 Kedzie .\ve.. Chicago, 111., P- joined 10-5-18. O.xford, Kans., OS-MA-W-S-in right leg. P-St.M-3rd Kans. 266 E-xchange St., Kenosha, Wis., P-joined 10-5-18. Mound City, Mo., Trfd. for duty in the U. S. SO No. 201 Hq. 35th Div. OS. 4th Mo. Mclntyre, la., OS. Dropped from rolls per joined G O No. Ill GHQ A. E. F. 18. Apr. 20, 1918. Oxford, Kans., OS. Dropped froin rolls per G. O. No. Ill GHQ A. E. F. 18. 3rd Kans. Balfour, N. D., OS. Dropped from rolls as admitted to BH May 21, 1918. Trfd. to Hq. Co. this Regt. OS Apr. 20, 1918. Fortescue, ilo., OS. Trfd. to J 30th Machine Gun Bn. 4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-M.A.-K-St.M- 4th Mo. Lexington, Mo., OS-^L\-K-St.M■ 4th Mo. Bigelow, Mo., OS-MA-K.St.M-4th Mo. .Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-K-St.M- 4th Mo. \"erona, N. D., OS-MA-K-St.M- .\pr. 24, 1918. Wellington. Kans., OS-MA-K-St.M- 3rd Kans. Wellington. Kans., OS-M.'^-K-St.M- 3 rd Kans. Maitland, Mo., OS-MA-K-St.M-4th Mo. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to 41st Div. for attendance A. C. S. St.M-3rd Kans. 126 MACHINE GUN COMPANY Tibbcts, Roy Sergeant Elton, Fred E. Corporal Black, Cuy Corporal Tennant, Warren A. Corporal Stewart, Harry L. Corporal Crowdus, William W. Corporal Bradley, David E. Pvt. Icl. Horn, Edward R. Pvt. Icl. Walker, Joseph E. Pvt. Id. Weddle, Carl Pvt. Icl. Simmons, Delbert E. Pvt. Icl. Beattie, Charles L. Private Brummett, Glen E. Private Buron. Ray E. Private Campbell, Enos C. Private Englebart, John Private Fletcher, Warren T. Private Foster, Alfred E. Private Carton, M^illiam Private Hald, Marinns Private Hollingswortli, Ralph Private McGreavev, Thomas W. Private Morrel, Floyd B. Private Mosby, Harry Private Mnchvitch, T.ee M. Private Mound City, JIo., OS-MA-W-II IC- severely wounded in back, drop- ped from rolls admitted to SOS I'.H. St-M.-lth Mo. Mound City, Mo.. OS-MA-W-MGF- in leg: dropped from rolls. St.M- 4th Mo. Wellington, Kans., OS. Dropped from rolls as admitted to SOS BU 3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-G. Drop- ped from rolls as admitted into SOS BH. St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans,, OS-MA-W-S-in leg, dropped from rolls, St,M-3rd I-vans. Wellington, Kans., OS-M.\-W-MGF- in neck. Dropped from rolls. St.M- 3rd Kans. St. Joseph, Mo., Gen. Delivery, OS- M.\ W S-in Cice. St.M-4th Mo. 1 "J II 111 -! -1 . Jersey City, N. J. I 1^ \| \ (, ^tM-4-20-18. .M.iitiii^hni-fj, \-.i., 709 Va. Ave., OS- MA-St.M-3rd Kans. Dropped from rolls as admitted to SOS BH. Shubert, Neb., 0S-MA-G-St.M-4th Mo. Trfd. to Hq. Co. OS-MA-G-St.M- 4th Mo., Holt, Mo. Wellington, Kans., OSMA-W-S-in leg. St.M-3rd Kans. Skidmore, Mo., OS. Dropped from rolls as admitted to SOS BH 4th Mo. Wellington, Kans.. OS-MA-W-MGF- in ankle. St.M-3rd Kans. Oxford, Kans., OS-MA-G-St.M-3rd Kans. Pekin. 111., OS-MA-G-St.M-Mav 21. 1918. Heyworth, 111., OS-MA-W-HE-both legs were mangled and he died on way to the hosp. St.M-4-4-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-K-St.M- 3rd Kans. 1010 North Elm, Bloomington, 111., OS-MA- W-MGF.St.M-4-4-18. Buchanan, N. D., OS-MA-W-S-St.M May 21, 1918. Trfd. to Hq. Co. this Regt. OS-MA- G-St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA Trfd to Hq. Co. this regt. St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-W-S- St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-W-S- St.M-3rd Kans. Wahpeton, N. D., OS-MA-K-St.M- 4-4-18. Mycne, Ivarl A. Private Robinson, Albert R. Private Sandve, Simon Private Thompson, Albert S. Private Wolf, Joe Private Woods, Earl Private Everhart, William Private Curtin, Henry P. Mechanic Bayha, Richard Private Scrivens, Rolla E. Private Balliet, Leonard Private Balster, Frank Private Bell, Port Private Doyle, Joseph Private Gift, Floyd W. Private Schwartz, Charlie F. Private Christofferson, Peter Private Schindler, John J. Private Fountain, William H. Corporal Bull, Arthur Private Burns, \'elma L. Private Clark, William C. Private Holmes, Cecil Private Hopkins, Zachariah Private Williams, James Private Byersdorf, James Private Cook, William H. Private Devitt, John D. Private Heubrcgtsa. Donnis Private Jennings, Carl Private Saxton, Raphael Private Semran, Fred T, Private Tunem, Jack Private (Not known) OS-MA-G-St.M-4-4-18. Forest City, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF- St.M-4th Mo. Tioga, N. D., OS-MA-W-MGF-in left arm. St.M-5-21-18. Farwell, Minn., OS-MA-W-MGF-in leg. St.M-5-21-18. Zeeland, N. D., OS-MA-W-MGF in right hip. St.M-4-4-18. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF- St.M-4th Mo. Corpus Christi, Tex., OS-MA-W- MGF in hand. St.M-4th Mo. St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-W-S-St.M- 4th Mo. Skidmore, Mo., 0S-MA-K-St.M-4th Mo. Perth, Kans., 0S-MA-K-St.M-3rd Kans. Harvey, N. D., OS-MA-W-MCF- St.M-5-21-18. Jamestown, N. D., OS-MA-W-S- St.M-5-21-18. New Holland, 111., OS-MA-K-St.M- 5-21-18. Goodrich, N. D., OS-MA-St.M-4-20- 18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-W-S- St.M-3rd Kans. Suverne, N. D., OS-MAK-St.M-5-21- 18. Ilomballton, Iowa, OS-MA-St.M-5- 21-18. Tappen, N. D., OS-MA-K-St.M-4-20- 18. 6123 Champlaigh Ave., Chicago, 111., 10-5-18. (Unknown) to Hosp. Ravenwood, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-41h Mo. Brashear, Mo., OS-MA-G-St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to. 1st Replacement Bn. St. Aignau. St.M-3rd Kans. Craig, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-4th Mo. Fortescue, Mo., 0S-4th Mo. (Unknown) Trfd. to Hq. Co. this Regt, Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-W-MGF in foot. St.M-4th Mo. (Unknown) MA-Trfd. to Hq. Co. this Regt. (Unknown) 10-5-18-Trfd. to Hosp. (Unknown) MA-Trfd. to E Co. this Regt. 10-5-18. Cardy, la., OS-MA-St.M-joined 4- 20-18. (Unknown) Halstead, Minn., OS-MA-Trfd. to Hq. Co., this regt. St.M-5-21-18. 127 AIACHLNE GUX COMPANY Sergeant Tyson, James Private Wliite, Gilbert Private Wilson, Russel Private Cehringer, Verne O. Biirscough, Guy Ziesmer. Charles Cook Hainsworth, Avery Private Patterson, Richard Pvt. Icl. Wehster, Ray B. Pvt. Icl. Oldenburg, Walter R. Private Seeley, William A. Private Strauss, Orville F. Private Eads, David R. Corporal Gaines, Wilber S. Corporal Cowherd, William Pvt. Icl. Wilms, Emil Pvt. IcI. Skidmore, Mo., OS-MA- W-MGF-in foot St.M-4tti Mo. (Unknown; Trfd. to M Co. this Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-Trfd. to MP. Co. 35th Div. St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., admitted to SOS Hosp. OS-MA-St.M-4th Mo. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-admitted to SOS Hosp. St.M-3rd Kans. (Unknown) OS-MA-admitted to SOS Hosp. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to 1st Rep. Bn. St. Aignan. St.M- 3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to UOth Supply Train Dec. 28, 191S St.M-3rd Kans. Admitted to SOS Hosp. Dec. 21, 1918. OS-MA-St.M-3rd Kans. Flint, Mich., admitted to SOS Hosp. Dec. 3, 1918. Onotoma, Minn., OS-MA-St.M- Trfd. to Hq. Co. 139th 4-20-18. Not known. Admitted to SOS Hosp 10-5-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-St.M- Trfd. to 35th M. P. l-6-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., Trfd. to G. Co. Jan. 6, 1919. OS-MA-St.M-3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to H(i. Co. 1-17-19. St.M-3rd Kans. Indianapolis, Ind., Died in BH No. 91 about Jan. 5, 1919, joined 10- 15-18. Hollingsworth, Ralph Pvt. Icl. Green. William Pvt. Id. Scheffer, Joseph E. Pvt. Id. Beatt Harold Ha el. Melvin A. Private vate I.awrencc, Earl A. Sergeant Bell. Cecil V. Corporal Bentz, Albert Corporal Bohart, Ora Pvt. Icl. Hintz, Anthony F. Pvt. Id. Hopkins, Emmitt Pvt. 1 cl. Miller, Paul K. Pvt. Icl. Woodard. Jesse M. Private Grenwav. Raymond .\Ie5S Sgt. Robertson. Walter Private Wellington, Kans.. OS-MA-Trfd. to Hq. Co., this regt. 1-25-19-St.M- 3rd Kans. (Unknown) Trfd. to MP 35th 1-13- 19. (not known) Rockwood, Mich. Dropped from rolls as admitted to SOS Hosp. 1-3-19. 10-5-18. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to Sup. Co., this Regt. 1-25-19. St.M- 3rd Kans. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to Sup. Co. this Regt. 1-25-19 St.M- 3rd Kans. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-Trfd. to 372 MP. 2-9-4th Mo. Wellington, Kans., OS-MA-Trfd. to 372 MP 2-3rd Kans. St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA-St.M-Trfd. to 372 MP-l-31-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-Trfd to 372 MP-4th Mo. Detroit, Mich., Trfd to Hq. Co. UOth Inf.-2-Il-19-10-5-18. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-Trfd. to 372 MP-1-31-19 St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA-Trfd to 273 MP. l-31-19St.M-4th Mo. Mound City, Mo., OS-MA- Trfd. to 273 MP-2-8. Wellington, Kans., Trfd. to 1st Rep. Bn.-OS-MA-St.M.-3rd Kans. Mound City, Mo., Trfd. to 1st. Rep. Bn.-0S-MA-St.M-4th Mo. 128 iiiiiiiiiiii iiniii iHiiiiiiii iiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiioni iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiii iiiiiihiii iittunnn «u iiiiiiiiii i iiii HUMOR BY AN INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT ARTIST t^m ^=^?^=.?^r^^^ 4F HOSE MILITflRr HAIR CUTS. Illlllllllllllllllllilllilllll Illlllliilliinil I llliMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiUllllllllll^ IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIB 129 TRENCH MORTAR ROSTER OF COMPANY M, 139tU INFANTRY Name an Rank Aslnirv Robtrts, Captain Charles K. Holt Captain James B. Garrett Captain Tohn li. Rav, Captain George C. Brewster 1st Lt. Walter C. Dickey 1st Lt. James H. ItcCord. Jr., 1st Lt. Ross Deal 1st Lt. ICdwin V. Burkholder 1st Lt. Robert R. Rink, 1st Lt. .\lilo C. Teeter 1st Lt. lohn P. Cosgrove 2nd Lt. Rcillv, Lester F. Sergeant Whaien, John R. Sergeant Lauder. James R. Sergeant McKinnis, Warren R. Sergeant Schuder, Rollie M. Sergeant Raney, George W. Sergeant McCallan, Clarence Sergeant Vadakin, Athol G. Sergeant Caswell. .Arthur 11. Srgeant Noll, Archie R. Sergeant Miller, Harold A. Sergeant Pritchard lohn S. Corpriral Pdackbnrn, Rnssel W. Corporal Castle, Rov C. Corporal Shahan. Winfield F Corporal Sness. Albert K. Corporal llolmherg, Charles H. Corporal Seifert, Fred H. . Corporal Musser, Steve C. Corporal l-lwin L. McCormick, 1st T t. W.-ilter A. Rnch, 1st Lt. William R. Carpenter. 1st Lt. Howard N. Frizzell, 1st Lt. Thomas J. MacMahon. Isaac F. l\Torri-on Kirkpatrick, John J. Olten. George W. Mess Sgt. Home Address and Remarks Unknown. OS-MA-W-HE;. St. Joe, Mo., OS. L'nknown, OS. Seattle, Wash., OS-MA. Litchfield, Conn., OS. 804 Harmon St., St. Joe. Mo., OS. McCord Merc. Co., St. Joe, Mo.. OS-MA-MGF. Chillicothe. Mo., OS-MA. Marion, Kans.. OS-MA. Unknown. Unknown. St. Louis, Mo., OS-MA-K. Amazonia, Mo., OS-MA. 311 S. 20th St., St. Joe, Mo. OS- MA. 5U Blake St., St. Toe, Mo,, OS. 1704 S. Iflth St., St. Joe, Mo.. OS- MA. 708 Shady Ave., St. Toe, Mo., OS. RFD No. 5, St. Joe, Mo., OS. 2601 Duncan St., St. Joe, Mo., OS- MA. 1423 W. Maine St., Enid, Okla. OS. Shoreborn, Vt., OS. Marion, Kans., OS. 2S Krug Apts., Walnut Hill, Cin- cinnati, o., OS. Grant, la., OS. Cottonwood Falls, Kans., OS-MA- W-HE-K- Marion, Kans., OS-MAG. Marion, Kans., OS-MA-MGF. St. Joe, Mo., OS-MA-K. Weatherby, Mo., OS-MA-IIE. Muskegon, Mich. Chaffee, Mo. Marion. Kans., OS-MA. D-S. with Div. Hdqrs. Holyoke. Mass.. MAG. ChicaRo, III. 161(1 Smv. Ave,, St. Toe. Mo., OS- MA, 205 W, Ind, Av,. St. Joe, Mo,, OS- MA. Name and Rank Neiderhauser. Charles C. Sup. Sgt. Newcomb, Wayne C. Sergeant Clemens, Orval E. Sergeant Kilfoyle, Frank J. Sergeant Zane, Waldo C. Sergeant Swenson. Paul T. Sergeant Grace, John S. Sergeant Loveless, Paul C. Sergeant Houlton, Carroll V. Sergeant Rickets, Charlie O. Sergeant Jacka, Alfred F. Sergeant "Grimes, Bruce H. Sergeant Yardley, Marshall G. Sergeant Singley, Rilley E. Sergeant Weihl, George C. Corporal Christian, George A. Corporal McAllister, James D. Corporal Weinmeister, Henry, Jr. Corporal McClellan, John I. Corporal Friesen, William Corporal Mackie, Frank T. Corporal Carbry, Vincent N. Corporal Guinn, Estel E. Corporal Stuart, F'oster F. Corporal Wikus, Julius L. Corporal Brott, James W. Corporal Mullendore. Lloyd C. Corporal Noll, Charles Cori)oral Brav, Francis E. Corporal Wight, Ollie O. Corporal Fawley. Wibur O. Corporal Tiabcock, Eltee Corporal Lovelace, Joseph Corporal Tndal Ave., Minneapolis, OS-MA-G. Dannybrook, N. ])., OS-MA-G. 2559 Delman St., Terre Haute, Ind,, OS-MA. Rice Lake, Wis., OS-MA. Halstead, Minn., OS-MA-G. 709 Oak St., Fargo, N. D., OS-MA. Elmdale, Kans., OS-MA. Odessa, Minn., OS-MA. Towner, N. D., OS-MA. 3507 Lafayette St., St. Joe, Mo., OS-MA. 2216 S. 10th St., St. Joe, Mc, OS- MA-W-MGF. 205 Harvard St., St. Joe, Mo., OS- MA-G. 1421 S. 10th St., St. Joe, Mo., OS- MA. Cooperston, N. D., OS-MA. Glendale, W. Va., OS-MA-W-HE. Milford, Kans., OS-MA. Ncwbrighten, iMinn., OS-MA. Spring Grove, Minn., OS-MA. Lincolnville, Kans., OS-MA. 5641 S. 2nd St., St. Joe, Mo., OS. Utica, Kans., OS-MA. Chatham, Mich. Bazaar, Kans.. OS-MA. Cottonwood Falls, Kans., OS-MA- W-S. Perth, Kans., OS-MA. Marion, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. 2103 Crosat St., LaSalle, 111., OS- MA. Aulne, Kans., OS-MA. Aulne, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Reiner, Earl S. Private Bullock, Clyd- Pvt. Icl. Roth, Jona Pvt. Icl. Kline, Henry Pvt. Id. Lovelace, Herbert Pvt. Icl. Martin, I'olbert S. Pvt. Id. Riddle, John Pvt. Icl. Wineland, Clare Pvt. Icl. Bengston, A-xel S. Private Brown, William J. Private Bnediler, Mark A Private Crisi, Morris, Private C.iu.lnian, Nolan C . Private llamill. Alexander H. Private Hanrahan, Tohn T. Private Hickman, Clarence Prvate Keeling, James A Lowe, Jesse L. Michel, Frank J. Miesse, James W. Pr vate Moore, Roger L. Pr vate Plummer, Charles Hr ivate Ray, Hardd A. I'r vate Shauvcr, Howard T Private Sowden. Earl G. .Pi- vate Johnson, Nels E. Pi vate Romberger. Roy V. Pr vate Hall, Jasper N. Fr vate Andrews. John M. Pr vate Aniswitz. Jacob Pr vate Gertzfeld. Sam Pr vate Templin, George A. Pi vate Raraona, Kans., OS-MA. Wilsey, Kans., OS-MA-W-S. Hillsboro, Kans., OS-MA. Marion, Kans., OS. Hillsboro, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. Utica, Kans., OS-MA-G. Marion, Kans., OS-MA-W-HE. 725 S. 14th St., St. Joe, Mo., OS- MA-W-HE. 342 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn., OS-MA. Cottonwood Falls, Kans., OS-MA- W-MGF. Kulm. N. D., OS-MA-G. Glasgow, Mont., OS-MA-W-HE. Utica, Kans., OS-MA. Earlsville, HI., OS-MA. OS. Pittsburg, Pa., xander, N. D., OS. 1202 N. 12th St., St. Joe, Mo., OS. Marion, Kans., OS-MA-W-MGF. Oskaloosa, Kans., OS-MA. Oilman, Mo., OS. 916 S. Lucas St., Iowa City, la., OS-MA-W-S. Marion, Kans., OS-MA-K. Amazonia, Mo., OS-MA-MGF. Graham, Mo., OS-MA. 312 6lh Ave., Des Moines, la. 614 S. 18th St., St. Joe, Mo., OS- MA-G. 1515 Oakdale St., Burlington, la., OS. Fargo, N. D., OS-MA. Abilene, Kans., OS. Cincinnati, O. 200 12th St., Jersey City, N. J. 37 Clinton St., New York City, N. Y. 132 40th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Alga, Mich. 133 SAXl'IWRV DUTACll.AIEiXT ROSTER SANITARY DETACHMENT WITH REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS Name Ah D Rank Emkrcency Address Name and Ra Henry D. Sii ith Major Mrs. Marjorie W. Smitll, wife, Washington, Kans. Duer, Alva ( ). Richanl P. I, wis 1st I,t. Miss Helene Lewis, danghter, 4220 Schi-.iii|., Martin .\. Highland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Allen, Willam H. Wayne Allplii 1. Sgt. Icl. Mrs. Edith S. Allphin, wife, SIS Kentucky St., Lawrence. Kans. Dudley, Riisse M. Pvt. Icl, Mr. Peter Winston Dudley, father, Louisiana, Mo. Lokes, Wm. IL Emergency Address Ir. Elmer O. Duer, father, Wash- ington, Kans. Ir. William Schropp, father, Wash- ington, Kans. Ir. Daniel S. Allen, father, Wash- ington, Kans., Irs. Claire A. Swan, wife, Wash- ington, Kans. Irs. Ellen J. Lokes, 1116 S. 52nd St., Philadelphia, Penn. 134 S A \ I TA J^ \- ]>ETACHMENT ROSTER MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 139th INFANTRY Albe AME AN'D Rank E. Cooper, Caiitain Walter A. Woo.l, Ut Lt. Lewis O. Xorthrup iiul Lt. Boyd Inman, 2nd Lt. Harry H. Fleming, Jiul Lt. Meriwether, Pliilip S. 1st Sgt. Coman, James G. Mess Sgt. Schneider, Charley H. Stable Sgt. Xelson, William A. Sergeant McCabe, Eusscll E. Sergeant Earnett, Lawrence Sergeant .Tared. Marvin W. Sergeant Dickerson, James G. Sergeant Holland. Carl E. Sergeant Telford, Allen F. Sergeant Elkins, Walter E. Sergeant Hair, James L. Sergeant Urban, Carl F. Sergeant Pierce, Frank O. Corporal Dewey, William M. Codding, Almeron Cunningham. Willi; Corporal B. Corporal im D. Corporal O'Flahertv, John F. Corporal Kirkpatrick. Tcssc TI. Corporal Croy, TIarold B. Cor|.oraI Emergency Address Agnes Cooper, wife, Fowderville, Mich. Mrs. Nannie B. Wood, mother, C20 E. Broadway, Sedalia, Mo. Del P. Northrup. father, 502 East St., Tola, Kans. Mr. Otis O. Inman, father. li..!,S North College St., Decatur, III. Daniel H. Fleming, father, Willow Springs, Mo. Fontaine Meriwether, father, Broad- way and Barrett, Sedalia, Mo. Elizabeth Coman, mother, 912 East St., lola, Kans. Samuel Schneider, father, R.F.D. No. 7, Sedalia, Mo. Mayme Herring Nelson, wife, 210 East Second St., Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Elizabeth McCabe, mother, 320 N. Quincy St., Sedalia, Mo. George W. Barnett, father, Sedalia. Mo. Minnie Lucile Jared, wife, 211 Clark Ave., Warrensbnrg, Mn. William S. Dickerson, father, Car- lyle, Kans. Jtrs. Alice Holland, mother, 623 E. Tenth St., Sedalia, Mo. Edward A. Telford, father, 20tli and Warren Sfs., Sedalia, Mo. Benjamin \'. Elkins, father, 923 E. Third St., Sedalia, Mo. Tames M. Hair, father. Lock Bux No. -II, Mildred. Kans. Sebastian Urban, father, 900 West Second St., Sedalia, Mo. William J. Pierce, father, Bronson, Kans. Minnie L. Finley, mother, Leroy, Kans. Mrs. May Bell Codding, mother, 321 West Tenth St., Sedalia, Mo. Gertrude Cunningham, mother, 1507 East Seventh St., Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Julia O'Flaherty, mother, 3105 East Twentv-seventh St., Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Anna E. Kirkpatrick, mother, 624 North Chestnut, Tola, Kans. Tohn A. Crov, father. 1611 S. Lam- ine St., Sedalia, Mo. Name and Rank Greene, Albert L. Corporal Walker, George S. Corjioral Creegan, Marvin J. Corporal Franklin, Forrest C. Corporal Long, Chester S. Corporal Nicholson, Jay Corporal Smith, Luther M. Horseshoer Cone, Albert B. Mechanic Ballard, Roy G. Saddler Smith, James E. Cook ICennedy. Carl S. Cook Hoffman, George S. Cook Newton, Herbert F. Bugler Starr. Joseph A. Bugler Ard. David Private Anderson, Earl O. Private Baker. Barney Private Baker. Waller J. Private Baum, Leonard H. Private Beaiidine, Chester C. Private Bennett, Ray E. Private lyornson, Menom Private Botbyl. .Anthony Private Bourdelais, James L. Private Bowman. Hezckiah K. Private BraliVttl. Melviu Private Emergency Address Tennie Greene, mother, 1806 South Harrison, Sedalia, Mo. Willis C. Walker, father, Moran, Kans. Mark L. Creegan, father, 4640 Cote Brilliante Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Franklin, father, R.F.D. No. 11, Knobnoster, Mo. Joseph Long, father, 1202 East Thirteenth St., Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Ella Nicholson, mother. 212 Thirteenth St.. Sedalia, Mo. A. J. Crews, friend, 1600 S. Park Ave.. Sedalia. Mo. John L. Cone, father. 1523 S. Har- rison St.. Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Guy Roberts, sister. Gas City, Kans. Preston B. Smith, father, Moran, ICans. Mrs. Ova Kennedy, wife, 410 West Madison, tola, Kans. George T. Hoffman, father, Harris- burg, Penn. Thomas E. Newton, father, 13 S. Jefferson, lola, Kans. Mrs. Ella A. Starr, mother, 500 E- Twelfth St., Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Theba Ard, mother, Elsmore, Kans. Carry Anderson, mother, 238 East Eighth St., Cherryvale, Kans. Ida Baker, mother, 2118 Mullanphy St., St. Louis, Mo. John W. Baker, father. La Harpe, Kans. Mrs. Clara Baum, mother, R.R. No. 4, Sedalia. Mo. Mrs. Josephine Beaudine. mother, R.R. No. 1, Kent, Minn. Eugene H. Bennett, father. ISth and Limit Sts.. Sedalia. Mo. Martha Bjornson. Humboldt, la. Dan Hurd, friend, Ida Grove, la. Mrs. Fedelia Bourdelais. mother, 4021 \-an Buren St., Sioux City, la. Tohn Bowman, father, Wickliffe, 135 S AN IT A R Y DE'J'A CHM ENT Briggs, Carl S. P. Brouillard, Albert L. Pr Brouillaril, Cliarks E. Pr Broyles, Jesse R. Pr Biishie, Alexander \V. Pr Clark, Homer J. Pr Crisswell, John T. Pr Crochet, Wilton A. Pr Cummins, Charles C. Pr De Dow, Willi Doyle, Vai II. Duncan, Roy P. Dyck, John F.. Englund, Lawrent Eschbach, Charles Fisher, Charles Ford, Roy V. Foster, Ilopestill Fox, Bert rl F. Gillett, Donnie W. Glabes, Ruben Glover, Charles C. Gooding, George Grandstaff, I.ovvell Grinde, Selmer C. Gromer, Ernest S. llaller, Yngolfur Haves, Everett F. Philip D. Briggs. uncle, Seda Kans. Mrs. El Mor la B. Brouillard, mother, Kans. Mr B. Br lillard. nothe Moran, Kans. William G. Broyles, father, Che- topa. Kans. Mrs. Clara Bushie, wife, Hallock, Minn. Frank L. Clark, father, Trenton, Mo. John Crisswell, father, lllJ E. Sixth St., Winfield, Kans. Victoria Crochet, father, Loreauville La. Euther G. Cummins, father, 624 X. Elm St., lola, Kans. William R. Dean, father, 2405 Chestnut St., Trenton, Mo. John Riley Dow, father, Easton, 111. Daniel B. Doyle, father, Eldridge, Mo. Richard P. Duncan, father, Stans- bury. Mo. Peter B. Nichols, uncle, Aulne. Kans. Mrs. Leona Englund, mother, 620 E. Eleventh St., Sedalia, Mo. John W. Eschbach, brother, Mep- pen, 111. Mrs. Isabell Fisher, mother, Bron- son. Kans. James S. Ford, father, 612 N. Quincy St., Sedalia, Mo. Ben R. Foster, Globe Democrat Bldg.. St. Eouis. Mo. Mrs. Edna Williams, sister. Gen- eral Deliverv, Bethany, Mo. Thomas Freeman, father, 59 O. St., Iluquian, Wash. Mrs. Joehanna Gillett, mother, Princeton, Mo. Mary Glabes, mother, Weskan, Kans. Mr. Charles T. Glover, father, R.F.D. No. 4, Sedalia, Mo. John Gooding, father, Lisbon, N. Dak. Lotty Shaley, mother, Winclota, Mo. Mr. Peter R. Grinde. brother. 384S Twenty-seventh Ave. So., Minne- apolis, Minn. Alva Gromer, father. Glenn Allen. Mo. Dewey 11. llaller, brother, Bassett. Nnbr. Frances A. ITayes, father, Virgil. Heaton, Claude L. Fr Henderson. Bert E. Pri Henderson, Robert C. Pr Hilton. Theodoie E. Pr llolden, Raymond T. Pr Hoover. Charlie E. Pr Howard, Lewis Pr Iluber, Frank R. Pr Jeffries. William M. Pr Johnson, George C. Pr Johnston. Harold Pr Jordan, Olin L. Pr Kenney, Le Roy L. Pr Kinyon, Clayton G. Pr Knudsen. Knud M. Pr Kranzler He Hi Lambirth, Harry N. Pr Latimer. Bernie F. Pr' Lee, Elmer Pri Lessley. John T. Pri Lien, Ole Pri Lindsly, Charles H. Pri MacCurdy, Clyde E. Pri Malcom, Canby IL Pr Mall, Truman A. Pr Pr El 11 E. Heaton, father, Bronson, George M. Henderson, father, 304 West Pettis St., Sedalia, Mo. George M. Henderson, father, 1202 South Montgomery Ave., Sedalia, Mo Mr Martha Hilton, othe Na Mo. Anna L. llolden, mother, R.R. No. 6, Independence, Kans. Mrs. Emma Hoover, mother, Os- born. Mo. Albert J. Howard, father, Sedan, Kans. Mr. Florian Huber. father, R.R. N.T 2, Hopkins, Minn. Mrs. Johana Jeffries, mother, R.R. No. 1, Zulch, Tex. Xels P. Johnson, father, R.R. No. 1, Russell, Minn. Mr. William H. Tohnston, father, Kipp, Kans. Ruth L. Brown, aunt. 306 N. Cot- tonwood, lola, Kans. Dr. W. F. Xvenney, father, 2407 Doniphan Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. William H. Kinyon, father, Adaza, la. Mrs. Petrine Knudsen, mother, Agersbolgaard pr. Brorup, Den- mark. Jacob Kranzler, father, Aberdeen, N. Dak. Mary C. Krog, mother, R.R. No. 7, Girard, Kans. Mrs. Marie Kunz, wife, 1700 S. Sixteenth St.. Burlington, la. George T. Lambirth, father, 616 Wilkerson St., Sedalia, Mo. Mr. Robert Latimer, father, R.R. No. 2, lola, Kans. Emily Lee, mother, 624 East Mad- ison, Tola, Kans. Nora Curts, mother, 1048 South Twenty-fifth St., Argentine, Kans. Knut O. Lien, father, Langdon, N. Dak. Frank H. Lindsly, father, 104^ N. Washington, lola. Kans. Martha L. MacCurdy, mother, R.R. No. 13, Knobnoster, Mo. Mrs. Nancy Jane Malcom, mother, 607 South St.. lola, Kans. Mattie I. Mall, mother. Clay Cen- ter, Kans. Andrew Mason, father, Thor, la. Patrick 11. McCaffrey, father, Ver- di, Minn. 136 S A X 1 T ARY DETA CHMENT McKinney, Htnry Private .Meyer, August \V. Private Middleton, Carl S. Private -Miles, Marvin C. Private Miller, Claude Private Milne, Dell P. Private Mitchell, Frederick S. Private Mogan, Conrad Private Moll, Matt Moravek, J Morris. Clarence E. Private Morrison, Lenard T. Private Moss, Eugene R. Private Muedeking, Frederick L. Private Munn, Carroll B. Private Nelson, William K. Private Nickels, Lloyd O. Private Nielsen, Carl E. Private Noble, Donald J. Private Norris, Willard M. Private Norton, Everette C. Private Olein, Clarence A. Private Parvey, Jalmar Private Paulev, Edgar A. Private Price, Howard L. Private Ouinnt, Carroll Private Reimler, Charles \V. Private Richardson, Arthur B. Robinson, Kenneth M. Private Rus?ell, Benjamin C. Private Mr Bettie Jackson, Mo. John A. Mever, father, Farnham- ville, la. John Middleton, father, Bluemound, Kans. Mrs. Mattie Miles, mother, 1321 S. Moniteau St., Sedalia, Mo. (Service record at 70th Brig. Hdq. Detachment.) Mrs. Agnes Milne, mother, 822 N. Jefferson St., lola, Kans. Lydia K. Mitchell, mother, 417 E. Seventh St., Sedalia, Mo. Olaf Mogan, father, R.R. No. 3, Lake Mills, la. Jacob Moll, father, Modoc, 111. George Moravek, father, Otego, father, Pattons- Kan Edward Mo burg. Mo. George C. Morrison, father, Moran, Kans. Mrs. Margaret Moss, mother, 920 McPherson, Trenlon, Mo. Miss Louise Muedeking, sister, R.R. No. 1, Tracy, Minn. Jesse Scott, half-brother, Pollock. Mo. Andrew J. Nelson, father, R.F.D. No. 3, Anita, la. John C. Nickels, father. Colony, Kans. Christense Nielsen, wife, Tripoli, Ja Kan Noble, father, Br Clara J. Norris, mother, 217 E. Fifth St., Sedalia, Kans. Joseph C. Norton, father, Moran, Kans. Andrew P. Olein, father, R.R. No. 2, Turtle Lake, N. Dak. Jack Parvey, brother, Gockle, N. Dak. Ollie S. Wickham, uncle, Osage. lo. George Price, father. EUston. la. Mrs. Estella Quinnt, mother. 659 \V. Saratoga St., Baltimore, Md. William H. Reimler, father, Lupus, Mo. Mary E Richardson, mother, 712 Lincoln St., Liberal, Kans. Mrs. Delania Ritter, mother, Bron- son, Kans. Mrs. Ida M. Robinson, 201 S. First St., lola, Kans. Rev. James M. Russell, father, 1817 S. Stewart, Sedalia, Mo. r, Milan, Seals. Lionel A. Private Selveit, Halvor A. Private Shallop. Fred Private Sibert. Ernest L. Private Sibert, Harvey L. Private Sicks, Elza C. Private Shipley, Will Private Spafford, Hugh A. Private Stallsmith, Emery D. Private Strain, Edgar D. Private Talbot, -\athan -A. Private Tippie. Leroy Private Tordsen, George C. Private Trii.p. John D. C. Private Ulmer, John R. Private Wagner, .'Vntone F. Private Waugh, William F. Private Wennes, Edgar R. Private Wheeler, Frederick H. Private Winge, Oscar H. Private Witte. William M. Private Wilson. Earl K. Private Wood, Clarence R. Private Wright, Benjamin C. Private Young, Floyd. Private Young. John F. Private Finkelson, Nels E. Private Gann, Harvev C. Private Hoke. Oscar F. Private Johnson. Axel F. Private Ledin. Archie Privat; 137 Mr. Barney Seals, father. R.R. No. 2. lola. Kans. Mrs. Halvor A. Selveit. wife. Tur- tle Lake, N. Dak. Mrs. Mary Eellish, aunt. Scobey. Mont. M. Harvey Sibert, father, 1220 S. Barrett. Sedalia. Mo. M. Harvey Sibert, father, 1220 S. Barrett, Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. -Mary Sicks, mother, lola, Kans. Robert Thomas, uncle. Batesville, Ark. Christina Spafford. mother. Chester, Nebr. Amelia Stallsmith, wife, Morgan- ville, Kans. John W. Strain, father, 19th and Engineer Sts., Sedalia. Mo. William A. Talbot, father. 104 Maron St.. Marshalltown, la. William A. Tippie, father, Carlyle, Kans. William Tordsen, father, R. F. D. ^ No. 2. Belleview, Minn. Grace Tripp, wife. Clay Center, Kans. George Ulmer, father, Fullerton, N. Dak. W. Harry Wagner, brother, 501 W. Second St., Sedalia, Mo. John Waugh, father, Elsmore, Kans. Louis O. Wennes, father, R.R. No. 4. Spring Grove. Minn. Edward J. Wheeler, father, 107 S. Prospect St., Sedalia, Mo. Cris .\. Winge, father, Ryder, N. Dak. Frank A. Witte. father, 1900 S. Harrison St.. Sedalia. Mo. Frank Wilson, father. Windsor, Mo. Mrs. Nannie E. Wood, mother, 620 E. Broadway. Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, mother, 800 N. Prospect St., Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. Katherine Young, mother. 211 E. Fifth St., Junction City. Kans. Benjamin F. Young, father, Ran- dall. Kans. Gilbert N. Finkelson. father, RFD 1. North Branch, Minn. John Gann, father, Trenton. Mo. Frank Hoke, father. 306 N. Buck- eye St.. lola. Kans. John Ericksonm, friend. Stratcona, Minn. Ida Ledin. mother. R. F. D. No. 1, North Branch, Minn. BAND Lien, Hans Pr vat Lien, Jacob Pr vat Myers, John R. Paulson, David W. Pr Pr III Redding, Dennie W Pr vat Shackles, Pete Pr vat Thomas, Lea Roy Pr vat Ragna Hansen, sister. Granite Falls, Minn. Knute Lien, father, Langdon, N. Dak. Pearl Myers, sister, Oswego, N. Y. Andrew C. Paulson, R.F.D. No. -4, Dassell, Minn. Walter Redding, brother. Clay Cen- ter, Kans. Charles C. Shackles, father, 609 S. Lafayette St., Sedalia, Mo. Minnie Thomas, mother. Center- view, Mo., R.F.D. No. 3. Warrei , John W Raisch, John M. Jaakola , Uno Olson, Oscar Rohlik, Anthc ny John C. Warren, father. 400 East Fourteenth St., Sedalia, Mo. Daniel A. Raisch, father, 414 North CASUALS ATTACHED fath< Isaac Jaakola, Finland. A. Ferdinand Olso No. 1, North Br John F. Rohlik, father, Seaforth, Minn. r, Pomarkku, father, R.F.D. 138 BAND ROSTER OF HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 139th INFANTRY Name a James B. Ga Kan Captain Guss B. Ridge, 1st Lt. George J. Woodward, 1st Lt. John D. Heiny 1st Lt. James R. I'aynter 1st Lt. 1'". A. Appenfelder 1st Lt. John S. Bcnningfield Alfred M. Miller, 2nd Lt. William E. Galligan. 1st Lt. Schmitz, Joseph O. Regtl. Sgt. Maj. Morse, Theodore, Band Leader Gould, Jesse R. 1st Sgt. Pedigo, William R. Asst. Band Leader Porter, George E. Sgt. Bugler Ingold, Walter T. Color Sgt. Good, Wesley F. Color Sgt. Fleming, James R. Sup. Sgt. Gratton, William M. Mess Sgt. .McMahan, James R. Stable Sgt. Crouch, Alfred D. Band Sgt. Abell, Robert E. Band Sgt. Lavelle, John J. Sergeant McCord, Charles F. Sergeant King, Herman P.. Sergeant Iliff, Theodore L. Sergeant Wolfe, Eugene Sergeant E.MERGKNCY ADDRESS Mrs. James B. Garrett, wife. 915 East 18th St., Cheyenne, Wyo. Mrs. Guss B. Ridge, wife, Ilasco, Mo. Mrs. George J. Woodward, wife, 1226 N. Market St., Wichita, Kans. B. F. Heiny, father, 703 N. Frank- lin St., Kirksville, Mo. Mrs. James R. Paynter, wife, R.F.D. 2. Hannibal, Mo. W. H. Appenfelder, brother, 21-12 Ravine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. John S. Benningrteld, wife, 1904 N. 3rd St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. A. D. Pitts, wife. General Delivery, Lawton, Okla. A. H. Miller, father, Murray, la. Mrs. P. J. Galligan, mother, Carter- ville. Mo. C. J. Schmitz, father, 615 S. 14th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Charles T. Morse, father, 1127 Quincy St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Jesse R. Gould, wife, R.R. No. 2, New London, Mo. Mrs. J. W. Pedigo, mother, 613 Monroe St., Topeka, Kans Harry M Porter, brother, Milan, Mo. Mr. E. Ingold, father, 621 E. 7th St., Newton. Kans. Dr. Wesley Good, father, 409 ;4 -Monroe St., Topeka. Kans. Mrs. Dorothy R. Fleming, wife, 429 College Ave., Topeka, Kans. Samuel Gratton, father, Wakefield, Kans. Mrs. J. M. McMahan, mother, Marvville, Mo. E. E. Crouch, father, 330 Green St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. R. E. Abell, wife, 1206 E. 10th St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. J. M. LaVelle, mother. 419 E. Edward St., Maryville. Mo. Howard McCutcheon, step-father. 121 W. 8th St., Kansas City. Mo. Mrs. C. C. King, mother. Coin, la. Dr. D. A. Iliff, father, Cherokee, Kans. Mrs. L. D. Wolfe, mother, 921 Clay St.. Topeka, Kans. Name and Rank Lange, Carl II. Sergeant Fiscus, Ray Sergeant Meyres, Ferdinand W.. Jr. Sergeant Johnson, Carl J. Sergeant Gilbert, Clark O. Sergeant Craig, Harry F. Sergeant Wilson, Willard E. Sergeant Morris, Harold C. Sergeant Spargur, Frank C. Sergeant Vermehren, William H. Sergeant Cole, Charles H. Sergeant Hull, Ralph W. Sergeant Hargis, DeWitt M. Sergeant Van Brunt, Frederic C. Sergeant Bernauer, Raymond O. Sergeant Smith, Charles J. Band Corporal Haage, William R. Band Corporal Fleming. David W. Band Corporal Stafford. Robbins. Corporal Timmons, Ilarley M. Corporal Landis, Adolph H. Corporal Karnes, Frank L. Corporal Pickering, Ben C. Corporal Black, Rex R. Corporal Knee, James C. Corporal Pickerel, Archie B. Corporal Loring, Elmer A. Corporal 139 E-MERGENcv Address L. C. Lange, father, 37J2 Prospect St.. Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. F. S. Macklin, mother, 1016 E. Harrison St., Kirksville, Mo. F. W. Meyer, father, 607 N. 27th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Louise Ericson, mother, Marielund, Sweden., H. L. Gilbert, father, Chillicothe. Mo. Luther C. Craig, father, Espiro. Okla. Mrs. W. E. Wilson, wife, Chanute. Kans. Mrs. Edith Morris, mother, Hope, Kans. W. M. Spargur, father, Burlington Jet., Mo. Mrs. Emma Cornelius, aunt, 1208 Maple St., Coffeyville, Kans. Mrs. C. A. Cole, mother, 511 Shady Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. A. I. Hull, father. Valley Falls, Kans. Mrs. Lena M. Hargis, mother, Lan- sing, Kans. J. H. VanBrunt, father, 639 N. 8th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. James R. Bernauer, mother, Wellsborough, Penn. Mrs. Clara Smith, mother, 511 Fill- more St., Topeka. Kans. Mrs. William R. Haage, wife, 1631 Central Park Ave., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Mary L. Fleming, mother, 323 Hancock St., Topeka. Kans. Mabelle H. Stafford, wife. 1121 N. 2nd St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. E. DeWalt, mother. 306 W. 4th St., Newton, Kans. Mr. John Landis, father, Lucien, Okla. Mrs. Cora Karnes, mother. Over- brook. Kans. J. C. Pickering, father, 504 W. 5th St.. Coffeyville, Kans. Mrs. Ida Black, mother. Newton. Kans. Mrs. Jesse Knee, mother. Newton. Mrs. t' H. Pickerel, mother, 5535 S. 2nd St., St. Joseph. Mo. Mrs. William Loring, mother, Scan- dia, Kans. BAND Morgan, Earl A. Corporal Humplireys, John E. Reed. Nolan P. Corpor Chilcote, Ferrin H. Corpora Gardner, John A. Corpora Spiegel, Oscar Corpora Updyke, Ted Corpora Veaden, J. H. Corpora Louthan, Herman D. Corporal Sutton, Herbert D. Corporal Phelps, William A. Corporal Hammond, Harry Corporal High, William A. Corporal Lynch, Claude L. Horseshoer IJrown, William M. Mechanic Lacy, John \V. Mechanic Hughes, Erwin, E. .Mechanic Tarpley, Carl H. Coqk Mo)=fit. Callip J. Cook Rardin. Paul R. Cook Auwarter, Floyd D. Cook Savage, Arthur W. Cook Boyd. Henry Conk King, Ernest E. Cook Musician Icl. Rover, Harold T. 'Musician Icl. Ewan, Philip T. Musician 2cl. Hartley, Minor Toe Musician 2cl. Hanstine. Paid H. Jlusician 2cl. ISruncr, Tames Musician 3cl. Mrs. J. W. Morgan, mother, New- ton. Kans. E. J. Humphreys, father, Rock Is- land, Te.x. Mrs. John Reed, mother, Otterville. Mo. R. J. Chilcote, brother. Indepen- dence, Kans. F. B. Gardner, father. 1121 W. 7th St., Wellington. Kans. Mrs. George Moonan, cousin, 20-1 W. 1st St., Newport, Ky. Mrs. J. S. Updyke, mother, Ridge- way, Mo. Edward Yeaden. father, Abilene, Kans. Mrs. Helen R. Louthan, wife. May- nard, Minn. Mrs. J. H. Sutton, mother, Beth- any, Mo. Mrs. W. H. Phelps, mother, Wel- lington, Kans. Andrew Hammond, father, John- son, Kans. A. J. High, father. Milan, Mo. Mrs. Desse Lynch, wife, Webb City, Mo. Mrs. Mary H. Whaley, sister, 242S S. nth St., St. Joseph, Mo. B. L. Lacy, father, Clay Center, Kans. George F. Hughes, father. Mound Citv. Mo. Mrs. B. F. Tarplev, mother. Marv- ville. Mo. C. F. Moffit, brother, Burlington Jet., Mo. S. T. Rardin, father, Ridgeway, Mo. Mrs. J. D. Auwarter, mother. Hale, Mo. Mrs. Minnie Savage, mother, 326 Enterprise St., Abilene, I\ans. R. S. Boyd, father, Fortescue, Mo. J. T. King, father, 525 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Margaret A. Crans, mother, 308 East 3-tth St., Kansas City. Mo. Mrs. Emma C. Royer. mother, Abi- lene, Kans. Mrs. F. W. Ewan, mother, 432 W. Bdw'y. Newton, Kans. Mrs. M. T. Hartley, wife, 433 Hickory St., Ottawa, I^ans. Mrs. G. B. Hanstine. Whitewater, Kans. Mrs. Tillie Bruner. mother, Eldon. la. Musician 3cl Button, Lane A. Musician 3cl Greenlee, Samuel R. Musician 3cl Grcenman. Lovd B. Musician 3cl Henderson, William R. Musician 3rl Knopf. Roby L Musician 3ci McCarter, Arthur W. Musician 3rl Mitchell, Ralph E. xMusician 3cl Nininger, Ora E. Stitt, Earl D. Musician 3cl. Stitt. Orby J. Musician 3cl. Stocking, Clyde L. Musician 3cl. Hackney, Tames A. Wagon'" Wagone Wagon Hogan, Jerdit Koontz. Sam Nelson, James V. Wagon Stephenson, Roy V. Wagon .\bbott, Avery Pvt. Ic Bachtel, Fred J. Pvt. 1< Ball. Clarence Pvt. 1( Beason, Henry M. Pvt. li Benedict, Mvron D. lionjo Pvt. 1( 1. Burgin, Bayard T. Pvt. h Calvert. John W. Pvt. 1. Clinton. Arthur E. Pvt. 1( Collier, James E. Pvt. li Corley, Joe V. Pvt. 1. Corley, John C. Pvt. 1. Cowan. Clarence E- Pvt. 1( Mr Cambern, father, Erie, Kans. C. C. Dutton, mother, Erie, Kans. J. N. Greenlee, father, Scott City. Kans. Mrs. Loyd B. Greenman, wife, 514 Fruit St., Santa Ana, Calif. Lt. R. R. Henderson, father, Rock Island, III. Mrs. Frank Knopf, mother, Hel- ton, Kans. Mrs. W. E. McCarter, mother, 2Ist and Lime Sts., Topeka. Kans. W. Mitchell, father, Erie, Kans. Mrs. E. J. Nininger, mother, 309 Quincy St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. J. E. Stitt, mother, 1931 Van Buren St.. Topeka, Kans. Mrs. J. E. Stitt, mother, 1931 Van Buren St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Sarah E. Stocking, mothe 1113 E. 7th St., Wintield. Kans. A. J. Hackney, father, R.F.D. No. 2. St. Joseph, Mo. Thomas Hogan, father, Shubert Nebr. Peter Koontz, father, Norborne Mo. J. L. Nelson, father, Bethany, Mo Mrs. E. J. Stephenson, mother, Gal latin. Mo. W. M. Abbott, father, R.F.D. 6 Kirksville, Mo. Mrs. W. W. Bachtel, mother, Clif ton, Kans. Ball, mother, Merce Mo Irs. R. J. Beason. Play, Mo. Irs. F. Benedict, m, Mo. othe Fai ung Mrs. Millie Bonjour. mother, Ona ga, Kans. Mrs. Etta Burgin, mother, Beth any. Mo. Mrs. Kate Calvert, mother, DeWitt Mo. Mrs. Nettie G. Clinton, wife. Mad ison, Kans. J. W. Collier, father. Hardin Mo. Re Toe Corle faths Aide 140 BAND Cox, Joseph H. Pvt. Daly, Everett E. Pvt. Duff, Allen E. Pvt. Duff, Ernest M. Pvt. Duffy, Clarence E. Pvt. Eichenour, Tohn VV. Pvt. Everett B. Pvt. Ennis, Foster, Corwin F. Pvt. Icl. Gains, Henry h. Pvt. Icl. Graham, Samuel P. Pvt. Icl. Hartley, I.uther A. Pvt. Icl. Haslett, John E. Pvt. Id. Higgs, Arthur L. Pvt. Icl. Hodgson, George W. Pvt. Id. Hollowav. Lawrence W. Pvt. Icl. Hull, George W. Pvt. Id. Ishmael, Clarence Pvt. Icl. Jones, Harry E. Pvt. Id. Kern, John C. Pvt. Icl. Krenzel, Lee H. Pvt. Icl. L mbrey George F Pvt Li ndensn lith. Arth ir b Pvt Martin, Lesh <: Pvt M arshall Ed vard Pvt. McCormack, Alfred B. Pvt. McDonald, Frank Pvt. Mclntire, Carmi L. Pvt. Miller, Charles C. Pvt. Mitchel, George L. Pvt. Mc Tho Mrs. Emma J. Cox. mother, 105 S. Buckeye, Ahilene, Kans. Mrs. Lucia E. Daly, mother, Hunts- dale. Mo. Thomas E. Duff, father, 1015 E. Bdwy, Sedalia, Mo. Thomas E. Duff, father, 1015 E. Bdwy, Sedalia. Mo. Patrick H. Duffy, father. Downs, Mr Eiche other, Dur- [. E. Ennis, father, 2317 Charles St., St. Joseph, Mo. rank W. Ford, father, Madison, Mo mothe Gal- Chloe latin, Mo. Mrs. Belle Hartley, mother, R.F.D. 5, Columbia, Mo. Miss Pearl H. Haslett, sister, R.F.D. 2, Frankfort, Kans. Luther L. Higgs, father, Anderson, Mo. John Hodgson, father, 701 E. Spruce, Herington, Kans. Mrs. Alice I-Iolloway, mother, R.F.D. 5, Trenton, Mo. A. I. Hull, father. Valley Falls, Kans. Mr. N. H. Ishmael, father. Green- castle, Mo. E. E. Jones, father. Downs, Kans. Thomas Kern, father, Avalon, Mo. Henry Krenzel, father, Cheney, Kans. Charle Pvt. Icl. Pvt. Icl. Nordgreen, Axel B. Pvt. Icl. Parrott, James D. Pvt. Icl. Poole, Fred Pvt. Id. Uainey, Leslie Pvt. Icl. Kamsev, Garland A. Pvt. Id. Regester, Edgar M. Pvt. Icl. Rodarinel, Leroy Pvt. Id. Schnabel. Charles F Shelton, S Sell, Vernon D. Pvt. Icl. Stock, Emil Pvt. Id. Tiers, Ehvood E. Pvt. Icl. Stuck. William J. Pvt. Icl. \'alentinc, Delbert A. Pvt. Icl. Wiehl, Xoel M. Pvt. Icl. Zcrbine, John Pvt. Icl. Zook, John F. Pvt. Icl. .\bbott, Loyd E. Private Anderson, James M. Private Asher, Thomas L. Private Baldwin, James M. Private Barnhart. William C. Ed. Lindensmith, father, R.F.D. ' ' Private No. 5, St. Joseph, Mo. Beal, Clarence E. Private Mr. F. L. Martin, father, Bogard, Mo. Berry, Luther Private Mrs. C. C. Spalding, mother. Stoddard, Ariz. Boes, Charles W. Private Mrs. James McCormack, mother. Bouray, John H. Private Deckerville. Mich. Mrs. K. D. Meyers, mother, Mar- Brelsford, Har ry L. Private maduke, Ark. G. A. .Mclntire. father, 302 E. 5th, Brown. Ora E. Private Cherrvvale, Kans. P. C. Ai.ller, father, 20 S. Monroe Bowman. John L. Private St., ISrooklield, Mo. Mrs. C. W. Mitchel. mother, 1107 Butler, Cliffor 1 R. Private Bluehill Ave., Boston. Mass. F. S. Morrison, father, Newton, Carlton. Guy Private 141 H. Nordgreen, father, Olsburg, Kans. Mrs. H. E. Milsap, mother, 709 S. Campbell St., Springfield, Mo. A. T. Poole, father, Jewell City, m'o. S. L. Rainev, father. King City, Mo. Mrs. C. P. Denning, sister, Ear- ned, Kans. Mrs. Lizzie Regester, mother, 101 S. (ith St.. Clay Center, Kans. Mrs. H. Watton, mother, Longton, Kans. L. J. Schnabel, father, Ionia, Mo. Sarah Shelton, mother, Memphis, Mo. Daniel D. Sell, father, 440 W. 16th St., Kansas Citv, Mo. Mrs. Agnes Stock, mother, 2229 Messaine St., St. Joseph, Mo. Ellsworth E. Tiers, brother. Clay Center, Kans. Erma Stuck, wife, Wakeeney, Kans., Mrs. Flora Valentine, mother, Over- brook, Kans. Mrs. Cora V. Wiehl, mother. Oil N. nth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Francea Zerbine, mother, Nocera-Umbrai. Italy. Mrs. Jennie Zook, mother. Skid- more, Mo. Mrs. Maude Abbott, mother, 25 F West, Hutchinson, Kans. Solomon R. Anderson, father, Ros- alia, Kans. Mrs. W. B. Asher, mother, Bigelow, Mo. Mrs. C. S. Hendrix, sister, Mich. Blk. and Stone, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Ora Barnhart, mother, Avalon, Mo. Oliver H. Beal, father, Hannibal, Mo. Miss Ester Berry, sister, Branson, Mo. Monia Boes, aunt. Earned, Kans. Mrs. Elizabeth Boehm, mother. Hardy, Nebi. Mrs. Eula Brelsford, wife, 704 Sac- ramento St., St. Joseph, Mo. Arthur E. Brown, father, Milton, la. John Bowman, father, Glen Elder, Kans. Mr. T. W. Butler, father, Mediap- olis, la. Mrs. Georgie Carlton, mother, 910 Ward Ave., Caruthersville, Mo. Carr, Charles V. ] Cavanaugh, Ernest Chamberlin, Carl \V. Collins, Frank Colvin, Sam S. Connelly, Harry Cope, Newton Crashaw, William Crump, Claude C. Davis, Tolbert J. Dayton, Howard Dobkins, John M. Dokkesven, Clarence Duree, George \V. Elder, Lawrence S. Privat Emery, William H. Privat Enslen, Roscoe Privat Estep, James K. Privat Farris, Fred W, Privat Fowler, Leroy J. Privat Garten, Robert Privat Gillespy, Walter A. Privat Gist, Harold E. Privat Gordon, Sam Gowers, George L. Privat Privat Green, Charles W. Privat Gunby, William E. Privat Hall, John (-.. Privat Hall, Claude Privat Harbert, }Ingh P. Privat Harper, Tliaddeus S. Privat Harrington, Lawnie E. Privat Hart, Donald R. Privat liolliday, George I. Privat Holloway, Avillia Priva Hoselton. Emerson Priva Howard, Carl C. Priva Hugo, John R. Hull, Warren Priva Priva Jacques, George L. Priva Jewell, Carl C. Priva Johnson. DonaM W Priva Jones. Frtil R. Priva Kehl. Willard B. Priva Kehoe, Charles B. Priva Kuchera, Joseph C Priva Larkin. James E. Priva Lower, Fred W. Priva Mrs. Bessie Carr, wife, R.F.D. No. 3, Plymouth, HI. Miss Lena Cavanaugh, sister, Platte Citv, Mo. Mrs. Delcie Ash, sister, Corbin, Kans. Mrs. Vergia Sinkhorn, sister. Straight Creek, Ky. Mrs. E. L. Colvin, mother, 2600 Gilbert St., Marinette, Wis. Mrs. Angeline Connelly, mother, St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Frank C. Cope, mother, 1516 New Hampshire, Lawrence, Kans. Miss Evelyn K. Hickey, friend, 709 Lawrence St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Zella V. Heizer, sister, Mo- lino, Mo. Mrs, Nettie B. Davis, wife, O.xford, Kans. William H. Dayton, father, 204 Pine St., Abilene, Kans. Mrs. Minnie Dobkins, mother, 412 East 8th St., Abilene, Kans. Bertha Dokkesven, mother. New London, Minn. Mr. Miles Duree, father, 3rd St. and Norton Ave., Bartlesville, Okla. Mrs. L. A. Elder, mother, 330 N. Main, Eldorado, Kans. Mrs. Bessie Emery, wife, 1817 S. Main St., Wichita, Kans. Mrs. Fannie Enslen, mother, 1226 Market St., Hannibal, Mo. Mrs. M. Stephenson, mother, 610 N. 12lh St.. St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Julia Schaufler, mother, Troy, Kans. Mrs. Maggie Fowler, wife, R.F.D. 21, Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Robert Garten, wife, Mary- ville. Mo. Mrs. Arminta Gillespy, mother, 213 S. Pine St., Nowata, Okla. Joseph T. Gist, father, 618 N. Grand Ave., Enid, Okla. Ben Finn, friend, Hibbing, Minn. Mrs. Maude M. Gowers, mother, Thayer, Mo. Mrs. Phoebe Green, mother, 926 W. 3rd St., Eldorado, Kans. Mrs. Cathrine E. Wells, sister, Br, Mo. Jesse Hall, father, 1202 S. Ann St., Kirksville, Mo. Mrs. Emil Hall, wife, Wilson, Kans. Mrs. K. Harbert, mother, Hayti, Mo. Mrs. Anna B. Harper, mother, 502 Lafayette St., Topeka, Kans. M. J. Harrington, father, 819 Mer- chant St., Eldorado, Kans. Charles H. Hart, father, 1425 Bos- well St., Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Lizzie Holliday, wife, Spear- ville, Kans. Mrs. Martha Holloway, molhcr, Hardin, Mo. Mrs. Sevina Hoselton, mother, Mi- lan, Mo. Mrs. Maddie Howard, mother, Hol- comb. Mo. J. T. Hugo, father, Mulvane. Kans. Mrs. Ella Hull, mother, Clay Cen- ter, Kans. Frank Jacques, father, 1535 N. Har- rison, Topeka, Kans. W. H. Jewell, father, Burrton, Mrs. jvi. W. Johnson, mother, Bel- oit, Kans. Mrs. H. L. Jones, mother, 1031 Santa Fe St, Atchison, Kans. Lewis Kehl, father. Valley Center, Kans. Mrs. Mary Kehoe, mother, 730 Car- penter Place, St. Louis, Mo. John V. Kuchera, father, Cuba, Kans. Mrs. Winifred Clark, sister, 19 Sackett St.. Westfield, Mass. Mrs. Anna Scott, sister. Marceline, Mo. Mason, Albert J. Pri xMcArthur, James L. Pr McCosh, Harry P. Pr McGlasson, John A. Pr Murdock, Delbert Priv Mulkey, Myron M. Priv Moss, Daniel Priv Naslund, Clarence L. Priv Neville, Fred Priv Norman, Clyde C. Priv Patterson, Edward C. Priv Poppe, Tobbe E. Priv Prashaw, Cecil .L Priv Reynolds, Henry O. Priv Robb, Ashel Priv Root, George E. Priv Sanberg, Justus A. Pri\ Sandman, Earl W. Priv Schnabel, Loren J. Vx\\ Scott, John E. Prii Shaw. Wilburn T. Pri^ Shaver, Arthur L. Pri\ Shellinger, William H. Pri, Sherrow, Carl F. Pri, Shirk, Alonzo D. Prii Shirley, Charles C. Pri, Shook. Wilbur V. Prii Shuey. John S. Pri, Simpson. Clarence A. Pri' Salisbury. David Prii Spencer. Jack Prii S|)ielman. Roy V. Pri. Steinberg, Shirley Pri' Steinman, TTarry IT. Pri' Swager. lul. Prii Tingley. Edgar S. Pr!' Varelman, George E. Pri' Wagner. Francis E. Pri' Watson, Vernice E. Pr^- Watts. Robert R. Pri' White. Lvsle C. Wigham. 'Williar Wise, Everett W. Albert Mason, father, 500 Buff St., Hannibal, Mo. Mrs. Clara Hinds, mother, 1310 Lindle Ave., Hannibal, Mo. Mrs. William McCosh, mother, Ab- ilene, Kans. Mrs. S. E. McGlasson, mother, 500 W. 6th St., Newton, Kans. Thomas Mericle, father. Noble, HI. Miss May Miles, sister, 703 N. Main St., Garden City, Kans. Sam Morris, father, Mexico, Mo. Mrs. Carrie Morris, mother. East 6th St., Trenton, Mo. Mrs. Laura M. Roberts, sister, Gladwin, Mich. Mrs. W. D. Mulkey, mother, 220 N. 1st St., Herington, Kans. Mrs. Bessie Moss, mother, 1523 Bacon St., St. Louis, Mo. Miss Sylvia E. Naslund, sister. Clay Center, Kans. A. R. Neville, brother, 516 Harri- son St., Topeka, Kans. Frank Norman, father, R.F.D. 6, Columbia, Mo. Mrs. Rosa Patterson, wife, Newton, Kans. Mrs. Pauline Poppe, mother. Cen- tral City, la. Mrs. Mina Prashaw, mother, Ful- ton, N. Y. Cyrus Reynolds, father, Maryville, Mo 1011 Lal- Lue Robb, mothei ley St., Hannibal, Mo. Mordecai O. Root, father, 2308 Davis St., St. Joseph, Mo. C. W. Sanberg, father, Taylors Falls. Minn. Mrs. Gertrude Sandn 154 Lamartine S Pla Ma mother, Jamaica Mrs. Loren T. Schnabel, ville, Mo. Mrs. Vivian R. Scott, ife, Mary- vife, Man- Kan father, Randall, Edward Shellinger, father. Glen Elder, Kans. Mrs. Nora Sherrow, mother, Lare- do, Mo. David M. Shirk, father, 215 E. 5th St., Abilene, Kans. J. A. Shirley, father, Syracuse, Kans. Margerite Shook, mother, Abilene, Kans. James H. Shuey, father, Lemon, Penn. Laura M. Simpson, mother, 207 S. 2nd St., Abilene, Kans. William H. Salisbury, father. Nov- inger. Mo. Mrs. Dela Spencer, mother, 1710 Faraon St., St. Joseph, Mo. George Spielman, father, Ozawkie, Kans. Mrs. George Vanorsdale, sister, Hope, Kans. John H. Steinman, father. Republic, Kans. Mrs. Agnes Swager, mother, Mar- celine, Mo. Marie Tingley, sister, 226 S. Front St., New Richmond, Ohio. Jesse Varelman, mother, Hymer, Kans. John E. Wagner, father, Burling- ton, Kans. T. M. Watson, father. Hazelton, la. Gera Watts, father. Mount Morris, HI. Ma Mrs. Florence Briggs, celine. Mo. H. E. White, father, Wheling, Mo. G. W. Wigham, father, Wellington, Tex. Mrs. Mary T. Wise, mother, 619 West St., Topeka, Kans. T. A. Wood, father. Oblong, III. Benjamin T. Wnodlev. father, Svra- 142 ROSTER OF SUPPLY COMPANY, 139th INFANTRY Name and Rank Charles J. Hall, Major Arthur F. Amick, 1st Lt. George T. Worthen, 1st Lt. Charles \V. Graham, Jr., Jnd Lt. Harry E. Malloure, 1st Lt. Ldwin V. Burkholder, 1st Lt. John L. Creech, 2nd Lt. Donnel, Calvin RegtI. Sup. Sgt. ilcCutchen, Robert J. Regtl. Sup. Sgt. Mall, Albert iM. Regtl. Sup. Sgt. Dalton, Morris S. 1st Sgt. Robinson, Jasper C. Sup. Sgt. Murnane, William M. .Mess Sgt. Lowe, Lieorge Stable Sgt. Cummings, Charles C. Sergeant Smoot, Charles C. Sergeant Daubenspeck. Gc ge W. Sergeant Sergeant Davis, Claude Anderson, Jesse L. Sergeant Terror, Joseph D. Sergeant Pullem, Emerald A. Corporal Letcher, Fred Corporal Sparks, George Sergeant Torbert, Mark Corporal Burkhardt, William Hs. Murray. Andrew W. Corporal Gerlach, Phillip Corporal Johnson, Harold F. Corporal Myers, Lee J. Corporal Elniore, Lester R. Hs. Hayes, Perry J. Shannon, Garland E. Hs Hooper, Othal L. Reed, George E. Saddler Greenland. Donald C, Saddler Amos. Jake Mechanic Amos. Claude L. Mechanic Brown, Curtis Pvt. Id. Carter, Frank F. Mechanic Judkins. Carl ATechanic Connett. Carrol H. Mechanic r.arnes. Eddie A. Cook Hoyd. Henry E. Cook Bryson. George Cook Patterson, Edward C. Cook Home Address and Remarks Robidoux Hotel, St. Joseph, Mo., OS-MA, Sup. Co. 4th Mo. As- signed to 110th Supply Train Feb. 19. St. Joseph, Mo., OS, 4th Mo. Sup. Co. Assigned to Railway work. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. M. OS Assigned to Co. H. 139th. Unknown, OS. Assigned to Re- mount service. Caruthersville, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. B. Ob-MA. Marion, Kans., 3rd Kans. Co. M. OS-MA. Kentucky, OS-MA. Okeene, Okla., 4th Mo. Sup. Co. OS-MA. 414 Angelique St., St. Joseph, Mo., Sup. Co. 4th Mo., OS-MA. Robidou.x Hotel, St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Sup. Co., OS-MA. 717 Albermarle St., St. Joseph, Mo., Co. M. 4th Mo. OS-MA. Oronogo, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. A., OS- MA. 621 6th St., Bismarck, N. D., Camp Dodge. MA. 1204 Boyd St., St. Joseph, Mo., Sup. Co., 4th Mo., OS-MA. 912 South 14th St., St. Joseph, Mo., Sup. Co. 4th Mo., OS-MA. 2114 Bartlett St., St. Joseph, Mo., Sup. Co. 4th Mo., OS-MA. Petroleum, West Va., Co. F. 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B. 3rd Kans., OS-MA. 414 West Second St., Maryville. Mo., Co. A. 4th Mo., OS-MA. Caruthersville, Mo., Co. B 4th Mo., OS-MA. Lathrop, Mo., 4th Mo. Sup. Co., OS-MA. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Sup. Co., OS. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Sup. Co., OS-MA. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. M, OS. Palmyra, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. E, OS- MA. Kensington, Kans., 3rd Kans. Co. M, OS-MA. Crown Point, Ind., 4th Mo. Sup. Co., OS-MA. Forest City, la.. Camp Dodge, la., OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kans., Co. A 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Coffeyville, Kans., Co. A 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Tina, Mo., Co. E 4th Mo., OS-MA. Regard, Mo,, Co. E, 4th Mo., OS- MA. Huntington, Mo., Co. E 4th Mo., OS-MA. Friedensburg. Pa., Sup. Co., 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Bellwood, Pa., 3rd Kans. Sup. Co., OS-MA. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. M. OS-MA. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. M, OS-MA. Coffey, Mo., Co. M 3rd Kans., OS. St. Joseph, Mo., 4th Mo. Sup. Co., OS-MA. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS- MA. St. Joseph, Mo., Hdq. Co. 4th Mo., OS. St. Joseph, Mo., Sup. Co., 4th Mo.. OS-MA. Fortescue, Mo., Co. L 4th Mo., OS- MA. Coffevville, ICans., Co. A 3rd Kans.. OS. Unknown, OS. Name and Rank Smith, Fred Cook Billington, Allen Cook Lash, Harlow W. Cook Gral¥, Walter A. Cook AUbrccht, Edmund C. Wagoner ..\nderson, Fred Wagoner Anderson, Edward V. Wagoner Arnold, Hobart Wagoner liassham, James C. Wagoner Beisel, Gottred F. Wagoner Blake, Halolm L. Wagoner Brake, Carey G. Wagoner Bre vste r, Willard O. Wagone Bre uiin g, George T. Wagone Bur ,am William M. Wagonei Carter. Daniel Wagone Cart righ t, Claude Wagonei Cass elman, Gideon, Wagonei Cha ley, David Wagone Cha ney. Roscoe Wagone e, Lloyd F 'Wagonei Cooper, Albert E. Wagonei Cor urn. Roy J. Wagone Crawford, Oliver L. Wagone Crc son Hardie L Wagone Den , Leonard C. Wagone Den ton, Samuel R. Wagone Dot glas John J. Wagone Douglas, Joseph B. Wagoner Dorcas, Everett H. Wagoner Dyson, Melvin Wagoner Douglas, Levern Wagoner Duncan, Elmer E. Wagoner Egbert, Rollin E. Wagoner Fennell. Jesse A. Wagoner Fie dug, Thomas H. Wagoner ler, Fred F. Wagoner Foley, Harry Wagoner Forth, Arlie M. Wagoner Gardner, Raymond R. Wagoner Grout, Wilmer O. Wagoner Green, William Wagoner Hcnson, Everett H. Wagoner Hicks, Luther Wagoner Horton. James L. Wagoner Hurst. Millard Wagoner Home Address and Remarks Niotaze. Kans., Co. D 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Kewanee, Mo., Co, B 4th Mo., OS- MA. Enterprise, Kans., Co. E 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Woolridge, Mo., OS-MA. Camp Funston, Kans. Norhornc, Mo., 4th Mo. Co. H, OS- MA. Laclede, Mo., Co. I 4th Mo. OS-MA. Laclede, Mo., Co. I 4th Mo. OS-MA. Unknown Co. 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Moko, Ark. Marion, Kans., 3rd Kans. Co. M, OS. 812 Brooks St. Avenue, Topeka, Kans., 3rd Kans. Sup. Co., OS- MA. 1002/2 East Sth St., Topeka, Kans., OS-MA. 3rd Kans. Sup. Co. Sedan, Kans., Co. D 3rd Kans., OS- MA. Unknown, OS. 3rd Kans. Co. M. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Bentley, la., Co. 4th Mo., OS-MA. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS- MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS- MA. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS. Peabody, Kans., Co. M 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Bazaar, Kans., Co. M 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Seneca, Kans., Sup. Co. 4th Mg., OS-MA. Tina, Mo., Co. H 4th Mo., OS-MA. Caruthersville, Mo., Co. B 4th Mo., OS-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Kirksville, Mo., Co. C 4th Mo., OS- MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Vermillion, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Oskaloosa, Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS. 416 Spruce St., Herington, Kans., Co. I 3rd Kans., OS-MA. Williamstown. Kans., Co. B 3rd Kans., OS-MA. RED 7, Newton, Kans., Sup. Cc 2nd Kans., OS-MA. St. Joseph, Mo., Sup Co. 4th Mo OS. Camp RFD I, Lake Wilson, M Dodge, OS-MA. Gackle, N. D., Camp Dodge, OS MA. Lebanon, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS MA. Topeka, Kans., Sup. Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Kansas City, Kans., Co. E 3i-d Kans OS-MA. Beloit, Kans., Sup. Co. 3rd Kans. OS-MA. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS MA. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS. Tarkio, Mo., Co. A, 4th Mo., OS. Kirksville, Mo., Co. C, 4th Mo.. OS- MA. Tarkio. Mo., Co. A 4th Mo., OS- MA. 143 Ileines, Herman Wagoner Jenkins, Sidney W'agoner Johns, Claude I. Wagoner Jorgenson, Albert W. Wagoner Judkins, Cecil Wagoner Kelsay, Jesse L. Wagoner Kinder, William F. Wagoner Kelley, George J. Wagoner Kindler, Ernest Wagoner King, Joseph F. Wa^ioner Knox, Fred Wagoner Lnebke, William M. Wagoner Larson, Leonard Wagoner lply Company Charles J. Hall (Supply Officer) James F. Going (Att.) John B. Sharp Capta Company W. F. Logan (Com.) Peyton (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: Richard B. Wilson Walter A. Wood 2nd Lieutenants: Louis C. Northrup George J. Hunt Joseph L. Darr ,\ Company Captains: Thomas E. Herridge (Com.) Edgar H. Dale (Att.) Ist Lieutenants: Blanton V. Eenlley M. H. Hall 2nd Lieutenants : Homer Yale Charles Barndolar C Compani Captains: Jasper N. Gates (Com.) William H. Perrigo (Att.) 1st Jvieutenants : Samuel A. Daugherty Raymond W. Cater 2nd Lieutenants: Charles O. Hall John D. Heiny D Companj Captains: William C. Williamson (Co George W. Wark (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: Angus J. Nicholson Gus. S. Gehlbach 2nd Lieutenants: Jesse H. Wilson Homer B. Loman E Company Captains: Karl C. Bostwick (Com.) Robert W. Lindenstruth (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: Paul C. Radford William McDonald 2nd Lieutenants: Humphrey Biddle James W. Paynter F Company Captains: Irving A. Often (Com.) Asbury Roberts (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: Charles W. Clark William E. Galligan 2nd Lieutenant: George H. Klinkerfuss Capta G Company Randall Wilson (Com.) Arthur W. Snyder (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: Edward Hanby Arthur A. Axline 2nd Lieutenants : Carlyle Wilson iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 150 H Company Captains : Toseph H. ^^cQueen (Com.) Charles H. Brown (Att.) 1st Lieutenants; John W. McManigal Brown Dyer 2nd Lieutenants : Ralph F, Lucier Ralph H. Cox I Company Captains : A. M. Ellett (Com.) James B. Garrett (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: Matthew Guilfoyle Robert W. Roberts 2nd Lieutenants : Ralph W. Martin Ross Diehl K Company Captains: John E. Wells (Com.) Howard M. Randall (Att.) 1st Lieutenants: George C. Brewster Coburn Hull 2nd Lieutenants: John F. Raster "W. L. Crockett Capta L Company 1st Lieutenants: Asa R. Black- Charles E. -Munn 2nd Lieutenants: William H. Haupt Moss Fomet M Company Captains: Charles E. Holt (Com.) George L. Allison (Att.) 1st Lieutenants : Edvin V. Burkh older George T. Worthen 2nd Lieutenants : Walter C. Dickey William R. Carpenter Medical Officer Major Henry D. Smith (Com.) Major G. O. Cuppaidge (Att.) Captains : George W. Belshe Charles P. Lewellen 1st Lieutenants: George M. Boteler Herbert JI. Webb John F. Coffman A. Eugene Harrison 1st Li' nts: Dental Surge Ray W. Carter (Com.) Thomas L. Crow (Att.) Robert H. Heil Forrest Kutz Tames A. Taylor Walter Cronkite 1st Lieutenant: Myron Collii Chaplains ROSTER OF OFFICERS. 139TH FIELD Colonel Carl L. Ristine, Conunanding Regiment Lieutenant Colonel: INFANTRY. FEBRUARY 28TH. 1919 AND STAFF Regiment at Large Com. 3rd Battalion son, Com. 2nd Battalion Major Robert C. Heywa; Major William C. Willi; Major: Captains : Angus J. Nicholson, Personnel Adjutant Hugh B. Dudley, Adjutant, on leave Matthew Guilfoyle, Operations Officer John D. Heiny, Intelligence Officer, on leave 1st Lieutenants: Lewis E. Hansen, Adjutant 1st Battalion William J. Oakes, Adjutant 2nd Battalion Coburn Hull, Adjutant 3rd Battalion Chai 2nd Liet And les W. Barndolla itenants : :w G. Osbori nd Armv Hq. Thomas R. D'onogh Int. Offic Int. Officer Int. Officer, 3rd Bn 1st Lieutenants: Myron S. Collins. Chaplain, on leave William V. Meredith, Chaplain, 2nd Bn. Daniel Lane, Chaplain, 3rd Bn. DS-SchooI. Jesse W. Wilson, Asst. Operations Officer 2nd Lieutenant : Earl M. Robertson, Regimental Gas Officer. Captain : James B. Garrett (Attached) Headquarters Company Captain : Ralph F. Lucier, Commanding Co. 1st Lieutenants: R. E. Littleton Edward S. Carmack, Acting Regt. Adjutant. 2nd Lieutenants: Albert D. Pitts H. L. Brown Supply Company Captain: Charles J. Hall, Regt. Supply Officer 1st Lieutenants: Harry E. Malloure Edwin V. Burkholder, DS-French Universi Olin Ruth 2nd Lieutenant : John L. Creech, DS-French University. 151 Machine Gun Company Captain: Albert E. Cooper, Com. company 2nd Lieutenants: Roy C. Ireland Kdward Ennis Forrest T. Sark Attached. 2nd Lieutenant: Wilford D. Mills (Assigned to regiment) A Company Captain : Ross Diehl, On leave 1st Lieutenant; Edward Johnson Commanding comi)any 2nd Lieutenants : George S. Downing Harry Ross B Company Captain William A. Smith, Commanding compan 1st Lieutenants: Paul A. Cannady, Sick in Base Hospital 91 Charles F. Fowler 2nd Lieutenants; Wilham C. Winter Gordon K. Goltz, Town AIaior-\-ignot C Company Captain Raymond W. Cater, Commanding Ist Bn. 1st Lieutenants: George L. Prindle Frank L. Armistead, Commanding Company George H. Stephens, On leave 2nd Lieutenants: Joseph M. Forsthove Attached Richard P. McDonald, Sick in Base Hospital No 91. D Company Captain Gus S. Gehlbach, Commanding company 1st Lieutenant: Thurston J. Morris, SD-Division Football Tean 2nd Lieutenants: Lawrence L. O'Kelley, On leave Ralph C. Davis James D. Gillespie E Company Captain George H. Klinkerfuss, on leave 1st Lieutenants: Herbert C. Smith. Commanding company James 1). Martin 2nd Lieutenants : Alvin G. Steier Clarence B. Connell F Company Captain Ilonur B. Loman, Commanding company 1st Lieutenants: John A. Hoffman Byrl J. Hilt 2nd Lieutenants: Norwood K. Lillybridge Glen W. Davis G Company Captain Jesse D. Clarke, Sick in hospital 1st Lieutenants: George T. Worthen, Commanding company Edward Rode Homer Yale, Sick in Field Hospital Ralph D. Henderson 2nd Lieutenant: Noah W. Wagnon, Town Major-Euville H Company Captain Rodney J. Ludlow, Commanding company 1st Lieutenants; 2nd Lieutenants: Donald A. Eskridge Charles F. Lynch I Company Captain Ralph W. Martin, Commanding company 1st Lieutenants; Eugene A. Hirsch. Prison Officer William D. Turnbull 2nd Lieutenant : Robert L. Lovern K Company Captain Marcus J. Morgan, Commanding company 1st Lieutenants: William H. Ellenburg Oliver F. Crockett, on leave Charles M. Flynn Frederick E. Swanson, Regt. Inst, of Schools Truman O. Pooler Burr A. Davidson Homer J. Henney, DS-Freuch University 2nd Lieutenants; James .M. Brown, Sick in Ease Hospital No. 91 Stanislaus Lafond, Regt. Billeting Officer. L Company Captain Charles Ilaftle. Commanding company 1st Lieutenants: George Walters Spencer Otis, Jr. 2nd Lieutenants; Lonnie N. Young George A. Gleasou M Company Captain John Iv Ray, Commanding company 1st Lieutenants: William R. Carpenter, on leave Walter E. Ruch Klvin L. McComlick Howard N. Frizzell, DS-Hq. 35th Div. 2nd Lieutenants : H. MacMahon Mc Sanitary Detachment Major Henry D. Smith, Commanding Detachment Captain Earle F. Ristine. Regt. Sanitary Officer. 1st Lieutenants: Richard P. Lewis Halley A. Smith Paul C. Rohde John F. Coffman, SD-Division Football Team. Otto L. H. Hine (D.C.) Loos E. Wiley (D.C.) Daniel L. Taylor (D.C.) Sick in Field Hospital. Warren S. Whittle (D.C.) 152 WINNING A COMPETITION G-3 MEMORANDUM: Inter-Regimental Competitions. 1. The inter-regimental competitions as prescribed by G-3 Memorandui completed, and a summary is given below : (a) Basis of marking: 1) Condition of billets 2) Condition of kitchens 3) General appearance of officers and men 4) Condition of transportation and stable management. 5) Rendering of courtesies by officers and men 6 ) March discipline 7) Battalion close order drill competition 8> Company close order drill competition 9) Most effective method of handling athletic hour... 10) The best established educational system (b) Results of competition, showing standing of various regiments: Headquarters 35th Kxpeditionar 21 February, : of 30th Janu No. 137th Infty. 138th Infty. 139th Infty. 140th Infty. noth Ens.. 1 10.95 9.50 12.75 11.50 12.00 T 11. no 9.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 3 8.10 6.37 8.10 7.56 5.75 4 11.00 13.00 13.66 7.00 13.00 5 8.80 7.18 8.67 7.96 6.37 6 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 7 8.50 8.00 9.00 7.00 * 8 9.00 8.50 8.50 6.00 . • 9 3.50 4.00 4.00 3.00 5.00 10 2.50 1.50 2.50 3.00 5.00 Total 77.35 71.05 83. IS 69.02 62.12 •Engineers had left divisional mpetition was held. By command of Br N. HARROWER Capt., Infty., Acting G-3. To all organization Second Army, G-5 IX Corps, G-3 C. G. Officers' Con meral Dugan : H. S. HAWKIXS Colonel. General Staff Chief of Staff bat Depot, GOXDRECOURT. STEADY OF HEART. BUT SHAKY IN ENGLISH ADDRESS OF THE FRENCH COMMANDER TO THE MEN OF THE 139TH Fortr Addn ; of Va to the American Soldi< ■i^h his most he this histor :littering of te m ideal, victory The commander of this fortress is happy to sergeants, corporals and privates, who come and take garrison to them his feelings of high sympathy and best companionship. He enjoys himself with the coming of these new companions purpose and valor, full of clear energy and spirit. The glorious President, Woodrow VVilson, irresistible champion put in the scales with his powerful hand the highest force of liberty of the allied over the savage Huns. The United States with their wonderful mind of organization, their colossal abilities, their huge supplies, succeeded the wonder of gathering armies like by enchantment, crossing the Atlantic with innumerous battalions and throwing them in the battle field of liberty. It is on that everlasting stream we placed our final triumph, our hope of finishing the utter defeat of the savage enemy whom we are struggling against for more than four years. The fruitful and generous blood of the American soldiers already spread in the front of Chateau Thierry, Saint Mihiel, Verdun and Argonne, the splendid success of the Yanks obtained and that history had already been engraved on bronze tablets, are a certain warranty of which we can hope from them in future days. The same generous passions, the same love of peace built on right, the same respect of the will of nations fill us up to the same degree. Our fraternity in arms is strengthened by the community of ideal and mutual esteem. Hurrah for American people! Fortress of Vaux 25-10-lS. The C 153 iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ MEMORANDUM: I. Effective Jul be by the watch, the Adjutant's wa the prescribed WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND REGIMENTAL ORDER IN THE VOSGES. HEADQUARTERS 139TH INFANTRY, A. E. F.. July 3, 1918. ■Ml Mess Sick Fatigue Inspection of Quarters Drill Recall Stables Mess Fatigue Drill Recall Guard Mo unt / Adjutant's Call t Me Stables Retreat Inspection of rifles (Bv platoons) N. C. O. School Call to Quarters Taps FORMATIONS— Re Reference Po right of line at fork of road near Pi Vicinol. 3rd Bn.. will form in like m; intersection of roads. Formations will leader who in turn will report to the co crossroads and receive the report of th. Twenty minutes befi , no bugle calls will be sounded n clock being the official time lits and individuals will be in following schedule will govern he nceforth at Ihi if the clock i« ce and all foi DAILY (Except Sat. & S 5:45 A.M. 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:15 7:30 .) SATURDAY 5:45 A.M. 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:15 7:30 11:30 11:45 11 :30 11:45 12 noon 1:00 P.M. 1:30 5:00 12 noon 5:45 5:45 P.M. 6:00 6:40 7:30 6:00 6:40 7:30 7:35 8:00 9:00 9:15 7:35 9:00 9:15 and Retreat. Road iutersectio II at Pc ■ lit dcs Ch '.amfiovs. 2nd .Ml formations ng, the Regime] impleted exactly will ntal at SUNDAY 5:45 A.M. 6:00 6:30 7:00 leral inspection ommanders) 8 t Church 10:30 11:45 by o 10 xtendii -idge ill form in line with th along the Chemin th the left post at the Pont d positions, at at tent take thei cease pi; play a concert during th mediate commander in the t des Champions and by platoon units, the platoon sergeant reporting to the plat' pany commander. The Officer of tiie Day will take post at th company commanders. |)rescribed for the reveille and retreat format narche pions and play lively wo minutes before the presci retreat will play the Star Spangled ipection. Independent compani' spective areas. in 130 cadence while the ibed time for the formatic ianner. Following ret real ■s will form under directi nd will nd will Battalion and independent c instruction, in conformity to the Di' struction schedule. mmanders ; and wi of the copies their respectivi minutes squad and twenty minutes platoon d enroute to and from drill. During all drills liaison with Regimental Headquarters, sending office, showing the present location and the UNIFORM AND APPEARANCE. For reveille and retreat formations: ( shoes. All officers and men will shave daily talion and inrependent company commanders GAS MASKS. Will be worn by all officers and men f pany commanders will prepare their on schedule, and submit in advance t' Battalion and separate units will fori have not less than forty minutes clos ) "" nd othe I hourly reports by own weekly schedule of these headquarters three under the direction of order drill daily (twenty 1 of arms will be frequently practiced while istruction battalion commanders will keep up mners or cyclists to the Adjutant's These reports will be checked up. ibe the uniform for drill and field 10:30 A.M., no matter what duty er olonel Ristine: WALTER M. MANN. C.ipt.iin l.^-^th Infantry. Adjutant. WELL WON PRAISE of th. IK-adq 139th Infantr\ irters 35th Dii Expeditionary 5th August. 191S. Thomas Hopkins. 139th Infantr r takes great pride Lieutenant Hopkins July JO, 1918, 154 not a member of the raiding party, voluntarily left his combat gronp, and, passing through the enemy barrage of artillery and machine gun tire, went to the rescue of a private soldier, who, wounded and crippled, had become entangled in the wire. Successful in reaching the wounded man, he himself was fatally wounded while assisting him to cover. This brave and unselfish act, which ended a most promising career, is only an incident in this great world's struggle, but it serves to show that in the desperate hour of need the officer and enlisted man fight shoulder to shoulder in the brotherhood of arms. II. The Division Commander desires to commend the soldierly conduct of the officers and enlisted men of the following units participating in a raid on Landersbach July 20, 1918: Am.erican Units First Battalion. 137th Infantry Company D, 129th Machine Gun Battalion Sanitary Detachment, 1st Bn., 137th Infantry Company G, 139th Infantry. French Units 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 8th Batteries 35th R. A. C. 7th, 8th. 9th and 13th Batteries 2nd R. A. M. 10th and Hth Batteries 125th A. T. 1st Battery, 8th R. A. P., 2nd, 3rd, and 24th Bat- teries, VIII C/III R. A. M. III. The Division Commander takes great pleasure in citing in General Orders the following named officers and enlisted men for gallant conduct in action against the enemy in a raid at Landersbach on July 20th, 1918.— Captain Rov \V. Perkins. I37th Infantry, 1st Lieut. Emil Rolf, 137th Infantry, Ist Lieut. Paul W. Masters, 137th Infantry, 1st Lieut. Louis R. Scott, 137th Infantry, 1st Lieut. Walter H. Kirkpatrick, Medical Corps, N. G., 2nd Lieut. Arthur L. Theiss, 137th Infantry, Sergeant Jackson E. Walker, Company G. 139th Infantry, Corporal Carl W. Turner, Company G, 1 39th Infantrv, Private Earl D. Sullivan, Company B, 137th Infantry, Private Earl P. Busser, Company D, 137th Infantry. By command of Major General Traub: E. B. HASKELL, Lieut. Colonel, General Staff, „^„,^,., Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: WM. ELLIS Major, N. G., U. S., Acting Division Adjutant. Headquarters 35th Division American Expeditionary Forces „„.,„ . l-tth October, 1919. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 82 1. It is with great pride and pleasure that I make record, and publish in General Orders, mv appreciation of the courage and devotion to duty of the officers and men of the following units under my command during the six days' battle against the picked troops of the enemy, from September 26th to October Ist. 1918: Headquarters 35th Division, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 69th Infantry Brigade, The 137th Infantry Regiment, The 138th Infantry Regiment, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 70th Infantry Brigade, The 139th Infantry Regiment, The 140th Infantry Regiment, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 60th Field Artillery Brigade, The 138th Field Artillery Regiment, The 129th Field Artillery Regiment, The 130th Field Artillery Regiment, The 128th Machine Gun Battalion, The 129th Machine Gun Battalion, The 130th Machine Gun Battalion, The 110th Regiment of Engineers, The 110th Field Signal Battalion, The 110th Supply Train. The 110th Ammunition Train, The 110th Sanitary Train. The 1 10th Trench Mortar Battery, Headquarters Troop 35th Division, 2nd Brigade Tank Corps, Provisional Squadron, 2nd Cavalry, Troops, B, D, F and H. 2. The task of making of record the individual acts of courage and devotion to dutv in the face of a most deadly artillery and machine gun fire is an impossible one, for many of them will never he known. No greater praise nor commendation to the officers and men of the units mentioned above can be bestowed than to say that they have performed the tasks set for them, in a spirit and manner worthy of the best ideals and traditions of the American Army. Vou have met and defeated picked divisions of the enemy. You never failed to respond cheerfully to whatever difficult and dangerous tasks may have been let for you to perform. You have accomplished these tasks with a fearlessness, courage and disregard of danger and hardship which fully justifies the pride which those at home have in vou VAUQUOIS, BOIS de ROSSIGXOL, OUVRAGE d' ADEN. CHEPPY, CHARPEXTRY, RAULXV, 155 BOrS de MONTREHICAU, KXERMOXT. are n; your native States as having been the scenes of yc 3. The spirits of our dead comrades are wit Noble Cause. To their families and friends we • hope for a speedy and safe return to our ranks i to those of their more fortunate brothers in arms. 4. I direct that this General Order be reai at which they are assembled after receipt thereof. t you may take just pride in passing on of arms. urge us on to greater deeds in Our Countrj ur heartfelt sympathy. To our wounded \ may add their great spunk and enthusias units of this command at the first formatic PETER E. TR.\UI3, Major General, U. S. Army, Commanding. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 83 ****** EXTRACT 1. The Division Commander takes great ideasure named Officers and Enlisted Men, for gallantry in action di to October 1st, I9I8: Headquarters 35th Division American Expeditionary Forces I7th October 1918. in citing ring the si day; neral Orde battle fror First Lieutenant Otto L. H. Hine, Dental Corps, and his enlisti C. Myers, Medical Department. Displayed wonderful determination mded under heavy shell fire, rendered great assistance in dressing Jrmg litters and litter bearers over difficult terrain, where it was sistant, Private 1st Class courage in rescuing the evacuating the wounded, ssible for ambulances to OFFICIAL: WM. Lt. Col., Inf., nmand of Major General Tr, H. S. HAWKINS Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 83 * . . * EXTl ^ACT 2. The Division Commander takes great pi easure in ned Officers and Enl isted men for gallan :ion du ring October 1st , 1918: Headquarters 35th Division American Expeditionary Forces :7th October 1918. Septe Major James E. Rieger, Commanding the the attacking battalion of the — ^ Infantrv was lected about eighty men and pushed forward two thereby driving a wedge in the defensive fortitic led the two leading companies of his battalion i th, Second liattalion. 139th Infantry. Ascertaining that temporarily checked in the advance, immediately col- or three hundred meters in advance of said battalion, itions of the enemy. (September 26th.) Personally 1 an attack on Charpentry, which attack resulted capture of that town and the taking of many prisoners, machine guns and material of different kinds. (September 2/th.) Personally led a detachment of mixed elements in an attack on Exemiont, assisted in the capture of that town and pushed beyond said town several hundred meters, until told to retire. (September 29th.) Took charge of re-organization of the right half of our defensive line, after the withdrawal, and prevented the withdrawal beyond the defensive line as chosen. (September 29th.) Captain Joe W. McQueen, 139th Infantry. Led his company on the front line in the attack on the enemy artillery and machine gun positions between Charpentrv and Baulny, resulting in the capture of prisoners, artillery and machine guns: this after the advance of other troops had been checked by the enemy fire. (September 27th.) Led his company in the attack on E and was there wounded while directing his company. This advance was machine gun fire and after other troops had fallen back. (September 29th.) Captain Randall Wilson, 1 39th Infantry. Commanded a small detach tion north of Chaudron Farm, and covered the evacuation of many wounded , ^ on duty twenty-six hours, repelling attacks made by the enemy and retired only when evacuation of the wounded was completed. (September 29th-30th.) First Lieutenant John W. McManigal, 139th Infantry. Led his platoon on the front line in the attack on the enemy artillery and machine gun positions between Charpentry and Baulny, resulting in the capture of prisoners, artillery and machine guns: this after the advance of other troops had been checked by the enemy fire. (September 27th.) Led his platoon in the attack on Exermont. reaching that village, and was there wounded while directing his platoon. This advance was made against agan that village artillery and advanced posi- tillery and machine gun fire and after other troops had fallen back. (Septe Sergeant Stephen Lake, Company E, 139th Infantry. After all officers 29tli.) either killed machine guns. (Sept leading his company 1 aand anded his cor ely. (Septembe )f hi. thi captured attack on Exermont ; imand of Major General Tr: H. S. HAWKINS Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. npany had been 156 REGIMENTAL INTELLIGENCE SECTION The gallantry of this batid in battle won the highest praise. Reading from left to right, they are Capt. John D. Heiny, Corwin F. Foster, Lawrence Holloway, Franz Veer- camp, William V'ernierhen. Ferdinand W. Meyer, Jr., Lawrence Elder, Garland Ramsey and Raymond O. Bernauer. Vermerhen, Meyer and Bernauer were Sergeants. The others were First Class Privates. idquarters 35th Division, ican E-xpeditionary Forces, 17th October, 1918. The Dii ■r take gallaii EXTRACT great pl( in citin ■ing the General Orders the following named days' battle from September 26th to jimental Adjutant on Septem ; gun fire in order to assist 1 was killed while assisting in forming his sath he was wearing the insignia of First Captaincy which occurred on September Officers and Enlisted Me October 1st, 1918: Captain S. M. Brown, Jr., 139th Infantry. While K 27th, fearlessly exposed himself to intense artillery and machi ing officer by assuring the proper execution of orders. He regiment for the attack on Charpentry. At the time of his Lieutenant as he had not been advised of his promotion t 18, 1918. Sergeant Alonzo L. Reed, Company I, 1 39th Infantry. On September 26th displayed e-xcellent leadership in leading his platoon in a heroic charge against machine gun nests under machine gun and artillery fire near Charpentry and was among the first to enter that town, at which place his platoon captured a number of prisoners. Major William D. Stepp, 139th Infantry. On September 26th fearlessly and gallantly led his battalion in the face of severe and intense machine gun and artillery fire advancing against enemy strong points and machine guns which had held up another battalion for eight hours. In the attack southeast of Varennes he was killed while leading his troops. By command of Major General Traub : H. S. HAWKINS Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: WM. ELLIS Lt. Col., Inf., U. S. Army, Division Adjutant. 157 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW Headquarters 35th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, 27th October 1918. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 88 The Division Commander takes pleasure in citing in General Orders the following named o1 whose courage and devotion to duty in the face of the enemy is typical of the fighting of this Divisic Major Clay C. Macdonald. 139th Infantry, until September J8th, Postal Agent, 35th Divis learning of the death in action of his son, a First Lieutenant of this Division, he came forward to front lines and volunteered for service. He was assigned to command a liattalion and conducted hir with courage and good judgment, and, although 61 years of age, endured great physical hardships a fortitude and determination that would have done credit to many a younger man. By command of Major Ge H. Colo. OFFICIAL: WM. ELLIS Lt. Col., Inf.. U. S. Army Division Adjutant. S. HAWKINS el. General Staff, Chief of Staff. •adquarters 35th Division, rican Expeditionary Forces, 13th November, 1918. 2. Special credit for detachments, is due th Captain Oscar Hanse Major Emil Burgher, Major Henry D. Smi OFFICIAL: WM. ELLIS Lt. Col., Inf., U. S. A Division Adjutant. EXTRACT courage and resourcefulness, under fin e following Regimental Surgeons, n. Regimental Surgeon, 137th Infantry, Regimental Surgeon, 138tli Infantry, th. Regimental Surgeon, 139th Infantry. By conn nd for the effective handling of of Major General S. HAWKINS nel. General Staff, Chief of Staff. Headquarters 35th Di' American Expeditionarv 17th October, 19 8. The Di\ devotion to duty, Dii' ■ the face of the EXTRACT ?s great ijleasure i emy, of the follow Corporal Forest L. Spidle, Company I, 139th Infantry. I9I8, Corporal Spidle, with three men was sent out to While endeavoring to perform his duty he was twice severely accomplish his task, which, on account of his wounds, he was ed Officers and Enlisted Me At about 5:00 P.M. ter and outflank a nded but persisted n September aachine gun going forwa 11. The following nar ned Office T ol [ th le M [edi cal the face ol the enemv. dur: ing the act ior Capta in Charles ; A. Li: isk. M. C. 30th, supervi sed the ( :oIlectio ,n a nd ev tinuously for hours, ui nder he avy cnem: performance i of their d> Jty. ding General, 35th Division, takes pleasu "1 Corps, 35th Division, for n of September 26th -Octobe 'ith the 139th Infant of the wounded from Chaud id by his courage inspired tho in citing in Division Orders the s courage and devotion to duty in 1st, 1918. :ht of September 29th, Farm, working con- about him to the full OFFICIAL: WM. ELLIS Lt. Col., Inf., U. S. f Division Adjutant. By command of Major General Tr, H. S. HAWKINS Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. 158 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSSES The following awarded Distil shed Se and the the official record: COSGROVE, JOHN D., Second Lieutenant Deceased. 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Charpentry, France, Sep. tember 26-27, 1918. As battalion intelligence officer, he repeatedly went in front of his own and adjoining battalions to secure information which he conveyed to regimental headquarters over fields swept by artil- lery and machine-gun fire. When the advance of his battalion was checked by destructive hostile fire, this officer, disregarding personal danger, conducted a personal reconnaissance, locating many machine guns and strongholds. He was killed while voluntarily leading and placing troops in advantageous positions to educe these machine-gun nests. Next of kin, Mrs. Sarah Agnes Nare, 1002A Glasgow Avenue, St. Louii Mc DUNCAN, GEO. E.. Private (First Class) Company K, 139th Infantry. Upon seeing his brother killed by a bursting shell as he was leading his platoon forward, Pvt. Duncan displayed the utmost bravery and initiative in rushing forward, taking command of the platoon, which had become depleted by casualties, and was in danger of becoming dis- organized, and leading it forward in the advance. Home address, E. L. Duncan, father, Dearborn, Mo. FOUST, BENJAMIN E.. Mechanic. Company F, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary he her 29, 1918. After having one eye shot out. Mechanic F to be evacuated to the rear, but rendered first aid to himse rades, until a heavy concentration of gas so affected hi: Hii Foust, Colu the Mo. of saving the Iv and continued to drt nded eye that he ant, France, Septem- f of the opportunity wounds of his corn- forced to go to the of many of his comrades. Home address, Miss Grace GENTRY, CARL C, Private (First Class) Company D, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroi 30, 1918. Upon his own initiative. Private Gentry organiz from various units, and led it through terrific machine-gun performing this courageous feat he was severely wounded, first and Lulu Streets, Trenton, Mo. n action near Baulny, France, September L platoon composed of disorganized men stopping an advance of the enemy. In le address, John Gentry, father, Twenty- GRISWOLD, LEVI W., Corporal. Deceased. Company C, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action in Woods, France, September 29, 1918. During a hostile counterattack Corporal (jriswol disregard for personal safety, crept out from a shell hole under terrific machine-gun fire a ment in an attempt to assist a wounded comrade to adjust his gas mask. He was killed in of this self-sacrificing mission. Next of kin, Mrs. -"Mice McAninch, mother, Yarrow, Mo the Montrebeau d, with absolute nd gas bombard- the performance HEINY, JOHN D., Captain. 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroisi in order to secure important information as to the artillery fire and was twice severely wounded, the entire engagement and gave assistance in n in action near Charpentry. France, September 27. 1918, position of hostile batteries he passed through the enemy's In spite of his wounds he remained on duty throughout the reorganization of advanced positions. HINE. OTTO L. H.. Captain. Dental Corps, I39th Infantry. For extraordin September 29-30, 1918. Upon his own initiative, Capt; station in advance of the line, after the infantry had « gas and high explosive shells, dressing the patients and turned to our lines through heavy artijlery and machine' Later 1 dressing stati Next of kin othe Thro for the T. S. Hii trip to th igh his exceptio: ■-, father, 217 Court Street, Muskogee,'6kIa. action at Chaudron Farm, France, first lieutenant) went to a dressing thdraw, and worked under heavy bombardment of their evacuation. That night he re- to arrange for ambulances and litters. purpose of securing an artillery barrage to protect his nd energy;^ all the wounded men were safely evacuated. HOPKINS, THOMAS, Second Lieutenant. Deceased. 139th Infantry. Near Wesserling, July 20, 1918, he left his own safety and voluntarily went through a heavy artillery barrage to rescue a private wl: entangled in barbed wire. While engaged in this self-sacrificing effort he was killed. Edna Hopkins, wife, 1124 Bittling Avenue, Wichita, Kansas. ost of comparative was ^ vounded and Next of kin, Mrs. KELSEY, HARRY R., First Sergeant. Deceased. Company E, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Charpentry, France, September 27, 1918. Sergeant Kelsey volufiteered to carry an important message from his com- pany commander to battalion headquarters and, knowing the extreme importance of the message, proceeded by the most direct route through the heavy, machine-gun fire and artillery barrage, with entire disregard for his personal safety. He was killed while performing this heroic service. Next of kin, Mrs. Mattie Kelsey, mother, Easton, Kansas. KEMMERER, BURTRUS, Corporal. Company II, 13''th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near I'.aulny, France, R Septem. bcr 26, 1918. Seeing his battalion adjutant lying several hundred yards in front of our lines, and in great danger from heavy machine-gun and rifle fire. Corporal (then private) Kemmerer, with a total disregard for personal danger, went to the assistance of this officer and succeeded in carrying him to safety. This gajlant soldier was himselj wounded while performing this heroic act. Home address, John Kemmerer, 410 East Benton Street, Ca ollto Mc lllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^^ 159 KILFOYLE. FRANK J , Sergeant. Com]. any -M. KiVth Infantry. Under heavy machine-gvin and a an automatic rifle squad nito Varennes and captured an enemy machine-( heavy casualties on our forces, killing or wounding all the members major. Two days later he again displayed skilful leadershi].) in organiz counterattack, wliich was successfully repulsed. Home address, Mrs. Henry Street, St. Joseph, Mo. -tillery fire. Sergeant Kilfoyle led un nest, which had been inflicting Df the crew, including a German ng his platoon against an enemv Mary B. Kilfoyle, mother, 1015 MOTLEY, FRANK L.. Corporal. Company M, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroi.sm in action near Apremont, France, Sep- tember 29, 1918. When the enemy was counterattacking, having succeeded in planting machine-guns behind a smoke screen, he advanced with utter disregard of personal danger and jumped into an enemy machine-gun n-est where there were about 15 Germans. Single-handed, he killed the gunner and loader, and engaged the remainder of the Germans until he received help from his platoon. Home address, William li. Mitchell, uncle, in care of MeuUer-Keller Candy Company, St. Joseph, Mo. NORTON, EVERETTE C, Private (First Class) ■Machine Gun Company, 139th Infantry Septentbi the loss 191S. After being wounded by le rear, but continued in his duties^ foi of l)lood. Home address, Joseph Clar Por extraordinary heroi; machine-gun bullet, Pr two days thereafter, ant ice Norton, Moran, Ka 1 in action near Cheppy, France, ate Norton refused to be evacu- only stopped when weakened by OLDFIELD, WILLIE A., First Sergeant. Company H, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Baulny, France, Septem- tember 26-27, 1918. Sergeant Oldfield was in charge of his platoon when it was subjected to heavy enemy machine-gun fire, causing numerous casualties. By his word and example he held his men in Hne as a unit until nightfall, when they intrenched. Next day when the tanks appeared he led the charge upon the machine-guns which were holding up the advance. Inspired by his gallantry, his men went forward and cleared out the guns and assisted in the capture of Charpentry, with many prisoners. Home address, Mrs. Anna Oldfield, mother. Canton, Kansas. PALMER, ALVA W., Corporal. Cnmpanv K. 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in September 28, 1918. When his battalion commander asked for a battalion commander on the right, Corporal Palmer (then private) through an area exposed to intense machine-gun and artillery fire, personal safetv, and his example of bravery, he inspired all those nea brother-in-law; Weston, Mo. action south of Exermont, France, 'olunteer to carry a message to the volunteered and carried the message By this utter disregard for his own : him. Home address, Cleve Finney, RIEGER, JAMES E., Lieutenant Colonel. 13Sth Infantry. For extraordinary heroi He commanded the battalion which had, with c de Rossignol, and which was later held up for machine-gun fire. He placed himself in front to the attack with such speed and dash that Home address, Mrs. James E. Rieger, Kirksvill im in action near Charpentry, France, September 27, 1918. Dnspicuous gallantry, ca7)tured Vauquois Hill and the Bois ;ome hours in front of Charpentry by severe artillery and )f all his men, and, thus starting them forward, led them I large number of the enemy were cut off and captured. ■, Mo. SEGRAVES, VICTOR L., Sergeant. 1st Battalion, Scout Platoon, 139th Infantry. F France. September 28, 1918. Sergeant Segraves volunt; machine-gun nest, which was causing many casualties With utter disregard for his personal safety he advant severely wounded by the intense fire, in the performance Segraves, mother. Perry, Kansas. SHAHAN, WINFIELD F., Corporal. Companv M, 139th Infantry. For extn September 26-28, 1918, and near Exermont, France, ith great courage ■ily formed and led a patrol against an enemy 1 his battalion, and captured one of the guns. ;d alone on another gun of the nest but was of this heroic act. Home address, Mrs. Patrick rv heroism ui action in September 29, 1918. tistantly exposed him gun and shell lire for three days in maintaining liaison between his regi companies in the front line. On September 29, he attacked, single-handed killing several of the enemy and taking one prisoner. While maki fired upon by another German machine-gun, which wounded him ii time attacked by his prisoner. In spite of his wound, he killed th his line afelv Ho addr Mr Flo Shaha noth( Ma the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Corporal Shahan, regimental elf to heavy enemy machine- nental headquarters and the an enemy machine-gun nest, way back to his lines, he was ght arm, and was at the same m with his pistol, and reached CARLISLE R.. KVnh Inf: tember 27, 1918. although wounded, led hi; kind of kin. Judge J. achine-gun Wilson, father along the valley of the .-\ii Bethany, Mo ith the adjacent dii ver and across a bi his exploit from th^ blainville, France, Sep- ion, Lieutenant Wilson, ge through the heaviest voiinds received. Next WORTHEN, GEORGE T., First Lieutenant. 139th Infantry. For exrtraordinary heroism in action near Varennes, France, September 26, 1918. Arming himself with a rifle. Lieutenant Worthen personally led an attack on a hostile machine-gun nest which was holding u\s tlie advance, capturing the position and killing or capturing the entire enemy unit, including two oflicers. Home address, Mrs. Dora E. Worthen, wife, 2739 South Eighteenth Street, St. Joseph, -Mo. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 160 WRIGHT, EARL, Corporal. Company I, 139th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Charpentry, France Sep- tember 27-28 1918. .\fter being wounded in the knee, Corporal Wright refused to be evacuated, but remained at his post for nearly 24 hours until his wounds became so serious that he was ordered to the dressing station. His e.xample of bravery and fortitude was an inspiration to his comrades. Home ad- dress, J. F. Wright, father, Bucklin, Mo. WHAT COL. DAVIS SAID Headquarters 35th Division, American JCxpeditionary Forces, 1st February, 1919. MlvMORANni'M: To Commanding Officer. 139th Infantry Regiment. 1. In a report from the I.\ Corps on the problem conducted January 31st, the following com- ments were made; "The proljlem was well handled and worked satisfactorily. The following points were observed: election of defensive position excellent; use of auxiliary weapons, excellent; disposition of troops, very ■ ■ ■ ■ ery good; orders of regimental and battalion commanders, very good; liaison fair; °° ' DWIGHT F. DAVIS, Lieutenant-Colonel, Infty., A. C. of S., G-3. LIEUTENANT COFFMAN'S STORY Headquarters 130th M. G. Bn., Office of Battalion Surgeon, American E. F., Jan. S, 1919. From: John F. Coffinan, Jr., Bn. Surgeon, 2nd Bn. 139th Inf. To: Division Surgeon. Subject: History of Sanitary Detachment, 2nd Bn. 139th Inf. during Argonne Meuse Battle, Sept. 25th to Oct. 2nd, 1918. September 25th. 1918. Battalion was located in woods about 12 kilometers South-east of Vauquois. At 10:00 A.M. our Battalion Commander notified us that in a few hours we were to take part in an offen- sive against one of the German's strongest positions and that we should make necessary preparation and hold ourselves in readiness. Immediately we had 12 men to report to us from each Company, making a total of 48 men, to act as litter bearers. There being no arm bands for these men, we quickly improvised one for each man out of an old blue blanket, stating specifically to them what their duties were to be and what was expected cf them, at the same time going over various ways of administering first aid. We then took the personnel of each Company separately and talked to them for one hour, going over the methods of checking hemorrhage and administering first aid. This was done to freshen their memories, as thev had been given lectures along these lines numerous times. In talking to them we would draw an imaginary picture of every conceivable wound and then have them apply first aid, first on themselves and then on others, all the time assuring them of the necessity of keeping a good cool head. This all paid a large dividend, as was proven by the number of men that were wounded and reported to Aid Station with their wounds dressed in fine shape, either by themselves or by a companion laying close thereby, requiring only the necessity of evacuation. We then took our enlisted personnel for one hour, having them adjust various splints and administer first aid to various imaginary wounds, equipping all but two of them with two shell dressing cases (improvised by using empty gas mask covers) containing 50 dressings. The other two were carrying 100 doses of Anti-Tetanic Serum, all that was available at the time. We then assigned two of our men to each of the Companies, instructing them of their duties and positions. At 4:00 P.M. we received an order to move at 6:00 P.M. and take up our position which was just back of the front line trenches, one kilometer South of Vauquois in an old orchard. Right here we wish to state that there was not a single man in this Battalion but what knew this Battle was coming off in a very few hours and we are pleased to state that not a single one of them presented himself at the Infirmary with any form of sickness. At 6:00 P.M. sharp we swung down the road in column of squads, marching in this formation for six kilometers, then in column of twos for four kilometers and into our position at 2:00 A.M. Sept. 25th, there waiting to perform the duties that we had so faithfully trained for during 14 long months. While laying there it started to rain and mist and a heavy fog started forming. At 4:00 A.M. we were informed bv our Major that there was a dug-out about 100 meters to our right in the trench which we could use as a First Aid Station, so there we established our first Station. At this station we evacuated only one casualty, a man from the 129th M.G.Bn., wounded in the neck by a piece nf Bosche shell. At 3:00 A.M. our barrage started and at 5:30 A.M. the Battalion went over the top. Here we wish to state that we figured it a poor policy to have only one Aid Station to the Battalion, as a direct hit by artillery would put us all out of commission, thereby leaving our Battalion in a bad way, so we there and then re- solved to have at least two and some times three stations. At 6:15 A.M. we went over the top. strung out behind our Battalion with no man closer to another than 20 meters, which was just as far as one could see in the fog. This formation was also necessary, as being spread out we could locate casualties. We advanced in this formation for 2 kilometers, only find- ing one casualty, that being 1st ht. Malcomb McDonald who had been instantly killed by a burst of machine gun bullets. Bv this time, 7:30 A.M.. we had taken Vaquois Hill and prisoners were being brought to the rear. We advanced about one-half a kilometer further and were held up for a time as we were then right behind our Battalion; here we established two Aid Stations, marked on map as 2A and 2B. 2A was established on the South side of a steep hill which was thought to be and also proved to be defalated. While we were informed about 11:00 A.M. that there were a great many wounded about 300 meters to our right in the woods; on looking around we noticed passing us about 30 German prisoners under guard. We explained the circumstances to the guards, stating that we needed litter bearers, and we had no trouble in getting these prisoners, after further assuring the guards that they could stay with us and in due time have the prisoners returned to them. Our Chaplain, one of the most fearless young men we saw during the entire battle, volunteered to act as foreman over the Bosche litter squads, so he gave them "about face" and into the woods they liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 161 we turned the b: casualties v »ere fi This wo established in a under the super\ litter beare rs and Hine was . on the structed CO ncrete of him. Not beii iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii went and in a very short time he had them littering in wounded on improvised litters such as limbs of trees with their coats on them, old bunks and blankets. We in turn dressed them and laid them along in rows on the ground on the side of the hill, as no better place was available. By 4:00 P.M. we had them all out, dressed and fairly comfortable, a total of 59 casualties. We then picked out eight of the most severely wounded and had them put on litters by the lioschc, called the two guards and turned the pris- oners back to them with orders to litter these eight men to the rear as quick as possible. At 4:30 P.M. nee over to the advance litter bearers of the 140th Ambulance Co. Nearly all these n the 137th Infantry. was performed under an almost continual artillery and machine gun fire. 3B was ench which had been widened out and made fairly comfortable by Eosche prisoners . Aon of our Dentist, Lt. Hine, and his assistant. He also used German prisoners as nd from here evacuated 19 casualties. One hour prior to establishing this Aid Station Lt. I side of Vaquois Hill and, after following the board walks past large, well con- and dug-outs, he noticed a crowd of men through the fog about 30 meters ahead :ing able to distinguish who they were, he turned to his assistant. Private Wm. C. Myers, who was following him, and asked him if he thought they were Bosche. As the assistant affirmed his suspicions, Lt. Hine held up his revolver which he had in his hand, and while trying to make up his mind as to exactly what course to pursue, the Germans saw him and all held up their hands and started toward him. There were some steps leading up to a trench that led back over the knoll between Lt. Hine and the Germans, so he waved to them to go up those steps and counted 32 of them. Falling in behind them he took them across the valley and up into the trenches from where he had started that morning, turning them over to guards who were returning with other prisoners. At 4:30 P.M. we went forward about one kilometer and established Aid Station Number 3 on the South slope of a deep ravine. From here we evacuated 21 casualties. Here we had the honor of a short visit by Major General Traub, who shook hands with all of us, inquiring as to what organization we belonged, stating that he was pleased to see the Doctors so close to the front. At 6:00 P.M. we again started forward, going about 2 kilometers without finding any casualties until we caught up with our Battalion, which was then digging in for the night on top of a hill. At this time it was dark. Here we established Aid Station Number 4. We lay here all night sleeping in shell holes. No casualties during the night. At daylight our Battalion advanced about one kilometer and were held up. We then moved up to an old cellar and there established Aid Station Number 5 at 7:00 A.M. Sept. 27th. Here we stayed until 5:00 P.M. evacuating 34 casualties. At 9:00 A.M. a runner came to us with a statement of several wounded men back South of us on the hill, so the Chaplain and I went back and dressed six men that had been severely wounded by one shell, procured litter bearers and evacuated them. We then started toward the road to get some water in our canteens as we had been told of a spring. We had not gone very far until the Bosche started dropping some shells quite close to us, so we dived into a shell hole. It had about four inches of water in it. The Chaplain hit the bolitom and I on top of him. Here we lay for 30 minutes while 75 shells dropped around us, none further than 200 meters and several as close as 15 feet, which when they exploded would nearly burst our ear drums, caused by the concussion. While laying there I saw a little mouse run around the edge of the shell hole and dart into his hole; believe me, that is the only time in my life that I wished to be a mouse. After this had been going on for about 20 min- utes I said to the Chaplain: "Do you suppose they are trying to kill a Doctor and Chaplain?" To this he was about to agree when I stuck my head over the top and saw 10 tanks coming down the road; these beyond question were what was being shot at, but the Bosche were over-shooting and the Chaplain and I in our shell hole were the goat. After this had quieted we gave our canteens to one of our men that was going past and he took them back to the dressing station with him. We then started back ourselves. While walking along I noticed two litter bearers coming along with a man on the litter, also noticed blood spurting in the air from the wounded man's shoulder. I ran to them quickly, had them lower the litter to the ground and very quickly tore off the dressing and clamped the arteries with two haemostats, applied dressing over all and sent him on back. This man proved to be Lt. Col. Dickey. He was at this time in very bad shape. We then walked forward to our dressing station again, it then being 11:00 A.M. We just got comfortably situated when they started dropping shells around us again, a few of them being gas shells. One very large one dropped about 50 feet from us, the gas quickly volatilized and was blown directly over us by the wind. I happened to be looking in that direction and saw it coming and yelled "gas" and into our masks we went, wearing them for about 15 minutes and it was all over. Lt. H. P. Lewis, who was with me, was at this time in a shell hole about 20 feet from me and did not see what was coming or did not hear me at first and thereby got a breath of it before he could get in his mask and get away. This gave him a severe headache, eyes watered and some vomiting. He then went to the rear, the last I saw of him. At 5:00 P.M. our Battalion was ordered over the top again under our machine gun barrage. I was on high ground and could easily see them go over. Never shall I forget the sight as the men went forward against the Bosche artillery and machine gun bullets: the men tipped their heads forward and reminded me by their actions of cattle facing a hail storm. Every few yards a man would fall wounded. Just as the last Plattoon of our H Company was forming to go over a large shell hit among them. This quickly gathered our equipment together and ran down to them and pulled si-x of them into id were dressing them when two Bosche air planes swung down from the sky and started up the valley firing their machine guns. They wounded nine of our boys in the back, as I shortly afterwards, here we established an Aid Station in a cement culvert four feet high, 3 feet wide and 30 rked No. 6 on Map. By this time it was dark, but we managed by the aid of candles to L here 42 casualties: would have the wounded littered into the ends of the culvert, dress them along the ditches along each side of the road on the ground, as we needed the litters. We got an ambulance in a very short time, which worked with us all night. About 10:00 P.M. one of my men informed me that there was a dug-out just to the left of us about 200 meters, which was nice and dry. As it was raining we moved our Station, No. 7 on Map, there, continuing our work, keeping the wounded men in a dry place. Here we stayed working all night until 1:00 P.M. Sept. 28th, evacuating 65 casualties. At 1:00 P.M. we again went forward about 2 kilometers to a place shown as St. Quenteen, just South from Baulny about 300 meters. Here we established Aid Station No. 8 in an old mine. We did not feel very comfortable here for the first hour as on examining the place we found about mite in one of the rooms. As we had a man in our detachment who had had experier and one other volunteered to put it in a car and take it away, which they did. We the Here we worked all night evacuating 125 casualties, many of them wounded severely an were wet to the skin, as it rained the entire night. From here we had splendid ambular one every twenty minutes. This was remarkable as at this time we were only about hind our front lines. Fully 75 per cent of our casualties up to the time of establisbin shell holes towa rd us ' dress ied thei Frt feet lor 'g, ' evacuate fr them ar id li )ne 1 ton of dyi : ha ndling it. felt much saf. whe n littered s sei rvice, havi ne kilometer 1 this Aid Stati 162 had been caused bv machine gun bullets. From here until we were relieved they were /3 per cent caused by fragments of shells. Did not have a casualty during the entire battle caused by shrapnel. At 6:00 A.M. Sept. -'9th we a.gain went forward. At the bottom of the hill at Baulny we met Major General Traub for the second time, he again inquiring as to who we were and again expressed hiniselt as being pleased to see the Doctors so close to the front. On going a few yards further we saw Capt. ^es. bitt, Co. A UOth M.G. Bn., and he informed us that his Company had just been badly shelled further up along thi'i road so up the road we went dressing 11 casualties and had them littered back to Baulny. While going further up the road we had to keep down in a ditch on West side of road which had about one foot of water in it. We kcnt one behind the other, about 50 meters between men, as all along here the Bosche would snipe at one man with their Austrian 88, named by the men "Whiz Bangs." We finally came to a large stone bridge over a little creek that was running like a mill race; this affording some protection, we waited one-half an hour standing in water up to our knees. On looking around we iioticed up the road and to the right about 200 meters was an old stone house standing against a steep bank. In this house we established Aid Station No. 9A at 10:00 A.M. From here we only took care of three casu- alties, keeping them with us as it had now become impossible to get out of here on account of artillery and machine gun fire. While here we watched the 28th Division take E.xermont, which was one kilometer to our left. At 3: JO P.M. the shelling had let up considerably, so we sent two of our men forward with instructions to locate an appropriate place for our next Aid Station. These men being gone about fifteen minutes came running back with the information that our Infantry was falling back, so we went out and looking to our right saw that their information was true. Looking to the North we could see the rea- son for it, as there was what looked to us to be a million Bosche coming over a hill about two kilometers away. Without further hesitation we took our three casualties on litters and returned to the Aid Station at St. Quenteen, which had now been acting as our Regimental Aid Station. At 9:00 A.M. I.t. Hine established Aid Station 9B at Baulny. from here evacuating 16 casualties, and then returned to St. Ouenteen. At 10:30 A.M. Herbert Stoffle, one of our personnel, who had been detailed with G Company and was serving with them on the front line, and who was afterwards captured by the Germans, came in and said that he knew where there was a dressing station with lots of wounded, but they were being taken care of; but as there were quite a few of these men, thinking that he could be of assistance, Lt. Hine with his assistant accompanied him to Chaudron Farm, where he established Aid Station No. 10, evacuating altogether 80 casualties. There, after going into a room which was about half full of wounded men and asking if there were any who had not been dressed and receiving the reply that none of them had been dressed since coming from the field, he began to work. The first two or three he dressed and tagged, then to speed up with the dressing, he quit tagging, but soon the litter bearers brought them in so fast and as he was the only medical officer there at that time, he could only devote his time to placing them. That room, which was about 75 feet long' and 20 feet wide, was filled and another room of the same dimensions and yet another and then the sheds and the barn received their portion. During this time heavy shelling was going on and the report that the line was falling back necessitated the withdrawal of several officers and men. By this means Lt. Hine sent back word of his plight with the urgent request for help and for means of evacuation. Two gas attacks were also put over, which necessitated the adjust- ing of gas masks for the wounded that had them or could be supplied. About ti o'clock of this same day Captain Randall Wilson, who was holding the line out in front and who did hold the Germans from entering the dressing station with 75 men after doggedly fighting their way twice from the very walls of the place, came and asked how they were getting along. After he found out the condition he gave Lt. Hine 50 men to help with the work of evacuating the wounded. With these 50 men 37 men were evacuated on litters, improvised litters and riding guns. Then after an actual count by Lt. Hine and Lt. John D. Heiny, Regimental Intelligence Officer, who had also been helping hold the line and who had helped with the evacuation, there remained 95 litter patients, the walking cases having been sent back upon entering the Station. This was at 10:00 P.M. September 29th, 1918. At this time Capt. Wilson came in and asked if all had been evacuated. Upon being informed as to the true state of affairs Captain Wilson said: "Hell, Doc, you have got to get these men out of here by daylight. There are only 25 men between you and the Bosche. The main line has fallen back to the top of the hill about a half mile behind you." At twelve o'clock, midnight, after deciding that there was no help coming and that something had to be done, Lt. Hine got on a mule, which was in the barn of the farm, bare backed and with a rope halter, started back to get help or protection, and if possible both. On his way back he met a Lieutenant with a detail of 50 men coming to help, but as they had no litters he took them back to the dressing station at Charpentry. There the Doctor in charge gave him 5 litters, but that was not sufficient, so Lt. Hine went to the Major in command for help. The Major. Major Gist, said that there were no litters and that ambulances could not go past Charpentrv under existing general orders. "Give me the order for the ambulances and I will go to the General and get the order removed," said Lt. Hine. "We have got to have action and I know the General will let them by." The Major wrote the order for the ambulances and the Lieutenant then started to see the General. In the square in front of the dressing station he met a boy asking for Major Gist. LTpon finding that perhaps the order was from the General and pertained to the evacuation of wounded, Lt. Hine took him to the Major. There he found that two ambulances with 7 litters were to be used for this purpose. Loading the litters, 12 in all, on the ambulances and starting the detachment of 50 men forward, they all started for the farm. The ambulances could not make it up the hill, due to the steepness and the mud, so the 50 men took the litters and the ambulances were stationed at the bottom of the hill to carry the wounded from there. Knowing that all the wounded could not be gotten out of the way by daylight and that infantry protec- tion could not be obtained, Lt. Hine got on his mule and went to the Headquarters of the 129th Field Artillery, hoping that protection could be secured from there. The Captain in charge could not get infor- mation enough in detail so he wa^ sent to the advance observation post, which was at Balny. There he ran into a dug-out full of officers, principally Colonels, and after telling them the situation, with emphasis laid on the fact that only 25 men separated the dressing station from the Germans, he was promised a barrage across the road in front of the farm with quite heavy shell fire until all of the patients were evacuated. But his barrage was to begin at 4:30: it was then 5 minutes of four and Captain Wilson and his 25 men w^ere across the road, so Lt. Hine again mounted his mule and made it down the hill to Charpentry and up over the hill to the farm in 15 minutes flat and got Captain Wilson and his 25 men back before the bar- rage started. Not knowing what else to do. Captain Wilson went back to report that he had withdrawn. All followed the men back, but about 100 meters out they met four men with a litter, so Lt. Hine, his assistant and the four men with the litter went back and got 3 more wounded men. Thinking that with all the protection gone, no means available for evacuation and daylight nearly there about 45 or 50 wounded men would be found there by the Bosche when they came over looking around next morning. When the last of the three men there were being put into the ambulance Captain Wilson had reported and had been told that he was not intended to withdraw entirely, so he came up and said that they had to go back in. Captain Wilson at that time had only 12 men left, but as they went through the line where the Infantry was dug in he took 12 more men. When they took up their position again it was already day- light. Captain Wilson promised to hold off the Dutch to the last man and Lt. Hine first went to Major 163 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy^ Smith, his Battalion Medical Commander, and he heljwd him secure Lt. Deal and about a hundred men to help. They then went back again to Major Gist and. as he had two ambulances full of litters coming, they waited and while waiting Major Gist had a cook fry up a mess pan full of pan-cakes with butter and molasses for each, which they will never forget. The litters came and Lt. Deal and Lt. Hine took the men and litters up over the hill through one of the worst shellings a hill ever got. A report that about a third of the litter bearers were being employed to carry a fellow litter bearer back later came to the dressing station. It was about 1:00 P.M. September 30th that Captain Wilson came back to find out how near the work of evacuation had been completed. There were only tv.'O Americans, who were wounded so badly that it was thought they could not live and who were unconscious, and 5 Germans left. Captain Wilson said: "Well, I have just seven men left. They are all my men and they will stay on the job to the last one." They waited until 3 o'clock and no more litter bearers came, so Lt. Hine again went for litter bearers. He went to the Lt. Colonel of the Regiment who replied: "Give him anything he wants." so he took SO men and started back to the Farm, but as he started up the hill that had been the "Waterloo" to the ambulances the night before he met 4 men carrying a German and he recognized the German as one that was in the Dressing Station. He stopped them and asked what was left and they replied that he was the last one. It was 5:00 P.M. Sept. 30th. Lt. Hine reported to his Medical Major that the job was com- pleted. He was then sent over to Charpentry for ambulances to evacuate dressed men that had accumu- lated in the Regimental Dressing Station. No ambulances were to be had so he took a truck, but getting only about half way back and getting stuck he went back to wait for an ambulance. At 10:30 no ambu- lance had showed up so he went to the Major and the Major said that they had been evacuated. Work all over, Lt. Hine reposed on a litter, but one hour of slumber was enough, as he froze out. Major Rieger, the Battalion Commander, seeing him up and around invited him to share his bed, which was a 14 inch board nailed against the wall and one blanket. This they both occupied until 3:30 P.M. Oct. 1st when an orderly brought word to the Major that they were being relieved. Then came a three days march from the lines, and being nearly overcome from dysentery, bron- chitis, diarrhoea and a slight attack of gas, Lt. Hine was evacuated to a hospital. Now, going back to the remainder of the Detachment: At 5:00 P.M., Sept. 29th, we left St. Quenteen, as there was plenty of help there, going back South one kilometer and there establishing Aid Station No. 11 at the same place where we had Aid Station No. 7. On arriving we found a.bout 40 men laying asleep and on questioning them we found they represented nearly every unit in the Division and that they had become lost from their organizations. We put them in charge of a Sergeant and instructed him to take them up to the front and attach themselves to some fighting unit, as they were needed badly. Only about one-half of them had guns, but there were plenty of them laying around that had been left by men whom we had evacuated the day before, also plenty of ammunition. So we soon had them all equipped and off they went without hesitating. The spirit of the men at all times was something wonder- ful; on numerous occasions we would find small groups of men lost from their organizations and on ex- plaining to them that they should attach themselves to the first unit they found, they would cheerfully go forward and do so. All they wanted was just some one to suggest what to do and they were always found ready and willing. At no time did we see a ntan going to the rear unless it was to perform a specific duty that required going there. We did not evacuate a single medical case during the entire battle. We were not bothered by a single malingerer. One peculiar incident while here was that a young man was brought in on a litter with a machine gun wound in left arm and left leg and while dressing his wounds I noticed that his skin felt c|uite hot and I said to him: "Young man, do you feel as though you had some fever, or do you feeljbad any other way?" He replied: "Doctor, my throat has seemed a little sore for a couple of days." On examination I found a typical diphtheritic membrane over each tonsil and onto the uvula. I said to him: "Why didn't you report to a Doctor?" He replied: "I was not very sick; be- sides I wanted to stay here in the drive with the rest of the boys, and I was afraid if I saw a Doctor he would send me back to a hospital." This young man sent me word from a hospital in Southern France a few days ago stating that he was real well. From this Station we evacuated this time 16 casualties. At 8:00 A.M. Sept. 30th we again went forward about one and one-half kilometers and estab- lished Aid Station No. 13 in a dug-out between Charpentry and Balny, evacuating from here 14 casual- ties. We stayed here until 4:30 P.M. Oct. 1st when our Battalion was relieved. We marched South about 7 kilometers, arriving there about 11:00 A.M.. where we pitched tents and stayed for the night. We here established Station No. 13, evacuating 3 casualties, caused by mustard gas burns received during the battle. Strength of Battalion when we took up our position on September 26th 2:00 A.M. was 22 Officers and 962 Enlisted Men. Strength of Battalion on October 1st at 1:00 P.M. was 5 Officers and 382 Enlisted Men. Number of Aid Stations established 13 Number of Men evacuated from all Aid Stations 720 Number of Bosche casualties evacuated 12 Number of prisoners taken 32 Number of men becoming casualties from Detachment 3 Number of men taken prisoner by Germans 1, Pvt. Herbert StofHe. MEMBERS OF THE DETACHMENT: OFFICERS: 1st. Lieut. John F. Coffman, Tr. 1st. Lieut. R. P. Lewis— Sept. 2iith and 27th. 1st. Lieut. Otto H. Hine, Dentist. Ist. Lieut. Wm. V. Meredith, Chaplain. 1st Lieut. Paul C. Rhodie— Sept. 29th, 3nth, Oct. 1st. ENLISTED MEN Sgt. Arthur N. Drever. Pvt. Raymond L. Chestnut. Sgt. Harrv R. O'Br'ien. Pvt. John W. H. Shuck, Pvt. 1st CI. Paul W. Gore. Pvt. Newton B. Kelley. Pvt. Ist CI. Russell Dudley. Pvt. James Doty. Pvt. 1st CI. William C. Myers. Pvt. Harry Mansfield. Pvt. 1st CI. Ward W. Fetrow. Pvt. Marion Trower. Pvt. James Wheeler. Pvt. Herbert StofBe. Pvt. 'Harry Vance. Pvt. Jesse Black. JOHN F. COFFMAN, JR., 1st. Lieut. M.C., U.S.A., Battalion Surgeon. 164 A RECORD OF MOVEMENTS All movements except early Kansas. Initial Return Aug. 20/17. 4th Mo. Inf Various companies of the rcgin-.cn- innbolized at their home rendevoiiz on August 5/17 in re- sponse to the President's Proclamation of July 3/17. T.eft Home .•^t.ltlmis Auijuft I.VIT. Completed Muster-in to Federal Service August 20/17. Monthly Return August, 1917. nothing. 4th Mo. Inf. September, 1917. 4th Mo. Inf. In accordance with Special Orders 213 Hqrs. Central Department September 20/17 this regiment changed station from Camp Clark, Missouri to Camp Doniphan, Oklahoma, departing from the former station September 24. 1917 and arriving at this station September 25/17. October, 1917. 139th Infantry. Pursuant to G. O. No. 213 Hqrs. 35th Division September 20/1917 the Third Kansas Infantry and Fourth Missouri Infantry were consolidated on October 1/17 forming the 139th Infantry. November, 1917, nothing. December, 1917, nothing. January, 1918. nothing. February, 1918, nothing. March, 1918, nothing. Field Return, September 25/17. 4th Mo. Inf. In accordance with S. O. 213 Headquarters Central Department, Sept. 20/17, this regiment changed station from Camp Clark, Mo., to Camp Doniphan, Okla. First section. Major C. C. Macdonald, 1st Bn., Supply Co., 2 officers, 11 enlisted men M. D. Left Camp Clark 11:50 A.M.. Sept. 24/17. Ar. Camp Don- iphan 2:00 P.M., Sept. 25/17. Second section. Major James E. Rieger, 2nd Bn., Hqrs. Co., 1 Medical officer, 1 D. S., 11 enlisted men M. D. left Camp Clark 12:25 P.M., Sept. 24/17, ar. Camp Doniphan 3:30 P.M., Sept. 25. Third section, Major William D. Stepp, 3rd Bn., M. G. Co., 1 Medical officer 1 D.S., and 11 enlisted men of H. D. left Camp Clark 1:30 P.M. Sept. 24, ar. Camp Doniphan 4:00 P.M. Sept. 25/17. The Regimental Commander and Staff travelled with first section. Monthly Return April, 1918. 139th Infantry. Pursuant to confidential S. O. Hq. 33th Div. No. 97, 7 Apr., 1918, this regiment left Camp Don- iphan in eight section as follows: Apr. .S, 1st section composed of Hq. Co., Sup. Co.; 2nd section M. G. Co.: 3rd Sec, Go's A & B, Apr. 22, 9th; Sec. 4, Go's C & D; Sec. 5, Go's E. & F; Sec. 6, Go's G & H Apr 10; Sec 7 Go's I & K; Sec. 8, Go's L & M. A detachment of the Medical Detachment accompanied each Section. Sections arrived at Camp Mills, New York, as follows: Apr. 12/18, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sections. Apr. 13/18, 4th, 5th & 6th Sections. Apr. 14/18, 7th & 8th Sections. Pursuant to Confidential Memorandum Hq. 35th Div. Apr. 18/18, this regiment embarked for overseas service in two sections as follows; 1st Sec, Field & Staff Officers, Hq. Sup. and M.G. Cos A, I!, C, D, E, F, G, H and I and Med. Det. sailed Apr. 24/18 on Transport No. 552. Second Section com- posed of Go's K, L, and M and Detachment of Medical Detachment sailed on Transport No. 501. March, 1918. 139th Infantry. Nothing. Monthly Return May, 1918. 139th Infantry. This regiment minus Go's K, L and M docked at Huskisoon Dock, Liverpool, England, 11:30 AM., May 7/18. Debarkation commenced 2:30 P.M.. completed 4:45 P.M. Marched to Waton on the Hill R. S. Station. Entrained in five sections. Great Central R. R. First Sec. left 6:55 P.M. Last Sec left 4:30 P.M., May 8/1918. First Section detrained Romsey, England, 5:15 A.M., May 8, 1918. Ar- rived American Rest Camp, Gamp Woodley, 6:15 A.M. Departed from A. R. C. 7:50 .\.M., May 15/18, arrived Romsev Station 8:30 A.M. Left Romsey Station via L. & S. W. R. R. 9:50 A.M. Arrived at Docks, Southampton. England, 10:35 A.M. Boarded Transport "H. W. Miller" 5:00 P.M. (First Sec- tion.) Arrived at Havre, France, 3:15 A.M., May 16/18. Debarked 6:00 A.M. Marched to Rest Camp No. 2 Havre, France. Departed Rest Camp No. 2 6:25 P.M., May 17/18 on foot. Arrived Rest Camp No. 1 9:15. Departed Camp No. 1 4:30 P.M., May 20/18. Arrived R. R., Point No. 4, 5:55 P.M. En- trained and departed Point No. 4 8:00 P.M. Arrived Eu, France. 8:10 A.M., May 21/18. Detrained and marched to Staging Camp 8:50 A.M. Departed Staging Camp 10:25 A.M. on March to le Mesnil Reaume. Arrived le Mesnil Reaume 3:00 P. M., May 21/18. Go's K, L and M billeted at Melleville, France, again carried as present with regiment. Monthly Return June, 1918. 139th Infantry. Left le Mesnil Reaume June 6/18. Marched to Morgny, arriving June 8/18. Entrained on June 9/18, arriving at Harol Tune 11/18. Marched to Archcttes June 12/18. Left Archettes by motor tram June 23/18, arriving in Moosch same day. 2nd Bn. in front line trenches June 19th to 28th. Pvt. War- ren L. Day electrocuted 5:10 A.M. June 24/18 in enemy wire, front line, Wesserling Area. Pvt. John C. Lovall, Co. H, killed by shrapnel 11:15 P.M., June 26/18 in front line, Wesserling Area. Sgt. Walter R. McCurdy, Co. F, seriously wounded in Camp Hennequin West by shrapnel 5:20 P.M., June 26/18. Corp. Frank O. Pierce, M. G. Co., slightly wounded in front line, Wesserling Area, June 27/18. Marched from Moosch to Gornimont June 28/18. From Gornimont to LaBresse June 29/18. 3rd Bn. Detached from Regiment June 23rd to July 2nd/18. Stationed at Jarmenil and Pouxioux. Monthly Return July. 1918. 139th Infantry. Third Battalion left Jarmenil and Pouxioux for LaBresse July 1/18. 2nd Battalion left LaBresse from Kruth July 12/18. 2nd Battalion left Kruth for sub-sector E July 15/18. Regiment minus 1st Bat- lalion and 2nd liattalion lef t Lar.re ■sse for snh-sccto Kruth Tuly _'_V18. 1st llatt; iliun Icfi 1 Knith f„r hvn, sub-sector E July 30/lS. iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ .llv 19/18. 1st Battalion left Cornimont for July J7/1S. 1st liattalion left Fellering for Monthly Return August, 1918. 139th Infantry. 2nd Bn. left Felleringen, Alsace, for sub-sector E August 16th, relieving the 3rd P.n., same moving to Kruth. 3rd Bn. left Kruth, Alsace, for Mentron, France, August 29th. Monthly Return September 1918. 139th Infantry. 1st Bn., 2nd Bn.. and Regt'l Hdijrs. changed station from Robinson Sector, Alsace, to Kruth, Sept. 1, 1918. 1st Bn. and Regt'l Hdqrs. from Kruth to Cornimont, Sept. 2/18. 2nd Bn. changed station from Kruth to Cornimont Sept. 3/18, Regt'l Hdqrs. and Hq. Co. and 1st Bn. from Cornimont to Einvau.K by rail, from Einvaux to woods near Tonnoy by marching, on Sept. 4/18. 3rd Bn. marched from Ventron to Cornimont .from Cornimont to Einvaux by rail, from Einvau-x to Flavigny on foot, Sept. 4/18. 2nd Bn. from Cornimont to Einvaux by rail Sept. 4/18. Regt'l Hdqrs. and Hq. Co. and 1st Bn. from woods near Tonnoy to Neuves Maisons on foot Sept. 5/18. 2nd Bn. from Einvaux to Flavigny on foot Sept. 5/18. 2nd Bn. from Flavigny to Neuves Maisons on foot Sept. 6/18. Regiment from Neuves Maisons to Foret de Haye on foot Sept. 11/18. Regiment froiu Foret de Have to Poste de \'elaine on foot Sept. 18/18. From Poste de Velaine, 2:30 P.M., Sept. 18/18 to Charmontois, 4:30 A.M., Sept. 19/18. Regt'l Hdqrs. and Hdqrs. Co. from Charmontois to Eclaires, 8:00 A.M., Sept. 19/18. Regiment minus Regt'l Hdqrs. and Hdqrs. Co. from Charmontois to bivouac near I.e Chemin Sept. 19/18. Regimental Hdqrs. and Hdqrs. from Eclaires and rest of Regiment from bivouac near Le Chemin to bivouac in Foret de Argonne Sept. 20/18. Changed place of bivouac next morning to Beauchamps Farm. 1st Bn. from bivouac at Beauchamps Farm to cross-roads near Clermont Sept. 25/18. 2nd Bn. (attached to 69th Inf. Brigade! from bivouac at Beauchamps Farm to Camp Baussot, 2:30 A.M., Sept. 26/18. 3rd Bn. from bivouac at Beauchamps Farm to Aubreville, 4:30 A.M., Sept. 26/18. In battle from 5:00 A.M., Sept. 26/18, to and including Sept. 30/18. Monthly Return October, 1918. 139th Infantry. 1st Bn. from battle to field west of Cbeppy Oct. 1, 1918. 2nd Bn. from battle to Hill 253 October 1, 1918. 3rd Bn. from Cheppy to Auzeville October 2, 1918. 1st Bn. from Cheppy to Auzeville October 2, 1918. 2nd Bn. from Hill 253 to Auzeville October 2, 1918. Regiment from Auzeville, 7:30 A.M., Oct. 3/18, to Camp Grand du Fosse, 3:45 P.M., Oct. 3/18. Regiment from Camp Grand du Fosse to Louppy le Petit afternoon of Oct. 5/18. Regiment from Louppy le Petit to woods near Benoite Vaux afternoon of October 12/18. 1st Bn. from Benoite X'aux to Camp Les Senegali: Benoite Vaux to Camp Chiffoure, 3rd Bn. from woods near Benoite \'aux to Can Hdqrs. from woods near Benoite Vaux to P. C. Massa Oct. 13/18. 3rd Bn. from Cami Murat Oct. 23/18. Regt'l Hdqrs. from P. C. Massa to 34 Rue de Etain, F.B.G. Pave 24/18. 3rd Bn. from P. C. Murat to trenches north of Verdun (C.R.Forf) 2:30 A.M., " Bn. from Camp Chiffoure to F.B.G. Pave, Verdun, 8:00 P.M., Oct. 24/18. Ist Bn Senegalias to F.B.G. Pave, \erdun, 10:30 P.M., Oct. 25/18. Regt'l Hdqrs. from 35 Rue Pave, \'erdun, to P. C. Normandie, 9:00 P.M., Oct. 25/18. 1st Bn. from F.B.G. Pave, Simone, 11:35 P.M., Oct. 26/18. 2nd Bn. from F.B.G. Pave, Verdun, to C. R. Fort. 11:15 P.M., Oct. 28/18. 3rd Bn. from C. R. Fort to F.B.G., Pave, Verdun, 2:00 A.M., Bn. from F.B.G., Pave, Verdun, to Pouderie, 7:00 P.M., Oct. 29/18. Monthly Return November, 1918. 139th Infantry. 2nd Bn. from P. C. Murat to C. R. Fort (Verdun) to Senoncourt Nov. 6/18. 1st Bn. from P. C. Simone (\"erdun) to Senoncourt Nov. 7/18. 3rd Bn. from Pouderie (\erdunl to Senoncourt Nov. 6/18. 1st Bn. from Senoncourt to Bannoncourt Nov. 9/18. 2nd Bn. from Senoncourt to Bannoncourt Nov. 9/18. 3rd Bn. from Senoncourt to Eppecourt Nov. 7/18, to Recourl Nov. 9/18, to Bannoncourt Nov. 10/18. 1st Bn. from Bannoncourt to Camp Marcalieu Nov. 10/18. Regt'l Hdqrs. from P. C. Normandie to Lemmes (via F.B.G. Pave) Nov. 7/18, to Bannoncourt Nov. 9/lS. From Bannoncourt to Rupt Nov. 13/18. 2nd Bn. from P.annoncourt to Kouer le Grand and Koiier Ic Petit Nov. 13/18. 3rd Bn. from Bannon- court to La Belle \"allee Nov. 13/18. Monthly Return December, 1918. 139th Infantry. Regimental Hq. from Rupt to Vignot Dec. 8/18. 1st En. from Camp Marcalieu to Camp Negra Dec. 3/18, to Vignot Dec. 8/18. 2nd En. from Kouer la Grande and Kouer la Petite to Euville Dec. 8/18. 3rd Bn. from LaBelle Vallee to Vignot Dec. 8/18. Machine Gun Co. from Camp Marcalieu to Rupt Dec. 3/18, to Euville Dec. 8/18. Mentioned in G.O. 232 HAEF, 1918, for service with First Army in the Meuse-Argonne Operation. Mentioned in G.O. 238 HAEF, 1918, for service with the First Army in the taking of the Saint Mihiel Salient (reserve). 2nd Battalion and Machine Gun Co. stationed at Euville, Meuse. Monthly Return January, 1919. 139th Infantry. M. G. Co. changed station from Euville to Granvoisin (Meuse) 19th Tan./19 for the pur|.ose of attending provisional Machine Gun School. Returned to ICuville 25th Jan./1919. 2nd Bn. stationed at Euville dtiring month. Remainder of regiment stationed at \"ignot. Monthly Return February. 1919. 139th Infantry. 2nd Bn. and M. G. Co. stationed at Euville (Meuse), France, during month. Remainder of Regiment stationed at \'ignot (Meuse), France, during month. Monthly Return March, 1919. 139th Infantry. Regimental Headquarters moved from \"ignot (Meuse), France, to Borg-de-Torce (Sarthe), France, March 9th to 12th, 1919. Hq. Co. and Supply Co. moved from \ignot (Meuse), France, to Torce (Sarthe), France, March 9th to 12th, 1919. M. G. Co. moved from Euville (Meuse), France, to Torce (Sarthel, France, March 9th to 12th, 1919. 1st Bn. Hq. and Go's A and B moved from A'ignot (Meuse), France, to Beaufay (Sarthe), France, March 9th to 12th, 1919. Co. C moved from Vignot (Meuse), France, to Sille-le-Phillippe (Sarthe), France, Mch. 9 to 12/19. Co. D moved from Vignot to Chantiloupe (Sarthe) Mch. 9 to 12/19. 2nd Bn. moved from Euville to Eombron (Sarthe) Mch. 10th to 13th/19. 3rd Bn. Hq. and Go's I and K moved from Vignot to LaChapelle (Sarthe) Mch. 10th to 13th/19. Go's L and M moved from Vignot to St. Celerin (Sarthe) Mch. 10 to 13/19. 1st and 2nd Battalions moved to Tent Section Belgium Camp March 19fh, 1919. Reg. Hq., Hq. Co., Supply Co., M. G. Co. and 3rd Bn. moved to fnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllM^^^^^^ 166 2nd Bn. from Henvaux, Regt'l [lenvau .X to P. C. ve, Ve ■rdun, Oct. Oct. 2 5/18. 2nd from Camp les de Et ain, F.B.G. Verdui 1, to P. C. elievin g 3rd Bn., Oct. ; ;9/18. 3rd Tent Section Belginm Camp Mcli. 20/19. 1st and 2nd Rn. moved to Permanent Barracks Section lielgiuni Camp American Embarkation Center March 24th. 1919. ReR. H.|., Hr,. Co., Snpply Co. and M. G. Co. and 3rd Bn. moved to Permanent P.arracks Section P.elginm Camp, American Embarkation Center, March 25th, 1919. Monthly Return April, 1919. 139th Infantry. Regiment entrained at Permanent Barracks, Belgian Camp. A. E. C Apr. 1/19, arriving at St Nazaire. May 2nd, 1919, less Companies E, F, I, K, L, M. Went into Camp at Camp Guthrie. Com- panics E, F, I, K, L. M entrained at Permanent Barracks Section. Belgian Camp, A. E. C, April 2nd, 1919 arriving at St. Nazaire Mav 3rd, 1919. Went into camp at Isolation Camp. Hq. Co., M. G. Co., San.'Det., Co. B, G and H embarked at St. Nazaire, France, on U. S. S. Matsonia April 13th, 1919, ar- riving at Newport News, Va.. April 24th, 1919. Marched 2'/4 miles to Camp Stuart, Va. Companies E, F, I, K, L, M embarked at St. Nazaire, France, on U. S. S. Matsonia April 13th, 1919, arriving at^ Ne port News, Va., April 24th, 1919. Marched 2K.- miles to Camp Stuart, \'a. Companie Supply embarked at St. Nazaire, France, on U. S. Nansemond .-\pril 15th, 1919, arm News, \'a., April 28th, 1919. Marched IVi miles to Camp Stuart, Va. Movements during the month of May. Regiment entrained in four sections at Camp Stuart, Va., May 1st, 1919. Paraded in St. Joseph, Missouri, Sunday, May 4th, 1919. Paraded in Topeka, Kansas. Monday, May 5th, 1919. Arrived at Camp Funston. Kansas, 4:00 P.M., May 5th, 1919. Regiment less Hq. Co. discharged May 8th, 1919, per Instructions Adjutant General April 14th, 1919. Hi). Co. discharged May 9th, 1919, same authority. A, C, D, ng at Newport SOME ODD SIZES 167