LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Copyright Eo. ShelL'_§_.X''^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. * * * Botes anb 1baIf:=mote8 1B^ frank j£, Qnmcv ^ ©. IP. iputnam's Sons 1\ NEW YORK 27 WEST Twenty-third Street LONDON 24 BEDFORD Street, strand Ube TRmcfecrbocher press 1896 "p^:^ Copyright, 1896 BY MARY L. SAWYER Ube Tknlckcvboclicv Iprcss, mew l^otb TO MY MOTHER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE To Music , To AN Ancient Lute ....... 6 Two Scherzos, (i) To Sylvia g (2) Serio-Comique 10 Phantasiestucke {Schumann) 12 Arabesque PoETiQUE (^r/^wwaww) . . . .15 AuFSCHWUNG (Elevation) {Schumann) ... 20 TrAumerei {Schumann) . . . . . .23 On a Polonaise {Chopin) .25 Nocturne (C^o/m) 27 Fantasie in F Minor (C/^tJ/jw) 29 Ballade {Chopin) ^i L' Amour Mystique 02 Isolden's Liebes-Tod ( I'Vagner) • ... 34 EiN Traum ( Wagner) gc Tristan and Isolde ( ll'agncr) 30 The Moonlight Sonata {Beethoven) . . . .41 Spring-Song (6^<7«w