! The Automobile Club of PHILADELPHIA 1 Twenty-three South Twenty- third Street a \ ROUTES l^etzveen PHILADELPHIA j and SEASHORE I POINTS in SOUTH- j ERN NEW JERSEY — — =— — I WITH A LIST OF HOTELS and GARAGES SITUATED ON THESE ROUTES ISSUED BY The Touringf Information Committee 19 16 A |\^^ Route 301 (^ ^^A^ CAMDEN TO ATLANTIC CITY Via Hammonton. All good macadam and gravely fine in summer, soft in winter between Atlantic City and Berlin. The fastest route. From P. R. R. ferry, foot of Market St., Philadelphia, to Miles Total. Miles Inter. CAMDEN. Leaving ferry house, turn right and follow Federal St. (R. R. shed on right) to .8 .8 HADDON AVENUE. Bend right with trolley. 2.7 1.9 Fork, at end of cemetery (on left), bear right, leav- ing trolley, thence straight through Haddon Heights (5.9 miles), Magnolia (8.8 miles), Kirk- wood (10.6 miles) and Lindenwold (12.2 miles), to 15.9 13.2 28.7 12.8 29.8 1.1 41.0 11.2 51.8 10.8 54.4 2.6 59.2 4.8 60.7 1.5 BERLIN. Fork at end of village, keep shghtly left on main road, and keep to main road, to • BELLEVXJE AVENUE. Entering road at road- house in outskirts of Hammonton, turn right into the town, to HAMMONTON. Cross streets, railroad crossing just ahead, turn left, thence direct to EGG HARBOR. Straight ahead to ABSECON. Dead end, turn right to PLEASANTVHXE. Cross-road just beyond two grade crossings, turn left between brick gate posts, 4 J miles, to PACIFIC AVE., in Atlantic City. Turn left* for ATLANTIC CITY. Centre of town. * Turn right for Ventnor and Longport. Hammonton, N. .1. [1] . Copyrighted, 19 10, by The Autoiuobilo Club of Phihuiolphia. Route 301X ATLANTIC CITY TO CAMDEN Via Hammonton. Miles Total. Miles Inter. ATLANTIC CITY. Run south on Pacific Ave. to where trolley curves in from the right, beyond Chelsea, at Albany Ave. Turn right and run directly away from the sea over the Boulevard into 6.3 6.3 PLEASANTVILLE. Turn right with trolleys across tw^o double-track railroads at grade. (Between the two railroads to the left is Route 310X to Philadelphia via Mays Landing.) Continue straight on main street to 8.9 2.6 ABSECON. Cross R. R. at grade and turn left. (Straight ahead, without turning, leads to Lake- wood and Long Branch, Route 320.) 19.7 10.8 EGG HARBOR. Straight through. 30 . 9 11.2 IL4MM0NT0N. Cross street, R. R. station on left, turn right, about 1 mile to dead end, where turn left to 44.6 13.9 BERLIN. Straight through, taking left fork at end of village, and right at next fork at ceme- tery. Pass through callages of Lindenwold, Kirkwood, Magnolia (54.9 miles) and Haddoo Heights to 58.0 13.4 Reverse fork, meeting trolley. Bear left with trolleys into Haddon Ave. If miles to end at Federal St. Turn left into Federal St. and run to ferry house at Pennsylvania R. R. Station in 60.7 2.7 CAMDEN. Camden, [21 N. J. S^^ ©C!.A42908f> MAk 17 1916 Route 301A CAMDEN TO ATLANTIC CITY Via Gloucester. All good gravel. Miles Miles Total. Intet CAMDEN (at ferries). Bear right along train sheds into Federal St. to .7 .7 Courthouse (on left). Turn right into Broadway and thence direct to 4.6 3.9 GLOUCESTER. Straight on direct to 5.5 .9 WESTVILLE. Triple fork, bear left. 10.2 4.7 Cross-road, keep left to 12.2 2.0 FAIRVIEW (three houses). Here six roads meet. Bear right to 13.6 1.4 HIJRFVILLE. Straight through town. Pass cross-roads and cross bridge near power-house. Straight to 17.3 3.7 GLASSBORO. At forks next elevated tank, take left through 20.9 3.6 CLAYTON. 23.9 3.0 FRANKLINVILLE. Take left fork and continue straight, to 27.4 3.5 MALAGA. Turn left at first cross-road past hotel and continue straight ahead on gravel road to 33.0 5.6 DOWNSTOWN. Take middle of three roads, house on left, to 34 . 5 1.5 LANDISVILLE. Cross railroad tracks and continue straight to 35.6 1.1 BUENA VISTA. Bear left at post-office and continue to 38.8 3.2 RICHLAND. Continue straight to 47.4 8.6 MAYS LANDING. (Turn right for Tuckahoe, Wildwood and Cape May.) Turn left at hotel, cross small iron bridge (straight ahead for Egg Harbor City and Shore Line Road). Turn right, cross railroad and continue through Clarkstown (45 . 7) and McKee- town (48.6) to 59 8 12.4 PLEASANTVILLE. Where turn right, cross R. R. at] grade and turn left to run on Boulevard to 65.1 5.3 ATLANTIC CITY. End of Boulevard at Pacific Ave. Turn left on avenue for hotels. [3] Route 301AX ATLANTIC CITY TO CAMDEN Miles Miles Total. Inter. ATLANTIC CITY. Pacific Ave. and Boulevard. Cross over bridge to Boulevard. Run on Boulevard to 5.3 5.3 PLEASANTVILLE. Turn right, cross over R. R. at grade, then turn left on broad smooth street, straight ahead through 12.9 7.6 McKEETOWN, 15 8 2.9 CLARKSTOWN to 17.7 1.9 MAYS LANDING. Turn right at hotel. Pass lake on right. Continue to 26.3 8.6 RICH 1 -AND. 29.5 3.2 BUENA VISTA. 30.6 1.1 LANDISVILLE. Cross railroad to 32.1 1.5 DOWNSTOWN. Pass two cross-roads and electric railroad to 37.7 5.6 MALAGA. Turn right and continue straight, crossiog electric railroad on outskirts of town, to 41.2 3.5 FRANKLINVILLE. Continue straight through 44.2 3.0 CLAYTON to 47.8 3.6 GLASSBORO. Avoid left fork in centre of town and continue straight to forks near elevated tank. Bear right at forks and proceed straight to 51.5 3.7 HURFVILLE. Continue on through town, straight ahead to 52.9 1.4 FAIRVIEW. Here six roads meet. Bear left into second road (from front of house). Turn right at next cross-roads and continue straight, passing two cross-roads and one trolley road, to 59.6 6.7 WESTVILLE. Bear right at hotel, cross small bridge and electric railroad. Pass through toll-gate and continue to 60 . 5 .9 GLOUCESTER (left fork to ferry) . Straight on to 64.4 3.9 CAMDEN (Broadway). Turn left and take fork, Federal St., to ferries to Philadelphia in 65.1 .7 CAMDEN (ferries). [4] Route 304 CAMDEN, N. J., TO CAPE MAY, N. J. (85.5 Miles) Via Glassboro, Malaga, Vineland and Millville. Reported by W. West Randall. Roads either fine gravel or stone throughout. CAMDEN. From ferries, bear right along train sheds into Federal St. to .7 .7 Court House, on left. Turn right into Broad- way and thence direct to 4.6 3.9 GLOUCESTER. At toll house [reverse fork on right leads to Gloucester ferry] and direct on to 5.5 .9 WESTVILLE. At forks. Take left fork [straight on leads to Woodbury and Salem via R. 306; right fork to Salem via R. 306 A]. 10.2 miles bear left. FAIRVIEW. Multiple cross-road, bear right. HURFVILLE. At P. 0. Straight on to Fork, bear left to GLASSBORO. At ''Cold Storage" (on right) [road to right leads to Bridgeton via Elmer, R. 305] direct to CLAYTON, to FRANKLINVILLE. At hotel bear left. MALAGA. Straight through town. VINELAND (turn left 1 mile for town proper). Straight ahead into MILLVILLE. P. 0. on High St. Straight on one block to Second street. Turn right, cross bridge, and turn left to MAURICETOWN. Turn left, cross Maurice River and R. R. to Dead end. Turn right to LEESBURG. Turn left and J mile beyond pass under R. R. to 54.0 .9 Fork; bear left, avoid left fork at Delmont (57.2). 69.3 5.3 ELDORA. Dead end at Post-office. Turn right to DENNISVILLE. Take right-hand road to Fork; keep right on main road Cross-roads. Turn left into GOSHEN. Fork in village. Bear right to Fork; keep left and again left on ''New County Road" (70.5 miles). 73.2 3.7 CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE. Cross-roads at hotel. Turn right and run direct to 80.1 6.9 Cross-road. Straight ahead (left goes to Wild- wood, Holly Beach and Anglesea.) 85.6 5.5 CAPE MAY. Dead end at ocean front. Turn left to 86.3 .7 CAPE MAY (centre of town). Hotels, etc. [5] 12.2 6.7 13.6 16.7 1.4 3.1 18.2 1.5 20.9 2.7 23.9 3.0 23.7 3.4 33.0 5.7 39.5 6.5 39.6 .1 49.0 9.4 50.3 1.3 53.1 2.8 64.3 65.9 68.7 5.0 1.6 2.8 69.0 69.5 .3 .5 Route 304X CAPE MAY, N. J., TO CAMDEN, N. J. (87.7 Miles) Miles Miles Total. Inter. CAPE MAY (Beach and Ocean Ave.). South on Beach Ave., pass R. R. station (.4 mile) to .7 .7 Broadway. Turn right direct to 13.1 12.4 CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE. Cross-roads at hotel. Turn left across R. R. 13.3 .2 Irregular cross-roads. Bear left onto the "New County Road." Cross R. R. (13.4 miles) and keep straight on to 17.6 4.3 Cross-roads, turn right to 22.0 4.4 DENNIS VILLE. Dead end, turn left to 27.0 5.0 ELDORA. Post-office ahead (on left); turn left to 30.0 3.0 Fork; bear right to 33.2 3.2 LEESBURG. Cross-roads. Turn right to 36.0 2.8 Entering road on left. Turn left. Cross R. R. and Maurice River to 57.3 1.3 MAURICETOWN. Turn right and run about 9 miles to Second St., Millville. Turn right over bridge to High St. Turn left on High St. .1 mile to 46.8 9.5 MILLVILLE P. O. Straight through town to 63.3 6.5 VINELAND. (Landis Ave., turn right 1 mile for town proper). Straight on to 59.0 5.7 MALAGA. Straight through town to 62.4 3.4 FRANKLINVILLE. At hotel. Bear right around hotel to 65.4 3.0 CLAYTON. At hotel. Straight on to 68.1' 2.7 GLASSBORO. At ''Cold Storage,'' on left. Straight on to 69 . 6 1.5 Fork, bear right. 70.1 .5 Fork, bear right to 72.7 2.6 HURFVILLE. Straight on. 74.1 1.4 Fork, bear left. At 30.9 miles bear right to 80.8 6.7 WESTVILLE. At forks. Straight on to 81.7 .9 GLOUCESTER. At toll house. Straight on (road to left leads to Gloucester ferry) to 85.6 3.9 Broadway, Camden. Turn left and take left fork (Federal St.) to ferries to Philadelphia, in 86.3 .7 CAMDEN. At ferries. [6] Route 304A CAMDEN, N. J., TO CAPE MAY, N. J. (90.9 Miles) Miles Total. Miles Inter. CAMDEN (N. J.). From Market St. (P. R. R.) follow Route 301 to 41.0 41.0 EGG HARBOR. At cross-roads in village turn right, cross R. R. at grade (dangerous), then turn right and along R. R. and next left to 47.9 6.9 MAYS LANDING. Entering town, turn right at church into Main St., and J mile beyond turn left across bridge to Broad fork, bear left with telegraph line to Fork, bear left with telegraph line to TUCKAHOE. Straight through village, bearing left at fork at end of village to MIDDLETOWN (cross-road only). Turn right (straight on goes to Ocean City) to SEAVILLE (cross-road store only). Turn right to OCEAN VIEW STATION. Cross R. R., at grade (next left-hand road across marshes goes to Sea Isle City, 2.6 miles); straight on, soon picking up the telegraph wires, to 78.4 8.8 CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE. Keep straight ahead on fine road to the few houses con- stituting 85.3 6.9 RIO GRANDE. (Turn left for Holly Beach, 4 miles, and Wildwood, 5.5 miles from Rio Grande.) Keep straight on broad road, using care at six bad R. R. grade crossings, to dead end at the sea front in 90.9 5.6 CAPE MAY. Turn left for hotels, garages, etc. 53.2 5.3 58.0 4.8 60.5 2.5 62.5 2.0 67.4 4.9 69.6 2.2 Millville, N. J. (7] Route 304AX CAPE MAY, N. J., TO CAMDEN, N. J. (90.9 Miles) Miles Miles Total Inter. CAPE MAY. From centre of the town run south along the beach to Broadway. Turn right, road soon merging into broad macadam (beware of four R. R. grade crossings) . Continue past village of 5.6 5.6 RIO GRANDE. WILDWOOD. From WUdwood run south to Holly Beach. Turn right, crossing meadows and swamp, to 5.5 5.5 RIO GRANDE. Turn right into broad macadam road. 5.6 5.6 RIO GRANDE. Continue on broad macadam road, to 12.5 6.9 CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE. Direct through town, keeping to the most traveled road, in the main good. 20.9 8.4 Entering road on right (turn right for Sea Isle City, 2.6 miles), straight on. 21 .3 .4 OCEAN VIEW STATION. Cross R. R. at grade and run on about 2 miles to store on right at cross-road called 23.5 2.2 SEAVILLE. (Straight on for Ocean City, 8 miles.) Turn left and soon cross R. R. at grade twice. At fork 2| miles beyond Seaville store, bear left on better traveled road. Within the next 3 miles cross R. R. at grade twice and at dead end, after second crossing, turn left into 30 . 4 6.9 TUCKAHOE. Through town and over Tuckahoe River. Keep right on main road at fork IJ miles beyond bridge, using caution in narrow places of the road, direct, into 42 . 8 12.4 MAYS LANDING. (Turn left entering town for Route 301 AX to Philadelphia.) Turn right on Main St., and just beyond church turn left direct to 49.4 6.6 R. R. crossing, cross R. R. at grade, and turn right along R. R. to 49.6 .2 Entering road, turn left into 49.7 .1 EGG HARBOR. Turn left at hotel and follow main road (Route 301) to 90.9 41.2 CAMDEN (N. J.) (at ferries). fS] Route 309 TRENTON TO HAMMONTON Good gravel. Tie route between routes to New York and New England (101-310-366) and Atlantic City and Shore routes (301 and 320). Miles Total. Miles Inter. 3.9 3.9 7.2 3.3 8.2 1.0 12.5 4.3 16.3 19.6 3.8 3.3 22.1 2.5 26.7 4.6 35.3 36.1 8.6 .8 39.3 3.2 46.6 7.3 TRENTON. Broad and State Sts., south on S. Broad St. to canal crossing. Jog left and right to cross canal, and continue with trolleys straight out on S. Broad to village of WHITE HORSE. Cross-road.- Turn sharp right, leaving trolleys, and follow main road to BORDENTOWN. Run into town, and when just past Military Academy (on left) turn left into the main street to Fork at end of town. Bear right and run direct on main road to COLUMBUS. Cross-roads. In centre of village, do not turn right (to Burlington), but continue straight through village to Cross-roads. Turn right to MT. HOLLY, meeting trolleys. Turn left into High St., to fountain at High and Washington Sts. Bend right with trolleys on Washington St. and run i mile from fountain, turn left to LUMBERTON. Straight through. MEDFORD. Straight on main road. INDIAN MILLS. At church, fork bear right to Cross-road, turn left ATSION. Direct to HAMMONTON on Route 301. (Turn left for Route 321. Turn right for Route 30 IX. Turn right and then left to R. R. for Route 301.) Trenton, N. J. 19] Miles Total. Miles Inter. 7.4 10.6 7.4 3.2 11.5 .9 20.1 8.6 24.5 26.4 4.4 1.9 26.7 .3 26.8 .1 30.2 3.4 34.1 3.9 39 4 5.3 42.7 3.3 46.6 3.9 Route 309X HAMMONTON TO TRENTON HAMMONTON. From R. R. station at Ham- monton run northeast on Bellevue Ave. IJ miles to dead end, turn right (left turn goes to Phila- delphia) and next left, running direct to ATSION. Straight through to Cross-road. Keep right to INDIAN MILLS. Direct through MEDFORD. D;rect through LUMBERTON. Cross-road beyond R. R. crossing, meet trolley and turn right with same to MT. HOLLY. High and Washington Sts. fountain, on right, turn left with trolley to Gardner Street, church on corner, turn right leaving trolley, direct out of town to Cross-road, turn left to COLUMBUS. Keep straight ahead (left turn leads to Burlington) BORDENTOWN. Meet trolleys in town. Turn right with trolleys and run out of town on direct highway to WHITE HORSE. Cross-road, meeting trolley, turn left, on broad road direct to Broad and State Sts. in TRENTON. E. Keck. Jr. Mount HoUy, N. J. [10] Route 320 — New Jersey Shore Route CAPE MAY AND WILDWOOD TO ATLANTIC CITY, LAKE- WOOD, POINT PLEASANT, AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS Fine roads, mostly gravel. R. R. grade crossings very dan- gerous. Miles Miles Total. Inter. CAPE MAY. From centre of the town run south along the Beach to Broadway. Turn right into Broadway to 6.6 6.6 RIO GRANDE. Direct throusrh WILDWOOD. From Wildvvood run south to Holly Beach. Turn right, crossing " meadows/^ to 5.5 5.5 RIO GRANDE. Turn right into broad road. 6.6 6.6 RIO GRANDE. Continue on broad macadam, to 12.5 5.9 CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE. Direct through town, 20 .9 _ 8.4 Entering road on right (turn right for Sea Isle City, 2.6 miles) straight on 21.3 .4 OCEAN VIEW STATION. Cross R. R. at grade to store 23.5 2.2 SEAVILLE. Cross-road store only. (Turn left for Mays Landing.) Straight on to 28.6 5.1 Entering road; turn right to 30 .7 2.1 Dead end, turn left on Asbury Ave. to 34.0 3.3 OCEAN CITY (9th and Asbury Ave.). Straight on for Ocean City Gardens.) Turn left on 9th St. and across long bridge to 36.4 2.4 SOMERS POINT. Turn right direct to 43 . 1 6.7 PLEASANTVn.LE. (Turn right for Atlantic City, 48.1 miles.) Straight through. ATLANTIC CITY. Run south on Pacific Ave. to the end, where Atlantic Ave. trolleys curve in across Pacific Ave. from the right. Turn right into Albany Ave., away from the sea, into the Boulevard, to 4.7 4.7 PLEASANTVILLE. (4.7 miles from Albany Ave., Atlantic City.) Turn right and cross R. R. at grade. 43.1 PLEASANTVILLE (see above). Keep straight on Main Street, cross R. R. at grade and run on with trolleys to 45 . 7 2.6 ABSECON STATION. Cross R. R. (very danger- ous) and small bridge. Bend right immediately afterwards, and follow telephone wires 9.1 miles, to sharp right-hand turn in the woods and IJ miles farther bend left, over the Mullica River. [Ill Miles Total. Miles Inter. 59.7 14.0 74.3 5.0 NEW GRETNA (Route 321). Dead end, turn right with telephone wires through Bass River (60.7 miles), and Tuckerton (66.5 miles), and West Creek (69.3 miles), to MANAHAWKEN (turn right for Beach Haven, 6 miles), straight on with telephone wires through Barnegat (78.6 miles), and Forked River (85.3 miles), to 94.5 9.2 TOMS RIVER. DIVERGING ROUTES. 1. Straight ahead to Lakewood (104.2 miles). 2. Turn right to Island Heights (97.5 miles). 3. Turn right to Seaside Park Heights (101.0 miles) and right at sea front to Seaside Park (103.5 miles). 4. Turn right to Seaside Park Heights (101.0 miles), and left at sea front f or ,Mantoloking (106.9), Bay Head (109.3) and Point Pleasant (111.4). 12 Route 320X LAKEWOOD AND POINT PLEASANT TO ATLANTIC CITY, CAPE MAY AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS 1. Lakewood, foot of lake, run south to Toms River (9.5 miles) . 2. Point Pleasant. From trolley junction at west end of town run south with trolley to cross-road (.6 mile), turn left to sea front, there turn right through Bay Head (1.9 miles) and Mantololiing (4.5 miles), to Seaside Park Heights (10.4 miles). There turn right to Toms River (16.9 miles). 3. From Seaside Park, run north to Seaside Park Heights (2.5 miles) ; there turn left across bay to Toms River (9 miles). 4. From Island Heights run north and west to Toms River (3 miles). Miles Miles* Total. Inter. TOMS RIVER. South on main street, cross river and R. R. at grade, and take left ifork imme- diately beyond , following telephone wires through Forked River (9.2 miles) and Barnegat (15.9 miles). 20.2 20.2 MANAHAWKExX. (Turn left to Beach Haven, 6 miles) . Straight on with telephone wires through West Creek (25.2 miles) and Tuckerton (28.0 miles) . 28.4 8.2 Fork at store, bear right with wires through Bass River (33.8 miles) to 34 . 1 5.7 NEW GRETNA. Just beyond town turn left with the telephone wires. (Straight ahead leads to Hammonton and Philadelphia via Route 32 IX.) Follow main line of telephone wires, over marshes and across Mullica River. 48.9 14.8 ABSECON STATION. Philadelphia road (Route 301) on right. Keep straight ahead with trolleys into 51.5 2.6 PLEASANTVILIJE. Continue straight on main street to two R. R. grade crossings. For connection to Atlantic City at Pleasant villa after crossing both lines of R. R., turn left at brick posts at entrance to Boulevard. 51.7 .2 PLEASANTVILLE. Continue straight through, to 58.2 6.5 Dead end in Somers Point. Turn left over bridge to 60.6 2.4 OCEAN CITY (N. J.) (9th and Asbury Ave.). Turn right on Asbury Ave. to 63.9 3.3 Entering road; turn right to 66.0 2.1 Deadend; turn left to 68.8 2.8 Fork; bear left to 71.1 2.3 SEAVILLE. Straight on to fl3] Miles Miles Total. Inter. 73.3 2.2 OCEAN VIEW STATION. Cross R. R. at grade (next left-hand road across marshes goes to Sea Isle City, 2.6 miles), straight on, soon picking up the telegraph wires to 82 . 1 8.8 CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE. Keep straight ahead on fine road to the few houses constituting 88.0 5.9 RIO GRANDE. Turn left for Holly Beach, 4 miles, and Wildwood, 5.5 miles, from Rio Grande. 88.0 RIO GRANDE. Keep straight on broad road, using care at six bad R. R. grade crossings, to dead end at the sea front in 94.6 .6.6 CAPE MAY. Turn left for hotels, garages, etc. (141 Route 321 HAMMONTON TO NEW GRETNA All good gravel. An important tie route between Philadelphia and the Shore route (Route 3JJ0). MUeB Miles Total. Inter. HAMMONTON. (Mileage taken at corner of Belle- vue Avenue.) Entering town from Philadelphia by Route 301 by broad avenue of trees, and pass- ing fire-engine house on left, do not turn right at Bellevue Ave., but keep on straight, leaving main portion of town on right. Run on 1 J miles to fork, where bear left. Direct 6 miles to small village, with pond on right and factories be- yond at 8.0 8.0 PLEASANT MILLS. Turn left across bridge at end of village and run on to 8.9 .9 BATSTO (deserted country house, barn, fine lake). Turn right, crossing dam at foot of lake, and run on to 13.4 4.5 GREEN BANK. Straight ahead on good gravel, taking fork away from the river, to 18.3 4.9 WADING RIVER. Cross long bridge and turn right, direct to 21.0 2.7 NEW GRETNA on Route 320, turn right for Atlantic City, etc., or keep straight on into village (21.5 miles) for Lakewood, etc. Route 321X NEW GRETNA TO HAMMONTON An important tie route between Routes 330 and 301. NEW GRETNA. From New Gretna on Route 320 run south with telephone wires J mile, and where wires turn left (to Atlantic City) keep straight on, soon bearing right to 3.2 3.2 WADING RIVER. Turn sharp left, cross bridge and continue direct on good gravel to 8.5 4.9 GREEN BANK. Take right fork just before reach- ing the bridge, and run on, in sight of the Mulhca River (on the left), to foot of dam at 12.6 4.5 BATSTO (large house, barn, lake, etc.). Turn sharp left, crossing small bridge at foot of dam, and run on to 13.5 .9 PLEASANT MILLS at the foot of another lake. Turn right, run through village, and on direct to 21.5 8.0 HAMMONTON, taking right fork at entrance of town for Camden and Philadelphia, or left fork for the centre of town of Hammonton. [15 1 Route 322 MAYS LANDING, N. J., TO OCEAN CITY, N. J. Poor to Tuckahoe. Good Tuckahoe to Ocean City. Miles Miles Total. Inter. MAYS LANDING (Main and MiU Sts.). West on Mill St. (coming from Philadelphia turn right on Mill St.) direct to 5.3 5.3 Broad fork; bear left to 10.1 4.8 Fork; bear left with telegraph wires into 12.6 2.5 TUCKAHOE. Straight through, bearing left at fork at end of village to 14.6 2.0 MIDDLETOWN (no village). Straight ahead (right-hand road goes to Cape May, 28 miles), and keep to the macadam, 6 miles to a right, left and right turn. Continue on macadam across marshes to sea front. There turn left for 24.6 10.0 OCEAN CITY. 25.6 1.0 OCEAN CITY GARDENS. Route 322X OCEAN CITY, N. J., TO MAYS LANDING, N. J. OCEAN CITY GARDENS. South on Asbury Ave. through OCEAN CITY to Entering road; turn right on macadam across marshes to Dead end; turn left and next right to Dead end; turn left, and at fork beyond, bear right on macadam (left goes to Cape May — 25 miles) to TUCKAHOE. Direct through to MAYS LANDING. (Turn left for Philadelphia —Route 301 AX). Straight on to Main St. for Atlantic City, Egg Harbor, etc. (Routes 301 and 320). 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 5.5 2.0 .5 13.0 7.5 25.6 12.6 [16] naDaaQDaaaaDDaaannaaaaDDannanDnanDanaQaaanDaanaaDa a a a D D D D D a a n D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D O D D D D D a a a D D a D n a D a D □ D D a D D D D □ D a D a D a D D n D D D D D a a D a a a D D a a D D D a D a D a a a a a D a a a a a a D D D □ a D ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ALAMAC HOTEL Ocean front, at Tennessee Ave., in the heart of Atlantic City. European and American Plans. Grill — Cafe — Music. Mack Latz & Co. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL DENNIS Directlj'' on the ocean front. Walter J. Buzby, Propr. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL CHELSEA Morris Avenue and Beach. American Plan. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Haddon Hall and Chalfont No. Carolina Ave. and Beach. American Plan. Leeds & Lippincott. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL STRAND Pennsylvania Avenue and Beach. Frank B. Off, Pres. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. THE ST. CHARLES St. Charles Place and Beach. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ALAMAC GARAGE Tennessee Ave. and Boardwalk, in the heart of Atlantic City. Best of Service, Gas, Oils, etc. Repairs by* experts. Mack Latz & Co. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ATLANTIC STAR GARAGE 2719 Atlantic Avenue. William Zester. Otto Zester. Norman Zester. Bell Phone 31 18. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Chelsea and Ventnor Garage 6-8-10 N. Baton Rouge Ave. VENTNOR. N. J. Automobile, and Motor Boat Supplies. Electric Cars a Specialty. H. W. CoRKRAN, Owner and Proprietor. BeU Phone 7230. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Chelsea Inn Machine Shop AND GAR.^GE Motto: Skilled Workmanship; Best Service at Right Price. Harriaburg and Atlantic Avenues. - (Two blocks from Boulevard.) Automobile and Marine Work a Specialty. Oils, Grease, Gasoline and Supplies. AL. HAYMAN, Mgr., Member of Auto- mobile Trade Association. Terms Cash. Bell Phone, 2361-W. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. JOHNSON'S GARAGE JOHN S. INGRAM, Prop. 11 North Ohio Avenue. Safety for your car, moderation in prices. Studebaker, Hudson and Dodge Station Service. Mack Trucks. Supplies, Tools and Oils. Bell Phone, 2696. Coast Phone, 489. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. STATES GARAGE High-class Tourist Service. Atlantic Avenue, corner Delaware. D D a D D D D D a a L» D a D D D a a D D D a D D a a a a n a D D a D a D D D D D D a □ D a D D D n n D D a a a D D D D D D D a a D D a a a D D a n D n D n a D D n D D o D D D a D a D D D a D a D D D a a D a 8 DaaaDaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaaDaDaaaaaoaaanaaaaDDnaaaDDa LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 712 921 EstabHshed 1827 Incorporated 1889 I CoUings Carriagfe Co. Automobile Bodies and Repairs Arch and Front Streets Camclen, New Jersey 8 o n a X W i II U « MB I M M WW* KM a BUICK CADILLAC New Jersey Automobile and Supply Co. Del aware /ivenue am George Street Camden, N. J. Iff 1 Both Pho n e LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 712 921 1