y : mS'V-:, Class ^ h )5 0\ Book Ml5 Goipght N° _ . COPYRIGHT 1IEPOSJT. Acredios The Veil Lifted A Series of Remarkable Trance Communica- tions through the Mediumship of Mary Alice Mortensen Stenographically Reported by . Elfrieda Neville Whatever views the reader may hold as to Reincarna- tion which this book teaches he will find here the Great Principles that govern Life and Nature most lucidly and impressively set forth, and the highest Morality with the strongest possible motives enforced. The story will fascinate, instruct and uplift all lovers of Truth. B. F. Austin AUSTIN PUBLISHING COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CAL, U. S. A. Copyright, May 1921, by JOHN RAYMER MORTENSEN All Rights Reserved JUN 16 1921 CI.A614829 fO To our dear earth mothers, and to our beloved spiritual mother our labor in this work is lovingly dedicated. M. A M. E. N. PREFACE This little book is ready with its message. "I am Acredios. ' ' So this noble spirit an- nounced himself to Mary Alice Mortensen in the presence of Elf rieda Neville and de- livered his first message. This first, second and third messages are set down from mem- ory, as the recipients were unprepared to record them when received. The balance are faithfully set down by Elf rieda Neville, just as they were given by Acredios through his control of the medium, and to whom he appeared as a command- ing figure draped in a robe of pure white reaching to the feet, with the folds draped over the left shoulder, his features were strong and clean cut, the rather long dark, almost black hair swept back revealing a high fine forehead When giving his last message he appeared wearing a narrow braid of silver bound about his brow. His eyes were large, lustrous and seemingly dark in color. The hand revealed clasping the folds of his robe was strong and very white and the fore finger of the left hand ACREDIOS bore a heavy ring of shining metal. The bare feet were strapped in sandals- Acredios is without doubt a Master Spirit, a soul that has perfected himself through many incarnations, and by the love force was drawn back to again come in touch with mortals. At the time the messages were received both the medium and recorder were sitting for development in classes taught by the Rev. Loe F. Elmore. The mate referred to in messages is the recorder and who has during her entire life been strangely conscious of an "unseen presence that walked beside''; also has a hazy recollection of strange happenings not of the present life. It must be understood that neither the medium nor the recorder or any other per- son makes any claim to the authorship of these " Messages from the Council Cham- ber." The messages are self explanatory, and may they do their part in bringing Love, Peace and Harmony to the weary children of the world. MESSAGE NO. 1 I am Acredios. Do you not know me, my beloved? Do you not remember when we were together in Athens'? Do you not re- member how we were torn asunder in Athens, after which I became one of the priesthood and you a Vestal Virgin? My beloved, do you not know me? Do you not remember how a hundrd years later we died together in the streets of Rome ? Oh, my be- loved, I am thine as you are mine. I have gone on before you and am waiting for you in a mansion not built by hands. I have watched over you and have seen you in your greatest sorrow and unhappiness, and have helped you when you needed me most. I am speaking thru this Medium be- cause of the affinity between you. My be- loved, I go but will come again. MESSAGE NO. 2. Good evening, my beloved. I have come again to talk to you. I am Acredios. I have come to tell you more. My heart was in- deed heavy when in Athens; I stood by the Temple and watched them carry you out on thy white bier covered with the whitest of flowers. My beloved, my grief was great as with a broken heart I again returned to Priesthood to live in loneliness tfntil that day came for me when I, too, followed you. That awful day, the blood was flowing and covered my garment as would the stain of wine. My beloved, I go but I will come again and tell you more. MESSAGE NO. 3. And now, my beloved, warfare is upon us and tomorrow will see the chariots hurry- ing thru our beautiful city. You know the weakness of our people — but I will strive to guard you. Tomorrow will see bloodshed and sorrow. Soon the mighty horde will march down upon us and trample our beau- tiful city with their chariots. My heart aches that one so young as you (only a bud) should see the carnage and warfare that is upon us. I pray for thy safety, for they must not harm you. Gladly I would tear down the walls of our mighty city to save you. I cannot hold my Medium longer, but will come again. MESSAGE NO. 4. Oh, my beloved, where are you? I have searched our city over to find you; have you taken flight with the refugees on to Alex- andria, or are you hiding in our city'? Where are you? Where have you gone? My God! My beloved, I see you — I have found you — Oh .... (A terrible scream from the Medium — a pause, then another scream.) My God, they have thrown the javelin and have killed you. You fall, you are dead! MESSAGE NO. 5. Good evening, my beloved. By the power of my great love for you I am able for a time to draw your soul close to mine. (Ex- plaining a vision the writer had expe- rienced but a few moments before.) It is true, we were together in spirit on the wide desert, under the starry heavens, in the far away land of Egypt, which I call my play- ground, and to that place I go for quietude and meditation, not finding the planes over your earth cities harmonious. It is with great effort and the kindly as- sistance of a great chemist and high guide that I could take you with me, my beloved, but we were never re-incarnated in Egypt. Last evening I left you lying dead in the streets of Rome, and I, bleeding from my death wounds, from which I, too, passed on breathing a prayer that I might meet you soon again. Good night, I will come again. In answer to questions asked of Acredios — Are you a teacher? he answered "No-" Are you a guide? again he answered "No." Are you a Master, YES. How long have you been with me? Nineteen years. Have 12 ACREDIOS you seen the great Master Christ! YES. What can I do to be worthy of you? You are already worthy, else I would not have come to thee. Your mistakes and strivings have been lessons and beneficial to you. Then to him I said — I look upon you as a God. He replied: I am no God, but a Master, one sent as a message bearer to you, my soul-mate. Will I ever be controlled by you? Yes, my desire is to control you and prove my thanks and gratitude to the medium for allowing me to come to you, my beloved, thru her. It is my reward for the help I am giving others. If my medium were not so near the astral it would be impossible for me to reach you. I am watching over you and caring for you and will come to you as often as the medium can be controlled. Good night. MESSAGE NO. 6. My beloved, I will speak slowly that you may get all of my message. In the city of Hamburg in the 17th century, relgious fanaticism was at its height; and I, a priest of the church, was the most fanatical of all. In our city there arose a belief of the possi- bility of communion with the dead. The church was frightened and knew it must crush this thing; and those who were found to believe in and forward this belief were persecuted and destroyed. The Mother Church was condemning to the right and left. They were burned at the stake and put on racks. All that embraced this doc- trine were known as heretics. That day when twelve were gathered together to be burned, among them was a young maid now more than willing to die for her faith. I was the executor, my hard hand must set the fire to the funeral pyre. When I came to her and knelt at her feet to kindle the fire, I looked into her face and I knew that it was you. Oh, the maddening grief of it all; that my hand should send you forth again, and I U ACREDIOS must go my way alone. The days and nights went by, but they could not wipe from my heart that tragic event. Then one evening when my brow had grown gray with sor- row, you came to me that night as I now come to you, and I then knew that the faith you had stood for was true, and the event of material life and death did not end all. You are mine and I am thine and I shall communicate with you from now on. You are the one thing in material life that has drawn me back to the earth plane. Your coming to me in that past age allowed me to pass out in peace, and proved to me for the first time that life is eternal. I will come again. MESSAGE NO. 7. I have been very busy since last we met preparing the mansion that will some day be ours. I have been going to and fro over the spirit plane gathering the thought forms of the greatest artists and of flowers most beautiful that grow in the Spirit World. I have gathered thought forms of composers of music. I have gathered these forms so rare and beautiful that they could not be given to the people of the Earth plane. I have gathered thought forms for beautiful marbles too rare for human conception. I have caught and remoulded the scentillat- ing light of the most beautiful jewels. I have moulded and reset them in spiritual perfection and they shall be yours. My medium is not acting well tonight. I dare not yet control you. I have been unable to find out where our souls dwelt between our past incarnations. I mean the time between our incarnations in Athens and Rome or the space of time between our meeting in Hamburg. As it is veiled from me, our souls must have been parted. I know not the name they called you, but you have al- 16 ACREDIOS ways been my beloved to me. I have striven to show you the beauties of that which is to come, and will be, and as you strive to lift yourself toward the spiritual and come more in rapport with me I will many times take you out thru the Gates of Day into that realm of Spiritual perfection that you know not of. Good night. MESSAGE NO. 8. Good evening, my beloved. I must carry you back to that night in Hamburg. When I passed from earth consciousness to soul consciousness I awoke in my narrow cell in the monastery to find my body lying stiff and cold upon a slab of stone, yet I was liv- ing, pacing back and forth in that narrow cell. Suddenly I became conscious that I had passed thru the wall of my cell into that of my neighbor's. I looked down upon his body, but I realized that he was breath- ing in his body. I went from cell to cell, visitijng each brother, and some of them stirred in their sleep as if troubled. Sud- denly I found myself away out in space alone. Beneath me I could see the lights of our city. Then they, too, seemed to disap- pear in mist, and I was out in unlimited space alone with a loneliness that a mortal can have no conception of. It seemed that I went on for days. The way grew darker and darker, and I seemed to be sinking down into the very abyss of despair, when suddenly there appeared at my side a majestic figure, robed in white, 18 ACRE BIOS and he said to me: "I am the Representa- tive of that Christ that hangs crucified on your monastary walls. What has been your Service to me?" "I have prayed majuy prayers," I answered. "Have you healed the sick?" I was speechless, for I had not. Again he questioned: "Have you fed the hungry?" I bowed my head, for I had not. "Have you gone forth to lift up the fallen of the world ? " I had not. ' ' Have you con- demned your fellow men?" I had, even to the extent of burning pure souls at the stake. Yet in spite of it all, he looked down with compassion upon me and asked me what I now desired. I replied, above all, that I might serve the Master Christ, and realize that I was being of service and that I might with my service wipe out the mis- deeds and transgressions committed while incarnate upon earth. "Then come with me," and he led me thru the gates of a city. It seemed to be the dwelling place of the most unhappy souls. I heard much weeping. I saw many souls going to and fro as if searching for some one whom they had lost, and were un- able to come in contact with. I can hold my medium no longer. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 9. And as we went thru the gates of that city, we were met by a throng of frightened souls. From whence do they come, I asked. They have only at this moment made en- trance into the city; they passed out from a shipwreck off the coast of Sicily. They were mad with grief, and it seemed almost impossible to pacify them. A poor mother was rushing to and fro, crying for her chil- dren. A young husband was searching for his wife, and an old man searched for his gold. "This is your hour of service, " said the white figure at my side, and I knew not what to do, I understood neither pity nor love, my soul seemed as empty as a drained wine cup. I could not even weep. I searched for the crucifix that hung at my girdle, that it might give me consolation, but it was gone. Then I saw at my feet the huddled form of a little child, and I gathered it up thinking to wrap my robe about it that it might be warmed. As the little form was held against my breast, my cold heart seemed to warm with compassion. I heard these words: "Suffer the little children to come unto 20 ACREDIOS me." I raised my eyes to the face of my guide. He was smiling, and then he left me. Verily the days in that city were to me busy days. I was no longer bound by church creedalism. My soul was beginning to rejoice in its freedom. I was beginning to love and to understand and to suffer in a compassionate way. The souls that I was working among were very close to the earth plane, and the impress of their passing seemed to hang around them. My medium is slipping from me. MESSAGE NO 10. Good-evening, my beloved. The message that I give to you tonight is a very personal one. My beloved, when the Great Intelli- gence endowed you with the gift of Med- iumship, you were expected by the Great Master to stand as a minister upon the earth. So far you have lacked confidence in yourself, but have you not confidence in me, my beloved, and the forces that I am able to draw around joul Here am I on this side of life doing my work as a minister of truth and you upon the earth must do your work that you may come en rapport with me. ' I am not chiding you, I am only trying to make you realize the greatness of thy ministry, and again let me say to you, "Keep ever before you the Life and Ex- ample of the Master Christ." Souls do not realize until they come out to this side of life how great was the mission of this, the Greatest Leader of modern times. Verily he opened the gates of Eternal Life and put Death under His feet. He is indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am impressing this upon you because of its great import- 22 ACREDIOS ance. You, who are Mediums, working on your side of life, are the earth rungs upon which souls must climb, and you must not be found broken. So I ask you for the love and confidence that I give to you, to begin your work now, knowing that I and the Forces will uphold you. My Medium is sleeping. MESSAGE NO. 11. My beloved, I dwelt within these city walls for more than a century (as you count time). I realized by the coming of Souls from the Earth plane that the Light must be breaking in the stagnant darkness that covered the Earth during my last incarna- tion. My Soul Consciousness was growing brighter and I was almost happy, but I real- ized as not before that my Soul was not complete. I was filled with a loneliness that can scarcely be described. While I had been allowed to go out to other Planes, and see many other phases of Soul expression, I had but once been allowed to visit the Earth plane. That time I was led into the Council Chambers of a great and mighty Church. I heard them betraying humanity. I listened to their plotting against the Truth, and I stood there trying to plead with them, trying to impress them with the awful crime they were committing against God Almighty, A Loving Father. But in that great number of Priests there was but one who was impressed. He was an old ma& and arose and slowly left the Council Cham- U ACREDIOS ber. I followed him out to his lonely cell. He bowed his gray head, clasped his with- ered hands and prayed: " Father, forgive us, for we know not what we do." I returned to my City and met new arrivals, among them a gray haired woman who had been burned as a heretic. I knelt at her feet and cried out in my grief. Surely no Soul could have suffered more for deeds done in the body. When I arose I found my Guide be- side me (the one who had brought me to this City) . He bid me come with him. We went again to the Earth, to the vine-clad hills of France. It was evening, the herds were coming home through the long, shady lanes, the sun was striking across the peace- ful valleys, the echo of the Vesper-bells still hung on the air. We came to a white cot- tage, surrounded with roses, and there in the door with a lapful of flowers, sat a young maid. My Guide had left me, and I stood aloof by her unconscious side, and I knew she too knew I was there for I saw her soft eyes grow dark with dreams. My beloved, you again. My Medium is tired. My beloved, from that golden summer even- ing I seemed to be free. The barriers that had separated me from the earth plane were broken down. I could come and go as THE VEIL LIFTED 25_ I desired. Oh, the hours that I spent with you, watching over your tender woman- hood. You were the gayest of the gay, a laughing, happy maid, among others that were equally as happy, and yet often you came to me, down thru the cool green orchard to sit beside the cool clear water. You would sit in absolute silence, with your hands clasped idly, with a look of wonder in your dark eyes. You did not realize that one who had loved you from the beginning of Time was there beside you. And then another came, a tall young lover, who wooed you with all the fire of the blood of France. You were disturbed and dissatisfied. You loved him with a material love, but you knew your Soul did not belong to him. You used to come to our meeting place, fling yourself down upon the grass and there weep long and pitifully. I strove to comfort you, but could not. One day I came to find you stitching upon your wed- ding garments. Often I stood by your side during those long dreamy hours and often I saw your tears fall upon the white robes. Then one day again the tocsin of war rang thru sunny Prance, and I saw your tall, fine young lover march away to die upon the battle-fields. And then came the in- 26 ACREDIOS vaders, and sword and famine swept over Brittany. Winter saw you fading. And again I saw you wrapped in your winding sheet, and it was I who stood by your side when your Soul left the body. Oh, what joy when I led you forth, when you were to be mine, but that glorious reunion that I had planned was so short lived. As I led you out into the Realm of Spirit, we met a white Angel from a faraway Star. Taking your hand, she said to me: "Not yet, your work is not finished, and her experience in life is not yet rounded out; she must live the full experience of the Earth plane be- fore she can come to you." And I saw you go from me again. My Medium is so tired. MESSAGE NO. 12. My beloved, I come to you tonight direct- ly from the Temple of Truth. Let the things I say to you burn upon your heart in letters of fire. First, I will say to you, that the greatest power in the Universe is the power of Love. This Universal Love is unselfish and selfless. There is no sacrifice that hu- manity can make, that will receive a greater reward than thinking of and serving thy fellow man. Love is the basic principle of Universal expression. God is Love: there- fore feel deeply your responsibility as a Medium, and by the power of that Love, command the Dead to come forth, as did the Christ bid Lazareth to stand again before the face of Man, and prove to a doubting world that Life is and Death is not. What mission could be higher and nobler than this? And I command you by the bond of Love that is between us, that you take up Thy work faithfully and trustingly, that you may sooner become en rapport with me. I do not know how much longer we will be able to use this Medium, therefore make yourself ready, by every means at your 28 ACREDIOS command. Know that you yourself are nothing but a willing instrument through whom these great forces must work. Have no fear, know the forces I command are around you and with you. Have faith in me, my beloved, have faith. Oh, I will be glad when I can lead you onward nad up- ward expanding and unfolding your Soul, Until nothing shall be known to you but Love and its power. There is one even greater than I that will soon be working through this Medium. But I shall never leave her entirely, because thru her our Souls have again been allowed to meet. Oh, my beloved, do you realize what this means? Two pure Souls meeting in pure rapture with the stain of every material thing burned out by the purity of our Love. I know it is hard for me to make you to understand, even in the smallest part, the rapturous joy of Soul Love. I am hold- ing my Medium so long tonight that it is perfect torture to her, but I realize I must get these thoughts through to you. So, I go. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 13. My beloved, we have just received a mes- sage from the Higher Spheres. Several of the workers here, myself among them, have been called upon for some particular work. We are like soldiers under marching orders. Our mission is to obey. I do not know if we will visit the Earth plane or that we are to be sent to some other Sphere of Activity. But I know that when we are sent upon these missions we are very busy, and are not permitted to divide our attentions, so, my beloved, do not grieve nor lose confidence in me if I do not come soon again. I do not know whence I go, nor how long I shall stay, neither do I know if I will be returned to this particular Sphere. But this I do know, that the Great-Loving-God that made us all will not separate us again for any length of time. Your Spiritual unfoldment makes our separation impossible. When I return from the mission I am to perform I shall impress this Medium so strongly that she will be compelled to sit, however busy she may be. Now, my beloved, keep faith with me and do not for one moment forget 30 ACREDIOS that you are endowed with mediumistic powers and have your work to do. Remem- ber that there are Evil forces upon this side of Life that will strive to hold you in bond- age of fear were it possible. Oh, be of good cheer and courage and know I do not leave you unprotected. I have won my way to a position here, that gives me power and au- thority over forces that I can use for your help and protection. I am not speaking from a sense of pride, but from humbleness and thankfulness, glad that I was able to work out my salvation and that I might by the deeds done on this side of Life wipe out the misdeeds done on that Side. It is only through the tender love of that great Intelli- gence that we are thus permitted and given a chance to try again and again, and are in- stilled with that desire that leads us onward and upward in our Soul's progression, and still the bond of Love is not broken and we are permitted to go back to those we love and lead them in wisdom and give them encouragement. Now I go and the Peace of Christ be with you until I come again. Thank the Medium. MESSAGE NO. 14. My beloved, I greet you again tonight and am glad to return to you. My mission has been a strange one, but very beautiful. Your earth in its evolution has now reached a high place in the arc of progression. No longer does she roll through a fog of dark- ness, but she is at last entering the Light, thrown from that great Dynamic Center of the Universe, which we in our ignorance on the earth plane strove to call and believed to be a personal God. But this Light is not God as we were once taught. We knew Him as a great Personage away upon a white throne, judging, in wrathful judgment, ig- norant humanity. But it is the light that lights the Universe and the Principle and Essence of all good. Into this great Light your little Terrestrial ball called Earh is now being flung. And therefore upon the Earth plane is coming a Spiritual awaken- ing, such has never been before. But the seed of this great awakening must be planted and cultivated by those knowing Souls out in the Realms of Spirit, who have gathered their knowledge through expe- 32 ACREDIOS rience and sufferings through their many lives upon the Earth plane. The night that I left you before, my beloved, I was sent to the heart of India, high up in the Hyma- layas, far from the haunts of men. Seven Sages, wise in occult teachings, had gath- ered together for prayer and meditations. There was one among them a Soul like unto the Medium I hold here, one who was near the Astral, and it was my mission to go to him and implant on his entranced mind this great Light, that comes forth from the old- est teachings known to man, springing forth with a greater force than ever before. I have been there entrancing and speaking through this man, and forth out of India shall come a new Spiritual flame. While I was upon this Holy Mission, imparting to this human consciousness these things that I had brought from the far Realm of Spirit, others of the great Brotherhood were scat- tered about various points of the Earth. They were lighting little fires here and there. These fires will cause a conflagra- tion of Spiritual flames that will do much to burn out the Material, before the end of the century. Each one as we finished our mission returned to a sphere high in the Realm of Spirit. One by one we came in, THE VEIL LIFTED S3 each bringing our experience and our re- port. Two from India, One from Berlin, One from London, One from New York, being present at a little Spiritual Meeting there and imparted through a Medium things that had never before been spoken except by tongues of Angels. Oh, my be- loved, you can not thank sufficiently the Great Intelligence for having even a grain of Mediumship. For ye are indeed the salt of the earth, who have kept alive in the hearts of men, the seed of Truth, that has made this great Spiritual Awakening pos- sible. I will come again. Good-night. Message No. 15 A Joyous Reunion in Spirit Life MESSAGE NO. 15. I am here again, my beloved. When last I parted from you I was caught away to higher spheres than I had ever before worked. My Mission became that in which I must meet the more intellectual, coming from your Earth plane, those out of whom church customs and creedalism could not crush the Living spark of God self. I shall now tell you of one of our recent expe- riences, with one of those noble Souls of the Earth life, who had unfolded to a very high point of Soul Expression, but had be- come caught in the net of Material Love; so for her Soul's sake the higher powers took her beloved, into the higher spheres. This was a terrible experience to her and she came near drowning her Soul in grief. Her loved one was at work on this side and could only go to her for very short periods. She went to and fro over the earth seeking con- solation and communion. At last the body became so frail and worn from her grief that her Soul went forth, and I with one other went to the borderland to meet that Soul. It was the very personification of ACREDIOS grief. So sorrowful had she been that her Astral entity was robed in black. We brought her forth to these Celestial planes and strove to awaken her Soul to the con- sciousness of beauty and truth. We led her through paths of beauty, we showed her the wonders of our Celestial flowers, but she only bathed them with her tears. After we had made every effort to bring her Soul forth from the darkness of sorrow we called those in the realm above us to come to our assistance. How tenderly and compassion- ately those white Angels came down to us! They bid her lie down upon a couch and sleep. And when she became awake her dark robes were gone; she was clothed in shimmering silver. Her face was transfig- ured with a heavenly beauty. She stood for a moment silent, as if listening, and then went forth so swiftly that we could scarce follow her. On and on she went, fast as thought, until we came to the dwelling place of him that she loved. Oh, my be- loved, I cannot find expression to tell you the beauty of that meeting. The very air seemed vibrant with Love and Joy, as he knelt there holding her silver garment against his face, and she calling over and over his beloved name. And we went and THE VEIL LIFTED 39 left them alone together, with a great gol- den light of love shining around them. These are the meetings we are often per- mitted to see. I will tell you she was a poetess who has passed but recently from your earth plane. I am telling you this so you will realize the meeting we too shall have, and now go to your church and pray for the world as you never prayed before. Good-bye. Message No. 16 Mediums are Spiritual Gate Keepers to the Spirit Realms MESSAGE NO. 16. Good evening, my beloved. I know that you have been filled with longing, wonder- ing why I did not visit you more often, but I am at the present time commander of a band of Spirit helpers, that are hovering over the Southern border of your land. There is some great event about to take place upon your Earth plane. You recognize yourself the great restlessness that is now touching the hearts of the people of the Earth plane. You find your own heart cry- ing out for you know not what. The Astral plane about you is quite as much disturbed as is the Earth plane. For some reason, I cannot tell you what, both good and evil forces are gathering around your Earth plane. Hosts of Angel helpers are descend- ing from the higher spheres. While from the depths of the darker planes, hosts of darker entities. It is these darker entities that your sensitives feel. They are placing an imprint of restlessness upon the world. They seem to be gathering their forces for a final combat. What the result will be upon your Earth plane I cannot say. But I will say that you Mediums must fight AC RED I OS against these evil forces, with all the power at your command. Bearing ever in mind that you are the Spiritual gate keepers to the Spiritual Realms. Stand fast, be of good cheer, call ever upon your Angel help- ers, keep your minds pure and listen ever to those inspirational voices that come from the high realm of Spirit. This disturbance or upheaval upon your Earth plane is in part caused by your position at the present time in the arc of progression. The White Light from the higher spheres is beginning to light the darkness surrounding your earth as it progresses toward this light. The dross of the material will be burned away and only that which is good, true and pure will survive. Oh, if man realized what a great event in his Soul's progression is at hand he would indeed turn his face toward the light and cast aside every material thing that would retard his Soul's progres- sion. The time is near at hand when there shall be a new Heaven and a new Earth. A Heaven that is not the habitation of God, but a Light within Thyself, that shall light the hearts of men, bringing forth all good. You are reaching that time when Death shall be no more. When Spiritual under- standing shall lead the Universe. When THE VEIL LIFTED ^ tears shall be wiped away from every eye, and poverty, pain and death shall have no place. Oh, do thy duty. Strive to bring this about with every power at your com- mand. Oh, that man should learn to eter- nally send up perfect thought forms, to work in harmony with us, to build and cre- ate for his own welfare, as well as for others. As for yourself, have patience, knowing that I am caring for you. Do not send out thought forms of worry and doubt and material desire, remember always that you will be cared for. Strive to live each day as if it were the last upon earth. I have been thru Centuries of toil and am still toiling. I am trying to instill in your heart this broader outlook. Oh, my beloved, be no longer bound by thoughts of little material things. Learn that Life is broad, broad, broad. And in the sight of the Great Intelligence 1000 years are but a day. Have patience, knowing that my Soul is bound to yours. (When asked a question regarding another earth incarnation for myself.) For you, yes ; for me I cannot tell, but I do not think so. We shall never be separated again. I can still be with you, because I am reasonably certain that my work for ages to come will be near the Earth plane. And he ACREDIOS even tho I go into far distant sphere this bond of Love cannot be broken. I would stay with you always but I dare not hold the Medium longer. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 17. Good evening, my beloved* I am here to answer questions about your being con- trolled. Why not? I will speak to you about this directly, and do not think that I am chiding you, but you are hanging a veil of Self between me and thee. Where I was once there you now are. "How can I over- come that?" I asked. By thinking always of others and never of Self. Be more glad to take down a message that pertains to the whole World than one that pertains to me and thee alone. Even in this high sphere I must forget Self the greater part of the time. It is only through Centuries of un- selfish toil for others that I have been re- warded by this, which is unto me an un- speakable joy; to be with thee these few moments each evening, my beloved. Though I would toil Centuries more, if I could take out of thy path all obstacles, I would do so gladly. But should I do this, it would only mean a longer parting. For your na- ture being a part of mine, I can understand that the existence of a butterfly, tho that existence be ages long, would no more J>8 ACREDIOS satisfy thee than it would satisfy me. Your unrest and dissatisfaction are caused by your desire to progress, and without it your Soul would retrograde and sink backward into that Cosmic Sea of Eternal Quietness, and it would take Centuries before you would again come forth, and for Ages you would again tread the paths of the Earth plane, before you would reach the place where we might touch hands across the bor- der again. There is nothing that brings the progression we desire about faster than to put aside Self and think of others. Had I not grasped this fact Centuries ago, I would not be in the place I am in today. So, my beloved, when I give messages to thee that pertains to all the world, write them down gladly, and forget for the moment the Love between me and thee. Is there more that thou would 'st ask? You are learning quick- ly. As I said before, I would that I could withdraw from you every worry, while I am throwing around you great forces, while I am protecting you and giving you help that you may work. I cannot do for you the work that you must do yourself. As I said before, if you were perfectly happy, you would not progress ; you must do your work in spite of Difficulites, not because the path THE VEIL LIFTED is made easy for you by some one else. This has been the false teachings of all the churches thru all the ages, and yet today they are teaching this, "That man can lay his burden of misdeeds upon some one else." No, my beloved, every Soul must work out its own salvation and must work thru difficulties, in order to gain the strength that will carry that Soul onward and upward. Patience and courage, my be- loved. I shall let my Medium go now. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 18. My beloved, write carefully this message that I shall give you tonight, for I am im- parting to you the knowledge that has never reached the Earth plane before. On your Earth plane great Scientists who pretend to great wisdom, send forth in the world many and various theories pertaining to these planets in that Solar System about the Earth. Tonight I shall bring you knowledge from high spheres that which will refute the theories put forth by these wise men of the Earth. They are at the present time pre- dicting that the Earth plane will soon com- municate with Mars. This cannot be, and the reason I will explain. First, the Earth plane is the seed-bed of all the worlds in the Solar System, as you know it. Every Soul and every Entity living in these numerous worlds was propagated on the Earth plane, and have all some time lived there, and many will return to live again, perhaps thru many lives before they can go out in the high realms that are the home of the real spirit. The planet Mars is not nor never was inhabitated by highly intelligent Souls. THE VEIL LIFTED H It is the resting place of those from the Earth plane that were neither good nor evil, those who are not thinkers, who lived lives that were little above an ox. When they left the Earth plane they were sent to this planet called Mars, and some of them have lived there for countless millions of years, as you count time, dancing about in the quiet sunlight, as butterflies dance over a green meadow. They are simple non-entities, not pure enough to be drawn back into the Cos- mic Whole, nor evil enough to suffer. Some day when their day of joy is done, they will be sent away and placed accordingly. Some will be called to higher spheres, per- haps to work. Some will perhaps return to the Earth plane to live again. As they are now, they will not communicate with you, as they have no desire to. I have visited there often. I am telling you only that which I have beheld with mine own eyes. These vast canals the scientists say they see upon Mars, are merely the outline of the surface of that planet, that is, for some rea- son, that I do not know, seems to be laid out in layers in regular order, and not in islands and continents as upon your Earth plane. The different colorings seen are due to at- mospheric conditions. These Souls that live ACREDIOS upon this planet are nourished and kept alive by different vibrations in the atmos- phere around the planet. Certain times in the year the vibrations are of one color and another season another. They are fed and nourished by these vibrations according to their needs. And to me, who am a warrior in this great strife of Soul progression, the life lived on Mars would be very undesira- ble. But to these Souls dancing there in the glorified ether, it is the Heaven of their desires, and many will not perhaps leave there for countless ages, and such are the Souls existing upon Mars, and the people of the Earth shall not, as I know, ever com- municate with them. They would not bene- fit by it, and for that reason it will not be. I have taken my medium very far. I go. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 19. My beloved, I need not say good-evening now, for you have realized my presence this entire evening, have you not? You have put your feet upon the path that leads away to the Soul's highest expression, where I and thee will sometimes walk together in Elysian fields, beside the living waters, hand in hand and side by side. We will truly realize that Life is and Death is not. I worked thru Medium tonight and am strengthening her for a great work that will be hers. I cannot stay long tonight. I find the condition of my Medium somewhat dis- turbed, and I do not feel that I can hold her for a long message tonight. There are reasons for which I cannot give an explana- tion now, but later on most surely I will keep every promise that I have made to you. Placing yourself in a receptive condition will help, but do, not sit too often, for it is like unto taking strong medicine, a little may help but more might be harmful, but be of good courage and continue to do your work, and go onward and upward as fast as you receive the unfolding Spirit force. I 5U ACREDIOS will open the way for you, and if you should be called away to work in other fields, do not be surprised for it will be for your good. If conditions are brought about, as I believe they will be, there will come about a change of considerable importance to you in a very short length of time. I am striving to make conditions more congenial for you, but do not put too much stress on the importance of material things. Because they are but shadows of clouds upon the water- Oh, that you were far enough developed that I could catch you away and lift you above your City tonight, and that you might see it as I see it. You would then realize how badly workers are needed upon your Earth plane. There are thought forms going up from this City tonight that are like gray ghosts straying to and fro. They have come from hearts crying out: Where am I? What am I? Where shall I go? Indeed, you may be thankful that you can give a little light to these many Souls. There are people slipping toward that dark crossing called Death by the people of the Earth, who are mad with despair at the thought of going out into that Hell that they have been taught to believe exists over here. Oh, in- deed it is a work of Love to lift the fear THE VEIL LIFTED 55 from their hearts and bring them to realize that Death is not. Oh, strive to make the scales fall from their eyes. Let me impress it upon you again and again the importance of thy mission, and be glad you may do your work now while you are clothed in the ma- terial sense and not so much awake to suf- fering, as on this side of life. Somewhere out of the ether comes these words: "Nothing but leaves; and the spirit grieves, O'er the years of a wasted life." I, my beloved, realize what that remorse means. That is why I am striving to im- press you to do your work now, that you will not have to meet a page of despair when you go thru the gates into Eternal Life. My Medium can bear no more. I have been here long beyond my time. Good-night. Message No. 20 The Dangers in Impure Mediumship MESSAGE NO. 20. Good-evening, my beloved. The condi- tions over your City make visitations from the high spheres almost impossible. I am glad you cannot see the emanations that go up from your City, for they are more than the sensitives on the Earth plane could bear and not go mad. We are striving hard on this side of life to cast out these imitators and fakers who pretend to be Spiritualists. These people who tell half-truths are most dangerous and detrimental to true med- iums, who are working to bring about the true Spiritual Light to the world. Many of these people, while they are mediums, are living lives so impure and untrue, are so greedy and mercenary, that they draw about them only the lower Astrals from the lower planes of existence. While some of these entities are merely mischievous, there are many who are malicious and evil. They prey upon the weaker intellects, gain con- trol of them and work their will thru them, as there are many people upon the Earth plane who do not desire to grasp Spiritual- ism in its highest expression, but merely 60 ACREDIOS desire physical phenomena. To this class of individuals these elementals of the low- er Expression are positively dangerous. Some time these entities striving for re- venge will fasten themsleves upon these in- tellects and cause them to commit murder, and steep themselves in debauchery and vice. Sometimes they cause them to wil- fully destroy the honor of another. Some- times people of a low order of Intelligence are caught and flung out of their rhymth bringing about self-destruction. And I am telling you as one who knows, that in your place as a true medium, use physical phe- nomena as little as possible. The higher Spiritual controls use inspirational impres- sions, clairaudience and clairvoyance, and rarely table tipping or such, as one meets with at trumpet seances. So I ask you in your work to avoid this sort of demonstra- tion as much as possible. Sometimes it is permissable to first thus interest an intel- lect if you are sure that the person can by degrees be led higher, until he will receive and understand inspirational spiritual ex- pression. But I say to you again, avoid it whenever possible and look to the higher Spiritual controls, and not to those elemen- THE VEIL LIFTED 61 tals who are oftimes of a much lower men- tality than vourself . I have not come often, my beloved. It is because other forces that are preparing to use this Medium, I do not know for what purpose nor how soon. I have to come to her several times in the last days, each time to find her enveloped in a mist or vaporous emanation that has been thrown around her by these higher forces. There is a law that does not permit us to interfere with our Superiors when they are preparing to use a medium. I am not sure that I will be per- mitted to be your guide. Sometimes those who love us are not our best teachers. I will help, but we are apt to think too much of Me and Thee. I must let mv Medium rest. MESSAGE NO. 21. My beloved, I shall carry you away in Spirit tonight, into a sphere of eternal sil- ence, where for millions of years not a sound has ever broken the everlasting still- ness. In this region that has nothing or is nothing but a dead past, that has even no light except reflected light, which trails her way across the heavens an eternal frozen ghost among the living planets. She is held close to your earth by the vibration of at- traction that is flung out by that planet. As she is close to you, your scientists have studied her and have indeed spoken truth- fully when they have conceived her as a dead planet, and yet dwelling upon this planet are entities that once lived upon your Earth plane. These are Souls that never realized or felt one tiny expression of true selfless Love. They are Souls that have lived entirely self-selfishness, who have lived upon your Earth plane and were mighty in intellect, but were controlled by their ambition and which caused them to crush humanity under their feet, and to whom the most terrible destruction of life THE VEIL LIFTED 63_ was as nothing compared to their sense of power. And in their pride, ambition and greed, the cries of their fellow men were drowned. There is one upon your Earth plane today who in passing will go out into this sphere which is in Death and yet not Death. And there he will probably dwell for Centuries, desiring in a land where there is nothing to desire. As lonely, frozen ghosts they will trail their misty robes to and fro across the face of this cold, dead plain. This planet lies in the back-waters of the Spirit- ual Universe, and is rarely visited by any of the Souls from the higher spheres. It is a place of cold ghostliness, unto which even those from planes of much knowledge dread to be sent. I once visited there, and I pray that I shall not be asked to go again, for it is more hopeless than the darkest Hell. It is cold and Souless and lightless, except for the reflected light that falls upon it, and the Souls there are hard to reach even by that Great Intelligence that reaches all. There is no condition that can be more hopeless or pitiless than a Soul without Love. My beloved, when you look up from your Earth plane to this cold, dead planet driving her lonely way across the Universe in her eter- 64 ACRED10S nal frozen stillness, let a prayer go up from your heart for those Souls out there whose motive when living on your Earth plane was selfish ambition. Those wretched Souls that knew not Love. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 22. Good evening, my beloved. I have been watching over you day by day, weighing and balancing every thought that you have sent forth on the ether. I have sent you help, have you received it ? I told you some time ago, my beloved, that I was striving to make conditions better for you. Do you not already begin to sense the fulfilment of my promise? And if you strive to go on- ward and upward, daily continuing your efforts for your Soul's progression, the emanations that go forth from your thought force will come en rapport with vibrations of mine and the way will grow brighter and brighter, as the material disappears and the Spiritual becomes evident. The message I would give tonight, my beloved, pertains to both yourself and the Medium thru whom I am working. The crow T ns of Silver have been set upon your brows by the higher forces. These tiny braids of shining metal symbolize that you have been chosen, each as a high priestess who must robe your- selves in purity and vestments of gleaming Truth, and go forth and open the gates, that 66 ACREDIOS man, who is the Son, can find his way back to his Father's house. Bear in mind that ye cannot open these gates with unclean hands. There is no material estimate that you can put upon yourselves as chosen ones, sent forth by the higher forces, that can fully express the Holiness of your mission. And yet I would not that ye should be puffed up, dear ones, but bear the uplift- ment as it was borne by the Christ, in all gentleness and humility. And it is of this Great Misunderstood Master that I would speak to you to-night. My dear ones, in your work keep ever before you his example and precepts, for it is indeed thru this that man shall come to realize his oneness with the Father. If you leave the teachings of this Great Master out of your work you will darken the way and cloud the under- standing of those you are striving to uplift. But do not, my beloved, bring forth the crucified body, even tho that body be the earth tenement of the greatest of Masters, and bid man look upon this tortured Christ for his salvation. Oh, look not to a dead God, but to a risen Master and Teacher, who is working upon this side in this age lead- ing men onward and upward toward that great realm of perfection, and this is the THE VEIL LIFTED 67 Great Master that I would have you make the world to see. Man must no longer bow down to the dead, for there is no dead. Death could never save, but Life, Life eternal, must be realized by mortals if they would go forth and Live. TELL THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN THAT LIFE IS AND DEATH IS NOT. I am greatly pleased with the work that you are doing, and I shall come as often as I am permitted. And by permission I shall guide and guard you both in your upward progression, and the time will come when I shall meet you both, and lead you into that beautiful temple from which all Truth emanates. I must go now. Good-night. MESSAGE NO 23. My beloved, I speak to you tonight of the mission that you are about to perform. I told you sometime ago not to be surprised if you were called to other fields of labor. You are being sent forth now as a test. The forces desire to know how much of your per- sonal desires you are willing to sacrifice for Spiritual Truths. This is verily the begin- ning of that selfless mission that you shall be called to perform. Therefore I ask you, my beloved, to stand forth bravely admit- ting to all, that you are a Spiritualist, bear- ing in mind that these who are faithful in little things are the rulers over great things. I shall go with you every day and every hour. Remember that in this phase of the Soul's expression that I am able to travel with the swiftness of thought. Whatever I may be performing on this side of life, or whatever work I may be impressing upon this Medium, I shall also find time to be with you. I am striving now to surround you with things that will bring you the greatest personal comfort. But if I find that this is not best for thy Soul, I shall THE VEIL LIFTED 69 remove them. It remains to be seen how you use this help that I have given you. I shall not even for thy material comfort place a stumbling block between me and thee. I would that thy Soul should prog- ress, that you could come to me, for I am indeed jealous of the few hours that you shall yet be apart from me. My Medium has almost been taken from me. I would have you speak to her and bid her not even try to think of the things she would speak of when the time comes. I will deliver the message for her. I shall work thru her until I turn her over to another. You will see this woman doing great work, for there is now centered about her from the high spheres many influences, that she herself does not dream of, or of the work she will be called upon to perform. Later on she will likely be entranced for days at a time and hover on the borderland, while we will instruct her. Your Soul is much younger than hers, and cannot do the work. Good- night. Message No. 24 The Marvelous Power of Thought MESSAGE NO. 24. My beloved, this message that I would give to you tonight is upon the Power of Thought. If the medium thru whom I am working did but realize the Allness of Thought, these messages would not need to be discontinued, but as you do not realize the possibility of continuing them even tho you are far apart, the vibrations must for the time be broken. I am not per- mitted to control you at this time. For one reason you have not yet developed the power of will to call back your Soul if I should part it from the body, and draw it out upon the Astral as I do that of this Medium. But I shall give you inspirational impressions, and I desire that you write them down when you are away and receive them. I shall continue working thru this Medium, giving her messages that are not of me and thee, but words of encourage- ment, that shall pertain to the world. I hope she will be able to get them through. Tho to write them herself will be impossible, because in order to use her I must draw her so far out that she is hardlv conscious. But 7U ACREDIOS if she is able to get these messages trans- cribed, I wish that you might compare them when you meet again. I shall try as best I may to get thru the same messages to both. Tho I may not be able always to do so, I would speak to you now especially upon the power of Thought. Bear in mind that Thoughts are Things. Aud the most vital Things in all the Universe. For indeed Thought created the Universe. The Spheres are held together by the Power of Thought, ruling and controlling all in perfect har- mony. Bear in mind that every thought creates a form. These forms gather around you on the Earth plane, entering your vibra- tions and emanations, in fact becoming the greater factor of them. Remember the Great Master said, "As a man thinketh so is he.'' There is nothing truer than this, for if a man hate, he draweth unto himself the elements of hate. If he be kind and just he will draw unto himself that which comes from Love and Justice. This is man's heri- tage from the Almighty God. And man as a thinking being may choose good or evil as he desires; but bear in mind it is by his thoughts that he makes his choice. A man may speak ever so kindly, and yet his thoughts may be evil and designing, and it THE VEIL LIFTED 75 is not words but thoughts that create forms, be they good or evil. These thought forms do not make their imprint upon the Earth plane or material life alone, but they reach for out into the Astral sphere, and out there you will meet them face to face, and they shall be just what you have created. There is no punishment for man in all the Uni- verse except that punishment that he cre- ates for himself. For the Heavenly Father is all Goodness and Purity and does not punish nor does he behold iniquity. And now, my beloved, I would speak to you alone. Often shall I draw nigh unto you, caring for you and covering you with the shadow of my Love, with a band of Angel helpers I will protect thee and thine. I cannot express to you what I would, for there are no words in your material lan- guage to express in its entirety the beauty and glory of Soul Love. Were you restless in your sleep last night? I was trying to draw you out into the Astral, and I did draw you out a little way. but the conditions are not such that I can bring you out en- tirely. It would be well if you would give more time to meditation and silence, thus you would come more en rapport with me. My greatest desire is to materialize to you 76 ACREDIOS and to control you. But as yet I am not permitted to do so, the reason I have told you before. But go in peace, my beloved, knowing you are safe in my care, for I am thy lover always, even from the beginning of time, and I shall ever be far out in those eternal ages that are to come. For I am Thine and you are Mine. I must go now. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 25. My beloved, did you sense my presence this morning when I came to you with the light? With the light as it was dawning over your little terrestrial ball? I came with the swiftness of thought from far away spheres. I came thru myriads of shining stars, and down thru fields of living light. Then I broke thru that belt of darkness or what seemed to me as darkness, that I might for the moment be near you, my Soul mate. Tomorrow will bring a change for you. To us this would a mere nothing be, because your Earth plane is but a tiny speck when compared with the mighty Universe as we know it from this side of life. What to you seems a considerable journey would be only the flash of a second to us. I am telling you this, my beloved, that you may realize that tho you pass around the globe you are not far from me. But it was not always thus with me, for the time was even after I had been on this side for centuries, and when I had gone forth to search for you again, and your germ of expression had crossed the ocean, I spent many days in 78 AC RE DIGS search before I found thy soul again. You were only a child then and I found you among the snows. Your little Earth, sister Flora and yourself (the medium had no knowledge of my having a sister at that time) were on your way to school. The snow was very deep and the wind blew strong and the way was slippery for your tiny feet. I came down among the snow- flakes and found you, but I was only per- mitted to be with you for a moment, and then I was again called away to those spheres where I must work out my salva- tion. I came back as I could, but I seemed not to be able to come in touch with you. The reason for this was that you had been loved and chosen by another. And in your happiness I had no place, but later I came to you again, when the vibrations of your sorrow reached me and drew me to you. In all these years I have been more or less with you, and gradually I have drawn the forces about you, even tho you struggled against it, and when you are crying out to retain that which brought you the most unhappi- ness, I had to eliminate this that you de- sired, my beloved, before it crushed you. If you will look back over the events of your life, in the light of your present expe- THE VEIL LIFTED 79_ rienee, you will see how event after event happened to bring you to your present posi- tion. Wherever you have lived during my time with you I have searched every city and every country to find a Medium thru whom I could work that I might come in touch with you, that you might know me. When I found the Medium at last, and after many experiences in drawing her out into the Astral, I found I could control her with almost entire satisfaction. Then I began shaping events to draw you together. And my coming to you has been the result, and now that I have charge of your Destiny, that the Great Intelligence has so kindly permitted me to guard and guide you so long as you are willing to be guarded and guided by me, no great sorrow shall ever touch thy life again. I shall lead you on- ward and upward out into that great Spirit- ual realm where we shall one day be to- gether. You are advancing fast, my beloved. Strive to eliminate every selfish thought. Rise to your highest every hour. My med- ium almost separated Soul and body to- night. The tie between her two selves is very light. Her Soul is so anxious to serve in this great enlightenment of Souls, that it would go willingly at my bidding out into 80 ACREDIOS far spheres if I should ask it. But this must not be as yet, because there is a won- derful work that she must do before she comes out to this side, and for that reason very soon, stronger forces than I, must control her. When asked regarding the " Brotherhood," he replied: " There are many, and I belong to one of the Brother- hoods." When asked if there were Angels, he answered: "Yes, there are Angels." You women, or you who are called women upon the Earth plane are generally of a finer sense and more sensitive than the male element, therefore the men are Masters and Teachers and sometimes Guides, but the tender ministering Angels were once the mothers of the Earth plane. These tender, loving ones who go down deep through the Material selfishness and greed and all the evils that come from these selfish desires and light tiny flames of desire for good in the hearts of the lowest, were once the lov- ing mothers on your Earth plane. But whether we be male or female, we are work- ing here in perfect harmony, and while there are many expressions of Soul Love, it is so pure and holy, so sexless, that it could not be compared with the love that Earth lovers know. Until vou come out into this THE VEIL LIFTED 81 plane of expression, where God is Love and Love is God, you could not fully realize by the words I am speaking to you now the wondrous beauty and completeness of this Love. Here we live in a sphere separate from all that is evil, all that is dark, and all that is unhappy. It is only when we are sent out upon missions that we come in touch with these things, or when we come in contact with the Earth plane, and find man striving to live apart from God. It is only then that we see and feel that which is undesirable. This sphere we live in here is one of living, acting, vibrating Love and Joy. I find it impossible to hold the Medium longer. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 26. Good-evening, my beloved. How glad I am to greet you again through this Medium. Verily, my beloved, our work has just begun. How glad I was when I sat by your side tonight and heard you speaking of giv- ing up the material for the Spiritual. Yes, you will be able to do so. I am saying to you now what I have before — I am controll- ing the forces that will care for you. I am working through the material man that the spiritual may be developed. As I said be- fore, you cannot put too much importance upon your work. Go on with your studies, work faithfully together with this Medium that I am using, and let me impress it upon you both to let nothing separate you until I am finished. But there will be jealousies arise from unexpected sources that will strive to separate you. Therefore I warn you — let nothing stand in the way of the work you are to do. I am not alone guiding you now. I am but speaking for a council of Spirits high in the Spirit realm. What they decide to be best for the world to be given at this time, shall be given me and I THE VEIL LIFTED in turn shall impart it to you through the Medium. Through your work together that which the world must know will be brought forth. You are not being controlled by any ordinary control that is close to the earth and earthly, but by one who has passed through the Astral into the World of Soul. The testimonies I am giving are true and faithful; the worlds that I shall describe; the mode of living in the different Spirit Realms ; the lessons that I shall give in Soul development, are as true as the Great Intel- ligence itself. For it is the truth. There- fore, do my work humbly and earnestly. For now the Angels are coming down to men and mankind is beginning to walk in the pathways of God. And to you, my be- loved, you went your way and lit the little flame as I bid you- Out here on this side of life, that flame will light a wondrous light, that shall indeed be the light of your Soul. You did well and by so doing have become the Spiritual mother of her that was your material mother. And great is the reward of them that light the flame and lift the Soul toward its own expression. Oh, my beloved, let me tell you that the Soul of this Medium and yours, working together in perfect har- mony shall lead a host of Souls onward and 8U ACREDIOS upward. I want you to study constantly and give no thought to material things. I arrange them. Oh, my beloved, do you not trust me yet? Fear not, little child, fear not. If thou couldst only understand the great Infinite Love that surrounds thee, that lifts thee up, know thee not, dear one, that the Love of the Father that is striving to work his will with man through the Med- ium and thee, will care for the instruments that doeth His work. Surely your Soul understands the importance of standing fast and having faith; know that I have the power and you are my beloved. This is not the power of the Earth or the Material, but the power of the Eternal Spiritual, through which all is that is. That great principle of "I am" of "the All,' which is All sub- stance, all Love, all Intelligence — you and that great Principle are One — as the Father careth for the Son, so shall you be cared for. I must rest my Medium now. MESSAGE NO. 27, My beloved. The Great Master Christ stood upon the Galilean hills and cried out to Jerusalem: "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, would that I could gather you under my wing as a hen gathereth her brood, but ye would not." So in this age the Spiritual helpers from the Spirit realm are brooding over the weary children of the world. We are praying here and praying earnestly that the veil be lifted wide and the darkness pierced. And now the Earth has entered the sign of the Water Bearer, for it is under this sign that it was destined from the be- ginning of time that the Spiritual light should be poured out upon the Earth. This sign was given to the old astronomers of ancient Egypt, far back in the very cradle hour of the nations of the world. And the decree had gone forth from the Great In- telligence, that when the earth entered this sign in the Zodiac, that the signal would be given to those who had been for centuries preparing themselves for the work to begin earnestly striving to lift the veil. Gently at first, as a tiny seed germ springs into 86 AC RE BIOS life came the strange little raps, the first tiny messengers, and little by little the darkness was rifted and we got the mes- sage thru to a few earnest Souls. And first those that were nearest the Earth came back to those upon the Earth. When the communication between these was estab- lished, it opened the way for the masters, teachers and guides, and the Angel helpers from the Summer-land, the rest and play- ground for the Soul. And now that the rent is made wider, those from the high realm of Spirit are returning, those highly devel- oped Souls that love with a Universal Love. All are turning their loving efforts toward the world. Out in the realm where we who have gone far towards perfection, call your little Earth the Sorrowful Star, be- cause there mankind is so lost in the fog of the material, and is striving to live apart from God. On that Sorrowful Star the struggle seems darkest, but the light is truly beginning to break. Love is coming and man shall understand, "The Soul that is loved of God shall live." Oh, let those that have ears hear, and those that have eyes see. Let them lift their faces to the dawn. The Christ who represented Uni- versal Love said that his coming would be THE VEIL LIFTED 87 as the Light in the East and shining out into the West, verily so shall the Universal Light, the Love Principle dawn upon the world. Creedalism shall combat it; politics shall deny it, and the masses will at first laugh it to scorn. The world shall strive to deny it, and men shall hate it, and the up- heaval shall be terrible. Wealth will strive to bribe it. Factions shall quarrel about it, and evil and corruption shall strive to destroy it. But it is the light that connot be hid. It is a force that cannot be stayed. It shall pass by the wise man and enter into the hearts of the simple; it shall be denied by the sage and be made known to the hearts of children. The flame was first lighted in the world, far back at the very beginning of time, and torch-bearer after torch-bearer has lighted the world for a little time and then seemingly gone down in defeat. Being Eternal Love and Truth it could not be crushed. The flame that lights the modern world was brought forth out of Judea, by the Son of a Carpenter and not by the son of a king, as you of the earth know kings, but he was indeed the Son of the Almighty King, who, through many in- carnations had come forth a perfect man. The flame he lighted in the world has in- 88 ACREDIOS deed passed thru dark and troublesome times, and came near being destroyed by those who pretended to foster it. But the constant tapping, tapping, tapping on the other side of the wall at last broke thru, and the light from one side blending with the light from the other, and that indeed is the Light that shall shine forth over the entire Universe. The prophet of old spoke true when he said that every eye shall see him and every knee shall bow. That which is to come is written. Would that man could escape the great suffering that must come upon the world before he will realize his Oneness with the Father and be at peace. Good-night, my Medium is gone. MESSAGE NO. 28. My beloved, there was no deception in those things that came to you. (Speaking of a trumpet seance held by the medium, myself and another.) I came to you that you might know that I was keeping the promise given. To give you faith and as- surance of the truth of the things I shall give you later. I am giving these proofs to you and the medium, that you may know the forces upon this side of life, are work- ing thru you. Man as he has striven to bring religion up to a standard that best suited his intellectual capacity, has gone out into the highways and byways. He has builded a wall of superstition, creedalism and the worship of saints. He has wor- shipped them as Saints, not as that which they represented. This, with his own think- ing, and various subtle expressions, has so buried from the world the simplicity of Christ that vast numbers of Souls are wan- dering in darkness. It is to these simple sons of God, who have been blinded by superstition and creed, that I thru the work of you two, would reach today. Tell the 90 ACREDIOS world that Christ Truth is simplicity itself. That His teachings are expressed in the growing of the simplest flower. His ways are gentleness and peace — first faith, then un- derstanding. Even the heart of a little child may know the way of this Great Master, and to what He represents in Truth, Love and Simplicity. As a little child takes hold of a mother's hand to guide it's tottering steps across what seems to it a vast space, so man is guided by the noble precepts of this Elder Brother and by a daily living of these simple truths the Soul expands. Daily in this seed-bed of the Universe, the simple, kindly acts of a simple, kindly heart are slowly building the foundation of Soul ex- pression, out here in the realms of Spirit. Soul did not begin with mankind, or with the world. The Soul is God, and was God. But man individually must take his tiny spark or part of God, and bring it forth into perfection, as the artist brings forth the perfection of a beautiful picture. For verily that picture comes out of the heart of the artist; but he with his material hands must blend the colors, so must mankind blend the tints and tones of Soul expression. In my past incarnations, of all the Gods and Saints that were put before me to worship, I loved THE VEIL LIFTED 91_ best the Virgin Mother. For hours I have knelt at her feet, crying out for I knew not what. Now, from this side of life, I realize that it was not the personal Virgin that I worshipped, but that which she represent- ed, the perfection of all perfect womanhood for all time. In her Mother Love was repre- sented Purity and all the good and high, holy things that womanhood means to the world. And it was that which my Soul worshiped, unknowingly. The world is greatly in need today of women that represent that which the Virgin means to the world. Women in striving for knowledge have sometimes lost sight of the purity of the Soul. They have striven to advance upon an intellectual basis, and have sometimes forgotten the high and holy Principle that they by hold- ing to can indeed play the greater part in the upliftment of mankind. Oh, I cry to the Mothers of the world to bear in mind that their missions have only begun upon the earth plane, that out here in the realm of Spirit their power as ministering Angels shall increase a thousand fold. In their hands lies the power that will make straight the path. Strive to make your Soul expres- sion that which the Virgin represented — Truth, Purity, Mercy and Courage. My Medium is gone. MESSAGE NO. 29. My beloved, I would speak to you tonight in parables, as the Master spoke centuries ago. I would show you a beautiful evening; the king of day has gone down in glory; the silvery moon has arisen and is trailing her shimmering robes across the purple vault of heaven, her pathway is lined with a million shining worlds. The hills are car- peted with green; the valleys are alight with flowers; the green of the trees stand forth against a purple sky; bars of light fall across the world, golden and vaporous. This light descends from the first Great Cause. It shines out over the vast Universe, bath- ing all in its beneficent rays, sending forth upon the Eternal ether vibrations of Love, Justice and Peace- This scene represents God and the world of the Soul. Within this setting of wondrous beauty man has reared a mighty temple, whose beautiful spires reach high into the heavens. Man in his pride has reared this wonderful edifice, and outwardly it is very, very beautiful. With- in this temple the great floors are inlaid with what seems to be beautiful mosaic; but THE VEIL LIFTED 98. look at it with the eye of your Soul, my be- loved, and you will find them drops of blood; you will find them human tears; you will find them lies and you will find them agony. Look upon the altar reared at the far end of this edifice, jewels and gold it appears to be. Within it is piled high with gold. It is but a coffer filled with the coinage of the world and drips with blood and tears. Going forth out of this vault is a continuous cry that goes up to the center of the Universe: a cry that contains within itself all the agony of all the nations, of all the world, of all time. Above this jeweled altar hangs a great golden cross, outwardly so beautiful that the Soul feels inclined to bow down to it. But its golden beauty is only a hollow shell, for within is uncleanliness, lies, false teachings, lustfulness, bigotry and various other horrors of man's creating. There are niches in the walls of this great temple. Each niche contains a god, and verily these are the Gods of the world. There is the God of Lust, that crushes the Innocent. There is the God of Bribery that chains the nations of the world and buys and sells the laws of Justice. There is the God of Bigotry that would destroy all that it itself has not created. And there are the Gods of Blood- H ACREDIOS shed and War, they that would set the crown upon the head of kings and trample upon the hearts of Humanity. And there is the God of Gold, the greatest force upon the Earth plane for good or evil, but when used by these other Gods that man has created this God of Gold can turn the world into Hell. This temple represents the work of evil forces thru mankind. Without this temple, leaning against its mighty doors of bronze, is a tiny straveling; this tiny crea- ture represents the Soul of man. With his thin hands he is beating against the wall of the material, fascinated and blinded by the outward beauty of this mighty self-builded temple. He has turned away and hidden his face from the wondrous beauties of God, of Love and the Soul. And with his tiny hands he beats against these gates of bronze, crying for things material, crying for things of his own creating, turning from that which Soul hath created to these things which have been created by the Senses. Oh, ye starvlings of the world, ye know not what ye ask. Why will ye cry for that which will crush you, why will you plead for that which will destroy you, why will ye not turn your faces from these chambers of horror, and lift your hearts and thoughts THE VEIL LIFTED 95 upward to meet this great golden flood of light, the light that cometh out to thee from the Universal Father. Turn from that which thou hast self-builded, and go back to the household of God. Go into that gate as little children, and live in the fullness of Truth, Purity and Love. Man, be at peace. Oh, children of the world, this lesson is com- ing to you across the border out of the realm of Spirit, from which all Good emanates. And blessed are they that hear; blessed in- deed are they that turn from Sense to Soul; and thrice blessed are they that help others to see and hear. My Medium is gone. Message No. 30 An Appeal to the Churches MESSAGE NO. 30. My beloved, I speak out of the realm of Spirit, a message TO THE CHURCHES. I bid them rise and look back into the past, and behold the mighty nations that have gone down in darkness, because the Light of the Spirit had departed. The material, no matter how great the building, will crumble into dust, when the Spirit departs. No more can a nation live without Spirit- uality, than a body can live without the Spark of Divine Fire. And, after 1900 years, what have the churches to show of Spirituality? Your beautiful temples are but places of business. Those that sing songs of praise in these temples are but hirelings. Those who are the Spiritual min- isters and Shepherds of the people live in luxury, while the children of the tenements starve. Men die in the streets, and women sell their Souls, while your coffers are piled high with gold, and you stand high in your pride condemning those who have fallen. Oh, churches of the world, go out among them; fill the hands of the starving with your hoarded gold; look with pity and com- 100 ACREDIOS passion upon the fallen. Ye were not bid- den by the Master to condemn, but to com- fort ; not to gather wealth, that ye may buy and sell in the marts of men, but that ye may fill the world with peace, mercy and justice. Verily, churches of the world, ye have fallen from your high estate, and great has been your fall. And unless ye rekindle the fires of Spirituality upon your altars the world will again sink into darkness. For how can the world be lighted if ye who hold the light of the world let that light be dimmed? While ye quarrel among your- selves for supremacy, place and power. I visited the earth plane some time ago, and in one of the great temples, in a mighty city, I met in the dim aisles in the still watches of the night, the spirit of one who represented the Master Christ upon earth, and as he trod alone up and down those dim aisles there went up toward haeven vibra- tions of agony, the loneliness of all man- kind. Verily, the blood dripped from his heart because of the vibrations of coldness and greed, injustice and bigotry, that eman- ated from that mighty edifice. If your sel- fish desire, your lovelessness, your greed, can make one from the Spirit world suffer thus, what can be your debt to humanity? THE VEIL LIFTED 101 Oh, churches of the world, beware ! Unless ye do the work of the Master ye shall fall; and great shall be your fall. We from this side of life are striving hard to touch your cold hearts; to awaken in you vour sense of responsibility to mankind. But the vibra- tion of your coldness warps the world. You preach of love, and practice selfishness and greed; you pretend to lift the fallen, but you cast them without your doors, and con- demn them. You gather bit by bit their hard earned monies, send that money out in the marts of trade where it will bring to you the greatest returns. You will buy with that money anything that will increase its measures. You will accept money from any source that will increase your hoard. With this money you will build another mighty temple, and then you will say to your peo- ple: "Come to me that I may condemn thee; lay your mite upon the altar, that I may pray for you; but, be warned, if you do not pay me well, I will show you the place of damnation; I will drive you by fear to obey me; I will scourge you and torture you; for I will drag to myself your wealth, that I may become more powerful." Oh, ye dig- nitaries of the church, ye men of intelli- gence, do you not realize that ye must re- 102 ACREDIOS turn to the simple teachings of the Master, if you would do the Spiritual that you are intended to do? First, in the name of the Master, go forth in the world and tell all nations of the world that your teachings have been lies, that for hundreds of years your doctrines have been doctrines of death, that you have lied about the Almighty God, that you have destroyed or sought to de- stroy His true character, that you have made Him a God of terrible judgments, a God of hate and revenge, and that you have striven to fill the earth full with the fear of Him. You have made the people to fear that you might prey upon their ignorance and superstition and so control them and take from them that which they possessed. Tell them that you have taught them a doc- trine of lies, that you might satisfy your greed for place and power. Then wreck your mighty temples and build them into houses for the poor. Then sell your tapestries and jewels to the rich, who can afford them, and go and buy food for all the hungry mothers of the world that the babe at her breast may be nourished. Cut the thongs of your money bags and pour out your wealth among the starvelings of the world. When you have done this, you will have made some amends THE VEIL LIFTED 103 for the cruelties practised for ages. But yet there is more to do, and ye, that pretend to be followers of the Master, send forth with all your strength from your inmost being, vibrations of love and pity, for all mankind. Go forth and give of yourself, cover the earth with prayers for justice and mercy. And with thine own hands make these thoughts fruitful. Go forth as the Master bid you and make the blind to see; heal the sick; bring forth the seeming dead, that those living upon the earth plane may know that death is not. Lift up the fallen; feed the hungry, that your prayers of service may reach the heart of the Universe. And by no other way can man come unto the Father. No other way can the peace of the Christ fall upon the earth. No other way can the millenium be ushered in. When the churches of the world, and the people who call themselves the followers of the Christ, become in truth that which they pretend to be, then will the world begin truly to ad- vance. Not in material civilization, but in true Spiritual progress. Think upon this message from the realm of Spirit, oh, ye churches of the world. MESSAGE NO. 31. My beloved, I have brought to you an- other guide and helper, that will be near you in another phase of your work. I do not say that this phase of your work is too trivial for my attention, for it is indeed the cornerstone of the Temple of Understand- ing, that shall lead the material man out of the material, doing its part to lift him tow- ards the Spiritual. It is the phase of Spirit- ual work that requires the patience and tender mothering that must come to the world thru the sensitive, tender hearts of womanhood. For this reason there are more women who are mediums, and who are seeresses and diviners, because they are bet- ter fitted for this particular work. And for that reason I have left your guidance in that work to one of your kind. Because the messages that I will give will extend over a much broader field, therefore accept this great High Priestess, as one sent from me, and whose name is Alzeeria. I will tell you a little of her history. She was sired by an Assyrian warrior king, her mother being of low birth. At an early age she was taken to THE VEIL LIFTED 105 serve in the Temple of the Winged Bull. Divine influence overshadowed her from the first, and at an early age she became a great seeress and teacher of Spiritual things. As the years went on she allowed the things of the earth to creep a little into her conscious- ness. First, came a pride of place, and then desire to acquire much of the world's gold. While she was still pure, she had opened a tiny door that the evil forces might come in. While she was guarded from the darker entities, she by her own desires became overshadowed by that half-god, Orian. This mighty one, who upon the earth plane had been a person of great intellect, but who had let his passion and desires of the world overcome him, came back to the world, and overshadowed this young priestess with those passionate desires that still clung to his great and mighty Soul, and thru this force she was led into an illicit love of the world. The Spirit of All Q-ood, seeing that she might destroy her Soul, that is, retard its growth, for she could not destroy it, drew her away from the earth plane in the very flower of her womanhood, breaking the in- fluence of the mighty Orian, and giving her the chance to progress. There was for her a space of suffering, until the things of the 106 AC RE DI OS earth were cast out, and her Soul stood white and pure before the Spirit of Spirit- ual Love. It is of this mighty Orian that I would now speak. I would speak a warn- ing to the Medium thru whom I am work- ing. She is highly sensitive and since she has taken up this work that I have given her she has more than once been very near coming under the influence of this mighty Orian. He is at the present time striving to express himself to the world, in a high intellectual manner, in words that drip with honey and sweet per- fumes. He would draw men away from the teachings of the Master. He would for the very sake of impressing himself upon the world, lead men out along an intellectual way, into the ways of despair. There are many high church men under his influence today. He will come to the most humble, he will work thru any instrument that is sensi- tive enough to carry his impressions thru to the world. While this great Orian is not wholly evil, he is one who tells half-truths. In him is expressed a strange mingling of the material and the Spiritual, and I warn the sensitives of the world against him, and especially this Medium, thru whom I am working. Write faithfully every word that THE VEIL LIFTED 107 comes from the Spirit world from me or any one whom I may send to you, because every message that I send contains in it some- thing that will benefit mankind. I have taken the Medium far out in the realm of the Astral. I have brought her close to this great Orian, and she has felt the impress of his evil influence. But I would have you warn her verbally against his control, for tho he may come in the form of beauty at first, he is very liable to show himself as he is after he has gained control of a Medium. He is liable to show his coldness, his bigotry, his intellectual lovelessness, his desire for place and power, and if the entity that he controls will allow it, he will bring forth even more base desires. Therefore, be ye warned. I must rest the medium now, for she has gone far. Write every word that I have said, and send it forth to the world. M essage No. 32 From Alzeeria, once High Priest in the Temple of the Winged Bull MESSAGE NO. 32. Woman of the world, a Great Master, high in the Realm of Spirit, called me a short space of time ago, to go back to the Plane of the World, that I might again thru you serve the world as I did 3000 years ago, in that old Assyrian Temple, the Temple of the Winged Bull. While this Winged Bull may seem as an Idol to you, remember the men of the world at that time were child- ishly ignorant. They could not worship Spiritually, as the world is now learning to do; but in order to believe, to have some- thing in which they might center their faith they made unto themselves a visible image. But we, who served as priests and priest- esses in these temples, understood the Spiritual significance of those creatures of stone. We received our Spiritual Inspira- tion from that same Great Intelligence that you who are Spiritual today are drawing from. We, that did our work honestly and faithfully, received our rewards just as you will receive yours for honest, conscientious work. My message is not finished, but I have not visited the earth plane for thou- 112 ACREDIOS sands of years. I must gather strength be- fore I can speak further. Wait, I will come again. Woman of the world, I would speak to you again. Power to speak in modern words in which to express myself, is being forced into my consciousness by the Great Master and Teacher, Acredios. We have met several times in the course of our Souls' progression. Our missions lay along dif- ferent lines, and he has never before called upon me to go down to the earth plane. But I shall come often now, for I shall be with you in your work. But I cannot promise you that I can work well at first, because the state of consciousness that was in the world when I walked here in the flesh and blood, was very different from the modern consciousness of today. At that time, as a High Priestess, I was mother and teacher to children, verily, tiny children, who had advanced but very little in the plane of pro- gression. I, as their Seeress and Spiritual adviser, was merely lifting the nations from their infant cradle. Today, these chil- dren of the world, have advanced far along the line of progression, and yet in their hearts I expect to find them very much the same, just as they were in those old days, in that old forgotten temple, when they came THE VEIL LIFTED 113 and knelt upon the cold stones and cried to me to predict things that pertained to the material life. So will they come to you from their modern abodes; some from homes of luxury; some from the crowded tenements of the poor, and some from the humble cot- tages of the middle class. A few will come asking you to divine things Spiritual, but a great many more will ask you to divine materially, and the love of a mother must be in your heart for these seeking ones. While they cry for things material, it is only the God within themselves striving for expression. Let your discernment be Spirit- ual; let your heart be loving and patient; brood over these worldly, wayward ones as a mother broods over an erring child. Remember you are sowing the seed of the Spiritual, but it is falling upon ground ma- terial. Dear Sister of the World, sow in patience and do not be impatient if all the seeds do not spring forth into the light. Remember that I, too, spent fourteen years, as jow. count time, sowing earnestly this seed of light, and there were many others sowing besides myself; sowing earnestly and conscientiously, and yet we from this side of life saw that nation, that we had striven so hard to nourish, go down in 114 AC RE DI OS despair and darkness. We saw our temples crumble; we saw our works of civilization, as we knew it, crushed and destroyed; we saw mighty hosts come up against it, and the flame of enlightenment, that our patient hands had lighted, went down before ignor- ance and greed. But the flame did not die out, nor shall it die out as long as man exists. And after 3000 years, I come back to fill a tiny niche thru you. Do not call me unless you need me, depend upon yourself and the Spiritual Inspirations that come from with- in yourself, as well as those from the high realm. But when the chasm seems too broad, and too dark to be bridged by your own God-given inspirations, then call upon me, Alzeeria, High Priestess, of the Temple of the Winged Bull, and I will add my wis- dom to yours, and we shall again do our part in bringing the light into the world. I am called away, Farewell. Message No. 33 Venus the Star of Love MESSAGE NO. 33. My beloved, I would carry you far out in the Astral plane tonight, away to a star in your solar system. This is indeed a very dif- ferent star from the Star of Sorrow, as your earth plane is sometimes called. The an- cient astrologers, in their mythology, or in what your earth people now term myth- ology, did not get their knowledge entirely from the study of the stars; neither were their tales myths. But they had indeed a Spiritual understanding, that surpasses in certain knowledge yours on the earth plane today. This star whither I would take you tonight is called by the people of the earth plane Venus. Interpreted to the ancients as the Star of Love. It is a plane wrapped in perfect harmony. Lighted by the vibrations of true love. All that is born of true and pure love upon the earth plane, all the harmon- ious beauty of conjugal love, that finds its expression here, finds its perfect Spiritual expression out in this realm of harmony. There is no word or words in your language that can express the beauties of this plane of expression. Here the first low and distant 118 ACREDIOS tones of the harmony of the spheres dawns upon the individual consciousness. The landscape, if I can express it in those words, is perfect thought forms of love and harmony, and it is constantly changing from one form of beauty to another, as the clouds change in a beautiful sunset. What is a lake today may be a meadow strewn with beauti- ful flowers tomorrow. There is no monotony here, as on the earth plane, for the scenes about one are constantly changing, and each day new beauties become visible. Flowers do not fade here, they simply disappear, to be replaced by others more beautiful than the first. There are long purple twilights; there are golden dawns and silvery days. But there is no darkness here. Love is light. It is out upon this plane that the true lovers of the earth plane will sooner or later come. I am striving to picture for you here the highest expression of individual love. But no matter how pure the love upon the earth plane, it is rarely that lovers come to this plane of expression, for they must pass through many states of consciousness before reaching this perfect plane of love expression. But before reaching this plane of expression the Soul must be purged of every impure thought, of every selfish de- THE VEIL LIFTED 119 sire, of every tinge of jealousy, of every earth stain that touches the perfect Soul. Upon reaching this plane, those who are drawn together by this perfected love, that was planted and nourished in the seed plane of the Universe, are left here to enjoy as long as they desire this expression of indi- vidual love and joy. Some may stay for centuries and some may stay for many cen- turies, till at last the urge within their Souls drives them out and onward and upward to- ward a Universal love expression. Sooner or later out there in those realms of space, two individuals, who have begun a perfect love consciousness upon the earth plane, will pass through the plane of Astral expe- riences, and out into the plane of perfected love and live out their allotted time in the love-world, and when they, by their desires, are sent out into Universal love expression, they gradually blend into one, and thus the high Angels are born. They in turn become creatures of Universal love, containing all the elements of both the male and female. When they have reached this high place in Soul expression, they are indeed prepared to become the teachers and leaders in the Spiritual world. And it is thus that a tiny spark of pure love propagated upon the seed 120 ACREDIOS bed of the Universe, may centuries and cen- turies hence bring forth an Angel that will lead hosts onward and upward toward God perfection. Thus the Great Intelligence weaves from these tiny fragments of purity the greatest beings out in the realm of Spirit. For without love, nothing can be, neither men nor Angels. The vibrations from this love center of your particular Solar System has a great effect upon the love expression of your earth plane. These great harmonious vibrations strike upon your earth plane and cause your flowers to bloom. It is one of the most prominent vi- brations that assist in dressing your world in green in the spring time. And while it effects your earth so beautifully, it does not always bring perfect harmony to humanity. Because these vibrations striking the hu- man heart lights a desire for a love greater than that of the earth, which brings those effected by it into a more or less restless state of consciousness, causing them to rush together in conjugal love, only to be thrust apart again, by the vibration of a pure love, the light of the flame within. For this rea- son the bonds of material love sometimes be- come chains. Where Soul love is not ex- pressed to some small extent at least, there THE VEIL LIFTED 121 is no true vibration that can long hold two individuals together. This is the reason for the great upheaval and great disturbances, the separations and unhappiness that is found among the married on your plane in this age. And yet it is in this plane that the seed of love is first planted. Upward and onward through many Astral experiences it grows, and as it grows it casts aside its ma- terial wrappings, as the lily springing forth casts aside those brown rough wrappings that first held its germ of expression. When love comes to perfect bloom, out here in the love world, it could no more be touched by love material than the pure beautiful lily could retain its beauty after it had been cast back upon the earth. That very soil from which it sprung, if allowed to touch its perfect bloom, would stain and destroy it. Oh, people of the world, you have much to be thankful for, that there is so close to your earth plane this eternal love center, so close that its vibrations may come down to you, and bring these beauties of nature that clothe your earth plane. For without them it would indeed be cold and barren. It is through the vibration or vibrataions that come from this planet Venus, as you know it, that the Great Eternal love expression 122 ACREDIOS from the eternal center of the Universe, is reflected upon your little terrestrial ball, and though these vibrations may sometimes be disturbing, they hold a very important place in the Soul's development. MESSAGE NO. 34. My beloved: The messages that I have sent through to you have pertained mostly to the higher and most perfected spheres. I have spoken to thee of love and light, for already you people of the world have heard too much of darkness and death. We have received a new order or command, and we are striving to fulfil that which has been commanded to be fulfilled by us. The bond of fear that has held man so long is no longer useful to the general progression of humanity. Man is evolving from ignorance and can no longer be held in subjection by thoughts and fear of death. There are newer and more beautiful lessons that shall now be given to the world. Long men have talked of Brotherhood, but their words were empty of deeds. For long men have talked of love, yet out of their hearts has issued hate. But the great change is coming. Man is advanc- ing out of ignorance and darkness, and is beginning to realize that Thoughts are Things. If these thoughts are evil, they re- flect upon himself, and might cause him, altho he had all the wealth of the world, to 124 ACREDIOS suffer greatly. It is only by true justice, mercy and love, that the world can be made happy, prosperous and healthy. When I call vou out into these realms of beautv, I strive to show you spheres, where the eter- nal Soul shall live after its evolution. But first there must be a root world, which is the earth plane. Here the Great Gardener of the Universe planted the tiny seed from w T hich some day Archangels will blossom. But, as a plant springs forth out of the soil, reaching first a tiny shoot, then its leaves, then buds and then the flowers. This is symbolic of the evolution of the Soul of Man. You only receive the tiniest part of the experiences needed, upon the earth plane. Man, being a thinking entity, builds for himself, the moment he begins to grow. And as a plant (the vegetable plant) is cared for by man, as a gardener, so that Great Principle of Love, universal and all embrac- ing, tends and cares for this tiny spark of himself. But tho this spark is of himself, he allows it to express itself individually. It may come to Him for guidance, it may come to Him to put its trust in Him, it may re- ceive His care and protection, or it may be a willful wanderer, striving to put aside just council and truthful guidance, and stray out THE VEIL LIFTED 125 into the fields of the world, striving to eat and be filled by the forbidden fruits of the material. And just so long as man eats of these forbidden fruits, he shall suffer. Man is responsible for all evil that comes to him, not only to himself in person, but to every human being in the world. By our thoughts we build our life of prosperity and happi- ness, for ourselves and all, or we build un- happiness, disease and seeming death for ourselves and all. And these buildings are not for the seed world alone, they effect our Astral life. They may even draw man back from the Astral again to the seed bed, to be re-planted, that he may live his earth life again in a somewhat higher vibration. As your earth plane advances towards the light, it will become harder and harder for a Soul to degrade itself. For those that love evil, desire to live in darkness, and as your plane advances in thought, the darkness shall disappear. Out in the Astral world there are thousands and thousands of Souls that have not yet realized that they have passed through the change called death. They are more sensitive than when they were on the earth plane, and many of them are suffering intensely for deeds done while in the body. And yet they are clinging to 126 AC RE BIOS their desires, just as they elung to them while upon the earth plane. Their fear of death has grown even more intense. I met a beautiful Soul there once, I do not mean Soul, I mean Astral body, (when I used the word Soul I was thinking of her as I have seen her of late). When I first came upon her in that Astral realm, the Astral shell that contained her had retained all the stately beauty of her earth body. Her con- sciousness had not yet awakened to the change, yet every vibration that bound her to the earth or scenes of her past triumphs had been severed. She was alone with her- self, and her suffering was terrible. With the help of one of the patient guides, that work upon this plane, we succeeded in awakening her consciousness; we instilled her with a desire to go forward, to cast aside these bonds of ambition and worldly desire that engrossed her consciousness. As she stood there before us, with hands uplifted, and cried out for Soul freedom, I saw a shaft of wondrous light fall upon her fore- head, and upward on that path of light I saw her Soul go forth. But when I last visited this particular place in the Astral sphere, this wondrous Astral body that she had builded on the earth, still moved to and THE VEIL LIFTED 127_ fro, like a gray ghost, soulless and rudder- less. But so strongly had she been conscious of her wondrous beauty, so completely had her thoughts been given to its care and admiration, that it will probably be cen- turies before that body will disintegrate. This woman had builded beautifully, from a material and Astral standpoint, but it was only when she could forget what she had builded and turn from its expression and pass into a consciousness of Soul beauty, that she could break the bonds and progress. And there are those that have builded hate bodies; those that have builded lust bodies; those that have builded jealous bodies, and those bodies will cling to them in all their hideousness and hatefulness, and they will draw to them that which is hideous and hateful. And they will live there in that which you call hell (if you wish to call it so) until the bond is broken by their own desire for betterment. The Great Intelli- gence, Himself, this Universal All Loving Principle, cannot lift one iota of this bur- den that is self builded. But the moment the Soul desires something better, the mo- ment the Soul cries out for light, tho that Soul be in the very depths of terrible dark- ness, there are loving helpers who are will- 128 ACREDIOS ing to go forth to aid it. Down, down from that high golden sphere they come, straight into the center of that awful darkness, sur- rounded and protected by the love emana- tions springing forth from the pure Soul within, the desire of service meeting the desire to be served. Tenderly they lead them upward, as a loving mother would lead a frightened child. Rarely all the light of the high realm can be given at once. Per- haps we can only lead them up a little way out of the darkness into the twilight, leav- ing the Soul here to rest and gain strength. One beautiful thing in the work out here is, that there is no retrogression. When a Soul once views the light, there is nothing that will satisfy that Soul but more light, and onward and upward they go until they reach a plane where they themselves have strength to serve, and they return only to these dark planes again that they might lead others upward and toward the light. And the Great, Everpresent, Everloving Father, Mother Principle broods over all, and the watchword of the universe is Love and Ser- vice. MESSAGE NO. 35. That Great Master, the Christ, departed from those Great Perfected Realms of Spirit, and moving down thru thousands of Astral consciousnesses, and at Love's bid- ding, tarried for a short space of time upon your earth plane, repeating to the world again and again, those messages of Eternal Truth, that have again come to the earth, that Truth that has partly failed in its mis- sion, or seemingly failed, thru the ignorance and wilfulness of humanity. When that Christ said: "I am the Resurrection and the Life," He gave out a Truth that the world as yet has not understood. In saying He himself was the Resurrection, He meant that He was only performing the laws of nature or representing them. He Himself was but a symbol of risen life, expressed thru the material man. But nature, since man knew nature, has ever been expressing resurrection or arisen Life. Your earth plane, since formed out of the mind of the Great Intelligence, has and will ever be cov- ered with forms of vegetation and expresses by these forms of vegetation the continuity 130 ACREDIOS of life. Symbolicly before your eyes every season it goes thru the process of seeming death and glorious resurrection. We see the leaves of the trees fall with the Autumn breezes, thru the long winter we see the limbs stand bare, stark and cold. If one would come to your earth plane, that knew not of the resurrection to come, they would say indeed that the greater part of your vege- tation was dead. Your trees are naked and frozen, your hills and valleys are bare and brown, seeming death broods over the world, but when the spring time comes, and the warm, golden, life giving rays from that Great Dynamic Center strikes upon your earth plane again at the proper angle, co- mingling with the rays of the love center Venus, then ye, who are mortals, behold the resurrection. All the world springs again into new beauty, and life again finds expres- sion in the green fields, the new leaved trees and the blooming flowers. This which is a natural law of your earth or material ex- pression, is one with the natural laws of Spiritual expression, and when He, The Holy One, said: "I am the Resurrection and the Life," He meant that He was to your jSoul (what the spring season is to your world. By the law of nature, things upon THE VEIL LIFTED 131 the natural plane spring forth in the new life, and are ruled by an irrevocable law. Your Spiritual growth is ruled by this same law. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my sayings, my laws, he shall not see death, for I am the Resurrection and the Life." Do you, as mortal man, realize the Great Love, that caused this Perfected Soul to return, take upon Himself your material body, live again this narrow material life, He who had known for countless centuries the glories of the Spirit Realm? Do you realize the power of love to draw Him back, to live, and suffer and die and to be again resurrected, that men, through Him might live? That they might realize the truth of the continuity of life. Beautiful sacrifice, Thou Holy One, so misunderstood. Man, by misunderstanding your mission upon the earth, and his desire to lay his sins upon the innocent to escape just punishment by a blood sacrifice, has indeed darkened the way and caused countless sufferings. Come back, oh weary ones, come back to the light. Know Him as He is, not a bleeding sacrifice, but a glorified love Principle that came back to this dark Star of Sorrow, to bear the torch of progression, to light the way that Souls of men might not be lost in the wilder- ness of material things. Message No. 36 Jupiter the Center of Thought and Power Emanations MESSAGE NO. 36. My beloved: I would carry you away to- day into a center of force and power, away to that great planet Jupiter, the center of the thought and power force emanations that cover your earth. When this tiny earth upon which you live was first formed into a solid body, as you know it, it was far away in the back-waters of universal ex- pression, and the vibrations coming from it met the lower vibrations of the mighty Jupiter. Therefore the Mighty Intelligence first breathed in the vegetables, and your earth plane became one jungle of mighty trees, whose giant trunks and great leaves and mighty heights you of the earth plane could scarcely conceive of today. Those great force vibrations coming from the glorious Jupiter, could only touch with its power that which was upon your earth plane at that time, hence those mighty forests and giant fern trees that the Great Intelligence first brought forth, preparing that planet, that He might there later plant the Soul- seed of man-consciousness, and then the First Great Cause moved upon the earth, 136 AC RE DI OS and animal life came forth to inhabit those mighty forests. Your earth in its evolution had moved a little closer to the center of all, and the powerful building vibrations from the glorious Jupiter now placed its imprint upon the animal kingdom, and gigantic ani- mals of the past ages came forth. Animals so large and mighty, that today it seems to your intellect to be unbelievable. Then the Great Intelligence came forth to live upon the earth plane, and was expressed in man- kind. The vibrations from Jupiter en- wrapped this first man and he was in his beginning a great and mighty creature, with an intelligence scarcely above the animal. It was then that Soul evolution began, under the supervision of that Great and Mighty Intelligence that rules the universe. And as your planet was drawn closer to the light, the vibrations were changed from the physi- cal to the intellectual. This change did not occur in a short space of time, but covered many centuries, and now the power coming from Jupiter is influencing the Spiritual and intellectual propensities of mankind. It is from that planet Jupiter that the power and thought force comes that has made pos- sible upon your earth plane the great ad- vancements of inventions and great ma- THE VEIL LIFTED 137 terial progression. It has builded your mighty bridges; has erected your wonderful buildings; has spanned your seas; it has created your mighty engines; it has con- quered the air around your earth plane. It is here upon the planet Jupiter that all the great intellects of all time, who desire to build for the good of humanity, will sooner or later, after their Astral experiences are done, find themselves pausing to take their one day's rest (as things are counted in eternity) before they go out to greater things, things so mighty, so stupendous and wonderful, that it would be useless for me to try to explain them. But while they pause here they send back in thought ser- vice, help to the earth plane. And it is from this great Jupiter that all the good and great things come, that advance men ma- terially upon your earth plane. And this great planet Jupiter played a great part in evolving your earth planet from the gaseous matter into its present plane of evolution. But let not you of the earth plane become conceited and think that these mighty plan- ets in your Solar System are entirely for your benefit. They are merely sub-stations through which the Mighty Intelligence sends forth a constant stream of evolution- 138 ACREDIOS ary light, that touches countless of millions of planets in this great and mighty universe. Life is. Life is limitless. There is no be- ginning nor any ending. There is no void. Everywhere, at all time, there is a vibrant throbbing life expression. Life is, God is, and there is nothing else besides Him. MESSAGE NO. 37. My beloved: I have not visited you of late for two reasons. I have been elected to bring messages to you, or to bring through to you experiences, out of the lower Astral realm. As you will understand, my beloved, I passed through these experiences cen- turies ago, and in my upward progression the reality of them had almost passed from my consciousness. For that reason I was sent back again that I become more alive to these things, in order to more fully impress them upon you. I will tell you one of my recent experiences. There passed from your earth plane but a few hours ago (as you count them) an aged mother, who had served faithfully without compensation many years. The wealth of the world had not been hers. Her hands were toil-worn and knotted from faithful service. Her last years had not been happy, for she had out- grown her usefulness. She had been ill for some time, and her passing was a relief to those about her. When her Soul separated from her body and awoke to consciousness upon the Astral plane it was as if a little 140 ACREDIOS frightened child had awakened in a strange place. She awoke with her body a-tremble, her toil-worn hands clasped in fright. We could not reach her, owing to the emana- tions surrounding her newly awakened con- sciousness. We could only stand aside, sending her vibrations of love and sym- pathy. But very directly there began to fall about her the things that she had cre- ated while living on the earth plane. These little light forms began falling upon her like a gentle rain or like a shower of rose petals. These were little deeds of kindness; kind thoughts of help and sympathy; mo- ments of gentleness; hours of kindly pa- tience; faithfulness and unselfish service given out through a long life of thoughtful- ness for others. Oh, how they touched the care-worn brow with comfort. In this hour of her awakening they fell until they nearly buried her in their beauty, and then there called to us out of the silence a voice, "Lead her on." Gently we clasped the care-worn hands and upward we led her along that road builded by unselfishness, truth and purity. The light of a great golden love fell around her, and out of this love came he whom she had loved most of all, her fresh- hearted, sturdy young son, that had been THE VEIL LIFTED 141 sacrificed upon the altar of greed and crushed out in the flower of his manhood, under the wheels of modern war chariots, sent forth by ye people, who pretend to follow the Christ. But even here upon the low Astral plane, those who have served faithfully and served rightly, are free from the damning influence of evil, greed and hate. Try, my beloved, to picture the joy of that meeting. And they went onward together, clasping hands out on that wider plane of Soul expression where love rules supreme, and where the things that make the sorrow of your earth plane cannot come, there to take up and live the new expression of life, knowing joy in its fullness and love in its allness. As he led her along, his fresh young face shin- ing with joy and love, she began to bloom in the love consciousness, and the things of the earth fell away. Her faded locks be- came shimmering silver, the wrinkled old face took on a look that as not of the earth, but fresh and smooth as a rose leaf. Her badge of servitude on her hands was laid aside forever. Now, we will leave them in peace together, out in that realm where love is truth, and truth is love. The Master said : "In My Father's house are many man- 142 ACREDIOS sions," and they are dwelling there. That is one of the experiences that I have recent- ly enjoyed. There are others, but my Med- ium must rest now. M essage No. 38 A Lesson From a Life of Selfishness MESSAGE NO. 38. My beloved, I bring to you tonight a mes- sage, or mind picture, that is not nearly so pleasant as the one that I brought through this morning. I have shown you the life of one who had lived a life of unselfishness and unselfish service. Now I will show you the picture of one that had lived a life for self. Beautiful she was, as earth counts beauty, surrounded by all that the earth could give in wealth. Out into the Astral she went quickly, to awaken in utter bareness. All that her wealth had given was forever taken away. She was first conscious of a terrible loneliness. There stretched away before her a long road, barren and cold, and as she made her way over the stones, those creat- ures of her own creating began to surround her. There were bat-like creatures, which were forms of selfishness; there were creat- ures that wound about her feet, like venom- ous snakes; there were lie forms, things that she had spoken falsely against others; there were ugly creatures, creeping forms, that were created by her greed thoughts; and there came those horrible vampires, creat- 146 ACREDIOS ures builded out of her lust. The sky was cold and lowering; there was no golden light there, but a greenish, unearthly glare. These lust vampires rushed by her, shriek- ing in the wind, clawing at her body with their talon-like hands. These creatures at- tracted other entities, like themselves, until the earth and the air seemed filled with the horror of them. As she stumbled blindly on the way grew darker, away in the hori- zon towards which she was moving, were what appeared to her to be flames of fire. Crying out in fear and agony she would have returned had she been able, but she was compelled to go forward into these flames, that she had created. For it was in this fire that the dross of the Soul must be burned out. While loving entities hovered about her they could not help her, for she stood before the great law of cause and effect, that balances the universe. For verily that which is sown must be reaped. I will not follow her further, my beloved, for I have no desire to bring pictures of fear to the people of the earth plane. Far more would I bring pictures of love and light; but in some manner must I strive to impress upon the people of the earth plane that there is no manner in all God's universe by THE VEIL LIFTED 147 which you can escape the law of cause and effect. Your Great Prophet has said: " Those that are evil, will still be evil; those that are unkind, will still be unkind, and those that are filthy, will still be filthy." We upon this side of life realize the meaning of those prophesies. I then saw another creature of the earth plane only just this moment strug- gling in the toils of his own cruelties. On the earth plane he called himself the owner of a draught animal, a poor, blind, crippled starveling. This man with his superior intelligence seemed to delight in inflict- ing cruelties upon this dumb, helpless creature. I dread to paint the picture of that which he is reaping. Now if you could see him as I see him, stumbling on in his blindness, filled with the unspeakable terror of the unseen things about him, and sudden- ly he falls down and writhes in maddened pain because he feels, or thinks that he feels, a terrible beating inflicted upon him. In his blindness he will stumble against something that he thinks stands in his way, and he will claw about, searching here and there for something that he may devour. For in the terrible thought forms that he has created, he is suffering all the pangs of hunger that he himself inflicted upon the 148 ACREDIOS helpless. How long lie shall writhe in this mental hell I am unable to say; but this I know, he will remain here until he has paid the debt in full. These are terrible pictures that I am showing you, my beloved. I am showing you the most terrible as I have shown you the most beautiful. Between the two there are many shadings, and many grades of expressions. For every creature coming from the earth plane brings with him that which he himself has builded. I would like to write this in letters of fire upon the heart of every human creature. I am not telling you this that the world may fear, but I am striving to impress you that the Great Master spoke truly when He said: ' ' That not even a sparrow f alleth, unless it be known to the Father.' Oh, people of the world, beware of cruelty, of selfishness, lies and greed, for they do indeed bring their hells, and that hell is indeed dark and ter- rible, and in some cases they are ages burn- ing out. Do not think that when you put aside that which was taught of hell by the churches, that you can or will escape pun- ishment for the misdeeds done while in the body. For that which is unclean cannot enter the Realm of Purity. But bear in THE VEIL LIFTED 149 mind that man punishes himself, for he but reaps that which he has sown. The Medium is going. MESSAGE NO. 39. Oh, my beloved, I am striving tonight to impress upon the people of the earth plane how unlimited is the Arc of Progression for those that are the Sons of God. As I have said before, this planet, where you are ex- isting today, is the seed-bed of your Solar Universe, as you know it. But when the Soul, that is propagated here, swings out upon its Arc of Progression, if it might cast aside every experience for its advancement and wing its way out to the farthermost star that you earth people know of, it would find itself there in a universe that reaches out and out, millions of countless miles be- yond. Then, if it should go out again to the very rim of this universe, it would only be to find itself again in the center of a vast out-reaching realm of worlds. I am striving to impress upon you that there is no limit to that First Cause and its creation. And this great universe, as far as I have been able to fathom it, is inter-dependent. The vibrations from one planet or one world touching and bringing forth the perfection of another, and each and every one of these THE VEIL LIFTED 1JI planets are teeming with life. They are moving from one plane of existence to an- other in their progression, all fitting in and depending upon one another. My dwelling place at the present time is out upon the horizon of what seems to you your Solar System. My guide tells me that after I have passed this place in my Soul's expression, I will no longer be able to reach back to the earth plane. I have reached the Heights and will not be able to go down the valleys on this side again. I have, however, the privilege of remaining here as long as I desire. As yet I feel that I have not wiped out every transgression. But in the name of the Great Intelligence, I am striving to undo the effect of my false teachings while upon the earth plane. There are many Souls with me in this Council Chamber tonight, that out of their long and many experiences through which they have passed since leav- ing the earth plane, are sending back with all the strength of their Souls, vibrations of love and helpfulness and light to you strag- glers down there on the seed-bed of the solar universe. Oh, people upon that Star of Sor- row, lift your faces up to us, let love and justice be made manifest among you. Open your hearts that the Spiritual waters may 152 ACREDIOS be poured out upon you, and strive to real- ize your grand eternal part in the Great Eternal Allness of All Things. Lift your faces to the light, and strive daily to do the will of Thy Father, letting the seed of Truth develop within you which is The Christ. Ye can make yourselves happy, healthy and prosperous in that expression that you are now living in, And when you have passed beyond the border, you can prepare your consciousness by purification and elimina- tion of evil until you can escape all the un- pleasant experiences in the Astral. You may go forth from the earth plane to live your thousand years of peace, surrounded and nourished by vibrations of eternal love, for the emanations that spring forth from the Eternal All reach down even to the seed- bed and touch the Soul of man in this ex- pression. And wherever that love touches, it purifies the material, brings the body into harmony and health, and changes the en- vironment of fear and worry to one of pros- perity and peace. Oh, children of the earth plane, wander no longer in the wilderness, eating the husks of the material things, but realize your allness and begin living your heaven now. Good night. MESSAGE NO. 40. My beloved, I am glad to greet you again tonight. I have not of late been able to break thru the vobrations of ill health that have surrounded the Medium. However, conditions are growing better, and we will be able to continue with the work that we are doing. I have no especial message to- night, though I would speak to you of going away. The choice of your going I leave with you. I have not as yet been able to find an- other Medium through whom I could work, and your separation from this Medium will probably cause a long break. When you are older and have more physical strength, I will control you. I have striven hard to bring it about, but I cannot now. I would say to you tonight in passing that there are troublesome times coming upon the nation in which you now dwell. There are count- less entities that went out in hate and anger in the last war, that are still living in the very atmosphere with the people of the earth plane, They do not realize that they have passed through the change called death, and they are still raging about, seek- 154 ACREDIOS ing that which they may destroy, and are drawnig many of the vicious elementals out of the Astral to aid them in their endeavors. And still another aid is going up from the hearts of the people, you especially of the western coast of your nation, are sending thoughts of hate to the brown man of the East. The predominant factor in that hate is greed, and by these very thoughts of hate and greed you are bringing to yourselves that which you are striving to, or think you are striving to, put aside. Do you not recog- nize, oh, people of the earth plane, that ma- terial evolution has ever been a mighty wheel ? That wheel goes round bearing one nation to its height, when that nation has flourished for a time, its Spiritual light grows dim, and covered with its own iniqui- ties, it sinks down into an abyss of its own false beliefs, and disintegrates. But while it is going down the nation on the other side of the wheel is rising up, has its place in the sun for a short hour and then it too goes down. Thus nation after nation has arisen and fallen, since man began his earth expres- sion. Less than a century ago you of the white race, sent your mighty warboats into the ports of the little brown people and forced them to open their doors of commerce THE VEIL LIFTED 155 to the world. It had been many centuries since the yellow race had their space of time in the sun. And you are the nation that started them upward in their material progression. And you opened a door that you can never close. You have started on an upward and outward course a nation that will expand and spread over the entire earth plane. They will in time invade every peo- ple and every nation and when you send thoughts of hate out against them, you are only adding fuel to the flame. And it is the thought vibrations of the middle class that will save you from despair. If you would as a people cover the world with vibrations of love and strive to realize that you are all children of one Father and constantly send- ing out vibrations of love and justice you would stem the tide of hate and turmoil that these entities so close to the earth plane are striving so hard to bring about. Again I say to you, "Why will you bring about this tragedy by hate? Why will you not co- operate with that which is all good instead V 9 Oh, people of the world, how much longer must you suffer before ye understand? Can- not these powers of good upon this side of life get the message through? We are tell- ing you again to think thoughts of love. Let 156 AC RE DI OS your thoughts of charity and justice be as the wideness of the sea. Be not citizens of a nation, but citizens of a world. Strive to live in peace with one another. Think not of worldly possessions, but of Soul progres- sion. In this I am giving no new command, neither am I giving all the commands that are coming from the Council Chamber. Thousands of message bearers are reaching your earth plane in this age, each one, as strangers from a far country, bringing to the earth plane that which has been his in- dividual experiences. For even out here on the Astral, we learn little save by expe- riences, and we do not meet with any great change when we come out here, for we begin just where we left off in the material, and if the messages we bring do not seem always to conform one with another, remember that most likely each comes from a different plane of expression, and if he be truthful, can bring only that which he knows to be true. And I say, "if he be truthful," for there are elementals that bring messages that are not true. It is only by careful per- ception and discrimination and judgment that you of the earth plane may sift the true from the false. Another confusing fact is that in a seance room, when you go to meet THE VEIL LIFTED 157 those who have departed through the por- tals of death, you do not always see them as you expected. Frequently, a beautiful Soul on the earth has inhabited an ugly body; therefore when the Medium strives to build up the image, she will with the eyes of the Soul discern the Soul beauty, and she brings to your view a beautiful creature that you do not recognize. On the other hand, a Soul on the earth plane may inhabit a beautiful body and yet the Soul be narrow with sel- fishness and greed, and again as the uncon- scious Medium built up from the Soul force, she would bring back this unbeautiful Soul, when you looked for a beautiful body. Then again, there are deceitful Mediums, striving to bring forth some entity for the sake of payment, and who because of her unright- eous life is unable to go far enough out in the World of Souls to bring real entities back to the earth plane, draws from the Astral mere shells that have long been de- serted, and she may by sending her thought vibrations out to the shell, galvanize it for the moment into life, and make it appear to be a true Spiritual Materialization. There- fore, it behooves the people of the world, to use great care and strive by every power to know the honesty of the Medium, and 158 AC RE DI OS verily, verily, bitter is the reward of these deceitful Mediums. For ages they will be living entities, moving to and fro among these dead shells that will cling to them like ghostly barnacles, till they are indeed weary of their deceit. As I said to you before, I have no especial message tonight, but I am talking to you of the things that are close to you on the earth plane, for I cannot draw the Medium far out into the Astral. I will let her rest now, until I can control her better. MESSAGE NO. 41. My beloved, you have been somewhat dis- turbed of late by the conditions surround- ing you. We, from this side of life, could no more prevent these things than a chemist, working in your laboratories on the earth plane, could prevent the fermentation of two chemicals of opposite substance, when they are cast together. In making your rich and potent wines, the grapes are first crushed and cast into a vat. This crushing brings about a state of fermentation. There are many dregs that settle to the bottom, and there is a great chemical disturbance going on. But unless that which is not good is separated from that which is all good there would be no pure wine. The moment ye of the earth plane go forth into the wine- press of Spiritual desire and begin to crush out that which pertain to the material things, earth earthy, most surely you may ex- pect a fermentation. The boiling and stirring up is bound to take place, that the pure may be separated from the impure, and this fer- mentation draws about you more or less mis- chievous elementals, and unless you very 160 ACREDIOS carefully keep yourselves in a vibration of love, unless you constantly bridle your tongue, and your thoughts, unless you strive to hold yourself in the highest Spiritual vibration, the Soul-self within you is liable to be touched, in a greater or lesser degree, by these disturbing elements. And yet these are the tests of the Soul. Could man's material muscle grow strong without exer- cise ? Could you expect to lay the Soul upon a bed of flowers and there leave it to work out its highest expression ? My beloved, nowhere is there progression without expe- riences. But the Soul may be brave and yet not deeply touched by these experiences. And yet may draw from them the lessons that tend to bring about Soul's progression. There is no advancement except there be an urge that causes this advancement or progression. Evil is bound to take a last stand, and the separation of the good from the evil is bound to bring about a fermenta- tion or stirring up. As gold is purified by fire, so the Soul is purified by experiences, and there is no other way. I will speak no more of this subject, for I feel you under- stand, and please impress this message upon the Medium, that this message is for both of you, and for whoever else may read this. THE VEIL LIFTED 161 And again I would speak to you, my be- loved, in regard to the things you have been saying and thinking, about getting these messages before the world. I am impres- sing each one to do his work at the time that it should be done. I am drawing the forces about you to bring through what should be done. I believe that your Soul and the Soul of the Medium are strong enough to bear that which I have to say. First, I will say that you are proceeding just as I would have you proceed, for you are working under my guidance, and I am telling you here what you will have to expect. As the book goes forth into the world, there will be much criticism; both you and the Medium will re- ceive many unkind letters. Many creeds of the world will strive to repudiate these words of truth. But I will tell you now that it will be translated into seven (7) languages, and I must warn you carefully, to beware of the world's goods that will come to you through it, and I bid you not to look upon it as yours and yours alone, for remember, if we upon this side of life had not striven to get through, these messages would never have been received by either you or the Medium. Therefore, when the good begins to flow back to you, only take 162 ACREDIOS from it that which you need and then let it flow out again into the world in charity and good deeds. I would have you ease the pain of the world; I would have you feed those that are spiritually hungry; I would have you with that wealth take care of my chil- dren, and for God's sake do not do as I did when I lived upon the earth plane. Do not hoard your wealth, but give and give and give, that ye may not suffer the remorse that I have suffered. Do not come out upon this side of life with a starved and empty Soul. And as the book goes forth, let no sense of greed, injustice, or unkindliness in any way bring to bear upon it vibrations that will darken its beauty. Bear in mind that you are co-workers and deal lovingly and justly with one another. And when you do this, you are helping me more than you can real- ize. Oh, my heart goes out in great thank- fulness to that Great Intelligence, that I have been able to reach back to the world through two faithful workers, and I am im- pressing another to do his part in bringing forth the messages. I have selected him be- cause he is worthy. I hope you are pleased with my selection. My Medium is hard to hold. Good-night. MESSAGE NO. 42. My beloved, you have heard it said upon your earth plane that self-preservation is the first law of nature, and in the search thru every strata of evolution every creat- ure is striving to preserve life, striving to express its particular kind and to keep that expression from being touched by death. And man, the dominating species in life expression, also seeks to retain that which to him seems or is, life. Your churches have sent forth the mandate that he who takes his own life be damned, and they dare to say he is damned by the Heavenly Father. They have put forth the theory that a God that is Love, hates unto damnation, that a God who is the source of all life allows His earth expression to be damned and destroyed, and tortures the Soul thus flung out of its ma- terial expression. And that playing with a force, as little children, play with forces they do not understand, and those others that stand forth as judges, casting upon the earth plane the shadow of a monster God, they and these have done their part to hurl that soul out of its rhythm. And every Soul 164 ACREDIOS upon the earth plane that has sent out vibra- tions of Hate, Malice and Greed has done its part also to uproot a Soul before it had the chance to fulfill its earth expression. For every Soul that blots out material ex- pression by its own hand places upon every Soul in the world a certain amount of blood guiltiness. For ye of the earth plane have builded a social condition, you have builded a system of buying and selling, you have made the conditions so horrible, that were it not for the constant work of love that we are doing upon this side of life, more dazed and unbalanced Souls would be flung out than are now. And together, with your cruel social system, your money greed, your churches supposing to represent the Hea- venly Father, have filled the earth with fear. These poor crushed Souls find consolation nowhere. They are flung aside, starved spiritually, trampled upon and crushed out, by those who are created to represent Love. When these Souls fling away their material expression and come out to us, they are hard to place, and while we are willing to help them, they must indeed suffer greatly be- fore they swing back into their rhythm and again fill their niche in Soul progression. And, as I have said before, they are not THE VEIL LIFTED 165 alone to blame, and they will not suffer alone, for as you have measured to the least of these children of thy Father, so it will be measured to you again, for you by the thoughts that ye think, are responsible for every evil, every suicide, all poverty and all disease that find temporary expression upon your earth plane today. But bear in mind, little children, when the light cometh, the darkness goeth. Would you this day take an instrument of death in thy hand and with it destroy the material expression of a Soul? And yet you hold within yourselves an in- strument more deadly than any of steel or iron, Thought Force, a thought force that destroys or uplifts, and beware that ye watch each hour that ye send not forth such thoughts as will cause some unbalanced fellow creature to be flung out of his rhythm and cast forth to suffer because you, your- self have been evil. For do you not know by your own experience that it is hard to be of good cheer and courage when thoughts of evil are cast against you u ? And as some ex- press a lesser degree of God than others, that is, the materialization of Spirit thru Matter does not shine forth so strongly, is it not well that those manifesting a higher vibration of Spirit, seek always to uplift 166 ACREDIOS and not to destroy? And if you would not destroy, do not send forth thoughts that DO destroy. And when the light has come to you and you still persist in sending forth destructive thought forms on the Eternal ethers, do you think you will be held guilt- less by that ever present Law of Cause and Effect that weighs and balances every thought in the scales of Justice? And the people of the world as a mass will suffer as a mass for this temporary unbalancing of the individual. And to all to whom the knowledge hath come, let your light shine before the face of all men. Send rays of encouragement to those who are in need of it, strive to bring understanding to those that fear; hold the veil apart that the light may fall upon tired hearts of the earth, and pray that in time that light may fall upon every man that cometh into the world. For when the Light cometh, the darkness goeth, and where God is evil cannot be. Message No. 43 The Watchword of God's Universe is Service MESSAGE NO. 43. My beloved, we are striving so hard from this side of life to reach your little planet with love. We are so much interested in this planet, for while it is younger than some of the other planets in your Solar Sys- tem, it is the first dwelling place of a race that has gone forth to inhabit the larger planets, and as I have said before, it is the seed-bed of your Solar System. And it is for this reason that it has been watched over with such interest. And it is indeed at this moment being watered with Spiritual wat- ers, that the Soul propagated here may go out strong and well nourished. And the time has come when many Souls leaving the earth plane will not be compelled to tarry long in the Astral planes. And we are so glad to see this number increasing, as time goes on. And let me say to every Medium in the world tonight that this is not the hour to linger over trivial things. And no Med- ium can pray too much. Only a life of purity, lived faithfully and conscientiously, can bring to mankind that which the Father desireth that ye have. And I would say 170 ACREDIOS here that we are not striving to set up thru Medium-ship a mediator between the Son and his Father, for there is no privileged class, that has a right to stand between G-od and his Son. And every Soul that is born of the Father is a medium. It has the Divine right to go directly to the Father. But this going to the Father means praying prayers of realization. It means going into the sil- ence and closing the doors upon all material things, and praying to the Father in secret, knowing that He will bestow all gifts. All that thy Father has is thine. But verily, there must be leaders and teachers, but be- ware that the blind strive not to lead the blind, lest all go out in darkness together. Those who act as Mediums cannot be too careful of every word and deed and thought, for there is no greater service that can be given to humanity than to live a life so pure, so truthful, and so earnest that one can go forward and lift the veil, that those that are crying in darkness may look out upon the glorious light in the Realms of Spirit. Oh, that the Mediums of the world would teach the people aright and bring them to a realization of the vibrations they send forth and the mighty power of them. Make them realize, my beloved, by thoughts THE VEIL LIFTED 171 of purity and prayer they can reach out into the dark Astral belt around them, and help to lift those wretched earth bound Souls out of a veritable hell, that they can by thought and prayer build mansions for themselves and their loved ones out in the realm of Spirit, where God Is Love and Love Is God. Strive to make them see that they are all inter-dependent, that no Soul from the highest to the lowest is standing alone, and the watch- word of all God's Universe is SERVICE. To love and uplift one another is the greatest thing of any that the human race can do, and the vibrations of true love sent forth upon the earth plane flings a golden ray far out beyond the stars. And while man goes on and through his different experiences, a tender, loving Father broods over all, and man has nothing to fear but his own misdeeds. And it is by the power of Love that the vast universe is held together, and without this great love there could be nothing. And without love man cannot express himself. Oh, people of the world, draw unto yourselves all that you may of this great love, and strive to become a re- ceiving station and a sending-out station of this great vibration of Love. Oh, that the hearts of the world might beat in unison, 172 ACREDIOS pulsating love, love, love. If every man and every woman upon the earth plane tonight would kneel for just a few hours and let very heart beat vibrate love, all the evil, all the misery, all the poverty would drop from your earth plane like a worn-out garment, and all would advance millions of years toward that great vibrating center of all LOVE. MESSAGE NO. 44. My beloved, I would say to the children of the world tonight, that they are grasping the hem of the garments of Wisdom, with weak hands. But that you stretch your hands forth at all, means you are growing be- yond the material, and it is not well that you be given all wisdom as yet, for ye are but as little children. In these messages I do not strive to bring forth great philosophy, for I am not striving to reach great intellects, but I am striving to reach those that mean so much in the Father's household. And if I may inspire these hearts with love, and bring the realization to them of their Son- ship, and overshadow them with the Over- soul of God, if I can impress them with the power of their own thoughts, and bring them to know their importance in the Great Scheme of Things, as it is worked out by the Great Intelligence, I will have accom- plished, at least in part, the work I was bidden to do. And I would have you realize tonight the place your own little planet takes in the Scheme of Things. I would have you remember that only a few months 174- ACREDIOS ago (as we count time) the planet upon which you live was mere star-dust, an un- formed void, a world yet unborn. Then, forced out of that great Cosmic Whole, emerged new Souls, crying for individual expression. And the Great Over-soul spake thus, "Out of Myself shall go a new race of Souls, to express themselves, for these Souls I must create a dwelling place." And he breathed upon the void and it be- came a world. Gradually it grew to be the proper inhabitation for these Souls going out in expression from the Father. Then He said, ' ' Go forth, my children, out to this planet that I have prepared for you, to live out your individual expression thru count- less experiences. I, the Father of All, will overshadow you, but as you have chosen to go forth, you never can return to this Eternal Harmony that is in the midst of the Everlasting All, until you have brought this part of Me that you are taking with you thru all the experiences that are needed in your evolution of individual Soul expres- sion. ' ' Thus man was born. And as that race of men and that world went forth to express itself individually, so are there at this mo- ment countless other worlds being born, and countless other races who are the Sons of THE VEIL LIFTED 175 God, and who are springing forth from the God-head, to express themselves, and all of these countless worlds from the moment of their birth are inter-dependent one upon the other, from the highest to the lowest, just as these worlds which were born count- less of millions of ages before your world are sending back their vibrations to uplift you, so are you sending your vibrations back to the new-born worlds to do your part in helping them to progress towards perfec- tion. Tonight, as I came down towards your Earth, and met the vibrations of evil, greed and material darkness with which your world is enveloped, I felt for a moment a great vibration of sorrow, and then, with the eye of my Soul, I looked back down the line thru the ages. I saw the earth in its every stage of progression, I looked into the very cradle of the earth race, and I saw how you had gradually worked up thru your varied phases of material expression. I saw the race emerging from the terrible dark- ness of the middle ages ; I saw the terrible Wars; I saw the marching of the Crusad- ers; and stage by stage, little by little, I observed the upward growth; I saw how the little flames of light were springing here and there out of the terrible darkness; I 176 ACREDIOS saw the ignorance, the superstition and fanaticism gradually fading; I saw every trial thru which the race passed, leaving it a little better, a little higher. Then I saw your world plunged in its last terrible war; I saw thousands of the human race all over the world kneeling in prayer, and a greater number than ever before were worshiping in Spirit and in Truth, were praying a prayer of understanding to a God that un- derstood. More of the human race than ever before were truly coming back to the Father, praying no longer to a Pagan God of blood sacrifice, but to a Father of Justice who is letting His children work out their own salvation, who is overshadowing them with Love and ready to answer every heart that truly calls. Then I saw the gates be- tween the known and the unknown that had only recently been set ajar, begin to open wider and wider. Those from both sides of the veil were stretching forth their hands, and true Spiritual wisdom began falling like rain upon the earth, and then my heart sent up a great vibration of joy, a great up- lifting vibration, for at last the veil was rent and the darkness could never fall again. Then a great sense of encourage- ment came over me, for mankind has indeed THE VEIL LIFTED 177 advanced fast, so fast. Only a moment of time in Eternity, and yet the world is begin- ning to be flooded with Spiritual Wisdom. The Light has gone forth. The Darkness is rifted. MESSAGE NO. 45. Alzeeria: I come tonight in sadness. I am so because the Master is sad. I came down to you from my place of rest tonight. I found that He, too, was near you, for He is indeed loath to leave you. Go He must, there is so much to do. Then again my own heart was heavy, for again I have gone back to the place on the earth plane where I once lived. Woman of the world, have you ever beheld the moonlight on the desert? Do you know its still whiteness? Its terrible loneliness? And I walked there alone to- night, no more the High Priestess of the Temple of the Winged-Bull. For my tem- ple is crumbled and gone. There on that white, cold sand I was only little Alzeeria, and the earth seems to have no place for me; that is, no such place as I once had. No more upon the earth shall I go forth proudly, surrounded by slaves and guarded and attended. Once upon the earth plane my coming and going was a great event and attended by much ceremony, and now I am sent back again to live through you; to THE VEIL LIFTED 179 share as I may your joys and sorrows. When asked if she was happy to come to earth and assist, "Not as happy as I am serving those temples in Spirit realms. But when my Master parts from His Soul- mate to serve, who am I, little Alzeeria, to rebel against service?" It is thus they break my pride, for I have always felt until tonight that I was still the Priestess of the Temple of the Winged Bull. I shall be with you in your work, for you are going out to greater things, and I will be the link that will bind you to Acredios during the rest of your incarnation, a fleet- winged and will- ing messenger. I will be back and forth be- tween thee and him. In your work, think not so much of self, for service means so much to the Master. Every upward step means a little nearer, a little closer to un- speakable joy. I, too, with the heart of a woman, understand these things, and I hope to be able to teach you many things. When you are parted from this medium I will come directly to you and will make you to know when I am with you. I go now, for the Master comes. Message No. 46 The Master's Farewell MESSAGE NO. 46. My beloved, I am indeed tonight touched with a great sadness. Like the Master in the garden of Gethsemane, I am gathering ye who are my disciples together, and verily I do not know if I will speak again, for already the call has been sent out, calling me to other spheres of activity. It is but now that I have realized how much this has meant to me, coming in touch with you, only to go away to leave you here again, again. But as I have said to you before, the watch-word in the realm of Spirit is SERVICE, and it is only by serving lov- ingly and willingly that we may bring about the progression of all. There will be many comments upon these messages that I have sent thru; some will say they are but vain repetitions, but let them bear in mind that all God's Universe is full of repetitions. Are not all that love created, from the stars in the heavens to the sands on the shore, the same over and over? Are not all the les- sons in Nature repeated over and over again? Therefore, ye of the earth plane should not complain if I repeat my message 184 ACREDIOS of Love over and over again. I am only striving to press home to their hearts that Love is eternal, and that only by Love shall man live. That Life IS, and man only by living rightly expresses life in its fullness. That God Is Love, and brings forth and ex- presses only that which Is Love, and by righteous living, Man, His Son, may come into the vibrations of this Love and live in Peace eternally. I have striven to teach simply, that the responsibility of man's progression lies within himself, and as an individual he may express that which he chooses, to live in the flesh will bring suffer- ing,to live for the Spiritual will bring Peace. For verily the Master spoke truly when He said, "For what profiteth a man if he gain a whole world, if he lose his own Soul?" I was in the midst of you tonight, when you spoke of preparing these messages to send them forth. You were asking among your- selves, "What shall we name themT YOU know how I have striven to make amends for mistakes and transgressions done while in the body. And while I do not command you, my beloved, I would be pleased if my name might be given them, at least as part of the title ; then have I not striven to hold "THE VEIL APART"? I leave it to your THE VEIL LIFTED 185 consideration among yourselves, and re- member I will not leave you alone until these messages have gone forth, as we from the Council Chamber desire them to go forth. As I have drawn the forces about you before, then it was you and the Medium, now I'm wrapping three with my vibrations. I now have three disciples, each to do his part in the work. I command you in the name of Love each one to do your part to bring forth the work aright When the Great- est of Masters came to your earth plane and realized the hour of parting with his dis- ciples, He called them together and bade them love one another, to go forth and feed the sheep, that were astray. And this com- mandment that came from the Master, I your teacher give again unto thee, and while I shall leave Spiritual forces to guide you and while I am sad at this parting, I am glad to leave this Star of Sorrow, because even those from the higher realm cannot touch it without suffering more or less. I will rest and come again, for I am shaking the Medium so. When I left the Council Chamber tonight to come down to the earth plane I met and was accompanied by many anxious souls who were striving to com- municate with their loved ones on your 186 ACREDIOS plane. As I came down that path of shin- ing star-dust, I saw among that numerous throng, a young girl. When she saw me she came to me and called me again and again: " Great Master, I have not long been out upon this side of life, and even now the memories of my sufferings upon the earth plane still cling to me, for there I was a pain-racked crippled child. When I came out to this side of Life, I was met imme- diately by forces of Love, Healing, and Ten- derness. These wonderful Angels of heal- ing seemed to know just where to touch my twisted body, and the radiations of Love coming forth from them touched my con- sciousness to perfection. And yet down there on that unforgotten plane many are suffering as I suffered. Can not I reach back to them and help a little to ease the pain in that sorrowful land?" She stood before me, her slender hands clasped on her heaving breast, a pleading desire to help and heal emanated from her in golden \ibra- tions. Had she come to me centuries ago I could not have brought to her that which she desired, but now I have earned the right to command them who desire to give their service. So I bid her come with me, and I brought her down to the earth and have THE VEIL LIFTED 18? shown her how to express herself thru my latest disciple. And if he will keep himself attuned to the great Love Force, born of the suffering of a noble Soul, he will be the earth instrument thru which great healing shall come to the world, especially to little children. Verily he shall lay his hands on them and they shall be healed, for there shall come to him, my disciple Raymer, thru this child Vivian a healing vibration that was perfected by Angels of healing on this side of Life. And I would have him know that one does not bring thru the healing vibra- tions of high Angels with unclean hands. Verily, thy Soul must go step by step up- ward to the temple of Purity, and be bathed in the vibrations of purest and highest love, if you would be the attuned instrument that will bring this great healing force into the world. O, if the eyes of the people of the earth could but see the throng of departed ones that come down with me to the earth tonight. That are pleading with me to let them reach their loved ones, striving so hard to get some little word thru that they are Not dead, that they are not shut away in a place of uselessness, but that they are living normal, useful, busy lives, and it is only the fact that the opportunities are 188 ACREDIOS greater and their powers less limited, it is only this makes them realize that they have left the earth at all. Only this and the heart hunger and loneliness of being parted from their loved ones, and as fast as you of that plane of expression can be brought to the proper realization of the unreality of Death, there need be no separation. The Souls from this side of life do realize that they can call back across the border, but how can they reach you if you yourselves do not do your part to break down the material bars, and work intelligently with them to get the mes- sage thru, for no Soul no matter how willing can do the work of another, each and every one must do his part in bringing about the communication between the living and the so-called dead. That great prophet Paul when he spake to the people in olden times said: "The last enenr^ to overcome will be Death. ' ' DEATH IS BUT AN UNRE AL- IZING STATE OP CONSCIOUSNESS THAT DOES NOT YET KNOW THAT LIFE IS AND LIFE IS ETERNAL. Too long has the veil hung between, too long have the people of the earth plane spoken of and feared the unknown. Awake, oh, ye people of the earth plane and proclaim your- selves the Sons of God. Being the offspring THE VEIL LIFTED 189 of All Intelligence, there is nothing that ye may not know, being the children of a God of Love. The bonds of love is not broken or separated, not in any realm where God is, and God is everywhere. Life up your Souls, oh, my people, go forth and five, ye sons of God, and know that ye are all one and that no veil hangs between. Put aside fear, material desire, and things that dark- en your sight and understanding. Lift your faces towards the light, that is falling upon the earth as the veil is rent apart. IT IS FINISHED MESSAGE NO. 47. The Final Message Prom Acredios To His Sole-mate, Elf rieda : Now my beloved I would speak to you alone. You know that I, as a warrior must go forth to service, just as I went before down there in our past incarnations. Then I went forth as an earth warrior, striving to do what then seemed my duty, and to give a certain service, tho ignorantly and fanatically, as I most fully realize it now, from this view-point of life expression. And now I go forth again to give a Spiritual service. And because of your moving about on the earth plane, I will not always be able to come in such close touch with you after you have become separated from this me- dium, unless I can find another that has her particular sensitive vibrations. But the separation will not be as it was in that City of Rome, ages ago, for I have learned my lessons well, and I realize that I can always be near you if I send forth the desire with the proper force. And now my beloved, since you have known that I am, and that I am ever desirous that the vibration shall THE VEIL LIFTED 191 never again be broken between us, go thy way in joy, bearing ever in mind that the mansion that I have spoken of is now being builded, and glad preparations are now being made for the great hour of thy com- ing, when we shall again walk side by side, never to be parted again except by our mutual desire. When our love shall go forth from individual expression to find yet a greater joy in Universal Love Expression, and that shall not be separation, but an inter-blending, one with the other Perfect, Eternal, expressing all good, all joy, One with the Father. Your span of earth life reaches out for some time yet, or what will seem to you quite some time. In your seventy-fourth year, the ninth month and fourteenth day, just at midnight, the door of life shall again open unto you and we my beloved shall again be permitted to stand for the moment face to face. You will have this space of time in which to pre- pare for this joyous hour. The realm into which I shall be able to lead you will de- pend upon yourself. But I will speak this unto you truly. That I shall be able by the Power of Love to lead you thru and beyond the Astral into at least the border 192 ACREDIOS land of the Spiritual Realm, and God grant, to a place in Summer-land where I may be in constant communion with you, and then some time, when all the experiences are past and every debt is paid in full, we shall then mount on golden wings, onward and upward, from joy world to joy world, we will swing in the rhythm of perfect har- mony. We will feel and know that pulsat- ing world where Love reigns supreme, where I am thine and thou art mine. Where Love Eternal finds Expression, Where LOVE IS GOD, AND GOD IS LOVE. There I shall meet you and keep you my Soul-mate, MY BELOVED. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Pa Cranberry Township. PA 1 6066 (724)779-2111