m te) tSW ' 7(707 M c^B m 0/nA^ d r {^^'^■^^^ L^ r^ I'PCl. Q^^- I C^^y^au ^ -,^^ /X^ /f/v^ ./ Purmort Coat of Arms {set' pas[e S) P U R M O R T GENEALOGY Consisting of Nineteen Generations nine in England :: ten in America BY REV. CHARLES H. PURMORT, D.D. Des Moines, loiva. Published by THE HOMKSTKAD COMPANY DKS MOINES, IOWA 1907 JAN \j I mo f CA'^'^ \^ oA ^ "V ♦ \ ;• . ' . |. li l'^^ ">' jT i #■ The Boston Historical Society placed ou this pillar ou School street, in front of the City Hall. Boston, the bronze tablet seen on next page. ^ On this Spot stood the FIRST HOUSE ErectedfortheUseofthe BOSTON PUBLIC LATIN SCHOOL This School has been constantiv Maintained since It was Establlsned by the following Vote of the Town.- (7t a Ceneral meeting upon Public Hotice it urn meed upon that mr Brother PHILEMON PORMORT shall he entrmted to become Schoolmaster for the teaching and nurturing of Cbildrer) m'th us ^ April 13 1635 ■'.j-^ata. MEMORIAL OF THE BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL AND OF PHILEMON PURMORT THE FIRST MASTER. / Preface The design of this book is to give living Purmorts and their progeny a history of our name and family, so far as the Author has been able to procure it. Not for revenue or honor, but for the recreation and pleasure derived,, has this investigation into ancient and modern records and personal histories been made. It has taken over twenty-five years of intermittent effort to gather this material for the Purmort Genealogy. No pretense is made to literary excellence or complete historical accuracy, but many facts are presented regarding the family that have greatly interested the Author and may likewise interest some of his Uncles and Aunts and numerous Cousins. If the living members of the family should not appreciate the effort to place in book form our history, the Author is glad to know the dead cannot complain and he bespeaks the charity of the generations still unborn. No special notoriety is claimed for the Purmort family in America, other than that our very first ancestor, Philemon Pur- mort, belonged to English Aristocracy, figured conspicously dur- ing "Pilgrim Father Days" and was great Boston's First School Master. We have been a family of neither law-makers or law-brakers, nor of Presidents or millionaires. We have marvelously escaped all these calamities during our long citizenship in America. One fact is very prominent in our history, we have surely been notor- iously fortunate in that w^e have so often married into greatness. We have added, through these past generations, much pure blood to the veins of many of the very best and most noted families of A.merica. Ours is only the story of a plain, modest, and what we 6 The Purmorts in America are proud to claim, an honest common-sensed folk. We are only one among the many families of characteristic American life. I feel I must offer an apology to the noted Genealogists of our times for this my venture upon their territory. I am not competing for honors, nor am I a rival in any sense. This is my first and last effort at book making. I have not been able person- ally to make investigations, but have done nearly all this work through correspondence. I have been greatly pleased and encour- aged by the courtesy of noted Genealogists and book makers with whom I have corresponded. I have prepared the book for our family tables instead of for library shelves. If time and means permitted I would gladly spend several years more and give per- sonal research through the genealogical libraries of our cities before venturing into print. As all this is impossible I have reluctantly consented to issue my book now. It is my earnest hope that some future Purmort scholar, using my material as a basis, may continue and complete as it should be done, a Purmort Genealogy worthy a place on the library shelf. I am surprised at the fact that old English Records appear so much more com- plete in Genealogy than our American ; and again that it is far easier to learn about the dead than the living. There seems to be a senseless prejudice againsl genealogies in this busy, bustling age. We are surely in no danger in this country of Ancestral Worship, but we are in danger of losing valuable records of the past relating to our make up as a people and a nation, all because we are neglecting genealogies. Having collected many facts concerning our ancestors, merelv at first for the love of it, and now fearing lest no one else v,/ill ever take the pains to collect this material and compile it in book form, I am induced to publish the book. I feel it is very proper for all families with Pilgrim and Colonial Ancestry, to And in England 7 preserve for future information their records. I have not been able to complete definitely the entire line of our ancestors in America ; yet I am confident I have it nearly complete and correct. The wireless telegraph furnishes me with a good illustration regarding our connections. It is discovered, when an instrument correctly charged and adjusted is set up on one shore, and another similarly adjusted is placed on the opposite shore, that connections are somehow made through the intervening space, and that instru- ment responds to instrument so that communications are carried on correctly by parties managing the work. Thus it is that T have in two instances made connections of our Ancestors in this Genealogy, from the middle to the latter part of the Seventeenth Century. With these, or this one exception, for it all pertains to one man, viz., Joseph Purmort, I have a clear and complete line for the ten generations in America and the nine generations in Old England. I must not fail to mention with many thanks and with due credit, the names of Mrs. Henry C. Purmort of Chicago, and of Mrs. Frances Willard Purmort of Boston, for their assistance given me in this collecting work. Without their timely aid I could not have succeeded in this effort. As I know better than anyone else the incompleteness of this Genea^logy, I shall consider it a great favor to receive personally all just criticisms and corrections anyone may make. I will espe- cially appreciate any new information anyone may send to me. If some individuals and some families have received more attention and space in the book than others, it is only because such material was furnished by some, while others did not provide it. Wishing all amateur Genealogists as much pleasure as I have derived in making this book, and extending my hand to all 8 The Purmorts in America cousins whether Purmorts or some other name, and trusting the family may receive pleasure and profit from my work, I remain, Sincerely, Charles H, Purmort. In the "Visitation of Lincolnshire" in 1562-1564 the Pormort Coat of Arms is thus given : Argent, on Chevron between three leopards' faces. Sable, as many mullets of the field. The draft of this Coat of Arms was made August 31st, 1906, by Charles T. Spohr of Chicago, Assistant in the Newbury Library. Coat of Arms The following description or interpretation is given of this design in Burke's General Armory, 1883, P^g^ 815 • Argent, white or silver. Represented in engraving by sil- ver space, or white, signifies peace and sincerity. Chevron, the darker space in which are seen the stars, the roof like drawing signifies Protection. This was granted in Arms as a reward to one who has achieved some notable enterprise. It is supposed to represent the roof tree of a house and has some- times been given to those who have built churches or fortresses or who have accomplished some work of faithful service. Leopard, represent a valiant warrior who enterprises haz- ardous things by force and courage. Leopards" heads or faces are generally found borne by British heraldry. Richard I. carried two leopards. This "leopards' faces" is said to have been conferred by Edward III during his wars with France as a reward to And in England some of his leaders who served under him in his victorious campaign. The idea of the device being, that the Hon of the Enghsh Army is swallowing the Lily of the French coat. Mullet, is a star of five points. A falling star, not falling from an high estate, but to denote some Divine quality bestowed from above, whereby men shine in virtue, learning-, and works of piety, like bright stars on earth. If the star is pierced by a hole, then it means a spur or horseman. A silver star means an esquire. A gold star, knighthood. It was required that Pedigrees be first lodged in Col- lege of Heralds, London, England, before Coat of Arms was granted. The Helmet that surmounts the device signifies a warrior. The old English records that give this Coat of Arms and the pedi- gree of the family always spell the name Pormort, so this is given with the Coat as appropriate to it, although Purmort is now the adopted form. lo The Purmorts in America The Purmort Name Pumiort is not a common name, though the family has been in America since the year 1634. Great variety is found in the spelHng of this name in the early New England records. The following have been discovered : Pormort, Pormortte, Permont, Pormet, Pormert, Pormont, Postmont, Purmot, Pormont, Purmont, Purmount, Pormout, Por- ment, Pormon, Purmutt, Ponsmort, Purmort. The orthography of family names in early New England records is a matter of some surprise to modern Americans, who have been taught to expect exact precision from that quarter. It appears to have been a mark of aristocracy or of literary prom- inence to attach to a name this variety of spelling in those early times. More than twenty ways for spelling the common name of Sargent have been found. If this was truly a mark of any note, then the above list proves that the name Purmort had its due share of notoriety. There is a tradition in the family that during Huguenot times in France in the Sixteenth Century, a man of God escaped a terrible death by persecution, and made his way to England, com- ing up as it were, through death, he received the name Purmort, which signifies through death. But traditions are often only imaginary, mere by products of real history, and cannot always be relied upon as true. It is an easy, and to some a pleasant pastime, to imagine a thing as true, and then fit up a romance or tragedy to match it, and work it into a name. Without doubt the name Purmort is French in its origin, and the history of the family And in England ii shows them to be Protestants of the Calvanistic type, and as such they may claim relationship to the French Huguenots as well -is to the English Puritans of later times. Our first Ancestor on New England's shore was Philemon Portmort, or as he once signed his own name to a New England document of importance, Philemon Port Mortte. We can readily see in this etymology, Port, meaning Gate, and Mort, signifying death, that the name would be interpreted Gate of Death, and that Purmort, an abreviated form of the name, could be translated Through Death. In these days when it is the craze or fad to seek relationship and association with the good, the great and the heroic of the past, it will no doubt be flattering to the vanity of all who bear this name to decide as settled, our Huguenot Ancestry, and to rest in the security of ancient noble blood. It may, therefore, be at the risk of losing some popularity with the family, should the writer cast some doubt upon this assumed glory. A more careful study of this French name shows that Pur was formerly Pour which means, for, or, on account of, or, be- cause of, given as a reason. It must be recalled that the early Puritans usually gave serious names to their children in order to remind them of their soul life and responsibility. This name Pur- mort could be well used for this purpose, a name to remind the living of their doom. You are mortal and must die. Though now living, you are doomed to death. Pour mort signifying "for death." Now since the history of our family in England shows that we are more English than French, it follows that we were more Puritan than Huguenot, before reaching America, and the infer- ence follows that this last rendering of the name is more plaus- ible than the former. But again as a religious family in America, 12 The Purmorts in America we may still be highly gratified to have our name thus associated with these deep and eternal matters of the soul, and we may not care one whit whether we hail from Huguenot or Puritan, just so we come from good devout religious stock. Again the Author may jeopardize his good reputation by molesting these pious reflections and holy ambitions, by suggest- ing in their stead the rollicking, rowdy associations of Old Eng- lish life of the 15th and i6th Centuries. But since the name has been subjected to investigation it must pass through the diction- aries, even though they do land us as a name, among the uncir- cumsized Philistines. The name Purmort may have reference to a hunting scene. "A la morte" signifies a hunting phrase and may mean "in at the death." A coming in at the death or a shout "To death," the victor of the chase. This coming in at the death was the great ambition of each hunter, for the first in received the first honors. If this interpretation of our name is correct, then our old English Ancestors must have belonged to the "sporty" class, and the great love of hunting seen so frequently in many members of the fam- ily, must be a matter of strong heredity. Then once more, should any member of the family aspire to even more heroic history, he may be gratified in the fact that our name conveys also the military idea and char- acter. Porte Mortte in modern French means Harbinger or Carrier of death news. One used in old military days and methods to bear tidings of battle. Our Coat of Arms, given and explained on another page, belonging to the early English Purmorts, would indicate that this meaning of our name has the precedence over all the others. As our name can be traced back, back, back to the 15th, 14th, and near the 13th Cen- tury, it would not require a very great leap of the imagination to And in England 13 connect the first Purmort Ancestor with the Norman Conquest of 1066, hailing from France and bringing with him the heroic chivalry of that far distant day, and the heraldry of those bloody times, and mingling afterwards with the Brittans, becoming a factor in gospel conquests that brought in a better civilization on old Brittanica's Shore. Philemon Portmort Philemon Portmort was the first of our name on American soil. He came early in the year 1634 with wife and two children at least, from Alford, Lincolnshire, England, where records show the Purmort family lived for ten generations. On page 32 of Charles H. Bell's history of the town of Exeter, N. H., is found the following: "Philemon Pormort was married in Alford, Lincolnshire, England, October 11, 1627, to Susan, daughter of William Bellingham. They emigrated to New England, probably with one child or more and were admitted to the Boston Church, August, 1634." In Wentworth Vol. i, page yj, is found the following: "The Alford England Records note baptisms as follows : "Elizabeth Pormort, Feb. 20, 1628-1629. She married Nathaniel Adams of Boston, November 25, 1652." "Martha Pormort, Nov. 24, 1633." In this record we see that this Elizabeth, first daughter of Philemon, married into the noted Adams family of New England. No record is found of her offspring. In "The Genealogist" (an English Magazine) Vol. 4 (1880) page 266, and Vol. 6 (1882) page 276 we find "The Visitation" pedigree of the Purmorts in 1562- 1564. These Lincolnshire Pur- 14 The Purmorts in America morts must have been people of consequence to have their names and family records in "The Visitations." It appears these Visitation Records or Pedigrees were ordered by the English Courts in those early centuries for the purpose of securing and preserving the correct record and history of prom- inent families in the realm. All eminent genealogists of today recognize these records as correct and as eminent authority. The following is the Visitation Pedigree of the Purmorts for nine generations : 1. Robert (i) Pormort of Saltfleetby, Lincolnshire, Eng- land, Gilbert ist Son, died without issue. 2. John (2) second son of Robert (i). 3. William (3) of John (2) of Robert (i). 4. Lawrence (4) of William (3) and another son of Wil- liam was Thomas (4). 5. William (5) of Lawrence (4), etc. Married daughter of Sir John Swillington this name spelled Swithington in pedigree given in Vol. 4 of The Genealogist. 6. George (6) of William (5), etc., of Keddington. Had lands in Saltfleetby, Kirmington and Grimoldby. A will dated Sept. 7, proved December 5, 1541. He married the daughter and co-heir of Scramblesby called Elizabeth, in her husband's will. She had been previously married. Their children — George (7) ist Son and Mayor of Grimsby 156 — . Christopher (7) and 2d Son, Mayor of Grimsby 1578. Gregory (7) 3rd Son, died 1584. Anna (7) married Nicholas Ustow. And in England 15 7. Greg-ory (7) of George (6), etc. Under age in 1541. Married Elizabeth daughter of WilHam Whitehead of Stanford. Child, Thomas (8). 8. Thomas (8) of Gregor}' (7), etc., of Grimsby. Will dated on board the Redde Dragon March 26, 1603, proved October 27, 1603. Married Dorothy daughter of Dawson at Grimsby, Nov. 4, 1591. She was his executrix in 1603. Their children : Phineas (9) ist Son. Philemon (9) 2nd Son, 1603, both under age. Vincent (9) died in infancy. 9. Philemon (9) of Thomas (8), etc. Under age in 1603. Married Susan daughter of William Bellingham of Alford, October 11, 1627. Children: John (10) baptized at Alford, Feb. 20, 1628. Martha (10) baptized at Alford, Nov. 24, 1633. Descendants of George (7) Pormort, Son of George (6). George (7) married ist Elizabeth daughter of Philip Bleasby of Bleasby, married 2nd Scamblesby. Children : Lyon (8) Thomas (8) George (8) Thomas (8) (again) William (8) married Anna Messenger, Feb. 12, 1 581. A son George died young. • Anna (8) Margret (8) Lyon (8) Son of George (7). Married Sutton of Utterby, died not later than 161 5. Chil- dren : i6 The Purmorts in America Christopher (9) born Grimsby 1585. Married Carrington 161 1, daughter Mary baptized 1618. Richard (9) baptized Aug. 13, 1592. William (9) baptized October 14, 1593. Mar- ried Anna Meddeton 1619, a daughter Dor- othy died young. Theodore (9) George (9) buried at Grimsby, Aug. 22, 1596. Susan (9) Elizabeth (9) The list of these Old England Purmorts runs as follows : Robert (i) John (2) William (3) Lawrence (4) William (5) George (6) 1 George (7) Married Bleasby George (7) or Gregory (7) I St, Scamblesby 2d. Married Whitehead. Lyon (8) Married Sutton. Thomas (8) of Grimsby. Theodore (9) Son and heir Philemon (9) living and un- apparent of Lyon (8) der age 1603. IMarried and living in 1592. Susan Bellingham 1627. There is also found in Vol. 53 of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register on Page 71 the following: "George Pormort and Anna Lucke w-ere married at St. Giles Cambridge, May 13, 1619." And in England 17 In the Genealogist Vol. 5 (1881) Page 313 under Booth pedigree occurs the following: "William Booth of Wootton mar- ried Anna, daughter of George Pormort of Gainsby. Their chil- dren were living and also the parents in 1592." Again in the Genealogist Vol. 3, Page 371, under name of Craythorne in "Visitation" of Lincolnshire occurs the marriage of Sir B. C. of Marche Cappe in Yorkshire to Margret daughter of Por- mort. Their grandson was John Crethorne of Salesby in Lincoln- shire, 1562. In the Genealogist Vol. 11 (1894) New Series on page 17, is a pedigree which mentions Mable Pormort whose children married as follows : Isabella married John de Arkesworthy. Joan married Henry Bang. Julian married Henry Puteford. Cecely married . She had a daughter Matilda who married Robert Scofter. Clarence married John Mosfen. Emma married William White. Also this pedigree is found in the Plea Rolls de Banco Mich. 33 E. 3 in 363 Devonshire : "John de Peremort A. D. 1296 Oct. 24. 23d Edw. I made oath at the Inquisition of Lands, etc., of Henry I'Estormi at Rushuc. (Rushcock) Worcestershire, England." This is taken from a book published in 1896 called "County Records" by A. D. Weld French. These old English records give a very clear and direct line of the Purmorts in and around Alford, Lincolnshire, Eng- land, through the nine generations and they run back in time to the last part of the 13th Century in the stiring events of King Edward I. Very few American families can show up such a pedi- gree running so far back in English history. i8 The Purmorts in America It is seen that Philemon Portmort or Ponnont was in the ninth generation in the EngHsh hne and that he was under age in the year 1603 and that he married Susan BeUingham in 1627. i quote from "Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of New Eng- land," a large work of four great volumes, that gives the names and lineage of New England's inhabitants for the first centur}' of our history. In Vol. Ill, Page 464, "Philemon Portmort of Boston adm. of the church with wife Susan near the end of August, 1634, probably brought one child, if not more, was freem. May 6, 1635, and the first Gram. Schoolmaster. Had Lazarus born Feb. 28, 1636, baptized March 6, 1636, Ann born April 5, baptized April 15, 1638, favored the cause of Wheelwright and followed him to Exeter and afterwards to Wells, have letters of dism. from our church January, 1639, ^'•^^ probably came back afterward. Prob- ably not a few years had Pedaiah born June 3, 1640. His wife died December, 1642." By second wife Elizabeth had Martha, baptized 29, May, but town records say born i6th June, 1653. His daughter Elizabeth born probably in England married 24th of November, 1652, Nathaniel Adams, but another pretended records says Samuel Worden in General, Reg. XI 202. Great variety is found in the letters or sound of this first schoolmaster's name, Porment, Pormet, Purmount, etc." In Boston Town Records, Page 13, we find that Susan, wife of Philemon Pormort died 29th, loth month 1642. In the New England Reg. Vol. II, Page 202 are found the following records : "Philemon Purmort married at Alford, England, nth Oct. 1627 to Susan BeUingham who was daughter of William BeUing- ham who was buried at Alford, Sept. 2, 1606." Wife Susan was baptized Sept. i, 1601, died at Boston Oct. 29, 1642. And in England 19 Children born in England, viz. : 1. Elizabeth 20th February 1628-9. 2. Martha 24, Nov. 1633. Philemon was at Boston late in August, 1634. 3. Lazarus, born Dec. 28, 1635, and baptized Jan. 6, 1636. See Boston Town Record Page 3. 4. Anna, born Feb. 5, 1638, baptized Feb. 15, 1638. 5. Pedaiah, son, born April 3, 1640. Page 10. 6. Borshua, daughter, baptized, ist, church, Boston, May 4, 1647. 7. (This not quoted from the above) but she is men- tioned on Page 26. "Elias" mentioned in Bournes' History of Wells and Kennebunk as "working a mill at Wells 1680" is supposed by the Author of this book to have been a son of Philemon born perhaps between Pedaiah and Borshua, as there was between these two, ample time for another birth. 8. Mary, supposed daughter. See New England Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 50, Page 488. 9. Martha born June 16, 1653, daughter by second wife, Elizabeth. See Boston Town Records, Page 40. It has been found in some of the early records that one Joseph Purmort of Great Island may have been a son of this Philemon. If so, his birth may have occurred between that of Mary and that of Martha, as we find six years between the birth of Borshua, May 4, 1647, and that of Martha, June 16, 1653, thus giving ample time for Mary's birth and still another. But as all this is mere conjecture it cannot be definitely stated nor fully relied upon. Yet as it will be observed farther on in the book. 20 The Purmorts in America that this Joseph Purmort is somewhat mysterious, this conjecture is mentioned here ; and it may be a solution to a vital connection in our American lineage that we shall be forced to adopt, as will be seen later. In corroboration of the statement given by Savage already mentioned, concerning the marriage of Elizabeth, Philemon's first daughter, there is found in the New England Hist, and Geneal., Reg. Vol. II, Page 202, an undated record of the marriage of Elizabeth, daughter of the late Philemon Pormorte of Boston. In Vol. 50 of the same the date is given, August, 1656, and this is evidence that Philemon died before that date, 1656, or the word late would not preceed his name. In the records of the first church of Boston, perhaps the oldest in the county, is found the following: "The 28th of ye Sixth month 1634 was admitted into the church Philemon Pormort and Susan, his wife." The Sixth of ve eleventh month 1638 Philemon Pormort was dismissed with John Wheelwright and others into ye church of Christ at ye Ffalls of Pasclataqua, if they be rightly gathered and ordered." "Baptized Lazarus ye sonne of Brother Philemon Pormort the 13th of ye first month 1636. Anna ye daughter of Brother Philemon Portmort the 29th of ye same second month, 1638." It will be observed that the year dates are the same in these Church records as heretofore given, but the month and the days differ from the Boston Town Records. In a book called "The Puritan in England and New Eng- land" by Ezra Hoyt Byington, D. D., on page 249 is found the following : "The annals of the colony are full of references to schools and school masters. There was a school in Boston five years r+ter the first settlement of which Philemon Pormort was a And in England 21 teacher. Daniel Maude was his successor and for his mainten- ance a contribution of fifty pounds was made by leading citizens." Savage makes mention of this Daniel Maude as "one who came in the James from Bristol 1635 in company with Richard Mather. He was bred at Emanuel Cambridge where he had his A. B. 1606 and A. M. 1610. Kept the school for some years, joined the church Oct. 1635, freeman 25 May following, yet without prefix of respect." This record regarding Daniel Maude in connection with Dr. Byington's statement that he was assistant and successor to Philemon in the school, naturally leads to the thought that he and Philemon were acquainted in the old country and perhaps were educated together at Cambridge. The Town Records of Boston contains this record: "The 1 3-2- 1 63 5 at a general meeting upon public notice it was gener- all agreed upon that our brother Philemon Pormort shal be entreated to become School Master for the teaching and nurturing of children with us." (See Winthrop's History of New England, Vol. HI, Page 264, New Edition.) I quote extensively the following from The Young People's Weekly, June 21st, 1902: "The Boston Latin School was established in the year 1635 and it was the result of an agreement made among the leading- citizens of Boston led by the first Governor, John Winthrop, and Gov. John Winthrop was as firm a believer in the necessity and value of higher education as can be found in our land even in the present day. Another far seeing believer in higher education who had to do with the establishing of the Latin School was the Rev. John Cotton, who reached Boston in the year 1633 from Boston, Lincolnshire, England, where he had been a preacher of note. Something of the esteem in which this wise man was held may be 22 The Purmorts in America known from the fact that Increase Mather wrote of him: 'Both Bostons have reasons to honor his memory and New England most of all which oweth its name and being to him more than to any other person in the world.' It is certain that John Cotton was intimately interested in this the first free school in our Coun- try, for after his death it was found that on certain contingencies he had left one-half of his estate for the support of the school. That the people of the little town of Boston took great pride iil their free school was evidenced by the fact that a number of its citizens remembered the school in their wills, although none of them had very much to bestow upon it. From the day of its opening down to the present time the Boston Latin School has been one of the most democratic of institutions. There have been no class distinctions ,no caste lines, the sons of the poorest men and the sons of the richest have met here on a common level. They sat side by side on the same forms. No boy was thought better than his mates unless he excelled his mates in character and mental power. "The school has had many illustrious masters, such as Robert Woodmansy, John Lowell, Samuel Hunt, William Bigelow, one of whose pupils was Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mr. Benjamin Apthorp Gould, Mr. Frederick P. Leverett, author of the Latin Lexicon, bearing his name. Mr. Charles K. Dillaway, Mr. Epes Sargent Dixwell, Francis Gardner, Mr. Augustus Milton Gay, Mr. Moses Merrill who held the place for twenty-five years until his death April 26, 1902. John T. Casey is head master now ; his predecessor was Robert E. Babson. "The school has occupied many different buildings in the two hundred and seventy years of its existence. Some of its sessions have been held in famous old Fannel Hall, others in Fremont Temple. It now occupies one of the largest school buildings in the world and about eight hundred boys are in attendance every And in England 23 day. All of the class rooms and the great public hall are under one roof. It is an inspiring sight to see all the boys assembled at the graduation exercises when the annual prizes are awarded in June. Among the great men who have been pupils of the school may be named Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Robert Trent Paine, Harrison Gray Otis, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Cotton Mather, Phillip Brooks, Henry Ward Beecher, Samuel Adams and Wendall Phillips. To this famous Boston Latin School be- longs the proud distinction of being the oldest educational insti- tution with a continuous existence in this country. "One of the graduates of this school once remarked that the Latin School 'dandled Harvard College on her knees.' Another has said 'From this establishment, itself the example and seed corn, the whole American system of free education grew.' " With this history, and these educators, and these testimonials it is surely a great honor to a family to hold as its first Ancestor in this country, a man who was chosen as the first master, and who was with others instrumental in establishing this Boston Latin School. The Boston Historical Society several years ago decided 10 honor this man and to hold his name in lasting memory by plac- ing on School Street in front of the City Hall a bronze tablet to mark the spot where the first school stood, on which is written the following inscription : "On this spot stood the First House erected for the use oi the Boston Public Latin School. This School has been constantly maintained since it was established by the following vote of the Town : "At a General Meeting upon public notice, it was agreed upon that Brother Philemon Pormort shall be entreated to become 24 The Purmorts in America School Master for the teaching and nurturing of children with us. April 13, 1635." The picture of this Tablet and the present Latin School may be found elsewhere in this book. Proceedings of the Littleton Historical Society, No. i 1894- 1895 Littleton, Massachusetts. (Published by the Historical So- ciety 1896) Page 50: "The colony of Massachusetts Bay received its Royal Charter from Charles the First in 1628, eight years after the landing of the Pilgrims, and among its early acts was a law making it obligatory on parents and guardians to educate their children and apprentices. Li the earliest days each family taught its own chil- dren. The earliest free public school in the colony was in Boston, in 1635, when it was agreed "that Brother Philemon Purmont shall be entreated to become schoolmaster for the teaching and nurturing of the children among us." The town of Dedham claims the honor of having established the first free school at public expense in the colony and in the world in 1644 and has recently celebrated its 250 anniversary, but it was nine years later than the above quotation. The Boston Advertiser some two months ago, speaking of the event says, "For the first time in the history of the world the people were compelled, by law, to maintain schools for the education of all the children. Massa- chusetts therefore has the majestic distinction of originating the free public school. But the benefits have not been confined to New England. Out of the little clearings of eastern Massachu- setts this system of free schools has spread over the broad domain of the American Union." "A few years later, 1647, ^'^e colony provided for the support of schools at public expense in reading and writing in all settle- ments of fiftv families or more." And in England 25 The noted Rev. Phillip Brooks, D. D.. who was a son of the Boston Latin School, in an address on the same in 1885 said after quoting theTown Record : "Philemon Pormort, the first teacher of the Latin School is hardly more than a mere shadow of a name. It is not even clear that he ever actually taught the school at all." Yet it can be said that the event of the assembly and the address of the Doctor was in commemoration of this recorded transaction of that noted Boston Town meeting held two hundred and fifty years before, when Philemon Pormort w^as elected by common vote of the people as the teacher. The Doctor continues in the address : "A few years later with j\Ir. Wheelwright, after the Hutchinson excitement he (Pomiort) disappears in the northern woods and is one of the founders of Exeter in New Hampshire. There are rumors that he came back to Boston and died here, but it is all very uncertain." All this only confirms the certainty of the existence of a Philemon Pormort and that he was a man of prominence and activity and that he entered largely into the various transactions of those early times. It appears that Rev. John Wheelwright was banished from Massachusetts on account of his religious be- liefs, which he had imbibed in part from Mrs. Anna Hutchinson. The principle tenets of the Ann Hutchinson doctrine were : 1. That a believer is more than a creature. 2. That Sanctification does not evidence justification. 3. That a saving faith does not depend on good works or a virtuous life. This was called the Antinomian Heresy and it led to very serious controversies which affected the early New England Church. Buck states in his Theological Dictionary that the Anti- nomians took their origin from John Agricola about the year 1538. 26 The Purmorts in America The sect sprang up in England during the protectorate of Crom- well. They claim that the law is of no use or obligation under the gospel dispensation ; that good w'orks do not promote our salva- tion or ill ones hinder it ; that Christians are freed from the obli- gation of keeping the law. It is a perversion of the doctrines of Justification by Faith. Wheelright, its chief expounder next to Ann Hutchinson, was a Cambridge man, where he took his degree in 1618. He came from Alfred, Lincolnshire, England, the home of Philemon Pormort. He married into the Hutchinson family. These facts no doubt led both Wheelright and Pormort to sympathize with and adopt the Ann Hutchinson belief. Wheelright later in life repented and was restored in the favor of the old Church people, but no such record is found regarding Philemon. Wheelright being banished took up his abode at Wells, New Hampshire, where he preached and soon organized a church of his own faith and in the list of names of the members that of Philemon Pormort appears. A commission was sent from Boston to Wells to investigate this new church and to secure the signatures of the members to a recantation and to submission to the Mother Church. Philemon's name is not found among those who submitted. Dr. Brooks continues in his address on the Latin School : "Dim half-discerned Philemon Pormort with the very spell- ing of his name disputed, with his face looking out upon us from the mist, or rather with the mist shaping itself for a moment into a face which v,e may call his, merely serves to give a sort of human reality to that which would otherwise be wholly vague." If the noted Doctor means by this to emphasize the fact of the early history of the Boston Latin School as enveloped in mist, not only as connected with Pormort, but also with his immediate And in England 27 successors, Maude, Woodbridge, VVoodmansey and the Singing Thompson, then no arguments need be offered ; but if these remarks are designed to single out and cast a doubt as to the personaHty and the reahty of Philemon Pormort, and to his posi- tion as Boston's First School Master, then surely a defense can and should be made. 1st. As to the spelling of the name. All who have referred to the public documents of those days of 1635 and later, have noticed over and over that the orthography of the same name was not uniform. On a marriage certificate the same name has been found to be spelled in three different ways. This name Pormort is not a noted exception to be singled out and emphasized. Then this name being French and quite uncommon is found in many forms, but the common name Philemon is always found connected with it, and this surely indi- vidualizes it and fixes it as more certain and sure than "dim" and "half discerned" would indicate. 2nd. As to the personality of this man there are abundant evidences found in the court records and village histor- ies of those early times. The following are a few of the many examples : ( 1 ) That he was a well bred man and held in high esteem by the very best people of Boston at that time is established by the fact that he was selected by popular vote to become the School Master, as seen in the record of that Town Meeting before quoted and now engraved on the Tablet with his name that marks the spot of the first school build- ing. (2) That he held the position of School Master for 28 The Purmorts in America three years and was held in high esteem by his contemporaries, we can determine by the record found in the New England Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. VII Page 228, viz. : From the will of Isack Grosse of Boston, brewer, May 29, 1649, after legacies to wife and family, gives to "Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the Church of Boston, £10, and to Mr. Philemon Pormort of Wells iio." In a codicil he adds : "This is my further will, if my estate shall not extend to make good the bequests above sayed, that they be abated accord- ing to their several portions save only Mr. Cotton and Mr. Pormort." (3) It is found he owned considerable property. In Drake's History of Boston, Page 235, Philemon Portmort had his lot at Muddy River bounded Jan. 8, 1638. Again on Page 791 Philemon Por- mort a witness to sale of real estate. Again on page 230 ^Ir. Philemon Pormort, the first School Master of Boston accompanied Wheelright to Ex- eter 1638. In the Boston Town Records we find the following: "Great allotment" was made to Philemon the 14th of the loth month 1635. "Philemon Pormort thirtie acres; bounded on the northeast with John Cranwell, on the Southeast with Mr. Thomas Leveritt and by a piece of ground lying between him and Mr. John Cotton, on ye Northwest with Newtowne." (4) In Edward E. Bourne's History of Wells and Kennebunk, Page 2"], is found the following: "Philemon Pormort was a man of some intellect- And in England 29 ual culture. He was made freeman of Boston in 1635 and was a member of the Boston Church. Probably he was a firm disciple of Wheelrig-ht as he followed him to Exeter having been advised to depart on pain of imprisonment, although pre- vious to that he was entreated to become School Master in Boston for the teaching and nurturing of children. He was one of the combination at Exeter and had 14 acres of land assigned him there. He came with Wheelright to Wells and took an active part in the affairs of the Church, but dissensions sprung up and his theological views not corresponding with those of the ruling powers in Massachusetts, he lost favor and was denied the privilege of Church Communion. He continued several years to make his home here, but what became of him we cannot tell. Por- morte we suppose, wrote the original deed by w^hich the Indian title to Nampscosoke came into the hands of the English, October 18, 1649. The instrument was sealed, signed and delivered in his presence." On page 41 of this history is found the fol- lowing : "Purmorte we think must have left the place at the time when the commission (which was from Boston) were in Wells. He did not sign the sub- mission and no one living in Wells could have avoided doing so without subjecting himself to persecution." This would indicate that he was no coward, but one who had his convictions and 30 The Purmorts in America stood by them even in face of great danger. The commission sent out from Boston reported "That Pormortte with another, Wardell by name had become disgusted with the state of aflfairs in the Church and therefore chose to withdraw." (This was in the year 1650) and he removed elsewhere, but no record tells just where. There is also found in this History of Wells and Kennebunk that in 1680 Elias Pomiortt and Lazrus Por- mortt, sons of Philemon, worked in the Monsam Mills. These records are sufificient proofs for the actual existence of Philemon Pormort. No doubt but that he returned later to Boston as other records indicate, but it can be sunnised that he did so very quietly, on account of these church troubles. It is thought by the Author of this book that these Church dissensions and the ban upon Philemon because he would not submit to the Boston commission sent to the Wells Church to secure their recantation, must have weighed heavily upon himself and family, and that this is the prominent reason wh}- the family seem to have dropped out of sight for a time and now causes so much difficulty in making the exact con- nection in the following generation. It can be truthfully said that such Church disruptions have frequently cast shadows over entire families for a generation or more. It is not our province now to deal with the justice or in- justice of the case, nor shall we discuss the theological soundness (•[ Ann Hutchinson, nor shall be pass an opinion on the propriety <.f Wheelright and Pormort breaking with the Old First Church And in England 31 of Boston and attempting- to establish another faith up in the woods of New Hampshire in those primitive days of weakness and a needed time of strong- union, nor shall we criticise the rigor of the established Church in Boston in their dealings with what they pronounced "dangerous heresies." All these questions have had their thorough ventilation, and New England Theology has long since become elastic enough to tolerate and even venerate many "Anns" and "Marys" and "Wheelrights and Pormorts." There has been found in a Boston paper supposed to have been published about the time the Tablet was placed in front of the City Hall, the following article, who the Author was is not known. As it adds another testimonial to the above it is quoted here : "The first settlers of Boston deserve great credit for their early interest in the cause of Education. Less than four years after the settlement of the town they took steps for the permanent establishment of schools." (Then follows the record of that early Town Meeting when Pormort was chosen as Teacher.) Mr. Ponnort accepted the trust and in doing so established what was probably the first pub- lic school in the Country, from which sprung Boston's Public Latin School which is now the oldest educational institution with a continuous existence in the whole length and breadth of the United States. Mr. Pormort was admitted freeman that same year and a member of the First Church of Boston 1638. He w^as supported in his undertakings partly by donations of liberal friends of edu- cation and partly by an income of a tract of land assigned him at Muddy River, and better known as Brookline. Nothing whatever is known of Pormort's capacities as a teacher, but it is presumed he had some knowledge of Latin. It is known that one of his 32 The Purmorts in America pupils, John Hull, knew Latin. Of the age of Pormort when he became the School Master nothing is known, and we are equally in the dark concerning his birth place, his character, and his scholastic attainments. His connections with the school continued nearly three 3'ears, that is from April, 1635, to the close of the year 1638. He had attached himself to the cause of Ann Hutchinson, who according to John Winthrop brought with her to the Colony of Massachusetts Bay "two dangerous errors." First: That the Person of the Holy Ghost dwells in a justi- fied person ; Second : That one sanctification can help evidence to us our justification. For thus espousing the cause of Mrs. Hutchinson, Pormort, with John Wheelright (who was the brother-in-law of Mrs. Hutchinson), Richard Mooys, Richard Bulgar, Isaac Grosse, Christopher Marshall, George Bagter and Thomas and William Wardall, was dismissed from the First Church and there while in exile established the Colony of New Hampshire. After remaining in Exeter for some time, Pormort left and went to Wells, but before 1642 he in all probability returned to Boston. There is no record of his death, nor is anything more known of his history except that he was the father of several children, two of his sons having the unusual Christian names of '*Lazarus and Pedajah." Another account of Philemon states that he was in Boston in 1653 and is supposed to have removed to Portsmouth, as descendants bearing the name have till lately lived in that vicinity. Inasmuch as the history of Philemon is so prominentlv con- nected with the religious tenets of Ann Hutchinson and Rev. John Wheelright, the following is quoted from a book entitled "01;1 And in England 33 Land Marks and Historic Personages of Boston" by Samuel Adams Drake. "Ann Hutchinson (1634) was the leader of the sect of Antinomians and daug"hter of Rev. Francis Marbury of London. Her mother was great aunt of John Dryden the Poet. She was a woman of consumate ability and address. For a time she had all Boston by the ears, and even public business halted." In a book, "Men and Things of Exeter," by Charles Henry Bell, we find the following: "Rev. John Wheelright, friend and college mate of Oliver Cromwell, came from Belsby, Lincolnshire, England, to Boston, 1636. He was banished from Boston 1637 on account of alleged Antinomian and fatalistic religious opinions, and in the spring of 1638 established 'himself, with several persons who were driven from Massachusetts for the same cause, with a number of his former friends and parishoners from England, and with others of whom we have no definite personal knowledge, at the Falls of Squanscott to which he gave the name of Exeter. He drew up an instrument for Government and Laws which he called 'A Com- bination' which was signed by heads of families, thirty four in all." "The people of New Hampshire remained under the Govern- ment of Massachusetts till 1680. Then came the eventful period of the Indian hostilities in which Exeter, being on the frontier was for a series of years greatly exposed to the incursions of the Savages. Many of her citizens lost their lives and others carried into captivity. The little Company that followed John Wheel- rihgt to the falls of Squamscott 1638 was essentially religious. Those dismissed from the Church at Boston December 30, 1638." (Then follows the names given before in which list Wheelrig-ht and Pormort appear.) 34 The Purmorts in America "A Frontier Family," (by Edmund March Wheelrig-ht), Page 7, is fomid the following: *'In the short notice given him Wheelwright disposed of his Mt. Wollaton lands at a loss. He left Massachusetts in November 1637, tarried awhile just beyond the "bound house" near Hamp- ton ; then pushed his way, through the heavy snows of that bitter winter, to the falls of the Squamscot on the Piscataqua. In the early spring he was joined by his wife and family, and by Augus- tine Storre, John Compton, and Nicholas Needham. These pioneers purchased from the local Sagamores a large tract of land and founded Exeter. A little later William Wentworth, Edward Rishworth, Samuel Hutchinson, Edmund Littlefield, Philemon Pormortt and twenty other heads of families joined the Colony. All were either Lincolnshire friends of Wheelwright or residents of Boston and its neighborhood, who had supported him in his controversy with the Colonial heirarchy. The Lincolnshire men in Exeter Colony were Wentworth, Storre, Helme, Lawson, Leavitt, Rishworth, Hutchinson, Pormott, Fish, The Wardwells. and the Littlefields." It is also stated that the sentence of banishment against John Wheelright was reversed later. It is found elsewhere that Wheel- right practically confessed his error and begged pardon for his course. As one reads the history of that dissension in the eary church and its final collapse, he must conclude that the whole thing was entirely unnecessary ; and had a little more wisdom and toleration been exercised by those in Authority, as well as the advocates of this doctrine, the disruption would have been prevented and those good honest pious men, all practically from the same vicinity in England, and no doubt old-time friends and brothers in the Church, would have continued such in the New England they And in England 35 were settling, until death should claim them all. As Philemon Portniort would not submit to the authorities and as Wheelrigfht, the leader, practically abandoned the cause and as no doubt hard times befell them and the bitter hostilities of the Indians broke upon the new settlement, he too became disgusted and weary, and like others since his day, left the Church and not even his death has been recorded, nor do we find any definite mention of his family for a generation or more. Yet Philemon was too prominent and capable a man in those times to drop entirely out of sight. In the various records, mention is made of the birth of his children up to 1653. Mention is made of the death of his wife, Susan, in Boston, December 29, 1642. Also mention of his second marriage. On April 26, 1643, ^^ witnessed to legal document in Boston. In 1645 ^e acted as Justice of the Peace in Boston, hearing a case at law. On January 30, 1647, '^le witnessed a docu- ment in Boston. On April 9, 1648, Mr. Pormort held a deed for some parties. On June 31, 1649, ^^ witnessed again in Court. On November 24, 1652, his daughter Elizabeth, who was born in Old England, February 20, 1628, was married to Nathaniel Adams of Boston. Then the record given by Charles H. Bell in his History of the town of Exeter on page 32, that "Philemon Pormort was in Boston in 1653 and is supposed to have removed to Great Island or Portsmouth as descendants bearing his name have till lately lived in the vicinity," brings us directly up to the record made in 1654, of the birth of Martha, daughter by his second wife, Elizabeth. We found in the New England Hist, and Gen. Reg. a date of 1656 given, where the record state, "The late Philemon Pormort of Boston." So we conclude that this, our noted ancestor, must have died either in Boston or Portsmouth about the year 1655. M<'ntion has been made of the marriage of 36 The Purmorts in America Elizabeth, Philemon's oldest daughter, with one Nathaniel Adams of Boston. In 1836 one wrote of the early New England Adamses as follows : "Of this name, fifty-two have been graduates of Harvard, twenty-three of Yale and at all other New England Colleges forty-two. One iiundred and eleven in all. Of this vast number there were ministers, eighteen of Harvard, six of Yale, and four of the other colleges, twenty-eight ministers in all." As this record is considered we say, no wonder the Adams family have figured so conspicuously in our American history. Those early New England ancestors were men of brains and edu- cation and character, men of political acumen and men of relig- ious power. Their influence is still manifest in our great nation, and tlieir memory should be more sacredly reverenced by their posterity. As the history of the Purmort family takes us back into early Colonial days, the following fac simile copy of what is known in New Hampshire history as "The Combination" may be read with interest and it also gives the name of Philemon Purmort as one of the signers : Provincial Papers of New Hampshire, Vol. i, pages 131 and 132. Exeter Combination, 1639. Copy by the editor from the old records of Exeter, Vol. i, page 7. Whereas a certain Combination was made by us, the brethren of the Church of Exeter, with the rest of the inhabitants, bearing date Mon. 5th d. 4, 1639, wh afterwards upon the instant request of some of the brethren was altered, & put into such a fomie of wordes, wherin howsoever we dow acknowledge the King's Majesty our dread Sovereigne & ourselves his subjects; yet some expressions are contained therein wh may seeme to And in England 37 admit of sucli a sence as somewhat derogates from that due Allegiance wh we owe to his Highnesse, quite contrary to our true intents and meanings : we therefore doe revoke, disannull, make voyd and frustrate the said latter Combination, as if it never had been done, and doe ratify, confirme and establish the former, wh wee only stand unto as being in force & virtue, the wh for substance is here set downe in manner and form following. Mon., 2d, 2, 1640. Whereas it hath pleased the lord to move the heart of our Dread Sovereigne Charles, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, to grant license & liberty to sundry of his subjects to plant themselves in the Western parts of Amer- ica, wee his loyall subjects, brethren of the Church of Exeter, situate and lying upon the river piscataquacke wh other inhabi- tants there considering with ourselves the holy will of God and our owne necessity, that we should not live whout wholsome laws & Government amongst us, of wch we are altogether desti- tute; doe in the name of Christ & in the sight of God combine ourselves together, to erect & set up amongst us such government as shall be to our best discerning, agreeable to the will of God, professing ouselves subjects to our Sovereign Lord, King Charles, according to the liberty's of our English Colony of the Massa- chusetts & binding ourselves solemnly by the Grace & helpe of Christ & in his name & fear to submit ourselves to such Godly & Christian laws as are established in the realme of England to our best knowledge & to all other such laws wch shall upon good grounds, be made & inacted amongst us according to God, Tt we may live quietly & peacefully together, in all Godliness and honesty. Mon., 5th., 4th, 1639. 38 The Purmorts in America John Whelewright, Augustin Storre, Henry Elkins, his mark George X Walton, Samuel Walker, Thomas Petit, Henry Roby, Willia Wembourn, his mark Thomas X Crawley, Chr. Helme, his mark Darby X Ffield, his mark his mark Frances X Matthews, Edward Rish worth, Robert X Reid, Rallf Hall, his mark Robert Soward, Richard Bullgar, Christopher Lawson, Thomas Wright, William Wantworth, his mark George X Barlow, Richard Morris, Nicholas Needham, Thomas Willson, his mark George X Ruobon, his mark William X Coole, his mark James X Walles, Thomas Levvit, Edward Littlefield, his mark John X Crame, his mark Godfrie X dearborne, Philemon Ponnort, Thomas Wardell, his mark William X Wardell, his mark Robert X Smith. The foregoing paper seems to be in the handwriting of John Whelewright, whose name is signed first. — Ed. First Generation of Purmorts in America Philemon Purmort, the first of our name in America, was in the ninth generation of the recorded Purmorts in England. Two or three of his children who were born in England belonged to the tenth generation there. Since they were brought to America and And in England 39 other brothers and sisters were born here we shall consider these children as members of the First Generation of Purmorts in America. Philemon Purmort, the dates of whose birth and death are not positively known, was no doubt born in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. He was under age in 1603. He was married to Susan Bellingham at Alford, England, October 11, 1627. She was the daughter of William Bellingham who was buried at Alford, September 2, 1606. Bellingham pedigree from Father to Son. The Bellingham arms is, Argent, three bugle horns, stringed gules, garnished or Crest, a Buck's head couped. Bellingham pedigree in direct descent from Father to Son. 1. Sir Robert Bellingham, Bar't. of Burnishead in West- moreland in time of Henry V and VI. Married Eliza- beth daughter of Sir Richard Tunstall, Knight, of Thur- land Castle, Co., Lancaster, 2. Richard Bellingham of Manton Co. Lincoln. 2nd son of Sir Robert. Married Jane, daughter of John Har- bert, widow of Robert Morley of Holme. Buried at Bottsford Co. Lincoln. 3. Thomas Bellingham, Son of Richard. Married ist, daughter of heiress of John Wacelin. Children include Richard 4th. Ma:rried 2nd. widow of Hotham. 4. Richard Bellingham son of Thomas, 3ri. died Oct. 5, 1558. Married Jane, daughter of Robert Evers or Eure of Belton in Isle of Axholme. 5. John Bellingham son of Richard 4th, of Bromby, born 40 The Purmorts in America 1536, died Jan. 26, 1615-1616. Married Alice, daughter of Stephen Lodington of Scotton. 6. William Bellingliam, son of John 5th, born 1555, was aged 60 in 1615, died 1620. Married Frances daughter of Alexander Ancotts of Aisthorp and Ancotts. 7. Susanna, daughter of William 6th. Married Philemon Purmort. Philemon, with his wife Susan, came to Ameirca in summer, probably August, 1634. As we have gathered up the various records from many sources, the following seems to be the correct line of the births, baptisms, marriages and deaths of their children : 1. Elizabeth, born in England, Feb. 20, 1628. Married Nathaniel Adams of Boston, 1652. 24th 9th month by Richard Bellingham. (See page 38 Boston Town Rec- ords.) In the researches that have been made, one rec- ord was found that a son, John, was born to Philemon and Susan in England, but this cannot be authenticated, yet there was time for the birth of another child between Elizabeth and the next child. 2. Martha, born in England, Nov. 24, 1633. No record found regarding her. 3. Lazarus, according to Boston Town Records, page 3, was born in Boston, December 28, 1635, baptized in First Church, January 6, 1636. No record of his mar- riage or death can be found. 4. Anna, born February 5, 1638, baptized. Feb. 16, 1638, no other record given. 5. Pedaiah, son, born April 3, 1640. No other record. 6. Borshua, daughter, baptized First Church Boston. Member of Church at Exeter, May 4, 1647. 7. Elias. No record of his birth or marriage or death, only And in England 41 mention found of him in Bourne's History of Wells and Kennebunk. He and Lazarus may have suffered by the Indians up in the woods of New Hampshire. 8. Mary. Supposed daughter as found in New England Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 50, page 488. 9. Martha, born June 16, 1653 by second wife Elizabeth. Baptized, 1653. No other mention of her. It has been thought by some that another child named Joseph was born to Philemon by his second wife Elizabeth but this is mere conjecture. Yet it may be possible. If so, to the Author of this book the puzzle is solved and the line of our ancestry in America is complete. But this cannot be safely relied upon, and so the case will be considered farther on in the book that each one may decide for himself regarding the matter. Note. — Among "Women Admitted" to First Church, De- cember 25, 1687 is the following: " Purmett, widow." This may have been Elizabeth, 2nd wife of Philemon or it may have been Lazarus's wife who was now a widow in 1687 and who had her home in Boston. The above is a tolerable imitation of the signature of "the schoolmaster" to the will of Alexander Bradford of Boston, as a witness. Second Generation of Purmorts in America As we have quite a complete and plausible record of Phile- mon and his large family of children, one would anticipate a full and satisfactory record right down through the following genera- 42 The Purmorts in America tions; that the Hneage throug-h the second generation could be easily traced and that there would be quite a large offspring to enumerate, but just here is our greatest difficulty and here we must confess our failure to make satisfactory the complete line of our American ancestry. For some strange, and it may be added almost mysterious cause, very few accounts of this rather large and prominent family can be found through this second genera- tion. As stated before, it may be that Philemon's church troubles so dissaffected himself and family that they voluntarily sank into seclusion. Thev may have emigrated, as young people usually do, up into the north woods, or out into the newer west, as we know from Bourne's History that Lazarus and Elias did. As in i860 they were working in the mill of Nicholas Cole or as they were called, "The Monsam Mills." It is a recorded fact that the Indians became very hostile during the last half of the 17th century and that they committed many bloody depredations on the white set- tlers, murdering and taking captives many frontier men. It may be surmised that some of Philemon's family thus dropped out of history. We have the account of Elizabeth, the oldest daughter, mar- rying Nathaniel Adams but we have no record of any oft'spring from this union. There are several recorded facts regarding Lazarus, viz : That he settled in Dover, New Hampshire, where he was taxed from 1659 to 1668. Dover also barely mentions Elias, son of F'hilemon. In one of the books of the Provincial Court Records of Exeter, New Hampshire, from 1650 to 1700 the name of Lazarus Purmort is found in the year 1670. This item is very important as it is the best clue we find bearing on the Second Generation. And in England 43 There doubtless are other records in some of the Old New Hampshire Histories giving fuller account of this man Lazarus and even of Elias, but as yet they have not come to the knowl- edge of the Author of this book. It is judged there must be such records since Savage in his book states that he imagines that this Lazarus was father to Joseph of New Castle, New Hampshire. What became of all the rest of Philemon's family has not yet appeared in print. We must therefore conclude that : 3. Lazarus, son of Philemon, was married, date and name of wife unknown, that his son was 10. Joseph of New Castle born about year 1650. Remark. — If this Joseph was a son of Philemon as con- jectured heretofore on another page, then we could proceed with as clear a lineage as any American family ; but since this is quite problematic we must suffer the defeat and still hope for future developments. Third Generation of Purmorts in America If this Joseph of New Castle, New Hampshire, was son of Lazarus as we have taken for granted, then this Joseph No. 10 heads the family for this third generation. If he was Philemon's son and Lazarus's brother, then he belonged to the Second Gen- eration and we have up to date but Nine Generations in America instead of ten as has been claimed. There is no doubt about the reality of this Joseph for his name appears again and again and very prominently in the old original Provincial Court Records at Exeter, New Hampshire, from 1650 to 1700. He is mentioned in 1663 as witness to some documents. The following is quoted "In december, 1672 Joseph Purmort, age 22 years gave testimony in court." From this we gain that he was born in 1650. In this 44 The Purmorts in America case Lazarus could not have been his father as Lazarus was bom in 1635. Either these dates are erroneous or this Joseph was the son of some older man, and in this case he was without doubt Philemon's son by Elizabeth, his second wife. As stated on an- other page, if Joseph was Philemon's son, then the birth date of 1650 of Joseph, would fill up the gap of birth dates of from two to three years each in Philemon's family. This Joseph is usually mentioned in the old records as Joseph of New Castle. In these records is found the following: *Tn the 35th year of Reign of King Charles, 2nd, Joseph Pumiort gave bonds for privilege of keeping tavern and would have no unlawful games or disorder therein." "In 1681 Joseph Pormort was fined for keeping a disorderly house and selling drink." On April 15, 1683 Joseph Purmort petitioned for a license to keep a house as formerly, and a license to sell beer, there being none in that end of the island. He adds 'T should not have desired this of your Honors but that trading is very dead, espe- cially for those of my calling, and my charge of children great and no other way to maintain had made nothing by former license." Attention is called to his mention of having "charge of chil- dren" as it surely signifies that he had offspring and this bears on the history of the next generation. This history proves there were efforts made in those far back days to regulate the selling of strong drink, and that license was granted with bonds given to insure the regulation, but the same then as now, the business was ruinous to respectability and good morals, for even a Purmort coming from so noted and pious a man as Philemon, either as son or grandson, attempting to keep a respectable house, a tavern, where strong dring was sold, soon And in England 45 fell into unlawful transactions, violating his bond, and was fined, and no doubt his character and reputation were placed under great suspicion. At this far off day we recall the record and publish it with reluctance and shame, and we would point to it as an example, in the remote past, of a very bad business that has not lost one whit of its bad odor or ruinous influence in all these years since, and we give it as a warning to others in all the future, "Taste not handle not." Again we quote from same source. "In 1682 Joseph and Hanna Purmort of Philadelphia were required to appear at Court at Portsmouth and give testimony in a case." This Hanna was Joseph's first wife, her maiden name was Hanna Woody's. Again "In 1674 Joseph Purmort was a constable and issued papers from court." In the county records of Deeds at Exeter, New Hampshire, it appears that in the year 1705 Joseph Purmort of New Castle, Saltmaker, purchased land in New Castle. That Joseph Purmort and his wife Judith Purmort conveyed land in New Castle in 17 10. This was probably his second wife. There has been handed down in one branch of the Purmort family a tradition, though variously stated, yet contained enough in common to prove it to be the same story. It ran somewhat as follows : There was a legend handed down by old grand- fathers that in olden times there was in the family a Purmort who was a sort of free hooter or lawless character who roved the high seas and was held in suspicion by the people as one engaged in the slaveship trade and who also led a sort of piratical life. That he finally lost his life by violence somewhere on the sea coast or came to some untimely end. Thus far in all the researches of the family the nearest approach to any such a character as this tradition conveys is this 46 The Purmorts in America "Joseph of New Castle," who was a constable at the early age of 21, was connected with the courts at 22, was fined for keeping a disorderly drinking house, was licensed to keep a tavern but forced by law to pledge himself to have no unlawful games or any disorder in his place, who was called all the way from Phila- delphia to Portsmouth with his wife to give testimony in case at court the character of which is not mentioned, who was later a Saltmaker and a speculator in lands. Such was "Joseph of New Castle." And though a "hustler" and a business fellow yet suspicion rises against him and we must give him the credit for the "Tradition" if any Purmort must bear it. Either the son or the brother of Lazarus, who was the son of Philemon, was this Joseph. He was a citizen of New Castle, New Hampshire, and became a prominent man of business and of wealth. Much time and money have been expended to get more accurate history of this man for our Genealogical connection, but only the date of his birth by inference, can be learned and that he was twice married and owned much property in and around New Castle. No record of his family has been discovered, only the names of his two wives as they appear on court records in connection with property transfers. Yet this Joseph stands un- questionably as the connecting link between Philemon and Laz- arus and the Purmorts that follow. Both the time and the place of his exploits in life unmistakably cnnnects him with Philemon's family and with the Purmorts that follow right on in his vicinity. This history of Joseph of New Castle is the very best that can be given, the only record that can be found of the family for this Third Generation. In the genealogy of the Cotton family it is found that Judith daughter of John Cutt, of Portsmouth, married first Joseph Pur- mort, and afterwards she married Solomon Cotton. This record And in England 47 does not in any way solve our difficulty, as nothing new is added from this source, only that Judith, Joseph's second wife, was married the second time and into the Cotton family. Fourth Generation of Purmorts in America 11. John (i) Purmort of New Castle, New Hampshire, is No. 1 1 in the list and heads the fourth generation accord- ing to the records thus far discovered and adopted by the Author of this book. With this man the record is clear and complete and no more confusion is experienced in the line. The records of New Castle, New Hampshire, give the following very clear and direct account of this John ( i ) : John Purmort born, July 13, 1715, died October 5, 1758. Married March 12, 1741, Hannah Sinclair of Strathan who was born April 25, 1719, died April 17, 1785. 12. John (2) born October 11, 1742. 13. Anna born January 3, 1746. 14. Hannah born August i, 1747. 15. Joseph born July 18, 1749, died Mar. 25, 1813. 16. Richard born February 16, 1751, died February 19, 1828. 17. Abigal born July 16, 1753, died August 7, 1754. 18. Mark born May 29, 1755, died July 12, 1776. 19. Mary born March 22, 1758. It seems very certain that this John ( i ) was a son of Joseph of New Castle though the record does not so state, all we have is the inference on another page. If he was a son of Joseph he must have been the son of his second wife Judith and was begotten in the 65th year of Joseph's age according to all the dates given. There is no other Purmort of New Castle mentioned in any record 48 The Purmorts in America to be John's father but this Joseph. Then it was the custom in olden times even more than now to keep the same name in the fam- ily. After naming the first born son John, after himself, he named his next son Joseph and this is quite significant. Then another reason for the belief that he was Joseph's son is that the records at Exeter and New Castle show that this John owned much prop- erty and the inference is that he inherited it from the wealthy Joseph. There are no Probate Records as yet discovered by the writer to show who were Joseph's heirs. Nothing appears till 1759 when John Purmort's inventory of property was returned as follows : "John Purmort, Joiner, of Exeter, owned Real estate, wharf property, and interests in vessels, personal property, etc., and all was appraised at 10,000 Pounds, about $50,000.00 no small sum for those times, equal to a million or more in our day. He must have inherited this vast property from the enterprising Joseph of New Castle. The question very naturally arises in our minds in this monetary age, what became of this great fortune, this large estate assigned to this John (i) of New Castle? None of the later Purmorts have been noted as immensely wealthy and it seems that some of the large family of this John ( i ) would have se- cured enough of it to be known as rich later on. An extract written by an old maiden "Aunt Sally" Punnort of Keesville, New York, in 1878 throws some dim light on this subject. This Aunt Sally was a daughter of a John (3) a grand- son of this John (i) of New Castle. She wrote, ''My father used to say his grandfather left shares in the Long Wharf in Boston which only the eldest son could claim, as the title w^as under the King, also undeeded land in the town of Brow, New Hampshire. His brother wished him to claim this great property but he could never find the time. He did not like 'to leave a good business And in England 49 for an uncertainty'," The Author has thought that perhaps owing to the Revokitionary War, and its consequences, following on about this time of the death of John ( i) may have in some manner involved the title to some of this property by which it was lost to the Purmort family. Joseph's first wife, Hannah Woodsy or Woodhouse, accord- ing to Boston records, was heiress to vast property in Boston ; but it is not the purpose of this genealogy to go searching for lost inheritances, nor to inspire a hope in any Purmort for some great fortune yet to come. Like wise old Deacon John Purmort of Keesville, New York, let no one take the time to leave a good business to go down to Boston Town to hunt for hidden wealth. It is too late in the day. Fifth Generation of Purmorts in America 12. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15 John (2) Purmort son of John (i) born October 11, 1742, probably at New Castle, New Hampshire, died April 7, 1786. Susanah his wife born 1739 and died at West Enfield, New Hampshire, Mardh 21, 1819, in her Both year. Their children's names and births as follows : Mary born March 25, 1765, died July 24, 1835. John (3) born May 25, 1774, died October 2, , Joshua born February 7, 1776, d . Mark born May 4,1778. Nathaniel born May i, 1780. Richard born July 8, 1872, Thomas born February, 1785, no farther record of him. Joseph Purmort, son of John (i) born July 18, 1749, on Friday, died March 25, 18 13. Married Mercy Dollofif 50 The Purmorts in America of Exeter, New Hampshire, Feb. 28, 1775. She was born December 6, 1752, on Wednesday, died October 31, 1785, on Sunday. Their children: 2^. Miriam born December 25, 1775, on Monday, died March 25, i860. 28. Hannah born May 13, 1777, on Tuesday, died July 7, 1812. 29. Abner D. lx)rn March 13, 1781, on Tuesday, died Jan. 18, 1876. 30. John born October 25, 1784, on Sunday, died Jan. 30, 1862. It is very probable that this Joseph No. 15 was a soldier in the Continental Army, as the following- entries are found in the New Hampshire State Papers. But from these entries it appears there were more than one Joseph Purmort in the Army. If there were other Josephs than this No. 15 we are not able to settle their family connections, but must therefore conclude there were several other Purmort families in those times whose records we have failed to discover. In New Hampshire State Papers Vol. 15, page 748. is found the following: "New Hampshire men in the service of Massachusetts Reg." Joseph Purmort in Col. Loammis Baldwin's Regiment in Camp at Sewell's Point, September 26, 1775. One of the 35 names registered from Exeter." Again New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. 15, page 285: "Joseph Purmort or Pormutt, No. 91 on Muster Roll of that part of the Regiment of Militia commanded by Nicholas Oilman, Esquire, who are raised in the State of New Hampshire to re- inforce the Northern Continental Army, etc." (108 names in all) per receipt dated September 12, 1777, mustered and paid at Exeter. And in England 51 Again in same, page 287 : "Joseph Purmort No. 11 of 52 names of Pay Roll of Capt. Zebulon Oilman's Co. in Col. Stephen Evan's Regiment marched and joined the Continental Army at Saratoga, 1777. Joseph Purmutt corporal, entry Sept. 8, 1777. Discharged Dec. 15, 1777. Allowed for travel out to Bennington and home to New Windsor. Pay Roll certified, etc., Jan. 14, 1778. This may have been one and the same Joseph, who having had a taste of Army life in 1775 re-inlisted again in 1777 and still again, and this time having had experience, became a corporal. The dates would allow this view. We are led again to conclude that there were other families of this name from the following entries found in Recorded Mar- riage Intentions at Boston. John Piemont and Harriet Trimble, Feb. 15, 1760. John Piemont and Hannah Crosby, Oct. 20, 1762. John Rabananah Piermount and Joanne Rust, May 14, 1761. Under Census beads at Boston we find : John Permont, Boston, 2 males, i male under 16 and 5 females in family in 1790.. Aug. 10, 1788, Publication of Marriage intentions, Robert Otis of Lebanan and Polly Purmot of Enfield. This Polly must have been Mary, first child and only daughter of John (2). She was born March 25, 1765, and was 23 years old at the above date. 16. Richard Purmort, son of John (i) born Feb. 6, 1751, died Feb. 19, 1828, and now rests in the cemetery at Enfield, N. H. There is found in the New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. 15, page 164, the following record. "Richard Purmort was drawn (drafted) May 27, 1776. Entered service July 20, 1777, dis- charged September 20, 1777. Private in Capt. Ebenezer Web- 52 The Purmorts in America ster's Company, in Col. Thomas Stickney's Regiment, in Gen. Stark's Brigade, which Company was raised out of the Regiment of New Hampshire Mihtia in July, 1777, which Company joind the Northern Continental Army at Stillwater. He was allowed traveling money from Salisbury, see Pay Roll of November 15, 1777." This Richard No. 16, came from Salisbury to Enfield. He married Hannah Colby of Enfield. They had no children of their own but took into their home and reared fourteen boys and two girls. Minor Purmort, the writer's father, made his home with these kind people for many years. They surely lived for the good of others, and it is hoped they received their reward on earth, as they surely will in eternity. Some very good stories have come down to us regarding this good woman. It is said she spent much time in spinning and knitting her own yarn out of which she made good warm socks. In the winter time she would make big "Pork Pies" as she called them, and whenever weary travelers or tramps would call, she would always feed them the Pie and then present them with a pair of her warm socks. Her sure cure for a bad cold was a quart or more of hard cider and red pepper pods. Swigging a big dose of this she would take to her spinning wheel and make it hum and hum, until she could work up a good sweat, and thus she not only cured the bad cold but also did a good half day's work and saved a doc- tor bill besides. Quite a good old fashioned "strike" against the doctors, one would say. Richard was persuaded to join the Shakers at Enfield, and he lived with them until the death of Ann Lee, the founder. He soon afterwards lost faith in their belief and left them to buy a farm of his own where he lived till his death. He left to his widow, his fann which was cared for bv those whom she had And in England 53 befriended, until 1838, the time of her death. One, who thus befriended her was Blake Purmort No. 65. He carried on her farm operations very successfully for several years. 18. Mark Purmort, son of John (i) born May 29, 1755, died July 12, 1776. The Following record is found in the New Hampshire State Papers, Vol. 14, pages 113, 147 and 195. "Mark Purmort of Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, age 20, in 1775. A joiner by trade became a member of Capt. Philip Tilton's Company, of Col. Knock Poor's Regiment, May 26, 1775. Name on hst June 12, 1775, on Pay Roll August i, 1775, on Receipt Oct. II, 1775. We find no record of the marriages of the daughters of John ( I ) , Anna, Hannah and Mary, Abigal died when eleven years old. This completes the record of all the Purmorts we can find in this Fifth Generation. That there were others we may safely conclude, but no definite records regarding them have come to the knowledge of the Author of this book. It will be observed as one scans through this history of the Purmorts, that a good many have followed the occupation, and shall we say the hereditary bent, of the old ancestor Philemon, of school teaching. Only two ministers of the Gospel, though nearly all are religious families, the Baptist church predominat- ing. Only one physician and that a woman. Not a single lawyer, and shall we say to our credit. Nearly all have been fairly suc- cessful business men, and a few eminently so. Farming has been and still is the prevailing occupation of the Purmorts. This we call creditable, surely happy and peaceful. The poet Horace has put into the mouth of a pinched old money-lender these words regarding the farmer: 54 The Purmorts in America "Happy the man, in business schemes unskilled, Who, Hving simply like our sires of old, Tills the few acres which his father tilled, Vexed by no thoughts of usury or gold." Sixth Generation of Purmorts in America As many of the Purmorts in this sixth generation and the seventh that follows were born, lived and died in and about Jay, Essex County, N. Y., it is thought proper to place in connection with our history the following historical sketch of Jay, N. Y. : Histoiy of Essex County, New York By H. P. Smith, page 454. Jay was separated from the original town of Willsborough January 16, 1798, and received its name from Governor John Jay. At first it embraced, besides its present territory, parts of Keene, Wilmington, and Elizabeth town. The following is the notice of application by the inhabitants of Jay (or Mallory's Bush as it was then called) to be set off in a town by themselves : "Notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of Mallory's Bush, in the town of Willsborough, northwest district having called a meeting and unanimously agreed to make application to the town of Willsborough to be set off and to be incorporated into a town by themselves and have chosen John Cochran, Jr., to attend the annual meeting at Willsborough to do said business of the application. The boundaries of said town so to be set off are as follows : Beginning where the military line intercepts the And in England 55 south of Willsboroug-h, then north to the twelve mile tree, then north 45 degrees, east to the south line of Perue, then west to the south corner of said Perue or west line of Clinton County, then south to the northwest corner of Crown Point, then east to the place of beginning. Ely Vane, clerk. Dated at Mallory's Bush, the 12 of March, 1797." Afterwards in 1822 the town was enlarged by the annexation of parts of Peru in Clinton County, and Chateaugay in Franklin County. 20. Mary Pumiort ist daughter of John (2) heads the list in this sixth generation. She was born March 25, 1765, and died July 24, 1835. She married Mr. Otis of Lebanon about August 10, 1788. Their children: John, Joseph and Lorane. Their place of abode has not been discovered. 21. John (3) son of John (2) born May 25, 1774, in Lowell, j\Iassachusetts. When ten years old he moved with his parents to Enfield, New Hampshire. When twenty-one he marr.ied and moved to Jay, New York, Essex County, where he made his home for half a century. The country was then new, and in the three towns of Jay, Willmington and Keene, there were only nine families. He purchased a farm and devoted himself to agriculture, enduring all the hardships incident to a new country and frontier life. After several years of successful farm life, in 1802, he bought the Falls on the Ausable River, a beautiful and advantageous hydraulic power, on which stood a saw mill and where in 1809 he added a forge. He paid $5,000.00 cash for this mill site and water power. Afterwards he .discovered the title was 56 The Purmorts in America not good and as the original owner was seeking to undermine him and secure the property he went to Montreal and there among lumber men and moneyed men he raised another $5,000.00. Came home on horse- back carrying the money in his saddle bags. Though the original owner did not want to give up the property he was forced to do so and Mr. Purmort secured it with a clear title. At this time he also went into mercantile business and carried on an extensive work in milling, forging iron and selling merchandise. At the age of 25 he became a Christian and united with the Baptist Church in Jay. He was always very religious and did not allow his large business interests to supplant his church duties. He loved the church and gave much of his time and means to it. He was very liberal with his means in the cause of Christ in general. He serv^ed the Church at Jay as Deacon for 20 years, and was known all through the countn,- as "Deacon John Purmort." He was very hospitable and his home was open to all. He was ver}- enterprising and felt a deep interest in all the benevolent operations of his day, such as ministerial education, home and foreign missions, and for the poor enslaved black men. He was a positive man and of firm decision of character and he never failed to vindi- cate his opinions whether popular or not. Yet he was tender and kind and loving. He was a man of great per- severance and whether in worldly matters or spiritual, obstacles and perplexities, rather nerved him for more strenuous effort and this quality gave him great success. His crowning excellence of character was his piety. He was a man of daily fervent prayer and this carried him JOHN (3) PURMORT. SARAH WALWORTH PURIvrORT. And in England 57 through his daily Hfe with joy and good favor with men. In the family, in the social circle, in the church and in the w^orld he was the same mild, consistent, amiable and lovely Christian man. As he lived, so he died. The God whom he had served in life forsook him not in death. He died peacefully surrounded by his family and all the county around felt the loss with keen sorrow. He had visited some relatives up in Canada and the fatigue and exposure of the journey were too much for his w-eakened condition, for within three weeks after his return home he passed from earth to his God. The old stone Baptist Church which he helped build, where he punctually attended, which he liberally sup- ported and from which he was buried, still stands as it has for these past generations, a bethel still, for devout worshipers of God. On Feb. 12, 1795, in the 21st year of his age, this John (3) married Sarah Walworth in the town of Enfield, New Hampshire, a worthy woman for this good man. From the Genealogy of the Wal- worths called "The Walworths of America" on page yT) is found the following record : "Sarah Walworth, 3rd daughter of Charles the ist of Canaan and grand daughter of William of Noank was born October 30, 1774. She married John Purmort of Enfield, New Hampshire. She died April, 1858, at the age of 83." Their children : 31. John (4) Purmort son of John (3) born May 26, 1796, died Keeseville, N. Y., July 16, 1877. 32. Rosamond born December 9, 1797, died 1879. 33. Nathaniel bom May 11, 1799, died April 6, 1885. 34. Polly born Feb. 17, 1801, died Aug. 31, 1822. 58 The Purmorts in America 35. Philura born January 9, 1803, died September 19, 1884, at Bennington, Vt. 36. Infant son born April 28, 1804, died 1804. 37. James Harvey born August 14, 1805, died July 11, 1859. Bachelor. 38. Sarah born August 3, 1807, died 1887, at Detroit, Mich. 39. Phineas born August 28, 1809, died July 4, 181 5. Jay. 40. Infant son born January 12, 1811, died 1811. 41. George Arnold born October 4, 181 2, died Feb. 12, 1887. 42. Harriet H. born August 3, 1814, died 1866. 43. Adoniram J. born May 6, 1817, died 1854. A descendant of this Deacon Punnort and now a business man of position writes thus regarding him : "Deacon John Pur- mort, the father of the Purmort Works and Falls at Jay, Essex County, New York, and which was continued under the name of J. H. Purmort & Co., was a remarkable man and his wife was as remarkable a woman. As a business man he was far seeing, building up a property of cast-iron, forges making pig iron, which had a market in Boston, saw mill, flour and grist mills, carding factories, machine shops, paint and cooper and coffin factories, wagon works and a general merchandise store. He also ran in connection with this large factory business two large farms where he made charcoal. All the machinery was propelled by water power and this required a great dam built across the river. Besides this he practically built the stone Baptist Church that still stands and is occupied. All this worked out of the wil- derness was his business project and attainment. He had eleven grown children, six boys all tall, 6 feet to 6 feet 2 inches and the five girls were equally large and well built. A fine family, greatly respected by all who knew them." Another makes mention of him as "A large nice looking old gentleman with sandy hair." And in England 59 22. Joshua Purmort of John (2) born February 7, 1776, in Lowell, Massachusetts, died at Kempville, Canada, of diabetes about the year 1843. He moved to Enfield, New Hampshire 1784, married at Enfield Feb. 9, 1796, Eunice Walworth who was born at Caanan, New Hamp- shire, July 25, 1773. She died at Kepmville, Canada, of Colera Morbus, six weeks before the death of her husban in her 70th year. In the "Walworths of Amer- ica," page 73, is found the following entry : "Eunice Walworth second daughter of Charles ist of Canaan and grand daughter of William of Noank." The Walworths have been a noted family in the Em- pire State in past history. Chancellor Walworth is noted in juris prudence and his works are found on the shelves of every prominent and well booked lawyer of the country. The following is the outline of the de- scendants of the Walworths down to these sisters, Sarah and Eunice who married the Purmort brothers John and Joshua. 1. William Walworth of Fisher's Island came from neigh- borhood of London to New London colony in 1689. Married Seaton English woman who was born 1669. 2. William Walworth of Noank, eldest son of William of Fisher's Island born June, 1694, died May 17, 1774, married January 16, 1720 Mary Avery, 3. Charles Walworth son of William of Noank born 1745 married Lucy Harris. He was in the Revolutionary Army and the inscription on his tomb gives him the title of Captain. He was a very strong religious char- acter. He had three sons and four daughters. Sarah 6o The Purmorts in America Walworth Purmort and Eunice Walworth Purmort were his daughters and from them came the Walworth blood that now flows in the veins of these two branches of the Purmort family. Both of these women were strong in character and were especially religious and gave this training to their families. A story is told of Eunice that gives one trait of her character. It appeared that many articles were disappearing from the cellar such as meal, vegetables, etc. A watch was set for the thief but failed for weeks. One night the good woman Eunice heard the prowler at work in the cellar. She quietly awakened her husband Joshua who slept soundly by her side. He arose hurriedly and started for his gun, for he was a resolute man and meant serious business. As Eunice laid in the bed waiting results, she thought the whole matter through and well knowing her husband's determination and that he might soon become a murderer, she screamed out at the top of her shrill voice, "Run thief run Joshua is going to shoot you. Run thief run." It may not be necessary to say the thief took the hint and also took to his heels and Joshua escaped from becoming a murderer. The following letter was received from the War Department at Washington, D. C, under date April 9, 1898. "The records of this office show that one Joshua Purmort served as private in Capt. Daniel Blish's Com- pany in Sandard's battalion of New York Militia, War 1812. His name appears on the roll for the period from August I to 3, 1813, without remark relative to his service. The records also show that one Joshua Pur- And in England 6i mort served as a private in Capt. Blish's Company of Sanford's unregimented battalion of New York Militia War of 1812. His name appears on the roll for the period from September 2 to 13, 18 14, which bears the remarks 'Commencement of service Sept. 2, 1814.' Ex- piration of service Sept. 14, 1814. Term of Service thirteen days, resident 30 miles from place of discharge. By authority of the Secretary of War, F. C. Ams- worth. Col. U. S. Army." Joshua with his wife Eunice settled on the Old York State farm not far from Jay (about two miles), when it was still a wilderness, and he developed it from its wild condition up to good improvement. There were many wild animals in the country in that day coming down from the mountains. One day when his little girl Lucy was with him out in the clearing playing a short dis- tance from her father, he heard her shout out in child- ish glee, "I do see a doggie, I do see a doggie." On looking up Joshua saw a large timber wolf near the child and about to spring upon her. He was not slow with ax in hand to rescue his child. Joshua was a great hunter and brought home much game for his table. This trait in his character may in part account for the great love of a gun and a good hunting dog, found in so many of his progeny still. It is said of Joshua that he had a remarkable voice for which he was famous in his day. In winter time when out chopping or hunting, should 'he chance to run across a moose track in the deep snow he would raise his voice and give his call and soon the neighbors for miles around would gather for the round up, and very seldom would the game escape 62 The Purmorts in America them. All these experiences of early frontier life served to break the monotony and give excitement to the neigh- bors and friends in those early times. The Boyntons and Blishes and others were their neighbors and friends and many were the grand old hunts and log raisings and military drills they had together. A letter has been received from one of the Sarah Walworth branch say- ing: 'T was surprised to learn that your Grandmother Eunice was a Walworth, a sister of my Grandmother Sarah. I have heard father say that Grandfather went to Jay from Enfield, New Hampshire, and built a log house on what we called the 'Matthew's Farm' about two miles below the village and that grandmother and her sister went there on horseback later in the fall and that they gathered moss to chink the cracks between the logs before they went to bed the first night. I presume that sister was your grandmother, Eunice." Joshua and Eunice built a log house and raised their family in it to manhood and womanhood. The children of Joshua and Eunice Purmort were the following : 44. Lucy born Nov. 15, 1797, died August 15, 1827. 45. Minor born Sept. 30, 1799, died Oct. 17, 1854. 46. Algetha born Feb. 20, 1806. 47. Charles born April 21, 1803. 48. Lewis born May 28, 1805, unmarried, died 1881, xA-shley, Ohio. 49. Susanah born April 16, 1807, unmarried. 50. Eunice born June, 1809, unmarried. 23. Mark Purmort, son of John (2) born May 4, 1778, died at Enfield, New Hampshire, August 2, 1835. He And in England 63 married Abigail Dole of Enfield, the date not known. He came from Enfield with his brother Nathaniel in 1782 and the brothers bought farms adjoining. After the death of his father John he took the care of his mother Susanah who lived some thirty years longer to the ripe age of 80. Their children : 51. Mary born August 2, 1802, died August 23, 1802. 52. Joseph born September 6, 1803, died Feb. 9, 1836. 53. Dunham born March 11, 1805, died October 25, 1828. 54. Richard born November 8, 1806, died August 9, 1828. 55. Nathaniel born March 26, 1808. 56. Susannah born March 2, 1812, died Jan. 11, 1831, un- married. 57. Mark born Feb. 4, 1818, died April 18, 1878. 24. Nathaniel Purmort born May i, 1780. He lived and died at Enfield, December 20, 1854. He married Phebe Dole who died at Lebanon, New Hampshire, 1883. He was a man very highly esteemed in his community, a successful fanner and fully acquainted with the afifairs of his day. He was a faithful and active member of the Free Will Baptist Church. A man of medium height, thick, heavy set, when walking he usually carried his hands behind his back. His farm joined his brother Mark's. They had married sisters and must have lived happy and peaceful lives with their growing families. Such a picture of life is surely ideal. But age, re- movals, deaths, will surely in time break up the hap- piest home life earth can produce, and history can only chronicle the events, and leave the philosopher to his speculations, but the Christian with his faith can stand 64 The Purmorts in America serenely by and say, all is well for God is working out His Eternal purposes. The Children of Nathaniel and Phobe : 58. John born April 10, 1806, died December, 1869, 59. Hiram born June 20, 1809, died July 4, 1873. 60. Disa L. born December 23, 1813, died April 5, 1891. 61. Almira bom Nov. i, 1815, died Nov. 2, 1878. 62. Joseph Hazen born October 9, 1819, died July 25, 1880. 25. Richard Purmort born July 8, 1782. He was a very large and fine looking man. It has not been ascertained whom and when and where he married. He at one time lived on a farm near Plainfield, New Hampshire. After- wards in 1826 he settled in Depyster, Lawrence County, New York. His family. 63. Hymen F. born 1806, died 1876. 64. Blake P. born 181 1, died unmarried at Depyster, New York, April 26, 1878. 65. Hannah. 66. Aunela. 67. Albina. 2^. Miriam Purmort born on Monday, December 25, 1775, died March 25, i860. Married Mr. Hancock. There is no farther record of her family known to the Author. 29. Abner D. Purmort born on Tuesday, March 13. 1781, died Januar}' 18, 1876, age 95. He with his brother John moved from New Hampshire to Georgia, Vermont, in an early day and took up land and redeemed it. They were among the first settlers at Georgia. There were only two or three homes there when they came. Here they both entered the new land, improved their farms, built their homes, raised their families and here o z o ' w o o Q oi H « w o H H H H O H GUESS? NATHANIEL PURMORT, NO. 55. And in England 91 ladies boarding school at Circleville, Ohio, but soon con- tracted a severe cold that resulted in quick consumption which took her away. She was an earnest Chris- tian and a member of the Baptist Church. 114. Coanant Sawyer, born April 7, 1833, at Jay, New York, and died at Boulder, Colo., September 25, 1897. 52. Joseph Purmort, son of Mark No. 23, was born Sep- tember 6, 1803, died February 9, 1836. Nothing has come to the knowledge of the writer concerning the character and history of this man. He married Sarah Mitchell of Enfield. Their children: 115. Disa born February 22, 1834. 55. Nathaniel Purmort born March 26, 1808. Little has come down regarding the personality of this Purmort other than he secured the old home at Enfield where he lived and reared his family in the fear and love of the Lord. His picture presented on another page plainly reads into his face. Christian character and firmness of purpose. An old time character, whose influence for God and native land, will survive in his progeny. He married October 2, 1834, ist wife, Sarah Colby of Plain- field, N. H. Their children: 116. Lewis Berry born at Enfield November 2, 1835. 117. Merrill C. born June 17, 1837, died unmarried January 25, 1867. 118. Abigal S. born June 3, 1839. 119. Almira H. born November 10, 1841, died February 3, 1871. Nathaniel married October i, 1845, second wife, Hannah T. Crane of Ogden, N. Y. Their Children : 120. Mark H. born August 30, 1851. 92 The Purmorts in America Nathaniel married February, i860, third wife, Clarissa A. Leavitt of Plainfield, No issue from this marriage. 57. Mark Purmort, son of Mark No. 23, was born February 4, 1818, died April 18, 1878. The following has been well written of this man : "Mr. Purmort was one of the leading and influential citizens of the town where he resided. He had held various town and county offices and always dis- charged his duties with credit to himself and satis- faction to his fellowmen. In 1875 he was elected one of the commissioners for Grafton County, his term expiring a little before he died. He was an active member of the Democratic party and ever held the fullest confidence of his friends. He was faithful to all his trusts and never betrayed the in- terests committed to his hands. For many years he was in the mercantile business in Enfield and was an accommodating neighbor, a kind husband, an indulgent father, genial friend and a valuable citizen. He regarded substance more than show in life and esteemed the solid virtues far above any empty professions or mere appearances. Indeed with him, if the head and heart were only right, all else were of little value. He died from a cancer on his tongue, ate no food for twenty-eight days." He married at Enfield, April 7, 1854, Martha Howard Packard. She was born February 19, 1822, died May 26, 1874. Their children: 121. Walter born April 8, 1846, died November i, 1846. 122. Mary Adelaide born December 8, 1847, died at Enfield Center, N. H., January 6, 1901. 6 o O a o JOHX PURMORT, NO. 58. And IX England 93 123. Charles Warren bom at Enfield Center, October 22, 1849. 124. Henrietta Francis born March 28, 1852. 125. Ida Martha bom October 18, 1855. 126. Clara A. bom September 5, 1857, died June 6, 1871, at Boston. 127. Fred 3.1. born July 14, 1859. 128. Katie born August 9. 1862, died October 4, 1863. Mark married second wife, Hattie Durstin, of Canaan, X. H. No oftspring from this marriage. 58. John Purmort, son of Nathaniel, No. 24, was born April 10, 1806, died December, 1869. He married Elizabeth Farnham of Enfield. We have no personal histon.- of the man or his wife. Their children : 129. Polly ]\I, born December 15. 1828. 130. Sarah F. born June 12, 1831. 131. Lydia S. born July, 1833, died unmarried 1853. 132. ^Martin A'anBuren born November 2. 1842. 59. Hiram Pumiort born June 20, 1809, died July 4, 1873. ^larried April 27, 1833, Sarah Pettingill of Enfield, N. H. No personal sketch of the lives and characters of these have been received. Their children : 133. Nathaniel bom March 9, 1834, died March 28, 1864. 134. Minor T. born June 27, 1836, died May 26, 1901. 60. Disa L. Purmort born December 23. 1813, died April 5, 189 1. Married March i, 1835. J. B. Sargent of Enfield. Their children: Philip born June 19. 1836. Phoebe P. born Febmary 18, 1838. Clarence B. born March 2, 1844. Nathaniel P. bora September 19. 1848. 61. Almira Purmort born November i, i8r^. died Novem- 94 The Purmorts in America ber 2, 1878. She married E. M. Sargent of Enfield. Their children : Julia A., Jennie, John H., William M., Frank H. 62. Joseph Hazen Purmort born October 9, 18 19, died July 25, 1880. J. H. Purmort, one of the thrifty and substan- tial farmers of the town of Lebanon, N. H., had been for a year or two past in imperfect health, the result of that indefatigable industry and hard work which characterized the race to which he belonged. He was a man of solid worth, quiet and unostentatious in his nature, but clear headed and with a good stock of com- mon sense ; loved by all who came near to him and thoroughly respected by all who knew him. He gave largely of his means, especially to the Baptist Churdi in the village of which he was one of the early members and whose interests he held dear. He leaves a wife and three children. Me married, November 2, 1843, Marcia E. True of Plainfield, New Hampshire. She was born March 2, 1820, and is still living at the ripe age of 87 with her daughter, Mrs. Hough, at Lebanon, New Hampshire, and at this age she possesses all her faculties to a remarkable degree. She is able to write a steady plain band and takes great interest in the Purmort Genealogy. She is an earnest Christian and always mentions in her letters her faith in her God. She is cheerful and resigned to all of God's providence with herself and the family. Their children. 135. Mary T. born January 12, 1844, died unmarried March 25, 1863. 136. Ellen M. born June 28, 1846. JOSEPH HAZEN PURMORT, And in England 95 137. Osgood L. born November 23, 1850. 138. Mercia E. born June 6, 1858, unmarried, living at Leb- anon, an invalid. 63. Hymen F. Purmort, son of Richard No. 25. He was born May 10, 1806 and died 1875. Married 1st v^ife, Laura Hastings. Their children : 139. Racine born August 30, 1831, at DePeyster, N. Y., died January 10, 1884. 140. Sarah lone born . Hymen F. married 2nd wife 1863. No children by this marriage. 65. Hannah Purmort born . She married Mr. Pen- nock of Valparaiso, Indiana. No record of this family has been received. dj. Albina Purmort born . She wrote a book of poems called "The Northern Harp." She was a woman of many sorrows and a sad heart. She lost many near relatives Whom she loved and cared for through long sickness. She voiced her sorrows in her poems, yet in them all there breathes a strong trust in her God. She married Mr. Bigelow of Pottsdam, N. Y., an M. E. Minister. No record of her family can be given by the writer. 69. Hannah S. Purmort, daughter of Abner D., No. 29, born December 6, 1809, died December 9, 1888. She married first a Mr. Blake, 2nd George Gore. She had no children. 71. Joseph Purmort, son of Abner D., No. 29. He was born July 15, 1815, died Nov. 18, 1888. He was born, lived and died at East Georgia, Vermont. It is said of him that he was six feet two inches tall and well propor- 96 The Purmorts in America tioned physically. That he was a fine, noble man, moral and upright in all his transactions with men. Very prominent and influential in his community. He was once a member of the Vermnot Legislature. He was a model farmer and fine stock breeder. He owned 640 acres of good land and was very wealthy. Another who knew him well has the following to say about this Joseph. Joseph Purmort, son of Abner Purmort, East Georgia, Vermont, bad all the graces of his father, except his jokes which were too personal to suit some people. From i860 he had full charge of the farm and bought stock to ship to Boston the selling market. He was a proud man and he had everything to make him so. Fine bringing up, large experience. His fault was, slow in courting. He might have had his choice when young but waited until about 55 years of age. He served his country and state and was well thoug'ht of as a business man and judge of horses and stock. On June I, 1869, he married Eliza Smith of New Haven, Vermont, who is still living, 1907. They had no children. y2. Cynthia M. Purmort born September 11, 1817, died 1889. She married Willoughby Smith of Monkton, \^er- mont. Their children : Hannah, who married Mr. Bar- num, Ira, and Sarah, who married Mr. Wheeler. 73. Sarah E. Purmort born November 6, 1819, died Febru- ary 12, 1858. She married July 13, 1847 Freeborn E. Bell of St. Albins, Vermont. They had one son and three daughters, Abner P. who married Eunice Hall of S wanton. Carrie who married C. H. Blake of S wanton, another daughter who married S. K. Butterfield. Amande B. who married, 1876, Leslie B. Truax and they -JM* m < o Pu <; Pi B^^HPHt^^H w "^ "4 • ^^r^ '^a^^l ^Hft* ' HI Im CO W H O Oh o o And in England 97 now live at St. Albins, Vermont. They have a son, J. Purmort Truax, and four daughters. Mrs. Amanda B. Truax has been deeply interested in the Purmort genealogy and has written the Author many letters and given him much information regarding her branch of the family. She merits great credit for this interest, and surely has the sincere thanks of the Author of this book. 74. Polly B. Purmort, daughter of John No. 30, born June 12, 181 2. She married Hampton Colgrove. She died at Waucoma, 111., 1892. No children. 75. Almira H. Purmort, born in Georgia, Vermont, April 7, 18 1 5, died December i, 1880. She married 1837 Byron B. Austin. Their family : Charles born 1840, died 1873. Mary born 1842, died 1897. Sefrona born 1845, ^^^^ 1898. Adin born 1847. Jennie born 1849. Amanda born 1852, George born 1856. Abner born 1858. 78. Sophronia E. Purmort (wife of Alonzo A. Webster). Born at Georgia, Vermont, August 2, 1820, died at Sutton, Vermont, October 2, 1889. Mrs. Webster was an earnest Christian worman, held in high esteem by her neighbors and friends. She lived a quiet but useful life on a farm with her family, who revere her memory and are profiting by her noble example, and wise loving coun- sel, and her sincere prayers. 98 The Purmorts in America Their children : John Purmort Webster born at Fairfax, Vermont, August 8, 1844. Jason B. Webster born at Fairfax, Vermont, Sep- tember II, 1846. Delucia C. Webster (wife of W. A. Corliss) born at Fairfax, Vermont, June 6, 1849, died at Spencer, Mass., October 8, 1886. Delilia C. Webster (wife of M. A. Clark) born at Fairfax, Vermont June 6, 1849, died at Lyndonville, Vermont, September 26, 1890. 80. Christopher L. D. Purmort born April 20, 1824, died 1899. He married first wife, Caroline Smith. Their children : 141. Joseph C. born in Georgia, Vennont, i860. Christopher L. D. Married second wife, Emily Porter. No family reported from this marriage. 81. John Y. Purmort born September 22, 1828, died Novem- ber 24, 1879. He married first wife October 9, 1853, Clarissa Dee; she died 1859. Their children: 142. Lottie M. born February 26, 1855, 143. Clara J. born December 22, 1859, died February 16, i860. John Y. married second wife September 18, 1861, Lucia Gilmore, she died July 8, 1879. Their children: 144. A daughter born and died July i, 1866. 145. Annie L. born August 23, 1869, died September 8, 1870. 83. Abner D. (2) Purmort born East Georgia, Vermont, January 24, 1830. Abner D. Purmort was born in East Georgia, Franklin county, Vermont. He was brought up on a farm. He obtained his education at the public schools at Georgit, Fairfax and Milton in that state, and taught school for eight sesaons in Vermoni: and And in England 99 Pennsylvania. He moved to the territory of Minnesota 1856 and took up a preemption claim in Dayton Town- ship, Hennepin county. He held the township offices of Chairman of Board of Supervisors, Assessor and Justice of the Peace, and was Postmaster of Maple Grove for five years. In 1871 moved to the township of Bethel, Anoka county, and took up a homestead where he held the office of Town Clerk for ten years. In 1884 moved to the city of Anoka where he still resides. He is a member of the Universalist Church at Anoka. He served in the 2nd M. D. in the Army of the Rebellion and was stationed in Arkansas, Duvalls Bluffs. On April I, 1854, at Clearfield, Pa., he married Ellen Evans who was born at Milton, Vermont, April 23, 1833. She died at Anoka, Minnesota, September 12, 1900. She was a teacher in the common schools. Their children, all born in log house in Hennepin county, Minnesota : 146. John E. born November 18, 1856. 147. Abner A. born June 6, 1868. 148. Mark E. born January 12, 1874. He served in the Spanish war with the 14th Minnesota Vol. Co. B. sta- tioned at Chicamauga, Ga. Was brought home sick, 149. Govenor W. born March 28, 1877. 150. First daughter, Ada L., born July 15, 1858. Married March 27, 1878, Frank Hart. 151. Second daughter, Kate M., bom October 22, 1862. Married December 30, 1885, H. A. Sharrocks. 152. Third daughter, Lucia E., born September 6, 1864. Married July 27, 1888, F. E. Randall. They all live in Minnesota, mostly in and around Anoka. The father, Abner D. (2), still lives and is spending the winter of loo The Purmorts in America 1906-7 in California, where he has built his own house all alone, though now ']'j years old. *The BeU at Jay The Bell at Jay, the river's breeze, To North and South send greeting; Beneath the Adirondack trees The Hudson's heart is beating. Oh, Bell sublime! In ancient dust Earth's archives rust, But not thy rhyme! Thy voice is clear; I hear it here, Subdued by time! Thy counterfeits resemble thee, As murmurs, in commotion Upon the tongue-tied midland sea The speech of unbound ocean! While music fills. And echoes mock Responsive rock. While grandeur thrills, Thy tone will last; Thy zone was cast Between the hills! My wish for fame I'll gladly spurn, As youth's companions meet me; When I to childhood's home return. If thy glad welcome greet me! The slender fronds Of brake and fern May shake and turn At lips of bronze, Thy challenge fling; Thy welcome ring: My heart responds! Frank Daniel Blish (Published i" "The Current," Chicago, January 12, 1884) OLD BAPTIST CHURCH AT JAY. N. Y. And in England lOI *In the village of Jay, beyond the An Sable portal of the Adirondacks, there stands an old Baptist church, built of stone and surmounted by an open belfry, where, from huge cross-beams, swings a ponderous bell of rich and mellow tone. The rivers of these mountians, rising near each other, find outlets as far apart as Long Island Sound and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Eighth Generation of Purmorts in America 85. Malvina Purmort daughter of John (4) of John (3) of John (2) of John (i) was born 1821. She married F. H, Conro. Their children, Cassius, George, Frederick. 86. John (5) of John (4) of John (3) of John (2) of John (i) was born November 10, 1833 and died at Jay Octo- ber 18, 1850. He married EHza A. Stiles of Jay. She was born August ii, 1831 and died July i, 1857. Their children : 153. An infant son dying in infancy. 87. Ely Stone Purmort, son of John (4) Purmort No. 31, born at Jay and died at Black Brook, N. Y.. age 52. He married Mary Ann Parson of Jay. Their children : John R. Born , died at 11 years of age. 154 155 156 157 88 Wales Ely born 1849. George Henry born 1851. Will F. born . Harriet Purmort, daughter of John and Lois Stone Purmort, born Jay, Essex county, N. Y., February 3, 1832. Married June 27th, 1850, to N. C. Boynton of Jay N. Y. Mrs. Boynton is a Purmort in character as well as name. She is marked by a high sense of honesty, honor, integ- 102 The Purmorts in America rity, conscientiousness and moral worth. Righteousness has been the guiding star of her life. She is a woman in whom love is king. She has been a devoted wife and true mother. Her home has been her kingdom. There she has ruled as queen. The greatest sacrifices for the citizens of that realm have been gladly made because love is the breath of her being. She often says : 'T would rather remain at 'home with my children than at- tend the finest concert that can be given." Most natur- ally her husband loved, hoiiored and trusted her, and her children reverence her. Her noble character, large heart and sympathetic nature have won for her a host of friends, and now she is rounding out the years of her pilgrimage among those who know and prize her worth. Such women are among heaven's most precious gifts to the world. Their children : 1. Ella H. Boynton bom at Jay, N. Y., April 23, 1851. Married June 25, 1873, at Keeseville, N. Y., to C. S. Taylor. No children. 2. Olive Lois Boynton born at Jay, N. Y., Decem- ber 5, 1857. Married November 20, 1882, at Keese- ville, N. Y., Rev. P. H. Swift, D. D., of Qiicago. Two living children, two deceased. 3. George Melville Boynton born at Keeseville, N. Y., June 4, 1863, Married at Boston, Mass., to Harriet Willard, December 14, 1897. Lawyer in New York City. 4. Miss Harriet Malvine. now lives in Keesville. 5. Charles Culver. 6. Frederick. 7. Jeanette Grace, died in childhood. NATHANIEL C. BOYNTON. HARRIET PURMORT BOYXTOX. And in England 103 Nathaniel Culver Boynton born in Jay, N. Y., No- vember 28, 1824. Received a common school edu- cation, was a merchant and manufacturer in Jay from 1850 to 1862 when he removed to Keeseville, N. Y., where he published the Essex County Repub- lican for six years and until the office was burned. Afterwards he engaged in mercantile and other business for many years and is now retired. He was a member of the Assembly of New York three terms, being elected first in 1854 and afterwards in 1882 and 1883. Was a supervisor for Essex county thirteen years, four from Jay and nine from Chesterfield, and was County Clerk of the same county from January i, 1888, to December 31, 1893. He died in Chicago, III., at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Olive Swift, wife of Rev. P. H. Swift, D. D., on Thursday morning, February 9, 1903. 89. Olive W. Purmort born at Jay April 15, 1833. On October 20, 1854, she married Melville Cox Eams in Rochester, N. Y. They moved to Qiicago, Blue Island, Illinois, where she died Alarch 5, 1889. Their children : Melville C. Eames born Milton, Vermont, March 16, 1834. Married Olive Walworth Purmort of Jay, Essex county, N. Y., at Rochester, N. Y., Oc- tober 20, 1854. Olive Walworth Purmort was born April 15, 1833, at Jay, N. Y. (daughter of Deacon John and Lois Stone Purmort). Their children: 1. Alice Lucina Eames born Chicago, July 25, 1855. Married April 24. 1878, to Frank O. Young, l^ive children. 2. Eddy Purmort Eames born Chicago, March 9, 104 The Purmorts in America 1857, died June i, 1892, Married July i, 1887, to Isabel E. Pool of Lyon Mass. Two children. 3. John Purmort Eames born Chicago, September 8, i860. Lives Blue Island, 111. 4. Joseph Purmort Eames born Chicago January 22, 1863. Married December 13, 1883, to Mary Cushing Rexford of Blue Island. Five children ; live at Blue Island. 5. Melville Purmort Eames born Chicago, May 14, 1867, died Blue Island, January 14, 1875. 6. Henry Purmort Eames, director pianoforte de- partment University of Nebraska, Lincoln, born Blue Island, 111., September 12, 1871. Married Sep- tember II, 1895, to Clara Boone Hansborough. One child. (Clara Boone Hansborough, granddaughter of Dr. Levi Boone, one of Chicago's mayors at the time the Emanual Baptist Church burned, he gave sixty thousand dollars toward the rebuilding of the church.) Blue Island, 111., January 10, 1907. l\Iy Dear Daughter Alice : — Some days since you asked be to write some words that might be used as a memorial in the "Purmort" book that cousin Mattie is interested in. In compliance I have written these inadequate lines which you may use as you like, you may discard them alto- gether and write your thought or use them in part, just suit your- self and I am suited. Olive Walworth Purmort, third daughter of John Purmort and Lois Stone, was born in Jay, Essex county. New York, April ^^^^|Rf( ^l^BHIHP'^i;^''- S^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ^H^K:;^ *^^i^^^B w^rt^ * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hk^ //'^■HH^^^^^I ^^_ ^^^^^^^njSI^B ^^^^^^Hkb^^^ ''^^^^Hd i«^^Bt£^ t J MELVILLE C. EAMES. OLIVE PURMORT EAMES. And in England 105 15, A. D. 1833. Her home was in her native town until the time of her marriage, which occurred October 20, 1854. She was married at the residence of her uncle, Franklin Stone, near Rochester, N. Y., and from that time lived with her husband, Melville C. Eames, in Chicago, until the year 1868, then in Blue Island, a suburb of Chicago, until the time of her death, which occurred March 5, 1889. Their family were six children. Alice L., Eddy Purmort, John Purmort, Joseph Purmort, Melville Purmort, and Henry Purmort. Eddy died in May, 1892, leaving a widow and two children. Melville died at the age of six years. Four of her children and her loved husband yet remain to call her blessed. How difficult to write the virtues of the perfect woman, the loving constancy of the wife, the self abnegation and devotion of the mother, whose life is in the Eden of the home which she consecrated by an undying affection and in which all her heart's blood is poured. The perfume of the rose may be suggested but there are no words to express it. God's greatest blessings are never told. Nor can I, the one whom most her loving heart en- dowed for thirty-five years, after the lapse of many (seventeen) years, and her leaving seems but yesterday, write the words that can tell another how she lived, and served. I cannot. Yet my heart tells me that all the world would be richer if they knew her love, and could share a little in the joyful sacrifices that went to make her perfect home. If any read these lines, that know of true love, that have enjoyed, beyond all power of expression, the happiness of a home with such a wife, and such a mother, that have bidden her fare- well in the glad hope of soon renewing the confidences, and joys of personal association, where there will come no parting pangs, io6 The Purmorts in America you, I would ask, please pause a moment, and let your own heart whisper all I would say of my beloved. What a poor tribute this, to one deserving so much? Like the widow's mite, it is all I have, and I put it in the treasury. M. C. E. Melville C. Eames was the second son of Joseph and Lucina Eames. (His father. Rev. Joseph Eames, was a Methodist Min- ister and member of East New York Conference — Troy Confer- ence as his father. Henry Eames, had been before him a member of the New York Conference). He was born in Milton. Vermont, March i6, 1834. The hardships and vicissitudes of a minister's lot demanded that every member of the family do his share toward the welfare of all. So I looked out for myself after my fifteenth year. The fact that I was enabled to help my parents in their years of care and anxiety cheers my heart in these latter days. I taught school one winter in Pittsburg:. N. Y., when I was sixteen years old. The money from the year's work with that earned in the summer farming, paid my expenses for six months in Troy Con- ference Academy, Poultney, Vermont. In the winter of 1850-51 I taught in Middle Granville, N. Y. My father was stationed at Jay, Essex county, N. Y., and at the close of school I paid them a visit. While there I fell in with some people who were to move to Appleton, Wis., and the western fever took possession of my soul. There I also met Olive Wal- worth Purmort, who afterwards became my wife. I went west, remaining in Appleton. Wis., the summer of 185 1. During winter of 1851-1852 taught school in Fort Howard (Green Bay). Small Pox broke out and school was closed summarily. After waiting the proscribed time and not becoming a victim, I took the first And in England 107 boat in the spring for Chicago in 1852, and Chicago and its suburbs have been my home ever since. A severe sickness ruined my first chances for success ; cut me short of funds, but not of friends. For although I did not know a single person in the city I was tenderly cared for and soon on my feet again. In the fall of 1852 I went on the Chicago Tribune, first as reporter, later in the business department. I remained with them until June, 1855, then took charge of the circulating department of the Chicago Evening Journal and in 1868 the circulation of the Chicago Tribune. Remained with them until I retired from business April, 1893. I was married to Olive W. Purmort October 20, 1854. We have six children. My home is in Blue Island, a suburb of Chicago. My grandchildren are thirteen in number. My faith in the eternal life, through Christ, makes me glad in this afternoon of my pleasant day. I believe that when the sun sets here it will rise on a never ending tomorrow. I may add, that it seems foolish to me as I look back over seventy-three years to make even this retrospect of my uneventful days for other eyes to read. Only the anxieties that are common to everyone, the cares we all seek to avoid, the miniature success that makes life hopefully taken up have been my lot. But if you who are gifted can read between these lines of the many happy hours that are given to even such as I, it will not be as foolish as it seems. A daughter states : "I would like to add that father is a great worker and staunch supporter of the M. E. Church in Blue Island and has been since its organization over thirty years ago." 90. Rosamond Purmort born , married Byron Boyn- ton and now a widow living in Los Angeles, Calif. She io8 The Purmorts in America has a son, Frederick Boynton, living in California. 91. William Wallace Purmort born August 22, 1830, at Jay, N. Y. He had a common school education. Became a school teacher, moved to Missouri in 1856 where he taught for several years. The following obituary taken from the Memphis, Missouri, paper, gives a good his- torical sketch of Colonel Purmort: Col. William Wallace Purmort died of inflammation of the bladded at Siboney, Kiowa county, Oklahoma, Mon- day, November 17, 1902, after an illness of two or three days, aged "^2 years, 2 months and 25 days. About eigtit weeks ago deceased moved from this place to Oklahoma, locating at Siboney, a little town near Lawton. A short time after his arrival in Okla- homa bladder trouble developed and it finally caused his death. He was born in Jay, Essex county. New York, August 22, 1 83 1, and removed to Missouri in 1856, locating near Edinburg, in this county. In 1857 he was married to Ermina DeKalb, who died a few years later. Again in 1866 he was joined in wedlock with Emeline Clark. Of these two unions five children survive, viz. : William, Wallace, James, Nat and Miss Mary. Three sisters also survive, Mrs. Sarah Newell of Bridgeport, Vermont ; Mrs, Maria Knight of Butte, Montana ; and Mrs. Joel Ewing of this county. He united with the Baptist Church at Edinburg short- ly after coming to Missouri, When he moved to Mem- phis he transferred his membership to the church here and in all the years of his life, since his conversion, lie was a loyal and faithful member of the church of his choice. When the civil war broke out he joined the COL. W. W. PURMORT. And in England 109 Home Guards and in 1864 he was commissioned Colonel of the 29th Missouri Militia. He served two terms as county clerk of this county and made a faithful and efficient public servant while in office. After his death the body was brought here for interment by the side of his wife who preceded him to the spirit land last May. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Baptist Church, Rev. J. P. Sansom officiating, after which the G. A. R. Post of this city, of which he was an honored member, took c'harge of the body and tenderly laid it to rest by the side of his wife with impressive ceremonies. In life and health he was always on hand to take part in Memorial day exercises, or in paying the last tribute of respect to a departed comrade. Remembering this, the old veterans, brief as the notice was, were pres- ent in a body to honor his memory and assist in the sad duty of laying his body to rest. They loved him as a citizen, neighbor and comrade and will deck his grave with flowers on May 30th of each year as long as they are able to go to the cemetery. William Wallace Purmort was married March 4, 1858, at Memphis Mis- souri, to Ermina DeKalb. She died September 17, 1863. On April 18, 1866, he married second wife, Emeline Clarke. She was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin, July 8, 1 84 1, and moved with her parents to Scotland county, Missouri, November, 1855. She was a woman of strong character and good literary ability, writing much for current periodicals. She died at Memphis, Missouri, May I, 1902. Their children : 158. William N. born at Memphis, Mo., January 2, 1859. iTO The Purmorts in America 159. Wallace O. born February 9, 1861. 160. Harwood born January 11, 1867, died November, 1867. 161. Nettie born July 4, 1869, died February, 1870. 162. Mary H. born July 4, 1871, unmarried. A teacher in Normal school at Memphis, Missouri, for some time. Now lives in St. Louis. 163. James C. born September 30, 1873, unmarried. A teacher. 164. Nathaniel H. born October 9, 1875, unmarried. A U. S. Railway Mail Clerk. Lives now in St. Louis, Mo. 92. Louisa Purmort born December 11, 1832, died March 8, 1862. Married O. P. Myers of Memphis, Missouri. They had no family. 93. Sarah Purmort born November 10, 1834. In May, 1861, she married Prof. L. B. Newell of West Port, N. Y.. where they lived many years. Now live in Bridgeport, Vermont. They have three adopted children. She now makes her home with one, Mrs. Alice Newell Deming of Bridgeport, Vermont. Sarah W. Purmort born in Jay, November 10, 1834. Taught in two different districts, attended the state normal school at Albany, graduated July, 1856. In September, under the auspices of Geo. Slade's Teachers' Agency, went to Sand Hill, Missouri. Taught in Scot- land county for five years. May 2, 1861, married L. B. Newell, of Jay, N. Y. Taught with him five years in Westport, N. Y. Removed to Crown Point, where Mr. Newell taught for four years. Returned to Westport where he spent the remainder of his days. Purchased a farm, but his residence was located within the village limits. Mr. Newell fitted for college at Keeseville High LUTHER BOARDMAN NEWELL. SARAH PURMORT NEWELL. OF BRIDPORT, VT And in England hi School, graduated from Vermont University at Bur- lington in i860. Successful in business. Considered one of the substantial citizens of the town. Always took an active interest in school matters as a school principal. An institute instructor in many teachers' institutes in Essex and other counties. Served accept- ably as school commissioner of the second district of Essex county from January i, 1878, to January i, 1882. Active and influential in church work, having in early life united with the Jay Baptist church. Prepared a! History of the Baptist Churches in the Essex and Champlain Association. Read and adopted at the Semi- centennial Session held in 1884 at Keeseville. After- wards publis'hed by J. W. Tuttle, of Plattsburgh. Dur- ing several of his last years was agent for buying pulp wood for Ticondaroga Pulp & Paper Company. Was in failing health for a year. Died January 23, 1896. No own children. Three adopted : Mrs. Dr. Barber of Newark, N. J. ; Mrs. Dr. Motte, died 1888 ; Mrs. H. S. Deming, of Bridgeport, Vermont, with whom Mrs. New- ell lives. One child, Burton Newell Deming. 94. Lavina Purmort born September 19, 1836, died Novem- ber, 1866. She married J. L. Morris of Memphis, Mis- souri. Children, Salem N. and Frank W. 96. Maria P. Purmort born in Jay, February 4, 1846. Went with the family to Alissouri in 1857. Returned east 1862, attended the Westport graded school. Returned to Missouri in 1865. In 1873 went to Montana as a teacher. Married A. B. Knight in Butte, in 188 1, where she still lives. Church home in the First Baptist Church of 112 The Purmorts in America Butte, where she united by letter from Edinburg'h, Mo., church. DEATH OF A PIONEER. A. B. Knight died yesterday morning- at 2 o'clock after an illness of more than two years. He died at the residence of J. H. Harper, where he went a few weeks ago from Sheridan, Mont. He went to the latter town a few months ago in search of health. He leaves a wife and a brother, the latter a physician in Michigan, who has been notified of his brother's death. Those are the only immediate relatives. Mr. Knight was a pioneer of ^Montana and of Butte. a resident of Montana for 33 years and of Butte since 1885. He was a deputy mineral surv'eyor and had as- sisted in much important work in the early surveys of Butte. He came to Montana in 1871 and established the first United States signal station in Montana at Virr ginia City. He was a student, a scholarly gentleman, polished and chivalrous, and applied himself very closely to his books, being one of the best-posted men on cur- rent events in the city. During his last illness he daily read the newspapers and talked intelligently on impor- tant events, especially the Russo-Japanese war, which was the most important subject he followed during the last year. Even up to the time when consciousness left his mind, he read and discussed matters of great moment. He was a member of the Woodmen and of an eastern lodge of Masons. The funeral will be held today at 2 o'clock, services at the First Baptist church. Death re- sulted from a general breaking down of the constitution. ALBERT B. KNIGHT. k ^^1 1 ^ ^ •■*;■ JF j HBP^ MARIA PURMORT KNIGHT. And in England 113 Albert Bruce Knight was born in Livingston county, N. Y., February 23, 1844. In early boyhood he moved to Michigan, where he enjoyed the advantages of the pub- lic schools and of the state university at Ann Arbor. In 1861 he visited a brother in Indiana, where he enlisted in Col. (afterward Gen.) Lew Wallace's regiment. He served through the war as a soldier in his regiment, part of the time in Louisiana, and during 1864, in the nine- teenth corps, in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., under Gen- eral Sheridan. At the close of the war Mr. Knight served his country as a United States railroad postal clerk. About the year 1871 he entered the United States signal service and established at Virginia City, Mont., the first signal station in the territory. He resigned this position and served one year with General Hayden on a United States geological survey. About the year 1875 he obtained an appointment as United States deputy mineral surveyor, in which capacity he acted up to the time of his death. In i88t Mr. Knight married Miss Maria P. Purmort and they made their home in Virginia City, Mont., until 1885, when they moved to Butte, where they had since resided. They were married in Butte. In 1901 Mr. Knight was appointed professor in the state school of mines, occupying the chair of mining engineering. In April, 1902, he resigned his position on account of failing health. 97. Mary L. Purmort born in Jay, June 19, 1848. Accom- panied her parents to Missouri 1857. In 1862 returned east where she attended the graded school at Westport. In 1865 returned to Missouri. In 1873 went to Virginia 114 The Purmorts in America City, Montana, as a teacher. Married John B. Cook October 3, 1876. Died of consumption June 3, 1880. Consistent member of the Edinburgh Baptist Church. Possessed an unusually sweet and lovely disposition. 98. Lucius A. Purmort, son of George Arnold No. 41. He was born at Jay, N. Y., July 19, 1841. He remained with his father as long as he did business in Jay, was with the Essex & Lake Champlain Ore and Iron Compan\- about two years, had charge of the forge at Elizabeth- town and Black River. In 1866 he bought of his uncle the old homestead farm of his mother's in Lempster, X. H. He went to the fami in the spring ; his father and mother came to live with him in the fall following and remained with him as long as they lived. He spent the years up to 1895 o" the farm which has been in his mother's family for more than a century. Besides being a successful farmer Mr. Purmort has been active in county politics, was elected to the state legislature, and has served twelve years on the Board of County Commissioners. In 1895 ^^^ sold the farm and moved with his family to the neighboring town of Newport where he still resides. He married at Clearmont, N, H., April 14, 1874, Elmira Dunham of New Port, N. Y. She was born November 23, 1849. She is a woman eminently domestic in her tastes and habits. Her home is her kingdom. A gentle, self sacrificing, devoted wife and mother. Yet always prompt at the bedside of the sufifering in case of need in the neighborhood. In all sincerity her children rise up and call her blessed. They now live in New Port, N. Y. His occupation farming. Their children : LUCIUS A. PURMORT, SON OF GEO. A. PURMORT. GEO. H. PURMORT, SON OF LUCIUS A. PURMORT. »^i. a m: HENRY C. PURMORT. L.'^BLISH PURMORT. And in England 115 165. George H. born March 15, 1875. 166. Jennie G. born April 6, 1876. 167. Guy W. born December 13, 1883. 168. Harry R. born June 8, 1885. 169. Christine E. born September 29, 1889. 100. Henry C. Purmort, son of Adoniram Judson No. 43, Henry C. Purmort of Chicago, was born December 15, 1845, at Jay, Essex county, New York. After attending high school in Jay, Keeseville, Academy, Rutland, Vermont High School, he engaged with Joseph Punuort, East Georgit, Vermont, from March till September, 1859, on his stock farm. Work hours, 4 130 a. m. to 9 :oo p. m. and four square meals per day, wages $8.00 per month. That winter attended Fairfax \^ermont Sem- inary, working for small wages mornings and nights. In the spring was with French & Kingsley, Wholesale Hardware Com- pany, Rutland, Vermont, as salesman and bookkeeper till fall when he went to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., entered Eastman Commer- cial College, graduated in ten weeks, became cashier for B. H. Burt, the dry goods merchant, at Rutland, Vermont, for one y«^ar ; then engaged with Jay Gould, president Rutland and Washington Railway (first road he ever owned), as Freight Auditor, Pay- master and Personal Clerk. This road was only eighty miles *long to Eagle Bridge, New York, connecting with the Troy aid Boston Railway. After seven months here he had the western fever having been to Chicago in 1854, and left Rutland with let- ters from Mr. Gould. He sold out the road that fall and went to New York, this was in 1864, the year George J. Gould was born at Lake George. On arriving at Chicago became clerk to thft General Freight Agent of the C, B. & O. Ry. He giving Henry his son's place and sending him to college. Next year he left ii6 The Purmorts in America railroading and was for two years general office man in wholesale commission and grocery house. The next seven years from 1866 was with T. W. Harvey, the largest lumber dealer at that time, the last four years having full power of attorney, then one year with S. K. Martin Lumber Company and then traveled five years as salesman for Palmer, Fuller & Company, wholesale sash and door manufacturers. As he regained his health he made valuable acquaintances in fourteen states from which since 1880 he has done a wholesale business for himself and has tried to keep the Purmort name untarnished for fair dealing. November 12, 1867, married Miss Lillian M. Blish of Jay, N. Y., daughter of Daniel and Mary H. B. Blish. They arrived in Chicago November 15, 1867, and ever since Chicago has been their home. Lillian Martha Blish, wife of Henry C, is a descendant of the old and eminent Colonial Blish family. Their home was in Jay, New York, where for several years in early times the families of Blish and Purmorts were well tried, fast and true friends. "The Genealogy of the Blish Family in America," a large book published in 1905, gives the following: "Lillian Martha Blish was educated in the State Normal School at Albany, New York, and taught two terms at Jay before her marriage which occurred at the age of eighteen in the same home in w^hich her father was born. She is State Registrar of the U. S. Daughters of 1812 and a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, Daughters > of the American Revolution and other organizations, and an en- thusiastic genealogist and historian. She is also interested in many local charities and other good works in Chicago and is a tireless worker." She and her husband, Henry C, are members of Dr. Gun- saulius Congregation at the Auditorium, Chicago. A Chicago J. S. BRUMBACK. ELLEX P. PURMORT BRUMBACK. ) > <: > < < 13 < a And in England 117 paper published the following several years ago, which gives an idea of Mr. Purmort's business ability : "Mr. Purmort has been a prominent factor in the Lumber, Sash and Door interests of Chicago for more than twenty years, oy his business methods he has built up a trade extending through- out a large portion of the country, and withal has achieved an enviable success, being known from both his personal character- istics and financial ability as one of the most substantial men in the sash and door fraternity." Their children : 170. Eugene H. born in Chicago, July 13, 1872, died July 15, 1872. 103. Ellen Purmort born at Jay, N. Y., August 10, 1832. She was the oldest child of Minor No. 45 and Perlena Nettleton his wife. She went with them to Kempville, Canada, when eight years old and later to Berlin, Dela- ' ware county, Ohio, in the summer of 1847. She taught a term or two of school at Berlin and became noted as the little teacher who could manage the rude rough boys. Upon the death of her mother in 1850 the care and responsibility of the large family fell upon her young shoulders, which burden she kindly and successfully assumed for two years. As the oldest in the large family of children she had passed through all the trials and burdens of her parents in their losses and removals and sad experiences, yet she kept a happy heart and was her father's helper in those heavy years. On May 27, 1852, at Ashley, Delaware county, Ohio, she was married to John Sanford Brumback, a merchant at Ashley. Owing to poor health of her husband they moved on a farm on the Old State Road north of Worthington, Ohio, where ii8 The Purmorts in America they lived for two years. They then moved to Casey, Clark county, Illinois, where Mr. Brumback again en- gaged in mercantile business and succeeded very well. In the spring of 1862 they moved to Van Wert, Ohio, a new and undeveloped country at that time and there they made their home and have lived ever since. Mr. Brumback was a shrewd thrifty business man and be- came at Van Wert a man of influence and wealth. Be- ginning as a poor boy he made his way up the ladder to a noted financial success. Upon his death at Van Wert, December 11, 1897, he left in his will plans and means for a Free Library Building for the city and county of Van Wert, to cost $35,000.00. This was before the free library idea had struck Andrew Carnegie. The plan was of Mr. Brumback's own origination and in his plan not only the city of Van Wert has the benefit of a fine free library but also the entire county of Van Wert can secure books from appointed stations, and the plan is proving that the rural folk have as great taste and pleasure in the privileges afiforded as the town people. The fine stone building is a very gem of architecture and makes a beautiful adornment to the town that can be seen to good advantage by passengers riding through on the Pennsylvania Railway. Mr. Brumback was a man of fine appearance and of a very kind and happy disposition. A good husband, a noble father and a worthy citizen. His good judgment was a marked char- acteristic with him. There were born to ^Nlr. and Mrs. Brumback the following family who are now living : (i.) Orville Sanford, now a lawyer in Toledo, Ohio, and a leading business man in the city. He graduated at MINOR LA DOYT PURMORT, SON OF MINOR PURMORT. FIDELIA WATSON PURMORT. And in England 119 Princeton College and Ann Arbor Law School. He is married and has two daughters. (2.) David LaDoyt, now a resident of Van Wert, Ohio, and president of the Van Wert National Bank. A success- ful banker and prominent in city affairs. He is married and has three sons. (3.) Estella, now Mrs. John Reed, Jr., of Van Wert, Ohio. They have two boys and one daughter. (4.) Sadie M., now Mrs. Ernest M. Antrim of Van Wert, Ohio. They have no family. 104. Alinor LaDoyt Purmort born at Jay, N. Y., April 16, 1834, died at Van Wert, Ohio, October 18, 1888. As a young man he prepared himself for mercantile life which he followed till late in life, when he devoted himself to general insurance business. He taug'ht school some as a young man, but preferred a business occupation. He was a man of medium height, quick and strong physically and always enjoyed manly sports. He possessed fine mental ability, active in temperament, somewhat nerv- ous, full of good cheer. He became an invalid and suf- fered severely for eight long years with locomotor ataxia of which he died October 18, 1888, at Van Wert, Ohio. In the judgment of a brother who knew him well he should have been a man of some literary profession. At one time in early manhood he felt called to the Gospel Ministry. He was a Christian man and member of the 'SI. E. Church and would have made an eloquent and successful minister, but reverses in his father's financial affairs compelled him to active business pursuits and his life was devoted to the same. On April 16, i86r, at Casey, Illinois, he married Fidelia S. Watson, a school I20 The Purmorts in America teacher. She was born in Sunbury, Ohio, January 27, 1841, and still lives at Van Wert. Their children: 171. Frank Walworth born at Casey, Illinois, March 5, 1862. 172. Sanford Watson born at Van Wert, October 13, 1863. 173. Clyde Allen LaDoyt born at Van Wert, November 2, 1865. 174. Rosamond Wayland born at Van Wert, August 20, 1868, unmarried, a typewriter and clerk in her brother's in- surance office. Member of the Presbyterian Church. 175. Charles Meredith born at Van Wert, March i, 1871. Pie lives with his mother at Van Wert, an insurance man and a success in his line. Member of the Prseby- terian Church. 176. Ellen Glenndoline, born at Van Wert, June 4. 1873, unmarried. A register letter clerk in the Van Wert Postoffice. She graduated at the Van W^ert High School. 109. Roxana Love Purmort born at Kempville, Canada, April 7, 1843. Some three years after her father's death in 1854, she returned to Canada to live with her mother's sister, Aunt Sarah Cottrell, where she remained from 1857 to 1861. Returning to Casey, Illinois, she attend- ed Seminary at Marshall, Illinois, for a year, then moved with her relatives to Van Wert, Ohio, where she taught for several years in the Van Wert school. She married, November 29, 1864, Rev. J. W. Allen, the Presbyterian Minister at Van Wert and became an excellent pastor's wife. Rev. J. W. Allen, D. D., served very successfully several pastorates in Ohio, Illinois and Kansas City. Dr. Allen was born February i, 1837, of Scotch parents in Belmont county, Ohio. He was brought up on a farm near Wheeling, Virginia, and was early in life a member ROXIE L. PURMORT ALLEN. REV. J. W. ALLEN, D. D. .'i«.. GEO. L. KROH. SARAH A. PURMORT KROH. And in England 121 of the United Presbyterian Church. He graduated at Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, and at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, and was ordained as a minister of the Gospel of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A, He was chosen Synodical Su- perintendent of the Home Missions for Synod of Mis- souri, in which position he served the church faithfully for several years, making his home in St. Louis. He owned and published for several years a Presbyterian weekly paper called "The Mid-Continent." After this he was placed at the head of the Book Room of the Board of Publication in St. Louis. His death occurred March 12, 1899, at St. Louis, Missouri, caused by a •cancer of the stomach, greatly mourned by the church and his many friends. His widow has since made her home at St. Louis and Kansas City, still very active in church work. She w^as a charter member of the Pres- byterian Woman's Board of the Southwest and has been an officer in the board up to the present time and a life member of the same. She also belongs to the Daughters o^ the Revolution. They had no children of their own, b»it adopted a daughter, Florence by name, who has irirried Mr. Cliff E. Kroh, of Kansas City, Kan. i.io. S^^rah Ann Purmort born at Kempville, Canada. Febru- arv 25, 1845. After the death of her parents she made he- home with her eldest sister, Mrs. Brumback of Van W'^rt, Ohio. She taught school several terms in Van W(tTt county and town. On September 4, 1866, she was married to George L. Kroh, of Lima, Ohio, where she lived for several years. About 1870 they moved to Kan- sas Cit\", Missouri, but soon moved over to Knnsas Cit\-, T22 The Purmorts in America Kansas, where Mr. Kroh engag-ed in the nursery busi- ness. He succeeded well and built a beautiful home for himself and family. He died with kidney trouble, Janu- ary 4, 1893, leaving a large family to mourn his loss. There were six children born to Mr. and Mrs. Kroh : 1. Rosco Earl, now of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in music store. 2. ClifiFord Eugene, now a real estate dealer in Kansas City, Kansas. 3. Petlena S., the wife of F. E. Reed, a lawyer in Kansas City, Missouri. 4. Omond Purmort, unmarried and lives with his mother .*n Kansas City, Kansas. 5. Georgia Louisa, wife of Dr. H. M. Cornell of Edith, N?.nv Mexico. 6. HerbtTt Allen, unmarried, of Oklahoma City, music salesman. III. Charles Hiram Purmort born at Kempville. Canada, March 22, 18^17. Came to Berlin, Delaware county, Ohio, when but three months old. After the death of his father, and when seven years old, lie found a home with his oldest sister, Mrs. Brumback, for five years. He attended school some in Van Wert but began work in a store when 15 years of age. On February, i865r he enlisted as a drummer in the 191st Ohio Infantry for one year or during the war. His regiment was sent to the Shenandoah Valley and was under the command of General Hancock. He served till September when the war being ended the regiment was discharged. He attended college at Otterbein Universit}-. Westervillc, Ohio, for two years. In September, 1871, he entered ROSAMOND WAYLAND PURMORT. ELLEN G. PURMORT. CHARLES M. PURMORT, SON OF MINOR LA DOYT PUR.MORT. REV. C. H. PURMORT, D. D. MARY E. ELLIOTT PURMORT. And in England 123 college at Wooster University, Wooster, Ohio, and grad- uated in 1875. He took his theological course of three years at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, graduating 1878. He was licensed to preach the Gospel by the New York Presbytery May 4, 1878. He preached for ten months on his first charge at Pataskala. Ohio. He was ordained and installed as pastor May 4, 1879 over tlie Presbyterian Church at Geneseo, Illinois. In the spring of 1882 he moved to Mitchell, South Dakota, where he spent three years as a Home Missionary in the New Territory. Also two years more at Canton, South Dakota. In March, 1887, he accepted a call from the First Presbyterian Church at Waterloo, Iowa, where he served till June, 1899. He was then chosen as the Synodical Superintendent of Home Missions for the State of Iowa, which position he has filled, up to the present time, January, 1907. Leaving Waterloo, 1900, he lived for five years at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for the benefit of Coe College for his children. In May, 1905, he moved to Des Moines, Iowa, where he still lives. In September, 1899, he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from his Alma Mater, Wooster University. On May 4, 1880, he was married at Rye, New York, to Mary Etta Elliott of Pataskala, Ohio. She was born at Etna, Ohio, August 18, 1858. Her father was Charles H. Elliott, born at Boscowen, New Hampshire, and her mother was Jane Baird Eliott. The Elliott pedigree : I. Edmond Elliott, a native of England, came to Salisbury, Essex county, Mass., in or before 1654. Married Sarah, daughter of Jaret Pladden of Salis- bury, a farmer there 1658. His son : 124 The Purmorts in America 2. John Elliott born in Salisbury April 25, 1660, died Feb. 27, 1732-3. Married Naomi . His son: 3. Edward Elliott born in Amesbury, Essex coun- ty, Mass., July 30, 1686, married by Rev. Thos. Wells, of Amesbury, Deborah Huntington, Janu- ary 8, 1712. His son: 4. Edmond Elliott born in Amesbury November 28, 1 7 16. Removed to Chester, N. H.. about 1746. Died there about 1789. Married Mehitabel, daugh- ter of Ezekiel Worthen of Kensington, N. H., who died at Chester April 14, 1806. His son: 5. Jonathan Elliott born at Chester, N. H., Decem- ber 8, 1748. Removed to Pembroke, N. H.. where he died in 1819. Married Mary Conner, who died April 1822. His son : 6. Samuel Elliott born at Pembroke, N. H., March 14, 1777. Removed to Louden 1804. Married Judith, daughter of Maj. Moses and Rebecca Ab- bott Chamberlain, June 15, 1806. Removed to Bos- cawen August 26, 1818. Judith, his wife, was born at Louden, Tuesday, April 20, 1785. His son : 7. Charles Henry Elliott born May 17, 1826. He moved to Columbus, Ohio, 1843. Married Septem- ber 13, 1852, Jane Baird, of Pataskala, Ohio. Their daughter, Mary Etta, who married C. H. Purmort. The family of C. H. Purmort and wife : 177. Perlena Virgilia born in Geneseo, Illinois, June 6, 1881, having attended the Waterloo High School until fifteen years old she went to Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, for three years. She then attended Coe College at Cedar CRETE CLAIRE C. H. PURMORT'S FAMILY. DOYT VIRGILTA ELLIOTT And in England 125 Rapids, Iowa, three years. Then took a two years' course in Domestic Science at the Iowa State College at Ames, graduating in June, 1904. She taught domestic science for one year in the Michigan State College at Lansing. She then took a post course in her line of one year at Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, getting her degree June, 1906. She is now teaching in the Industrial Department of the public schools at Tacoma, Washington 1/8. Julia Crete, born at Pataskala. Ohio, September 9, 1883. She graduated in the High Schools of Waterloo, Iowa, June, 1900. She took a Classical Course in Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, making Latin her major, graduating June, 1905. She accepted a position in the High School at Centerville, Iowa, as Latin Teacher and is now in • her second year there. 179. Margery Jane born at Canton, South Dakota, August 23, 1886, died at Waterloo, Iowa, ^lay 4, 1888. 180. Minor LaDovt born at Waterloo. Iowa, January 13, 1889. c^ 'p-^ ^^-- 181. Etta Claire born at Waterloo, Iowa, February i, 1892. / 182. Charles Elliott born at Waterloo, Iowa, November 24, 1894. 114. Conant Sawyer Purmort born at Jay, Xew York. April 7, 1835, f^i*^*^^ =^t Boulder, Colorado, September 25, 1897. His parents died when he was quite young. He made his home with his Uncle Minor Purmort for several years. About the year i860 he started from Casey. Illi- nois, for the West and his relatives not hearing" from him for many years supposed he was dead. During all this time he was at work in the silver mines in Colorado. He married Martha Elizabeth Davidson of Carlisle. Illi- nois. She was born September 9. 1838. Conant wns a T26 The Purmorts in America steady young man of good habits and was a hard work- ing man. Their family : 183. Flora Bell born in Illinois. November 12, i860, unmar- ried and now lives in Boulder, a dress maker, at which she is very proficient and by means of her needle she most generously aids in the support of others depending upon her. 184. Joseph IMousean born in Central City. Colo.. October 3, 1863. 185. James Wayland born in Central City. Colo.. October 2. 1865. 186. Charles LaDoyt born in Central City. Colo.. June ii, 1871. 115. Disa Purmort only child of Joseph Purmort No. 52. She was born February 22. 1834. She married Charles Horton of Enfield, and still lives there. They have five children whose names have not come to the writer. 116. Lewis Berry Purmort. son of Nathaniel Purmort No. 55, born at Enfield. New Hampshire. November 2. 1835. He received an academy and college education. He made teaching his profession for many years and taught in an early day in Wisconsin. Later in life he became a Baptist Minister and supplied churches in and near Boston where he died October 28. 1905. On December 31. 1858, he married Frances Willard. She was born at \'^ictoria, New York. November 5. 1838. She was a daughter of Rev. William and Hulda A. Benedict Will- ard. She received an academic education and in early life was a school teacher. She was brought up in the M. E. Church. She has aided greatly the Author of this trenealoe-v and mention is now mode of it with due REV. L. n. PURMORT. ■ " '■" ^B«^.,C^S!'^». ■ 1 f ^ * "• i ,^- " (I 1 Ik f FRANCES WIIJ.ARH FIRMORT. And in England 127 acknowledgment and appreciation. One who made her home for several years with Mrs. Purmort, writes re- garding her: "One of the finest Christian characters, loved by all who knew her. She was greatly interested in the family tree and often talked with me about it. We together visited the tablet of Philemon Purmort in King's Chapel Cemetery." Obituary "Rev. L. B. Purmort passed away at his home at 554 Massachusetts avenue, Boston, October 28th, after a long illness of twenty-one weeks. A teacher for many years and preacher for ten years, his life has been one of usefulness and benificence. He will be missed by a large circle of friends. Mrs. Purmort survives him, also his son, Lewis A. Purmort, and one daughter, wife of F. W. Philbrick. Mr. Purmort was taken to Enfield for burial. The town where he was born sixty-eight years ago." Another newspaper mention was made of his death as follows : Rev. L. B. Purmort "Mr. Purmort passed away October 28th, at his home. 554 Massachusetts avenue, Boston. He was a very successful teacher for thirty-five years in western cities, also in New Hampshire and Vermont, where he drew about him many friends among the citizens, as well as among his pupils. Indeed his ministry began then to the tried and saddened. A lady says : T can never 128 The Purmorts in America forget his devotion to us, when our Httle son was drowned, so helpful, so comforting" and so kind." For the last ten years Mr. Purmort has been in the gospel ministry ; his whole heart has been in his work. When he was stricken with paralysis last June while in his parish at Dunbarton, N. H., he said many times, 'Can this be the end? Must I give up my work?' In all his moments of consciousness, his trustful words of pra\er revealed to his faithful wife, who was ever at his side, the fact of his realization that the end was near. 'Yes, Jesus, I am ready,' he uttered with many a short sentence prayer for himself and for others. Many are the tes- timonies, from near and from far, of his words of cheer to the sorrowing ones and efforts to lead theiu closer to God. "The funeral was on Monday, conducted by Rev. Dr. Blake. Burial was at Enfield, N. H., where he was born sixty-eight years ago. Mr. Purmort leaves his wife, one son, Lewis A. Purmort, and one daughter, Mrs. F. W. Philbrick." Their children : 187. Lewis Adnah born at ]\Iaryville, A\'isconsin, January 4, 1861. 188. Zulu May, born at Omro, Wisconsin, December 14, 1863. 118. Abigal S. Purmort born June 3. 1837. married W. Harris of ^^'insted. Connecticut. No offspring. A widow for many years. 119. Almira H. Purmort born November 10, 1841, died Feb- ruary 3, 187T. She married May i. 1866, Edwin E. Foster of Enfield. They lost their only child in infancy. 120. Mark H. Purmort born August 30, 1851, died April FRED M. PURMORT. And in England 129 18, 1878. He married, 1875. Cora Norris. Their Children : 189. A son whose name is Guy. No further record of him. 122. Mary Adelaide Purmort, daughter of Mark Purmort No. 57, was born December 8, 1847, clied at Enfield Center, June 6, 1901. She received a good common school education. Married November 24, 1871, Frank F. Waite of Boston, Mass. She has no family. 123. Charles Warren Purmort, son of Mark Purmort No. $y, was born at Enfield, October 22, 1849. Educated in the common schools. He is a clerk and accountant. Married January 2. 1871, at New London, N. H., Susan Emeline Gage of Sutton, N. H. She was born at En- field December 13. 1847. Member of the Universalist Church. They now live in New Haven, Connecticut. He Ts clerk and accountant in the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railway Depot, and now resides at 156 Whalley avenue. Their children : 190. Frank Warren born at Enfield, N. H., April 17, 1872, died at Huntsville, Alabama, October 17, 1898. 191. Herbert Charles born September 2. 1874, at Sutton, N. H. 192. George Converse born January 10, 1876. died May, t88o. 193. Mabel Maltiah born October 31, 1878. Married Janu- ary 27, 1898, Frank Atwood. Their children : Gage born July 30, 1902, died August 11, 1902; Warren Sherman born June 14, 1906. T24. Henrietta Frances Purmort born March 28, 1852, at Enfield Center, N. H. She received a common school education. On October i, 1885, she married Horace R. Batchelder of Franklin. N. H., an electrician. Their 130 The Purmorts in America children: Maud born at East Andover, July 2"], 1886; Horace born February 28, 1894. This family now live at East Sommerville, Massachusetts. 125. Ida Martha Purmort born October 18, 1855 at Enfield Center, N. H., a graduate of State Normal, a cashier and bookkeeper in the dry goods store of David E. Murph}-, Concord, N. H. Member of Baptist Church and now lives in Concord, N. H. 127. Fred M. Purmort, son of Mark Purmort No. 57, was born July 14, 1859, at Enfield Center, N. H , where he received his education in the common school. He now lives in Boston and the following is copied fiom a Bos- ton paper: "For the past seven years Mr. Fred ]\I. Purmort has been the head clerk at the Parker House in this city. While he has been a faithful employe of the house, he has made hosts of friends among the public. Mr. Whipple, recognizing this fact, has promoted him, and Wednesday he was given super- vision of the front of the house. Mr. Purmort, when he first came to this city, accepted a position at the Ouincy House. From there he went to tlie Parker House as night clerk for the late Mr. Har- vey D. Parker. When the Adams House was opened, he went there, remaining there until Mr. Whipple took the Parker House in 1890. He has been in Mr. Whillpe's employ for fifteen years. Mr. Purmort is a member of the Boston Athletic Club and of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany. He was a member of the contingent of that organization that visited London in 1896." MINOR T. PURMORT. MRS. MINOR T. PURMORT. H t—t fa H o « a. o fa o H o H n <; M o H And in England 131 He is still unmarried. 129. Polly M. Purmort, daughter of John Purmort No. 58, was born December 15, 1828, died November 3, i860. She married Simon Horton of Enfield N. H. They have three children whose names have not been learned. 130. Sarah F. Purmort born June 12, 1831. Married Nathan Goodrich and moved to Wisconsin. They had five chil- dren whose names are not known. 132. Martin Van Buren Purmort born November 2, 1842. Married first wife November, 1862, Mary A. Sarg-ent. Married second wife, Mary F. Bean of Plainfield, N. H. They now live in Lebanon. No family reported. 133. Nathaniel Purmort, son of Hiram Purmort No. 59, was born March 9, 1834, died March 28, 1864. No wife and family reported. 134. Minor T. Purmort, son of Hiram Purmort No. 59, was born June 27, 1836, died May 26, 1901. He operated a large farm at Lebanon, New Hampshire, and was a very prominent citizen and highly respected. A man of large means and of good influence. Very successful in business, genial and kind hearted in home and community. On December 24, 1873, he married Hannah C. Day of Enfield. She was born November 16, 1829, died May 16, 1904. They had no family. "Hannah C. Purmort, whose death occurred May 16, was born in Enfield November 16, 1829. She was a resident of Enfield most of her life, being the daughter of David Day and Harriet Flanders Day. She married Minor T. Purmort, whose death occurred a few years since. One brother survives her, Orson Day. Funeral services were held at her home at Riverdale, Wednesday, May 18, ihc 132 The Purmorts in America Rev. Joseph Simpson officiating. Interment in Oakdale Cemetery, Enfield." 136. Ellen M. Purmort, daughter of Joseph Hazen Purmort No. 62, was born June 28, 1845. She was married De- cember 14, 1865 to Henry B. Hough and they now live at Lebanon. A farmer. Their family is given as follows : 1. Mary Elizabeth born July 23, 1868. 2. Arthur B. born November i, 1871. 3. Jean W. born July 26, 1875. 4. Hazen P. born May 8, 1878. 5. Christine born May 13, 1886. 137. Osgood L. Purmort, son of Joseph Hazen Purmort No. 62, was born Nov. 23, 1850. He was educated at Kimball Union Academy at Meridan, New Hampshire, also Calby Academy, New London, New Hampshire. He settled down on the old home farm at Lebanon early in life where he has lived a quiet happy life as a successful farmer up to the present time, 1907. On January i, 1879, l""^ ^'^s married to Jennie E. Gile of Lebanon. Their children : 194. Hazel Marion born April 16, 1883, at Lebanon. N. H. She graduated at Boston University June 6, 1906. 139. Racine Purmort, son of Hymen F. Pumiort No. 63, was born x\ugust 30, 183 1, at DePeyster, N. Y. Pie died January 10, 1884, at Saginaw, Alichigan, where he had lived many years. On november 14, 1861, he married Mary Ripley, who was born March 5, 1841. Their children : 195. Frances Lillian born August 20, 1863. 196. Herman B. born October 22, 1864. 197. Belle born November 5, 1866. o h H g Pi E-- O s Pi & H 1—4 < And in England 133 198. Mae born January 28, 1871. 199. William R. born September 18, 1876. 200. Ethel born August 18, 1879. 201. Arthur born March 8, 1881. 202. Genevieve born July 28, 1883. This family now live at Saginaw, Michigan. 140. Sarah lone Purmort born . On January 24, 1854, she married William A. Williams. Their children : 1. Laura Hastings. 2. lomra. 3. Cora Irene. 4. Helen. 5. Francis. 141. Joseph C. Purmort. son of Christopher L. D. Purmort No. 80. was born in Georgia Vermont, i860. In 1887 he married Mary Sullivan. He is a mechanic and now lives in Chicago, Illinois. They have no family. T42. Lottie M. Purmort, daughter of Joseph Y. Purmort No. 81. She was born February 26, 1855. December 11, 1878, she married C. H. Wood of Milton, Vermont, Their children : 1. Clara I. born December 3, 1879. 2. Ruth L. bom February 11, i88t. 3. Frances E. born September 26, 1882. 4. J. Purmort born June 22. 1884. 5. Florence L. born June 21. 1886. died June 16, 1887. 6. Henry L. born June 29, 1889. 7. Maurice H. born February 20, 1894. 8. Leland C. born February 21, 1896. 146. John E. Purmort, son of Abner D. (2) Purmort No. 83, 134 ■ The Purmorts in America was born November i8, 1856, Hennepin county INIinne- sota. Married Nov. 6, 1885, Louisa Giddings. She was born September 25, 1863. He is now a farmer living near Anoka, Minn. Address, Cedar Minn. Their family : 203. Ellen born June 16, 1888. 204. A Ruth born January 22, 1890. 205. Hattie L. born May 8, 1892, died . 206. Reith born February 18, 1895. 207. Louisa born November, i, 1897. 208. Lucy May born June 19, 1899. 209. John Reed born August 15, 1901. 210. Doritha born July 18, 1904. 147. Abner A. Purmort born June i, 1868, at Anoka, Henne- pin County, Minnesota. He is a farmer at Anoka, Minnesota. Married November 25, 1901, Jessie Holden, born at A'lanchester, England, November 6, 1875. She came to America 1896. 148. Mark E. Purmort born January 12, 1874, at Anoka, ^Minnesota. He was in the 14th Minnesota Co, B., sta- tioned at Chicamaugua, Georgia. Brought home sick with the amiy fever. Now a lumber scaler for tiie state at Anoka. On July 22, 1903, he married Helen Marion Gillis. She was born at Bucyrus, Ohio. They have no children. They now live at St. Paul, Minn. 149. Govenor W. Purmort born at Anoka, Minnesota, March 28, 1877. A painter, unmarried. Now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. 150. Ada L. Purmort, first daughter of Abner D. (2) Pur- mort No. 83, was born at Anoka, Minnesota. She was married March 27, 1878, to Frank Hart and now lives ^pp"''"*".^ A :^HK^ ^.^if^^^^^^^^^^^ *.enns Tur- ner, t8oo, and the}- now, 1907, live at Salida, Colo. Their children : 215. Max Wales born March 9, 1900, at Lewiston, Montana. 158. William N. Purmort, son of William Wallace Purmort No. 91, was born in Memphis, Missouri, January 2, 1859. He graduated at Lagrange College, Missouri, 1882. He is a grain buyer at Enid, Oklahoma, and now lives at Enid. Oklahoma. On November 25, 1887, he married Anna Wagner. She died November 23. 1889. Their family : 2t6. Wallace Eevi born September 20, 1889, died July 31, 1890. 159. \A'allacc O. Purmort born at Memphis, Missouri, Feb- ruary 9, 1861. Attended college at Lebanon, Ohio, and Lagrange. Missouri. May 5, 1886, he married Adda P. Sigler of Memphis, Missouri. She was born 1866. MRS. GEO. H. PURMORT AND SON. MAX. MAT H. PURMORT JAMES C. PURMORT MARY H. PURMORT BELLE GENEVIEVE RACIXE PURMORTS DAUGHTERS. FRANCES MAE ETHEL And in England 139 He is a merchant and member of the Baptist Church, In January, 1898, moved with family to Enid, Oklahoma. Their children : 217. ]\Iary Alene born August 11, 1891. 218. Helen born June 11, 1896. 163. James Clark Purmort born Memphis, Missouri, Septem- ber 30, 1873. Unmarried. A teacher. He graduated at Memphis High School, spent one year at William Jew- ell College, a member of the Baptist Church. 164. Nathaniel H. Purmort born at Memphis, Missouri, Oc- tober 9. 1875, unmarried. Educated at Memphis High School and Normal. A United States railway mail clerk, and now lives in St. Louis, Missouri. 165. Gearge H. Purmort, son of Lucius A Purmort No. 98, was born March 15, 1875. He elected to remain at home with his parents and is a devoted son. A very successful business man and an honored citizen of the town of Newport, N. H. He is unmarried. 166. Jennie G. Purmort born April 6, 1876. She graduated at the Newport, N. H., High School, then taught for a time, but abandoned this field to study medicine. She graduated from Boston University Medical School in 190 1, spent the following eighteen months in Memorial Hospital for Women and Children, Brooklyn, N. Y. She then accepted a position on the staff of the State Hospital, Fergus Falls, Minn. She resigned this posi- tion November i, 1906, to take up general practice at 130 Halsey street, Brooklyn, N. Y., where she still lives. She is unmarried. She is the only physician in the Purmort family discovered up to date. Dr. Hanson well said : "The cominsf man is a woman." 140 The Purmorts in America 167. Gviy W. Purmort born December 13, 1883. He gradu- ated from the Public High School 1902. Shortly after this he entered the employ of the State Bank, 376-8 Grand St., New York City, and is a trusted and pro- gressive employe of this institution. Unmarried. 168. Harry R. Purmort born June 8, 1885. At home with his parents. A boy of promise and rare sweetness of disposition. To him has been given a life of suffering, and ambition hampered by physical infirmity. Though for six years unable to step without crutches and often a great sufferer, his ready wit, unvarying cheerfulness and consideration for others, have made him the sun- shine of the home. 169. Christine E. Purmort born September 29, 1889. She is still at home, a third year student in the Richards High School. A bright, energetic girl, prominently identified with the work and organizations of the student body. 171. Frank Walworth Purmort, son of Minor LaDoyt Pur- mort No. 104, was born at Casey, Illinois, March 5, 1862. In the summer of 1862 came with his parent to Van Wert, Ohio, where he has made his home up to date, 1907. He was educated in Van Wert schools. The care of his invalid father for eight years kept Frank from college. He took up insurance as a business and profession and is now prominent as an insurance man in Ohio and adjoining states, being secretary and manager of the Central Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Com- pany located at Van Wert, Ohio. On June 6, 1894, at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, he married Helen Pauline Oilman. She was born January 25, 1870, at Eau Claire, Wiscon- FRANK W. PURMORT. FRANCIS LA DOYT GEORGE CLYDE A. L. PURMORT AND CHILDREX. 1 1 p THE VAN WERT, OHIO, PURMORT BOYS, WHEN THEY WERE IN THE MARKET. And in England 141 sin. Both Frank W. and his wife are active members of the M. E. Church. Their Children : M- cU^eLVS^C^P^-^ ■ 119. La Doyt Oilman born at Van Wert, Ohio, September 2, 1895. 220. Francis Walworth born February 20, 1899. 221. George Lawrence born March 6, 1902. 172. Sanford Watson Purmort born at Van Wert, Ohio, October 13, 1863. An insurance man. Married at Van Wert, Ohio, Florence Hott, and now lives at Van Wert. Their children : 222. Sanford Walworth born September 28, 1905, died at Van Wert, Ohio, Thursday, February 7, 1907. 173. Clyde Allen LaDoyt Purmort born at Van Wert, Oliio, November 2, 1865, graduated at Van Wert High School. Postmaster at Van Wert, 1898 to 1906. Now engaged in insurance business. October 19, 1892, married Bertha Marie Gleason of Van Wert. She was born March 15, 1871. Members of Presbyterian Church. Their children : 223. Louise Elvira born August 27, 1893, died March 25. 1899. 224. Fidelia Marie born August 5, 1895. 225. Grace Wayland born November 10, 1899. 226. Paul Walworth born December 26, 1902. 175. Charles Meredith Purmort born in Van Wert, Ohio, March i, 1873, graduated at Van W^ert High School. Member of Presbyterian Church. An active and suc- cessful general insurance man. Unmarried. 184. Joseph Mouseam Purmort, son of Conant Sawyer Pur- mort, born in Central City, Colorado, October 3, 1863. Has worked in silver mines. August, 1892, married Bessie Turner of Boulder, Colo. No familv. ^4- The Purmorts in America 185. James Wayland Purmort born in Central City, Colo., October 2, 1865. He was killed by a mine explosion near Boulder April 3, 1896. He was married in Novem- ber, 1888, to Alice Forman. Their children : 227. Tola Wayland born September 16, 1888, died at Allena, Colorado. 228. Pearl Mildred born July 23, 1891, at Boulder, Colorado. 229. Lourome E. born at Ward, Colorado, March 21, 1894, died at Alma, August 20, 1896. 230. Conant Sawyer born February 9. 1896. at Ward Colo. 186. Charles La Doyt Purmort born in Central City, Colo., June II, 1871. Married at Boulder, Colo., December 5, 1892, Olive Beryl Carr. On April 3, 1896, he and his brother, James W., were blown up by a mine explosion. His brother was instantly killed and Charles LaDoyt was so severely injured in his eyes that he was left totally blind for life. He lives in Boulder, Colorado. Speaking of him as a Christian one has said : "It is this faith that makes him so patient and cheerful under his great affliction ; yet with it all he has much to be thankful for ; a loving faithful wife whose every thought is for him, and their children ; and his three little ones almost adore him. He also has the happy faculty of doing a great many things to help himself and others, even though he is blind." Their children : 231. Everett LaDoyt born at Boulder, October 15, 1894. 232. Eunice Beryl born March 25, 1897. 233. Anna Bell born November 16, 1899. 187. Lewis Adnah Purmort, son of Lewis Berry Purmort No. 116, was born at Mayville, Wisconsin, January 4, 1861. A commercial salesman. Married February 3, 1887. CHARLES LA DOYT PURMORT, SON OF CONANT S. PURMORT. L. A. PURMORT, SON OF LEWIS B. PURMORT. And in England 143 Ellen E. Spalding of Onechee, Vermont. She was born at Plainfield, N. H. A member of the M. E. Church. No family reported. "The twentieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Purmort was largely attended at their fashionable home on Massachusetts avenue in Bos- ton. Mrs. Purmort was formerly Miss Ellen Elizabeth Spalding of Quechee. Scores of presents were received, and over one hundred Bay Staters called and extended congratulations. Mr. Purmort is a well known travel- ing man among the Vermont and New Hampshire flour handlers." 18S. Zulu Mae Purmort born at Omro, Wisconsin, December 14, 1863. She married Frank W. Philbrick of Hanover, Vermont. They now live in Boston. Their children: Bernice Lock wood born October 15, 1890. 189. Gu}-, a son of Mark H. Purmort No. 120. His family not reported to the writer. 190. Frank Warren Purmort, son of Charles Warren Pur- mort No. 123. He enlisted in the nth U. S. Inft. in 1893. Was transferred at his request to Troop G. 7th Calv. in 1895. Stationed at Fort Apache, Arizona. Re- enlisted at Omaha, Neb., in October, 1898. Appointed corporal of Troop G. October 16, 1898. He was mur- dered October 17, 1898, presumably by members of his troop at Huntsville, Alabama, while enroute to Cuba. 191. Herbert Charles Purmort born September 2, 1874. He married June 17, 1899, Miss Emma H. Ryan. Their children. 234. Howard Francis born June i, 1900. 235. Lilian Gage born November 5, 1902. 236. Charles Edward born December 23, 1905. 144 The Purmorts in America 195. Francis Lillian Purmort, daughter of Racine Purmort, No. 139. She was born August 20, 1863. No farther record given. 196. Herman B. Purmort, son of Racine Purmort No. 139. He was born October 22. 1864. A letter carrier at Sag- inaw, Michigan. Married 1894 Lizzie George. Their children : 2t;j. Louisa born at Saginaw, Michigan, April, 1895. 197. Belle Purmort born November 5, 1866, on July 3, 1890, married George Hemple. He is a professor at Ann Arbor, ^Michigan. The irchildren : Hilda born August 5, 1891. Elsa born October, 1892. 197. Mae Purmort born January 28, 1871. On October 14, 1896, married Will McBratin. No family reported. 199. William R. Purmort born September 18, 1876. No other record secured. 200. Ethel Purmort born August 18. 1879. -^'0 other record. 201. Arthur Purmort born March 8, 1881. No other record. 202. Gcneveve Purmort born July 28, 1883. No other record. In 1898 all this family lived at Saginaw, Michigan, but no word has come from them at this date, January, 1907. Tenth Generation of Purmorts in America 210. ^label Gertrude Purmort, daughter of George Henry Purmort No. 156, who was son of Ely Stone Purmort No. 87, who was son of John (4) Purmort No. 31, who was son of John (3) Purmort No. 21, who was son of John (2) Purmort No. 12. who was son of John (i) m H^^^ ^i ^^^Hjl^j-^ S^ ^ I 1 ^^^^ ''^nHIB: ' 1 REV. J. M. BROWN. MABLE G. PUMORT BROWX AND SON, HERBERT MADISON BROWN. And in England 145 Purmort No. 11, who was son of Joseph Purmort No. 10, who was son of Lazarus Purmort No. 3, who was son of Philemon, who came from Alford, England to Boston, 1634. This Mabel Gertrude Purmort was born April 17, 1873. She was married November 30, 1892, to Rev. J. M. Brown. He was born in Mishawaka, Ind., March 14, 1873, a Congregational minister, who was pastor for a time of the Congregational Church at New Richmond. Wisconsin, and later of Butte, Neb., where he died of heart failure September 18, 1905, age 32 years. Their children : Herbert Madison born December 10, 1893. A son in the Tenth Generation. This is the only one of the Purmort stock of whom the writer has knowledge that belongs to the Tenth Generation. Al- though this child is not a Purmort by name, yet he is of the blood and gives us the right to say, "Ten Generations of Punnorts in America." As this boy has had for these past generations good New York, Vermont and New Hampshire Baptist forebearers, and as he was born a child of a New England Congregationalist Divine, the Author now ventures to hope, he may some day develop from this rich religious inheritance, into a good Western Presbvierian preacher. It is regretted exceedingly that so many of the now living members of the family are so indifferent or careless to the matter of a complete record that they do not respond to kind invitations to furnish information regarding themselves and their families. The Author is not responsible for this incomplete record in con- nection with living families as he has requested returns over and 146 The Purmorts in America over again, but in vain. As these records have been unearthed from old family Bibles and from the dim memories of the old grandparents, and as they have been chronicled in the brief space of a line or a page, the writer has thought regarding their past and spent lives, many of whom were quite long and very active and prominent in their day, that human life is surely a "breath," a "span," and "we spend our years as a tale that is told." The favorite poem of Abraham Lincoln comes unbidden to memory, "O, Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud" : By William Knox Oh! why should the spirit of mortal be protid? Like a swift-fleeting metior, a fast flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, Man passeth from life to his rest in the grave. The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade, Be scattered around, and together be laid; And the young and the old, and the low and the high Shall moulder to dnst and together shall die. The infant a mother attended and loved; The mother that infant's affection who proved; The husband that mother and infant who blessed — Each, all, are away to their dwellings of rest. The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye. Shone beauty and pleasure — her triumphs are by: And the memory of those who loved her and praised Are alike from the minds of the living erased. And in England 147 The hand of the king that the cepter hath borne; The brow of the priest that the miter hath worn; The eye of the sage, and the heart of the braTe, Are hidden and lost in the depth of the grave. The peasant whose lot was to sow and to reap; The herdsman who climbed with his goats up the steep; The beggar who wandered in search of his bread, Have faded away like the grass that we tread. The saint who enjoyed the communion of heaven; The sinner who dared to remain unforgiven; The wise and the foolish, the guilty and just, Have quietly mingled their bones in the dust. So the multitude goes like the flowers or theweed That wither away to let others succeed; So the multitude comes, even those we hold. To repeat every tale that has often been told. For we are the Bame our fathers have been; We see the same sights our fathers have seen; We drink the same stream, and view the same sun, And run the same course our fathers have run. The thoiights we are thinking our fathers would think; From the death we are shrinking our fathers would shrink; To the life we are clinging they also would cling; But it speeds for us all like a bird on the wing. They loved, but the story we cannot iinfold; They scorned, but the heart of the haughty is cold; They grieved, but no wail from their slumber will come; They joyed, but the tongue of their gladness is dumb. They died, aye! they died; and we things that are now, Who walk on the turf that lies over their brow. Who make in their dwelling a transient abode, Meet the things that they met on their pil.^rim road. 148 The Purmorts in America Yea! hope and despondency, pleasure and pain, We mingle together in sunshine and rain; And the smiles and the tears, the song and the dirge. Still follow each other like surge upon surge. 'Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath, From the blossom of health to the paleness of death. From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud — Oh! why should the spirit of mortal be proud. Conclusion "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter : Fear God, and keep his commandments ; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." Eccl. 12-13-14. INDEX General Subjects. Autograph Philemon Purmort 41 Antimonian Heresy 25 Boston, Old and New 21 Latin School 21-23 Hist. Society 23 First Church Records 20-41 Town Records 18-21 Coat of Arms Explained 8 Combination at Exeter, N. H 36 Conclusion 148 "County Records" by A. D. Weld French 17 Drake's History 28 England Purmort Pedigree 14-16-17 Exeter, N. H., Hist, by Chas. H. Bell 13 Generations of Purmorts in America : First ' 38 Second 41 Third 42 Fourth 47 Fifth 49 Sixth 54 Seventh 67 Eighth 10 T Ninth 135 Tenth 144 Genealogist 13 History, Wells & Kennebunk 28 Iron Works 58 Jay, Bell at. Poem 100 History of 54 INDEX (continued) Littleton Historical Society 24 Latin School Masters 22 Massachusetts Bay Royal Charter 24 Name Purniort — Orthography 9-10 Etymology 10-13 New Eng. Hist, and Geneal. Reg 20 "O Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud." Poem 146 Preface 5 Savage's Gen. Dictionary of New England 18-20 Tablet Memorial Philemon Purmort 23-31 Town Meeting 21-23 Visitation Records 14 Young People's Weekly 21 INDEX (continued) PURMORTS. Anna of Philemon 19 of John ( I ) 47 Bell of Chas. La Doyt 142 Abner D. ( i ) of Joseph 50-64 D. (2) of John 67-98 A. of Abner D. (2) 99-134 Abigal of John ( i ) 47 S. of Nathaniel 91-128 Adaniram J. of John (3) .... 58-80 Aurela of Richard 64 Albina of Richard 64-95 Almira H. of John 66-97 of Nathaniel 64-93 H. of Nathaniel 91-128 Ada L. of Abner D. (2) 99-134 Arthur of Racine 133-144 Algetha of Joshua 62-90 Borshua of Philemon 19 Blake P. of Richard 64 Belle of Racine 132-144 Chales of Joshua 62-90 H. of Minor 90-122 Warren of Mark 93-129 M. of Minor La Doyt 120-141 Elliott of Chas. H , 125 La Doyt of Conant 126-142 E. of Herbert C 143 Cynthia M. of Abner D. ( i ) 65-96 Christopher L. D. of John 66 L. D. (2) of John 67-98 Charlotte B. of John 66 Conant S. of Charles 91-125 S. of James W 142 Clara A. of Mark 93 J. of John Y q8 -7 INDEX (continued) Christine E, of Lucius A 1 15-140 Clyde A. L. of Minor La Doyt 120-141 Dunham of A'lark 63 Disa of Nathaniel 64-93 of Joseph 91-126 Elizabeth of Philemon 19-35 Eunice of Joshua 62 of Charles 90 B. of Charles La Doyt 142 Elias of Philemon 19 Emily of John 66 Ely Stone of John (4) 71-101 Ellen Perlena of Minor 89-117 M. of Joseph H 94-132 G. of Minor La Doyt 120 Esther R. of Minor 90 Eugene H. of Henry C 1 17 Etta Claire of Chas. H 125 Ethel of Racine I33-I44 Everitt L. of Chas. La Doyt 142 Francis Way land of Minor 89 Fred M. of Mark 93-I30 Frank Walworth of Minor La Doyt 120-143 W. of Chas. Warren 128-143 Flora Bell of Conant S 126 Frances L. of Racine 132-144 Francis Walworth of Frank W 141 Fidelia M. of Clyde A. L 141 Geo. Arnold of John (3) 58-76-77 Walworth of Minor 89 Henry of Ely Stone 101-136 C. of Chas. W 129 Ely of Geo. H 138 Lawrence of Frank W 141 H. of Lucius A 1 15-139 Govenor W. of Abner D. (2) 99-134 INDEX (continued) Guy W. of Lucius A 1 15-140 of Mark H 129-143 Genevieve of Racine 133-144 Grace W. of Clyde A. L 141 Hannah 45 of John ( I ) ■ 47 of Joseph 50 of Richard 64-Q5 S. of Abner D. ( i ) 65-95 Harriet H. of John (3) 58-78-79 of John (4) 71-101 Hiram of Nathaniel 64-93 Hymen F. of Richard 64-95 Henry C. of Adoniram J 81-115 Hartwell of Adoniram J 81 Henrietta F. of Mark 93-129 Harwood of Wm. Wallace 1 10 Harry R. of Lucius A 1 15-140 Herbert C. of Chas. Warren 129-143 Hazel Marion of Osgood L 132 Herman B. of Racine 132-144 Helen May of Geo. H 138 of Wallace O 1 39 Howard F. of Herbert C 143 Ida M. of Mark 93- 1 30 Tola Wayland of James W 142 Joseph of New Castle i9-t3 of John ( T ) 47-49 of Mark 63-91 Hazen of Nathaniel 64-94 of Abner D. ( i ) 65-95 C. of Christopher L. D 98-133 M. of Conant S 126-141 John ( I ) of New Castle 47 (2) of John (i) 47 (3) of John (2) 49-55 (4) of John (3) 57-67 INDEX (continued) (5) of John (4) 71-101 of Joseph 50-66 of Nathaniel 64-93 Y. of Christopher L. D 67-08 E. of Abner D. (2) 99-133 R. of Ely Stone loi Judith 46 Joshua of John (2) 49-59-Go James Harvey of John (3) 58-73 C. of Wm. Wallace 1 10-139 W. of Conant S 126-142 Jennette of Nathaniel 73 Jennie G. of Lucius A 1 15-139 Julia Crete of Chas. H 125 Katie of Mark 93 M. of Abner D. (2) 99-135 Lazurus of Philemon 19-42 Lucy of Joshua 62-83 Lewis H. of John 67 of Joshua 62 Berry of Nathaniel 91-126-127 A. of Lewis Berry 128-142 Louisa of Nathaniel 73-110 Lavina of Nathaniel 73-1 1 1 Lucius A. of Geo. Arnold 77-1 14 L. Louande of Minor 90 Lydia S. of John 03 Lottie M. of John Y 98-133 Lucia E. of Abner D. (2) 99-135 La Doyt G. of Frank W 141 Louisa E. of Clyde A. L 141 of Herman B 1 44 Lourome E. of James W 14 Lillian Gage of Herbert C 143 ?\fartha of Philemon 19 o INDEX (continued) Mark of John ( i ) 47 of John (2) 49-62 of Mark 63-92 E. of John 67 H. of Nathaniel 91-128 E. of Abner D. (2) 99-134 Mary of Philemon 19 of John ( I) 47-53 of John (2) 49-S5 of Mark 63 L. of Nathaniel 73-i 13 A. of Mark 92 T. of Joseph H 94 H. of Wm. Wallace no A. of Mark 129 Ann of Geo. H 138 A. of Wallace 139 Miriam of Joseph 50-64 Minor of Joshua 62-83 La Doyt of Minor 89-119 T. of Hiram 93-131 La Doyt of Chas. H 125 Mercy D. of Abner D 65 Malvina of John (4) 71-101 Maria of Nathaniel 73-i 1 1 Merrill C. of Nathaniel 91 Martin Van Buren of John 93-131 Mercia E. of Joseph H 95 Margery Jane of Chas. H 125 Mable M. of Chas. Warren 129 Mae of Racine 133-144 Mable G. of Geo. H 138-144 Max Wales of Geo. H 138 Nathaniel of John (2) 49-63 of John "(3) 57-7 of Mark 63-91 of Hiram 93-131 H. of Wm. Wallace 1 10-139 o INDEX (continued) Nettie of Wm. Wallace no Olive W. of John (4) 71-103-104 Osgood L. of Joseph H 95-132 Philemon of England 13-18-35 Pediah of Philemon 19 Polly of John (3) 57 B. of John 66-Q7 M. of John 93-131 Philura of John (3) 58-/3 Phineas of John (3) 58 Perlena V. of Chas. H 124 Paul Walworth of Clyde A. L 141 Pearl M. of James W 142 Richard of John (i) 47-51 of John (2) 49-61 of Mark 63 Rosamond of John (3) 57-71 of John (4) 71-107 Wayland of Minor La Doyt 120 Roxanna Love of Minor 90-120 Racine of Hymen F 95-132 Susan of Bellingham, Eng ^3-i8-35 Sarah of John (3) 58-76 E. of Abner D 65-96 of Nathaniel 73-110 Ann of Minor 90-121 F. of John 93-131 lone of Hymen F 95-133 Susanah of Joshua 62 of Mark 63 Sophronia E. of John 67-97 Sanford W. of Minor La Dovt 120-141 W. of Sanford W ' 141 Thomas of John (2) 49 \Vm. Wallace of Nathaniel 73-io3 INDEX (continued) Walter of Mark 02 Will F. of Ely Stone loi Wm. N. of Wm. Wallace 109-138 Wallace L. of Wm. N 13S O. of Wm. Wallace 1 10-138 Wm. R. of Racine 133-H4 Wales Ely of Ely Stone 101-135 Zulu May of Lewis P. T28-143 INDEX (continued) Other Names. Adams family 36 Austin, Byron B 97 Allen, Rev. John W 120 Bellinglam Pedigree 39 Byington, Dr. E. H 20 Brooks, Dr. Phillips 23-25 Blake, Cynthia 65 Booth, Emiline 1 77 Buttrick, W. H 78 Sarah W 79. Barker, David 83 Bissell, Mr 90 Big-elow, Rev 95 Blake, Mr 95 Bell, Freeborn E 96 Boynton, N. C 101-103 Byron 107 Blish, Lillian M 116 Brumback, J. S 117 Batchelder, H. R 129 Bean, Mary F 131 Buckley, May 136 Benns, Helen G 136 Brown, Rev. J. M 145 Cotton, Rev. John 21-28 Solomon 46 Colb\-, Hannah -> 0- Sarah 91 Crane, Haiuiah T 91 Colgrove, Hampton 07 Conro, F. H loi Clark, Emeline 109 Cook, J. B 114 Carr, Olive B 142 INDEX (continued) Dalloff, Mercy 49 Dole, Abig^al 63 Phoebe 63 Davis, Jesse B 79 Dee, Clarrissa 98 DeKalb, Ermina 109 Dunham, Ehnira 114 Davidson, Martha E 125 Day, Hannah C 131 Eames, Ellen 99 Eames, Melville Cox 103-106 Evans, Melville Cox 103-106 Elliott, Mary Etta 123 Foster, Amande D 65 Farnham, Elizabeth 93 Foster, E. E 128 Forman, Alice 142 Gore, Geo 95 Gelmore, Lucia 98 Gage, Susan E 1 29 Goodrich, Nathan 131 Gile, Jennie E 132 Gidding-s, Louisa 134 Gillis, Helen M 134 Gillman, Helen P 143 Gleason, Bertha M 141 George, Lizzie 144 Hutchinson, Ann 25-32 Hancock, Mr 64 Harwood, Parmelia y^^ Perez 74 Hastings, Laura 95 Hart, Frank 99-^34 Horton, Chas 126 Simon 131 INDEX (continued) Harris, W 128 Hong-h, Henry B 132 Holden, Jessie 134 Hemphill, Prof. Geo 144 Hott. Florence 141 Jordan, Amanda B Si Knight, A. B iri-112 Kroh, Geo. L 121 Leavitt, Clarissa A 92 Mathews, Rev. John 79 Mitchell, Sarah 91 Myers, O. P no Morris, J. L in McBratin, Will 144 Nettleton, Perlene 84-85-86 Newell, L. B no Norris, Cora 129 Peck, Susan 65 Joel 71 Packard. Martha H 92 Porter, Emily 98 Parson, May Ann loi Philbrick, Frank W 143 Pettengill, Susan 66 Sarah 93 Phillips, Ruth 66 Pennock, Mr 95 Randall, F. E 99-135 Ripley, Mary 132 Ryan, Emme H 143 Sinclair, Hannah 47 Stone, Lois 71 Stow, Rev. Byron 88 Sawyer, Eunice 90 INDEX (continued) Sargent, J. E 93 E. M 94 Mary A 131 Smith, Eliza 96 Willoughby 96 Caroline 9^ Sharrocks, A. J 99 Stiles, Eliza A loi Sullivan, Mary 133 Sigler, Adda P 138 Spalding, Ellen E 143 Truax, Amanda B 65-96-97 True, Marcia E 94 Turner, Fannie B 138 Bessie 14T Wheelwright, Rev. John 20-26-32-33-34 Woodsy, Hannah 49 Walworth, Sarah 57 Eunice 59 Webster, Alonza A ' 97 Watson, Fidelia S 119 Willard, Frances 126 Williams, Wm. A 133 Wood, C H 133 Wagner, Ann 138 Winthrop, Gov. John 21 £>«^ m m m M f} V^/ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS |i I 111 1 11 III III' 1111 III ,111.11 .11 III! I 111 Mil > II 111 il 009 1 59 648 9 vs Jim .,wmwm Wmm WifmMim i