lol h^ Ml ^. All 4 SPEECH OF 'i... /' m. m: w. morgan, AT DELAAVARE, OHIO. > COLUMBUS : PUBLISHED BY THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE 1870. X *h e I^EZPOI^Ii^. ^;3PEE OH OF- GEN, GEO. W. MORGAN, AT DELAWARE. AN EXPOSUEE OF THE EECKLESS AND ILLEGAL EXPENDI TUBE OF MONEY BY THE RADICAL PARTY— SYSTEMATIC VIOLATIONS OF LAW TO FIND PLACES AND PLUNDER FOR RADICAL POLITICIANS— NEW ENGLAND AND THE WEST— HOW THE ONE IS BLED, AND THE OTHER BLEEDS — STARTLING DEFALCATIONS BY RADICAL OFFICE- HOLDERS. My Friends and Countrymen : ' Believing that the corruption which has crept into our public afi'airs can only be corrected by the people, I come before you to-night as one of your fellow-citizens to hold counsel with you as to what is best to be done. It is a fact too seldom considered, that of the one thousand million in- habitants who occupy the globe, only forty millions enjoy the bless ings of civil liberty under written constitntiouvS, and exercise the right of self-government. We are of Eu- ropean origin, but while the theory of our Government is republican, those of the people from whom we sprung are monarchical, and hered- itary. And when our own system of government was established, it was then, and is now, regarded as an experiment — a trial to ascertain whether we have sense and honesty enough to govern ourselves, or whether we require trustees in the forms of kings, and nobles, to take care of us for their own benefit. With our fathers, as with our- selves, everything favored the ex- periment ; but what will be the ulti- mate solution of the problem is still regarded by many as a matter of doubt. For my own part I have never entertained any doubt upon the subject; and had I doubted, con- fidence would have succeeded to doubt on witnessing a million vete- rans in service, though youthful in years, all flushed with the triumps of a gigantic war, transformed in a single day from soldiers to citizens, as they had, in a single day, been converted from peaceful citizens into soldiers, armed and equi})ped for war. But what do we mean when we say that we have capacity for self- 4 govern meu t ? Simply that we have intelligeuce enough to examine po- litical questions, and honesty enough to vote for or against them, because we believe them to be right or wrong, wise or unwise. To be capable of sel f- governmeut, each citizen must make up his own mind ; must think and act for himself, and while with manly independence in carrying out his own convictions, he must be«toleraut as to the convictions of others, for if we have a right to form and exer- cise our own opinions upon political subjects, so have our neighbors. If we have a right to vote for such measures as we choose, so have they. Then if free institutions are to be maintained, it can only be done by each citizen voting for what he be- lieves to be right, and against what he regards as wrong. POLITICAL PARTIES. We are all fellow-citizens, and our first duty is to our country, and he is not a good citizen who does not prefer the good of the whole coun- try to the success of any party. In all free governments parties ought to exist, for the party out will be always vigilant in watching the par- ty in power, and expose corruption when it exists. And so long as we continue to raise vast revenues, there will be danger of our institu- tions rotting out by quick decay. But parties to be useful, must be patriotic; their object must be the good of the whole people, and not the aggrandizement of the favored few. And not only should one party be watched by the other, but the leaders of each party should be watched by their immediate constit- uents, and the moment that they discover that their leaders have be- come corrupt, that moment they should abandon tliem, and unite with the other party until reform is secured. THE PEOPLE DEMAND REFORM. At this moment, citizens, a settled conviction exists in the public mind, that corruption reigns supreme in the Federal and at most of the State capitals. And everywhere the peo- ple are giving action to that convic- tion by declaring against those who have betrayed, and are now robbing them. The late triumphs of the people of Connecticut by a decisive vote, in New York by a majority of more than eighty thousand — many counties for the first time having gone Democratic — and the unex- pected upheaval in Oregon and the new States of the Eocky Mountains, show they are fully aroused to the necessity of prompt and patriotic action. But I need not go so far from home for examples of the great change going on in the public mind. Here before you is Jas. E. Hubbell, born and educated a Whig, a mem- ber of the Eepublican party from the date of its earliest organization, and its chosen Eepresentative in Congress, who now appears before the people as a candidate for their suftrages as a nominee of the Dem- ocratic party — a nomination alike honorable to Mr. Hubbell and to the Democracy. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY LIVES ONLY IN NAME. My countrymen, no party can con- tinue to live in a government like ours, after it has achieved the pur- pose for which it was organized — no party can long exist which does not rest upon a living principle. The abolition of slavery, and the adjustment of the questions arising from that act, have left the Eepub- licans without a single bond of un- ion, and their dissolution is inevita- ble. Eepublican high tariff, and Ee- publican low tariff men confront each other in confusion ; and those who demand reform are jostled out of the way by the army of office-hold- ers, and by those who seek to make fortunes by plundering the treasury. THE PEOPLE ARE HONEST AND SHOULD BE SUPREME. In fact, the contest now waged is not between parties ; it is not a con- flict of ideas ; but it is a struggle between the robbers and those who are being- robbed ; between theofhce- holders who have stolen the ma- chinery of a paity, and the people. The men in power, who run tlie Gov- ernment in tlieir own interests, through their legions of tax collect- ors, tax assessors, tax inspectors, tax detectives, and tax spies, now .seek to manage and control the people as they would a machine. A compact organization, backed by the money-bags of the Govern- ment, which are now in their con- trol, may for a short time make them appear to be formidable; but the l^eople once aroused to the true con- dition of the country, the tax-gath- erers will take to their holes. RESTORED TO POWER, WHAT WILL THE DEMOCRATS DO ? liestored to power, the Democracy will endeavor to restore respect for the constitution and laws throughout our whole country ; to restore good temper and kind feeling among the whole people. By retrenchment and reform in all the branches of govern- ment, State and Federal, they will reduce the taxes of the people ; and by investigation, strict but impartial, they will expose and punish those who have been robbing the treasury and who now seek to retain power in order to avoid such exposure and punishment. Eestored to power, they will try and restore our commerce, which is well nigh destroyed ; to revive trade, which is well nigh paralyzed ; and remove the unequal and unjust bur- dens which now weigh heavily upon the shoulders of industry, so that our farmers, manufacturers, mer- chants, mechanics and workingmen will be able to save a portion of the profits of their toil, instead of hav- ing them gobbled up by the leeches who are sucking the life-blood of the people. WHAT BECOMES OF THE TAXES PAID BY THE PEOPLE. In my judgment, my friends, the most alarming feature of the times is the f'normous amount of taxes which are collected from the people, and the reckless and corrupt manner in which they are squandered. I re- gret to say that this remark applies with equal force to the State as to the Federal Government. In fact, our rulers seem to f nget that taxes mean labor ; and the higher the taxes the the less the profit and the fewer the comforts. I hold in my hand the reports of the Auditor of State for ISGO and 1S69, and the fact to which I am al)out to refer was called to my attention by a worthy gentlemen of my own town, who is not only a prominent citizen, but has always been a prominent Republican. The fact to wliich he called my attention was this : that the total amount of taxes for all i)urposes in Ohio in 1SG9, (see Auditor's report p. -19,) amounted to the enormous sum of $22,232,877. This caused me to examine further, when I found by tlie Auditor's report for ISOO (page 77) that the same taxes for that year amounted to $10,317,076. Increase over 18G0, of .§11,410,201. This led me to a further investiga- tion, the correctness of which you will find verified by turning to the report of the Register of the United States Treasury, and you will there find that there were forty-four years in the history of the Republic in which the annual expenditures of the army, navy and civil list were much less than it cost the people of Ohio to maintain their Government dur- ing the year 18G9. And in order that you may see the exact amount of direct State and Federal taxes paid by the p^iople of Ohio during the year 1SG9, 1 will state them together : Total of Stato taxes... Uuited States Int. Rev. To'l direct tax for Ohio, 1869ijji38,315,3y4 And you will bear in mind, my friends, that this does not include the still greater tariff tax you pay for the benefit of the New England monopolists. Were it not for these taxes, the people of OLio would be that much richer than they now are, and would have just that many more comforts in their homes. It is true that reasonable taxes should be collected for the mainten- ance of Government, but is it not high time that there should be re- trenchment and reform *? FEDERAL EXPENDITURES. It is always more agreeable, my friends, to praise than to blame, to commend than to censure ; but there are diseases which can only be reached by the caustic and the knife, and our country is now suffering from such a malady. I have already spoken to you of the last report of the Eegister of the United States Treasury. This is it, which I hold in my hand. From this report it appears that the entire expenditures of the Federal Government from 1789 till June 30th, ISOO, during peace and the cost of war, amounted to less than fifteen hundred million dollars; and this period embraced seventy- one years. And during those seven- ty-one years we had three years war with England, thirty years of Indian wars, and two years of foreign war against Mexico. Indeed, that amount includes all expenditures except those of the pub- lic debt. And this brings me to the point to which I wish to call your atten- tion. This same report shows that exactly the same expenditures of the Federal Government in time of peace, from June 30th, 1865, till June 30th, 1869, without including one cent paid on the principal or in- terest of the Federal debt, was more than ten hundred and eleven million dollars ! Kow, what has become of that vast sura, expended for the ordinary expenses of the Government, during the brief period of four years of peace f That amount, my friends, is equal to one-twentieth of the value of all the real and personal jjroperty, public and private, embraced be- tween the two oceans, and the lakes and the gulf! And keep it in mind that not one dollar of that huge sum was paid on the principal or interest of the public debt; for during those four years the aggregate expendi- tures of the General Government amounted to three thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight million dollars, or about oue fifth of the value ot the entire wealth of the United States. During all those years of excessive taxation and corrupt expenditures, with our foreign commerce destroyed and our flag swept from the seas; our internal trade struck with paraly- sis, caused by the withdrawal of our currency from legitimate trade to be used in gambling in stock and gold ; with wages low, and taxes high — at such a time, when general disaster and distress threaten us, instead of economy and retrenchment, the most impudent and unblushing extrava- gance exists in every department of the Government. THE CHIEF TMAGISTRATE. With a feeling of disappointment, the warmest admirers of the Presi- dent admit that his administration has been a melancholy failure. For his exploits in war the gratitude of the people knew no bounds, and never was a President treated with so much indulgence by those who were opposed to him in politics. It was with a blush of shame that the people learned that their Chief Mag- trate was bestowing the first ofitices in the Government upon persons from whom he had received valuable gifts, and that he bestowed lucrative positions upon relatives and favor- ites without regard to fitness, as though the Government belonged to himself instead of the people. To such an extent were these grievances carried, that Congress twice felt called upon to administer a rebuke, not the less severe because it was in- direct. The House expelled Whitte- more for appointing to a cadetship the son of a man from whom he had received a present of fifteen hundred dollars ; and an act was passed mak- ing it a penal offense for clerks to make presents to the chiefs of their bureaus. But an honest and patriotic people are at a loss to understand how it can be right for the President to .se- cure gifts of great value from per- sons upon whom he confers office, and wrong for a member of Congress to do the same thing, why the latter should be expelled, while the former is not impeached. THE president's CABINET. In vain do the people demand, " What becomes of our taxes 1 " Have they the right to know, or have they lost all their rights ? The Constitution declares that " a regu- lar statement and account of the re- ceipts and expenditures of all public money shall be iiublished from time to time." And a law of Congress enforces this requirement of the Con- stitution. But during the past six years, no such regular statement of expenditures has been made. It is true that a statement is made, but it is a fraud and a cheat — intended to deceive, but not to inform the people what becomes of their taxes. One item of expenditure is given, followed by half a dozen &c., &c., &c., &c., &G., &c. ; but what the etceteras stand for, no one knows ; an etcetera may mean anything. Article 1, section 9, of the Constitu- tion, among other things, provides : *' 1^0 money shall be drawn from the Treasury except by appropriations made by law." But it is a notorious fact — a lact charged on the floor of the House, and never denied — that each of President Grant's Cabinet officers, as well as each chief of a bureau, keeps a cariiage and horses, coachman and footman, all paid for | with the people's taxes, and without the authority of law. If a Cabinet officer can illegally take money from the Treasury to buy and keep up a carriage and horses, and pay the wages of coach- man and followers, where is the limit at which he is to stop ? THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. " iSTo money shall be drawn from the Treasury except by appropria- tion made by law." The reason for this provision of the Constitution is evident, for if without the authority of law the President or a Cabinet officer can take from the Treasury one thousand dollars, why not one hundred thousand, or one hundred millions ? to be used as the Presi- dent or his " Minister" may choose. I will give a few examples. In the departments there are four grades of clerks. The fourth receive eighteen hundred, the third sixteen hundred, the second fourteen hun- dred, and the first twelve hundred dollars, and none but the chief clerks are allowed a larger sum. In consequence of an anonymous letter received by me, on the 17 th of January last, I offered a resolution, which passed the House, embracing five interrogatories, calling upon Mr. Boutwell for certain information, and on the 22d of February it was replied to by Executive Document No. 188, which I hold in my hand. The third question called on Mr. Boutwell for " a statement embrac- ing the names of the clerks now in this department other than chief clerks, who receive more than eighteen hundred dollars salary." And I will read from page 6 of Secretary Boutwell's answer, as fol- lows : ''A list of the clerks and their names now (January 17, 1870,) re- ceiving more than at the rate of $1,800 per annum, other than chief clerks of the bureaus of the Treasury Department." And here follow the names of fifty-nine clerks who re- 8 ceive illegal salaries, varying in amounts from two thousand to five thousand dollars ; and the Secretary does not deign to apologize for, or excuse this jialpable violation of law, and he continues to pay just such salaries as he chooses and to whom he chooses, and then coolj certifies that he does so. In fact, my friends, it is wholly impossible for either you or me to tell what is the condition of the Government from the estimates or reports of the heads of the depart- ments. Thus, in his letter of June 1st, the Secretary of the Treasury admits that he is paying, out of funds in the Treasury, more than sixteen hundred persons for whom no appropriation was made accord- ing to law ; and that many more than are stated in his estimate of ex- ;peuditures sent to Congress — that iis, instead of sixteen hundred clerks -i.m the Treasury Department, as shown in the estimate of the Secre- tary, there are more than three thou- sand^ and this fact was dragged into the light by the resolution to which .1 have already referred. lam thus particular, my friends, in calling your attention to this matter, that you may be on your ; guard against the false statements that are being made as to the re- '. duction of taxes and payment on the public debt. Time will not permit me to go through this document, page by page, but I will call your attention to an item or two more. Here on page three, it appears that the econo- mical gentlemen who have adminis- tered the Treasury Department, paid to Adams Express Company from June 30th, 1805, to June oOth, 1869, the enormous sum of $78,397, mainly for carrying packages of blank forms upon which notes and bonds were to be executed, the -whole of which could have been sent through the mail at one hundredth part the cost. Again, on page two, it appears that since 18615 theCroverument has paid $1,167,000 for printing notes and bonds! Four million dollars! My friends, that is a greater amount than the annual expenditures of the Federal Government, including army, navy, and civil list during nine years of the history of the Federal Union. And in this connection let me ask why have not the National Banks been required to pay for the paper, engraving and printing of their own notes, instead of you being taxed for that puri)ose ? THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY IN- TERNAL REVENUE DEFAULTERS ! When I tell you that there have been three hundred and forty de- faulters among the Collectors of Internal Eevenue, you look sur- prised, and ask one another why have we not been told of this before ^ For the simple reason, my friends, because the facts have been con- cealed and had to be dug out. On the 21st day of March last, it was resolved by the House, that " the Secretary of the Treasury be, and is hereb^^ directed to furnish this House a statement of balances due from Collectors of Internal Eevenue not 71010 in office j'^ &c. And I invite your attention to Executive Document No. 267, being the report of the Hon. Geo. S. Bout- well in answer to that resolution. Look at it for yourselves. Here are eight solid pages of the names of three hundred and forty defaulters ! I have not time to read them all, but will call off ten, and you may form an idea of what the three hun- dred and thirty amount to : Defaulters. Amount. .-.^1,543,719 .... 1,043,547 439,489 .... 532,879 653,305 Johu H. Bryant 435,000 W. C. Flagg 237,307 W. T. Cunuiugliam 292,46© D. B. Boufoey S36,000 F. S. Hunt 250,407 Frank Soule Sheridan Shook Alexander Spaulding. M. B. Field Lewis Collins Total by ten defaulters. . . . $5,933,113 9 was adopted by the House, calling- upon the Secretary of the Treasury lor informatiou. On the 25th of the same mouth Secretary Boutwell sent to the House his answer, Executive Document 91, and which you ob- serve is brief. Mr. Auditor Tabor says that on May 23d, 18G6, the Sec- retary of the Navy issued Order No. 75, and therein assumed to increase the salaries of the offlcers of the navy one-third. This document con- tains the order. Auditor Tabor says under that order there was drawn from the Treasury and divided among officers of the navy, from June 1st, ISGO, to January 1st, 1870, the sum of $3,763,981. In this same document, Mr. Comp- troller Broadhead says : '' The order of the Secretary of the Navy is the only authority for payments beyond the respective salaries provided for by law." You will observe, citizens, tliat this abuse, which originated under Johnson, was continued under Grant, and, in fact, Mr. Secretary Eobeson wrote a lengthy letter to Congress, in which he claimed that he had the right to increase the salaries of naval officers at his pleasure. It cannot be necessary for me to say to you, my countrymen, that such an unrebuked usurpation might become dangerous to your liberties. If, at his will, the President, through his " Ministers," can increase the salaries of officers of the navy, and without the authority of law diaw money enough from the Treasury to maintain them, what assurance have you that some President will not ex- ercise such unwarranted power to make himself King 1 This act of usuri)ation on the part of the President not only set the Constitution a. id Congress at deti- ance, but it was unjust and oppress- ive to the people, "vvho were already weighed down by the l)urdens of taxation. The officers of the navy were already receiving high salaries I drew a resolution, which I when Order 75 was issued. In 18G0 Here is within a fraction of six millions of dollars of taxes, gobbled up by ten defaulters, not one of whom has been prosecuted or ordered to be prosecuted. In all these three hundred and forty de- falcations, civil suits have only been ordered in thirty cases, and not one criminal prosecution. ORDER NO. 75. My friends, we will not meet here as a matter of amusement, but for sober and earnest consultation. You have already seen that millions of dollars of the taxes paid by the people are stolen before they even reach the Treasury ; and I am about to show you how millions more are taken from the Treasury in open violation of the Constitution and the laws. The Constitution says: " No money shall be drawn from the Treasury except by appropriations made by law." That instrument further says : " The Congress shall have power to ]>rovide for and main- tain a navy." The power to provide an army and navy is not vested in the President, because it would make him independent of Congress and the people. And for the same reason it is provided that " no money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law." But President Grant, and Presi- dent Johnson before him, through their Secretaries of the Navy, did provide for and maintain the navy in violation of law and in contempt of the Constitution; and in further violation of that instrument, did arrogate to themselves the power to make laws, and did draw three million seven hundred thousand dollars from the treasury withont any appropriation having been made by Congress. Early in January last I learned that the Executive branch of the Government had increased the pay of the othcers of the navy, without the kuowfedge or authority of Con- gress. 10 the highest salary of anj^ naval offi- cer was $1,500, but after 1861 the salaries of all naval officers were in- creased, and that of the highest offi- cer had been increased to ten, and v/as made by the late Congress twfilve thousand dollars, or double the salary of a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Nor did the wrong stop here. The salary of the highest officer (legal or illegal) was not only increased threefold, but new and aristocratic grades were introduced into the ser- vice. In 1861 the highest grade in the navy was Captain. Then we had as many tleets and as many ves- sels afloat as now. To-day we have six fleets and tMrty Admirals ! Six fleets and seventy-eight Commo- dores. Five Admirals and thirteen Commodores to a fleet, while one of either grade is sufticient. We have thirty-eight vessels afloat with more than two Commodores, and nearly an Admiral for each ves- sel. And all this while we pay more taxes than any people on earth. One of the most difficult duties the Secretary of the jSTavy has to perform, is to find some pretended duty for his legion of officers. Here is Executive Document No. 42, be- ing a communication from the Sec- retary of the Navy, dated February 7th, i870, to the Senate, giving the names and number of naval officers on assigned duty at Washington. How many do you suppose"? Ten Admirals ' and nine Commodores, and in all more than one hundred officers. I now turn to page 135 of the Naval Eegister for 1870, and here we find that nine naval officers are stationed at ?iIouud City, on the Ohio river ! I will only further remark that more than two thousand naval offi- cers are drawing pay, while only about seven hundred are doing na- val duty. FRAUDULENT ESTIMATES. As you are aware, the head of each department sends to Congress an estimate of the necessary expen- ditures for the ensuing year. Tiiese estimates are sent to the committee on Appropriations, and based upon them a bill is reported. Permit me to read you an extract from my re- marks in the House duriug the de- bate on the Navy Appropriation bill : " I desire to call the especial attention of the gentleman from Wis- consin (Mr. Washburne), who re- ported this bill, to what I have to say. I hope he has in his posses- sion the Naval Register for the year 1870. If not, then if he will send a page to me I will send him a copy. (The Naval Eegister for 1870 was sent to Mr. Washburne.) In the es- timates furnished by the Secretary of the Navy, used by him in his ar- gument, and upon which this bill was framed, I find that aii estimate is made for the pay of 180 naval lieutenants on the active list. " Now, sir, if the gentleman who reported this bill will turn to page w6 of the Naval Eegister, he will find that instead of there being one hundred and eighty lieutenants on the active list, there are only sixty- four, while an appropriation is asked for one hundred and eighty. " Estimate is made for masters to the number of one hundred and sixty, but page 30 of the Eegister shows that there are only ninety- nine ; and pay is asked for sixty-one more than there are in the service." And thus did I continue the an- alysis of the estimates sent in by the Naval Department. But I will read further from the debate: " Showing beyond contradiction,'' (for I was not contradicted) " that an appropriation was asked for four hundred more naval officers than there are in the service. I lay these facts before the House in good faith, and in good faith I invite investiga- tion. " Mr. Washburn, of Wisconsin — • I Avish to ask the gentleman from Ohio whether these estimates were not made under the last Adminis- tration.' 11 " Mr. Morgan — ' I esieein the hon- orable gentlemen from Wisconsin 5 but his question compels me to make a statement Nvhich I did not intend to make. I am talking about abuses in the Goveiumeut which ought to be corrected. The gentleman talks about Administrations. If this thing commenced in the last Administra- tion, the gentleman compels me to say that it has continued up to and, so far, through the Administration of President Grant. This abuse did exist in the last Administration, but it exists to-day in the present Ad- ministration. I do not care when it began, or by whom it began ; these are outrages upon the country, which this Congress is bound to remedy, or be ])repared to meet the just in- dignation of the people.' " To which remarks Mr. ^^'ashburn made no further reply. How did Congress meet these abuses'? Were the naval officers charged with the money they had illegally received from the Treasury in excess of their pay f On the con- trary the salaries of the Admiral and Vice Admiral were increased two thousand, and of the lleav Ad- miral and Commodore one thousand dollars each. It is true that the Sec- retaiy of the Treasury was prohib- ited from taking money from the Treasury in violation of law, but the three million seven hundred thou- sand dollars wrongfully taken was not required to be paid back. HOW THE MONOPOLISTS OF THE EAST GROW RICH UPON THE IN- DUSTRY OF THE WEST. Some of the finest specimens of manhood I have ever met, v.diether estimated by the standard of cour- age or intellect, have been children of iSTew England. But the sterility of their soil, and the severity of their climate, have given a granite hardness and sharpness to New England character ; but so have they developed a sturdy- manhood, which corresponds with the cold grandure of their mountains. I battle against New England monopolists because, by tact and trick, they have become enormously rich at the cost of Western and Southern industry. I assail them, because for generations they have I extorted tribute money from the ^ people of other States. I attack, j and will continue to attack them, 1 because they are sapping the very life of the industrial classes of the I entire country — those of the Eastern States included. HOW IT IS DONE. New England is the great cham- pion of protection, which means to make the people of the West pay one dollar and eighty cents for every dollar's worth of goods they buy. The dollar includes the value of the goods and a fair profit, while the eighty cents is the tribute paid by Western industry to New England, cunning. Protected on all she makes, New England has free trade on all she uses in her manufactures — as dye stuffs and salt. In his report. Commissioner Wells states " the amount of salt drawn from bond for the fisheries, in the district of Gloucester, Massachu- setts, for the third quarter of the calendar year 1809, was 8,032,778 pounds, which cost $9,307 free of duty, as salt used in fish packing is not taxed. But had a Western pork, beef, or butter packer, purchased that same salt at that same place, it would have cost him $23,747, because he would have been required to pay a tariff tax amounting to $11,44:0, or $1.0.5 on every dollar's worth of salt. Nor is this all. AVe are taxed to pay a bounty of several dollars a ton on every vessel fitted out in the Eastern States for the codfisheries, and from an official statement furnished by the Secretary of the Treasury, it ap- pears that the amount of bounty or tribute thus paid to our sauill New England interest, from 1850 to 1805, inclusive, was $3,712,234. 12 WHAT MASSACHUSETTS CHARGED FOR THE SERVICES OF SEVENTY- EIGHT REGIMENTS DURING THE WAR AGAINST THE REBELLION. Next I call your atteiitiou to tlie official statement of Assistant Adju- tant General Breck, U. S. Army, giving the number of regiments fur- nished by Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, during the late war : New York Massachusetts. Pennsylvania. Ohio 678,362 43 In 1830 Mass. was paid in full In 1859 Mass. was again paid in full In 1870 Mass. was for the third time paid in full Total of claim three times paid J|^l,336,287 16 Is it surprising, then, Ohioaus, that Massachusetts, as shown by the report of Mr. Wells, is worth $77,- 000,000 more than Ohio ? It is sur- prising that she pays $7,000,000 less taxes. The fact is, as shown by the last report of the Commissioner of Internal Kevenue (p. 241) for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1869, Ohio paid a million and a half more internal revenue taxes tliau all the New England States together. Ohio paid ^16, 082,497 Massachu- setts paid $9,232,794 Connecticut paid 2,239,291 Rhode Island paid Maine paid. New Haniji- shire paid Vermont p'd 1,280,295 668,124 650,046 314,578 275 78 258 240 By a report made by the authority of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, the amounts paid those States for war expenditures were as follows : Massachusetts ii3,4S7,863 New York 2,300,192 Pennsylvania 2,094,879 Ohio 2,576,620 But to be more specific: While Ohio furnishes 102 more regiments than Massachusetts, on the plea of war expenditures, that State drew from the Treasury $911,143 more than Ohio. MASSACHUSETTS AGAIN AT THE TREASURY. Fifty-five years have elapsed, my friends, since the close of the last war with England, and from that hour to the present Massachusetts has been prying at the Treasury on the score of expenditures ; while the fact is, her authorities were opposed to the war from first to last. But, notwithstanding all this, she has been three times paid in full on the same claim of expenditures dur- ing the war of 1812. And this, too, while the history of the Hartford Convention still exists, and while it is not denied that the Governor, Legislature and Judiciary, all hold- ing the Calhoun doctrine of State's Eights, decided that even in time of war the President cannot command j erate in our selfishness. They can the State militia. ' not be satisfied with less than 75 or Total paid by N. England. . ^14,486,128 Paid by Ohio more than New 'England $1,596,369 THE GREED OF NEW ENGLAND. Such is the greed of New Eng- land, that the ablest champion of her interests felt called upon to de- nounce it. In the course of the debate in the House, April 14, 1870, (I read Irom the Daily Globe,) Gen. Schenck spoke as follows : " The gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Butler) says that Ohio has been in good part settled by people from New England, and that we are just as selfish as they are in New Eng- land. Well, sir, we have human nature as they have it in New Eng- land, and may be selfish, also ; but if we are selfish, we are more mod- 13 80 percent, protection on every tbing they niauutacture. But when we come in with a request for 30 or 35 l)er cent, they say that it is too much. We may both be selfish ; but if there is a difference between us, one is modest as well as selfish," Again, while Ohio pays a million and a half more taxes than New England, Congress has given to us 886,000,000 less bank \'irculation than to those States; and we are forced to borrow money at high rates of interest from I^ew England in order to move our crops. I have merely stated facts, with- out rhetoric ; addressed you as my fellow-citizens, and not as members of this or that party. My only aim has been to convince you of the im- portance of reform, and induce you to unite as one people in defense of your violated riahts. Then — '■ Lot the kfttle to the truniiiet speak, TlU! tnimpet to the caiinoueer without, The canuons to the heavens." And throwing forth our banner to the winds, with "Eefoem," the watchword of the people, inscribed upon its folds, we will march forth to victory. Note. — '* It will be kept in mind that not one of these 340 clefanltcrs is now in office — all haviuo; been discharged in consequence of their defalcations. And in the report of Comptroller Taylor, it is only claimed in one single case that ' Frohahlij nothing is due.' It will be further kept in mind that each one of these defaulters was confirmed, when appointed by the Prei«idtnt, by the United States Senate, with its two-thirds Republican majority." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 786 560 9