MasiiiiiawSfMiiiMt' ^0» ' • • » A .0^ v^^^ ^-^'^^^^^ .v'^ "^. \ V ■'J^S- ^. ..^r. ':^'^i:^* ^ .G o V -^^o"^ '^5^-.''- ''»:'. "^^ .s-^* ..0^ 4 o V - ' • ", c 4 o :^'~ '-'^ O -0^ <^ 'o . » * G' ^^"^^^ v^. .•.>^r\^v^;. o_ __^^^ .VvT?^: .^' G^ ^o 7 -s^^. ■%\ ^. ^'^ ^^•i- A v-^. -» o <' ^-^ o, */;-,•' ,0-' -^ '?.'' . ■■•» ^-^^^ '?f^i;:^.'' ^^ v^^ . ^ rO .^^ .-^ J <5 ^ . . s * ^"V ^' •^' ^^ .0 .0 .^^ -U^''- .^' 0^ ^<>. ^'* .^ ^> .' r\^ o " o _ -\^ .0 ^■ A ^v^ -^ !-V-^' • ■0-'' C^, " ' ■ ' .^^ ,A, r " e ^ -^ * „ .. . AN ALBUM OF THE ATTORNEYS OF MAIN -A WITH A PORTRAIT AND BRIEF RECORD OF THE LIFE OF EACH COMPILED AND KDITED HY E!''V'. B () \V L K R B K '1' H K L , MAINE N K W S PUBLISHING COMPANY I 9 O 2 Copyright, 1900 BY E. C. BOWLER INDEX JUDGES, Bonney, Percival ' Emery, Lucilius A. Fogler, William Henry Foster, Enoch Peabody, Henry Clay Peters, John A. Powers, Frederick A. Additon, B. C. Ailarii, Cieorge H Allen, VVilliam I'ercival Allen, Charles P. Allen, Fred J. Andrews, Alfred Coolidge Andrews, Charles L. PA«E PAGE 2 I Savage, Albert R. 13 lO Symonds, Joseph White 20 14 Spear, Albert Moore 17 19 Str>ut, Sewall C. 12 16 Whitehouse, William Penn I I 18 Wiswell, Andrew P. 9 IS ATTOI iNEYS. pa(;e 232 74 Belcher, Arthur F. Belleau, Francois 55 i Blanchard, Cyrus Nathan 56 Bodge, Eugene L. 281 Bolster, William W. 41 ! Boothby, Fred S. 157 Brett, Victor Andrews, Freeman Bradford 208 Briggs Edgar M. Archibald, James Atkins, Will C. Atwood, George M. Ayer, Harry B. Bacheller, Oliver Rice Baker, Orville Dewey Barker, Lewis Appleton Barton, Llewellyn Bates, Samuel L. Bean, Emery O. Bean, Fred Emery Beckett, James Murray 57 Brooks, Clayton K. Brown, Simon S. Brown, Frank E. Burbank, Horace H. 268 Burgess, William A. 59 Burleigh, Parker P. Burleigh, Lewis A. 75 Burnham, John F. 76 Burnham, Edward P. 160 I Burrill, F. Carroll 161 j Came, Samuel Mclntire 275 Campbell, Leonard R. 158 2og 283 233 PAGE 77 73 141 78 32 284 23 210 162 163 287 253 58 164 285 286 147 288 187 Campbell, Fred I. Carver, Harry Percival Cary, Walter Chabot, Joseph G. Chapman, Wilford G. Chase, Frederick V. Chase, Edward Everett Choate, Winfield S. Clair, Frederick W. Clark, Michael Cleaves, Henry B. Clifford, Nathan Cobb, John C. Cobb, Frederick H. Connellan, James A. Coolidge, Henry E. Cornish, Leslie C. Crawford, Mulzer T. (Tockett, Ralph W. Davis, Herrick C. Davis, Ira W. Deering, John Percy Dennett, Liberty Beaumont, Donovan, John B. Donworth, Albert B. Downs, Walter H. Drew, Franklin M. Drew, Morrill N. I^rummond, Josiah H. Dunbar, Kendall M. Dunn, Brian j. Dunn, Charles J. Dunton, Arthur J. INDEX.— ArniRNEVs. HACl'-. PAGE 276 Dupre, Godfroy S. 292 24 Dyer, Edwin L. 90 59 Eastman, Chase 91 25 Eaton, Harvey D. 168 79 Emery, George F. 92 80 Emery, Samuel W. 293 148 Emmons, Willis T. 294 165 Fanning, Jed Frye 93 166 Fellows, Oscar F. 149 60 Fife, Seth Wyman 212 81 Fisher, William H. 169 82 Fogg, Sanford Leroy 262 84 Foster, Dana Pitt 170 85 Fox, Francis A. 213 86 Freeman, Eben Winthrop 94 26 Freeman, William 277 167 Frye, William Pierce 29 188 Gardner, George R. 278 27 Gilpatric, W. J. 295 211 Goody, John J. 95 235 Googins, George E. 150 289 Gould, Sherman I. 96 nont, 87 Gove, Edward H. 296 290 Grady, William H. 238 61 Gray, Walter L. 214 291 Greenleaf, Levi 97 28 Gulliver, William H. 98 88 Gurney, Charles Edwin 99 89 Hale, Clarence 100 205 Hale, Frederick lOI 236 Hale, Eugene 151 237 Haley, Addison E. 297 261 Hall, Howard E. 206 1 N 1 ) KX. — AnoRN KYs. Hall, Joseph R. Hall, William T. Hamlin, Hannibal Kmet y Hamlin, Charles Hanly, Michael Francis Hanscome, Alpheus L. Hanson, Isaac Walter Harford, Frederick H. Harlow, John S. Harris, Nathan W. Haselton, Oeorge W. Hastings, Henry H. Hayes, Charles W. Heath, Herbert M. Herrick, Addison K. Hersey, Ira (i. Hersey, Oscar H. Hewey, James Edward Hewett, James H. H. Higgins, Frank M. Hildretli, Guy A. Hill. John Howard Hobbs, Nathmiel Holman, Joseph C. Holmes, Eugene A. Holt, Charles E. Holway, Melvin S. Howard, Philip Hudson, Henry Hughes, George V.. Hunt, Eugene W. Hunton, Henry L. Hurley, Daniel E. HAGK i 239! 263! 240 1S9 102 30 103 215 31 171 216 254 172 217 62 104 29S 190 1 2991 173I 105 300 142 63 218 174 191 25s 264 106 . 175 153 PAGE Ingraham, William M. 107 Ingraham, Frank H. 192 Jack, Louis A. 32 Johnson,. Charles F'. 176 Johnson, G. Willard 219 Jordan, William R. 269 Judkins, Wilbur H. 33 Kavanagh, Albert L. 34 Kelley, Stephen J. 35 Kimball, Sereno Thayer 193 Kimball, Alfred S. 220 Kimball, Merton L. 221 Knight, Charles A. 177 Knowlton, Albert Keith Parris, 36 Knowlton, Hiram 108 Knowlton, William J. 109 Knowlton, Helen A. 194 Knowlton, Francis Wayland 273 Larrabee, Seth L. no Larrabee, Philip J. n i Leavitt, Belle Ashton 282 Leigh, Thomas 17S Libby, Jesse M. 37 Littleheld, Charles E. 195 Littlefield, Arthur S. 196 Locke, Joseph Alvah 112 Locke, Ira Stephen 113 Lord, J. Merrill 301 Ludden, Forest Edwin 38 Lynch, Thomas J. 179 Madigan, x^lbert Whittier 64 Madigan, John B. 65 Manser, Harry 39 INDEX. — -Attorneys. PAGE 114 241 302 222 115 40 242 279 116 117 27 1 200 42 243 198 197 43 118 119 303 280 44 143 45 244 256 223 257 Pattangall, William Robinson, 245 Patten, Hervey H. 246 Perkins, Walter P. 304 Perry, Stephen C. 120 Perry, Arthur L. 180 Marshall, Frank D. Martin, Forest J. Mathews, William S. Matthieu, Alfred A. Mattocks, C. P. Maxwell, John H. McCarthy, Matthew McFaul, A. D. McQuillan George F. Meaher, Dennis A. Merrill, Edward N. Miller, Frank Burton Mitchell, J. W. Mitchell, Henry L. Montgomery, Job H. Moore, Joseph E. Morey, Frank Andrew Moulton, Augustus F. Moulton, David E. Moulton, Albert Murray, Benjamin Bixby Newell, William H. Noble, Newell P. Oakes, Henry W. Paine, Albert W. Palmer, Asher F. Park, Ellery C Parsons, Willis E. PAGE Philbrook, Warren C. 181 Pierce, Thomas H. B. 247 Plaisted, Ralph Parker 248 Plummer, Stanley 249 Plummer, Edward C. 265 Potter, Barrett 121 Powers, Don A. H. 66 Powers, Herbert T. 67 Pride, F. P. 122 Priest, Henry A. 182 Pulsifer, James A. 46 Purington, Frank O. 47 Rackleff, James Lyman 123 Read, Charles T. 305 Reade, John Leslie 48 Redman, John B. 154 Reed, Joseph B. 124 Reynolds, Edward Clayton 125 Richardson, Asa A. 306 Ritchie, Arthur 274 Robinson, Ruel 199 Robinson, William Rowland 307 Sanborn, Lauren Monroe 183 Sawyer, Clarence Evans 126 Seekins, William T. 270 Seiders, George Melville 127 Shaw, R. W. 68 Simonton, Thaddeus Roberts 201 Skelton, William B. 49 Small, Frank J. 184 Smith, James Orin 69 Smith, Eugene Franklin 224 Smith, Percy A. 272 INDEX. — Attorneys. Smith, Sidney B. Smith, Charles Cogswell Smith, Elias Smith, John Gilpatric Southard, Frank E. Spinney, Elvington P. Spofford, Elmer P. Sprague, John Francis Staples, Lindley Murray Starrett, Lewis Frederick Stearns, Albert J. Stevenson, James B. Stewart, John C. Stone, Edward Everett Straw, David R. Strickland, Lyman S. Swasey, John P. Sylvester, Herbert Milton Thibodeau, L. V. Thomas, William Widgery Thompson, Weston Thompson, Roscoe Henry Thompson, E. M. Thornton, Seth S. Tibbetts, Harry Timberlake, Fremont E. Titus, William N. Townsend, Willis S. Trask, John R. PAGE 308 309 310 311 266 312 155 25S 203 202 225 226 3^3 12S 70 227 I 29 71 131 130 145 ^85 72 314 144 207 250 228 PAGE Tripp, Alonzo K. 315 Tripp, William M. 3-6 Trott, Joseph McCobb 267 Turner, Levi 132 Verrill, Albert E. 50 Verrill, Elgin C. S3 Verrill, George W. '33 Virgin, Harry Rust 134 Vose, Thomas W. 251 Walker, Chester M. 204 Warren, George M. •56 Webber, George Curtis 51 Wheeler, Edward Warren •35 White, Wallace Humphrey 5- White, John S. 13S Whitehouse, Robert Treat 136 Whitman, Charles F. 229 Whitmore, Stephen C. '37 Williams, Dana Scott 53 Willianis, J. S. 260 Williamson, Joseph, Jr. 186 Wilson, Edward H. 139 Wilson, Scott 140 Wilson, George A. 230 Wing, George Curtis 54 Wing, Herbert S. 146 Wormwood, Thurston P. 252 Wright, James S. 231 JUDGE ANDRKW P. WISWELL. Son of Arno Wiswell and Sarah Peters, was born in Ellsworth, Me.. July ii, 1852. Attended school at Ellsworth, East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, and Bowdoin College, graduating in 1873, receiving LL. D. degree from Bowdoin in .goo. Married Emma Green of Brunswick, Dec. 15, X875. Admitted to Hancock County Bar, 1874, and has practiced law in Ellsworth. Judge of Ellsworth Municipal Court, .878-82 ; National Bank Examiner, .882-86-, member Maine House of Representatives, 1887, i88g, and .891 ; Speaker of House, 1891 ; Associate Justice Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, .893 to Jan. ., .900 ; Chief Justice Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, from Jan. 2, 1900. Repubhcan. Address, Ellsworth, Me. JUDGE LUCILIUS A. KMERV. Son of James S. Kinery and Eli/a A. Wing, was born in Carmel, Me., July 27, 1840. Attended Hampden Academy and I^)U\vdoin College, graduating in 1S61 ; received degree of LL. D. from I'.owdoin, 1899. Married Annie S. Crosby, Nov. 9, 1864, and they have two children : .Annie Crcsby Emery, Providence, R. I., and Henry Crosby Emery, New Haven, Conn. .Admitted to the bar at fSangor, 1S63, and practiced at Ellsworth. Has been County .Attorney, Slate Senator, .'Vttorney-Ceneral, Justice of Supreme Judicial Court, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Maine Medical School, Lecturer on Reman Law, University of Maine Law School. Republican. Church atTiliation, Congregationalist. Address, Ellsworth, Me. JUDGE WILLIAM PKNN WHITEHOUSK. Born in Vassalboro, Me., April 9, 1842, son of John Roberts and Hannah (Percival) \\ hitehouse. First American ancestor was Thomas Whitehouse, who settled at Dover, X. H., 1658. His mother was a descendant of John Percival, Barnstable, Mass. (hadii- ated, Watervilie College. i8fi;, with highest honors, and on receiving second degree of A. M., 1S66, was appointed to deliver a master's oration ; received degree of EL. D , i,S^6. Jvine 24, 1869, married Evelyn Treat, daughter of Col. Robert Treat, descendent in sixth generation from Col. Robert Treat, colonial governor of Connecticut, and has one son, Robert Treat Whitehouse of Portland. Admitted to the bar. October, 1865. City Solicitor, Augusta, four years : County Attorney, seven years : Judge Superior Court from February, ^^7^'. '° ■■^pi'il. 1S90, when elevated to bench of Supreme Court. In 1872, chairman of com- mission on New Insane Hospital, and wrote a monograph against adoption of Cottage Sys- tem, which was published by State. .Address, .Augusta, Me. JUDGE SEWALL C. STROUT. Judge Sewall C. Strout of Portland, Me., son of Ebenezer and Hannah C. Strout, was born in wlles. Me., Feb. 17, 1S27. Educated in the Portland schools. Married, Nov. 22, 184Q Octavia J. P. Shaw, and has five children : Anna O., Louise B., Frederic S., Joseph H Ind Charles A. Admitted to the bar at Portland, October, 1848, and has practiced law at Bridgton and Portland. Justice of Supreme Judicial Court. Democrat. JU1)(;E ALBERT R. SAVA(;E. Forn, Ryegate, Vt., Dec. 8, 1S47, son of Charles W. and Eliza M. Savage. Educated at Lancaster (N. H.) Academy and Dartmouth College, graduating from the latter in 1891 Married Nellie H. Hales, Lunenburg, Vt., and has three children, Charles H., Mary A., and Anna May. He was admitted to the bar at Montpelier, Vt., March, 1874, and at Au- burn, Me., April, 1875, and has practiced in Auburn and Lewiston. Was County Attorney, 1S81-85 ; Judge of Probate, 1885. ,89; Mayor of Auburn, 1889-91 ; Member of Maine House of Representatives, 1891-93 : Speaker of House, 1893 ; State Senator, 1895-97 ; Associate Justice Supreme Judicial Court since 1897. Politics, Republican. Address, Aubnrn, Me. 13 >4 JUD(;E FREDERICK A. POWERS. Frederick A. Powers, son of Arba and Naomi (Mathews) Powers, was born in Pitts- field, Me., June ig, 1S55. Was educated in Maine Central Institute, graduating iniSjr, and Bowdoin College, graduating in 1875. Married May Hussey, January 7, 1879, and has two sons, Llewellyn Hussey Powers and Paul Hussey Powers. Admitted to the bar at Houlton, September, 1876, and has practiced law in that town. Member, Maine House, 1885-7, Maine Senate, 1S91 ; Attorney-Cleneral, 1893-4-5-6 ; Justice Supreme Judicial Court since Jan. 2, igoo. Republican. Address, Houlton, Me. i!i[i^r-T-^iiiiiiiiii[iw^iii(firr^ JUDGE HENRY CLAY PEABODY. P u"^J^' V,''^^'^'' \Ie., April 14, 1838. son of John Tarbell and Mercv Insalls ( Burbank) teaDody. Kemoved with his parents to CJorham, N. H., 18^9. Fitted for coUeee at (iould's .-Acaaemy Kethel, Me., and Fryebiirg Academy, Fryeburg, Me., and graduated from Dart- nil, ^' ; .1 ^f' "^'^^^"^ 59- Read law in office of Gen. .Samuel Fesse^iden, Portland. Ad- m ttea to the bar in Cumberland County, 1S62, and commenced practice of law in Portland. .„.• f T ^f.°°^'? V'^'", '^79 to Nov. 2q,'igoo, when he was appointed bv Gov. Powers As- sociate Justice of the .Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. Married, 1867, JNIiss Ellen Adams, W^K , u 1 J- **^"P''<"^ Adams of Portland. They have had tinee children : Clarence vyeoster f-eabody who graduated at Rowdoin College and Harvard Law School and is now in the practice of law in Portland ; Arthur (Uendower Peabodv, who died in 1880, and HenryAdamsPeabody, of the class of -03, Bowdoin College. 16 JUDGE ALBERT MOORE SPEAR. Born, Madison, Me., March 17, 1852, son of Andrew P. Spear and Alice P. Moore. At- tended common school, Monmouth Academy, Waterville Classical Institute, and Bates College, graduating, 1875. Married Helen F. Andrews, and has two children, Alice M- and Louis M. Admitted to the bar August, 187S, and practiced law in Hallowell from 1879 to Oct. 15, 1885, and in Gardiner since. Representative to Legislature 1883-1885, May' or of Gardiner 1889-1892, Member of State Senate, 1891-1893, President of Senate 1893, .As sociate Justice of Supreme Judicial Court 1902. .Address, Gardiner, Me. 17 JUDGK JOHN A. PETERS. Born, Ellsworth, Me., Oct. 9, 1822, son of Andrew and Sally Jordan Peters ; attended Gorham Academy and Yale University, graduating from the latter in 1842 ; twice married and has two daughters by second wife. Admitted to Hancock Bar, 1844 ; practiced in Ban- gor until 1873. State Senator, 1862, 1863; Representative, 1864; Attorney-General, 1 864- 1866 ; elected Representative to Congress, 1866, and served in 40th, 41st, and 42nd Con- gresses ; Justice of Supreme Judicial Court, 1873-1883 ; Chief Justice, 1883-1900, when he voluntarily retired therefrom. Received degree of LL. D. from Colby College, 1883, Bow- doin College, 1884; and Yale University in 1893. Always a Republican. Address, Bangor, iSIaine. iS JUDGE ENOCH FOSTER. Me., and Maine State bem.nary I-ewiston 5^^ J^^^^^ ,^ Adeline O. Lowe, who died Law SchooL Albany, N Y. ,1865 .^^™ J""*" ^ „ne son, Robert C. Foster, class June 12. ,872. June 6, '^/J. ^^^yf^ W- Chapman^ nas '^^ Augusta, Me., .86.. igoi.Bowdoin College. ^Admitted to bar .Albany in . -5, ^-^^ ^^„,,„ty attorney, Practiced law at Bethel, Me -f,\^^f;^ o SuP em" JuS Court of Maine, .884-.S98. :^:^,!^i;^r^:^^^^^ni^^^^rZ^^Zn.or.,.s.n,^^^ River. Pol- itiis. Republican. Address : Portland, Me. 1.9 JUDGK JOSEPH WHITK SYMONDS. Son of Joseph and Isabella (Jordan) Symonds, was born in Raymond, Me., Sept. 2, 1840. Kitted for college in Portland High School, and entered Bowdoin, 1856. Graduated in same class whh Hon. Thomas B. Reed ; Hon. Wm. W. Thomas, Jr., Ex-Minister to Sweden ; Dr. Phillips, missionary in India, and Col. A. W. Bradbury, U. S. District Attor- ney in Maine. Read law with C.en. Samuel Fessenden, later with Edward Fox (afterwards Judge of U. S. District Court in Maine). He has one son, Stuart Oakley Symonds. Ad- mitted to bar in Portland, 1864. Shortly after being admitted to bar. he became City So- licitor of Portland. Was Judge of Supreme Judicial Court of Maine from 1S72-7S. Re- publican. Address, Portland, Me. 20 JUDGE PERCIVAL BONNEY. Judge Pevcival Botiney of Portland, Me., son of William Lowell and Adeline L. Bon- ney, wasbornin Minot, Me., Sept. 24, 1843. Educated at Hebron Academy and Colby College, graduating from latter in iS6^ Married Elizabeth H. Bray, Aug. 5, 1864, and has two' daughters: Adeline L. Bonney and Helen B. Bonney. Admitted to the bar in August, 1S66, and practiced law in Portland, Me. Representative in Maine Legislature, 1870-71 : judge of Superior Court for Cumberland County since Oct. 7, 1S78. Republican. HARKV PKRCIVAT. CARVKK. Harry Percival Carver was born in Hoston, Mass., June 7, 1875, the son of Edwin C. and Susan M. Carver. Attended the public schools of Boston, Edward Little High School, Auburn, Me. ; entered Tufts College as a special student in 1894, and completed his edu- cation by two years in Boston University I. aw School. Admitted to the bar, February 2, 1S9S, and is practicing law in Aul.urn, Me. He held the office of City Solicitor of Auburn for the year i Vj- Republican. JOSEPH G. CHABOT. Son of Francois Octave Chabot and Clarence Chene, was born in Somerset, Province of Quebec, Canada, May g, 1865. Attended Lewiston public schools i year, village schools of Somerset, Can., 2 winters. Whan sixteen years of age, hired in general country store in Somerset, keeping telegraph office in connection with other work. Returned to Lewiston, 1SS2: worked in shoe store, 9 years, during which time, he wrote for French newspapers, and taught 2 years in Lewiston evening public school. Began study of law in office of Mayor Frank L. Noble. Admitted to ba--, Oct. 6, 1894. Practicing in Lewiston, with office in .At- kinson Building, Lisbon St. President Musical-Literary Club of Lewiston, 1892. Repre- sented, with Dr. L. J. Martel, the French people of Maine at New Hampshire French Convention, held at (Ireat Falls, N. H., 18,3. Republican. 25 HENRY K. COOLIDGE. Henry E. Coolidge, son of Cliarles A. Coolirlge ard i-'arali N. Foster, was born Dec. 23, i860, in Livermore, Me. Was educated in primary school. Canton, Me. ; Nicliols Lat- in School, Lewiston, Me. ; and Bates College, graduating in iSSi. Married Josephine ( ). Dearborn of Canton, April 26, 1883, and has one son, Chas. W. Coolidge. Was admitted to bar Oct. i, 1889, and has since practiced at I isbon Falls, Me. Has held office of School Supervisor, Trial Justice, Manager Lisbon Falls Branch of I ewiston Trust & Safe Deposit Company. Republican. RALPH \V. CROCKKTT. Son of Ceorge W. and Hanrah H, frockett, was born in l.ewiston, Me., April 7, 1S6.). Attended l.ewiston public schools, graduating from High School, 1.SS7 ; Amherst College, graduating, 1891 : and Boston University law School, graduating, 1893. Admitted to bar. May 6, 1S93. Practiced law in l.ewiston, as partner of Hon. Frank L. Noble, Mayor of l.ewiston, until his death in iJigy. City Solicitor, I ewiston, i.^'g4-7- Republican. Address, l.ewiston, Me. 27 FRANKLIN M. DREW. Franklin M. Drew, Levviston. Me., son of Jesse and Hannah (Phillips) Drew, was born in Turner, Me., July iq, 1837. Educated at Hebron Academy and Bowdoin College, graduating in 1S58. Married Araminta Blanche Woodman, Jan. 3, 1862, and had one son, Frank Newman, who died Sept. 2g, 1S64. Admitted to bar, Kennebec, .April 3, i86i. Practiced law at Presque Isle, Brunswick, and Lewiston. Clerk House ot Representatives, 1866-67 ; Secretary of State, 186S-71 ; U. S. Pension Agent, Augusta, 1872-7 ; Judge of Pro- bate Androscoggin County, since Jan. i, 1888. Served three years and three months dur- ing Civil War, and was mustered out Brevet Colonel, Jan. 26, 1865. Republican. WILLIAM PIERCE FRYE. Horn, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 2, 1831 ; graduated, Bowdoin College, i 50; studied and practiced law ; member State Legislature, 1861-2, and 1867 ; Mayor of Lewiston, 1866-7 ; Attorney-General of Maine, 1867-8-9 ; elected member National Republican Executive Committee, 1872-76-80; elected Trustee of Bowdoin College, June, 1880; received LL.D. degree, Bates College, 1881, Bowdoin College, 1889; Presidential Elector, 1864 ; Delegate to National Republican conventions, 1872-76-80 ; Chairman State committee, 1881 ; Represen- tative in 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th, 46th, and 47th Congresses ; elected to United States Senate, taking his seat, March 18, i88i : re-elected, 1883-88-95-1901 ; President ;jro tempore of Sen- ate, 1896-1901 ; member Peace Commission, Paris, September, 1898. His term of service will expire March 3, 1907. Is also Regent of Smithsonian Institution and Trustee of Car- negie Institute. 29 3° Born in Minot, Me., Jan. s, i.Ss?, the son of Nathan Coy and Harriet Woodbury Har- ris. Educated at Lewiston Falls Academy, Maine State Seminary, Bates and Yale Col- leges, graduating from Bates in '73 '^^'■tl'' the degree .A. B., and from Yale in 75 with degree Ph.D. Twice married. Has three children: Manilla E., Nathan Conant, and Lucy Woodbury. Admitted to the bar, January, 1878, since which time he has practiced in Au- burn. Has been Register of Probate, City Solicitor, and Mayor. Representative at last session, serving on Committee on Judiciary, and on Legislative Apportionment. Repub- !iiiivrr^iiiiiiiiif[iJW^iiiffirr7^iiii^/i)^^^ LOUIS A. JACK. Louis A. Jack was born in Topsham, Me.. July 12,1877, the son of Albion S., and Sarah B. Jack. He was educated in the schools of Lisbon Falls and Portland, Me. Was admitted to bar, Oct. 16, 1900, and is practicing law at Lisbon Falls, Me. Republican. 3.2 WILBUR H. JUDKINS. Wilbur H. Judkins was born in Monmouth, Me., May 19, 1S5S, th« son of John O. and Amelia E. Judkins. Was educated in Monmouth Academy, Coburn Classical Insti- tute— then called Waterville Classical Institute— graduating in 1876 ; and Bates College, from which he graduated in 1880. Married Nellie H. Jones, and has one child, Florence L. Admitted to bar, April, 1883, and has practiced law in Lewiston, Me. City Solicitor, of Lewiston, 1886-8 ; County Attorney of Androscoggin County, 1895-9; Mayor of Lewis- ton, 1897 ; member of Board of Overseers, Bates College since 1888. Republican. Ad- dress, Lewiston, Me. 33 AI.F.KRT L. KAVANAGH. Albert L. Kavana?h was born in I.ewiston, Me., July 4, 187,^, the son of Michael .1 . and Ellen H. (C.riffin) Kavanagh. He attended the city schools of Lewiston, and Bates College, graduating in June, 1^596. Studied lau with E. H. Tardivel, Manchester, N. H., and A. E. Verrill, Auburn, Me. Admitted to the bar at April term of S. J. Court, 189). Is junior member of the firm of McCann & Kavanagh, practicing la.v in Aub.irn. He wa5 President of the class of '96, Bates College, and also President of St Jossph's Literary Cnion. Republican. Address, 6S Main St., Auburn, Me. 34 STEPHEN J. KKLLEY. Stephen J. Kelley, Esq., of Lewiston was born in Lewiston, Me., and is 31 years of age. He received his education in the Lewiston schools ; he is married and has one child. He is an attorney-at-law and stands prominent among the younger lawyers of the .A.ndros- coggin bar. Has served as Councilman 3 years. As a Republican and Legislator in the Seventieth Legislature, he took a prominent part in all issues of importance, serving as Chairman on the Committee on Temperance and also on the Committee on Claims. 35 ALBION RKITH PARRIS KXOWLTOX Born, New Portland, Me., Dec. lo, 1S27, son of William and Mary Chapma:i^ Knjwl- ton. Fitted for college at Farmington Academy, New' Portland High School, and Hebron .Academy. (Iraduated, Colby, i'<54 ; received -A. M. degree, '1S57. Charter me.nber Delta Upsilon fraternity ; held offices of .Sec, Treas., and Pres. Prin. No. Conway .Academy, 1S54 ; Thomaston Academy, 1S56-9 ; Lewiston High .School, iSt;L,-62. Read law with Hon. Wm. P. Frye and Hon. T. A. D. Fessenden. .Admitted to bar, 1S60. Member Lewiston Common Council, and Hoard of Aldermen, at various times ; member School Board ; jndf e Municipal Court, 1872-76; City Solicitor, 1881-2 ; First Chairman Board of Registration under'Registration Act. Married, Mary .A. Mcduier at Thomaston, May 2^, 1859, who died leaving a daughter. Carrie May ; and .AlmiraC', Cubase at Lewiston, Dec. 13, 1S64, who also has' one daughter, (irace Augusta. Has practiced in Lewiston before and since 1876. Republican. Free Baptist. Address, 25 Lisbon St., Lew:iston, Me. 36 JESSE M. LIBBY. Jesse M. Libby of Mechanic Falls, Me., was born in Danville, now Auburn, Mar. 2S, ,846. Parents were Simon and Louisa A. Libby. Educated in town schools of Poland, Nichols Latin School of Lewiston, and Bates College, graduating from the latter in 1S71. Married Kittie Perkins, Dec. 28, 1871. Admitted to Androscoggin Bar in 1875. Supervis- or of Poland schools. County Attorney from January, 1887, to January, 1S91. Representa- tive to Legislature, 1878 ; Senator, 1891-93, and Representative in the Seventieth Legisla- ture, serving on Committee on Legal Affairs, and on Councilor Apportionment. Always a Republican. 37 38 39 JOHN H. MAXVVKLL. John H Maxwell of Livermore Falls, Me., was born in Webster, Me., June 2, 1866, son of Davis and Mary E. Maxwell. Educated in Nichols Latin School and Eowdoin Col- lege, graduating in class of '88. Married. Admitted to bar, May, 1895, and has practiced in I,ivermore Falls. Grand Chancellor of Knights of Pythias, 1899; is Director and Treas- urer Livermore Falls Light and Power Company ; Director and Treasurer Livermore Falls Water Company ; Director and Attorney of Livermore Falls Trust and Banking Company; Chairman School Board. Republican. 40 Alfred Coolidge Andrews of Mechanic Falls, Me., son of Sullivan C. and Brittainia Coolidge Andrews, was born in Buckfield, Me., July ii, 1873. Educated at Chauncey Hall- Boston, Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass., and Boston University Law School. Admitted to the bar, October, 1897. Has practiced law at Mechanic Falls as member of firm of Lib- by & Andrews. 41 Son of Benjamin Mitchell and Mahala Morrison, was born in Auburn, Me., Nov. 24, iSto Received his education in the public schools of Auburn, Lewiston Falls Academy, and Edward Little Institute. Married, Jan. i, 187H, May Frances (letchell, and has two sons- Ezra(;., born Aug. 15, 1S79, who graduated from Edward Little High School, 1898, and entered University of Maine where he is a member of class "02 ; and Benjamin, born Dec. 30, 1890. Admitted to bar Oct. 5, 1875, and is practicing law in Auburn, Me. City Clerk 1881-2-3-4-5, 1887-9; City Solicitor, 1891 ; appointed judge Municipal Court, 1891-5. Always a Republican. 42 FRANK ANDREW MOREY. Frank Andrew Morey, son of Andrew Jackson Morey and Elvira H. Allen, was born March ii, 1863, in Keeseville, N. Y. Educated at Keeseville Academy and Bates College, graduating from former, June, 1881, and latter, June, 1885. Married Maud M. Douglass, Lewiston, Me., June 24, 1889, and has a daughter, Ruth M. Morey. Admitted to bar, Al- bany, N. Y., May 5, 1887 ; Lewistou, Me., Sept. 27, 1890. Practiced law three and one- half years at Keeseville ; since September, iSgo, in Lewiston, Me., forming a partnership, April 27, i8gi, with W. H. Judkins, under firm name, Judkins & Morey. City Solicitor of Lewiston; member of Maine I.etjislature. 1899. Democrat. 43 WILLIAM H. NEWELL. William H. Newell, born in Durham, Me., April ifi, 1S54, son of William B. and Su' sannah K. Newell. Educated in common schools, Farmington Normal School, and Maine Wesleyan Seminary, graduating from both. Married, and has three children : Augusta P. (Jeorge W., and Dorothy. Admitted to bar in Sagadahoc County, April term, 1S7S. Ha practiced law in Lewiston, Me., since fall of 1SS2. Held office of City Solicitor, Lewiston ; County Attorney Androscoggin County ; Mayor of Lewiston, 1891-2 and 1898. President Manufacturers' National Kank. Demorcat. 44 HENRY W. OAKES. Soa of Silvester and H. Eliza (Rilbourne) Cakes, was born in Auburn, Me., April 26, , 8s7 Educated at Auburn High School, graduating, 1873, and Bates College, Lewiston graduating, .877. Married Thalia R. Toothaker, June 24, .885. Has two sons, Raynrond S and Wallace T. Admitted to Androscoggin Bar, May, 1880. In partnership with N . W Harris Esq , Auburn, two years ; with Hon. A. R. Savage, thirteen years, and in April .899, became senior member of the firm, Oakes, Pulsifer & Ludden, Auburn. Been County Attorney, Androscoggin County ; City Solicitor, Auburn; member of City Coun- cil ; member School Committee. Trustee Bates College, many years. Connected with several secret societies being an (Md Fellow, a thirty-second degree Mason and Past Su- preme Warden, New England Order of Protection. Republican. 45 46 Son of Elisha and Delia (Colby) Purington, was born in Embden, Somerset Co., Me., Aug. i6, 1S52. Educated in common schools, Hebron Academy, and Bow doin College, graduating from the latter in 1880. Married, Sept. 5, 1SS2, Addie P. Smullen, and has three children : Beulah F., Frank H., and EUesen S. Admitted to the bar at .Auburn, Me., Sept. 25, 1884, and has since practiced in Mechanic Falls, Me. Supervisor of Schools ; Member of House of Representatives, 1889 and 1893. Republican. \\\yvn^\\m\iimmimirrr^\\miiii^^ 47 JOHN I.ESLIK KKADK. John Leslie Reade, son of John and Mary A. (Bonney) Reade, was born, Sept. 29, 1S6., in Uuincy, 111. Was educated in I.ewiston High School and Bates College, graduating from the latter in 1S83. Married Lillian Harris of Lewiston, June 14, iSgq, and has one son, John Leslie, Jr. Admitted to Androscoggin Bar in 1S97, and has practiced in Lewis- ton.' Was Washington correspondent of Lewiston Journal and Portland Press 1S85-7 : re- porter and Telegraph Editor New York Tribune, 1887-9: Citv Editor Auburn Gazette, 1890; Editor-in-Chief Auburn Gazette, i8q2-.v. City Solicitor, I,ewiston, 1898-1900. Re- publican. Address, I.ewiston, Me. 48 WILLIAM P.. SKELTON. Born, Bowdoin, Me., Aug. 9, iSyi.son of Thomas William and Mary LueUa (Hol- brooke Skeltou. Educated in common schools of Bowdoin, high schools of Bowdoin Cen- tre and Bowdoinham, graduating from latter, 1886, Nichols Latin School, graduating, iS»8, Bates College, graduating, i892r Taught three years in Nichols Latin School while m col- lege. Principal of Levviston evening school, winters of 1892-3 and 1893-4. Married Flor- ence L. Larrabee, Auburn, May 21, 1894, and has three sons : William Larrabee, born Nov. 15, iSgs; Harold Newell, 'born Jan. i, 1899: Thomas Reginald, born Feb. 22 1901. Admitted to Androscoggin Bar, Oct. 7, 1893. Practicing in Lewiston, Me., as member of firm of Newell & Skeltou. Member of Lewiston City Government, 1893-4 ; County .\ttor- nev of .Androscoggin County for term beginning Jan. i, 1901. Joined American Ba,r Asso- ciation, Saratoga, 1S9S ; elected member Local Council, State of Maine, Buffalo, 1899 ; re- elected, Saratoga, 1900. Past Master, Rabnui Lodge, No. i;;o, F. X: A. M., Lewiston. Republican. ■19 ALBERT K. VERRILL. Albert E. Verrill of Auburn, Me., son of Charles and Martha Lord Verrill, was born in Poland, Me., Nov. 12, i860. Educated at Waterville Classical Institute, Nichols Latin School, and Bates College, graduating, 1886. Married, June i, i8g6, Mabel A. Lord of Auburn. Admitted to the bar, January, 1889, and to U. S. Circuit Court, 1S90, and has practiced in Auburn since admission. Chairman Board of Registration, 1891-3 ; at pres- ent. Clerk Municipal Court and Disclosure Commissioner. Republican. 50 GEORGE CURTIS WEBBER. George Curtis Webber, son of Arista Webber and Luella P. Wedgwood, was born in I-isbon, Me., Sept. 3, 1875. He attended the public schools of Auburn, Edward Little High School, and completed his education at Bowdoin College, graduating in the class of 1S55. He occupied tha Chair of Sciences, Ridgeville College, Ridgeville, Indiana, i8g6, and was Principal of Hampden Academy, 1897-8-9. Was admitted to Androscoggin Ear, Eeb. 24, 1900, and practices law in Aubjrn, where he at present holds the office of City Clerk. r)emocrat. Address, 81 Main St., Auburn, Me, WALLACE HUMPHRKV WHITE. Wallace Humphrey, the son of John and Mary A. White, was born in Livermore, Me. .Sept. 4, 1S4S, and attended the common and high schools, is married. Admitted to the bar in Auburn in 1S74 and practiced law in Lewiston. Held the office of County .Attorney in Androscoggin county two terms from 1876-81 ; Attorney for the United States in the Al- abama Claims in 18S2-3. Member of the House of Representatives in 1883, and of the Senate in 1899 and 1901. In 1901, was Chairman of Judiciary Committee, a member of the Library Committee, and Committee on Legislative .Apportionment. DANA SCOTT WILLIAMS. Dana Scott Williams, son of Sumner G. and Ella F. Wyman, was born in Lewiston, Me., Sept. 23, 187S. Attended Lewiston public schools, graduating from the High School, I S9S, President of the class ; graduated from University of Maine School of Law, June, 1900, receiving degree of LL. B. Single. Admitted to Androscoggin County Bar, May ,•!, 1900, and is practicing law in Lewiston, in partnership with F. X. Belleau, under firm name of Belleau & Williams. Is President of Alumni Association of the Lewiston High School. Republican. 53 P> )rii, Livir.n ire, M: Wymaa . Attended district and high schools in Livermore, tutored by Henry C. Went- worth, Esi., until prepared for college. Married Emily Billings Thompson of Livermore, and has two sons : Nahum Morrill, born May 6, 1S71, graduated from Colby University, now contracting agent, Southern Pacific Co., Denver, Colo. ; and George Curtis, Jr., bora ^ Oct. 6, 1878, graduated from Brown University, now in Harvard Law School. Admitted to bar April, 1868. Practiced two years at Lisbon Falls, since in Auburn. Been member of Superintending School Committee ; City Solicitor, Auburn, seven years ; County Attor- ney Androscoggin County ; twice elected and once appointed Judge of Probate for said Coun- ty ; Chairman Republican State Committe, 1884; Chairman Maine Delegation to Chicago 1884, when James G. Blaine was Republican Feisideiial nominee. .Always a Republican 5 + William Percival Allen, of Caribou, Me., was born, Nov. 4, 1854, in Lincoln, Penob- scot Co., Me. His parents were John and Hannah S. Allen. Educated in the common schools and Bucksport Seminary, graduating in class of 1876, Married Hannah E. Smith of Caribou, Nov. 8, 1885, and has one son, Wm. Smith Allen, aged 11 years. Admitted to Penobscot Bar at Bangor, April term, 1880, and has practiced law in Caribou ever since admission. County Director of the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Co., iSgS-g ; re elected Aug. 27, 1901, to the same office. Independent Democrat. 55 CHARLES P. ALLKN. Son of J. Augustus Allen, was born in Presque Isle. Me., Oct. 21, 1S52. Educated in Presque Isle Academy and University of Maine, class of 1876. Married, Oct. 3, 1881, .An- nie P.. Fenno of Bangor, and has one son, Edward H. Allen. .Admitted to Aroostook Bar, September, 1877, and has practiced since in his native town. County Attorney, Aroostook Co., four years; Member of Maine Legislature, 1 89 1 ; Judge .Advocate Ceneral ontiov. I'.urleigh's Staff: Trustee of University of Maine ; member of Republican State Commit- tee four vears. .Always a Republican. Address, Presque Isle, Me. 56 James Archibald, of Houlton, Me., was born Jan. 6, 1856. His parents were Isaac L. and Margaret C. Archibald of Montirello, natives of Nova Scotia. Educated in the com- mon schools and Houlton Academv. Married Ellen A. Nelson of Bridgewater, a native of Waldo County, and has three children : Bernard, James, Jr., and Crace. .Admitted to the bar at Houlton, October. i87q, and practiced law in Monticello, 1S79-86, and in Houlton since then Has been Selectman and Supervisor of Schools in Monticello ; Supervisor of Schools in Houlton, iS8S-gi : Special Deputy Collector of Customs, Aroostook County, iSqj-y. Republican, formerly Democrat. 57 PARKER P. BURLEIGH. Son of Albert A. and LucinJa G. Burleigh, was born in ' XiVieH, \I±., Feb. 15, 186S. Graduated from Houlton Academy iSSs, Colby University, 1SS9, Harvard Law School, iSg2. Married Bertha M. Gushing of St. John, N. B., and has two children, Helen and Dorothy, born Feb. 12, 1902. Admitted to Aroostook Co. Bar, Mar. 4, 1893, and has prac- ticed law at Houlton. Associated with his father, Hon. Albert A. Burleigh, in construc- tion and operation of Patten & Sherman R. R., 1895-igoi, acting as vice-president ; also in construction of .-Aroostook Northern R. R., from Caribou to Limestone, 1897. Formed co-partnership with AUston Gushing, well-known lumberman of St. John, N. B., 1899, un- der firm name of Allston Gushing & Co., with headquarters at Houlton, and mills at Howe Brook, Blaine, and Portage Lake, .\rjostook Co., their annual output being 15,000,000 ft. of long lumber. Republican. 5f^ WALTER CARY. Walter Gary of Houlton, Me., son of Theodore and Althea M. Gary, was born inHoul- ton, Aug. 7, 1865. Fitted for college at Houlton Academy, graduating in class of 1S.S6. < Graduated from Golby University, 1890. Married, Jan. 22, 1895, Florence Emerson of Lincoln, Me., and has one daughter, Catherine, born Nov. 17, 1899. Admitted to bar at Houlton, .Sept. 29, 1892, and has always practiced there. Republican. 59 MICHAEL M. CLARK Born, Woodstock, N. B., Nov. 25, 1852, son oi^oh,vtVC\^r).^n^^^^^^^ Scotland and Margaret (Crawford) Clark, born m Halifax, ^-S., of Scotch parents^ C<^^n,^ Dieted school life at Houlton Academv. Dec. 31, 1S77, married Henrietta f.raden ana na> two sons Roland E graduate of Bowdoin College, igoi, private secretary to Corgres,ma . LlevveUyn Powers, wishington, D. C. ; and Walter B Clark now attending bowdoi„ Cul^ lege Adnfuted to Aroostook Bar, April 28, igoo. ^^'^ V'?' I'sn^eriorCour from X since .882 ; chairman Selectmen and Assessors.^ 13 years ; ^.1"^ Superior Court from until its abolishment in 1893; since 1887, Clerk Supreme Judicia and County ^™^^^°'J_ ers' Courts; President Board of Trade ; Trustee R. C I Houlton Prustee and l-^easur er Houlton Public Library ; Past Grand, Rokobema I-°f §? • ,^°: /f-J;,/'- ^ >• i' ' \'l]^^f'. Aroostook Encampment, No. 41, and Houlton Canton ; of l^^^ecca Lodge No^78,L(M).K^ is Past Captain Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias, Co. 15 ; Past Chancellor, Algonquin Lodge K of P Houlton ; member Sf A. O. U. W. Congregat.onalist. Always a Repub Ikan Chairman of Co. Republican Committee ; member of htate Republican Committee 60 ALBERT B. DONWORTH. Albert B. Donworth of Caribou, Me., was born in Machias, Me., April ii, 1867. Re- ceived his education at Bowdoin College and West Point Military Academy, graduating from the latter in June, 1891. Single. Admitted to the bar, in August, [900, and has prac- ticed in Caribou. Republican. Served as an officer during Spanish-American war. 61 HERSEY. Ira O. Hersey of Houlton, Me., was born in Hodgdon, Me., March 31, 1859. His parents were Samuel B. and Elizabeth Hersey. Educated in ctmimon schools and Houl- ton Academy, now " Ricker Classical Institute." Married Annie' Dillen, Jan. 6, 1804. .Admitted to bar at Houlton, September term, 18S0, and has practiced in Houlton ever since admission. City Solicitor for past six years. Republican. ''__ llin-T^lllllllllf[lir^!llfllii^T7^lfim 62 EUGENE A. HOLMES. Eugene A. Holmes of Caribou, Me., son of .\lbe and Maria Holmes, was born July 4, 1869, in Medford, Mass. Attended Medford High School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Boston University Law School, graduating with degree of LL. B., 1895. Married Lillian O. Gary of Caribou, Me., June 3, 1896, and has one son, Morton A. Holmes, born April 25, 1897. Admitted to the bar, Sept. 21, 1S95, and is practicing law in Caribou. Treasurer of Caribou Water Co., 1893-4-5. Republican. iiii^rr^iiiiiiiiii[ii^p^iiii(iin^7Xiiii^ ALBERi" WHITTIER MADIGAN. Born at FV.rt Kent, Me., 1849, eldest son of the late James C. and Mary Anna Madigan. Soon after his birth, his parents became permanent residents of Houlton where he has always resided. Educated in public schools and Academy at Houlton, and at the Univer- sity of (leorgetown, where he graduated 1S72, receiving degree of A. M. from that institu- tion in 18S9. After graduation, passed some time as teacher in the public school system. Studied law in office of Madigan & Donworth and was admitted to practice in 1871^. Elect- ed County Attorney for Aroostook County in 1879. On the decease of James C. Madigan, senior member of above law firm, formed law partnership with surviving member, John F. Donworth, under above style, which association continued till 1886, when partnership was formed with his brother, John B., under style of Madigan & Madigan, which still continues. Catholic. Democrat. 64 JOHN H. madi(;ax. John B. Madigan of Houlton, Me., son of James C. and Mary Anna Madigan, was born in Houlton, Jan. 24, 1S63. Attended Houlton Academy ; St. Joseph's College, N. B.; (leorgetown University, Washington, D. C, receiving degree of A. B. in 1883 and of A. M. in 1889, and Boston University Law School, LL. B. 1S86. Married, Jan. 23, iSqo, Lucia J. Rose, and has two children : James C, born Dec. 29, i.Sgo, and Alice F , born April 6, 1895- A Imitted to Aroostook Bar, September, 18S5. Practicing in Houlton. Member of Maine I.eislature 1S89; member of Maine Bar Examiners : Trustee Ricker Classical Institute, Houlton : chairman Houlton Board ot Education ; President Houlton 1-ree Public Library, I lemocrat. 65 DON A. H. POWKRS. Hon. I)on A. H. Powers, a prominent lawyer of Aroostook County, and Councilor from the seventh district, was born in Pittsfield, Maine, Dec. 8, 1S50. He attended Hart- land Academy, Hartland, Maine, Maine Central Institute, Pittsfield, Maine, and Bowdoin College, graduating from the latter in 1S74. Married Francis A. Shaw, Dec. 8, 1878 ; has two children, Hortense B. Powers, aged iS years, and Elisha L. Powers, aged 15. He was elected Councilor in January 1899 and re-elected in January 1901. Always a republican. Address, Houlton, Maine. 66 HERBERT T. POWERS. Herbert T. Powers ua-; born in Pittsfield, Me., Nov. i.i, 1S70, son of Hannibal H. and .Abbie(\eal; Powers. Educated in common schools, Maine Central Institute, and F,o\v- doin College. Married Una L. Neal, June 6, 1900. Lawyer. Held various town offices Member of Legislature in iSog, also in iqo., when he served on the Judiciary Committee Republican. Postoffice address. Fort Fairfield, Me. 67 R. W. SHAW. R. W. Shaw of Houlton, Me., was educated at Houlton Academy and Maine Central Institute, Pittsfield, Me. Married, and has four children. Was admitted to the bar, 1886, and has practiced law at Houlton. He has been Register of Probate for .Aroostook Coun- ty, serving four years; State Senator, 1S93-5 ; and is now County Attorney for Aroostook County, serving second term. Republican. 68 JAMES ORIN SMITH. James Orin Smith, son of James and Elizabeth C. Smith, was born Oct. 2g, 1864, in Norway, Me. Attended Norway High School, graduating in 1S85, and Albany Law School, graduating in 1888. Married Grace M. Stevens, Sept. 10, 1892. Taught school. Was ad- mitted to the C)xford Bar in 1888, and has since practiced law in Harrison and Presque Isle. Republican. Address, Presque Isle, Me. 69 7Q 71 SETH S. THORNTON. Seth S. Thornton of Ashland was born in Princeton, Me., Dec. i8, 1865. He was edu- cated in the common schools and State Normal School. Taught school for ten years, then read law with Geo. M. Hanson of Calais, and was admitted to the Washington Bar in 1894. Removed to Ashland in 1896, and has since practiced law at that place. Has been Superin- tendent of .Schools and Selectman since 1S98. Member of Maine Legislature, 1901, serving as chairman of Committee on Ways and Bridges, and member of Committees on Councilor Apportionment and Claims. Republican. 72 FRANCOIS X. r.EI.LKAU. Born, Montreal, Aug. 13, 1S59, son of Simeou and Eleonore Belleau ; educated in the common schools of Canada. Came from Canada in October, 1876; married Blanche A. Martel, St. Hyacinihe, P. Q., and has seven children : Narcisse Fortunat, Blanche E., Hercules, Jeanne, Adrienne, Irma, and Eglantine. He was admitted to the bar at Auburn' Me., Oct. II, 18S1, and has practiced in Lewiston. Was City Solicitor in 1885, member of Maine House of Representatives, 1893-189(5 ; U. S. Consul to Canada, 1893-1897. Demo- crat. Address, Lewiston, Me. 73 GEORGE H. ALLAN. George H. Allan, of Portland, Me., son of George W. and Mary J. (Moore) Allan, was born in Pembroke, Me., Jan. ig, 1861. He received his education in the common schools of Pembroke, and at University of Maine, graduating in 1884. Married Hattie M. Smith of Portland. Admitted to the bar, October, 1S8S, and has practiced in Portland. Member of Portland School Board, 1893-7 ; Assistant County Attorney, 1897-igoo; Member of Leg- islature, 190 1, serving on Committee oil Legal Affairs, and Maine State Year Book. Re- publican. 74 Horn, Nov. 24, 1854, Naples, Me., son of William H. and Sally (Shedd) Barton. At- tended town schools ; graduated from Bridgton Academy, 1880; Bowdoin College, 18S4. Married, Portland, Sept. ig, 1894. Children : Lawrence (1., born Dec. 15, iSgj ; Elizabeth N., born Sept. 17, 1S97 ; and Grace Marion, born Sept. 24, 1900. Admitted to Cumberland Co. Bar, May 5, 1893 ; U. S. Circuit Court, at Portland, Aug. 5, 1898. Practiced in Port- land since admission. Supt. of Schools, Naples, 1879 ; Member of Legistature from Na- ples, i>85-6 ; chairman Board of Selectmen, Bridgton, i8gi ; Principal Bridgton Academy, 1887-92. Elected Trustee of Bridgton Academy, iSg2 ; Trustee of Evergreen Cemetery, Portlard; Secretary Young Men's Democratic Club, i8g3, and Treasurer, i8g4 ; member and Treasurer Democratic State Committee, i8g4-igoo ; President Maine Democratic Club since organization, i8gg ; Odd Fellow and member Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Always a Demociat. Candidate for Register of Deeds, 18S8 ; for Register of Probate, 1890 ; for Representative from Bridgton, 1892: for Sheriff, 1900; for Mayor of Portland, iSgg. .\d- dress, 98 E.xchange St., Portland, Me. J 75 SAMUEL L. BATES. Son of Benjamin L. and Harriet Ann (Gray) Bates, was born in Van Buren, Mich., Nov. 14,1865. Attended common schools and Eastern State Normal School, Castine, Me., graduating, June, iSgo. Admitted to the bar, 1894, and is practicing in Portland. Be- ing a Democrat in a strong Republican city and county, he has never held public office, but ] has frequently filled places on Democratic ticket. That party has supported him for Rep- resentative, member of School Committee, and Clerk of Courts. Served several years as chairman Democratic County Committee: is cliairman Portland Democratic City Commit- tee ; is well known in politics as a Democratic writer and speaker. .Address, 45 Exchange St. Portland, Me. 76 ARTHUR F. BELCH KR. Arthur F. Belcher of Portland, Me., was born in Farmington, Me., April 24, 1861 l'.xrents, Timothy F. Belcher and Margaret J. Belcher. Attended school in Farmington, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., graduating in i.SyS : and Bovvdoin College, graduating in 1SS2. Married, Oct. 7, 1S96, and has two children. Admitted to the bar, March, 1885, and practiced law in Farmington until i8ij6, when be moved to Portland, and is now in practice there. Republican. 77 7^^ \V1LF()KI> <;. CHAI'MAN. Wilford t;. Cliapman, son vi Core B. and Julia A. (Stevens) CliapniaT), was born in Portland, Me., June 29, i860. Educated in Portland schools, graduating from the High in 1879, and at Colby College, gradaatiag in 1SS3, with the dagree A. IS. Married Tinuie A. Drummond Oct. s, iSS; and has three children : Clark D. born Sept. 5, 1SS8, Wilford CI. Jr., July 24, iSgo. and (iertrude, Feb. 27, 1892. Admitted to the Cumberland Bar in 1885, and has practiced his profession in Portland. Has been a member of theCommon Council and City Solicitor three years, 1894-5-6. Is a Republican. 79 KKKDERICK V. CHASK. Son of Frederick A. and Kacbel 1.. Chase, was born in P'ayette, Me., April 30, iS:;,. Was educated in common schools, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, and Colby University, grad- uating from the latter in 1.S76. Married Eliza M. Mayo, June 12, 1889. Admitted to Cum- berland Bar in November, 1S8.5. Was Assistant County Attorney, 1887-88. Member nf House of Representatives in Sixty-ninth and Seventieth Legislatures, serving in the latter session, as member of the Judiciary Committee and chairman of Committee on Rules and Business of the House. Republican. .Address, Portland, Me. 80 EX-(;OV. HENRY B. CLEAVES. Son of Thomas and Sophia Bradstreet Cleaves, was born in Bridgton, Me. Educated in common schools, Lewiston Falls and Bridgton Academies. Enlisted, i%2, and served till close of war, rising to rank of ist Lieut. Admitted to bar, iS68, forming a law partner- ship with his brother, the late Judge Nathan Cleaves. Member of Legislature, 1876-7 ; City Solicitor, Portland, 1877-g ; Attorney-Cleueral of Maine, 1880-S5,— during his adminis- tration of this office the right of the State to levy a franchise tax upon railroad and tele- graph companies was conclusively settled ; Covernor of Maine, 1893-97, receiving at last election nearly 40,000 majority. Is Director, Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., Portland National Bank, Union Safe L)eposit & Trust Co., Westbrook Trust Co., Eastern Dredg- ing Co. ; President Bar Harbor Electric Light Co., and Ellsworth Water Co., and counsel for many large business corporations in the State. Republican. 81 XATHAX i:i,IF'F(iKn. Natlian Clifford. 57 Kxchange St., Foitlaml, Me., son of William Henry ard Klleii Greeley Cliff90o. Admitted to Cumberland Bar, October, .886. Practicing in Portland, as junior member of the well-known law firm of John C. & F. H. Cobb. Member of Atlan- tic Lodge, No. 8., F. X A. M. ; Greenleaf Royal Arch Chapter, Portland Council and Portland Commandery. I 85 86 Sj DRKW, Morrill N. Drew was born in Fort I'airf'elcl, Me., in 1S62, the son of Jesse and Clara Wellington Drew. Educated at Rates College and Boston University Law School, gradu- ting from latter in 18S5. Married Louise S. Davis and has one son, Jesse Albert Drew. Admitted to bar, 18S5. Practiced in Fort Fairfield until 1893, and since then in Portland, Me. County Attorney for .Aroostook County, 1887-8-g-go. Member of House of Represen- tatives, 1891-3. Always a Republican. Address, 31% Exchange St., Portland, Me. 88 JCSIAH H. DRUMMONI) Sou of Clark and Cynthia (I'lackwelli Drummond, was burn in Winslow, Me., Aug ^o, 1827. Atteuded town schools and Vassalboro Academy, and graduated from Colby (then Waterville) College, 1846; A. M. in course, 1S4Q ; LL. D., 1871. Married, Dec. m. 1S50, and has four children : Myra I ucetta, Jnsiah Fayden, Jr., Tinnie A., and Margelia Bean. .Admitted to the bar at October term, 1S50, in Kennebec Co. Practiced in Water- ville until i860, since then in Portland. Representative from Waterville, :.857-8, from Portland, 1865: Senator, Kennebec Co., 1S60 : .Attorney-General, 18601-2-,^, besides hold- ing many town and city offices. Democrat to 1855, Republican since. 89 F.DW'IN 1.. DYER. Kdwin L. Pyer of Portland, Me., was bnin in Pnwral, Me., f'ct. 15, 1851;, the son of Nathaniel Dyer and Hariiet I-. Martin. .Attended Westbrook Seminary and P.oston Uni- versity Law School, from which he was graduated in i.*7.S. ^^dmitted to the bar in 1877. and began practice in Portland. Married Farny ("■. Green, August 2, l'-'.^S, and has two children. Recorder of Municipal Court of Portland eight years, and City Clerk ten years. Republican. 90 CHASK KASTMAN. Chase Kastman, son of Edward and Nellie Chase Eastman, was born in Saco, Maine, Sept. 12, 1S74, Attended Brown-Nichols, Cambridge, Mass., and Saco High Schools, and Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville. Graduated from Bowioin College, i8q6, (A. B.) HT-vard Law School, iSgg, (L. C. B ). While in college was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and Theta Nu Epsilon societies. Traveled abroad from summer of 1S99 to July, igoo. Studied law in office of Foster & Hersey and was admitted to Cumberland Bar, Octo- ber, iqoo ; is practicing law in Portland at 31 ' i Exchange St. Repub lican. CF.ORGK F. EMERY. Cieorge F. Emery, fon of Stephen and Sarah (Stowell) Emery, was born in l^aris. Me., Xov. TO, 1817. .Attended scliool in .-Xndover, North Kridgton, Thornton .\cademy, Saco, and Farniington. Craduated from Howdoin College, 1836. Married .Abby Eliza Appleton. Children of this marriage : John Appleton, Ceorge Frederick, Frank Wilson, Hannibal Hamlin, Sarah Ellen, and Susan .\ppleton who married N. F. Furbish. Admitted to bar at Paris Nov. ID, i3,i8. Practiced law in Waterford, Paris, and Portlan I . Has held office of Register of Probate for Cxford County ; Clerk, U. S. Circuit Court ; U. S. Commission- er ; U. S. Pension Agent ; manager of Boston Post from 1S76 to iSSi. .\ lifelong Demo- crat: of the old school. 92 Son of William and He attended Oak Grove Latin School, Lewiston, in the public schools, in high school at Kingston since resided. In April by, Robinson & Turner, and in November, iSgg, practice at 34 Exchange JED FRVE FANNING. Jane (Waddell) Fanning, was born at I.ubec, Me., Oct. 25, 1866. Seminary, Vassalboro, one year, prepared for college at Nichols and graduated from Bates College in class of 1S93. He has laugh Nichols Latin School, and for three years was principal of the , Mass. In the spring of 1896, he moved to Portland, where he has of that year, he entered upon the study of law in the office of Lib- At the April term, 1898, he was admitted to the Cumberland Bar, to the United States Circuit Court. He conducts a general law St. in Portland. 93 EBEN WINTHROP FREEMAN. Eben Winthrop Freeman was boru in Wellfleet, Mass., Sept. 12, 1S64, son of Ebenezer and Maria (Snow) Freeman. Attended Portland High School, and graduated from P.ow- doin College with degree of A. B., 18S5, A. M., in 1888, and Boston University Law School, LL. B., 1888. Married Nellie Grant Elliott, and has three children : Sylvia, Elliot, and Elizabeth Moor. Admitted to the bar April, 188S, and practiced in Portland. Republican. Address, Portland, Me. 94 95 SHERMAN I. (;OULD. Sherman I. (Jould, So Exchange St., Portland, Me., was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 27, 1871, the son of Isaac S. and Hattie (Day) Gould. Attended the common schools of Hiram, Me., and Portland High School, graduating from the latter in June, 18S9. Admit- ted to the bar in Portland, f )ctober, 189S, and has practiced law in that city. Republican. LKVl (;reenleaf. Son of Stephen and Farny (Taylori Greenleaf, was born Dec. 30, 1S49, in Starks, Me. Attended Starks Village school, Bloomfield Academy, Skowhegan, one year, Anson Acade- my, one year, Nichols Latin School, Lewiston, two years, and Westbrook Seminary, two years, graduating in I S73. Was a successful teacher in public schools. Married, tict. 3, 1878, Adelaide, eldest daughter of Charles and Melissa Mason of Bethel, Me. No children. Admitted to Somerset Co. Bar, April 7, 1876. Practiced law in Pittstield until 1884, then in Lewiston until 1895, since then in Portland. County Attorney of Somerset Co. from 1879 to 18S3 : Supervisor of Schools from 1879-84: chairman of Selectmen. Assessors &c. from 1883-4. Democrat. 97 \V1 1,1.1AM H. GULLIVER. William H. (luUiver of Portland, Me., was born, Feb. 3, 1877, in that city. His par- ents were John Gulliver and .Adelaide Derby, .attended Portland High School, Mount Saint Louis Institute, Montreal, and Boston University Law School, Boston, Mass. ; Pres- ident of graduating class, iSgq. Read law with Henry A. Richardson, Boston, Mass. .Ad- mitted to bar of Cumberland County at Portland, .April terra, 1899, and has practiced in Portland. Independent in politics, is a Knight of Columbus. CHARLES EPWIN GURNKV. Charles Edwin ( hirney of Portland, Me., son of Charles E. < nirney and Sarah J. HuQ- newell, was born in that city, Feb. 15, 1874. (Graduated from Colby University, 1898. Married Miss E. (lertrude Barton, June 27, rgoi, at Waterville, Me. Admitted to the bar Aug. 28, igoo. Practiced law at Portland since that time. 99 Son of James Sullivan and Betsey (Staples) Hale, was born in Turner, Me., April 15, 1S4S. 1< itted for college in Turner schools and Norway Academy, and graduated from Bowdoiu iniS69. Read law with his brother, Hon. Eugene Hale and L. A. Emery, Ells- worth, Me. Admitted to the bar at Portland , 1871, and began practice there. Married Margaret Rollins, 1880, and has two children, Katharine and Robert. City Solicitor, Port- land, 1879-80-81 ; member State Legislature from Portland, 1883-5. Republican. His line of ancestry is clearly traced to Thomas Hale of Walton-at- Stone, Hertfordshire, England, who with his wife emigrated to Massachusetts in 1635. A man of scholarly tastes and at- tainments, he possesses one of the finest private libraries in the city. He has a fondness for historical study and is a member of the Maine Historical .Society. Although speaking in all campaigns since 1872, he is not a professional politician. FKKTl.RICR HALK. Frederick Hale, son of Kugeue Hale and Mary I)ouj;las Chandler, was born in Detroit, Mich., ( )ct. 7, 1S74. Kducated at Lawrenceville School and Harvard College, from whicli he was graduated in 1896. Admitted to the bar in April, 1899, and has practiced law in Portland. Is Lieutenant-Colonel on the Staff of (lov. John F. Hill. Republican. Ad- dress. ^9 Kxchange St., Portland. Me. ^BP'^ 4 ®^-^^, FREDERICK H. HARFORD. K.irn, Cape Elizabeth, Me., December, 1850. Educated in public schools and fitted for oil ege with the late Prof. Hanson of WaterviUe. Read law in office of Hon. Clarence Male, being admitted to the bar 18S1. With others established the Cape Elizabeth Senti- nel and lor several years was assistant editor. Later returned to office of Mr. Hale and the late -•^- A. Strout, where he remained until removing; to ^i 1-2 Exchange St., twelve years P^"'tl "^ "^*'°"}''=°t'al 1" securing a charter for operating a double-end ferry between rortland and bo Portland, and laving out a highway in connection therewith to a suitable anding place. Local counsel. Swift & Co., Hammond Beef and Provision Co., and other '?'"?f.t'"S'I'ess houses. Director, People's Ferry Co., Island Ferry Co., and Loan and imilding Associations. One of the incorporator^ of Casco & Portland Association ; also uunder of .So. Portland Loan and Building Association. Appointed Judge of Municipal Court, So. Portland, October, 1899. 11 J s 103 OSCAR H. HERSKY. Son of Levi and Mary J. Hersey, was born in Freeport, Me., April g, 1852. Educat edat Bath Higli Scliool and Litchfield Academy. Married Ida A. Berry, Aug. 3. 1879. a; f has three children : Augustus M., Caroline B., and Avilla M. Studied law with Hon George D. Bisbee. Admitted to Oxford County Bar, March, 1877. Practiced in Buckf e and Portland. Is member of firm of Foster & Hersey. County Attorney, i8S6tot8i;i Representa tive to Legislature, 1891 ; State Senator, 1893, all for Oxford County. Mem ber Evening Star Lodge, No. 147, F. & A. M., Buckfield, Me. ; member Mount Vernoi R. A. Chapter, Portland, and Portland Commandery Knights Templar; and men:iber Nez inscott Lodge, No. 104, I. O. O. F., Buckfield. .Always a Republican. Address, Port land. Me. Ill 104 John Howard Hill of Portland, Me., was born in Limington, Me., Nov. 25, 1S64. His parents were John and Clara L. (Webster) Hill. Educated at Limington Academy and Dartmouth College, from which he was graduated in 1S87. Married Grace J. Nash, June 14, 1S94, and has one son, John W. Hill, born Nov. 2, 1S95. Admitted to the bar in Port- land, 1890, and has practiced in that city. Representative to Legislature from Portland, 1S95 and 1897. Judge of Portland Municipal Court from March 10, 1S99, to date. Always a Republican. 105 io6 I07 Hiram Knowltou, K.sq., of Portland, Trustee of the Maine School for the Deaf, was born in New Portland, Me., Aug. i, 182?, son of William and Mary Knowlton. Educated in town schools and Farmington Academy. Married Sabrina Chapman and has had three children, Wm. J. Knowlton, Esq., of Portland, being the only surviving one. .Admitted to Bar in 1S61, and later, to Federal Courts. Practiced law in Mercer, Skowhegan, and Port- land. Been County Treasurer, Clerk of Supreme Judicial Court, twice Representative to Maine Legislature, member State Valuation Commission, Overseer Bates College, and Trustee of Maine Central Institute. Republican. 108 WM. J. KNOWLTON. Wm. J. Knowlton, son of Hiram and Sabrina W. Knowlton, was born in Starks, Me. Kducated in public and private schools. Married Vetto C. Tibbetts. Was admitted to Somerset County Bar in 1872, and has practiced law in Skowhegan and Portland. Was Representative to Maine Legislature in Sixty seventh and Sixty-eighth sessions, and is also Trustee of State Normal Schools. Republican. Address, Portland, Me. 109 no PHILIP J. LARRABEE. Son of John S. and Lucy T. (Libbyi Larrabee, was born in Scarborough, Me., April 12, 1S44. Attended Scarborough and Portland schools, and graduated from Tufts College, Massachusetts, 1867. Married Sarah L. Ballard, Buxton, Jan. i, 1872, and has three chil- dren : Philip F. Larrabee, Emily D. Larrabee, and Helen S. Larrabee. Admitted to bar, May 19, 1869, Supreme Judicial Court, Cumberland County, and has practiced in Portland, Me. Democratic in politics. Independent in exercise of right of suffrage. .Address, Port- land, Me. ws: i(^iai[ijjirrz^iiiip[i/iij^^^ JOSKFH AI.VAH I.OCKK. Son of Stephen and Lucinda (Clark) Locke, born, Hollis, Me., Dec. 25, 184.?. Educat- ed in Biddeford schools, graduating from High School, 1S61, from Bowdoin College, 1865, being class salutatorian. " Taught two years in Portland High School ; member of School Committee several years. .Admitted to practice law in State Courts, 1S6S, U. S. Courts, iS6g. In 1880, formed a partnership with his brother, Ira S. Locke, under firm name of Locke & Locke. Member of Legislature, 1877 and 1879: Republican nominee for Speak- er of House, 1879, but defeated by combined vote of r)emocratic and (Greenback Represen- tatives. President of Senate, 1880 and 1881.2 ; member, Covernor's Council, 1883-7 ; for past 20 years. President, Board of Trustees, Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female Col- lege ; member, Portland Athletic Club, Maine Historical Soc, Portland Natural History Soc, Sons of tlie American Revolution, Masonic fraternity ; Crand Senior Warden, Crand Kncampment, Knia;hts Templar of LI. S. Married, Aug. '27, 1883, Miss Florence Perley and has tour ciiildren : ( Irace Perlev, John Richards, Allan Steplien, Joseph A. Locke. L IRA STEPHEN LOCKE. Son of Stephen l.ocke and Lucinda Clark, was born in Biddeford, Me., Feb. 4. i853- Attended public schools in Biddeford, graduating from the High School, 1870 ; also Bow- doin College, graduating with degree of A. B., 1874, and A. M. in 1877. Married Miss Ella P. Wright, of Portland, Sept. 3, 1889. Admitted to the bar, Supreme Judicial Court, at Portland, Oct. 13, .876, and to U. S. Circuit Court, Jan. 7, 1884. Practiced law in Port- land, and in copartnership with his brother, Hon. Joseph A. Locke, since Jan. i, 1880. Has held no political office. Was member of General Conference, in 1900, of Methodist Episcopal Church. Member of Maine Historical Society, etc. Republican. Address, 180 Middle St., Portland, Me. FRANK D. MARSHALL. Sou of Hon. Kdward S. and Sarah Dennett Marshall, both of York, Me., was born in Portland, Me., May, 1S70. Attended Berwick Academy, South Berwick, Me., 1SS5-9 ; Har- vard College, 1^89-93 ; Harvard Law School, 1893-6. Married Helen Walker, daughter of the late John F. Walker of .South Berwick, in 1S97. Admitted to the bar at S. J. Court, York County, 1S96. Practiced law in Portland since fall of 1896. Is at present associated | witli Hon. Geo. ^L Seiders, .Attorney-General of Maine, at 93 Exchange St. Republican. | 114 C. p. MATTOCKS. PhilW ^i "/"■'•' «'' '^^^'■"'^^ ^- Mattocks, born, Danville, Vt., Oct. ii, ,840. (Iraduated Ph.llM.MAndover,Mas.., Academy .Ss^Boudoia College,' ,862, aud Harvard La w School', 1.1.. « i,%7. Married, Portland. Me., June 27, 1871, and has two daughters M;,rtr-,,-^, Fri;rfsS-i'nrhifo"'';"^'''"'r^'^-"^^°"/-^°^^'^''"'^' Admitt^ro'tte^'SpoXd, Ke re enttlve ^t.r I '"V" '''^' Si'-'i ^""°'r A"o'-°ey Cumberland Co., i869-,S72 \\-il 6. ■^65 ; mustered out •-enei'al If 's |/P°° ""'break of bpanish-American war, he was appointed brigadier- ,^^ne,al L'. S. \o!uiiteers,June 9, 1898. Honorably discharged Oct.31, 1898, at close of war Son of Rev. Huali M. and Elvira (Wight) McQuillan, was born, April 18, 1849, Naples, Me. Attended common schools, North Bridgton Academy, Gorham Seminary, graduating in 1870; and Bowdoin College, graduating, 1875. Married Marv F. Robie, daughter of Ex-Gov. Robie, Feb. 5, iSgi, and has one daughter, Harriet Robie McQuillan, born Mar. 14, 1894. Admitted to bar, Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, Oct. 14, 1S79 ; Circuit Court of U. .S., Nov. 21, 1890; Supreme Court of United States at Washington, D. C, .April 25, 1892. Practiced at Casco, Me., one year, I S79-80 ; at Portland, Me., since October, 1880. Judge Advocate General on (Jovernor's staff from June 6, 1881, to Jan. 3, 1883. Dec. i, 1892, the law firm of Bradbury & McQuillan was formed and continued until the senior partner was appointed U. S. District Attorney. Town Clerk and Supervisor of Schools, Casco, 1S79-80; while in college, was Supervisor of Schools, Raymond, Me. Republican. 116 DENNIS A. MEAHER. Dennis A. Meaher of Portland, Me., was born in Gardiner, Me., Feb. 21, 1847, the son of James M. and Alice L. Meaher. Was educated in Manhattan College, New York, from which he graduated in 1867. Married Alice L. Gallison, Nov. 25,1891. Admitted to the bar, October 1875, and has practiced in Portland. Democrat. 17 AUGUSTUS F. MOULTOX. Augustus F. Moulton, gS Exchange St., Portland, Me., son of Freedom and Sluiah Carter) Moulton, was born in Jay, Franklin Co., Me., May i, 1848. .Attended commun schools, (lorhani Seminary, Saco High School, Westbrook Seminary, and Bowdoin College. (Iraduated from Westbrook Seminary, 1869, Bowdoin College, 1873 ; tutor in Bowdoin Col- lege, 1874. Unmarried. .Admitted to the bar in Cumberland Co., October, 1876, and prac- ticed law in Portland. Member of the LegisLxtare, i878-i:!79, M.iyor of Dasriug 1S9S, .Al- derman of Portland iS^g-u^oa, (chairm xn 1900). Repbulican. ir8 DAVlIi K. MOULTON. David K. Moulton of South Portland, Me., son of I'avid (). and Mehitable P. ^Woiiii- wood) Moulton, was born in Falmouth, Me., Sept. 16,1871. Attended Westbrook Semi- nary, Deering, Me., graduating, 1888, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., graduating from the Law School, 1897, and taught in Yale Law School, 1898. Also studied law with Hon. E. C. Reynolds and was admitted to the bar, April 19, 1898, and is practicing in Port- land. City Solicitor, South Portland, from 1899 to date. Representative from South Port- land to the Seventieth Legislature of Maine. Is a Mason. Republican. STEPHEN C. PERRY. SteplienC. Perry, Portland, Me., was born in Bath, Oct. ii, 1858. His family remov- ed to I'ortland soon after his birth, where he attended the public schools and business col- lege. Married Charlotte 1. Littlejohn, of Portland, in November, 1877. They have two children, Elmer, aged iS years, and .Stephen C, Jr., aged 1 1 years. Entering the employ of the law firm of Howard & Cleaves, he took up the study of law, and was admitted to practice, C)ctober term, 1S82, Supreme Judicial Court at Portland. After the decease of Judge Howard, the firm of Nathan & Henry B. Cleaves was formed, and later Mr. Perry was admitted as a member. The present members are Ex-Cov. Henry H. Cleaves and Mr. Perry, Judge Nathan Cleaves having deceased in September, 1S92. Democrat. He is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows. Barrett Potter of Brunswick, Me., was born in Readliekl, Me., April 19, 1S57, son of I laniel F. and Albina A. Potter. Attended Brunswick High School, Phillips Exeter Acad- emy, and Bowdoin College, graduating in 1878. Unmarried. Admitted to the bar in Port- land, 18S6, and has practiced law in Brunswick. Has been an instructor in Bowdoin Col- lege, and is now Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Bowdoin College, Republican. V. p. Pride of Westbrook, Me., son of Dwiaal Pride and Sarah S. Libby, was born in that city, Jan. 31, 1874. (Iraduated from Westbrook High School, 1892, University of Maine, 1896, and took a two years' post graduate course at Boston University Law School. Admitted to the bar, April, 1900, and is practicing in Westbrook. Served twice on School Committee of Westbrook ; at present Alderman of that city. Republican. JAMES LYMAN RACKLEFF. James I.yman Rackleff was born in Portland, Me., Feb. g, tSj6. He took a prepara- tory course at North Bridgton Academy, entering Yale College in 1S52, at the age of six- teen, and graduating in the famous class of fifty-six. He received the degree of A. M. in 1859. After leaving Yale I aw School, he continued his studies in law olfices in Connecti- cut and Louisiana, and was admitted to the bar in Illinois in 1859, and in Maine in 1S62, Married Marcia Woodman Miller, Oct. 30, 1877, and had one daughter, Edith Catharine, born Sept. 8, .8S0, died May 2, 1897. He was engaged in the assessment and collection of U. S. Internal Revenue taxes from 1863 till December, 1SS6, when he resumed the practice of law in Portland. Always a Republican. 123 JOSKI'H l;. KKEI). Born in Orrington, Me.. April 24, 1S5.S, eldest son of Joseph B. Reed, a sea captain, and Maria A. ( Bartlett ) Reed. .Attended public schools of Orrington, Maine \Vesle\an Seminary, graduating in iS7g, and Howdoin College, graduating in class of i.^^.S^. Kngagtd in teaching in Maine and New Hampshire for several years. Studied law with Nathan and Henry B. Cleaves, and was admitted to Cumberland Bar in 1S89; since which time he has practiced law in Portland, where he still resides. Married Alfaretta A. Snare of Wes- ton, Mass., 1^97. Elected Register of Probate, Cumberland County, i8g6 and re-elected, iqoo. Has always taken a deep interest in politics, serving several years on Republican City Committee of Portland. Always a Republican. 124 EDWARD CLAYTdN REYNOLDS. Son of Lorenzo D. and Elvira L. (Wing) Reynolds ; born Bra intree, Mass. Nov .5, ,Sq6 Attended common schools, Cape Elizabeth. Me. Graduated, Portland Hiisiness College 1S74 • Cape Elizabeth High School, 1S77 ; Georgetown Lniversity Law School, ,SH6, po'st graduate course. Admitted to Cumberland Bar, January 18S0, and has practic- ed in Portland, continuously. Member Cape ^I'^^beth School Board, 6 years ;Cerk, Light-house Board, Washington, D. C. .884-6; Register of Probate Cumberland County. i8Sq-g7 ; Member, Maine Senate, 1897-.901 ; Mayor, city of So. Port and, -Sgg-igo'- 1-e- publican. Served as president, Portland Young Men s Republican Club Portland Club Past Chancellors Asso'n, Me. -State Relief Asso'n Cape Llizabeth Soldiers and Sailors Monument Asso'n. Member, Me. and Cumberland Bar Asso ns Me Historical Society, Me Genealogical Societv, the ( Irange ; a Knight lemplar Mason, kmght ot Pyth'as, being representative to the supreme bodv from Maine. Address, Pleasantdale, So. Portland, Me. 125 Born, Wilmot, X. H., Aug. 7, 1869, son of Rev. Horace P.. and Clarissa J. Sawyer. Educated in public schools of Brunswick and Adams Academy, (Juincy, Mass., graduating iuiSSg. Paid his expenses at school by clerking, selling books, etc., and while studying law, by teaching school, and feels justly entitled to a diploma from the school of "' Hard Knocks." Married, Aug. 18, i8g6, Blanche May Broun of Yarmouth, and has two chil- dren. Admitted to the bar at December term S. J. Court, in Eath, Me., 1S95. Practiced law at Brunswick ever since admission ; a strictly professional man. Has never been a candidate for any office. A believer in the original principles of the Democratic party. -lrr^^ll]||^llllai^f^^lllllll>v7^lllP^^^ 126 r.EORGE MELVILLE SEIDERS. Born, Union, Me., Jan. 15, 1844. In 1862, enlisted in Co. 15 24th Me. VoL Inf. Fitted for college at Lincoln Academy, Newcastle, Me., and graduated from Bowdoin College < 1872. Married Clarice S. Hayes of North Yarmouth, Nov. 24, 1S72. Read law with Hon. Thomas B. Reed and was admitted to the bar in October, 1S78. Appointed Asst. U. S. Counsel in the Alabama Court of Claims in 18S5 and acted in that capacity during the con- tinuance of that court. Mr. Seiders was elected County Attorney for Cumberland County in 1885 and was re-elected in 1887 : was Representative to State Legislature in 1878, mem- ber of the State Senate in 1892, re-elected in 1894 and unanimously chosen president of that body. He is now a member of the Republican State Committee, and holds the office of At- torney-General of the State. n irrt^ii iiiiit^r^i ii;^'^-^|!liiMljff|ni^-7^1llllll|[JWlUlllll»^ 127 EDWARD EVERETT STONE. Edward Everett Stone, son of Edmund and Esther (Montee) Stone, was born in Frank- lin, N. H., Mar. 29, 1872. Educated at New Hampton Institution, New Hampshire. Read law with .Strout, Gage, and .Strout, and was admitted to the bar at Portland, Me., Oct. ig, 1S99 ; U. S. Court, Portland, May iS, 1901 ; has already established a large law practice in that city, and is rising rapidly with brilliant prospects. Married, Oct. 2, igoi, to Mabel Ellen Pine, daughter of James A. Pine of Portland. .Always a Republican. Address, 8S^ Exchange St., Portland, Me. 128 HERBERT MILTON SYLVESTER. Born, Lowell, Mass., Feb. 20, 1849, son of Ezekiel J. aud Miriam T. Sylvester. .At- tended North Bridgton Academy and there titted for Dartmouth, but at once entered the study of law at Portland. Admitted to Cumberland Bar, 1872 ; practiced in Portland until 1885 : admitted to Suffolk Bar, 1SS6 : practiced in Boston until 1899 ; appointed Trial Justice, igoo ; Game Warden, 1901. Well known as a writer of Nature books and stories ; also a magazine writer. Is called by the London Saturday Review " the Richard Jeffries of New England,— his sketches of rural life have a piquant American flavor." Always a Republican. Address, Otisfield, Me. 129 130 WILLIAM WllMlKRY THOMAS. Son of Elias Thomas and Helen (Brown) Thomas, was born in Portland, April iS, 1873. Attended public schools, Portland Latin School, and graduated from Bowdoin Col- lege, 1894. Member of Theta of Delta Kappa Epsilon and Miller Chapter of Phi Delta Phi. Studied law at Leland Stanford, Jr., University, California, 1895-7. Married Mary Abbott Cate of Baltimore, May 15, 1900, and has one son, Widgery Thomas, born Feb. 22, 1901. Admitted to the bar, April, 1S9S. Republican. Address, Portland, Me. LEVI TURNER. Horn, Somerville, Me., 1S59, son of Levi and Naomi Turner. Paid way through pre- paratory course and college by teaching. Attended Coburu Classical Institute, Bucksport Seminary ; graduated from Maine Central Institute, 1 881, from Bowdoin College, 1886. Member of Maine House, 1S89. Supt. of .Schools, Rockland. .Attended Boston Universi- ty Law School. Law student with .A. P. Gould and Congressman Littlefield. Admitted to Knox Bar, 1891. Married Mary Elizabeth Sampson, Waldoboro. Four years Recorder, Portland Municipal Court. Member law firm, Libby, Robinson & Turner. One of the ablest of younger members of Cumberland Bar. Diligent student of the science of Juris- prudence .ind of law upon its institutional, historical, ethical and philosophical side. Always a Republican. Address, Portland, Me. iiiii^rT^iiiiiiiiiiiiiF^iiiiiiin^Tx^ 132 Korn in ( Ireeinvood, Me., May 2, 1S41, son of (ieorge VV. and Lucy (Hilborn) Verrill. Graduated at Xorway Academy, supplemented by two year;' study under tutors 011 college lines. Began reading law, 1S61. Admitted to Bar of Maine, 1S67; to U. S. Court, 1S72. Residence," Portland, Me. Republican. Married Augusta, daughter of Sylvester B. Beck- ett of Portland : has two children : Cora (md. Round) and Cieorge B. In 1891, appointed by Covernor, Commissioner upon Gettysburg battlefield monuments. Collaborated in ed- iting " Maine at (Gettysburg." Military Service, 1862-5, Army of Potomac, i^t''^ field. P'irst Sergeant, '2nd and ist Lieutenant, and Captain, 17th Me. Regt. Detailed .\cting .Adjutant", ten months, 1S64 ; in 1S65, on brigade staffs, as Acting Asst. Adjutant- (Jeneral, A. ,A. Inspector-Gen., and Aide-de-camp. Served upon (General Courts Martial, sometimes as Judge-.Advocate : also upon a Geneial Military Commission, cases of otticers. Member of G. A. R., aad Military ( Irder of Loyal Legion of U. S. ^33 HARRY RUST VIR(;iX. Harry Rust Virgin, son of tlie late Judge William Wirt Virgin and Sarah Hall (Cole) Virgin, was born in Norway, Me., Aug. 25, 1854. He attended the Norway Liberal Institute, Norway, Westbrook Seminary, Portland, and Tufts College, graduating from tlie seminary in 1875 and from the college in 1879. Married Miss Emma F. Harward, Feb. 2;,, 1900. Admitted to Cumberland Bar, 1882, and U. S. Supreme Court 1SS8. Member of Portland Common Council, 1896-97, President of the same, 1S97. Representative to the Legislature 1899-igoo ; Senator, 1901 ; served on Judiciary Committee during both ses- sions ; chairman of committee on Legislative appointments, also chairman of committee on Covernor's Message in 1901. Politics, Republican. 134 EDWARD WARRKN WHKELKK. Kchvaid Warren Wlieeler was born iu I'.riinsu ick, Me., April 13, 1S76. He was edu- cated in the public schools of l!runswicl<. and at llowduin (.'ollege. He was admitted to the Cumberland Bar on April 21, 1900, and in October of that year formed a partnership with Weston Thompson of Brunswick under the tirm name of Thompson and W'heeler. He is a member of the Superintending School Committee of Brunswick and a director in several local corporations. He is a Republican in politics and a Unitarian in religion. ^35 ROBKRT TRKAT WHITEHOUSE. Robert Treat Whitehouse, son of William Penn Whitehouse and Evelyn M. Treat, was born, Mar. 27, 1870, in Augusta, Me. Attended schools of Augusta, graduating from Cony High School in 1S87, Harvard University, 1891. and Harvard Law School, 1S93. Mar- ried Florence Brooks and has two sons, William Penn Whitehouse, 2nd, and Robert Treat Whitehouse, Jr. Admitted to the bar in .April, 1894, and practiced in Portland, Me. He is author of " Equity, Jurisdiction, Pleading and Practice in Maine."' Has been member of School Committee, Portland, and County Attorney, Cumberland Countv. Kepublican. .Address, Union Mutual Building, Portland, Me. 136 STEPHF.N C. VVHITMORE. Stephen C Whitmore, son of Samuel and Helen M. (Stinson) Whitmore, was born in Bowdoinhani, Me., July 19, 1S50. Educated in town schools, at Kent's Hill, and at Bow- doin College, graduating in the class of 1875. Married, and has two children, L. Cecil and H. Louise. .Admitted to the bar, at Augusta, in 1876, and has practiced law in Gardiner. Held office of secretary of Kennebec County Republican committee twelve years ; mem- ber of City Council of (iardiner, fifteen years; member School Committee, Brunswick. Republican. rv JOHN S. WHITK. Born, Portland, Me., Oct. 27, iS,j8, sou of Darius and Mary V. White. Attended High School at Portland and South Paris, Bethel and Waterville .Academies, Waterville College, and Harvard University. A widower, and has three children. .Admitted to Cumberland liar i860 and Cook Co. Bar, Illinois, 1865 : has practiced law in Chicago and Portland, and at present is located in Naples, Me. Was formerly editor of Maine Temperance Journal. Portland, and Assistant-Editor of Portland Evening Courier. Has lectured in Maine and the West, and traveled extensively in the United States, Europe, and Mexico. .Author of " Humanics." published by Funk .S: Wagnalls Co., 189^ Has been Superintendent of Schools. Orderly Sergeant Co. E 17th Me. Member of Legislature igoi-02, serving on Committees on Elections and Federal Relations. Iiemocrat. 13^ EDWARD H. \V ILSdN. Edward H. Wilson of Portland, Maine, son of Edward H. B. and Krancina (.fringell) Wilson, was born in Orouo. Me. Nov. 3, 1870. Was educated at Eryeburg Academy, grad- uating in 18S8, and Bowdoin College, graduating in 1892. Read law with Symonds, .Snow & Cook. Admitted to Cumberland County Bar, .April, 1895, and has practiced law in Port- land. Republican. '39 SCOTT WILSON. Scott Wilson of Portland, Me., was born in Kalmouth, Me., thirty-two years a.^o. His parents were Nathaniel B. and l.oenama P. Wilson. Attended district schools, Creeley Institute, Nichols I-atin School, graduating iS88, 'iate^ College, graduating 1892, and Ui i- versity of Pennsylvania. Married Klizabeth M. Bodge, Dec. 24, 1895, and has one son, Nathaniel Webb Wilson. Admitted to the bar at Portland, April term, 1895, and is prac- ticing in Portland. City Solicitor, Deering, 189S; member of Common Council, Portland, 1899 ; President of Common Council, 1900 : Assistant County Attorney for Cumberland County 1901 ; is director and Attorney of Deering I,s FRKDKRICK W. CI. AIR. Frederick W. Clair of Waterville, Me., son of John P.. and KUen K. Clair, was born in Old Town, Me., Nov. 26, i,S66. (Iraduated from Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Me., 1.SS6. Married Elmire Couturier, Nov. 27, iSq.^, and has two children, Yvette and Adrienne. Admitted to the bar, March, iSgi, and has practiced law in Waterville. Has held office of City Clerk, City Solicitor, and City .Auditor. Democrat. 66 l.Ksr.lK C. CORNISH. Oct. S, 1S54, son of Hon. Colby C and Pauline 1!. C ted for college at Waterville Classical Institute, and graduated from Colby Un class of 1S75. Studied law with Haker eceniber term, 1889, and has practiced in Rockland, Knox County, since admitted, as partner of C. E. Littlefield under the firm name of Littlefield. Republican. 196 JOSKPH E. MOORK. AttenHpH'rnlf/' '■*' '^'•,^H'j°?' ^^^■' ^°° °f Joseph and Ann B. Fierce Moore of Lisbon. 1 Sin ( nnir° ''':,""'f' ^'f "' ^i'^'f •'^'^"""^■•y. I-ewiston, Westbrook Seminary, and m^T^°J^^^^^^^^ "'^f^S. Married Ella Maud Smith, Thomas- ton then udtlAp' r.''''1i^^n'f "^^ ^- ^^""'r ,^''"^ ^^^ t"-^' ^^'i'h Jud^e Mav of Lew- till he berami , ; T^^ of Thomaston, and after admission, iS68, remained with him ed to nr=,r,r ■■ ''Vr'^c' I'^^'' ?"^. "^""^ '° partnership till 1S79, as Gould & Moore. Admit- when he str^H y. -^-r S""^"^' ^r',' J"^^'^- ^'°°t«"ed to practice in Thomaston till 189S, as on memW H ^"% ^°-^'" ' ''>"'°"" '° Rockland. Was Supt. of Schools, Thom- Sta ut'es ,HS, r^rf °f Representatives 187S, 18S3, .885 ; Commissioner on Revision of er hv ? 1»^ ^ ^ ' .0 il'";""' °^ ^"^'c,ms. District of Waldoboro, 1S87-9, and 1895-99, appoint- rar ^'^;e'a°d; Delegate to Democratic National Convention, Cincinnati? ,880. "^^emo- rat. Address, Thomaston, Me. 197 19^ Reiiel Robinson of Camdeu, Me., son of Daniel S. and Susan A. ' Bruce) Robinson, was born in Palmyra, Me., Sept. 25, 1S5.S. .•\ttended Maine C_'entral Institute, Pittsfield. Me., graduating, 1S77, and Bates College, Lewiston, Me., 1S81 ; was class day orator. Mar- ried Blanche E. Atkins, Dec. 23, 1885. Admitted to the bar, September, 18S8, and is prac- ticing in Camden and Rockland, having offices in both places. Judge of Probate for Kno.x Co., 1889-1893. Is chairman Camden Republican Town Committee ; member Republican State Committee from Knox Co.; is Past Master, Amity Lodge, No. 6, F. & A. M., and Past High Priest, Keystone Royal Arch Chapter, Camden ; Past Grand, Mt. Battle Lodge, No. 102, I. (). (). F., Camden ; Clrand Master of Maine I. O. O. F., 1893-4, and Grand Rep- resentative from Maine to Sovereign t.Jrand Lodge, 1895, 1.896, and 1901. Republican. 199 FRANK BURTON MILLER. Frank Burtun Miller, Rockland , Me., was born in Gushing, Me., .-^ug. i6, 1S62 ; son of Wm. H. Miller and Margaret A. Walter. Attended common schools of Cushing and Hallowell Classical Academy, graduating, 1883. Taught school sixteen terms. Married, June ig, 1S92, Ida M. Tibbetts of Columbia Falls. Admitted to Knox Bar, Oct. 3. 1S99, under Haskell, with Congressman Littlefield, chairman of examining committee. Has practiced in Rockland. Member of Cushing School Board, nine years, of Rockland School Board since iSgfi ; Town Clerk, Cushing, 1S87; .Assessor, i88y; Editor of Rock'and Couri- er-Gazette, 1890 : member of Republican County Committee since 1894, chairman since 1898, Secretary and Treasurer, 1S94-98 ; chairman, Republican Committee of Cushing, I SS4-92: Register of Deeds since Jan. 1,1891. Auditor, City of Rockland, 1901-2. Republican THADDEUS ROBERTS SIMOXTON. Son of William and Elizabeth (Roberts) Simouton, born, Camden, Me., Sept. 27, 1S29. ' Attended Belfast Academy, Maine Wesleyan Seminary, and graduated at F.o\vdoin College i8s3. Married Josephine Hall, Oct. 29, 1856, and they have two children, Anne Winslow Simonton and Joseph Hall Simonton. Admitted to Waldo County Bar, Belfast, 1854. Practiced law in Camden, Knox Co. County Attorney for Knox Co. 1S60-61, Deputy Col- lector of Customs, Port of Camden, from 1861 to iSSo; State Senator for Knox Co. 18S5-6, Presidential Elector in 1888, special agent, U. S. Treasury under President Harrison, Clerk of Supreme Judicial Court from Nov. i, 1898, to Jan. 1,1901. Republican. Address, Camden, Me. LEWIS FREDERICK STAKRETT. Son of Marcus and Lovina (Lawrence) Starrett. born in Warren, Me., June 20, 1S44. Attended school at Warren Academy. Married June 5, 18S9, Mrs. Emma J. (Bradforc'. 1 Ballou. Admitted to the bar Sept. 29, 1897, and has practiced in Rockland. Me., since ad- mission. Clerk of Courts, Knox County, 1878-88, 1893-91'-. Referee in bankruptcy for Knox District under United States law since 1898. Democrat. In 1887, published a volume en- titled " Poems and translations," the greater part of the contents of which were transla- tions of German verse, of which he has made a special study. This book received very fa- vorable notice in America, and to some extent in Europe. Is a member of the Congrega- tional church of Rockland and one of its board of deacons. Address, Rockland, Me. l.lXni.KV MURRAY STAPLES. Lindley Murray Staples was born in Swansville, Me., fifty-three years ago. Educated at Bucksport Seminary and East Corinth .\cademy. Twice married. Is one of the success- ful lawyers of his section of the State, and for six years County Attorney of Knox County. Chairman of Board of Selectmen three years, and Superintendent of Schools for twenty years ; Democratic candidate for U. S. Senator in 1901 ; Member of Maine Senate, 1901-2, serving on committees of Engrossed Hills, Senatorial Vote, Legal Affairs, State Lands and State Roads, and Chairman of Committee on Mines and Mining. ( )nly r)emocrat in the Senate. Address, Washington, Me. 203 CHESTER M. WALKER. Cliester .M. Walker of Rockland, Me., son of Joel A. Walker and \ienna C. (Stetson i Walker, was born in Union, Knox Co., Me., Feb. 22, 1857. Attended Union High School, from which he graduated. Eastern State Normal School, Castine, Me., graduating May 2g, 1879, Coburn Classical Institute, and Eastman's National Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduating Aug. q, 1S81. Married May H. Heath of Belfast, Me., Oct. 28, 1887, and has two daughters, May L. Walker, aged 12 years, a, id Grace L. Walker, aged 10 years. .•\dmitted to the bar March, 1886, and has practiced in Rockland ever since admission. Was City Solicitor of Rockland for three years, .\lways a Republican. 204 KENDALL M. DUNBAR. Kendall M. Dunba. of Dan^nscoUa^ ^^^.I'^^^^^^'h^s::!.:^^^ X^ 'l^'^ ^^^i^c-;c=':f^^:^u:a!7^:!^ri.ot^a Re d law in P-tiand a„d ad-Uted at C.,.^ of Damanscotta i8^5. ^jy^^';, '°? °* ^3™ L, Served on the Board of Selectmen of D: iscotta Herald, disposnig of his '"^eres i.q3 ^ president of Maine Press Asso, anscotta SIX years fairman of ^"j^^f ""'^y^,,^ „{ Maine Senate in 1SS5. re-electec tion m 1S92 and iSgj hlected .Assibiam . c j^ nosition since Was one of .ss^and .«Sg; elected Secretary tn.^^^^^ ^'omiln'vwh^h'suppTi^fthe towns ^Hs^tra^^^d^Ne^wcaslle^w^Uh .v^aS clerk a^nd director of the company. 205 HOWARD K. HALL. Howard E. Hall, practicing attorney of Damariscotta, I\Ie., was born in Newcastle, Nov. 13, 1853, the son of Elijah and Caroline A. (Rollins) Hall. Attended the common schools, Lincoln Academy, graduating in 1872, and Bowdoin College, graduating in 1876. Married Abbie Flye, Feb. 19, 1890. Admitted to Lincoln County Bar in 1S83. Has been Superintendent of Schools, Newcastle, Register of Probate and County Attorney for Lin- coln Co. Republican. irr1^iiiii!)iiiijJV^^i!iiiiirr:A^iiiiiA(ij//ir^ ;o6 WILLIAM N. TLrUS. ^^on of WiDiaiii N. and Martha J. (jewetti Titus, was born, Jan. 12, 1^55, i.i Alna,Me. Attended common schools, Maine Wesleyan Female College, Waterville Classical Insti- tute and spent two years at the University of Maine. Married Miss Frances tlracia, Dec. 27, 1881, and has three children : Ray Jewett, William N., Jr., and Elizabeth Gracia. Ad- mitted to Lincoln County Bar, April, 1879, Shawnee County Bar, Kansas, 1885, Middlesex County Bar, Massachusetts, March, 1S86, and U. S. Circuit Court. Has practiced in Alna, Bristol, R. I., and Boston. Has held various town, city, county, and State offices in Maine, Rhcde Island, and Massachusetts. Always a Republican. Address, Alna, Me. 207 FREEMAN BRADFORD ANDREWS. Freeman P.. Andrews of Oxford, Me., was born in Haitlard, Me., Mar. iS, 18.^4, son of F^llis Andrews and Fanny Hawks Andrews. Attended common schools and Hebron Academy in 1862-3-4. Read law with Hon. Jos. G. Holt at Cambridge, Mass. Married Sibil S. Carman in 1868, and has one child, Charles M. Andrews. Admitted to Middlesex Co. (Mass.) Bar in 186S and has practiced at Oxford. Has been Supervisor of Schools and S. S. Committee six years ; Trial Justice 21 years. Was private in 2?lh unassigned Infan- try at Augusta 73 days, 1S65. Republican. 208 GEORriE M. ATWOOD. C.eorge M. Atwood of South Paris, Me., son of Win. H. and Helen INI. .Atwood, was born in Buckfiekl, Me., Oct. 6, iS6o. Attended school at Bucktield, Hebron Academy and New York city. Graduated from Hebron 1SS3, and Columbia Law School 18S5. Admit- ted to Oxford Bar Oct. 28, 18S5, but has never been engaged in active practice. Married Miss Anna Harlow of Dixfield, April 5, 18S6, and has two children, William Elbridge and Raymond Loring. Immediately after admission to bar purchased a half interest in the Ox- ford Democrat with Arthur E. Forbes, under the firm name of Atwood & Forbes ; has been one of the editors and publishers since 18S5. Has been Treasurer of Oxford County since 18SS. Treasurer of South Paris Savings Bank since iSgo. Always a Republican. CLAYTON K. IIROOKS. Clayton K., son of William K. and Angle R. (Wilson) Brooks, was born in \\'est Haven, Conn., July 15, iS;74. Kducated in the public schools of Chicago, Illinois, Hebron Academy, graduating 1894, and Colby College, graduating in 1898. Married E. Grace Harlow, May 15, 1900, and has one child, Gertrude Brooks. Was admitted to Gxford County Bar, May 3, igoo, at South Paris, Me., where he is now practicing law. Republican. Henick C. Davis of Norway, Me., was born in Woodstocli, Me., Nov. j, iSj^. His parents were I'.eujaniiu and Ruhamali I'avis. Educated in the common schools and Nor- way Academy. Married Lucy M. Pelt, December, 1.S50, and has two children, Samuel F. Davis and Carrie Davis. Admitted to the bar in 1862 at Auburn, Me., and practiced at Bryant's Pond until 1872. Been Town Clerk, Treasurer, Selectman, and S. S. Committee. Register of Probate for twenty years. For past six years. Judge of Norway Municipal Court. A Republican since the birth of the party. SKTH WYMAX FIFE. Son of Moses and Fliza Fife, was born in Chatham, N. H., Dec. lo, 1846. Attended the common schools; Fryeburg .'\cadeniy in 1S66-7, and Norway Academy in 1S67-S. .ad- mitted to the Oxford Ear in September, 1868, and took the degree LL. B. at Harvard Law School in 1869. Is also a member of Carroll Co., (N. H.) Bar. Has always resided in Fryeburg where he has practiced his profession. Owner and proprietor with his son, Fred R. Fife, of the K. W. Burbank Seed Co. Superintendent of Schools for three years. FRAMCIS A. FOX. P'rancis A. Fox of Kezar Falls, Me., was born in Porter, Me., June 28, 1S58, son of George W. and Hannah (Gould) Fox. Attended common schools and New Hampton Lit- erary Institution, New Hampton, N. H. Taught school for ten years. Studied law with Coombs & Neal, Portland, Me. Admitted to Oxford Co. Bar, May term, A. D. i88g, and has practiced his profession at Kezar Falls. Has held town offices and represented Porter district in Legislature of A. D. 1S89. Democrat. 213 214 2 15 HASTIXOS. Henry H. Hastings was born in Bethel, Me., March 25, 1S65, the son of St. John and Klizabeth A. Hastings. Educated at Gould's Academy, Bethel, and Bowdoin College, graduating from Bowdoin, class of i.Sqo. Read law in office of Judge Enoch Foster in ISethel and afterwards in office of Foster and Hersey, Portland, .\dmitted to Cumberland liar, October, iSgg, and is in active practice in Bethel. Superintendent of Schools, Bethel. Republican. 16 ADDISON K. HEKRICK.. Born in Greenwood, Me., June 24, 1847, son of Benjamin and Maria Carlaud Herrick- Attended Gould's Academy, Bethel, Hebron Academy and Bowdoin College, graduating from the latter in 1873. Studied law with Hon. Enoch Foster, and was admitted to Oxford County Bar March 17, 1877 ; has practiced law in Bethel since i8Si. Married Mary D. Chase, June 19, 1882, and has two daughters, Miriam E. and Margaret C. Treasurer of Bethel Savings Bank since 1884, also Treasurer of Bethel Water Co. Was Representative to Maine Legislature, 1S91 ; State Senator, 1893 ; appointed Judge of Probate;August, 1899 and elected in 1900. Always a Republican. 217 CHARLES K. HOLT. ('liarles K. Holt of Norway, Me., was born iu Fryeburg, Me., March ii, 1S33, son of Ji?eph and Mehitable Holt. Educated at Fryeburg and Bridgton Academies. Married Lavina P.. Ames, May 26, 1877. Admitted to the bar at Paris, Oxford County, Me., March term, i86i,andhas practiced in Denmark, Bethel, and Norway. Has held municijial offices. Democrat. He was clerk Quartermaster's Department, City Point, Va., January to July, 1S65, under General Rufus lugalls. 218 O. \VII.I.ARr> JOHN'SOX. Son of Ceorge H. and Theresa M. Johnson, was bjrn in Lincoln, Me., April 24, 1S70. He was educated at Springtield Normal School and Mattanawcook Academy. Married Laura B. Coffin, and has two daughters, Winnifred C. and Ava (). Was admitted to the bar at Bangor, April term, 1894. Has practiced law in Lincoln, ^'.lontague, and Rumford Kails. Has held office of Supt. of Schools and Municipal Judge. Republican. Address, Rumford tails, Me. ALFRED S. KIMBALL. Horn, Waterford, Me., Dec. 20, 1S42, son of Sanders and Teinima P.. KimbalL At tended town schools and Hridgton Academy, graduating 1.S64. Admitted to the bar in iH'i4 Practiced law in Waterford and is now located in Norway. Married Florence .A. Hourh- ton April 29, 1866, and has one son, Merton L. Has been Grand Master of both Mason- and Oda Fellows in Maine. Held various town offices in Waterford ; Representative to State Legislature 1874-7S ; Com. to investigate voting in French settlements in Aroostook County in 1878 ; County Attorney 1880-81-82 ; Deputy Collector Internal Revenue 1886-88 Appraiser of U. S. Customs, Portland, 1894-98. Democrat. MERTON I.. KIMHAl.I Merton L. Kimball of Norway, Me., sou of Alfred S. and Florence A. ( Houghton) Kimball, was born March t.8, 1S67, in the town of Waterford, Me. Attended Bridgtou Academy and Bowdoin College, graduating from the latter in i.SS?. Nov. 15, i8g2, married Eva M. Cook. Admitted to bar, October term, 1889, and practices in Norway. Superin- tendent of Norway schools 1889-90-gi ; has been trustee and chairman of purchasing com- mittee of Norway Public Library since 1893. Was Quartermaster .Sergeant, Co. D, 1st Me. Inf. Vols, in Spanish war, also acting Com. Sergeant 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 3rd Army Corps at Camp George H. Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ca. Democrat. KLLERV C. PARK. Eilary C. Park of Bith.-l, Mi., son of Henry W. and tleanor Reed Park, was born in Mexico, Me., June 7, 1^64- E^diicated at Farmlngton Normal School, Dixfield and Hebron Academies, graduating from the latter in 18.S7. Read law in office of A. E. Herrick, Beth- el, and was admitted to the bar October, iSgo. In the same month formed a partnership with A. E. Harrick which has continued until the present time, always having an active practice. Marrie.l Mary I. Stearns of Paris, Me., Dec. 9, i^qo, and has one daughter, Mu- riel Stearns, bjra Feb. 18, 1857. Elected attorney for Oxford County in 19°° ^^^ re-nomi- nated for a second terra in 1902 ; Chairman Republican County Committee 1S98-99 ; Chair- man of the Repablican Town Committee for six years, and Secretary of Republican Legis- lative District Committee for ten years. [^rrT^wwEi'M liV^-^|l[l!A(|J|f|n/V^lllllllll]Wlllllllllllllll)^^ 223 Born, Fryebare, Me., Jai. 7, iS^g. Prepared for college at South Paris, and attended Bates College. (Iraduated from Albany Law Schoal. Union Uoiverstiy, Albany, N'. Y., in .1886 with degree LL. B. Admitted to (')xford Bar 1887 and to U. S. Circuit Court i8gg, and has practiced in Norway, Me., since admission. Has served on S. S. Committee ; Town Agent i8qo and 1894 : chairman Board of Selectmen iSgi-g'-qj ; local Board of Health five years ; Trustee of Norway Public Library and Treasurer of Board of Management of Li- brary since 1894 ; Chairman of Village Corporation from 1891 to 1894 ; Census Enumerator iQoo ; appointed State's Attorney for < )xford County by Gov. Burleigh, elected to that office 1892, and re-elected in 1894. Served on County, District, and State Republican Commit- tees and was chairman cJn the first two. Is Past Noble flrand of Norway Lodge 1. O. (). 1' , Past Master of Oxford Lodge P. .^ A. M., Past High Priest of Oxford Chapter R. A. M., and Past T. 1. Master of Oxford Council R. & S. M., and Past Master of Oxford Ark Mar- iner's Lodge No. I. Served on Cov. Powers' Staff, during Spanish-American War as Aide- de-Camp. Resigned commission as Lieutenant-Colonel in ic,oo. ■^4 ALBERT J. STKARNS. Son of Hon. Jos. F. and Ellen Russell Stearns was born in Lovell, Me., Oct x .S,, Attended public schools, Bridgton Academy, from which he was graduated in ,8,,, and took a special course at Boston University Law School. Married Alice M. Wheeler, Oct 24, 1900. Read law in the office of Judge Seward S. Stearns. Admitted to O.xford County l-ai May term, 1897, and is now in practice at Norway, Me. Several years clerk in Nor- way Savings Bank. Member of Oxford Lodge F. & A. M., Oxford Chapter and Council ; present Judge-Advocate on staff of L. H. Kendall, Commander Maine Corps Spanish War veterans .Served in .Spanish war as private in Co. D, ist Me. Regt. Vol. Detailed for special duty at brigade headquarters while at Chickamauga Park, Oa. Promoted to =nd Lieut, and assigned to Co. C, ,st xMe. Address, Notwav, Me 22 c James P.. Stevenson was born in Dundee, Scotland, April 5, 1867. His parents were James and Mary (Rissett) Stevenson. He attended school in Scotland and New Brunswick, t'lraduated from University of Maine School of Law June 13, 1900, with degree of Bachelor of Laws, .\dmitted to the bar at P'armington. Me., June 7, 1900, and has practiced law in Farniington, and is now practicing at Rumford Falls, Me. Republican. !26 JOHN F. SWASKY. Son of Dr. 15. K. Swasey, was born in Canton, Me., Sept. 4, iS,;g. Educated in com - mon schools, Hebron Academy, Maine State Seminary, Dearboru Academy, and Tufts College. Studied law with Hon. K. C. Harlow of Canton, practicing with him a year after being admitted to the bar. Supervisor of Schools, Town Clerk and Treasurer, Member of Legislature 1S74, of Senate 1875-6, candidate for Congress 1881, Member of Governor's Council iS,Sv4. Member of 17th Me. Regt. Cast first vote for Abraham Lincoln, and has since voted the Republican ticket. Beginning with Fremont and Buchanan campaign, he has done more or less speech making in every campaign since. A strong advocate of tem- perance. Address, Canton, Me. 227 JOHN R. TRy\SK. John R. Trask, son of Peter and Betsey (Rolfei Trask, was born in Dixfield, Maine, Sept. lo, 1S53. He was educated in tlie common scliools of his native town, and West- brook Seminary, graduating from the Seminary in i!<73. Admitted to the bar in Septem- ber, 1876, and has since practiced law in Dixfield. Republican, .-\ddress, Dixfield, Me. 228 CHARLKS F. WHITMAN. Born, Buckfield, Me., Feb.6, 184S, son of Joshua E. and Phebe (Foster) Whitman. Descended from Pilgrim and Revolutionary War ancestors. Fitted for college at Hebron Academy. Admitted to the Oxford Bar 1S6S. Married Mary A. Dinsmore of Norway. Has resided in Norway since 1872. Appointed Judge of Norway Municipal Court 1885; reappointed in iSSg and in iSgv Connected with the public schools as superintendent, etc., for many years. ( )riginator of Norway Public Library. Author, and a writer of local his- tory. Fleeted Clerk of Courtsi894. Twice re-elected. 229 ^»^ ^^"^^^ GEORGE A. WILSON. George A. 'Wilson, son of Kev. Adam ard S'arah H. (Kicker) Wilson, was born in Tur- ner, Me., July 31, 1842. Educated at Hebrcn Academy ard Colby College, graduating from the latter in 1862. Married Annie L. Blake and has two children, Madge Wilson Gray and George A. Wilson, Jr. Admitted to Keni;ebec Bar in 1S64 and has since practic- ed at South Paris. Has been Town Clerk, Judge of Probate, Treasurer of South Paris Savings Pack, President of Paris Marufactiiirg Ccrrj-ary, and Trustee of Colby College. Was Corfctal in Co. B, 21st Me. Eegt. Meir ber cf " Fcilcrn Hope" storming Port Hud- son, May 27, iH-:^. Ferublican. Address, South Paris, Me. 230 231 13. C. A n D I T O X, nA.'SiiOa. MAIN K. P>orn, Bangor, Me., Jan. 15, 1S7S. Son of Hon. Lewis A. P>arker and Margaret Apple- ton Barker, and grandson of Hon. Lewis Barker. Attended Hotchkiss SchooL Phillips Academy, Andover, Hopkin^on School, Brown University, Boston University Law School, and University of Maine Law School, receiving degree of LL. B. from the latter in igoo. Admitted to the bar June, iqoo. Practiced law in Bangor ever since. Republican. Ad- dress, Bangor, Me. 233 VICTOR liKETT. Son of Ezra C. and Jane ("Norton) Brett, was born in Old Town, Me., Oct. 17, 1S51. .-Vttended school at Westbrook .Seminary, graduating 1S68 ; spent two and one-half years at Tufts College, and graduated at .Albany Law School 1S74. Married Lilian, daughter of Charles Ames, Dec. 29, 1S75, and they have one son, Howard. Admitted to the bar at Bangor, October, 1S75. Practiced law in Bangor three months, and then, in January, 1876, was elected Clerk of City of Bangor, and has since held that otifice ; now serving 26th year, with no intention of resigning or declining a re-election. Republican. Colonel of 2nd Regt. Me. Vol. Militia for six years, in a peaceful period, from 1S87 to 1S93. ^34 kA W. DAVIS. ha W. Davis of Kast Corinth, Me., son of .Moses P'ranklin and Mary (French) Davis, was born in Freedom, Me., in 1S47. Educated in Stetson High School, Union ."Academy, and Maine VVesleyau Seminary, graduating in class of 1S70. Married M. Effie Reed, 1S72, and has five children: Ivy M. E. (married to N. L. Snider), Rethel I., Stephen Clyde, L. Pearl, and Denton Reed. Admitted to bar at Belfast, Me., .April 17, 1872 ; Denver, Colo., Sept. II, 1875 ; U. S. Circuit Court District of Maine, Feb. i, iSgg. Practiced law in Stet- son, Me., Denver, Colo., and for past twenty-three years at East Corinth. Held town offices in Maine ; Superintendent of city schools, and County Superintendent of Schools in Colorado. Republican. ^35 BRIAN J. DUNN. Brian j. fmnu of llangor, Me., son of Thomas Iiiion and Bridget (Wlielan) Dunn, wlio emigrated from near Headford, County of Galway, Ireland, in 1850, was born in Brewer, Me., June 14, A. D. 1S63. .Attended Brewer public schools and Boston University Law School. Married Mary Ann Francis, daughter of John Donovan, Esq., of Laurel Hill House near Cork, Ireland. They have one son, Thomas Patrick Joseph Dunn, born Mar. 16, 1901. Admitted to the bar, Worcester, Mass., Dec. 31, 'Sg?, Houlton, Me., Sept. 20, i8q8. Practiced law in Boston, Mass., 1898, and in Bangor since then. ,41derman City of Brewer, 1893; City Solicitor of Brewer, 1901-2. Independent Democrat. 236 CHARLES J. HUNN. Bnrn in Houghton County, Micliigan, but was brought to Maine by his parents when a cliild. His motlier instructed him until he entered P.luehill Academy at Bluehill, and upon the completion of the course in that institution he attended school at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Began the study of law in the office of Judge K. E. Chase at Bluehill, and completed his preliminary legal studies in the office of Messrs. Hale & Hamlin, Ellsworth. Was admit- ted to Hancock County Bar. Has resided and practiced in Orono, Me., since March, iSgi. Chairman of the Republican Committee of Penobscot county. Member of Maine Legisla- ture iqoi-o2, serving on Committees of Elections, Library, and University of Maine, being Chairman of th^ latter. .Always a Republican. 237 W I r^ J. I A M 11 . Ci R A 13 V H A IV U O K. M A I X K . 238 -39 GENERAL CHARLES HAMLIX. Born, Hampden, Me., Sept. 13, 1837, son of Hon. Hannibal and Sarah Jane (Emery 1 Hamlin: attended Hampden, Bridgton, Gould's, and Calais Academies; graduated, Bow- doin College, 18157 ; married Sarah P. Thompson of Topsham ; children : Charles, Eugene, Addison, Cyrus, and Edwin T. Admitted to Penobscot Bar 1858 ; practiced in ( )rland, Hancock Co., 1858-1862, Bangor since 1865. City Solicitor of Bangor, U. S. Commission- er, Register of Bankruptcy, Reporter of Decisions S. J. Court, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Maine 1S65 ; author of Insolvent Laws of Maine, and Member of facul- ty of L'niversity of Maine Law School ; was also Asst. Ajt. General U. S. Volunteers, and Brev't Brig. General in late war. Politics, Republican. Address, Bangor, Me. 240 FOREST J. MARTIN, forest J. Martin, one of the most proiiiiaent of the younger members of the Penobscot Bar, was born in Newport, Me., Sept. lo, 1S67, son of John and Maria Cook Martin. He studied law in the office of John W. Manson, Pittsfield, and at Boston ' University Law School, graduating 1S90, receiving LL. B. degree ; also an honorary degree for high rank. Married Clara J. Richardson, Oct. 22, 1890. Admitted to the bar Sept. 19, 1S89, and com- menced practice in Clinton, Kennebec Co., 1890, remaining there until 1894. Since then he has been in practice in Bangor, and is senior membar of the firm of Martin and Cook. He has been engaged in the trial of many important cases, and has acquired a high reputation as a trial lawyer. Lecturer on Comn in Law Fl;.i:li.ig at University of ^L1ine School of Law since its organization in i8g8. 241 INI ATT H t\V M cC A RT H V . Matthew McCarthy of Bangor, Me., son of William and Mary McCarthy, was born in C.lenbiirn, Me., June 2, 1874. Educated at East Maine Conference Seminary and Universi- ty of Maine School of Law,' graduating June, iQoo. Admitted to the bar at Skowhegan, Me., March, igoo, and has practiced law in Bangor since June. igoo. Democrat. 24: HKNRV I Son of Steward S. and Lucinda Tyler Mitchell, was born in Unity, Me., Feb. 6, 1845. Attended Corinna Academy and other graded schools, and was a private student under Prof. J. H. Sawyer, four years. Married Emma L. Ryder, Sept. 23, 1879. Admitted to the bar, 1866, and has practiced in Bangor, Me. City Solicitor of Bangor, ten years ; Com- mander H. Hamlin Post, G. A. R. ; Past Chancellor Lodge No. 5, K. of P. ; Past Master Workman, A. ( ). U. W. ; Colonel 2nd Regt. Me. Vol. Militia, five years ; Brigadier-Gener- al Commanding ist Brigade Me. Vol. Militia, five years ; chairman of Standing Committee Independent Congregational church of Bangor for ten years. Always a Republican. Mem- ber of 1st Maine Cavalry Volunteers. .Address, Bangor. Me. ^43 I'l, iS!i3. ARK F Education received in common schools until he Horn, Winslovv, Me., Aug. . ., „„,. .^^^..^.. ... . ^ , entered Watei villa College, now Colby, from which he was graduated in 1.S52. Admitted to ienobscot Bar, Bangor, April, 1S35, and has practiced sixtv-seven years in that city ; has the reputation of being the oldest lawyer in continuous practice in New England. Married Mary Jones Hale, July 9, 1.S40, and has four daughters. Is the originator of many statutes, chief among which is the law allowing respondents in criminal cases to be witnesses in their '"^Is '" courts. The law proved such a success that it was adopted in all the States, Can- ada. F'nTla^ri and France. He originated the Savings Bank and Insurance Departments in Maine, and drafted statutes regulating the same. In his practice, with the exception of judge I arris and two or three recent appointments, he has had occasion to try cases before or with every judi.e that has held a seat on the Maine Bench, including the S. J. Court, Court of Common Pleas, District Court of Maine, and Circuit and District Courts in Maine. Republican ; never has failed to vote at a public election since of age except once bv sick- ness. Address, Bangor, Me. 244 WILLIAM ROBINSON PATTAN(;ALL. Born, June 29, 1S6;, Pembroke, Me., son of Ezra L. and Aretluisa (Longfellow) Pattan- gall. Kducated in High school of Pembroke, and entered Maine State College at Orono, 1.SS4, taking the course in Science and Literature. Has been married twice and has three children, Katherine J., Edith G., and (irace D. Pattangall. Admitted to the bar May, 1S95, and practiced one year at Columbia Falls, then moved to Machias where he has since resid- ed and followed his profession. Has held various town offices. Member of the Legislature in 1897-98, also in 1901-02, when he was interested in all important questions and served on following committees: Taxation, Legal .Affairs, and to Inform the Covernor of His Election. Republican. 245 246 = 47 RALPH PARKER PLAISTED. Ralph Parker Plaisted, son of Hon. Harris M. and Sarah Mason Plaisted, was born in Bangor, Me., March ly, 1871. Attended the public schools ot Bangor and Augusta, Bow- doin College, graduating in the class of 1894, and Albany Law School, graduating in 1897. Admitted to Sagadahoc Bar Aug. 26, 1897, and practices in Bangor. Democrat. 24S STANLKV PLUMMKK. Horn, Sangerville, Me. ; educated iu town schools, at Foxcroft and East Corinth Acad- emies, and graduated from Howdoin College, afterwards attending Albany Law School. Has been County Supervisor of Schools for Penobscot County, City Solicitor of Bangor, member of Bangor School Committee. Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior in Washington. Internal Revenue Agent, and Postmaster of the United States Senate. Serv- ed on Military Staff of Governor of Maine. Delegate to Republican National Convention in 1S96, and presided over the Republican State Convention in 189S. Representative to Maine Legislature two terms; twice a Senator, in last session serving on Committee on Engrossed Bills, Pensions, and Chairman of Committee on Legal Affairs, Education, and to Inform the Governor of his election. Post office address, Dexter, Me. -'49 \\1I.I.IS S. TDWNSEND. Son of Frederick P. Townsend and Melissa A. Tovvnsend, was born in Stetson, Me., December II, 1S65. Attended town schools at Stetson and the Maine Central Institute, Pittstield, Me., from which he graduated, June 16, A. D. 1887. Married Nantie A. Clark, Sept. 3, iSqo, and has three children : Harvard C, Alice I.., and Louis O. Admitted to the bar at Skowhegan, Me, Sept. iS, iSgj,' and has practiced law in Stetson and New- port, Me. Was Superintendent of Schools at Stetson, Supt. of Schools at Newport, and also chairman of lioard of Selectmen, and Tow n .Agent, Newport. Republican. Address, Newport, Me. 250 Born, Rockland, Me., July.?, 1830; son of William Vose and Mary W. Educated in Hampden Academy, East Corinth Academy, VVaterville Academy, Academy, Randolph, Vt., West Randolph Academy, Vt., and Dartmouth Colle which he graduated, July 27, 185S. Married, Nov. 16, 1859, Ellen A. Chick, have one son, Elisha C. Vose. Admitted to the bar at Belfast, Me., May, practiced law at Winterport and Bangor, Me. Representative, 1870; .Senator, i .Solicitor, Bangor, nine years; member Bangor Water Board, twenty-five years; School Board, one year; Judge Bangor Municipal Court, eight years; member Aldermen, one year. Republican. Address, Bangor, Me. Phillips. Randolph !ge, from and they 1S60, and 871; City member Board of "'SI THURSTON F. WORMWOOD Tluirstoii 1'. Wormwood of Uangor, Me., son of Dauiel K. and Harriet Wormwood, was born June i, 1S74, in Crawford, Me. Attended public scliools in Crawford, and graduated from Washington Academy, East Machias, in iSyj. Taught school till iSgS. Married Anna E. Rollins, 1897. Admitted to the bar August t2rm, 1900, at Bangor, and has practiced in that city. 25-' \VI I.I.I AM I'.URCES.S. William A. Burgess of .'■angerville, Me., was boin in Atkinson, Me., May 11,1874. Parents were Thomas S. and Ellen A. (Perkins) Rurgess. Kdiicated in public schools of Atkinson and at Higgins Classical Institute, Charleston, graduating in class of 1894. Ad- mitted to bar, Piscataquis County, Sept. 23, 1897, and has practiced at Foxcroft and San- gerville. Married Eva M. Morrill, May 4, 1898, and has one son, Ihomas S. Burgess. Was Town Agent and member of School Board, Atkinson ; Town .Agent and Clerk, Sangerville, 19C0-1901 ; Suiieriiitendent of Schools, .Sangerville, 1900. Republican. ^53 CHARLES W. HAYES. Charles W. Hayes, son of William C. and Mary M. Harrows Hayes, was born Sebec, Me., Jan. 2, i'^65. Educated at Foxcroft Academy, graduating in 1.SS2. Jan. 17, iSqi, he married Lola B. Wbittier and has two sons : Harold M. and Fred. L. Hayes. Admitted to the Piscataquis Bar at September term, 1889, and has practiced law in Fox- croft. County Attorney Piscataquis County. Republican. Address, Foxcroft, Me. -'54 HKNKV HUDSON. Heiirv Hudson of Cuilford, Me., son of Henry Hudson and Emily F. Martin, was born in that town. March ,„, .85,. Educated in common schools of Guilford, Coburn Classical Institute, and Colbv College, graduating, iSy-S- Married, .Ada M. Lougee, Feb. 22, 1877, and has two sons, James H. Hudson and Leslie E. Hudson. Admitted to t)ie bar at 1 )over, September term, 1S75, and has practiced at Guilford. Democrat. |ii^^Y^^!!i[!i!ll!l!ii-^'^^glJl^^ 255 ASH K R i\ PA L M E R, M O IV S O >'. M A 1 ]S E . WILUS E, I'ARSONS, Born, Sangerville, Me., May i6, 1854, son of Levi and Lydia Ellis Parsons ; educated at Houlton Academy, now Ricker Classical Institute,; and City Academy, Burlington, Vt. > taking later a four years' course in English. MarriedAgnes Oilman, youngest daughter o R. D. Gilman, Esq., Oct. 23, 1S90, and they have "one child, Willis Oilman Parsons, born Dec. 10,1900. Admitted to Piscataquis Bar 1878: practiced law; in Foxcroft since ; was law partner of Hon. A. G. Lebroke until 18S4, when elected County Attorney, serving from January, 1885, to January, 1891. Served on School Board of Foxcroft many years, and is Secretary and Treasurer of Foxcroft Academy ; Auditor and Town Agent of Foxcroft ; was Representative from Foxcroft 1895-6, and State Senator 1897-8. Always a Republican- Served on Republican State Committee_two terms. Address, Foxcroft, Me. 257 JOHN FRANCIS SPRAGUF:. John Francis Sprague of Monson, Me., was born in Sangerville, Me., July i6, 1X4S, son of Klpridge Gerry and Sarah Parsons Spragne. Kducated in the public schools. Single. Was admitted to the bar in February, 1S74, at Dover, Me.; practiced law in Abbot ^'il- lage and Monson; held various town offices; member of the Legislature, 1885 and 1893, serving on Legal Affairs and Judiciary Committees; appointed by Gov. Marble and Gov. Powers a member of the auditing committee to examine the State Treasurer's accounts; Referee in Bankruptcy since 1878. Rebublican. 25S -59 .J. S. W I I.I. I A M S. (J tJ 1 I. h C) K U, M A 1 X K. !6o ARTHUR J. DUNTON. Arthur J. Dunton of Hath, Me., was born in that city July 9, iSyr. His parents were James K. Dunton and Angeline White. Attended tlie common schools of Bath : was graduated from Bath High School in the English course ; went to Hebron Academy and fitted for college, entering in the class of 1897, but left at the end of Sophomore year, going to Boston University Law School, from which he was graduated with degree LL. B., i8g8. Admitted to Sagadahoc Bar, August, 1898, and has practiced in Bath since admission. Member of City Council, 1899. Prohibitionist. 261 SAN FORD I.EROY FOGG. Judge of Hath Municipal Court, was born in Milan, N. H., June 26, 1863, son of Simon and Lydia H. Fogg. His ancestry is Knglish. Educated in common schools of Milan and Gorham, N. H., Maine Wesleyan Seminary, graduating, 1885, and Bowdoin College, graduating, 1889. Was principal of High School, Island Pond, Vt., 1890. Studied law with Judge George A. Wilson, South Paris, Me.; was admitted to bar and began practice at Rumford Falls. Removed to Bath, 1893, and continued practice of law, acting as City Solicitor, 1894. 1895 was appointed Judge of Municipal Court, which position he now holds. Supt. of Schools, Paris, 1S92-3; member Bath City (lovernment, 1895. Member Solar, No. 14, F. & A. M., Montgomery and St. Bernard Royal Arch Chapter and Dunlap Commandery, Knights Templar of Bath. Republican. Married, June 22, 1898, Jessie K. Moody, Bath, and resides on Linden and Washington streets. 26: WILLIAM T. HALL. William T. Hall of Richmond, Me., son of Joseph and Mary Hall, was born in Lowdoinhani, Me., Aug. 22, 1841. Attended the town schools and various high schools and academies. Read law with Hon. Jas. !\L Hagar and Judge Nathan Cleaves. Mar- ried Elvira Coburn Parker, Nov. 7, 1S64, and has live children: William T., Jr., Elvira C, Mary, Rachel A., and Jennie L Hall. .Admitted to the bar Aug. 18, 1S63, and V. S. Circuit Court, Sept. 23, 1873, and has practiced law in Richmond. Has held office of School Coinmittee, Selectman, County Attorney, and Judge of Probate, holding the latter office since January, 1881. Republican. 26- CKOKCK K. HL'CHKS. • 'eorje F. Hrglit' was bnrn ii: Bo'^toii, Mass., in iSn. Came tn I^.a'li, Maine, very L-ai-ly in life and has since resided tliere. Was educated in its public schci ils and graduated fr.>in the Hi,:;h School in iS6<). Entered P.owduin College in the fall of that year aixl ;jradLiatcd in 1S7,?. Hecanie Fiincipal of Bath High School in 1H74, and there remained as principal till 1SS4, when he began the practice of law in Bath, and at present is in active liractice there. Was a member of the Superintending School Committee for a period of twelve years. Has been a member of the I'emocratic State Committee since 1.HS8. Is a pronounced Democrat in politics and at present is chairman of the Democratic State Com- niittee and the member of the Democratic National Com nittee for Maine. 264 EDWARD C. PLUMMKR. Born, Nov. 2,?, i86?, in Freeport, Me., son of Solomon H. and Ruth P.. (Harding) Plummer. Kducated at North Yarmouth Academy and P.owdoin CoHege, graduating 1SS7. Kntered journalism, traveled abroad in 1892, securing labor statistics. Married, Sept. .^, iSS.S, Lillian (jertrude Fisk, Bangor, Me. Admitted to the bar, August, i8q8, and is prac- ticing in Bath, Me. City Solicitor since December, 1898. Deputy Collector of Customs, Bath District, 1897 ; is attorney for Atlantic Carriers' Association, and its representative at Washington. Volunteered for Spanish war: entered service as Paymaster in Navy, May 28, 1898; honorably discharged Nov. 21 ; stationed on U. S. R. S. " Wabasli" and " Wvandotte." Fiemocrat -'65 PRANK E. fOU'lHAFD. Born, Exeter, Me., Pec. 14, if*54, son of Horatio and Caroline (Foss) Southard. .At- tended .school at Exeter, St. Albans, Hartland, and Crono, spending two years at the Maine .'-'tate College. Studied law with Haker & Raker, Augusta. Admitted to the bar March term S. J. Court, i^S'2. Practiced at Augusta and since Nov. 5, i-'ijs, at Path, Me. City Cleik of Augusta, six years ; Member of Common Council of Rath in iStC'. Twice married ; second time to Mabel B. Sampson, Feb. 15, 1^96, and has three childien : Caro line J. and Frank E. by first marriage, and Frances Mabel by second. Has been very suc- cessful in law cases. Was counsel for the plaintiffs iu the suits for injunctions against owners and tenants of buildings used for illegal traffic in intoxicating liquors lately decided in favor of the plaintiffs by the S. J. Court. Republican. 266 JOSEPH McC'OHH IROTT. Joseph McCobb 'liott of Hath, Me. , son of Mitchell I.oring Trott and Jane Foster l:aker, was born July 2, 1S5?. Kducated in the public schools of Bath, and studied law in Rath with Judge Washington (lilbert. Married Annie Harris of Bath, C)ct. 6, i8gi, and has three children : Raymond, Helen Harris, and Anna. .Admitted to the bar January, 1879, and practiced law in liath. Independent Republican. 267 OLIVER RICE BACHELLER. Son of Nathaniel and Mehitable (Rice) Bacheller, was born in Fayette, Me., June i, 1821. Educated at Farmington Academy and Kent's Hill. Married Paulina Freeman, 1857, and had one son, Frank Willis Bacheller, who died in 1876. Was admitted to Frank- lin County Bar March, 1850. Practiced law in Solon until October, 1876, and since in Skow- hegan. Representative to the State Legislature 1S65 ; Register of Probate, Solon 1856 ; LJisclo.sure Commissioner for past twenty years ; now Judge of Municipal Court. Demo- crat always. 168 1,1AM R. Ji )R1)AX, H«rn. Stetson. Me., March 29, i'7, the son nf Benjamin R. and .Sarah Jordan. At- tended the Maine Central Institute, Bates College, Law Department of Northwestern Un;- versity, Chicago, 111. Was graduated from Maine Central lustitute in 1888, and from the University in 1892. Admitted to tlie bar in 1892, and has practiced in Waterville and Bing- ham. Has been member of School Committee and Superintendent of Schools in the town of Bingham. Married Cora M. Houghton in 1896. and has one child. Is a Republican and has been a member of the County Committee four years and Chairman of Town Com- mittee several years. Address, Bingham, Me. iCn 2 7' 271 PERCY A. SMITH. ['ercy A. Smith, son of William and Rosiiia (Kos?) Smith, was born Felj. 2?, 1S72, at I'.xeter. Kducated at Co}intli Arademy and Higgiis Classical Institute, graduating froin latter in 1X95. Married Maud S. Hersey, iSqy, and has one daughter, Marjorie. Admitted tcj Kennebec County Bar in October, iSoq. Practiced law in Waterville and Fairfield. Member of School Board and Superintendent nf Schools, while in Exeter. Republican. Address, Fairfield, Me. 272 FRANCIS WAVI.ANl) KNOWI.TOX. Francis Wayland Knowltun was born in Liberty, Me., Nov. 15, 1S46, son of Judge Jos. W. Knowlton and Julia Knowlton. Attended town and high schools and Bangor Sem- inary. Admitted to bar April, 1879, and has practiced at Liberty and Belfast, Me. Mar- ried Nancy W. Wentworth of East Knox, Me., and has seven children. Address, Belfast, Maine. 273 ARTHUR RITCHIE. Son of Elijah C. and Eunice (Littlefield) Ritchie, was born in Monroe, Me., April 15, 1S73. Educated in town High School, E. M. C. S., Bucksport, and Gray's Business Col- lege, Portland, graduating, Oct. 15, 1893. Paid expenses of education by teaching school. Entered law office of Ellery Bowden, March, iSg4, and afterward read law in office of C. P. Mattocks of Portland and W. P. Thompson of Belfast. Admitted to the bar October term. 1896, and is practicing at Liberty, Me. Member School Board of Monroe, 1893 ; three years Supt of Schools, Liberty; three years Trial Justice ; seven years Disclosure Com'r. Member of I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M. Order of Eastern Star, and 7th degree member P. of H. Always a Republican. 274 JAMKS MKRKIIJ. liKi/KKl'T. James ^Ten■ill lieckett of Calais, Me., was born June 2S, 1S70, the son of John ('.. and ) Mary S. Beckett. Kducated in common schools, Calais High School, and Harvard Law School ; was graduated from High School in 1888, and Harvard Law School (LL. B.) in i8yv Admitted to bar at Calais, April, 894, where he has since practiced. Unmarried. For past five years has been Recorder of Calais Municipal Court with full power to act as Judge in absence of Judge from court room. City Pension Agent ; Clerk of St. Croix Club. Republican. 275 FRKD I. CAMPBELL. Son of the late Hon. Alexander Campbell of Cherryfield, Me. .was born Feb. 24, 1S50. Graduated from Colby University in 1S71. Read law with J\idge Milliken of Cherryfield, and was admitted to Vv'ashington County Bar in 1882. At once became partner of Judge Milliken and continued as such until he retired December, iSSg. Mr. Campbell was then alone in his practice until iSqg, when he associated himself with Mr. L. C. Haycock under the firm name of Campbell & Haycock ; this firm, aside from its law business represents the leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Married Josephine O'Brien, Dec. 13, 1879. Principal of Cherryfield .Academy 1871, and of Calais .Academy 1872. Was County Attorney from 1890-iqoo, being the longest consecutive term allowed any incumbent. Town Agent many years ; has been Town Treasurer and Supervisor of .Schools ; Trustee of Cher- ryfield and Washington Academies. In igoi, was appointed by Gov. Hill, a member of commission on revision of laws relating to sea and shore fisheries. Member of the various Masonic bodies and a 32nd degree Mason. Republican. 76 WILLIAM FREEMAN. ed school 'in' Posfo; 'w''lf°P°^ ^/"''c"i Freeman and Frances (Clark) Freeman. Attend- assis ant TauthT-riy. ' '^"il'-d'ng -School, .South Boston ; during the last year there, was ataerrUeldil.src M'°-^^'T^'?'^'''.p°°f ^''^^'- ^^"""ed to Washington County Bar has fivrchildren nn^l' i; •^""w^^P V^ ^^ ^f^i? '° '^5'' ^"d Mary C. Freeman in fsS, ; orCuItoms Memh.^ if r"^-- ,^^^« J^'fP^'y Collector of Customs from .S60-6S; Inspecto; PubHc3 ha, Cm t ffi^'^'^'^i';*' ^l""" '\^^-^S; Justice of Peace since 1844 ; Notary ing Vke-Presiden o tCh ^"f- ^IV'-^^' °i ^^'"'^''' ^^^tional Congress for six years, be- ing v ice f resident of the body for Maine and Us treasurer for two velrs Member of Sons 277 278 279 F.ENJAMIN BIXBY MURRAY. Born, Norway. Me., son of Henj. B. and Deborah (Hooper) Murray, (leneral educa- tion was received in common and liigii scliools of Turner, Me. Received honorary degree A. M. from Bowdcin (;'o)lege, ifc,6. Admitted to the bar, 1857, and was in practice until the opening of the C ivi) war when he entered the seivice. Was twice breveted by the President, the second time as Brigadier-Cleneral, March i.^, iXCjs; remained in tlie service until July, :866, when he was honorably discharged after nearly five years of service. Mem- ber of Maine House two sessions ; Senator from Washington Co. 1896 ; Adjutant-General; U. S. Marshal 1878-82. As Assistant Unancial .i^gent of U. S. he went to Kngland in charge of ten millions in U. S. bonds, remaining there until 1S77 ; while there he assisted in the sale of bonds amounting to over one hundred million dollars ; appointed by (lov. Burleigh Valuation Commissioner, serving until the work was completed in iSgi. Has been twice married; first wife, Fanny d. Farnsworth, died in 1804; again married in 1897, Maria Wadsworth Harris formerlv of Pembroke. Address, Pembroke, Me. 280 FKKli Fred J. Allen of Sanford, Me., was born in Alfred, Me., July 27, 1865, sou of John and Caroline (Hill) Allen. Educated in common and high schools, Nichols Latin School, and I'.owdoin College. Married Ida Leavitt, and has two children, Frederick A. and Lawrence C. Is a director of Sanford National Bank and general counsel for S. & C. P. Railway Co., Mousam River R. R., and Atlantic Shore Line Railway. Superintendent of Schools 1897-8. Member of Bradford Commandery K. T. Elected to Legislature in the fall of igoo and served on Committee on Legal Affairs and Taxation. Republican. ,?Xi MRS. BELLE ASHTON LEAVITT. Mrs. Belle Asbton Leavitt of Sanford, Me., was born in Wetmore, Kansas. Moved to Denver, Colo., when a small child. Parents were Thomas G. and Mary A. Asbton (both dead). Attended public schools in Denver; also evening school of Shorthand College, where she learned stenography and typewriting. Came to Sanford in July, 1893. Work- ed in law office of Fred J. Allen as stenographer, where she studied law and was admitted to the bar on the second day of June, 1900. She is at present located in the law office of Fred J. Allen. Was married on Dec. 25, njoi, to James Willis Leavitt of Sanford. 28: HARRY B. AVER. Harry B. Aver was bora in Cornisli, Me., April 14, 1S71 ; parents were James C. and Mary A. Ayer. Graduated from Cornisli Higli School in iSgo ; read law with Hon. George F. Clifford and while studying, taught school. Is married. Admitted to the bar June 6, 1895; practiced one year at Westbrook, and since 1S96 at South Berwick. Was a partner of the late Hon. Abner Oakes. Elected Register of Probate for York County, and assum- ed the duties of said office Jan. i, 1901. Republican. 283 FRKT) S. HOOTHBV. Fred S. Hdiitliby, son of Charles \V. and Mary Murphy I'oothby, was born in Saco, Me., Oct. 3, i.'^&2. W'as educated in and has always lived in the city in which he was born. Ciraduated from the High school in i8So. Is not married; admitted to the bar January, 1.S84. City Solicitor 1S93-94 : member of Board of Assessors iSgy-ujoi. Democrat. 2S4 I"iin I', r.urnham was born in P.iddeford, Me., Feb ^7 i^,r, tl,« ■ t r , ,. K.i.abeth Haynes Burnban. Kdueation was .eceiled n p:bHc b'o : d tdt^ .u'l Sc o Mro.w..chhewas„.adua.ed in Jnne, .V. L,.jS:'':^^t^;^ -C. ^ ,S„ and bas practiced in Hiddeford, Me. City Solicitor, ,.S,,. , ;oId I.emocra. 28. EDWARD P. BURNHAM. Edward P. liurnliaiii, son of Rev. Owen and Eliza (Siiiitht P.urnhain, was born Dec. .? , 1.S27. Early education was received in common schools; from 1S55 to 1S40 attended IJridg- ton .Academy. .Admitted to V'ork Co. Bar .April 4, 1849, and practiced law in Hallowell and 15angor, Me., and Holyoke and Conway, Mass. September, 1854, married Mary .A. Osborne who died Nov. 3, '1897. No children blessed this union. Was .Alderman of Saco, five years ; Mayor, two years ; connected with Saco c^t Biddeford Savings Institution from April 4, 185,^. to time of death as Treasurer or Trustee and the last four years as President. Was active in Free Masonry'and Odd Fellowship, having presided in the Orand Lodges of both orders. Was an active member of the Supreme Council of the 3 :;rd Degree for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States. Was nine years a representative to the Crand Lodge, r. 0.0. F., of the United States. Mr. Burnham died May 12, 1902, at his home in Somersworth, N. H., leaving no nearer relatives than a second cousin. i^rl^ii m '^^'^l!ll!A^I/f;.''T7^ llllllliWllll!llllllllll}^^ !86 S^/-J / ^- HORACK H. HURBANK. Horace H. I'.urbank of Saco, Me., son of Abner H. and Kliza Adams Hurbank was born in Limerick, Me,, Oct. 27, 1837. Attended Limerick and Yarmouth academies and Bowdoin College, from which he was graduated in i860. Admitted to bar Jan. 13,1864, and practiced in Limerick from 1865 to 1875, and since that time in Saco. June 11, 1872, married Elizabeth P. Thompson and has four children. Was Town Clerk and .Superintend- ing School Committee of Limerick ; Representative in Maine House from Limerick, 1S66; Register of Probate, eight years ; County Attorney, five years ; Bail Commissioner since May, 1873 ; Judge of Municipal Court since Dec. 4, i8qo. Private and Q. M. Serg'tin27th Me. Vols. ; Lieutenant and Captain in 32nd Me. Vols. ; Judge-Advocate on Gov. Con- nor's Staff with rank of Colonel. Republican. lli^T^t^li(llll!ll[i^^l!llll'l^^^rAllill!l>^r 2S7 Born, Alfred, Me., Jan. 4, 1S3S, son of .Arthur Cams and Susan Mclntire. Educated in the schools of Alfred, acadiinias of Limerick, Soath Barwick, and Yarmouth, and Bow- doin College, from which he graduated in the strong class of '60. Legal training was re- ceived in the office of Hon. Ira T. Drew and Harvard Law Class. Admitted to the bar September, 1863, and opened an office in Alfred, May 24, 1S64. Since opening the office , with the exception of a year and a half when he was cashier of the Alfred bank, his time has been given to his professional duties with satisfactory results in both office and court practice, especially from business in Probate Court. Nov. 22, 1871, married Clara S. Lit- tlefieldand they have two children, Grace Mclntire and Walter Littlefteld, gradaate of Bow- doin, and now in senior class of Harvard Law School. Democrat until 1876, since then Republican. Deacon of Congregational church. Address, Alfred, Me. !.SS JOHN PERCY DEERINO. John Percy Deering, son of John M. and Amelia A. Deering, was born in Saco, Me., Sept. 26, 187,?. Educated at Thornton Academy and .Amherst College ; was graduated from the former in 1891, and from the latter in 1895. Not married. Was admitted to the bar and is practicing in Biddeford. City Solicitor of Saco in 1900. Representative to the Leg- islature 1901-02, and was appointed on the Committee on Railroads, Telegraphs and Ex- presses. Republican. !Sg J O M X B. 1) O X O V A N, A L 1-" R E I>. M A I IST E. 29c WALTER H. DOWNS. Walter H. Dcnvns i)f South liervvick, Me., son of Frederick (). and Rutli T. (Roberts) Downs, was born in South Berwick, March 26, 1853. Attended Berwick Academy, Wes- leyan University, graduating June, 1875, and Columbia Law School, 1877. Admitted to the bar June, 1S77, and has practiced in New York city and South Berwick. Has held of- fice of Postmaster, Town Clerk and Treasurer, and Trial Justice. ?>'reniber of .St. John's Lodge A. F. & A. M., St. PauTs Commandery K. T. Republican. 29 J CODFROY S. DUPRE. Godfrey S. Dupre was born at Roxton Pond, P. U-, March 5, 187:;, son of Treffle and Dorothee Dupre. Attended schools of Canada, Seminary of Ste. Marie de Monnoir, and SeminaireSt. Charlesof Sherbrooke, P. Q., from which he was graduated in June, 189S. Read law with F. W. Hovey and Hon. H. H. Burbank. Single. Admitted to the bar Oct. 5, igoo. Is a member of Institute Canadien Francais, Cercl Canadien Modern Woodmen of America. Was delegate from Biddeford to the French-Canadian Congress at Springfield, Mass., Oct. I, 1901. Republican, .•\ddress. Biddeford, Me. 292 SAMUKl. \V, l•:^iKKV. .Samuel W. Kinery Portsiimutli, N. H., son of Samuel H. and Mary K. iMiiery, was b irn in Fdrtsmouth, March 30, iS'63. Attended school in Portsmoutli. Married Mary K. H. Smith, Nov. 3q, 1893. Admitted to the bar, in New Hanipshire, April, 1S84, and in York County. Me., January, 1891. Practicetl law in Portsmouth. Held office of City So- licitor, Portsmouth, County Solicitor, l^ockingham County, N. H., Justice of Police Court of Portsmouth. Republican. ^93 WIT.TJS T. EMMONS. Born, P.iddeford, Me., Dec. 27, 185S, s I > K 1^^ O K L) . M A I IST K , ^95 KIiWARD H. (loVK. Edward H. (love, son of Alvan C. and Mary S. ( iove, was born in liiddeford. Me., July 14, 1S47. Educated at the P.iddeford High School and Bates (- ollege. Married. Was admitted to the bar in 1S9S and has since practiced in his native town. Was .Secretary of State in i'^79. Politics, Independent. .Address, Biddeford. Me. 296 ADDISON K. HALKY. Born, Kennebunk, Me., Feb. 17, 1844. I arer.ts weie Joseph A. ard ."-'aiah J. Haley. Attended common schools of Kennebunk and Fjiddeford High .School. Admitted to the bar at Saco, Me., January, 1867, and has practiced ever since in Kennebunk with the e.xception of two years, i?(;o-i^qi, when he was in Saco in partnership with J. O. Bradbury. Mar. 9, 1870, mairied Carrie M. Cone of Bowdoinham who died Jan. 24, 18S2, leavingone child: second marriage was to Maria S. Richards by whom lie has two children. Has been Se- lectman, Assessor, Superintendent of Schools, and in 1873, was a member of the Maine 1 egislature. Always a staunch Republican. >97 JAMES EDWARD HEWEY. Born, Bath, Me., Aug. 25, 1857; is only son of late Maj. Andrew C. and Emeline P. Hewey. Educated iu city schools of Bath, and Westbrook Seminary. Read law with Hon. Washington Gilbert, Bath, and graduated from Boston University Law School 1879. Li- brarian of Law School 1880. Admitted to bar April, 1881, at Bath, and opened a law office with Hon. John B. Donovan at Biddeford, Me. September, 1882, elected Clerk of Courts for York County, succeeding Hon. Amos L. Allen ; at time of election, youngest Clerk of Courts in State. Resigned this position Jan. i, 1900, to accept appointment of Appraiser of Merchandise, Port of Portland, which position he now holds. Married, Xov. 8, [883, Ade- laide M. Roberts of Alfred, and has three daughters: Marian Emeline, Florence Roberts, and Margaret Neal. Always a Republican. Address, .'Alfred, Me. 29.^ FRAXK M. HIGGINS, LIMERICK, MAINE. 299 NATHANIEL HOl^ Son of Ceoi-ge and Nancy Kent Hobbs, was born, Sept. lo, 1824, in North Berwick, Me., where he still resides, .■\ttended common schools only. Married Sarah A. P. Paine of Melrose, Mass., Sept. 10, 1855, who died Jan. 5, 1857. Married for second wife, Ellen Frances Eastman of York, Me., Feb. 5, 1861, who died May 3, 1901- Admitted to York County Bar January, i860. Practiced law in North Berwick. Senator, Maine Legislature, 1866-1867. Elected Judge ot Probate for York County, 1872, and has held same office ever since, having been re-elected for the eighth term of four years September, 1900. Member of Masonic Fraternity. Republican. J. Merrill Lord of North ParsonsfieUl, Me., sou of Daniel and Josephine B. (Merrill ) Lord, was born in Parsonsfield, Oct. 25, 1865. Attended Parsonsfield .Seminary and Boston L'niversity Law School. Oraduated from Boston University i8gi. Married Sarah M. Churchill, Aug. 30, 1893, and they have three children : Theresa C, Frank W., Myron O. Admitted to the bar in York County, Me., June 2, 1891, Suffolk County, Mass., Feb. 2, 1892. Practiced law in Boston, 1892-4, and in Limerick, V'ork County, Me., since 1894. Republican. 3o: WALTER P. PKRKINS. Born, Kennebunk, Me., August 6, 1.S5S, is the son of Stephen and Mary J. Perkins. Kducated in common and High schools of Kennebunk and at Howdoin College, where he was graduated in 1 8S0 ; later he took a special course at .St. Louis (Mo.) Law School, re- turning to Maine to study with Burbank and Derby of Saco. Admitted to bar January, i' 1 : I i LT N K . M .\ I N K . 306 WILLIAM ROWLAND ROBINSON. Will. R. Robinson was born at Springfield, Mass., Dec. 25, 1S72. Educated in Ken- nebunk schools and Bridgton Academy ; studied law with Hon. James O. Bradbury of Saco and Walter L. Dane of Kennebunk. Admitted to York County Bar September term, 1896, and practices in Kennebunk. Has held office of Town Solicitor three years ; Collector of Taxes three years. Member of York Lodge F. & A. M. and Murry Royal Arch Chapter. 307 SIDXKV B. SMITH. Sidney B. Smith of Berwick, Me., son of Charles T. and Louisa C. (Webster) Smith, was born in Kennebunk, Me., Oct. 25, 1S68. Attended Sullivan High School at Berwick and Berwick Academy, So. Berwick, graduating June, 1885. Admitted to the bar in York County, Me., Jan. 7, iSqo, and at Concord, N. H., Dec. 2, 1890. Practiced law in Ossipee, N. H., Somarsworth, X. H., and I'.i-wick, Me. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 51, A. V. & A. \I. 308 CHARLES COCiSWELL SMITH. Horn, Dover, N. H., April iS, 1877, son of Rev. I. Perley Smith, LL. D., and Clara R. Smitli, Ph. B. Prepared for college with his father and at Williston Seminary. ( Iraduat- ed at Bowdoin, degree A. B., 1898, on honor list. Principal of Limington Academy, iSgS-g, and principal of Milford, (N. H.) High School, 1899-1900. Graduate; course at Harvard University. Admitted to bar September, 1900. Practiced law in Kittery, Me., since April 17, 1901. Justice Kittery Police Court, Superintendent of Schools, organizer of more than forty corporations, Secretary and Treasurer of the Lawyers Incorporation and Transfer Co. of Kittery, executive office, 528 Tremont Building, Boston. Member of .Adoniram Lodge F. & A. M., Aurora Chapter R. A. M., Camera Club, Milford, and Warwick Club, Ports- mouth, N. H. 309 ELI AS SMITH. F.lias Smith, son of Aaron and Mary W. (Cole) Smith, was born in Stow, Me., Aug. 31, 1S57. Educated in common and high schools, and at Comer's Commercial College, Boston, graduating in 1SS5. .Admitted to York County Ear Jan. 27, iqco, and practices at Liniington, Me. Has never married. Has served as Superintending School Committee. Is a member of Cdd Fellows Lodge Xo. 4S, Limerick, Me. iJemocrat. Address, Liniing- ton, Maine. 31 ELVINdTON P. SPINNKY. Son of Palmer < ). Spinney and Mary Jane Spinney, was born in ( ieorgetown, Maine, June ;io, I.S68. Attended public schools of Lewiston and Auburn, Me., Brunswick ( Me. ) High School, graduating I.S86, and Howdoin College, graduating iSgo. Married (Irace E. Burbank, Alfred, Me., 1895, and they have one child, Dorothy B. Spinney. Admitted to the bar in Saco, York County, January, 1895, and has practiced law in North Berwick, Me., since admission. Has been candidate for County Attorney and other county offices. Democrat. .Address, North Berwick, Me. 3'- JOHN ('. STKW ART. Son of Duncan and Margaret (Ritchie) Stewart, was born in Ryegate, Vt., June ig, 1.S50. Attended high schools at Topshani and West Topsham, Peacham, (Vt.) Academy, Dartmouth College, graduating 187.?. and Dartmouth Medical School, graduating in No- vember, 1S76, class of 1877. Unmarried. Practiced medicine in York till 1887. Engaged in biickmaking 1889-1891. Incorporator, York Harbor .S: Beach R. R , Agamenticus Light and Power Co., and Puritan Shoe Co. Admitted to the bar June 6, 1895, and has practiced in York Village. State Senator i8ji, and has held all the minor town offices. Is attorney for Portsmouth, Kittery & York Street R'y. Republican. Address, Y'ork Village, Me. 31. 3»4 Al.ONZM IRIPP Alnnzo K. Tripp was born in l.yiiiau, Me., Aug. 24, 1S36, son of Kastman H. and .Adah Lord Tripp, (ieneral education was received in town schools and Limerick .Academy. .Ad- mitted to Vcjrk Co. Bar, Saco, 1861, and has practiced in Wells, Me., since that time. Married .A bby Yeaton i860; Olive Maxwell 1874, and has seven sons. Has been Select- man, Town Clerk, Treasurer, .Auditor, and Supervisor of Schools. Politics, Independent. .Address, Wells, Me. 315 W I L L I A INI M. T 1^ I I > P, M' K L L K . M A I X 1<:. 3'6 H 99 78 4 ^ O " «0 C,-' ^0• > V9 o « . -"• ^-^^^ o * o » o - .0' ■b' '^^r. A^' A ^^^^ ^k. * I, V= "^ ^"^ ^" ^^-..^^^ ^ v^ 2_ -^ ». ■^ O A^ c, o " » ^ ■<*>, *Vv7?^', ^ ^;> ■A Q^ 'V ,^°..... % •■' v^* 0_ '^^'Ni^ * _ <- ° " " -» ,0 cb c> ' •< = r % .^^"- ^'^^ ^- '^b v^ :^ ^^ ■ v. .^ ,<^^ .^ -^^ .-^'' 'V^ .v^ » ' * °^ ^> r^0 , ".^l ^*^^^ '^ ,° ^0-^^ ^-1°^ V ^^--^ -'^ A .<^^ > ^ AN 5 jP VV '^^ ^-^ ^ a"^ ^^-s^ .^^o ■-'^ ^'^ .,. "V .( lO • V