-i^;^.^^. ^^^m^-;^ kOBIikmhiv*'::^^^: /'^hV I ■^-^^ BooRl L 7 /^^ ^;#^^ 'S|^>(J^;.^. 'W^r '^'^^:^' ''4^:r^^^(j^.^ >?*«?^4^ THE PROBATE RECORDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY, MAINE. 1760 TO 1800, COMPILED AND EDITED FOR THE MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, BY WILLIAM D> PATTERSON, WISCASSET, ME. PORTLAND, ME. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1895. ^ 3 .L7?;L S I 3 f35 E7)!crscit, Printer, Wiscassct. CONTENTS Preface -------- Pages 5 — 11 Introduction - - - - - - " - Pages iii — xxi Errata - - - - - - - - - Page xxiii Lincoln Probate Records ----- Pages i — 368 Index of Names ------ Pages i — 48 Index of Places ^ . . . . . Pages 49 — 53 PREFACE This book contains copies of the wills filed in the Probate Court for Lincoln County from the year 1760 to the year 1800 and brief abstracts of the records of the proceedings of that court during the same period. Perhaps the earliest existing record of probate proceedings had in this section of Maine is that found in the record* made At a court held at Pemaquid 22 July 1674 by Major Tho : clarke Humphry Dauie : Richd Collicut, and Left Thomas Gardner according to commission and order of the Generall Courte of the Massatusetts coUoHy, Dated in Boston in N : E : 27 day of May 1674, which record is in the following words : Administration to the estate of John Walter a fisherman somtymes Resident at Monheghen & sometymes at Damerells coue who dyed about four yeares since is granted to Geo : Burnett Resident at Mon- heghen who is to dispose of the same according to the cleerest testimony of, and to whome ye Estate doeth belong & to bring in an Inventory of the same to ye next comission Court, heere, & himselfe as principall & Richd Oliver as Suerty doe bind themselves in fifty pounds a peece that this Order shall bee attended & p' formed. In this instance the General Court appears to have delegated its functions as a court of probate, a custom that was subsequently adopted by the Governor and Council who under the Province charter of 1 69 1 had power to "doe execute or pcrforme all that is necessary for the Probate of Wills, Granting of Administracons for, touching or concerning any Interest or Estate which any person or persons shall ♦Printed entire in M. H. .S. coll. '^Baxter MSS.," pp. 343-348. Note. This was probably the only County Court established under the Massa- chusetts Colcny charter within the territory subsequently known as Lincoln County. At that court the region between the Sagadahoc and Georges rivers seems to have been first called and known as the County of Devon. 6 PREFACE. have within our said Province or Territory ", Soon, however, after the charter become operative judges of probate were commissioned, infe- rior probate tribunals were established and suitable persons were designated as registers thereof in the several counties ; and in probate matters the Governor and Council reserved to themselves and exercised only the powers of a Supreme Court of Probate to which appeals from the probate courts could be had. Finally, near the close of the administration of Governor Pownall, in 1760, they became duly organ- ized as the Supreme Court of Probate for the province and adopted a seal therefor. The act of the General Court of the Province of Massachusetts Bay for erecting and establishing two new counties in the easterly part of the county of York provided that from and after the first of Novem- ber, 1760, the most eastern county, bounded on the west by the county of Cumberland, on the east by the province of Nova Scotia, on the south and southeast by the sea or western ocean, and on the north by the utmost northern limits of the province, should be called and known as the County of Lincoln. This act established the town of Pownalbo- rough, which then included the territory now embraced in the towns of Wiscasset, Dresden, Alna and Perkins, as the shire or comity town. This town had been incorporated on the 13th of February, 1760, and named in honor of that able colonial statesman, Thomas Pownall, who was then governor of Massachusetts, and this town, the name of which was changed to Wiscasset in 1802, has ever since been the principal shire town of Lincoln County. The Lincoln Probate Court was constituted by the appointment of William Gushing as judge and Jonathan Bowman as register. The earliest act of the court as found in its records granted letters of ad- ministration upon the estate of Humphry Purrington, late of George- town, under date of the 14th of November, 1760. The record does not disclose whether the court upon that occasion was held at George- town or Pownalborough : the letters were dated at Georgetown ; the warrant to appraisers at Pownalborough ; both bear the same date. At that date and for several years afterwards there seems to have been no regularly established time and place for holding the coart and it was probably held at either Pownalborough or Georgetown, as was most for the convenience of parties having business before it, and but little formality observed. The wills of Nathaniel Donnell and Patrick Drummond, two old time residents of Georgetown, were probated at PREFACE. 7 that place. On two or three occasions the court appears to have sat at Richmond. WiUiam Gushing, the first judge of the court, was ot a distinguished Massachusetts family residing at Scituate, where he was born on the first day of March, 1732, third son of the Hon. John Gushing. He graduated from Harvard Gollege in 1751 and after studying for a time with Jeremy Gridley he established himself in the practice of the law. Upon receiving his appointment as judge of probate he removed to Pownalborough where, until the arrival of Timothy Langdon, in 1769, he was the only educated lawyer and as such he appeared as counsel in the most important cases brought before the common law courts of the county. If one can judge by documents drawn by him, now extant, it may safely be concluded that he was methodical in his affairs and careful in all his undertakings. In the work of transcribing these records it has been a pleasure to take in hand a will or other instru- ment in his beautiful handwriting and elegant arrangement of para- graphs. He filled the office of judge of this court until 1772 when he was appointed a justice of the Superior Gourt of Judicature. He then returned to Massachusetts where he ever after made his home. Judge Gushing continued as a justice of the Superior Gourt until several years after it came to be known as the Supreme Judicial Gourt, a title which it retains to this day. At Pownalborough, on the nth of July, 1786, Gushing, then chief justice, opened the first term of the Supreme Judicial Gourt that was held in this county. Associate Justices Sar- gent, Sewall and Sumner presided with him at that term of court. Upon the establishment of the Supreme Gourt of the United States, in 17S9, Judge Gushing was selected by Washington as chief justice. Gushing declined the honor, but accepted a seat as associate justice and continued to occupy the same until his death, 7 September, 1810, ended a long and honorable career. The name of Jonathan Bowman is found in the records of this court for a period of more than forty years : first as register and after- wards as judge. Born at Dorchester, Massachusetts, 8 December, 1735, he was graduated from Harvard Gollege in 1755. When the first officers of this court were selected one William Bryant, whose appoint- ment appears to have been desired by certain of the proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase, was a candidate for the office of register and it seems to have been understood by some of his friends that he would be appointed, but the influence in favor of Bowman carried the day. At « PREFACE. about the same time the governor of Massachusetts, agreeably to the act incorporating Lincoln County, appointed a register of deeds for the county for the term of five years from February, 1761. Bowman re- ceived that appointment. Upon the organization of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and the Court of General Sessions of the Peace a few months later he was appointed clerk for those courts and con- tinued as such for upwards of thirty years and until he relinquished the offices to his son and successor, Jonathan Bowman, Jr. He appears to have entered upon the duties of register of probate at the time when Cushing became judge and he served in that capacity until he succeeded to the judgeship which position he filled during the Revolutionary period and under the government of the Commonwealth, having been recommissioned therein by his relative, Governor Hancock. The first instrument signed by him as judge found in these records bears date the tenth of June, 1772. In the Revolutionary days the records of the court w-ere swollen by proceedings involving the care and disposition of the confiscated estates of absentee loyalists and at these "tory trials," as the hearings were commonly called, Judge Bowman presided. He continued in the performance of the duties of this responsible position during the remainder of the period covered by this book and until his decease, 4 September, 1S04. The comfortable and spacious two-storied mansion in which Judge Bowman made his home still stands near the bank of the Kennebec river in Dresden. It is a well- preserved house having a broad, roomy hall and staircase and in each of its high-wainscoted rooms a capacious open fire-place. With its traditions of the Hancocks, of John Adams and Increase Sumner, and of PJowdoin and the Gardiners it is an interesting relic of the provincial days in the eastern country and one of the notable houses of the county. Roland Cushing, the youngest brother of Judge Cushing and him- self a lawyer, succeeded Bowman as register of probate. Roland Cush- ing was born at Scituate, 26 February, 1750, and was educated at Harvard College which he left in 1768 and entered upon the study of law with his brother AVilliam at Pownalborough. He held the ofifice of register of this court for fifteen years. His death occured in 17S8 at Waldoborough where he was then a resident. The personal recollec- tions of those who knew him have been preserved and show that en- dowed by nature with a graceful and manly form, possessing brilliant PREFACE. 9 mental parts cultivated and enriched by study, eloquent and forceful in argument, he enjoyed a popularity that was long remembered. His untimely death and the indulgence of habits that led to it were much deplored by his friends and associates. On the 29th of January, 1787, Judge Bowman designated Nathan- iel Thwing, of \Vool\vich, as register of the court pro tempo7-e. Thwing's home was at Hutchinson's Point, now known as Thwing's Point, on the bank of the Kennebec and a few miles from the residence of Judo-e Bowman. Thwing was long time an upright magistrate and well-known office-holder in this county. He was an admirable recording officer and the records made by him are unequalled for legibility, neatness and precision. He appears to have discharged the duties of register of this court until 1792, a period of about five years. Portions of the second and third volumes, the whole of the fourth volume and the first fifty-eight folios of the fifth volume are in his handwriting. A portion of the records in volume HI are attested by Thomas Tileston, register pro tempore, of whom nothing further is here known at this time. The next regularly appointed register of the court after Roland Gushing was Jonathan Bowman, Jr., eldest son of Judge Bowman. At the date of his appointment, young Bowman was barely twenty-one years of age. He was born 17 April, 1771, and was graduated at Harvard College in 179 1. He made records that are models of neat- ness and legibility. He held the office of register of probate for about ten years, and during a part of that time he was clerk of the common law courts for the county. He resided for some years at \Mscasset. His death occurred at the early age of thirty-seven years. These short personal sketches may serve to revive in some deo-ree the personnel of the court for the first forty years of its existence. The careful student of these records will not overlook their importance but will find in them that which will suggest pictures of the economical and social life of this section of Maine during the last half of the eio-hteenth century in a manner that no other records now extant can revive. In them will be found evidences of the religious beliefs of the last century inhabitants of this anciently settled county, testimony of their patriotism traces of their loves, their hates and their family feuds and strifes • their standard of comparative wealth and station and their customs and modes of life. There is not room to particularize within the limits of this brief note. The pages of this book contain many of those details in which to use the words of John Adams, posterity delights. I O PREFACE. It has been seen that the earliest sittings of this court were at Pownal borough, Georgetown and Richmond, The records indicate that the court was most frequendy held at Pownalborough, usually in the west precinct of the town and at Pownalborough court house which historic building, erected by the Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase in accordance with a vote passed by them on the 13th of April, 1761, for the purpose of providing a suitable place for holding the courts, still stands within the limits of the former parade ground of old Fort Shirley in the town of Dresden. It is a substantial frame structure, three stories high. The court room, situate on the second floor over- looking the Kennebec, was an apartment forty-five feet long and nine- teen and a half feet wide. It is rich with memories of John Adams and the Cushings, the Sewalls and the Sullivans ; of Robert 4uchmuty, the younger, of Chipman and Wyer, Bradbury and Paine ; and of Gardiner and Bridge, Lithgow and Langdon. It is not famous alone for having been the temple of justice. The service of the church of Eng- land was often held within its walls by the Rev. Jacob Bailey, rector of the ancient St. John's parish before his church structure was erected; and there the preachers of other religious denominations from time to time gathered their hearers. A few years after the Revolution the population of the county had increased to such an extent that the inhabitants of the eastern part^ desirous of being no longer subject to the necessity of making the long and tiresome journey which was involved in attending to probate business and visiting the registry of deeds at Pownalborough, succeeded in procuring the passage on the 6th of November, 1784, of "An Act empowering the Inhabitants of the County of Lincoln Eastward of Union River to choose a Register of Deeds, and for the establishing of a Court of Probate to be holden within and for all that part of the said County which lies to the Eastward of said River." From and after the date when that act went into effect and until the incorporation of Hancock and Washington counties this court was known as that of the "west district" of the county. The establishment of the eastern district foreshadowed the separation that soon followed. After the area of the county was reduced and as population multiplied and the business of the court increased it became customary to hold the several terms during the year in different towns, usually at the houses of innholders, when held outside of the shire town. In the year 1790, the court sat at Pownalborough court house in May, August, September PREFACE. I I and October ; at the house of Lazarus Goodwin, in Hallowell, and at the house of Joseph Lambard, in Bath, in May ; at the house of Samuel Nickels, in Newcastle, and at the house of Cornelius Turner, in Waldoborough, in September ; and in the year 1791 : at Pownalborough court house in January, April, June and August ; at the house of Amos Pollard, in Hallowell, in January ; at Lambard's, Bath, in June ; at the house of Charles Samson and at Turner's, both in Waldoborough, in September, and at the house of Ebenezer Whittier, in Pownalborough, in December. For many years and until the establishment of the eastern district the jurisdiction of this court extended throughout all that part of Maine eastward of the then eastern boundary of Cumber- land county and in its records are found traces of those who lived as far east as^Bangor, Mount Desert and Machias and northward to Farmington and Norridgewock. Its territory was first reduced by the act creating the eastern district and that was rapidly followed by the incorporation of Hancock county, in 1789, and Kennebec, in 1799. It is hoped that the scope of this volume and the arrangement of its contents will commend it to the student of genealogy. Full copies of the wills are given in the order in which they are found of record. The abstracts from the records of proceedings relating to the estates of intestates are given in like order and contain mention of every act of the court and of the representatives of the estates found of record, to- gether with reference to the volumes and folios where such are re- corded, thus forming in connection with the index of names an index to the first eight volumes of the probate records of Lincoln County. The cordial thanks of the Society are hereby extended to that learned antiquary, Rufus K. Sewall, Esq., for the timely and compre- hensive sketch of the early history of English common law proceedings in Maine that is embodied in the introduction, so generously furnished by him for this book, the value of which is best attested in the following note here printed by the kind permission of the Hon. John A. Peters, chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. Wiscasset, May 6, 1895. Hon. R. K. Sewall, Dear Sir: I have read with exceeding interest the paper which you have pre- pared as an introduction to the book, to be published, of the Probate Records of the County of Lincoln (or Cornwall) up to the year inclu- 1 2 PREFACE. sive, of 1800. Your paper very finely illustrates, in brief form, the principles and practice of the Common Law of England, during that ancient period, to be found in the probate records to be published. There will be seen in them clear pictures of the civilization of that peri- od, which an American citizen will readily appreciate and much enjoy. Very sincerely yours, JOHN A. PETERS. The indices to this volume have been prepared by Joseph P. Thompson, Esq., who has thus rendered invaluable aid. Wiscasset, i November, 1S95. WILLIAM D. PATTERSON. INTRODUCTION. These mortuary records of Lincoln County are matter of public in- terest and importance. In them we have an epitome of the thrift of the generations past of this ancient part of our state as a culmination of the English common law, where first applied in the beginnings of New England, to shape and develop the life forms of society and Christian civilization in its civil relations. The record also discloses, in clear and precise features, the religious and Christian sentiments of the fathers of Lincoln County to have been eminently biblical in all phases of man's mortuary relations to the preg- nant future of human life. The facts of this record, in this respect, we deem quite remarkable. As an outgrowth of pre-existing legal conditions of the history of this county, where first was appHed in New England the forces of the English common law as a colonizing agency, I propose to make the facts of such application and the incidents ot development a supple- ment to the legal records herein published ; which had origin in the charter of April lo, A. D., 1606 ; practically enforced on the peninsu- la of Sabino, now Sagadahoc, in seizen and possession, under the English theories of valid land title in A. D. 1607 ; and further devel- oped at Pemaquid and Sheepscot, when Lincoln County was an inte- grant part of Ducal Territory to 1689 ; and the organization of Lincoln Bar. COLONIAL CHARTER. April lO, A. D., 1606. Expansion and application of the English common law as a coloniz- ing force and antecedents. UNDERLYING FACTS. A. D. 1 49 2. The fact of the existence of a continent in the west had been revived and certified to the nations of Europe by Columbus. The next year, 1493, the newly discovered lands were partitioned to IV INTRODUCTION. Spain and Portugal in virtue of alleged Divine vice-geral domination in a dotal act of Pope Alexander VI. These facts startled and excited Europe. The legal soundness of land title so acquired was questioned, as matter of international law. France wanted to find Adam's will and see the clause warranting its exclusion to a share of the new world. England protested : appealed to natural right and justice : declared there was no good title in land without possession in newly discovered countries. It was her common law doctrine of "seizen and possession," as ap- plied to her popular homestead holdings. The international conflict raised grave questions of right. England pressed the issue with incisive diplomacy. The British Lion shook his mane ; and bristling with resentment at the wrong of Papal presumption, roared, — "preso-iptio sine posscs- sione, hand valcai" and made preparation to force her common law postulate of homestead holdings into the international code and have it applied to trans-atlantic interests in defiance of the Pope's authority and in derogation of his assumed right in giving away the lands of the newly discovered world. The English doctrine was novel. It was also revolutionary. The conflict deepened. Spain was supreme in prestige and power on sea and land, and also a petted child of the Church of that day. The issue of trans-atlantic titles had become national. England was reso- lute. The issue narrowed. Spain led off, the champion, not only of her dotal title, but also of Divine vice-geral authority in the Pope. More than a century* had passed the Papal grant, when the Eng- lish Parliament declared, that by law of nature and nations, seizen and possession were sole grounds of good title to newly discovered lands. In 1580,! this postulate of her common law was officially declared. The doctrine of possession, as the ground of perfected right in lands abroad, as well as at home, had become a battle ground of statesmanship and diplomacy in the legal arena. CRISIS. A. D. 1588. The argument was ended. Spain resolved to cut the Gordian knot with the sword. She marshalled an "Armada," — arrogantly called, "the invincible", — entered the English Channel, with all the pomp and pride of a Divine mission, the 19th of July. England gathered her ships of ♦Holmes' Annals, vol. I, p. I. tPoor's Vindication, p. 9. INTRODUCTION. V war, and massed her guns to meet the issue. Battle was joined the 2 1 St day of July. Drake led the English manoeuvres. Fifteen different* engagements were fought. The conflict continued to the 27th of July, and Spain lost five thousand men and seventeen ships of war. Eng- land burned and sunk, and storms scattered, the Armada of Spain ; and her naval supremacy went with it ; and England became herself mis- tress of the sea. Spain, to crush England in her presumption, had failed and fallen in the struggle. The Pope's dictum and dotal, heretofore regarded and respected as the end of all law, went down with the "Great Armada." The issue gave force and effect to the doctrine of English "seizen and possession," as a guarantee of title to an American foothold in the new world. The ancient doctrine of Papal Divine right, as an element of inter- national law, was thus over-ruled. Possession now became the ground of right to valid title in North America. Thereupon the maritime nations pushed for discovery of eligible sites for possession and the English common law of seizen and posses- sion became a great colonizing force. RESULTS. 1602. Maritime restlessness in the west of England took shape in a voyage of discovery, by a new and untried route, to the American shores, di- rect in course west, as the winds would allow. The vessel was the "Concord," Bartholomew Gosnold, master. The result was that he made and touched the new world in a land full of hillocks, an "out- point of tall grown trees ahead, a rock-bound coast and shores of white sand in Lat. 40° N." It was a sunrise view. A Spanish sloop with mast and sail and iron grapnel came along-side ; and the Indian seamen, some clad in Europe- an costume, came on board and chalked a map of the country on deck which they called "Ma-voo-shan." Its attractions were noted, and reported in England ; and the land- fall marked, for further examination. In 1605, a "new survey" was projected, and executed, by Captain George Weymouth, and returned before autumn. This survey resulted in the discovery of a magnificient harbor, the little River of Pemaquid, and the Saga-da-hock, the notable river of the Ma-voo-shan land-fall of the Concord's voyage of 1602. *Teig's Chronology. Vi INTRODUCTION. These rivers, of this land-fall, at once became coveted points of commercial value to England, for seizure and possession, where the forms and forces of English common law, should be applied, in planting homesteads of the English race, in New P2nglard. The report of Gosnold, the survey of Weymouth, fixed the English idea of desirable locality, for eminent domain, in a national act of "Seizen and possession," for a "great state project." Spacious harbors, grand river tributaries, magnificent woods, abound- ing in sea-shore fisheries and beaver haunts, were the appreciated features of commercial promise, in the panorama, of the Mavooshan land-fall, for places "fit and convenient, for hopeful plantations." Sagadahoc, the notable river of the Gosnold land-fall of Mavooshan, was the magnet of subsequent colonial and commercial activity, to the west of England communities. Gosnold's "wooded out-point" of the Mavooshan land-fall, the bea- ver haunts of Pemaquid dependencies, Sheepscot and Muscongus, with Sagadahoc, environed with waters, "the strangest fish-pond of the western seas," land-marked by Monhegan and highlands of Penobscot in the east and the twinkling mountains of "Au-co-cisco," west, in 1606, had become a land of promise, to the commercial industries of England, as a seat of English Empire in North .America. CHARTER OF APRIL 10, 1606 A. D. Publicinterest and enterprise, took definite shape, 10 of April i6o6. English purposes of seizen and possession then took form and ex- pression, in legal muniments of contract. A corporation was organized under a crown grant composed of em- inent subjects of England. The grant covered agreements. "We do grant and agree," were the words of compact. In tenor, it was a Royal license, hedged about with conditions precedent to future and further concessions. The grantees, were government contractors. The transaction, was a conception, legal and formal, of valid title and permanent possession, covering a purpose of enduring foot-hold of the English race, at the points of seizen and possession, maJe. The Christian nobility of England, joined the commercial agencies of her great seaports, in pressing government to participate in the en- terprise. "The wings of man's life are plumed with the feathers of death," was cried in the ears of Elizabeth, in urgency of national col- onization in the New World. INTRODUCTION. VU The Lord Chief Justice of the English Bench, Sir John Popham, headed the west of England movement, who is described as emin- ently* honorable and patriotic, and by the jealous Spaniards, a '^ Great Puritan." He manipulated the contract. The conditions were the making of habitations, leading out colonies of volunteer sub- jects of Great Britain, aiid planting them in "fit and convenient places." The contractors were required to "build and fortify" where they should inhabit, and could lawfully colonize only those of English citizenship, who would emigrate as volunteers. The salient points of the contract of April lo, 1606, for seizing and holding actual and permanent possession of the American coast at and near the 44° N. E. are full and clear in purpose and plan. Gosnold's land-fall, the out-point of fair tall trees, little green round hills inland with the rockey shores of white sand, in the country of the Mavoo- shans was the contemplated "/(?(:«^ //;^z/^," of the colonial undertakings. English voluntary colonization, domiciliation of the race, military occupancy of fit and convenient places herein and about the latitude described, were the avowed purposes of both the government and its grantees, the adventurers, of the charter license. George Popham and Rawley Gilbert with other eminent men of English nobility, their heirs, assigns and successors, were executive agents, under the grant. Such a colonization by them accomplished under royal stipulations, insured, a future endowment of plenary rights to the fruits of their un- dertaking in a crown deed, or patent to the section of country by them discovered and so seized and possessed, on their petition there- for. The contract of the loth, April, 1606, pregnant with the forces of English common law at once began to unfold in starthig effective English colonization at two eligible points in the Temperate Zone of North America, north of Florida, in English cartography, marked "Virginia." Two* colonial adventures were organized under the con- tracts of April 10, 1606, known as "the first and second colonies.'' DUAL COLONIAL EXODUS. The first sailed for Chesapeake Bay and seized the peninsula of Jamestown, on James River, May 12, 1607. (o. s.) The second sailed May 31st, 1607, foi Mavooshan, landing at and *Genesis of U. S. p. 45, Vol. I. Vlll INTRODUCTION. seizing the peninsula of Sabino, Sagadahoc, 20th August, 1607 "the place to which it was directed."* The first act of possession, was a formal solemn consecration, in the public worship of Almighty God, with prayer, praise and a sermon on the spot chosen for a town. One hundred and twenty colonies landed and stood there together, under the English flag. The church of England, in canonical robes with hallowed endow- ments of state, in support of law, stood among them. The sermon endorsed the transactions of state in progress ; with the bible in her right hand and in her left, the cross, symbolic of Christian faith, the church of England, by holy invocation, consecrated the place and sanctified the occasion ; and so set up the pillars of the new state on English constitutional grounds in religion and law, for a new English Commonwealth. A civil polity was duly organized. A body of laws promulged. George Popham was nominated and inaugurated by oath of office not as a governor, or vice-roy, but as ^^ President,'' to hold and to wield the great function of sovereignty,as chief magistrate. Subordinate offi- cers were sworn in. Then the President took a spadef and "Set the firstf spit of ground unto it ;" turning the sod, as a formal act of seizen and possession perfected by the formularies of English land title in "turf and twig," under the common law of England. Of this colonial planting the first material fruits, were realized in an English village homestead of fifty houses, a ware house, a fort entren- ched and fortified with mounted cannon, a church with a steeple, ship- yard and thirty ton vessel on the stocks. These were the adornments of the shore margins, of the sheltering head-lands of Sagadahoc, at its mouth, where a permanent foot-hold was contemplated, and all the el- ements of English civilization in law and religion, the great civilizing forces of humanity were first combined and took organic form on the soil of New England. *Two plantations, in virtue of Chief Justice Popham's agency were undertaken to be settled on the coasts of America, called the tirst and second colonies. The first was in the interest of London men and the second, the west of England. The second colony sailed on the 31st of May, 1607, under Capt. Geo. Popham and Rawley Gil- bert, for ".Seizing" the place to which they were directed. — Holmes' Annals, Vol. I, p. 155. t Lambeth Palace Paiiers. INTRODUCTION. IX FIRST COURT OF LAW IN NEW ENGLAND. The President and his sworn assistants constituted the first organized court of law. It had a seal. "Sigellum Regis Magnae Britaniae Franciae et Hiberniae," was the legend on one face. On the reverse, it ran : "F)'o Concillio Secundae Coloniae Virginae^'' and this court was within the ancient Lincoln County bounds. LAWS. ''Tumults, rebellion, conspiracy, mutiny, sedition, man-slaughter, incest, rape and murder, were capital offences. Adultry, drunkenness, and vagrancy were punishable offences. They all must be tried within the colonial precintsc. Magistrates were required to hold in suspense judgment on crime in aid of ap- plication to the king for pardon. Records of judgments, were required to be set forth fully, as basis for appeals. Christian teaching and civihzation of the Indians were ordained of law, which also demanded, preaching of Christian religion as established by the English Constitution. CHARTER RIGHTS. Nucleus of American Polity. All the rights of home-born English citizenship, were guaranteed to the residents of the Sagadahoc Town of Fort St. George. The writ* of habeas corpus trial by jury and the elective franchise, were assured rights. "These my loving subjects, shall have the right annually to elect dL President zxx^ other officers, possess and enjoy fo7-cver, the right to make all needful laws for their own gover?i?nenf^ were the precious words, of their constitutional charter. In \\s,&yi^z.\i%\oxi, perpetual self-governing power, was an endowment of the Sagadahoc free-hold: — a boon of English constitutional law; an organic element in the civil life, of English Colonization, here first planted in New England. With these facts before us, it is no matter of surprise, that under President Popham's beneficient administration the Sabbath at Sagadahoc, was duly observed to God's honor in prayers and religious services,"morning and evening ;"and without doubt accord- ing to the venerable, reverential, decorous and exact formularies of the church of England : — whose solemn and devout forms of worship of the true God here first awed the savage mind and touched the savage heart. The fear and worship of God were marked features of that ad- *Charter 1606. Menoval, p. 94. X INTRODUCTION. ministration. Sunday* Oct. 5 th, Nahanada and wife of Pemaquid, and the Indian Pilot of the Popham colony, a member of the Royal house of Ma- vooshan, and one Amenquin, a sagamore, went with President Pop- ham, to the place of public prayers, both morning and evening, attending with great veneration, reverence and silence." This scheme of civil polity pregnant with the seeds of our subse- quent free institutions of the United States sown in it by force of English common law, first applied here in Maine to New England homestead life, was thus set to work out natural results, with the machinery of law and religion, into which the civilizing forces of Christian ethics fully en- tered to shape the embryo of out growing states. Beneficient progress was made during the administration of Pres't Popham. The 15 th of December a dispatch was penned, in Mavooshan at Fort St George and sent to the King of England, announcing pres- ent success with sketching of incidents of promise in these beginnings of English homesteads at Sagadahoc. It is in Latin and now extant, the usual language of State-papers of that day. President Popham was an aged, but God-fearing man, "stout f built, honest, discrete, careful : somewhat timid, but conciliatory in demeanor. Popham was the life of the colony. Seymour, the colo- nial chaplain was eminent for his industry and honest endeavors. The same is recorded of Turner, the surgeon. But Rawley Gilbert official representative of the London Element in the adventure, is described to have been of a jealous, ambitious turn, a sensual man of loose life, head strong, little religious zeal, poor judg- ment, little experience, though valiant. Sinister and selfish, he was a mischievous factor, in the colonial development. More or less fric- tion appeared ; but President Popham calmed and reconciled differ- ences, during his rule.f On the 5th of Feb., 1608, Popham, whose conduct had impressed even the savages with his virtues died, probably the victim of a cli- matic convulsion. The last of January for seven hours, thunder, light- ning, fearful and frequent rain, snow, hail and frost in excessive and and awful succession, over whelmed with cyclonic and winter rigors, the little village of English free-holders at Sagadahoc. But the hamlet survived the dire calamities of the season, to encoun- *L. P. Mss. Journal, Mass. Hist. Col., p. 109, Vol. 18. +Gorges to Cecil, p. 286. Maine Hist. Quarterly, July, 1 891. JBrown's Genesis United. States. INTRODUCTION. Xjl ter the caprice, irresolution and selfishness of succession in Gilbert. The catastrophe of climate presaged not only the demise of the good president at Sagahahoc, but further fatalities. Though captain Davis declared on his arrival with new supplies in the spring he found "all things in good condition in the colony, many furs stored and the New Virginia — a pretty vessel launched, ready for sea, Gilbert, now in command had become restless and inclined to abandon the enterprise. Notwithstanding the good condition of affairs at Sagadahoc, Gilbert proposed to leave Fort St. George and return to London, The proposal met the sympathies, at least of the London people in the colony ; and the London ship Mary and John and the pretty Vir- ginia, whose master builder was Digby of London, were laden with col- onists in sympathy with their chief, and sailed away homeward bound about Oct. 8, 1608, and the settlement on the River of Sagadahoc was broken up. The corporation dissolved. Its president Popham, buried within the precincts of Fort St. George, was left, where no doubt his ashes re- main, mingled with the soil of Maine — at the mouth of the Kenne- bec — the ashes of the first dead president, as a chief Magistrate in the United States. The colonial life at Sagadahoc lasted a little over a year, or to Oc- tober 8, 1608. Lord Chief Justice Popham, had also died. His son and heir Sir Francis, succeeded to his father's estate and interest in the colonial undertakings. The Popham families, especially Sir Francis, son of the Chief Justice, who had contrived the scheme of English homestead possession in the New World, valued the legal advantages gained at so much cost, and determined not to lose the legal benefits, that by seizen and possession of the continent he had taken, had been acquired. The Popham ship and her tender (the fly- boat,) Gift of God (whose log has not been recovered) was in at the colonial debarkation and aided in the colonial transactions taken at Sagadahoc. There is no clear record of her return, on the sailing of the Mary and John. Sir Francis protested the Sagadahoc abandonment. The record is "he would not so give over the design of the undertaking abandoned ;" but withdrew the ships and provisions remaining in his possession, and did, diverse times after, send* to the sayne coast for trade and fishing. *2d series, Vol. 5, Mass. His. Coll. p. 37. Gorges. Xll INTRODUCTION. POPHAM AT PEMAQUID. The Popham ships, were therefore kept employed within the pre- cints of the colonial posessesion, after Sagadahoc had been evacuated. But where? Here starts the thread of the legal continuity of the life of the Popham colonization, its expansion and holdings, as recorded by Strachey and Hackluit and Gorges. "To the* north in the height of 44° lyeth the country of Pemaquid : — the Kingdom wherein our western colony upon the Sagadahoc, was sometime settled^ "The firstf place ever possessed by the English in hopes of making a plantation, was a place on the west side of the Kennebec, called Sagadahoc : — other places adjoining, were soon after seized and improved in trading and fishing." The French J reported {Pemcuit) Pemaquid, viz.^ \ht ^irst point which was occupied by the English.'" Eight years after the abandonment of Sagadahoc and the Popham protest, history lifts its curtain on further Popham transactions, in holding possession of the colonial seizings. A. D. 1614. The Popham ship in the interest of Sir Francis, son of the Lord Chief Justice and heir of his estates is found in an established business, on the east shore of Pemaquid under Monhegan Island where a port had grown up, out of the fur trade and fisheries, which for many years be- fore 1 6 14, had been used by the Pophams alone. The Earl of Southampton was concerned with the Pophams in the business enterprises here. PEMAQUID. Land Titles. A. D. 1625. Brown's purchase opens the next view of legal procedure within the limits of the Popham establishments on the coast of Maine. The tide of English emigration had already covered the environings of "Pop- ham's Port," and attracted the commercial enterprise of the commer- cial centers of England. The lands had acquired marketable value. The Mayor of Bristol, England, and the mercantile house he repres- ented bought up the lands at and about the mouth of Pemaquid River, on the Sagadahoc side of Pemaquid. The Bristol firm of "Aldworth & Elbridge" laid out a fishing plantation on their purchase at Pemaquid *Strachey Trav. in Va. Hacklint Papers. tlluhbard Indian Wars, 1676, p. 246. JMons. (."adillac, 1671. M. His. Sue Cull., vul i, p. 2S2. INTRODUCTION. Xlll Harbor ; and Abraham Shurl, their agent, represented the firm in their business and was a civil magistrate. With an eye to the thrift and progress of the Popham Pemaquid settlements, the extent and growth and permanency of agricultural industries, then and there. Brown's purchase, suggested legal confirmation ; and on the 24th of July, 1626, Brown's Deed was duly executed by acknowledgement and record in the exact formularies of the English common law, before and by Abra- ham Shurt, at Pemaquid : — the first transaction of the kind in New England if not in all North America. The Pemaquid settlements, says Thornton, in 1629, "were larger and more important than Quebec." Abraham Shurt stands eminent as a man and magistrate. His in- tegrity was incorruptible. On his word the Indians relied with filial faith. East and west and in the Bay settlements, mid rivalries and competition, he conducted a native and foreign trade with skill and success. History has left neither touch or shade of taint on any of his transactions. A. D. 1631. A proprietor's court replaced the Shurt magistracy at Pemaquid un- der seal of patent authority of the crown ; and Thomas Elbridge, a man of small stature, presided ; and to it the residents of Monhegan and Damariscove resorted for legal redress to about 1647. The charter powers of the Pemaquid civil organization were granted with a view to replenish the deserts with a people governed by laws and magistrates," as expressed in the grant. The administration of civil affairs contemplated a nearly pure de- mocracy. The laws and ordinances were required to be executed by such officer and officers as should be chosen by the majority of the popular voice. The principle of a majority rule was the governing element of the civil polity. It prevailed up to the 5th of Sept., 1665. The 1 2th of March, 1664, the Pemaquid Country and dependencies were assigned to James Duke of York by Royal grant. The Ducal Province was erected into a civil organization as the county of ''Corn- wall" appurtenant to New York by a Royal commission, Sept. 5, 1665, at the house of John Mason, Sheepscot Farms ; and Sheepscot Farms were organized into a shire town named, "New Dartmouth." Col. Richard Nicols had been designated governor of the Ducal Province, but before he could enter on his duties was killed in a naval battle with the Dutch, 1672. The civil affairs of Pemaquid, meanwhile fell into XIV INTRODUCTION. confusion, till Governor Lovelace assumed command. Pemaquid, Muscongus, and Sagadahoc, now consolidated into a county, justice was administrated by a duly organized Court of record, called the court of "General Sessions", whose sittings were held the last Wednesday of June and the first Wednesday of November at Jamestown of Pemaquid and by circuit at New Dartmouth. Henry Jocelyn, Esq., was Chief Justice and Rev. Robert Jordan, Thomas Gardiner of Pemaquid, William Dyer of Sheepscot, Nicholas Raynal, associates. Sullivan says this court had jurisdiction in matters ecclesiastical; and in the event of disagreement. Justice Jocelyn decided the issue. Walter Philips was Clerk of Courts at New Dartmouth, and William Short for the Sessions at Pemaquid. Books of Record were duly kept at both places, entitled : "Rolls of acts and orders passed at sessions holden in the territories of the Duke of York." John Allen of Sheep- scot was High Sheriff. Precepts ran, to Constables or Sheriffs, as follows, viz : Greeting : "By virtue hereof you are required in his majesty's name and under authority of his Highness, Duke of York, to apprehend the body or goods of Deft, and take bond for value of with sufficient surety or sureties, for his personal appearance at court, &c., &c., then and there to answer unto complaint of A. B. for not yielding a debt or due-bill, bearing date, &c., * * *. Hereof fail not as you will answer it at your peril, &c." Return. "I have attached the body of A. B, and taken bail for his appearance at next court to answer to the complaint of B. C. in an action of the case. This is a true return." (Signed C. D. official.) Walter Philips, clerk of the New Dartmouth sessions, first appears a resident at the mouth of Damariscotta River on a place called "Winne- gance," (Indian carrying place to Pemaquid) in March, i66o. Thence he moved to the "oyster banks" above the site of Newcastle, near lower falls and purchased a large landed estate of the Indians embracing their Ped-auk-gowack (place of thunder) and made large improve- ments. His orchards yielded apples to the fugitives of King Philip's ■war in 1676, on their flight to Pemaquid. His book of Records are lost. He fled to Massachusetts, resided in Charlestown and died there in 1680. Chief Justice Jocelyn originally came to Black Point, Scarboro, 1635 ; from England, 1634, as agent for John Mason, then resident on the Piscataqua, of Gorges' Province of Maine. INTRODUCTION. XV He was son of Sir Thomas Jocelyn of Kent, Knight, and of noble blood. He made an incomplete survey of interior wilds, then mar- ried the widow of Captain Cammock of Scarboro. The marshes of Scarboro made it attractive to early immigration for settlement, as did the marshes of Sheepscot farms in the Ducal Province of Pemaquid. These marshes stimulated the earliest agriculture. Commissioned by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Jocelyn first sat as Judge at Saco, 25 March, 1636, under the administration of Sir William, son (Governor) of Sir Ferdinando, of his Province of Maine. One of his first judicial orders was made in the interests of temperance. "Any man that doth sell strong liquor, Wine, &c., shall suffer his neighbor, laborer or servant to continue drinking in the house, said offences being seen by one Justice of the Peace or constable, or proved by two witnesses before a Justice of the Peace, such seller of strong drink, or wine, shall forfeit for every such offence, ten shillings." In 1639, Jocelyn was nominated Counsellor of the Province of Maine and authorized to try all causes coming before him ; and also to act as Deputy Governor, under Gorges, in exigencies requiring the exercise of such office. This eminence in public affairs and in the confidence of Gorges made him an object of special surveillance with the Bay state authorities. MASSACHUSETTS USURPATION. In 1668, a crisis was reached in a conflict of jurisdiction between Gorges and the Massachusetts administration in Maine, Issue was made at York on the 6th of July and turned on the exercise of judicial authority in Gorges Province of Maine, then limited in its boundaries to the east shores of Casco and Merrymeeting bays. The day before court sat at York, men from Massachusetts, heralded and escorted by a troop of horse, entered the town, announced as "Mas- sachusetts Commissioners." Jocelyn and his associates met the new-comers with courtesy. The Massachusetts men, thereupon, warned the Maine Judges not to oppose their proceedings, and repaired to the meeting-house to open their court. Jocelyn and the King's Judges thereupon seized the meeting-house steps, and had proclamation made to hear the King's commands. The Commission within, hearing the crier's call, "bade all persons having his Majesty's commands and showing them in court, the court XVI INTRODUCTION. would be ready to hear the same." Nevertheless, on account of the pressure of business, the reading thereof could not be heard before the afternoon. An adjournment for dinner followed. While the Massachusetts in- truders were eating, Jocelyn and the associate Maine Judges entered the meeting-house and sat on the benches, holding the judicial seats. Informed of this, the foreign commission left their dining tables, rushed into the church and took seats beside the King's Magistrates ; and now refused to read or hear the King's commissions. Jocelyn and the* Maine Judges thereupon, in the interests of peace withdrew and abandoned the ground, making the record : "Massachu- setts entered the Province of Maine in hostile array ; turned the Judges of the King and Gorges off the bench ; imprisoned the commander of the militia ; threatened the judges and friends of Gorges, and usurped the judicial authority of Maine." Jocelyn left Maine and took residence in the Ducal Province of Pemaquid ; and in August, A. D., 1677, we find him there holding court as Chief Justice. He was respected, honored and trusted by royal authority. Gov- ernment assigned to his choice any lot at Pemaquid he might desire for building himself a house and ^10 out of the public treasury, with provisions out of the public supplies, and orders, further, "that his rent should be paid if he elected to hire a house." These provisions were made for his support in June, 16S0. Three years after, 1683, his demise at Pemaquid is reported to the public authorities with regret. Eminent for loyalty to the crown, for peace and good order, fidelity to his public trusts, clearness and uprightness, Chief Justice Henry Jocelyn died in his judicial robes, unsullied, and was buried at Pema- quid between the 24th of August, 1682 and May 10, 1683, where his ashes repose to this day. The restraints of law were loosened in his death. A commercial town had grown up around Fort Charles called James town, at Pemaquid Harbor, from the Aldworth and Elbridge Planta- tion, and the trade of Popham's port, now a suburb. Public necessity required filling the vacant seat of Justice, and Thomas Giles was thereupon commissioned as Chief Justice of the Ducal Province, appointed, among others, 28th April, 1684. ♦Mass. purchased Maine, May 6, 1677. INTRODUCTION. XVU Thomas Giles seems to have been a land holder at Pemaquid, resid- ing near the Fort, a strict observer of the Sabbath, and otherwise a conscientious, God-fearing man and officer of the law. He had much difficulty in correcting abuses at the Fort. During his administration the Revolution of William and Mary in England set in, ending the Stuart Dynasty and the jurisdiction of the Duke of York, in Maine, 1689. The French were on the alert to defeat the accession of William and Mary to the English throne, and stirred up their Indian allies to im- prove the opportunity of the public confusion and consequent anarchy. Combined, they planned an invasion to overthrow British rule and seize English strong-holds in the Ducal, Province and subdue the old County of Cornwall. Judge Giles, on the 12th of Aug., 1689, had gone to his farms at the Falls of Pemaquid with his little boys to superintend finishing his har- vest of hay and the hoeing of his corn-fields. It was noon. Dinner had been served to his workmen. Giles and the boys were still at the farm-house, the workmen having dispersed to their labor. Suddenly the guns of Fort Charles boomed an alarm. All were startled. The Judge hoped it heralded good news of re-inforcements at the Fort — return of the soldiers, who had been drawn off. The next moment savage yells and the war-whoop, with volleys of musk- etry from hills in the rear, broke on the ear. This din of war brought the Judge to his feet, crying, "What now — what now?" It is the story of a child, his youngest boy, an eyewitness. His father seemed to be handling a gun. Moxus, Sachem of the Kennebec, led the fray. The child fled. Pursued by a painted brave, with gun and cutlass in hand, the glitter of which dazzled the child, who fell, was seized and pinioned. Led back to his father, he saw him, walking slowly, pale and bloody. The men at harvest were shot down where they stood, or on the flats with others, tomahawked, crying, "O Lord ! O Lord !" The captives were made to sit down till the slaughter was ended and then were taken towards the fort on the east side of the river, a mile and a half distant. Smoke and crash of fire-arms were, on all sides, seen and heard. The old Fort, in loud roar of its cannon added to the din and dismay of the captives. Judge Giles was brought in. Moxus expressed regrets saying strange Indians did the mischief. Giles replied : — "I am a dying man. I ask XVIU INTRODUCTION. no favor but a chance to pray with my boys." It was granted. Ear- nestly commending them to the care of God with calmness of assuring faith he took leave of his children with a blessing and counsel, en- couraging them to hope for a meeting hereafter in the better land. Pale with the loss of blood now gushing from his shoes and tottering in step he was led aside. We heard the blows of the hatchet but neither shriek or groan added the child. Seven bullets had pierced his body, which was buried in a brush heap where he fell. The captives were taken into a swamp in view of the Fort where the smoke and thunder of battle raged till surrender was made and the town fired and some twenty houses burned. The French record of these transactions is : "that at the first tidings of the sudden attack, the Fort opened fire with all its cannon but it did not deter the Canabis (Kennebec Indians) from getting possession of ten or twelve stone- houses forming a street from the village square to the Fort." They then entrenched themselves, partly at a cellar door of the house next the Fort, partly behind a rock on the sea shore and from these two points kept up such terrible fire of musketry on the Fort from noon till evening of the 14th no one* durst appear openly." This catastrophe ended the civil, religious and industrial existence of old Cornwall of Pemaquid and dependencies, and of the commun- ities of Popham's Port, Aldworth and Elbridge's Plantation and the Sheepscot farms of near seventy years standing and growth. Thus the ancient aristocratic organizations, social and civil, all passed away in old Cornwall. The people were all killed, captured or scattered ; their flocks of cattle and stores of grain left to plunder and waste. More thant one hundred miles of sea coast adorned with flourishing settlements, improved estates and comfortable homes were made waste and became desolate. Tide deeds, town and court records were burn- ed and lost, and even the sites of ancient plantations soon turned to original solitudes. REVIVAL. A. D. 1 7 13 the success of the British arms led to the treaty of Utrecht and the acquisition of Acadia. Peace followed. The fugitives in Massachusetts from the ancient dominions of Maine combined for return to their war-wasted possessions. ♦Shea's Charlevoix, vol. 4, p. 4I. twill. Hist., vol. 2, p. 80. INTRODUCTION. XIX Government of Massachusetts determined to aid the re-settlement, of Maine, the restoration of ancient homesteads and to quiet conflicting claims. Maine, with the Ducal Province of Pemaquid, had become the pro- perty, of the Bay State and were merged in one jurisdisction. The plan of concentrated population on three or four acre lots at the sea- side in families, with outlying pasture ground, was recommended. This village system developed the defensive architectural device of "Garrison houses," as places of refuge in time of peril. Sagadahoc retained its ancient influence and attraction as a re-peopling center. Its sandy and rocky shores, as of old, were magnets to popular resort, and Government would permit a return of inhabitants to no other point, initial, to re-occupancy of the "Eastern parts." A. D. 1714. The heirs of Clark and Lake of old Arrowsick, at the head of a cove opposite Drummore of Phipsburgh Centre, started re-settlements to recover the ancient island possessions. John Watts of Boston built there a garrison of bricks brought from Medford, Mass., with flankers mounted with cannon, a refuge for fam- ilies, gathered, under cover of the guns of the garrison. It became the nucleus of an organized township and was named Georgetown, incorporated 1716. Land-holders and government stimulated re-peopling the new town. Capt. John Penhallow was assigned to command the garrison. Old Georgetown fostered thus, continued to grow, and was made the shire, east, of the newly organized York-Shire County, into which Maine was converted. It was the capital of the valley of the Kennebec ; and the seat of legal authority, to the resettled wastes of the "Ancient Domin- ions of Maine." A. D. 1728. Samuel Denny, an English emigrant, built himself a block house, near Butler's Cove, and the Watts' Garrison ; and acted as a civil mag- istrate. Denny was a man of education, of industrious habits and decision of character. He sat as Judge and acted as his own bailiff, at court. It was currently reported, that the stocks, as late as 1833, were remembered, wherein the sentences of his own court were exe- cuted by his own hand. John Stinson of Arrowsic, was also a Magis- trate of Yorkshire : and Jonathan Williamson of Wiscasset, sheriff, whose precepts and record of service, survive to this day. XX INTRODUCTION. Justice Stinson was a staunch loyalist in Revolutionary times. Gushing of Pownalborough sent officers to make his arrest. The charge* was treasonable acts ; for which orders were issued to bring him before the court. Stinson armed himself, and resisted effectually the officer's attempt to make his arrest. His wife, ready to be confined, was so shocked at the assault and resistance made by her husband, she fell sick and died. For more than a quarter of a century, "Old Georgetown" stood the capital of Eastern Maine, and the center of the administration of the law and justice, as a shire of old Yorkshire. I^nd-holders of the old Plymouth, Kennebec purchase, were active in bringing their lands into notice for settlement, and agitated, a divi- sion of Yorkshire, and the erection of its eastern fragment into a new county. On the 19 of June, 1760, the agitation bore fruit. The Gen- eral Gourt organized a new county, and called it Lincoln ; and incor- porated Wiscasset Point, New Milford and Dresden, into a town called Pownalborough for its shire. A court-house and jail of hewn timber were built, in the west pre- cinct of the New Shire ; and so Lincoln, succeeded to Old Gornwall Gounty of the Ducal Province of Pemaquid and dependencies. A legal organization of higher jurisdiction and forms of procedure was created and organized into Lincoln Bar. It retained the Old Gornwall style, a court of sessions ; and held its sittings second Tues- days of June and September. Samuel Denny, William Lithgow, Aaron Hinkley and John North, were Justices presiding. William Gushing, Jonathan Bowman, Joseph Patten, James Howard and John Stinson, Esqrs., were also Magistrates. A. D. 1762. Orga7iization. "Lincoln ss, Anno Regni Regis Georgii Tertii, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae Primo" was the opening record of the first session ; and the first order designated Jonathan Bowman, clerk. At His Majesty's Gourt of General Sessions of the Peace held at Pownalborough, within and for the Gounty of Lincoln, on the first Tues- day of June, being the first day of the month A. D. 17C2, it was fur- ther "Ordered (at said session) that a Seal presented by Samuel Denny, Esqr. the Motto whereof being a Gup and three Mullets, being the lawful Goat of Arms of the said Denny's Family with said Denny's ♦Fron. Miss, p. 265. INTRODUCTION. XXI name at large in the Verge thereof, be accepted and that it be estab- lished to be the common Seal of this Court." A. D. 1786. Lincoln county had grown in importance and its necessities in mat- ters of law required an enlargement of judicial facilities. By act of legislation, the courts for Lincoln County were extended and enlarged in jurisdiction, by sessions of the Supreme Court of Mas- sachusetts directed to be holden at Pownalborough, this year, Chief Justice Cushing, Judges Sargent, Sewall and Sumner, presiding. AT WISCASSET POINT. In 1 794, further changes were made ; and the court ordered to hold alternate sessions at VViscasset Point and at Hallowell. The change was inaugurated, and its first session held under Judges Paine, Sumner and Dawes. The inauguration of the above change, in incidents of an- cient judicial formularies, we give from the late Chief Justice Weston. Three sheriffs in cocked hats, girt with swords, holding long white staves, guarded the court and led the way in procession followed by the bar, and at Hallowell, marched to court at the beat of a drum. Its formularies of procedure were imposing and dignified. From that day to this, Wiscasset Point, has been the seat of legal administration of Justice for the communities, (except lately Sagadahoc,) occupying the territories, of the ancient aristocratic Jurisdiction of Cornwall, of the Ducal Province of Pemaquid and dependencies. Thus we have sketched the leading facts and incidents, of the be- ginnings of jurisprudence out of which has grown the mortuary record now published to the world. RUFUS KING SEWALL. Wiscasset, March 16, 1895. Note. The landfall of Gosnold in the "Concord" in 1602 was in latitude 430 44' N. See p. V where it is erroneously printed 400 N. ERRATA. Page 3 line 35 after Disallow omit &. 14 for 72 read 92. 32 after she insert may. 29 for 74 read 174. 3 for 42 read 142. 35 for and read all. 38 for 1767 read 1768. 33 after third insert part. 1 2 after by insert my. 19 for 1766 read 1769. 21 for 28 Sep. read 20 Ap. 23 before arrive omit shall. 15 before sound insert a. 7 before as insert free. 4 for into read unto. 10 at end of line add fry- ing pan. 17 for Carlton read Clark. 39 for 269 read 262. 29 before mortality insert the. 37 omit any. 9 for the read all 4 for James Fulton read John Fulton. 1 3 after that insert my. 7 for G read &. 20 for 3 read 30. 25 for eighteenth read eighth. 31 omit that. 25 for reocking read re- vocking. between lines 26 and 27 insert Item I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Uriah the Sixth part of all my Real Estate after my vvifes Decease Item I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Peter the Sixth part of all my Real Estate after my vvifes Decease 95 20 for Mary read Jerusha. 97 37 fo"^ know read known. 99 25 after County insert of. 99 31 for Lots read Lott. 104 2 after same insert sum. 107 37 omit all after sureties. 107 38 omit all before Inven- tory, no 12 for 1782 read 1 781. 1 10 19 for Nov. read Oct. 115 16 after other insert said. 125 9 for 1774 read 1784. II 14 16 25 26 28 29 35 38 38 40 41 47 56 57 65 69 71 71 72 73 74 77 84 91 94 136 141 142 »45 147 160 162 163 168 175 176 176 181 183 188 190 190 190 198 206 207 212 213 215 216 221 226 227 229 238 240 251 264 298 33^ 337 337 339 343 349 354 7 after And insert I 28 for Heyard read Iley- wood. 19 for Cod read God. 28 for Eightenth read Eighten. 35 for IV read V. 31 for 2786 read 1786. 24 for Mary read Sarah. 32 for 437 read 247. 26 for in read an. 20 for so read as. 16 after Gave insert it. 36 for Jabex read Jabez. 18 after I insert now. 39 for Kiver read River. 19 for VI read VII. 1 for constute read con- stitute. 34 for Consttute read Constute. 36 after Dissannul omit and. 1 2 after my insert beloved. 28 for 1794 read 1 79 1. 4 for 1891 read 1791. 4 for except read except- ing. 40 for Daughter read Daughters. 5 for in read of. 25 after law insert is. 2 for VII read VIII. 33 for 1795 read 1792. 16, for 1795 read 1796. 21 omit all after [V, 197.] 9 after ^^200 : i : 2 insert [VIII, 121-122.] 22 after time insert then. 27 after 1795 insert [VI, 42.] 39 for 1790 read 1796. 30 for ^13.92 read $139.92. 34 for And read Ann. 4 for 18 10 read 1800. 34 omit real. 28 for Samuel read Dan- iel. 38 for 1800 read 1804. 25 for 2824.75 read $624.- 75- 24 for votes read notes. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. ABSTRACTS FROM THE Heeopds of the Probate Court at Wiseasset, LixcoLx County, INIaixe. County Ineoppofated June 19, 1760. The numeral letters and tigures enclosed in lirackets refer tu volumes and folios of records. Humphry Purrington, late of Georgetown. Nathaniel Purrington, of Georgetown, Adm'r, 14 Nov., 1760. William Philbrook, blacksmith, of Georgetown, and Philip Aubens, of Brunswick, sureties. [I, i.J Inventory by James Thompson, Isaac Snow and Nathaniel Larrabee, all of Georgetown, 16 Mar., 1761, ^£124 : 18 : 7^4- [I, 2.] Louis Cavelear, late of Pownalborough. Mary Cavelear, of Pow- nalborough, widow, Adm'x, 10 June, 1761. [I, 2.] Inventory by Jonas Fitch, James Bugnon, and Francis Ridley, [Rittal] all of Pownalbo- rough, 10 June, I 761, ^48 : 9 : I. [I, 3.] James Fredrick Jacquins, late of Pownalborough. Margaret Jacquins, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 10 June, 1761. [I, 3.] Jonas Fitch and Abner Marson, sureties on bond. Inventory by Jonas Fitch, Jacques Bugnon and Francis Rittal, 10 June, 1761, ^67: 10: 6. [I, 4.] Accounts filed 26 Apr., 1763. [I, 32.] Christopher Jakin chose Margaret Jakin to be his guardian, 3 Apr., 1764. [I, 52.] John Blithen, late of (Georgetown. Hannah Blithen, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 8 June, 1761. [I, 4.] Inventory by John Parker and Joseph Mackentier, both of (Georgetown, 7 Aug., 1761, ^128 : 5 : 11. [I, 14.] John Parker and Joseph Mclntire, commissioners to examine claims. [I, 16.] Accounts filed 23 Feb., 1763, [I, 30,] and i Oct., 1763, at which latter date the administratrix had become the wife of David Curtis, of Harpswell. [I, 38.] 2 LINCOLN PROHATE RECORDS. William Robinson, late of Topsham. Margaret Robinson, of Tops- ham, widow, Adm'x, i6 June, 1761. Ezra Randal and Richard Knowles, sureties. [I, 5.] Inventory by Ezra Randall and Richard Knowles, 16 June, 1761, ;,{^i76 : 9 : 5/^. [I, 6.] Solomon Hopkins, late of Newcastle. David Hopkins, of Newcastle, Adm'r, 11 Sept., 1761. [I, 7.] Inventory by Benjamin Woodbridge, John Cunningham and Samuel Nickels, all of Newcastle, 11 Nov., 1761, /^iSo : 2 : 6. [I, 15.] Account filed 4 061., 1763. [I, 41.] Order regarding real estate, 4 Sept., 1765. Grandchildren : Solomon Hopkins, Mary Hopkins, Martha Hopkins, Agnes Hopkins, Jennet Hopkins, children of eldest son, William ; David Hopkins, and Mary Wood, children of Solomon. [1,112-113.] William Huston, late of Walpole. Ann Huston, of Walpole, widow, Adm'x, 27 Aug., 1 76 1. [I, 7.] John Stinson, of Georgetown, and James Huston, of Walpole, sureties. Inventory by William Millar and Robert Huston, both of Walpole, and James Brown, of Newcastle, 19 Oct., 1761, ^1^346 : 15 : 1 1. [I, 1920.] Account filed 5 Sept., 1764. [I, 61.] William Hopkins, late of Newcastle. Mary Hopkins, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 22 Sept., 1761. Peter Paterson, of Newcastle, and Robert Cocheran, of the East side of Wiscasset Bay, sureties. [I, 8.] Mary Hopkins, widow of William Hopkins, appointed Guardian to Solomon, Mary, Agnes, Jane, and Martha, children of said William ; Robert Hodge and David Given, both of Newcastle, sureties. [I, 10.] Inventory by Robert Hodge, David (iiven and John Cunningham, all of Newcastle, 18 Nov., 1761. ^^261 19:3. [I»i3-] Account filed 4 061., 1763, at which time the widow had become wife of Hugh Holmes, of Newcastle. [I, 39.] Partition of real estate by Benjamin Woodbridge, David Given and Alexander Campbell, committee, 15 06t., 1 77 1, [II, 68 to 70,] at which time Jennet or Jane had become the wife of David Somes. In The Name of God Amen: the Twenty Ninth Day of May 1761, I Nath'll Donnell of George Town, Gentleman In the County of Lincoln, Being very Sick & Week In body butt of Perfe6l Mind & Memory Thanks be to (iod therefore Calling Unto Mind the Mortality of my Body & Knowing that it is Appointed for all Men Once to Dye Do Make & Ordain This my Last Will & Testement that is for to say Principally & first of All I Give and Recomend my Soul Into the LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 3 Hands of God that Gave it & for my body I Recomend it to The Earth to be Buried In a Christian Like manner at the Discreation of my Executor Nothing Doubting but at the Generall Resurre6lion I shall Receive the same by the Mighty Power of God — & as Touching Such Worldly Estate Wherewith it has Pleased to Bless me In this Life I Give Devise and Dispose of the same In the following Manner & form Imprimis It is my will & I Do Order that In the first Place all My Just Debts & Funerall Charges be paid & satisfied Item I Give To my well Beloved wife Elizabeth the Income of all My Estate During Her Life & After Her Decease she is for To Give Unto my Daughter Elizabeth all the Housold Stuff — & Likewise I Give Unto my Wife all my Cattle sheep & stock for To be at Her Dispoasall as She shall think proper — & Likewise I Do Appoint my Wife Elizabeth my Sole Executor. Item I Give & Bequeath Unto my Well Beloved Sons Benjamin & Thomas All my Lands Where I Now Dwell Bounded on Long Reach & Runing Over to New Meadow River & for the same for to be Devided Between them : Each One Half & for them Two. I Appoint that they Choose a Committee for to Devide the Same if they Cannot Agree them Selves — Item I Order & Appoint that my Two Sons Benjamin & Thomas pay Unto my Son Nathanell thirteen pounds six shillings & Eight Pence LawfuU Money : & Likewise LTnto my Daughter Elizabeth Six pounds thirteen & four Pence LawfuU Money to be paid by Them after the Decease of my Wife — & Furthermore I Give & Bequeath Unto my Son Benjamin all my Right Title & Interest In an Island Lying & Known By the Name of Jewells Island In Casco bay So Called — Item I Give & Bequeath Unto my Son Thomas an Island Lying In Sheepscoot River Where my Son Thomas build a House Lying Near to Resqueaghean Island or Parkers Island so Called — Item I Doe Hereby make a Reserve out of the Lands I have Be- queathed Unto my Two sons Benjamin & Thomas a Certain Piece of Land Where the Meeting House Now stands for the Use & Service of said Parrish, the Same Containing about Three Quarters of one Acre or thereabouts 1 Do Hereby Uterly Disallow & revoke & Disannull all & Every Other former Testaments, Wills Legaces & F^xecutors by Me In Any Ways Before this And No Other to be my Last will & Testament In Witness Whereof I have Hereunto Sett my hand cS: Seal the Day & Year Above Written Nathaniel Donnell (Seal) 4 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared By the said Nath'll Donnell as his Last Will & Testament In the Presence of Us the Subscribers, Sam'U Todd Meecres Carr His James J M Mickels Mark Probated 8 Dec, 1761. [I, 9.] Inventory by John Shaw, Elisha Shaw and James Michaels, 14 June 1762, ^222 : 15 : 10. [I, 23.] Hezekiah Purinton, late of Georgetown. Isabella Purinton, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 7 Dec, 1761 ; Charles Gushing and Joshua Purinton, sureties. [I, 13.] Inventory by Aaron Hinkley, James Thompson and Isaac Snow, all of P>runswick, 15 Jan., 1762. [I, 25.] In the name of God amen I Patrick Drummond of Georgetown within the county of York and province of the Masachusets bay in new-Ingland gentelman being very weke of body but of sound minde and memory thanks be to God for it and knowing that it is appointed for all men onse to die do therefore take this opertunity to make this my larst will and testament in maner and form following in tne first plase I give and bequeth my precious and Kmortal soul into the hands of Crod who gave it me and my body I Recomend to the Earth to be buried in desient christial burial at the discretion of my dear wife and my dear son Elijah and to be born by them in Equal halves by them out of what I shal hereafter herein bequethed unto them and as to such worldly Estate as (lod have ben pleased to give me I will bequeth and give after the following manner Itam I give and bequeth unto my dearly beloved wife Susanah the hous barn and other buildings where I now dwell in Georgetown afore- said with the tract of land hereafter described on which said buildings stand viz — begining at a large hemlock tree marked on fower sids standing on the Edg of Winigance marshes thense runing south a cros my tract or farm to John lemonts land — thence on the line betwen said lemont and me to the westward to Wineganse salt crick thense over the crick to a point below what is calletl I'rebles landing thense along the shore to the Eastward to a sartain bridg thense to run to the East- LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. 5 ward on the nothward side of a ledg that lyeth next to the northward of my said dwelling hous until it comes to what is called the new coun- try road and from thense to Winigance crick East and by south half south — thense by the Edge of Winiganse marsh to the first mentioned hemlock tree together with all the marsh belonging to me in said Win- iganse marshes during hir natural life and after her deceas to be divid- ed as followeth viz that part of my said marsh that lyeth to the Estward of the main crick I give to my son Elijah and to his heirs forever the remainder of the said tract the one half of it I give unto my son John and the other half to be Equally divided between my daughter Lutitia and my daughter Ann and to their heirs and assigns for Ever and I fur- ther give unto my said wife all my household furniture together with one half of my Impliments of husbandry together with one yoak of ox- en two cows two calves one hefer one bole one mare six shepe and one half of the lambs together with the swine to hir for Ever only it is to be understood that John Lutitia and Ann is to be maintained out of the incum of what is above given unto nay said wife untill they sever- ally arive at lawful age — Itam I give further to my son Elijah all that part of my land or farm that ly to the Estward of that tract before bequethed unto my wife as also an other tract begining at the point below Prebels landing and bounded on that tract given , to my said wife untill it Extend in width fifty five pearch noth and by East half East and thense thense runing west and by noth half noth to Stephens River all my land that lyeth to the southward and westward of the two above mentioned lines this tract I give to him to inabel him to discharge my Just debts to the amount of twenty six pounds thirteen shillings and fower pence and if my debts should Exced that sum then I will that my legetes pay in proportion according to the legesies in this will bequethed unto them — And I further give unto my said son Elijah one yoak of oxen one cow one calf one coult three Ews and one lamb and one half of my utensals of husbandry — Itam I unto my daughter Ann the wife of the Revd Mr William Mclanaken one hundred and sixty akers of land to be laid out as nere as maybe in a square body in that part of my farm called birch point — Itam I give unto my daughter frances one hundred and Eight akers of land on the nothern side of ray farme bounded notherly by my bro- ther Alexander Campbell begining on the western side of Winigance crick and Extending west and by noath half noath at the width of forty 6 LINCOLN rROHATF. RECORDS. two pearch untill the said loS akers be completed together with one heffer — Itam I give the remainder of all my real I'^state to be Equally di- vided between my daughter Margaret and my daughter Jane and I further give unto my daughter Jane two cows and what I have hereby given unto my said children I do hereby give unto them their heirs and assigns forever and if there is any part of my I'^state not perticu- lerly becpiethed I do hereby give and becpieth that unto my loving wife and I do hereby constitute and appoint my loving brother James Drum- mond gentelman and my brother by law Alexander Campbell yeoman and both of (ieorgetown aforesaid my Exectrs of this my larst will and testament hereby revoking all other wills and bequests I do hereby acknowledg and declare this and no other to be my larst will and test- ement in witnis whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of August a/iiio doiiiiiii 1758 and in the thirty sec- ond year of his majestys Reign — signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Patrick Drum- mond to be his larst will and testament in presants of us George Rodgers Patrick Drummond (Seal) Benjamin Kendall his James 8 Mikels marke Probated 10 Mar., 1762. [I, i7-iart of all my farm whereon I live with housing and fences During her Natural Life whom 1 Constitute and or- dain one of my Executors. — Item I Ciive and bequeath to my beloved Son (ieorge Rodgers whom I Constitute one of my Executors my lot of Land in the west- ward Side of winey gants Marshes Containing seventy four Acres and a half and Seventeen Rods as will appear by a plan taken by Samuel Denny Esqr. Now in the hands of Ikother McCobb and likewise I give said Son (ieorge the one third of all my Marshes. — Item I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Thomas Rodgers twenty shillings Lawful Money to be i)aid him by my Executors and his Equal Share with other Children of my personal Estate. — Item I Give and becpieath to my beloved Son Hugh who has been the staf of my old Age the one full Moiety or half part of all that Lot of Land whereon 1 now Live in the lOastern Side of winey gants Mar- shes with the half of all the Buildings and fences and the one third of all my Meadow or Marsh ground I likewise Constitute and ordain said Son Hugh one of my Executors. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 9 Item I Ciive and bequeath to my other three Sons WiUiam Rodgers John Rodgers and Robert Rodgers twenty shillings each to be paid them by my said Executors out of my personal Estate and at my Wife her Decease my will is that they have the half of my homestead farm whereon I Now live with one third of all my Marshes to be l^qualy Divided among them together with a point of Land in the Middle of winey gants Marshes Containing about twelve Acres. — Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Jean Kendall twenty shillings to be paid by my said Executors out of my personal Estate and likewise her Equal share with the other Children of the household furniture. Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Margrat Rodg- er twenty shillings to be paid her by my said Executors' out of my per- sonal Estate with her share of the household Stuff. — Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Ann Read twenty shillings to be paid her by my said Executors out of my person- al Estate with her Equal Share of the Household furniture with the other Children. — I do hereby Disanul and Revoak all former Wills by me made Rat- ifying and Confirming this and No other to be my Last will and Testa- ment In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the fifteenth Day of March one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty in the Thirty third year of his Majestys Reign — Signed sealed and published in the presence of us by William Rodgers as his Last Will and Testament William Rodgers (Seal) John Parker James McCobb George Rodgers Probated ii May, 1763. [I, 3.] Ruth Rodgers disclaimed executorship, 11 May, 1763. [I, 32.] In the Name of God Amen. — I John North of St. Georges in the County of York and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land P'sq ; do make this my Last Will and Testament — Imprimis — When it shall please God to take me from this Life, I do most Humbly recommend my Soul to God who gave it. And my Body I commit to the Dust for decent Burial at the Discretion of my lO LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. Executrix hereafter named in Hope and Expectation of the Forgive- ness of all my Sins, and the Resurrection of my Body to Life Eternal Thro' Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. As to such outward and Worldly Estate as Ood has blessed me with, I will and dispose thereof in manner following. After my Just Debts and funeral Charges are paid and discharged, I give and bequeath unto my Loving and Dutifull Wife Elizabeth the one half of all my personal Estate, To have the Same to her, her ICxecut'rs Adm'rs and assigns forever. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Joseph, one quar- ter part of my personal Estate To him his Execut'rs Adm'rs and as- signs forever. Item, I Give to my Youngest Son William, the other quarter part of my personal Estate, To him his Execut'rs Adm'rs and assigns for- ever. Item, I give to my Daughter Mary, now call'd Mary McKachnie, the sum of Ten pounds sterling To be paid F^qually by my Wife and two Sons before named, out of what I have before in this my will given to them. And I give my Daughter no More of my Estate by reason of her un- dutifullness in contracting marriage with a Man who is Not to my good liking. The Reason of my making No Mention of Real Estate in this my will is, that I have already by Deed given, to my Eldest Son, the Real Estate I had at Harrington and the Real Estate at North-yarmouth I have only my Life in it, and as my Youngest Son is the only Child of my wife Elizabeth, I presume the whole of that Estate will descend to him, or his Mother will give the same to him and my Desire is that she would do so whereby my Sons will Inherit from their Parents, Near equally alike. Lastly I do hereby Constitute My Loving Wife Elizabeth the Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. Signed, Sealed, published and declared by me the said Testator this twenty sixth day of May Annoquc Domini Seventeen hundred and Sixty. In presence of John North (Seal) Benj. Kent Gideon Thayer Andw. Cazneau Probated 6 July, 1763. [I, 33-4.] LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. II Inventory by James Boies, Alexander I>ermond and Hugh McLean, 27 June, 1763, ^1948 : 6 : 7. [I, 43 to 45.] Benjamin Burton, late of St. Georges. Alice Burton, of St. Georges, widow, Adm'x, 24 Aug., 1763. [I, 34.] Inventory by Samuel (iill- christ, Boyce Cooper and Patrick Porterfield, all of St. Georges, 18 July, 1763, _;^4i4 : 2 : 9 : 3 : 3. [1,47-8.] Account filed 20 Feb., 1 7S2. [II, 260.] William Allen, late of St. Georges. Hugh McLean, of St. Georges, Adm'r, 24 Aug., 1763. [1,35.] Inventory by Moses Copeland, Alex- ander Kellock and Samuel Gillchrist, all of St. Georges, 24 Sep., 1763, jCS^- [I> 37-] Alexander Kellock, Moses Copeland and Alexander Larmond, all of St. Georges, commissioners to examine claims. [I, 37.] Account filed 22 July, 1766. Distribution of estate ordered 13 Aug., 1766. [i, 72.] (John) Ulerick Mier, [Mayers], late of Pownalborough. Molly Mier, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 17 Sep., 1763. [I, 35.] In- ventory by Francis Ridley, [Rittal], John Stain and George Lilly, all of Pownalborough, 4 Oct., 1763, ^140 : o : i : 2 : 6 : [I, 42.] Account filed 21 Mar., 1764. [I, 49.] Catharine Miers chose Abiel Lovejoy, of Pownalborough, to be her guardian, 23 Mar., 1764. [I, 50.] Charles Gushing, Francis Rittal and John Stain, committee to divide real estate, made report 5 i\pr., 1764. Children named : PhilipM ay- ers, Catharine Mayers, Cassimier Mayers, GeorgeM ayers. [1,55-6.] Division of real estate by Obadiah Call, Jr., Christopher Jackins and John McGown, 25 Sep., 1779. [II, in.] William McCleland, late of Newcastle. Elizabeth McCleland, simpster, and John Cunningham, both of Newcastle, Adm'rs, 4 Oct. 1763. David Hopkins and Hugh Holmes, both of Newcastle, sureties. [I, 39.] Inventory by Benjamin Woodbridge, Robert Hodge and Samuel Nickels, all of Newcastle, i Jan., 1764, ^600: 13 : 6^. [I, 59.] William, minor son, Mary and Sarah, minor daughters, chose John Cunningham to be their guardian 8 Oct., 1765. [I, 81-82.] John McClelan appointed guardian unto James, Samuel and Alexander, minor sons, and Martha, minor daughter, 8 Oct., 1765. [I, 83-85.] Account filed 12 Feb., 1767. [I, 118.] Return of partition of real estate by Benjamin ^Voodbridge, Robert Hodge and John McNear, all of Newcastle, 17 Apr., 1767, mentions John, the eldest son, and Wil- liam, James, Samuel, Alexander, Elizabeth, Margaret, Sarah, Mary and Martha, children of deceased. [I, 219.] 12 LINCOLN I'ROHATE RKCORDS, Daniel Anderson, late of Newcastle. Samuel Anderson, of New- castle, Adm'r, 4 Oct., 1763. [1,40.] Inventory by John Cunningham, Robert Hodge and John McNear, all of Newcastle, 15 Dec, 1763, ;^ii6:2:4. Account filed 1 2 Jan., 1764. [1,43.] John Malcom, late of St. (leorges. David Patterson, Junr., of St. (leorges, Adm'r, 4 Jan., 1764. [I, 41.] Inventory by Alexander Lar- mond, Alexander Kellock and Moses Copeland, all of St. (ieorges, 14 Jan., 1764, ^56 : 13 : 4. [I, 46.] James Hilton, of a place called Broad Cove, appointed guardian un- to Mary MatchlofTe, minor daughter of Mathias Matchloffe, late of said Broad Cove. [I, 53.] In the Name of God, Amen. The Twenty fifth Day of March 1758 I Robert Montgomery of Townsend in the County of York and prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay in New P^ngland (ientleman, being very sick & weak in Body, but of perfect mind and memory. Thanks be giv- en unto (iod, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my I'ody, and knowing that it is appointed unto all men Once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and testament, that is to say, first of all I give and Recommend my soul into the hands of Cod, that gave it ; and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Bur- ial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the gen- eral Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Bower of Cod. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased (iod to bless me in this life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis — I ordain, Order and direct, that all the lawful Debts I owe or stand indebted for, shall be punctually paid to my respective Creditors out of my Estate ; and the remainder, if any be, to be dis- posed of as follows. Item — I give and be(iueath to my belovetl Wife Sarah One third part of all my personal and Real Estate, that remains when my Debts is paid. Item — And out of the Remainder I give and bequeath to my son James Montgomery five shillings lawful money Item. I give to my son Robert Montgomery {\\^ shillings lawful money. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Anna Montgomery One half of the Remainder of my whole Estate Real and ])crsonal. Item I give and Beciueath to my Sons John Montgomery and Samuel Montgomery the Remainder of my whole Estate to be e([ually LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 3 divided between them I do likewise Constitute and appoint my beloved Wife Sarah, and my beloved Brother Capt. William Miller and my trusty friend Ensign Samuel McCobb my sole Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, all and singular my lands, Tenements and personal Estate to be taken into their Charge & Care. And I do hereby utterly disallow & Revoke all and every other former Testaments, Wills and Bequests and Executors by me in any ways before named, Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day & Year above written. Robert Montgomery (Seal) Signed, Sealed, pronounced and declared by the said Robert Mont- gomery as his last will & Testament in the presence of us, John North Walter Baker John Montgomery Probated 27 Sep., 1763. [I, 4S-9.] William Miller disclaimed executorship 21 Mar., 1764. [I, 49.] Inventory by Robert Wyley, John Orr, and William FuUerton, all of Townsend, 19 July, 1764. [1,58.] In the Name of God Amen — April 25th, 1763 I Moses Robinson senr. of St. Georges being full of Bodily Pains but sound in my senses and Judgment thanks to Almighty God for all his gifts and benefits to unworthy me in continuing and preserving me by his providential Care through many dangers of life, to fill up so many years as by the Course of Nature I must be near to my dissolution, and yield to death when it shall please God to Call me. I do hereby Ordain & declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner & Form following, and by these presents revoking & annulling all other Testaments or Wills, either in Writing or Words, and this to be taken only for my last Will and Testament and none other. And first being by Grace and Mercy to me made sensible of my Original Sin and my actual transgressions I most humbly beg forgiveness for the same. I humbly bequeath and Commit my Soul to Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in whom, and by the Merits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe Assuredly by As- sisting Grace I shall be saved. My Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in any Place where my Children shall see proper, which Body I believe shall arise again at the general Resurrection & be re- united to my soul, and through the Merits of Christs Death and Passion, possess & inherit those Mansions of Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven 14 LINC:()I,N PROHATE RKCOROS. prepared for The Elect and Chosen Ones — & now for settling my tem- poral affairs, such as my real and personal Estate, as it hath pleased God far above my deserts, to bestow upon me, I do order, give and dispose of the same in the following manner viz First 1 will That all Debts as I owe in Right of Conscience to any One, shall be hastily paid, as soon as possible, after my decease by my Executors Item — I leave and bequeath to my beloved Wife Mary Robinson, if she outlives me, to have the sole command of all that I now possess, only my real Estate she is not to dispose of to any other, which I be- queath to my youngest son William Robinson, which I Constitute and ordain to be my sole heir, to inherit my estate so long as he lives and his sons after him, if he shall have any lawfully l)egotten, but in Case he never marry or have no male heir to enjoy the said Estate, then it shall descend to my oldest son Joseph's son Moses Robinson to enjoy, but neither of them shall sell their Right of Inheritance to any Stranger whilest there is so many of the Name and relations to enjoy the same. Item. To Son Archibald what assistance can be afforded of hay and provisions for two years or three at the beginning of his own place, as also One Cow and Calf. Item. To Son John I leave the cutting of One load of English hay, yearly and every year during his lifetime. Item I leave to any One of my Nine Children, that is not content- ed with what I have done but thinks themselves wronged, I Order my Executors Mary and William Robinson to pay unto the discontented person he or she, the sum of five Shillings Sterling which I leave to them or any of them, for the preventing debates or Trouble which otherwise might arise. And further be it known That as I leave my well beloved Wife, sole Executor over all my personal Estate that I now possess to have the full Command and Ordering of the same, with the advice of her Children, That she may have a Comfortable way of living, during her lifetime here, and if she cannot enjoy a satisfying easy way of a Contented life with her son William, I desire that she have her proportionable Share out of the Estate laid out to her self fur her Maintenance according as the law directs, and if any Debate or Misunderstanding should Arise with any Neighbour or among them- selves, I desire that it may not go to law, but let it be done away by an Arbitration or Reference of two or three Judicious, honest Neigh- bours. Item. To Mary Rivers, One Cow autl a Calf when she shall stand LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 5 in Need of them and to be wintered free the first year if she desires it. Item — I leave to my son Moses Robmson all my right and Title, which I received by Will from Daniel FitzGerald, deceased of that lot which he now enjoys. Furthermore I constitute and Ordain my beloved Friends, Mr Boyce Cooper, Joseph Robinson and Moses Robinson Junr. to be my sole Executors in seeing Justice done, and oversight of the whole, espe- cially concerning my dear beloved Wife, and leave this as my last Will and Testament As Witness my hand & Seal this twenty fifth day of April One thous- and Seven hundred and sixty three Moses Robinson (Seal) Witness present Boyce Cooper Joseph Robinson Moses Robinson Junr. Probated 4 Mar., 1764. [I. 50-52.] Mary Robinson disclaimed executorship 6 Mar., 1764. [I, 50.] Ebenezer Greenleaf, late of Woolwich. John Kingsbury, of Pownal- borough, Adm'r, 27 June, 1764. [I, 53.] Robert Montgomery, late of Townsend. John Montgomery, of Townsend, Adm'r, 5 Sept., 1764. [1,56.] Samuel McCobb and Tobias Glidden, sureties. Inventory by Samuel McCobb and Robert Wiley, both of Townsend, and John Orr, of Walpole, 3 Nov., i 754, ;i^35 : 15 : 10. [I, 99.] James Montgomery, late of Townsend. Sarah Montgomery, of Townsend, widow, Adm'x, 5 Sep., 1764. [I, 57.] John Mont- gomery and Jonas Fitch, sureties. Inventory by Robert Wiley and Samuel McCobb, both of Townsend, and John Orr, of Walpole 3 Nov., 1764, ^5: 13:5. [I, 98.] .\ccount filed 23 Sep., 1769. [I, I95-] In the Name of God Amen I James Miller of Walpole So Caled in the Countey of Lincol and Provence of the Massachisets Bay in New England Husbandman Being Senceable of the Mortalety of my Body and at the Presant Time Infirem as to helth yet of Sound Mind and Perfect Memory Blised be God for it Do hearby Make and Confirm this as my Last Will and Testament Wherein I Do in the first Place Recomend my Soul to God and my Body to Deasont Cristain Buriel and as Touching my Wordly Substance with which God has Blised me I 6 LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. with I Do Ilcarby Dispose thereof In forem and Maner Ass Foloweth — Item I Give and Bequeth To my Beloved Wife Annas Miller an Eqiiel Part or I'orshen with Each of my Childer and my Childer an P^(iuel part with my Wife to wite Jeannet Miller Ann Marey John Sarah Robert Miller of my Real Esteat that I ame Posesed of at my Death and as to my movables I Give and Bequeth to my Beloved Wife that is the Howie of them and my Will is that my Wife Pay the Dets Dew out of the Real Estat and that my Wife Dispos of Such a Part of the Real Estat as Shall Pay all my Dets Dew at my Deces and my Will is that my Wife have the Improvment of my Estat During hir Widowhood and my Will is that She and my Childer Be Conted Therewith Further more I Do hereby Constitute my Beloved Wife Annas Miller Sole Ex- ecutor of this my Last Will and Testament Delivring this to be my Last Will and Testamente made and ordained this Second Day of July anna Domini 1764 Subscribed Sealed cS: Declared In Presence of us John McNear Tobias Glidden James Millar (Seal) Arch'd Robinson Probated 5 Sep., i 764. [I, 60.] John Kingsbury, late of Pownalborough. Patience Kingsbury, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 7 Sej)., 1764. [I, 61.] Michael S^- vey and Jonathan Williamson, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin Wood- bridge, of Newcastle, Michal Sevey and Jonathan Williamson, both of Pownalborough, 21 Nov., 1764, ^966: 16: 10. [I, 73 to 75.] Charles Cushing and Abiel Wood, both of Pownalborough, commission- ers to examine claims. [I, 168.] Account filed 12 Oct., 1769. [I, 74.] Distribution of estate ordered 12 Sep., 1770. [1. ^75-] Walter Cane, late of Pownalborough. James Flagg, of Cobbiseconte, .\dm'r, 25 Feb., 1765. [I, 62] Charles Cushing and Edmund Bridge, sureties. Inventory by Jonas Fitch, .\dino Nye and P'rancis Rittal, all of Powalborough, 1767,^^54: ii : 10. [1,129.] Charles Cushing and Thomas Allen, both of Pownalborough commissioners to examine claims. [I, 144.] Account filed antl distribution ordered 7 Oct., 1769. [I, 172-173.] James Elder, lately residing at Georgetown. James Springer, of I.INXOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 7 Georgetown, Adm'r, ii Mar., 1765. [I, 63.] Jacob Bailey and Adi- no Nye, sureties. Paul Ricker, late of a place called Cobbiseconte. Abiel Lovejoy, of Pownalborough, Adm'r, i 7 Sep., 1764. [1,64 .] Thomas Allen and George Gray, sureties. Charles Gushing and Thomas Allen, commis- sioners to examine claims. [I, 97.] Inventory by Thomas Allen and George Gray, both of Pownalborough, 14 Nov., • 7C>3, ^43 : i : S : 12. [I, 116.] Thomas Leiton, of a place called Gouldsbury. Josiah Tucker, of a place called Gouldsbury, coaster, Adm'r, 30 Mar., 1765. [I, 64.] Robert Cxould and Francis Shaw, both of Boston, sureties. Elias Cheney, late of Pownalborough. Sybyl Cheney, of Pownal- borough, Adm'x, 24 Ap., 1765. [I, 65.] Jonas Fitch and Abner Marson, sureties. Inventory by Jonas Fitch, John Barker and Stephen Marson, all of Pownalborough, 2 May, 1765, ^64 : 10 : 4. [I, 88.] Samuel Tolman, late of Kennebeck river. Mary Tolman, of Kenne- beck River, near Fort Western, so called, Adm'x, 29 Ap., 1765. [I, 65.] Levi Powers and Mathew Hastings, sureties. Inventory by Mathew Hastings, Edward Savage and Levi Powers, all of Kennebeck River, 27 Sep., i 765, ^192 : 18 : 6. [I, i lo-i 11.] Kennebeck River March 15th 1765. This is to certifie whomsoever it may concern. That this the Will of Mr. Daniel Day And We do think, that he is in his Right mind ; but if God should take him out of the ^Vo^ld this is his Mind and Will That his \Vife Mary Day should heir all what is left, all my Lands and and all the household furni- ture and all the Debts and Notes, only said Mary Day is to give my Sister Sarah Day Ten Dollars, which is my mind & will ; and all the Rest is Mary Day's my Wife, free from all Fathers or Mothers, Sisters or Brothers or any body in the World Besides, but what Sarah Day has — It is my Will that David Standley should have Two pounds, thir- teen Shillings & four Pence lawful money Thi> is my Desire and all that I shall dispose of — his Witness present, Daniel V Day his mark James X Sally mark David Standley Probated 29 Ap., 1765, to apply to personal Instate. [J, 66.] t8 i.ixcoi.N rkor.Aii' ki'.cdriis. Malhcw Hastiiii^s and Levi Powers, both of a place in Kennebeck Ri\er abo\ e Fort Western, sureties. James (Irant, late of \\'ool\vi(h. Catharine (irant, of A\'ool\vich, widow, Adm'x, 30 A])., 1765. [1, 66.] Isaac Savage and Samuel Stinson, sureties. Inxentory l)y Thomas Stinson, Samuel Harnden anrincipally and first of all I Give and Recommend My soul into the Flands of (iod yt gave it, and My Body I recommenach of my Other Children I do leave Ten Shillings a Peice to be paid unto them out of my Estate and I do hereby utterly Dissallow revoke and Disannul all and every other Former Testament Wills Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any ways before Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness Whereof 1 have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above AVritten Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Joseph Gould as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers Joseph Goold (Seal) Isaac Harding Francis Smally Josiah Harding ^ Probated 14 May, 1766. [I, 93.] Inventory by Joseph Berrey, Abiezer Holbrook and Philip Higgins 30 May, 1766. [I, 227-8.] In the Name of God Amen the Twenty first Day of October 1762 I William Wilson of Topsham in the County of Lincoln Husbandman being Very Sick and Weak in liody but of Perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be Given to Ciod : Therefore Calling unto mind The Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die 22 i,iN((ii,\ rKi)i:.\ IF. RF.a^Rn?;. Do make ami ordain this my last Will and 'J'estamcnt 'I'hat is to say, Principally and first of all 1 Ciive and Rctommend my soul into the Hands of (lod that (lave it and my I'.ody 1 Recommend to the I^arth To be Duried in Decent Christian llurial at tiie Discretion of my Kxc- cutors nothing Doubting but at the (".eneral Resurrection I shall Re- ceive the Same again by the Mighty Power of (lod; and as M'ouch- ing such Worldly Ivstate wherewith it hath ])leascd (lod to bless me in this I-ife I (li\e Demise and Dis])ose of the same in the following Manner and form Imprlinis. 1 give and betjueath to my well beloved sons \'iz, William Wilson lohn Wilson & Samuel Wilson all and Singular my Lands Mes- suages and Tenements with all the Right 1 Have in any Saw Mill or Mills Together with all my Household (loods Chatties Debts and Moveable Effects by 'I'hem and l^ach of them freely to be possesed and Knjoyed I Likewise (live and beeiueath to my well beloved Daughters Mary and Isabella Wilson So much Money to be raised and Levyed out of my Estate by the afforsaid William John and Samuel Wilson to pay to the afforsaid Daughters as shall make all my Children to ha\e an L([ual Share — Item. I Constitute make and ordain Isabella my Dearly and \\'ell beloved wife my Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament and She the said Isabella to have the Income of Said Estate till the Heirs Come of age unless She Should Marry before that Time and I Do hereby utterly Disalovv Revoke and Disannul all and Every other former Testaments W^ills Legacies and Bequeasts and Executors by me in Any ways before Named willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Con- firming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament In Wit- ness whereof I have hereunto Set my Lland and Seal the Day and Year above Writtt;n Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared .^ William Willson (Seal) by the Said William A\'ilson as his Last will and Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers Thos AVillson James Potter Samll Moody William Alexander LINCOLN PROBAIK RI'X'ORDS. 23 Probated 13 Aug., 1766. [I, 94.] Inventory by Thomas Willson, William Alexander and John Merrill, I Sep., 1766, ^297: 12:6. [Ill, 195.] Account filed 17 Sep., 17S7. [111,196.] John Sheen, late of 'ro]):sham. Nicholas MtzCcrald, of Topsham, Adm'r, 9 May, 1766. [I, 95.] Samuel W'inchell and John Winchell, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Winchell, John Winchell and James Hunter, all of Topsham, 31 May, 1766, J^.S '■ 3 '• 9- U' ' ' i-] -Ac- count filed 17 June, 1767. [I, 143.] David Gusten, late of Topsham. Samuel Winchell, of Topsham, Adm'r, 11 June, 1766. [I, loi.] John Winchell and Nicholas Fitz- Gerald, sureties. Inventory by John Winchell, Samuel (rraves and Joseph Graves, all of Topsham, 16 June, 1766, ^Xi3 : 4 : 7. [I, 105.] In the Name of God, Amen. The Sixteenth Day of July in the Year of our Lord 1766 I James Clark Late of the Town of NewCastle, but at present of The Tov/n of Bristol in the County of Lincoln Yeo- man, Being weak in Body, but of perfect mind cS^; memory. Thanks be given unto (iod for the Same; And calling to mind the Mortality of my Bod}', and knowing, that is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament: That is to Say Principally and first of all, I gi\e and Recommend my Soul into the hands of Gotl that ga\e it ; And for my liody I recomend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner, at the Dis- cretion of my Executor nothing Doubting but at the Generall Resurec- tion, I shall receive the same a gain by the mighty power of God ; And as Touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I Give, Devise, and Dispose of the Same in man- ner and form following ; 'I'hat is to Say In the first place, I (iive and Bequeath to My Dearly beloved wife the one third part of all that I poses, as also one third of the hicome of my Lands The same to have and Enjoy During her naturall Life Also I give to My Son William Clark of Pownalborough The Sum of Ten Shillings Lawful Money to be paid by my Executor — Also I give to My Son James Clark of Pownalborough 'l"he Sum of Ten Shillings Lawfull Money to be paid by my Ivxecutor — Also I give to my Son 'Lhomas Clark of NewCastle the Sum of twenty Six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence Lawfull whiih I have al- ready paid him and have no Receipt for the Same — 24 LIN'CC^LN PROIUIK RECORDS. Also I give To my Daughter Hannah Fling a Cow and a Heifer Calf that She hath now in possesion as also a pair of Steeres a Year old Last Spring Also I give To my Son in Law John Randell of Bristol aforesd and Jane his wife All and Singular what may be found Appertaining to 'SIq Excepting what is before Mentioned in this present will ix shillings and I^ight j^ence Itum 1 give unto my son Jacob ()lo\er the sum of six ])ounds thirten shillings and fower pence 'I'he above sums To ])e ])aid to my aliove mentioned childrin and grand children by my son Jxecutor of this my Larst will and testa- ment and and singular the Residue and Remainder of all and singiiler of my Lstate l)Oth real and personal of what name or nature soever to him his hleirs and assigns for L\er he i)ay;ng the al)o\c mentioned J-egases and that he also gi\e and deli\er unto his honered mother vearlv ami I'AcrN vear during hir natteral Life towards hir confertable T.IXCOLN PRCIHATE RECORDS. 2 7 su])port one forth part of all the grain and corn and Roots and Inglish hay that he shal rais upon the farm that hereby I give and bequeth unto him and three Load of solt hay yearly during said Tearm and I do hereby utterly di^salow Revoke and disanul all other and former will and Testament and Ivxecutors by me named Ratifying and con- firming this and no other to be my Larst will and Testament In witnis whereof 1 ha\e hereuntc;) set my hand and seal the day and year above written Signed sealed published i)ronounse(l and declared by the said David Olover as his larst will and Testament in the presants of us the subscribers David Olover (Seal) George Rodgers John Rodgers Tobias Hill Probated 13 May, 1767. [I, 123-4.] In the name of (jod Amen on the fourteenth Day of March A. I). 1764 I John Lemont of Georgetown In the County of Lincoln and Province of the Massachusetts Bay In New England Gentleman Being week in body but of Perfect mind & memory Thanks be Ciiven to God : Therefore Calling to mind the mortallity of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament that is to say Principlely and first of all I Give and Recomend my soul Into the Hands of God that gave it and my body I Recomend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the Gen- eral Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and Touching such worldly Estate wherewith it Hath Pleased God to Bless me with in this Life I give demise and Dispose of the same in the following maner and form — Imprimise I Give and bequeath to Elisebeth my Dearly belo\ cd wife the use and Improvement of my Dwelling House and barn and the whole of my farm whereon the buildings stand withe all my Catties stock and moveables within Doors & without till my son David Lemont arives to sixten years of age and afterwards Duringher widdow- hood at the Expiration of which Time the said Elisebeth is to Deliver ye use and Improvment of the s'd artickels with all the artickels to my surviving Hiers in as good Repare as when she Receved them Item — as I have already Given to my sons Benjamin and James Le- 2 8 I.lNCOr.N PRdr.ATK RECORDS. mont Kiglily acres of Land to I'^ach of them I further Give to my sons Benjn & James one third Part of a Saw mill standing on wisgig Creek with one third Part of all l'ri\ili(lg.-, thereunto lielonging — Item — the Remainder of my Instate after my honest Debts are Paid to be Kaquelly Devided Between my five Youngest sons viz: John Thoinas Robert Samuel tS: David I,emont there Paying to my Daughters Mary Woodside thirten Pounds six shillings & lught Pence Lawfull money Likwise Paying the sixtenth Part of the whole of my J'^state to Each of m\- four \'oungest Daughters viz Nancy Sarah I^lisebeth and hanah Lemont — I do appoint and ordain James McCobb X: |ohn Parker of George- town aboxes'd (ientlemen my sole Ivxecutors of this my Last will and Testement and 1 do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disanul all and Every other former Testements wills Legases and bequests & Ivxe- cutors by me in any ways before Named willed and bequeathed Rati- fiing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Teste- ment In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and Veare above written — Signed sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said John Lemont as his Last will and Testement in the Presence of us the subscribers John Lemont (Seal) Phinehas Nevers Samuell Nevers John Tebbits Jams. McLIonane James Mckibb Probated 13 May, 1767. [1, 125.] John I'arker disclaimed executorship 4 Feb., 1767. [I, 124.] In- ventory by Samuel Watts, Isaiah Crooker and Moses Hodgkins, all of ointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and testament that Is to say Principalley and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul Into the hands of God that Give It and my Body I Recommend to the Eartli to be Buried In decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting But at the Generall Resurrection I shall Recive the same again By the mighty Power of (iod and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith God hath Been pleased to Bless me In this Life I give de- mise and dispose of the Same In the following manner & lorom my Just Debts and funnarel Expences Being first paid Item I give unto my Loving wife Mehitable Preble on third of all my Real Estate on the Island of Arrowsick In said Georgetown during hir nateral Life and on third part of my Personal! during said term Item I give unto my Loving Son Jonnathan Preble and to his Heirs and assings forever two hundred akers of Land situated on the nothern side of Merimetting Bay In said Countey of Lincoln at a plase Called 30 I.lXfOI.X I'KOllAl I'. KIX'ORHS. Abiggcclusat and Bounded Southwardly ]>y said Hay and Mxlcnding northwardly or northward according as It Is described 15y the Instru- mint of Convaince of said tract of Land unto me vuitill two Hundred akers be ("ompleat as also my Best fowling ])ice Item 1 gi\e unto the Hairs of my Dearly Beloved Son l']benezer I'reble desesed and unto ther Heirs and assings for Ever fiftey akers of said Land ajoyning to the northen part of that tract as Hearafter giv- en to my Son Abraham and this with what I have formerly given to my said Son Kbenezer In his Life time and alowing him to Shair In the produse of a tract of Land on Cusens Island In North yarmouth to the value of on houndred pounds to be said Hairs i)art of my Real Estate Item I give unto my Son Abraham Breble his Heirs or assings for Ever fiftey akers of Land ajoyning to the north part of that tract as above given to my Son Jonnathan and to Extend northward from Saied tract and Southward on a tract of fiftey akers given to the Heairs of my Son l^benezer desesed till said fiftey akers Is Com])leted and this with what I have formerly done f(jr him In allowing him to Share a part of the Sale of a tract of land Lying on C'usenses Island in North- yarmouth to the valu of on hundretl pounds to be his Share of my Real Estate Item I give unto my Son Joseph Preble whom with my Son Abraham preble I Constitute and ap )int to be my I^xecutors of this my Last will and testament and to his Hairs and assigns for I'>ver that third |)art of my Real lOstale on Arrowsick Island after the death of my wife which I have as above given unto hir during hir nateral Life together with all and Every part of my Real instate La\ing or Beaing on said Island Item I give the Remainder of all my personall Estate not Before dis- ])osed of after the folowing manner viz on fourth i)art thereof to my Son Abraham I'rcble on fourth i)art to the heirs of my desesed Son Ebenezer and on forth part to my Son Jonnathan i)reble and on fourth part ot my Son Jose]) ])reble to I'lach and Every of them ther Heirs and asigns forever L.ut wheras my title to the Land Beciuathed as above to my Son Jonnathan Preble Is not Such lUU that ther Is a posa- bility of his failing In holding the Land I have will to him as above and mor probcll that he ma\' be put to som I'.xpenccs l'.\- Law or other- wise to Secure his title to sead Lands at Abegduseet It therfor Is my will and order that my Son Abraham my Son Joseph and the Heirs of i.ixroi.x r'Ri'i;.\iF, RiTOKPS. 31 I'.iy Son l^lbenezer pribell Each and Everey of them and the heirs pay unto my Son Jonnathan Preble or his heirs on fourth part of all such Charges arising By Law Suits or otherwise that Is to Say my Son Abra- ham or his heirs I'ay on fcuith pr.rt and the Heirs of my Son Ebenezer dessed pay on fourlh i)art and llie Heirs of my Son Joseph prible on fourth jjart of all the Charges that may arise on defenden the tide to said track on Abageduset that 1 have willed to my Son Jonnathan In this my Last will and furder It Is my will & pleasure that Before my Son Abraham preble the heirs of my Son Ebenezer preble and my Son Joseph Preble have and Receive ther Share or ]jart of my personal Estate that they Saverley Becom Bound to my Son Jonnathan prebie that If he Cannot Injoy said tract By virtu of this my will p]y the fail- uer of my title to the Saim that then my Son Abraham preble pay to my Son Jonathan preble twentey pounds Lafull money and the Heirs of my Son Ebenezer preble pay thirteen poimds Six Shillings and F^ght pence and my Son Joseph prible pay twintey six ])ounds thirteen Shil- lings and fower pen Lafull money the above Sums to be i)ay'd to my Son Jonnathan or his Heirs Revoking all other wills and I'.eciuethments I do Ratify allow and Confirm this and no other to be my Last will and testement In witnes wherof I do Hereunto Sett my hand and Seal 24 day of October a 11 no ' 763 ye 3 year of His Majesteys Reign X B the 2 words By & the In the 30 Line the word S )n In the 90 Line P^nterlined Befor Signed ye word pound In 40 Line Enterlinetl Befor Signed Signed Sealed published Jonathan Preble (Seal) and pronounced and declamed By the Said Jonathan preble to be his Last will and testament In presants of us John Trott Benja Trott Juner Lemuel Trott Before Sigen nine words In twintey fifth Line and five words In twintey Sixth Line Both In the Second page Rased Befor Signed Probated 13 Ap., i 76iiit my ]u\ing Wife Sarah and my Son Martin Jameson to be my Jcjint executors to this my last will & testament. Item I do give unto my eldest daughter Jane Jameson of falmouth one half of my land whuh I bought of Yardly Lewis which lyeth on CJeorges ri\ur to her her heirs and assigns forever, and the other half of s'd lot of land 1 give to my eldest Son Martin Ja:neson to him his heirs and assigns forever he to have ye back part Item my homestead on whicli 1 now dwell I gi\e to my five Sons namely Martin Jameson Joseph Jameson Samuel Jameson brice Jame- son and George Jameson to be equaly divided among them when the youngest comes to lawful age they paying \.o each of ray two daughters namely Mary James'^i & Rachel Jameson the suni of two i)ounds thir- teen shillings and four i:icnce when the land is divided that is to be in Luvfim money : and to my wife Sarah Jameson I give the imprt)vement of my land & moveables for the payment of my Just debts & liringiug up of my children till they come of age & then one third i>art of the moveables to belong to her as long as she lives & then to be equally divided among the children & the other two thirds to be ecjually divid- ed among the children : & if any of the children die before they come of age then their part to be divided equally among the Sons and upon mature consideraiioa I declare this to be my last will & testament here- by disowning all other things of this nature in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand l'\ Tl' Kill iKKs, 35 siirclics. IiivonU)ry by Tatrirk Rodgers, William Spruul and Francis ^'oung, all ol ])ri^>tol, 5 Aug., 1765, ^/.loo : o : o. [1, 153.] In the name of (loci Anu-n, the fourth day of Ajiril A. 1 ). 1766, I lames Wvman of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln yeoman being aged ^: infirm of body, but of sound mind, after commending my Soul into the hands of Almighty ( iod, ts: my body to the Karth to de- cent burial, do make this mv la.st will tV' testament iS: dispose of my worldly e:,tate in manner following That is to say — Imps 1 gi\e iS: bequeath to my beloved Wife Hethiah one Cow & all my houshold stuff & furniture, besides her Dower in my real estate — Item, I give to my Daughter lllizabeth McCausland the sum of Five shillings to be i)aid with a year & an half after m\- decease by Son \\\\- liam which with what 1 heretofore gave her at Marriage or since is in full of her jiortion of my estate — Item I gi\e to my Daughter Hethiah Small the sum of fne shillings to be ])aid her in a year iS: an half after ray decease l)y my Son ^\'illiam, which with what I heretofore ga\e her at Marriage & since is in full of her portion of mv estate — Item I gi\e to my Daughter Abigail Bickford the sum of \\\^ shillings to be ])aid her by my Son William in a year& an half after my decease, which with what 1 heretofore ga\e her at Marriage Cv since is in full of her i)ortion of my estate — Item 1 give to my Daughter Prudence (ioodwin the sum of Fuurty shillings to be i)aid her in a year (S: an half after my decease l)y my son ^\'illiam which with what 1 gave her at Marriage M: since is in full of her portion of my estate — Item I gi\e to mv Daughter I )eli\er;ince Call the sum of 'Two piounds Thirteen shillings & Four pence to be paid her by my Son William in a year & an half after my decease, which what 1 gave her at Marriage \: since is in full of her portion of m)- estate — Item I give to my Daughter 01i\e (ioodwin the sum of Six ])ounds Thirteen shillings to be ]iaid her when she arrixes at the age of l^ighteen years by my Son Daniel. Item I give to my (irand Daughter Flannah Daughter of my son lames deceased the sum of five shillings to be paid her by m\' son W il- liam in a year & an half after my decease — 36 LINCOLN I'R()r..Vli; RIXOKDS. Jtcm I give & devise to ray son Daniel his heirs Ov assiyii;-, lorcxcr my half of the land & real estate at liowdoinham in said County of IJncoln, which was conveyetl to me & my son William by Deed by Agreen Crabtree, the whole being about Fourty acres, also Twenty acres of I, and on the northerly part of my Land on Swan Island in said I'ownalborough, at the ^Vest Km\ of the Mighty acres of Land Lazarus Noble lived upon, he the said Daniel paying the said Legacy of 'Lwenly l^ouuds to my Daughter Molly as aforementioned — Item, All the rest- i!v: residue of my estate real & personal upon said Swan Island, in s'd I'ownalborough, & at Falmouth in the County of Cumberland, or wheresoever else lying situate or being, of what name or nature soever 1 give ^: devise to my son ^Villian^ his heirs «!\: assigns forever he the said William i^aying all my debts & funeral Charges, iV- all the TvCgacies herein severally given to my Daughters excei)t said Twenty pound Legacy he also upon demand making executing & de- li\ering to my son Daniel & his heirs a good & sufficient deed in the Law of all the i'^state right title & Interest which he the said \\'illiam shall then have in (.\: to the the said half of said Fourty acres of Land at said Bowdoinham herein devised to the said Daniel Lastly I appoint my son AVilliam Fxec'r of this my ^Vill — In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & seal the day first aforewritten — Memo, the words (my) (with) (\Villiam) ((S: his heirs) were inter- lined before sign'g &c signed sealed published iJv:, declared by the said James the Testator to be his last James WVman (Seal) ^Vill & testament in pre- sence of W'm Cushing Abiel Lovejoy Samuel Reed Probated 23 Ap., 1766. [I, 154.] Abiel Lovejoy and Obadinh Call, sureties. Samuel Ilarnden, late of Woolwich. Mary Llarnden, widow, and Samuel Harnden, both of ^\'ool\vich, Adm'rs, 19 Aug., 1768. [I, 155.] Abraham Preble and Joseph Preble, sureties. Inventory by .Aaron Hinkley, John Stinson and l)a\id Cilmor, 17 Nov., 176S. [I, 229.] In the Name of God Amen The Second Day of July, 1767. I Morgan McCaffry of the 'i'own of LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. 37 Bristol, husbandman, being very Sick and weak in Body, But of perfect mind and Memory, Thanks be (iiven unto (iod : — Therefore Calling unto mind the Mortality of my l]ody, and Know- ing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, Do make and ortlain this my Last will and Testament, That is to Say Principally and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of (iod that (rave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth, to be Buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Exe- cutor _; Nothing Doubling but at the General Resurrection I shall Re- ceive the Same by the Mighty ]jower of God. And as Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life I Give Demise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner and form Imprimis I will that my Instate Both personal and Real be Disposed of after my Decease according to the Method and Discretion of my Executor and Executrix as they Shall think most Convenient and that my Just Debts should be paid to my Creditors out of the Same. Item I gi\e to my well Beloved wife Ann McCaffry one Third of the whole of my Estate after it shall be Disposed of as before mentioned for her sole and proper use to be Raised and Levied out of my Estate Item, and whatever Else shall Remain of my Said Estate after it be Disposed of in manner aforesaid I Give to my Children To W my Sons James, John, my Daughters, Frances, Jane, Mary & Margarett I Do hereby utterly Dissalow, revoke and Disannul! all and every other former Testaments, Avills Legacies, by me in any wayes before named Ratyfying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament. I-ikewise I make Constitute and ordain James Little of New Castle to be my Executor and Ann McCaffry my Ikdoved wife to be my Executrix to this my Last will and 'lestament \\\ whittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal The Day and Year above written Signed Sealed published pronounced and Declared by the Said Morgan McCaffry as his Last will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers Morgan McCaffry (Seal) David Drowne Patr'k Rodgers John Mcfarland Probated 15 June, 1768. [I, 156.] Ann McCiffrv :ind J;imes Little disclaimed executorship 21 Aug., 3 • 4- ['' -'4- I Ral])h Chapman, late of I'ownalhorough. I'rudence Chapman, of I'ownalborougli, widow, Adm'x, 26 1 )ec., 1768. [I, 158.] Samuel (ioodwin, Jr., and l^dnnmd Bridge, sureties. Inventory lyv Samuel Kraerson, Richard Ridder and l']dnumd iiridge, 26 Jan., 1769, ^558: 17 : 3'-'- [U -<'4-] Account filed 24 Mav, 1771. [I, 207.] Thomas I'atridge, late of Bristol. .Alexander Nickels, of Bristol. .\dm'r, 10 Jan., 1766. [f, 158.] .Mexander McCdathry and C'harles Cushing, sureties. Insentory l)y John M( I-'arland, I'atrii k Rodgers and Alexander McCilathry, 28 Sep., 1769, ^i 1:6: 8. [I, 169.] Robert Mctdathrv, late of I!rist()L .Alexander .McClathry, of Bristol. .\ihn'r, 10 Jan., 1769. [I, 158.] Alexander Nickels and Charle.^ Cushing, sureties. Inventory by .Alexander Nickels, Patrick Rodgers and John McFarhmd, all of Bristol, 2_:; Alar., i 769, ^^69 : 8 : o. [1. 190.] .Account filed i Mar., 1770. [I, 190.] William Mc(dathry, of IJristol, guardian unto .Margaret and Sarah, minor daughters, 1 l'"eb., 1774. [11. 170.] Samuel 1 lodge, late of Newcastle. Henry Hodge, of .Newcastle, .\dm'r, ijjjan., 1769. [1, 159.] ln\ ent )ry bv John Nb.Near, James Cargill and benjamin W'oodbridge, all of Newcastle, 2^, Jan.. 1769, /^,2 1 jt, : j^ : () . [1, 170.] .\rthur Noble, of a place called W'alpole, and Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, commissioners to examine claims. [1,267.] Account filed 20 Oct., 1774. [1,268.] ("harles Peissner, late of Broad \\i\\. Mary Peissner, of I'.road Pa\. widow, .\dm'x, 22 l''eb., 1769. [1, 159.] Inventory by John Martin, Jun., John rimerand .Mathias Rameley, 27 i'eb., ' 769, _/'34^^3 : 16: i, Ultl 'i'enor. [1, 192-3.] LINCOLN I'ROJUTF. RICCORl )S. 39 Jacob Hcarsy, late of Pownalborough. John Andrews, of I'ownal- borough, Adni'r, 24 l''eb., 1769. [1, 160.] John McCiOwn and (ieorge Goud, sureties. Inventory by John Mc(io\vn, George Goud and I'>hnund Uridge, all of Pownal borough, 19 Mar., 1770, £,^'l : 7 : 8. [I, 19S.] Charles Gushing and Samuel Goodwin, both of I'own- alborough, commissioners to examine claims, 27 Aug., 1769. [I, 231.] I'hili]) Rominger, late of IJroad Bay. Caleb Howard, of Broad Bay, A(bn'r, 3 Mar., 1769. [T, 160.] George Dalheim and Michael Sides, sureties. In\cntory by (leorge Dalheim, Michael Sides and Mathias Kemely, all of Pkoad Bay, 30 Mar., 1769, ;£S9- • 5 ■ o, Old 'J'enor. [1, 184.] Account filed 9 Mav, 1760. [I, 185.] In the Name of (iOI), Amen 1 William Watson of a place called St (ieorges in tlie County of Lincoln and Province of Massachusetts Bay in New-lCngland yeoman. Being Sick and ^\'eak of Body, but of perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given to God therefor calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to Die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all I gi\e and reccommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my Body I reccommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the Mighty Bower of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, 1 give demise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and l''()rm Jiiipriiiiis 1 give and Bequeath unto my well belo\ed Son A\'illiam Watson the full two third parts of all my Lands and Real Estate namely the westerly part of my Farm to be divided by a Strait Line from St Georges River to the opposite Line, together with all m\' yv\- sonal, or mo\abIe ICstale of what name or nature soever llcvn I give unto my well beloved Son James Watson one third part ol my Real Instate namely the Easterly ])art of my said Farm to be ible each to be delivered in one year after my decease to be levied and \)cLu\ out of my whoh- P'stale which together with what they ha\e al- ready hake of Oxen, in one \ear after my decease or when he shall arri\e at the Age of twenty and one years if he shall live thereunto, to be levied out of my whole Ivstate Item. I give unto my (irandSon Jeremiah Core son of my 1 )aughter Mary Core deceased, one Cow, in one year after my Decease or when he shall arrive at the age of twenty c^' one years, if he shall li\e so long to be levied out of tlie whole of my Estate. My lurther will is con- cerning my Sons David s whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this twentieth Day of Xo\ember in the eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord {".ef)rge the third K]ng ^c J ////<»///<■ /),>//////> One Thousand Seven Hundreil and Sixty Seven Wilhn \\'al-,on (Se;il) Signed, Sealed, ])ublished, pronounced and declared bv the said Willi.nu LINCOLN I'Kor.A'l K RI;cmi.;i >S. 4I AVatson io be liis last, Will, & Testament, in pr-^sence of us who have hereunto sTil)-,cril)e(l our Names Jonathan Nuttin*; Mason \M"i('aton John Mcrarter Probated 8 Feb., 1769. [T, 161-2.] Joseph Robinson and SanviU'l Creighton disclaimed executorship 8 1 eb., 1769. [1, 163-3] Inventory b}' Mason W'heaton, John Mc- Carter and Alexander Lermond, all of St (ieorges, 16 Feb., 1769, ;£\()i : 13 : 6. [I, 186.] In the Name of Crod Amen This is the will and testement of Me the Subscriber Tames Patterson of Pownalboro in the County of Lincoln Peing of sound mind & per- fect Reason Item I Give I\fy .Soul to all mighty God from whome I Received it and My Rody to the ICarth to be Deasently Buried in sure & Cerf^in Floops of a Glorious Reserrection to life Eatearnell Item 1 Give unto My Dear beloved wife Margrett Patterson all my whole Eastepte Reall & personal! after My lawful Debts are paid and my funera 1 Charges paid and my three Children \ iz two sons & one Daughter is to be Hansomly Hrough up to Lawful! age out of my Eas- tate and allso to pay to My son William ten pounds lawful! iro;:y and to my Daughter Abigil' ten pound-- Lawful! money & allso to my .son James Howard Patterson ten pounds I,awfull mony out of my Easteate as the Come of Lawful! Age to l)e paid to them by my !)eloved v»ife Margrett whome I hereby p^ake & orda"n My Soul l'>xecutrix to this my Last will & testement maid this sixth Day of Mav 1764 .Signed Sealled Sealed & Dellv'd In presents of James Patterson (Seal) Mary Br}ant James Howard Jona. Bryant Prol)aled 12 \\)., 1769. [I, 163-4.] In the Name of (iod amen the twelth day of January An/io Domini I 769 I James Work of 'I'opsham in the County of Lincoln yeoman be- ing very sick and weak in Ijody but of perfect mind and Memory, thanks be given unto God, — therefore Calling to mi ml the Mortality of 42 I.INIOI.X I'ROIIA'rK RIXORDS. My l)(Mly and that it is appointed unto all Men <>n> c m i\\v, dn nuike :^•^v[ ordain this ^^y Last Will and testament, that is to say, ])rin(ii)ally and first of all 1 (live and recommend m\' soul into the hands of (lod that gave it; and my body I rei-ommend to the Ivirth to he buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Kxecutor nothing dou])t- ing iMit at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by tile .Mighty i)o\ver of (iod. and as touching such worldly Instate where with it hath pleased (Iod h) bless me in this Life I (Jive demise and dispose of the same in die following manner and form — Imprimis I give and beipieath to Margret my dearly beloved Wife all my household furniture with the one half of .\[y (Jattle and Sheep (lv\- cept, one Cow and Calf, asid five Shee]) out of her half which I gi\e to my son William or is hereafter Mentioned) to be at her disposal for- ever, as also one third of all My Lands with one third of My House and liarn with one half of all My farming tools during her n;itrual Life Item 1 give to my well beloved son lObenezer Work whom 1 likewise Constitute make and ordain my sole Kxecutor of this my Last Will and testament all and singular My Lands .Meas-.ui^gs and tenements by Idm freely to be disposed of (after my said wife.; desease) the two thirds of which to be freely ]) ossessjd and lajoyed l)y him during her life to- geather with the one half of all My (.'attle and sheep with one half of all my farming tooles item I give to my well belo\ed son William Work one Cow and Calf and five sheep Item 1 give to my well l)eloved Daughter Janne Dunlop ten shillings to be paid her out of my iv-itate by my Ivxecutor within twelve Months after my Death Item I give to my well beloved Daughter I'dizebath Orr ten shillings to be ])aid to her out of mv Instate bv mv said ]v\eculor within twehe Montlis after my Death And 1 do herel)y utterly disalow revok and tlisannul all and e\ ry other former 'I'estament Wills Legacies and bequests and l-Accutors by Me in any ways before named willed and beipieadu'd Rallifying' and Confirming this and no other to be My Last Will and testauieut In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day ami year first abo\e written Signed sealed ])ublished l)roiiouncey Andrew McFarland and Edward Emerson, of Booth- bav, and Thomas Boyd, of Bristol, 24 Mar., 1770, ^55:6:8. [I, ^43-] Andrew Willard, late of Broad Bay. (Jeorge Uemuth, of Broad Bay, Adm'r, 14 June, 1769. [I, 167.] John Warner and Peter Bracht, sureties. Christopher Kline, of Broad Bay, guardian unto Margaret, minor daughter, 5 June, 1770. [I, 182.] Inventory by John Ploet- tenheim, John Warner and Joanne Peter Broest, all of Broad Bay, 15 June, 1769, /J^82 : 12:9. [I, 187.] Aecount filed 15 June, 1770. "[I, 188.] (tawen ^^'ilson, late of Falmouth. Jeremiah Bote, of Falmouth, Adm'r. 26 Sep., 1769. [I, 167.] Stephen Longfellow and James McCobb, sureties. Inventories : personal estate by Noah Michell, Daniel .Merit and Moses Wostar, all of Pleasant River, 2 May, 1769, £^22: TO : 5^-2 ; real estate in Berwick, York County, by Peter Morrell, Jedi- diah Morrell and Nathan Lord, 4 Oct., 1771, ^^,15 ; real estate in Fal- mouth by William Bucknam, Nathaniel Carll and Benjamin Ingersoll, all of F^almouth, i June, 1770, ^216. [Unrecorded] Hugh Wilson, late of Topsham. I^lizabeth Wilson, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 30 Aug., 1769. [I, 173.] Thomas Willson and .Sam- uel \^^ilson, sureties. Inventory by Thomas A\'ilson, Robert Cower and Actor Patten, all of Topsham, 3 Oct., 1769, ^-£^649 : 11 : o. [I, 191.] Account of Elizabeth ^^'eymouth, Adm'x, 9 Mar., 1787. [Ill, 137 and 245.] Samuel Thomps;)n, of Brunswick, guardian unto William, minor son, 17 Sep., 1787. [Ill, 160.] Henry Little, late of Newcastle. James Little, of Newcastle, Adm'r, 25 Ap., 1769. [I, 174.] Alexander Campbell and Edmund Lieson, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin Woodbridge, Alexander Campbell and James Cargill, 12 July, 1769. [I, 196.] Lochran McLean, late of Penobscot. Hugh McLean, of Milton, Adm'r, 30 June, 1769. [I, 176.] Richard Codman and John Kent, both of Falmouth, sureties. In the nam of God Amen this tenth Day of November Anno Dom- nic one thousand saven Houndred and sixty nine and \\\ the tenth year of his majsteys Rign I William Stinson of (leorgetown within the County Lincoln and Province of the Masscutsset Bay In NewEngland yeoman Beanig much Indisposed In Boodey But of Parfet mind and 46 ll\(o|\ I'Koi;\TI- RKCOKDS. mcmorcy thanks be to Ciod for His Cloodncss to me Calling to mind tlie frealety of my Hodey and knowing that It Is apointed for for all men to die do mak this my I,ast will and 'I'estment that Is to Say I'rin- sably and In the first Plaes I Cive and IJequeth my Soul to Clod that Gave It and my I>odey I Recomend to the Karth tobe Buried InaCristen and Deesent manar at the Discration of my of my Ivxecutors nothing Doubting Hut 1 Shall Rec It agean at ye Genarell Resurection By the Infinet Powr of God and as to such wordley Goods and l'>steat as God heas Bestoed on me In this wordal I Give Demise and DisjKjse of In the fowling maner and foram ///////w/V 1 Give and IJequath to my Beloved Dughter Sarah five Shillings Itam I Beciueth to my Belov- ed Daughter Jean n\e Shillings and Six Sheepe latem 1 Becpialh to my Bel()\ed l)>ighter Margrat one yok of young oxon of threa years old and fi\x' Shillings Itam I r>e(|uath to my Beloved Daughtar Marcy Six Shillings and Six Sheepe latem I r)e(|uath to my Bloved Son John Stinson on Sarten track or pe'^rsell of 1 .and on Arowsick Island Butted and Bounded as folloeth viz villes march on the west on the South By Lott No'r nin- teen .S: on the I'.st by the l>ack Riverr Jkaing i)art of Lott nomber twintey twintey on i\: l.ott nobr twintey two now In his Posetion I fur- der Give unto my Son John another Sarten track or Parsell of Land Bounded as folloeth viz Bouned on the i'^st ])y villes march on the South By Lot noumber ninteen on the north P.y Lott nombr twentey one Runing west towards K-^nabek Riser as far as the Senter of the Crreat Lage on the Last Side of the fresh water pond on Arowsick Is- land the above money P>equethed to Be paxnl In Six months after my Desses Item I P)efiueth -.mto my lieloved Son James Stinson one milch Cow and Six pv)nnds Six and l'",ghl Lawfull money to pe payd to him out of my l''.steat thai I Becpieth to my Son William Stinson Itam I Becjuath to my Beloved Daughter Ann twintey Six pounds thirteen Shilhns and Lght Penc Lawfull money to be payd unto hir in three years from the Day of my Bmell out of my Ivsteat that I Leave to my Son William Stinson Item 1 Leave and Be(pialh to my Bel n'- ed wife Klizeabeth Stins jn on half of all my Chatels anl all my Sheepe not dis]iosed of Refor Lickwise all my houshold furniter my I>eeds and Beiden ham 1 Beciuealh lo my Beloved St)n John Stinson on Lott of march at a pli.-s Called Bokers point In the Bak River on Arowsick Islanil which Lott of March Blongs to Lott numbr twintey of uj) Land un said Island Itam I Beiiueth to my Beloved Son T.IXrotX PRtiP.AlK KiriiRps. 4y William Slins')n all all the Remcandcr of of my Rcall and per- soiiall Ivsteat on aRr.viick lilanl not Di.spjse I of Before v\/. my la- trist In three Lotts of Laivl upland vi./ Lot No twintey twintey one (\: Iwintey two with on Lott of march at Bokers pjint In the Back River Beaing the westermost 1-ott of f"o Laieng ther & one half Lott of march In the mill Creek with on half of my Chatels not l)iS|Wsed of r>efor to him his hairs and assigns forLver as a Esteat of Inherintenc I Beciuath and (rive unto my said Son William my fishing Sconcr now Laieng In Kenbeck River It furder Is my will and plesuer that my Seaid Son William Stinson i)ay may Daughter Ann the above twintey Six poimds thirteen Shillings 8d willed to her as above out of my Esteat Left to him and all the Depts that I ow It Is my furder will and Ples- uer that my Sead Son William Stinson and my Brother John Stinson ICsq whom I apoint and ordean my Sole l^^xecutors (jf this my Last will and testment and I do hearbey Disanule and Revok all former wills and tistments or Bequathments By me In Eneys ways mead By me Before this Raetifieing and Confirming thi ; and no other to be my Last will and testmint In witness whereof I have Sett my hand and Sell this tinlh Day of November .!////(> Domiiia on thousand Saven hundred and Six- tey nine and In the tenth \-ear of his majsteys Rign William Stinscjn (Sea!) Charles Snipe James Drummond William Sullivan the fifth sixth seventh and part of the l'>ght Lines In the Scon;l page was Rased Befor Singen anil Selling this will Lincohi Sis Georgetown Novmber lo 1769 William Stinson acknowlidg this his Last will and Testment to be his ack and Deed l!efore me John Stinson Justies Peaes- Probated 8 Aug., 1770. [I. 177-S.] Inventory by Charles Snipe, Daniel Mcfaden and James Dru:nmjnd, Jr., all of Georgetown, 29 Oct., 1770, £^\^ : 7 : 4- [^ 213.] Amos Pinkham. late of P>ristoI. William MoClain, of Bristol, .\dm'r. 13 Sep., 1769. [I, 179-] William Martin and Jacob Dockendorff. sureties. Inventory by Williaai Martin, Jacob Ducken lorff an 1 d'h om- as Johnston, all of Bristol. 5 Ap., 1770, ^98:3:10. [I, 189.] Samuel Davis, late of a place called Freetown. Moses Da\-is. oi Newbury Port, Adm'r, 20 June, 1769. [I, 176.] Nathan Gove and Samuel Goodwin, sureties. 48 i.i\((»i,\ I'RuiiAri: Ki:(.oKi)s. Thomas I'crrin, late of Pownalborough. Malhias Siniih, of 'risbnry, Adm'r, 14 Aug., 1769. [I. iSo.] Samuel (roodwin aud Sauiucl (joodwin, Jr., sureties I nwntory by Samuel (i<.)od\vin. Robert 'I'wy- cross and William Silvester, 21 Aug.. 1769,^173 : 16 : i : o. [I, 193- 5.] Charles Cashing and R )b'>rt I'wycrjss, c;jmmissioners to examine claims. [111,3.] Accouni filed .May, 1773. [HI. 4.] Moses Crele, late of the River Kennebeck. Moses (irele, residing at the River Kennebeck. .Adm'r, 12 May, 1769. [I. 180.] Roger Chase and Mathew Chase, snreiies. Phili[) Ciill, lile of l\nviiall).)rongh. John Call, of Pownalborougli, .\dm'r, 18 -Vug., 1769. [1. rSi.J Inventory by Samuel (loodwin, Robert Twycross and Madiias Smith, 24 .Aug., 1770, /J'264 : 5 : 2. [I, 224.] .Account filed 12 Feb., 1772. [I, 232.] In the Name of Cod .Amen The twenty I'-ight day of Ocr one thous- and Seven Hundred & Sixty Six I Joseph Y(.)ung of Po\vnalb:.)rough in the County of Lincoln )dy I Recjuicuid it to the Erth to Buried in a Christian like iv: hecent Manner at the Discration of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the (ieneral Resurection I shall Recive the same again by the Mighty Power of Cod — .And as touching such World- ly goods & Estate wherewith it hath Pleased Cod to Ijless me in this life I (live Devise and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner and form — Impriiniis 1 make C(jnslilule ^: Ordain my Sons Isaac tS: Joshua Young Executors of this my last will i\: 'I'eslament which I Confirm «.^ no r)thcr 2ly I give and beipieath unto my l^ldest son Josejih Young of h'd P>)wn;ill) )r;)U di all th it tract of \,\\\\ in s'd Fo^vn that he hath njw in Posation whare he n.r.v lives 3ly I give and Devi.se unto Isaac <5v: Joshua \'oung my Sons s I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Clanccy the snm of six shil- lings to be paid her in one year after my Decease which, with what I 4 50 I.TNCOLN PKOHATE RECORDS. gave her in my Life Time is in full of her portion of my Estate Item I give to my Daughter Susannah Carney the sum of six siiillings which with what I gave her in my Life Time is in full of her ]»v)rtion of my Estate lastly All the Rest and Residue of my Estate Real, i)erson- al or mixed, wheresoever the same is, I give and devise to my Son George Goud, to hold to him, antl his heirs forever, he the said George paying to my two Daughters aforesaid the said sum of six shillings a- piece, also he paying all my Just Debts and funeral Charges. And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Son George Goud sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking and dis- annulling all other and former Testaments by me heretofore made ; declaring this and no other to be my last Will & Testament — In ^Vitness whereof I the said Daniel Goud do hereto set my hand & seal the Day & year aforewritten. Signed, Sealed & Deliver' d, Daniel Goud (Seal) & declared by the said Testator to be his last , Will & Testament in presence of Chas. Gushing Mary Nye Jona. Bowman Probated 12 Ap., 1769. [I, 196-7.] Inventory by Samuel Emerson, Richard Kidder and George Lilly, all of Pownalborough, 7 Ap., 1770, ^31 : 16:4. [I, 198.] John Shaw, late of Georgetown. Ellisha Shaw, of Georgetown, Adm'r, 28 Jan., 1771. [I, 200.] John Shaw and Ebenezer Hovey, sureties. Inventory by Isaiah Crooker, John Shaw and Ebenezer Hovey, all of Georgetown, 9 May, 1771. [I, 215.] John Lermond, late of Bristol. Alexander Lermond, of St. Georges, Adm'r, 27 Sep., 1770. [I, 200.] Moses Copeland and Bryan Ryan, sureties. Inventory by James Brown, of Newcastle, and William Jones and James Huston, both of Bristol, 2 Dec., 1770. [I, 212.] Robert Wiley, late of Boothbay. Martha Wiley, of Boothbay, w^t^biy'j Adm'x, 26 Sep., 1770. [I, 201.] John Wiley and Thomas Boyd, V^refies. Inventory by Israel Davis and Andrew McFarland, both of Bodtihbay, and Thomas Hodgdon, of Jerremy Island, 1 8 Ap., 1772, ^307: 8: 9;^, [I, 236.] Account filed, 9 June, 1772. [I, 237.] David Reed, l5v."7.abeth Reed and Joseph Reed, all of Boothbay, LIN'COLN PROBATE RF.CORDS. 5 I grandchildren, chose Joseph Reed, of Boothbay, to be their guardian, 25 Oct., 1792. Division of estate by Henry Hunter, of Bristol, John Borland and William McCobb, both of Boothbay, 21 Oct., 1794, in which the heirs named were Robart, son of Neal ^Vylie, Easther, wife of Abijah Kenney, Jane, wife of Joseph Lewis. Robart Wylie, the heirs of Samuel ^^'ylie, Mary Reed, the children of Joseph Reed, Martha, wife of David Reed, the heirs of William Wylie, Alexander Wylie, John \Vylie, Katharine, wife of Thomas Boyd. [Unrecorded.] Robert Dunlap, late of Topsham. John Dunlap, of Topsham, Adm'r, 29 Ap., 1771. [I, 201.] Ebenezer Work and Robert Dun- lap, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Wilson, Prince Rose and John Merrill, all of Topsham, 10 May, 1771,^246: 12: 7. [I, 214.] Account filed 10 Mar., 1773. [I, 247.] Return of i)artition of real estate by Thomas Wilson, John Merrill and Prince Rose, all of Top- sham, 31 Mar., 1773, mentions Mary Dunlap, widow of deceased, John Dunlap, Margaret Potter and jane Eaton, children of deceased. [H, Andrew Reed, late of Boothbay. David Reed, of Boothbay, x\dm'r, 4 June, 1 77 1. [1, 203.] William Reed and John Stinson, sureties. Inventory by John Stinson, of Georgetown, Israel Davis, of Boothbay, and Thomas Hodgdon, of a place called Jerymisquam, 28 Sep., 1773, ^149 : 9 : 4- [11, I4-] David Patterson, Jr., late of St. Georges. Nancy Patterson, of St. Georges, widow, Adm'x, 6 Ap., 1771. [I, 203.] David Patterson, Alexander Lermond and William James, sureties. Inventory by Alex- ander Lermond, Samuel Creighton and William Watson, all of St. Georges, 27 May, 1771, ^115 : 9 : S^^. [I, 22S.] Benjamin Pack- ard, of St. Georges, guardian of David, minor son, 30 Sep., 1776. [II, 72.] David P'ales and Mason Wheaton, both of St. Georges, commissioners to examine claims. [HI, 31.] Benjamin Packard, of St. Georges, Adm'r ^/d' (^(>';//i' //(^/z, 23 Sep., 1776. [HI, 31.] Moses - Copeland, of St. Georges, and Jacob Eichorn, of Waldoborough, sure- ties. Account filed 24 Sep., 1776. [HI, ^,2.'] 6> John Brewer, of Boothbay, minor son of James Brewer, la*^ Boothbav, chose Israel Davis, of Boothbay, to be his guard-'^n " -, .nah Bryant, ■"'■ [''-'^S-] ^ David Reed John Barker, Jr., late of Pownalborough. Sl'J.^]^^J. N^jjie of a Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 26 Feb., 1771. 'ai-,,1 David Reed ^ 52 LINCOLN PROHATK RECORDS. Bridge and Samuel (loodwin, Jr., sureties. Inventory by Edmund Bridge and Richard Kidder, botli of Pownalborough, i May, 1 7 7 1 , ^10: II : o. [I, 231.] Westbrook Berry, late of Mechias. John Crocker, of IMechias, Adm'r, 23 Sep., 1771. [I, 227.] Jonatlmn Longfellow and Nathan- iel Sinkler, sureties. Inventory by Japhet Hill, Joseph Libbee and William Curtis, all of Mechias, 17 Sep., i772,;^io2 : 2 : 9. [I, 247.] Jonathan Longfellow and Nathaniel Sinkler, commissioners to examine claims. [I, 248.] Distribution ordered i Oct., 1774. Account filed 30 Sep., 1774. [I, 263.] George High, of a place called Broadbay, guardian unto Lehn Wcl- ler, minor daughter of Andrew Weller, 31 May, 1771. [I, 227.] John All, late of Boothbay. Samuel McCobb, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 24 Sep., 1 77 1. [I, 233.] Israel Davis and John Murray, sureties. Inventory by Jeremiah Beath, Thomas Boyd and William Fuller, all of Boothbay, 8 Oct., 1771, ;^770 : 16:9. William McCobb and Andrew McFarland, commissioners to examine claims. [I, 253.] In the Name of God Amen, the twenty ninth day of July 17 71 I Charles Robartson of Topsham &c yeoman being sick and Weak of Body, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given to God for it : therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to dye, do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say princijialy and first of all I give & recomend my soul into the Hands of God who gave it ; and my Body I recomend to the Earth to be Buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executrix nothing Doubting but at the general Resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God : and as touching such worldly F^state wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Imprimis I give and bequeath to Martha my Dearly beloved wife one yoak of my best oxen, one Cow, all my sheep togeather with all my Houshold Goods, debts, and moveable effects whom I likewise Consti- tute, ^J^.ake & ordain my sole Executrix of this my last will and testa- ment ^el Item I gii^.ba^ 'py beloved grandson William Robartson (only son to my Eldest son vfi^ im Robartson decess'd) one Cow at my Deces Item I give to my beloved Daughter Elezebath Savage one Cow to LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 53 be delivered at my Deceass Item I give to my beloved Daughter Mary Stinson one yoak of young Oxen to be delivered at my Decease Item I give to my beloved Daughter Jane Stinson four pounds Law- full Money at my Decease Item I give to my yongest son David Robartson ten shillings Item I give to my youngest Daughter Charity Robartson thirteen pounds six shillings & Eight pence and likewise one Colt two years old, & one Case of Draws and one Cow to be paid her when she shall arive at the age of Eighteen years, or on her Mariage day. and I do hereby utterly disalow, revok and disannul all and every other former testaments Wills legacies and bequestes and Executors by me in any ways before named, willed and bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written Signed sealed published, pronounced and Declared by the said Charles Robartson as his Last will and testament in the presents of us the subscribers his Aaron Hinkley Charles X Robartson Ezra Randall Mark Joseph Foster Joseph Randall Probated 23 Jan., 1772. [I, 233-4.] Joseph Decker, late of a place called Jerrymisquam Island. John Decker, Jr., of Pownalborough, Adm'r, 26 Aug., 1772. [I, 234.] Joseph Decker and Samuel Goodwin, Jr., sureties. Inventory by Thomas Rice, Jonathan Williamson and Michael Sevey, 17 Sep-, 1772,^245: 3: 3. [I, 272.] Account filed 28 Oct., 1773. [II, 2.] John Burton, late of St. Georges. Benjamin Burton, of St. Georges, Adm'r, 10 June, 1772. [I, 235.] Joseph North and William Young, sureties. Nathaniel Bryant, late of Newcastle, shipwright Hannah Bryant, 'Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 20 Aug., 1772. [I, 235.] David Reed amuel Goodwin, Jr., sureties. Inventory by Arthur Noble, of a ./:e called Walpole, Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, and David Reed, 54 T.IXCOT.N PROIUTF. RECORDS. of Boothbay, S St']-)., 1772, £.'i()(^S'- ^1 '■ ?>■ [I. 245.] Inventory by Abijah While and John Cushing, Jr., of Scituale, and I'eleg Rogers, of Marshfuld, of real estate in Plymouth County, 28 Mar., 1774, ^29: 19: 4. [II, G3.] Account filed 15 Oct., 1777. [II. 63.] Jeremiah I'arker, of I'arnstabie, guardian to Patience and Hannah, minor daughti'rs, and Nathaniel, minor son, 25 Oct., 1776. [II, So-i .] List 01' sundry articles omitted from inventory, ^100 : 5 : 2. [11,98.] (iuardian's account filed 4 Oct., 1 786. [111,178-9.] Di- vision of realestatel)y Arthur Noble and Jesse Flint, both of a place called Wal]:)ole, and John l'"arley, of Newcastle, 13 June, 1787. [\', 4 to 6.] Account of guardian of Hannah 15arker Ikyant filed 29 Ap., 1794, and aj^jteal from decree of allowance thereof by I'lnos Clap, of Hal- lowell, and Hannah Parker Cla]), his wife, 26 May, 1794. [^^ 244 to 246.] Account of guardian of Patience Bryant filed 29 Ap., 1794, and a])peal from decree of allowance thereof by William Waters, of Newcastle, husband of Patience, 19 May, 1794. [^^ 246 to 248.] Nathaniel Webb, late of Woolwich. Jane Webb, of Woolwich, widow, .Adm'x, 2 .Sep., 1772. [I, 237.] loseph Wade and Joshua Bailey, sureties. ln\entorv by Joseph Wade, Samuel Harnden and David (iilmore, Jr., all of Woo'wich, 13 Oct., 1772. [II, 29-30.] Account filed 15 Jan., 1777. [II, 72.] Israel Smith, guardian of Sarah and Lydia, minor daughters, and Luther, minor son. [II, 72 to 74.] Widow's dower set off 18 June, 1781, by Jose])h Wade, Jonathan Fuller and Thomas Snell. all of Woolwich. [HI, 231.] In the name of Ciod Amen. This 13th day of August .\. D. 1768, I Zaccheus Beal of Bowdoinham in the County of Lincoln yeoman, being Sensible of my own mortality, but being of sound mind, after commending my Soul into the hands of Almighty (iod, & my body to the Farth to decent burial, do hereby make this my last will & testa- ment & therein disjiose of my worldly estate in manner following, that is to say. Imprimis, I give be<|uealh & devise to my beloved Wiie .Mary the use & improvement of all my Fstale real & personal situate or being in said Bowdoinham, or IClsewhere, during her natural life, Saving a right & priviledge to my I )aughters .Abigail and llleanor, severally of living in my dwelling house during the times they shall severally remain unmarried with their Mother Item At my said Wife's decease & when her said Use ^: im])r()\e- ment expires in my ilstate, I give cV devise to my said Daughters LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 55 Abigail & Eleanor their heirs & Assigns forever Five acres of Land in the Front of my Land in Bowdoinham where I dwell, said Five acres to be next x\bbagadasset river, & to be divided from the rest of my Land there, by a back line running across My Land at right angles with the side lines thereof & all the buildings upon said Five acres of Land, equally to be divided between them, also I give them severally the priviledge aforementioned of living with their mother as afore ex- pressed — Also I give them each one Third part of my personal Estate forever after my Wife's use therein ceases, & the remaining Third part of said personal Estate I give them after said Use expires, the use of, during the joint Lives of my Daughter Dorcas & her husband David Wilson Item, In Case said Dorcas survives her said husband I give her for- ever the said remaining Third part of said personal Estate to take effect at & after the decease of both my said Wife & said David & not before also I give her said Dorcas the sum of Five shillings to be paid her by my Executrix in six months after ray Decease, but if said Dor- cas should not survive her said husband I give said Abigail & Eleanor said remaining Third part of the personal Estate forever equally to be divided. Item I give & devise to my Three Sons Zaccheus Josiah & Joshua, all the rest & residue of my real Estate in said Bowdoinham & Else- where except said Five acres & said buildings to them their heirs «& assigns forever after my said Wife's L^se therein expires Lastly, I appoint my said Wife Executrix of this my Will. In Wit- ness whereof I hereto set my hand & seal the day first herein afore- written, IVIemo. ye Words, "all" "heirs" "forever" "Estate" were interlin'd before Signing &c Signed, sealed & Declar'd by s'd Zaccheus to be his last Will & Testam't. In presence of Wm. Gushing Zacheus Beal (seal) David Bailey Nathaniel Bailey Probated i6 Sep., 1772. [I, 238- 239 & 251.] In the name of God amen this tenth day of September ^^ ;/;/ *^j 7 together with what Lantl I own on borld head and the marsh to the south"-ard of Newtown bay and crick and night pasture for said cows and oxen in that |)asturc betwen the road and the marsh to be imjiroved by hir living on the plase and not by a tennant together with LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 5 J a Right to cut firewood ':^n other of my land on Arrowsick Hand and that on the Easterd side of the country road and that for hir own fire only and to be burnt on the premises together with the use and im- provement of tobias and Susanah two of my negros she maintaining of them in sickness and helth together with the crane hooks grate tongs shovel citchin table and clock all the Iron holow ware and all the chairs together with the smorl bras Kittel and cofey mill with the sum of tenn pounds Lawful money to be paid out my other Estate yearly and Every year during her natural Life and to be paid quarterly if she chuise it that is ^£2 : 10 : o per quarter the use of the pew the the word ten is so made by me and the figurs ^2 : 10 : o the nesary charge of repairing the premises from time to time to be done at the charge of other of my Estate Itum I give unto my son by law John White all all my appariel that I Ever wore both of Lining and wouling the Looking glars in the grate rom the desk the square table the grate trunck and grate chist The Residue and Remainder of all my Estate both Real and personal I give unto my Dear and only Daughter Rachal McCobb and unto hir Heirs and assigns forever and I do hereby constitute and appoint my son by law Samuell McCobb and the within named John White to be my Executors to this my Larst will and testament In witnis whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written Signed sealed published pronounsed and declared by the said Samuell Denn)- to be his larst will and testament in presants of us Benjamin Pattc'e Junior Jeremiah Tozer Samuell Denny (seal) Elisabeth Pattee be it Known to all men by these presants that whereas I Samuell Denny of Georgetown within the County of Lincoln and province of the Masachusets bay in Newingland Esqr have made and declared my Larst will and testament in wrighting baring date the tenth day of September 1771 I the said Samuell Denny by this presant codicil do ratify and confirm my said larst will and testament and do will and bequelh unto my loving wife Cathrin Denny the sum of Eight pounds Lawful money in addition to ten pounds given unto mv said will and 58 I.lNOn.N PROnATF. RKCORDS. to be paid unto hir in the same maner as is prescribetl in said will for the i)aynvjnt of the said ten pounds during hir natural life by my residuary legete or lv\eeutors out of my Instate and my will and uK'n- ing is that this codacel or schdule to be and aiudged to be part and parscl of my larst will and testament and all things mentioned and contained in this codasel to be faithful!)- and Irui-Iy ]~ierformed and as fully and Irewly jjerformed and as fully an JNLjunlgomray (seal) by the Said Sarrah mark Mountgomray as her Last Will & Testament in presants of Alexr. Nickels Nathaniel Winslow hir INLirtha z Winsluw mark the above nots men- chonad is Levcft in the hands of Alxr Nickels Esqr. Probated 17 June, 1772. [I, 249-250.] Joseph Young, late of Pownalborough. Abihail \'oung, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 18 Dec, 1772. Richard Holbrook and Alexander Gray, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Rice, Michael Sevey and Moses Hilton, 19 Feb., 1773. [1, 256.] John Drummond, late of Georgetown. Mary Drummond, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 16 June, 1773. [I, 257.] Daniel Mc- Faden and James McFaden, sureties. John McFarland, late of Boothbay. Lydia McFarland, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, 18 Sep., 1773. [1, 257.] Nathaniel Tibbetts and John Daws, sureties. Inventory by John Stinson, of (Georgetown, and Samuel McCobb and William McCobb, both of Boothbay, 2 Nov., 1773,^67:9:8. [1,263.] Stinson and McCobb, commissioners to examine claims. [II, 66.] Account filed 13 June, T773. [II, 67.] James Springer, late of Georgetown. Nathaniel Springer, of Cieorge- town, Adm'r, 28 Dec, 1772, [1,258.] Moses Hodgkins and Jos- 64 I.INfOLX I'KOI'.AIK RKCOKDS. cph White, sureties. Inventory l)y Isaiah CrDokcr, Duninicr Scwall and John Wood, all of Ocorgetown, jCOGS : 11: 12. [I, 244.] Adm'r adds to inventory 29 June, 1774, ^i : 17: 4. [II, 29.] Account filed 18 Aug., 1774. [II, 124.] Isaiah Crooker and Dum- mer Sewall, both of Georgetown, comn^issioners to examine claims, 4 Oct., 1773, [II, 125.] Order regarding real estate i May, 1782, mentions Kdward, eldest son ; John, residing at Frenchman's Day, second son; Mary Sylvester, Martha Norcross, daughters; James Springer, son ; Rachel and Anna, daughters of James, Jr., deceased, grandchildren ; Abigail Digby, daughter of Abigail Gleason, late of Boston, deceased, grand-daughter : Sarah 1 .emont, wife of James Lemont and late widow of Nathaniel Springer, a son of deceased ; Nathaniel Bracket, Anthony Bracket, James Bracket, Mary Hodgkins, Eunice, wife of Simeon Paine, Susanna, wife of James Jewell, Joanna, wife of Philip Norcross, Elizabeth, wife of (ieorge Andrews, Sarah Bracket, Hannah, wife of James S])ringer, Abraham Bracket, Jr., all children of Joanna, tleceased, late wife of Abraham Bracket, and a daughter of intestate. [II, 179-1S0.] Joseph Lambard, of Bath, appointed guardian unto Rachel S])ringer, granddaughter, 2 May, 1782. [II, 180.] Joshua Raynes. of llith, appointed guardian unto Tames Springer, grandson, I May, I 782. [II, 181.] John Springer, of Frenchman's Bay. so called, Adm'r r/d' /'o/u's non, 26 Aug., 1780. [II, 181.] William Swanton and David Trufant, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Isaiah Crooker, Hatherly Foster and J jshua Philbrook, all of Bath, 7 Mar., 1 782. [IL, 1S5.] Account filed 29 Sep., 1781. [Ill, 43.] John Dickey, late of Bristol, mariner. Alexander Frskins, of Bristol, Adm'r, 27 Sep., 1773. [I, 258.] 'Thomas Drowne and Samuel Goodwin, sureties. Inventories by Robert McKown and James Sprowl, of Bristol, and Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, 6 and 28 Oct., 1773, ^199 : 16:8, to which .Adm'r added sundry small articles and "'one half the Sloop Susanna sold Col. Lee before the apprizement matle ^206:13:4." [II, 57-S.] John Thomson and Samuel Patterson, both of Bristol, commissioners to examine claims, 27 Oct., 1773. [11, 58.] Account filed 8 Se])., 1774. [II, 59.] .Samuel Borland, late of Bristol. John ISorland, of Bristol, Aelm'r, 6 Oct., 1773. [I> 259.] Henry Hunter and Joseph Clark, sureties. Inventory by John Thomson, Samuel Patterson and Ninyin Fr.-,kins, all of Bristol, 15 Nov., 1773, ^57: i :8. [I, 262.] i.ixc- )i.N pk()};aik kkcdrds. 65 William Reed, late 01 Topsham. David Reed, of Topsham, Adm'r, 19 Oct., 1773. [i» 260.] Israel Davis and Andrew McFarland, sureties. James Brown, of Newcastle. Jane Brown, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 17 Nov., 1773. [I. 260.] Samuel Galley and John Hussey, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin W'oodbridge and John Ward, both of Newcastle, and Thomas Flint, of a i)lace called \\'alj)ole, 26 Feb., 1774. [II, 15.] Account filed 14 Aug., 1780. [Ill, 20.] Divis- ion of estate by Jonathan Jones and Samuel Waters, of Newcastle, and Thomas Boyd, of Boothbay, 22 Sep., 17S1. Children mentioned: John Brown, James Brown and Martha Brown. [Ill, 21-3.] James chose Jane Brown, widow, to be his guardian 14 Aug., 1780. I\Iartlia Brown chose John Farley, of Newcastle, to be her guardian 14 Aug., 1780. [111,23.] John Hilton, late cf Pownalborough. Rebecca Hilton, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 18 Dec, 1773. [1,261.] Samuel Good- win and Asa Smith, sureties. Inventory by Asa Smith, William Garl- lon and Da^•id Phuner, all of Pownalborough, 23 Dec, 1773, ;^i52: 19: 4- [HI, 33-'] In the name of God Amen the tenth Day of October in the year of our Lord 1771 William Millar of Bristol In the County of Lincoln Gentm being in perfect hailth of Bodey and mind and memory thanks be Given to God for the same and Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will & Testament that is to say principally & first first of all I give and Recommend my Soul Into the the Hands of God that Give it; and for my Body I recomend it to the Eairth to be Ikiried in a Christon lick and Deecreit mannor at the Discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurection I Shall Receive the Same again by the Mighty Power of Ciod : and as touching such Worldly F-state Wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this Life I Give De\ise and Dispose of the Same in Manner and Form following that is to Say- In the fairst place I gi\e and bec|uath to Hannah my dearly beloved Wife one third part of all my Reail Plstate Exepteing my ICstat in Bouthbaie Which I ordain to pay my Juist Dabets and my Bacick Laind Which is more than thre Houndred acres AVith my inedow To mening Said Land to my \^'ell beloved Sons William Millar &: Robert 5 66 I.IXCOI.X rK^. [I, 266.] Stephen Marson, late of Pownalborough. Elizabeth Marson, of Pownalborough, widow. Adm'x, 5 Jan., 1775. [I, 267.] Edmund Bridge and Samuel Goodwin, Jr., sureties. George Marson, minor son, chose Charles Gushing to be his guardian 8 Mar., 1776. [II, 230.] Inventory by Samuel Goodwin, Jr., Edmund Bridge and Carr Barker, all of Pownalborough, 31 Aug., 1775, ^^255 : 6 : i. [II, 232.] Eliz- abeth Harris Marson, minor daughter, chose Elizabeth Marson to be her guardian 23 Nov., 1780. Elizabeth Marson, guardian unto Sarah and Susanna, minor daughters, and Stephen, minor son, i Sep., 17 S3. [II, 233.] xAccount filed 13 Sep., 1781. [II, 234.] In the name of God Amen I Joel Crosby of Winslovv in the county of Lincoln and province of the Masechusets Bay yeoman being infirm in body but being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form follow- ing that is to say, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of allmighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my executrix, and touching such worldly estate which it hath pleased God to bless me with I will and bequeath in the following manner and form. I bequeath to Hannah Crosby my dearly beloved wife whome I likewise constitute make and ordain the sole executrix of this my last will and testament the one half of what remains of all my Estate both Real and parsonal after my lawful! debtes are paid and my children brought up to the age of Eighteen years the other half to be Equelly devided between my four well beloved Daughters namely Ruth Right Crosby, Hannah Crosby, Joanna Crosby and Rebeckah Crosby like- wise I will that Hannah Crosby my well beloved wife have full power to make sale of any part or all of my aforesaid Estate for the payment of my debts or for hir own maintainence or for the maintainence of my children and that shee have power to portion of my Daughters as 68 i.ixcoi.N i':<(U;.\ 1 1; rix.okds. they arive to the age of ICighteen years or at such time as my above mentioned executrix shall think proi)er. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my liand and seal this thirteenth day of february and in the fifteenth year of his majestyes Rcaign A. 1). 1775 Joel Crosby (seal) Signed Sealed ])ublished and pronounced by the said Joel Crosby as his last v/ill and testament in the presents of us who in his puesents and the i)resentsof each other have hereunto subscribed our names Jonathan AX'hiting Zimri lieywood Daniel Smith 01)adiah Parker Probated 19 Ap., 1775. [I, 269.] In\entory by William Richardson, Zimri Heywooil and John Tozier, all of W'inslow, 20 June, 1775. [II, 6-7.] Daniel Fogg, late of Mechias. Samuel Rich, of Mechias, Adm'r, 26 lune, 1775. [I, 270.] Samuel (ioodwin, Jr., and John Johnson, sureties. Inventory by Stephen Jones, Samuel Libbee and James Noble Shannon, 28 July, 1775, ;^65 : 13 : 5. [Unrecorded.] Cornelius Clouse, late of W'aldoborough. Daniel Heckler, of Wal- doborough, Adm'r, 10 June, 1775. [1, 271.] Daniel Peckler, guartlian unto Mary, minor daughter, 19 No\-. 1776. [II, 33.] In- ventory by Andrew Schancks, Jacob Wingebow and Jacob Winchere- back, all of W'aldoborough, 22 June, 1775, /^io6: 19: loj-j. [II, 37-8.] Account filed 30 May, 1776. [II, 38.] Peter Hilt, of Waldoborough, guardian unto Mary Clouse, 18 June, 1777. [11, 189.] In the Name of (iod .Amen The twenty fifth day of Aprill in the Year of our Lord 1766 ] Christan Royinion of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln Widow being weak in Hody but of Perfect minde and Memory thanks be given unto (rod therefore Calling unto minde the Mortality of my body and Knowing that it is Appointed for all men once to die do make and ortlain this my last will and Testament 'i'hat is to say I'rincipaly and first of all 1 give and Recomend my Soul into the Hands of Cod that gave it and for my Pody I Recomend it to the Earth to be Huried in a Christen like and Decent manner at the de- scretion of my Executor. Nothing doubting but at the General Resur- rection I Shall recive the same again by the Mighty Power of Cod and as touching such worldly Instate wherewith it hath Pleased Cod to l)less me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in tb.e fol- !.!>'/'n,\ n^oiwn; ui-founs. 69 lowing manner and form. Impriinns. I give and bequeath to ray (irand Children the Children of my Son John Boyinton Decsd Viz to Joshua Boyinton of Falmouth in the County of Cumberland Marriner the Sum of three Shillings to John Boyinton of Pownalboro. aforesd. the Sum of three Shillings to Bety Gray the wife of John Gray of Pownalboro' aforesd. the sum of three Shillings and to Sarah Boyinton of Fallmouth aforesd. the Sum of three Shillings Itam I give and bequeath to my Son William Boyinton one (Quarter part of all the Remaining Part of my Personal Estate that shall be left after my Funeral Charges and other nesesary charges shall be Paid It^m I give and bequeath to my Grand Children the Children of my Daughter Rachel Decker Decesd. an Other Quarter Part of my Per- sonal Estate to be equaly Divided amongst them. Itam I give and bequeath to my Daughter Anna Delano the Wife of Amasa Delano one Quarter part of my Real Estate Itam I give and bequeath to my Daughter Hepsebah Hilton the wife of William Hilton the Other (Quarter Part of my Remaining Personal Estate Also I Constitute make ami Ordain Jona. Williamson of Pownalbo- rough in the County aforesd. (ient. my Only and Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament and I do Hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanul all and every other former Testaments v/ills and legacies Bequests and Executors by me in any ways before this time named willed and bequethed Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other to b"^ my last will and Te5Jtament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my liand and Seal the day and Year above Written Signed Sealed published Pronounced and Declared by the said Chris- taen Boyinton as her last will and Te.stament in the Presence of us the Subscribers Viz. Thomas Williamson Mary Silvester Christan boynton (seal) Jane Silvester [Unrecorded.] Elisha Shaw, late of (Georgetown. Susanna Shaw, of Georgetown, v,'i;iow, Adm'x, 3 I^Iay, 1776. [II, i.] Luke Lambard andi David Trufant, sureties. Inventory by Dummer Sewall. David Lemont and David Trufant, Ap., 1779. [II, 269.] In the name of (jOiI Amen. I Josiah Bradbury of Pownalborough 70 LIN'COl.N rKOliAlI', KKCORDS. in the County of Lincoln InhoUler being weak of body, but of sound & disposing mind & memory do make publish and declare this to be my last will & testament. Imprimis-. I give my soul to (Vod who gave it hopeing for Salvation thro' a blessed redeamer, and my body to the grave. Item. I give & bequeath to my beloved wife Anna my farm on Jeremy-Squam-Island to have & to hold the same to her, her heirs & assigns as an Estate in fee simple forever. Item. All the residue of my Estate, real, personal, or mixed I give & bequeath to my said Wife Anna so long as she shall remain m)- Widow. Item. After the death or marriage of my said Wife Anna I gi\e de- vise & bequeath to my daughter Anna Decker one third part of all my Estate to have & to hold the same to her, her heirs & assigns forever as an Estate in fee simple, Item. After the death or marriage of my said Wife Anna I give de- vise & beCjUeath to my daughter Meriah Sevey one third part of all my Estate, to have & to hold the same to her, her heirs & assigns forever as an Estate in fee simple. Item. To my Grand daughter Catharine ijradbury I demise lni be- queath one sixth part of all my Estate that shall remain after the deatii or marriage of my wife Anna to have t.\: to hold the same to her. her heirs & assigns forever as an iCstate in fee simple provided she shall arrive to the age of twenty one years. Item. 1 give & bequeath to my (irandson Josiah Uradbury one Sixth part of my Estate that shall remain after the death or marriage of my wife Anna to have and to hold the same to him his heirs &: assigns as an Estate in fee simi)le ]Movided he arrives at the age of twenty one years. Item. My Will is that in case the said Catharine Uradbury shall die before she arrives to the age of twenty one years that her part shall go to her brother Josiah in fee simple «S: In case the said Josiah dies be- fore he arrives to the age of twenty one years his part shall go to his sister Catharine in fee simple ^. [II, 5-6.] William Lancey, late of Hallowell. William Howard, of Hallowell, Adm'r, 13 June, 1776. [II, <^.] .Abiel Lovejoy and John Marsh, sureties. Nathan Moore, late of \"assalborough. Sarah Moore, of Vassal borough, widow, Adm'x, 13 June, 1776. [II, S.] Kbenezcr Moore, Levi Moore and John Marsh, sureties. Inventory by Abiel Lovejoy, John Marsh and Mathew Hastings, all of Vassalborough, 15 Oct., 1776, LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. 73 ^193 :i7 :o. [II, 70.] Account filed 25 Sep., 17 78. [II, 149.] Adam Hunter, late of Topsham. Arthur Hunter, of Topsham, Adm'r, 10 Ap., 1776. [II, 9.] John Fulton and William Randall, sureties. Inventory by James Fulton, James Mustard and U'illiam Randall, all of Topsham, 24 May, 1776. [II, 9-10-147.] Account filed 5 Mar.. 1777. [II, 146.] Joseph Berry, of Topsham, guardian unto his son Adam, grandson of Adam Hunter, deceased, 15 Oct., 177S. [11,154.] Order setttling estate ii Mar., 1779, mentions children, James, eldest son; Robert; Elizabeth, wife of William Woodside ; Susanna, wife of Benjamin Lemont ; Mary, -.vife of James Lemont ; Margaret, wife of Robert Patten ; xA.rthur, youngest son ; John, deceased; Jane, deceased wife of Joseph Berry. [Ill, 228-9.] Joseph Mclntire, late of Georgetown. Sarah ■\lclntire, of Cxcorge- town, widow, Adm'x, 4 June, 1776. [II, 12.] Francis Wyman and Nathaniel Wyman, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Wyman, Francis Wyman and William Sprague, all of (Georgetown, 4 June, 1776, ^^708 : 5 :6. [II, 13-T4.] Nathaniel Wyman, guardian of Joseph and ^\"il- liam, minor sons, i Sep., 1784. Account tiled i June, 1779. [II, 132.] Inventory by Francis Wyman, William Sprague and John Soule, 15 Sep. 1784, ;^625 :o :4. [Ill, 236.] Account filed 2 June, 1786. [Ill, 237.] David Morse, of (jeorgetown, Adm'r udwig Casner, son. In- ventory by Nathaniel Simmons, Christopher Newbit anil John Shuman, all of Waldoborough, 19 Sep., 1774, ^iio : 13 : 3. [II, 153.] Ac- count filed 6 June, 1775. [II, 154.] In the Name of (}od Amen, I Jonas Jones of Georgetown In the County of Lincoln & Province of the Massachusetts Bay In New England, Serveyor, Being Week In Body but of sound Memory Blessed be God for itt, P'O this third Day of May One thousand Seven Hun- dred & Seventy three Do make & Publish this my Last Will & Testament In Manner fvjllowing that is to say : First : I ^Vill that all those Debts As I Due Owe In Right or Conscienes to Any Manner of Per-son Or Persons Whatsoever shall be Well & Truly Contented & Paiii or Ordained to be paid In Convenient lime after my Decease by 74 I.INa)I,N PKOUAJK RKCORDS. my Executor hereafter Named. Item 1 give & IkHjueath to Hannah my Beloved Wife One Hah' of the Income or Profitts of all my Lands: houses Barn or Any Income What so E\-er of K\ery Name & Nature, What so E\'er During her Naturall Life & to my Daughter Lydia the Other half Part for to be Equally Devided Between them — & as to the Moveables, Housokl : Goods : One Half part Is to be Iilqually Devided Between them. Only my Daughter is for to have but One bed & Beding out of them & if In Case my Daughter Dies With out Isue the Above Named Housokl Goods is at my wife's Di;-;posall & for to have the Bennefitt of the Whole of the Income of Every Part During her Life of said Lands, Houses & Barn or other Incomes W hat so Ever. I-Teni : I order that part of the Saw mill be sold if Not sold In my Life 'I'ime & as much of my Out Lands as my Il\ecutor shall think proper. 1 Tern : 1 (jive to James Seals Purrinton Junr. One Calf: Now oc the Privilidge of Keeping the same on the Farm Untill the same be three Years Old : iS: One sheep During his Liveing With his Grandmother — & Likev.-ise if said James Scales Purrinton Lives: With: his Cirand- mother : I'ntill he Comes to the Age of Twenty One Years : he shall have Two steers of Two Years Old, the spring: before he is Twenty One Years of Age & One Hiafer of the same Age of Two Years Old & my Serveyors Tools & a book C'alled Loves art & I order that said said James be r>earnt to Read & AX'rite & Cypher as far as Thee Rule of three & the Sirveyors Art : & Further I Order that if said James Leaves his Grandmother before he is Twenty One if she Lives he is Not for to have any of the above Articles but if she Dies : ^^'hen he is Eighteen \'ears old or Nineteen he shall lie Intitled to Each & Every Article as abo\e Discribed — & Further I Order that if said James: Lives : but Two or three \'ears c\: his (irand Mother Dies he shall have the Above Articles but he must 'i'ake them of of said Farm &: Likewise he Shall have Two suits of Api^erall suitable for him. I Tern. I Order if In Case said James Leaves his Grandmother ^Vith Out Her Consent, He shall have Only his Wearing Apperill. I Tem. I Likewise Constitute make «S: Ordain my Dearly Beloved Wife Hannah to be my Only & Sole Ivxecutor of this my Last Will & Testement i\: I Doe hereby Utterly Disallow, Revoke & Disannul! all & Every Other Former Testements, Wills & Lcgaces Bequests & lOxecu- tors by me In Any Wa)s Before this Time Named: Furthenrore I LIXCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 75 Doe Constitute & Desire that my Brother Jabez Jones would Ije Aiding & /Assisting as a Guarden : to my Daughter Lydia : Untell she shall Arrive to full /\ge or by Law is Capable to Act for her self : & Upon his Refusall I Doe Intreat my Good friend Mr. Isaac Snow of Harp- swell to a Ciuarden : to my Daughter Lydia. & Furthermore I Do Confirm this & No Other to be My Last Will & Testement. Li Witness Whereof I Have here Unto sett my hand & seal the Day & Year Above Written Note the Word but was Interlined before signing In Twentieth Line & also In ye 29 Line Word Scales & In ye ^S Line the Words, & Sypher — & Furthermore I Appoint my brother Jabez Jones As Assitance With my Wife In her Executorship Signed Sealed Published Pronounced & Declared by the said Jonas Jones as his Last Will & Testement In the Presence of John Lowell Jonas Jones (seal) Samuel LtmibHi^l Sam Brown Probated 23 Feb., 1774. [II, 16-17.] Inventory by Elisha Shaw, Dummer Sewall and John Burrel, all of Georgetown, 18 Oct., 1774, £2^,0: 1 : 2. [II, 18.] Benjamin Howland, Jun'r, late of Bowdoinham. Benjamin Howland, of Bo'vsdoinham, Adm'r, 25 May, 1774. [II, 18.] Jonas Fitch and Francis Rittal, sureties. John Hunter, late of Topsham. Margaret Hunter, of To])sham, widow, Adm'x, 6 June, 1776. [II, 19.] James Blunter and David Reed, sureties. Inventory by I^avid Reed, John Fulton and James Fulton, all of Topsham, 2 July, 1776, ^'697: 10: 7. [II, 36-7.] Margaret Hunter, widow, guardian of Thomas, William and John, minor sons, and Ann, minor daughter, 15 Oct., 177S. [II, 85 to 87.] John Ingraham, late of Boothbay. Catharine Ingraham, of Booth- bay, widow, Adm'x. 16 June, 1774. [H, 19.] Joseph Harford and Jonas Fitch, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Ste\ens, Arad Powers and Samuel Harris, all of Boothbay, 23 July, 1774, ^-^23 : 18:9. [II, 20.] In the Name of Crod, Amen. I Martha Campbell of New Castle in the County of Lincoln Province of the Massachusets Ba) Widow — being in an infirm Slate of Health but of sound & disposing Memory, 70 I INCDI.X PKc^IU'lE RKCORDS. tk) wYcke liiis my last Will & Testament : in manner iS: form following, (that is to say,) First and Principally I resign my Soiil into the Hands of Almighty God, hoping f(;r Salvation through the alone Merits of Jesus Christ, and my Body I desire may be buried at the Discretion of my Executors & Executrixes herein after mentioned. And as for such Worldly Cii.ols & Temporal Estate, which (lod has been ])leased to give me ; I give devise, and dispose thereof as follows — I will order & appoint that all such just Debts as I shall owe at the time of my De- cease, shall be paid & satisfied out of my personal Estate And where- as Mr. William Vaughon late of Dammiscotty ; did in & by his last Will & Testament bearing Date the Twenty third Day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and forty four (amongst other things gi\e and devise unto Mr. John Campbell my late Husband, and unto me the Sum of Fifty pounds ])er Annum, the same to be paid out of the produc of the said Testators Mills at l^amiscotty of and both of them — and whereas the said Sum of Fifty pounds, hath been hitherto unpaid and is now due and owing by Virtue of the saitl Testa- tors Will — I give devise & bequeath one equal Third, of all the said Annuity of Fifty pounds per Annum now owing, or which shall (jr may hi due & owing at the time of my Decease, or was due at the time of the Decease of my late Husband Mr. John Campbell, unto each of my three Daughters that is to say unto Jane Brown the Wife of Mr. James Krown of NewCastle in the s'd County of J.incoln, and unto Mary Cawley ^\"ife i^f Mr. Samuel Cawley of the Town of Newcastle in the said County of Eincoln, and unto Elizabeth Fitts the Wife of Mark Fitts of Newbery Port in the County of lOssex to them ^r iheir Heirs forever. And whereas the said Mr. William \'aughan did in and by his said last Will & Testament appoint Mr. Eliot Vaughan & my late Husband Mr. John Cami)bcll to be his Executors, (who are both de- ceased) and Mrs. jane \'aughan late Jane Noble (who is also deceased) i\: myself to be his Executrixes of h's last Will <& Testament, to whom if there should be any Residue of his Testate, he gave the same — .And whereas I am tlie only surviving Executrix of the said Testator, I ap- point Mr. James Erown and Mr. Samuel Cawley aforementioned to be my Mvecutors, and my two Daughters Mrs. Jane ]*rown & Mrs. Mary Cav.iey to be my Executrixes of this my last Wii! and Testament, as well in regard to my own Estates, as also in regard to my Right as Executrix to the Will of the said Testator Mr. William \'aughan lastly I give devise & be(iueath all the Rest & Residue of all my Real & personal Estates to my three Daughters one t-ciual third to Jane LINCOLN PR()i;.VIK Rta.OKDS. 77 Brown, one third to Mary Cawley & one tliird to Klizabeth Fitts to them & their Heirs fore\ er. In \\'itness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this twenty-Ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand Se\'en hundred and Se^■enty two. Martha Campbell (seal] Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said Testator Martha Campbell to be her last Will Ct Testatnt. in the presence of us who subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereunto in her Presence. John Ward John Hussey Kenelm \\'inslow Probated 23 Sep., 1776. [H, 21-2.] Inventory of personal estate by John Ward, John Hussey and Kenelm Winslow, all of Newcastle, 24 Sep., 1776, ^60 : 2 : 11^. [Lhirccorded.] Alexander Cray, late of Woolwich. Abihail (;ra\'. c-f Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 10 Oct., 1776. [II, 23.] Jonathan Colburn and Gabriel Hamilton, sureties. Inventory by Moses Hilton, Joshua Young and John Pierce, all of Pownalborough. 25 Oct., 1776, ^105 : 12:8. [II, 25-6.] Joseph Oakman, late residing at a ])lace called Ciardinerston, mar- iner. Samuel Oakman, residing at said Ciardinerston, mariner. .Adm'r, 6 June, 1776. [II. 23.] Samuel Doggett, of Boston, surety. Inven- tory by John Wood, Isaiah Crooker and Joseph Lambard, 3 Aug., 1776,^^573: 13. [111,46.] Account filed 31 Aug.. 1779. [Ill, 47-] [John] Peter C'ool. late of Winslow. Hannah Cool, of Winsluw, vv'dow, Adm'x, 26 Se]).. 1773. [II, 24.] John Tozer and James Howard, sureties. Inventory by John McKecnie, Nathaniel Carter and Joseph Carter. 28 Oct., 1773. ^95 •' 'o : o. [II, 215.] .Account filed 22 July. 1774. [II, 215.] In the Name of (iOI) Amen. 1 John Rogers of Vassalborough in the County of Lincoln and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New l^ngland, Trader, being weak in Body, but of sound Mind and understanding ; knowing that I must shortly leave this earthly Taber- nacle, do commit my Soul into t-he Hands of the .Almight)- Creator thereof, relying on the Merits of m)- Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for it's eternal .Salvation, and resign my Body to be decently inter'd in it's Mother Larth. And, with Respect to the worldly l-^state wherewith it 78 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. hath pleased my albountiful benefactor to endow nie, I will that first, all my just Debts be paid and discharged. Secondly For the Love antl Affection I bear to Kata, my Wife, I give and bequeath unto her all my Houshold Furniture and wearing ap- parel, all my Carpenter's Tools ; my Watch, my Silver Shoe-Uuckles & Neck- Buckle, together with all the Provisions that shall be in my possession at the Time of my Death. Thirdly I give and Bequeath all the Residue of my Estate unto her the said Kata, unto Mary Rogers, my eldest Daughter and unto Elizabeth Rogers my youngest Daughter, to be divided between the said Kata, Mary and F^lizabeth, in equal Thirds. Fourthly, I desire that the said Kata, my Wife and Abiel Eovejoy of Pownalborough, in s'd County of Eincoln, Gent, may be a])pointed joint Guardians of my said Daughters Mary Rogers and I'^lizabeth Rogers. .And Lastly I ordain, make and ap])oint AN'illiam Lloward of Hallowell, in said County of Lincoln, Gentleman, Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all Wills by me heretofore made. In Testimony whereof I the said John Rogers have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this sixth Day of October, Anno Dom- ini One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Seventy four, and in the fourteenth year of his Majesty's Reign John Rogers (seal) Signed, sealed and declared by the said John Rogers to be his last Will and Testa- ment in Presence of us- The Word my " Horse " on the other side being first erased. John Marsh Sam'l Devens W. Wilkins Probated ii Nov., 1776. [H, 24.] Kata Rogers, of Vassalbo- rough, widow, Adm'x, cum tcstamcnto aiinexo, 11 Nov., 1776. Moses Hastings, Mathew Hastings and Aaron Healy, all of Vassalborough, sureties. Mathew Hastings, of Vassalborough, Adm'r de bonis non, 1 1 June, 1 781. Samuel Basset and Ebenezer Moore, both of Vassalbo- rough, sureties. [H, 234.] Nathaniel Winslow, late of Ikistol. .\nna Winslow, (,f Drislol, widrnv, Adm'x, 23 jN'Iay, 1776. [H, 26.] John Borland and Joseph Claik, LINCOLN PROHATE RECORDS. 79 both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Robert Sproul, Samuel Clark and Elisha Clark, all of Bristol, i June, 1779,^23 : 13 : 3. [II, 128.] John Spinney, late of Georgetown. Joanna Spinney, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 27 Feb., 1776. [II, 27.] John Hinkley and Nathan- iel Wyman, both of Georgetown, sureties. Joseph Wesson, late residing at a place called Canaan. ICunice Wesson, residing at Canaan, widow, and Jonah Crosby, of AVinslow, husbandman, Adm'rs, 7 Feb., 1776. [II, 27.] Timothy Heal.l and Joseph Cragin, sureties. Inventory by Ezekiel Pattee and Timothy Heald, both of Winslow, and John White, of Canaan, 15 Mar., 1776. [II, 28-29-138.] Account filed 4 Sep., 177S. [II, 139.] In the Name of God, Amen. I John Bogs of a place called St Georges in the County of Lincoln & Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman being very Sick and Weak in Body but of per- fect Mind and Memory Thanks be given unto God ; calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament • That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial, at the Discretion of my E.xecutors ; nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give demise, & dispose of the same in the following Manner and Form. Imprimis, I give and bequeath to Mary my dearly beloved Wife the free and uninterrupted use, occupation. Possession and Enjoyment of one Third part of all my Real Estate, during her natural Life, with one third part of all my personal Estate to be entirely at her own disposal together with the free Use, Occupation & improvement of the other two Third parts of my Estate both real and personal nntil the youngest of my surviving Children (as well those that are now unborn, if any such there shall be, as those that are born) arrive at the Age of twenty one Years for the bringing up of my said Children ; if she shall con- tinue my Widow until that time ; but if she shall marry at any time before that, then each Child by it self, or it's Guardian to come into the Possession of it's own part or Share and I do likewise constitute make and ordain my said Wife the sole Executrix of this my last AVill and Testament. 8o I.IN(tM.\ I'R(>1!A1I', KKOiKDS. Item I give and hctiueath unt:) my well V)eloved Children (burn and unborn as aforesaid) the whole Remainder of my Estate of what Name or Nature soever, to be divided to and amongst them and each of them, or their legal Representatives, in the following manner and I'^orm, to wit, My Sons each one of them to have two jiarts or Shares in all my Lands and Real ICstate, and my Daughters each to have i)art or Share ; the Sons to have [liberty of Redempticin ; And my Personal Estate to be equally (h\ided to and among.il all my said Ciiildren. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills. Legacies, Bequests, and l-'xecutors, by me in any ways before-nametl willed and bequeathed : rattifying & con- firming this and no other to be my last Will and 'J'estament. In wit- ness whereof I the said John Bogs have hereunto set my Mantl and Seal this twenty Second Lay of September, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy three. 'Lhe Words "for the bringing up of my children " were interlined before Signing and Sealing, as also the words, "A; confirming" Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said John Bogs, John Bogs (seal) as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in his i)re- sence, and in the presence of each other. ha\-e hereunto sid)scribed our Names I )avid Kales William llogs Nathanael Kales junr. Probated 17 June, 1774. [IL 30-1.] Inventory by .Alexander Lermond, Samuel Creighton and ThcMiias Starret. all of St. (ieorges, 30 Sep., 1776, ^254: 9 : 8. [II, 49.] Robert .McKown, late of ]>ristol. Margaret .McKown, i^ P>risiol, widow, A(hn'x. 2 Sejx, 1776. [H, 32.] Alexander Nickels and Samuel Nickels, sureties. Inventory by Robert (liven, deorge Rodgers and James Spro\>l, 19 July. 1777, ,/^454 : i : 10. [II. 51.] Thomas Smart, late of a ])lace called Penobscot, l^lizabeth Smart, residing at a place called Penobscot, widow, .Adni'x, 25 June, 1776. [II, ;^T,.'\ John Smart and Robert Stin^on. sureties. ln\entory by Samuel Kidder, .Andrew Wtbiter, Jr., and l'21)ene/er Haynes, all of said Penobscot, 29 July, 1776. ^^123 : 2 : S. [II. 34.] LINCOLN PKOKA'II'; K!:CORI)S. 8 I In the Name of Ood Amen The Twenty l-jght of August 1774 I Hannah (i'"uld of (Georgetown in the County of Lincohi Spinster Iking Very Sick and Weak in Body But of perfect Mind and Memory Thanks Be Given To God : Therefore Calling unto Mind the Mortality of My Body and Knowing it is appointetl For all Men Gnce to die do Make and Ordain this My Last Will and Testament That is to Say Princi- paly and First of All I give and recommend my Soul into The hands of God who gave it : and my Body I recommend To The Earth to Be buried in Decent Christian i>urial at The discretion of my Executors nothing Doubling but at The General Resurrection I Shall receive the Same Again by ye Mighty Bower of (rod. and as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God To Bless me in this Bite I Crive demise and Dispose of ye Same in the Following Manner and Form &c Item I give to my well Beloved Daughter Mercy (rould I'en Shil- ling Lawful Money as also To my Well Beloved Daughter Hannah Ten Shillings Lawful Money also I Give To my Well Beloved Son Joseph Gould Ten Shilhngs Lawful. Item I Give and Bequeath to my AVell Beloved Daughter Mary Gould Ten Shillings Lawful Money Item I (live and Bequeath To Stephen (lOuld my ^^'ell Beloved Son Twenty Shillings Lawful Money Item I Give and Bequeath To my Well Belo\ed Daughter Anstis <_iould all the Moveables Belonging 'i o The house. Item I Give and Bequeath To my Well Beloved Son Moses (iould and To My Well Beloved Daughter Anstis Gould after All my Honest Debts are Paid All My Lands and Buildings Together with all My Stock To Be by Them Equally Divided For their own Proper LIse and Benefit Item I Make Constitute and Ordain Philip Higgins of Georgetown in ye. County of Lincoln Merchant my Sole Executrix To this my Last Will and 'i'estament And I do Hereby Utterly disallow re\oke and disannul all and every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any AVays before Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming This and No other to Be my I^ast will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal The Day and Year Above Written. Hannah Goold (seal) Signed Sealed Published 6 82 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Pronounced and declared By the Said Hannah Gould as her Last Will and Testament In Presence of John Williams his Abel X Eaton Juner mark John Farrin Probated 2 2 Ap., 1777. [11,35.] Inventory by Benjamin Brown, Abiezer Holbrook and James Lemont, all of Georgetown, 2 June, 1777. [II, 68.] Abel Burnham, late of Topsham. John Merrill, of Topsham, Adm'r, 14 Mar., 1777. [II, 39.] John Fulton and James Fulton, sureties. Inventory of goods and chattels by Actor Patten, John Whitten and Pelathiah Haly, all of Topsham, 26 May, 1777, ;^ioi : 11 : 2. In- ventory of real estate in Royalsborough, County of Cumberland, by Charles Gerrish, Chades Hill and Benjamin Vining, 23 May, 1777, ;^24 : 16: o. [II, 47.] Account filed i Dec, 1777. [II, 62.] Jacob Lash, late of Waldoborough. Mary Lash, of \\'aldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 19 Nov., 1776 [II, 39.] Andrew Shenk and Jacob Ludwig, sureties. Inventory by George Demuth, John Ulmer and Jabez Cole, all of Waldoborough, i Jan., 1777, ^^97: 6: 3. [II, 45-6.] William Simpson, late of Newcastle. Elizabeth Simpson, of New- castle, widow, Adm'x, 10 June, 1776. [II, 40.] David Hopkins and David Given, sureties. Inventory by David Given, David Hopkins and Samuel Anderson, all of Newcastle, 26 Sep., 1777, ^255 : 2 : 8. [11, 71.] William Thorn, Jun'r, late of Topsham. Lucy Thorn, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 19 July, 1777. [II, 40.] William Malcom and Joseph Malcom, sureties. Inventory by James Hunter, William Mal- com and Joseph Malcom, all of Topsham, 30 Sep., 1777. [II,6i.] Lucy Thorn, guardian unto Sarah, Thomas, Elizabeth and Martha, minor children, 20 Jan., 1792. [V, 49.] Account filed 9 Sep., 1791. [V, 49-50-] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 15 Mar., 1792. [V, 57-] Jacob r^lwcll, late of Medumcook. James Morton, of Medumcook, LINCOLN PROBAIE RECORDS. 83 Adm'r, ii Dec, 1776. [II, 41.] Cornelius Bradford and Joshua Morton, sureties. Inventory by Cornelius Bradford, Alexander Jame- son and John Davis, all of Medumcook, 22 Ap., 1777, ^42 : 4 : o. [II> 5 7-] Joshua Collamore, of Medumcook, guardian of William, minor son, 19 June, 1778. [II, 78.] Account filed 26 Nov., 1779. [II, 116.] In the Name of God Amen. I William Armstrong of Winthrop in the County of Lincoln yeoman being in a weak State of Body but of Sound mind and memory make and ordain this my last Will and Testament first I Recommend my Soul into the hands of a Gracious Redeemer whoe by his Sufferings upon Earth has mad Satisfaction for the Sins of the whole world., my Body I committ to the dust to be Buried in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executrix hearafter Named my Worldly Goods I dispose of in maner following viz. I Give and Bequeath unto Hannah Armstrong my Well beloved Wife all and Singular my Goods and Chatties House and Lands and all my Estate Real and Personal after my Just Debts are Discharged to be at her own Disposeing and Sole use for ever Committing to her care all my dear Children to be brought up as She Shall See fit whoe are all Small and Young at present Lastly I Constitute and appoint the above Said Hannah Armstrong my well Beloved Wife the Sole Executrix of this my last will and Tes- tament Ratifeing and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this ninth day of April 1777 Signed and Sealed in Presence of John Chandler his William o Armstrong (seal) Ichabod How mark Disallowed 25 Ap., 1777. [Unrecorded.] Hannah Armstrong, of Winthrop, widow, Adm'x, 25 Ap., 1777. [II, 41.] John Chandler and Ichabod How, sureties. Inventory by John Chandler, Ichabod How and Stephen Pullen, all of Winthrop, 7 May, 1777, ^125 : 19 : 4. [II, 50.] Moses Gould, late of Georgetown. Joseph Gould, of Georgetown, Adm'r, 22 Ap., 1777. [11,42.] Philip Higgins and John Williams, sureties. Inventory by Abiezer Holbrook, James Lemont and Ben- 84 I.IN'COIA' PKOliAIF, KKCMKDS. jamin liiown, all of (leorgetovvn, 29 Ap., 1777. [II, 217.] John Mchany, late of C.eorgcUnvn. Jane Clary, of (Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 18 Ap., 1777. [11,42.] Benjamin Pattee, Jr., and Robert Power, sureties. Inventory by William Hutler, Benjanvn Pattee and Bryant Lennan, all of (ieorgetown, 2j June, 1777. [II, 62.] Mathias P^if.horn, late of Waldoborough. Margaret P^ichorn, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 29 Ap., 1777. [II, 43.] Frank Miller and Michael Reed, sureties. Inventory by Jacob Ludwig, Frank Miller and John Miller, all of Waldoborough, 29 Ap., 1777, ;^28o. [II, 65.] Account filed 27 June, 1777. [11, 66.] Robert Fulton, late of Bowdoinham. John Fulton, of 'Popsham, Adm'r, 14 Mar., 1777. [II, 43.] James Fulton and John Merrill, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin (lardiner and Abraham Whittemore, both of Iiowdoinham, and A\'illiam Randall, of 'Popsham, 19 Mar., 1777,^501: 15: 1^2. [II, 150.] Account filed 27 Mar., 1778. [II, 151.] Receipts of Jonathan P>llis as attorney to Jenny and Sally Fulton, and in the right of Mrs. Ellis, heirs, 21 June, 1794- [VI,86.] Receipt of John Fulton, Jr., son, 12 July, 1794- [VI, 86.] Thomas Clark, late of Vassalborough. Joseph Clark, of Vassal- borough, Adm'r, 3 Dec, 1 774. [11,44.] James Burns and Simeon Wyman, sureties. Inventory by Mathew Hastings, John Marsh and Aaron Healy, all of Vassalborough, 2 Feb., 1775. [II, 45-] ^-ois Clark, of Vassalborough, widow, Adm'x t/e bonis nov, 1 1 Mar., i 783 ; Mathew Hastings and Jonathan Dyer, both of Vassalborough, sureties. [Ill, 230.] I)a\id Purrington, late of Bowdoinham. Mary Purrington, of I'ow- doinhani, widow, Adm'x, 8 Dec. 1774. [II, 44.] George 'Phomas and James Buker, sureties. Inventory by James Bowker, Benjamin Gardner and Richard 'Pemple, all of Bowdoinham, 7 Feb., 1775. [II, 228.] In the Name of GOD Amen 'Phe 'Pwentifirst Day of May Anno Doiiiiiii one 'Phousand Se\en Hundred and Sixty four I William James of St Georges in the County of Lincoln and province of the Massachusetts Bay in New ICngland genttelman being weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God, 'Pherefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, Do make L1N'C(^LN PROBA'lE RECORDS. 85 and ordain this my Last will and Testament That is to say Principally and first of all I give and Recommand my Soul into the hands of (rod who gave it and and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing Doubting but at the (General Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the mighty powar of GOD. And as touching Such W'orldiy Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life I give demise, and Dispose of the Same in the following maner & form Imp rim is I give And bequeath to my well beloved wife a Comfort- tabel maintanence out of my Estate as Long as she Shall Live my house and Cattel and William my Son to fine fodder for the Cattel with all my househool moveabeles Effects in the Low of Dowre out out of my Estate Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Son Pattrick James Chillren five pounds to be paid at my Deseas out of my Elstate by my Hxecutors Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Dafter Febby Parcey five pounds to be paid her at my Deseas by my Executors out of my Estate Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Dafter Frances James to be Capt and maintain out of my Estate by my Executors Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Son William James my Lands and all out a Dore moveabeles v/hom I Likewise Constitute make and ordain my Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testa- ment. Item I give and bequeath to my well be Loved Dafter Catran Treast five pounds to be paid her at my Deseas out of my Estate by my Exe- cutors Item I give and bequeath to my well be Loved Dafter Anne James five pounds to be paid her out of my Estate at my Deseas by my Exe- cutors Item The said William James is not to Sell or Morggage the Land or any part there of in the Life time of his Mother or if he Should Die without a heir of his one body or Child Less for the Estate to Com Back to my proper heirs and I Do hearby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disanul all and every other will or testament and Declear this to be my Last will & Testament in wittness whereof t have hear unto set my hand and Seal the Day and year above Written. Singed Sealed published pro- 86 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. nounced and Declared by the Said William James as his Last will and Testament in the presentee of us the Subscribers. William James (seal) Alexander Lermond Robert Griffin Samuel Counce Probated Sep., 1771. [II, 52.] The executor named in the will having deceased, Sarah James, of St. Georges, widow, was appointed Adm'x cum testamcnto annexe, 30 Sep., 1776. [11,52.] Moses Copeland and Reuben Hall, sureties. Inventory by Patrick Porterfield, Samuel Creighton and John Watt, all of St. Georges, 30 Sep., 1776, ^148: 18: i. [II, 55-6-] Patrick Porterfield and Samuel Brown, both of Thomaston, commissioners to examine claims, 11 Oct., 1787. [V, 78-79.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 9 June, 1792. Account filed, 18 Sep., 1792. [V, 79- 80.] William James, late of St. Georges. Sarah James, of St. Georges, widow, Adm'x, 23 Sep., 1774. [11, 53.] Patrick Portejfield and Reuben Hall, sureties. Inventory by Patrick Porterfield, Samuel Creighton and John Watt, all of St. Georges, 30 Sep., 1776, ;^i67 : 9 : o. [11, 54-5.] In the Name of God Amen — I ^\'illiam Crawford of Fort Pownall being of sound mind and memory, (for which it is reasonable that every one should be thankful) do this eighteenth day of march, one thousand seven hundred & seventy five, make and publish this ni}- last will and Testament ; in the manner following, viz. First, I pray god, that I may alway be a fit subject for Happiness in the world to come ; — 1 bequeath to my loving wife Mary Crawford one third part of my Estate during her Lifetime. Item that my son James Crawford & Jo- siah Brewer Crawford hove two Shares or Paris of my s'd Estate each & my Daughters Mary & Margaret have each one share, or part, upon an equal division, with this reserve, that if I should have other Sons or Daughters that they come in, in the same manner & proportion as the others : Debts I owe none, & funeral charges, to be no more than decent. I order that a Small Tomb of Stone or Brick may be erected, in which I may be deposited, when dead, in such place as may then be Judged most convenient ; this I expect perform'd. — I appoint my wife Mary Crawford executrix & my Brother Josiah LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 87 Brewer Executor of this my last will & Testament. This done, in presence W Crawford, (seal) of us Joseph Chadwick Benja. Shute Fra's Archibald, Junr. Probated 29 Sep., 1777. [II, 53-4.] ('harles Callahan, late of Pownalborough, gent., absentee. Nathan- iel Thwing, of Woolwich, Esq., agent, 17 Nov., 1777. [II, 60.] Ac- counts filed 9 Ap., 1779; 2 Mar., 1780; 7 Ap., 1780. [II, 79,96, and 1 1 7.] Inventory by Samuel Emerson, Richard Kidder and Philip Call, all of Pownalborough, 20 Dec, 1777, ;^i02i : 4 : 8. [II, 118.] Charles Cushing, Roland Cushing and William Wilkins, all of Pownal- borough, commissioners to examine claims, i Dec, 1778. [II, 119.] Accounts filed 2 Mar., 1781 ; 6 Jan., 1783 ; 25 Mar., 1784. [IV, 1-2.] Edmund Bridge, Jonathan Reed and Richard Kidder, all of Pownal- borough, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 3.] John Wheeler, late of Boothbay. Elizabeth Wheeler, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, 7 Nov., 1777. [II, 74.] Daniel Knight, of Booth- bay, and Samuel Goodwin, sureties. John Lee, late residing at a place called Gardinerston, absentee. Joseph North, of said Gardinerston, agent, 4 July, 1777. [II, 75.] Account filed i Jan., 1782. [II, 182.] Inventory by Reuben Col- burn, Thomas Agry and Seth Soper, 27 Mar., 177S. [II, 248.] Charles Cushing and Edmund Bridge, commissioners to examine claims. [II, 249.] Accounts filed 12 Ap., 1779; i Ap., 1780; 17 Jan., 1784. [11,250-1.] Account filed 4 July, 1 781. [Unrecorded.] Elias Tailor, late of Winthrop. Mary Tailor, of Winthrop, widow, Adm'x, 20 Jan., 1778. [11,75.] Peter Hopkins and Abiah Coye, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Abiah Coye, John Shaw and Abisha Cowin, all of Hallowell, 7 Ap., 1778, ^127 : o : 2. [II, 218.] Account filed 11 Sep., 1783. [II, 218.] Samuel Trask, late of Hallowell. William Trask, of Hallowell, Adm'r, 7 Ap., 1778. [II, 76.] Samuel Badcock and Henry Bad- cock, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by David Thomas, Sam- uel Badcock and Daniel Savage, all of Hallowell, 11 July, 17 78, ^54 : 7:8. [11,138.] 88 LINX'OLN PROrATE RECORDS. David Hancock, late of Hallowell, housewright. Susanna Hancock, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, i Ap., 1778. [H, 76.] Thomas Hinkley and David Clark, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventor)- by Daniel Savage, James Robinson and Thomas Hinkley, all of Hallowell, 15 June, 1778, ^82 : iS : 2. [II, 95.] Account filed 29 May, 1779. [^^j 9^-] Samuel Plumer, late of Hallowell, son of Samuel Plummer, of Almsbury. John Plnmer, of Almsbury, Essex County, Adm'r, 9 June, 1778. [II, 77.] Jonas Clark and Isaac Clark, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Uriah Clark, Daniel Savage and David Thomas, 22 Nov., 1784, ^393 : 3 : o. [Ill, 41.] Jonah Gay, late of Medumcook. Wellington Gay, of Medumcook, Adm'r, 19 June, 1778. [II, 78.] Joshua Collamore and William Elwell, Jr., both of Medumcook, sureties. Account filed 6 July, 1779. [II, 132.] Inventory by Jesse Thomas, Paul Jameson and Richard Adams, all of Medumcook, 24 June, 1778, ^617 : 4 : o. [II, 145-6.] John Moody, late residing at Damariscotta pond. Amos Moody, of Damariscotta pond, Adm'r, 24 Ap., 1778. [II, 79.] John Moody and Nathan Jewett, both of Damariscotta Pond, sureties. Inventory by Elisha Clark, Nathan Jewett and John Weeks, all of Damariscotta Pond, 15 May, 1778. [II, 127.] In the name of God Amen ; the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine : I Patrick McKown of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln & State of Massachusetts bay yeoman, being very sick and weak in body but of sound «& perfect memory, calling to mind the mortality of my state & apprehending myself to be drawing nigh to my great and last change do make and ordain this my last will and testament Imprimis I commit my soul to God thro' the hands of Jesus Christ my redeemer, by whose merit alone I expect everlasting life ; & my body to the dust to be interred by decent Christian burial at the dis- cretion of my executors nothing doubting but that I shall receive the same again at the resurrection of the just. Item as touching such worldly goods wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in life I dispose of the same after the following manner. Item thirdly I appoint John Murray Clerk, William McCobb Esq'r & John Dawse yeoman all of Poothbay to be the Executors of this my last \\\\\ & testament and the Guardians of all my children. Item fourthly I ortlain that all my just debts & funeral charges be LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 89 first paid out of my personal estate : & the remainder I devise as follows. Item fifthly I ordain that my beloved wife (S: dear children live to- gether on my real estate as long as they can without sinking their property ; but when that can no longer be done I order that my Exe- cutors place out and dispose of my children as they shall judge most for their advantage : — excepting that it is my desire that my sister Alary Dawse take my youngest son John & my daughter Nancy as her own, immediately, or as soon as my Executors with the consent of my wife shall order. Item sixthly vvhen my Executors shall find it necessary to break up my family, then & not till then I order that partition should be made by them of all my estate real & personal as follows viz. Item seventhly. I order that my dear & beloved wife possess & enjoy the third part of my real estate during her widowhood ; and at the end thereof I give & bequeath to her & her heirs for ever all her own clothes, also her bed & bedding, & two cows if my Executors in their discretion shall judge all circumstances to admit of it. Item eighthly I order all the remainder of my estate real and personal to be divided in equal shares among all my children : Item ninthly if any child should choose to sell his or her part of the real estate then I setde the first right to purchase the same first on my sons & next on my daughters severally according to their age. Item tenthly my own wearing apparel, sword, & gun I order my Executors to divide among my sons at their discretion over & above their shares. Item eleventhly my estate or house & garden in Taberwyne street in Glenarm in the County of i\ntrim, Ireland, adjoining to the house for- merly possessed by George Eaton I give & bequeath to my eldest son Robert if he shall go there for it, if not then to my second son William on the same condition, & in his default to my youngest son John on the same terms, & to their heirs forever : hereby revoking all other wills & ratifying this & no other as my last will & testament. In testi- mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written. Signed sealed & delivered before us. Patrick AIcKown (seal) Jno. Murray Joseph Beath Ebenezer Fullerton. Probated 5 May, 1779. [II, 81.] Inventory by John Montgomery and Samuel Brier, 22 June, 1779, ^947 : I : o. [II, 223.) 90 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Jonathan Nutting, late of St. Georges, mariner. Waterman Thom- as, of ^^'akloborough, Adm'r, 19 May, 1779. [11,83.] Moses Cope- land, of \N'arren, and Micah Packard, of St. Georges, sureties. Inven- tory by Moses Copeland and Hopestill Sumner, both of Warren, and Haunce Robinson, of St. Georges, 21 May, 1779, £,2>T^1 = 4 • 5- [II> 143-4.] Waterman Thomas, guardian unto Oliver, George and Eben- ezer, minor sons, 9 June, 17 85. [IV. 18.] Yearly income of estate estimated at ;^6. [IV, 234.] Account filed 20 Sep., 1791. [IV, 235-6.] Moses Copeland and William Farnsworth, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 57,] Distribution of estate, 25 May, 1792. [V, 58-] John Hodge, late of Newcastle, mariner. Mary Hodge, of New- castle, Adm'x, 25 Dec, 1 7 78. [II, 83.] James Little and Henry Little, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by James Cargill and Samuel Waters, of Newcastle, and David Hopkins, of a place called Dyer's River, 7 Jan., 1779. [}^^ ^Z?>-'] Jonathan Ballard, late of Vassalborough. Alice Ballard, of Vassal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 21 Sep., 1778. [II, 84.] Thomas Town, of Vassalborough, and Ephraim Ballard, of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Abiel Lovejoy, Nehemiah Gatchel and Levi Moore, all of Vassalbo- rough, 9 Dec, 1778. [II, 148.] Darius and Calvin, minor sons, and Alice, minor daughter, chose Charles Webber, of Vassalborough, to be their guardian, June, 1789. [IV, 54-55.] Account of Alice Williams, Adm'x, filed 30 June, 17S9. [IV, 56.] In the name of God Amen, the Eighteenth day of October, A. D. 1768, I David Bailey residing at Richmond in the County of Lincoln yeoman, being sensible of my own Mortality, but being of sound mind, after recommending my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, tSc my body to the Earth for decent burial, do hereby make this my last will and testament & dispose of my worldly Estate in manner following, viz. — Imps. I give & devise to my beloved Wife Hannah her heirs & assigns forever my Lot of Land situate in Pownalborough in said County of Lincoln, which I purchased of Philip Fought, lying on the East side of Kennebeck river, containing Thirty Acres more or less, also my Lot of Land containing about one hundred acres situate on the East side of said river above Pownalborough in said County, not in any Town, &: also all my other Estate real & personal wheresoever lying or being of LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 91 what name or nature soever — said Lot of one hundred acres was granted to me by the proprietors of the Common & undivided Lands in the Kennebeck purchase (in the Counties of Lincoln & Cumberland) from the late Colony of Newplimouth. Lastly, I hereby appoint my said Wife Sole Executrix to this my Will — In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written — Signed, sealed, published, pronounced ^ & declared by said David Bailey ! ^^^,^^^ g^il .^^^i) to be his last Will & Testament [ ^ v / in presence of J test P^ph'm Cowen Jonathan Emery hur Easter X Kindel mark Probated 6 Oct., 1779. [II, 85.] Inventory by Samuel Goodwin, Thomas Dinsmore and Philip Call, all of Pownalborough, 16 Sep., 1779, ^8785 : 5 : 10. [II, 141 -2.] In the Name of God. Amen. — I Samuel Webb, of Woolwich in the County of Lincoln, Taller, being very sick & weak in body but of per- fect Mind & Memory, calling to mind mortality of my body, knowing it is appointed for man once to die, do make this my last Will & Tes- tament ; reocking all former Wills & Testaments whenever or howsom- ever made by me. I give & commit my Soul into the hands of God, who gave it. And for my Body, I recommend it to the Earth, to be buried in a deasent & a Christian-like manner. And as for my Worldly Estate, I give, devise, and dispose of in the following manner. Imprimis. It is my will & I do order that all my just debts & funeral charges be paid & Satisfied, in the first place. Itim. I give & bequeath unto Sarah my dearly beloved Wife, my whole Estate, real & personal, to be intirely at her dispose, wheresoever, & in whose hands-somever it may be found. Itim. I also appoint & constitute Sarah my dearly beloved Wife my only & Sole Executrix, of this my last Will & Testament, which I de- clare to be my last, revocking all former V.'iJls &c : And as for my well beloved Children, I pray God to be their por- tion ; I think it proper & prudent not to give them any of my Estate, 92 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. because I have so little, their Mother being old, Stands in need of the Whole I leave In Witness Whereof, I hereunto Set my hand & Seal this twenty third day of August one thousand seven hundred & seventy three. Sam'l Webb (seal) Signed and Sealed, by the above named Samuel Webb, in the presence of us the Subscribers. Joseph Lankaster Elihu Lancester John Carlton [Unrecordetl] Sarah Webb, widow, Adm'x, 27 Nov., 1778. [II, 116.] John Carl- ton and Joel Reed, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Wade, Samuel Harnden and John Carlton, all of Woolwich, 4 Jan., 1774. [11,87.] Account filed 3 1 May, 1779. [II, SS.] Nathan- iel Thwing and Joseph Wade, both of Woolwich, commissioners to examine claims. Dividend from estate 31 May, 1779. [II, 89.] Widow's dower set off by Samuel Ford, John Carlton and David (ril- more, Jr., all of Woolwich, 1779. [Ill, 232.] Israel .^verell, late of Pownalborough. Enoch Averell, of a place called Ball-town, Adm'r, 7 Aug., 1778. [II, 90.] Job Averell and Samuel Averell, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Dan- iel Scott, James Ayer and Henry Hodge, all of Pownalborough, 25 Sep., 1778, ^1006 : 12, added by Adm'r, ^^24 : 11. [II, 91.] Mecrus Carr, late residing at Dyer's River. Elizabeth Carr, of the same place, widow, x^dm'x, 2 Oct., 1779. [II, 92.] Enoch .Averell, of a place called Dyer's Pond, and John Sleeper, of Hallowell, sureties. Ebenezer Gray, late of Pownalborough. Reuben Cray, of Pownal- borough, Adm'r, 28 Jan., 177S. [II, 92.] Jonathan Williamson and Isaac Young, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Rice, Jonathan Williamson and Michael Sevey, all of Pownalborough, 18 Feb., 1778^ inventory of wearing apparel of Mary Gray, wife of deceased, by same apprizers, 24 June, 1779; account filed 19 Jan., 1779. \y^-> 99-] Account filed 22 Sep., 1779. [II, 100.] Reuben (iray. of Pownalborough, guardian of Jemima, minor daughter, and Levi and Ebenezer, minor sons, 22 Sep., 1779 ; John Huse, of Pow- nalborough, guardian of Thomas, minor son, 22 .Ap., 1779. [II, 1 30- 1.] Mary and Elizabeth, minor daughters, chose .\zariah Pottle, LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. 93 of Pownalborough, to be their guardian, Jan. i779- [^1, 255.] Ac- count of Reuben Oray, guardian of Jemima and Ebenezer, filed i May, 1790. [Unrecorded.] Tames Clark, late of Pownalborough. Margaret Clark, of Pownalbo- rough, widow, Adm'x, 7 Aug., 177S. Ul 93-] John Averell, of Pownalborough, and Enoch Averell, of a place called Ball Imvn, sureties. Inventory by Daniel Scott, Samuel Averell and George Lrs- kin all of Pownalborough, 3 Nov., 1778,^^325: 3 ■ ^- [11^' ^27.] Widow's dower set off by David Murray and James Cooper, both of Newcastle, and Asa Smith, of Pownalborough, 13 Aug., 1785- [HI, 2 33-] Oliver Allen, late of Winthrop. Levina Allen, of Winthrop, widow, Adm'x, 20 Jan., 177S. [H, 93-] l^eter Hopkins and Abiah Coye, both of Hallowell, sureties. Amos Moody, late of Damariscotta pond. Amos Moody, of Dam- ariscotta pond, Adnvr, 24 Ap., 1778- [1^' 94-] In the Name of (iod Amen I John Mustard of Topsham in the County of Lincoln &c marener being weak in Body but of sound mind and memory (blessed be God for it) do this fourth day of february m the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven Hundred & seventy nine make eV' publish this my last will & testament in the maner lol- lowing (that is to say) //.///vV/^V I (iive & bequath to my lovmg wife Abi-al Mustard one Hundred pounds lawful Money togather with all her waring aparel and also all the Household furneture she brought with Her, likewise half dusen puter plaits, one set Chiney one Iron pott Item I Give to my Brother James Mustard one bever Hatt. Item and to my other Brothers & Sisters I Give Each twenty shillings lawful!, and the remainder of my Estate I Give to my Honored father James Mustard, whom I make Constitute and ordain my Executor to pay my Debts and my funeral Charges In witness hereof 1 the said Jhon Mustard have set my Hand and seal the day and year first above written Signed sealed pubUshed & Declared by the testator as and for his last will and testament John Mustard (seal) in the presents of us who at his request, in his presents and in the presents of Each other 94 LINCOLN PROKA'lE RECORDS. Have subscribed our names thereto Aaron Hinkley George Heddean his John O Orr mark Probated 2 June, 1779. [II, 97.] Inventory by James Hunter, George Heddean and Robert Hunter, all ofTopsham, 19 Mar., 1779. U-^f ^35'^-] In the Name of GOD amen the Seventh Day of December a/uio Domini \112. I. Pease Clark of Hallowell in the County of Lincoln and in the Prov- ince of the Massachutts Bay in New-England Gent, Calling to mind the mortallity of my Pody and Knowing that it is appointed unto man once to Dye do make and ordain this my Last will and Testiment. That is to Say First of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the Hands of GOD who Gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in a decent manner at the Decretion of my Executor not doubt- ing but I Shall Receive the same again by the powr of GOD and as to Such worly Estate wherewith it hath plesed GOD to Bless me in this Life I Give demis and dispose of in Form following viz I will and order my Funeral Charges and my Just debts to be payed out of my Personal Estate by my Executor hereafter named Imprimiis I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved Wife Abigail the Improvement of all my Estate Borth Real and Personal during Her Natural Life Item I Give and becjueath to my beloved Son David one sixth part of my Real Estate after my wief's Decease Item I Give and beqeath to my beloved Son Isaac one sixth part of my Real Estate after my wife's Decease Item, I Give and bequeath to my beloved Son Jonas one sixth part of my Real Estate after my wife's Decease Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved Son Simeon one sixth part of my Real Estate after my wief's Decase Item, I give to my beloved daughter Abigail the wife of Benjamin Follct, one halfe of my Indoore moveables after my wif's Decase Item I Give unto my beloved daughter Susanna the wife of david Hancock one halfe of my Indoor moveables after my wif's Decease Furthermore I Give the Rest of my Personal Estate (after the Funeral LIN'COLN PROBATE RECORDS. 95 Charges and Debts are Paid), to be Equally divided amoung all my Children both Sons and daughters I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Son Peter Clark to be my Sole Executor of this my Last will and Testament, and do hereby Re- voke and Utterly disanul all and Every other former Will Legasies and Bequeaths by me heretofore made : Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness where of I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year afores'd. Signed Sealed Published Pronounced Declared and delivered by the s'd Testator as his Last will and Testament in Presence of us John Whiting Thurston Whiting Pease Clark (seal) Jonathan Whiting Probated 5 Ap., 17S0. [II, loi.] Inventory by Levi Robinson, Benjamin White and Robert Kennedy, all of Hallowell, 30 Mar., 1780. [II, 103.] Account filed 2 May, 1781. [II, 104.] Andrew Lepear, late of Georgetown. Mary Lepear, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 21 June, 1780. [II, 102.] Jonathan Davis, of Bos- ton, and Joseph White, of Georgetown, sureties. Thomas Sloman, late of Woolwich. Lydia Sloman, of Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 22 Sep., 1780. [II, 105.] Nathaniel Tibbetts and Thomas Snell, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inveritory by Joseph Wade, Jonathan Fuller and Thomas Snell, all of Woolwich, 25 Sep., 1780. [II, 106.] Joseph Wade and Thomas Snell, both of Woolwich, com- missioners to examine claims 30 Sep., 1788. [II, 226.] Account filed 14 June, 1783. [II, 227.] I Thomas Stinson of Woolwich in the County of Lincoln, Gentleman being under Indisposition of Body but of sound Mind and Memory, do make this my last Will and Testament, viz. In the first place I recommend my Soul to the hands of God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth, to be buried in a decent Manner at the Discretion of my Executor herein after named, not doubting but that I shall receive the same again at the Resurrection of the just. And as to such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me in this Life, I give, devise & dispose of the same in Manner aad form following 96 I.IXCOI.X PKOII.VIK RECORDS, Inipriiiiis 1 give unto my Son James Siinson the sum of twenty four Pounds eleven shillings, to be paid him immediately after my Decease by my Executor ; I also give unto my said Son three Cows, to be de- livered him in three years after my Decease ; which with what I gave him in my Life Time i.s in full of his Portion out of my ICstale. Item I give unto my Son Thomas Stinson the sum of Ten shillings, to be paid him by my Executor immediately after my Decease; the same sum, with what 1 have already given him at the Time of his Marriage, being in full of his Portion of my Estate. Item I give unto my Son Robert Stinson the sum of seven Pounds sixteen shillings to be paid him by my Executor immediately after my Decease ; the same sum, with what I have already given him in my Life Time, being in full of his Portion of my Instate. Item I give unto my Daughter Isabella Paine fourteen Pounds seven- teen shillings & one penny to be paid her by my Executor immediately after my Decease — I also give unto my said Daughter three Cows, to be deliver 'd her by my said Executor within three years after my De- cease ; the same with what I gave lier in my Life 'I'ime, being in full of her Portion of my Estate. Item : I give to my Daughter Mary Hourd two Cows, to be delivered her bv my Executor within three years after my Decease; the same, with what I have given her in my Life Time being in full u{ her Por- tion of my Estate. Item II is my will and pleasure That my son John be maintained out of my Estate, and I i\o order that my Sun Samuel provide for him & support him comfortably out of my Estate during the Term of his the said John's natural Life. Item. All the Rest and Residue of my Estate real and personal where- soever the same is or May be found, I give & devise unto my Son Samuel Stinson, he paying all my just Debts & funeral Expenses, and all & every of the aforemention'd Legacies, & maintaining my said Son John as aforesaid — To hold to him iS: his heirs forever. Lastly. I do hereby constitute & appoint my said Son Samuel sole l'>xecutor of this my last Will dv: Testament : hereby revoking any for- mer '1 estament by me heretofore made, I declare this to be my last Will & Testament. Witness ray Hand and Seal this thirtieth day of Septem'r A. D. i 779. Signed Seal'd and declared ] (seal) by the said Thomas Stinson the Testator to be his last Will ( Thomas Stinson & Testament in presence of LINCOLN PROHATK RKCORDS. 97 John White Hop still Delano Eben'r Hasey Jun Probated 3 May, 1780. [il, 106.] Inventory by Hopestill Delano, Joshua Farnham and William Chal- mers, all of Woolwich, 21 June, 1780. [II, loS.] In the Name of Ciod Amen this Sixteenth day of July A D 1779 I Mary Magdalene Mayer residing at Woolwich in the County of Lin- coln Widow being weak & infirm in body but of sound mind do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament Impri's I Commit my Soul to Cod & my I>ody to the Dust to be decently interred. Item — It is my VV'ill that my Daughter Catharine Reed (with whom I intend to spend the remainder of my days) be generously paid for her care & trouble during my illness & infirmity, out of my Estate, Exclu- sive of the bequests herein after made her. Item I bequeath to my said Daughter all my wearing apparrel & a piece of Linnen I now ha\'e by me over & above her dividend of one fourth part of my F^state herein after mentioned. Item The residue of my Estate after payment of my Just debts & funeral Charges I ordain to be divided into four Equal shares or parts & distributed Equally among my three Sons & my said Daughter Catharine. Lastly I Constitute & ai)point Lewis Houdelette of Pownalborough in said County Yeoman Executor to this my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I ha\e hereunto set my hand «Sr seal the day & year aforesaid Signed Sealed publish'd pronounced & declared by the said Mary as her last Will & Testament her In presence of Mary Magdalene X Mayer (seal) Jos. Winship mark Jonathan Reed Probated 6 Oct., 1779. \}^i i09-] Inventory by Obadiah Call, Jr., Francis Rittal and Christopher Jackin, all of Pownalborough, 25 Sep., 1779, ,^407 : 18 : o. [11, 112.] Be it know to all men by these Presents that I Peserved Hall of 98 LINCOLN PROBA'J'E RECORDS. Hallowell in the County of Lincoln being very Sick and weak but of Perfect mind and memory thanks be (iiven unto (^od Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and testament that is to Say Principally and first ot all I give and recommend my Soul into the hand of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executor, and as touching such worldly F^state wherewith it has Pleased (iod to bless me in this Life I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First. I give and bequeath to Abigal Hall my beloved wife all my Estate real and personal, Except two heffers, full Power and Lawfull othority to Sell and Convey by the advice of my Executor hereafter named, the interest of the money or the use of the Estate to Her own benefit and behofe. if them two heffers are not anuff to pay the debts there shall be an Equal Poportion takeing out of the Real and Personal Estate to Pay the debts and to Seport the aged widow if neded, and after the decase of Abigal my beloved wife if there be any of my Es- tate, I give and bequeath to my son Timothy Hall and my son Jere- miah Hall, and to the heirs of Nathan Hall the deces'd the one tweneth Part Each of them in makin the heirs before mentond Equal with one my sons and to my son Jonathan Hall I give and bequeath the one tenth Part of my Real and Personal Estate and the Remainder of my Real Estate if there be any I give and bequeath to my son Josiah Hall and I appoint him my soul Executor of this my Last will and testment. and my Personal Estate if there be any I give and bequeath to my dafter Abigal Standly. I Do Publish and declare this will to be my Last will and Testment in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20 the day ofjalyinthe year of our Lord one thousandj seven humlred and Eighty. Signed Sealed Published Prononced and declared by the said Preserved Hall as his Last will and testament, Preserved Hall (seal) in the presence of us, who, in his Presence, and in the presence of Each other have hereto subscribed our Names Ebenczer Tvler LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. no Natnaniel Floyd Reuben Brainerd Probated 6 Sep., 1780. [II, 113.] Inventory by Solomon Whiting, Samuel Dutton and Benjamin Brainerd, 9 Dec, 1780, ;^7 7: 4: 9. [111,34.] In the Name of God Amen this Twenty third of August Anno Dom- ini one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Nine I Francis Wyman of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln and Province of the Massachu- setts Bay in New England being infirm of Body but of perfect mind & memory blessed be God & Calling to mind my Mortallity & knowing that Ere long I must put off this Earthly Tabernacle do make & Appoint this to be my last will & Testament. And first at my Decease I commit ray Soul to God who Gave it hopeing Thro' the Merrits of Jesus Christ to receive A free & full Re- mission of All my Sins I also commit my body to the Grave by A Decent Burial According to the Decretion of my Executors here after Named Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall re- ceive the Same Again by the Almighty power of God. And Secondly that all my Just Debts & dues be paid in Convenient time after my decease by my s'd Executors & Thirdly as Touching such Worldly Estate as the Lord has Lent me I give & bequeath in Manner & form following That is to Say I give unto my Daughter Hester Byonton besides what she has Already receiv'd one third part of the three following Lotts or Rights in the Common & undivided Lands in the Town of North Yarmouth & County Cumberland cSr Pro- vince Afores'd Bought from John Powel ^ Ammi Ruhama Cutter of said Town Viz. Lotts No. Twenty Seven Twenty Nine & Thirty Two lying in A place Called the Gore at ye Upper End of s'd Town I give unto ray Son Franciss Wyman besides what he has Already Rec'd my homestead Aboout fifteen Acres more or less where my house stood in s'd North Yarmouth & one hundred Acre Lots No. Twenty Seven Range C East side of Royals River. I give unto my Daughter Jane Sweetser the Sum of fifty pounds besides what She has Already Receiv'd I give unto my Son Nathaniel Wyman besides what he has already Rec'd one hundred Acres of upland & Six Acres of Salt marsh Lying at Small point in Georgetown Afors'd Also one hundred & Twenty Acres lying Undivided being part of three Lotts Nos. Eleven Twelve & Thirteen in the one hundred & Twenty Acre division in Gidneys Claim. I give unto my Daughter Sarah Rogers besides what She has Already too LINCOLN I'KOr.AlK RKCOKDS. Rcc'd lour Acres of Salt Marsh I Bought of Cornelius Soul & 'I'wo Acres of I )o. I bought from Phineas Jones which is To remain in the hands of my Son Nath'l Wyman Till the decease of me & my Wife Also one Right in the Common & undivided lands belonging to house lott No. PHeven & one Right in the Islands belonging To s'd house lott No. Eleven N K The Above lands that are left To Sarah Rogers is to remain in the hands of my Executors for her Childern if it Shou'd please God She Should have any Who Shou'd live to Come of Age then To be given to them or in Case she Shou'd live to become A Widow then She herSelf to Receive them or Otherwise they are to be Equally divided Among the Rest of my Childern Lastly I make my Sons Francis Wyman iSr Nath'l Wyman my Execu- tors of this my last Will & Testament In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Day iS: Year Above Written. Signed Seal'd & Declar'd in presence of Jelhro Sprague Francis Wyman (seal) William Sprague Jno. \Mlson A Codicile to the Aforegoing Will Sayes: I would let the Executors to m}' Will know that 1 ha\e a Mortgage Deed from Stephen Mitchell at North N'armouth, for one hundred Pounds Lawful Money & if I do not receive the Money in my life time I desire that they would reserve Eighty Dollars of it for my Wife, & to her use while she lives as her Occasion may recjuire. I desire also that the Sum of Fifty Pounds of the said Sum of One Hun- dred Pounds shall be paid to my Daughter jane Sweetcher, which will be agreeable to the Sum be(iueath to her in the foregoing Will. And the Remainder I desire my Executors to divide between them- selves, & the rest of my Children. I conclude as in the Close of my Will setting hereunto my hand (S: Seal this Twenty Seventh Day of |une One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy. Signed sealed & declared Francis Wyman in the Presence of James Mchonane Welthey Blethen Probated 6 Jan., 1779. [II, i 14-5.] LINCOLN PROFA'iE RFX'ORDS. lOI John Crocket, late of Fox Irslands. Zebulon Rowland, of Fox Is- lands, Adm'r, i6 Dec, 1772. [II, 119.] Jonathan Crockit and Nathaniel Crockit, both of the Fox Islands, sureties. Inventory by Eben- ezer Robbins, Joseph Waterman and James Cooper, of Fox Islands, 13 Sep., 1773, ^15 : 13 : 10. [II, 120.] Solomon Hewet, late of Waldoborough. Deborah Hewet, of Waldo- borough, widow, Adm'x, 18 Jan., 1779. [11,121.] Charles Sampson and Abijah Waterman, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Waterman Thomas and Nathan Soule, of Waldoborough, and Thomas Johnston, of Bristol, (3ct., 177S, ^4631 : 16 : 3. [II, 240-1.] Deb- orah, minor daughter, chose Oliver Nash, of Bristol, to be her guardian, 19 Feb., 1787. [Ill, 167.] Account filed 20 Feb., 17S7. [Ill, 179 to 181.] Joseph Floyd, late of Boothbay. William McCobb, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 5 Ap., 17 So. [II, 121.] Joseph Carlisle and Benjamin McFarland, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by John Daws, Joseph Carlisle and John Mathews, all of Boothbay, 2 June and 28 Oct., 1780, ;^i55o : 10 : 8. [Ill, 28.] Thomas Boyd, Jr., and John Daws, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 28.] Account filed 26 Mar., 1782. [Ill, 29.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1794. [V, 202.] Distribution ordered 10 Dec, 1794. [V, 203.] Dower set off to Mary Rollings, late widow, 13 Ap., 1782, by Thomas Boyd, Jr., John Daws and John Holten, all of Boothbay. [Unrecorded.] Andrew Bird, late of St. (Georges. Alexander Hathhorn, of St. Georges, Adm'r, 28 Sep., 1779. [II, 122.] Samuel Hathhorn, of St. Georges, and Joshua Collamore, of Medumcook, sureties. Inventory by Joshua Collamore and Paul Jameson, both of Medumcook, and Moses Robinson, of St. Georges, 14 Dec, 1779, j£s^^ '• ^4 • o. [II, 123.] Account filed 31 Jan., 1787. [Ill, 140.] Joseph Starling, late of Bristol. Moses Starling, of Bristol, Adm'r, 2 Feb., 17S0. [II, 123.] Thomas Johnston and ^Villiam McClain, both of Bristol, sureties. In the Name of God Amen The Ninth Day of May in the year of our Lord 1778 I John (}ross of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln, Black Smith : Being Vary Sick and Weak in Body : but of Perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be unto God for the Same : and Calling to Mind the Mortality of My Body, and knowing, That it is appointed 102 LINCOLN I'ROBATE RECORDS. for all men once to Die, Do Make and Ordain this my Last ^Vill and Testament, That is to Say, Princ'pally, and first of all, I Give and Re- commend my Soul into the Hands of God That Gave it, and as Con- cerning my Body : I Recommend it To the Earth, to be Buried in a I )ecent Manner : at the Discretion of my F^xecutors, nothing Doubting, but at the General Resurrection, to obtain Everlasting Happiness in the Life to Come : Through the Merits and mediation of my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, And as Touching Such Worldly Estate where- with it hath Pleased God to Bless me in in this Life, I Give Devise and Dispose of the Same in Manner and form following that is to Say : — in the first Place, I Give and bequeath to Anna Catharinah my Dearly Beloved Wife all my Estate both Real and Personal Turing I/ife Ex- cepting my Black Smiths Tools. Also I Give to my well beloved Son Peter Gross all the Black Smiths Tools and my well beloved Son Peter Gross is to Give to my well be- loved Daughter Mari Elizabeth a Haffer at i^ or 2 years old. Also I Give to my well beloved Daughter Mary My Bible. Also I Give to my well beloved Son Peter Gross aforSaid, after my Dearly beloved wifes Decease all my Land and Real F^state for which he is to Pay to my well belo\ed Daughters namly Mary and Mari F'.lizabeth ; F^ach Thirten Pounds Six Shillings and F'.ight Pence Law- ful money, afther the Decease of my wifes : further : My Barsonal F>s- tate is to be Devidet amonge my Childeren, ofthe Decease of my wifes if thar anny bee further more : My well beloved Son Peter is to have the first offer : for working the Land for the Halfs for my well beloved wife : or to Hired the Land of my wife And I Do hereby: utterly Disallow: Revoke: and Disannul: all and F^^ery other former Testaments: wills and Legacies Bequests and F'xecutors, by me in any ways before this time Named : willed and Fiequeathed : Ratifying and Confirming This : and no Other to be my Last will and Testament in Witness whearof I have here unto Set my Hand and Seal the Day and year first above written his John X Gross (seal) jiiark Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and I )eclared by the Said John Gross as his Last will and Testament in Presence of us the Subscribers that is to Say Jacob Winchenbach Godfrid bornheimer Jacob Ludwig LINCOLN PROBATE RK.CORDS. IO3 Probated 26 June, 1781. [II, 126.] Inventory by Joseph Weaver, Godfried Burnheimer and Francis Miller, all of Waldoborough, 7 Sep., 1781, ^98: 10: i. [II, 212.] Re- ceipts for legacies by Mary Newbert, wife of Christopher Newbert and Mary Lissabot Mink, wife of Peter Mink, 1795. [VI, 189.] In the Name of God Amen, I Daniel Knights of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln & State of Massachusetts Bay yeoman, being Very weak in body but of sound disposing memory, & Judgment, from a Sence of the MortaUty of my State, & danger of my disease do make & ordain this My last Will & Testament : Imprimis I Give up my soul to Almighty Ciod who gave it, thro' the hands of my Lord Jesus Christ, by whose Merit & Righteousness alone I expect to be Justified at the great Tribunal ; and my body to the Dust, from whence it came ; to be interred by decent Christian burial, at the discration of my Executors nothing doubting but 1 shall again receive the same at the Resurrection of the Dead ; and Toutching such worldly Goods wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life; 1 do Dispose thereof in the following manner, Viz. 2 Item. I ordain that all my Just debts & funeral Charges be in the first place paid out of my personal Estate ; — Itam srdly I give & bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Susana Will- iams one cow out of my live stock to hir & hir heirs for ever, Itam 4ly I (iive & bequath to my Beloved Daughter Jadeth Knights also one cow of my live stock to hir & hir heirs for Ever, — Itam 5tly I Give and bequath to my Beloved Son Daniel Knights the one half of Damerescove Island Said Daniel paying therefor unto my Beloved Daughter Elizabeth Wheeler, twenty pounds LawfuU Money within two months after my Decese ; also s'd Daniel to pay to my Be- loved Daughters Mary Burnom & Marthue Day thirteen pounds six shillings & Eight pence Each, within one year after my Decese ; the above said Legiesies to be made Equal in Value of what the said sums would purchase in provisions in the year 1775. Itam 6tly I Give & bequeath unto my Beloved youngest Son Patishel Knights the whole of my Real Estate at pleasent Cove which I now live upon unto him & his heirs forever as also all my personal Estate (PLxcept the above two cows) togather with all outstanding Debts Due to me He the said Patishel Knights to pay unto my Be- loved Daughters Susanah Williams and Judath Knights twenty Pounds LawfuU Money Each within two years after my Deceas and the said I04 LINCOLN proi;ate kixords. twenty pounds to be made good in Value in purchasing provisions as the same would have done in the year 1775 — Item 7thly I constitute & appoint William McCobb Esqr Solomon Burnom & Josei)h Carlile to be the Executors of this my last Will & Testement. And finally I do hereby ratify & confirm this & no other to be my last Will & Testement In Wittness of all which 1 have hereunto set my hand & seal this tenth Day of January and in the year of our Eord seventeen hundred & Eighty Signed Sealed published his ])ronounced & Declared by Daniel H Knights (seal) Daniel Knights to be his mark last will & Testement In presence of us Wm. McCobb his Joseph X Pirkens his Benjm. X McFarland mark Probated 5 Ap., 1780. [II, 129.] Inventory by Thomas Boyd, Samuel Brier and John Montgomery, all of Boothbay, 15 Ap., i 780, ^27471 : 3 : 10. [Ill, 27.] Robert Spear, late of Winslow. Roger Chase, residing at Kenne- beck, Adm'r, i Oct., 1778. Ezekiel Chase, of Hallowell, and Mat- thew Chase, of Kennebeck River, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Emery, Ephraim Wilson and Silas Warner, all residing at Kennebeck River, 10 Nov., 1778, (at which date the widow of deceased had be- come Mrs, Chase), ;^32 : 12 : i, [II, 134,] Ludowick Cassemire Mayer, of Pownalborough, physician, absentee. Edmund Bridge, of Pownalborough, agent, 20 Mar., 1780. [II, 137.] Josiah Bradbury, Jun., late of Pownalborough. Benjamin Cray, Adm'r. Inventory by Thomas Rice, Jonathan \Villiamson and Michall Sevey, all of Pownalborough, 17 Dec, 1777, ^303: 17: 7)2. [II, 140.] Cornelius Bradford, of Medumcook, appointed guardian unto Cor- nelius Morton, minor son of Cornelius Morton, late of Medumcook, 1 1 Dec, I 776. [II, 140.] LINXOLN PROKA'l E RECORDS. I 05 To All people Whome it may Concern Know ye that I Benjamin Gardner of Bowdoinham in the County of Lincoln in the State of Mass- achusetts Bay in New England ; Being Somthing Indisposed in Body but of Sound mind & Memory do make this my Last will in manner following ; first I will that all my just Debts be paid by my Executor & Executrix here After Named ; I give to my Beloved Wife Ruth All my Estate Both Real & personal during her Widowhood And at ye end of ye s'd Term Whether by Death or Marriage s'd Estatate to be divided Among my Children in Manner as foUoweth I Give to my four Sons namely Abdial Benjamin Richard & Daniel All my Estate Both Real & personal Except my House-hold Stuff And wearing Apparrel ; I give to My Son Abdial my best Sute of Wearing Apparrel ; & the rest of my wearing Apparrel i give to My other three Sones namely Benjamin Richard & Daniel to be Divided f^qualy Between them My Silver Cup i give to my Daughter Mary My Looking Glass i give to my Daughter Hannah ; And the Rest of My House-hold furniture i give to all my Daughters namely Hannah Parthena Sabrina Rebeckah & Mary to be divided F^qualy Between them ; My Clock i meant as a part of my house hold Stuf — And i do finily Appoint my Beloved Wife Ruth My Executrix and With her Prince Coffin of Pownalborough my Flxecutor of this my Last will & Testament ; In witteness whereof I have here unto Set my hand & Seal this Twenty Seventh day of ye lo m 1778. Sined & Sealed in (The alteration in ye fifteenth presence of us line was made Before Signing) Abrm. Preble mark Barnabas Paddock Benjamin X Gardner William Barnard his Probated 6 Jan., 1779. [11, 152.] William Kahler, of a place called Broad Bay, appointed guardian unto John ^Veller, minor son of Andrew Weller, late of said Broad Bay, 5 June, 1772. [II, 154.] Thomas McCobb, late of Georgetown, merchant. James McCobb, of (Georgetown, Esq., Adm'r, 10 June, 17S2. [II, 155.] WiUiam Lithgow, of Georgetown, and Briggs Hallowell, of Halloweil, sureties. In the neam of God Amean this ninth Day of feburey Anno Domini one thousand saven hundred and Saventy two and In the twevlth year of the Rigen of his magstey (ieorge the third I Charls Snipe of George- town within Countey of Lincolin and Province of the Masseschuset Bay I06 LINCOLN PKOHA'IF, RF.CORDS. In new England yeman Bearing under Som Bodley InDispotion But of perfet mind and memary thanks Be to (lod therfor Calling to mind the mortaletey of Bodey knowing that It Is apointed for all men to Die Do mak and ordane this my Last will and testement that Is to Say I'rin- sabley and In first Plaes I (iive and Bequath my Soul Into (iod that Gave It and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried In a Cristen Desant Burall at Discration of my Executors nothing Doupting P>ut at the Genneral Resuration I Shall Recive the Same agean By the mightey Powar of Crod and as to Such things and wordley Estate as It hath Plesed God to Bliss me with In this Life I (iive and Demise and Dispose the Same In the fowling menner and form Inipriiiiis I (iive and Bequath to my Beloved wife Ann Snipe During hir naturell Life one third part of my Reall Estat on Arowsick Island with one third part of all my Chattels with my Best Beed and Beeding and all my Houshold furniture Itim I Do Give unto my Beloved Dughter Sarah Potter teen Shillings Itim I Do Give unto my Beloved Dughter Han- nah Drumond teen Shillings Itim I Do (Hveuntomy Beloved Dughter Ann Potter two milch Cows one heffer and Six Sheepe Item I Ciive unto my Beloved Dughter Jean two milch Cows one heffer Six Sheepe and saven pounds LawfuU money one Beed and Beding Item I Give unto my Beloved Dughter Marthow Snipe two milch Cows one heffer Six Sheepe and Saven pounds LawfuU money one Beed and Beeding Item I Do (iive unto my Beloved Sons John Charls and Gordon Snipe all my Esteat Both Reall and Parsonall Layeing and Bearing on Arow- sick Island or Elswhear not Given Before and as I have Given my Be- loved wife Ann Snipe the Emprovment of one third of my Reall Estate During hir Lif and one third of my Chatols It Is my furder will and Plesuer that at hir Desses my Sons John Charls and Gordon Shall Inherret have and poses the Said third and the Chattols that my Said wife Shall Leave at hir Deses I will that they be Equley Devided Be- twen my five Dughters Sarah Hannah Ann Jean and Marthow the money to be payd By my Executors within two years after my Desses I Do Constuet mak and ordean John Stinson J<2sqr and my Beloved Son John Snipe my Sole Executors of this my Last will and testament and I Do hearbey utterly Disalovv Revoke and and Disanule all and Evrey formar will testment or bequathment and Executors By me are Enewise Before named Raitifieng and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and testement In witnes wherof I have Sett my hand and Seall the Day and year above writen LINCOLN PROBATE RKCORDS. I-O7 Signed Sealed Pubshled Pronounced and Declard By the Sead Charls Snipe as his Last will and testement In the presanc.es us Daniel Mcfaden Joseph Preble Charles Snipe (seal) Daniel Mcfaden Junr Probated first Wed. of Mar., i 782. [II, 156.] Inventory by Daniel Mcfaden, Joseph Preble and William Stinson, all of Georgetown, 26 Feb., 1783, ^1276 : i : 6. [Unrecorded.] William Patten, late of Bowdoinham. Hannah Patten, of Bowdoin- hain, widow, Adm'x, i June, 17S0. [II, 159.] John Patten, of Bow- doinham, and David Fowler, of Vassalborough, sureties. Robert, minor son, chose Mathew Patten to be his guardian 23 Mar., 1782. [II, 159.] Mathew Patten appointed guardian unto Charles, minor son, 21 Feb., 1785. [II, 158.] Inventory by Thomas Wilson and John Fulton, both of Topsham, and Abraham Whittemore, of Bowdoin- ham, 25 June, 1780. [Ill, 221-2.] Account filed 31 May, 1781. [Ill, 223. [ Widow's dower set off by John Fulton, of Topsham, Abraham Whittemore and Samuel Jameson, both of Bowdoinham, 5 Sep., 1782. [Ill, 224.] Hannah Patten appointed guardian unto Sarah, minor daughter, 15 Sep., 17S3. [Ill, 225.] Appraisal of real estate by Jonathan Perry and James Fulton, of Topsham, and Samuel Jameson, of Bowdoinham, 15 Jan., 1784. [Ill, 225-6.] Order set- tling estate 10 Feb., 1 7S4, mentions children, James the eldest son, Mathew, John, (deceased,) William, Robert, Charles and Sarah. [Ill, 227.] Daniel Townsend, late of Vassalborough. Sarah Townsend, of Vas- salborough, widow, Adm'x, 15 June, 1779. [II, 160.] Ephraim Butterfield, of Hallowell, and Samuel Goodwin, Jun., of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Daniel Savage and David McNight, both of Hallowell, and James Cowan, of Vassalborough, 17 July, 1779, ^240: 13: o. [II, 245.] William Howard and Daniel Savage, both of Hallowell, commissioners to examine claims. x\ccount filed 19 June, 17S2, at which dale the administratrix had become the wife of Nathan Sartell. [II, 246.] John Decker, late of Pownalborough. Anna Decker, of Pownalbo- rough, widow, Adm'x, 12 May, 1780. [II, 160.] Thomas Rice and John Hues, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Distribution of estate to creditors ordered 22 Jan., 17S4. [II, 193.] Inventory by Thomas To8 LINCOLN I^KOiJ.ViK KF.CORDS. Rice, Jonathan Williamson and John Huse, all of I'ownalborough, 8 Oct., 1781. [11,255.] Benjamin Howland, late of Eowdoinham. Obadiah Call, of Pownal- borough, Adm'r, 17 Oct., 1777. [II, 161.] Philip Call and Stephen Call, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Edmund Bridge, Philip Call and William Lewis, all of Pownalborough, 25 i)cA., 1777, ^17: 7: 6. [II, 220.] John Shibles, late of 'Phomaston. Mary Shibles, of 'J'homaston, widow, Adm'x, 26 Sep., 1777. [^I 161.] James Watson, of Warren, and Haunce Robinson, of St. Georges lower Town, sureties. John Dill- away, of Thomaston, guardian unto James and David, minor sons, 31 Jan., 1787. [Ill, 142.] Moses Copeland, of Warren, guardian unto John, minor son, 31 Jan, 1787, [III, 142.] Alexander Lermond, junr., of Warren, guardian unto Robert Kilpatrick, minor son, 31 Jan., 1787. [Ill, 143.] iJivision of real estate by David Fales, of Thom- aston, Thomas Starret and William Lermond, both of Warren, 8 May, 1790: dower to Mary Dillaway, late widow; remainder to sons Thomas, Robert, John, James and David. [IV, 236 to 241.] Ac- counts filed, 26 July, 1 79 1. [IV, 241-2.] Inventory by Hatevil Libbey, .Alexander l,ermond and William Watson, 7 Oct., 1777, ^673 : 0:6. [Unrecorded.] Abrani [or Abraham] Preble, late of Pownalborough. Salomon Hearsey, of Pownalborough, Adm'r, 16 Jan., 1779. [II, 162.] In- ventory by Thomas Rice, David Boynton and Jacob Lowell, all of Pownalborough, 20 May, 1782. [II, 175.] A/ipni)iis I give to my So in Law asa Prat all my Real and Personal Estate with all mv Cattle & Sheep with all my utensils and husbandry tools he paying to his Children the heirs of my Daughter Sarah Deceast being the Lawful heirs of her bodie viz to James, and to David thirty Pound Each and to Sarah and to Elizabeth, fifteen pound Each out of the Estate which I have given him when they arive to the age of Twenty one years old and my \Vill further is that my Son in Law Asa Prat shall be my Sole Executor this my Last will and testament Secondly I give to my Beloved wife Abigail During her Remaining my Widow out of my Estate the ivest End of my Divclim;; house d^ ye prodiiee of a Quarter oi my Farm to be found and broat to her with a Sufficiency of fire wood Cut and broat home to her with all my house hold Stuff. I give to my Son Mathew to be Endorsed on a note I have against him vSo much as to answer a note which Scjuire Howard has against him in Case s'd Mathew discharges me and my Estate from paying all or any part of the Same. 3 I give to my daughters IvLary powers and tamor Noble Each Seven Pounds I give to my Son Ezekiel and Mathew Each five pounds to be paid in 3 years from my Decease and the Legacies to the Daughters afore mentioned to be paid in Two years after my decease. I give to my grand Children Vernum and Abigail Chase Three pounds Each to be paid in four years from my Decease. My Will further is that when my wife Shall decease She Shall be buried by my Son Prat as afors'd in a decent Christian manner my will further is that and 1 and my wife Shall Comfortably be Supi:)orted by my Son Prat during our natural Lives. I hereby Disalow and Revoke all other wills and bequests by me made and Ratifie to l)e my last will and testament Sighd Seald publisht and to pronounc'd In presence of us Nyraphas Bodfish I to LTNCOI.N PROBA'JK RFX'ORDS. Robt. Hood Roger Chase (seal) Ezek'l Chase Piobated 4 Dec, 1782. [II, 164.] Inventory by Peter Heywood, John White and Solomon Steward, all residing at a place called Canaan, 15 Oct., 1782. [II, 247.] William Clifford, late of of Edgecomb. Samuel Clifford, of Edge- comb, Adm'r, 30 Nov., 1782, [II, 165.] William Clifford and Solomon Gove, both of Fxlgecomb, sureties. Inventory by James Patterson, Joseph Decker and William Cunningham, all of Edgecomb, II Dec, 1782, ^^198 -.4:6. [II, 263.] Robert Cochran, late of Newcastle, Robert Cochran, of Newcastle, Adm'r, 7 June, 1782. [II, 165.] James Cargill and Samuel Kenne- dy, Jr., both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Nickels, Robert Hodge, Jr., and David Murray, all of Newcastle, 27 Aug., 1781. [II, 221.] Account filed 8 Nov., 1782. [II, 222.] Archibald Gamble, late of Warren. Nathan Bucklen, of Warren, Adm'r, 7 Sep., 1780. [II, 166.] Hatevil Libbey and Moses Cope- land, both of Warren, sureties. Inventory by Hatevil Libbey, Reuben Hall and Moses Copeland, 30 Nov., 1780, ^89 : 7 : n. [II, 259.3 Account filed 21 Feb., 1782. [II, 260.] William Potter, late of Eowdoinham. Prince Rose, of West Bow- doinham, so called, Adm'r, 22 Feb., 1780. [II, 167.] Abijah Rich- ardson, of West Bowdoinham, and James Potter, of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by Abijah Richardson, Benjamin Jaques and John Farnam, all of West Bowdoinham, i Mar., 1780, ;^2o66 : 16: o, "allowing Eighteen pence old Tenor as money went at in the year 1774 for one dollar or six shill'gs now." [II, 225.] Abijah Waterman, late of Waldoborough. Mary Waterman, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 20 Feb., 1782. [II, 167.] Charles Samson and Andrew Schenck, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Zebe- dee Simmons, (jf Waldoborough, guardian unto Thomas, minor son, Deborah and Mary, minor daughters, i June, 1785. [II, 238.] Ac- count filed I June, 1785. [Ill, 58.] Inventory by William Farns- worth, Charles Sampson and Andrew Schenck, all of Waldoborough, 17 J"ly> 1782. [IV, 6-8.] Deborah chose Charles Samson, of Waldoborough, to be her guardian, 26 Ap., 1 794. [VI, 26.] Thomas chose Charles Samson to be his guardian, 27 Oct., 1794. [VI, 27.] LINCOLN PROBA'JE RFX'ORDS. Ill Samuel Creighton, late of Warren. Lucretia Creighton, of Warren, widow, Adm'x, 7 Feb., 1782. [11, 168.] Thomas Starret and Hate- vil Libbey, both of Warren, sureties. Inventory by Moses Copeland, Thomas Starret and Hatevil Libbey, all of Warren, 21 Feb., 1782, ^578: 12: 5. [Ill, 240-1.] Account filed 30 Jan., 1787. [Ill, 141.] Hatevil Libbey, of Warren, guardian unto Jane, minor daugh- ter, 30 Jan., 17S7. [Ill, 142.] Account filed 11 Oct., 17S7. [Ill, 241-2.] James, minor son, chose Hatevil Libbey to be his guardian, 31 Jan., 1787. [IV, 128.] William Palmer, late residing at St. Georges. Reuben Hall, of Warren, Adm'r, i Sep., 1782. [II, 168.] Moses Copeland and Hopestill Sumner, both of Warren, sureties. Lawrence Parsons, of St. Georges, guardian unto Mary, minor daughter, 24 Feb., 1782. [II, 157.] Inventory by Moses Copeland, William Watson and Seth Vose, all of Warren, 20 Feb., 1782, ^218 : 17 : 2. [Ill, 238.] Ac- count filed 29 May, 1786. [HI, 239.] Lawrence Parsons, of Gush- ing, guardian unto Nancy, minor daughter, 26 July, 1791. [IV, 213.] Samuel Bogs, late of Warren. Mary Bogs, of Warren, widow, Adm'x, 26 May, 1781. [II, 169.] William Bogs, of Warren, and Philip Robbins, of a place called Sterlington, sureties. John Reed, late of Boothbay. Sarah Reed, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, 5 Ap., 1782. [II, 170.] John Murray and Daniel Herrin, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by William McCobb, John Dawes and John Murray, all of Boothbay, 12 Ap., 1782, ;^99 : 6 : 10, to which Adm'x, added cash ;^i8 : 9 : 8, and sundry small articles. [II, 264.] Samuel Coney, late of Hallowell. Susanna Coney, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, 3 Jan., 1781. [II, 170.] James Howard and Daniel Coney, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin Pettingill, Ephraim Ballard and Robert Kennedy, all of Hallowell, 5 Jan., 17S1. [II, 206.] Account filed 28 Feb., 1781. [II, 207.] Heartson and Jason, minor sons, chose William Brooks, of Hallowell, to be their guardian, 9 Mar., i 789 ; William Brooks guardian unto Samuel, minor son, and Susanna, minor daughter, 9 Mar., 1789. [IV, 32 to 36.] Guardian's petition for division. [IV, 159.] Division of real estate by Henry Sewall, Benjamin Pettingill and Ephraim Ballard, all of Hall- owell, 28 Dec, 1790: dower to Susanna Brooks, widow; remainder to Heartson, Samuel and Jason, sons, and Sukey, daughter. [IV, 224 to 226.] 112 LINCOLN I'ROIiAIE RKCOKDS. In the name of (lod Amen. I Joseph Malcom of 'I'opsham in the County of Lincohi and State of the Massachusetts Bay, Hlacksniith, being weak of body but of Sound mind and Memory (blessed be Cod) do this Seventeenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thous- and Seven hundred and eighty-one, make and pubHsh this my last will and Testament ; in manner following (that is to say) Iiiiprinn's, 1 give to my loving wife Sarah Malcom the whole of all my Estate real and personal (ioods and Chattels until my yongest Child if a Son Shall arive to the age of twenty one years, or if a daughter to the age of eighteen years and to my Said wife I Commit the Care of all my Children and after my said yongest Child Shall arive to the age above mentioned ; and after that time to my said wife one third part of all my estate real and personal during her natural life, allowing her my Said wife to pay all my Lawful! debts. Item, I give to each of my Sons that Shall be living at the time above mentioned an equal Share of all my Estate both real and personal ; not before disposed of to my Said wife. Item, I give to my daughter or daughters if 1 should have more tiian one, twenty jJOtuKls Lawful money each, to be paid in Silver or C>old or other money ecjuevalent thereto in one year after my youngest Child Shall ari\e to the age abo\e mentioned, to be paid by my surviving Son or Sons who Shall possess the Said estate and I make and ordam her my Saitl Wife Sole Executrix of this my will, in witness whereof I the Said Joseph Malcom have to this my last will and testament. Set my hand and Seal the da}' and year above written. Signed Sealed published and declared by the Said Joseph Joseph Malconi (seal) Malcom as and for his last will and Testament, in presence of us whose names are hereunto under \^ritten, who did each of us Subscribe our names as witnesses at his request and in his i)resence in the room where he then was. James Hunter William Uourk John Merrill Probated 4 July, 17S1. [11, 172.] LINCOLN PROBA'lE RECORDS. 113 In the Name of Ood Amen. I Samuel Hutchinson of Woolwich of the County Linclon & Common-wealth of Massachusetts yeoman : Be- ing very weak in Body, but of perfect Mind & Memory blessed be (iod : Calling to mind the mortality of ray Body & Knowing that it is ai)pjinted for all men once to die : Do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament. That is to Say principally & first of all, I give .Sc recommend my Soul into the Hands of Cod who gave it, & for my Body, I commit it to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at the discretion of my Kxecutors, hoping in the mercy of (}od thro' Christ to receive the Same made like unto Christs glorious Body at the last Day. And as to my Wurldly Estate which (iod hath blessed me with in this life, I give, Demise, & Dispose of the Same in manner following. imprimis. It is my will & I order, that first of all, my just debts & funeral charges be paid & Satisfied. item. I ("live &: Bequeath unto Sarah my dearly beloved \Vife the free use & improvement of the whole of my Estate both real & per- sonal during her natural life. item. I give to my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Turner (besides what I have already given her) & to her Heirs the Sum of one pound lawful money to be paied out of my Estate at the Death of my said Wife, item. I give to my beloved Daughter Susannah Six pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence lawful money to be paied out of my Estate im- mediately after the Decease of my said Wife. item. I give to my beloved Daughter Hannah Meloey Six pounds thirteen Shillings tSc four pence lawful money to be paied out of my Estate immediately after the Decease of my Saied Wife, item. I give unto my Six Daughters (after named) Ruth Hopkins, Sarah Bridgdon, Mary Avery, Susannah, Hannah Meloey, Martha Ful- lington to them, their Heirs & asigns forever, all the remainder of my Estate both Real & Personal of whatever nature or kind : or where-ever found, to be F^qually divided betwen them & their Heirs upon my Said Wifs Decease.* -I Excepting to my Daughter Mary Avery to her & her Heirs I give in this Division but one half as much as to one of the Six of my Daughters above named, because She the Said Mary hath al- ready received^of me, so much more than the other five of my Daugh- ters personaly have ; I Do also Constitute Timothy Bridgdon of Charlstown in the County 8 114 LINCOLN rKOl'.A'JK KF.CORDS. of MidtllesL'x (i' James FuUington of Woolwich in the County of Lin- clon, both in the Comnionweahh of the Massachusetts my Executors of this my last Will & Testament & hereby revoke all former Wills or Testaments by me made, & Confirm this «S: no other to be my last Will & Testament, in confirmation whereof I do hereunto Set my hand & Seal this first day of March, A : D : one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty one : & in the fifth year of the American independence. Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronoumed and Declared by the Said Samuel Hutchinson to be his last Will & testament in presence of Jos : Winship ") John Cray > N. B. Samuel Hutchinson (seal) Benjamin Shaw ) the Word Ciod was interlined before Seigning «Sr Sealing Probated first Wed. of July, 1781. [H, 174.] Inventory by Samuel Ford, Robert Stinson and David (iilmore, all of Woolwich, 2 Dec, 1781, ;^4o : 4: 10. [HI, 181.] Inventory by John Hay, Benjamin Coodwin and Isaac Mallet, all of Charlestown, 12 Ap., 1783. [Ill, 182.] Account filed 30 May, 1794. [VI, 77 to 79.] In the Name of (}od. Amen. I Andrew McFarland of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire being weak and pained in l)0elovcrd Brother Simeon Clark to be my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby Revoke and utterly disannul all and Every other former Will legasies and bequeaths by me heretofore made Ratifying and Con- firming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In wit- ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year afore said Sicfnd and Seald in Presents LINCOLN PROKATE RECORDS. I 23 of US Thomas Hiiikley David Clark (seal) James Hinkley Jonas Button Probated 15 Sep., 1783. [II, 192.] Inventory by Thomas Hinkley, Jonas Button and Paul Blake, all of Hallowell, 17 Bee, 17S3. [IV, 14.] In the Name of God Amen. I Christian Cline of a place called Waldoborough In the County of Lincoln and province of Massachusetts Bay in Nevvengland yeoman being in healh of Body and of perfect mind & memory thanks be given to god. Calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Bie do make and ordain this my last will & testament : that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend inv Suul into the hand of almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried at the discresion of my Executors : nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touch- ing such worley Estate wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form — • I give and Bequeath to Elibeath my dearly beloved wife whoume I likewise constitute make and ordain the Soul Executrix of this my Last will and Testament one yoake of oxen one horse one Cow & young Calfe one heffer given to her. I give unto my well beloved son George Cline the one Cow & one hefer & one hefer Calf one year old one young Calf. I give and Bequeath to Elibeath my Baughter one Cow one Iron Stow and one Brace Kittle holds four pails of warter the wife (;f the said Cline is to Keep the Stow and Brace Kittle her Life time. I give to John milk Cline one pear of yearlin Sears and one Sheep I give one Sheep to Mary Veerz one Sheep and I do hareby utterly disllow revoke and disannul! all & Every other former testament will Legacie Bequaest & E^xecutions by me in any ways before named willed and bequethed Reatfing and Confirming this to Be my Last will and testament in witness whereof I have sett my hand & seal this twenty Bay of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Signed sealed published and delivered by the said Christian Cline as 124 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. his last will and testament in the presence of test John Hunt Christian Cline (seal) Nathan Sprague Probated i Oct., 1783. [II, 194.] Inventory by Jacob Umbehind, Daniel Feilhenr and John |Hunt, all of Waldoborough, 18 Nov., 17S3, ^65: 17: 5. [Ill, 35.] Account filed 29 Nov., 1783. [Ill, 36.] Joseph Swasey, late of Vassalborough. Judith Coye, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, 24 June, 1783. [II, 195.] Jeremiah Hall, of Win- throp, and Oliver Hall, of a place called Washington, sureties. Abiah Coye, late of Hallowell. Judith Coye, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, 24 June, 1783. [II, 196.] Jeremiah Hall, of Hallowell, and Oliver Hall, of Washington, sureties. Daniel, minor son, chose Squire Bishop, of Winthrop, to be his guardian 6 Jan., 1783. [II, 201.] William Simpson, late of Newcastle. Elizabeth Simpson, of New- castle, widow, Adm'x, 10 June, 1776. [II, 196.] Richard Temple, late of Bowdoinham. Elizabeth Temple, of Bow- doinham, widow, Adm'x, 24 Sep., 1783. [II, 197.] Zacheus Beal and Zebulon Preble, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. Inventory by Abraham Preble, James Bowker and Nathaniel Jellison all of Bow- doinham, 14 Oct., 1783, p^86 : 15 : 8. [II, 209.] Zacheus Beal and George Thomas, both of Bowdoinham, commissioners to examine claims, 27 Jan., 1786. [Ill, 183.] Account filed and distribution ordered, 3 Oct., 1786. [Ill, 184-5.] Jacob Stevens, late of Edgecomb. John Ryan, of Edgecomb, Adm'r, II Sep., 1783. [II, 198.] William Cunningham and Samuel Hall, both of Edgecomb, sureties. Account filed 9 Sep., 1784. [Ill, 128.] Inventory by Asa Gove, Samuel Webber and William Cunningham, all of Edgecomb, ^97 : 14 : 2. [IV, 15.] James Thornton, late of Bath. Susanna Thornton, of Bath, widow^ Adm'x, 17 Oct., 1783. [II, 198.] John McFarland and Samuel Beal, both of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Henry Sewall, Hatherly Foster and Joseph Lambard, all of Bath, 16 Jan., 1784, ;!{^464 : 17 : 4. [II, 210.] Account filed 5 Sep., 1794. [V, 251-1.] Division of estate by Dummer Sewall, Simeon Turner and Joseph Lambard, all of Bath, I July, i 796, among John Thornton, William Thornton, Joshua Thornton and James Thornton. [VI, 222.] James and Joshua, minor sons, chose Susanna, widow, to be their guardian, 27 May, 1796. Sus- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 25 anna, widow, guardian unto William, minor son, 27 May, 1797. [VII, 52.53-] Elizabeth Ellison, late of Topsham, widow. William Malcom, of Topsham, Adm'r, 22 Jan., 1784. [II, 199.] John Reed, Jr., and John Umphrize, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory byCreorge White, John Reed and William Randall, all of Topsham, [IV, 12.] Jonathan Spafford, of Pownalborough, guardian unto Mary and Martha, minor daughters of Samuel Cochran, late of Newcastle, deceased, 20 Mar., 1774. [II, 200.] Mary Cochran chose Robert Cochran, o^ Newcastle, to be her guardian, 7 Oct., 1789. Robert Cochran, guar- dian unto Martha, 7 Oct., 1789. [IV, 89.] In the Name of Ciod amen — The 2ist Day of April in ye Year of our Lord 1775, I John MoUoy of Pownalborough in ye County of Lincoln in ye Province of ye Massa- chuset Bay in New England, Cord winder, being of perfect Mind & Memory thanks to almighty C'd calling to mind the uncertainty of this frail Life, & knowing that it is appointed unto all Men once to die, do make Constitute & declare this my last will & Testament, — viz first of all I give & recommend my soul into ye hands of (iod that gave it, & my Body I recommend to ye Earth to be buried in a decent Christian Burial at ye discression of my E.xecutor hereafter named nothing doubting but at ye Resurection I shall receive ye same again by ye Almighty Power of God — and as touching such worly Estate with which it has pleased almighty God to bless me in this Life, I give demise & dispose of all ye same in ye following manner, viz my Mind & will is that my just Debts I owe to any Person or Persons whatsoever shall be paid by my Executrix hereafter named in Convenient Time after my Death. Imprimis- I give <& bequeath to my well belo\ed & intended Wife Hannah Hutchinson ye whole of my Estate both real & Personal & household goods & Every thing I die possessed of, to enable her to pay my just Debts & Funeral Charges, & for her Comfort & soport, for her Use & improvement, & disposal for I^ver — I do hereby Nominate & Constitute & ordain my well Beloved & intended Wife Hannah Hutchinson above named my Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament, & I do hereby utterly Disannul, revoke & disallow all & F>ery other former will & Testament, ratifying & Confirming this, & this only to be m.y last will & Testament, in witness whereof I have here- 126 LINCOLN PROr.ATE RECORDS. unto set my Hand tv: Seal ye Day & Year first above mentioned, In ])resent of Thos. Moore Seth Hammon John Molloy (seal) Susannah Crosby I'robated 4 i-'eb., i 7S4. [II, 202.] In the Name of God Amen I Godfry filler of Waldoborough in the County of Linclon in ye Massachusetts State being Very Sick in body but of perfect Sences and Knowing that I must die and how Sone I Know not I have thought fit to make this my Last Will and testament viz in the first place I give my Soul into ye hands of God who Gave itt and my body to the F^arth to be decently buried att ye Discresion of my Executor whome my will is should be my Loving son John filler and I doe here will and appoint ye said John filler to P^xecute upon this my will in all Respects, and as to what Worldly goods itt hath ])!eas'd God to bless me with I Give and Dispose of in the following maner viz I Give unto my Loving wife Regine filler all my Estate both Real and personal after my Just depts are paid as her own to use oc- cupye and Improve dureing Her Life and upon her deth I Give and Dipose of the Same to my Children to be P.quelly Divided betwene them in Equel shares both for Quanetee and Qualety and I doe here- by Disanul and make Void all other wills or testaments of what name or Nature whatsoever holding good and Vallied this my Last will and testament in witness whereof I the above said (iodfry filler doe here- unto set my hand and seal this third day of ]\Iarrh in the year 1784 Signed seal'd and Deliv'd att Waldoborough in the Pressents of us his Jabesh Cole Godfry X Filler (seal) Christopher Newbert mark Andrew Storer Probated 5 May, i 7\comb, of Frankfort commis- sioners to examine claims, 11 July. 1793. LINCOLN PROHATE RECORDS. I 27 In the Name of God Amen this second day of July A : D : 1784 I Elizabeth Milliner of Vassalborough in the Connty of Lincoln and Commonwealth of the Massachusetts being weak in body but of sound mind and mem.ory thanks be Given to God therefor calling to mind the Mortallity of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die first and Principally Recommend my Soul into the hands of Ciod that (iave it and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executor : 1 )o make and ordain this my last Will and 'I'estament and as touching such worly P^state wherewith it hath Pleased AUmighty God to Bless me with first I Give and bequeath to Nathaniel Lovejoy of Vassalborough thirteen Pounds Six shillings and Eight pence out of the money that is due to me which now in the Island of Antego if said money shall be recovered 2ly I Give unto Stephen Lovejoy forty Pounds to be layed out in scol- ing him at the discression of my Executor. 3ly I (jive to Sarah Lovejoy my Green Damas (Jown and Pettecote and Read Quilted Pettecote and one pare of Stays And all the Remainder of my P^state Real and Personal I Give and bequeath to Abial Lovejoy Esqr whome I make and ordain my sole Heir and P^xecutor of this my last will and testament hereby disannul- ing any former wills made by me Rattifiing this my last Will and testiment in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal the day and year abovesaid Signed sealed and declared by the said P^lizabeth Milliner to be her last will and testiment in Presents of Samuel Dinsmore P^lizabeth Millner (seal) Abiel Lovejoy Jr PoUey Lovejoy Probated 27 Jan., 1785. [11, 211.] hi the Name of God amen I James Morton of Bristol in the County of Lincoln yeoman being in perfect Helth of Body and of perfect mind and memory thanks be gavien unto God ; Calling unto mind the mortality of my bof my Children each Drawing a eciual share it being one hundred acres of land, ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and tes- tament, in W'ittness whereof I have heareunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventh of feberuary one thousand seven hundred and eighty one Signed sealed published and pronounced and Declared by the said lames Morton as his last Will and testament in the presence of us Who in his presence and in the presence of eath other have hearto subscribed our names James Morton (seal) William xMcClain Samuel McC:iain Fergus McClain Probated 12 May, 1 7S4. [II. 213.] Inventory by William Burns, David Bryant, Jr., and Lemuel Bryant, all of Bristol, I June, 1793, ^^343 : 18 : o. [V, 250-1.] Seth Webb, late of a place called Holt's Island. Solomon Kimball, of Big>vaduce, trader, Adm'r, 10 Jan., 1787. [II, 214.] Nathan Jones, of Frenchman's Bay, and Oliver Mann, of Bigwaduce, sureties. Inventory by Richard Hunnewell, Jr., Jonathan Lowder and Thomas Phillips, all of a place called MajaBigwaduce, 28 Mar., 1787, £-]i : 9 : o. rill, 239-40.] Thomas Phillips and Richard Hunnewell, com- missioners to examine claims. [II, 261.] LINCOLN" PROKAIE RFXORDS. I 29 Nathan Hall, late of Winthrop. Elizabeth Hall, of Winthrop, wid- ow, Adm'x, 27 Feb., 1776. Jonathan \Vhiting and Stephen Pullen, both of Winthrop, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Whiting, Stephen Pullen and John Chandler, all of Winthrop, 18 June, 1777, j[s'2-<)2> : 1 1 : 6. [H, 224.] Assignment of estate to Abijah Hall, the son, 8 Jan., 1 796, mentions Mary, daughter, wife of Daniel Hemmenway, and Elizabeth, "the other daughter." [VI, 130-1.] Appraisement of estate by Nathaniel Fairbanks, Stephen Pullen and Squire Bishop, all of Winthrop, 23 Dec, 1795, $572. VI, 202.] Receipts of daughters to Abijah, for their shares, 27 Oct., 1795. [VI, 202.] Silas Hathorn, late of Penobscot River. Silas Hathorn, of Penob- scot River, Adm'r. Inventory by Andrew AVebster, James Budge and Isaac Freeze, all of Penobscot River, i 7 Aug., i 7S7, ^389 : 2 : o ; 22 Aug., 178S, ^18 : 5 : o. Jonathan Lowder and James Ginn, both of Penobscot River, commissioners to examine claims, 12 Sep., 1787. [II, 236.] Levi Soule, late of Waldoborough. Abigail Soule, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 4 June, 1782. Cornelius Turner and Moses Copeland, sureties. [II, 241.] Inventory by Moses Copeland, of Warren, and Nathaniel Simmons and David Vinall, both of Waldoborough, 3 July, 1783. [Ill, 132-3.] Account filed 2 Mar., 1796, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Cornelius Turner. [VII, 223.] Widow's dower set off by Waterman Thomas, Charles Samson and Michael Sprague, all of Waldoborough, 1798. [VIII, 5.] Division of personal estate among widow, Levi, and Abigail, wife of Joshua Howard, Jr., 19 Sep., 1797. [VIII, 6.] Nathan Soule, late of Waldoborough. Sarah Soule, of Waldo- borough, widow, Adm'x, 23 May, 1783. Andrew Schenck and Charles Sampson, both of Waldoborough, sureties. [II, 242.] In- ventory by Charles Samson, Andrew Schenck and Zebedee Simmons, 28 Jan., I 784.-' [Ill, 134-5.] Inventory of real estate in Plymouth County by Briggs Alden, Levi Loring and Perez Loring, all of Dux- borough, II Ap., 1788, /^5oo :o :o. [Ill, 261.] Heirs: John Trowbridge, Sarah Trowbridge, Alexander Turner, and Anna Soule. Account filed 2 Mar., 1796. [HI, 262.] Joseph Stevens, late of Winthrop. Rachel Stevens, of Winthrop, widow, Adm'x, 27 July, 1784. [II, 242.] Timothy Foster, of Winthrop, and Jonathan Low, of Vassalborough, sureties. Inventory 9 130 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. by Moses Chandler, John Blunt and Gideon Lambert, 7 Sep., 1 784, ;^iii :3 :o. [Unrecorded.] Eliphalet Foster, late of Winthrop. Timothy Foster, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 11 Mar., 1784. [II, 242.] Amos Pearson, late of Newcastle. Marcy Pearson, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 17 May, 1784. [II, 243.] Inventory by Samuel Waters, David Murray and Robert Hodge, all of Newcastle, 13 Dec, I 784, ^379 :2 -.4. [Ill, 104.] David Plummer, Jr., of New Milford, guardian into Amos, minor son, 2 June, 1800. [IX, 193.] Maria and Elizabeth, minor daughters, chose David Plummer, Jr., to be their guardian, 2 June, 1800. [IX, 248-9.] Widow's dower set off by Samuel Waters, of Balltown, David Murray, of Newcastle, and Jon- athan Morrison, of New Milford, 6 Nov., 1 798, at which date the widow had become the wife of Peter Oilman. [Unrecorded.] Jacob Davis, late of Medumcook. Samuel Davis, of Medumcook, Adm'r, 14 July, 1784. Paul Jameson, of Medumcook, and William Solomon Loud, of Muscongus Island, sureties. [II, 244.] Inven- tory by Robert Jameson, Jesse Thomas and John Demoss, 14 Aug., 1 784, ;^ioi :<) :3. [Ill, 29.] .Account filed 28 Sep., 1785. [Ill, 30.] Richard Humphrey, late of Winthrop. Peter Hopkins, of Wales, Adm'r, 25 Mar., 1784. [II, 244.] Abner Marson and Edward Fuller, both of Pittston, sureties. Inventory by Philip Allen, Thomas Curtis and Solomon Stanley, all of Winthrop, 29 Mar. 1784,^126 :i4 : Q. fill, 233-4.] Philip Allen, of Winthrop, guardian unto Samuel and William minor sons, 21 June, 1785. [Ill, 256.] In the Name of God. Amen. I Philip White of Woolwich in the County of Lincoln, & State of Mas- sachusetts Bay, being of sound & disposing mind & memory Blessed be God therefor, & considering that it is appointed for all Men once to die do make & ordain this my last Will and testament in manner following. Imprimis, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, who gave it, and my body to the Earth from whence it came, in hopes of a joyful Resurrectiun, through the merits of my Saviour Jesus- Christ • And as for that Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I give & bequeath as follows. First, Whereas I have given to my son Robert White one half of my Lands on which I now live, with one half of the buildings thereon, & one half of the priviledges thereto belonging, it is my Will that the same be consider'd as his full Right, or LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 131 Share of my Real Estate, except as hereafter. Item, I give & bequeath to ray daughters, Sarah White & Mary White the other half of my Land together with the other half of the buildings standing on the same also the priviledges of the fishery be- longing to the same, to be equally enjoy'd by them for and towards their comfortable support & maintainance during their Nat- ural lives, unless they should Marry, in which case it shall go to my son Robert upon his paying them the sum of Fifty three pounds, six shillings & Eight pence each, in Silver, Equal to six shillings & eight pence p ounce, and in case either of my said daughters should die before the other, then her part shall be enjoy'd by the surviving daughter during her life, or untill marriage as aforesaid, & on the marriage of the said surviving daughter then the whole shall go to my sd son Robert as aforesaid, upon his paying her the aforesaid sum of Fifty three pounds six shillings & eight pence, as aforesaid, and in Case my son Robert should die before my said daughters, then my will is that my said daughters, shall hold & enjoy the aforesaid Other half of my Lands & buildings with the priviledges aforesaid, equally to them and their heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath to my son Robert White, all my farming Utensils, saving the one half of the use of them to my said daughters Sarah & Mary for & towards their support as aforesaid, during their lives or untill marriage as aforesaid, & in case of death of either my son or daughters then the same to be disposed of in the same man- ner as the Land & buildings aforemention'd. Also I give to my sd : Son Robert all my Wearing Apparel, also the following books, Vizt : Dodriges ten sermons. Baileys dictionary, and Cockers Arith- metick. Item, I give to my Grandson Philip White, when he shall arive at the age of twenty one years, my black Ox, and my small firelock, also my feather bed on which I ly, with one pillow, one blew and white Coverhd, and one sheet, and in case my said Grandson should die before he arrives at the age of twenty one years, then what I have given him shall go to my sd : daughters and their heirs forever. Item, I give to my sd : daughters, Sarrah & Mary, all my household furniture, & Indoor movables of every kind, also my Great Bible, & all my other books except what I have given to my son Robert, to be equally enjoy'd by them and their heirs forever. Also I give to my sd : daughters, all my Stock of Cattle, Swine, Sheep &c except my black Ox 132 LINCOLN PRORA'lE RECORDS. aforesaid, to be Equally enjoy'd by them & their heirs forever. Item, Whereas I am possess'd of a pew in the meeting house in AVoolwich, for which when said pew is fmish'd there will be due to the Committee of sd : House the sum of forty eight shillings, equall to silver at six shillings & eight ])ence p oz, and on my sd. Son Roberts paying sd. sum of forty eight shillings to sd : Committee or their or- der, then my Will is that my said son Robert shall hold & enjoy one half of sd. Pew, and my sd. Daughters Sirah & Mary shall hold & en- joy the other half, & in case my sd. Son Robert shall refuse or Neg- lect to pay sd. sum when demanded then my sd daughters are to pay the same & shall hold & enjoy the whole of sd Pew to them & their Heirs forever. Also it is my Will that my Funeral Expences be paid by my sd. Daughters, Sarah & Mary, out of what I have given them. Item all the rest & residue of my Personal Estate that may not have been men- tion'd herein I give to my sd. Daughters Sarah & Mary equally to them & their Heirs for Ever. And I do make & appoint Nathaniel Thwing of Woolwich aforesd : Esqr : sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Philip White have to this my last Will & Testament set my hand & seal this seventeenth day of October, in the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred & Eighty, & in the fifth year of American Independence. Philip White (seal) Signed, sealed, Published, & declared by the said Testator, as <\: for his last ^Vill & Testament, in the ])rescnce of us, who, at his Re([uest, in his ])resence, and in presence of each other, have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto. John Trott Robert Reed Seth Hathorne Probated ist \Ved. of Ap., 17S2. [II, 252.] Inventory by Samuel Harnden, Joseph AVade and Samuel Ford, all of Woolwich, I 7 Ap., i78i,;^223: 12: 2. [II, 254.] Account filed. 17 Jan., 1783. [11,255.] Thomas Clark, late of St. Georges. Elisha Snow, of Thomaston, Adm'r, 29 May, 1782 ; John Bridges and James Stacpole both of Thomaston, sureties. [II, 258.] Inventory by Moses Copeland, of War- ren, Hezekiah Hatchelder and Jonathan Orbeton, both of Thomaston, 28 July, 1782, ^96: 5: I. [11,265.] LINCOLN PROBATE RF.CORDS. 133 In the Name of God x\men. I Ambrose Colby of Pownalboroiigh in the County of Lincoln Blacksmith, being in sound Mind & Mem- ory for which I thank God, but calling to mind the Frailty of Life & certainty of Death, & being desirous that the worldly p:state with which God hath blessed me should be disposed of agreeable to my Mind after my Decease, do make this my last Will & Testament in manner following, viz. I bequeath my Soul into the Hand of God who gave it and my Body to the Earth, to be decendy buried at the Discre- tion of My Executrix, hoping at the last Day it will have a joyful! Resurrection- As to my worldly Goods, 'tis my Will Imprimis, That my Executrix pay my just Debts out of the Estate I leave. Item. I give & bequeathe to my beloved Daughter Annah Hoyt my Looking Glass. Item. I give & bequeath to my beloved Grandson Ambros Colby my Great Bible. Item. I give & bequeath to my beloved Wife Betty Colby All the rest & residue of my Estate both real & personal, to be absolutely hers forever, and hereby appoint her sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking and disannulling all former Wills & Testa- ments. In witness whereof I hereto set my hand & Seal the second Day of March AD 1778 Signed Sealed published & declared to be the last Will & Testament of the Testator Ambros Colby (seal) in presence of Tho. Rice Jacob Pressey John Kingsbury [Unrecorded.] Courtney Babbage late of Deer Island. Courtney Babbage, of Deer Island, Adm'r. Inventory by Joseph Whitmore, Belcher Tyler and George Frees, 7 June, 1784, ^94:16:0. Mark Haskell and Theophilus F:aton, commissioners to examine claims. Account filed 28 Nov., 1785. Distribution of estate 29 Nov., 1785. [Ill, 1-3.] In the Name of God Amen I Joseph Carhle of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln & Common Walth of Massachusetts Bay Gentelman 134 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. being very sick in body but of sound disposing memory and Judg- ment, from the sence of the Mortallity of my state & danger of my disease do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament — Imprimis I Give up my Soul to Almighty God who gave it through the hands of my Lord Jesus Christ, by whose Merit & Righteousness alone 1 expect to be Justifyed at the great Tribunal, and my body to the Dust from whence it came to be intarred by decent Christian Burial, nothing doubting but I shall again receive the same at the Resurrection of the Dead. And Touching such worldly Goods or Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I do dispose thereof in the following manner Viz — 2 Item I ordain that all my Just debts & funeral Charges be in the first place paid out of my personal Estate — Item 3dly — I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Elizebath Carlile one Cow of my live stock in Considration of a Cow which I Received with hir at our marradge, also unto my beloved Wife the use & Improvement of the one third of my Real & personal Estate so long as shee (my said beloved Wife) Remains a Widow, or shall think proper to live upon the said Estate also the whole of the housal Funiture which I had with hir at our marradge to hir & heirs forever. Item 4thly To my well beloved son Joseph Carlile I give & bequeath the whole of my Homestad one Dameracoty so as take sixty six acers & one half out of my whole Tract, most convenant to the homestad, with the whole of the buildings and all other Appurteninces to the same belonging (except the use & Improvement of one third unto my Beloved Wife as above) to him & his heirs forever — also the use & benefit of the Remaining sixty six acers & one half untill my beloved youngest son James Carlile arives at twenty one years of age=also the whole of my personal Estate with all out standing Debts Except as above ordred and disposed off, to him the said Joseph & his heirs forever — Item sthly I give & bequeath unto my beloved youngest son James Carlile when he arives at twenty one years of age sixty six acers «& one half of my unimproved Land to him and his heirs forever Item 6thly I also order &: bequeath unto my beloved eldest Daugh- ter Abigal Carlile to be Delivered by my son Joseph Carlile within two years after my Death one good Cow or the Value thereof — Item ythly I beciueath and order unto my beloved Daughter Mirriam LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 35 Carlile to be Delivered also by my son Joseph within three years after my Death one good Cow or the value thereof. Item Sthly and I also bequeath and order unto my beloved youngest Daughter Mary Carlile to be Delivered by my son Joseph two good Cows or the Value thereof within four years after my Death — Item Qthly I constitute and appoint William McCobb Esquire to be my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And finally I do hereby ratify & Confirm this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness of all which I have hereunto set my hand & seal this first Day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousend seven hundred & Eighty one and in the fifth year of Amare- can Independance — Signed Sealed published pronounced & declared by Joseph Carlile to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us Wm. McCobb Joseph Carlile (seal) Henry >Villiams his Benjm x McFarland mark Probated 5 June, 1781. [Ill, 5-6.] Inventory by Samuel Briar, John Davis and Benjamin McFarland, all of Boothbay, 9 July, 1781, ^336: 14:0. [Ill, 107.] In the Name of God Amen. I John Groves of Pownalboro' in the County of Lincoln yeoman, calling to Mind the brevity of Life, and labouring under great Bodily Infirmities, tho' of sound & disposing Mind & Memory for which I thank God, do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament in maimer following. In the first Place, when I shall die, I will & bequeath my Soul into the Hands of God from whom I received it ; and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors, hoping hereafter they will be reunited & enter into eternal Life And as to my worldly Estate with which God hath blessed me, I will & dispose of it in the following manner, Iw- primis My Will is that my Executors pay all my just Debts out of my Personal Estate, and what of it after paying such Debts may be left, if any, I give to my beloved Wife Mary to be absolutely tier own forever. I also give & bequeath to my said Wife the Use & improvement of all 136 IJNCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. my real Estate during her continuing my Widow, and if she should again marry my Will is that she have the Use & improvement of one third part only of my real Estate during Life. Item. I give & bequeath to my beloved Children Samuel, Alice, William, Hannah, John & Rebecca, all my real Estate to be equally divided amongst them, after the Estate my said Wife has in it ceases. And do hereby constitute & appoint my beloved Wife Mary & my Son Samuel my Executors of this my last Will & Testament, hereby revok- ing & disannulling all other & former Wills & devises & declare this to be my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I hereto set my hand & seal the twentyseventh Day of Novr. A D 1777 Signed sealed published & declared by the Testator to be his last Will & Testament in presence of P2benezer Whittier his Ebenezer Whittier Jr. John c^ Groves (seal) Thos Rice mark Probated 17 Mar., 1785. [Ill, 7.] Inventory by Ebenezer Whittier, David Silvester and John Sevey, all of Pownalborough, 12 Oct., 1785, ^11 : 17:0. [Unrecorded.] Thomas .^gry, late of Pittston, shipwright. Anna .Agry, widow, and Thomas Agry, shipwright, both of Pittston, Adm'rs, 21 Mar., 1785. [Ill, 9.] Samuel Oakman, of Pittston, and Joseph North, of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Reuben Colburn, Seth Soper and Henry Smith, 1786. [HI, 253-4.] Inventory of real estate in Pearsontown, Cumberland County, 4 July, 1785. [Ill, 255.] Nicholas Kennedy, late of Edgecomb. Joseph Merry, of Edge- comb, .^dm'r, 26 Ap., 1785. [Ill, 9.] Nathaniel U'inslow, of Edgecomb, and Benjamin Dodge, of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by Moses Davis, William Cunningham and Zachariah Dodge, all of Edgecomb, 3 Nov., 1785, ;^S^ : 2 : 8. [Ill, 49.] Account filed 28 Mar., I 786. [Ill, 1 10.] Joshua Sawyer, late of Edgecomb, shipwright. Benjamin Sawyer, of P>oothbay, .Adm'r, 20 Sep., 1785. [Ill, 10.] .\aron Sawyer, of Boothbay, and Solomon dove, of Edgecomb, sureties. Inventory by Moses Davis, David Trask and Solomon Gove, all of Edgecomb, 24 Sep., 1785, ^196: 5 : 10. [111,99.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 137 Nathaniel Springer, late of Georgetown. Sarah Springer, of George- town, widow, Adm'x, 25 Nov., 1779. [Ill, 11.] John Wood, of (Georgetown, and Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, sureties. Inven- tory by Dummer Sewall, Joshua Philbrook and Isaiah Crooker, 22 Feb., 1780, ^8214 : 3. [111,51-52.] Account filed 20 Sep., 1785. [Ill, 52.] Joseph White, of Bath, guardian unto Lucy and Betsey, minor daughters, Samuel and Nathaniel, minor sons, 25 May, 1789. [IV, 4I-43-] Daniel Gent Tuckerman, late of Pownalbrough, tailor. Job Averell, of Pownalborough, Adm'r, 25 Mar., 1785. [Ill, 12.] James Hodge and Asa Andrews, both of Pownalborough, sureties. In- ventory by Ebenezer Whittier, Asa Andrews and Calvin Graves, all of Pownalborough, 26 Mar., 1785, ^49 : 18 : i, to which administrator added sundry articles, ^3:6: o. [Ill, 62.] Account filed 29 June, 1786. [Ill, 105.] Asa Andrews and China Smith, both of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims, 28 Mar., 1785. [Ill, 194.] Widow's dower set off by David Silvester, Ebenezer Whittier and Jacob Woodman, allot Pownalborough, 30 June, 1796. [VII, 218.] Benjamin Lemont, late of Bath. Susanna Lemont, of Bath, widow , Adm'x, 27 Sep., 1784. [Ill, 12.] James Lemont and Thomas Lemont, both of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Dummer Sewall, Ben- jamin Ham and John Foot, all of Bath, 2 Feb., 1785, ;^5o6 : 8 : 7. [Ill, 115.] Francis Winter and Dummer Sewall, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 116.] Widow's dower set ofif 8 Dec, 17S8. [IV, 121.] Account filed 28 May, 1790. [IV, 133.] Nathaniel Whittier, late of Winthrop. Thomas Whittier, of Win- throp, Adm'r, 24 Nov., 1784. [Ill, 13.] Philip Theobald and Richard Kidder, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Hutchins, Francis Fuller and John Evans, 15 Dec, 1784, ^41 : 2 : 4, to which administrator added two notes of hand, ^97:16:0. [Ill, 61.] Account filed II Mar., 1786. [111,127.] Ich- abod How and John Hubbard, both of Winthrop, commissioners to ex- amine claims, 15 Mar., 1785. [Ill, 193-] John Carlton, late of Woolwich. Jane Carlton, of Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 17 June, 17 85. [Ill, 14.] James FuUerton, of Wool- wich, and Philip Theobald, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inven- tory by Samuel Ford, James Fullerton and James Blen, all of Wool- 138 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. wich, 20 May, 1786, ;^74 : 4 : 6. [Ill, loi.] Samuel Stinson and Thomas Snell, both of Woolwich, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 175.] Account filed and distribution ordered 20 Aug., 1788. [Ill, 176 to 178.] Zebediah Farnham, of Woolwich, mariner, Adm'r (ie bonis non, 6 May, 1805. [IX, 49.] Inventory by Ebenezer Smith, Abner Wade and Josiah Brookins, Jr., all of Woolwich, 1803, $404.61. [X, 85.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 25 May, 1804. [X, 217.] Account filed 9 June, 1805. [X, 218-219.] Joseph Hutchins, late of Pownalborough. Hollis Hutchins, of a place called Sheepscutt Great pond, Adm'r, 28 June, i 785. [Ill, 15.] Samuel Emerson and David Plumer, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventor)' by John Plumer, Christopher Erskine and Joseph Wood, all of Pownalborough, 27 Sep., 1785. [IV, 60-61.] Samuel Waters and Christopher Erskine, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 245-6.] Account filed 36 May, 1791. [IV, 246-7.] Distribution ordered 6 Jan., 1792. [IV, 247.] William Foster, late of Winthrop. Timothy Foster, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 4 Aug., 1785. [Ill, 15.] Joseph Rice, of Winthrop, and Daniel Allen, of Wales, sureties. Inventory by Josiah French, Stephen Pullen and Nathaniel Fairbanks, all of Winthrop, 11 Aug., 1785, ^^654: 15 :9. I. [111,64.] Nathaniel Perkins, late of Newcastle, mariner, Eunice Perkins, of Salem in the County of Essex, widow, Adm'x, 2 Sep., i 785. [Ill, 16.] Hugh Smith and Thomas Sanford, both of Salem, sureties. James Hutchinson, late of Vassalborough. Benjamin Branch, and ••Kbigail Branch, his wife, of Vassalborough, Adm'rs, 31 May, 1785. [Ill, 17.] Daniel Townsend and John Ward, both of Vassalborough, sureties. Inventory by Abiel Lovejoy, Mathew Hastings and John \N'ard, all of Vassalborough, 7 June, 1785, ;!^ii8 -.6:6. [Ill, 42.] Jesse Crossman, late of Pownalborough. Sarah Oossman, of Pow- nalborough, widow, Adm'x, i Oct., 1774. [Ill, 18.] Obadiah Call and Philip Call, both Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Obadiah Call, Robert Barker and Philip Call, all of Pownalborough, 8 Oct., 1774. ^^384: 15 : II- [ill. 18-19.] In the Name of GOD .^men. I David Jewett Minister of the Gosple in Winthrop in the county of Lincoln and commonwealth of the Masse- chatts Being very Sick and weak but of Sound Mind and memory LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 39 blessed be God therefore — Do this 30th Day of January i 783 and in the 7th year of amaricies Independency; make and publish this my last Will and Testiment in manner and Forme following (that is to Say) Imprimis, I commend my Soul into the hands of almity God who gave it me. and my Body to the Earth From whence it came in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection through the Merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ ; and as for that worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me with, I dispose thereof as follows, First I give to my lov- ing wife Phebe Jewett whilst she Remains my widow all my Estate both in Town and out of Town, both Real and Personal Including Mills, Notes of hand, books Accompts and Stock with Ful Liberty to Sel and dispose of them at her own Discretion and her Deeds and Convey- ances Shall be Lawfull and authentick and if the above said Phebe Should marry aGain I Give unto the said Phebe one third of all my Estate Both Real and personal at her own Dispose forever ; and my Doctring, Funeral Charges and Just Debts to Be paid by my Executrix hereafter named out of the other two thirds that remains. Item, I Give to my Sons David and John Winthrop Jewett, (they Paying out to the Daughters Fifty Spanish Mil'd Dollars Each when they arive to The age of Eighteen that is to Phebe, Eunice and Sarah) the other Two Thirds after the above Accounts are sittled to be Eqilly Divided betweene the S'd David and John Winthrop Jewett. Furthermore it is my Will that if the above s'd David or John Winthrop Dies before they arive to lawfull age or Ither of them, then and in that case thir potion Shall be divided amoung the Other child- ren as the Laws of this Commonwealth Divides Intest Estates. And I make and ordain Phebe Jewett my Said wile Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testiment. In witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seale to this my Last will and Testiment the Day and year above written. Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the s'd David Jewett as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us whose names are here under written who did Each of us Subscribe our names as witnesses at his request and in his presence in the rome where he then was Josiah French, David Jewett (seal) Benjamin Brainerd, Jonathan Whiting. 140 LINCOLN PROEA'IE RF.CORDS. Probated 2 Ap., 17S3. [Ill, 14.] Inventory by Benjamin Brain- erd, Jonathan Whiting and Josiah French, 23 Sep., 1783, ;!{^648 : 2 : 2. [Ill, 26.] Account of Phebe Spaflord, Executrix, filed 27 July, 1789. [IV, 61-62.] William Sylvester, late of Bath. Mary Sylvester, of Bath, widow, Adm'x, 25 June, 1781. [HI, 37.] John Springer, residing at a place called Frenchman's Bay, and George Andrew, of Bath, sureties. In- ventory by Hatherly Foster, Isaiah Crooker and James Owen, 23 Ap., 1783. [Ill, 38.] Isaiah Crooker and W^ensly Hobby, commissioners to examine claims. Account filed 20 Aug., 1785. [Ill, 39-] Benjamin Gooch, late of jMachias. Benjamin Gooch, of Machias, Adm'r, 22 Sep., 1783. David Longfellow and Jacob Townsley, both of Machias, sureties. Inventory by Amos Boyinton, Joseph Libbey and Daniel Ston, 31 Aug., 1784, ^172 : 15 :o. [HI, 40.] William Tupper and Amos Boyinton, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 109.] Thomas Humphrys, late of Newcastle. Sarah Humphrys, widow, and Joseph Humphr)'s, both of Newcastle, Adm'rs, 14 Aug., 1780. Christopher Hopkins and Kenelm Winslow, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by James Little, John Dodge and Zachariah Dodge, 19 Aug., 1780, ;!{?452 : iS : 2. [Ill, 43-44.] .Account filed 22 June, 1781. [Ill, 45.] Caleb Crcssey, late of a place called Ball Town. Meribah Cressey, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 23 .•\ug,, 1784. [Ill, 47.] Samuel Emerson and Joseph McFarland, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Obadiah Call, Jr., Richard Kidder and Joseph McFarland, Jr., 23 Aug., 1784, ^5:1:0. [Ill, 48.] •Amos Paris, late of Pownalborough. Margaret Paris, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 14 June, 1773. [HI, 50.] Jonathan Reed, Jr., and Francis Rittal, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Reed, Jr., Philip Call, Jr., and Francis Rittal, all of Pownal- borough, 14 June, 1773, ^56 : 15 : 4- [HI, 51.] John Fullerton, late of St. Georges. William McCobb, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 13 .Aug., 1785. [Ill, 53.] John Johnson and George Lilly, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Archibald Robinson, Alexander Hathorn and Moses Rivers, all of St. Georges, 24 Aug., 1784,^140. [Ill, 54.] Account filed 12 I-\d)., 1789. [IV, 28.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 14^ John McKechnie, late of Winslow. Mary McKechnie, of Winslow, widow, Adm'x, 6 Mar., 1783. [111,54.] Ezekiel Paltee, of Wins- low, and Joseph North, of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Ezekiel Pat'tee, Asa Phillips and Solomon Parker, all of Winslow, lo July, 1783, k:io49 : II : o. [HI, 55-56.] Inventory of land in Bowdoin- ham by Abraham Preble, Zacheus Beal and George Thomas, all of Bowdoinham, 8 Ap., 1784. [111,5 7-] Mary McKechnie, widow, appointed guardian unto Alexander, Joseph, and William, mmor sons, Lydia, Jane and Mary, minor daughters, i Aug., 1784. [Ill, 64 to 66.] Josiah Hayden and George Warren, both of Winslow, commissioners to examine claims, 30 May, 1793. [VII, 201-2.] Widow's dower set off by Josiah Hayden and George Warren, both of Winslow, and Nehemiah Getchel, of Vassalborough, 1792. [VII, 202-3.] Division of estate by Ezekiel Pattee, Josiah Hayden and Jacob Diman, all of Winslow, 12 Jan., 1795, among Thomas McKech- nie, Rebecca, wife of Simon Tozer, Mary, wife of James Stackpole, Jr.,' John McKechnie, Sarah, wife of Abraham Steward, Jane McKech- nie, Lydia McKechnie, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel McFarland, Joseph McKechnie, Alexander McKechnie, William McKechnie, Mary Pattee, and the heirs of Hannah Craig, deceased. [VII, 203 to 205.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, i 794, at which date the adminis- tratrix had become the wife of David Pattee. [VII, 205.] Account filed 29 May, 1794- [^H, 206-7.] William Wyman, late of Winslow. Love Wyman, of \Vinslow, wid- ow, Adm'x, 10 Mar., 1783- [HI, 57-] Benjamin Runels and Eph- raim Osburn, both of Winslow, sureties. Inventory by Josiah Brewer, Ephraim Osburn and Benjamin Runels, all of Winslow, Mar., 17S3, SS-] : 12 : 4. [HI, 95.] Josiah Brewer and Zimri Heyard, both of Winslow, commissioners to examine claims. [HI, 96.] Account filed 26 Sep., 1785- [ril, 97-] James Mustard, late of West Bowdoinham. John Alexander, of West Bowdoinham, Adm'r, 25 May, 1785. [HI, 66.] James Alex- ander, of West Bowdoinham, and John Small, of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin Jaques, Prince Rose and Humphrey Purinton, II June, 1785. [HI, 107.] Priscilla Alexander, of Bowdoin, widow, Adm'x \ie bonis non, 10 Sep., 1806. [IX, loS.] Account filed 4 Oct., 1808. [XIII, 134-5.] Timothy Heald, late of Norridgewalk. Elizabeth Heald, widow. 142 LINCOLN PRORVIE RECORDS. anil Josiah Hcalil, both of Norridgewalk, Adm'rs, 22 June, 1786. [Ill, 67.] Josiah Warren, of Norridgewalk, and John Moore, of Seven Mile Brook, sureties. Inventory by Josiah Warren, Obadiah Witherelland John Moore, 13 Dec, 1786. [IV, 25-26.] James Henry, late of Topsham. James Henry, of Topsham, Adm'r, 5 Ap., 1786. [111,68.] James Fulton and Arthur Hunter, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by James Fulton, Actor Patten and William Randall, all of Topsham, 26 May, 1788, ^1^368 : o : o. [V, 171-2.] In the Name of God Amen. I Fredrick Swatz of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln, yeoman being in good health of Body and of Sound mind and memory, and being forthwith, to depart, A Soilder in the Continental Army, And Considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, do make Publish and Declare, this my last will and Testament, in manner and form follow- ing, (to wit.) First I desire a Decant and Christian Burial, If I should not be killed in an Ingaigement, Then & in that case I commit my Body to the Dust, and my Soul unto Cod who gave it. Also, I give and bequeath unto my Dear beloved AVife Lucy Swatz all my Estate, which I shall die Seized of, for to bring up my Sons & Dafters to, the .'\ge of Twenty One years. Provided she should so Long remain my Widow, but at the time of her Marrying of A nother Husband I give and bequeath, to all my Sons & Daughters all my Estate, at the time of my Wife's marage to be equally sheard & divided amongst my Children, Viz — Anna Castner, Wife of Ludwig Castner, Peter Swatz, Catharine Swatz, Mary Swatz. Jacob Swatz, Fredrick Swatz, Christehana Swatz, Margrate Swatz, Susannah Swatz, and all other of my children which shall hereafter be born, of the body of my wife, and in case ary a one of my said children should, die, his or her share to be equally, dived amongst the other Brothers & Sisters, in witness whareof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Sixteenth Day of June In the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Sevinty Seven. Also I appoint my Wife Lucy Swatz my Executrix. Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator Fredrick Swatz Fredrick Swatz (Seal) as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his pre LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. M3 and at his request have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto George Deniuth Waterman Thomas [Unrecorded] Lucy Swatz, of Waldoborongh, widow, Adm'x, 13 May, 1786. [Ill, 68.] John Benner and Lawrence Sides, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by John Benner, Lawrence Sides and Jabesh Cole, all of Waldoborough, 7 July, 1786, ;^2oo : 18 : 8, [V, 165-6.] Account filed, 16 Sep., 1788. [V, 166.] Mathias Sidenparker, late of Waldoborough. Susanna Sidenparker, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 30 May, 1786. [Ill, 69.] John Martin Schaffer and Andrew Schenck, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Mathias and Michael, minor sons, chose Susanna to be their guardian 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 63 to 65.] Inventory by John Ulmer, Jabesh Cole and Lawrence Sides, all of Waldoborough, 19 Aug., 1786, ^246 : 6: 2. [V, 167-8.] Account filed, 18 Sep., 1788. [V, 168.] Joseph Davis, late of Medumcook. Ezra Sumner, of Warren, Adm'r, 29 May, I 786. [Ill, 70.] Moses Copeland and Reuben Hall, both of Warren, sureties. Inventory by Hatevil Libby, Reuben Hall and Moses Copeland, all of Warren, 24 Jan., 1787,^7:11:3. [HI 137.] Ezra Sumner guardian unto Mark and Israel, minor sons, and Mary, minor daughter, 29 May, 1786. [Ill, 159.] Mark, minor son, chose John Demorse, Junr, of Medumcook, to be his guardian, 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 66.] John Robinson, late of St. Georges. Sarah Robinson, of St. Georges, widow, Adm'x, 29 May, 1786. [Ill, 71.] Moses Copeland, of Warren, and Joshua Collamore, of Medumcook, sureties. Inventory by Joshua Collamore and James Thompson, both of Medumcook, and Archibald Robinson, of St. Georges, 8 Sep., 1786, ^168 : 3 : 6. [Ill 131-] William Hodge, late of Edgecomb. Mary Hodge, of Edgecomb, widow, Adm'x, 29 May, 1786. [Ill, 72.] Nathaniel Leeman, of Edgecomb, and Robert Cochran, of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by Ebenezer Gove and Moses Davis, both of Edgecomb, and Samuel Waters, of Newcastle, 30 June, 1786, ;^779 : 16 : 9. [Ill, m.] Account filed 4 Oct., 1786. [111,131.] William, minor son, chose Samuel Waters, of Newcastle, to be his guardian, 4 Oct., 1786. [Ill, 167.] Division of real estate by Moses Davis and Ebenezer Gove, 144 LINCOLN PR(M5A'JE RKCORDS. both of Kdgeconib, and Samuel \>'aters, of Newcastle, 19 July, 1788 : dower to Mary, widow ; remainder to jane, \\'illiam, Jennet Osborn, Allis Trask, Sarah Kennedy, I'Mizabeth Trask, James and Anna Wood- bridge, children. John, a son, was "absent, out of this Common Wealth, in Parts beyond Sea." [IV, 103 to 105.] John FurneUl, late of Medumcook. Moses ("oj)eland, of Warren, Adm'r, 29 May, 1786. [Ill, 73.] Reuben Hall and Ezra Sumner, both of Warren, sureties. Account filed 26 July, 1791. [IV, 258.] Kbenezer Thompson, late of St. (ieorges. William Thompson, of Thomaston, Adm'r, 29 May, 1786. [Ill, 74.] Moses Copeland, of \Varren, and James Malcom, of St. (ieorges, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Crane, of St. Georges, Samuel Counce, and Moses Copeland, both of Warren, 24 Jan., 1787,^28:6:4. [Ill, 243-4.] Moses Copeland and Samuel Counce, both of Warren, commissioners to ex- amine claims. [111,244.] Account filed 26 July, I 791. [IV, 207.] Distribution ordered 27 Dec, 1791. [IV, 208.] Eliphalet Foster, late of Winthroji. David Foster, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 14 Mar., 1786. [111,74.] ^Villiam Lewis, of Pownalborough, and Jonathan How, of a place called Pocasset, sureties. Inventory by Josiah French, Stephen Pullen and Benjamin Fairbanks, all of Win- throp, 27 Mar., 1784, ^323 : 17 : 6. [IV, 13.] John Brown, late of Newcastle. Mary Brown, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 27 June, 1786. [Ill, 75.] Paul Dodge and Christopher Hopkins, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by John Farley, Paul Dodge and Benjamin Jones, all of Newcasde, 21 Aug., 1786, ^127:12:11. [HI, 106.] Benjamin Jones and Jonathan Jones, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 190.] Account filed 30 May, 1793, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Israel Leavil. [V, 191.] Nathaniel Bryant, of Newcastle, guardian unto Martha, James, and Jane, minor children, i Nov., 1794. [^'I, 82-83.] Widow's dower set off by John Farley, Benjamin Lincoln and Solomon Dunbar, all of Newcastle, 6 Jan., 1796. [VII, 74.] Guardian's accounts filed 8 Dec, 1795. [VII, 74-75.] Samuel Patterson, late of Bristol. John Patterson, of Bristol, Adm'r, 13 Ap., 1785. [Ill, 76.] Amos (roudey and Zebulon Howland, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Henry Hunter, Jonas Fitch and John Trask, all of Bristol, 20 June, 17S5. [HI, 78.] Account filed 7 Feb., 1787. [HI, 126.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 45 Enoch Averell, late of Balltown. Ruth Averell, of Balltown, widow, Adm'x, I Feb., 1786. [Ill, 83.] Samuel Waters and Benjamin Glidden, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by David Hopkins and Jacob Rowell, both of Balltown, and Samuel Waters, of Newcastle, 12 Ap., 1786, ^263:7:0. [Ill, 84.] David Hopkins and John Weeks, both of Balltown, commissioners to examine claims, 4 Jan., 1787. [Ill, 188.] Account filed 17 Mar., 1788. [Ill, 189.] Distribution ordered 14 Ap., 1788. [Ill, 190.] Nathaniel Dole, late of Pownalborough, mariner. Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, Adm'r, 21 June, 1786. [111,85.] Samuel Goodwin and Nymphas Bodfish, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Ebenezer Whit- tier and David Silvester, both of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 149.] Account filed 13 Sep., 1790. [IV, 150.] Distribution ordered 20 Sep., 1790. [IV, 153.] John Montgomery, late of Boothbay. Lydia Montgomery, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, 13 Aug., 1784. [Ill, 86.] John Murray and James Auld, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by John Leishman, James Auld and John McCobb, all of Boothbay, 20 Sep., 1785,^331: 19:4. [Ill, 87.] Samuel Gragg, late of Waldoborough, mariner. Sarah Gragg, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 22 May, 1786. [Ill, 88.'] William Farnsworth and Waterman Thomas, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Pitcher, Barnabas Simmons and Samuel Sweet- land, all of Waldoborough, 30 May, 1786. [Ill, 90 & 185.] Bar- nabas Simmons and Nathaniel Pitcher, both of Waldoborough, com- missioners to examine claims, 30 May, 1786. [Ill, 186.] Account filed I Feb., 1787. [Ill, 187.] In The Name of God Amen The Eightenth Day of November Anno Domino one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixtey Seven, I William Groves New Endland Yomman being Aged and Weack In body but of Sound Disposeing Mind and Memorey Thanks, be given unto God therefore, Calling Unto Mind The Mortality of my body, and Knowing That it is Appinted for all Men once to Dye, Do Mak and Ordaine This my Last will & Tesiament, That is to say Principally, & first of all, I Give & Committ my Soul into The hands of God That Gave it & my body, I Recommend to the Earth to Be Buried In a Deacint & Christian Manner, at The Descretion of my Executor here- after Named. And as Touching Such Worldly Estate Wherewith it 10 146 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. hath Pleased God to bless me in this Life, I Give Demise & Dispose, of The Same in the P'oUoweing Manner and Form Imprimis. My will is that all my Jusst & Lawful! Debts, & my Funeral Charges be Raised & paid out of my Estate as Soon as may be Con- veniently, after my Decease. Item. I Give «S: bequeath unto Annarh my well be Loved wife The whole & Sole use & Improvement of all my testate Both Real & Per- sonall During my Widow & what of Estate that shall be remaining after her Decease my will is that my Son John Groves Shall have all as Above wrighten Item I Do hereby make & ordain hannh my Wife and sd John Sole Executr. & Adminsr of This my Last my Last will and Testament And I Do hereby Utterly Dissallow Revoke and Disannul all & Every other former wills Leagacies & Bequests by me any ways before named willed & Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming This & no other to be my Last will and Testament In WMttness Whereof I have Here- unto Sett my hand And Seal The Day and Year above wrighten Willm. Groves (seal) Signed Sealed Published Pronounceed & Declared by The Sd William Groves as his Last will & Testament Wittness David Silvester John Sevey Joshua Fowle Probated 17 Mar., 1785. [Ill, 90.] Inventory by Ebenezer Whittier, David Silvester and John Sevey, all of Pownalborough, 12 Oct., 1785, ;^4i9 : 10:0. [Unrecorded.] In the Name of God Amen. I Gardner Williams of Pittston and in the County of Lincorn Being Very sick and weak in Body, But of per- fect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God, Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing That it is Appointed for all Men once to die, do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testa- ment, That is to say. Principally and first of all, I Give and recom- mend my Soule into the hand of Almighty God that Gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth, to be Buried in decent Christian Burial, at the Discretion of my Executors ; Nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again, by the Mighty power of God, and as Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 147 pleased God to Bless me in This Life, I Give devise, and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form : First, I give and bequeathe to Policy my dearley beloved Wife ; after my debts is paid, the whole of My Estate that I now have, or shall fall to Me hereafter by Heirship Whome I likewise Constitute, Make, and Ordain the Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow, Revock and disannul all and Every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacis, Bequests, and Executors by me in any wais before Named willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming this, and no Other, to be my Last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale, This twenty second day of April in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty six. Gardiner Williams (seal) Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Gardner Williams as his Last Will and Testament in his presents and in the Presents of Each other have hereunto subscribed our names Joseph Hammatt Seth Gay Isaac Barnard Probated 24 May, 1786. [Ill, 93.] Inventory by Henry Dearborn, Jedediah Jewett and William Barker, 7 Feb., 1787,^^285:10:2. [IV, 154-5.] Jedediah Jewett and William Barker, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 155.] Ac- count filed 10 Sep., 1790. [IV, 156 to 158.] Distribution ordered 18 Oct., 1790. [IV, 158-9.] John Grafifam, late of Bristol. Lydia Graffam, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 14 Mar., 1786. [Ill, 97.] Inventory by Thomas Johnston, Ezekiel Farrow and Moses Starling, all of Bristol, 18 Mar., 1786, ;^i89 : 15 : 10. [HI, 99.] Thomas Johnston and John Paine, both of Bristol, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 232.] Account filed 17 Sep., 1793, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Daniel McCurdy. [IV, 233-4.] Distribution ordered 20 Sep., 1793. [V, 234-5.] John Kirkpatrick, late of Warren. Ann Kirkpatrick, of Warren, widow, Adm'x, 29 May, 1786. [HI, 102.] Moses Copeland and William Killpatrick, both of Warren, and James Malcom, of St. Geor- 1 48 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. ges, sureties. Inventory by William Bogs, Joseph Copeland and Arch- ibald Crawford, 6 Jan., 1786, ^140: 2: o. [Ill, 102.] Thomas Starret and Joseph Copeland, both of Warren, commissioners to ex- amine claims. [V, 59.] Account filed and distribution ordered, 18 Sep., 1792. [V, 60 to 62.] Ebenezer Hovey, late of Hallowell. Daniel Bolton and Benjamin Brown, Jr., both of Hallowell, Adm'rs, 28 Feb., 1785. [Ill, 112.] Benjamin Brown, of Bath, and Isaac Savage, Jr., of Hallowell,. sureties. Inventory by Joseph North, Noah Woodward and Abisha Cowen, 1786, _;^io6: 6: 6. [HI, 263.] Samuel Colman and James Page, both of Hallowell, commissioners to examine claims. [HI, 264.] Account filed 19 Jan., 1796; dividend ordered 9 Sep., 1796. [Ill, 265-6.] Samuel, minor son, chose Beriah Ingraham, of Hallowell, to be his guardian 16 Jan., 1789 ; Beriah Ingraham, guardian of Ebene- zer, minor son, 16 Jan., 1789. [IV, 25.] F^benezer, minor son, chose Beriah Ingraham to be his guardian 18 Jan., 1791. [IV, 18S.] Samuel Wing, late of Winthro}). Daniel Wing, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 5 Sep., 1785. [Ill, 114.] Matthias Smith and Joseph Baker, both of Winthrop, sureties. Inventory by Joshua Bean, Robert Page and Matthias Smith, 8 June, 1786, ^220 : 13 : o. [Unrecorded.] In the Name of God AMen the fourth Day of April anno Domini one thousand Sev^en Hundred and Eighty six I William Bonny of Winthrop in the County of Lincoln and Common Wealth of Massachusetts Yeo- man being Sick and indiposed in Body but of Sound mind and Mem- ory do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament and First I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God whoe Gave it my Body I Commit to the Dust to be Buried at the Discresion of my Executor heafter named in a Christian decent manner and my worldly goods that God has blessed me with I dispose of in the follow- ing manner viz first I will that all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges shall be paid out of my Estate by my Executor in one year after my Deceas and that my wareing apperrill be Sold and applyed to that use as far as it will go. Impriviviis. I Give and Bequeath unto Lucy Bonny my well beloved Wife the use of my Dwelling House and Land and all my Household goods of every kind, and two Swine So long as She Shall remain my Widow or till my Daughter Silva shall Comfe of age and at the arrival of my Daughter at age my Widow to have the imi)rovment of one LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 49 half of my Dwelling house and half the land and half the houshold goods Except a red Chest dureing her Natural Life or Alarraige. Item. I make my Beloved Daughter Silva Bonny my only Child my Legatee and Give and bequeath unto her all my Estate Real and Personal and all and Singuler my goods and Chatties of Ever sort and kind except what I have before disposed of in this Will to be Delivered to her by my Executor when she Comes of age and in Case of the Deceas of her mother or marraig before that time So much of my Estate as is Necesary to be used by my Executor in bringing up and providing for said Silvy Bonny the Residue of my Estate Real and Personal to be the said Silva Bonny's at her own disposing for ever. Lastly I Constitute and appoint Mr. John Chandler Junr of Winthrop in the County of Lincoln & Common Wealth of Massachusetts Yeoman Sole Executor of this my Last Will and testament and hearby Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament made and pronounced the Day and Year first above written in Testimony whereof I have hearunto Sett my hand and Seal atest Isaac Bonney William Bonney [seal] Simeon Boney Ichabod Howe Probated 9 Sep., 1786. [Ill, 119.] Inventory by Ichabod How, Gideon Lambard and William Pullen, all of Winthrop, 2 Oct., 1786, ^124: 14:9. [Ill, 195.] In the Name of God Aman I Jonathan Oaks of Canaan in the County of Lincoln : Being through the Abundant Goodness of God, tho ; Week in Body, Yet of a sound and perfect understanding and Memory, do Constitute this My Last Will and testament, and Desire it may be Received by All as Such : first I most humbly Bequeath My Soul to God My Maker, beseeching his Most Gracious Acceptance of it, through the All-sufficient Merits and Mediation of my most Com- passionate Redeemer Jesus Christ, Who Gave himself to Be an Atone- ment for My Sins. And is Able to Save to the Uttermost all that Come Unto God by him. Seeing he ever Liveth to Make Intercession for them, and who, I trust, will not reject Me, a returning penitent Sinner, when I Come to him for Mercy in this hope and Confidence I render up My Soul With Comfort, humbly beseeching the most Blessed and Glorious Trinity, one God, Most holy. Most INIercifuU and Gracious to prepair Me for the time of my Dissolution, and then to take me to 150 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. himself into that peace and Rest, which he has prepared for them, that Love and fear his holy Name. Amen. Blessed be God. I Give my Body to the Earth, from whence it was taken in full Assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the Last Day, as for my Burial I desire it ISLiy Be decent, at the Discretion of my Dear Wife and my Executors hearafter Named, who, I doubt not will Manage it with prudence as to my Worldly Estate I will and positively order that all my Debts be paid first I Give to my Dear and Loving Wife, I will and order that She have a Cumfortable Maintainance in Sickness and helth So long as She remains My ^^'iddow togeather with all my household Moveables So Long as She Remains with her Children ; And unto My Eldest Daugh- ter Mary I Give five Shilling. She haveing had her part & more out of My Estate Before : and to my Daughter Lydda I Give five Shillings, She haveing had her full part out of my f^state Before: and to My Daughter Elizabeth I Give five Shillings, She haveing had her part out of my Estate Before And to my Daughter Sarah I Give five Shillings out of my Estate : And to my Eldest Son Jonathan Oaks I Give ten Shillings to Be paid him out of My Estate if he Ever Comes to this place again And to My Daughter Rebeckah, I Give five Shillings She having had her part out of my Estate Before : And to My Son John Oaks I Give five Shillings he haveing had his part out of my Estate Before And to my Sun Daniel Oaks I Give five Shillings to be paid him out of My Estate : And to my daughter Lois I Give five Shillings She haveing had her part out of My Estate before And to my Two Beloved Sons Levi Oaks & Solomon Oaks I Give and bequeath to to them Joindy & Severly My home Lot on which I Live togeather with all My Improvements adjoining togeather with My Island which Lyeth a Little to the South of my Lot, with all the Improvements and Apper- tinances there to Belonging with all My Moveable stock and farming touls and Carpenders tools to them there Heirs and Assigns forever : And I do positively order that they pay my funarel Charges, and pay All My Just Debts, and provide their Mother a Comfortable Maintain- ance in Sickness & helth So Long as She Remains My Widdow and if She Remains so through Life, a Decent Buriel after Death, and pay the Several Legises to their Brothers &z Sisters Before above men- tioned And to their three Youngest Sisters Mille, Sibbel & Lucy four pounds Each Mille to have her Dowrey at Ninteen years of Age & Sibbel & Lucy to have their Shear at Eighteen Years of Age, And to their two Youngest Brothers I positi\ely order that they Be att the LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 5 ^ Cost of procuring a title to the Lot of Land I had of Daniel Lambeid, from the proprietors for them it being the third Lot from Wesserunsett up the main River And Likewise that they Give teen Bushels of Corn yearly each from the time they are Eightteen Years of Age two years I Likewise order that they Live with their Brothers, to wit : Abel with Levi and William with Solomon untill they are Eightteen Years of Age and that they provid for them decently in Victuls and Cloths and Lam to read wright and Cypher and give them a freedom Suite I Likewise order that my two Sons Levi & Solomon Colect All Debts Due to my Estate And to my three Youngest Daughters Mille Sibbel & Lucy I Give four pounds Each as I have ordered them paid by their Brothers Above. And to my two youngest Son Abel and William I give Jointly & Severally My right and title which I purchased of Daniel Lamberd to a Lot of Land it being the third Lot from Wesserumseet together with what I have above order'd paid to and procured for them, by their two Brothers : Levi & Solomon finally I do Constitute My Son Solomon Oaks togeather with Solo- mon Clark Executors of this My Last will and testament, and trustees to see this my Last will performed agreeable to my Mind as I have above Expresed, in Witness whareof I have hearunto Set my hand and Seal the Second Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & Eighty four Witnesses Jonathan Oaks (seal) hear I take of my Seal and Peter Heywood do Declear this Peter Heywood Jr to be my Last Will John Fowler and testement Probated 12 Mar., 1785. [HI, 121-2.] Inventory by Peter Heywood, James Turner and Joseph Weston, all residing at Howardston, 15 Mar., 17S5, ^219: 11 : 10. [HI, 235.] Peter Heywood and Joseph Weston, both of Howardston, commission- ers to examine claims. [HI, 235.] In the name of God amen. I Simeon Bonny of ^Vinthrop in the County Lincoln and Common Wealh of Massachusetts Bay yeoman being in a weak and low Estate of Body but of Sound mind and memory make and ordain my Last Will and Testament first I bequeath my Spirit to God in and through a Redeemer my Body to the Dust in Sure and Certain hope &c. My worldly Goods and Estate I dispose of in the following manner 152 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. viz Firstly I will that all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges shall be Paid by my Executors hearafter named out of my Estate. Imprimis I Give and bequeath unto my Beloved wife Thankful Bonny all my within Doors moveables at her Disposal for ever and two Cows Item I Give and bequeath unto my Son \\^illiam Bonny and my Son Simeon Bonny one Hundred acres of Land Situate in ^Vinthrop afore- said viz one half of the Lot No. 47 the Easterly end of Said lot and one Hundred and twenty five acres of Land in Silvester being the Lot No. 10 Item my Son James Bonny, I Give and bequeath my Gun Item I Give and bequeath to my Son Isaac Bonny a Syth and an ox Item I Give and bequeath to my Son Joseph Bonny two Bushels of Indian Corn. Item I Give and bequeath to my Son Daniel Forty Bushels of Indian Corn when he arives at twenty one years of age. Item I Give and bequeath unto my Sons Bariah Bonny Solomon Bony Andrew Bonny, and my Daughters Rebecca Bonny Deborah Bonny and Silva Bonny one Silver Dollar each to be paid them when they Come of age. Item I Give and bequeath to my Son Simeon Bonny all my Farming Tools not before mentioned Lastly I Constitute and appoint my Sons William Bonny and Simeon Bonny the Executors of this my last Will and Testament and Legatees of all my Estate and goods of every kind not before mentioned I testimony wherof I hearof I have hearunto Set my hand and Seal this 18 day of September A D i 781 Moses Chandler Simeon Bonny (seal) Jacob Chandler Ichabod Howe [Howe sworn 9 Sep., 1786; unrecorded.] George Light, Jr., late of Waldoborough. Jacob Ludwig, of Waldo- borough, Adm'r, 3 Oct., 1786. [HI, 124.] Joseph Ludwig and Godfry Bornheimer, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Ludwig, George Dolheim and Charles Kaler, all of Waldobo- rough, 26 Oct., 1786, ;^39 : 11:0. [Ill, 139.] Thomas McGuire and Joseph Ludwig, both of Waldoborough, commissioners to examine claims. [HI, 152.] Account filed 17 Sep., 178S. [Ill, 154.] Distribution ordered 24 Nov., 1788. [HI, 156.] .Account filed, 22 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 53 Nov., 1790. [IV, 1S6.] Peter Hilt, late of Waldoborough. Mary Hilt, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 13 Sep., 1786. [HI, 125.] George Clowes and George Heibner, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Jacob I.udwig, Peter Gross and Daniel Feiltren, all of Waldoborough, 14 Sep., 1786, ^31 : 18 : 4. [Ill, 138.] Jacob Ludvvig, of Waldobo- rough, and Nathan Jewett, of a place called Walpole, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 157.] Account filed 17 Sep., 1788. [Ill, 158.] Sarah Williamson, of Pownalborough, widow, guardian unto Ruth, Abigail, Lucy, Anna and Hannah, minor daughters of Thomas William- son, late of Pownalborough, deceased, 3 Feb., 1787. [Ill, 143-] Hannah Boyinton, of Pownalborough, guardian unto John, Joshua, Daniel, Caleb and Joseph, minor sons, and Hannah, Susanna and Sarah, minor daughters of John Boyinton, late of Pownalborough, de- ceased, 3 Feb., 1787. [Ill, 143.] In the Name of God, Amen. I Zebulun Baker, of Pownalborough, in the County of Lincoln and State of the Massachusetts- Bay, in New-England, Mariner, being of sound disposing Mind & Memory, and also, in good Health of Body ; but mind ful of my Frailty and Mortality, do make & publish this my Last Will & Testament, in manner and Form following. Viz : In the first Place, I commend my Soul to the mercy of God, my Savior Whenever It shall be separated from my Bod)', which I commit \o the Earth or Sea, as shall seem best to a Wise & Good Providence to dis- pose of the same ; And as for such worldly Estate It hath pleased God to bestow upon Me, I give to each of my beloved Children, five pounds thereof, Viz : to my Son Thomas Baker five pounds & no more, to my Son Zebulun Baker, five pounds & no more, and to my Son George Baker, five pounds & no more : All the rest of my Es- tate I give to my good & well-beloved Wife, Susanna Baker, Viz : All such Wages, Debts, and Sums of Money, as are now or may hereafter be due or owing to me by or from any person or persons whatsoever, together with all such Share or Shares of prizes or prize-money that I may have a legal claim to ; and also all my Goods & Chattels, and whatever Estate I may die possessed of, or be any Ways interested in, (as well Real Estate as Personal Estate,) at the Time of my Decease, whereever such Estate may be found, or I may have a Title to in Re- 154 LINCOLN PROIUTE RECORDS. version, I hereby freely give and bequeath, all & every part of the same to my said Wife Susanna and to her Heirs and assigns, to and for Her Sz Their sole Use «Si Benefit for Ever ; And I do constitute & appoint Her, the said Susanna Baker my beloved Wife, Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament ; hereby absolutely revoking any Will or Wills, heretofore by me made. In Witness whereof, I the said Zebulun Baker, have hereunto, as to my Last Will and Testament, set my Hand & Seal this eighteenth Day of August In the Year of OUR LORD, One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Seventy Eight. Signed, Sealed, Published and Zebulon Baker (seal) Declared, by the said Testator, as & for his Last Will & Testament, in Presence of Us, who in his Presence, and at his request, signed our Names, as Witnesses to the Same. James Hughes Joseph Billings Tho's Russell Probated 4 Oct., 1786. [Ill, 143.] In the Name of God, Amen. The twelfth day of May 1787, I Jonathan Spafford of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln and in the State of Massachusetts farmer, being very sick and Weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God. Therefore calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, prin- cipally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it ; and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent christian Burial at the Discretion of my fvxecutors, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection, I shall receive the same again, by the mighty power of God — And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form — first my funeral Charges be paid and my lawful Debts. Imprintis. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Martha Rogers one half of my houshold (.loods, except my bed for the Use of the young Children, and the remainder part of my houshell Goods I give to my Daughter Mary. Item. I give to my Son Jacob five pounds lawful money to be LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 5 5 raised and levied out of my personal Estate and to be paid when he comes to lawful Age for himself. I give to my Son William five Pounds when he comes of lawful Age, it is to be raised & levied out of my personal Estate. I give to my Son Robert five pounds when he comes of lawful Age ; it is to be raised and levied out of my personal Estate. I give unto my Son John five pounds when he comes of lawful Age, it is to be raised & levied out of my personal Estate. I give unto my Son Samuel five pounds when he comes of lawful Age ; it is to be raised and levied out of my personal Estate. I give to my Son James five pounds when he comes of lawful Age, it to be raised & levied out of my personal Estate ; all which Sum to be paid to each of my heirs when they come of Age, to be prised and raised and levied out of my personal Estate by my Executors. Also my farming tools to be kept on the farm, and that my farm be improved together with all my real Estate for the support of my heirs till they come of lawful Age to take Care of themselves, and when the youngest heir comes of age then the real Estate to be prised, together with all the Remains of my personal Estate, and to be equally divided between the whole named heirs — that Martha and Mary be paid in Cash their proportion I likewise constitute make and ordain Major John Huse and Rogers Smith my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, all by them freely to be possessed and improved for the support of my heirs till they come of Age. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke & disanul all and every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Be- quests & Executors by me in any way before named, willed and be- queathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and^year above written. Jon Spafibrd (seal) Signed sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said Jonathan Spafford his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers William Decker William Clark her Sary 1111 Clark Mark 156 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Probated 3 July, 1787. [Ill, 145-6.] Inventory by Ebenezer Whittier, Daniel Scott and Nymphas Stacy, all of Pownalborough, 1787, ;^5o6 : 12: o. [Ill, 246.] Account filed 8 Aug., 1803. [X, 70-1.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 17 Feb., 1S06. [XI, 191-2.] Account filed 4 Oct., 1809. [XIII, 520.] In the Name of God, Amen. I Samuel Ford of Woolwich in the County of Lincoln and Common Wealth of Massachusetts ; Gentleman, being weak & infirm in body, but of a Sound and disposing mind & memory for which I desire to bless God and considering the shortness and uncertainty of Life, and that it is appointed for all Men once to die, do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner fol- lowing. First I give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of Al- mighty God who gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried with a decent Christian burial (at the discretion of my Executrix) in hopes of a joyfuU Resurrection, through the merits «& mediation of my Saviour Jesus-Christ. And as to that Worldly Estate with which it has pleased God to bless me. I give and bequeath in manner following. Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Perkins a lott of Land Containing about eighty eight acres more or less lying in Woolwich and is lott No. 18 in the second division of lotts in said Woolwich, to him & his heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my Neice Hannah Blair the wife of John Blair the one half of a lott of Land being Lott No. 48 in the second division of Lotts in s'd Woolwich, to her & her heirs forever. Item. All the rest and residue of my Estate both Real and personal of every kind (after the discharge of my just debts) I give and be- queath unto my beloved Wife Mary Ford to her and her heirs forever. And I do appoint and ordain my beloved Wife Mary Ford, Sole Ex- ecutrix of this my last Will & Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this twenty second day of January Anno Domini 1782, and in the sixth year of American Independence. NB. the word "with" on the other side & the words "rest and" above were interlin'd before signing. Signed, sealed, published & declar'd by the Testator as & for his last Will & Testament, in presence of us, who Samll. Ford (seal) at his request, in his presence, and in presence of each other LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 157 have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto. Nathl. Thvving John Hathorn Robert Cushman Probated 5 Sep., 17S7. [Ill, 147.] Inventory by David Gihnore, Samuel Stinson and Seth Hathorn, all of Woolwich, 28 Sep., 1787, ;^897 : 11:8. [IV, 23-24.] I James Howard of Hallowell in the County of Lincoln, and Com- monwealth of Massachusetts, being now in Health of Body and of a sound Mind, and calling to Mind the Certainty of Death and the Un- certainty of the Time thereof, do make this my last Will and Testa- ment that is to say, first and principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be decently interr'd at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named. And as to such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me in this Life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form — that is to say. Imprimis I will and order that all my just Debts & funeral Expences be paid out of my Estate as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease. Item I give unto my beloved Wife Susanna two hundred & fifty Pounds to be paid her out of my Estate. I also give unto my said Wife one third part of all my household funiture of every sort & kind, to dis- pose of as she thinks proper ; I also give to her my said Wife the Use and Improvement of one third part of all my real Estate during the Term of her natural Life. Item I give unto my Son John Howard the sum of Twenty shillings, to be paid him, or to his Guardian, by my Executors out of my Es- tate immediately after my Decease. Item I give unto my Son Samuel Howard, the sum of twenty shillings to be paid him by My Executors out of my Estate immediately after my Decease. Item I give unto my Son William Howard the sum of Twenty shillings to be paid him by my Executors out of my Estate immediately after my Decease. Item I give unto my Daughter Margaret Patterson the sum of twenty shillings, to be paid her out of my Estate by my Executors immediate- ly after my Decease. 1 5 S LINCOLN PROIUTE RECORDS. Item All the rest and Residue of my Estate real, personal & mixed wheresoever the same is or may be found, I give & devise unto my two Children Isabella and James, (the Children which I had by my present Wife Susanna) to be equally divided between them, and to hold to them and their respective heirs for ever — And in Case that either of my said two last mentioned Children shall die without Issue then my Will is that the share of such deceased Child shall be and accrue to the survivor of the said two Children and his Or her heirs for ever — And in Case both the said last mentioned Children should die without Issue then it is my Will that the whole Estate real & per- sonal given & devised to the said Isabella & James shall accrue to and be equally divided among all my Grand Children, to wit, the Children of my Son Samuel, William, & Margaret; to hold unto my said Grand Children & their heirs for ever. Lastly I do hereby appoint my said Wife and my Son William Howard Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoke all other & former Wills by me heretofore made, and declare this & no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I the said James Howard do hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth Day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Eighty six. Signed Sealed and declared ") Mem'o The words ^^real 6^ personal by the Testator to be his last \ given & were interlined before sealing Will and Testament in J &c presence of us — I James Howard declair this (seal) Instrument to be my last H : Sewall will and testment Elisha Bisbe William Howard Junr Probated 14 Jan., 1788. [Ill, 148-149.] William Brooks of Hallowell, guardian of James, minor son, 9 Mar., I 789. [IV, 36.] Inventory by Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, Jos- eph North and Benjamin Pettingill, both of Hallowell, 5 Nov., 1 788, ;^3785 : 12:8. [IV, 72 to 75.] Account filed 16 Aug., 1804. [X, 296 to 300.] In the Name of God amen this Instrument made the third day of April AD one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven, I Solomon Page of Bath in the County of Lincoln & in the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, being of sound Mind & good memory (blessed be God for it) calling to mind the Mortallity of my Body & knowing that it ap- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 59 pointed unto all Men once to die Do make & ordain this my last will & Testament that is to say principly & first of all I give & commend my Soul into the hands of Him who gave it and my Body I recommend to the dust out of which it was formed not doubting but at the general resurrection I shall be raised the same again by the mighty power of God. and as touching my worly Estate of what nature or kind soever, after my Just Debts & funiral Charges are paid, I do hereby give & bequeath in the following manner Viz — Imprimis I give & bequeath to my true & beloved Wife Judith the free use & improvement of one half of my Farm I now live on in the Town of Bath aforesaid so long as she remains my Widow, & the improve- ment of one half of my dweling House & Barn also one third part of the live stock & all the houseel stuff in my house that belongs to me & all my Books & all my Notes against one Abner Clough — and one half of what Mr. Ephraim Fitts owes me — Item I give & bequeath to the lawful! heirs of of my son Nathan Page deceast thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence to be paid in five Years after the decease of myself & my aforesaid Wife to be paid by my Executor in such articels as he, my Execu't & said heirs shall agree on — Item I give & bequeath to the Children of my Daughter Ruth deceast thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence to be paid in five years af- the decease of myself & my aforesaid Wife, by my Executor in such articels as he, my said Execu't & said Children shall agree on — Item I give & bequeath to my son Simon Page thirteen pounds six shillings & eight pence to be paid in one year after the decease of my- self & my Wife aforesaid by my Executor in such articels as he, my Execu't & said Simon shall agree on — Item — I give & bequeath to my son Dudly Page five shillings — Item — I give & bequeath to my Daugter Owen six pounds to be paid in one year after the decease of myself & my aforesaid Wife — Item — I give ^ bequeath to my son Edward Hall Page one half of the Farm I now live on in Bath aforesaid, one half of my dweling House & Barn & the other half of said Farm, house & Barn at my aforesaid Wifes decease with two thirds of the live stock upon it at my decease also I give to said Hall half the Money which Mr. Ephraim Fitts owes me also all my husbandry tools & utensials, also all my wearing Cloaths — Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Dorcas Shurtlef six pounds to be paid in one year after my decease — l6o LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I Do appoint my Wife Judith & my son Edward Hall Page to be the Executors of this my last \ViU & Testament & my son Edward Hall Page to pay all the above mentioned Legacies — And I give & bequeath all my Estate Real & Personal that is not be- fore bequeath & mentioned to my said Executors — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the third day of April AD one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven — Signed Sealed & Declared by ^ the Testator to be his last Will I & Testament in Presents of us who f Solomon Page (seal) subscribed the same in presents of the j said Testator — Ephraim Fitts Moses Brown Dumr. Sewall Probated 25 Ap., 17SS. [HI, 150-15 1.] Inventory by Dummer Sewall, John Berry and Joseph White,, all of Bath, 21 May, 17S8, ^422 : 17:8. [V, 169.] William ^Vescutt, late of Majabaggaduce. Elizabeth Wescutt, of Majabaggaduce, widow, Adm'x, 13 Sep., 1786; Jonathan Lowder, of Penobscot River, and William Thompson, of Thomaston^ sureties. [Ill, 159.] Inventory by Joseph Perkins, William Webber and Jon- athan Ljwder, all of Penobscott, I Nov., 1786, ^133: 1 1 : o, and ^^151 : 11:0. [V, 64.] Oliver Parker and Joseph Perkins, commis- sioners to examine claims. [\', 65.] Account filed and distribution ordered, 18 Sep., 1792. [V, 67 to 69.] Widow's dower set off by Jacob Sherburne, David Moore and Joseph Hibbert, all of Penobscot, 19 Sep., 1 791. [V, 84.] Account filed and distribution ordered, 30 May, 1793. [V, I43-4-] William Wilson, late of Topsham. Gideon Owen, of Topsham, Adm'r, 4 Dec, 2786; Nicholas Gaubert, of Bowdoinham, and Nym- phas Bodfish, of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 160.] Account filed I Sep., 1789. [IV, 57.] Philip Hoyt and John Fulton, commis- sioners to examine claims, [IV, 57.] Distribution ordered 29 Sep., 1789. [IV, 58.] Inventory by William Randall, John Rogers and Philip Hoyt, all of Topsham, 6 Nov., 1787. [V, 173.] Jerusha Taylor, late of Newcastle, widow. Joseph Taylor, of New- castle, Adm'r, 15 Feb., 1787 ; Nathaniel Bryant and Ephraim Taylor, both of Newcastle, sureties. [Ill, 160.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. l6l Abner Shepard, late of Hallovvell. Jonathan Clark, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 7 Mar., 17S7; Josiah Mitchell and Daniel Wyman, both of Winthrop, sureties. [Ill, 160.] Inventory by Samuel Grant and Nehemiah Getchel, both of Vassalborough, and Enoch Page, of Hal- lovvell, 20 Ap., 17S7, ;^76 : 2: 6. [V, 11-12.] Robert Page and William Whittier, both of Winthrop, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 12.] Account filed 17 Jan., 1792. [V, 13.] Distribution or- dered 31 May, 1792. [V, 14.] William Gardiner, late of Pittston. John Gardiner, of Pownalbo- ough, Adm'r, 16 June, 17S7 ; John Silvester John Gardiner and James Tupper, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 160.] Inventory by Edmund Bridge, Richard Kidder and Nymphas Bodfish, 1 7 Tune, lySS,- ^37: ig : 3. [IV, 114.] Schedule of notes of hand filed by administrator. [IV, 115 to 117.] U'illiam Gardiner, of Pownalbo- rovigh, Adm'r t/i' />o// IS 7u>;i, i May, 1794. [VI, 69.] Account filed 9 Sep., 1S06. [XII, 44.] Phineas Nevers, late of Penobscot River. John Nevers, of Penob- scot River, Adm'r, 20 June, 17S7; Jonathan Preble and Ebenezer Preble, both of Woolwich, sureties. [Ill, 160.] Inventory by John Brewer, Jonathan Eddy and John Crosby, all of Penobscot River, 12 July. 17S7, ^169 : 5 : o. [Ill, 249.] Jonathan Lowder and James Ginn, both of Penobscot River, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 250.] Obadiah Call, late of Pownalborough. Experience Call, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 22 June, 1787; Edmund Bridge and Caleb Barker, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 160.] Inventory by William Lewis, Asa Dinsmore and Richard Kidder, all of Pownal- borough, 29 June, 1787. [Ill, 247 to 249.] Silas Hathorne, late of Penobscot River. Silas Hathorne, of Penob- scot River, Adm'r, 5 July, 1787; Archibald McPhetress and Elisha Grant, both of Penobscot River, sureties. [Ill, t6i.] Ebenezer Coombes, late ofTopsham. Abagail Coombes, of Tops- ham, widov.-, Adm'x, 5 Sep., 1787 ; Samuel Wilson, of a place called little River and James Crawford, of Brunswick, sureties. [Ill, r6i.] Inventory by Samuel Thompson, Philip Hoyt and Gideon Owen, all ofTopsham, 11 Sep., 17S7. [Ill, 191.] Philip Hoyt and Gideon Owen, both of Topsham, commissioners to examine claims, 1 2 Nov., 1787. [111,192.] Account filed 26 May, I 788. [111,192.] 11 l62 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Samuel Demorse, late of Long Island in Penobscot Bay. John Demorse, of Medumcook, Adm'r, 13 Sep., 1787; Thomas Hend- erson, of St. Georges, and Samuel Sweetland, of VValdoborough, sureties. [Ill, 162.] Philip Call, late of Pownalborough. Deliverance Call, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 24 Sep., 1787 ; Edmund Bridge and William Patterson, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 162.] Inventory by Richard Kidder, Samuel Emerson and George Lilly, all of Pow- nalborough, 4 Sep., 1787, ;^34o: 16: o. [Ill, 251.] Deliverance Call, guardian unto John, William and Philip, minor sons. Deliver- ance and Bethiah, minor daughters, 19 Mar., 1789. [IV, 30-31-39.] Account filed 19 Mar., 1789. [IV, 31.] Obadiah, minor son, chose William Lewis to be his guardian, 19 Mar., 1789. Margaret, minor daughter, chose William Lewis to be her guardian, 20 Mar., 1789. [IV, 31-32.] Division of real estate by Jonathan Reed, James Goud and Louis Houdlette, all of Pownalborough, 7 Mar., 1789 : dower to Deliverance, widow ; remainder to Philip and Charles, two of the sons, by consent of other heirs, James, Olive Allen, Elizabeth Patterson, Hannah, Lydia. Order of distribution, 2 Ap., 1789. [IV, 109 to 113.] Nathaniel Jellison, late of Bowdoinham. Hannah Jellison, of Bow- doinham, widow, Adm'x, 4 Oct., 1787; Elisha Pratt and Abraham Malcom, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. [Ill, 162.] John Askins, late of Bristol, mariner. Mary Askins, of Bristol, wid- ow, Adm'x, 23 Oct., 1787; Jonas Fitch and Daniel Herren, both of Bristol, sureties. [Ill, 162.] Lot Curtis, late of Deer Island. Nathan Johnson, of Deer Island, Adm'r, 26 Oct., 1787; Benjamin Rea and Cornehus Bramhall, both of Deer Island, sureties. [Ill, 162.] Inventory by Ignatius Haskell, John Hooper and Ezekiel Morey, 10 Nov., 1787, ;^29 : 14 : 3. [Ill, 252.] Proceedings discontinued 22 Nov., 1787. [Ill, 252.] Daniel Fairfield, Jr., late of Vassalborough. Elizabeth Fairfield, widow, and Samuel Grant, both of Vassalborough, Adm'rs, 24 Dec, 1787 ; Nehemiah Gatchel and Charles Jackson, both of Vassalborough, sureties. [Ill, 162.] Inventory by Remington Hobby, Flint Barton and Asa Redington, all of Vassalborough, 22 Ap., 1788, ^198 : 12 : 6. nV, 27.] Widow's dower set off by Dennis Getchell, Flint Barton and Asa Reddington, all of Vassalborough, 13 Aug., 1790. [IV, 268.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 63 Ezra King, late of Pownalborough, shipwright. Prudence King, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 29 Dec, 1787; Obadiah Call and Joseph McFarland, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 163.] Inventory by Richard Kidder, William Patterson and Joseph McFar- land, 3 Jan., 1788, ;^i3 : 14: 10. [Ill, 257.] Account filed 24 Mar., 1788, [III, 258.] Timothy Kimball, late of Bristol, mariner. Eleanor Kimball, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 16 Jan. 1788; Arunah Weston and Thomas Arnold, both of Bristol, sureties. [Ill, 163.] Inventory by Thomas Johnston, William Bums and Joseph Burns, all of Bristol, 21 Jan., 1788, ;£ss : 10:2. [IV, 203.] Moses Copeland, of Warren, and William Burns, of Bristol, commissioners to examine claims. Account filed by Samuel Bartlet and Eleanor Bartlet, Adm'rs, 26 July, 1791. [IV, 204-5.] Distribution ordered 27 Dec, 1791. [IV, 205.] David Averell, late of Pownalborough. Joseph Hilton, of Pow- nalborough, Adm'r, 24 Jan., 1788; George Erskin and Stuart Hunt, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 163.] Daniel, minor son, chose William Averell to be his guardian 18 Aug., 1788, [III, 165.] Simeon, minor son, chose John Averell to be his guardian 18 Aug., 1788. [Ill, 166.] Account filed 10 Sep., 1890. [IV, 177.] John Chase, late of Newcastle. Rachel Chase, of Newcastle, wid- ow, Adm'x, 18 Mar., 1788 ; Charles Chase and Briggs Turner, both of Newcastle, sureties. [Ill, 163.] Inventory by Briggs Turner, Ben- jamin Woodbridge, Jun'r, and Samuel Waters, all of Newcastle, 4 Ap., 1788, ;^2 2 : i: 8. [IV, 162.] Benjamin Woodbridge, Jun'r, and Thomas Kennedy, both of Newcastle, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 162.] Account filed 13 Sep., 1790. [IV, 163-4.] Michael Clary, late of Bristol. John Costelow, of Pownalborough, Adm'r, 27 Mar., 1788; William Lewis and John McGown, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 163.] Account filed 5 June, 1797. [VII, 218-219.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 10 Aug., 1797. [VII, 246-427.] Adam Cogswell, late of Township No. four, mariner. David Carl- ton, of Township No. four, Adm'r, 15 Ap., 1788; Theophilus Eaton, of Deer Island, and Benjamin Friend, of Township No. four, sureties. [Ill, 164.] Inventory by Jonathan Lovvder, of Pe- nobscot, Ebenezer Herrick and Benjamin Friend, both of Township No. four, 7 May, 1788, ;2{^242 : 7 : 2. [V, 163.] Enoch Blasdel, of Township No. four, and Joseph Wood, of Township No. five, com missioners to examine claims. [V, 164.] 164 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. George Couch, late of Pownalborough. Anna Couch, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 24 May, 178S; Jonathan Reed and Nathan- iel Hathorne, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 164.] Inven- tory by Lemuel Trott, Jacob Eames and Seth Hathorn, all of Wool- wich, 14 June, 1788, ;£^i : II : 2. [VII, 224-5.] Lazarus (iood- win and Samuel Woodward, both of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims. [VII, 225.] \\'ido\v's dower set off by Lemuel Trott and Jacob Eames, both of ^^'oohvich, and James Atkins, of Pownalborough, 31 May, 1793. [VII, 226.] John Laiten, late of Norridgewalk. Jean Laughton, of Norridgewalk, widow, Adm'x, 2 June, i 788 ; Eleazer Spaulding and Amos Adams, both of Norridgewalk, sureties. [Ill, 164.] Inventory by James Waugh, John Moore and William Spaulding, all of Norridgewalk, 17 88, ^,^248 : 11:8. [IV, 262-3.] Widow's dower set off by Eleazer Spaul- ding, Obadiah Witherell and John Clark, all of Norridgewalk, 27 Ap., 1789. [IV, 264.] John Clark and Josiah Spaulding, both of Nor- ridge^valk, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 265.] Account filed 9 Sep., 1791. [IV, 265-6.] Hezekiah Colby, late of Deer Island. Joshua Colby, of New Row- ley in the County of Essex, Adm'r, 17 July, 1788; Charles A\'alker and William Arnold, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 164.] Haiherly Foster, late of Bath. Mary Foster, of Piath, widow, Adm'x, 28 July, 1788; Dummer Sewall and P'.d ward Hall Page both of Bath, sureties. [111,164.] Jonah Dodge,' late of Blueh ill bay. Sarah Dodge, of Bluehill bay, widow, Adm'x, 12 Aug., 1788; Daniel Osgood and Jedediah Holt, both of Bluehill bay, sureties. [Ill, 164.] In the Name of God Amen, I Jonah Dodge of Blue hill Bay in the County of Lincolon and Common-wealth of Massachusetts in New England, Yeoman : Being through the abundant Goodness and Mercy of Ciod of a sound disi)Osing Mind and Memory ; yet calling to Mind the frailty of my Nature, my continual exposedness to the Stroke of Death, Knowing that it is appointed for man once to Die; Do there- fore make and Constitute this my last ^^'ill and Testament, desiring that it may be received by all as such ; First I most humbly recommend my Soul to God its Maker, earnestly intreating his most gracious Acceptance of it through Jesus Christ my ever blessed Redeemer, who gave himself a Propitiation for Sin and is able to save all who come unto (iod through him : who I hope and LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 65 trust will not reject, but own me, in the Day when he shall make up his Jewels ; in hope and Confidence of which, I cheerfully resign my Spirit into his hands ; most earnestly Imploring the divine Aids, that I may be found ready, and prepared for Deatth, whenever it shall come, That my Soul may wing its way, under the convoy of Angelic Hosts, to the Mansions of Eternal Bliss — My Body I commit to the Dust, whence it was taken in full Assurance of its Resurrection at the last Day. My Burial I desire may be decent and leave it to the Dis- cretion of my Executrix, who I doubt not will manage it with all Requisite Prudence. As to my worldly Estate, with which it has Pleased Almighty to bless me, I Will and positively order, that all my Debts, and funeral Charges be first paid, by my Executrix hereafter named ; and then to be disposed of in Manner and form following, That is to Say. Imp ri III is I give \o my beloved ^Vife Sarah : The Improvement of one half of all my Estate both Real and Personal so long as she re- mains my widow. Item I give and bequeath to my son Jonah Dodge and to his Heirs forever Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence to be payed him by my two Sons viz John and Reuben they each paying their Propor- tionable part of said Money to their Brother, in one year after my De- cease provided, I do live till Reuben comes to Be Twenty one years of Age but if I should Die before Reuben comes to be Twenty one years of Age then it is to be paid in one years after Reuben comes of Age. Item I give and bequeath to my 'i'hree Sons viz Abner Dodge Ben- jamen Dodge & Abraham Dodge, Each Son, the Sum of Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eight lawful Money to be pay'd them by my two Sons viz John and Reuben one third part of Said Money to be paid them in two years after my Decease another third in Three Years and the Remaining part in four years after my Decease provided 1 do live till my Son Reuben comes to be Twenty one years of Age. but if I should Die before Reuben arives to the afores'd Age then the Re- spectives Sums afores'd are to be paid to them Yearly as before Ex- pressed in four years after Reuben come to the Age of Twenty one. Item I Give to my Daughter Abigail Wife of Simon Dodge fifteen shillings which together with what She has had is her full Share. Item I (iive *\r Bequeath to my two Sons viz John Dodge and Reuben Dodge they paying the afores'd Legaces to their Brothers & Sister, the whole of the Remainder of all my Estate both Real and Personal which I shall Die Possessed off, and further It is my Will, If 1 66 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. it should please the Allrighteous Ruler of the Universe, in whose hand their Breath is to take one or both of them away by Death before they shall have any lawful Heirs begotten, that his, or their Proportion of my Estate, Should Revert to, and be Equally Divided among the Sur- viving Brothers. Lastly, I make and Constitute my Wife the Executrix to this my last Will and Testament : In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Sev- enteenth Day of June in the Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven Hundred and Eighty four. Jonah Dodge (seal) Signed, Sealed, published. Ratified and declared, to be my last Will and Testament, In Presence off us, John Peters Daniel Osgood Jedidiah Holt Probated on the first Wednesday in September, 1788. [IV, 90-91.] Inventory by Joseph Wood, Jr., Robert Parker and Jonathan Darling, all of Blue Hill Bay, i Sep., 178S, ^326 : 5 : 10. [V, 160-1.] John and Reuben, minor sons, chose Sarah, widow, to be their guardian, 27 Aug., 1788. [V, 16 1-2.] Nathaniel Jellison, late of Bowdoinham. Job Jellison, of Bowdoin- ham, Adm'r, i Sep., 1 788 ; Zacheus Beal and Elisha Pratt, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. [HI, 164.] Joseph Potter, late of a place on Penobscot River called Sunbury. Margaret Potter, of Sunbury, widow, Adm'x, 9 Sep., 1788; Silas Hath- orne and Crowell Cook, both of Sunbury, sureties. [Ill, 165.] In- ventory by Jonathan Lowder, of Penobscott, Andrew Webster and Archibald McPhetres, both of Sunbury on Penobscott River, 29 Oct., 1789,^^165: 18:0. [IV, 97.] James Duning, late of Sunbury. Jean Duning, of Sunbury, widow, Adm'x, 9 Sep., 1788 ; Silas Hathorne, of Sunbury, and Cornelius Brad- ford, of Medumcook, sureties. [Ill, 165.] Thomas Murphy, Jr., late of Pownalboiough. Priscilla Murphy, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, 10 Sep., 1788; Cornelius Turner, of Waldoborough, and George Ulmer, of Duck Trap, sureties. [HI, 165.] Briggs Hallowell, late of Hallowell, merchant. Eunice Hallowell, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. l6j of Boston, widow, Adm'x, lo July, 1786; Samuel Vaughan, Jr., of Philadelphia, surety. Joseph North, William Howard and Lazarus Goodwin, all of Hallowell, commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 168.] Account filed 22 Mar., 1788. [Ill, 17 1-2.] Distribution ordered 29 July, 1788. [Ill, 173 to 175.] Jane Brown, of Newcastle, widow, a person non compos. James Brown, of Newcastle, guardian, 27 June, 1786. [Ill, 195.] In- ventory by John Farley, Christopher Hopkins and George Barstow, all of Newcastle, 4 Sep., 1786, ;^93: 7: 4. [V, 17-18.] Account filed 6 Jan., 1792. [V, 18-19.] In the Name of God, Amen. I John George Reed of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln Yeoman being of perfect Mind & Memory, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament — That is to say, in the first place I recommend my Soul to the Hands of God who gave it, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executrix hereafter named, not Doubting but that I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God — And as to my Worldy Es- tate, I give devise & dispose of the same in manner following, that is to say — Imprimis I will and order That all my just Debts &: funeral Expen- ces be paid assoon as may after my Decease — Item, I give unto my Wife Mary Magdalene the Improvement of all my Estate real & personal during the Term of her Natural life — Item I give to my Son Michael Reed the Sum of one Pound six shil- lings & Eight pence to be paid him by my Executrix hereafter named, after the Decease of my said Wife — I also give unto my said Son all my wearing Apparel & Cloathing. Item I give to my Daughter Eve Christine Margaret Reed an Iron Stow & Cloaths Chest. Item. All the Rest & Residue of my Estate real tS: personal where- soever the same is or may be found I give & devise unto my four Children Jacob Reed Sevilla Magdalene Kilbert, Margaret Cath- arine Bave Eichorn, & Eve Christine Margaret Reed equally to be divided between then after the Death of my said Wife, & to hold to them »Sc their heirs in severalty for ever — Lastly. I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Daughter Eve Christine Margaret Reed to be sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament. And I do hereby revoke all other & former Testaments I 68 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. by me heretofore made, declaring this & no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I the said John George Reed do hereunto set my hand & seal this first Day of June A. D. 1776. Signed Sealed ]:)ublished John George Reed & declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in presence of Stephen Brown Francis Rittal Mary Bowman Probated 5 Oct., 17S7. [Ill, 197.] In the Name of GOD Amen I Quash Winchell of Topsham in the County of Lincoln Labourer being Sick & Week in bodily Health but Perfect in Mind & Memory thanks be to God for the Same Calling to mind the Uncertainty of Life & the certainty of Death Do make and Ordain this my last Avill & Testament Recommending my soul into the hands of God who Gave it And my body to the Earth to be decently buried according to the Descretion of My Executor whom I Shall hereafter Appoint An as to U'hat of this worlds goods it has Pleased God to Bless me with I dispose of in the following Manner (Viz) Imprimis I Give & Bequeath to my Benevolent Friends Silence Pur- renton Sarah Hunter Mary Given Anne Winchell & Hannah Winchell all (S: Singular the Goods & Chattells to me in any Manner belonging being at Presant one Horse & Tackling two Cows & one three Year old Heiffer with 20 Sheep allowing the said Hannah one third more then Either of the Gathers and then in Equal Divison among them With a Certain Number of Notes of hand Some payable in my Name & Sum in my Late Masters Samuel Winchells Deceased being Ciiven to me ^Vhen I Was a Slave & so Wrote in his Name Furthermore I Appoint Mr. Arthur Hunter to be my Sole & Lawfull Executor of this my Last Will & Testament in \\'itness Whereof I have hereunto put my hand & Seal this third day of March AD 178S his Quash X Winchell (seal) mark Signed Sealed Pronounc'd to be the Last \Vill & Testament in the Prcsance of us Witneses by the said (^uash Winchell LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 69 Samuel Stapel Philip Hoyt Joshua Smart Probated 26 June, 1788. [Ill, 198.] Inventory by John Sanford, Samuel Stapel and Joseph Groves, all of Topsham, 26 June, 178S. [V, 170-1.] In the Name of God Amen. I Robert Hodge Junr. of Newcastle in the County of Lincoln, calling to mind the uncertainty of Life, and feeling my Health declining, tho' of sound &: disposing mind & mem- ory, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament as follows. In the first place I bequeath my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. And as to my earthly Substance with which Providence hath blessed me I will and dispose of it in manner following. Imprimis, my Will & desire is that my Execu- tors hereafter named, pay all my just Debts out of such part of my Estate as in their Judgment will least injure the Estate, then after, this is done, I give & bequeath to my Executors two hundred and sixty five Pounds to be by them, laid out upon my six young- est Children for their further bringing up & Education in the fol- lowing proportion viz, to my oldest Son Robert, fifteen Pounds, to my Daughter Hannah, twenty Pounds, to my Daughter Sally thirty five Pounds, to my Daughter Sarah fifty Pounds, to my Son Henry sixty five Pounds, and to my Daughter Jane Nickels, eighty Pounds, the aforesaid Sums to be disposed of and laid out on said six Children, at the discretion of my Executors, for the purposes aforesaid. I further give & bequeath to William Hodge Son of my Brother Henry Hodge, Ninety Pounds to be paid to him when he shall arrive at the Age of twenty one years. All the rest and residue of my Estate both real and personal I give and bequeath to all my beloved Children to be ec^ually divided be- tween them, and the Share of each Child to be paid to him or her as they arrive at the Age of twenty one years. And I do hereby constitute and appoint Henry Hodge of Pownalboro' Samuel Nickels Esqr. of Newcastle & John McKown of Bristol f:x- ecutois to this m/ la^t \Vi 1 & Testa nent, anl h^r^by revoke & disannul all former Wills by me made, and declare this to be my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I hereto set my hand & Seal this ninth Day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand sev- I 70 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. en hundred and eighty eight. Robt. Hodge (seal) Signed sealed published & declared by the Testator to be his last Will & Testa- ment in presence of William Kennedy John Farley Seth Pratt Probated 23 July, 17S8. [Ill, 199.] Thomas Rice and Abiel Wood, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [Ill, 201.] Inventory by Thomas Rice, Abiel Wood and Francis Cook, all of Pownalborough, 15 Oct., 1 78S, ^3895: 4: 10 [IV, 248 to 254.] Henry Hodge, of Pownalborough, guardian unto Sarah, Henry and Robert, minor children, 27 Dec, 1791. [IV, 272.] Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, guardian unto Jenny, minor daughter, 27 Dec, 1 79 1. [IV, 273.] Hannah, minor daughter, chose Spencer Tinkham, of Pownalborough to be her gardian, 27 Dec, 1791. [IV, 273-4.] Sally, minor daughter, chose John McKown, of Bristol, to be her guardian, 24 Feb., 1792. Division of estate by Thomas Rice and .^biel Wood, both of Pownalborough, and Dummer Sewall, of Bath, I Oct., 1 793, among Robert Hodge, Polly Tinkham, wife of Spencer Tinkham, Jane Hodge, Sarah Hodge, Hannah Hodge, Mar- garet Roby, wife of Henry Roby, Henry Hodge and Sally Hodge. [VI, 247-8.] Henry, minor son, chose Henry Hodge, of Pownal- borough, to be his guardian, 11 Sep., 1797. [VII, 160-1.] Dis- tribution of estate among Mary, wife of Spencer Tinkham ; Margaret, wife of Henry Roby ; Hannan, wife of Abiel Wood, Jr., Sally, wife of Henry Hodge ; Sarah and Jane Hodge, minors ; Robert Hodge, and Henry Hodge, minor, 25 Nov., 1800. [VIII, 126-7.] Sarah, minor daughter, chose Silas Lee, of Pownalborough, to be her guardian, 5 Ap., 1799. [IX, 229.] George Kline, late of Waldoborough, an Absentee. Moses Cope- land, of Warren, agent, 6 Jan., 1781; Nathan Bucklen and Joseph Copeland, both of Warren, sureties. [Ill, 201.] Wil- liam Farnsworth and Jabez Cole, both of Waldoborough, and Joshua Collamore, of Medumcook, appraisers and commissioners to e.xamine claims. Inventory 28 June, 1 781, ;!{^i 00 : 0:0. [Ill, 201-2.] Ac- count filed 15 June, 1784. [Ill, 204.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I ^ I Jacob Young, late of Waldoborough, an Absentee. Moses Copeland, of Warren, agent, 6 Jan., 1781 ; Nathan Bucklen and Joseph Copeland, both of Warren, sureties. [Ill, 204.] Wil- liam Famsworth and Jabez Cole, both of Waldoborough, and Joshua Collamore, of Medumcook, appraisers and commissioners to examine claims. Inventory 29 Mar., 1781, ;^i30 : o : o. [Ill, 204-5.] Ac- count filed 15 June, 1784. [Ill, 206.] John Smouse, late of Waldoborough, an Absentee. Moses Copeland, of Warren, agent, 6 Jan., 1781; Nathan Bucklen and Joseph Copeland, both of Warren, sureties. [Ill, 206.] Wil- liam Famsworth and Jabez Cole, both of Waldoborough, and Joshua Collamore of Medumcook, appraisers and commissioners to examine claims. [Ill, 206-7.] Inventory 29 Mar., 1781, ;,{^io3 : o: o. [Ill, 206.] Account filed 15 June, 1784. [Ill, 208.] James Meloney, late of St. Georges, an Absentee. Moses Copeland, of Warren, agent, 20 June, 1781 ; Joshua Collamore, of Medumcook, and Hugh McLean, of Milton, Suffolk County, sureties. Inventory by Archibald Robinson, Owen Maddin and Lawrance Parsons, all of St. Georges, 12 June, 1781, ^26: o: o, [III, 20S.] Andrew Malcom, John McCarty and Seth Vose, all of St. Georges, commission- ers to examine claims. Account filed 15 June, 1784. [Ill, 209.] John Fullerton, late of St. Georges, an Absentee. Moses Copeland, of Warren, agent, 2 Oct., 1780; Hopestill Sumner, of Warren, and Andrew Malcom, of St. Georges, sureties. [Ill, 209.] Inventory by Archibald Robinson, Lawrance Parsons and Owen Madden, all of St. Georges, i Jan., 1781,^^208: 4: 3. [Ill, 210.] Micah Pack- ard, Andrew Malcom and John McKelly, all of St. Georges, commis- sioners to examine claims. [Ill, 211.] Account filed 15 June, 1784 [III, 212.] In the Name of God Amen The Twenty third Day of January 1776 I Ceasar Barron of Vassalboro' in the County of Lincoln and province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Tanner Being in perfect mind and memory and as I am about to Repair to the American Camp So Called att Cambridge &c with an Intent to tarry One year in Defence of America Therefore Calling to mind the mortallity of my Body and that it is appointed for all men Once to Die do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to Say Pricipally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried 172 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. in Decent Christian Burial at the Descretion of my Executor Nothing Doubting but at the Oeneral Resurection I shall Receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God — And as Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this Life I Give Demise and Dispose of the same in The following manner and form Imprimiis After the payment of all my Just Debts and funeral Charges I Give and bequeath to my Good Friend Asa Phillips of Vassalboro In the County and Province Aforesaid Cordwainer whom I Likewise Constitute make and Ordain my soul Executor of this my Last will and Testament all and singular my Lands messuages and Tennements To- gether with all my Household Goods Debts and moveable Effects whatsoever By him freely to be possesed and Enjoyed and I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannul all and Every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any wise before named willed and Bequeathed Rattifying and Confirming tliis and no other to be my Last will and Testament In Case I should not marry nor Live to Return again but if I should l-2ither marry or Return this will to be Void otherwise to Remain In full force and \'ertue — In ^^'itness whereof I have hearunto Set my hand and Seal The Day antl Year Above Written Signed Sealed Published and Pronounced and Declared by the said Ceasar Barron as his Last will antl Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers 'Ihomas GuUefer Cesar Barron (seal) Thomas Evans Stephen Barton Probated 16 Sep., 1777 [III, 213-14.] In the Name of God Amen. I Edwartl Blanchartl of Vassallborough in the County of Lincoln and State of Massachusetts-Bay Yeoman being weak of Body but of Sound Mind & Memory blessed be God therefor do make and Publish this my last ^Vill & Testament in Manner Following Vizt — Imprimis I Commend my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God who gave it me and my Body to the Earth from whence it Came in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection through the Merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ and as for the Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me, I Dis])ose thereof as Follows Vizt — LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 73 First. I give to my son Edward the sum of Five shillings. Item. I give my Daughter Sarah the sum of Five shillings. Item. I give to my Daughter Rachell the sum of five shillings. Item. I give to my Daughters, Mary, Sybill & Anna, the Front Lott of Land I now Dwell upon being lott No 87 Containing one hundred acres, with the Buildings thereon to Have & to Hold to them & their Heirs forever, together with all my Goods, Chatties, Real & Personal Estate whatsoever that I possess to be Equally Divided amongst them. On Condition that they Maintain in a Decent & Comfortable Man- ner my loving Wife & Daughter EUena during their Lives and paying all my Debts. I appoint Joseph Stephens of AMnthrop Executor to this my last Will & Testament, praying Him to Accept of the Trust & Execute the same according to my true Intent & Meaning. In Witness whereof I the said Edward Blanchard have to this my last Will & Testament set my hand & seal this Twenty Sixth day of March Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred &: seventy Eight. N B The words "being Lott 87" was wrote before sign'g sealing &c Sign'd, Seal'd, & Deliver'd "^ by the Testator, as, & for his | last Will & Testament in | Presence of i hi Remington Hobby John Gatchel his Eliab X Smith Mark. Probated 9 Oct., 1778. [Ill, 215.] Inventory by Remington Hobby, Samuel Grant and Solomon Parker, 19 June, 17S4, ^141 : S : 8. [Ill, 216.] Rachel Blanchard, Adm'x c/V /^('/;/V ?/f?//. [111,217.] Solomon Parker and Jonathan Low, both of Winslow, sureties. [IV, In the Name of God Amen th)s Sixth Day of January A: D : 17S1 I Phillip Fought of Vassalborough in the county of Lincoln and State of the Massachusetts yeoman Sick and week in body but of Sound mind and memory thanks be given to Ciod therefor Calling to mind the Mortallity of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say Principally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Edward X Blanchard (seal) Mark 174 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. earth to be buried in a Decent Christian manner at the Discression of my Executor and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give Demise and Dispose of the same in the following manner — I give and bequeath to Hannah my beloved wife all my indoor move- ables and all the moneys that are Due to Me what Soever and two cows and Six Sheep and one Rume in my house and Half the garden and fire wood all ways cut at the Door sufifitiant for her fire and her cows and Sheep Keept on the place summer and winter and to find her twenty bushels of corn ten of Rye and Wheat and thirty bushels of petators and twenty Pounds of Flax anually Dureing her life or so long as She Remains my widdow I give unto my Son Jacob fifty pounds lawfull money to be paid in Spanish mill'd Dollars at Six Shillings pr Dollar said money to be paid in one year after my widdows Decease I give unto my Son Frederick fifty pounds lawfull money in Spanish mill'd Dollars to be paid as above said in one year after my widdows Decease I give unto my Daughter Rachel one cow and fifty pounds lawfull money in Spanish mill'd Dollars to be paid as above said in one year after my Decease I give unto my Daughter Marget fifty pounds lawfull money in in Span- ish mill'd Dollars as above said to be paid in one year after my De- cease I give unto my Son Anthoney all my lands, buildings, Stock and farm- ing utentials Except what is willed as above said to be by him freely possessed and Injoyed he paying all the leagacy as above said and providing for my widdow as above said he allso paying all my Just Debts and funeral Charges And I do likewise Constitue make and ordain Mathew Hasting of Vassalborough Gent my Executor of this my last will and Testirnant and I Do hereby Disallow & Revoke all other wills and Testiments by me made before this time Rattifiing this my last will and Testi- ment In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above written his Phillip X Fought (seal) mark Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Phillip LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 175 Fought as his last Will and Testiment in Presence of us the Subscribers Ebenezer Moore Samuel Basset Nath'll Davis Probated 11 June, 1781, [III, 217-18.] Samuel Harnden, late of Woolwich. Inventory by Samuel Ford, Francis Ford and John Hathorn, all of Woolwich, 21 Jan., 1778, ;!^24o:o:o. [111,219.] In the Name of God Amen this Second Day of September .\ : D : 1782 I Joseph Clarke of Vassalborough in the county of Lincoln and Commonwealth of the Massachusetts yeoman being Sick and week in body but of Sound mind and memeroy thanks be Given to God there- fore Calling to mind the mortallity of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testiment : That is to say — Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it. And my body I commend to the earth to be buried in Christian like man- ner at the Discretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the Gen- eral Resurrection I shall Receive the Same again by the mighty Power of God : And so touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this life J Give and Dispose of the Same in the following manner after paying my Just Debts and funeral Charges I Give and bequeath to my well beloved Cusen Joseph Clarke of Vas- salborough a minor all my Estate Real and Personal all and Singular my lands messuages and tenements to be by him freely Possessed and enjoyed : And I likewise make and ordain Loes Clarke of Vassalboro widow and Rellick of Thomas Clarke late of Vassalborough Deceas'd my only and Sole Executor of this my last will and testament and I do hereby Disanul and Revoke all other former Wills by me made Ratif- ing and Conferiming this my last will and Testiment In Witness where- of I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and year above said Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Joseph Clarke as his last will and Testiment in Presence of his Mathew Hastings Joseph X Clarke (seal) Hugh Smiley marke Jonathan Dyer Probated n Mar., 1783. [III^ 229.] Ebenezer Cox, of Bristol, non compos. Israel Cox, of Bristol, guar- 1 76 LINCOLN PROHAl'E RECORDS. dian, 15 Ap., 17S6 ; 'i'homas Bracket and Jonas Fitch, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Henry Fosset, James Drummond and Joseph Boyd, all of Bristol, 1786, jP^id : 2 : o. [Ill, 242.] .Account filed 2 June, 17S7. [HI, 243.] (luardian licensed to sell real estate, 20 Sep., I 791. [IV, 261.] Stephen Foster, of W'inthrop, minor son of Timothy Foster, late of Winthrop, deceased, chose Jonathan Whiting, of Winthrop, to be his guardian, 3 May, 1786. [Ill, 256.] In the Name of God Amen this Sixth da)' of Febuary 1787 I Jabez Crowel of Vassalborough in the county of Lincoln and Commonwealth of the Massachusetts yeoman being Sick and weak in body but of Sound mind and memory thanks be Given to God therefor and Call- ing to mind the mortality of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and tes- tament that is to Say first and Principally I Give and recommend my Soul in to the hands of God that Gave and my body I commit to the earth to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Ex- ecutor ; and as touching Such worly Estate as it hath Pleased God to bless me with \\\ this life I Give Demise and Dispose of it in the fol- lowing manner \iz first 1 Give and bequeath to my Granson Barna Basset all my Car- penters tools and my Gun and Sword the Remainder of my Estate Real and Parsonal after paying my Just Debts I Give to thankful! my well beloved wife to be at her disposal dureing her life or so long as She Shall Remain my wido and at her Decease all that Shall Remain I Give to my Daughter thankfuU Crow- el She Paying to her two Sisters Samuel Bassets wife and James Math- as wife Six Shillings each to be paid at her mothers Decease I likewise make and appoint Mathew Hastings of Vassalborough afore- Said Gentn Executor oi this m\ last will and testament and I do here- by Disanul and make void every other will and testament by me made before this time Rattifiing and Confeirming this and no other to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and year above Said his Jabex X Crowell (seal) mark Sio-ned Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 7 7 by the Said Jabez Crovvel as his last will and testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers viz James Bacon Senr Winthrop Robinson his James X Bacon Jr mark Probated 5 June, 1787. [Ill, 258.] Inventories by Thomas Hawes, James Bacon and Winthrop Robinson, all of Vassalborough, and Josiah Thatcher, Abner Crowell and Jabez Lewis, all of Yarmouth, 1788,^19:15:6. [Ill, 259.] David Averell, late of Pownalborough. Joseph Hilton, of Pownal- borough, Adm'r, 24 Jan., 178S; George Erskine and Stuart Hunt, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Waters and Daniel Quigg, both of Newcastle, 2 1 Ap., i 788, ^^40 : o : o. Account filed 19 May, 17 88. [Ill, 260.] In the Name of God Amen I Henry Benner of Waldoborough in ye County of Linclon in the Massachusetts State being weak in body and Knowing tis appointed for all men to die and how sone I Know not and being now in my Perfect Sences I have thought fit to make this my Last Will and testament in ye following manner viz. in the first place I Give my Soul into ye hands of God whoe gave itt and my body to ye Earth to be Decently Buried att the Discresion of my Ex- ecutor whome my will is and I appoint to be my Loving wife Margret benner. And as to what worldly goods God has ben pleased to bless me with I give and dispose of in the following manner in the first place I Give unto my Loving wife all my whole Estate both Real and per- sonel to use occupie in all Respects as She Shall think proper as Long as She Shall Continue in this Life and as to what depts Shall be found due from me my will is She Should Sell Stock Enough to pay them and as to what depts Shall be due to me I Give to her to doe with as She Shall think proper and upon her deth the Real Estate which I am posesed with I Give to my youngest Son Henry benner that is to Say my farm House and all other Buildings meadows and all appurtances belonging there unto, and as to my moveabels or personel Estate I Give in the manner following, there is sum of my Childer have had sum things all Ready and sum have had nothing and my will is they should be made Equel : all but John Benner, Matice Benner and Elizebeth Newbit they have had as much as I Ever purposed to Give them and 12 178 LINCOLN PROP.ATE RECORDS. as to the Rest. My Son Jacob J gave him a Cow : Keaty I Give a Cow; Sedony I Gave a Cow=and Sally I gave aCow=CharIes and ]ohn and Molly and Henry I have Gave Nothing to none of them and my will is they all should be Equel and if any thing should Remain of my Personel or moveable Estate that itt should be Divided Equelly amongst them, and now I doe Disanul and make void all other wills and testaments of all Kinds and all Naturs whatsoever. I doe hold good and Vallid this my Last will and testament : and in testimony hereof I doe hereunto set my hand and Seal this 23-day of June in ye year- 1 783 Sign'd seal'd and deliv'd in presence of us Henri Benner (seal) Johannes Kesler Math Rameley Jabesh Cole Probated 9 June, 1784. [IV, 8-9.] Peter Heald, late of Georgetown. Richard Poor, of Balltown, Adm'r, 10 Aug., 1784; Ebenezer Grover and Jonathan Peasley, both of Balltown, sureties. [IV, 17.] Alexander Askins, late of Bristol. Robert Askins, of Bristol, Adm'r, 15 June, 1785 ; Richard Jones, of Bristol, and Nathaniel Winslow, of Edgecomb, sureties. [IV, i 7.] William Elliot, late of Boothbay, physician. Sarah Elliot, of Booth- bay, widow, Adm'x, 16 June, 1785 ; John Huse and Nymphas Stacy, both of Pownalborough, sureties. [IV, 18.] George Harward, late of Bowdoinham. Thomas Harward, of Bowdoinham, mariner, Adm'r, 15 June, 1786; Edmund Bridge, of Pownalborough, and James Maxwell, of Bowdoinham, sureties. [IV, 18.] In the Name of God Amen I Michal McClary of Bristol in the County of Lincoln Husbandman Being Now in health and of a Sound mind make this my last Will & Testament as Follows that is to say I Reco- mend my Sole to god and my Body to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executor and for such worldly Estate with which his providence Hath entrusted me I dispose thereof as Follows Vizt — Imprimis I will that my House Barn & the hole of the land that I bought of John Savage is I Give unto his Son Thomas Savage for him or his Heirs after my Deceased — LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 79 Item I give to him the said Thomas Savage the hole of the land I Bought of his Father I order my Executor to Deliver it to him the said Thomas free & Clear of Debt hereby Revoking and Disannulling all Former Wills by me made declaring this and no other to be my last — In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal this fourteenth day of June Atino Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty four — Michael Clary (seal) Signed Sealed & Deliverd in Presence of us — David Pottle James McDaniel John Savage Probated 6 Sep., 1 788. [IV, 19.] John Costelovv, of Pownalbo- rough, Adm'r, 27 Mar., 1788; William Lewis and John McGown, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Robert Given, Henry Fosset and James Sproul, all of Bristol, 31 Mar., 1788, ^218 : 2 : 9. [V, 170.] In the Name of God amen this Seventh Day of April one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine I William Woodcock of the Town of Attleborough in the County of Bristol in the State of the Massachu- sets Bay in New England yeoman being in helth and of a Sound Dis- posing mind and memory. Thanks be Given to God, but Calling to minde the Mortality of my Bodey and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make and ordain this my Last will and Teste- rnent that is to Say Princpaly and first of all I Give and Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it and my Bodey I Recomend to the Eairth to be Buried in Deacent Christian Burial at the Descre- sion of my Executor hearafter Named nothing Doubting but I Shall Recive the Same again at the General Resurection by the mighty Power of God — and as Touching Such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this Life I Give Demise and Dispose of the Same in the maner and form following Imprimis I Give to my true and well Beloved wife Submit Woodcock the one thurd part of all my Estate. I Give to my Daughter Mary Fields the wife of Jams Fields the Sum of five Shilling Lawful mony to be paid to her or her heirs by my Executor hearafter Named Imedatly after my Decease if Demanded I Give to my Daughter Phebe Rogers the Sum of five Shillings Lawful mony to be paid to her by my Said Executor at my Deceas if Demanded I Give to my Daughter Lucey Drown the wife of John Drown the Sum i8o LIN'COLN PROBATE RECORDS. of five Shillings Lawful mony to be paid her or her heirs by my Said Ex- ecutor at my Decease if Demanded 1 Give to my Daughter Submit the Sum of five Shillings Lawful mony to be paid her by my Said Mxecutor at my Decease if Demanded I Give to my Son Benjmin Woodcock the Sum of five Shillings Law- ful mony to be paid to him by my Said Executor at my Decease if Demantled And 1 hearby appoint make and Constitute my Son David Woodcock the Sole Executor to this my Last Will and Testemen hearby ordring him to pay all my Just L^ebts funaral Charges and the Legecyes which 1 have Given and Bequethed by this my Will and I Do hearby Give to my Said Son David all the Remainder of my Estate Except what I have Given as is Described in this my will that is to Say all the Re- maing part of my Estate (after he has Paid my Just Debts and Leagecies as afor Said) to him or to his heirs or asigns for Ever and I Do hearby utterly Disalow Revoke and Disanul all and Every other former Testement wills Leagecis and Bequests and Executors by me in anv wise before Named willed and bequethed Ratifieng and Con- fairming this and no Other to be my Last Will and Testement In Wittness wharof I have hearunto Set my hand and Seal tlie Day and year above Written his Signed Sealed Published V.illiam X Woodcock (seal) Pronounced and Declaired ALirk by the Said Willim Woodcock as his Last will and lestement in the Presence of us the Subscribers John Daggett Thomas Starkey Jesse Daggett [Received i6 Nov., 1788; unrecorded.] Roland Gushing, late of Waldoborough. Edmund Bridge, of Pownal- borough, Adra'r, 24 Nov., 1788. [IV, 20.] Joseph North anil Wil- liam Lithgow, Jun., both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Nath- aniel Thwing, of Woolwich, Richard Kidder and Samuel Emerson, both of Pownalborough, 1789, ;^362:i2:2. [IV, 51-53.] Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, and James Tupper, of Pownalborough, commis- sioners to examine claims. [V, 27.] Account filed and distribution or- dered, 31 May, 1792. [V, 37 to 39.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 9 Nov., 1791. [V, 46.] In the Name of God Amen: I Nathanael Simmons of WaKlobjrough LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. l8l in the County of Lincoln in the State of Massachusetts Bay in America Husbandman Calling to mind the Shortness of my Life and Being in Perfect mind and memory think fit to Ordain and appoint these Pres- ents to be my Last Will and Testament I therefore in the first Place give my soul to God in Jesus Christ and my Body to be Buried De- cently according to the Discresion of my Executors herein after named Believing that at the grate and General Resurection to Receive the Same again =and I Do Hereby Dispose of the Estate which Almigty God has Bles'ed me with in manner as foUoweth. Itim first I give to my True and Loving Wife the one half of all my Real Es- tate together with the Improvement of all my House-movables and I here further give to my wife Mrs Marcy Simmons the Improve- ment of three Cows and five Sheep=What is here ment is the Im- provement of all the Real and Personal Estate here given to my wife so Long as She the sd Marcy Simmons shall Remain my W'idow^Itim I hereby Give too my two oldest Sones viz Joseph Simmons and Zebe- dee Simmons the whole of that my Farme it Being the Homestead Farme on which I Dwell after their mothers Improvement as above to them and their Heirs forever Equally : further I give to s'd Joseph and Zebedee my four best oxen together with my Horse and two thirds of all my tools of all sorts : further I give Joseph and Zebedee the two Gunes that they now Improve and my two Swoards —Item I here- by give to my Son Steven Simmons the Long Island farme which I bought of Benjamin Bradford Lying on Long Island near a Place Called the midle narrows further I give to my son Steven my Half of the farme on which he the s'd Steven now Does now Dwells on — further I give Steven the gun that he Improves Itim I here- by Give to my fuur Daughters viz Mary the wife of John Hunt Dorothy wife of John Winslow Sarah Simmons Rachel Sim- mons all that my Farme which I bought of Mrs Jane Cleveland and Contains one Hundred Acres and lyeth on the Southerly side of Jacob Wades farme all which farmes or Tracts of Land Laying within the Township of Waldoborough above s'd Except the Long Island Lot further I hereby give to Mary and Dorothy four Pounds a Piece to be Paid to them in one year after my Deceas further I give Mary and Dorothy Each of them one Cow a piece itim I hereby give to my three Children now Living at home viz Zebedee Sarah and Rachel after my wifes Improvement as above the three Cows and five Sheep together with all the House movables to be Equally divided among them further I give to Zebedee Six Sheep and what I 82 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Remains after my Debts and funaral Charge are paid Equally to be Divided among my Seven Children I hereby appoint my two Sones Joseph and Zebedee to be my sole and only Executors to this my Last will and Testament in Consideration of the Eove that I bare to my Lov- ing wife and Dutiful Children I give as above s'd to them and their heirs forever In witness and Confirmation whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty Second Day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven Signed Sealed and Declared to be my Last Will and Testament In Presence of these Witnesses Peleg Oldham John Haupt Nathanael Simmons (seal) Andrew Storer Probated 22 Jan., 17S9. [IV, 21.] Inventory by Nathaniel Pitcher, Jabesh Cole and Peleg Oldham, all of Waldoborough, 2 Feb., 1789. [IV, 85 to 87.] Cornelius Turner and Peleg Oldham, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Account filed 18 Sep., 1792. [V, 91-92.] In the Name of God. Amen. I Zachariah Dodge of Edgecombe in the County of Lincoln, & Common Wealth of Massachusetts, Yeoman, being of sound mind and memory, knowing the frailty of human Nature, and the Uncertainty of the time when I shall die, do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. — Imprimis. I resign my soul to him who is the supreme Governor of the Universe, hoping for Salvation through the Blood of tne Redeemer, and my Body to the Dust, hoping for a glorious Resurrection. As to my Worldly Estate, I dispose of it in the following manner, Vizt. After my just Debts & funeral Charges are paid, which I hereby order to be paid out of my Personal Estate, I give unto my Wife Sarah, my whole Estate both Real & Personall, for her to enjoy and improve as she shall think Proper, so long as she shall remain my Widow, but in case my said Wife should marry, Then and in that Case my Will is that she shall Relinquish & give up all her Right & Title to said Estate, without receiving any Dower whatever. Item, and in Case my said Wife should marry or die and leave one or more of my Children uncapable of maintaining themselves then & in that Case my ^Vill is that all my children shall be equally maintained out of the whole of said Estate untill they are able to maintain them- selves and further my Will is that at the marriage or death of my said LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 83 Wife, my whole Estate shall be divided equally amongst all my Child- ren to one as much as another, without any Exception, only as is before Provided for the Uncapable Children. Lastly, I make constitute and appoint Moses Davis Esquire Executor to this my last Will & Testa- ment, hereby revoking all Wills, by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Ninth day of Febru- ary in the Year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred & Eighty seven. Signed, sealed Published and declared to be the last Will & Testament of the above named Zachariah Dodge. Zachariah Dodge (seal) in presence of us Barnabas Sears Thomas Ring William Cunningham Probated 19 Mar., 1789. [IV, 28-29.] Inventory by Barnabas Sears, Thomas Ring and William Cunningham, all of Edgecomb, 20 Ap., 1789, ^330 : 8 : 8. [IV, 45-46.] Joshua Coombs, late of Bath. Jacob Coombs, of Bath, Adm'r, 28 Ap., 1789. William Brown and George Fields Coombs, both of Bath, sureties. [IV, 41.] Inventory by Benjamin Higgins, Benjamin Brown and William Brown, all of Bath, 13 June, 1789, ^150 : 12:0. [IV, 48.] Jonathan Fly, late of Union River. Sarah Fly, of Union River, widow, Adm'x, 3 June, 1789. [IV, 43-44.] Christopher Bartlet and David Bartlet, both of Mount Desert, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Wood, Nathan Parker and Robert Parker, all of Blue-hill-bay, 26 Aug., 1789, i:98:i7:7- [IV, 62-63.] Nathaniel Wyman, late of Georgetown. Martha Wyman, widow, and Isaiah Wyman, both of Georgetown, Adm'rs, 10 June, 1789. [IV, 44.] Inventory by Dummer Sewall, of Bath, John White and Jordan Parker, both of Georgetown, 16 July, 1789, ;!^668 : 15 : 2. [IV, 134.] Inventory of land in Cumberland County by John Lewis, Andrew Gray and John Hayes, all of North Yarmouth, 22 June, 1789, ^54. [IV, 135.] Account filed 28 May, 1790. [IV, 135-6.] Thomas Cook, late of Norridgewalk. James Waugh, of a Place called Sandy River, Adm'r, 20 Mar., 1789. [IV, 47.] Robert Cros- by, of Sandy River, and John Moor, of Norridgewalk, sureties. In- ventory by Moriah Gould and Nathan Parlin, both of Norridgewalk, and Robert Crosby, of Sandy Kiver, 4 Ap., 1789, ^94 : 5 : 6. [IV, 184 LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. 45-47.] Anna Cook, John Cook and Joseph Cook refusal to admin- ister. [IV, 87.] Account filed 17 Jan., 1792. [V, 24.] Widow's dower set off by Robert Crosby, Moriah Gould and Nathan Parlin, 18 Ap., 1792. [VI, 84.] Alexander Murphy, late of Bristol. Thomas Murphy, of Sandy River, Adm'r, 3 July, 17S9. [IV, 49.] Be it Remembered that I Moses Kimball of Vassalborough in the County of Lincoln and State of Massachusets Bay yeoman being in a Decline, but through Divine mercy of a Sound mind and memory. Do make and ordain this my Last will and testament in manner following Viz ist I will that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be paid out of my Estate by my Excrutix hereafter named 2d I give and Bequeath unto my Belo\'ed Wife Hannah and my three Children, namely Molly, Ruth, and Anna, all the Rest of My Estate Intrust and property whatsoever and wharesoever I Die posesed of in the manner following, that my wife for herselfe and on behalfe and in trust for my said Children be in full possession of the Rest of my Estate, and to Bring up my Children tharewith untill my youngest Child Living Shall arive to the age of Eightteen years olde or be Married; (Except giving my Daughter Molly at the age of Eightteen years olde one good Cow and two good Sheep I give them to her be- cause that She is of a Weakly Constitution and being the Eldist having more Cair put upon her then her other Sisters) giving them an Edu- cation Sutable to to her Curcumstances and when my youngest Daughter Living arives to the age of Eightteen years olde, or be married I will that Distribution be made of what Shall Remain in My wifes hands the one half of the Moveable Estate with the One Hundred Acre Lot of mine, a part of which is in the town of Winslow to be Eaqually Devided betwen my Daughters to be by them posessed and Enjoyed as thare own Propperty and Right : and the other half of the Move- able Estate with the farm I now Live upon to my wife During her Life, and at her Decease to be Eaqually Devided Betwen my Daughters, to be by them posessed as thare own property jly I Nominat and ajjpoint my Beloved wife Hannah a gardean for my Children 4ly I hereby Nominat and ap]ioint my Beloved wife Hannah Sole Ex- ecutrix to this my Last will and testament Disallowing and Disannulling all other \\'ills by me Made In witness whareof I have hereunto Set my LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I §5 hand and Seal this Twelfth Day of the Fifth Month one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty nine. N. B. the words " One Signed Seal'd and published ^ Hundred Acre^ were '^ .... wrote, before Signing Sealing &c^— Moses Kimball (seal) by the Testator as and for his Last will and Testament in presence of us [^ the Subscribers David Bowerman Moses Sleeper Remington Hobby Probated I July, 1789. [IV, 50.] Inventory by Joseph Thomas, Asa Soule and Timothy Robinson, all of Vassalborough, Aug., 1789, ^207:2:10. [V, 45.] Account filed 12 Mar., 1805, at which date the executrix had become the wife of Phihp Emerson. [X, 342-3-] Nathaniel Jellison, late of Bowdoinham. Nathaniel Jellison, of Bowdoinham, Adm'r, 6 July, 1789. [IV, 52.] Joseph Wheeler, of Bowdoin, and Elisha Pratt, of Bowdoinham, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, Zacheus Beal and Elnathan Raymond, both of Bowdoinham, 7 Oct., 1788, £i1^:i^:2. [IV, 90.] Ac- count filed 7 Jan., 1791. [IV, 189.] John Gillingham, late of Georgetown. Elijah Drummond, of Georgetown, Adm'r, 8 July, 1789. [IV, 53.] William Lee, Junr., and John Rogers, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Benja- min Pattee, John Rogers ami Thomas Butler, 5 Nov., 1789, ^10 : 12 : 8. [IV, 1 01.] In the name of God amen, I James McCobb Esqr of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln, and province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England, being sound in mind and memory, but advanced in Age, and calling to mind my mortality, do make this my last will and Tes- tament in the manner following — Imprimis, I recommend my soul to God and my Body to the dust in hopes of a future resurrection to eternal life through the merits of Christ my Saviour And as touching such Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I dispose of the same as follows I St. I give unto my well beloved wife Mary for her extraordinary kind- ness & attention to me in my old Age, the One half of all the improved, Cultivated, or uncultivated upland, and the One half of all the salt marsh, which my Farm contains on Honeywells point, so called, lay- ing on the west-side of Kenebeck River, together with all the Build- I 86 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. ing which belong to said Farm which Farm I bought of Samuel Water- house as by his deed to me will appear ; which half of said Farm and all the buildings as above I freely give & bequeath to the said Mary my wife to be hers forever, and to do with the same as she may think best — this being my free gift exclusively of her right to the One third part of all my Real & personal Estate, after the above — and also Six Milch Cows with Calves, One pair of Oxen — together with my oldest black mare and Six Sheep to be hers forever in the same way and man- ner and for the same reasons as the land and buildings above mentioned are — 2d I give to my Son Samuel McCobb, One hundred Acres of uncul- tivated land which does not Join or lay adjacent to this Farm called the Homestead, or any other of my Farms which are any way or in any manner cultivated or improved this to take place after my de- cease. 3d I give to my four daughters, now married viz- Isabele Parker, E- lizabeth Mains, Francis Cushing and Margaret Lee, One hundred Acres of Uncultivated land each which does not Join or lay adjacent to this Farm called the Homestead or any other of my Farms which are any ways, or in any manner cultivated or improved. — this to take place after my decease 4th I give and becjueath to my Daughter Nancy now unmarried One hundred and Fifty Acres of uncultivated land which does not belong to this Farm or adjacent thereto being the Homestead so called, or any other of my Farms which are any ways or in any manner cultivated or improv'd — (this to take place after my decease 5 th I give to my Son in law, Mark Langdo?i Hill, for his kindness and particular attention to me in my Old Age Fifty Acres of Land bounding on the North & west side of the mill pond so called near my present dwelling House, forty Rods on the front and continuing the same width and running back about a Westerly Course until the said Fifty Acres of said land is compleated to have and to hold the said land, to him, his heirs & assigns forever — this to take place after my de- cease. 6th I give and bequeath to my three youngest Children who are not of age to act for themselves — viz Tiiomas my son & Polly — and Jenny my two daughters, for their maintenance, educating and bringing them up, the whole and every part of my estate both Real & Personal, which shall remain after my disease, — excepting what 1 have given to my other LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I 87 Children agreable to the foregoing Will, and also to my well beloved wife Mary & to my son in law Mark, — as is before expresed and re- serving at the same to my well beloved wife Mary One third part of all and every thing appertaining and belonging to my Real & personal Estate by which she is entitled by law, — meaning for her dowry exclu- sively of what I have given her in the foregoing will — and I do hereby revoke all former wills & Testaments by me heretofore made and de- clare this & this Only to be my last will & testament — in witness whereof I have heremito set my hand and seal this tenth day of Sep- tember in the year of our lord One thousand seven hundred & Eighty seven NB. The Fifty Acres as enterlined was done before the signing hereof James McCobb [seal] The foregoing will is signed sealed published pronounced and de- clared by said Testator as and for his last will and Testament in pres- ence of us who in his presence and in ye presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses — Eli Perry Ebenezer Storer Martha Perry Lastly I do hereby appoint my said wife Mary Execrutix and Captn . Samuel Nicols of Newcastle in the County of Lincoln Executor of this my last Will and Testament as is written in the foregoing Instrument — hereby revoking and disanulling all former Wills and Testaments by me in any manner made confirming this foregoing will and no other to be my last Will and Testament — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the tenth day of September Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred & Eighty seven — and further I do hereby ap- point the said Maiy ray Wife & said Samuell Nicols as above to take the particular charge of my three youngest Children as heretofore men- tioned viz Thomas my Son & Polly and Jenney my daughters educating & brining them up in such a manner as to enable them to act and do for themselves — NB the alteration Samuel & enterlineation witness as above was James McCobb [seal] made before the signing hereof Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator to be his last will in presence of us all who have subscribed hereto I 88 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. as witnesses in presence of the Testate" and of each other Ebenezer Storer P^li Perry Martha Perry Disallowed 28 Jan., 1789, from which decision executors appealed 20 Feb., 1789. [IV. 59.] Decision affirmed by Supreme Court 7 July, 1789. Mary McCobb of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 15 Sep., 1789, [IV. 77-78.] Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, guardian unto Thomas, minor son, Mary and Jenny, minor daughters, 7 Sep. ,1789. [IV, 78 to 80.] Inventory by Thomas Rice, of Pownalborough, DummerSewall, of Bath, and Joseph Booker, of Georgetown, 28 Sep., 1789. ' [IV, 136 to 142.] Widow's dower set off 30 Ap., 1790. [IV, 143.] Petition of heirs for a division. [IV, 144.] Division of estate by Thomas Rice, of Pownalborough, Dummer Sewall, of Bath, and Henry Totman, of Georgetown, 7 Aug., 1792. Heirs mentioned : Rachel McCobb, Isa- bella Parker, Beatrice Mains, Margaret Lee, Frances Gushing, Nancy McCobb, Mary McCobb, Jane McCobb, Thomas McCobb. [V, 103 to 106.] Account filed 31 May, 1796. [VI, 34 to 45.] Job Stanwood, late of Mount Desert. Robert Young, of Mount Desert, Adm'r, 3 June, 1788. Samuel Cousens and Thomas Cousens, both of Nasskeeg, sureties. Thomas Paine and Ezra Young, both of Mount Desert, commissioners to examine claims, 26 Nov., 1788. [IV, 65.] Inventory by Thomas Paine, Cornelius Thompson and Ezra Young, all of Mount Desert, 5 Aug., i 788, ^34 : 9 : 9. [Unrecorded.] John Allen, late of Georges Island. Keturah Allen, of Georges Island, widow, Adm'x, 8 Sep., 1790. [IV, 67.] Cornelius Turner, of Waldoborough, and Robert Henderson, of Gushing, sureties. In- ventory by Dunbar Henderson, Eleazer Gay and John Barter, all of Gushing, 1 7 Oct., 1789,^39: 14: 4. [IV, 182.] Eleazer Gay and Dunbar Henderson, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 236.] Account filed 18 Sep., 1792. [V, 74-75.] John George Stilkey, late of Waldoborough. George Ulmer, of a Place called Ducktrap, Adm'r, 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 68.] Cornelius Turner, of Waldoborough, and Moses Copeland, of Warren, sureties. John Obrian, late a Resident of Waldoborough. George Ulmer, of a Place called Ducktiap, Adm'r, 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 68.] Cor- nelius Turner, of Waliloborough, and Moses Copeland, of Warren, sureties. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 89 Zenas Cook, late of Medumcook, mariner. Hannah Cook, of Medumcook, widow, Adm'x, 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 69.] John De- morse and VVellington Gay, both of Medumcook, sureties. Inventory by Paul Jameson, Eleazer Gay and Richard Adams, 23 Dec, 1789, ;!^3037 : 7: 2. [IV, 184-5.] Inventory of real estate in Dighton, Bristol County, by Samuel Talbut, Thomas B. Richmond and William Brown, 14 J"ly, 1790, £10: 4: o. [IV, 186.] Account filed 16 Jan., 1801, at which dale the administratrix had become the wife of William Jameson. [XIII, 338-9.] Real estate divided and set off from that of James Cook, deceased, (with which it lay in common), by James Malcom and Edward Killeran, both of Cushing, and Moses Copeland, ofW^arren, 26 June, 1801. [XIII, 446 to 450.] David Pierce, late of Boothbay. Jane Peirce, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, 1 7 Sep., 1789. [IV, 70.] Edward Bird, of Boothbay, and John Tucker, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Sawyer, John Murray and Robert Reed, all of Boothbay, Oct., 1789, ^234:4: 6. [IV, 88.] In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Story of Bristol, in the County of Lincoln, State of Massachusetts Bay, Yeoman : being thro' the abundant Goodness of God, tho' weak in Body, yet of a sound Un- derstanding & Memory ; do constitute this my last Will & Testament, and desire it may be received by all as such. First. I bequeath my Soul to God who gave it, hoping for eternal life and Glory thro' the allsufificient Merits and Mediation of my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ ; & I give my Body to the Earth of which it was made, in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the last day : I desire I may be buried in the same Grave with my first wife decent- ly, without any Pomp, at the discretion of my wife & Executors here- after mentioned, & that a Stone with an Inscription be plac'd at the Head of the Grave. As to my worldly Estate, I will that all my Debts be paid. — I give i^ bequeath to my Grandson Story Thompson all my land that I Oc- cupy, with all my goods and Chattels and personal Estate whatever : my loving W'ife to have a Room in my House during her life, with the profits of the third part of the Land, & one third of the goods during her life ; But if the aforesaid Story Thompson should die without Issue, then the Land to descend to my Daughter Jane, & the Heirs of her Body : — I also give to my Daughter Jane, the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence Lawful money, to be paid her 190 LINCOLN PROBATE RKCORDS. after my decease, by the aforesaid Story Thompson : And I constute William Jones & Henry Hunter, both of the aforesaid Bristol Gentle- man, my Executors of this my last Will and Testament, & Trustees for my Wife and Grandson, In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty fifth day of February, in the Year of our Lord, one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty four. In presence of Henry Hunter Thomas Story (seal) John Patterson His c/2 mark John Hunter Probated 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 70-71.] William McClain and John Patterson, both of Bristol, sureties. In- ventory by John Huston, Richard Hitchcock and Thomas McClure, all of Bristol, 25 Sep., 1789, ^407 : 5 = 10. [Unrecorded.] In the Name of God Amen. I Jean Claveland of the town of Wal- dowbourgh in the County of Lincoln widow being sick and weak in helth of Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be gaven unto god, Calling Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that appointed for all men once to Die, do make and ordain this my last Will and testament that to say, principally and first of all I gave and recommend my soul into the Hand of allmighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in Deacent Christian Burial at the Decretion of my Executor, nothing Doubting but att the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, as touching such worldly Estate wherwith it has pleased God to Bliss me in this life I gave, Disniiss and Dispose of in the same in the following manner and form. — first I gave and bequeath to my Daughter Rebeckah's Child Rebeckah if liveing one hallf of my land and thiee gouns one skirt one quilt A Coat and if any money is laft after all Debts & other Expences that may arise is paid my said grand daughter is to have the whole and allso to my other Daughter Sarrah McMoullin the other half of my land and all my other moveables and houshold stuff Captn James Hillton of Bristol and County aforesaid I allso Consttute and ordain the sole Executor of this my last Will and testament and I Do hereby utterly Dissanull and revouk and Disalow all and every otheher former testament will legecies and Executors by me in any wise before Named willed and bequeathed ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, in Wittness Where- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I9I of I have hereunto set my Hand and seal, this first Day of augst in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. Singed sealed pubished pronounced & Declared by the said Jenney Claveland as her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto sub- scribed our nams Willm : McClain Jean Cleveland (seal) Elizabeth Rhods Joshua Hillton Probated 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 76.] Inventories by Thomas Johnston, Oliver Nash and Joseph Burns, all of Bristol, 18 and 26 Sep., 1789,^^196: 19: 6. [IV, 84-85.] I Nathan Sherburne of Hallovvell in the County of Lincoln, Yeoman, being sick in Body but of perfect mind and Memory, and knowing that the Time approaches and is near at hand when I must put off this earthly Tabernacle, depart hence and be here no more, do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say. In the first place I commend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, humbly beseeching him to pardon all my Sins thro the Merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour, who died for Sinners. My Body I commit to the Earth there to see Corruption, but in full Assurance of a Resurr^^ction to Life again, by the Mighty power of God. My Worldly Estate I give devise and dispose of in the following man- lier & form-viz- Impriviis. I give and devise unto my beloved Wife Abiel the whole of my real Estate in the said Town of Hallowell, consisting of about half an Acre of Land with a dwelling house thereon, where I now live, to hold to her the said Abiel and her heirs for ever. I also give unto my said Wife all my personal Estate of every sort and kind, to dispose of as she thinks proper ; she to take Care of my Daughter and to bring her up and educate her in the best manner she shall be able, and paying her what is herein after given her — Item I give unto my said Daughter Polly, the Sum of Twenty shillings to be paid her by my Executrix hereafter named when she shall arrive to the Age of Eighteen Years. And I do hereby appoint my said Wife Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I the said Nathan do hereto set my hand and 192 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. seal the twenty fifth day of December in the year of our Lord 1789. Nathan Sherburne (seal) Signed sealed, published & declared ^ by the Testator to be his last Will - and Testament in presence of us ) Joseph Metcalf Benjamin Walker I'homas Metcalt Probated 20 Jan., 1790. [IV, Si.] James Page and Joseph Met- calf, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Lazarus Goodwin, Nathaniel Shaw and James Page, all of Hallowell, 25 Jan., 1790, £^19 : 14 : I- [IV, 123-4.] Thomas Gerrish, late of Camden. Joanna Gerrish, of Gushing, widow, Adm'x, 9 July, 1789. [IV, 82.] John McKellar and An- drew Malcom, Jr., both of Gushing, sureties. Thomas McFarland, late of Boothbay, mariner. Lydia McFarland, of Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 12 Oct., 17S9. [IV, 83.] Nathaniel Tibbetts and Jones Mitchel, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by William McGobb, John Leishman and Joseph Reed, all of Booth- bay, 26 Oct., 1789, ;^38 : 16: o. [IV, 160.] Account filed 13 Sep., 1790. [IV, 161.] i^rince Coffin, late of Pownalhorough. Mary Coffin, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 11 Feb., 1790. [IV, 92.] Jacjb Brown and William Dinsmore, both of Pownalhorough, sureties. Inventory bv Elihu Getchel, of Bowdoinham, Jacob Brown, of Pownalhorough, and Seih Hathorn, of Woolwich, 19 Feb., 1790. [IV, 190.] Paul Jones, late of Fairfield Plantation. Agreement of heirs not to prove will of deceased and division of estate by Apollos Jones, of Fairfield Plantation, only surviving son ; Rosanna, wife of Joseph Jones, of Barnstable, County of Barnstable, a daughter ; Avis, wife of Daniel Shepherd, of Fairfield Plantation, a daughter ; Meribah Allen Jones, of Barnstable, a daughter ; Pamelia, wife of Zacheus Bowerman, of Fair- field Plantation, a daughter; 8 Jan., 178S. [IV, 93 to 96.] Martin Hayley, late of Pittston. William Hayley, of Pittston, Adm'r, 30 May, 1789. [IV, 102.] Philip Theobald, of Pownal- horough, and John Haley, of Pittston, sureties. Inventory by Philip Theobald, Samuel Woodward and Carr Barker, all of Pownalhorough, 25 Sep., 1789, ^178: 3: o. [IV, 130.] Widow's dower set off by Philip Theobald, Samiel Woodward and Carr Barker, all of Pow- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1 93 nalborough, lo Dec, 1791. [V, 1-2.] Account filed 9 Sep., 1791. [V, 3-] Elisha Partridge, late of Union. Sarah Partridge, of Union, widow, Adm'x, 30 Jan., 1787; James Stackpole and Israel Loveit, both of Thomaston, sureties. Inventory by Philip Robbins, Moses Hawes and Joel .\dams, all of Union, Ap., 1787, ^300 : 6 : 2. Moses Cope- land, of Warren, and Samuel Brown, of Thomaston, commissioners to examine claims. [IV, 106 to 108.] Moses Hawes, of Union, guar- dian unto Elisha, minor son, 31 Jan., 1787. [Ill, 142.] Account filed 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 109.] Distribution ordered, 27 Dec, 1 791. [IV, 206.] Account filed 26 July, 1791. [IV, 206-7.] Ebenezer W'ebb, late of Woolwich. Joel Reed, of Woolwich, Adm'r, 14 Ap., 1790. Heirs: Sarah, John, Benjamin, Nathan, Ber- sheba Gahan, Anne Reed, Sarah Bayley. [IV, 113.] Jonathan Reed and Samuel Reed, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory and ac- count filed by Adm'r, 30 May, 1793. [VI, 120.] I Gideon Parkman of Canaan in the County of Lincoln & State of Massachusetts. Sensible that I am mortal & must Soon leave this world & appear before God my final judge, to receive of him accord- ing to the Deeds done in the body, & being of Sound mind & memory, I make this my last will & testament ; And first I commit my Soul to God as my only portion & refuge thro' the merits of Jesus Christ his Son my only redeemer, on whose merits alone I depend for justification & acceptance before God now & in the day of judgment ; & my body I commit to the dust to be de- cently, but not Sumptuously buried, in a firm belief that it Shall be raised again by the virtue & power of my head Jesus Christ who is the resurrection & the life And as to the Small temporal interest God hath blessed me with I dispose of it in the following manner, viz First, I give to Mary my beloved wife all my household goods & furni- ture for her use during her life, & after her decease to be equally divid- ed (except a bed Noah Parkman lodges on & a bible, W'hich I give to said Noah) among my Daughters Betty Clark, Rhode Whitman &Mary Prat. Item I give to my Son Daniel Parkman one pound to be paid by Noah Parkman when he shall be twenty two years old. Item I give to Noah Parkman my grandson my Cow & calf & all my 13 194 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. farming utensils & also all my sheep Item I give him the said Noah Parkman & to his heirs & assigns all that tract of land lying in Canaan afores'd which I bought of Lieuten- ant Isaac Smith of Canaan togather with the house & barn & all the appurtanances thereunto belonging for his & their use forever, after the death of Mary my wife ; but I will & bequeath to her the s'd Mary my wife, the sole use & benefit of the afores'd land & buildings during her life This I declare to be my last will & testament given under my hand & seal this twenty eighth Day of May 1788. Signed Sealed & de- Gideon Parkman (seal) clared in presence of Nathl. Whitaker John White Peter Heywood Jr Joseph Weston Schedule : Before the Sealing & delivery of these presents I appoint Mr Brice McCleland to be my Sole Executor to this my last will & testament, which appointment was forgot, till the above was finished. Probated 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 118.] Solomon Clark, of Canaan, Adm'r cum. Testamento annexo, 15 Sep., 1789. [IV, 119.] Bryce McLellan and John White, both of Ca- naan, sureties. Inventory by Solomon Steward, Isaac Smith and Bryce McLellan, 10 Dec, 1789, ^^86: 18: o. [IV, 120.] Walter Meloney, of Cushing, non compos. Joseph Copeland, of Warren, guardian, 20 Ap., 1790. [IV, 122.] Inventory by Haunce Robinson, Robert Mclntyer and Archibald Robinson, all of Cushing, ;^90: 16:0. [IV, 258.] Peleg Cardner, late of Bath. Mary Gardner, of Bath, widow, Adm'x, 14 June, 1790. [IV, 125.] William Marshal and Edward Pettingill, both of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Edward Pettingill, I)avid Trufant and John Robinson, all of Bath, 15 July, i 790, ;i^i6S : 7 : 7. [IV, 178-9.] Mary, widow, guardian unto Ruth, minor daugh- ter, 27 Nov., 1795. [VI, 124.] Samuel Palmer, late of Pittston. Anna, widow, relinquished right to administer to son Edward 14 June, 1790; Edward Palmer, of Pittston, Adm'r, 21 June, 1790. [IV, 128.] Leonard Cooper, of Pittson, and Richard Bayley, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Carr Barker, Jonathan Morrison and John Woodman, Jr.^ 16 July, 1790, ^137: 9: 2. [IV, 176-7.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 195 Thomas Sanders, late of Deer Isle. Hephzibah, widow, renounced right of administration, 5 Dec, 1789; James Sanders, of Deer Isle, Adm'r, 8 Dec, 1789. [IV, 129.] Timothy Sanders and Nathan Johnson, both of Deer Isle, sureties. Inventory by John Hooper, James Jordan and Ignastius Haskell, all of Deer Isle, 20 Feb., 1790, ;^82 : 19: 10. [V, 70.] Ignatius Haskell and James Jordan, com- missioners to examine claims. [V, 71.] Account filed and distribu- tion ordered, 18 Sep., 1792. [V, 72 to 74.] Benjamin Brainerd, late of Winthrop. Ruth Brainerd, of Winthrop, widow, Adm'x, 25 May, 1790. [IV, 131.] Jonathan Whiting and Reuben Brainerd, both of Winthrop, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Whiting, Nathaniel Floyd and John Comings, 11 June, 1790, ^295 : 12:0. [IV, 275.] Account filed 17 Jan., 1792. [IV, 275-6.] Ruth, widow, guardian unto Sarah, Mary, James and Orrin, minor children, 3 Mar., 1795. Benjamin, minor son, chose Ruth, widow, to be his guardian, 20 Mar., 1795. [VI, 124-5.] Guardian's accounts filed 9 Sep., 1796. [VII, 229 to 231.] Widow's dower set off and estate divided by Samuel Wood, Elijah Snell and John Kezer, all of Winthrop, 3 Dec, 1802. [X, 106-111.] Philip Godfrid Hoyt, late of Topsham, physician. Elizabeth Hoyt, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 20 July, 1790. [IV, 144.] William Malcom and William Hunter, both of Topsham, sure- ties. Inventory by Gideon Owen, Joseph Foster and Ebenezer Em- erson, all of Topsham, 2 Aug., 1790, ^^150 : 5 : 9. [IV, 172.] Gid- eon Owen and Joseph Foster, commissioners to examine claims. Account filed 8 Aug., 1791. [IV, 196-7.] Distribution ordered 15 Sep., 1791. [IV, 198.] The Last will and testament of Obed Hussey of Hollawell in the County of Lincoln in the Common welth of Massachusets Esqr — I the Said Obed Hussey being of Sound and Disposing minde and memory and Considering the mortality of the body. Knowing that it is appoint- ed unto all men once to Die, Do make and ordain this my Last will and testament in manner and form following — And first I Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it and my body to the Earth to be Desently Buried- And as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this Life, I Do Give Devise and Dispose of the Same in maner and form following. Imprimis I Do will and order that all the Just Debts that I Shall owe to aney Person or persons at the time 196 LINCOIJ^ PROBATE RECORDS. of my Decease Shall be well & truly paid and Discharged out of my Estate By my Executrix herein after mentioned or named. Item I Give to my Son Obed Hussey Ten Shillings Lawful! money and the Hous he now Lives In and the land it Stands upon, to him «& to his heirs & assigns forever Item I Give to my Son Samuel Hussey a Cer- tain Hous Called awerehous Standing on the Edg of the Land on the East Side kenebeck River & is to the Southward & Eastward of my xecutors of this my last ^Vill and Testament, and hereby revoke all former Will & declare this to be my last In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal the twenty fifUi Day of Uctr. A 1) i 779 Signed sealed published & declared by Robert Barker (seal) Testator to be his last Will and Testament in presence of William Wyman Tho. Rice Prince Coffin — Widow renounced executorship 27 Se])., 1790. Probated 18 Oct., 1790. [IV, 151.] Inventory by Siuibael Barnartl, Zaccheus Macy and Richard Mitchel, all of Sherburne, Nantucket County, 16 July, 1791,^276:9:1. [V, 188-9.] Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, and Elihu Cetchel, of Bovvdoinham, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 231.] Distribution of estate ordered 7 May, 1S02. [^'lll, 132.] Solomon A\'alker, late of Woolwich. Meriain, widow rclincpiished LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 199 right of administration to son Solomon. [IV, 165.] Solomon Walker, of Woolwich, Adm'r, 13 Sep. 1790. [IV,' 166.] Andrew Walker and Nathaniel Tibbets, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by Elijah (Jrant, John Bailey and Nathaniel Tibbets, all of Woolwich, 9 Mar., 1 791, ^43:3:6. [IV, 231.] Nathaniel Thwing and David Gil- more, both of Woolwich, commissioners to examine claims. Account filed 27 Dec, 1791. [IV, 233.] Distribution ordered, 6 Jan., 1792. [IV, 234.] Cornelius Bradford, late of Medumcook, mariner. Patience, widow, relinquished right of administration to son Joshua. [IV, 166.] Josh- ua Bradford, Jr., of Medumcook, Adm'r, 15 Sep., 1790. [IV, 167.] Joshua Collamore and Joshua Bradford, both of Medumcook, sureties. Inventory by Paul Jameson, Ebenezer Morton, Jr., and Elijah Cook, all of Medumcook, 15 June, 1791, ;^362 : 14 : 6, [IV, 270-1.] Dun- bar Henderson and Eleazer Gay, both of Gushing, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 215.] Widow's dower set off by Paul Jameson, Elijah Cook and Ebenezer Morton, Jr., 8 Dec, 1794. [V, 217-218.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 10 Oct., 1794. [V, 218.] Apprai- sal of annual rent of real estate by Charles Samson, Joseph Simmons and Nathan Sprague, 11 Feb., 1795. [V, 219.] Account filed 11 Feb., 1795. [V, 219-220.] Distribution ordered, 13 Feb., 1795. [V, 220-1.] In the name of God Amen I Sherebiah Town of Winslow in the County of Lincoln & Common- welth of Massachusetts husbandman being in a poore State of helth But of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is apointed for all men once to Die Do make and ordain this my last will and teste- ment that is to Say as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this Life I Give and Demise and Dispose of the Same in the following mannar and forme first I give and Bequath to my Honad : Fathar Thomas Town the Sum of fourty Shilling LawfuU mony of Massachusetts to be Raised and Lev- ied out of my Estate Also I Give to my Beloved Brothar Ephm : Town the Sum of five Shilling to be Raised and Levied out of my Estate Also I (iive to my Beloved Sister Hannah McCasland the Sum of ten Shillings to be Raised and Levied out of my Estate Also I Give to my Beloved Sister Betty Barton the Sum of five Shillings 200 UNCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. to be Raised and Levied out of my F^state Also I Give and Bequath the Remainder of my Estate Lands Goods and Chattels for the Support of a School in a Plantation Lying to the Eastward of Winslow known by the name of Freetown at this time. Also I Constitute and Apoint the Sellectt Men of the Towns of Vassal- borough and Winslow to be the trustees of the Estate that is Left for Schooling Also I Constitute make and Ordain William Howard of Hallowill in the County of Lincoln and Commonwelth of Massachusetts Esqr : the Sole Excutor of this my Last will and testement and I Do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disanuel all and Every othar former testements wills Legices Bequeaths and Excuetors by me in any wise before named willied and Bequathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no othar to be my Last will and testement in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twentySixth Day of Febuary in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Eight Sherebiah Town (seal) Sign'd Seal'd published pronounced and Declared by the sd : Sherebiah Town as his Last will and testement in the presents of us who in his presants and in the presants of Each othar have hereunto Sub- scribed our Names James Stackpole Samuel Stackpole Jonathan Ballard Probated lo Sep., 1790. [IV, 167-8.] William Howard renounced executorship 10 Sep., 1790; Thomas Town refused to administer, 10 Sep., 1790. [IV, 168.] Ephraim Town, of Winslow, Adm'r cum Tcstamcnto a?inexo, 10 Sep, 1790. [IV, 169.] Samuel Stackpole, of Winslow, and Jonathan Ballard, of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by James Stackpole, William Richard- son and Enoch Fuller, all of Winslow, 18 Nov., 1790, ^l^ : 14 : 9. [IV, I 70-1.] Josiah Hayden and James Stackpole, both of Winslow, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 117.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 20 Oct., 1793. [V, 118.] Account filed 15 Jan., 1793. [V, 118-119.] Account filed 15 A])., 1794. [V, 252-3.] John Weaver, late of Waldoborough. Molly Weaver, of Waldobo- rough, widow, .Adm'x, 16 Nov., 1790. [IV, 180.] Cornelius Hyer UNCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 20K and Henry Overlock, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Caleb Turner, of Bristol, George Hebner and Francis Miller, both of Waldoborough, 3 Mar., i79i» ^51=8: 3. [IV, 219-220.] John Trask, late of Vassalborough. Sarah Trask, of Vassalborough widow, Adm'x, 14 Jan., 1790. [IV, x 80-1.] Asa Wilber and Elijah Balkam, both of Vassalborough, sureties. Inventory by Nathan Sawtell John Ward and James Stedman, all of Vassalborough, 17 Jan., 1792, ki29 : U : o. [V, 43-44-] Henry Sewall and Nathan Wesson both of Hallowell, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 112.] Ac- count filed 15 Jan., 1793, at which date administratrix had become wife of David Wildbur. [V, 113-114.] John Woodcock, of Sidney, guardian unto Samuel, Sylvia and John, minor children, 21 Ap., i794- ""^Calvin^Edson, late of Sandy River. Elizabeth Edson, of Sandy River, widow, Adm'x, 17 Jan., 1790. [IV, 181.] Robert Kennady and Benjamin Wade, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Enoch Crage, Moses Starling and Jacob Eaton, 23 Feb., 1791. ^29:0=2,^ inventory by Supply Belcher, John Church and Enoch Crage, all ot Sandy River, x6 Jan., i 79^, £--• [V, 48.] Supply Belcher and John Church, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 114-] Account filed 15 Jan., 1793- [V, 116.] Distribution ordered, 16 Jan., i793- [V, 154-] in the Name of God Amen — I John Walch of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln and Com- mon Wealth of Massachusetts yeoman : Being inferme in Body But m Berfect Memmory, Do make and ordain this my Last will and testa- ment, in order following, that is to Say: I Give and Recomment my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that Gave it and my body I Rec- ommend to the Earth to be Decently intered at the Discretion of my Executors, touching Such Worldly Estate Which it hath Pleased God to Bless me With, I will and bequeath in the following manner and form- I Bequeath to Anna Elbet my Well be Loved Wife all My Real and Personal Estate, by her freely to be Posessed and injoyed luring her Natural Life, or other ways as Long as She Shall Remain my widow : if my well beloved wife Should marry again, then my Estate is to be Equel Dividet among my Children and also if my well beloved wife Shall keep my Estate in her hand During Life, and after her Decease my Estate is then to be Equelly Dividet among my Children Also I Lickwise Constitute make and ordain my well beloved wife the 202 LIN'COLN PROIiATE RFXORDS. Sole Executor of this my Last will and Testament And 1 Do here by utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannul all and livery other former test- aments and wills by me in any ways before named willed and Be- (jueathed, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set ray hand and Seal this Twenty third Day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty nine. his John X W'alch (seal) mark Signed Sealed Published and Pronounced by the said John Walch as his Last will and testament in the Presence of us, who in his Presence and in the Presence of Each other have here unto Subscribed our Names. Jacob Ludwig Friederik Arnold Johannes Werner Probated 22 Nov., 1790. [IV, 187.] Peter Walch and Johannes Werner, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Jacob Winchenback, Godfrey Bornheimer and George Heabner, all of Waldoborough, 14 Jan., i 791, ^55 : 9 : 8. [IV, 244-5.] Luke Barton, late of Hancock. Betty Barton, widow, Adm'x, 26 June, 1790. [IV, 192. V, 81-82.] Ephraim Town, of Winslow, and Jonathan Ballard, of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Zimri Heywood, James Stackpole and \Villiam Richardson, all of Winslow, 6 Sep., 1790. [IV, 191.] Josiah Hayden and James Stackpole, both of Winslow, commisioners to examine claims. [V, 82.] Account filed, 15 Jan., 1793. [V, 237-8.] In the Name of GOD, Amen. The Thirty-first Day of December, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand, seven Hundred & ninety, I Matthew Hastings, of Vassalborough, in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, (ientleman, being weak in P>ody, but of sound and disposing Mind and Memory, and knowing that I must shortly leave this earthly Tabernacle, do cummit my Soul into the Hands of the all-merciful Author of it, firmly trusting, through the Merits of my most beneficent Saviour, in a glorious Resurrection to internal Life ; and my Body to be interred at the Discretion of my Executors. /\nd with Regard to that earthly Substance with which it hath pleased God to endow me, I will and dispose of it in the following Manner, \i/,. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 203 P'irst. I will that all my just Debts and Funeral Charges shall be paid. Secondly. I give devize and bequeath unto Mary, my beloved Wife, all my Live Stock and In- Door Moveables, forever, and the West Room in my Dwelling-House, during her natural Life. Thirdly. I give, devize and bequeath unto my Son-in Law, Dodivah Townsend & Sarah his Wife, my Homestead Farm, with the Buildings & Appurtenances thereof, except my Wife's Living in the said West Room, together with all my Carpenter's Tools and farming Utensils, he paying what I am indebted to \Villiam Howard Esqr- and also Ten Bushels Indian corn & eight Bushels English Grain to my said Wife, / Annum, during her Natural Life and keeping two Cows & one Horse for her, during the same Term : and also supply her with Wood enough for one Fire during said Term. Fourthly. I give, devize and bequeath unto my Son Moses Hastings, my Lot of Land at Sandy River, together with my Right in the Lot lately improved by Reuben Page, to the Westward of the West Pond, near said Vassalboro' with the Privileges & Appurtenances thereof- To have and to hold the same unto him the said Moses, his Heirs and Assigns forever. Fifthly. I give, devise and bequeath unto the Heirs of Mary Brooks, Twenty Pounds, to be paid out of a Note of William Brooks's now in my possession. Sixthly. I give devize *S: bequeath unto my Daughter Abigail Butter- field, Twenty Pounds, to be paid out of a Note payable to the late John Rogers, deed, on whose Estate I was Administrator. Seventhly. I give devize and bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah Evens, Twenty Pounds, out of a Note in my Possession against her Husband Nathaniel Evens — This Legacy to be paid as soon as possi- ble after my Decease. Eighthly. I give, devize and bequeath unto my Daughter, Mercy Page, the Debt her Husband Reuben Page owes me. Ninthly. I give, devize and bequeath unto my Daughter Susanna Greely, Fifteen Pounds, to be paid out of the Debt her Husband, Jo- seph Greely, owes me. Tenthly. I give devize and bequeath unto the Children of Joseph Kelly, by my Daughter Rebecca, viz. To William Kelly Ten pounds, to be paid when he comes of age- To Sarah Kelly, Six pounds, to be paid when she comes of age- These Legacies to be paid by Jonathan Combs out of the Legacy hereinafter be(|ueathed to him. 204 UNCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Eleventhly. I give and bequeath unto Mary Combs & Elizabeth Rog- ers, all my Interest in a certain Saw- Mill, Dam & Privilege at the Outlet of the West Pond in Winslow, they paying the legacy to Kel- ly's Children above bequeathed, and fully discharging me and my Heirs from all Claims on the Estate of their late Father John Rogers, deed, on which I was Administrator. Twelfthly. I make, Ordain, constitute and appoint the said Moses Hastings and Dodivah Townsend, joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and annulling all former or other Wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I do hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year herein first before written. N. B. The following Words were interlined before sealing &c viz- "and bequeath" — "and farming Utensils" — "said'' — "The Heirs of his Matthew b>i Hastings (seal) Signed, sealed and declared "] Mark by the said Matthew Hastings, | the Testator, to be his last )■ Will and Testament, in j presence of us J W. WILKINS Moses Hastings Jun her Thankful X Robins Mark Witness to Thankful Robins's Mark W. WILKINS Probated i8 Jan., 1791. [IV, 192-3.] Noah Woodward, of Hallowell, and Philip Snow, of a place called Washington, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Reynolds and Ephraim Butterfield, both of Vassalborough, and Noah Woodward, of Hallowell, 14 Ap., 1791. [IV, 218.] Henry Sewall and Samuel Colman, both of Hallowell, commissioners to examine claims. [V, i 79.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 14 xMay, 1793. [V, 181.] Account filed 29 Ap., 1794. [V, 182-3.] David Woodcock, late of Union. .Abigail Woodcock, of Union, widow, Adm'x, 12 Ap., 1791. [IV, 194-5-] Joseph Guild and Samuel Hill, both of Union, sureties. Inventory by Josiah Robbins, David Robbins and Moses Hawes, all of Union, 14 May, 1791, jCj6 : 14 : o. [IV, 220-1.] Josiah Robbins and Joel Adams, both of LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 205 Union, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 156.] Accouut filed and distribution ordered, 17 Sep, 1793. [V, 158-9.] James Campbell, late of Newcastle. Sarah Campbell, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 15 June, 1791. [IV, 199-200.] Inventory by Sam- uel Nickels and Charles Chase, both of Newcastle, and Samuel Waters, of Balltown, 7 July, 1791. [IV, 201-2.] Accountfiled 31 May, 1792 ; division of estate by Samuel Nickels and Samuel Kennedy, both of Newcastle, and Thomas Boyd, of Boothbay, 31 Oct., 1792, heirs named : Joseph Campbell, Sally Borland, Betsey Campbell, Daniel Campbell, Michael Campbell, Thomas Campbell, Robert Campbell, James Campbell and Rachel Campbell. [Unrecorded.] Thomas McCobb, late of Georgetown, trader. Upon petition of Ezekiel Cushing, Francis Cushing, Isabella Parker, Margaret Lee, Ann McCobb and Betras Mains, "Brethren & Sisters," dated July 2d., 1 791, [V, 29], William Lee, Jr., of Georgetown, was appointed Adm'r, 17 Oct., 1791. [IV, 200-1.] Alexander Drummond and Elijah Drummond, both of Georgetown, sureties. James Nickels, late of Newcastle, mariner. John Nickels, of New- castle, tailor, Adm'r, 12 Sep., 1791. [IV, 209] Samuel Nickels and Samuel Kennedy, both of Newcastle, sureties. Solomon Hearsey, late of Pownal borough. Betty Hearsey, of Pow- nalborough, widow, Adm'x, 26 May, 1791. [IV, 210.] Inventory by Daniel Scott, Isaac Prince and James Clark, all of Pownalborough, 7 June, 1791, ;i^8o : 7 : 5. [IV, 269.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 2 June, 1794. [VI, 254.] Ebenezer Whittier and Thomas Fairservice, both of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 254-5.] Andrew Reed the 2d :, late of Boothbay, mariner. Hannah Reed, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 10 June 1791. [IV, 210-211.] Inventory by Joseph Decker and Stephen Clough, both of Pownalbo- rough, and Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, 19 July, 1791, ;^22 : 9 : o. [IV, 222-3.] Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, and Ebenezer Whittier, of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 25.] Ac- count filed and distribution ordered 25 May, 1792, at which date administratrix had become the wife of Nathaniel Stevens, of Woolwich. [V, 26.] Zachary Davis, late of Medumcook. Ephraim Davis, of Medum- cook. Adm'r, 15 Sep., 1791. [IV, 211.] William Young and John Hathhorn, both of Cushing, sureties. Inventory by Eleazer Gay, of 206 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Cushing, Robert Jameson and Paul Jameson, both of Medumcook, 6 Oct., 1 791, ^44: 2: 7. [V, 93.] Robert Jameson and Ebenezer Morton, both of Medumcook, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 74.] Widow's dower setoff by Wellington Gay, James Sweetland and William Bradford, all of Medumcook, in March, 1796. [VI, 218-219.] Account filed 20 Sep., 1796. [VI, 219.] Distribution ordered, 6 Jan., 1797. [VI, 255-6.] John Thompson, late of Barretstown. Jane Thompson, of Barrets- town, widow, Adm'x, 13 Sep., 1791. [IV, 212.] Robert Thompson and Winzer Jones, both of Barretstown, sureties. Inventory by Bar- nard Case, Prince Pease and Robert McLintock, 21 Sep., 1791,^141 : T : I. [VI, 185-6.] Comfort Barrows, late of Thomaston. Sabra Barrows, of Thomaston, widow, Adm'x, 26 July, 1791. [IV, 213-214.] Constant Rankin and Samuel Tolman, both of Thomaston, sureties. Inventory by William Spear, Jeremiah Tolman and Daniel Palmer, all of Thomaston, 5 Jan., 1792, ;^309 : 5 : o. [V, 242-3.] Inventory by Oliver Nash, Peter Collamore and John McClain, all of Bristol, 14 Oct., 1794, ;^i88 : 19 : o. [V, 249.] Sabra, widow, guardian unto Sabra, minor daughter, 4 Nov., 1799. [IX, 184.] William Martin, late of Bristol. Mary Martin, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 20 Sep., 1791. [IV, 214.] Thomas Johnston and Jacob Dockendorff, both of Bristol, sureties. George Kellsy, or Kellsa, late of Bristol, x\gnes Kellsy, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 20 Sep., 1791. [IV, 215.] Thomas Johnston and Jacob Dockendorff, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Amos (ioudy, Henry Fossett and William Sproul, all of Bristol, 7 Nov., 1791, ^40 -.8:6. [V, 192.] Thomas Johnston and William Sproul, com- missioners to examine claims. [V, 193.] Samuel White, late of Pownalborough. Samuel White, of Pownal- borough, Adm'r, 25 Jan., 1791. [IV, 215-216.] William Patterson and Joseph McFarland, Jr., both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inven- tory by W^illiam Lewis, Obadiah Call and Philip Theobald, all of Pownalborough, 1792, ^32 : o : 8. [V, 30.] Benjamin Maxey, late of Union. Amy Maxey, of Union, widow, Adm'x, 19 Sep., 1791. [IV, 216-217.] Philip Robbins and Josiah Robbins, both of Union, sureties. Amy Maxey guardian unto Sarah, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 207 Lydia, Harvy and Amy, minor children, 20 Sep., 1791. [IV, 217.] Josiah Robbins, of Union, guardian unto Benjamin, minor son, 2 Jan., 1792. [V, 28.] Inventory by Joseph Guild, Joel Adams and William Hart, all of Union, 9 Nov., 1891, ^635 : 17 : 11. [V, 76 to 78.] Sarah chose Matthias Hawes, of Union, to be her guardian, 30 May, ^793- [V> 128.] Josiah Maxey, of Union, guardian unto Harvey, 28 Aug., 1793. [V, 129.] Division of real estate by Joel Adams, Moses Hawes and Amariah Mero, all of Union, 23 May, 1794, among Benjamin, Joseph, Josiah and Harvey, and order of Court thereon, 1 6 Sep., 1794. [VI, 70 to 74.] Christopher Blasdell, late of Georgetown. Sarah, widow, declined right of administration, 19 May, 1791. [IV, 242.] Daniel Blasdell, Adm'r ; Timothy Blaisdell and Moses Morrison, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Elijah Drummond, Charles Bisbee and Theophi- lus Batchelder, all of Georgetown, i June, 1791, ^15 : 16 : 3. [IV, 243.] Account filed 3 June, 1791. [IV, 244.] John Parsons, late of Edgecomb, mariner. William Allbee, of Edgecomb, Adm'r, 17 Mar., 1790. [IV, 256.] Benjamin Allbee and Samuel Greenleaf, both of Edgecomb, sureties. Inventory by Barna- bas Sears, William Cunningham and Samuel Greenleaf, all of Edge- comb, 6 Ap., 1790, ;!^237 : 2 : 6. [IV, 255.] Yearly value of real estate appraised at $20, 20 Mar., 1798 ; account filed 4 June, 1798. [VIII, 66.] Widow's dower set off by Samuel Greenleaf, Spencer Decker and William Cunningham, all of Edgecomb, 21 June, 1798. [VIII, 67.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 1798. [VIII, 67.] Account of William Albee, guardian unto William, John, Elihu and Patty, minor children, filed 4 June, 1798. [VIII, 75.] I Nathniel Meigges of Vassalborough in the County of Lincoln yeo- man seriously Considering the uncertainty of human Life in the best, and more particularly of my own in my Declining state of Health, Do while in a sound state of mind, make this my last Will, and Testament, intending to Dispose of all my worldly affairs, not as humour may prompt, but as Justice and equiety seem to Direct, I most humbly recommend my sole to the extensive mercy of that Suprem Eternal Intelligent Being who gave it me, most earnstly, at the same time Deprecating his Justice viz I gi\e and bequeth to my two sones Nath- niel and Ebenezer Meigges all my real Estat that I have in Vassalbo- rough I give and bequeth to my Dear and loving wife Mary all my 3o8 I.rNCOIJV PROBATE RECORDS. personel Estate after my Debts is paid out I likewise appont hir the Exutter to the estate which she is to bring up the Children out of the emprovenients of my Estate untill tha Com of age I give to my 1 )after Mary a Cow and Calf to be paid to hir after my estate is settled 1 give to my four other Dafters Hannhh Abigal Rebach Keziah fife shillings each to be paid out of my personal Estate when tha Com of age Whereunto I have set my hand and seal this twenty first Day of De- cember 1790 sined sealed by the said Nathl Meiggs (seal) Nathniel Meiggs as for his last will and testament in the presence of us who ware present at the sining and sealing thereof William Wing Silvanus Hatch lx)t Chadwick Probated 2 June, 1791. [IV, ?56.] Inventory by Jethro Gardiner, Richard W^arren and Reuben Fairfield, all of Vassalborough, 9 July, 1791, £2\2>: 14:6. [V, 122.] In the name of God amen I William McPhetres of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln & commonwealth of Massachusetts yeoman being sick & weak in Body but of perfect mind & meniory, thanks be given to God, calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I Give my Soul into the hand of Almighty God and my Body I recommend to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hoping that at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me I give demise and dispose of the same in the following man- ner & form -first- I give and bequeath to Abigail my dearly beloved wife the use and improvement of one third of all my Real Estate during her natural Life. And I give her all my personal P^state( except my stock in Cattle) during the time she shall continue my Widow — I also give to my only Son William all «& singular my Lands and Tene- ments by him freely to be possessed & enjoyed saving and it is to be understood that my two Daughters Rachel & Betsy are to be supported and maintained of and on my said Lands until they shall be eighteen LINCOLN PROHA'IK KIXOKDS. 2O9 years of Age. And it is likewise my Will that my Brother James should during his natural Life be supported on and from the Farm I now live on Likewise I give to my Daughter Rachel two milch Cows and six sheep- I also give to my Daughter Betsey the same number of Cows & sheep and I give to each of my said Daughters a feather Bed &: bedding to be possessed by them after my said Wife shall cease to be my ^Vidow or cease to Live — Likewise I give to my Sister Betsey one good Cow — Also I give to my Nephew George Ring one pair of Calves. And 1 do constitute, make and ordain John White of Georgetown, Gentleman, and John Snipe of said Georgetown, yeoman Executors of this my last will & testament — And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke & disannul all and every other former testaments wills Legacies bequests and Executors by me in any wise before named willed & bequeathed rati- fying & confirming this & no other to be my last will & testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this twenty seventh day of April in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred & ninety Signed sealed publisheil | William Mcphetres (seal) pronounced & declared by the said William McPhetres in the presence of us who ^ in his Presence and in the f ])resence of each other have hereto subscribed our Names — J Galen Otis James Stinsun \ohn Stinson Probated 3 June, 1791. [1\', 259.] j'jhn \\'hite and Jolm Snipe renounced executorship 3 June, 1791. [IV. 260.] In the Name of God, Amen. 1 Samuel Jameson of tlie Town of Topsham, Veoman, being very sick, and weak in body, but of Perfect mind and memorv, Thanks be (iiven to God : realising die mortality of m\ body, & knowing that is appointed unto all Men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to sav. first uf all 1 give and recommend my Soul into the hand of God who gave it, and my body to the Llarth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Plxecutors ; nothing doubting, but at the gen- 14 2IO LINCOLN PRORATE RECORDS. eral resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God. And as touching such Worldly Estate with which it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give, demise & dispose of the same, in the following manner and form. First. I give and bequeath to Mary my dearly beloved wife the improvement of one third part of my Real and Personal Estate during her Natural Life, or while she Continues my Widow, but if the said Mary marries again before all the Children are of Lawfull Age, then she is to quit all claim to the real and Personal Estate and to receive in lieu thereof, thirty five pounds lawfull money to be paid her out of my personal Estate in Articles which she may choose at their appri/.ement. Also 1 give unto my be- loved sons Samuel and John, all my real estate to be equally di- vided between them, according to Quantity and Quality, except- ing only the improvement of one third part during the Natural Life of their mother, or while she continues my Lawfull Widow. Also, I give to my beloved Children, Samuel, John, Polly, Hannah, Peggy, Jenny, Dorcas, Sally, F^leanor «Sc Susannah, all my Personal Es- tate not before disposed of, to be enjoyed by them equally, when they come of Lawful Age, the said Personal Estate to be improved by the said Samuel and John and by them to be paid to the other Chil- dren as they successively come of Lawfull Age. Also, My Will is That Mary my Wife, together with my two sons Samuel and John be Equal sharers in the expence which shall accrue in supporting and maintaining the Children untill they Come of Law- full Age. Also I do hereby Appoint & Constitute Mary my Wife and Samuel my son to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments and wills by me in any wise before named, ratifying and Confirming this & no other to be my last Will and Test- ament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 24th day of December in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and ninety Saml : Jameson (seal) Signed, sealed, published, pronounced & declared by the said Samuel Jameson as his Last Will & Testament in the Presence of us, who in his Presence, and in the Presence of each other, have hereto subscrib- ed our Names John Fulton Abrm Whittemore James Fulton LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Probated 27 May, 1791. [IV, 260.] Inventory by James Fulton and Alexander Rogers, both of Topsham, and Stephen Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, 28 Nov., 1791,^642 : 15 : 2. [V, 54-55-] John Cochran, late of Newcastle. Agnes Cochran, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, ?6 May, 1791 ; Samuel Kennedy and Robert Cochran, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Nickels, Peter Pat- terson and Samuel Groves, all of Newcastle, 3 June, 1791. ;^52 : 9 = 4- [IV, 266-7.] Samuel Nickels and Peter Patterson, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 228.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 12 June, 1794. [V, 229.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1794. [V, 230.] In the Name of God, Amen. I Katharine Gragg of Thomaston in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Missachusetts Spinster being Sick and Weak in Body, but of perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God ; calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God that give it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Burial, at the Discretion of my Executors ; nothing douting, but at the general Resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and Form : Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son William, commonly called and known by the Name of William Farnsworth, a Bible which with what I have already done for him, & he has already had is his full Part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Sarah, commonly called and known by the Name of Sarah Farnsworth, my dark coloured callico Gown, black callimanco Skirt and Stone Sleeve Buttons to be delivered to her when she arrives at the Age of Eigh- teen years or in one Year after my decease, which with what She has already had is in full of her part or Share out of my Estate Item. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Mehitabel commonly called and known by the Name of Mehitabel Dodge, my Silver Shoe-Buckles. Item. I give and bequeath imto my well beloved Son and Daugh- 212 I.INCOr.N PKOliAlK RKCOKDS. ter, to wit, Barnabas, commonly called and known by tiiL- Name of Barnabas W'ebb, Mary commonly called and kn,)wn by the Name of Mary Webb, and the above named Mehitabel Dodge the whole re- mainder of my Instate of what Name or Nature soever (except what is herein otherwise iiarticularly dis[)ose(l of) to be equally divided to and amonst them, and each of them, or their or either of their legal Rep- resentatives in ecpial Shares, and Proportion. Item 1 give unto my trusty Friend Kzekiel doddard Dodge of Thomaston aforesaid Physician (in consideration of his Trouble and Care of me, and Kxpences laid out for me in my Present Sickness) The one half part of a certain Note of Hand for the Sum of twenty Seven Pounds with Interest due to me from him the said Ezekiel G. Dodge, which is now lodged in the Hands of Moses Copeland. And I do also constitute make and ordain him the said Ezekiel (loddard Dodge the Sole L^xecutor of this my last AV'ill and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former Wills, Testaments, Legacies, Pequests, and ICxecutors whatso- ever in any ways before by me named, willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Katherine (Iragg do hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this twenty first Day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Signed, Sealed, ])ublished ])ro- nounced and Declared by the her said Katherine dragg as Katherine X (iragg (seal) her last Will and Testament Mark in presence of us, who. in her presence, and in the Presence of each other have hereunto sub- scribed our Names, (The Words "and the above- "named Mehitabel Dodge" were interlined be- fore signing and Sealing) Deidamia Preist Isaac Bernard Dn\id l-'ales [L'nrec-orded.] In the Name of (lod .Amen, I William Butler of Creorgetown in the County of Lincoln Yeoman being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory (blessed be Cod) do this eighteenth day of LINCOLN PROHAIK RIX.OKDS. 2 I _^ February An/io Dontiiti one Thotisand seven hundred and ninety, make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner follow- ing, Vizt. Imprimis— \ give and bequeath to my beloved Son William Butler ail my Lands on Arrowsick Island in said Georgetown including the Farm whereon I now dwell with the buildings and appurtenances, excepting the House my said Son William now lives in, which, I give unto my beloved Daughters Sarah and Abigail during Their and each of Them remaining single and unmarried, to hold the same to him the said Will- iam Butler and the Heirs of his F.ody forever. — 2 Item — I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Thomas Butler and to the Heirs of his body forever Two hundred and seventeen Acres of Land fronting on Kennebec River being the easterly part of Three hundred and seventeen Acres which I own in Georgetown aforesaid on the west side of said River on a part of which the said Thomas Butler now lives, with the priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging together with a certain tract of Marsh on Parkers Island which I purchased of the Heirs of Edward Hutchinson Esquire. — Item — I give and bequeath to my beloved Grand Son William Butler, Son of the said Thomas Butler all the residue and remainder of the said last mentioned tract of Land containing one hundred Acres and fronting in the whole width of said Tract of Land on Casco Bay to the Southward of Winnogance carrying place, to hold the same to him the said William Butler Son of the said Thomas and the Heirs of his body forever. — 4 Item — I will and order that the said Thomas Butler, F'ather ot the said William Butler shall take care of and manage the same Lands to the use of the said William Butler and to^his best profit and advantage during his Minority. — 5 Item — I will and ordain that in case my saitl Son William should die without Issue of his Body begotten, that then from and after his Death the Estate herein before devised to him shall enure to my said Son Thomas BuUer, and the Male Heirs of his body forever. — 6 Item — I will and ordain that my beloved Wife Martha and my l>augh- ter Sarah and Abigail Shall have the exclusive use and improvement of my Mansion House during the life of my said Wife, and 1 further will 2 14 LINCOLN PROBATE RFXOROS. and ordain that my said beloved Wife during her natural life shall have the use and improvement of all my personal Estate now upon and un- to my homestead Estate on Arrowsick Island appertaining belonging and being ; excepting Two Cows, Twelve Sheep and all my Farmmg Utensils and the use of my Oxen and all the Manure of the Cattle up- on the Farm, which, I give to my said Son William during the natural life of my said Wife, for the better improvement of the said Farm which, the said William is to superintend oversee and manage and the annual profits thereof to be annually divided in equal Shares between the said William on the one part and my said Daughters and Wife on the other part, excepting the annual profits of the Cows and Sheep, which profits shall Accrue to the respective owners thereof for the time being. — 7 Item — I will and bequeath to my said Son William Butler at and after my Wife's decease all my said Farming Utensils, one Yoak of Oxen and Two Cows. — 8 Item — I also give to my said Son Thomas Butler, my Silver Watch, which he is to take into his possession immediately upon my decease. 9 Item — I give and bequeath to my said Sons, William and Thomas in common between Them my Share of the Fishing Boat and my Gunde- low. — lO Item — I also leave my Yawl Boat in common between my said Wife and Daughters & my said Son VVilliam and his family. — 1 1 Item — I will ordain and order that my said Son William his heirs ex- ecutors or administrators as a consideration for the Estate I have herein before given him, shall within Two Years after the Death of me and my said Wife and of the longest liver of Us, pay unto my said Daughters Sarah and Abigail Twenty Pounds Lawful Money each, pro- vided They or either of Them shall so long live. — 12 Item — I will ordain and order that my said Son Thomas his heirs exe- cutors or administrators as a consideration for the Estate which I have herein before given him, shall within Two Years after the decease of me and my Wife and of the longest liver of Us, pay unto my said Daughters Sarah and Abigail Ten pounds each, provided — They shall so long live. — LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 2 1 5 13 Item — I give and bequeath unto William Preble Son of Joseph Preble of said Georgetown to be immediately paid at my decease, Sixty Pounds Lawful money four Cows, Six Sheep, a Yoak of three Year old Stears, and a Bed and Beding together with half my Share in a certain lot of Marsh on Parkers Island which I purchased jointly with John Stinson esquire from Nathaniel Johnson Robbins, being in full for his services and dutiful behaviour towards me. 14 Item — I will and order that Forty pounds shall be paid to my Daugh- ter Martha Soaper in the proportion of Six pounds annually untill the whole shall be paid up, provided my said Daughter shall so long live, said payments to commence within one Year after my decease being in full for her services and dutiful behavior towards me. Item— I will and bequeath to each of my Daughters Sarah and Abigail a Bed and Beding to be paid and delivered to Them immediately up- on the decease of my said Wife. 16 Item — I give and bequeath unto my beloved Grand Son William But- ler Drummond Twenty pounds to be paid him at the age of Twenty one Years, also my other part of that certain lot of Marsh which I pur- chased with John Stinson esquire from Nathaniel Johnson Robbins. — 17 Item — I further will and order that the residue of my personal Estate not herein particularly disposed of, shall upon the decease of my said wife be equally divided between my Daughters Sarah, Abigail, Ann Drummond and Mary Preble wife of Joseph Preble aforesaid. — 18 Item— I will and ordain my said Son William Butler, Joseph Preble and Elijah Drummond all of said Georgetown Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above and before mentioned. William Butler (seal) Signed sealed published & declared by the said William Butler the Testator as & for his last Will and Testament in the presence of Us, who were present at the signing and Sealing thereof. J as. Davidson Benj'n Pattee John Fisher 2l6 LINCOLN I'KOn.VlK RKCORIJS. A Codicil to be added to and taken as a i)art of the last Will and Testiment of me William Butler to which this is a part. I do hereby confirm my said last Will in all Things not in and by this Codicil al- tered or revoked. — I do in addition to what I have devised and beiiueathed to my Two Daughters Sarah and Abigail in and by my said Will further give de- vise and bequeath to my said Daughters full and free liberty to cut and haul or cause to be cut vt hauled for Their own use from the Home- stead or Farm I live upon as much wood as Tiiey may find necessary for Their own Fires and House Use. I also do in addition to what I have devised and bequeathed to my two Daughters Sarah and Abigail give devise and bequeath to my said Daughters Grass and Pasturage to be cut and fed from my Homesteail Farm as much as may be necessaiy for Two Cows. Also Land proper and Sufficient for a Garden to be held by Them during Their and each of Them remaining single and unmarried. — 1 do also give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Tnuler his Heirs and Assigns forever Two .Acres of Land, bounded as follows, Viz.- easterly to the back River so called from Great Bald Head, from thence south westerly to the front or Kennebec River, on my Homestead farm, and northerly till the Two .Acres is compleat. — I do also give devise and bequeath unto my Son in law Elijah Drum- mond his Heirs and .Assigns forever The Land property & Privileges which he now enjoys and improves in a Saw Mill in which my said Son in law concerned, now stands, it being my meaning and intention that he and his Heirs shall hold the same forever free from the disturbance hindrence or molestation of my Son Thomas or any other Person claiming by, from, or Under me. William Butler. (seal) Signed sealed, published and declared by the said William Butler The Testator as for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the j)resence of Us who were present at the Signing and Sealing thereol. Jas. Davidson Benj'n Pattee John Fisher Probated 3 June, 1791. [V, 6 to 8.] Inventory by John Fisher, Benjamin Pattee and James \Villiams, all or Georgetown, 7 July, 1791. [V, 51-52.] LINCOLN PROUATK RIXOKU.S. 21 7 In the name of God Amen- - - - The twentyeth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six I James Nickels of New Castle in the County of Lincoln Centn. being very Sick and Weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God for the same, and Calling to mind the mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and Recom- mend my Soul in to the hands of God that gave it and for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like and Decent manner at The Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurectlon 1 shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and Devise and dispose of the same in manner and form following that is to Say — In the first place I give and bequeth to Ruth Nickels my Dearly beloved Wife my Whole personal F^state to be at her disposal to be disposed of at her Death in the way and manner She sail think proper and also the third part of my Real Estate, I give and bequeth to my beloved son John Nickels Eighty Acres of Land in the middle of the Great mash With a piece of mash adjoining to it, also I give and bequeth to Alexander Nickels my beloved Son, Eighty Acres of Land on the south side of fresh Water Cove on Kennedy's River, also I give and bequeth to my beloved Children, James Nickels William Nickels Ruth Fasset, Hanah Nickels Jann Nickels Fanny Nickels & Margaret Nickels the Whole Remainder of my Real Estate to be divided Equal- ly among them after the youngest Child is of Age — also I appoint my Dearly beloved Wife Ruth Nickels, Thomas Rice Esqr. and Cap- tain William Nickels Executors of this my last and Testament, and I also Will that no part of my Real Estate shall be sold Except to pay a lawful Debt. Also I Revoke and Disannul all and every other Wills and Legacies or power of Attorney given to any person or persons Whatsoever before this date this being my last will and Testament in Witness Whereof I have here unto set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written — James Nickels (seal) Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said James Nickels as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers — ai8 LIN'CX)LN PROR\TE RECORDS. Archd : Robinson John Robinson Michael Ryan Thomas Rice declined executorship, 9 July, 1776. Probated 12 Sep., 1792. John Nickels, Adm'r cum Testamenio annexo. [V, 10.] Be it Remembered, that I Dennis Getchell of Vassalborough, in the County of Lincoln and Stale of Massachusetts-Bay Yeoman, being of Sound Mind, & Memory, Do make and Ordain, this my last Will & Testament in manner Following-vizt — I st- I will that all my Just Debts, & Funeral Charges be paid out of my Estate 2d- I give unto my beloved Wife Margaret my Best Bed & Sufficient furniture therewith — 3d I give unto my Son Dennis The whole of the Lot of Land I now Live on, being the front Division of Lott No. 85 East Side of Kenne- bec River in Vassalboro' save what I sold to Amos Child- with about Acres purchased of my Brother Nehemiah as pi Deed bearing date ninth month Seventeen hundred Nmety, will appear, together with all the Previleges tS: Appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining — also all the remainder of my Estate, I die pos- sessed of. Both real & personal & of what name or Nature soever except the Reserves hithertofore, and hereafter made. He the said Dennis on His part & in Consideration thereof, paying all my Just Debts, & legacies herein mentioned — and also Support & Maintain in a Comfortable Manner my Wife Margaret during her living in a State of Widowhood — or untill she may see Cause to Marry again — she yielding what Assistance she can towards her own & the Families Support — cS: also He the said Dennis is to Maintain, Support, bring up, & Educate according to Reasonable Expectation my Six Children here named vizt. Margaret, David, Anstrus, Lidia, Fanney & Mary, untill they the Girls shall come to the Age of Eighteen Years, &: my Son David to the Age of Twenty One Years-at which periods of Time I will that He my Son Dennis shall give each of my Daughters afore- said a Cow each. They the said Daughters — & the said David during their State of Minority yielding all Reasonable Aid & Help in & for Their own Support. 4ly. I give unto my Son Elihu five shillings — 5ly. I give unto my Son Edmund five shillings 61y. I give unto my Daughter Abigail five shillings LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. ^ 1 9 ,^y. I give unto my Son Remington the Eastern UMo! the Back Di- i ion o, Lott NO 84, East Side Kennebek ^'^" "^J'^f^^,^^^^,, 81y I give unto my Son David the Western Iralf of the aforesa.a ^;S^^JiZ^X Vonngest Daughter shaU arrive to the Age of Eighteen Years, that an equal Distribution be made of the re- taUer o, my Household Goods, to my Daughters Margaret, Anstrus, t:^^TorL::trFLdJohnTaberOuardia„to my Son David, ?.;;trmrt:t-tmTK.end John Xaber E.ecutor . this my last W,ll & Testament Desireing His assistance rn Execute ng the :^e According to the True Intent & ™-ning thereof D.saowm. and Disannulling, all other Wills by me H.thertofore "^^e^ In VV^t ness whereof I Hereunto Set my hand & Seal th,s Second day of the Ninth Month Seventeen hundred Nraety. Nintn mo. ^g ^^^ ^^^^^ "Margarrt & o- ,j c u * P„Hished bv "ords "6- TcstamenI" were ^^^:^^^ -"-^"«:;?" last Will & Testament .n presence ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ of us the Subscribers Remington Hobby, David Dickey William Getchell rv t ^ t c 1 Probated 6 Jan., 1792- L^' U-^S-J Samuel Silvester, late of Pownalbcrough. Mary Silvester, of Pov,- nalborough, widow, Adm'x, 27 Dec, .79t. [V, .9-=^o.] DavrdS.l vester and Timothy Parsons, both of Pownalboroughsurefes In- ventory by Jonathan Williamson, William Sevey and Ebenezer «h,t. tier all of Pownalborough, 3 Mar., 179^, ^3^° ' '? • "• L^ ' '"J George Bradford, late of Winslow. W.lliam Bradford, of Wmslow AdTn'r, .7 Jan., .793. [V, .0-3..] Samuel Grant and Jeremtah Fairfield both of Vassalborough, sureties. a c Boney, late of Wmthrop. Hannah Boney, of W-throp^ w^d^ ow, .Mm'x, ,7 Jan., .793. [V, 3..] Samuel Wood an^ R "b» Brainerd both of Winthrop, sureties. Inventory by Amos Stevens, Natha:tlFa,rbanksand W.l.iam PuUen, all of Winthrop .3 Feb ,,oj rV ^61 Additional inventory 10 Jan., I793- L^". -3° 'I,.] Na'thaniel Fairbanks and Samuel Wood, commissioners to ex- 2 20 I INCOl.N IKOllAJK Kl.COKDS. amine claims. [VI 1, .727.] Widow's dower set off by Nathaniel Fairbanks, Samuel Wood and \\illiam Pullen. 22 Se])., 1794. [VII, 228.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 24 Sep., 1794. [V11,22S.J Daviil Jackson, late of Hallowell. Rebeckah Jackson, widow, and Benjamin Stickney, both of Hallowell, Adm'rs, 17 Jan., 1792. [V, 22.] James Page and Jason Livermore, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Dummer, Samuel Dutton and James Carr, all of Hallowell, 10 May, 1792, ;^505 : o: 2. [V, 101-102.] Daniel Cony and William Brooks, both of Hallowell, commissioners to exam- ine claims. [V, 207-20S.] Inventory of real estate at Sandy ri\er by James Carr and Isaac Savage, both of Hallowell, and John Blunt, of Winthrop, 21 Jan.. 1794, £, 2\: 7. o. [V, 210.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 13 Feb., 1794. [V, 211.] Account filed, 5 .Sep., I 794. [\". 212-213.] Distribution ordered 6 Nov., 1794. \\ , 213-214.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 10 Feb., 1794. \y , Nathaniel Foster, late of Woolwich, shipwright. Dorothy I'ostt-r, of Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 6 Feb.. 1792. [V, 22-23.] Aaron .Abbot and Thomas Snell, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventor) l)y David Ciilmore, .\bner Wade and Richard Harnden, all of Woolwich, 14 Feb., 1792,^207: 7: 6. [^\ 52-53.] Samuel Harnden and David (Jil- more, both of Woolwich, commissioners to examine claims. [V. 184.] Widow's dower set off by David (iilmore, Richard Harnden and Ab- ner Wade, 8 .A])., 1794. [V, 186.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 17 Mar., 1794. [\', 186-7.] Account filed and distribution ordered 30 May, 1794. [V, 187 and 200-201.] Hatherly Foster, hue of Bath. Hatherly Foster, of Bath, .Vdm'r, 15 Mar., 1792. \\ , 23.] Consider Tnrner and Caleb Marsh, both of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Joshua Philbrook, Ilphraim Fitts and Joseph Lambard, all of Bath, 2 June, 1792, ;^i90 : 19 : o. [V, 94.] John, minor son, and Martha, minor daughter, chose Dummer Sewall, of Bath, i(j be their guardian, 26 May, 1797. [^ H, 55.] Dummer .Sewall, guardian unto Benjamin, Alexaniler and Thomas, minor sons. 26 May, 1797. [^Ilj 55-56.] Yearly value of real estate appraised at $42- by Joshua Philbrook, Christopher Cushing and Laban Loring, all of liath, 8 Sep., 1797. [.VII, 157.] .Account filed 1986!)., 1797. [VII, 157.] I)i\ision of personal estate among Charles, Hatherly, William, John, Benjamin, Martha, .Alexander and Thomas, 19 Sep., I 797. [VII, 2 1 1 --• I 2.] Division of real estate among same by Josh- I.IN'COI.N I'Ror-.VJE KrX'ORDS. 221 ua Pliilbrook, Christopher Cushing and Joseph Sewall, all of Bath, 19 Ap., 1798. [\'lI,7o.] Account of Dummer Sewall, guardian of Al- exander, filed 24 Aug., 1804. [Unrecorded.] John Winchell, late of 'iopsham. Samuel Winchell, of Topsham, Adm'r, 28 May, 1792, [V, 30-31.] Inventory by John Patten, James Fulton, and Josei)h (rraves, all of Topsham, 4 July, 1792, ^313 : 2 : 4. [V, 97.] John Fulton and Ezekiel Thompson, both of Topsham. commissioners to examine claims. [V, r76.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 23 Sep., 1793. [V, 178.] Account filed 29 Ap., 1794. [V, 179.] bistribution ordered 29 May, 1794. [V, 174-5-] Timothy Foster, late of Winthrop. Sibella Foster, widow, Adm'x. Inventory by Josiah French, Benjamin Brainerd and Benjamin Fair- banks, all of Winthrop, 13 June, 1785,^565 : 18 : 10. [V, 31 to 33.] Division of real estate by John Page, Josiah French and Benjamin White, all of AVinthrop, 2 June, 1786 : dower to widow, remainder to Timothy Foster, 1 )avid Foster, Stewart Foster, Stephen Foster, Micajah Dudley and Ephraim Stevens. [V, 34.] Francis Perry, late a resident of Pownalborough. Ezra Taylor, of Pownalborough. Adm'r, 31 May, 1792. [V, 34-35.] Samuel Good- win, of Pownalborough, and William Haley, of Pittslon. sureties. In- \entory by Philip Theobald, Samuel Goodwin, Jr., and l>ouis Houde- lette, all of Pownalborough, 2 July, 1792, jQ6 : 8 : 2. to which Adm'r adds a sum of money. £.- : r6 : o. [^T, 62-63.] Account filed 29 Ap., 1794. [VI. 64.] In the Name of (iOD. .\men. I Olixer Robins of Thomaston in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts veoman, being sitk and weak in Bu(l\-. but of perfect Mindantl Memorv, Thanks be given unto (iOD ; calling to Mind the Mortality of mv Bodv, and knowing that it is a])])ointe(l for all Men once to die j do make and ordain this my last \\\\\ and 'JVstament : That is to sav, i)rincipally and first of all, I gi\ e and recommend my Soul into the Hand of Al- mighty (iod, that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Burial, at the Discretion of m\- Jvxecutors ; nothing iloubting but at the general Resurrection 1 shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of (iod. And as touching such world- ly Estate wherewidi it has pleased Gcxl, to bless me in this Life, I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the following Manner and Form hiipiimis. I give and bequeath unto my well belo\ed Son Oliver 2 22 MNC01>' PROBATE RECORDS. Robins junior the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to him by my Ex- ecutors, which together with what he has already received is his full part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give and becjueath unto my well beloved Son Otis Robins the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to him by my Executors which together with what he has already received is his full part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my well beloved Sons Shep- pard Robins and Rufus Robins, whom I likewise constitue, make and ordain joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament, all my Lands, Messuages, and Tenements of what name or nature soever, together with all my wearing Apparel, Husbandry Tools, and Cattle of all kinds, and all my other Estate of what name or nature soever, excepting what is herein otherwise particularly disposed of, by them freely to be possessed and enjoyed, and to be equally divided, for Quantity and, Quality, between them or their legal Representatives, they paying my just Debts, Funeral Expences, and the Legacies hereby otherwise given ; but if either of them shall not arrive at the Age of twenty and One Year, nor have Children of his own, or marry, the surviver to possess and enjoy the whole. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well-beloved Daughter Elioe- nai Crocket the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to her by My Exe- cutors, which together with what she has already received is her full Part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I ^ive and bequeath unto my well-beloved Daughter Sybel Fales the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to her by my Executors, which, with what she has already received is her full Part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Lois Killsa the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to her by my Executors, which, with what she has already received is her full Part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Lucy Butler the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to her by my Executors, which, with what she has already received is her full Part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Sabra Barrows the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to her by my Executors, which, with what she has already received is her full Part or Share out of my Estate. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 223 Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Mella Butlei the Sum of Five Shillings to be paid to her by my Executors, which with what she has already received is her full part or Share out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Betsey Robins, my Feather- Beds, Case of Drawers, Tables, Chares, and Pew- ter with all my other Household Furniture to be by her free possessed and enjoyed ; together with two Cows to be paid and delivered to her by my Executors when she arrives at the Age of twenty and one Years or on her Marriage. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Be- quests, and Executors by me in any ways before-named, willed and be- queathed ; ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty Second Day of March, in the Year of LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine Two Signed, Sealed, published pronounced his and declared by the said Oliver Robins Oliver X Robins (seal) as his last Will and Testament in the Mark Presence of us James Stackpole Saml Jennison David Fales Probated 31 May, 1792. Oliver Robins, Adm'r cum Testamento an- nexo, 31 May, 1792. [V, 35-36.] Inventory by Mason Wheaton, James Weed and Samuel Brown, all of Thomaston, 2 July, 1792, ^655:13:0. [V, 99-100.] Oliver Robins, guardian unto Rufus, minor son, 22 June, 1799. [IX, 180.] Peter LeMercier, late of Pownalborough, merchant. Polly Le- Mercier, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 26 Dec, 1791; Jaque Goud, of Pownalborough, and Nicholas Gaubert, of Bowdoin- ham, sureties. Inventory by Daniel Spring, William Lewis and Sam- uel Goodwin, Jr., all of Pownalborough, 29 Dec, 1791, ;^23o : 14 : 3. [V, 41-42.] Edmund Bridge and Samuel Woodward, both of Pow- nalborough, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 65.] Widow's dower set off by Daniel Spring, Samuel Woodward and Carr Barker, all of Pownalborough, 7 Nov., 1792. [VI, 67.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 25 Jan., 1793. [VI, 68.] Account filed and distribu- tion ordered 9 Jan., 1795. [VI, 1 1 1 to 113.] Advertisement of sale 224 I.IXCt'I.N !>R(ir..\ll. KlX(iUl». of real esta^.^ K) Mar., 1795. [VI. 1:3-114.] Anount fik-d 2S May, 1785. [VI, 115.] Mary Jennison, late of C.ambden, spinster. William Oregory, of Cambden, Adm'r, 14 Jan., 1792 : Moses Copeland, of Warren, and Samuel Tolman, of Thomaston, sureties. [V. 45.] Mehitabel drover, of Georgetown, widow, //<'// compos. John White, of (Georgetown, guardian, 5 June, 1792. [V, 47.] |ohn Orr, late of Ikistol. Rosanna McMillen, of iJoothbay, widow, Adm'x, 24 Julv, 1792. [V, 84-85.] Samuel Montgomery and John Murray, both of T.oothbay, sureties. Inventory by Jonas Fitch and James Huston, both of Bristol, and James Little, of Newcastle, 15 Aug., 1792, ;^i55 : 10 : o. [V, 85.] Thomas McClure and James Little, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 53.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1794. [VI, 54-] Samuel Brown, late of Boothbay. Mary Brown, widow, declined administration, 15 June, 1792. John Murray, of T'.oothbay, Adm'r, 25 July, 1792. [V, 86.] Samuel Montgomery and Thomas Boyd, both of Boothbay, sureties. Martha, Alexander and Samuel, minor children of Samuel Wylis, late of Boothbay, chose Hugh Rogers, of (Georgetown, to be their guardian, 5 Oct., 1792. Robert, minor son of said Samuel Wylie, chose David King, of Bath, to be liis guardian, 29 Srj).. 1792. [V, 87-88.] James .McC'obb, Ir.. late of (leorgetown. Mary McCobb, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 7 Sep., 1792. \\ , 88.] Jordan Barker and lost ph Bowker, both of (Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Jor- dan Parker, Mlijah Drunimond and Joseph ISowker, all of Georgetown 5 Xo\., 1792.^,10: 16; o. [\'l, 223.] Nathaniel Leenian. late of l';dgeronil). Bvtty l.ceman, of k'.dge- (omb. widow, ,\(hn'\, 7 Aug.. 1 792. [\'. S9.] Henry I.eeniaii and W illiaui P'ow. both of I'owiialb-irongh. sureties. Inventory \^\ W'ill- iam I'atterson. Mbcnczer Gove and Isaac ('iiir>)rd, 22 Aug., 1792, y_'2oS : II : ;,. [\I, 229-230.] In the Name of God .\nien. I John McGarler of a place called St, (Georges, in the ("ounly of Lincoln and State of .Massachusetts Bay in New I'^ngland \eoman. Being tho' weak in body yet of jierfect mind and memorv, thanks be yiven unto (God : calling into mind the mor- LINCOLN I'ROBATE RECORDS. 2 2^ tality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to die, Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. That is to say Principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into tiie Hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial at the Discretion of my of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection- I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the follow- ing manner and form. Imprimis I give and bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Jane, Ten Acres of Land, beginning at the Extremity of a point of I^nd, Com- monly Called VVinslow's point, bounded between St Georges River and a Cove Called Thomsons Cove, and running North Easterly along Said River ; untill a Line running West North West, from said River to the Cove afore said includes the Ten Acres aforesaid : Also a Cow and three Sheep within Six months after my Decease. Item. I Give unto my well beloved Daughter Mary Ten Acres of Land (adjoining to that bequeathed to my Daughter Jean) and running North Easterly along said River untill a West North West Line as afore said Shall include Ten Acres, Abo Two Cows and three Sheep, to be delivered as afore said, together with the priviledge of the North westerly front room as long as she may require it. Item I Give unto my well beloved Daughter Margaret Ten Acres of Land nex adjoining to that bequethed to my Daughter Mary, and running up along said river North Easterly untill a Line running West North west as aforesaid Shall include ten Acres, also a Cow and three Sheep to be delivered as aforesaid by my Executor Item I Give to my well beloved Daughter Elizabeth Ten Acres of Land next adjoining to that bequeathed to my Daughter Margaret and run- ning up along said River North Easterly untill a Line running West North west, includes ten acres, also a Cow and three Sheep to be de- livered as afore Said by my Executor Item I give unto my well beloved and Only Son James, the whole of my Land (except what is already bequeathed as is above Specified) to- gether with all the Buildings thereon, together with all my personal Estate, Excepting what is herein bequeathed Item I give unto the Children of my well beloved Daughter Martha Deceased each one a Guinea to be paid them as Soon as the Oldest of 15 J 26 LINCOIJJ TROtl-MK RKa^RDS. them Comes of Age Lastly I do Constitute, make, and ordain my Son James McCarter Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. And do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all, and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests, and Executors, by me in any ways before named, Willed, and Bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I do hereunto Set my hand and Seal this fifth day of February Annoque Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty nine his John X McCarter (seal) Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced, Mark and Declared, by the Said John McCarter as his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto Subscribed our Names John NichoUs, D. M Jona. Nutting John McKellar Probated i8 Sep., 1792. [V, 94-95.] Inventory by Moses Cope- land, of Warren, Seth Vose and Marlboro Packard, both of Cushing, 12 Dec, 1792, ^897: 8:3. [V, 195-6.] Martin Sidelinger, late of Waldoborough. Agreement among heirs, viz : Peter Sidelinger, George Sidelinger, Daniel Sidelinger, Charles Sidelinger, Andrew Storer, Charles Brodman, who in their agreement mentioned as an heir one Jacob Rominger then living in North Caro- lina, and Mary Sidelinger, widow of deceased. [V, 102-103.] Peter Sidelinger, of Waldoborough, .'Vdm'r, 13 Mar., 1793. [V, 130-1.] Peter Light, of Waldoborough, and Benjamin Kinsel, of Nobleborough, sureties. Jesse Davis, late of Bowdoin. Hannah Davis, of Bowdoin, widow, and Joshua Davis, of Sidney, Adm'rs, j Oct., 1795. [V, 106.] Ez- ekiel Thompson, of Topsham, and James Curtis, of Brunswick, sureties. Inventory by Isaac Hinkley and Samuel Tibbets, both of Bowdoin, and James Wilson, of Topsham, 30 Oct.. 1792, ;^359 : 4: 3. [VI, 116.] John Merrill, of Topsham, and Samuel Tibbets, of Bowdoin, commissioners to examine claims. [VT, 117.] Widow's dower set off by Isaac Hinkley, John Merrill and Samuel Tibbets, 15 July, 1795. UNCOI-N PROBATE RhXORDS. 2 27 [VI, I20.] Advertisement of sale of real estate i6 Sep., 1795. [^^' 139.] Account filed 27 May, 1796. [VI, 140.] Distribution or- dered 30 May, 1796. [VI, 1 49-1 5 1.] Seth Hinkley, of Bowdoin, guardian unto Jonathan and Rebecca, minor children, 10 Jan., 1799. [IX, 1 78.] Rachel, minor daughter, chose Seth Hinckley, of Lisbon, to be her guardian, 25 Aug., 1804. [IX, 252.] Joseph Stevens, late of Winthrop. Jonas Stevens, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 20 Dec, 1792. [V, 107.] Joel Chandler and Cyrus Bald- win, both of Winthrop, sureties. Inventory by Paul Lambert and Ebenezer Davenport, both of Winthrop, and John Gray, of Readfield, 26 Dec, 1792, ;^i28 : 12 : 7. [V, 120.] John Conely, of Bristol, non compos. Joshua Cross, of Bristol, guardian, i Jan., 1793. [V, 108.] Inventory by Thomas Thompson, Henry Fosset and James Drummond, all of Bristol, 31 May, 1793, ;^2ii : 5 : 8. [VI, 165-6.] Account filed 9 Jan., 1795 and 27 May, 1795, [VI, 166 to 169.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 22 Jan., 1796. [VI, 250.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1797. [VI, 252.] Joshua Cross, Adm'r, 11 Sep., 1797. [VII, 153-4.] Inventory by Thomas Thompson, Andrew Parsons and Alexander Robinson, all of Bristol, 24 Oct., 1797, $537. 33; account filed 4 June, 1798. [VIII, 98.] Peter Parker, minor son, and Prudence Parker, minor (laughter, of Peter Parker, Jr., late of Groton, Middlesex County, chose John French Woods, of a place called Sandy River, to be their guardian. 10 Jan., 1793. [V, 1 20-1 2 1.] Moses Dudley, of Sandy-river, non compos. William Reed, of Sandy- river, guardian, 9 Jan., 1793. [V, 123.] Elizabeth Jewett, of Edgecomb, lately the wife of James Jewett, of Edgecomb, non compos. Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, guardian, 4 Oct., 1792. [V, 128.] Account filed 6 Jan., 1808. [XII, 377-8.] Josiah Butterfield, late of Vassalborough. George Warren, of Wins- low, Adm'r, 10 June, 1793. [V, 131.] James Bridge, of Hallowell, and John Peirce, of Winslow, sureties. Inventory by William Pattee and Solomon Parker, both of Winslow, and David Smiley, of Sidney, 12 Aug., 1793, ;i{^ioo : o: o. [VII, 88.] Account filed, 19 Jan., ,796. [VII, 89.] Benjamin Hussey, late of Nobleborough. Hannah Hussey, of Nobleborough, widow, Adm'x, 3 Ap., 1793. [V, 132.] James Hall and David Dennis, both of Nobleborough, sureties. Inventory b} 228 LINCOLN I'KOLATK K^:CORr)S. Joseph Rust, Ihomas Merrill and John Clark, all of Nobleborough, 6 Ap., 1793, [VI, 60-61.] Hannah, wido^v, guardian unto Elsa, minor daughter, 17 Sep., 1793. [VI, 61-62.] Account filed 30 Sep., 1 796, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of John Austin. [VI, 240.] Widow's dower set off by David Dennis, Joseph Rust and John Winslow, all of Nobleborough, 10 Ap., 1795. L^^' 241-2.] John Austin, of Nobleborough, Adm'r, dc bonis non, 27 fune, 1805. [IX, 86.] Klse, minor daughter, chose Joseph Hussey, of Nobleborough, to be her guardian, 9 May, 1807. [IX, 277.] Accounts filed 27 Sep., 1806, and 9 May, 1807. [XII, 45 and 173.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 16 May, 1807. [XII, 348.] Robert Miller, late of Bristol. Nancy Miller, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 14 June, 1793. [V, 133.] Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, and Benjamin Rackliff, of Kdgecomb, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Boyd, of lioothbay, Samuel Clark and Henry Hunter, both of Bristol, 30 July, 1793, ;^32 : 14 : 4. [V, 204.] Henry Hunter and Thomas Boyd, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 205.] Account filed, 16 Sep., 1794. [V, 206.] Distribution ordered, 10 Dec, 1794. [V, 207.] Henry McKenney, Jr., late of a place called Seven mile brook. John Cray, of Seven mile brook, Adm'r, 6 June, 1793. [V, 133-4. J Oliver Wood, of Norridgewalk, and William Cray, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by James Waugh, of Sandy river, Silas Wood, of Norridgewalk, and Jonathan .\mes, of Seven mile brook, ^246 : 10 : 2, to which Adm'r adds bricks valued at ;^ii : 3: o. [VI, 76-77.] Widow's dower set off by James Jones, John Hilton and John Moore, Jr., all of Seven mile brook, 21 Aug., i797- [VI, 236.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1797. [VI, 236-7.] Anna Bradbury, of Pownalborough, widow, tion compos. John Sevey, of Pownalborough, guardian, 23 Jan,, 1793. [V, 134- 5.] Inventory by Thomas Rice, Ebenezer Whittier and Jeremiah Dalton, all of Pownalborough, 12 Mar., 1793, jCa'2 : 8 : o. [V, 236- 7.] Wyman Bradbury Sevey, of Pownalborough. guardian. 15 Mar., 1796- [VI, '3:v] Samuel Kennedy, late of Newcastle. Mary Kennedy declined ad ministration, 15 Aug., 1793. Robert Kennedy, of Newcastle, Adm'r, 16 Aug., 1793. [135-6.] David Kennedy, of Newcastle, and Briggs Turner, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Charles Chase, Thomas Cunningham and Abernathy Cargill. all of Newcastle. 13 Nov., LINCOLN I'R<3BATE RIXORIiS. 229 I 793, ;i{^i44 : o : o. [Unrecorded.] William Kennedy, late of Newcastle, mariner. Robert Kennedy, of Newcasde, Adm'r, 16 Aug., 1793. [V, 136.] David Kennedy, of Newcastle, and Briggs Turner, of Pownalborough, sureties. Sarah Kennedy, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x de bonis non, 8 Dec, *795- [VII, 209-210.] Samuel Kennedy and Thomas Cunningham, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by Charles Chase, Thomas Cunningham and Abernathy Cargill, all of Newcastle, 21 Dec, 1795, $267.33. [VII, 210-211.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 28 July, 1797. [VIII, 49.] Report of Samuel Nickels and Charles Chase, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 50.] Account filed 7 Jan., 1 798, at which dale the administratrix had become the wife of Stephen Jewett. [VIII, 50.] Distribution ordered 15 Jan., 1799. [VIII, 51.] Abraham Whittemore, Jr., late of Bowdoinham, mariner. Hez- ekiah Purrinton, of Bowdoinham, Adm'r, 8 May, 1793. [V, 137.] Elihu Getchel and James Purrinton, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. In- ventory by George Maxwell, Stephen Whitmore and George Thomas, all of Bowdoinham, 14 May, 1793, ^13 12:9. [V, 196-7.] Elihu Getchel and Stephen Whitmore, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 197.] Distribution of estate ordered 30 May, 1794. [V, 199.] Benjamin Thompson, late of Topsham. Rhoda Thompson, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 29 July, 1793. [V, 137-8.] Ezekiel Thompson, of Topsham, and Benjamin Ham, of Bath, sureties. Robert Clarke, late of Topsham. Samuel Thompson, of Topsham, Adm'r, 29 July, 1793. [V, 138.] Ezekiel Thompson, of Topsham, and Benjamin Ham, of Bath, sureties. Elenor, widow, declined ad- ministration 3 May, 1 79 1. Samuel, oldest son, declined administration 18 Aug., 1 79 1. Inventory by John Merrill, Actor Patten and James Wilson, all of Topsham, 26 Mar., 1794, ^149: 19:9. [VI, 239.] Jacob Eaton, late of a place called Sandy-river. Elizabeth Eaton, of Sandy-river, widow, .Adm'x, 15 Jan., 1793. [V, 139.] Supply Belcher and John French Woods, both of Sandy-river, sureties. Inventory by Robert Gore, William Reed and Samuel Sewall, all of Sandy river, ^617 : 2 : ri. [VI, 183-4.] Rachel, reputed daughter of Seth Delano, of Winthrop, chose Abiel Walton, of Wintlirop, to be her guardian. 26 Oct., 1793. [V, 139- 140.] Eoyes Cooper Jameson, late of Warren, a minor. Kaiey Cox, of 230 LINCOLN probata: RECORDS. Warren, widow Adm'x, 17 Sep., 1793. [^» ^4^'] Moses Cope land and William Bogs, both of Warren, sureties. Joseph Decker, late of Edgecomb, mariner. Sarah Decker, of Edgecomb, widow, Adm'x, 4 Jan., 1793. [^> i4^-] Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, and Ebenezer Whittier of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Francis Cook and John Huse, both of Pow- nalborough, and Ebenezer Gove, of Edgecomb, 27 Mar., 1793, ^574: 2:9. [V, 142.] Francis Cook, of Pownalborough, and Barnabas Sears, of Edgecomb, commissioners to examine claims. [V, 225.] Distribution of estate 26 Aug., 1795. [VI, 91 to 93.] Widow's dower set off by Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, John Huse and Francis Cook, both of Pownalborough, 2 Jan., 1795. [VI, 127-8.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 18 Feb., 1795. [VI, 128.] Account filed 28 May, 1795. [V'l, 129-130.] Thomas Bowers Hurrup, late of a place called Barretts-town. Betsey Hurrup, of Barretts-town, widow, Adm'x, 11 July, 1793. [V, 145.] William Thompson, of Thomaston, and John Gordon, Jr., of Camden, sureties. Inventory by William Hewitt, John Hilt and Samuel Bartlett, all of Barrettstown, 7 Sep., 1793. ^217: 15: 5. [V, 146.] William Gregory and Peter Ott, both of Camden, com- missioners to examine claims. [V^, 222.] Widow's dower set off t/ William Hewitt and John Hilt, both of Barrettstown, and John Mc- Kellar, of Gushing, 10 Oct., 1793. [V, 224.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 23 Sep., 1794. [V, 224-5.] Sale of reversion of wid- ow's dower advertised 10 June, 1795; account filed and distribution ordered 10 Dec, 1795. [VI, 109 to m.] In the Name of God, Amen. I William Bogs of Warren in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Yeoman, being sick and weak in Body but of perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto GOD; calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it appointed unto all Men one to die ; do make and or- dain this my last Will and Testament ; That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hand of almighty God, that gave it, and my Body I recommend unto the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Burial, at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God. .'\nd as touching such worldly P-state wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 23 1 I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and Form. Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Wife Mary Bogs the improvement, use and Occupation of one third part of all my real Estate to be by her freely used and enjoyed during her natural Life; together with one third pait of all my moveables and personal Estate (after the Payment of my just Debts and Settlement of the Es- tate) to be by her freely possessed and enjoyed. Item. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my well beloved Sons and Daughters, Joseph Bogs, Ephraim Bogs, Alexander Bogs, Isabel Bogs, Lucy Bogs, and Rachel Bogs, the whole of my Homestead, with the out Meadows thereunto belonging containing One Hundred Acres in the whole, with the House Barn and other Buildings thereon, to be equally divided to and amongst them, or their legal Representatives ; (but the Sons respective according to their age to have the Right of Redemption) and also the whole of my personal Estate, not herein otherwise particularly disposed of, to be equally divided to and amongst them and each of them Item. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my said well beloved Sons Joseph, Ephiaim and Alexander all my out Lands and other real Estate to be equally divide to and amongst them, and each of them. Item I give and bequeath unto my true and loving Neice Elizabeth Bogs, one Cow, two Sheep, and two Lambs to be levied and paid for out of the whole of my Estate. My further Wills that my Sons Ephraim and Alexander, and my said Daughter Rachel be properly taught and instructed in School learning suitable for Persons of their Station to be paid for out of the whole of ray Estate. I do likewise constitute make and ordain my said dearly beloved Wife, together with my said Son Joseph Bogs joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments, Legacies, Be- quests and Executors by me in any wise before named, willed and bequeathed ; ratifying confirming this and no other to be my last ^ViIt and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twentieth Day of June in the Year of our LORD One Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety two. William Bogs (seal) «32 LINCOLN TROBATE RFICORDS. Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said William Bogs as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us William Bogs junr Robert Bogs David Fales Probated i8 Sep., 1792. [V, 147-8] Moses Copeland and Thomas Kirkpatrick, both of Warren, sureties. Inventory by David Fales, of Thomaston, Thomas Starret and John Watt, both of Warren, 24 Oct., 1792,^618 : 19 : 8, to which executors added debts due the estate, ^57 : 19 : 2. [V, 239 to 241.] Account filed, 13 Sep., 1794. [V, 241-2.] P'.phraim, minor son, chose Thurs- ton Whiting, of Warren, to be his guardian, 1 1 Feb., 1795. [VI, 27.] Joseph Bogs, of Warren, guardian unto Alexander and Rachel, minor children, 1 1 Feb., 1795. [VI, 28.] Lucy, minor daughter, chose William Bogs, of Warren, to be her guardian, 11 Feb., 1795. [VI, 29.] Division of estate by Rufus Crane, Joseph Copeland and Thom- as Kirkpatrick, all of W'arren, among Joseph, Ephraim and Alexander, sons of deceased, accepted 17 Sep., 179S. [VIH, 51-52.] .Account filed, 17 Sep., 1798. [VIII, 52-53.] In the Name of God Amen the thirty first Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred Ninety & two. I Robert Sproul of Bristol in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gentleman Being Very Sick & weak in Body : But of Perfect mind and Memory : thanks be given unto God, therefore. Calling unto mind the Mortallity of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye Do make and ordain this my Last will & testament that is to Say first of all I give & Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it ; for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth, to Be Buried in a Christian Like & Decent Manner att the Descretion of my Executors — and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I give Devise & Dispose of the Same in the fol- lowing Manner and form — first: it is my will & 1 Do onler : that all my just Debts and fueral ^barges, be Paid & Satisfy ed. — Item I give & Bequeath unto Sarah My Dearly Beloved wife the Place that I Now Live on togeather with the house & Barn togcather LINa:)LN PROBATE RF.CORDS. 233 with all my Personal Estate During her widowhood to be Dis-Possed of in Manner followaring— I Likewise Constitute & appoint Sarah my wife my Sole Exetor & Administratrix of this my Last will & testament Item: I give to my Beloved Son Robert Sproul five Shillings Lawful! money. Item Catherine Sproul My Daughter I give five Shillings. Item I give to my Beloved Son William Sproul five Shillings item I give to my Beloved Son John Sproul five Shillings. Item I give to my Beloved Daughter Margret Clark five Shillings. Item I give to my Beloved Daughter Sarah Sproul one Cow & one feather bed Bed & Beding Sutable for a Bed att her marrage if not married to Paid to her when My Son James Sproul is one & twenty years of age Item — I give to my Beloved Daughter Jean Sproul the Same as is men- tioned to my Daughter Sarah Sproul when married or att James Sproul Being one & twenty Item I give to my Beloved Daughter Susanna Sproul the Same as to the above mentioned Sarah & Jean Sproul & att the Same time. Item, I give to my Beloved Son Thomas Sproul the whole of that Lot of Land joyning to William Sproul my Son att Orr Meadow and one Pair of Steer three years old and one heflfer of three years old al! the above to Be given to him att the time of his Being one & twenty years of Age to him & his heirs Item. I give to my Beloved Daughter Mary Sproul one Cow & one Bed & Beding att marridge or att James Sproul a Riveing to the years of one & twenty as is mentioned to Sarah, Jean, Susanna & Mary all a Like Item I give to my Beloved Son James Sproul the Place or fairm that 1 now Live on one third of the Place att his comeing of Lawfull age Viz one & twenty & the other two third to his mother My Beloved wife During hir widowhood, & att her Disseas to him the Said James to have the whole Place to him his heirs and assigns for Ever— that is to Say— if the above Named Sarah, Jean, Susanna & Mary Should Re- main Single & unmarried att the Disseas of my Beloved wife to have three Pounds Lawfull money Paid yearly by the Said James or his heirs During their Remaining Single to Each or ither of them as the Case may be. Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my Last will .^ lesie- nient In Witness whereof I have hi;reunto Set my hand and Seal the 334 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Day and year above written. Robert Sproul (Seal) Signed : Sealed : Published. Pronounced, & Declared by the Said Robert Sproul as his Last will & testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers viz — the word, hood, Interlined before the Signing hereof Thos. Johnston Richd. Meagher William Mclntyer Probated 9 Sep., 1793. [V, 149-150.] Thomas Johnston and William Mclntyer, both of Bristol, sureties. Ezekiel I^inscott, son of John Linscott, late of a place called Ball- town, chose John Linscott, of Nobleboro, to be his guardian, 28 Aug., 1793- [V, 151-2] Edward Young, late of Bristol. Jane Young, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 9 Sep., 1793. [V. 152-3.] Lemuel Doe and James Young, Jr., both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by James Houston, Thomas Johnston and William Mclntyer, all of Bristol, 6 Sep., 1794, ;i{^6o2 : 14 : I, to which administrator added sundry notes of hand, ^55 : 10:6. [VI, 190-1.] Inventory by Thomas Johnston, William Mclntyer and Henry Fossat, all of Bristol, i Dec, 1795, jC^^ '■ ^3' 3- [y^y ^9^-1 Gideon Owen, late of Topsham. Jane, widow, Thomas and Hugh, oldest sons, desired that adm'n be granted to John, third son, 18 Oct., »793' John Owen, of Topsham, Adm'r, 21 Oct., 1793. [V, 153-4.] William Burke and Samuel Winchcll, both of Topsham, sureties. In- ventory of real estate in Portland, Cumberland County, by Thomas Bradbury, Samuel Butts and Joseph McLellan, all of Portland, 31 Oct., 1793,^72: 10:0. [VI, 176.] Inventory by John Patten, James P'ulton and Joseph Graves, all of Topsham. [VI, 177 to 178.] John Gardiner, lateof Pownalborough. John Silvester John Gardiner, of Boston, Adm'r, 6 Jan., 1794. [V, 155.] Robert Hallowell, of Boston, and William Gardiner, of Pownalborough, suieties. Inventory by Caleb Blanchard, Edward Davis and John Erving, all of Boston, 1 1 July, 1794, ^1625 12:5. [VII, 232-3.] Inventory by James Tup- per, Jonathan Reed and William Patterson, all of Pownall)orough, 5 June, 1794, ^3501 : 13 : 71^. [VII, 234 to 238.] Consider Thomas, late of Topsham, blacksmith. Sarah, widow, declined administration 5 Sep., i 793. F^zekiel Thompson, of Topsham, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 335 Adm'r, 6 Sep., i793- [V, 156.] James Wilson, of Topsham, and John Herrick, of a place called Lewiston, sureties. In the Name of God, Amen. I James Killsa of the Town of Thorn- aston in the County of Lincoln yeoman being Very Sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind and Memory, thanks be Given unto God ; Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, and Knowing that it is Appointed for all Men once to die. Do Make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament : That is to Say Principally and first of All I Give and Recommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors : Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receiv the Same again by the mighty Power of God and as touching Such Worldly Estate where with it has Pleased God to bless me in this life I Give Demise and dispose of the Same in the Following Manner and form— First I Give and be- queath to Lydia Killsa my Dearly beloved Wife, Whome I Constitute Make and ordain the Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, one half of my Possessions Adjoining to Oliver Robbins to gether with the Hous and Bam there on by hur to be Possesed and Injoied Dureing hur Natural Ufe, and at hur Desase to be Eaqually Dividded Betwen my Children the otherhalfto be Equally Divided betwen my Children the Children to have theire Maintainanc out of the whole place untill they Com of Age— and I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Dis- annul all and Every Other former Testaments wills legacis Bequest and Executors by me in any wise before Named willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No Other to be my I^st will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this the twenty third Day of May in the year of Our I^rd one thousand seven hundred and Ninty two his James X Killsa (seal) Mark Sighned Sealed published pronounced and Delivered by the said Killsa as his last will and Testament in presents of us who in his presents and in the presents of Each other have here unto Subscribed our Names Jacob Keen Lavinia I,ewis Elisha Keen 2^6 USCOl.fi PROBATE RECORDS. [Unrecorded.] Exccutri.x gave notice of her ap[)oinlmcni 24 Mar., 1 794. Oliver Robins and Benjamin Blackinton, both of Thomaston, sureties. Inventory by David Fales, Oliver Robins and Benjamin Blackinton, aW of Thomaston, 22 Ap., »795> .^254: 19:4. [XIII, 380-1.] In the Name of God Amen the Twentieth Day of November 1787 i George Varner of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln and State of Massachusttas Bay in Newengland Yeoman Being Verey Weake and Low in Bodey But in parfict Mind and Memory Thanks be given unto God Tharefor Calling unto Mind the Mortalety of My Body and know- ing that it is apointed for all Men once to Die Do Make and ordain this My Last VVill and Testament That is to Say princalely and first of all I give and Recomend My Soul into the hands of God that gave it. and My Body I Recomend unto the Earth to Be Buried in Decant Cristeen Bureal at the Derection of My Kxacuter Nothing Doubting But at the General Resurection I Shall Resive the Same again By the Mighty power of God. and as Touching Such worldly Estate whare- with haiih pleased God to Bless Me in this Life I Give Demise and Dispose of in the following Manner and Form Viz I give and Bequath unto S.'ulonev Varner My l?cloved wife the one Third of the use or in- com of My Grist Mill and Land Now posessed By Me with the use of one third parte of all the Cattle Sheep & Hogs and all other Stock with the use of all the Buldings and Housald Goods During her Life — Item I give and Bequath unto My Soninlaw John Kinsel of Walldow- borough in s'd County Whome I Likewis Constetute Make and ordain My Sole Exacutcr of this My Last Will and Teslement and Daniel Achorn of the Same Town and County My Son in law My Grist Mill and all and Singalur .My Lands and Tenements of P>rey kind whatso- ever With all the Cattle &• Stock Housal Goods Moneys and Estat of Evrey kintl whatsoever By Them Equaly to Be Devided and peacebaly to Be posessed By them the S'd John an Daniel their Heirs and asigns Exepting the one Third of the use of the Sevral Things above Mention- ed to My Wife During her Life and I Do hearby uterly Disalow Revoke and Disanul all and Evry other former Testament Will Legisey and Bequaiths and Exacutors By Me in any wise Before Named Willed and Bequaithed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to Be My I^st will and Testament, in Wittness whareof 1 have hearunto Set My hand and Seal tin- ! )?.\ and year above Written Geortre Varner LINCOLN PROBATE RKCORl>j;. 237 Signed Sealed published 1 (seal) and Declared and pronounced | By the S'd George Varnor j- as his Last Will and Testament | in the preasence of us the Subscribers, j John Paine Thomas Rhoads David Vinall Probated 25 Ap., 1794. [VI, 2-3.] Joseph Ludwig and Daniel Eichhorn both of Waldoboro, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Ludwig, Peter Procht and John Weaver, all of Waldoborough, 25 Ap., 1794, £^S9 : 9 : i^- [^L -53-J Account filed 19 Sep., 1797. [VI, 254.] In the Name of God Amen I William Foset of Bristol in the County of Lincoln jun'r being weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory Calling to mind the mortallity of ray Body knowing it is ordained for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and testa- ment Viz I give my Soul into the hands of allmighty God that gave it my Body I Commit to the earth to be buried in decent and Christian burial and as touching such worly Estate as it has pleased God to Bless me with I give and bequeath in the following manner Viz I give to my Sister Mrs Jenny Gevin the Improvement of all my Estate real and Personal during her life after my Just debts and P^uneral Charges are paid Except my Bed and Beding Which I Give to My Neice Ruth Foset Daughter to Henry Foset Sen'r and my young mare and six sheep which I Give and bequeath to my Apprentice boy Henry Light who is to be Decently Cloathed and sent to his mother if it should pleas almighty God to call me out of this world before he becomes of Age and all my Estate as aforesaid after my Sisters Decease I give and bequeath to my Nephew Henry Foset son to my Brother Henry Foset sen'r I also appoint William Rogers the sole Executor of this my last will and testament and it is further my Desire that a pair of tomb stones be procured and set up at my grave and I declare this and no other to be my last will and testament. Published pronounced and Declared by the said William Foset to be his last will and testament in the Presence of us this fourteenth day of Sep'r 1793 Robert Randall N. B. the words all-sen' r- and pleas AlexrFossett Jun'r were interlined before the signing James SprouU hereof 238 UNCOI-N PROBATE RECORDS. his \S illiam U Fosei (seal) mark Probated 25 Ap., 1794. [VI, 4-5.] William Rodgers renounced executorship 10 Mar., 1794- [VI, 5-6.] Henr>- Fossat, of Bristol, Adm'r with will annexed, 25 Ap., i 794. [VI, 6.] Robert Randall and Alexander Fossett, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Robert Randall, Robert Oiven and James Sproul, all of Bristol, 4 July, 1794, ;^ 200 : 1:2 I give to my wife the income of the Sloop till she thinks best to Sell her and then to be Devided between her and the Children as the rest of my Estate likewise one Hundred Dollars in Cash. Likewise I give to Polly Haupt Fifty Dollars and Thomas Waterman Fifty Dollars and Deborah Waterman Fifty Dollars, and I likewise give to my Sister Sarah Simmons a Note of Hand against my Brother Stephen for Twenty four Pounds. I Likewise give the Income of my Place to ray wife and Children one third to my wife and the other two thirds to my Children till they come of age and then to be Eaqualy Devided be- tween them after the Charges and Debts are paid. J likewise give the Debts due to me to my wife and Children to be Eaqualy Devided between them Except the Note of Hand and the Other Lega- cies that I have bequeathed above Likewise I would give Thomas Waterman my part of the Timber that I own in a Vessel frame but not as a gift but for him to have the Refusal of it towards what I owe him ; Likewise I give my Mare to my wife to be Disposed of according to her Desire exclusive of what I have above given .And all the Rest I have not Mentioned to my wife and Children to be Divided Eaqualy between them ; Likewise appoint my Brother Stephen Simmons Thomas Waterman and my Brother Joseph Simmons Exicutors to this my will In presence of Zebedee Simmons Ezekiel G. Dodge Given under my hand and Robt. Farnsworth seal this Sixteenth Day of October in the Year of our Lord one ThousandSeven Hundred and Ninetythree I Likewise appointe my wife Gaurdein to my Children till Thomas Wat- erman comes of Age and then I appoint him their Guardian Probated 25 Ap., 1794. Letters testamentary issued to Stephen Simmons and Joseph Simmons, both of Waldoborough, 25 Ap., 1794. [VI, 7 to 9.] Mary Simmons, of Waldoborough, widow, guardian UNCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 239 unto Zebedee, minor son, 26 Ap., 1794. [VI, 26.] Invcniory by William Farnsworth, Peleg Oldham and Nathaniel Pitcher, all of Wal- doborough. [VI, 161 to 165.] Account filed 25 June, 1806. [XI, 213-214.] John Potter, late of Georgetown. Sarah Potter, of Georgetown, wid- ow, Adm'x, 13 Feb., 1794. [VI, 10,] Benjamin Pattee, of Georgetown, and Samuel Stinson, of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by Charles Couilliard and William Lee, Jr., both of Georgetown, and David Gil- more, of Woolwich, I May, 1794, ^i8t : 7 = 4- [VI, 158.] Samuel Stinson and David Gilmore, commissioners to examine claims. Account filed 31 May, 1796. [VI. 160.] Advertisement of real estate, 1796. [VIII, 45.] Account filed 7 Sep., 1798. [VIII, 46.] Widow's dower set off by David Gilmore, Denny McCobb and John Fisher, 23 July, 1798. [Unrecorded.] In the name of God amen This the loth day of February Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and Ninety fore I John White of George Town in the County of Lincoln Gentleman being in perfict sound mind and memory thanks be given unto God, tharefore Calling to mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is Appointed for all men once to dy, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recom- mend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a deasont mannor, not doubt- ing but at the General Reserrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty powr of God, And as touching such worldly Interest wharewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner Following Vz Firstly I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Abigal W'hite one third part of all my real and parsonal Estate with the improvement of my homestead farm during hir natrol life for the Suppoart and bringing up the young childriii or untill the youngist Surviving Mail Heir Shall arive to the Age of twenty one Years when said Estate shall be divided as is hereaftor divised. Sec'dly I give and bequeath to my beloved Son John White the East- rin end of Lot No 1 1 it beeing the northrinpart of my Land to Contain forty Acres and likewise a Lot of Marsh lying in Joneses Marsh so col'd it being Lot No 18 Containing fore acres all which is to be Sot of to him for to improve when he Shall Arive to the age of twenty one Years as a Considaration for his Attention and Obediance to me and assisting J40 t,IN'C:OI,-\' PROBATE RI-:a)RI)S. his good sepmotlior in bringing up the family and improving the farm aftor my decease. thirdly I give and bequeath unto my two beloved eldest daiightors to wit, Rachel Drummand and Jane Fisher one Cow each to be paid by my Executors within twelve months aftor my deceas. Forthly I give and bequeath unto my othor beloved daughtors to Wit Anmoriah White Margrat White Mary White Elisabeath White and Susanah White to be paid or delivered unto Each one when married or arving to the age of twenty one years, one good Cow to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate. Fifthly I give and bequeath all my Real Estate to be eaqueally divided betwen ray beloved surviving Sous to Wit John White, Jam's White and William White when they shall arive to the age of twnty one years or to aney one of them surviving and thair Heirs and Assigns for eavour including what has been sot of to John White which Shall be considred as a part of his Share Sixthly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Abigal during hir nartol life all and the remaindor of my personal Estate aftor debts and leagasies is paid and Necessary Charges for the Suppoart of the family and at the deceas of my beloved Wife Abigal if my Youngist Surviv- ing Child Should have arived to the Age of twnty one Years by that time the remainder of said personal Estate that may be found Shall be divided among my beloved above named Children. Lastly I Will and ordain my beloved Wife Abigal White and my Es- temed Neafew Denny McCobb Executors of this my last Will and Testament In witness whareof I have here unto Set my hand and Seal the tenth day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand sevin hundread and ninety fore F"ebniary lo AD 1794 Then John White the within named Testator signed seald published and declared the within writting Instroment as and for his last will and Testament in presence of us the Subscribers Witnesses who in presence of the said testator and of each othor at his request saw and heard him the said testator signe scale publish and declare the same Instroment as and for his last Will and Testament In mannor afore said In witness whareof we have here unto set our hands the day and Year aforesaid Joseph Preble John White Benjamin Swetl Ann Drummond LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 24 1 Probated 30 May, 1794. [VI, 11 to 13.] William Butler and Charles Couillard, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Ben- jamin Svvett, Benjamin Pattee and John Fisher, all of Georgetown, 15 Aug., 1794, ^615 : 17 : 6. [VI, 225-6.] Account filed 31 May, 1796. [VI, 226-7.] In the Name of God Amen I Samuel McCobb of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln Esq., being sound in mind and memory : but call- ing to mind the uncertainty of all human events and more especially the fleeting and transitory life of Man ; as touching the worldly prop- erty wherewith God has been pleased to bless me, I do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following Vizt. Imprimis. I give bequeath and devise to my beloved Son Parker McCobb his heirs and assigns forever a certain Island near the entrance of Kennebec River, commonly called Stage Island, with the Previledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging Secondly. I will and ordain that my beloved Wife Rachell shall have the sole use and improvement of the said Island to her own use and benefit, untill the said Parker McCobb shall have attained the age of twenty one years, in case my said Wife shall so long live. Thirdly. I give and bequeath to my faithful servant Peter Cary one Pair of Steers and one pair of Heifars to be paid and delivered to him by my Executors hereafter-named, when he shall have attained the age of twentyone years, provided the said Peter shall in the meantime live with and faithfully serve in the capacity of a servant, my said beloved Wife in case she shall so long live. Fourthly. I bequeath and devise to my said beloved Wife her Heirs and Assigns forever, all the rest and residue of my Estate both real and personal, wherever the same may be found at the time of my decease. Lastly. I will and ordain my beloved Wife Rachell McCobb, my much esteemed Friend William Lithgow Jun'r and my beloved Son Denny McCobb, Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety one. Saml. McCobb (seal) March 17th 1791 then Samuel McCobb Esq'r the within named Testator signed sealed published and declared the within within written Instrument as and for his last Will and Testament, in presence of us the subscribing Witnesses who in the presence of the said Testator and of 16 242 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. each Other at his request, saw and heared him the said Testator sign seal pubUsh and declare the same Instrument as and for his last Will and Testament in manner aforesaid. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year aforesaid Saml. Howard Jas. Davidson Charlotte Lithgow Mary Lithgow I the before named Samuel McCobb being weak in body but of per- fect mind and sound memory do make and publish this present writing as a Codicil to the before mentioned last Will and Testament in man- ner following Vizt. I will and ordain that each of my children towit Denny McCobb, Beatrice McCobb, Rachell McCobb, John McCobb, Jenny McCobb, Sally McCobb, and Nancy McCobb shall each of them be paid by my Executors the sum of five shillings after my de- cease. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of July Anno Domini 1791. Sam. McCobb (seal) July 26th 1 79 1 then the above named Samuel McCobb signed sealed published and declared the writing last above mentioned as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament aforesaid in presence of us the subscribing Witnesses who in presence of the said Testator and of each other at his request saw and heared him the said Testator sign seal pubUsh and declare the same writing as and for his Codicil to the said last Will and Testament In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the twentysixth day of July Anno Domini i 791 Benjn Pattee Anna McCobb Isabel Cartter Probated iS Ap., 1793. [VI, 14-15-] William Lithgow, Jr., re- nounced executorship. Inventory by Benjamin Pattee, William Butler and Charles Couillard, all of Georgetown, 30 Ap., 1793. [VII, 57 to 59-] In the name of God Amen I Joseph Johnson of Winthrop In the County of Lincoln & Common wealth of Massachusets Tanner Being of a Sound & Peesfull Mind & Memmory But Calling To mind the Mortallety of My Boddy Do Make and ordain this My Last will & Testament hereby Recomending My Soul to God who Gave it and My LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 243 Boddy to the Earth from whence it Came to be buryed in Such Decent Christain Manner as My Executers hereafter named Shall think propper and as to Such worldy Estate as it hath Pleesed God to bless me with in this Life I Do Give Devise & Despose of the Same in the following Manner Viz — Impri?nis My will is that My Just Debts Legacies & funeral Charges be paid & Descharged by My Sons Joshua Johnson & Joseph Johnson out of what I Shall give them of My Estate in this My Last will & Testament. Item I give and bequeath to My wife Dinah Johnson all the house- hold Stuff She brought me when I married her allso two Cowes & one year old heffer & five Sheep all the above articles are to be at her Desposel the hoi of the articels following are to be for My Said wife for her Comfortable Support & Convenyense & for keeping what Stok She has to keep Duerring the time of her Remaning My widow. Item I give and Bequeeath to My wife afore Said the use of a parte of My hom place to be twenty Six Rods in wedth from end to End of My said Land leving Eight Rods in wedth out of what I bought of Robert Page Esqr on th Southerly Side of Said Land with one thord of My orchard & half of My Dwelling house I now Live in with one quarter of My oldest Barn & one half of My Corn house with all My hogghouse & well my children to have the use threof allso allso Leving out of fore Said Land half an acor for Joshua for Convenyency for the tan yard & barke house & Drift way to the Same I allso give to My wife afore Said the use of My hors one thord of the time She peeping the the hors the Same part of time allso 301b of SoUather & one Side of neets upperlather & four Midlin Calf Skins Curied allso ten Pound of Sheeps vvoll & ylb of old flax allso provisons of all Sorts for her Self & the keepin of the Creters until Such times as She can have the first Crop off her own Emproved Land, allso the use of Every par- ttecelr artacel housold Stuf that She has not of her own as May aper by her & my agrement My Clock & grate Bibel is to be kept in this My Dwellin house During the above term of time the above Leather woll & flax is to be Recevid by My wife Emedetly after my Desese oute of what I Leve I allso give to My afore Said wife 30 pounds L Money to be paid to her by My Son Joshua Johnson for her Support when She Stands in need of the Same In Stock or Corn or grain I give and Bequeath to My Daughter Elizabath Lyford the Im- provement of a pece of Land Eleven Rods in wedth from End to End 244 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. on the notherly Side of the Land My wife is to Improve & one quarter of My orchard for the Support of her Self and Childrin So Long as Shee Remains OUver Lyfords widow also one quarter of My oldest barn I allso I give My fore Said Daughter one Cow & two Sheep Shee to have Said Cow & Sheep out of what I Shall Leve Emedatly after My De- sece & to have them well kept until Shee can have keeping of her own Said Cow & Sheep are to be at her Desposal the above Land & barn after she Marries or Dies I give and bequeeath to her & her heirs for Ever I Give & Bequeath to my Son Joshua Johnson the hoi of the Land I bought of Joseph Greely Jur which he had of Henry Wyman with the house on the Same & a barn frame with all the Pertickerals which I have provided to finish Said Barn allso I give Said Joshua Eight Rods of Land in wedth on the Sotherly side of what My wife is to Improve & the hoi Length of the Land I bought of Robert Page Esqr allso My Barke house barke Ston & Tanyard with the hoi of My Stock in Trade allso all My Tools for farming & Trade one half of My Book Debts & half My Noats of hand one Ster Calf half the Remainder of My Sheep one yearling hefer the hoi of the above perteckelrs I Give to My Son Joshua Johnson his heirs & assigns for Ever My Son Joshua Johnson is to pay Benjamin Dudley Sexty pounds L M and to My wife 30 pounds L M as hertofore Spessiphied also 30 lb of Sollather & one Side of nets upperlather & four midling Calf Skins Curried I Give & Bequeath to My Son Joseph Johnson his heirs and assigns for Ever the Remainder of My Land which I bouht of Robert Page Esqr not heretofore Dessposed of Lyeng one the Notherly Side of what My Daugter Elizabeth is to Emprove being about thirty three Rods in wedth and the hoi Length of foreSaid Land with that part of My ochard not here to fore Dessposed of allso one half of My oldes Bam & one half of My Corn house & half of My Book Debts allso one half of My Notes of hand and I give to My foersaid Son Joseph as afore Said one two year old hefer givin Melk and two oxon Six year old and two thords of My hors Joshua having Said hors to Grind what barke he Shall have need of for two year Joshuas keepin Said hors a proper Space of time allso My Clock after his Mother has Don with it & two Sheep & two one year old Steers Joshua Johnson is to have So much out of Josephs Imprved Land as to make his Eqel to Josephs untel he Shall have as much Clerd Land Joseph has when thay first take pos- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 245 seshon of fore Said Land My Son Joseph Johnson is to pay the Re- mainder of the Debt Due to Benjamin Dudley which Joshua is not to pay I Give and Bequeath to My Son Levi Johnson his heirs and assigns for Ever one half of My Land in Hollowell in fore Said County joining on kenebeck River to be the hoi Length & half the wedth one the notherly Side of Said Land to be put in possesson of the Same at twenty one years of age also I give My Said Son Levi one Cow & two Stears Coming in three years old and three Sheep to be Delivered to him in two years after my Deceas by My Son Joshua I Give and Bequeath to my Son EHsha Johnson his heirs and assigns for Ever the other part of My Land in Hollowell afore Said to be one half of the wedth & hoi Length of Said Land on the Sotherly Side to be put in possesshon of the Same at twenty one years of age also I give to my Said Son Elisha one Cow and two Steers Coming In three years of age & three Sheep to be Delivered to him in Six Months after twenty one years of age by My Son Joshua I Give and Bequeath to My Daughter Mary Lyford & Nathaniel Lyford her husband ten Dollars to be paid in neet Stoock or Corn or grain in one year after My Desece also I give to the Said Nathanil Lyford Aand Maiy Lyford twenty two pounds ten Shillings L M to be paid by My Son Joseph Johnson in neet Live Stock or grain or Corn Stoock after the the Rate of Corn at fou Shillings pr bushel if in Corn or grain the Same Rate in Eightteen Months after my Desece to be Laid out in buying good unclered Land Land whaer it Shall Sute them best Said Joseph Johnson is to pay the hoi of afoore Said ten Dollars & twenty two pounds L M to whomsoever Said Land Shall be purchesed of and to Receve a Deed in the following Manner first to the afore Said Na- thaniel & Mary for their use in Improving the Same for their Suport During Life then to My grand Son Joseph Lyford Son of Nathaniel & Mary to him andhis heirs & assigns for Ever. I give & Bequeath to My Daughter Bath Shebe Morrill ten Dollars to be paid by My Son Joseph Johnson in neet Live Stock or Corn or grain after the Rate of Corn at four Shillings pr bushel in two years after My Desece I give & Bequeath to the Congrigashonal Church of Christ in Win- throp In fore Said County two Selver Cups Equel to two pounds Eight ShilUngs L M for Each Cup or Ef the Church Chueses the hoi to be in one Cup thay are to Let It be knone these Cups or Cup are to be 246 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. bougt by My Son Joseph oiite of the Money Due from Capt James Robinson of Brintwood in New Hampshir and Delevered to the fore Said Church Commety in one year after My Desece by my Son Joseph Johnson to be Said Churches for Ever My Will is that My thre f ether Bedds with the hoi Belongin to Said Beds with all My Real & personal Estate not herein Dsposed of to- geather with what My widow Shall Leve to My Childrin be Devided EquiLy Betwen My four Sons Exsept thirty pound L M to be paid to My Daughter BathShebe Morril to be hers & her heirs for Ever finally I Do Constitute ordain & apoint My Son Joshua Johnson & My Son Joseph Johnson Sol Executers of this My Last will & Testament In witness whereof I Do hereunto Set my hand & Seal this thirt Day of ]u\y Anno Domifii 1790. Signed Sealed and published and Deeclared by the fore Said Joseph Johnson to be his Last will & Testament in Presence of Levi Morrill Henry Wyman Joseph Johnson (seal) Robert Page Probated 4 Nov., 1794. Joseph Johnson renounced executorship ; letters testamentary issued to Joshua Johnson, of Reedfield, 4 Nov., 1794. [VI, 17 to 21.] In- ventory by Robert Page, of Reedfield, Jedediah Prescott and Nathan- iel Fairbanks, both of Winthrop, 10 Jan., 1795. [VI, 171 to 173.] Widow's dowpr set off" by Robert Page, Henry Wyman and Ichabod Simmons, all of Readfield, 1795. [VI, 174.] Account filed 19 Jan., 1796. [VI, 174 to 176.] In The Name of Holy Thrinety Father uog and Holy Ghost. — Know all men by these Presents that I John Martin Shaffer of a Place called Broad Bay with out the bounds of any Town but in the County of Lincoln and Provinz of the Massachusetts Bay in New E^ngland Clarke am and be in Right, full and Good Senses and State of Health and being resolved to go to Europa to Germany my Native Country, and not Knowing when it shall please my Creator to call me out of this World I therefore make this my last Will and Testament disannulling all former Wills and Testaments or other Writings of any Kind of the like, Onely acknowledge this to be my onely and last Will to be obser\ed LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 247 First. I Committ my Soul in to the Hands of Allmighty God and Crave His mercies and forgiveness. Secondly I Conaitt unto the Allmightys Protection my Wife Margett and my Daughter Mary which both I hereby Declare acknowledge Order and Appoint to be my onely and Lavvfull Heirs to my Estate or Es- tates real or personall it may be or have Name what so ever and Order them hereby to administer to the same after my decease jointly and them to Devide all and every Estat's Effects, Goods and Things what- soever equally amongst them, (Except the Bed which I intirely be- queathe to the Said Margett my Wife for her Sole Use and Propperty In Witness that this is my true, firm and Last Will and Testament to be observed, have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal this Sixth Day of August Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven and in the Seventh Year of His Majestys Reign. John Martin Schaeffer (seal) Signed Sealed & Delivred in the presence of Chars. Leissner Andrew Storer Miller Lincoln sc. Broad Bay August 6th 1767 Then the Revd John Martin Schaeffer above named appearing personally Acknowledged published pronounced and Declared the above written Instrument to be his last Will and Testament. Coram David YdX^^ Just Pads. Probated 13 Sep., 1794. [VI, 21-22.] Margaret Schaeffer renounced executorship 1 3 Sep., 1794, and Mary Schaeffer being dead, Moses Copeland, of Warren, was appointed kdiVL\\ cum testajuento annexo, 13 Sep., 1794. [VI, 23.] Daniel Dunbar, of Warren, and Marlboro Packard, of Gushing, sureties. In- ventory by Patrick Pepbles, Benjamin ^Vebb and John Spear, all of Warren, II July, 1795, £(>^(i : 2 : w . [VI, 154 to 157.] Account filed I Nov., 1800. [VIII, 236.] Edward Emerson, late of Edgecomb. Elizabeth Emerson, of Edge- comb, widow, Adm'x, 6 May, 1794. [VI, 24.] John Murray and John Emerson, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Boyd and John Leishman, both of Boothbay, and Daniel Webster, of Edgecomb, 2 Jan., 1795. [VI, 146.] Edward Emerson, of Edge- comb, Adm'r de bonis non, 11 Sep., 1797. [VII, 170-1.] John Murray and John Emerson, sureties. 248 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. John Searles, Junior, late of Hallowell, mariner, son of John Searl, of Winslow, who dedined administration. Samuel Metcalf, of Hallow- ell, trader, Adm'r, 2 Jan., 1795. [VI, 25.] Joseph Smith and Sam- uel Lovejoy, both of Hallowell, sureties. Stephen Simmons, late of Waldoborough. Betsey Simmons, of Wal- doborough, widow, Adm'x, 11 Feb., 1795. [y^> 3°-] Inventory by Jacob Ludwig, Peleg Oldham and Nathaniel Pitcher, all of Waldobo- rough, 20 Feb., 1795, ;^iio: 5 : 6. [VI, 169-170.] Abigail, minor daughter, chose Spooner Sprague, of Waldoborough, to be her guardi- an 20 Sep., 1796. [VII, 53-54.] Joseph Simmons, of Waldoborough, guardian unto Peabody, Stephen and Urainy Sprague, minor children, 20 Sep., 1796. [VII, 54. J Account filed 17 Sep., 1798, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Ephraim Patch. [VIII, 4.] Division of personal estate among widow, Abigail, Peabody, Stephen, Urany Sprague, Nancy, Betsey, and Rachel, 5 Ap., 1799. [VIII, 4-5.] Account of Joseph Simmons, guardian, filed 11 Jan., 1805. [X, 327.] Account of Ezekiel Vinal, guardian of Nancy Sim- mons, filed 21 June, 1809. [XIII, 470-1.] Account of Nathan Sprague, guardian unto Urania Simmons, filed 21 June, 1S09. [XIII, 47I-] John Montgomery, late of a place called Smithfield. Benjamin Shaw, of Pittston, Adm'r, 30 Ap., 1794. [VI, 31.] Reuben Col- burn, of Pittston, and Samuel Goodwin, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by William Barker, Ebenezer Byram and Reuben Colburn, all of Pittston, 23 Oct., 1794, ^87 10:3. [VI, 81-82.] Jason Robbins, late of Union. Jenny Robbins, of Union, widow, Adm'x, 13 Sep., 1794. [VI, 32.] David Robbins, of Union, and Moses Copeland, of Warren, sureties. Inventory by Moses Hawes, Amariah Mero and Rufus Gilmore, all of Union, 25 Dec, 1 794, ;^68:6:9. [VI, 152-3.] Account filed 2 Mar., 1796. [VI, 153.] David Mustard, late of Bowdoinham. Hatherly Randall, of Bow- doinham, Adm'r, 9 May, 1794. [VI, 2;^.^ James Rogers and Jo- seph Randall, both of Bowdoin, sureties. Inventory by David Haynes and Nathaniel Purington, both of Bowdoinham, and Thomas Morg- ridge, of a place called Fairfield, 30 May, 1794, ^^92 : 5 : o. [VI, 148.] Account filed 28 Oct., 1800. [VIII, 235.] Hatherly Ran- dall, guardian unto James and Charity, minor children, 28 Oct., 1800. [IX, 192.] James and William, minor sons, chose James Rogers to be their guardian, 8 Feb., 1803. [IX, 241.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 249 Jonathan Williams, late of Bowdoin, mariner. John Starbird, of Bowdoin, Adm'r, 9 May, 1794. [VI, 34,] David Haynes and James Rogers, both of Bowdoin, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Randall, Benjamin Jaques and Daniel Cunningham, all of Bowdoin, 30 May, 1794, ;j^2i2 : 2 : 9. [VI, 179-180.] Account filed 30 May, 1799. [VIII, 236.] George Ridley, of Bowdoin, guardian unto Samuel, James and Jonathan, minor sons, 7 Sep., 1798. [XI, 178.] Guar- dian's account filed 26 Jan., 1805. [X, 339.] David Ring, late of Cambden, son of Thomas Ring, of Edgecomb. Eleanor, widow, declined administration. David Blodget, of Camb- den, Adm'r, 5 June, 1794. [VI, 35.] Simon Barrett and Joseph Eaton, Jr., both of Cambden, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Eaton, Samuel Jacobs and Elisha Gibbs, all of Cambden, 19 June, 1794, ;^22i:ii:io. [VI, 80-81.] Samuel Jacobs and Charles Demorse, both of Camden, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 250.] Ac- count filed 1 2 Aug., 1803. [X, 206.] Jonathan Bartlett, late of a place called Balltown. Jonathan Bart- lett, of a place called Sheepscut great pond, Adm'r, 13 Nov., 1794. [VI, 35-36.] Joshua Little and Oliver Peasley, both of Balltown, su- reties. Inventory by Solomon Potter, Oliver Peasley and Jonathan Heath, all of Balltown, ^527. 31. [VIII, 58.] Account filed 4 Jan., 1799. [VIII, 63-64.] Isaac Russell, late of Canaan. Betty Russell, of Canaan, widow, Adm'x, 31 May 1794. [VI, 36-37.] Solomon Steward, Jr., of Ca- naan, and Obadiah Witherell, of Norridgwalk, sureties. Inventory by Daniel Steward, of Norridgewalk, John Weston and Bryce McLellan, both of Canaan, 6 Aug., 1794, ^259 : 16 : 4. [VI, 199.] Account filed, 26 May, 1796. [VI, 200.] Betty, widow, guardian unto Bet- sey, James, John, Polly, Ichabod, Nathaniel and Joseph, minor chil- dren, 26 May, 1796. [VI, 201,] Account filed 11 May, 1804. [X, 162.] William Moore, late of Pownalborough. Elizabeth Moore, of Boston, widow, Adm'x, 10 Ap., 1794. [VI, 37-38.] Elizabeth Moore, of Boston, singlewoman, and Solomon Blanchard, of Pownalborough, sureties. Jesse Eaton, late of Mount Vernon. Sarah Eaton, of Mount Vernon, widow, Adm'x, 16 Jan., 1795. [VI, 38-39.] Nathaniel Dudley and Benjamin Eastman, both of Mount Vernon, sureties. Inventory by Daniel Dudley, John Dudley and Joses Ladd, all of Mount Vernon, 250 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 29 Jan., 1795, ;^224 : II : 6. [VII, 80-81.] Account filed 19 Jan., 1796. [VII, 81-82.] Nathaniel Dudley, of Mount Vernon, guardian unto Polly, Relief, William and Sarah, minor children, 16 Jan., 1798. [IX, 177.] Widow's dower set off by Jedediah Prescott, Benjamin Philbrook and Joses Ladd, all of Mount Vernon, 23 June, 1803. [X, 75-] In the Name of God Amen I James Mustard of Topsham in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gentln being week in body but of perfect mind & memory Blessd be God therefor. Calling unto mi fid the Mortality of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do therefore make and ordain this my Last will and testament that is to Say princably and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul in to the hands of Almighty God that gave it me and my body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christain Burial at the Discression of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the General Resurection I shall Recive the Same again by the Mighty power of God and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it has plesed God to Bless me in this Life I give Devise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner & form first I Give to w^ell beloved Son Charles Mustard the one half of all my Real and personal Estate of what name or nature So ever whome I Like- wise Constitute make and ordain the Sole Executor of this my Last will and testement he to pay out Such Sum or Sums as is herein after mentioned that is to Say to Charity Mustard Daughter of my Son James Mustard Decesd one Wosted gound that was her grandmothers and also one Lining Spining wheel, and also that he the Said Charles pay to my Beloved Daughter Charity Mustard fifteen pounds in money or Stock at money price and that he also pay to the Heirs of my Son David ]\Iust- ard Deceas'd twenty Seven pounds in money or Stock at money ])rice, to be equally Devided between the three Children that my Son David Left. Also I give to my Beloved Son Joseph Mustard the other half of all my Estate both Real and personal he to pay out Such Sums as is herein after mention'd that is to Say to my Beloved Daughter Mary Rogers twenty Seven pounds in Money or Stock at mony price and also that he the Said Joseph pay to my Beloved Daughter Charity Mustard fifteen pounds in money or Stock at money price. Be it Known to all Men that there is nothing in this my Last will and testament to Deprive my Daughter Charity of a high Chist of Draws LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 2 5 I and one bed and Beding that was given her by her mother Charity Mustard Deceas'd and I Do hereby utterly Disallow Revook and Dis- anul all and every other former testements wills Legesayes Bequests Executors by me in any ways before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and tes- tament In witnes whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twenty fifth Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hun- dred and ninety two and the Sixteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America — Signed Sealed published pronounced and Declaired by the Said James Mustard James Mustard (seal) as his Last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our names Nathll Larrabee George Headdean James Hunter Jun'r Probated 12 May, 1794. [VI, 39-40-J John Reed, Jr., and Steal Foster, both of Topsham, sureties. Inven- tory by Ezekiel Thompson, Arthur Hunter and James Wilson, all of Topsham, 12 Aug., 1794, ^602 : 15 : i- [VI, 141-2.] Joel Chandler, late of Winthrop. John Chandler, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 2 Feb., 1795. Samuel Goodwin, Jr., and James Currier, both of Dresden, sureties. Invemory by William Pullen, Samuel Wood and Nathaniel Fairbanks, all of Winthrop, 14 Mar., 1795, ^507:7:4- [VI, 187 to 189.] Asa Commings, late of Hallowell, blacksmith. Eleanor Commings re- linquished right of administration. Samuel Commings, of Hallowell, Adm'r, 2 Feb., 1795. [^I, 43-44-] William Briggs and 4aror Page, both of Hallowell, sureties. In the Name of God amen. I James Turner of Canaan in the county of Lincoln and State of Massachsetts bay husbandman being sick and weak but in Perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die. Do make ordain this my last Will 252 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. and Testament, that is to say, principlely and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, that gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried in decent christian burial at the discretion of my Executrix nothing doubting but at the general Resur- ection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, demise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form ; I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my dearly beloved Wife Whom I likewise Constitute make and ordain the sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament all and singular my Real and Personal Estate by her freely to be Possesed and Enjoyed and to dispose of at Pleasure — Ratifying and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of February in the year of our Lord Seventeen hun- dred and ninety four. Signed Sealed Published ") pronounced and delivered by the said I mark James Turner as his last Will and I James (X) Turner (seal) testament in his presence and [ his in the Presence of each other have j hereunto Subscribed our Names j John Fowler William Prudens Timothy Brown Probated 5 Sep., 1794. [VI, 44.] John Fowler and Timothy Brown, both of Canaan, sureties. In the Name of God Amen ; I Barnard Case of Union in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts — Being weak of Body but (Blessed be God) of a Sound disposing Mind ; Do make & De- clare this my last will & Testament in following that is to say First I committ my Body to the Dust & my Soul to God who gave it — I give to my Loving wife Thankful! Case the Sum of Sixty-five Pounds — And the Remainder of my Estate I give to my Brothers Wm and James Case & my Sister Rebeckah Foster to be Equaly Divided among them — After the payment of my Just Debts & my Funeral Charges which are to be paid by my Executor — And I hereby Apoint Capt George West of the same Union Sole Executor to this my last Will & Testament — In Confirmation whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal. Dated at L'nion this Nineteenth day of April in The LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 253 Year of Our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & Ninety-four. Signed & Sealed in presence of Barnard Case (seal) Edward Jones Mary West George W. West Probated i6 Sep., 1794. [VI, 45-46.] Edward Jones, of Union, and Benjamin Mesarve, of Barrettstown, sureties. Inventory by Joel Adams, Josiah Robbins and Rufus Gil- more, all of Union, 21 Jan., 1795, ^95 ••4:7- [VI, 123.] in the Name of God Amen 1 Henry Kaler of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln and Common- Wealth of Massachusetts: yeoman : Being infirm in Body, but in Per- fect Health and Memmory : Do Make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in order following — That is to Say : I Give and Recom- ment my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that Gave it, and my body I Recomment to the Earth, to be decently intered at the Discre- tion of my Executors. And Touching Such worldly Estate which it hath Pleased God to Bless me with — I will and Bequeath in the follow- ing manner and form — Firstly : I Give and Bequeath to my well be Loved Son Jacob Kaler whom I Lickwise Constitute Make and ordain my only and Soul Exec- utor of this my last will and Testament, all and Singular My Lands Messuages and Tenements, also all my Personal Estate by him freely to be Possessed and Enjoyed for Ever — 2 :ly it is also my will that my Son Jacob Kaler Shall Keep my Dearly beloved wife Elizabeth in Vicktuals and trink and in all Necessarys During her Natural Life ; and if Neglected, then my Dearly beloved wife is to have the incom of one third of my Real and Personal Estate During her Natural Life. 3 :ly : it is also my will that my Son Jacob Kaler Shall Pay to my well beloved Children Viz : Charls Kaler, Doredeah Kaler, Eva Kaler, Catherina Kaler, Margret Kaler, Anna Mariah Kaler, Mary Catharina Kaler Each one three Pound Six Shillings & 8d : Lawfull money of this Commonwealth. The afore Said Sumes of money to be Paid as foUoweth Viz : one Quarter Part of the afore Said Sums is to be Paid, twelve months after the Decease of my Dearly beloved wife Elizabeth, and one Quarter Part twelve months after the first Quarter, and one Quarter Part twelve months after the Second Quarter, and one Quarter 254 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Part twelve months after the third Quarter : So to make in the whole four Quarterly Payments, as afore mentioned — And I Do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke Disannul all and every other former testaments and wills, by me in any ways before named willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and testament, in witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand and Seal this fourteenth Day of January in the year of of our Lord 1790. Signed Sealed Published and Pronounced by the Said Henry Kaler as his Last will and testament in the Presence of us who in his Presence and in the Presence of Each other have here unto Subscribed our Names Henry Kaler (seal) Jacob Ludwig Frederik Arnold Jacob Winchenbach Probated 25 Ap., 1794. [VI, 47-48.] Jacob Ludwig and Jacob Winchenbach, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Jacob Bornheimer, Joseph Ludwig and Nathan Sprague, all of Waldoborough, 8 Sep., i 794, ^84 : 6 : 2. [VI, 50.] Benjamin Branch, late of Sidney. Benjamin Branch, of Sidney, Adm'r, 10 Jan., 1795. [VI, 51.] Daniel Branch, of a place called West ponds, and John Hamilton, of Sidney, sureties. Inventory by Edmund Matthews and Reuben Pinkham, both of Sidney, and Abisha Cowen, of Hallowell, 17 Jan., 1795. [VI, 244.] Account filed 19 Jan., 1796. [VI, 245.] John Bridge, late of Pownalborough, trader. Rachel Bridge, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 3 Mar., 1795. [VI, 52.] Inventory by Thomas Rice, Joseph Christophers and David Silvester, all of Pow- nalborough, 20 Mar., 1795, ;^io69 : 10 : 5^. [VI, 194-5.] William Bowman, of Wiscasset, guardian unto Rachel, minor daughter, 16 Aug., 1806. [IX, 214.] Fanny, minor daughter, chose Joshua Dan- forth, of Wiscasset, to be her guardian, 12 Aug., 1806. [IX, 268.] Account filed 7 Jan., 1807. [XII, 137-8.] Distribution ordered 7 Jan., 1807. [XII, 153.] John Howard, of Hallowell, non compos. Ebenezer Farwell, of Vas- salborough, guardian. Inventory by Joseph North, Henry Sewall and Samuel Colman, all of Hallowell, 30 May, 1792, ^1967:6:51/^. [VI, 55-56.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 255 James Blanchard, late of Woolwich. Susanna Blanchard, of Wool- wich, widow, Adm'x, 10 Mar., 1795. [VI, 57.] James Blanchard and Samuel Blanchard, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Stinson, David Gilmore and Abner Wade, all of Woolwich, 25 Mar., 1796. [VI, 228.] Yearly value of real estate appraised at $80., 28 Mar., 1798. Accouut filed 4 June, 1798. [VIII, 44.J Robert Hanson, of Woolwich, guardian unto Sheppard and Patty, minor children, 4 June, 1798. [IX, 221.] Jane and Polly, minor daughters chose Robert Hanson to be their guardian, 16 Mar., 1798. [IX, 222.] Jedediah Hammond, late of Bristol, mariner. Isaac Tirrill, of Bris- tol, Adm'r, 16 Sep., 1794. [VI, 58.] Timothy Farrow and Joseph Shaw Tirrill, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Johnston, George Rhoads and Oliver Nash, all of Bristol, 15 Sep., 1798, ^402. [VIII, 43.] Benjamin Brown, of Waldoborough, Adm'r de bonis non, 9 Jan., 1807. [IX, 112.] Account filed 8 Jan., 1808. [XII, 349-] Robert Kennedy, late of Newcastle, mariner. Sarah Kennedy, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 10 Nov., 1794. [VI, 84-85.] Robert Simpson and William Clark, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by John Huse, Francis Cook and David Payson, all of Pownalborough, ?9 Feb., 1795. [VI, 237-8.] Account filed 7 Sep., 1798, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Stephen Jewett. [VIII, 234-5-] Israel Jordan, late of Thomaston, mariner. Susanna Jordan, of Thomaslon, widow, Adm'x, 17 Sep., 1793. [VI, 86-87.] Israel Loveitt and Ephraim Snow, both of Thomaston, sureties. Inventory by Moses Copeland, of Warren, Samuel Brown and Joseph Coombs, both of Thomaston, 22 Oct., 1793, ^197:6:0. [VI, 143-4.] Susanna, widow, guardian unto John and Hannah, minor children, 4 Nov., 1799. [IX, 190.] John Patten, late of TopsLam. David Patten, of Topsham, son, Adm'r, 17 Ap., 1795, [VI, 88-89,] upon petition of Mary, widow, Robert, Thomas, Joseph and Actor, children, dated 14 Ap., 1794. John Fulton and John Reed, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by John Merrill, James Wilson and Benjamin Jones Porter, all of Topsham, 27 May, 1795, ^2004: 12 : 11. [VI, 2 10-21 1.] Account filed 9 Sep., 1796. [VI, 245-6.] Francis Whitraore, late of Bowdoinham. Stephen Whitmore, of 256 LINCOLN PROBATE RFXORDS. Bovvdoinham, Adm'r, 2 2 Ap., 1795. [VI, 89.] Zacheus Beal and John Springer, both of Bovvdoinham, sureties. Inventory by Zacheus Beal, WiUiam Denham and James Purrington, all of Bowdoinham, 20 June, 1795, ^^74: 8: I. [VII, 85.] James Maxwell and Elihu Getchel, both of Bowdoinham, commissioners to examine claims. [VII, 86.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 27 Dec, 1796. [VII, 87.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1797. [VII, 136-7.] Distribution of estate to Stephen, Francis, John, William, Andrew, Elizabeth Sev- ens, and Susanna Dinsmore, children of deceased, and Nathan Blodget, son of Mary Blodget, who was a daughter of deceased. 8 Sep., 1797. [VII, 189-190.] John Nelson, late of the Island of Grenada. Thomas Lindall Win- throp, of Boston, Adm'r, 17 Ap., 1795. [VI, 90.] James Bovvdoin, of Dorchester, and Charles Coffin, of Boston, sureties. Inventory by Joseph North, William Howard and Samuel Colman, all of Hallowell, 29 July, 1795, $52,073.00. [VII, 194 to 196.] Account filed 1796. [VII, 197.] Caleb Blanchard, Jacob Rowe and Edward Davis, all of Boston, commissioners to examine claims. [VII, 198.] Account filed 19 Sep., 1797. [VII, 198-9.] Advertisements of sale of real estate 17 Ap., 1797. [VII, 199 to 201.] Account filed 24 Sep., 1806. [XII, 2 10-2 1 1.] Advertisements of sale of real estate 18 Ap., 1804, and 12 Mar., 1805. [XII, 276 to 280.] Account filed 5 Jan., 1820. [XXII, 376.] In the Name of GOD. Amen. I William Lee Senr of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln and Com- monwealth of Massachusetts, yeoman, being Advanced in Age, tho of sound disposing mind & memory, and calling to mind my Mortality, Do make, ordain and publish this my last 'Will & testament in the manner following. — In the first place I Commit my soul to GOD, who gave it, & my body to the earth, hopeing at the last day I shell Obtain a happy resurrection to an Immortal life, through the merits of Christ my saviour. And as touching such Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I will and dispose of it in manner following Viz. Imprimis. I will and order that all my Just debts & Funeral Charges be paid by my herein after named Executors within a reasonable time after my decease. Item. I give and bequeathe unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth & my Son John all my real Estate of what name or nature soever, (ex- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 257 cept what is hereinafter set off to my Son James) to be equally divided between them two, and after the decease of my said wife, her part of the whole to Accrue to my son John to him & his heirs forever. Item, I give and bequeath to my son James One hundred Acres of land lying at the Northeastern part of my farm, to be fifty rods in wedth on Kenebeck river, & to extend Northwesterly so far as that a parrellel Course with my Northeastern line (with the wedth Aforesaid) Compleate the said Hundred Acres of Upland, and Also I give to my son James ten Acres of Marsh, & six Acres of thatch, lying at Winno- gance Creek, to be set off to him from the northern part of my marsh there as Convenient to all Concern'd as may be. And Also, I give and bequeath to my said son James the sum of fourty pounds L. money which my hereafter named executors is Order'd to pay in money or Articles suitable to build an house when my son James calls therefor, which sum, together with the hundred acres of Upland, ten Acres of marsh «Sc six of thatch beforementioned, is to be given to him & his heirs forever, in full for all his Services, & to be consider'd as his full Share of my estate. Item. I will & bequeath to my Son William, ten Shillings L. money as his full Share of my estate. Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Ann ten Shillings L INIoney as her full Share of my Estate. — Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Rebecca One hundred pounds Lawfull Money to be paid in two pay- ments. One half at the End of the first year, & one half at the End of the second year after my decease which is to be in full for her Share of my Estate. Item, I give & bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth One hundred pounds L money to be paid by my after named Executors in the same way & manner that my daughter Rebecca's is to be paid, & further Will that my daughter Elizabeth is to live in my house, with my said Wife Elizabeth & son John, so long as she lives single & unmarried. I further will & devise that after the Afore mentioned Legacys be paid & Also my debts, that all the personal Estate then remaining, shell be equally divided between my said Wife Elizabeth & son John. And Lastly I do hereby Constitute & Appoint my well beloved wife Eliza- beth & my son John Executors, to this my last Will, hereby revoking & disannulling all former wills & testaments by me in any manner made. Confirming this, & no other to be my last Will & testament. In Wit- ness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the twenty sixth day of 17 258 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. June, A/i/w Domini, One thousand, seven hundred, cS; ninety four. Sign'd, Seal'd, puplished & declar'd by the said Testator, to be his last Will in presence of us, who have Subscrib'd hereto as Witnesses, in the presence of the testator & of each other. — Witnesses. Charles CouUard Wm Lee (seal^ Iseballa Manson Mark L. Hill Probated 29 May, 1795. [VI, 93-94.] Inventory by Mark Langdon Hill, John Rogers and Joseph Bowker, all of Georgetown, 14 June, i795> ^976 : 13 : 2. [VI, 181-2.] In the Name of God Amen. I John Reed of Topsham in the County of Lincoln being of Sound Mind and Memory (blessed be God there- for) do this twenty first day of April Anno Domini 17S1 Make and publish this My last Will and Testament, in Manner following (that is to Say).— Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife Susanna Reed the improvement of all My Estate both Real and Personal as long as She remains My Widdow. — Item. I Give to my Son John Reed Six Shillings to be paid by my Exec- utor. — Item. I Give to my Son David Reed one hundred and forty-five acres of land described as foUoweth viz. all the front of the lots Number five and six between Merimeeting Bay and Muddy River that I have not before disposed of by Deed, and forty five acres of Land out of the aforesaid lots on the North Side of Muddy River together with all my Personal Estate of every Sort. — Item I give to My Daughter Mary the w^ife of Samuel Wilson Six Shillings to be paid by my Executor. Item I give to my Daughter Jane the wife of Joseph Foster Six Shil- lings to be paid by My Executor. — Item I give to my Daughter Susanna Reed Six Shillings to be paid by My Executor. — Item I give to my Daughter Martha the wife of Joseph Randall Six Shillings to be paid by my Executor. — Item I give to my Daughter Elizebeth Reed one Milcii Cow, one Feather bed and bed Cloaths. — Item I give to my Daughter Margaret Reed one milch Cow, one Feather bed and bed Cloaths. — LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 259 Item I give to my Daughter Charity Reed one Milch Cow one feather bed and bed Cloaths. — Item I give to my Daughter Hannah Reed one Milch Cow one Feather bed and bed Cloaths — Item I give to My Grand Daughter Susanna Reed twenty pounds to be paid by my Executor. Item I make and ordain my Said Wife Susanna Reed My Sole Exec- utrix of this my Will ; and my loveing brother William Reed overseer thereof, to take Care and See the Same performed according to my true intent and meaning ;— in witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand and Seal this 21st Day of April Anno Domini 17S1. Signed Sealed Delivered published Pronounced and declared by the Said John Reed to be his last Will and Testament in Presence John Reed (seal) of us. John Merrill James Hevvey Samuel Akley Probated 29 May, 1795. [VI, 95-96.] John Merrill and James Hewey, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by William Randall, James Fulton and John Merrill, 25 Aug., 1795, ^87:17:10. [Unrecorded.] Samuel Wilson, Adm'r de bonis non, 29 Oct., 1799. John Given, Jr., late of Newcastle. James Given, of Newcastle, Adm'r, 16 June, 1795. [VI, 97-98.] James Simpson, of Newcastle, and Edmund Bridge, of Dresden, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Nickels, John Farley and Alexander Little, all of Newcastle, 11 Sep., 1795, $180.42. [VI, 213.] Samuel Nickels and John Farley, com- missioners to examine claims. [VI, 214.] Account filed 12 Sep., 1796. [VI, 215.] Distribution ordered 6 Jan., 1797. [VI, 256-7.] Stephen Bartlett, late of Sheepscut great pond. Jonathan Bartlett, of Sheepscut great pond, Adm'r, 15 May, 1795. [VI, 98-99.] Caleb Bartlett and James Peaslee, both of Balltown, sureties. Daniel Savage, late of Hallowell. Ann Savage, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, 23 Ap., 1795. [VI, 99.] Samuel Howard and William Howard, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Colman, David Thomas and Benjamin Pettingill, Jr., all of Hallowell, 25 May, "260 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 1795, ;^783 : 18 : II. [VII, 70.] Widow's dower set off by William Howard, Seth Williams and Ephraim Ballard, all of Hallowell. [VII, 71-72.] Account filed, 12 Jan., 1797. [VII, 72-73.] Peter Walch, late of Waldoborough. Jane Walch, widow, and John Walch, both of Waldoborough, Adm'rs, 10 Sep., 1795. [VI, 100.] Cornelius Burns and Joseph Henry Ludwig, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Jacob Ludwig, Jacob Bornheimer and Charles Kaler, all of Waldoborough, 21 Sep., 1795. [y^> ^9^-1 Henry Sewall, late of Bath. Sarah Sewall, widow, and James Sewall, both of Bath, Adm'rs, 29 May, 1795. [VI, loi.] John Minot Moody and Thomas Clapp, both of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Joshua Philbrook, Joshua Raynes and Benjamin Ham, all of Bath, 19 Aug., 1795. [VII, 212-213.] Division of estate among Samuel Sewall, Jenny Sewall, Betsey Davenport, James Sewall, Henry Sewall, David Sewall, Joshua Sewall, Nancy Sewall, Hannah Sewall, Polly Sewall and Charles Sewall, children of deceased, by Edward Hall Page and Christopher Cushing, both of Bath, and William Bradbury, of a place called Chester, Kennebec County, 19 Sep., 1801. [VIII, 173-4.] Widow's dower set off by Edward Hall Page, Christopher Cushing and William Bradbury, 19 Sep., 1801. [Unrecorded.] Frederick Hammond, late of Pownalborough, mariner. Anne Ham- mond, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 20 June, 1795. [VI, 102.] James Eveleth, of Pittston, and Benjamin Rackleff, of Edgecomb, sure- ties. Inventory by Thomas Rice, David Silvester and Levi Beal, all of Pownalborough, 29 Aug., 1795, ^28 : 7- o- [^^I» i93-] Thomas Rice and David Silvester, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 231.] Account filed 5 June, 1797. [VI, 232.] Distribution of estate ordered 5 June, 1797. [VIII, 125.] Joel Reed, late of Woolwich. Eunice Reed, of Woolwich, widow, Adm'x, 17 July, 1795, [VI, 102-103.] Robert Reed and Lem- uel Trott, both of \A'oolwich, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Harnden, Jacob Eames and Lemuel Trott, all of Woolwich, 23 July, 1795, ;^2i3: I : o. [VI, 196-7.] Nathaniel Thwing and Samuel Harnden, commissioners to examine claims. [VI, 233.] Account filed 8 Sep., 1797. [VI, 234-5.] Paul Jameson, late of Cushing. Sally Jameson, of Cushing, widow, Adm'x, 10 Dec, 1795. [VI, 103-104.] Moses Copeland and James Waller Head, both of Warren, sureties. LINXOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 26 I Church Nash, late oi Waldoborough. Eve Nash, of Waldoborough, widow, Adm'x, lo Dec, 1795. [VI, 104.] Joseph Simmons, of Waldoborough, and Benjamin Palmer, of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Johnston and Benjamin Palmer, both of Bristol, and Joseph Simmons, of Waldoborough, 16 Dec, 1795, $2750.88. [VII, 143-4.] Account filed 17 Sep., 1798. [VIII, 99.] Eve, widow, guardian un- to Lydia, Jane and Oliver, minor children, 17 Sep., 179S. [IX, 192.] Church and Samuel, minor sons, chose Eve, widow, to be their guar- dian, 17 Sep., 179S. [IX, 24 7-8.] David Reed late of Topsham. Jane, widow, relinquished admin- istration, 19 Oct., 1795. Samuel Dunlap, of Brunswick, Adm'r, 20 Oct., 1795. [VI, 105.] John Fulton and John Jameson, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by John Merrill, William Randall and James Fulton, all of Topsham, 22 Oct., 1795, §1333-33; additional in- ventory 8 Mar., 1796, $56.36. [VIII, 7-8.] Accounts filed 5 Jan., 1798, and 4 Jan., 1799. [VIII, 8 to 10.] Division of personal es- tate among widow, mother, Jane, wife of Joseph Foster, Martha, wife of Joseph Randall, Hannah, wife of Robert Potter, Margaret, wife of Robert Jack, Elizabeth, wife of John Soule, Charlotte, wife of John Herrin, the representatives of Samuel Wilson and wife, deceased, and the representatives of John Reed, deceased, 4 Jan., 1 799, [VIII, 10- 1 1.] In the Name of God Amen. I James Yeats of Bristol in the County of Lincoln Yeoman being through the Goodness of God, tho weak in Body, yet of a Sound and perfect understanding and Memory, do Constitute this My last will and Testament, and Desire it may be re- cived by all as Such : first I most Humbly bequeath my Scul to God my Maker, beseeching his most Gracious Acceptance of it through the all Sufficient Merits and Mediation of my most Compassionate Re- deemer Jesus Christ who gave himself to be an Atonement for my Sins, and is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him. Seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them, and who, I trust will not reject me a returning penetent Sinner ; when I come to him for Mercy ; in this hope and Confidence I render up my Soul with Comfort, humbly beseeching the most blessed and Glorious Trin- ity, one God most holy, most Mercyfull, and Gracious, to prepare me for the time of my Dissolution, and then to take me to himself into that peace and rest, and incomparable felicity, which he has prepared for all that love and fear his holy Name, Amen, Blessed be God. — 262 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I give my Body to the Earth, from whence it came, in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the last day. As for my Burial I De- sire it may be Decent at the Discretion of my Executers. As to the worldly Estate that God has put into my hand, I have Divided the most of it among my Children many years ago, and what Little I am now Possessed of I Dispose in the following Manner. (Viz) To each of my Children To Elizabeth Rhoads, Sarah Hilton, Jean Poor, George Yeats, Mary Braint, Margret Nash, Sameul Yeats, Rachal Fuller, & Liddia Macker, I give Six Shillings to each and every one — what re- mains of my Estate Both real & personal I give and demise to my Be- loved wife Jean Yeats her heirs and Assigns for ever, I Likewise Con- stitute and Appoint Sam'l Yeats & Oliver Nash Executers of this my last will and Testament, I do hereby revoke all former wills made by me, and Declare this only to be my last will and Testament, in Witt- ness whereof I the Said James Yeats have to this my last will Set my hand and Seal, this third day of August 17S9 and in the thirteen year of the Independence of America Signed Sealed and Declared by the Said testator to be his last will and his Testament in the Presence of us James O Yeats (seal) have Subscribed our Names as Mark Wittnesses thereto Thos : Johnston Lincoln ss Personaly Appeared Thomas Johnston Ju'r the Above Named James Yeats and Sarah Johnston Acknowledged the Above will to be his free act and Deed before me Thos : Johnston, Justice Peace. Probated 10 Dec, 1795. [VI, 105-106.] Thomas Johnston, of Bristol, and Waterman Thomas, of Waldoborough, sureties. Isaiah Crooker, late of Bath, blacksmith. Hannah Crooker, of Bath, widow, Adm'x, 30 Oct., 1795. [VI, 107-108.] Isaiah Crooker, of Bath, and Ezra Tubbs, of Dresden, sureties. Inventory by Francis Winter, Joseph White and Edward Hall Page, all of Bath, Dec, 1795, $8928.99. [VII, 45 to 49.] Widow's dower set off by Francis Winter, Joshua Shaw and Edward Hall Page, 12 May, 1797. [VII, 50.] Ac- count filed 26 May, 1797. [VII, 51.] Hannah, minor daughter, and Zacheus, minor son, chose Hannah, widow, to be their guardian, 17 Nov., 1796. [VII, 51-52.] Christopher Marson, late of Pittston, calker. Elizabeth Marson, of Pittston, widow, Adm'x, 4 Nov., 1795. [VI, 108-109.] Peter Pochard LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 263 a ad James Bugnon, both of Dresden, sureties. Inventory by Louis Houdlette, John Polereczky and Ezra Taylor, all of Dresden, i6 Nov., 1795, 15559.59. [VII, 90-91.] Elizabeth, widow, guardian unto James and Christopher, minor sons, 6 Sep., 1799. [IX, 191.] Mary Shaw, of Woolwich, widow, guardian unto Benjamin, Jesse and Joseph, minor children of Benjamin Shaw, late of Woolwich, 29 May, 1795. [VI, 121.] Francis Lovejoy, of Sidney, non compos. Abiel Lovejoy, Jr., of Sid- ney, guardian, 5 Ap., 1796. [VI, 13 1-2.] Hallowell May 7. 1793 In the name of God amen. I Benjamin Pettingill Esqr., of Hallowell, in the county of Lincoln, and State of the Massachusetts Bay. Calling to mind the mortality of my Body ; knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, being through the goodness of God, of perfect mind and memory do make, and ordain, this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first of all. I give I give and recom- mend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my Body I re- commend to the earth, to be buried in decent christian burial at the discretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the general resur- ection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this hfe I give Demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis. I give and bequeath to Judith my beloved Wife one third part of what Estate I die possess'd of after my just Debts and Funeral charges are paid during her natural life. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter Mary Allen nothing, hav- ing heretofore given her her full share of my Estate. Item. I give to my well beloved Son Benjamin Pettingill one fourth part of my Mechanical and Husbandry Utensels & no more, having heretofore given him an Hundred Acres of Land. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter, Anna Badcok the sumn of five pounds in addition to what she has already received to be paid in three years after my decease. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter Amy Fletcher the sumn of two pounds, in addition to what she has already received, to be paid in thiee years after my decease. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter Rhoda Palmer, the sumn of three pounds, in addition to what she has already received, to be paid in three years after my decease. 264 LINXOLN PROBA'lE RECORDS. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter Ruble Church the sumn of seven pounds in addition to what she has already received, to be paid in three years after my decease. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter R.achel Wade the sumn of six pounds in addition to what she has already received to be paid in three years after my decease. Item. I give to my well beloved Daughter Filena Foster the sumn of Fourteen pounds, in things provided and providing. Item, I give to my well beloved Son Ziba Pettingill three fourths of my Mechanical and Husbandry utensels, together with all my real and personal estate, not herein otherwise disposed of after my just debts and Funeral charges are paid, whom I likewise constitute make and ordain, my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, by him freely to be possessed and enjoyed, and I do hereby utterly disannul revoke and disallow, all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies and bequests, and Executors ; by me in any way before named, will'd or bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced and declared, by the said Ben- jamin Pettingill as his last will and testament in presence of us, the Subscribers. Obadiah Harris Benjamin Pettingill (seal) Lois Harris Harlowe Harris Probated 14 Mar., 1796. [VI, 134.] James Bridge and Harlowe Harris, both of Hallowell, sureties. In- ventory by Henry Sewall, Seth Williams and David Thomas, all of Hallowell, 21 May, 1796, $1292.5. [VII, 65.] Thomas Moore, late of Pownalborough, clerk. Anna Moore, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 26 Aug., 1795. [VI, 136.] Ebenezer Whittier, of Pownalborough, and James Hodge, of New-Milford, sure- ties. Inventory by John Sutton Foye, Rogers Smith and Joseph Burr, all of Pownalborough, 16 Mar., 1796, $971.73, to which administratrix added notes of hand, $355. [VI, 216.] Account filed 5 June, 1797. [VI, 217.] Jeremiah Dalton, of Pownalborough, guardian unto Sally and Thomas, minor children, 27 Mar., 179S. [IX, 176 and 226.] John Linscot, late of Bailtown. .\lcxander Fairbanks, of Balltown, Adm'r, i Mar., 1790. [VI, 136-7.] Jonathan Hawks, of Balltown, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 265 and Nathaniel Bryant, of Newcastle, sureties. Stephen Sewall, late of Bath, merchant. Moses Sewall, of Hallow- ell, merchant, Adm'r, 23 Ap., 1796. [VI, 139.] Thomas Fillebrown and David Sewall, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by William Webb, Joshua Shaw and Edward H. Page, all of Bath, 24 June, 1796, $4,337-94- [VII, 182 to 184.] David Sewall, of Hallowell, Adm'r t/e bo)iis non, 18 July, 1798. [IX, 24.] Christopher Gushing, of Bath, guardian unto Dorcas, William, jMeriam and Stephen, miner children, 11 Feb., 1799. [IX, 181.] Peter Jones, late of Hallowell, trader, Eunice Jones, widow, and John Jones, both of Hallowell, Adm'rs, 26 May, 1796. [¥1,149.] Thomas Dickman and Samuel Colman, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Colman, EHas Craigg and William Pitt, all of Hallowell, 5 July, 1796, $440,213^. [VH, 60 to 62.] Samuel Col- man and Elias Craig, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 11.] Account filed and distribution ordered 5 Ap., 1799. [VIII, 13-14.] In the name of God amen. I Philip Higgins of Bath in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yeoman, being of sound mind & memory, calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing it is appointed for all Men once to die Do make & ordain this my last will and testament — that is to say — first of all I give & recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty GOD — and my Body to the Earth to be buried decently according to the discretion of my Executor beleiving that at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of GOD. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give demise & dispose of the same in the following manner & form — first I give and bequeath to Mary my dearly beloved wife the use and improvement of my homestead farm on which we now Hve with all the Stock of Cattle & farming utensils thereon, during her natural life. — And all the House furniture to her use & disposal forever, secondly. I give & bequeath to my Son Benjamin Higgins the sum of Ten Dollars and no more, I having formerly given him as much as I esteem his proportion. 3dly I give to my Son Reuben Higgins the Farm on which he now lives containing about eighty five Acres situate in said Bath 4''ly I give to my Daughter Ruth Marriner Ten Dollars, She having formerly had from me as much as I esteem her proportion. 266 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 5"ly — I give to my Daughter Abigail Williams the sum of Fifty Dollars. 61y. I give to my Son Simeon Higgins the Land to the eastward of the road leading to Foster's point containing about eighty Acres ad- joining to his own Land — 7 I give to my Son Philip Higgins the Homestead farm aforemen- tioned with the Stock of Cattle and all the farming Utensils to his use & improvement after the dicease of his Mother my said wife Mary — until his Sons Isaiah & Jeremiah shall be twenty one years of Age — when it is my will & I bequeath accordmgly that the said Isaiah and the said Jeremiah each have & hold forever to themselves their Heirs & Assigns one fourth part to each of them, of the said Homestead farm and the said Philip to Have (V to Hold to himself & to his heirs & assigns forever the remaining half of the said Homestead farm. 8 I Give to my Daughter Mary Mathes ten dollars — she having receiv- ed her proportion some time ago — 9 I Give to my Daughter Sarah Holbrook the sum of Fifty Dollars, also the Money due to me from her Husband 10 I Give to my Daughter Thankful Huffe of Bowdoin, all the right ^ title & possession which I have to the Land on which she & her Hus- band now live in said Bowdoin- I likewise give to my said Daughter all the Money due to me from her said Husband. 11 I likewise Give to my Sons Reuben, Simeon, & Philip aforenamed my Saw-Mill, with the Mill privilege & all the privileges to the Mill Pond belonging — 12 I Give to my Son Philip aforesaid all other my Personal Estate not before particularly bequeathed except debts due to me which Debts my Executor hereafter named is to collect and with the Money so col- lected discharge my just debts and pay the Legacies & sums in this instrument mentioned & bequeathed and the remainder if any there should be I give & bequeath to my Daughter Thankful Huffe afore- said — And the Legacies afore mentioned I will to be paid within two years after my Decease and I do hereby appoint my said Son Reuben Higgins sole Executor of this my last will & testament — And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannull all & every former testa- ments wills Legacies & bequests by me in any wise before willed & bequeathed ; ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my last will & testament — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of December in the Year of LORD one thous- and seven hundred & ninetv five LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 267 signed sealed published "^ pronounced & declared by the | said Philip Higgins, as his last | will & testament, in the presence | Philip Higgins (seal) of us, who in his presence & in the presence of each other have here to subscribed our names. The words and I do hereby appoint my said Son Reuben } Higgins sole Executor of this my last will | & testament were interlined before j signing or sealing — j Arthur Bradman John Sprague Fra. Winter Probated 27 May, 1796. [VI, 202-203.] In- ventory by Francis Winter, David Ring and Stephen Coombs, all of Bath, 17 June, 1796, $3,307.67. [VII, 83-84.] Be it Remembered that I Caleb Barker of the Plantation of Lewiston in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of the Massachusetts yeoman Being weak of Body yet through Divine Mercy of Sound mind and Memory do make and ordain this my Last will and testament in Man- ner following I St that all my Honest Debts be Paid 2ly I give to Hannah my trusty and well Beloved Wife the use and improvement of all my Real Estate So Long as She Remains unmaried to another Man and also all my Live Stock of Cattle Horses Sheep and Swine togather with all the Provision that is in the house at my decease all the above mentiond Stock She is to have the use income and im- provement of So Long as she Remains unmarried also I give her all my Household Furniture Forever I also give her the use of all my Part of the Dwelling House and Barn 3ly I give to my Son William all my wearing apparyell 4ly I Give to my Son Jacob all my Real Estate when his mother hath done with it his paying my Son William thirty Pounds within two years after the dceeas of their mother and also to Pay my Daugh- ters Kezia and Rhoda forty Shillings to Each within one year after their mother's Decease or marriage and I also Give my Son Jacob all my Live Stock which is Left at his mothers decease his pay- ins; the Funeral Charge and also mv House and barn Reserving the 268 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. fore Room for the use of my Daughter Rhoda for her use and benefit So Long as She Remains unmaried after her mother decease. Lastly I do Nominate and appoint my Beloved Wife Executrix togath- er with trusty and well beloved Friend Joel Thompson Executor to this my Last will and testament to See it Executed according to the true intent and meaning thereof disannulling al other wills by me made Heretofore. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty third day of February in this year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Signed Sealed and Published by the Testator as hi? Last will and testament In Presents Caleb Barker (seal) of us Daniel Davis Samuel Tuck Andrew Coombes Probated 19 Jan., 1796. [VI, 204-205.] Daniel Davis and Jacob Barker, Jr., both of Lewiston, sureties. In- ventory by John Herrick, Josiah Mitchell and Abner Harris, all of Lewiston, i Feb., 1796, $880.14. [VI, 220.] In the name of God Amen the twenty first Day of January in the year of our LORD one thousand Seven hundred and ninety five I Stephen Norton of Readfield in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts yeoman being far advanced in years thougli of perfect mind and memory Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die Do make and or- dain this as my last will and Testament that is to Say Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God who Gave it and my Body I Commit to the Earth to be decently Buryed in a Christian manner at the Discression of my Executors hereafter named and as touching Such worldly estate as God hath Blessed me with in this life I Give and Dispose of the Same in the following man- ner and form Imprimis I will that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be well and truly paid in Some Convenient time after my Decease Item I Give and Bequeath unto my wife Sarah Norton all my estate Real and personal lying and being on the Island of Nantuckit also all my live Stock farming utensils houslioUl furniunc and c\ery other arti- cle of personal estate LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 269 Item I Give and Bequeath to my Son Constant Norton five Shillings having before Given him his proportion of my estate Item I Give and Bequeath to my Son Peter Norton five Shillings hav- ing before Given him his proportion of my estate Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Bean five Shillings having before Given hur a portion of my estate Item I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Kathariene Norton five Shillings having before Given hur a portion of my estate Lastly I Constitute and appoint my Sons Constant Norton and Peter Norton to be my Executors of this my last will and Testament Ratify- ing and Confirming this for my last will and testament In witness whereof I hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and year first above written * Signed Sealed and Declared by the Said Stephen Norton to be his last will and Testament in presence of Robert Page Stephen Norton (seal) Benjamin Savage William Wyman Probated 19 Jan., 1796. [VI, 206-207.] Robert Page and Benja- min Savage, both of Readfield, sureties. Inventory by Matthias Smith, Jr., Daniel Wing and Samuel Stevens, all of Readfield, 7 Jan., 1797. [Unrecorded.] In the name of God — Amen — I Prudence Chapman of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Widdovv Being sick and weak in Body but of Perfect and Sound mind and Memory (Blessed be god for it) and Taking into Consideration that is appointed for all mortals once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and testament in form and manner following that Js to Say in the first Place I recom- end my Soul to god who Gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Burried after the Manner of A Decent Cristian Burril ntjt at all doupt- ing of A Future resurection and as to what worldly goods god in his Providence hath been Pleased to bless me with in this world I Dispose of AVill and bequeath them in the Manner following Viz Imprimiis I will that all my Just Depts shall be first Paid and I will and Bequeth to My Beloved Daughter Prudence Loring three Pounds Item. I will and Bequeth to my Beloved Daughter Sarah Cole three Pounds — 270 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Item —I Will and Bequeth to my Beloved Daughter Deborah Chap- man A Bed and A Cow together with A Room and her living in My House As long as She lives or So long as She Remeigns unmarried Item I Will and bequeth unto My Beloved Daughter Mary Vinall three Pounds — Item I Will and bequeth unto My Beloved Son Abraham Chapman (Whom I also make my Sole Executor to this my last will and Teste- ment ) all my Real and Personal Estate after taking or his Paying out the Above Leagecies and bequethments and it is my Will that After my Desscease he should have full Posesion of all My Lands Cattle Buildings Depts Due me moneys I leave and All & every Part of my Said real and Personal estate of what name or nature soever and I hereby make and ordain him my Sole Executor To this my Last will and testement As Aforesaid And I herby Revoke and make null and Void all other wills By me heretofore ever made In testimony Whereof I have hereunto Subscribed my name and affixed my Seal at Said Waldoborough this Seventh day of November in ihe year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty eight Signed Sealed and Declared by the said Prudence Chapman to be her last Will and testament in Presence of us George Demuth Prudence Chapman (seal) Paul Lash Thos. McGuyer Probated 26 May, 1796. [VI, 208.] Jonathan Davis, late of Bath. Jonathan Davis, of Bath, Adm'r, 9 Sep., 1796. [VI, 2 1 1-2 1 2.] In the Name of God amen I William Hathorn Farmer in St Georges River Bing in bodilay helth and of sound and disposing mind and meomry Considring the unsert- antes of this transitory life do for avoiding Controversies after my de- sease make and publesh and declare this my lait Will and testament in manner following that is to Say First I recomend my Soul to God that gave it and my Body I Commit to the Earth and as for my World- ly Estate I give Bequath and dispose thereof as follouth first I Give and Bequeath to my Son Alexander Hathorn to the Valo of three LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 271 pounds laful money of Now Eangland and all my wearing apparell All the Rest and residue & Remainder of my Real & personal Estats of money lands & tenements Goods Chattels whatsover as Shall be aney ways due owing or belonging unto me at my decease I do Give devise and Bequeath the Same unto my Grand daughter Jean Hathorn only Encluding my Lawful and Endustres wifes thirdes Jean Hathorn while She lives I do hireby appoint them whole & Sole Executers of this my last will testament hireby Revoking all former & other ^Villes testa- ments & deeds of Gift by me at any time heretofore made And I do ordain & Ratify these presents to Stand & be for and as my Only Last Will and tesament in Wittness Whereof to this my Said will I have Set my hand & Seal the twenty third Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and fifety Fave and in ye twenty Sevent year of the Reing of his Majesty King George over Great Britian Szc Sined Sealed & declared William hathorn as my last Will & testament (seal) In the Presence of mathusets bay in new ingland Daniel Lewis William Smith jMoses Robinson Jun'r Jane Hathorn, widow, renounced executorship, 24 Feb., 1764. Jane, wife of Andrew Bird, of St. Georges, renounced executorship, 6 Mar., 1764. [Unrecorded.] I William Kennedy of Boothbay in the county of Lincoln & Common- wealth of Massachusetts yeoman Calling to mind the Mortalaty of my Body, and the uncertainty of my Life, and not knowing how soon I may be called away by Death, and being at this present time weak in body, but of sound disposing mind & memory, do make and ordain this this my last Will and Testament — That is to say Principally and in the first place, I recomend my soul into the hands of God who gave it — and my Body I commit to the Earth to be buried at the Discration of my Executor, hereafter named, not Doughting but that I shall receive the same again at the General Resurrection ; by the mighty Power of God — And as to my Worldly Estate I give Devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form (viz.) — Imps I order that all my just debts and funeral Expenses be first paid out of my personal Estate, immeadiatly after my Decese. Item I give and bequeath unto my two youngest sisters Ruth and Ann 272 LIN'COLN PROBATE RECORDS. Kennedy, the whole rest and Residue of my Estate Real & personal, to be Equaly Divided between them and to them and their heirs and asigns forever — Lastly I do hereby apoint my Beloved Nephu Benjamin Kelley Juner my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testement and do Revoak all and Every former Wills or Testements by me heretofore made, and declare this & no other to be my last Will and Testement. In Wittnes-s whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Ninety Six — Signed sealed published and Declared by the Testator, to be his last Will and Testement in presence of us — Wm McCobb William Kennedy (seal) Ichabod Pinkham Mercy Pinkham Probated 20 Sep., 1796. [VII, 1-2.] Benjamin Kelley and Adam Boyd, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by William McCobb, John Murray and John Emerson, all of Boothbay, 7 Nov., 1796, $953.84. [VII, 120-121.] Account filed 3 June, 1799. [VIII, 88-89.] Jacob Pressey, late Pownalboiough. Elizabeth Pressey, of Pownal- borough, widow, Adm'x, 29 Feb., 1796. [VII, 3-4.] Benjamin Pressey and Paul Nute, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Ebenezer Whittier, Joseph Lowell and Samuel Groves, all of Pow- nalborough, 27 May, 1796, $501.55. [VII, 124.] Yearly rent of real estate appraised at $40, 4 June, 1798. [VIII, 72.] Account filed 4 June, 1798. [VIII, 72-73.] Widow's dower set off by Selh Tinkham, William Taylor and Rogers Smith, all of Pownalborough, 26 Ap., 1799. [XII, 29.] Samuel Parce, late of Boothbay, mariner. Elizabeth Parce, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, 10 June, 1796. [VII, 4-5.] Samuel Nell- son and Ezekiel Pearce, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by Jonathan Sawyer, Edward Creamer and Robert Reed, all of Boothbay, 1796, $495. [VII, 135.] Account filed 5 June, 1797. [VII, 136.] Samuel Chandler, late of Farmington. Rebecca Chandler, of Farm- ington, widow, Adm'x 14 July, 1796. [VII, 5.] Supply Belcher and Ebenezer Norton, both of Farmington, sureties. Phebe, minor daughter, chose Solomon Adams, of Farmington, to be her guardian, 13 Dec, 1797. [VII, 239.] Jacob, Moses and Samuel, minor sons, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 273 chose Solomon Adams to be their guardian, 13 Jan., 1797. [VII, 240-241.] Solomon Adams, guardian unto Rebecca and Sally, minor daughters, 16 Jan., 1798. [VII, 244.] Inventory by Moses StarHng, Supply Belcher and Moses Sewall, all of Farmington, 1796, $1185. [VII, 245.] Account filed 16 Jan., 1798, at which date the adminis- tratrix, had become the wife of Jonas Green. [VII, 246.] Benjamin Dudley, late of Readfield. Samuel Stevens Oilman, of Mount Vernon, Adm'r, 14 July, 1796. [VII, 5-6.] John Dudley and John Oilman, both of Mount Vernon, sureties. Inventory by Timothy Bartlett, of Mount Vernon, Joseph Hutchins and Thomas Whittier, both of Readfield, 25 Aug., 1796, $662.04. [Unrecorded.] Elisha Bisbee, late of Hallowell. Desire Bisbee, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, 19 Jan., 1796. [VII, 6-7.] Elisha Matthews, of Sid- ney, and Ebenezer Moore, of Vassalborough, sureties. Inventory by Asa Williams, James Springer and Noah Woodward, all of Hallowell, 27 Jan., 1796, $565.50. [VII, 79-80.] Samuel Colman and John Jones, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 65.] Samuel Bailey, late of Bristol. Sarah Richards, widow, declined to administer, 30 Ap., 1796, and requested that her brother JohnMcMur- phy be appointed. John McMurphy, of Bristol, Adm'r, 5 May, 1796. [VII, 7.] Samuel Yeates and Simon Eliot, Jr., both of Bristol, sure- ties. Inventory by Shiion Eliot, George James Yeates and Zenas Fuller, all of Bristol, 16 May, 1796, $519.63. [VIII, 93.] Jacob Day, late of Georgetown. Bethany Day, of Georgetown, widow, Adm'x, 19 Jan., 1796. [VII, 8.] Isaiah Wymanand Jonathan Morse, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Mark Langdon Hill, Daniel Morse and Daniel Campbell, all of Georgetown, 9 July, 1 796. [Unrecorded.] Timothy Reirdon, late of Georgetown. Elizabeth Reirdon, of George- town, widow, Adm'x, 16 June, i 796. [VII, 8-9.] Abel Keen and James Jewett, both of Edgecomb, sureties. Inventory by Bryant Lin- nen, Benjamin Riggs and John Hall, all of Georgetown, 4 Aug., 1796. [VII, 66-67.] Division of real estate by Lewis Thorp, Thomas Len- nan and John Hall, all of Georgetown, 5 Oct., 1803, into nine shares, viz : heirs of John Radden, late of Georgetown, deceased ; Robert Clary, (by his wife;) Allen Clary, (by his wife;) heirs of John Chisham, (which he had by his first wife ;) William Sullivan, (by his 18 2 74 LIN'COLN PROBATE RECORDS. wife ;) David Poor, (by his wife ;) Benjamin McKinney, (by his wife ;) David Radden, and James Radden. [X, 215-216.] Widow's dower set off by Lewis Thorp, Benjamin Riggs and Joseph Tarr, all of George- town, 1800. [XIII, 414.] John Given, late of Newcastle. Agnes Given, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, 13 May, 1796. [VII, 9-10.] Seth Curtis and Samuel Ken- nedy, both of Newcastle, sureties. Inventory by John Farley, Thom- as Cunningham and Henry Kennedy, all of Newcastle, 2 June, 1796, $2010.61. [VII, 113-114.] David and Sarah, minor children, chose David Kennedy, of Newcastle, to be their guardian, 11 Sep., 1797. [VII, 159-160.] Stephen Goodwin, late of Fairfield. Stephen Goodwin, of Clinton, Adm'r, 17 Mar., 1796. [VII, lo-ii.] William Lewis and Charles Call, both of Dresden, sureties. Inventory by William Kendall, David Pearson and Nymphas Bodfish, all of Fairfield, i Ap., 1796, $728.47. [VII, 78.] Francis Whitmore, Jr., late of Bovvdoinham, mariner. Francis Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, Adm'r, 4 Feb., 1796. [VII, n.] Sam- uel and William Whitmore, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. Joseph Richardson, late of Winslow. Jerusha Richardson, of Wins- low, widow, Adm'x, 19 Jan., 1796. [VII, 12.] Solomon Parker, of Winslow, and Silas Barrows, of Clinton, sureties. Inventory by Josiah Hayden, Emanuel Smith and Stephen Tobey, all of Winslow, 24 May, 1796, $1094.75. [VII, 76-77.] Ezekiel Pattee and Josiah Hayden, both of Winslow, commissioners to examine claims. [VII, 217.] Distribution of estate ordered 25 Nov., 1800, at which date the admin- istratrix had become the wife of Solomon Parker. [VIII, 127-8.] .Account filed 26 Aug., 1800. [VIII, 238-9.] Widow's dower set off by Ezekiel Pattee, Josiah Hayden and Manuel Smith, all of Winslow, 10 Sep., 1799. [Unrecorded.] John Cox, late of Hallowell. Gershom Cox, of Hallowell, Adm'r, 20 Jan., 1796. [VII, 12-13.] Elisha Craig and Gershom North, both of Hallowell, sureties. Joseph Webber, late of Vassalborough. Sarah Webber, widow, and Asa Webber, both of Vassalborough, Adm'rs, 9 Sep., 1796. [VII, 13- 14.] Josiah Crowell and Rufus Ballard, both of Vassalborough, sure- ties. Joseph and Lewis, sons of deceased. Inventory by John Getch- ell, John Robinson and Ebenezer Moore, all of Vassalborough, 24 Nov., 1796, $1869.74. [VII, 128-9.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 275 Daniel Gardner late of Bowdoinham, mariner. Ruth Gardner, of Bowdoinham, widow, Adm'x, 8 Feb., 1796. [VII, 14.] Isaiah Gardner and Stephen Whitmore, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. Moses Brown, late of Greene, mariner. Enoch Anderson, of Greene, Adm'r, 2 July, 1796. [VII, 15.] Robert Anderson and William Golder, both of Lewiston, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin Merrill, John Daggett and Luther Robbins, all of Greene, 29 Aug., 1796, $248.' 53. [VII, 116.] Benjamin Merrill and Luther Robbins, commis- sioners to examine claims. [VII, 117.] Robert Light, late of Pownalborough, blacksmith. Elizabeth Light, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 14 Mar., 1796. [VII, 15-^6.] David Silvester and Nymphas Stacy, both of Pownalborough,' sureties. Inventory by Joseph Tinkham, Francis Cook and John Hues, all of Pownalborough, 2 Aug., 1796, $764.77. [VII, 126.] David Dunham, late of Pittston, mariner. Hannah Dunham, of Pittston, widow, Adm'x, 23 Aug., 1796. [VII, 16.] David Moores and Levi Shepard, both of Pittston, sureties. Inventory by Christopher Jakins, Edward Fuller and Nathaniel Bailey, all of Pittston, 29 Nov., 1796, $112.75. [VII, 122.] Ebenezer Gove, late of Edgecomb. Mary Gove, of Edgecomb, widow, Adm'x, 12 Sep., 1 796. [VII, 1 7.] Ebenezer Gove, of Edge- comb, and William McCobb, of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by William Cunningham, John Farley and James Litde, all of Newcastle, 1797, ^7769-35- [VII, 140-2.] Samuel Parsons, late of Georgetown, mariner. John Parsons of Georgetown, Adm'r, I June, 1796. [VII, 17-18.] Josiah Hinkley aud Wilham Flitner, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by John Rogers, Joseph Bowker & Elijah Drummond, all of Georgetown, 31 Mar., 1797, $55.55, to which the administrator added a debt of thirty dollars received. [VII, 114-115.] Samuel Marson, late of Pittston, mariner. Abner Marson, of Pitts- ton, Adm'r, 17 Feb., 1796. [VII, 18-19.] James Dumaresq, of Dresden, and Francis Stilfin, of Pittston, sureties. William Jackson, late of Newcastle, mariner. James Jackson of Pownalborough, Arim'r, 9 Jan., 1796. [VII, 19.] Benjamin Jackson and Samuel Jackson, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Nickels, Nathaniel Bryant and Samuel Keanedy, all of New- castle, 20 Feb., 1796, $159.58. [VII, 68-69.] James Jackson, late of Pownalborough. Rebecca Jackson, of Pow- 276 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. nalborough, widow, Adm'x, 12 Sep., 1796. [VII, 19-20.] Joseph Lambert, of Pownalborough, and James Hodge, of New Milford, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Rice, Rogers Smith and John Sutton Foye, all of Pownalborough, 7 Ap., 1797. [Unrecorded.] Edmund Grover Rowe, late of Georgetown, mariner. Ebenezer Rowe, of Georgetown, Adm'r, 15 Ap., 1796. [VII, 20-21.] Noah Bradford, and Ebenezer Rowe, Jr., both of Georgetown, sureties. In- ventory by Thomas Stevens, James McFaden and Lewis Thorp, 29 Aug., 1796, $130.25. [VII, 125.] Sarah Soule, late of Waldoborough, widow. Waterman Thomas, of Waldoborough, Adm'r, 20 Sep., 1796. [VII, 21.] John Trowbridge and Joshua Howard, Jr., both of Waldoborough, sureties. John and Sarah Trowbridge, .'\lexander and Anna Turner, and Joshua Howard, Jr., heirs, requested appointment of administrator. Inventory by Will- iam Farnsworth, William Fish and Joseph Simmons, all of Waldobo- rough, 19 Sep., 1797, $527.92. [VII, 158.] Account filed 10 Jan., 1806. [XI, 152.] James Buswell, late of Waldoborough. Jacob Ludwig, of Waldobo- rough, Adm'r, 20 Sep., 1796. [VII, 22.] Cornelius Turner and Lorinz Sides, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Jane, widow of deceased, resident in Hopkinton, N. H., requested appointment of administrator, 12 .\ug., 1795, Inventory by Jacob Winchenbach, Samuel Angier and John Christopher Walliser, all of Waldoborough, $98.22. [VII, 179 to 181.] William Pattee, late of Winslow. Sibyl Pattee, of Winslow, widow, Adm'x, 12 Jan., 1797. [VII, 22-23.] Solomon Parker and Stephen Tobey, both of Winslow, sureties. Inventory by Charles Hayden, Manuel Smith and Amos Childs, all of Winslow, 2 June, 1797, $5 7 7. [VII, 92.] Distribution of estate ordered 25 Nov., 1800. [VIII, 128-9.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 8 Ap., 1800. [VIII, 240.] Account filed 29 Aug., 1800. [Unrecorded.] Perley Dow, late of Readfield, mariner. Dorothy Dow, of Readfield, widow, Adm'x, 19 Jan., 1797. [VII, 23-24.] John Blunt and Will- iam Stevens, both of Winthrop, sureties. Daniel McFaden, late of Georgetown. James McFaden, of George- town, Adm'r, 3 Feb., 1797. [VII, 24.] James Maxwell and George Maxwell, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. Margrat, widow of deceased, and Daniel, John and Thomas, sons, requested apf)ointment of James, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 277 eldest surviving heir, as administrator, 3 Feb., i 797. Inventory by Al- exander Drummond and Denny McCobb, both of Georgetown, and David Gilmore, of Woolwich, 3 Mar., 1797, S519.25. [VII, 63.] Samuel Tilton, late of Edgecomb, mariner. Benjamin Tilton, of Edgecomb, mariner, Adm'r, 9 Feb., 1797. [VII, 24-25.] Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, and Mariner Pearson, of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Daniel Webster and Thomas Ring, both of Edgecomb, and Job Day, of Newcastle, 1797, $531.78. [VII, 119.] Lemuel Doe, late of Bristol. Elizabeth Doe, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 20 Feb., 1797. [VII, 25-26.] John Boyd and Phillips Hatch, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by George Rodgers, Will- iam Mclntyer and Samuel Boyd, all of Bristol, 23 May, 1797, $1828.- 46, and two notes of hand amounting to $147.21. [VII, 1 71-2.] Elizabeth and Thomas, minor children, chose Elizabeth, widow, to be their guardian, 9 Ap., 1805. [IX, 259,] Eliza- beth, widow, guardian unto John, non cojnpos son, 27 June, 1805. [X, 4 to 6.] Real estate valued at $1360- by William Mclntyer, Henry Fosset and Samuel Boyd, all of Bristol, 25 June, 1805 ; assign- ment of real estate to Samuel, eldest son, 27 June, 1805 ; account filed 27 June, 1805. [XI, 96 to 98.] Thomas Taylor, Jr., late of Winthrop, mariner. Squier Bishop, of Winthrop, Adm'r, 25 May, 1797. [VII, 26.] Squier Bishop, Jr., of Mount Vernon, and Robert Randall, of Hallowell, sureties. Ephraim Fitz, late of Woolwich. Sarah Fitz, of Bath, widow, Adm'x, 26 May, 1797. [VII, 27.] Dummer Sewall and Edward Hall Page, both of Bath, sureties. Hezekiah Eggleston, late of Bristol, mariner, Hannah Eggleston, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 5 June, 1797. [VII, 27-28.] William Mclntyer and Robert McLintock both of Bristol, sureties. Samuel Waters, Jr., late of a place called the great pond setdement. Samuel Waters, of Ballto\Mi, Adm'r, 5 June, 1797. [VII, 28-29.] Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, and Wyman Bradbury Sevey, of Pownal- borough, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Longfellow, Amos Dennis and George Carr, all of the great pond settlement, 25 Aug., i 797, $43 ^.20. [VII, 155-6.] John Fulton, Jr., late of Topsham, mariner. Sarah Fulton, of Topsham, widow. Adm'x, 20 June, 1797. [VII, 29.] Jonathan Ellis and Samuel Winchel, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by John 278 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Rogers, Alexander Rogers and James Sampson, all of Topsham, 3 July, 1797, $802.82. [Unrecorded.] Samuel Graves, late of Topsham. Jacob Graves, of Topsham, Adm'r, 29 June, 1797. [VII, 29-30.] John Graves, Jr., and Charles Gowell, both of Topsham, sureties. Mary, widow, declined adminis- tration in favor of son Jacob. Inventory by Alexander Rogers, John Rogers and William Wilson, all of Topsham, 11 July, 1797, $1999.70. [Unrecorded.] William Lithgovv, Jr., late of Georgetown. William Lithgow, of Georgetown, Adm'r, i Aug., 1797. [VII, 30-31.] Denny McCobb and George Ring, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by William Howard, of Augusta, Mark Langdon Hill and Denny McCobb, both of Georgetown, 22 Sep., 1797, $2417.87. [VIII, 25 to 28.] Arthur Lithgow, of Winslow, Adm'r de bonis 7ion, 15 Jan., 1799. [I^j ^6.] William Howard, of Augusta, and Ebenezer Farwell, of ^''assalborough, commissioners to examine claims, 21 Jan., 1801. [XIII, 89-90.] Ezra Dingley, late of Georgetown, cordwainer. Joseph Bowker, of Georgetown, Adm'r, i Aug., 1797. [VII, 31.] Denny McCobb and William Lee, both of Georgetown, sureties. Nabby, widow, re- quested appointment of administrator. Inventory by Mark Langdon Hill, Elijah Drummond and Thomas Pjutler, all of Georgetown, 13 Oct., 1797, $52.17, [VIII, 68,] to which administrator added sundry ar- ticles amounting to $39.38. [VIII, 69.] Account filed 31 May, 1799. [VIII, 69.] Joseph Whalen, late of Georgetown. Patience \Vhalen, of George- town, widow, Adm'x, I Aug., 1797. [VII, 32.] William Sprague and William Sprague, Jr., both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Mark Langdon Hill, Joseph Bowker and Elijah Drummond, all of Georgetown, 28 Oct., 1797, $992.70. [Unrecorded.] James Linnan, late of Georgetown, mariner. Bryant Linnan, of Georgetown, Adm'r, i Aug., 1797. [VII, 32-33.] Denny McCobb and James McFadden, both of Georgetown, sureties. William Balcom, late of Pittston, mariner. Abner Marson, of Pitts- ton, Adm'r, 6 July, 1797. [VII, 2)2)-\ Ezra Taylor, of Dresden, and Christopher Jackins, of Pittston, snreties. Inventory by Christopher Jackins, Nathaniel Bailey and Edward Fuller, all of Pittston, 7 Oct., 1797, $355- [VIII, 64.] Account filed 7 Feb., 1804. [X, 154.] Eliphalet Pierce, late of Augusta. Samuel Pierce, of Sidney, Adm'r, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 279 10 Aug., 1797. [VII, 67-68.] Jacob Goodwin and Seth Pitts, both of Sidney, sureties. Inventory by Henry Sewall, Jeremiah Ingraham and Seth Williams, all of Augusta, 26 Sep., 1797, ^840.30. [VIII, 31-32-] Daniel Coss, minor son of John Coss, late of Portsmouth, N. H,, chose Thomas Coss, of Dresden, to be his guardian, 22 Aug., 1797. [VII, 68.] In the name of GOD amen ! I Robert'Govan of Bristol in the County of Lincoln Gentleman, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty GOD for the same. Do make this my last Will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say. I Give and bequeatii to my beloved Wife Jane if she should survive me, My one quarter part of the Grist Mill at the Falls of Pemequid in Bristol and One third part of all my other Real estate of lands tene- ments and buildings with the priviledges and appurtenances on both sides of the same falls. To have and to hold the same to her and her assigns for and during the term of her Natural life. And I further give and bequeath to my said beloved Wife One third part of all my Personal Estate, Goods and Chattels of what kind or nature soever to Have and to hold the same to her, and her Assigns for ever, in equiva- lent to her right of Dower. I also give and bequeath to my son Robert, at my said Wifes Decease, My above mentioned One quarter part of the Grist mill then to have and to hold the same to him his heirs and assigns forever. And to my said son Robert and my son Alexander I give and bequeath all the Rest, residue and remainder of my real and personal estate in equal proportion between them as they may devide under th^ burthens before and afterwards mentioned, to have and to hold the same to them their Heirs and Assigns for ever. To the Children of my Daughter Sally, deceased, late the Wife of Al- exander Maclean I Give and bequeath the sum of One hundred pounds lawful money, and to my Daughters Jenny the Wife of Israel Cox, Betsey the Wife of John Nickels and Hannah the Wife of Thom- as Miller, their Heirs and Assigns the sum of One hundred pounds each. Which sums together making four hundred pounds I Will and ordain to be raised out of that part of my Estate bequeathed to my sons, or by them to be paid to the respective legatees the One half thereof in one Year and the other half in two Years after my Decease. 28o LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. I also hereby appoint my said Wife Jane the Reverend Alexander Maclean before named and Major William Mclntyre of said Bristol Gentleman to be my Executors of this my last Will and testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty eighth day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety six Robert Giveen (seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Robert Govan to be his last Will and testament, in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses in presence of the testator Hannah Child James Nickels Robert McLintock Probated 5 June, 1797. [VII, 93-94.] William Mclntyer and James Nickels, both of Bristol, and Samuel Nickels, of Newcastle, sure- ties. Inventory by Phillips Hatch, John Boyd and Henry Fosset, all of Bristol, 5 Sep., 1797. [VII, 164-5.] In The Name of God Amen This tenth day of October in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and ninety two I Zebulon Coffin of Pownalboro in the County of Lincoln in the Commonwealth of Mass- achusetts Mariner, being of sound mind and memory, knowing the frailty of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, do make and ordain this my last will and testament ; and first of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it, and as touching such worldly goods and Estate as God has been pleased to favour me with in this life I do hereby dispose of in manner following Viz. First of all I order that all my Just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my Estate by my Executrix hereafter named — Imprimies I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Betsy Coffin of Pownalboro in the County aforesaid, all my goods and Estate of every kind and denomination whatsoever, which I shall dye seized or posssesed of or oweing to me at the time of my death wheresoever the same shall or may be found to her own use and disposal for ever And I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Wife the aforesaid Betsy Coffin the Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, hereby Ratifying and LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 281 confirming this and no other to be my last will. In witness whereof I the s'd Zebulon Coffin have hereunto set my name and atfix'd my Seal the day and year first mentioned Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the Testator to be his Zebulon Coffin (seal) last will and testament in the James Atkins presence of us wittnesses Hannah Atkins David N. Brown. Probated 26 May, 1796. [VII, 95.] Jacob Brown and Loyalist Brown, both of Dresden, sureties. Jacob Brown, of Bowdoinham, guardian unto David Newell, minor son, 31 Dec, 1804. [IX, 194.] In the name of God Amen. I John Mclntyer of Warren in the County of Lincoln Gentleman — being old and weak in body, but of sound mind memory and under- standing — taking into consideration the uncertainty of this transitory life— do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (to wit) — First of all— I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Mclntyer in ad- dition to what I have heretofore given him by Deed & otherwise— the sum of twenty shillings to be paid him by my Executors within one year from my decease — Also. I give and bequeath unto my son William the like sum of twenty shillings in addition to what I have heretofore given by Deed & other- wise to be paid him by my Executors within one year from my decease — Also I give and bequeath unto my son John Mclntyer the like sum of twenty shillings in addition to what I have heretofore given him by Deed and otherwise to be paid him by my Executors within one year from my decease. Also — I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Pembleton the sum of sixty dollars— to be paid her by my said Executors within one year from my decease — provided neverthless — that should I at any time, betwen the date of this my last will & Tes- tament & my decease — give to my said daughter Jane any sum or sums of money it is my Will & intention that the same should be deducted from and considered as part payment of the above mentioned Legacy — and should I give to my said daughter Jane the above mentioned sum of sixty dollars at any time before my decease — then the said Jane is to receive from my Executors only the sum of twenty shillings, to be paid by them within one year from my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Olcott the sum of 282 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. one hundred dollars — to be paid her by my Executors within one year from my decease provided nevertheless that any sum or sums of mon- ey by me hereafter given her of goods or personal estate hereafter de- livered her in my lifetime shall be deducted from and considered as part payment of the said legacy — and should I hereafter during my life- time pay to my said daughter Mary the whole sum above mentioned then the said Mary is to receive from my Executors only the sum of twenty shillings to be by them paid within one year from my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Catharine McCarter the sum of Seventy dollars to be paid her by my Executors within one year from my decease — provided nevertheless that any sum or sums of money by me hereafter given her the said Catharine or any goods or personal estate hereafter delivered her in my lifetime shall be deducted from & considered as part payment of the said legacy — and should I hereafter during my lifetime pay to my said daughter Catharine the whole sum above mentioned then the said Catharine is to receive from my Executors only the sum of twenty shillings to be by them paid within one year from my decease. And all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, wordly goods or effects what soever I do hereby give devise and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Jane Mclntyer to be by her used, occupied, im- proved and enjoyed during the Term of her natural life — and afterwards to descend — ain over to the aforesaid Jane, Mary & Catharine our Children & Elizabeth Lermond daughter to my said Wife Jane & to their heirs forever to be equally divided between them — And I do hereby nominate & appoint my said Wife Jane together with Thurston Whiting Executors of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all former Will or Wills by me heretofore made — In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred & ninety five. Note the interlineations in the twenty third line of the first page — & the word seventy in the 1 8th line of the second page — the word hereafter in the 22nd line of the second page — the arasure in the first & second lines of the third page & the interlineation in the third line of the third page were all made before the signing & pub- lishing of this Will & Testament — John Mclntyer. (seal) LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 283 Signed sealed published and declared by the above named John Mclntyer as and for his last Will and Testa- ment in presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses to the same —in presence of the said Testator — and in pre- sence of each other Eli Bosworth Timothy Pearson Sam'l S. Wilde Probated 5 June, 1797. [VII, 96 to 98.] Jane Mclntyer renounced executorship i June, 1797. Letters testa- mentary issued to Thurston Vhiting, 5 June, 1797. [VII, 98-99O Samuel S. Wilde, of Warren, and William Mclntyer, of Bristol, sureties. In the name of God amen, — I Joseph Philbrick of Mountvernon, in the County of Lincoln, & Com- monwealth of Massachusetts Joiner, being very sick & weak in body, but of sane mind, & memory, thanks to God for that.— Calling to mind that I am mortal, & must sooner, or, later die ; under this consid- eration, I do make & ordain this my last Will, & Testiment, in the following manner. First I recommend my immortal part to God that gave it, and my Body to be buried in a decent manner, as my Execu- tors see fit. — Respecting the worldly interest it has pleased God to bless me with, I give & dispose of it in the following manner. — firstly I give to my beloved Wife Mary Philbrick, the use and improve- ment of all my real Estate, during the term she shall remain my Wid- dow, with all the privileges, belonging thereto, together with all my stock of Cattle, & husbandry tools, likewise all my household furnature for & during the aforesaid term, her paying the Legacies herein after mentioned. But in consideration she shall marry again, from & after that time, she is to have the use & improvement of only one third part of my real Estate in quantity & quality, and all my household furniture during her natural life — secondly— I give unto my Daughter Anna Philbrick fifty Dollars to be paid her by her Mother on the day of her marriage or at her ariving to twenty one years ot Age. — Thirdly I give to my Daughter Amay Filbrick fifty Dollars, to be 284 LINXOLN PROBATE RECORDS. paid her by her Mother at her marriage day, or at her arival at twenty one years of age. — fourthly I give my Apprentice Thomas Twist, one Hundred Dollars including what his indentures specify, providing he shall faithfully ful- fill his said Indentures, said one Hundred Dollars to be paid him, in neat stock, six feet Oxen to be estimated at fifty Dollars a yoke, to be paid by my Executors one half when he becomes of age the other half in three years from that time. fifthly I give unto my beloved Daughters Anna & Amay Philbrick two thirds of all my real Estate to be divided between them equally, and all my Personal Estate to be equally divided between them, they to take possession thereof, at their Mothers death, or on the day she shall mart)' again, & likewise I give all my real & personal Estate to my aforesaid Daughters & to their heirs, Executors or Administrators, after their Mothers disease. — sixthly I ordain, constitute & appoint my beloved Wife Mary Philbrick, my beloved Brother Benjamin Philbrick, and my honoured Father Squire Bishop Executors, of this my last will & testament — lin testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand & seal to this my last Will & Testa- ment, this Eighth day of March in the year of our Lord seventeen Hundred «S: Ninety six — Signed, & Sealed in presents of us Joseph Philbrick (seal) Samuel Quimby Squier Bishop Samuel Gilman Probated 25 May, 1797. [VH, 99-100.] Squier Bishop, Jr., and Samuel Gilman, both of Mount Vernon, sureties. Inventory by William Whittier, John Hovey and Samuel Brown, all of Mountvernon, 4 Jan., 1798, Si 275.93. [^^III> 59-] Account filed 31 May, 1798. [VIII, 60.] In the Name of God, Amen. I, Mary Ford of Woolwich in the County of Lincoln, Widow, Being Sick & Weak in Body, but of Per- fect mind & Memory, for which I desire to Bless God, and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following, Vizt — Imprimis. I Bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it. and my Body to the Earth to be buried with a decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, not doubting LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 285 but that I shall receive the same again at the General Resurrection thro the merits & Mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour. And as to such Worldly estate as it hath Pleased God to Bless me with me with. I Give & Bequeath in the following manner Vizt, I will that all my just debts and funeral Charges be paid in the first Place, secondly I give and Bequeath unto my Nephew John Perkins a Feather Bed, bolster & Pillows, with a Coverlid and a pair of Blankets. Item. I give to my Nephew John Perkins's daughter Mary my Gold Necklace. Item. I give to my Neice Mary Perkins, daughter of my Brother Robert my Red Grogram Gownd, Item. I give to my Neice Sally Perkins my black Silk Gownd, Item. I give to Lydia Kelley, to Na- than Webb and to Peter Bitum a Lad that now lives with me each of them a Bible, all the rest and Residue of my Estate whatever I give & Bequeath unto my Nephew Robert Perkins to be Enjoyed by him and his heirs forever. lastly I Nominate & Appoint my s'd Nephew Robert Perkins sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament here- by revoking all former Wills & Testaments by me heretofore made. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this first day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hun- dred & Eighty nine Signed Sealed Published and declared by the Tes- tatrix as &: for her last Will & Testament in presence of us who at her request in her presence «Sc in presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto. Nathl : Thwing Mary Ford (seal) Ebenr : Emerson Seth Hathorn Probated 25 May, 1797. [VII, 101-102.] Nathaniel Thwing and Seth Hathorn, both of Woolwich, sureties. In the Name of God Amen I Daniel Stevens of Hallowell in the Count}' of Lincoln, being very sick and weak in body, but of sound disposing mind and memor}-, thanks be given unto God therefor, calling to mind the mortality of mv bodv, and that it is appointed unto all Men once die, do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament. Imprimis. — I give and recommend my soul into the ha? ids of Almity God who gave it, and my Body to the Grave — to be intered in a desent and christian manner, under the directions of my Executor hereafter named ; and as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to 286 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. bestow on me, I give and dispose thereof as follows, viz. Item. I order and direct that all my Debts and funeral charges be first paid out of my personal Estate by my Executor. Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Mehitable Stevens all my household furniture to do and Dispose of as she shall think Best, and the use of one third part of my Real Estate as long as she may live. Item. I give and bequeath unto my two beloved Son's Samuel Stevens and Daniel Stevens, the whole of my real Estate to be Equally divided between them — the same Daniel to have his moiety or one half part when he shall arive to the age of twenty one years. Item. I give and bequeath unto my same son Samuel, all my personaly Estate which may be left after paying my just Debts funeral Charges and household furniture is taken out as aforesaid — it is my will and I hereby order and direct that my Beloved Daughters, Mary, Abigail Hannah Sarah Betsey Nancy Olive and Sophia, be severally supported in a decent manner out of the income and profit of my real Estat divided to my same two son's Samuel & Daniel till they respectively arive to the age of twenty one years or be respectively married, which ever shall first happen — and on thier ariveing to the age of twenty one years, or being severally married, whichever shall first happen I hereby order and direct my son Samuel to pay them Sixty Dollars Each out of my real Estate divided to my same sons Samuel & Daniel, by this my last will and Testament. Item. I hereby give and devise to my daughter Mehitable Carr ten Dollars to be paid her by my Executor when Called for. I hereby revoke and nulify all former wills and Testaments by me made — and hereby declare this and this only to be my last will & Tes- tament — and I hereby appoint my son Samuel Stevens sole Executor thereof. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & 5-eal this ninth day of January in the year of our Lord 1796. Signed Sealed published and '^ pronounced and declared by the said Testator as his last will and Testament in the presents of us, who in his presents and in the [ presents of Each other, at his request, have hereto suberscribed our Nams as witnesses Stephen Scribner D Stevens (seal) LINCOLN PROBATE RFX'ORDS. 287 Moses Carr Jonathan Sewall I Do publish and declare this my last will and Testament. Probated 9 Sep., 1796. [VII, 103-104.] Stephen Scribner, of Mount Vernon, and Moses Carr, of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Dummer, James Page and John Haines, all of Hallowell, 24 Nov., 1796, $3922. [VII, 242-243.] IN, THE, NAME, OF, GOD, AMEN I Abraham Tilton, being of Sound mind & memory, tho weak in body, and Considering the frailty of humane nature and the uncertainty of the time when I shall die, do make Publish & declare this to be my last will & testament. — Imprimis. I Resign my Soul to him who is the Supreme Governour of the Universe, hopeing for Salvation through the merits of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, and my body to the dust from whence it came — as to my worldly Estate I dispose of it in the following manner, Vizt — After my Just Debts and funeral Charges are paid I give unto my Daughter Susannah Sevey one Dollar She haveing her Share of my Estate at the time of her Marriage, also I give unto my Son Samuel one Dollar, he also haveing his full Share of my Estate at his Freedom, the remainder of all my Estate both real & personal is to divided in equal Shares among & between the residue of my Children. Vizt. Ben- jamin, Daniel, Abraham, Charles, Andrew, John, Mary & Sarah, except as is hereafter Excepted — Mary is to have the one half of her own Mothers household furniture, and Sarah is to have the other half of her said Mothers houshold furniture together with all her said Mothers wearing apparrel, also the said Sarah is to have all her Stepmothers houshold furniture, and wearing appar- rel — bed & beding inclusively — Lastly I make constitute and ap- point my Son Benjamin Tilton Executor to this my last will & testa- ment hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. In wit- ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety six — Signed sealed published & declared ^ to be the last will and Testament | of the above named Abraham Tilton I The words Dollar & in Presence of us — [ houshold were I interlined before J Signing & witnessing — 288 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Tho's Ring Benja Rackleff Abraham Tilton (seal) Abner Hood Probated 6 Jan., 1797. [VII, 105-106.] Moses Davis and Ben- jamin Rackleff, both of Edgecomb, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Ring and Daniel Webster, both of Edgecomb, and Job Day, of New- castle, $801. 49. [VII, 108.] In the Name and fear of God Amen. I Stephen Sevey of Pownalbo- rough in the County of Lincoln yeoman calling to mind the brevity & uncertainty of humane Life & feeling my Body decaying, tho' of sound & disposing mind & memory, do make this my last Will & Testament, in manner following viz I commend my Body to the Earth at my death to be decently buried at the discretion of my Ex- ecutrix, & my Soul into the hands of God who gave it, and as to my worldly Estate with which God hath been pleased to bless me, I dis- pose of it as follows, viz I give & bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Sevey, (who I herein after name my Executrix,) all the Estate of every kind both real & personal, that I may die seized and possessed of after paying all my just Debts, all my real Estate in fee to her & her heirs forever & all my personal Estate to be her absolute property. And I hereby ordain & appoint my said beloved Wife Mary Sevey the sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament, & hereby revoke and disannul all former Wills, & declare this to be my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I hereto set my hand & Seal the fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Ninety six. Signed Sealed, publishing Stephen (seal) & declared by the Testator Sevey to be his last Will & testament in presence of Tho. Rice Abraham Nason James Honeywill Probated 5 June, 1797. [VII, 108-109.] Abraham Nason and James Honeywell, both of Pownalborough, sureties. John Plumer, of Nevv-Milford, nori compos, Daniel Plummer, of a place called Balltown, guardian, i Sep., 1797. [VII, 111-112.] In the Name of God, Amen. I John Sevey of the Town of LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS, 289 Pownalborough in the state of Massachusetts, Trader, being very Sick and Weak of Body, but of Perfect Mind & Memory, thanks be given unto God, calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is Appointed for all Men Once to die, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hand of Almighty God, that gave it. And my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same Again by the Mighty Power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following Manner and form — First — I give and bequeath unto my Well beloved son Wyman Brad- bury Sevey, One quarter of the Dwelling in which I now live with One quarter of the Lot on which it stands being a quarter of an Acre Lot also One half the store standing on the same also give unto the said Wyman the store and Wharfe on which it stands. Reserving unto my well Beloved Daughter Moriah Sevey the undisturbed Priviledge of Landing AVood or any other Commodity whatever on said Wharfe dur- ing her Natural Life free & clear of any expense of ^V^harfage or Dock- age I also give him all my Right, Title & Intress with every privi- ledge thereunto belonging, to all the Land aud Flatts lying below Fore street and between the Wharfe & store aforesaid and Zenas Stutsons line, also give him One half the Lot on which the Barn stands togeth- er with One half of the Barn — I also give him the said Wyman the Whole ot the Lot on Which the Widow of Robert Light deceased Now lives together with Betty Elmes, the same Adjoining the Lands of Ze- nas Studson and the Heirs of John Bridge on the One side and the lands of Alexander Cuningham & Josiah Goddard on the other side being the same I purchased from Nathaniel Rundlet deceased — I a'so give to him the said Wyman all my Right, Title or Intress to a Lott or parcell of Land, lying between the Land (S: Dwelling House of Mr. Silas Lee and Fifth Street, being in Front of Lotts Number Five and Six, being the same I purchased from Samuel Williamson, Nathaniel Rundlet Junr. & Charles Rundlet. I also give unto the said Wyman all the Lands I own lying on the Easterly side of Thomas Follensbeys North line so called lying in Pownalborough to include all the Lands on said East side down to the Road by Robert Greenoughs — Reserv- ing to my Daughter Moriah during her Natural Life the priviledge of 19 290 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Pasturing two Cows free & Clear of any expense in such Grounds as shall commonly be Used as a Pasture by him his Heirs or Assigns I also give unto him the said Wyman One Pair of Steers Now kept by Nathaniel Rundlet, together with One half of all my remaining Cattle at Home and abroad after taking out such Ones as will be here after Mentioned which I give to my Daughter Moriah — I also give unto him my Cart & Wheels, together with One Quarter of all & singular my House hold furnilure and Farming Utentials excepting such as shall be hereafter Mentioned which I give to my Son Samuel Sevey — I Also give and bequeath unto my Well beloved son Samuel Sevey the Quaiter Acre Lot on which Messrs. Roby & Crufts Store Now stands together with the North Easterly half of the quarter Acre Lot on which Mr. Mannassah Smiths Office & Messrs. Thompson & Tinkham's Store stands also the quarter Acre Lot I purchased from John Erskine Ad- joining Lands of Abiel Wood Esqr. also I give him the said Samuel all my Right & Title which I have unto the Marsh and Lands lying in the Township of Newcastle which I purchased from Benjamin Wood- bridge — also I give unto him the said Samuel all the Lands which I claim lying to the Westward of Thomas Follensbeys North line commonly so called being in the Township of Pownalborongh and Adjoining the Lands of William Groves. I also give him the said Samuel One half the Lott Adjoining the Road leading from Henry Hodge's Esqr. to the Goal being the Northern half of said Ix)tt, which to be divided by a North East & South West Course — I also give unto him the said Samuel, One half of all and singular my Cattle at Home or aBroad except such as has been particularly Mentioned which I have given my Son Wyman & also excepting such hereafter to be Mentioned which I give my Daughter Moriah Also I give him One good Feather Bed, Stead, & Beding Sufficient for the same, likewise One Looking Glass Now kept in the Front Chamber, also One Desk commonly Called Mrs. Sevey's Desk — Also I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Moriah Sevey three Quarters of my Dwelling House with three Quarters of the Lot it stands upon with One half the store standing on the same also I give her the Southwesterly half of the quarter Acre Lot on which Mr. Mannassah Smith's Office & Messrs. Thompson & Tinkham store stands also I give unto the said Moriah the W'hole of the Lott on which Messrs. Tinkham's & Savage's store stands except the Piece of said Lott which I leased unto the said Tinkham's & Savage being twenty Four feet fronting on Fore street & runing back on said Lott the LINCOLN PROBATE RFXORDS. 29 1 same Width forty four feet the said Lott extending from Fore Street to Middle Street — also One half the Lott on which the Earn stands with One half the Barn — Also I give unto her the said Moriah One half the Lott by the Meeting House adjoining the Road leading from Henry Hodge's, Esqr. to the Goal, being the Southern half of the same to be divided by a North East and South West Course — also I give unto the said Moriah One Cow which is Now at Home also One Cow & Heffer Now at George Erskins likewise One Cow & Heffer Now at Thomas Woodbridge's together with One Colt — also ' I give her three Quarters of all and Singular the House hold Furniture & farming L'tentials except such as have been particularly Mentioned before and given to my SonsWyman& Samuel — also I give and bequeath unto my good Friend Joseph Tink- ham of Pownalborough Merchant the piece of Land on which the Store stands Owned & improved by him Seth Tmkham & John Savage on the following Conditions, Vizt he the said Joseph Tinkham paying to my Daughter Moriah Sevey, the Anual Rent Agreed upon by Lease during the Remainder of the time yet unexpir'd of the Lease, the said Piece of Land buting on Fore Street t^venty four feet in Width and runing back on said Lot keeping the same Width Forty four feet, and at the expiration of the aforesaid Lease the said Joseph Tinkham paying unto my said Daughter Moriah Sevey the Sum of One hundred Dollars — and then the said Joseph Tinkham to hold and enjoy the said Piece of Land him his Heirs or Assigns forever — I also give unto my said Daughter Moriah Sevey, all the Cloaths & Wairing Apperal of what Name or Nature soever which my late beloved Wife died Po- sessed ofif — And I also order give and bequeath that whatever Estate shall Remain of what Name or Nature soever after my Just Debts, Funeral charges, & expenses of settling my Estate are paid which has Not allready been given and bequeath'd away shall be equaly divided between my two sons W^yman Bradbury Sevey and Samuel Sevey — And lastly I do Constitute make. Ordain and Appoint, Joseph Tink- ham Esqr. & my son Wyman Bradbury Sevey Joint & Sole Executors of of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly dis- allow revoke and disannul all & every other former Testaments, Wills legacies Bequests and Executors by me in any Wise before Named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No other to be my last Will & Testament — In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety six — 292 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. John Sevey (seal) Sign'd Seal'd & Published pronounced and Declar'd by the said John Sevey as his last Will and Testa- ment in the presence of us, who in his presence & in the presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our Names — David Silvester Ezekiel Cutter John (ilidden Probated 14 Mar., 1796. Samuel Sevey appealed 15 Mar., 1796. [VII, 129 to 134.] Executors authorized to take goods into custody during pendency of appeal, 14 Ap., 1796. [VI, 138.] Mariah, minor daughter, chose Silas Lee, of Pownalborough, to be her guardian, 14 Mar., 1796. [VI, 132.] Account of Silas Lee, guardian of Maria Sevey, filed 27 Mar., 1798. [VIII, 70-71.] Guardian's advertise- ment of sale of real estate, 28 Mar., 1798. [VIII, 72.] Inventory by Ebenezer Whittier, David Payson and Nymphas Stacy, all of Pownal- borough, 18 Sep., 1798, $6423.28 [VIII, 83 to 85.] Lemuel Hall, late of Bowdoin. John Hall of Bowdoin, Adm'r, 14 Sep., 1797. [VII, 139 to 140.] John Merrill, of Topsham, and Samuel Dunlap, of Brunswick, sureties. Mary, widow, declined admin- istration 13 Sep., 1797. Inventory by Samuel Tibbets, James Potter and Daniel Cunningham, all of Bowdoin, 5 Oct., 1797, $2002.21. [VIII, 1S-19.] In the Name of GOD Amen this Twenty Twenty Forth day of Febru- ary in the year ot our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Seven — I Stephen Call of Dresden in the County of Lincoln Yeoman Being Now in a weak and Low State of Body ; but of perfect mind and Memory, blessed be God therefor, but Calling to mind the mortallity of my body Knowing That it is appointed to all men once to die, Do hereby make and ordain this my Last will and Testament Namely; First of all I humblely recommend my Soul into into the hands of all- mighty God who gave it ; and my Body I Submit to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executrix hereafter Named, nothing doubting but at the Generall Ressurrection I shall receive the the Same again by the power of allmighty God and as to such worldly Goods and Estate as God has been pleased to bless me with in this Life; 1 hereby (iive demise and dispose of in maner and form follow- ing Vizt LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 293 Imprimis I Give and bequeathe unto my True and Loveing Wife Ke- ziah Call the Income and Improvemen of all my Real! Estate untill my Son Stephen Call arives to the age of Twenty one years, and The Improvement and use of one Third part of my Real Estate afterwards dureing her Naturall Life, and as Touching my personall Estate I or- der my Executrix to pay all my Just debts and funerall Charges out of the same, and the remainder thereof Togather with all my moveables To remain in her hands and She to have the use and Improvement thereof for iier Support and the Support of my Chldren under her Care and Direction So Long as She remains my Widow : and in Case my said wife Should marry an other man Then my said personall Es- tate Shall be Equally divided among my six Children — Item and as to my Real Estate my will is and I order the same To be di- vided as follovveth Vizt. My homestead Farm with The buildings there- on I Give and bequeath to my four Sons V^izt Moses Call : Stephen Call, Nathaniel Call and Jonathan Call, and when my Son Stephen Call Shall arive at the age of Twenty one years then the share and parts of the said Moses Call and Stephen Call Shall be Set off to them to hold in Severallty : and the shares and parts of the said Nathaniel Call and Jonathan Call to be Set of to them Respectively as they arive at the age of Twenty one years : and I order that the said Moses Call, Stephen Call, Nathaniel Call, & Jonathan Call pay out of th;^ said be- queathed Lands to my Daughter Polly Call four hundred and Eighty dollars to be paid by them in Equall Quarter parts vizt. one hundred and Twenty dollars Each to be paid when they Severally arive at the age of Twenty one years — — — Item I Give and bequeathe unto my son Nathan Call My other farm which Lyeth on the East side of Eastern River about Eighty five acres of Land with the buildings thereon out of which he is to pay unto my Daughter Polly Call one hundred and Twenty Dollars to be Paid when the said Nathan Shall arive at the age of Twenty one years being the Time when the said Nathan Shall Come into Possesion of the afore- said Farm ; which Severall afore said Sums to be paid unto my said Daughter Polly to make up the sum of Six hundred Dollars which I have Given her for her full Share out of my Real Estate. And I do hereby Constitute and appoint my beloved Wife Keziah Call Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament and disannul- ing and makeing Void all other wills and Testaments in anywise by me made, I do hereby Ratifye and Confirm this and no other to be Last 294 LINCOLN I'RORA'IF. RECORDS. will and Testament which is to Stand and remain in full force In VVitt- ness whereof I the said Stephen Call have here unto Set my hand and afixed my Seal the day and year First above written Signed Sealed pronounced and Declared by the Testator to be his Last will and Testament in Witnes where of we have hereunto Set our names as Wittneses in his presence Stephen Call (seal) Jona. Reed James Connors Ezra Taylor Probated 8 Sep., 1797. [VII, 145-146.] Executrix being dead at probate of will, Jonathan Reed, of Dresden, was appointed administrator cum testatiiento annexo, 8 Sep., 1797. [VII, 147.] Elihu (letchel, of Bov\doinham, and Jaque Goud, of Dresden, sureties. Jonathan Reed, guardian unto Mary, Nathan, Na- thaniel and Jonathan, 8 Sep., 1797. [VII, 137-138.] Moses and Stephen chose Elihu Getchel to be their guardian, 8 Sep., 1797. [VII, 138-139.] Inventory by Ezra Taylor, Samuel Tubbs and William Lewis, all of Dresden, 26 Sep., 1797, 53851.66. [VIII, 21.] Ac- counts filed 30 May, 1799, and 30 Jan., 1800. [VIII, 237-8.] Di- vision of real estate by Louis Houdlette, James H. Patterson and Will- iam Lewis, all of Dresden, 27 Ap., 1803. [X, 68-69.] I Elizebath Emerson of Pxlgecomb in the County of Lincoln and Com- monwealth of Massechusetts widow ; Calling to mind the mortality of my body and the uncertainty of my life, and not knowing how soon I may be Called away by Death and being at this present time weak in body but of Souml disponing mind and memory : do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament : That is to say, principally and in the first ])lacfc, I Recomend my Soul into the hands of (iod who gave it : and my Body I commit to the Earth to buried at the Discration of my f^xecutor hereafter named, not dougliting but tliat I shall receive the same again at the General Resserection by the mighty Power of God — And as to my Worldly Estate — I give divise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Viz. — Imps. I order that all my just Debts and hmeral Expences be paid by my sons imeadatly after my Decese — Item I give and bequeath unto my son William Einers >n the field or lot of Land which 1 ])urchased of Roger Handley Discribed in his LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 295 Deed he paying unto my son Edward within two years after my De- cese thirty pounds and within that term thirty pounds unto my other Children — And the Rest & Residue of the home farm my will is that it be Equaly Devided between my son William and my son Joseph Emerson, and at my son Josephs ariving at twenty one years of age, that he then should com in for, and have one Equal share or half of the above mentioned field or Lot, then to be made Equal in the Di- vision of the whole farm, he the said Joseph paying unto my son Will- iam thirty pounds within two years after he shall arive to said age of twenty one years — I likewise give the whole of the account of Money I have paid and money Expended in Administration of my late husbands Estate unto my sons F^dward William and Joseph who my will is that they pay all Debts Due from me and my said late Husband Edward Emerson Esqr. and my Will is that the money Received or to be Received from Joseph Campbell in pay of the Whitcher place so called, be applied to pay a debt Due to Wells- Gardner upon a Bond signed by my late Husband and all Docter Bills against my famely unpaid, and the Re- mainder be the same more or Less to be Equaly Devided between my four sons, John, Edward, William, and Joseph, Josephs part to be Re- sarved and kept in the hands of my son William untill said Joseph arives at twenty one years of age, then to be paid to him or his order — and further my Will is that the stock now upon the farm be and Re- main the property of my son William Except two Cows which I alow and bequeath to my son Edward as soon as they can be conveanently spared from the farm — My Will further is that my sons John and Edward Devide and have the Land and buildings they now Emprove agreable to the Division proposed by their late Father Decesed — I give and bequeath unto my Daughter F^lizebath Kenney provided she aquits hir Brothers from any Demands she may Claim in hir own Right of any part of hir late Fathers Estate — One high Chist of Drawers one large square Table one green Chair three fraimed chairs with flag Bottoms — one purpel Brulio gound one Dark patch gound one long Broad cloth cloak, one dark crape gound with an apron and also my wearing linning such as caps hankirchefs aprons &c and also my Gould necklace and one large puter plater, and also my will is that twenty Dollars be paid my said Daughter Elizebath at the setelment of my Honoured Mothers thirds of my late Father William Shilebers Estate she complying with and aquiting as aforesaid. — I give to my son John my largest Looking Glass also a scarlet coat and 296 LINCOLN PROBAJE RECORDS. a light westcoat which ware his late Fathers — The Books which may be found in the house my will is that they be Ecjualy Devided amongst all my children. — To my son Edward I give an Ovel Table and three framed chairs, also one large puter platter — Also one good fether Bead with a white Ravens Duck Tick, said bead to be filled up with fethers so as to make a good Bead — I give to my Daughter in Law Anni Emerson one China gound now at hir house also one other China gound at my house, the two gounds which I proposed to hir to make hir a Bead Quilt — I likewise give to my grand Daughter Susannah Emerson my gould Ring — I also give to my Daughter in Law Anney my Lambskin Cloak and black Calimenco skirt — I likewise give to my Grandaughter Elize- bath Emerson my brown Tafety gound — I likewise give to my Daugh- ter Elizebeth Kenney my black Quilted petecote and all my other wearmg close not before Disposed off, upon hir aquitance as aforesaid — and to Rebeca Emerson I give my black mode Cloak and silk Bunnet and large furr muff — I also give to my son William the whole of the yarn spun in the house and one good bead & beading togather with all the rist and residue of my housel furniture not before Disposed off Except one large silver Table spoon and two silver Teaspoons which I give to my son Edward — and one Table silver spoon and one silver Teaspoon I give to my grand son Pratt Emerson also one silver Table spoon and three silver Teaspoons I give Equaly between my sons William & Joseph to be sold or Disposed of to Each the other as they shall agree — And my Will futher is that the whole part of my part of my Honoured Mothers Dower or thirds of my late Honoured Father William Shilebers Estate when settled — be Devided Equaly between my three sons Edward William and Joseph, Except the twenty Dollars before mentioned — Lastly. 1 do hereby appoint my son William F.merson my sole F>xec- utor of this my last Will and Testement, and do revoak all and Every former wills or Testements by me heretofore made and Declare this & no other to be my last Will and Testement — In Wittness whereof I do hereto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth Day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninty seven — Signed sealed published & Declared by ") Before signing my will is that the Testator to be hir last Will and [ my son Joseph have one Testement in ])resence of us — f Bead and Beading- Wm McCobb LINCOLN PROBAIE RECORDS. 297 Abner Hood Elizabeth Emerson (seal) Suky Williams Probated 11 Sep., 1797. [VII, 147 to 150.] John Emerson, of Boothbay, and Edward Emerson, of Edgecomb, sureties. In the name of GOD. Amen — I Patrick Rodgers of Bristol in the County of Lincoln Gentleman, being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty GOD for the same ; Considering the uncertainty of this mortal life Do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say — First 1 give and bequeath unto my eldest Son George Rodgers All my wearing apparel at the time of my decease — I also give and bequeath to the Heirs of my eldest Daughter Francis, late tliC Wife of James Houston Gentleman, the sum of Six Shillings — I also give and bequeath to my Daughter Jane the widow of Edward Young deceased the sum of Six Shillings, which said several legacies I will and ordain shall be paid and delivered to the said respective Legatees within Three months after my decease. And lastly, as to all the rest, residue and remainder of Real and per- sonal estate, goods and Chattels of what kind or nature soever to me belonging I give and bequeath the same to My Son William Rodgers, My Daughter Elizabeth Rodgers and my Daughter Mary Rodgers equally to be devided between them. And I hereby appoint my said SOP William Rodgers to be the Sole Executor of this my last will and testament — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Second day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred Ninety four — Signed, Sealed, published and Patrick Rodgers (seal) declared by the above named Patrick Rodgers the testator to be his last will & testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator — William Mclntyer Jonathan Grelee Robert McLintock 298 I.rNCOI.N PROBATE RECORDS. Probated 11 Sep., 1797. [VII, 151-2.] William Mclntyer and Robert McLintock, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by VVilliam Mclntyer, Robert McLintock and Robert McFarland, all of Bristol, 25 Sep., 1797, $1292. [VIII, 96.] George Gillchrist, late of Gushing. Elizabeth Gillchrist, of Gushing, widow, Adm'x, 9 June, 1797. [VII, 161-2.] Samuel Gillchrist and Samuel Otis, both of Gushing, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Gill- christ, Dennis Fogerty and Samuel Otis, all of Gushing, 12 Sep., 1797, $1279.92. [VII, 162-3.] Thomas Morrison, late of Warren, millwright. Rusha Morrison, of Warren, widow, Adm'x, 19 Sep., 1797. [VII, 165-166.] Rufus Crane, of Warren, and Jonathan Morrison, of New Milford, sureties. Inventory by Benjamin Brackett, Joseph Gopeland and John Watt, 23 Feb., 1797, $110.99. [VII, 167.] Joseph Gopeland and John Watt, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 2.] Account filed 17 Sep., 1798. [VIII, 2-3.] Distribution ordered 4 Jan., 1799. [VIII, 3.] Joseph \Vinslow, late of Waldoborough, joiner. Mercy Winslow, of \Valdob:)rough, wid^w, Adm'x, 19 Sep., 1797. [VII, 168-9.] George Reed and Barnabas Simmons, both of Waldoborough, sureties. Inventory by Peleg Oldham and Nathaniel Pitcher, both of Waldo- borough, and Seth Hall, of Nobleborough, . 26 Oct., 1797, $727.27. [VIII, 226-7.] Account filed 10 Sep., 1799. [VIII, 228.] Mercy, widow, guardian unto Bethiah and Esther, minor daughters, 10 Sep., 1799. [IX, 191.] Gharles Maftin, late of Gushing, mariner. Lucy Martin, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 19 Sep., 1797. [VII, 169-170.] John Morton and Joshua Webber, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by Ezekiel Far- row, .Samuel Tucker and Thomas Arnold, all of Bristol, 5 Oct., 1797, $13.92. [VII, 247-S.] In the Name of God, .Amen. I George Roth of a place called Broad Bay in the Gounty of Lincoln and Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman, being in health of Body and of perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be given to God ; calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die, do make iV' ordain this my last Will & Testament ; That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hand of .Mmighty God that gave it, LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 299 and my Body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Burial, at the discretion of my Executors ; nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again, by the mighty Power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate where- with it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, demise, and dis- pose of the same in the following Manner & Form. Imprimis, I give and Bequeath to Rosanna, my dearly beloved Wife, whom I likewise constitute, make and ordain the sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, all my Estate, both Real, Personal and mixt, of what name or Nature soever by her freely to be possessed and enjoyed. But my further Will is, that in Case I shall leave any Child or Children begotten of the Body of my said Wife, all the Estate here- by given to her shall descend to it, or them, in such Manner and wise as the Law directs. Item I give unto my well-beloved Son Conrad Roth the Sum of One pound Six Shillings & eight pence, to be paid to him or his legal Re- presentative in one year after my decease, which together with what he has already received is his full part or Share out of my Estate. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all & every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests, & Executors, by me in any ways before-named, willed and bequeathed ; ratifying and confirming this and no other, to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I ha\e hereunto set my Hand & Seal this Second Day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and seventy two Signed, Sealed, published, pronounced his and declared by the said George George G R Roth (seal) Roth as his last Will & Testament mark in the presence of us John Martin Schaffer. Moses Copeland David Fales Probated 19 Sep., 1797. Letters testamentary issued to Rosanna Hute of Waldoborough, widow, 19 Sep., 1797. [VII, 172 to 175.] Michael Sprague, of Waldoborough, and Moses Copeland, of Warren, sureties. Inventory by Waterman Thomas, Nathan Sprague and Jacob Ludwig, all of Waldoborough, 30 Sep., 1797, $602. [VIII, 61.] Account filed 17 Sep., 1798. [VIII, 61-62.] In the Name of (iod Amen I Richard Adams of Gushing in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gentleman feeling the 300 LINCOLN PROBATE RKCORDS. Infirmities of Age though of sound mind & memory praised be God) & Knowing that it is ai)poittted unto men to die do make Ordain & Constitute this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking & disan- nulling all former Wills «S: testaments in any manner or form heretofore made by me First I give & commend my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it & my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in decent Chris- tian Burial at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching such Worldly Estate as it has pleased God to bless me I give demise & dispose of it in manner following Impritnis, I give and bequeath to my well-beloved wife Mary during her natural Life the South East front Room in my Dwelling House to- gether with the privilege of the Kitchen, Cellar, Oven, Well, item the Best feather bed I Leave with all necessary appurtenances to the same — Item all necessary Furniture for one Room &: necessary Kitch- en utensils. Item One good Cow to Be kept both Summer & Winter. Item Fire wood brot to her Door & Cut fit for the chimney during her Life Item Fifteen Bushels of Bread Corn of different kinds annually. Item flax & Wool annually sufficient to Keep her Bedding & Cloathing in Repair. Item a Sufficient annual supply of Potatoes & other kinds of Same & Vegetables & of Tea Coffee and Sweetning & other necessaries all the above articles to be provided by my Executors hereafter named and out of the Income of my Estate Item I Give and Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Sela Baker one Cow to be delivered by my Executors within Six months after my De- cease Item I Give and Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Ruby Cook a Cow to be delivered by my Executors within six months after my Decease Item I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Margaret Gray one Cow to be delivered by my Executors within six months after my De- cease Item I Give & be(iueath to my beloved Daughter Hope Davis Six Shillings Item I give & bequeath to my beloved Daughter Lucy Graffam Six Shillings Item I give & bequeath to my before named daughters Sela, Ruby, Margaret, Hope and Lucy after the Decease of my Wife all my Houshold furniture to be Equally divided amongst them. — Item I give to my Grand daughters Folly Baker Polly Bradford and I'olly Adams the Daughters of my Son Richard .Adams One Silver LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 3OI Table Spoon apiece to be delivered after my wife's Decease Item I give to my beloved Son Richard Adams all my wearing apparel Item I give to my Grandson Richard Adams the Son of my said Son Richard my largest pair of Gold Sleeve Buttons Item I give to my Grandson Robert Davis son of my Daughter Hope my Smallest pair of Gold Sleeve Buttons to be delivered after my Wifes Decease Item To my three Sons Richard, Thomas & George after paying all the above Bequests «Sc Legacies & all my Just Debts & funeral Charges I Give & bequeath the farm I Live on with the Buildings thereon, all my Stock, farming Tools & Implements Together with a certain Island nearly adjoining said Farm commonly called Crotch Island and in general all my Estate Real & personal to be Equally divided amongst them And I do hereby appoint & constitute my said three Sons Richard, Thomas & George Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty seventh day of August in the year of our I>ord One Thousand seven hundred & Ninety Two and in the seventeenth year of American Independence. Richard Adams (seal) Signed Sealed published ^ & declared by the said Richard Adams as his last Will & Testament in presence of us, who in his presence & in presence of Each other have hereunto set our hands. Thurston Whiting Jacob Graff am John Short Probated 19 Sep., 1797. Thomas Adams being dead letters testa- mentary issued to Richard Adams and George Adams, both of Gush- ing, mariners, 19 Sep., 1797. [VII, 175 to 178.] Moses Copeland, and Joseph Copeland, both of Warren, sureties. I Benjamin Linneken of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln yeoman, Calling to mind the mortalety of my Body and the uncertanty of my Life, and not knowing how soon I may be Called away by Death, and being at this present time of sound disposing mind & memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, That is to say, 302 LINCOLN PROBAIE RECORDS. princepelly and in the first place I Recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my Body I Commit to the Earth to be buried at the Discration of my Executor or Executrax hereafter named and as to my Worldly Estate I give devise and dispose of the same in the fol- lowing manner & form (Viz) — Imps, firstly I order that all my just Debts and funeral Expenses be paid out of my Estate Emeadeatly after my decese — Item I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin the sum of six shillings if Living to be paid him by my Executor and Executrax here- after named, to be paid him in full of his share or part of my Estate — Item I also give & bequeath to my son David the sum of six shillings in full of his share of said Estate — Item I give also to my son Ephraim the sum of six shillings to be paid him in full of his part or share of my said F^state — Item I give and Bequeath to my oldest Daughter Abigail Jonston the sum of six shillings to be paid hir by my said Executor & Execu- trax in full of hir share in my said Estate — Item I also give my Daughter Elizebath Sawyer the sum of six shil- lings to be paid hir in full of hir share or part as aforesaid — Item I give also to my Daughter Susannah Linneken the sum of six shillings to be paid hir in full of hir share or part of my said Estate — Item I give and bequath unto my Daughter Mary Wall six shillings to be paid hir by my said Executor & Executrax in full of hir share or part of my said Estate — Item I also give and bequath to my Daughter Sarah Alley the sum of six shillings to be paid hir in full of hir share or part of my said Estate — Item I give also to my Daughter Phebe Wheeler the sum of six shil- lings to be paid hir in full of hir part or share of said Estate — Item I also give to my Daughter Lydia Langdon the sum of six shillings to be paid hir in full of hir part or share in my said F^state — Item I give also to my Daughter Martha the sum of six shillings in full of hir part of said Instate — Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Lucy six shillings to be l^aid hir in full of hir part of my said Estate — Item All the rest and residue of my said Estate real and personal wheresoever the same is or may be found, I give devise & becjuath to my Beloved Wife Mary Linneken and to hir heirs & asigns forever to hir & their sole use and benefit forever — LINCOLN PROBATE RhlCORDS. 303 Lastly I do hereby Appoint my said Beloved wife Mary Linneken with my son Epheraim Linneken Sole Executrax and Executor of this my last Will and Testement, and do revoke all «S: Every former Wills or Testements by me heretofore made and Declare this & no other to be my last Will and Testement — In Wittness whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and seal this fourth Day of March A D 1796 Signed sealed published & Declared by the Testator to be his last Will & Testement in presence of us — his Wm McCobb Benjamin (X) Linneken (seal) Sam'l Bush mark his Ezekiel (X) Holbrook mark Probated 1 2 Sep., i 796. Jacob Sawyer and Samuel Alley appealed from decree 12 Sep., 1796. [VII, 184 to 186.] Thomas ^Voodraan, late of Pownalborough, hatter. Lucy Wood- man, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 23 Oct., 1797. [VII, 187-8.] William Sevey and Ebenezer Whittier, both of Pownalborough, sure- ties. Inventory by Joseph Tinkhani, David Payson, Jr., and Samuel Sevey, all of Pownalborough, 6 Nov., 1797, $391.52. [VII, 248-9.] Ebenezer Blunt, Jr., late of Farmington, Ebenezer Blunt, of Bristol, Adm'r, 23 Oct., 1797. [VII, 188.] Samuel Miller, of Bristol, and Arthur Blunt, of Pownalborough, sureties. Ebenezer, guardian unto Robert, minor son, 13 Sep., 1797. [VII, 178.] Inventory by Thomas Johnston, William Mclntyer and William Jones, all of Bristol, 21 Dec, 1797, $170.29. [VIII, 73-74.] Account filed 4 June, 1798.] [VIII, 74.] In the Name of God Amen, The Eight Day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand Seven hundred Ninety & four. I Ebenezer Blunt Juner of Bristol, in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts yeoman Being Very Sick in body but of perfect mind & memory : thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body, knowing that it is appointed for all .men Once to Die, do make & ordain this my Last will & testament, that is to Say=First of all I give & Recommend my Soul into the hands of (}od that Gave it, for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth to be buried 304 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. in a Deacent Christian Like maner at tlie Discretion of my Execu- tors. And as touching Such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life : I give : Devise & dispose of the same in the following manner & form First, it is my will : & 1 Do order : that all my just debts & funeral charges be paid & Satisfied Item I give & bequeath unto Jean my Dearly beloved wife all my Personal Estate, Excepting my wareing appearil ; and to have the in come of my Real Estate untill my Son Robert Blunt is one & twenty years of age (for the use of my wife & to Supor & Edicate my son Robert) if Said Robert Should Live untill Said time ; if not to be in the following manner that is my wife to have two thirds of my Real Estate, & my honered father the other third as is here in after more fully Expresed Item=I give to my be loved Son Robert Blunt two Lots of Land Lay- ing in farmington No fourty Six & fourty Seven Lay'd Down by Joseph North Plan : on the East Side of Sandy River ; to come into full Possistion of Said Land att the age of one & twenty years or other ways as is before mentioned I likewise give all my wareing apperall to Said Robert for his use att the Discretion of my Executors Item I give to my honered father on these Conditions that is to Say, if my Son Robert Should not Live untill one & twenty that my father Should have one third of my Real Estate otherways to go to said Rob- ert as is Exprest before I Likewise Desier Constitute & appoint Jean my wife & Ebenezer blunt My Honer'd father my Executors & administrators of this my Last will Sz Testament Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my last Will & testament : In Witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand & Seal the Day and year above written Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the Said Ebene- zer Blunt Jur as his last will & testament in the Presence of us the Sub- scribers Viz the words (ways) & (for the use of my wife & to Suport & Edicate my Son Robert) interLined Before Signing hereof Ebenezer Blunt Junr (seal) William Mclntyer John Sproul Samuel Blunt Probated 5 Ap., 1799; Jane, executrix being dead, letters testa- mentary issued to P^benezer Blunt 5 Ap., i 799 ; inventory by William Mclntyer, Samvel Clark and James Drummond, all of Bristol, 31 May, 1799, $155.75. [VIII, 99 to 102.] Account filed 10 Sej)., 1799. [XIII, 450-1.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 305 Valentine Nutter, late of Pownalborough, mariner. Hannah Nutter, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 9 Mar., 1796. [VII, 190- 191.] Azariah Pottle and Isaac Hedge, both of Pownalborough, sureties. In- ventory by Moses Davis, of Edgecomb, and Francis Cook and Ebene- zer Whittier, both of Pownalborough, 27 Ap., 1796, $125.20. [VII, 191.] Moses Davis and Ebenezer Whittier, commissioners to ex- amine claims. [VII, 192.] Advertisement of sale of real estate, 4 Mar., 1797. [VII, 193.] Account filed 5 June, 1797, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of Kenelam Cushman, of Pownalborough. [VII, 194.] Robert Randall, Jr., late of Pownalborough, trader. Robert Ran- dall, of Hallowell, Adni'r, 23 June, 1796. [VII, 207-8.] Moses Sewall and Amos Stoddard, both of Hallowell, sureties. Inventory by Nathaniel Dummer, David Sewall and John Beman, all of Hallowell, 8 Sep., 1 796, $238.37. [VII, 208-9.] Josiah Warren, late of Norridgewalk. Sarah Warren, of Norridge- walk, widow, Adm'x, 19 Jan., 1796. [VII, 2 14- 2 15.] John Moor and Charles Witherell, both of Norridgewalk, sureties. Inventory by John Moore, James Thompson and Daniel Steward, all of Norridge- walk, 10 May, 1796. [VII, 2 16.] Bryce McLellan, of Canaan, and Daniel Steward of Norridgewalk, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII,35.] Widow's dower set off by Daniel Steward, Bryce McLel- lan and John Clark, 29 July, 1799. [VIII, 239-240.] Account filed 26 Aug., 1800. [VIII, 240.] I Francis Rittal of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Tailor, being in health of Body and of sound Mind and Memory, and knowing that I must shortly put ofif this earthly Tabernacle, do make this my last Will and Testament ; that is to say, in the first Place I commend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth to decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named, in Expectation that I shall receive the same again glorious «S: immortal at the Resurrection of the Just. And as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me in this Life, I give devise and dispose of the same in manner following, hnprvnis — I will and order that all my just Debts and funeral Ex- penses be paid out of my Estate as soon as may be after my Decease. 20 306 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Lucy the Improve- ment of all my Estate real & personal till my youngest Child shall ar- rive to full age ; she to take care of & provide for all my Children under age out of the Income & profits of my said Estate until they shall respectively arrive to full Age ; and when the youngest Child shall arrive to full Age, then my said Wife to have one Third of all the Per- sonal Estate, & a third Part of the real Estate, during her Life — Item I give to my Daughter Sally Theobald twenty shillings to be paid her out of my Estate, by my Executrix, after my youngest Child arrives to full Age — Item, I give & devise to my Children Molly Stilfinn, Francis, John, Louis, Lucy, Nancy, Betsey & Charlotta all the rest and Residue of my Estate, real personal & mixed, wheresoever the same is or may be found, equally to be divided among them, when my said youngest Child shall attain to the age of twenty one years. Lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Wife Lucy sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I the said Francis Rittal do hereto set my hand & seal the twenty fifth day of April in the year of our Lord 1 789 — Memo. The words, all my Children under Age, were interlin'd before seal'g. Francis Rittal (seal) The above Instrument was signed, sealed, and declared by the Tes- tator to be his last Will & Testament in presence of us — Edmd Bridge Phebe Bridge jun Edmund Bridge juneor Jon. Bowman Probated S Jan., 1796. [VII, 219-220.] Inventory by Ezra Taylor, John Polereczky, and Jonathan Reed, all of Dresden, 13 Feb., 1796. [VII, 221 to 223.] Robert Ridlon, of Newcastle, blacksmith, a spendthrift. Ebenezer Clarke, of Newcastle, guardian, i Nov., 1794. [VII, 224.] John Mallet, of Bowdoin, a spendthrift. James Rogers and Hugh MoUoy, both of Bowdoin, guardians, 9 Jan., 1796. [VII, 224.] In- ventory by James Rogers, Samuel Tebbets and Nathaniel Jellison, all of Bowdoin, 23 July, 7799, $961.74. [VIII, 153-4-] Account of William Mallet and Benjamin Jaques, guardians, filed 21 Aug., 1S02. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 307 [VIII, 156.] Jesse, minor son, chose Joseph Potter, of Bowdoin, to be his guardain, 1 1 Sep., 1805. [IX, 261.] Inventory by James Rogers, VVilHam GoweJl and David Willson, all of Bowdoin, 4 Dec, 1802, $1102.77. [X, 225.] Account of Joseph Potter and William Alexander, guardians, filed 28 Mar., 1809. [XIII, 485 to 490.] Samuel Stinson, Jr., late of Woolwich, mariner. Samuel Stinson, of Woolwich, Adm'r, 26 Dec, 1797. [VII, 238-9.] James Pattee, late of Winslow, mariner. David Pattee, of Winslow, Adm'r, 14 Feb., 1798. [VII, 250.] John McKechnie, of Winslow, and William Bowman, of Dresden, sureties. David Huseton, son of John Huseton, late of Farmington, chose Abiel Sweet, late of Farmington, to be his guardian, 5 Ap., 1797. [VIII, 6-7.] In the Name of God Amen. I David Silvester of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln Esquire calling to mide the uncertainty & brev- ity of Life & feeling my Body decaying, tho' in perfect soundness of Mind and memory, do make & ordain this my last Will & testament, in manner following In the first place I will & bequeath my soul into the hands of God who gave it & my Body to the Earth to be decently buryed under the direction of my Executors hereafter named, in sure hope of a JoyfuU resurrection & reunion of Soul & body at the great Day of Account. As to my worldly Estate with which God has blessed me I will & dis- pose of it in the following manner I will & direct my Executors here- after named that they pay all my Just Debts in the first place out of my personal Estate & Credits. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Wife Martha my dwelling house & Stable with all the Land they stand upon & all the Lot appertaining thereto which lies between Water Street & Middle Street & the land of Zenas Stetson & the heirs of John Sevey deed, except the store & the Land on which it stands with the passage way into said Store as now improved with all the furniture of said House, except one Clock. To hold to her during her natural Life & at her decease, my will is that the same premises both real & personal descend to my two Sons David & Joshua & their heirs to be equally divided between them. I also give & bequeath to my said Wife the rents that may become due from time to Time for the Land on which the Houses of Alexr. Troup 7^ Hilton now stand, together with the Rents of the Store in all its 308 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. parts above excepted & all the rents of the Ground on which the Rope walk stands leased to Messrs. Wiggleworth's to be enjoyed by her dur- ing her Life as aforesaid, also $200 to be paid of the Personal Estate. 1 give & bequeath to my honored mother Mary Silvester the rents of Sheepscut River Bridge due on my Share in said Bridge from year to year after deducting the repairs, during her natural Life, after her de- cease to go to my beloved Wife Martha during her natural Life & after her decease to descend to my two Sons in equal Shares & their heirs forever I give & bequeath to my beloved Son Joshua one Quarter part of my Ship called the Wiscasset, with one Quarter part of her Tackle & Ap- purtenances. Also my Brewhouse with all the implements & brewing Utensels belonging to the same with three Quarters of an Acre of Land to be so laid out as to include said house & priviledge & to extend to the Town road. To hold to him & his heirs forever, also one of my Clocks to be his absolute property I give & bequeath to each of my Sisters Mary Lydia Sarah Jane Betsey & Rachael a black Lutestring Gown to be given to them by my Executors out of my Estate I give & bequeath to Elizabeth Light, in token of my gratefuU remembrance of her great & painfull Care & Attention in my sickness, a Lutestring Gown to be paid for out of my Estate. I give & bequeath to the rev'd Alden Bradford fifteen Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing a piece of Linnen in token of my gratefuU remembrance of his kind attention to me in my sickness I give & bequeath to each of my Executors hereafter named a Guinea each to purchase a remembrance Ring. Also to Joseph Tinkham Esq'r the same sum for the same purpose I give & bequeath all the rest & residue of my Estate both real «S: personal not before disposed of, to my two Sons David & Joshua to be divided between them m equal shares to hold to them & their heirs forever And I do hereby constitute & appoint Tho. Rice Esqr Silas Lee Gentleman & my Son David Silvester my Executors of this my last Will & Testament & hereby revoke & annul all former Wills & Testaments by me made & pronounce & declare this to be my last Will & Testament. Tis my further will that my said Sons shall take care of & provide for Cynthya Young untill she is of the Age of fifteen years & then that she, by them, be put to learn the Trade of a mantua maker or Taylor at their Expence LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 309 In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal the sixth day of Feb- ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety eight David Silvester (seal) Signed sealed published pronounced & declared by the Testator to be his last Will & Testament in presence of us John Hues Thomas McCrate Alexander Troup Probated 27 Mar., 1798. [VIII, 77-78.] John Hues, Abiel Wood, Jr., Joshua Hilton, Ebenezer Whittier, Ezekiel Cutter and Nymphas Stacy, all of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Henry Hodge, Joseph Tinkham and David Payson, all of Pownalborough, 1 1 Ap., 1798, $17,529.38. [VIII, 79 to 82.] Joshua, minor son, chose David Payson, of Pownalborough, to be his guardian, 4 June, 1798. [IX, 221.] Joseph Tinkham and Joseph Christophers, both of Pownalborough, commissioners to examine claims, 10 June, 1799. Account filed 17 Nov., 1801. [Unrecorded.] Be it remembered that I Nathaniel Whittier of Readfield in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Husbandman being weak in Body but of sound mind and memory do this tenth day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninty-eight make and publish this my last Will and Testament in the following manner that is to say — In the first place I give to my beloved Wife all my Household furniture exclusive of her Lawfull right of Dower in my Estate excepting my Clock Also I give to my Daughter Mary Page forty Dollars to be paid in Household Furniture by my Executor hereafter to be named to be paid in one year after my Decease. Also I give to my Son Jedediah Whittier fifty acres of Land lying in a place called Wyman Plantation in the County of Lincoln aforesaid it being the northwesterly End of Lot No. forty seven also one undivided third of Lot No. eighty two in said Plantation Also I give to my Daughter Ruth Cochran ten Dollars to be paid by my said Executor within one year after my Decease Also I give to my Son Thomas Whittier all my Stock Including my 310 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. neet Cattle Horses Sheep and Swine and my Clock together with all my Implements of Husbandry — Also I give to my Daughter Dorothy Johnson a Lot of Land lying in the aforesaid Plantation and numbered one hundred and four Also I give to my Daughter Ruhamah Whittier a Lot of Land lying in the aforesaid Plantation and numbered ninty two also one hundred and fifty Dollars to be paid in household Furniture by my said Exec- tor within one year after my Decease Also I give to my Son Abel Whittier the northerly half of Lot No. fifty eight to be divided in the middle lengthways of said Lot also one undivided third of Lot No. eighty two said Lots lying in the aforesaid Plantation also one pair of Oxen measuring six feet and a good Cow and a good Suit of Cloaths to be Delivered to him by my Executor when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one Years until which time he said Abel shall work with my said Executor Also I give to my Son Nathaniel Whittier the southerly half of Lot No. fifty eight excepting four Acres which I have sold ofT the Southeast Corner of said Lot also one undivided third of Lot No. eighty two said Lots lying in the aforesaid Plantation also a pair of Oxen measuring six feet and a Cow and a good Suit of Cloaths to be delivered to him by my said Executor when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years untiU which time he said Nathaniel shall work for said Executor Also I give to my Son Levi Whittier a Lot of Land lying in the afore- said Plantation and numbered one hundred and seven also a pair of Oxen measuring six feet and a good Cow and a good Suit of Cloaths to be delivered to him by my said Executor when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one Years untill which time he said Levi shall work for my said Executor Also I give to my Daughter Hannah Whittier a Lot of Land lying in the aforesaid Plantation ard numbred ninty four also one hundred and fifty Dollars to be paid her in household Furniture to be Delivered to her by my said Executor when She shall arrive to the age of eighteen years untill which time she said Hannah is to be maintained by my said Executor including her Labour Also I give to my Grandson Nathaniel Cochran a Lot of Land lying in the aforesaid Plantation and numbered ninty eight Also I give to my Grandson Cyrus Whittier a Lot of Land lying in the aforesaid Plantation and numbered ninty six Also I give to the Methodist Society in said Wyman Plantation two LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 3II hundred Dollars to be applyed towards Building a Methodist Meeting- house in said Plantation and to be paid by my said Executor. To the Committee who shall be appointed by said Society to Superintend said Building whenever it shall be needed for that use Also I give to my Son Thomas Whittier all the Debts that may be ow- ing to me at my Decease he paying to my Children and to the Meth- odist Society as before named also I give to my said Son Thomas Whittier all my Estate Real and Personal not herein before Bequeathed and Devised wherever the same may be found And lastly I do Con- stitute and Ordain my said Son Thomas Whittier sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Testamony whereof I do hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above Written Nathaniel Whittier (seal) Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Nathaniel Whittier as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presents of us who at his request and in his presents hereunto set our names as Witneses to the same John Hubbard John Evens Samuel Judkins Piobated 31 May, 1798. [VIII, 91.] John Hubbard and Samuel Judkins, both of Readfield, sureties. Israel Smith, late of Woolwich, blacksmith. Jane Smith, of Wool- wich, widow, Adm'x, 4 June, 1798. [IX, 6.] Ebenezer Delano and Robert Hanson, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inventory by Abner Wade and Thomas Snell, both of Woolwich, and Moses Hilton, of Pownalborough, 26 June, 1798, $314.31. [VIII, 95.] Account filed 10 Aug., 1800. [VIII, 233.] In the Name of God Amen, I John Campbell of Bath in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Yeoman, being weak in Body but of sound and perfect Mind and Memory (blessed be God) do this twentyfirst day of December A D. One thousand seven hun- dred and Eighty six make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following Vizt. — Imprimis. I give and devise to my beloved Son John Campbell Jun'r a 312 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. certain tract of land, to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever, situate in Bath aforesaid containing One hundred Acres by estimation, with the buildings thereon and appurtenances to the same belonging, and which is bounded as foUoweth Vizt. beginning at a birch Tree standing on the West side of Winnegance Creek, thence running West by North half North to a Pile of Stones upon a Hill, thence continuing the same Course to a pine Stump on the west side of the Country Road and be- tween that and Campbells Pond so called : Then beginning again at the northern End of said Pond at a hemlock Stump standing on the Western side of the same Pond thence running West by North half North to New-meadow's River to a spruce Stump standing a little to the Northward of certain Salt Works, thence southerly by the shore of said River so far as to make forty five Rods on a Direct line, to a large white Rock : thence East by South half South to a white Oak Tree marked on two Sides and standing on a Hill in sight of said Pond, thence continuing the same Course across said Pond to said Winne- gance Creek, thence northerly by said Creek to the first mentioned Bounds, Item — I give and devise to my said Son his heirs and assigns forever the undivided half part of a certain piece of Marsh lying on the west- ern side of a certain Point called Cord Wood Point, containing about twelve Acres more or less and is commonly known by the name of the back Marsh the same being owned in common between me and my Brother Alexander Campbell : Also the half part of another piece of Marsh owned in common as aforesaid containing about three Acres more or less, bounded northerly by certain Marsh owned by Thomas Williams of Bath aforesaid and southerly by a small Creek called Will- iams's Creek Item — I give and bequeath to my said Son John his Ex'ors and Adm'- ors one yoak of Oxen, two Cows one Mare, one horse and one Mare Colt, four Sheep all the Swine now on my Farm aforesaid, my Bed and bedding, all my wearing apparrell of which I may die possessed, my Chest all my Sea Books and great Bible six Chairs, two Tables together with all my farming Utensils, and also my Armour & apparatus & the great Chair. Item — I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Margaret Camp- bell two Cows one Sheep two Tables six Chairs, & two beds which are commonly called her own. Item — I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Camp- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 3 1 3 bell one Cow one Sheep a Bed commonly called my Son John's Bed and bedding belonging to the same, one large square white Table and a brass Sieve Item— It is my Will and desire that Mrs. Elizabeth Burnam Wife of Mr. Francis Burnam and Mrs. Margaret Williams shall distribute as I hereafter direct them among my Children the household Utensils and Furniture not herein before bequeathed. Item — I make and ordain Mr. David Ring of Bath aforesaid Gentle- man the Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament to see the same performed according to my true intent and meaning ; and I also ordain and appoint him the said David Ring the Guardian of my said Son John untill he shall attain the age of Twenty one years. In Tes- timent whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and Seal the day and year abovewritten NB. the words ''Bath, AD., a, by, &" were interlined before Signing Signed sealed published & declared by the said the Testator, as & for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who were present at the signing and seahng thereof Elizabeth Burnham John Campbell (seal) Francis Burnam Wm Lithgow Jun'r Probated 5 Jan., 1798. David Ring declined executorship ; letters testamentary issued to John Campbell, of Bath, 5 Jan., 1798. [VIII, 102 to 104.] Francis Burnham, of Georgetown, and Benjamin Raymond, of Bowdoinham, sureties. Inventory by Francis Winter, Thomas Williams and David Ring, all of Bath, 10 Dec, 1798, ^534-61. [VIII, 104-105.] Be it remembered that I Moses Whittier of Readfield in the Coun- ty of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Husbandman Being weak of Body but sound in minde and memory Do this fourteenth day of August A D 1 798 Constitute ordain and declare this my last will and testament in the following maner that is to say Firstly I do give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Anna Whittier one third third part of all my Real Estate during her life and one third part of all my personal Estate during her life Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Moses Whittier one dollar to be paid by my Executrix hereafter to be named Also I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Anna Taylor one dollar to be paid by my said Executrix 314 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Also I give to my beloved Daughter Mary Melven one Dollar to be paid by my said Executrix Also I give to my beloved daughter Abigail Jose a likely Heifer three years old to be paid by my said Executrix within three months after my Decease Also I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Releaf Bean a like- ly heifer three Years old to be paid by my said Executrix within six Months after my Decease Also I give to my beloved Son Josiah Whittier one third of all my Real Estate to be in his possession when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one Years and half of one other third at the Decease of my said Widow And one third of my Personal Estate which shall remain after dis- chargin all my Debts and Funeral Charges (which are to be discharged out of my personal Estat before a division is made) Also I give unto my beloved Son Benaiah Whittier one third of all my Real Estate to be in his possession when he shall arive to the age of twenty one Years and one half of an other third of my Real Estate at the decease of my said Widow also one third of all my Personal Es- tate which shall remain after discharging all my debts and funeral Charges Also I give to my grandaughter Betsy Sleeper Taylor a good Cow and heifer three Years old to be delivered to her by my said Executrix when she shall arive to the age of eighteen Years Also I give to my beloved Wife all the Debts that may be owing to me at my Decease and all my Estate Real and Personal not herein be- fore bequeathed and devised wherever the same may be found and lastly I do constitute and ordain my my said Wife Anna Whittier Sole Executrix to this my last will and Testament In testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year within Written his NB the words (to & half of an other) Moses X Whittier (seal) were interlined before Signing mark Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Moses Whittier as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presents of us who at his request and in his presents hereunto set our names as Wit- nesses to the same Joshua Bean John Hubbard Daniel Wing LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 315 Probated 15 Jan., 1799. [VIII,io5-io6.] Joshua Bean and Dan- iel Wing, both of Readfield, sureties. In the name God Amen I James Craigue of Reedfield in the County of Lincoln being of sound disposing mind and memory but Knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death ordain this my last will and Testament — I St. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Craigue my house barn mills and fifteen acres of land on which I now live on the condition following (viz) on his maintaining Anna Craigue my wife handsomely during her natural life and to pay to Freeman Craigue the son of Nancy Goud the sum of three hundred dollars to be paid to him on his arriving at the age of twenty one years and to give the said Freeman Craigue a good common school education and to furnish him with all necessary books and further to maintain him to the age of fourteen years — out of my estate — and further to pay to Mary Craigue the daughter of Mary Allen the sum of one hundred dollars and to give her a good common school education as far as she can arrive at the age of ten years and that she be maintained untill she arrives at the age of ten years out of my estate and I hereby appoint my son Thomas Craigue Guardian of the said Freeman and Mary Craigue and if the said Thomas Craigue should decease before one or both arrive at the periods above mentioned I appoint John and Christopher Tur- ner Guardians to the deceased one And if the said Freeman or Mary should die before they arrive at the age of twenty one years the sums bequeathed to the deceased shall revert and be equally divided amoungst my sons 2nd Item I give and bequeath to my three sons Thomas James and William Craigue equally to be divided amoungst them a certain lot of Land No 94 situated in Reedfield — 3rd Item I give and bequeath to Orison Craigue and Peter Craigue the sons of my son Thomas Craigue fifty dollars each to be paid out of my estate after my decease at their arriving at the age of twenty one years and if the said Peter or Orison shall die before the age of twenty one years their propotion of my estate to be equally divided amoungst the children now living of my son Thomas Craigue — 4th Item I give and bequeath to Elenor Anna and Delia the daughters of my son Thomas Craigue thirty dollars each to be paid out of my estate after my decease on their arrival at the age of twenty one if one either or all should die before the age of twenty one their propotion 3 I 6 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. to be equally divided amoungst the children now living of my son Thomas Craigue. 5th Item I give and bequeath to my Grandson James Craigue the sum of fifty dollars. Item to Sally and Margarett Craigue daughters of my son James thirty dollars each to be paid them at the age of twenty one years likewise the said sum of fifty before mentioned dollars to be paid my Grandson at the age of twenty one years and if one or either of them should die before that age their proportion of my estate to be divided equally amoungst the children now living of my son James — I order all my just debts and funeral charges to be paid out of my personal estate and all the residue of my personal estate if any I will that my son Thomas receive — And I hereby appoint Thomas and James Craigue my Executors In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this my last will and testament This twenty eighth August Anno Domini seven- teen hundred and ninety seven in presents of — Eben'r Bradish James Craigg (seal) John Turner Christopher Turner The Codicil underwritten I order as fully to be executed as any part of the foregoing — I give and bequeath to John and George Craigue sons of my son William Craigue the sum of thirty dollars each and to each of the three daughters of my son William Craigue twenty dollars each to be paid out of my estate after my decease and if either of them should die before the age of twenty one years their propotion of my estate to be equally divided amongst the children of my son William now living — In testomy whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this my codicil of my last will and testament this twenty eigth August Anno Domini seventeen hundred and ninety seven In presents of — James Craigg (seal) Christopher Turner John Turner Eben'r Bradish NB. all erasures and interlineations made before signing — Probated 16 Jan., 1798. [VIII, 107-108.] James Craigg de- clined executorship. Thomas Smith, of Readfield, and John Jones, of .Augusta, sureties. Inventory by John Turner, of Winthrop, Eliha LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 317 Alden and Mathias Smith, both ofReadfield, 22 Jan., 1798, $1347.30. [Unrecorded.] In the name of god amen I Frances AUeen of Geogetown Within the County of Linclon an Province of the Massahesats bay in neweng- land widow being in good bodily health and allso of sound mind and memory thanks be gieven to god for it and nowing it is appointed for all once to die do therefore take this oppertunity to make and ordain this my Last will and testament in maner and form folowing Viz. In the first Place I give and Recomend my Soul into the hands of god who gave it me and my body I Recomend to the earth to be buried in de- cent Christain burial at the discreation of my Excetatrix beliving that I Shall receive the Same again by the mighty power of god at the Gen- arel resurection and as to Such worly estate werewith it hath Pleasd god to bless me with in this Life I Give and dispose of the Same in the following maner Itum I Give and bequath unt my daughter Isabale Malcom my lead colord Silk gownd and black velvet Cloak one Cambelet Rideine hood and Part of my Common wearing apparel and one Gold Ring Itum I Give and bequath unto my Son Thomas Alen Heirs five Shil- lings Itum I Give and beqeth unto my daughter Anna Allen my best gownd and Cloth riding wood and my Gold necklace one gold ring and my black Cloaths and my best lining my best bed and beding and all my right to the plate as mention in the deed of Sail and all the dets that is due to me Itum I give and bequeth unto my grand daughter Fransis Rogers my darck tably gownd and Part of my Linen Itum I Give and bequath to my grand dafter Fransis Malcom my Sil- ver Show buckels one gold ring one Callaco gownd black Callaco mico Coat I do Ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will and tes- tament in witness whereof I have hereuto Set my hand and Seal this twenty third day of September one thousand Seven hundred and Eigty Eight Singed Sealed Published and declared by the Said Frances Allen to be hur last will and testament in Presents of us the Subscribers and before Singine and Sealing I do hereby appoint ordain my daughter Anna Allen to be my Soul Excutatrix of this my Last will and testa- ment Witness Frances Allen (seal) Jordan Parker Margaret wylie John Parker 3l8 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Probated 25 May, 1798. [VIII, 109.] Joseph Bowker and Elijah Drummond, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Jordan Parker, Mark Langdon Hill and Andrew Reed, all of Georgetown, 14 Sep., 1798, $108.65, to which the executrix added sundry articles, $104. [VIII, 111-112.] Account filed 31 May, 1799. [VIII, 112.] In the Name of God Amen This Ninteenth Day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninty Seven I Edward Bean of Mount Vernon in the County of Lincoln and Common ^Vealth of Mas- sachusetts Husbandman Being of Sound mind and Memory but weak in Body, and Calling to mind the Mortallity of the Same, Do make and Ordain this my Last will and Testement First of all Commiting my Soul to God who Gave It and my body to the Earth from whence It proceeded to be Buried in Such Deecant Christian manner as my Exec- utors hereafter mentioned Shall see fit. And as Touching Such Worldly Estate as It hath Pleased God to Bless me with in this life I hereby Give Divise and Dispose of in the following manner Viz Impr's I will that all my Just Debts and furnal Charges be paid in Convenenl time after my Decase by my Executors hereafter mentioned Item I Give and Divise unto my Beloved Wife Eloner Bean two Cow togather with all my household Goods and moveables of that kind Item I Give and Divise to my Beloved Daughter Sarah Brown Three Dollars Item I Give and Divise to my Son John Bean and Josiah Bean all my Estate in Mount Vernon, Both Real and Personal, Not other ways Dis- posed of, with their paying out Such Leageces as Directed to be Eaquel- ly Divided Between them Item I Give and Divise to my Daughter Margret Bean one year old heifer Item I Give and Divise to my Daughter Phebe Peril Five Dollars Item I Give and Divise to my Daugher Mary Creasy Five Dollars — Item I Give and Divise to my Grand Son Neal Bean one hundred Dol- lars to be paid to him by my Executors when he Shall Come to the age of Twenty one years provided he Shall live so long — and Lastly I Give and Bequeath to my Said Sons John anvf. money. I do also give and bequeath unto my son Ephraim a Cow or the Value thereof I do also give and bequeath unto my son John six shillings L money. I do also give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lucy a Cow. I do LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 325 also give and bequeath unto my Daughter Anna a Cow. I do also give and bequeath unto my two Grand Children by the name of Potter, one year old Heiffer each, my three sons Josiah Daniel & James I give & bequeathe the remainder of my Estate, both Real & personal each one an Equal share It is my will that my son Robert shall be put to some trade which he may chose and untill he is of age to chuse a trade I put him in Care of my Son Josiah if my said Son Robert should not go to any trade it is my will that he be paid half a share of one of my three last mentioned sons I appoint my Son Josiah sole Executor of this my last will & testament ; hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this Seventeenth day of Novem- ber One thousand seven hundred & Ninety-Eight. his Stephen X Stapel (seal) Signed, seal'd, publish'd mark and declared by the above named Stephen Stapel to be his last will & testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator. — Alexander Rogers Samuel Winchell William Doggett Probated 4 Jan., 1799. [VIII, 121-2.] Alexander Rogers and Samuel Winchell, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by John Rogers, John Sanford and Joseph Berry, all of Topsham, 9 Jan., 1799, $775-78. [VIII, 32.] In the Name of God Amen. I David McKenney of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln yeoman, being in a decaying state of health & calling to mind that I must soon die, but of sound & disposing mind & memory, do make this my last will & testament in manner following. — In the first place I recommend my Soul to the hands of God who gave it, & my Body to the Earth to be decently buried by my Executor hereafter named, in full confidence that it will, at the general Resur- rection be raised & reunited to my Soul, & enter upon an eternal Exis- tance of happiness thro' the Atonement of the great Redeemer. 326 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. And as to my worldly Estate with which God has blessed me I will & dis- pose of it in manner following First I will & direct that all my just debts be paid out of my personal Estate by my Executor. Seconlyly. I give & bequeath to my Son Jonathan thirty Acres of Land lying on Jewanka Neck so called to hold to him & his Heirs forever Thirdly. I give & bequeath to my Sons Daniel tSc David seven Acres of Land lying at the northwest Corner of the Land I have herein be- queathed to my Son Jonathan. Also my home place, also one Acre & half of Thatch beds with one Acre of upland lying at Monsweeg so called to hold to them & their heirs forever in equal moietys or shares Fourthly. I give & bequeath to my four youngest Children viz Jona- than Martha Daniel & David my Pew in the Meeting house at Wis- casset to be possessed by them in equal shares. Fifthly. I give & bequeath to my five Daughters viz Molly Honewell Katherine Hilton Keziah Gatchel Sarah Hilton and Martha McKen- ney thirteen Dollars & thirty three Cents each to be paid out of my personal Estate, by my Executor, if it should prove sufificient, if not, then & in that case any deficiency to be paid & made up by my said Sons in equal share out of what I have willed to them as they severally come of Age Sixthly. I give & bequeath to the heirs of my Son James dec'd three Dollars & thirty three Cents to be equally divided between them, & to be paid out of my personal Estate Seventhly. If after paying Debts, Legacies & expences of probate any thing should be left of my personal Estate my will is, that the same be equally divided among my aforesaid Sons And I do hereby nominate & appoint Abraham Nason of said Pownal- boro' yeoman Executor of this my last Will & testament & hereby revoke & disannul all former Wills & declare this to be my last will & testament Signed sealed published & declared by the Testator to be his last will &z testament in presence of The word Daughters David McKenney (seal) Tho. Rice erased & Sons inserted Rebecca Rice in presence & by desire William Rice of the Testator Probated 5 Ap., 1799. [^'m> 123-4.] Israel Hunnewell and John Getchel, Jr., both of Pownalborough, sure- LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 327 ties. Inventory by Seth Tinkham, Jesse White & Moses Hilton, all of Pownalborough, 1799, $948. [VIII, 82-3.] Abraham Nason of Pownalborough, guardian unto David, minor son, 5 Ap., 1799. [I^» 177.] Jesse White, of Wiscasset, guardian unto David, minor son, 5 Jan., 1803. [IX, 193.] Jonathan and Daniel, minor sons, chose Abraham Nason, to be their guardian, 5 Ap., i799- [IX, 228.] I Benjamin Swett of Georgetown and County of Lincoln and Com- mon Welth of Massachusetts Shipwight now being of Sound mind and memery but Suposing I am Drawing near the hour of Death make this my last Will and testement as foloeth in the first place I Will and be- quath my praches and imortal Soul to God from home I Recived it in Hoapes of Reciving the Same at the Reaseraction of the Just to life Eternal and my tempral intrest I Dispose of in the foloing manner Viz first I Will and bequath to my Son John a Sartean note against Rachel MCobb for the Sume of forty two Dollers Which he has Recived in the Second place I Will and bequath to my Son Benjamin the one half of my homested farm together With the one half of my Stock bulding and privileges their to belong in the Second place I Will and bequath to my two sons William and James the other half of my farme in the Same manner as before mentioned in third place I Will and be- quath to my only and DutifuU Daughter Sarah one f ether bed and beJ- ing in prepotion to the Rest of my Beds one Cow Six Sheep the bed and Cow She is to Recive at my Death and I Do ordain and order that she Shall have one Room in my house During her living Single and on married and to have the profits of the Cow and half the Wool of the Sheep yearly and if She Shold marrey my Son Benjamin is to Give her one other Cow and the Six Sheep is to be given her out of the Stock and I Do ordan and order that Said Cow Shall be maintained on the farm at the Expence of my Son or Sons that live on the farm and if She marrey the other Cow and Six Sheep is to be Delivered to her on Demand Item and I Do ordain and order that my Son Benjamin pay to my Son John one hundred Dollers fifty Dollers to be paid in the term of one year the other fifty in the term of two years and I Do or- dain and order that ray two Sons William and James pay to my Son John fifty Dollers Dollers Each in the Same manner as Benjamin is to pay and I Do ordain and order that if my Daughter Sarah Should marrey that my two Sons William and James Shall pay to her twenty five Dollers Each Within the term of two years and it is to be under Stood that her Room in the house is to be a Comforable Room and 328 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. that is not to be Distrubed in it Without her Consent it is also to be under Stood that the other half of my Stock is to pay Charges and Debets if their be any arise and the Remand if any the be is for my Son Benjamin and I Do Constitute and apointe Benjamin Pattee and my Son Benjamin to be my Executors to this my laste Will and testement NB all the Words araced and Counter lined Was Don before this Was Signed in Witnis hereof I have Sett my hand and Seal this i oth Day of June in the year of our lord one thousand Seven hundred and Ninty nine Sealed Signed and Develard in pracence of Benjamin Swett (seal) William Stinson Nathaniel Morse Jain Power Probated 30 Oct., 1799. [VIII, 142.] Jordan Parker and Denny McCobb, both of Georgetown, sureties. Inventory by Mark Langdon Hill, William Butler and Charles Couillard, all of Georgetown, gentlemen, 28 Mar., 1800, 51045. [VIII, 161-2.] In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Rodbird of New Milford in the County of Lincoln and Common-wealth of Massachusets being in sound mind memmory and understanding do make and pubhsh this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expences shall be paid out of my personal Estate by my executrix hereafter named : — I give and bequeath unto my Wife Martha Rodbird all Possession right title and interest that I have of and in all that land and Buildings which I purchased from Samuel Soul situated in New-milford and be- ing the same on which I now live, — the same to be to her use and dis- posal and to her heirs Administrators or Assigns forever I also give and bequeath unto my said Wife Martha Rodbird the whole of my personal Estate let the same be in money, money at interest, notes, bonds, goods, or Chattels, or whatever else to her sole Use and benefit forever. — Except as hereafter is excepted Viz I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Rodbird one Dollar only, to be paid to him by my Executrix hereafter named I also give and bequeath unto my son William Rodbird one Dollar only to be paid to him by my Executrix hereafter named. — I also give and bequeath one guinea unto my two Brothers .Absolam and John Rodbird and Mary Hall my Sister the LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 329 same to be divided in equal shares betwixt them and to be paid them by ray Executrix hereafter named. I also give and bequeath one guinea to my Mother Jane Rodbird to be paid to her by my Executrix hereafter named. I also give and bequeath all residue and remainder of my Estate either real or personal be it whatever or wheresoever that I am or ever shall have rights to or Possession of unto my said Wife Martha Rod- bird to her heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns for her or their sole Use or Benefit forever. Lastly I do hereby Nominate and appoint my said Wife Martha Rod- bird sole Executrix of this my last will and testament and do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made. — In witness whereof I the said Thomas Rodbird have hereunto sign'd my name and fix'd my Seal this Eleventh Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine — Sign'd seal'd and delivered in the presence^ Thomas Rodbard (seal) of us who have sign'd our names as | X witnesses hereto being in one Room and in )■ his Mark the presence of each other and in the presence of him the said Thomas Rodbird the testator Amos Soule John Jones and John Stuart Probated 29 Ap., 1800. [VIII, 145-6.] Alexander Troup and William Taylor, both of Wiscasset, sureties. In the Name of God Amen I Andrew Schenck of Waldoborough, in theCounty of Lincoln and Com- monwealth of Masachusets Gentleman — being in Perfect health and of Sound Memory and understanding, but — Considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life, Do make publish and Declare this my last will and Testament, in Manner and form Following (to wit) first of all, I Give and Commend my Soul to Almighty God my Creator, hoping through his Mercy and the Merits of my Savour Jesus Christ, I shall injoy Eternal Life my Body I Commit to the Earth, to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executors hear after named, and as for what Worldly Estate which it hath Pleased God to bless me with I Give and Dispose hereof as followeth. Imprimis. After payment of my Just Debts, and funeral Charges — I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Sarah Schenck — one thijd part of all my Real Estate During her Life — to Gather with one third of my Personal Estate — 330 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Item — I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Daughter Sofiah Fitzger- ald Two hundred Pounds Lawful money unto my Daughter Sofiah, Payable twelve months after after my Decease to and for her use Dur- ing her Natural Life, and after here Decease, then, I Give and Devise the Same to My Grant Children, the Heirs of her Body Lawfully to be, be Gotten, Equally to be Devited betwixt them Item — I Give and bequeath unto my other Daughter Catherina Cole, Two hundred Pounds LawfuU money, unto my Daughter Catharina Payable Twelve months after my Decease, to and for her use, During her Natural Life, and after her Decease, then I Give and bequeath the Same to my Grant Children the Heirs of her Body Lawfully to be begotten, Equally to be Devited betwixt them Also : I Give and bequeath to my two Daughters, Sofiah Fitzgerald and Catharina Cole Two Thirds of my House Hold Furniture at my Decease to be Delivered them by my Executors — Also : I order my Executors to pay the Legacy before mentioned out of my Personal Estate at the time before Mentioned — Item : I Give and bequeath unto my three Grand Sons : — James — John : and Antlrew : being Children and heirs of my beloved Son George Schenck Deceased — one half of my Real Estate, to Gather with one half of my Personal Estate, not hear to fore Disposed of, they Paying to their three Sisters, Mary : Chrischana : & Lucy : Sixty Pounds to be Equally Devited and paid them, twelve months after my Decease by my Executors out of my Personal Estate Item : I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Son James Shenck, and the heirs of his Body to be Lawfully to be begotten, the Remaining half of my Real and Personal Estate — and for Default of Such Issue, then to my three Grand Sons Viz James ; John & Andrew above men- tioned Also : I order my Executors to Let my three Grand Sons above Named James : John : &i Andrew improve the Estate of James Schenck above Devise, untill he Shall Legally Demand the Same, and if no Legal De- mand be made within ten years after my Decease the Property to be Delivered them to and for their own use And I make and Appoint Waterman Thomas Esqr : Jacob Ludwig Gentleman Both of Waldoborough in the County of Lincoln ; Execu- tors of this my Last will and Testament, and Do here by revoke all other and former wills, by me at any time hereto fore made, and Do Make and Declare this only to be my Last will and Testament — in LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 331 Witness whereof I Do hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Eighteenth Day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty eight — Andrew Schenck (seal) Signed Sealed Published and Pronounced by the Said Andrew Schenck as his Last will and Testament in the Presence of us, who in his Pres- ence, and in the Presence of Each other, have here unto Subscribed our Names Joseph Ludwig Jacob Winchenbach Godfrey Bornheimer Probated 5 Ap., 1799. [VJII, 162-3.] Waterman Thomas renounced executorship 5 Ap., 1799. William Mclntyer and Ebenezer Blunt, both of Bristol, sureties. Inventory by John Farley, of Newcastle, Joseph Ludwig and Jacob Winchenbach, both of Waldoborough, 22 Ap., 1800, $4014.61. Widow's dower set off by Charles Samson, Jacob Winchenbach and Joseph Ludwig, all of Waldoborough, 27 June, 1800. Account filed 10 Aug., 1803. [Un- recorded.] In the name of God Amen — I Henry Hunter of Bristol in the County of Lincoln, State of Massachusetts Bay being in Health of Body & of a Sound Mind, but sensible of my liableness to be removed from time to Eternity, do make this my last Will & testament First I bequeath my Soul to God who gave it, looking for Salvation in & thro the merits & Mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ — I give my Body to the Earth from whence it sprung in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the great day As to my burial I de- sire that it may be done decently, at the Discretion of my Wife ^ Ex- ecutor hereafter mentioned — As to my Worldly Estate, I order that any debts I owe may be paid — I give my dear Wife Sarah the whole of my Furniture & Stock of Cat- tle, to dispose of as she pleases, besides one half of my dwelling House & one half of the Farm I occupy «Sc improve, call'd the home farm, during the Term of her life — I give to my Daughter Nancy McClure the sum of ten dollars or a Garden spot to the Southward of her House which is now plowed, at her Option — To my son Henry I give one half of the home farm formerly men- 332 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. tioned, during his Mothers life time, & the whole at her death with fifty Acres Land more or less lying back of Robert Thompsons Lot — To my Son John I give as his part two hundred Acres of the Land I have at Sandy River of which I propose to give him a deed hereafter — To my Son David I give another Lot of Land at Sandy River, which my Son Henry purchas'd of Ephraim Rollands of Nobleborough, of which the foresaid David has receiv'd a deed already — To my Daughter Sarah Chamberlain, I give ten Dollars To my Son William I give one hundred Acres Land at Sandy River, also the back Lot where Boston Miller some time ago lived, he paying to his Brother James when of Age the Sum of two hundred Dollars I give to my Son James also two hundred Acres of Land at Sandy River To my Son Thomas I give two hundred Acres Land at Sandy River, besides the Sum of two hundred Dollars to be paid him when he is of Age by his Brother Henry & I appoint the Rev'd Alex'r MacLean of Bristol & my beloved Wife Sarah Hunter Executors of this my last Will & testament — Sign'd & sealed before these Witnesses Henry Hunter (seal) this twentieth day of February one thousand seven hundred & ninety eight years — John Huston Robert Huston 'William Huston Probated 3 June, 1799. [VHI, 167-8.] Robert Huston and John Huston, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Johnston, Richard Hiscock and Samuel Woodward, all of Bristol, 20 June, 1799, ^2893.65 In the name of GOD amen I Alexander Nickels of Bristol in the County of Lincoln Esquire, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound and perfect mind, blessed be almighty GOD for the same — Do make and publish this my last Will and testament in manner and form following that is to say, First. I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Margaret the Sum of Two hundred pounds lawful Money, to be raised in manner following and paid to her — the one halt in twelve months from the time of my Decease and the other half in twelve months thereafter, with Interest from those periods untill paid, subject to her own proper will as she then in her discretion may see cause to Dis- pose of, in full of her right of Dower LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. ;i^;^ I also give and bequeath to my eldest son James his Heirs and Assigns All that my one half of the Island of land called Green Island situate lying & bemg in Penobscot bay in the County of Hancock : to hold the same to him and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever — I also Give and bequeath to my Son Alexander the sum of six shil- lings, Considering that much with the Gifts in my life time to him in full of All that he ought to receive — I also give and bequeath to my Youngest son John his Heirs and Assigns, All that my Mansion house, barn, buildings and tenements situate lying & being at Pemequid Old Fort in Bristol aforesaid, with all my other lands in lots or parcels situate lying & being thereat or thereabouts ; And to him my said son John I also give and bequeath all those my two Islands of land, the one known by the name of fisher- mans Island situate lying and being in Boothbay in the County of Lin- coln the other known by the Name of Ragged Arse situate lying and being near unto Metinicus Island in Penobscot bay aforesaid. To Hold the said House barn buildings, tenements and lots or parcels of land, now in my use and occupation or in the use and occupation of my said son John, to him his Heirs and Assigns for Ever Under the burthen of paying the aforesaid Sum of two hundred pounds to my beloved Wife Margaret in manner as hereinbefore mentioned And lastly as to all the Rest, residue and remainder of My Estate both Real and personal whether Rights, debts Goods or Chattels of what kind or Nature soever, After that all Demands against Me or my Estate are satisfied, I Do give and bequeath the same to my sons James, William and John and to my Daughter Hannah the Wife of George Rogers, that is to each of them in severalty their Heirs and Assigns One equal fifth part thereof, and to the children of my son Alexander I give and bequeath the other equal fifth part of the same, under the manage- ment and direction of my Executors as trustees in that behalf to the use of the said children untill they arrive at Mature age — And I Do hereby nominate and appoint my said sons James and John to be the Executors of this my last Will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty seventh day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hun- dred ninety six — Alexander Nickels (seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Alexander Nickels 334 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Esquire to be his last Will & testament in the presence of us who have here- unto subscribed our names as Wit- nesses, in presence of the testator Sally Simonton Ezra Poland Robert McLintock Probated 2 July, 1799. [VIII, 169-170.] William Mclntyer and Ebenezer Blunt, both of Bristol, sureties. In the name of God, Amen. I Ichabod Pinkham of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gentleman, being weak in body but of sound «S: perfect mind and memory, blessed be Almighty God for the same ; do make & publish this my last will & testament, in manner and form following that is to say I St. I give & bequeath unt(; my oldest son Benjamin Pinkham forty- seven acres of land, where he now dwells. 2dly. I give unto my son Ichabod Pinkham the farm where he now dwells, which formerly belonged to my late father Benjamin Pinkham, with the buildings thereon, reserving however a road from the highway to the saw & grist mills, where the same will be most convenient, he the said Ichabod paying unto my oldest daughter Mary Adams or her order two hundred dollars, within two years after my decease. 3dly. I give unto my son Nathaniel Pinkham, the whole of the land known by the name of the Kennedy farm, which land I purchased of Ruth & Ann Kennedy, he the said Nathaniel paying, within two years after my decease, one hundred dollars unto my beloved wife Marcy Pinkham : The above devises of lands to my said sons, the above con- ditions being performed, to be to them their heirs & assigns forever. 4thly. I give & order unto my oldest daughter Mary Adams, one hun- dred dollars to be paid her within one year after my decease. 5thly. I give to my daughter Sally one hundred dollars to be paid her within one year after my decease. 6thly. I give to my daughter Polly one hundred dollars to be paid her within two years after my decease. 7thly. I give to my daughter Patty one hundred dollars to be paid her within four years after my decease. 8thly. My will is that my youngest daughter Betsey be maintained and supported out of the remainder of my Estate, during her natural life. LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 335 Qthly. I also give & bequeath to my sons Benjamin & Nathaniel one half of my salt marsh & upland adjoining the same, laying on Wild cat meadow creek, so called, equally between them, they the said Benja-- min and Nathaniel or either of them, keeping in good repair the fence around the whole marsh, during the natural life of my said wife, their mother. lothly. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Marcey Pinkham the whole, rest and residue of my whole estate, real and personal, let the same be found where it may, during her natural life, she paying my just debts, and providing for my said youngest daughter Betsey as aforesaid, and at the decease of my said wife, my will is that the whole estate then remaining, after making provision for Betsey, as aforesaid, be equally divided amongst my surviving children. iithly and lastly. I appoint my son Benjamin Pinkham and my be- loved wife Marcey Pinkham, to be my sole executor & executrix of this my last will & testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand «& seal, this fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred. Ichabod Pinkham (seal) Signed, sealed, published & declared by the above named Ichabod Pinkham to be his last will & testament in the presence of us who have hereunto sub- scribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator. Wm AlcCobb Nath'l Pinkham Martha Pinkham Probated 25 Nov., 1800. [VIII, 171-2] Inventory by John Leishman, John Emerson and Jonathan Sawyer, all of Boothbay, 1801, $5260.55. [VIII, 183-4.] Richard Tucker, late of Pownalborough, mariner. Joanna Tucker, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 19 Feb., 1798. [IX, i.] David Silvester, Jr., and Ezekiel Cutter, both of Pownalborough, sureties. In- ventory by Joseph Tinkham, John Hues and Ezekiel Cutter, all of Pownalborough, 26 Mar., 1798, $620.85. [VIII, 34.] Joanna, widow, guardian unto Richard Hawley, minor son, 3 Jan., 1799. [IX, 1 79-] 336 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. John Hues, Jr., late of Pownal borough, merchant. Elizabeth Hues, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 7 Mar., 1798. [IX, 2.] Ebene- zer \V hittier and David Silvester, both of Pownalborough, sureties. In- ventory by Thomas Rice, Joseph Tinkham and William Pike, all of Pownalborough, 2 June, 1798, $305.01. [VIII, 30-31.] Thomas Winch, late of Pownalborough, mariner. Priscilla Winch, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 2 May, 1798. [IX, 2.] Joseph Tinkham and Joseph Christophers, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Tinkham, Seth Tinkham and Abiel Wood, Jr., all of Pownalborough, 4 June, 1798, $86.60. [¥111,62-63.] Account filed 19 Dec, 1800, at which date the administratrix had become the wife of James Lowell. [Unrecorded.] Benjamin Shaw, late of Woolwich. Josiah Shaw, of Woolwich, mariner, Adm'r, 22 Jan., 1798. [IX, 3.] James FuUerton, of Wool- wich, and Samuel Goodwin, Jr., of Dresden, sureties. Inventory by James Fullerton, Benjamin Trott and David Gilmore, all of Woolwich, 14 Mar., 1798, $706.58. [VIII, 68.] Arnold Sweet, late of Winthrop. Polly Sweet, of Winthrop, widow, Adm'x, 31 May, 1798. [IX, 3.] Inventory by Nathaniel Fairbanks, William Pullen and Silas Lambert, all of Winthrop, 5 Oct., 1798, $1215.28. [VIII, 15.] Daniel Morse, late of Georgetown. Jonathan Morse, of George- town, Adm'r, 25 May, 1798. [IX, 4.] Mark Langdon Hill and Joseph Bowker, both of Georgetown, sureties. William Dodge, late of Newcastle. Nancy Dodge, of Newcastle, widow, Adm'x, i May, 179S. [IX, 4.] David Somes, of Newcastle, and William Nickels, of Pownalborough, sureties. Bunker Farwell, late of Augusta. Mary Farwell, of Augusta, widow, and Ebenezer Farwell, of Vassalborough, Adm'rs, 16 Jan., 1798. [IX, 5.] John Jones, of Augusta, and Ichabod Thomas, of Sidney, sureties. Inventory by William Howard, John Jones and Samuel Colman, all of Augusta, 9 Ap., 1798, $2449.66. [VIII, 54-55-] Ichabod Reed, late of Lewiston, joiner. And Reed, of Lewiston, widow, Adm'x, 25 May, 1798. [IX, 5.] Robert Anderson, of Lew- iston, and Richard Skolfield, of Brunswick, sureties. Inventory by Joel Thompson, Robert Anderson and Daniel Davis, all of Lewiston, 22 Mar., 1798, $513.43. [VIII, 56-57.] Robert Anderson and Daniel LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 337 Davis, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 213.] Widow's dower set off by Joel Thompson, Robert Anderson and Daniel Davis, 17 Mar., 1800. [VIII, 214.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 2 Jan., 1810. [VIII, 215.] Accounts filed 29 Oct., 1799, and 27 May, 1800. [VIII, 215-216.] Samuel Thompson, late of Topsham. Ezekiel Thompson, of a place called Little river, and James Purinton, of Topsham, Admr's, 19 June, 1 79S. [IX, 6.] Benjamin Ham, of Bath, and James Purinton, of a place called Little river, sureties. Samuel, minor son, chose John Merrill, of Topsham, to be his guardian, 27 May, 1800. [IX, 250.] Inventory of real estate by Joseph Kilgore, Aaron Dwinel and Acter Patten, Jr., all of Topsham, 19 Dec, 1803, $17,833.73 and division of the same 25 Ap., 1806, among James Thompson ; Mary, widow of Humphrey Thompson, and heirs of Humphrey Thompson, deceased ; Aaron Thompson ; Samuel Thompson ; Samuel Thompson Mallet ; John Wilson and Rachel, his wife ; William Wise and Thankful, his wife. [XII, 95 to 104.] Joseph Merrill, late of Topsham. John Merrill, of Topsham, Adm'r, 6 June, 1798. [IX, 7.] Benjamin Hasey, of Topsham, and John Merrill, Jr., of Pownalborough, sureties. Zimri Heywood, late of Winslow. Jane Heywood, widow, and Samuel Heywood, both of Winslow, Adm'rs, 25 July, 1798. [IX, 8.] Josiah Crosby, of Winslow, and Samuel Grant, of Clinton, sureties. Inventory by Ezekiel Pattee, Josiah Hayden and Edmund Freeman, all of Winslow, 29 Sep., 1798. [VIII, 3610 39.] Account filed 2 Feb., 1802. [XIII, 432-3.] William Reed, late of Boothbay. Martha, widow, declined adminis- tration 7 Sep., 1798. John Leishman, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 10 Sep., 1798. [IX, 9. J William McCobb and David Kinnaston, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by John Murray McFarland, Samuel Montgomery and John Dows, all of Boothbay, 15 Sep., 1798, S363.18. [VIII, 41.] William McCobb and Samuel Montgomery, both of Boothbay, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 42.] Account filed 3 June, 1799. [VIII, 90.] Distribution of real estate ordered 25 Nov., 1800. [VIII, 129.] Account filed 2 June, 1800. [VIII, 238.] Widow's dower set off by Jonathan Sawyer, John Murray McFarland and Samuel Montgomery, all of Boothbay, 1799. [Unrecorded.] 22 338 LINCOLN PRO DATE RECORDS. Samuel Day, late of Boothbay. David Kinnaston, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 10 Sep., 1798. [IX, 10.] William McCobb and John Leish- man, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by John ^Murray McFar- land, Samuel Montgomery and John Daws, all of Boothbay, 15 Sep., 1798,3637. William jNIcCobb and Samuel Montgomery, both of Boothbay, commissioners to examine claims. [Vlil, 40.] Account filed 3 June, 1799. [VIII, 89.] Account filed and distribution or- dered 2 June, iSoo. [VIII, 125-6.] Widow's dower set off by Jonathan Sawyer, John Murray McFarland and Samuel Montgomery, all of Boothbay, 1799, at which date the widow had become the wife of the administrator. [XIII, 423.] James Bird, late of \\^arren, mariner. Alexander Bird, of Warren, Adm'r, 17 Sep., 1798. [IX, 11.] Samuel Sumner Wilde and James Standish, both of Warren, sureties. Inventory by James Waller Head, Thurston Whiting and Benjamin Brackett, all of Warren, 8 Ap., 1799, $351.50. [Unrecorded.] Daniel Knights, late of Boothbay. William Knights, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 20 Feb., 1 798. [IX, 12.] Daniel Knights and Nathaniel Knights, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Ring, John Leishman and Solomon Burnham, all of Boothbay, 18 Ap., 1798, $5275- [Vin, 22-23.] William Dackey, late of Thomaston, mariner, Olive Lackey, of Thomaston, widow, Adm'x, 17 Sep., 1798. [IX, 12.] Samuel Sum- ner Wilde, of Warren, and Josiah Keith, of Thomaston, sureties. In- ventory by Samuel Brown, David Fales, Jr., and David Jenks, all of Thomaston, 6 Feb., 1799, $719.51; inventory of wine in Boston by Caleb Blanchard, Edward Davis and Jacob Rowe, all of Boston, 29 Oct., 1798, $735.90 ; account filed 12 Jan., 1802. [Unrecorded.] Distribution of estate ordered 7 INIay, 1802. [VIII, 132-3,] Henry Hodge, late of Pownalborough. Sarah Hodge, of Pownalbo- rough, widow, Adm'x, 3 Sep., 1798. [IX, 13.] Thomas Rice, Abiel Wood, Silas Lee and Abiel Wood, Jr., all of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by John Hues, Joseph Christophers and David Payson, all of Pownalborough, 3 Nov., 179S, $17,107.15. [XI,i23 to 125.] Account filed 29 Jan., 1S06. [XI, 126-7.] John Hodc'e and James Hodge, both of Wiscasset, Admr's de bonis non, 20 Sep., 1806. [IX, 108.] Division of dower among Henry Hodge ; Joseph Carleton and Margaret, his wife in her right ; Orchard LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 339 Cook and Mary, his wife in her right ; John Hodge ; James Hodge ; heirs of William Hodge, deceased, 9 July, 1807, by Dummer Sewall, of Bath, William Patterson, of Edgecomb, and Thomas Fairservice of New Milford. [XH, 270 to 272.] Widow's dower set off by Thom- as Rice, of Pownalborough, Dummer Sewall, of Bath, and William Pat- terson, of Edgecomb, 30 Nov., iSoo. [Unrecorded.] William Dinsmore, late of Bowdoinham. Lucinda Dinsmore, of Bowdoinham, widow, Adm'x, 18 July, 179S. [IX, 13.] James Max- well and Zebulon Preble both of Bowdoinham, sureties. Inventory by Zacheus Beal, George Maxwell and James Bowker, all of Bowdoinham, 1798, $496.67. [VIII, 24-25.] Ehhu Getchell, of Bowdoinham, guardian unto Prince and Judith, minor children, 11 Sep., 1S05. [IX, 204.] Judith, minor daughter, chose Israel Jones, of Durham, Cunberland County, to be her guardian, 10 Sep., 1806. [IX, 269.] Bartholomew Kimball, late of Winslow. Nathaniel Kimball, of Pitts- ton, xAdm'r, 29 Aug., 1798. [IX, 14,] Henry Smith and John Smith, both of Pittston, sureties. Inventory by William Springer, James Parker and Hugh Cox, all of Hallowell, $152.62, to which the administrator added sundry articles and money $353.56. [Unrecord- ed.] John Reed, late of Topsham. Rachel Reed, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 18 Aug., 1798. [IX, 14.] David Patten, of Thomaston, and Levi Peterson, of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Alexander Rogers, Arthur Hunter and Benjamin Jones Porter, all of Topsham, i Feb., i799> $3599-58. [VHI, 17-18.] Joseph Crowell, late of Belgrade. Zadock Crowell, of Belgrade, Adm'r, 16 Aug., 1798. [IX, 15.] Levi Crowell, of Winslow, and Ezekiel Crowell, of Belgrade, sureties. Inventory by Samuel Tiffany and Moses Sawtell, both of Sidney, and Samuel Linnet, of Belgrade, 27 Aug., 1 79S, $1807.67, to which administrator added sundry articles amounting to $46.41 . [VIII, 76-77.] Daniel Stevens, late of Thomaston. Jerusha Stevens, of Thomaston, widow, Adm'x, 19 Sep., 1797. [IX, 15.] William Rowell and Ephraim Snow, both of Thomaston, sureties. Joseph White, late of Hallowell. Sally White, widow, and Benjamin Prescott, both of Hallowell, Adm'rs, 15 Jan., 1799. [IX, 16.] Abner Lowell and William Palmer, Jr., both of Hallowell, sureties. 340 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Moses Sewall, late of Hallowell, trader. Ruthy Sewall, of Hallowell, widow, Adm'x, 15 Jan., 1799. [IX, 17.] David Sewall and Nathan- iel Perley, both of Hallowell, sureties. John Braley, late of Sidney. Alice Braley declined administration. John Savage, of Readfield, Adm'r, 15 Jan., 1799. [IX, 17.] Aaron Seekins, of Augusta, and Moses Pollard, of Sidney, sureties. Joseph Battle, late of Farmington. David Davis, of a place called the New-Vineyard, Adm'r, 15 Jan., 1799, [I^- '^^•J Ebenezer Farwell, of Vassalboro, and Heartson Cony, of Farmington, sureties. Inventory by John Holly and Thomas Wendell, both of Farmington, and William Allen, of a place called still water pond, 11 Mar., 1800, $1038.82. [Unrecorded.] Nathaniel Barstow, late of Bristol, shipcarpenter. Elizabeth Bars- tow, of Bristol, widow, Adm'x, 11 Feb., 1799. [IX, 18.] Benjamin Gushing, of Camden, and George Barstow, of Newcastle, sureties. In- ventory by John Farley, of Newcastle, Elisha Hatch and Richard His- cock, both of Bristol, Si 449.98. [VIII, 217-218.] John Farley and Elisha Hatch, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 218.] Widow's dower set off by John Farley, of Newcastle, Benjamin Day, of Bristol, and Jesse FHnt, of Nobleboro, 10 May, 1800. [VIII, 220.] Account filed 30 July, 1800. [VIII, 220-1.] Ebenezer Emerson, late of Topsham, physician. Rebecca Emerson, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 4 Mar., 1799. [IX, 19.] George Whitefield Sawyer, of Topsham, and Ebenezer Nickels, of Brunswick, sureties. Inventory by George Whitfield Sawyer, William Wilson and Alexander Rogers, all of Topsham, 22 Mar., 1799, $744.89. [VIII, 29-30.] Distributionof estate ordered 9 Aug., 1802 [VIII, 136-7.] Jon- athan R. Parker and William Wilson, both of Topsham, commissioners to examine claims. [VIII, 208-9.] Widow's dower set off by John Merrill, William Wilson and Alexander Rogers, 1800. [VIII, 210.] Advertisement of sale of real estate 5 Feb., 1802. [VIII, 211.] Account filed 7 May, 1802. [VIII, 212] Sarah, minor daughter, chose Samuel Stinson, of Woolwich, to be her guardian, 2 Ap., 1807. [IX, 277.] Hugh Wilson, late of Topsham. Mary Wilson, of Topsham, widow, Adm'x, 6 Mar., 1799. [IX, 19.] George Whitefield Sawyer and Jo- seph Haley, both of Topsham, sureties. Inventory by John Merrill, Joseph Hayley and James Wilson, all of Topsham, 12 Ap., 1799, 51712.14. [VIII, 20.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 34 1 John IMcKenney, late of Pownalborough. Sarah McKenney, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 9 Mar., 1799. [IX, 20.] Solomon Walker and Nathaniel Tibbetts, both of Woolwich, sureties. Inven- tory by Abner Wade, of Woolwich, Jesse White and Moses Hilton, both of Pownalborough, 30 May, 1799, $3260.98. [VIII, 86-87.] George and Catharine, minor children, chose Jesse White to be their guardian, 1800. [IX, 250-1.] Widow's dower set off and estate di- vided by Abner Wade and Richard Harnden, both of Woolwich, and Abraham Nason, of Pownalborough, 5 Dec, 1800, heirs named: Dan- iel McKenney, John McKenney, Charles McKenney, Lydia Hunewill, Sarah Walker, Nancy Potter, and Alexander, George, Catharine and Betsey McKenney. [Unrecorded.] Thomas Burr, late of Bath, cooper. Matthew Burr, of Hingham, Suffolk County, cooper, Adm'r, 23 May, 1799. [IX, 20.] Christo- pher Gushing and Martin Gushing, both of Bath, sureties. Inventory by Laban Loring, Thomas Clap and Caleb Marsh, all of Bath, 30 May, 1799, $457.31. [VIII, 16.] William S. Mclntyer, late of Bristol, mariner. William Mclntyer, of Bristol, Adm'r, 5 Ap., 1799. [IX, 21.] Jacob Ludwig, of Waldo- borough, and Ebenezer Blunt, of Bristol, sureties. James Cook, late of Meduncook, mariner. Else, widow, declined administration. Melzer Thomas, of Meduncook, Adm'r, 19 Ap., 1799. [IX, 21.] Elijah Cook, of Meduncook, and Rowland Rogers, of Gushing, sureties. Elsey Cook, of Meduncook, widow, guardian unto Cornelius, Bethiah, James, Francis and Winslow Bradford, minor children, 31 Oct., 1800. [IX, 189.] Nancy and Elsy, minor daugh- ters, chose Elsey, widow, to be their guardian, 31 Oct. 1800. [IX, 240.] Distribution of personal estate 11 Aug., 1S03. [X, 15.] Account filed 11 Aug., 1803. [X, 201-2.] Inventory by Benjamin Burton, Paul Jameson and Wellington Gay, all of Meduncook. [Un- recorded.] Paul Reed, late of Boothbay. Margery, widow, declined adminis- tration, 8 Ap., 1799. Andrew Reed, of Georgetown, Adm'r, 24 Ap., 1799. [I^j 22.] Mark Langdon Hill and Joseph Trott, both of Georgetown, sureties. Dower set off to widow, Margery, by John Leishman, William McCobb and Samuel Montgomery, all of Boothbay, 25 Mar., 1801. [XIII, 334-5.] Inventory by John Leishman, Jon- athan Sawyer and Samuel Montgomery, all of Boothbay, 1799. [Un- recorded.] 342 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Francis Wyman, late of Georgetown. William Wyraan and John Wyman, both of Georgetown, Adm'rs, 31 May, 1799. [IX, 22.] Isaiah Wyman and Jordan Parker, both of Georgetown, sureties. John Kingsbury, late of Pownalborough. Miriam Kingsbury, of Pownalborough, widow, Adm'x, 22 July, 1799. [IX, 23.] William Stinson and Robert Greenough, both of Pownalborough, sureties. Inventory by Joseph Christophers, Daniel Scott and Reuben Young, all of Pownalborough, Oct., 1799, $471.66. [VIII, 144.] Account filed 10 May, 1805. [XI, 77.] Solomon Hutchens, late of Edgecomb, mariner. Elijah Brown, of Edgecomb, Adm'r, 3 June, 1799. [IX, 23.] John Bray Bearing and Stephen Adams, both of Edgecomb, sureties. Inventory by Moses Davis, William Patterson and David Trask, all of Edgecomb, 24 Aug., 1799, $240.24. [VIII, 175.] James Auld, late of Boothbay. James Auld, of Boothbay, Adm'r, 3 June, 1799. [IX, 24.] David Kinnaston and Benjamin Kelley, Jr., both of Boothbay, sureties James Auld, guardian unto Peggy and Jenny, minor daughters, 11 May, 1804. [IX, 184.] Samuel, Rachel, Sally and William, minor children, chose James Auld to be their guar- dian 13 Nov., 1802. [X, 231.] Inventory by William IMcCobb, Jonathan Sawyer and John Leishman, all of Boothbay, $1202. 98; dower of Frances Auld, widow, set off by Jonathan Sawyer, John Leish- man and Thomas Boyd, all of Boothbay, 1802. [Unrecorded.] Susanna Reed, late of Topsham, widow. Samuel AMlson, Adm'r, 29 Oct., 1799. Inventory by Jonathan Ellis and William Randall, both of Topsham, and Samuel Tibbets, of Bowdoinham, i Nov., 1799, $128. AVilliam Randall and Arthur Hunter, both of Topsham, com- missioners to examine claims, 28 Jan., 1800. [Unrecorded.] Dis- tribution ordered 9 Aug., 1802. [VIII, 131.] Thomas Denham, late of Bowdoinham. Catherine Denham, widow, Jeclined to administer, 27 Jan., 1800. William Denham, of Bow- doinham, Adm'r, 29 Jan., 1800. [IX, 30.] Zacheus Beal and Ziba F^aton, both of Bowdoinham, sureties. Inventory by Thomas Reed, of Bowdoinham, Joseph Sprague and William Fairfield, both of Tops- ham, 1800, $850.35, to which Adm'r added sundry notes of hand, etc., J537I-33- Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwich, and Stephen Whitmore, of Bowdoinham, commissioners to examine claims, 27 May, 1800. [VIII, 194 to 196.] Distribution ordered 2 Feb., 1802. [^TII, 130.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 343 Samuel Ball, late of Boothbay. Mary Ball, of Boothbay, widow, Adm'x, lo Dec, 1800. [IX, 30.] Levi Ball and Solomon Pinkham, Jun'r, both of Boothbay, sureties. Inventory by William McCobb, Jonathan Sawyer and John Leishman, all of Boothbay, 26 Mar., 1801, $378.41. [VIII, 204.] Account of Solomon Pinkham, Jr., Adm'r ^ Witnesses Robert McLintock ) And afterwards on the same day before written I the said John El- liot being still of sound & perfect mind & memory Do make this Cod- icil to my will & testament aforesaid, that is to say I take back from my Sister Jenny the One half of the One eighth part of the Schooner Two friends with her appurtenances and earnings as aforesaid, which part so taken back being One Sixteenth part of the Said Vessel, with her appurtenances and Earnings due in that proportion I Now give & bequeath to my Sister Mary, Otherwise named Polly Elliot — In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the same day & Year aforesaid in my will & testament before written — John Eliot (seal) Signed Sealed published & declared by the above named John Elliot to be a Codicil to his last will and testament, in presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator Samuel Yeates ^ Alex'r Fossett Jun l Witnesses Robert McLintock ) [XIII, 409 to 41 1.] LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 359 Bond of Simon Eliot, Ju'r., Executor, dated 4 June, 1798. Sam- uel Yates and Robert McLintock, both of Bristol, sureties. In the Name of God. Amen. I William Patterson of Dresden in the County of Lincoln, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be allmighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to Say. I give unto my beloved Wife Elisabeth Patterson the use and improve- ment of all the Real Estate I am now seased and possessed of as long as she remaines my Widow, and after her death it Shall be equally di- vided among my Children. But in case She Should marry again, She Shall have no more but the improvement of one third part of it, dur- ing her natural Ufe. I also give and bequeath unto her all my Person- al Estate to her own disposal for the Support of the family. And I give her full power to Sell and dispose at privat Sale of those Sixty acres of land I lately purchased of Christopher Turner of Reedfield, to pay the debt I owe him. Lastly I appoint the Said Elisabeth Pat- terson, the Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Sixth day of November A. D. one Thousand Seven hundred and ninety Seven. Signed, Seal'd, publish'd and William Patterson (seal) declared by the above named William Patterson, to be his last will & testament, in presence of us. who Signed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator. Obadiah Call Sam'l White David Clancy Probated 5 Jan., 1798. [XIII, 424.] William Lewis and Philip Call, both of Dresden, sureties. In the Name of God Amen. — The Twenty fourth day of March 1795 I James Hilton, of Bristol in the County of Lincoln yeoman being very Sick and weak in Body, but of perfect mind & Memory, thanks be given to God ; Therefore calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, and know- ing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament ; that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recomend my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God that gave it, and my Body I recomend to the earth, to buried in decent Chrislain 360 LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. Burial at the Discretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again, by the mighty Power of God. — And as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give demise, and dispose of the same in the following Manner & form, first I give and bequeath to my son William Hilton the sum of four Dollars — Itom I give »S: bequeath to my Daughter Mary Mirrit Twenty Dollars — Itom I give & bequeath to my Daughter Jane Hilton one Dollar — Itom I give & bequeath to my Son James Hilton Fifty Dollars — Itom I give & bequeath to my Son John Hilton one Dollar Itom I give & bequeath to my Daughter Margret Hilton Twenty Dollars Itom I give & bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Hilton four Dollars Itom I give & bequeath to my Daughter Susan Hilton Twenty Dollars Itom I give & bequeath to my Daughter Elizebeth Hilton Twenty Dollars Itom I give & bequeath to my Daughter Nancy Hilton Twenty Dollars Itom I give and bequeath to my Daughter Liddia Hilton Twenty Dollars Itom I also give Jointly & Severaly to my two Sons Joshua Hilton & Joseph Hilton whom I likewise constitute, make and ordain my sole Executers of this my last will and Testament all and Singular of my Personal Estate that is to say all my Stock of Cattle Sheep Horses & Swine with all my Farming Utencels of every kind or Nature, and I do hereby ratify and Confirm this & no other to be my last will and Testament — In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, the day and year Above-written James Hilton (seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced, ^ and Declared, by the said James ! Hilton as his last will & Testament j in the Presence of us the Subscribers J Thos Johnston Cornelius Rhoads Elizabeth Rhoads Probated 2 July, 1799. [XIII, 433 to 435.] Inventory by John Paine, John McLain and Henry Little, all of Bristol, 2 Sep., 1799, ^313-1 7- [>^in, 437-438.] In the Name of God, Amen. — The Twelfth Day of August 1796, I Morris Fling of a place called Brookfield m the county of Lincoln and LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. 36 I Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yeoman — being very sick and Weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be Given to God ; — There- fore calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, — Do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, — That is to say ; — Principally, and first of all, I Give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in Decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Exeecutors ; nothing Doubting but at the General resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God : — And as touching such ^Vo^ldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I Give, Demise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form — Imprimis, I Give and bequeath to Esther my Dearly beloved wife one third part of the income, and profits of all my Estate, so long as she the said Esther Shall continue to be my widow, and no longer — Item, — I Give to my well beloved son, John Fling, one Dollar — Item, — I Give to my well beloved Daughter, Elisabeth Farley, one Dollar Item, — I Give to my well beloved Daughter, Mary Huntoon, one Dollar- Item, — I Give to my well beloved Daughter, Sarah Perry, one Dollar — Item, — I Give to my well beloved Son, Samuel Fling, one Dollar — Item, — I Give to my well beloved Daughter, Eunice Fling, Sixty Dollars — Item, I Give to my well beloved Daughter, Susanna Fling, Sixty Dollars — Item, — The remainder of my Estate, I Give to my well beloved ~\ Daughters, Hannah Moor, Eunice Fling and Susanna Fling and is to V be equally Divided between them ) Item. I Constitute make & ordain Esther my Dearly Beloved wife, my Sole Exeecutrix of this my last will and Testament. — Item, — And I do hereby disallow, revoke, and disanul all, and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, and bequests and Executors, by me in any ways before named, 'Willed and bequeathed, — ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, — In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year above written — Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and Declared by the said Morris Fling, as his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us the Subscribers — Moris fling (seal) Samuel Titcomb Joseph Cleveland Nancy Titcomb Probated i6 Jan., 179S. [XIII, 438-9] 362 LINCOLN PROBATE RECOR])S. In the Name of God Amen — I Arthur Percy of Georgetown in the County of Lincoln and State of Massathusets, Yeoman, being thro' the abundant Mercy and goodness of God. tho Weak in body, Yet of a sound and perfect Understanding and Memory, do Constitute this my Last will and Testament, and De- sire it may be received by all as Such, = First I most humbly Bequeth my soul to God my maker, Beseeching his most Gracious Acceptance of it, thro the all sufficient Merrits and Mediation of my most Com- passionate Redeemer jesus christ. Who gave himself to be an attone- ment for my sins, and is able to save, to the uttermost, all that come unto god by him, Seeing he Ever liveth to make Intercession for them, and who I trust will not Reject me a Returning Sinner, when I Come to him for Mercy ; in this hope and Confidence I Render up my soul with Comfort, humbly, Beseeching the most blessed and Glorious trinity one god most holy, most MercifuU and gracious to Prepare me for the Time of Disolution, and then to take me to himself into that Peace and Rest, and incomparable felicity which he has Prepared for all that fear and love his Holy Name, Amen, blessed be god I Give my Body to the earth, from whence it was taken, in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the last day, as for my Burial I Desire it may be Decent without Pomp or State, at the Discretion of my dear wife and my Ex- ecutors hereafter Named who I Doubt will Manage it with all Requi- site Prudence, — As to my worldly Estate, I will and Positively Order it in the manner and form following= Imprimus Or first I give and bequeth Unto my son David Percy my farm Situate at the head of Sheeps Gut River in Bait town so called Containing one hundred and fifty Acres of land to him and his heirs forever= Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my son Francis Percy fifty Acres adjoining the same farm. Or Nine pound LawfuU money to be Paid him by Joseph Rogers for the s'd fifty Acres = Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my Dear Wife the One third of my Real and Personal Estate Dureing her Natural life if She Re- mains a Widdow, & I Order that after her Decease or if she should alter her condition by Marriage my Youngest son, Arthur percy shall Inherit his mothers thirds ; Item I Give and Bequeth unto my son John and James the Other two thirds of my Real and personal Estate to be Equally divided Between them, my Dear wife I appoint to be my Executor untill my son John Comes to age, I Order her to Bring my Children up to a Common Education Item I Give and Bequeth LINCOLN PROBATE RECORDS. ;^6;^ Unto my Dear Wife my Case of Drawers to be hers Dureing her Na- tural life. Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my son Arthur percy junner, my Gold Sleeve Buttons, Unto my son James I Give and Bequeth my Silver Shoe Buceles, to my son John, I Give and Bequeth my Silver watch I order my Debts to be Paid with out fail by my Executors out of my Personal Estate Item I Give and Bequeth Unto my Dugters Polly and Betsey five shillings, Lawfull Money. — As to my VVareing Apparell I lave them to the Discretion of my Dr. Wife whom I appoint my Exc'r to Distribute them among the Children, in Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the 1 5 Day of July in the Year of Our lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Eight. Witness Arthur Percei (seal) Jeremiah Daisy John Whelen Henry wright Blethen [Not probated.] I William Kennedy of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln yeoman. Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and the uncertainty of my life, and not knowing how soon I may be Called away by Death — and being at this present time of sound mind & memory do make and or- dain this my last Will and Testement — that is to say principally and in the first place I Recomend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be Buried at the Discration of my Executor, hereafter named — And as to my Worldly Estate I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner & form Viz— Imps. firstly I order that all my just Debts and funeral Expences be paid out of my personal Estate — Item I give & bequeath to my son Thomas one Dollar and also my half of a Pew No Five in the meeting house in Boothbay in full of his part or share in my Estate — Item I give & bequeath to my son James two Dollars to be paid him by my Executor hereafter named in full of his part or share in my said Estate — Item I give & bequeath to my youngest son William one Dollar in Cash and my best Coat to be paid and Delivered him in full of his share or part of my Estate aforesaid — Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Kelley one Dollar to be paid hir in Cash in full of hir share or part in my said Es- tate— 364 LINCOLN PROPA'lE RECORDS. Item I give and bequath to my Daughter Elizebath Corbat two Dol- lars to be paid hir in Cash in full of hir share or part in my said Estate. Item I also give tS: bequeath to my Daughter Mary Mylie one Cow or the Value thereof in Cash in full of hir share or part of my said Estate — Item And also to my Daughter Hannah Wylie I give & bequeath one Cow or the Value thereof in Money in full of hir part or share in my said Estate — Item I also give and bequeath to my two youngest Daughters Anne and Ruth the whole Rest & Residue of my said Estate Real and personal of Every name or Nature whatsoever let the same be found where it may, to be to them Equaly, and to there Heirs and asigns forever Lastly I do hereby appoint my said son Thonias Kennedy my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testement, and do revoke all & Every former Wills or Testements by me heretofore made and Declare this & no other to be my last Will and Testement — In Wittness whereof I do hereunto set my hand & seal this twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord one thous- and seven hundred & Ninty six — Signed sealed published & Declared by the Testator to be his last Will & Testement in his presence of us — William O Kennedy (seal) \Vm McCobb mark Ichabod Pinkham John Crommett Probated 12 Sep., 1796. [Unrecorded.] In the name of God Amen I Ebenezer Bacon of Sidney in the County of Lincoln & Common- wealth of Massachusetts Esq being weak in body, but of sound dispos- ing mind & memory & calling to mind the shortness & uncertainty of life do make publish & declare this my last will & testament in man- ner following that is to say in the first place I give and bequeath my saw & grist mill in the town of Winslow on the river Kennebeck at the foot of teeconic falls the one third part to my wife .Abigail Bacon during her natural life, the other two thirds to my children Ebenezer Bacon Jun William Bacon both of said Sidney gentlemen 284, 338, 345- Sarah, 318. Stephen, 168. Timothy, 252. William, 183, 189. Bryant, "l charles, 115, 116. Briant, j -^ David, Jr., 128. Hannah, 53, 54. Jonathan, 25, 4I. Lemuel, 128. 195 6 Index of Names. Mary, 41, 262. Nathaniel, 153, 54, 144, 160, 265, 275, 347. Patience, 54. HucKHART, Henry, 346. BucKi.LN, Nathan, no, 170, 171. BUCKNAM, William, 45. Budge, James, 129. BuGNON, James, 1, t49, 263. Jane, 49. Margaret, 49. Susanna, 49. BuKER, James, 84. BULLIN, Samuel, 196. Burke, William, 234. BURNHAM, \Abel, t82. BURNAM, J Elizabeth, 313. Francis, 313. Mary, 103. Solomon, 104, 33S. Burns, Cornelius, 260. James, 20, 66, 84. Joseph, 20, 163, 191. Mary, 34. Robert, fso. William, 38, 66, 128, 163. 15i'RR, Joseph, 264. Matthew, 341. Thomas, t34i. Burrei.l, John, 75. Burton, Alice, 1 1. Benjamin, f' i, 53, 34i- John, 53. Bush, Samuel, 303. BuswEi.L, James, 1276. Jane, 276. BUTLEK, Abigail, 213, 214, 215, 216. Ann, 215. 319. Lucy, 222. Martha, 213, 215, *3I9. Mary, 215, 319. Mella, 223. Moses, 121. Sarah, 213, 214, 215, 216, 319, 320. Thomas, 185, 213, 214, 216, 278, 319, 320, 248. William, 6, 84, *2I2, 213, 214, 215, 216, 241, 242, 319, 320, 328. BuTTEKFiELD, Abigail, 203. Kphraim, 107, 204. Josiah, 29. 1227. Bu'i TS, Samuel, 234. Byram, Ebenezer, 248. Calderwood, Elizabeth, 59. Caldwell, George, 34. Call, Bethiah, 162. Charles, 162, 274. Deliverance, 35, 162. Elizabeth, 162. Experience, 161. Hannah, 162. James, 162. John, 48, 162. Jonathan, 293, 294. Keziah, 293. Lydia, 162. Margaret, 162. Moses, 293, 294. Nathan, 293, 294. Nathaniel, 293, 294. Obadiah, 11,36, 97, 108, 13S, 140, ti6i, 162, 163, 206, 359. Olive, 162. Philip, t48. 87, 91, 108, 138, 140, ti62, 359. Polly, 293, 294. Stephen, io8, *292, 293, 294. William, 162. Callahan, Charles, 187. Calley, Samuel, 65, 66. Campkell, Alexander, 2, 5, 6, 45. 312. Betsey, 205. Daniel, 205, 273. Elizabeth, 76, 312. James, t205. Jane, 76. John, 76, *3ii, 312, 313, 343- Joseph, 205, 295. Margaret, 312. Martha, *75. Mary, 76. Michael, 205. Racliel, 205. Index of Names. Robert, 205. Sarah, 205. Cane, Walter, ti6. Cakgili., Abernethy, 228, 229. James, 7, 20, 24, 38, 45, 60, 90, no. Carl, I Nathaniel, 45. Carll, / Submit, 319. Carlton, 1 John, ti37- Carleton, J Joseph, 338. Margaret, 338. Carlile, Ubigaili34. Carlisle, / & -'^ David, 163. Elizabeth, 134. James, 134. Jane, 137. John, 92. Joseph, loi, 104, *I33, 134- Mary, 135. Mirriam, 134. William 65. Carney, Susannah, 50. Carr, EHzabeth, 92. George, 277. James, 220. Mecrus, (Meecres,) 4, t92- Mehitable, 287. Moses, 287. Carter, Isabel, 242. Joseph, 77. Nathaniel, 77. Cary, Luther, 345. Peter, 241. Cask, Barnard, 206, *252, 253. James, 252. Rebeckah, 252. Thankful, 252. William, 252. Castner, Anna, 142. Baltas, t73- Ludwig, 73, 142. Ustana, 73. Caveleak, Louis, ti- J(jhn Louis, t38. Maiy I, 38. CAWLEY, Mary, 76, 77. Samuel, 76. Cazneau, Andrew, 10. Chadwick, Joseph, 87. Lot, 208. Chalmers, William, 97. Chamberlain, Sarah, 332. Chandler, Jacob, 152, 272. Joel, 227, 1251. John, 83, 129, 251. John, Jr., 149. Moses, 130, 152, 272. Phebe, 272. Rebecca, 272, 273. Sally, 273. Samuel, \2'j2. Chapman, Abraham, 270. Deborah, 270. Nathaniel, 60. Prudence, 38, *269. Ralph, t38. Sarah, 269. Chase, Abigail, 109. Benjamin, 366. Charles, 163, 205, 228, 229. Ezekiel, 104, 109. John ti63, t347- Mary, 109. Mathew 48, 104, 109. Rachel, 163. Roger, 19, 25, 48, 104, *io8. Sarah, 109. (Spear,) Mrs., 104. Stephen, fig. Tamor, 109. Vernum, 109. Cheney, Elias, \i']. Sybyl, 17. Child, Amos, 218, 276. Hannah, 280. Chisham, John, 273. Choate. 1 Abraham, 352. Choat, i ■^-' Francis, t348. John, *35i. Moses, 352. Sally, 352. Susannah, 348. Christophers, Joseph, 254, 309, 336, 33«. 342. 8 Index of Names. Church, John, 201. Rubie, 264. Ci-ANCY, David, 359. Elizabeth, 49. Clap, Enos, 54. Hannah, (Barker,) 54. Thomas, 2fo, 341. . a.i. , ,.-.;. . ^. tl22. Ebenezer, 306. Elenor, 229. Ehsha, 79, 88. (Fhng.) Hannah, 24. Isaac, 94. James, *23, t93. 205. John, 122. 164, 228, 305. Jonas, 88, 94. Jonathan, 161. Joseph, 64, 78, 84, *I75, 322. Lois, 84, 175. Margaret, 93, 233, 322. Pease, *94. Peter, 95. Polly, 122. Robert, t229. .Samuel, 79, 229, 304, 322. Sarah, 122, 155. Simeon, 94, 123. Solomon, 151, 194. .Susanna, 94. Thomas, 23, 29, 184, tl32, 175. Uriah, 88. William, 23, 155, 255. Clary, Allen, 273. Jane, 84. Michael, ti63. Robert, 273. Cleveland, Mrs. Jane, 181, *i90. Joseph, 361. Rebeckah, 190. CMFFoRn, Isaac, 224. Samuel, iio. William, 58. fno. Ci.lNE, Christian, ti23. Elizabeth, 123. George, 123. John, 123. Clough, Abner, 159. Daniel, 343, 344. Stephen, 205. Clouse, ^ornelius, t68. George, 153. Mary, 68. Cloutman, Hezekiah, t24. Cochran, Agnes, 211. John, t2ll. Martha, 125. Mary, 125. Nathaniel, 310. Robert, 2, 1 1 10, 125, 143, 211. Ruth, 309. .Samuel, 125. CODMAN, Richard, 45. Coffin, Betsey, 280. Charles, 256. David Newell, 281. Mary, 192. Nathaniel, 196. Prince, 105, ti92, 198. Zebulon, fsSo, 281. Cogswell, Adam, 1163. COLBURN, Jonathan, 77. Margaret, 197. OHver, ti97- Reuben, 87, 136, 248. Colby, Ambros, *i33. (Hoyt.) Annah, 133, Betty, 133. Hezekiah, ti64. Joshua, 164. Cole, Catherina, 330. Jabesh, 82, 126, 143, 170, 171, 17S, 182. Joseph, 73. Sarah, 269. CoLLAMoRE, Deborah, 20. Joshua, 83, 88, loi, 143, 170, 171, 199. Peter, 206. Sarah, 20. Samuel, t20. Susannah, 20. Colman, Samuel, 148, 204, 254, 256, 259, 265, 273, 336. Conley, John, 1227. Index of Names. Connors, James, 294. Cony, 1 r^ • 1 Coney, [ Daniel, hi, 220. Heartson, iii, 340. Jason, III. Samuel, ill. Susanna, ill. Cook, Anna, 184. Bethiah, 341. Cornelius, 341. Crowell, 166. Elijah, 199, 341. Elsie, 341. Francis, 170, 230, 255, 275, 305 341- Hannah, 189. James, 189, t34i- John, 1 84. Joseph, 184. Mary, 339. Nancy, 341. Orchard, 338. Thomas, ti83. Winslow Bradford, 341. Zenas, ti89. Cool, Hannah, 77. John Peter, \-j']. CooLlDGE, Benjamin, 119. Coombs, Abigail, 161. Andrew, 268, Ebenezer, ti6i. George Fields, 183. Jacob, 183. Jonathan, 203. Joseph, 255. Joshua, 1183. Mary, 204. Stephen, 267. Cooper, Boyce, 11, 15. James, 93, 10 1. Leonard, 194. Nicholas, 354. Sally, 354. COPEI.AND, Joseph, 148, 170, 171, 194, 232, 298, 301. Moses, 8, II, 12, 20, 50, 51, 61, 67, 86, 90, 108, no, III, 119, 129, 132, 143, .9 144, 147. 163, 170, 171, 188, 189, 193, 212, 224, 226, 230, 232, 247, 248, 255, 260, 299, 301, 343. 345. 346. CoRBAT, Elizabeth, 364. Coss, Daniel, 1279. John, 279. Thomas, 279. CosTELOw, John, 163, 179. Couch, Anna, 163. George, 1164. CouiLLiARD, Chatles, 239, 241, 242, 258, 328. CouNCE, Samuel, 86, 144. CousENS, Samuel, 188. Thomas, 1 88. CovvAN, James, 107. CowEN, Ephraim, 91. CowiN, Abisha, 87, 148, 254. Isaac, 122. Cox, Ebenezer, ti75, 176. Gershom, 274. Hugh, 339. Israel, 175, 279. John, 1274. Katey, 229. CoYfc, Abiah, 87, 93, ti24. Daniel, 124. Judith, 124. Crabtree, Agreen, 36. Cragin, Joseph, 79. Craig, "l , Craigue, I Anna, 315. Delia, 315. Elenor, 315. Elias, 265, Elisha, 274. Enoch, 20 1. Freeman, 315. George, 316. Hannah, 141, James, *3i5, 316. John, 316. Margaret, 316. Mary. 315, Orison, 315. Peter, 315. Sally, 316. 10 Index of Names. Thomas, 315, 316, William, 315, 316. Crane, Rufus, 232, 298. Samuel, 144. Crawford, Archibald, 148. James, 86, 161. John, 34. Joseph Brewer, 86. Margaret, 86. Mary, 86. William, *86. Crkamer, Edward, 272. Creighton, James, iii. Jane, in. Lucretia, ill. Samuel, 7, 34, 40, 51, 80, 86, fill. Mary, 318, Meriliah, 140. Crooker, Hannah, 262. Isaiah, 20, 25, 28, 50, 64, 137, 140, 1262. John, 52. Paul, 343. Zacheus, 262. Crocket, Elioenai, 222. John, t«oi. Jonathan, loi. Nathaniel, loi. Crosby, Hannah, 67. Joanna, 67. Joel, *67. John, 161. Jonah, 79. Josiah, 337. Rebeckah, 67. Robert, 183, 184. Ruth R., 67. Susannah, 126. Cross, Joshua, 227. Grossman, Jesse, t'38. Sarah, 138. Croweli,, Abner, 177. Ezekiel, 339. Jabez, *i76. Joseph, t339- 67, 77, Josiah, 274. Levi, 339. Thankful, 176. Zadock, 339. CUMMiNC.s, ) Asa, 1251. Comings, j Eleanor, 251. John, 195. Samuel, 251. Cunningham, Alexander, 289. Daniel, 249, 292. Hannah, 344. James, 7. John, 2, 6, II, 12, 24, 29. Sarah, 7, 29. Thomas, 228, 229, 274. William, no, 124, 136, 183, 207, 275, t344- CURRIEK, James, 251. Curtis, David, i. James, 226. John, 18. Lot, ti62. Seth, 274. Thomas, 130. William, 52. CusHiNG, Benjamin, 340, 343, 344. Charles, 4, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25, 34, 3^, 39. 4^, 49, 5°. 67, 87. Christopher, 220, 221, 260, 265, 341- Ezekiel, 205. Frances, 186, 188. Francis, 205. John, Jr., 54. Martin, 341. Roland, 87, 1 1 80. William, 36, 55. CusHMAN, James, 345. Kenelam, 305. Robert, 157,356. CurrER, Ammi Ruhama, 99. Ezekiel, 292, 309, 335. Daggett, Jesse, 180. John, 180, 275. Daisy, Jeremiah, 363. Dalheim, George, 39. Dalton, Jeremiah, 228, 364. Index OF Names. 11 Danford, Enoch, 121. Danforth, Joshua, 254. Darling, Jonathan, 166. Davenport, Betsey, 260. Ebenezer, 227. Davidson, James, 215, 216, 242. Davis, Daniel, 268, 336, 337. David, 340. Ebenezer, 32. Edward, 234, 256, 33S. Ephraim, 205. Hannah, 226. Hope, 300, 301. Israel, 50, 51, 52, 65, 143. Jacob, ti30- Jesse, t226. John, 83, 135. Jonathan, 95, 227, t270. Joseph, tl43- Joshua, 226. Mark, 143. Mary, 143. Moses, 47, 136, 143, 145, 183, 227, 230, 277, 288, 305, 347- Nancy, 357. Nathaniel, 175. Rachel, 227. Rebecca, 227. Robert, 301. Samuel, t47, 130. Zachary, 1205. Daws, | Dawes, Hohn, 63, 88, loi, iii, 338. Dawse, j Mary, 89. Day, Bethany, 273. Benjamin, 340. Daniel, *l'j. Jacob, t273. Job, 277, 288. Marthue, 103. Mary, 17. Samuel, fSS^- Sarah, 17, 29. Dearborn, Henry, 147. Dearing, "I t u u ^ ^ Deering, jJohn Bray, 342. Decker, Anna, 70, 107. 205, 342. John, Jr., 53, ti07. Joseph, t53, no, 205, 1230. Rachel, 69. Sarah, 230. Spencer, 207. William, 155. Delano, Amasa, 69. Anna, 69. Elienezer, 311. Elizabeth, 196. Hopestill, 97. Rachel, t229, Seth, 229. Thomas, Jr., 196. Demorse, Charles, 249. John, 130, 162, 189. John, Jr., 143. Samuel, ti62. Demuth, George, 45, 82, 143, 270. Denham, Catharine, 342. Thomas, t342. William, 256, 342. Dennis, Amos, 277. David, 227, 228, 350. Denny, Catherin, 56, 57. Samuel, 8, 31, *55. (McCobb) Rachel, 57. Devens, Samuel, 78. Dexter, Mark, t344- Dickey, David, 219. John, 164. Dickman, Thomas, 265. DiGBY, Abigail, 64. Dillaway, John, 108, 344. Mary, 108. Dillingham, Joshua, 343. Pitt, 354. Diman, Jacob, 141. Dingley, Ezra, \2jS. Nabby, 278. DiNSMORE, Asa, 49, 161. Judith, 339. Lucinda, 339. Prince, 339. Samuel, 127. Susanna, 256. Thomas, 91. William, 192, t339- 12 Index of Names. DOCKENDORFF, JaCob, 47, 2o6. Dodge, Abigail, 165. Abner, 165. Abraham, 165. Benjamin, 136, 165. Ezekiel Goddard, 212. Ezekiel G., 238. John, 140, 166. Jonah, *i64, 1164. Jonah, Jr., 165. Mehitable, 211, 212. Nancy, 336. Paul, 144. Rachel, 66. Reuben, 165, 166. Sarah, 164, 165, 166, 182. Simon, 165. William, 1336. Zachariah, 136, 140, *i82, 183. DoK, Elizabeth, 277. John, 277. Lemuel, 2^4, 1277- Samuel, 277. Thomas, 277. DOGGETr, Samuel, 77. Dole, Nathan, 351. Nathaniel, JMS- DOLHEIM, George, 152. Donneli., Benjamin, 3. Elizabeth, 3. Nathaniel, *2, 3, 4. Thomas, 3. Dow, Dorothy, 276. Dows, John, 337, 338. Perley, 1276. Drowne, David, 37. John, 179. Lucy, 179. Thomas, 64. Drummond, Alexander, 205, 277. Ann, 5, 215, 240, 319, 320. Elijah, 5, 6, 185, 205, 207, 215, 216, 224, 275, 278, 318, 319, 320, 348. Hannah, 106. James, 6, 47, 176. 227, 304, Jane, 6. John, 5, t63- Lutitia, 5. Margaret, 6. Mary, 63. Patrick, *4. Rachel, 240. Susannah, 4, 6. William Butler, 215. Dudley, Benjamin, 244, 245, 1273- Daniel, 249. John, 249, 273. Micajah, 221. Moses, 1227. Nathaniel, 249, 250, 319. DUMARESQ, James, 275. Dummer, Nathaniel, 220, 287, 305. Dunbar, Daniel, 247. Solomon, 144. Dunham, David, 1275. Hannah, 275. DuNLAP, (Eaton), Jane, 51. John, 51. (Potter), Margaret, 51. Mary, 51. Roliert, 51. Samuel, 261, 292. DUNLOP, Jane, 42. Dunning, Andrew, 121. James, ti66. Jean, 166. DuTTON, Jonas, 123, 323. Samuel, 99, 220. DwiNEL, Aaron, 337. Dyek, Jonathan 84, 175. Eames, Jacob, 164, 197, 260. Eastman, Benjamin, 249. Eaton, Abel, Jr., 82. Elizabeth, 229. George, 89. Jacob, 201, t227. Jane, 51. Jesse, t249. Joseph, 249. Joseph, Jr., 249, Polly, 250. Relief, 250. Sarah, 249, 250. Theophilus, 133, 163. William, 250. Index of Names. 13 Ziba, 342. Eddy, Jonathan, 161. Edson, Calvin, 201. Elizabeth, 201. EuGLESTON, Hannah, 277. Ilezekiah, t^??- ElCHORN, Daniel, 236, 237. Jacob, 51. Margaret Catharine Bane, 84, 167. Mathias, t84. Elder, James, ti6. Ei.i.un", Anna, 357. Daniel, 357, 358. Isabella, 357. Jenny, 357, 358, John, *3S6. Mary, 358. Peggy, 357. Peter, 357. Sabrah, 357. Sarah, 17S. Simon, 273, 357, 358, 359. William, 1178. Ellis, Jonathan, 84, 277, 342. Ellison, Elizabeth, ti25. Elmes, Betty, 289. Elwell, Jacob, t82. William, 83. William, Jr., 88. Emekson, Anni, 296. Ebenezer, 195, 285, 340. Edward, 45, 118, 247, 295, 296, 297, 347, 348. Elizabeth, 247, *294, 295, 296. John, 247, 272, 295, 297, 335. Joseph, 295, 296. Philip, 185. Pratt, 296. Rebecca, 296, 340. Samuel, 38, 50, 87, 138, 140 162, 180. Sarah, 340. Susannah, 296. William, 294, 295, 296, 347. Emery, Jonathan, 91, 104, 323. Erskine, Erskines, [ Alexander, 64 Erskin, Christopher, 138, 354. George, 93, 163, 177, 291. John, 290. Ninyin, 64. Ekving, John, 234. Eveleth, James, 260. Evens, 1 it v ^ y, ' > Hannah, 20^. Evans, ( ' -^ John, 137, 311. Nathaniel, 203. Thomas, 172. Fairbanks, Alexander, 264. Benjamin, 144, 221. Nathaniel, 129, 138, 219, 220, 246, 251, 336. Fairbrother, Lovel, 18. Thomas, 18. Fairfield, Daniel, Jr., ti62. Elizabeth, 162. Jeremiah, 219. John, 7. Reuben, 208. William, 342. Fairservice, Thomas, 205, 339. Fales, David, 40, 51, 60, 67, 80, 108, 212, 223, 232, 236, 247, 299, 338, 344. Nathaniel, Jr., 80. Sybel, 222. Fall, Richard, t20, Farley, Eliyabeth, 361. John, 54, 65, 144, 167, 170, 259, 274> 275, 331, 340.347- Farnam, John, no. Farnham, Joshua, 97. Zebediah, 138. Farnsworjh, Abigail, 119. Jonas, 119. Robert, 238. Sarah, 211. William, 90, 118, 119, 145, 170, 171, 211, 239, 276. Farrin, John, 82. Farrow, Ezekiel, 147, 298. Timothy, 255. P'arwell, Bunker, t336. Ebenezer, 254, 278, 336, 340, 365- Mary, 336. FOSSET, FOSET, FOSSAT, 14 Index of Names. Fasset, Ruth, 217. Fegan, Daniel, 346. Feilhur, Daniel, 124. Feiltren, Daniel, 153. Fields, James, lyy. Mary, 179. Fillebkown, Thomas, 265. Filler, Godfrey, *I26. John, 126. Regine, 126. Fish, William, 276. Fisher, Jane, 240. John, 215, 216, 239, 241, 321. Fitch, Jonas, i, 15, 16, 17, 20, 34, 75, 144, 162, 176, 224. FlTTS, Elizabeth, 76, 77. Ephraim, 159, 160, 220, t227. Mark, 76. Sarah, 277. FitzGerali), Daniel, 15. Nicholas, 23. Sophia, 330. Flag(;, James, 16, 20, 24, 49. Fletchkn, Amy, 263. Fling, Esther, 361. Emiice, 361. Hannah, 24. John, 361. Morris,*36o. Samuel, 361. Susanna, 361. Flint, Jesse, 54, 340. Thomas, 65- Flitni-.k, William, 275. Floyd, Joseph, tioi. Mary, loi. Nathaniel, 99. 195. Fly, Jonathan, ti83. Sarah, 183. Focjerty, Dennis, 298. Fogg, Daniel, t68. FoLGiKk, Timothy, 198. )'"()L1.enshky, Thomas, 289, 290. FoLLLT, Ahagail, 94. Benjamin, 95. FooTi:, Erastus, 344. John, 137. Ford, Francis, 61, 175. Mary, 156. *284. Robert, 285. Samuel, 61, 92, 114, 132, 137, * 156, 175. Alexamler, 38, 237, 238, 358. Henry, t34, 176, 179, 206, 227, 234, 237, 238, 277, 280. Ruth, 237. William, *237. Foster, Alexander, 220, 221. Benjamin, 220. Charles, 220. David, 144, 221. Dorothy, 220. Eliphalet, ti30, ti44. Filena, 264. Hatherly, 64, 124, 140, ti64, t220. Hatherly, Jr., 220. Jane, 258, 261. John, 220. Joseph, 53, 195, 258, 261. Martha, 220. Mary, 164. Nathan, 343. Nathaniel, t220. Rebeckah, 252. Sihella, 221. Steal, 251. Stephen, ti76, 221. Stewart, 221. Thomas, 220. Timothy, 129, 130, 138, ti76, t22I. William, ti38, 220. Fought, Anthony, 174. Frederick, 174. Hannah, 174. Jacob, 174. Marget, 174. Philip, 90, *I73. Rachel, 174. Fountain, Barney, 120. Elizabeth, 120. Jacob, 120. Rachel, 120. Index of Names. 15 FowLE, Joshua, 146. FoWLES, William, 343. FoWLEK, John, 151, 252. Simeon, 126. FoYE, John Sutton, 264, 276. William, 224. Franxkkort, Christian, 38. Freeman, Edmund, 337. Frees, George, 133. Isaac, 129. French, Josiah, 138, 139, 140, 144, 221. Friend, Benjamin, 163. Fuller, Edward, 130, 275, 278. Enoch, 200. Francis, 137. Jonathan, 54, 95. Rachel, 262. WiUiam, 52. Zenas, 273. FuLLERTON. Ebenezer, 89. John, ti40, 1171- James, 118, 137, 336. William, 13. FULLINGTON, James, 114. Martha, 113. Fulton, James, 73, 75, 82, 121, 142, 210, 211, 221, 234, 259, 261. Jenny, 84. John, 73, 75, 82, 84, 107, 160, 210, 221, 255, 261, 349. John, Jr., 84, t277. Robert, t84. Sarah, 84, 277. FURNALD, John, ti44. Gahan, Bersheba, 193. Gamble, Archibald, ti 10. Gardiner, Benjamin, 84. jethro, 208. John, 161, t234. John Silvester John, 234. William, 61, 161, ti6i, 234. Gardner, Abdial, 105. Benjamin, *I05. Benjamin, Jr., 105. Daniel, 105, t275. Hannah, 105. Isaiah, 275. Mary, 105, 194. Parthena, 105. Peleg, ti94. Rebeckah, 105. Richard, 105. Ruth, 105, 194, 275. Sabrina, 105. Wells, 295. Gatchel, John, 173. Nehemiah, 90, 162. Gaubert, Nicholas, 160, 223. G.ay, Eleazer, 188, 189, 199, 205. Jonah, t88. Seth, 147. Wellington, 88, 189, 206, 341. Gerrish, Charles, 82. Joanna, 192. Thomas, ti92. Getchel, |^^bigail,2i8. Getchell, J * Anstrus, 218, 219. David, 218, 219. Dennis, 162, *2i8, 219. Dennis, Jr., 218. Edmund, 218. Elihu, 192, 198, 218, 229, 256, 294, 339, 348. Fanny, 218, 219. John, 274, *35o. John, Jr., 326. Keziah, 326. Lydiah, 218, 219. Margaret, 218, 219. Mary, 218, 219, 350, 351. Nehemiah, 141, 161, 218. Remington, 219. Wilham, 219. Gevin, Jenny, 237. Geyer, Rudolph Frederick, 38. GiBBS, Elisha, 249. Gilbert, George, 348. Gillchrist, Elizabeth, 298. George, t298. Samuel, 8, 11, ^;i, 298. Gillingham, John, ti85. GiLMAN, John, 273. Peter, 130. Samuel, 284. Samuel Stevens, 273. :16 Index of Names. ('■ii.MORK, David, 36, 114,118,157, 197, 199, 220, 239, 255, 277, 336, 356. David, Jr., 54, 92. Rufus, 248, 253, 345. GiNN, James, 129, 161. Given, 1 GiVEEN, j-xVgnes, 274. GOVAN, j David, 2, 24, 82, 274. James, 259. John, t274. John, Jr., t259. Mary, 168. Robert, 80, 179, 238, 279, 280. Sarah, 274. Gleason, Abigail, 64. Gliuden, Benjamin, 145. John, 292. Tobias, 15, 16. Goddard, Josiah, 289, 324. GoLDKR, WilHam, 275. GoLUTHWAiT, Thomas, 60. GooCH, Benjamin, ti40. Goodwin, Benjamin, 114. Daniel, ti9. George, 348. Jacob, 279. John, fSj. Lazarus, 164, 167, 192, 196, 197. OHve, 35. Prudence, 35. . Samuel, 25, 34, 39, 47, 48, 64, 65, 87, 91, 145, 221, 248, 366. Samuel, Jr., 19, 25, 38, 48, 52, 53> 67, 68, 107, 121, 221, 223, 251,336, t348. Samuel Twycross, 1 96. Stephen, t274. GoOLD, Hannah, 21. Joseph, 21. Gordon, John Jr., 230. Gore, Jeremiah, 40. Mary, 40. Robert, 229. Gov'D, Daniel, *49. (Clancey) Elizabeth, 49. George, 39, 50. f James, 162, 223, 294. t Jaque, Nancy, 315. (Carney) Susannah, 50. GuuDV, Amos, ti9, 144, 206. Betty, 19. Mercy, 19. Gould, Anstis, 81. Hannah, *8l, 82. Joseph, *20, 81, 83. Mary, 8i. Mercy, 81. Moriah, 183, 184. Moses, 81, *83. Robert, 17. Stephen, 81. GoVAN, Alexander, 279. (See Given.) Betsey, 279. Hannah, 279. Jane, 279, 280. Jenny, 279. Robert, t279- Sally, 279. Gove, Asa, 124. Ebenezer, 143, 224, 230, 1275. Mary, 275. Nathan, 47. Solomon, 1 10, 136. William, 347. GuWKLi., Charles, 27S. William, 307. CJoWKK, l\ol)ert, 45. Grafkam. Jacob, 301. John, ti47- l.ydia, 147. Bragc;, Barnal)as, 212, Katherine, *2li. 212. Mary, 212. Mehitable, 211. Samuel, 67, ti45- Sarah, 145, 211. William, 211. Grant, Andrew, 126. Betsey, 356. Catharine, 18. Elijah, 199. Index of Names. 17 Elisha, 126, 161. James, fiS. Samuel, 161, 162, 173, 219, Graves, Calvin, 137. Jacob, 277, 278. Joseph, 23, 221, 234. Mary, 278. Samuel, 23, 121, 1278. Gray, Abihail, 77. Alexander, 63, t77- Andrew, 183. Benjamin, 104. Ebenezer, 58, t92. Ebenezer, Jr., 92, 93. Elizabeth, 92. George, t7, I7- Jemima, 92, 93. John, 114, 227, 228. Levi, 92. Margaret, 300. Mary, 92, 102, 103. Reuben, 92, 93. Thomas, 92. William, 228. Gkeeley, Jonathan, 297. Joseph, 203. Joseph, Jr., 244. Moses, t48. Seth, 24. Susanna, 203. Green, Jonas, 273. Greenleaf, Ebenezer, fiS- 'o^- Mary, 108. Samuel, 207. Greenough, Robert, 289, 342. Gregory, Wilham, 221, 232, 343. Griffin, Robert, 86. Gross, Anna Catharina, 102. John, lOi. Mari Elizabeth, 102, 103. Peter, 102, 153. Grover, Ebenezer, 178. Mehitable, 1224. Groves, Alice, 136. Annarh, 136, 146. Hannah, 136, 146. John, *I35, 136, 146. 537- Joseph, 169. » Mary, 135, 136. Rebecca, 136. Samuel, 136, 211, 272. William, 136, *I45, 290. Guild, Joseph, 204, 207. GULI.EFER, "I „,, GUILLIVEK, } ^h"'"^^' '72- GusTiN, David, f2^. Haines, John, 2S7. Haley, "I t u Hayley, I J"'^"' '92. Joseph, 340, t346. Martin, ti92. Mary, 346. William, 221. Hall, Abigail, 98. Abijah, 129. Elizabeth, 129. James, 227. Jeremiah, 98, 124. John, 273, 292. Jonathan, 98. Josiah, 98. Lemuel, 1292. Mary, 129, 292, 328. Nathan, ti29. Oliver, 124. Preserved, *97. Reuben, 20, 86, no, iii, 143, 144. Samuel, 124. Seth, 298. Timothy, 98. Hallowell, Briggs, 105, ti66. Eunice, 166. Robert, 234. Haly, Pelathiah, 82. Ham, Benjamin, 19, 137, 229, 260, 337. Tobias, 19. Hamilton, Gabriel, 77, John, 254. Hammatt, Joseph, 147. William, 197. Hammon, Seth, 126. Hammond, Anne, 260. Frederick, 260. Jedediah, t255. Hancock, David, tS8, 94. 18 Index of Names. Susanna, 88, 94. Handlky, Roger, 294. Hankerson, John, 19. Hanson, Robert, 255, 331. Harding, Isaac, 21. Josiah, 21. IIakkoru, Joseph, 34, 75. Harnoen, Mary, 36. Richanl, 220, 341. Samuel, 18, 32, t36, 54, 132, ti75, 197, 220, 260. Harris, Abner, 268. Harlovve, 264. Lois, 264. Obadiah, 264. Samuel, 75. Hart, William, 207. Harvvard, George, ti78. Thomas, 178. Hasey, Benjamin, 337. Ebenezer, ]r., 97. Haskell, Ignatius, 162, 195. Mark, 133. Hastings, Abigail, 203. Hannah, 203. Mary, 203. Matthew, 17 fiS, 29, 72. 78, 84, 138, 174, 175. 176, *202, 204. Mercy, 203. Moses, 78, 203, 204. Moses, Jr.. 204. Rebecca, 203. Sarah, 203. Susanna, 203. Hatch, Elisha, 340. Phillips, 277, 280. Silvan us, 208. Hathaway, John, t343- HatiDRN, .Mexander, lOI, 140, 270. Jane, 271. Jean, 271. John, 61, 157, 175.205. Nathaniel, 164. Samuel, loi. Seth, 132, 157, 164, 192, 285. Silas, ti29, ti6i, 166, 347. William, 270. Haupt, John, 182. Polly, 238. Hawes, Matthias, 207. Moses, 193, 204, 207, 248, 345. Thomas, 177. Hawks, Jonathan, 264. Hay, John, 114. Hayden, Charles, 276. Joseph, 141. Josiah, 200, 204, 274, 337. Hayes, John, 183. William, 192. Haynes, David, 248, 249. Ebenezer, 80. Heabner, George, 202. Head, James Waller, 260, 338. Headuean. George, 251. Heai.d, Elizabeth, 141. Josiah, 142. Peter, ti78. Timothy, 79, 1141. Healy, Aaron, 78, 84. Hearsey, Betty, 205. Solomon, 108. Heath, Jonathan, 249, 352. Hebner, Geoige, 201. HEDDrAN, George, 94. Hedge, Isaac, 305. Heibner, George, 153. Hembly, (Hanbery) Christopher, f-. Hemmknway, Daniel, 129. Mary, 129. Henderson, Dunbar, 188, 199. Robert, 188, 346. Thomas, 162. Hendley, Henry, 20. William, 20. Henry, James, 121, tM^- Henshaw, Joseph, 38. Herrick, Ebenezer, 163. John, 235, 268. Herrin, Charlotte, 261. Daniel, III, 1 62. John, 261. Betsey, 108, Jacob, t39- Solomon, 1205. Hewes, 1 ,.,., ^. ,, ' > I'.hhu, 126. Hues, i Index of Names. 19 Elizabeth, 336. John, 275, 309, 335, 338. John, Jr., t336. Hewet, Deborah, lOi. Solomon, fioi- Waterman, 347. William, 230. Hewey, James, 259. IlEY.'iRD, Zimri, 141. Heywooi), Jane, 337. Peter, no, 151. Peter, Jr., 151, 194. Samuel, 337. William, 366. Zimri, 68, 202, t337- HiBBERT, Joseph, 160. HlOGlNS, Abigail, 266. Benjamin, 183, 265. Isaiah, 266. Jeremiah, 266. Mary, 265, 266. Philip, 21, 81, 83, *265, 266. Reuben, 265, 266, 267. Ruth, 265, Sarah, 266. Simeon, 266. Thankful, 266. High, George, t52. Hn.i., Charles, 82. Japhet, 52. Mark L., 258. Mark Langdon, 186, 187, 258, 273, 278, 318, 321, 328, 336, 341, 344. 347. 348, 368. Samuel, 204. Thomas, 121. Tol)ias, 27. Hilt, John, 230. Mary, 153. Peter, 68, ti53- Hilton, Elizabeth, 360. Hepsebah, 69. James, ti2, 177, 190, *359, 360, Jane, 360. John, t65, 228, 360. Joseph, 163, 360. Joshua, 191, 309, 360. Katherine, 326. Lydia, 360. Margaret, 360. Moses, 63, 77, 311, 327. 341- Nancy, 360. Rebecca, 65. Samuel. Jr., 348. Sarah, 262, 326, 360. Susan, 360. William, 69, 360. Hinkley, Aaron, 4, 19, 36, 53, 94. Edmund, 34. Hannah, 26, 118. Isaac, 226. James, 19, 123, 196. John, 79, tii8. Josiah, 275, 347. Samuel, t34, 118. Sarah, 34. Seth, 227. Thomas, 88. 123. HiSCOCK, Richard, 332, 340. Hitchcock, Richard, 190. HoBBS, George, 323. Hobby, Remington, 162, 173, 185, 219. Wensly, 140. HoDGDON, Thomas, 50, 51. Hodge, Hannah, 169, 170. Henry, 38, 92, 169, 170, 290, 291, 309, 1338. James, 25, 137, 264, 276, 338, 339. Jane, 144, 169, 170. Jenny, 170. John, t90, 144, 33^, 339- Margaret, 170. Mary, 90, 143, 144, 170. Polly, 170. Robert, 2, 7, 1 1, 12, 60, 66, no, 130, *i69, 170. Sally, 169, 170. Samuel, t38. Sarah, 169, 170, 338. William, ti43, 144, 169, 339. HoDGKiNS, Mary, 64. IMoses, 19, 25, 28, 63. Hoettenheim, John, 45. HOFSES, Andrew, 346. Anthony, 346. Barbary, 346. 20 Index of Names. Elizabeth, 346. George, 346. Godfrey, t346. Margaret, 346. Mary, 346. Mathias, 29. William, 346. HOLBROOK, Ahifzer, 21, 82, 83. Ezekiel, 303. Richard, 49, 63. Sarah, 49, 266. HoLDEN, Asa, 122. Holland, John, 66. Hdlly, John, 340. Holmes, Hugh, 2, 11. Holt, Jedediah, 164, 166. HOLTEN, John, lOI. John, 118. Honeywell.- James, 2S8. Hood, Abner, 288, 297. Robert, no. HooPEK, John, 162, 195. Hopkins, Agnes, 2. Christopher, 140, 144, 167. David, 2, 11,60, 82, 90, 145. Isaac, 347. Jane, 2. Jennet, 2. Martha, 2. Mary, 2. Mary, Jr., 2. Peter, 87,93, 130. Ruth, 113. Solomon, ^2. William, 2. Hot, Susannah, 349. HoUDLETTE, Louis, [Lewis,] 97, 162,221, 263, 294. HoUKD, Mary, 96. HoVEy, Ebenezer, 50. Ebenezer, Jr. tl48. John, 284, 319. Samuel, 148. Jonathan, 144. Howard, Abigail, 129. Howe, }^'=*'^''°'''^^''^7, »49, 152. Caleb, 39. Isabella, 1^58. James, 41, 77, in, *I57, 158- John, 157, 1254. Joshua Jr., 129, 276. Margaret, 157, 158. Samuel, 157, 158,242, 259. Squire,' 109. Susannah, 157, 158. William, 72, 78, 107, 122, 157, 158, 167, 200, 203, 256, 259, 260, 278, 336. William, Jr., 158. Howland, Abigail,'344. Benjamin, t75, tio8. Michael, t344. Zebulon, loi, 144. HoYT, Annah, 133. Elizabeth, 195. Philip, 160, 161, 169. Philip G., ti95. Hkbbaro, John, 137, 311, 314. Huff, Thankful, 266.?;^._^-^\;^5 '" \ Hues, "j Hughes, l James, 154. Huse, j John, 107, 108, 155. J HUMPHUEY, Richard, 1130- Samuel, 130. William, 130. Joseph, 140. Sarah, 140. Thomas, 19, ti40. HUNNEWELL, Israel, 326. Lydia, 341. Molly, 326. Richard, Jr., 128. Hunt, David, 343. John, 124, 181. Mary, 181. Stuart, 163, 177. Hunter, Adam, t73. Ann, 75. Arthur, 73, 121, 142, 168, 251, 339. 342, 346. David, 332. Elizabeth, 73. Henry, 51, 64, 144, 189, 228, *33i. 332- James, 23, 73, 75, 82, 94, 112, Index of Names. 21 332. James, Jr., 251. Jane, 73. John, 73, +75, 190, 332. Margaret, 73, 75. Mary, 73. Nancy, 331. Robert, 73, 94. Sarah, 168, 331, 332. Susanna, 73. Thomas, 332. William, 75, 195, 332. HUNTOON, Mary, 361 HUPPER, Nathaniel, 121. Susanna, 121. HURRUP, Betsey, 230. Thomas Bovvers, t230. HusE, John, 92, 178, 230, 255. HussEY, Ann, 196. Benjamin, t227. Elizabeth, 196. Elsa, 228. Hannah, 227, 228. John, 65, 77, 119. Joseph, 228. Mary, 196. Obed, *I95, 196. Samuel, 196. Sarah, 196. Huston, Hous' «^^' I Ann, 2. roN, J David, t307. Frances, 297. James, 2, 50, 66, 224, 234, 297. John, 24, 190, 307, 332. Robert, 2, 332. WilHam, \2, 124, 332. HUTCHINS, Hollis, 138. Joseph, 137, ti38, 273. Solomon, t342- Hutchinson, Edward, 213. Elizabeth, 113. Hannah, 113, 125. James, ti38. Martha, 113. Mary, 113. Ruth, 113. Samuel, *II3, 114. Sarah,' 1 1 3. Susannah, 113. HUTE, Rosanna, 299. HVEU, Cornelius, 200. Ingeksoll, Benjamin, 45. Ingraham, Beriah, 148. Catharine, 75. Jeremiah, 279. John, t75. Jack, Margaret, 261. Robert, 261. Jackson, Benjamin, 275. Charles, 162. David, 197, t220. James, t275. Joseph, 350. Samuel, 275. Rebeckah, 220, 275. William, t275- Jacobs, Samuel, 249, 343. JACQUINS, 1 Christopher, i, ii,97. 275. Jackins, V l_ Jakins, j James Frederick, fl- Margaret, i. James, Anne, 85. Frances, 85. Patrick, 85. Sarah, 86. William, 51, *84, 85, 86. Jameson, Alexander, 83. Boyes Cooper, 1229. Brice, 32. Dorcas, 210. Eleanor, 210. George, 32. Hannah, 210. Isaac, t346. Jane, 32. Jenny, 210. Jeremiah, 346. John, 210, 261. Joseph, 32. Martin, 32. Mary, 32, 210. Paul, 32, 33, 88, loi, 130, 189, 22 Index of Names. 199, 206, t26o, 341, 346. Peggy, 210. Polly, 210. Rachel, 32. Robert, 130, 206. Sally, 210, 260. Samuel, *32, 107, *209, 210. Sarah, 32. Susannah, 210. William, 189. Jaques, Benjamin, no, 141, 249,306. Jkllison, Hannah, 162. Job, 166. Nathaniel, 124, ti62, ti66, ti85, 306. Jenks, David, 338. Jennison, Mary, t224. Samuel, 223. Jewell, James, 64. Susanna, 64. Jewett, David, *I38, 139. Elizabeth, +227. Eunice, 139. James, 227, 273, 343. Jedediah, 147. John Winthrop, 139. Moses, 344. Nathan, 88, 153. Phebe, 139. Sarah, 139. Stephen, 229, 255. Johnson, Bathsheba, 245. Dinah, 243. Dorothy, 310. Elisha, 245. Elizabeth, 243, 244. John, 68, 121, 140, 196. Joseph, ^242, 243, 244, 245, 246. Joshua, 243, 244, 245, 246. Levi, 245. Mary, 245. Nathan, 162, 195. Johnston, Abigail, 302. Sarah, 262. rhomas, 47, loi, 147, 163, 191, 206, 234, 255, 261, 262, 303, 322, 332, 360. William, 322. Jones, Apollos, 192. Avis, 192. Benjamin, 144. Edward, 253. Eunice, 265. Hannah, 74. Israel, 339. Jabez, 75. James, 228. John, 265, 273, 316,329, 336. Jonas, *73. Jonathan, 65, 144. Joseph, 192. * Lydia, 74. Meribah Allen, 192. Nathan, 12S. Pamelia, 192. Paul, ti92. Peter, t265. Phineas, 100. Richard, 178. Rosanna, 192. Stephen, 68. William, 50, 190, 303. Winzer, 206. Jordan, Hannah, 255. Israel, t255. James, 195. John, 255. Susanna, 255. Jose, Abigail, 314, Joyce, Elizabeth, 120. Isaac, 120. Jonathan, 120. Margaret, 120. Rachel, *I20, 121. Seth, 120. JUDKINS, Samuel, 311. Kalek, Anna Mariah, 253. Catherina, 253. Charles, 152, 253, 260. Doredeah, 253. Elizabeth, 253. Eva, 253, Henry, *253, 254. Jacob, 253. Margaret, 253. Index of Names. 23 Mary Catharina, 253. William, tio5. Keen, Abel, 273. Elisha, 235. Jacob, 235. Keith, Josiah, 338. Kelley, Alexander, 7. Benjamin, 272, 342. Ebenezer, 56. Findley, fy. Joseph, 203. Lydia, 285. Rebecca, 203. Sarah, 203. William, 203. Kelloch, Alexand.r, 8, 11, 12, 20. Kelsey, ^ Kellsy, y Agnes, 206. KiLLSA, j Enoch, 347. George, t2o6. Hannah, 347. James, *235, 347. John, t347- Lois, 222. Lydia, 235. William, 347. Kendall, Benjamin, 6. Jean, 9. WilHam, 274, 323. Kennedy, Ann, 271, 334, 364. David, 228, 229, 264. Henry, 274. James, 363. Mary, 228. Nicholas, ti36. Robert, 95, ill, 201, 228, 229, t255- Ruth, 271,334, 364. Samuel, 205, 211, t228, 229, 274, 275. Samuel, Jr., 1 10. Sarah, 144, 229, 255, 363. Thomas, 163, 350, 363, 364. Wilham, 170, t229, *27i, *363 Kenney, Abijah, 51. Elizabeth, 295, 296. Esther, 51. Kent, Benjamin, 10, John, 45. Kesler, Johannes, 178. Keyler, Henry, 29. Kezer, John, 195. Kidder, Richard, 38, 50, 52, 87, 137, 140, 161, 162, 163, 180. Samuel, 80. Kier, John Henry, t25. KiLKERT, Sevilla Magdalene, 167. Kilgore, Joseph, 337. Killeran, Edward, 67, 189. Killpatrick, Elizabeth, 59. Thomas, *58. William, 147. Kimball, Anna, 184. Bartholomew, t339. Eleanor, 163. Hannah, 184. Molly, 184. Moses, *i84. Nathaniel, 339. Ruth, 184. Solomon, 128. Timothy, ti63. Kincade, Samuel, 348, 352. Kindel, Easter, 91. KlNC, Benjamin, 348. Ezra, ti63. Prudence, 163. Kingsbury, John, 15, ti6, 133, t342. Miriam, 342. Patience, i6. KiNNASTON, David, 337, 338, 342. Kinsel, Benjamin, 226. John, 236. KiRKPATRiCK, Ann, 147. John, tl47. Thomas, 232. Kline, Christopher, 45. George, ti70. Knight, |]3aniel, 87, *io3, t338. Knights, J ' '' j- 00 Elizabeth, 103. Judeth, 103. Marthue, 103. Mary, 103. Nathaniel, 338. 24 Index of Names. Patishel, 103, t347- Susanna, 103, 347. William, 338. Knowi.s, Mary, 349. Richard, 2, *348, 349. Lackey, Olive, 338. William, t338. Ladd, Joses, 249, 250. Laiten, Ezekiel, 60. Hannah, 60. Jean, 60, 164. John, 60, ti64. Jonathan, 6, 7, *6o. Martha, 60. Mary, 60. Moses, 60. Rebecca, 60. Richard, 60. Thomas, ti7. Lamb, James, 323. Ruth, 323. Lamberd, Daniel, 151. Gideon, 149. Joseph, 64, 77, 124, 220. Luke, 69. Lambert, Gideon, 130. Joseph, 276. Paul, 227. Silas, 336. Lancestek, Elihu, 92. Joseph, 92. Lancev, William, t72. Langdon, Lydia, 302. Larrabee, Nathaniel, i, 251. Lash, Jacob, t82. Maiy, 82. Paul, 270. Leavit, Israel, 144. Lee, Ann, 257. Col. , 64. Elizabeth, 256, 257. James, 257. John, 187, 256, 257. Margaret, 186, 188, 205. Rebecca, 257. Silas, 170, 289,292, 308, 338, 351. William, 278. William, sen'r., *256. William, Jr., 185, 205, 239, 257. Leeman, l^etty, 224. Henry, 224. Nathaniel, 143, 1224. Leighton, Solomon, 319. Leishman, John, 72, 118, 145, 192, 247, 33S> 337. 338, 341, 342, 343, 347, 348. Leissner, Charles, t38, 247. Mary, 38. Le Mekciek, Peter, t223. Polly, 223. Lemont, Benjamin, 27, 28, 73, ti37. David, 28, 69. Elizabeth, 27, 28. Hannah, 28. James, 20, 27, 28, 64, 73, 82, 83- John, *27, 28. Mary, 73. Nancy, 28. Robert, 28. Samuel, 28. Sarah, 28, 64. Susanna, 73, 137. Thomas, 28, 137. Lepear, Andrew, t95. Mary, 95. Lermond, Alexander, 7, 11, 12, 34, 41, 50, 51, 60, 66, 67, 80, 86, 108. Elizai)eth,282. John, 150. \\ illiani, 344. LeRoys, Mary, 349. Lewis, Daniel, 271. Jabez, 177. Jane, 51. John, 183. Joseph, 51. Lavinia, 235. William, 46, 108, 144, l6l, 162, 163, 179, 206, 223, 274, 294, 359- Yardly 32. LlBBEE, ]. jiatevil, 67, 108, no, in, 143. LlBBY, ) >/,,,, tj Jane, 40. Joseph, 52, 140. Samuel, 68. Index of Names. 25 Bryant, 84, 273, 278. James, t-78. LlESON, Edmund, 45. Light, Elizabeth, 275, 308. George, Jr., 29, il$2. Henry, 237. Peter, 226. Robert, 1275. 289. Lilly, George, 11, 50, 140, 162 Lincoln, Benjamin, 144. Lennan, LlNNEN, LiNNAN, Thomas, 273, 343, 346. LiNNEKEN, Abigail, 302. Benjamin, *30i, 302. David, 302. Elizabeth, 302. Ephraim, 302, 303. Lucy, 302. Martha, 302. Mary, 302, 303. Phebe, 302. Sarah, 302. Susannah, 302. Linnet, Samuel, 339. LiNscorr, Ezekiel, t234. John, 234, 1264. LiTHGOW, Arthur, 278. Charlotte, 242. James Noble, 348. Mary, 242. Sarah, 348. William, 105, 1 18, 1278, 313, t34S, 368. William, Jr., iSo, 241, 242. LirrLE, Alexander, 259. Henry, t45, 90, 360. James, 37, 45, 90, 140, 224, 275. Joshua, 249. Livermore, Jason, 220. Locke, Abraham, 66. Daniel, t66. Longfellow, David, 140. Jonathan, 52. Samuel, 45, 277. Longley, Nehemiah, 121. Lord, Nathan, 45. LoRiNG, Laban, 220, 341. Levi, 129. Perez, 129. Prudence, 269. Loud, William, 24, 121. Wni. .Solomon, 130. Lo\T':joY, .Abiel, 11, 17, 24, 25, 34, 36, 72, 78, 90, 127, 138. .'Vbiel, Jr., 127, 263. Francis, t263. Nathaniel, 127. PoUey, 127. Sarah, 127. Samuel, 248. LovEiT, Israel, 193, 255. Robert, 343. Low, Jonathan, 129, 173. LowoER, Jonathan, 128, 129, 160, 161, 163, 166. Lowell, Abner, 339. Jacob, 108. James, 336. John, 75. Joseph, 272. Joseph, Jr., 324. LuDWiG, Jacob, 29, 82, 84, 102, 152, 202, 248, 254, 260, 276, 299, 330, 341, 346. Joseph, 152, 237, 254, 331, 346. Joseph Henry, 260. LUMBARD, 1 ,. , Lombard, j'^^mu-WS- Lyford, Elizabeth, 243. Joseph, 245. Mary, 245. Nathaniel, 245. Oliver, 244. McCaffry, Ann, 37. Frances, 37. James, 37. Jane, 37. John, 37. Margaret, 37. Mary, 37. Morgan, *36, 37. McCarter, Catharine, 282. Elizabeth, 225. Jane, 225. James, 225, 226. 26 Index of Names. John, 7, 41, *224. Margaret, 225. Martha, 225. Mary, 225. McCarty, John, 171. McCasi.and, Hannah, 199. McCausland, Elizabeth, 35. McClary, Michael, *178. McClintuck, Margaret, 118. Robert, 206, 277, 2S0, 297, 298, 334, 358, 359- William, fn^. McClure, Nancy, 331. I'honias, 190, 224. McCobb, Ann, 205, 242. Beatrice, 242. ("Brother,") S. Denny, 239, 240, 241, 242, 277, 278, 328, 343, 368. Elizalieth, 186. Frances, 186. George, 118. Isabel, 186, 188. James, 6, 9, 45, 105, 118, *i85. James, Jr., t224. Jane, 188. Jenny, 186, 187, 188, 242. John, 145, 242. Margaret, 186. Mary, 185, 186, 187, 188, 224. Nancy, 186, 188, 242. Parker, 241. Polly, 186, 187. Rachel, 57, 188, 241, 242, 327. Sally, 242. Samuel, 13, 15, 52, 63, 72, 118, 186, *24I-2. Thomas, ti05, 186, 187, 188, 1205. William, 51, 63, 72, 88, loi, 104, III, 115, 135, 140, 192, 272, 275, 296, 303, 335, 337, 338, 341, 342, 343, 347. McCoRHY, James, 59. Martha, 59. Rol)ert, 126. McCrate, Thomas, 309, 356. McCuLLucH, Mr. , 44. McCuRlJY, Daniel, +71, 72, 147. McDaniel, Ann, 34. James, 1 79. McFadden, Andrew, 321. Daniel. 7, 47, 63, 107, t276. Daniel, Jr., 107. James, 63, 276, 278, 343. John, 276. Margaret, 276. Thomas, 276. McFarlanij, Andrew, 44, 50, 52, 65, * 114. Benjamin, loi, 104, 135,347. Elizabeth, 114, 117. Ephraim, 19, 116. Jane, 117. Juhn, 37, 38, t63, 115, 116, 117, 118, 124, 343. John Murray, 116, 337, 338, 368. Joseph, 140, 163. Joseph, Jun., 140, 206. Lydia, 63, 192. Margaret, 117. Mary, 117. Robert, 298. Rosanna, 117. Sarah, 1 17. Susannah, 117. Thomas, ti92. McGi.AI'HRY, Alexander, 38. Margaret, 38. Roi)ert, 138. .Sarah, 38. William, 38. McGovvN, John, 11, 39, 163, 179. MCGUIUK, Margaret, 72. Patricl<, 72. Thomas, 152, 270. McHoNANK, James, 28, 100. McIntiuk, Catharine, 282. Henry, 73. Jane, 281, 282, 283. John, 67, *28i, 282, 283. Joseph, i,t73. Robert, 194, 281. Sarah, 73. William, 73, 234, 277, 280, 281, 2S3, 297, 298, 303, 304, 322, 33». 334, 341- Index of Names. 27 William S., t34i. McKechnie, Alexander, 141. Jane, 141. John, 77, 116, ti4i, 307. Joseph, 141. Lydia, 141. (North,) Mary, 10, 141. (Tozer) Rebecca, 14 1. Sarah, 141. Thomas, 141. William, 141. Macker, Lydia, 262. McKei.lar, John, 192, 226, 230, 345, 346. McKeely, John, 171. McKenNEY, Alexander, 341. Benjamin, 274. Betsey, 341. Brooks, 321. Catharine, 341. Charles, 341. David, *325, 326, 327. Daniel, 326, 327, 341. George, 341. Henry, Jun., t228. James, 326. Jonathan, 326, 327. John, t34i. Martha, 326. Mathew, 34. Sarah, 341. McKiBB, James, 28. McKnight, David, 107. McKowN, John, 89, 169, 170. Margaret, 88. Nancy, 89. Patrick, *88. Robert, 64, fSo, 89. McLanaken, Ann, 5. William, 5. Fergus, 12S. Hugh, 7, II, 45, 171. James, 345. John, 206, 360. Lochran, t45- Samuel, 1 28. William, 38, 47, loi, 128, 190, 191. McClelan, 1 McClelanu, > Alexander, 7, II. McLeli.an, j Brice, 194. Bryce, 249, 305. Elizabeth, 11, 345. Isaac, 345. James, 7, 11. Jean, 348. John, 7, II. Joseph, 234. Margaret, 7. Mary, 7, 11. Martha, 7, n. Nancy, 345. Nathaniel, ti48. Samuel, 7, 11. Sarah, 7. Simon, 1345. William, 7, fn- McMahop^, Daniel, 346. McMiLLEN, "1 ,, ,. ,. ' y Rosanna, 224. McMouLLiN, i ' ^ Sarah, 190. McMuRVHY, John, 273. McNear, John, 7, II, 12, 16, 38. McPhetkes, Abigail, 208. Archibald, 161, 166. Betsey, 208, 209. James, 209. Rachel, 20S, 209. William, t2o8. William, Jr., 208. Mace, Hannah, 347. Thomas, 1347. Macy, Zaccheus, 198. Maddin, Owen. 171. Mains, Abigail, 197. Anna, 197. Beatrice, 188, 197, 205. Elizabeth, 186. James, 197. James Cobb, 197. Joseph, ti97. Sarah, 197. Malcom, Abraham, 162. 28 Index of Names. Andrew, 20, 67, 171. Andrew, Jr., 192. Frances, 317. Isabel, 317. James, 144, 147, 189, 343, 344, 345. 346. John, tl2. Joseph, 82, *II2. Robert, t346. Sarah, 112. Susanna, 346. William, 7, 82, 125, 195. Mallett, Isaac, 114. Jesse, 307. John, t3o6. Samuel Thompson, 337. William, 306. Mann, Oliver, 128. Manson, Isabella, 258. MAKKINER, X j.^th, 265. Mariner, J -^ Marrow, Samuel, 29. Marsh, Caleb, 220, 341, 346, 347. John, 29, 72, 78, 84. Marshall, William, 20, 194. Marson, Marston, Martin, Charles, t298. John, Jun., 38. Lucy, 298. Mary, 206, 343. Richard, t343. Stephen, 344. Thomas, 344. William, 47, t2o6. Matciiloekk, Mary, 12. Mathias, tl2. Maithews, Kdmund, 254. Klisha, 273. James, 176. Abner, i, 17, 130,275, 278. Christopher, t262, 263. Elizabeth, 67, 262, 263. Elizabeth Harris, 67. George, 67. James, 263. Samuel, 1275- Sarah, 67. Stephen, 17, f6y. Susanna, 67. John, loi. Mary, 266. Maxey, Amy, 206, 207. Benjamin, t2o6, 207. Harvey, 207. Joseph, 207, 345. Josiah, 207. Lydia, 206, 207. Sarah, 206, 207. Maxwell, Ceorge, 229, 276, 339. James, 178, 256, 276, 339, 348. Mayer, | Mayers, > Cassimier, 1 1 . MlKR, j Catharine, 97. Ludowick Cassemire, tl04. John, fii- Mary Magdalene, *97. Philip, II. Ulerick, tii. Meaghek, Richard, 234. Mehany, John, t84. Meigges, Abigail, 208. Ebenezer, 207. Hannah, 208. Keziah, 208. Mary, 207, 208. Nathaniel, *207. Nathaniel, Jr., 207. Rebecah, 208. Mellus, Daniel, t346. Henry, 343. ^lary, 343- Priscilla, 346. Meloey, Hannah, 113. Melony, James, ti7i. Walter, ti94. Melvin, Mary, 314. Merit, Daniel, 45. Merrit, Mary, 360. 1 Mero, Mekrow Merrill Amariah, 207, 248, 345. Henjamin, 275. John, 23, 51, 82, 84, 112, 119, 121, 226, 229, 256, 259, 261, 292, 337. 340, 346, 349- Joseph, t337- 'I'homas, 228. Merry, Joseph, 136. Meservk, Benjamin, 253. Index of Names. 29 Metcali", Joseph, 192. Samuel, 24S. Thomas, 192. MiCHEi.L, Noah, 45. James, 4, 6. MlEKS, \ Catharine, 11. Mayers, j George, 1 1 . Molly, II. Miller, Alexander N., 66. Annas, 16. Ann Marey, 16. Boston, 332. Frances, 201. Francis, 102. Frank, 84. Hannah, 65, 66. Henry, fsQ. James, *I5, 66. Jane, 66. Jeannet, 16. John, 16, 34, 66, 84. Mary, 16, 66. Nancy, 66, 228. Robert, 16, 65, 66, t228. Samuel, 66, 303. Sarah, 16. Thomas, 66, 279. William, 2, 13, 165. MiLLNER, Elizabeth, \i2-j. Millet, David, 345. Mink, Mary Lissabot, 103. Peter, 103. Mitchel, Christopher, 20. Jones, 192. Josiah, 161, 268, 347, Richard, 197, 198. Stephen, 100. Thomas, 345. Moli.oy, (Hutchinson) Hannah, 125. Hugh, 306. John, *I25. Montgomery, Anna, 12, 62. James, 12, fi^. John, 12, 13, 15, 61, 89 104, ti45. t248. Lydia, 145. Robert, *I2, flS- Samuel, 12, 61, 224, 337 338,341- Sarah, 12, 13, 15, *6i. Moody, Amos, 88, 193. John, t88. John Minot, 260. Samuel, 22. Moore, ^ Moor, > Anna, 264. Moores, J David, 160, 275. Ebenezei, 72, 78, 175, 273, 274. Elizabeth, 249. Hannah, 361. John, t28, 142, 164, 183, 228, 305- Levi, 72, 90. Nathan, t72. Sally, 264. Sarah, 28, 72. Thomas, 126, t264. William, t249- Morey, Ezekiel, 162. Morgridge, Thomas, 248. Morrill, Bathsheba, 245, 246. Jcdediah, 45. Levi, 246. Peter, [45. Morrison, Jonathan, 130, 194, 298, *352. Moses, 207. Rusha, 298, 353. Thomas, t298, 353. Thomas Wallace, 353. William Jackson, 353. Morse, Daniel, 273, t336. David, 73. Jonathan, 273, 336. Joseph, 345. Nathaniel, 328. Morton, Briant, 347. Cornelius, ti04. Ebenezer, 206. Ebenezer, Jr., 199. James, 82, *I27. Jean, 128. John, 128, 298. Joshua, 83. Margaret, 128. Robert, 128. Sarah. 128. 30 Index of Names. William, 128. MoTHEKWii.L, Thomas, 197. MoTLKY, Jane, ;i^. MUKPHY, Alexander, tiS4. Pet„r, Jr., 357. Priscilla, 166. Thomas, 184. Thomas, Jr., ti66. Murray, Anne, 62. David, 93, no, 130. Elizal)eth, 7. Jolui,43, 52, 62, 72, 88, 89, III, 118, 145, 189, 224, 247, 272. Robert, 43. Robert Montgomery, 62. Mustard, Abigail, 93. Charity, 248, 250, 251. Charles, 250. David, t248, 250. James, 73, 93, ti4i, 248, *250_ 251. John, *93. Joseph, 250. Mary, 250. William, 248. Mylik, Mary, 364. Nardkn, Zachariah, ^2$. Nash, Chureh, fzbi. Eve, 261. Jane, 261. Lydia, 261. Margret, 262. OHver, loi, 191, 206.255,261,262. Sanmel, 261. NasoN, Abigail, 351. Abraham, 288, 324, 326, 327, 341, 351- Anna, 351. Nklson, John, t256. Samuel, 272. Nkvers, Phinehas, 28, ^\(u. Samuell, 28. Newbert, Christopher, 73, 103, 126. Elizabeth, 177. John, 73. Mary, 103. Newcomh, Reuben, 126. Nickels, Alexander, 38, 63, 80, 217, *332. Ebenezer, 340. Fanny, 217. Hannah, 217, 333. James, t205, *2i7, 280, 333. Jane, 169. Jann, 217. John, 205, 217, 218, 226, 279, 333- Margaret, 217, 332, 333. Ruth, 217. .Samuel, 2, 6, 7, 11, 38, 53, 64, 80, no, 169, 170, 187, 188, 205, 211, 228, 229, 259, 275, 280. William, 217, 333, 336. Noble, Arthur, 38, 53, 54, 66. Benjamin, 24. Francis, 25. Jane, 76. John, 24. Lazarus, +24, 36. Tamor, 109. Norcrdss, Ann, 196. Joanna, 64. Martha, 64. Philip, 64, 196. N(JRKIS, Jeremiah, 352. North, Elizabeth, 10. Gershom, 274. John, *g, 13. Joseph, 10, 53, 87, 121, 122, 136, 141, 148, 158, 167, 180, 254, 256, 304. Mary, 10. William, 10. Norton, Ebenezer, 272. Constant, 269. Kathariene, 269. Peter, 269. Sarah, 268, 269. Stephen, *268. NoYES, Jeremiah W., 346 NuTE, Paul, 272, 324. Nutter, Hannah, 305. Valentine, *305. NuTiTNO, Ebenezer, 90. George, 90. Index of Names. 31 Jonathan, 41, fgo, 226. Oliver, 90. Nye, Adino, 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, t34. ^lary, 34, 50. Oakman, Joseph, fyj. Samuel, 77, 136. Oaks, "I . , , Oak, ,-■^'^'^1. 151- Daniel, 150. ElizaUeth, 150. John, 150. Jonathan, *I49. Jonathan, Jr., 150. Levi, 150, 151. Lois, 150. Lucy, 150, 151. Lydia, 150. Mary, 150. Mille, 150, 151. Rebecl Uaniel, 288. Pl.UMMKK, j David, 65, 138. David, Jr., 130. John, 88, 138, 1288,354. Samuel, fSS. Pochard, Peter, 262. Poland, Ezra, 334. Jenny, 357. Judith, 357. POLERKCZKY, John, 263, 306. Pollard, Moses, 340. Poor, David, 274. Jean, 262. Richard, 178. Porter, Benjamin Jones, 255, 339. PORTERFIELD, Patrick, 11, S3, 34, 59, 86, t344- Robert, 344. William, 344. PoTE, Jeremiah, 45. PoriER, Aaron, 343. Hannah, 261. James, 22, 1 10, 292. Jane, 343. John, t239. Joseph, ti66, 307. Margaret, 51, 166. Nancy, 341. Tolly, 343. Rachel, 343. Robert, 261. Sarah, 106, 239. Solomon, 249, t343- William, tiio, 344. PolTLE, Azariah, 92, 305. David, 179. PuWEL, John, 99. Power, ) . , „, „ > .\rad, 71;. Powers, ) '■' Jane, 328. Levi, 17, 18. Mary, 109. Robert, 84. Pkait, Asa, 109. David, 108. Elisha, 162, 166, 185. Elizabeth, 109. James, 109. Mary, 193. Sarah, 109. Seth, 170. Preble, Abraham, 30, 31, 36, 105, tio8, 124, 141. Ebenezer, 30, 31, 32, 161, ti97. James, 108. Jedediah, 108. Jonathan, 7, *29, 31, 161. Joseph, 30, 31, 36, 107, 215, 240, 319- Martlia. 197. Mary, 32, 108, 215, 319, 320. Mehitable, 29. Samuel, 31, 197. William, 215. Zebulon, 124, 339. Preist, Deidamia, 212. Prescoit, Benjamin, 339. Jedediah, 246, 250. Pressey, Benjamin, 272. Elizabeth, 272. Jacob, 133, 1272. Prin'ce, Isaac, 205. Procht, Peter, 237. Prudens, William, 252. PULLEN, Stephen, 83, 129, 138, 144. William, 149, 219, 220, 251, 336. Purinc;to.\, David, t84. Ilezekiah, t4, 229, 348. Humphrey, tl, 141. Isabella, 4. James, 229, 256, 337, 346, 348. James Seals, 74. Joshua, 4. Mary, 84. Nathaniel, I, 248. •Silence, 16S. Quicii, Daniel, 177. QuiMV>Y, Samuel, 284. Racklief, Benjamin, 228, 260, 288. INDEX OF Names. 35 Radden, David, 274. James, 274. John, 274. REMliLY, \ j^iathias Rameley, Ramsdeli. Randal, Randall, 5S, 39, 178- George, 348. I Daniel, 119. Ezra, 2, 53. Hatherly, 248. Huldah, *II9- John, 24. Joseph, 53, 248, 249, 25 8, 261. Martha, 258, 261. Robert, 237, 23S, 277, 305- Robert, Jr., t305. WiUiam, 73,84, 119, 125, 142, 160, 259, 261, 342, 346- Rankin, Constant, 206. Roberc, 129. Rax, Anne, 33. Raymond, Benjamin, 313. Elnathan, 185, Raynes, Joshua, 64, 260. Rea, Benjamin, 162. ReardoN, Ehzabeth, 273. Timothy, t273, t274- Redington, Asa, 162. Reed, Andrew, 43, 44, +51, t2o5, 341, 367, 368- Ann, 9, 193, 336- Catharine, 97. Charity, 259. Charlotte, 261. David, 43, 44, 5°, S^> 53, 6; 121, 258, *26l. Elizabeth, 50, 258, 261. Eunice, 260. Eve Christine Margaret, 167. George, 298. Hannah, 205, 259, 261. Henry, 44- Ichabod, t336. Jacob, 167. Jane, 117, 258, 261. Joel, 92, 193, 197, +260. John, *43, 44, +"i, 1^8, 125, ♦258, 259, 261, t339- John, Jr., 125, 251, 258, 259. John George, *i()'j. Jonathan, 61, 87, 97, 162, 163, I93, 234, 294, 306, 348. Jonathan, Jr., 140- Joseph, 50, 51, I92. Josiah, 344, 345- Margaret, 258, 261. Margaret Catharine Bare, 167. Margery, 341- Martha, 51, 258, 261, 337. Mary, 117, 258. Mary Magdalene, 167. Michael, 84, 167. Paul, 19, 118, t34i- Rachel, 339. Robert, 132, 189, 260, 272. Samuel, 39, I93- Sarah, III. Sevilla Magdalene, 167. Susanna, 258, 259, t342- Thomas, 342. William, 44, 51, +^5, 227, 229, 259, t337- Reynolds, Nathaniel, 204. Rhoads, Cornelius, 360. Elizabeth, 191, 262, 360. George, 255. Thomas, 237. Rice, Joseph, 138. Rebecca, 326. Thomas, 28, 53, 63, 7^, 92, 104, 107, 108, 133, 136, 170, 188, 198, 217, 228, 254, 260, 276, 288, 308, 324, 326, 336, 338, 339, 349, 366. WiUiam, 325. Rich, Samuel, 68. Richards, Sarah, 273. Richardson, Abijah, 1 10. Jerusha, 274. Joseph, t274. WiUiam, 68, 200, 202. Richmond, Thomas B. 189. RiCKER, Paul, ti7- Ridlon, Robert, t3o6. Ridley, George, 249. RiGGS, Benjamin, 273, 274. Ring, David, 224, t249, 267, 31 3- Eleanor, 249. George, 209, 278. 36 Index of Names. Thomas, 29, 183, 249, 277, 288, 338, 347- RirrAL, Betsey, 306. Charlotte, 306. P'rancis, i, 11, 16, 29, 38, 75,97, 140, 168, *305. John, 306, t345- Louis, 306. Lucy, 306. Margaret, 345. Molly, 306. Sally, 306. Nancy, 306. Rivers, Mary, 14. Moses, 140. RoBARTSON, Charity, 53. Charles, *52. David, 53, 119. (Savage) Elizabeth, 52. (Stinson) Jane, 53. Martha, 52. (Stinson) Mary, 53. William, 52. Robins, } 1, . ^^^ r. > Betsey, 223. Robbins, / J' J David, 204, 248. Ebenezer, loi. Elioenai, 222. Jason, t248. Jenny, 248. Josiah, 204, 206, 207, 253, 345. Lois, 222. Lucy, 222. Luther, 275. Mella, 223. Nathaniel, 345. Nathaniel Johnson, 215. Oliver, *22i. Oliver, Jr., 221, 235, 236. Otis, 222. Philip, III, 193, 206 Rufus, 222, 223. Sabra, 222. Shephard, 222. Sybel, 222. Thanlful, 204. Roberson, Bryant, 20. Robinson, Alexander, 227. Archibald, 14, 16, 140, 143, 171, 194, 218. llaunce, 90, 108, 194. James, 88, 246. John, 14, ti43, 194, 218, 274. Joseph, 14, 15, 40, 1 18. Levi, 95. Margaret, i, 40. Mary, 14, 15. Moses, *I3, loi, 271. Sarah, 143. Timothy, 285. William, t2, 14. Winthrop, 177. Roby, Henry, 170. Margaret, 170. & Cruft, 290. RODBIKD, Absalom, 328. Jane, 328, John, 328. Martha, 328, 329. Thomas, *328. William, 328. RoDGEKS, (Read) .Vnn, 9. Elizabeth, 297. Francis, 297. George, 6, 8, 9, 27, 34, 80, 277, 297. Hugh, 8. Jane, 297. (Kendall) Jean, 9. John, 9, 27. Margaret, 9. Mary, 297. l^atrick, 35, 37, 38, *297. Robert, 9. Ruth, 8, 9. Thomas, 8. William, 9, 297. Rogers, Alexander, 211, 27S, 325, 339, 340, 349- Elisha, 58. Elizabeth, 78, 204. Frances, 317. George, 333. Hannah, 333. Howland, 341. Index of Names. 37 Hugh, 224, 368. James, 248, 249, 306, 307. John, *77, 121, 160, 185, 203, 204, 258, 275, 278, 325, 349. Joseph, 362. Kata, 78. Martha, 154. Mary, 78, 250. Moses, tS8- Peleg, 54- Phebe, 179. Sarah, 99, 100. William, *8, 237, 238, 358. RoLLANDS, I Ephraim, 332. Rollins, J ^ •^-' Mary, loi. ROMINGEK, Jacob, 226. Fhilip, t39- Rose, Daniel, 344. Prince, 43, 51, iio, 141. Roth, Conrad, 299. George, *298. Rosanna, 299. RowE, Ebenezer, 276. Ebenezer, Jr., 276. Edmund G., +276. Jacob, 256, 338. ROWELL, Jacob, 145. William, 339. RUNDLET, Charles, 289. Nathaniel, 289, 290. RUNELS, Benjamin, 141. Rupert, John Wolfe, t25. Russell, Betsey, 249. Ichabod, 249. Isaac, t249. James, 249. John, 249. Joseph, 249. Nathaniel, 249. Polly, 249. Thomas, 154. Rust, Joseph, 228, Ryan, Bryan, 50. John, 124, 347. Michael, 218. Sally, Daniel, 7. Elizabeth, 7. James, 17. John, t7. Sampson, 1 Charles, loi, no, 129, 199, Samson, j 331. James, 278. Sanders, Hephzibah, 195. James, 195. Thomas, ti95. Timothy, 195. SanF'IRU, John, 169, 325. Thomas, 138. Savage, Ann, 259. Benjamin, 269. Daniel, 87, 88, 107, t259- Ebenezer, 356. Edward, 17. Elizabeth, 52. Isaac, 18, 220. Isaac, Jr., 148. John, 178, 179, 291, 340. Thomas, 178, 179. Sawtell, llezekiah, ti2i. Obadiah, 122. Moses, 122, 339. Nathan, 201. Sawyer, Aaron, 136. Benjamin, 136. Elizabeth, 302. George Whitefield, 340. Jacob, 303. Jonathan, 189, 272, 335, 337, 33^' 341. 342, 343- Joshua, ti36. SCHAEFFF.R, John Martin, 143, ♦246, 299. Margaret, 247, Mary, 247. SCHENCK, ] .^nrirew, 68, 82, no, 129, Shank, Y * SCHANCKS, J -Tj> J ;' Catharina, 330. Chrischana, 330. George, 330. James, .330. John, 330. Lucy, 330. Mary, 330. Sarah, 329. Sophia, 330. Scott, Daniel, 92, 93, 108, 156, 205, 342. 38 Index of Names. SCRIBNER, Stephen, 286, 287, 319. Seai.ky, Drusilla, 343. Shubael, 343. Seari., John, 248. John, Jr., t248. Sears, Barnabas, 183, 207, 230. Seekins, Aaron, 340. Sevens, Elizabeth, 256. Sevkv, Hannah, 324. John, 136, 146, 22S, *288, 307, 324- Maria, (Moriah,) 70, 289, 290, 291, 292. Mary, 29, 288. Mercy, 324. Michael, 7, 16, 28, 53, 63,92, 104, *323- Samuel, 290, 291, 292, 303. Solomon, 324. Stephen, 29, *288, 324. Susannah, 287. William, 219, 303, 324. Wyman Bradbury, 228, 277, 289, 290, 291. Sewall, Charles, 260. David, 260, 265, 305, 340. Dorcas, 265. Dummer, 19, 24, 64, 69, 75, 124, 137; 160, 164, 170, 183, 188, 220, 221, 277, 339, 348. H., 158. Hannah, 260. Henry, iii, 124, 201, 204, 254. t26o, 264, 279. Jenny, 260. Jonathan, 287. Joseph, 221. Joshua, 260. Meriam, 265. Moses, 265, 273, 305, t340. \ancy, 260. Polly, 260. ^ Ruthy, 340. Samuel, 229, 260. Sarah, 260. Stephen, flSs,. William, 265. Shannon, James Noble, 68. SllAW, Benjamin, 1 14, 248, 263, t336. Elias, 4. Elisha, 19, 20, 24, 169, 75. Francis, 1 7. Jesse, 263. John, 4, t50, 87. Joseph, 263. Joshua, 262, 265. Josiah, 336. Mary, t263. Nathaniel, 192. Susanna, 69. Sheen, John, t23. Shepherd, Abner, ti6i. Avis, 192. Daniel, 192. Levi, 275. Sherburne, Abiel, 191. Jacob, 160. Nathan, *i9i. Fully, 191. Shekwin, Abigail, 365. Elnathan, 323, 365, 366. Shibles, David, 108. James, 108. John, 59, tio8. Mary, 108. Robert Killpatrick, 59, 108. Thomas, 59, 108. Shi LEBER, William, 295, 296. Shdkt, John, 301. Shuman, John, 73. SnuRTi.EFE, Dorcas, 159. SllfTK, Benjamin, 87. SinKi.iNi; R, ( harles, 226. Daniel, 226. George, 226. Martin, t226. Mary, 226. Peter, 226. SiDi'.Ni'.VKKKK, Mathias, ti43- Michael, 143. Susanna, 143. Sides, Lawrence, 143. Lorinz, 276. Michael, 39. Silvester, Betsey, 308. Catherine, 322. Index of Names. 39 David, 136, 137, 145, 146, 219, 254, 260, 275, 292, *307, 335. 336- Jane, 49, 69, 308. Joshua, 307, 308, 309. Lucy, 49. Lydia, 308. Martha, 307, 308. Mary, 69, 71, 219,308. Rachel, 308. Samuel, t2i9. Sarah, 308. William, 34, 48. Simmons, Abigail, 248. Barnabas, 145, 298. Betsey, 248. Dorothy, 181. Ichabod, 246. Joseph, 181, 182, 199, 238, 248, 261, 276. Marcy, 181. Mary, 181, 238. Nancy, 248. Nathaniel, 73, 129, *i8o, 347. Peobody, 248. Rachel, 181, 248. Sarah, 181, 238. Stephen, 181, 238, t248. Urainy Sprague, 248. Zebedee, 129, 181, 182, *238. Zebedee, Jr., 239. SiMONTON, Sally, 334. Simpson, Elizabeth, 82, 124. James, 259. Paul, 121. Robert, 255. William, t82, ti24. SiNKLEK, Nathaniel, 52. Skolfield, Margaret, 348. Richard, 336. Sleeper, John, 92. Moses, 185. Sloman, Lydia, 95. Thomas, t95. Slosses, Mr., 44. Slowman, Abigail, 351. Small, Benjamin, 345. Bethiah, 35. John, 141. Smallv, Francis, 21. Smart, Elizabeth, 80. John, 80. Joshua, 169. Thomas, t8o. Smiley, David, 227. Hugh, 175. Thomas, 122. Smith, Asa, 65, 93. China, 137. Daniel, 68. Ebenezer, 138, 197. Eliab, 173. Emanuel, 274. Henry, 136, 339. Hugh, 138. Isaac, 194. Israel, 54, t3ii. Jane, 311. John, 339. Joseph, 248. Mannasseh, 290. Manuel, 276. Mathias, 48, 148, 269, 317. Rogers, 155, 264, 272, 276. Thomas, 316. William, 271. Smouse, John, ti7i- Snell, Elijah, 195. Thomas, 54, 95, 138, 220, 311. Snipe, Ann, 106. Charles, 7, 47, *I05. Gordon, 106. Hannah, 106. Jean, 106. John, 106, 209. Marthow (Martha,) 106. Sarah, 106. Snow, Elisha, 132. Ephraim, 255, 339. Isaac, I, 4, 75. Philip, 204. Somes, David, 2, 336. Soper, Martha, 215, 319, 320. Samuel, 319. Seth, 87, 136. Soule, Abigail, 129. 40 Index of Names. Amos, 329. Anna, 129. Asa, 185. Cornelius, 100. Elizabeth, 261. John, 73, 261. Levi, ti29. Nathan, 101, ti29. Samuel, 32S. Sarah, 129, f2-j6. Spaffokd, Jacob, 154. James, 155. John, 155. Jonathan, 108, ti25, *I54. Martha, 154, 155 Mary, 154, 155. Phelie, 140. Robert, 155. Samuel, 155. William, 155. Spaulding, Eleazer, 164. Josiah, 164. William, 164. SPiiAR, John, 247. Jonathan, 60. Robert, ti04. William, 206, 344. Spencer, Isaac, 24. Spinney, Joanna, 79. John, t79- SpracU'K, Jetliro, lOO. John, 2()7. Joseph, 342, 345. Michael. 129, 299. Nathan, 124, 199, 248, 254, 299, Spooner. 248. William, 73, 100, 278. Si'KlNi;, Daniel, 223. Spuincek, Anna, 64. ISetsey, 137. Edward, 64. Hannah, 64, 121. James, 16, 24, t63, 273. John, 25, 64, +121, 140, 256. Lucy, 137. Martha, 64. Mary, 64. Nathaniel, 63, 64, ti37. Rachel, 24, 64. Samuel, 137. Sarah, 137. William, 121, 339. Sproul, James, 64, 80, 179, 233,237, 238, 321, 322. Jean, 233. John, 233, 304, 321, 322. Margaret, 233. Mary, 233, 321, 322. Robert, 38, 78, *232, 322. Sarah, 232, 233, 321, 322. Susan, 322. Susanna, 233. Thomas, 233, *32i. William, 35, 206, 233, 322. Stackpole, James, 132, 141, 193, 200, 202, 223. Mary, 141. Samuel, 200. Stacy, Nymphas, 156, 178, 275, 292, 309, 349- Stain, John, 11, 38. Standish, James, 338. Standley, David, 17. Stanley, Solomon, 130. Stanwood, Job. ti88. Stapel, \ . ^^ Staple, j • ""^' J-5- Daniel, 325. Ephraim, 324. James, 325. John, 324. Joseph, 324. Josiah, 325. Lucy, 324. Koiiert, 325. Samuel, 169. Stephen, *324. Susanna, 324. Starmki), John, 249. .Stauiuck, Christopher, 196. Starkly, Thomas, 180. Starling, Joseph, foi. Moses, loi, 147, 201, 273. Starkett, Thomas, 66, 80, 108, iii, 148, 232. StebBINS, Josiah, 353. Index of Names. 41 Stfdman, James, 201. Stephens, Joseph, 173. Stevens, Abigail, 286. Amos, 219. Betsey, 286. Charity, 343. Charles, 343. Daniel, *285, 286, t339- Drusilla, 343. Ephraim, 221. Hannah, 286. Jacob, tl24. Jerusha, 339. Jonas, 227. Joseph, ti29, t227. Mary, 286, 343. Mehitable, 286. Nancy, 286. Nathaniel, 205. Olive, 286. Rachel, 129. Samuel, 269, 286- Sarah, 286. Sophia, 286. Thomas, 75, 276, t343. 346- William, 276. Steward, Abraham, 141. Daniel, 249, 305. Sarah, 141. Solomon, no, 194. Solomon, Jr., 249. Stickney, Benjamin, 220. Stilfin, Francis, 275. Margaret, 49. Michael, 49. Molly, 306. Stilkey, John George, ti88. StinsoN, Ann, 46, 47. Elizabeth, 46. Isabella, 96. James, 46, 66, 209. Jean, 46. John, 2, 7, 31, 36,46,47. 51. 63- 96, 106, 209, 215. Margaret, 46. Mary, 53, 96- Mercy, 46. Robert, 80, 96, II4- Samuel, 18, 96, 1 38, 157, 197. 239. 255. 307. 340. Samuel, Jr., t307. Sarah, 46. Thomas, 18, *95. William, *4S, 107, 328, 342, 344. Stoddard, Amos, 305. Stone, Betsey, 345. Daniel, 140, 345. Ebenezer, 345 John, 345. Jonas, 345. Nancy, 345. Samuel, 345. Walden, t345. Storer, Andrew, 34, 126, 182, 226, 247. Ebenezer, 187, 188. Story, Jane, 189. Thomas, *i89. Stuart, Abigail, 118. Charles, tii8. John, 329. Stutson, 1 2enas, 289, 307. Studson, J Sullivan, William, 47, 273. Sumner, Ezra, 143, 144. Hopestill, 90, III, 171. Sutton, John, 276. Swanton, William, 64. SWATZ, (Castner) Anna, 142. Catharine, 142. Christehana, 142. Fredrick, ti42. Jacob, 142. Lucy, 142, 1143. Margrate, 142. Mary, 142. Peter, 142. Susannah, 142. Swasey, Joseph, ti24. Sweet, Abiel, 307. Arnold, t336. Polly, 336. Sweetland, James, 206. Samuel, 145, 162. SwEETSER, Jane, 99, 100. SWETT, Benjamin, 240, 241. *327, 328. 42 Index of Names. James, 327. John, 327. Sarah, 327. William, 327. SvLViiSTKK, Mary, 64, 140. William, 24, ti40. Tai!KK, John, 219. Talbut, Samuel, 189. Tark, Benjamin, 343. Joseph, 274. TayI-OR, Anna, 313, 314. Betsey Sleeper, 314. Elias, t87. Ephraim, 160. Ezra, 196, 221, 263, 278, 294, 306, 348. Jerusha, ti6o. Joseph, 1 19, 160. Mary, 87. Thomas, Jr., t277. William, 272, 329. Temple, Elizabeth, 124. Richard, 84, 124. Tenny, Thomas, fy. Thatcher, Josiah, 177. Thayer, Gideon, 10. Theobald, Philip, 49, 137, 192, 206, 221. Sally, 306. Thomas, Consider, t234. David, 87, 88, 259, 264. Frances, 364, 365. CJeorge, 84, 124, 141, 229, 345. Ichabcjd, 336. Jesse, 88, 130. Joseph, 185, 365. Melzer, 341. Sarah, 234. Waterman, 90, loi, 129, 143, 145, 262, 276, 299, 330, 331. TnoMl'SoN, .\arun, 337. Abigail, l8. Benjamin, *i8. t229. Cornelius, 188. Ebenezer, ti44. Ezekiel, 221, 226, 229, 234, 25 «. 337. 345- Humphrey, 337. James, i, 4, 143. 30S. 337- Jane, 206. Joel, 26S, 336, 337. John, 64, t2o6. Mary, 337- Rhoda, 229. Robert, 66, 206, 332. Samual, 44, 161, 229, t337- Story, 189. William, 144, 160, 230. & Tinkham, 290. Thorn, Elizabeth, 82. Lucy, 82. Martha, 82. Sarah, 82. Thomas, 82. William, 43, t82. William, Jr., 43. Thornton, James, 20, ti24. John, 124. Joshua, 124. Susanna, 124. William. 124, 125. Thorp Lewis, 273, 274, 276, 343. Thwing, Nathaniel, 87, 92, 131, 137, 157, 158, 180, 185, 197, 198, 199, 260, 285, 342. TiBBEiTS, John, 28. Nathaniel, 63, 95, 192, 199, 341, Samuel, 226, 292, 306, 342. Tiffany, Daniel 339. TlLTON, Abraham, *287. Andrew, 287. Benjamin, 277, 287. e harles, 287. Daniel, 287. John, 287. Mary, 287. Samuel, 277, 287. Sarah, 287. •Susannah, 287. TiNKHAM, Joseph, 275, 291, 303, 308, 309. 335' 336- Mary, 170. Polly, 170. Seth, 272, 291, 324, 327, 336, 356. Spencer, 170. & Savage, 290. TiKKiLL, Isaac, 255. Index of Names. 43 Joseph Shaw, 255. TiTCOMB, Nancy, 361. Samuel, 361. TofeEY, Stephen, 274, 276. Todd, George, 368. Samuel, 4. ToLMAN, Jeremiah, 206. Mary, 17. Samuel, U7, 206, 224. ToTMAN, Henry, 188. Town, Ephraim, 199, 202. Sherebiah, *I99, Thomas, 90, 199. TowNSEND, Daniel, fio?. 'S^- Dodivah, 203, 204. Sarah, 107, 203. TOWNSLEY, Jacob, 140. TozER, 1 Jeremiah, 57, Sg. ToziER, j Jo^". 68, 77- Rebecca, 141. Simon, 141. Traftox, Zacheus, t20. Trague, Elkanah, 350. Trask, AUis, 144. David, 342, 347- Elizabeth, 144. John, 144; t20i. Samuel, fSj, 201. Sarah, 201. Solomon, 347. Sylvia, 201. Thomas, 343. William, 87. Treast, Catran, 85. Troup, 1 Alexander, 307, 309, 329. Troop, J Trott, Benjamin, 18, 31, 336. John, 31, 132. Joseph, 341. Lemuel, 31, 164, 260. Tro\vbridc;e, John, 129, 276. Sarah, 129, 276. Trufant, David, 20, t25, 64, 69, 194. Mary, 25. Tubes, Ezra, 262. Samuel, 294. Tuck, Samuel, 268, 298. Tucker, Joanna, 335. John, 189. Josiah, 17, Richard, t335. Richard Hawley, 335. TucKERMAN, David, ti37. TuLLY, Dorothy, 72. TUPPER, James, 161, 180, 234. William, 140. Turner, Alexander, 129, 276. Anna, 276. Bethiah, 347. Betsey, 347. Briggs, 163, 228, 229. Caleb, 201. Christopher, 315. 316, 359. Consider, 220, t346. Cornehus, 129, 166, 182, 188, 276. Elisabeth, 113, 252. George, 347. James, 15 1, *25I. Joanna, 347. John, 315, 316. Sarah, 346, 347. Simeon, 124. William Hodgkins, 347. Twist, Thomas, 284. Twycross, Robert, 48, 49. Tyler, Belcher, 133. Ebenezer, 98. Ul.MER, George, 166, 188. John, 38, 82, 143. Umbehind, Jacob, 124. Umphrize, John, 125. Varner, George, *236. Sadoney, 236. Vaughan, Eliot, 76. Jane, 76. Samuel, Jr., 167. William, 76. Veerz, Mary, 123. ViNALL, David, 129, 237. Ezekiel, 248. Mary, 270. ViNiNG, Benjamin, 82. Vose, Seth, III, 171, 226. Wade, Abner, 138, 197, 220, 255, 311, 341. 356- Benjamin, 201. Jacob, 181. 44 Index of Names. Joseph, 54, 92, 95, 132. Rachel, 264. Wadswoki H, Abiah, 32. Alfred, 348. Waixh, Anna Elhet, 201. Jane, 260. John, *20i, 260. Peter, 202, t26o. Walker, Andrew, 199. Benjamin, 192. Charles, 164. Meriam, 198. Sarah, 341. Solomon, tl98, 199, 341, 355. Wall, Mary, 302. Patiick, 344. Walliser, John Christopher, 276. Walton, Abiel, 229. Ward, John, 65, 77, 119, 138, 201. Warner, John, 45. Silas, 104. Warren, George, 141, 227. Josiah, 142, t305. Richard, 208. Sarah, 305. Waterhoise, Samuel, 186. Waterman, Abijah, ioi, tiio. Deborah, 1 10, 238. Joseph, IOI. Mary, no. Thomas, no, 238. Waters, Patience, 54. Samuel, 65, 90, 130, 138, 143, 144, 145, 163, 177, 208, 277, 343> 348. 350. 352. Samuel, Jr., 277. William, 54. Waison, David, 39, 40. Elizabeth, 40. James, 39, 67, 108. (Libhee) Jane, 40. John, 40. (Robinson) Margaret, 40. (Gore) Mary, 40. Matthew, 39, 40. William, *39, 51, 108, ill. Watt, John, 86, 232, 298. Watts, Samuel, 20, 28. Wai'GH, James, 164, 183, 228. Weathkrly, Sally, 345. Weaver, John, t200, 237. Joseph, 103. Molly, 200. Webb, Anne, 193. Barnabas, 212. Benjamin, 193, 247. Bersheba, 193. Ebenezer, ti93. Jane, 54. John, 193. Luther, 54. Lydia, 54. Mary, 212. Nathan, 193, 285. Nathaniel, t54- Samuel, *9i. Sarah, 54, 91, 92, 193. Seth, ti28. William, 265. Webber, Asa, 274. Charles, 29, 90. David, 347. Joseph, t274. Joshua, 298. Lewis, 274. Samuel, 124. Sarah 274. William, 160. Webster, Andrew, 129, 166. Andrew, Jr., 80. Daniel, 29, 247, 277, 2^ Weed, James, 223. Weeks, John, 88, 145. Weller, Andrew, 152, 105. John, 105. Lehn, 52. Wendell, Thomas, 340. Wentwortii, William, 347. Werner, Johannes, 202. Wesson, Eunice, 79. Joseph, t79- Nathan, 201. West, Capt. George, 252. George W., 253. Mary, 253. Westcutt, Elizabeth, 160. Index of Names. 45 William, ti6o. Weston, Arunah, 163. John, 249. Joseph, 151, 194. Nathan, 61. Weymouth, Elizabeth, 45. Whelen, 1 t 1, ,^-. Joseph, tajS. Patience, 278. Wheaton, Mason, 41, 51, 223. Wheeler, Benjamin, ti 26. Elizabeth, 87, 103, 126. John, t87. Joseph, 185. Phebe, 302. Whitaker, Nathaniel, 194. White, Abigail, 239, 240, 319, 320. Abijah, 54. Anmoriah, 240. Benjamin, 95, i 97, 221. Carpous, 120. Elizabeth, 240. George, 125. James, 240. Jane, 240. Jesse, 327, 341. John, 57, 79, 97, no, 183, 194, 209, 224, *239, 240, 319. Joseph, 24, 63, 64, 95, 137, 160, 262, t339- Margaret, 240. Mary, 131, 240. Philip, *I30. Rachel, 240. Robert, 130, 131, 197. Samuel, t2o6, 359. Sarah, 131, 339. Susannah, 240. William, 240. Whiting, John, 95. Jonathan, 68,95, 129, 139, 140, 176, 195- Solomon, 99. Thurston, 95, 232, 282, 283, 301,338,345. Whitman, Rhode, 193. Whittemore, Whitimore. ^^' I Abraham, 84, 107, 210. Abraham, Jr., 1229. Andrew, 256. Elizabeth, 256. Francis, t255, 256, t274. John, 256. Joseph, 133. Mary, 256. Samuel, 274. Stephen, 211, 229, 255, 256, 275, 342, 348. Susanna, 256. William, 256, 274. Written, John, 82. Whittier, Abel, 310. Abigail, 314. Ann, 313, 314. Benaiah, 314. Cyrus, 310. Dorothy, 310. Ebenezer, 136, 137, 145, 146, 156, 205, 219, 228, 230, 264, 272, 292, 303, 305, 309, 336, 349- Hannah, 310. Jedediah, 309. Josiah, 314. Levi, 310. Mary, 314. Mary Page, 309. Moses, *3i3. Nathaniel, ti37, *309. Ruhamah, 310. Ruth, 309. Thomas, 137, 273, 309, 311. William, 161, 284, 319. Wigglesworth, , 308. WiLBER, Asa, 201. WiLDBUR, David, 201. Wilde, Samuel S., 283. Samuel Sumner, 338. Wiley, Alexander, 51, 367, 368. East her, 51. (Kenney) Esther, 51. Isaac, 1x8. (Lewis) Jane, 51. John, 50, 51. (Boyd) Katharine, 51. 46 Index of Names. Martha, 50. Neal, 51. (Wylie) Robart, ♦50. Samuel, 51. William, 51. WiLKiNS, W., 78, 204. William, 87. WiLLARD, Andrew, t45. Margaret, 45. Williams, Abigail, 266, 355. Alice, 90. Anne, 356. Asa, 273. Benjamin, 345. Gardner, *I46. Henry, 135. James, 216, 249, 320. John, 82, 83. Jonathan, t249. Mehitable, 354. 356. Nathaniel, *354. Olive, 355. Policy, 147. Samuel, 249. Seth, 260, 264, 279. Simeon, 356. Susana, 103, 356. Sukey, 297. Thomas, 312, 313, 321. Timothy, 355, 356. Williamson, Abigail, 153. Anna, 153. Hannah, 153. Jonathan, 7, 16, 28, 49, 53, 69, 92, 104, 219. Ruth, 153. Samuel, 289. Sarah, tl53. Thomas, 69, 153. Wilson, David, 55, 307. Dorcas, 55. Elizabeth, 45. Ephraim, 104. Go wen, t45- Hugh, t45> t340. Isaac, 121. Isabella, 22. James, 226, 229, 235, 251, 255^ 340, 346. John, 22, 100, 337. Mary, 22, 258, 340. Rachel, 337. Robert, tl2l. Samuel, 22, 45, 121, 161, 258, 259. 261, 342. Thomas, 22, 23, 45, 51, 107. William, ♦21, 45, fi^o, 278, 340. Winch, Priscilla, 336. Thomas, t336. Winchell, Anne, 168. Hannah, 168. John, 23, t22i. Quash, *i68. Samuel, 23, ti2l, 168, 221, 234, 277. 325- Sarah, 121. WiNCHENBACH, ~| WiNCHENBAUGH, |- JaCob, 68, I02, 202, WlNCHENBACK, j 254, 33I, 346. Wing, Daniel, 148, 269, 314, 315. Samuel, ti48. William, 208. WiNGEBOVV, Jacob, 68. WiNN, Jonathan, t6i. Joseph, 61. Winship, Joseph, 114. WiNSLOw, Anna, 78. Bethiah, 298. Dorothy, l8l. Esther, 298. John, 181, 228. Joseph, t298. Kenelm, 77, 119, 140. Martha, 63. Mercy, 298. Nathaniel, 63, t78, 136, 178. Winter, Francis, 137, 262, 267, 313. Wise, Thankful, 337. William, 337. Wil HAM, Isaac, 349, 350. Jane, 350. Joseph, *349. Josiah. 349, 350. Lydia, 350. Sally, 35 J. WlTHERELL, Charles, 305. Obadiah, 142, 164, 249. Index of Names. 47 WiNTHROP, Thomas Lindall, 256. Wood, Abiel, 16, 170, 290, 309, 336, 338. Ephraim, 343. Hannah, 170. John, 64, 77, 137. Joseph, 138, 163, 166, 183. Mary, 2. Oliver, 228. Samuel, 195, 219, 220, 251. Silas, 228. WoODBRiDGE, Anna, 144. Benjamin, 2, 6, 16, 38, 45, 65, 119, 163, 290. David, II. James, 144. Thomas, 291. Woodcock, Abigail, 204. Benjamin, 180. David, 180, t204. John, 201. Lucy, 179. Mary (Fields,) 179. Nathaniel, 344. Submit, 179, 180. Phebe, 179. William, *I79. Woodman, Jacob, 137. John, 344. John, Jr., 194, Lucy, 303. I'homas, t303. Woods, Bennet, 24. John French, 227, 229. Woodside, Elizabeth, 73. VViUiam, 73. Woodward, Noah, 148, 204, 273. Samuel, 164, 192, 223, 332 348. Work, Ebenezer, 42, 51. (Orr) Elizabeth, 42. James, *4i. (Dunlap) Jane, 42. Margaret, 42. William, 42. WosTAR, Moses, 45. Wylie, Hannah, 364. Isaac, Jr., 346. Margaret, 317. Robert, 13, 15. Wyxis, Alexander, 224. Martha, 224. Robert, 224. Samuel t224. Wyman, (Bickford) Abigail, 35. Abram, 20. Bethiah, 35. Daniel, 36, 161. (Call) Deliverance, 35. (McCausland) Elizabeth, 35. Francis, 73, *99, 100, t342- Hannah, 35. Henry, 244, 246. Hester, 99. Isaiah, 183, 273, 342. James, *35. Jane, 99, 100. John, 342. Love, 141. Martha, 183. Molly, 35, 36. Nathaniel, 73, 79, 99, lOO, 118, ti83. Olive, 35. (Goodwin) Prudence, 35. Sarah, 99. Simeon, 84. William, 25, 35, 36, 141, 198, 269, 342. Yeats, Elizabeth, 262. George, 262. George James, 273. James, *26i. Jean, 262, 297. Lydia, 262. Margret, 262. Mary, 262. Rachel, 262. Samuel, 262, 273, 358, 359. Sarah, 262. Young, Abihail, 63. (Pearce) Ann, 49. Catharine, 345. Cyntha, 308. Edward, t234, 297. Ezra, 188. Francis, 35. Gideon, 345. 48 Index of Names. Hannah, 345. Henry, t345. Isaac, 48, 92. Jacob, tiji. James, 234, 345. Jane, 234, 297, 345. Joseph, +48, 163. Joshua, 48, 77. Reuben, 342. Richard, 20, 343. Robert, 188. Samuel, 324. (Holbrook) Sarah, 49. Thomas, 48, 49. William, 53, 205. Index of Places. • (Omitting "Lincoln County,'' "Massachusetts," "Maine," etc.) 128. 178, 277. 350> Abagadusset, 30, 55. Almsbury, 88. Antego, Island of, 127. Antrim, County, 89. Arrowsick, 1 29, 46, 57, 106, 213, Arrowsic Island, j 214. Attleborough, 18, 179. Augusta, 278, 279, 316, 336, 340. Back River, 46, 47. Baggaduce, BiGWADUCE, Balltown, 92, 93, 130, 140, 145, 205, 234, 249, 259, 264, 288, 343, 344> 348, 349, 351, 352, 362. Bangor, 347. Barnstable, 54, 192. Barretstown, 206, 230, 253. Barters Island, (Boothbay) 116. Bath, 28, 64, 121, 124, 137, 140, i58> 160, 164, 170, 183, 188, 194, 221, 224, 229, 260, 262, 264, 270, 277, 31J, 312, 313, 321, 339. 341, 347- Belgrade, 339. Berwick, 45. Bluehill Bay, 164, 166, 183. Bakers Point, 46. 47. Boothbay, 19, 29, 43, 45, 5o, 5I' 52, 61, 63, 65, 71, 72, 75, 87, loi, 103, 104, 1 1 1, 114, 116, 118, 133, 135, 136, 145, 178, 189, 192, 205, 228, 247, 271, 272, 275, 301, 333, 334, 335, 337, 341,342, 343, 347, 348, 368. Boston, 17, 20, 38, 64, 77, 95, "9, 234, 249, 256, 33S. 159, 220, 267, 337, 54, 88, "5, 140, 224, 297, 338, 363, 167, Bowdoin, 141, 185, 226, 227, 248, 249, 266, 292, 306, 307. Bowdoinham, 36, 54, 75, 84, 105, 107, 108, IIO, 121, 124. 141, 160, 162, 166, 178, 185, 192, 198, 211, 223, 229, 248, 255, 256, 274, 275, 276, 281, 294, 313, 339, 342, 344, 348- Brentwood, N. H,, 246. Bristol, 23, 34, 35, 38, 45, 47, 50, 51, 64,65, 78, 79, 80, loi, 127, 128, 144, 147, 162, 163, 169, 170, 175, 176, 178, 179, 184, 189, 190, 191, 201, 206, 224, 227, 228, 232, 234, 237, 238,255, 261,262, 273, 277, 279, 280, 283, 297, 298, 303, 304, 321, 322, 331, 332, 333, 334, 340, 341, 347. 356, 358, 359, 360. Bristol County, Mass., 18, 179, 189. Broad Bay, 29, 38, 39, 45. 52, 105, 246, 298. Br(MD Cove, 12. Brookfield, 360. Brunswick, i, 4, 45, 121, i6i, 226, 261, 292, 336, 340. Camden, 192, 224, 230, 249, 340, 343, 344, 347- Campbell's Pond, 312. Canaan, 79, 110, 149, 193, 194, 249, 251 252, 305. Casco Bay, 3, 213. Chaklestown, 113, 114. Chester, 260. Clinton, 274, 323, 337. Cobbiseconte, 16, 17, 20. Cord Wood Point, 312. Cousins Island, 30. 50 Crotch Island, 301. CUiMHKRi.ANi), County, 69, 82, 99, 136, 183,234,339,345. CUSHINC, III, 188, 189, 192, 194, 199, 205, 206, 226, 230, 247, 260, 298, 299, 300, 301, 341, 343, 345, 346. Damariscoita, 76. Damarisco'ita Pond, 88, 93. Damariscovk Island, 103. Deer Island, 133, 162, 163, 164, 195. DiGHTON, 189. Dorchester, 256. Dresden, 251, 259, 262, 263, 274, 275, 278, 279, 292, 294, 306, 307, 336, 345. 348, 359- Duck Trai', 166, 188. Dunstable, N. II., 24. Durham, 339. duxborough, 129. Dyer's Pond, 92. Dyer's River, 55, 90, 92. Eastern River, 293. Edgecomb, 29, 1 10, 124, 136, 143, 145, 178, 182, 183, 205, 207, 224, 227, 228, 230, 247, 249, 260, 273, 275> 277, 288, 294, 297, 305, 339. 342, 347, 348. Essex County, Mass., 88, 138, 164. Fairfield, 248, 274, 322, 323. Fairfield Plantation, 192. Falmouth, 36, 45, 69. Farmington, 272, 273, 303,304, 307, 340. Fisherman's Island, ^^^. Five Stack Marsh, 367. Fort Pownall, 61, 86. Fort Western, 17, 18. Foxhole, (Maksiieield,) 120. Fox Islands, ioi. Frankfori, 126. Freetown, 47, 200. Frenchman's Hay, 64, 121, 128, 140. Freshwater Cove, 217. Gardinerston, 77, 87. Georges Island, 188. Georges River, 32. Georgetown, i, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 45, 50. 5 1, 55, 63, 64, 7^ 75> 79, 81, 82, 83, 95, 99, 105, 118, 137, 183, 185, 188, 205, 208, 209, 2X2, 213, 216, 224, 239, 241, 256, 258, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 313, 318, 319, 320, 321, 328, 337, 341, 342, 344, 346, 347, 348, 366, 367, 368. Gidney's Claim, 99. Glenarm, 89. gouldsboroui'.ii, i 7, 121. Great Bald Head, 216. Great Ledge, 46. Great Marsh, 217. Great Pond Seitlement, 277. Green Island, 116, 333. Greene, 275. Grenada, Island of, 256. GR(/roN, Mass., 227. Hallowell, 54, 72, 78, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95. 98, 104, 107, III, 122, 123, 136, 141, 148, 157, 158, 166, 167, 180, 191, 192, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202, 220, 227, 244, 248, 251, 256, 259, 261, 263, 264, 273, 274, 277, 285, 287, 339, 340- Hancock, 202, 2^^. Hancock C()UNrY, 344. Hari'swell, I, 75. Harrington, 10, 19. Hingham, 341. Holts Island, 129. Hunnewell's Poini, 1 85. Hoi'kinton, N. H., 276. HoWARDSI'ON, 151. Humphrey's Head, 356, 367. Ireland, 89. Jeremy Island, 1 jERRYMlSyUAM, |^ ' 5J' 7 • Jewanka Neck, 326. Jewell's Island, 3. 69, 84, 178, 207, 215, 242, 27s, 317. 327. 343, 362, 92, 105, 124, 161, 195. 204, 254, 265, 305, Jones Marsh, 239. Kennebec County, 260. Kennebec River, 17, 18, 19 24, 29, 34, 46, 47, 48, 90, 104, 108, 185, 196, 213, 216, 218, 219, 241, 245, 257,364, 366. Kennedy's River, 217. Lewiston, 235, 267, 268, 265, 336. Lisbon, 227. Little River, 121, 161, 337, 367. Long Island, 162, 181. Machias, 52, 68, 119, 140. Majabagaduce, 128, 160. Marblehead, 58. Marshfield, 54, 120. MedUxMCook, 32, 82, 83, 88, loi, 104, 130, 143, 144, 162, 166, 170, 189, 199, 205, 206, 341, 346. Merrymeeting Bay, 29, 258. Matinicus Island, ^^S. Middle Narrows, 181. Middlesex County, 114, 122, 227. Mill Creek, 47. Milton, 45, 171. MoNswEEG, 326. Monsweeg Brook, 355. Mount Desert, 183, 18S. Mount VhRNON, 249, 250, 273, 277, 283, 284, 287, 318, 319. Muddy River, 258. Muscongus Island, 120, 130. Nantucket, 196, 197, 268. Nantucket County, 198. Nasskeeg, 188. NeWBUKYPOR'I', 47. Newcastle, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 23, 24, 38, 45. 50, 53. 54. 60, 64, 65, 66, 75. 76, 77. 82, 90, 93, no, 115, 119, 124, 125, 130, 136, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 16.', 163, 167, 169, 177, 187, 188, 205, 211, 217, 224, 228, 229, 25s, 259, 265, 274, 275, 277, 280, 288, 290, 306, 331, 336, 340, 347- New Hampshire, 246. , New Meadows River, 312. 51 New Milford, 130, 264, 276, 288, 298, 328, 339, 343, 344, 352, 354- New Rowley, 164. Newton, 56. New Vineyard, 340. Noblebokough, 226, 227, 228, 234, ^298, 332, 340. Norridgewock, 141, 142, 164, 183, 228, 249. 305- North Carolina, 226. North Yarmouth, 10, 30, 99, 100, 183. Orr Meadow, 233. Orrington, 126. Parker's Island, 3, 213, 215, 368. Pearsontown, J36. Pemaquid, 34, 279, 333. Pemaqitd Old Fort, 333. Penobscot, 45, 80, 160, 163, 166. Penobscot Bay, 116, 162,333. Penobscot River, 60, 118, 125, 129, 160, 161, 166. Philadelphia, 167. PiTTsoN, 130, 136, 146, 161, 192, 194, 221, 248, 260, 262, 275, 278, 339- Pleasant Coa'e, i 73. Pleasant River, 45. Plymouth County, 54, 129. PocAssET, 144. Poland, 345. Portland, 234. Portsmouth, 279. Pownalborough, I, 7, II, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34. 35. 36. 38, 39, 41, 48, 49, 51, 52, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 77, 78, 87, 90,91,92, 93, 97, 104, 105, 107, 108, 121, 125, 133, 135. 136, 137. 138, 140, 144, 145, 146, 153, 154, 156, 160, 161, 162, 163, 163, 166, 169, 177, 178, 179, 180, 188, 189, 192, 194, 197, 205, 206, 219, 221, 223, 224, 228, 229, 230, 234, 248, 249, 52 Index of Places. I3> 20, 33, 50, 51. 53. 254, 255, 260, 264, 272, 275, 276, 277, 280, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 303^ 305. 307. 309, 311.323. 324. 325. 326, 327. 335. 336. 33^. 339, 34«. 342, 344, 346, 350, 356. Preble's Landinc;, 4, 5. Ragged Island, 333. Readfield, 227, 246, 268, 269, 273, 276, 309, 311, 314. 315. 316. 317. 340, 347. 359- Resqueachkan Island, 3. Richmond, 90. royalsborough, 82, Royal's River, 99. St. Georges, 7, 8, 9, n, 12, 34. 39. 40. 41. 58, 66, 67, 79, 80, 84, 86, 90, loi. III, 118, 132, 140, 143, 144, 147, 162, 171, 224, 271. 344. 345- St. Georges Lower Town, 108. St. Georges River, 225, 270. Salem, Mass., 138, Sandy River, 183, 184, 201, 203, 220, 227, 228, 229, 304, 332. ScrruATE, 54. Seven Mile Hrook, 142, 228. Sheepscot Great P(jnd, 138, 249, 259. Sheei'scot River, 3, 308, 362. Sherburne, 198. Shirley, 122. Sidney, 201, 226, 227, 254, 263, 273, 278, 279. 33(>' 339. 340. 364. 365- Smuheield, 248. SoL'RDABSCOCK, 347. Spruce Pt)iNT, (Booihhav,) ii6. Stage Island, 241. Stephen's River, 5. Steklington, hi. Still- Water Pond, 340. Suffolk County, 171, 341- SUNBURY, 166. Swan Isij\nd, 36. Taberwyne Street, (Glenarm, Antrim County, Ireland,) 89. Thomaston, 86, 108, 132, 144, 160, 193, 206,211,212,221,223, 224, 230, 232, 235, 236, 255, 338, 339. 343. 344. 345- Thompsonborough, 345. Thomson's Cove, 225. TiSBURY, 48. Topsham, 2, 21, 23, 31, 41, 45, 51, 52, 65, 73, 75,82, 84, 93,94, 107, 112, 119, 121, 125, 141, 142, 160, 161, 168,169, 195, 209, 211, 211, 221, 226, 229, 234, 235, 250, 251, 255, 258, 259, 261, 277, 278, 292, 324, 325, 337, 339, 340, 342, 345, 346, 347, 348. townsend, 12, 13, 15. Township No. 4, 163. TowiNSHiP No. 5, 163. Trenton, 344. Turner, 344. Union, 193, 204, 205, 206, 207, 248, 252, 253. 345- Union River, 183. Vassalborough, 72, 77, 78, 84, 90, 107, 121, 122, 124, 127, 129, 138, 141, 161, 162, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175. 176' 177, 1 84, 185, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 207, 208, 218, 219, 227, 254, 273, 274, 278, 340, 365. Waldoborouc;ii, 51, 68, 73, 82, 84, 90, loi, 110, 118, 119, 123, 124, 126, 129, 142, 143, 145, 152 153, 162, 166, 167, 170, 171, 177. '^o, 181, 182, 18S, 190, 200, 201, 202, 226, 236, 237, 238, 239, 248, 253, 254^ 255, 260, 261, 262, 269, 270, 276, 298, 299, 329, 330. 33'. 341. 34('- Wales, 130, 138. Wai.pole, 2, 15, 38, 53, 54. 65, 66, 153. Warren, 90, 108, no, in, 119, 129, 143, 144, 147, 148, 163, 170, 171, 188, 189, 193. '94. 224, 226, 229, 230, 232, 247, 248, 255, 281, 282, 283, 298, 299, 301, Index of Places. 33^. 343, 344. 345- 353- VVashingion, 124, 204. WjiSSEKUNSt.ri, 1 Wesseuumseet, i' ^ ■ West Buwooinha.m, no, 141. West Pond, 203, 204, 254. Wild-Cat Meadow I keek, 335. Williams Creek, 312. Wilmington, 61. WiNiGANCE, 4, 5, 8, 213. WiNiGANCE Creek, 257, 312. WiNSLow, 67, 68, 77, 79, 104, 141, 173, 184, 199, 200, 202, 204, 219, 227, 248, 274, 276, 278, 307, 323. 337> 339. 364, 365, 366. WiNsi.ow's Point, 225. WlNTHKOP, 83, 87, 93, 124, 129, 130, 137, 138, 144, 148, 151, 152, 161, 173, 176, 195, 219, 220, 227, 229, 242, 245, 246, 276. 277, 316, 336. WiSCASSET, 7, 254, 326, 327, 329, 338, WiscAssET Bay, 2. Wizzell's Cove, 366. Woolwich, 15, 18, 32, 36, 54, 61, 77, 91, 92,95. 97. "3, "4, 130. 131, 132, 137, 138, 161, 164, 175, 180, 185, 193. 197, 198, 199, 205, 239, 255, 260, 263, 277, 285, 307. 311. 336.340, 342, 354, 356. Wyman Plantation, 309, 310. Yarmouth, 177. York County, 4, 12, 45. 53 221, 251, 349, 87, 118, 156, 192, 220, 284, 341, O 1 .^-^ °- v^ ^. V '* ^°--., V^ •J- ' " , . * /■^ ',v*^ %. ,, ^ ^■^^ .^^' N^-n. :V .^^ N .'^'^ _ 'O, ^ o\ A' •"o^ : ^^ - » aN^"^ ->?• K^-^d z'- %,^ ./% vv ,-N^ .-^^'.^^ S^x,^^ " '.-. . s ' v'^-' "O . ^ r r? '^-i '^ -f:-^ A^ ^>. \' .,./ '^^ ^'' :( ^^ ^?0?$ .0' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 043 076 6