F .OfcCn\ Manual of Zhc ©nonbaga Ibistorical Hssociation. 1895. Class F |z7 PIJF.SKNTHl) 1!Y MANUAL ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PUBLISHED BY DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Ca^iU. ^^ ^.J)-Sc^CA,S,.^i SYRACUSE, N. Y. 1 89s. PRESS OP E. M. GROVER, SYRACUSE, N. Y. l.l.\ t\AUi ■A 6 CONTENTS, Page. Officers for 1895, - - : - - 4 Objects of the Association, - - - - 5 Historical Sketch, . . - . . j The Historical Club, ^ - - - 14 The Charter of the Association, - - - 17 Past Officers and Directors, - - - -19 By-Laws of the Association, - - - - 25 Membership List, - - - - - 32 Officer^ for 1895, President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, - Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Dr. Henry D. Didama. Hon. Carroll E. Smith. - Mrs. Mary E. Bagg. Mr. Louis Dow Scisco. Mr. William Kirkpatrick. Mr. Edward A. Powell. iBoard of ©irector^. Mrs. Mary E. Bagg, Dr. Henry D. Didama, Mr. George J. Gardner, Miss Virginia L. Jones, Mrs. Frances W. Marlette, Mrs. Mary E. Wieting, Miss Mary J. Jackson, Maj. Theodore L. Poole, Mr. Edward A. Powell, Mr. Louis Dow Scisco, Hon. Carroll E. Smith, Mr. William A. Sweet, Rev. William M. Beauchamp, Col. J. Dean Hawley, Mrs. Martha T. Held, Mr. Salem Hyde, Mr. William Kirkpatrick, Col. Osgood V. Tracy. Object^ oj* tl]e /^^^ociation. The general object of the Onondaga Historical Association is that of preserving records relating to the history of Onon- daga County. Its chosen field of work may be more ex- plicitly outlined as follows : To arouse and increase general interest in historical work by holding occasional meetings devoted to suitable topics and by keeping open a place for the exhibition of articles of historic value. To assist the student in local history by preserving and making accessible such documentary matter as may be con- fided to its care. To mark in a suitable manner historic spots within the County of Onondaga, that local pride may be aroused in re- gard to events of the past. To collect and preserve implements or articles illustrative of the customs of the Onondaga Nation and of the Iroquois League. To preserve relics which illustrate the daily life of the past or which are associated with historic incidents. To ascertain the condition of public records throughout the county, and if necessary move for their proper preserva- tion. 6 MANUAL OF THE To preserve from destruction all manuscripts, maps, news- papers, books or papers of any sort which have reference to the condition or history of the county or any of its parts. To publish from time to time such matter as may be thought desirable to embody in permanent form for better preservation. To receive and exhibit specimens which illustrate the natural history or geology of Onondaga County. ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. b '75-76, '77-'8i, '82-'84, '85-'88, '89-'9i. Stiles M. Rust, t869-'7i, '73-75- Calvin B. Gay, 1871, '72-'74. H. Wadsworth Clarke, i87i-'72, '73-75, '76-81, '82-'83, VS4-'86, '87-'89, '90-'92. Richard F. Stevens, i87i-'74, '75-76, '77-81, '9i-'93- Francis E. Carroll, 1872-74. William A. Sweet, i872-'74, '75-'8i> '82-'84, '85-'88, '89- '90, '91-93, '94-'96- Thomas G. Alvord, i875-'8i. Frank Hiscock, i875-'8i. Alexander von Landberg, 1875-81. Daniel P. Wood, i875-'8i. Elias W. Leavenworth, i876-'8i, '82-84, '85-'87. George Barnes, 1877-81. James L. Bagg, i877-'8i, '82-'83, '84-'86, '87-'89, '90-'92. Patrick H. Agan, i882-'84, '85-'88, '89-'90, '9i-'93- George J. Gardner, i882-'83, '84-'86, '87-'89, '90-'92, '93- '95- James Geddes, i882-'83, '84-'86, '87. J. Dean Hawley, 1882, '83-'85, '86-'88, '89-'9i, '92-'94, '95-97- Carroll E. Smith, i882-'83, '84-^86, '87-^89, '90-^92, '94-96- Horace K. White, 1882, '83-'85, \S6-'88, '89-'9i, '92-'94- John W. Yale, i882-'84, '85-'88, '89-'90, '9i-'93- Alexander H. Davis, 1886, '87-'89, '90-'92. William M. Beauchamp, i889-'9i, '92-94, '95-'97- Thomas Merriam, 1 889-' 90, '91-93. Theodore L. Poole, 1889, '90-'92, '94-96- 24 MANUAL OF THE William H. Warner, 1889-91, '92-94. Mary E. Bagg. i893-'95. Virginia h. Jones, i893-''95. Frances W. Marlette, i893-'95. Mary E. Wieting, i893-'95. Dwight H. Bruce, 1894. Mary J. Jackson, i894-'96. Edward A. Powell, i894-'96. Louis Dow Scisco, i894-''96. Martha T. Held, i895-'97. Salem Hyde, i895-'97. Osgood V. Tracy, i895-'97. ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 25 "Tl^e "©y-LoiW^ OF THE ©nonda^Gi j+isfofical (sAssociafior\. As Adopted April 24, 1894, and subsequently amended. ARTICLE I. OF OFFICERS AND MANAGEMENT. Section i. The management of the affairs of the Asso- ciation shall be under the direction and control of a Board of Directors consisting of eighteen members who are to be elected as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, a Record- ing Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary and a Treasurer, the official term of such officers to be one year, to be elected as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE II. OF ELECTIONS. Section i. At each annual meeting of the Association there shall be elected by ballot six Directors to hold office for three years or until their successors are elected. Section 2. The Directors shall, at their first meeting after the annual meeting of the Association, elect from their number officers for the ensuing year, at least five days notice of such meeting having been previously given in writing to each Director. 26 MANUAL OF THE Section 3. Officers shall be elected by ballot and by a plurality of votes. Section 4. All members, except honorary members and those who are in arrears for dues, shall be entitled to vote for Directors. ARTICLE III. OF MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Section i. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held on the second Friday in January at eight o'clock p. M. At this meeting twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. Regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Friday of each month except June, July, August and September. At these meetings fifteen members shall constitute a quorum. Section 3. At least three days' notice shall be given in the city papers of the time and place of annual and other meetings of the Association. Section 4. The Board of Directors shall meet on the Monday preceding the regular meetings of the Association, except when otherwise ordered by the Board. Section 5. A quorum of the Board shall consist of six members. Section 6. In the absence of a quorum at any meeting of the Association or Board of Directors no business except calling the roll and adjourning shall be transacted. ARTICLE IV. OF THE president. Section i. The President, or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents, shall preside at all meetings of the Associa- ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 27 tion and of the Board of Directors. The President and Vice- Presidents being absent a president pro tempore shall be chosen. Section 2. The presiding officer at all meetings of the Association or Board of Directors shall perform the dnties usually appertaining to the office of President, and shall give the casting vote in case of a tie. ARTICLE V. OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secre- tary to keep a record of the proceedings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, to give notice of all meetings and to call special meetings of the Association and of the Board on the request of the President or on the written re- quest of five Directors. Section 2. He shall keep in a book a roll of the mem- bers of the Association and shall have custody of the seal of the Association. ARTICLE VI. OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall have the custody of all letters and communications to the Association, shall read to the Association or the Board of Directors all communications received as such Secretary and, under the direction of the Association or the Board of Directors, shall prepare all com- munications in the name of the Association and shall keep true copies of the same. ARTICLE VII. OF THE LIBRARIAN. The Librarian appointed by the Board of Directors shall, under their direction, have the custodv of the librarv and 28 MANUAL OF THE cabinet, including all the manuscripts, papers, documents, coins, maps and relics, and shall keep a record of all dona- tions and report the same to the Association. He shall make a proper catalogue of the books and other property of the Association in his care. ARTICIvE VIII. OF THE TREASURER. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to re- ceive and disburse all moneys of the Association, and to keep an account in a book to be provided for that purpose of all receipts and disbursements. Section 2. He shall pay out no moneys of the Associa- tion except in pursuance of resolutions of the Board of Direc- tors or of the Executive Committee and on the order of the President, and every resolution for the payment of money shall express on its face the object of the appropriation. Section 3. He shall prepare an annual report to be sub- mitted, at the annual meeting, to the Board of Directors with the vouchers of all payments. He shall also make a report of the financial condition of the Association at such times as required by resolution of the Board. Section 4. He shall give a bond satisfactory to the Board for the faithful discharge of his duties, and for a true account of all moneys which shall come into his hands as Treasurer, and for the payment of all balances to his suc- cessor. ARTICLE IX. OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Section i. The Board shall have power to fill, until the next annual meeting, from members of the Association, all vacancies occurring- in the Board or Standing Committees. ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 29 Section 2. The Board shall have power to drop from membership in the Board or in a Standing or other Com- mittee, any member who refuses or neglects to perform duties assigned to him, or who absents himself without ex- cuse from three consecutive meetings of the Board or of the Committee to which he has been appointed. ARTICLE X. OF MEMBERSHIP. Section i. Any person, by a vote of the Board of Direc- tors, may become a member of the Association on signing the roll of members and paying the Treasurer, or a repre- sentative appointed by him, the annual dues for the current year. Section 2. Every member of the Association, except life members and honorary members, shall annually pay the Treasurer the sum of two dollars, and for neglect or failure to make such payment for one month after written notice from the Treasurer by order of the Board, shall forfeit his membership. ARTICLE XI. OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP. Section i. Any person, by a vote of the Board of Direc- tors, ma>' become a life member of the Association on paying the Treasurer the sum of ten dollars. Section 2. Life members shall be entitled to all the privileges of other members and shall be exempt from the payment of dues. ARTICLE XII. OF HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. Section i. The Board of Directors shall have power to elect any person an honorary member of the Association 30 MANUAL OF THE who, in the opinion of the Board, may be entitled to such distinction. Section 2. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of other members except voting and holding office, and shall be exempt from the payment of dues. ARTICLE XIII. OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Section i. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Recording Secretary and three other mem- bers of the Board, to be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Section 2. The President, with the approval of the Board, shall also appoint the following Standing Committees, each of which shall consist of five members of whom one at least shall be a member of the Board of Directors : 1. Lectures and Historical Meetings. 2. Rooms and Fixtures. 3. Donations, Curiosities and Relics. 4. Finances and Auditing. 5. Ways and Means. 6. Arts and Sciences. 7. Local History. 8. Geology, Mineralogy and Botany. 9. Membership. 10. Printing. 11. Exhibitions and Premiums. 12. By-Laws and Rules. ARTICLE XIV. OF ORDER OF BUSINESS. Section i. At all meetings of the Association or Board of Directors the presiding officer having taken the chair, the ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 3 1 roll having been called and a qnoruni being present, the order of bnsiness shall be as follows : 1. Reading and approval of the minutes of the pre- ceding meeting. 2. Reports of Standing Committees in their order. 3. Reports of Select Committees. 4. Reports of Officers. 5. Election of Officers (at the annual meeting of the Association.) 6. Proposals for Membership. 7. Motions and Resolutions. 8. Unfinished Business. 9. Miscellaneous — Communications, reading of papers, discussions, etc. Section 2. This order of business may be suspended on the vote of a majority of the members present. ARTICLE XV. OF AMENDING THE BY-LAWS. These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the As- sociation by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, a notice of the proposed amendment having been publicly given in writing at a meeting duly called at least one month previous to action thereon. 32 MANUAL OF THE t^oll of W\emh&r< OF THE ®nor\da^a j^isfofical eAssociafiGn. HONORARY Urc A\EA\BCRS. Rev Albert Cusick, Rev. James R. Day, Rev. John F. Mullany, Mr. Jaris Pierce, Rev. Leroy M. Vernon. EARLY urn ME/nBERS. Patrick H. Agan, Daniel T. Ames, Charles Andrews, James L. Bagg, Stanley Bagg, John M. Baker, Eben Beard, William M. Beau champ, Robert M. Beecher, Daniel Bookstaver, Miles W. Brand, Hamilton Burdick, Francis E. Carroll, Joseph M. Clarke, Charles W. Cornell, Alexander H. Davis, Edward S. Dawson, Ezra Downer, Joachim Elmendorf, D. Willard Fiske, George J. Gardner, William Gilbert, Daniel F. Gott, Nathan F. Graves, Andrew H. Green, Thomas D. Green, William T. Hamilton, J. Dean Hawley, Frank Hiscock, Samuel N. Holmes, Alfred A. Howlett, John C. Hunt, James A. Jaycox, Edward B. Judson. George N. Kennedy, William Kirkpatrick, Jonathan Kneeland, Spencer Marsh, John McCarthy, Robert McCarthy, Alfred Mercer, Philip P. Midler, James Noxon, George A. Ostrander, George H. Perior, Edwin R. Plumb, Theodore L. Poole, Julio H. Rae, ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 33 Lewis H. Reid, Henry Riegel, Daniel O. Salmon, Alonzo T. Smith, Carroll E. Smith, William H. H. Smith, Henry Stearns, Richard F. Stevens, John M. Strong. John E. Sweet, Wheaton B. Sweet, William A. Sweet, William W. Teall, George L. Thompson, Silas Titus, George Truesdell, John W. Truesdell, David B. Van Slyke, Mary M. Walrath, Luke Wells, Andrew D. White, Horace K. White, Harvey D. Williams, John W. Yale. LATER A\E/nBERSHIP. Elected in 1892. William E. Abbott, Mrs. Ann E. Agan,* Miss Annie H. Agan,* Mrs. Mary E. Bagg,* Mrs. Gertrude W. Belden, Mrs. Louise M. Benson, Mrs. Cornelia S. Bigelow, Dwight H. Bruce, Mrs. Emily N. Bruce, Mrs. Helen E. Clark, Miss Sophia A. Clark,* Herbert G. Coddington, Mrs. Florence M. Crouse, Henry D. Didama,* Mrs. S. Amelia Didania,* Mrs. Mary- K S. Eaton,* Miss Frances P. Gilford, Nelson Gilbert, Mrs. Julia N. Green, Johnson L. Hall, Miss Olivia B. Hall, Mrs. Fannie M. Hamilton, J. Lawrence Hamilton, Mrs. Clara B. Hamilton, Mrs. Martha T. Held, Mrs. Mary M. Hutchinson, Mrs Emma G. Jackson, Miss Mar3^ J. Jackson, Mrs. Eliza L. Jones, Richard W. Jones, Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, Lawrence T. Jones,* Miss Virginia L. Jones, Mrs. Helen M. Keene, Miss Eliza C. Lawrence, Mrs. Caroline A. Longstreet,* John Lyman,* Mrs. Viola C. Lyman,* Mrs. Frances W. Marlette, M.iss Helen S. INIeldram, Mrs. Ina Bagg Merrell, Ansel Judd Northrup, Mrs. Eliza F. Northrup, Edward A. Powell, Mrs. Frances G. Powell,* Mrs. Cordelia H. Ray nor, Mrs. M. Olivia Sage,* Louis D. Scisco, i\lrs. Charlotte B. Scott, Harvey P. Tolman,* The star * indicates Life Members. 34 MANUAL OF THE Mrs. Sarah h. Tolinan,* Osgood V. Tracy, Mrs. Ellen S. Tracy, Irving G Vann, Miss Minnie C. Voorhees, Mrs. Mary E. Wieting.* Elected in 1893. Mrs. Clarisse M. Barker, George M. Barnes, George K. Collins, William D. Dunning, Mrs. Louise L. Fitcli,* Daniel J. Francis, Forbes Heermans, Ernst Held, Ezekiel W. Mundy, Alva \V. Palmer, Mrs. Frances M. Palmer,* Stewart B. Palmer, Charles T. Redfield,* Mrs. Margaret T. Smith,* Mr§. Mary S. Soule, Gurney S. Strong, John Van Duyn,* Mrs. Florence D. Vann, Mrs. Gertrude H. Walpole, Mrs. Harriet A. Wilkie, Mrs Mary B. Woodworth, Elected in 1894. Mrs. Helen C. Abeel, Mrs. Frances E Alexander,* J. Milford Andrev^'s, Mrs. Emily A. Andrews, Miss Mary Andrus, Mrs. Mary G. Babcock, Nathaniel T. Bacon,* Mrs. Amelia B. Bagg, Charles G. Baldwin, Mrs. Caroline T. Baldwin, Charles B. Baldwin, Mrs. Kate P. Baldwin, Mrs. Sarah B. Ballard, Mrs. Mary C. Barker, Thurlow Weed Barnes, Samuel T. Betts,* Andrew B. Blodgett, Mrs. Frances E. Blodgett, Warren C. Brayton, Mrs. Harriet E. Brayton, Dewitt C. Brown, Mrs. Agnes M. Brown, Addison M. Burt,* Mrs. Rebecca J. Burt, Stephen Smith Burt, Mrs. Emma P. Butler,* Mrs. Mary Butler, Edwin F. Butterfield, Mrs. Mabel C. Button,* Daniel Candee, Webster R. Chamberlain, Mrs. Julia M. Chamberlain, Noadiah M. Childs, Charles P. Clark, Elizur Clark,* Mrs. Frances A. Cobb, William B. Cogswell, Mrs. Kate S. Collins, Mrs. M&ry H. Cowl, S. Boyce Crayton, Charles M. Crouse,* George N. Crouse, Mrs. Jessie S. Crouse, Mrs. Kate M. Cullen, Mrs. Jessie K. Curtis, Richard E. Day, Mrs. Frances N. Day, Mrs. Ada S. Denison, Mrs. Melissa M. Denison, Mrs. Eliza A. Dickinson, ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 35 Mrs. Sarah J. Dillaye, Miss J. Frances Driscoll, James W. Eager, Mrs. Ella H. Eager, Mrs. Stella K. Eddy,* Mrs. Mary W. Elliott, Alexander D. Ellis,* Mrs. Martha P. Ellis, Thomas Emory, Mrs. Percy M'C. Emory,* Alfred H. Fahnestock, Merritt B. Fairchild, Mrs. Jennie H. Fairchild, James C. Fargo,* Mrs. Ursula A. Fitch, Miss Elizabeth L,. Fitch,* Allen C. Fobes, Edward Foord, Mrs. Anna M. Foord, John R. French, Miss Jennette L. French, ■ George G. Fryer, Mrs. Gertrude H. Gale, George W. Garrett,* Mrs. Mary R. Garrett,* Sidney B. Giflford,* Mrs. L. Leonora Goodrich, Mrs. Sarah C. Gott, Miss :\Iarion Gott, Mrs. Charlotte E. Graves, George H. Greeley, Mrs. Mabel R. Greeley, Mrs. Jane Greeley, Andrew H. Green, Jr.,* John Green way, Mrs. Ella R. Greenway, Mrs Marie M. Haberle, Mrs. Charlotte B. Hahn, C Herbert Halcomb, Mrs. Annie T. Halcomb, Mrs. Sarah M. Hawley,* Miss Mary E. Hawley,* Mrs. Julia Hedge. John L. HefFron, Erastus F. Holden,* Mrs. Maria Holden,* Hendrick S. Holden, Willis A. Holden, Mrs. Idella L. Holden, Mrs. Eureka L. Hood, Mrs. Helen H. Hood, Elisha P. Howe, Miss Grace Howe, Frederick D. Huntington, Mrs. Hannah D. Huntington, Salem Hyde, Mrs. Anna C. Hyde, ]\Irs. Ann Eliza Ives,* Edward Joy,* Mrs. Mary E. Joy,* Mrs. Sarah B. Judson,* Dennis B. Keeler, Miss Florence Keene, Mrs. Bettie R. Kennedy, Arthur B. Kinne, George R. Kinne, Mrs. Calista P. Kinne, Mrs. Lizzie C. Klock,* Martin A. Knapp,* Mrs. Helen M. Laflin, Frank Land, Thomas J. Leach, INIrs. Mary L. Leach, Mrs. Sarah A. Leach, Mrs. Mary T. Leavenworth, Charles Leonard, Frederick A. Lyman, Mrs. Jennie P. Lyman, Mrs. Louise V. L. Lynch, Mrs. Anna C. Maltbie,* Mrs. Olivia B. Mann,* Frank \V. Marlow, Mrs Laura B. Marlow, Grove L. Marsh, Mrs. Ella Z. McChesney, Mrs. Catherine C. McDowell,' Arthur V. Meeker, Mrs. Sarah L. Meldram, A. Cliflford Mercer,* G. Lewis ]Merrell, 36 MANUAL OF THE Mrs. Mary A. Merrell, Mrs. Jennie M. Martens, Henry D'B. Mulford, Mrs. Julia H. Nichols, William Nottingham, Mrs. Eloise H. Nottingham, Mrs. Mary D. Noxon,* Amos Padgham, Miss Clara A. Padgham,* Albert C. Phillips, Theodore C. Pomeroy, Mrs. Carrie L. Poole,* Mrs. Ella L. Poor, Mrs. Hannah Post, Frederick M. Power, Mrs. Ella J. Preston, Mrs. Mary M. Rftynor, Edwin F. Rice, Mrs. Ellen A. Rice. Mrs. Eveline A. Richardson,* Michael Ryan, Mrs. Laura Ryan, Adi'ian A. Schenck, Mrs. Harriet R. Schenck, Philip F. Schneider, Mrs. Deborah W. Sedgwick, Justin Seubert, Mrs. Antoinette W. Sherman, John T. Skinner, Alfred E. Sloan, P. Elmendorf Sloan,* J. Jermain Slocum,* A. Morris Smart, Mrs. Annie A. Smart,* Edward Smith, Miss Florence A. Smith, Mrs. Harriet E. Smith, William Brown Smith, Silas F. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte A. Smith, Stanley G. Smith, Charles W. Snow, George B. Spalding, Stephen Stedman, Frank H Stephenson, M.irtin Still, Mrs. Minerva C. Still, Mrs. Zilla T Stone, Mrs. Marie H. vSweet,* Miss Laura W. Taylor, Mrs. vSarah M. Teall, Miss Ellen Tefft, Paul F. Thouret, William G. Tracy, Mrs. Lucy J. Truesdell, Mrs. H. Maria Vedder, William Velasko, Alexander von Landberg, Mrs. Harriet Waggoner, Walter S. Wales, Mrs. Ella W. Wales, Edwin R. Wallace, Mrs. Fannie F. Wallace, Tom Ward, Mrs. Kate Ward, Gerrit S. Wheaton, Howard G. White, Nathaniel M. \Vhite, Mrs. Mary M. White, William K. Wickes, Alfred Wilkinson, John D. Wilson, Newell B. Woodwortli, Edward C. Wright, Truman K. Wright, Edward J. Wj-nkoop, Jonathan G. Wynkoop. Elected in 1895. Cxraham K. Betts, Mrs. Jean E. Bookstaver, Mrs. Annette S. Cook, Seely C. Hayden, Mrs. Anna J. Hayden, George K. Knapp, Avery R. Palmer, Miss Hattie E. Poole,* Mrs. Fannie W. Redfield, Miss Maud Schermerhorn, Aver}' P. Shue, Richard R. Slocum, Edwin C. Tallcott. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS