^ ■i ? J» . \» ^'jifiii&^ikf^tti^iS^^,- % < -. ^ ivi-Cr-- 4 or c*. , i^^ ^^^ - ' -. ,, ^ - 'i' ^ - -^ ay - -. ,i^.v cf- V . .ui • ■ c A 1 , ^T-. . -TIP gave me a contemptible opinion ot Arnold. This r- ■ l • \ m\ r> ,. -i.eotion was by no means singular. Morgan, ^ -Jfd other officers, who had seen service, did •ic-sitate to speak of it in that point of view. How- evcu ... ^ -T, Arnold had a vain desire to gratify, of which we T^ere then ignorant. He was well known at Quebec, ^Formerly, he had traded from this port to the West Indies, most particularly in the article of horses. Hence, he was despised bv the principal people. The epithet Horse jockey was freely and universally bestowed upon him, by the British. Having now obtained power, he became anxious to display it in the faces of those, who had tormerly despised and contemned him. The vener- able Carleton, an Irishman of a most amiable and mild character. Colonel Alaclean, a Scotchman, old in war- fare, would not, in any shape, communicate with him. If Adontgomerv had originally been our commander, matters might have been more civilly conducted. This particularity in relating a most trivial and disgusting occurrence, arises from a desire to set before you a cau- tionary rule, which it will be prudent for you to observe in your historical reading. " Do not believe an author, unless the story he relates be probable, accompanied by 86 Campaign against ^ebec, ^775- such circumstances as might reasonably attend the trans- action, unless he is corroborated by others, who speak on that subject." Many of our wisest men, within the colonies, wrote and spoke of this bravading, as a matter of moment, and with muuh applause. Even some of our historians (Gordon), have given it celebrity. But a more silly and boastful British historian (Amwell), says there was a dreadful cannonade, by which many of the •lebels were destroyed. The truth is, that this day not a Qf^},^ of blood was shed, but that of Governor Cald- well's horned cattle, hogs and poultry, which run plenti- fullv. After this victory in huzzaing, which was boys' play, and suited H^^ to a hair, we returned to quarters to partake of the good thi'.Jgs of this world. November 15, the next ^^y-> ^ scene of a different kind opened, which let us into"^*^^ ^^"^ character of Arnold. In the wilderness, the mer^^'^^^^ ^^^'- stinted to a pint of flout by the day. This scanty'^)^'"^^"^^ °* flour had been continued since we had come" iil'^, ^^^^ plentiful country. Morgan, Hendricks and i^"^}^ waited upon the commander in chief, to represent f grievance and obtain redress. Altercation and warm larf" guage took place. Smith, with his usual loquacity, told) us that Morgan seemed, at one time, upon the point of\ striking Arnold. We fared the better for this interview. November 16, on the following day, the rifle com- panies removed further from the city. About half a mile from Caldwell's house, our company obtained ex- cellent quarters, in the house of a French gentleman, who seemed wealthy. He was pleasing in his manners, but the rudeness our ungovernable men exhibited, created in him an apparent disgust towards us. Here we re- mained near a week. During that time, we had con- stant and severe duty to perform. There was a large building on the low grounds, near the river St. Charles, which was occupied by a most respectable society of ladies as a nunnery. In the front of this house, at the distance of fifty yards, there was a spacious log building, ^ Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. 87 which seemed to be a school house, occupied by the priesthood attendant on the nunnery. This house we took possession of, as a guard-house, under an idea, as it stood directly between the town, and the nunnery, which contained some precious deposits, that they had not had time to remove, that the enemy would not fire in this direction. The conjecture was just. November 16. In the afternoon a distressing occur- rence took place here, notwithstanding our vicinity to this holy place. Towards the evening the guard was relieved. Lieut. Simpson commanded it. This guard was composed of two-and -twenty fine fellows, of our company. When the relief guard came, a Frenchman, of a most villainous appearance, both as tr, person and visage, came to our lieutenant, with a written order ^rom Colonel Arnold, commanding him to accom- pany the bearer, who would be our guide across the river St. Charles, to obtain some cattle feeding beyond it, on the account of government. The order in the first instance, because of its preposterousness, was doubted, but, upon a little reflection, obeyed. Knowing the danger, our worthy lieutenant also knew the best and only means of executing the enterprise. The call "•come on lads," was uttered. We ran with speed from the guard-house some hundreds of yards, over the plain to the mouth of the St. Charles, where the ferry is. Near the ferry there was a large wind- mill, and near it stood a small house resembling a cooper's shop. Two carts of a large size were passing the ferry heavily laden with the household-stuff^, and women and children of the townsmen flying from the suburbs of St. Roque, contiguous tu palace-gate, to avoid the terrible and fatal eff^ects of war. The carts were already in a large scow, or flat-bottomed boat, and the ferrymen, seeing us coming, were tugging hard at the ferry-rope, to get off the boat, which was aground, before we should arrive. It was no small matter, in exertion, to outdo people of our agility. Simpson, with his usual good 88 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- humor, urged the race, from a hope that the garrison would not fire upon us, when in the boat with their fly- ing townsmen. The weight of our bodies and arms put the boat aground in good earnest. Simpson vociferously urging the men to free the boat, directing them to place their guns in my arms, standing on the bow. He ordered me to watch the flashes of the cannon ^ of the city near palace gate. Jumping into the water mid-deep, all but Sergeant Dixon and myself, they were pushing, pulling, and with handspikes attempting to float the scow. One of the carts stood between Dixon and mvselt — he was tugging at the ferry rope. Presently a shot was called, it went wide of the boat, its mark. The exertions of the party were redoubled. Keeping an eve upon the town, the sun about setting, in a clear skv, the view was beautiful indeed, but somewhat terrific. Battlements like these had been unknown to me. Our boat lay like a rock in the water, and was a target at point blank shot, about three-fourths of a mile from palace gate, which issues into St. Roque. I would have adored all the saints in the calendar, if honor and their worships would have permitted the transpo'iation of my person a \'g^w perches from the spot where it then stood, by the austere com- mand of duty. It was plainly observable that many persons were engaged in preparing the guns for another discharge. Our brave men were straining every nerve to obtain success. " A shot," was all that could be said, when a thirty-six pound ball, touching the lower edge of the nob of the cart-wheel, descending a little, toc^k the leg of my patriotic friend below the knee, and carried away the bones of that part entirely. " Oh ! Simpson,'"' he cried, " I am gone." Simpson, whose heart was tender and kind, leaped into the boat : calling to the men, the person of Dixon was borne to the wind- ' This was i ridiculous practice, universally adopted in the camp near Boston, and was now pursued at this place. It is merely designative of the raw soldier. Such indications of fear should now a-days be severely repri- manded. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec, ijj^. 89 mill. Now a roar of triumph was heard from the city, accompanied by some tolerably well directed shots. The unfortunate was borne at a slow and solemn pace to the guard-house, the enemy, every now and then, sending us his majesty's compliments, in the shape of a twenty- four or thirty-six pound ball. When the procession came into a line with the town, the guard-house and nunnery, the firing ceased. At the time we were most busily en- gaged with Dixon, at the windmill, the vile Frenchman, aghast and horror stricken, fled from us to the city. If his desertion had been noticed in time, his fate had been sealed, but the rascal was unobserved till he had run several hundred yards along the beach of the bay of St. Charles. He turned out to be a spy, purposely sent by government to decoy and entrap us, and he succeeded but too easily with the vigilant Arnold. Dixon was now carried on a litter to the house of an English gentleman, about a mile ofF. An amputation took place — a tetanus followed, which, about nine o'clock of the ensuing day, ended in the dissolution of this honorable citizen and soldier. There are many reasons for detailing this affair so minutely to you. Among these are, to impress upon your minds an idea of the manners and spirit of those times : our means and rude methods of warfare : but more particularly for the purpose of introducing to your observation an anecdote of Dixon, which is characteristic of the ideas and feelings then entertained by the gene- rality of his countrymen. Before we left our native homes, tea had, as it were, become an abomination even to the ladies. The taxation of it by the parliament of England, with design to draw from us a trifling revenue, was made the pretence with the great body of the peo;)le, for our opposition to government. The true ground, however, with the politically wise, was, that that law annihilated our rights as Englishmen. It is an axiom of the common law of our glorious ancestors, that taxation and representation must go hand in hand. This rule was now violated. Hence it was, that no one, male or 90 Campaign against Quebec ^ ^11 S' female, knowing their rights, if possessed of the least spark of patriotism, would deign to taste of that delight- ful beverage. The lady of the house, though not one who approved of our principles of action, was very at- tentive to our wounded companion : she presented him a bowl of tea ; " No madam," said he, "it is the ruin of my country." November ? 7th, uttering this noble sentiment, this invaluable citizen died, sincerely lamented by every one who had the opportunity of knowing his virtues. Dixon was a gentleman of good property and education, though n> more than the first sergeant of our company. His estate lay in West Hanover township, in the county of Lancaster (now in Daufhin). He was an agriculturist, which, in the vagueness and uncertainty of our language, is called a farmer. In fact he was a freeholder, the pos- sessor of an excellent tract of land, accompanied by all those agreeables which render the cultivator of the earth, in Pennsylvania, the most independent, and, with pru- dent economy, the most happv of human beings. The following morning, Simpson was the first to give me an account of Dixon's death, which affected us much ; his corpse received the usual military honors. Duty com- pelled my absence elsewhere. The blood of Dixon was the first oblation made upon the altar of Liberty at Que- bec, and iMerchant was the first prisoner. The latter was a brave and determined soldier, fitted for subordinate station ; the former was intuitively a captain. The city and vicinity occupied the attention of the commander nearly a week, November iSth. Not being fully in the secret, it does not become me to recount the causes of our retreat to Point Aux Tremble. We did, however, make this retrograde movement, rather in a slovenly style, accom- panied, probably, by the maledictions of the clergy and nobility, but attended by the regrets of a host of well- wishers among the peasantry. Point Aux Tremble is at the distance of twenty, or more, miles from Quebec. Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. 91 The route thither, though in a severe winter, was in- teresting. The woods were leafless, except as to those trees o\ the fir-kind ; but numerous neat and handsomely situated farm houses and many beautiful landscapes were presented, and enlivened our march along this majestic stream. At Detroit, which is supposed to be little short of nine hundred miles from Quebec — even there, it is no contemptible river, but here fhe inimer.se volume of its waters, strikes the mind of the stranger with astonish- ment and rapture. Our Susquehanna, which, from its grandeur, attracts the European eye, stands in a low grade when compared with the St. Lawrence. Ascend- ing the river at a distance of ten or fifteen miles, we ob- sei ved the rapid passage, down stream, of a boat, and soon afterwards of a ship, one or other of which con tained the person of Sir Guy Carleton. That it was the governor of the province, flying from Montgomery, who had by this time captured Montreal, we were informed by a special kind of messenger, which was no other than the report of the cannon, by way ot feu-de joie, upon his arrival at the capital. Water, in regard to the com- munication of sound, is nearly as good a conductor as metals are, for the transmission of the electric fluid. Though near to the place of our destination, we could mark with precision the report of every gun. Point Aux Tremble, at this time, had assumed the appearance of a straggling village. There was a spacious chapel, where the ceremonies of the Roman Catholic religion were performed, with a pomp not seen in our churches but by a fervency and zeal apparently very pious, which became a severe and additional stroke at early prejudices. Quarters were obtained in the village and farm houses, dispersed over a space of some miles, up and down the river. We enjoyed as much comfort as tight houses, warm fires, and our scantiness of clothing would admit. Provisions were in plenty, and particularly beef, which, though small in bulk, was of an excellent flavor. Being in a few days, as it were, domesticated in a respectable go. Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- farmer's house, we now had leisure to observe the economy of the family. Every crevice through which cold air could penetrate, was carefully pasted with strips of paper of every color. To permit the cold air to in- trude is not the only evil which results ; but the smallest interstice with the air, also admits an almost impalpable snow, which is very inconvenient, particularly at night, when the winds blow most sharply. A stove of iron stood a small space from the wall of the kitchen chimney, but in such a way that it might be encompassed by the family or the guests. This stove was kept continually hot both by day and by night. Over the stove there is a rack so constructed as to serve for the drying of wet clothes, moccasins, etc., etc. When these people slaughter their beasts for winter use, they cut up the meat into small pieces, such as a half pound, two pounds, etc., according to the number of tlie family. In the evening before bedtime, the females of the house prepare the dinner of the following day. It may be particularly described, as it was done in our view for a number of days together, and during the time was never varied. This was the manner : a piece of pork or beef, or a portion of each kind, together with a sufficiency of cabbage, potatoes and turnips, seasoned with salt, and an adequate quantity of water, were put into a neat tin kettle with a close lid. The kettle thus replenished, was placed on the stove in the room where we all slept, and there it sim- mered till the time of rising, when it was taken to a small fire in the kitchen, where a stewing continued till near noon, when they dined. The contents were turned into a large basin. Each person had a plate, no knife was used, except one to cut the bread, but a five or six pronged fork answered the purposes of a spoon. The meat required no cutting, as it was reduced to a mucilage, or at least to shreds. This, you may say, is (rifling in- formation, and unworthy of vour notice ; according to my mind, it is important to all of us, to know the habits, manners, and means of existence of that class of society, Campaign against ^ebec^ ^77 5- 93 which, in all nations, composes the bulk and strength of the body politic. Our dinner followed in a few hours. The manner of our cookery excited astonishment in our hosts. As much beef was consumed at a single meal, as would have served this family for a week. Remember, however, that the mess consisted of persons who were entitled to double and treble rations. Two rosy-cheeked daughters of the house, soon contrived the means and obtained the surplus. This circumstance, most proba- bly, made us agreeable to the family, for we had nothing else to bestow. The snow had now fallen in abundance, and enlivened the country. Sleighs and sleds were pass- ing in every direction. The farmers began to supply themselves with a full stock of winter's fuel from the forest, No fowls were visible about the house ; a few were kept alive for breeding in the ensuing summer, in a close and warm coop in the upper story of the barn. The rest of the fowls, intended for the market or winter's use, had been slaughtered, early in autumn, at setting in of the frost, and were hung up in the feathers in the garret. Thence they were taken as wanted. Towards March they become unsavory, but in no way tainted. We became acquainted with this kind of economy, but upon a much larger scale afterwards, when in a state of affliction and sorrow. The roads in this part of Canada are kept in excellent order. The corvee of European France is maintained by the government in full effect, as to its principles, but far less rigid in its practice. The roads in low grounds, were ditched on the sides and curved towards the centre. Every forty or fifty yards on each side of the road, throughout the extent of it, young pines were stuck in the ground, to mark the central and safest passage. It is a law, that the land- holder, whenever a snow falls, whether by day or night, when it ceases, shall with his horses and cariole, retrace the road, formed on the preceding snow, throughout the extent of his grounds. This is a laborious duty, but it was discernible that it was performed with punctuality, if 94 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^77 S- not pleasure. In December, January and February, when the snow lays from three to five feet deep over the surface, there is no traveling in this country, but by ways thus formed, or upon snow shoes. December i. General Montgomery, who was anxiously expected, arrived. Arnold's corps was paraded in the front of the chapel. It was lowering and cold, but the appearance of the general here, gave us warmth and animation. He was well limbed, tall and handsome, though his face was much pockmarked. His air and manner designated the real soldier. He made us a shorty but energetic aiid elegant speech, the burden of which was, an applause of our spirit in passing the wilderness ; a hope our perseverance in that spirit would continue ; and a promise of warm clothing ; the latter was a most comfortable assurance. A few huzzas from our freezing bodies were returned to this address of the gallant hero. Now new life was infused into the whole of the corps. December 2d. ^ he next day we retraced the route from Quebec. A snow had fallen during the night, and continued falling. To march on this snow, was a most fatiguing business. By this time, we had generally furnished ourselves with seal-skin moccasins, which are large, and, according to the usage of the country, stuffed with hay or leaves, to keep the feet dry and warm. Every step taken in the dry snow, the moccasin having no raised heel to support the position of the foot, it slipped back, ai^.d thus produced great weariness. On this march the use of the snow-shoe was very obvious, but we were destitute of that article. The evening brought up the riflemen at an extensive house, in the parish of St. Foix, about three miles from Quebec. It was inhabited by tenants. We took possession of a front parlor on the left, Morgan one upon the right, Hendricks, a back apartment, and the soldiery in the upper parts of the house, and some warm out-buildings. December 3d. Morgan, not finding himself comforta- Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. 95 ble, moved a short space nearer to the city. Here, in low and pretty country houses, he and his men were neatly accommodated. It seemed to me, that the Cana- dians in the vicinage of Quebec lived as comfortably, in general, as the generality of the Pennsylvanians did, at that time, in the county of Lancaster. It may readily occur to you, that some restriction ought to cramp this latitude of expression ; take it, however, as a description of our sensations, entertained in our minds by the con- veniences we now enjoyed, in opposition to our late privations. We had just arrived from a dreary anil in- hospitable wild, half-starved and thinly clothed, in aland of plenty, where we had full rations and warm quarters, consequently, our present feelings contrasted with former sufFeiings, might have appreciated in too high a degree, the happineb.s of the Canadian. What is now said, ought not to be taken in anywise as an allusion to the political rights, but be confined solely to the appareni; prosperity and economy of families December 12th. We remained about ten days at these quarters. The tours of duty, to Arnold's party, were peculiarly severe. The officers and men still wore nothing else than the remains of the summer clothing, which, being on their back, had escaped destruction in the disasters of the wilderness. The snow lay three feet deep over the face of the whole country, and there was an addition to it almost daily. Many impediments occurred, to delay the transportation of the clothing, which General Montgomery had procured for us at Montreal. Our miserable state, contrary to our prin- ciples, excited an illicit desire to be apparreled more comfortably. This desire would probably have lain dor- mant, but for a scoundrel Canadian, who in all likelihood was an enemy of Lieutenant Governor Cromie's. One morning having returned from a cold night's duty, near palace gate, the fellow addressed Simpson, who was the only officer in quarters, and communicated the informa- tion : " That about two miles up the St. Lawrence, lay 96 Campaign against Quebec ^ ^11 S' a country seat of Governor Cromie's, stocked with many things we wanted, and he would be our guide." Ca- rioles were immediately procured. The house, a neat box, was romantically situated on the steep bank of the river, not very distant from a chapel. Though in the midst of winter, the spot displayed the elegant taste and abundant wealth of the owner. It must be a most de- lightful summer residence, in the months of July and August, when the heat of this northern climate seems greater to sensation, than that of our country, in the same season. The house was closed ; knocking, the hall door was opened to us by an Irishwoman, who, of the fair sex, was the largest and most brawny that ever came under my notice. She was the stewardess of the house. Our questions were answered with an apparent affability and frankness. She introduced us into the kitchen, a large apartment, well filled with those articles which good livers think necessary to the happy enjoy- ment of life. Here we observed five or six Canadian servants, huddled into a corner of the kitchen, trembling with fear. Our prying eyes soon discovered a trap- door leading into the cellar. In the country houses of Canada, because of the frigidity of the climate, the cel- lars are usually under a warm room, and are principally in- tended for the preservation of vegetables. The cavity in this instance, abounded with a great variety of eata- bles, of which we were not in the immediate want. The men entered it. Firkin after firkin of butter, lard, tallow, beef, pork, fresh and salt, all became a prey. While the men were rummaging below, the lieutenant descended to cause more despatch. Mv duty was to remain at the end of the trap door, with my back to the wall, and rifle cocked, as a sentry, keeping a strict eye on the servants. Mv good Irishwoman frequently beckoned to me to descend ; her drift was to catch us all in the trap. Luckily she was comprehended. The cellar and kitchen being thoroughly gutted, and the spoil borne to the carriages, the party dispersed into other Campaign against ^ebec, ^775- 97 apartments. Here was elegancy. The walls and par- titions were beautifully papered and decorated, with large engravings, maps, etc., etc., of the most celebrated artists. A noble view of the city of Philadelphia, upon a large scale, taken from the neighborhood ot Cooper's ferry, drew my attention, and raised some compunctive ideas ; but war and the sciences always stand at arms length in the contests of mankind. The latter must succumb in the tumult. Our attention was much more attracted by the costlv feather beds, counterpanes, and charming rose-blankets, which the house afforded. Of these there was good store, and we left not a jot behind us. The nooks and crevices in the carioles were filled with smaller articles ; several dozens of admirably finished case-knives and forks ; even a set of desert knives obtained the notice of our cupidity. Articles of lesser moment, not a thousandth part so useful, did not escape the all-grasping hands of the soldiery. In a back apart- ment there stood a mahogany couch, or settee in a highly finished style. The woodwork of the couch was raised on all sides by cushioning, and lastly, covered by a rich figured silk. This to us was lumber, besides our carioles were full. However, we grabbled the mattrass and pallets, all equally elegant as the couch. Having, as we thought, divested his excellency of all the articles of prime necessity, we departed, ostensibly and even audibly accompanied by the pious blessings of the stewardess for our moderation. No doubt she had her mental re- servations ; on such business as this, we regarded neither. Near the chapel we met a party of Morgan's men com- ing to do that which we had already done. The officer appeared chagrined when he saw the extent of our plunder. He went on, and finally ransacked the house, and yet a little more, the stables. The joy of our men, among whom the plunder was distributed in nearly equal portions, was extravagant. Now an operation of the human mind, which often takes place in society, and is every day dis- cernible bv persons of observation, became clearh 9 98 Campaign against Quebec y 1775. obvious. " Let a man once, with impunity, desert the strict rule of right, all subsequent aggression is not only increased in atrocity, but is done without qualm of con- science." Though our company was composed prin- cipally of freeholders, or the sons of such, bred at home under the strictures of religion and morality, yet when the reins of decorum were loosed, and the honorable feeling weakened, it became impossible to administer restraint. The person of a tory, or his property, became fair game, and this- at the denunciation of some base domestic villain. December 13th. On this morning the same auda- cious scoundrel again returned. By leading to the first affair, and his intercourse with the privates, he had so wormed himself into their good graces that nothing would do but a system of marauding upon our supposed enemies, the tories. In this new expedition, which was fuither than the former, the officers thought it pru- dent to accompany the men, in truth, to keep order and repress their ardency. We arrived at a farm said to belong to Gov. Cromie or some other inhabitant of Quebec. The farm house, though low, being but one story, was capacious, and tolerably neat. The barn built of logs, with a threshing-floor in the center, was from seventy to eighty feet in length. The tenant, his wife, and children, shuddered upon our approach. As- surances that they should be unharmed, relieved their fears. The tenant pointed out to us the horned-cattle, pigs and poultry of his landlord. These we shot down without mercy, or drove before us to our quarters. Thus we obtained a tolerable load for our caravan, which consisted of five or six carioles. With this disreputable exploit, marauding ceased. A returning sense of decency and order, emanating from ourselves, produced a species of contrition. It is a solemn truth that we plundered none but those who were notoriously tories, and then within the walls of Quebec. The clergy, the nobles, and the peasantry, Campaign against ^uebec^ ^775- 99 were respected and protected, especially the latter, with whom, to use a trite expression, we fraternized. The minuteness of this description of occurrences, of a trivial, yet disgraceful nature, is made the more strongly to impress your minds with the horrors attendant on civil wars. This species of war, more than any other, not only affects the great and the wealthy, but it intrudes itself into, and devastates the cottage. This the Ame- rican people know, from the many melancholy scenes which succeeded the period spoken of. Gracious and Almighty God ! the shield and protector of the good, as well as thou art the scourge of the base and wicked nation, avert from my country this the most terrible of thy modes of temporal vengeance. December 15th. In a short time, the rifle companies moved and occupied good quarters on the low grounds, near St. Charles river, and about two miles from Quebec. Our clothing was still of the flimsy kind, before noted, but our hearts were light, even to merriment. Indi- vidually, from our own funds, we supplied ourselves with arm-gloves, and renewed our moccasins. This was about the middle of December. During all this time, our daily duty was laborious in various ways, and every other night we mounted guard at St. Roque. A guard- house ere this, had been established at this place, in a very large stone house, which, though strong, being exposed to the enemy's fire, was soon battered about our ears, the distance scarcely more than three hundred yards. That position was changed for one more secure. A house which had been a tavern, was adopted in its stead. This house was peculiarly situated. It was comparatively small with the former in its dimensions, but the walls were strong, and the ceilings bomb-proof. It stood under the hill, so as to be out of the range of the shot from the ramparts contiguous to palace gate, which were elevated far above us. Simpson would say. Jack, let us have a shot at those fellows. Even at noon-day, we would creep along close to the houses. lOO Campaign against Quebec ^ '^11 S- which ranged under the hill, but close in with it, till we came within forty yards of palace gate. Here was a smith-shop, formed of logs, through the crevices of which we would fire, at an angle of seventy, at the sentries above us. Many of them were killed, and it was said, several officers. This was dishonorable war, though authorized by the practices of those times. The distance from this guard-house to palace gate, may be three hundred and fifty yards. The hill, at the back of the house, seemed to make an angle of sixty or seventy degrees. This activity continued from the walls of the city, and around it by the lower town (where it is greatest), for many miles up the St. Lawrence and St. Charles, and forms the basis of Abraham's plains. It was about that time the York artillerists, under Captain Lamb, had con- structed a battery on the Plains, at the distance of six hundred or seven hundred yards from the fortress. The earth was too difficult for the intrenching tools to pierce, the only method left was to raise a battery composed of ice and snow. The snow was made into ice by the addition of water. The work was done in the night time. Five or six nine-pounders, and a howitzer were placed in it ; it was scarcely completed, and our guns had opened on the city, before it was pierced through and through, by the weightier metal of the enemy. Several lives were lost on the first and second day. Yet the experiment was persisted in, till a single ball, piercing the battery, killed and wounded three persons. In the quarters last mentioned, we enjoyed some pleasant days. The winter in Canada, as with us, is the season of good humor and joy. December i8th, 19th. Upon a secession from the out-post, or other military employments, we were agreea- bly received in the farm houses around. Our engage- ments near palace gate, still continued to be of the arduous kind ; our numbers being few, every second watch was performed by the same persons who had made the guard the last but one. Between the guard- Campaign against ^ebec, IJIS- loi house, and the extreme end of the suburbs of St. Roque, which may be half a mile from the ramparts, there was a rising ground in the main street fairly in view of the enemy, and whilst we relieved in daylight, was raked even by grape shot. Some good men were lost here. This circumstance changed the time of relief, to nine o'clock in the evening. The rifle men were principally employed as guards at this dangerous station. It is but fair and honest to relate to you an anecdote concerning myself, which will convey to your minds some notion of that affection of the head or heart, which the military call a panic terror. Being one of the guard and having been relieved as a sentry, about twelve or one o'clock at night, upon returning to the guard house, in a dozing state, I cast myself on a bench next the back wall — ■ young, my sleeps were deep and heavy ; my youth obtained this grace from Simpson, the officer who com- manded ; about three o'clock I was roused by a horri- ble noise. The enemy, in casting their shells, usually b^'gan in the evening, and threw but a few, towards morning they became more alert. Our station being out of sight, it was so managed as to throw the shells on the side of the hill, directly back of us, so as they would trundle down against the wall of the guard house. This had frequently occurred before, but was not minded. A thirteen inch shell, thus thrown, came immediately opposite the place where my head lay ; to be sure the three feet wall was between us. The bursting report was tremendous, but it was heard in a profound sleep. Starting instantly, though unconscious of the cause, and running probably fifty yards, through untrod snow, three feet deep, to a coal house, a place quite unknown to me before, it was ten or fifteen minutes before the extreme cold restored that kind of sensibility which enabled me to know my real situation. Knowing nothing of the cause, the probable effect, nor anything of the conse- quences which might follow from this involuntary exer- tion, it seemed to me to be a species of the panic which I02 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- has been known to affect whole armies. • The circum- stance here related, caused a laugh against me ; but it was soon discovered that those of the soldiery, though wide awake, were as much panic stricken as myself. The laugh rebounded upon them. During this period we had many bitter nights. To give you some idea of a Canada winter, allow me to relate an occurrence which is literally genuine. December 24th. One night, at the time of relief, a confidential person came from Colonel Arnold, accom- panied by an Irish gentleman named Craig, directing the relieved guard to escort him to his own house, which stood between twenty and thirty paces from palace gate. Craig was a merchant of considerable wealth, and what was more, an excellent whig. He was expelled from his habitation because of his whigism, and took refuge in Arnold's quarters. Montgomery, by this time, had furnished us with personal clothing suitable to the climate, but there were a thousand other things wanting for comfortable accommodation. Many of these Mr. Craig possessed, and Arnold's luxurious cupidity desired. Craig's house was an extensive building, three stories high, with back buildings of an equal height, running far in the rear along the foot of the hill. This last building consisted of stores which, as well as the house, was of brick work. We came to the back part of the house silently, and with the utmost caution. Mr. Craig by a slight knock brought a trusty old negro to the door, who was the sole guardian of the house. The objects of Mr. Craig were frying pans, skillets, and a great variety of other articles of ironmongery, together with cloths, flannels, linens, etc., etc., etc. The party with Craig entered the house. As a man of con- fidence and as a sentry, it became my business to watch the palace gate. There was a clear moonlight, but it was exceedingly bleak. My place of observation was under a brick arch, over which were stores of Mr. Craig, perhaps less than eighty feet from palace gate. My Campaign against Quebec ^ ^775* 1^3 gloves were good and well lined with tu', and my moc- casins of the best kind, well stuffed. Unseen, continu- ally pacing the width of the arch, my companions seemed to employ too mucli time. Some Frenchmen, of Colonel Livingston's regiment, without our know- ledge, had been below palace gate marauding. Repass- ing the house we were at, like so many hell hounds, they set up a yelling and horrid din, which not only scared our party, but alarmed the garrison itself. My companions in the house (apprehensive of a sally from palace gate), fled, carrying all they could. Though I heard the noise, the fliglit of my friends was unseen, as they emerged from the cellars. The noise and bustle created by the Canadians attracted the attention of the enemy. Large and small shells were thrown in every direction, wherever a noise was heard in St. Roque. Having on a line white blanket coat, and turning my cap, or bonnet roiige^ inside out, the inside being white, made me, as it were, invisible in the snow. Under the arch the conversation of the sentries, as it were, almost over mv head, was very distinguishable. In this cold region, many reasons operate to induce the placing two sentries at the same post — they enliven each other by convers- ing, and it prevents the fatal effects which follow from standing still in one position. Fifteen minutes, at this time, was the term of the sentries standing. The time of my standing under the arch seemed to be several hours, yet iionor and duty required perseverance. At length, being wearied out, going to the back door of the house and knocking, no whisper could be heard within, the old negro was soundly asleep in his bomb-proof shell. At this moment those Canadians ran past the gateway again, with their usual noisy jabber ; to me, in my deserted state, it seemed a sally of the enemy. There was no outlet but by the way we came, which seemed hazardous. Running gun in hand into a large enclosure, which was a garden of Mr. Craig's, here was a new dilemma. There v.-as no escape but by return- I04 Campaign against ^ebec, ^11 S- ing to the house or climbing a palisade twenty feet high. The latter was preferred ; but my rifle was left within the enclosure, as no means could be fallen upon to get it over the stockade. The guard house was soon reached. One of the sergeants kindly returned with me to assist in bringing over my gun. It was grasped in ecstasy. Alas ! the determination never to part with it again, but with life, was futile. While in the enclo- sure, going from and returning to it, we were assailed with grape-shot and shells, not by any means aimed at us, for the enemy knew not that we were there, but was intended to disperse those vociferous and vile Canadians, and it had the effect. They were as cowardly as noisy. The cohorn shells were handsomely managed. They usually burst at fifteen or twenty feet from the earth, so as to scatter their destructive effects more widely. Again coming to the guard house, my immediate friends all gone, I ran thence to our quarters, about two miles, with great speed. This was about three o'clock in the morn- ing. Coming to quarters, my feet and hands were numbed, without ever having, during those many dreary hours, been sensible of the cold. It was soon discovered that they were frozen. Pulling off my leggings, etc., and immerging my feet and legs knee deep m the snow at the door, rubbing with my hands a few minutes, soon caused a recirculation of the blood ; the hands were re- stored by the act. For fifteen, and even twenty years afterwards, the intolerable effects of that night's frost were most sensibly felt. The soles of my feet, particu- larly the prominences, were severely frostbitten and much inflamed ; so it was as to my hands. But it was very remarkable that these subsequent annual painings uniformly attacked me in the same month of the year in which the cause occurred. On the night of the 20th, or 21st of December, a snow-storm, driving fiercely from the north-east, induced the noble Montgomery to order an attack on the fortress. Our force, altogether, did not amount to more than Campaign against Quebec, 1775. 105 eleven hundred men, and many of these, by contrivances of their own, were in the hospital, which, by this time, was transferred to the nunnery. The storm abated — the moon shone, and we retired to repose, truly unwill- ingly. We had caught our cornmander's spirit, who was anxious, after the capture of Chamblee, St. Johns and Montreal, to add Quebec, as a prime trophy to the laurels already won. Captain Smith, ' the head of our mess, as captain, had been invited to General Mont- gomery's council of officers (none under that grade being called) ; like most of uninstructed men he was talkative, and what is much worse, in military affairs, very communicative. I believe blushing followed the intelligence he gave me : the idea of impropriety of con- duct in him, deeply impressed my mind. The whole plan of the attack on the two following days was known to the meanest man in the army. How it was disclosed, is uncertain, unless by the fatuity of the captains. One Singleton, a sergeant in the troops which accompanied Montgomery, deserted from the guard at the suburbs of St. Johns, and disclosed to our foes the purport of our ' Colonel Matthew Smith of Paxtang, who commanded the company in which young Henry served in the Quebec campaign, was one of the war eagles of the revolution. He was a native of Lancaster county, now Dau- phin, born about 1730. Hetook a warm interest in the affair at Conestoga and Lancaster in 1763-4, and was delegated by the Paxtang Boys to make a proper representation to the provincial assembly who were bent on per- secuting that band of heroes. He enlisted his company in June, 1775, ^""^ with Hendricks was the first south of the Hudson river to reach the be- leaguered city of Boston after the battle of Bunker hill. At the time of the attack upon Quebec, Captain Smith was on detached duty, and not with his company. He was, however, taken prisoner, released on parole and exchanged the latter part cf the year 1776, and subsequently promoted to major. He served as a member of the supreme executive council of Pa., in 1778-9, and was for a brief period vice-president of the state. Early in 1780 he was appointed prothonotary of Northumberland county. He died at Milton, July 21, 1794, and was buried at Warren Run burying ground six miles distant. Col. Smith was a fine looking man, had the air of a soldier, and was as ardent a patriot as ever breathed. Judge Henry, on account of Capt. Smith's rigid discipline, took a dislike to him, and in his narrative shows it prominently. — Dr. Wm. H. Egle. io6 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- schemes ; his desertion caused much anxiety. The general prudently gave out that it was by command, he would return soon with intelligence. This was believed generally. The latter information came to my know- ledge some months afterwards, when a prisoner. The relation of Smith to me is perfect on my memory. Youths seldom forget their juvenile impressions. It was this: "That we, of Arnold's corps, accompanied by Captain Lang's York artillerists, should assail the lower town, on the side of St. Roque : General Montgomery was to attack the lower town by the way of Cape Dia- mond, which is on the margin of the St. Lawrence. A false attack was to be made eastwardly of St. John's gate. When Montgomery and Arnold conjoined in the lower town, then the priests, the women and the child- ren, were to be gathered and intermingled with the troops and an assault be made on the upper town." Visionary as this mode of attack was, from what ensued, it is sincerely my belief that Smith was correct in his information, as to the plan suggested by the general. In those turbulent times, men of gallantry, such as Montgomery, were imperiously necessitated, to keep up their own fame and the spirits of the people, to pro- pose and to hazard measures, even to the confines of imprudence. There was another circumstance which induced our brave and worthy general to adopt active and dangerous means of conquest. Many of the New England troops had been engaged on very short enlist- ments, some of which were to expire on the first of January, 1776. The patriotism of the summer of seventy-five, seemed almost extinguished in the winter of seventy-six. The patriotic officers made everv exer- tion to induce enlistments but to no purpose. We, of the rifle corps, readily assented to remain with the gene- ral, though he should be deserted by the eastern men, yet this example had no manner of influence on the generality. The majority were either farmers or sailors, and some had wives and children at home. These, and Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- ^^7 other reasons, perhaps the austerity of the winter, and the harshness of the service, caused an obstinacy of mind which would not submit -to patriotic representation. Besides the smallpox, ' which had been introduced into our cantonments by the indecorous, yet fascinating arts of the enemy, had already begun its ravages. This temper of the men was well known to the general. It was not until the night of the thirty-first of December, 1775, that such kind of weather ensued as was considered favorable for the assault. The forepart of the night was admirably enlightened by a luminous moon. Many of us, officers as well as privates, had dispersed in various directions among the farm and tip- pling houses of the vicinity. We well knew the signal for rallying. This was no other than a snow-storm. About twelve o'clock p.m., the heaven was overcast. We repaired to quarters. By two o'clock we were accoutred and began our march. The storm was out- rageous, and the cold wind extremely biting. In this northern country the snow is blown horizontally into the faces of travelers on most occasions — this was our case. January ist. When we came to Craig's house, near palace gate, a horrible roar of cannon took place, and a ringing of all the bells of the city, which are very numer- ous, and of all ^zes. Arnold, heading the forlorn hope, advanced, perhaps, one hundred yards before the main body. After these, followed Lamb's artillerists. Mor- gan's company led in the secondarv part of the column of infantry. Smith's followed, headed by Steele, the captain, from particular causes, being absent. Hen- drick's company succeeded, and the eastern men, so far as known to me, followed in due order. The snow was 'In relation to the small-pox, the circumstance about to be related, is most assuredly true, as it is known to me of mv own particular knowledge. A number of women loaded with the infection of the small-pox, came into our cantonments. — Henry. io8 Campaign against ^uebec^ ^77 S-- deeper than in the fields, because of the nature of the ground. The path made by Arnold, Lamb and Morgan, was almost imperceptible, because of the falling snow ; covering the locks of our guns with the lappets of our coats, holding down our heads (for it was impossible to bear up our faces against the imperious storm of wind and Slow), we ran along the foot ot the hill in single file. Along the first of our run, from palace gate, for several hundred paces, there stood a range of insulated buildings, which seemed to be store-houses ; we passed these quickly in single file, pretty wide apart. 7"he interstices were from thirty to fifty yards. In these intervals we received a tremendous fire ot musketry from the ramparts above us. Here we lost some brave men, when powerless to return the salutes we received, as the enemy was covered by his impregnable defences. They were even sightless to us, we could see nothing but the blaze from the muzzles of their muskets. A number of vessels of various sizes lay along the beach, moored by their hawsers or cables to the houses. Pacing after my leader. Lieutenant Steele, at a great rate, one of those ropes took me under the chin, and cast me headlong down a declivity of at least fifteen feet. The place appeared to be either a dry dock, or a sawpit. My descent was terrible ; gun and all was involved in a great depth of snow. Most unluckily, hoivever, one of my knees received a violent contusion on a piece of scraggy ice, which was covered by the snow. On like occasions, we can scarce expect, in the hurry of attack, that our intimates should attend to any other than their own concerns. Mine went from me, regardless of my fate. Scrabbling out of the cavity, without assistance, divesting my person and gun of the snow, and limping into the line, it was attempted to assume a station, and preserve it. These were none of my friends — they knew me not. We had not gone twenty yards, in my hobbling gait, before I was thrown out, and compelled to await the arrival of a chasm in the line, where a new place Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- 109 might be obtained. Men in affairs such as this, seem in the main to lose the compassionate feeling, and are averse from being dislodged from their original stations. We proceeded rapidly, exposed to a long line of fire from the garrison, for now we were unprotected by any build- ings. The fire had slackened in a small degree. The enemy had been partly called off to resist the general, and strengthen the party opposed to Arnold in our front. Now we saw Colonel Arnold returning, wounded in the leg, and supported by two gentlemen, a Parson Spring was one, and in my belief, a Mr. Ogden the other. Arnold called to the troops, in a cheering voice, as we passed, urging us forward, yet it was observable among the soldiery, with whom it was my misfortune to be now placed, that the colonel's retiring damped their spirits. A cant term, " We are sold," was repeatedly heard in many parts throughout the line. Thus proceeding en- filaded by an animated but lessened fire, we came to the first barrier, where Arnold had been wounded in the onset. This contest had lasted but a few minutes, and was somewhat severe, but the energy of our men pre- vailed. The embrasures were entered when the enemy were discharging their guns. The guard, consisting of thirty persons, were either taken or fled, leaving their arms behind them. At this time it was discovered that our guns were useless, because of the dampness. The snow, which lodged in our fleecy coats, was melted by the warmth of our bodies. Thence came that disaster. Many of the party, knowing the circumstance, threw aside their own, and seized the British arms. These were not only elegant, but were such as befitted the hand of a real soldier. It was said that ten thousand stand of such arms had been received from England, in the previous summer for arming the Canadian militia. Those people were Icath to bear them in opposition to our rights. From the first barrier to the second, there was a circular course along the sides of houses, and partly through a street, probably of three hundred yards, 10 no Campaign against ^ebec^ '^11 S- or more. This second barrier was erected across and near the mouth of a narrow street, adjacent to the foot of the hill, which opened into a larger, leading soon into the main body of the lower town. Here it was, that the most serious contention took place ; this became the bone of strife. The admirable Montgomery, by this time (though it was unknown to us), was no more ; yet, we expected momentarily, to join him. The firing on that side of the fortress ceased, his division fell under the command of a Colonel Campbell, of the New York line, a worthless chief, who retreated without making an effort, in pursuance of the general's original plans. The inevit- able consequence, was, that the whole of the forces on that side of the city, and those who were opposed to the dastardly persons employed to make the false attacks, embodied and came down to oppose our division. Here was sharp shooting. We were on the disadvantageous side of the barrier, for such a purpose. Confined in a narrow street hardly more than twenty feet wide, and on the lower ground, scarcely a ball, well aimed or otherwise, but must take effect upon us. Morgan, Hendricks, Steele, Humphreys, and a crowd of every class of the army, had gathered into the narrow pass, attempting to surmount the barrier, which was about twelve or more feet high, and so strongly constructed, that nothing but artillery could effectuate its destruction. There was a construction, fifteen or twenty yards within the barrier, upon a rising ground, the cannon of which much overtopped the height of the barrier, hence, we were assailed, by grape shot in abundance. This erection we called the platform. Again, within the barrier, and close in to it, were two ranges of musketeers, armed with musket and bayonet, ready to receive those who might venture the dangerous leap. Add to all this, that the enemy occupied the upper chambers of the houses, in the interior of the barrier, on both sides of the street, from the windows of which we became fair marks. The enemy, having the advantage of the ground in front, Campaign against ^ebec^ I775- m a vast superiority of numbers, dry and better arms, gave them an irresistible power, in so narrow a space. Hum- phrey's, upon a mound, which was speedily erected, attended by many brave men, attempted to scale the barrier, but was compelled to retreat, by the formidable phalanx of bayonets within, and the weight of fire from the platform and the buildings. Morgan, brave to temerity, stormed and raged, Hendricks, Steele, Nichols, Humphreys, equally brave, were sedate, though under a tremendous fire. The platform, which was within our view, was evacuated by the accuracy of our fire, and few persons dared venture there again. Now it was, that the necessity of the occupancy of the houses, on our side of the barrier, became apparent. Orders were given by Morgan, to that effect. We entered — this was near daylight. The houses were a shelter, from which we could fire with much accuracy. Yet, even here, some valuable lives were lost. Hendricks,' when aiming his rifle at some prominent person, died by a straggling ball, through his heart. He staggered a ie\N feet backwards, ' The second company from Pennsylvania was commanded by Captaia William Hendricks, a native of Cumberland county, born two miles west of tlie Susquehanna river at what was long known as Tobias Hendrick's place, and latterly as Oyster's point. He was killed at Quebec January i, 1776, and buried in the same enclosure with General Montgomery, on the south side. The Rev. Dr. Smith, in his oration on the death of the gallant officer last named, makes this allusion to the former : " I must not, however, omit the name of the brave Captain Hendricks, who commanded one of the Pennsylvania Rifle companies and was known to me from his infancy. He was, indeed, prodigal of his life and counted danger out of his tour of duty. The command of the guard belonged to him on the morning of the attack ; but he solicited and obtained leave to take a more conspicuous part; and having led his men through the barrier, where his commanding officer, General Arnold was wounded, belong sustained the fire of the garrison with unshaken firmness, till at last, receiving a shot in his breast, be immediately expired. These particulars were certified by Gen. Thompson and Col. Magaw, his commanders in the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, and they give me this further character of him in their letter : 'No fatigues of duty ever discouraged him ; he paid the strictest attention to his company and was ambitious that they should excel in discipline, sobtiety and order. His social and domestic virtues you are well acquainted with.' " — Dr. W. H. EgU. 112 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- and fell upon a bed, where he instantly expired. He was an ornament of our little society. The amiable Humphreys died by a like kind of wound, but it was in the street, before we entered the buildings. Many other brave men fell at this place, among these were Lieutenant Cooper, oi Connecticut, and perhaps fifty or sixty non- commissioned officers, and privates. The wounded were numerous, and many of them dangerously so. Captain Lamb, of the York artillerists, had nearly one half of his face carried away by a grape or canister shot. My friend Steele- lost three of his fingers, as he was presenting his gun to fire ; Captain Hubbard and Lieutenant Fisdle, were also among the wounded. When we reflect upon the whole of the dangers at this barricade, and the formidable force that came to " annoy us, it is a matter of surprise, that so many should escape death and wounding, as did."' All hope of successhaving vanished, a retreat was contemplated, but hesitation, uncertainty, and a lassitude of mind, which generally takes place in the affairs of men, when we fail in a project, upon which we have attached much expectation, now followed. That moment was foolishly lost, when such a movement might have been made with tolerable success. Captain Laws, at the head of two hundred men, issuing from palace gate, most fairly and handsomely cooped us up. Many of the men, aware of the consequences, and all our Lidians and Canadians (except Natanis and another), escaped across the ice which covered the bay of St. Charles, before the arrival of Captain Laws. This was a dangerous and desperate adventure, but worth while the undertaking, in avoidance of our subsequent sufferings. Its desperate- Of the other company officers Lt. John McClellan, who resided on the Juniata died on the march to Quebec. Lt. Francis Nichols was captured at Quebec ; after the war he was commissioned brigadier general in the Pennsylvania forces. Dr. Thomas Gibson of Carlisle was also captured. He died at Valley Forge in the memorable winter of 1778. — Il'iJ. •See General Nichols's letter. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec, IJJS- ^^3 ness consisted in running two miles across shoal ice, thrown up by the high tides of this latitude — and its danger, in the meeting with air holes, deceptively covered by the bed of snow. Speaking circumspectly, yet it must be admitted con- jecturally, it seems to me, that in the whole of the attack of commissioned officers, we had six killed, five wounded, and of non-commissioned and privates, at least one hundred and fifty killed, and fifty or sixty wounded. Of the enemy, many were killed and many more wounded, comparatively, than on our side, taking into view the disadvantages we labored under ; and that but two occasions happened when we could return their fire, that is, at the first and second barriers. Neither the American account of this affair, as published by congress, nor that of Sir Guy Carleton, admit the loss of either side to be so great as it really was, in my estimation. It seems to be an universal practice among belligerents of all nations, to lessen the number of the slain of the side of the party which reports the event, and to increase it on the part of the enemy. Having had pretty good opportunities of forming a just opinion on the subject, it is hoped that gentlemen who have thought or written differently, will not disdain to listen to my argument. As to the British, on the platform they were fair objects to us. They were soon driven thence by the acuteness of our shooting, which in our apprehension must have destroyed many. Perhaps there never was a body of men associated, who better understood the use and manner of employing a rifle, than our corps, which by this time of the attack, had their guns in good order. When we took possession of the houses, we had a greater range. Our opportunities to kill were enlarged. Within one hundred yards every man must die. The British, however, were at home — they could easily drag their dead out of sight, and bear their wounded to the hospital. It was the reverse with us. Captain Prentis, who commanded the provost guards, would tell me of 114 Campaign against ^e bee, 1775. seven or eight killed, and fifteen or twenty wounded. Opposed to this, the sentries (who were generally Irishmen that guarded us with much simplicity, if not honesty), frequently admitted of forty or fifty killed, and many more wounded. The latter assertions accorded with my opinion. The reasons for this belief are these : when the dead, on the following days, were transported on the carioles, passed our habitation for deposition in the dead house we observed many bcdies of which none of us had any knowledge -, and again when our wounded were returned to us from the hospital, they uniformly spoke of being surrounded there, in its many chambers, by many of the wounded of the enemy. To the great honor of General Carleton they were all, whether friends or enemies, treated with like attention and humanity. The reason why the wounded of our side bore so small a proportion to the dead, seems to be this : in the long course we ran from palace gate to the first barrier, we lost many men who were killed out- right, but many more died, who were merely wounded, yet in such a manner as in a milder region to make the case a curable one. A blow from a ball so large as that of a musket, staggers a man, whether the wound be in the arm, leg, or elsewhere ; if in staggering he falls, he comes down into a deep bed of snow, from which a hale man finds it very difficult to extricate himself. Five or ten minutes struggling in such a bed, benumbs the strongest man, as frequent experience has taught me j if the party be wounded, though but slightly, twenty or thirty minutes will kill him, not because of the severity of the wound, but by the intensity of the frost. These are my opinions, grounded on a tolerably distinct and accurate knowledge of particular cases which occurred in the first part of the attack, and a variety of inform- ation obtained afterwards from individual sufferers, who were persons of credibility, rescued from death by the humane activity of Governor Carleton. About nine o'clock, A.M., it was apparent to all of us that we must Campaign against Quebec ^ I775- ^^5 surrender. It was done. On this occasion, my friend General F. Nichols, by his own native spirit, persever- ance and determined bravery, obtained an honorable distinction, and acknowledgment from a brave and dis- tinguished enemy. It enhances his merit and the boon (when we reflect that that enemy was no other than General Carleton), an ornament such as would grace any nation, whether in the worst or best of times. Some privates came to Lieutenant Nichols, and demanded his sword ; the requisition was peremptorily denied, though there was great risk in the refusal. He retained his sword till meeting with Captain Endesly of the enemy, to whom it was surrendered ; but with the exaction of a promise that it should be returned when he, the cap- tive, should be released. In the August following, before our embarkation for New York, Captain Endesly waited on Lieutenant Nichols, and in the presence of all the American officers, redelivered the sword, under the assurance that it was by the permission and com- mand of General Carleton. This trait in the character of Carleton adds to the celebrity of his derivation, and manner of thinking, and casts into a dark ground the characters of most of the principal British officers, par- ticularly the Scotch, who had much influence in those days and bore towards us an intemperate hatred. The commissioned oflScers, and some of the cadets were conducted to the seminary, a respectable building. It became my lot, in one way or other, to be lost in the crowd, and to be associated with the non-commissioned officers, in the company of some of whom ardent and perilous duties had been undergone. These men are by no means to be lessened in character, by contrasting them with the levies made in Europe, or those made since that time in our own country. Many of our sergeants, and even of our privates, were, with good educations, substantial freeholders in our own country. Upon a former occasion you were told the story of the respectable Dixon. He possessed (if sordid wealth ii6 Campaign against Quebec ^ ^775- makes the man), two-fold the riches of his captain ; and if it be permitted me to decide upon the characters of men, five-fold his understanding, activity and spirit. Amiable Dixon ! Many of these men, in the progress of the bloody scenes which ensued, became props of our glorious cause, in defence of our sacred liberties. All could be named. Let ^ few suffice. Thomas Boyd, so often spoken ot in the wilderness for his good humor, his activity and the intensity of his sufferings ; struggled gloriously for his life as a captain, and died a dreadful death by the hands of the savages in 1779, in the expedi- tion conducted by General Sullivan against the Six-nation Indians.' Charles Porterfield, who lost his life in the ' The death of niy friend Boyd vva^ to me as a thunderbolt; painful in an excessive degree ; many a tear has since been shed to his manes. In the autumn of 1779, ^^ commanded a company of rifle-men of the first Pennsylvania regiment. When Sullivan had penetrated into the Seneca country, in the neighborhood of the Genesee river, Boyd, as my inform- ation is from various gentlemen, was ordered with a hand of twenty choice men, before daylight to make an excursion towards an Indian village, on the river Genesee (which flows north into Lake Ontario), at a distance of eight miles, for the purpose of making discoveries. In his return, arriving at a rising ground, a knoll, he lieard a rustling of the leaves in his front : an enemy was suspected ; he gathered his men around him, each taking his tree. The enemy was sightless to Boyd and his party, yet the approach around him was sensible to every one. Boyd, not knowing the number of his assailants, it is said, considered them as a small body of observation. This party of Indians, probably one thousand, encompassed Boyd and his men, gradually : a defence worthy of the character of Boyd took place. Every man he had was killed, except three, who broke through the Indians, and brought the doleful tidings to our camp. Boyd was taken, and carried alive to the Indiantown, where he was tortured after their savage custom, and his body mangled in the most horrible manner. General Simpson, who was then with the army, assures me that on the following day, when the troops arrived at the town, in the wigwams, they found a number of fresh scalps stretched in the usual manner on small hoops, and painted. The head of Boyd lay in one of the cabins, newly dissevered. His scalp was still moist and hooped and painted. Simpson knew it by its long brown and silky hair : it is now preserved as a relic of our friend. An officer (Captain A. Henderson), lately, in describing this unequal but arduous fight, upon the part of Boyd, told me, "that the hands of the dead men, in many instances, were fast closed upon the hair of Indians." To give you a more perfect idea of the brutality of savage torture, and of heart-rending sensations, I can do no better than to lay before you the Campaign against ^ebeCy 1775. '*7 battle of Camden, when in the station of a colonel. Joseph Aston, of Lamb's, who served his country throughout the war, and was promoted to a majority. Doctor Thomas Gibson, of Hendricks', who died in the performance of his duty, at the Valley Forge, in the winter of 1778. Robert Cunningham, a wealthy free- holder of Smith's, who here imbibed the seeds of that disorder, which, at too early an age, hurried him to the grave. He was a younger brother of that excellent letter of the Honorable Thomas Campbell, of the senate, who himself has been a martyr in our cause. He saw the corpse of the unfortunate Boyd on the following day, and interred it. Since the death of Colonel Craw- ford we know nothing like the present martyrdom, in the cause of liberty ; and it is to be hoped, from the prudence and strength of the federal go- vernment, nothing of the kind will again occur in our future wars with the aborigines of our country. " Senate Chamber, Lancaster, ^'■January ^otb, 1 809. "Sir, " Captain Lieutenant Thomas Boyd, belonging to the riflemen of the state of Pennsylvania, was most inhumanly murdered by the Indians. His death occurred on the i 3th day of September, 1779, at the Genesee Castle, on General Sullivan's expedition to the northwestward, against the Six- nation Indians." " He was sent on the night of the 12th of September, from the camp, near a lake called ' Conesus,' with a party of men, consisting of twenty soldiers, five volunteers and an Indian chief, named Han-Jost, belonging to the Oneida nation : in all twenty-seven in number. They were sent by General Sullivan to reconnoitre an Indian town, supposed to be about six miles distant from the camp. On the morning of the 12th of September, the army took up the line of march bffore sunrise, but marching a short distance, was obliged to halt, till the pioneers made a bridge over a morass, otherwise the cannon could not have been brought up. The town that Captain Boyd was taken to, was evacuated by all except two Indians, one was on horseback, the other was leading a cow. James Elliot and Timothy Murphy were sent to stop them, they both discharged their guns at the same time, the one that led the cow was killed, the other, though severely wounded, escaped. Boyd returning slowly, expecting to meet the army, saw an Indian start up and run off. It was with great difficulty that Boyd stopped the men from pursuit, at the request of Han-Jost, who said the Indian was only a runner, sent to draw them into an ambuscade. Eighteen of the soldiers were killed, and Han-Jost the Oneida chief, was made a greater sacrifice than any of the white men who fell or were taken at that place. *' Captain Boyd and Michael Parker were made prisoners, and taken to the Genesee Castle, and there most inhumanly murdered. Boyd's head ii8 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- citizen, and frequent representative of the people of the county of Lancaster, James Cunningham. In short, many others might be mentioned in the general, as worthy and well informed as their superiors, without in anywise, imputing to the latter, in so saying, the slightest degree of disparagement. This will always be the case, when the great body of a nation rises in its strength to defend its rights. Those who understand the point in question, in a national dispute, and are most strongly impressed was taken off and totally skinned, his right eye was taken out, as also his tongue. His right foot, from the ball of the heel to the toes, was laid open as if with a knife. He was cut open across the bottom of his belly, and his bowels were taken out, and a very long knife was sticking in be- tween his shoulders, descending to the vital parts. This seems to have been the coup de grace. " General Simpson and myself, were sent to see the corpse of Boyd in- terred. I spread a blanket on the ground beside him, we then turned the corpse over on it. I took the head of the deceased, and put it as near the neck as possible. I procured a needle and thread from one of the tailors, and sewed the corpse up as well as 1 could. As to the head of Michael Parker, it could not be found. All the flesh was cut out from his shoulders downward, and otherwise his body was most inhumanly mangled. «' We interred the corpses of both, near the Genesee Castle, in separate graves, on the 14th day of September, 1779. " I am Sir, Your humble servant Thomas Campbell. Late a captain of the fourth Pennsylvania regiment." "To the Hon. John Jos. Henry." Though we have no account from an eye witness, of the barbarous manner in which Captain Boyd was tortured, yet we may conceive from the ap- pearance of his body, that the most malignant and hellish pains were ex- ercised upon it. The being emboweled, conveys an idea of a known mode of Indian torment ; the fixing an end of the entrails to the stake, and compelling the prisoner by fire and blows to run till the conglomerated mass is expended. Upon the subject of these tortures, look at Dr. Colden's History of the Mohawks, and Judge Smith's History of Neio York. Colonel Campbell is of opinion, that the wound along the sole of Captain Boyd's foot, was made before the savages brought him to their (castle) or village. His reason is, that the wound was filled with bits of rotten branches of wood, and small pieces of leaves. The conjecture may be true, as Indian punishment, at its acme, is to give the greatest degree of pain. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec, 1775- 119 with its importance, will be the first to arm. This has been, and ever will be, the disposition of men in all ages, past or to come, whenever their privileges are invaded. Offices of prime importance cannot be ob- tained by all. Men of talents, of genius and courage must step into subordinate stations. Socrates, Alcibiades and Demosthenes fought in the ranks. God in his great goodness grant, in the future vicissitudes of the world, that our countrymen, whenever their essential rights shall be attacked, will divest them- selves of all party prejudice, and devote their lives and properties in defence of the sacred liberties of their country, without any view to emolument, but that which springs from glorious and honorable actions. Pardon me for frequent digression, upon this subject particularly, as my whole soul was bound up in our cause, you must forgive me. The real apology is, we were, all of us, enthusiastic whigs. When under guard, in the morning of the first of January, Colonel M'Dougal, a Scotch gentleman, near noon, came to review us ; his person was known to me at Detroit, as an intimate of an uncle, three years before this time. The colonel was naturally polite and kind- hearted. When it came to my turn to be examined, as to name, place of birth, etc., besides making the proper answers to his inquiries, I was emboldened to declare that he was known to me. He seemed surprised, but not displeased ; a request was immediately added *■'• that he would order me to be transferred to the quarters of the officers." " No, my dear boy," said he, " you had better remain where you are ; the officers, as you are in rebellion, may be sent to England, and there be tried for treason." The advice of this venerable veteran made an impression on my mind, which was then agitated bv a thousand vagrant thoughts, and involved in doubt and uncertainty as to our destination. We then well I20 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^77 5- knew of the voyage of Colonel Ethan Allen to England, and the manner of it ;' and that of George Merchant, 'Of the treatment of Ethan Allen, at the time spoken of, we know nothing but from report, which we then thought well. grounded, and the truth of which, at this day, there is no reason to doubt. He was a man of much peculiarity of character. Large, powerful of body, a most ferocious temper (fearing neither God nor man), of a most daring courage, and a pertinacity of disposition, which was unconquerable, and very astonishing in all his undertakings : withal he had the art of making himself beloved, and revered by all his followers. When he was taken in the Isle of Montreal, in 1775, the government found it necessary to confine him in a cage, as one would a wild beast, and thus aboard ship, he was transported to Quebec. What his treatment was during this voyage to England, is unknown to me. This, however, is known, that for many years he was a prisoner in Eng- land, returning from his captivity to America, he brought with him a manuscript, which he afterwards entitled The Oracle of' Reason. My beloved children, it is the farthest from my thought to confine your know- ledge to narrow bounds; when you dip into scriptural history, dip deep, do not skim the surface of the subject, as many fools have done of late days. Upon a thorough inquiry, your hearts will be animated by a conviction that there came a Saviour to redeem you from eternal perdition, and to provide for you an eternal salvation and state ot happiness. That book was most certainly the composition of Ethan Allen. He was very illiterate j he did not know the orthography of our language. The extent of his learning, probably bounded by some historic chronicles, and a few other books of little account, did not go beyond the scriptures. The gentleman who gave me the above information, was an elegant scholar, bred at Harvard college. Going to New York in the summer of 1786. a friend, from mere curiosity, requested me to purchase the book for him. Being detained at New York six weeks by business, I frequently looked into the detestable volume. The argument if so diabolical a work can be said to contain argument, was in general arranged, and conducted in the same manner as the ^ge of Reason, but in a coarser, and yet a more energetic language, than that of the latter work. On my return to Philadelphia, in a conversation with the Vermontese gentleman, who was still there, Ethan Aliens Bihle, became a topic of discourse. He gave me this curious an- ecdote which he averred upon his honor to be true. A young gentleman, either a scholar of Harvard or Yale college, had come into Vermont, and there taught a school. Allen labored under the want of an amanuensis and transcriber of knowledge and learning. The scholar, to increase his emoluments, became such. Allen attended him daily, standing, staffin hand, at the back of the young man's chair. " Sir," he would say to Allen, " this word is misspelled." "Amend it." Again, "this word is misplaced, the sense is incorrect," etc. Allen, who was most profane, would swear (some- times raising his staff) " By G** sir, you shall insert it; you shall not alter it." Thus the Oracle of Reason came into the world ; which, of all books, Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. 121 our fellow soldier, but the consequences were unknown. It became my determination to take the fatherly advice is the most bluntly vicious, as regards the well-being of society ; the salva- tion of souls J and the happiness of those who have faith in the redemption by the blood of our Saviour. But that which is very remarkable, is, that long after the publication of Allen's book, which had fallen into oblivion, even with its readers, that vile reprobate, Thomas Paine, loaded with every crime which stains and dishonors the Christian and the gentleman (in ad- dition to his shameful practices in life, Paine, as an author, superadded plagiarism), filched from Ethan Allen the great body of his deistical and atheistical opinions, which from the time of Celsus, down to the age of Chubb, Tindal and others, have been so often refuted by men of the utmost respectability of character and fame. When we reflect upon the vicissitudes of this world, its immense revolutions in temporal affairs, the awful perse- cutions which occurred in early times, the collisions of opinion and party rage, in the article of religious belief; and the vast body of martyrs who devoted their lives in support of their faith, 'we must believe that there is something more than ordinary j something really divine in the system of our religion, springing from God himself. In the last ages, we know of many of both sexes, of the soundest and best instructed minds, whom it is almost needless to name, unless it be merely for the purpose of opposing their virtues and characters to persons of a different mode of thinking. All of them possessed a firm and solid credence in the celestial origin of our holy faith, and some of them sealed their creed with their blood. When such men suffer because of principle, some reliance should be placed on their good sense and knowledge. The terms enthusiasm and madness, have been too often coupled, as conveying the same idea. George Fox, Captain Meade, and William Penn, have been called enthusiastic madmen, but we now know that they acted through the course of the religious parts of their lives, from a conviction of the principles of the gospel, being genuine and absolutely true. However, on this subject, but a few names need be repeated to convey to your minds its importance and solemnity. Many of the greatest men, as it concerns worldly things, were Christians. John Huss, Jerome of Prague, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Cranmer, Hooker, Tillotson, of the clergy ; of the laity. Sir Thomas Moore, Sir Matthew Hale, Spangenberg, Mosheim, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Lord Henry Littleton, Soame Jenyns, and thousands of others, all men of profound learning, have testified by their lives and writings, a reliance on the merits of the redemption by the blood of Christ Jesus. But when we find those men supported ai.d reinforced by two of the strongest minded men that ever lived. Sir Isaac Newton and John Locke, who can doubt.' When we contrast their opinions with those of Hobbs, Chubb, Henry St. John, Voltaire, J. J. Rousseau, Beringer, the great Frederick of Prussia, or Mr. Gibbon, how deeply do the last not sink, by the weight of reason and argument } Allen and Paine are paltry wretches, mere scribblers, if classed with the men last named. Those were beautiful writers, whose language fascinates, but corrupts the youthful mind, these are dull plodders, 11 122 Camfaign against ^ebeCy 1775. of Colonel JVl'Douga), for it was really delivered in the parental style, and to adhere to it. He brought one of who knew not the principles of their mother tongue ; but it is perhaps from the circumstance of illiterateness, that Allen and Paine have attacked Christianity in so gross and indecorous a manner. The maniac Paine, when confined in the prison, Conciergerie, at Paris, seems to boast "that he kept no bible." This may be true. But the expression shows that his proper place, instead of a common jail, should have been a mad-house. It shows, however, a vanity of mind beyond the bearing of men of under- standing. Indeed he was inflated by a supercilious pride, and an imaginary importance, which made his society undesirable. He was one of that class of men who, with a small spice of learning, in company, domineered as if he had been a Johnson. He was almost unbearable to many men, who patronized him because of the good effect of his works during the revolu- tion. To give you a (fw instances j the late David Rittenhouse, Esq., one of the most amiable, most ingenious and best of men, treasurer of the state, George Bryan, Esq., the vice-president of the council, a man of great reading and much good sense, Jonathan Sergeant, the attorney general of Pennsylvania, whose oratorical powers could scarcely be surpassed, and your grand-father, and many other gentlemen of character, during the course of the years '77, '78 and '79, were in habits of intimacy with him, but his dogmatic disposition and obstinacy of mind, frequently caused great disgust. Again, Colonel Samuel John Attlee, an excellent patriot, and a man of note among us, both in the military and civil capacities of a citizen, gave this anecdote to me, a few months after the occurrence happened. Though all the gentlemen present, approved of the writings of Paine, as they con- cerned our political state, for they were all of them to a man, good whigs, yet they abhorred him, because of his personal aberrations from virtue, and the decencies of social life. A Mr. Mease of Philadelphia, who was clothier general, had invited a number of gentlemen of the army, then in the city, to dine with him. Among whom were Colonel Attlee, Colonel Francis Johnson, General Nicliols, and many members of the legislature of whom there was Matthias Slough of Lancaster. You may readily suppose, that the excellent wine of Mr. Mease exhilerated the company. When return- ing to their lodgings. Colonel Attlee observed Paine coming towards them down Market-street. There comes " Common Sense," says Attlee to the company. " Damn him," says Slough, " I shall common sense him." As he approached the party, they took the wall. Mr. Slough tripped him, and threw him on his back into a gutter, which at that time was very offensive and filthy. This is told, to communicate a trait to you, in the character of Thomas Paine, who did some good, but a vast deal of harm to mankind, *' that the very people who were most benefited by his literary labors, hated him." The company I have spoken of, were all men of eminence in the state j men who staked their all on the issue of the revolution. The writings of Paine as concerns us, are many of them handsomely worded, have pith and much sivengiii or argun ent. .xni art in gentral correct, yet his doni'stJc Campaign against Quebec, ^77 S' ^^3 his sons, whom I had formerly known, to see me on the following day. About mid-day we were escorted to a life and manners were so very incorrect, that a disgust, which was perhaps right, destroyed every favorable personal feeling towards him. His in- delicacy was intolerable. His numbers of Common Sense, the Crisis, and some other of his fugitive pieces, every American who recollects those " trying times," must acknowledge to have been extremely beneficial to our cause. This has often been admitted by our Generals Washington, Gates, Greene, etc., but he was compensated, and had the secretaryship for foreign affairs. Like all men of bad principles, he betrayed his trust, and a virtuous congress displaced him, yet the different states more than remunerated him for all his writings. So it is, that that man who was without virtue, a disturber of society, an ill husband, an unworthy citizen, cloaked by every vice, would now by his ^ge of Reason, which he stole from the ignorant Ethan Allen, who was as iniquitous as himself, destroy the peace of mind, and all the hope of happiness in futurity, of those who rely on the redemption of their souls by the blood of Christ 5 and that, without substituting, or even sug- gesting, any other manner of faith, tending to quiet the minds of sinners. I knew Paine well, and that personally, for he lodged in the house of my father, during the time that Generals Howe and Clinton were in Philadel- phia. His host often regretted the entertainment he gave him. His manners were in opposition and hostile to the observances of the proprieties and due ordinances of social life. Many who approved of his political writings abominated his detestable mode of living and acting. [I am justified in using these expressions, by an occurrence in 1794, with my own mother. She was a woman of strong understanding, and of unfeigned and rigid belief in the truths of gospel-history, yet a dispassionate, placid and mild religionist. Her heart was so free from thinking ill of any one, that of a truth of her it might be said " she knew no guile." One day going to a bookseller's in Lancaster, I met with an extract in the shape of a pamphlet of Doctor Joseph Priestley's History of the Corruption of Christianity. Never having seen any of that gentleman's polemic works, it was purchased. My mother as usual came in in the evening, to sit and converse with my family. I was reading the pamphlet. " What have you got ? " '' A work of Doctor Priestley's on religion." I was then at the chapter of the ''Doctrine of the Atonement of Christ," for the sins of the world. The title of the chapter excited the attention of my mother. Before she came in the passage had been partly perused, and she eagerly asked me " to read the whole of it to her." I began, but had scarcely pro- ceeded through two or three pages, when she rapped the book from my hands, and threw it into the fire, where it was most deservedly burned. Smilingly, I said " mother, why do you destroy my^ book ? " The reply was with an observable degree of anger : '' Because your book would destroy my happiness, in this and the world to come ! I know that I have a Savior, who redeemed me, whose blood was shed upon the cross for me : of this, I am convinced. Your book goes to make me doubt of the merits of the 124 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- ruinous monastery of the order of St. Francis, called the Regu/iers. It was an immense quadrangular building, sufferings of that Savior. The book would deprive me of the only staff upon which my hope of salvation rests, and gives me none other, upon which I can lean." These notions of my beloved mother, which accorded fully with my own, on that topic, were submitted to with a juvenile frank- ness which pleased her, and of all the world I knew none whom I so much wished to oblige, as that dear, amiable and instructive mother. My father had been a mechanic of much respectability, and great skill. During the war usually called " Braddock's war," and afterwards in Forbes's campaign (in 1758), he was at the head of the armory, which in those days was no mean station, and required talents of a superior grade. Afterwards, having made a tolerable fortune, he entered into trade, but his inclinations led him into chemical experiments. His evenings and, mornings were devoted to the laboratory. This gave rise to my mother's acquaintance with Mr. Priestley, as an experimental philosopher. For the instruction of his children, my father would discourse upon the subjects of science and particularly of chemistry, which was his favorite theme, and in which the names of Franklin and Priestley were sure to stand foremost. My beloved parent's manner showed me that she was stung to the quick. My apology to her, had the desired effect, as her curiosity and mine sprung from similar motives, " a desire to know the religious opinions of a man of whom we had had superlative ideas," because of his acquirements in many other branches of knowledge. The position wished to be proved to you, by this relation which is true, is " that for the sake of public and private comfort and genial happiness, it is better not to disturb the devout mind by fanciful and newfangled schemes of belief and that those should be open only to the eyes of the learned." My mother was a person of extensive reading ; her religious tenets and faith were solely grounded on the scriptures of the Old and New Testa- ments, as these, in her mind, were considered as clearly correct, but nevertheless she was fearful of a disturbance of her mind by the quirks and quibbles of deistical scribblers. Therefore to interfere with her devotional principles, in so rude and heterodox a manner, tended to derange her charming mind, and devastate those elegant maxims of Christian belief, which the excellency of her maternal education had infused into her heart ; in short, to destroy that firmness with which she relied on the merits and sufferings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Such men as Hobbs, Chubb, etc., seem not to have reflected on the dreadful ills and calamities their writings would create, if their books came into general circulation. If they did reflect, posterity ought to consider them to have been the tigers and hyenas of human society, opposed to the well being of the humarvrace. Voltaire and John James Rousseau, in my humble opinion, intended well to the people of France, but when speaking of those gentlemen, we should recollect that they, as well as the virtuous and celebrated Montesquieu, were the subjects of a prince who might, if he pleased, be despotic : but that which was still worse, was, that the people Campaign against ^ebeCy 1775. ^^5 containing, within its interior bounds, half an acre or more, of an area, which seemed to be like a garden or were abandoned to the control of a theological aristocracy — bigoted, wealthy, imperious and scandalously subjected to vices, in many instances, greater than those of laymen, insomuch that in the reign of Louis XIV, because of the infamous lives, and the oppressions of all classes of the nation by the clergy, there was scarcely a gentleman in the kingdom, who was not deistically inclined. For when the ministers of a religion of so high sanctity, as that of our Holy Faith, demean themselves in a manner which evinces to laymen their want of confidence in the religion (which they had been consecrated to propagate and enforce), by an unholy life and conduct, particularly in their cruel exactions from devotees ; in the latter instance, of enormous fees, and various demands of tithes of a most exorbitant nature, which from time to time, they wickedly usurped. Hence, it arose that Montesqueiu, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, and hundreds of others, of the learned men of France (considering the state of that government), formed a phalanx of historic knowledge, genuine reasoning, true wit, and an inexhaustible fund of humor, which slurred their opponents to such a degree, as in the minds ot the generality of Europe gave them a deserved victory even over the government, which supported the theocracy, with its vast power. It also, most probably, came from thence, that those men under the clerical persecutions raised against them ( for many we'e confined in the dungeons), in the heat of controversy, emitted opinions and ideas inconsistent with our pure, simple and holy religion, according to the Augsburg creed, which we know has been adopted, either in the whole or in part, by all the reformed churches. In polemic disputes, and perhaps more particularly in those which happened in monarchies, there is an acrimony and irascibility of temper, inflaming the minds of men generally, greater than is the case in democracies. The cause seems to be, that in monarchies the priesthood becomes a machine of government, in democracies it is the vehicle by which the people simply adore God. Those controversies, between the so styled philosophers of France and the clergy, were conducted with such hatred and obloquy towards each other, that they elicited sparks which enkindled that nation in a dreadful flame of internal destruction j and the brand has not only communicated itself to all Europe, but in general to the world at large. Since the time of Julius Caesar, nothing has occurred equal in barbarity, irruption, bloodshed, murder, by public or domestic treason, as that which has happened in Europe, since the year 1789. Gracious and omnipotent God, restore the peace of the world ! ! !] Such is the man who, upon his slight intercourse with the American people, pluming himself with the well-earned celebrity of his political pieces, that now presumes to become a reformer of our morals, our religious opin- ions and thinkings on Divine subjects. He himself a reprobate, cloaked by every vice, would dictate to a great and independent Christian people, their formulary of belief. Such insolence and presumption was never before 126 Campaign against Quebec ^ ^775- shrubbery. The monks, priests or what not, who in- habited the house, must have been few in number, as witnessed unless it was in the instance of Mahomet, or in those of the im- postures (such as Sabbati ^evi), who frequently as Messias, appeared to de- ceive the remnant of the Jewish people. Paine with all his other vices had a foible injurious to our country. To keep up the spirits of- the people it was requisite that there should be a series of patriotic publications. Paine was the most indolent of men ; if he was inspired by a muse, the goddess most certainly made him but few visits. The office of secretary of foreign affairs, was conferred upon him, because of the merit of his Common Sense, or what are called the C'ists, under the signature to Common Sense. It was to him personally a sinecure. He never went to York (Penn. ), where congress then sat, but occasionally, and stayed but a day or two. His true employment was that of a political writer. In the summer and winter of 1777, and 1778, he was an inmate of my father's house, as were the late David Rittenhouse, the state-treasurer, and John Hart, a member of the then executive council. Paine would walk of a morning until twelve o'clock ; come in and make an inordinate dinner. The rising from table was between two and three o'clock. He would then retire to his bed-chamber, wrap a blanket around him, and in a large arm-chair, take a nap, of two or three hours — rise and walk. These walks, and his indolence, surprised my parents ; they knew him as the author of Common Sense, who had written patriotically, and in those writings, promulged some moral and religious ideas, which induced them to believe he was an orthodox Christian. Indeed Paine, during the revolution, was careful to emit no irreligious dogmas, or any of his late dia- bolic ideas ; if he had, the good sense of the American people, their virtue, and unfeigned worship of the Deity, would have^ in those days, banished him from their country. Your grandfather's feelings a few months before his death (which occurred on the 15th of December, 1786), when speak- ing of the unbeliever (Paine), were truly poignant; for now the wretch's true character had began to open on the world. He lamented with tears that he had ever admitted him into his house, or had a personal acquaint- ance and intercourse with him. He was, from conviction, a sincere Christ- ian, converted by the scriptures; of a strong mind, and of a most tender conscience. Do not permit anything now said, to induce you to undervalue the saga- city of my father, for he was wise ; but of so benevolent a mind, that in the common affairs of life he held a principle in morality as true, which is by no mean generally received ; to wit, "That we should consider every one as possessing probity, until we discover him to be otherwise." Other gentlemen think differently. However, it may well be maintained that the side my father took on this topic, which I have often heard argued, accords with the true spirit of the gospel, the other side is stoicism. From these last observations, you will readily perceive how easy it was to impose on my father. This is the reason for his entertaining Paine. I have said that Paine was in indolent. Take this as an instance ; the Crisis, No. V, Campaign against Quebec ^ '775- ^^7 for my part, not more than half a dozen of distinct faces came into my view while we staid here. We entered by the ground floor (that is by the cellar), the building on that side being built on the declination of the hill, which in this part of the city is very uneven. The apartments on our right, as we entered, seemed to be filled with governmental stores, and of provisions of all kinds. They made us ascend a large staircase into an upper story, where we were complimented with two sides, or rather a part of each of the two sides of the quadrangle. The whole building would have accomo- dated four thousand men. Monkish spirit must have is but a short political essay, to be sure of great skill in the composition, of much eloquent invective, strong reasoning, some historic anecdote, and a fund of ridicule which fitted the passions of the times. But recollect that this piece, to Paine, was a labor of three months in the inditing. It was written in my father's house. Mr. Rittenhouse inhabited the front room, in the upper story, where was the library. There he kept the office of the treasury of Pennsylvania. The room of Mr. Hart and Paine, was to the left hand as you come to the stair-head entering the library. When my wound in 1778 was so far mended, that hobbling on crutches, or by creeping up stairs (as you may have seen me of late years do), my greatest recreation in my distressed state of mind was to get into the cham- ber of Mr. Rittenhouse where the books were. There, his conversation, (for he was most affable), enlivened my mind, and the books would so amuse it, that it became calm, and some desperate resolutions were dis- solved. While that excellent man was employing his hours in the duties of his office, for the benefit of the people, Paine would be snoring away his precious time in his easy chair, regardless of those injunctions imposed upon him by congress, in relation to his political compositions. His remissness, indolence or vacuity of thought, caused great heart-burning among many primary characters in those days. I have heard the late George Bryan, Esq., then vice-president of the council, speak of his gross neglects with remarkable harshness. I would sometimes go into Paine's room, and sit with him. His Crisis, No. V, lay on his table, dusted j to-day three or four lines would be added, in the course of a week, a dozen more, and so on. No. V, is dated 21st March, 1778, but it was not published until some months after that date, and it was generally thought by good whigs, that it had been too long delayed. For my own part, I was so passionately en- gaged at heart, in the principles of our cause, that Paine's manner of living and acting, gave me a high disgust towards him. No idea could enter my mind, that any one in that njjble struggle could be idle or disengaged. As to myself, my sensations were such, that the example of a Decius might have been renewed. — Henry. 128 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- been in high vogue, when so great a pile could be erected merely from the alms of the people, and that too, for so egregiously absurd a purpose. The ranges of the rooms, though extensive in the length of the galleries, were small in their size, being scarcely more than ten by twelve or fourteen feet. The galleries were about twelve feet wide ; many rooms were comfortable, others were dilapidated. Ten or a dozen of our poor fellows were compressed into one of these small rooms. So much the better, as it served to keep them the warmer. Boyd, Cunningham and a few of our intimates, took possession of a room near a large stove. The first week we slept most uncomfortably. Gracious God ! what did we not suffer. It was now that we fully learnt the destinies of our dear and revered general and his companions in death. But allow me before the detail of that sad story, to give you an anecdote. The merchants of Quebec, like those of England and our country, are a spirited ana generous sect in society ; they applied to Governor Carleton, and obtained leave to make us a " New Year's gift." This turned o'ut to be no other than a large butt of porter, at- tended by a proporti- nate quantity of bread and cheese. It was a present which exhilerated our hearts and drew from us much thankfulness. We shared more than a pint per man. General Montgomery had marched at the precise time stipulated, and had arrived at his destined place of attack, nearly about the time we attacked the first barrier. He was not one that would loiter. Colonel Campbell,' of the New-York troops, a large good-looking man, who was second in command of that party, and was deemed a veteran, accompanied the army to the assault ; his station was rearward, General Montgomery with his aids, were at the point of the column. ' This was not my friend Col. Thomas Campbell of York (Penn.). He was fighting the battles of our country at Boston. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- ^^9 It is impossible to give you a fair and complete idea of the nature and situation of the place solely with the pen, the pencil is required. As by the special per- mission of government, obtained by the good offices ot Captain Prentis, in the summer following, Boyd, a few others and myself reviewed the causes of our disaster, it is therefore in my power, so far as my abilities will permit, to give you a tolerable notion of the spot. Cape Diamond nearly resembles the great jutting rock which is in the narrows at Hunter's falls, on the Susquehanna. The rock, at the latter place, shoots out as steeply as that at Quebec, but by no mean forms so great an angle on the margin of the river ; but is more craggy. There is a stronger and more obvious difference in the com- parison. When you surmount the hill at St. Charles, or the St. Lawrence side, which, to the eye are equally high and steep, you find on Abraham's plains, and upon an extensive champaign country. The birds-eye view around Quebec bears a striking conformity to the sites of Northumberland and Pittsburg, in Pennsylvania ; but the former is on a more gigantic scale, and each of the latter want the steepness and craggyness of the back ground, and a depth of rivers. This detail is to instruct you in the geographical situation of Quebec, and for the sole purpose of explaining the manner of General Mont- gomery's death, and the reasons of our failure. From Wolf's cove there is a good beach down to, and around " Cape Diamond." The bulwarks of the city came to the edge of the hill above that place. Thence down the side of the precipice slantingly to the brink of the river there was a stockade of strong posts, fifteen or twenty feet high, kn't together by a stout railing at bottom and top with pins. This was no mean defence, and was at the distance of one hundred yards from the point of the rock. Within this palisade, and at a few yards from the very point itself, there was a like palisade, though it did not run so high up the hill. Again, within Cape Diamond, and probablv at a distance of fifty yards. 130 Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. there stood a block-house, which seemed to take up the space between the foot of the hill and the precipitous bank of the river leaving a cart way or passage on each side of it. When heights and distances are spoken of you must recollect that the description of Cape Diamond and its vicinity is merely that of the eye, made as it were running, under the inspection of an officer. The review of the ground our army had acted upon was accorded us as a particular favor. Even to have stepped the spaces in a formal manner would have been dishonorable if not a species of treason. A block-house if well constructed, is an admirable method of defence which in the process of the war to our cost was fully experienced. In the instance now before us (though the house was not built upon the most approved principles), yet it was a formida- ble object. It was a square of perhaps forty or fifty feet. The large logs neatly squared were tightly bound together by dove-tail work. If not much mistaken the lower story contained loop-holes for musketry, so narrow that those within could not be harmed from without. The upper story had four or more port holes for cannon of a large calibre. These guns were charged with grape or canister shot, and were pointed with exactness towards the avenue at Cape Diamond. The hero Montgomery came. The drowsy or drunken guard did not hear the sawing of the posts of the first palisade. Here, if not very erroneous, four posts were sawed and thrown aside so as to admit four men abreast. The column entered with a manly fortitude. Montgomery, accompanied by his aids, M'Pherson and Cheeseman, advanced in front. Arriving at the second palisade, the general with his own hands sawed down two of the pickets, in such a manner as to admit two men abreast. These sav/ed pickets were close under the hill and but a few yards from the very point of the rock out of the view and fire of the enemy from the block-house. Until our troops advanced to the point, no harm could ensue but by stones thrown from above. Even now, there had been but an imper- Campaign against ^ebec, IJJ^. 131 feet discovery of the advancing of an enemy, and that only by the intoxicated guard. The guard fled, the general advanced a few paces. A drunken sailor re- turned to his gun, swearing he would not forsake it while undischarged. This fact is related from the testimony of the guard on the inorning of our capture, some of those sailors being our guard. Applying the match, this single discharge deprived us of our excellent commander.' Examining the spot, the officer who escorted us, pro- fessing to be one of those who first came to the place, after the death of the general, showed the position in which the general's body was found. It lay two paces from the brink of the river, on the back, the arms ex- tended — Cheeseman lay on the left, and M'Pherson on the right, in a triangular position. Two other brave men lay near them. The ground above described, was visited by an inquisitive eye, so that you may rely with some implicitness on the truth of the picture. As all danger from without had vanished, the government had not only permitted the mutilated palisades to remain, without renewing the enclosure, but the very sticks, sawed by the hand of our commander, still lay strewed about the spot. Colonel Campbell, appalled by the death of the gene- ral, retreated a little way from Cape Diamond, out of the reach of the cannon of the block house, and pre- tendedly called a council of officers, who, it was said, justified his receding from the attack. If rushing on, as military duty required, and a brave man would have done, the block-house might have been occupied by a small number, and was unassailable from without, but by can- non. From the block-house to the centre of the lower town, where we were, there was no obstacle to impede a force so powerful as that under Colonel Campbell. ' I have related this as I received it — from my own linowledge, I can say nothing — I leave to the waild to determine the credibility the story is e:itlt'ed to. — H,r.yy. 132 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- Cowardice, or a want of good will towards our cause, left us to our miserable fate. A junction, though we might not conquer the fortress, would enable us to make an honorable retreat, though with the loss of many valu- able lives. Campbell, who was ever after considered as a poltroon in grain, retreated, leaving the bodies of the general, M'Pherson and Cheeseman, to be devoured by the dogs. The disgust caused among us, as to Camp- bell, was so great as to create the unchristian wish that he might be hanged. In that desultory period, though he was tried, he was acquitted ; that was also the case of Colonel Enos, who deserted us on the Kennebec. There never were two men more worthy of punishment of the most exemplary kind. On the third or fourth of January, being as it were domesticated in the sergeant's mess, in the reguliers^ a file of men headed by an officer, called to conduct me to the seminary. Adhering to the advice of Colonel M'Dougal, the invitation was declined, though the hero Morgan had solicited this grace from Governor Carleton, and had sent me a kind and pressing message. My rea- sons, which were explained to Morgan, in addition to the one already given, operated forcibly on my mind. Having lost all my clothes in the wilderness, except those on my back, and those acquired by the provident and gratuitous spirit of General Montgomery, having remained at our quarters, and become a prey to the women and invalids of the army ; nothing remained fitting me to appear in company anywhere. Additionally, it had become a resolution, when leaving Lancaster, as my absence would go near to break the hearts of my parents, never to break upon my worthy father's purse. Dire necessity compelled me to rescind this resolution in part, in the wilderness, but that circumstance made me the more determined to adhere to the resolve after- wards. Again, my intimate friends were not in the seminary. Steele was in the hospital, and Simpson, by previo"? conitranr'. on the cha''!''^.'nn; Isle of Orleans, Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. 133 which, from its fruitfulness had become, as it were, our store-house.' Add to all these reasons ; it could not be said of the gentlemen in the seminary "they are my intimates," except as to Captain Morgan, and Lieutenant F. Nichols of Hendrick's. Besides my leather small- * In former times, as now, lying was in vogue, but mcthinks within the last thirty years there has been vast improvements in the art. Receive information of two instances, which were somewhat remarkable in those days. Simpson, one of the most spirited and active of officers — always alert — always on duty, was traduced and vilified for a want of courage, be- cause he was not taken a prisoner at Quebec. This small canton (Paxton), was bursting with the falsehoods propagated on this subject. On the other hand, Captain M. Smith, our commander, was applauded for his immense bravery shown in the attack of that place, when in fact, he was on the isle of Orleans, many miles distant from the city. Simpson had been commanded to that place by a regular order from Colonel Arnold. Captain Smith skulked thither illicitly. Here is a fac-simile, as to orthography of Arnold's order to Lieut. Simpson, which I took from the original now in his possession. On my part, it seems to be a duty to make it known to you in justification of an excellent patriot, one of my friends from early youth. " Lieut. Simpson, "Sir : — You are to proceed to Orleans, and take charge of the men there, and keep all provisions from going to town ; you will be assiduous in gain- ing the esteem of the inhabitants, who are now complaining that they have been treated in a rigorous manner ; for provisions or assistance you receive from them, you will pay them the value, or give orders on me for the same. I make no doubt but you will endeavor to cultivate the friend- ship of the people as far as is consistent with your duty. You will be care- ful to keep ycur men under strict discipline, and not sufl^er them to have too much liquor. I am told there has been open house kept there. You will use as much economy as is consistent with our circumstances. " I am, Sir, Your humble servant, " B. Arnold, Col." " December 29, 1775." [This rigor was administered by a William Cross, our third lieutenant, with as free a hand as he was lax in his principles of morality. Cross was a handsome little Irishman, always neatly dressed, and commanded a detach- ment of about twenty men. The Canadian gentlemen who came as agents from the islanders on this occasion, stated that Cross had extorted from them their wines and other liquors, and all kinds of provisions, which he lavished on worthless people ; making no compensation for his exactions. This was rigor indeed ! for the people of the isle were our friends. In short, this unworthy officer kept " open house," and had a short, but a luxurious and merry reign over that charming spot. He was not with us at the attack of the city, but gaily danced his way to quarters.] 12 134 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S' clothes, all in fritters, had been cast away, and a savage covering adopted, until more auspicious times came. But even now, an idea of" escape and vengeance inflamed the breasts of many, and we were here in a much superior situation for such a purpose, than that of the seminary. More of this hereafter. All these facts and circum- stances, induced an evasion of the friendly solicitation of the kind-hearted Morgan. On the third day of our capture, the generous Carle- ton despatched a flag to Arnold, to obtain what trifling baggage we had left at our quarters ; mine was either forgotten, or miserable as it was, had been plundered ; but as govA luck would liave it, the knapsack of one Alexander Nelson of our company, who was killed when running to the first barrier, was disclaimed by all of our men. Your father in consequence, laid violent hands upon the spoil. It furnished Boyd and myself, with a large, but course blue blanket, called a stroud and a drummer's regimental coat. The blanket became a real comfort, the coat an article of barter. It was on this day that my heart was ready to burst with grief, at viewing the funeral of our beloved general. Carleton had, in our former wars with the French, been the friend and fellow-soldier of xMontgomery . Though political opin- ion, perhaps ambition or interest, had thrown these worthies on different sides of the great question, yet the former could not but honor the remains of his quondam friend. About noon, the procession passed our quarters. It was most solemn. The coffin covered with a pall, surmounted by transverse swords — was borne bv men. Smith wrote, but Simpson acted. A letter from Smitli to a worthy and patriotic clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Elder, of Paxton, which was filled with bombast and trash, and stutfed with the most flagrant untruths j that he was in the " midst of the battle, covered by smoke ; bullets of all sizes playing around him, etc, etc.," every word of which was fabulous. This person was among the last of those savage men who murdered the inno- cent and unoffending Indians in the jail of the town we now live in. They have all died miserably ; but a few remaining to relate the anecdote of the occurrence of that horrible massacre. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- ^3S The regular troops, particularly that fine body of men, the seventh regiment, with reversed arms, and scarfs on the left elbow, accompanied the corpse to the grave. The funerals of the other officers, both friends and enemies, were performed this day. From many of us it drew tears of affection for the defunct, and speaking for myself, tears of greeting and thankfulness, towards General Carleton. The soldiery and inhabitants ap- peared affected by the loss of this invaluable man, though he was their enemy. If such men as Washington, Carleton and Montgomery, had had the entire direction of theadverse war, the contention in the event might have happily terminated to the advantage of both sections of the nation. M'Pherson, Cheeseman, Hendricks, Humph- reys, were all dignified by the manner of burial. On the same, or the following day, we were com- pelled (if we would look), to a more disgusting and torturing sight. Many carioles, repeatedly one after the others, passed our dwelling loaded with the dead, whether of the assailants or of the garrison, to a place, emphat- ically called the dead-house. Here the bodies were heaped in monstrous piles. The horror of the sight to us southern men, principally consisted in seeing our com- panions borne to interment uncoffined, and in the very clothes they had worn in battle ; their limbs distorted in various directions, such as would ensue in the moment of death. Many of our friends and acquaintances were apparent. Poor Nelson lay on the top of half a dozen other bodies — his arms extended beyond his head, as if in the act of prayer, and one knee crooked and raised, seemingly, when he last gasped in the agonies of death. Curse on these civil wars which extinguish the sociabili- ties of mankind, and annihilate the strength of nations. A flood of tears was consequent. Though Montgomery was beloved because of his manliness of soul, heroic bravery and suavity of manners ; Hendricks and Hum- phreys, for the same admirable qualities, and especially for the endurances we underwent in conjunction, which 136 Campaign against Quebec ^ ^11 S' enforced many a tear ; still my unhappy and lost brethren, though in humble station, with whom that dreadful wild was penetrated, and from whom came many attentions towards me, forced melancholy sensations. From what is said relative to the dead-house you might con- clude that General Carleton was inhumane or hard- hearted. No such thing. In this northern latitude, at this season of the year, according to my feelings (we had no thermometer), the weather was so cold, as usually to be many degrees below zero. A wound, if mortal, on even otherwise, casts the party wounded in the snow ; if death should follow, it throws the sufferer into various attitudes, which was assumed in the extreme pain accom- panying death. The moment death takes place, the frost fixes the limbs in whatever situation they may then happen to be, and which cannot be reduced to decent order, until they are thawed. In this state, the bodies of the slain are deposited in the dead-house hard as ice. At this season of the year, the earth is frozen from two to five feet deep, impenetrable to the best pick-axe, in the hands of the stoutest man. Hence you may per- ceive a justification of the dead-house. It is no new observation, that " climates form the manners and habit- udes of the people." January 4th, on the next day, we were visited by Colonel Maclean, an old man, attended by other officers, for a peculiar purpose, that is, to ascertain who among us were born in Europe. We had many Irishmen, and some Englishmen. The question was put to each ; those who admitted a British birth, were told they must serve his majesty in Colonel Maclean's regiment, a new corps, called the emigrants. Our poor fellows, under the fearful penalty of being carried to Britain, there to be tried for treason, were compelled by necessity, and many of them did enlist. Two of them, very brave men, Ed- ward Cavenaugh and Timothy Conner, deserve to be named, because of a particular occurrence which hap- pened shortly afterwards. These two men, among Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- ^37 others, called upon me for my advice how to act. Being, at that time, neither a lawyer nor a casuist, they had my opinion according to the dictates of nature, and some slight reading. That is, that they should enlist, for a constrained oath, as theirs would be, could not be bind- ing on the conscience : and by all means to join our army as soon as practicable. They enlisted under the notion that the oath was non-obligatory, and a hope of a speedy return to their sweet-hearts and wives. Allow me here to recount, by anticipation, the residue of the adventures of " honest Ned." It is due to him, for he saved my life, and that of Simpson, on the Dead river. Towards the end of January, Cavenaugh and Conner happened to compose a part of the same guard at palace gate, where the walls are from thirty to forty feet high, independently of the declivity of the hill. Cavenaugh was stationed as a sentry in conjunction with one oi the British party, Conner had procured a bottle of rum ; coming to the station, he drank himself, and presented the bottle to the British sentry. While the latter was in the act of drinking, Cavenaugh gave him a push with the butt of his musket, which stunned and brought him to the earth. Taking his arms, they sprung over the wall into a bed of snow, perhaps twenty-five feet deep. This averment concerning the depth ot the snow, may appear problematical, as we know nothing like it in our climate. Form no definitive opinion until you have heard the reasons why it does happen. As you may re- collect several instances in this memoir, where the asperity of a Quebec winter is intimated, and a descrip- tion of its effects attempted — such as frequent snow storms and fierce winds. In the month of January, particularly, when the snow has increased to a depth of seven feet over the face of the country, notwithstanding the shining of the sun, the cold is so great, that those winds drive the snow daily against the high ramparts of the cit)», where it forms a compact mass — the last stratum being light and dry, as the finest sand, which 138 Campaign against ^ebec^ 1775. may be whirled by the wind. Cavenaugh and Conner leaped mid-deep into such a soft bed. Their disadvan- tage consisted in sinking too deep ; the height of the leap, plunging them deeper than ordinary walking would do, made it difficult for them to extricate themselves. The relief guard came in time to give them a volley, as they were scampering away. Thanks to God, my worthy Irishmen escaped unharmed, though as they passed through St. Roque, they were complimented by several discharges of cannister and grape shot. This was the first notice we had of the escape of our daring friends. We heard next morning, all the minutiae from those who guarded us. Cavenaugh is still alive — is laborious, and has a large family of children, who are respectable in their way. You cannot conceive the joyousness of my heart, when hearing of him in my peregrinations a few years since, in the mountainous parts of York county. The pittance then spared him, it is hoped, will make you never the poorer. The assembly of Pennsylvania have granted him a pension for which that honorable body have my most fervent blessings. Old age and decrepi- tude, by the extremity of our sufferings, is brought upon us long before the ordinary allotments of nature. We served our country faithfully, and at this late day it is really pleasant to observe the spirit of the public, inclined to compensate the veterans of 1775 and 1776. So much for my preserver " honest Ned," which epithet he still bears among his neighbors, by whom, bating a venial vice, he is esteemed. Timothy Conner, on the con- trary, possessing the art of acquiring wealth, married, had a competency, but lost it subsequently by his vices, which bore a strong affinity to gross criminality. By the middle of January, we were settled down into a state something like household order : those who could economize, fared tolerably well, though they could have used more. Our daily provision consisted of a biscuit made of a coarse meal, from something like our chopped rye ; very often chaff or straw, half an inch in length, Campaign against ^uebec^ lyjS- ^39 was found in this species of bread. A biscuit of the size of a cake of gingerbread, now sold with us for a cent, was the daily allowance of this article ; half a pound of pork, or three-quarters of a pound of beef, though these were much salted, even so as to be uncomforta- ble — they were of Irish preparation, perhaps for the sea-service: a competent allowance of butter, originally fine, yet now rancid ; candles, molasses, and even vinegar : this last article, so long as it could be afforded us, was a preservative from the disorders which un- wittingly we were imbibing daily. Knowing the diffi- culties under which the garrison lay — foes at the gates, and an uncertainty of succor ; the governor was thought of by me, with similar allowances, that ought to be made to our own generals, in circumstances of such pincliing necessity. From all information attainable on our part, we were as well treated as those of the garrison, who lived on the same kinds of food, except as to liquor, which deprivation was more beneficial than injurious to our men It is grateful to my heart, now to remember and repeat, the benevolent sensations this mildness and humanity created in my mind, towards the virtuous, the amiable and venerable Carleton. He was a genuine representative of the gentility of the Irish nation, which is so deservedly famous for the production of real heroes, patriotic statesmen, and a generosity and suavity of manners. He was of great candor, uprightness and honor, and full of the spirit of philanthropy, which marks the real gentleman. He made us several visits, in all of which he seemed merely to have a solicitude for our welfare, without any sinister view, such as a seduction from our principles, etc. That he granted us every accommodation his trying situation authorized, there can be no doubt. Shortly after the time now spoken of, we were conducted to the Dauphin jail. Before we quit the ReguUers^ admit me to state to you something more, relating to our manner of living there. My youthful appetite required and demanded a greater quantity of 140 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- food than we then enjoyed. We wanted spoons, not only in our own mess, but throughout the whole corps. There was no n.oney among us to purchase such an implement, and if there had been, and opportunity had offered, it is likely the jealousy of government would have deprived us of them, if formed of metal of any kind. One day being at the unloading a cord of wood, a birch stick, the only piece of hard wood in the load, was eagerly laid hold of, and borne to the mess-room ; from this, a wooden spoon was soon formed for my own use. Lobscouse made a part of our diurnal food. This term, though vulgar, conveys to one, who, when hungry, has tasted the dish, some agreeable ideas. Among soldiers and sailors, it is esteemed equal to the o/ia podrida of the Spaniards, and nearly so to the speck and oyer ' of the Germans; it is certainly more nourishing than what the latter call water soup^ and even meal soup. We put our vile biscuit into a tin vessel, with a sufficient quantity of water, and permitted it to stew on the stove, until there was a perfect mucilage, some thin slices of bacon fat (the reserve of the last meal), were then added ; or some of the skimmings of the boilers, but most usually the rancid butter (which was thus made palatable) : when these substances were well incorporated with the biscuit; a few spoon-fulls of molasses finished the dish. This was the ordinary breakfast, and a good one, when we could spoon it into our mouths. My spoon therefore, was an article in great demand, and of prime necessity. The production of one spoon, created a desire for more ; they were manu- factured in abundance, by the means of two knives — a great and a small, but always disposed of for biscuit. Spoons were made as large as small ladles, some with a deer at full stretch, a hound pursuing — an Indian sitting — a beaver — and twenty other devices were in- ' Spek en eijeren, ham and eggs, or eggs and bacon. — M. Campaign against ^uebeCy 1775. 141 vented, and tolerably well carved. Some came to five biscuits, some to ten, and one in particular at twenty, which my friends thought worthy of the acceptance of the governor, but care was taken not to present it. Boyd and Cunningham carefully furnished the wood. Thus we could exist pretty well on our slender diet. But we had other resources, which were by no means neglected. Henry Crone, a well bred young man, descended from a worthy and respectable family of York county, Pennsylvania, much my senior, but who was known to me during his apprenticeship at Lancaster, had dissipated a good fortune at the gaming-tables ; he was a sergeant of Hendricks'. Miserable as was our predica- ment, the demon of play had intruded itself among us, though there was neither money nor clothing but that upon our backs, and our daily provisions to sport with. The play was for biscuit, and most usually at a game called all-fours^ in which Crone was a real adept. He was a droll dog, and much inclined to play with and beat the Yankees, as he termed them. Many mornings, being compelled by the inclemency of the season to leave our uncomfortable beds, pacing the avenues in front of our cells for exercise and warmth, drawing aside the curtain of the gambling room door, which was no other than a thread-bare blanket. Crone was seen and heard, with bleared eyes and a vociferous voice, after a night's sitting, contending for a biscuit, with as much spirit and heat, as most probably he had done in former times for fiftv or a hundred dollars. The passion of gaming, is almost an inexplicable trait in the human character, the poor, the rich, the savage and the civilized, are equally its devotees. The greatest and the least are alike subject to its fascinations. Crone, poor dog, was one of the devoted. Montgomery, in his care for Arnold's party, besides an excellent blanket coat, had assigned to each man a new red regimental coat of the seventh, or some other regiment, stationed in the upper country. This clothing 142 Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. had been seized at Montreal. Crone, in the division, had fared well. He had obtained a large superfine broad- cloth coat, such as is worn bv the sergeant-major of the British army, which " fitted him like a shirt." He was so totally devoid of care, that he never once applied to the tailors of the army, who were employed by the pub- lic, to fit the coat to his back, and to sew it regularly. What was still more laughable, he had no pockets to this coat, unless you may call the flannel such, which interiorly lined the lappets, and bore the appearance of laree haes dangling about his heels. Crone was facetious 0000 ^ _ and clever ; he had an affection for me. Often about daylight he would come to mv blanket and waken me, and shake the lappets of his coat. He would say " Damme Jack, here's something for you," and would force upon me ten, fifteen, and several times, even thirty biscuits. With all his vices he bore a great share of my esteem, for the goodness of his heart. When ill-luck occurred, there was a refunding on my part, but it seldom hap- pened. Our other resource was William M'Coy, a sergeant of Hendricks' an excellent clerk, who came into favor of the governor, by giving to Major Murray, of the garrison, a genuine copy of his journal of the route through the wilderness into Canada. He was a sedate and sensible man. He was installed clerk of the kitchen, and put me much in mind of Gil Bias' clerk. The cook, whom M'Coy patronized was a very Boni- face in accomplishments and a Sancho Panza in rotundity. He was of Thayer's or Dearborn's company. Believe me that these two men were courted by our hungry wights among the soldiery, with as much eagerness and solicitude, and often sycophancy, as would have been the case had they been the ministers of a great state. What could you suppose to be the object of such ser- vility ? To explain — the boiling utensils were two very large coppers. A boiling of pork, produced a great quantity of liquid fat, which the men called slush. The skimmings constituted the importance of the cook, who Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- '43 made a profit from it by selling it to certain tradesmen of the city. A half pint of this slush was a good succe- daneum for better food, to a mess of six stout men. It, with the molasses, formed an excellent lobscouse. Oleaginous matter, next to bread, is, however, the great support of the animal functions, and even su- perior to bread, to sustain life, and gratify the palate. Here you see the real ground of the causes of distinctions in society. The cook possessing this perquisite, com- manded his applicants for additional food, with an un- warrantable austerity. As to our mess, it was strong in habits of intimacy with M'Coy, ivho was one of us. The cook was far below our notice. Friend M'Coy gave us every advantage our melancholy situation afforded him. This minute information is given to you, to in- spire you with a disgust towards war of any kind. As to my sons, if the liberties of our country ever be invaded, it is humbly hoped, under the protecting hand of Provi- dence, that they will always be ready and active to rally round the standard of Freedom, the principles of which we derived from our forefathers, whose blood freely flowed in its defence. Coming to the Dauphin jail, escorted by the military, we found it well accommodated for our lodgment. There were four rooms below, and as many above stairs, all capacious and well supplied with berths or bulks, in the common method of barracks. Our com- pany taking the right our preceder^y in the procession gave us, assumed the possession of a room in the third story, which was in truth the very best. Morgan's took a room immediately below us ; Hendrick's one adjoining ; but remember that at this time we were re- duced most lamentably by killed, wounded and missing. Many were in the hosj^itiil. Out of sixty-five who came on Abraham's plains in November, we had scarcely more than thirty left with us in prison. The fire of the enemy and disease had so thinned us. Mor- gan's gallant men fared worse. Like the eastern people 144 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- % before and at that period, they detested the introduction of the small-pox into their country by inoculation. Now they were its victims. Less than twenty-five of the privates of that company regained their native homes. They were originally as elegant a body of men as ever came within my view.' To use the style of my friend Simpson, " they were beautiful boys, who knew how to handle and aim the rifle." Indeed many of them, adroit young men, courageous and thorough going, became the subjects of death by that virulent disease, both with- out and within the city. We of Pennsylvania had no fears from that source. 1 his disease had visited us in youth, cither naturally or by inoculation. This observ- ation which is a serious one, should convey to your minds the immensity of the discovery of the inoculation of the kine pock, by Doctor Jenner. The discovery of the causes ot lightning, its dreadful effects, the means of avoiding its power by the celebrated Franklin, our countiyman, is (as it concerns the happiness of man, speaking diffidently), perhaps inferior in importance to that of Jenner. The Jennerian discovery tends to save the lives of millions, the Franklinian of hundreds. But all lovers of natural philosophy are compellable to ac- knowledge that the identity of the electric fluid, obtained artificially, with that of the clouds, has given a wider scope to human thought than the recency of the Jenner- ian discovery has as yet afforded. There can be little doubt, that in a succession of years, some gigantic gen- iuses of the medical profession, will improve and extend the benefits of the happy disclosure, At the Dauphin jail our notions of escape were 'In the spring of the year 1776, our army was reduced by decease of men, or debilitation of body, so that they could not act effectively, and in the eyes of the world, a disreputable retreat took place, which it was not then quite prudent to explain. Now it may be safely asserted, that great numbers of the soldiers inoculated themselves for the small-pox, by lacerat- ing under the finger nails, by means of pins or needles, either to obtain an avoidance of duty, or to get over that horrible disorder in an easy and tpeedy way. — Henr\. Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S' H5 strengthened. The prison may be three huudred yards from St. John's gate, the interval at that time was free from buildings. From without the building appeared formidable. The courtyard was very contracted for so large a house, and was encompassed by a strong stone wall at least twenty feet high. The windows and doors were seemingly by their bars impenetrable. But what cannot men of true spirit effect when made the subjects of oppression ? Opposite to the jail, across the street leading to St. John's gate, at a distance of forty yards there stood a house which became the station of the guard who superintended us. In the first of our im- prisonment we were attended by the regular troops, or sailors, who were embodied by government as soldiers, but now the guard (as our force without had made a firm stand), was replaced by the militia, who were the most inert and despicable of military men. The sentries were stationed on the outside of the jail ; we had no witnesses of our conduct within, except the captain of the provost, who did not pry with a suspicious eye. He was a gen- erous and open-hearted enemy — had no guile himself, nor imputed it to others. The principal defence on this side of the city, as it regarded our attempt at evasion, lay at and near St. John's gate. The guard here was most usually composed of thirty men of the regular troops or sailors. They would have given us a hustle but of a certainty we should have overpowered them by the force of numbers as stout and as able bodied men as themselves whose courage was not to be questioned, though there was a great difference in the nature of our respective arms. Having examined the jail carefully, its imbecility to restrain us was apparent. It was an old French building in the Bastile style. The walls of stone, and more than three feet thick, were impenetrable by any of our means. Upon examining the bars of the windows, which were originally ill-constructed, many were found so much corroded as to move up and down in the sockets. These could be taken out. The mildness of Governor 13 146 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- Carleton's reign seemed not to require a strict inspection into places of this kind. About this time a selected council was called, of which your father had the honor to be one, and was chiefly composed of the sergeants. The present Major Joseph Aston, of Lamb's artillerists, then a sergeant-major had the presidency. Our dis- coveries were disclosed, the means of escape considered, and a consultation of the men recommended. This was done, and there was not a dissentient voice. At the stair head there was a small room lighted by a small window ; the door was locked. Peeping through the keyhole large iron hoops were discovered ; the spring of the lock kindly gave way to our efforts, the room was ransacked ; and as neatly closed. The room furnished us with a large number of strong iron-hoops, two and three inches broad, and a considerable quantity of other iron, of different shapes and sizes deposited there as lumber. From the first of these articles we formed a rough, but weighty species of sword with a wooden handle, a blow from which, in the hands of one of our stout men would have brought down one of the stoutest of the enemy. The residue of the iron was applied to formation of spear-heads. These were affixed to splits of fir-plank, about ten feet in length, which had formed in part, the bottoms of the lower berths. These weapons, it is true, were of the coarsest make, yet in the hands of men determined to sacrifice their lives for freedom, they would have had a considerable sway. Our long knives, which many of us secreted when captured, also became spear-points. These weapons were concealed under the lower range of berths, which were raised a foot from the floor. The planks were neatly raised, the nails were extracted, and the nail-head with a part of its shank, placed in its former position. Over these lay our blankets and bundles. It was a standing rule to have two sentries constantly on the watch, one at each end of the interior of the jail. Their duty consisted in giving a signal of the approach of the officers of the garrison. Campaign against ^ebec^ 1775* '47 who were in the habit of visiting us daily, as there were shoemakers and tailors among us, who worked cheaper than those of the city, merely for the purpose of bettering their condition. There was policy in this watchfulness. When the signal was given the inner doors were thrown open, those appointed for the purpose laid upon the berth which hid our arms, as if in a drowsy state. The officers were accosted with assumed confidence, and much com- plaisance. The council met daily, sometimes in small squads, and when anything of much consequence was to be considered in larger ; but at all times secretly, or at least not obviously as a council, from a fear of traitors, or some indiscretion of the young men. Our arrange- ments, so far as my judgment could discern, were judicious. Aston was to act as general, M'Coy and some others became colonels. Boyd and others of the most spirit became majors, captains, lieutenants, etc. That which cheered me much was that the council assigned me a first lieutenancy under my friend Boyd, whose vigor and courage were unquestionable. The plan of the escape was thus : Aston, who was an excellent engineer, was to have the particular superin- tendency of Lamb's company, which to a man was well informed in their duty, active and spirited. These were to be increased to a band of one hundred and fifty men, whose duty it was to attack the guard at St. Johr/s gate. The attack of the guard opposite the jail was assigned to the discretion of Boyd, Cunningham and myself; the council generously giving us the authority of a first selection of twenty two persons, from the whule body of our men. The residue of our force was so disposed of as to act as a body of reserve to Aston, under the command of M'Coy, and another smaller body was reserved to support Boyd, particularly by way of setting fire to the jail, the guard house, and the buildings in its neighborhood, to amuse or employ the enemy, while we were running to St. John's gate. It was expected we could arrive there by the time Aston and his party 148 Campaign against ^ebec, 1775- would be victorious. Our paiticular duty was of the desperate kind, something of the nature of the " forlorn hope." Nothing but the virtue and bravery of our comrades could ensure the safety of our lives ; for if they should arrive at St. John's gate, and discomfit the guard, and if then seeking safety by flight, they would leave us to the mercy of an enraged enemy, who would sacrifice us to their fury. But there has been too much precipitation in the relation. Previously to the last observations, besides being told of our force, our weapons, and our military plans, you should have been informed also, of the real site of the jail, of its internal structure, from which the sally was to be made. The Dauphin jail is built on a plain, pretty much declined towards the street. It follows that the front of the lower story, that is the cellars, was on a level with the street. The back ground was ten or twelve feet higher. In the cellar, near the foot of the stairway, there was a plente- ous fountain of water, which supplied the house. The conduits leading from the spring, by the severity of the weather, were impeded by ice, so that the water, in great quantity remained in the cellar, which with the additional carelessness of our people, who cast the rinsing of their buckets. on the floor of the apartment, formed a bed of ice a foot thick, and very firm and solid. This cellar had a door newly made of strong pine plank, five feet in width, which opened inwards, the sill was level with the street. The door was hung upon H hinges of a large size, fixed on the inside, exposed to our view and operations. But what was still more absurd, the door was hasped within and secured by a large pad lock. Close inspection and thoughtfulness had made the mem- bers of the council, by the means they enjoved, perfect masters of those hinges and the lock; they would not have stood a second of time. The principal obstacle was the ice which was raised fully a foot against the door. Even this would have given way to our ingenuity. The whole of our plan was well laid, and thoroughly Campaign against Quebec, ^71 5- ^49 digested. That door was to be our sally port. Boyd preceding with our division, Aston and M'Coy following, they turning rapidly to the left for St. John's gate. The dislocation of the iron bars of the windows, was to ensue : all those which could be removed being known, were to become issues for our bravest men. Every man knew his station. It is an old and a trite observ- ation, that it is a difficult thing to describe a battle, so as to give a clear idea of all the causes and effects of each movement, without overloading and confusing the pic- ture. The same may be said of a conspiracy such as ours. Going through the entry from the front door into the jail yard, near the back door but still within the prison, there are two cavities opposite to each other, strongly walled and arched. We called them the black holes. On the outside of the building in the vard, these cavities assumed the forms of banks, ten or eleven feet high, and as wide ; and well sodded. With some address and agility a sprightly man could surpass either of them. The wall above those banks was probably ten feet higher. In the daytime we often climbed up the wall, by means of its interstices, from which the mortar had fallen in the course of time, to take a peep at the city, merely putting our eyes above the level of the top of it. A Mr. Martin, a hardy, daring and active young man, of Lamb's company, I think a sergeant, proposed to bear intelligence of our projects, to the American com- mander without the walls. His plan was approved. A time for irruption was named, though the day was not particularized. The signals to invite the advance of our army to St. John's gate, were the burning of the houses, and the firing of the guns of the ramparts towards the city. As yet, we were unprepared to move. This ex- pedition of Martin's was profoundly a secret among those of the council, from a fear that some bungler might at- tempt the same path, fail, and by his being taken, unveil our plots. Permit me a short episode on the escape of Martin. It was singularly adventurous, and the neatness 150 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- of its execution renders it worthy of remark. I had the pleasure of hearing it recounted, in more happy times, at New York. Martin was dressed in warm clothing, with good gloves ; a white cap, shirt and overalls were prepared for him. He appeared in the jail yard among the prisoners, in his daily dress. The time of locking up, and calling the roll generally happened about sun- down. It was the business of the captain of the provost, who was accompanied by a file of men. The prisoners, instigated by those in the secret, employed themselves out of doors, until late in the evening, in play, as if to keep their bodies warm. It was a blowing and dreary evening, which was purposely chosen. At locking up, those in the secret lagged behind, tardily, pushing the uninformed before, yet so slowly, as effectually to crowd the gangway ; Martin remaining in the rear. The ope- ration took place at the clanging of the lock of the great front door. This measure was imagined and effected on purpose to procure to Martin a sufficiency of leisure to get to his hiding place, which was no other than a nook formed by the projection of the door way, and on the top of one of the banks before spoken of. Here he had time to put on his cap, shirt, etc. The officer who ex- amined the yard, could not perceive him, unless he went out of the door, several paces to the left, and most pro- bably, not even then, for Martin would be covered in the snow, and imperceptible. Happily the officer went no further than the threshold, and made but a slight sur- vey of the yard. This account, so far, is derived from my own knowledge ; what follows, is from Martin him- self. " Martin tarried there until seven or eight o'clock. The dilemma he was in, could only be surpassed in im- minence of danger, by his extreme activity, skill and courage. There were four sentries stationed around the jail — two at each corner in front, and the like number at the corners of the yard in the rear. Those sentries, though relieved every quarter of an hour, were soon driven into the sentry boxes, by the cold and keenness Campaign against Quebec ^ ^11 S- ^ 5 ^ of the whistling winds. If they had paced the spaces allotted them by duty, the escape of Martin must have been impossible. Watching the true time, he slipped down the wall into the deep snow underneath unobserved. Hence, he made a sudden excursion to the left of St. John's gate, at a part of the wall where he well knew no sentiy was placed. Leaping the wall, into the snow, he received the fire of a distant sentry. Martin was un- harmed. The soldier fired, as it were, at a phantom, for when Martin's body came into contact with the snow it was undiscernible — the desired information wa^ given ;" but of this, we could merely make surmises until the May following. That which is very remark- able is, that the absence of Martin was unknown to go- vernment, until the explosion of our plot. Our next solicitude was the acquisition of powder. This article could be obtained but by sheer address and shrewd management But we had to do with men who were not of the military cast. We began first to enter into familiarity with the sentries, joking with them and pretending to learn French from them. The guard, usually of Canadians, consisted of many old men, and young boys, who were very " coming.^'' A few small gun-carriages were constructed, not more than six inches in length, and mounted with cannon, or howit- zers, which were made of many folds of paper, and were bound tightly around with thread. These were shown to the sentries from time to time, and a little powder was requested, with which to charge them. Our berths formed an angle of the room. The upper berths, as well as the lower, had a ledge of several inches in height, in which embrasures were formed with the knite. Two parties were raised in opposition to each other, each of which took possession of one side of the angle. The blaze and report, which was nearly as great and as loud as that of small pistols, created much laughter and merriment. This sport, the child of a seeming folly, served us as a pretence and justification for soliciting 152 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 i- powder. The apparent joy prevailing among us pleased the Canadians, both old and young, and did not alarm the government. We obtained many cartridges in the course of a (cv/ weeks, two-thirds of which came to the* hands of Aston and his corps, for the purpose of manu- facturing matches, etc., etc. Fire arms of any kind could not, by any finesse, be procured. The commerce of cartridges, accompanied by a suavity and deference of manners towards our young friends, procured us many quarters of nuunds of powder, which they bought secretly out of funds, some of which were procured in a ludicrous way. We had many sick in the hospital, for when any one appeared to be disordered in the least degree, he vv'as hurried to the infirmary, when cured, he was returned to us. Some of the men went so far as to feign sickness to get to that place, where they lived in a more sumptuous style than that of the jail. The frequent removals caused the propagation of a re- port that the prison was unhealthy. Many pious matrons came to see us, and never empty handed. Some elderly nuns, of respectable families, were of the number, and generally brought money, truly not great in quantity, but not the less acceptable to the sick and convalescent, as these alms procured them some slight comforts, such as tea, etc. These were the religious and humane col- lections of the sisterhood, and mostly consisted of the smallest change. There was a beautiful countenanced youth, Thomas Gibson, first sergeant of Hendricks, who had studied physic at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, allied to me by affinity, who had, probably from a knowledge he had of his profession, sustained his health hitherto ; his cheeks were blooming as roses. He was one of the council. As young men, we cared little about the means, so that we obtained the end, which was powder. We lived above stairs, and never shared in the gratuities of the ladies, which were rapaciously awaited at the entrance of the prison. Gibson and myself were Standing at a window near the great door, and opposite Campaign against Quebec, ^775- ^53 to M'Coy's room, a neat little box which had been knocked up for his purposes. Looking into the street, a lady with a thick vail, was observed to take the path through the snow to our habitation. " Zounds, Gibson, there's a nun," was scarcely expressed, before he was hurried into M'Coy's apartment and put to bed, though dressed. Several of us waited respectfully at the door, till the officer of the guard unlocked it. The nun entered — she seemed, from her manners, to be genteel and respectable. We were most sedulous in our atten- tions to the lady, and so prevailed, as to induce her to come into M'Coy's room. Here lay Gibson, covered to the chin with the bed-clothes, nothing exposed but his beautiful hair and red cheeks, the latter indicating a high fever. It was well the lady was no physician. The nun crossing herself, and whispering a pater-noster, poured the contents of her little purse into the hand of the patient, which he held gently, without the blanketing, and left us. What should the donation be, but twenty- four coppers, equal at that time to two shillings of our money. The latter circumstance added much to the humor, and extreme merriment of the transaction. This money was solely appropriated for powder. Thus, careless of every thing but the means of escaping, we enjoyed many merry, and even happy hours. Aston, who was provident of time, by the middle of March (I have no note of the precise period), had all his matters of arrangement in good order. The council assigned a day for the irruption. As we dared not touch the door in the cellar, from a fear of discovery by inspection (and it was examined almost daily), it was determined to postpone the unloosing the hinges and lock, which were under our command, until the moment of escape. It became a main question how to remove the ice at the foot of the door. Here lay the great difficulty, as it was universally agreed that the door must be dragged down suddenly, so that we might march over it. Remember also, that a sentry was posted not 154 Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. more than from fifteen to twenty feet from the outside of the door. Many propositions were made in council, how to effect the removal of the body of ice without exposure to detection. One was lightly to pirk it away with hatchets, a few of which had been secret y retained by the prisoners, and brought into the jail. To this, there were several insuperable objections ; the softest stroke of the lightest tomahawk upon the ice would be heard by a sentry so near ; or an unlucky stroke might touch the door which would resound and inevitably cause a discovery. Others proposed to wear away the ice by boiling water ; two most obvious objections lay here ; the steam would search for a vent through the crevices of the door and window, and develop our measures ; besides the extreme cold would have congealed the hot water the moment it fell, so as to add to our difficulties. Another idea was suggested that was " with knives to cut the door across on the surface of the ice ;" to this plan there was a fatal exception, the ice had risen on the lower cross-piece of the door nearly an inch, so that we must cut through the cross-piece lengthwise, and through the thick plank crosswise. Though this labor might have been accomplished by industry and perseverance, yet the time it would necessarily take would cause a discovery by the searchers. The last and only method to avoid discovery was adopted. This was to embody sixteen or eighteen of the most prudent men who knew the value of silence, who should, two and two, relieve each other, and with our long knives gently pare away the ice next the sill of the door, so as to make a groove of four or six inches wide, parallel with, and deep as the sill. The persons were named and appointed to this service. Now the capability ot the execution of our plot, infused com- fort and joy into all hearts. It was intended immediately after locking up, on the night of the irruption, that those prudent men, should descend into the vault by pairs, and by incessant labor have the work finished by three o'clock in the morning, when the sally should be made. Campaign against ^ebec, ^775- '^SS We had carefully noticed from the walls of the jail, and the ridge of the house where there is a trap-door, the placing of the guards, the numbers and stationing of the sentries. We were safe therefore, in the measures we had taken for the attack of the guard of St. John's gate. Our own guard was perfectly scrutinized. The oppor- tunities were of the most commodious kind. The guard- house was directly in our front, where we could see and be seen. Their windows had no shutters. They had lights all the night through ; we, the better to observe them, kept none. This latter circumstance, enabled us distinctly to see that the arms with fixed bayonets were placed in the right hand corner of the room, as we would enter from the stairhead, and that the guard towards morning to a man were lying asleep on the floor. The sentries as they were relieved, did the like. This guard, as was before said, in ordinary consisted of thirty persons. Boyd's party, from a perfect knowledge of their method of conducting, esteemed it no great hardi- ness to undertake the overwhelming them. Subsequently our danger must appear. The nights were piercingly cold — the sentries soon housed themselves in their boxes. As the sally, to succeed, must be most silent and quick, it was hoped to quiet all of them before any alarm could spread. Besides Boyd's division (the first rank of which, were to despatch the nearest sentry by the spear), others of the succeeding corps, were assigned to assail the rest of the sentries, immediately around the prison. The getting up the stairs of our guard-house so quickly as to create no alarm was not only feasible, but in my mind (with the force delegated to us), of absolute certainty of success. The front door was always open by night and by day, we knew the precise number of steps the stairs contained. An agile man would mount at three strides. A light was continually in the passage. Entering the room and turning to the right the arms in the corner were ours. The bayonet, from necessity, would become the lot of the guard. In this part of the enterprise pro- 156 Campaign against ^ebeCy 1775. found silence was all important ; the section was to rely on the spear a.nd tomahawk. Aston on the other hand, being victorious at St. John's gate, was instantly to turn the cannon upon the city ; his fuses, portfire, etc., were prepared and ready as substitutes for those of the enemy, if they were extinguished or taken from the guns. It was known to us, that all the cannon of the ramparts were charged and primed, and boxes of ammunition and piles of balls in the vicinity of each gun, it was calculated that the execution of the business of our section, might be effected in at least fifteen minutes, together with the firing of the houses. Then running to support Aston and if he was victorious, to maintain our position on the walls, under a hope of the arrival of the American army from without. In that event St. John's gate, as a first measure, was to be opened. But if Aston should un- fortunately be beaten (which was most improbable,) then we were to fly in all directions, and make the adven- turous leap. It was supposed that in the latter case the hurry and bustle created by so sudden, unforseen and daring an attack, would throw the garrison into conster- nation and disorder, to so great a degree, as to admit the escape of many. Sluggards might expect to be massacred. The particularity of the foregoing details are purposely made to impress on your minds a single truth : "That the best imagined schemes and thoroughly digested de- signs, whether in military or civil life, may be defeated by a thoughtless boy, the interference of an idiot or a treacherous knave." Two lads from Connecticut or Massachusetts, whose names are now lost to my memory, prisoners with us, but who had no manner of connection or intercourse with the chiefs, nor knew the minute, yet essentia] parts of the measures of the council, but pro- bably having overheard a whisper of the time and manner of the evasion ; those young men, without con- sultation, without authority from their superiors, in the thoughtless ardor of their minds, on the eve of the sally, descended into the cellar, and with hatchets, picked at Campaign against ^ebec^ '^11 S- ^57 the ice at the door-sill. The operation was heard. The sentry threatened to fire. The guard was instantly alarmed and immediately doubled, and all our long labored schemes and well digested plans, annihilated in a moment. You cannot form an adequate idea of the pangs we endured. My heart was nearly broken by the excess of surprise and burning anger, to be thus fatuit- ously deprived of the gladdenitig hope of a speedy return to our friends and country. It became us, however, to put the best face upon it. It was suddenly resolved by the chiefs to kill the person who should disclose the general plot, and to wait upon the officers on the ensu- ing morning, with our usual attentions. When morn- ing came, it found us afoot. About sunrise, the formidable inquisition took place. Major Murray, Cap- tain Prentis, the officer of the guard, and a dozen mus- keteers came, — we awaited their approach undismayed. They accosted us very coolly. The cellar was visited, and the work of those fools was apparent. Reascend- ing, we could assure the gentlemen that this effort to escape, was without the knowledge of any of us. This, to be .sure, was said in the Jesuitical style, but those who made the assertion, did not then know either the persons or the names of the silly adventurers. The officers and the guard were departing, fully persuaded that it was no more than the attempt of one or two persons to escape. Major Murray was the last to recede. An Englishman of whom we knew not that he was a deserter from our enemies at Boston, had posted himself close to the right jamb of the door, which was more than half opened for the passage of the major. Those of us who were de- termined to execute our last night's resolution, armed with our long knives, had formed a half circle around the door, without observing the intrusion and presence of the deserter. Major Murray was standing on the threshold, speaking in a kindly manner to us, when the villain sprung past the major, even jostling him. The spring he made, was so sudden and so entirely unsus- 14 158 Campaign against ^ebeCy 1775. pected, that he screened himself from our just vengeance. Touching Major Murray's shoulder, "Sir," says he, " I have something to disclose." The guards encompassed the traitor, and hurried him away to the governor's palace. We instantaneously perceived the extent and consequences of this disaster. The prisoners immedi- ately destroyed such of the arrhs as were too bulky to hide, if destructible, and secreted the rest. In an hour or two, a file of men with an officer, demanded Boyd, Cunningham and others, represented by the vile informer, as lukewarm in the plot. They were escorted to the governor's council. Here they found that the wretch had evidenced all our proceedings minutely, naming every one who was prominent. Our worthy compatriots were examined on oath, and as men of honor could not conceal the truth. The questions of the council (furnished by the informer), did not admit of equivocation or evasion, if the examinants had been so inclined, and besides all tergiversation, when the outline was marked, was nugatory. They boldly admitted and justified the attempt. We did not fare the worse in our provisions nor in the estimation of our enemy. Return- ing to the jail, my dear Boyd shed the tears of excruciat- ing anguish in my bosom, deploring our adverse fate. We had vowed to each other to be free or die, and to be thus foolishly baulked caused the most heart rending grief. Towards two o'clock p.m. were seen several heavy cart loads, consisting of long and weighty irons, such as bilboes, foot-hobbles and hand-cuff's, arrive. The pri- soners were ordered to their rooms. The ironing began below stairs with Morgan's company. Here the bilboes were expended. If not much mistaken, ten or twelve persons were secured, each by a foot to a bar twelve feet long, and two inches in diameter, The heavy bolts were exhausted in the story below us. When they came to our range of rooms, they turned to the left, in- stead of coming to the right where we were. By the time the officers came to us, even the handcuffs were Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S' ^S9 nearly out. Each of us was obliged to take to his berth, which contained five men each. When they had shackled those of the lower berths, they commenced at one the most distant from ours. Slipping in the rear of my companions, bent down in apparent trepidation, the blacksmith ironed my messmates, and then called to me to descend and submit to his office. Coming — " Never mind that lad," said my friend Captain Prentis. They had but three or four pair of handcuffs left, which were clapped on the elderly and robust. Besides M'Coy, our Boniface the cook. Doctor Gibson, two others and my- self, who were unhampered, all the rest were, in appear- ance, tightly and firmly secured. Though M'Coy and Boniface were adepts at insurrection, yet their services were of too much importance to government to be dis- pensed with. The others of the unfettered remained so from the exhaustion of the shackles. A new species of interesting occurrences, mingled with much fun and sportive humor, now occurred, which was succeeded by a series of horrible anguish. The doors were scarcely closed, before we began to assay the unshackling. Those who had small hands, by compressing the palms, could easily divest the irons from their wrist. Of these there were many, who became the assistants of their friends, whose hands were larger. Here there was a necessity for ingenuity. Knives notched as saws, were the principal means. The head of the rivet, at the end of. the bar, was sawed off, it was lengthened and a screw formed upon it, to cap which a false head was made, either of iron or of lead, resembling as much as possible the true head. Again new rivets were formed, from the iron we had preserved in our secret hoards, from the vigilance of the searchers. These new rivets being made to bear a strong likeness to the old, were then cut into two parts — one part was driven into the bolt tightly, became stationary, the other part was immovable. It behoved the wearer of the manacle to look to it, that he did not lose the loose part, and when the searchers i6o Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775' came to examine, that it should stand firm in the orifice. Some poor fellow, perhaps from a defect of ingenuity, the hardness of the iron, or the want of the requisite tools, could not discharge the bilboes. This was par- ticularly the melancholy predicament of three of Mor- gan's men, whose heels were too long to slip throjgh the iron, which encompassed the small of the leg. It was truly painful to see three persons attached to a monstrous bar, the weight of which was above their strength to carry. It added to the poignancy of their sufferings, in such frigid weather, that their colleagues at the bar, having shorter heels, could withdraw the foot and perambulate the jail ; where their companions left them, there they must remain, seated on the floor, unless some kind hands assisted them to remove. . There was a droll dog from the eastward who was doubly unfortunate ; in the attack of the city he had received a spent ball in the pit of the stomach, which had nearly ended him ; now it became his lot to have an immense foot bolt fastened to his leg, without a com- panion to bear him company and cheer his lonely hours. This victim of persecution and sorrow would sometimes come among us in the yard, bearing up his bolt, slung by a cord hitched over his shoulder. Nothing could damp his spirits. He talked, laughed and sung inces- santly. Some others besides those, were similarly situated. Those who were so lucky as to have light hand cuffs, bore them about with them. The greatest danger of discovery arose from those who could free themselves from the heavy irons. The usual visitations were increased from twice to thrice a day, in the first and last the smith searched the bolts of each person. But there were other intrusions intermediately, by offi- cers evidently despatched by the suspicions of govern- ment, for the purpose of discovery. To counteract these new measures of caution and jealousy, we were well prepared. Sentries, on our part, were regularly stationed at certain windows of the jail, to descry the Campaign against ^ebec, IJJS' ^^} approach of any one in the garb of an officer. The view from these windows was pretty extensive down two of the streets, particularly that leading to the palace. Notwithstanding every caution to avoid detection, yet the clang of the lock of the great door, was upon some occasions the only warning given us of the impending danger. The scamperings at those times were truly diverting, and having always escaped discovery, gave us much amusement. The clanking of the fetters followed, and was terrible ; such as the imagination forms in child- hood, of the condition of the souls in Tartarus -, even this was sport. Happily our real situation was never known to any of the government officers ; unless the good blacksmith (a worthy Irishman, of a feeling heart), might be called such, and he was silent. Towards the middle of April the scurvy, which we had been imbibing during the winter, now made its appear- ance in its most virulent and deadly forms, preceded and accompanied by a violent diarrhoea. Many of those who were first affected were taken to the hospital. But the disease soon became general among us. We were attended several times by Doctor Maybin, the physician- general, who, by his tender attentions, and amiable man- ners, won our affections : he recommended a cleansing of the stomach, by ipecacuanha and mild cathartics, such as rhubarb, together with due exercise. Those who were young, active and sensible of the doctor's salutary advice, kept afoot, and practiced every kind of athletic sport we could devise. On the contrary, those who were supinely indolent, and adhered to their blankets, became objects of real commiseration — their limbs con- tracted, as one of mine is now ; large blue and even black blotches appeared on their bodies and limbs — the gums became black — the morbid flesh fell away — the teeth loosened, and in several instances fell out. Our minds were now really depressed. That hilarity and fun which supported our spirits in the greatest misfortunes, gave way to wailings, groanings and death. I know, from 1 62 Campaign against ^ebec^ '^77 5- dire experience, that when the body suffers pain, the mind, for the time, is deprived of all its exhilarations — in short, almost of the power of thinking. The elbow joints, the hips, the knees and ancles were most severely pained. It was soon observed (though the doctor's mate attended us almost daily, and very carefully), there was little or no mitigation of our diseases, except that the diarrhoea, which was derived from another cause than that which produced the scurvy, was somewhat abated ; and that our remedy lay elsewhere in the materia medica which was beyond the grasp of the physician. The diarrhoea came from the nature of the water we used daily. In the month of April the snows begin to melt, not by the heat of the sun, but most probably by the warmth of the earth beneath the snows. The ground, saturated with the snow-water, naturally increased the fountain-head in the cellar. Literally, we drank the melted snow. The scurvy had another origin. The diet — salt pork, infamous biscuit — damp and close con- finement in a narrow space, together with the severity of the climate, were the true causes of the scurvy. There was no doubt in any reflective mind among us, but that the virtuous and beneficent Carleton, taking into view his perilous predicament, did every thing for us, which an honest man and a good Christian could. An observation may be made in this place with pro- priety, that is, that in the climates of all high southern or northern regions, th'^ soil is very rich and prolific. This beneficial operation of nature, is, in all likelihood at- tributable to the nitrous qualities which the snow deposits. Of the fact that nitre is the principal ingredient which causes fertility in the earth, no man of observation can at this day reasonably doubt. The earth is replete of it. Wherever earth and shade unite, it is engendered and becomes apparent. This idea is proved by the cir- cumstance that nitre may be procured from caves, the earth of cellars, outhouses, and even from common earth, if kept under cover. During the late revolution, when Campaign against ^ebec^ 1775- 163 powder was so necessary, we every where experienced the good effects of this mineralogical discovery •, it gives me pleasure to sav that it is most fairly ascribable to our German ancestors. The snows which usually fail in Canada about the middle of November, and generally cover the ground until the end of April, in my opinion, fill the soil with those vegetative salts, which forward the growth of plants. This idea was evinced to me by my vague and inconsiderate mind, from observations then made, and which were more firmly established by assurances from Captain Prentis, that muck or manure, which we employ in southern climates, is there never used. In that country, the moment the ground is freed from snow, the grass and every species of plant, spring forward in the most luxuriant manner. Captain Prentis, besides the continuation of bis care and friendship to Gibson and' myself, did not restrain his generosity to individuals, but procured for us a permission from go- vernment, to send out an old Irishman, of the New York line, an excellent catholic, to collect for us vege- table food- The first specimen of this good old man's attention and industry, was the production of a large basket-full of the ordinary blue grass of our country ; this grass, by those who got at it, was devoured ravenously at the basket, if so happy as to be able to come near it. Scurvy grass, in many varieties, eschalots, small onions, onion-tops and garlic, suc- ceeded, and were welcomed by all of us for several months afterwards. This voracious appetite for vege- tables, seems to be an incident always concurring in that terrible disease, the scurvy ; nature seems to instil into the patient, a desire of such food, and of acids, which are the only specific, with a due attention to cleanliness, hitherto discovered, that do eradicate the stamina of the disease. From my contracted knowledge, it is imper- ceptible that there is any material discrepancy between the sea-scurvy and the land-scurvy of high southern and northern latitudes. The descriptions given by Robins 164 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^77 S- (or if you please, the Rev. Mr. Walter), and other voy- agers, of the causes, the symptoms and the effects of that disorder, seem to concur in everv particular w^ith our various experience at Quebec. Recollect it is not a physician who speaks." About the time above spoke of Governor Carleton directed that we should be supplied with fresh beef. This was no other than that which had been brought into the city when we lay at Aux-Tremble, in the foregoing autumn, and in aid of the stores of the garri- son. It had lain in a frozen state during the winter, without salting, but now as warm weather was approach- ing, it began to thaw and was liberally disposed of to the garrison and prisoners. The beef was sweet, though here and there a little blueish, like the mould of stale bread, very tender, but somewhat mawkish. It was palatable and nutritive to men afflicted as we were. This beef, connected with vegetables, soon animated us with an idea of returning health and vigor ; yet, though it mitigated the pains we endured, it did not totally ex- pel the scurvy. The seventh of May arrived. Two ships came to the aid of the garrison, heating through a body of ice, which perhaps was impervious to any other than the in- trepid sailor. This relief of men and stores, created great joy in the town. Our army began their disorderly retreat. My friend Simpson, with his party, were much misused, from a neglect of giving him information of the intended flight of our army. Some few of the men under his authority, straggled and were taken in the retreat. They came to inhabit our house. Now, for the first time, we heard an account of the occurrences during the winter's blockade, which to us, though of 'The late Captain Thomas Boyd, the strongest and largest man among us, when coming to the air, frequently fainted ; one Rothrock, of Morgan's, had so fetid a breath that it was disgusting to enter the room he inhabited ; one of Lamb's company lost his gums and some of his teeth, all were loose, of which I am certain as his mouth was examined by me. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec^ ^77 S- ^^5 trivial import, were immensely interesting. The sally of this day, produced to the prisoners additional comfort. Though the troops took a severe revenge upon our friends without, by burning and destroying their pro- perties. The next day, more ships and troops arrived ; a pursuit took place, the effect of which was of no con- sequence, except so far as it tended to expel the colonial troops from Canada. To the prisoners, this retreat had pleasing consequences; fresh bread, beef newly slaugh- tered, and a superabundance of vegetables, was a salu- tary diet to our reduced and scorbutic bodies. Still freedom, that greatest of blessings, and exercise were re- quired to bring back to us genuine health. About this time an incident occurred, which threw us into ecstasy, as it relieved our minds and faculties from a most tortur- ing piece of preservative duty ; this was no other than an authoritative divestment of the irons. One day, . perhaps the fifteenth or eighteenth of May, Colonel Mac- lean, attended by Major Carleton, a younger brother of the general's. Major Maibaum,' a German officer, both of whom had just arrived from Europe, together with Captain Prentis, and other officers, entered the jail about mid-day. The prisoners paraded in the jail-yard com- pletely ironed. Captain Prentis, by the direction of ' This gentleman was six feet and four or five inches high and as well pro- portioned. His disposition was a kindly one. He spoke his own language admirably, and French fluently, but no English. Knowing from his mili- tary dress and manners, that he was a German, I was induced to address him in that language. He appeared astonished, yet pleased at hearing his own tongue from an American lad, inquired concerning Pennsylvania, our way to Quebec, etc., but seemed apprehensive of the jealousy of the English officials, who did not understand us. The Baron Knyphausen wanted an interpreter. Captain Prentis, who was really my friend, made me the pro- position, as from the Baron, and used various arguments ro induce a com- pliance, all of which were spurned. In 1778 or 1779, I had again the pleasure of seeing the major at Lancaster, in the company of my father, but he was then a prisoner. — Henry. This is supposed to have been Major Juste Christoph von Maibom, who was taken prisoner at Bennington, and died at Wolfenbuttel, duchy of Brunswick, in Germany, 17 Feb., 1804. — M. 1 66 Campaign against ^ebec, 1775. Colonel iVIaclean, pointed out to the other officers : " This is general such-a-one, — that is colonel such-a- one," and in this manner proceeded to name all the leading characters. Happening to be very near the amiable, it might be said, admirable Major Carleton, he was overheard to say, " Colonel, ambition is laudable ; cannot the irons of these men be struck off?" This the colonel ordered to be done immediately. Our kind-hearted blacksmith w^as not distant : he came and the officers remained to see some of the largest bolts divested, and then left us. " Come, come, gentlemen," said the blacksmith, " you can put off your irons." In a minute, the vast pile lay before him. Being now at full bodily liberty, we completed a ball court, which had been originally formed, as it were, by stealth. Here a singular phenomenon which attends the scurvy, dis- ^covered itself. The venerable and respectable Maybin had recommended to us exercise, not only as a mean of cure, but as a preventive of the scorbutic humors operat- ing. Four of the most active would engage at a game oi fives. Having played some games in continuation, if a party incautiously sat down, he was seized by the most violent pains in the hips and knees, which incapa- citated him from play for many hours, and from rising from the earth, where the patient had seated himself. These pains taught us to keep afoot all day, and even to eat our food in an erect posture. Going to bed in the evening, after a hard day's play, those sensations of pain upon lying down, immediately attacked us. The pain would continue half an hour, and often longer. My own experience will authorize me to say two hours. In the morning, we rose free from pain, and the routine of play and fatigue ensued, but always attended by the same effects, particularly to the stubborn and incautious, who would not adhere to the wholesome advice of Doctor Maybin. Those who were inactive, retained those ex- cruciating pains to the last, together with their distorted, bloated, and blackened limbs. Upon our return from Campaign against ^uebec^ '^11 S' ^^7 Canada, in the autumn of 1776, I saw five or six of my crippled compatriots hobbling through the streets of Lancaster on their way home. It cost a tear — all that could be given. By the month of August, the active were relieved from those pains. Towards the end of May, Governor Carleton ordered each of the prisoners a linen shirt. This gift, to me, was most agreeable, as linen next the skin, for some months past, was unfelt, and few persons who have not felt the extremity of such endurances as ours, can form a full conception of the gratification we enjoyed. Having had but one shirt on at the time ot our capture, it was soon destroyed by the wearing, and the repeated washings it required. Delicacy forbids a dilation upon the cause and effects. You would laugh at the description of one of our washing parties. Rising early, the prime object was to make a strong ley of wood ashes, of which we had plenty, into which the linen was plunged, and con- cocted for an hour or more, under a hope of putting an end to certain vagrants, of a genera with which most of us are acquainted. During the boiling, the votaries of cleanliness, cloaked in a blanket, or blanket coat, watched the ebullitions of the kettle. The boiling done, the linen was borne to the yard, where each one washed his own, and watched it during the drying, almost in a state of nature. Captain Prentis, pitying my sad condition, pressed upon me often to accept from him, money to purchase a suit of clothes, and he would trust to the honor and integrity of my father for payment, whose character he knew. Adhering to my first determination, this polite and generous proposal of my amiable and de serving friend was as often, yet most thankfully declined, maugre the advice of my bosom friends Boyd and Cunningham to the contrary. He however forced upon me a half Johannes. This small sum was applied to the solace of my heart. In the first place, to an article still more necessary than a shirt. The residue was expended upon matters which cheered the hearts of my messmates. 1 68 Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- whom I dearly loved ; cheese, sugar, tea, coffee, etc., spirits was detested, as we knew it to be a poison to scorbutic persons. What pleased me much more, and gave me pure delight, was the following occurrence : Of my own accord, no one knowing of the intention, the good old Irishman was delegated to purchase three or four pounds of tobacco. It was secretly brought, and as secretly borne to our room. A pound was pro- duced and fairly parted among our tobacco chewers. You cannot conceive their joy. When the first paroxysm was over, the remainder was disposed of in the same way. The thankfulness of those brave, but destitute men, arose towards me, nearly to adoration. You will ask why ? Hear the reason. From your small knowlege of mankind, you can have little conception of the force habit has on the human race. One who chews, smokes or snuffs tobacco, is as little able to abstain from that enjoyment, as you would be, if compelled to refrain from your usual meals. This particular is spoken of, to persuade you by no mean to use tobacco in any shape. It is a poison, of the most inveterate kind, which like opium, arsenic, anri several other medicaments, may be applied to healthful purposes, yet, if employed in an extreme degree, produces instantaneous death. These ideas are not visionary, but are supportable by the authority of some of the best physicians. You are at full liberty to put your own constructions upon these observations. But to return to my fellow-prisoners. In the wilderness where the army soon run out the article of tobacco, the men had many valuable succeda- neums. The barks of the different kinds of firs, the cedar, the red willow,' and the leaves of many astrin- ' Red willow [Salix purpurea). This shrub, which is a native of the United States, is spread throughout our climates. The outer bark of a deep red color, peels in a very thin scale, the inner is scraped oft" with a knite, and is dried either in the sun or over the fire. The scent when burning, is delightful. To increase the flavor, the Indians pluck the current year's branches of the upland sumach, and dry it in bunches over the smoke of I Campaign against ^ueoec^ ^775- ^^9 gent or bitter plants supplied the place; but within the bare walls of our jail there was no substitute for this dear and inebriating vegetable. Thus was all my money expended and much to my satisfaction and to the heart- felt pleasure of my brave and worthy-companions, whose sufferings in certain points, were greater than my own. The table of the virtuous and generous Prentis had often furnished me liberally with wholesome viands. With convalescency, though pennyless, we again became merry and lighthearted. In the beginning of August we were told by Captain Preniis, that the governor had concluded to send us by sea to New York upon parole for the purpose of being exchanged ; that the transports which had brought the late reinforcements from Europe, were cleansing and preparing for the voyage. Now there was exultation. On the seventh of August we subscribed our written a fire. A half part of red-willow bark, added to as much of the dryed sumach forms the killiknick. Those ingredients added to a third part of leaf tobacco, and the mass rubbed finely together in the palm of the hand, makes that delicious fume, so fascinating to the red, and also to the white men. Care must be taken by the consumer, not to use the swamp sumach i^Rbus -vernix) for the upland [Rhus g/abrum) as the former is most poison- ous, and resembles the latter, in the bark and leaf so much, that an in- curious eye might be deceived. The difference to a stranger may be distinctively marked by observing that the bunch of berries of the upland sumach, is a cone closely attached to each other, and when ripe of a reddish color. The berries of the swamp sumach hang loosely pendant, from a lengthy foot-stalk, and when ripe, are of a greenish-gray : at least I never saw the berry in any other state. The unhappy person who would em- ploy the swamp sumach in smoking, would forfeit his eyesight. This truth I had from Natanis in Canada, and it has since, many years ago, been con- firmed to me by the celebrated Seneca, The Cornplanter. You know the experience of our own family, when clearing the swamp, as to the deleterious qualities of the wood as fuel : your mother suffered greatly from its poisonous vapors. The moose-deer prefer the red-willow as food ; we most frequently observed them in its neighborhood. The vanilla of South America, has been applied by the Spanish manufactors of tobacco, in various ways : it is strange, that we have never assayed the killikinick. — Henry, 15 lyo Campaign against ^ebec^ ^11 S- paroles.^ Captain Prentis procured me permission from government with a few friends to traverse the city. An officer of the garrison attended us. Our first desire was to see the grave of our general, and those of his aids, as well as those of the beloved Hendricks and Humphreys. The graves were within a small place of interment, neatly walled with stone. The coffins of Montgomery, Cheeseman and M'Pherson, were well arranged side by side. Those of Hendricks, Humphreys, Cooper, etc., were arranged on the south side of the inclosure, but as the burials of these heroes took place in a dreary winter, and the earth impenetrable, there was but little soil on ihe coffins, the snow and ice which had been the principal covering being now dissolved, the foot of the general's coffin was exposed to the air and view. The coffin was well formed of fir plank. Cap- tain Prentis assured me that the graves should be deepened and the bodies duly deposited ; for he also knew Montgomery as a fellow soldier, and lamented his untimely fate. Thence we proceeded past the citadel, along the ramparts to Cape Diamond, descended the declivity slantingly, and examined the stockades and block house. It is this little tour which enabled me to describe to you the site and defences of that formidable pass. Proceeding thence through a part of the lower town, we came to a narrow street which led us to an immense stair way, one of the ascents into the upper town. Ascending here we came to the main passage, which curvatured down the hill into the lower town. ' It will perhaps be proper to give you an idea of the parole exacted at that time. " We whose names are hereunder written, do solemnly promise and engage, to his Excellency General Carleton, not to say or do any thing against his majesty's person or government ; and to repair, whenever re- quired so to do by his excellency, or any of his majesty's commanders in chief in America, doth please to direct, in testimony of which, we have hereunto set our hands this day at Quebec. August 7th, 1776. J. J. H.&c." I received the original paper in 1778, in consequence ot an exchange of the St. John's prisoners for us. — Henry. Campaign against ^ebec^ ^77 S- ^7^ and which was to lead us in our supposed attack upon the upper town ; this we pursued and came to the place of the second barrier, which had been lately demolished. The houses on both sides of the street in which we had taken our stand, were now in ruins, having been burnt by the garrison as were the suburbs of St, Roque and St. Johns. This was done to render them unfit for the shelter of future assailants. Thus it is that war destroys the wealth and robs the individual of happiness. We had no time to make observations but such as could be done in passing hastily. Returning to the upper town by the principal and winding road, we were strongly im- pressed with the opinion that if our whole force, as was intended, had formed a junction in the lower town, that it was utterly impracticable, either from our numbers or our means, to mount by a road such as this was. Sup- pose it not to have been barricaded and enfiladed by cannon, it must be assailed by the bavonet, ot which weapon we had very few and the enemv was fully sup- plied. But when we reflect that across the road at the centre of the arc of each curve there was a barricade, and cannon placed to rake the intervals between the different barricades, the difficulties of the ascent, which is very steep, would be increased even to insurmounta- bility. The road is very narrow and lined next the hill by a stupendous precipice ; on the other hand there were some houses romantically perched on the side of the declivity, and some rocks. The declivitv of itself was an excellent defence if the besieged could maintain the position in front, for in a short time, in so confined a space, the assailants mu~,t either die, retreat, or be thrown down the hill from the road. But suppose all these defences overcome, and we had arrived at the brow of the hill at the entrance of the upper town, here a still more formidable obstacle presented itself than those which could be formed by art in the lower parts of the road. At this place there is a hollow way, which in the hurry we were in and the slight view we dared take, ap- 172 Campaign against Quebec ^ '^11 S- peared as if cut out of the solid rock, of a depth of thirty or forty feet. Athwart this way there was a strong stockade of a height nearly equal with the perpendicular sides of the way or gulley. From the surface above we might have been stoned to death by the defenders of the fortress without a probability of their receiving harm from us below, though ever so well armed. But the stockade itself, from its structure and abundant strength, would have resisted a force manifold our numbers, and much better supplied and accoutred. From these observ- ations (those of an uninstructed youth to be sure), there was no hesitation in telling my intimate friends, then and since, that the scheme of the conquest of the upper town was visionary and groundless \ not the result of our dear general's reflections, but forced upon him by the nature and necessities of the times and his disagree- able predicament. If a coalition of our forces in the lower town had taken effect, the general would then most probably have developed his latent and real plans. The reasons given in council may have been promul- gated merely to induce a more spirited exertion upon the part of the officers and soldiery, who were not in the secret, to excite a factitious valor. Getting into serious action and warmed by the opposition of the enemy, the troops might have been induced to persevere in any apparently sudden design of the general. The cupidity of the soldiers had been played upon. This latter fact is known to me of my own particular knowledge. Some weeks before the attack the soldiers in their common conversations, spoke of the conquest of the city as a certainty ; and exultingly of the plunder they should win by their bravery. It was not my business to con- tradict, but to urge them on. Perhaps the setting fire to the lower town on the side of Cape Diamond, con- sidering the prevailing wind which was at southeast, but afterwards changed to north and northwest, such a design might have been effected. The shipping also ice-bound, numerous and valuable, moored around the Campaign against ^ebec^ ^775- ^73 point, would have been consumable. All this destruc- tion would have been a victory of no mean kind ; but adding eclat to the known gallantrv and prowess of the general. The Almightv willed that we should never know the pith or marrow of his projects ; whatever thev were, my mind is assured that they were considerately and well designed. He was not a man to act incau- tiously and without motive, and too honest and brave to adopt a sinister part. No doubt we could have escaped by the way of St. Roque, protected by the smoke of the conflagration, and the terror and bustle which would consequently be created in the town. Though this pass is too narrow for the operation of a large body of men in an extended front, still we should have been too numerous (under the circumstances sup- posed), for the enemy to afford a force issuing from palace gate, adequate to oppose us. In the next instance if we should happen to be so very fortunate in such a retreat, as to bat the foes, they must retreat into the city by the wav of palace gate, and we should have entered pell-mell, and should thus have achieved the possession of that important place, the upper town, which was the primary view and last hope of the general and the army. These were the crude notions of a vouth formed upon the spot, but in a maturation of thirty years, are still retained. The general did not want for information. Many persons, male and female (unnecessary mouths), were expelled the city, to wander for subsistence among their friends in the country. His own knowledge of Quebec, where he had served, would enable him bv interrogation to extort from those emigrants a full stock of inform- ation of all the new defences erected by Governor Carleton since. Consequently, knowing the practicability of Cape Diamond [^Aunce de mere^ which must be provin- cial, and I do not understand), as an entrance to the lower town (but a most dangerous one), and that ol St. Roque, with which and its barriers, he was particularfy 174 Campaign against ^ebec^ 1775. acquainted, from his own, and the observations of others ; if so, he would most assuredly be informed of the defens- ive obstructions on the slope of the hill, and the encloy- ment of the troops, which would in consequence attend ; and he would also know that this place, to the garrison, would be a perfect Thermopylae, impassable by ten times our numbers, if we had been veterans and were better furnished. From these reasons, there was an induce- ment for my mind, at all times since the attack, to conclude that it was never General Montgomery's real design to conquer the upper town, by an invasion from the lower town, but his hidden and true plan was, by a consolidation of our whole force, to burn the lower town, and the shipping, and to retreat by the way of palace gate and St. Roque. ii a sally was made at palace gate, the event, as was observed before, niight be fatal to the enemy. The comprehensive mind of Montgomery would not only appreciate to the full ex- tent the peculiar advantages of the enemy, but estimate to its true value the means he possessed, and the merits of his own army. Presuming the colonists to be suc- cessful in the lower town, where there was much wealth, and the avaricious among us be in some degree gratified, it would have created a spirit of hope and en- terprise in the men, tending to induce them to remain with us. Afterwards, combining our whole force, with the reinforcements we had a prospect of receiving, an attack upon the upper town might have succeeded. In a word the destruction of the lower town, in my appre- hension, should be considered merely as preparatory to a general assailment of the upper town, notwithstanding all that has been said in the memoirs of those days. A contrary opinion went abroad " that the general, if he had lived, by this assault would have conquered Quebec." No idea could be more fallacious. It was politically right to keep up that opinion among the people in those trying times, but its accomplishment, with our accompani- ment of men and defective arms, was ideal. Our walk Campaign against ^ebec, ^11 S- ^75 from the great gate and palisade, was considerable, ere we reached our detestable dwelling ; as we had enjoyed a few hours of fleeting liberty, the locking-up became the more horrible to our feelings. The next day, however, we had the ineffable pleasure of marching in a body to the water side, and embarked on board five transports. On the following day a new joy was in store for me. General William Thompson (of whom it might well be said, '' this is a man "), who had com- manded our regiment at Prospect hill, as its colonel: he had been taken prisoner at the Three rivers, with several other officers, in the preceding month of June. He was now aboard of our little fleet, destined to New York. Thompson came to our ship, to visit rhe miserable remnant of a part of his gallant corps. The general had a special message to me, from my father, with whom he was intimate. Coming through Lancaster in his way to his command in Canada, he was authorized by my father, if he saw me in that country, to furnish me with money. The good man proffered me four half-johannes, one only was accepted. What was nearer and dearer to my heart, was the information that my parents, relatives and friends were well. That money was applied to the use of my messmates, in the way of sea-stores. Permis- sion being obtained, Bovd and myself went ashore ; our purchases consisted of a very large Cheshire cheese, coffee, tea and sugar, together with a large roll of tobacco for the men. Again pennyless, jollity and mirth did not forsake us. We sailed on the tenth of August, convoyed by the Pearl frigate. Captain M'Kenzie. Passing the delight- ful island of Orleans, much in shore, we observed the farmers reaping their wheat, which, as we run along, we could observe the haum, in many instances, was green towards the foot of the stalk. From this circumstance it was concluded, that frequently, particularly in cold or wet seasons the grain must be kiln-dried, as it is done in the north of England, and in Scotland, before it is housed 176 Campaign against Quebec, 1775. and threshed. The wheat, though sown between the fifteenth and twentieth of May, and probably sometimes earher or later, is weighty, and produces a very fine white flour. The voyage down the river, except a few boisterous days, wns pleasant. We had some noble views, interspersed here and there with something like villages, chapels, and farm-houses. Afterwards, we had in prospect a bleak and dreary coast and country, whose craggedness inspired disagreeable sensations. The great- est curiosities were the seals, whose history and manners were then known to me, but whose living form excited attention, as they were creeping up or basking on the rocks. The porpoises, perfectly white, in vast droves played before and around us, and drew my attention and surprise, as none but the black southern porpoise had before come under my view. To become a naturalist, it is necessary a man should travel ; it was many years before books could persuade me of the existence of a green-haired monkey ; but these were diminutive objects indeed in nature's scale, of comparative imagery, when contrasted with the immense river Cadaracqua, or as it is now called St. Lawrence, second to no river in the world, unless it be the La Plata, of South America. Making this observation, you must understand me to in- clude within it, the Lake Superior, and the waters which feed that lake. OfF Gaspy Point, where we soon arrived, in a due north line, across the island of Anti- costa, the river is about ninety miles wide. Steering with favorable weather, the island of St. Johns came in view ; passing it, and the Gut of Canceaux, experienc- ing some stormy weather upon the ocean, and a few difficulties, we happily arrived at New York on the eleventh of September, 1776, and anchored three miles south of Governor's island. Now it was, for the first time, that we heard of the dilemma in which our country stood. The battle of Long Island, on the twenty-seventh of August, had been unsuccessfully fought by our troops, Campaign against ^ebec^ '^11 S- ^11 many of whom were prisoners. In such hurrying times, intercourses between hostile armies in the way of nego- tiation upon any point, are efFected with difficulty. We had waited patiently several weeks, to be disembarked on our own friendly shore ; yet tantalized every day with reports that to-morrow we should be put on shore ; some, and in a little while all, began to fear it was the intention of General Howe to detain us as prisoners in opposition to the good will of Sir Guy Carleton. This notion had so strongly impressed the minds of my friend Doctor Thomas Gibson, and a young man called John Blair, of Hendricks, that they determined to escape from the ship. They were, both of them, athletic and able bodied men, and most adroit. Gibson planned the manner of escape ; its ingeniousness, hazard, boldness of execution and eventual success, received the applause of all, but was disapproved, upon the principle that it trenched upon their honor, and would impede our release. The story is this : Gibson and Blair, in the evening, dressed in shirts and trowsers, were upon the main deck with their customary flapped hats on their heads. Gib- son gave me a squeeze of the hand in token of farewell ; he was greeted kindly, for he was the brother of my soul. He and his companion went to the forecastle, where there were two large New Foundland dogs, each of which had his party, or rather his partizans among the crew. These, the adventurers hissed at each other. The dogs being engaged with their usual fury, attracted the attention of the sailors and many of the prisoners ,• they took this opportunity of stripping and letting them- selves down at the bow into the water. Leaning over the sides of the ship, in company of some friends in the secret, and unregardful of the dogs, we awaited the management of the flight. The last lighted cloud ap- peared low in the west. Something extraordinary passed along the side, a foolish fellow asked, " what is that ?" "a wave, you fool — a mere deception of sight," was answered. It was the head of Gibson, covered by his 1 7 8 Campaign against ^ebec, ^11 S- large black hat. Within a few yards of Gibson came Blair, but with a smaller hat, he was obvious ; his white skin discovered him, but luckily the attention of the ignoramus was engaged another way. These daring men swam to the barge at the stern, entered it, and slipped the rope. They had rowed a thousand yards before the boat was missed. The other boats of our ship, and of those near us, were despatched after the runaways ; it was too late, the fugitives had too much of a start to be easily overtaken. They landed (having rowed about five miles), naked, in our own country, somewhere in the vicinity of Bergen-neck, and bartered the boat for some ordinary clothing. They waited on General Washington, who disapproved of their demeanor. A short time after the foregoing occurrence, a most beautiful and luminous, but baleful sight occurred to us, that is, vhe city of New York on fire. One night (Sept. 22), the watch on deck gave a loud notice of this disaster. Running upon deck we could perceive a light, which at the distance we were from it (four miles), was apparently of the size of the flame of a candle. This light to me, appeared to be the burning of an old and noted tavern, called the Fighting Cock (where, ere this I had lodged), to the east of the battery, and near the wharf. The wind was southwardly, and blew a fresh gale the flames at this place, because of the wind, in- creased rapidly. In a moment we saw another light at a great distisnce from the first, up the North river. The latter light seemed to he an original, distin; t and new formed fire, near a celebrated tavern in the Broadway called White Hall. Our anxiety for the fate of so fine a city, caused much solicitude, as we harbored suspicions that the enemy had fired it. The flames were fanned by the briskness of the breeze, and drove the destructive effects of the element on all sides. When the fire reached the spire of a large steeple, south of the tavern, which was attached to a large church, the effect upon the eye was astonishingly grand. If we could have divested Campaign against ^ebec, ^775' ^79 ourselves of the knowledge that it was the property of our fellow-citizens which was consuming, the view might have been esteemed sublime, if not pleasing. The deck of our ship for many hours was lighted as at noon day. In the commencement of the conflagration we observed many boats putting off from the fleet, rowing speedily towards the city ; our boat was of the number. This circumstance repelled the idea that our enemies were the incendiaries, for indeed they professedly went in aid of the inhabitants. The boat returned about daylight, and from the relation of the officer and the crew, we clearly discerned that the burning of New York was the act of some mad-cap Americans. The sailors told us in their blunt manner, that they had seen one American hanging by the heels dead, having a bayonet wound through his breast. They named him by his Christian and surname, which they saw imprinted on his arm ; they averred he was caught in the fact of firing the houses. They told us, also, that they had seen one person who was taken in the fact, tossed into the fire, and that several who were stealing, and suspected as incendiaries, were bayonetted. Summary justice is at no time laud- able, but in this instance it may have been correct. If the Greeks could have been resisted at Persepolis, every soul of them ought to have been massacred. The testi- mony we received from the sailors, my own view ot the distinct beginnings of the fire, in various spots, remote from each other, and the manner of its spreading, im pressed my mind with the belief that the burning ot the city was the doings of the most low and vile of persons, for the purposes, not only of thieving, but ot devastation. This seemed, too, the general sense, not only of the British, but that of the prisoners then aboard the trans- ports. Laying directly south of the city, and in a range with Broadway, we had a fair and full view of the whole process. The persons in the ships nearer to the town than we were, uniformly held the same opinion. It was not until some years afterwards, that a doubt was created ; i8o Campaign against ^ebec, ^775- but for the honor of our country and its good name, an ascription was made of the firing of the city, to acci- dental circumstances. It may be well, that a nation, in the heat and turbulence of war, should endeavor to pro- mote its interests, by the propagating reports of its own innocency and prowess, and accusing its enemy of fla- grant enormity and dastardliness (as was done in this particular case), but when peace comes, let us in God's name do justice to them and ourselves. Baseness and villainy are the growth of all climes, and of all nations. Without the most numerous, and the most cogent tes- timony, as the fact occurred within my own view, the eloquence of Cicero could not convince me that the firing was accidental. Some time after the burning of the city, we understood that we were to be embarked in shallops, and landed at Elizabethtown point. The intelligence c;iused a sparkling in every eye. On the next day about noon, we were in the boats ; adverse winds retarded us. It was ten or eleven at night, before we landed ; the moon shone beautifully. Morgan stood in the bow of the boat ; making a spring not easily surpassed, and falling on the earth, as it were to grasp it — cried " Oh my country." We that were near him pursued his example. Now a race commenced which in quickness, could scarcely be exceeded, and soon brought us to Elizabethtown. Here, those of us who were drowsy, spent an uneasy night Being un- expected guests, and the town full of troops, no quarters were provided for us. Joy rendered beds useless, we did not close our eyes till daylight Singing, dancing, the Indian halloo, in short, every species of vociferous- ness was adopted by the men, and many of the most respectable sergeants, to express their extreme pleasure. A stranger coming among them, would have pronounced them mad, or at last intoxicated ; though since noon, neither food nor liquor had passed our lips ; thus the passions may at times have an influence on the human frame, as inebriating as wine or any other liquor. The Campaign against ^ebec, 1775- t^i morning brought us plenty, in the form of rations of beef and bread. Hunger allaved, my only desire was to proceed homewards. Money was wanting. How to obtain it in a place where all my friends and acquaintances were alike poor and destitute, gave me great anxiety and pain. Walking up the street very melancholy, unknow- ing what to do, I observed a wagon built in the Lancaster county fashion (which at that time was peculiar in Jer- sey), unloading stores for the troops come or coming. The owner seeing me, grasping my hand with fervor, told me every one believed me to be dead. Telling him our story in a compendious manner, the good old man, without solicitation, presented me two silver dcllars to be repaid at Lancaster, They were gladly received.* My heart became easy. The next day, in company with the late Colonel Febiger and the present General Nichols, and some other gentlemen, we procured a light return wagon which gave us a cast as far as Princeton, Here "we had the pleasure of conversing with Dr. With- erspoon, who was the first that informed us of a reso- lution of congress to augment the army. It gave u pleasure, as we had devoted ourselves individually, tc the service of our country. The next day, if not in- correct, we proceeded on foot, no carriage of any kind being procurable. Night brought us up at a farm-house somewhere near Bristol, The owner was one of us^ that is, a genuine whig. He requested us to tarry all night, which we declined. He presented us a supper that was gratefully received. Hearing our story, he was much affected. We then tried to prevail on him to take us to Philadelphia in his light wagon. It was objected that it stood loaded with hay in the barn floor ; his sons were asleep or abroad. We removed these objections by unloading the hay while this good citizen prepared the ' Who do you think this was ? Why Stephen Lutz, of Lancaster — poor" but industrious. I have thanked him a thousand times since, and have had the pleasure of obliging him. — Henry. IG 1 82 Campaign against ^ebec, ^775- horses. Mounting, we arrived at the Harp and Crown about two o'clock in the morning. To us it was most agreeable that we passed through the streets of Philadel- phia in the night time, as our clothing was not only threadbare but shabby. Here we had friends and funds. A gentleman advanced me a sum sufficient to enable me to exchange my leggins and moccasins, for a pair of stockings and shoes, and to bear my expenses home. A day and a half brought me to the arms of my beloved parents. At Philadelphia, I waited upon a cousin of my mother's, Mr. Owen Biddle, then a member of the council of safety, who informed me that while in captivity, he had procured me a lieutenancy. My heart was otherwise engaged. Morgan the hero ! had promised and obtained forme, a captaincy in the Virginia line. Following the fortunes of that bold and judicious commander, my name might have been emblazoned in the rolls of patriotic fame. But alas ! in the course of eight weeks after my return from captivity, a slight cold, caught when skating on the ice of the Susquehanna, or in pursuing the wild- turkey among the Kittatinny hills, put an end to all my visionary schemes of ambition. This cause renewed that abominable disorder, the scurvy (which I had sup- posed was expelled from my system), accompanied by every morbid symptom, which had been so often observed at Quebec, attendant upon others. The medical men of all classes, being engaged in the army, that species of assistance was unattainable, in the degree requisite; lameness, as you now observe it, was the consequence. Would to God ! my extreme sufferings had then ended a life, which since has been a tissue of labor, pain, and misery. The End. APPENDIX. The following letters written from Canada respecting the Invasion of that Province by Arnold and Mont- gomery, are taken from the Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser^ Jan. 3, 1776. Extract of a Letter from an officer under Col. Arnold, dated at Point aux Tremble [in Canada), No'v. 21, 1 775. '' The last letter I wrote you was from thd Dead river, Oct. 24, which 'tis probable you have never received. At that time our difficulties seemed to increase. We had a very rapid river to encounter with our boats, and a thick wilderness for those that marched by land ; many places, some miles in length, of cedar swamp, hills, etc., but all these were tolerable while pur provisions were plenty. At the head of Chaudiere lake, which is an hun- dred and some miles from the Canadian settlements, every man received his allowance of flour, and there was exactly four pints to each. Meat there was none. Upon this small supply we were obliged to push as we valued our lives, and did not know but we should have a powerful army to encounter. Then I first experienced the real advantage of health, being able to keep pace with the foremost, and reached the inhabitants, though in a very weak, half starved condition. Some dogs that had followed us were killed and eat, even the intestines, skin, etc. Many eat their shoes, 1 shot pouches, etc., and some never reached the settlements ; I believe no ' men ever went through more or greater hardships. Col. Enos, who com- . manded the fourth or last division of our little army, called a council o* war at his entrance into the Dead river, and he with his whole party, cor- , sisting of three companies, returned back; this first caused our distress, a^ chief of our provision was in the rear under his care. From the last Eng- lish inhabitants in the province of Maine, to the Canadian settlements, we were thirty-two days m.nrching, and never saw any human being but those of our party, neither do I think it was ever passed, except by Indians and wild beasts. We were at least one month too late for this northern cli- mate, as we suffered much from rains, cold, snow, etc., but our joy upon our arrival among the Canadians is inexpressible, and their kindness and hospitality soon made amends for all our fatigue, though I am sensible it will never be forgotten. From the first inhabitants up Chaudiere river, to Quebec, is called ninety miles. We were not permitted to tarry at any place, but marched on as fast as our strength would permit to Point Levi, 184 Appendix. which is on the river St. Lawrence directly opposite to Ouebec, where we found a number of armed vessels, from whom we weie irequenlly compli- mented with salutes of their cannon. '" The country we last passed through was very thick settled, though every where you see marks of oppression. The people are poor and illiterate and appear to have no other end in view than keeping their souls and bodies together, and preparing for the next world, being e.vceedingly devout. We tarried at Point Levi near a week, during which time we were busy in pre- paring to cross the river, being obliged to purchase birch canoes twenty miles distant and carry them by land, the regulars at Quebec having burnt all near them as soon as they heard of our coming. The men of war lay in such a manner as they supposed would prevent our attempt, but on Monday the 13th inst., every thing was ready for our embarkation, and at nme o'clock in the evening, being very dark, the first division set off, and we passed between the Hunter of fourteen guns and Quebec, and landed safely at Point de Pezo. The boats were immediately sent back and con- tinued passing till near daybreak, while the men on this side marched up the hill, at the same place the immortal Wolfe formerly did, and imme- diately formed. The place we marched up is called Wolfe's Cove, and were you to see. the hill, you would think it morally impossible for any thing mortal to get heavy artillery up it. I forgot to inform you that Wolfe had intrenched himself very strongly at Point Levi, the remains of which are very evident, though defaced and much filled up. Near day- break the guard boat belonging to the man of war was passing from the Hunter to the Lizard, a frigate of twenty-eight guns, at the time some of our boats were crossing, which made us uneasy, and as the guard boat came near the shore we hailed her, and then fired upon her, and could distinctly hear them cry out they were wounded ; they pushed off, and the whole garrison was immediately alarmed. After waiting some little time till all our men were over (except a guard stationed at Point Levi), we marched across the plains of Abraham, and at daybreak took possession of some houses, one mile and an half from Quebec ; after fixing a strong guard we retired, but were alarmed by their seizing one of our sentinels, whom they carried off Our army was immediately marched off towards the walls. They fired some heavy shot at us, but without any execution; and our men as usual at Cambridge, picked up a number of them, gave them three hearty cheers and retired to their quarters. On Tuesday they made an attempt for a second sentinel, but were unsuccessful. Our little army im- mediately turned out, and we took possession of a nunnery in the suburbs within point blank shot, and fixed a strong guard there; they kept up a pretty heavy fire, but fortunately no person received the least injury. We had now in a great measure cut off all communications between the city and country, and I believe they began to feel we were not the most agreea- ble neighbors. On Wednesday we had two alarms and expected they would have turned out and ventured a battle, but it vanished with the roaring of their cannon. On Thursday evening, as a party were crossing St. Charles river (for Quebec stands on a point between St. Lawrence and St. Charles), one of our men, a Pennsylvanian, and a noble soldier was wounded by a cannon ball in the leg, which was cut off a^^soon as possible, but he had lost Appendix. 185 so much blood before the doctor could see him that he expired next morning. We buried him on the plains of Abraham. A noble grave for a soldier, and which his past conduct, since he has been in this department, really merited. Little or nothing material passed on Saturday. On Sunday evening, about seven o'clock, every man received orders to parade at Head Quarters at three o'clock in the morning, with his pack on his back. The boats were dispatched across the river and our guard brought from Point Levi. At the appointed hour we assembled and received orders to retreat. We set off, and in our march passed three different armed vessels, and as the road is on the shore we expected at least a broadside, ■ ut they passed us in peace, and upon their arrival at Quebec, we heard the discharge of a number of cannon, from which we concluded Carleton was on board one of them, or that 'twas for joy of our raising the seige. We marched eight leagues that day, and the colonel found it absolutely necessary to halt here, till he could provide the men with shoes or moccasins, many of them being almost barefoot ; it was the first time I ever wore moccasins on a march, and I assure you from the roughness of the road (it being very hard) I could not, in my opinion, if my life had depended upon it, have marched ten miles next day. It has ever been our fortune from first marching from Cambridge, whenever we were much depressed, fatigued, etc., to hear some agreeable news that would immecffately invigorate us, and enable us to proceed with tolera- ble cheerfulness. At this place we heard the agreeable news of Montreal being in our possession, that Governor Carleton made his escape in a birch canoe, and that he was actually in the ship that passed by here yesterday. In short everything once more seems to conspire in our favor. Gen. Montgomery is on his march for Quebec, and we halt here till he comes up, when we shall return to Quebec again, though whether it will be in our possession this winter or not is uncertain. We hear they are driving in all the cattle, etc., which will enable them to stand a long seige. In this part of the world 'tis time for men to think of winter quarters rather than attacking fortified towns; however we are y4mericans and American so/Jiers. I have not an objection to visiting the plains of Abraham once more, and 'tis probable shall have good quarters even in Quebec ; at any rate I go with pleasure and sincerely believe every man in our army would rather return and is only sorry that our situation rendered it impossible for us to stay longer before Quebec. Our commander is a gentleman worthy the trust reposed in him ; a man, I believe, of invincible courage ; a man of great prudence ; ever serene ; he defies the greatest danger to affect him, or diffi- culties to alter his temper; in fine you will ever see him the intrepid hero, and the unruffled Christian. " Thus have I endeavored to give you a short sketch of our past and present situation; I could wish my abilities could have placed it in a more correct light before you ; in my present abode it was entirely out of my power, and it was not a little time before I could procure even thus much paper, which is the leaf of a book, a gentleman had for his journal. In better times expect better fare. Quebec, as I mentioned, stands upon a point, between St. Lawrence and St. Charles rivers, the latter not navigable, except for ferry boats, it consists of the upper and lower town, the latter is immediately on the point or water's edge, and consists of a large number of 1 86 Appendix. houses built thick ; the upper town is upon the hill, which is prodigiously high; the town is surrounded on the country part by a wail, from twenty- five to thirty feet high; there are, I think, three gates (though I am not certain), St. John's, Port Lewis, and St. Roque's. On each side the river St. Lawrence, from Quebec to Point aux Tremble (our present camp), the hills, or rather banks, are very high, not much less in general than fifty felt; many places close upon the river ; in some places there is a rich piece. of level meadow, perhaps the distance of half a mile from the bank to the river. The whole from here to 2'^^^'^^, is thickly inhabited, which I am informed is the case to Montreal. The houses are many of them genteel, rather than otherwise, though in general the inhabitants live very low, and in their dress, manners, stoves, etc., exactly resemble our Germans. Since I left Newbury Port till our march last Sunday, I do not recollect that I have seen an oak tree; I venture to say 1 have not. In the province of Maine, such part as we came through and Canada, has abounded chiefly with evergreens, such as fir, hemlock, spruce, cedar, pine, birch, maple, etc.; last Sunday I was happy in seeing a few oaks and an apple orchard. The inhabitants few or none speak English. How long we may stay here is uncertain — till-our reinforcement arrives, 'tis probable, unless they should venture to attack us from Q^sti^'^- ^^ '' ^^ "^ ^'^^ ^ ^'^ content, and can remove from place to place with as much resignation as almost any one, having been taught by this campaign to consider no place as my home for more than an hour or a day." Extract of a letter from a •volunteer ivith Col. Arnold to his friend in this city, dated Point aux Tremble, 2i miles from Quebec, No'vember t.!, ifj^. " We arrived before Quebec the 15th inst., after a severe march of about 600 miles ; when we left Cambridge we were eleven hundred strong ; about halfway Colonel Enos got frightened, and with three companies, and the sick, which together was about one-half of our number, and the greatest part of the provision, f;/rne(/ ^ac/^ .' May shame and guilt go with him, and wherever he seeks a shelter may the hand of justice shut the door against him; perhaps I have said too much, but a man that has suffered by him, can hardly refrain speaking. We were about two months on our march, thirty-two days of which we did not see a house, and at short allowance, six days of which we were at half a pound of pork and half a pound of flour per man a day, after which for four days we had only half a pound of flour per day, our pork being gone; two days of which we lost ourselves, marched forty miles, and were but ten miles on our way; our whole stores was then divided, and it was about four pints of flour per man ; a small allowance for men near one hundred miles from any habitation, or prospect of a supply. After having traveled fifty or sixty miles on this scanty allow- ance we came to a river, which we were told was only eight miles from the inhabited parts, here I sat down, baked and eat my last morsel of bread; but, think what was my distress, when I found, after crossing the river, that I had thirty miles to travel before I could expect the least mouthful ; however my dread was soon removed by the return of Col. Arnold, who, with a small party had made a forced march, and returned to us with some cattle he had purchased of the inhabitants ; on these we made a voracious meal, and renewed our march with new courage to Point Levi — from Appendix. 187 thence we were transported in birch canoes to the plains of Abraham, and from thence retreated to this place to wait for Gen. Montgomery, who, we are told, by express this day, will be with us soon." Extract of a Letter from Point aux Tremble, dated Dec. I, 1775. "An incessant hurry of business since my arrival in Canada, has deprived me of the pleasure of writing before. This serves to give you a short sketch of our tour, the fatigue and hazard of which is beyond description ; a future day may possibly present you with the particulars. The 15th Sept. left Cambridge, same night arrived at Newburyport 1 8th embarked and sailed; 19th thick weather and a gale of wind, which divided the fleet ; 20th ar- rived in Kennebec river, 2.1st reached Fort Western ; 25th to 29th one division marched off each day, with forty-five days provisions; from 29th to the 8th Oct. the whole d*>tachment were daily up to their waists in water, hauling up the batteaux against the rapid stream, to Norridgewock, fifty miles from Fort Western; from the 9th to the i6th not a minute was lost in gaining the Dead river about fifty miles ; from i 6th to 27th we ascended to Lake Me^antic or Chaudiere pond, distance eighty-three milis ; 28th Col. Arnold embarked with seventeen men in five b:teaux, being resolved to proceed on to the French inhabitants, and send back provisions to the detacr.ment, who are near out, and must inevitably suffer without a supply; at ten we passed over the lake thirteen miles long and entered the Chaudiere river, which we descended about ten m'les in two hours, amazingly rocky, rapid and dangerous, when we had the misfortune of oversetting and staving three bateaux and lost all their baggage, provisions, etc., and with difficulty saved the men This disaster, though unfortunate at first view we must think a very happy circumstance to the whole, and kind interposition of providence, for had we proceeded half a mile further, we must have gone over a prodigious fall which we were not apprised of, and all inevitably perished ; here we divided the little provisions left, and Col. Arnold pro- ceeded on with two bateaux and five men with all possible expedition, and on the 30th at night, he arrived at the first inhabitants, upwards of eighty miles from the lake, where he was kindly received, and the next morning early sent off a supply of fresh provisions to the rear detachment by the Canadians and savages, about forty of the latter having joined us ; by the 8th the whole arrived except two or three left behind sick ; the loth we reached Point Levi, seventy-five miles from Sartigan (the first inhabitants), waited until the i 3th for the rear to come up and employed the carpenters in making ladders and collecting canoes, those on Point Levi being all destroyed to prevent our crossing ; having collected about thirty we em- barked at nine p. m. and at four a. m. carried over at several times five hundred men without being discovered. Thus in about eight weeks we completed a march of near six hundred miles not to be paralleled in history ; the men having with the greatest fortitude; and perseverance hauled their bateaux up rapid streams, being obliged to wade almost the whole way, near one hundred and eighty miles, carried them on their shoulders near forty miles over hills, swamps and bogs almost impenetrable, and to their knees in mire, being often obliged to cross three or four times with their baggage. Short of provisions, part of the detachment disheartened and gone back; famine I 8 8 Appendix. staring us in the face and an enemy's country, and uncertainty ahead ; not- withstanding all these obstacles the otficers end men inspired and tired with the love of liberty and their country, pushed on with a fortitude superior to every obstacle. Most of them had not one day's provision for a week. Thus I have given you a short, but imperfect sketch of our march. The night we crossed the St. Lawrence, found it impossible to get our ladders over, and the enemy being apprised of our coming we found it impracticable to attack them without too great a risk ; we therefore invested the town and cutofftheir communication with the country. We continued in this situation until the 20th, having often attempted to draw out the garrison in vain ; on a strict scrutiny into our ammunition found many of our cartridges (which to appearance were good) unserviceable, and not ten rounds apiece for the men who were almost naked, barefooted and much fatigued, and as the garrison was daily increasing and near double our number, we thought it prudent to retire to this place and wait the arrival of General Montgomery with artillery, clothing, etc., who to our great joy this morning joined us. We propose immediately investintr the town, and make no doubt in a few days to bring Carleton to terms." Camp before !^^ebec, near the General Hospital, Dec. 6. "I wrote you the 2ist ult. which I make no doubt you have received. I then gave you some particulars of our march, proceedings, etc., since which Gen. Montgomery has joined us with artillery, and about 3000 men ; and yesterday we arrived here from Point aux Tremble, and are making preparation to attack the enemy, who are in close garrison, but cannot hold out long, as from the best account they are very much divided amongst themselves, and a prodigious panic has seized them all. Carleton, we are told, is determined to hold out to the very last, as his only hope, for he can expect nothing but punishment from the ministry, whom he has most egregiously deceived, in regard to the inhabitants of this country. All his friends, or rather his courtiers, say, he could not have taken more ef- fectual measures than he has, to ruin the ccuntry. " The 22d ult. he issued a most extraordinary proclamation, strictly order- ing all who refuse to take up arms and defend the garrison, to depart the town and district within four days, with their wives and children, under pain of being treated as rebels or spies. In consequence of which a great number of the prin'cipal inhabitants came out with their families, but were obliged to leave all their property behind, except some wearing apparel, and a little household furniture, etc. I inclose you a copy of the proclamation. Among the corps who came with Gen. Montgomery, is your worthy friend Captain Lamb, whom I had the pleasure of seeing a few days ago at Point aux Tremble. Our men are in high spirits, being now well clothed with the regimentals destined for the 7th and 26th regiments, who were taken prisoners at St. John's. This is a circumstance which, I believe, the like never before happened to British troops, as two regiments of them to be made prisoners at one time. Providence smiles on us in a most remark- able manner. The Canadians say, ' Surely God is with his people, or they could never have done what they have done.' They are all astonished at our march through the wilderness which they say was impossible, and Appendix. 189 would not believe our coming, until they had ocular demonstration ot it. We are at a great loss for intelligence from the army at Cambridge and other quarters, having had no certain accounts of their movements, nor the least syllable of nesvs since we left Newbury. I am astonished a regular communication has not been opened between Montreal and the colonies, hope you will pay a little attention publicly to it, more especially as there are some scoundrels who, with impunity, open the letters directed to the officers in our army, and I suppose they continue the like infamous practice with the letters which are sent to our friends and acquaintance. The general is now absent sending ofi an express, by whom I send this. I hope the next time I write you, it will be from guebec, for if the insulting foe does not surrender shortly, I believe it is the general's intention to carry the town by storm." ROLL OF CAPT. MATTHEW SMITH'S COMPANY. On leaving Paxtang this company mustered eighty-seven (^7) men. Of this number notwithstanding our researches the names of only fifty-one (51 ) can be ascertained with certainty. No papers of Smith, Steel, Simpson or Cross, are known to exist. Of Capt. Hendricks's company raised near the same locality, on the west side of the Susquehanna, scarcely a dozen names have been rescued from oblivion. Both companies were of the flower of the country, brave, ardent and patriotic — and nowise daunted by the sufferings of the Arnold campaign — of those who returned nearly all returned to the service : C.'iPTAIN. Matthew Smith, Paxtang. 1ST Lieutenant. Archibald Steel, Donegal. 2D Lieutenant. Michael Simpson, Paxtang, commanded in the assault. 3D Lieutenant. William Cross, Hanover Sergeants. Boyd, Thomas, Derrj-, subsequently Capt. -Lieut, ist Pa. Cunningham, Robert, Londonderry, d. at Lancaster, of disease contracted in prison, soon after. Dixon, Robert, killed in front of Quebec, Nov. 17, 1775. Belonged to West Hanover. Privates. Ayres, John, Upper Paxtang. Binnagle, Curtis, Londonderry. Bollinger, Emanuel, Paxtang. Black, James, Hanover. Black, John, Upper Paxtang. 1 90 • Appendix. Cavenaugh, Edward, resided in York county, subsequently, " Honest Ned " of Judge Henry. Carbach, Peter, Paxtang. After return enlisted in Capt. John Paul Schott's Co., March 12, 1777, Discharged at Lancaster, in 1783. Re- sided in Dearborn Co., Ind., in 1830. Connor, Timothy, Bethel. Crouch, James, Paxtang ; afterwards a colonel. Cochran, Samuel, Paxtang; afterwards captain of the militia, 1781. Crow, Henry, died in Derry. Dougherty, James, Londonderry, captured at Quebec and put in irons eight weeks. Subsequently enlisted 12th Pa. Dixon, Richard, Dixon's Ford. Dean, Samuel, served one year, then appointed Lieut, in Col. Harts' regiment. Flying camp. Subsequently ist Lieut, nth Pa. Egle, Adam, Lebanon; wagon-master at Cambridge, Col. Thompson's regiment. Elder, John, Paxtang. Feely, Timothy, Dixon's Ford. Griffith, John, Harris's Ferry. Harris, David, Harris's Ferry; subsequently Capt. Pa. Line. Harris, John, Harris's Ferry ; killed at Quebec. Henry, John Joseph, Lancaster. Kennedy, John, Hanover. Marshall, Laurence, Hanover. M'Granagan, Charles, Londonderry. Merchant, George, Donegal. M'Enally, Henry, Londonderry. M'Konkey, John, Hanover. Mellen, Atchison, Paxtang; resided in Lycoming county in 18 1 3. Nelson [Nilson], Alexander, Derry; killed in front of Quebec, Jan. I, 1776. Old, James, Derry. Porterfield, Charles, Hanover. Ryan, John, Derry. Simpson, 'William, Paxtang; wounded August 27, 1775; brother of Michael Simpson. Sparrow, William, Derry. Shaeffer, John (drummer) ; resided in Lancaster in 1809. Smith, Samuel, Paxtang. Taylor, Henry, Paxtang; captured Dec. 31, 1773, returned Nov. 10, 1776. Todd [Tidd] John, Hanover. Teeder, Michael, Hanover; subsequently enlisted 5th Pa. Warner, James ; died in the wilderness near Chaudiere lake. — Henry, P- '98- Waun, Michael, Derry ; died at the crossing of the Chaudiere. Weaver, Martin, Upper Paxtang. Weirick, Valentine, Hanover; resided in Dauphin Co., 18 13. Wheeler, [uncertain] from Paxtang. — Letter from Dr. IV. H. Egle. INDEX. Abenakis, 74. Abraham, plains of, 82, 184, 187. Acorns as food, 21. Advance party, I 3. Age of Reason, 120. Agry's point, I 3. Alc'ibiades fought in the ranks, 119. Allen, Ethan, voyage to England, 120. American Archives, 2. Ammeguntick pond, 2. Ammunition bad and scanty, 188 ; economy of, 51. Am well, historian, 86. Anderson, John F., letter from, 49. Appendix, 183. Arms of the forces, 11 Army, pioneers return to, 46 ; re- treat of, 165. Arnold characterized, 12; heads forlorn hope, 107 5 wounded, 109 ; his vanity before Quebec, 85, 86 ; letter from, 133 ; re- turn of, 186; to penetrate into Canada, i ; instructions to, 2. Arnold's falls, 35. Arrow and spear heads, place of manufacture, 18. Aston, Joseph, 117; major, 146, 147, 149- Atlee, Col. Samuel, I2Z Ayres, capt., pioneer, 49. Ayres, John, 189. Baily, John, col., 63. Baldwin, Loammi, col., 63. Balsam fir, 25, 26. Bateaux lost, 187; relics of found, 49; repaired, 19 j taken, 13; account of, i 3. Bears not seen, 45. Beaver tails for food, 21. Biddle, Owen, 182. Bigelow, major, 68, 60. Bingham purchase, 22. Binnagle, Curtis, 189. Black, James, 189; John, 189. Blair, John, escape of, 177. Bleary, its consistence defined, 65 Block house, i 30. Boats lost in the Chaudiere, 68 ; re- moved from Point Levi, 81. •^og meadows, 24, 25. Bollinger, Emanuel, 189. Bombazee falls, 85. Bonnet rouge, 103. Boyd, Thomas. 14, 24, 37, 40, 45 46, 128, 147, 164, 175, 189; his fate, 1 16, 1 17. Braddocke's expedition, iv. Brewer, J. col., 60. Bridge, col., 60. Bristol, 181. Brown, It. col., 60. Buckmaster, lieur., testimony of, 61. Bunker's hill, 47. Burr, Aaron, soldier in the army, 72. Cadaracgua, or St. Lawrence, 176. Caldwell, lt.gov., his house, 83,86. Cambridge, army encamped at, I ; head quarters at, 60 ; march to commence from, 3, 6 ; march from, 185, 186, 187. Campbell, col., retreat of, no, 128, 131. Campbell, Thos., 117, I18. Canada winter, 102; balsam, 26; the first house reached, 72. Canadian houses, 76; fare, 78; hospitality, 78 ; settlements, 183. igi Index. Canadians encourage invasion, i ; to be protected from insult and injury, 2 ; their real sentiments to be discovered, 3. Canoe snagged, 39 ; how repaired, 40. Canoes, as constructed by the Indians, 27, 28 ; bark, purchas- ed, 184, 187; birch bark, their burden and how managed, 15 j constructed, 187. Cape Diamond, 170, 172 ; described, 129. Carbach, Peter, 190. Carleton, an Irishman, 85; arrival at Quebec, 91, 185 ; his orders, 188; releases Natanis, 75; generosity of, 134, 135; mild- ness of his reign, 146 5 his ac- count of loss, 1 1 3 ; his humanity, 114, 115; to be diverted from St. Johns, I. Cartridges, commerce in, 152. Carratunk falls, 35. Carrying place, first, 16 j others, I. Cataract in the Chuudiere, 69. Cattle sent to the rescue, 72. Cavanaugh, Edward, 55, 136, 137, 138, 190. Cedar-root cordage, 40 ; swamp. Centennial relic, 35, 36. Chamberlaine, disobeys orders, 50. Chambers, col. Stephen, viii, xiii. Chatham's son to be treated with respect, 4. Chaudiere, definition of, 67 ; lake, described, 36; head of, 183, 187 ; river, distance of, 183 ; navigation dangerous, 58 ; head of, 2; arrival at, 35, 36; source discovered, 7. Cheeseman, killed, 131, 134; coffin of, 170. Cheshire cheese, 175. Clap, Ebeneser, It. col., 63. Clark, Joel, It. col., 63. Cleveland, It. col., 60. Clifton, James, 14; angler, 23; deserted, 48. Clothing furnished by Montgomery, 102 J received, 188. Coats furnished by Montgomery, 141. Cochran, Samuel, 190. Colborn's ship yard, 13. Colburn, Andrew, major, 63. Conibas Indians, 19. Connecticut volunteers, 11. Connor, Timothy, 136, 190. Cooper, lieut., killed, 112. Coppermine river, 15. Cornplanter, the Seneca, 169. Costume of the companies, 11. Craig, Mr., 102. Crawford, col., 117. Cromie, lieut. gov., 95 ; his country residence, 96 ; the house rifled, 97; his farm house sacked, 98. Crone, Henry, 141, 142. Cross, It. William, 133, 189. Crouch, James, 11, 19c. Crow, Henry, 190. Cunningham, Robert, 14, 35, 37, 38, 47, "7, 189, 128, 147. Cushnoc, 16. Dauphin jail, 139, 143, 144; its imbecility, 145, 148. Dead-house, 135, 136. Dead river, 183, 1875 its course, 22 J encampment on, 24; head of, 33; army reaches, 49 j name misapplied, 29 ; return to 44. Dean, Samuel, 190. Dearborn, capt,, 675 gen., 11. Death from repletion, 74. Deer, habits of, 16. Demosthenes fought in the ranks, 119. Derry, soldiers from, II DeVerney, Hugh, iii. Dinner, mode of preparing, 92 ; mode of serving, 92. Disastrous pass, 66. Discipline to be enforced, 3. Index. ^n Dixon, amiable, Robert, 53, 55, 115, 116 j wounded, 88 died, 89 ; first oblation on the altar of liberty in Quebec, 90 ; killed, 189. Dixon, Richard, 11, 190. Doe Run, iii. Dog broth, 71. Dogs eaten, 183. Dougherty, James, 52, 190. Drake's Biog. Dictionary, 47. Duck shot, 37 ; divided, 38. Durkee, major, 59. Egle, Adam, 190; Dr. W. H., 190. Elder, John, 190; Rev. Mr., 134. Elizabethtown point, 180. Elk, 16. Emigrant corps, 136. Endesly, capt., 115. Enos, second in command, 10 ; his desertion known, 7, 59, 132, 183, 186; trial of, 59 5 proceedings of court martial, 60; acquitted, 61; his address to the public, 59 ; exults over Dr. Smith, 63. Enlistments declined, 106. Escape, planned by prisoners, 147, 153 ; frustrated, 156. Evergreens, abundance of 186. Exchange of prisoners announced, 169. Expedition marched, 12 j took different routes, note 12 ; object and force of, 10, 13. Famine, death from, 66. Fatigue of the march, 187. Febiger, Christian, 12, 181; sketch of, 47 ; reconnoiters the city, 85-. . Feely, Timothy, 190. Fighting cock tavern, 178. Fir branches, bed on, 62. First inhabitants reached, 187. Fisdle, lieut., wounded, 112. Flagstaff village, 35. 17 Flint rock wrought by Indians, 18. Force, Peter, 2. Forest, change of growth, 49. Fort Halifax, arrival at, 16. Fort Western, 15, 187; arrival at. Fortress, attack on ordered, 104. Fowls, how managed, 93. Fox, migrations of, 17. Franklin, his discovery of electricity, 144. French spy, 87, 89. Freshet impedes the march, 52. Frost, effect of on the dead, 136. Frozen limbs, effect of, 104. Game, scarcity of, 42. Gardiner, Hanson's history of, 13. Garrison alarmed, 184. Gaspy point, 176. Gelelemend, v. Getchel, 40, 41, 45; Jeremiah, guide, 15, 18 j at fault, 22; ingenious construction of, 26. Gibson, Dr. Thos., captured, 112^ escape of, 177 ; died 117. Gibson, gen., at Logstown, 21. Gibson, George, vi. Gibson, John vi. Gibson, John Bannister, vi. Gluttony, death from, 65. Gordon, historian, 86. Governor's island, 176. Greaton, col., 60. Greene, brig, gen., 59 ; characterized, 12. Greene's division, provisioned, 60, 61. Green's brigade, 6, 10. Grier, Mrs., her endurance, 66, 67. Griffith, John, 190. Guard house, 99. Gun barrel found, 35. Hamilton, /\. B., 11. Hamilton, James, iv. Hand, general, 14. Han-jost, 117. Harp and Crown, tavern, 182. 194 Index. Harris, Biog. Hist. Lancaster, 14. Harris, David, 190. Harris, John, 11, 190. Harrisburgh, founder of, 11. Harrison, capt., 16. Harville, Sheppard, 25. Hayden, Josiah, major, 63. Hearne's Journey, 15. Heath, lieut., 57. Heath, brig. gen. Wm., 59, 63. Height of land, 2 J discovered, 35; arrival at, 58. Hendricks, capt. Wm., vii, 11 ; characterized, 12; superseded by Morgan, 50, 57 ; at the attack, no, iii; killed, iii, 135; sketch of, III; grave of, 170; his company, 189. Henry, Anne, v. Henry, Anne Mary, x. Henry, John, vi. Henry, John Joseph, 11, 190; memoir of, iii, xi; his nar- rative, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; pioneer, 190; as first lieut., 147. Henry, Benj. West, x. Henry, William, iii, iv, xi. Hide, lieut,, testimony of 61. Hitchcock, Daniel, col., 63. Home, John, guide, 15. Hospital, sick in, 152. Howe, general, 177. Hubbard, capt., wounded, 112. Hubley, John, xiii. Huguenots, iii. Humphreys, lieut., 58 ; at the attack, no, in; killed, 112, 135 J grave of, 170. Hunter, sloop of war, 89 ; vessel, 184. Hunter's falls, 129. Imprisonment, pains of, 166. Indian bread, 62 ; file, 64; imple- ments of birch, 27. Indians encourage invasion, I j first employed by Am. army, 75. Inhabitants devout, 284 ; fly from war, 87. Invaders clad in sheet iron, 11. Invasion, letters respecting, 183. Irons applied to prisoners, 159; struck oflT, 166. Isle of Orleans, 133. Jail, its structure, etc., 148. Jenner, Dr., his discovery, 144. Jerking flesh, how performed, 44. Johnson, major, 60. Journals of the expedition, 6. Kennebec river, i, 3, 187 ; navigable for sloops, etc., I ; arrival at, 13; carry on, 49. Kennedy, John, 190. Killed at Quebec, number of, 113. Killikin'ck in tobacco, 169. King's store to be secured, 4. Koquethaquehton, v. Ladders constructed, 187, 188. Lake Megantic, 187. Lamb, captain, 100 ; arrival of, 188; wounded, 112. Lamb's artillerists, 146. Lancaster, Penn., iii; volunteers, II. Law reports, viii. Laws, captain, 112. Leather as food, 72. Lee, Charles, maj. gen., pres. court martial, 59. Livingston's regiment, 103. Lizzard frigate, 184. Lobscouse, 140, 143. Log driving, 35. Logan, Mengwe chief, vi. Logstown, vi, 21. Long Island, battle of, 176. Losses by the war, 143. Lutz, Stephen, 181. Maclean, col., 85, 136. Maibom, major, 165. Maine wilderness, I ; last inhabit- ants, 183. Map of bark, 33. Marshall, Lawrence, 190. Marsh, It col., 60. Index, 195 Marshall's Diary, vii. Martin, Mr., his escape, 149, 151. Massachusetts, Hist. Soc. collections, 6 ; volunteers, 1 1, Maybin, doctor, 161, 166. M'Cleland, 65 ; account ot", 69 ; died, 75. McClure, Robert, 11. McCobb, capt., testimony of, 60. McCoy. Wm., to act as colonel, 142, 143, 147, 149. M'Dougal, col., 119, 122. M'Enally, Henry, 53, 190. McGranagan, Charles, 190. M'Kenzie, capt. 17SJ captured, 80,81. McKonkey, John, 15, 19, 23, 48, 49. 190- McPherson, killed, 131, 134; coffin of, 170. Mease, clothier general, 122. Meigs, major, iz\ his narrative, 6, Mellen, Atchison, 190. Melvin, his narrative, 6. Mengwe chief, vi. Merchant, George, 14, 42, 84, 190; sent to England, 120. Merchants, generous gift to prisoners, 128. Midshipman captured, 79. Moccasins provided, 185; failure of, 68} as food, 725 seal-skin, 94- Montgomery expected, 185, 187, 1885 arrived, 94; plan of at- tack, 106; killed, no; place of his death, 120, 134; loss of, 8 J funeral of, 134; coffin of, 170. Montreal taken, 185. Moose deer, appearance of, 16 : horns found, 20 ; favorite food of, 20 ; prefer red willow, 169 ; shot, 42. Moravians, iv, v. Morgan, Daniel, 10, 182; anecdote of, 50; his discipline, 51, 58 ; supersedes Hendricks, 57 ; Morgan at the attack, 110, iiij characterized, 12 ; described, 48 ; his riflemen, 49 : anecdote of,50 ; his discipline,5 1 ; super- sedes Hendricks, 57. Morgan's force thinned, 143. Moss bog, 46; plateaus of, 24, 25. Mount Bigelow, 35, 58. Murray, major, 157; his journal of the route to Quebec, 142. Narratives of the expedition, 6, 7. Natanis, 74, 169; wounded, 75; captured, 112; his cabin, 20, 31. 32- Natural history, systems of, 17. Nelson (Nilson) Alexander, 190; killed, I 34. Newburyport, 186, 187; inquiries to be made at, 3 ; expedition arrived at, i 3. New England Hist, and Gen. Regis- ter, 6. New Hampshire, volunteers from 11. New Years gift, 128. New York, arrival of prisoners at, 176 ; fire in, 178 Nichols, lieut., 56, 181 ; at the attack. III; captured, 112 115. Nixon, col., 59, 63. Norridgewock, i, 187 ; arrival at, 18, 19, 21. North Auson, Maine, 34. North's History of Augusta, 16, 22. North, James W., letter from, 49, 58. Oaks not seen, 186. Octorara meeting house, iii. Ogden, a Jersey cadet, 84, 109. Olds, James, 53, 190. Oracle of Reason, 120. Orleans, isle of, 133. Oswego falls, 53. Payne, Thomas, 122. Palace gate, loi, 102. Panic, effects of, 10 1. 196 Index. Parker, Michael, murdered, 1 17. Parole of prisoners, 170. Parsons, Samuel H , col., 63. Port Lewis, 186. Paxtang, 105, 189; massacre, v. Paxton volunteers, 11. Peasantry, comfortably housed, 95. Penn, Juliana, vii. Pennsylvania Hist. Soc. Bulletin, 6 ; immigrants to, iv ; Journal and Weekly Advertiser, 183. Pioneers return to the army, 46. Plato, song of, 56. Plunder prohibited, 3. Point aux Tremble, 90. 183, 186, 187, 188. Point de Pezo, 184. Point Levi, 35, 76, 183, 184, 186, 187. Poor, major, 60. Porpoises, 176. Porter, Wm. A., ix. Porterfield, Charles, 190; killed, 116. Powder, economy of, 50. Prentice, Samuel, major, 63. Prentis, captain, 129, 157, 165, 169,170; account of loss, 1 1 3. Prisoners, conspiracy among, 147; ironed, 158; embark, 175; to be treated with humanity, 4. Provision exhausted, 36, 183, 186; full value to be paid for, 4 ; how divided, 23 ; scanty, 29, 61 ; taken by pioneer force, 15 ; in prison, i 38. Quebec, Arnold to capture, i ; distance to, i ; capture of, the object of the expedition, 7 ; attacked, 107 ; described, 129 185; houses taken possession of, 184; its defences; 172; quietness of, 82. Rale, killed, 19. Rank not to be contended for, 4. Redbank, Greene at, 12. Red willow, 168. Reed, James, col., 63; Joseph, col., 60, 63. Reguliers, monastery, 124. 132. Reindeer, 20. Relics of the expedition, 34, 35. Religious notions to be respected, 4. Retreat ordered, 185, 187; time for lost, 112. Reynolds, Wm., 56. Rhode Island volunteers, ri ; Hist. Soc. Collections, 7. Rifle corps, precedence of, 51. Riflemen in the expedition, 10; re- turned to Quebec, 94; took up quarters, 99; share of pro- visions, 61. Roads, how constructed, 93 ; how opened in winter, 93. Roeser, Matthew, iv. Route, plan of, i. Roxbury, rifle company at, 6. Ryan, John, 190. Sabatis, 32, 74, 80. Sartigan, 187. Savages used by the army, 11. Scaling ladders deficient, 82. SchaefFer, John, 190. Schitt, capt. John Paul, 190. Schuyler, gen., consulted on the propriety of the expedition, i j to act in concert with, 4. Scott, capt., testimony of, 61. Screw auger, invention of, xi. Scurvy, xii ; appearance of, 161 ; its origin, 162; effects of, 164; recurrence of, 182; grass, 163. Sebasticook river, 16. Scnter, his narrative, 6. Sentries picked off, 100. Sergeant, col., 60. ShaefTer, John, drummer, 63. Shepard, Wm., It. col., 63. Sherburne, major, 59. Sherman, Isaac, major, 63. Shirts of linen provided, 167. Shitz, Francis, murder of, ix. Shoemakers among the pioneers, 147. Index. 197 Shoes eaten, 183. Simpson, Michael, 8, 11, 75 ; lieut., 189; sketch of, 30; gen., characteristics of, 51. Simpson, Wm., 190. Singleton, Serjeant, 105. Six Nations, 116. Skowhegan, 35. Skowhig falls, 35. Sleighing, 93. Slough, lieut., vi. Slush, sought for, 143. Small pox introduced by women, 107 5 inoculation for, 144. Smith, Aubrey H., x. Smith, Calvin, major, 63. Smith, Dr. of Philad., 63. Smith, Matthew, vii, 1 1 ; captain, . 75. 189. Smitli's company, 11 ; roll of, 189. Smith, col., sketch of, 105. Smith, Samuel, 190. Smith, Thomas, x. Snow, great depth o/, 137; effects of falling in, 114; utility of to vegetation, 164; shoes, 94. Snowed under, 63. Socrates fought in the ranks, 119. Soldiers wounded, 185. Sparrow, Wm , 190. Spears formed of berths, 146. Spoons, manufacture of, 140. Spring, parson, 109. Sprout, Ebenezer, major, 63. Squirrels, 42; habits of, 18. St. Charles river, 184. St. Foix, parish of, 94. St. Francis Indians, 4. St. John's gate, 145, 186; gate un- barred, 83. St. Johns, island of, 176; prisoners taken at, 188. St. Lawrence, its majesty, 91 j pass- age of, 184, 188. St. Roque, 171, 173, 174, 186. Standish, Miles, 58. Stark, John, col,, 59, 63. Steele, Archibald, 11, 76; sketch of, 14; lieut., 45, 189; his adventure, 81, 82, pioneer of the advance, 14, 68 ; alter- cation with Morgan, 50 ; at the attack, no, ill; wounded, 112; pioneer detachment of, 7. Steinbock, habits of, 17. Steward, Columbus, on the Arnold trail, 34. Stone, Edwin M., 7. Stony point, attack on, 47. Stove, Canadian, 92. Stroud blanket, 134. Sullivan, brig, gen., 60, 61, 62; his expedition, 116. Sumach, poisonous, 169. Swords made of hoop iron, 146. Taconick falls, i. Tailors among the prisoners, 147. Taylor, Henry, 190; John M., 68, 76. Tea abandoned, 89. Teeder, Michael, 190. Thayer, his narrative, 6, 7, 13. Thompson, gen. Wm., 175. Ticonic, how situated, 16. Tidd, John, 14, 52 (see Todd). Timber region, 25. Tobacco introduced, 168 ; its poison- ous effects, 168. Todd (Tidd), John, 190. Tory, definition of, 16, 18. Transports, sailed, 13. Trees of the forest, 186. Troops, arrival of, 165. Trout fishing, 23, 30, 31. Tudor, W., judge advocate, 59, 60. Tyler, John, It. col., 63. Vose, It. col., 60. Virginia, riflemen from, 11. Virginians affect superiority, 57. Volunteers, whence from, in. Ware's narrative, 6. Warner, James, 64, 190; perished 65. 198 Index. Warner, Mrs. Jemima, 65. Washington, letter to congress, I ; instructions to Arnold, 2 ; address to the people of Canada, 5 ; general order, 6. Waun, Michael, 190. Weaver, Martin, 190. Webb, Charles, col., 63. Weirich, Valentine, 190. Wells, Levi, major, 65. Wesson, James, It. col., 63. West Hanover, Pa., 90. Wheeler, Jesse, 14, 37, 43, 45, 82, 190. White Hall tavern, 178. White's ferry, 35. Wilderness, time passed in, 183. Williams, capt., testimony of, 60. Winsor, Justin, 6. Winter, the season of good humor, 100. Wolf, grey, 43. Wolf's cove, 82, 129, 184; place of landing, 184. Women that followed the army, 66. Wood, major, 60. Wounded, number of, 113, 114. Wyllys, Samuel, col., 63. York artillerists, 100. Yorktown, Febiger at, 47. <^^ %. .A^^ N ■^'^'^ A ,.^' •«. G^ A^ c ° ^ '^ « O C^ \ o , ■^ a"» r {3 ;^ «^ % .'^^- .V V^^' ^ -^-".<: A ^o ->^- V . "^ .^'-v -^ aV N,^^^ ,-r v> A'' V A '•! , "'^ ■N.^^' -'-^ <^ ' « -^ A * ,\ ' ri* ' "'''^' .^^ %. ?/. "'^^^^ .t^^ .^.« A-- -:, .■i-S. .yW/ 4^ <". r--- ..-^^ ." '■ 9-. ,-0' 1 V %/ < ..5' . %. -^ ^' ^^'^'^ <. 'a , X * .A '-iaujf-0 s. ' .'^V S' cP-, V^./--.«V f O V , *" .. '/ > '^ ,^^ .v^I.-^V^. ^ ^ J v^ >' ci-. ■-^ ,^\^ cO ,> * '^r. ,o^^'^■ .^^ s- .^^ A^ A^ '^o .$ ,0^ •r). ''/