PS 63E .29 C485 Copy 1 ?5 (bva$ety of Hramatic (re em V j^ true for i of the rtovel and the stage love he false love of eur age. ■iuli us *ejL4&s \ Tfje Tr^be;G)^ of Bfroi^ Jif\ w$ (ye em 3 t Jul o^sking of the novel and the stage, ^{ true love for the false love of our ace. lUS v -* N, s ^ J& ?*v 1? Copyright, 1891 By THE BANCROFT COMPANY All Rights Reserved TMP92-008834 PREFACE. In spite of protests from its Author, I undertake the task of placing this Dramatic Work before the public without resorting to those multitudinous accessories which could be supplied by the theatrical profession. And though the Author has beseeched me to desist from the attempt, my strong conceit has overpowered his feeble modesty. For some time past his frequent contemplation has been the destruction of this Drama, a conception morbid from its birth. But such destruction I contend would be no less than child-murder. " Still," he would say, when argued with from such a view, '" the child is so much morbidly deformed, that when it mingles with the world 'twill be the jest of some, the scorn of others, and the stern repugnance of the world at large." " 'Tis not your fault, though, that the child is so deformed," I would reply, "For was it not born so through the laws of Nature over which you could hold no control ? " " Yes," he would then assent, " but there are few who would admit that to be true, though I should picture 5 them the perfect form I fancied that the brat would have. But that is not a whole consideration of the trouble; for aside from its morbid deformity, it is a bastard child." " A satire on its mother is it not? " * * * * And by such arguments I have induced him to allow the introduction of my rhymes into the matter of his Drama. And now, the Author and Myself apologizing for each other's weaknesses, it is submitted to the test which is not feared, although predicted — the jests of some, the scorn of others, and the stern repugnance of the world at large. —JULIUS. REPROACH FULLY DEDICATED TO "MY FOSTER MOTHER" [SAN FRANCISCO] Blush, strumpet " Queen of the Pacific Slope" For while strumpets can blush there still is hope. Behind black Tamalpias sank the sun, And San Francisco's sky was crimson dun. Across the Bay, from Alameda's shore, The clouds seemed like a sea of muddy gore. One thousand female souls sank into Hell, Without the murmur of a funeral knell. " Nob Hill's" inhabitants could see their plight, — But closed their eyes to hide the awful sight: For Hell's "Dupont Street" touches "Nob Hill's" side; And yet a gulf between them lies, as wide As that which lay 'tween Lazarus and Dives ; But different, for here the rich man thrives. These thousand female souls wantoned in Hell : Five thousand men and youths beside them fell ; And ere the shrill-voiced bird announced the morn, None know how many souls in Hell were born. ! San Francisco, blush, if blush you can! For there is hope while still there is a man, Who feels he has an interest in your rule And blushes: — be he not a self-made fool. Through what power do these women grow so lewd. That they will sell to men their souls for food ? Or is it lack of power ? Ah, there 's the thought ! Had they the power, how many would have caught The hand which left her in this foul quick-mire! But when she fell, her lover — love's satire! We know the rest — she plunged into despair, Yet lived: — would life had ended there! Her lover, — let us use the satire still, — Continued in the ball-room ; there to fill Another's virgin breast with — what was it? In her chaste thoughts the lovely maid would sit, And wonder — well, again we know the rest: Both called themselves " in love," — neither digressed From what the purest novels of the day Picture as love ; the best theatres would play Upon the rising passions of the lovers — — And they are married — how much that word covers! What seek our lovers when, with passions high, They court each other for the marriage tie? Ah, many a parent, with the passion past, Has when too late, this simple question asked. Why hide the misery of such lives away? That there are many, none can well gain-say: But lovers, married, would not lead such lives, If schooled in love, wherein all pleasure thrives, By casting from the novel and the stage, For a true love, the false love of our age. THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS A DRAMATIC POEM Life's theater in darkness : from the stage : " Do you think Walton loves your mother more Than when he married her ten years ago ? " " Yes ; for he then had no true love for her." " What do you call the strong attraction which Was thought to be true love, but which was not ? " " A simple fascination which the charms Of social life excited ; nothing more. This fascination withered, and true love Was not formed till the fascination died." u It's time Society ceased to regard An amorous fascination as true love ! " " Dear Roger, we know what it is, I'm sure." " Yes Gladys, my sweet wife ! Shall we retire ? " " Yes : let us go to sleep and dream — " " That your dear mother, Margaret Kent, will live The errors of her life again ! " # * %. * ^ The suriligld of twelve backward yea?-s Bursts through the darkness, and then fades away. Strange noises fill Imaginations ears, 10 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS And Fancy s eyes are filled, while tempered day Reveals the (esthetic home of Margaret Kent. Her daughter, Gladys — eight years old — is bent With painful grace above a manuscript. Her emptied pen into the ink is dipped, When Roger Charlton enters — there 'tis left. " Oh, Mr. Charlton, don't tell anyone ! " She tries to hide her manuscript, And from her lips a kiss is sipped: — " Don't you tell anyone ! " The lips raised by the kiss then pout, — " Now you've seen everything ! " He fails to make her meaning out: — " I've seen your love ; that might be everything to me." " Oh, but you saw the letter I was writing, didn't you ? " She has assumed a frightened air, And Charlton gently strokes her hair: — " Gladys, if you were older, I should say, your manner gives yourself away ! Love-letter ! — Hey ? " " Ye-es." Reluctantly she gives it him : He with expectancy is grim : — u Should I find it for some one else, and some one else find it for me, we'd each put out the other's eyes ; 'fore either one could see if for him or the other you intended it to be." In confidence she lifts her face : — " I wanted you to have it, but — not yet." And lie removes each wrinkle's trace: " Then you intended it for me ! Sweetheart, won't we make love romantic ? Truly this (kisses her). We soil love's romance every time we kiss! — but can't you let me have the letter now ? " W-tth fearful sympathy she speaks : — THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS H " Oh, I've not written it to you ! " And he exaggerates Love's freaks : — 11 Horrors! My heart will burst with jealousy. You said it was for me to see— I thought of course it was for me! What! read it now ? Well, hardly. We will have no friendly rivalry." He takes his cloak and starts to go, But Gladys face beseeches, " No! " " Do wait a moment ! I want you to help me send it, please." 'Tis sport for him ; but pain for her :— " I help you send it to another ? You're a heartless sweet ! Then may I ask of you, ' Whom is it written to ? "' Deep in her breast convulsions stir : — " To my - papa." Charlton, frowning, drops his cloak : " Gladys, what do you know about your father, please? " And she replies in tones which choke : — " Only what dear mamma sobs in the night." " Tut ! tut ! " " Last night I woke up in the dark, and poor mamma was praying here. She didn't seem to know her voice and everything was very strange. It seemed so awful, too, when all was still. I couldn't speak a single word, and so I crept from bed and came and kissed her cheek. She didn't even notice me, but cried so hard that finally she went to sleep and left me standing there beside her in the dark till morning came. I never, never, can forget that night. So I have written him to come. Please read my letter ! Here it is." 12 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Charlton, ivith an effort, yawns, While this truth upon him datvns : — " My scheme is rotten if it does not hatch to-night ! " " It isn't very long because I can't write very well." {His eyes then try to follow where she moves her finger through the air.) " I told just how I dreamed of him, of what he looked like, and of what he was, and how I longed for him, and how I loved him as my dear papa. And then I told how lonely mamma was, and how she called for him at night, and told how happy we would be if he would come to us. I said that I thought / was worth his coming home to see ; and wondered why he didn't come . You see, I've been explaining as you read, so if you found a word you couldn't read, you would know what it was from hearing me tell you. I guess that he can read it, though." He asks her — staring vacantly at space, — " Do you know where to send it ? " And she replies, aioed by his solemn face, — " Yes, it's written on an envelope — the place mamma did used to send her letters. But a day or two ago I heard her say she hasn't written him for two years now. But I don't find it on the table — here ! it's fallen on the floor. Oh, Mr. Charlton, now what have you done ? " " I've spilled the ink, and it is streaked along your dress." :i And now mamma will ask how it was done, and I will have to tell her every single thing, when it was to have been my secret ! Oh, what shall I do ? " " Just tell her how I spilled the ink, directing a letter to a friend of mine." u Wouldn't that be a lie?" THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 13 At his stern answer Gladys' features seemed to freeze. " Yes, it would be a lie, for Robert Kent is not a friend of mine ! Have you another apron just like this ? " " Yes, I have three of them." 11 Then give me this, and I will have another made so near like it no one can tell the difference. It's not stained through on to your dress, and not a drop went on the carpet. Hurry, darling, get your apron off, and I'll address the letter while your gone." ( Gladys quickly leaves the room.) "Now let me see if I can streak another drop of ink ! (writes) ' Robert Kent, care of , Rio Janeiro, South America.' ( With the letter at arm's length.) Through you I will give God the means to thwart my schemes. (Gladys enters, having cast the Holland apron from her dress.) You've shed your chrysalis as it were ! Now sign your name, and I will mail the letter for you, dear. But let me take the apron, here." With painf id features Gladys signs ; And Charlton asks, for his designs, — " Let's see ! How shall I carry this ? " Gladys, every nerve confused, Grows excited : " Someone is coming, Mr. Charlton ! Quick ! " " Give me the letter and excuse me, please ! " He steps into a corner of the room. A woman is seen standing at the door : " Gladys, you dear, delicious, little sweet ! Is mamma in? — No salutation? well that is a cut ! — Still silent? Is your mamma in ? " 11 N-n-n-no ma'am ; she's not at home." 14 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " That's what we call ' a chestnut ' in society. No answer ? Well ! have I offended her ? — I'll ask you plainly, then, may I come in? — Mrs. Townsend coldly treated at the door of Margaret Kent ! I shall at least demand an explanation, hence I must come in. (Enters.) Oh, Roger Charlton ! are you here ? " He glances at himself from neck to foot : — " Yes, and (his hand to Mrs. Toionsend's mouth is put) to-day I'll let them know that Robert Kent will die by my own hand if Margaret refuses to become divorced." She points at Gladys in alarm : — 11 Is it suspected I am in with you ? " For both have planned to do Kent harm: — k ' Oh no, but don't be friendly, or you will be off your guard." Miss Longstaffe enters, — Margaret's chaperon, Her presence Mrs. T assumes unknoxvn : " Only a thief without intelligence would do what you have evidently tried to do." And Mrs. Townsend looks at Charlton, Who attempts to hide the apron : Points at Gladys, who is nervous : " I need no explanation to surmise that you have stolen something from this child." Stern Miss Longstaffe remarks, quite unsuspectingly : — " A strong imagination is guided by its own propensities, but mine can't follow yours. Explain." Mrs. Totcnsend sees ivhat he has hid: — " Explain^ or you will be arrested in the act." He wishes himself of the xcoman rid : — THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 15 " Explain, and you will be arrested in the tongue! " Shreivd Mrs. Townsend wants no explanations, But merely to. show no friendly relations: " Gladys, will you tell what this thief has taken from you ? " " I'll tell what Mr. Charlton has ! » " Excuse me, Gladys, but it really is none of Mrs. Town- send's business ; and Mrs. Townsend, I believe that Gladys will desire my friendship quite as long as yours." She gives to him a smile behind the back Of Miss Longstaffe, ivho beckons him to her. Grave Miss Longstaffe and Charlton leave the room. " Well, well, my little dear, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings so ! Come, make a confidante of me. What is it all about?" " I wrote a letter to my lost papa, and Mr. Charlton said that he would mail it for me when he went." " Come, let me see the letter, please." " Why ! he has taken it away." " Oh, then the letter's safe." And Mrs. Townsend thinks she will depart. — Poor Gladys moans, with hand upon her heart, — " I feel as if a thunder-storm was coming up inside of me ! " Miss Longstaffe, seeming satisfied, Returns with Charlton at her side. " 1 s'pose you've heard the latest social news from our reporter, — Mrs. Townsend ? It's in the daily paper, here, of yesterday." He speaks in anger, strolling towards the fire. Miss Longstaffe reads a book to cool his ire. 16 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " Well, she has written such an article, that from its import Margaret Kent and I are desperately in love, and only one conclusion can its readers reach ; that Margaret will have a scandal or a quick divorce from Robert Kent should he return from South America. Our social Modesty has grown so bold, that Curiosity now goes stark naked through our drawing-rooms in search of wanton gossip : for everybody knows that Mrs. Townsend is reporter on this paper for the social news, and yet she is received in good society. But that which stirs the furies of my mental elements, is that this article was an attempt on Mrs. Townsend's part to show to Mrs. Kent the dangerous folly of thus living a deserted wife. I will admit that she's wise in her conclusion, but think she lacks the wit to use her wisdom, for Margaret does not agree with her, and steady opposition merely makes each stronger in her own. I think if all her friends would say to Mar- garet Kent : ' swear that you love your husband, though you sleep to dream of his unfaithfulness, with your head pillowed on his foul disgrace : swear that you love your husband, though each morning you must bathe in memories slimy with his vile, disgusting filth : swear by your then clean honesty that dearer than your God you prize him as a fitting subject in your morning prayer of thanks for food provided by your own sweet toil, and salted with the sweat of your pure brow ; and give him glowing gratitude for turning into wine the sparkling water of his stinking vomit : your sacred duty lies in doing this. And more : when for a kiss he sweetly spits into your face tobacco juice — ' " THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 17 Miss Longstaffe shuts her book with a report : — " I beg you, Mr. Charlton, stop ! the stench already 's dense enough." Young Charlton answers her, with accent* short : — " Miss Longstaffe, I love Margaret, but feel just like a cat, whom that dog, Robert Kent, has driven up a friendly pole, to which I cling ! " Miss Longstaffe starts to read her book again : — " You are a poled-cat, then." And Charlton's tone begins another strain : — " I beg your pardon if I have become offensive, Miss Longstaffe." Miss Longstaffe sternly motions Gladys out; And Gladys goes the longest way about. " Then think of this : the more offensiveness you throw on him, the more offensive you yourself become." Charlton bows his head; then raises it. — His voice seems rising J rom his stomach's pit : — "I wish to be despised by you. Now listen: Margaret still clings to Robert Kent by what she calls a love of honor, not a love for him, and she bids fair to sacrifice her entire life to that one selfish sentiment. I have resolved it shall no longer be. She thinks that only death should cancel obligations of the marriage vows, and if to-day she still persists in playing martyr to that thought, I have resolved to take the death of Robert Kent upon my soul, but that once done, I never more can be the lover I have been. I do not wish that Margaret should ever know by whose hand she was freed, and hence I shall evade the law if possible, and go away from her when it is done. She shall have satisfactory proof that Robert Kent is dead, but never need know how he met his fate." 18 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Miss Longstaffe has arisen to her feet, And forced young Charlton down into a seat: — " Margaret will never be divorced from Robert Kent, — but you — you must not do this thing." Gladys enters, staring at her aunt: — " Mamma is waiting in the hall, will you please go an errand with her ? It won't take you very long." And Charlton glances back, with look askant: — " I'd follow her into the grave to be with her." And leaves the room: — " What is a pole-cat, auntie, dear ? Is Mr. Charlton one ? " — Is asked of Miss Longstaffe. Nothing yet made the woman deign to laugh: — " Sometimes he is. Gladys, prepare the tea. I think that Mrs. Townsend will be in again to see your mother soon." With which she leaves her, — A self-made old maid. Gladys is note at ease, — of none afraid: — " I wonder what a pole-cat is ! — a pole-cat ! It may be Mrs. Townsend will know why he is a pole-cat ! The trouble is she talks so much herself, that I can't get a chance to say a word. — But I know how I'll do it ! — When she asks, ' Is mamma in ?' I'll answer her, ' No ma'am, she's out with Mr. Charlton ! ' Then, before she has a chance to speak a word, I'll say, 1 Miss Longstaffe says he is a pole-cat. What is a pole-cat ?' That's just the way we'll do ! Now she'll come in the door right here, — (opens door) And I will say, 'Why Mrs. Townsend! won't you take a chair ?' Of course she'll say the thing she always does, ' Oh thanks, you dear, delicious, little sweet ! Is mamma in ?', — and I will say, ' No ma'am, she's out with Mr. Charlton, Miss Longstaffe says THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 19 he is a pole-cat. What is a pole-eat?' That's per- fect. Now again: 'Why Mrs. Townsend ! won't you take a chair? " Oh thanks, you dear, delicious, little sweet ! Is mamma in?' — ' No ma'am, she's out with Mr. Charlton. Miss Longstaffe says he is a pole-cat. What is a pole-cat?' — And now if she would come I could remember everything. (Sits down.) Oh, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Townsend, I do, do wish you'd come." Her ivish is granted speedily, For Mrs. Townsend enters : " You dear, delicious, little sweet ! then you do love to have me come ; and you've been waiting for me and (taking Gladys in her lap she sits down in Gladys' chair) did you get angry with me 'cause I didn't come right back ? Here dearest give me one big kiss ! " Gladys, bewildered with swprise, Recalls her cue and, tries to rise : " Why, why Mrs. Townsend ! won't you take a chair ? " " What, darling ! Have I taken yours ? Well, you'll forgive me, won't you, dear? You are receiving callers all alone, and so of course must keep your dignity. You are too irresi stable ! " k ' (I wish you'd ask, 'Is mamma in ? ' ) " " And may I stay awhile ? " u Yes. Uncle Olney Kent comes in on Tuesday after- noons, and you're a little late, but I don't think he'll mind. Miss Longstaffe says — " " You say that Olney Kent comes in on Tuesday after- noons ! Is he the poet, known as ' Mr. Bell ? " " Yes ma'am. Miss Longstaffe says — " " Then I will learn to-day if he repents his treatment of 20 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS me yet ! I dare say that your pretty mamma is beseiged with gentlemen ? " " Beseiged?" " I mean that many gentlemen come here to sec her." " Yes, there do. Miss Longstaffe says — " " Tell me about them dear, who are they all ? " " Oh, there are many of them and I don't remember all the names. There's Uncle Olney Kent and Colonel Weir and Mr. Charlton, Tom Updegraeffe and George — Oh, I forget who they all are." " And so your mamma's in with all of these fine gentle- men ? " " No ma'am, she's out with Mr. Charlton. She says he is a pole-cat — " Gladys, hiving got this far, Forgets what she was after And Mrs. Toivnsend passes on With a merry, rippling laughter: — " What ! what ! she's fallen out with Charlton ? She says he is a pole-cat ? How she hates him then ! He has told her his intentions regarding Robert Kent. Well, I'll take care that no suspicions fall on me." " They're coming now." " What ! They're together yet ? " A moment's pause — and Margaret enter*, smiling On Charlton, whom she seemed to be reviling:— " Don't 3 r ou know Mr. Charlton, Lilly ? I thought you were acquainted." Margaret asks, and Mrs. Townsend bows To Charlton while her face no smile allows : " I never yet have had the honor of an intimate acquaint- ance. But I've heard much of him ; for let me warn you tha h , your little Gladys, here, is something of a THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 21 spy between yourself and your adorers. She just now left with me the burden of a secret that concerns you both." Charlton, disgusted with her bold deceit In 'playing they are strangers, speaks : — " You say the secret is a burden ! Can't we help you bear it then ? give us some clue. What is it like ? " " Gladys compared the substance of it to a- a skunk." " No wonder that you quickly tire of such a burden and wish to shift it onto us." " You don't believe in bearing other's burdens, then ? " Margaret, disgusted until them both, Withdraws ; and Charlton grows more icroth : u Well that depends. We have before us an example in a woman burdened with a too vile to name ! Good common sense would say to merely drop the thing, as foolishness to longer carry it. What say you, Margaret ? Oh ! " u Ah, Charlton, what a wit you have ! Of course you now refer to Margaret being burdened with her hus- band, and I agree with you, he is a , and Margaret is really a fool to carry such a burden as he is." Gladys speaks : the clouding atmosphere Announces that her thunderstorm, is near : " I wish you'd go ! " And Charlton, following the lightning dart, Thunders — to quail the woman s heart : u Not one word more. Remember that you are her guest and she her mistress, though she be his wife ; and as her mistress, she should guide herself in being what his wife should be, her husband's honored mistress, and she just said to me that not until her honor leaves, will she leave Robert Kent." 22 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS The clouds seem parted with sunlight, As Margaret illumes the scene :— " My honored duty is to honor him by still acknowledging ' I am his wife.' " Another flash from Gladys light* a cloud: " Oh, Mrs. Townsend, I do- do wish you'd go ! " Again the storm hangs over like a shroud : " I beg your pardon, but I thought you didn't care for him, since he's deserted you for these six years." Gladyi stern face suddenly grows milder ; And as she leaves the room each step grows wilder:— '* (Oh, I know how to make her go ! ) " Margaret's face seems made of alabaster, As she replies : — '• I do not care for him, but he is still alive — is my child's father, and as the father of my child, I shall acknowl- edge him to be my husband, for the child is witness of a love that only death should violate. Father and mother should be man and wife while both are on this earth." But Mrs. Townsend ivill not be subdued: — " And you consider that the law which grants them a divorce should be repealed ? " Margaret seems with a Divinity imbued: — " The law should have the power to separate them, but it should not give the right to marry while the other lives." Charlton speaks as a philosopher: — " I think the law should have the power to separate them, and that to the guilty one it should not give the right to marry for the second time, but to the one who has not sinned, re-marriage is a question in which con- science should decide." And she replies: THE TRAGEDY OP ERRORS 28 " Then I'm decided that his death or mine alone can break our marriage chains." Grim Charlton shut his Jews so tight they crack, But Mrs. Townsend smiles behind his bad : " You're sure it is not pride which makes you shrink from a divorce ? " " It is not pride ; for pride would spurn the life which I now lead. How could I be humiliated more than by the fact that Robert Kent is my acknowledged husband ? It is a simple love of honor and respect which I owe to myself for having been, and being, what I am to him : a power which has changed and will change his life to something better than it would have been had he not known the love of Margaret Kent," Mrs. Townsend gives his back another smile, And adds, — continuing to beguile : — 11 You search for honor in humiliation." But Charlton whispers, as the light words pass:— " (You're balking my scheme now ; you treacherous ass!) We need not argue more. As Margaret believes that only death should stain the sacred purity of marriage vows, the pure humiliation of her martyrdom to that belief reflects her spotless honor." The shrewd woman fears future questions whether She and Charlton ever schemed together: — " It's strange that you should talk like this, when evidently you would gladly take her for your wife if she was free." Margaret looks as, — with a bound — A stag might look back at a hound : — " Do not again insult the love of Roger Charlton and myself ! " 24 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Gladys enters, leading Miss Longstaffe; And Mrs. Townsend, turning at the sound, Attempts to lick her hand— as might a hound: — " A very pleasant evening Miss Longstaffe ! " Miss Longstaffe, taking with a sweeping glance The situation, sees at once her chance : — " I hardly think you think so. Mr. Charlton, will you sing for us ? Choose any of your songs : it doesn't matter which." She takes her instrument — a violin — And Margaret the piano: — they begin: — " Suppose I give you one entitled ' The Untold Secret of a Gossip-Monger ? ' " Again disgusted, Margaret leaves the room. The evening shadows darken to a gloom. " I don't know it. Please sing, ' I stood on the Bridge at Midnight, while ' "— " I'll sing 1 1 Stood on Ceremony, while she stood on toe, for I was too polite to say, I wish that you would go.' " He looks at Mrs. Townsend with a glare. She lightly laughs; but meets him with a stare: — " I think it time that I am moving on. Good afternoon! " " Good-night! " And Mrs. Townsend leaves the room. " I must say, Mr. Charlton, that I think your hint was rather coarse." u When she was coarse, why should it have been other- wise?" " If left with me it would have been — " " Refined upon your violin, till it became invisible! " Margaret enters, with cm injured air, Expecting to see Mrs. Townsend there. '•' She raises in me all the furies of a female mind. She asks for facts which fret me, and gives those truths THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 25 which gall me. She feels herself above me, but one can see the stilts on which she walks, for she is a reporter in disguise, and makes her cash in specula- tive gossip, while I make mine in speculative poetry. But after all, it is a question which the world desires the most. I half believe that if we get to heaven, she will be in more demand than I." Margaret settles in the sofas furs, And Gladys comes and lays a hand in hers: — u And do you think I will be wanted there, mamma? " " Yes, darling, for the guardian of my conscience. I can hold my temper if I merely look at you. Yet it's my jealousy that is excited: for her occupation carries her into society, while I must sit alone here evening after evening to compose my fifteen dollar sonnets." Charlton comes and sits down by her side, And loving Gladys hugs him like a bride: — " A sonnet ought to bring you fifty dollars, Margaret ! " " I wish you were an editor, for never did we need the money more than now. Our European trip with you had nearly ruined us, and fitting up these rooms has quite completed it. Miss Longstaffe's pictures ought to sell. She now has two or three at Bernhart's which really should take the eye of connoisseurs." " At Bernhart's ! Ah ! Why not display them at ' The Fair ? ' They might ' take ' well." " I'd like to see them take a farewell : we need the money now." " I think I'll take my farewell, with hearty wishes for their wellfare. I'd like to be excused from tea. By Time's immortal age ! it's getting late. Come, I'll be off ! " 26 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " Well, come in often." '* Can I come oftener when I come oftenest now ? " " Cannot the best be bettered ? " " The best bread can be buttered ? " " But see if you cannot be better bred, and not resist my hospitality. Good-night ! " " Good-night your Wittiness ! Here Gladys, one last kiss!" Miss Longstaffe has been 'plunged in painful thought, A state which Charlton's threat toward Kent had wrought; — She rises in a half -uncertain way, As if not yet decided what to say : — " Mr. Charlton ! — " " Ye-es?" " Well, never mind. Good -night ! " Charlton gives one lingering look around, Then sadly bends his sight toward the ground : — " Good-night." Gladys notes the sadness of his eye, And follows him when he has passed her by. When both have gone Miss Longstaffe' s voice begins As though her every nerve was pricked with pins: — " I dislike them all, and Charlton in particular, who now willbuy my pictures, and on whose charity we'll live for months to come. How could you give that hint? " " 'Twas easier to give that single hint than write a poem full of them, and probably more lucrative. We're suffering from poverty, he is immensely rich, and he enjoys the giving more than we do the receiving it. Nor is it charity ; because we give the pictures, which are fully worth all we receive for them. We'll never take a penny which we do not earn." " But when you gave that hint, where was your pride?" " Invested in the future lucrative returns." THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 27 " Your pride should be invested in yourself." " My head's not thick enough to keep it in. All my emotions, thoughts, and sentiments escape in spite of me." " But you should check them, Margaret." " How? Check them ay phrenologists would do, by labeling every faculty, and learning in explicit terms its use, its quantity and quality, with recipes for mixing faculties in order to make money, friends, honor, love, or anything desired ? I hate such method in one's madness. Give me Nature's orderly confusion!' " And do you think it always ends in harmony?" Some one is softly tapping at the door. Miss Longstaffe quickly rises, but before She opens, /raits for Margaret's reply; And Margaret answers, — with a weary sigh: — " Let my death answer you." A fine old man, with nearly snow-white hair, Has entered. Miss Longstaffe has gone. " Oh, Uncle Olney ! I had feared that you would not come in this afternoon." " I came not in, yet I am in. 'Canst fathom that?' " " I cannot with my senses. No." *' Coming to your door awhile ago, I heard so many voices that I crept away; but found I couldn't bear the disappointment of not seeing you, and so have come again. Are you alone?" " I think so. All the company and Miss Longstaffe have gone." She draws a large armchair up to the fire, And there invites the somewhat feeble sire. " Now that I'm getting old, I sometimes think that 28 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Providence provides for me when I cannot; for I have tried to find you thus alone, and failed. Yes, let me sit down by the fire, for I am feeble, and have not recovered from my sickness yet. Margaret, we have had many secret confidences in the past, but I now wish to tell you something which before I have not had the heart to do. Come, sit by me, and let me hold your hand." Margaret draws a stool up to his feet, And sweetly settles on the humble seat. " Margaret, can you imagine that a man like me, regarded as a confirmed bachelor, could love? " She glances up at him with childish face : — " Oh, dear, you must not speak like this. You know my situation. We can be the warmest friends, and you have always been to me the dearest one, but do not speak of love." And lie replies, with yet unhardened grace: — " You quite misunderstand me, Margaret. I will explain by saying that I am no bachelor." " I always thought you an unmarried man! " 11 And so I am." 11 If you are not a bachelor, nor a married man, what are you then in this respect?" u Simply an unmarried man." " Then I should say you were a bachelor! " " I dropped that title when I married." •' You said you were unmarried, though! " " My marriage was undone, and I thereby unmarried." " Oh, dear, I might have thought of that! Is she alive or dead?" ,; I just heard, — through this letter, — that she has been THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 29 dead for some time past. When many years had flown above our married life, she had another love, and in that way divorced herself from me: for when the sacredness of marriage is polluted, every bond of God is cleft in twain." " But were you ever legally divorced from her? " " Yes: let no man join what God hath put asunder." " What do you think of my position, then? " "Published in the daily Chronicle of yesterday, I saw an article, connecting you with Roger Charlton, which caused my watery blood to boil as it had never done for years before; and that it was which drove me here to talk with you, and as your truest friend, who seeks alone your welfare, to ascertain the views you hold upon this subject, and to give you mine: and then, if you should see as I now do, I ask you, Margaret, to break your present chains, and link your future happiness to mine. " I have my grand old country home ; but you have not a home at all. My life is lonely ; yours can be but little else. As you now stand, the dangers from these untried youths surround ; but if with me, the long tried friendship of an older mind would always be around, and your sweet child would have a Paradise of Nature's purity surrounding her. I think I could supply your every want. My literary works have always lacked a central figure on which they could concentrate their power and with the moderate fame which I already have, I think I could exalt you by my love and poetry to earthly immortality. 'Tis not conceit which makes me come before these youths whose greener charms make pallid my old age, but 30 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS that I think my love could give to you more happiness than theirs. (Mrs. Townsend has not gone as yet, and at the door takes what her ears can get.) But whether you become my wife or not, one half my fortune I bequeath to you. (Having heard what she desires, the woman at the door retires.) Now let me first convince your reason that your present life is guided by mis- taken views of right and wrong and then I'll leave you free to choose your future lot." Margaret's breast has seemed to be afire : Her words like smoke now rise toward the sire: — " If I, this very day was free, your arms could be my heaven's boundary ; for if I ever longed for freedom it was but a passing sigh for rest. But having heard me say repeatedly — that as I am, so must I be — know- ing, that conscientiously, I cannot change my present life — how can you be so cruel as to say to me — such words as these ? Do not produce your arguments. / am, till death, the wife of Robert Kent." Suddenly is heard a knocking, The quick ear of Silence shocking. Miss Longstaffe opens the door, And again is seen no more. " Why, Alex, my dear boy ! What brings you here ? But wait. Allow me, Mrs. Kent, to introduce to you my nephew, Dr. Walton, just arrived from Philadel- phia. Alex, Mrs. Kent of whom you've heard me speak so frequently." Mrs. Towmend is again seen to appear. Walton and Margaret seem very queer. " Excuse me, Mrs. Kent, if I am too abrupt. But it was necessary I should see my Uncle just as soon as possible, and, entering your house, I met a woman THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 31 at the door, who said she was a nurse from Bellevue Hospital, and that she'd brought a message for my Uncle. — Here it is." 7 he old man takes it with suspicious looks: — " It bears a stamp of life and death, — a hospital I" Young Walton's movements have too many crooks, And Margaret is embarrassed with this man. When their eyes met, — a momentary thing, It startled both, as such tilings only can When thoughts take flight on Fascinations wing. " Pardon me, Mrs. Kent! Your heel is grinding in an envelope. Permit that I should pick the letter up for you. (He hands the letter from which Kent's address Charlton had copied. — Margaret's thoughts digress from Walton, — who seems an Ideal, — to Robert Kent, ivho seems to her too real. — ) Uncle is in a faint! Will you assist me please? It's strange he should have fainted here. Look out! You're faint- ing, too!" For Margaret is passing through States when we neither wake nor sleep, — Dangling in space betwixt the two, — When now we soar; — and now we creep. At last she finds herself awake: — " Look at your L^ncle, please." But Walton, seemingly, his turn must take: — " Why, I forgot about his being in a faint! What could have brought it on?" " That message lying there, of course." " It's strange, but I forgot about my message, too!" " It's strange, but you're forgetting all about yourself." Walton aivakes himself at last, And blushes for the moment past: — " Come, he must need attention ! Quick ! Glance at 32 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS the message, please, and tell me what it is. It may require an answer before he revives. I'll soon revive him, though, with this ammonia." " According to this message, his wife has been, for ten years past, the best and noblest nurse in Bellevue Hospital, but now is lying on her death-bed suffering in the horrid agonies of smallpox. She sends to him these words: 'I am descending into Hell! Have you forgiven? Answer me.' " u I understand! The eternal misery of a dying woman turns upon a word from him. A second may extend into Eternity. — He moves his lips! Please help me, Mrs. Kent, to catch the word. Bend closer: — listen now." In eagerness to catch the word Their cheeks touch: Margaret's voice is heard, — As over her love' s passions swell, — '* ' I am descending into Hell! ' " Walton, construing her intent, Knows not she thinks of Robert Kent, And says, — supposing that her strife Was to gain pardon for the wife, — '• Well imitated. He has answered, ' No. 1 " Mrs. Townsend has crept far into the room, And site now makes herself apparent through the gloom: — " Ah, Margaret! Have you made another friend f " " Oh — I beg your pardon! We — you — I didn't notice it was getting dark. I'll light the gas." ,; Kisses are quite enough to light a fireside with." Margaret, however, lights the gas, As Walton's hand pours three drops in a glass: — " There madam, is our apology. We were reviving Uncle from a faint." THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 33 " Rather a faint apology! " " Come Uncle, out into the hall. A breath of fresh air will be good for you." ''.Thanks, Alex. I would like to lean on Margaret, if she will permit. My mind needs her support." Mrs, T grasps Walton by the arm. The others pass. — She takes no art to charm. " I do not need an introduction, Sir." 11 If you don't need one, surely I do not." And Walton turns himself away, But she resumes without delay: — " Allow me to introduce you to your mother, please." " Mother! Give me her name to hang my curses on! " "Why curse at her?" " Because she did a thing the meanest beast would never do. She gave me birth, and then deserted me." " i" am your mother." " Damn you, then! " " And damn your Uncle for deserting me." " What do you mean? " " I mean that I was once your Uncle's wife. That message was from me. I wished to know if he repented yet of his divorce from me. As he does not, I shall proceed to even my account with him. I — I am your mother and your Uncle's wife." " Vile dam ! And who am I ? " " Ha! don't you know yourself ? " " I only know what Uncle told me: that one bitter night some beastly woman left me at his door, a sucking babe." " Did he not know that woman was myself ? " 34 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " I think he would have killed you if he did. You say you were his wife ! Is he my father, then?" "No sir, you are a bastard son." " A bastard! I could kill you and my father for the love which formed my soul." " Don't speak so loudly. You'll be overheard. Do you desire to know that your true name is ' Robert Olney Kent,' the same one which your Uncle bears ? You legally were christened that before I left you at his door. Whatever he has called you since is incorrect, because it 's not your legal name. Do you know what the name of ' Robert Kent ' implies ? ' " " The forfeiture of all I now possess! " " To gain one-half your Uncle's fortune, and a wife." "Can your tongue be connected with your brain ? " " My mind is. Listen: as your Uncle has not known my whereabouts, this revelation has been kept until to-day, because the proper time had not arrived." " And why not until now ? " " I have just ascertained that I am not forgiven by your Uncle for my hot offense to him when I loved some- one else, and I shall now begin my schemes to get control of half his fortune, which is willed to Margaret, and to get you a wife, if, as a wife, you can love Margaret Kent." "What?" " Her husband's name is Robert Olney Kent, and yours is?" " Robert Olney Kent ! " " Hence Margaret's marriage paper names you as her legal husband ; therefore Margaret is — " THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 35 " My wife ? " " By all the laws of man. Do you love her ? " " Love her ! love her ? I've never met her but this once, yet all my soul is in the passion of a man who kills himself or has what he desires ! " " Then hear me and obey. Conceal this secret of your birth, for you cannot prove anything alone. Resume your old name, ' Dr. Walton,' and win the love of Margaret under it until I say the proper time has come — and then, rely on me to prove that Margaret is your wife. Remember me. (Gives him her card.) And you, sir, are to be, ' Dr. Walton.' — Go. Walton starts, hut calls back from side hall: 11 But is her other husband dead ? " Miss Longstaffe enters as the accents fall — " Yes, Margaret's Robert Kent is dead {Walton goes his way, and she goes on to say — ) or soon will be (is confronted by Miss L ; Mis. T seems entering Hell,) if Roger Charlton's manner tells the truth ! " Miss Longstaffe slowly repeals — '' Then Robert Kent is dead — or soon will be — " Her home-thrust Mrs. Townsend meets — " ' If Roger Charlton's manner tells the truth ! ' " But Miss Longstaffe beats no retreats — "If Mrs. Town- send 1 s manner tells the truth." — II — The scene is shifted to another room, Where Walton, Margaret and Olney Kent Are moving tl trough the gloom. Pale Margaret speak*:— 36 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " And yon insist that this repentant woman is not still your wife, though in the eyes of law you are divorced from her ? What constitutes a marriage ? Verbal laws?" Walton sees a chance to stake his claim : — " Observation of the legal forms of marriage — " But Margaret frustrates his secret aim : — " In this day it's thought by many that a marriage does consist in observation of the legal forms, while that which truly constitutes the soul of marriage they do not regard as such." Walton no longer views her as his wife. The Uncle suddenly shows signs of life : — " Then listen, Margaret. In time another man stole in upon me and obtained her love, and I considered her divorced from me the moment that she gave it him; and when he ruined her, I held that they were mar- ried, though no legal form had been observed. For if the law would recognize such acts, alone, as valid marriages, there would be much less sinning in the world, as it would give the woman poiver to bind the man for life. But now she must bear all the blame and suffering while the man goes free." Margaret, with good taste, retires And Walton, wrapped in thought, enquires — " Is that act what does constitute a marriage, then ? " The old man weighted down with age, Rises in a petty rage: — " It is my idea of what the law should recognize as mar- riage, and bind the parties afterward if they're not bound before. Now men can ruin women and be THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 37 thought respectable ; but I think that the law should give that woman power to make that man bear his — the greater— share of all the blame, and it should give the woman power to use, at her discretion, every right a wife should have." Walton s voice assumes a careless langour: — " Why doesn't our laws protect a woman's rights ? " And Margaret enters, exclaiming with anger, " That question brings the Politician's nightmare on ! " — Ill — Into the gloom drifts William Pratt's garret, Where Pratt is seen; seeming a man to merit A better home. His sick child is in bed. Charlton and Mrs. Townsend enter — he is by her led. " I tell you, William Pratt, I'm tired of living this apparently unmarried life, and being known as 1 Widow Townsend! ' You don't exert yourself .enough to be acknowledged as my husband, and my dignity and reputation are at stake each time I visit you. That starving child will never be acknowledged as my own, nor will you ever have one cent more from my purse. Look at your starving child ! Now, if you value her life at the price of food, go, pawn that ring, and purchase what she needs. There ! act before you lose the action, sir. — Exactly ! as you always do ! I'll tell you for the last one-hundreth time, when you lack strength to do a thing, accept the strength which comes to you. That impulse, taken, would have made you strong ; but turned away it took its strength with it. Come now, see here ! 38 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS You promised your first wife never to part with this — her wedding ring. Well now, she's dead. Now well, she's dust. Admitted : your promise is to a clod of dust. All bosh — these foolish sentiments of keeping promises ! " Pratt shows himself to be her better half — " She is not dead, or else religion tells a lie." She greets his answer with a sneering laugh: — " Her bones are getting rank, and the loud smell begins to rankle, sir. But what are you to eat? That's right! get down there on your knees and order breakfast ; but 'twould be well to eat what meat you can in dreams to-night, then if the ' Providence ' to which you pray should fail to fill your orders, to-morrow's breakfast ' bill of fare ' may be : Cold Dreams and Mutton Tallow; Mashed Potato Skins. Your dinner could be : Cat-tail Soup. Your supper : Cat's Head, cold. Your — " " What do you mean ? " " I mean, Sir William Pratt, that you will have to cook the cat or starve to death. You've eaten everything you have to eat except the cat ; you've spent your every cent, and you will never have another one from me ; you've not a friend of whom you could intend to borrow and not beg — and you would rather starve than beg. Your sickness and this cursed strike have paralysed the hands which earned you your support ; you have refused to pawn your ring, and you have nothing else to pawn : you've lived for two days now without a thing to eat, and on this diet you will surely starve — Toby ! come here. I'll gut you now, and let you parboil over night." THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 39 " Hold ! — but I cannot pawn this ring." " Cannot is not will not, sir ! " " I will not pawn this ring." u Strength can be gained upon an empty stomach, sir." " Yes, my employer's strength was gained upon my empty stomach, but he too will suffer for the wrong as well as I. We poor men are awaking to our rights, and when our waking dreams are over (takes a bomb from secret closet) — we will settle down to cold realities. The cry of every poor man's rights and wrongs shall then be heard. Though it require a bomb-shell for a trumpet, our voices shall be heard." While he replaces bomb in closet, Mrs. Toivnsend speaks to Charlton: — " (I think I've got him desperate enough. Proceed.)" Charlton from the shades advances: — " Your name is Pratt, sir, I believe." Pratt fires at him suspicious glances: — " The same. And what is yours ?" Charlton sits down in a chair: — " You will be pleased to know ; and therefore ' business before pleasure', sir. I understand that you and Robert Kent are bitter enemies ; although I don't know what the trouble is ! " Pratt towers higher in the air: — " I've sworn to kill him if we ever meet ! My life was ruined through false accusations he has made." " Accusing you of what ? " " Untrue relations with his wife." " Then they were false. This letter states my business with you." 40 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " Your business is mysterious, and I can't see to solve it by this candlelight." " This is a useful ornament." " The lamp is empty, lad, and we have no oil in the house." " Well, surely you have gas ! " u Gas ! There is no gas in the house." " My sense of smell deceives me then. I am acquainted with your wife. (To Mrs. Townsend.) Will you take my pocketbook and purchase comforts for that shivering child ? I shall expect you back immedi- ately. Go." Pratt looks a moment at his first wife's ring, And tighter to it he is seen to ding: — " One moment. Sir, I wish to ask you while you're in the mood, with my right hand your sole security, will you lend me enough to pay my room rent, which is two months overdue ? I am afraid my child and I will be turned out into the street if it is not paid soon." " I will attend to it before I go away, but in the mean- time, I wish you to read that letter, sir." " Then I must find some place where it is light enough, for this is my last candle, and it even now is sputter- ing in the stick." Charlton aslcs of Mrs. T , " He is a man of honor, is he not ? " And she answers sneeringly : — " Humph ! he is a man of sentiment" " Enough ! I trust him then. Go, read it where you will." THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 41 Pratt exist*. Mrs. T decides, — u And I will go and get the comforters." Behind a chimney in the gloom she hides. The candle gives one sputter in the stick, And burns no more ; having consumed its wick. " You poor old starving cat ! Is it a pleasure to sit there and mew at me ? ( Charlton picks it up.) Poor thing, you must be starving here. It might be kindness if I killed you now ! Bat it is said that every life has some especial use in Providence, and I should feel that it was wrong to take your life unless I knew you had been useful. With that knowledge I could kill you conscientiously." Mrs. T , uith a decided mind, Steps from the chimney she has hid behind:— " Sorry to trouble you. I'll not be back again." " It's no intrusion. Don't apologize." " Apologize ! Intrusion ! Well, who thought it such ?" " I thought that you thought that I thought that you thought you were intruding." " No sir. I merely came to say that I shall never come again to live with William Pratt, and I resign all partnership connecting me with the impending crime of murdering Robert Kent." " You kindly volunteered assistance, and I thank you for what you have done. I shall proceed to carry out your part myself." " Miss Longstaffe knows that we are both together in the scheme." " I told her my intentions : you were not then in my thoughts." 42 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " She found me out herself. But do you still persist in saying you will never marry Margaret when she is free ? " " A fool could answer that as well as I." " Remember this : if ever you seek such a thing, I'll let her know who murdered Robert Kent." " And if you hold your tongue till then she'll never know. (Mrs. Townsend starting to go out, Charlton quickly wheels himself about.) You are the first woman I have ever failed to trust ! — Please give me back my purse before you go." " I think I must have dropped it down below ! " " If this is an equivalent, I wish to trade it for the purse." " And what is the equivalent you wish to give ? " " I'll give a pound of flesh from either arm if you will give me back my pocketbook." " What nonsense ! " " 1 will do it." " I would like to see you do it. — Here's the purse." " Then you shall see me do it. (lights a match, with — ) Here's the cat." Mrs. Townsend, in chagrin, Shoivs her skull was not too thin: — " The purse is empty, sir." Charlton quickly opens it, While, a match spark still is lit: — " The lining holds ten thousand dollars on a check I — My God ! what apparition's that ? " Child advances in night-robe, with — " Nellie ! Nellie ! ! Nellie ! ! ! " Falls in Charlton s arms; — he strikes another match. The light reveals the features of the child, Who with Death's agony is nearly wild:— THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 43 11 And is this Death ? We men call Death a sleep, and in one moment more I'll close these lids for their eternal slumber, but the soul — O God ! — release it — do not let it struggle so ! 'Tis gone — poor body, sleep. — Ah, Mrs. Townsend, think of Robert Kent ! Well might he envy such a death as this. The child's last earthly vision was her heavenly — ? " ' l Sister's!" " — face. I wish that Kent's last earthly vision could be Margaret's. That she would kneel before him with her face as I have sometimes seen ; as though damp chills were freezing in her back, while in her breast burned such dry fever that her heart, between the two, seemed twisted out of joint. At such times would the tender fibres of her face be drawn so tightly that it seemed as though the flesh would crack, and he, the demon who could draw them so, smiled on, unmindful of the harsh contortions which his smiling made. I say, it would be well if his last sight of earth could be this ghastly congregation of its elements — the face of Margaret by his spirit breathed upon ; for if he strolled into Eternity from such a sight as this, his soul might soften till he realized he was in Hell. But having been so long there while on earth, if now the earth is merely drawn away, I fear the change will be so slight, he will not notice it." (Charlton 7'ises, dropping the dead child Unconsciously. Mrs. Townsend's voice is mild — ) 11 And is it possible you will not want his wife when he is dead ? " A 11 his vigor seems to die As he makes the sad reply: — 44 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS " As I have always said : when 'Robert Kent is dead, I shall leave Margaret, and, if possible, evade the law, simply because I do not wish that she should ever know how his death came to him. She must be led to think it was a natural one. Until you told me of the enmity 'tween Pratt and Robert Kent, I thought that I would go to South America, but now, if Pratt will go, I think that not one detail of the scheme could be much better planned for gaining Margaret's future happiness, and if Pratt, voluntarily, will fight the duel to whichyou say Kent once challenged him, I see no reason why his difficulty should not settle Margaret's as well." " But you love Margaret, do you not?" She notes his voice with melancholy Jill: — " I have not yet decided what constitutes true love of sex for sex." Young Charlton pauses, — and the ivorld seems still. ***** Pratt entering like a drunken man, In darkness on the dead child ran, But stumbled on, — apparently Not thinking what the form might he: — " I have been trying to decide. The more I think of it, the less I think of it." Charlton offers him a chair: — " You know the stipulated sum for proof that Robert Kent has died, and if you wish to fight the duel to which he once challenged you, we'll sign these papers, and — it rests with you." Pratt's wrongs seem more than he can bear: — " I am a desperate man, and I could do a desperate THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 4 5 thing, but I cannot desert my wife and child, as I should have to do in case I went to South America. " C narlton forces him to sit: — " I do not wish to seem cold-blooded, yet I am by nature blunt when telling an unpleasant truth. Your wife, sir, has deserted you : your child — " Pratt jumps as if he had been hit: — " My wife deserted me! God be — " " We have no time for sentiment. Be reconciled as quickly as you can." " God be thanked. I'm reconciled." 11 You've my congratulations. But your child — " "Don't say it, lad!" "What?" " That she has taken her away! " Again he offers Pratt a chair:— " No, she has not." Pratt sinks into it with despair: — " I'm on this earth only because my child is here, for without her I should not care to live, and / would suicide if she should die." He rises, starting toward the bed. Charlton grasps him near the head : — " Here! here! No time for kisses now. ' Business before — ' " Pratt sits again: — *.' I have been very sick, and can earn nothing yet at work. Shall I sit feebly by and day by day see my child starve, when now to do this thing would give her everything she needs for years to come? But if I go away, who will take care of her? " "I. (Charlton glances behind him.) She will not want for anything." 46 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Mrs. T is weeping with a vim. "What noise is that?" " A storm is coming on. It is the wailing of the wind." Pratt asks the young solicitor : — " How will I know that I can trust yon, sir ?" And Charlton makes this his reply : — " By this check for ten thousand dollars, which will be paid to-night, if you agree to furnish satisfactory proof that Robert Kent no longer lives upon this earth. Knowing you had a wife and child, and likely some pet creatures which might require my care, I've put this promise in these papers, thinking it would cover everything : — ' To whatever living thing which you now have, I will give everything which love can give till you return.' And so to prove my own good faith, I will now pay to you the stipulated sum, and you, to prove your own, must leave the child with me until delivery of the proof to one whom I have herein named." Mrs. Townsend is still wailing Over her dead child ; no failing In a woman once a mother, Can all love for her child smother. " For my child's sake, I'll do it, sir." " Then as 'tis herein written, if I pay ten thousand dollars, you relinquish every claim on every living thing which you now have, and give me sole posses- sion from this hour until you have delivered to a party herein named the satisfactory proof that Robert Kent no longer lives upon this earth : Understanding, that for the proof which you deliver, I will return whatever this agreement places in my care, which in THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 47 the meantime will receive more than your love could give if you remained at home. Is it a bargain ? " Still that piteous wail is heard ; Making hollow Pratt's stem icord, — " For my child's sake, I'll do it, sir." " Then go and get a light, that we may sign these papers now. (Charlton, stumbling 'gainst the child, turns with every action wild.) No, never mind, I've two wax matches here." " You can't write much by just two matches, sir." " We need write nothing but our names. Already every- thing is written in the terms which we have made. (lights a match.) This paper is in duplicate. Please read it while the first match burns." He glances at the dead child's form, And motions to a calm the storm. Pratt reads:— His sight begins to blur: — " For my child's sake I'll do it, sir." And with a flash the match goes out, The instant Pratt has turned about. " Here is a fountain pen. Please sign your name while this, the last match, burns. — Where are you going, sir ? " " I have not strength to sign it till I see her pleading face ! " " No time for sentiment. No light for seeing faces now. Sit down and take the pen before I light this match, which is the last — the only one I have." Lights it. — Pratt signs, and tnes to start Toward the bed. — Charlton s hands part: — " One moment, sir ! I said you would be pleased to know my name." 48 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS A nd Charlton shins his signature. " What ! Roger Charlton ! my employer's son? " " The same." u I am not pleased to know you, lad." " If you betray me now, this paper shows you a co-part- ner in the plot." " That need not have been said. I am no traitor, sir." "The steamer sails for South America at four o'clock to-morrow afternoon. By that time you must cash this check, take out what money you will need, deposit the remainder as you wish, purchase your passage and what clothes you want, and take the boat for South America. Enclosed in this you'll find instructions for locating Robert Kent. Now — string your wits on threads of wisdom, and — begone." " Where ? " " 'Most anywhere, 's long 's you take the boat to-morrow afternoon." " What ! Would you turn me out of my own home ? " " This home is not your own. My father, your employer, was the owner of these flats. He has just died and left the property to me. You are two months behind, sir, in your rent, and I must ask you to vacate at once." " Why turn me out into the storm for just one night ? " " Ten thousand dollars ought to warm you just one night." " This check, sir, is not worth one cent to me until it's cashed." "Why, my dear friend, I hadn't thought of that! — Here take — Oh, I forgot! My purse is empty. Phew! what shall I do? " u Let me stay here to-night and I won't need a cent." THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 49 " One moment! God — {Extends his arms toward Mrs. T , whom, in the dark, Pratt fails to see. — ) Five dollars!— Thank you. Take it. Go." " What! does God hire you to do this crime? " " I settle the account with Him." " — But why are you so anxious I should leave this room to-night ? " I've just assumed my father's business, and I'm resolved to run the thing on strictly business prin- ciples. This is the first day of another month, your rent remains unpaid, and you must go. I never break a rule in business." " Then I will bid my child a long good-bye, and go." " Please go without. She must not be disturbed." " And why not wake her, lad?" u Would you recall her to this earth and all its sufferings, when now she seems so peaceful in her sleep?" Pratt calms himself, and meekly makes reply: — "I know the agony of her pains, and when awake she suffers terribly. I'll kiss her only once, and then I'll go." But Charlton stands, and will not let him by: — 11 Is your parental love a sensual one?" " It will be done so softly that — " " You must not kiss that child! " " / must not kiss my child! What right have you to tell me that? " " The right that you have given in this paper. Sir, it reads, that you relinquish every claim, and give me sole possession from this hour — " " This hour has not yet ended! " " Hark! — the clock is striking, sir." 50 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Pratt leaves, without another word, And from the darkness Charlton s voice h heard: — " Now Mrs. Townsend, I can almost call the murder done, but it has seemed as though the heavens were against my scheme. A man must feel himself almost a God, before he takes a human life into his hand and moulds its destiny to suit his own designs. Yet so have I now done with Robert Kent. I've placed myself before my God : have deemed my judgment equal to His own, and have despatched the soul of Kent to Hell before its Maker's proper summons came. It must not be. Pratt, come . No. I will not let the frenzy of a moment undermine the calm deliberation of a month. I'll play between Creator and created : the human tool of Divine Providence. Through Gladys' letter I'll give God a chance to thwart my scheme. But I have firmly put my hand upon the plough, and there will be no vacillation now." Again Pratt staggers through the door. " What are you back for ? " And Charlton drags the child across the floor: — " Anything forgotten, Pratt ?" " No, — nothing. But a thought passed over me which made me sicken till I staggered to the ground. Perhaps it was a foolish thought — but, lad, upon your honor, — yes or no, is my child dead ? " Charlton meets him with uplifted head And shoulders back: — " No sir, she is not dead." Pratt exits. Charlton s nervous strain Is past. His muscles slack:— 11 Have I, or has Religion told a lie ? " ACT II Time brings before our eyes a different scene. Rio Janeiro lies, loith glittering sheen, Far in the night's background : One house is near. A man and woman presently appear: — " Florence, I have decided we must leave Rio Janeiro, and I'm so grieved about two things, that I can't tell for which I grieve the most. I'm sorry I can't pay the mortgage interest on our home, and that the whole affair will have to be foreclosed; and yet this weighs but lightiy on my mind when I think you are called upon to bear the crushing disappointment too. Of course, the heaviest must naturally fall on me, but as just said, I have the added weight of thinking you are groaning 'neath the burden just as much as I, who suffer terribly, but please don't let my suffer- ing make you suffer, dear; for mine is mainly caused by thinking of your suffering for me. So, dearest heart, be happy in the happiness of thinking I am happy by your happiness. Now leave me with my thoughts, for when my eye of sense is blinded by the night, I can see clearer mentally, and may dis- cover some way out of our entanglement. — Are you not going, dear? — Please do not cling to me like this! I wish to be alone. — Good-night, my darling! — Now, dear, this kiss must be our last. — Please, Florence, I wish you would leave! — I must use force if you refuse (51 ) 52 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS to go. — See now what you have done! you've wrung your hand in mine so much that you have worked your wedding ring from off your finger, and it's fallen on the ground. — No, no, don't poke around for it there in the sand. You'll only bury it. Just step aside and wait till daylight comes. Now you must leave. Again, Good-night! " The woman leaves, and he calls after her, — " I will be with you, dear, in half an hour, at least.'''' And then he adds, — " I said ' in half an hour at least ' ; now I will add ' but never at the most.'' Show me a woman whom I cannot dupe ! " A woman enters at the closing word: — " I'll show you one ! " He starts, and turns to see what he has heard : " Well, woman, you are punctual ! Now prove that you are not insane to make in writing an appointment at this time of night in such a place as this." " Sir, I wish you to know that I am Mrs. Town send of New York." " Ah ha ! — then you are not insane." 11 That follows." " Certainly: because you never yet were what you seemed to be." " What seems my reason for now being here ? " "That Margaret sent you as a spy." " You will not be deceived in that." " I'm not so sure of it." " You will believe me, though." " Not while I can surmise." THE TRAGEDY OP ERRORS 53 ; ' Belief in me will be your ' saving faith.' " " Believing in the devil saves no man." '* Believe my words : There rise the gallows, sir." She points into an open well near by. He staggers back, making the quick reply: — " To know of it you must have seen it done ! " She comes up to him with extended hand: — " One-half the plunder will forever seal my lips." He sums what dignity he can command: — " I don't believe your promise would be kept." With which she snaps her fingers in his/ace: — " Then you will lose your life through unbelief." A ml he replies as he retires a pace: — tl No madam, I do not believe I will." She has but one condition in her threat: — '• Unless you have a '' saving faith' in me." But he will not accept salvation yet: — kt I'll think it over ; in the meantime, you keep cool. I'm going back to Margaret, if I can get the where-with- all to take me there with all my strategems. Here's the result of my last one — conceived while it was executed. Poor Florence ! It's our wedding ring. — How odd that sounds! Why, it should be 'our wedding rings.'' (Tales off his own.) i Our wedding rings ! ' (Jingles them.) That does sound better ! These two will sell for old gold now, and buy some trinket to present to Margaret. Yet Gladys was the one who sent the invitation to come home. I wonder if I must present it at the door 'fore Margaret will let me in ! And by the way ! It might look better if I had our wedding ring upon my finger when I knocked. I've worn it on my middle toe. I'm superstitious about 54 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS wedding rings ! (takes off his shoe.) I wonder if she loves me yet ! Oh well, no use in speculating over that. She'll have a chance to prove it if she does. — Here is the ring upon the other toe that Margaret gave when Gladys came. The wedding ring was on my finger when she put this after it and said — 1 Robert, let this one guard your wedding ring.' Come ! come ! no more of this ! I'll get my shoe and stocking on, and then, — No madam, I cannot believe in you." Again she makes her proposition f till: — " Give me one-half the spoils which you have hidden in this well and I will not reveal your crime to anyone. If you refuse, I'll see that you are hung till dead." He lights a lantern .'—gives his nose a pull: — " A court trial's better than a lynching mob ! " She mocks the sanctimonious priest: — " * Believe, and you are saved.' " " ' Forgive, and I do believe ! ' " The imitated prodigal then ceased To be upon the earth — descending in it. She, like the priest, has inspired in a minute, An ignorant, belief 'gainst what is known: — " Salvation will not come by faith alone." Unlike the priest, she speaks out her true thought, Regarding the belief which has been taught. A man steps slowly from behind a tree, And Mrs. Townsend beckons, — " Come to me." " Tell me, Sir William Pratt, having now run a skunk into a well, how can I kill him best ? " Pratt sloioly turns around— she hears him say — " By burying him." — and moves without delay, THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 55 Up to a stone which poises on the brink, And ere slow Pratt again has time to think, Rolls it into the well. They both peer down, And she takes hold of Pratt's head In/ the crown: — " See him there in the mud ! The stone's on top of him. There's not a sound arising. — Robert Kent is dead." But mad Pratt, peering down the well, Seems gazing at the sights of Bell: — " Look ! look ! his spirit's coming up ! " " It's but the flickering of his lantern on the wall." " Do you see any blood upon my hands ? " " Your mind is wandering ! " Pratt claps his hand across his eyes, And with an effort starts to rise: — " Had you not led me to believe that this man was his uncle, after whom it now appears this man was merely named, I never would have pledged myself to do this sickening crime. You well know how the other Robert Kent, excited by your always lying tongue, accused me falsely of your ruin and disgrace. That accusation, in which he persisted with a stub- bornness which fed upon your lies, has wrecked my entire life, and had this Robert Kent been him, as till the other night you led me to believe, I would have fought the challenged duel with no conscientious pangs — but when I learned that this was not that Robert Kent, I couldn't take his life and drink his blood." Mrs. Townsend goes to him: — " Then as I've done it, give me my reward." Pratt asks again, ivith added vim: — " Do you see any blood upon my hands ? " 56 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Her mind is bent on but one thing: — " Will you give me my reward for killing him ? " Not yet has reason taken wing: — " When you have given proof that he is dead." " His name is tattooed on his hand." " The proof is handy, then." " And will the hand be proof enough ? " She asks, preparing to descend. Toward Heaven Pratt's lean arms extend: — " His hand and head — Ya -a-a-a-a — Kill me ! I am going mad." Mrs. T at once comes bad': — " I'll kill you if you'll give me my reward." She slaps his face a sounding whack: — " Come, are you going mad ? The love for which you plunged into this crime should help you out of it." The breezes of each blotv upon him seem To fan his sickly Reason s flickering gleam: — k( 'For my child's sake, I'll kill him, sir.' Oh, love did oil those words so well, that when I tried to say, ' this crime is wrong,' I said ' 'tis right,' for I felt something would be righted by the wrong, yet knew that it was wrong to make it right." " Come, stop your idiotic talk ! " " Had calm deliberation held my hand, until tired Reason muttered ' let it go — ' " " Impulsive strength would be unknown to you." " I've found it but a mental squall of wind." " But it has fanned your sickly nature into life." Impidsive strength becomes her as a wife; Again she f am his nature into life, Sounding as if she his face had kissed; — But when again she slaps, the face is missed. Pratt ansivers, with liis actions far less wild: — THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 57 " If only I can once more have my child, we'll both die honored by that nature's honest death, before we thrive on Kent's dishonest blood." Mrs. Townsend grasps him by the beard: — " Then I should have the money Charlton gave. Sir William Pratt, your child was dead when that con- tract was signed." Stern Pratt does not believe — 'tims what she feared: — " My child was dead when that contract was signed ! You lie. The proof ! the proof will get me back my child. I'll give you all the money when you give the proof." She knowing well his stubbornness, Knows that he knows she is truthless, And down the well starts to descend. Pratt sliows on ivhat his doubts depend: — " I asked Charlton if she was dead, he answered, ' No.' " To which the woman adds — descending: — " And asked if he, or Christ's religion, told a lie." This puts all Pratt's doubts at an ending. Weakly sinking to the ground, He gazes vacantly around: — " There is no power in Heaven or Hell but love, and I must love myself enough to be avenged, or die where I now am. It is a power from Hell, but it must strengthen, (rises) No ! it's but an impulse and a madness. I'll not trust to it. (sinks — rises.) But I have promised Roger Charlton that my part of this contract would be fulfilled, and I will never break a promise I have made. Sure, honor is a love of self which Heaven must permit." ,58 THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS Florence enters, seeking for the man She left behind. Pratt madly tries to scan Her face; and in the pale moonlight, Shoios that, at last, Reason has taken flight: — " Pray who are you, my lovely maid ?" "Iara the wife of Robert Kent." " Will you be mine when he is dead ? " " I am, till death his wife." " Well said ! My wife — once Mrs. Kent — said it, not knowing what it meant. A friend heard her pretty name, though she was a handsome dame — loved and plunged her into shame. Does my love for you seem tame ? It's because I fear the same. — Well, suppose your husband came ? Would apologies be lame ? — Come and kiss me, lovely dame." Florence runs away from him, While from the Well's ragged rim, Seeming from another ivorld, Gome the words, Jrom its depths hurled: — 11 Pull up the bucket hanging down the well." Mad Pratt absently obeys, While his thoughts his actions craze: — " The woman says she is his wife. It is a fancy ! — Why is she his wife ? Because she has a passion for the man. I'll make her have a passion now for me : and then she will be my wife if she takes a fancy to the thought ; and we'll be married — married — why, what does that mean ? Come back, my head, and sit here on my shoulders while I think ! — What, this is not my head. — It is the head of Robert Kent ! — That lovely women has remained until his death, the wife of Robert Kent. My wife intended to, but she THE TRAGEDY OF ERRORS 59 did not. No, she did not remain his wife, but let us see what power it was that bound the other wife of Robert Kent to him till death." Pratt follows Florence, with the head awl h