Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/fishesfishingOOcava FIFTY LUSTRATIONS PRICE, 50 CENTS FISHES AND FISHING COMPLETE FISHING and CAMPING MANUAL FIFTY ILLUSTRATIONS Description of Fish Found in Western Waters BAIT AND FLY CASTING Woodcraft Game and Fish Laws Secrets of Catching Fish Camp Cooking and Camp Making 1,000 POINTS WORTH KNOWING BY L. E. CAVALIER H | LIBRARY" Of CONGRESS | Two Copies Received JUN M wor \ * Copyright Entry GLASS Cc XXe., No. / 7 f 3&3 COPY B. ^ A &* Copyright 1907, by L. E. Cavaliei PREFACE. This book is published as an aid to anglers and sportsmen, those seeking recreation in the woods and on the lakes of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and the west generally, and treats of the fishes and camp life and recreation in a general way, omitting the small details which everyone should know who knows enough to take an outing. The tendency for summer vacations is growing greater each year as both employer and employe realize the benefits of an annual outing. While fishing is by no means' the sole object of a visit to the woods it furnishes a basis — it forces the recreation and out-door action that might not be had in any other way; hence this book treats largely of •fishes" and fishing, the pre- eminent recreation of the northwest for men, women and children, for it takes one to the woods and streams where nature's attractions will do the work of restoring her tired children to vigor and health. The book tells of fishes in such a way as to familiarize all readers with the subject and instruct, the young as well as the old, in the art of angling, boating, camping and wood- craft, as applied to the northwest. Not many persons in the Northwest know the names or habits of the fishes found in the lakes and streams of Minne- sota, Wisconsin and other western states. Not a single per- son, not even the old experienced fisherman, can tell the name of every fish he catches. This book contains the most valuable information on this subject ever printed. It shows accurate pictures and gives brief descriptions of the principal fishes embraced in the western states, though not all of them; and more, it tells how to catch these fish, the kind of bait to use and how to prepare these fish. Experience gathered from scores of the most suc- cessful and investigating anglers of the present generation. It is told plainly, without touching on the science of the sub- ject. In addition this book contains practical information concerning camping, camp cooking, boating and boat building, wood craft, etc.; tells the amateur what to take on an outing and what not to take and contains a synopsis of the game and fish laws of all western states. KNOWN BY MANY NAMES. The attention of readers of this book is called to the fact that nearly all fishes are known by a variety of names, which have been applied locally; for instance, the common sand pike found in the Mississippi river is also known as sand perch, jack salmon, glass eye, etc. The common names here ap- plied to fish are those adopted by the United States Fish Com- mission. Every resource at the command of the author has been drawn upon to make the description of the fishes herein, accurate so far as investigation has progressed. When it is known that some five thousand new varieties of fish are being discovered every year by the fish commission's agents, and that many of these are annually found in the streams of the middle west, it is easy to comprehend how many of the small fish of the sucker family cannot be distinctly and accurately described in a small volume. It is estimated that there are twenty-five varieties of suckers in the lakes and streams of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Many of these never grow to more than three inches in length. They are all classified as min- nows — sbiners, chubs, etc. FISHES AND FISHING WHIPPING TROUT STREAMS. Any angler for trout, if he has had experience, must know that while it is great sport it is also hard work. The hills to climb, underbrush to crawl through, dead trees and marshes to cross, streams to ford, and long walks, must be part of the work in trout fishing. The streams are wild, in places the current is shallow and swift, while in others are found silent pools of varying depths. Then there are the clouds of flies, gnats and mosquitoes which are alone sometimes enough to dampen the enthusiasm of the angler and force him into declaring that he will never again go trout fishing. But he goes again and again, for it is the successful accomplish- ment of the undertaking that lures him on, and soon the dif- ficulties in the way become matters of course. However, there- are some streams more easy of access than others, but the old angler looks upon these as the special preserves of women trouters, and will look for something more promising and more to his liking. Every fly fisherman knows how necessary it is to be out of sight of the trout, especially on bright days. It is on that account a good plan to 'wade up stream, making casts well in advance, so that no disturbance of the water may convey intelligence of approaching danger. The flies should be very small, and three of them may be used at once, in order to offer some variety. But the eye of the trout is a quickly adjusted microscope, and is speedy in detecting any fault in the make-up of the fly, or in the manner of its alighting upon the surface. Only experience will teach the fisherman the turn of the tip of the rod, which checks the fall of the leader, and allows the flies to come naturally to the stream. There is a fly well known to anglers, which has a very tiny bit of woodcock's feather tied in, along with a black and a yellow hackle. The insignificant brown bit looks as though it might be successfully imitated by a tip from a partridge or a brown Leghorn hen, but all practical men who have tried it know that nothing but the real woodcock plume will an- swer for that fly. FISHES AND FISHING HOW TO ANGLE FOR TROUT. This is a subject on which anglers differ as to detail and tackle. Brook trout are very shy of unusual noises and the man with rod and reel must keep out of sight and make as little noise as .possible. Besides knowing the signs of likely places, and knowing how to cast the line, the tackle is the greatest consideration in trouting. The rod should be nine to twelve feet in length, depending upon the locality to be fished. Expert fly and bait casters prefer the shorter rod, for it is much easier to take care of when traveling through the underbrush. The long rod is preferred by many, but the lightest of these soon tire the wrist. They are used in "spotting," more than in casting. A line about the length of the rod is swung out to the desired pool. With the shorter and lighter rod one may cast con- siderably farther than with the long rod, and the latter seems more desirable when the fly is used, more natural results following such casts, while the use of the reel is more sat- isfactory. Next to the rod, the line must have careful con- sideration, and here again anglers are at odds. A fine silk braided line is preferable to the twisted line for two reasons, at least. It will run off the reel smoother and is less likely to kink where it is twisted by a swift current, and consequent- ly will reel in better. A twisted horse hair line containing nine hairs is a fine line but very expensive. A free running reel is also necessary, and these may be of the kind suited to the owner's taste and pocket book. The line and, reel, however, should be in "sympathy." Some lines will not work at all satisfactory with some reels, though they would do perfect work with others. Experiment on this sub- ject will repay the angler — and he only can say when he has found the two that are in harmony. Next, the bait is to be decided upon. Live bait and ar- tificial bait are in use and of varieties there are many. The chub minnow, angle worm, white grub worms, the flesh ot deer, rabbit or any wild fowl, shrimp and crawfish, or grass- hopper, will bring a strike at certain seasons of the year. At the opening of the season in the western states, angle worms are most available, or the little white worms found under the moss on rocks lying below the surface of the water. Minnows are also to be had wherever trout are found. In fact, in many streams abounding in trout "chubs" of good FISHES AND FISHING size will take the bait as often as the speckled game. The smaller chubs make good bait for large trout. A month later, unless the season is very forward, the ar- tificial fly will give the angler greater sport than live bait and cause him less inconvenience. Of artificial flies there are hundreds of varieties made of as many different materials, but all made in imitation of natural flies and for localities in which these flies abound, from the size of a housefly to a but- terfly. One should have a variety of these. If the trout do not rise to one, try another. A fly that trout may take in the morning, it will sometimes not touch at noon or evening. A little brown sandfly is quite a catch at certain times, while the white miller or black moth gives good results at other times. It has been said by many trout anglers that best re- sults come from using a bright colored fly on a cloudy day and a dull colored fiy on a bright day. Yet, the reverse has proven equally successful. Some anglers use a single fly or hook, while others use the tandem — two or three— attached about twelve inches apart, though the distance separating the hooks is a matter of opinion and conditions under which the angling is done. It is undoubt- edly true that mere trout will be taken with the tandem hook than with the single hook. Often a trout is taken on each hook, where trout are very numerous. A landing net and creel are essential adjuncts to the trouting equipment, and if streams are to be waded, which is generally the case, wading boots are necessary. Now a few words on angling, just to help the amateur. After the equipment is secured the beginner should consult some experienced angler and ask all the questions he can think of. That done, he can go ahead. Fish down stream generally, but there are times and conditions under which one may win greater success by casting up stream, though such instances are rare. Before starting, practice casting. This may be done anywhere that space may be found. Prac- tice makes perfect and any one who is trouting cannot have too much experience. It is difficult work, but very essential to success. After this learn all about the stream you in- tend to whip — the holes, pools, etc., and go ahead. Experience will do the rest. FISHES AND FISHING O • i—i 'a; i—i #2 o i—i o a> w i O o PS m FISHES AND FISHING BROOK TROUT The Brook trout of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan range from light gray in color to greenish black, depending on the waters and the food on which they live. It is undoubt- edly the various shading of colors that has caused many anglers to call some of them "Mountain trout." Indeed they are found in swift running streams in these states identical in every marking with those found in the Mountain streams of the west. They are marked with red and gold spots, the spots on the lighter color showing more prominent than on the darker fish. They range in weight from one-quarter of a pound to three and a half or four pounds, though the average weight is not above half a pound. The brook trout or speckled trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is one of the most beautiful, active, and widely distributed of the American trouts. It prefers clear, cold, rapid streams, and belongs to that group of trout known as charrs, characterized by the presence of round crimson spots on the sides of the body. Other members of this class are the saibling or charr (Salvelinus alpinus) of Europe and Greenland; the Sunapee trout (S. alpinus aureolus), found in parts of New Hampshire and Maine; the blueback trout (S. oquassa) of the Rangeley .Lakes in Maine, and the Dolly Varden trout, red-spotted trout, or bull trout (S. malma) of the Pacific States and Alaska. The lake trout also belongs in this group. The general form of the brook trout's body varies consid- erably, sometimes being elongated and sometimes rather short, but the usual depth is about one-fourth or one-fifth of the length. The head is large and blunt, and is contained 4% times in the body length. The large terminal mouth is pro- vided with teeth on the jaws, tongue, and palate bones, and also with a small patch on the vomer. The eye is placed high in the head; its diameter is about one-sixth of the length of head. The gill-rakers on the first arch number about 17, of which 11 are on the lower arm. The scales are very small and numerous; about 230 are in the lengthwise series, and 35 above and 35 below the lateral line. The dorsal and anal rays are 10 and' 9, respectively. The tail is square or slightly lunate in the adult, forked in the young. There is considerable variation in the color of the brook trout, dependent on local conditions, sex, and age. The head, back, and sides of the body, dorsal and caudal fins are of a grayish or greenish color; the back, head, dorsal, and base Ill FISHES AND FISHING of caudal are mottled with dark green or black. In the male there is a reddish band along side of belly. Along the middle of the side there are numerous round light-red spots surround- ed by whitish or light-brownish circular areas. The lower fins are dusky, with a pale or cream-color anterior border bounded by a black streak; remainder of fin often red in breeding males. The brook trout may be distinguished from the other charrs by the dark-brown or black marblings on the back and the general absence of spots on the back. THE GRAYLING. (Thymallus ontariensis.) The Michigan Grayling (Thymallus ontariensis) is natural- ly found only in certain streams in Michigan, although the type specimen was said to have come from Lake Ontario. It is one of the most attractive and game of fresh-water fishes, but is rapidly approaching extinction, owing to excessive fish- ing and the pollution of streams, which have not been counter- acted by artificial propagation. The Montana Grayling (Thy- mallus ontariensis montanus) inhabits a limited area in the head-waters of the Missouri River and is very abundant in some streams. Although the cultivation of the grayling was begun as early as 1874, it was never regularly or extensively conducted. Spawning in Michigan occurs in April, and the eggs are normal- ly laid in gravel beds in clear, cold streams. The number of eggs taken from a single fish varies from 3,000 to 4,000. The same methods of culture pursued with the brook trout are applicable to the grayling. In water having a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees F., the incubation is 14 to 20 days. FISHES AND PISHING 11 la 02 - Eh O B o PQ < FISHES AND FISHING RAINBOW TROUT. The Rainbow trout of Minnesota, and Wisconsin is one of the most beautiful fishes found in western waters. Its body is striped with beautiful tints of rainbow colors the entire length, while the spots found on the "speckled" trout show much less color on the rainbow. Wherever these fish are found they range in weight similar to those of the "speckled" trout. The body of the rainbow trout is comparatively short and deep, and is more elongate in males than in females. The average depth is contained about three and four-fifths times in the body length. The short head, which is obtusely ridged above, is about one-fourth the total length. The mouth is smaller than in species of Sal mo, the maxillary reaching scarcely beyond the eye, which is rather large, and is contained five times in the side of the head. The caudal fin is distinctly but not strongly forked. On the vomer are two irregular series of teeth. The dorsal rays number 11 and the anal 10. In the typical species there are about 135 scales in the lateral series, with 20 rows above and 20 below the lateral line; in the sev- eral subspecies the number of rows of scales along the side is from 120 to 180. The color is variable, depending on sex, age, and character of water. Typical adult fish are bluish above, silvery on the sides, profusely and irregularly dark- spotted on the back and sides, the spots extending to the vertical fins, with a red lateral band and blotches and a nearly plain belly. The rainbow trout is not indigenous to eastern waters, its original habitat being the Pacific Coast of the United States. It is especially abundant in the mountain streams of California. A few specimens, however, have been taken in salt water, and it is not unlikely that some find their way through the rivers into the sea. This fish is a native of the Great Lakes, but during the past decade attempts have been made to transplant the fry in the smaller lakes of Minnesota and Wisconsin, with some degree of success where the water is cool and deep. This handsome species (Cristivomer namaycush), the lar- gest of the trout, is classed with the charrs. It has an elon- gated body, the length being about 4% times the depth. The head is large, flat above, and about as long as the body is deep. The mouth is large; the maxillary bone extends be- yond the eye and is half the length of the head ; the jaws have FISHES AND FISHING 13 strong teeth. A peculiarity of the vomerine bone distinguishes this fish from the genus Salvelinus; it has a crest provider! with teeth extending backward from the shaft of the bone. On the hyoid bone the teeth are in a cardiform band. The eye, placed near the top of the head, is contained about 4% times in length of head. The caudal fin is well forked. Both the dorsal and anal fins contain 9 to 11 rays. In the straight lateral line there are about 200 scales. Branchiostegals 11 or 12. The coloration is quite variable in fish from different lo- calities. The general color is usually dark gray. The body, head, and fins are covered with small discrete rounded spots, usually of a pale color, but often tinged with reddish. On the back and top of head there are fine vermiculations, as in the brook trout. Examples from some lakes of Maine and eastern Canada are nearly black, and Alaskan examples are often very dark; others are quite pale. That variety of the lake trout known as the siscowet (Cristivomer namaycush siscowet), found only in deep water in Lake Superior, is shorter and paler than the typical fish and has weaker teeth and a shorter head; it is, however, chief- ly characterized by an excessive fatness, which greatly reduces its food value. 1 1 FISHES AND PISHING o C5 i o PS En HI H PQ o > FISHES AND FISHING 15 W P o Eh 125 H > M o o L6 FISHES AND FISHING o m ■a En o si 125 i M o o FISHES AND FISHING 17 EH O Eh H Q o § 18 FISHES AND FISHING & CD O H H M FISHES AND FISHING 19 20 FISHES AND FISHING VON BEHR TROUT— German Brown. (Salmo fario.) This trout grows to large size and is found in many of the streams of Wisconsin. Specimens have been taken, in Wisconsin, weighing six pounds, though the average weight is three-quarters of a pound. Von Behr trout have been caught weighing twenty pounds in the waters of California. LOCH LEVEN TROUT. (Salmo trutta levenensis.) This fish is very similar to the Von Behr or German brown trout. Fry has been planted in many of the western streams. This is claimed to be the most gamey of all trout. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TROUT— or Black Spotted. (Salmo mykiss.) This trout is similar to the brook trout of Minnesota and Wisconsin except that its spots are mainly above the middle of the body and wholly cover the tail and dorsal fin. YELLOWSTONE TROUT. (Salmo mykiss lewisi.) Yellowstone trout are found in the tributaries of the Yel- lowstone River and in many of the streams and lakes of the Yellowstone National Park. It is sometimes known as the "Cut Throat" trout and is a vicious fighter. Its spots are smaller and more numerous than the Wisconsin brook trout, and is much darker. STEELHEAD TROUT. (Salmo gairdneri.) A few of these trout have been planted in the brooks of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The Steelhead is black on the back shading to a dull gray on the sides, while the head is of clear steel gray resembling the polished metal. They are found in Montana and along the Pacific Coast as far North as Alaska. The fish is large and black spotted. It is also known as "hardhead" and Gairdner's trout. It is also a Russian fislf where it is known as Soomga. In some of the Eastern mark- ets it is sold as Kennebec salmon. It sometimes reaches a weight of thirty pounds. FISHES AND FISHING 21 5 .© o a .5 ^•H «K — CD i— i he a i bone; entra t © > o &*S CD rj- +-> H g * S H M bib 2 u w O CD r-H +-> ?-. C3 _ _ p 9 K. S HH o & h m 2 Ph a S Eh o ^ ^ ° fc o 1-3 CD Ci H H III roduced frc ts are not al-fin rays, t ft o O « ft a s CD CD ^ £ s s- d o a 5H O > cd" c3 c h3 •l-H CO CO s rt >> H 0> r— 1 bo / "~7' bn 02 o u O 02 o 5h pi ? W) r/} 02 in 4-3 4-3 < i>» M rQ o W H C3 p I— H O J-J tf < £ FISHES AND FISHING c3 PQ o .° 'cl ^ o ^ I 'o CD rQ s I 1- ] -4-J o pi o «M o CC aj rt s o jl) X/l -4J O -(-> £> 3 &B d ?H •i-i ^ +J CJ CD H O o H in PQ h-l H a B i bo H c m ? M o fe ,ci H Ul H &J0 S-H c W o £ DQ (1) .d a W fl k CO o C CQ o § B fl • iH .fl ^-s 02 r/J fl cd a> |-| •d 0> i-n O G O 02 5h O 05 •rH » g O < o < tf pa n En OS FISHES AND FISHING c3 xA w o o □ ° H B Eh FISHES AND FISHING 69 A Oh o o ■+J o w ?H c3 02 O 32 70 FISHES AND FISHING FISHES AND FISHING 71 o P3 h p H 0) El CO CO 72 FISHES AND FISHING O o FISHES AND FISHING 73 c6 PI a 74 FISHES AND FISHING THE STURGEON. (Acipenser Sturis.) There are six species of sturgeon in the waters of the United States. The common and the short-nosed sturgeons (Acipenser sturis) and (A. brevirostris) are found only on the Atlantic Coast, ascending rivers to spawn. The white stur- geon and green sturgeon (A. transmontanus) and (A. mediro- stris) inhahit only the waters of the Pacific Coast. The lake sturgeon or rock sturgeon (A. rubicundus) exists in the Great Lakes, the Upper Mississippi Valley, and other northern in- terior waters. The shovel-nose sturgeon or white sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platyrhynchus) is found in the Mississippi and other streams of the Southern and Western States. While all of the sturgeons are edible and caught for market, the most valuable species are the common sturgeon and the lake sturgeon, which alone have been artificially prop- agated. DOG FISH. (Amia Calva.) This fish is mentioned because of the necessity that ex- ists for its extinction and acquainting amateurs with its dangerous characteristics. It is a fish that one might eat wnen hunger threatened starvation. In many of the waters of the west the angler will frequently hook a dogfish when casting or trolling for bass, and must land and kill it to recover his hook. An automatic gaff is convenient for taking these fish from the water. The gaff will hold the fish firmly until the hook is removed and until the cord just back of the head has been severed, and danger from its sharp teeth are passed. These fish are great destroyers of other fish and of spawn- ing beds of the food and game fishes. AMERICAN EEL. (Anguilla Chryspa.) Eels are frequently caught in the rivers of the west. Oc- casionally one is taken with hook and line, but more frequent- ly they are brought to the surface while seining. They live and get their living in the mud. The United States Fish Com- mission reports "planting" several hundred Eels in a western lake, in about one foot of water. Within ten minutes say the commissioners every eel had bored into the mud at the bottom of the lake and disappeared. The eel is regarded as very de- structive to the spawn of other fish, and it is well that they are not more numerous in our lakes and streams. FISHES AND FISHING 75 FROG. Spring Frog or Leopard Frog (Rana virescens). In taking frogs for market, lines baited with red cloth, worms, or insects are extensively used; guns, small-bore rifles, and spears are also employed, and cross-bows are adopted for this purpose in Canada. They are often hunted at night, a lantern furnishing light for the hunter's aim, and at the same time blinding or dazing the frogs. The peculiarly formed tongue— loose behind, so that it may be thrown out to quite a distance — is covered with a viscid secretion so that the frog readily captures any insects or small animals that approach it closely. Tadpoles are commonly satisfied to wait patiently for their food, and even the adults do not often search actively for food. Sexual maturity is reached in about three or four years, being latest for those varieties that pass the first winter in the tadpole stage. It is generally believed that frogs live for twelve, fifteen or even twenty years. During the tadpole stage they furnish tempting morsels for fish, reptiles, some mammals, and other frogs, and espe- cially for wading birds, like herons and cranes. Their de- fenseless condition and the shallowness of their natural habitats at this period make them ready prey, and it is in the prevention of this, wholesale destruction that man may profitably intervene. In the adult frog stage the relentless pursuit by birds and reptiles is continued until of the hun- dreds of eggs deposited few become reproducing individuals. Only slight revenge for all this slaughter can be taken. They may occasionally capture disabled fish or small fish of sluggish habits found in the mud or on the bottom, and 76 FISHES AND FISHING instances are recorded of their eating snakes, toads, and young birds, but insects and lower forms are their staple diet. The species of frogs commonly eaten are the bullfrog (Rana catesbiana), the green frog (Rana clamata), the spring frog (Rana virescens), and the western bullfrog (Rana pre- tiosa and Rana aurora). FRESH WATER ' ' CLAMS. ' ' (Unios.) In nearly all of the lakes and streams of the Middle West are to be found mussels, which are known here as fresh water, soft shelled clams, and though not one person in a thousand has ever eaten them they are an edible delicacy. Frequently these "clams" are found at the edge of lake or stream, near the shore, and in some localities they are gather- ed and used for fish bait, especially for crappies. To catch these "clams" the old method employed by Indians and Canadian explorers is probably the best. Take an old fish net or hammock or branch of a tree, weight it down so that it will drag on the bottom, fasten with long ropes to a row boat and row slowly. As soon as the net or brush touches the shells, which are partly open to catch food, they will close and fasten to the drag. In this way hundreds may be gathered in an hour where the "clams" are reasonably plentifu 7 PISHES AND FISHING 77 ENEMIES OF FISH. The common enemies of small fish are kingfishers, ducks, mud hens (coots), fishhawks, snakes, frogs, muskrats, owls, turtles, cormorants, herons, opossums, crawfish and water rats. All of these are destroyers of small fry, and it is for the purpose of killing off these fish destroyers that a gun of small size is recommended in the angler's outfit. While the above named enemies of small fish are very destructive in small lakes, there are no greater destroyers of fish life than the big fish. The dogfish, the bass, the pike (pickerel), the catfish are very cannibalistic and will fre- quently attack other fish of nearly their own size. It is not uncommon to find a pound fish in the gullet of a five pounder, though the writer has never known an instance where the big fish had swallowed another of the same variety. Bass are often found to have devoured small suckers, tench, sunfish and perch, but so far as observed no bass have been found in their stomachs. The dogfish is very destructive to spawning beds, and in this respect is not much different from the carp, which spawns on the surface of the water and then raids the spawning beds of the bass, pike and perch, and, returning devours much of its own spawn. The fish destroyers are numerous and it seems a Provi- dential arrangement to keep down the supply. THE LAMPREY. (Petromyzon marinus unicolor.) The greatest enemy of fish in some of the western lakes, especially those of shallow depth and consequently warm water, is the lake Lamprey, or Lamprey Eel. This fish like animal is not an eel and resembles the latter only in ap- pearance. It is more commonly known in the East as "rock sucker" because it is sometimes found clinging by its mouth to stones. A peculiarity of this fish is that it requires three to four years to reach maturity and reproduce its kind, when it dies, seldom living more than three months after maturity. The Lamprey may be called a blood sucker. Its mouth fastens to the side of a sucker, pickerel, catfish, bass or any other fish that it may come in contact with, and it cannot be shaken off until its appetite is satisfied. It is not often that a fish thus attacked survives, the lamprey generally sucking the life out of the fish before releasing its hold. 78 FISHES AND PISHING o Ph w pel a W M i-3 i o D . < w O ,E * £ z S o °- S 5 CO o LU >v O o Z 53 FISHES AND FISHING HOW TO CATCH FISH. The means for catching fish are so numerous that it would require a volume larger than this book to describe them all. However, some of the most common methods are given as well as some of the secrets known only to life long fishermen, many of whom learned these secrets from the Indians and Southern Aborigines. The most common bait in use for lake and river angling is the frog or minnow, though the fly and other artificial baits are rapidly supplanting them as being more successful, inexpensive and cleaner to handle. The writer, who has con- tinued a line of experiments from the time he used a willow pole for a rod, a piece of twine for a line and a bent pin for a hook, covering a period of many years, has almost wholly discarded the live bait, finding much more satisfaction and pleasure in the use of the various artificial baits. Especially is this true of the bass fly. But one must have a variety of such bait and understand when and how to use them. After all, a knowledge of the habits of the fish, the waters in which they are found, the direction of the wind and temperature, are most essential. Bait casting affords the most sport and is more likely to result in good catches than either trolling or still fishing. Having secured a good reel, whether it cost a large sum or only a couple of dollars, a rod is essential. A lancewood rod will answer, though some anglers who can afford it will insist on a steel or split bamboo rod, but in any event these should be selected with a view to the class of fishing proposed. With a good reel, good rod and well balanced bait, whether natural or artificial the angler should, with a slight experience, be able to get both sport and fish. Fly casting is the common form of hooking brook trout, though many anglers still adhere to the earth worm bait of their boyhood days. The artificial fly will, however, prove more effective. In fact, it is about the only successful method now employed. Fly casting for black bass is becoming a common prac- tice with those who care more for the sport than they do for fish; but a skilled angler will not return home empty handed. The "Professor," and "Brown Hackle," are among the most attractive lures. The same tackle used for taking brook trout may be used for hooking crappies, but to take these fish the fly casting should be done before sunrise or after sunset. Little success 80 PISHES AND PISHING will attend fly fishing for crappies during any other time of the day. Use the Seth Green or Moth Miller, or some similar- ly bright fly, and for two hours, if located right, the angler will he treated to a series of surprises. The writer has found the Moth Miller the most success- ful lure. Crappies are not gamey. They do not strike like a brook trout, nor put up such a game fight, but they are a fairly good substitute, and the angler who has always fished for them with angle worms or clams, will be surprised and pleased at the experiment. SECRETS OF CATCHING FISH. Trout lures consist generally of the common earth worm in the early spring or the white wood worm found under the bark of trees. During the summer when the flies are abroad the artificial fly may be used with great success. But if the angler wants to stir up the big fellows he should bait with a chub minnow, a golden shiner or similar small fish about two to three inches in length. It is the big fish that are looking for big bait. The big ones are lazy and when they see a nice fat shining minnow apparently leisurely swimming by, it looks like easy food; there is a dash, a ,splash, a strain on the line and the big fellow is hooked. It is up to the angler to land him. While the author of this book discourages the use of artificial means of catching fish it is deemed a part of his mission to show how fish may be caught without either hook, line or spear. These methods are contrary to law. By the use of Fish Berries (Cocola Indicus), one may capture a tub full of fish in a short time. First ascertain where the fish are located. Then scatter pills of fish berries which have been prepared by mixing the' powder with flour and water and then drying in the air. When these pills are scattered over a school of fish they are eagerly swallowed. In about five minutes the fish will come to the surface belly up. Now is the time to gather them in with the landing net and place them in a tub of water previously provided in the boat. They will lie apparently dead for ten to twenty minutes when they will revive and be as lively as ever. These fish should be put in a live box and kept for a few hours before being cooked. Perhaps a few may die but if so it is generally from rough handling and not because of the fish berries, which though a poison simply put the fish to sleep. Another plan is that of jugging. In Germany and several FISHES AND FISHING 81 other kingdoms of the old country poachers often follow this practice. They take a pint or quart bottle, place in it a cup full of unslacked lime, drop in a half cup of water, fasten down the cork quickly with wire and gently drop the bottle down among the fish. In from ten to thirty minutes the lime has become slacked, the gas forms and an explosion follows which stuns the fish and they rise to the surface, where they are gathered in with landing nets. This method is preferable to the fish berries, as there is no possible ill effects from the lime. Another similar method is the use of a half gallon jug filled with a pint of lime and a cup of water. This is used when the water is very deep and big fish are sought. The jug should be weighted with a heavy stone or it will not sink to the bottom. It will take about forty to sixty minutes for the jug to explode, but it will stun the fish within a radius of fifty feet. A few drops of oil of rhodium or oil of cummin dropped on the bait will attract fish and they will never refuse to bite. This is a very old secret but experiments show that the slow moving fish are the ones that most readily take this doctored bait, not the bass or the trout, which come at the bait with a rush. But there are times when bass are not biting when the above oils will start them going. HOW TO CATCH MINNOWS. There are several ways, but it depends on how you are situated. If the minnows are to be taken from a lake the net should be about forty feet long and wide enough to reach the bottom while the top is on the surface. With one person at each end after dropping the net, gradually draw in to shore, scooping up the fish in the belly of the net. The most successful method of catching minnows is at the mouth of a creek, with an umbrella shaped net. Often these streams are but a few feet wide and if properly netted and the minnows are driven up by another person wading the stream from the mouth of the creek hundreds may be obtained in a single haul. CARE OF FISH. No fish should be kept to die in the boat, but should be killed outright, unless they are placed in a tank for future 82 FISHES AND FISHING use. A basket affords the best receptacle for fish when taken and should be provided wherever possible. When a sufficient number of fish have been taken, and this should be no more than is necessary to supply the family table, and perhaps a few for a neighbor, they should like game birds, be drawn and packed in grass in the fish basket. Ten minutes will suffice to draw the fish of a day's catch. Then if the angler has time, the fish should be scaled. A lightning fish scaler costs but 25 cents, and will repay its cost in once using it. CARE OF TACKLE. A good angler will take good care of his tackle. The reel should be oiled before starting out and should be kept free from dirt, and should be provided with a leather case. Some reels cost as much as a good watch, but few think of giving them as much care. Nothing but a good line should be used. A good line will outlast a dozen cheap ones. When through fishing for the day the line should be hung up to dry before being rewound. The proper way to assemble a rod is to start with the tap, connecting the joint to the handle, then attach the reel and thread the line on the rod. When the rod is taken apart the ferrules should be plugged with cotton or paper before putting away. Each class of hooks should be kept in a separate box, packed in the tackle box where it can be found without dis« turbing the other tackle. FISHES AND FISHING 83 84 FISHES AND FISHING CAMP AND FISHING HINTS. A good shelter tent, which can be carried in a compact space, may be constructed from a canvas sheet 6x12 feet in size, with large brass eyelets at the ends. With this canvas one may make a tent cover as protection from the sun, rain or wind, using a cross pole propped at each end in the branch- es of two small trees. This makes a good roof, strings passed through the eyelets being fastened to the ground or shrubs. To make a wind shelter, this canvas may be passed around three small trees, forming a semi-circular enclosure. It is unnecessary to add that outing parties will find such an ad- dition to their equipment a great convenience. There are many other conveniences for an outing trip to be found in all the large supply houses, and the angler must choose for himself or herself, according to their means and requirements. It would? be impossible to enumerate them all, many of which are good and serviceable, and many of which are worthless. In washing flannels and woolens don't wring them dry; hang them out without wringing and they will not shrink. Telescope or field glass is a great convenience. To test the freshness of meat insert the blade of a knife into the flesh; your nose can tell. Fish decay quickly. Trout should be drawn as soon after catching as convenient. Large fish should have the gills re- moved as soon as possible in hot weather. To make jerked meat from fresh killed venison or beef, cut the meat from the bones > then cut the meat into strips lengthwise with the grain, about three inches square; salt the strips and keep tbem under cover for five or six hours; hang the strips up to the limb of a tree fotf a few hours ; dry them partially in a smoke barrel or box for 6 hours, salt again and hang up for two or three days. Such meat will keep for twenty years if kept dry. To get cold water take a corked jug; to the cork attach a strong cord; to the handle of the jug attach a small rope; row out into the lake where it is very deep; tie a heavy stone to the jug to make it sink; drop the jug overboard, being careful that the line attached to the cork goes out freely. When the jug has reached the bottom, pull out the cork. The jug will fill with cold water. When full draw in with the line at- tached to the handle. The water will be very cold, especially if the lake is fed by underground springs. A good compass should be taken along where much tramp- FISHES AND FISHING 85 ing through the woods is anticipated, for it is very easy to get lost. A man naturally turns to the right in the woods, while a woman leans to the left. This has been demonstrated hundreds of times. A device for looking into the depths of the water may be constructed of haif inch pine, five inches square at each end and four to five feet long. The lower end is covered with glass and the upper end is cut to fit the face. With such a telescope one may see "things" at a depth of twenty to twen- ty-five feet on clear days. Such "telescopes" are often used when snaring through the ice in winter or in searching for "clams" or crawfish in shallow water. Whistle — Very often the whistle may show your presence, or may be used as a signal. The rule of the woods is: One long shrill blast — Game here, come, Two long blasts: Where are you? Three long blasts: Wait, I am coming. Three blasts at intervals: I am lost. The same signals are used with rifle or shot gun. ■Sunglass, or flint lighter — Very often hunters lose their matches or they become wet. The sunglass or "reading glass" or the flint lighter then come in handy. The glass can only be used when the sun shines, but the flint lighter, if kept in a rubber or oil skin cover, may be used at all times even if the hunter is unfortunate enough to be "dumped" in the water. 86 FISHES AND PISHING Electric Light — The pocket electric flash light will be found to be an important adjunct to the huntsman's kit. It can be used in all kinds of weather and is always ready. Pistol, Small Rifle or Shotgun — Any of these are valuable acquisitions to the angler's outfit, for the reason that one of ten encounters wolves, wild cats, raccoons, squirrels or tramps. Except the latter (which are the most dangerous) one may secure fine specimens by having fire arms. Never keep a load- ed gun in wagon, boat or tent. Axe and Knife — A good hunting knife or axe is essential. With such keen edged tools one may easily construct a tempor- ary camp and feel assured of safety in the wildest locality. Tenting Outfits — Tents may be selected to suit the hunt- er or angler, but no one should forget the necessity of a couple of pounds of wire nails as a quick means of fixing the frame. Camp Grounds — Select a high place, sloping to river or lake, dig a trench on the upper and side lines near the base of the tent, so that in case of rain the interior of the tent will not be flooded. Lost in the Woods — If you find you are lost, sit down. If you have lost your bearings try to realize your position by the compass. If you have "blazed your way" with the axe it will be very easy to retrace your steps. This is what you should have done. Blazing the Trail — When you leave the main road and go into the woods, with your axe clip off the bark of the trees, about shoulder high, at least every fifty feet. If this course is pursued one can never be lost. Take only old clothes for outing or fishing. An extra pair of shoes will come in handy, as well as two changes of under- clothing. In wading the trout streams in warm weather the writer generally wears a pair of canvas shoes, a pair of over- alls, flannel shirt and dark coat. Never wear bright colors while fishing trout. Brook trout can see farther than any other fish. Never wear white waist or hat; olive green or dull grey are good colors. To build a camp fire drive two three inch stakes in the ground at an angle of 90 degrees. Find four green logs, short ones, lay one above the other against these stakes. Dig an FISHES AND FISHING 87 oblong hole at the foot of the ground log, about six inches deep, about 18 by 24 inches in size, then build fire, using small dry twigs underneath. After the fire is well started lay over all two dry logs. After this fire is sufficiently burned, cooking may be commenced, and all of the dishes prescribed in -this book may be cooked. Take care of your matches — A screw top bottle is one of the best means. Have such a bottle always filled and held in reserve for emergency. You might fall in the water destroy your matches and put your flint lighter out of business. The matches in the bottle will always be safe. In tenting, a convenient, bed is made by having a canvas sheet 3 feet wide by 7 feet long. Get two six or eight inch logs, 3 feet long and fasten to each end of the canvas, the canvas having brass eyelets. Then get two small saplings of sufficient length and fasten them to the two logs on each side of the canvas. This will make a very convenient bed. Every camper and outer should provide himself or herself with a dozen yards of mosquito net. When in permanent camp a good plan to keep water cool is to have a keg, dig a hole in the ground about the water level, place the keg therein and having a lid on the top of the keg, cover it with four or five layers of wet cloth. This will keep the water thirty to forty degrees colder than if kept open in camp. A great deal depends on the location of a camp. And it is worth a few hours' consideration in its selection. It should be in close proximity to good water, fuel and protection from storms. In buying waterproof boots the canvas covered gum boot is the best as it will stand harder usage than the all-rubber boots and is much lighter. Never take any whiskey or other stimulant in the boat. It is a dangerous proposition. If one must have it leave it in camp to be taken after your return. 88 FISHES AND FISHING CAMP SUPPLIES, One of the most difficult problems confronting the camper is that of taking as small an outfit as possible and still have necessities for camp life. There are knock down stoves and full sets of camp furniture to be had at every supply house. The aim has been to condense the equipment into the smallest possible space and reduce it to the smallest weight. The writer is not much in favor of camp stoves unless the camp be made during the winter months when a stove is es- sential in the tent or cabin. Rather the stove is to be dis- couraged during the summer months. The camp fire and a knowledge of camp cooking without the stove will furnish more real enjoyment during an outing trip than if the con- veniences of the kitchen are transplanted to the woods. With the necessary pots and pans any one who will ob- serve the directions given in this book may serve up roasts, fries, broils, stews or baked dishes that will be far more pala- table than home or hotel cooking. To equip an outdoor camp for a party of four they should have aside from their tent equipment, the following, 1 Axe. 1 Camp coffee pot. 1 Camp fry pan. 3 Stew kettles, two of equal size and one smaller. 2 Bake pans. 4 Camp plates. 4 Camp cups. ." 4 Knives. 4 Spoons. 4 Forks. 1 Salt cellar. • ., 1 pepper dredge. 1 Large spoon. 1 Large fork. I Ladle dipper. I Turnover. I Whetstone. 1 Can opener. 1 Butcher knife. The camp ration must be chosen with great care and with regard to the locality in which the camp is to be pitched". No allowance is made for game or fish which may be procured. For each week of camp life for four persons the following FISHES AND FISHING 89 quantities and articles are suggested, after thirty years of experience: 20 Pounds of flour. 6 Pounds of Corn meal. 5 Pounds of Navy beans. 6 Pounds of Salt .pork. 10 Pounds Select bacon. 15 Pounds Potatoes. 7 Pounds Onions. 3 Pounds of dried fruit. I Large ham. 1 Gallon of sour pickles. I Quart of Syrup. 1 Box of mustard. 1 Sack of salt. 3 Pounds of coffee. 2 Pounds of Tea. 6 Pounds Sugar. 3 Pounds Cheese. 1 Can baking powder. 1 Can baking soda. 1 Pkg. matches. Soap. Candles. If for a longer trip take same amount for each week. HOW TO COOK FISH. We have all heard about how to cook wild fowl and fish by encasing them in clay, but the clay is not always obtain- able; what then? Take a bass, perch or pike, dress it. After rinsing it well place a piece of bacon or salt pork inside, then wrap the fish in two or three layers of brown paper. Soak the whole package until wet through. Now remove the coals from the fire, dig a trench through the hot ashes, imbed the fish en- cased in the brown paper, draw the hot ashes and coals around it, and if necessary to maintain heat, build a small fire over the fish. In thirty to forty minutes the fish will be ready to serve. PLANKED FISH. It all depends upon the kind of fire you have, when cook- ing planked fish. First clean the fish. Place inside it a 90 FISHES AND FISHING piece of bacon or salt pork, and a little celery or onion. Nail the fish to a wide board in such a way that it may be turned towards the fire. It is essential to have a fire of hot coals, and the cooking of such a fish will require forty-five to sixty minutes time. TO SMOKE FISH. The great northern pickerel, muscallonge, wall eyed pike, black bass, striped perch and white fish as well as many other varieties of fish, may be preserved by smoking, if simple di- rections are followed. Procure a barrel or box or small canvas enclosure. Con- struct three layers of cross bars, of wire, willow saplings or netting. Place on these frames the fish desired to be smoked, first having dressed them and split them down the back (it is best to remove the backbone), lay them flat on the frames. Build a smudge under them and smoke for two to four hours under a steady hot smoke. After this, if possible, dry the fish in a hot oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. If an oven is not available, nail the fish to a board and place them near a camp fire for half an hour. Salt them thoroughly and they will keep for several months, and will equal the best finnan haddie or other smoked fish. FISHES AND FISHING 91 CAMP COOKING. To roast potatoes put them in hot ashes and cover; keep fire enough on top to insure steady heat. They will cook in forty-five minutes if ashes are properly prepared. To roast corn on the ear follow the same plan as for pota- toes, leaving the husks on; forty minutes time will be requir- ed; remove from ashes, pull off husks and serve. To roast eggs follow the same plan; five to six minutes will cook them nicely. Liver and bacon — Drop slices of liver in hot water for two minutes; remove and drop into frying pan where bacon has been previously cooked. To cook rabbit — Skin and dress; remove head; cut in small pieces at the joints and fry in butter or with bacon. If for stew cook same as stewed chicken. To cook Partridge, Quail or Prairie Chicken; dress, skin and fry; or dress and encase in clay and roast in hot coals and ashes, either with feathers on or removed. Baked Beans — The night previous soak beans, one cup for two persons, using plenty of water and a large dish. In morning drain and place in kettle and boil until skins will separate when blown upon. Place in closed jar, with piece of fat bacon or salt pork; add tablespoon sugar; cover jar with tight cover, place jar in hot ashes and cover with hot coals or fire; cook for two hours. Leave an inch or two of space on top of beans for expansion and gas. If placed in campfire and left over night will be ready for breakfast. Tea is the best for a camp or long trip through woods. A small quantity will go a long ways; it is easily prepared. Use a pinch of tea for each person; steep a few minutes until right color is obtained. Tea is used by all old time hunters and cruisers. Pancakes — Mix night before. Flour and water (milk if available), in morning add pinch of salt, little sugar and flour enough to make a soft batter. Add teaspoon soda to each quart batter; fry in bacon drippings. Soups and stews are frowned down by campers, because of the necessary dishes. 92 FISHES AND FISHING EMERGENCY MEDICINES. Keep the mouth shut, the head cool, the bowels open and the feet dry, and there will be little use for your medicine case. Still there will be times when the emergency case will be found necessary. Constipation and diarrhoea, cramps, chills and wounds are the most common affections to contend with on an outing trip. For constipation use cathartics, any kind; for diarrhea use sun cholera cure or apply warm bandages to stomach. Browned flour, vinegar and salt is good for a drink. Hot gin- ger tea is good. For cuts or wounds, bandage thoroughly. If an artery has been cut tie bandage above the wound and use a stick to tighten the bandage, then go for a surgeon, if it is a dangerous case. Baking soda is a great relief for ivy poisoning. For toothache use Wizard Oil, or warm solution of vinegar and salt. Peroxide of Hydrogen is also very good in allaying tooth troubles. For earache, put a small portion of finecut tobacco in a tablespoon with water; steep over fire, drop few drops in ear; pain will cease at once. For fever and ague take frequently 2 grain capsules of quinine. It is a good plan to have a dozen mustard plasters. They can be had at any drug store. The hypodermic syringe is also worth consideration in cases of fatigue, drowning, over exertion. Learn how to use it. For poisoning warm water and mustard is good. If struck by lightning place patient on ground, throw water in face and remove clothes; let patient lie close to ground. PISHES AND PISHING 93 PROPER FISHING BOAT. Proper boat for fishing. It is a fiat bottom boat twelve to eighteen inches in depth, eighteen feet long and four feet six inches in width, with fixed seats at each end. There will be less liability of danger and more comfort from using such a boat than any other. Fishermen do not require speed and a single pair of oars in such a boat will propel two or four persons at sufficient speed. 94 FISHES AND FISHING CHOICE OF FLIES. Fly fishing is in its infancy in America generally, and especially in this part of that happy land. In the European countries flies are classified for use according to the country and according to season. Thus there are sand flies suitable for Norway, for Ireland, the Dee, the Tweed, the Usk. So there are trout flies for the Severn, Wye, Dugg, Teme, Mormow, etc.; for the Yorkshire, Cumberland and Westmoreland rivers and streams and for the various lakes. Fishermen in this part of the world do not distinguish between streams. Substantially the same flies are used through the Rocky mountains, Wisconsin and Minnesota and in New Eng- land. In Canada the subject has advanced a step further in evolution. On the Nepigon, for example, it is an established tradition that you use number one salmon flies, especially Jock Scott, Silver Doctor, "Rams Bottom's President," Durham Ranger, Dusty Miller, etc. For the Maine salmon fishing large flies are used; in Northeast Canada the flies run very small. In countries where the art has reached a further state of development, flies are arranged according to the months. A standard English book describes as the best flies for April, Iron Blue Dun, Olive Quills, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Goose Dun, March Brown and Hammond Adopted, Rough Olive, White Church and the Grannum. The best flies for May, Red Palm- ers, Olive Duns, Cow Dun Alder, a Black Gnat, Yellow Dun, Ginger Quil, Pink Wickham. One celebrated entomological ar- rangement, according to season, is "Rolands." The flies there- in described for April and May, like those just enumerated, are rather neutral cinnamon colors for April and more yellow and blue colors for May. FISHES AND FISHING 95 MINNOWS FOR BAIT. The use of minnow bait for catching wall-eyed pike, pick- erel, perch, and sometimes bass, is frequently employed in this section. Anglers differ as to the proper method of hooking this bait. If it is true that big fish swallow the minnow head first, it would seem that the first cut here shown would be the proper method for attaching the hook. But if the big fish swallow the minnows tail first, then the method shown in the following cut would seem to be appro- priate. The big fish take the frog through a rear attack. They also take the minnow in the same manner, but whether they do so at all times is a question. They evidently do take smali fish head first when not attached to a hook, but when used as bait it has been proven that they will swallow the minnow in most any way. 96 FISHES AND FISHING OPEN SEASON FOR FISHING. The laws of the western states have recently been chang- ed, the principal changes being in the dates for taking certain fish. The following extracts from the game laws cover every point likely to arise, or about which there may be any dispute. There will be no other changes before spring of 1909, if then. Minnesota. Brook trout — any variety — April 15th to Sept. 1st. Black Bass, Gray Bass or Oswego Bass, May 29th to March 1st, following. Pike, Perch, Muscallonge, Sunfish, Lake Trout, Catfish or any other variety of fish — May 1st to March 1st, following. Pickerel, Suckers, Bullheads, Redhorse and Carp may be taken at any time with either hook and line or spear. There is no limit to the number of these fish that may be taken. Artificial light may be used except during May and June. It is unlawful to have in possession for sale or to sell any brook! trout or black bass at any time. All other fish" may be sold provided they are caught in the manner prescribed by law, with hook and line, except in certain cases, where seines are permitted and are licensed by the game and fish commission. The number of fish that may be taken in one day is limit- ed to twenty-five, except pickerel, suckers, redhorse, carp and bullheads. Crappies and sunfish are restricted to 25. Nonresidents temporarily in Minnesota may ship outside the state any fish caught here provided the shipper accom- panies the fish and the package or box is properly and plainly marked, giving name of shipper, the consignee and the con- tents of the package. Fifty pounds is the limit that may thus be taken. One hook and one line is all the law permits, but the com- mission has ruled that the "gang" hook, tandem hook or artifi- cial bait constitutes one hook. Wisconsin. Brook Trout — any variety — May 1st to August 15th. Ten pounds is the limit for a day's catch. Black Bass, Yellow Bass or Oswego Bass, Green Bass, Rock Bass, Silver Bass, White Bass, Pike, Catfish, Muscal- longe and Sturgeon — May 25th to March 1st, following. Under the law these are designated as the game fish of Wisconsin. FISHES AND FISHING 97 Rough. Fish — In Wisconsin Buffalo fish, Carp, Dogfish, Garfish, Eelpout, Red Horse, Sheepshead and Suckers are legal- ly known as Rough Fish. A license is required to take the rough fish with nets or seines as in Minnesota, though the fee is five dollars, whereas in Minnesota it does not exceed one dollar. The sale of Brook Trout is prohibited and they cannot be shipped either within or without the state, unless accompanied by the shipper. North Dakota. Pike, pickerel, perch, crappies, trout, buffalo, bass and muscallcnge between May 1st and January 1st, except in streams and lakes where fish has been planted, there from May 1st to October 1st. Hook and line only can be used. South Dakota. (Same as North Dakota.) Upper Michigan. Speckled trout, grayling, California trout and landlocked salmon, from May 1st to September 1st, with hook and line only. Less than six inches long protected. Black bass may be taken with hook and line only, from May 20th to April 1st following thereafter, must not be sold during closed season. 98 FISHES AND FISHING OPEN SEASON FOR GAME. Minnesota. Turtle dove, snipe, prairie chicken or pinnated, white- breasted or sharp-tailed grouse, woodcock, upland plover and golden plover, September 1st to Nov. 1st. Quail, partridge, ruffed grouse or pheasant, other than Mongolian, Chinese, ring neck or English pheasant, October 15th to December 15th. Wild duck, wild goose, brant, or any variety of aquatic fowl, September 1st to December 1st: Unlawful to shoot or kill more that twenty-five game biras per day. Deer, November 10th to November 30th. Male moose, November 10th to November 30th. To hunt big game, such as deer and moose, license re- quired; non-resident's fee, $25.00; for small game $10.00, issued by county auditor; resident's fee, $1.00 Elk protected at all times. Wisconsin. Woodcock, partridge^ pheasant or grouse of any variety, plover or snipe, September 1st to December 1st. Prairie chicken, September 1st to October 15th, in follow- ing counties: Adams, Barron, Burnett, Bayfield, Buffalo, Clark, Crawford, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Juneau, Marquette, Monroe, Pepin, Polk, Portage, Richland, Sawyer, Vernon, Washburn, Wanshara, Wood. May take in one day or have in possession : Fifteen prairie chickens, grouse or woodcock. Twenty-five partridge or pheasant. Thirty wild geese, wild ducks, plover or snipe. Non-residents with license may take fifty game birds from state when he accompanies them, not |aqr.e than above num- ber of any variety. Wild duck, brant or other aquatic fowl, excepting wild geese, September 1st to January 1st. Wild geese, September 1st to May 1st. Deer, November 10th to November 30th, except in Adams, Richland and Marquette counties, where open season is Novem- ber 20th to December 1st. Closed all year in Calumet, Columbia, Fond du Lac, Man- FISHES AND FISHING 99 itowoc, Sauk, Sheboygan, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempeleau and Vernon. Unlawful to hunt without a license. Fee to non-residents is $25.00 for hunting all game (not protected), including deer; $10.00 for hunting game other than deer. Fee to residents, $1.00. For rabbit or squirrel, September 1st to March 1st. Michigan (Upper Peninsula). Ducks, geese and all wild water fowl, September 1st to January 1st. Jack snipe, bluebill, canvas-back, pin-tail whist- ler, spoon-bill, butter-ball and saw bill ducks, March 2nd to April 10th. No device permissible. Prairie chicken, wild turkey and wild pigeon, protected un- til 1910. Partridge, quail, spruce hen and woodcock, October 15th to November 30th. Deer, November 10th to 30th, inclusive. No person is per- mitted to kill more than two in one year. Moose, elk and caribou are protected until 1913. For black and gray squirrels, October 15th to November 30th. License required to hunt deer. Fee to non-residents, $25.00; residents $1.50. North Dakota. Prairie chicken, pinnated, sharp-tailed and ruffled grouse or woodcock September 1st to October 15th. Wild duck, wild goose, crane or brant, Sept. 1st to May 1st. Deer, from November 10th to December 1st; hounds or dogs, also spring guns, prohibited in hunting same. Permit required for hunting within state, issued by county auditor and endorsed by game warden. Fee for non-residents, $25.00; for residents, 75 cents. L,<#C. 100 FISHES AND FISHING LIST OF SPECIES OF FISHES KNOWN IN THE GREAT LAKES OR THEIR CONNECT- ING WATERS. From Report of U. S. Fish Commission. In the following list are given the fishes known to live in the Great Lakes or their connecting waters. This includes not only the streams and smaller lakes directly tributary to the Great Lakes but also the upper St. Lawrence River and the waters tributary to it. The species not known to occur else- where than in the hydrographic basin of the Great Lakes are indicated by a star. 1. Petromyzon marinus unicolor (De Kay). Lamprey eei. 2. *Ichthyomyzon concolor (Kirtland). Silver lamprey. 3. Lampetra wilderi (Gage). Brook lamprey. 4. Polyodon spathula (Walbaum). Paddle-fish. Only one specimen recorded from Great Lake Basin; that from Lake Erie. 5. Acipenser rubicundus Le S. Lake sturgeon. 6. Lepisosteus osseus (L.). Long-nosed gar. 7. Lepisosteus platostomus Rafinesque. iShort-nosed gar. 8. Amia calva Linnaeus. Dog-fish or bowfin. 9. Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). Channel cat-fish. 10. Ameiurus lacustris (Walbaum). Great Lakes cat-fish. 11. Ameiurus natalis (Le Sueur). Yellow cat-fish. 12. Ameiurus vulgaris (Thompson). Bullhead. 13. Ameiurus nebulosus (Le Sueur). Common bullhead. 14. Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque). Small black bullhead. 15. Noturus flavus Rafinesque. Stone cat. 16. Schilbeodes gyrinus (Mitchill). 17. Schilbeodes exilis (Nelson). 18. Schilbeodes miurus (Jordan). 19. *Carpiodes thompsoni Agassiz. Lake carp sucker. ♦ 20. Catostomus catostomus (Forster). Long-nosed sucker. 21. Catostomus commersonii (Lacepede). Common sucker. 22. Catostomus nigricans Le S. Black sucker. 23. Erimyzon sucetta oblongus (Mitchill). Chub sucker. 24. Minytrema melanops (Raf.). Striped sucker. 2.5. Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque). White-nosed sucker. 26. Moxostoma aureolum (Le Sueur). Common redhorse. 27. Moxostoma breviceps (Cope). Short-headed redhorse. 28. Campostoma anomalum (Raf.). Stone-roller. 29. Chrosomus erythrogaster Rafinesque. Red-bellied dace. FISHES AND FISHING 101 30. Pimephales promelas Raf. Fat-head minnow. 31. Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque). Blunt-nosed minnow. 32. Semotilus corporalis (Mitchill). Fall-fish. 33. Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill). Creek chub. 34. Leuciscus elongatus (Kirtland). Red-sided minnow. 35. Leuciscus neogaeus (Cope). 36. Leuciscus margarita (Cope). 37. Opsopoeodus emiliae Hay. 38. Opsopoeodus megalops (Forbes). 39. Abramis crysoleucas (Mitchill). Roach. 40. Hybognathus nuchale Agassiz. 41. Cliola vigilax (Baird & Girard). 42. Notropis anogenus Forbes. 43. Notropis cayuga Meek. Cayuga minnow. 44. Notropis heterodon (Cope). 45. * Notropis fretensis (Cope). 46. Notropis blennius (Girard). Straw-colored minnow. 47. *Notropis volucellus (Cope). 48. Notropis hudsonius (De Witt Clinton). Shiner. 49. *Notropis hudsonius selene (Jordan). Lake Superior shiner. 50. Notropis whipplii (Girard). Satin-fin minnow. 51. Notropis cornutus (Mitchill). Red-fin. 52. *Notropis cornutus frontalis (Agassiz). 53. *Notropis cornutus cyaneus (Cope). 54. Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque. 55. Notropis arge (Cope). 56. Notropis rubrifrons (Cope). 57. Notropis umbratilis (Girard). 58. Notropis umbratilis cyanocephalus (Copeland.) 59. Ericymba buccata (Cope). 60. Rhinichthys cataractae (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Long- nosed dace. 61. Rhinichthys atronasus (Mitchill). Black-nosed dace. 62. Rhinichthys atronasus lunatus (Cope). 63. Hybopsis dissimilis (Kirtland). 64. Hybopsis storerianus (Kirtland). 65. Hybopsis kentuckiensis (Raf.). River chub. 66. Couesius plumbeus (Agassiz). 67. Couesius dissimilis (Girard). 68. Exoglossum maxillingua (Le Sueur).' Cutlip minnow. 69. Anguilla chrysypa Rafinesque. Common eel. 70. Hiodon alosoides (Rafinesque). Mooneye. 71. Hiodon tregisus Le Sueur. Toothed herring. 102 FISHES AND FISHING 72. Dorosoma cepedianum (Le Sueur). Hickory shad. Probably introduced through canals from Mississippi basin, and possibly go through the Erie Canal. 73. Pomolobus chrysochloris Rafinesque. Probably not na- tive, but introduced from the Mississippi basin by means, of canals. 74. Pomolobus pseudoharengus (Wilson). 75. Coregonus quadrilateralis Richardson. Round white-fish. 76. Coregonus clupeiformis (Mitchill). Common white-fish. 77. Coregonus labradoricus Richardson. Labrador white- fish. 78. *Argyrosomus osmeriformis (H. M. Smith). Smelt of New York lakes. 79. Argyrosomus artedi (Le Sueur). Lake herring. 80. Argyrosomus artedi sisco Jordan. Cisco of Lake Tippe- canoe. Only in certain small lakes in Wisconsin con- nected with Lake Michigan and certain small lakes in northern Indiana in the Wabash basin.. 81. *Argyrosomus hoyi Gill. Hoy's white-fish. 82. * Argyrosomus prognathus (H. M. Smith). Long-jaw white-fish. 83. *Argyrosomus nigripinnis Gill. Blackfin white-fish. 84. * Argyrosomus tullibee (Richardson). Tullibee white- fish. 85. *Argyrosomus tullibee bisselli Bollman. 86. Cristivomer namaycush (Walbaum). Lake trout. 87. *Cristivomer namaycush siscowet (Agassiz). Siscowet. 88. Salmo salar Linnaeus. Atlantic salmon. 89. Salmo salar ouananiche McCarthy. Ouananiche. 90. Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). Brook trout. 91. *Thymallus tricolor Cope. Michigan grayling. 92. Umbra limi (Kirtland). Mud minnow. 93. Lucius vermiculatus (Le Sueur). Grass pike. 94. Lucius reticulatus (Le Sueur). Pickerel. 95. Lucius lucius (Linnaeus). Great pike. 96. Lucius masquinongy (Mitchill). Muskallunge. 97. Fundulus diaphanus (Le Sueur). Grayback minnow. 98. Fundulus diaphanus menona (Jordan & Copeland). 99. Fundulus dispar (Agassiz). 100. Fundulus notatus (Raf.). Top minnow. 101. Eucalia inconstans (Kirtland). Brook stickleback. 102. *Eucalia inconstans cayuga Jordan. 103. *Eucalia inconstans pygmaea (Agassiz). 104. Pygosteus pungitius (Linnaeus). Nine-spine stickleback. FISHES AND FISHING 103 105. Gasterosteus bispinosus (Walbaum). Common stickle- back. 106. Percopsis guttatus Agassiz. Trout percb. 107. Aphredoderus sayanus (Gilliams). Pirate perch. 108. Labidesthes sicculus (Cope). Skipjack. 109. Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque. Crappie. 110. Pomoxis sparoides (Lacepede). Calico bass. 111. Ambloplites rupestris (Raf.). Rock bass. 112. Chaenobryttus gulosus (Cuv. & Val.). Warmouth. 113. Apomotis cyanellus (Rafinesque). Blue-spotted sun-fish. 114. Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque). Long-eared sun-fish. 115. Lepomis pallidus (Mitchill). Bluegill. 116. Eupomotis euryorus (McKay). Red-eared sun-fish. 117. Eupomotis gibbosus (L.) Pumpkin-seed. 118. Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede). Large-mouthed black bass. 119. Micropterus dolomieu Lacepede. Small-mouthed black bass. 120. Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill). Wall-eyed pike. 121. Stizostedion canadense (Smith). Sauger. 122. Stizostedion canadense griseum (De Kay). 123. Perca flavescens (Mitchill). Yellow perch. 124. Percina caprodes (Rafinesque). Log perch. 125. Percina caprodes zebra (Agassiz). 126. Hadropterus aspro (Cope & Jordan). Black-sided darter. 127. Cottogaster copelandi (Jordan). Copeland's darter. 128. *Cottogaster cheneyi Evermann & Kendall.- Cheney's darter. 129 Cottogaster shumardi (Girard). Darter. 130. Diplesion blennioides (Rafinesque). Green-sided darter. 131. Boleosoma nigrum (Rafinesque). Johhny darter. 132. Boleosoma nigrum olmstedi (Storer). Darter. 133. Ammocrypta pellucida (Baird). Sand darter. 134. *Etheostoma boreale (Jordan). Northern darter. 135. Etheostoma coeruleum Storer. Rainbow darter. 136. Etheostoma flabellare Raf. Fan-tailed darter. 137. Etheostoma flabellare lineolatum (Agassiz). 138. Boleichthys fusiformis (Girard). 139. Microperca punctulata Putnam. Least darter. 140. Roccus chrysops (Raf.). White lake bass. 141. Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque. Fresh-water drum. 142. Cottns ictalops (Rafinesque). Blob. 143. *Cottus ricei Nelson. Rice's blob. 144. Cottus pollicaris (Jordan & Gilbert). 104 FISHES AND FISHING 145. *Cotttis spilotus (Cope). 146. *Uranidea franklini (Agassiz). 147. *Uranidea kumlienii Hoy. 148. Uranidea gracilis (Heckel). 149. *Uranidea formosa (Girard). 150. *Uranidea hoyi Putnam. 151. *Triglopsis thompsoni Girard. Fresh-water sculpin. 152. Lota maculosa (Le Sueur). Ling. FISHES AND PISHING 105 GENERAL INDEX. Page. Preface 3 Fishes Known by Many Names 4 Whipping Trout Streams 5 Trout — How to Angle for 6 Flies and Tackle 6 Spotting 6 Reels and Rods 6 Fly Casting , 7 Tandem Flies 7 Landing Net and Creel 7 Trout — Brook— Description of 9-20 Variety of Color 9 Anatomy of 9 Grayling — Description of 10 Rainbow — Description of 12 Von Behr — Description of 20 Loch Leven — Description of 20 Rocky Mountain — Description of 20 Yellowstone — Description of 20 Steelhead — Description of 20 Bass — Anatomy of 21 Large Mouth 22 Small Mouth 22 Crappie — Description of 22 Crappie — Fly Casting for 35 Strawberry — Description of 23, 38 106 FISHES AND FISHING Rock — Description of 23 White— Description of 38 Warmouth — Description of 38 Common Names of 24 Growth and Weight 25 Fly Casting for 26 Natural Habitat 26 Sunfishes — Description of 38 Pickerel — Description of 39 Muscallonge — Description of 41 Unspotted — Description of 41 Fishing for 42 Tackle Required 43 Perch — Yellow or Ringed 45 Pike Perch (Wall Eyed Pike) 45 Sand Pike, or Jack Salmon 45 Carp — Scaled or Asiatic 4G History of 46 Mirror or King 47 Leather 47 Tench 47 Drum (Fresh Water) 51 Whitefishes 52 Mooneye — Description of S8 Lake Herring — Description of 52 Tullibee 52 Catfishes — Channel — Description of 60 How to Catch Them 60 Bullhead or Horned Pout 64 Redhorse 64 Buffalo Fish 64 Suckers 65 PISHES AND FISHING 107 Smelt or Gudgeon 65 Sheephead G6 Roach or Golden Shiner 66 Chub or Fall Fish , 66 Gar — Short Nosed 70 Sturgeon — Short Nosed 71-74 Dog Fish 74 Eel — American 74 Frog , 75 Clam — Fresh Water 76 Enemies of Fish , 77 Lamprey 77 Fish— How to Catch . . 79 Bait for Different Fish 79 Bait and Fly Casting 79 Tackle for Various Fish 79 Flies Best Adapted 79 Fish — Secrets of Catching 80 Minnows — How to Catch 81 Fish — Care of 81 Tackle— Care of 82 Camp Hints S4 To Wash Flannels 84 Testing Freshness of Meat 84 To Prepare Fish , 84 Jerked Meat 84 To Keep Water Cool S4 Use of Compass 84 Water Telescope , 85 Sun Glass or Flint Lighter 85 Electric Lighter 85 Pistol or Rifle 86 108 FISHES AND FISHING Axe and Knife 86 Tenting Outfits 86 Camp Location 80 Lost in the Woods 86 Blazing the Trail SQ Camp Fire — Building of 86 Camp Supplies for Cooking 88 Camp Rations 89 How to Cook Fish 89 Planked Fish 89 Smoked Fish 90 Camp Cooking Recipes 91 Medicines for Emergency 92 Boat for Fishing 93 Flies— Kind to Use 94 Minnows — How to Hook 95 Fish Laws— Western States 96-97 . Game Laws — Western States 98-99 Fishes of the West— Species of 100-104 PISHES AND PISHING 109 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Brook Trout — Speckled 8 Grayling Trout 10 Rainbow Trout 11 Von Behr Trout — German Brown 14 Loch Leven Trout 15 Rocky Mountain Trout 16 Yellowstone Trout 17 Lake Trout IS Steelhead Trout 19 Bass — Anatomy of 21 Bass— Small Mouth 28 Bass — Large Mouth , 29 Bass— Rock 30 Bass— White 31 Bass — Warmouth 32 Bass — Strawberry , 33 Crappies 31 Sunfish (Blue Eared) 36 Mooneye — Toothed Herring 37 Pickerel (English Pike) 39 Muscallonge 40 Muscallonge — Unspotted 41 Perch— Yellow 43 Perch (Pike)— Wall Eyed Pike 44 Carp — Scaled or Asiatic 48 Carp — Mirror or King 49 110 FISHES AND FISHING. Carp — Leather 50 Drum Fish— Fresh Water 51 White Fishes — Lake Herring 54 Whitefish — Mountain 55 Whitefish — Rocky Mountain 5G Whitefish — Williamson's 57 Tullibee 58 Catfish— Channel '. 59 Bullhead 61 Red Horse 62 Buffalo Fish , 03 Smelt, or Gudgeon ' 65 Roach, or Shiner 67 Chub, or Fall Fish 68 Sheephead 69 Gar— Short Nosed 70 Sturgeon — Short Nosed 71 Dog Fish 72 Eel — American 73 Frog 75 Lamprey 78 Camping 83 Telescope — Water 85 Boat — Proper for Fishing 93 Minnows for Bait 95 a>"° ^ a^ * fSi» • ^o 4*