p^ C?4^3 1 NOUGHTS REV. GEO. L. COBURN WINSTED, CONNECTICUT MDCCCCXII Copyright, 1912 By Rkv. Geo. L. Coburn. SCI.A327788 Hi. I DeMcation. O all the dear friends who have shared with me in much of the labor and pleasure of my pastoral experience, (many of whom have entered the rest prepared for the people of God,) and whose kindness and prayerful interest has been unceasing in my behalf: and to the honored and esteemed friends whose interest and inval- uable assistance has made it possible for me to place this volume of PLEASANT THOUGHTS IN VERSE, before the public, is this work affectionately dedicated by the author, REV. GEO. L COBURN. 3forewor^, Pleasant Thoughts in Verse I bring, And here present to yon, With sincere hope that what I sing- May help in what is true. May health, and peace, and prosperity Make bright thy coming days, And faith, and hope and charity Bless all life's changeful ways. 1ln^ex♦ All Thing's, 77 Independence Day, - 60 Acts of Kindness, 112 Joyous Days, - 17 A Vision, ()7 Bright Forever, 54 Keep Me. 54 Be Strongr, bS Kind Word, 102 Loch Tummel, 77 Christmas Hymn, 13 Christmas Bells, 14 Mighty to Save, 34 Christmas, - . - 14 Muselets, - 121 Christmas Time, IS Christmas Coming-, - 16 New Year's Greeting, 21 Christ Our Hope, 33 New Year, 22 Centennial Hymn, 36 New Year Morn, 23 Christ Victorious, 41 New Year, The, 23 Chantre by Death, 41 Nature's Peace, 96 City of God, - 51 Not Now, 46 Conversion 58 Peace of God, - 35 Chamber of Rest, 74 Childhood, 78 King Out Wila Bells, 99 Copper Hill, - 82 Son of the Sea, 87 Contemplation, 82 Song of the Bells, 100 Come, Doctor, Come, - 105 Social Donation, 101 Sadness, - - : 102 Dedication, = Strange Old Bird, 116 Easter Morn, - Easter Song-, - 25 25 The Night Cometh, ■ The Truth, The Life, 39 46 Easter Greetings, 26 That Hoy, 78 Foreword, 7 The Nation's Birthdaj^ 61 Fountain Bright, 57 The Chase, 81 Fourth of July, 59 The Skaters. - 87 Faith, Hope, Charity, 66 Thoughts by the Sea, 88 The Market, - 89 God Our Help, - 29 The National Plant, - 107 God Leads, 42 The Calendar, - 115 God Wants the Boys, 90 Three Little Kits, 119 God Wants the Girls, - 93 Grandpa's Pet, 102 Visitation, 108 Great Peace, 51 Water of Life, - 30 How Blessed, - 34 Waiting, 42 Hope Like an Anchor, 40 Weary, - - - - 45 Hallowed Name, 45 Will He Find Us Watching? 50 He Will Guide, 49 We Just Cannot Forget, 52 miuetrattons. Frontispiece, - - - - Ring out I Kiny loud, - All hail to the new born j'ear, Streams and verdant lawn, Sweet be thy sleep, dear child. Drink of the water of life flowing- free. And we, the pilg-rims of a daj', God leads me on, Not now, but a little farther oil, Nestled quiet, 'mid the eternal hilN, And out of all, our Father's hand, Dark clouds had thickly gathered, - Grand relic of a mig-hty past, Prepared in their home, a chamber of rest, God wants that boy. Oft 'mid scenes of friendship dear. Alone, upon the dark graj' rock. Thoughts by the sea, God wants the girls and boys. In Eden's bowers, in ages long ago, As delightful as moonbeam?, - The National plant gets there the same, And view the farm in all its daily round, Down by the river side, Three Little Kittens, - Dominus vobiscum, - - - 11 Ring- out I RiiiQf loud ! Ye Merry Christmas Bells. Cbrtstmae IH^mn. While shepherd's watch'd their flocks on Jtida's verdant plains Beneath the starry skies of Orient, we're told There came the joyful tidings of a Savior born to men In Bethlehem of old. Glory be to God the Father ! Glory be to Christ the Son ! Glory to the Holy Comforter ! All glorions Three in One ! There came an angel band on that early Christmas morn ; Proclaiming glad tidings to the children of men, For unto all the world in Bethlehem was born The Mighty Redeemer of men. Glory be to God in the highest, they sang ! Peace and good will on the earth evermore ; Salvation from heaven, the joyful chorus rang, And spread from shore to shore. Long, long ago was the hallow'd song begun. Along the line of ages has its joyful echoes run; Ten thousand times ten thousand join the chorus of the skies As we go marching on. Glory be to God ! Let heaven and earth adore The Wonderfnl, the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace i; come ! Let heaven and earth unite in praise forevermore, To our redeeming Lord. Glory be to God! Let loudest anthems ring; Glory be to Christ! Of all kingdoms the King; Glory to the Spirit ! The Comforter of men ; Glory to the Triune One. 13 Cbrtstmas Belle, Ring out ! Ring loud ! Ye Merry Christmas bells ; Send forth your sweetest music, rich and grand ; Let earth and heaven the mighty chorus swell, And joy, and holy peace fill every land. Christ, the Lord, to earth has come to reign ; Peace upon the earth and unto men good will ; Let young and old join in the glad refrain, And heaven and earth with endless praises fill. Ring out ye bells ! In joyful tones, ring out ! The Prince of glory comes ! the Star of Hope appears ! Let nations, tribes and tongues join in the victor's shout, God's glorious kingdom comes! Behold, it now is here ! Cbrt0tma0- Ring out ! Sweet bells, spread wide the wond'rous story: Behold the sign, the star of Bethlehem appears! O'er Judah's plains there breaks the dawn of glory. Seen by the prophets in the far receding years. Lo! It is He! The Wonderful, the Counsellor! The Mighty God! The glorious Prince of Peace! Hail him ! All ye people, the Mighty Conqueror, Whose kingdom, power and glory never more shall cease. 14 Cbrt0tma0 ^ime, Happy, happy Christmas time, With all its blessed cheer. Comes again with joyful chime, And soon again New Year. Then let us bid dull care be gone. And let the dead past go. While we press on to joys beyond With the pilgrim hosts below. We'll lay the weary burdens down And gladly haste our way ; Nor loiter in the daily round. And suffer no delay. As in the fearless race we run, With faith in God our stay, We'll praise our Christ, the Mighty One, Through all the eternal day. Ring out ye bells ! Let music swell Through all the Avorld around ; Bid sorrow cease, break sin's dark spell And let righteousness abound. Ring out ! Ring out ! Ye joyful bells ! Send notes of praise abroad; Let every mortal tongue proclaim The goodness of our Lord. 15 Cbristmae Coming* The Christmas time is coming, Let joy fill all the earth, And blessings rich prevailing Proclaim the Savior's birth. Would that all his spirit sharing, That inspired the angel's song, And each the love-robe wearing, As the years shall roll along. May grace and love abounding Make sorrowing hearts rejoice, And fill each life's surrounding With songs of angel's voice. May strife no longer here prevail, May sin and wrong decrease ; And everywhere may peace avail. And Christmas Songs increase. Then may the kingdom of our God In glorious splendor come ; And kingdoms, nations, tribes and tongues, Join in the gathering home. 16 3o^ou0 5)ai?0» The joyous days are coming; Behold ! The signs appear ! Let every heart rejoicing Greet Christmas and New Year. We'll praise the glorious giver For grace and mercy e'er, And for his hallow'd presence, And blessings everywhere. O, Lord ! Accept our offerings Of love and grateful praise ; Our heart's sincere devotion; Our soul's most sacred lays. We praise thee, bless'd Redeemer; God's well beloved Son ; We praise thee, and adore thee ; All glorious Three in One ! 17 All hail the new-born year." 1Rcw l^ear'e (BreettiiQ. Again o'er earth, the fancied line of men Has drawn its boundary, and the year has end; /Vnother limit reach'd, another year has gone. And we hail with joy another New Year's morn. Looking- backward o'er the years g-one by. Strange visions rise to greet the wond'ring eye. A'Vhere pleasure and sorrow, sunlight and cloud, Mingle in strange and mysterious crowd. Why linger here upon the threshold of the new, With the New Year, so full of hope in view? Awake ! Go forth with greater zeal and love, Shed joyous light around thee like to that above. Stay not in all the Aveary plains of life. Nor falter 'mid the battle's fiercest strife; Press on thy way and make the years to glow \A^ith brightest joys of heaven, e'en on earth below. Send happy rays of sunlight along the cloudy Avay Of toiling, suff'ring thousands who tread life's weary maze ; Turn on the blessed song-light ; cause eyes now dim'd with tears To glow with happy Christ-life thro' all the coming years. mew IPeav. We are standing on the threshold, We are at the open door ; We are treading on a border-land We have never trod before. Another year is opening, Another year is gone. The shadows still are lingVing; We are at the early morn. Then hasten to fresh labor, Rejoicing as you go ; And bid the New Year welcome. And say the old year. No ! Gird up thy loins for conflict. Press forward in the fight ; And let this he thy watchword, For God, and truth, and right. The days are SAveeping onward. And the year will soon be gone; ,The night be quickly ended In light of hallow'd morn. The day of God is hast'ning, The glorious day of light. Where sorrow's shadoAvs never come. And faith is lost in sight. Ebe 1Rew l^cai\ All hail to the new born year ! The youngest of its race; Adieu, old year, with all thy fear. And on with the new we haste. The hig-hest joys to all our friends, In brightest luster shine; May health and comfort, joy and peace, God's richest gifts be thine. 1Rew jPear'0 flDorn. May the Happy New Year's Morn, Cheer thee for days to come ; May its light in beauty dawn Wheresoever thou mayst roam. Ring out ! Ring loud ! Sweet New Year's bells. Send thy gladness near and far, Ring out the past, while music swells ; Set the gates of hope ajar. 23 'Streams and verdant lawn Mountain and wildwood fair. lEaeter flDorn. O, glorious Easter Morning ! When our clear Lord arose ; Day of immortal dawning. No darkness can oppose. O, day of life renewing! O, resurrection dawn ! We hail thee, life pursuing! O, glorious Easter Morn ! Bright star of hope uplifting, In thee, and thee alone, We see the darkness rifting, z\nd the glory of the throne. leaster Sono* There's music in the air, And streams and verdant lawn. Mountain and wildwood fair, Declare the winter gone. They speak the joyous life Of nature's coming dawn. When all things wake in riches rife- Earth's resurrection morn. 25 leaster (Brceting, With joy and gladness let us sing Of Christ our Lord, of glory King- In Christian love the chang"es ring, In blessed scenes of meetings Health and grace for thee I pray; God be with thee day by day, And lead thee in the King's highway, 'Mid joy ful Easter Greetings. Sweet be thj- sleep, dear child, While love holds watch and ward ; May peace be thine and mercy mild. With pleasure's rich reward. (Bob ®ur IHelp. Father we come to thee, No other help we know; Make known thy gracious majesty, Thy blessing now bestow. Thy presence here make known. And mighty power reveal. Take away these hearts of stone ; Let us thy pardon feel. Come, glorious Three in One, And make us now thine own ; We surrender all, bless'd Son, Reign thou in us alone. All hail ! O, Wond'rous King ! No other will we know; To thee our all we bring. And in thy likeness grow. Our Father take our hand ; Uphold us with thine arm ; Lead us to the promised land. And suffer us no harm. Keep us ever close to thee, Our gracious, loving Lord, Thine, only thine, would we be. E'er resting on thy word. Mater of Xtfe. Come all 3^e who thirst, to the well of salvation, Drink of the water of life flowing free, And draw from its fullness the blessed potation. There's joy and peace in abundance for thee. See the life-giving" fountain in the household of David, Where the nations may plunge, and cleansing may find, Then come to this fountain and know its fruition, And drink of the waters that enlighten the mind. Come all who would find from sin full exemption. Freed from all doubt by his love shown to thee ; Come ye to Jesus and find full redemption. From sadness and sorrow, and sin be thou free. He saveth from sin and healeth diseases, He maketh thee whole, he giveth thee peace ; Flis blood cleaneth all, to the uttermost reacheth, He drieth thy tears; to thy heart giveth ease. Come all who are burdened with sin, heavy laden'd. Draw nigh and behold your Redeemer and Friend, And know how completely he cleanseth and saveth, Ev^ to the uttermost his mercies extend. Whosoever believeth on his name he receiveth, And giveth the joy of his peace and his love ; He crowneth them heirs of his glory forever, Rulers and priests in the kingdom of God. 30 Drink of the Water of Life flowing- free.' Christ Our Ibope, O Christ, our hope immortal ! The world's Redeemer, friend, Accept us penitential, And guide us to the end. Then to the city glorious, Our ransom'd spirits bring. With all thy saints victorious. Where joys eternal spring. We laud thy name most holy. In loudest notes of praise, And tell the story boldly, In sweetest mortal lays ; How fully thou redeem'd us; Thy love outmeasuring all. And tenderly constrained us, And saved us from the fall. No greater love e'er given Than life of friend for friend ; A'laking earth to us a heaven. With joy and peace to blend. O, name above all other! In earth, or heaven as well. We call thee Friend, and Brother, Rejoicing in thee, dwell. 33 Ibow Ble09e^♦ How bless'd are those whose loving- hearts No wrongs e'er see in others ; AVho spare no pains to bear a part To aid a weaker brother ; AVhose loving-, warm and tender soul E'er seeks for other's good, And bears the blessed imag-e mold, Of Jesus and his love. fiDtabtp to Save* In dungeon dark, loathsome and deep ; On desert waste, or troubl'd sea ; In furnace cruel, torturing heat, If Jesus saves 'tis heaven to me. All hail to him who conquers death ! And wrests the victory from the grave Gites life and glory by his breath, — King of all kings, mighty to save. To him all praise on earth be given ; His glory by the angels told; Our glorious Advocate in heaven, While everlasting ag-es roll. 34 peace of (5ot). O, peace of God ! O, wondrous grace ! Inspiring our hearts with hallow'd love ; Lifting us above sin's blinding maze, Filling our souls with the fullness of God. Glory to God; for his love without measure! Coming thro' Christ our Redeemer and friend ; /\nd the bless'd Spirit, our infinite treasure, Cheering and comforting- world without end. How great is his favor, even better than life, Flowing forth from the fountain of love Like the sun in the firmament, of limitless light. Or the measureless arch of the heavens above. Think of it, tell of it, sing- his praises afar! That Jesus came down his people to save, Let his glory be known to the uttermost star ; Wonderful gift to the world God gave ! Tell the glad story ye saved from the law ; Sing of his love, his redemption and power; Give glory to God ! Who our helplessness saw And redeem'd us from death in the perilous houi He placed our feet upon the rock of salvation ; Gave us joy for sorrow, and hope for our fears ; Peace like a river and love's adoration ; Redemption eternal from sin and from tears. 35 Centennial 1b^mn. A hundred years have passed away. But yesterday they seem, And we, the pilgrims of a day. Are hastening- down the stream. Our fathers sang as we now sing; They told a Saviour's love ; They pointed men to Jesus slain, Our Advocate above. Now we their sons and daughters true, Proclaim God's love to men. And sing with gladness in our souls. Of Christ, the sinner's friend. Then let us in his name sing on. As centuries come and go ; Free grace to all, whoever will, God's peace and love may know. Cheer, pilgrim cheer, the morning dawns. The promis'd land is nigh. And we will soon its glory share In triumph in the sky. 36 ' And we, the pilgrims of a day, Are hastening down the stream.' ^be mtgbt Cometb. I sat by the western window And watc'h'd the sun go down, y\.nd I saw the twilight deepen, O'er country and city and town. I watch'd the stars appearing, After the day was done. And I thought of the glorious coming Of the bright eternal morn. I thought of this life's swift passing, Of the evening- drawing nigh ; Of the span so near its ending, And the hour so near to die. As the evening shadows deepened, And the darkness o'er me spread, I seemed to be quickly passing — By an angel hand was led. I had such a wond'rous vision. Of a bright and cloudless morn. And by faith, I saw the mansions Of the redeem'd ones just beyond. And I saw the beautiful city. Whose glories ne'er were told; With its walls of pearls and jasper, And streets of shining gold. Far out the sea of glory, Its crystal radiance threw. While millions sang the story. In song forever new, Of Christ, the mighty Savior, Redeemer, Priest and King, Our Advocate in glory; Let endless praises ring. 39 But the sun was sinking- lower, The night came on apace, • And I heard the call for duty, For me anew to face. Haste, soul! The darkness deepens; No time to loiter here ; Be diligent and watchful, A crown awaits thee there. In sick-room and in prison ; The suffering and the poor; The thirsting and the hung'ring Are with us evermore ; I haste then, for fast cometh The night when labor's done. And Christ his jewels summeth Where the sun will ne'er go down. IHope %\\\c an anchor* O, glorious anchorag'e to God ! The soul's great proof of Jesus' love, The heart's abiding stay; It gives us here his grace to know. And helps us each his image show, And ever watch and pray. We'll lay our every burden down. And seize the everlasting crown, That waits the conq'ring ones ; We'll sing the matchless love of Him Who saves our guilty souls from sin ; From servants makes us s.ons. 40 O, that just now the \eil mis^ht Hft! The dark'nin^- cloud this moment rift. And let us see his face ; My soul in raptured joy would rise. And force its passag"e to the skies, And glorify his t;-race. Christ IDictortoue. Ride on, thou mighty victor ! Thy kingdom ne'er shall end ; Till earth's last ransom'd spirit AA^ith angel bands shall blend. Shield us from all evil. From wrong our hearts set free ; Thy kingdom come in glorious power, O, blessed One in Three ! Lead thou the flock. O Shepherd ! Subdue the evil power, xA.nd manifest thy presence near, In trial's darkest hour. Thine the glory and the kingdom. The majesty and power; Thine the praise of our salvation Through time and evermore. CbatiQe bi? 2)eatb, It is not death to die. To leave this weary road. And with the brotherhood on high To be at home with God. 41 It is not death to close The eyes long- dim'd by tears, And Avake in glorious repose To spend eternal years. Jesus, thou Prince of Life ! Thy chosen cannot die ; Like thee, they conquer in the strife, To reign with thee on high. (Bob Xeabe. God leads me on, there are no fears ; Christ 'bides with me, his presence cheers The Spirit comforts all the way ; Makes night with song, as bright as day. It's peace with God, 'tis heaven here; At home, abroad, and everywhere; All glory be to God, most high. Whose iDOundless love can never die. Matting, Father, we wait, and often wonder; Oft would lay our burden down. And would greet our loved ones yonder, And receive the victor's crown. Mighty Savior, lead us onward, Lest we fail, and sometimes fall ; Take our hand, thine arm uphold us, Let us hear thy welcome call. 42 'God leads me on. Weary with watching and waiting-^ We stop by the wayside to rest, And sleep, the sad watch abating, And dream of the land of the bless'd. Thus we weary in life's sad watches, And wait for the coming of One Who shall guide us, and keep us, and bring u.' To the joy of the rest beyond. IHallowet) flame. O, may thy kingdom come ! Thy blessed will be done By us on earth ; O, may thy love divine ! In all our actions shine The heavenly birth ; May every word and thought. With heavenly wisdom fraught, Speak our love for God ; So shall we best proclaim The honors of thy name, High over all and good. May we thy children prove, Redeem'd by Jesus' blood, Trust in thy word ; Love thee with heart and soul, 'Till gathered in the fold, A ransom 'd throno-. 45 To thee in song and praise. Through all onr pilgrim days, The glory shall be given ; And when life's labor's done, And life's last vict'ry's won, We'll give thee praise in heaven. All glory to our king, Let saints and angels sing, In earth and sky ; The kingdom and the power. And glory evermore, Be thine ; Most Hidi ! mot mow. Not now, but just a little farther on, In the beautiful mansions somewhere; When the clouds that shadow'd our path are gone, All will be fully revealed to us there. Then shall we know and understand Why all our sufferings, 'mid pain and fears. When we wake in the light of the better land. Forever free from sufferino- and tears. ^be ^rutb, ^be Xtfe, O, thou ! Who art the Truth, the Life, The AVay, wherein no death appears ; Guide thou our steps, be thou our light. Bid darkness flee, and calm our fears. Not now, but a little farther on. Be thou, O, Christ ! Our refug-e sure. Where pain and death shall never come; Our soul's bright morning- star of hope, To guide us to our heavenly home. O, way of righteousness and peace ! Wherein no sorrow's wave is known, Speak to these troubled spirits, ease. And may thy glorious kingdom come. Come now, O, Mighty God of love! Bid thou these throbbing hearts be still ; Awake our slumb'ring- souls to live, And with thy hallow'd presence fill. IHe Mill (5uit)e. Our Father guides with loving eye, And gently leads us by the hand ; Sweet peace he gives, his presence nig'h, It's Pisgah's height, the promised land. No bounds his tender mercies know ; Our souls he fills with light divine ; Loosens the bands of sin, and shows The power of his great love sublime. O, hallow'd love ! O, grace supreme ! All glory to the Eternal One ; May all our powers their homage bring, In highest praise thro' Christ the Son. Praise him ye saints in loftiest song; Sing angel bands ! In sweetest lays, To him to whom all praise belongs, Through time and everlasting days. Mill IHe 3rtn^ Tll0 Matcbtn^? Oh, Will he find us watching! When he shall come again, In glory brig-ht descending; In triumph e'er to reign? When with the holy angels. And shouts of hallowed joy, He comes to reign eternal, And sin and death destroy. Oh ! Will he find us waiting, AVith sword and armor on ; In anxious expectation, To hail the anointed Son? When the mighty trumpet soundeth, And his chosen ones go forth, Will you and I be ready To join the conquering host? Say, brother, what foundation Hast thou builded on? Who thy soul's salvation, And who thy helper strong? Soon shall the rocks and mountains, And all the earth dissolve : — Tell me brother, quickly, Hast made the great resolve? Art thou ready for his coming, And waiting for the sound Of angel bands descending, Declaring Jesus crown'd? Art longing for the moment Of redemption from the fall. When Christ in power descending, Shall reign, the Lord of all? 50 If so, give God the glory, Proclaim his name of love, And tell the wond'rous story, 'Till he summons thee above. Then, with the mighty chorus Join in the victor's song, And scale the heights of glory With the vast unnumbei»d throng. Ctt^ of (5o^. In the blest city of our Lord No tears are seen, or sorrow known ; Built on the everlasting AVord Of God, forever bless'd and own'd, O, happy thought of God inspired ! That we are never left alone ; 'Mid scenes of earth, our souls are fired AVith Jesus' love, to us made known. Great peace. Great peace, and joy, and heart of love. Make bright thy days like that above ; May light of God illume thy way, And lead thee to the perfect day. May thy walk be close with God, Nor murmur 'neath afflictions rod ; On faith's strong pinions rise and see The heavenly mansion built for thee. 51 mc 3u9t Cannot fovQCt We just cannot forget them, We would not if we could; Those dear ones of the former days, What reason that we should? Those faces e'er to us so dear, Hearts that once beat with love, And eyes that beam'd with happy cheer, Now beckon us above. We just cannot forget them; O, God ! We look to thee For comfort in our sadness, To calm the troubled sea. Beyond the mystic veiling. By faith help us to see, The glory there awaiting Whoever trusts in thee. We just cannot forget them Thou gavest us in love ; We prize the priceless treasures, Sent to us from above. Uphold us, O our Father ! By thine Almighty arm ; Guide safely Holy Spirit, And suffer us no harm. We just cannot forget them, Forbid, Lord, that we should; Thou hast given, and hast taken. Blessed be the Lord of good. But a little season longer. They'll greet us ne'er to roam, In the glorious city yonder. In the saints eternal home. 53 We just cannot forget them; Soon we'll see them face to face ; In the likeness of the Saviour, Fashion'd in his matchless grace. Merged from glory into glory, By the Lord of love and power, We'll sing the wond'rous story. In that triumphant hour. We just cannot forget them, Forever with the Lord, They now are free from sorrow, Saved by his mighty Word. Oh ! Hallow'd hope uplifting Sad hearts with sorrow riven, — Behold! The clouds are rifting, Portentious signs from heaven. Praise to the Lord of glory. Of earth the King of kings ; Praise be to our Redeemer, Let saints and angels sing. Praise to the Holy Spirit, Great Comforter divine ; We just cannot forget them, Keep us forever thine. 53 BrlQbt forever. Yonder in the bright forever, Round the everlasting throne, We shall meet no more to sever. In our Father's glorious home. In the blessed city golden, With our loved ones gone before, Into Jesus' likeness moulden, Dwelling with them evermore. Forward, then, ye heirs of glory. Journeying to the promis'd land. Tell abroad the wond'rous story, God upholds thee with his 4iand. Sing his praise while life is given, Glory to the Incarnate Word ; Glory to the King of heaven. Ever living, lovinsr Lord. 1Reep flDe» Keep me near thee, blessed Spirit, Never let me hence depart; Saved by thine all glorious merit, Ever dwell within my heart. O, my conquering risen Savior ! O, thou Comforter divine ! Let thy presence, without measure, Fill this hung'ring heart of mine. 54 'Nestled quiet 'mid the eternal hills.' Keep me, O, My Great Redeemer! Blessed Spirit, Mighty One ! Manifest thy presence ever, Guide me till my course is run. Shield me when the storm's severest. When the conflict rages sore; Be thou then my help the nearest. Keep, oh ! Keep me evermore. Jfountatn Brtgbt- There is a fountain bright and pure. Whose living waters flow To all mankind, forever sure, Wherever man may go. O, wond'rous gift from God above ! Cleansing hearts from sin ; Source of comfort, joy and love, And hallow'd peace within. Flow on, O, Fountain, deep and wide ! 'Till every tribe and tongue Shall know thy health restoring tide, From oldest to the young. Send forth thy mighty healing wave O'er all the world abroad ; Let men and angels join in praise To our redeeming Lord. 57 Conversion, Here is the place and there the blood. That bought my sinful soul for God ; Here's where I heard my Saviour say, Come hither soul, I am the way. Here I awoke and saw the light, My palsied limbs were cloth'd with might My heart rejoiced in Christ my Lord; I rested on his faithful Word. The beautiful gate of life to me, Where Jesus spoke and I went free, No longer held by slavish chains, A child of God ; a prince I reign. All glory to our risen Lord ! All glory to the Incarnate Word ! Let saints and angels join the song, To the all glorious Triune One. 58 fourth of 3ul^. Throw out the flags, give to the winds The starry banner of the free, And let the wond'ring nations find How great the boon of liberty. Let cannon's boom, and bell's wild peal, Tell of the joy the nation knows ; May every heart the gladness feel, And every soul with fervor glow. From every home let anthems sound; Let praises rise to God most high, Throughout the nation's utmost bound, Let music rise from earth to sky. Light up the home, light up the street ! Make village, town and city blaze ! Shout freedom's praises loud and sweet. Fill every place with freedom's rays ! This is the nation's natal day ! Throughout the land let joy abound! Let old and young join in the lay In one long, glad, harmonious sound. Long live the nation of the free ! God bless her daughters fair and bright God bless her sons so brave and strong. And fill the earth with freedom's lis'ht. 59 3^^epen^ence S^ai?. Day of hope, and day of days ; Sing- the nation's highest lays ; Let all things living render praise To God most high. Remember Concord's bloody plains, And Lexington's crimson stains. And Valley Forge's shiv'ring pains, To bring our freedom nigh. Let richest music fill the air, Let sons and daughters all prepare A feast of viands rich and rare, in honor of the day. May every heart with emotion swell, And every tongue the story tell. To children's children long and well. Of Independence Day. May peace reign o'er this happy land. Kept by the great Jehovah's hand, Who ever leads his chosen band Of freedom's honor'd ones. May strife and wrong find here no place, Nor tyrant's hand, or oppressor's face. Disturb the peace of freedom's race, Or freedom's noble sons. From Plymouth Rock where stood the men Who dared to face the tyrants, when They would oppress, and sooner than Be counted servile slaves, They dared the storms of ocean's might, And soug-ht to find by faith and right, A home of peace^ where dwelt the light Of God, who ever saves. 60 From mountains, hills and fertile plain.- From rivers, lakes, and migiity mains, To God, who o'er his people reigns. Be everlasting praise. Let freedom's song- and chorus be, Forevermore of liberty. And may the banner of the free Still promise better days. IThe matton'0 36irtb^a^. Day of our country's gladness. Day of the nation's birth ; From out a people's sadness, To freedom's matchless worth. Thus happily abiding- 'Mid heaven's countless gifts. We'll send abroad the tiding's. As ages onward drift. With joyful songs inspiring, Let every heart rejoice, And all as one aspiring. Join in a tuneful voice To swell the nation's anthem, From east to western bound. That freedom's blessed ransom May everywhere be found. 61 Throw wide the starry banner, Bright symbol of the free; Let mountain and savanna, And islands of the sea, Sound happy, holy chang'es, And send their joy along, 'Till millions on earth's ranges. Shall learn the freeman's song. All hail ! O, day of gladness ! Let cannon boom afar; — Ring out, ye bells, the sadness ; Set gates of song ajar, 'Till heaven's love o'er all the land Shall cause all strife to cease, And out of all, our Father's hand Shall bring the reign of peace. God bless our rulers everywhere ; Shield them from fear's alarm ; Guard them with thy watchful care. And suffer them no harm. Hold them by thy mighty strength ; Turn back the trait'rous band Forever, from the breadth and length Of our beloved land. God bless our loved America; Her sons of royal fame; Her daug'hters, loyal, free and fair; God keep us e'er the same. And may our stars forever shine ; Our flag, true standard be Of freedom's pure exalted shrine. Blest land of liberty. 62 !%-■ ^^^^trnk}''^,' ■ '^''' Z-''-^'i^'^ /-Slfc'"^''^-^ ^ K' ■■^'•-'•-r^::.;,,. » ;' iBpur- ^»d{^a^7.-:"'-::Cs';..;.^.; S '^'^f'^^'f ' ' ivy**^..v fliK ~ WM ■ .;^. ,5-#a;::- . m ^■Ic..^ ^H HP; ^r; 1 ^ : ■•^"'"^^P" K 1 ^K' ;-^ a?;;; . - "" __- _ "■ ' ' - , ..'-/.,' W^^i ■ '^i 1'":. ' - ■' ' '^