/;H^(> iXj-f^U:. ,>^'''witl (.T ,lH»^'" '■W X. ! ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/eliabaldenofmiddOOalde ELIAB ALDEN: HIS ALDEN ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. F I 19G6 THE MAYFLOWER APT'KOACHtNG LaND. NOVEMBER 1620 ELIAB ALDEN OF MIDDLEBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS, AND CAIRO, NEW YORK HIS ALDEN ANCESTORS AND HIS DESCENDANTS COMPILED BY CHARLES HENRY ALDEN, M. D. UNITED STATES ARA\Y, RETIRED BOSTON PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION 1905.^ 5/«, HO, I-.. . --, |- 17 \ 7»S '^. 'HE main purpose of this pamphlet is to record the genealogical history of Eliab Alden of Middleborough, Massachusetts, and of Cairo, New York, and of his descendants, of whom none, it is believed, have been omitted. The data for this history have been gathered from records in the Bible of Mary (Hathaway) Alden, Eliab's wife, from personal letters from the individuals mentioned, when still living, or from their immediate relatives cognizant of the facts, and from the compiler's own knowledge. In some cases an authority has been given, but generally it has been considered unnecessary. To this history a brief account of Eliab's four Alden ancestors and their immediate families is prefixed, to connect him with John the Pilgrim, and as a matter of interest to readers not familiar with the subject. This account is based on such authorities as were immediately available, original research not being practicable nor deemed essen- tial to the present purpose. 4 Introductory riic \v(irks cdnsultecl were Governor Bradford's " Histor>- of Plimoth Plantation," Davis' " History of Plymouth." Goodwin's " Pilc^rim Republic," Thayer's "Genealogy of Fourteen P^amilies," Dr. Ehenezer Alden's " Memorial," and two recent partial Alden genealogies, — " The Ancestors and Descendants of Isaac Alden and Irene Smith," by Mrs. H. C. Fielding of East Orange, New Jersey, 1903 ; and " The Descendants of Polly and Eben- ezer Alden," by Ebenezer Alden and Dr. Henry Shaw, 1903. The latter contains much of interest about the earlier Aldens, the first four ancestors being common to Ebenezer and Eliab, and gives the text of old documents not previously pub- lished, inscriptions on gravestones, etc. It has been drawn on freely by the present writer. The files of the " Mayflower Descendant," George Ernest Bowman, editor, have been par- ticularly useful, as they give exact transcripts of original wills, deeds and other papers relating to the early Aldens. In the N. E. Historical and Genealogical Reg- ister of recent years are to be found many con- tributions to the genealogy of the Alden family, ])y Mrs. C. L. Alden of Troy, N. Y. The lack or incompleteness of early records is much to be regretted, yet is not surprising. There must have been little opportunity, in the hard struggle for existence by the Pilgrims, for Introditctojy 5 careful note of current events and genealogical data. Nor was exactness always observed in the records made. Proper names were often spelled variously. The gravestone of Hannah, wife of John' Alden, next to her husband's, gives her last name as "Allden," and ten other ways of spelling "Alden" have been noted. This want of exactness may have extended to statements of age, and perhaps accounts for some puzzling discrepancies. The dates given in these pages are, to avoid confusion, all reduced to " New Style." It may be of interest to note that the new style of reckon- ing time went into official use in 1752, by Act of Parliament, which required that eleven days should be added to the current date and that the year should begin January ist, instead of March 25th, the date of beginning up to that time. The English calendar was thus made to correspond with that already adopted by all other countries except Russia. Ten days, not eleven, is the num- ber to be added in early colonial times, from 1620 to 1700. Anticipating the change in the begin- ning of the year, it had been the practice for some years previous to 1752, to give the dates between January istand March 24th, thus, Feb. 10, 1701/2 or 1701-2. The small number above and to the right of the given name indicates the generation, John the Pilgrim being John'. 6 Jutrodiictory An index of names, including those of persons who married or who descended from an Alden is appended, and also one of places. The compiler is indebted to Mr. George Ernest I)Owman for valuable suggestions, and to Mr. John Alden Spoor for sharing the expense of r)ublication. C. H. Alden. 1905. PART I The Alden Ancestors OF ELIAB' ALDEN John' the Ph.grim, of Plymouth and duxbury Joseph^ of Bridgewater JOHN^ OF MiDDLEBOROUGH Joseph"* of Middleborough i^^ THE ALDEN ANCESTORS OF ELIAB ALDEN FIRST GENERATION lOHN' ALDEN, the " Pilgrim." was born about 1599, probably in Eng- ^ land, though his history prior to his joining the Mayflower company at Southampton in August, 1620, is as yet unknown. The year of his birth is inferred from a deposition made at Plymouth, July 6, 1682, in which he stated he was then aged 83. He was one of the signers of the "Compact" on board the Mayflower at Cape Cod, Novem- ber 21, 1620, and landed with the other pas- sengers at Plymouth in December. Governor Bradford, in his " History of Plimoth Plantation " wrote : — " John Alden was hired for a cooper, at South Hampton wher the fhip vie- lO The Aldcn Ancestors lulctl : and being a hopfull yong man, was much (Icfirecl, l)uL left to his own Hking to go or ftay when he came here ; but he flayed and maryed here." It may be that John Aldcn joined the Pilgrims trom love of adventure, and that, as Goodwin in his " Pilgrim Republic," page 566, suggests, Pris- cilla Mullins was the; chief inducement for him to remain ; but whatever his motive at first, he early identified himself with them and through a long life was a devoted and useful member of the colony. For forty-three years he was a Gover- nor's Assistant, being at times First Assistant and Deputy Governor ; for thirteen years he was Treasurer of the Colony, and for eight years Deputy to the General Court, sometimes filling several offices at once. He was a member of the Council of War of the Colony for eight years. About 1623 he married Priscilla, daughter of William and Alice ( ) Mullins, who with this daughter and young son Joseph had joined the Pilgrims at Southampton. William Mullins died March 3, 1621. and his wife and son shortly after, during the sickness which proved fatal to half the Colony, the first winter and spring. Some interesting facts about the Mullins family are known. William Mullins made a will just belore he tlied, which was sent back to England o Of Eliab Alden 1 1 by the Mayflower on her return, to be probated at Dorking, in the County of Surrey, his former residence. This will shows that the testator had left behind in England a son, William Mullins, Jr., and a married daughter, Sarah Blunden, and provides " Allsoe if my sonne William will come to Virginia, I give him my share of land." After his father's death, William Mullins, Jr., came to this country with his daughter Sarah, and resided in Duxbury. Sarah, who was born about 1621, married successively Thomas Gannett of Dux- bury, William Saville and Thomas Faxon, both of Braintree, surviving her last husband seven- teen years. Her father died in Braintree, Feb- ruary 12, 1673. ("Mayflower Descendant," Vol. I, page 230: Vol. VII, pages 37 and 179.) After a few years, to obtain more land, John Alden, with Capt. Myles Standish and others, moved a few miles northward from Plymouth and founded Duxbury. Part at least of his land is still owned by Aldens and the site of his well is pointed out, near the "Old Alden House" built by one of his early descendants and still occupied by a late one. He died in Duxbury, September 22, 1687, but it is not known where or when Priscilla died nor where either of them is buried. Goodwin in " The Pilgrim Republic," page 542, says that thc^y were both present at the burial of Josiah Winslow, in 1680, but gives no authority. John's Bible and 12 Tlic Allien Aticc Slavs several documents with his signature are pre- s(!rv(-cl in Pilgrim Mall at Plymouth. John Aldcn left no will, having, it is supposed, distributed his real estate while still living, but an inventory of other property and the settlement of his estate by his son Jonathan, the adminis- trator, dated June 13, 1688, are recorded in Plymouth. They are transcribed in " Mayflower Descendant," Vol. Ill, page 10. Bradford, in his History already quoted, wrote, thirty years after the landing of John and Pris- cilla, " who are both living and have 1 1 children." Owing to lack of early records, the exact date and order of birth of these children, and even the names of several, are in doubt and can only be inferred from collateral data. The following list is believed to be as complete as can be made at present : — i. Elizabeth, born about 1624, as she died May 31, 1717, in the 93rd year of her age. She married in 1644, William Paybody of Little Compton, R. I., and was an ancestor of Henry W. Longfellow. ii. John, the "Captain," mariner of Boston, born about 1626, as his gravestone gives age as 75 at his death March 14, 1702. He married i. Elizabeth ; 2. Elizabeth Phillips, widow of Abiel Everell. iii. Joseph, born probably in 1627, and after the division of cattle on June ist, as he is not Of Eliab Alden 13 mentioned in the list with his elder sister and brother ; died February 8, 1697. He married Mary Simmons and was the great grandfather of Eliab Alden of Cairo. iv. Sarah, born about 1629, died before June, 1688. She married Alexander Standish, of Duxbury, son of Captain Myles Standish. V. Jonathan, born about 1632, as his gravestone states that he died February 14, 1697, in the 65 th year of his age ; Captain in the Militia. He administered on and inherited his father's estate in Duxbury. He married Abigail Hallett. vi. Ruth, born 16 — , died October 12, 1674. She married, 1657, John Bass of Braintrce, and was an ancestor of John Adams and John Ouincy Adams. vii. Mary, born 16 — , married, it is generally stated. Dr. Thomas Delano, or De la Noye, of Dux- bury, and died before 1699, when her hus- band married a second wife, though there is no record to prove that Delano's wife was named Mary. ("Mayflower Descendant," Vol. VI, page 22.) viii. David, born 1646, died 17 19, married Constant South worth. He was active in church and public affairs in Duxbury. He is believed to have been the last born of the children of John and Priscilla. At some dates prior to 1646, the following children, it is surmised, may have been born. 14 The Aldcn Ancestors coriiplf iini^^ tlic number eleven. Of these very lillK: is known : — ix. Zacmakiah. Mitchell states that Anna Alden wh(i married Josiah Sncll in 1699, was a dau^^hter of Zachariah, who, through her, was an ancestor of William CuUen Bryant. ,\. Rebecca, mentioned in colonial records as of marriageable age in 1661, and therefore probably a daughter of John'. xi. Triscilla, signed settlement of estate of John', but it is doubtful whether she was the widow or a daughter. SFXOND GENERATION Joseph Alden, son of John' and Priscilla (Mul- lins) Alden, farmer, was born in Plymouth about 1627. He was one of the early settlers of Bridge- water in 1654, on the land granted to his father which lay near the Historical Society's building in the present town of West Bridgewater. He married Mary, daughter of Moses and Sarah ( ) Simmons, or Symonsen, Moses having come from England in the ship Fortune in 1621. Jo.seph died in Bridgewater, February 8, 1697. The ground where he was probably buried is known, but the grave is not marked. Copies of his will and of the inventory of his estate are Of Eliab Alden 15 preserved in the Plymouth probate records, his wife and son John being named executors. The will, etc., are transcribed in " Mayflower Descend- ant," Vol. VI, page 71. According to a genealogical letter written by John^ Alden in 1801, his grandfather Joseph' had three sons and three daughters, and two of the daughters married Snows of Weymouth. (Letter given in " Mayflower Descendant," Vol. VI, page 1 10.) The list is as follows, the sons in the order given in the will. i. Isaac, born 16 — , died December 2, 1685, farmer, of Bridgevvater, married Mehitable Allen, ii. Joseph, born 1667, died December 22, 1747, farmer, of Bridgewater, married Hannah Dunham, iii. John, born 1674, died September 29, 1730, » farmer, of Middleborough, married Hannah White. He was grandfather of Eliabs Alden . iv. Elizabeth, born 167-, died 1705, married Ben- jamin Snow of Bridgewater. V. Mercy, born 16 — , died , married John Burrill of Weymouth. And probably vi. HoPESTiLL, who married Joseph Snow of Bridgewater, though the latter marriage has not been proved. ("Mayflower Descend- ant," Vol. VI, page ■ -o.) ^j_^ ^^ 5 y^ ^ J ^_ 1 6 The Allien Ancestors TlIIKn fxENERATION John Aloen, son of Joseph' and Mary (Sim- mons) Alden, farmer, was born in 1674, and re- moved about 1700 from Bridgevvater to Middle- borouj^di, beincT one of the twenty-six purchasers of the land from the Indians. The cellar of his house is a few rods north of the road from North Middleborough to Middleborough. (" Descend- ants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden," page 12.) He married Hannah, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer and Hannah (Phillips) White of Weymouth. Ebenezer was son of Thomas White, one of the earliest settlers of that town. John died at Middleborough, September 29, 1 730, and his will and the inventory of his es- tate are recorded in Plymouth, the wife and son David being executors. This will, besides dis- posing of real and personal estate, directs " that there be a piece of land left for a Burying place," " to be perpetually reserved for that use," also " that my son Noah be brought up to learning at the colledge " and that certain land be sold " to defray the charge thereof," and bequeaths his negro man to his wife. This will is copied in "Descendants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden" page 12. The burying ground referred to in John's will, now called the " Purchade " cemetery, from a local Of Eliab Aldcn 17 Indian name, is situated on Plymouth street, North Middleborough. With many other Aldens, John and Hannah lie buried there, their headstones bearing- these inscriptions, as given in " Descend- ants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden," page 19 : — Here Lyes y^ Body of M' John Alden Who Dec^ Sept'^'' y^ 29^'^ 1730 In y*^ 56'^^ Year of His Age. Here Lyes y^ Body of M"^ Hannah Allden wife to iVP John Allden who DeC^ Oct*"' y^ 5''^ 1732 In y^ 52^*^ year of her Age. John^ and Hannah Alden had thirteen children, as follows, the list being the same as that given in the genealogical letter of John" Alden already referred to. i. David, born May 18, 1702, died August 24^ 1763, married Judith Paddleford. ii. Priscilla, born March 2, 1704, died , married Abraham Borden. iii. Thankful, born 1708, died October 29, 1732, married Francis Eaton, v iv. Hannah, born 1709, died , married Thomas Wood. V. Lydia, born December 18, 17 10, died , married i, Samuel Eddy; 2, John Fuller. vi. Mary, born November 18, 17 12, died August I, 1787, married Noah Thomas, vii. Abigail, born September 8, 17 14, died Jan- uary — , 1744, married Nathan Thomas. I S The Aldcti Ancestors viii. JosFi'ii. horn September ii, 1716, died Jan- uary 36, 1787, married Hannah Hall and was ;;randfathcr of Eliab' Alden. IX John, horn October 8, 171 8, died March 27, 1 82 I, aged 102, married i, Lydia Lazel ; 2, Rebecca Weston. X. EiiENEZER, born October 8, 1720, died , married i, Anna Whitaker ; 2, Rebecca Smith. xi. Lem[:el, horn 1721, died young, xii. Nathan, born June 12, 1723, died young, xiii. Noah, born May 31, 1725, died May 5, 1797, married Joanna Vaughn. FOURTH GENERATION JosErii Alden, son of John' and Hannah (White) Aldcn, farmer, was born September 11, 1716, prob- ably in IMiddlcborouc^di, and resided there. Ac- cording to " Descendants of Polly and Ebenezer Aldcn," page 22, tradition says that he lived in a house still standing on Centre Street, North Middleborough, very near the village, and the second on the left beyond the Colonel Eaton place. He married, April i, 1742, Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Willis) 1 lall of Raynham, born 171S, a descendant of George Hall, one of the early settlers of Taunton. She died July i, 1766, and Joseph then married, September 3, Of Eliab A I den 19 1767, Deborah Williamson, born 17 16, by whom he had no children and who survived him. Joseph died January 26, 1787, and with his wife Hannah, lies buried in Purchade cemetery, where their headstones, according to " Descend- ants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden," pages 19 and 20, read as follows : — MEMENTO MORTIS In Memory of M^ Jofeph Alden Who died Jan y^ 26 1787 Aged 70 years Here Lies buried Hannah Alden Wife of M*" Jofeph Alden She Dec^ July y^ 1=^ 1766 in . ye ^^\.h year of her Age In the Probate records at Plymouth may be found Joseph's appointment as administrator, and the settlement of the estate of his son Ebenezer, who died in 1773, and later the settlement of Joseph's own estate by his son Abner. Joseph-* and his wife Hannah had eleven chil- dren. i. Ebenezer, born February 4, 1743, died Janu- ary 6, 1773; merchant, of Middleborough. He married Ruth Fobes. The "Descend- ants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden " gives the history of two of his children and of their descendants. ii. Amariah, born . iii. Joseph, born February 4, 1746. 20 Tlic Aldcn Alters tors iv. Mkkcv, horn July 23, 1747. V. riiF.itK, born April 25, 1749. \-\. Hannah, born Au£:,^ust 24, 17 — . These five last named died in 1751 during an epidemic of what was then called "black sore throat." vii. Fkar, born May 2, 1753, died March 29, 1842. She married Lewis Hall of Raynham. viii. Eunice, date of birth and death not known. xi. Lois, born 1761 or 2, died November 3, 1836, aged 75 years, according to " Descendants of Polly and Ebcnezer Alden," page 49. Her name there appears in the order of births given in the genealogical letter of John'' Alden. If that order, which is also followed here, is correct, then Lois must have been born several years before the date given, 1 76 1 or 2, in the period of five years between the l^irths of Fear and Abner. X. Abner, born about 1758, as his gravestone, seen 1904, in Bristol, R. L, reads " Died Aug. 26, 1820, Aged 62." He was unmarried. He was graduated at Brown University with degree of A. B. in 1787, and received that of A. M. in 1790; a teacher, at Greenwich and Bristol, R. L, and author of Columbian scries of school books in four volumes. (Brown University Records.) xi Ki.iAr.. The exact date of his birth is unknown. It is not given in the Middleborough Town Records. His wife's Bible gives it as March 24, 1760, but the date has been altered from Of Eliab Alden 21 March 29, 1 761, as it originally stood. Eliab's gravestone in Cairo reads simply " Died 1844 aged 84," without giving month or day of death, which was March 14, 1844. A letter from Eliab to his sister, Mrs. Fear Hall of Raynham (letter given later), dated Cairo, August 18, 1843, states he was then 82 years old. PART II. ELIAB' ALDEN Of MlDDLEBOKOUGH, MaSS., AND Cairo, N. Y. AND HIS DESCENDANTS 6 Generation ... 6 7 •' ... 19 8 " ... 26 9 " ... 13 64 ^.S' ELIAB^ ALDEN AND HIS DESCENDANTS LIAB- ALDEN, son of Joseph' and Hannah (Hall) Alden, was born in Middleborough, Massachusetts, March 24 or 29, 1760 or 1761. (See last paragraph of Part First.) It is not unlikely that his birth occurred in the house mentioned in the account of his father as having been occupied by the latter and still standing. The records of the Pension Bureau at Wash- ington show that Eliab, in January, 1776, and therefore before he was fifteen or sixteen years of age, volunteered as a private in Colonel Ward's Massachusetts Regiment, and served one year, during which he was present and participated in the battles of Long Island and White Plains, 26 Eliab Aldcn N. Y.; that ill the winter of 1778 he served for three months in Colonel Sproat's Massachusetts Reo^iment. and in July, 1779, he volunteered for nine months in Colonel Brew(;r's Massachusetts Rei^iment, serving out his term; that still later he served two months in Captain Washburn's Com- pany, Massachusetts Militia, guarding the crew of the British Brig Somerset, who were prisoners. In May and Septem!)er, 1778, it appears from the Massachusetts Revolutionary rolls, he served as private in Colonel Sproutt's Regiment, in the " Alarm " at Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and the pay roll of this service, dated Middleborough, October 12, 1779, gives his name and descrip- tion, "Age 18; height 5 ft. 10 in.; complexion light." Whether his age was 18 at date of ser- vice or of roll is not stated. Eliab had therefore two years and two months' Revolutionary service, not counting that as " Minute Man." On the 6th of March, 1782, at Middleborough, he married Mary, daughter of Levi and Mary (R(3binson) Hathaway of Taunton. She was l)()rn in Taunton July 3, 1766, and was de- scended Irom Nicholas Hathaway, one of the early settlers of Taunton, who came to New Eng- land in 1638. Her father, Levi, was a Minute man. serving in several "Alarms" during the Revolution, and her grandfather, John Hathaway, was Colonel of the 2nd Massachusetts Militia, in service from 1777 to 1780. Through her mother, And his Descendants 27 Mary Robinson, she was a descendant of Increase Robinson, also an early settler of Taunton, whose father William came to Dorchester in 1637. Mary (Hathaway) Alden's Bible, an edition printed in 1 82 1, gives dates of the birth, marriage, and in some cases, of the death of her children. Eliab was still in Middleborough in August, 1789, for on the 29th of that month, Deborah Alden, second wife and widow of his father Joseph, made to his brother Abner and himself " both of Middleboro aforesaid, yeomen," and to her other step-children and step-grandchildren, a quit-claim deed of her right of dower in the estate of her husband Joseph. " Descendants of Polly and Ebenezer Alden," page 23, gives text of this document. About 1792, Eliab appears to have moved to Wareham, Massachusetts, where his third child, Levi Hathaway, was born. Then prior to 1798, judging from the place of birth of his next two children, he moved to East Windsor, Connecti- cut, and finally, about 1802, to Cairo, Greene County, New York. Tradition says that he was led to go to Cairo by the fact that his wife's brother Levi Hathaway, a physician, was in prac- tice there. In Cairo Eliab settled permanently as a farmer. After what must have been, from the stony char- acter of the land, a hard struggle, he acquired considerable property, and a substantial home- 28 Eliab Aldcti stead. This hoiisc! is still standin_^ about a mile from Cairo on the main road to Catskill. Klial) Alden died at Cairo, March 14, 1844, ^n<^ his wife, Mary, May 20, 1859, at the same place. They were both buried at Cairo, the following being the inscriptions on their headstones : — Eliab Alden, died 1844, aged 84 years. Mary Hathaway, wife of Eliab Alden born July 3, 1766. died May 20, 1859. Eliab's will is recorded in the office of the County Clerk, at Catskill, his son Levi Hatha- way being executor. Eliab- and Mary (Hathaway) Alden had six chil- dren, whose history will be found under " Sixth Generation." They were as follows : i. Eliab. iv. Charles Henry. ii. Abnek. v. Mary. iii. Levi Hathaway. vi. Joseph. The original of the following interesting letter, written not long before Eliab's death, is in the possession k^{ Mrs. H. K. Bradford of Wakefield, Mass., a great-granddaughter of Fear (Alden) Hall, who had died, it seems, more than a year before its date. Cairo, August 8, 1843. My 1 )Lar Sister. I make use of my son Joseph's hand to write, as I am too old to do much more writing myself. I am eighty-two years And his Descendants 29 old. I find my strength gradually decaying. I am, however, able to be about and my appetite is tolerably good. I do not expect to live a great while longer. My wife is seventy-seven and is able to be about and see to her work. We live alone, except a grandson about five years old. My son Eliab lives a few rods from my house. Levi lives sixteen miles off. Charles is Chaplain in the Navy and is in Europe. My daughter died about four years ago. She left two children, the youngest lives with us. Joseph is a Professor in Williams College in your State. I wish to hear from you and hope you will write as soon as you get this. Tell me about the old people 3^ou think I would like to know about, and don't forget to tell me your age. I have property enough to make me comfortable and my children are all doing well. I do not expect to come down to the East again. It is not likely we shall meet again on earth. O may we meet in heaven. Remember us to your family and to any that may inquire for us. Don't forget to write soon for I want to hear from you once more. Your affectionate brother, Eliab Alden. [On outside of folded sheet foolscap,] Cairo, N. Y. Sept. 8. i8|. Mrs. Fear Hall, Care of Amos Hall, Raynham, Massachusetts. SIXTH GENERATION Eliab Alden, eldest child of Eliab^ and Mary (Hathaway) Alden, was born, according to his mother's Bible record, at Middleborough, Massa- 30 EHab Aldcv chiisctts, December 9, 1785. He accompanied his fatlKM- t(^ Cairo, New York, in 1802, and when he L^rew up and married, occupied an adjoinino;^ farm, his house being on the other side of the ro.\(l from the homestead. Khab married at Cairo, March 31, 181 2, Me- h(^table Stevens, who was born in 1799. He died March 4, i860, and his wife February 11, 1855, both at Cairo, and were buried there. Kliab' and Mehetable (Stevens) Alden had eight children. (See Seventh Generation.) i. Amanda. v. John Spoor. ii. Ai'.NER. vi. Marcellus Lafayette. iii. Charles. vii. Henry. iv. John. viii. Orramel Brosworth. Akxer Alden, second child of Eliab^ and Mary (Hathaway) Alden, was born in Middleborough, Massachusetts, December 14, 1790. He was a physician, and was graduated with the degree of M. D. at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, in the spring of i8i8. He died September 28, 18 18, at South Bridgewater, Mas- sachusetts, where he had commenced practice. He was unmarried. Levi H.vni away Alden of Windham, New York, third child of Eliab^ and Mary (Hathaway) Alden, was born in Wareham, Massachusetts, August 28, 1793, and came with his father to Cairo. Aftd his Descendants 31 In the war of 181 2, he was a sercreant in a New York Mihtia Regiment. Later, he had a blacksmith and carriage-maker's shop at Wind- ham, Greene County, New York, near Cairo. Retiring from that business in 1836, he engaged in farming and kimbering. In 1828 he was ap- pointed a Justice of the Peace, and in 1840 As- sociate Judge of Greene County. In 1841, he bought a large tract of land in Wayne County, Pennsylvania, and established tanneries there, founding the town of Aldenville. These tan- neries were managed by his sons, Julius and Levi, by whom they were afterwards inherited. Levi Hathaway died at Carbondale, Pennsyl- vania, August 5, 1850, and was buried at Alden- ville. He married at Windham, January 23, 181 7, Amanda, daughter of Jahiel Tuttle. They had three children. (See Seventh Generation.) i. James Madison. ii. Julius Tuttle. iii. Levi Hathaway. Charles Henry Alden, fourth child of Eliab^ and Mary (Hathaway) Alden, was born in Lyme, Connecticut, June 17, 1798, his parents being on their return from Middleborough, Massachusetts, to East Windsor, Connecticut, where they then resided. 32 E/mb Alden In tlv war of 1812, he served as drummer in Cai)t.'\in Chcristrce's Co., Lt. Col. Van Dolfsen's R'\c(iment of New York Militia, probably in the defences of New York City. This is shown by records of the Pension Bureau, upon which a land warrant was issued. He was an Episcopal Minister, being ordained deacon in 1822, and priest in 1823, by Bishop Griswold of the Eastern Diocese. From 1822 to 1825 he was Principal of Kent Academy, Green- wicli. Rhode Island, and in charge of a Mis- sion at that place. In 1825, he became princi- pal of a private school for boys, at Olneyville, near Providence, Rhode Island, and afterwards of schools for young ladies at Princeton, New jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1841 he was appointed a Chaplain in the United States Navy, and made a cruise in the flagship Delazvare to South America and the Mediterranean, returning in 1844. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from Brown University in 1825. He died of yellow fever at Pensacola Navy Yard, Florida, where he was on duty, September 24, 1846, and was buried there. On June 7, 1825, at Bristol, Rhode Island, he married Alice Burrington, daughter of the Rev. Henry Wight, for fifty years pastor of the Con- gregational Church in that town. She was born in Bristol, February 11, 1800, and was a descend- ant ol John Alden, the Pilgrim, through her grand- And his Descendants 33 mothor Abio^ail Alden, daiip[htr;r of David^i^ the grandson of John". Abigail married Zephaniah Leonard of Raynham, whose daughter Clarissa married Henry Wight. Alice died in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, March i. 1867, and was buried in Bristol, Rhode Island. Charles Henry'' and Alice, his wife, had three children. (See Seventh Generation.) i. Abby Frances. ii. Georgia Anna. iii. Charles Henry. Mary Alden, fifth child of Eliab^ and Mary (Hathaway) Alden, was born in East Windsor, Connecticut, November 20, 1801, and died in Catskill, New York, June 30, 1839. She married at Cairo, New York, January 21, 1832, James Kortz of Catskill, and they had three children. (See Seventh Generation.) i. Mary F. Kortz. ii. Charles Kortz. iii. John Kortz. Joseph Alden, sixth and youngest child of Eliab^ and Mary (Hathaway) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, January 4, 1807. He was graduated from Union College in 1829, with degree of A. B. (A. M. 1832), and from the 34 Elinh Aldcn IVinrcton 'rhnolooical Seminary in 1S33, becom- \w^ a Prosbyterian minister; was pastor of the Concrroi^ational Cluirch at Williamstown, Massa- ciuisctts, in 1834; professor in Williams College, 1S35 to 1853; professor in Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, 1853 to 1857; President of Jeffer- son College. Pennsylvania, 1857 to 1862, and Princii)al of the New York State Normal School at Albany, from 1867 to 1882. He received the honorary degrees of A. M. from Williams in 1837, D. D. from Union in 1839, and LL. D. from Co- lumbia in 1857. He was author of works on Ethics, Intellectual Philosophy and Science of Govern- mcMit, and of many Sunday-school books. At oni' time he was editor of the New York Ob- server. He died in New York City, August 30, 1885. He married first, at New York City, May 12, 1834, Isabel Graham, daughter of the Rev. G. R. Livingston of Philadelphia. She died in Albany, New York, September 4, 1872. They had two children. (See Seventh Generation.) i. Ida Livingston. ii. William Livingston. Joseph married second, at Garden City, L. I., .Amelia D. Daley of Staten Island, by whom he had no children, and who survived him. And his Descendants 35 SEVENTH GENERATION Amanda Alden, eldest child of Eliab^' and Me- hetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, June 6, 181 5. She married at Cairo, March i, 1848, the Rev. John Spoor of Freehold, near Cairo, being his second wife. She died in Freehold, March 17, 1886, her husband at the same place, March 30, 1864. They had three children. (See Eighth Generation.) i. Ruth Amanda Spoor. ii. John Alden Spoor. iii. George Winton Spoor. Abner Alden, second child of Eliab- and Me- hetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, February 9, 18 18, and died in the same place, November 5, 1899. He was buried at Cairo. He had a cooper's shop on his father's place and later came into possession, with his brother Charles, of his grandfather Eliab's farm and lived in the old homestead. He was unmarried. Charles Alden, third child of Eliab' and Me- hetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, July 2, 18 19. He was a farmer, coming into possession with his brother Abner, of his 36 Eliah Aldcn i;^r.indf.ith(T I'lliab's farm, and livinq^ in tho home- strad. Hn married at Cairo, New York, March 17. 1S46, Klsic Thurston, daughter of Minard Thurston Cooper of Pleasant Valley, N. Y., where she was horn, September 8, 1820, Charles died in Cairo, May 6, 1895, "^"^^ ^"^^^ wife: in the same place, April 7, 1901. They were buried in Cairo. They had two clijldren. (See Eighth Generation.) ^ i. Mary Cornelia. ii. Alice Orilla. John Alden, fourth child of Eliab'' and Mehet- able (Stevens) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, August 23, 1820, and died in the same place, November 4, 1820. John Spoor Alden, fifth child of Eliab^' and Mehetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Dur- ham, near Cairo, New York, July 25, 1823. He is a farmer in Freehold. He married at Cairo, February 4, 1855, Eliza Ycomans. They have no children. Marcellus Lafayette Alden, sixth child of Eliab'' and Mehetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Durham, N. Y., February 9. 1825, and died in Panama, Central America, June — , 1849, while on his way to California. He was unmarried. And his Descendants 37 Henry Alden, seventh child of EHab and Me- hetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, i^pril 2, 1830. He was a farmer in Free- hold, New York. He married at Gayhead, New York, May 26, 1867, Sarah J. (Story) Alden, widow of his brother Orramel. Henry died in Freehold, August, 1895, and his wife survives him. They had three chil- dren, (See Eighth Generation.) i. Lizzie. ii. Abner. iii. Amos H. Okkamicl Bkosworth Alden, eighth and young- est child of Eliab^ and Mehetable (Stevens) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, November 26, 1832, and died February 15, 1866. He married at Gayhead, New York, February 15, 1863, Sarah J., daughter of John Tabins Story of that place. She survived him and in 1867 married his brother Henry. They had one child. (See Eighth Generation.) i. John Story. James Madison Alden, eldest child of Levi Hathaway^ and Amanda (Tuttle) Alden, was born in Windham, New York, April 24, 18 18. He was a physician, having been graduated with the de- gree of M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 38 Eliah Ahlcn 1839. After a few years' practice in New York City, he was, in 1.S47, appointed Assistant Physi- cian at the Quarantine hospital, Staten Island, N. Y., and in February, 185 1, to a like position in tlie Marine hospital on the same island, where he died March 26, 1851, of typhus fever. He was buried in Greenwood cemetery, Long Island. He was unmarried. Julius Tuttle Alden, second child of Levi Hathaway'' and Amanda (Tutde) Alden, was born in Windham, New York, February 18, 1821. For some years, in partnership with his brother Levi, he owned and managed tanneries at Aldenville, Pennsylvania, and after retiring from that busi- ness settled in Litde Falls, New York. He married at Oneonta, New York, October 18, 1853, Roxy A. Emmons of that place. He died in Litde F"alls, December 27, 1868, and his wife survives him. They had three children. (See Eighth Generation.) i. Amanda Maria. ii. Mary Emmons. iii. A Son, born at Little Falls, Novem- ber 25, 1865, died January 10, 1866. Liivi Hathaway Alden, third and youngest child ol Levi Hathaway^' and Amanda (Tuttle) Alden, was born in Windham, New York, Janu- ary I, 1825. He owned and managed tanneries Afui his Descendants 39 at Aldenville, Pennsylvania, in conjunction with his brother JuHus. retaining the business after the retirement of his brother. Later he removed to Passaic, New Jersey, where he still resides. He married at Woodbourne, New York, May 27, 1857, Lois M., daughter of Austen Strong of that place. She was born September 2, 1836. They have had four children. (See Eighth Gen eration.) i. Elizabeth Alden (both baptismal names), ii. James Strong. iii. Lois May. iv. Mabel Blanche. Abby Francks Alden, eldest child of Charles Hpnry^ and Alice Burrington (Wight) Alden, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, July 4, 1826. She is unmarried and has devoted her life to teaching. She resides in Marietta, Georgia. Georgia Anna Alden, second child of Charles Henry' and Alice Burrington (Wight) Alden, was born in Savannah, Georgia, April 12, 1830, and died in Providence, Rhode Island, September 5, 1874. She was buried in Bristol, Rhode Island. She was unmarried. Charles Henry Alden, third and youngest child of Charles Henry^' and Alice Burrington 40 Eliab Aldcn (Wight) Aldcn, was born in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, April 28, 1836. He is a physician, and was (rraduated with deofree of A. M. at Brown University in 1856, and that of M. D. at Penn- sylvania Medical College in 1858. He entered the Medical Department of the U. S. Army in 1859, was brevetted Major and Lieutenant Col- onel in 1865 ; President of the Army Medical School at Washington, 1893 to 1900, and retired from active service for age, (64) in April, 1900. He received the honorary degree of M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1901, and in 1904 was promoted to Brigadier General on the retired list. He is a member of the Military Orders of the Loyal Legion, Indian Wars and Spanish-American Wars. He married at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Oc- tober 25, 1864, Katharine Russell, daughter of Ezekiel Lincoln of that city. They have had four children. (See Eighth Generation.) i. Alice Wight. ii. Charles Henry. ill. Mary Lincoln. iv. Eliot. Makv F. Kortz, eldest child of James and Mary' (Alden) Kortz, was born in Catskill, New York, November 10, 1832, and died in that place June — , 1837. And his Descendants 41 Charles Kortz, second child of James and Mary^' (Alden) Kortz, was born in Catskill, New York, November 2, 1836, and died in New York City, January 20, 1905. He married at New York City, 1S64, Ellen Morgan, born 1845, ^^''^ they had four children. (See Eighth Generation.) i. Daughter, died young. ii. Levi F. Kortz. iii. John Kortz. iv. Charles Kortz. John Kortz, third and youngest child of James and Mary^ (Alden) Kortz, was born in Catskill, New York, December 25, 1838, died at sea, Sep- tember 23, 1865, and was buried in Charleston. South Carolina. He was unmarried. Ida Livingston Alden, eldest child of Joseph^ and Isabel Graham (Livingston) Alden, was born in Williamstown, Massachusetts, March 8, 1835, and died in the same place, October 20, 1843. William Livingston Alden, second and young- est child of Joseph^' and Isabel Graham (Living- ston) Alden, was born in Williamstown, Massa- chusetts, October 9, 1837. He was graduated at Jefferson College, Pennsyl- vania, in 1858, and admitted to the Bar in i860. 42 Eliab Aldcn For several years he was a leader writer on the Ncio York World, the Nezv York Times and the Graphic. I le was U. S. Consul General at Rome from 1S85 t^^ 1S89, and received the decoration of " Knitj^ht of the Crown of Italy." He is the author of humorous works and works of fiction, chiefly juvenile. His recent literary work has been as critic and magazine writer. He resides in Hngland. He married at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1865, Agnes Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Alexander W, McClure. They have had two children. (See Eighth Generation.) i. William Livingston. ii. VioLETTA Mary Isabella, EIGHTH GENERATION Ruth Amanda Spook, eldest child of the Rev. John and Amanda^ (Alden) Spoor, was born in F"ri:ehold, New York, August 26, 1849, and died in the same place, October 8, 1849. John Alden Spook, second child of the Rev. John and Amanda^ (Alden) Spoor, was born in Freehold, New York, September 30, 1851. He resides in Chicago and is President of the Chicago Junction Railway Company. And his Ddscendants 43 He married at St. Louis, Missouri, February 12, 1889, Frances, daughter of Webb M. Samuel of that city. They have one child. (See Ninth Generation.) i. Caryl Russell Spoor. George Winton Spoor, third and youngest child of the Rev. John and Amanda^ (Alden) Spoor, was born in Freehold, New York, September 6, 1853, and died in the same place, July 6, 1865. Mary Cornelia Alden, eldest child of Charles^ and Elsie Thurston (Cooper) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, December 2, 1847, ^^^ ^^^^ i^i the same place, February 25, i860. Alice Orilla Alden, second and youngest child of Charles^ and Elsie Thurston (Cooper) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, October 13. 1859. She married at Cairo, June 7, 1886, J. Calvin Bower. They now own the Alden homestead in Cairo, but have resided since 1901 in Great Falls, Montana, Mr. Bower being interested in sheep raising in that State. They have had three chil- dren. (See Ninth Generation.) i. Elsie Alden Bower. ii. John Alden Bower. iii. Alice Rosalie Bower. 44 Eliab Aldcn Lt/zif, Alden, eldest child of Henrys and Sarah J. (Story) Alden, was born in Aldenville, Penn- sylvania, February 21, 1868. She married at Freehold, New York, September 22, 1897, ^- J- Tyrrell of Binghamton, New York, where they reside. AiiNER Alden, second child of Henrys and Sarah J. (Story) Alden, was born in Aldenville, Penn- sylvania, June 17, 1870. He is a farmer in Free- hold, New York, occupying the land his father owned. He married at Grapeville, New York, December 26, 1895, Alice Travis. They have three children. (See Ninth Generation.) i. Margup:rite. ii. John Henry. iii. Clifton Travis. Amos H. Alden, third and youngest child of Henrys and Sarah J. (Story) Alden, was born in Herrick Centre, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1878. He is a pharmacist, and resides in Tannersville, New York. He married at Cairo, New York, October 3, 1 90 1, Maud V. Stevens. John Story Alden, only child of Orramel^ and Sarah J. (Story) Alden, was born in Freehold, And his Descendants 45 New York, February 15, 1864. He is a mer- chant and resides in Cairo, New York. He married at Coxsackie, New York, May 4, 1887, Susie Elizabeth Pahner. They have one child. (See Ninth Generation.) i. Louie Priscilla Mullins. Amanda Maria Alden, eldest child of Julius" and Roxy A. (Emmons) Alden, was born in Aldenville, Pennsylvania, August 2, 1854. She married at Little Falls, New York, Novem- ber 30, 1880, Kendrick E. Morgan of Little Falls, a lawyer. They now reside in Chicago, Illinois. They have two children. (See Ninth Genera- tion.) i. Alden Kendrick Morgan. ii. Mary Emmons Alden Morgan. Mary Emmons Alden, second child of Julius' and Roxy A. (Emmons) Alden, was born in On- eonta. New York, May 24, 1858. Elizabeth Alden Alden, eldest child of Levi Hathaway^ and Lois M. (Strong) Alden, was born in Aldenville, Pennsylvania, May 4, i860. She resides with her parents in Passaic, New Jersey. 46 Elinb Alden James Strong Alden, second child of Levi Hathaway' and Lois M. (Strong^) Alden, was born in Aldcnville, Pennsylvania, February i, 1863. He was crraduated with the degree of M. K., at the Stevens Institute of Technology, in 1 884. He resides in Passaic, New Jersey. Lois May Alden, third child of Levi Hatha- way' and Lois M. (Strong) Alden, was born in Passaic, New Jersey, July 15, 1870. She resides with her parents in Passaic, and devotes herself to the study and teaching of music. Mabel Blanche Alden, fourth and youngest child of Levi Hathaway- and Lois M. (Strong) Alden, was born in Passaic, New Jersey, August 3, 1874. She resides with her parents in Passaic. Alice Wight Alden, eldest child of Charles Henry" and Katherine Russell (Lincoln) Alden, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Novem- ber 27, 1865. Charlf:s Henry Alden, second child of Charles Henry- and Katherine Russell (Lincoln) Alden, was born in Hingham. Massachusetts, September 27, 1867. He is an architect and was graduated with degree of S. B., at the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, in 1890. He resides in Boston. And his Descendants 47 Mary Lincoln Alden, third child of Charles Henry^ and Katherine Russell (Lincoln) Alden, was born in Fort Gratiot, Michigan, March 3, 1872, and died in New York City, January 9, 1879. Eliot Alden, fourth and youngest child of Charles Henry^ and Katherine Russell (Lincoln) Alden, was born in Fort Walla Walla, Washing- ton Territory, December 12, 1874. He is a phy- sician, practicing in Cleveland, Ohio. He was graduated with the degree of A. B. at Harvard University, in 1897, ^"^ with that of M. D. at Harvard Medical School, in 1901. Resident Sur- geon, Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, 1902. Levi F. Kortz, second child of Charles^ and Ellen (Morgan) Kortz, was born in Emmons- burg, New York, May 19, 1868. He married, December, 1900, Alice Connors, born 1874. They have had one child, born 1901, died at the age of 3 years and 10 months. John Kortz, third child of Charles^ and Ellen (Morgan) Kortz, was born June 26, 1870, and died in Trenton, New Jersey, February 11, 1904. Charles Kortz, fourth and youngest child of Charles^ and Ellen (Morgan) Kortz, was born in J881. 48 Eliab Aldcn Wii.i.iAM Livingston Alden, eldest child of Wil- linm Livingston' and A_gnos Mari^arct (McClure) Ald<^n, was born in Rutherford Park, New Jersey, July 6, 1866. VioLETTA Mary Isabella Alden, second and youncTcst child of William Livingston' and Agnes Margaret (McClure) Alden, was born in Albany, New York, February 15, 1870. She married at London, England, June 10, 1890, Edward Corning Townsend, a lawyer of Buffalo, New York, where they reside. They have two children. i. Violet Corning Townsend. ii. Margaret Martha Townsend. xXlNTIl generation Caryl Russell Spoor, daughter of John^ Alden and rVances (Samuel) Spoor, was born in Chicago, Illinois, April 24, 1892. Elsie Alden Bower, eldest child of Alice Or- illa^ (Alden) and J. Calvin Bower, was born in Stanford, Montana, October 17, 1887. John Alden Bower, second child of Alice Or- illa"" (.Alden) and J. Calvin Bower, was born in Stanford, Montana, August 3, 1890. And his Descettdants 49 Alice Rosalie Bower, third child of Alice Or- illa^ (Akkn) and J. Calvin Bower, was born in Stanford, Montana, July 17, 1892. Marguerite Alden, eldest child of Abner^ and Alice (Travis) Alden, was born in Freehold, New York, June 26, 1898. John Henry Alden, second child of Abner" and Alice (Travis) Alden, was born in Freehold, New York. August 30, 1900. Clifton Travis Alden, third child of Abner^ and Alice (Travis) Alden, was born in Freehold, New York. March 6, 1903. Louie Priscilla Mullins Alden. daughter of John Story* and Susie Elizabeth (Palmer) Alden, was born in Cairo, New York, March ii, i; Alden Kendrick Morgan, eldest child of Amanda Maria' (Alden) and Kendrick E. Mor- gan, was born in Little Falls, New York, August II, 1882. Mary Emmons Alden Morgan, second child of Amanda Maria** (Alden) and Kendrick E, Morgan, was born in Little Falls, New York, November 17, 1890. i7ni? 50 Eliah Allien mid his Dcscendiuits Violet Corning Townsend, eldest child of Violetta Isabella^ (Alden) and Edward Corning- Townsend. was born in Buffalo, New York, March 6, 1891. Margaret Martha Townsend, second child of Violetta Isabella"* (Alden) anci Edward Corning Townsend, was born in Buffalo, New York. Oc- tober 14, 1893. INDEX OF PERSONS Adams, John i 3 John Ouincy 13 Allen, Mehitable 15 Alden, Abby Frances 33, 39 Abigail 17, 33 Abner 19, 20, 27, 28, 30, 35, 37, 44, 49 Alice Orilla 36, 43, 48, 49 Alice Wight 40, 46 Amanda 30, 35, 42, 43 Amanda Maria 38, 45, 49 Amariah 19 Amos H. 37, 44 Anna 14 Charles 29, 30, 35, 36, 43 Charles Henry 28, 31-33, 39, 40, 46, 47 Clifton Travis 44, 49 David 13, 16, 17, 33 Ebenezer 18, 19 Eliab 13, 15, iS, 20, 21, 25- 33, 35-37 Eliot 40, 47 Elizabeth 12, 15 Elizabeth ( ; 12 Alden, Elizabeth Alden 39. 45 Eunice 20 Fear 20, 21, 28 Georgia Anna 33, 39 Hannah 17, 19, 20 Henrj' 30, 37, 44 Hopestill I 5 Ida Livingston 34, 41 Isaac 15 James Madison 31, 37 James Strong 39, 46 John, "the Pilgrim," 9-12, 14. 32 John 13, 15-18, 30, 36 John Henry 44, 49 John Spoor 30, 36 John Story 37, 44, 49 Jonathan 12, 13 Joseph 12-16, 18, 19, 25, 27- 29. 33. 34, 4« Julius Tuttle 31, 38, 45 Lemuel 18 Levi Hathaway 27, 28,30, 31, 37, 38, 45, 46 Lizzie 37, 44 52 Index of Persons Alden, Lois 20 Lois May 39, 46 Louie Priscilla Mullins45,49 Lydia i 7 Mabel Blanche 39, 46 Marcellus Lafayette 30, 36 Marguerite 44, 49 Mary 13, 17, 28, 33, 40, 41 Mary Cornelia 36, 43 Mary Emmons 38, 45 Mary Lincoln 40, 47 Mercy 1 5, 20 Nathan 18 Noah 16, 18 Orramel Brosworth 30, 37, 44 Phebe 20 Priscilla 14, 17 Rebecca 14 Ruth 13 Sarah 13 Thankful 17 Violetta Mary Isabella 42, 48, 50 William Livingston 34, 41, 42, 48 Zachariah 14 Bass, John 13 Blunden, Sarah 1 1 Borden, Abraham 1 7 Bower, Alice Rosalie 43, 49 Elsie Alden 43, 48 J. Calvin 43,48,49 John Alden 43, 48 Bradford, Mrs. H. K. 28 Bryant, William Cullen 14 Burrill, John 15 Connors, Alice 47 Cooper, Elsie Thurston 36, 43 Minard Thurston 36 Daley, Amelia D. 34 Delano, Thomas 13 Dunham, Hannah 15 Eaton, Francis 17 Eddy, Samuel 17 Emmons, Roxy A. 38, 45 Everell, Abiel 12 Faxon, Thomas 1 1 Fobes, Ruth 19 Fuller, John 1 7 Gannett, Thomas 1 1 Griswold, Alexander Viets 32 Hall, Amos 29 George 1 8 Hannah 18, 25 Lewis 20 Samuel 18 Hallett, Abigail 13 Hathaway, John 26 Levi 26, 27 Mary 26-31. 33 Nicholas 26 Kortz, Charles 33, 41, 47 James 33, 40, 41 John II, 41, 47 Levi F. 41, 47 Mary F. 33, 40 Lazel, Lydia 18 Leonard. Clarissa 33 Zephaniah 33 Index of Persons 53 Lincoln, Ezekiel 40 Katharine Russell 40, 46, 47 Livingston, G. R. 34 Isabel Graham 34, 41 Longfellow, Henry W. 12 McClure, Agnes Margaret 42, Alexander VV. 42 Morgan, Alden Kendrick 45, 49 Ellen 41, 47 Kendrick E. 45, 49 Mary Emmons Alden 45, 49 MuUins, Joseph 10 Priscilla 10-14 Sarah 1 1 William 10, ii William, Jr. 11 Paddleford, Judith i 7 Palmer, Susie Elizabeth 45, 49 Paybody, William 12 Phillips, Elizabeth 12 Hannah 16 Robinson, Increase 27 Mary 26, 27 William 27 Samuel, Frances 43, 48 Webb, M. 43 Saville, William 1 1 Simmons, Mary 13, 14, 16 Moses 14 Sarah ( ) 14 Smith, Rebecca 18 Snell, Josiah 14 Snow, Benjamin i 5 Joseph 15 ^^ Southworth, Constant 14 Spoor, Carj^l Russell 43, 48 George Winton 35, 43 John 35, 43 John Alden 35, 42, 48 Ruth Amanda 35, 42 Standish, Alexander 13 Myles 11,13 Stevens, Maud V. 44 Mehetable 30, 35-37 Story, John Tabins 37 Sarah J. 37, 44 Strong, Austen 39 Lois M. 39, 45, 46 Thomas, Nathan 17 Noah 17 Townsend, Edward Corning 48, 5° Margaret Martha 48, 50 Violet Coming 48, 50 Travis, Alice 44, 49 Tuttle, Amanda 31, 37, 38 Jahiel 31 Tyrrell, A. J. 44 Vaughn, Joanna 18 Weston, Rebecca 18 Whitaker, Anna 18 White, Ebenezer 16 Hannah 15-19 Thomas 16 Wight, Alice Burrington 32, 33, 39. 40 Henry 32, 33 Willis, Mercy 1 8 Williamson, Deborali 19, 27 Wood, Thomas 1 7 Yeomans, Eliza 36 INDEX OF PLACES Albany, N. Y. 34, 48 Aldenville, Pa. 31,38,39,44-46 Binghamton, N. Y. 44 Boston, Mass. 12, 46 Braintree, Mass. 11, 13 Bridgewater, Mass. 14-1C Bristol, R. I. 20, 32, 33, 39 Buffalo, N. Y. 48, 50 Cairo, N.Y. 3, 13,21.27-31,33, 35-37, 43-45. 49 Canonsburg, Pa. 42 Cape Cod, Mass. 9 Carbondale, Pa. 3 1 Catskill, N. Y. 28, 33, 40. 41 Charleston, S. C. 41 Chicago, III, 42, 45, 48 Cleveland, O. 47 Coxsackie, N. Y. 45 Dartmouth, Mass. 26 Dorchester, Mass. 27 Dorking, Eng. 1 i Durham, N. Y. 36 Du.xbury, Mass. 11, 13 East Windsor, Conn. 27, 31, 33 Emmonsburg, N. Y. 47 Fort Gratiot, Mich. 47 Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Ter. 47 Freehold, N. Y. 35-37, 42-44, 49 Garden City, N. Y. 34 Gayhead, N. Y. 37 Grapeville, N. Y. 44 Great Falls, Mont. 43 Greenwich, R. I. 20, 32 Herrick Centre, N. Y. 44 Hingham, Mass. 4G Litde Compton, R. i, 12 Little Falls, N. Y. 38, 45, 49 London, Eng. 48 Lyme, Conn. 3 i Marietta, Ga. 39 Middleborough, Mass. 3, 15, 16, 18, 19, 25-27, 29-31 Judex of Places 55 New York City, N. Y. 34, 38, 41, 47 North Middleborough, Mass. 16- 1 S Olneyvillf, R. I. 32 Oneonta, N. Y. 3S, 45 Panama, Cent. Amer. 3ri Passaic, N. J. 39, 45-47 Pensacola, Fla. 32 Philadelphia, Pa. 32-34, 40. 46 Pleasant Valley, N. Y. 36 Plymouth, Mass. 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19 Princeton, N. J. 32 Providence, R. I. 32, 39 Raynham, Mass. 18, 20, 21, 29, 33 Rutherford Park, N.J. 4S Savannah, Ga. 39 Southampton, Eng. 9, 10 South Bridgewatcr, Mass. 30 Stanford, Mon. 48, 49 Staten Island, N. Y. 34, 3'^r^ /--^ DEC 2 4 193^