i-^'S : ■■?;,•*• ^ fSS-iV"-:?? kS^^^-1 ^.^^^-r^>^ T^HL AMERICAN MANUAL -fi.HC Patriots Handb -BY- THE RT. REV. SAMUEL FALLOWS, A. M., D. D., Author <^ '' Liberty and Union,'' ''Synonyms and Antonyms,'' »The Home Beyond," " /-i* Pnt. gresstve Supplemental Dictionary" Etc^ Etc. Chicago : T. S. DENISON. %x:jr. COPYRIGHT iSSS =5 '^ nv k' ^ SA:\irEL FALLOWS. !| THE AMERICAX MANUAL INDEX. A. A Compendious History of the United States 17-24 Adams, John : 28 - 29 Adams, John Quiiicy 3^ " 37 Adaniri, Samnel 72 Aggregate Banking Capital and Deposits iu the United States 244 Agriculture, Department of igo, 214 Allen, Ethan 72 AniL-riea and England, — Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks 320-321 America, Meaning of 289 American Union and Constitution, The, — Judge IClliot 305 America's Highest Mountain .... 287 America's Lucky D^^y 281 Amounts e.\pended for pensions 242 Analy.sis of the Constitution of the United Stales 177 - 17S Appointments by the President 188- 190 Armstrong, Biography of 72 Army, The United States 206 Arnold, Benedict • y2 Arthur, Chester A 66-67 Articles of Confederation 150- 155 Ashe, John, Biogtaphy of 72 Atkinson, Henry 72 Attorney-General 231 A Young Hero 289 B. Bainbridge, William y2 Banner, The Star Spangled ' ^ .^oS Barney, Commodore, Biography of y2 Brooks, John A., Life of ^18 Brown, Jacob, Biography of -73 g THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Brown, Major, Bloztaphy of 72 Brown's, John, Origin of the Song of 2S7 Buchanan, James 54-55 Burr, Aaron, Biography of 72 Butler, Zebulon, Biography of 72 c. Candidates, Presidential 39^ Cane, A Historical 5I4 Cession of the Northwest Territory 315 - 317 Chandler, John 74 Christian Commission, The United States,— Rev. J. O. Fester 254-264 Clark, George Rogers, Biography of 74 Clay, Green, Biography of 74 Clay, Henr}-, Biography of' 74 Cleveland, Grover, Life of 6S, 69-410 Climate of the United States, The 224 Clinton, James, Biography of 74 Coffee, Gen. John, Biography of 74 Coins of the United States 252-253 Commission, The United States Christian,— 5 ev. J. O. Foster, A. M. D. D 254 - 264 Committees, Republican and DemoLnatic >s'at:onal 342 - 343 Composition, A Unique 2S6 Confederate Relics 309 Confederation, The ^54 Confederation, Articles of 150 " ^55 Confederation of the Original States I33 Congress, Length of Sessions 233 - 235 Constitution of the United States 162-169 Constitution of the United States, Amendments to the 169 - 176 Constitution of the United States, Analysis of the I77 - 178 Constitution of the United States, Comments on the,— Justice Samuel Miller 179-184 Constitution, the American Union and,^udge Elliot 305 Construction, Railway 3^9 Conventions, National 3^9 Cowdrey, Robt. H., Life of 420 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 7 D. Dates of the birth and death ofour Tresidents 241 Day, America's Lucky , 2S6 Dearborn, Henry, Biography of 74 Decatur, Stephen, Biography of 74 Declaration of Indtpcndence, Facsimile of signatures to the 147 - 148 Declaration of Independence in a New Light, The 297 - 302 Declaration of Independence, The 14- - 148 Declaration of Independence, The Mecklenburg, — Hoi'.. Jno. JNL Bright I37 * 141 Department, Agriculture 190, 214 Executive 185-187 '• Interior 1S9, 212 - 213 " Justice 190, 219 " Legislative 191 - 195 " Navy 189, 209 - 211 " Post-office 190, 213 - 215 " State ]S8, 196 - 199 " Treasury 18S, 200- 202 " War 189, 203 - 208 Diplomatic and Consular offices 220 Doodle, Origin of Yankee 28S Duel, A Congressional 285 E. Educational, Statistics, etc 249 - 250 Election Laws of difierent S'.atrs 241 - 242 Elections, History of Presidentia 238-240 Electorial Vote, Legislature, eic 241 - 242 England and America, — Hon. Thcs. Hen.lrick ; 320 - 321 Evacuation of New York, The 290 Executive Department, The 185 - 187 Expenditures in the District of Columbia 251 THE AMERldX MAXUAL. Facsimile of the Signatures of the Declaration of Independence , ,147-148 Federal Vessels Captured or destroyed by Confederate "Crui:-ers" 242 Figure, A Historic 2S4 Fillmore, Millard < • 50 - 51 First blood of the Revolution 296 First and last things of the Civil War 265 - 273 Fisk, Clinton B., Zz/^ 0/ 413-417 Flag, The President's • 291 Fulton,. Robert, Biography of 74 G. Gaines, Edmund P., Bkgraphy of 74 Garfield, James A., Life of • • • 64-65 Gates, Horatio, Biogiap/iy of ■ 74 Gold and Silver produced in the United States from 1S45 to iSS6inclusive 251 Governmental Instructor 130 - 135 Grant, Ulysses S., Life of '. 60 - 61 Green, Nathaniel, Biography of 74 H. Hancock, John, Biography of 74 Harrison, Benjamin, Life of 399 - 40S Harrison, Wm. Henry, Biography of 42 - 43 Hayes, Rutherford B., Life of 62 - 63 Henry, Patrick, Biography of 74 Hero, A Young 289 Heroes of the Revolution and War of 1S12 • • • 72 - 81 Heroic Figure, A 284 •Historical Cane, A 314 Historical Notes 126 - 129 Historical Trees 293 History of Pohtical Conventions, Brief • • 344 - 346 History of Presidential Elections 238 - 240 History of the Civil War must not be Ignored— The P^t. Rev. Dr. Sam'l Fallows .... 318 - 319 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 9 History of the United States, A Compendious 17-24 History, Population, etc., of the States and. Territories 244- 245 History, Tariff of the United States,— Henry J. Philpott, Esq 421 -423 House of Representatives -. 193 Howard, John Eager, Biography of 76 Hull, Isaac, Biography of ■ 76 Hull, William, Diography of 76 I. Immigration for 1SS7 292 Independence, Declaration of . . . . . 142 - 148 Independence, The Mecklenburg Declaration of,— Hon. John M. Bright 137 - 141 Instructor, Governmeulal ■**.... 130 - 135 Interior Department 189, 212 - 214 Izard, George, Biography of 76 J. Jackson, Andrew, Life of 38-39 Jay, John, Biography of 76 Jefferson, Thomas, Life of 30-31 Jesup, Thomas S., Biography of 76 Johnson, Andrew, Life of 58-59 Jones, John Paul, Biography of 76 Judiciary 190 Justice, Department of ; 190, 219 K. Kearnej-, Stephen \V., Biography of 76 I" Lady who rejected Washington's hand, The 283 La Fayette, Marquis de, Biography of 76 Land-office, The original 287 Land we live in. The 306 Lawrence, James, Biography of 76 Lee, Charles, Biography of . , 76 lo THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Lee, Heniy, Biography of 7^ Lee, Richard Henry, Biography of 76 Legal Holidays of the States 307 Legislative Department 191 - ^95 Legislature, Electorial Votes, etc, 242 - 243 Length of Sessions of Congress from 1789 to 1 8SS 23,^-234 Liberty . ^3^ Lincoln, Abraham, Life of 56-57 Li-::oln, Benjamin, Biography of 7^ Lives of Democratic Candidates 410-412 " " 'Industrial Reform Candidates • 420 " " Prohibition Candidates 4^3 - 4^8 " " Republican Candidates 399 - 409 *• " Union Labor Candidates 420 " " Unite 1 Labor Candidates 4:0 " " Woman's RiglitsCandi-iates 41S " " the Presidents 25 - 69 Lockwood, Belva A., Life of 41^ Losses of the Government for every aJm'n-sUat'on from 1789 to 1S76 222 11. Macomb, Alexander, Biography of 7^ Madison, James, Life of 32 - 33 Mather, Cotton and Salem Witchcraft •. 303-304 McClellan's letter of acceptance 328 - 329 McDouough, Thomas 76 Meaning of America 2S9 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, The,— Hen. Jno. lil. Bri^^lit 137 - 141 Mercer, Hugh, Biography of 78 Mifflin, Thomas, Biography of 78 Monarchist, Van Buren a 2S5 Monroe, James, Life of 34 - 35 Montgomery, Richard 78 Morgan, Daniel, Biography of 78 Morton, Levi P., Life of 408-409 THE AMERICAN MANu^i^. ii Moultrie, William, Biogtaphy of 78 Mountain, America's highest 2S7 N. Names of the States, — Hamilton B. Staples 274 - 2S0 National Conventions 389 Nativity of soldiers in our Civil War 389 Navy Department 189, 209 - 211 Newspapers and Periodicals in the United States, 1870 — 1880 . 250 New York, The Evacuationjof 290 Nolan, Philip, — Edward Everett Hale 312 - 313 Notes, Historical 126 - 129 o. Offenses for which States Disfranchise 332 - 333 Oificers, Diplomatic and Consular 220 Ordinance of 1787 156 - i6i Origin of the Song of "John Brown's Body" 287 Origin of Yankee Doodle 288 Otis, James, Biography of 78 P. Patent-OHice Business 243 Pensions, Amount expended for 242 Pickens, Andrew 78 Pierce, P'ranklin, Life of 52-53 Pike, Zebulou M., Biography of 78 Platforms from i860 to 18S8, Political 348 - 396 Polk, James K., Life of 46-37 Population, History, etc., of the States and Territories 244-245 Population of the principal cities of the United States 247 - 248 Population of the United States by Races in 1870 and 1880 246 - 247 Population, Our Foreign, — The Rev. Geo. C. Lorimer, D. D 322 - 327 Porter, Commodore David, Biography of 78 Postal Rates in 1792 311 Postmaster-General 232 Post-oflice Department 190, 215 Prayer of Cardinal James Gibbons 310 Prescotl, William, Biography of 78 Presidency, The 281 President, Appointments by the 188 - 190 12 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Picsi lemial Candidates • 398 Presidential Tickets for 188S 398 President's Cabinet, The 187 President's Flag, The 291 Presidents, Lives of the 25 - 79 Presidents, The dates of birth and death of our 241 Presidents, The '. . . 283 President, The, (Executive Department) 185 Prohibition, The Republican and Democratic Parties on 336 - 341 Property Rights of Wives 294 - 296 Public Debt of the United States 243 Putnam, Gen., Biography of 78 Q. Quali(ications required for suflFrage in each of the 38 States 330 - 331 R. Railway Construction 389 Redfield, Life of 420 Relics, Confederate 309 Religious Denominations of the U. S. Statistics 221 - 222 Representatives, House of 193 Representatives, Speakers of the House of 236 - 237 Republicanism, The Wedge of 288 Revolution, First blood of the 296 Revolution, Heroes of the War of 1S12 and of the ' 72 - Si Rutledge, John, Biography of 78 s- Salaries of officers and clerks, etc., in the Executive offices 187 Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather 303 - 304 Schuyler, Richard, Biography of 80 Scott, Winfield, Biography of 80 Secretaries of Interior 232 " " Navy 230 " " State 226 " " Treasury • • 228 " " War 230 Senate, The 191 Slielby, Isaac, Biography of 80 Smith', Samuel, Biography of 80 Soldiers in the Civil War, Nativity of 398 Speakers of the House of Representatives 236 - 237 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 13 State Department 188, 196 - 199 States, Confederation of the original 135 - 136 States, Legal Holiilays of the 307 States, Names of the 274 • 280 Statesmen, Titles of 39S Statistics of Religions Denominations in the United States 221-222 Star Spangled Banner, The 30S Steubens, Baron, Biography of 80 Stirling, Wm. A., Biography 0/ 80 Streeter, A. J., Life of 420 Sullivan, John, Biography of 80 Sunipter, Thomas, Biography of ' 80 Supreme Court of the United States 223 - 224 Surve\-, United States Coast 219 T. Tariff History of the United States,— Henry J. Philpott, Esq 421-423 Ta3dor, Zachary 48-49 Territor\', Cession of the Northwest 315 " 317 Texas, The oldest structure in 289 Thomas, Gen., Biography of 80 Thomson, Charles, Biography of ^^ Thurman, Allen G., Life of 412 -413 Tickets, Presidential for 188S 397 Titles of our Statesmen 398 Treasury Department iSS, • 200 - 202 Trees, Historical 293 Twiggs, David E., Biography of 80 Tyler, John, Life of 44-45 u. Union, The Ex's'ence of the, — A. Hamilton 160 - 161 United States, A Compendious History of the 17-24 United States, Analysis of the Constitution of the 177-178 U lited States Christian Commission, Rev. J. O. Foster, A. M. B. D 254 - 264 United States, Comment on the Constitution of the, — Justice S. F. Mfller 179-184 United States, Constitution of the . 162 - 176 United States Patent-office Business 243 United States Survey ^ 219 14 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. V. Van Buren, a Monarchist ^ . . . . 285 Van Buren, Xartin 40-41 Vessels captured or destroyed by Confederate "Cruisers" 242 Vessels captured or destroyed for viotation of the blockade or in battle from May i86r to May 186,5 242 Vote, Legislatures, electoral 242 War Department _ 189, 203 - 208 War, First and Last things of the Civil ; 265 - 273 War, History of Civil, must not be ignored, — Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, D. D 318-319 War, Nativity of Soldiers in our Civil 398 Warren, Joseph, Biograpliy of 80 Washington, George, Life of 26 - 27 Washington's hand. The Lady who rejected 283 Washington, Wm., Bw^raphy of 80 W dows of the Revolutionary Soldiers 292 Wives, Property Rights of 294 Yankee Dood'e, Origin of 28S ,^^Ar^\P^S^If^f^^^^),.^,^^^g:^ %\ ▲ PR^IDSNTIAI. INAUGURATIOK. rirE AM/'-.urcA.V AfANr/AL. IT fl (SOMPEUDIOUS 17IGIP0I^Y OP H^HE UlJIiTED S^A^nES. PKRIOOM. 'UIi: AUOItl<«l.\.il. l*I.UIOI>. 1 AI»'»rlKl"<'il. li I*«tI«hI «>f I>lm-o v«Ty. Ji <'olo- rihi» l*«Ti«>«J. 1 lt2, 2. 'I'll*- INriocI ol l>im-ov«rry. The time from i/^ft Oj lOr/j. A. D. 3. Tti(; Colonial I*<;rl<>eople of Iii'lta and becauiieOjIum- bu» thought he hail probably ditscovM-ed a portion of India. Nothing i» kn'nvn of their origin, although some have i>u{ji>'.rited they vfirrc dencended from the l»riM!lU4f«., The Indian* inhabiiini; the grealcr part of llKlJniiTd Slalf* n'^tl of the Mifc^'juil ri\«|u»iM lived around tlif: hlior»-t-.of I>z the < li<-roti<'i-ii and the MoblllMn .Nutlon*. Tlie .ffohillHii .Nuliwii embraced the V(tniHis(;(-ii, <><■<• k», hcinlnol««, CTIlOCtMWttand <;iil(;ka»uMii. 'i I^t trllxtk wtst of the Miiehi>-.'^i|/i>i kiver were the ItitltotMii, <;oiMttn> Chen, Mli«>«lion«;« and the Axt<-«;a. Anioii;^ the trib«:>i now extant are the 4Jti(*«;laM», CUfruUtttm, €r«<;k« and CliiL-ka^awii in the Indian Tcrrit/>ry. 1111. i*»:uioi> or f>iN<-ovKiiY. The western Continent was firttt «een by lfl«rjuir- M>n, an Icelander, in the year <>%, A. U. 'Die a/.tual diwjovery of Araerira was >na/le by l..i«!f Krl<:k»«n, a Oreenland<-r, fifteen year* later, and duriuj^ the twelfth, thirteenth, and f/^urteenth ctnluri« rAher voyaKc* were made to tbi« continent but without re- •ult. In the year I4rj2, Christopher Columbu*, a Cen'>e»«, 13 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. under the patronage of Ferdinand, King of Spain, sailed from the port of Palos, and landed on the Island •which he named San Salvador. This navigator made three more voyages to the new land, but beyond its discovery little was done to render it of much value to Europe. The first ones to discover the Continent af America proper, were Jolin Cabot, a Venetian, and his son Sebastian, who, sailing under English colors, in 1497 reached the coast of North America and explored it from what is now New England to Labrador. The Greater Antilles were occupied and settled by the Spaniards, from whence they sent out many ex- peditions to the main land. SUMMARY OF SPAKISII EXPEDITIOSTS. Ojeda, 1510, settled Darien ; from which place. Balboa, 1513, started and discovered the Pacific. Ponce de Eeon, 1512, discovered Florida. Cordova, 1517, discovered Yucatan. Orijalva, 1518, explored Mexico. Cortez, 1519-21, conquered Mexico. De Soto, Governor of Cuba, landed in Florida, and going north and west discovered the Mississippi, 1539. Melendez, attempted to settle Florida, where, 1565, he founded St. Augustine, the oldest city in the U. S. In the meantime other nations were also engaged in exploring the new world, chief among which were the French and English. PROMINENT FRENCH EXPLORERS. Verazani, 1524, sailed along the eastern coast from North Carolina to Newfoundland. This was made one of the grounds of the French claim during the French and Indian war. Cartier, 1534, sailed up the St. Lawrence, and tried to form a settlement on Orleans Island, but failed; he tried it again in 1541, but again was unsuccessful. Ribaut, 1562, tried to start a Huguenot colony at Port Royal (N. C), but failed. Two years later, Liaudonnlerre, 1564, came for the same purpose, but the settlers were attacked by the Spaniards and nearly all put to death. De Mouts, 1603, obtained the grant of Acadia and settled it at Port Royal, 1605. Chaniplain, 160S, founded Quebec and, 1609, discov- ered the lake called after him. PROMINENT ENOEISII EXPEORERS. Frobisher, 1576, in search of a northwesterly route to India, cruised around northern British Amer- ica. Drake, 1579, while on a plundering expedition, entered San Francisco harbor, and named the Califor- nia coast New AJbion. Oilbert, 1583, took possession of Newfoundland for England, but his ship was lost on the homeward voyage and all perished. Ralcig'h, 1584, received a grant of territory from Queen Elizabeth, and sent out an exploring expedition under Amidas and Barlow who named the tract they explored Virginia. Oosnold, 1602, explored the Massachusetts coast and named Cape Cod. NAMES GIVEN BT EXPLORERS. Acadia, which consisted of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick; Canada, which included the tract along the St. Lawrence and great lakes; Vir- g'inia, the district from the St. Lawrence to Albemarle Sound; New Spain, or Mexico and Central America; New France, including Acadia, Canada, and much other territory, overlapping the English claims; New Eng:land, a name given later to the northern part of Virg'inia; and New Nethcrland, the name of the Dutch claim. From these facts we find that the claims of the four strongest powers were: France: — Canada and Acadia and the district north of New York Bay, besides a portion in the south called Carolina. England:— From Labrador to Florida, extending indefinitely westward. Spain:— The region bordering on the Gulf of Mexico including Florida. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 19 Holland; — Between the mouth of Delaware Bay nd Acadia. THE COL.ONIAIi PERIOB. TIRGINIA. In 1607, the First Pernianeiit Eng'Iish Col- ony was established by the London Company in Vir- ginia, and was called .lamestown. The President of the Colonial first Council was Winslield. Captain John Smith was first a member of the Council, and afterwards President of it. He made sev- eral explorations, and was finally captured by the tribe of Indians of whom Powhatan was the chief. Being condemned to death, he was rescued by Pocahontas the chiefs daugher and restored to his Colony. In 1615, the Colonists commenced the cultivation of tobacco and through its means the Colony began to prosper. In 1619, the First Representative Assembly ever convened in America met at Jamestown, under the name of "Burgesses." In the same year neg^ro slavery was introduced, and about the same time the cultivation of cotton was attempted. In 1622, the Colony was nearly destroyed by an In - dian war. The Company, much displeased with its want of success, began to quarrel. The king thereupon assumed the Government, and Virginia remained a royal province until the Revolutionary War. Incited by the tyranny of Berhely the Colonial Governor, the people, in 1676, rose in rebellion under the leadership of Bacon, but were soon reduced to subjection by the Governor. NEW YORK. New York was the only American Colony settled by the Dutch, who based their claim on Henry Hudson's voyage up the river which bears his name. To the territory thus claimed the name New Neth- erlands was given. Upon Manhattan Island at ttie mouth of the Hudson, a city was built which was named New Amsterdam. In 1664, the country fell into the hands of the En- glish, and the name of the town, and the whole region was changed to New York in honor of the I>uke of York, brother of Charles 11. MASSACHUSETTS. The Plymouth Colony. The first attempt at settlement in this region was made in 1607, but it proved a failure. The flrst successful settlement was made in 1620 by a body of Pilgrims, and the name Plymouth was given to it. They experienced great sufiering dur- ing the first year, and but for the friendly aid of the Indians the colony would have proved a failure. The Plymouth Colony remained independent for seventy two years, when it was united with the Massachusetts Bay Colony by order of the king. The Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1628, a grant was obtained by several Puritans from the Council for New England, stretching from Boston Harbor to the Merrimack, in which a settle- ment called Salem was established. In the following year Charlestown was founded, and in 1630 a large number of Puritans settled at Boston. These and other settlements in the same grant received the namb Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1668 the Navigation Act was seriously resisted in Boston, because it greatly interfered with the New England Colonies. As a punishment, the colony was deprived of its Charter, and Sir Edmund Andros sent over as Royal Governor. The colony remained a royal province until the Revolution. NEW HAMPSHIRE. In 1622. Gorges and Mason received a grant of land from the Council for New England north of that given to the Pilgrims, to which the name New Hamp- shire was given by Captain John Mason, because he had been governor of Hampshire, England. The first settlements were made near Portsmouth in 1623, and shortly after, in the same year, at Dover, Three times the Colony joined Massachusetts and 20 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. as many times became separated. Finally, in 1741, it became independent and remained so until 1776. CONNECTICUT. Connecticut was settled by people from Massachu- setts. In 1635, the settlements of Windsor and Say- brwok were established on the Connecticut River. In 1636, Hartl'ortl and WethorsJiel*! were settled. The four settlements above mentioned were called the Connecticut C'oloiiy. Its government was dem- ocratic, all the govern in<,' officers being chosen by the people. The colony of New lljiven was founded in 1638 by settlers from Kngland, and remained separate until 1662, when it became a part of the Connecticut Colony. RHODE ISIiANO. In 1635, RoRer Williams being driven from the colony of Massachusetts Bay on account of his religious views, finally settled on the Pawtucket River in 1636, with a few comrades. The settlement he named I'fovidence. Soon after, he was joined by others who had also suffered for their religious beliefs, and in 1639, Newport was settled. After some difficulties with the Massachusetts Colony regarding the proprietorship of the district, in 1644 Rog'er Willinins succeeded in obtaining a Charter This colony like all the others in New England, was under the rule of Andros while he was in power. MARYLAND. In 1632, a tract of land lying north of the Potomac River was obtained by I.iOrd lialtiniore for the pur- pose of affijrding a refuge for Catholics. The charter gave the people the right to choose their own form of government and to make their own laws; it was the lirst charter to allow that right. The first settle- ment was St. Mary's in 1634. Baltimore was founded in 1730. The Toleration Act was passed by the Colonial I,egislature in 1649, which provided that all who came to the colony should be permitted to enjoy their re- ligious opinions unmolested. The government remained in the family of I^ord Baltimore till 1691, when a Royal Governor was ap- pointed; but in I7i5the grant was given to the fourth I.iOrd Baltimore, and it continued under rule of the family until 1776. PENNSYLVANIA. In 1681 William Penn, a Quaker, received from Charles 11., a grant of territory extending without limit from the Delaware River westward, and in the following year obtained from the DuUe of YorK that part of the Duke's grant Tvhich forms the present State of Delaware. Penu's intention was to found a colony for persecuted Quakers. I683 Philadelphia was founded, and by the pur- chase of the territory from the Indians, all trouble with them was averted. DELAWARE. The colonists who had settled in the territory which Penn obtained from the Uiike of York, became dis- satisfied with the general government, and wished to govern themselves. In 1703 Penn allowed them to form a separate government, but they remained under his governorship, and that of his heirs after his death. Pennsylvania and Delaware were the only two col- onies which at sometime, did not become royal prov- inces. They remained under the control of the Peun family until the Revolution. NEW JERSEY. The territory of New Jersey originally formed part of New Netherlands. When this district passed into the hands of the Duke of York, he ceded the southern part to Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkely, and the name New Jersey was given to it. In 1664 Elizabethtown was founded by the English. In 1674 Berkely sold his right to two Quakers, and New Jersey was divided into £ast and West Jersey — Carteret retaining the eastern part, the Quakers hold- ing the western. William Penn and others bought out Carteret'8 right iu 1682, and the territory became wholly a Quaker region. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. A large tract of land lying south of the London Com- pany's grant was given to Lord Clarendon and oth- ers in 1663. They named it Carolina after the king. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 21 In 1664, a settlement was made called the Albe- marle Colony. The next year Wilmington was found- ed and received the name of C'larendoi Colony, Charleston was founded in 1680. King George 11, assumed the government in 1729, and Carolina was divided into two Colonies, North and South Carolina, each under its own governor, and so remained until the Revolution. GEORGIA. King George II. gave a large portion of South Car- olina to .James Oglethorpo in 1732, to which the name Georgia was given in honor of the king. Ogletliorpe's idea was to afford a home for the oppressed and the poor. In 1733 he founded Savannah. On account of the dissatisfaction of the colonists Georgia was made a royal province in 1752, This was the last founded of the thirteen colonies. THE UN lOX or THE THIRTEEN COEONIES. The first step toward the union was made in 1643. "Massachusetts Bay," "New Haven," and "Con- necticut," formed a league for the purpose of defence against the Indians, French, and Dutch, which was called The United Colonies of New England. INTERCOLONIAL WARS. The colonies were involved in four wars called re- spectively King Vi'illiain's War, Queen Anne's War, King George's War, and the French and Indian War. KING WILLIAM'S WAR. The reign of James II., who succeeded Charles II., was very unpopular, resulting finally in his being driven from the throne. He fled from France, and the French Government taking up his cause, declared war against Eng^land, 1639. War between the French and English at once followed. It was fought chiefly in New York, New Hampshire, and Aca«iia. The French, aided by the Indians, burned Schenectady, N. Y., and destroyed many small settlements. The English captured Port Royal, Acadia, which was given back by the TREATY OF RYSWICK, which closed the war, in 1697. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. Peace lasted but live years. In 1701 a war regard- ing the Spanisli Siiecession broke out in Europe, and, as one result, ong Island was fought in which the Americans were badly defeated. Washington withdrew his troops to New York, thence to White Plains, where he was defeated, and then crossed the Hudson. He abandoned Ft. Lee November 20, and Cornwallis pursued him across New Jersey to the Delaware. Washington crossed the Delaware December 8, but on Christmas night re- crossed and surprised a body of Hessian soldiers at Trenton, capturing 1000. Congress this year passed the Declaration of Independence and applied to France for aid. Important Events— 1777. The campaign divides itself into two parts: 1st. The British operations against Philadelphia; and 2d, Burgoyne's Expedition. (i) Cornwallis moved from Princeton to attack Washington at Trenton, but the latter slipped away, and getting be- hind Cornwallis defeated a British force at Prince- ton, January 3. Most of the British troops were with- drawn from New Jersey and taken to the Chesapeake to attack Philadelphia. Washington moved south to oppose this, and the Battle of Chad's Ford, on the Brandywine, was fought in defense of the city, the Americans being defeated, September 11. The British entered Philadelphia fifteen days after, but most of the troops were stationed at Germantown. Here Washington attacked them, but was defeated, October 4. To open communication the British attacked and captured Forts Mifflin and Mercer, on the Delaware, November 15 and 17. (2) Burgoyne, with an army of 9000 men, entered New York by way of Lake Champlain. He captured Ticonderoga, July 2, defeated the retreating garrison at Hubbardton, July 7, and proceeded against Fort Edward. This was abandoned on his approach, July 29, and Schuyler, the commandant, moved to Stillwater. A branch THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 23 British expedition besieged Fort Schuyler, but withdrew upon Arnold's approach. Gates superseded Schuyler and was attacked by the British, Sept. 19, near Stillwater, where an indecisive battle was fought. On October 7 another was fought and the British defeated. Finally Burgoyne surrendered on October 17. Important Events— 1778. This year was marked by two important events: 1st. The oilers of peace from Great Britain, which were rejected; and zd. The Treaty of Alliance with France. Both resulted from the surrender of Bnr- goyne the year before. The British did not plan any special campaign this year. On June 18, Philadel- phia was evacuated on account of the expected arri- val of the French fleet in the Delaware. Washing- ton pursued the British and the battle of iflonniouth was fought, June 28. The French fleet arrived in July and an expedition was planned against Gen. Pigot in Rhode Island; Sullivan was to act with the fleet, A storm interfered and Sullivan withdrew after fighting the battle of «lualcer If ill, Aug. 29. In July the massacre at Wyoming, Fa., occurred, and in November that at t'hcrry "Valley, N. Y. The British then turned their attention to the south, and on Dec. 29, Savannah, Ga., surrendered to Camp- bell. After this the chief events occurred in the south. Important Events— 1779. This year the seat of war was changed to the south and remained there until the end of the war. On Jan. 9, Sunbury, Ga., was captured, and shortly Georgia was overrun with British. Prevost, in command of the British, moved on Charleston, but abandoned the attack, and shortly defeated Lincoln, who opposed him, at Stono Ferry, June 20. In September, Liiu- coln, assisted by Count D'Estalng's fleet, endeav- ored to retake Savannah, but was repulsed. Though the chiet events occurred in the south there was still more or less warfare in the north. An expedition against a British force on the Penobscot failed, and the Amer- ican fleet was destroyed. Clinton sent Tyron into Couu., who burned Norwalk and Fairfield, and sacked New Haven. In central New York the Indians were severely punished for the massacres of Wyo- ming and Cherry Valley in 1778, at the battle of Chemung (Elmira), Aug. 29, by Gen. Sullivan. At sea Paul Jones attacked and captured two British vessels, Sept. 23. Important Events— 17S0. South: Clinton sailed south, captured Charles- ton May 12, overran South Carolina, and leaving Cornwallis in command returned to New Y'ork. Congress appointed Gates to raise an army in the south. This was no sooner done than the forces were attacked by Cornwallis and defeated, August 6, at Camden, S. C. (Sanders' Creek.) On Aug. 16 Sun»- ter defeated a force of British at Hanging Koch, but two days after was attacked and his force utterly destroyed. On October 7 a detachment of Cornwallis'3 troops was defeated at King's Mountain. North: In May a portion of the American army at Morris- town, being unable to endure their suffering, muti- nied, but being aided by Kobert Morris, and appealed to by Washington, came again under au- thority. In July a French fleet arrived, but was blockaded in Xarragansett Bay by a British fleet and rendered useless. In September, Arnold, who had fallen into disgrace, offered to surrender West Point to the British, but the plot failed, though he escaped. Important Events— 17S1. The campaign was entirely in the south this j-ear. Arnold entered Virginia on a plundering expedition and burned Richmond, Jan. 5. The Pennsylvania sol- diers, unable to endure further suffering, mutinied, Jan. I, marched to get aid from Congress, but were finally pacified. Cornwallis still in charge in S. C. sent Tarleton to attack Morgan. Morgan defeat- ed him at the battle of the Cowpens, Jan. 17. Corn- wallis pursued Morgan, who was shortly joined by Greene, who took command. Greene retreated across N. C. into Va., where the pursuit ended. Corn- wallis started to return, followed by Greene, whom he attacked at Guilford C. li„ March 15. Greene was defeated and went south to S. C. where he attacked 24 777^ AMERICAN MANUAL. Ruwdon at HobUirli's Hill, but was defeated again, April 24. €ornwallis went to Wilmington, and thence to Yorktown, Va. Wasliiiigtoii and the French forces attacked him there, while the French fleet closed the harbor. Cornwallis surrendered his army Oct. 19, 1781. Iiiiportaut Events— 1781-1789. The war left the Colonies Iiidepeiident States, but almost as independent of one another as of Great Britain. Articles of €onfes^ITED STATES, WITH The iProraineiit JVIeasiires OF Their -A^dministrations. r & A>ii^^^^^(o'' ^^ <#S T (^^^ "^^ ^^^ ^j 26 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. GEORCE WASHINOTOX. George Washington was born on the Po- tomac river, in Westmoreland county, Virginia, February 22d, 1732, and died December, 14, 1799. In 1754 he was made Lieutenant Col- onel of the militia, and accompanied Braddock in his expedition against Fort Duquesne in 1755. In the same year he was made Com- mander-in-chief of the military forces of the Colony of Va., and in 1787 he was unanimous- ly chosen President of the Convention that met to frame a Constitution. In early life he followed the occupation of an engineer. He was married to Mirs Martha Custis,in January, 1759. Congress unanimously elected him com- mander of the revolutionary forces, and he took active command July, 2, 1775, and he held supreme military control throughout the struggle for independence. Washington was left fatherless at eleven years of age; his education was directed by his mother, a woman of strong character, who kindly, but firmly, exacted the most implicit obedience. Of her Washington learned his first lessons of self-command. His favorite amusements were of a military character: he made soldiers of his playmates; and officered all the mock parades. His inherited wealth was great, and the antiquity of his family gave him high social rank. As a President, he care- fully weighed his decisions, but, his policy once settled, he pursued it with steadiness and dignity, however great might be the opposi- tion. As an officer,he was brave, enterprising and cautious. His campaigns were rarely startling, but they were always judicious. He was capable of great endurance. Calm in de- feat, sober in victory, commanding at all times but irresistible when aroused, he exercised equal authority over himself and his army. His last illness was brief, and his closing hours were marked by his usual calmness and dignity. "I die hard," he said, "but I am not afraid to go." Washington left no children. It has been beautifully said "Providence left him childless that his country might call him Father." Administration. Washington was inaugurated April 30, 1789, in New York, the first capital. -A great deal of labor fell upon this administration. -The coun- try was suffering severely from the effect of the war.-At Hamilton's suggestion a plan for improving the public credit was accepted, 1790. — The capital was in that year changed to Phila. — In 1792 Washington was re-elected. — In 1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton-gin, a machine for separating the cotton-seed from the fiber; this proved of immense importance in the country's history. — In 1794 difficulties arose with France through an endeavor of the French minister. Genet, to obtain aid from France, which was then at war with Great Britain. — In 1794 a disturbance broke out in Pennsylvania, called the Whiskey Rebellion, arising from an endeavor to resist the excise tax, which had been (1790) recommended by Hamilton as a means of obtaining funds. — In 1794 a treaty was signed with Great Britain which arranged several disputed points, — par- ticularly the surrender of certain western ter- ritory. GEORGE WASHINGTON. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. JOltN ADAMS. Jolin Adams was born in Braintree, Mass., October 1735, and died in 1826. He graduated at Harvard College in 1755, and, abandoning the idea of becoming a minister of the gospel, was admitted to the bar in 1758. He was one of the delegates first sent to the Continental Congress from Massachusetts. In 1776 he was made President of the Board of War, and was sent to France as a Commissioner in 1777. He was a' member of the first and second Con- gresses, and nominated Washington as com- mander-in-chief. Jefferson wrote the Declara- tion of Independence, but Adams secured its adoption in a three-days debate. He was a tireless worker, and had the reputation of hav- ing the clearest head and firmest heart of any man in Congress. In his position as President he lost the reputation he had gained as Con- gressman. His enemies accused him of being a bad judge of men; of clinging to old and un- popular notions, and of having little control over his temper. They also ridiculed his egotism, which they declared to be inordinate. He live I, however, to see the prejudice against his administration give place to a more just estimate of his great worth and exalted integ- rity. As a delegate to the Constitutional Con- vention, he was honored as one of the fathers of the Republic. Adams and Jefferson were firm friends during the Revolution, but politi- .cal strife alienated them. On their return to private life they became reconciled. They died on the same day — the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence. Adam's last words were, "Thomas Jefferson still survives." Jefr ferson was, however, already lying dead in his Virginia home. Thus, by the passing away of these two remarkable men, was made mem- orable the 4th of July, 1826. Adni iulstration. John Adams succeeded Washington as President. He belonged to the Federalist Party. — The event of greatest national interest in his administration was the death of Wash- ington, on Dec. 14, 1799. — In the same year, previous to his death, war had been declared against France, and fighting had even begun at sea when a treaty of peace was made. JOHN ADAMS. 30 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Tnom AS JEFFERSON. Thomas Jefferson was born at Shadwell, Virginia, April 2d, 1743, and died July 4, 1826. After graduating from William and Mary Col- lege, he adopted the profession of law. "Of all the public men who have figured in the United States," says Parton, "he was in- comparably the best scholar and the most va- riously accomplished man." He was a bold horse'mau, a skillful hunter, an elegant pen- man, a fine violinist, a brilliant talker, a su- perior classical scholar, and a proficient in the modern languages. On account of his talent, he was styled "The Sage of Monticello." The immortal document, the Declaration of Inde- pendence, was, with the exception of a few words, entirely his work. He was an ardent supporter of the doctrine of State rights, and letl the opposition of the Federalists. Like Washington, he was of aristocratic birth, but his principles were intensely democratic. He hated ceremonies and titles; even "Mr." was distasteful to him. These traits were the more remarkable to one of his superior birth and education, and peculiarly endeared him to the comm.on people. Coming into power on a wave of popularity, he studiously sought to retain this favor. There were no more brilliant levees or courtly ceremonies as in the days of Washington and Adams. On his inauguration day.he rode down to Congress unattended, and leaping from his horse, hitched it, and went into the chamber dressed in plain clothes, to read his fifteen-minutes' inaugiural. Some of the sentences of that short but memorable address have passed into proverbs. The unos- tentatious example then set by the Nation's President was wise in its effects. Soon the public debt was diminished, the army and navy reduced, and the Treasury replenished. A man of such marked character necessarily made bitter enemies, but Jefferson comman- ded the respect of even his opponents, while the admiration of his friends was unbounded. The last seventeen years of his life were spent at Monticello, near the place of his birth. By his profound hospitality, he had, before his death, spent his vast estates. He died poor in money but rich in honor. His last words were, "This is the fourth day of July." Atliiiiiiistratioii. Jefferson was a candidate of the Republican party. — In 1803 he arranged with the French government for the purchase of the territory of Louisiana; this nearly doubled the area of U.S. possessions. — In 1801 a war broke out with .the Barbary powers resulting from the conduct of those governments, particularly that of Tripoli, in imposing a tax on foreign merchant vessels in the Mediterranean. — It re- sulted in the Tripolitan government being compelled to guarantee no fmther cause of trouble. — In 1804 Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr in a duel.-During the ad- ministration there were growing troubles with Great Britain on account of the treatment of American merchant vessels by British men-of- war.-These led the way to the war of 1812. — In 1808 the exportation of slaves was forbidden by law. THOMAS JEFFERSON. 32 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. JAMES MABISOX. James Madison was born in King George county, Virginia, March i6, 1751, and died in 1836. He graduated at Princeton College in 1778, after which he studied law. In Congress in 1789 he became one of the strongest advo- cates of the Constitution and did much to se- cure its adoption. From his political princi- ples he was obliged, though reluctantly, to oppose Washington's administration, which he did in a courteous and temperate manner. He led his party in Congress, where he re- mained till 1797. The next year he drafted the famous "1798-99 Resolutions," enuncia- ting the doctrines of State Rights, which, with the accompanying "Report" in their defense, have been the great text-book of the Demo- cratic party. He was Secretary of State to Jeherson. After his Presidential services, he retired from public station. Madison's success was not so much the result of a great natural ability as of intense application and severe accuracy. His mind was strong, clear, and well balanced, and his memory was wonderful. Like John Quincy Adams, he had laid up a great store of learning, which he used in the most skillful manner. He always exhausted the subject upon which he spoke. "When he had finished, nothing remained to be said." His private character was spotless. His man- ner was simple, modest, and uniformly court- eous to his opponents. He enjoyed wit and humor, and told a story admirably. His sun- ny temper remained with him to the last. Some friends coming to visit him during his last illness, he sank smilingly back on his couch, saying, "I always talk better when I liey It has been said of him, "It was his rare good fortune to have a whole nation for his friends." AUmiiiiistration. In 181 1 two events occurred that greatly ir- ritated the country against Great Britain: The firing on the President by the Little Belt, and the Indian war in the northwest, brought on by British ageiits.-In 1812, war was declared with Great Britain.July 19. The war was fought mainly in the North and at sea. -The Ameri- cans were most successful when acting on the defensive.-Towards the end the war changed to the South, but was interrupted by the treaty of peace, Dec. 24, 1814. -After the treaty the battle of New Orleans was fought, Jan. 8,1815. -A second war with the Barbary powers took place during the administration, resulting in a final stoppage of the abuses of those govern- ments, as far as our commerce was concerned. -In 1814 a body of opponents of the war met at Hartford and protested against it; this was called the Hartford Convention, and so injured the Federal party that it soon afterwards dis- appeared. JAMES MADISON. 34 THE AMERICAN MANUAL JAMES MOXROE. James Monroe was born in Westmoreland countv, Virginia, April 28, 1758. and died in the citv of New York, Julv 4, 1831- He filled the office of President of the United States from the vear 1S17 to 1S25. As a soldier under General Washington he bore a brave record, and especially distinguished himself in the battles of Brandvwine, Germantown, and Monmouth. After^vards he studied law, and entered political life. Having been sent bv Washington as Minister to France, he showed such marked sympathy with that countrj' as to displease the President and his cabinet, who were just concluding a treaty v\-ith England, and wished to preser%-e a strictly neutral pol- icy. He was therefore recalled. Under Jeffer- son, who was his warm friend, he was again sent to France in 1S03, when he secured the purchase of Louisiana. He is said to have al- ways taken particular pride in this transac- tion, regarding his part of it as among the most important of his public services. Soon after his inauguration as President, he %nsited the military posts in the north and east, with a ^^ew to thorough acquaintance with the capa- bilities of the countrj- in the event of future hostihties. This tour was a great success. He wore a blue military coat of home-spun, light- colored breeches, and a cocked hat, being the undress uniform of a Revolutionary officer. Thus was the nation reminded of his former militarv- ser\'ices. Monroe was a man more prudent than brilliant, who acted wth a single eye to the welfare of the country. Jefferson said of him: "If his soul were turned inside out, not a spot could be found on it" Like that beloved friend, he died, "poor in money, but rich in honor,"and like him also, he passed away on the anniversary of the Inde- pendence of the Country he served so faith- fully. Administration. Monroe became President in iSi7.-In iSi 7, the Seminole Indians becoming troublesome, Jackson invaded Florida and put an end to the matter.-This brought on trouble with Spain, the result of which was that Florida was purchased by the U. S. for |5,ooo,ooo in 1S21. -In 1S20 Missouri asked to be admitted to the Union.-There was at once a great con- test in congress as to whether it should be a free or a slave state. -This was finally termi- nated by the passage of a bill admitting it as a slave state,but forbidding slavery north of ^iy" 30^ N. Lat. in any future state.-In 1S20 Mon- roe was re-elected. -In 1S22 the famous Monroe Doctrine was announced. -This was a protest ao-ainst further European occupation of Amer- ican territory'. -There was no choice for Presi- dent resulting from the election in 1S34, and the duty of selecting a President fell to the House of Representatives, which elected J. Q. Adams to the office. JAMES MONROE. 36 THE AMERICAN MANUAL JOH]!ir QUINCY ABAMS. John auincy ArtamH was born at Bram- tree, Mass., July ii, 1767, and died at Wash- ington, February 23, 1848. He was President from 1825 to 1829. Tobn Q, Adams was a man of learning, of blameless reputation and unquestioned patri- otism As President he was hardly more suc- cessful than his father. This was, doubtless, owing greatly to the fierce opposition which assaifed him from the friends of disappointed candidates, who at once combined to weaken his measures and prevent his re-election. Their candidate was Andrew Jackson, a man whose dashing boldness, energy and decision at- tracted the popular masses, and hid the more quiet^nrtues of Adams. To add to his perplex- ities, a majority of the House, and one-half of the Senate, favored the new party; and his own Vice President, John C. Calhoun, was also the candidate of the opposition and ot course committed to it. To stem such a tide was a hopeless effort. In two years Adams was returned to Congress, where he remained until his death, over sixteen }ears axterwards. Ten years of public service were thus rendered after he had passed his "three-score years and ten," and so great was his ability m debate at this extreme age, that he was called the old man eloquent." Like his father, he was a wonderful worker, and his mind was a com- plete store-house of facts. He lived econom- ically, and left a large estate. He was the Con- gressional advocate of anti-slavery and a bitter opponent of secret societies. His fame increased with his age, and he died a trusted and revered champion of popular rights, we was seized with paralysis while occupying his seat in Congress, after which he lingered two days in partial unconsciousness. His last words were, "This is the last of earth; I am content." Administration. In 1826, bv a singular coincidence, John Adams and Thos. Jefferson both died on the sa^ne day.and that day the anniversary of Ameri- can Independence, July 4. -The great measure of T O. Adams' administration was the Taritt Act of 1828, which was distasteful to the South and led to serious trouble in the next adminis- tration. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 38 THE AMERICAN MANUAL, ANDREW JACKSON. Andrew Jackson was born in Waxhaw settlement, North or South Carolina, March 15. 1767, and died at the Hermitage, near Nash- ville, June 8, 1845. He served as President of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Jackson was of Scotch-Irish descent. His father died before he was born, and his moth- er was very poor. As a boy, Andrew was brave and irjtpetuous, passionately fond of athletic sports, but not at all addicted to books. His life was crowded with excitement and adven- ture. At fourteen, being captured by the British, he was ordered to clean the command- er's boots. Showing the true American spirit in his refusal, he was sent to prison with a wound on head and arm. Here he had the small-pox, which kept him ill for several months. Soon after his mother had effected his exchange, she died of ship-fever while caring for the imprisoned Americans at Charleston. Left entirely destitute, young Jackson tried various employments, but finally settled down to law, and in 1796 was elected to Congress. Jackson first distinguished himself as a milita- ry officer in tlie war against the Creek Indians which he made a signal victory. His dashing successes in the war of 1812 completed his reputation, and ultimately won him the Pres- idency. His nomination was at first received in many States with ridicule, as, whatever might be his military prowess, neither his temper nor his ability seemed to recommend him as a statesman. However, his re-election proved his popular success as a President. His chief intellectual gifts were energy and intui- tive judgment. He was thoroughly honest, intensely warm-hearted, and had an instinct- ive horror of debts. His moral courage was as great as his physical, and his patriotism was undoubted. He died at the "Hermitage," his home near Nashville, Tennessee, Administration. General Jackson the candidate of the Demo- cratic Party, was President from 1829 to 1837. His administration was marked by energy and decision. -In 1832 he vetoed the bill to rechar- ter the U. S. Bank.-France was induced to promise the payment of I5, 000,000 for dam- ages done to our commerce, and failing to fulfill the promise was th. eatened with war, and speedily paid over the balance due (1833). -In 1832 South Carolina voted the Taritt Act of 1828 unconstitutional, and for that reason not binding on the people; and threat in d that the state would leave the Union if the law was enforced.-Jackson promptly put down these "Nullifiers" by force. -Two Indian wars, the Black Hawk, 1832, and the Seminole, 1835, disturbed this administra- tion, which taken all in all was a v<»rv fv^aX.- ful one. ANDREW JACKSON. 40 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. MARTIN VAN BVREN. 9Iartin Van Bureii was born at Kinder- hook, New York, December 5, 1782, and died, at the same place, July 24, 1862. He studied law and was admitted to practice in 1803, was elected President of the United States, and served four years, from 1837 to 1841. He early took an interest in politics, and in 1818 started anew organization of the Democratic party in New York, his nati^'C State, which had the power for over twenty years. In 183 1 he was appointed Minister to England, whither he went in September, but when the nomina- tion came before the Senate in December it was rejected, on the ground that he had sided with England against the United States, on certain matters, and had carried party con- tests and their results into foreign neogotiations. His party regarded this as an extreme political persecution, and the next year elected him to the Vice-Presidency. He thus became head of the Senate which a few months before had con- demned him, and where he now performed his duties with "dignity, courtesy and impartial- ity." As a President, Van Buren was the subject of much partisan censure. The Country was passing through a peculiar crisis, and his was a difficult position to fill with satisfaction to all. That he pleased his own party is proved from the fact of his re-nomination in 1840 against HaiTison. In 1844 he was once more urged by his friends, but failed to get a two- thirds vote in the convention on account of his opposition to the annexation of Texas. In 1848 he became a candidate of the "Free De- mocracy, "a new party advocating anti-slavery principles. After this he retired to his estate in Kinderhook, N.Y., where he died. Adiniiiistratioii. Over-speculation in trade in Jackson's term had brought on great business troubles, end- ing in the panic of 1837. -To remedy this the Sub-Treasury Bill was passed, at Van Buren's desire, but it helped matters very little, and resulted in Van Buren being defeated in his second canvass for the Presidency. MARTIN VAN BUREN. 42 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. WILIilADI SENRT HARRISON. Trilllam Henry Harrison was born in Charles City county, Virginia, February gtb, 1773. He entered the army in 1791, after graduating from Hampden-Sydney College. After reaching the grade of Captain he resigned in 1797; was chosen delegate to Congress from the North-western Territory in 1797; appointed Governor of Indiana in 1801. and continued to 1813I He was elected President of the United States in 1840, and had scarcely entered upon the duties of his office when he died at Wash- ington, April 4, 1841. In 1812 he distinguished himselfduringthe war, especially in the battle of the Thames. His military reputation made him available as a Presidential candidate. His character was unimpeachable, and the chief slur cast upon him by his opponents was that he had lived in a "log cabin" with nothing to drink but "hard cider." His friends turned this to good account. The campaign was noted for immense mass-meetings, long pro- cessions, song-singing and general enthusiasm. "Hard cider" became a party watch-word, and "log cabins" a regular feature in the popular parades. He was elected by a very large ma- jority, and great hopes were entertained of his administration. Though advanced in years, he gave promise of endurance. But "he was beset by office-seekers; he was anxious to grat- ify the numerous friends and supporters who flocked about him; he gave himself incessantly to public business; and at the close of the month he was on a sick bed." His illness was of eight days' duration. His last words were, "The principles of the Government, I wish them carried out I ask nothing more." ^=.j^m WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 7//A' .'I.VA'AVr,'* V .VJXCJl, Si*u\ t\i.i;k. iuoi»l. V;>,, liUVWrtW \^, \S0J. llr jitv\*lit>l l<»\v, rtwvl was «>U\ to*l to (lN»U};vx'!*j» >u \Su», «u»l »«^ivc»l rivMuo t\\o votui*; >N«j* oUvtt'*l r. S> Scu- Ot (\vt« IVjUO OvM\VtMUV\>U;>t \V;>Hlu\>^toU ivV ISM. \>i Mr, \tnvr\!*o»\ «!*hi!* w\»»tvt\Uiv>ntU j»«vvcj>!*o» !»!* Vioo Tit^Hivlcwt or tln^ 1'iuI«hI SU\lo*, Jv»l»n viiU , «»\l in WjUvI to l\rtvr wept witli !ivM\v>Nv whoM tlvr \Vh>>{?i \v( o\M\NVutn \vic\nc\l h>s tfU\>»\tv^ VfUwUvUUO t«>» \\\c Vw^\<,W\w\ , \\\\y\ sr IsVtv^l tl;OUS\>»\. Ut> \\<>H Uv>UU»»i»tC\l \' HH> l*\V!»UU'Ut t>V i\ \»UiV>UU»0\»!* V\>tO, <\\U\ \V(>S rt >j\\\»t t,»vvM»tv^ wUU lu!» |vuty. In lt»c \>v>i>uliU u^tuuw, " rn>\»r\\uu>c«\»»vriS'lc\ tov>/*t\vc\>c\»plo >*\vu)i rn«wv\<* to t\\u\ rt* Ivnutilv «)« to Utuiisvm hituWit", ThiMlcrtttv \>t llrtui)*v>n «nvl the swv^ c<\>i»iiou oT Vvlov, \\«*tho tuf»t vv\j»tanvv ot' the k<\u\ i\\ \mv \\\*tvvrv. Ho \>j>p\v*Oxl tho xncrtjiUvtN* \*t" In* ivutv \vr»\ liv* louucv l»> whwh 111- «»j>lu>l th:»t lu- had Uf\r( \>\otVsso»\ to cMolotM" the" u\it>smis \\h>ih hr opposod. riu- Itfhni; imiv.isril in bittc-jnt-^s. All his valMnrt, ivvrpt Wrhstot, tfsi);»u->l. Ho \v;vs, h«'\\c\oi, noin\n;»tovl l«\ u oonvontion oo«nposo»l ohtotl> <>lv>lluo hoKlois, Ivm ihonoM riosuUMioy; Ivo ttoorptrvl, hut. t»nvH»»,v; no jvpuhn svippoit, svHMt \v\th»how ti\M\» tlto osuwass. In iSoi ho hoorttno tho \MONi»lit\^ otlioor ol" the IViVoo Ooiwoutioti in \V«\sh\n>;tvM\. All oIVvmIs at tov^ o\>oih.>i»v>n jMv»vvn,< ttnilo, ho ionov>noovl h>s i>Uo);»in\vo to tho I'nitoil Statos aiul l\»Uv>\\o»l the C\»ntovlo»i»to loUnnos. Ho \hovl in Kuh- \t»on»l, who\r ho was n\ attoinlanoo as a motn- hoi ot'tho Contoilo(ato 0\Mt)>\rs,vM>. Ho o V\ S, h\ll. iS.jv. anvl thus loM tho uvMuinativM* in tS^Ks. lt» tS.|J a lohoU- \\>n lv»\>ko out in Khvvlo Isl.uul tosnltinj; t\v^vn \^*uty tVoUttu.- Hv>ii, olanitinj; tv> bo x^vnouun, was tho loavVor,- It was put ilowiv hy tnilitavv tvM\T anvl Hon was \tnpnsvM>tsl. hi tS.|4 "iVxas a\>pli»Hl tor avlnti>sion tv^ tlvo I'nivnt,- This was at tust ivt\»stHl, hut tho Hoxnvwatioivjutv, whu-h tavoVT-vl »ts avhni>,sion, hoiu>; sno\-osstnl in tho oUvtu>n ot" \S44, the hill iv»sso\l noxt sptiny;, «m\ Toxas WoAiue a wtalr Mavvh i, KS45. jdiiN rvi Ml. 4G THE AMERICAN MANUAL. JA9IES K. POLK. James K. Polfc was born in Meckliuburj county, North Carolina, November 2, 1795, and died at Nashville, June 15, 1849. He grad- uated from the University of North Carolina in 1816, and studied law: was elected to Con- gress in 1825, and several terms subsequently; chosen speaker of the House, 1835 and 1837, and Governor of Tennessee in 1839. Mr. Polk was very rn^xpectedly nominated for Presi- dent, in Baltimore, on tli 27th day of May, 1844. He pleased his party as a candidate, and justified tlieir fondest expectations as a man well worthy and well qualified to fill the office of Chief Magistrate of the United States, who sun-ounded himself with an able body of coun- sellors. He served as President from 1845 to 1849. Mr. Polk was one of the most conspicious opposers of the administration of J.Q. Adams, and a warm supporter of Jackson. In 1839, havii;g served fouiteen years in Congress, he decliiietl a re-election and was chosen Govern- or of Tennessee. His Presidential nomination, in connection with that of George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, as Vice-President, had the effect of uniting the Democratic party, which had been disturbed by dissensions between the friends and opponents of Martin Van Buren. However, the Mexican war, which in many States was strongly opposed, the enactment of a tariff based on a revenue principle instead of a protective one, and the agitation caused by the "Wilmot Proviso," all conspired to affect his popularity before the end of his term. He had, however, previously pledged himself not to be a candidate for re-election. He died about three mouths after his retirement from office. Afliniiiistration. Polk was inaugurated President in 1845.- Trouble arose with Mexico about the admis- sion and the boundary of Texas, Mexico claiming to the Nueces River, while Texas claimed to the Rio Grande. -This brought on the war (May 11, 1846). Mexico was at once invaded by three armies: one in California under Gen. Kearney; one on the Rio Grande and in what is now northern Mexico; while a third, under Gen. Scott, marched on Mexico city.-These expeditions were all successful, tlie United States forces winning every battle. -By the end of 1847 Mexico was conquered and the capital in Gen. Scott's hands. -20,000 men had conquered 50,000 and taken posses- sion of a country containing more than 7,000, 000 inhabitants. -The Treaty of Peace was signed at Guadaloupe Hidalgo, Feb. 2, 1848; Mexico by it acknowledged the Rio Grande as boundary and ceded California and New Mexico to the United States for I15, 000,000. — In 1848 gold was discovered in California, causing much excitement, and great emigra- tion thither. r-^ii-1 JAMES K. POLK. 48 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ZACHARY TAYLOR. Zachary Taylor was born in Orange County Virginia, November 24, 1784. He entered upon :jhe duties of President in 1849, and died at the Presidential Mansion July 9, 1850, after an illness of five days. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Kentucky. His means of education were of the scantiest kind, and until he was twenty-four years of age he worked on his father's plantation. Madison, who was a relative, and at that time Secretary of State, then secured for him an appointment in the army as lieutenant. From this time he rose by regular and rapid degrees to a major gener- alship. His triumphant battles at Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista, won him great applause. He was the popular hero of a successful war. The soldiers admiringly called him ' 'Old Rough and Ready. ' ' Having been offered the nomination for Pres- ident, he published several letters defining his position as "a Whig but not an Ultra-whig," and declaring that he would not be a party candidate or the exponent of party doctrines. Many of the whig leaders violently opposed his nomination. Daniel Webster called him "an ignorant frontier colonel." The fact that he was a slaveholder was warmly urged against him. He knew nothing of civil affairs, and had taken so little interest in politics that he had not voted in forty years. But he was nominated and elected. His nomination caused a secession from the Whigs, resulting in the formation of the Free-soil party. He felt his want of qualifications for the position, and sometimes expressed his regret that he had accepted it; yet he maintained as President the popularity which had led to his election, and was personally one of the most esteemed who have filled that office. "m^w v^W ZACHARY TAYLOR. 50 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Bfll^IiARD FIL,L,9IOR£. Hillard Fillmore, being elected Vice-Presi- dent to President Taylor, became his constitu- tional successor, and served the unexpired term from 1850 to 1853. Very exciting questions arose during his term of office: among them the slavery question, the admission of Califor- nia into the Union as a free State, and the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law — providing for the return to their owners of slaves escap- ing to a free State. During the debate of these questions, for awhile it seemed as if the Union would be rent asunder. Mr. Fillmore treated them with dignity, if not with statesmanship, till finally conciliatory measures prevailed, and the questions were amicably settled. In every respect Mr. Fillmore discharged the duties of President as a conscientious, sensible man, thoroughly acquainted with legislative and general political principles. President Fillmore was born in Cayuga co. , New York, January 7, 1800, and died March 8, 1874. He had not a very liberal education, and, when young, served as an am^rentice to the fuller's trade. In the year 1S21, he was admitted to the bar and practiced law with success. From 1832 to 1840 he was a member of Congress; in 1842 he was nominated by the Whigs of New York for Governor, and was defeated; and in 1856 the Native American party run him for President, and he received only the electoral vote of Maryland. Upon the death of President Taylor, the en- tire Cabinet resigned. Administration. On the death of General Taylor, Fillmore became President. During his administration the Omnibus Bill was passed, 1850. — This ad- mitted California as a free state and settled a number of other questions. — It also provided for the capture of runaway slaves (Fugitive- Slave Law), a measure which caused nmch trouble in the North. — A Fisheries Treaty w-as concluded with Great Britain. — Franklin Pierce was elected President in 1852. _ Q^-- ) ^^'X^^^ MILLARD FILLMORE. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. FBAlirKI.IN PIERCE. Franklin Pierce was born at Hillsborough, New Hampshire, on the 23d of November, 1804, and died in 1869. He graduated at Bow- doin College, Maine, in 1824; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1827. He was Presi- dent from 1853 to 1857. Mr. Pierce had barely attained the requisite legal age when he was elected to the Senate. He found there such men as Clay, Webster, Calhoun,Thomas H. Benton, and Silas Wright. Nathaniel Hawthorn says in his biography of Mr. pierce: "With his usual tact and exquisite sense of propriety, he saw it was not the time for him to step forward prominently on this highest theatre in the land. He beheld these great combatants doing battle before the eyes of the Nation, and engrossing its whole regards. There was hardly an avenue to reputation save what was occupied by one or another of those gigantic figures. " During Tyler's administra- tion, he resigned. When the Mexican war broke out, he enlisted as a volunteer, but soon rose to the office of brigadier-general. He dis- tinguished himself under General Scott, against whom he afterwards successfully ran for the Presidency, and upon whom, during his admin- istration, he conferred the title of lieutenant- general. On the question of slavery,Mr. Pierce always sided with the South, and opposed anti- slavery measures in every shape. In a mes- sage to Congress in 1856, he characterized the formation of a free State government in Kansas as an act of rebellion, andjustified the principles of the Kansas and Nebraska act. He,however, espoused the National cause at the opening of the civil War, and urged a cordial support of the administration at Washington. Aflminist ration. The Gladstone Purchase from Mexico gave us a large piece of territory (1853). In 1854 a Treaty of Commerce was concluded with Japan. — In 1858 the Kansas and Nebraska Bill was passed, though opposed by the North. — This allowed the people of those territories to choose whether they should come in as free or slave states when they applied for admis- sion. — The South and North both sent emi- grants to Kansas, where a bloody civil war began, which lasted till 1861. FRANKLIN PIERCE. 5A THE AMERICAN MANUAL. JAMES BUCHANAN. James Bnchanan was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, April 13, 1791, and died at Wheatland, June i, 1868. He was a gradu- ate of Dickinson College and was admitted to the bar in 1812. He was President from 1857 to 1861, and was so constantly in office from 1820 up to that time that he was known by the sobriquet of "Public Functionary." The "bachelor-President," as Mr. Buchanan was sometimes called, was sixty-six years old when he was called to the Executive chair. He had just returned to his native Country af- ter an absence of four years as Minister to England. Previously to that he had been well known in public life as Congressman, Senator, and as Secretary of State under President Polk. As Senator in Jackson's time, he heartily sup- ported his administration. With Van Buren, he warmly advocated the idea of an independent treasury against the opposition of Clay, Web- ster, and others. Under Tyler, he was urgent- ly in favor of the annexation of Texas, thus again coming in conflict with Clay and Web- ster. However, he cordially agreed with them in the compromise of 1850, and urged its favor upon the people. Much was hoped from his election, as he avowed the object of his admin- istration to be "to destroy any sectional party, whether North or South, and to restore, if pos- sible, that National fraternal feeling between the different States that had existed during the early days of the Republic." But popular passion and sectional jealousy were too strong to yield to pleasant persuasion. When Mr. Buchanan's administration closed, the fearful conflict was close at hand. He retired to his estate in Pennsylvania, where he died. Administration. Buchanan was inaugurated March 4, 1857. — In 1859 John Brown seized the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, and was hung for it, an event which caused a great deal of excitement. — Lincoln, the anti-slavery candidate, was elected President in i860, whereupon South Carolina and six other states seceded, December 1S60. Five others seceded in 1861. '^*C»?«^^\\^S^^ \^^\W JAMES BUCHANAN. 56 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ABRAHAM I^INCOLBT. Abrnlmm Lincoln was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, on the 1 2th day of Fehru- ary, 1809. He was elected President in i8)0, and was re-elected in 1864, and had entered upon the duties of his office for the second time, when he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, April 14th 1865, and died the following day. His father was unable to read or write. Abraham's education consisted of one year' s schooling. When he was eight years old, his father moved to Indiana, the family floating down the Ohio on a raft. When nineteen years of age, the future President hired out as a hand on a flat-boat at $10 a month, and made a trip to New Orleans. On his return he ac- companied the family to Illinois, driving the cattle on the journey, and on reaching their destination helped them to build a cabin and split rails to enclose the farm. He was now in succession a flat-boat hand, clerk, captain of a company of volunteers in the Black Hawk War, country store-keeper, postmaster and f urveyor, yet he managed to get a knowledge of law by borrowing books at an office, before it closed at night, and returning them at its opening in the moniing. On being admitted to the bar, he rapidly rose to distinction. At twenty-five he was sent to the Legislature, and was thrice re-elected. Turning his attention to politics, he soon became a leader. He was sent to Congress; he canvassed the State, har- anguing the people daily on great National questions; and, in 1858, he was a candidate for Senator, a second time, against Stephen A. Douglass. The two rivals stumped the State together. The debate, unrivalled for its statesmanship, logic and wit, won for Lincoln a National reputation. He lost the election in the Legislature, as his party was in the minor- ity. After his accession to the Presidency, his history, like Washington's, is identified with that of his Country. He was a tall, ungainly man, little versed in the refinements of soci- ety, but gifted by nature with great common sense, and everywhere known as "Honest Abe." Kind, earnest, sympathetic, faithful, democratic, he was only anxious to serve his Country. His wan, fatigued face, and his bent form, told of the cares he bore and the grief he felL Adnilnlslration. Lincoln was inaugurated March 4, iS6i.-Fort Sumter was evacuated April 14, 1861. — Civil war ensued, lasting from 1861 to 1865, termi- nating in the surrender of Lee at Appomattox C.H., Va., April 9, 1865, and of Johiistou at Raleigh, N. C, April 26. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 58 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ANDREIV JOHNSON. Andrew Johnson was bom near Raleigh, North Carolina, December 22, 1808. He was Vice-President when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and by his death Mr. Johnson became the constitutional President of the United States. Hedied in 1S75, while serving as United States Senator from Tennessee. When only ten years of age, Mr. Johnson was bound apprentice to a tailor of Raleigh. Never having been a day at school in his life, he yet determined to secure an education. From a fellow-workman he learned the alpha- bet, and from a friend something of spelling. Thenceforth, after working ten or twelve hours per day at his trade, he spent two or three ev- ery night in stud}-. In 1826, he • went West to .seek his fortune, with true filial affection car- rying with him his mother, who was dependent on his labor for support. After his marriage at Greenville, Tenn., he continued his studies under the instruction of his wife, pursuing his trade as before by day. His political life com- menced with his election as alderman. He was successively chosen mayor, member of the Legislature, Presidential elector, State Sen- ator, twice Governor, and for fifteen years United States Senator. Remaining true to the Union when his State seceded, his loyalty at- tracted general attention. A life-time Demo- crat, he was elected on the Republican ticket as Vice-President, in reward for his faithful- ness. Coming into office with a Republican Congress, it is not strange that his way was hedged with difficulties, and his Presidential career a most unhappy one. Administration. Johnson was inaugurated April 15, l865.-He proceeded to reorganize the South on his own plan, but presently found himself strongly op- posed by Congress. — He vetoed several meas- ures, but they were promptly repassed over his vetoes; one of these was the Tenure-of- Office Bill. — Later, Congress passed a bill set- tling the terms on which the seceding States might be readmitted. — This was also vetoed and repassed. — At length an attempt on John- son's part to remove Secretary Stanton with- out consent of Congress led to his impeach- ment, which failed after a long trial. — In 1867 Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7,590, 000. ANDREW JOHNSON. CO THE AMERICAN MANUAL. UliTSSES S. GRANT. Ulysses S. Grant was born at Point Pleasant, Clermont county, Ohio, April 27, 1S22. He was very unwilling to follow his father's trade, which was that of a tanner, and, at seventeen, an appointment was secured for him at West Point. His name having been ^vrongly regis- tered. Grant vainly attempted to set the matter right, but finally accepted his "manifest desti- ny,", assumed the change thus forced upon him, and thenceforth signed himself "Ulysses Simpson," the latter being his mother's family name. Two years after completing his four years course as cadet, the Mexican war broke out, in which Grant conducted himself with great gallantry, receinng especial mention and promotion. In 1847 he was made first- lieutenant, captain in 1853, and in 1854 he re- signed his commission, and entered the leather and saddlery business at Galena, Illinois, in 1859, where he remained until the opening of the war in i86r, when he immediately offered his services in behalf of the Union. His mod- esty and diffidence delayed their acceptance, and Governor Yates, of Illinois, was the first to avail himself of them. Grant finally took the field as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regi- ment Illinois Volunteers. In February, 1862, he was made a major-general, and commanded the armies of the South-west. On the 12th of March, 1864, he was made lieutenant-general and put in command of all the armies, aud took personal direction of the military opera- tions in Virginia, and, on the 9th of April, 1865, General Lee surrendered the Confederate ar- mies to him, at Appomattox Court House, and hostilities were ended. He was nominated and elected by the Re- publicans President of the United States in 1868, and re-elected by the same party in 1872. He died amid the regrets of the civilized world, and was borne to his last resting place by the gallant Union officers he had commanded, aud Sie brave Confederate officers who had fought against him. Administration. In 1868 Grant was elected President, In 1869 the Pacific Railroad was completed, and in 1870 the 15th Amendment guaranteeing the right of suffrage to Negroes became a law. In 1873 the Court of Arbitration, to which the Alabama claims and other questions had been referred, decided nearly everything in favor of the United States, and ordered that Great Britain pay $15,000,000 to this Government. — In 1872 Grant was re-elected. — In 1876 the Centennial of American Independence was celebrated by a great international exhibition at Philadelphia. — The same year the election for President took place. — This resulted doubt- fully, and the question was referred to an Electoral Commission, which decided that Gov. Hay-es^ the Republican nominee, had been elected. U. S. GRANT. G2 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. RVTlIEHFORn B. HAYES. Riilliorrord B. Hayes was boni at Dela- ware, Ohio, October 4, 1S22. He graduated at Keuyoti College, Ohio. He coiunieuced the practice of law in Cincinnati in his thirty-fourth year, when he received his first oilicial position as the City Solicitor, which he held till the war broke out in 1861. Very near its opening he enlisted in the Twenty-third Ohio Volun- teers,, and served with the regiment till he received the command of a brigade in 1864. His first appointment was as Major, his first promotion came within less than a year, and in September of 1862 he held a conmiission as Lieutenant-Colonel, and was in command of his regiment, which he led into the battle of South Mountain. During the battles of the Army of the Potomac, Col. Hayes received a severe wound in the arm, but remained with his regiment to the last, and was the first offi- cer whose command established a position at South Mountain. Two years later he had be- come Brigadier-General Hayes, and was elected to Congress from the second Ohio district by the Republicans. In the fall of 1866, Mr. Hayes was nominated and elected to Congress a second time by the Republicans, but Con- gress had held but one session, when he was nominated and elected Governor of Ohio by the same party. During his political career, he was three times elected Governor of Ohio, and twice a Member of Congress. By a reference to the "Important Events" in 1876-77, will be found the particulars of his election to the Presidency of the United States in 1877. Mr. Hayes took the oath of office on Saturday the 3d of March, and was inaugurated President of the United States, Monday the 5th of March. Pending the time of the election and before the meetingof the electoral commission, the coun- try was greatly agitated and seemed threat- ened with civil war, but immediately after his inauguration quiet and confidence were re- stored and peace reigned throughout the United States. Atlininistrntion. Hayes was inaugurated March 5, 1S77. — In 1877 a railroad strike occurred, which resulted in considerable rioting and bloodshed.-A com- mission to settle the fisheries question which had arisen with Great Britain decided against the U. S. in 1877, and ordered the payneut of 15,500,000 to Great Britain, for damages — Silver money was maile a legal tender for all debts by a bill passed over the President's veto early in 1878. ct^A 'n^^ W^ RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. 64 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. JAMES A. OARFIEI.D. James Abram Garfield, the twentieth Pres- ident of the United States, was born in Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, November, 1831, and died in Elberon, New Jersey, September 19th, 1S81. Born amid a life of poverty and struggles, he acquired a good common school education; drove some months for a boat on the Ohio canal; obtained a seminary education, and further instruction at the Hiram Institute, O., and graduated at Williams College with the highest honors in 1856. In 1857 he was elected President of the Hiram Institute. In 1859 he was elected to the Senate of Ohio. He was appointed Colonel of the 42 Regi- ment of Ohio Volunteers in 1S61. For his bravery and skill in defeating General Marsh- all at Middle Creek, January 10, 1862. he was commissioned Brigadier-General. He was made a Major-General for gallantry at Chica- mauga September 19, 1863. He entered Con- gress as Representative in December, 1863. He was chosen United States Senator from Ohio, January 13, 1880. He was nominated for President by the Re- publican National Convention in Chicago, June 8, 1880, on the thirty-sixth ballot, and was elected President in the November follow- ing. He was shot by the infamous lunatic Guiteau, July 2, 1S81, and died ten weeks af- ter, exhibiting the greatest fortitude and bravery. JAMES A. GARFIELD. 66 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. €IIESTI}R A. ARTIILR. Chester Alan Arthur, twenty-first President of the United States was bom in Fairfield, Franklin County, Vermont, October 5, 1830. He was the oldest of nine children of the Rev. Wm. Arthur D. D., a Baptist clergjnian and an autlior on antiquarian subjects, who emi- grated from Ireland at the age of eighteen. Chester Arthur was graduated at Union Col- lege. in 1S45. In 1853 he entered the law office of Erastus D. Culver, New York Cit}-,and soon thereafter was admitted to the bar. Mr. Ar- thur was a firm friend of the slave and took part in defending them in several suits brought to re-enslave them after being on free soil. In 1861 he was a Brigadier-General and act- ing Quartermaster-General on the staff of Governor Morgan of New York. In 1862 he •was appointed Inspector-General of New York troops in the field. In 1871 he was appointed by President Grant, Collector of the port of New York. In 1S80, at Chicago, he was nom- inated by the Republican National Conven- tion for Vice-President. On the death of President Garfield, September 19, iSSi, Gen- eral Arthur succeeded to the Presidency. The general verdict upon his administration was favorable. Adniiiiistration. The bill placing Ulysses S. Grant on the re- tired list of the army with full pay, May 3d, 1884. — Bureau of Annual Industry estab- lished, Maj- 29, 1S84. — Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics established, June 28, 1S84. — The bill on Chinese Immigration, July 5. 1S84. — The bill on the American Merchant IMarine, June 28, 18S4. — The Bureau of Navigation established, October 5, 1884.— The bill on the French Spo- liation Claims, January 20, 1885. — The bill on Forfeited Land Grants approved Llarch 2, 1885. — The bill prohibiting Foreign Contract Labor, March 2, 1S85. — The bill prohibiting the unlawful occupancy of Public Lands, Feb- ruary 25, 1S85. — The bill on the Chinese In- demnity Fund, ^larch 3, 1S85. — The reduction of letter postage from three to two cents, :March, 1883. — The making of the unit of weight one ounce instead of half an ounce, March, 1885. CHESTER A. ARTHUR 68 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. GROVER CliEVEIiAHTD. Grover Cleveland, twenty-second President of the United States, was born in Caldwell, Essex county, New Jersey, March iS, 1837. On the paternal side he is of English origin. He was educated at a seminary taught by his father at Fayettville, near Syracuse, New York. At the age of seventeen he was assistant teacher in the New York Institution for the blind, in New York City. He was admitted to the bar in Buffalo, N. Y. in 1859. He served as Assistant District Attorney of Erie County for three years from January i, 1863. He was the Democratic candidate for Dis- trict Attorney of Erie County in 1865, but was defeated. In the Autumn of ISSi he was elected Mayor of Buffalo by a majority of 3,530, the largest ever given to a candidate in that city. He became known as the "Veto Mayor" for checking what he deemed unwise, illegal or extravagant expenditure of the public monej'. On September 22, 1SS2, he was nominated by the Democratic State Convention at Syra- cuse for Governor and was elected the Novem- ber following by a large majority'. He was nominated for President bj' the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, July ID, 1S84, and was elected President in the following November. On the 8th of July, 1888, he was unanimously re-nominated for President, at St. Louis, by the Democratic National Convetition. Adniiiiist rat 1*11. Removal from office of persons for "offensive partisanship," March 13, 1SS5. — Proclamation to remove from the Oklahoma country, in the Indian Territory, all white intruders, August 10, 1885. — Bill regulating the Presidential succession, January, 19, 1SS6. ^ ■•■'••y. V" (iROVER CI.KVEI.AND. Cr,ARA BARTON. ^ THE JMEA'JCA.V MAXUAL. f^Er^OES OF JI^HE FjEVOIiUJriON AND IPHE &5ai^ of I8I2. Samnel Adams was born in Boston in 1722. He ■was one of the signers of the dejlaration of Indepen- dence; was afterwards Governor of Massachusetts, and died in 1803. It is also believed that he was one of the leadersof the patriots in the Boston massacre, March 5. 1770. Ethan Allen was a colonel in the patriot army. He was born in Litchfield county, Conn. He attacked the English at Montreal, was defeated, taken prisoner, and sent to England in irons. He was never engaged in active military service after his capture. He died in Vermont in 1799, and his remains lie in a cemetery two miles from Burlington. Oeneral Armstrong: was born in Pennsylvania in 1758; served in the War of the Revolution; was Sec- retary of the State of Pennsylvania; Minister to France in 1S04: Secretary of War in 1813, and died in Duchess county, N. Y., in 1843. Benedict Arnold was a native of Norwich, Conn., where he was born in January , 1740. He fought nobly for freedom until 1778, when his passions got the bet- ter of his judgment and conscience, and he became a traitor and joined the British army. He went to England after the war, and died in London, June 14, 1801. Jobn Ashe was born in England in 1721, and came to America when a child. He was engaged in the Regulator war in North Carolina in 1771, and was a general in the Continental army. He died of small- pox in 1781. Henry Atkinson was a native of South Carolina and entered the army as a captain in 1808, He was re- tained in the army after the War of 1S12, was made ad- jutant-general, and finally appointed to the command of the Western Army. He died in Jefferson Barracks, in June, 1S42. William Bainbridgc (Commodore) was born in New Jersey in 1774. He was the captain of a merchant vessel at the age of 19, and entered the naval service in 1798. He was distinguished during the War of 1812, and died in 1833. Commodore Barney was born in Baltimore in 1759. He entered the naval ser\'ice of the Revolution in 1775, and was active during the whole war. He bore the American flag to the French National Con- vention in 1796, and entered the French service. He returned to America in 1800, and took part in the War of 1812, and died at Pittsburg in 181S. Jacob Brown vvas born in Pennsylvania in 1775. He engaged in his Country's service in 1813, and soon became distinguished He was made major-general in 1814. He was Commander-in-chief of the United States army in 1821, and held that rank and office when he died, in 1838, Major Brown was born in Massachusetts in 178S; was in the War of 1812, and was promoted to major in 1843. He was wounded in the Mexican War by the bursting of bomshell, and died on the gth of May, 1846. He was 58 years of age. Aaron Bnrr was born in New Jersey in 1756. In his twentieth »year he joined the Continental army, and accompanied Arnold in his expedition, against Quebec. Ill health compelled him to leave the army in 1779, and he became a distinguished lawyer and an active public man. He died on Staten Island, N. Y., in 1836. Zebnion Bntler was born in Connecticut in 1731. Served in the Revolution as a colonel, and died in 74 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Wyoming in 1795. John i'haiKlIcr was a native of Massachusetts, and served as a general in the War of 1812. Some years after the War he was a United States Senator from Maine. He died at Augusta, in that State, in 1844. Arthur St. Clair was a native of Scotland, and came to America in May, 1755. He served under Wolfe, and when the Revolution broke out he entered the American army. He served as a general during the War, and died in 1S18 at the age of 84. G,eor{;e Rojf^rs Clarke was a native of Virginia, and was bom in 1752. He was one of the most accom- plished and useful officers of the Western pioneers during the Revolution. He died near Louisville, Ky., in 1848. Green Clay was born in Virginia In 1756, and was made a brigadier of Kentucky volunteers early in 1S13. He commanded at Fort Meigs, in 1813. He died in 1826. Henry Clay was born in Virginia in 1772. He be- came a lawyer at Richmond, and at the age or2i he established himself in his profession al Lexington, Ky. He first appeared in Congress, as Senator, in 1S06, and from that period his life was chiefly devoted to the pub- lic service. Ee died in Washington City, while United States Senator, in 1S52. General John Coffee was a native of Virginia. He did good service in the War of 1812, and in subse- quent campaigns among the Indians. He died in 1S34. James Clinton was born in Ulster county, N. Y., in 1736. He was a captain in the French and Indian War, and an active general in the Revolutionary army. He died in 1S12. Henry Dearborn was an officer of the Revolu- tion, and, in the war of 1S12, was appointed major-gen- eral and Commander-in chief of the armies. He was born in New Hampshire. He returned to private life in 1815, and died at Roxbury, near Boston, in 1S29, at the age of 78 years. Stephen Decatnr was born in Maryland in 1779. He entered the navy at the age of 19. After his last cruise in the Mediterranean he superintended the building of gunboats. He rose to the rank of commo- dore, and during the War of 1812 he was distinguish*^ for his skill and bravery. He afterward humbled the Barbary powers, and alter returning home he was killed in a duel with Commodore Barron, in March, 1820. Robert Fnlton, the inventor and discoverer of steam navigation, was born in Pennsylvania, and was a student of West, the great p.-xinter, for several years. He had more genius for mechanics than for the fine arts, and he turned his efforts in that direction. He died in 1815, soon after launching a steamship-of-war, at the age of 50 years. Kdniund P. Gaine.s was bom in Virginia in 1777. He entered the army in 1799, and rose gradually until he was made major-general for his gallantry at Fort Erie in 1S14. He remained in the army until his death, in 1849. Horatio Gates was a native of England, and was educated for military life. He was the first adjutant- general in the Conlinenlal army, and was made major- general in 1776. He retired to his estate in Virginia at the close of the War, and finally took up his abode in New York, where he died in 1806 at the age of 78 years. Nathaniel Greene was born of Quaker parents, in Rhode Island, in 1840. He was an anchorsmith, and was pursuing his trade when the Revolution broke out. He hastened to Boston after the skirmish at Lexing- ton, and from that time until the close of the War he was one of the most useful generals in the army. He died near Savannah in i7i-'6, and was buried in a vault in that city. His sepulchre can not be identified. John Hancock was born at Quincy, Mass., in 1737. He was an early and popular opponent of Brit- ish power, and was chosen the second President of Congress. He was afterwards Governor of Massachu- setts, and died in 1793. Patrick Henry was bom in Hanover county, Virginia, in 1736. He appeared suddenly in public life when almost thirty years of age. He was an active public man during the Revolution, was Governor of Virginia, and died in 1799. 7ti THE AMERICAN MAXi'AL. John Engrer Hownrd, of the Man-land line, was born in Baltimore county in 1752. He went into mili- tarj- service at the couimencement of the War. He was a colonel, and was m all the principal battles of the Revolution; was chosen Governor of Man,land in 177S, and was afterward a United States Senator. He died in 1S27. M'illiaiii Hull was bom in Connecticut in 1753. He rose to the rank of major in the Continental army. Though severely censured for his surrender of Detroit in 1S12, he was a good man, and distinguished for his bravery. He was appointed Governor of the Michigan Territory in 1805. After the close of his unfortunate campaign he never appeared in public life. He died, near Boston, in 1825. Iwnao Hull was made a lieutenant in the na\-}.- in 1798, and in 1S12 was commodore, in command of the United States frigate, Constitution. He died in Phila- delphia in Februrary, 1S43. GeorsfC Izard -was born in South Carolina in 1777. He was a general, and made military life his profession. After the War he left the anny. He was Governor of Arkansas Territory in 1825, and died at Lit- tle Rock, Ark., in 1S28. •Tolin Jay -was a descendant of a Huguenot family, and was born in the city of New York in 1745. He was early in the ranks of patriots, and rendered ver,- im- portant services during the Revolution. He retired from public life in iSoi, and died in 1S29, at the age of 84 years. His residence was at Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y. Tlioinas S. Jesup was bom in Virginia in 177S. He •was a brave and useful officer during the War of 1S12, and was retained in the army. He was breveted ma- jor-general in 1828, and was succeeded in command in Florida by Col. Zachary Taylor in 1S3S. He died in Washington City. Jotin Paul Jones was bom in Scotland in 1747, and came to Virginia in boj-hood. He entered the Ameri- can navy in 1775, and served as commodore during the War. He was an intrepid and daring officer. He was afterwards rear-admiral in the Russian ser\-ice. He died in Paris in 17S2. Baron «le Kalb was a native of .\lsaee, a Gen..„„ province ceded to France. He had been in .\merica as a secret French agent, about fifteen years before. He came to .\merica with Lafayette in 1777, and Congress commissioned him a Major-General. He died of wounds received at the battle of Camden in 17S0. Stoplion W. Kearnoy was a native of New Jer- sey. He was a gallant soldier in the war ofiSi2. He was breveted a brigadier in 18.^6, and major-general in IJecember the same year, for gallant conduct in the Mexican War. He died at Vera Cruz, in Oclubtr, 1S4S, at the age of 54 years. Marquis do I^a Fay«'tto was born in France in 1757. He was an active patri(jl during the Revolution, and contributed men and money to the patriot cause. He was connuissiontd major-general by the Continen- tal Congress July 31, 1777. He died in France in 1S34, at the age of 77. James Lawrence was a native of New Jersey, and received a midshipman's warrant at the age of 16. He is remembered by every .American as the author of those brave words: "Don't give up the ship." On this occasion he was wounded while commanding the United States frigate Chesapeake, and the engage- ment took place in 1814. He died four days after re- ceiving the wound, at the age of 31 years. diaries t,ce was born in Wales ;n ^i'?,^. He was a brave officer in the British army. He sellled in Vir- ginia in 1773, and was one of the first brigadiers of the Continental army. He was arrested and tried by a court-martial for disobedience of orders and di.'respect to Washington at the battle of Monmouth. He was found guilty, and was suspended from command for one year. He never entered the army again, and died in obscurity in Philadelphia in 17S2. Rieliard Henry IiCe was born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, in 1732. He was much in public life, signed the Declaration of Independence, was a U. S. Senator, and died in 1794. 78 THE AMERICAN MANOAL. Henry IjCe was bom in Virginia in 1756. lie entered the military service as a captaiu of a Virginia company in 1776, and in 1777 joined the Continental army. At the head of a legon, as a colonel, he per- formed extraordinary services during the War, espe- cially in the South. He was afterward Governar of Virginia, and a member of Congress. He died in 1818. Beaijiiniin Uiicolii was born in Massachusetts in 173^. He was a farmer. Hejoined the Continental army in 1779, and rose rapidly to the position ofma- jor-geuexal. He died in 1810. Alexander Macomb was born in Dtrtroit in 1782, and entered the army at the age of 17 years. He was made a brigadier in 1S14. In 1&35 he was coramandor- in-chief of the anniee of the United States, and died in 1S41. Thomas 9IcDonong:l* was a native of Delaware, and a commodore in the navy. He was 28 years of age at the time of the engagemetit at Plattsburg. The State of New York gave him one thousand acres of land on Plattf;burg Bay for his services. He died in 1*22 at the age of 39 years. Oenoral McDonsrakl was born in Scotland, and came to America in early childhood. He rose to the rank of major-general, wibs a New York State Sewatotj and died in 1786. IltMS'li Mercer, a geniairal in Uie Contineivtal army, was kfllcd at tlie battle of Princeton. He was a native of Scotland, and was practicing medicine at Fredericks- burg, Va., when the Revolution broke out. He was 56 years of age when he died. Tliomas Mifflin was born in Philadelphia in 1744, He was a Quaker, but joined the patriot army in 1775, and rapidly rose to the rank of major-general. He was a member of Congress after the War, and also Govern- or of Pennsj'lvania. He died in Januarj', 1800. Richard Montg-omery was born in Ireland in 1737. He was with Wolfe at Quebec, in 1759; afterward married and settled in the State of New York. He was a general in the patriot army, and was killed at the battle of Quebec, in 1775. Dantel Morjf^ui was born in New Jersey in 1736, and was in the humble sphe«;e of a wagoner when called to the field. He had been a soldier under Brad- dock, and joined Washington at C&iubiMge in 1775, and became a general. He was s iatiuci in Viigiina after the War, where he died in 1802. H'illiani Monllrie was born in South Carolijia in 1730, and died in 1S05. He was a gmeral in the Revo- lution, and an active officer until made prisoner in 1780, when for two years he was not allowed to bear arms. James Otjs was born at Barnstable, Mass., 1725. He was the leader of the Revolutionary party in Maes- achuscrts at the beginning. He was wounded by a British official in 1769, and never entiiely recovered. He was killed by lightning in 1772. Andrew Pickens was boin in Pe'lvania in 1739, and served as a general in the Revolution. In childhood he went to South Carolina, and was one of the first in the field for liberty. He died in 1617. Zebuloa M. Pike was born in 1779. While press- ing towa,rd the capture of York (Toronto), in 1813, the powder magazine of the fort blew up, and General Pike was mortally wounded. He was carried on board the flagship of Commodore Chauncey, where he died, with the captured British flag uud«r his head, a* the age of 34 years. Commodore David Porter wae among Hhe most distinguished of the American naval command- ers. He was a resident Minister of the United States in Turkey, and died near Constanttaople, in March, 1843. 'William Prescott was born at Groton, Mass.; was a colonel at the battle of Bunker Hill, and served under Gates until the surrender of Burgoyne, when he left the army. He d^d in 1795. Oeneral PiitHam was born at Salem, Ma«6., in 1718. He was a ver>' useful officer during the Frencb and Indian War, and was in active ser%'ice in the Ooo- tinental army, commencing with the battle of Bnnker Bin until 1779, when bodily infirmity compelled him to retire. He died in 1790 at the age of 72. Jonn Kiiil\?dg'e was born in Ireland, and came to South Carolina when a child, and was Governor of that State in 17S0. After the Revolutionary War h* 80 THE AMERICAX MANUAL. ■was made a judge of the Supreme Court of the United Slates, and also Chief Justice of South Carolina. He died in 1800. Ricliard Schuyler was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1733, and died in 1S04. He was a captain under Sir William Johnson, and was in active public service un- til the Revolution. He was a general in the patriot army, and was a legislator after the War. >Viiiflel' liie in 1774, and went to Kentucky as a land surveyor in 1775. He engaged in the War of the Revolution, and was distinguished in the battle ol King's Mountain, in October, 17S0. He was made Governor of Kentucky in 1792, and soon afterward re- tired to private life, from which he was drawn in 1813. He died in 1S26. Samuel Smith, the commander ot Fort Mifflin in 1777, was born in Pennsylvania in 1752. He entered the Revolution arj^ army in 1776; served as a general in command when Ross attacked BaUiinore in 1814; after- ward represented Baltimore in Congress, and died in April, 1839. Baron Steuben catne to America in 1777, and joined the Continental army at Valley Forge. He was a veteran from the armies of Frederick the Great, of Pi-ussia. He was made Inspector General of the Amer- ican army. He died in the interior of New York in 1795- William Alexander Stirling was a descendant of the Scotch Earl of Stisliiig. He was born in the city of New York in 1726. He became attached to the patriot cause and served as a faithful officer durnig the War. He was made prisoner at the battle of Long Island. He died in 17S3. John Sullivan was born in Maine in 1740. He was a delegate to the first Continental Congress in 1774, and was one of the first eight brigadiers in the Continental army. He resigned his commission of general in 1779; was afterward member of Congress and Governor of New Hampshire, and died in 1795. Thomas Sumter was a native of South Carolina and was earlj' in the field. Ill health compelled him to leave the army just before the close of the War in 17S1. He was afterwaid Congressman and died on the high hills of Santee, S. C. in J832, at 98 years of age. s, 6 killed and 32 wounded. July 21. John S. Phelps appointed military Governor of Arkansas. Aug. 3. Gen. Halleck orders Gen. McClel Ian to evacuate the Peninsula of Virginia. A.ug. 4. The Secretary of "War orders a draft of 3()o,CKK) men. Aug. 5. Gen. Robert McCook murdered bv GENERAL LEE. the Confederates while wounded, and riding in an ambulance. The Confederate General J. C. Breckinridge made an unsuccessful attack on Baton Rouge, La. Aug. 7. Col. Canby engages the Confederate General Sibley at Fort Filmore, N. M. Aug. 16. Gen. McClellan evacuates Harri- son's Landing. Aug. 19. Gen "Wright placed in command of the Department of the Ohio. Aug. 25. Confederates made an unsuccess- ful attack at Fort Donelson. Sept. 2. Gen. McClellan appointed to the command of the troops for the defense of Wash- ington. Sept. 5. Confederates begin crossing the Potomac into Maryland. Sept. 7. Gen. Banks is assigned to the com- mand of the fortifications in and around Wash- GE.-sr. HALLECK. ington. General McCleUan takes the field at the head of the Army of the Potomac. Cumberland Gap evacuated by the Federals. Sept. 18. The Confederates recrossed the Potomac into Virginia, having been in Mary- land two weeks. Evacuated Harper's Ferrv. President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclaina- tion issued. Sept. 25. Habeas corpus suspended bv the United States Government. 98 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Sept. 29. Gen. Nelson was shot by Gen. Jeff C. Davis, at Louisville, Ky. Oct. 18. The Confederate Gen. Morgan occupies Lexington, Ky. Oct- 19. The Confederate Gen. Forrest de- feated near Gallatin, Tenn. Oct. 22. Confederate salt works in Florida destroyed. Oct. 30. Gen. Bosecrans assumes command of the Armv of the Cumberland. GEN-. FORREST. Gen. Mitchell dies at Port Royal, S. C. Nov. 5. Gen. McClellan relieved of the com- mand of the Army of the Potomac, and Gen. Burnside succeeds him. Nov. 16. President Lincoln enjoins on the L'nited States forces the orderly observance of the Sabbath. Nov. 22. The Political State prisoners re- leased. Dec. 6. Gen. Banks' Expedition sails for New Orleans. Dec. 7- The Confederates were defeated with heavy loss. Dec. 11. The City of Fredericksburg bom- barded by the Union troops, under cover of which they crossed the Rappahannock . Dec. 13. Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher en- gages in the battle of Fredericksburg. GEN. ME.\GHER. Dec. 14. Gen Banks supersedes Gen. Butler at New Orleans. Dec. 16. Gen. Burnside's army removed to the north side of the Rappahannock. Dec. 17. The Union troops occupy Baton Rouge, La. Dec. 19. The Confederates recapture Holly Springs, Miss., taking the garrison prisoners. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 99 Dec. 23. The Confederates repulsed bj Gen. Sigel at Dumphrios, \'a. Dec. 28. Second Attack on Vicksburg. The Federals drive the Confederates from the first and second- lines of defense and advance to within two and a half miles of Vicksburg. Gen. Blunt entered Van Buren, Ark., captur- ing four steamboats laden with provisions. Dec. 29. The Confederates attack Gen. GKN. SIBLHY. Sherman with their whole force, and drive him back to the first line of defense. Dec. 31. Battle of Murfreesboro, or Stone River. The L'nion army numbers 4:5,000 men under Gen. Rosecrans. Deaths in the United States in 1862. Cor- nelius C. Felton, scholar and critic, President of Harvard University, aged 55 years. Theodore Frelinghuysen, statesman, aged 75 years. The "Westfleld destroyed to keep it from fall- ing into the hands of the enemy. Commodore Renshaw jierishes with his vessel. President Lincoln publishes a proclamation confirming his manifesto of Sept. 22, 1862, and declares all the slaves in the Confederate States free, and under the military protection of the United States. 1863. Jan. 3. On the night of Jan. 3, the rebels commence their retreat from Murfreesboro. GEN. SIOEL. The Federal army withdraws from before Vicksburg. Jan. 28. Gen. Burnside relieved of the com- mand of the Army of the Potomac, and Gen Hooker appointed in his place. Gens. Sumner and Franklin relieved from du- ty in the Army of the Potomac. Feb. 2. The Federal ram Queen of the 100 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. West ran the blockade at Vicksburg, but was captured a few days after by the Confederates. The negro brigade take Jacksonville, Florida. Major General Burnside appointed to com- mand the Department of the Ohio. May 1. Gen. Carter, with 5,000 men, attacked the Confederate forces at Monticello, under Pegram, and drove them from the field. Battle of Fort Gibson. Gen. Grant defeated Gen. Bowen. GEN. HOOKER. May 2. On the morning of the 17th of April, 1863, the 6th and 7th Illinois cavalry, 900 strong, under command of Col. Grierson, of the 6th Illinois, set out from Lagrange, Tenn., marched through the center of Mississippi, des- troying as they went railroads, bridges and stores of all kinds belonging to the Confederates, in immense quantities. They reached Baton Rouge, La., on the evening of the 2d of May. They had traveled nearly 800 miles in 16 days. At several points the enemy made great attempts to capture them, but failed. They brought into' Baton Rouge over 1,000 horses and a large numb;.'r of cattle; 500 negroes followed them. May 8. Col- Streight's command of 1,700 men were captured by Forest's cavalry, two' miles from Cedar Blufl:' Ga., after severe fight- ing. COL. GRIERSON. The Confederate General, Van Dorn, killed by Dr. Peters in Manny county, Tenn. May 9. Col. Jacobs routed a guerilla force near Horse Shoe Bend on the Cumberland River. May 10. The Confederate General, Stone- wall (Thos. J.) Jackson, died at Richmond, Va., of wounds and pneumonia. May 12. Gen. McFherson attacks Raymond, Miss. fV THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 101 May 18. Investment of Vicksburg by the Federals under Gen. Grant and Admiral Porter. May 25. Confederate navy yard destroyed at Yazoo City. May 27. Gen. Banks commences the siege of the forts at Port Hudson, Miss. June 1. Gen. Hunter removed from the command of the Department of the South Gen. Gilmore succeeds him. GEN. "stonewall" J.VCKSON. June 17. Federal cavalry under Col. Kil- patrick encountered Gen. Fitzhugh Lee's cav- alry brigade near Aldie, Va. June 21. Gen. McClernard removed by Grant, and Gen. Ord succeeds him. June 26. Rear Admiral Foote died in New York City. June 29. Gen. Hooker relieved of his com- mand of the Army of the Potomac at his own request. Gen. Meade succeeds him. Rosecrans drives Bragg from Tullahoma. July 8. Major General Gardner surrendered. July 13-16 Riots take place in New York, Boston, and other Union cities, in consequence of the enforcement of a conscription decree. July 13, 14, 15. Draft Riots in New York City. Mob; have possession of the city for three days. Offices where the draft was going on were demolished, and the buildings were burned. Several negroes were murdered. The Q--' GEN. KII.P.\TRICK. colored orphan asylum on Fifth Avenue was pillaged and burnt down. Several persons were killed during the prevalence of the riot. The city paid above $1,500,000 as indemnity for losses that occurreti tiuring the riot. July 22 Chattanooga was shelled by Col. Wilder of Rosecrans' advance. July 23. Eight Hundred men of Gen. Spi- nola's brigade utterly routed twice their number 102 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. of Georgia and North Carolina troops at Ma- nassas Gap. Kentucky again invaded. Kit Carson, -with a part of the first New Mexico regiment, defeats, the Navajoe Indians in a sc%ere fight beyond Fort Canhv. Aug. 7. President Lincoln rejects the de- mand for the suppression of the conscription in the State of New York. REAR ADMIRAL KOOTE. Aug. 17- Lieut. Col. Phillips attacked the Confederate forces at Grenada, Miss., under command of Gen. Slimmer, and drove them from the place. Aug. 20. The town of Lawrence, Kan., was surprised in tlie middle of the night by 300 guerillas under the leadership of Quantrell. The town was set on fire and 182 buildings burned to the ground, and $2,000,000 worth of property desti-oyed; 191 persons were killed, many of whom were helpless women and chil- dren; 5S1 were wounded, many of them mortal- ly. About 80 of the murderers were killed. Sept. 4. Burnside occupies Knoxville, Tenn. Sept. 9. General Crittenden's division of Rosecrans' army enters Chattanooga. Sept. 10. Gen. Steele takes possession of Lit- tle Rock, Ark. GEN. ME.\DE. Sept. 15. President Lincoln suspends the Habeas Corpus act. Oct. 9. "Wlieeler's Confederate cavalry was defeated with considerable loss at Farmington, Tennessee, and again near Shelby ville. Oct. 20. The Departments of the Cumber- land and Mississippi consolidated and placed under the command of General Grant. Gen. Rosecrans removed, and Gen. Thomp- son appointed in his place. THE AMERICAN MA VL\4L. 103 Nov. 5. Brownsville, Texas, captured. Nov. 25. The Confederate army under Bragg defeated near Chattanooga. Nov. The First Fenian convention assem- bled at Chicago. According to tradition the Fenians or Finians were a national militia es- tablished in Ireland by Fin or Fionn, the son of Cumbal. Dec. 4. Gen. Longstreet commences the siege of Knoxville, No\. 17. GEN'. BRAGG. 1864. Feb. 1. President Lincoln orders a draft for 5o<),o<^!() men. Feb. 9. A large number of prisoners, includ- ing Col. Streight, escape from Libbv Prison, Richm.ond. Feb. 15. Gen. "W. T. Sherman with his troops arrives at Meridian, Miss., on his great raid into the heart of the cncmv's counti^w Feb. 22 . A skirmish between Union troops and the Confederates under Gen. Mosbv. March 8. Gen. Grant formally presented by the President with his commission as Lieut. General, and on the 12th assigned to the com- mand of the armies of the United States. April 12. General Forrest captures Fort Pillow, and immediately after commences an in- discriminate massacre of our wounded soldiers* r.KN. MOSliV. both colored and white, not excepting women and children who had taken refuge in the fort. April 23. The Governors of Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Indiana offer to raise for the general Government S5,fxx) men for one lumdred days. April 26. Government accepts services of one-hundred day men, and appropriates $2o,- tx30,ooo for their pavment. 104 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. May 5. Draft ordered in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Minnesota, Kentucky and Maryland. Gen. Butler lands on the south side of the James. Mays. Sherman occupies Dalton. May 16. Nathaniel Hawthorne, American novelist, died, aged 55 years. May 23. Confederates forced to evacuate their -fortifications near Spottsylvania C. H. GEN. SHFRM.\N". John Morgan enters Kentucky with 4,000 men. May 27. Grant crosses the Pamunkey, and occupies Hanovertown. May 30. Gen. Grant reaches Mechanics- viUe. June 8. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson nominated for President and Vice- President. June 12 Gen. Hancock drives the Confed- erates from Bottom Bridge at the point of the bayonet. June 14. Gen. Leonidas Polk killed at Pine Mountain, Ga. June 30. Secretary Chase resigns, and Hon. Wm. Fessenden was appointed to fill the va- cancy. July 5. The Confederates under Early in- vaded Mar\land. GE.V. POLK. July 22. Gen. McPherson killed at the bat- tle of Atlanta. July 30. A mine containing six tons of powder, under a Confederate fort at Petersburg, explodes, destroying the fort and garrison. Chambersburg, Pa., burned by the Confeder- ates. Aug. 5. Commodore Farragut's fleet passes Forts Morgan and Gaines. The Confederate ram Tennessee is captured, and several other ves- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 1 5 sels destroyed. Shortly after Fort Gaines sur- renders, and Fort Powell is evacuated. I Aug, 18. The "Weldon Railroad is seized b_v Gen. Grant. Aug. 23. Fort Morgan surrenders. Sept. 2. The Federal troops take possession of Atlanta. Sept. 7. The Confederate General John Morgan killed near Greenville, Tennessee. GEN-. M.\CPHERSOX. Sept. 16. Engagement between Gens. Gregg and Kantz, and Confederate General Wade Hampton. Sept. 28. Gen. Grant advanced his lines on the north side of the James River to within seven miles of Richmond. The Confederates under General Sterling Price invade Missouri. Oct. 7. The pirate vessel Florida captured bv the United States steamship Wachusett. Oct. 31. Union troops recapture Plymouth, N. C. Nov. 8. The Presidential election takes place. Lincoln and Johnson receive 212, McClellan and Pendleton twenty-one electoral votes. McClellan resigns his command in the »rmv. D.-WID G. FAKRAGUT. Nov. 16. General Sherman leaves At- lanta and begins his great march to the Atlan- tic. Dec. 29. Hood's army crosses the Ten- nessee River, thus ending the Tennessee cam- paign. 1865. Jan. 3. Massachusetts ratified the Constitu- tional amendment. Jan. 8. General Butler removed from the 106 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. command of the Army of the James. He was succeeded by Gen. Ord. Jan. 15. Edward. Everett, American States- man and distinguished orator, dies, aged 71 years. Jan. 20. Confederates evacuate Corintli. Jan. 27. Confederate incendiaries set fire to the city of Savannali. Feb. 1. Congress abolisiies slavery in the United States. Illinois ratifies the Constitutional amendment. GEN. WADE HAMPTON. Feb. 2. Maryland, Michigan, New York and Rhode Island ratify the Constitutional amendment. Feb. 4. Illinois black laws are repealed. Feb. 7. Maine ratifies the Constitutional amendment. Feb. 12. Gen. Sherman occupies Branch- ville, S. C. Feb. 13. Indiana ratifies the Constitutional amendment. Feb. 17. Louisiana ratifies the Constitution- al amendment Gen. Sherman's victorious coltinins enter Columbia, S. C, and burn the city. Feb. 18. Gen. Lee assumes supreme com- mand of the Confederate armies, and recom- mends arming of the blacks. Charleston, S. C, evacuated, and taken pos- session of by Gen. Gilmore. Six thousand bales of cotton destroyed. Ammunition stored in the railroad depot explodes, and many lives BTERLlNd PnlCE. were lost. Gen. Gilmore hoists the U. S. fiag over Fort Sumter. Feb. 19. Fort Anderson, N. C, is taken. Feb* 21. "Wisconsin ratifies the Constitu- tional amendment. Fort Armstrong, N. C, taken. i'eb. 22. Confederate Congress decrees that the slaves shall be armed. Feb. 23. Kaleigh, N. C, was captured. Governor \'ance captured. March 4. Inauguration of Abraham Lin- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 107 coin and Andrew Johnson as President ;ind Vice-President of the United States. Gen. Sherman occupies Fayette\ille, N. C March 13. Gen. Schofleld occupies Kings- ton. March 16. Confederate Gen. Ilartice was de- feated at Averyshoro, N. C. March 17. Confederate Congress adjourns "sine die." ANDREW JOIISfSON. March 19. Confederate Gen. Johnson de- feated at Bentonville, N. C. March 25. Confederates attack Gen. Grant, and are severely defeated. April 3. Richmond taken. April 8. Surrender of Gen. Lee and his whole army at .Vppomattox Court House, \'a. April 12. The Union flag hoisted at Fort Sumter. April 13. Drafting and recruiting stopped. April 14. President Lincoln shot by J. Wilkes Booth in Ford's Theater, Washington; Mr. Seward and his son woimded. April 15. Death of President Lincoln. Vice- President Johnson sworn in as President of the United States. April 26. Gen. Johnson surrenders. April 27. Booth, the murderer of President Lincoln, mortally wounded and captured. DU. BELLOWS. May 4. General Dick Taylor surrenders. May 10. Jefferson Davis captured at Irwin- ville, 75 miles southwest of Macon, Ga., by the 4th Michigan cavalry, under Col. Pritchard, of Gen. Wilson's command; also his wife, mother, Postmaster-General Regan, Col. Harrison, pri- vate secretary, Col. Johnson, and other military characters. 103 ^THE AMERICAN MANUAL, May 19. Confederate Gov. Watts, of Ala- bama, was arrested. May 21. Confederate Gov. Letcher, of Vir- ginia, is arrested. May 24. Grand Review of Gen. Sherman's iirniv occurs at Washington. JetYerson Davis indicted for treason. May 26. Kirby Smith surrenders. The last a'-Tned Confederate ortranization succumbs. STEPHEN' A. rOlT.LAS. May 31. Confederate Gen. Hood and staff surrender. June 22. President Johnson rescinded order requiring passports from all travelers entering the United States, and opened Southern ports. July 7. Execution of Pavne, Atzerott, Har- old, and Mrs. Surratt, for complicity in the assas- sination of President Lincoln. Oct. 11. Pardon of Alexander Stephens and other Soutliern otficiiUs. Nov. 9. Confederate privateer Shenandoah surrendered at Liverpool, having destroyed about 30 vessels; crew released. Nov. 10. Execution of Wirz, the Confeder- ate prison keeper, for cruelty to Union prison- ers. 1866. Jan. 28. Hon. Thomas Chandler died. Feb. 19. President vetoed Freedmen's Bureau bill. This bill required Uie Govern- JOHX ROSS. ment to take care of the emancipated slaves and destitute whites of the South. March 14. Jared Sparks, historian, dies. March 27- President Johnson vetoed Civil Rights bill. This bill guaranteed the same rights to the negro, in every particular, as those enjoyed by the white man. April 2. President Johnson issued a procla- mation declaring that the insurrection which heretofore existed in the States of Georgia, THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 109 South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Ten- nessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missis- sippi and Florida, is at an end, and henceforth to be so regarded. April 9. Civil Rights Bill >vas. passed over tlio President's veto. April 12. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson dies. May 16. President Johnson vetoed the ad- mission of Colorado as a State. July 16. Freedmen's Bureau bill became a GIDEON WELLES. May 29. Death of General Winfield Scott, aged So years. June 7 . President Johnson issued a proc- lamation against the Fenian movement in the United States. Fenians from the United States made a raid into Canada. June 17- Hon. Lewis Cass dies. July 13-27. The Atlantic Telegraph is suc- cessfully laid between Great Britain and America. law. July 30. Major-General Lysander Cutler dies. Aug. 14. National Union Convention as- sembles in Philadelphia wigwam. Sept. 1. Southern Unionists Convention as- sembles in Philadelphia. Sept. 7. Matthias "W. Baldwin, pioneer iu American locomotives, dies. GEN. I'LEASONTON. Oct. 13. "Prince'' John Van Buren, son of Martin, dies. Dec. 13. Congress passes a bill giving ne- groes the right to vote in the District of Co- lumbia. Dec. 26. Major-General Samuel R. Curtis dies. 110 THE AMERICAN MANUAL, 1867. Jan. 9. Virginia rejected the Fourteenth Amendment. This amendment guaranteed civil rights to all, regardless of race or color. Jan. 10, Congress passed a bill providing for "universal suffrage" in the Territories. Jan. 29. The bill to admit Nebraska is ve- toed bv President Johnson. Feb. 6. Delaware and Louisiana rejected Constitutional amendment. GEX. MITCHELL. Feb. 8. Nebraska is admitted as a State. Feb. 25. Tenure of Office bill was passed over President's veto. This bill makes the con- sent of the Senate necessary- before the Presi- dent can remove any person from a civil office. Feb. 30. It was announced at Washington that Russia cedes Alaska to the United States. May 3. Eight-hour riots in Chicago. May 9. General strike of working men throughout the States. May 13. Jefferson Davis was admitted to bail at Richmond, Va. June 3. Gen. Sheridan removed Gen. Welles, of Louisiana, and on the 6th appointed B. F, Flanders, Governor. July H. Beciprocity treaty between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands. CASSIUS M. CLAY. July 24. New York State Constitutional Convention rejects the proposition of woman suffrage. July 30. General Sheridan removed Gov- ernor Throckmorton, of Texas. Aug. 5. Secretary Stanton was requested by the President to resign, but refused. Aug. 12. Stanton is suspended, and Gen. Grant is appointed Secretarv of War ad interim. Aug. 17. General Sheridan was relieved at New Orleans. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. National Labor Congress met at 111 President issued amnesty procla- A.ug. 19. Chicago. Sept. 8. mation. Sept. 30. Negro riots in Savannah, Ga. Oct. 3. Whisky riot in Philadelphia. Nov. 2. General Sherman announces In- dian war to be at an end. Nov. 14. Denmark concluded a treaty by which the islands of St. Thomas, San Juan, and JOHN CALDWELL CALHOUN. Santa Cruz were ceded and sold to the L'nited States Nov. 22. Jefferson Davis returned to Ricii- mond, \'a. Dec. 7. Resolution of Judiciary Committee to impeach President Johnson was voted down in the House — 102 to 57. 1868. Jan. 2. Governor Flanders of Louisiana resigns, and Joshua Baker is appointed his suc- cessor by Gen, Hancock. Jan. 6. Congress Met. The President is cen- sured in the House for removing General Sher- idan. Gen. Meade assumes command of the third military district, consisting of Alabama, Geor- gia and Florida. House of Representatives passes a bill mak- ing eight hours a day's work for Government laborers. JOSEPH nOOKEE. Jan. 10. Secretary Seward announced to the House that 21 States had ratified the 14th article of the amendment to the Constitution Jan. 11. The Chinese Government appoint- ed Anson Burlingame, formerly United States Minister in Pekin, its special envoy to all the treaty powers, at a salary of $40,000. Jan. 13. The United States House of Rep- resentatives passes a bill declaring that five members shall constitute a quorum of the Su- 112 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. preme Court, and that a concurrence of two- thirds of all the members shall be necessary to a decision adverse to the validity of any law passed by Congress. The Senate reinstated Stanton. Jan. 14. The Virginia Constitutional Con- vention declares that Virginia shall forever re- main in the Union, and that slavery is forever abolished in the State. GOV. CURTIN. General Grant vacated War Office in favor of Secretary Stanton. Jan. 15. Gen. Pope was assigned to the vommand of the Department of the Lakes with neadquarters at Detroit. Jan. 24. Fifty thousand American breech- loading rifles were ordered by the Spanish Min- ister of War. Jan. 29, The President instructs Gen. Grant in writing, not to obey any orders from the War Department, unless authorized by himself. Feb. 5. Congress passed a bill authorizing the Secretary of War to employ counsel to de- fend Generals or other persons intrusted with reconstruction in cases brought against them for their acts under the reconstruction laws. Thermometer 51 degrees below zero in Wis- consin. Feb. 13. Another attempt is made to impeach President Johnson. J. p. BENJAMIN. Feb. 18. Senate bill is passed for the reduc- tion of the army. Feb. 21. The President ordered the remov- al of Secretary Stanton from the war office, and authorized Gen. Thomas to act as Secretary of War ad interim. Stanton decided to retain per- sonal possession of the office until action in the matter be taken by the Senate. The Senate disapproved the action of the President, declar- ing it to be unconstitutional. Feb. 22. Adjutant-General Thomas arrest- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 113 ed for violation of the tenure of office bill on complaint of Secretary Stanton. He is released on $io,coo bail. Feb. 23. Conclusioh of a treaty between the North German Confederation and the United States, concerning the nationality of per- sons emigrating from one of the two countries to the other. J. .\. ANDREWS. Feb. 24. The United States House of Rep- resentatives resohc bv a vote of 126 to 47, that "Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, be impeached of high crimes and misde- meanors." The President sends a message to the Senate vindicating his position. Feb. 25. The Committee of the House ap- points Boutwell, Stevens, Bingham and Wilson, a sub-committee to take evidence and prepare articles of impeachment. The P'lorida Convention adopts the new Con- stitution. The House informs the Senate and presents their action in regard to the impeachment of President Johnson. Go\-ernor Ward of New Jersey, vetoes reso- lution of Legislature withdrawing ratiiication of Fourteenth Amendment. Feb. 26. G-en. L. Thomas discharged from arrest and began a suit against Secretary Stan- ton for false imprisonment and malicious prose- cution, setting his damages at $150,000. T. J. POKTER. An amendatory reconstruction bill passes Congress, providing that any election in the Southern States should be decided by a majori- ty of the votes actually cast. March 2. The Senate adopts a code of pro- cedure for an impeachment trial. The House adopts nine articles of impeach- ment, and appoints seven managers of the im- peachment trial. 114 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. March 5. New Jersey Senate passes over Go\-. Ward's veto as to amendment; the lower House does the same. March 6. President Johnson was sum- moned to appear before the courts of impeach- ment, on the 1 8th of March. March 12. The House passes the bill to abolish the tax on manufacturers. Trial of Jeft' Davis is postponed until April 14th. ' C. F. ADAMS. March 13. The President asks forty days' time to prepare his answer to the articles of im- peachment. The Senate extends the time till March 23. March 18. The House passes the bill pro- viding that in case of the death or removal of the Chief- Justice, the senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court shall perform the duties of Chief-Justice. March 23. The High Court of Impeach- inent opens for the The President filed impeachment. His lay. March 26. The Corpus appeal bill They also ratify the man Confederation, naturalized citizens. trial of President Johnson, his answer to the articles of counsel asks for further de- Senate passes the Habeas over the President's veto, treaty with the North Ger- recognizing the rights of COM. GOLDSBOROUGH. March 27- The House passes the Supreme Court bill over the President's veto. March 28. A new indictment is found against Jeff Davis by the United States Grand Jurv at Richmond. March 30. G. A. Ashburn, a member of the Constitutional Convention, was assassinated at Columbus, Ga. Gen. B. F. Butler of Massachusetts, opens in THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 115 the Court of Impeachment, the prosecution on the part of the managers. April 2. North German Parliament passes the neutralization treaty witii the United States- April 4. The case for the prosecution in the Court of Impeachment is closed. General Schofield appoints Henry H. Wells Governor of Virginia. April 6. Michigan votes against negro suf- frage. JOHN TVLEK. April 9. The counsel for President Johnson opens the argument for the defense in the Court of Impeachment. April 20. Evidence in the impeachment case closed. April 23. Charles Dickens left the United States. April 24. A treaty of peace was concluded with the Sioux Indians. May 6. Argument in the impeachment trial twas closed. May 21. U. S. Grant was nominated by the Republicans at Chicago as candidate for Presi- dent, and Schuyler Colfax for Vice-President May 22. Arrival of Chinese Embassy in New York. May 26. Impeachment trial concluded, and the President found not guilty. May 30. The Grand Army of the Republic decorated with flowers the graves of the Union soldiers in the cemeteries throughout the country. 1. G. P. T. BEAUREGARD. Ex-President James Buchanan June died. June 3. Trial of Jeft" Davis again postponed till November. June 4. Ex-President Buchanan buried at Wheatland, Penn. June 10. The Senate passes a bill for the admission of the Southern States with only five negative votes. IIG THE AMERICAN MANUAL. June 12. Keverdy Johnson confirmed as Minister to England. June 16. G-overnor^ Humphreys, of Mis- sissippi, removed by G-en. McDowell, Gen. Ames appointed military governor in his stead. June 19. The House passes the Senate bill giving thanks to Seeretarj Stanton. June 20. The House passes the bill for the admission of Arkansas over the President's veto without debate. JEKE S. BLACK. June 22. King of Belgium reviewed United States squadron under Farragut oft' Ostend. June 24. The Senate ratifies the Chinese treaty. The House passes a bill for the imme- diate reorganization of the States of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas. June 25. The Freedmen's Bureau bih passed over the President's vote. July 4. President Johnson issues a procla- mation of general amnesty and pardon to all eh' gaged in the late rebellion except those already indicted for treason or other felony. July 21. Congreiis passes a resolution de- claring the i4tti article ratified. The Senate passes a resolution appealing to the Turkish government in behalf of the Cretans. Aug. 1. General Jeff C. Davis is assigned to the command of the militarv district of Alaska. GEN. MEIGS. Sept. 18. Gen. Hindman was assassinated at Helena, Arkansas. Oct. 7. Death of Gen. Adam J. Slemmer oceurs at Fort Laramie. James Hind, member of Congress from Ar- kansas, is assassinated. Nov. 3. Iowa and Minnesota vote in favor of negro suffrage, and Missouri against it. Nov. 23. Gen. Howard issues an order for the discontinuance of the Freedmen's Bureau THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 117 after January i, except the educational de- partment, and the collection of money due to soldiers. Dec. 25. President Johnson issues a univer- sal amnesty proclamation. Dec. 29. Mosby Clark, a revolutionary soldier, died at Richmond, \'u., at the advanced age of 121 years. Dec. 31. General Sheridan captures the In- dian chiefs, Santanta and Lone Wolf. GEM. HA.N'COCK. The house passes the bill repealing an act prohibiting the organization of militia in all the reconstructed States except Georgia; also a res- olution allowing women in the government em- ploy the wages of men ior the same work. The Senate denounces the views of President Johnson on the national debt; also passes a res- olution disapproving the President's financial recommendations. The Secretary of tne Navy accepts the trans- fer of League Island by the city of Philadelphia to the Government for a navy yard. 1869. Feb. 20. Martial law is declared in Tennes- see. Feb. 22-26. Congress passed Fifteenth Amendment. Kansas was the first State (Feb. 27), to ratify it, though imperfectly, and Dela- ware the first to reject it. L. WALI.ACB. March 25. Pennsylvania ratified Fifteenth Amendment. April 13. Senate rejected Alabama treaty with Great Britain. May 13. "Woman Suffrage Convention in New Yorkcit\', May 19. President Grant proclaimed that there be no reduction in Government laborers' wages because ot reduction of hours. June 18. Hon. Henry J. Raymond, of A^. Y. Times, dies. 1 118 July 13. Completion of Atlantic cable from Brest to St. Pierre; thence to Duxbury, Mass. Aug. 16. National Labor Convention, Phil- adelphia. Sept. 1. National Temperance Convention, Chicago. Sept. 8. Hon. William Pitt Fessenden dies. Sept. 10. Hon. John Bell dies. Sept. 16. Hon. John Minor Botts dies. TI/B AMERICAN MANUAL. Dec. 24. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton died. 1870. Jan, 26. Virginia is re-admitted into the GEN. PICKETT. Sept. 24. Black Friday. So named on ac- count of the losses on gold speculations, etc. Oct. 8. Virginia ratifies Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Ex-President Franklin Pierce died. Nov. 4. George Peabody died. Nov. 6. Admiral Charles Stewart dies. Nov. 24. National Woman-suffrage Con- vention, Cleveland, Ohio; Henry Ward Beecher was chosen President. Union. Feb. 9. U. S. Signal Bureau established by Act of Congress. Feb. 17. Mississippi was re-admitted into the Union. REVEKDV JOHNSON. Feb. 23. Hon. Anson Burlingame dies. March 28. Major-General George H. Thom- as died. March 29. Texas is re-admitted to represen- tation in Congress, thus completing the work of reconstruction. March 30. President Grant announced the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment. July 12. Admiral John A. Dahlgren died. Aug. 14. Admiral David G. Farragut died. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 119 Angr* 15. STational Labor Congress, Cincinnati. An^. 22. President Cii runt issued a proclama- tion enjoining neutrality as to war between France and Prussia. An^. 23. Irish Xational Congress convenes, Cincinnati. Oct. 4. Second Sontliern Commercial conven- tion, Cincinnati. 1871. Jan. 20. Motion to strike out the word "male" in the section of the Fourteenth Amendment giving the elective franchise to all male citizens, was defeated in the House of Representatives; vote, 55 to 117. Jan. 26. The income tax was repealed. Feb, 22. Arrival in New York of the British members of the Joint High Commission. March 24. President Orant, by proclamation orders certain bands of armed men in South Carolina to disperse within thirty days. April 26. The United States Supreme Court decides that the general government cannot tax the salaries of State officials. Jnnc 17. The ratification of the treaty of Washington was exchanged in London. Jnne24. Corner stone of the Capitol was laid in Albany. Jnly 4. President Grant proclaimed the com- plete ratification of the Treaty of Washington. July 12. Orangemen riot. On the occasion of a procession of I'rotestant Orangemen in New York, they were attacked by the Roman Catholic Irish. Threats of assault having been given the Orangemen were protected by the military. Stones, pistols, and guns, being discharged at the militia, several were killed and wounded, when an order was given to the soldiers to fire on the rioters. Five soldiers and about a hundred rioters were killed. July 30. The Westfleld Horror. The steam- er's boiler explodes; 40 persons killed outright, and 63 injured — subsequently died. Sept. 27. Chief Justice McKean, of Utah, decided against Mormons serving as grand jurors in Federal courts. Oct. 2. Brig'iiani Young: was arrested by the United States Marshal for Mormon proclivities. Oct. 3. Daniel H. Wells, Mayor of Salt Lake City, and a Mormon bishop, is arrested by the United States Marshal for Mormon proclivities. Oct. 7. The first of the great fires in Chicago breaks out; loss, $300,000. Oct. 8. The gr****** fire by which Chicago was desolated broke out at 10 o'clock at night; loss 1190,526, 000. The great forest fires: Peshtigo, Wisconsin, destroy- ed by fire, 600 of its inhabitants perish; Manistee, Wil- liamsonville, Menekaumee, Marinette, and Brussels, Wis., burned; a number of inhabitants perish. Oct. 9. The great Chicago fire continued to rage and destroy. Oct. 12. President Grant summoned the K.u- Klux-Klan of South Carolina to disband and deliver up their arms and ammunition. Oct. 17. President Grant suspended the writ of habeas corpus in nine counties of South Carolina. Oct, 24. Riot in Los Angeles, Cal.; a mob attacks the Chinese quarter, and captures and hangs eighteen Chinamen. Oct. 26. A warrant is issued for the arrest of Wm. ]\I. Tweed, James H. IngersoU, A. J. Garvey, and E. A. Woodward at the suit of Attorney-General Cham- berlain. Oct. 27. Wm. M. Tweed arrested and bailed. Bfov. 19. Grand Duke Alexis, son of the Czar of Russia, arrived in New York. Nov. 23. Grand Dnkc Alexis was formally received by President Grant. 1872. Jan. 2. Brig'ham Young: returned to Salt Lake City and surrendered to an indictment for the murder of Richard Yates; bail is refused, and he is ordered into the custody of the law officers. Feb. 10. The Grand Jury of the Court of Gen- 120 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. eral Sessions of New York City present indictments against Mayor A. O. Hall, R. B. Connelly, \Vm. M. Tweed, Nathaniel Sands, and others. Feb. 29. The Japanese Embassy arrived in Washington. March 4. President Grant received the Jap- anese Embassy. April lO. Philip Kling^on Smith, of Lincoln county, Nevada, a former Mormon bishop, charges the Mormons with the "Mountain Meadow Massacre" of immigrants in 1S57, and exonerated the Indians. April 15, The counsel of the U. S. and the English arbitrators on the Alabama claims met in Geneva, Switzerland. The "cases" were exchanged, and the British Consul presented a protest against the claims for indirect damages. The British authorities at Kingston, Jamaica, seize the American steamer Edgar Stuart as a Cuban priva- teer. l»Iay 29. Canadian authorities seize the Ameri- can fishing schooner, Enola C, for violating the fish- ery laws. June 6. The I'nited States Minister at Mad- rid demands the release of Dr. Houard. Jnne 15. The members of the Tribunal of Ar- bitration assemble in Geneva, Switzerland, and organ- ize; after a short session, the tribunal adjourns until the 17th inst. Jnne 17. The World's reace Jubilee opens in Boston. June IS. Mexican soldiers at Matamoras fire on and arrest the American occupants of a pleasure boat on the Rio Grande, between that city and Browns- ville, Te.icas. The Canadian cutter, Stella Marie, seizes the Araer- ica»i fishing schooner, James Bliss, for violating the fisherj' laws; the American flag is insulted by being turned Union down under the Dominion flag on the captured vesst-l. Jnne 20. The bodies of Confederate soldiers killed and buried at Gettysburg, were removed and conducted through Richmond, Va., in mournful pro- cession. July 7. The Onban privateer, Pioneer, was cap- tured by the U. S. Revenue cutter, Moccasin, oflf Newport, R. I., and brought into that port. Ang'. 3. The Cuban privateer, Pioneer, is for- mally seized by the U. S. Marshal at Newport, R. I., for violation of the neutrality laws. Aug-. 19. Jn-*§ 5M(mi^^ GOVRRNMELNT. ^ The necessity of larovernment is furnished in man's social and moral nature. As a reasonable and dependent heing^, he is fitted for society and law. l.aw is a rule of action. Government is the em- bodiment, the defender, and the enforcer of law. RIGHT.c;. A right is either a just claim or a just and law- ful claim. Rights are political and civil. Political rights are those which belong- to the citizen in his relation to government. Civil rights are those which are not political and which are often termed natural or inalienable rights. They include: I. Absolute rights and II. Relative rights. I. Absolute civil rights are those which man possesses as an individual, in his relation as a member of society to other members of society. Two classes of these rights are often termed per- gonal rights, or the rights of persons. They embrace : I. The Rights Of Personal Security.-The right from injury to life, body, health, reputa. tion. II. The Rights of Personal liiberty.— The right to go where one chooses. The other two classes of absolute rights are: I. The Right of Private Property.— The right to acquire property and enjoy it, without molesta- tion. (i.) Religions Rights.-The rights of men to worship God according to the dictates of their own con- sciences. II. Relative Civil Rights are those which men possess in relation to particular persons or classes. These are either Public or Private. Public Civil Rights are those man possesses in his relations to the government (except the right to participate in it). It includes the right of the government and its officers to our respect and obedience. Private Civil Rights embrace those in relaUon of (i.) Husband and Wife. (2.) Parent and child. (3-) Guardian and ward. (4.) Employer and employed. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 131 HON. E. B. V.'ASHBURN. 132 LIBERTY. IJiberty is the freedom man possesses to enjoy his rights. It embraces : (a.) IVatural liiberty. (h.) Political JLiberty. (c.) Civil JLiberty. (J.) Beligious Liiberty. LAW. liaw.— The object of Law is to defend and secure man in the enjoyment of his right. It includes': 1. Political Ij&w. 2. Civil or Municipal Liaw. The Moral Law prescribes man's duties to his fel- low man and to God. It is contained in the Ten Com- mandments, to love God with all our hearts, and our neighbor as ourselves. It is broader and more com- prehensive than Political or Civil Law. DIFFERENT FORMS OF GOVERN- MENT. I. Patriarchal.— In the early stag-es of the world. II. Theocratical.— The direct government of the Jews by Jehovah. III. Monarchical.— The government by a King, Emperor or Prince. This may be (a.! Absolute, when all the power rests in the one governing, or (b.) Ijiniited, when the power of the monarch is abridged bylaw, legislative bodies, or other power.. A Monarchy may be either (a.) Hereditary, as when it passes from father to son, or from a monarch to his successor, or (b.) Elective.— When on the death of a monarch his successor is chosen by an election. (Rare). IV. Aristocratical.— When the government is administered by a few persons distinguished by birtn, rank, wealth, etc. V. Democratical or Republican.— When the government is administered by the people. This may be (a.) Pure Democracy.— ^^'hen the people meet T//F AM ERICA. \' MAX UAL. in one body to make laws and appoint officers, or (b.) A Republican or Representative De. mocracy, often called a Coninion\%'ealth ; when the people through delegates or representatives enact laws and choose officers. .) OUR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. The dovernment of the United States. There have been three stages in the • Thai lemnvin- ,suspe> t, d persons, to lie tried bevond the sea, isderoyalorytolheriyrhlsof a Bniisii subjc'ot. The same body prepared a petition to the king contaming- the same sentiments. Gov. Tryon at once dissolved the assembly. The regulators themselves, much misunder- stood and much \illified, were organized as much to resist tlie stamp act and the otuer usurpations of parliament as thev were the local fees and taxes illegally exacted bv the State and county oHicers, backed by Gov. Trvon ; and the battle o( Al;.mance, tbughl May ,6, 1771, was as much a battle for American freedom and independence as that 01 Lexington, which occurred four years latei-. There Avcre special reasons, too, why the dec- laration should be made in Mecklenburg. Gov Iryon, having his palace in the East, at New- bern, so contrived r.s tj pit that section agyinst 139 the West; and from the eastern portions of the State, as being nearest to him and more directly subject to his control, he drew his forces to.coerce the western and other sections of the State Thus it happened in those turbulent and troub- lous times that the people of Mecklenburo- county, under the lead of able and patriotic men" lormed a sort of committee of safety, composed of delegates, two elected from each militia dis- trict. Col. Thomas Polk was elected chairman of the committee, with authority to call it to- gether when he saw sufficient cause. In May, 1775- Gol. Polk had learned that the then gover- nor of Nordi Carolina (Martini had dissolved the house of assembly, after a session of onh a few days, and that he had issued his proclaii a- tion forbidding the assembling of the provincial congress of the State. lie thereupon called the committee to meet at CharloUe on the 19th of May; and on that day, accordingly, not only were the greater portion of the coiiimittee men present in the town, but large numbers of the people from all sections of the countv, anxious to hear tlie latest news, and to learn what action the committee would take The committee foimd itself a mass-meetin"- by reason of the attendance of the peoplc^and thcref ji-e organized as a convention, with Abra- ham A exander, jjresident, and John McKnitt Alexander and Ephraim Brevard, secretaries Soon after the actual business had been broached Avhich caused the assemblage, a mes.senger ar- rived with a printed circular, conveying'- the first news of the battle of Lexington," which had occurred precisely one month before. This created the most intense wrath and excitement Speeches were made by Rex-. Hezekiah James lialch, Dr. Ephraim Brevard, and Wm. Kennon a lawyer. These added fuel to the fiames, and the cry was unanimous for separation and inde- pendence. On motion, Messrs. Balch, Brevard and Kennon were appointed a committee to pre- pare appropriate resolutions to express the sense of the meeting. The resolutions, however (of which Dr. Brevaro is the accredited autho-J. 140 THE AMERICAX MANUAL. were not presented to the committee until next day (the twentieth), when they were unanimously adopted. It was then proposed and carried that they be read to the people from the court-house door, and Col. Thomas Polk was deputed as reader It took but a short while to gather the multitude then in Charlotte before the court- house door to hear a document in which all were so deeply concerned. Col. Polk read in a loud, emphatic voice, and the people heard in complete and so'emn silence until the reading was done. Then .irose an enthusiastic shout of ratification, women and children joining with the men in the approving acclamation. The resolutions so adopted and so ratified were as follows : Resolved, i. That whosoever dirt-ctly or indirectly abetted, or in anv way, form, or tnanner, countenanced the unchartered and dang^erous invasion of our rights, as clahned by Great Britain, is an enemy to this country, to America, and to th j independent and inalienable rights oi man. Resolved, 2. That we, the citizens of Mecklenburg county, do herebv dissolve the political bonds which have connected us with the mother country, and hereby absolve ourselves from all allegiance to the British crown, and adjure all political connection, contract, or association with that na ion who have wantonly trampled on our rights and liberties, and inhum.\nly shed the blood of American patriots at Lexington. Resolved, 3. That we do hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people; are, and of right ought to be, a sovereign and self-governing a'ssoci ilion, unler the control of no^ power other than th.it of our God and the general government of the congress, to the maintenance of which independence we solemnly pledge to each other our mutual co operation, our lives, our fortunes, and our most sacred honor. Resolvtd, 4. Th :t as we acknowledge the existence and control of no law, nor legal office, civil or military, within this country, we do hereby ord lin and adopt, as .1 rule ot life, all, each, and every of oir former laws; wherein, nevertheless, the crown of Great Britai 1 never can be con- sidered as h'lUiing rights, privileges, immuniti s, or authority therein. Resolved, 5. That it is further decreed that all, each, and ev rv military officer in this county is hereby retaine I in his for lie r coiiiiiiand and authoritv, he acting con- formablv to these reiiulations. And that every iiiemlier present of thisdelegation shall henceforth be a civil officer, viz.. A justice of ihe peace, in the character of a com- mittee-man, to issue process, hear and determine all matters ot^ controver.sy according to said adopted laws, and to preserve peace, union, and harmony in said county; and to use every exertion to siiread the love of country and fire of freedom throughout America, unlil a general Of g-an- ized government be established in this province. Ten davs afterward, on the 30th of May, the Mecklenbtirg committee met again at Charlotte, and adopted 20 other resolutions; but as all from the 4th to ihe 15th, both inclusive, merely enter into the details of the temporary government established for the county, they need not be re- peated here. The remainder of these resolutions on May 30 are as follows: CuARLOTTB, MeckI-Enburg Countv, May 3c, 1775. — This day ttie committee of the county met and passed the following resolves: iV/iereas, By an address presented to his majesty by both houses of parliament, in February last, the American colonies are declared to be in a state of actual rebellion, \^c ^.i.c^ivv that all laws a.id coiimissions confirmed b> or derived from the king and parliament are annulled and v.icated and the former civil constitution of these colonies for the present wholly suspended: To provide in some degree for th'j exigencies ot this county in the present alarming period, we deem it proper and necessary to pass the following resolves, viz.: I. That all commissions, civil and military, heretofore granted by the crown to be exercised in th.se colonies, are null and void, and the constitution of each particular ci>lonv wholly suspended. z. That the provincial congress of each province, under the direction of the ijreat c.mtinental ccngress, is invested with all legislative and executive powers within their re- spective provinces, and that no other legislative or ex- ecutive power docs or can exist at this time in any of these colonies. 3. As all former laws are now suspended in this prov- ince, and the congress has not yet provided others, we judge it necessa' v for the better preservation of good order, to form certain rules and r srulntions for the internal gov- ernment of this coun.y, until laws shall be provided for us by the congress. 16. Thai -Mhalever person shall hereafter receh-e a com- mission f om the irorvii. Of attempt to exercise anv such commission heretojore received, shall he dfemed an enemy to this country ; and upon conlirmation being made to the captain ot the company in which he resides, the said com- pany shall cause him to be apprehended and conveyed befiire two selcc n.en, who, upon proof of the fact, shall commit said offender to safe custody, until the next sitting of the conimittee, who shall deal with him as prudence may direct. 17. That anv person refusing to yield obedience to the above rules sKall be considered equally criminal, and liable to the same punishment as the offenders above last men- tioned. iS. That these resolves be in full force and virtue until instructions from the provincial congress regulating the THE AMKRICAX MANUAL. lunsprudence of Ihc province sh^ll provide othvrwise or the lejr.s.ai.ve bodv of tireat Britain r sij^n its unjust md arbitrary preten>ions with regard lo Ameri, ■> ,.;^^',7'''''^'I"'*''"'!'.'"''''''"'"'"I"'"'" "' ""S county pro- vide themse ves w.tl. proper ar.ns and accoutrements, and hold Ihen.sc ves in readiness to execute the commands and directions of the general congress of this province and this committee. ^ 20 That the committee appoint Col. Thomas Polk and /iL-r''-'P,''^.^?"^f>''°t""-chi'-vh' r^"'"'^ ^''' ''''''' t" ^^^' the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. ^ He has forbidden his Governors to pass aws of immediate and pressing impor! ance unless suspended ii! their operalion t.Il h.s assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utteri; neoJ lected to attend to them. '^ He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large district of pec^ple unless those people%vouTd rSin-' quish the nght of representation in fhe legis ature-a right inestimable to them and formidable to tvrants only. ' boi'sa^"ir"'^"*"§^^^^^'- '-g-l'-^tive He has dissolved renre<;pnfof;,r^ i, reoeatedlv f^,- '^P/esentative houses firm ess his ^^^P^^^^"^' witii manly nrmness, his -nvasions on the rio-hts of tile people. "»"ts Of ^^y^' AMEJUCA.V MANUAL. 143 He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause Sthers to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers ^capable o annihilation, have r^tuTnid the Sti;rf '' •-■g-.for their exercise, tne btate lemaining, in the meantime exposed to all the danger of inva ^n from without, and convufsions within He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; lir tha pu! pose obstructing the laws for natu d^il tion of foreigners; refusing to pass o e s to encourage their emigration hither and ;-u.g^.^c.nditionsofnewapproprS^ He has obstructed the administration ?oV"f Kr' ^J ''^^"^'"^ ^'^^ ^•^^^"t to law for establishing judiciary powers. will «1^'' '^^'^^ J"^l?es\lependent on his will a one for the tenure of their offices Z\Jl '"""""' "^^' ^^'-^^'^^"t of their He has erected a multfitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of office^ iti^r"'" ^^^^^^^' ^"^' -^ -^ ^'-■ Pe^e s't'^L-''^' '''?^"- "'^^ "^ ^'■•^-^ of sem of n ,"'^ ?'■"''"'' ^'^'^«"t the con- sent of our legislature. He has affected to render the militarv nxlependent of, and superior to, the ciV^ . He has combined, with others, to sub ject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution,and unacknowledged by ou iaws; giving his assent to thdr .4 "f 114 pretended legislation : ,. ,. , For quartering large bodies ot armed troops among us; , ^ • i For protecting them, by mock tria , from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these States; For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world ; For imposing taxes on us without our consent ; - For depriving us, in many cases, ot the benefits of trial by jury; For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses; For abolishing the free system ot Eno-lish laws in a neighboring province, esta'blishing therein an arbitrary govern- ment, and 'enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and ht instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies; For taking away our charters, abolish- incr our most valuable laws and altering, fundr.mentally, the powers of our gov- ernments; For suspending our own legislature, and declaring themselves invested witn power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war agoinst us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coast, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is, at this time, transporting large 77//; AMEinCAX MAXrAL. armies of foreign mercenaries to com- plete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun, with circum- stances of crueltv and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barb .rous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civil- lized nation. . . He has constrained our fellow-citizens taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become tlie executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amon<^st us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished de- struction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In everv stage of these oppressions, we have "petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated peti- tions have been answered only by re- peated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler ot a free people. . .. ^• Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, ot attempts made by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them ot the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties ot THE jAr7-:js:rc.4 our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably in- terrupt our connections and correspond- ence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity v/hich denounces our separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war — in peace, friends. VV^e, therefore, the representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA, in GENERAL CONGRESS assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of oui" intentions, do in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Inde- pendent States; that they are ab- solved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connections between them and the State of Gi"eat Britain is, and ought to be, totally dis- solved; and that as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish com- merce, and to do all other acts and things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of DIVINE PROVI- DENCE, we mutually pledge to each \' .^r AX UAL. 145 other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. The foregoing Declaration was, by order of Congress, engrossed, and signed by the following members: JOHN HANCOCK. Nezv Hainpshire. JOSIAH BaRTLETT, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. Mass a ch u setts Bay a Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat PaynUc Elbridge Gerrv, Nezv 7'ork. WiLLiAiNi Floyd, Philip Livingston. Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. Co>tnecfia(t. Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington^ William Williams, „, Oliver Wolcott. "^ Rhode Island. Stephen Hopkins, .40 7 ■///•; AM J'. RICA A' MANUAf.. William Ellkiiy. P emisylvania. RonEHT Moiuus, JiuNjAMiN Rush, Benjamin FuANKLrN, John Morton, George Clymer, Jamics vSmitii, G]';()KGE Taylor, jAMJiS Wilson, Geouge Ross. , Neiv Jersey. Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis IIoi'KINSON, John Hart, Abraham Clark. Maryla7td. Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll, of Carroll- ton. North Carolina. William Hooper, Joseph IIewes, John Penn. South Carolina. Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton. Virginia. George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. Dela-juarc. CyESAR Rodney, George Ri:ad, Thomas M'Kean. Georgia. Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, ^ George Walton. •s* 'J-JIE AMKRICAX MANUAL. 147 FacsimilG nf SignatureB tn Declaratinn nf IndapGnrlEncG. ,s^ ^^ y )!^-f-«f||g©{o:^^ n^U--^^ /^ ^^^-^z£. 150 THE AMERICA A^ MANUAL. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION AND PERPETUAL UNION BETWEEN THE STATES. The Articles of Confederation reported Julv i3, '76. and debated from day to day, and time to time, for two years, lirere ratified )ulv 9, ,7S, by ten States; by New Jersey on the 26th of November of the same year; and by Delaware on the 23d of 'February following. Maryland, alone, held off two years more, accedinj;;- to them March i, 'Si, and thus elosing- the oblijj^ation. The foUowinji^ are the Articles: O all zvJiom these Presents shall come, We, the i( II der signed Delegates of the States affixed to our names send greet- ^^ i :g — Whereas, the Delegates of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, did, on the 15th day of No- vember, in the year of our Lord, .1777, and in the Second Year of tlie Inde- pendence of America, agree to certain articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Geo gia, in the words following, viz: •' Articles of Confederation and Pcrpe 'ual Union betvjccn the States of Nczv Hampshire, Massa- chusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, Ne-v Torh, Nezv Jer- sey, Pe7insylvania, Delaxvare, Maryland, Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Article i. The style of this Confederacy shall bo "The United States of America." Art. 2. Each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled. Art. 3. The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other against all forc3 offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense what- ever. Art. 4. The better to secure and perpetu- ate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different States in this Union,- the free inliabitantsof each of these States — pau- pers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice ex- csjpted — sh.'tll be entitled to all privileges and im- munities of free citizens in the several States; and the people of each State shall have free ingressand egress to and from any other State, and shall enjoy ther'jin all the privileges of trade and coirimerct, subi'ect to the same duties, imposi- tions and restrictions, as the inhabitants thereof respectively, provided that such restriction shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of prop- erty, imported into any State, to any other State of which the owner is an inhabitant; provided also, that no imposition, duties or restriction shall be laid by any State on the property of the United States, or either of them. If any person guilty of or charged with treason, felony, or other high misdemeanor in any State, shall flee from justice, and be found in any of the United States, he shall, upon de- mand of the Governor, or executive power of the State from which he fled, be delivered up and removed to the State having jurisdiction of his oflense. Full taith and credit shall be given in each of these States, to the records, acts, and judicial proceedings of the courts and magistrates of every other State. Art. 5. For the more convenient manage- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 151 ment of the general interest of the United Suites, Delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislature of each State shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November, in every year, with a power reserved to each State, to recall its Dele- gates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead, for the remainder of the year. ♦'No State shall be represented in Congress by le^:5 than two, nor by more than seven members; and no person shall be capable of being a Dele- gate for more than three years in any term of six years ; nor shall any person, being a Dele- gate, be capable of holding any office imder the United Stales, for which he, or another for his benefit, receives any salary, fees, or emolument of any kind. Each State shall maintain its own Delegates in any meeting of the States, and while they act as members of the Committee of ihe States. In determining questions in the United States in Congress assembled, each State sha'l have one vote. Freedom of speech and debate in Congress shall not be impeached or questioned in any court or place, out of Congress, and the mem- bers of Congress shall be protected in their per- sons from arrests and imprisonments, during the time of their going to and from, and attendance on Congress, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace. Art. 6. No State, without the consent of the United States in Congress assembled, shall send an embassy to, or receive an embassy from, or enter into any conference, agreement, alliance, or treaty with any King, Prince or State; nor shall any person holding office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of them, accept of any present, emolument, oiTice or title of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or Foreign State; nor shall the United States in Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. No two or more States shall enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance whatever be- tween them, without the consent of the United States in Congress assembled, specifying accu- rately the purposes for which the same is to be entered into, and how long it shall continue. No State shall lay any imposts or duties which may interfere M'ilh any stipulations in treaties entered into by the United States in Congress assembled, with any King, Prince or State, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by Congress, to the Courts of France and Spain. No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any State except such number only , as shall be deemed necessary by the United States in Congress assembled, for the defense of such State, or its trade; nor shall any body of forces be kept up by any State, in time of peace, except such number only, as in the judgment of the United States in Congress assembled, shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts neces- sary for the defense of such State; but every State shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined militia, sutTiciently armed and accou- tred, and sliall provide and have constantly ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field- pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition and camp equipage. No State shall engage in any war without the consent of the United States in Congress as- sembled, unless such State be actually invaded bv enemies, or shall have received certain ad- vice of a resolution being formed by some nation of Indians to invade such a State, and the dan- ger is so imminent as not to admit of a delay, till the United States in Congress assembled can be consulted; nor shall any State grant commis- sions to any ships or vessels of war, nor Jetters of marque'or reprisal, except it be after a decla- ration of war bv the United States in Congress assembled, and" then only against the Kingdom or State, and the subjects thereof, against which war has been so declared, and under such regu- lations as shall be established by the United States in Congress assernbled, unless such State be infested by pirates, in which case vessels of war may be fitted out for that occasion, and kept 153 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. so long as the danger shall continue, or until the United States in Congress assembled, shall determine otherwise. Art. 7. When land forces are raised by any State for the common defense, all officers of or under the rank of colonel, shall be appointed by the legislature of each State respectively, by whom such forces shall be raised, or in such manner as such State shall direct, and all va- cancies shall be tilled up by the State which first made the appointinent. Art. B. All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common defense or yeneral welfare, and allowed by the United States in Congress assembled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which shall be supplied by t-he several States, in proportion to the value of all land within each State, granted to or surveyed for any person, as such land and the buildings and improvements there- on shall be estim-ited according to such mode as the United States in Congresss assembled shall from time to time, direct and appoint. The taxes for paying that proportion shall be laid and levied by the authority and direction of the legis- latures of the several States within the time agreed upon by the United States in Congress assembled. Article 9. The United States in Congress assembled shall have the sole and exclusive right and power of determining on peace and war, except in the cases mentioned in the 6th ar- ticle — of sending and receiving embassadors — entering into treaties and alliances, provided that no treaty of commerce sliall be made whereby the legislative power of the respective States shall be restrained from imposing such imposts and duties on foreigners, as their own people are subjected to, or from prohibiting the exportation* or importation of any species of goods or commodities whatsoever — of establish, ing rules for deciding in all cases what captures on land or water shall be legal, and in what manner prizes taken by land or naval forces in the service of the United States shall be divided or appropriated — of granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace — appointing courts for the trial of piracies and felonies cornmitted on the high seas and establishing courts for re- ceiving and determining finally appeals in all cases of captures, provided that no member of Congress shall be appointed a judge of any of the said courts. The United States in Congress assembled shall also be the last resort on appeal in all dis- putes and tiifferences now subsisting or that hereat'ter may arise between two or more States concerning boimdary, jurisdiction, or any other cause whate\er; which authority shall always be exercised in the ujanner f llowing: — When- ever the legislative or executive authority or lawful agent of any State in controversy with another shall present a petition to Congress, stating the matter in question, and praying for a hearing, notice thereof shall be given bv order . of Congress, to the legislative or executive au- thority of the other State in controversy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties by their lawful agents, who shall then be directed to appoint, bv joint consent, commissioners or judges to constitute a court for hearing and de- termining the matter in question; but if they cannot agree, Congress shall name three per- sons out of each cf the United States, and from the list of such persons each party shall alter- nately strike out one, the petitioners beginning, until the number shall be reduced to thirieen; and from that number not less than seven, nor more than nine names, as Congress shall direct, shall in the presence of Congress be drawn out bv lot, and the i)ersons whose names shall be so drawn or any five of thein, shall be commis- sioners or judges, to hear and finally determine the controversy, so always as a major part of the judges who shall hear the cause shall agree in the determination: and if either party shall neg- lect to attend at the day appointed,* without showing reasons which Congress shall judge sufficient, or being present shall refuse to strike, the Congress shall proceed to nominate three THE AMERICAX MAXL'AL. 153 persons out of each State, and the Secretary ot" Congress shall strike in behalf of such party ab- sent or refusing; nnd tlie judgment and sen- tence of the court to be appointed, in- the man- ner abos-e prescribed, shall be final and conclu- sive; and if any of the parties shall refuse to sub- mit to the authority of such court, or to appear or defend their claim or cause, the court shall, nevertheless, p oceed to pronounce sentence or judgment, which shall ia like manner be final and decisive,^the judgment or sentence and other jiroceedings being in either case transmit- ted to Congress and lodged among the acts of Congress for the security of the parties con- cerned : provided that every commissioner, be- fore he sits in judgment, shall take an oath, to be administered by one of the judges of the Su- preme or Superior Court of the State where the cause shall be tried, "well and truly to hear and determine the matter in question, according to the best of his judgment, without favor, afl"ec- tion, or hope of reward:" provided als :> that no State shall be deprived of territory for the bene- fit of the United States. All controversies concerning the private right of soil claimed under different grants of two or more States, whose jurisdictions as they may respect such lands, and the States Avhich passed such grants, are adjusted; the said grants or either of them being at the sainc time claimed to have originated antecedent to such settle- ment of jurisdiction, shall, on the petition of either party to the Congress of the United States, be finally determined as near as may be in the same manner as is before prescribed for deciding disputes respecting territorial jurisdic- tion between different States. The United Statjs in Congress assembled shall also have the sole exclusive right and pow- er of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority, or by that of the respective States — fixing the stmdard of weights and measures throughout the United States - regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians, not members of any of the States; provided that the legislative right of any State within its own limits be not infringed or violated— establishing or regulating past-offices from one State to another, throughout all the United States, and exacting such postage on the papers passing through the same as may be requisite todefriiv the expenses of the said office — appointing all officers of the land forces in the service ot the United States, excepting regimen- tal officers— appointing all the officers of the naval forces, and commissioning all officers whatever in the service of the United States — making rules for the government and regula- tion of the said land and naval forces, and direct- ing their operations. The United States in Congress assembled shall have authority to appoint a commit- tee, to sit in the recess of Congress, to be de- nominated "A Committee of the States," and to consist of one delegate from each State; and to appoint such other committees and civil officers as may be necessary for managing the general affairs" of the United States, under their direc- tion — to appoint one of their number to preside; provided that no person be allowed to serve in the office of president more than one year in any term of three years — to ascertain the necessary sums of money to be raised for the service of the United States, and to appropriate and apply the same for defraying the public expenses — to borrow monev, or emit bills on the credit of the United States, transmitting every half year to the respective States an account of the sums of money so borrowed or emitted — to build and equip a nav}' — to agree upon the number of land forces, and to make requisitions from each State for its quota, in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such State; which requisi- tion shall be binding; and thereupon the legisla- tures of each State shall appoint the regimental officers, raise the men, and clothe, arm, and equip them in a soldier-like inanner, at the ex- pense of the United States; and the officers and men so clothed, armed, and equipped,' shall march to the place appointed, and within the n 154 7y//i AMERICAN MANUAL. time agreed on by the United States in Congress assembled; but if the United States in Congress assembled shall,- on consideration of circum- stances, judge proper that any State should not raise men, or should raise a smaller number than its quota, and that any o'her State should raise a greater number of inen than the quota thereof, such extra number shall be raised, officered, clothed, armed, and equii)ped in the same man. ner as the quota of such State, imless the legis- lature of such State shall judge that such extra ninnber cannot be safely spared out of the same; in which case they shall raise, officer, clothe, arm, and equip as many of such extra number as they judge can be safely spared. And the otTicers and men so clothed, armed, and equipped, shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the United States in Congress assembled. .The United States in Congress assembled shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of marque and reprisal in time of jieace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, nor coin money, nor regulate the value thereof, nor ascertain the sums and expenses necessary for the defense and welfare of the United States, or any of them, por emit bills, nor borrow money on the credit of the United States, nor appropriate money, nor airree upon the number of vessels of war to be b'lilt or purchased, or the number of land or sea fo'xes t(^ be raised, nor appoint a commander-in- chief of the army or navy unless nine States as- sent to the same; nor shall a question on any other point, except for adjourning from day to day, be determined, unless by the votes of a majority of the United States in Congress assembled. ©The Congress of the United States shall have power to adjourn to any time within the year, and to any place within the United States, so that no period of adjournment be for a longer duration than the space of six months, antl shall publisli the journal of their proceedings month- ly, except such parts thereof relatmg to treaiies, alliances, or military operations, as in their judgment require secresy; and the yeas and nays of the delegates of each State on any ques- tion shall be entered on the joiumal when it is desired by any delegate; and the delegates of a State, or any of them, at his or their request, shall be furnished with a transcript of the said journal, except such parts as are above excepted, to lay before the legislatures of the several States. Article io. The committee of the States, or any nine of them, shall be authorized to exe- cute, in the recess of Congress, such of the powers of Congress as the United States in Con- gress assembled, by the consent of nine States, shall, from time to time, think expedient to vest them with; jirovided that no power be delegated to the said committee ; for the exercise of which, by the Articles of Confederation, the voice of nine States in the Congress of the United States assembled is requisite. Article ii. Canada, acceding to this con- federation and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and en- titled to all the advantages of this union ; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same imless such admission be agreed to by nine States. Article 12. All bills of credit emitted, moneys borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under thj authority of Congress, before the as- sembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States — for payment and satisfaction whereof, the said United States and the public faith are hereby solemnly j->ledged. Article 13. Every State shall abide by the determination's of the United States in Congress assembled on all questions which, by this con- federatit)n, are submitted to them. And the ar- ticles of ,this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the union shall be perpetual ; "nor sliall any alteration at any time licreafter be made in any of them, unless such a/teration be agreed to in a Congress of the THE AMEKICAX MAXUAL. 155 United States, and be afterward confirmed by the legislatures of every State. And Whereas^ It hath pleased the Great Gov- ernor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in Con- gress, to approve of and to authorize 'is to ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual union: Know Ye that we, the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do, by these pres- ents, in the name and in behalf of our respec- tive constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said" Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, and all and singular the matters and things therein con- tained. And we do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled on all questions which, by the said confederation, are submitted to them. And that the articles there- of shall be inviolably observed by the States we respectively represent, and that the union shall be perpetual. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the 9th day of July, in the year of our Lord 177S, and in the 3d year of the Independence of America. THE AM ERICA y .VAX UAL. ORDINANCE OF 1787, IN CONGRESS, JULY 1 3, 1787' An Ordinance jor the Government of the Territory of the United States, Northwest of the River Ohio. \E it ordained, by the United States in Congress assembled, that the said [,^jU^ l^; Territory, for the purpose of tempo- ^lii^/'S'^ rarv government, be one district ; v-^ O subject, however, to be divided into "S) two districts, as I'uture circuinstances may, in tlie opinion of Congress, make it expedient. • Be it ordained, by the authority afore- said, that the estates both of resident and non-resident proprietors in the said Terri, tory, dying intestate, shall descend to, and be distributed among their children, and the descendants of a deceased child in equal parts ; the descendants of a deceased child or grandchild, to take the share of their deceased parent, in equal parts, among them, and where there shall be no children or descendants, then in equal parts to the next of kin, in equal degree ; and among collaterals, the chil- dren of a deceased brother or s>istcr of the intest- ate shall have, in equal pans, among them, their deceased parent's share; and there shall in no case be a distinction between kindred of the whole and half blood ; saving in all cases to the widow of the intestate her third part of the real estate for life, and one-third part of the personal estate; and this law relative to descents and dower shall remain in full ibrce until altered by the Legislature of the district. And until the Governor and judges shall adopt laws as herein- after mentioned, estates in the said territory may be devised or bequeathed by wills in writ- ing, signed and sealed bv him or her, in whom the estate may be (being of full age), and attest- ed by three witnesses ; and real estates may be conveyed by^^lease or release, or bargain "and sale, signed, sealed, and delivered by the person, being of full age, in whom the estate^may, and attested by two witnesses, provided such wills be duly proved, and such convevances be acknowledged, or the execution thereof duly proved, and be recorded within one year after proper magistrates, courts and registers shall be appointed for that purpose, and personal proper- ty may be transferred by deliver}', saving, how- ever, to the French and Canadian inhabitants, and other settlers of the Kaskaskias, Saint Vin- cents, and the neighboring villages, who have heretofore professed themselves citizens of Vir- ginia, their laws and customs now in force among them, relative to descent and conveyance ofpropertv. Be it ordained, by the authority aforesaid, that there shall be appointed, from time to time, by Congress, a Govt?rnor, whose commission shall continue in force for the term of three years, un- less sooner revoked by Congress; he shall reside in the district and have a freehold i state therein, in one thousand acres of land, while in the ex- ercise of his office, j There shall be appointed, from time to time, by Congress, a Secretary, whose commission shall continue in force for four years, unless sooner revoked ; he shall re- side therein, and have a freehold estate therein, in five hundred acres of land, while in the exer- cise of his office; it shall be his duty to keep and preser\e the acts and laws passed by the Legis- THE AJMEKICAN MANUAL. 157 lature, and tlie public records of the district, and the proceedings of the Governor in his execu- tive department, and transmit authentic copies of sucli acts and proceedings, every six months, to the Secretary of Congress. There shall also be appointed a court, to consist of three judges, anv two of whom to form a court,whichshall have a common law jurisdiction, and reside in the distiict, and have each therein a freehold estate in five himdred acres of land, while in the exercise of their offices ; and tiieir commissions shall continue in force during good behavior. The Governor and judges, or a majority of them, shall adopt and publish in the district such laws of the original States, criminal and civil, as may be necessary, and best suited to the circum- stances of the district, and report them to Con- gress, from time to time, which laws shall be in ibrce in the district until the organization of the General Assembly therein, unless disapproved by Congress ; but afterward, the Legislature shall have authority to alter them as they shall think fit. The Governor, for the time being, shall be commander-in-chief of the militia, appoint and commission all officers in the same, below the rank of general officers. All general officers shall be appointed and commissioned by Con- gress. Previous to the organization of the General Assembly, the Governor shall appoint such mag- istratcs and other civil officers in each county or townshij-i, as he shall find necessary for the pres- ervation of the peace and good order in the same. After the General Assembly shall be organized, the powers and duties of magistrates and other civil olficers shall be regulated and defined In- the said Assembly ; but all magistrates and other civil officers, not herein otherwise di- rected, shall, during the continuance of this temporary government, be appointed by the Goxernor. For the prevention of crimes and injuries, the laws to be adopted or made, shall have force in all parts of the district, and for the execution of orocess, criminal and civil, the Governor shall niake proper divisions thereof; and shall pro- ceed, from time to time, as circumstances may require, to lay out the parts of the district in which the Indian titles shall have been extin- guished, into counties and townships, subject, how ever, to such alterations as may hereafter be made by the Legislature. So soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabitants, of full age, in the district, upon giving proof thereof to the Governor, they shall receive authority, with time and place, to elect representatives from their counties or townships, to represent them in the General Assembly; Provided, That for every five hundred free male inhabitants there shall be one representative, and so on progressively with the number ot free male inhabitants, shall "the right of representation in- crease, until the number of representatives shall amount to twenty-five, alter which the number and proportion of representatives shall be»i-egu- lated by the Legislature ; Provided, That no person be eligible or qualified to act as a repre- sentative, unless he shall have been a citizen of one of the United States three years and be a i-esident in the district, or unless he shall have resided in the district three years, and in either case shall likewise hold in his own right, in fee simple, two hundred acres of land within the same ; Provided, also, that a freehold in fifty acres of land in the district, having been a citi- zen of one of the States, and being resident in the district, or the like freehold and two years' residence in the di^trict, shall be necessary to qualify a man as an elector of a representative. The representative thus elected, shall serve for the term of two years, and in case of the death of a representative, or removal from office, the Governor shall issue a writ to the county or township for which he was a member, to elect another in his stead, to serve for the residue of the term. * The General Assembly, or Legislature, shall consist of the Governor, Legislative Council, and a House of Representatives. The Legisla- 158 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. tive Council shall consist of five members, to continue in office five years, unless &ooner re- moved bv Congress, any three of whom to be a quorum, and the members of tlie Council siiall be nominated and appointed in the Ibllowing manner, to wit : As soon as representatives shall be elected, the Governor shall appoint a time and place for thein to meet together, and, when met, 1 1 ley sliall nominate ten persons, residents in the district and each possessed of a freehold in five hundred acres of land, and return tlu ir names to Congress, live of whom Congress shall a|ipoint and commission to serve as albrcsaid ; and whenever a vacancy shall happen in the Council, by death or removal from ollice, the House of Representatives shall nominate two persons ciualified as aforesaid, for each vacancy, and return their names to Congress, one of whom Congress shall appohit and commission for the residue of the term ; and every five years, four months at least before the expiration of the time of service of the Council, the said House shall nominate ten persons qualified as aforesaid, anti retin-n their names to Congress, five of whom Congress siiail appoint and com- mission to serve as members of the Council '^wq years, unless sooner removed. And the Gov- ernor, Legislative Council, and House of Rejire- sentatives, sliall have authority to make laws in all cases for the good government of the district, not repugnant to the principles ami articles in this ordinance esfablished and declared. And all bills having passed by a majority in the House, and In- a majority in the Council, shall be rel'erred to the Governor for his assent ; but no bill or legislative act whatever, shall be of an v force without his assent. The Governor shall have power to convene, prorogue, and dissolve the assembly, when in his opinion it shall be expedient. The Governor, Judges, Legislative Council, Secretary, and such other officers as Congress shall appoint in the district, shai take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office — the Govern- or before the Pre.sident of Congress, and all oth- er officers before the Governor. As soon as a Legislature shall be formed in the District, the Council and House, assembled in one room, shall have authority, by joint ballot, to elect a delegate to Congress, who shall have a seat in Congress, with the right of debating, but not of voting, during this temporary governinent. And for extending the fimdamental priricii)les of civil and religious liberty, which form the ba- sis whereon these republics, their laws and con- stitutions, are elected ; to fix and establish those prtnci/'lcs as the basis of all Icnus, constitutions, and governments, -vhieh FOKEVER hereafter shall be formed tn the said Territory; to provide also for the establishment of States, and for their admis- sion to a share in the Federal Council on an equal footing with the original States, at as early perioiis as may be consistent with the general interest : // is hereby ordained and declared, by the au- thority aforesaid, that the following articles shall be considered as articles of coinpact between the original .States and the people and States in the said Territory, and forever remain unalterable, unless by common consent; \'\7..: Articlk I. No person, demeaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments in the said Territory. Art. n. The inhabiiants of the said Territo- ry shall always be entitled to the benefit of the writ oi habeas corpus and of the trial hy jury ; of a proportionate representation of the people in the Legislature, and of judicial proceedings ac- cor.ang to the course of the common law ; all persons shall be bailable unless for capital of- ilnses, where the proof shall be evident, or the presinnption great ; all fines shall be moderate, and no cruel or unusual punishments shall be infiicted; no man shall be deprived of his liberty or property but by the judgment of his peers or the law of the land ; and should the public exi- gencies make it necessary tor the common pres- ervation to take any person's property, or to demand his particular services, full compensatioi: THE AMEKICAX ^^ANUAL. 159 shall l)c made for the same ; aiul, in Ihe just preservation of rij^hls and property, it is under- stood ant! declared, that no law ought ever to be made, or have force in the said territory, that shall, in any manner whatever, interfere with or afFrct private contracts or engagements, bo7ia fide, and. witliout fraud, previously formed. Ari. III. Religion, morality, and knowledge beinti^ necessarv to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged. The utmost good faith shall always be observed to- •warti the Indians; their lands and property shall never betaken from them without their consent; and in their property, rights, and liberty, they never shall be invaded or disturbed, uidess in just and lawful wars authorized by Congress; but laws founded in justice and huinanity shall, from time to time, be made, for preventing ■wrongs being done to them, and for preserving peace and friendship with them. Art. IV. The said Territory, and the States whicli may be formed therein, shall forever re- main a part of this Confederacv of the United Stat-s of Atnerica, subject to the Articles of Confederation,* and to such alterations therein as shall be constitutionally made; an t to all the acts and ordinances of the United States in Con- gress assembled, conformable thereto. The in- habitants and settlers in the said Territory shall be subject to pay a part of the F'ederal debts contracted, or to be contracted, and a propor- tional part of the expenses of government, to be apjiortioned on them bv Congress, according to the same cominon rule and measure bv which apportionments thereof shall be made on the other States; and the taxes for paying their pro- portion shall be laid and levied by the authority and direction of the Legislatures of the District, or Districts, or new States, as in the original States, within the time agi;'eed upon by the United Stites in Congress assembled. The Legislatures of those Districts, or new States, • This <)i No lax shall be imposed on lands the property of the United St.tes; and in no case sliall non-resident propri- etors be taxed higher than residents. The nav- igable \vaters leading into the Mississippi and bt. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and fore\'er free, as well to the inhabitanis of the said Terri- tory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any otiier States that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor. ^ Art. V. There shall be formed in the said Territory not less than three, nor more than Hve States; and the boundaries of the States, as soon as Virginia shall alter her act of session and consent to the same, shall become lixed and es- tablished as follows, to wit : The Western State shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio, and Wabash Rivers ; a direct line drawn from the Wabash and Post Vincents due north to the territorial line between the United States and Canada, and by the said territorial line to the Lakeof the Woods and Mississippi. The Middle State shall be bounded by the said direct line, the Wabash from Post Vincents to the Ohio, by the Ohio, by direct line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami to the said terri- torial line, and by said territorial line. The Eastern State shall be bounded by the last men- tioned direct line, the Ohio, Penni-yh ania, and the said territorial line; Proz-id--. -^^1 -J- v^l :^ _ _ V^'?i>-, ^;","Jk 1~' ''v A-^ i"fe. &sj!f ^tx^t. A ia"!'.N -"iv. ."h- .iy- ."h- A- ."h iii\ st.! ."fv .S'.- ."I* ."!'.■ ."k ,-s"fe s"tJ '"" '':-^ ^,s#-^ -^'i;-;<^ -5^:':4-- -'- x.-:;-;*- ->r: "' " OF THE UN ■^K-- - :-^i ■<-- '->i^ -<- ->^i :^ - - >y's^^ -:>;,?"♦ 1?^ -^>-; :-j^ -.H^^- ->;' ^<-~ - .A^ f/ic existence of the Union., depends the safety and ivelfare of the parts of ichich it is composed; the fate of an empire., in many respects., the most interesting in the ivor/d. Among the most formidable obstacles which the new Constitution ivill have to encounter., we may reckon the perverted ambition of men., ivho will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country., or will flatter thonselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire i)ito several partial confedera- cies., than from its Union utider one Government. ***** The vigor of Governmoit is essential to the security of liberty.'''' THE AMERICAN' MANUAL. 161 163 TJIE AMERICA X MAXVAL. |l Tlie tetitution of tlie United states. 1 , ♦ i/X. vtS •^- •■■'• — -■'■• "■*•■ ■+• '■''. ''^- ct' -t •"*• «■*■• -tv^- •■'■' •''■•■•t. ."''. .■'■ ■*■ nnNSTiTUTiDN nr the united states hf amehiea/ Wo, the Tooplo of the liiitcd Slates, in Order to form a more perfect Lnion, establish Jus- tice, insure domestic 'Pranquilitv, provide tor the coinnH>n defence, promote the general Wehare, and secure tlie Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and oui Posterity, do ordain aiid establish this Constitution tor the United States of America, PETIOLE I. Section i. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Etf'rtsoitufivfs. Section 2. The House of Representatives shall />{• coni/'oseti of Members chosen every sec- ont.i Year by the people of the several States, and the Electors in each State ^hall have the Qualilications requisite for Electors o( the most numeix")ns Branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have n/taiiied to the Age of twenty-five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the UnittJ Sttitcs, and who shall not, wiien elected, be an I inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representative and liirccf 7\i.\ts shall be ap- portioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three- /■///-; AMERICAN MANUAL. 103 fiftlis of all other Persons. The actual Enumer- ation shall be made within three Years after the first meeting of the Congress of the L'nited States, and within every subsecjuent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand but each State shall have at Least one Representa- tive; and until such enuineration shall be made, the State f)f New Hampshire shall hr. e.Htillid to chuse three, Massacliusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six. New Jersey four, Pennsyl- vania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Vir- ginia ten. North Carolina five. South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority there- of shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Va- cancies. The House of Representatives shall chuse their .Speaker and other OfTicers; and shall have the sfjle Power of Impeachment. .Si;cTioN 3. The .Senate of the United .States shall be composed of two .Senators frf)m each .Slate, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The .Seats of the .Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one-third may be chosen every second Year; and if Va- cancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any .State, the Executive thereof may make tempo- rary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Va- cancies. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attahicd to the Age of thirtv Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inliabi- tavt of that .State for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United .States shall be President of the .Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be e(|uylly divided. 'J"he Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President /rf tempore^ in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shiall exercise the Office of President of the United States. The .Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that pur- pose, they shall be on , Oath or Aflfirmation. When the President of the United .States is tried, the Cliief Justice shall preside: And no Person siiall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, ana discjualification to hold and enjoy any OfBce of fionor. Trust or Profit under the United .States; but the Paity convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject tf> Indictment, Trial, Judg- ment, and Punishment, according to Law. SiiC'iioN 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Sewitors and Represen- tatives^ shall be prescribed in each .State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. .Skction 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do business ; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of ab- sent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two- thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Pro- Ifr4 THE A MEKICA X MA XL 'AL. ceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecv ; and the Yeas and Nays of the ^lembers of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one-fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Con- gress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Section' 6. The Senators and Representa- iivess\\^\\ receive a Compensation for their Ser- vices, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to anv civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof sliall have been in- creased during such lime; and no Person hold- ing anv Office under the United States, shall be a Sleniber of either House during his Continu- ance in Office. Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; Ijut the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Everv Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objec- tions to that House in which it shall have origi- inated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsid- ered, and if approved by two-thirds of tb.at House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be deter- mined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons xoting for and against the Bill ehall be entered on the Journal of each House respec- tively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjourn- ment prevent its Return, in which case it shall not be a Law. Every Order, Resolution, or ^'ote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of lieprcscntativcs may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Etiect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be re- passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed /';/ the Case of a Bill. Section S. The Congress shall have Power: To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Ex- cises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow Monev on the credit of the United States; To regulate Commerce w ith foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the In- dian Tribes; ""'* To establish an uniform Rule of Naturaliza- tion, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bank- ruptcies throughout the United States; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; THE AMERICAN MAXCAL. 165 To provide for the Punishment of counterfeit- ing the Securities and current Coin of the United States; To establish Post Offices and post Roads; To promote the Progress of Science and use- ful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Au- thors and Inventors the Exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Su- preme Court; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against ///c La-M of Nations; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appro- priation of Monev to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Reg- ulati ni of the land and na\al Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to exe- cute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrec- tions and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disci- plining, tlie Militia, and for g iverning such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United Stales, reserving to the States re- spectivelv, the Appointment ot the Officers, and the Auihoriiy of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particu- lar States, and the Acceptance of Congress, be- come the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legis- lature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; — And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrving into Execution the fore- going Powers, and all other Powers vested hv this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Df-partment or any Of- ficer thereof Section 9. The Migration or Im.portation of such Persons as any of the States now exist- ing shall think proper to admit, shall not be pro- hibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and ciirht, but a Tax cr duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may re- quire it. No Bill of Attainder or ex po t facto Lav.' shall be passed. No Capitation, or other direcr. Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enu- meration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty siiall be laid on Articles ex- ported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regula- tion of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Ves- sels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published frojn tune to time. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the L^nited States: And no Person holding any Of- fice of Profit or Trust under them, shall, with- out the Consent of the Congress, accept of any Present. Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or for- eign State. Section id. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Let- ters of Marque and Reprisal ; coin Money ; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post fagto Law, or 16G 77//; AMKh-rCA.V jriXTAL. Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Im- ]K)rts or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its insptx'tioii Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Uses of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revis- ion and Control of the Couijress. No State shall, without the Consent of Con- gress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in ti-ne of Peace, cuter into tin\ Agreement or Compact with another State, oV with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delav. Section i. The executive Power shall be Tested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the ~\'ice President chosen for the same Term, be clecttd, ■ /()//(':;•.•>■ Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole number ot Senators and Representatives to which the State mav l>c ciiiithd in the Congress : but no Senator or Rep- resentative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an EUctor. [ rhe Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least" shall not be on In/iciNtunt of the same State with themselves. And thev shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and o( tlie Number of Votes tor each; which List they shall sign and certifv, and transmit sealed to the Seat of tlic Government of the Unite' Slates, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be coinUed. ©The Person hav- ing the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Major- ity, and have an equal Nutnber of \'otes, then the Mouse of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of Ihem lor President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President; but in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken bv States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quoriun for this Purjiose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Clioice. In every Case, after the L hoice of the President, tb.e Person having the greatest Number of \'otes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should re- main two or more who have equal \'otcs, the Senate shall chuse froin them by Ballot the I 'ice President?^ The Congress may determine the Time of cliusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United Slates. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Per- son be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devoh'e on the Vice Pres- ident, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation, or Inability both of the President and Vice Pres- THE AMKRICAX MAXUAL. 167 ident, declaring whaf Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act according- ly, until the Disability be removed, or a Pres- ident shall be elected. ^j The President shall, at stated Times receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall be neither increased rtor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them- Before he enter on the Execution of his Of- fice, he shall take the following Oath or Affir- mation : — ^v " I do soletnnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfuUy execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Con- stitution of the United States." Section 2. The President sliall be Com- mander in C/iiif of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United Stales; he may require the Oj)inion, in writing, of tlie piincijial (officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relat- ing to the Duties of their respecti\ e Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Oifcnses against the United States, except in Cases of Imjieachment, O He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of ihe Senators present con- cur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Sen: te, shall ap- point Ambassadors, other Public Ministers and Consuls, Ji.iigcs of the Supreme Court, and all other Offictis of the United States, who^e Ap- pointments are not hertin otherwise provided tor, and which shall be establislud by Law; but the Congress may Ijy Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Otficeis, as they mav think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. O The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. , Section 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Re- spect to the Time of Adjournment, he may ad- journ them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other pubic Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commis- sion all officers of the United States. Section 4. The President, Vice-President and all civil Officers of the United Slates, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. ^I^TICIiE III. Section i. The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Ser- vices, a Compensation, which shall not be di- minished during their Continuance in Office.© Section 2. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority ; — to all Cases affecting Ambas- sadors, other public Ministers, and Consuls; — to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdic- tion ; — to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;— to Controversies be- tween two or more States ;— between a State and^ Citizens of another State ;— between Citizens of c'.illerent States, — between Citizens of the same ms THE AMERICA X JfAXL'AL. State claiming Lands under Grants of dilTcrent States, and between a State, or Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects. In all Cases alYecting Ambassadors, other pub- lic Tslinisters and Consuls, and those in ivhich a State shall be a Party, the Supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate Jiirisdictitn, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury ; and such Trial shall /'(■ hcU in the State' where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not com- mitted within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against theni, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Wit- nesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or For- feiture except during the Life of the Person at- tainted. TI^TieiiE lY. Section i. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws pre- scribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. Section 2. The Citizens of each State shall he entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens of the several Slates. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felonv, or other Crime, who shall flee from Jus- tice, and be found in another State, shall on De- mand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fleii, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. No Person held to Service or Lahour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into an- other, shall, /;/ Consequence of any Law or Reg- ulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may bo due. Section 3. New States may be admitted bv the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdic- tion of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of Slates, without the Consent of the Legisla- tures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to di.^posc ot and make all needful RuLs and Regulations re- specting the Territory or other Properly l:>(.loiig. ing to "the United States; and notliing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Preju- dice anv claims of the United States, or of any particular State. Section 4. The United States shall guaran- tee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each ot" them against Invasion; and on Application of" the Legislature or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domes- tic Violence. ^^flCIiE Y. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Ap- plication of the Legislatures of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several Slates, or by Con- ventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed Tirr. AMKKICAX .VAXi'AL. bv the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made/r/or /"ellcd in any criminal case, to be a witness against him- self, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor shall piivate property be taken for public use without just compensation. ^RTICIiE YI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjov the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district where- in the crime shall have been commitied, which district shall have been previously ascertained bylaw; and lo be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be conlVonud with the witnes es against him ; lo hive compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his lavor, and to have the as->istance of counsel for his defense. TII^TICIiE YII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jur_^ shall be preserved; and no fact tried by a jinw shall be otherwise le-exam- ined in any court of the United Slates, than ac- cording to the rules of the common law. ^I^TICLE YIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor ex- cessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments indicted. TI^jficitE \yi. The enumeration in the constitution of cer- tain i-ights shall not be construed to deny or dis- parage others retained by the people. 'J HE AMERICAX IMANUAL. 171 The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited to it by tlie states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.- [The following amendment was proposed at the second session of the tliird congress. It is printed in the Laws of the United States, vol. i, p. 73, as article ii.] The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. [The three following sections were proposed as amendments at the first session of the eighth congress. They are printed in the Laws of the United States as article 12.] 1. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for president and vice- president, one of w'.iom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same stite with themselves. Tlvjy shall name in their ballots the person voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice- president, and of the number of votes for each ; which lists they shall sign and certify, and trans- mit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate. The president of the senate shall, in the oresence of the senate and house of representa- tives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for president shall be the presi- dent, if such number be a majoritv of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons hav- ing the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those vjoted for as president, the house of representatives shall choose imme- diately, by billot, the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist 01 a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the house of rep- resentatives shall not choose a president, when- ever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next fol- lowing, then the vice president shall act as pres- ident, as in the case of the death or other con- stitutional disability of the president. 2. The person having t'ne greatest number of \otes as vice-president shall be the vice-president, if such number be a majority of the whole num- ber of electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the senate shall choose the vice-pres- ident. A quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds uf the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. 3. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States. ARTICLE ^III. Section i. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ex- cept as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been dul^y co'ivicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject iv> their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this ar- ticle by appropriate legislation. 172 77//; AM ERICA y MAXl'AL. The following is the certificate of the secre- tary of state of the United States, announcing the ratification of llic foregoing article : AViLLiAM H. Sewakd, Secretary oj State of the United States : to ai,i. to whom these presents may come, Greeting: Know Ye, That, whereas the congress of tlie United States, on the first of February last, passed a resohition, whicli is in the words followiiiar, namely: "A Resolution submitting' to the legislatures of the several states a prop- osition to amend the constitution of the ITnited States. "Resoh'ed, By the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled (two-thirds of both houses concurring), that the follow- ing article be proposed to the legislatures of the several states as an amendment to the constitution of the I'niled States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the said constitution, namely: " (See Article XIII, above.) And whereas it appears from official documents on file in this department, that the amendment to the constitu- tion of tlie Ignited States proposed as aforesaid, has been ratified by the legislatures of the States of Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, Maryland, New York, West Virginia, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Alabama, North Caro- lina and Georgia; in all twenty-seven states. And whereas, the wliole number of states in the Ignited States is thirty-six; and whereas, the before spe- cially-named states, "whose legislatures have ratified the saidjiroposed amendment, constitute three-fourths of the whole number of states in the United States: Now, therefore, be it known, that I, William H. Sewakd, Secretary of State of the United States, bv virtue and in pursuance of the second section of the act of con- fl^ress, approved the twentieth of April, eighteen hundred and eighteen, entitled, "An act to provide for tlie publi- cation of the laws of the United States, and for other pur- ])oses," do hereby certify, that the amendment aforesaid has become valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of tln' constitution of the United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, ami caused the seal of the department of state to be afiixed. Done at the city of \\'ashington, this eighteenth day of ^ Deccmiier, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight humlred and sixty-five, and of the Inde- [i.. s.] pendenee of the L^nitcd States of America the ninetieth. WILLIAM II. SEWARD, Secretary of Stair. Section i. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of tiie state wherein tliey reside. No state shall niake or en- force any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, Avithout due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sectiox 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective nuinbeis, counting the whole nuinber of persons in eacli state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for president and vice-pres- ident of the United States, representatives in congress, the executive an J judicial otficers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens sliall bear to the whole nuinber of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Section 3. No person shall be a senator or representative in congress, or elector of president and vice- president, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of congress, or as an olTicer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to sup- port tlie constitution of the United S'atcs, shall 7'HE AMKKICAX MANUAL. \T6 have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against t!ie same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. Br.t congress may, by a vote of two- thirds of cacli house, remove such disability. - Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, including debts in- curred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the Lmited States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. <^ Section 5. The congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. The following are the certificates of the secre- tary of state of the United States, announcing the ratification of the foregoing article : ^VlLLIAM II. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States : to all to whom these presents m.\y come, Greeting: Whereas, the congress of the United States, on or nbout the sixteenth of June, in the year one tliousand ciffht hundred :ind sixty-six, passed a resolution, which is in the words and figures following-, to wit: "Joint Resolution proposing an Amendment to the Con- stitution of the United States. '■•Be it Renpli'ed, By the senate and house of representa- tives of the United .Stales of America in congress assem- bled (two-tliirds of both houses concurring), That the fol- lowing article bi proposed to the legislatures of the several states us an amendment to the constitution of the United States, which, when ratifieil by three-fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid as part of the constitution, namely:" (See Article XIV, above.) And whereas, by the second section of the .act of con- gress, approved the twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of the laws of ths United States, and for other purposes," it is made thj duty of the secretary of state fi. rlhwith to cause anv amendment to the consti- tution of L.ie United States, which has been adopted :ic- cordin* cf'tlie provisions of the saij constitution, to be ])ubljoheo in the newspapers authorized to iironiulo-ate the l;".vs, witli his certificate soecifying the states by' which ine same u\.\y have been adopted, and that the same has become vjJid, to all intents and jjurposes, as a part of tha constituti'/n of the United States; fj And wl ereas, neither the act just quoted from, nor any other law expressly or by conclusive imi)lication, author- izes the sc-Jretary of state to determine and decide doulH- f ul questions as to the authenticity of the organization of state legislatures, or as to the power of any state legis- . lature to recall a previous act or resolution of ratification '* of any amendment proposed to the constitution; Arid whereas, it appears from official documents on file in tin-; derKirtmeiit, that the a:iiendment to the constitu- tion of the United States, proposed as aforesaid, has been ratified hy the legislatures of the states of Connecticut, New ll-impshire, Tennessee, New Jersev, Oregon, Ver- mont. l»ew York, C)liio, Illinois, West \'irginia, Kansas, Maine, Nevada, Missouri, Indiana, :Minnesota, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachu- setts, Nebraska, and Iowa; And whereas, it further appears, from documents on file in this department, that the amendment to the constitu tiim of the United States, proposed as aforesaid, has also been ratified by newly constituted and newly established bodies, avowing themselves to be, and acting as, the legislatures, resjiectively, of the states of Arkansas, Flor- ida, North Carolina, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Alabama; ( And whereas, it further appears, from official docu ments on file in this department, that the legislatures of two of the states first above enumerated, to wit: Ohio and New Jersey, have since passed resolutions, respectively, withdrawing the consent of each of said states to the aforesaid amendment; And whereas, it is deemed a matter of doubt and un- certainty whether such resolutions are not irregular, in- valid, and, therefore, ineffectual, for withdrawing the con - .sent of the said two states, or of either of them, to the aforesaid amendment: C And whereas, the wlioie number of states in the United States is thirty- seven, to wit: New Hampshire, Massa- chusetts, Rhode Irdand, Connecticut, New York, N«\vi Jersev, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Vermont, Ken- tucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Ix)uisiana, Indiana, Mississippi Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan^ Florida, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Kansas, West Virginia, Nevada and Nebraska; And whereas, the twenty-three states first hereinbefore named, whose legislatures have ratified the said proposed amendment, and the six states next thereafter named, as having ratified the said proposed amendment by ne.vlv constitute I and establish.-d le'>-islative bodies, too-ethc'r 174 THE AMERICAN' ^[ANUAL. constitute t.iree-fourths of the whole number oi states in the United States: »^Now, therefore, be it known, that I, William H. Seward, secretary of state of the United States, by virtue and in persuance of the second section of the act of con- gress, approved the twentieth of April, cii»^htecn hundred and eia^hteen, hereinbefore cited, do hereby certify, that, if the resohitions of the lesj^islaturcs of Ohio and New Jersev, ratifying- the aforesaid amendment, are to be deemed as remaining- of full force and effect, notwith- standing the subsequent resolutions of the legislatures of those states, which purport to withdraw the consent of said states from such ratification, then the aforesaid amendment has been ratified in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, and so has become valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the constitution of the United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the department of state to be affixed. Done at the city of AVashington, the twentieth day of July, in the year of our I,ord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Indepen- [l. s.] dence of the United States of America the ninety-third. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. "William 11. Sewakd, Secretary of State of the United Statex : to all to whom these presents may come, Gkbeting: Whereas, by an act of congress, passed on the twen- tieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of the laws of the United States, and for other purposes," it is de- clared that, whenever official notice shall have been re- ceived at the dep'.irtment of state that any amendment ^vhich heretofore has been and hereafter may be proposed to the constitution of the United States has "been adopted according to the provisions of the constitution, it shall be the duty of the said secretary of state, forthwith, to cause the said amendment to be published in the newspapers authorized to promulgate the laws, with his certificate, specifying the states by which the same may have been adopted, and that the same has become valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the constitution of the United States. And whereas, the congress of the United States, on or about tbc sixteenth day of June, one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-six, submitted to the legislatures of the several states a proposed amendment to the constitution, in the following words, to wit: "Joint Resolution proposing an Am.endment to the Con- stitution of the United States. ".G^ it Resolved, By the senate and house of represen- tatives of the United States of America, in congress as- sembled (two-thirds of both houses concurring). That the following article be proposed to the legislatures of the several states as an amendment to the constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid as part of the constitution, namely: " (See Article XIV, above.) And whereas, the senate and house of representatives of the congress of the United States, on the twenty-first day of Julv, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, adopted and transmitted to the department of state a con- current resolution, which concurrent resolution is in the words and figures following, to wit: "In Senate of the United States, ! "July 21, iS6S. \ "Whereas, the legislatures of the states of Connecti- cut, Tennessee, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, West Virginia, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Min- nesota, New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Massachu- setts, Nebraska, RIaine, Iowa, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina and Louisiana, being- three-fourths and more of the sever.al states of the Union, have ratified the fourteenth article of amendment to the constitution of the United States, dulv proposed by two- thirds of each house of the thirty-ninth congress; there- fore. Resolved, By the senate (the house of representatives concurring), That said fourteenth article is hereby de- clared to be a part of the constitution of the United States, and it shall be duly promulgated as such, by the secretary of state. "Attest: GEO. C. GORHAM, Secretary." "In the House of Representatives, ) filly 21, iS6S. y "Resolted, That the house of representatives concur in the foregoing concurrent resolution of the senate, 'declar ■ ing the ratification of the fourteenth article of amendment of the constitution of the United States.' "Attest: EDWD. McPHERSON, Clerk." And whereas, official notice has been received at the department of tate that the legislatures of the several states next hereinafter named, have, at the times respec- tively herein mentioned, taken the proceedings herein- after recited, upon or in relation to the ratification of the said proposed amendment, calleA article fourteenth, namely: The legislature of Connecticut ratified the amen .- ment June 30th, iS65; the legislature of New Hampshire ratified it July 7th, 1S66; the legislature of Tennessee rati- fied it July J9tn, 1S66; the legislature of New Jersey rati- fied it September nth, 1S6C), and the legislature of the same state passed a resolution in April, 1S6S, to withdraw its consent to it; the legislature of Oregon ratified it Sep- tember 19th, 1S66; the legislature of Texas rejected it November 1st, 1S66; the leg slature of Vermont ratified it on or previous t') November 9th, 1S66; the legislature of Georgia rejected it November 13th, 1S66; and the leg's- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 175 lature o£ the same st:te ratihcd' it Julj 21st, 1S68; the legislature of North Carolina rejected it December 4lh, 1866, and tlie Jeg^islature of the same state ratified it July 4th, 1S6S; the legfislature of South Carolina reje-.ted it Decern cr 20th, 1S66, and the Icg^islature of the same state ratified itjulygth, 1S6S; the legislatureof Virginia rejected it January 9th, 1S67; th^ legislature of Kentucky rejected it January loth, 1S67; the legislature of New York rati- fied it January lotli, 1S67; the legislature of Ohio ratified it January nth, 1S67, and the legislature of the same state passed a resolution in January, 1S6S, to withdraw its con- sent to It; the legislature of Illinois ratified it Janxiary 15th, 1*67 ; the legislature of West Virginia ratified it January 16th, 1S67; the legislature of Kansas ratified it January iStli, 1S67; the lej^'islalure of Maine ratified it January 19th, 1S67; the legislature of Nevada ratified it January 22d, 1S67; the legislature of Missouri ratified it on or previous to January 26th, iS'17; the legislature of In- diana ratified it January 29th, 1S67; the legislature of Min- nesota ratified it February ist, 1S67; the legislature of Rhode Island ratified it February 7th, 1S67; the legislature of Delaw re rejected it February 7th, 1SO7; the legislature of AVisconsin ratified it February 13th, 1S67 ; the legis- lature of Pennsylvania ratified it February 13th, 1S67; tht legislature of Michigan ratified it February 15th, iS67;the legislature of Massachusetts ratified it March 20th, 1S67; the legislature of Maryland rejected it March 23d, 1S67; the legislature of Nebraska ratified it June ijtli, 1867; the legislature of Iowa ratified it April 3d, 1S6S; the legis- lature of Arkansas ratified it April 6th, 186S; the legis- lature of Florida ratified it June 9th, 1S6S; the legislature of Louisiana ratified it July 9th, 1S6?; and the legislature of Alabama ratified it July 13th, 1S6S: ^ Now, therefore, be it known, that I, William H. Sew- AWU, secretary of state of the United States, in execution of the aforesaid act, and of the aforesaid concurrent reso- lution of the 2ist of July, 1S6S, and in conformance there- to, do hereby direct the said proposed am^ ndment to the constitution of the United States to he published in the newspapers authorized to promulgate the laws of the United States, and 1 do hereby certifv, that the said pro- posed amendment has been adopted in the manner here- inbefore mentioned by the states specified in the said con- current resolution, namely: The States of Connecticut, New Hampshire, Tennessee, New Jersey, Oregon, Ver- mont, New York, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia, Kansas, Maine, Nevada, Missouri, Indiana, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachu- setts, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Floriclii, North Caro- lina, Louisiana, South Carolina, Alabama, and also by the legislature of the State of Georgia, the States thus speci- fied being more than three -fourths of the States of the United States. And I do further certify, that the said amendment has become valid to all intents and purposes, as a part of the Corstitution of the United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the department of state to he affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of Julv, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the [l. S.5 Independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. ARTICLE XV. Section i. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged bj the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The following is the certificate of the secretary of state of the United States, announcing the ratification of the foregoing article : Hamiltom Fish, Secri tary of State of the United Stales : to all to whom these presents may come. Greeting: Know Ye, That the congress of the United States, on or about the twenty-seventh day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-niiie, p.assed a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: "A resolution proposing an Amendment to the Constitu- tion of the United States. "Resolved, By the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in congress assembled (two-thirds of both houses concurring), That the follow- ing article be proposed to the legislatures of the several states as an amendment to the constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said legis- latures, shall be valid as part of the constitution, namely:" (See Article XV, above.) And, further, that it appears from official do uments on file in this department, that the amendment to the consti- tution of the United States, proposed as aforesaid, has been ratified by the legislatures of the states of North Carolina, West Virjjinia, Massachuseits, Wisconsin, Maine, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, Pennsyl- vania, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida. Illinois, Indiana, New York, New Hampshire, NevJ'ada, Vermont, Vir- ginia, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Iowa, Kan- sas, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Nebraska, and Texas; in all, twenty-nine stiites; And, further, that the states whose legislatures have so ratified the said proposed amendment constitute three- 176 THE AMERICAX MANUAL. fourths of the whole number of states in the United States ; And, further, that it appears, from an official document on tile in this department, that the leg-islature of the state of Now York has since passed resolutions claiming- to witinlraw the said ratification of the said amendment wliich had been made bv the leg-islature of that state, and of which ofKcial notice had been filed in this department; And further, that it appears, from an othcial docutncnt on tile in this department, that the legislature of Georiria has, by resolution, ratified the said proposed amendment: Xow, therefore, be it known, that I, Hamilton Fish, secretary of state of the I'nited States, bv virtue and in pursuance of the second section of the act' of congress ap- proved the twentieth day of April, in the vear eighteen hundred and eighteen, entitled '"An act to provide for the publication of the laws of the I'nited SUites, and for other purposes," do hereby certify, that the amendment afore- saiii has become valid to all intents and purposes as part of the constitutio'i of the United States. ■, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, ana caused the seal of the department of state to be affixed. Done at the city of 'Washington, this thirtieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand [l. s.] eight hundred and seventy, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States the ninetv-fourth. HAMILTON FISH. ^ rilE AMERICAN MANUAL. in fiNAIiYSIS OP JITHE ©ONSHTiniUTION OP JI^HB Uniiped Spates. ARTICLH T Section i. Legislative powers; in whom vested. Sec. 2. House of Representatives, how and by whom •hosen — Qualifications of a Representative — Represen- tatives and direct taxes, how apportioned — Census — Vacancies to be filled — Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment. Sec. 3. Senators, how and by whom chosen — How classified — State Executive to make tempoary appoint- ments, in case, etc. — Qualifications of a .Senator— Pres- ident of the Senate, his right to vote — President pro tem., and other officers of the Senate, how chosen — Power to try impeachmeni.s — When President is tried. Chief Justice to preside — Sentence. Sec. 4. Times, etc., of holding elections, how pre- scribed — One Session in each year. Sec. 5. Membership— Quorum— Adjournments- Rules — Power to punish or expel— Journal — Time of adjournments limited, unless, etc. Sec. 6. Compensation- Privileges— Disqualifications in certain cases. Sec. 7. House to originate all revenue bills— Veto- Bill may be passed by two-thirds of each house, not- withstanding, etc.— Bill not returned iu ten .days- Provisions as to all orders, etc., except, etc. Sec. 8. Powers of Congress. Sec. 9. Provision as to migration or importation of certain persons— Habeas Corpus— Bills of attainder, etc. — Taxes, how apportioned — No export duty — No commercial preferences— No money drawn from tieasury, unless, etc.— No titular nobility— Officers not to receive presents, unless, etc. Sec. 10. States prohibited from the exercise of cer- tain powers. ARTICLE II. Section I. President; his term of office— Electors of President; number and how appointed— Electors to vote on the .same day— Qualification of President — oa whom his duties devolve in case of his removal, death, etc.— President's compensation— His oath. Sec. 2. President to be commander-in-chief— He may require opinion of, etc., and may pardon— Treaty- n>aking power-Nomination of certain officers-— When President may fill vacancies. Sec. 3. President shall communicate to Congress- He may convene and adjourn Congress, in case, etc.; shall receive embas.sadors, execute laws, and commis- sion officers. Sec. 4. All civil offices forfeited for certain crimes. ARTICLE III. Section 1. Judicial power— Tenure— Compensation. Sec. 2. Judicial power; to what cases it extends— Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court- Appellate- Trial by jury, except, etc.— Trial, where. Sec. 3. Treason defined — Proof of— Punishment of. ARTICLE IV. Sec. I ' Each Slate to give credit to the public acts, etc., of every other State. Sec. 2. Privileges ol citizens of each State— Fugi- tives from justice to be delivered up— Persons held to service having escaped, to be delivered up. Sec. 3. Admission of new States— Power of Congress over territory and other property. Skc. 4. Republican iform of government guaranteed — Each State to be protected. 178 TJIE AMERICAN MANUAL. ARTICLE V. Coustitution; how amended — Proviso. ARTICLE VI. Certain debts, etc., adopted — Supremacy of Consti- tution, treaties, and laws of the tlnited States— (jHth to support Constitution, by whom taken —No religious test. ARTICLE VII. What ratification shall establish Constitution. AMENDMENTS. I. Relisrious establishment prohibitt^ti— freedom of speech, of the press, and rijrht tr- ueti'ion. II. Right to keep and bear arms. III. No soldier to be quartered in any house, unless, etc. IV. Right of search and seizure regfulatcd. V. Provisions concerniiiar prosecution, irial and punishment— Private property not to be used for public use, without, etc. VI. Further provision respecting criminal pros- eculiou. VIT. Riffht of trial by jury secured. Vm. Excessive bail or fines and ci r.el i>unishmenls prohibited. IX' Rule of construction. X. Same subject. XI. Same subject. XII. Manner of choosing President and Vice I'lcs- ident. X!II. Slavery abolished. XIV. Citizenship. XV. Rights of citizens to vote. The first T«'ii Aiiioixliiioiits became a part of the Constitution on and aiter l>«>f. 15, 175H. The Elovoiidi Amoinliiinit took effect in 179S. Tjie Twell'lli Aiin>iiiit in 1S65. The F«mrt«'«'iitli Aiiii'iKiiiiciit in i86f!. The I'irteeiitii and last AineiidcK'itt in 1870. 179 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. (gOMMEN^TS ON JTHE (gONSTJIiPUTION OP ^I^HB United Sta^fes. JUSTICE SAiM'L F MILLEU. (Senior Justice, United States Supreme Couit.) HISTORY. S soon as it became apparent to the Con- stitutional Convention of 1787 that the new 'ir FTHgj::^ government must be a nation resting JV]rrS» '^'^ ''■^ support upon the people over whom it exercised authority, and not a leasne of indopendent Statesbrought together under a compact on which each State should place its own construction, the ques- tion of the relative power of those States in the new government became a subject of serious dif- ference. There were those in the convention who in- sisted that in the legislative body, where the most important powers must necessarily reside, the states should, as in the articles of confederation, stand upon a perfect equality, each State having but one vote; and this feature was finally retained in that part of the Constitution which vested in Congress the election of President, when there should be a failure to elect by the electoral college in the regular mode prescribed by that instrument. Tbe Composition of the Senate. The contest in the convention became narrowed to the composition of the Senate, after it had been de- termined that the legislature should consist of two distinct bodies, sitting apart from each other, and voting separately. One of these was to be a popular body elected directly by the people at short intervals. The other was to be a body more limited in numbers, with longer term of office; and this, with the manner of their appointment, was designed to give stability to the policy ofthegovernment, and to be in some sense a restraint upon sudden impulses of popular will. The IIoiiNe of Representatives. With regard to the popular branches of the legisla- ture, there did not .seem to be much difficulty in es- tablishing the proposition, that in some general way each State should be represented in it in proportion to its population, and that each member of the body should vote with equal effect on all questions before it. But when it was sought by the larger and more popu- lous States, as Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachu- setts, to apply this principle to the composition of the Senate, the resistance of the smaller States became stubborn, and they refused to yield. The feeling arising under the discussion of this subject came nearer causing the disruption of the convention than any which agitated its deliberations. It was finally settled by an agreement that every State, however small, should have two representatives in the Senate of the United States, and no State should have any more; and that no amendment of the Constitution should deprive any State of its equal suffrage without its con.sent. As the Senate has the same power in enacting laws as the House of Representatives, and as each State has its two votes in that body, it will be seen that the smaller States secured, when they are in a united majority-, the practical power of defeating all legislation which was unacceptable to them. 180 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Tho Plan IIa.ATIO>\ Without considering many minor objections made to the Constitution during the process of its formation and adoption, let us proceed to that one which was the central point of contest then, and which, trans- ferred to the question of construing that instrument, has continued to divide statesmen and politicians to the present time. The convention was divided in opinion between those who desired a strong National government, capable of sustaining itself by the exer- cise of suitable powers, and invested by the Constitu- tion with such powers, and those who, regarding the articles of confederation as a basis, proposed to strengthen the General Government in a very few ])articulars, leaving it chiefly dependent on the action of the States themselves for its support and for the enforcement of its laws. Let us deal tenderly with the artiele»i of con- federation. We should feel grateful for any instru- mentality which helped us in the day of our earliest struggle. Ver>' few are now found to say anvlhing for these articles, yet they constituted the nominal bond which held the States together during the war of In- dependence. It must be confes.sed that the sense of common cause and a common danger probably did more to produce this united effort than other motives. But the articles served their purpose for the occasion; and though, when the pressure of imminent danger was removed they were soon discovered to be a rope of sand, let them rest in a peaceful, honorable remem- brance. 182 THE AMKKICAX MANUAL. Between those who favored n strong government of the Union and those who were willing to grant it but little power at the expense of the states, there were various shades of opinion; and while it was the pre- vailing sentiment of the convention that ''the greatest interest of every true American was the consolidation of the Union" there were many who were unwilling to attain this subject by detaching the necessary pow- ers from the States and conferring them on the Na- tional Government. These divergent views had their effect, both in the constitutional convention and in those held for its ratification. Compromises and Concessions. Around this central point the contest raged, and it ■was only by compromises and concessions, dictated by the necessity of each yielding something for the comnjon good — so touchinglj' mentioned in the letter of the convention to Congress- that the result was reached. The patriotism and the love of liberty of each party were undisputed. The anxiety for a government which would best reconcile the posses- sion of powers essential to the State government with those necessary to the existence and efhciency of the jifovernment of the Union, was equal, and the long struggle since the adoption of the Constitution on the same line of thought, in its construction, shows how firmly these different views are imbedded in our po- litical theories. The Parly of State Rights. The party which came to be called the party of State rights had always dreaded that the alleged su- premacy of the National power would overthrow the State governments, or control them to an extent in- compatible with any useful existence. Their oppo- nents have been equally confident that powers essen- tial to the successful conduct of the General Govern- ment, which either expres,sly or by implication are conferred on it by the Constitution, were denied to it by the State Right party. The one believed in danger to the States, from the theory which construed with j> free and liberal rule the grants of power to the Gen- eral Govertinient,and the other believed that such acon- structioa of the constitution was consistent with the purpose and spirit of that instntment and essential to the perpetuity of the Nation. The Teaching; of Experience in the Civil "War. If experience can teach anything on the subject ot' theories of government the late civil war teaches un- mistakably that those who believed the source of dan- ger to be in the strong powers of the Federal Govern- ment were in error, and that those who believed that such powers were necessary to its safe conduct and continued existence w^ere in the right. The attempted destruction of the Union by eleven States, which were part of it, and the apparent tejnporary success of the elfort was undoubtedly due to the capacity of the States under the Constitution for concerted action, by organized movements, with all the machinery ready at hand to raise armies and establish a central gov- ernment. And the ultimate failure of the attempt is attributed with equal clearness to the exercise of! those povrers of the General Government under the Constitution, which were denied to it by extreme ad- vocates of State Rights. And that this might no longer be matter of dispute, three new aineno>'>>*»t Written Constitu- tion. It is not only the first important written Constitu- tion found in history, but is the first one which con- tained the principles necessary to the successful con- federation of numerous powerful States. I do not forget, nor do I mean to disparage, our sister, the federal republic of Switzerland. But her continuance as an independent power in Europe is so largely due to her compact territory, her inaccessible mountains, her knowledge of the necessity of union to safety, and the policy of her powerful neighbors, which demands of each other the recognition of her rights, that she hardly forms an exception. But Switzerland stands to-day — may she ever stand — as the oldest witness to the capacity of a republican federation of States for sound government, for the security of freedom, and resistance to disintegrating tendencies. Its Results Remarkable. But when we look to the results of confederation in the Olympic Council, and the Achaiau l,eague of r.ncient histor;,', and in modern times to the r>tat'»s of Il.jlland and the old German Empire, we must admit tiiat the l'iiit;'«l States presents tlie most re- markable, if not the only successful, happy, and prosperous, federated government of the world. I,et us consider for a moment the evidence of this. When the Constitution was finally ratified, and Rhode Island also accepted it, the government was composed of thirteen States. It now numbers thirty-ei$;-iit. The inhabited area of those .States was found between the Alleghany Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, a region which, when we now look over a map of the United States, seems to be but the eastern border of the great Republic. Its area now includes all the ter- ritory between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans— a distance of over three thousand miles east and west — and between the St. Lawrence and the great lakes on the north, and the Gulf and States of Mexico on the south. Besides these thirty-eight states, the remain- der of this great region is divided into 8 Territories, with an org:anizeesson. I venture to hope that with the earnest gaze of the wisest and ablest minds of the age turned with pro- found interest to the experiment of the federative sys- tem, under our American Constitution, it may suggest something to relieve the nations of Europe from bur- dens so heavy that if not soon removed they must crush the social fabric. Those great nations can not go on forever adding millions upon millions to their public debts, mainly for the support of permanent standing armies, while those armies make such heavy drafts upon the able-bodied men whose productive in- dustry' is necessary to the support of the people and of the government. I need not dwell on this unpleasant subject further than to say, that these standing armies are rendered necessary by the perpet- ual dread of war with neighboring nations. In the principles of our Constitution by which the autonomy and domestic government of each State are preserved, while the siipreniaey of the Oeneral (jioverninent at once forbids war between the States, and enables it to enforce peace among them, we may discern the elements of political forces suffici- ent for the rescue of European civilization from this great disaster. The Constitution Xot the Kole Reason of our Urowth. Do I claim for the Constitution, whose creation we have been celebrating, the sole merit of the wonderful epitome which I have presented of the progress of this country to greatness, to prosperity, to happiness and honor? Nay, I do not; though language used by men of powerful intellect and great knowledge of his- tory might be my justification if I did. Mr. Bancroft. Mr. Bancroft, the venerable historian, w^ho has devoted a long and laborious life to a history of his country that is a monument to his genius and his learning, says of the closing hours of the Convention: "The members were awe-struck at the result of their councils; the Constitution was a nobler work than any one of them believed it possible to devise." THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 185 7 7 7 V 7 7 7 ? 7 7 7 7 7 7~^ The Executive ilEPflHTfflENT ^_i i i__A__iL.,_i A A A K^ k i__i A A ^A A _A A i_J /'~^ ^^ -^ "^ ^^^^: ^^ '^ ^'"^"'^ ^ -^ ^p •^~~^'~^ ^^ i-fs ^^ ;7^t2 T^HR PRRSIDRNT. 3| O^W CHOSEN. — Elections for Presi- W dent and \'ice-President are held on equal to the \vhole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress. gj^^^^ the Tuesday next after the first Mon- DUTIES OF ELECTORS.— The Electors of ^4^ dav in November in every fourth j'ear, at each State mus't meet and give their votes on the which Electors are chosen. first Wednesday in December after the election. The number of Presidential Electors is The electors must make and sign three certifi- THE WHITE HOUSE 186 THE AMERICA X MAX UAL. cates of all the votes given by them, each of which certificates must contain two distinct lists ; one of the votes for President, and the other of the votes for Vice-President; they must then seal up the certificates, and certify upon eacli that the lists of all the votes given are contained tlierein. The certificates are disposed of as follows: The Electors in each State appoint a person to take charsre of and deliver to the President of the. Senate at the seat of Government, before the first Wednesdaj' in Tanuary next ensuing, one of the certificates. They shall forthwith forward by the postoffice to the President of the Senate at the seat of Government, one other of the certificates. They shall forthwith cause the other of the certificates to be delivered to the judge of that district in which the electors shall assemble. Congress shall be in session on the second Wednesday in February, succeeding every meeting of the electors, and the certificates shall then be opened, the votes counted, and the per- sons to fill the ofiices of President and Vice- President ascertained and declared, agreeable to the Constitution. VACANCIES.— In case of removal, death, or resignation of the President, his powers and duties devolve upon the Vice-President. In case of removal, death, or resignation of both Presi- dent and Vice-President, the President of the Senate, or if there is none, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the time being, shall act as President until the disability is removed, or a President elected. NOTIFICATION.— Whenever the offices of President and Vice-President both become va- cant, the Secretary of State issvies a notice of the election to the Executive of every State of the fact. VACANCY. — Electors will be appointed or chosen in the several States as follows: In case the notification is made two months previous to the first Wednesday in December then next en- suing, the electors shall be appointed or chosen within thirty -four days preceding such first Wednesday,-. If there shall not be the space of two months between the date of such notification and such first Wednesday in December, and if the term for which the President and Vice-President last in ofiice were elected will not expire on the third day of March next ensuing, the electors shall be chosen within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December in the next year ensuing. But if there shall not be the space of tv.'o months between the date of such notifica- tion and the first Wednesday in December then next ensuing, and if the term for which the President and Vice-President last in office were elected will expire on the third day of March next ensuing, no electors are to be chosen, % TEBM AND SALARY OF THE PRESI- DENT. — The President holds office for four years. His salary is $50,000 a year, with free residence in the White House, and sundry per- quisites pertaining thereto. POWERS ai:q duties of the presi- dent. — The President is Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States ; he has powei to grant pardons and reprieves for THE AMERICAN MANL-AL. 18-; offences against the United States ; he makes treaties bj and -with the advice and consent of the Senate; he nominates, and with the consent of tlie Senate, appoints all Cabinet, Diplomatic, Judicial, and Executive officers, he has power to convene Congress, or the Senate only ; he com- municates to Congress by message at every session, the condition of the Union, and recom- mends such measures as he deems expedient; he receives all Ambassadors, and other Foreign Ministers; he takes care that the laws are faithfully executed, and the public business transacted. JFPE PRESIDENT'S C7!BI]\[E¥. The heads of the seven principal departments constitute, according to custom, the President's cabinet, which are as follows : The Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Wavy, the Secretary of the Interior, the Postmaster-General, and the Attorney-General. They are appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and are removable at pleasure. Each one has in general, the appointment of the subordinate offi- cers, clerks, employes, agents, etc., in his De- partment. The salary of each Cabinet officer is $S,ooo a year. SALARIES OF OFFICERS, CLERKS, AND EMPLOYES IN" THE EXECUTIVE OFFICES. Private Secretary to the President, $3,250; Assistant secretary, $2,250; two executive clerks, each $2,000; Stenographer, Steward, and one clerk, each, $1,800; Messenger and Usher, $1,200; one clerk, $1,400; one clerk and four messengers (two mounted) each, $1,200. SALARIES OF EMPLOYES AT EXECU- TIVE MANSION. Furnace-keeper, $864; one night watchman, $900; one night usher, one day usher at Secre- tary's door, and two doorkeepers, each, $1,200; one day usher at President's door, $1,400. ^Wm^ 188 THE AMERiCAX }rAXr.\l.. flPPniNTMBNTS BY THE PRESIDENT. ,o-^5G^-«^^>-<'>h;^^ By and ivith the Adz'ice and Cotiseiit of the Senate, for an Utilimilfd Term, or diirin.^ the pleasure of the President. The Secretary of State; the Assistant Secre- taries of State; Envoys Extraordinary and Min- isters Plenipotentiary; Ministers Resident: Charges d' AlVaires; Secretaries of Legation; Consuls-General; Consuls; Commercial Agents. By the President Alone. — Interpreters and Consular Clerks. By and v.. '^b^l ^*ig^iiii^aiiii®®iiii®@iiiii Y~^^~~T"W HIS Department consists of a Senate ami House of Representatives. ^ T\v(j Senators represent each State, 'Me) and there being now thirty-eight States, the Senate is composed of seventy-six Senators. THE SENATE. Time and manner of Electing; Senators. The Lcj^islature of each State which is chosen next preceding- the expiration of the time for which any Sena- tor was elected, on the second Tuesdaj- after meeting-, proceeds to elect a Senator. A viva-voce vote is taken in each House of the Legislature, and the name of the per- son receiving a majority of the whole number of votes cast, is entered on the journal. At twelve o'clock, next day, the members of each house convene in joint assembly, and if the same person has received a majority of votes in both houses he is de- clared elected. But if not, the joint assembly proceeds to choose, and the person receiving a majority of all the votes, a miijority of all the members elected to both houses beinjj present and voting, is elected. If on the hrst day no election is made, the joint assem- bly meets on each succeeding day, and must take at least one vote until a Senator is elected. Principal Officers of the Senate. A President (the Vice-President of the United States, or a Senator, elected President /ro /^'«), a Secretary, a Chief Clerk, a Sergeant at Arms, a Chaplain. COMPENSATION. Senators, each $S,ooo Secretary 4,^96 Chief Clerk 3,000 5 Principal Clerks -^jSg^ Librarian 2,220 Assistint Librarian 1,800 6 Clerks in Secretary's office 2,220 5 Clerks in Secretary's office 2, 100 Stiitionery Keeper. 2, 102 Assistant 1,800 2 Messengers, each 1,296 I Special Policeman 1,296 4 Laborers in Secretary's office 720 Chaplain of Senate ' 900 Secretary to Vice-President 2.102 Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper 4,320 Clerk to the Sergeant-at-Arms 2,000 Assistant Doorkeener 2,i;g2 Acting Assistant Doorkeeper. ,.,.,, $2,^92 3 Acting Assistiint Doorkeepers, each i,boo Postmaster to the Senate 2,250 Assistant Pos^naster and Mail Carrier 2,088 4 Mail Carriers, each 1,200 Messenger to the Vice-President's room ')440 Clerk to Committee on Appropriations 2,5°° Assistant Clerk on Appropriations i ,600 Clerk of Printing Records 2,220 193 THE AM ERICA A^ MANUAL. HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON. THI. AMERICAN MANUAL. 19:^ Clerk to ComiiiitUi.- on 1-in iiui.- - 2,220 Clerk to Committee 011 Claims 2,220 Clerk to Committee on Commerce 2,220 Cl''rk to Committee on the Judici:iry 2,220 Cork to Coumiittee on Private Land Claims 2,220 Clerk to Committee on Naval Affairs 2,220 Clerk to Committee on Pensions 2,220 Clerk to Committee on Military Affairs 2.220 Clerk to Committee on Post-OfRces and Post- Roads 2,220 Clerk to Committee on District of Colun\bia 2,220 Clerk to Joint Committee on the Library 2,220 Clerk to Committee on the Census 2,220 Superintendent Document-Koom 2,i()o 2 Assistants in Document- Room, each >,44" r Page in Document- Room 720 Superintendent of Foldinuf-Room 2,100 Assistant in FoldiniT-Room 1,200 J4 Messenupers (Assistant Doorkeepers), each ■>44o 1 Messenijer to Committee on Appropriations i>440 Messentr09.<; S Laborers in Engineer's Department, each 720 2 Telegraph Operators 1,200 22 Clerks to Committees during Sessions, each at $6 per diem. 14 Pages for the Senate Chamber; .^ Riding Pages; and I Page for the Office of the Secretary, at the rate of $2.50 per dav, each, when employed. 4 Folders, at $3 per day, each, when employed. Conductor of the Elevator .' i ,200 ^ Skilled Laborers, each 1,000 1 1 Laborers, each 720 I J Laborers during Session, at the rate of, each 720 1 Laborer in Charge of Private Passage S40 1 Female Attendant in Charge of Ladies' Retiring- Room 720 Reporters of Debates, paying own Assistants, . . 35,000 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House of Representatives consists of two h indred and ninety-three Representatives and eight Del- crates, apportiimed among the States and Territories as follows: Maine, 5; New Hampshire, 3; Vermont, 3; Massachusetts, n; Rhode Island, 2; Connecticut, 4; New York, 33; New Jersey, 7; Pennsylvania, 27; Dela- ware i; Maryland, rt; Virginia, 9-, North Carolina, 8; South Carolina, s; Georgia, 9; Alabama, 8; Mississippi, o; Louisiana, 6; Ohio, 20; Kentucky, 10; Tennessee, 10; Indiana, 13; Illinois, 19; Missouri, 13; Arkansas, 4; Michigan, y; Florida, 2; Texas, 6; Iowa, 9; Wisconsin, S; California, 4; Minnesoti, 3; Oregon, 1; Kansas, 3; \Vest \'irginia. 3; Nevada, 1; .Vcbrasica, i; Colorado. 1. ^.ijreisonj .. ^.ogat.' from each of tlie i I Messensfer to Committee on Wavs anil Means.. . 1,000 \\ Messensrers on '•Soldiers' Roll.'' provided said Messengers served in the I'nion Army, and Postniasterl -,500 First Assistant Postmaster .',000 ■^ Messensrers, eaeh 1 , JOO } Messeny^ers durinsj the Session, at the rate of, each ! Soo 1 L;iborer ii\ Huth-Room 720 ; 1 L;ilH>rers. each 720 I Teleijraph Operator 7J0 10 Messens^-rs, each i ,coo 10 L.;iborers dnrinar thj Session, at the nito of. eaeh 7.M I Liborer S^o i L;iborers, eaeh (ioa S L;iborers, "Cloak-Room men,"' eaeh, per month during the Session 50 I Female Attendant, Ladies' Retirina;- Room 600 Superintendent of Foldinij-Room ',000 1 Clerk in Folding- Room i.Soo J Clerks in Foldinsf- Room 1,200 Superintendent of Document- Room 2,000 Chief \ssist:int in Document Rmim 2,000 Document File Clerk t ,400 J .^tcno-rniphers for Committees, each q.ooo .UAXLAL. lii."> 5 t')fficial Reporters of tlu Proceeding's and De- bates or the 1 Livise, each " ^,ODO Compiler of the lieneral Index of the Journals of Coni^rcss J,,oo ;j Clerks to Committees, during the Session, $6 per dav. each. I Journal Clerk for nreparing- Difirestof the Rules. 1,000 :o Pages, when employed, per day, each, $2.50. I Foreman of Foldins'-Room. i,::oo z Folders, each ! 7.0 Folders, each ,kx> •; Folders, each S40 1 Messenger 1,200 1 Folder in Sealing-Room 1,200 I Page 500 I Laborer ^oo 1 Laborer crkeepcr 2,500 Assistant Doorkeeper ' 2,000 Clerk for Doorkeepei 1,200 Janitor i,20O Chief Engineer 1,700 2 .Vssisfcint Engineers, each 1,200 I Electrician 1,150 1 Laborer S20 5 Firemen, each 000 2 Messengers in the 1 tousc Librarv, per dav, $3.00, Capitol Police. 1 Captain $i,wx> ,; Lieutenants, each i,22<'i : I Privates, each i , ico S Watchmen, each 900 MM*M-M/ ^^-4-.+*,,t'«M^-''?^^'?^^-"'^^ . . . .( V^ x'^'- ■..--......, :-l^^ 196 THE AMKRICAX MAXCAL. DRPARXMRNT OF SO^AT^R. ORGANIZATION. — This Dcpurtnicnl. es- tablished July 27, 17S9, was originally- styled the IV^pai-tment of Foreign Affairs, the ]iriiicip:'.l officer being called the Secretary for the Depart- ment of Foreign Affairs, but its name was changed by an act of Congress. Sept. 1 5, 1 7S9, to the Department of State. The principal officer by that act was called Tixe Secretary of State. POWERS AND DUTIES OF SECRE- TARY OF STATE. — The Secretary of State conducts all correspondence and issues instruc- tions to the public ministers and consuls from the United States, negotiates with public minis- ters fron\ foreign states 01 princes, and has charge, under the direction of the President, of all matters pertaining to foreign affairs. He takes charge of the seal of the United States, and of the seal of the Department of State. It is his duty to affix the seal of the United States to all civil commissions (except for revenue officers), for officers of the United States appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the .Senate, or by the President alone. The originals of all bills, orders, and resolu^ tions of the Senate and House of Representa- tives are received and preserved by this Depart- ment. It is the duty of the Secretary to pro- mulgate and publish the laws, amendments to the Constitution of the United States, and to make known commercial information commu- nicated by diplomatic and considar officers. It is the dutv of the Secretary of State to procure from time to time such of the statutes of the several States as may not be in his office. He must, within ten days after the commence- ment of ea;h regular session of Congress, la\- before that body a statement containing an ab- stract of all retvirns made to him pursuant to law by collectors of the different ports of the seamen registered by them, together with an account of such impressments and detentions as may appear by the protest of the masters of vessels to have taken place. He must annually lay before Congress the following reports: I. — A statement, in a compendious form, of all such changes and modifications in the com- mercial systems of other nations, whether by treaties, duties on imports and exports, or other regulations, as shall have been communicated to the Department, including information con- tained in official publications of other Govern- ments, which he may ileem of sufficient im- portance. II. — A synopsis of so much of the ir.forma- tion which may have !)een communicated to him by diplomatic and consular officeis, during the preceding year, as he may deem valuable for public infornuitioM. THE CHIEF CLERK. —The Chief Clerk has general supervision of the clerks, and of the business of the Departmcr.t. THE FOUR BUREAUS OF THE DE- PARTMENT are the following, with the busi- ness jiei'taining to each: Tin: AMJ-.KIC.IX MAXL'AJ.. 1U7 NEW STATE DEPARTMENT. The Diplomatic Bureau has charge of all correspondence between the Departjnent and other diplomatic agents of the I'nitcd States abroad, and those of foreign powers accredited to this sjovernment. The Consular Bureau lias charge of tiie cor- respondence, etc. between the department and tiie consuls, ami commercial agents of tlie United States. C.VKl.NET CHAMBER. TJiJ. .i.\/j:a'/c.i.\' ma.vc'al. 199 The Bureau of Ro'ls, Indices, and Archives, ha- cliarge of the ei.i-olled acts and resolutions of Congress, as they are received from the President; pref ires authenticated copies thereof; superintends their puhlication, and that ot treaties; attends to their distribution, and that of all documents and publications in regard to which this duty is assigned to the department: ^^riti^g and answering all letters connected therewith ; answering calls of the principal officers for correspondence; and has charge of all Indian treaties, and business relating thereto. The Bureau of Accounts has charge of all matters connectetl wi h accounts relating to any fund disbursed by the department; indemnity fund and bonds; care of building and property. BRANCHES OR DIVISIONS. STATISTICAL DIVISION.— The Clerk of this I)i\ision has the administration of the col- lection, analyzing, publication, and distribution of commercial information. AUTHENTICATIONS.— The Clerk of Au- thentications has charge of the seals of the Lnited States and of the department, and pre- jiarcs and attaches certificates to papers pre- -ented for authentication : receives and accounts for the fees: and records all letters from the de- parttnent, other than the diplomatic and consular. PARDONS AND COMMISSIONS. — The Clerk of Pardons and Commissions prepares and rixords jjardons and remissions, and registers and u\c< the papers on which they are founded, and attends t<) applications for office. TRANSLATIONS. —The Translator fur- nishes such translations as the department may require by the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, or Chief Clerk, and records the commissions of consuls and vice-consuls, when not in English, u]ion which exequaturs are issued. LIBRARIANS. — The Librarian has the cus- tody of the rolls, treaties, etc., the promulgation of the laws, the care and superintendence of the library and public documents, the care of the Revolutionary archives and archives of inter- national commissions. Salaries and Pay of the Officers and Em- ployes of the Department of State. Secretary, $8,000. Three Assistant Secre- taries, each, $3,5CK>. Chief Clerk, $2,500. Trans- lator and four Chiefs of Bureaus, each $2,100. Eleven Clerks, each, $i,8oo. Four clerks, each, $1,600. Two Clerks, each, $1,400. Ten Clerks, each, $1,200. Two Clerks, each, $i,(X)o. Ten Clerks, each, $900. Engineer, $/, 200. Assist- ant Engineer, $1,000. Two Superintendents of Watch, each, $i,cxx>. .Six Watchmen, Six Fire- men, Assistant Messenger, Elevator Tender, each, $720. Twelve Laborers, each, $660. Ten Charwomen, each, $180. A small number of extra clerks, messengers, and laborers are em- ployed from time to time. APPOINTMENTS BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. L.SUMIItll ItKM. Chief clerks, chiefs of bureaus, translatfjr, clerks of the several chisses, messenfrers, watchmen, laborers, and other emuloyes of the Department. Vice-consuls-general, vice-consuls, deputy consuls-pen cral, vice -commercial agents, deputy consuls, and deput\ commercial agents are appointsd under regulations pre- scribed by the President in the following manner: by the Secretary of State, on the nomination of the principal con ■ sular officer, approved hv the consul general, or if there b'-- no consul general, then liv the minister. 200 77/.': !.\n-:Kic.ix .u.i.vrj/.. ^TREASURY MEPflRTMENT.* Office of the Secretary, includinof eight reg-ular divi- sions; besides the Chief Clerk's Offico, the office of the Custodian of the building; and Special Agents' Division; the Secret Service, and the Division of Captured and Abandoned Property, Lands, etc. ; Bureau of Engraving and Printing; Bureau of the Mint; Office of the Supervis- ing Architect; Supervising Inspector-General of Steam Vessels; Office of the Superintendent of the I^ife-Saving Service; OlHce of the Lighthouse Board ; Supervising Sur- geon-General of Marine H spi'als; First Comptroller; Second Comptroller; Conuiiissioner of Customs; First Auditor, Second Auditor, Third Auditor, Fourth Auditor, Fifth Auditor, Sixth Auditor; Treasurer; Register; Comptroller of the Currency; Commissioner of Internal Revenue; Coast Survey. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. The Secretary prepares plans for the improvement and management of the revenue, and for the support of the public credit. He prescribes the forms of keeping and rendering all accounts; grants all warrants for moneys to be issued from the Treasurj' in pursuance of appropria- tions made liy Cong-ress; reports to the Senate and House, in person or in writing, information required by them ap- pertaining to his office, and performs all duties relative to the finances that he shall be directed to jjcrform. The Secretary orders the collection, the deposit, the transfer, the safe-keeping, and the disbursement of the revenue; and directs the auditing and settling the ac- counts, respectively. Secretary's OfiBce. — The Secretary of the Treasury is charged with the general supervision of the fiscal trans- actions of the government, and the execution of the laws concerning commerce and navigation; the Purvey of the coast; the lighthouse establishment; the marine hospi- tals of the Ignited States, and the construction of certain public buildings for custom-house and other purposes. The Firat Comptroller prescribes the mode of keeping and rendering accounts fo the civil an.l diplomatic ser- vice, as well as the public lands, and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. The Second Comptroller prescribes the mode of keep- ing and rendering the accounts of the army, navy, and Indian departments of the public service, and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. The Commissioner of the Customs prescribes the mode of keeping and rendering the accounts of the customs, revenue, and disbursement, and for the building and re- pairing custom-houses, etc., and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. The First Auditor receives and adjusts the accounts ol the customs, revenue antl disbursements, appropriations, and expenditures on account of the civil list, and under private acts of Congress, and reports the-balances to the Commissioner of the Customs and the F"irst Comptroller respectively, for their decision thereon. The Second Auditor receives and adjusts all accounts relating to the pay, clothing and recruiting of the army, as well as the armories, arsenals, and ordnance, and all accounts relating to the Indian department, and rejjorts the balances to the Second Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Third Auditor receives and adju.sts all accounts for subsistence of the army, fortifications, military acad- emy, militiiry roads, and the quartermaster's department, pensions, and claims arising from military services previ- ous to iSi6, and for horses and other property lost in the military service, and reports the balances to the Second Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Fourth Auditor adjusts all accounts for the service of the Xavv Department, and reports the balances to the Second Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Fifth Auditor adjusts all accounts for diplomatic and similar services |)erformed under the direction of the State department, and reports the balances to the First Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Sixth Auditor adjusts all accounts arising from the service of the Postoffice Department. His decisions are final, unless an appeal is taken within twelve months to the First Comptroller. He superintends the collection of all debts due the Postoffice Department, and all penal - lies imposed on postmasters and mail contractors for failing to do their duty. He directs suits and legal pro- ceedings, civil and criminal, and takes legal measures to enforce the prompt payment of money due to the depart- ment; instructing attorneys, marshals, and clerks relative thereto; and receives returns from each term of the United States Courts of the condition and progress of such suits and legal proceedings; has charge of all lands and other property assigned to the V'nited States in pay- ment of debts due to the Postoffice Department, and has power to sell and dispose d the same for the benefit of the Ignited Stales. _. The Treasurer receives and keeps the moneys of the United States in his own office, and that of the depositor- ies, and pays out the same upon warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury, countersigned by the First Comptroller, and upon warrants drawn by the Postmas- ter-General, and countersigned by the Sixth Auditor, and recorded by the Register. "lie also holds public moneys advanced by warrant to disbursing oflicers, and pa") s out the same upon their checks. rifE AM^KA'ICA.y MAXTAL. COl The Beeister keeps tlic accounts of public receipts and expenditures; receives the returns, ana makes out the of- ficial statement of commerce and navigation of the United Stiites; and receives from the First Comptroller and Commissioner of Customs all accounts and vouchers de- cided by them, and is charged by law with their safe- keepmg. The Solicitor superintends all civil suits commenced by the United States (except those arising in the Postoffice Jjeptirtmetit), ■.xniX'insirwcX.s \hc United States attorneys, marshals and clerks in all matters relating to them, and their results. J le receives returns from each term of the United States Courts, showing the progress and condi- tion of such suits; has charge of all lands md other prop- erty assigned to the United States in payment of debts {except those assigned in payment of debts due to the Fast- o/^ce /)epa/tment), ■.imWv.is ]io\vcr to sell and dispose of the same for the benefit of the United States. The Lighthouse Board. — The Secretary of the Treas- ury is ex nffiiio president of the board. It directs the buildinyf and repairing of lighthouses, light-vessels, buoys, and beacons, contracts for supplies of oil, etc. United States Coast Survey. — The coast survey ofEcer is charged with the supermtendence of the survey of the roast of the Ihiited States, and its superintendent is the superintendent of weights and measures. The Comptroller of the Currency has charge of everything connected with the issue of money. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has charge of all matters connected with the 'J"ax Laws. The Supervising Architect has charge of the con- struction of pulilic buililings. The Special Commissioner of Revenue is required by law to investigate the sources of national revenue, the best methods of collecting revenue, the administration of existing revenue laws, and the relation of foreign trade to domestic industry. PAY OF EMPLOYES IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Force in Secretary's Office. — Chief clerk (of the De- partment), $3,000; cliief of Division of Warrants, etc., chief of Division of Customs, each, $2,750; O chiefs of division, 2 disbursing clerks, each, $2.:;oo; assistant chief of division of Warrants. $2,400; 2 assistant chiefs of Division, $2,100; 6 assistant chiefs of Division, sten- ographer to the Secretary, $2,000; 192 clerks, from $900 to $1 900; 14 messengers and assistants, from $720 to $S4o; 2 conductors of elevators, each, $720; 43 laborers, each, $fite; 2 lieutenants, each, $900; 5S watchmen, each. $720; I engineer, $1,400; 1 assistant engineer, $1,000; i machin- ist and gas-fitter, i storekeeper, captain of the watch, Ji, 200; 6 firemen, each, $720; 75 charwomen or cleaners, each, jiSo. Internal Revenue Bureau. — Commissioner, $6,000; deputy, f3,20o; 2 chiefs of Division, $2,500; 5 chiefs of Division, $2,250; stenographer. $1,800; 169 clerks, from $900 to $i,Soo; 4 messengers, $720; 10 laborers, $660. About 30 clerks and 6 messenjji^ers are employed tempora- rily, and paid at rates varymg from $720' to $2,100 per year. Treasury of the United States. — Treasurer, $6,000; assistant treasurer,cashier, .$3,600; assistant, $3,200; super- intendent National Bank Agency, $3,500; chief clerk, 5 chiefs of division, 2 bookkeepers, 3 tellers, $2,500; 2 as- sistants. $2,400; 2 assistants, $2,250; assistant, $2,000; 223 clerks, from $900 to $i,Soo; 7 messengers, $840; 10 assist- ants, $720; 33 laborers, from $240 to $G6o. Registry of the Treasury. — Register, $1,000; assistant, $2,250; 5 chiefs of Division, disbursing clerk, $2,000; 1 ij clerks, from $900 to $i,Soo; messenger, $840; 4 assistants, $720; 7 laborers, $660. Accounting Offices. — 2 comptrollers, $5,000; 2 deputies. $2,700; commissioner of customs, $4,000; 7 deputies, $2,- 250; 6 auditors, $3,600; 38 chiefs of division, from $2,000 to $2,100; I disbursing clerk, $2,000; 693 clerks, from $900 to $i,Soo; II messengers, from $060 to $840; 56 laborers, male and female, from $iSoto $660. Bureau of the Mint. — Director, $4,500; examiner, $2,- 300; computer, $2,200; 3 clerks, from $1,400 to $1,800; translator, $1,200; copyist, $900; messenger, $720; laborer, $660. Bureau of National Currency.— Comptroller of cur- rency, $5,000; deputy, $2,Soo; 4 chiefs of division, $2,200; superintendent of currency, teller, 2 bookkeejiers, bond clerk, $2,000; 76 clerks, from $900 tf> $i,Soo; stenographer, $i,''oo; messenger. $^40; 3 assistants, $720; 2 watchmen, $720; 3 laborers, $660. PAY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES IN THE DIFFERENT DIVISIONS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Bureau of Printing and Engraving. — Chief. $4,500; Assistant, $2,250; Accountant, $2,000; Stenographer, $1,- 600; 7 Clerks from $1,000 to $1,600; 3 Copyists, e.ach, $900; 3 Messengers, each, $720; 4 Laborers, each, $660. Large nuinbers of engravers, plate printers, skilled and un- skilled workmen and workwomen, etc., are employed by the day or piece, permanently or temporarily, at wages varying from $1 to $i2, the whole force sometimes reach- ing nearly to one thousand. Construction Bureau. — Supervising Architect, $4,500; Assistant, $2,250; Photographer, $2,250; S Clerks from $900 to $2,000; Messenger, $720. About 90 civil engi- ne";rs; architects, draughtsmen, computers, clerks, mes- sengers, etc., are also steadily employed in tnis office, and paid by the day at rates yielding troin $600 to $3,600 per year. iJureau of Statistics —Chief, $2,400; 25 Clcks froti $900 to $2,00; 5 Copyists, eacli, $'Ky); .Messenge.-, »'/-0; 2C-,> Tin: - /.l/A A'/( ■. IX M. I XI '.I /.. I.;iboii.-r. $(.Ko; Laborer, §+So. Kxperts arc icmj:;--. '•'■^j omnloyoil by this buro:iu to furnish statistics relative to internal anil foreiiru (.onimerce. Light-House Bureau.— Chief Clerk, $^.400; 22 Clerks from $<^xi to $i,Soo; j Messensfcrs, each, $720; Laborer, $i«x A few engfineers anil I'.raujjhlsmcn are employed, anil paid by the month from $1,200 to $-",400 per annum. MISCELLANEOUS. Coast and Geodetic Survey. —Superintendent, $6,000; Assistant, $4,200; Consulting; Geonulev, $},ooo; Disburs- inir Aijent, $2,500. There "are generally employed up- ward "of 50 so-called assistants, with s'ularies varying; from $.^,750 to $1,100, and about 100 clerks, computers, dvauofhtsnien, printers, cnsrravers, etc., at compensations varvinsT from $2,000 per year down to $1.50 per day. Revenue- Marine Service.— ,u Captains, each, $2,500; ,^> First Lieutenants. 23 Chief Kngineers, each, $i,boo; 34 Second Lieutenants," iS Assistants, each $1,500; 22 'reird Lieutenants, each, $1,200; 12 Cadets, each, $iX)o; 27 Assistants, each, $1,200. Life-Saving Service. — iJeneral Superintendent, $4,000; Assistant, $2,500; Accountant. $i,Soo; d Clerks from $ixxi to$i,tioo; Mcssenu^er, $720; Superintendent of Construc- tion, $2,000; 6 Assistants, each, per month from $75 to $poo; II District Superintendents, each from $1,000 to $1,500; Assistant, $500; 170 Keepers, each, $400; 1,400 Surf men, per" month, each, $40. National Board of Health.— 7 Members of Hoard, per day, each $10; Chief t lerk, $2,300; 5 Clerks, from $1,200 to'$i,Soo; Messenger, per month, "$'xi; Assistant, per month, $25; Laborer, per day, $1.25; 12 Inspectors, each, per day, $10; 2 Inspectors, each per month, from $200 to $300. 'The force is variable, both as to numbers and jiay. Marine Hospital Service. — Supervising Surireon Gen crul. $(.ooo; 05 medical officers, with salaries ranginsr from $^(xxi down to $100 per year; about 10 clerks at headquarters, with the usual clerical salaries paid at Washington, and about 150 stewards, nurses, and other employes, paid at rates ranging from $720 to $100 per year. Steamboat Inspecting Service. — Supervising Inspect- or-General, $3,500; 12 Supervising Inspectors, $3,000; 40 Inspectors of Hulls, each, from $Soo to $2,200; 53 Inspect- ors of Boilers, each from $Soo to $2,200; 9 clerks, each, from $ixxi to $1,200. Internal Revenue Agrencies. — Supervising Agent, per day, $12; 31 Agents, each, per day, from $6 to $S. National Bank Examiners. — This force is variable in number and compensation, the banks examined paying the fees fi>r examination, and the examiners being chosen by the Comptroller of the Currency at will. Secret Service. — Chief, $2,500. The force is variable, but usuallv consists of about 40 iLetectives and a fe.v clerks, paid at various rates according to time employed and service rendered. The leading duty is suppression of counterfeiting. Special Agencies of Customs. — 28 Special Agents, each, per day from $0 to $S; 4 Seal-Island Agents" in Alaska, each, from $2,ux'to $3,650. Each seal-island agent is al- lowed $000 per year for traveling to and from Alaska; 2 IsthnMis Inspectors, $2 5(X>. APPOINTMENTS . />}' the Sfcrftarv of the T'easury. Chief Clerk. Disbursing Clerks. Chiefs of Divisions. Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Assist- ant Superintendent Life-Saving Service. Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Super- vising Architect. AssisUmt Supervising Architect. Chief Clerk. Clerks of the several classes, fourth, third, second, tirst, $1,000 and $goo. ■JJ/i: .l.\//:A'/C.t.\ MAM A I.. ' ~i■, n.rtc.l with the army of the United States, fortifications, (IraujrlUsinan, $i,Hoo; anatomist, foreman of printuiKr, .1... issues .ommissions, directs the movement of troops, li/wo; ctimneer, $1,400-513 clerks, from $90fj to $1,200; upcrinlends their payment, stores, clothing, arms and * engineers, pressman, $1,200; r, compositors, $1,000; . .piipments, an-J ordnance, and conducts works of military messen}.'er §-.40; r>4 messengers, watchrnen and firemen, enijineerini' ' $720; 50 laborers, $600; S charwomen, $iSo. The followins,' l)ureaus are attached to this dei)art- , There is, in addition to the above force, a lar^fc num- ,m.„^ ber of oflicers and employes of dillerent kmds, consistin^f „ _ , _„ ._, ,, ,. of about 00 national cemetery keepers, paid from $720 to CommandinK Generals Office.- The Command mtr $900 per year, with residences; about 4=;o weather oh- General has charge of the arranfrement of the military servers in" the Siimal Corps, from %ii, to $100 per month, forces, the superintendence <,f the recruitin;,' service, and ^^ith allowances; about MS. private i>hysicians employed the discipline- of the army. He isto see Ihatthe laws and ^j Washington and various military posts, at a comp'en- rejru lations of the army are enforced. I he onice is al sation of $100 per month, with quarters and fuel; about \\ashini;t<.n, and IS called the lleadcpiarters of the aruiy. ,tjj, i,„s,,iuil .stewards, with pay of from $20 to $35 per Adjutant-General's Office. — In this ofhce are kept all month, with rations, quarters, fuel, and clolhin;^; about Uie rec(jrds which refer to the /v/'.«j;/«^/ of the army, pay- 50 paymaster's clerks, at } 1,200 |)er year; about Coo em- roll, etc., and all military i()minissir)ns are made oiit. jjloyes of all sorts at armories and arsenals; about 450 All orders which emanate from Headquarters, or the clerks, superintendents, and other employes, at rates War Department proper, jiass Ihroutfli this ofTici-, and from $40 to $200 per month, enjjajjed in movinjj the army the annual returns from the army are received by it. and its supplies by land and water, and takin}^^ care of its The Quartermaster-General's Office provides quar- barracks, storehouses, and clothins<; a lar^e force of ters, storai-e, and transportation for the army, aad has clerks, draughtsmen, civil engineers skilled workmen, charge of the barracks and the national cemeteries. etc., employed at various rates upon the jniblic buildings, „^ ^ ^ ^ ,. „„ , , r .1 1- grounds, and works at the seat of government and else- The Paymaster-General s Office has charge of the dis- ^here, under charge of the Engineer Huieau, including bursemei.ts to the regul.ir army and the Military Acad- £,,^4., j,„j ^j^^^ ,,„,i harbor improvements; about loosimilar ^'"'y' employes engaged upon the army subsistence supplies. The Comraissary-Oenerars Office provides subsist- ence stores for the troops and military forLs. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE. The Ordnance Bureau has < harge of the ordnance Officers of the Army, stores, and the various arsenals and armories. The Engineer's Office has charge of the military de- The Adjutant-General, with rank of brigadier-greneral, fenses of the country, the imi.rovement of rivers, the I assisUnt adjuUmt-general, with rank of co.onel, ,? as- surveys relating thereto, and the care of the Military sistant adjutants-general, with rank of major, receiving Academy. army pay. Surgeon-General's Office.— All matters connected with Enlisted Men. medicine and surgery, the management of the sick and . , , . . » • , t wounded, and the hospitals, are under the control of this 7"* enlisted men f genera serviceK serving as clerks, j^tfice. 60 enlisted men (general service), serving as inessen- _ , . . .« ^.,1 ,1 r t, gers and watchmen. Topographical Bureau. — 1 his bureau has charge of all '^ ,„, , ,, , topographical operations and surveys for military pur- Note.— The pay and allowances^ per annum ot en- poses, and for purposes of internal improvement, and of all listed men serving in the Adiutant-General s Othce, anrl maps, drawings, and documents relating to those duties. "ther branches of the War Department, as clerks and ™._-r, . -^ . »,, i.,jj messengers, amount as follows: The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned ^ Lands, the Bureau of Military Justice, the Inspector- Ci.huks s Messengbks. General's Office, .and the Signal Corps of the Army are Sergeants. Privates. aU(j connected with the War Department. Pay $')05S.»<; $1,007.21; $S92.;o Clothing 37.7S 36.09 36.0") SALARIES AND COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES IN THE VARIOUS DIVISIONS Total 41.093.03 8i,043.3J $9-!S.5 » OF THE "WAR DEPARTMENT. The above amount.s are paid during the first and second Chief clerk, $2,750; disbursing clerk, 7 (hief clerks of years of service. During the third year each grade r^-- 204 yy/y; .ij/j.a'/c.iv .v.i.vr.iL. X ^^-^^^^v (,' ^LK \L 1 II --111 1<1D\N. 77//; amj:ri( :i.v jm x,- . / /.. 20.:- (civus $12 adJitional; lourtli year, $24; and iifth year, $36. For each year of a second enlistment, for a period of five years, each g'rade receives $60 additional; for a third enlistment of five years, $72; and for a fourth enlist- ment of five years, $"^41 '"iJ $i2 a year additional to JSfifor every succeedint^ enlistment. OFTICE OF INSPECTOR-GBNEBAT,. Inspector-General, with rank of brijjadicr general, 1 as- sistant inspector-general, with rank of colonel, receiving army pay. BXJREATJ OF MILITARY JUSTICE. Judge- Advocate-General, with rank of brigadier-gen- eral, 2 judge-advocates, with rank of major, receiving army pay. PAYMASTER-GENERALS OFFICE. Army Officers. Paymaster- General, wiih rank of brigadier-general, 4 paymasters, with rank of major, receiving army pav. SURGEON-GENERALS OFFICE. Army Officers. Surgeon-General, with rank of brigadier-general, i as- sistant surgeon-general, with rank of colonel, i chief medical purveyor, with rank of colonel, 3 surgeons, with rank of major, i assistant surgeon, with rank of captain, receiving armv pav. OFFICE OF CHIEF OF ORDNANCE. Army Officers. Chief of Ordnance, with rank of brigadier-general, i major of ordance, receiving army pay. SIGNAL OFFICE AND SERVICE. Army Officers. Chief Signal Officer, with rank of brigadier-general, 4 first lieutenants of artillery, I first lieutenant of cavalry, 1 first lieutenant of infantry, receiving army pay. Enlisted Men. IJO sergeants, ,^0 corporals, .and 320 jirivates, receiving pay as in adjutant-general's office. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Army Officers. Quartermaster-General, with rank of brigadier-general, 1 assistant quarterma.ster-general, with rank of colonel, 2 deputy quartermasters general, with rank of lieutenant- colonel, I quartermaster, witli rank of major, i assistant quartermaster, with rank of captain Onounted), receiving armv pay. PAY OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. Brigadier-G Colonel Lieutenant-i Major Captain, mo Captain, nol Regimental Regimental ist Lieutena I St Lieutena 2d Lieutena 2d Lieutena Chaplain... o' re "0 3 'd -J • unted t moui Adju Quar mt, m int, no nt, mc nt, no § 3 3 re — re". 3 • re • > • ffo S.3 "■°' — ~: w : c S.C re » . 3 3 0-^ \P^i .": - *" < tr.'li 3 M " " " ." J" -" -- ."' -'^ i^ i-" f^" y^ "r' J" ? n't? S ;/ p" ! i>l Ji t>i 'ji "on'^D C/3'c«'q Ox'QCnUiCn'b'J^ X 8888888888888888 -_,„.,_.. ,0 ^■ ■ < ai'^ > U\-l-tJ^'J^ a, V3 C/; ~i> g Ul t^ • OOOOOOOOOOOO- : s. "■?^ 5? 3>. .'^ n , »_re H^ r, re -„„_„^..j.^^_j.o.o.^: • < vB> 8§?88S8'g-?8 888: : s. "'"'^5' ,— 5' : s t; p > n *. . ui „ <»• • <_w^' > r J- s" ~ y -" '■ y ■yT"i^ -^ '■ • ■> n' ^ <~^ *^ <' ■b 'ioo Cj Cj i' '■:^ u \b (g _• 'ooo^'^"ooo8"oo8' (!• 7 "^ c ; ^ « 'X. r. * *■ . -t. *5 t. • u k> .. ,> ->j -;. ? • ^ „ > < : > ^' ft i^ ^;J ^* "- ^ ".-• ^ <^ '^ '^ "c;:;;^ uv • OvvOO-t-^>M>^O^So. ?' '^ ^ ^ re OOOOOOOOOOOO ■ - •■: _..„«. ^5?; ; < w^ ^ r-c^ 2* ij ^ t- "to . ^ ca lyD w 0\ - Ov S 7 "^ m "o^uitJi 8 . ^^ ^J "-n hi w ,v • Otn Ouitjx'jx p" 4»- '^ i-l M r4- i* "^ "w w ^ • M — M w to • ■ * 'o- 4^ "C^ • ;< rjyy\ >j u» w . lyjcn 0^ C/5- f^ 1 3 f^ 5;^^"S- -. v2'5^8^.: J w»u» 3 v\ >j j\ ■ *The maximum pav ot colonol: >f lieutenant-colonels to $4,000. IS limited to $4,500, and 206 yy/y; .i.^fj'.Kic.ix MAxr.iL. OOMMISSART GENERAL. Army Officers. Commisss.ry- General of Subsistence, with rank of brig- adier-general, 2 commissaries of subsistence, with rank of major of cavalry, i commissary of subsistence, with rank of c plain of cavalry, receiving- army pay. OFFICE OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS OF THE ARMY. Army Officers. Chief of Engineers, wi^n rank of brigadier-general, i lieutenant-colonel of enginec-.s, i major of engineers,: captain, receiving army pay. TPE UNITED ^1?^¥E^ WWi' The Army of the United States consists of the follow- ing: One general . One lieutenant-general. Three major-generals. Six brigadier-generals. Five regiments of artillery. Ten regiments of cavalry. Twentv-flvc regiments of infantry. An Adjutant- General's Department. An Inspector- General's Department. A Quartermaster's Department. A corps of engineers. A battalion of engineer soldiers. An Ordnance Department. The enlisted men of the Ordnance Department. The Medical Department. The hospital stewards of the Medical Department. A Pay Department. A chief signal officer. A Bureau of Military Justice. Eight judge-advocates. Thirty post chaplains. Four regimental chaplains. An ordnance sergeant .and an hospital steward for each military post. One band stationed at the Military Academy. A force of Indian scouts, not exceeding i,ooo. The officers of the army on the retired list. The professors and corps of cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point. The offices of "general and lieutenant-general expire with the present incumbent. GENERAL PROVISIONS. No person wlio has served in any capacity in the mili- tary, naval, or civil service of the so-called Confederate States or of either of the States in insurrection during the Rebellion of iS6i, can be appointeodv, subject to the rules and articles of war. In 1S15 a ])ermanenl superintendent was appointed, and a Tear later an annuiil board of visitors was provided for, to be named by the President, the Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate. In iS^,? the ]iresent sys- tem of the appointment of cadets was instituted, which assigns one cadet to each Congressional District and Territory in the L^nion, to be named by the Representa- tive in Congress for the time being, and ten appointments at large, specially conferred by the President of the I'nited States. The number of students is thus limited to ,51-". A large proportion of those appointed fail to pass the examination, and many others to complete tlie course, the proportion being stated at fully one half hitherto. The course of instruction requires four years, and is largely mathematical and i)rofessional. The discipline is very strict, even more so than in the army, and tlie en- forcement of penalties for oftences is inrtexihle rather than severe. The whole number of graduates from iSoj to 1S77 was about 2,700, of whom 1,200 are deceased and about 1 .500 living. Of those surviving, Soo are still in the army, and about 700 out of service. Appointees to the MiliUiry Academy must be between 17 and 22 years of age, at least five feet in height, and free from intirinity, and able to pass a careful examination in various branches of knowledge. Each cadet admitted must bind himself to serve the United States eight years from the time of admission to the academy. The pay of cadets, formerly fifty dollars per month and rations, was lixed at $540 per year, with no allowance for rations, by the act of 1S76. The aggregate amount of money appro priated by the United States for the Military Academy from 1S02 to 1S77, inclusive, was $ii,;o6,i2j!, lieing an average of about $149,949 annually. The numb r of actual members of the academy, by the official register of June, iSSi, was 192. 7 •///■: A. MEKICA A ' MA A UA L ^Nfl¥Y nEPfiHTMENT.** 20& Secretary's Office. The Secretary of tlic X.ivy )iiis charj^o of evorythinj^ connected with the naval estxinlish- incnt, and the execution of all laws relating thereto under the jfencral direction of the President. All in- structions to commanders of squadrons and commanders of vessels; all orders to officers; commissions of officers, totli in the navy and marine corps; appointments of commissioned and warrant officers, and orders for the en- listment and discharjjc of seamen, emanate from the Sec- retary's office. All tne duties of the different bureaus are performed under the authority of the Secretary, and their orders are considered as emanatinjf from him lie has a general superintendence of the marine corps, and all the orders of the commandant of that corps arc approved by him. The chief of this Hureau has the rank or Commo- modore, navy pay. The Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks has charge of all the navy yards, docks and wharves, buildings and machinery in navy yards, and everythmg immediately connected with them. It is also charged with the man- agement of the Naval Asylum. The Bureau of Navigration has charge of the Naval Observatory and llydrographical Office. It furnishes vessels with maps, charts, chronometers, etc., together ^vith such books as are allowed to ships of war. The Naval Academy, Naval Observatory, and Nautical Al- manac are attached to this bureau. The chief of this bureau has the rank of Commodore, navy pay. The Bureau of Ordnance has charge of all ordnance and ordnance stores, the manufacture or purchase of cannon, guns, powder, shot, shells, etc., and the equip- ment of vessels of war, with everything connected there- with. Chief of ISureau, with rank of Commodore, navy pay. The Bureau of Construction and B«pair has charge of the building and repair of all vessels of war and pur- chase of material. Chief of Bureau, Chief Constructor, with rank of Commodore, navy pay. The Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting has charge ■of jiroviding all vessels with their equipments, as sails, anchors, water tanks, etc., also, charge of the recruiting service. The chief of this bureau has the rank of Com- modore, navy pay. ^ The Bureau of flteam Engrineerine: has charge of the construction, rej>air, etc., of the iHachinery of steam ves- sels of war. The Engineer-in-Chief .superintends the construction of all marine steam engines for the navy, and, with the approval of the Secretary, decides upon plans for their construction. Chief of Bureau, Engineer- m-Chief , with rank of Commodore, navy pay. The Bureau of Provisions and Clothing contracts for all provisions and clothing for the us.- of the navy. Chief of Bureau, Paymaster-General, with the rank of Commo- dore, navy l)ay The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery manages every- thing relating to medicine and medical stores, treatment of sick and wounded, and management of hospitiils. Chief of Bureau, .Surgeon-General, with rank of Com- modore, navy pay. PAY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE NAVY DEPARTMENT Chief clerk, $2,500; disbursing clerk and superintend- ent, $2,200; 15 chief clerks of bureaus, $i,Soo; 4 draughts- men, $i,Sof); 25 clerks from $1,000 to $1,600; stenographer and draughtsman, $1,600; i engineer, $1,200: i assistant engineer, $i,0(X); 11 messengers from $660 to $840; 3 fire- men and 9 watchmen, $720; 14 laborers, $66j; S char- women, $180. NAVAL OBSERVATORY. I Clerk, $1,600; 3 civilian astronomers, i instrument maker, $1,500; keeper of grounds, per month, $So; 3 watchmen, per month, $60; i messenger, i porter, per month, $53.22. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE. I Clerk, per month, $120; 12 draughtsmen, per month, from $50 to $191.66; 2 writers, i painter of charts, per month, $75; I file clerk, per month, $60; 6 laborers, per month, from $40 to $55; 2 printers, per day, $4 ; 5 en- gravers, per day, from $^ to $4. NAUTICAL ALMANAC OFFICE. 7 computers, $1,200 to $1,600; messenger, $720. The remaining civil force of the Navy Department con- sists of a large number of clerks, draughtsmen, mech n- ical foremen, and skilled and unskilled operatives at thf several yards and stations of the navy. Admissions of civilians to the commissioned force are restricted to naval cadets, cadet-engineers, assistant engineers, second lieu- tenants of marines, assistant surgeons, assistant pay- masters, chaplains, and naval constructors, and to pro- fessors of mathematics, for the scientific branches or the service. Boatswains, gunners, sailinakers and carpen- ters, are also taken from civil life. APPOINTMENTS BY THE SECRETARY OF THIS NAVY. Fcr an Unlimited Term, or durinif his pleasure. Assistant astronomers. Naval Observatory. Chief clerk of the Department. Chief clerks of the bureaus. Clerks of the several grades. 210 Computed in Hydrographic Office. Disbursing- clerk. Draughlsitien. Engravers. Instrument-makers, Nautical Almanac Office Laborers. Messengers and assistant messengers Porters. Printers, Hydrographic Office. Stenographer. Watchmen. Writers, Hydrographic Office. NAVAIi ACADEMY, ANNAPOLIS, MARTLAND. Professors of drawing, languages, physics, chemistry, etc., the secretary, boxing-masters, clerks, and other offi- cers, servants, and employes, by the Secretary of the Navy, on the recommendation of the superintendent thereof. PAT TABLE OF THE NAVY. THE AMEHICAA' MANUAL. Admiral Vice- Admiral Rear-Adniiral Commodores Captains Commanders Lieutenant-Commander — First four years after date of commission After four years from date of commission Lieutenants — First five years After five years Masters — First five years • • ■ * Afterfive years Ensigns — First five years After five years Midshipmen Cadet Midshipmen Mates Medical and Pay Directors and Medical and Pay Inspectors Ifand Chief Engineers, naving the same rank at sea Fleet !?urgeons, Fleet Paymas- ters, and Fleet Engineers.... Surgeons, Paymasters, and Chief Engineers — .-•' At Sea. 513,000 9,000 6,000 5,000 4.S00 3.500 2,SoO 3,000 2,400 2,600 i.Soo 2,000 1,200 1,400 1,000 500 900 4,400 4,400 On Shore Duty. $13,000 8,000 S.ooo 4,000 3.500 3.000 2,400 2,600 2,00 2,200 1,500 1,700 1,000 1,200 Soo 500 700 On leave or waiting Orders. $13,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 2,S0O 2,300 2,000 2,200 1,600 1,800 1,200 1,400 800 1,000 6co 500 500 First five years after date of 2,800 3,200 3.500 3.700 4,200 2,0iX< 2,200 1,700 1,900 2,500 2,800 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,600 i.Soo 1,000 2,400 2,S00 3,200 3,600 4,000 2,0C» 1,400 1,600 2,000 2,300 8co 1,000 1,300 1,300 1,600 Soo Second five years 2,400 Fourth five years 2,800 After twenty years 3,000 1,500 1,700 .,000 Passed Assistant Surgeons, Passed Assistant Paymas- ters, and Passed Assistant Engineefs— First five years after date of appointnient Assistant Surgeons, Assistant Paymasters, and Assistant Engineers — Eirst five years after date of appointnient Chaplains — After five years 1,900 700 Soo Boatswr.ins, Gunners, Carpen- ters and Sailmakers — 900 Fourth three years Cadet Engineers (after examin- • foo $2,200 2,400 2,700 3.000 3,200 1,500 1,700 1,900 On On leave or shore duty, waiting orders. Naval Constructors First five years $3,200 Secoqd five yeai s 3.4oo Thir / five years 3.700 Fourth five years 4,000 After twenty years 4,200 Assistant Naval Constructors — First four years 2,000 Second four years 2,200 After eight years 2,600 Secretary to Admiral and Vice- Admiral $2,500 SecreUirics to Commanders of Squadrons 2,000 Secretary to Naval Academy i ,Soo Clerks to Commanders of Squadrons and Vessels.. 750 First Clerks to Commandants of Navy Yards 1,500 Second Clerks to Commandants of Navy Yards 1,200 Clerk, Mare Island Navy Yard ". i,Soo Clerk to Commandants Naval Stations 1,500 Clerks to Paymasters at Navy Yards — Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Wash- ington 1 ,600 Mare Island i ,Soo Kittery, Norfolk, and Pensacola i.^oo At other Stations , 1.300 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 211 The ]i;iy of seamen is $23 >, and of ordinary seamen $210 per annum. XoTE — The navv ration is commuted at jo cents per (lav. The navy spirit ration \.'as toUiUy abohshed July 1, 1S70. Navy officers are retired after forty years' service, on their own api)lication; and they are retired in any case after <■ 2 yc„rs of ayje, with some exceptions. The compen- sation of retired officers is 75 per cent, of the active pay of the same rank, or 50 per cent, (according- to the causes of retirement.) THE "7NITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY AT ANNAPOLIS. The United States Naval Academy was opened Octo- ber 10, 1S45, ""'^' ^''*^ credit of its foundation is attributed to Hon. Oeorfje Uancroft, the Secretary of the Ntivy under President Polk. The course of instruction, de- signed to train midshipmen for the navy, at first occu- pied Jive years, of which three were passed at sea. Va- rious changes have been made in the course of instruc- tion, which was made seven years in iSjo, four years in 1S51, and six years (the two last of which are spent at sea) March 3, 187.?, where it now remains. The Naval Academy, first located at Annapolis, Maryland, was re- moved to Newport, R. I., in May, 1S61, but re-established at Annapolis in September, 1S65, where it now is, occu- pyinjc lands formerly known as Fort Severn. The acad- emy is under the direct care and supervision of the Navy Department. There are In be allowed in the academy one cadet-inidshipman for every member or delegate in the House of Representatives, appointed at Lis nomination, one for the District of Col^umbia, and ten appointed at large by the President. ihe number of appointments which can be made is limited by law to twenty-five cack year, named by the Secretary of the Navy after competi- tive examination, the cadets beinjj from 14 to iS years of age. The successful candidates Decome students of the academy, and receive the pay of cadet-midshipmen, $500 per annum. Besides the caclet-midshipmen, 25 cadet en- gineers may be appointed each year, from 16 to 20 years of age, on competitive examination involvini^ a higher standard of knowledge. The course for cadet-engineers is four years at the academy, and two additional years at sea. All cadets who grad.uate are appointed assistant engineers in the navv as f.ist as vacancies occur. The course of instruction Is thorough, involving a c'ose pur- suit of mathematics, ;-.teain engineering, physics, me- chanics, seamanship, ordnance, history, l.iw, etc. The whole number of students in iSSi was: Cadet-midshin- men, 161 ; cadet-engineers, 100; total, 261. The graduat- ing classes of iSSi numbered 72 cadet-nudshipmen, and 24 cadet-engineers. UNITED STATES NAVAL HOSPITALS. The sum of $50,000 is appropriated yearly for Naval Hospitals at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Chelsea, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Annapolis, Maryland; Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia; Norfolk, Virginia: Pensacola, Florida; Mare Island, California; Yokohama, Japan. 212 THE AMERICA.y .VJA'-['^AL *nEPRHTMEHT HF THE TNTEHmH.<4 This department was establislied l\v an act cf Congress, «pprove procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants. The chief executive ofHeer is the "Commissioner of Agriculture," who holds his office by a tenure similar to that of other civil officers appointed by the President. The Corfimissioner is to acquire and preserve in his de- partment all information concerning agriculture which he can obtain bv means of books and correspondence, and by practical and scienti'^c experiments (accurate records of which experiments shall be kept in his office); by the col- lection of stiiisUcs, and by any other appropriate means within his power; to collect, as' he mav be able, new seeds and plants; to test, by cullivaticm, the value of such ut them as mav require such tests; to propagate such as may be worthv of propagation, and to distribute tlicm among agriculturists. Ho annually makes a gener:;l re- port in writing of his acts to the President and to Con> gress, and he also makes special reports on particular subjects whenever required to do so by the President or either hou>e of Congress, or whenever he thinks the sub- ject in his charge requires it. He directs and superintends the expenditure of all money appropriated by Congress to the department, and rendirs accounts thereof. The chief clerk, in the necess.iry absence of the Com- missioner, or whenever the office becomes vacant, per- forms the duties of the office. The Commissioner, under the provisions of Congress, appoints and employs chein- ists, botanists, entomologists, and other persons skilled in the natural sciences pertaining to agriculture. PAY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF AQRICULTITRE. Commissioner of agriculture, $,?, ^00; chief clerk, super- intendent of gardens, entomologist, statistician, $2,000; chemist, $^,000; 2 assistants, $r, 200 and $1,600; superin- tendent of seed division, botanist, microscopist, $i,Soo; jy clerks. iroMi $i,ixx) to $i,Soo; superintendent folding- i-o Mil, enginec:', $1,200; lady superintendent seed-room, $000. A small number of extra clerks, and of copyists, mechan- ics, laborers, and occasional experts are employed. PATENT Ol'FlCE. 77/A a:jkricaiV manual. 215 ^PnST-nFFlCE nEPflHTMENT,*4^ THE P08TUAST£K-a£N£ILAX. The Postmaster-General has the direction and manage- ment of ttie Postoffice Department. He appoints all officers and employes of the Department, except the three Assistants Postmaster-General, who arc appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; appoints all postmasters whose compensation docs not exceed one thousand dollars; makes postal treaties with foreign governments, by and with the advice and consent ot the President; awards and executes con- tracts, and direcfs the management of the domestic and loreign mail service. THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTEB-GEN- ERAIi. The First Assistant Postmaster-General has charge of the Appointment Office, which includes five divisions, viz. : Appointment Division. — The duty of preparing all cases for the establishment, discontinuance, and change of name or site of postoffices, and for the appointment of all ])Ostmasters, agents, ])ostal clerks, mail messengers, and department employes, and attending to all cor- respondence Consequent thereto. Bond Division.— The duty of receiving and recording appointments; sundinj^ out papers for postmasters and ttieir assistants to quaiif)'; receiving, entering, and fihng their bonds and oaths, and issuing the commissions for postmasters. Salary and Allowance uivision.— The outy of re- adjusting the salaries of postmasters, and the considera- tion of allowances for rent, fuel, light, clerk-hire, and other expenditures. Free Delivery.— The duty of preparing cases for the in- auguration of the system m cities, the appointment of letter-carriers, and the general supervision of the system. Blank Agency Division.— The duty of sending out the blanks, wrapping-paper and twine, letter-balances, and cancelirvg-stamps to offices entitled to receive the same. THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GEN- ERAL,. The Second Assistant Postmaster-General has charge of the Contract Office, mail equipments, etc., includmg the following three divisions: Contract Division. — The arrangement of the mail ser- vice of the United States, and placing the same under con- tract, embracing all correspondence and proceedings respecting the frequency of trips, mode of conveyance, and times of departures and arrivals on all the routes, the courseof the mails between the different sections of the country, the points of mail distribution, and the regula- tionsforthe government of the domestic mail service. It prepares the advertisements for mail proposals, receives the bids, and has charge of the annual and occasional mail letlings, and the adjustnienland execution of thecon- Iracts. All applications for the establishment or alteration UXITED STATES I'OST OFFICE. 216 THE AMERICAN' MANUAL. of mair arrangements, and tor mail mef senders, sliould be sent to this office. All claims should be submitted to it for transportation service not under contract. From this office all postmasters at the end of routes receive the statement of mail arra ig^ements prescribed for the respective routes. It reports weekly to the Auditor all contracts executed, and all orders affecting' the accounts for mail transportation ; prepares the statistical exhibits of the mail serviee, and the reports to Congress of the mail lettings, giving a statement of each bid ; also of the contracts made, the new service originated, the curtail- ments ordered, and the additional allowances granted within the year. Inspection Division. — The duty of receiving and ex- amining the registers of the arrivals and deparluris of the mails, ccrtific.ites of the service of route agents, and re- ports of mail failures; noting the delinquencies of con- tractors, and preparing cases then on for the action of the Postmaster -General; furnishing blanks for mail registers, reports of mail failures, anl other duties which may be necessary to secure a faithful and exact performance ot all mail servicf'. Mail Equipment Division. — The issuing of mail locks and kevs, mail pouches and sacks, and the construction of mail-bag catchers. THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GEN- ERAL. The Third Assistant Postmaster-General has charge of the Finance Office, etc., embracing the following four divisions' Divisionof Finance.— The duty of issuing drafts and warrants in payment of balances reported bv the Auditor to be due to ma"il contractors or other personj; the super- intendence of the collection of revenue at depository, draft, and depositing offices, and the accounts between the Department and the Treasurer and Assistant Treas- urers and special designated depositories of the United States. This division receives all accounts, monthly or quarterly, of the depository and draft; offices, and certifi- cates of "deposit from depositing offices. » Division of Postage Stamps and Stamped Envelopes, —The issuing of postage-stamps, stamped envelopes, newspaper-wrappers and postal cards; also the sunplying of postmasters with envelopes for their official use, and registered -package envelopes and seals. Dl'vision of Registered liCtters.— The duty of prepar- ing instructions for the guidance of postmasters relative to registered letters, and all correspondence connected therewith; also the compilation of statistics as to the transactions of the business. Division of Dead Ijetters.— The examination and re- turn to the writers of dead letters and all correspondence relating thereto. The Superintendent of Foreign Mails has charge ot all foreign postal arrangements, and the supervision oi the ocean mail steamship service. The Superintendent of the Money Order System has the general supervision and conlrt)! of the postal money order system throuiihout the United btates, and the S'.iper- vision ot the international money order correspondence with foreign countries. PAY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES OF THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Postoffice Department. — 3 assistant postmasters-gen- eral, $.5,500; chi.f ile.k, 4 chiefs of bureaus, cliief of division, $2,0^0; 3 chief clerkaof division, law clerk, to- pographer, $2,250; 20 clerks, I stenographer, $i,Soo; 65 clerks, $1,600; 5 J clerks, $1,^00; 7S clerks, i carpenter, $1,200; 14 clerks, $1,0 o; 61 clerks, $900; superintendent of free deli very, disbursing clerk, $2,100; superintendent of foreignm iils,% uperiiittndentof money order service, $3,- 000; enaineer, $1,401; assistant, $<>oo; fireman and black- smith, $QOo; fireman and s'eam-fitter, $720; assistant carpenter, cip'ain of watch $1,000; 15 watchmen, 11 mes- sengers, $720; 3S laborers, $6'3o; 3 female laborers, $480. Inspection Service. — 9 inspectors, $2,500; 9 inspectors, $1,600 and $5 per dav for expenses; 6 inspectors, $1,600 and $4 per day for expenses; iS inspectors, $1,500 and $4 per day for expensts; 7 inspectors, $1,200 and $4 per day for expenses; 4 inspectors, $1,400 and $4 per day for ex- penses; inspector, $1,400; inspector, $1,200. Rail'way Mail Service. — General superintendent, $3,- 500; 9 assistants, $2,500; assistant super. ntendent, $1,600 and $5 per day for expenses; assistant superintendent, $1,600 and $4 per day lor expenses; assistant superintend- ent, $1,500 and $4 per day for expenses; assistant superin- tendent, $1,200 and $5 per day for expenses; assistant superintendent, $1,200 and $4 per dav for expenses; 72 route agents, $i,fOo; 3 route agents, $950; 49 route agents, $960; 85 route agents, $940; 26 route agents, $920; S94 route agents, $900; 41 railway postal clerks, $1,400; 356 raiUvav postal clerks, $1,300; 443 postal clerks, $1,150; i'7S railway postal clerks, $1,000; 69 railway postal clerks, $900. Supply Service. — 3 distributing agents for stamped en- velo])es, postage st4mps, and postal cards, $2,500; ig clerks,, $1,000 to $i,Soo; delete clerk, $i,Soo. Inaddi'ion to the above there are at present some 130 local miil agents, with salaries from $100 to $i,Soo per vear, and a laryer amount of mail route messengers, with salaries from $100 to $SSo per year. Besides these are the mail contractors, 5,600 or 5,700 in number. UNITED STATES POSTAL REGXTLATIONS. Flrst-Class Mail Matter. — I.,etteks. — This class in- cludes letters and anything of which the Postmaster can- not ascertain the contents without destroying the wrapper, or anything unsealed which may be wholly or partly in writing, except manuscript for publication accompanied by proof-sheets. Postage, 3 cents each half ounce, or for THE AMERICAN MAXUAL. ;i7 eacTi fraction above half an ounce. On local ordron. letters, at free delivery offices, 2 cents. At offices Avhere no free delivery by carriers, i cent. Postal cards, i cent. Postal cards and letters go to Canada same as in United States. Registered letters, lo cents in addition to the proper postage. The Postoffice Department or its revenue is not by law liable for the loss of any registered or other mail matter. Second Class. — Regular Publications. — This class inclivJes all newspapers, periodicals, or matter exclusively in j)rint and regularly issued at stated perioils from a known office of publication or news agency. Postage, 2 cents a pound or fraction thereof. Third Class. — Miscellaneous Printed Matter. — Mailable matter of the third class includes books, tran- sient newspapers and periodicals, circulars, and other matter wholly in print (not of the second class), proof- sheets, corrected proof-sheets, and manuscript copy ac- companying the same; and postage shall be paid at the rate of i cent for each two ounces or fractional part thereof, and shall fully be prepaid by postage stamps affixed to said matter. Upon matter of the third class, or upon the wrapper inclosing the same, the sender may write his own name or address thereon, with the word " from " above and preceding the same, and in either case may make simple marks intended to design a word or passage of the text to which it is desired to call attention. There may be placed upon the cover or blank leaves of any book, or of any printed matter of the third class, a simple m.anuscript dedication or inscription that does not partake of the na- ture of a personal correspondence. Address, date, and signature may be written in printed circulars; but bills, statements, and other commercial papers, partly in writing, must be prepaid at letter rates. All pack.ages of matter of the third class must be so wrapped or enveloped that their contents may be readily and thoroughly examined by postmasters without destroy- ing the wrappers. Matter of the third class inclosed in sealed envelopes, notched at the ends or sides, or with the corners cut off, cannot be mailed except at letter postage rates. Packages of matter of this class may weigh not exceed- ing four pounds, except in case of single books weighing in excess of that amount. "Printed matter" is defined to be the reproduction upo.T paper, by any process except that of handwriting, of any words, letters, ch.aracters, figures, or images, or of any combmation tliereof, not having the character of an actual and personal correspondence. This includes pho- tographs and matter produced by the hektograph or electric pen. Fourth Class.— Merchandise, Samples, etc. — Mail- able matter of the fourth class includes all matter not cm- braced in the first, second, or third cl.ass, which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface, or otherwise damage the contents of the mail-bag, or harm the person of any one engaged in the pustal service. All matter of the fourtli class is subject to a postage charge at the rate < f i cent an ounce or fraction thereof, to be prepaid by stamps affixed. Upon any package of matter of the fourth class the sender may write or nrint his own name and address, pre- ceded by the word '-from," and there may also be written or printed the number and names of the articles inclosed; and the sender thereof may write upon, or at- tach to any such article, by tag or label, a single mark, number, name, or letter, for purpose of identification only. All packages of matter of the fourth class must be so wrapped or enveloped that their contents may be readily and thoroughly examined by postmasters without de- stroying the wrappers; but seeds or other articles li.able, from their form or nature, to loss or damage unless specially protected, may be inclosed in unsealed bags or boxes which can readily be opened for examination of the contents, and re-closed; or seale 1 bags made of material sufficiently transparent to show the contents clearly with- out opening, may be used for such matters. Packages of matter of this class may weigh not ex- ceeding four pounds. Miscellaneous. — Newspapers to persons not subscrib- ers from office of publication, or from one persom to an- other, to be prepaid by stamps — one cent for two ounces or fraction thereof. One or more newspapers may be inclosed in the same package and sent at the same rate. Letters can be forwarded frrm one postoffice to another (as in the case of removal, etc.) at the request of the party addressed, without extra charge. "Return letters" are also sent back to the writers, free, on expiration of days named in request. All letters not claimed in one month from their receipt, or returned to writer, are forwarded to the Dead Letter Office. No packages forwarded in mails weighing over four pounds, except single books weighing in excess thereof. To inclose or conceal a letter or written matter in a newspaper, magazine, or other print, subjects the entire package to letter postage, and the sender to a fine of $io. All communicat.ons from private citizens to Govern- ment offi ers, and to members of Congress, are required to be prepaid by stamps. Foreign Poste«e. — Letters at 5 cents per half ounce, prepayment optional (postil cards, 2 cents each), and printed matter and samples, i cent per 2 ounces to all countries belonging to the "Universal Postal Union," which embraces all parts of Europe and the colonies cf the principal European powers; also Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador, Braz'l, Uratruay, Venezuela, Argentine Repub- lic, Chili, Peru, Japan, Hong Kong, Egypt, Liberia, Hayti, Newfoundland, Canada, and other places of less importance (Postage to Canada is 3 cens per half ounce for letters, and i cent per 2 ounces for printed i-at- ter.) 218 THE A.^fERICAX ,VAXi\4I.. APPOINTMENTS BY THE POSTMASTER OENERAL. For an Unlimilfci Term. Appointment Clerk, Assist;\nt Attorney -General for Postotficc Department, carpenters, rhief clerk to the Poslniaster-General, chief clerks to Assistant Postmas- ters-General, chief clerk to Supermteniient of Foreign Mails, chief clerk to Superintendent of Money Order System, Chief of Division of Dead Letters, Chief of Division of Inspection, Chief of Division of Mail Depre- dations, Chief of Div.sion of Postage Stamps, Chief of Special Aijents, clerks (fourth, third,"second, first classes — $ I, coo and $000 classes), disbursinar clerk and superin- tenilent of the building-, engineers, firemen, fireman and blacksmith, fireman and steam-fitter, laborers (male and femalo\ 1 I'sv clerk. Letter-Carriers. — Letter-carriers are appointed by the Postmaster-General, on the nomination and recommenda- tion of ihe local postmaster. liOcalMail Agents. — Bv the Postmaster -General, on the nomination ot the local postmaster: Messengers, post- masters of the fourth class, railway postal clerks, route agents, special agents, stenographer to the Postmaster- General, superintendent of the Blank Agency, assistant superintendents of the Bl.irk Agency, superintendent of free deliverv, superintendent o( money order system, superintendent of railway mail service, topographer, wa'climen. Clerks and o:^er employes in postoflices are appointed by the postmasters. Superintendents of Mails. — Clerks in Postoffices of the tirst and socon.l elasses to superintend the distribution of the mail, are appointed by the Postmaster -General, on Ih • nomination of the General Superintendent of the RaiUvav Mail Service. THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief-Justice and eight Associate Justices. A Clerk and a Marsha' are appointed by the Court. The Clerk receives fees for the performance of the du'.i s of his office, and, unlike other court clerks, there is no maximum fixed of the amount of fees to be retained by hiin. 'I'he Supreme Court must hold one regular term a year, coiumencingon the second Monday in October, and such special terms as may be necessary, JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COXTRT. Exclusive jurisdiction f)t ail controversies of a civil nature where a St:,t-,' is a par-- cxr between a State and its citizens, or between a State and citizens o* other States, or aliens, in which latter cases it shall have original, but not exclusive jurisdiction. Bxclusivclv of suits or proceedino-sag-ainst ambassadors or other public ministers, or theii domestic servants; and original but not exclusive jurisdiction of all suits brought by ambass;idors or other public ministers, or in which a consul or vice-consul is a party. It has powerto issue writs of prohibition in the District Courts when proceeding as courts of admiralty and m.iri- time jurisdiction, and writs of mandamus in cases war- ranted by the principles and usages of law, to any I'nited States courts, or to persons holding office under the United States, where a State or an a nbassador or other public minister or consul or vice-consul is a party. Appeals from the Circuit and District Courts. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS. The judicial districts ot the United States are divided into nine circuits, as follows: The first circuit includes the districts of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hami>shire, and Maine. The second, Vermont, Connecticut, and New York The third, l^ennsylvania^ New Jersey and Delaware. The fourth, Maryland, \ irginia. West Virginia, North Carolina, and Soutli Carolina. The fifth, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The sixth, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The seventh, Indiana, Illinois, and \Visconsin. The eighth, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas. The ninth, California, Oregon and Nevada. ALIiOTMENTS. The Chief-Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court are allotted among the circuits by an order of the Court. For each circuit a circuit judge is appointed, with a Hil- ary of $6,000 a \ ear. Circuit courts are held by the circuit justice or by the circuit judge of the circuit, or by the district judge sitting alone, or bv any two of the said judges sitting together. The Chiif Justice and each Justice of the Supreme C; marshal, $3,500; clerks, me-ssengers, tailifts, etc., at varying r te<. THE AMKRICAN^ Court of Claims. — Chief-Justice, $4,500; ^ associates, $4,500; clerk, $3,000; assistant, $2,000; bailiffs, inesser- j(ers, etc. Supreme Court of District of Columbia. — Chicf-jus> ice, $4,500; 5 associates, $4,000; clerk, district attorney, marshal, rci;istcr of wills, fees; deputy clerks and mar- shals, bailiffs, attendants, etc., in varyinjf number and rate, from $2,500 to $5fxj i)er year. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. The ordinary business of this office may be classified under the followinjj heads : 1. Official opinions on the current business of the g'ov- ernment, as called for by the President, by any head of department, or by the Solicitor of the Treasury. 2. Ex.imination of the titles of all land purchased, as the sites of arsenals, custom-houses, lighthouses, and all other public works of the United States. 3. Applications for p irdons in all cases of conviction in the courts of the United States. 4. Application for .-ippointment in all the judicial and lejfal business of the ijovernment. 5. The conduct and arjfument of all suits in the Supreme Court of the United States in which the government is concerned. 6. The supervision of all other suits arising^ in any of the departments, when referred by the head thereof to the Attorney General. To these ordinary heads of the business of the office is added at the present time the direction of all appeals on land claims in California. PAY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Solicitor-general, $7,000; 3 assistant allorneys-gfeneral, $5,000; solicitor of the treasury, solicitor of internal rev- enue, $4,500; assistant attornev-gfeneral for postofRce de- lerKs, irtJiii ^Jii^eRj Lu .p^,uy tlie I'resident of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director has the control and management of the mint, the superintendence of the officers and persons em- ployed, and the general regulation and supervision of the several branches. The Treasurer receives all moneys for the use or sup- port of the mint, and all bullion brought to the mint for coinage; he has the custody of the same, except while legally in the hands of other officers; and on the warrant of the director, he pays all moneys due by the mint, and delivers all coins struck at the mint to the persons to whom they are legally payable. The Assayer assays all metals used in coinage, and all coins, whenever required by the operations of the mint, or instructed by the Director. The Melter and Refiner conducts the operations neces- sary to form ingots ofstandard silver and gold suitablefor the Chief Coiner. The Chief Coiner conducts the operations necessary to form coins from the ingots, etc., delivered to him lor the purpose. The Engraver prepares and engraves with the legal device and inscription all the dies used in the coinage of the mint and its branches. Besides the mint at Philadelphia, Congress has, from time to time, established branches and an Assay Office at th ; following places: At N'ew Orleans, for the coinage of gold and silver March 3,1835 At Charlotte, North Carolina, for the coin- age of gold only March 3, 1835 At Dahloneea, Georgia, for gold only March 3, 1835 At San Francisco, California, for gold and silver July 3,185* At Denver, Colorado Territory, for gold and silver April 21,1862 At Carson City, Nevada, for gold and silver March 3,1803 At New York City, an Assay Office for the receipt, melting, refining, parting, and assaying of gold and silver bullion and foreign coin, and for casting the same into bars, ingots, or disks March 3,1853 AtDallasCitv Oregon, for gold and siver. July 4,1864 UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY. The coast survey has for its object the production of accurate charts of the coasts and harbors of the United States. With a shore line, including bays and islands, and exclusive of Alaska, of more than 21,000 miles in length, and with a commerce extending to all parts of the world, ;ind rapidly increasing, the importance to the coun- try of this branch of the public service will be readilv ap- preciated. The work was commenced on the Eastern or Atlantic 220 THE AMERICAX MAX I' A I.. coast in iSj3, unJcr ihc superintendence of Professor F. R. Hassler, and after his death in 1S4;?, was continued under the superintendence of late Professor Alexander D. Bache, and extended to the Gvilf of Mexico. On the ac- quisition of California, the Pacific coast was included in Uie survey, and since the treaty with Russia, hy which Alaska was brought under the tjovernment of tlie United States, the survev has been extended to that Territory. The whole work is under the administrative direction of the Treasury Department. Upon the superintendent de- volves the duty or planning- its operations, for the scientific ncc'iracy of wliich he is responsible. The corps of assist- ants is composed of three classes — civilians, and army and nn.vy officers. The work is divided into three branches —the. gec'detic survey accurately determines the relative posit- ons ou the surface of the earth of a great number of prominent points, by a system of triang^ulation and ob- servation of the true meridian lines, and of latitude and long-itude." The positions fixed by the triansrulation form the groundwork of the topographic survey, which deline- ates the shore-line of the coasts, bays, and rivers; the shape and heights of the hills; the position of the roads, houses, woods, marshes, and fields— in short, all note- worthy features of the country. The hyjrogr.iphic survey, b;ised upon the points and shore-lines furnished by the triangulation and topography, delineates the hid- den configuration of the sea bottom, discovers channels, shoals, and rocks, assigns their true position, and shows the depth of water and character of the bottom over the whole extent of the chart. The observations made in the progress of the survey are arranged and published with illustrative plates, topo- graphic maps, and hydrotrraphic charts. FREEDMAN'S BUREAU. The Bureau of Refugees, FreeJinen. and Abandoned Lands w^as established -March 3, 1S05, and attached to the War Department. By its terms the law was limited to one year after the close of the rebellion. On the 16th day ofjuly, A. D. 1S66, the law was amended and continued in force for two years, and as-ain, on the 25lh of 'uly, 1S6S, an act was p;issed Continuing the educati nal d»;>art- mentof the Bureau, and the collections and paymei ts of money due soldiers and sailors or their heirs, until other- wise ordered h\ Congress, but the other operations of the Bureau were to be withdrawn from the reconstructed Stales on the ist of January, 1S6S. Alajor-Gcneral O. O. Howard was appointed Commis- sioner of the Bureau on the 12th of May, 1S65, and en- tered upon his duties on the 15th. Ten assistant commis- sioners were appointed in the different .State ■; embraced under the Bureau. With one exception, these were officers in the army, who were changed from time to time as changes were made in the different military- depart- ments. The Bureau was org-anized with four departments, em- bracing that of Lauds, Records, Financial Affairs, and the Mi-dical Department. The Claim Division was subse- quently organized under the head of the Land Department. The Bureau at first had supervision of farming property only, but the orders issued under the act by the President on the 2d day of July, iSfij, and by the Secretary ot the Treasury soon after, placed the Bureau in charge of all real property which bad been abandoned, captured, or confiscated, including building lots in cities and towns, as well as plantations and farms. As soon as possible alter its organization, the Land Division proceeded to ascertain as accurately as possible the amount and character of the property committed to its charge DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR OFFICERS. Diplomatic and consular officers must not be absent from their posts more than ten days in one year, without leave obtained from the President, and then only for sixty days, not including the time spent in the round journey if the officer visits his home. ITie pay of a diplomatic or consular officer is calculated from the time when he begins to receive his instructions; but not more than thirty ilavs time is allowed to this business, and he must take the most direct route to his station, tin his return home, time is allowed for the return journey by the most direct route, unless he has re-signed, or been recalled, because of official misconduct. .Xllowances for clerical service are made to a consider- able number of the larger consulates. The thirteen consular clerks hold office during good behavior after appointment. The consular offices compensated only by fees, are usually sought and filh d by persons who desire to hold the offices and live at the stations for purposes of business, health, or pleasure, and not for the emoluments of the offices themselves. DIPLOMATIC SEHVICE. Ministers to France, Germany, Great Britain and Russia 1 $17,500 Ministers to Austria, Brazil, China, Italy, ^V'pan, Mexico, and Spain 12,000 Ministers to Central America. Chili and Ppni :o,ooc Ministers to Argentine Confederation, Belgium, Colombia, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti. Nether- lands, Sweden, Turkey, and Venezuel.a $7,500 Ministt rsto Bolivia, Denmark, Paragu.ay, Portugal, and Switzerland SiO°° Minister to Libtria 4,000 Secretary and Interpreter of Legation at Pekin 5,000 Secretary of Legation at Constantinople 3,ooo Secretaries of Legation at Paris, Berlin, London, and St. Petersburg 2,625 Secretary of Leiration at Yeddo 2,500 Interpreter at Ycddo 2,500 Second Secret iries .at Paris Berlin, and London .. 2,000 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 221 Secretaries oCT^sralion at Madrid, Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, Il< me. and A'ienna i.Soo CONSULAR SERVICE. CON ULS XOT I'tKMITTED TO TKADE. Havana, L'verpool, J;ondon, Paris, Ilio do Janeiro $6,000 Calcutta and Shanghai S.OfO Melhoiirne \i-f^> Berlin, Bucharest, Cairo, Hon^f-Kong-, Honolulu, Montreal 4,000 Amoy, Callao, Canton, Chin-Kiang, Foo-Chow, liunkow, N'infjpo, and 'lien- ! sin 3iS0O Aspinwail, Uanjrkok, Brad ''ord, Buenos Ayrcs, De- merara, p'rankfort, Glasgow, Havre, Hiogo, Manchester, MaUmzus, Nagasaki, Os:ika, Panama, Hoxe, Tantfiers, Tripoli, Tunis, Val- paraiso, Verii Cruz, Vienna 3.000 Antwerp, Belfast, Birminjiham, Bordeaux, Kromen, Brussels, Cienfuegos, Dresden, Hamburg, Lyons, Marseilles, Santiago de Ciil>a, Saint Tfiomas. Sheftield, Singapore, Tunstall 2,500 Acapulco, Barmen, Basle, Beirut, Cardiff, Chcm- nit;;, Coalicook, Co'ogne, Cork, Dublin, Dun- dee, Halifax, Hamilton, Kingston, l^-ed>, Leip- sic, Leilh, Lisbon, Matainoras, Mexico City, Montevideo, Nassau, Nuremberg, Odessa, Per- nambiic>, Port Louis, Pr.igue, Kotterdam, St. John, St. Petersburg, San Juan, Smyrna, Sonne- berg, Tamatave, T oronto, Trieste, Zurich 2,000 Amsterdam, Auckland, Barbadoes, Barcelona, Bahia, Bermuda, Bristol, Cadiz, Capetown, Charlottetown, Chiton, Copenhagen, Fayal, Florence, Fort Erie, Funchal. (jeneva, Genoa, Gibraltiir, (ioderich, Jerusalem, Kingston (Canada), Laguavra, Leghorn, Liege, Mahc, Malaga, Mannheim, Martinique, Messina, Mu- nich, Naples, Newcastle, Nice, Palermo, Pic- tou. Port Sarnia, Port Stanley, Prescoit, Que- bec, St. Helena, St. John's (Canada), San Domingo, Stuttgart, Tampico, Verviers, Wind- sor, Winnipeg i>300 CONSULS PERMITTED TO TRADE. Apia, Batavia, CapeHiylien, Ceylon, Gaspi-Basin, Guayaquil, Guaymas, Honduras, Nantes, Para, Rio Grande de Sul, Sabanilla, Santiago, Tahiti, Talcahuana, Utilla, Venice, W ndsor (Nova Scotia), Zanzibar 1,000 CONSULS ANH COMMERCIAL AGENTS PERMITTED TO TRADE, AND COMPENSATED O.VLY BY FEES COLLECTED. Algiers, Alicante, Amapala, Antigua, Archangel, Baracoa, Bathurst, Belize, Bergen, IJogota, Bombay, Bresl m, Jlrunswick, Buena Ventura, Cam ir:'0, Carrara, Castelamar". Cartharrcna, Chihuahua, Christiana, Ciudad, Bolivar, Lolo- nia, Coquimbo, Cordoba, Corunna, Crefeld, Curacoa, D_nia, Falmouth, Galatz, Garrucha, Gccsteinund, Ghent, Gottenburg, Grand Basso, Guerr>To, ( /uidainune, Guatemala, Helsing- 5o,773 M. E. South S2S.010 Lutheran '>S4,S77 Presbyterian 573.37^ Christian S'i7.44S Congregational 381,606 Protestant Episcopal 32^377 Un ted Brethren '55.433 Reformed Churc h in U. S "S4.740 United Evangelical 144,000 Presbyterian South 119,970 Protestant Methodist i 'S, 175 Cumberland Presbyterian "'.^57 Mormon 1 10,377 Evangelical Association 99.'>oo 222 THE AMERICAX MAXCAL. The Brethren 00,006 United Presbyterian 80,237 Reformed Church in America 7S,9i'> Freewill Baptists 76,703 Frienils 67,640 Second Adventist 63,500 Anti-Mission Baptist 40,000 Universalist 37.945 Church of God 20,324 Weslevan Methodist 17,847 Moravian 16,115 Seventh Day Adventist "4,733 lews J3.6S3 Free Methodist )2,:."j Adventist 11,100 Reformed Episcopal 10,459 Seventh D;iv Baptist 8,606 Reformed Presbyterian 6,020 New Jerusalem 45734 Primitive Methodist 3»370 New Mennonite 2,990 American Communities 3,838 Shaker ... 3,4C0 Independent Methodist 2,103 Six Principle Baptist 3i07C LOSSES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR EVERY ADMINISTRATION FROM 1 789 TO 1876. The following table exhibit;: the losses of the Government through frauds, carelessness, and from all causes, and the iiinountof loss on each thousand dollars, for everv administration from the beginning- of the government till the end of President Grant's administration, as follows: Washington Adams Jefferson Madison Monroe Adams Jackson van Buren Harrison ? Tvler S Period of ser- vice. S years. + " " Total Loss on Losses. $1,000. 250,970 $ 2.22 235.41' 2.59 603,467 2.7^ 2,101,660 4.10 3.-'^9.787 S.5S 8S5.374 4-3" 3.761.1 11 7-5- 3.343.792 II .71 1.S&S.003 40 Polk Taylor ) Fillmore J Pierce Buchanan Lincoln Johnson Grant Tot;\l PerTocl of ser- 4 vears. \ " 4 " 4 " 4 " I- " Total Losses. $1,732,851 1,514,409 2,167,982 2,659,107 7,20o,9&4 4,619,599 2,S-jCm92 $39,108,605 Loss on $1,000. 4.0S 4.19 3-<;6 3.81 76 57 $1.29 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 223 Chief-Justices. Associate Justices. 1 * • I John Rutli-tiget 2 William Cushimg.... ■^ James Wilson 4 John Blart Robert H. Harrison.. 6 James Iredell S I Thomas Johnsonf I William Patterson... 7 1, John Uulledg«4 Salmon P. Chase 4 % Oliver Ellswortht. . 10 Bushrod Washington. 3 II Alfred Moored 6 4 John Marshall 13 William Johnson II n Brockh't Livingston.. S '4 Thomas Todd ^ IS Jose ph Story , 2 lO Gabriel Duvalt Smith Thompson Robert Trimble 9 13 14 IQ John MrLonn iS 20 Henry Baldwyn 10 1 21 James M. Wayneg .... 12 5 Roger B. Taney 22 Philip P. Barbour.... 16 2^ John Catron t 24 John McKinlev ^ 25 Peter V. Daniel 22 26 Samuel Nelson. + . ... 17 27 28 Levi Woodbury IS Robert C. Griert 20 20 Benjamin R. Curtist. 27 ^0 John A. Campbellt. . . 24 V -Vathan Clifford 2g 32 Noah H. Swayne IQ S^ Samuel F.Miller 2S 34 35 v> Stephen J. Field (i Salmon'P. Chase.... 36 38 William Stronci- Josenh P. Bradley 28 Ward Hunt 26 7 Mo»rison R. Waite. . 30 lohn M. Harlan 34 40 William B.Woods... 36 State Whence Appointed. Newr York South Carolina. Massachusetts.., Pennsylvania .. . Virginia Maryland North Carolina. Maryland New Jersey South Carolina.. Maryland Connecticut Virgini.i North Carolina . Virginia South Carolina. . New York Kentucky Massachusetts . Maryland New York Kentucky . . Ohio Pennsylvania Georgia Maryland Virginia Tennessee Alabama Virginia New York New Hampshire Pennsylvania . .. Massachusetts... Alabama Maine Ohio Iowa Illinois California Ohio Pennsylvania. . . . New Jersey New York Ohio Kentucky Georgia Term of Service. Born. Died. '759-179? 1780-179' 17S9-18JO 1 780- 1 798 1 789-179') 1789-1790 'V90-1799 '79'-'793 1 793- 1 806 '795-'79S 1796-1811 1796-1801 I 798- I 829 1799-1804 i%oi-.835 1804-1834 1806-1823 1 807-1 826 181 1-1845 1811-1836 1S23-1845 1826- I 82S 1829-1861 18^0-1846 1835-1867 1836-1864 1836- 1841 1837-1865 •837- ''^52 1841-1860 1845-1872 1845-1851 1846-18^9 1851-1857 185^-1.861 I858-. . . . 1861-..., 1862-.... 1862- 1877 1866-.... 1864-187^ 1870-1880 1870-.... 1872- 1874-.... 1877-.... 1880-1882 H '745 '7.39 '733 '74' I732 '715 '75' '732 '745 '739 '74' '745 1762 1755 '755 1771 '757 '765 '779 1752 1767 1777 ■785 '779 1790 1777 'A 177S 1780 '78s 1792 1789 1794 1S09 181 1 1803 1805 1816 1815 1816 1808 1S08 1813 1811 1816 '833 1S26 1829 1800 1810 1798 1800 1790 1799 1819 1806 1800 1811 1807 1829 1810 1835 '834 1823 1826 1845 1844 1828 1861 1846 1867 1864 1S41 1S6S 185a i860 'S73 1851 1870 1874 'S73 1887 324 THE AMERICAX MAXCAL. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES.-Concluded. Melville W. Fuller. Stanley Matthews 32 Ohio Horace Gray 31 Massachusetts.. Samuel Blatchford -,8 New York . ... Lucius Q. C.Lamar 40 1 ..;. Mississippi 1 Tll!noi<; iSSi- I8S2- tSSS-. 1824 1828 IS20 1825 1 .. 1 iS.^3 .... • The figures before the names of the Associate Justices indicate the order of their appointment. The numbers fol- lowing refer to the same numbers in the first column, and show the vacancy filled by eacii appointment. + Kcsisfned. ± Presided one term of the Court; appointment not confirmed by the Senate. I The Supreme Court, at its first session in 1700, consisted of a Chief Justice and five Associates. The number of . Associatejustices was increased to six in 1S07. by the appointnunt of Thomas Todd; increased to eiirht in 1S37, by the appointment of John Catron and John McKinley; iucreased to nine in iS6_^, by the appointment of '.?te;-'hcn J. Field; decreased to eio:hi 0:1 the death of John Catronin 1855; decreased to seven on the death ofjames M. Wayne, in 1S67; And ag^-ain increased to eight in 1S70. THE CLIMATE OF THE UNITED STATES. St.ate or Territory. Place of Observation. Mean annual 1 temper- State or Territory ature. | degrees | 1 Mean' j annual Place of Observation, itemper- 1 ature. degrees Alabama Mobile Sitka Tucson Little Rock 46 63 55 4S 50 47 SI 55 69 ss 5-> ;o SI lO 4'^ t^ 45 5+ 4'^ Mississippi 04 SS 43 19 Ahiska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Cape Winrield Scott Denver Connecticut I lartf ord Fort Randall 53 SI <>< Dakota Delaware Albany District Columbia Florida Washmgton North Carolina Ohio Raleig'h 59 Georgia -Vtlanta Portland S3 54 Idaho PennsvlAania Rhode' Island Harrisburg Illinois Columbia 63 Indian Territory Tennessee Texas Utah 67 S2 43 57 SI S^ 45 41 Kansas Salt Lake Citv Kentucky Louisville Louisiana Washington Ter Romney Boston Detroit Michigan Minnesota St. Paul THE I,ATi; CHIEF JUSTICE MORRISON R. WAIT5., S26 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. SEcr^Eii^Ar^iES OP State. Term No. 1 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 s 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 P 11 10 11 13 12 13 13 Xi 14' Appointed. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Edmund Randolph Timothy Pickering Timothy Pickering John Marshall . . James Madison . James Madison . Robert Smith . . James Monroe . . James Monroe . . John Quinc'y Adams John Quincy Adams Henry Clay .... Martin Van Buren . Edward Livingston Louis McLane . . . John Forsyth , . . John Forsyth . . . Daniel Webster . . Sept. 26, [jNIarch 4, I January 2, jt)ec. 10, March 4, May 13, 'March 5, March 4, March 6, JApril j March I March 1 March i March ; March May May June March 4, March 5, Term 14a 15 le lOa 17 18 19 20 20a 21 23 23 24 24a 25 Name. Daniel Webster . Hugh S. Legare . Abel P. Upshur . . John C. Ciilhoun . James Buchanan John M. Clayton . "Daniel Webster . Edward Everett . William L. Marcy Lewis Cass .... Jeremiah S. Black William H. Seward William H. Seward William H. Seward E'.ihu B. Washburne Hamilton Fish . . . Hamilton Fish . . . William M. Evarts . James G. Blaine . . F. T. Frelinghuysen Thomas F. Bayard . Appointed. April May July March March March July Nov. March March Dec. March March April March March March March March Dec. March 6. 1841 9. 1843 24, 1843 6, 1844 6. 1845 7. 1849 22, 1850 6, 1852 7, 1853 6, 1857 17, i860 5. i86l 4, 1865 15. 1865 5> 1869 11, 1869 4, 1873 12, 1877 5, i88l 12, i88i 6, 1885 The larger figures mark the Presidential term in which each Cabinet Officer held his appoint- ment. THE AMERICAX MAXUAL. 227 JAMES G. BLAINE. 228 IHE .J^rF.RICA.V MANUAL. SECRETARIES OF THE TREASURY. R u H 1 I 2 2 3 S 4 4 5 6 7 S 6 <- fi 9 10 S 11 9 10 12 II 12 I.^ 13 14 H Alexander Hamilton. Oliver Wolcott. Samuel De.xter. , Albert Gallatin , Georg'e \V. Campbell. Alexander J. Dallas . . . William H. Crawford. Richard Rush Samuel D. Injjfham Louis iVlcLane William J. l)u;ine . Roger 15. Taney Levi Woodbury,... Thomas- Ewing^. -Vjipointed. Sept. II, 17S9 March 4, 1795 Feb. 2, 1795 March 4, 1797 J;in. I, 1801 May 14, iSoi March 4, 1S09 March 4, 1S13 Feb. 9, 1S14 Oct. 6, 1S1 + Oct. 22, 1816 March 5, 1S17 March J, 182 1 March 7, 1S25 jNiarch 6, iS2iy Au^. 2, 1S31 May 29. 1S33 Sept. 23, 1S33 June 27, 1S34 M;irch 4, 1837 March 5. 1S41 y~. A H Z 14a !■; 16 '7 n 18 16 IQ 16:! iO 17 21 18 22 23 2 + 1 4 6 5 6 I 7 9 10 8 1 1 9 10 i.^ H 11 "; l6 12 13 17 14 iS Henry Knox Timothy Pickering. James McHenry ... SamueUDexter. . . Roger Griswold . . Henry Dearborn. William Eiistis. . John Armstrong. James Monroe William H. Crawford. George Gr.hain John C. Ca houn J.ames Barbour . . Peter B. Porlir. John H. Katon.. Lewis Cass Joe R. Poin.selt. John Bell Sept. a, 17S9 M.irch 4, 1793 J. in. 2, 1795 Jan. 37, 179ft March 4, 1797 May 13, iSco Feb. 3, I So I March 5, iSoi March 4, 1S05 March 7, 1809 Jan. I?, IS 3 .Miirch 4, iSij Sept. 27, 1S14 Auirust I, 1815 ad interim. Oct. 8, 18 1 7 March 5, IS21 March 7, 1825 May 26, iS:8 March 9, 1829 August 1, 183T March 4, 1S3? March 7, 1S37 March 5, iS^i 14.. '9 20 21 l.i 22 11) 25 16a 24 17 2^ 18 s6 27 19 28 29 i>0 30a 30 ai ,V \i -ii 3? 31 Z-6 3i 3'' j.,11.1 B^.i John ».'. Spencer J imes M. I'orter William Wilkin.s William L. Marcy George W . Cra w tor il Charles M. Conrad Jefferson Davis John H. Floyd Joseph Holt Simon Cameron Edwin M. Stanton U. S. G ant, act interim. L. Thomas, " John M. Schofield Jolin A. Rawlins William W. Belknap... AlphonsoTaft James D. Cameron . . . George \V. McCrary. AlexaiuliT Ramsey April 6, Oct. 12, March 8, Feb. IS, March 6, March 8, Aug. IS, March 5, March 6, Jan. iS, March 5. Jan. 15. March 4, April IS, Aug. 12, Feb. ii. May 28, March 11, Oct. 25, March 4, March 8, .May 22, March 12, Dec. 10, 841 84t S43 844 84s S49 8so S.S7 86i S6[ 8fl2 865 86s 867 868 S68 »g S69 876 870 S77 S-9 Secretaries of War .—Term 24, No. 38, Robert T. Lincoln, appointed March 5, i Endicott, appointed March 6, 1885. NOTE.— William T. Sherman was Secretary of War from September 9, 18 Term 25, No. 39, William C to October 25, 1869. SECRETARIES OF THE NAVY. 3 4 I 2 5 3 6 4 ^ 7 6 8 - 7 9 s 10 11 9 10 12 11 13 14 '3 Benj.tinia Sioddert. Robert Smith J. Crowninshield. Paul Hamilton . , William Jones. . . B. W. Crowninshield Smith Thompson Samuel L, Southard.. John Branch Levi Woodbu y . Mahlon Dickerson. J imes K. Paulding. I icorsr ■ 1'- Badsrt r. . M.iv 21, 179S March 4, 'Soi July I , iSoi M irch 3, 1^05 M.irch 7, 1809 Jan. 12, iSi.i March 4, 1813 Di c. 19, 181 1. March 4, 18I7 Nov. 9, iSiS March 5, 1821 Se|)t. 16, 1823 March 4, iS^s M:irch 9, 18^9 M ly 23, I'^ti M irch 4, iSv? June 30, 183, March 4, i8<7 June 25, i83'> M.irch s, 1S41 14a 14 i> 16 '7 15 li Ifi "'7 Itiu 20 21 17 22 18 2? 1!» 21 20 2i). * 21 2i 2J 2» 27 2-! George E. Ha^lger... Aliel r. Up>hur David I lensha w Th.mis W. Gilmer.-. John Y. Ma-on (jeorge Bancroft.... lohn V. Mason "Williaiii B. Preston William A. Graham. J hn P. Kennedy.... J inies C. Dobbin..., Isaac Toucey Gid on Welles Ailolph E. Borie. . . . George M. Robeson. Richard W. Thompson. Nalhan G..ft Jr., April 6, 1841 Sept. 13, 1S41 July 24, 1843 Fib. 15^-1^44 March 14, 1814 March ro, 1845 Sept. o, 184^) M irch S, 1849 July 22, 185-1 July 23, 1850 March 7, 1853 March 6, 1S57 March 5, 1S6: March 4, \'^i, Ai)ril IS, iS6s March 5, 1S69 June 2S, 1869 March 4, 1873 March 12, 1877 Jan. 6, 1881 Secretaries of the Navy.— Term 24, No. 2: \handler, appointed April i, 1882 ; Term 2 !, William H. Hunt, appointed March 5, 1881 ; Term 24a, No. 29, William E. ;, No. ao. William C. Whitney, appointed March 6, 18S5. THE AM ERIC AX ArAXCLAL. fVTTOKNEVS-GEXERAL. 231 14 14a Kdmund Randolph. William Bradford.. Charles I..ee Theophilus Parsons Levi Lincoln Robert Smith. . . . John Breckinndg-e. Caear A. Rodney.. William Pincknej', Richard Rush William Wirt John M. Berrien.... Roffcr B. Taney. Benjamin V. Butler. Felix Grundv Henry D. Gilpin . . . John J. Crittenden. .-■ept. 26 March 4 Jan. 27 Dec. 10 March 4 Feb March 5 March t, Au^. 7 Jan. 2S March 4 Dec. 1 1 March 4 Feb. 10 March 4 Nov. 13 March "5 March 4 March 9, July 20 .March 4 Nov. IS March 4 July S Jan. II March 5 April 6, 1^-) 793 794 795 Soi Sos Sos S07 ^09 3ii 1'^ S'4 o'7 S17 S21 829 l^' S33 833 1^7 S3S 840 841 15 20 23 Hiig^h S. Legare John Nelson John V. Mason Nathan Clifford Isaac Toucey Reverdy Johnson John J. Crittenden Caleb Cushing- Jeremiah S. Black Edwin M. Stanton Edward Bates T. J. Coffey, adinterim. James Speed Henry Stanberry William M. Evarts.. E. Rockwood Hoar.. Amos T Akerman George H. Williams. Edwards Pierrepont Alphonso Taft Charles Devens Wavne Mc Veagh Benjamin H. Brewster. Attorney-General.— Term 25, No. 39, Augustus H. Garland, appointed March 6, \i Sept. XT, July March 6, Oct. i7i June March 8, July March 7 March 6, Dec March 5 June 22 Dec. March 4 April 15 July 2S July March June 23 Dec. 14 March 4 April 26 May 22 March 12 March j Dec. 19; , 1S41 . 1S43 , 1S4S , 1846 . 184S , 1840 , 1850 .'85s • '^57 i860 , 1861 ,1863 . 1864 , 1865 , "865 , 1S66 , iS6» , 1S69 , 1870 .187: ,1873 ,187s . >87& •■^77 , 18S1 , 18S1 233 THE 'AMERICA:: jrAXCAL. SECRETARIES OF THE INTERIOR. No. Name. Appointed. S No. Name. Appointed. 16 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Thomas Ewing Alexander H. H. Stewart. . ; . . Robert McClelland March 8, 1849 Sept. 12, 1850 March 7, iSs3 March 6, 1867 March 5, 1861 Jan. 8, 1863 March 4, 1865 April 15, 1865 May 15, 1865 July ,27, 1866 21 22 23 24a 25 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 Jacob D. Cox March 5, 1860 Nov. 1, 1870 March 4, 1873 Oct. 19, 1875 March 12, 1877 March 5, 1881 April 6, 1882 March 6, 1885 Jan 16 1888 17 j8 39 Caleb B. Smith John P. Usher Samuel I. Kirkvvood Henry M. Teller Lucius Q. C. Lamar goa James Harlan POST^LASTEKS-GEXERAL. i I 3 3 ^ 8 4 4 5 7 7 S 8 9 6 10 11 U s 13 Q 14 10 14a It Siam'i Osgood Timoth\ Pickering. Joseph Habersham.. Gideon Granger Return J. Meigs, Jr. John McLean William T. Barry. Amos Kendall.... John M. Niles.. . Francis Granger. Charles A. Wickliflfe. Postmasters-General.— No. 31, Walter tober 14, 1SS4 ; Term 25, No. 33, William January 16, 1SS8. bcpt. 2(-, Aug. a, /.Lirch 4, Feb. 25, March 4, March 4, Nov. 2S, March 4, March 4, March 17, INIarch 4, March 5, June 26, March 4, March 9, INLirch 4, Mav I, March 4, AL.y S. JLirch 6, April 6, Sept. 13, Q. Gresham, appointed April 5, 1883 ; No. F. Vilas, appointed March t, 1885 ; No. i7>9 ]5 ij 1 1791 lO '.^ 1793 Itia ■I- 179s I,'? 1707 IV 10 li-'oi 13 17 iSoi iS iSos n 1S09 19 20 1S14 21 iSi/ 20 I'^2I 20-a IC523 23 .ii2^ ai n 1S2Q 22 'Sl^ 24 '^35 2^ >S37 23 20 1S40 27 .S4. 24 2 .S4' 24a 29 1 541 Cave Johnson Jacob CoUamer Nathan K. Hall Samuel D. Hubbard James Campbell Aaron V. IJrown Joseph Holt Horatio King Montgomery Blair William Dennison. ... Alexander W. Randall John A. J. Creswell Marshall Jewell James N. Tyner David McK. Kev. .... Horace Mavn rd 'ill. mas L J inics Timolhv O. Howe March 6, 1S4S March S, 1S49 July 23, 1850 Aug. 31, 1853 March' 5, '853 IVLarch 6, 1S57 March 14, 1859 P>b. 13, 1S61 March 5, 1*61 Sept. 24, 1S64 March 4, 1865 April ly, 1865 July 25, 1866 March 5, 1S69 March 4, 1S73 Aug. 34, 1S74 July 12, 1S76 iSIarch 13, 1S77 June 3, iSSo March 5. iSSi Dec. 30, iSSi 52, Frank Hation, appointed Oc- , 4, Don M. Dickinson, appointed \^a THF. AMERICAN MANUAL. LENGTH OF SESSIONS OF CONGRESS, 1789-1888. 233 No. of Congress. ist 2d 3d 4th 5th-. ■ 6th 7th Sth 9th lOth nth I2lh 13th 14th , 15th.: i6Ui...'. ... !7lh iSlh 19th 20lh 2ISt No. of Session. Time of Session. ist March 4 2d. I 3d. j 1st. I 2d.. Jan. .Dec. Oct. . Nov. ]i J ist Dec. I 2d Nov. ( 1st Dec. 1 2d Dec. St M.iy 2d Nov. 3d Dec. I ist Dec. 1 2d Nov. j 1st Dec. I 2d Dec. J 1st... Oct. I 2d Nov. ...Dec. . . Dec. , . . Oct. ..Nov. . . May 2d Xov. 3d Dec. j 1st Nov. I 2d Nov. I ist May 24 J 1st Izd. 1 1st. ]2d. ]i -^2d. hd.. 1 1st. (■2d., \ ist., l2d . J ISt. 1 2d., j ISt. I 2d . . I ISt. lad.. \'i ISt. 2d.. ISt. 2d.. ISt. 2d . .Dec. .Sept. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. . Nov. .Dec. . Nov. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. 17S9-! 790— 790- 79'- r9^ 79S 794 I79S- 1796 :79 79: 79S- '799— Soo- ■Sept. 29, ■Aug-. 12, ■March 3, May S, ■March 2, ;— J'lne 9, -March 3, , — June I, I — March 3, r — July 10, ■—July 16, I — March 3, I — May 14, 1 — March 3, I So I — May 3, [So2 — March 3, ;So3 — March 27, 1S04— March 3, [Sot; — April 21, :.So6 — March 3, 1S07— April 25, .SoS-March3, iSoq — June 28, 1S09— May I, iSio — March 3, iSii— July 6, jSi2 — March 3, 1S13 — Aug-. 2, 1S13— April iS, 1S14 — March 3, [Sij — April 30, jSiO— March3, 1S17— April 20, 1818— March 3, r8i9— May 15, 1820 — March 3, 1S21— May 8, 1S22 — March 3, 1S23 — May 27, 1S24 — .March 3, 1S25 — May 2i, iSiS— March 3, 1S27 -May 26, [S2S— March 3, 1829 — May 31, 1S30— March 3, 7S9 790 791 792 793 79+ 795 796 797 797 790 799 800 801 S02 S03 S04 So? S06 807 S08 S09 809 Sio Sii Sl3 S>3 813 814 ^■5 S16 S17 SiS" 819 S20 821 S22 823 824 825 826 S27 828 829 S^o 83' No. of Congress. 22d 23d 24lh 2Sth ... . No. of Session, Time of Session. 26th. :?7th. 2Sth. 2glh. 30th. 3'st. 32d.. 33d . 3tlh. 35tli. 36th. 37tli'. 3Slh. 39th. 40th. j ISt.. •l2d.. j ISt.. 124.. j ISt.. •lad.. ( 1st.. -<2d.. <.3d . ( 1st. ■ 1 2d . . I "St, -^2d. I 3d. j ISt. •"I 2d. . . Dec. . . Dec. ..Dec. . . Dec. ..Dec. , . Dec. ..Sept. ..Dec. . Dec. ..Dec. , Dec. 1st, May 31, . Dec. 6, Dec. S, . . Dec. 4, . . Dec. 2, ..Dec. . . Dec. / ISt ,. . . .Dec. ■■ i 2d Dec. J ISt Dec. ■''I 2d Dec. ( ISt Dec. • • ) 2d Dec. t ISt Dec. • • 1 2d . ." Dec. 1 1st Dec, 3, -< 2d Aug. 21, 13d Dec. I, j ist Dec. 7, ■j 2d Dec. 6, ) 1st Dec. 2d Dec, ..July . .Dec. . . Dec. j ISt Dec. ( 2d Dec. j ISt Dec. j 2d Dec. ISt March 4, " July 3. " Nov. 21, 2d Dec. 2, i3d Dec. 7, 1 ISt. .-^2d. 3d. Sv-July xCr S32 — March 3 8^3— June 30, S34 — March 3 S3.';-Julv 4 S36— March 3 S37-Oct. 16. s.^7-J>>iy . 83S— March 3 839— July 21 840 — March 3 S41— Sept. 13 Sm— Aug, 31 842 — March 3 843— June 17 S44 — March 3 S45 — Aug. 10, S47— March 3 847— Aug. 14, S4S -March 3 849— Sept. 30, 850— March 3 85'— Aug. 31 SS2 -March 5 SS3-Aus. 7 b;4 — March 3 SSS-Aug. iS, S56^Aug. 30. 856— March' 3' S57 — June 14 SsS-March 3, 8i;9— June 25 S60 — March 4 S61 — Aug. 6, Sr,i— July 17, 852 — March 4 S63— July 4 864- March 4 S6s— July 28 866 -March 4 867 — March 30, S67— July 20. S67— Dec. S67— July 27, b6S — March 4 S32 S33 834 835 836 S37 S38 839 S40 S41 841 842 84s 844 845 846 S47 S4S 849 850 85' 852 853 854 85s 8.56 856 857 858 859 S60 S6i. S61 862 865 S64 865 866 867 S67 S67 I867 868 S69 284 THE AMERICA X MAXl'AL. 41st. 42d. 43d ■• 44th. 4Sth. 46th. ( I St .j; I 3d J ist •••l2d. , 1st. • l2d. 1 1st. ...i2d. I 3d. ( 1st ...-{2d J 3d March 4, 1S69— Apiil 25, Dec. 6, 1S60— July 15, Dec. s> 1S70— Miirch 4, St M.irch 4, 1S71 — April 20, 2d.. Dec. 4. iSyi^une 10, Dec. .Dec. . Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Oct. .Dec. .Dec. 2. S72 — March 4, I. 1S73— June 2.5, 7, 1S74— xVIarch 4, 6, 1S71;— Aug-. 15, 4, 1S76— March 4, 'S. 1S77— Dec. 3, .3. 1S77— June 2°> 2, 187S— March 4, 1st March iS, 1S79— July i, Dec. I, 1S79— June 16, Dec. A, iSSo— March 4, 1S69 1S70 1S71 1S71 .S72 >^73 1S74 ■S/S 1S76 1S77 % 1S79 1S79 iSSo 1S83 47th. 48th. 49th. 50th. ' ist Dec. 5, j88i— Aug. 8, 1882 ■ f ad Dec. 4, 1882— Mar. 4, 1883 \ ist Dec. 3, 18S3— July 7, 1884 ■ I 2d Dec. I, 1884— Mar. 4, 1885 \ 'St Dec. 7, 1885-Aug. 5, 1886 I 2d Dec. 6, 18S6— Mar. 4, 1887 .\ ist Dec. 5, 1887 .... Note. — To determine the years covered bv a g-iven Congress, double the number of the Congress and add the prod- uct to 17S9; the result will be the year in wliich the Congress closed. Thus the ,3Sta Congress=7o* 1780=1850, that being the year which tern inated the 35th Congress on the 4th of March. To find the number of a Congress sitting in any given vear, subtract 17S9 from thtj year; if the result is an even number, half that number will give the Congress, 6f which the year in question will be the closing year. If the result is an odd number, add one to it, and half the result will give the Congress, of which the year in question will be the first year. ^^^^^5^' "^ THE REV. FRANK HARDIN, D. P. 336 THE AM ERICA X J/AXL'AA. SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Name. Slate. Congress. Term of Service. Born. Died. 1 F. A. Muhlenberg-... Pennsylvania . . 1st Congress April 1, 17^910 March 4, 1701 '75° 1801 2 Jonathan Trumbull. . . Connecticut. . . . 2d Congress Oct. 24, 1791, to March 4, '793 1740 1S09 F. A. Muhlenberg... Pennsylvania .. .3d Congress Dec. 2, 1793, to March 4, 179s 3 Jonathan Dayton New Jersey. .. 4th Congress Congress Dec. 7, 1795. to March 4, May 15, 1797, to March 3, ■797 '799 1760 1824 4 Theodore Sedgwick.. Massachusetts.. 6th Congress Dec. 2, 1799, to March 4, iSoi 1746 iSi3 5 Nathaniel Macon North Carolina. 7th Sth Congress Congress Dec. 7, iSoi.lo March 4, Oct. 17, 1S03, :o ]\Iarch 4, 1803 1801; 1757 183T " " >> IC Qtti Congress Dec 2, 1S05, to March 4, I ^^07 6 Joseph B. Varnum... Massachusetts loth nth Congress' Congress Oct. 36, 1S07, to March 4, May 22, 1S09, to March 4, 1809 iSi'i "75° l'S2I 7 Henry Clay '.'.'.'. Kentucky 12th 13th Congress Congress Nov. 4, iSi I. to March 4, May 24, 1S13, tojan. 19, 1813 :Si4 '777 1853 6 Langdon Cheves ... -5 S. Carolina,' ( 3d Session. J Kentucky nth Congress Jan. 10, I?I4, to ^Larch 4, iS.S 1776 iSs7 Henry Clay 14th Congress Dec. 4, 1S15, to March 4, 1S17 "" " •' " 15th Congress Dec I, 1S17. to Marcli 4, 1819 " " '• i6th Congress Dec. 6, 1S19, to May 15, 1S20 9 10 John "W. Taylor.... j New York.. . I 2d Session, f 16th Congress Nov. 15, 1S20, to March 4, 1S21 i7&t i8S4 Philip P. Barbour.... Virginia 17th Congress Dec. 4, iS2i^ to March 4, 1823 1783 1S41 Henrv Clay Kentucky iSth Congress Dec. 1, 1823,10 March 4, 1825 . John W. Taylor New York. .... 19th Congress Dec. 5, iS25,,to March 4, 1S27 11 Andrew Stevenson. . . Yirginia 20lh 2ISt Congres- Congress Dec. 3, 1827. to March 4, Dec, "7, 1S29, to March 4, 1829 1S31 ^784 »8S7 • ' "< " 22d Congress Dec. 5, 1^31, to Alarch 4, 1S33 " " " 23d Congress Dec. 2, 1S33, to June 2, 1S34 .... 12 John Bell -j Tennessee... | 2d Session. ( 2:,d Congress June 2, IS3^, to March 4, 1S3S '797 JS69 13 James K. Polk Tennessee 24th 2Sth Congress Congress Dec, 7, 1S35, to March 4, Sept. 5, 1S37, to March 4, ■^■37 '795 1S49 14 Robt M. T. Hunter.. Virtrinia 26th Congress Dec. 16, 1S39, to March 4, i&ti iSo9 15 John White Kentucky 27th Congress May 31, 1-841,10 March 4, iS4( iSoj 'i^i 16 John AV. Jones Virginia^ 2Sth Congress Dec. 4, 1S43, to March 4, 'S45 1805 1848 17 John W. Davis Robert C. Wmthrop.. Indiana 29th 30th Congress Dec. 1, 1845, to March 4, Dec. '', 1847, to March 4, 1S47 1709 1S09 1850 18 Massachusetts . Congress 1849 •^,0 19 Howell Cobb......... Georgia 31st Congress Dec. 22, 1849, to March 4, 1 85 1 iSis; 186S 20 Linn Bovd (1 ■'■ Kentucky 32d 33d Congress Congress Dec. 1, 1 85 1, to ]March 4, Dec. 5, i8s3, to March 4, .85, iSoo 1S59 21 Nathaniel P. Banks.. Massachusetts.. 34th Congress Feb. 2, iS?6, to March 4, i8s7 is*i6 22 James L. Orr South Carolina. New Jersey 35th 36th Congress Congress Dec. 7, iSs7, to March 4, Feb. I, i860, to March 4, iSS9 1861 1S22 1796 1873 23 \Vm. Pennington.... 1S62 24 Galusha A. Grow Pennsylvania... 37th Congress July 4, 1S61, to March 4, •S63 1S23 .... 25 Schuyler Colfax Indiana 3Mh 39th 40th Congress Congress Congress Dec. 7, 1S63, to March 4, Dec. 4, 1865, to March 4, March 4, 1867,10 March 4, 186s 1S67 1S69 1S23 •"•" 26 James G. Blaine . . Elaine 41st 42d Cougress Congress March 4, 1S69, to March 4, March 4, 1871,10 March 4, .S71 1S73 isio • ■ • • .... " " " .... 43d Congreso Dec. I, 1873, to ^larch 4, .87^ ay ao THE J MI- RICA X MAXrAf. SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRjSENUimS^^^Cojitinued. 23-; Michael C. Korr. Samuel J. UandiiU I- Warren Keifer JohnG. Carlisle,. 1 Indiana .. Pennsylvania zA Session. Pennsylvania Ohio Kentucky. 4^th Congress 44th Congress 4Sth Congress 46th Congress 47th Congress 48th Congress 49th Congress 50th Congress Dec. 6, 1S75, to Aug. 20, \ii-fi Dec. 4, 1876, to March 4, 1S77 Oct. IS, 1877, to March 4, 1879 March 18, 1879, to Dec. S, iSSi. *-^ Dec. 3, 1883, to March 4, 1885. Dec. 7' 1885, to March 4, iSS/, Dec. 5, 1887, to 1S27 1828 1836 183s NoiK.— SpcaKcrs eieclc^ pro ttiu/) '^<- of Speakers, not the sequence of their otticial tcraja'. ^ad-iJi m Ifae ituovc taui«. lUv; ngurci j-rciiAcu .uuicalc ine aumba 238 TIIK AMERICA y MANUAL. History of Presidential Elections, Giving a Summary of Popular and Electoral Votes for President and Vice-Presdent of the United States, 1789-1884. 4) O MM (/ C 1> 73 1792 13s 7796 F. i6R. 13SF- R. 800 16 * Pkesidlnts Candidates. Geo. Washing^ton John Adams Johnjav R. II. Harrison. . John Rutledge. John Hancock. . Georji^i; Clinton. S. llunting-don John Milton. ... James Armstron Benj. Lincoln. . Edward Telfair . Vacancies Geo. Washington John Adams. , George Clinton Thos. JetVerson Aaron Burr .... Vacancies .... John Adams Thos. Jefferson. . , Thos. Pinckney., Aaron Burr.. . . ., Samuel Adams. . , Oliver Ellsworth George Clinton. . John Jay lames Iredell Geo. Washington John Henry §. Johnson C. C. Pinckney... Thos. Jefterst.., Aaron Burr.. .. John Adams. C. C. Pinckney. John Jay Popular. 69 173 *\'. -Presidents. Candidates. -I 4) O 1804 '7 iSoS '7 176 1812 iS 21S 1S16 321 1S2O 24 1S24 -4 261 Presidents. Candidates. Thos. JetTerson . . . C. C. Pinckney... James Madison.. C. C. Pinckney... George Clinton . . Vacancy ; James Madison. DeWitt Clinton. Vacancy James Monroe. Rufus King. . . Vacancies James Monroe. . John Q. Adams . Vacancies Andrew J.ickson John Q. Adams., "W. H. Crawford Henry Clay , Vacancy Andrew Jackson..} ii; John Q. Adams. Popular, 1S.S.S72 «0S,32 44,2S2 46,5^7 647.23' .';o9.097 ViCE-PuESIDE.,' S Candidates. Georgre Clinton|i62 Rufus King... , 14 George Clinton Rufus King John Langdon James Madison Jauies Monroe. Elbridge Gerrv Jared Ingersoll D. D.Tompkins Jno.K. Howard James Ross.. . . John Marshall. Robt.G. Harper D. D.Tomnkins Rich. Stockton. D;uiiel Rodney. Roht.G. Harper Richard Rush. JohnC.Calhoun Nath. Sanford. Nath. Macon, . K. Jackson . . . M . Van Buren Henry Clay... 17*^ J C. Calhoun.. S3 Richard Rush. . Wm. Smith..,. ■S.3 22 5 4 3 4 ai8 8 4 X 7 7//; . / . MKKJCA X MA N L 'A L . 239 History of Presidential Elections, giving a Summary of Popular and Electoral Votes for President nnd Vice-President of the United States, 1789- 1884.— Continued- 0> C u w O C EH o v >ir. Presidents. Cantlithites. Popular. Vice- Presidents. ■« ► Candidates. jSS ■ . . AM 1S36 26 294 1844 26 27s 184S 290 1852 D. 29()PD 1856 3' 296 iSTioR ID I Aiulrew jacKson. llcnrv day John' Floyd.... / William Wirt.. J Vacancies. M. Van n\ircn.. W II Harrison llu-h L. White Daniel Wc-b.stcr W. P. Manji^uni W. H. Harrison . . M. Van Buren .. James G. Birney, James k. Polk. ., Henry Clav James G. Birney Zachary Taylor. Lewis ^ass .Ni. Van Buren. . Franklin Pierce. Winfiekl Scott. . lohn P. Hale.... James Buchanan, Jno. C. Fremont. Millard F'lUniore. Abraham I-incoln J. (".Breckinridj^e John Bell... S. A. Douglas. 687,502 530. 'S9 33. 'oS 761,549 73<5/'.=;f' 27S.o'7 128,702 7:".';j .337.243 ,299,' 68 62,300 ,360,101 ,220,544 291,263 ,601,474 ,380,i 156,149 .838.169 ,341,26 874,534 .WA3.';^ S4S.7<''3 5^9,5^' ,.375. '57 219 M. Van Buren. 4iy Jno. Serjjeant. . 1 1 Henry Lee 7 A. EUmaker. .. Wm Wilkins.. ""^^ '^R. M. Johnson F. Granjjfer John Tyler Wm. Smith. . . . John Tyler R. M.Johnson. L. W. Tazewell James K. Polk. Geo. M. Dallas. T.Frclinjjhuy'n M. Fillmore. . Wm. O. Butler C. F. Adams Wm. R. Kinjr. , W. A. vjraham. Geo. W.Julian, J. C.Breckin'g-c W. L. Dayton. A.J. Donelson 174 114 8 iSo 7-' 39 12 H. V. Johnson H. Hamlin... Joseiih Lane. Kd liverett.. 18(14 836 3 '4 186S 3'7 1S72 37 366 1876 38 369 1880 3S 369 PKKSIDb-.VTS. Candidates. Abraham Lincoln Geo. B. McClellan Vacancies Ulysses S. Grant Horatio Seymour. Vacancies. . . Ulysses S. Grant. Horace Greeley. Charles O'Connor James Black, r. .\. Hendricks B. Gratz Brown. . Chas. J. Jenkins.. David Davis '■Not Counted.. Ruth. B. Hayes . . Samuel J. Tilden. Peter Cooper. . . . G. Clay Smith .. Scatterinjj. ... J. A. Garfield.... W. S. Hancock.. J. B. Weaver.... Scattering Vote. Popular. 2,216. 1,808, 3.0 > 5. 2,709i 3,597, 2.834 i 29, S. 4.033, 4.2S4, Si, 9, 2, 4.442, 4.442, 306, 9-0 ,885 740 'V'... 95UJ214 935 "55 ,867 .. .574- Vice-Pkesidents- Candidates. A. Johnson. .. . G.H.Pendleton. S. Colfax F. P. Blair, Jr. Henry Wilson B. Gratz Brown Geo. W. Julian. A. H. Colquitt. J. M. Palmer.. T. E. Bramlettt: W.S. Groesbe'k W. B. Machen N. P. Banks.. W. A. Wheelei T.A. Hendrick> 214 So 23 186 47 5 5 3 C. A. Artnur..)2i4 W. H. English. 15s B.J. Chambers. . .. IGrover Cleveland James G. Blaine. . John P. St. John. Benj. K. Butler iScaitering 4,911,017 4,848,334 151,809 1331825 II, 36-^ T. A. Hendricks John A. Logan. Wm. Daniel . . A. M. West 219 182 240 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Abbreviations — A., American; A. M., Anti-Mason; C. (J., Constitutional Union; D., Democrat; D. L., Democrat Lib- eral; F., Federalist; F. D., Free Democrat; F. S., Free Soil; G., Greenback; I. D., Independent Democrat; L., Liberty; N. R., National Republican; O., Opposition; P., Prohibition; R., Republican; T. Temperance; W., Whig. * Previous to the election of 1S04 each elector voted for two candidates for President; the one receiving- the highest number of votes, if a majoritv, was declared elected President; and the next highest Vice-President. t Three States out of thirteen did not vote, viz: New York, which had not passed an electoral law; and North Car- olina and Rhode Island, which had not adopted the Constitution. X There having been a tie vote, the choice devolved upon the House of Representatives. A choice was made an the thirty-sixth ballotr which was as follows: Jefferson— Georgia, Kentucky, Marylund, New Jersey, New York. North Carolina. Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia — 10 States. Biirr— Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hamp' shire and RIukIl Island — \ States. Blank— Delaware and South Carolina— i States. '. 1) 4 No choice having been made bv the Electoral College, the choice devolved upon the House of Representatives. A choice was made on the first ballot, which was as follows: Adams— Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, I^ouisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont — i,^ States. Jack- son— Alabama, Indiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee — 7 States. Crawford- Delaware, Georgia, Nortli Carolina, and Virginia — 4 States. 2) No candidate having received a majority of the votes of the Electoral College, the Senate elected R.M.Johnson Vice-President, who received 3? votes; Francis Granger received 16. a) Eleven States did not vote, viz : Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. V) Three States did not vote, viz: Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia. c) Three electoral votes of Georgia cast for Horace Greeley, and the votes of Arkansas, 6, and Louisiana, 8, cast for U. S. Grant, were rejected. If all had been included in the count, the electoral vote would have been 300 for U. S. Grant and 66 for opposing candidate. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 24 J THE DATES OF THE BIRTH AND DEATH OF OUR PRESIDENTS. Presidents. Born. Died. Washingfton.... ...... .Feb. 22, 1732 Dec. 14, 1799 Adams Oct. 30, 1735 July 4) 1^26 Jefferson April 2, 1743 July 4, 1S26 Madison March 16, 1751 June 2S, 1S36 Monroe April 2\ 1758 July +, 1S31 Adams .July n. «7t7 Feb. 23, 1S4S Jackson March 15, 1767 June S, 1S4S Van Buren Dec. 5, 17S2 July 24, 1S62 Harrison... Feb. 9, 1773 April 4, 1S41 Tyler March 29, 1790 Jan. 17, 1862 Polk Nov. 2, 1795 June 15, 1849 LEGISLATURES, ELECTORAL VOTE, RATES OF IN- TEREST, ETC , OF STATES AND TERRITORIES. >, w •j; (U ^ „• c! n C 3 a> STATES. . 3 w C 'Ji c .2 G a. a; F e c c s Bie. c t; 2 ti 4 7) 6.5 8 3 d 10 a? Il 6 3 c 8 Is Alabama 8 Arkansas Bie. 2 4 60 4 6 ■? 3 10 6 California Bie. 4 4 e.o 4 6 4 2 * Colorado Bie. 2 4 40 I 3 6 6 * 10 Connecticut An. I 3 N 4 6 6 6 * 6 Delaware Bie. 2 4- N I 3 6 3 6 6 Florida Bie. Bie. 2 2 4 4 60 40 2 9 4 II S 6 4 4 * 8 S Georgia 7 Illinois Bie. 2 4 N 10 21 10 ■; 8 6 Bie. Rip 2 4 4 4 60 N 13 9 ■S 20 6 s 3 8 6 Iowa 6 Kansas Bie. 2 ■^o <; <; 12 7 Kentucky Bie. 2 4 60 10 12 i^ 2 6 6 Louisiana Bie. 4 4 go 6 8 <, 3 8 ■; Bie. Bie. 2 2 2 4 N 00 i I 20 3 6 3 * 6 6 Maryland 6 Massachusetts.. . An. I I N 11 13 20 6 * 6 Michi{»-an Bie. 2 2 N 9 II 6 6 10 7 Minnesota .. . . Bie. I 2 fio 3 ^ 6 6 10 Mississippi Bie. 2 4 N 6 6 3 10 6 Missouri Bie. 2 4 70 13 i^ 10 <, 10 6 Nebraska Bie. 2 2 40 I 3 e 4 10 7 Nevada Bie. 2 4 (X) I 3 6 4 * 10 New Hampshire Bie. 2 2 N 3 1; 6 6 6 6 New Jersey An. I ^ N 7 fi 6 6 6 6 New York An. I 2 N •'3 35 6 6 6 6 Presidents. Born Died. Taylor Nov. 34, 17S4 June 9, Fillmore Jan 7, iSoo March 8, Pierce Nov. 23, 1S04 Oct 8, Buchanan •^'''' ^3> '79' June i, Lincoln Feb. 12, i8og April 15, Johnson Dec. 29, 1S08 July 31, Grant April 27, 1822 July 23, Hayes Oct. 4, 1822 Garfield Nov. 19, 1831 Sept. 19, Arthur Oct. 15, 1830 Nov. 15, Cleveland 1837 iSgo 1S74 1869 186S 186c 187s ELECTION LAWS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES. Length of time required in State, county and town voter. to be £ Colorado Connecticut. . Delaware .. . . Florida Georgia Illiijois Indiana . Iowa . . . Kansas Kentucky I Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachus'ts > Michigan Minnesota . . . . Mississippi Missouri Nebraska... . y Nevada N. Hampshire. Ne\v Jersey New York. .. (■ North Carolina State, I year; county, 3 months; ward or precinct, 30 days. /. State, I year ; county, 6 months ; precinct o» ward, 30 days. /. State, I 3'ear; county, 90 days; precinct, TiO days. /i. State, 6 months. Women vote at school elections, j. State, 1 year; town, 6 months, b e /i. State, I year ; county, i month, a d h. .State, I year; count}', 6 months. /. State, I year ; county, 6 months, cj. State, I year; county, 90 days; election dis- trict, 30 da3's. II. State, 6 months ; town, 60 days ; ward or precinct, 30 days, id J. State, 6 months ; county, 60 days; town or ward, 10 days. /. State 6 months, town or \vard, 30 days. /. State, two years; county, town or city, i year'; precinct, 60 days, h d. State, I year; parish, 10 da)'s. li. .State, 3 months. // a. State, I year; city or county, 6 months. //. State, I j'ear; town, 6 months; ■women vote at school elections, h e a c. State, 3 mos. ; town or ward, 10 days, ff dj. State, 4 mos. ; election dist., 10 days. / ;'. State, 6 months, county, i month.' h. State, I yr. ; county, city or town, 60 days. / State, 6 months ; county, 40 days ; ^vard or precinct, 10 days. /. State, 6 months; county or district, 30 dys.A Town, 6 months, b li. State, I year; count}-, 5 months. //. .State, I year; county, 4 months; district.. town or ward, 30 days. h. State, I year; countv, 30 davs. b j. 242 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. LEGISLATURES, ELECTORAL VOTE, Etc. 11 CONCLUDED. l| ELECTION LAWS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES. CONCLUDED. iMorlh Carolina. Ohio Oreg^on Pennsylvania .. . Rhode Island. .. South Carolina. . Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia. . Wisconsin Territories. Arizona Dakota Idaho .. Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming 1 2 00 S 10 s ^ 2 2 N 20 22 i<. 6 2 4 40 I S 6 6 2 4 N 27 2Q 6 6 I I N 2 4 6 6 2 4 >J ■; 7 6 6 2 a 7'^ 10 12 6 6 2 4 (0 6 S 4 2' 2 2 N 3 .S H 6 2 4 90 9 II .■! % 2 4 ^ 3 ■; 10 <. I 3 i> 10 6 Bie. Rip bo 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 J- Bie. Bie. . Bie. Bie. Bie. Bie. J $4 a day and 20< mileage. (Bie., An.) Biennially or Annually. (N.) None. (* Any rate. liach State has two Senators. AMOUNT EXPENDED FOR PENSIONS. The amount o£ money expended each year since 1S56 pensions is as follows : for 1856 $ 1,296,229 1S57 1,310,380 iSsS 1,219,76s 1S59 1,222,222 ISOO I,I0O,S02 1S61 1,034,599 1S62 852,170 1863 1,078,51? iS6"^ 4.9§S.47? 1865 16,347,621 >866 15.^05-549 1S67 -20,936,551 186S ^ " 1SS9 'S72 28,533,40^1 1^7,? 29>359.42'3 1S74 29,03S,4i4| 1S75 29,456,2161 ■S76 28,257.395' 'J77 27,963,752 ■S78 27,137,019 ■S79 35,121,482 '^•;o 56,777,174 'f^' 50.059,276 '°°^ 61,345,194 1003 66,012,574 23.782,386 1884 55,429,228 28,476,621 1885 56,102,267 JS70 $28,340, 202 1 1886 63,404,864 J^7' 34.443,894 "JS?. 75,029,102 lotal ... 974,714,106 Ohio ^ Oregon Pennsylvania.. . Rhode Island.. South Carolina. Tennessee Texas > Vermont Virginia West Virginia. Wisconsin s>tate, I ye.ir; county, 30 days; town, vil- lage or ward, 20 days. A. State, 6 mos. ; county or district, 90 days. j. State, I year; election district, 2 mos. c li. State, I year; town or city, 6 months, h h State, J year; county, 60 days. Ji, State, I year; county, 6 months, f h d. State, I year; county or election district, 6 montiis. a dj. State, I year; town, 5 months, h d. State, I yr; county, city or town, 6 mos. //a State, I year; county, 30 days, h a. State, I year, a f. {a) Paupers not allowed to vote, (i) Property qualifi- cations required, (c) Voters must have paid their taxes, (rf) No registration required. {e) Must be able to rend and write. (/ ) Must pay poll-tax. {g^) Foreigners must be residents of tbe State two years and six months. (//) Foreigners must have lived in the U. S. five years and be naturalized. (?) Foreigners must be residents of the U. S. one year, {j) Foreigners can vote if they have de- clared their intention to become citizens. Federal Vessels Captured or Destroyed by Confed- federate " Cruisers." Ships.... 8olSteamboats 4 Brigs 46 Gunboats 3 Barks 8^ Cutter i Schooners 67lTug 1 Vessels Captured or Destroyed for Violation of the Blockade, or in Battle, from May, 1861, to May, 1865. Schooners, 735; sloops, 155; steamers, 262; barks, 27; brigs, 30; ships, 13; ironclads and rams, 16; brigantines, 2; gunboats, 3; propellers, 4; pilot boats, 2; boats, 8; yachts, 2; tugs, 3;barkatine, i pungy, i; miscellaneous, 86. THE AMEKICAX MANUAL. 243 United States Patent Office Business. Comparative Statement of tbe business of tlie office from 1837 to 18S6, inclusive. From the Report of the Commissioner of Patents, Jan. 31 iSSi. Calendar Year. Applica. ^.^^^ «^S7 • 183S. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. >84S. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1S50. iSs.. 1852. 1853. >SS4. jSs.=;- ,85>. >8S7. i8sS. >8S9. i860. 1861. 1S62. 1863- 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. iSC>S. 1869. IS70. IS7I. 1S72. JS73. IS74., 1875. IS76. 1877. I87S IS70. iS-'o. 1884. Total 73S S47 761 S19 .04."; ,246 ,272 .531 ,62s .955 ,193 .258 .639 .^3 .324 .435 960 i77i i3f'4 i225 ''S3 6t3 03S 014 932 664 1269 ,270 ,420 271 171 472 246 414 602 425 308 260 059 012 osg 522 577 ,600 717 Caveats Patents Issued. 228 312 39' 3'S 3S0 448 553 607 595 602 760 996 901 86S 906 1,024 1,010 934 1,097 1,084 700 S24 787 1,063 1.937 2.723 3,597 3,705 3,624 3,273 3.366 3,090 3.248 3,>Si 3,094 2,fe7 2,809 2-755 2,630 2,490 2,406 2,553 2,741 2,582 2,552 2,513 81,393 435 520 425 475 495 517 .531 502 502 619 572 660 1,070 995 809 1,020 958 1,902 2,024 2,502 2,910 3.710 4,538 4,819 3,340 3,521 4,170 5.020 6,616 9. 45 J 13,015 13,375 13,980 13,321 13,033 13,590 12,864 13,599 10,288 17,026 13 619 12,9^5 12,725 13-947 16,584 19,267 22,383 20,413 24,233 22,508 384,399 Public Debt of the United States, 1 791-87. Statement o I Outstantlina- Principal of Pu -)lic Debt of the United States on the ist of January of each year from 1791 to 1 84 2, inclusive; and or the ist of Julv of each vear from 1843 to 1S81, inclusive. From the Annual Report of tl e Secretary of the Treasury on r inances. ' 1791 175,463,470.5' 1S41 i3,S94,4S'o.73 1792 77,227,924.66 1842 20,601,226.28 1793 80,352,634.04 1843 32,742.922,00 1794 78,427,404.77 1844 23,461,652.50 1795 80,747,587.39 1845 15,925,303.01 ■79& 83,762,172.07 18-16 15.550,202.97 1797 82,064,479.33 1S47 38,826,534.77 1798 79,228,529.12 1848 47,044.8^2.23 1799 78,408,069.77 1849 63,061 858.69 1.800 82,976,294.35 1S50 63,452,773.55 iSoi ■851 68,304,796.02 1802 86,712,632,25 1852 66,199,341.71 1803 77,054,686.30 1853 59.803,117.70 iSot 86,427, 120..8S 1854 42,242 222.42 1805 82,312, 150.S0 1855 35,586'858.s6 1800 75,723,270.66 1856 3i,972'5.37.90 28,699\S3 . .85 1S07 69,218,398.64 ■857 1808 65.196.317.97 1858 44,911,881,03 I S09 57.023,192.09 1859 58,496.837.88 1810 53.173,217.52 i860 64,842,287.88 1811 48,005,587.76 1861 90,580,873.72 1S12 45,209,737.90 1862 524,176,412.13 1S13 55.962,827.57 1S03 1,119,772,138.63 1S14 81,487,846.24 1864 I SiS-784.370.57 2,680,647,869.74 1S15 99,833,660.1s 1865 1S16 127,334,933.74 1866 2,775,236,175.69 '8"7 123,491,965.16 18^17 2,678. 1 26, 103.87 1S18 ... 103,466,633.83 1868. 2,611,687,851.19 1S19 95.529.64S.28 1S69 2,588.452,214.94 2,480,672,427.81 1S20 91,015,566.15 1870 1S21 89,987,427.66 1871 2,.353,2 1 1,3.32.32 1822 93,546 676.9S 1872 2,253,251,328.78 '1S23 90,5.75,877.28 1873 2,234,482,994.20 :i824 90,269,777.77 1S74 2 251,690,468.43 ^1825 83.788,432.71 ■875 2,232,284,531.95 1S26 81,054,059.99 1876 2,180,395,0(7.15 1S27 73-987,357.20 1877 2,20^,301,392.10 1S2S 67,475-045.87 58,421,413.67 1S78 2,256.205,892.5^ 1829 1879 2,349,567,232 04 1830 48,565,20^1.50 1880 2,128,791,05.) 63 ■831 39,123.191.68 1881 2,077,389,25;, 58 1832 24,322,235.18 1882 1,926,688,678 03 1.833 7,001,698.83 1883 1,892,547,412 07 ■834 4,760,082.0s 1884 1,838,904,607 57 1S.35 37,513.05 1885 1,872,340,557 14 1836 336,957.83 1886 1,783,438,697 78 18.57 3,308,121.07 1887 1,700,771,948 68 -iC 10,434,221.14 1S39 $3,573,343.82 1S40 5-2500^75.54 244 Tin-: AMFh'IC.W M.I.YCA r.. Aggregate Banking Capital and Deposits in the United States, June, 1882. COMPARItD WITH iSyfi, 1S77, 1S7S, 1S79 AND iSSo. From the Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, December, iSSi. State Banks, private SavinffS Banks Saving Banks t/ Nat lonal Banks. bankers, etc. with capital. WI hout Total. Capitiil. > No. Capital. Mill. De- posits. Mill. • No. Capital Mill. De- posits. Mill. No. Capi- tal. Mill. De- posits Mill. No. De- posits. Mill. No. Capital. Mill. De posits. Mill. 1876 2,051 500.4 7'.VS .S.S03 214 4S0.0 26 5-0 .37-2 69. S44.6 6,611 719.4 2,075-3 'Ml 3,07a 481.0 76S.2 3.799 21S.6 470 -S 26 4 9 3S.2 076 84,3.2 6,579 704-5 2,120.1 2,01,6 470.4 677.2 3.709 202.2 4'3.3 23 3 2 26.2 66S 803.3 6,456 675.8 1,920.0 1879 2,04.8 4SS-3 7'3-4 3,639 197.0 397.0 29 4.2 .30.1 644 747.' 6,360 656.5 ■.893. 5 1880 2, ''ye 4i;6.o 900.8 3.708 igo I .•loi .4 20 4.0 31-6 629 7S3.0 6,529 650.0 2,219.9 1881 2,115 460.2 i,i39.Q 4,016 206. ■; 627.5 36 4.2 37-6 620 862.3 6,796 670.9' 2,667.3 1882* 2,308 484-9 i,iic).8 4.473 223 . 4 77g.o 42 4.0 43 -S 625 950.2 7,448 7 1 7. 31 2,902.6 *To November 30, 1882 ; after which date, the tax on bank capital and deposits being repealed, the Coinptrollev.bas no returns furnishing data for continuing this table. -'Ul;2Jlfi/^i^'*--*->'-^^-'Sy3'SI'2'^^ HISTORY, POPULATION, ETC., OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES. Alabama . . Arkansas. . California . Colorado . . Connecticut Delaware . . Florida .... Georj^ia ... Illinois Indiana Iowa .Kansas . . . . 171) 1685 1769 1S5S 1633 1627 ■565 '733 1720 1690 ■S33 1850 By Whom First Settled. French . . .... French Spaniards .... Americans Americans. . . . Swedes and Finns Spaniards... o . English French French Americans.. . . Americans. .. . Where Each State was First Settled. Mobile Arkansas Post. San Diego. ... Denver Windsor Cape Henlopen St. Augustine. . Savannah Kaskaskia Vincennes... . Burlington Ft. Leavcnw'th 50,722 52,198 188,981 104,500 4.674 2,120 59,268 58,000 55.410 33.809 55.04s 81,318 1814 1836 1850 1S76 17SS ■78; ■8iS 178? 1S18 1816 1846 1S61 Capital of Each State. Montgomery Little Rock' Sacramento Denver . . . Hartford... Dover Tallahassee Atlanta Springfield Indianajiolis Des Moines Topeka 1,262,505 802,525 864,694 194.327 622,700 146,608 269,493 1,542,180 3,077.871 1,975.301 1,624,615 906,096 OS 0) O o 2 yrs. 2 4 $3,000 3..S00 6,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,500 4,000 6,000 6,000 3.000 3,000 E£.2 11 be $4 pr. day 6 " 8 " 4 300 pr scs 3 pr. day. 6 " 4 6 " 550 pr. ses 3 pr. day. TJU: AMKKfCAX MANUAL. Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts.. . Michigan ' Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Xevada New Hampshire New Jersey. ..".. New York North Carolina. Ohio Oreg^on Pennsylvania .. . Rhode Island . . . South Carolina. . Tennessee Texas .*.... Vermont Virginia AVest Virginia. . Wisconsin Territoriiis. Arizona Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Dist. Columbia. Indian Ter . . Alaska Americans Boonsboro Bristol English St. Mary's French Detroit Americans French French St. Paul Natchez St. Louis Americans English Dutch and Danes Dutch Washoe Dover Bergen Americans Americans Marietta Astoria Philadelphia. . . Port Royal Ft. London St. Antonio Ft. Dummer . . . Jamestown. . . . See Virginia. .. Green Bav Americans Spaniards Americans English Americans French Spaniards. . Americans. Americans. .\mericans. Spaniards . .Vmericans. Americans. Americans. English ... 37,600 41.346 31.776 ii,ib4 7,800 515,4s ' S3.S31 47.' 56 ^•5.35° 75.995 112,090 9. -2 So 8,320 47,000 50.704 39 9'34 95.^44 46,000 1 ,306 39.3S5; ■ 45,600 274.35'^ I 10,212 40,904 23,000 53.924 113,916 150.932 83,294 143.77^ 121,201 84,476 69,994 97.SS3 64 6S,99i 577.390 F"rankf ort Baton Rouge. . . Augusta Annapolis Boston Lansing St. Paul Jackson Jefferson City.. Lincoln Carson City Concord ....... Trenton Albanv Raleig'h Columbus Salem Harrisburg . ... Prov. &• N'port Columbia Nashville 1S45I Austin i79i!Montpelier 1 7SS, Richmond 1862 Charleston iS+s! Madison (*) S63]Tucson 1792 1812 1S20 17SS 17SS 'S37 1S57 18 1 7 1S21 1S67 iS(H 1788 17S7 .7S8 17S9 iSo 1S59 17S7 1790 178.8 1796 1S61 1S63 1S64 1850 1850 185? 1S6S 1790 1S34 iS6SlSitka Yankton Boise City Helena.. Santa Fe Salt Lake City.. Olynipia Cheyenne 1, 648, 690 [4 939.9464 648,9362 934.9434 1.783.085 I 1.636.9372 7S0.7732 I. 131-597 4 2,168,3804 452,402 2 62,266 4 346,991 2 1,131,1163 5.<^2,S7i 3 1.399.750 4 3,198,062 2 174,768 4 4,282,891 • 276,531 995.577 1.542,359 1.591 749 332, 2S6 1.512.565 618,457 1.315.497 40,441; 4 134.500 32.64 39.157 1 18,430 143.907 75. ' 20 20,788 •77.683 5.000 4,000 1,500 4,.Soo 5.000 1,000 3,000 4,or'o 5,000 2,500 6,000 1,000 5,000 10 000 .7, 000 4,000 1,500 10,000 4,000 4.500 4,000 4,000 1,000 5 000 2,700 5,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 245 5 4 150 pr. scs 5 pr. day. 050 pr. ses \ pr. day. 5 300 jir. ses 5 pi . day. 3 S 3 500 pr. ses 1500 " 4 pr. day. 5 " 3 looopr ses I pr. day. 5 " 4 5 3 S40 pr ses. 4pr. day. 350 pr ses ♦Indicates the j'ear organized. fl0=2£^ ^-fm^^sf % 246 ■/■///■: AMKKICAh' MANUAf.. Population of the United States, by Races, in 1870 and 1880. From the Official Returns of the Ninth and Tenth Census. States and Terri TORIES. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georg-ia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . . Michisjan Minnisota Mississiji])! Missouri : Montana Nebraska ....... Total Populat'n iSSo. ,262, 40. 80.', 864, ■94. 622, ■35- 146, ■77. 2^9 .542. .077, .97^. ,624, 9^, ,64s, 9?9, 648, 9«. .78?, ,6^6, 7S0 .13'. ,168, 39, 452' White 18S0. 662,185 3S.'«' 59'. 53" 767,181 194,126 6io,7('9 ■33. '47 120,160 118,906 i43.'^:os 8i6,QOb 29.013 3.93 i.'S' '.93S.798 1,614,600 QS^.'SS ■.377.'79 454.954 (546,852 721.'''93 i.763.7''!i 1,614,560 776,884 479..?98 2,922,826 .35,^85 419.761 Indians Colored Chinese CIV. or 1880. 1880. taxed, 18S0. 600,103 4 2'3 ■ss ■,632 3.493 210,660 133 '95 6,0 1 8 75.2-8 16,277 2.435 612 ■54 ".547 129 255 401 238 ■.39' 26,442 11 5 59,596 '7 S 126,693 18 180 7a5,'33 17 124 S3 3.379 165 46,368 212 140 .39.2i*> 29 246 9.5 '6 ii 466 45.'07 ■9 8'S 27'.45' 10 50 483.655 489 848 1,45' s 62s 210,230 5 ■5 16,697 237 369 15,100 28 7.249 ■.564 25 2.^00 650,291 5' ■.S57 ■45.350 91 "3 346 '.765 1,663 2,385 18 235 White. 1S70. 521,384 9.58' 362,1 15 499.4*4 39221 527,549 12,887 102,221 88,278 96,057 638,926 io,6iS 2,511,096 ■.655.S37 1.188,207 346,377 1,0^,692 362,065 624,809 605,197 '.443. '56 1,167,282 4.38,257 382,896 1,603,146 18,306 122,1 17 Colored. 1870. 475.5 ■o 26 122,169 4,272 456 9 668 94 22,794 43.401 91,689 545.^42 60 28,762 24.560 S.762 17,108 222,210 364,210 I 6ofi ■75.391 ■3.947 11,849 759 444,201 118,071 ■83 -780 Chinese 1870. 98 49310 7 Indians civ. or taxed. 1870. 3 4.274 I 3 I 71 2 97 21 16 3 ■.949 98 7,24t 180 235 1,200 3 40 47 32 340 748 914 108 569 499 4 ■51 4,292 690 809 75 87 THK A.VKRrCAN MANUAL. 247 Nevada New Hampshire Now Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virg-inia Washington W. Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total United States i;o."^S.7^3 4'. 402.9/0 62,26) 346,99! ,131,1,6 >i9,5'''S ,oS2,S7i .390,750 , 198,062 ,282 801 27'''.53' 995.577 .54'2.359 ,591,749 i43.9'''3 332,280 ,512,561; 7c;, 116 6iS,4S7 .3 1 5-497 20,789 53,506 346,229 i,092,ei7 108,721 5,016,022 867,242 3,"7.9^o 163,075 4,197,016 2"9.939 391,105 1,138,851 1,197,^37 i4^,42( 33'-2r8 880,858 67,199 592,^37 1,309,618 19,437 +88 5.4 19 2,8oi 685 14 63 3S,S53 172 74 1.015 57 0,772 65.104 926 819 531,277 I 1,230 79,<)oo 112 MO 487 9,512 1,694 85,535 156 184 6,488 27 77 604,332 9 131 403,1.51 393. 3M 25 .352 ■36 992 232 SOI 807 1,057 II 6^1,616 6 85 325 3,187 4.405 25,,886 5 29 2,702 16 3,161 29S 914 140 66,407 6,cSo,793 105,61s .:8-959 3:7.^7 875.407 90.393 4,330.210 678,470 2,601,946 86,920 3,456,609 212,219 289,667 936,119 564,700 86,044 3^9,613 7 12,'- 89 22,195 424.0.33 1,051,351 8,726 357 580 36,658 172 52,081 .391,650 63.213 346 65.294 4,980 415,814 322.331 253,475 118 924 512,841 207 17,980 2,' 13 183 J. 1 52 15 29 3.3.30 14 25 445 4 234 143 ^,886,387! 63.254 23 23 16 '.309 439 1,241 100 318 34 'Sf 124 70 379 '79 14 229 .319 I 1,206 66 25,731 PER CENT. OF INCREASE FROM 1S70 TO 1S80. Total Population 30.08 per cent. I Colored Population 34-67 per cent White Population 29.26 " " | Chinese Population 66.73 " " Note.— The inhabitants of Alaska and the Indian Territory (both unorganized as yet) are not included in the above total. The census of Alaska in 18S0 showed : White, 392'; Creoles (issue of intermarriage between the whites and natives), 1,653; Aleuts, 1,960; Innuits, 17,188; Indians, 8,655; total, 30,178. The Indian Territory is estimated to contain 60,000 to 75,000 inhabitants. The Indians included in the census in each State and Territory are those reckoned.as civilized, or outside of tribal organizations. Indians, not taxed, are by law excluded froin the census. Estimates of their number vary widely — from 2O0,oo) to 350,011 (the latter as estimated in the census of 1870), while the latest census or estimate of the Indian ao-encies, as reported in 1881 to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, gives 246,417 Indians, excluding Alaska. The whole population of the United States exceeds 50,000,000, including Indians and Alaskans. In the Chinese column are included 1,148 Japanese. POPULATION OF PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES, Having 10,000 Inhabitants and over, as Gathered from the Latest Census Returns. Akron, Ohio ,., 16,512 Albany, N. Y 90,903 Allegheny, Pa 78,681 AUentown, Pa 18,063 Alexandria, Va .... 13,658 Elizabeth, N. J 28,229 Erie, Pa 27,730 Elmira, N.Y 20,541 East Saginaw, Mich. 19,016 Easton, Pa 11,924 Memphis, Tenn. . . Manchester, N. II. Mobile, Ala Meriden, Conn . . Montgomery, Ala. 3?. 593 ' Richmond, Ind '2,74^ 32,6301 Rutland, Vt 12,149 31,205 j Rome. N. Y 12,045 18,3 (O I Rock Island, III 11,660 ■''.711 ' St. I.ouis, Mo... . -•50 f» •J48 Allooiiii, l';i 'Oi/K' Aiiistciil;ini, N. ^'... 11,711 Atchison, Kan ■S.'"'' All;int;i, G;i 34.3"^ AtlKlioro, M;iss 11,111 Aiihinn, N. V 1.2,9-ii Aufjuslu, C>;i ^3.0-? Aurora, HI u.^-^S Austin, 'I'uxris , io,c/:o liMltiniorc, Mil 332, iyo li;iriu;or, Maine ^('>y^S7 HayCitv, Mich 20,^2 liidilcforil, Maine. 12,6,^ liinyhanitnn, N. V .. 17,315 Hlooniinfflon, 111 i7,i"2,535; Hridyfcpnrt, t'onn.... 29,1 t'^ IJrockton, Mass i ?,(«S IJrooklvn, X. V e,(^V)S:.j Buiralo, N. V 'S.S.i-!? Burlin)4:ton, \'l i',3'^'4 Binlinfjton, la "9.15" Brooklia\cn, X. V.. ii,sV( C'aniliridfjc, Mass... S'2>740 Canulcn, X. J 4"/i5'^ t anion, Ohio 12>2S^ CaslL-ton, X. Y 12,679 Cedar Uapiils, Iowa. io,iC) Charleston, S C... 49,999 C'hattanooira,Tenn. . i2,Sy2 Chelsea, Mass 21,785 Chester, Pa 14.99'' Chica^'O, 111 50,5, ,^oj Cinciiniati,() -5.5.70'^ Cleveland, O lOo, i.|2 Columbia, S. C lo.ojo Cohunbus, C) .Si,*'."; Coviiiffton, Ky 29,720 Cohoes, N. Y 19,417 Conncil Blufls, la 18,059 Concord, X. II 13,838 Cortland, X. Y i2,r/)4 Chico])ce, Mass >'>32'; Chillicothe, 10,938 Detroit, Mich "'',342 Dayton, O .3V'77 Denver, Col 35/\5o Des Moines, la 22, (o8 Du'\ique,Ia 22,254 Dover, N. H 11,687 Danbury, Conn 11,6^19 Derby, "Conn 11 ,649 Dallas, Texas 10,358 Davenport, la 21,834 Evansville, Ind 29,280 yy/y; ami.ricax mani'al. Kan L laire, \\ is 10,118 Kail Uiver, Alass 49,006 Fort Wayne, Ind .... 26,880 Flushing, X. Y iS,9>9 Fond du Lac, Wis... 13,091 Fitchhury-, Mass.... 12,405 Fishkill.X. Y 10,732 Georf^etown, 1). C. . . 12,578 (irand Kapids, Mich. 32,015 (jnlveston, Texas. . . . 22,253 (jloucester. Mass 19,329 Galesliurif, HI i i,.f46 llemnsted, N. Y.... iS,ico I lartford, Con-i 42,553 lloboken, N.J ,^0,999 1 larrisburL:, Fa 30,762 llolyoke, Mass 21,851 1 louston, Texas. . . . 18,646 Haverhill, Mass 18,475 Ilydc I'ark, 111 15,716 Hamilton, 12,122 Hamulial, Mo 1 1,074 Indianapolis, Ind.... 75,074 Jersey City , X . J 1 20,728 Johnstown, X . Y I6,'i26 Joliet, 111 "i,"45 Jackson, Mich ''','05 laek.sonville. III 10,927 JefFiTsonville, Ind... 10,422 Jamaica, X. \' 10,086 Kansa.s City, Mo 55,Si3 Kinfrston, N. V 18,342 Keokuk, la . . '2,117 Kalamazoo, Mich. . . . 11,937 I>o isville, Ky 123,645 Lowell, Mass'... ... 59,485 Lawrence, Mass .39,178 Lynn, Mass 3S,2Sf Lancaster, Pa 25,765 Lewislon, Me 19,083 Loni^ Island City,X. Yi7,i 17 Loxington, Ky 16,650 Leavenworth, Kan.. 16,550 Lynchburjf, Va 15,959 Lafayette, Ind 14,860 Leadville, Col 14,820 La Crosse, Wis 14,505 Lincoln, R. I I3.7''5 Locki)ort, X. 'S' n 522 Little Uock, Ark.... 13,185 Lincoln, Xeb 13,004 Los Ansjeles, Cal.. . . 11,311 Lojjansport, Ind 11,198 I-enox, N. Y 10,249 Milwaukee, Wis 1 15,578 Minneapolis, Minn.. 46,887 Macon, (Ja 12,748 Maiden, Mass 12,017 Middletown, Conn . 11,731 Muskejron, Mich.. .. 11,262 Mailisim, Wis 10,325 Marlboro, Mass 10,126 Newburynort, Mass. 13,537 New York, N. Y.. 1,200,590 New Orleans, I-a 216,140 Newark, X. J 136,400 Xew Haven, Conn.. 02,882 Xew Bedford, Mass. 26,875 Norfolk, Va 21,966 Norwich, Conn 21,141 Newport, Kv 20,433 Newburjj;h, Sj. Y... . 18,050 New Iirunswick,N.J. 17,167 Newton, Mass i^'i9f)S New Albany, Ind 16,422 Newport, K. 1 15,693 New Britain, t onn.. 13,978 Norwalk, Conn •3,95'^ New Lots, N. Y 13,681 Nashua, N. II 13, .W7 Norristown, Pa 13)0^4 Northampton. Mass. 12,172 Xew London, Conn. 10,529 North Adams, Mass. 10,192 Nashville, Tenn 4'?,4"i Oakland, Cal .34,S.5'> Omaha, Neb 30,518 Oswego, N. Y 21,117 Oshkosh, Wis iS 749 Oian<;;-e, N. J '3, 200 Oyster I?ay, X. Y... ii,9:!3 Oi>;deidniri;f, N. Y... 10,34.0 Pittsburfj, Pa 15^.381 Providence, R. 1 104,850 Paterson, N.J 50,887 Portland. Me 33,Sio IV'oria, 111 29,315 I'etCrsburfT, V'a 21,656 PouL'hkeepsie, N. Y. 20,207 Pawtucket, R.I 19,030 Pittsfield, Mass i3,.V'7 Pottsville, Pa 13,253 Portsmouth, Va 1 1,388 Portsmouth, O i',3'4 Philadelphia, Pa .... 846,98 j Quincy, 111 27,275 Qiiincv, Mass io,i;29 Rochester, N. Y 89,363 Richmond, Va . . . . 63,803 Readinjr, Pa 43>28o Racine, Wis i6,ov Rockford, 111 1.^,1.16 San Francisco, Cal.. 232,955 Syracuse, N. Y S',79i Scranton, Pa 45,850 St. Paul, Minn 4'i'l98 Springfield, Mass... 33,340 St.Joseph, Mo 32,484 Savannah, Ga 3O,08i Salem, Mass 27,598 Somerville, Mass 24,985 Sacramento, Cal 21,420 Salt Lake City, Utah 20,7.8 Springfield, 20729 San Antonio, Texas. 10,561 S])ringlield, 111 19,749 Sandusky, 15,838 Schenectady, N. Y.. 13,675 South Bend, Ind 13,279 San Jose, Cal 12.567 Steubenville, 12,093 Stamford, Conn 1 1,298 Shrevcport, La 11,017 Saratogas prings.N.Y 1 0,8:2 Sauirerties, N. Y.... 10375 Saginaw, Mich 10,525 Stockton, Cal 10,287 Shenandoah, Pa 10,148 Trov. N. Y .5''', 7 17 Toledo, O 50, 1 43 Trenton, N.J 29,910 Terrc Haute, Ind .... 26,040 Taunton, Mass 21,21} Tojieka, Kan iS,45i Utica, N. Y ■^3,913 Virginia Citv, Xev.. 13,705 ^'icKsburg, Miss.... 11,8 4 Washington, I). C... 147,307 Warwick, R.I 12,163 AV'orcester, Mass 58,295 Wilmington, Del 4", 499 Wheeling, W. Va. .. 31, 66 Wilkesbarre, Pa 23,339 Watervliet, N. Y 22,220 Waterbury, Conn. . . . 202,(9 Williamsport, Pa.... 18,934 Wilmington, N. C... 17,361 Woon.socket, R. I 16,053 Wallkill, N. Y 11,183 Woburn, Mass .. 10,938 Watertown, N. Y... 10,^97 Weymouth, Mass... 10,571 Winona, ^IiIul io,2oS AValtham, Mass i',7ii Yonkers, X. Y i8,>'"92 Youngstown, O. .. . 15,431 York, Pa i3i94o Zanesville. O 18, i2o ■JJIK JMI'NUAX jf.t.vr.u.. a49 EDUCATIONAL Tables, Showing, According to Report of 1880, School Population, School Age, Enrollment, Attend' ance, Salaries of Teachers, etc., of Public Schools. StatI'.s and Tkrki- TOKIES. Alabama '. . Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Oeorjria Illinois Indiana Iowa . . Kansas Kentucky Ixjuisiana Maine . . . Maryland Massachusetts . . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina. . . Ohio Oregon I'enn.sylvania Uhodc Island South Carolina. . . Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia... Wisconsin Total School Age. •j-ii 6-21 5-'7 6-21 4-16 6-21 4-21 6-iS 6-21 6-21 S-2I *6-20 6-i8 4-21 S-20 S-'S 5-20 S-2' 5-2' 6-20 5-2' 6-i8 5-2 1 S-I8 5-2' 6-21 6-21 4-20 6-21 5-- 5 6-16 6-21 S-14 5-20 S-21 6-21 4-20 School Population, 353.003 2')7,547 215.97S 35,5')'' '40.235 35.459 ''4.W,444 1,010,851 703.558 SS6,5S6 340,647 545. '61 273.^5 214,666 ♦276, 120 .307.321 S0'>,221 •-571, .(28 426,689 7^?.4S4 '42,34'^ , "J.sy2 7'''P 330.6SS '.641,173 ., 459.324 ■''.04?>320 59.615 '1,200,000 , 52,.?74 "228,128 544,862 230,^7 '92,831 5S5.S07 210,113 483,229 '.5,127.505 Number Enrolled in Public Schools. 179,490 70,972 '5S.765 22.IIQ I 19,694 27.823 39.3'5 23^.533 704.041 51 ',283 426,057 23i.4.?4 265,581 68,440 149,827 162,4^1 306,777 .362,556 180,248 236,704 47^'.37''' 92,.549 9.04s 64,^41 204,9<')i '.031.593 225,606 747. '38 37,533 937.310 44.780 '34.072 290,141 186,786 75.238 220,736 142,850 299.25'5 f,,6'^,403 Average Daily' Attendance 1 17,978 100,906 12,618 278,421 27,046 145,190 431.638 321.659 259.8,/: 137.^)67 ''93,874 45,626 '03,"3 85,778 2,33, '27 »2 13,898 '^I 17, 161 156,761 '219,132 loo, 1 5') 5,401 "5.194 573,'^>89 147,802 476,279 27.4 « 601,627 29,065 191,461 48,606 128,401 91.704 '97,5'o .5.744. '8.S Average Scliool Days in the Year. .80 146.6 179.02 J. 58 150 1.36 148 '07 102 118 120 I'll 76 177 141 91 77-5 3l0O 109 142. 8 105.3 192 179 54 '50 89. 0-3 147 18, 77 68 '•■'73 ■25 113 i2,9.245 5'''S.3.39 i,928,.374 10,412,378 352,882 7,i66,g63 314,017 7,449.013 .544. 2CO 324.629 724,862 753.34<'' 454.285 946,109 7i6,*)4 2,230,772 79,5./>..399 250 Arizona Dakota Oistrict Columbia., IJaho Indian Montana New Mexico irtah.. Wasliinfjton Wyoming Total. THE AMKRFCAX MANUA7.. Grand Total 15,302,863 6-21 0-17 .}-2I »7-'8 6-iS 12,030 43..?S8 "11,444 7,070 »29,3I2 40,672 •i 24,223 '75.457 4,212 8,042 2^.4.W 6,75'^ "6,098 .^.970 »S.>5" 24, ■526 314,032 33,090 ioi,iiS 9,781,521 2,847 .■?.i7o 20,637 "3.944 2,506 17,178 39.SS5 81,287 61,154 109 88 193 90 "132 128 •''S7.5 5,805,342 55,158,289 64.318 277,012 33.844 *'S,432 • '03.343 89^,019 S22,I2r) 607,088 61,17a 124,483 438,567 38,812 •■'186,359 59,463 «i8,890 132, >94 '■ '4,379 » '22, 120 ,'96,4.S9 80,732,833 (i) Estimated. (2) For the winter. (3) In 1S79. (4) For whites; for colored, 6-16. (5) Census of 1870. (6) In 1S78. (7) In 1S73. (S) In 1877. (9) In 1S75. (10) In the Cherokee, Choctaw and Creek Nations. ( 1 1 ) In the five civilized tribes. (12) For white schools only. (13) In the counties. Number of Newspapers and Periodicals in the United States, 1870-1880. From the Official Returns of the Ninth and Tenth Census. States and Terki- TORIES. Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbi Florida Georgia , Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . Michigan Minnesota Mississijipi Missouri: 1870. No. 89 I 56 201 14 7' 3 '7 22 23 no 6 505 293 n?, 97 8<^ 92 65 88 259 211 95 III 279 Circula- tion. 9', '65 280 29,830 491,903 12,750 203,725 1,652 ao,86o 81,400 ■0.545 150,987 2,750 ',722,54 .363,512 219,090 96,803 '97. ".30 84,165 170,690 235.450 1,692,124 253,774 1 10,778 7i,S6S 522,866 187S. 85 5 69 237 39 121 24 22 28 35 >.37 5 627 37' 390 171 '53 89 93 112 345 291 '34 103 297 1879. 102 8? 286 6 "S 42 20 3' 38 '1 792 416 454 235 102 95 '03 ,361 364 180 102 .395 1S80. . oJ2 114 '9 '03 310 81 128 67 24 39 40 i86 s'.] 429 S'8 303 '83 lOO «o3 ".38 ,392 41S 209 106 47 States and Terri- tories. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.... New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington W. Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total United States 1S70. 187S. 1879. iSSo. MH ■ U_l • Circula- "■8.!£ °-Hi ^•Si No. tion. 0-C " 10 19,580 12 II 16 42 31,600 "3 >37 '79 12 11,300 25 29 3' 5> '73-9'9 68 71 ^z 122 205,5cx) .98 184 200 5 '.52s 9 12 18 835 7.561.497 ',175 ','74 1,241 64 64,820 104 112 121 i9<. ',.388,367 635 648 660 35 45,750 49 57 64 540 3,4'9,76S 705 793 866 32 82,050 32 37 37 55 80,900 7' 76 77 91 225,952 146 179 170 112 55,250 '97 229 254 10 '4,2SO '5 16 '7 47 7 '.390 43, 39. 40. $46, 53 S3. 5' ,008,^27 .-=39.357 889,0.^5 ,000,000 ,000,000 1,000,000 000,000 000,000 000,000 000,000 lOfX) 000 000,000 000,000 000,000 ,000,000 000,000 ooo.oco 200,000 000,000 100,000 225,000 500,000 725,000 From 1849 to 135S. Estimated product $50,000 per annum. (The silver mines of the U. S. were discovered in '^59-) $500,000 100,000 150,000 2,000,000 4,500,000 8,500,000 $ 1 1 ,000,000 1 1,250,000 10,000,000 13,500,000 Total. Expenditures in the District of Columbia from 1790 to 1876. The total amount of money expended by the Govern- ment in the District of Co umbia for all purposes from July i^>, 1790, to July 30, 1876, is $92,112,395. This sum was divided as follows: Capitol $i7.'S4.69' Library of Conj^ress* '.575,847 Whitellouse 1,610,149 Purchase of works of art 60^,5^9 Botanic Garden 72^.813 Department of State, etc 4,989,948 Treasury Department 7,o'ii,9i2 War Department 3,0^,065 Navv Department 3,899,136 Post- Office Department 2,124,504 ♦First appropriation for Con;jres:iional Library, iSoo. Department of Agriculture 3. '71. Smithsonian Institution •••.... 2,305, Patient Office '3.'97 IJenevolcnt institutions 4>732i 4.4'8, 78; 4,000 104 597 Penal institutions Courts .. Aqueduct Fire Department Canals Bridjres 2.293 Public g-rounds.. ..• i,»67. Streets and avenues 5.975 Loans, reimbursements, etc ,.... 4,92? Miscellaneous-!- 3.505 192 420 ,908 448 329 1822 299 ,4 '8 5?7 ,391 ,299 400 -f-First appropriation for the support of Public Schools, iS56. 359 THF A.^fl'RlCAX MIXCU.. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. AUTHORITY FOR COINING. AND CHANGES IN WEIGHT AND FINENESS. Double-Eagle— $20. Authorizod to fH- coincii. Act ofM-irih ,^, liMO. Weight, 5 > 6 grains ; linenoss, ixx). Total amount" ciMiK'd to June ,v\ 1S77. $Si4,5o'^,440 Eagle^lO. AuthorizcJ to be coined, Act of Apiil J, iTpJ- Weijjht, J70 strains; fineness, 016*^. Weight chanaed Act ot'Junc iS, iSu, to J5J> grains. Fineness chansreii, Act oV )uno JS, i>^4. to SX)..>J,. Fineness chans^'>', Act ot January iS, 1S57, to oco. Total aiiunint coined to Juno ^i. i5-7, $5^,707,220. Halt-Eagle--$5. Authori.70il to be coined. Act ot" April J, 170J. Weight, 1,^5 grains; lineness, 016^. Weight changed Act ofjune iS, 1S34, to 1 J^ grains. Fineness changed. Act ot'June 28, 1S34, to ^00,225. Fineness chrtiig^'d, .\ct ot'january iS, iS?7, tovx>o. Total amount coined to June ,io, 1S77, S(x),4i2,Si5. Quarter-Eagle— $2.50. Authorized to be coined. Act ot April 2, 1702. Weight, 07.5 grains; fineness, 010%. Wei'yht ch-inged. Act ofjune 2S, 18^4, tocv^.5 grains. Fineness changed. Act ofjune 2S, 1S34, to Sxj.225. Fineness changed. Act ot'Jannary iS, 1S57. to vKO. TotiU amount coined to June 30, 1^77, $10,701;. 750. Three-Dollar Piece. Authorized to be coined. Act of February 21, 1S53. Weight, 77.4 grains; fineness, 000. Total amount coined to June 30, 1S77, $i,jioo,03J. One Dollar. Authorized to be coined, Act of March ,;. l^v40■ Weight. 2^.S gi:uns ; fineness, oix\ Total amount coined tojune jO, iS77, $10,345.43^. Silver Dollar. Authorized to be coined. Act of April 2, 1702. Weicht, 416 grains; fineness, SoJ. 4. Weight changx'd, .\ct ol Janu.irv i"^, i'^37. 10412)* grains. Fineness changed. Act of January iS, 1^37. 10 OiX), Coinage discoiitinued. Act of February 12, 1S73. Total amount coined, $^.045.53$. Trade-Dollar. Authorized to be coined. Act of February 12, 1S73. Weight, 420 grains; fineness, ijcux Total amount coined tojune 30, I^77, S24,5Si,'JSO- Halt-Dollar. Authorized to be coined. Act of April J, 1791. Weight, 20S grains; fineness, 81)2.4. Weight changed .\ct of January iS, 1S37, to 2c6U gr.iins. Fineness chaiiiivd. Act of January 18, iS?7, to 900. Weight chansied. Act ot February 21, 1^5^ to 102 prains. Weighlchanged, Act of February 12, 1S73 to 12S gi" <"*. or 102.0 grains. Total amount coined tojune 30, 1S77, $ti5>,i«9>540.50- Quarter Dollar. .\uthorized to be coined. Act of April j, 1702. Weight, 104 grains; fineness, S0J.4. Weight chajiijed. Act of January iS, 1S37, to lOjVs gr.iins. Fineness changed. Act of January iS, 1S37, to 000. \\ eight changed. Act of Febrviary 21, I'^jy, to o;> grains, \\ eight changed, Act of February 12, 1S73, too}^ grams, or <)o.4^ grains. Total amount coined tojune 30, i^>77. $34,774,121.50. Twenty-cent Piece. Authorizet.1 to be coined. Act of March 3, 1S75. Weight, 5 grams, or 77. K' grains; fineness, licKX Total amount coined tojune 30, i!'77, $270,413* Dime. Aulhorizi\l to be coined. Act of April Weight, 41.0 grains; fineness, 1^)2.4. 1702. \yeight changed. Act of January iSi, 1837, to 41)^ gr: Fineness changed. Act ofjanuary iS, 1S37, to 000. Weiaht changed. Act of February 21, iS5;,t03S.4gr:un Weight changed, Act of February "12, 1^73, to 2 frams, or 3s. 5> grains. Total amount coined tojune 30, ij Half Dime. uns. ?i6, 141,756.30. Authoriztnl to be coined, Act of April 2, 1702. Weight, 20.S grains; fineness, Sgj.4. Weight chanj"-ed, .-Vet ofjanuary iS, iS37,to 2CvS^ grains. Fineness changed, Act of January iS, i>^7, to .xxv Weight changed. Act of Feliruary 21, i'^5,?. to 10.2 grains. Coinage discvintinued. Act of February 12, 1^3. Total amount coined, $4,90O.O4'->.oi\ TlIK .l.\rKKIC\X MANL'AI. 25:'. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES, AUTHORITY FOR COINING, AND CHANGES IN WEIGHT AND FINENESS.— Concluded. Three-cent Piece. Authorized to be coineil. Act of March 3, 1S51. Weio^ht, 12^ grains; fineness 750. Weisjhtchan'.'fd, Actof March 3. iSy, to 11.52 grains. Finen.sschinjrtd, Act of March 3, 1853, to 900. Coinasre discontinued. Act of F'ebrnary 12, 1S73. Total amount coined, $1,2^1,850,20. MINOR COINS. Five-cent iNickel). Authorized to he coineil, .\ctof May 16, 1S66. Weight, 77.16 grains, composed oi 75 per cent, copper and 21; per cent, nickel. Total amount coined to June 30, 1S77, $5,773,000. Three-cent (Nickel). Authorized to he coined. Act of March 3, 1865. Weight, 30 grains, composed of 75 percent, copper and 25 per cent, nickel. Total amount coined to June 30, 1S77, $855,000. Two-cent (Bronze). Authorized to he coined. Act of April 22, 1864. Weight. 95 grains, composed of 95 per cent, copper and S per cent, tin and zinc. Coinage discontinued, Act of February 12, 1S73. Total "amount coined, $912,020. Cent (Copper). Authorized to be coined, .'Vet of April 2, 1792. Weight 264 grains. Weielit changed, Act of January 14, 1793, to 20S grains. Weight ch.anged by proclamation of the President, Jan- uary 26, 1796, in conformity with Act of March 3, 1795, to \(& grains. Coinage discontinued. Act of February 21, 1S57. Total amount coined, $i,5''2,S87.,t|. Cent (Nickel). Authorized to be coined, Act of P'ebruary 21, 1857. Weight, 72 grains, composed of 88 per cent, copper and 12 per cent, nickel. Coinage discontinued, Act of April 22, iSo-). Total amount coined, $2,007,720. Cent (Bronze). Coinage authorized. Act of April 22, 1864. Weight, 48 grains, composed of 95 per cent, copper an. I 5 per Cent, tin ;ind /inc. Total amount coined to June 30, 1S77, Si,733.9'":'- Half-cent (Copper) Authorized to be coined. Act of April 2, 1792. Weight, 132 grains. Weight changed, Act of January I4j 1793, to 104 grains. Weight changed bv proclamation ot the Pre.sident, Jan- uary 26, 1796, in conformity with Act of .March 3, 1795, t<> 84 grains. Coinage disconlinued, Actof February 21, 1S57 Total amount coined, $39,926.10. Coinage of the U. S. Mints during the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1882. Gold Coinage $89,413,447.50 Silver Coinage :— Silver Dollars 27,772,075 00 Halves, Quarters and Dimes ".3'3-7S Minor Coinage :— Five, Three, Two, and One Cent pieces ^•44.757-75 Totil Coinage $1 17,841 ,594 .00 • A large amount o£ Silver Dollars, Half Dollars, etc., have been coined since 1873. 254 'I'lIE AMERICAN MANUAL. ©HE United Sh^aipes (Shp^isii^ian ©ommission. THE REV. JOHN O. FOSTER, A. M. (The Present Secretary.) B. D. jJ UT of tlie heart of the Young Men's 'christian Association, the Unite 1 ^|e States Christian Commission was f^«^born. The call for such an organiz- ation was issued Oct. 28th, 1861, and signed by George H. Stuart, John Vannamaker, James Grant, John Sexton and George Cookman. The first meeting was held in the Bible House, N. Y., Nov. 14th, 1861, at 3 p.m., and fifteen cities were represented. The Connnis- sion was soon organized and two days after- wards, Nov. 16, issued the notices of its object, the "spiritual good of the soldiers in the army, intellectual improvement and social and phys- ical comforts." President Lincoln, Simon Cameron and George B. McClellan the com- manding General of the U. S. army, each heartily approved of the object, and Dec. 17, 1861, the Executive Connnillee, appointed by the meeting, elected George H. Stuart, Presi- dent during "its existence." The "Address to the Public" was issued Jan. 13, 1862, The first Delegate was the Rev. George Bringhurst, of Philadelphia, and the second was (said to be) the Rev. George J. Mingins, D. D., now of New York. The first few months of its existence the office was moved four times, and for lack of means, seemed to be an itinerant concern des- tined to a speedy death. But prayers were offered in its behalf, and by and by it was laid on the hearts of the Christian People of the Nation. President Stuart converted his store in Philadelphia into a depot of supplies, his time, talents and fortune were all consecrated as a free-will offering for his Country, the suf- fering soldiers and their spiritual good. Money at last began to pour in. Men were already working for the soldiers without pay and hardly receiving their expenses, while the demand for their services exceeded the supply ten fold. The Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, issued an order saying: "Every fa- cility consistent with the exigencies of the ser- vice will be afforded to the Christian Commis- sion, for the performance of their religious aiul benevolent purposes in the Armies of the United States. The duties of the Delegates were varied. Some were regular ministers who felt called to preach whenever there was an opportunity; but they were also instructed to render all temporal aid to the suffering men within their power. Others were teamsters, book keepers, shipping clerks, librarians, cooks, office men and visitors. There was also a large and ex- cellent Delegation of physicians and surgeons, besides a score of other agencies, — all neces- sary for the immense work. With the agree- ment before him each Delegate bound himself to work under instructions of tlie Agent for "not less than six weeks." He went cheerfully to his work, and with memorandum book too'.c notes of necessitous cases, reported the same, *W>tii_r«l GEORGE H. STUART. President of Reunion of Christian and Sanitary Commissions, etc. THE REV. J. O. FOSTER, A. M. Secretary of Reunion of Christian and Sanitary Commissions, etc. rr,o THE AMERICAN MANUAl.. wrote letters to the soldiers' friends at home, "visited, instructe 1, distributed stores, circu- lated religious publications, aided Chaplains in their ministrations and influence for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the men un- der their care, held meetings for prayer in the field and in the hospitals, attended to the cor- resj)ondence of disabled men, encouraged every right way, discouraged every vice, cheered men to duty, and .above all persuaded men to become "reconciled to God." They were further instructed to aid the Sur- geons on the battle field ill the care and re- moval of the wounded, giving them food and drink and everj'thing needed to mitigate suf- fering and aid recovery; or if dying to ])oint them with prayer to Jesus, and give them a Christian burial. In short, they were to do all that man could do to meet the wants of breth- ren "far from home and kindred." Was it any wonder, that, under such in- structions, the Delegate would do his part faithfully, and that from thousands of altars prayers went up to heaven in his or her behalf.-' For in this work the women had a most con- spicuous part. They shunned no legitimate duty, but the best of care takers and nurses, they were in the hospitals and diet kitchens; they were directing the coffee wagons and dis- tributing needed literature; ami none were more welcome by tlie side of the sick and suf- fering soldier. They confronted drunken officers, shamed them to duty, made friends out of foes, and sang, and prayed, and spoke for the Master, wherever and whenever the way was open. And this Godly work was not done alone in the Federal Armies, for similar Relief Associa- tions and "colporters" moved to and fro among the distressed sufferers of the Confederate Forces. These noble men and women in both armies may not appear prominently in history, but their record is faithfully kept by Him, who said, "In as much as ye have done it unto one the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Never in the History of the World was there witnessed such stupendous benevolence as came from the sorrow wrung souls of millions during this terrible War. Homes were stripped of their comforts to sup- ply the wants of the men in the armies, and the last dollar was sent to the loved one in the trenches, in the field or hospital, to secure a moiety of comfort, and make the .sad work a little less hideous and barbarous. Despite the fearful demoralization to both armies, yet there were rifts in the clouds of darkness where the light of Christianity shone as brightly as the World has ever known. We are indebted to Mr. Frank W. Smith for the facts and figures of the Christian Commis- sion as exhibiting in some degree the work of the Christian Commission. We have com- pared them with the official report and in the main, they are correct. There were about 5,000 Delegates commis- sioned. Cash raised and distributed f 2,524,512. Value of stores, a multitude of articles, $2,839,- 445. Value of Bibles, Hymn Books, papers, magazines, etc., known as publications, $185,- 252. An estimation of Donations, Delegates' Services, Telegraph and Rail Road facilities granted, Offices and Rooms donated would make with the above over 16,250,000. "Each Delegate labored, on an average, thirty-eight days, at a cost for incidental ex- penses of $36.10. The field service of Dele- gates was equal to the continuous labor of one man for five hundred and eighty years, or, with the added services of the permanent Agents, six hundred and fifty-eight years," As items of the general wants of the soldiers, we give a few more facts. There were 58,308 sermons preached by the Delegates, 77,744 meetings held, 92,321 letters written for the sick or dying soldiers to the loved ones at home, using 7,067,000 sheets of paper and as SCENES DURING TUK ClVIl, WAR. 258 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. many envelopes, and these were all given away. The stationery and stamps cost $66,342. The New York Tract Society prepared 247 dis- tinct tracts and circulated 6,570,000 copies. The Publishers of the American Messenger issued 2,790,000 copies for the army. The Christian Commission knew no color, whether blue or gray, white or black. The prisoner of war was waited upon with the same care as the soldier. The starving poor in cap- tured cities received rations like those the Delegates used, and the colored lefugees were fed by the same hands that ministered to the ■wants of the dying. The following important paper is a fair sam- ple of the many commendations given from time to time: "Depot for prisoners, Johnson's Island, near Sandusky, Ohio, October 31, 1863. The undersigned prisoners of War at John- son's Island do hereby certify that from their personal knowledge and experience, the Dele- gates of the United States Christian Commis- sion, in their Christian efforts to relieve the sick and wounded of the various battle fields, make no difference or discrimination between the contending parties, relieving alike the suf- ferings and wants of the Confederate and Federal, men ana Officers, and we therefore sincerely trust the Authorities at Richmond and elsewhere, will treat any of the said Dele- gates that may fall into their hands, with the kindness justly due them, and grant them a speedy return to their Christian work." Signed by 48 Confederate soldiers, mostly Officers. One or two instances should appear here be- fore we finish the sketch. Chaplain W. H. Rogers, of New York, said: "The fierce con- flict which ended the nine mile Battle of the Boynton Plank Road, left the field covered with the Gray and the Blue, in about equal numbers, wounded and dying. Soon the Sanitary Commission of the Fifth Corps ar- rived and went to work. One of the grandest visions that ever came to my gladdened eyes was the Christian Commission Brigade. There came over that muddy road, six sleek white horses, and following them the store, or rather coffee wagon, with its kindlings all ready, and its three iDoilers containing tea, coffee and beef tea. Twelve Christian Commission men went to work, and soon the cries of the wounded and requests for lielp had some repose. Then I saw how Christianity, in the spirit of Jesus, had united the Chaplaincy, the Christian Com- mission and the vSanitary Commission in that supreme glory of imitating Christ in helping the needy in the extremities of life. It is necessary to say that the Sanitary Com- mission handled more supplies, had more monc}', men and agent ies than the Christian Commission. Vast volumes arc in print con- taining the records of that Grand IMovement, which had for its object, to bring needed sup- plies to the wounded, bury the dead, register the evidence of burials, furnish intelligence of lost ones, and in fact, do all it could for men in field and hospital and prison. There were two great centres .for gathering and distributing supplies. One in the East, another in the West. There were over three thousand tributaries in the West alone, and over thirty thousand women helped in the Western work. The effort in the East was still larger. Great Sanitary Fairs were held, and immense sums were raised. The two Commissions worked in harmon3^ The Christian Commission was largely com- posed of Ministers and active Christian work- ers, and hence the'r distinctive appellation. If either Commission needed anything, work or supplies and the other could grant it, it was sure to do so. The Chaplainswent often to the Sanitary Commission for things they could SCENES DURING THE CIVII, WAR. 260 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. not find temporaril}- in the Chri-Xi-an Commis- sion. I remember two brown and bronzed men called on us one day, asking for ten bar- rels of pickles or saurkraut. We had none, bnt our requisition on the noble Sanitary men was speedily answered by an Army wagon load ordered to the front and placed under the di- rections of these greatly gratified Chaplains. There is no question but that the timely aid of these vast supplies kept myriads of people from starvation. Just after the capture of Richmond, Va., April 3d, 1865, when all articles of food were consumed, the sight of the starving poor of that City was heart rending. Our Commission gave out supplies for forty days, at times over 10,000 rations a day, and the San- itary Commission in another part of the City, was doing even more, of the same blessed work. The Government at last opened stores and sold fresh bread and meat at cost, and by* and by the relief reached all the suffering ones. The total supplies of moneys, stores, medi- cines, transportation, publications, tents and assistance, if paid for at the regular rates, by the two Commissions would have amounted to more than 125,000,000. We have purposely omitted the names of nearly all the prominent workers. Their records can never be written. Not a tithe is in print, though many volumes have been pub- lished. We shall only mention one name with which to close the sketch. George H. Stuart, the Originator of the Christian Commission, has well been named, "The Great Christian Chieftain." He threw a live soul, a business man's pow- er, and a Christian's zeal into the spiritual and relief work. Nothing was too sacred for the good cause. A hotel dining-room filled with guests, would be called to silence while he read a telegram, and took up a subscription of thousands of dollars. Ordained by the Good Samaritan of the Skies, he entered pulpits, thrilled gathered throngs, and demanded help in the name of his Master. A poor woman in England desired to send something to the soldiers and forwarded a five pound note worth then over %2^, to President Lincoln. He turned it over to Stuart saying its desi^^i was ■ doubtless for the Christian Commission. It was held up before great audiences, sold, given back, and, re-sold again and again until the poor widow's gift netted more than a hundred thousand dollars. A piece of Jewelry "with a history" would sell for fooo. Wealthy ladies threw into the collections, bracelets, diamond rings and other jewelry, for the choicest treasures were not w'ithheld. The first year of the Christian Commission Mr. Stuart and his Assistants raised 11356,000, but during the last four months ^2, 260,000 came in as free will offerings. Broken in health, being a great sufferer ,from life long asthma, Mr. Stuart was often carried to the field, where the wounded were lying, where he gave personal directions in re- lief work, or led the gospel meetings. He has been so frequently before the Public as a Trus- tee, Chairman, Director or officer of some kind that he has really been loaded w4th honors for more than half a century. The esteem of the Nation for him has been marked by Presidents calling upon him for counsel, and by a pressing invitation to take a seat in the Cabinet. All the Churches claim him as a brother beloved, and no Assembly has been under his direction but has felt itself honored by his presence. Born April 2, 1816, God has spared him to a good old age, to see the fruits of his benevo- lent works. In speaking of the Merchants' National Bank in Philadelphia, the Record of that city says of its President, Mr. Stuart. "He is a gentleman whose name has become a house- hold word throughout our land and across the seas. Who that passed through the soulstir- SCENES DURING THE CIVIL WAR. 203 J IIIC AMllk'lCAS MAMMAL. rijiK time of the late War can for^rt tin- ser- vici' that Mr. Stuart ri'iKk-rcd his CouiiU y, as Pri'SKk-iit of tlic Uiiilcd vSlalfS Christ an Coiii- nrlssion, dc-voting his tiiiu' th.il iiii.i;ht havi- bc'cn occupied in nniassm^i a lorlunc, to llic jR'cds of the sick and wounded soldiers incur Armies? President vSluart's jiersoual carei'f as a merchant is a cons])iiuous feature in the history of l'liihi(K'li)hia, and liis name is insej)- ara!)ly assoi-iatcd with thi' hij^hest ideal of commercial enterprise and business intci^'rily." The Work ol' tlio ii The Christian Commission felt that its spe- cial work was d(jne when the War closed, hence it disbanded from the active duties of relief work. The vSenate Chaud)er at Wasli- inj^ton held a vast thronj.; Jan. ist, iS66, when the brethren said j^ood bye. b'ifleeu years passed, and no effort for a Ri'uuiou seemed to avail. 'I'lie Delej^ales were widely scattered and yet felt the tenderest re- f^ard for one another and often ex])ressed a wish that some one would call them to).,a'ther. The Rev. John II. Vincent, I). D., answered a letter from the writer, that Cluiutauciua \v(udd gladly set aside a wluile day to listen to the Story of the War, as told by 1 )elej4atcs and Cha])lains from both siiles. The first Reunion was held at Chautaiuiua Anjj;. 7, 1880, and was an immense j^atheriuj^. rresident Stuart pii'- sided and the enthusiasm was woiideriul. The thniii;; was so delij^ihled that Dr. Vincent pub- licly invited the vSeiond Reunion to meettheie nj^ain in jSSi, which was accordingly done. At this );atheriujj^ the crowd was still laij^er, ami the audunce seemed as much delighted as be- foli'. Tlu iMiird Reuniou was held July 5, 18S2, at ],ake HUiir, 111., near Chicago. Ihe meetiii'j was one of remarkable interest and maile a de;]) impression. 'I'he I'ourth Reunion was held at Ocean ('.rove, New Jersey, July 22-24, >'^^3- l''rom the time the speakers began, to the close of lliL> two days not a moment ])assed without in- liiise interest, and Dr. vSlokes, the I'lesident ol the Hoard of Trustees, jjublicly invited the Reunion to come back the following year. The iMftli Reiiuiou was accordingly held at Ocean (iiove, Aug. 1-3, iSS.}, and was in one respect the most remarkable gathering ever held l)y these goeared on the platform in the allernoou. 'J'he Rev. A. J. ralinei deli\eie(l one of the most telling speeches of welcome we ever heard. (icneral Grant was assisted to the front, for he was quite lame from !i fall, caus- ing a broken tendon, and after the tumultuous giet'ting, waving of handkerchiefs and cheer- ing had sub.-.ide(l he said. "Ladies and Gentlemen, under the circum- stances it isdilVicult forme to speak. An hour ago I might have made a sjieecli, but now I am almost afraid to do so. I know, as few can, the good that these Chaplains and Members of the Commission have done — writing letters for the sick and wounded, to the friends at home, to anxious, sorrowing mothers and i'atlu'rs. I havi' not words to express my thanks lor this welcome. I a])preciate" and here his voice failed, the sentence was never finished, he sank to his chair, sobbing and weeping jirofusely. It was the only time the great hero was known to weep, and the vast throng was also bathed in tears. The Audience was .spell lK)und, and fot some monuMits silence prevailed. This was 6Cl'',Nl-> iJl/KINl". Tllj; Civil, WAT. 284 THE AMERICAN MANUAL, General Grant's last speecti before the Pub- lic. Tlie Sixth Reunion was held at Old Orchard, Maine, June 26-30, 1S85. The Sabbath services drew an immense crowd, and the welcome and good feeling were very marked. The Seventh Reunion was held at Valley Camp, near Pittsburg, Pa., July 29, Aug. I, 1886. Action was taken at this meeting for a per- manent Organization by the adoption of the following order. "The publication of the continued Organi- zation of the Unitcfl States Christian Couviuis- sion {dc facto) is hereby ordered announced in the Official Report; and that it is now ready for Relief Work at the call of the Officers." Ocean Grove sent a pressing invitation to return there again, and the Eighth Reunio'i was held at that famous resort, Aug. 4-7, 1SS7. The attendance was simply immense and the interest for four days continued as strong as ever. Many pressing invitations came from different parts of the Country, for future meet- ings, and Round Lake, Saratoga Co., N. Y., was chosen for Aug. 15-20, 1S88. No great Public sorrow has called the Chris- tian Commission to active service, thus far, but with a live organization it stands ready to res- pond, should occasion require. 77/A AMERICAN MANUAL. 20.- FlI^SiP AND IJAS^ (9HINGS OP I^HB ©IVIL &5a1^. The first hostile shot of the war was fired at Fort Siiinter, b}' Captain George S. James, of South Carolina. The first shot fired in the defense of the Union, was fired at Fort Sumter, by Captain (General) Abner Douljleday, of New York. Probably the first gun fired in the war was on the 1 6th of February, 1861, (before the at- tack on Sumter,) when the rebel General Ben. McCullough, captured San Antonio, Tex- as, and Twiggs surrendered. The first to fire a hostile shot in the valley o^ the Mississippi, was battery A, ist lllniois Light Artillery. The first shot fired in defense of Fort vSum- ter, in 1861, was fired by the istU.S. Artillery, and the last shot fired at Appomattox Court House, was by the same Regiment. The opening shot at the battle of Gettysburg was fired by the Confederates at 10 A. M., July I, 1863, against Buford's picket line. The first overt act of the war in Virr:;inia, in its inception, was the attack on Harper's Fer- ry by the Confederates-simultaneous, though, in its consummation, with the capture of the navy yard at Portsmouth. The first Confederate gun fired at the battle of Bull Run in i86i,was fired by Lieut. George S. Davidson of Lathams Battery. A two hundred pound Parrot gun was brought to bear against Fort vSumter August I, 1863, for the first time in the history of siege operations. Louisiana was the first of the Seceding States that returned to her allegiance of her own free will and accord. The first military movement of the war in the West was under the Illinois militia to Cairo. Defenses were tlirown up and Gen. Prentiss was placed in coniniaud. For eight months Fort Defiance was our most Southern point. The first successful military movement of the war took place in July, 1861, when Gen. Dix ^ent Gen. Lockwood into Accomac and Northampton counties, Virginia, with in- structions to drive the confederates out The last "-rcat char;;o on the third day of the battle of Gettysburg was made by the confederates on the Brigade commanded by Gen. Alexander S. Webb, but the skill and bravery of Gen. Webb and the valor of his Brigade caused the repulse and route of the assailants in irretrievable confusion. Gen. Webb is now President of the College of New York. Tlie most roinurkable instaiit^c perhaps, of a small band of heroes successfuly opposing a vastly superior force, occurred at the very close of the battle of Gettyslmrg. ''Tlie en- emy were temporarily checked," says Gen. Doubleday in his history ofthe battle, "by ades- perate charge on their flanks made by only sixteen men under Captains Treichel and Rogers and Chaplain Newhall of Gen. Mcin- tosh's Staff This little band were every one killed or disabled, but they succeeded in de- laying the enemy until Gen. Custer came up with the 7th Michigan Regiment. 266 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. The Battle of Chancellorsvillc was opened by an attack of Confederate skirmishers, 2 li Virginia Infantry, not the iith as appears lu Swinton's History. The first Secession Speech made in the Leg- islature of Tennessee, was made by a man named Bennett, who afterwards joined Mor- gan's guerrilla band. Cov. I^etcherof Virginia, was the first man, who, as a candidate for office, openly advoca- ted secession on the stump in Virginia. The first Union blood shed in the war was that of a New Yorker-Daniel Hough, mortally wounded at Fort Sumter in 1861, and Col. Klmer E. Ellsworth, of the New York Fire Zouaves, shot dead at the Marshall House, Alexandria, Va. The first to spill their blood on the breast works of the enemy at Yorktown, were the soldiers of the 40th New York Regiment, and they were the first to plant the New York State colors on the battlements of Fort Magru- der. The first innocent blood shed in the war is said to have been that of Mr. Robert E. Scott, of Fauquier Co. Va., killed by Gen. Blenker's men. The first blood of a colored man shed in the war was that of Nicholas Biddle, of Pennsvlva- nia. He was with the first company that passed through Baltimoi-e in 1861, where he was ■wounded. The first Confederate victim of the war, Hen- ry S. Wyatt of N. C, was reported to have been the first, and was killed at Big Bethel. But it has been claimed in other quarters that Mr. Bailey Brown of Virginia, killed on the night of May 22, '61, was the first man. Henry St. George Tucker of the 'IGovernors Guard,'' Richmond, however, died of disease contracted while on dut}', twelve days before Mr, Brown was killed. The first Cavalryman killed in the war was Jacob Erwin of Philadelphia, a member of a Company commanded b}- Captain Wni. H. Boyd, and was killed in a charge on the Black Horse Cavalry near Fonic Church, Va., Aug. 1861. This was the first charge of the war made by the Volunteer Cavalry. The first to hoist the old flag over the Con- federate fort at Roanoke Island, was the 51st New York Regiment, and the colors of the 5i3t were also the first to wave over the Capitol at Jackson, Mississippi. The Stars and vStripes were first raised over the Capitol of the Confederate States, when the Union troops entered the City of Richmond in 1S65, by Lieutenant Johnston Livingstone de Peyster, of New York. The first flag planted on the ruins of the Confederate fort, at the explosion of the mine in front of Petersburg, July 30, 1864, was that of the 14th New York Artillery. Col. Hough- ton led the charge. The only flag taken at the battle of Fair Oaks by our troops was the flag of the 22d North Carolina, captured by the 65th New York. The first Union flag hoisted in Georgia, was the flag of the 7th Connecticut Regiment, Col. Terry, and was raised in Tybee Lighthouse. The first Union flag found in Alabama was found nailed to a staft' upon the housetop of the Hon. George W. Lane, in Huntsville. Ohio had the most beautiful flags in the ser- vice. The pvXy Confederate colors taken in the battle of Chickamauga, were the colors of the 22d Alabama Regiment, and were captured by the I2ist Ohio Regiment. More bayonet wounds were inflicted upon our soldiers at the battle of Gaines Mills, than in any other battle of the war. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 207 The Itnttlc of Ploasant Hill, l.a., was, probably the first time -when the confederates manifested any desire to meet our soldiers in an open field fight, and particularly ■when they were the attacking pai'ty. Tlie first tiino an oiitiro t'onfertcratp Kris* atlo was driven from the field by a single Reg- iment, was on the third day of the battle of Gettysburg when the ist Michigan Cavalry Regiment, engaged and defeated Hampton's Brigade. Klk Crook was the first battle of the war fought south of the Arkansas river. Tiie first aoiiial coiifiiot of the war was in St. Louis, on the loth of May, 1861, on the oc- casion of the coiip d' etat of Gen. Lyons — cap- ture of the confederate camp Jackson. The first soldier mi;stered into the military ser- vice of New Jersey, at the commencement of the war, was J. Hudson Drake, of Elizabeth; and he was the first soldier to unfurl the Stars and Stripes on the soil of Virginia. «eii. Kirby SinUli, in speaking of the battle of MlUiken's Bend, said: "I saw black and white men lying side by side on the ground, killed by the bayonet — the first in- stance, to my knowledge, in the war, where bayonets had crossed." Gen. Meade said that the ist Army Corps on the first day of the battle of Gettysburg saved the position, and with it the country. The First Fort Taken in the war was at Selma, Ala., and Serg't John A. Ennis was killed in taking, the colors upon the ramparts. The oldest volunteer in the war was Mr. Davis of La Porte, Indiana, eighty-four year, of age. He passed himself off for sixty-fives and with his three sons enlisted in an Illinois Regiment He had served in the Mexican war. The Knoxville Wilis; of January 30, 1S63, said: For the first time since the war began each Southern army is held at bay by a superi- or abolition force. The battle of Uovovly Ford June 9, '63 was the first occasion when the Cavalry of the Arni3^ofthe Potomac went into action as a' body. The Sio;;-*' of Fort Siuntor in 1S63 was probably the first attempt in the militarv his- tory of the world, where a distant fortification was literally besieged over the heads of the garrisons of two other fortifications in direct line with the point attacked. The only guns the Union forces lost in the battles of the Wilderness w'ere two pieces be- longing to Battery D, ist New York Artillerj\ Tiie 56th Ohio and 34th Incliana Regiments, ca])Lured the first Battery, at the battle of I'^ort .Gibson, whicii was the first victon- of the Vicksburg campaign. The youngest soldier in the army (1S64) — Sergeant John Clem, 22d Michigan Reginient — twelve years of age. His home was New^- ark. Ohio. Illinois was the oiil)' State in MaiTli, 1864, that had furnished all the men called for by the Government. The State had about twelve thousand to her credit above all demands. Massachusetts furnished Hie first compq^i}- of Sharpshooters. They were called the ".\n- drew Shar})sliooters," and w^ere attached to her 15th Reginient. The first Company to respond to the call for troops in 1865, was a company of forty men from Chambersburg, Pa., conlmanded by Captain T. S. Stnmbaugh. The first soldier to respond to the call of duty from the vState of Tennessee, was Joseph A. Cooper, who rose to the rank of Brigadiei General. i!iW THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Tlic (Till N«'w Yorlt was the first Veteran R'.i>iiiit'iit op^anizccl in the United States. The loail Now York llou'iinoiit was the first to (lash acmss the crest in the attack on IvOok- out Moniitain, "which made thcni," said Gov. Gearv of Pennsylvania, "the heroes of that battle." The Kit li Now York lloai.v Ai-4MI«m;.v was the lan;est Regiment ever recrnitetl in the United States. The i»i«lora(o!i for ireason was that of J. W. Merriam, Collector ol" the Port of Georgetown, S. C, Jannary 7, 1 80 1 . Hut Olio iiiiiii was oxoouioti in the Army of the Potomac np to Pebrnary, 1863, for a fla- grant crime, antl that was a case of attempted desertion to the enemy. The first aot «»r|»lraoy in tl»o war was com- mitted June 30, 1861, by Rlarylandcrs, led by Zarvoua Thomas, called the "In-ench Lady," assisted bj George N. Halhns. In the expedition was a man named Martin, who kept a licpior store ni Baltimore. This ir.au, Martin, gave John Wilkes Booth, who bhot the President, letters of introduction to this region o( Maryland where he was a native. So here at Point Lookout in 1861 began the crime which led to the assassination in 1865. The first «lec'isi«tii iiikIoi- iIio r,iitaiioi|tii(ioii I'l'oolmiiatloii wasthe vStatcof jMissouriagainst Benjamin Williams, a black man. The first eaNc or oiiiaiK-ipatiou under the President's proclamation was that of three ne- gro boys escaping from Kirby Smith's army, and appearing before Lieut. Col. Spies, Milita- ry Governor of the towns of Covington and Newport, Ky., September 23, 1862, who gave tliLin free papers. The term >'('oiiiraI»aiicr' as applied to the negroes, did not originate with Ben. Butler as i.s generally supposed. The expression was made use of in 1863 by the Hon. George Op- dyke of New York, in a published treatise on political economy. The first i«ioa of raisinig: colored Ko;;i- iiiciiiN, publicly expressed, was made by Gen. Watts D. Peysler of New York, and was pub- lished in the Poughkeepsie Eagle in the winter of 1859- '60. The first dotaoliniont ornojrro froopN tnr- nishcd by the State of New York was recruitttl at Ilndson by J. M. ICdwards of that place, in March, 1S63. They joined the 64th Massachu- setts Regiment. The <lt (who was lying at his feet shot through the body), "don't let them get it Ixick, Lieut." The brave Coyne had torn the flag from tlie stalTand was (yin;: it iii-4miii«i iiis iMMly, when the appealing words of the dying Serg't came out of that storm of lead and desperate en- counter, lie turned to look where his men were. All had faded away like mist. Not a nian was standing, and he alone reached our lines, fainting and exhausted. This is the story of the capture of the first Confederate fiag and well might Gen. Heintzelman in his letter to the Secretary of War recommending that the brave Lieutenant be promoted to Brevet-Colonel, say-"At Williamsburg with undaunted bravery and after a severe contest, he captured the colors of a Ooiir<>rati> Ito;?- Inu-ntand was mentioned by me in general orders for his gallantry. Naitoleoii. Arkansas, was the first to fire on an unarmed boat in the history of the war. The first point at wliicli the rcbeK com- menced the erection of works blockading the Mississippi river was Vicksburg. The first vcsn<>i of war destroyed by a tor- pedo, was the iron-clad vessel "Cairo," on the Yazoo river. Ihe first voNMol i'i«lyo ever construct- ed in this country was built by Co. F. 15th New York Volunteers. It extended across the Chickahominy, and was used on the oc- casion of McClellan's withdrawing his troops from Harrison's Landing. 2:u THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Goii. IWcPherson was the youngest man con- firmed by Congress a Brigadier General. He was thirty-one years of age. rtvis. 8th New York Cavalry, killed at Beverly Ford in June, 1863, was a Mis- sissippian, and is said to have been, up to that time, the only Cavalry officer of Southern birth, in the Union Army. «oii. Pliil Koarnoy was the first American officer ever decorated with the Legion of Hon- or by the Emperor Napoleon. The first Wi>!!»t Point ollioor of artillery to fall in the war was Lieut. Greble, killed at Big Bethel. Ool. .isKMiues of the 73d Illinois Regiment was the first man to enter the rebel entrench- ments on the height of Mission Ridge. This is the Col Jacques who visited Jeff Davis in Richmond with the hope of bringing about peace. The first public iiitininilon tlint Gen. Grant had attempted to undermine Peters- burg, Va., July 1864, came from Charles J. Browne of Petersburg, who wrote a letter on the subject to the Richmond Whig, July 16, 1864. The first officer to resii^rn Iiis position in the United States Army for the purpose of par- ticipating in the rebellion was Wm. H. T. "Walker of Georgia., who suljsequently became a Major-General and was killed in battle before Atlanta, July 22, 1864. The first lnlly rtrmert Ke^inient tO enter Washington when it was beleaguered by the Confederates in 1861, was the 6th Massachu- setts, Col. Jones. The First New Yorlt Cavalry Itog^iinent claim to have captured more prisoners and pro})erty up to 1864, than any other Cavalry Regiment in the service. They had taken three thousand prisoners. Battery 1>, Ist New York Artillery, is credited with more battles than any other in the army. In May 1864 when Gen. Meade called for tlie reports of all the battles the regiments and batteries had been engaged in, that they might have them inscribed on their flags, Battery D bore off the palm. The first Re;:'inient in enter Torktown, and plant the old flag on the ramparts of the rebel forts, was the 73d New York — known as the 4tli Kxcelsior Regiment. The I2tli New York Kesinientwas the first Regiment to set foot on the soil of the Old Do- minion, and the first to receive an attack after the army of invasion crossed into Virginia. The fortunes of the day at the battle of the Fair Oaks, were decided by a brilliant charge of the 37tli New York Volunteers, led by Gen- eral Kearney. IHE AMERICAN MANUAL. ri The first of the yfoiiitor<« to sco active ser- vice was the Montauk, Captain John S. Wor- deii, and her first, service was in the attack on Fort McAllister. The first vessel captured by the Confeder- ate cruisers was the Harvey Kurcli. She be- longed to Mr. John Brown, of New York. The first sto|>i>a$;e of navigration was by the Confederates at Memphis, Tenn., and al- most simultaneously at Napoleon and Helena, Ark. The first boat to descen«l to Xew Oi*I<>anM a '^ter the capture of Vicksburg, was the "Im- perial." The first tij-lit in llio history of tli« noi-id between iron clad ships was between the Mon- itor and the Merrimac. The first to suggest the Hatteras expedit- ion of 1861, was Capt. R. D. Lowry, U.S.N. The first boat ea-i>tiired by the Confederates w-as the steamer Ocean Belle, captured at Helena, Ark. The first t no prisoners captured by the army of the Potomac were taken by the 25th New York State Militia Regiment. The first L'nion prisoner iu the war was J. S. Worden, who afterwards commanded the Montauk, and subsequently commanded the "Monitor" in her fight with the "Merrimac." The first pardon under the President's proc- lamation — he exempts Brig. E. W. Gantt of Arkansas from the penalty of treason. The first Union soldier who crossed the threshold of the Libby Prison, was Capt. John Downey, of the New York P'ire Zouaves. l>«»rtsnionth. Va.. was probably the first instance of an important ])lace being confided exclusively to tl.e c^re ol Colored troops — ist U. S. Colored infantry, January, 1864. I>ieut. A.N. Sanborn, of the 1st District of Columbia colored Regiment, munleied by Dr. Wright at Norfolk, Va., was probably the first officer of a colored Regiment who died in de- fense of the Union. On the 7th of March, 1864, the first negro prisoners of v-ar were received at Libby prison. They were James W. Corn, P. T. Lewis, R. P. Armstead and John Thomas. liOiiisiana was the first State to institute the system of compensated labor. The first colored Provost .Marshal was Major W. O. Fiske, of the ist Louisiana Vol- unteers, appointed by Gen. Banks. The first oilicial recogiiition of negrt* troops as equals by the Confederates was December, ibb3, when a flag of truce borne by Major John Calhoun, a graiidscju of John C. Calhoun, was re.ceived at Hilton Head by Ma- jor Trowbridge of the 1st South Carolina Ne- gro Regiment. Senat<»r 4'onness, of California, appears to have been the first man to publicly recom- mend that Gen. Grant Le j^laced in command of tne army of the Potomac. The first United states tiovernmentllondsi were purchased by Messrs. R. S. and A. Stewart, of New York. Bond No. 1, being in possession of the late Mr. Alexander Stewart at the time of his death. The first meet in jur held in Xorth Carolina to oppose the action of the Confederate au- thorities was caused by the appointment of Major Bradford, of Virginia, to collect the tithes in that State. Secretary S;uard"s letter of October 6, 186 1, was tlie first official document laid be- fore the people of England in which the Brit- ish Government was notified that it would be THE AMERICAN 3fAXUAL. held responsible for damages done by the pri- vateer Alabama, The first motion made in Parliament for an investigation into the legality of the sailing of the Alabama, Florida and other privateers, was made by Mr. J. Shaw Lefevre, Member of Reading, son of the late speaker. Senator Snmner was the first person to urge upon President Lincoln to make public tlie Confiscation Proclamation. Hon. Hiram Walbridge, of New York, was the first person to recommend to Presi- dent Lincoln the importance of securing Beau- port and Port Royal, S. C. The first ease under the Confiscation Act came up July 23d, 1S63. It was that of the property of Dr. Garuett, a son-in-law of Henry A. Wise. The first t at resistance to the draft occurred in Fulton Co., Penn., about the 8th of June, 1863. The first time the body of a Confederate soldier was returned to his kindred and friends with the honors of war, was on the 9th of Jan- uary, 1863. It was the body of Colonel Law- ton, who was wounded and captured at the battle of Fredericksburg. The 2d ivew York State Militia (82d Vols.) is the oldest Regiment in the State of New York, and was the first to volunteer from New York for the war. The first Keg'iment in the State of New York to ofter its services to the Government, is said b}' Col. Adams, of the 67th, to be the Reg- iment he commanded. The first Regiment from the State of New York to march to the defense oftke Capitol was the 7th Militia Regiment. The first New York Keg-iment raised for three years or the war was the 70th, the first Reg't. of the Fxcelsior Brigade, raised by Col. (now Gen.) Daniel E. Sick)es. The first massaelmsetts Regiment fur- nished the first Gen. to commaud colored troops — Capt. Edward A. Wild, who com- manded the Brigade known as "Wild's African Brigade. ' ' The I2tli Connecticut Regiment Vi/as the first to ascend the Mississippi river after the capture of forts Phillips and Jackson. The otii Vermont was the first New Eng- land regiment to enlist for three 3'ears. The first Hussar Regiment raised in the country for real service m the war was organ- ized at Trenton, N. J., by Col. Andrew J. Mor- rison. Commodore Vanderbilt's name stands first on the list for magnificent donations to the United States Government. He presented the steamer "Vanderbilt," which cost |;8oo,- 000. The first contribution made by a private cit- izen for the defense of the Nation, was made by Col. John Jacob Astor, of New York, when he liberally furnished the means to purchase the gunboat "Yankee," which was sent to the relief of the garrison at Fort Sumter. The National Banking Law was first sug- gested to the Secretary of the Treasury by the Hon. Elridge T. Spaulding, of Buffalo, N. Y. The Treasury Note or Greenback system was first suggested by the late Mr. Silas M. Stillwell, of New York. Mr. Stillwell and not the late Secretary Chase, should have been called the "Father of Greenbacks." THE AMERICAN MANUAL. The highest bid for the first Government Loan February, i86r, ^vas made by the Bank of the Republic in New York City. The Southern Bank of New Orleans in 1S63, was the only bank North or South, that had made coin payments in full. The last Union paper printed in the South was edited by Gen. A. B. Norton, formerly Adj. Gen. of the State of Texas. He was the only man in the South who published the inaugural message of President Lincoln. The first time during the war that a passen- ger train was captured and robbed, was in February, 1864, when the Confederates cap- tured the Baltimore express train for Wheel- ing. The capture was made near Kearneys- ville, Western Virginia. The first printing press and type ever bought for the sole purpose of printing anti-slavery sentiments in Tennessee, arrived in Nashville, Februray 15, 1864. The first time in which a balloon reconois- sance was successfully made during a battle is believed to have been at the battle of Fair Oaks. Certainly the first time in which a telegraph station was established in the air to report the movements of the enemy. The first gleam of fraternal light which beamed upon the dark feelings ruling the great contest was brought forth by a letter from the officers of the 12th Arkansas Regi- ment, to the officers of the 165th New York, at the time of the capture of Port Hudson in 1863. The only representative of the Empire of China in the army of the Potomac was John Tommy, of the E-xcelsior Brigade (probably in the 70th New York Regiment). He was killed at Gettysburg. The first cargo from New Orleans after the commencement of the war arrived North ia June, 1862. The first public exhibition of loyalty to the U. S. Government on the part of the citizens of Memphis, Tenn., was on the 25th of August 1863, when a grand entertainment was given, to Gen. Grant. The first soldiers cemetery dedicated during the war was dedicated by the Rev. Dr. New- man, at New Orleans, in May, 1864. The first allusion to the subject through the press, favoring the assassination of President Lincoln, was made \>y of West Feliciana in a letter to the editor of the "Missisfiippian," - and dated February 21, 1863. SP^ =^^^ 274 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Hames op the Sjtaites. HAMILTON B. STAPLES. New IIai«|»«ltire. THE origin of the name New Hampshire is very simple. The original territory, conveyed by patent of the rlymouth Company to John Mason in 1629, was named by him after Hampshire County in J^ugland. Massaclinsotts. the; life of Massachusetts as an autonomic State begins with the charter of 1691, which merged into one province the Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay jurisdictions, and also the Province of Maine. The present name of the State is derived from the bay of that name. lu fact, the word "Bay" was a part of the name of the younger colony which alone had received a charter from the crown, and was retained in the name of the new province, and afterward in the name of the State, till the constitution of 17S0 went into operation. The Massachusetts Bay received its name from the Massachusetts Indians, who peopled its shores at the time of John Smith's visit in 1614. The word Massa- chusetts is an anglicized plural of Massachusett, meaning "at or near the great hills," "at or near the great hill country," from massa, "great," wadchu (in composition) adchu— plural wadchuash, "mountains," or "hills," and the suffix et, "at or near." Khocic Island. THE origin of the name of Rhode Island is quite ob- scure. A writer in the Providence Journal says: "Some ancient authors write the name Island of Rhodes. Some have believed that the name was to be derived from the Dutch Roode Eylandt, which signifies Red Island, and which the first Dutch explorers of the bay gave to the island. Others have written the name Rod Island. Perhaps it could also be Road Island (the island of the roadstead, or harbor island). In the early history of the State persons of the family name Rhodes are also mentioned. Could not one Mr. Rhodes have been among the first English settlers?" Mr. Schoolcraft, in his history of the Indian tribes, adopts the Dutch origin of the name. Mr. Arnold, in a note to his valuable "History of Rhode Island," says that the celebrated Dutch navigator, Adrian Block, who gave his name to Block Island, sailed into Nanagansett Bay, "where he commemorated the fiery aspect of the place caused by the red clay in some portion of its shores by giving it the name of Roode Eylandt, the Red Island, and by easy transposition, Rhode Island." In support of the theory that the State was named after the island in the Mediten-anean Sea we have the authority of Peterson's "History of Rhode Island." We also have the com- manding authority of the public act by which the name was given. Connecticut. THE name Connecticut, spelled Quin-neh-tukqut sig- nifies "land on a long tidal river." The name is so spelled in "Cotton's Vocabulary," and in the "Cam- bridge Records" it appears as Quinetuckquet. This explanation rests upon the authority of Dr. Trumbull. New York. THE territory of New York was comprised in the royal grant to the Duke of York in 1664, of all the laud "from the west side of the Connecticut River to the east side of the Delaware Bay." In 1664 the Duke fitted out an expedition which took possession of New Amsterdam and the place was thereafter called New York in honor of the Duke. The same name was applied to the State. By a strange caprice of history the greatest State in the Union bears the name of the last and the most tyranni- cal of the Stuarts. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 275 New Jcrsoy. THE Statt of New Jersey, granted by the I>nkc of York to Kir €ieorK°eCai't<'i*c>t and I^or«l Iterke- ley in 1664, received its name in the grant in coni- niemoration of the brave defense of the Isle of Jersey by Carteret, its Governor, against the Parliamentary forces in the great Civil war. I'eiiiisylvania. PENNSYLVANIA owes its name to its founder, H'illiaiii I'eiiii. The name given by Penn himself was Sylvan ia, but King Charles II. insisted that the name of Penn should be prefixed. It is the only State in the Union named after its founder. Delaware. THE Counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex"npon Delaware," granted by the Duke of York to Penn in 1682, were known as the territories of Pennsylvania. In 1701 Penn granted them a certain autonomy. The State was named after the bay of that name, and the bay after L.or(l De-la-war, who explored it. It has been claimed that the bay and the river were named after the Delaware Indians, who in 1660 dwelt upon their shores. This claim is unfounded. The Delaware name of the river was lycnapehittuk, meaning Lenape River. Maryland. MARYLAND was settled under a charter granted in 1632 by King Charles I. to LiOrtl Baltimore. The State was named after l|is. Further, all accounts concur that the name of Vermont was given to the State by I>r. TlionirtS I'ounjf.and we find a letter of his dated April u, 1777, addressed to "the nihabitants of Vermont, a free and independent State," which implies that at that date the State had already received its name of Vermont, although under an alias. lii'iitiK-ky. ALIi CycIopoUia the name is given as signifying "the dark and bloody gfT-ound." In opposition to all this it appears from Johnson's "Account of the Present State of the Indian Tribes of Ohio," I., page 271 — that Kentucky is a Slia- wanoese or Shawnoese word, signifying "at the head of a river;" that the Kentucky River was in former times often used by the Shawanoese in their migra- tions north and sotith, and hence the whole country took its name. This theory of the name is quoted ap- provingly in Gallatin's "Synopsis of Indian Tribes." Mr. Ilij;'K'insoii, in his "Young Folks' History," says the name first applied to the river means "The Long River." It lessens the weight of the authorities first cited that some of them connect the evil significa- tion of the word with land, and some with water. It is also highly improbable that a name clothed with asso- ciations of terror should be adopted as the civic designation of a people. On the whole, it may be safely asserted that the weight of the evidence is in favor of the more peaceful origin of the name, Tennessee. TENNESSEE formed a part of the grant of the Car- olinas. Its name is derived from its principal river, though formerly the name Tennessee did not apply to the main river, but to one of the small southerly branch- es thereof. There is authority for saying that the name of the river was derived from the Village of Tanassee, the chief village of the Cherokee tribe, and situated on its bank. Haywood, in his "Natu- ral and Aboriginal History of Tennessee," attempts to trace the origin of the name Tanasse as an Indian riv- er name to the ancient River Tanais, and on this discovery, as well as on other similar resemblances, he founds the argument that the ancient Cherokeea THE AMERICAN MANUAL. migrated from the western part of Asia. Mr. Allen claims that the name is derived from an Indian name signifying "a curved spoon;" and there is authority for still another derivation from an Indian word sig- nifying "a bend in the river," in allusion to the course of the river. I am not aware that in either case the Indian word has been given, nor is it believed that any such word exists. Ohio. OHIO is named after the beautiful river, its southern boundary. From JoIiiisoii'h "Account of the Indian Tribes," the word Ohio, as applied to the river, in the Wyandot language is O-lic-zuli, signifying "some- thing great." The name was called by the Senecas dwelling on the shores of Lake Krie the Oheo. Mr. Sciioolcraft observes that the termination io in Ohio implies admiration. On the old French maps the name is sometimes "the Ochio," and sometimes "the Ovo." Indiana. INDIANA derived its name from one of the old ante- Revolutionary land companies which had claims ia that region. Illinois. THE State of Illinois is named from its principal riv- er, the Illinois. The river is ramed from that confeder- acy of Indian tribes called the Illinois €onfe«ier- acy, whicli had its seat in the central part of the State. K'Oii, 'I'llK name of Oregon was the first applied to the f'ollniiiibia Btlver, then to the Territory, and lastly •tO the State. The origin of the name is conjectural. The earliest printed mention of it is in Carver's travels in 1763. C'ai'vor explored the sources of the Mis.sis- Bippi River, and states that by his residence among the Indians, especially the Sioux, he obtained a general knowledge of the situation of the Itii'iu- Oim'^^oii, or "the river of the West that falls into the Pacific Ocean at the Siraita ofAnian." Pv that v,'h!ch he calls the Oregon, the sources of which he placed not far from the headwaters of the Missouri, he may have referred to some one of the sources of the Missouri or to one of the two rivers which, rising in the Rocky Mountains, formed the principal eastern tributaries of the Oregon. Carver was misled as to the locality of the river of the West, and the supposed sources of it he may have confounded with the .sources of the Missouri or one of the tributaries in Iiiiii<'sota. lMINNI".SOTA is named from the UliBiiiesotaor St. Peter's Itiver, the principal tributary of the Mis- si.ssippi within its limits. Tlie Indian word is Mini- sotah, signifying "slightly turbid water," or, "as the Minnesota historian more fancifully puts it, "sky tnit- ed water. Nebra^tUa. NEBRASKA is named from the NebrasUa Rivek'. A writer in the North American Review, on "the Mis- Bouri Valley," .says tlie name is Indian, and is com- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 27a pounded of nee, "river," and braska, "shallow." Mor- i;:an, in his article on Indian Migrations, North American Review, says: "The name of the I*laltc River in the Kaw dialect is Ne-blas-k.a, signifying 'over-spreading flats with shallow water.' "l>r. Hale says the name undoubtedly refers to the flatness of the country. KaiiMHS. THTv Stateof KansHsis iiacned from itsprincipal river. The latter is Jiame'.l from the tiibe of Indians cal'.ed the ICoiixas, who lived upon its shores. Mr. School- craft uses the tianie Kansas to designate the tribe. l»e .So<« marched southerly to the northern limit cf his expedition in sfuvch of a rich province called Gayas. This points to the original name of the tribe, the Kaws. The present name has, therefore, an In- dian root varied by Fiench orthoepy. MisKisMi|»l>i. THE State of Mississippi is named after the great river. Mr. Atwater, a member of this society, gives the Indian name of the nver Meesyseepee 'the great water." That the Indian word signifies the "faiher of waters" is clearly erroneous. According to M r . Galla- tin's "Synopsis of Indian tribes". 'IMihsi" nevet means "father" but "all"— "whole." The word 'sipi'' means in the Chippewa, "rivci." Thus the words united mean "the whole river, because many streams unite to form it. Alabama. IN considering the name of Alabama we go back to the expedition of l»e Solo in 1541. His la.st battle was at Alibamo, on the Yazoo River. This was the famous fortress of the brave tribe somtimcs called the Aliba- mons, and sometimes the Alabamas. I^e Clere, who resided in the Creek Nation twenty years, and wrote a history published in Paris in 1B02, says that the Ala- bamos came to the Yazoo from the north part of Mexi- co, and that after the battle with l>e Soto they renio\ - ed to the river which now bears their name; that thty are the same people as the Alibamos, who fought Ijk. Soto. Pickett, in his 'History of Alabama,' states that "from these people the river and State look Ihtir names." AIleii'M 'History of Kentucky' says Alaba ma is an Indian name signifying "here we rest ' Mr. Sclioolcrart says cautiously that the name has beeu interpreted "here we rest." We have not been able to discover anything very restful in the historj' of the Ala- bamos, which is one of migrations. Mr. MeekN, a good authority in that Slate thinks that the word Alaba is only the name Hil'.aba, the UUibahallee of De Solo, a theory at variance w.th that of L.e Clere, ana referring the origin cf the name '.o a iifiTercnl '.nbe. Iowa. THE State of Iowa is narsed from ihe river of ihat name, and the river from the loway Indiana, who after many migrations settled on its banks. In the same article in the Atlantic .Monthly to which I have already alluded, it is intinialed that the name loway is contracted from Ah-hee-oo-ba, meaning "sleepers,' which perhaps, explains why the Sioux nearly extir- ,;aieQ ihem. Wisconsin. WISCONSIN was named after its principal river. Until quite a recent period the river was called the OnlNCOnMin, which is said to mean "westward flow- ing." Ouis is evidently shortened from the French "ouest." Mr. Nclioolcraft says, that "locality was given in the Algonquin by 'ing,' meaning at, in, or by, asWisconsing." The name is probably of mixed origin. I.>ouKlana. THE name of Louisiana, now confined to a State of the Union, was originally given to the entire French possessions on the west bank of the Mississippi, by I.,a Sallc, in 1682, in honor of Louis XIV, Arkansas. THE State of Arkansas takes its name from its prin- cipal river; the river from the tribe of Indians formerly living near its mouth. Till quite a recent period the river was called Arkansas, and the tribe the Arkansas tribe. Mr, Sclioolcrart says that both the names Arkansas nnd Missouri embrace aboriginal roots, but we hear the sounds as modified by French orthoepy and enunciation. The same author further relates that there is a species of acacia found in Arkansas, from which the Indians, ou the arrival of the French, made for themselves bows. It i* light yellow, solid and flexible. "This is thought to have led to the ap- 230 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. pellation of Arc or Bow Indians. As they belonged to the Kausa race, which had lately separated from them, that term would naturally be adopted by the French as the generic name. In the "Coutributors' Club" of the Atlantic Monthly, May, 1881, in reference to the name Arkansas, occurs this curious passage: ' 'Does not the name come from the arc-ensang of the early French traders, its likeness to Kansas being accidental? Whether the bloody bow was a special weapon like the medicine-bow that gave its name to a creek, moun- tain range, and railway station iu Wyoming, or the bloody bows were a band like the Sans Arcs, cannot now be determined." The Naming of New States. THERE is no State ofthe Union which bears the naie of Cabot or Coronado, or of De Soto, or of La Salle. And there is Father ]flai*(iuette, whose form rises before us, dazzling and immortal as we open the pages of our early history. Was there no State to feel itself honored to be called after his name? But the wrong may yet be righted. In the naming of the new States ■ which yet remain to be formed from our western do- main, the last opportunity will be given to do justice to these great cliseoverers, and it would be a graceful and appropriate office of this society, as cases arise, to exert its influence by correspondence with the local authorities, and by memorial to Congress in favor of rendering to them even at this late day this exalted tribute. THE AMERICAX MANUAL. ©HE gr^ESIDENGY. 2U How We Got Along For Several Years Without a President EW people appear to be conscious that ^ the American people passed through the Wt p. most trj'ing period of our National life f^'^'^ without any President at all, the Execu- tive head being Congress when in session and a committee of Congress when that body was not in session, the entire Revo- lutionary War being conducted without any President — that war practically end- ing with the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Ycrktown, October 19, 1781, and legally by the Treaty of Paris, which was communicated to the American army April 19. 1783, just eight years after the day on which the conflict was opened by the battle of Lexington. Not only for these eight eventful years were the American people, the American Nation, the United States of America, without any President, but for six years longer the American people managed to worrj' along without any President at all. After such a long experience without a President it is reasonably certain that if Cleveland had died the same day that Hendricks did the American people would have managed to worry along without any great difficulty or excitement. When the Revolutionary War ended. In 1783, Wash- ington retired to his counti-j' residence at Mt. Vernon, Kud took no part officially in public affairs until he was chosen by his native State — Virginia — as a delegate to the convention that fonnulated and proposed for adop- tion the Constitution of the United States, which assembled at Philadelphia in 17S7, when Washington was elected presiding officer of the convention. That Constitution provided for the election of a President and Vice-President, and defined their duties. In the con- vention the committee had reported that the President should be called "His Excellency"; but that did not suit the plain notions of plain old Ben Franklin, and he squelched it in a bit of sarcasm by immediately propos- ing as an amendment "'And the Vice-President shall be styled 'His Most Superfluous Highness.' " And so ii was decided that the President should have no otiic;' title than "The President." A North Carolina Demo- crat applying recentlj' to President Cleveland for a post-office, addressed the President as "His Majesty." The Constitution did not pi-ovide for the election of the Electoral College— "Presidential Electors" as now called — by a direct vote of the people; it left the various Legislatures of the States to provide a method of electi;jij them; and the Legislatures proceeded to elect them 'uy a vote in the Legislature without any popular election There were no political conventions, or nominations made. The theory of the Electoral College was model ed after the Republics of Venice in the Middle Ages, that were governed by an oligarchy, the best and fore- most citizens selecting the ruler. So, as many of the foremost citizens of the American Republic as there were Congressmen and Senators were chosen by the various State Legislatures as members of the Electoral College, who, in their wisdom, without being instruct- ed by political conventions, voted for a candidate for President of the United States; but did not vote for h Vice-President — the one having the largest vote, if a majority, was to be the President and the one having the next largest was to be the Vice-President. Every one knows that "George Washington, Esq." was chosen President, and almost everj' one supposes by the unan- imous vote of the people; but the people did not vote 2S2 THE AMERICAN MANUAL, at all, and his support was by no means imanimous in the J'Ucctoral ColIcRe, there being no less than twelve distinguished gcnllemen with "Ivsq." attached to their names who received one or more Electoral votes for the honorable office of I'resident of the United States. The first Congress under the Constitnlion as- sembled in New York City, Wednesday, March 4, jyby, and, there being no quorum present, adjourned from day to day until Monday, April 6. 1789, when the Sen- ate elected John Langdoii President, "for the sole purpose of opening and counting the vote Jor ric^ii- dent of-the United States." In joint session oti I tie same day the vote was announced as follows- States. n p Ul p- D B W 1 5 10 7 e 10 3 6 10 7 5 69 >— 1 3* > » m 10 5 I 8 5 34 C/5 P a S c 5' B M ■9 ■3 .. 2 3- B <— 1 w h 3 I 9 1— 1 3* 3 K P m ■P 2 I I 4 n a p S 3 M ■? 6 6 S Q _o •? 3 1 3- 3 B n 0. n ■p 6 6 c 3" 3 3 M £i 2 2 > 3 3 1 ffO M I 1 s. 2. M Ti p 5' r 3' n a •? New Hampshire Massachusetts . Connecticut . . New Jersey . . . Pennsylvania . . Delaware .... Maryland .... South Carolina . Georgia ... Total . . . I I ' Whereby it appeared tlird George WasTiing^on, F.sq., was elected President, and John Adams, Esq., Vice President of the United States of America." The States of New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island had not given their consent to the adoption of the Con- stitution of the United States, and had no voice in the? first Presidential election. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 283 THE liADY WHO REJFXTKD WAiliHINO- TOA'.S HA>'1>. THE PRi:sii>i::vTn. Bishop Mciido, ill his "Old Churches and Fami- lies of Virgiuia," tells the following. The elder sister of Miss Mary <;ary married George Wm. Fairfax, at whose house she was on a visit, when she captivated a you 11^- mail who paid her his addresses. His af- fection, however, was not returned, and the oiler ol" liis liiiiKl was rejected by Miss Gary. This young man was afterward known to the world as Vcor^e Wasliiiiiftoii, the first I'resideiit of the United States of America. Young Washington askol«'r, happened to be in Williamsburg when Cir<>ii. WasliiiiKtoii passed through that city at the head of the American army, erowiie«l with never-fading laurels and adored by his countrymen. Having distinguished her among the crowd, his sword waved toward her a military salute, whereupon she is said to have fainted, liut this wants eoiiliriii- atioii, for her whole life tended to show that she never reKTette*! the choice she had made. It may be added as a curious VavX tliat the lady General Washington afterwards married resembled Miss Gary as much as one twin sister ever did another. How They I>ied, Their Last Worrsoi] both died on the same day, and that the 4tli of July, 1.S26. Tlicy were frJ«nds during their latter years, and Alii became unconscious wheri he was shoi, and remained so till he died. (iie<»rKe WasliiiiKtoii was sane during his last hours, and he spent them in calmly arranging his affaiis. He told his wife to bring two wills which he had made, and to burn one of them. He then grasped his jnilse with one hand and counted the beats until he drojjped back dead. \Vashiii(;'t<»n died of quinsy, Polk of malaria, Aii«lrew .l4»hn- son of paralysis and titeneral Harrison (jf pleu- risy, owing to his exposure during the inaugural cere- monies. President Jacks4»n, was for thirty-one years a diseased man, and the latter part of his life was spent in almost continuous pain. Kven on his «leath-l>ed he was besieged by office-seekers. "I am dying,' said he "as fast as I can, and they all know it; but they keep swarm in;; about me in crowds, seekinj for office— intriguing for office." His death-bed scene was a most affecting one. A half an hour before his death his children and friends were standing around his bed- side, and his adopted son Andrew had taken his. hand and whispered in his ear: "I-ather, how do you feel? Do you know me?" 284 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. "Know you? Yes, I should kuow you all if I could see. Bring me my specla- ." These were brought and put on him and he said: "Where is my daughter and Marian? God will take care of you for me. I am my <»od"s. I belong to him. I go bu' a short time before you, and I wish to meet you all, white and black, in heaven. At this all burst into tears, and the General said: "What is the matter with you, my dear children? Oh, don't cry. Be good children and we will all meet in heaven. These were Jackson's last words. A shor* time after this he passed peacefully away. lie died a Christian and a Presbyterian. TlioiiiaH Jod'crson was more of a deist than any- thing else, and when he died he said he would be glad to see a preacher who called "as a (;°ootI iieig'liltor," thereby intimating that he did not care to sec him professionally. There was no preacher present at ■Wasliiiis'toii's death-bed. He was an Episcopalian and for many years was a vestryman of Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. The two Adams' believed in Uni- tarian doctrines, and it is said that John olly ]VIadison was an Episcopalian, whatever her husband may have been, and the old oliiircli which .she attended years ago Still stands, and in it Prositlout Arthnrworshiped. A HEROIC FIOIJRE. Sorgpoant Jasper and Some of the Grand Deeds Performed by Ilini. ^— N the history ofthe State of Georgia one of the most heroic figures is that of a Ser- u;eaiit Jasper, who served in the war of the Revolution in the Second South Caro- lina Regiment, under Oeneral 9Ionl- trie. Jasper was a freckled, red-haired, unedu. cated country lad of singularly-quiet but firm bearing. In the attack made on Snl- ^ Ilvan's Island by the British, a ftag staff, cut by a ball, fell outside of the works. .lasper sprang forward, and, under a shower of bnllets, nailed his own colors to the parapet. For this act of gallantry he was offered promotion, but he declined It, saying. "I have not the education nor manners be- fitting an officer." Oeneral Moultrie then granted him a roving commission and placed six men under him who were known during the war as "Jasper's Command." Scarcely a week passed that this troop did not bring in prisoners captured by the most reckless daring. On one occasion, Jasper, with one comrade, Kewton, entered the lintish lines in disguise. In Savannah he overheard a woman, American, with a child in her arms, bitterly lamenting: the condition of her husband who was held a prisoner in irons for deser- tion ofthe royal cause. He was deeply touched with her distress and with his comrade resolved to free her husband. They lay in wait near a spring about two miles from the town, which the guard who had the prisoners in charge had to pass. The g^nard, consisting of two officers and eight privates, arrived about noon, with five prisoners in irons. The day be- ing hot, they left^ the prisoners, as Jasper had ex- pected they would, and hurried to the spring for water, having previously stacked their guns by the roadside Jasper and Newton crept out from the thicket seized their arms, knocked the irons from the prison THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 2H.') ers, and broiijsrlit the gpiiard into the American camp. A few months after this feat, during the attack on KavKiiiiali, the country lad fell, mortally wounded, while trying- to place his colors on a redoubt. For one of his many bold exploits a Nword had been given to Jasper by Governor Itiitlctl;;;c He now un- buckled his sword and gave it to Newton, saying: "Take it to my father, and tell him I liavc not «lis- lionori>.OFFICE. '^^^ ij, OW many people know that the Surveyor- M^ General's office in Minnesota is tlie orig-- ^l!^ iiial office established in the United States? And yet the original time-worn documents are on file at the State House establishing' that fact. The office was originally located by authority of Con- gress and under commission of Oeorge ■Washingtoii at Marietta, O., in 1797. As the land? became disposed of and the territory be- came partitioned off, the office moved gradually west- ward, halted a brief space at this and that place, until it re ched a final resting-place, many years ago at St. Paul, where all the records now are. These records are e pecially interesting to the antiquarians, covering as they do, the history of land transactions in this Coun ry for over 100 years. Among them are :u graph letters from Washington and Jeffer- son and other Presidents, all showing the quaint official phraseology of that bygone day, and winding up with the pecular signature, '"Your honorable and n.oit huml l: obedient servant." There is also among the rero ds the first surveyor's chain used in the West, and accompanying it was a personal letter from the Sec.etary of the Treasury, under whose jurisdiction the office then was, expressing the belief that "it was a good chain in leed, as the maker had assured him to that effect." Official gtiileksiness that seldom exists nowadays. — St. Paul Globe. A9IERICA-.S HIGHEST MOFNTAIiW. HE highest mountain in America murt now be changed from Mount St. Elias to •I'BSSiaft '***""* Wrangel, a little to the north. ^^^ Several of these mountains have been ^l^N newly measured, mount Hood, once •X. "roughly" estimated at 17,000 feet, then tid 'Iclosely" at 16,000, was brought down by I triangulation to 13,000; an aneroid barom- •• eter made it 12,000 and a mercurial barom- eter made it 11,255. Mount St. Elias estimated by D'Agelet to be 12,672 feet, is triangulated by Mr. Baker to 19,500. It now appears that ]>Iount Wrangel, lying to the north, rises 18,400 feet above Copper river, which is in turn 2,000 feet above the sea at that point. If this hold* true, iMount Wrangel isatl-ast 1,000 feet higher than any other peak in North America. It lies within the United States boundary. — Nature. OUItilM OF THE SO]yC} "JOHN BROM'2!V'S BODY." FOSTER SWEETSER, in his late book on "Boston Harbor and Fort War- .ren," relates the origin of the song of 'freedom. It happened, therefore, that from this happy garrison (Fort Warren, Boston Harbor) proceeded one of the most powerful influences which made themselves felt in the National armies during that long and weary war. The famous song of the National armies, "John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave," was composed and first sung at Fort Wai-ren by the glee clnb of the Second Battallion of Light Infantn,- in the year 1S62. It was adapted to an old Methodist camp-meeting tune, somewhat altered in form, and the Lrigade band at the fort was the first that 2S8 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. played it. The singers entered the Twelfth Regi- ment, which marched through Boston, New York and Baltimore, to this s"r5*»»Ieig:s, a son of General 9Iei^s, and a West Point cadet, seeing no Generals about, , assumed and for some time directed the movement of the troops, the officers sup- posing he was an aid-de-camp, and that the orders came from the generals. Seeing the enemy massing in the woods to take Green's battery, Meigs ordered Colonel Matliewson to move quickly with his regiment to the support of the battery. The movement was promptly executed by the First California, and then two other regiments were brought up, I think the Thirty-first and Thirty-second New York. Later in the day the youthful General, seeing the field was lost, said to Colonel Mathewson: "You had better fall back toward Centerville." "And by whose authority do you give me such an order as that?" in- quired the Colonel. "Well, sir," said young Meigs, "the truth is for the last two hours I have been unable to find any generals and have been command- ing myself." I saw young Meigs on the fleld, and he was wounded through the knee, but remained on duty, although in terrible pain and faint from the loss of blood. He was afterwards killed by the Confederates in the Shenandoah Valley. The Oldest Structure in Texas. De Soto took up his line of march into Mexico, leaving only an Old Stone fort in Texas to show to coming dusky generations that the tales of their grand- sires were true. A century and more rolled on, when again the white man came and passed by, and in scarce thirty years more, lo! two ^reat nations claimed the land where stood the old stone fort. Then Spanish rule began, and for io6 years the flag' of Spain on its wall streamed in the breeze. In 1821 that emblem gave place to the eagle, snake and cactus of Mexico, which remained until the battle of Sau Jacinto made Texas a republic and presented a new banner— "The Lone Star"— to the world. Then for nine years that flag fluttered, till annexation made Texas one of the United States, and the stars- and stripes waved over the hoary walls. But 1S61 brought yet another change, and during ^our short years the ensign of the Confederacy greeted the morning sun, uutil the spring of 1S65 once more placed the fort under the colors of the United States.— American Magazine. MEANIKG OF AMERICA. ^^He; meaning of the name Amerig:o has often been discussed, the only thing certain being that it is one of those names of Teu- I tonic origin, like Iluniberto, Alfon- so Grimaldi,orGaribaIdi,so common in northern Italy, which testify to the Gothic or L» -'g|^i|EW YORK does well to celebrate •the Anniversary of the Day when ^the British troops evacuated the City; for it was in truth the birthday of all that we now mean by the City of New- York. One hundred and seventy-four years had elapsed since Hendrick Hudson landed upon the shores of Manhattan; but the Town could only boast a population of twenty-three thousand. In ten years the population doubled; in twenty years trebled. Washington Irving was a baby seven months old, at his father's house in William Street, on Evacuation Day, the 25 of November, 17S3. On coming of age he found himself the inhabitant of a City contain- ing a population of seventy thousand. When he died, at the age of seventy-five, more than a million of people inhabited the congregation of Cities which form the Metropolis of Ameri- ca. The beginnings of great things are always interesting to us. New Yorkers, at least, can not read without emotion the plain, matter-of- fact accounts in the old newspapers of the manner in which the City of their pride changed masters. Journalism has altered its modes of procedure since that memorable day. No ar- ray of headings in large type called the atten- tion of readers to the details of this great event in the History of their Town, and no editorial article in extra leads commented upon it. The newspapers printed the merest programme of the proceedings, with scarce a comment of their own; and, having done that, they felt that their duty was done, for no subsequent issue contains an allusion to the subject. All will be gratified by a perusal of the account of the Evacuation as given in Riinngton'' s Ca- 2'^//'^ of November 26, 1783. New York November 26: — Yesterday in the Morning the American Troops marched from Haerlem to the Bowery-Lane — They remained there until about One o'clock, when the British Troops left their Posts iin the Bowery, and the American Troops marched into and took Possession of the City in the loUowing order, viz. 1. A Corps of Dragoons. 2. Advance Guard of Light Infantry. 3. A Corps of Artillery. 4. Battalion of Light Infantry. 5. Battalion of Massachusetts TDops. 6. Rear Guard. After the Troops had taken Possession of the City, the General [Washington] and Governor [George THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 291 Clinton] made their Public Entry in the following Manner: 1. Their Excellencies the General and Governor, with their Suites, on Horseback. 2. The Lieutenant-Governor, and the Members of the Council, for the Temporary Government of the Southern District, four a-breast. 3. Major General Knox, and the Officers of the Army, eight a-breast. 4. Citizens on Horseback, eight a-breast. 5. The Speaker of the Assembly, '^nd Citizens, on Foot, eight a-breast. Their Excellencies the Governo and Commander in Chief were escorted by a Body of West-Chester Light Horse, under the command of Captain Delavan. The Procession proceeded down Queen-Street [now Pearl], and through the Broadway, to Cape's Tavern. The Governor gave a public Dinner at Fraunces's Tavern; at which the Commander iu Chief and other General Officers were present. After Dinner, the following Toasts were drank by the Company: 1. The United States of America. 2. His most Christian Majesty. 3. The United Netherlands. 4. The King of Sweden. 5. The American Army. 6. The Fleet and Armies of France, which have served in America. 7. The Memory of those Heroes, who have fallen for our Freedom. 8. May our Country be grateful to her military chil- dren. 9. May Justice support what Courage has gained. 10. The Vindicators of the Rights of Mankind in every Quarter of the Globe, 11. May America be an Asylum to the persecuted of the Earth. 12. May a close Union of the States guard the Tem- ple they have erected to Liberty. 13. May the Remembiance of This DAY be a Lesson to Princes. The arrangement and whole conduct of this march, with the tranquillity which succeeded it, through the day and night, was admirable! and the grateful citizens will ever feel the most affectionate impressions, from that elegant and efficient disposition which prevailed through the whole event. TME PRESIDENT'S FLiAO. HE United States have existed for more than a hundred years without the President's ever having had a flag to call his own. But the admin- istration of President Arthur made a reputation for observing the proprie- ties of office. Accordingly a private and peculiar standard was invented for the President. It consists of a blue ground with the arms of the United States in the center, is of the dimensions of the Admiral's flag No. I, whatever they are, and is to be carried at the main of vessels of war while the President is on board, and in the bow of his boat 292 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Widows of theltevoliitioiiary Soldiers. Thirty-eight relicts of Kevoliitlonary soldiers were drawing pensions at the beginning of the year 1888, on account of their huslsands' services in that historical struggle. The average age of the old ladies is about 85 years. Their husbands have long since passed over to the silent majority, It is very prob- able that the veterans married their wives when they themselves were well advanced in years, while the latter were comparatively young women. The list of these Revolutionary pensioners, with their ages and addresses, is as follows: Name. Agk Margaret T. Brooks. 8t . Meredy Smith . . . 82 . Lucinda Whitmond . 81 Sarah Dabuey .... 87 Jane Harbison ... 81 Fanny Chance. . . . 79 Nancy A. Green ... 69 Sarah Crutcher ... 87 Sally Heath 82 Susan Curtis 95 Lovey Aldrich .... 87 Olive C. Morton ... 76 Betsy Wallingford . . 91 Sally Mallory . Jane Dunmore . Asenath Turner Elizabeth Boston Nancy Gragg . . Mahala Hoagland Judah Harris . . Nancy Weatherman 77 Elizabeth Davis ... 84 Elizabeth Betz ... 84 Sarah Neal 88 Mary Brown .... 82 Nancy Jones .... 73 Nancy Rains .... 95 Nancy Robertson . . 84 Residences. Howells Cross Roads, Ga. Newman, Ga. , Marietta, Ga. . Barry, 111. , Pinckneyville, 111. . Winslow, Ind. . Versailles, Ind. . Pitts Point, Ky. . Tatesville. Ky. . Topshani, Maine. . Leslie, Mica. . Elva, Mich. . Mankato, Minn. . MardsviUe, Neb. . Broadalbin, N. Y. . Manchester, N. V. . Valleytown, N. C. . Collettville, N. C. . Charlotte, N. C. . Rogers, N. C. . Liueback, N. C. . Morgansville, O. . Harrisburg, Pa. . Doreville, Pa. . KnoxviUe, Tenn. . Jonesboro, Tenn. . Carter's Furnace, Tenn. . Gates Cross Roads, Tenn. Maria Walker . . . . 92 .Waco, Texas. Eleanor Lowe . . . . 70 . Smith's Creek, Tenn. Rebecca Mayo . . . . 74 . Newbern, Tenn. Mary Snead 71 . Accomac Creek, Tenn. Susan Tulloh . . . . 79 . Mount Carmel, Va. Esther S. Damon . . 73 . Plymouth, Vt. Lucy Morse 76 . Barnard, Vt. Patty Richardson . . 86 . Bethel, Vt. Nancy Bunton . . . . 84 . Paris, Tenn. Mary Carey 79 . Sunnyside, O. im miORATION FOR 1887. Puring the year 1887 there arrived at New York about 405,000 immigrants from foreign parts. The van ous nationalities of these people are shown by the fol lowing table, compiled by the Castle Garden authori- ties: German Empire . . . 81,8641 Armenia 171 Ireland 56,860 Iceland 15S England 45,696, Mexico , 151 Italy 44,271 South America 144 Sweden 37,8o2|Central America . . . . 131 Russia 33,203 Portugal 75 Hungary 17,719 China 64 S(!t)tland 14,864 Australia 36 Norway 13,01 1| Arabia 22 Austria 11,762 Denmark 8,375 Bohemia 6,449 France 5,999 Netherlands 5,500 Wales 5,549 Switzerland 4,537 Finland 4.03' Belgium 2,36 Roumania 834 8 uebec &. Ontario . ... 711 reece 612 Luxembourg 572 Spain 4^5 West Indies 466 Malta 29S Syria 175 Burmah 170 Turkey 160 Novia Scotia 15 Japan 13 British East Indies ... 11 South Africa 11 New Zealand 11 Brazil 9 India 8 Africa 6 Egypt 4 Sandwich Islands New Brunswick . . . . Prince Edward Island British Columbia . . . Java Morocco St. Helena Peru THE AMERICAN MANUAL, 293 I^ISJIIOI^IGAL ©r^EES. HB Boston Tree which had most of a his- tory was the old liberty tree. At the llmS^R corner of Washington and Essex streets ^^"^^ stands a building in whose wall is insert" ed a tablet bearing the form of a tree in bas relief. This building covers the ground where the liberty tree grew. The tree was said to have been planted in 1646. A century and a quarter later the Sons of Eiiberty held meetings under its branches, and in the days preceding the outbreak of the Revolution the ground on which it stood was a place of assem- bly for the men who conspired to throw off the Brit- ish yoke. In 1773 an anti-tea party was held beneath it, and it became so obnoxious to the Britisb that in 1775 it was cut down by a detachment of sol- diers of the invading army, one of whom was killed. The Gates Weepings Willow. The poet Pope had sent to him from Smyrna a drum of figs. In it was a small twig:, which he stuck in the ground near his Twickenham villa. It took root and grew rapidly and was the admiration of himself and his friends, and it proved to be the Salix Babylonica, or weeping willow, and it was the parent of all its kind in Eng^land and America. A British officer who came to this Country in 1775 brought with him, wrapped in oiled silk, a twigr from Pope's willow, intending to plant it himself in American soil. The young officer became acquaint- ed with Custis, Washington's step-son, and he gave him the willow twig. Custis planted it at Abing;- don, in Virginia, where it grew vigorously. In 1790 Gen. Gates brought from Abingdon a shoot of the Curtis willow and planted it at the entrance gate to bis estate at Mauhattau island, and it was known as Gate's weeping- willow. The Charter Oak. The Charter Oak of Hartford, Conn., was estimated to be about 600 years old when Hooker laid the foun- dation for a common-wealth there. It was at one time known as Wyllys' tree, as it stood in front of the house occupied by the Hon. Samuel Wyllys. It measured twenty-six feet in circumference a foot from the ground. The cavity in which the charter was placed on the night of October 31, 1637, was near the root and large enough to admit a child. The cavity gradually became smaller, until it would scarce- ly admit a hand. The oak was prostrated in August, 1854, and nearly every particle of it was worked into some pleasing: form and cherished as a memento of a singular incident in colonial history. The Treaty Tree. The Treaty Tree was a large elm which stood on the banks of the Delaware River, near what is known as Kensington precinct, Philadelphia. It was under this tree that William Penn formed his treaty with the Indians in 1682. Voltaire said, "it was the only treaty between these nations and the Christians which was never sworn to and never bro- ken." The tree then became an object ot interest and veneration, and when Peun contemplated making his permanent home in Pennsylvania he tried to purchase the land near the tree, considering it one of the finest situations on the river. The tree was long protected with care, but was at last blown down in a gale on March 3, 1810. It was found to be 283 years old, and its trunk measured twenty-three feet in circumference. The Peun society erected a monument, with proper inscriptions upon its site. 294 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Br^OPEI^lIlY FJlGHiPS OP &5IYES. OWER is the interest for her lifetime 'which a widow has in one-third of all i]|> the real estate owned in possession or right of possession by her husband from the date of the inarriagre till his death, and which could by any possibility have yS been inherited by a child of the mar- ; riage. It is not necessary, however, that a child should have been born. Cnrtesy is the interest for his lifetime which a wid- ower has in all the real estate owned in possession by his wife from the date of her marriage till her death. But this right of curtesy does not attach un- less a child of the marriage shall have been born during the life of the mother. Neither husband nor wife can deprive the other of dower or curtesy by will, or by any conveyance or sale or mortgage on the property. If sold or mort- gaged without the signature of wife or husband releas- ing dower or curtesy, these rights still attach to it and may be enforced against the property in the hands of any subsequent owner. The community system as it prevails in some States, briefly stated, preserv'es to both husband and wife, as his and her separate property, all the property, real and personal, owned by either at marriag'e and all gained by either during the mar- riage by inheritance, gift, or through the will of any deceased person; and gives no share to the sur- viving spouse in such separate property of the deceased spouse unless he or she die intestate, that is, without a will. But all property gained during the marriage by either party in any other way than those named, constitutes the community or common property of both, and belongs to both equally, and at the death of either party, the survivor becomes the absolute owner of the whole or of oue-half. according as the law of the particular State may pro- vide. It may also be mentioned that in States where cur« tesy and dower are abolished, statutes give to the widow or widower a certain share in the estate of the deceased spouse, in case he or she has died intes- tate. And everywhere different provision may be made for the survivor by the will of the deceased, but generally a widow must elect to take such provision, or to take her dower or statutory share. Both can- not be taken unless the will distinctly shows such an intention. But the same restriction as to election does not seem to prevail concerning widowers in a State where curtesy is given. Whenever children are referred to in the following summary, g'randchildreu of any degree of descent are included in the term. ABSTRACT OF I.AWS OF C'lRTESY AN» OO^l ITR. 1. Alabama. — Common law curtesy. Common law dower, but if husband dies solvent and childles.s, dower is one-half interest instead of one-third. 2. Arizona. — Community system. Survivor takes the whole of the community property if there are no children; one-half if there are children. 3 Arkansas. — Common law curtesy. Common law dower, but if there are no children, one-half instead of one-third. 4. California. — Community system. Surviving husband takes the whole of the community property; surviving wife one-half of it. 5. Colorado. — No curtesy or dower. 6. Connecticut. — Survivor takes one-third interest for life in all property owned by deceased at bis or her death. 7. Dakota.— No curtesy or dower. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 295 8. I>elaware. — Coirmon law curtesy. If no child was born, widower takes life interest in one-half ■wife's realty. Common law dower. If one child sur- vives, fvidoiv takes life interest in one-half of hus- band's realty, instead of one-third. 9. District of Colunibia. — Common law dower. Curtesy also in realty acquired before 1869; the better opinion seems to be that no curtesy has attached to property acquired later. 10. Florida. — Common law dower. No curtesy. 11. Georgia. — Common law dower. No curtesy. 12. Idaho. — Community system. Survivor takes the entire coinmiiiiity property if there are no chil- dren; otherwise, one-half. 13. Illinois. — No curtesy. Either survivor takes a life interest in one-third of the realty of the deceased, including equitable estates in land. 14. Indiana. — No curtesy or dower. Either .sur- vivor takes one-third of all realty of deceased spouse absolutely — that is, the entire title, instead of a life estate merely. 15. lowa.^No curtesj (ir dower. Either survivor takes one-third of all realty of deceased absolutely, including equitable estates in land. If there are no children, the share is one-half. 16. Kansas. — No curtesy or dower. Either survivor takes one-half absolutely of all property of the deceased. 17. Kentucky. — Common law curtesy and dower. 18. I^onisiana. — Community system. Survivor takes one-half of the common property. 19. Maine. — No curtesy. Either survivor takes one-third for life of the land of deceased spouse, if the estate is solvent. If there are no children, the share is one-half. 20. 9Iaryland. — Common law curtesy and dower, including equitable estates. But it seems that, by lior will, a wife may deprive her husband of curtesy. 21. Massachusetts. — Common law curtesy and dower. If no child has been born, so that the hus- band's right of curtesy does not accrue, he is entitled to hold one-half of his deceased wife's real estate for his life, and she cannot deprive him of this right by her will. If either husband or wife, leaving no surviv- ing child, the widowf or widower takes the real estate of the deceased to an amount not exceeding |5,ooo in value, absolutely; and the widower takes also his curtesy (or other life interest as above described) in his wife's remaining real estate which her hu.sband owned at his death. The statute expressly provides that the wife cannot deprive her husband of his claim to her real estate by her will; and though it does not so provide in regard to the husband, a recent tle- cision of the Supreme Court declared the right of the wife to elect to take her statutory share instead of such share as his will may have given her. 22. Michig'an. — Common law dower. No curtesy. 23. Minnesota. — No curtesy or dower. Either sur- vivor takes one-third absolutely of the realty of the deceased spouse. 24. Mississippi.— No curtesy or dower. 25. Missouri.— Common law curtesy and dower. 26. Montana. — Community system. Widowertakes the entire common property, the widow one-half of it. 27. Nebraska.- Common law dower. Common law curtesy if no child survives. If children only by former husband survive, no curtesy; if children by sur- viving husband, or by both, husband takes a life interest in one-third of the inheritance of his own children. 28. Xevada. — Community system. Entire common property goes to surviving husband. Also a surviv- ing wife, if the husband dies without a will or chil- dren. 29. New Hampshire. — Common law curtesy and dower; but either survivor may elect to take one-half absolutely, if no children survive; otherwise, one- third absolutely; unless the wife leaves children by a former husband and no child by surviving husband has been born, in which case he takes only a life in- terest in one-third of her realty. 30. New Jersey. — Common law curtesy and dower. 296 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 31. New Slexico. — No curtesy or dower. .•52. Jfew Yorli. — Common law dower. Curtesy also in land owned by wife at her death, unless other- wise provided by her will. 33. Xortta Carolina. — Common law curtesy and dower. 34. Ohio. — Either survivor has a life interest in one-tliircl of the realty of the deceased, whether in possession, in reversion or remainder, or held b}' a lease. 35. Oregon. — Common law curtesy and dower; but curtesy is not dependent on the birth of a child. 36. Pennsylvania. — Common law curtesy and dower. But curtesy is not dependent on the birth of a child, and dower is lost by sale of land for debt. 37. Rliode Island.— Common law curtesy and dower. 3S. Sontli Carolina. — Common law dower. No curtesj'. 39. Tennessee. — Common law curtesy and dower. 40. Texas. — Community sj'stem. Survivor takes all the common property if there are no children. 41. Utali. — No curtesyor dower. 42. Vermont.— Common law curtesy. Also dower in realty owned by husband at death. 43. Virg'inia. — Common law curtesy and dower. 44. liVashing'ton. — Community S5'stem. Survivor takesone-lialf of the common property, and if there are no children or will, the whole of it. 45. 'West Virginia.— Common law curtesy and dower. 46. Wisconsin.— Common law dower. Also, cur- tesy in land of which wife dies possessed, unless otherwise disposed of by will, or unless she leaves children by a former husband. THE FIBST BLOOD OF THE REVOLU- TION. CORRESPONDENT of the Hart- ^^^^ . ford Tinies,\i\io has recently been Jj^^^'to East Westminster, Vt., gives the' following historical sketch -which he derived from Mr. Richmond, a sex- ton, whom he met in the cemetery at that place: "Mr. Richmond said that in i874-'5, the Whigs and Tories were about equally divided, the Judges and juries being appointed by the King. The British authorities attempted to hold a court in the Court-House, then stand- ing about 40 rods north of the cemetery. The colonists were bound that no court should be held — so they armed themselves and attacked and drove the court from the Court-House. In return, the British soldiers attacked the colo- nists, and a man named William French fell dead from the fire of the soldiers, and Daniel Houghton was fatally wounded. This vras the first bloodshed of the Revolution. In 1872 the State of Vermont appropriated $600 for a monument, which now stands about 6 feet from the place where French was buried. A gentleman by the name of William C. Bradley (formerly Congressman from Vermont) a few years ago erected a tomb to tell the exact spot of the grave, and on it is the following in- scription : In memory of William French, Son of Nathaniel French, W^ho was shot at Westminster, THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 297 March ye 13th, 1775 by the hands of Cruel Ministerial tools of George ye 3d In the Courthouse at 11 O'Clock at Night, in the 22nd year of his age. Below this are the following lines: Here William French his body lies For murder his blood for Vengeance cries King George the third his Tory crew that with a bawl his heart shot threw, For Liberty and his Countrys Good, he lost his Life, his Dearest blood. "The above is an exact copy, capitals and all. As a good many think that the first blood flowed at the battle of l^exington, this may be interesting to them, for it certainly was to me. A building erected in 1770, five years before the battle, is still standing. It was erected as a Congregational church, but is now used as a town-house, and is in good repair." THE I>ECIiARATI09r OF IBrDEPEBTDENCE VS A NEW EIGHT. 'Nthe 15th of May, 1776, the Second «i Continental Congress voted to rec- ^ommend all the Colonies to adopt new forms of government. On the 7th of June Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, obeying the instructions of that Colony, moved "that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States; that they are ab- solved from all allegiance to the British Crown and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." Three days later, on the loth — the day when the first debate on Lee's Resolution was closed — six of the Colonies being;unprepared to vote, a postponement was had until the ist of July, in the expectation that by that time there would be entire una- nimity. On the evening of the ist,John Adams wrote to Samuel Chase that the debate took up most of the day. JeflFerson in 1787 stated that the debate lasted "nine hours, until even- ing, without refreshment and without pause." At the close of the debate, however, no defi- nite action was taken, and the final voting was postponed until the following day. Accord- ingly, on the 2d of July, the first formal and final vote was taken on independence, all of the Thirteen Colonies voting for it except New York. A Great Error. It has been stated by a high authority that the New York delegates, during the entire de- bate on Lee's Resolution, "remained passive, neither opposing nor helping, as. they deemed the whole subject of separation as outside of their instructions." There could be no great- er error. To suppose that George Clinton, who had been elected a Delegate to the Continental Congress from New York chiefly on account of his pronounced views against the Crown, or that Robert R. Livingston, one of the five who reported the Declaration, remained "passive," instead of each using all his influence in moul- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ding the sentiments of Congress in the right direction, is to accuse both of those gentlemen of grave inconsistency. On May 15, 1776, as we have seen, a Reso- lution -was passed by the Continental Con- gress and ordered to be published. If either Clinton or Livingston was present and voted for it at that time, it could fairly be said that he not only favored, but voted for indepen- dence. One of the phrases of the preamble to the Resolution is, "It is necessary that the ex- ercise of ever}- kind of authority under the said Crown should be totally suppressed, and all the Powers of Government exerted under the authority of the People of the Colonies." John Adams at the time called this Act or Res- olution "independence itself" The Colonies were recommended by it to establish popular governments where tliey had not already done so. Indeed the independence of the Colonies took place iu fact, if not in name, before the general independence of the whole was declared, Bancroft says that all the New York Delegates except Alsop were personally ready to vote for independence, and were confident of their constituents. John Adams says that even Duane favored it, and he had been a half Tory all along; how much more, then, must Clinton and Livingston have been for it! The Docu- mentary Declaration was debated in Commit- t-'e of the Whole be.'bre being reported to the House; and there is not much doubt that in such Committee the New-Yorkers voted for it, Wisner, one of the New York Delegates, we know did. But it has been further stated to the dispar- agement of New York that on the 2d of July, when the vote on Independence was actually taken, New York (the vote was by Colonies, not by individuals,) did not vote, the Dele- gates from that Colony, over their own signa- tures, with Clinton at tlieir head, officially re- porting as follows: "The important question of independence was agitated yesterday in a Committee of the whole Congress, and this day will be finally determined iu the House. We know the line of our conduct on this oc- casion; we have j'our instructions, and will faithfully pursue them." The Proper Course. But this course was entirely proper, and for the Delegates to have acted otherwise would have been to disobey the express commands of the New York Provincial Congress, which they represented. Upon the passage of the Resolution of May 15 by the Continental Con- gress the New York Delegates, on June S, wrote home to ascertain the sentiments of their constituents on the question of independetice, which was expected to come up shortly in that Body. Meanwhile, on the 19th of June, a new Provincial Congress was elected by New York for the express purpose of acting on the question of independence, as the previous one, to whom the letter of the Delegates was ad- dressed, did not consider itself authorized so to do. The old Provincial Congress continued to sit for some days after the new one was chosen, but of course can be excused for not THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 299 authorizing their Delegates in the Continental Congress to vote for independence. They pur- posely left it to the new Provincial Congress, which met at White Plains July 8, 1776, and which the very next day passed unanimously a Resolution approving the Declaration of In- lependence.* The fact, therefore, upon which considerable stress has been laid — that the New York Delegates in the Continental Con- gress were not the voters for the adhesion of New York — is a purely private and local affair between them and their constituents; nor does it in the slightest degree affect the willUigness of New York to declare itself independent. There was very little Toryism that dared to show itself to the Public at this late day. Most of the leading Loyalists had either left the State or were in hiding; and indeed, as a matter of fact, New York was as nearly unan- imous at the time as either New Jersey or Pennsylvania. Finally, when on the 2d of July the vote was taken for formal independence, tlie New York Delegates, who for local reasons could not act for their State, were probably much better disposed than those of Pennsyl- vania, who could act, and yet were intending to vote four against independence and three for it; and it was only by great persuasion that two of the four were induced to absent themselves, so as to turn the minority into a majority. Though the Colony of New York, for the above reasons, failed to vote, the State failed not to act, for liberty and independence. The Oflicial Rrrord. The official record of the momentous pro- ceedings of the 2d is in these words: Tuesday, July 2, 1776. "The Congress resumed the consideration of the Resolution from the Committee of the Whole, which was agreed to, as follows: *^ Resolved, That the United Colonies are, and of right ought ought to be, free and inde- pendent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, to- tally dissolved." "From the hour when that vote was taken and that record made," says Mr. McKean, very justly in his Centennial Address, "the United States of America assumed among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them." Tli« Soc-oikI of July SlioiiUl be Celebrated. In fact, the Second of July and not the Fourth should be the Day for the celebration of our Independence. That it would be was the opinion of the prominent men of that day. On the morning of the First of July, John Adams, anticipating Independence in that day'5 vote, wrote from Pennsylvania to Archi- bald Bullock, "May Heaven prosper the New- born Republic, and make it more glorious *The Resolution reads as follows: "Resolved, unani- mously, that tlic reason assigned by the Continental Congress for declaring the United Colonies free and in- dependent States are cogent and conclusive; and that while we lament the cruel necessity which has rtn- deied that measure unavoidable, we approve the same, and will, at the risk of our lives and fortunes, joiu with the other Colonies in supporting it," 300 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. than any former Republics have been!" and 0:1 the 3rd, after \}ae. adoption of the Resolu- tion of Independence, he wrote to his wife, Mrs. Adams, as follows; "Yesterday the great- est question was decided that was ever debated in America; and a greater, perhaps, never was nor will be decided among men. That will live as Truth among all Americans who know and value the History of their Country." And in the course of the same letter he adds, "The 6i?r(3«rf Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha in the History of Ameri- ca. I am apt to believe that it will be celebra- ted by succeeding generations as the Great Anniversary Festival; be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the Continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore. It ought also to be commemorated as the Day of Deliver- ance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Al- mighty . . . Through all the gloom I can see the rays ofravishing light and glory; and Pos- terity will triumph in this Day's transactions. At length on the 4th of July, 1776, the Dec- laration of Independence — the ccmplement of the Act of the 2d — having been drafted by Jefferson, was formally submitted to the Dele- gates present. Why the Fonrth of .Tnly is Cominoiiio- rated. If however, it be asked how has it come to pass that the 4th of July has been substituted as a Day of Celebration for the 2d, the real Date of the Birth of the United States as an Independent Nation, the answer is that the Resolution of the 2d was passed in private Session, and remained unknown to the peo- ple generally until it and the Declaration were publicly proclaimed together. "There was nothing in the phrasing of the Resolution to cause it to live in the popular memory, whilst there was everything in the Declaration to give it a vital hold upon the affection of the American People." But there was still an- other cause for this. It has been well said that "the great importance, the decisive and controlling character of the Resolution of In- dependence adopted on the 2d of July, 1776, have been obscured to the popular vision by the splendor of Jefferson's immortal Declara- tion of the Reasons for the adoption of the Resolution. Yet Jefferson himself never al- lowed the one to overshadow in his estimation the importance of the other. The Declaration in his mind was intended to be an appeal to the tribunal of the World, as a justification of what had already been done. It was intended he says, 'to be an expression of the American mind, and to give that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion, to place before mankind the common-sense of the subject in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent. Yet the Declaration of Independence has dislodged the Resolution of Independence from the place of precedence in the Popular mind, and the Fourth of July has displaced the Second as the Nation's Holi- day and the Patriot's High Festival." We are now prepared to speak of the sign- ing of the Document known as the Declara- tion of Independence, and which so many of THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 301 us have seen and examined in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. In thinking of that Instrument one is apt to call up before him an August Assemblage gravely seated around a table, with the- Decla- ration spread out upon it, and each member of the Continental Congress in turn taking a pen and with great dignity afl&xing to it his name. Nothing, however, can be further from that which actually took place. Very few of the Delegates, if indeed any, signed the Original Document on the 4th, and none signed the present one now in Independence Hall, for the very good reason that it was not then in existence. On July 19, Congress voted that the Decla- ration be engrossed on parchment. Jefferson, however, says that New York signed on July 15. Consequently New York must have signed the Original Copy of the Declaration before it had gone into the hands of the engrosser. On •what day the work was done by the copyist is not known. All that is certainly known is that on the 2d of August Congress had the Document as engrossed. This is the Document now in existence in Independence Hall. It is on parchment, or something that the trade calls parchment. On that day (August 2) it was signed by all the Members present. The orig- inal Declaration is lost, or rather was purpose- ly destroyed by Congress. All the signatures were made anew. When the business of sign- ing was ended is not known. One, Matthew Thornton, from New Hampshire signed it in November, when he became a Member for the first time; and Thomas McKean, from Del- aware, as he says himself, did not sign till 1 January, 1777. Indeed, this signing was, in effect, what at the present day would be called a ''test oath." The principles of many of the new Delegates coming into Congress from the different States were not known with certainty — some of them might be Tories in disguise — and thus each one was required on first entering Congress to sign the Declaration. In January, 1777, an authenticated Copy with the names of all the Signers, was sent to each State for signatures — a fact which may have put a stop to the business of signing. It shows, however, the little importance that was attached to this ceremony, that Robert R. Livingston was one of the Committee of five that reported the Declaration, and yet did not sign it, unless his signature is lost with the original Document. But I am not delving in the field of con- jecture. The same questions seem to have oc- curred as early as 1813, when Thomas Rodney wrote to Governor Thomas McLean — a Dele- gate from Delaware, and afterward President of Congress and Governor of Pennsylvania — asking why his name was not among the list of the Signers in the Journal of Congress. To this letter Governor McKean replied, under the date of August 22, 1813, as follows; "Now that I anion this subject, I will tell you something not generally known. In the printed Public Journal of Congress for 1776, Vol. II., it would appear that the Declaration of Independence was signed on the 4th of July by the Members whose names are there inser- ted. But the fact is not so, for no person signed it on that day, nor for many days aftey\aivl 802 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. among the names subscribed one was against it, Mr. Reed, and seven others were not in Congress on that day, viz., Messrs. Morris, Rush, Clymer, Smith, Taylor, and Ross, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Thornton, of New Hampshire. Nor were the six gentlemen last named at that time Members. The five for Pennsylvania were appointed Delegates by the Convention of that State on the 26th of July; and Mr. Thornton entered Congress for the first time on the 4th of November following' when the names of Henry Wisner, of New York, and Thomas McKean, of Delaware, were not printed as Subscribers, though both were present and voted for Independence."* The Truth of the Matter. The truth is, the Declaration of Independ- ence was considered at that time of much less importance than now; nor did tlie Signers dream of its becoming a shrine almost of worship at the present day. It is a dramatic incident, and naturally concentrates men's attention on it. In the Public mind at the time, Provincial Congresses were more impor- tant than the Gejieral Congress. The latter was a Body of Agents, and was endowed with no sovereignty except for war purposes. The real Sovereigns were the States. —//rt;^t'r'.y Magazine. * The following is the full text of the letter. If Dick- inson drafted the Declaration of 1775, as Mr. Moore seems to think, it is singular that lit should have vo- ted aj;aiu$«t the one of 1776, as this letter— most ex- cellent authority — asserts. Philadelphi.^, Aug 22, 1S13. "Dear SrR, — Your favor of the 22d last month with Copy of the Journal of the Cong^ress at Kew York in October, 1765, printed in the Baltimore Regis- ter, came safe to hand. Not having heard of this pub- lication, I had the proceeding's of that Body (not the whole) reprinted here about 2 months ago from a Copy I found in the 1st volume of American Tracts, contained in four volumes octavo, edited by J. Almon, ofLondon, in 1767. Such an important trans- action should not be unknown to the future histo- rian. "I recollect what passe«l in Congress in the be- ginning of July, 1776, respecting Independence; it was nut as you have conceived. On Monday the ist of July, the question was taken in the Commit- tee of the Whole, when the i^tate of l*cnnsylva- nla, represented by seven gentlemen then present, voted against it; J>elaware, then having only two Representatives present, was divided; all the other States voted in favor of it. W'hereupon without de- lay I sent an express (at my private expense) for your honored uncle, Ca;sar Rodney, Esquire, the remaining Member from Delaware, whom I met at the State- house door in his boots and spurs as the Members were assembling; after a friendly salutation (without a word on the business) we went in the Hall of Con- gress together, and fouud we w=re among the latest. Proceedings immediately commenced, and after a few minutes the great question was put;when the vote for Delaware was called your uncle arose and said, "As I believe the voice of my constitncnts and of all sensible and honest men ib in favor of Inde- pendence, my own judgment concurs with them, I vote for independence,'' or in words to the same effect. The State of I'cnnsylvaiiia on the 4th of July,there being only five IMembers present, (Messrs. DicKin- son and Morris, who had, in the Committee of the Whole, voted against Independence, were absent), voted for it, three to two, Messrs 'Willing' and Humphreys in the negative. Unanimity in the Thirteen States, an all important point on so great an occasion, was thus obtained; the dissension of a single State might have produced very dan- gerous consequences. "Now that I am on this subject," etc THE AMERICA X MANUAL. 303 Salem &5iii^6H6i^apiit and (Sotipon 0)athei^, HAT there were witclies in the time of Cotton Mather was agreed to by every body. The English law provided a punishment for witchcraft, and a famous case, tried by Sir Matthew Hale ("than whom," says Mather, quoting the venerable Baxter, "no man was more backward .to condemn a witch without full evidence"), was a weighty prece- dent with the New England Judges. The witches were condemned and executed. This whole matter seems to us only a hideous nightmare as we look at it in our lights of to- day — as many of our doings, let us hope, will seem to our posterity. But while it is common enough to talk about witchcraft, perhaps you do not know exactly what a witch was sup- pose.! to be. Cotton Mather believed, and he is the great authority upon witches: 1. That the devils have in their natures a power to work wonders. 2. That to assert this power makes most for the glory of God in preserving man from its effects. 3. That this power is restrained by the Al- mighty as he pleases. 4. That a witch is one that makes a cov- enatit with the Devil. 5. That by virtue of such covenant she has a power to comission him. 6. That when the Devil is called upon by the witch, though he were before restrained by the Almighty, the desired mischief shall be performed. 7. That to have a famiHar spirit is to be able to cause the Devil to take bodily shapes. This is the account which R. C. gives us of the doctrines of Mather, as laid down in a man- uscript which he allowed R. C. to read but not to copy. R. C.'s strong point in all his comments and replies is, that, although witch- es may be possible, since they are mentioned in the Bible, yet that no sufficient means of determining who is a witch are indicated; and he sees and states very clearly that the course of the Reverend Cotton Mather tends to bring Christianity and pure religion into extreme disrepute. The whole business is so shallow and sad, that a man at this day can only pity and be. humble. In all the accounts of wonders, and all the evidence upon the trials, nothing ap- pears that is not susceptible of the most obvi- ous interpretation. For instance: upon the trial of Susanna Martin, June 29, 1692, Robert Douver testified that this person being some years ago prosecuted at court for a witch, he then said unto her he believed she was a witch. Whereat she being dissatisfied said, that some she-devil would shortly fetch him away; which words were heard by others as well as himself. The night following, as he lay in his bed, there came in at the window the likeness of a cat, which Hew upon him, and took fast hold of his throat, lay on him a considerable while, and almost killed him; at length he remem- bered what Susanna Martin had threatened the day before, and with much striving he cried out. Avoid, thou she-devil, in the name 0/ Cod, the Father, the Son, and the Holy 304 THE AMERICAN MANUAL, Ghost, avoid! where upon it left him, leaped on the floor, and flew out at the window. Poor Susanna was executed; and upon such grounds as these the lives of the friendless old women in New England were taken, while the Reverend Cotton Mather cried. Amen. The burnings and tortures of the Inquisition were tolerable in comparison, for an ecclesaistical was very likely to prove a political heretic. But the forlorn old women of Salem could be dangerous to nobody in the world. Men also were accused, and children; but the complete list of persons charged with witchcraft includes thirty-five men and two boys, ninety wom- en and seven girls. Of these, twenty were put to death, thirteen women and seven men; and eleven were condemned, but did not suffer, all of whom were women. These are the chapters of hisiory that should teach us charity. Possibly old Mather, and Noyes, and the Salem magistrates, thought they were doing God service; and they shall have the credit which belongs to honest inten- tion. But the whole history shows us, as we are constantly shown, that the man who in- vades the sacred natural rights of other people, however honestly he may do it, must pay the penalty of actiial punishment, if he is li\4ng, and of a public reprobation of his memory, if he be dead, before his guilt is understood. The name of Cotton Mather will be always clouded with the shame of the witchcraft mas- sacres, as the fame of Isabella is disfigured by the Inquisition. To respect the rights of others just as firmly as we insist upon our own, is the only path of peace. TJIE A. \f ERIC AX ^fANUAL. 305 ©HE flMBI^IGAN UNION AND ©ONS^nirUiTION. Address of Judge Elliot, of Tennessee, to President Cleveland. . R. PRESIDENT: You have recently par- ticipated in a celebration of the one- hundredth anniversary of the formation -if the Constitution of the United States, ^/l^wttT"^ 'and you beheld the multitudes of our -7 W^vSk fellow-countrymen flocking from every ^ "^ * direction to the spot where that instru- V ment was fashioned, and renewing their I vows of fealty at the shrine of that grandest monument of human wisdom. Let me say, sir, that the Southern heart was in full sympathy with that interesting occasion and that no- where in all this broad land will you find more loyalty to the Constitution of the United States and to the Gov- ernment created by it than among the people of these Southern States. Diflerences of opinion as to its true theory and its proper constniclion in some points ex- isted from its very creation, and controversy has often been angry and bitter. One great and important inter- est in the progress of things became sectionalized, and out of it arose questions of constitutional interpretation which were regarded by the Southern people as so vital to their rights and interests that they committed their solution to the arbitrament of arms. 'TIic Stern liOgrlc or Events. But, Mr. President, they have bowed to the stern log- ic of events, and they have in a frank and manly way accepted the result of the struggle as a final settlement of all the questions in dispute, and they have since labored with rare courage, fortitude, and cheerfulness to accoiiimodate themselves to their new conditions, to reconstruct their broken fortunes, and to contribute as far as possible to the general prosperity and happi- ness of the whole country. And one practical result accomplished by the conflict, the theory of the right of a State to withdraw from the Federal compact, was overthrown, and the indestructibility of the American Union was established on the firmest foundations. The Chief Elenient»i of Discord Ucnioved. The chief element of discord has been removed for- ever, and though questions will continue to arise about which men may differ, and differ earnestly, it is settled beyond appeal that in all abuses and grievances that may arise from the action of the General Government, the remedy must hereafter be sought within the pale of the Union and under the forms of established law. We have all come to realize that American liberty, the highest type of human freedom, can only be fully en- joyed in the American Unioti and under the American Constitution. Indeed, Ihesentiment uttered by Mr. Web- ster on a memorable occasion may be said to have be- come imbedded in the constitutional law of America "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and insepa- rable." It has seemed to me to be proper that you as President of the United States should hear these senti- ments expressed here in the heart of the Southern States and in the presence of this concourse of South- em people. No one of this multitude will repudiate them. All of us, indeed, feel that this Union is our Union, that its bright and starry banner is our flag, and that its destiny lor weal or woe is to be our destiny. This was the last word Judge EUiot spoke. Ten minutes later he was dead. ::o6 THE AMERICAX MANUAL. (9HB LCAND &5e LcIYE IN. HE fat ners of Massachusetts Bay once de- cided that populatioTi was never likely to be ver>- dense west of Kewton (a suburb of ^K Boston), and the founders of I.yiiii, after exploring ten or fifteen miles, doubted whether the country was good for anything farther west than that. Until recent times, I only less inadequate has been the popular conception of the Traiisiiiissouri rc- g'ioii and the millions destined to inhabit it. Though astonishing comparisons have ceased to astonish, I know of no means more effective or more just by which to present our physical basis of empire. What, then, should we say of a llepultlic of eighteen States, each as large as Spain; or one of thirty- one States, each as large as Italy; oroneof sixty States, each as large as England and Wales? What a ooiilV .>me quarters "Tiie Yankeries," it may be of interest to readers to know what the word means. When the Pilgrim Fathers landed on Plymouth Rock, the friendly Indians asked of what people they were, to which query they replied, "English." But the red man could not twist his tongue around that word, and "Y'ens'eese" was as near as he could get to it. It was but a ver\- short time, and by a natural and easy transition, before "Yengeese" became transformed into "Yankees.*' The use of this word also is peculiar. The people of the Southern States call all Northerners, both east and west, "Yankees," as will be remem- bered by those familiar with the great Civil War. The people of the Western States call only those living in the Eastern States, or east of the Hudson River, "Yankees." and these are the only people who ac- knowledge the name, and always so describe them- selves. On the other hand, all the English colonists and the people of Great Britain invariably call all citi- zens of the United States "Yankees," and when abroad they cheerfully accept, and are generally proud of the title,' which, as we have seen, means, and is only a corruption of the word, "Enji'Iisli." l^HE AMERICAN MANUAL. SCI LiEGAL I7OLIDAYS OF JTHE S^TATES. Christmas and the Fourth of July Celebrated by all. Curious Combinations. ■Uansas stands at the foot of the lists in number of holidays, observing only Christ- mas, and independence day. To these two Vlabaiiia and Mississippi, add new year's, while Delaware adds thanksgiving day instead. Iiitliana, Iian!s>as and T«'nnossoe celebrate the four days hith- erto named, to which Iowa and Vermont add decoration day; lientiicky, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada and West Virgin- ia add Washington's birth day; while Rhode Island observes the latter two days, but omits new year's. All the days named thus far are holidays in Colora- do, Illinois, Ohio, South Carolina, and the District or Columbia, As many are kept also by Florida. Missouri and Wisconsin, which, how- ever, omit decoration day, and make election day a holiday; by tieorg'ia, which keeps memorial day and not election day; by Michigan and Virginia, which omit decoration day in favor of fast daj', as Minnesota substitutes for it good Friday; and by Aeiv Hampshire, which keeps fast day and not new year's. Of States which keep seven holidays iu the year, Calit'oi'uia and New .fersey add election day to the six principal occasions, Connecticut adds fast day instead, Massachusetts puts fast day and labor day in place of new year's and election. Missouri drops decoration day for good Friday. Louisiana's list is more peculiar, consisting of new year's, the bat- tle of New Orleans. Washington's birthday, shrove Tuesday, good Friday, the fourth of July, and Christ- mas day. Pennsylvania observes good Friday, and not election day; and North Carolina keeps memo, rial day; and instead of election day celebrates May 10. New York, Oregon and Texas are the only States which recognize so many as eight holidays. New York adding labor day to the occasions most commonly observed, Oregon obser\'ing fast day in- stead, and Texas putting the celebration of Te.xan independence (March 2,) and the battle of San Jacinto (April 21,) in place of labor day and decoration day, Christmas and the fourth of July are the only holi- days everywhere. Thanksgiving comes next — in thirty-five States; then new year's in thirty-four; then Washington's birthday in thirty. There is then a sud- den drop to decoration day, which we think readers will wonder to find a holiday only in fourteen States and the District of Columbia, helped out, more- over, by only two memorial days in southern States. We suspect some error about this. The figures then trail off to fast day or good Friday in ten States, elec- tion day in ten, and labor day in only two. Then suc- ceed the scattering singles. 3C8 THE AMERICAN' MANUAL. ©HE S^Ai^ Spangled Bannep^. ^IJR national lyric had its birth dur- J: iiig the bombardment of Ba.tiuiore ^5 oy the British fleet, Sep. 13, [S14. Dr. Beans of Upper Marlborotigh, had been taken prisoner and carried on ship-board by the Biitish when their troops had finished their raid upon Washington. He was universally esteemed, and there was a great desire to obtain his re- lease. It was finally arranged that Mr, Francis S. Key should. visit the British vessels and make the request. Mr. Skinner of Balti- more, accompanied Mr. Key. The re- quest was gianted, bnt the three Ameri- cans were detained on board because of the coming attack on Baltimore It can be faintly imagined what their feelings were dur- ing the furious cannonade of Fort McHenry. The darkness wore on interminably. The roar of gims made the night tremble, and the flashes at their discharge threw a lurid gleam across the water. The fort did not reply, and it could not be told whether the old flag was still flying in its place. The dawn was anxious- ly awaited. Mr. Key walked up and down the vessel's deck and composed the song which has had a national acceptance. When the light of morning was suftirient it revealed to his eyes the fact that "our flag was still there." The long suspense was passed, and the coim- try had a possession of great value. At tlie close of the ineffectual bombardment the three friends went ashore, and the British sailed away. Since then, every part of our country has knowu and sung that "The Star Spaiiglt-d l;amier in triumph doth wive O'ei the laud of the free, aud the home of the brave." THE AM ERICA X MANUAL. 800 VSONPEDEI^AIIIB I^ELIGS. Descriptions of the Great Seal and the Treasury Seal. HE archives of the Confederate Government form perhaps the most inteiesting set of historical relics in the po-isessioa of the gov- r" ernment. They were takea it Richmoad and were handed over to ihc war depart- ment. They have been carefally arranged, and are now packed away t'rom ^-iew in two or three rooms of the big stale, war, and navy building. They are never shown to strin- gers and the greatest care is taken in regard to them. Among these relics is the seal of the Conlederile treasury. It is an iron affair with a heavy handle, and its emblem is the palmetto tree of South Carolina. The die is a little larger around than a trade dollar, and around the outside of it run the words, ''Con federate States of America," while inside and just ovei me pal- metto tree reads: ''The Treasury Departme at. ' The great seal of the Confederacy was made sho-lly before its fill, and aflerth.it it mysteriouslv disappeared. One of its authors wns Col. A. R. Botelar, now of the attorney genersi's ')ffice who gave tbe design for the seal. This was -ieuf 'j(T tathe Confederate minister at London, ind the greai seal was made of pure silver by Wyatt, the man who has for years made the great seals of England. When the Confederate Government left Richmond this seal wa.*- taken along, and I saw a letter from Abbeville. S. C, recently, which states that it was thrown into a well alona the way and that the well had since caved in. Whether '.his be true or not I do not know. The Confederate Government had very little bullion, and the war department has possession ofoneoftheonly 4 silver half-dollars which were coined by it at the Louis- iana mint. This mint was turned over to the Confederate Government in February, 1861, and in April Mi. Mein- minger, Confedeiatt treasurer, sent out a.sking for designs for silver half-dollars. Severa' were received, but the one approved Vote on one side a representation of the Goddess ot Libenv surrounded by thirteen stars, denoting the thirteen s'i".ies of *.he confederacy, and on the lower rim th*' figures '1561." On ihe other side was a shield with seven stars, represeuliug the seceding states, and above the shield there is 1 helmet cap, and entwined around it are stalks of sugir cane and cotton. The inscription is 'Confederate Slates of America." After foi J pieces had been struck, an order was received from the Secretary of the Treasury s-isptnding opera- tions on i:coiifil if i^ic diflbcnlty of obtaining bullion, and the mint was closed on Aprrl 30, 1861. Of these four pieces coined one is in posttssion of the Goveru- menl here, one was presented to I'rof. Riddle, of the University of Louisiana, one to Dv.H. Ames, of New Or- leans, and the other retained by Ui. D F. Taylor, the coiner, who now resides in Louisiana. Air to Conledeiate paper tconev the archives contained a great quantity whea they <^ctt captured. Among them were half a million dollars m Contederate bonds, two large cheats and five bags containing millions of dollars of Confederate money, and, in fact, papers giv- ing almost a complete history of the Confederacy. Specimens of this money have been collected into a scrap-book by the clerks of the War Department, and this scrap-book, which is filled with blank orders of the Confederate Government, with money and other curiosities, is now worth more than its weight in gold. 310 THE AMERICAN MAXVAL. Br^AYEr^ oh^ ©Ar^DiNAL gIames Gibbons. At The Centennial Of The Constitution, Philadelphia. p E pray Thfe, oh God of might, wisdom, |l^ and justice, through Whom authority is IK rightly administered, laws are enacted, l ^rr!*jL 9.iud judgment decreed, assist with Thy holy spirit of counsel and fortitude the President of these United States, that his */j^^"' administration may be conducted in right- /»i' eousness and be eminently useful fo Thy t ' people over whom he presides, by encour- ^ aging due respect for virtue and religiou, by a faithful execution of the laws injustice and mercy, and b.. r^st aining vice and immorality. l,et the 1 gilt of Thy divine wisdom direct the delib- erations of Congress and shine forth in all their pro- ceedings and laws framed for our rule and government, So that they may tend to the presers-atiou of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of in- dustry, sobriety, and useful knowledge, and may per- petuate to us the blessings of equal liberty. We pray Thee for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political wel- fare; that they may be enabled by Thy powerful pro- tection to discharge the duties of their respective sta- tions with honesty and ability. We pray Thee especially for the judges of our Su- preme court, that they may interpret the laws with even-banded justice. May they ever be the faithful guardians of the temple of the constitution whose con- struction and solemn dedication to our countrj-'s liber- ties we commemorate to-day. May they stand as watchful and incorruptible sentinels at the portals of this temple, shielding it from profanation and hostile invasion. May this glorious charter of our civil rights be deeply imprinted on the hearts and memories of our people. May it foster in them a spirit of patriotism. May it weld together and assimilate in national brotherhood the diverse races that come to seek a home among us. May the reverence paid to it conduce to the promotion of social stability and order, and may it hold the aegis of its protection over us and generations yet unborn, so that the temporal blessings which we enjoy maj' be perpetuated. Grant, oh Lord, that our republic, unexampled in the history of the world in material prosperity and g^rowth of population, may be also under Thy over-ruling providence a model to all nations in upholding liberty without license, and in wielding authority without despotism. Finally, we recommend to Thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow-citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowl. edge and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union and in that peace which the world cannot give, and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal. May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon our beloved countrj- and upon all her people, and abide with them forever. Amen. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 311 BOSTAIi FjAiPES In IZ92 [^ OW that :he two-cent postage law has gone into effect, the following ^-i provisions of the first law of Con- gress on the subject will be read with interest: A February 20, 1792, was the date ^ of the first act fixing rates of postage on domestic letters, and established the fol- lowing rates, to take effect June i, 1792: Act February 20, 1792, Section 9, by land: For every single sixty miles, eight cents. For every single letter over tliirty miles and not exceeding sixty miles, eight cents. For every single letter over sixty miles and not exceeding 100 miles, 10 cents. tor every single letter over 100 miles and not exceeding 150 miles, I2j^ cents. For every single letter over 150 miles and not exceeding 200 miles, 15 cents. For every single letter over 200 miles and not exceeding 250 miles, 17 cents. For every single letter over 250 miles and not exceeding 350 miles, 20 cents. For every single letter over 350 miles and not exceeding 450 miles, 22 cents. For every single lettei over 450 miies, 25 cents. For every double letter, double the said rates. For every triple letter, triple the said rates. For every packet weighing one ounce av- oirdupois, to pay at the rate of four single let- ters for each ounce, and in that proportion foi an)- greater weight. 312 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. BhiiiIP Holan. The Original Agent in the Independence of Texas. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. f HE settlement of tlie west began as early as 1775. The city of Lexington 2*^=^Ky., was named by the early settlers ;[yN who had just heard of the news of the battle of Lexington, in 1775. At this time the adventurous Daniel Boone and his companions were pressing their discoveries in the west and attracting the attention of the continent It was about this time that Philip Nolan was born in the town of Frankfort, a little town in Kentucky. He grew up to be a spirited, brave young fel- low, under the patronage of WyclifFe. When the independence of the United States had been secured he was a boy not old enough to know what had occurred. He took to mili- tary adventure early in life. He would tell tliem, as well as he could, what an adventur- ous life was. We had gained by treaty the right to the eastern shore of the Mississippi River. Kentucky planters, and Tennessee planters, and Ohio farmers at that time were not inclined to be circumscribed by the route to the sea by the way of the Mississippi, [which was denied them by the Spanish government, which held the supremacy in the south. From the beginning of his career Philip Nolan was identified with honest and earnest efforts to secure a passage to the sea, unimpeded by any roj-al embargo, There were various ne- gotiations and intrigues and interviews set on foot by European governments " to maintain their power here. Philip Nolan first appeared in history in 1791. He was then acting as a merchant, and was thoroughly acquainted with Indian life. He loved the woods, and was well pleased with a life of adventure. He was fond of horses, and traveled far into the wilds of Tex- as to secure wild horses, which he brought to New Orleans and sold. He longed for a cam- paign, and Vtas animated by military ardor. THE AMERICAA' MANUAL. 313 The life of Nolan was mostly spent in tlie depths of the wilderness west of the Mis- sissippi. He had once been encountered and challenged by a company of SpanishMexicans, who had halted and then followed him, and this was the beginning of that feeling which resulted finally in the independence of Texas. The language of signs which Nolan greatly re- lied upon in communicating with the savages was explained. Nolan had said that by this means everything could be expressed but the Decla- ration of Independence. All bread-and-butter talk could be understood. The earth, the sky, and the rain could be easily expressed. No- lan in his wanderings had obtained consider- able influence among the savages, and a trai- tor in his band had given an exaggerated account of the plan and purposes of his ex- peditions to the Spanish governor. A company of dragoons numbering 150 men, well armed and equipped were sent against him. Nolan was sleeping in his corral with his little band of 12 men, where he was surprised and sur- rounded by these dragoons in the night. When daylight came the Spaniards opened fire on the little camp, and the first man that fell was Philip Nolan, who was shot in the head by a musket ball. -The little band held out, and finally concluded to 'retreat. All day long they protected themselves from a force 16 times their number, bearing two wounded men with them. When night came, a white flag was exhib- ited by the Americans, and the party surren- dered prisoners of war. They were conveyed to Nachitoches and disarmed. There they re- mained six years, when tardy orders were received from Madrid to decimate the prisoners. They had become, in the mean- time, endeared to their captors, and the Spanish officers humanely construed the order to mean that one of them should be shot. One quiet Sabbath morning, Ephraim Blackman, upon whom the lot had fallen, was taken out and executed. At that time the United States was a weak nation, Spain was strong. Twelve American citizens had cross- ed into Spanish lands under the protection of the Spanish governor, and some of them had lost their lives and all their liberty in so do- ing. Yet the United States never made the least comjjlaint of that violation of hospitality. Nothing now remained as a monument to the memory of this brave man, but the river which bore his name. Yet his fame was not forgotten, and it has been proposed to erect a monument to perpetuate his fame, at Wash- ington, so that the deeds of this brave man should not be forgotten. '^U THE AMERICAN MANUAL, p[ F^ISTOr^IGAL ©ANB. The Composition of ISIr. Robert Yale's AVonderful Walking Stick. OBERT YALE of Norwich, N. Y., has a historical cane which probably is the oddest walking-stick ever built in this or any other country. It contains 2,000 pieces of wood; and each inlaid piece is given an artistic and symbolic form, so that the cane by its va- rious colored woods is given a :noi't artistic look, although no color is used upon it. Sixty of the 2,000 pieces of wood are relics of great value to the relic-hunter, and comprise a piece of wood from the olilest tenantable house in America, the Fairbank residence, built in 1620 and now occupied by the seventh generation. The head of the cane is from the tree at Crown Point to which Gen. Putnam was tied after being condemned to death by burning by the Indians. Set in the cane is a wreath of hair from the head of Rebecca Eates, one of the heroines whose strateg>' drove the British to their shipping after landing to attack Scituate, T.Iass. There is a piece of wood from the Charter Oak; another from the house of Han- cock, the first signer of the Declaration of Independence; another from the house whore witchcraft originated in Salem, and another from the house where the victims of that craze were tried. Set in the cane is a small piece of Plymouth Rock, and also a piece of wood from the Mayflower; also wood from five dif- ferent forts on Lake Champlain, from Haw- thorne's residence at Salem, from the church where Roger Williams preached, and from the tree beneath which Jonatlian Edwards preach- ed to the Indians at Stockbridge, Conn. ; also a piece from the curbing of the well commem- orated by Wadsworth in his poem, "The Old Oaken Bucket," etc. The only foreign relic in the collection is a piece of wood from the Tasso Oak, The cane is a unique and attract- ive piece of work and is valued at ;f5oo by its ownier. 815 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Session op jphb Hoi^iphwesjii ©ei^i^iiiioi^y. HE three centennial celebrations of the first settlement of Ohio which ^4f^g=^ will be held this year at Marietta, ;r^ Coluniljus, and Cincinnati have been made the basis of an article in the March number of the Magazine of Ai)icrican History by Mr. Douglas Campbell in which he corrects an error that appears not only in school-books but in American histories relative to the cession of the Northwest terri- tory, including the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, to the Union, and Kcutucby, which was other- wise disposed of. It has been generally assumed that this cession was made by the State of Virginia. Neither Bancroft nor Ilildreth makes any mention of the real facts in the case. IMr. Llaine, in his "Twenty Years of Congress," leaves the reader with this general impression, and Gen. Walker, the Superintendent of the census, in his "Statistical Atlas," published by the Government, also allows Virginia's claim to go unchallenged. Mr. Campbell, however, brings forward an overwhelming ar- ra}- of proofs showing that the cession was made by New York and that the credit which Virginia had enjoyed so long does not belong to her. The cjuestion is one of great historical importance, as the cession led to the formation of the confederation and thus to our present Union. A brief statement of Mr. Campbell's evidence will therefore be of as much interest in Illinois as in Ohio, since Illinois was part of the territory conveyed. In 1780, it was apparent that the Revolution- ary War w^ould be successful, and the c^uestion of the ownership of the vast area west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mis- sissippi River came up. New York put in her claim for the whole of it, and so did Virginia, while Llassachusetts and Connecticut asserted ownership over a strip of the northern jDortion. The other States, however, protested on the ground that it was common property wrested from the enemy, and the contention became so hot that Maryland refused to join the con- federation until some settlement was made, and other States threatened to withdraw. New York at once came forward and THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ceded the whole area to tlie Govern- ment, which pacified Maryland, and she joined the Confederation, thus making the union complete. Virginia, Massachusetts, and Connecticut also proposed deeds of con- cession, accompanied by certain conditions. The next year all these propositions were re- ferred to a Congressional committee of five members. After a long and careful investiga- tion this committee reported that the territory belonged to New York, advised the acceptance of her offer and the rejection of the others, suggesting, however, that Virginia, Massachu- setts, and Connecticut should make releases to the Government so as not to invalidate tlie title. The report was adopted by Congress and its recommendations carried out. The re- leases were subsequently made, with these exceptions; that Virginia retained Kentucky, which she subsequently sold, while Connecti- cut did the same witli about 4,000,000 acres in Ohio, now known as the Western Reserve. Mr. Campbell not only states results but accompanies them with a strong array of proofs. When the Congressional committee was appointed Virginia refused to lay any evi- dence before it to establish her claim. As a matter of fact she had none, except the chart- er of 1609 granted by James I., and conveying "a tract of land along the seacoast extending for two hundred miles in each direction north and south from Old Point Comfort, and all that space and circuit of land Ipng from the seacoast of the precinct aforesaid up into tlie land throughout from sea to sea, west and northwest" — a description so A-ague that it would have carried Virginia's ownership to the Pacific Ocean. The description was not only vague but, even if valid, it could not by any rule of legal construction be made to em- brace the area of the present Western States. Further than this, the charter was annulled by legal proceeding in 1624, and thencefor- ward Virginia continued a royal province. More fatal still to her claim is it that when the charter was granted "England did not own the region in dispute, and only gained it afterwards by a title derived tlirough the Prov- ince of New York," whose title in turn came through tha Six Nations, which were appen- dant to its government and lived in Central New York. In closing his interesting article Mr. Campbell said: "How well this report is sustained by the facts is shown in the preceeding pages; its conclusions of law are likewise unassailable. By the Revolution, which severed the connec- tion between the colonies and the mother country, each State succeeded to the title of Great Britain to all public or crown property THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 317 within its limits. The confederation was sim- ply a league owning nothing and succeeding to no rights. It was the individual State which took to itself the quit rents of tlie crown, with all the otlier crown property, such as forts, court-houses, and the unsold or unappropri- ated lands. In the same way New York suc- ceeded to Great Britain's jurisdiction over the Six Nations and their tributaries, and tliereby secured the exclusive privilege of buying or conquering their land, a right which as to the Indians residing in the other States was never questioned. Her title to the soil was not ab- solute, for it was subject to the occupation of the natives, but it was the only one claimed at that time by the European Powers to any laud on tliis continent, and under it the Indian > lands in the West are held by the United States to-day." It is a little remarkable that so important a matter as the action of Congress upon the deeds of cession, bearing directly upon the formation of tlie Union, should be passed over withotit notice by the historians. Mr. Camp- bell has done good service in bupplying their omissions, and the contribution comes at an important time, for it establishes a bond of sisterhood not only between Ohio and New York but also Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, for the proofs in the one case are th*^ nroofs in all. — The Chicw'-o Tribune. 318 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ©HE f^iSJPor^Y OP niHB (iiviL Wm{ fflusfp HoJH Be iGNor^ED. THE RT. REV. SAIMUEL FALLOWS, D. D. ITERATURB is joined witli monu- ments and historical reminiscences as a potent factor in securing needed unity, and this needed literature in our own country the war has given us. However well intentioned may be the sug- gestions or the design to eliminate from the history of the United States, as studied in our public schools, the account of the civil war, we cannot afford seriotisly to entertain a thought in that direction. I know that the desire lying back of the feeler just thrown out in this city speedily as possible a full reconciliation be- tween the North and South. But we cannot conveniently drop out of history, the record of a conflict that shook the globe, and wrought the most momentous social and political changes in our land. The memories of the brave boys who fought against each other are not so treacherous that they can forget what they did on some of the bloodiest battle fields of history. Reconciliation never will come b}' ignoring, but by accepting the situation. The principles for which the Union armies con- tended are as permanent as the Republic itself. It would be the most stupendous act of historical hari-kari ever known, for the North and the South to attempt to take out of the national record, in order that the children of the Re- public may know nothing of it, the history of the struggle which emancipated four millions of men and demonstrated to the world that we were one nation. Keep forever before our youth the heroic deeds of the men who served the Republic, and those of the equally heroic deeds of the misguided men who sought to disrupt it. Add, in the successive editions of your common school histories, if you choose, that hundreds of Confederate officers, since the war has closed, have been members of the national Congress. Relate how the gallant heroes who opposed each other in that terrible, decisive battle of THE AMERICAN MANUAL. CIO Gettysburg, have been arm in arm over the fateful field, to find out the exact location of their regiments, brigades and divisions, so that the simple truth relating to the conflict might be told; narrate how, when the appeal was made in Richmond and in New York for a home for disabled Confederate soldiers, Cor- poral Tanner, the eloquent United. States Dis- trict Attorney for Brooklyn, representing scores of thousands of Union soldiers, stumped about on his wooden legs and made the most glowing effort of his life, in order that the re- quired help might be given. Let it be told, and I hope it may be soon told, that an Amer- ican Westminister Abbey or Walhalla has been erected to the memory of our distinguihed dead, where, ranged within, may be found the sculptured busts and statues of Washington and Franklin, Adams and Jefferson, of Web- ster and Clay, of Lincoln and Garfield, Mc- pherson and Rawlins, of Thomas and Hooker, of Stonewall Jackson and Polk, of Lee and Stephens; but do not commit the supreme folly of trying to wink out of existence the conflict which has given our country its un- disputed nationality, and the world the pro- phetic assurance of ultimate and universal Freedom. 320 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. England and ^Imbi^iga.. A Common System of Jurisprudence Must Cement National Friendship, THE HON. THOMAS A. HENDRICKS. bf DO not know liow a free and intelli- gent people may more emphatically *f express their respect and regard for another free and intelligent people than by an adoption of their laws. It is to say yo\i are virtuous, and wise. and strong, and we will trust for our future to tlie influences that have made you so. National and artificial boundaries may mark political divisions, and standing armies and hostile at- titudes may maintain established political re- lations, but a jurisprudence common to both is an assurance of mutual sympathy and per- petual peace. Both people bow to the author- ity of the same laws, and if there must come between them trouble, and strife, and blood- shed, it shall be charged to the foil}' of a vicious diplomacy or to tlie gratification of a reckless ambition, and not to the pacifying influence of a common jurisprudence. It was in 1807 when this great region of the Northwest was as yet in a territorial condition, that the Terri- torial IvCgislature adopted the common law of England, and the general statutes passed in aid thereof prior to the fourth year of James L, excepting three or four statutes, perhaps, of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, and excepting also certain provisions of the law and statutes as might be in conflict with our Constitution and laws. It may be that this was unnecessary — that we need not have adopted the laws of England, but, lest there might be uncertainty as to the extent of their application in our country, this Territorial I/egislature, composed of men not cultured in the laws, representing scattered settlements, adopted them. It may be, and I dare say it would have been so, that these laws would have been ours anyhow, so far as they were suited to our condition and consistent with our institutions; but by their adoption certainty was secured, and such laws as were not suited to our condition were ex- THE AMERICA \' MANUAL. 321 eluded. When the lyOrd-Chief-Justice, of Eng- land visited our country it was not to seek the gratification of curiosity amid scenes and pop- ulations to which he is a stranger, but he came here to observe and to contemplate the devel- opment of the liberal element of the institutions of his own country upon an area and among a people in the highest degree adapted to such development. He could but be gratified when he saw enormous commerce regulated in a large degree by the usages of the merchants as the}' existed long before the brilliant policy of Lord Mansfield. He saw that the common law as he administers it at home has overtaken the railroad train, and the rules for the gov- ernment of the common carrier have become the law- of their control. The passenger has the protection of the same rule of law, requir- ing care and diligence on the part of railroi d employees from Edinburg to London and from Chicago to New York. The American who has just arrived in London knows his legal rights quite as well as if he were at home, while the Englishman just landed at New York knows his legal rights as well also as if he were in London. Perhaps one of these parties — I need not say which — is more disposed than the other to stand upon his rights to the very uttermost. If the Chief-Justice of England and the Chief-Justice of the United States should exchange places the judicial machinery of the two great nations would move on with- out interruption or disturbance. I have made visits to courts in England, where I heard the same arguments used as here and the same appeals to justice, and I felt that every man I saw was an American, because I heard the language of the law com- mon to both countries. And I heard discussed in the House of Commons the cause of human- ity against the power and strength of one high in position, who had murdered a subordinate, and had not been tried for it: and I felt that I might be proud of the country from which my ancestors in part have come. 323 THE AMERICAxV MANUAL. Our^ For^EiGN gopULAiriON. KEY. CEO. C. LOPvLMEP., D. D, "^Va,=i^ HE alien on our sliores i3 of the r-cime origin with ourselves, and however one may be disposed to criticize his influence, it has never been as preju- '■jK dicial to native American interests as I has been the native American's and that of their fathers on the destiny of the red man. Few persons are familiar with the facts concerning; immigration, and as a consequence there are many faulty generalizations current leading to unwarranted fears on the one hand and to groundless hopes on the other. It is therefore necessary, if these erroneous conclu- sions are to be questioned, and if we are to form a just estimate of the relations which foreigners sustain to America and to American institutions, that we ascertain with proximate accuracy their numbers and the rate of their increase. Statistics of Iiniiiig'rntioii. No statistics of immigration were kept be- fore 182c-; but from those subsequently given to tlic 2:)ublic we learn that from September 30, 1S19, to December 30, i860, there arrived by sea from other lands a total of 5,062,414 souls, 2,977,603 males, and 2,035,536 females. The author of the census report, C. G. Kennedy, reminds us "that the distribution is materially different from that of a settled population; the females are less than the males in the ratio of two to three; almost precisely one-half of the total passengers are between fifteen and thirty years of age." In alluding to the "dispropor- tion between the rate of gain in the north and sovith respectively, ' ' he says that it is manifestly to some extent caused by the more congenial climate of the former section, combined with the variety of occupations open to the people, and the dignity wherewith respectable employ- ment is there invested. During the stormy period of our history — 1S61-1S65 — we gather from the American Almanac that 793,903 per- sons arrived in the United States; and from the same source, in its issue for the year iSSi, THE AMERICAX MANUAL. we learn that the forthcoming census will show that the total number of alien-bom peo- ple in this country is 10,138,758, among a pop- nlatioii of 50,152,866, of whom the Chinese form t!ie inconsiderable portion of 105,679, ami the civilized and taxed Indians even less- some 65,880 souls; that ib,, the foreign popula- tion is about one to every five of the native. The Rate Of Increase Will Xot Diiiiinisli. Nor does this rate of increase promise to diminish. Dr. Eoyd, of St. Louis, in a valua- ble paper on tlii^ sulject, states that recently "on one claj, in tlic single port of New York almost 5,oco immis;i-ants were landed; and that one steamship line has contracted to bring over 80,000 more from Norwav and Sweden." He adds that there is a decided tendency on the part of tliese new comers to settle in the larger towns; tliat "New York, city is the third German city in the world. Vienna is first; Berlin, second; Nev.- York, third;" and thr.t "with tlie Germans of New York a city could be forrtied whose population would exceed that ofHamburg and Bremen put together." Otliei great centers of wealth and activity, such as Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Chicago, exhibit a similr.r f tate o( things; and we have ever>' rea- son for believing that foreign influence in these centers will not decline lor many a day. Tlie Stability of .Viiiiii?:>. Now it is not unnatural in view of this tre- mendous influx that apprehensions should be felt regarding the stability of American insti- tutions. Many of these strangers are socialists, communists, infidels, many are ignorant and superstitious, and but few are prepared to ap- preciate the spirit and genius of our govern- ment. Can it be, the timid ask, that the United States can endure this strain? Has the country a digestive system of such ostrich-like capacity as to assimilate such a heterogeneous mass? And is it not probable that the invisi- ble destinies mean to rcenact the history of the past and permit our civilization to fall be- fore the alien, as the savages were swept before our sires? We shall be Romanized, cries one party, we shall be rationalized, cries another; we shall be Germanized, responds a third; and that we shall become something unnama- bly bad these fluttering ones at least very con- fidently believe. I do not share in this alarm; perhaps as one not native bom, it is impossible that 1 should. But my convictions on this subject are not the result of race prejudice; they have grown with my study of the facts involved, and out of the philosophy of historj-. Lord Macaul-W says: "Ever since I began to observe I have been seeing nothing but }Jlc^^lh, and hearing of nothing but decay." Such has also been my own experience. In 324 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. my boj-hood I was told that England with her Chartist riots, and her monster Irish demon- strations, was hasteoing to destruction; in my youth I was assured that the union and pros- perity of these states were drawing to a close; and in manhood I half believed that the vitter ruin of France was inevitable, and yet these nations siu-vive and are tolerably vigorous stiU. Suspicious of Alarmists. I have, therefore, become suspicious of alarmists, with their direful prophecies of ap- proaching social and political cataclysms. Nor is there anything I know of in historj- that imparts to those which are now being ut- tered the least color of probability. The move- ment of the ancient Arj-ans to the banks of the Indus is not analogous to the inflow of foreigners into America, the incursions of the Huns, Goths, and Vandals into Italy were of a tolerably different character; they were warlike invasions, not peaceful mi- grations; but whenever large bodies of people have emigrated from one country to another, as the Huguenots from France into England, they have uniformly contributed to the pros- perity of their adopted land and have gradual- ly been assimilated to its people. Hegel, in his "Philosophy of Histon.-," calls attention to the arrival of colonies in ancient Greece; an Egyptian, Cecrops, founding Athens; the Phoenician, Cadmus, founding Thebes, while other indi\-idual aliens, such as Danaus and Pelops, were the means of advancing the civ- ilization of that favored country. And wher- ever similar instances are found, the same beneficial effects may be traced; and, in view of such cases, ! shall not despair while I admit the difficulties in the way and the perils to be encountered of the ultimate homogeneousnesH of the various nationalities which compose our population. Ilopcfnl View. There are also facts not generally ■weighed, but which deserve to be noted, and which in my judgment are fitted to inspire tlie most skeptical with this feeling of hope. An eastern paper. The Watchman, of Boston, states in a recent editorial that of the multi- plied thousands who seek our shores, not less than 15 per cent, fall out by death or return, and Dr. Boyd, in the paper already alluded to, says: "The last census shows that owing to the large death rate among our foreign pop- ulation, while the aggregate population of the country increased twelve million during the last period, the addition of the foreign popula- tion was but a little more than a Eaillion;"and he endorses the statement made by The Watchman, that the ratio or percentage of THE AMERICAN MANUAL. "S") i foreign born to native inhabitants is steadily should be shielded from a prolane assault diminishing. The ravages of mortality, in- Moreover, the avenues that are open to their duced probabh- by change of climate, by ambition under our democratic forms can strange and exhausting methods of life, and hardly fail to increase their attachment. In free by out-door labors in malarious districts, act America, as in free Athens, where the armorer's as a check on the undue enlargement of the son, Demosthenes, rose to commanding power: alien element. Thus a providential arrange- where the courier, Diodorus, rose to the dig- mcnt seems to shield our institutions, and re- nity of embassador; and where the commedian, proves the alarm which oversensitive national- Aristophanes, exerted marked influence in the isls have expressed. affairs of state, all are permitted to contend for Iiiiniis'rant<« JPatriotio. the highest offices — with two exceptions — in Supt. Kennedy, in the census for iS6o. bears the gift of the people. No hairier has been this testimony— "the great mass of the immi- reared by class prejudice, no restrictions have grants are found to cherish true patriotism for been imposed, and persons of any nationality the land of their adoption;" a testimony that can achieve the place of honors to which their has been confirmed by many acts of devotion merits entitle them. This is a powerful stim- in peace and war. It would be unnatural for uiant to loyalty, and must tend to convert our Ihem to feel otherwise. Having escaped from most tigerish radicals into the most lamb-like the scepter of rulers unlike the heathen mon- conservatives. Nor should it be overlooked, in arch, Demophoon in the tragedy of Euripides, judging the effect of foreign immigration on who would not treat his people as barbarians, American institutions, that we have the rec- and who felt himself liable if he did unjustly ords of the past to aid us in shaping our hor- tosuffer justly, they must surely be inspired oscope o* the future by sentiments of loyalty to a government that Xiiiiibor ol" Alien Binli in isco. not only ofTers them an asvlum, but admits In iS6o we had of alien birth among us, 463 them to share in its administration. While 704 merchants, 1,529,674 farmers, 815:048 nie- anarchists among them may fret at the re- chanics, 8,652 clergj'men, 5,352 lawyers, 14, straints of ''aw and clamor for revolution, the 218 physicians, and a fair porportion of other ^rcat mass must feel that principles which callings, most of whom lived in northern have done so much for them are sacred, and states. These strangers could have seriously THE AMEKICAX MANUAL. embarrassed tlie national cause, if not totally impeded it, had they been so minded. Never was a nation more helpless, and never was the time more favorable to plots, counterplots and revolutions. And yet, with the exceptions of a few riots in connection with the draft, our foreign population was as patriotic and as self-sacrificing as the native. No obligation did they shun, no danger did they shrink from and no exaction did. they refuse to bear for the sake of their adopted country. Is it not, there- fore, ungenerous to suspect them now of un- friendly intentions towards a government in whose behalf they spent their treasures and shed their blood? And is it not more probable from the course they pursued when the ship of state was tossed on the mad billows of in- ternal strife, that should rebellion, in the name of socialism, communism, or nihilism, ever rear its serpent head they would be among the first to resist its attacks, even though weapons in Its defense should be borne by misguided ras- cals from the old world? Consult the annals of a grateful nation, and observe how foreigners have felt and acted towards her; note the es- teem in which they have been held, and then answer whether we should not be slow to chal- lenge the fealty of their kindred to the insti- tutions of America? Revolutionary Heroes of Forelgrn Birth. Dtoring the Revolutionary war there were distinguished generals of foreign birth, whose heroism and whose devotion to liberty may be mentioned in the same breath with the names of Washington and Putnam. There was the Welshman, Charles Lee, by some persons credited with the authorship of the celebrated "Letters of Junius," not without blame, but an ardent friend of the colonies; there was the Englishman, Gen. Gates, who received the sword of Burgoync, and who was publicly honored by congress; there were the Scotchmen, Hugh Mercer, Arthur St. Clair, both distinguished soldiers, and John Paul Jones, the first of our naval heroes, and the last to be forgotten; there were the Irish- men, Commodore Earry and IMaj. Gen. Rich- ard Montgomery, the second of whom had fought under Wolfe at Quebec, and incurred the personal spite of England's prime minister on account of his devotion to liberty; there was the Prussian, Earon Steuben, who was with Washington at Valley Forge, and whose vast military knowledge was of eminent ser- vice to the Revolutionary army; there was the Polish patriot, Kosciusko, who, after conse- crating his genius to the American cause, among other achievements executing the works at West Point, returned to his own country and was wounded when struggling against the tyranny of Russia — THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 32T Hope for a season bade the world farewell, And freedom shrieked as Kosciusko fell; and there was the Frenchmen, Baron de Kalb, who gloriously fell at the battle of Camden, dying a soldier's death, as he had desired to die, "for the rights of the people," and the immortal Lafayette, who not only with the sword won for himself a place in the affection of our people, but with the pen expressed such sentiments as must endear his name to all fu- ture time — for it was he who said: "American interests will always be more dear to me than my own," and in a letter written to his wife, "intimately allied to the happiness of the whole human family is that of America, des- tined to become the respectable and sure asylum of virtue, honesty, toleration, equality, and of a tranquil liberty." Loyal Citizens of Foreign Birtli. In days more recent, but less trying to lo)'- alty and valor, we find in positions of grave trust prominent representatives of alien na- tloiialties. who bore themselves nobly in the strife. I need not recall their names — they are familiar to us all. The 24th Illinois volun- teers, composed largelv of Germans, was heard from on many a field, and they and their gal- lant commander bear witness to the enduring affection of the foreign citizen for the land of his adoption. Other professions likewise fur- nish illustrious instances of laborers from the cation on that subject, is to bring about as of Chicago by a member of the board of edu- old world, through whose enlightenment, ener- gj-, enterprise, and sagacity the fortunes of the new have been promoted. It is perhaps impossible to decide how much of our business prosperity and how much of our educational and religious growth are traceable directly to their influence. The Swiss, Louis Agazziz, re- flected undying luster on fair Harvard; the Englishman, Dr. Harper, won golden opinions for American science; and as for our natural- ized merchants, all that I can say is that when one of the leaders among them, like the la- mented Geo. Armour, sinks quietly into the arms of death, the entire community is made conscious of a loss which requires more than ordinary integrity, virtue, common sense and piety to fill. 333 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. QQgSlellan's liBTiPEr^ op ^Iggeptangb. Orange, New Jersey, Sept. Sth, 1S64. Gentlemen: — I have the honor to acknowledge the rec«*i|)t of your letter, informing me of my nomination by the ]>eiii»erattic National Coiiveiition, recently held at Chicago, as their can«li(late at the next elec- tion for President of the United States. It is unnecessary for me to say to jou that this noin- illation comes to me unsought. I am happy to know that when the nomination was made, the recor«l of my life was kept in view. The effect of long and varied s^ervice in the Army, during war and peace, has been to strengthen and make in- delible in my mind and heart, the love and reverence for the Union, Constitution, L.aiV!» and Flag' of onr country, impressed upon me in early youth. These feelings have thus far g'ui FOR SUFFRAGE IX EACH OF TISE 38 STATES. Alabama. . . . Arkansas. . . California. . . Colorado, . . . Connecticut. . Delaware. , . Florida. . . . Georgia. . . . Illinois. . . . Indiana. . . . Iowa Kansas. . . Kentucky. . . Louisiana. . . Maine Marj'land. . . Massachusetts. Michigan. . . Minnesota. . . Mississippi. . Missouri. . . . Nebraska. . . Nevada. . . . N. Hajnpshire. New Jersey. . New York. . . North Carolina Ohio Oregon. . . . Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina Tennessee. . Texas. . . . Vermont. . . Virginia. . . West Virginia Wisconsin. . Requirement as to Citizenship. iCitizens or declared intention iCitizens or declared inttuiiun .Actual citizens Citizens or declared intention .•Vctnal citizens Actual County ta.vpayers. . . f United States citizens or ( declared intention. Actual citizens Actual citizens Citizens c.r declared intention. Actual citizens Citizens or declared intention. Free wiiUe male citizens. . Citizens or (ieclared intention. .\ctual citizens Actual citizens Citizens Citizens or declared intention. Citizens or declared intention. Actual citizens Citizens or declared intention. Citizens or declared intention. Citizens or declared intention. Actual citizens Actual citizens Actual citizens .\ctual citizens .-Kctual citizens Citizens or declared intention. .Actual citizens -Vctual tax-paying citizens. Actual citizens Actual citizens Citizens or declared intention. Actual citizens Actual citizens Actual citizens Citizens or declared intention. I year I year Note. — All the 38 States limit suffrage to male citizens, but in Colorado, Massachu- setts and some other States wcmtu may vote at Echool-district elections. y33 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. OFFENCES FOR WHICH STATES DISFRANCHISE BY THE EXPRESS TERMS OP THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, OR FOR WHICH THEIR EEOISEATL'RES MAY MAKE DISFRANCHISEMENT A PENAETY. States. Treason. Felony. Bribery. Perjury. Forgery. Murder. Kobberv. Duelling-. Treason . Felony ( 1 ) . Perjury* . Duelling . Bribery . . Perjury . . Duelling . Del; w-.re (4) F'elony . . Felony . . Bribery . . Duelling , Duelling . Treason . Iowa .... Kansas (5) . Treason . Felony . . Bribery . . Periurv . . For£;erv . , Louisiana (20 Treason . F'elony (i) . Briberv U'ernn-v Bribery (6) Bribery (7) Marj^land , . . . . . . Duelling . Treason . Felony . . Bribery . . Bribery . . Perjury . . l-'orgery . . i ' ! Duelling (7) Treas :)n Felony (8) Trej'son (9) Pr'lmiv (n^ Bribery (10) J New Jersey Treasonui) Bribery . . Perjury (11) Forgery (11) Murder (11) Robbery(ii) Ohio Bribery . . Pemi Briberj'(i2) Bribery . . Rhodelsland Murder . . Robbery . Duelling . Bribery (14) Bribery . . Bribery (16) Texas Felony (15) Perjury . . Duelling . Virginia . . W. Vir. (iS) Treason . Felony . . Duelling . Treason . Felony . . Duelling (7) I. A crime punishable by death or imprisonment in a State prison. 2.* The constitution adopted by California in 1S79 expressly disfranchises for any infamous crime, embezzlement or misappropriation of public money, and duelling, and says that laws shall be made to exclude from the right of suffrage persons convicted of the above starred crimes. 3. Theft is the term used in the constitution of Connecticut. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 333 4. The legislature may make the forfeiture of the right of suffrage a punishment for crime. 5. No person who has been dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States, or who has vol- untarily borne arms against the Government of the United States, is qualified to vote or hold office in Kansas. 6. Since 1876 "the legislature may enact laws excluding from the right of suffrage for a term not exceeding ten years" for this crime. 7. These crimes forever disqualify for voting. 8. "Under the law of the State or of the United States unless restored to civil rights." 9. "In any State or Territory of the United States unless restored to civil rights." 10. The constitution of Nevada, Art. 4, sec. 10, makes ineligible for office persons convicted of embezzlement or defalcation of public funds or bribery, and empowers the legislature to make these crimes punishable as fel- onies; and by Art. 2, sec. i, felony disfranchises. 11. Theconstitutionof New Jersey, Art. 2, sec. 1, says that "no person convicted of a crime which now excludes him from being a witness, unless pardoned or restored by law to the right of suffrage, shall enjoy the right of an elector." The laws of the State make persons convicted of the above tabulated crimes incompetent as witnesses, and if the crime is perjury or subornation of perjury a pardon does not remove the incompetency. 12. Disfranchise at such election, as do all corrupt offers to give or receive money or other valuable thing for a vote in both New York and Pennsylvania. 334 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. States. Enihezzlenient of Public Funds. Fraud. Electoral Misdemeanors. Infamous Crimes. 1 Larceny. Other Offences. Alabama . . Embezzlement of public funds Larceny Arkansas . California . Embezzlement or misappropriation of pub. moneys (2) Infamous crimes (2) Malfeasance in office or Colorado . . other high crimes* Connecticut Fraudulent bank- ruptcy Infamous crimes iLarceiiv (.■C\ Delaware (4) Florida . . . (19) Election wager Infamous crimes Larceny Georgia . . Embezzlement of public funds Illinois . . . Indiana . . Infamous crimes Infamous crimes Iowa .... Kansas (5) . Kentucky . Defrauding U. S. or any of the Statesthereof Louisiana (20 misdemeanors Maine . . . Mar\'land . Illegal voting (7) Infamous crimes Larceny Mass Michigan Minnesota . Infamous crimes Infamous crimes Infamous crimes Mississippi . Missouri . . Election misde- meanor misdemeanors Nebraska Nevada . . Embezzlement or defalcation of public funds uo) New Hanip. New Jersey- New York Larceny Subornation of perjury, blasphemy, piracy, arson, rape, sjdoniy, polygamy, Cvytispiracy E'.ection wager (12) Infamous crimes Infamous crimes lufam^^us crimes N. Carolina Ohio .... Peuu. . . . Wilful violation oftlie E.ectiju laws (13) Rhodelsland Infamous crimes S. Carolina . Tennessee . Infamous crimes Texas . . . Other high crimes Vermont . . Virginia . . Embezzlement of public funds Larc'y (17) W Vir (iS) THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 335 13 Any person convicted of this offense "shall, in addition to any penalties provided by law, be deprived of the right of suffrage absolutely for a term of four years." 14 "Any elector who shall receive any gift or reward for his vote, in meat, drink, money, or otherwise, shall suffer such punishment as the laws shall direct." 15 "Subject to such exceptions as the legislature may make." 16 'Any elector who shall receive any gift or reward for his vote in meat, drink, mone3', or otherwise shall forfeit his right to elect at that time, and suffer such other peiialtj* as the law shall direct." 17 "Petit larceny." iS "No psrsjn who is under the con victiort of treason, felony, or bribery in an election shall be permitted to vote while such disability continues." (Con. of West Va., art 4, sec. i.) This phrase "while disability continues" has not received judicial interpretation in West Virginia, but is construed by election officers to mean during imprisonment. 19 "These crimes are treason, felony, and the crimen falsi"— which term includes crimes which involve a charge of such falsehood as may injuriously affect the public administration of justice by the introduction! there- in of falsehood and fraud, such as forgery, perjury, subornation of perjury, or conspiracy to procure the absence ol a witness. 20 And persons 'who may be under interdiction." 336 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ©HB I^BPUBLIGAN AND DeMOGI^ATIG ©AI^JIIIBS ON ©r^OHIBIJITION. Republican. — The organization of temper- ance men in Alabama meets our hearty ap- proval", and we recognize in it Uie spirit of Him who came among us and taught, "A new command I give." I would that ye love one another. (Adopted \>y State committe.) Democratic. — No mention. ARKAXSAS. Rep. — ^We recognize the fundamental prin- ciples of Government that all power is in the People, and we therefore favor a submission to the people of the State of an amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors in the State. Dem. — No mention. CAI^IFORBflA. Rep, — That the property of our viticultural and horticultural indvistries is of paramount importance to this State. In order to encour- age their rapid improvement and freer exten- sion of trade in domestic and foreign markets, and to prevent unjust discrimination in favor of foreign products, a revision of the internal revenue laws and amendments to the tariff are demanded as of immediate necessity to our People; and the Legislature should by suitable legislation provide for the extermination of fruit pests. Dem. — That in view of the brilliant future that awaits California, in the development of its wine interests, we most heartily favor the bills now pending in Congress for the release from taxation of spirits used !n the fortifica- tion of sweet wines, and the piotection of our wine industries from the injurious effects of fraud and the unrestricted sale of spurious wines, and we also favor Legislation provid- ing for the protection of the wine industry. That we re-affirm the principles contained in the National Democratic platforms, declaring that the Democratic party is unalterably op- posed to all Sumptuary Legislation. COLORADO. Rep. — That we shall, in the future as in the past stand firm in our advocacy of temperance and sobriety, and to the advancement of mo- rality and virtue, and pledge ourselves to furth- er the adoption of laws tending to control vice, and lift this People to higher planes of thought and action. Dem. — No mention. CONSfECTlCUT. Rep. — The traffic in intoxicating liquors is justly chargeable with being a great cause of poverty, ignorance and crime. Our existing local option laws are in accord with the State's ancient theories of local government, and the Republican party is ready, as it always has been, for the enactment of such laws, tending to eradicate the evils of intemperance, as may be demanded by public sentiment. Dem. — In Legislative enactments the Dem- ocratic party pays due regard to the fullest liberty of the individual consistent with law and order. We recognize the fact that no law to prevent the abuse in the use of alcoholic THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 83; liquors can be enforced against public senti- ment; and we adhere to the views heretofore expressed by the Democratic party that a well- regulated License Law, thoroughly executed, will best promote the cause of temperance and good order in society. But a License Law under the control of an exclusively partisan board of County Commissioners, who act for their party rather than the welfare of society, will fail of its primary object. DELAWARE. Rep. — No convention. Deni. — No mention. FLORIDA. Rep — No convention. Dem. — No mention. OEORGIA. Rep. — No convention. Dem. — No mention. ILLI.VOIS. Rep. — No mention. Dem. — That while we have no purpose to interfere with just laws for the regulation of the traffic in intoxicating liquors and for the prevention or correction of the evils to society, growing out of abuses in their rule, we declare that it is out of the Ic^timate province of Gov- ernment to control the habits, tastes, appetites, and liberties of the People so long as they are orderly and peaceable, and do not encroach upon the rights of others or of society We therefore declare that the Prohibition by Con- stitution or by general law of the manufacture or sale of vinous, malt, or spiritous liquors, would be in violation of individual and per- sonal rights and contrary to the fundamental principles offree Government. IXDIABTA. Rep. — The domination by the liquor league of political parties and Legislation is a men- ace to free inst'tutions which must be met and defeated. The traflic in intoxicating liquors has always been under Legislative restraint, and we favor such laws as will permit the Peo- ple in their several localities to invoke such measures of restriction as they may deem wise to compel the traffic to compensate for the burdens it imposes on society and relieve the oppressions of local taxation. Z?^w;.— That the Democratic party of Indiana is now, as it has always been, opposed in principle to all Sumptuary Laws and Prohibi- tory Legislation, but it is in favor of just and proper measures for regulating the traffic in spiritous and intoxicating liquors, under a li- cense system designed to repress the evils of in- temperance, and it favors a reasonable in- crease of the license tax, -discriminating be- tween malt liquors and wines and distilled spirits, so as to place the highest license on distilled spirits, the proceeds of such tax to be applied to the support of common schools. IOWA. Rep.—lo^a. has no compromise to hold •with the saloon. We declare in favor of the: vigorous and faithful enforcement in all parts- of the State, of the Prohibitory Law. The Pharmacy Law and the County Permit Law should be so amended as to prevent the drug- store or wholesale liquor store from becoming in any manner the substitute or successor of the saloon. Dem. We are opposed to all Sumptuary Legislation and in favor of the repeal of the ■ present Prohibitory liquor Law, and substitai-- tion in its stead of a local option and carefully- guarded License Law with a minimum license fee for better control of the liquor traffic. KAXSAS. Rep. The People of Kansas have adopted Prohibition as the settled policy of this Sute, and have deliberately decided that the sfdoon with its corrupt and demoralizing influences and associations, wherebv overv form of vice, immorality and crime is iostered, must go, and 338 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. we are in favor of carrying into effect this ver- dict of the People by such amendments of the present law as practical experience has shown to be necessary, and by the election "of law officers who will so firmly and faithfully en- force it as to render it impossible to sell intox- icating liquors in the State, except for purposes specified in the Prohibition Amendment to the Constitution. Dein. — That we are in accord with the Na- tional Democracy in opposition to all Sumpt- uary Legislation, either State or National; that we are opposed to the principle of Con- stitutional Prohibition; and demand the re- submission of the Prohibitory Amendment in this State to a vote of the Electors, so that the question may be finally and intelligently set- tled and whereby the interests of true temper- ance may be promoted and the individual lib- erty and manhood of citizens respected and restored. Instead of Constitutional or Statu- tory Prohibition, we favor a well-regulated and just License System. KENTUCKY. Rep. — No mention. Z>egislators, and this Convention now declares ill answer to misrepresentations in many quarters, that the general effect of the Prohib- itory Law has been beneficent, and has proved in a marked degree helpful to the cause of temperance in Maine. It has largely reduced the consumption of alcoholic liquors, and has in many ways contributed to the moral and material welfare of the State, Detn. — No mention. MARYI^AND. Rep. — No mention. Dent. — No mention. MASSACHUSETTS. Rep. — Recognizing intemperance as the most fruitful source of pauperism, crime, etc., in politics and social degradation, we affirm our belief in the most thorough restriction of the Liquor Traffic and the enforcement of the laws for its suppression. We approve the action of the last Legislature in enacting so many temperance statutes, and demand the continued enactment of progressive temper- ance measures as the policy of our Party. We repeat the recommendation of last year's Convention, as follows: "Believing, also, that whenever a great public question demands set- tlement an opportunity should be given the People to express their opinion thereon; We favor the submission to the People of an Amendment to our Constitution prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors to be used as a beverage. In order to have the matter placed before the People, we call upon all those who are opposed to the political control of the grog-shops to unite with the Re- publican party in electing Senators and Rep- resentatives who will vote for the submission of this Am ndment." Deni. — We, the Democrats of Massachusetts in Convention assembled, renew our adherence to the principles of Democracy declared by the last National Convention, at Chicago. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 339 MICHIGAX. Rep. — The Republican party has redeemed its promise made in its platform of 1882, and reiterated in subsequent State platforms, by submitting to the People an Amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, and the adop- tion or rejection of the Amendment is now with the people, where it belongs. Dem. — No mention. ^ J»INN£SOTA. Rep. — The Republican party of Minnesota is in favor of high License, local option and a rigid enforcement of existing laws relating to the Liquor Traffic. Deui. — The traditions of the Democratic party being in favor of personal liberty, there- fore, be it Resolved, that this party is opposed to all Class and Sumptuary Legislation. 9IISSI.A. Rep. — No mention. Dem. — Heartily endorses the National Dem- ocratic Platform. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Rep. — We believe that the principle of Pro- hibition, which has prevailed as the policy of this State for thirty years, has done much to render the Liquor Traffic odious, built up the temperance sentiment of the State and re- duced to the minimum the unmitigated evil of the sale and use of intoxicating liquors. To supplant this principle by license would over- throw for a paltry revenue all that has been gained in moral advance and substantial pro- gi'ess in this reform, and we call on all well- wishers of their State and of their fellow-men to join us in preventing the restoration of a License Policy as proclaimed by the Demo- cratic party of New Hampshire, and to the faithful enforcement of the law. Dent. — We recognize the evils of intemper- ance, and we profoundly sympathize with all well-directed efforts to eradicate these evils, and, in view of past experience, we are con- vinced that a judicious License Law, properly enforced, is the best remedy therefor, and will really promote the cause of temperance. NEW JERSEY. Rep — The Republican party had its founda- tion in the belief in the virtue and intelligence of the People; it has always held with its great leader, Abraham Lincoln, that it is a Govern- ment of the People, by the People, and for the People; we therefore declare that the Republi- can party of New Jersey is in favor of the sub- mission of the question of the regulation, control or prohibition of the Liquor Traffic to the votes of the People, at elections specially 340 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. provided for that purpose. Dent. — Endorses the National Democratic Platform. XEW YORK. Rep. — We heartily endorse the purpose of the Repiiblicaii majority of the Legislature in passing the bills to limit and restrict the Liq- uor Traffic, and we condemn the vetoes of the Governor as hostile to that purpose. We rec- ommend comprehensive and efficient Legisla- tion by giving local option by counties, towns and cities, and restriction by taxation in such localities as do not by their option exclude ab- solutely the Traffic. Dem. — We favor a revised Excise Law, ap- plicable without unjust discrimination, through out the State. We oppose all Sumptuary Laws, needlessly interfering with the personal liberties and reasonable habits and customs of any portion of our citizens. We believe that excise reveimes, like other proper local reve- nues, should be applied in lessening local burdens, and to the reduction of local taxa- tion. XORTH CAROI.INA. Rep. — No mention. Dem. — No mention. OHIO. Rep — We point with just pride to the en- actment of the Dow Law in fulfillment of the promises of the Republican party, and we pledge ourselves to such further Legislation as may be necessary to keep abreast of en- lightened public sentiment on this question, to the end that the evils resulting from the Liquor Traffic be restrained to the utmost possible extent in all parts of the State. Dem. — We declare in favor of the proper regulation of the Liquor Traffic, and believe it to be the duty of all good citizens to aid in reducing to a mininuim the evils resulting therefrom, and to this end favor the submis- sion of an Amendment to the Constitution providing for the license of such Traffic. OREGON. Rep. — Resolution in favor of submitting the Prohibitor}' Amendment. Dc'u. — That we favor the submission to the voters of the State of Oregon, of the pending Amendment to the Constitution of our State regulating the Liquor Traffic. I'EXNSYI.VANIA. Rep. — That they reaffirm their declaration of iSS6 in favor of submittiug to a vote of the People the Prohibitory Constitutional Amend- ment. Dem. — We renew our allegiance to the prin- ciples and declaration of the platform adopted at Chicago in 1SS4. RlIOUEISLiAND. Rep. — We recognize the fact that the adop- tion ofthe Fifth Amendment to our State Con- stitution was not a partisan measure, and that such Amendment has become a part of our P'undamental Law, in obedience to the will of the Constitutional majority. We demand the enactment of Laws adequate to carry this Amendment into effect, and such laws shall be rigidly enforced, recognizing at the same time the right of the People to agitate for the re- peal of this or any other Constitutional pro- vision which time may prove to be unwise or ineffectual. Dem. — No mention. SOUTH CAROLINA. Rep. — No convention. Dem. — No mention. TEXNESSEE. Rep. — That we, recognizing the sovereignty of the People, do, in response to the demand made through their Representatives in the last Legislature, pronounce in favor of sub- mission to them, for their adoption or rejec- tion, the proposed Constitutional Amendment. Dem. — Recognizing the sovereignty of the People, and in response to their demands through their Representatives in the last Gen- eral Assembly, we favor submitting to thein THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 3'±i for their adoption or rejection, the proposed Constitutional Amendment prohibitin.y; the mannfafture and sale of intoxicating liquor as a beverage in Tennessee. TKXAS. Rep. — The People in a republic being the source of po'.ver, we believe it to be the duty of the Legislature to submit to the People, for their ratification or rejection, such Amend- ments to our Organic Laws as they may ask, such submission, when petitioned by a suf- ficient number, being in accordance with the bill of rights. Dcni, — We do not believe that the views of any citizen upon the question of local option should interfere with his standing in the Dem- ocratic party; and we declare the question to be one on which every Democrat may indulge his own views without affecting his Democra- cy. ver:»ioxt. Rep. — That we deplore the evils of intem- perance. We reaffirm the position of the Re- publican party in this State upon that question, and declare that in our opinion the Prohibi- tion of the Dicjuor Traffic, as expressed in our statutes, be and should remain the settled pol- icy of the State; that the influence of the liq- uor saloon is as debasing in politics as it is baleful in social life. The Republican party should everywhere reject all overtures for open or secret alliance with it. Dein. — We favor such Legislation as shall control the traffic in intoxicating liquors and increase the revenue rather than the burden of taxation, and, though opposed to Sumptuary Laws, we demand the enforcement of existing laws until repealed, whenever practicable. VIR«IMA. Rep. — For a gene-ral law providing that every Connty, city, town and district in this Commonwealth may determine for itself, by a majority of all votes cast, at a special election held for the purpose under due regulations, whether or not the sale of spiritou-j liquors shall be allowed within its limits. _ Devi. — Reaffirming the traditional opposi- tion of the Democratic party to all Sumptuary Laws, or laws vuiduly interfering with indi- vidual liberty, we recommend to "the General Assembly to pass such laws as will permit each County or District, at a special election held for that purpose, under proper regulations for ascertaining the popular will, to determine for itself whether the sale of spiritous liquors shall be legally permitted within its limits. WKST VIRGIXI.%. Rep. — A State Conference favored the sub- mission of a Prohibitory Constitutional Amend- ment. Dent. — No mention. Rep. — Recognizing the evils of intemperance, the Republican party desires to adopt the most effective means for its suppression. But we recognize the fact that the statute regnlations which are not supported by public opinion are inoperative, and tend to bring all law into dis- repute, and we believe that in the present con- dition of public sentiment the existing laws of this State, which permit communities, accord- ing to the sentiment prevailing in them, to prohibit the Traffic in intoxicating liquors or to control it by police regulations and to limit it by High License, offer the best and most practical means of dealing with the evils re- sulting from the Liquor Traffic. Deui. — That the intemperate and excessive use of intoxicating liquors is earnestly to be deplored, and we believe that the Liquor Traffic should be regiilated by reasonable and liberal laws. Laws, whether general or local, designed exclusivly for arbitrary regulation of the personal habits of citizens, as an exercise of Legislative power, are iinw-arranted by the Constitution, contrary to the fundamental principles of all free governments, and are justified b}' no practical results j-et attained iu the experience of mankind. 343 THE AMERICAN MNUAL. DEMOCRATIC REPUBI.ICAW NATIONAI^ tO.llMITTEE. XATIOBTAl. COMMITTEE. 18S8. ISSS. Wm. H. Barnum, Chairman, Lime Rock, Conn. B. F. Jones, Chairman, and Treasurer, ex-officio, F. O. Prince, Secretary, Boston, Mass. Charles J. Canda, Treasurer, 52 Williams St.. New York City. Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel Fessenden, Secretary, Stamford, Conn. Hen'ry C. Sample . . . S. R. Cockrill, Jr. . . M. F. Tarpey . . . . Charles S. Thomas . . Wm. H. Barnum . . . Ignatius C. Grubb . . Samuel Pasco .... Patrick 'Walsh .... S. Corning Judd . . . Austin H. Brown . . . M. M. Ham ... Charles W. Blair . . . Henry D. McHenry . B. F. Jonas Arthur P. Gorman . Fred'k O. Prince . Don M. Dickinson . P. H. Kelly C. A. Johnston . . . John G. Prather . . James E. Boyd . . . John H. Denning . Alvah W. Sulloway . Miles Ross M. W. Ransom . . Wm. W. Armstrong A. Noltner Wm. A. Wallace . . J. B. Barnaby . . . F. W. Dawson . . . R. F. Looney .... O. T. Holt Bradley B. Smalley John S. Barbour . . Lewis Baker .... William F. Vilas . . W- K. Mead .... M. H. Dav \Villiam Dickson . . Tohn Hiilev .... W.J. McCohnick . . Geo. W. Fox .... J B. Roseborough . J. H. Kuhn M. F. Post Montgomery . Little Rock . East Oakland Denver .... Lime Rock . V/ilmington . Monticello . . Augusta . . . Chicago . . . Indianapolis . Dubuque . . . Leaven-worth . Hartford . . . New Orleans . Laurel . . . Boston . . . Detroit . . . St. Paul . . Columbus . St. Louis . . Omaha . . . Tuscarora . Franklin . . New Brutiswick New York City Weldon . . . Cleveland . . Portland . . . Clearfield . . Providence Charleston . . Memphis . . Houston . . . Burlington . . Alexandria Wheeling . . Madison . . . Tombstone Springfield Washington . Idaho City . . Mis.soula . . . Socorro . . . Salt Lake Citv Ft. Townsend Laramie City Alabanin. . . . ArUniisas . . . California . . . Colorado . . . i'onnectiout . Delaware . . . Florida ... . Oeors-ia .... Illinois .... Indiana ... . Iowa Kansns Kentnoky . . . liOnisiana . . . Maine Maryland . . . Massaohnsetts Michigan . . . Minnesota . . Mississippi . . Missonri .... Nebraska . . . IVevada New Hainpshir New .Tersey . . New York . . . North Carolina Ohio •^regron .... Pennsylvania . Rhode Island Kouth t'arolina Tennessee . . . Texas Vermont .... Virgrinia .... West Virginia Wiseonsin . . . .Vrizoiia .... Dakota Dist. Colninbia Idaho Montana .... New Mexico . [fTtali > ii'ashins'ton . . IWyoniing: ... Theo. Youngblood Powell Clayton . . Horace Davis . . . William A. Hamill Samuel Fessenden Daniel J. Layton . Jesse p. Cole . . . F. H. Putner . . . D. T. Littler . . . John C. New . . . J. S. Clarkson . . . Cyrus Leland Jr. . J. B. Moore . . . Frank Morey . . J. M. Haynes . . . James A. Gary . . William W. Crapo John P. Sanborn . Robert G. Evans . John R. Lvnch . . R. T. Van Horn . Church Howe . . Thomas Wren . . Edward H. Rollins JGarret H. Hobart John D. Lawson . jR. W. Humphrey A. L. Conger . . . J. T. Apperson . . B. F. Jones .... Horace A. Jenks . E. M. Brayton . . , W. P. Brownlow . N. W. Cunev . . . George W. Hooker Frank S. Blair . . John W. Mason . Edward Sanderson Clark Churchill . John E. Bennett . Perry H. Carson . Sherman M. Coffin Tames H. Mills . "Stephen B. Elkins C. W. Bennett . . Thomas T. Miner Joseph M. Carey . . I Union Springs. . j Eureka Springs. . San Francisco. . JGeorgetiiwn. . Stamford. . Georgetown, . Monticello. . Hardawav. . Springfteld. . Indianapolis. . Des Moines. . Troy. . Owensboro', . Dalton. . Augusta. . Baltimore. . New Bedford. . Port Huron. . Minneapolis. . Natchetz. . Kansas City. . Auburn. . Eureka. . Dover. . |Paterson. . I New York City. . IGoldboro'. . 'Akron. . Oregon City. . Pittsburgh. . Woonsocket. . Columbia. . Jonesboro*. . Galveston. . Brattleboro'. . Richmond. . Grafton. . Milwaukee. . Prescott. . Clark. . Washington. . Boise City. . Deer Lodge. . 92 B'wav. N. Y. . Salt Lake Citv. . Pt. Townsend. . Chej-enne. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. .343 Execntive Coininittpe of the National Dem- ocratic Coniniittee. ■William H. Banium, A. P. Gorman, Wm. A. Wallace, William F. Vilas, John S. Barbour, B. F. Jonas, P. H. Kelly, Austin H. Brown, Henrj^ D. McHenry, Alvah W. Sulloway, M. W. Ransom, M. M. Ham. Wm. W. Armstrong, Bradley B. Smalley, F. W. Dawson, Miles Ross, S. Corning Judd, J. B. Barnaby, John G. Prather. Executive Committee of the Xatioiial Re- publican Committee. John C. New, Stephen B. Elkins John W. Mason, E. H. Rollins, J. M. Hayncs, W. W. Crapo, E. Sanderson, G. A. Hobart, Eeo. W. Hooker, John W. I,awson, Frank S. Blair, R. W. Humphrey, Powell Clayton, Frank Morey, A. L. Conger, John P. Sanborn, Church Howe, Cyrus Iceland, Jr. John R. Lynch, J. S. Clarkson, D. J. Lavton. 344 THE AM ERIC AX MAX UAL. BRIEF HISTORY OF NATIONAL POLITICAL CONVENTIONS. National Conventions for the nomination ot can- didates lor President and Vice-President are of compara- tively recent orijjin. In the earlier political history of the United States, under the Federal Constitution, candidates for President and Vice-President were nominated by con- gressional and leg-islative caucuses. Washington was elected as first President under the Constitution, and re- elecied for i second term by a unanimous or nearly i:nan- i ous concurrence of the American people; but an oppo- sition party gradu. lly grew up in Congress, which be- came tormidable during its second term, and which ulti- mately crystalized into what was then called the Repub- lican party. John Adams, of Massachusetts, was promi- nent among the leading Federalists, while Tnomas Jetler- son, ot Virginia, W2s pre-eminently the author and oracle of the Republican party, and, by common consent, they w.re the opposing candidates for the Presidency, on Washington's retirement in 1796-7, The first Congressional caucus to nominate candidates fnr President and \'ice-President, is said to have been held in Philadelphia, in tlie year iSoo, and to have nomin ited Mr. Jefferson for the first office and Aaron Burr for the second. These candidates were elected after a desperate struggle, beating John Auams, and Charles C. Pinckney, of South Carolina. In 1S04, Mr. Jefferson was re-elected President, with George Clinton, ot New York, for Vice, encountering but slight opposition; Messrs. Charles C. Pinckney and Rufus King, the opposing can- didates, receiving only 14 out of 176 electoral votes. We liave been unable to find any record as to the manner of their nomination. In January, 1S08, when Mr. Jefi'erson's second term was about to close, a Republican Congressional Caucus was held af Washington to decide as to the relative claims of Madison and Monroe for the succession, the Legislature of Virginia, which had been said to exert a potent influence over such questions, being, on this occasion, un- able to agree as to which of her favored sons should have the preference. Ninety- four cut of the 136 Republican members ot Congress atten Jed this caucus, aud declared their preference of Mr. Madison who received S3 votes, the remaining 11 votes being divided between Mr. Mon- roe and George Clinton. The opposition supported Mr, Pinckney, but Mr. Madison was elected hy a large ma- jority. Toward the close of Mr. Madison's earlier term he was nominated for re-election by a Congressional Caucus, held at Washington in May, 1S12. In Sepiember of the same year, a convention of the opposition, representing eleven StPtes, was held in the city of New Vork, which nominated De Witt Ciinton, of New York, for President. He was also pnt in nomination hv the Republican Legis- 1 iture of New York. 1 he ensuing canvass resulted in the re-electioa of Mr. Madison, who received 12S electoral votes to 89 for UeWitt Clinton. In 1816, the RfpubKcan Congressional Caucus nomi- nated James Monroe, who received in the caucus Ciijyotes, to 5t for Wni. H. Crawford, of Georgia. The opposition, or Federalists, nan.ed Rufus King, of New York, who received only 34- electoral votes out of 217. There was no opposition to the re-election of Mr. Monroe in 1S20, a single (Republican) vote being cast against him, and for John Quincy Adams. v In 1S24, the Republican party could not be induced to abide by the decision of a Cougressional Caucus. A large majority of the Republican members formally re- fused to participate in such a gathering, or be governed by its decision; still a caucus was called, and attended by the friends of Mr. Crawford alone. Of the 261 members of Congress at this time, 216 were Democrats or Repub- licans; yet only 66 responded to their names at roll c.^U, 64 of whom voted for Mr. Crawford as the F.epublican nom- inee for President. This nomination was very extensively repudiated throughout the country, and three competing Republican candidates were brought into the field through legislative and other machinery, vi'.: Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. The result of this famous " scrub race " for the Presidency, was that no one was elected by the people. Gen. Jackson receiving 99 electoral votes, Mr. Adams S4, Mr. Crawford 41, and Mr. Clay 37. The election then devolved upon the House of Rei)resentatives, when Mr. Adams was chosen, receiving the votes of 13 States, against 7 for Gen. Jackson, and 4 for Mr. Crawford. This was the end of ' King Caucus." Gen. Jackson was immediately thereafter put in nomi- nation tor the ensuing term by the Legislature of Tennes- see, having only Mr. Adams for an opponent in 182S, when he was elected by a decided majority, receiving 17S electoral votes, to S3 for Mr. Adams, The first political N.itional Convention in this country of which \ve have any record was held at Philadelphia in September, 1S30, styled the United Stales Anti-Masonic Convention. It was composed of 06 delegates. Francis Granger, of New York, presided, but no business was transacted. In compliance with its call, a National Anti-Masonic Convention was held at Baltimore in September, 1831, which nominated William Wirt, of Maryland, for Presi- dent, and Amos EUmaker, of Pennsylvania, for Vice- President. The candidates accepted the nomination, and received the electoral vote of Vermont only. There was no open opposition in the Democratic Party to the nomination of Gen. Jackson for a second term in 1832, but the party was not so well satisfied v/ith Mr. Cal- houn, the Vice-President, so a convention was called to meet at Baltimore, in JMay, 1S32, to nominate a candidate for the second office. Mr. Van Buren received more than two-thirds of all the votes cast, and was declared nominated. The Nat oual Republicans met in convention at Balti- more, December 12, 1S31. Seventeen States and the District of Columbia were represented by 1S7 delegates, who cast a unanimous vote for Henry Clay, of Kentucky, for President. In May, 183.=;, a Democratic National Convention, rep- resenting twinty-one States, assembled .at Bait more. A THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 345 rule was ai'.optccl that two-thirds of the whole number of votes sliourd be necessary to make a nominution, or to de- cide any question connec ed therewith. On the hrst bal- lot for I'rcsident Mr. Van Buren was nominated unani- mously, rcc-iving' 265 votes. In iS.55', Gen. William H. Harrison was nominated for President, with Fi ancis Granger for Vice-President, by a VVhigf State Convention at Harrisburg, Pa. Gen. Harri- son also received nomination in Maryland, New York, Ohio and other States. A Whig National Convention, representing twenty-one States, met at Harrisburg, Pa., December <), 1S39. James Barbour, of Virginia, presided, and the result of the first ballot was the nomination of Gen. William H. Harri- son, of Ohio, who received 148 votes to 90 for Henry Cliy, and 16 for Gen. Winfield Scott. John Tyler, of Virginia, was unanimously nominated as the Whig candidate for Vice-President. A Convention of Abolitionists was held at Warsaw, N. v., on the 13th of November, 1S39, and nominated for Presidentjames G. Birney, ofNew York, and for Vice- President, Francis J. Lemovne, of Pennsylvania. These gentlemen declined the nomination. Nevertheless they received a total of 7,609 votes in various Free States. A Democratic National Convention met at Baltimore, Mav S, iS+o, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President. The Convention then unanimously nom- inated Mr. \'an Buren for re-election as President. A Whig National Convention assembled in Baltimore on the 1st of May, iS).*, at which every State in the Union was represented, and Mr. Clay was nominated for Presi- dent by acclamation. A Democratic National Convention assembled at Balti- more on the 27th of May, 1S44, adopted tie two-thirds rule, and, after a stormy session of ihree days, James K. Polk, of Tennessee, was nominated for President, and Silas Wright, of New York, fcr Vice-President. Mr, AV'righl declined tlie nomination, and George -M. Dallas, ot Pennsylvania, was selected. The Liljtrly I'arly National Convention met at Buffalo on the 30lh of August, 1S43. James w. Birney, of Michi- gan, was unanimously nominated for President, with Thomas Morris, of Ohio, for Vice-President. A Whig National Convention met at Philadelphia on the 7th of June, I S4S. After a rather stormy session of three days. Gen. /.ichary Taylor, of ]^ouisi.ina, was nom- inated for President, and Millard Fillmore, of New York, for Vice-President. The Democratic National Convention for 1S48 assem- bled in Baltimore on the 22d of May. Tlie two-thirds rule was adopted, and Gen. I^ewis Cass was nominated for President on the fourth ballot. On the 9' h of August. 1 84S. a free Democratic or Free Soil Convention was heid at Buffalo, which was attended by delegates from seventeen States. Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, presided, and the Convention nominated Messrs. Van Buren and Adams as candidates for President and Vice-President. The Whig National Convention of 1852 assembled at Baltimore on the i6th of June, and after an exciting session of six days, nominated Gen. Winfield Scott as President, on the fifty-third ballot. 'I he Democratic Convention of 1852 assembled at Balti- more on the ist of June, and the two-thirds rule was adopted. Gen. Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, was nominated for President on the forty-ninth ballot. The Free Soil Democracy held a National Convention at Pittsburg, on the i ith of August, 1S52, Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, presiding. All the Free States were represented, with Delaware, Virginia. Kentucky and Miryland. John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, was nomi- nated for President, with George W. Julian, of Indiana, for Vice-President. The Republican National Convention of 1S56 met at Philadelphia on the 17th of June. Col. John C. Fremont was uuanimouslv nominated, having received 359 votes on the first ballot aganst 196 for John iVTcLean. On February 22d, 1856, the American National Nomi- nating Convention organized at Philadelphia, with 227 delegates in attendance. Mllard Fillmore was declared to be the nominee, with Andrew Jackson Donelson, of Tennessee, for Vice-President. The Democratic National Convention of iS0 met at Cincinnati on the 2d of June, and nominated James Bu- chanan on the seventeenth ballot. John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, was unanimously nominated for Vice- President. A Republican National Convention assembled at Chi- cago on May 16, 1S60, delegates being in attendance from all the Free States, as also from Delaware, Mary- land, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri. Abraham Ltn- coln was nominated for the Presidency on the third bal- lot, receiving 3i;4 out of 466 votes; his principal competi- tors being William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and Edward Pates. ■ A Democratic National Convention assembled at Charleston, S. C, on the 23d of April, jS6o, with full del- egations present from every State. Dissensions arising, chiefly out of questions of slavery in the Territories, too great to be reconciled, the delegatirns from seven Southern Stages withdrew, and the convention adjourned, after fifty-seven ineffectual ballots for a candidate, to meet at Ballimore, June 18. Here Stephen A. Douglas was nominated for President, and B. Fitzpatrick for Vice- President. The latter declined, and II. V.Johnson was substituted bvthe National Committee. The Convention of Seceders nominated John C. Breckinridge and Joseph I.ane. A "Constitutional Union" Convention irom twenty States met at Baltimore, May 9, 1S60, and nominated John Bell and Edward Kvere'tt for the Presidency and Vice- Presidency. iS(;)4. The Republican National Couvenlion met at Bal- timore, June 7. The renomination, for President, of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, was made unanimous, he h .ving received the votcsof all the States except Alissouri, 346 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. cast for Gen. Grant. For Vicc-PresiUcnt, An(.lre^vJolln- son, of Tennessee, ^vas nominated tn the second ballot, his principal competitors being- D. S. Dickinson and H. Hamlin. The Democratic National Convention met at Chicag-o, 111., August 29. Nominations — President, Georgu B. McClella'n, of New Jersey; Vice-President. Georg-e H. Pendleton, of Ohio. 1S68. The Republican National Convention met at Chicago, 111., May 20th. Nominations — President, Ulysses S. Grant, of Illinois; Vice-President, Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. The Djemocratic National Convention met at New York, July 4th. Nominations — President, Horatio Sey- mour, of New York*. Vice-)"resident, F"rancis P. Blar, Jr., of Missouri. 1S72. The Liberal Republican Convention met at Cincinnati, Ohio, May ist. Nominations — President, ICorace Gree- ley, of New York, on the sixth ballot, by 4S2 votes, against 1S7 for David Davis, of Illinois ; Vice-President, B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri, on the second ballot. The Republican National Convention met at Philadel- phia, Pa., June 5th. Nominations — Ulysses S. Grant, on the first ballot, unanimously; Vice-President, Henry Wil- son, of Massachusetts, receiving' 364 V4 votes against 321}^ for Schu - ler Colfax. The Democratic National Convention met at Baltimore, Maryland, July Qth. Nominations — President, Horace Greeley, on the first ballot, receiving 685 votes to 38 St at- tering; Vice-President, B. Gratz Brown, who received 713 votes. The Democratic ("Straight Out") Convention met at Louisville, Ky., September 3d. Nominations — President, Cha les O'Connor, of New York; Vice-President, John Qj Adams, of Massachusetts. The nominations were de- clined. 1S76. The Republican National Convention met at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 14. Nominations — President, Rutherford B. Haves, of Ohio, on the 7th ballot, receiving' 3S4 votes, to 351 for J. G. Blaine, and 21 for B. H. Bristow; A'ice-Pres- ident, William A. Wheeler, of New York. The Democratic National Convention met at St. Louis, Mo., June 27th. Nominations — President, Samuel J. Til- den, ofNcw York, on the second ballot, receiving 535 voti.s, against Si; for Hendricks, 54 for Wm. Allen, .i;S for W. S. Hanc'ck, and 6 scattering; Vice-President, Thom- as A. Hendricks, of Indiana. A " National Greenback Convention," composed of men opposed to specie resumption and in favor of natio - al paper money to take the place of bank issues, met.ai Indianapolis, May 17, with nineteen States represented Peter Cooper, of New York, and Samuel F. Cary, ofOhto, were nom.inated for President and Vice-Presidant. "A Prohibition Reform Partv " Convention m--* "t Cleveland. May 17th. and nominated Green Clay "^ ith of Kentucky, and R. T. Stewart, of Ohio. The Republican National Convention met at Chicago, June 2, 1880. Nominations— President, James A. Garfield, of Ohio, on the 36th ballot, received 399 votes to 306 for Ulysses S. Grant, 42 for James G. Blaine, 5 for E. B. Washburne, and 3 for John Sherman ; Vice-President, Chester A. Arthur, of New York. The Democratic National Convention met at Cincin- nati, Ohio, June 22, 1880. Winfield Scott Hancock was nominated for President. The National Greenback Convention met at Chicago, June 9, 1880, and nominated General J. B. Weaver, of Iowa, for President, and B. J. Chambers, of Texas, for Vice-President. The Prohibition Reform Party met at Cleveland, Ohio, June 17, 1880, and Nominated General Neal Dow of Maine, for President, and the Rev. Dr. Thompson, of Ohio, for Vice-President. The American Party's condidates for 1880, were Gen- eral John W. Phelps, of Vermont, for President, and Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, of Kansas, for Vice-President. The Republican National Convention met at Chicago, June 3, 1884. Nominations— President, James G. Blaine, of Maine, on the 4th ballot received 541 to 207 for Arthur, 40 for Edmunds, 15 for Hawley, 7 for Logan, 2 for Lin- coln, Vice-President, John A. Logan, of Illinois. The Democratic National Convention met at Chicago, Julys, 1884, Nominations— President, Grover Cleveland, of New York, on the second ballot received 683 votes to Bayard 8iJ^2, Hendricks 45^^, Thurman 4 Randall 4, McDonald 2 ; Vice-President, Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana. The Prohibition National Convention met at Pittsburg, July 23, 1S84. Nominations— President, John P. St. John, of Kansas, on the first ballot, received 602 votes ; Vice- President, William Daniel, of Maryland. The National Greenback Convention met at Indianap- olis. Nominations — President, Benj. F. Butler ; Vice- President, General A. M. West. 18S8. The Prohibition National Convention met at Indianap- olis, May 31, iSSS. Nominations — President, Clinton B, Fisk, of New Jersey, and John A. Btooks, of Missouri, for Vice-President. The Democratic National Convention met at St. Louis, Mo., June 6, iSSS. Nominations — President, Grover Cleveland, of New York, on the first ballot, by acclama- tion, Vice-President, Allen G. Thurmnn, of Ohio. The Republican National Convention met at Chicago, June 10, 1SS8. Nominations — President, Benjamin Har- rison, of Indiann, on the eighth b-il'ot received 544 voies to I iS for John Sherman, 100 for Alger 59 for Gr, sham, g for Blaine, 4 for McKinlev; Vice-President, Levi P. Morton, of New York. HON. LEONARD SWETT. 34S THE AMERICAN MANUAL. UOLLTIGAL ls?IiAi?FOr^MS Fl^OM I860 JPO 1388. 1$60.— Constitutional Union Platform. Baltimore, Alay g. \Vheieas, Experience has demoriPtrated that platforms adopted by the partisan conventions of the Country have had the effect to mislead and deceive the people, and at the same time to widen the political divisions of the Country, by the creation and encouragement of geo- graphical and sectional parties; therefore, Resolved, That it is both the part of pair'ot- ism and of duty to yvro^/n'^if no political- prin- ciples other than The Constitution ob the Country, the Union of the States, and THE Enforcement of the Laws; and that as representatives of the Constitutional Union men of the Country, in National Convention assembled, we hereby pledge ourselves to main- tain, protect, and defend, separately and iniitedly, those great principles of public liberty and national safety against all enemies at home and abroad, believing that thereby peace may once more be restored to the Country, the rights of the people and of the States re-estab- lished, and the Government again placed in that condition of justice, fraternity, and equal- ity, which, under the example and constitution of our fathers, has solemnly bound every cit- izen of the United States to maintain a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general vvelfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our poster- ity. ISGO. -Republican Platform. Chicago, May ij. Resolved, Thatwc, the delegated representa- tives of the Republican eJencrs of the United States, in convention c>tsenih1ed, in discharge of the duty we owe to our coi:£l)tueiits and our Country, unite in ihe following c)eclarat;ons: 1. That the history of the Nation, during the last foui years, has fully eslabliEhed the pro- pnet-y and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party, and that tht causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever before, demand its peaceful and constitu- tional triumph. 2. That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Indepen- dence and embodied in the Federal Constitution, "That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalien- able rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the con- sent of the governed," is essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions; and that the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the union of the States, muot and shall be preserved. 3. That to the union of the States this Na- tion owes its unprecedented increase in popu- lation, its surprising development of material resources, its rapid augmentation of wealth, its happiness at home and its honor abroad; and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for disunion, come from whatever source they may; and we THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 349 congratulate the Country that no Republican member of Congress has uttered or counten- anced the threats of disunion so often made by Democratic members, without rebuke and with applause from their political associates; and we denounce those threats of disunion, in case of a popular overthrow of their ascend- ency, as denying the vital principles of a free government, and as an avowal of contemplated treason, which it is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence. 4. That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of eadi State to order and control its own domes- tic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of pow- ers on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends; and we denounce the lawless invasion, by armed force, of the soil of any state or territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. 5. That the present Democratic administra- tion has far exceeded our worst apprehensions, in its measureless subserviency to the exac- tions of a sectional interest, as especially evinced in its desperate exertions to force the infamous Lecompton constitution upon the protesting people of Kansas; in construing the personal relations between master and servant to involve an unqualified property in persons; in its attempted enforcement, everywhere, on land and sea, through the intervention of Con- gress and of the Federal courts, of the extreme pretensions of a purely local interest; and in its general and unvarying abuse of the power entrusted to it by a confiding people. 6. That the people justly view with alarm the reckless extravagance which pervades ev- ery department of the Federal Government; " that a return to rigid economy and accounta- bility is indispensable to arrest the systematic plunder of the public treasury by favored par- tisans; while the recent startling developments of frauds and corruptions at the Federal metrop olis, show that an entire change of administra- tion is imperatively demanded. 7. That the new dogma, that the Constitution, of its own force, carries slavery into any or all of the territories of the United States, is a dan- gerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legislative and judicial precedent — is revolu- tionary in its tendency, and subversive of the peace and harmony of the country. 8. That the normal condition of all the ter- ritory of the United States is that of freedom; that as our republican lathers, when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory, ordained that "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law," it becomes our duty, by legislation, whenever such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it; and we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legis- lature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any territory of the United States. 9. That we brand the recent reopening of the African slave trade, under the cover of our na- tional flag, aided by perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity and a burn- ing shame to our Country and age; and we call upon Congress to take prompt and eflicient measures for the suppression of that execrable traffic. 10. That in the recent vetoes, by their Fede- ral governors, of the acts of the legislatures of Kansas and Nebraska, prohibiting slavery in those territories, we find a practical illustration of the boasted Democratic principle of non- intervention ayd popular sovereignty, embod • ied in the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and a demon- stration of the deception and fraud involved therein. 350 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 11. That Kan=;a~ should, of right, be imme- diately admitted as a state under the con- stitution recently formed and adopted by her people, and accepted by the House of Repre- sentatives. 12. That, rtaile providing rceaue for the support of the General Gove^r.men* by duties upon imports, 5ound policy -'equires such an adjustment of these imports as to encourage the development of C2.t industrial interest of the whole country; aad we commend that policy of national exchanges which secures to the working m;-. liberal wages, to agriculture remunerutive price-:, to mechaaics and manu- facturers an adequate reward for their skill, labor, and enterprise, and to the Nation com- mercial prosperity and independence. 13. That we protest against any sale or al- ienation to others of the public lands held by actual settlers, and against any view of the homestead policy which regards the settlers as paupers or suppliants for public bouuty ; and we demand the passage by Congress of the com- plete and satisfactory homestead measure which has already passed the House. 14. That the Republican party is opposed to any change in our naturalization laws, or any state legislation by which the rights of citizen- ship hitherto accorded to immigrants from foreign lands shall be abridged or irnpaired; and in favor of giving a full and efi&cient pro- tection to the rights of all classes of citizens, whether native or naturalized, both at home and abroad. 15. That appropriations by Congress for riv- er and harbor improvements of a national character, required for the accommodation and security of an existing commerce, are author- ized by the Constitution and justified by the obligations of Government to protect the lives and property of its citizens. 16. That a railroad to the Pacific ocean is imperatively demanded by the interest of the ■whole country; that the Federal Government'i ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construction; and iliat as a pieliminary thereto, a daily overland mail should be prompt- ly established. 17. Finally, having thus? .'■c'l fonb oui dis- tinctive principles and views' we inviit the co-operation of all citizens howevei diflenug on other quest'ons wbc f.ub&tst;lial]y agree with us in their affirmance aud suppcrl. IS60,-Domocri\lic (1>'Hw»as!s) Platform. Charleston, April ;>j, and Baltiinote, June 18. 1. fitiolved, That we, the Democracy of the Union, in convention assembled, hereby de- clare our affirmance of the resolutions unani- mously adopted and declared as a Platform of principles by the Democratic convention at Cincinnati, in the year 1856, believing that democratic principles are unchangeable in their nature when applied to the same subject-mat- ters; and we recommend, a.'- the only further resolutions, the following: Inasmuch as differences of opinion exist in the Democratic party as to the nature and extent of a territorial legislature, and as to the powers and duties of Congress, under the Constitution of the United States, over the in- stitution of slavery within the Territories: 2. Resolved, That the Democratic party will abide by the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States on the questions of consti- tutional law. 3. Resolved, That it is the duty of the United States to afford ample and complete protection to all its citizens, whethei at home or abroad, and whether native or foreign. 4. Resolved, That one of the necessities of the age, in a military, commercial, and postal THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 351 point of view, is speedy communication be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific states; and the Democratic party pledge such constitutional government aid as will insure the construction of a railroad to the Pacific coast at the earliest practicable moment. 5. Resolved, That the Democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of the island of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to our- selves and just to Spain. 6. Resolved, That the enactments of State legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugit A'e Slave Law are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolution- ary in their effect. 7. Resolved, That it is in accordance with the true interpretation of the Cincinnati plat- form, that, during the existence of the territo- rial governments, the measure of restriciioii, whatever it may be, imposed by the Federal ■ Constitution on the power of the territorial legislature over the subject of domestic rela- tions, as the same has been, or shall hereaiter be, finally detennined by the vSupreme Court of the United States, shall be respected by all good citizens, and enforced with promptness and fidelity by every branch of the General Government. 1860.— Doinocfatic(Breckiiirld^e) Pint form. C/mrleslon and Baltimore. Resolved, That the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be aflirmed, with the following explanatory resolutions: I. That the government of a territory, or- ganized by an act of Congress, is provisional and temporary; and, during its existence, all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle, with their property in the Ter- ritory, without their rights, either of person or property, being destroyed or impaired by congressional or territorial legislation. 2. That it is the duty of the F'ederal Govern- ment, in all its departments, to protect, when necessary, the rights of persons and property in the Territories, and wherever else its con- stitutional authorit}' extends. 3. That when the settlers in a territory hav- ing an adequate population form a State con- stitution in pursuance of law, the right of sovereignty commences,aud,being consumated by admission into the Union, they stand on an eqvial footing with the people of other vStates, and the State thus organized ought to be admitted into the Federal Union, whether its constitution prohibits or recognizes the in- stitution of slavery. 4. That the Democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of the Island of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain, at the earliest practicable moment. 5. That the enactments of State legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect. 6. That the Democracy of the United States recognize it as the imperative duty of this Government to protect the naturalized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lands, to the same extent as its native-born citizens. JF/z', who have periled their lives in defense of their country and in vindi- cation of the honor of its flag; that the Nation owes to them some permanent recognition of their patriotism and their valor, and ample and permanent provision for those of their survivors who have received disabling and honorable wounds in the service of the Coun- ,try; and that the memories of those who have 'fallen in its defense shall be held in grateful and evei lasting remembrance. Resolved, That we approve and applaud the practical wisdom, the unselfish patriotism, and the unswerving fidelity to the Constitution and the principles of American liberty with which Abraham Lincoln has discharged, under circumstances of unparalleled difficulty, the great duties and responsibilities of the pres- idential oflSce; that we approve and indorse, as demanded by the emergency and essential to the preservation of the Nation, and as with- in the provisions of the Constitution, the measures and acts which he has adopted to defend the Nation against its open and secret foes; that we approve, especially, the Procla- mation of Emancipation, and the employment as Union soldiers, of men heretofore held in slaver}' ;and that we have full confidence in his determination to carry these, and all other constitutional measures essential to the salva- tion of the Country, into full and complete effect. Resolved, That we deem it essential to the general welfare that harmony should prevail in the National councils, and we regard as worthy of public confidence and official trust those only who cordially indorse the principles proclaimed in these resolutions, and which should characterire the administration of the Government. Resolved, That the Government owes to all, men employed in its armies, without regard to distinction of color, the full protection of the laws of war; and that any violation of these laws, or of the usages of civilized nations in the time of war, by the rebels now in arms, . should be made the subject of prompt and full redress. Resolved, That foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, : development of resources, and increase of power to this Nation — the asylum of the op- pressed of all nations-should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy. Resolved, That we are in favor of the speedy construction of the railroad to the Pacific coast. Resolved, That the National faith, pledged for the redemption of the public debt, must be THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 355 kept inviolate; and that, for this purpose, we recommend economy and rigid responsibility in the public expenditures and a vigorous and just system of taxation; and that it is the duty of every loyal state to sustain the credit and promote the use of the National currency. Resolved, That we approve the position tak- en by the Government, that the people of the United States can never regard with indiffer- ence the attempt of any European power to overthrow by force, or to supplant by fraud, the institutions of any republican government on the western continent, and that they will \'iew with extreme jealousy, as menacing to the peace and independence of this, our Coun- try, the efforts of any such power to obtain new footholds for monarchical governments, sustained by a foreign military force, in near proximity to the United States. 1864,— Democratic Platrorm. Chicago, August, 29. Resolved, That in the future, as in the past, we will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the Union under the Constitution, as the only solid foundation of our strength, security, and hap- piness as a people, and as a frame-work of Government equally conducive to the welfare and prosperity of all the States, both northern and southern, Resolvedy^hat this convention does explicit- ly declare, as the sense of the American peo- ple, that after four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war, during which, under the pretense of a military ne- cessity of a war power higher than the Con- stitution, the Constitution itself has been disregarded in every part, and public liberty and private right alike trodden down, and the material prosperity of the Country essentially impaired, justice, humanity, liberty, and the public welfare demand that immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to an ultimate convention of all the States, or other peaceable means, to the end that, at the earliest practicable moment, peace may be restored on the basis of the federal ' union of all the States. Resolved, That the direct interference of, the military authority of the United States in the recent elections held in Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri and Delaware, was a shameful violation of the Constitution; and the repetition of such acts in the approaching election will be held as revolutionary, and re- sisted with all the means and power under our control. Resolved, That the aim and object of the; Democratic party is to preserve the Federal | Union and the rights of the States unimpaired; j and they hereby declare that they consider the administrative unsurpation of extraordinaryi and dangerous powers not granted by the Con-( stitution, the subversion of the civil by the military law in states not in insurrection, the arbitrary military arrest, imprisonment, trial,, and sentence of American citizens in States where civil law exists in full force, the sup- pression of freedom of speech and of the press, the denial of the right of asylum, the open- and avowed disregard of state rights, the em- ployment of unusual test-oaths, and the inter- ference with and denial of the right of the, people to bear arms in their defense, as calcu-' lated to prevent a restoration of the Union and the perpetiiation of a government deriving its just powers from the consent of the gov- erned. Resolved, That the shameful disregard of the administration of its duty in respect to our fellow-citizens who now are, and long have been, prisoners of war,in a suffering condition, deserves the severest reprobation, on the S.IG THE AMERICAN MANUAL. score alike of public policy and common hu- manity. Resolved, That the sympathy of the Demo- cratic party is heartily and earnestly extended to the soldiery of our army and the sailors of our navy, who are and have been in the field and on the sea under the flag of their Country; and, in the event of our attaining power, they will receive all the care and protection, regard and kindness, that the brave soldiers of the Republic have so nobly earned. 1868.— Repnblicnn Platform. Chicago, May 20. 1. We congratulate the Country on the as- sured success of the reconstruction policy of Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in the ma- jority of the States lately in rebellion, of con- stitutions securing equal civil and political rights to all; and it is the duty of the Govern- ment to sustain those institutions and to pre- vent the people of such States from being remitted to a state of anarchy. 2. The guarantee by Congress of equal suf- frage to all loyal men at the south was de- manded by every consideration of public safety, of gratitude, and of justice, and must be maintained; while the question of suffrage in all the loyal States properly belongs to the people of those States. 3. We denounce all forms of repudiation as a National crime; and tlie National honor re- quires the payment of the public indebtedness in the uttermost good faith to all creditors at home and abroad, not only according to the letter but the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. 4. It is due to the labor of the Nation that taxation should be equalized and reduced as rapidly as the National faith will permit 5. The National debt, contracted as it has been for the preservation of the Union for all time to come, should be extended over a fair period for redemption; and it is the duty of^ Congress to reduce the rate of interest ihereon whenever it can be honestly done. 6. That the best policy to diminish our bur- den of debts is to so improve our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at low- er rates of interest than w-e now pay, and must continue topa}' so long as repudiation, partial or total,open or covert, isithreatened or suspected. 7. The Government of the United States should be administered with the strictest econ- omy; and the corruptions which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson call loudly for radical reform. 8. We profoundly deplore the tragic death of Abraham L,incoln, and regret the accession to the Presidency of Andrew Johnson, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause he was pledged to support; who has usurped high legislative and judicial functions;who has refused to execute the laws; who has used his high office to induce other oflScers to ignore and violate the laws; who has employed his executive powers to render inse- cure the property, the peace, liberty, and life of the citizen; who has abused the pardoning power; who has denounced the National legis- lature as unconstitutional ;who has persistently and corruptly resisted, by every means in his power, every proper attempt at the reconstruc- tion of the States lately in rebellion; who has perverted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption; and who has been justl)' impeached for high crimes and misde- meanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the vote of thirty-five Senators. 9. The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers, that because a man is once' a subject he is always so, must be resisted at every hazard by the United States, as a relic THE AMERICAN MANUAL, 35 of feudal times, not authorized by the laws of nations, and at war with our National honor and independence. Naturalized citizens are entitled to protection in all their rights of citizenship as though they were native-born; and no citizen of the United States, native or naturalized, must be liable to arrest and im- prisonment by any foreign power for acts done or words spoken in this Country; and, if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the duty of the Government to interfere in his behalf. 10. Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more special honor than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of campaign and cruise, and imperiled their lives in the service of the Country. The boun- ties and pensions provided by the laws for these brave defenders of the Nation are obli- gations never to be forgotten; the widows and orphans of the gallant dead are the wards of the people — a sacred legacy bequeathed to the Nation's protecting care. 11. Foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, develop- ment, and resources, and increase of power to this Republic, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encour- aged by a liberal and just policy. 12. This convention declares itself in sym- pathy with all oppressed people who are struggling for their rights. 13. That we highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forbearance with which men who have served in the Rebellion, but who now frankly and honestly co-operate with us in restoring the peace of the Country and reconstructing the Southern state govern- ments upon the basis of impartial justice and equal rights, arereceived back into the commun- ion of the loyal people ;and we favor the remov- al of the disqualifications and restrictions im- posed upon the late rebels, in the same meas- ure as the spirit of disloyalty shall die out.and as may be consistent with the safety of the loyal people. 14. That we recognize the great principles laid down in the immortal Declaration of In- dependence, as the true foundation of democratic government; and we hail with gladness every effort towards making these principles a living reality on every inch of American soil. IS6S.— Democratic Platform. New York, July 4. The Democratic party, in National conven- tion assembled, reposing its trust in the intel- ligence, patriotism, and discriminating Justice of the people, standing upon the Constitution' as the foundation and limitation of the powers of the Government and the guarantee of the liberties of the citizen, and recognizing the questions of slavery and secession as having been settled, for all time to come, by the war or voluntary action of the Southern States in constitutional conventions assembled, and never to be revived or reagitated, do, with the return of peace, demand — 1. Immediate restoration of all the States to their rights in the Union under the Constitu- tion, and of civil government to the American people. 2. Amnesty for all past political ofiFenses, and the regulation of the elective franchise in the States by their citizens. 3. Payment of all the public debt of the United States as rapidly as practicable — all money drawn from the people by tax- ation, except so much as is requisite for the necessities of the Government, economically administered, being honestly applied to such payment; and where the obligations of the 858 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Government do not expressly state upon their face, or the law under which they were issued does not provide that they shall be paid in coin, they ought, in right and in justice, to be paid in the lawful money of the United States. 4. Equal taxation of every species of prop- erty according to its real value, including Gov- ernment bonds and other public securities, 5. One currency for the Government and the people, the laborer and the office holder, the pensioner and the soldier, the producer and the bondholder. 6. Economy in the administration of the Government; the reduction of the standing army and navy; the abolition of the Freed- man's Bureau and all political instrumentali- ties designed to secure negro supremacy; sim- plification of the system and discontinuance of inquisitorial modes of assessing and col- lecting internal revenue; that the burden of taxation may by equalized and lessened, and the credit of the Government and the currency made good; the repeal of all enactments for enrolUng the state militia into National forces in time of peace; and a tariff for revenue upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation tinder the internal revenue laws as will afford incidental protection to domestic manvifactures, and as will, without impairing the revenue, impose the least burden upon, and best pro- mote and encourage, the great industrial in- terests of the Countiy. 7. Reform of abuses in the administration; the expulsion of corrupt men from office; the abrogation of useless offices; the restoration of rightlul authority to, and the independence of, the Executive and Judicial departments of the Government; the subordination of the mil- itary to the civil power, to the end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of the sword may cease. 8. Equal rights and protection for natural- ized and native-bom citizens, at home and abroad; the assertion of American nationality which shall command the respect of foreign powers, and furnish an example and encour- agement to people struggling for national in- tegrity, constitutional liberty and individual rights; and the maintenance of the rights of naturalized citizens against the absolute doc- trine of immutable allegiance and the claims of foreign powers to punish them for alleged crimes committed beyond their jurisdiction. In demanding these measures and reforms, we arraign the Radical party for its disregard of right and'the unparalleled oppression and tyranny which have marked its career. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses of Congress to prosecute the war exclusively for the maintenance of the Gov- ernment and preservation of the Union tinder the Constitution, it has repeatedly violated the most sacred pledge under which alone was rallied that noble volunteer army which car- ried our flag to victory. Instead of restoring the Union, it has, so far as in its power, dis- solved it, and subjected ten states, in time of profound peace, to military despotism and ne- gro supremacy. It has nullified there the right of trial by jury; it has abolished the habeas corpus, that most sacred writ of liberty; it has overthrown the freedom of speech and press; it has substituted arbitrary seizures and arrests, and military trials and secret star-chamber requisitions, for the constitutional tribunals; it has disregarded, in time of peace, the right of the people to be free from searches and seizures; it has entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the private rooms of individ- uals, and seized their private papers and let ' ters, without any specific charge or notice of affidavit, as required by the organic law. It has converted the American capitol into a bastile; it has established a system of spies and official espionage to which no constitution- al monarchy of Europe would now dare to resort. It has abolished the right of appeal, on important constitutional questions, to the THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 359 supreme judicial tribunals, and threatens to curtail or destroy its original jurisdiction, whicli is irrevocably vested by the Constitu- tion; while the learned Chief Justice has been subjected to the most atrocious calumnies, merely because he would not prostitute his high office to the support of the false and partisan charges preferred against the Presi- dent. Its corruption and extravagance have .exceeded anything known in history; and, by fraud and monopolies, it has nearly doubled the burden of the debt created by the war. It has stripped the President of his constitution- al power of appointment, even of his own cab- inet. Under its repeated assaults, the pillars of the Government are rocking on their base; and should it succeed in November next, and inaugurate its President, we will meet, as a subjected and conquered people, amid the ruins of liberty and the scattered fragments of the Constitution. And we do declare and resolve that ever since the people of the United States threw off all subjection to the British crown, the priv- ilege and trust of suffrage have belonged to the several States, and have been granted, regulated, and controlled exclusively by the political power of each State respectively; and that any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or interfere with its exercise, is a flagrant usur- pation of power which can find no warrant in the Constitution, and,if sanctioned by the peo- ple, will subvert our form of government, and can only end in a single, centralized, and con- solidated, government, in which the separate existence of the States will be entirely ab- sorbed, and an unqualified despotism be es- tablished in place of a federal union of co-equal States. And that we regard the construction acts (so called) of Congress as usurpations, and unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void. That our soldiers and sailors, who carried the flag of our Country to victory against the most gallant and determined foe, must ever be gratefully remembered, and all the guarantees^ given in their favor must be faithfully carried into execution. That the public lands should be distributed as widely as possible among the people, and should be disposed of either under the pre- emption of homestead lands or sold in reason- able quantities, and to none but actual occu- pants, at the minimum price established by the Government. When grants of public lands, may be allowed, necessary for the encourage- ment of important public improvements, the proceeds of the sale of such lands, and not the lands themselves, should be so applied. ' That the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, in exercising the power of his high office in resisting the aggressions of Congress upon the constitutional rights of the States and the people, is entitled to the grati- tude of the whole American people; and, on behalf of the Democratic party, we tender him our thanks for his patriotic efforts in that re-, gard. Upon this platform, the Democratic party appeal to every patriot, including all the con- servative element and all who desire to sup- port the Constitution and restore the Union, forgetting all past differences of opinion, to unite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people; and that to all such, to whatever party they may have here- tofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellowship, and hail all such, co-operating with us, as friends and brethren. Resolved, That this convention sympathizes cordially with the working men of the United States in their efforts to protect the rights and interests of the laboring classes of the Coun- try. Resolved, That the thanks of the conven- tion are tendered to Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, for the justice, dignity,and impartiality 360 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. vdtli which he presided over the court of im- peachment on the trial of President Andrew Johnson. 1973.— labor Reform Platform. Columbus, February, 21. We hold that all political power is inherent in the people, and free government founded on their authority and established for their benefit; that all citizens are equal in political rights, entitled to the largest religious and political liberty compatible with the good or- der of society, as also the use and enjoyment of the fruits of their labor and talents: and no man or set of men is entitled to exclusive sep- arable endowments and privileges or immuni- ties from the Government, but in consideration of public services, and any laws destructive of these fundamental principles are without mor- al binding force, and should be repealed. And believing that all the evils resulting from un- just legislation now affecting the industrial classes can be removed by the adoption of the principles contained in the following declara- tion: therefore. Resolved, That it is the duty of the Govern- ment to establish a just standard of distribution of capital and labor, by providing a purely national circulating medium, based on the faith and resources of the Nation, issued di- rectly to the people without the intervention of any system of banking corporations, which money shall be legal tender in the pay- ment of all debts, public and private and 'interchangeable, at the option of the holder, 'for government bonds bearing a rate of inter- est not to exceed 3.65 per cent, subject to fu- ture legislation by Congress. 2. That the national debt should be paid in good faith, according to the original contract, at the earliest option of the Government, with- out mortgaging the property of the people or the future exigencies of labor to enrich a few capitalists at home and abroad. 3. That justice demands that the burdens of Government should be so adjusted as to bear equally on all classes, and the exemption from taxation of government bonds bearing extrav- agant rates of interest, is a violation of all just principles of revenue laws. 4. That the Public lands of the United States belong to the people, and should not be sold to individuals nor granted to corporations but should be held as a sacred trust for the benefit of the people, and should be granted to landless settlers only, in amounts not ex- ceeding one hundred and sixty acres of land. 5. That Congress should modify the tariff so as to admit free such articles of common use as we can neither produce nor grow, and lay duties for revenue mainly upon articles of luxury and upon such articles of manufacture as will, we having the raw materials, assist in further developing the resources of the Country. 6. That the presence in our Country of Chinese laborers,' imported by capitalists in large numbers for servile use is an evil entail- ing want and its attendant train of misery and crime on all classes of American people, and should be prohibited by legislation. 7. That we ask for the enactment of a law by which all mechanics and day-laborers em- ployed by, or on behalf of the Government, whether directly or indirectly, through persons, firms, or corporations, contracting with the State shall conform to the reduced' standard' of eight hours a day, recently adopted by Congress for National employes; and also for an amendment to the acts of incorporation for cities and towns, by which all laborers and mechanics employed at their expense shall conform to the same number of hours. 8. That the enlightened spirit ot the age de- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 361 tnands the abolition of the system of contract labor in our prisons and other reformatory in- stitutions. 9. That the protection of life, liberty, and property are the three cardinal principles of government, and the first two are more sacred than the latter; therefore, money needed for prosecuting wars, should, as it is required, be assessed and collected from the wealthy of the Country, and not entailed as a burden on pos- terity. 10. That it is the duty of the Government to exercise its power over railroads and telegraph corporations, that they shall not in any case be privileged to exact such rates of freight, trans- portation, or charges, by whatever name, as may bear unduly or unequally on the produ- cer or consumer. Ti. That there should be such a reform in the civil service of the National Government as will remove it beyond all partisan influence and place it in the charge and under the di- rection of intelligent and competent business men. 12. That as both history and experience teach us that power ever seeks to perpetuate itself by every and all means, and that its prolonged possession in the hands of one per- son is always dangerous to the interests of a free people, and believing that the spirit of our organic laws, and stability and safety of our free institutions are best obeyed on the one hand, and secured on the other, by a reg- ular constitutional change in the chief of the Country at each election; therefore, we are in favor of limiting the occupancy of the Presi- dential chair to one term. 13. That we are in favor of granting general amnesty and restoring the Union at once on tlae basis of equality of rights and privileges to all, the impartial administration of justice being the only true bond of union to bind the States together and restore the government of the people. 14. That we demand the subjection of the military to the civil authorities, and the con- finement of its operations to national purposes alone. 15. That we deem it expedient for Congress to supervise the patent laws so as to give labor more fully the benefit of its own ideas and in- ventions. 16. That fitness, and not political or person- al considerations, should be the only recom- mendation to public office, either appointive or elective; and any and all laws looking to the establishment of this principle are heart- ily approved. 1S73.— Proliibition Platform. Columbus, Ohio, February 22. The preamble recites that protection and allegiance are reciprocal duties; and every cit- izen who yields obediently to the full com- mands of Government should be protected in all the enjoyment of personal security, personal liberty, and private property. That the trafiic in intoxicating drinks greatly impairs the per- sonal security and personal liberties of a great mass of citizens, and renders private property insecure. That all political parties are hope- lessly unwilling to adopt an adequate policy on this question: therefore, as a National Con- vention, we adopt the following declaration of principles: That while we acknowledge the true patriot- ism and profound statesmanship of those pa- triots who laid the foundation of this Govern- ment, securing at once the rights of the States severally in their inseparable union by the federal constitution, we would not merely gar- nish the sepulchres of our republican lathers, but we do hereby renew our pledges of solemn 363 777^ AMERICAN MANUAL. fealty to the imperishable principles of civil and religious liberty embodied in the Declara- tion of Independence and our Federal Consti- tution. That the traffic in intoxicating beverages is a dishonor to Christain civilization, a political wrong of unequalled enormity, subversive of ordinary objects of government, not capable of being regulated or restrained by any system of license whatever, and imperatively de- mands, for its suppression, effective legal prohibition, both by State and National legis- lation. That there can be no greater peril to a nation than existing party competition for the liquor vote. That any party not opposed to the traf- fic, experience shows will engage in this com- petition — will court the favor of criminal classes-will barter away the public morals, the purity of the ballot, and every object of good government, for party success. That, as prohibitionists, we will individually use all efforts to persuade men from the use of intoxicating liquors; and we invite all persons to assist in this movement. That competence, honesty, and sobriety are indispensable qualifications for holding office. That removals from public office for mere political differences of opinion are wrong. That fixed and moderate salaries of public officers should take the place of fees and per- quisites; and that all means should be taken to prevent corruption and encourage economy. That the President and Vice President should be elected directly by the people. That we are in favor of a sound National currency, adequate to the demands of business, and convertible into gold and silver at the will of the holder, and the adoption of every meas- ure compatible with justice and public safety to appreciate our present currency to the gold standard. That the rates of ocean and inland postage, and railroad telegraph lines and water trans- portation, should be made as low as possible by Jaw. That we are opposed to all discrimination, in favor of capital against labor, as well as all' monopoly and class legislation. That the removal of the burdens imposed in the traffic of intoxicating drinks will emanci- pate labor, and will practically promote labor reform. That suffrage should be granted to all per- sons, without regard to sex. That the fostering and extension of common schools is a primary duty of the Government. That a liberal policy should be pursued to promote foreign immigration. 1873.— Liberal Republican Platform. Cincijinati, May i. We, the Liberal Republicans of the United States, in National Convention assembled at Cincinnati, proclaim the following principles as essential to just government. 1. We recognize the equality of all men be- fore the law, and hold that it is the duty ofi Government, in its dealings with the people, ' to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of; whatever nativity, race, color, or persuasion, religious or political. 2. We pledge ourselves to maintain the Union of these States, emancipation, and en- franchisement, and to oppose any reopening of the questions settled by the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments of the Constitution. 3. We demand the immediate and absolute removal of all disabilities imposed on account of the Rebellion which was finally svibdued seven years ago, believing that universal am- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 363 nesty will result in complete pacification in all sections of the Country. 4. Local self-government, with impartial suffrage, will guard the rights of all citizens more securely than any centralized power. The public welfare requires the supremacy of the civil over the military authority, and the freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus. We demand for the individual the largest liberty consistent with public order, for the State sell-government, and for the Na- tion a return to the methods of peace and the constitutional limitations of power. 5. The civil service of the Government has become a mere instrument of partisan tyranny and personal ambition, and an object of selfish greed. It is a scandal and reproach upon free institutions, and breeds a demoralization dan- gerous to the perpetuity of republican govern- ment. We, therefore, regard a thorough reform of the civil service as one of the most pressing necessities of the hour; that honesty, capacity, and fidelity constitute the only valid claims to public employment; that the offices of the Government cease to be a matter of arbitrary favoritism and patronage, and that public sta- tion shall become again a post of honor. To this end, it is imperatively required that no President shall be a candidate for re-election. 6. We demand a system of federal taxation which shall not unnecessarily interfere with the industry of the people, and which shall provide the means necessary to pay the expenses of the Government, economically administered, the pensions, the interest on the public debt, and a moderate reduction annually of the principal thereof; and recognizing that there are in our midst honest but irreconcilable diff"erences of opinion with regard to the re- spective systems of protection and free trade, we remit the discussion of the subject to the people in their Congressional districts and the decision of Congress thereon, wholly free from Executive interference or dictation. 7. The public credit must be sacredly main- tained, and we denounce repudiation in every form and guise. 8. A speedy return to specie payment is de- manded alike by the highest considerations of commercial morality and honest government. 9. We remember with gratitude the heroism and sacrifices of the soldiers and sailors of the Republic^and no act of ours shall ever detract from their justly earned fame or the full re- wards of their patriotism. 10. We are opposed to all further grants of lands to railroads or other corporations. The public domain should be held sacred to actual settlers. 11. We hold that it is the duty of the Gov- ernment, in its intercourse with foreign nations, to cultivate the friendships of peace, by treat- ing all on fair and equal terms, regarding it ahke dishonorable either to demand what is not right or submit to what is wrong. 12. For the promotion and success of these vital principles and the support of the candi- dates nominated by this Convention, we invite and cordially welcome the co-operation of all patriotic citizens, without regard to previous political aflaiiations. 1872.— Democratic Platiorni. Baltimore, July g. We, the Democratic electors of the United States, in convention assembled, do present the following principles, already adopted at Cincinnati, as essential to just government: [Here followed the "Liberal Republican Platform;" which see above.] 364 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 1878 ,— Bepubllcan Platform. Philadelphia, June 5. The Republican party of the United States, assembled in National Convention in the city of Philadelphia, on the 5th and 6th days of June, 1872; again declares its faith, appeals to its history, and announces its position upon the questions before the country: I. During eleven years of supremacy it has accepted, with grand courage, the solemn duties of the time. It suppressed a gigantic rebellion, emancipated four millions of slaves, decreed the equal citizenship of all, and estab- lished universal suffrage. Exhibiting unparal- leled magnanimity, it criminally punished no man for political offences, and warmly vvel- comed all who proved their loyalty by obeying the laws and dealing justly with their neigh- bors. It has steadily decreased, with firm hand, the resultant disorders of a great war, and ini- tiated a wise and humane policy toward the Indians. The Pacific railroad and other simi- lar vast enterprises have been generously aided and successfully conducted, the public lands freely given to actual settlers, immigration protected and encouraged, and a full acknowl- edgment of the naturalized citizen's rights secured from European powers. A uniform National currency has been provided, repudia- tion frowned down, the National credit sus- tained inider the most extraordinary burdens, and new bonds negotiated at lower rates. The revenues liave been carefully collected and honestly applied. Despite annual large reduc- tions of the rates of taxation, the public debt has been reduced during General Grant's presidency at the rate of a hundred millions a 3'ear, great financial crises have been avoided, and peace and plenty prevail throughout the land. Menacing foreign difliculties have been peacefully and honorably compromised, and the honor and power of the Nation kept in high respect throughout the world. This glorious record of the past is the party's best pledge for the future. We believe the people will not intrust the Government to any party or combi- nation of men composed chiefly of those who have resisted every step of this beneficent pro- gress. 2. The recent amendments to the National Constitution should be cordially sustained because they are right, not merely tolerated because they are law, and should be carried out according to their spirit by appropriate legisla- tion, the enforcement of which can safely be intrusted only to the party that secured these amendments. 3. Complete liberty and exact equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political, and public rights should be established and effectually maintained throughout the Union by efficient' and appropriate State and Federal legislation. Neither the law nor its administration should admit any discrimination in respect to citizens by reason of race, creed, color, or previous^ condition of servitude. 4. The National Government should seek to' maintain honorable peace with all nations,: protecting its citizens everywhere, and sym- pathizing with all peoples who strive for great- er liberty. 5. Any system of civil service under which the subordinate positions of the Government are considered rewards for mere party zeal is fatally demoralizing; and we, therefore favor a reform of the system, by laws which shall abol- ish the evils of patronage, and make honesty,; efficiency, and fidelity the essential qualifica- tions for public positions, without practically creating a life tenure of office. 6. We are opposed to further grants of the public lands to corporations and monopolies,: and demand that the National domain be sett apart for free homes for the people. 7. The annual revenue, after paying current expenditures, pensions, and the interest on the public debt, should furnish a moderate bal- ance for the reduction of the principal; and THE AMERICAN MANUAL. C65 that revenue, except so much as may be de- rived from a tax upon tobacco and liquors, should be raised by duties upon importations, the details of which should be so adjusted as to aid in securing remunerative wages to labor, and promote the industries, prosperity, and growth of the whole Country. 8. We hold in undying honor the soldiers and sailors whose valor saved the Union. Their pensions are a sacred debt of the Nation, and the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are entitled to the care of a generous and grateful people. We favor such additional legislation as will extend the boun- ty of the Government to all our soldiers and sailors who were honorably discharged, and who in the line of duty became disabled, with- out regard to the length of service or the cause of such discharge. 9. The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers concerning allegiance-"once a subject always a subject" — having at last, through the efforts of the Republican party, been abandoned, and the American idea of the individual's right to transfer allegiance having been accepted by European nations, it is the duty of our Government to guard with jealous care the rights of adopted citizens against the assumption of unauthorized claims by their former governments, and we urge continued careful encouragement and protec- tion of voluntary immigration. 10. The franking privilege ought to be abol- ished, and a way prepared for a speedy reduc- tion in the rates of postage. 11. Among the questions which press for attention is t|jat which concerns the relations of capital and labor; and the Republican party recognizes the duty of so shaping leg- islation as to secure full protection and the amplest field for capital, and for labor, the creator of capital, the largest opportunities and a just share of the mutual profits of these two great servants of civilization. 12. We hold that Congress and the President have only fulfilled an imperative duty in their measures for the suppression of violence and treasonable organizations in certain lately re- bellious regions, and for the protection of the ballot-box; and, therefore, they are entitled to the thanks of the Nation. 13. We denounce repudiation of the public debt, in any form or disguise, as a National crime. We witness with pride the reduction of the principal of the debt, and of the rates of interest upon the balance, and confidently ex- pect that our excellent National currency will be perfected by a speedy resumption of specie payment. 14. The Republican party is mindful of its obligations to the loyal women of America for their noble devotion to the cause of freedom. Their admission to wider fields of usefulness is viewed with satisfaction; and the honest de- mand of any class of citizens for additional' rights should be treated with respectful con-' sideration. 15. We heartily approve the action of Con- gress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion, and rejoice in the growth of peace and fraternal feeling throughout the land. 1 6. The Republican party proposes to respect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the powers delegated by them to the States and to the Federal Government. It disapproves of the resort to unconstitutional laws for the purpose of removing evils, by in- terference with rights not stirrendered by the people to either the State or the National Gov- ernment. 17. It is the duty of the General Government to adopt such measures as may tend to encour- age and restore American commerce and ship- building. 18. We believe that the modest patriotism, 3GG THE AMERICAN MANUAL. the earnest purpose, the sound judgment, the practical wisdom, the incorruptible integrity, and the illustrious services of Ulysses S. Grant have commended him to the heart of the Amer- ican People; and vv^ith him at our head, we start to-day upon a new march to victory. 19. Henry Wilson, nominated for the Vice- Presidency, known to the whole land from the early days of the great struggle for liberty as an indefatigable laborer in all campaigns, au incorruptible legislator and representative man of American institutions, is worthy to as- sociate with our great leader and share the honors which we pledge oiur best efforts to be- stow upon them. 1S72.— Democratic (Straig:bt-ont) Platform. Louisville, Kentucky, September j. Whereas, A frequent recurrence to first prin- ciples and eternal vigilance against abuses are the wisest provisions for liberty, which is the source of progress, and fidelity to our constitu- tional system is the only protection for either: therefore. Resolved, That the original basis of our whole political structure is consent in every part thereof. The people of each State voluntarily created their State, and the States voluntarily formed the Union; and each State provided by its written constitution for everything a State could do for the protection of life, liberty, and property within it; and each State, jointly with the others, provided a federal union for foreign and inter-state relations. Resolved, That all governmental powers, whether State or Federal, are trust powers coming from the people of each State, and that tliey are limited to the written letter of the Constitution and the laws passed in pursuance of it; which powers must be exercised in the utmost good faith, the Constitution itself stat- ing in what manner they may be altered and amended. Resolved, That the interests of labor and capital should not be permitted to conflict, but should be harmonized by judicious legislation.. While such a conflict continues, labor, which is the parent of wealth, is entitled to paramount consideration. Resolved, That we proclaim to the world that principle is to be preferred to power; that the Democratic party is held together by the cohesion of time honored principles, which they will never surrender in exchange for all the ofl&ces which Presidents can confer. The pangs of the minorities are doubtless excrucia- ting; but we welcome an eternal minority, un- der the banner inscribed with our principles, rather than an almighty and everlasting ma- jority, purchased by their abandonment. Resolved, That having been betrayed at Baltimore into a false creed and a false leader- ship by the Convention, we repudiate both, and appeal to the people to approve our plat- form, and to rally to the polls and support the true platform and the candidates who embody it. 1S75.— The American National Platform. Adopted in Mass Meeting, Pittsbutg, June p. We hold: 1. That ours is a Christian and not a heathen nation, and that the God of the Christian Scriptures is the author of civil government. 2. That God requires and man needs a Sab- bath. 3. That the prohibition of the importation, manufactiure, and sale of intoxicating drinks THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 36'; as a beverage, is the true policy on the temper- ance question. 4. The charters of all secret lodges granted by our Federal and State legislatures should be withdrawn, and tueir oaths prohibited by law. 5. That the civil equality secured to all American citizens by articles 13th, 14th, and 15th of our amended constitution should be preserved inviolate. 6. That arbitration of dififerences with nations is the most direct and sure method of secxu'iug and perpetuating a permanent peace. 7. That to cultivate the intellect without im- pro\'ing the morals of men is to make mere adepts and experts: therefore, the Bible should be associated with books of science and litera- ture in all our educational institutions. 8. That land and other monopolies should be discountenanced. 9. That the Government should furnish the people with an ample and sound currency and a return to specie payment, as scon as practi- cable. 10. That the maintenance of the public credit, protection to all loyal citizens, and jus- tice to Indians are essential to the honor and safety of our Nation. XI. And, finallj', we demand for the Ameri- can people the abolition of electoral colleges, and a direct vote for President and Vice-Presi- dent of the United States. [Their Candidates were James B. Walker, Wheaton, Illinois, for President; and Donald Kirkpatrick, Syracuse, New York, for Vice- President.] 187C.— Prohibition Reform Platform. Cleveland, Ohio, May //. The Prohibition Reform party of the United States, organized in the name of the people, to revive, enforce, and perpetuate in the Govern- ment the doctrines of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, submit, in this centennial year of the republic, for the suffrages of all good citizens, the following platform of National reforms and measures: Fhst. The legal prohibition in the District of Columbia, the territories, and in every other place subject to the laws of Congress, of the importation, exportation, manufacture, and traffic of all alcoholic beverages, as high crimes against society; an amendment of the National Constitution, to render these prohibitory meas- ures imiversal and permanent; and the adoption of treaty stipulations with foreign powers, to prevent the importation and exportation of all alcoholic beverages. Second. The abolition of class legislation and of special privileges in the Government, and the adoption of equal suffrage and eligibility to office, without distinction of race, religious creed, property, or sex. Third. The appropriation of the public lands, in limited quantities, to actual settlers only; the reduction of the rates of inland and ocean postage; of telegraphic communication; of railroad and water transportation and travel, to the lowest practical point, by force of laws, wisely and justly framed, with reference, not only to the interest of capital employed, but to the higher claims of the gen- eral good. Fourth. The suppression, by laws, of lotteries and gambling in gold, stocks, produce, and every form of money and property, and the penal inhibition of the use of the public mails for advertising schemes of gambling and lot- teries. Fifth. The abolition of those foul enormi- ties, polygamy and the social evil; and the protection of purity, peace, and happiness of homes, by ample and efficient legislation. 368 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Sixth. The National obsv^rvance of the Chris- tian Sabbath, established by laws prohibiting ordinary labor and business in all departments of public service and private employment (works of necessity, charity, and religion ex- cepted) on that day. Seventh. The establishment, by mandatory provisions in National and State constitutions, and by all necessary legislation, of a system of free public schools, for the universal and forced education of all the youth of the land. Eighth, The free use of the Bible, not as a ground of religious creeds, but as a text-book of the purest morality, the best liberty, and the noblest literature in our public schools, that our children may grow up in its light, and that its spirit and principles may pervade our Nation. Ninth. The separation of the Government in all its departments and institutions, including the public schools and all funds for their main- tenance, from the control of every religious sect or other association, and the protection alike of all sects by equal laws, with entire freedom of religious faith and worship. Tenth. The introduction into all treaties hereafter negotiated with foreign governments of a provision for the amicable settlement of international difficulties by arbitration. Elevetith. The abolition of all barbarous modes and instruments of punishment; the recognition of the laws of God and the claims of humanity in the discipline of jails and pris- ons, and of that higher and wiser civilization worthy of our age and Nation, which regards the reform of criminals as a means for the pre- vention of crime. Twelfth. The abolition of executive and leg- is'' ative patronage, and the election of President, Vice-President, United States Senators, and of all civil officers, so far as practicable, by the direct vote of the people. Thirteenth. The practice of a friendly and liberal policy to immigrants from all nations, the guaranty to them of ample protection, and of equal rights and privileges. Fourteenth. The separation of the money of Government from all banking institutions. The National Government, only, should exer- cise the high prerogative of issuing paper mon- ey, and that should be subject to prompt redemption on demand, in gold and silver, the only equal standards of value recognized by the civilized world. Fifteenth. The reduction of the salaries of public officers in a just ratio with the decline of wages and market prices; the abolition of sinecures, unnecessary offices, and official fees and perquisites; the practice of strict economy in government expenses; and a free and thorough investigation into any and all al- leged abuses of public trusts. 1S76.— Independent (Oreenback) Platform. Indianapolis, Ind., May ij. The Independent party is called into exist- ence by the necessities of the people, whose industries are prostrated, whose labor is de- prived of its just reward by a ruinous policy which the Republican and Democratic parties refuse to change; and, in view of the failure of these parties to furnish relief to the depressed industries of the Country, thereby disappoint- ing the just hopes and expectations of the suffering people, we declare our principles, and in\ate all independent and patriotic men to join our ranks in this movement for finan- cial reform and industrial emancipation. First. We demand the immediate and un- conditional repeal of the specie resumption act of January, 14, 1875, and the rescue of our industries from ruin and disaster resulting from its enforcement; and we call upon all THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 309 patriotic men to organi/.e in every congression- al district of the Country, witii a view of electing representatives to Congress who will carry out the wishes of the people in this re- gard and stop the present suicidal and de- structive policy of contraction. Secojid. We believe that a United States note, issued directly by the Government, and convertible, on demand, into United States obligations, bearing a rate of interest not ex- ceeding one cent a day on each one hundred dollars, and exchangeable for United States notes at par, will atlbrd the best circulating medium ever devised. Such United States notes should be full legal tenders for all pur- poses, except for the payment of such obliga- tions as are, by existing contracts, especially made payable in coin; and we hold that it is the duty of the Government to provide such a circulating medium, and insist, in the lan- guage of Thomas Jefferson, that "bank paper must be suppressed, and the circulation re- stored to the Nation, to whom it belongs." Third. It is the paramount duty of the Government, in all its legislation, to keep in view the full development of all legitimate business, agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and commercial. Fourth. We most earnestly protest against any further issue of gold bonds for sale in for- eign markets, by which we would be made,for a long period, "hewers of wood and drawers of water," to foreigners especially as the Ameri- can people would gladly and promptly take at par all bonds the Government ma}^ need to sell, provided they are made payable at the option of the holder, and bearing interest at 3,65 per cent, per annum or even a lower rate. Fifth. We further protest against the sale of government bonds for the purpose of purchas- ing silver to be used as a substitute for our more convenient and less'fluctuating fractional currency, which, although well calculated to enrich owners of silver mines, yet in operation it will still further oppress, in taxation, an al- ready overburdened people. 1S76.— Republican Platform. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 14. When, in the economy of Providence, this land was to be purged ot human slavery, and when the strength of the Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, was to be demonstrated, the Republican party came into power. Its deeds have passed into history, and we look back to them with pride. Incited by their memories to high aims for the good of our Country and mankind, and looking to the future with un faltering courage, hope, and purpose, we, the representatives of the party, in National Convention assembled, make the following declaration of principles: 1. The United States of America is a Nation, not a league. By the combined workings of the National and State governments, under their respective constitutions, the rights of every citizen are secured, at home and abroad^ and the common welfare promoted. 2. The Republican party has preserved these governments to the hundredth annivers- ary of the Nation's birth, and they are now embodiments of the great truths spoken at its cradle — "That all men are created equal; that, they are endowed by their Creator with cer- tain inalienable rights, among which are life,, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness;that for the attainment of these ends governments have been instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."' Until these truths are cheerfully obeyed, or,, if need be, vigorously enforced, the work of the Republican party is unfinished. 3. The permanent pacification of the south- ern section of the Union, and the complete 370 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. protection of all its citizens in the free enjoy- ment of all their rights, is a duty to which the Republican party stands sacredly pledged. The power to provide for the enforcement of the principles embodied in the recent consti- tutional amendments is vested, by those amendments, in the Congress of the United States; and we declare it to be the solemn ob- ligation of the Legislative and Executive de- partments of the Government to put into im- mediate and vigorous exercise all their con- stitutional powers forremoving any just causes of discontent on the part of any class, and for securing to every American citizen complete liberty and exact equality in the exercise of all civil, political, and public rights. To this end we imperatively demand a Congress and a Chief Executive whose courage and fidelity to these duties shall not falter until these re- sults are placed beyond dispute or recall. 4. In the first act of Congress signed by President Grant, the National Government assumed to remove any doubt of its purpose to discharge all just obligations to the public creditors, and "solemnly pledged its faith to make provision at the earliest practicable peri- od for the redemption of the United States notes in coin." Commercial prosperity, public morals, and National credit demand that this promise be fulfilled by a continuous and steady progress to specie payment. 5. Under the Constitution, the President and heads of departments are to make nomi- nations for office, the Senate is to advise and consent to appointments, and the House of Representatives is to accuse and prosecute faithless officers. The best interests of the public service demand that these distinctions be respected;that Senators and Representatives who may be judges and accusers should not dictate appointments to office. The invariable ru''" in appointments should have reference to Lhe honesty, fidelity, and capacity of the appointees, giving to the party in power those places where harmony and vigor of adminis- tration require its policy to be"represented,but permitting all others to be filled by persons selected with sole reference to the efficiency of the public ser\-ice, and the right of all citi- zens to share in the honor of rendering faith- ful service to the Country. 6. We rejoice in the quickened conscience of the people concerning political aff"airs, and will hold all public officers to a rigid responsi- bility, and engage that the prosecution and punishment of all who betray oflacial trusts shall be swift, thorough, and unsparing. 7. The public school system of the several States is the bulwark of the American Re- public; and, with a view to its security and permanence, we recommend an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, forbid- ding the application of any public funds or property for the benefit of any schools or in- stitutions under sectarian control. 8. The revenue necessary for current ex- penditures, and the obligations of the public debt, must be largely derived from duties upon importations, which, so far as possible, should be adjusted to promote the interests of Ameri- can labor and advance the prosperity of the whole Country. 9. We reaffirm our opposition to further grants of public lands to corporations and monop- olies, and demand that the National domain be devoted to free homes for the people. 10. It is the imperative duty of the Gov- ernment, so to modify existing treaties with European governments, that the same protec- tion shall be afforded to the adopted American citizen that is given to the native-born; and that all necessary laws should be passed to protect emigrants in the absence of power in the States for that purpose. 11. It is the immediate duty of Congress to fully investigate the effect of the immigration THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 871 and importation of Mongolians upon the mor- al and material interests of the Country. 12. The Republican party recognizes, with approval, the substantial advances recently made towards the establishment of equal rights for women by the many important amendments eflfected by Republican legisla- tures in the laws which concern the personal and property relations of wives, mothers, and widows, and by the appointment and election of women to the superintendence of education, charitiefi and other public trusts. The honest demands of this class of citizens for additional rights, privileges, and immunities, should be treated with respectful consideration. 13. The Constitution confers upon Congress sovereign power over the Territories of the United States for their government; and in the exercise of this power it is the right and duty of Congress to prohibit and extirpate, in the territories, that relic of barbarism-poly- gamy; and we demand such legislation as shall secure this end and the supremacy of Ameri- can institutions in all the Territories. 14. The pledges which the Nation has given to her soldiers and sailors must be fulfilled, and a grateful people will always hold those who imperiled their lives for the Country's preservation in the kindest remembrance. 15. We sincerely deprecate all sectional feeling and tendencies. We, therefore, note with deep solicitude that the Democratic party counts, as its chief hope of success, upon the electoral vote of a united South, secured through the efforts of those who were recently arrayed against the Nation; and we invoke the earnest attention of the Country to the grave truth that a success thus achieved would re- open sectional strife, and imperil National honor and human rights. 16. We charge the Democratic party with being the same in character and spirit as when it sympathized with treason; with making its control of the House of Representatives the triumph and opportunity of the Nation's re- cent foes; with reasserting and applauding, in the National capital, the sentiments of unre- pentant rebellion; with sending Union soldiers to the rear, and promoting Confederate sol- diers to the front; with deliberately proposing to repudiate the plighted faith of the Govern- ment; with being equally false and imbecile upon the overshadowing financial questions; with thwarting the ends of justice by its parti- san mismanagement and obstruction of inves- tigation; with proving itself through the peri- od of its ascendency in the lower House of Congress, utterly incompetent to administer the government; and we warn the Country against trusting a party thus alike unworthy, recreant, and incapable. 17. The National administration merits commendation for its honorable work in the management of domestic and foreign affairs, and President Grant deserves the continued hearty gratitude of the American people for his patriotism and his eminent services in war and in peace. 18. We present, as our candidates for Presi- dent and Vice President of the United States, two distinguished statesmen, of eminent abil- ity and character, and conspiciously fitted for those high offices, and we confidently appeal to the American people to intrust the admmis- tration of their public affairs to Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler. 1S76.— Democratic Platrorm. St. Lotiis Mo., June 2j. We, the delegates of the Democratic party of the United States, in National convention assembled, do hereby declare the administra- tion of the Federal Government to be in urg- 372 THE AMERICAN MANUAL, ent need of immediate reform: do hereby en- join upon the nominees of this convention, and of the Democratic party in each State, a zealous effort and co-operation to this end; and do hereby appeal to our fellow-citizens of every former political connection to undertake with us, this first and most pressing patriotic duty. For the Democracy of the whole Country, we do here reaffirm our faith in the perma- nence of the Federal Union, our devotion to the Constitution of the United States, with its amendments universally accepted as a final settlement of the controversies that engen- dered civil war, and do here record our stead- fast confidence in the perpetuity of republican self-government. In absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority — the vital principle of republics; in the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; in the total separation of church and state, for the sake alike of civil and relig- ious freedom; in the equality of all citizens be- fore just laws of their own enactment; in the liberty of individual conduct, unvexed by sumptuary laws; in the faithful education of the rising generation, that they may preserve, enjoy, and transmit these test conditions of human happiness and hope — we behold the noblest product of a hundred years of change- ful history; but while upholding the bond of our Union and great charter of these our rights, it behooves a free people to practice also that eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty. Reform is necessary to rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole people the Union, eleven years ago happily rescued from the danger of a secession of States, but now to be saved from a corrupt centralism wbic_h, after inflicting upon ten States the rapacity of car- pet-bag tyranny, has honey-combed the offices of the Federal Government itself, with inca- pacity, waste and fraud; infected States and municipalities with the contagion of misrule; and locked fast the prosperity of an industri. ous people in the paralysis of "hard times." Reform is necessary to establish a sound currency, restore the public credit, and main- tain the National honor. We denounce the failure, for all these eleven years of peace, to make good the promise of the legal tender notes, which are a changing standard of value in the hands of the people, and the non-payment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the Nation. We denounce the improvidence which, in eleven 3 ears of peace, has taken from the peo- ple, in Federal taxes, thirteen times the whole amount of the legal-tender notes, and squan- dered four times their sum in useless expense without accumulating any reserve for their redemption. We denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of that party which, during eleven years of peace, has made no advance toward resumption, no preparation for resumption, but, instead, has obstructed resumption, by wasting our resources and exhausting all our surplus income; and, while annually profess- ing to intend a speedy return to specie pay- ments, has annually enacted fresh hinderan- ces thereto. As such hinderance we denounce the resumption clause of 1S75, and we do de- mand its repeal. We demand a judicious system of prepara- tion, by public economies, by official retrench- ments, and by wise finance, which shall en- able the Nation soon to assure the whole world of its perfect ability and of its periect readiness to meet any of its promises at the call of the creditor entitled to payment. We believe such a system, well devised, and,above all, intrusted to competent hands for execu- tion, creating, at no time, an artificial scarcity of currency, and at no time alarming the public mind into a withdrawal of the vaster machinery of credit by which ninety-five per cent, of all business transactions are performed. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 373 A system open, public, and inspiring general confidence, would, from the day of its adop- tion, bring healing on its wings to all our har- assed industries- — set in motion the wheels of commerce, manufactures, and the mechanic arts — restore employment to labor — and, re- new, in all its natural sources, the prosperity of the people. Reform is necessary in the sum and modes of Federal taxation, to the end that capital may be set free from distrust and labor lightly burdened. We denounce the present tariff, levied upon nearly four thousand articles, as a master- piece of injustice, inequality, and false pre- tense. It yields a dwindling, not a yearly rising revenue. It has impoverished many industries to subsidize a few. It prohibits imports that might purchase the products of American la- bor. It has degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior rank on the high seas. It has cut down the sales of American manufactures at home and abroad, and deplet- ed the returns of American agriculture — an industry followed by half our people. It costs the people five times more than it produces to the treasury, obstructs the processes of pro- duction, and wastes the fruits of labor. It pro- motes fraud, fosters smuggling, enriches dis- honest officials, and bankrupts honest mer- chants. We demand that all custom house taxation shall be only for revenue. Reform is necessary in the scale of public ■expense— Federal, State and municipal. Our Federal taxation has swollen from sixty mil- lions gold, in iS6o, to four hundred and fifty millions currency, in 1870; our aggregate tax- ation from one hundred and fifty-four millions gold, in i860, to seven hundred and thirty millions currency, in 1870 — or, in one decade, from less than five dollars per head to more than eighteen dollars per head. Since the peace, the people have paid to their tax-gath- erers more than thrice the sum of the National debt, and more than twice that sum for the Federal Government alone. We demand a rigorous frugality in every department and from every officer of the Government. Reform is necessary to put a stop to the profligate waste of public lands, and their di- version from actual settlers, by the party in power, which has squandered 200,000,000 of acres upon railroads alone, and, out of more than thrice that aggregate, has disposed of less than one-sixth directly to tillers of the soil. Reform is necessary to correct the omission of a Republican Congress, and the errors of our treaties and our diplomacy which have stripped our fellow-citizens of foreign birth and kindred race, recrossing the Atlantic, of the shield of American citizenship, and have exposed our brethren of the Pacific coast to the incursions of a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, and in fact now, by law, denied citizenship through naturaliza- tion, as being neither accustomed to the tra- ditions of a progressive civilization nor exer- cised in liberty under equal laws. We de- nounce the policy which thus discards the liberty-loving German and tolerates a revival of the coolie trade in Mongolian women, im- ported for immoral purposes, and Mongolian men, held to perform servile labor contracts and demand such modifications of the treaty with the Chinese Empire, or such legislation within constitutional limitations, as shall pre- vent further importation or immigration of the Mongolian race. Reform is necessary, and can never be ef- fected but by making it the controlling issue of the elections, and lifting it above the two false issues with which the officeholding class and the party in power seek to smother it. I. The false issue with which they would i enkindle sectarian strife in respect to the pub- ' lie schools, of which the establishment and •support belongs exclusively to the several C74 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. states, and which the Democratic party has cherished from their foundation, and is resol- ved to maintain, without prejudice or prefer- ence for any class, sect, or creed, and without largesses from the treasury to any. 2. The false issue by which they seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional hate between kindred peoples once estranged, but now reunited in one indivisbile Republic and a common destiny. Reform is necessary in the civil service. Ex- perience proves that efficient, economical con- duct of the governmental business is not pos- sible if its civil service be subject to change at every election, be a prize fought for at the ballot-box, be a brief reward of party zeal, in- stead of posts of honor assigned for proved competency, and held for fidelity in public employ; that the dispensing of patronage should neither be a tax upon the time of all our public men, nor the instrument of their ambition. Here,again,promises,falsified in the performance, attest that the party in power can work out no practical or salutary reform. Reform is necessar}', even more, in the higher grades of the public service. President, "Vice-President, Judges, Senators, Representa- tives, Cabinet officers — these, and all others in authority — are the people's servants. Their offices are not a private perquisite; they are a public trust. "When the annals of this Repub- lic show the disgi'ace and censure of a "Vice- President; a late Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives marketing his rulings as a presid- ing officer; three Senators profiting secretly by their votes as law-makers; five chairmen of the leading committees of the late House of Representatives exposed in jobbery; a late Secretary' of the Treasury forcing balances in public accounts; a late Attorney-General mis- appropriating public funds; a Secretary of the Navy enriched, or enriching friends, by per- centages levied off" the profits of coutrators with his department; an Ambassador to Eng- land concerned in a dishonorable speculation; the President's private secretary barely escap- ing conviction upon the trial for guilty com- plicity in frauds upon the revenue: a Secretary of "War impeached for high crimes and misde- meanors — the demonstration is complete, that the first step in reform must be the people's choice of honest men from another party, lest the disease of one political organization infect the body politic, and lest by making no change of men or parties we get no change of measures and no real reform. All these abuses, wrongs and crimes — tlie product of sixteen years' ascendency of the Republican party — create a necessity for re- form, confessed by the Republicans themselves; but their reformers are voted down in conven- tion and displaced from the cabinet. The party's mass of honest voters is powerless to resist the 80,000 office-holders, its leaders and guides. Reform can only be had by a peaceful civic revolution. "We demand a change of system, a change of administration, a change of parties, that we may have a change of measures and of men. Resolved, That this convention, represent- ing the Democratic party of the United States, do cordially endorse the action of the present House of Representatives, in reducing and curtailing the expenses of the Federal Govern- ment, in cutting down salaries and extrava- gant appropriations, and in abolishing useless offices and places not required by the public necessities; and we shall trust to the firmness of the Democratic members of the House that no committee of conference and no misinter- pretation of the rules will be allowed to defeat these wholesome measures of economy de- manded by the Country. Resolved, That the soldiers and sailors of the Republic, and the widows and orphans of THE AMERICAN MANUAL. those who have fallen in battle, have a just claim upon the care, protection, and gratitude of their fellow-citizens. 1S78.— National Platform. Toledo, Ohio, February 22. Whereas, Throughout our entire country the value of real estate is depreciated, industry paralyzed, trade depressed, business incomes and wages reduced, unparalleled distress in- flicted upon the poorer and middle ranks of our people, the land filled with fraud, em- bezzlement, bankruptcy, crime, suffering, pau- perism, and starvation; and Whereas, This state of things has been brought about by legislation in the interest of, and dictated by, money-lenders, bankers and bondholders; and Whereas, While we recognize the fact that the men in Congress connected with the old political parties have stood up manfully for the rights of the people, and met the threats of the money power, and the ridicule of an ig- norant and subsidized press, yet neither the Republican nor the Democratic parties, in their policies, propose remedies for the exist- ing evils; and Whereas, The Independent Greendack party, and other associations more or less ef- fective, have been unable, hitherto, to make a formidable opposition to old party organiza- tions; and Whereas, The limiting of the legal-tender quality of the greenbacks, the changing of currency bonds into coin bonds, the demonetiz- ation of the silver dollar, the exempting of bonds from taxation, the contraction of the circulating medium, the proposed forced re- sumption of specie payments, and the prodi- gal waste of the public lands, were crimes against the people; and, as far as possible, the results of these criminal acts must be counter- acted by judicious legislation: There/ore, We assemble in National Con- vention and make a declaration of our princi- ples, and invite all patriotic citizens to unite in an effort to secure financial reform and in- dustrial emancipation. The organization shall be known as the "National Party," and under this same we will perfect, without delay. Na- tional, State, and local associations, to secure the election to office of such men only as will pledge themselves to do all in their power to establish these principles: First, It is the exclusive function of the General Government to coin and create money and regulate its value. All bank issues de- signed to circulate as money should be sup- pressed. The circulating medium, whether of metal or paper, shall be issued by the Govern- ment,and made a full legal tender for all debts, duties, and taxes in the United States, at its stamped value. Second, There shall be no privileged class of creditors. Official salaries, pensions, bonds, and all other debts and obligations, public and private, shall be discharged in the legal-tender money of the United States strictly according to the stipulations of the laws under which they were contracted. Third, The coinage of silver shall be placed on the same footing as that of gold. Fourth. Congress shall provide said money adequate to the full employment of labor, the equitable distribution of its products, and the requirement of business, fixing a minimum amount />^^ capita of the population as near as may be, and otherwise regulating its value by . wise and equitable provisions of law, so that the rate of interest will secure to labor its just reward. Fifth. It is inconsistent with the genius of 376 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. popular government that any species of pri- vate property should be exempt from bearing its proper share of the public burdens. Gov- ernment bonds and money should be taxed precisely as other property, and a graduated income tax should be levied for the support of the Government and the payment of its debts. Sixth. Public lands are the common prop- erty of the whole people, and should not be sold to speculators nor granted to railroads or other corporations, but should be donated to actual settlers, in limited quantities. Seventh. The Government should, by gen- eral enactments, encourage the development of our agricultural, mineral, mechanical, manufacturing, and commercial resources, to the end that labor may be fully and profitably employed; but no monopolies should be legal- ized. Eighth. All useless offices should be abol- ished, the most rigid economy favored in every branch of the public service, and severe pun- ishment inflicted upon officers who betray the trusts reposed in them. Ninth. As educated labor has devised means for multiplying productions by inven- tions and discoveries, and as their use requires the exercise of mind as well as body, such leg- islation should be had that the number of hours of daily toil will be reduced, giving the working classes more leisure for mental im- provement and their several enjoyments, and saving them from premature decay and death. Tenth. The adoption of an American mon- etary system, as proposed herein, will harmon- ize all differences with regard to tariff and fed- eral taxation, reduced and equalize the cost of transportation by land and water, distribute equitably the joint earnings of capital and la- bor, secure to the producers of wealth the re- sults of their labor and skill, andmuster out of service the vast army of idlers, who, under the existing system, grow rich upon the earnings of others, that every man and woman may, by their own efforts, secure a competency, so that overgrown fortunes and extreme poverty w "i) be seldom found within the limits of our K ev- ublic. Eleventh. Both National and State Govern- ments should establish bureaus of labor and industrial statistics, clothed with the power of gathering and publishing the same. Twelfth. That the contract system of em- ploying labor in our prisons and reformatory institutions works great injustice to our me- chanics and artisans, and should be prohibited. Thirteenth. The importation of servile la- bor into the United States from China is a problem of the most serious importance, and we recommend legislation looking to its sup- pression. Fourteenth. We believe in the supremacy of law over and above all perishable material, and in the necessity of a party of united people that will rise above old party lines and preju- dices. We will not affiliate in any degree with any of the old parties, but, in all cases and lo- calities, will organize anew, as united National men — nominate for office and official positions only such persons as are clearly believers in and identified with this our sacred cause; and irrespective of creed, color, place of birth, or past condition of political or other servitude, vote only for men who entirely abandon old party lines and organizations. 1S79.— K'atlonal L.ibera1 Platform. Cincinnati^ Ohio, Septembet 14. I. Total separation of Church and State, ^^ be guaranteed by amendment of the United States Constitution; including the equitable taxation of church property, secularization of the public schools, abrogation of Sabbatarian laws, abolition of chaplaincies, prohibition of THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 377 public appropriations for religious purposes, and all measures necessary to the same general end. 2. National protection for National citizens in their equal civil, political, and religious rights to be guaranteed by amendment of the United States Constitution and aflForded through the United States courts. 3. Universal education, the basis of univers- al suffrage in this secular Republic, to be guar- anteed by amendment of the United States Constitution, requiring every state to maintain a thoroughly secularized public school sys- tem, and to permit no child within its limits to grow up without a good elementary educa- tion. 18S0.— Independent Republican Principles. I Independent Republicans adhere to the Re- publican principles of National supremacy, sound finances, and civil service reform, ex- pressed in the Republican platform of 1876, in the letter of acceptance o. President Hayes, and in his message of 1879; ^"^ they seek the realization of those principles in practical laws and their efficient administration. This re- quires, 1. The continuance on the statute-book of laws protecting the rights of voters at National elections. But National supremacy affords no pretext for interference with the local rights of communities; and the development of the South from its present defective civilization can be secured only under constitutional meth- ods, such as those of President Hayes. 2. The passage of laws which shall deprive greenbacks of their legal-tender quality, as a first step toward their ultimate withdrawal and cancellation, and shall maintain all coins made legal-tender at such weight and fineness as will enable them to be used without discount in the commercial transactions of the world. 3. The repeal of the act, which limits the terms of office of certain Government officials to four years; the repeal of the tenure-of-office acts, which limit the power of the Executive to remove for cause; the establishment of a permanent civil service commission, or equiv- alent measures to ascertain, by open competi- tion, and certify to the President or other ap- pointing power the fitness of applicants for nomination or appointment to all non-politi- cal ofiices. ir. Independent Republicans believe that local issues should be independent of party. The words Republican and Democrat should have no weight in determining whether a school or city shall be administered on busi- ness principles by capable men. With a view to this, legislation is asked which shall pre- scribe for the voting for local and for state offi- cers upon separate ballots. III. Independent Republicans assert that a political party is a co-operation of voters to secure the practical enactment into legislation of political convictions set forth as its platform. Every voter accepting that platform is a mem- ber of that party; any representative of that party opposing the principles or evading the promises of its platform forfeits the support of its voters. No voter should be held by the ac- tion or nomination of any caucus or conven- tion of his partv against his private judgment. It is his duty to vote against bad measures and unfit men, as the only means of obtaining good ones; if his party no longer represents its professed principles in its practical workings, it is his duty to vote against it. IV. Independent Republicans seek good nominations through participation in the pri- maries and through the defeat of bad nomi- nees; they will labor for the defeat of any local Republican candidate, and, in co-operation 378 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ■with those holding like views elsewhere, for the defeatof any general Republican candidate whom they do not deem fit. ISSO. Republican Platform. Chicago, Illinois, June 2. The Republican party, in National conven- tion assembled, at the end of twenty years since the Federal Government was first com- mitted to its charge, submits to the people of the United States its brief report of its admin- istration : It suppressed a rebellion which had armed nearly a million of men to subvert the Nation- al authority. It reconstructed the Union of the States with freedom, instead of slavery, as its corner-stone. It transformed four million of human beings from the likeness of things to the rank of citizens. It relieved Congress from the infamous work of hunting fugitive slaves and charged it to see that slavery does not exist. It has raifed the value of our paper currency from thirty-eight per cent, to the par of gold. It has restored, upon a solid basis, payment in coin for all the National obligations, and has given us a currency absolutely good and equal in everj' part of our extended Country. It has lifted the credit of the Nation from the point where six per cent, bonds sold at eighty-six to that where four per cent, bonds are eagerlj' sought as a premium. Under its administration railways have in- creased from 31,000 miles in i860, to more than 82,000 miles in 1879, Our foreign trade has increased from I700, 000,000 to 11,150,000,000 in the same time;and our exports, v.'hich were $20,000,000 less than our iiuports in i860, were $264,000,000 more than ovu: imports in 1879. "Without resorting to loans, it has, since the war closed, defrayed the ordinary expenses of the Government, besides the accruing interest on the public debt, and disbursed, annually, over 1130,000,000 for soldiers' pensions. It has paid |888,ooo,ooo of the public debt, and, by refunding the balance at lower rates, has re- duced the annual interest charge from nearly $151,000,000 to less than $89,000,000. All the industries of the Country have re- vived,labor is in demand, wages have increased and throughout the entire country there is evidence of a coming prosperity greater than we have ever enjoyed. Upon this record, the Republican party asks for the continued confidence and support of the people; and this convention submits for their approval the following statement of the principles and purposes which will continue to guide and inspire its efforts; 1. We affirm that the work of the last twenty years has been such as to commend itself to the favor of the Nation, and that the fruits of the costly victories which we have achieved, through immense difficulties, should be pre- served; that the peace we regained should be cherished; that the dissevered Union, now happily restored, should be perpetuated, and that the liberties secured to this generation should be transmitted, undiminished, to future generations; that the order established and the credit acquired should never be impaired; that the pensions promised should be paid; that the debt so much reduced should be ex- tinguished by the full payment of every dollar thereof; that the reviving industries should be further promoted; and that the commerce, al- ready so great, should be steadily encouraged. 2. The Constitution of the United States is a supreme law, and not a mere contract; out of Confederate States it made a sovereign Nation. Some powers are denied to the Nation, while THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 379 others are denied to States; but the boundary between the powers delegated and those re- served is to be determined by the National and not the State tribunals. 3. The work of popular education is one left to the care of the several States, but it is the duly of the National Government to aid that work to the extent of its constitutional ability. The intelligence of the Nation is but the ag- gregate of the intelligence in the several States; and the destiny of the Nation must be guided, not hy the genius of any one State, but by the average genius of all. 4. The Constitution wisely forbids Con- gress to make any law respecting an establish- ment of religion; but it is idle to hope that the Nation can be protected against the influence of sectarianism while each State is exposed to its domination. We, therefore, recommend that the Constitution be so amended as to lay the same prohibition upon the legislature of each State, to forbid the appropriation of pub- lic funds to the support of sectarian schools. 5. We reaffirm the belief, avowed in 1876, that the duties levied for the purpose of rev- enue should so discriminate as to favor Amer- ican labor;tliat no further grant of the public do- main should be made to any railways or other corporation; that slavery having per- ished in the States, its twin barbarity — polyg- amy — must die in the territories; that every- where the protection accorded to citizens of American birth must be secured to citizens by American adoption. That we esteem it the duty of Congress to develop and improve our water-courses and harbors, but insist that further subsidies to private persons or corpo- rations must cease. That the obligations of the Republic to the men who preserved its integ- rity in the day of battle are undiminished by .the lapse of fifteen years since their final vic- tory — to do them perpetual honor is, and shall forever be, the grateful privilege and sa- cred duty of the American people. 6. Since the authority to regulate immigra- tion and intercourse between the United States and foreign nations rests with the Con- gress of the United States and its treaty- making powers, the Republican party, regard- ing; the unrestricted immigration of the Chinese as an evil of great magnitude, invoke the exercise of that power to restrain and limit that immigration by the enactment of such just, humane, and reasonable provisions as will produce that result. 7. That the purity and patriotism which characterized the early career of Rutherford B. Hayes in peace and war, and which guided the thoughts of our immediate predecessors to select him as a presidential candidate, have continued to inspire him in his career as Chief Executive, and that history will accord to his administration the honors which are due to an efficient, just, and courteous dis- charge of the public business, and will honor his interposition between the people and proposed partisan laws. 8. We charge upon the Democratic party the habitual sacrifice of patriotism and justice to a supreme and insatiable lust for office and patronage. That to obtain possession of the National and State Governments, and the control of place and position, they have ob- structed all efforts to promote the purity and to conserve the freedom of suffrage; have de- vised fraudulent certifications and returns; have labored to unseat lawfully-elected mem- bers of Congress, to secure, at all hazards, the vote of the majority of the States in the House of Representatives;have endeavored to occupy, by force and fraud the places of trust given to others by the people of Maine, and rescued by the courageous action of Maine's patriotic sons; have, b)' methods vicious in principle and tyrannical in practice, attached partisan legislation to appropriation bills, upon whose SCO THE AMERICAN MANUAL. passage the very movements of Government depend; have crushed the rights of the individ- ual; have advocated the principle and sought the favor of rebellion against the Na- tion, and have endeavored to obliterate the sacred memories of the war, and to overcome its inestimably valuable results of nationalty, personal freedom, and individual equality. Equal, steady, and complete enforcement of the laws, and protection of all our citizens in the enjoyment of all the privileges and im- munities guaranteed by the Constitution, are the first duties of the Nation. The danger of a solid South can only be averted by the faith- ful performance of every promise which the Nation made to the citizen. The execution of the laws, and the punishment of all those who ^'iolate them, are the only safe methods by which an enduring peace can be secured, and genuine prosperity established throughout the South. Whatever promises the Nation makes, the Nation must perform; and the Nation can not with safety relegate this duty to the States. The solid South must be divided by the peace- ful agencies of the ballot, and all opinions must there find free expression; and to this end honest voters must be protected against terrorism, violence, or fraud. And we afiirm it to be the duty and the purpose of the Re- publican party to use all legitimate means to restore all the States of this Union to the most perfect harmony which may be practicable; and we submit to the practical, sensible peo- ple of the United States to say whether it would not be dangerous to the dearest interests of our Country, at this time to surrender the administration of the National Government to a party which seeks to overthrow the existing policy, under which we are so prosperous, and thus bring distrust and confusion where there are now order, confidence, and hope. 9. The Republican party, adhering to a principle affirmed by the last National Con- vention, of respect for the Constitutional rule covering appointments to office, adopts the declaration of President Hayes, that the reform of the civil service should be thorough, radical and complete. To this end we demand the co- operation of the Legislative and Executive departments of the Government, and that Congress shall so legislate that fitness, ascer- tained by proper practical tests, shall admit to the public service; and that the power of re- moval for cause, with due responsibility for the good conduct of subordinates, shall ac- company the power of appointment. National (Greenback) Platform. Chicago, Illinois, Jtme g. The Civil Government should guarantee the divine right of every laborer to the results of his toil, thus enabling the producers of wealth to provide themselves with the means for physical comfort, and facilities for mental, social, and moral culture; and we condemn, as unworthy of our civilization, the barbarism which imposes upon wealth-producers a state of drudgery as the price of a bare animal exist- ence. Notwithstanding the enormous increase of wealth, the task of the laborer is scarcely lightened, the hours of toil are but little short- ened, and few producers are lifted from pov- erty into comfort and pecuniary independence. The associated monopolies, the international syndicates, and other income classes demand dear money, cheap labor, and a strong Gov- ernment, and, hence, a weak people. Corpo- rate control of the volume of money has been the means of dividing society into hostile classes, of an unjust distribution of the prod- ucts of labor, and of building up monopolies of associated capital, endowed with power to confiscate private property. It has kept money scarce; and the scarcity of money enforces debt-trade, and public and corporate loans; THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 381 debt engenders usury, and usury ends in the bankruptcy of the borrower. Other results are — deranged markets, uncertainty in manufac- turing enterprises and agriculture, precarious and intermittent employment for the laborer, industrial war, increasing pauperism and crime, and the consequent intimidation and disfranchisement of the producer, and a rapid declension into corporate feudalism. Therefore we declare — First. That the right to make and issue money is a sovereign power, to be maintained by the people for their common benefit. The delegation of this right to corporations is a surrender of the central attribute of sovereignty void of Constitutional sanction, and confer- ring upon a subordinate and irresponsible power an absolute dominion over industry and commerce. All money, whether metallic or paper, should be issued, and its volume con- trolled, by the Government, and not by or through banking corporations; and, when so issued, should be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private. Second. That the bonds of the United States should not be refunded, but paid as rapidly as practicable, according to contract. To enable the Govern meut to meet these obligations, legal tender currency should be substituted for the notes of the National banks,the Nation- al banking system abolished, and the unlimi- ted coinage of silver,a3 well as gold, establish- ed by law. Third. That labor should be so protected by National and State authrrity as to equalize its burdens and insure a just distribution of its re- sults. The eight hour lawof Congressshould be enforced, the sanitary condition of industrial establishments placed under its rigid control, the competition of contract convict labor abolished, a bureau of labor statistics estab- lished, factories, mines, and workshops in- spected, the employment of children under fourteen years of age forbidden, and wages paid in cash. Fourth. Slavery bein^ simply cheap labor, and cheap labor being simply slavery, the im- portation and presence of Chinese serfs nec- essarily tend to brutalize and degrade Ameri- can labor; therefore immediate steps should be taken to abrogate the Burlingame treaty. Fifth. Railroad land grants forfeited by reason of non-fulfillment of contract should be immediately reclaimed by the Government and, henceforth, the public domain reserved exclusively as homes for actual settlers. Sixth. It is the duty of Congress to regulate inter-state commerce. All lines of communi- cation and transportation should be brought under such legislative control as shall secure moderate, fair, and uniform rates for passen- ger and freight traffic. Seventh. We denounce as destructive to property and dangerous to liberty the action of the old parties m fostering and sustaining gigantic land, railroad, and money corpora- tions, and monopolies invested with and ex- ercising powers belonging to the Government, and yet not responsible to it for the manner of their exercise. Eighth. That the Constitution, in giving Congress the power to borrow money, to de- clare war, to raise and support armies, to pro- vide and maintain a navy, never intended that the men who loaned their money for an interest-consideration should be preferred to the soldiers and sailors- who imperiled their lives and shed their blood on land and sea in defense of their Country; and we con- demn the cruel class legislation of the Repub- lican party, which, while professing great gratitude to the soldier, has most unjustly discriminated against him and in favor of the bondholder. Ninth. All property should bear its just proportion of taxation, and we demand a graduated income tax. 383 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. Tenth. We denounce as dangerous tlie efforts everywhere manifest to restrict the right of suffrage. Eleventh. We are opposed to an increase of the standing army in time of peace, and the insidious scheme to establish _ an enorrnoiis military power under the guise of militia laws. Tivelfth. We demand absolute democratic rules for the Government of Congress, placing all representatives of the people upon an equal footing, and taking away from the committees a veto power greater than that of the Presi- dent. Thirteenth. We demand a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people instead of a Government of the bondholder, by the bondholder, and for the bondholder; and we denounce every attempt to stir up sec- tional strife as an effort to conceal monstrous crimes against the people. Fourteenth. In the furtherance of these ends we ask the co-operation of all fair-minded people. We have no quarrel with individuals, wage no war on classes, but only against vi- cious institutions. We are not content to en- dure further discipline from our present actual rulers, who, having dominion over money, over transportation, over land and labor, over the press and the machinery of the Govern- ment, wield unwarrantable power over our institutions and over life and property. 1880.— Prohibition Reform Platform. Cleveland, Ohio, June ij. The prohibition Reform party of the United States, organized, in the name of the people, to revive, enforce, and perpetuate in the Gov- ernment, the doctrines of the Declaration of Independence, submit, for the suffrage of all good citizens, the followiixg platform of Na- tional reforms and measures: In the examination and discussion of the temperance question, it has been proven, and is an accepted truth, that alchoholic drinks, whether fermented, brewed, or distilled, are poisonous to the healthy human body, the drinking of which is not only needless but hurtful, necessarily tending to form intemperate habits.increasing greatly the number, severity, and fatal termination of diseases, weakening and deranging the intellect, polluting the af- fections, hardening the heart and corrupting the morals, depriving many of reason and still more of its heathful exercise, and annual- ly bringing down large numbers to untimely graves, producing, in the children of many who drink, a predisposition to intemperance, insanity, and various bodily and mental dis- eases, causing diminution of strength, feeble- ness of vision, fickleness of purpose, and pre- mature old age, and inducing, in all future generationSjdetoriation of moral and physical character. Alcoholic drinks are thus the im- placable foe of man as an individual. First. The legalized importation, manufac- ture, and sale of intoxicating drinks minister to their use, and teach the erroneous and de- structive sentiment that such use is right, thus tending to produce and perpetuate the above mentioned evils. Second. To the home it is an enemy — prov- ing itself to be a disturber and destroyer of its peace, prosperity, and happiness; taking from it the earnings of the husband; depriving the dependent wife and children of essential food clothing, and education; bringing into it pro- fanity, abuse and violence; setting at naught the vows of the marriage altar; breaking up the family and sundering the children from the parents, and thus destroying one of the most beneficent institutions of our Creator, and removing the sure foundation of good Govern- ment, National prosperity, and welfare. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. W,6 Third. To the community it is equally an enemiy — producing xice, demoralization, and wickedness; its places of sale being resorts of gaming, lewdness, and debauchery, and the hiding-place of those who prey upon society; counteracting the efficacy of religious effort, and of all means of intellectual elevation, moral purity, social happiness, and the eternal good of mankind, without rendering any counteracting or compensating benefits: being in its influence and effect evil and only evil, and that continually. Fourth. To the State it is equally an enemy — legislative inquiries, judicial investigations, and official reports of all penal, reformatory, and dependent institutions, showing that the manufacture and sale of such beverages is the promoting cause of intemperance, crime, and pauperism and of demands upon the public and private charity, imposing the larger part of tax- ation, paialyzingthrift, industry, manufactures, and commercial life; which, but for it, would be unnecessary: disturbing the peace of streets and highways; filling prisons and poor-houses; corrupting politics, legislation, and the execu- tion of the laws; shortening lives; diminishing health, industry, and productive power in man- ufactures and art; and is manifestly unjust as well as injurious to the community upon which it is imposed, and is contrary to all just views of civil liberty, as well as a violation of the fundamental maxim of our common law, to use your own property or liberty so as not to injure others. Fifth. It is neither right nor politic for the State to afford legal protection to any traffic or any system which tends to waste the re- sources, to corrupt the social habits, and to destroy the health and lives of the people; that the importation, manufacture, and sale of in- toxicating beverages is proven to be inimical to the true interests of the individual home, community, and state, and destructive to the order and welfare of society, and ought, there- fore, to be classed among crimes to be prohib- ited. Sixth. In this time of profound peace at home and abroad, the entire separation of the General Government from the drink-traffic, and its prohibition in the District of Columbia, territories, and in all places and ways over which, under the Constitution, Congress has control and power, is a political issue of the first importance to the peace and prosperity of the Nation. There can be no stable peace and protection to personal liberty, life, and prop- erty, until secured by National or State con- stitutional provisions, enforced by adequate laws. Seventh. All legitimate industries require deliverance from the taxation and loss which the liquor traffic imposes upon them; and fi- nancial or other legislation could not accom- plish so much to increase production and cause a demand for labor, and, as a result, for the comforts of living, as the suppression of this traffic would bring to thousands of homes as one of its blessings. Eighth. The administration of the Gov- ernment and the execution of the laws are through political parties; and we arraign the Republican party, which has been in contin- uous power in the Nation for twenty years, as being false to duty, as false to loudly-pro- claimed principles of equal justice to all and special favors to none, and of protection to the weak and dependent, insensible to the mis- chief which the trade in liquor has constantly inflicted upon industry, trade, commerce, and the social happiness of the people; that 5,652 distilleries, 3,830 breweries, and 175,266 places for the sale of these poisonous liquors, involv- ing an annual waste to the Nation of one mill- ion five hundred thousand dollars, and the sacrifice of one hundred thousand lives, have, under its legislation, grown up and been fostered as a legitimate source of revenue; that dur- 384 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ing its history, six Territories have been or- ganized and five States been admitted into the Union, with constitutions provided and ap- proved by Congress, but the prohibition of this debasing and destructive traffic has not been provided, nor even the people given, at the time of admission, power to forbid it in anyone of them. Its history further shows, that not in a single instance has aii original prohibitory law,been passed by any State that was controlled by it, while in four States, so governed, the laws found on its advent to power have been repealed. At its National convention in 1872, it declared, as part of its party faith, that "it disapproves of the resort to unconstitutional laws for the purpose of removing evils, by in- terference with rights not surrendered by the people to either the State or National Govern- ment," which, the author of this plank says, was adopted by the platform committee with the full and implicit understanding that its purpose was the discountenancing of all so- called temperance, prohibitory, and Sunday laws. A^zw/Zz. We arraign, also.the Democratic party as unfaithful and unworthy of reliance on this question; for, altho"ugh not clothed with power, but occupying the relation of an opposition party during twenty years past, stiong in numbers and organization, it has allied itself with liquor-traffickers, and become, in all the States of the Union, their special political de- fenders, and its National convention in 1876, as an article of its political faith, declared against prohibition and just laws in restraint of the trade in drink, by saying it was opposed to what it was pleased to call "all sumptuary laws." The National party has been dumb on this question. Tenth. Drink-traffickers, having the his- tory and experience of all ages, climes, and conditions of men, declaring their business destructive of all good — finding no support in the Bible, morals, or reason — appeal to mis- applied law for their justification, and intrench themselves behind the evil elements of politi- cal party for defense, party tactics and party inertia become battling forces, protecting this evil. Eleventh. In view of the foregoing facts and history, we cordially invite all voters, without regard to former party affiliations, to unite with us in the use of the ballot for the abolition of the drinking system, under the authority of our National and State Govern- ments. We also demand, as a right, that women, having the privileges of citizens in other respects, be clothed with the ballot for their protection, and as a rightful means for the proper settlement of the liquor question. Twelfth. To remove the apprehension of some who allege that a loss of public revenue would follow the suppression of the direct trade, we confidently point to the experience of governments abroad and at home, which shows that thrift and revenue from the con- sumption of legitimate manufactures and com- merce have so largely followed the abolition of drink as to fully supply all loss of liquor taxes. Thirteenth We recognize the good provi- dence of Almighty God, who has preserved and prospered us as a Nation; and, asking for His Spirit to guide us to ultimate success, we all look for it, relying upon His omnipotent arm. 1880.— Democratic Platform, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 22. The Democrats of the United States, in con- vention assembled, declare: First. We pledge ourselves anew to the Constitutional doctrines and traditions of the Democratic party, as illustrated by the teach- ings and examples of a long line of Democratic statesmen and patriots, and embodied in the THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 385 platform of the last National Convention of the party. Second. Opposition to centralization, and to the dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to consolidate the powers of all the de- partments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism; no sumptuary laws; separation of the church and state for the good of each; common schools fos- tered and protected. Third. Home rule; honest money, consist- ing of gold and silver, and paper, convertible into coin on demand; the strict maintenance of the public faith. State and National; and a tariff for revenue only; the subordination of the military to the civil power; and a general and thorough reform of the civil service. Fourth. The right to a free ballot is a right preservative of all rights; and must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States. Fifth. The existing administration is the representative of conspiracy only; and its claim of right to surround the ballot boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstract the elections, and the unprecedented use of the veto to maintain its corrupt and des- potic power, insults the people and imperils their institutions. We execrate the course of this administration in making p'accs in the civil service a reward for political crime; and demand a refortn by statute, which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candidate to bribe his way to the seat of a usurper by billeting villains upon the people. Sixth. The great fraud of 1876 — 7, by which, upon a false count of the electoral votes of two States, the candidate defeated at the polls was declared to be President, and, for the first time in American history, the will of the people was set aside under a threat of mil- itary violence, struck a deadly blow at our sys- tem of Representative Government. The Dem- ocratic party, to preserve the Country from the horrors of civil war, submitted for the time.in the firm and patriotic belief that the people would punish the crime in 1880. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred duty upon the people of the Union than ever addressed the consciences of a Nation of freemen. Seventh. The resolution of Samuel J. Til- den, not again to be a candidate for the ex- alted place to which he was elected by a ma- jority of his countrymen, and from which he was excluded by the leaders of the Republican party, is received by the Democrats of the United States with deep sensibility; and they declare their confidence in his wisdom, patriotism, and integrity unshaken by the as- saults of the common enemy; and they further assure him that he is followed into the retire- ment he has chosen for himself by the sympa- thy and Vespect of his fellow-citizens, who re- gard him as one who, by elevating the stand- ard of the public morality, and adorning and purifying the public service, merits the lasting gratitude of his Country and his party. Eighth. Free ships, and a living chance for- American commerce upon the seas; and on the land, no discrimination in favor of trans- portation lines, corporations, or monopolies. Ninth. Amendments of the Burlingame treaty: no more Chinese immigration, except, for travel, education, and foreign commerce^ and, therein, carefully guarded. Tenth. Public money and public credit for public purposes solely, and public land for actual settlers. Eleventh. The Democratic party is the frientt of labor and the laboring man, and pledges itself to protect him alike against the cormo- rants and the comnmne. Twelfth. We congratulate the Country upon the honesty and thrift of a Democratic Congress, which has reduced the public e?:- 386 THE AMERICAN MAXUAL. penditure ^10,000,000 a year; upon the contin- uation of prosperity at home and the National honor abroad; and, above all, upon the prom- ise of such a change in the administration of the Government as shall insure a genuine and lasting refonn in every department of the public service. Tirgriiiia Republican. \_Adopted A ugust 11. '\ "Whereas, It is proper that when the people -assemble in Convention they should avow distinctly the principles of Government on which they stand; now, therefore, be it. Resolved, That we, the Republicans of Vir- ginia, hereby make a declaration of our alle- giance and adhesion to the principles of the Republican party of the Country, and our determination to stand squarely by the organ- ization of the Republican party of \'irginia, always defending it against the assaults of all persons or parties whatsoever. Second. That amongst the principles of the Republican partv none is of more vital import- ance to the welfare and interest of the Country :in all its parts than that which pertains to the sancity of Government contracts. It therefore becomes the special duty and province of the Republican party of Virginia to guard and protect the credit of our time-honored State, which has been besmirched with repudiation, or received with distrust, by the gross misman- agement of various factions of the Democratic party, which have controlled the legislation .of the State. Third. That the Republican party of Vir- ginia hereby pledges itself to redeem the State from the discredit that now hangs over her,in regard to her just obligations for money loaned her for constructing her internal im- provements and charitable institutions, which, permeating every quarter of the State, bring benefits of far gieater value than their cost to our whole people, and we in the most solemn form pledge the Republican party of the State to the full payment of the whole debt of the State, less the one-third set aside as justly falling on West Virginia; that the industries of the Country- should be fostered through protective laws, so as to develop our own re- sources, employ our own labor, create a home market, enhance values, and promote the happiness and prosperity of the people. Fourth. That the public school s%-stem of Virginia is the creature of the Republican party, and we demand that ever}- dollar the Constitution dedicates to it shall be sacredly applied thereto as a means of educating the children of the State, without regard to con- dition or race. Fifth. That the elective franchise as an equal right should be based on manhood qualification, and that we favor the repeal of the requirements of the prepayment of the capi- tation tax as a prerequisite to the franchise as opposed to the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of the condition where- by the State was readmitted as a member of our Constitutional Union, as well as against the spirit of the Constitution; but demand the imposition of the capitation tax as a source of revenue for the support of the public schools without its disfranchising eflFects. Sixth. That we favor the repeal of the dis- qualification for the elective franchise by a con\-iction of petty larceny, and of the infa- mous laws which place it in the power of a sin- gle justice of the peace (oft times being more corrupt than the criminal before him 1 to dis- franchise his fellow-man. Seventh. Finally, that we urge the repeal of the barbarous law permitting the imposition of stripes as degrading and inhuman, contran,- to the genius of a true and enlightened people, and a relic of barbarism. [The Convention considered it inexpedient to nominate candidates for State officers. 1 THE AMERICAX JiAXVAL. s?: 13d ■wiiii][iiiilliti o^ fsascaavsli 388 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. lej^station for the collection of this tax, ded- icated by the Constitution to the public free schools, and to abolish it as a qualification for and restriction upon suffrage. Sixth. The Readjusters congratulate the •whole people of Virginia on the progress of the last few years in developing mineral re- sources and promoting manufacturing enter- prises in the State, and they declare their pur- pose to aid these great and growing industries by all proper and essential legislation, State and Federal. To this end they will continue their efforts in behalf of more cordial and fra- ternal relations between the sections and States and especially for that concord and harmony •which will make the Country to know how earnestly and sincerely Virginia invites all men into her borders as visitors or to become citizens without fear of social or political os- tracism; that every man, from whatever section of the Country, shall enjoy the fullest freedom of thought, speech, politics, and religion, and that the Stale which first formulated these principles as fundamental in free Government is yet the citadel for their exercise and pro- tection. Vlrg^inia Democratic. \_Adopted August /.] The Conservative Democratic part)^ of Vir- ginia — Democratic in its Federal relations and Conservative in its State policy — assembled in convention, in -view of the present condition of the Union and ofthis Commonwealth, for the clear and distinct assertion of its political principles, doth declare that we adopt the fol- lowing articles of political faith: First. Equality of right and exact justice to all men, special privileges to none; freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of the person under the protection of the habeas corpus; of trial by juries impartially selected, and of a pure, upright and non-partisau ju- diciary; elections by the people,free from force or fraud of citizens or of the military and civil officers of Government; and the selection for public offices of those who are honest and best fitted to fill them; the support of the State Governments in all their rights as the most competent administrations of our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti- republican tendencies; and the preservation of the General Government in its whole Consti- tutional vigor as the best sheet-anchor of our peace at home and our safety abroad. Second. That the maintenance of the public credit of Virginia is an essential means to the promotion of her prosperity. We condemn repudiation in every shape and form as a blot upon her honor, a blow at her permanent welfare, and an obstacle to her progress in wealth, influence and power; and that we will make every effort to secure a settlement of the public debt, with the consent of her creditors, which is consistent with her honor and dic- tated by justice and sound jniblic policy; that it is eminently desirable and proper that the several classes of the debt now existing should be unified, so that equality, which is equity, may control in the annual payment of interest and the ultimate redemption of the principal; that, with a view of securing such equality, we pledge our party to use all lawful authority to secure a settlement of the State debt so that there shall be but one class of the public debt; that we will use all lawful and Constitu- tional means in our power to secure a settle- ment of the State debt upon the basis of a 3 per cent, bond, and that the Conservative- Democratic party pledges itself, as a part of its policy, not to increase the present rate of taxation. Third. That -we will uphold, in its full Con- stitutional integrity and efficiency, our public- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 389 school system for the education of both white and colored children — a system inaugurated by the Constitution of the State and estab- lished by the action of the Conservative party years before it was required by the Constitu- tion; and will take the most effectual means for the faithful execution of the same by ap- plying to its support all the revenues set apart for that object by the Constitution or other- wise. Fourth. Upon this declaration of principles we cordially invite the co-operation of all Conservative Democrats, whatever may have been or now are their views upon the public debt, in the election of the nominees of this Convention and in the maintenance of the supremacy of the Democratic party in tliis State. Resolved, furthet, That any intimation, coming from any quarter, that the Conserva- tive-Democratic party of Virginia has been, is now, or proposes to be, opposed to an honest ballot, and a fair count, is a calumny upon the State of Virginia as unfounded in fact as it is dishonorable to its authors. That special efforts have been made to foster and encourage the agricultural, mechanical, mining, manufacturing, and other industrial interests of the State. That, in common with all good citizens of the Union, we reflect with deep abhorrence upon the crime of the man who aimed a blow Jit the life of the eminent citizen who was called by the Constitutional voice of fifty millions of people to be the President of the United States; and we tender to him and to his friends the sympathy and respect of this Con- vention and of those we represent, in this great calamity, and our hearty desire for his complete restoration to health and return to the discharge of his important duties, for the welfare and honor of our common Country. National Republican. 1856 — Philadelphia. i860 — Chicago. 1864 — Baltimore. 1868— Chicago. 1872— Philadelphia. 1876 — Cincinnati. 1880 — Chicago. 1884 — Chicago. 1888— Chicago. ConTentlons. Democrat. 1856 — Cincinnati. 1 860 — Charleston. 1864 — Chicago. 1868— New York. 1872 — Cincinnati. 1876 — St. Louis. 1880 — Cincinnati. 1884 — Chicago. 1888— St Louis. RAIL,WAY CONSTRUCTION. New Lines For 1887— 1S8S. The Engineerings News says: The mileage of the new railway lines completed and under way in the States and Territories of the Rocky Mountain region and Pacific coast is summarized in the following table: In pto- Located Track laid gress of and tinder Pro- States. 1886-1S87. construction, way. jected. Wyoming . . . 131,115 ... q5 ... Montana . • . 16,616 157 55 150 Idaho 11,440 19 47 80 Washington . 171,975 136 315 560 Oregon 4,345 161 295 400 California . . 274,377 598 7I5 54^ Nevada ... 160 Utah 6 '5 330 200 Colorado . , . 43,948 39 638 865 New Mexico . . 3,553 71 294 . . . 390 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. I88S.— Republican Platrorin. Chicago, June 21st. The Republicans of the United States, as- sembled by their delegates in National Con- vention, pause on the threshold of their pro- ceedings to honor the memory of their first great leader, the immortal champion of liber- ty and the rights of the People — Abraham Lincoln; and to cover also with wreaths of imperishable remembrance and gratitude the heroic names of later leaders, who have been more recently called away from our councils- Grant, Garfield, Arthur,Logan,Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished. We also recall with our greetings and with prayer for his recovery the name of one of our living heroes whose memory will be treasured in the history both of Republicans and of the Republic — the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit of those great leaders, and our own devotion to human liberty; and with that hostility to all forms of despotism and oppres- sion which is the fundamental idea of the Re- publican party, we send fraternal congratula- tions to our fellow Americans of Brazil upon their great act of emancipation, which com- pleted the abolition of slavery throughout the two American continents. We earnestly hope that we may soon congratulate our fellow-citi- zens of Irish birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. We affirm our unswerving devotion to the National Constitution and to the indissoluble Union of the States; to the autonomy reserved to the States under the Constitution: to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all the States and Territories in the Union; and especially to the supreme and sovereign right of every lawful citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in public elections, and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold a free and hon- est popular ballot, and the just and equal rep^ resentation of all the People, to be the foun- dation of our Republican Government, and demand effective legislation to secure the in- tegrity and purity of elections, which are the foundation of all public authority. We charge that the present Administration and the Dem- ocratic majority in Congress owe their exist- ence to the suppression of the ballot by a criminal nullification of the Constitution and laws of the United vStates. We are uncompromisingly in favor of the American system of protection. We protest against its destruction proposed by the Presi- dent and his party. They serve the interests of Europe: we will support the interests of America. We accept the issue and confidently appeal to the People for their judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by general disaster to all interests, except those of the usurer and the sheriff. We denounce the Mills bill as destructive to the general busi- ness, the labor and the farming interests of the Country, and we heartily indorse the con- sistent and patriotic actions of the Repul^lican Representatives in Congress in opposing its passage. We condemn the proposition of the Demo- cratic party to place wool on the free list, and we insist that the duties thereon shall be ad- justed and maintained so as to furnish full and adequate protection to that industry. The Republican party would affect all need- ed reduction of the National revenue by re- pealing the taxes on tobacco, which are an annoyance and burden to agriculture, and the tax upon spirits used in the arts and for me- chanical purposes; and by such revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports of such articles as are produced by our People, the production of which gives employment to our labor, and release from import duties those articles of foreign productioiHexcept luxuries) the like of which can not be produced at home. If there shall still remain a larger THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 391 revenue than is requisite for the wants of the Government, we favor the entire repeal of in- ternal taxes, rather than the surrender of any part of our protective system at the joint be- hest of the whisky trusts and the agents of foreign manufacturers. We declare our hostility to the introduc- tion into this Country of foreign contract la- bor, and of Chinese labor, alien to our civili- zation and our Constitution, and we demand the rigid enforcement of the existing laws against it, and favor such immediate Legisla- tion as will exclude such labor from our shores. "We declare our opposition to all combina- tions of capital organized in trusts or other- wise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens; and we recommend to Congress, and the State Legislatures, in their respective jurisdictions, such Legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the People by undue charges on their supplies, or by imjust rates for the transportation of their products to market. We approve the Legislation by Congress to pre- vent alike unjust burdens and unfair discrim- inations between the States. We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the United States to be home- steads for American citizens .ind settlers, not aliens, which the Republican party established in 1862, against the persistent opposition of the Democrats in Congress, and which has brought our great Western domain into such magnificent development. The restoration of unearned land grants to the public domain for the use of actual settlers, which was begun under the Administration of President Arthur, should be continued. We deny that the Dem- ocratic party has ever restored one acre to the People, but declare that by the joint action of Republicans and Democrats about fifty million of acres of unearned lands originally granted for the construction of railroads have been re- stored to the public domain, in pursuance of the conditions inserted by the Republican party in the original grants. We charge the Democratic Administration with failure to ex- ecute the laws securing to settlers titles to their homesteads, and with using appropria- tions made for that purpose to harass the in- nocent settlers with spies and prosecutions under false pretense of exposing frauds and vindicating the law. The Government by Congress of the Terri- tories is based upon necessity onlj', to the end that they may become States in the Union; therefore, whenever the conditions of popula- tion, material resources, public intelligence and morality are such as to secure a stable lo- cal Government therein, the People of such Territories should be permitted, as a right in- herent in them, to form for themselves con- stitutions and State Governments and be ad- mitted into the Union. Pending the prepara- tion for Statehood, all officers thereof should be selected from the bona fide lesidents and citizens of the Territory wherein they are to serve. South Dakota should of right be im- mediately admitted as a State in the Union, under the Constitution framed and adopted by the People, and we heartily indorse the action of the Republican Senate in twice passing bills for her admission. The refusal of the Demo- cratic House of Representatives, for partisan purposes, to favorably consider these bills, is a willful violation of the sacred American principle of local self-government, and merits the condemnation of all just men. The pend- ing bills in the Senate for acts to enable the People of Washington, North Dakota, and Montana Territories to form Constitutions and establish State Governments should be pas.-^ed without unnecessary delay. The Republican party pledges itself to do all in its power to facilitate the admission of the Territorx'S of New Mexico, Wyoming, Idaho, and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-governuieut as States, 392 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. such of them as are now qualified, as soon as possible, and the others as soon as they may become so. The political power of the Mormon Church in the Territories, as exercised in the past, is a. menace to free institutions too dangerous to be long suffered. Therefore, we pledge the Re- publican party to appropriate Legislation as- serting the sovereignty of the Nation in all Territories where the same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute books Legislation stringent enough to divorce the political from the ecclesiastical power, and thus stamp out the attendant wickedness of polygamy. The Republican party is in favor of the use of both gold and silver as money,and condennis the policy of the Democratic Administration in its efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of letter postage to one cent per ounce. In a Republic like ours, where the citizen is the sovereign and the official the servant, where no power is exercised except by the will of the People, it is important that the sover- eign — the People — should possess intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that intelli- gence which is to preserve us a free Nation; therefore, the State or Nation, or both com- bined, should support free institutions of learning, sufficient to afford to every child growing up in the land the opportunity of a good common school education. We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken by Congress in the enactment of such Legislation as will best secure the rehabilita- tion of our American Merchant Marine, and we protest against the passage by Congress of a free ship bill, as calculated to Avork injustice to labor bv lessening the wages of those en- gaged in preparing the materials, as well as those directly employed in our ship-yards. We demand appropriations for the early rebuild- ing of our Navy; for the construction of coast fortifications and modern ordnance, and other approved modern means of defense for the protection of our defenseless harbors and cities; for the payment of just pensions to our soldiers; for necessary works of National im- portance in the improvement of harbors and channels of internal, coastwise, and foreign commerce; for the encouragement of the ship- ping interests of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacif- ic States, as well as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our va- rious industries, increase the security of our Country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our produce, and cheapen the cost of transportation. We affirm this to be far better for our Country than the Democratic policy of loaning the Government money without interest to "pet banks." The conduct of foreign affairs by the pres- ent Administration has been' distinguished by its inefficiency and its cowardice. Having withdrawn from the Senate all pending treaties effected by Republican Administration for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our commerce and for its extension into better markets, it has neither effected nor pro- posed any others in their stead. Professing adherence to the Monroe doctrine, it has seen with idle complacency the extension of foreign influence in Central America, and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. It has refused to charter, sanction, or encourage any American organization for constructing the Nicaragua Canal, a work of vital importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine, and of our National influence in Central and South America, and necessary for the development of trade with our Pacific Territory, with South America, and with the Islands and further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. We arraign the present Democratic Admin- istration for its weak and unpatriotic treat- THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ment of the fisheries question, and its pusil- lanimous surrender of the essential privileges to which our fishing vessels are entitled in Canadian porte under the treaty of 1818, the ■ reciprocal maritime Legislation of 1830, and the comity of Nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We condemn the policy of the present Administration and the Democratic majority in Congress toward our fisheries as unfriendly, and conspicuously unpatriotic, and as tending to destroy a valuable National industry, and an indispensable resource of defense against a foreign enemy. The name of American applies alike to all citizens of the Republic, and imposes upon all al;ke the same obligations of obedience to the laws. At the same time that citizenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who wears it, and protect him, whether high or low, rich or poor, in his civil rights. It should and must afford him protection at home, and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land he may be on a lawful errand. The men who abandoned the Republican party in 1884, and continue to aohere to the Democratic party, have deserted not only the cause of honest Government, of sound finan- ces, of freedom and purity of the ballot, but especially have deserted the cause of reform in the civil service. We will not fail to keep cur pledges because they have broken theirs, or because their candidate has broken his. We, therefore, repeat our declaration of 1884, to-wit: "The reform of the civil service, au- spiciously begun under the Republican Admin- istration, should be completed by the further extension of the reform system already estab- lished bylaw, to all the grades of the service to which it is applicable. The spirit and pur- pose of the reform should be observed in all Kxecutive appointments, and all laws at vari- ance with the object of existing reform Legis- lation should be repealed, to the end that the danger to free institutions which lurk in the power of official patronage may be wisely and effectively avoided." The gratitude of the Nation to the defenders of the Union can not be measured by laws. The Legislation of Congress should conform to the pledges made by a loj'al People, and be so enlarged and extended as to provide against the possibility that any man who hon- orably wore the Federal uniform shall become an inmate of an almshouse, or dependent upon private charity. In the presence of an over- flowing Treasurv it would be a public scandal to do less for fhose whose valorous service preserved the Government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief and the action of the Democratic House of Representatives in refusing even a consid- eration of general pension Legislation. In support of the principles herewith enun- ciated we in\-ite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, and especially of all work- ingmen whose prosperity is seriously Hireat- ened by the free-trade policy of the present Administration. The first concern of all good government is the \artue and sobriety of the People and the purity of the home. The Republican party cordially sympathizes with all wise and widl- directed efforts for the promotion of. temper- ance and morality. I8SS.— Prohibition Plat form. Indianapolis, May 31. '^Preamble: The Prohibition party, in Na- tional Convention assembled, acknowledging Almighty God as the sour«e of all power in government, do hereby declare: "i. That the manufacture, importation, ex« portatiou, transportation and sale of alcohol- 39i THE AMERICAN MANUAL. ic beverages should be made public crimes, and prohibited as such. "2. That such Prohibition must be secured through Amendments of our National and State Constitutions, enforced by adequate laws adequately supported by Administrative Au- thority; and to this end the organization of the Prohibition party is imperatively de- manded in State and Nation, "3. That any form of license, taxation, or regulation of the Liquor Traffic is contrary to good Government; that any party which sup- ports regulation, license, or taxation, enters into alliance with such Traffic and becomes the actual foe of the State's welfare; and that we arraign the Republican and Democratic parties for their persistent attitude in favor of the license iniquity, whereby they oppose the demand of the People for Prohibition, and, through open complicity with the Liquor Crime, defeat the enforcement of law. "4. For the immediate abolition of the In- ternal Revenue system, whereby our National Government is deriving support from our greatest National vice. "5. That an adequate public revenue being necessary, it may properly be raised by import duties by an equitable assessment upon the property and legitimate business of the Coun- try; but import duties should be so reduced that no surplus shall be accumulated in the Treasury, and that the burdens of taxation shall be removed from foods, clothing, and other comforts and necessaries of life. "6. That the right of suffrage rests on no mere accident of race, color, sex, or national- ity; and that where, from any cause, it has been withheld from citizens who are of suita- ble age and mentally and morally qualified for the exercise of an intelligent ballot, it should be restored by the People through the Legislatures of the several States on such ed- ucational basis as they may deem wise. "7. That Civil Service appointment for all civil offices, chiefly clerical in their duties, should be based upon moral, intellectual and physical qualifications, and not upon any party service or party necessity. "8. For the abolition of polygamy and the . establishment of uniform laws governing mar- riage and divorce. "9. P'or prohibiting all combinations of capital to control and to increase the cost of products for popular consumption. "10. For the preservation and defense of the Sabbath as a civil institution, without op- pression of any who religiously observe the same on any other than the first day of the week. "11. That arbitration is the Christian, wise and economic method of settling National differences, and the same method should, by judicious Legislation, be applied to the settle- ment of disputes between large bodies of em- ployes and employers. That the abolition of the saloon would remove burdens, moral, physical, pecuniary and social, which now op- press labor and rob it of its earnings, and would prove to be a wise and successful way of promoting labor reform; and we invite la- bor and capital to unite with us for the ac- complishment thereof. That monopoly in land is a wrong to the People, and the public lands should be reserved for actual settlers; and that men and women should receive equal wages for equal work. "12. That our immigration laws should be so enforced as to prevent the introduction in- to our Country of all convicts, inmates of other dependent institutions and all others physically incapacitated for self-support; and that no person should have the ballot in any State who is not a citizen of the United States. "Recognizing and declaring that Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic has become the dominant issue in National politics, we invite to full party fellowship all who on this one dominant issue are with us agreed in full belief that this party can and will remove sectional differen- ces, and promote National unity, and insure the best welfare of our entire land." THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 395 1SS8.— Democratic Plntforin. St. Louis, June 7. The Democratic party of the United States in National Convention assembled renews the pledge of its fidelity to the Democratic faith and reaffirms the platform adopted by its rep- resentatives in the convention of 1884, and indorses the views adopted by President Cleve- land in his last earnest message to Congress as the correct interpretation of that platform upon the question of tariff reduction; and also indorses the efforts of our Democratic Repre- sentatives in Congress to secure a reduction of excessive taxation. Chief among its principles of party faith are the maintenance of an indissoluble Union of free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second century of unexampled progress and renown; devotion to a plan of government regulated by a written constitu- tion strictly specifying every granted power and expressly reserving to the States or people the entire ungranted residue of power; the en- couragement of a jealous popular vigilance directed to all who have been chosen for brief terms to enact and execute the laws and are charged with the duty of preserving the peace, insuring equality, and establishing justice. The Democratic party welcomes an exacting scrutiny of the administration of the executive power, which four years ago was committed to its trust in the election of Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, and it chal- lenges the most searching inquiry concerning its fidelity and devotion to the pledges which then invited the suffrages of the People. Dur- ing a most critical period of our financial affairs — resulting from over taxation, the anomalous condition of our currency, and a public debt unmatured-it has by the adoption of a wise and statesmanlike course not only averted disaster, but j^reatly promoted the prosperity of the People. It has revised the improvident and unwise policy of the Republican party touching the public domain, and has reclaimed from cor- porations and syndicates, alien and domestic, and restored to the People nearly 100,000,000 of acres of valuable land, to be sacredly held as homesteads for our citizens. While carefully guarding the interests of the people, consistent with the principles of jus- tice and equity, it has paid out more for pen- sions and bounties to the soldiers and sailors of the Republic than was ever paid before during an equal period. It has adopted and consistently pursued a firm and prudent foreign policy, preserving peace with all nations while scrupulously maintaining all the rights and interests of our own Government and People at home and abroad. The exclusion from our shores of Chinese laborers has been efiectually secured under the provision of a treaty, the operation of which has been postponed by the action of a Republican majority in the Senate. Honest reform in the civil service has been inaugurated and maintained by President Cleveland, and he has brought the public ser- vice to the highest standard of efficiency, not only by rule and precept, but by the example of his own untiring and unselfish administra- tion of public affairs. In every branch and department of the Government under Democratic control the rights and the welfare of all the People have been guarded and defended; every public in- terest has been protected, and the equity of all our citizens before the law, without regard to race or color, has been steadfastly main- tained. Upon this record thus exhibited and upon the pledge of a continuance to the People of tl:e benefits of Democracy it invokes a renesv- al of popular trust by the reelection of a Chief Magistrate who has been faithful, able. 39H THE AMERICAN MANUAL. and prudent, and invokes in addition to that trust the transfer also to the Democracy of the entire Legislative Power. The Republican party, controlling the Sen- ate and resisting in both Houses of Congress a reformation of unjust and unequal tax laws — which have outlasted the necessities of war and are now undermining the abundance of a long period of peace — deny to the people •equality before the law, and the fairness and the justice which are their right. The cry of American labor for a better share in the re- wards of industry is stifled with false pretences, enterprise is fettered and bound down to home markets; capital is discouraged with doubt, and unequal, unjust laws can neither be prop- erly amended nor repealed. The Democratic party will continue, with all the power con- fided to it, the struggle to reform these laws in accordance with the pledges of its last plat- form, indorsed at the ballot-box by the suf- frages of the people. Of all the industrious freemen of our land, the immense majority, including the tiller of the soil, gain no advan- tage from excessive tax laws, but the price of nearly everything they buy is increased by the favoritism of an unequal system of tax legislation. All unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation. It is repugnant to the creed of Democracy that by such taxation the cost of the necessa- ries of life should be unjustifiably increased to all our people. Judged by the Democratic principles the interests of the People are be- trayed when, by unnecessary taxation, trusts and combinations are permitted to exist which, -while unduly enriching the few that combine, lob the body of our citizens by depriving them of the benefits of natural competition. Every rule of governmental action is violated when, through unnecessary taxation, a vast sum of money — far beyond the needs of au economical administration — is drawn from the People,the channels of trade, and accumu- lated as a demoralizing surplus in the Nation- al Treasury', The money now lying idle in the Federal Treasury resulting from superfluous taxation amounts to more than 1 125,000,000, and the surplus collected is reaching the sum of more than |6o,ooo,ooo an-nually. Debauched by this immense temptation, the remedy of the Re- publican party is to meet and exhaust by extravagant appropriations and expenses, whether Constitutional or not, the accu- mulation of extravagant taxation. The Dem- ocratic policy is to enforce frugality in public expense and abolish unnecessary taxation. Our established domestic industries and enterprises should not and need not be en- dangered by the reduction and correction of the burdens of taxation. On the contrary, a fair and careful revision of our tax laws, with due allowance for the difference between the wages of American and foreign labor, must promote and encourage every branch of such industries and enterprises by giving them as- surance of an extended market and continuous operations. In the interests of American labor, which should in no event be neglected, the revision of our tax laws contemplated by the Democratic party should promote the advan- tage of such labor by cheapening the cost of necessaries of life in the home of every work- ingman and at the same time secure to him steady and remunerative employment. Upon this question of tariff reform, so closely concerning every phase of our National life, and upon every question involved in the prob- lem of good government, the Democratic party submits its principles and professions to the intelligent suffrages of the American People. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. PRESIDEXTIAI. TICKETS FOR 1888. Republican. President, Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana; Vice President, Levi P. Morton, of New York. Democrat. President, Grover Cleveland, of New York; Vice President, Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio. Prohibition. President, Clinton B. Fisk, of New Jersey; Vice President, John A. Brooks, of Missouri. Union Labor. President, A. J. Streeter, of Illinois; Vice President, Charles E. Cunningham, of Arkan- sas. 897 Industrial Reform. President, Albert E. Redstone, of California; Vice President, John Colvin, of Kansas. United Ijabor. President, Robert H. Cowdry, of Illinois; Vice President, W. H. T. Wakefield, of Kan- sas. Woman SuflTragists. President, Belva A. Lockwood, of Washing- ton; Vice President, Albert H. Love, of Pennsylvania. 398 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. TITIiES OF OUR STATESMEN. "Old" and "Iittle Oiant" is the suggestive, historical, and catching sobriquet that was worn by the great statesman, Stephen A. Doug'las. Many of PoIK's ardent admirers called him "Y«ning HicUory" hoping to win for him some of the warm support that "Old MicRory" com- manded. Andrew Jackson was called by his friends "Old Hickory," because of his sturdy qualities. "Old Hickory" is one of the historical nicknames of the world. "Eos' Cabin" Harrison was the way campaign orators used to speak of the "Tippecanoe" states- man. ''Haril 4!ider" was another appellation of his, while some talked of him as "Old Tip." Oeneral Taylor was not wanting in campaign titles. He was called "Old Zach" and "Old Bneiia Vista." But the title that the people most liked and the one that is historical is "Ronjjn an«l Rea«iy." Henry day always had flashing nicknames. Three have gone with Clay in history. "The Gal- lant Harry of the West," "The Youiijf 4'oni- moner," and "The Millboy of the Slashes," are titles that the great statesman himself delighted to apply. — Philadelphia News, NATITITT OF SOEDIERS IN OVR CITIE WAR. The nationality of soldiers in the Federal army during the War of the Rebellion is as toUows: Native American i, 5-3. 300 Eritisli Anicricau 53,500 English 45.500 Irish 144,200 German 176,800 Other foreigners 48,400 Nativity unknown, mostly foreign 26,500 Total 2,oiS,20o The sum total does not equal the number given by Phisterer's Statistical Record of the United States army, as enlisted during the War of the Re- bellion. This work, probably the most correct record ever completed, make's no attempt to group the soldiers by nationalities. In fact, it could not be accurately done, as in many instances the nation- ality was not entered in the record of enlistment. But the above table is no doubt appro.vimately correct: and the estimate of 75 percent, rather under than over states the number of native-born Amer- icans in our great volunteer Army. PRESIDENTIAE €ANDII>ATES. Eist of All the Eea> LEVI p. MORTON. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 401 He always dresses plainly in black. He is a reserved men, and keeps much to himself. He does not appear to have many social traits. He is not in an}- sense of the word what one would call "a good fellow." He is a man who would prefer any day a quiet cor- ner in his own library to the best company in the world outside of it. He is domestic in his habits, and thoroughly devoted to his hand- some, delicate-featured, black-eyed wife, who began with him a struggle for a place and a home in the then Far West when he was only 20 years of age. Those who know Mr. Harri- son, however, say that he is a devoted friend, and that underneath his reserve he has a most kindly heart. His record as a soldier during the War and his life in his Indiana home will bear the closest inspection. He was one of the most conservative members of the Senate; and, while he made no attempts at brilliant display in that body, he built up a solid reputation as a man of positive convictions, with a facility for clearly expressing himself. When he comes to speak, his voice is somewhat too harsh and high-keyed to please strangers, but after one becomes used to his manner, one soon learns to recognize with pleasure his blunt common-sense and the trained manner of a successful lawyer. He is at his best in a per- sonal debate, as he has more than ordinary powers of sarcasm and invective. He has oc- casionally come into sharp contact with the silver-tongued orator of the Wabash, Dan Voorhees; and the silver-tongued Daniel has in each instance been sorely discomfited. The cold, quiet face of Harrison in such a debate lights up with a flame of almost fierce energy, and for the time being he is entirely trans- formed. In the Senate he was third on the Commit- tee on Military affairs, third on the Committee on Indian affairs, and Chairman of the Com- mittee ou Territories, He followed in the footsteps of his grandfather in his committee work at least, for William Henry Harrison was a master hand at solving military and In- dian problems, while his record as the Gov. of the Territory of Indiana was one of the best. One of the local chronicles of that time alludes to the astonishing fact that some |6oo, 000 had passed through the Governor's hands without a single dollar of his accounts being called in question. Gen. Harrison is not rich. His law prac- tice is large, but he appears disinclined to set his fees high enough to meet the modern standard. He owns a handsome home where his wife receives much company. Thej- have a married daughter, and a son who is becom- ing prominent in the politics of Montana Ter- ritory. General Harrison is a member of the Indianapolis Literary Club, and occasionally takes part in the debates and exercises. He is also an active member of the First Presby- terian Church, and some years ago taught a Bible class in the Sunday school. Early Life an. Democratic Candidate for President. Grover Cleveland was born in Caldwell, Essex county, New York, March i8, 1837. He is the son of a Presbyterian minister, and was named in honor of Rev. Stephen Grover, the former occupant of his father's pirsonage. When Grover was four years old his father had a call to Fayetteville, near Syracuse, N. Y., where the young boy received an academic education. He afterward served as a clerk in a country store. The removal of the family to Clinton, Oneida county, gave Grover additional educa- tional advantages in the academy there. He taught school at seventeen and aided his luicle, Lewis T. Allen, in the compilation of a volume of the "American Herd-Book" In 1855 he began the study of the law with the firm of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, in Buffalo, and was admitted to the bar in 1859, but re- mained with the firm for three more years, acting as managing clerk at a salary of |iooo. Being the sole support of his sister and wid- owed mother, he was unable to enlist and fight for his country in her time of need; but he borrowed money to pay a substitute, and it was not until long after the war that he was enabled to repay the loan. In 1869 he became a partner in the law firm of Lanning, Cleveland & Folsom. He contin- ued a successful practice until 1870, when he was elected sheriff of Erie county, N. Y. In rapid succession he was elected by a ma- jority of 3,530, Mayor of Buffalo in 1881; Gov- ernor of New York in 1882, receiving a major- ity of 151, 742; and President of the United States in 1884. The total popular vote in the United States was 10,067,610, divided as follows: Cleveland 4,874,986. Blaine 4,851,981. Butler 175-370. St. John _ 150,369. Blank, defective and scattering 14.904. Total 10,067,610. Cleveland receiving a majorit}- of 37 electoral votes. Having entered the White House a bachelor, he found solitude too much for him, so, cast- ing his ej-es around on the host of his pretty and gentle admirers, they fell upon — Miss Frances Folsom, as the one to be sought, wooed and won. She became Frances Cleve- land and the young and handsome mistress of the White House at one and the same time, June 2d, 1S86. She was the daughter of President Cleve- land's deceased friend and partner, Oscar Folsom of the Buffalo bar. Except the wife of Madison, Mrs. Cleveland is the youngest of 10 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 411 the many mistresses of the White House, hav- ing been born in Buflfalo, N. Y., in 1864. Grover Cleveland enjoys the renown of be- ing the first bachelor President, and also, of being the first President married in the White House. Dentocratie C'an«li«t:ite for Vioe-Presldent. Ex-Senator Allen G. Thurman is a native of Virginia, having been born at Lynchburg, November 13, 1813. In the year 1819 his pa- rents removed West to Ohio. When the lad grew to be a young man he studied law with his imcle, Senator William Allen, who after- ward became Governor, and with Noah H. Swayne, subsequently a member of the United States Supreme Court. At the age of 22 he came to the bar, and was elected a member of the Twentj'-ninth Congress, which began De- cember I, 1845, and ended March 3, 1847. He •was not re-elected to Congress, and retired to the practice of his profession. In 1851 he ■was elected a Judge of the State Supreme Court of Ohio, and served one term of four years, the last two years serving as Chief Jus- tice. A long interval ensued between his sin- gle term on the bench and his appearance again as a nominee on the Democratic vState ticket of Ohio. In 1851 he had led his ticket ' y about 2,000 which indicated that he was the strong man in his party. On June 8, 1867, he was nominated at Columbus for Gov- ernor. The Republicans held their State convention on June 29, and nominated Gener- al R. B. Hayes. The election for State officers was held in October, 1867, and the total vote was 484,603. General Hayes was elected by 2,983 majority over Judge Thurman. The Democratic Legis- lature of 1868 elected Mr. Thurman to the United States Senate to succeed Senator Ben Wade, for the term beginning in 1869 and ending in 1875, and then he was elected for the term ending i88r. In the year 1876 Mr. Thurman was a candidate in the National Democratic Convention for the nomination for President, but then, as in 1880, the Ohio dele- gation was not for him. In 1884 he was once mon; a candidate for the same office, and, like the late Vice President Hendricks, he has been given second place on the Presidential ticket. Mr. Thurman has distinguished himself as a lawyer and jurist. He rendered valuable services as a member of the judiciary commit- tee of the House of Representatives. He represented the American Government in the International Congress at Paris in 1881, and afterwards visited France, »Switzer- land, the Rhine, Belgium and England. He has been confessedly pure and upright in public life, and in personal character is amiable and lovable. SENATOR ALLEN G, THURAIAN. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 413 lilVBS OF Bl^OHIBITION (§ANDIDAn:^BS. MAJOK-ClEIfEKAIi ClilNTON B. FISK. THE REV. RICHARD WHEATLEY, D. D. lik LINTON Boweii Fisk, one of the almost prominent and influential ad- ■'■ vocates of the great Temperance Reform, is a winter resident of New York, at No. 175 West 58th street. His home is at Seabright, N. J., where he is a citizen and laborer with God for men. Bom in the town of York, Liv- ingston County, New York, on the 8th day of December, 1828, he derived physical being from the best type of New England ancestrj-^ His earliest American progenitor emigrated hither from the Dano-Saxon county of Lin- coln on the east coast of England, some- where about the year 1700. Bacon's Genesis of the New England Churches conclusively shows that in that section were bornthe might- iest movements of modern civilization. Lm- conshire is not only the remote parent of the American Republic, but of the great Method- istic revival, which is its strongest conserva- tive force. True to the patriotic and military instincts of his forefathers, the great-grand- father of Clinton B. Fisk entered the Revolu- tionary army under General W ashmgton, served with great efficiency, and rose to the rank of Major-General. His descendants have distinguished themselves in other fields ot warfare than that of the sword. Wilbur Fisk, the profound theologian, and able President of the Weslevau University,Middletown,Conn., was a first cousin of Benjamin B., and father of Clinton B. Fisk. The latter married Lydia Aldrich, a New England lady of Lincoushire descent, and bv her became the father of six sons of whom' Clinton B. was the fifth. A manufacturer and contractor by occupation, he was an intimate friend of Governor De Witt Clinton, whom he assisted m building the Erie Canal, and whose patronymic he be- stowed upon his fifth child to serve a« a given desio-uation. Removing to Michigan in 1830, he there established the town ot Clinton, Len- awee County, naming it after his ineud and son There, too, he died in the prime ot hie —cut off by the malarial fevers incident to the settlement of a new country. Early liife. In the struggles and hardships necessary to life in primitive surroundings, Clinton B. grew up to a sturdy and resolute manhood. His parents were of Baptist antecedents, but the trainincr of their children, through the pres- ence and labors of itinerant preachers, was Methodistic. At the early age of nine years he was converted to God, and duly received into the membership of the IMethodist Episco- pal Church. Educated in die common schools of the neighborhood until he had reached his sixteenth vear, he then repaired to Albion Wesleyan Seminary, and there prepared to enter the Sophomore Class of Michigan Uni- versity. Greek and Latin were studied while eno-ao^ed in agricultural labors, with such dil- igenc'e as to threaten the total loss of eye- s ght Health failed, and a collegiate career was therefore, abandoned. Commercial pur- CLINTON B. FISK. JOHN A. BROOKS. THE AJfERICAX 3/ AN UAL. 415 suits next enlisted bis energies. Entering into the employment of L. 1). Crippin &. Co., proprietors of a country store, mill and bank at Coldwater, Mich., he married Jeannette A., only daughter of the senior partner, on the 20th day of February, 1850, and was also ael- mitted to the fii ni. Cripi^in & Fisk continued in associate re- lations until i85S,when the firm was dissolved, and the latter removed to St. Louis. There he established a successful insurance and banking business, and was numbered among the rising men of the city at the outbreak of the War for the preservation of the National Union. No series of biographits lurnished more impressive illustrations of the biological facts than that of the old New England families. Habits ofthought, feeling, and action, organ- ized in the constitution of consecutive genera- tions, and apparently dormant in the piping times of peace, became vigorously active amid the rude clarions of war. The echoes of the guns that fired upon Fort Sumter the 13th of April, 1861, awoke at once the hereditary instinct, and on the day following, Clinton B. Fisk was among the first of Missouri's loyal citizens to enlist as a private in a three months' regiment for services to the United States of America. Record During" the AVar. In Januar}-, 1862, he was conspicuous among those who led the revolution that cre- ated the Union Merchants' Exchange in oppo- sition to the disloyal Chamber of Commerce. His activity as one of the Executive Officers of the new association pointed him out as a fit- ting commander of the"Merchants'Regiment," better known perhaps as the Thirty -Third Regiment of Missouri Volunteer Infantry. A humorous story is told of the compact between himself and the soldiers, according to which he was to do all the profane swearing for the regiment. This compact seems to have been pretty well observed by general abFtinence from a shockinglj- bad halat, until a teamster, provoked beyond cominon eudurance by irri- tating stumps, broken wagon poles and kick- ing mults, tairiy inade the night air blue with sesquipedalian oaths. Astounded by this ex- plosion, the Colonel reminded the swearer of the compact. But the latter was equaV to the occasion. Recounting his grievances, he insisted that as the Colonel was not on hand to do the necessary swearing, he had to do it himself This story, with variations, was one of President Lincoln's favorites, and was often used "to point a moral, or adorn a tale." Having raised a brigade of troops, Colonel Fisk received the Commission of Brigadier in November, 1862. Subsequently he commanded a division in the Army of the Tennessee at the memorable siege of Vicksburg. Thence he was sent to take command of the military districts of Missouri and North Missouri. In that capacity he defeated Rice's attempt to capture Jefferson City, the Capital of the State. I^ife and Services after tlie War. Resigning his position at the close of the Civil War, he found that Mr. Lincoln was un- willing to dispense with his services. Request- ing General Fisk's presence at Washington, the martyr President assigned him to duty in Kentucky and Tennessee. He was Commis- sioner of the Freedmen's Bureau for all the Central South. The conjoint office of Military Commander ar.d Commissioner for Freedmen sought the man, and in the exercise of its functions the incumbent did the noblest work in his life. It was pre-eminently a work of pacification and reconstruction. He was in re- ality the Military Governor of Kentuck}-, Tennessee, Eastern Arkansas, and the north- ern portion of the Gulf States. Under his Administration social order was restored, in- dustry resumed its avocations, goodly fel- 416 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. lowship was established, and civil law regained supremacy. Peaceably if possible, but if not, forcibly, these ends were assiduously sought. Peaceably they were accomplished. Church, school-house, and judicial court supplanted the camp and battle-field. All parties were eminently satisfied with the progress of events. People whose wealth was estiiiiated at a hun- dred million dollars, and who had been large- ly identified with the Rebellion, petitioned President Johnson to detain General Fisk at his post of duty until the beneficent task of reconstruction was completely done. Since then he has deservedly been one of the most popular and trusted of all men in the regions, and with all the classes, that he served so well. The Methodist Episcopal Church, in particular, justly regards him with friendliest feeling. He was commissioned as Major-General by the state of Missouri in 1864. In March, 1S65, he received a commission as Brevet Major- General in the army of the United States. Re- signing all soldierly offices in September, 1866, he again returned to St. Louis, and em- barked in business to retrieve the temporal fortunes previously sacrificed on the altar of his Country's unity. Accepting a position as one of the State Railroad Commissioners, he further became identified with the Missouri Pacific and Atlantic & Pacific lines. To these he held the relation of Vice President and Treasurer from 1867 to 1876. With the educational development of the South, and also of many of the portions of the North, General Fisk has been, and is, most efiiciently connected. During his labors in the South he instituted the Fisk School for Colored People. This has since expanded, under the auspices of the American Mission- ary Association, into the Fisk University at Nashville, Tennessee. It is fairly entitled to the honor of being the first, and perhaps the best, learned institution hitherto founded for the benefit of the Africo-American race. Un- doubtedly it is one of the most successful. Its celebrated Jubilee Singers have made it famil- iar to immense multitudes in two hemispheres. Many of the best colored teachers, preachers, and missionaries have graduated from its halls. F'our hundred students, at least, are now in attendance. Well-equipped colleges of liberal arts, science, theology and law jus^ tify its claim to the title of University. Jubilee Hall and Livingstone Hall are two of the finest educational edifices in the entire South. Rarely does it fall to the lot of any citizen to enter so thoroughly into the great philan- thropic undertakings of the Age. Appointed by President Grant to the Board of Indian Commissioners in I S74, he was then elected to its Presidency, and still holds that ofiice. Working in harmony viith the Department of the Interior, the Beard has been singularly effective in the civilization of the Indian tribes. It has secured the organization of Industrial Schools at Hampton, Va. ; Carlisle, Pa. ; Law- rence, Kan.; Chilocco, in the Indian territory; Genoa, Neb.; and Salem, Oregon. About two thousand Indian children are trained in these institutions. Local schools are also maintained on the reservations of the aborig- ines. Along the lines indicated by these seminaries lies the way to satisfactory solution of the vexed Indian problem. Ultimate ab- sorption into the American body politic is the most fitting disposition of the original pos- sessors of the soil, and certainly the most Christian. Trustee of Fisk University, Ten- nessee; of Dickinson College, Pennsylvania; of Pennington vSeminary, New Jersey; of Al- bion College, Michigan; and of Drew Theo- logical Seminary, Madison, N.J., his personal infiuence touches society at its tenderest and most pervasive points. In the Methodist Episcopal Church Gener- al Fisk holds, or has held, the several offices of Sunday school superintendent, steward, THE AMERICAN MANUAL. 417 trustee and class leader. License as exhorter or local preacher he has persistently declined, and that from the conviction that laymen — distinctively such — have more power for good outside either office. Of the General Confer- ence of his Church, held quadrennially, he was a lay member from Missouri in 1876, and from New Jersey in 18S0 and 1S84. In that body he officiated as Chairman of the Commit- tee on the state of the Church, and also of the Committee on the Book Concern. For the past twenty years he has been a member of the Missionary Board of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and Chairman of its Committee on missions in Japan and Corea. He is also Chairman of the eastern section of the Book Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church, under whose supervision its stupendous pub- lishing work is carried on. Averse to practical politics, and declining personal participation in their procedures, he yet accepted the Prohibitionists' nomination for the Gubernatorial Chair of New Jersey in 1886. Pure sense of duty compelled candida- cy. Twenty thousand voters cast their bal- lots for his election. He failed of the popular choice, as was expected, but was rewarded by an increase of 500 per cent, on any previous vote, and by the strengthening of moral prin- ciples in his adopted Commonwealth. All corrupt proffers of aid, or of coalition, were emphatically yet politely refused. Giving five months of time, 5,000 miles of travel, 125 speeches, and money without stint in prosecu- tion of a wholly legitimate canvass, h*: created no political antagonisms, but said more and better things in behalf of the Repuolicans than they could say for themselves. Of their great historic party he is one of the founders, and has marched with its leaders from the days of Fremont to those of Garfield. For ten years he pleaded w4th its guiding minds to take up the burning question of saloon con- trol of politics, and to combine with all gen- uine philanthropists in the effiirt to dethrone King Alcohol. Since 1876 General Fisk has been in the banking and investment business in New York, and naturally commands the confidence and support of a large clientage. But neither pressing financial affairs,nor love of literature, nor participation in great reformatory enter- prises, is allowed to deprive him of tl^' luxury of immediate toil for the spiritual and tempo- ral welfare of the masses. As Vice President of the New York City Church Extiision and Missionary Society of the Mt-thodist Episco- pal Church, his form and voice are familiar, alike in public or private meetings held for the promotion of its interests, and in the gar- rets and cellars of the poorest of the poor. As an impromptu speaker he is remark; bly force- ful and felicitous. The whole range of British and American poetry is intimately known to him, and from its choicest products he plucks at will what will most adorn the seuiiment on which he lays special stress. Still in the ze- nith of physical and intellectual power, the cause of total abstinence, of prohibition, and above all of that Christianit}' in earnest from which each receives its most fitting support, may expect to receive from h'ni, under God, yet more efficient aid in the future. 4 S tHE AMERICAN MANVAL. THE REV. JOHN A. BROOKS, D. I>. Prtthiltitioii Candidate for Vice President. John A. Brooks was born in Mason county, KentHcky, June 8, 1836. His ancestors were ©f the old Virginia stock, sturdy, self-reliant and honest. Young Brooks entered Bethany College, Vir.^inia, at a comparatively earl)' age, and gr.j luated from that institution with high honors in 1856. After graduation he was elected President of I'Manningsbury College, Kentucky, which po.^ tion he occupied two years; then, resign- m;4 the position he entered the active ministry. Du ing the civil war Dr. Brooks was identified wicii the south and struggled bravely for the Confederacy. "Accepting the situation heartily, he is now an ardent supporter of the stars and stripes. He has been at the head of the Prohibition Movement in Missouri from its inception, as- sisting in the orginization of the party at Se- dalia, in 1880. He was the Prohibition can- didate for Governor of Missouri in 1884, and made a vigorous canvass of the State. Since 1884 he has been the General Agent of the Prohibition Lecture Bureau and spent much time in its interests in the Southern States. He is a man of powerful physique and possessed' of robust health. He is a force- ful, earnest speaker, and having "the courage of his convictions," makes a strong impression upon his audiences. J liiYES OP OjpHEr^ Candidates. BEliVA .\XX L,OCIiWOOD. Fqnal Ri^^lits Candidate lor President. The National Convention of the Equal R'g.its party met at Des Moines, Iowa. May 15, 18S8, and nominated Mrs. Belva Ann Ben- tiett Tvockwood for President, and Albert H. J ,c)ve for Vice President. Mrs. Belva Lockwood was born in Royalton, New York, October 24th, 1820. She was edu- cated in district schools, and taught at the age of fourteen. In 1838 she married Uriah H. McNall, a farmer, who died in 1853, and in I J: 68 she married Dr. Ezekiel Lockwood, who ded in 1877. She has taught school in New York Slate and Washington, D. C. Having early turned her attention and aid to the relief of her oppressed and down-trod- den sisters, she secured, in 1870, the passage of a bill "to secure to women employes of the government equal pay with men for equal work." In 1879 she obtained the passage of a bill "authorizing the admission of properly qual- ified women to practice in the Supreme and Circuit Courts. She has been an active advocate of woman suffrage, and in 1884 was nominated by the Woman's National Rights Party in California for the Presidency of the United States. Mrs. Lockwood graduated in 1857 from the Syracuse University. In 1870 she began the study of law. She was admitted to the bar, and has gained prominence in the lower courts. She is one of the foremost women lawyers in the United States. In 1879 she was permitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States and the Court of Claims, and enjoys the distinction of being the only woman ever admitted to practice be- fore the Supreme Court at Washington, D. C. A. J. STREETEK. BELVA A. LOCKWOOD. ROBT. H. CUWDRAY. 430 THE A3IERICAN MANUAL. A. J. STREETER. Villon L.abor Candidate for Presitlent. The Union Labor Party met at Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22. 1887, and nominated A. J. Streeter, of Illinois, for President, and Charles E. Cunningham, of Arkansas, for Vice-Presi- dent, A. J. Streeter was bom Jan. 18, 1823, in Rensselaer county, New York. He moved with his father to Lee county, Illinois, in 1S36. He helped build the log school house where he received his first le3!=oi»s in reading, writing and arithmetic. This school he attended two winter terms. At the age of twenty-three he felt the need of an education. Having no means but a pair of hand.s and an iron consti- tution and twenty dollars in his pocket, he made his way across the open prairie to Gales- burg, Illinois,and entered Knox College. Here he paid for one term's tuition, and worked every spare hour and Saturdays to pay his way. He lived in a garret and cooked his own meals. In this way he lived two years and a half. Being industrious he soon won success. He now lives in New Windsor, Illinois, where he does a large business in farming and stock raising. His political life began soon after his loca- tion at New Windsor, where he served several terms ou the Board of Supervisors, in 1872 he was elected to the Illinois State Legislature. In 1878 he was a candidate for Congress on the Greenback Labor ticket and received a large number of votes. The same party made him their candidate for Governor of Illinois in 1880. He was elected to the State Senate in 1884, and succeeded in having a bill passed to prevent the sale of tobacco to minors. ROBERT II. rOWDRET. United Enltor Candidate for President. The United Labor party met at Cincinnati. 1888, and nominated Robert H. Cowdrey, of Illinois, for President, and W. H. T. Wake- field, of Kansas, for Vice-President. Robert H. Cowdrey was born in 1852 at La- fayette, Indiana. He was educated in the vil- lage schools, where he soon mastered all that was to be learned there. In 1871 he went to Chicago to seek a wider field. He entered the Chicago Pharmaceutical College from which he graduated in due course of time with honors. He was editor of the Pharmacist and Chemist for seven years. For a comparatively young man he has su- perior attainments, marked capabilities, nota- ble as a orator, and stands high in position and estimation among Labor Unions. THE AMERICAN MANUAL. TARIFF HISTORT OF THE UNITED STATES. 421 [ Henry J. Phil pott, Esq.'\ In this ailicle I propose to compile the shortest possible complete history of tlie American tariff sytem. The first tariff was passed the 4th of July, 1789; the last one the 3d of March, 1883. luckiding these two, there have been fiftj^-five Tariff acts passed in ninety-nine years. INIost of them did not make radical changes in the tariff. The tariffs usually considered the most important by historians, were passed as follows, and they have all been named, also as fol- lows: Hamilton tariff 1789' Abominations tariflf . . . 1828 Walker tariff 1846 Calhoun tariff 1816 Compromise tariff . . . . 1833 Morrill tariff 1861 Clay tariff i824iWhig tariff 1842! The general effects of these various tariffs, and of the modifications made in them between times, may be traced in the following table, which shows the average rate of tax paid on all imports for each year since 1791. There was always a free list — always absolute free tiade in many things — but here are the average rates for the year on the things actually taxed: Year. Percent\ Year Per cent\ Year 1791 • . . 15.34 iSii . . . 35.62 1831 . 1792 . . . 11.54 1812 . . . 13.07 1832 . 1793 . . . 14.68 1813 . . . 69.03 1833 . 1794 . . . 17.10 1814 . . . 46.791834 . 1795 . . . II. 21 1815 . , . 6.84 I8j5 . 1796 . . . 12.02 1816 . . . 27.94 1836 . 1797 . . . 15.60 1817 . . . 32.90 1837 . 179S. . . 19.99 1818 . , . 16.781838- 1799 • . . 19.70 1819 . . . 29.81 1839 . 1800 . . . 17.42 1820 . . . 26.69 1840 • 1801 . . . 16.61 1821 . . . 30.99 1 84 1 . 1802 . . . 30.6711822 . . . 27.13 1842 . 1803 . . . 20.52 1823 . . . 39.211843 . 1804 . . . 22.76 1824 . . . 50.21 1844 . 1805 . . . 19.19 1825 . , . 50.24 1845 . 1806. . . 21.22 1826 . . . 49.26 1846 . 1807 . . . 20.09 1827 . . . 53.761847. 1808 . . . 37.22,1828 . . . 47.59 1848 . 1809 . . . 18.80^1829 • • . 54.18 1849 . 1810 . . . 14.07I1830 . . . 61.69 1S50 . The reader will be surprised to observe that the highest ay portant change ir Per ceil t\ Year 47.38 1851 . 42.96 1852 . 38.25 1853 . Per cent \Ycar 40.19 40.38 34-94 29.18 41-33 31-77 34-39 34-56 25.81 29.19 36.88 34-45 33-35 28.02 26.28 26.11 27.14 '54 '55 ■56 '57 '58 '59 '60 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 '67 ,68 '69 '70 27.38 10/ 1 . •72 . 25-93 /-} • 25.61 '74 - 26.82 '75 - 26.05 '76. 22.45 '77 . 22.43 '78. 19-56 '79. 19.67 '80 . 18.84 '8r. . 36.20 '82 . 32.62 '83- 36.69 '84. 47-56 '85. 48-35 '86 . 46.67 a9, ft-! '87. TTctitii'f 1 ' Per cent ■ 43-95 • 41-35 • 38-07 • 38-53 . 40.68 . 44-74 . 42.89 . 42-75 . 44.87 . 43-48 • 43 20 . 42.66 . 45-45 . 41.61 . 45.86 • 45-55 . 47.10 lowest in 1815, although there intervened no in 1813 was ten times as high as for 1815. Wash; per cent— half the rate left by the Mills' bill — though the year before he died, 1798, shaved it 47.22! under Mill's 47.08I bill .... 40.00 a^e rate was in 1813 and the the law, and that the rate for ngton never lived to see the tariff as high as 20 422 THE AMERICAN MANUAL. pretty close. It was not until 1813, when the Government was 24 years old, and was in the midst of war, that the average rate reached the point proposed in the Mills bill. It has passed that point in only thirty-three of the ninety-nine years of our National life, and twenty-one of these have been under the present tariff. The average rate collected in 1887 has been exceederl but thirteen times in our history, and eight of these were before the war. The highest series of rates collected for any term of seven j'cars was from 1S24 to 1830, inclusive. It actually aver- aged for the seven years more than 52 per cent. Numerous other interesting comparisons will occur to the student. So much for the general average rate collected on all dutiable goods. Now let us tabulate as best we can briefly the history of rates enacted on certain selected articles of common use. Tliis is~a herculean task, for the reason that there are two kinds of tariff, taxes — specific and ad valorem. A specific tax or duty is so much on the pound, yard, gallon, barrel, or bushel, etc. An ad valorem dut}' is so much on the dollar's worth. How can we compare these? How can we compare a tax of 10 cents a yard, under one tariff, with a tax of 20 per cent on the cost price, under another tariff.'' If we knew the foreign cost of the cloth taxed 10 cents a yard, we could do it, but it is only within recent years that the Government has told us that — or even instructed its custom-house officers to find it out. To confuse matters still more, the present tariff often levies both kinds of duties on the same article. Thus on one of the six classes into which women's and children's dress goods are divided, the tax is six cents a square yard (specific) and 35 per cent (ad valorem). But this is not the oddest nor most confusing feature about it, for if the goods weigh over four ounces to the square yard the tax is levied in a still different way, and instead of six or eight cents a yard it is 50 cents a pound, plus the 35 per cent. If past tariffs were as intricate as the present one our task would indeed be hopeless. But in all tariffs there are clauses stating what the taxes shall be on all articles of the several great classes "not otherwise provided for" (n. o. p.). Into these n. o. p. clauses are dumped the articles of each great class which the tax-layers couldn't think of or were afraid they couldn't with sufficient accuracy describe in their proper places. The taxes they laid on these were of necessity sim- jDle and usually ad valorem, and furnished a key to the mind of the legislator. If he laid a tax of 20 per cent on cottons "n. o. p.," you may well guess that he thought he was putting about an average of 20 per cent on the cottons he did provide for. In the following table 1 occasionally make this use ot the n. o. p. classes, but always with the letters attached: See table, page ^2^. The histor}' of the wool tariff" needs to be elaborated a little. Down to 1824 wool was free and cotton was taxed. Then wool was divided into two classes, according to value, and if val- ued at less than 10 cents a pound the tax was 15 per cent, otherwise 20, and afterwards 30. In 1828 the tax on high-grade wool was enormously increased. For eight years it remained at four cents a pound and 40 per cent, and then the compromise tariff began to reduce it a little. The maximum figures I have given from 1828 to 1842 are the highest that could possibly be collected under the complex law, and doubtless far higher than the average actually collected, though that was probably 50 per cent. In 1832 low-grade wool was again made free, and has never since been heavily taxed. Wool is now (since 1S67) divided into three classes, "cloth- ing," "combing" and "carpet," and they paid last year 55 per cent, 43 per cent and 25 per cent respectively. The first tariff was the lightest. It was graduall}' raised until the war of 1812 broke out, and then it was doubled at a stroke. The genuine high protective sy.stem was adopted in lijib, THE AMERICAN- MANUAL. 423 nncler the influence of Calhoun, who bitterly regretted it. Webster was a free trarTer when the tariff was raised in 1824, but faced about and helped to raise it again in 1828. This was called the Tariff of Abominations, because tlie freetraders tried to kill it by loading it down with abominations, but to their great surprise it passed with all its sins upon it. It almost led to war, and did lead to the Compromise Tariff ot 1833, which proposed a gradual horizontal re- riuction. In 1S42 the Wl.igs raised the tariff; in 1846 the Democrats reduced it; in 1857 the new R ;publican party had got control over the I^ower House and with Democratic help reduced the tariff again to the lowest point reached since 1816. Four years later they adopted the Morrill, or War Tariff, and graduall}' raised it until 1867; its exlremest features being adopted after the war was over. .Tn 1872 they passed a horizontal reduction of 10 per cent, which they repealed two years later. In 1882 they appointed a tariff commission, and it recommended a reduction which would have left the average rate about 30 per cent on dutiable goods. On the 3d of March 1883, they passed a law which reduced some duties and raised others, among them, as will be seen by the table, those on glass and earthenware, but leaving the general average about the same. All subsequent reduction bills have failed to pass the Lower House until Satun'av July 21, 18S8, wi.'en the Mills bill, freeing wool, lumber, and some other things, and calculated to reduce the average rate on dutiable imports to 40 per cent, was passed by a vote of 162 to 149. Tariff act of the year. >i 1789. . . 1790-91 . , 1792 ... 1794-5 • . 1797-1800 , 1804-7-s . , 1812-15 . , I8I6-I9 . , 1824-25 . , 1828-30. . , 1832 . . . , 1842 . . . . 1S46. . . , 1857. . . . 1867, 1883, free 3C free free free free The figures marked with a * are the averaj others are the rates embodied in the law. 5», ?5i "1 §1 • s 1- li 03 5] ? 3 K.'^ K.S. =^^ ■ o- i^s s;« s a s s a§ • • 1 <5 7" 8 s 5 > 5, free 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 7'/2 free 5 , 5 , 5 5 1% 5 5 I2j^ V/2 free iVz TA free I'A 10 10 yV. 15 I2J.2 free 10 10 free 12]A. 15 15 ^W 20 15 free 12^ 12^ free 12^ 15 15 17J4 izVi 20 I7H free 15 15 free 15 ij'A 15 22)4 35 free 30 30 free 30 35 35 30 45 n.o.p. n. o.p. 20 free 25 25 free 30 20 20 25 20 25 15(^30 30-33 J^ 25 free 30 25 25 25 25 I5@'50 40@45 35 free 30 25 25 25 25 o@8o 50 25 tree 25 25 25 25 "■.^S 24 o(a):78 44 24 free 24 24 24 24 "Su 23 0@72 3S 23 free 23 23 23 23 ^«a 30 5@6o 40 25 free 30 30 30 25 25 25 30 30 20 30 30 30 30 20 30 19 0@24 24 I2C a 15 24 24 24 24 15 24 30 5® 20 lb and 25pr ct 500 & •0 20 30 30 30 30 30 35 *40 35prct 35c & 20 35 35 45 40 40 35 *3t> 35®40 *7i 20 35 45 45 40 45 !?i 10 15 15 , 35 20 30 30 24 20® 25 25@40 25@6o ;e rates collected on the next year's imports. 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