■«*■■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. i / PRICE 50 CENTS- / FOR HOME AND OFFICE 1 ^^^'l Railroads-time tables Steamboats Horse car routes Steamship piers Art Galleries Institutions ''>>« Churches Theatres Post Office hours for Mails A F H.KENNY, PUBLISHER 83 NASSAU ST. COPYRiSH-r iqe9 BY F.H. KENN STEAMSHIP, YACHT >viND WEATHER SIGNALS. Imnis Gme. CONTAINING FULL INFORMATION AS TO RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS AND THEIR TIME TABLES; HOTELS AND THEIR CHARGES ; ART GALLERIES; THEATRES, WITH DIAGRAMS OF SEATS; PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, CHURCHES, ASYLUMS, BANKS, ETC., ETC. 3 FOR THE USE OF BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEHOLDERS AND OTHERS. For Index to Contents, see pages 3 and 4. PUBLISHED BY F. H. KENNY, 83 Nassau St., New York. May, 1889. j"^« 7 iUl Uiit 3 e ,1- life«U"^| ^ u ? yj rr iJi-'rt'.'; ;' MUiU' f^ ^1 ^^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year 1889, By F. H. KENNY, IN THE Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. K^v- F. H. KENNY, Publisher, 83 NASSAU STREET. TERMS:— Single Number Complete (Each Edition), 50 cents; with Weekly Supplement, issued on Mondays, $4.00 per Annum, in advance. No. 1. May 1889. Vol. I. INDEX-MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Page Accident Insurance Companies 107 American District Telegraph Offices 128 Amusement, Places of.- 128, 148 Apartment Houses -- — 31 Armories .- - 94 Arrears and Assessments Bureau _ 94 Art Galleries and Art Schools 24 Assessors, Board of 94 Associations, Mercantile and Trade 107 Asylums.'. -- 29 Banks in New York City - 95 Banks in Brooklyn 96 Board of Education 1 28 Brooklyn Annex 125 Building Inspection Bureau 94 Cab and Carriage Fares 128 Canal Lines ... 109 Car Lines in New York City 18 " " in Brooklyn. -.124,125 Cemeteries 27 Charities and Correction Department 94 Churches 25, 27 Clubs ,.; 77 Colleges 28 Commissioner of Jurors 94 Conservatories of Music 24 Consuls - - 51 Coupons — where payable 153, 157 Custom House - 94 Dancing Academies 24 Direotioiis for reaching various places-iio, 123 Dispensaries -- 30 Distances in N. Y. City 128 Dividends 153, 157 Dock Masters 102 Elevated Railroads in New York City 38 " " in Brooklyn 64 Exchanges in New York City 107 Excise Department 94 Express Offices --103, 109 Express to various places 112, 123 Fares to all places in United States. Via Baltimore & Ohio R. R 65,69 " Central R. R. of New Jersey 74, 77 " Delaware, Lackawanna & W. R. R. 65, 69 " Long Island R. R 73 " N.Y. Central & Hudson River R. R. 65, 69 " New York, Lake Erie&WesternR. R. 65, 69 " NewYork,NewHaven&HartfordR.R.70, 73 " New York, Ontario & Western R. R. 65, 69 " Pennsylvania R. R -65, 69 " WestShore R. R 65, 69 Fast Freight Lines 12, 16 Ferries - 19 Financial, Coupons, Elections, Meetings. 153, 157 Fire Department- 94 Fire Insurance Companies -- 150 Flats - 31 Foreign Exchange Quotations 163 Foreign Money Equivalents 157 Grand Army Republic — Meeting places, etc.. 51 Hack Fares 128 Health Department- - 94 Homes and Asylums - 29 Hospitals - 30 Hotels and their Rates 32 Insurance Companies 107, 150 Internal Revenue Officers 16 Investment Companies 95 Libraries 30 Life Insurance Companies 107 Map of New York City 16 Marine Insurance Comipanies- 107 Markets, Location of-- 46 Money Order, Post Office Rates - 17 Money Order, Express Rates ., 17 Mortgage Companies 95 National Guard 94 Newspaper Offices 64 Office Buildings - 19 Piers, Location of 50 Police Stations. -- 29 Port Wardens 103 Post Offiee Information. General Information 21, 24 Domestic and Canada Mails 93 Foreign Mails 154, 156 Money Order Rates 17 Post Office Stations 24 Public Buildings 46 Railroad Depots 12, 16, no, m Safe Deposit Companies 95, 96 Sailing Vessel Lines 104, 106 Savings Banks _- 95^ g6 Schools 28 Seminaries 28 Societies 17 Steamboats— Hudson River Landings 5, 7 do. — Landings not on the Hudson-7, 11 do. — Service from other places 125 Steamships from XeAv T'ork 150, 152 do. from other ports 20 Storage Warehouses 94 Street Cleaning Department 94 Tax Collection Bureau 94 Telegraph Rates, U. S., Canada and Mexico-52, 58 Telegraph Rates, Foreign ---78, 80 Theatres and Diagrams 128, 148 Tides at Sandy Hook 90 Transportation Lines 12, 16 Trust Companies 95, 96 Weights and Measures, Inspectors and Sealers of 94 Young Men's Christian Association 17 For Railroad Time Tables, see next page. RAILROAD TIME TABLE INDEX. Adirondack 35 "Air Line" to Boston - 45 Atlantic Coast Line-.. 98 Baltimore & Ohio.. 126, 127 Bay Line 99 " Bee Line" to the West 38 Bennington & Rutland 37 Boston & Albany 45. 85 Boston & Maine 46 Brooklyn Annex 125 Brooklyn, Bath & West End 108 Brooklyn & Brighton Beach 108 Brooklyn, Canarsie & Rockaway Beach iii Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh 63 Camden & Atlantic 92 Cape Charles Route 99 Catskill Mountain «& Cairo 108 Central of New Jersey ..81, 84 Bound Brook Route (Phila. Xevv Line)... 81, 83 Lehigh iS: Susquehanna Division. 83 Newark & New York R. R-. 82 New jersey Southern Division 84 Central Vermont 37 Chateaugay - 35 Chicago & Grand Trunk 37 Coney Island & Brooklyn. 108 Connecticut River. 63 Danbury iS: Norwalk 59 Delaware & Hudson Canal 35 Susquehanna Division 35 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western 86, 88 Bloomsburgh Division 87 Morris & Essex Division — 86 Elevated Railroads in New York 38 " " in Brooklyn — 64 Elmira, Cortland & Northern 108 Erie, see " New York, Lake Erie & W."^ 39, 41 Fitchburg - 37 Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville 60 Freehold & New York .-- 60 Grand Trunk 37. 41 Hartford & Conn. Western.. 60 " Hoosac Tunnel Route" 37 Housatonic — 59 Danbury & Norwalk R. R 59 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 36, 41 Lebanon Springs 62 Lehigh & Hudson River 88 Lehigh Valley 85 Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre Division.. 60 Long Island 47. 5° Atlantic Ave. Branch .; 50 Long Beach Branch. N'ot running. Manhattan Beach Division. 49 Meriden, Waterbury & Conn. River. 88 Michigan Central 36, 41 Newburgh, Duchess & Connecticut 88 New Haven & Derby 59 New Jersey & New York 61 New Jersey Southern 84 New London Northern.. 63 New York & Greenwood Lake 40 New York & Long Branch 92 New York & Massachusetts .. 64 New York & New England 45, 60 New York & Northern 64 New York & Rockaway Beach. 63 New York & Sea Beach . 108 New York Central & Hudson River 33, 38 Harlem Division 96 New York, Lake Erie «& Western 39, 41 New York, New Haven & Hartford .42, 45 Naugatuck Division 44 Northampton Division 44 Valley Division — 43 New York, Ontario & Western 62 New York, Providence & Boston 45, 46 Narragansett Pier R. R 45 Newport & Wickford R. R 45 New York, Susquehanna tS: Western. 61 Northern Adirondack 35 Northern of New Jersey 46 Old Colony 59 Passaic & Delaware 87 Pennsylvania --97. 102 Amboy Division..- 102 Belvidcre Division loi Freehold & Jamesburg R. R. 102 Philadelphia lS: Reading 85 Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore 127 Piedmont Air Line 98 Port Jervis, Monticello & New York 11 Prospect Park & Coney Island 89 Providence & Springfield 89 Providence iS: Worcester 46 Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg. 36 Shepaug, Litchfield & Northern .. 58 ' ' Shore Line " to Boston 45 " Springfield Line " to Boston.. 45 Staten Island 91 Sussex 87 Tuckerton 58 Ulster (& Delaware 106 Kaaterskill R. R. 106 Stony Clove & Catskill Mountain 106 Wallkill Valley... 62 West Jersev 103 West Shore R. R.. -89, 91 TIME TABLE INDEX TO lOTIPORTAINT PLACES. Place. Page. Albany, N. Y 33, 90 Atchison, Kan 149 Atlantic City 81, 99 Asbury Park 92 Babylon, L. 1 48 Baltimore 81, 99 Bar Harbor 40 Bismarck, Dak 149 Boston 45, 59, (iO Bridgeport, Conn 41 Buffalo 33, 41, 85, 88, 90 Burlinsfton, Iowa 149 Cape May, N. J 99 Catskill, N. Y 33,90 Charleston, S. C 98 Chicazo 36,37,41,97 Cincinnati 38, 41, 98 Cleveland 36, 38, 41, 98 Columbus, Ohio 38, 98 Council Bluffs 149 Denver, Col 149 Des Moines, Iowa 149 Detroit 36, 37, 41 Place. Page. Duluth, Minn. 149 East Saginaw .36, 41 Fort Wavne 37, 97 Galveston 98 Grand Rapids, Mich ... .36, 41 Greenwood Lake 40 Halifax, X. S 46 Harrisburg 83,97 Hartford 41, 45.60 Helena, Mont 149 Indianapolis 38, 41, 97 Jackson, Mich .36, 41 Jacksonville, Fla 98 Jamaica, L.I 47 Kansas City 149 Lake George 35 Lake Mahopac 64, 96 Lakcwood, N. J. Lenox, Mass Logansport, Ind. Long Branch Louisville Mansfield, Ohio . Place. Page. Mauch Chunk 83, 85 Memphis 98 Mexico City, Max 98 Milwaukee 149 Minneapolis 149 Montreal 35. 37 Narragansett Pier 45 Nashville, Tenn 98 Newark. N. J 83, 86, 1(0 Newburg, N. J 40,89 New Haven 41 New Loudon 44 New Orleans 98 Newport. R.I 45 Niagara Falls. . . ..35, 41, 85, 90 Ocean Grove, N. J 92 Old Point Comfort 99 Omaha, Neb 149 Paterson. N. J 39, 61, 87 Philadelphia 81, 97 Pittsburg 97 Pittsfield, Mass 59, 96 Portland, Me 46 Place. Page. Portland, Oreg 149 Providence 45, 60 Reading, Pa 85. 101 Richfield Springs 35, 88 Richmond 99 Rochester aS, 41, 90 St. Joseph, Mo 149 St. Louis 37, 38,41,97 St. Paul, Minn 149 San Francisco 98 Saranac Lake 35 Saratoga 35 Savannah 98 Sharon Springs 35 Springfield, Mass 41 Syracuse 3.3, 90 Terre Haute, Ind 38, 97 Toledo, Ohio 36, 41, 98 Topeka, Kan 149 Toronto 37, 41 Trenton 81, 100 Washington 81,99 |^°" Vor Places East of Boston, seepage 46; for Plaeex West of Chicago & St. Zouis, seepage 149. STEAMBOATS FOR HUDSON RIVER LANDINGS. ML8. 145 Albany, N. Y. People's Line leaves Canal St. Steamboat Drew, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Steam- boat Dean Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. P'are $1 50; Exc. Fare $2 50. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Due at Albany 6 00a. lii. Leave Albany daily except Sunday, 8 00 p. m. Due in Jsew York 7 00 a. m. 145 Albany, N. Y. Citizens" Line leaves Christopher St. Steamboat Saratoga on Sundays only, 6 00 p. m. (For passen- gers only.) Fare $1 50; Exc. $2.50. Due at Albany, 6 00 a. m. Leave Albany Steamboat City of Troy on Sundays only, 7 00 p. m. Due in New York 7 00 ii. m. 120 Alliens. N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Steamboat Walter Brett leaves Jay St., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Leave Athens, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m. Due in New York, 5 00 a. m. 95 Barrytoivn, N. Y. New York and Saugerties Transportation Co. Steamboat Ansonia leaves Franklin St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Fare $1 00. Leaves Barrytown, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 p. m. Due in New York, 5 a. m. 115 Catii«klll, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. leave Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wednesday, Fridav, 6 00 p. m. Steamboat Waller Brett, Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $\ 00 ; Exc. Fare $1 70. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Catskill daily except Saturday, 00 p. m. Due m m New York 5 00 a. m. 115 Catskill, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Jay St. Propeller W. C. Redfield leaves Catskill for New York, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 00 p. m. Fare $1 00. Due in New York 5 a. m. 54 Cold »«prins, JV. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. leave Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wedneday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Propeller W. C. Redfield, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare 50 cts. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Boen no! stop at Cold Spring on re/tmi trip to New York. 54 Cold Sprinif, >. Y Homer Ramsdell Line. Propellers Newburgh and Homer Ramsdell leave Franklin St. daily except Sunday, 5 00 p. ni. ; on Sundays 9 a. m. Fare 50 cts. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leave Cold Spring every day 9 00 p. m. Due in New York 1 :-.0 a. m. 56 Cornwall. Homer Ramsdell Line, propellers Newburgh and Homer Ramsdell leave Franklin St. daily except Sunday, 5 00 p. m., on Sundays, 9 00 a. m. Fare 50 cts. Freight received 5 00 p. m. Leave Newburg everyday 8 00 p.m. Due in New York I .SO a. m. 56 Cornwall. Seamboats J. W. Baldwin and City of Kingston leave Harrison St. J. W. Baldwin, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4 00 p m City of I^ingston. Tuesday and Thursday, 4 00 p. m., Saturday, 1 00 p. m. Fare jQ cts. Freight received up to 30 miiiutes before departure. Leave Cornwall daily except Saturday, 9 20 p. m. Due in New York 2 00 a. m. 135 Coxsackie. IV. Y. Propeller Thomas McManns leave Franklin St. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00. Freight received same days to 5 45 p m. Leave Coxsackie, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, 3 30 p. m. Due in New York 5 00 a m. 125 Coxsackie, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Propeller W. C Redfield leaves Jay St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 6 p. m. Fare $1 00. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Due m New ^ ork 5 00 a. m. 52 Cranstons, (West Point.) Steamboat J. W. Baldwin and City of Kingston, leaves Harrison »!• J- W. Baldwin, Monday, Wednesdav, Friday, 4 00 p. m.; City of Kingston, Tuesday and Thursday 4 00 p. m.; Saturday 1 00 p. m. Fare 50 cts. Freiglit received up to 30 minutes before departure. Leave Craustons daily except Saturday, 10 00 p. m. Due in New York, 2 00 a. m. , 35 Croton, N. Y. Propeller Fanny Woodall leave Harrison St. Tuesday Thursday, 8 00 p.m.; Saturday 2 00 pm (N0]jl«senge)'S carried.) Freight received same days when boat is in. Le.ve Croton, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, about 4 30 p. m. Time to New York 3 hours. 22 Dobbs' Ferry, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Propeller Raleigh leaves Harrison St. daily except Saturday, Sunday, 2 00 p. m. ; on Saturday, 1 p. m. (No iMSsengers carried.) Freight received up to time of departure. Leaves Dobbs' Ferry during the night. 8 Edgewater, N. J. Fort Lee Park and Steamboat Co. Boats leave Canal St. daily except Sundays, 10 00 a. m.; 2 00 p. m. 5 15 p. m.; on Sundavs, 10 00 a. m., 2 00 p. m.. 6 00 p. m. Lands at West 22d St. 10 minutes later. Fare lo cts.; Exc. Fare 25 cts. Freight received to 2 00 p. m. Leave Edgewater daily except Sundays, < 40 a. m., 11 40 a. m., 4 lu p. m.; on Sundays, 8 10 a. m., 12 10 p. m., 5 10 p. m. Time to New York, 35 minutes. 84 Esopus, N. Y. Steamboat J. W. Baldwin and City of Kingston leave Harrison St J. W Baldwin, Monday, -Wednes- day. Friday. 4 00 p. m. City of Kingston, Tuesday. Thursday, 4 00 p. m. ; on Saturday, 1 00 p. m. Fare $1 00. Freight received up to 30 minutes before departure. Leave Esopusdaily except Saturday, 630 p. m. Duem New York, ^UUa. m. 60 Flslikiil, N. Y. Homer Ramsdell Line Propellers, Newburgh and Homer Ramsdell. Leave Franklin St. daily, except Sunday' 5 p. m. On Sundays 9 00 a. am. Fare 50 cts. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leave Fishkill every day i 30 p. m. Due in New York 1 30 a. m. 10 Fort L,ee, N. J. Fort Lee Park and Steamboat Co. Boats leave Canal St. daily, except Sundays, 1000 a. m., 2 00 p. m , 5 15 p. m. On Sundays 10 00 a. m., 2 00. 6 00 p. m. Lands at West 22d St. 10 immtes later, tare, loc. Exc Paie, 2oc Freight received 2 00 p. m. Leave Fort Lee daily, except Sunday, 7 30 a. m., 11 30 a. m., 4. 00 p. m. On Sundays, 8 00 a. m., 12 00 m., 5 00 p. m. Time to New York, 45 minutes. Fort Lee. Fort Lee Ferry Boats leave West 130th St. {West 125th St.) every day, t6 10 a m., tO 50 a^ni t7 45 a.m., 8 30 a.m., 9 30 a.m., 10 30 a.m.. 11 30 a.m., 12 30 p.m., 130 p.m., 2 30 p.m., 3 30 P- •"■' ^ 30 p m., 5 30 p. m., 6 .30 p. m., 7 15 p. m. Tripi marked t are not rwi on Sundays Fare, 10c. Leave Fort Lee eveiy day, t5 4o a. m., t6 30 a. m. t71.5 a, m., 8 00 a. m., 9 00 a. m., 10 00 a. m., 11 00 a. m., 12 noon, 1 00 p. m , 2 00 p. m., 3 Oo p. m., 4 00 p. m., 5 00 p. m., 6 00 p. m., 6 .50 p. m. Trips marked t are not run on Sundays. Time of trip, 15 minutes. Ill Germantown, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. leave Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday Wednes- day, Friday, 600 p. m. Steamboat Walter Brett, '.'uesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare, $1^0, Exc Fare $1.70. Freikht received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Germantown daily, ^except Saturday, 7 00 p. m. Due m New York 5 00 a. m. 42 Grassy Point, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Steamboat Chrystenah leave Harrison St. daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 3 45 p. m., on Saturday 2 30 p. m. Lands at West 23d St. 15 minutes later Fare, 40c^; Exc. Fare, 50c. Freight received lip to time of departure. Leave Grassy Point daily, except Sui day, 7 00 a. m. Due in New \ork 10 00 a. m. 42 Grassy Point, N. Y. Propeller Peekskill leave Harrison St. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3 00 p. m. (iV(U>«*W«- 5re;-/mme(^.) Freight received same days to 2 45 p. m. Leave Grassy Point, Tuesday, Ihursday, about 4 00 p.m. Sunday Time to New York, S^ hours. 43 Grassy Point, N. Y. Propeller Fanny Woodall leave Harrison St., Tuesday, Thursday, 3 00 p.m., Saturday 3 00 p. m (No passengers carried.) Freight received when boat is in. Leave Grassy Point Monday, Wednesday, Friday about 4 00 p. in. Time to New York 3i/^ hours. „ . ^,^ , ., ^ 0.+ ,H„,r „„^i 21 Hastings, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Propeller Raleigh leaves Harrison St. daily except Saturday and Sunday, 2 00 p. m. On Saturday 1 00 p. m. (No passengers cmried.) Freight received up to time of departuie. Leave Hastings during the night. 40 Haverstraw, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Steamboat Chrystenah leaves H-«iTison St daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 3 45 p. m., on Saturdav 2 30 p. m. Lands at West 22d St. 15 minutes later. No Freight received for this landing. Leave Haverstraw daily,"except Sunday, 7 15 a. m. Due in New York 10 00 a. m. 40 Haverstraw, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Propeller Raleigh leave Harrison St. daily, except Saturday, and Sunday. 2 00 p. m. ; on Saturday 1 00 p. m. (No passengers carried) Freight received up to time of departure. Leave Haverstraw during the night. 77 Highland, N. Y. Propellers J. L. Hasbronck and D. S. Miller leave Franklin St. D. S. Miller Monday, Wednes- day, Friday, 6 00 p. m.; J. L. Hasbronck, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p m Fare, 7oc. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Highland daily, except Saturday, 7 30 p. m. Due in New York 3 CO a. in. STEAMBOATS FOR HUDSON RIVER LANDINCS.-Continued. MLS. 120 Hudson, N. Y. Propeller Thomas McMamis, leave Franklin St. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Fare, $100. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Leave Hudson, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, 7 00 p. m. Due in New York 500 a.m. 12 Hudson, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Propeller W. C. Redfleld leave Jay St., Tuesday, Thursday' Saturday. 6 00 p. m. Fare, SI .00. Freight received same days to 5 45 p.m. Leave Hudson Monday, Wednesday' Friday, T 00 p. m. Due iu New Y'ork 5 00 a. m. 81 Hyde Park, N. Y. Catskill and New Y'ork Steamboat Co. leave Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Steamboat Waller Brett Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare, $1.00; Exc. Fare, $1.70. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Hyde Park daily, except Saturday, 10 00 p. m. Due in New York 5 00 a. m. Linlitlij£o, N. Y. Catskill and New Y'ork Steamboat Co. leave Jav St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Steamboat Walter Brett, Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare, fl.OOi Exc. Fare, $1.70. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Linlithgo daily, except Saturday, 6 30 p. m. Due in New Y'ork 5 00 a. m. 105 maiden, N. Y. Catskill and New Y'ork Steamboat Co. leave Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Mondav, Wednesday, Friday, G 00 p. m. Steamboat Walter Brett, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare, $1.00: Exc. Fare, $1.70. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave INIalden daily, except Saturday, 7 30 p. m. Due in New Y'ork 5 00 a. m. 68 Marlborougli, N. Y. Propellers J. L. Hasbrouck and D. S. Miller leave Franklin St, D. S. Miller, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p.m. J. L. Hasbrouck, Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, (i 00 p. m. Fare, '.5c. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Marlborough daily, except Saturday, 8 15 p. m. Due in New York 3 00 a. m. 68 Marlborough, N. Y. Steamboats J. W. Baldwin and City of Kingston leave Harrison St. J. W. Baldwin. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 4 00 p. m. City of Kingston. Tuesday, Thursday, 4 00 p. m.: on Saturday 1 00 p. m. Fare, 75c. Freight received up to 30 minutes before departure. Leave Marlborough daily, except Saturday, 8 15 p. m. Due in New Y'ork 2 00 a. m. 72 railtou. N. Y. Steamboats J. W. Baldwin and City of Kineston leave Harrison St. J. AV. Baldwin, Monday, Wed nesday, Friday, 4 00 p. m. City of Kingston, Tuesda.v, Thursday, 4 00 p. m.; on Saturday 1 00 p. m. Fare, 75c. Freight received up to 30 minutes before departure. Leave Milton daily, except Saturday, 7 45 p. m. Due in New Y'orlv 2 00 a. m. 130 Neiv Baltlnjore, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Steamboat Walter Brett, leaves Jay St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 Ot) p. in. Fare $1.00. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Leave New Baltimore, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 00 p. m. Due in New Y'ork 5 a. m. 60 Newburgli. N. Y. Homer Ramsdell Line. Propellers Newburgh and Homer Ramsdell leave Franklin St. daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p. m. On Sunday 9 00 a. m. Fare 50 cts. Freight recjived to 5 00 p. m. Leave Newburg every day 8 00 p.m. Due in New Y'ork 1 30 a. m. 60 Neivburgli, IV, Y. Steamboats J. W. Baldwin and City of Kingston leave Harrison St. J. W. Baldwin, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 4 00 p. m. City of Kingston, Tuesday, Thursday, 4 00 p. m. On Saturday 1 00 p. m. Fare .50 cts. No freight received for this landing. Leave Newburg daily, except Saturday, 9 00 p. m. Due in New York, 2 00 a. m. 67 New Hanibiirgli, N. Y. Propellers J. L. Hasbrouck and D. S. Miller leave Franklin St. D. S. Miller, ^Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. J. L. Hasbrouck, Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday. 00 p.m. Fare 75 cts. Freight received to 5 45 p. in. Leave New Hamburgh daily, except Saturday, 8 45 p. m. Due in New Y'ork 3 00 a. m. 28 Nyack. North River Steamboat Co. Steamboat Chrystenah leaves Harrison St., daily, exctpt Saturday and Sunday, 3 45 p.m. On Saturday 2 30 p. in. Laialu at WeM 22d St. 15 minutes later. Fare 30 cts. Exc. fare 50 cts. No freight received for this landing. Leave Nyack daily, except Sunday, 7.55 a. m. Due in New Y'ork 10 00 a. m. 38 Nyack. North River Steamboat Co. Propeller Raleisrh leaves Harrison St. daily, except Saturday and Sunday. 2 00 p. m. On Saturday 1 00 p. m. (No Pa>tiday. Friday, 4 00 p. ra. City of Kingston, Tuesday, Thursday, 4 00 p. m., Saturday 100 p. m. Fare $1.00. Freight received up to 30 minutes before departure. Leave Rondout daily except Saturday 6 00 p.m. Due in New Y'ork 2 CO a. m. 101 Saugertieiii, N. Y. New York and Saugerties Transportation Co. Steamboat Ansonia leave Franklin St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00 Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Leave Saugerties, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 00 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 5 00 a. m. 7 Sliad> Side, N. J. Fort Lee Park and Steamboat Co. Boats leave Canal St. daily except Sundays, 10 00 a. m.. 2 00 p. m, 5 15 p. m.; on Sunday, 10 a. m.. 2 00 p. ni., 6 00 p. m. Lands at West 22d St. 10 minvtes later. Fare 15 cts.; Exc. Fare 25 cts. Freight received to 2 00 p.m. Leave Shady Side daily except Sunday, 7 45 a. m., 11 45 a. m. 4 15 p. m. Sundays 8 15 a. m., 12 15 p. m., 5 15 p. m. Time to New York 30 minutes. 35 Sing Sing, N. Y. Propeller S. A. Jenks leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday, 3 00 p.m. Fare 25 cts. Freight received to 2 45 p. m. Leave Sing Sing daily except Sunday, 7 00 a. m. Due in New York, 10 00 a. m. 100 Smith's liandlng, N. Y. Catskill and New Y'ork Steamboat Co. leave Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Steamboat Walter Brett. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00 ; Exc. Fare $1 70. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Smith's Landing daily except Saturday, 7 15 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 5 00 a. ra. STEAMBOATS FOR HUDSON RIVER LANDINCS.-Continued- JILS. 127 Stiiyvesaiit, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Steamboat Walter Brett leave Jay St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00. Freight received same days to .5 45 p. m. Leave Stuyvesant, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3 00 p. m. Due in New York, 5 00 a. m. 28 Tarrytown. North River Steamboat Co. Steamboat Chrysteiiah leave Harrison St. daily except Saturday and Sunday, 3 4.5 p. m. ; on Saturday 2 30 p. m. Lands at West 22d St. 15 minutes later. Fare 2.5 cts. ; Exc. Fare 40 cts. Connects by ferrij. No freifjhl received. Leave Tarrytown Si^/CT-r?/ daily except Sunday 800 a. m. Due in New York 10 00 a.m. 15 Tarrytown, N. Y. Propeller Tarrytown leaves Harrison St. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 300 p. m. {No passengers candied. ) Freij^ht received some days to 2 45 p. ra. Leaves Tarrytown, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 1 00 p. m. Time to New York 3 hours. 100 Tivoli, N. Y. New York and Saujjerties Transportation Co. Steamboat Ansonia leave Franklin St. Tuesdaj', Thurs- day, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1.00. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Leave Tivoli, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 15 p. m. Due in New Yorlv 5 00 a. m. 100 Tivoli, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. leaves Jay St. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Steamboat Walter Brett, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00 ; Exc. Fare $1 70. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Leave Tivoli daily except Saturday 7 45 p. m. Due in New York 5 00 a. m. 44 Tompicins' €ove, N. Y. Propeller Peekskill leave Harrison St. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3 00 p.m. {No passengers carried.) Freight received same days to 2 45 p. m. Leave Tompkins' Cove, Tuesday, Thursday, about 3 30 p. m.; Saturday about 5 30 p. m. Time to New York 4 hours. 44 Tompkiii!^' Cove, N. Y. Propeller F«nny Woodallleaves Harrison St. Tuesday, Thursday, 3 00 p.m.; Saturday 2 00 p.m. {No pas.migers carried.) Freight received same days when boat is in. Leave Tompkins' Cove, Monday, Wednesday, Friaay, 3 30 p. m. Time to New York 4 hours. 151 Troy, N. V. Citizens' Line leave Christopher St. Steamboat City of Trov, Monday, Wednesday. Friday, 600 p.m.; Saratoga, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 .50 ; Exc. Fare $2 50. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Due at Troy 00 a. m. Leave Troy daily except Saturday and Sunday, 730 p. m. ; on Sundays 6 00 p. m. Due in New York 7 00 a. m. 95 Dlster L,andingr, N. Y. New York and Sangerties Transportation Co. Steamboat Ansonia leave Franklin St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Pare $1 00. Freight receivsd same days 5 45 p. m. Leave Ulster Landing, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 45 p. m. Due in New York 5 00 a. m. 43 Verplaiik!«, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Steamboat Chrystenah leave Harrison St. daily except Saturday and Sunday 3 45 p. m.; on Saturday 2 30 p. m. La?ids at West 2M St. 15 minutes later. Fare 40 cts.; B.xc. Fare 50 cts. Freisht received up to time of departure. Leave Verplanks daily except Sunday 6 50 a. m. Due in New York 10 00 a. m. 43 Verplanks, N. Y. Propeller Peekskill leave Harrison St. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3 00 p. m. {No passengers carried.) Freight received 2 45 p. m. Leave Verplanks, Tuesday, Thursday, about 3 45 p. m. Saturday about 5 45 p. m. Time to New York 3 hours, 45 minutes. 43 VerpiankH, N. Y. Propeller Fanny Woodall leave Harrison St. Tuesday, Thursday, 3 00 p. m.; Saturday 2 00 p. m. {No passengers carried.) Freight received when boat is in. Leave Verplanks, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3 45 p. m. Time to New York 3 hours, 45 minutes. 53 West Point, N. Y. Catskill and New York Steamboat Co. Steamboat Catskill, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Propeller W. C. Redfield, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 600 p. m. Fare 50 cts. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. Does not stop at West Point on return trip to New York. 53 West Point, N. ¥. Homer Ramsdell Line. Propellers Newburgh and Homer Ramsdell leave Franklin St. daily except Sunday, 5 00 p. m. ; on Sundays 900 a. m. Fare 50 cts. Freight received to 500 p. m. Leave West Point every day 9 15 p. m. Due in New York 1 30 a. m. 82 West Park, N. Y. Steamboat J. W. Baldwin leaves Harrison St., Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 400 p. m Fare $1.00. Freight received up to .30 minutes before departure. Leave West Park, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, (00 p.m. Due in New York 2 00 a. m. 17 Yonkers, N. Y. North River Steamboat Co. Steamboat Chrystenah leave Harrison St. daily except Saturday and Sunday, 3 45 p. m.; on Saturday 2 30 p. m. Lands at West 22d St. 15 minutes later. Fare 20 cts.; Exc. Fare 30 cts. Freight received to time of departure. Leave Yonkers daily except Sunday 8 50 a. m. Due m New York 10 00 a. m. ir Yonkers, N. Y. Propeller C. A. Peene leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday 3 00 p. m. Fare 15 cts. Freight received up to 2 45 p. m. Leave Yonkers daily except Sunday, 8 00 a. m. Due in New York 9 30 a. m. 17 Youkers, N. Y. Ben. Franklin Freight Barge Line leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday 3 00 p.m. Freight received to 2 45 p. m. Leave Yonkers 12 00 noon. Time to New York about 4 hours. NOTICE.— Steamboat Sangerties leaves Franklin St. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1 00 Exc. Fare $1 50. Freight received same days to 5 45 p. m. Leave Sangerties Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, 7 00 p. m. Stopping at Tivoli, 7 15 p. m., Ulster Landing, 7 45 p. m., Barrytown, 8 00 p. in.. Rhinebeck, 8 50 p. m. Due in New York, 5 00 a.m. STEAMBOATS FROM NEW YORK TO LANDINGS NOT ON THE HUDSON. 6 Astoria, li. I. Steamboat Morrisania leaves Pier 23 East River, dailv, except Sunday, 11 30 a. m., 5 30 p. m. Fare 10c. Freight received to 5 15 p. m. Leave Astoria, daily, except Sunday, 7 55 a. m. Time to New York 2o minutes. 5 Bay Ridge, L.. I. A steamboat leaves Whitehall St. daily, except Sunday, 8 00 a. m., 9 05 a. m., 10 10 a. m ,3 45 p.m., 4 50 p. m., 5 55 p. m. Fare 10c. Leave Bay Rklge daily, except Sunday, 7 35 a. m., 8 40 a. m., 9 45 a. m. ; 3 lo p. m., 4 15 p. m., 5 25 p. m. Time to New York, 20 minutes {7nay change). Bedloe's loland. A steamboat leaves Whitehall St. every day, hourlv, from 9 00 a. m. to 5 00 p. ra. Fare 25c. Leave Bedloe's Island every day, hourly, from 9 30 a. m. to 4 30 p. m., then 5 45 p. m. Time to New York, 10 minutes. 7 Bergen Point, N. J. Steamboat Chancellor leaves Rector St. daily, except Sunday, 11 00 a. m., 5 00 p. m. Fare 10c. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Leaves Bergen Point, 8 25 a. m.. 2 25 p. m. Time to New York 45 minutes. 230 Boston, OTass. Fall River Line. Leave Murray St. 5 00 i), m. Pilgrim. Sunday, Monday. Wednesday, Friday; Old Colony, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. Fare, $3.00; Stateroom, $1.00. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Due at Boston, 6 50 a. m. Leave Boston daily, except Sunday, 6 00 p. m.; Sunday, 7 00 p. m. by the Old Colony K. K. Due iu New York, 7 30 a. m. 240 Boston. Mass. Norwich Line. Leave Watts St. 5 00 p. m. City of New York, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. City of Wdicester, Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday. Fare, $3 00; Stateroom. $1 00. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Dueat Bos- ton, 800a. m. Leave Boston daily, except Sunday, 6 00 p. m., by New York and New England R. K. Due in New York, 7 00 a. m. 211 Boston, Wlass. Stonington Line. Leave Spring St., 5 00 p. m. Rhode Island, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Ston- ington, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Faro, $3.00. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Due at Boston, 6 00 a. m. Leave Boston daily, except Sunday, 6 30 p. m., by Providence Division of Old Colony R. R. Due in New York, 6 00 a. m. 225 Boston, ITIass. Providence Line. Propeller Nashua and Pequot (no passengers carried). Leave Warren St. daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p. m. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leave Boston for New York during the night. Boston, ITIa»s. Metropolitan Steamship Co. {Outside Line). Leave Carlisle St., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,5 p.m. (No passengers carried.) Freight received daily to 6 00 p.m. Leave Boston, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Time to New York about 20 hours. 35 Brancliport, N. J. Steamboat Elberon, leave Franklin St. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 00 a. m. On Tuesday, 10 a. m. Fare 40c.; Exc. Fare 60c. Freight received up to 15 minutes before departure. Leave Branch- port on Monday, 11 00 a. m. and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 2 30 p. m. Time to New York 4 hours. 65 Bridgeport, Conn. Bridgeport Steamboat Company. Steamboat Waterbury leaves Catharine St. daily, except Sunday, 11 00 a. m. Fare, 50c. ; Exc. Fare 75c. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leave Bridgeport daily, except Satur- day, 11 00 p. m. Time to New York, 4 hours. STEAMBOATS TO LANDINGS iVOT ON THE HUDSON.-Continued. MLS. 65 Bridgeport, Conn. People's Steamboat Co. Eosedale leaves Peck Slip daily, except Saturday and Sunday, at 3 00 p. m., on Saturday, 2 30 p.m. Fare, fOc; Exc.Fare, 75c. (Stopping at East 31st St. 15 minutes later.) BYeigbt received at Peck's Slip to 5 00 p. m. Leave Bridgeport daily, except Sunday, 7 30 a. m. Time to New York, 3J4 hours. 65 Bridg-eport, Conn. Propeller City of Bridgeport leaves Catharine St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 4 30 p.m. (No Passengers carried.) Freight received same days to 4 15 p. m. Leave Bridgeport Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 00 p. ra. Time to New York, 4 hours. Brook-»vay's Landin"-, Conn. Hartford Line. Leave Peck Slip. City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m, City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p.m. Fare, $1.50; Exc.Fare, $2-25. Freignt received to 6 00 p. m. Leave Brockway'sdaily, except Sunday, 9 50 p. m. Due in New York at 6 00 a. m. 31 Brown Dock, N. J. Steamboat Sea Bird, leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday, about 3 00 p. m. Fare 50c.; Exc. Fare 80c. Freight received up to 15 minutes before departure. Leave Brown's Dock daily except Sunday, about 7 20 a. m. Time to New York 2 hours 40 minutes. 18 Clielsea. Steamboat New Brunswick leaves Vesey St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 3 00 p. m. Fare 20c. ; Exc. fare 30c. Freight received same days to 2 45 p. m. Leaves Chelsea Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 10 a.m. Due in New York 1020 a.m. Cliolera BankiHi. Steamboat Schuyler, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundav. Leaves East 21st St. 7:30 a. m.. Peck Slip 8 00 a. m., Franklin St. N. E., 8 30 a. m. Exc. Fare 60 cis. Due in New York, 5 30 p. m. 19 City Island, N. Y. Propeller Captain John, leaves Pike St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 12 noon. Fare 25c. Freight received same days to 11 45 a. ni. Leaves Citv Island Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 00. Time to New York 2 hours 30 minutes. 19 City L^land. N. Y. Propeller Baltimore leaves Pier 27 E. R. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 00 p.m. Fare 2.5c. Freight received same days to 1 45 p. m. Leaves City Island Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10 00 a. m. Time to New York, 1 hour 30 minutes. 9 Clifton, Stateu Island. By Ferry from Whitehall St. to St. George, Staten Island and thence by Staten Island Rapid Transit II. R. (see page 91 for time table). Fare 10c. 35 Cold Springs, 1.. I. Propeller Baltimore leaves Pier 27 E. R. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2 00 p. m. Fare 50c.; Exc.Fare 75c. Freight received same days to 1 45 p. ni. Leave Cold Spring Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7 00 a. m. Time to New York 414 hours. 5 College Point, L. I. New York and Long Island Ferry Co. Leaves E. 99th St. daily except Sundays, 5 00 a. m., 7 00 a. m., 9 00 a. m.. 11 00 a. m., 1 00 p. m., 3 00 p. m., 5 00 p. m., 7 00 p. m. Sundays, 9 00 a. ni., 11 00 a. m., 1 00 p. m.. 3 00 p. m., 5 00 p. m., 7 00 p. m. Fare 10c. Leaves College Point daily except Sundays, 600 a. m., 8 00 a. ni., 10 00 a.m., 12 noon, 2 00 p. m., 4 00 p. m., 6 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 CX) a. m., 10 00 a. m., 12 noon, 2 00 p. m , 4 00 p. m., 6 p. m. Time to New York 35 minutes, 7 College Point. Boyer's freight Propeller leaves Pier 27 E. R. daily except Sunday 200p.m.. Freight received to5 00 p. in. Leaves College Point daily exccj)! Sunday about 7 15 a. ni. Time to New York 1 hour. Coney Island. A'ia Bay Ridge and Sea Heach R. R. Boats leave Whitehall St. everyday (if weather iKrmits) about hourly to 6 p. m. Leave Coney Island about hourly to 6 10 p. m. 6 Constable Hook. Steamboat Chancellor leaves Rector St. daily except Sunday, 11 00 a. m., 5 00 p. m. Fare 10c. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Leaves Constable Hook daily except Sunday, 8 35 a. ni., 2 35 p. m. Time to New York 35 minutes. 140 Cromwell, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m.; City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 p. in. Fare SI -50 ; Exc. fare $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Cromwell daily except Sunday, 9 35 p. m. Due in New York G a. m. 22 David's Inland. U. S. Government boat leaves Gansevoort St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 00 a. m. (by Pass). Leaves David's Ishuid Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 00 p. m. 109 Deep Kiver, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, Citv of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 5 00 p. m. ; City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursdav, Saturdav, 5 00 p. ni. Fare $1.50; Exc. fare $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leave Deep River daily except Sunday, 9 35 p. m. Due in New Y'ork (J 00 a. m. 73 Derby, Conn. Naugatuck Valley Steamboat Co. Leaves Pier 39 E. R., between Market and Pike St., daily except Sunday, 6 00 p. m. Fare $1.00. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Derby dailv except Sunday, 6 00 p. m. Time to New York 13 hours. 14 Elizbethport, N.J. Steamboat Chancellor leaves Rector St. daily except Sunday, 11 00 a. m., 5 00 p. m. Fare 15c. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Leaves Elizabelhport daily, except Sunday, 8 00 a. m., 2 00 p. m. Time to New York, 1 hour 10 minutes. 14 Elizabethporl. N. J. Singer Mfg. Co.'s Propeller, E.Clark, leaves Dey St. daily, except Sunday, 2 00 p.m. Special freight received to 1 45 p. m. Leaves Elizabethport about 7 00 a. m. Time to New i ork, IM hours. 106 Essex, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m.. City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1.50; Exc. fare, $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Essex daily, except Sunday, 10 15 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 6 00 a. m. 31 Fairliaven, N. J. Steamboat Sea Bird leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Fare 50c.; Exc. Fare 80c. Freight received up to 15 minutes of departure. Leave Fairhaven about 7 15 a. m. Time to New Y''ork 2 hours 45 minutes. 170 Fall River Mass. Fall River Line. Leaves Murray St. everv day 5 00 p. m. Boats of this line at present are running direct to New port, connecting there with the Old Colony R. R". for Fall River. Fare, $2. 170 Fall River. Mass. Fall River Line. Boston, for freight onlv. Leave Murray St. about 5 00 p. m. (tw passengers ca?Tied). Leave Fall River about 7 00 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 9 00 p. m. Fishing Banks. Steamboat Angler. On Tuesdav. Thursday and Sunday. Leaves East 21st St. 6 30 a. m. Beekman St. 7 00 a. m. Pier 6, N. R., 7 30 a. ui. Exc. Fare 75c. Due in New York about 5 30 p. m. 8 Flusliing, Ij. I. Boyer's Freight Propeller leaves Pier 27, E. R., daily, except Sunday, 2 00 p. m. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leaves Flushing daily, except Sunday, about 7 00 a. m. Time to New Y'ork, 1 hour .30 minutes. Fort Sclmyler. U. S. Government Boat leaves Gansevoort St., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 00 a.m. (bypass). Leaves Fort Schuyler, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 00 p. m. Time to New Y'ork, "2 hours. 142 Gildersleeve's, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p.m. City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1.. 50; Exc. Fare, $2.25. Freight received 10 6 00 p. m. Leaves Gildersleeve's daily, except Sunday, 6 10 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 6 00 a. m. 152 Glastonbury, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Richmond. Mondav, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m. City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1..50; Exc. Fare', $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Glastonbury daily, except Sunday, 5 30 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 6 00 a. m. 28 Glen Cove, 1,. I. Steamboat Idlewild leaves Peck Slip daily, except Sunday, 4 00 p. m.. East 3l6t St., 4 15 p. m. iare, 35c.; Exc. Fare, 50c. Freight received at Peck Slip to 3 45 p. m. Leaves Glen Cove daily, except Sunday, 7 12 a. m. Due in New Y'ork, 9 15 a m. S3 Glenwood, L. I. (Townsend Dock). Steamboat Idlewild leaves Peck Slip daily, except Sunday, 4 00 p. m., East Slst St., 4 15 p. m. Fare, :35c. ; Exc. Fare 50c. Freight received at Peck Slip to 3 45 p. m. Leaves Glenwood daily, except Sunday, 6 40 a. m. Due in New York, 9 15 a. m. 114 Goodspeed's, Conn. Hartford Line. Leave Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m. City of Richmond, Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1..50; Exc. Fare, $2 25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leave Goodspeed's daily, except Sunday. 9 00 p. m. Due in New Y'ork, 6 (X) a. m. STEAMBOATS TO LANDINGS ^OT ON THE HUDSON.-Continued. MLS. Governor's Island. U. S. Government Boat Atlantic leaves Whitehall St. every day 7 (X) n. m., 7 45 a. m., 8 00 a. m. 9 00 a. m., 9 30 a. ni., 10 30 a. m., 1] 30 a. m., 12 45 p. ni., 1 15 p. m., 1 45 p. m., :i 30 p. m., 3 30 p. m., 4 15 p. m., 4 45 p. m., 5 15 p. m., 5 45 p. m., 6 15 p. m., 7 30 p. m., 8 30 p. m., 10 30 p. m., 12 night. The 7 00 a. m., 7 45 a. m., 12 night trips are omitted on Sunday (by ija,<. I, Montauk Steamboat Co. Steamboat Shelter Island leaves Pier 23, E. R., Beekman St., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p.m. Fare, S1.25. Freight received same days, 4 45 p.m. Leaves Greenport, Monday, M'ednesday, Friday, 6 00 p. m. Time to New York, 11 hours. .54 Griggsto-ivn, N. J. Merchants' Transportation Co. via Delaware and Karitan Canal. Propellers leaves Vestry St. daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Freight received to 6 p. m. (No passengers carried.) Leaves Griggstown during the night. Due in New York about 3 p. m. 112 Hadlyine, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, Citv of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m., City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1.50 ; Exc. fare, $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Hadlyme daily, except Sunday, 9 20 p. m. Due in New York, 6 00 a. m. 9 Harlem (1 30tli St.) Steamboat Morrisania leaves Pier 22, E. R., daily, except Sunday, 11 30 a. m., 5 30 p. m. Freight received to 5 15 p. m. Fare, 10c. Leaves Harlem daily, except Sunday, 2 00 p. m. Time to New York, 40 minutes. 156 Hartford, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p. m.. City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 p. m. Fare. $1 ..50 ; Exc. fare, $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Hartford daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p. m. Due in New York, 6 00 a. m. 26 Higblands, N. J. Steamboat Elberou leaves Franklin St. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 00 a. m.; on Saturday 10 a. m. Fare 40c. ; Exc. Fare 60c. Freight received up to 15 minutes before departure. Leave Highlands on Monday on Signal 12 m. and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on signal 3 30 p. m. Time to Nfw York 3 hours . 26 Highland.^, N. J. Steamboat Sea Bird leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Fare 50c.; Exc. Fare 80c. Freight received up to 15 minutes of departure. Leave Highlands daily except Sundays about 8 00 a. m. Time to New York 2 hours. 40 Huntington, Ij. I. Propeller Huntington leaves Pike St. Tuesday and Thursday, 4 00 p. m. Fare, 50c. Freight received same days to 3 45 p. in. Leaves Huntington Monday and Wednesday, 200 p. m. Time to New York, Zy^ hours. 27 Keyport, N. J. Steamboat Minnie Cornell leaves Vesey St. daily, except Sunday, 4 00 p. ra. Fare, 30c.; Exc. fare, oOc. Freight received to 3 45 p. m. Leaves Keyport daily, except Sunday, 7 00 a. m. Time to New York 1 hour 50 minutes. 59 Kingston, N. J. Merchants' Transportation Co., via. Delaware and Raritan Canal. Propeller leaves Vestry St. daily, except Sundays, 3 p. m. (No passengers carried.) Freight received to 6 p. m. Leaves Kingston during the night. Due in New York about 3 00 p. m. 19 lilnoleiinivllle. Steamboat New Brunswick leaves Vesey St. daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p.m. Fare, 20c.; Exc. fare, 30c. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leaves Linoleumville daily, except Sunday, 9 a. m. Time to New York, 1 hour 20 minutes. 25 liloyd's Dock, L. I. Propeller Baltimore leaves Pier 27, E. R., Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 p. m. Fare, 50c.; Exc. fare, 7.5c. Freight received same days to 145 p.m. Leaves Lloyd's Dock, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7 45 a.m. Time to New York, 3 hours 45 minutes. 30 liocust Point, N. J. Steamboat Sea Bird leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday. 3 00 p.m. Fare 50c.; Exc. Fare 80c. Freight received up to 15 minutes of departure. Leave Locust Point daily except Sundays about 7 25 a. m. Time to New York 2 hours 35 minutes. 102 Lyme, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p.m.' City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1.50; Exc. Fare, $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 ]). m. Does not stop at this landing on return trip to New York. 24 Maniaroneck, N. Y. Propeller Mary E. Gordon leaves Pike St., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 00 p.m. Fare, 25c. Freight received same days to 1 45 p. m. Leaves Mamaroneck, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 00 p. m. Time to New York, 2}.^ hours. 11 Mariner's Harbor. Steamboat Chancellor leaves Rector St. daily, except Sunday, 1100 a.m., 5 00 p.m. Fare 10c. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Leaves Mariner's Harbor daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a. m., 2 10 p. m. Time to New York, 1 hour. 130 Middle Haddain, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5 00 p. m. City of Richmond, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1.50 ; Exc. Fare, $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Middle Haddam daily, except Sunday, 7 15 p. m. Due in New York, 6 00 a. m. 1.36 Mlddletown, Conn. Hartford Line. Leaves Peck Slip, City of Springfield, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 00 p.m.. City of Richmond. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1. .50; Exc. Fare, $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leave Middletown daily, except Sunday, 7 15 p. m. Due in New York, 6 00 a. m. 48 Millstone, N. J. Merchant's Transportation Co., via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Propeller leaves Vestry St. daily, except Sundays, 3 00 p. m. [No passengers earned.) Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Millstone during the night. Due in New York about 3 00 \t. m. Newark, N. J. Stephens & Gondii's Freight Boats leave Jay St. daily, except Sunday, 11 00 a. m., 5 00 p. m. Freight received to 5 p. m. (No passengers carried.) Leaves Newark daily, except Sunday, 6 00 a. m., 4 00 p. m. Time to New York, 2 hours. 187 New Bedford, Mass. Propeller City of Fitchburg leaves Pier 39, E. R., between Market and Pike Sts., Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 4 00 p. m. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. (No 2)assengers carried.) Leave New Bedford, Mon- day, Wednesday, Friday, 4 00 p. m. Time to New York, 14 hours. 35 New Brunswick, N. J. Steamboat New Brunswick leaves Ve.sev St. daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p.m. Fare, 50c. Exc. Fare, 80c. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leaves New Brunsvi^ick daily, except Sunday, 6.30 a. m.. Time to New York, 3 hours and 50 minutes. 35 New Brunswick, N. J. Merchant's Transportation Co., via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Propellers leave Vestry St. daily, except Sundays, 3 p. m. (No pa^.?engers carried.) Freight received to 6 p. m. Leaves New Bruns- wick during the night. Due in New York about 3 00 p. m. 76 New Haven, Conn. The New Haven Steamboat Line leaves Peck Slip daily, except Sundays. C. H. Northam, 3 00 p. m.. Continental, 1100 p.m., on Saturdays, 12 00 night. Fare, 75c.; Exc. fare, $1.25; Stateroom, $1.00. Freight received to 6 p. m. Leaves New Haven daily, except Sundays, 10 15 a. m., 12 00 night. On Sunday.% 10 30 p. m. "Time to New York, 5 hours. 76 New Haven, Conn. St^rln's Line leaves Cortlandt St., Steamboat John H. Starin, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 00 p.m. Propeller Erastus Corning. Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, 9 00 p. m. Fare, 75c.; Exc. Fare, $1.25; State- room. $1.00. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves New Haven daily, except Saturday, 1015 p.m. Time to New York, 6 hours. 10 STEAMBOATS TO LANDINGS JS OT ON THE HUDSON.-Continued. MLS. 120 New liUiKloii, Couii. Norwich Line. Leave Watts St., 5 00 p. m.. Steamboat City of New York. Monday, Wed- nesday, Friday, Steamboat City of Worcester, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Fare, $1.40. Freight received to 445 p. m. Leaves New London daily, except Sunday, 10 45 p. m. Due In New York, 7 00 a. m. 120 New London, Conn. Central Vermont R. R. and Propeller Line. Leaves Market St. daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p.m. Freight received to 5 00 p.m. (yo passengers carried.) Leave New London daily, except Sunday, 6 00 p. m. Time to New York, 11 hours. 170 Newport, R. I. Fall River Line. Leave Murray St., 5 00 p. m.. Pilgrim, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Old Colony. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Fare, $2.00. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Due at Newport, 3 00 a. m. Leaves Newport daily except Sunday, 9 00 p. m., on Sundays. 10 00 p. m. Due in New York. 7 30 a. ra. 23 New Roclielle, N. Y. Propeller Cai)tain John. Leaves Pike St.. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 12 noon. Fare, 25c. Freight received on same days to 11 45 a. m. Leaves New Rochelle, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 30 a. m. Time to New York, 3 hours. 50 Nortliport, li. I. Propeller Portchester leaves Pike St. E. R' Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday, 2 00 p. m. Fare, 75c. Freight received same days to 1 45 p. m. Leaves Northport, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2 00 p. m. Time to New Y'ork. 5 hours. 50 Norwalk, Conn. Norwalk Line. Propeller leaves Beekman St. daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 5 00 p. m., on Saturday, 1 00 p. m. Freight received up to time of departure (no passengers carried). Leave Norwalk during the night. 133 Norwich, Conn. Norwich Line. Leave Watts St. 5 00 p. m. dail}', except Sunday, for New London, connecting there by railroad for Norwich. 133 Norwie-li, Conn. Steamboat City of Norwich leaves Watts St., Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 6 00 p. m. Freight received to 5 45 p. m. (no pMsengers carried). Leaves Norwich, Tuesday.T hurcday, Saturday, 6 00 p. m. Due in New York, r 00 a. m. 28 Oceanic, N. J. Steamboat Sea Bird leaves Franklin St. daily except Sunday 3 00 p. ra. Fare 50c.; Exc. Fare 80c. Freight received up to 15 minutes of departure. Leave Oceanic daily except Sunday about 8 30 a. m. Time to New York. 1 hour. .30 minutes. 120 Orient, £■. 1. Montauk Steamboat Co. Steamboat Shelter Island leaves Pier 23 E. R., Beekmaa St., Tuesday. Thurs- day, Saturday, 5 00 p, m. Fare, $1.25. Freight received same days, 4 45 p. m. Leave Orient, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 30 p. m. Time to New York, 9 hours 30 minutes. 29 Oyster Bay, L. I. Propeller Baltimore leaves Pier 27, E. R., Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 2 00 p. m. Fare, 50c.; Exc. Fare, 75c. Freight received same days, 1 45 p. m. Leaves Oyster Bay, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 7 30 a. m. Time to New York, 4 hours. f2.5 Pertli Ainboy, N. J. Steamboot New Brunswick leaves Vesey St daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Fare, 25c.; Exc. Fare, 40 c. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leaves Perth Amboy daily, except Sunday, 8 00 a. m. Time to New York, 2 hours 20 minutes. 34 Plea.i*ure Bay, N. J. Steamboat Elberon leaves Franklin St. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 00 a. m. On Saturday 10 00 a. m. Fare 40c.; Exc. Fare 60c. Freight received up to 15 minutes before departure. Leave Pleas- ure Bay on Monday, 11 05 a. m. and Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 2 35 p. m. Time to New York 3 hours 55 minutes. 137 Portland, Conn. Hartford Line leaves Peck Slip. City of Springfield, Monday, M^ednesday. Friday, 5 00 p.m. City of Richmond, Tuesd.ay, Thursday, Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, S1..50; Exc. Fare, $2.25. Freight recoived to GOO p. m. Does not stop at this landing on return trip to New York. Portlaiiil, malno. Maine Steamship Co. Steamer Kleanor or Winthrop leaves Pier 38 E. R., Market St., Wednes- day and Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare $5 00; Exc. Fare, $8.00. Freight received daily to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Portland, Wednesday and Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Time to New York, 36 hours. 27 Port CIie;*ter, N. Y. Port Chester Transportation Line leaves Pike St., Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 2 00 p.m.. Fare. 2.5c. Freight received same days to 1 45 p. m. Leaves Port Chester, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, about 2 00 p. m. Time to New York, 3 hours. | 180 Proviilence, R. I. Stonington Line leaves Spring St., 5 00 p. m. daily, except Sunday, for Stonington, connecting there with New York, Providence and Boston R. R. for Providence. Fare. $2.25: Stateroom-, $1.00. Due at Provi- dence, 4 .30 a. ni. Leave Providence by Railroad, daily, Sundays excepted, 7 50 p. m. Due in New York, 6 00 a. ni. 130 Providence, R. I. Providence Line. Propellers Nashau and Pequot, leaves Warren St. daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p. m. No passengers carried. Freight received to 4 45 p. m. Leave Providence daily, except Sunday, 7 30 p. m. Due in New York. 6 00 a. m. 180 Providence, R. I. Merchant's Freight Line. Propeilor Amos C. Barstow leaves Pier 11 E. R., Saturday, 2 00 p. ni. No pa-isertgers carried. Freight received same day to 1 45 p. m. Rackett & Bro., Agents, .52 South St. 5 Rund all's Inland. Steamboat Morrisania leaves Pier 2i E. R. daily, except Sunday, 11 30 a' m. Fare 10c. F'reigl)t received to 11 15 a. m. Does not stop on return trip to New York. 25 Redbank, N. J. Steamboat Sea Bird leave Franklin St. daily except Sund.ays 3 00 p.m. FareSOc. Exc. Fare 80c. Freight received up to 15 minutes of departure. Leave Red Bank daily except Sunday about 7 a.m. Time to New York 3 hours. . 57 Rocky Hill, N. jr. Merchants' Transportation Co.. iJirt Z>tf'a?rare awt? .ffaH^aw 6'a«a^ Propellers leave Vestry St. daily, except Sundays. 3 00 p. m. No passengers carried. Freight received to 6 00 p. m. Leaves Rocky Hill during the night. Due in New York about 3 00 p. ni. 120 Rock Landin"-, Conn. Hartford Line leaves Peck Slip. City of Springfield, Monday. Wednesday. Friday 5 00 p.m.; City of Richmonil. Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday. 5 00 p. m." Fare, $1-50; Exc. Fare". $2.25. Freight received to 6 00 p. in. Leaves Rock Lauding daily, except Sunday. 8 20 p. ra. Due in New York 6 00 a. m. 35 Roslyn, L. I. Steamboat Idlewild leaves Peck Slip daily, except Sunday. 4 00 p.m.. East 31st St., 4 15 p. m. Fare, 35 c; Exc. Fare. .50 c. Freight received Peck Slip 345 p. m. Leaves Roslyn daily, except Sunday. 6 25 a. m. Due in New York 9 15 a. ra. 21 Rossville, S. I. Stearaboat New Brunswick leave Vesey St. daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Fare, 25 c; Exc. Fare, 40 c. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leave Rossville daily, except Sunday, 8 40 a. m. Time to New Y^ork, 1 hour. 40 minutes. 140 Sag: Harbor, L. I. Montauk Steamboat Co., Steamboat Shelter Island leaves Pier 23 E. R., Beekman St., Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, 5 00 p. m. Fare, $1.25. Freight received same days to 4 45 p. m. Leaves Sag Harbor Monday, Wednesday. Friday, 4 30 p. m. Time to New York 12 hours 30 minutes. 24 Sand.uu. Steamboat S iady Side leav -s Pike St. daily, except Sunday, 3 55 p. m., East 31st St., 3 10 p.m. Fare. 35 c.; Exc. Pare. .50 c. Freight received at Pike St. to, 2 45 p. m. Leave Stamford daily, except Sunday, 7 40 a. m. Time to New York 2J hours. 20 Star Landing, N. J. Steamboat New Brunswick leaves Vesey St. Monday, Wednesday. Friday, 3 00p. ra Fare, 25 c; Exc. Fare 40 c. Freight received same days 3.45 p. m. Leaves Star Landing, Monday, Wedesday, Friday, 8 45 a. m. Time to New York 1 hour 35 minutes. ^ , _, ^ . , ^ ..i „ t> /c. 6 Stapleton, S. 1. By Perry from Whitehall St. to St. George, and then by Staten Island Rapid Transit R. R. (See page 91 for time table 5 St. George, Staten Island. Staten Island Ferry. Boat leaves foot Whitehall St. daily, except Sundays, 5 30 a. m.,6 00a. m., 6 30 a. m., 7 20 a. m., 7 50 a. m., 8 10 a. m.,8 30a. m., 9 00 a. m., 9 30 a. m., 10 00 a.m., 10 30 a. ra., 1100 a. m., 1] 30 a. m., 12 00 noon, 12 30 p. ra., 1 00 p. m., 1 .30 p. m., 2 00 p. m., 2 30 p. m., 3 00 p. m., 3 30 p. m., 4 00 p. m., 4 30 p. m., 4 50 p. m..5 10 p. m., 5 30 p. m., 5 50 p. m., 6 10 p. m., 6 30 p. m., 7 00 p. m., 7 40 p. ra., 8 20 p. m., 9 00 p. m., 10 00 p. m., 11 00 p. m., 11 30 p. m.. 12 15 night. On S-mdays 6 00 a. m., 7 00 a. m., 8 00 a. m., 9 00 a. m., 9 30 a. m., 10 00a.m., 10.30 a. in., 1100 a. m., 11 .30 a. mV, 12 noon, 12 30 p. ra., 1 00 p. m., 1 30 p. ra., 2 00 p. m., 2 30 p.m., 3 00 p.m., 3 30 p. m., 4 00 p. m., 4 30 p. in.. 5 00 p. m., 5 .30 p. ra., 6 00 p'. ra., 6 30 p. ra., 7 00 p. m., 7 30 p. m., 8, 8 30 p. m., 9 p. ra., 9 40 p. ra., 1020 p. in., 11 00 p. m., 11 30 p. m. Fare, 10c. Leave St. George daily, except Sundays, 5 20 a. m., 5 50 a. m., 6 15 a m , 6 50 a m., 7 20 a. m., 7 40 a. m., 8 00 a. m., 8 20 a. ra., 8 40 a. m., 9 00 a. m., 9 20 a. m., 9 50 a. ra., 10 30 'a.m., I0 50ea. m., 1120 a.m., 11.50 a.m., 12 30 p.m., 12.50 p.m., 130 p.m., 15) p.m., 3 20 p.m., 2 50 p. m." 3 20 p, m., 3 .50 p. m., 4 10 p. m„ 4 30 p. m., 4 50 p. m., 5 10 p. m., 5 30 p. ra., 5 50 p. m., 6 30 p.m., 6 .50 p. ra., 7 30 p. m., 8 10 p. ra., 8 .50 p. in.. 9 .30 p. m., 10 30 p. m., 11 30 p. ra. On Sundays 6 20 a. m., 7 20 a. m., 8 20 a. m., 8 50 a. m., 9 20 a. m.,9 45 a. m., 10 15 a. m., 10 45 a. m., 11 15 a. m., 11 45 a. m., 12 15 p. m., 12 45 p. in., 1 15 p. ra., 1 45 p. m., 3 15 p. ra., 2 45 p. m., 3 15 p. m., 3 45 p. m., 4 15 p. m., 4 45 p. m., 5 15 p. m., 5 45 p. m., C 15 p. m., 6 45 p. m., 7 15 p. m., 7 45 p. in., 8 15 p. in., 9 00 p. m., 9 40 p. m., 10 20 p. m., 11 00 p. m. Time to New York 25 minutes. Fare, 10c. 120 Stonliigton, Conn. Stonington Line, leave Spring St. 5 00 p. ra. Rhode Island, Monday, Wednesday, Friday; Stonington, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Fare, $1.35; Stateroom, $1.00, Due at Stonington 3 00 a. m., leave Ston- ington 9 20 p. in, Due in NewYork 6 00 a. in. 6 Tompklnsville, S. I. By Ferry from Whitehall St. to St. George, and then by Staten Island Rapid Transit R. R. See page 91 for time table. Fare, 10c. 25 Tottenville, S. I. Steamboat New Brunswick leaves Vesey St. daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Fare, 35c.: Exc. Fare, 40c. Freightreceived to 5 00 p. ra.. Leaves Tottenville daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a. m. Time to New York 2 hours 10 minutes. 73 Trenton, N. J. Merchants" Transportation Co., via Delaware and Baritan Canal. Propellers leave "Vestry St. daily, except Sundays, 3 00 p. ra. (No pamng»rs carried.) Freight received to 6 00 p. m., leaves Trenton daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p. m. Due in New York 3 00 p. ra. 3 "Willet'.si Point, Conn. U. S. Government Boat leaves Gansevoort St. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 00 a.m. By Pass. Leaves Willet's Point Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 00 p. ra. Time to New York 3)^ hours. 45 "Wilson Point, Conn. A Steamboat leaves Pier 49, E. R. daily, except Sunday, 5 00 p.m. Freight received to 5 00 p. ra. Leaves Wilson Point during the night. 23 Woodbridge, N. J. Steamboat New Brunswick leaves Vesey St. daily, except Sunday, 3 00 p. m. Fare, 359^ Exc. Fare, 40c. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Leave Woodbridge daily, except Sunday, 8 35 a. m. Time to New York 1 hour 55 minutes. PORT JERVIS, MONTICELLO AND NEW YORK R. R. Suninillvlllc Division. Stations, and fares from New York (-ingle and excursion) via N. Y., Ontario & W. R. R. Summitville, Wurtsboro, $2.14, $3.60 ; Westbrookville, $2.32, $3.60 ; Port Orange, $3.33, $3.60 ; CuddebackviUe, $3.33, $3.60 ; Godeffroy's, Huguenot Junction, $2.33, $3.60; Port Jervis, $2.33, $3.60. Leave foot of Jav St., 3 55 p. in. (leave foot \V. 42d St., 4 10) for Summitvllle, Port Jervis and intermediate stations. Arrive Summitville, 7 53 p.m.: arrive Port Jervis, 8 .50 p. m. Additional train leaves Sumraitville for Port Jervis and intermediate stations, 8 45 a. in. Arrive Port Jervis, 9 45 a. m . Trains to New York. Leave Port Jervis for Summitville and New York, 20 a. m., 2 30 p. m. ; leave Huguenot Junction, 6 30 a. m., 3 42 p. m. ; leave Godeffrov's, 6 36 a. m., 2 50 p. m. : leave CuddebackviUe, 6 42 a. m., 3 00 p. m. ; leave Port Orange, 6 46 a. m., 3 04 p.m.; leave Westbrookville, 6.52 a.m., 3 10 p. m.; leave Wurtsboro, 7 09 a. m., 3 30 p. ra.; leave Summitville, < 2.Ta. m., 3 58 p. m. Arrive New York (Jay and W. 43d St.), 10 45 a. m., 7 10 p. m. MONTICELLO DIVISION. Stations an \ fares from New York via N. Y., Lake Erie & Western R. R. : Port Jervis, $3.70: Huguenot Junction, $2.90 ; Spring House, $2.90 : Port Clinton, $2.95 ; Rose Point, $2.95 ; Paradise, $3.05 ; Oakland, $3.10 ; Hartwood, $3.20 ; Gilraans, $3.;30 ; Barnura's, $3.:i5 ; Monticello, $3.45, excursion, $5.00. Leave foot of Chamber.-* St. (leave foot of West 2:W St. 5 to 15 minntes earlier). For Port Jervis, Wlontlcello, and intermediate stations, 9 00 a. m. and on Wednesday and Saturday 3 30 p. m. Arrive Port Jervis, 12 3.5 p. m., 6 45 p. m. ; arrive Monticello, 2 05 p. m., and on Wednesday and Saturday, 7 45 p. in. Trains to Ne^v York. Leave Monticello, 7 40 a. m., and on Wednesday and Saturday 3 .50 p. m. ; leave Gilraans', 8 00 a. ra., and on Wednesday and Saturday, 4 05 p.m.; leave Oakland, 822 a. m., and on Wednesday and Saturday. 4 33 p.m.; leave Paradise, 8 36 a.m., ana on Wednesday and Saturday, 4 36 p. m. Arrive Port Jervis, 9 00 a m. and on Wednesday and Saturday 5 00 p. ra. Arrive Ne*v York" (Chambers and W. 23d Sts.), 12 07 p. m. and on Wednesday and Saturday, 10 83 p. in. 12 TRANSPORTATION LINES. INCLUDING RAILROAD FREIGHT, FAST FRFIGHT AND OTHER LINES. For Canal Lines see Page 109. ■**J,^**"*^*V*'*' *'''• -^^^^ "^y People's Line via Albany, foot of Canal St., until 5 45 p. m., Citizen's Line via Troy, foot of cnnstopher St., until 5 45 p. in., also by Hudj^on River K. R., Pier 4, E. R., St. John's Park, or cor. lllh Av. and 33d St., or by T\ est Shore R. R., Pier 5, N. R., or foot of West 35th St., or foot of North 6th St. Brooklyn, E. D. ■*"*'?*T?** I'^l}^' ^^^^ ^"*^ ■^'"' ^''^ Erie, Pa. MarK " Anchor Line." Ship at Pier 4, N. R.. or foot of Laight St., and foot of North 4th St., Brooklyn, E. D., and footof Pearl St., Brooklyn, until 4 00 p. m. H. S. Nichols, Agent, 76 Wall St., 381 Broadway. > & i i Assoc'Iated Rail-ways of North and South Carolina and Virginia, includine "Atlantic Coast Line," " Piedmont Air a'"®'^ oo,^?? ^9*1™ Air Line." Ship packages by Old Dominion Steamship Co., foot of Beach St. H.P.Clark, Eastern Agent. 229 Broadway. Atclilson, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. Freight Line from Chicago, Atchison, Kansas City or Halstead. For places on the Pacific Coast ship liy any Line going to Chicago. C. D. Simonson, General Eastern Agent, 261 Broadway. Allantio Coast Di.«patcli. Mark '• A. C. D." Ship by Penn. R. R., foot of Hubert St., or foot of North 4th St., Brooklyn, E. D. George T. Smith, Agent, 435 Broadway. Bills of Lading signed 76 Wall St., 1 Astor House, 435 Broadway. = i^ > Atlantic Coa»t Line of Railways. Jonah H. White, Eastern Agent, 229 Broadway Raltimore and Ohio R. R. Freight for all points on this road, including Continental Line, B. & O. Kankakee Dis- patch, IS received at Pier 27 E. R.. foot of Dover St., or Pier 20, N. R.. foot of Dev St., or foot of East 37th St., until 4 00 p. m Also at foot of South 5th St.. Brooklyn, E. D., until 3 30 p. in. Inward bound freight delivered at Pier 27, E. R., and Pier 20, N. R. A. C. Rose, General Agent. 415 Broadway. Ray Line. H. V. Thompson, General Passenger Agent, 287 Broadway. Ree Line. Comprising the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railwav, Indianapolis* St. Louis Rail- way, and Dayton Union R. R. Thomas S. Timpson, General Eastern Agent, 287 Broadway. Reiinington & l< iitland R'y. Freight received for all points on this road by New York Central and Hudson R. R. R. ^ 1 nr 4, E. R.. St. Johns ]';aU. nth Av. and 33d St., and foot of North tith St., Brooklyn, E. D. Ritne^r Fas! Frei;;;lit Line for Lancaster, Pa. (Daily Line). Freight received at Pier 12, N. R., until 500p.m. Office on Piur. •- ' & ) ) 1- 'l^^Tf'V'^ 'W ♦ «i«ada Southern Line (Bonded Line). Mark goods " Blue Li & nudson River R. I{.. St. John's Park. Pier .5, E. R., foot of Barclay St., 3:3d St. and nth Av., and foot of North 6th St., RrookIyn&- Rrisrhton Reach R'y. Freight received until 4 00 p. m. for points on this road, at Prospect Park Station, Flaibiish Av. and Malbone St., Brooklyn. Rrooklyn, Caiiarsle A: Rockaway Reach R. R. No freight received at present. Shin by Andrea's or Quinlan's Express, (KiBeeknum St.. 23 Church St. and 312 Canal St. ^^■^okly", Biilh A- ^Vesl End R. R. Freight and Express Packages received for all points on this road by the Brooklyn, Baili ,iii(t \\ est End Express olHces 39th St. Ferry Depot foot' of Whitehall St.. 313 Canal St. and 31 Hudson St. Caniden A: Atlantic R. R. Freight foi all points on this road received by Pennsylvania R .R., Pier 1, N. R.. foot West St..or toot North 4lh St., Brooklyn, E. D. J J ^'"'''q?^." ^V«"''''** f''"*',^''''' *""'"^*'"' ^''''"^'^^''"^ *^^"*d'»n Pacific Railways and their connections, taking freight for St. mil, Mmncapohs and other points in the Northwest. Freight received at Pier 36. E. R. Bills of Lading at 6 Coen- ties Slip. P red II. Goble. Agent, t) Coenties Slip. Canada Southern Line (West Shore R. R.) to all points in West, Northwest and Southwest. Mark packages "C. S. L.," via \\ est Shore and ship Pier 5, N. R., foot of West 3.5th St.. until 4 00 p. m.. or Wythe Av. and North 5th St., Brooklyn. E. U., ., 1). 111. II. F. Lydecker, Agent,. 363 Broadway. Canadian Facilic R'y. Freight and Passenger office, ;353 Broadway. E. Y. Skinner, General Eastern Agent, 353 Broadway. o , j , & i Carolina Central Despatch. For North and South Carolinas. etc., etc. Mark packages " C. C. D.'" and ship by Wil- mington Steamer. Pier 29. E. R. W. P. Clyde .t Co., General Agents, 5 Bowling (Jreeu. Catskill Mountain R'y and Cairo R. R. Freight received for points on this road by Catskill Boats footof Jay ^- \T-1 Jf '«"'■,, *°'.l'-^\^^'^*'^'''^''''^*-l<'P'^'"S'^'- R-' footof West 35 St.. until 4 00 p. m., and Wythe Av. and North .,th St., Brooklyn. E. D., until 5 00 p. m. i . j Central Pacilic R. R. Mark goods via " Union Pacific R'y,"and ship by any line running to Omaha. R. Tenbroeck, General Eastern Agent, 287 Broadway. ^' r j j b Central R. R. of New Jersey. points on this division rec°eived at Pier 12, NrR.', u^itiTs OtTp."i\~']Phil7ideuVhia'New Lirie7"rreight'foTall'points on this division, received at Pier 13, N. R., until 6 p. m. b i- *'*'^/'w®V'l^V*'*x>*^ Perth Anihoy Rranch. Freight for all points on this Branch received at Pier, 8 N. R., foot ?.oi.ti ??' aV ^'^"?'"e, explosives and naptha nceivad only at Jersev Citv. R. I. Billings, Agent, on Pier 8, N. R., Geoige G. Moore, Agent, Pier 13, N. R. P. II. Wyckoff, General Freight Ageit, 119 Liberty Si. *^®*A*r?l^J y?,'"™'*"*,?*'*** «"* Lake Line. Mark goods " C. V. Lake Line " and ship Pier 36, E. R. Orson Breed, Agent, 6 Coenties Slip. r i i *^**Ii*««fJfT?.'*''VJ'!* "• S" Local and through freight for all points is received at Pier 36, E. R., until 5 00 p. m. W. M. Bassett, bi eight Agent, Pier 36, E. R. ^^''wni^nnfpin.!^.,**'*^** ^'y*c ^^''^ ^"""^^ ^''* " '^- * O" «n«J sli'P by Old Dominion Line Steamers at foot of Beach St. V\ illiam Pluiumer. General Eastern Agent, .362 Broadway. ^^'^tirfroadw^iv***"*'' ^* ^' ^'^^ Wilkinson, Contracting Agent. William J. Bogert, General Eastern Freight Agent. Chlcag-o A: Atlantic R'y. B. F. Popple, General Eastern Passenger Agent, 317 Broadway. *^*'F«^fst' ^n;'"" p^'V'J' *^**'^"'*^'',^* ■*• Mark goods, care " C. B. Q. R. R." and ship via any line to Chicago or iiast St. Louis, h. J. Swords, General Eastern Agent, 317 Broadway. Chicago, ITIilwaukee A- St. Paul R'y. Mark goods care of " C. M. & St. P. R'v." and ship by any line to Chicago. ^'*S"*n^ra"is"^^^^^ " C. & N. W. R'y " and ship by any line to Chicago. A. H. '''''SrTcr^r,%l''Ti,f,^^^^^^ & P- R-.v.- ship by any line to Chicago. L. C. Ivory, ^*' Sh^n hv ?.i*v ^,i^*t^ fi^''^^^*^S^rSi^\^'y-i formerly Minn. & Northwestern R. R. Mark goods " C. St. P. K. C. Ry." Ship by any line to Chicago. P. C. Stohr, General Eastern Agent, 323 Broadway. *^^befwpenCMP«an«lf/T* ^**^.'r**"^j.? *^'>'-, ''88"^^ Fe Route" leased by Atchison. Topeka A Santa Fe R. R. Co., Broadway " ' ■^'- ^^'^ ^'""'^^^ ^^ ""^ ''°^ *° Chicago. C. D. Simonson, General Eastern Agent, 261 13 TRANSPORTATION LINES.-Continued. Cluclniiati, New Orleans and Texas Pacilic R'y. '-Queen and Crescent Koute" between Cincinnati and New Orleans. W. .S. St. Georjje, General Eastern Agent, 319 Broadway. Cleveland, Columbus, Clnt-iunatl dc Indianapolis R' J. 'Bee Line." T. S. Timpson, General Eastern Agent, 287 Broadway. Coniinercial Express Line To West, Northwest, and Southwest freight received by the N. Y. & Lake Erie & Western R. R., at Pier 8 E. R. Foot Chambers St., foot W. 23d St., foot W. 40th St., until 4 00 p. m., and foot of North .5th St Brooklyn, E. D., until 5 00 p. m. J. D. Abram, Agent, 401 Broadway. Bills of Lading, 120 Front St. ' Connecticut River Railway liiiie. Freight received for all points on this road by New York New Haven and Hartford R. R. Pier 50, E. R., until 4 30 p. m., or by New Haven Steamboat Co., Pier 25, E. R., Peck Slip until 5 00 u m or Hartford boats, Pier 24, E. R., until 5 00 p. m. ^' '' Continental Line. For the West mark goods; " Continental Line." Ship at Pier 27, E. R., foot Dover St foot Dey St., or foot East 37th St., until 4 p. m., or foot South 5th St., Brooklyn, E. D., until 3 30 p. m. A. C. Rose General Agent 415 Broadway. ' ' Croniwell-Paciflc Througli Line. " El Paso Route." Ship by Cromwell Steamship Co., Pier 9, N. R. Samuel E. Stohr, General Eastern Agent, 409 Broadway. Danbiiry & Norwalk R. R. Ship freight at Pier 49, E. R., until 5 00 p. m. A. M. Smith, Agent, Pier 49, E. R, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. Freight for ITIorrls & Essex Division and Brandies received at foot of Leroy St., until 5 00 p. m. Freight for all other Divisions and Branches received at Bulkhead, Pier 18 N. R., until 5 00 p. m. on Saturday to 4 00 p. ra. Freight for Buffalo received at Bulkhead of Pier 19. N. R., and foot of Leroy St. until 4 00 p. m. Freight for all points received also at foot South 9th St., Brooklyn, E. D., until 4 p'. m. Through freight for the West mark " via D. L. & W." or " Great Eastern Line," or " Lackawanna Line," and ship foot Dey s1 foot of Leroy St., until 4 00 p. m. Also foot South 9th St., Brooklyn, E. D., and at Hoboken, N. J. Horses and Carriages received at Hoboken Station after one day's notice. Inward bound freight delivered at Pier 18, N. R., and foot of Leroy St. William S. Sloan, General Freight Agent, Room 11, 26 Exchange Place. R. S. Robertson, General Eastern Freisht Agent, 429 Broadway and 93 Wall St. ^ Denver & Rio Craude R. R. Mark goods via " D. & R. G. R. R." Ship by any Freight Line to Chicago. T W Becker. General Eastern Agent, 317 Broadway. Eastern Carolina Despatch. Mark Goods " E. C. D.". and ship by Pennsylvania R. R., foot of Hubert St until 5 00 p. m., or foot of Pearl St., or foot North 4th St., Brooklyn, E. D. Geo. T. Smith, Agent. 4.35 Broadway. ' East Tennessee, VIrsinia & Georgia R'y. Ship by " Va. Tenn. Georgia Air Line," at Old Dominion Steamship Co. foot of Beach St. Office, 303 Broadway. ' Empire Line. To all points West mark goods " Empire Line." Ship at Pier 4, N. R., or foot of Laight St or foot West 3.5th St.. or Pearl St. and North 4th St. Brooklyn. William A. Jones, Agent, 381 Broadway. Bills of Ladin<>- 7(5 Wall St.. 381 Broadway. ' =' Empire & New England Transportation Line. For the transportation of Coal between New York and Nor- wich and points on Long Island Sound. G. B. Martin, General Manager, Room 132, 1 Broadway. Erie Despatch. (Bonded Line). For all points West, Northwest and Southwest. Ship foot Dnane St., Pier 8 E T? foot West 23d St., or foot of West 40th St., until 4 00 p. m., and foot of North 5th St., Brooklyn E D until 5 00 n ni' M. W. DeWolf. Agent. 401 Broadway. Bills of Lading, 401 Broadway, 128 Front St. ' ' ' Florida Despatch Freight Line via Savannah, Georgia and Savannah, Florida & Western R'y. Mark goods via " Florida Despatch," and ship freight by Savannah Steamers, foot of Spring St. J. D. nashat^en. Eastern Agent "61 Broadway. " ^ ^ ~ Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville R. R. Ship freight by New York Central and Hudson River R R At foot of Barclay St., Pier 4, E. R., and corner 11th Ave. and 33d St., or foot North 6th St., Brooklyn, E. D., until 4 00 p. m. Freehold & New York R. R. Freight received by Keyport boat foot of Vesey St., until 3 45 d m Saturday 1 45 n m., and by Central R.R. of N. J., Piers. N.R. until 5 00 p.m. ^ o*ey, R. R. Ship freight by Pennsylvania R. R. at Pier 1. N. R.. or foot of West 35th St., or foot of Pearl St., Brooklyn, or foot of North 4th St.. Brooklyn., E. D. W^est Shore, R. R. Ship freight for all points on this road and divisions at Pier .5. N. R., foot of West .35th St., until 4 00 p.m. ; also at Wythe Ave. and North 5th St., Brooklvn, E. D.. until 5 00. p. m. All inward bound freight delivered at Pier 1 & 5. N. U., at foot West :teth St., and also at Wythe Ave. & North 5th St., Brooklyn, E. D. F. P. Finch, Freight Agent. Pier 5. N. R. J. E. Brewington, Agent, foot of West 35th St., N. R. W^e«it Shore Line. "Bonded Line." Mark goods "West Shore Line," and ship same Piers as West Shore R. R. See above. White Line, Central Transit Co. Mark packages " White Line." Ship at foot of Barclay St., St. Johns Park, 33rd St. and nth Ave., Pier 5, E. R., until 4 p. m.. foot of Washington St., Brooklyn, and foot North 6th St., Brooklyn, E. D. W. A. Zell. Agent, 413 Broadway. Wilson Transit Co. A line of steamers from Buffalo to Duluth. Mark packages " Care Wilson Transit Co." Ship by the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R., foot of Dey St., foot of Leroy St., until 4 00 p. m., Hoboken, N. J., or foot ot South 9th St.. Brooklyn. E. D. Wisconsin Central Line. Ship freight by any line to Chicago. W. F. Bemis, General Eastern Agent, 319 Broadway. INTERNAL REVENUE DISTRICTS AND OFFICERS. IVew Yorlt.— Second District. J. A. Sullivan, Collector Internal Revenue and Collector in charge of exports and drawbacks for Port of New York. Office 7 Beekman St. Third District. Leonard A. Giegerick, Collector. Office, 153 Fourth Ave. Brooltlyn.— First District Embracing all of Long Island and Staten Island, Kings, Queens, Suffolk, and Richmond Counties. Robert Black. Collector. Offices, 38 Court St.. Brooklyn. 17 SOCIETIES. In the following list we have dropped the prefix American, National and New York from the names of the Societies as we believe these prefixes confusing to persons seekinE; information concerning these societies. American ChemiVal Society will be found under C ; National Horse Show Association under H ; New York Juvenile Guardian Society under J Academy of Sciences. 41 E. 49th. Actors' Fund of America, 145 5th Ave. Albion, 50 Union PI. Amateur Athletes of America, P. O. Bos 3478. Amateur Photographers. 122 W. 36th. American Artists, 51 W. 10th. American Institute, 19 Astor PI. Architects" Institute, 18 Broadway. Architectural League, 10 W. 23d. Art Students" League, 143 E. 23d. Aryan Theosophical, ()4 Madison Ave. Associated Press, 195 Broadwa}'. Bar of the City of N. Y., 7 W. 29th. Beethoven Maeunerchor, 210 Fifth St. Chemical, 1 University Building. Jhildren's Aid Society, ofiice 24 St. Mark's PI. Choir Exchange, 701 Gth Ave. Christian Philosophy Institute, 4 Winthrop PI. Civil Engineers. 127 E. 23d. Civil Service Reform Association, 35 Liberty. Clinical Society Post Graduate Medical School, 226 E.20th. College of City of N. Y. Alumni, 17 Lexington Ave. Cooper Union, Advancement of Science & Art,8th at. c. 4th av. Cremation Society, 140 Nassau. Decorative Art, 28 E. 21st. Dorcas Society, 29th cor. 5th Ave. Dramatic Fund Association, 1207 Broadway. Elks, 117 W. 2.3d. Ethnological, 35 Pine. Exchange for Women's Work, 329 5th Ave. Flower and Fruit Mission, 243 4th Ave., meets Monday and Thursday from May to October. Free Trade League, 39 Nassau. Gaelic, 17 W. 28th. Geographical, 11 West 29th. Genealogical and Biographical, 64 Madison Ave. German, 13 Broadway. Gotham Art Students, 697 Broadway. Grant Monument, 146 Broadway. Horse Show Association of America, 48 Broad. Hospital Saturday & Sunday Collection Association, 794th Av. Improving the Condition of the Poor, 79 4th Ave. Industrial Education Association, 9 University PI. Irish Emigrant Society, 51 Chambers. Jewelers' Security Alliance, 170 Broadway. Juvenile Guardian Society, 185 Bleecker. King"s Daughters, 47 W. 22d St. Ladies" Art, 23 E. 14th. Ladies' Christian Union, 27 Washington Sq. Ladies' Depository, 27 E. 18th. Liederkranz, 115 E. 58th. Mardi Gras, 440 6th Ave. Marine. 51 Wall . Martin Luther, 12 W. 31st. Mechanical Engineers, 280 Broadway . Mechanics' and Tradesmen's, 18 E. 16th. Medico Historical, 130 E. 30th. Mercantile Library Association, 19 Astor PI. Methodist Book Concern, 805 Broadway. Meteorological, 49th, n. Madison Ave. Microscopical, 64 Madison Ave. Mining Engineers' Institute, 13 Burling SI. Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses, 854 Lexington Ave. National Prohibition Bureau, 32 E. 14th. National Kifle Association, 5 Beekman. National Temperance Society & Publication House, 58Reade. New England, L. P. Hubbard, Secretary, 74 Wall N. Y. Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 18 B'wav N. Y. County Medical, 338 E. 26th ' N. Y. Historical, 170 2d Ave. N. Y. State Society of the Cincinnati, 07 University PI N. Y. State Veterinary, 141 W. 54th Neurological, 12 W. 3l8t. Numismatic and ArchKological, 35 University Building Obstetrical, 12 W. 31st. ^ Ohio Society, 530 5th Ave. Old Guard, 84 5th Ave. Oratorio, 40th, cor. 7th Ave. Pathological, 214 E. 30th. Philharmonic, A. Roebbelen, Sec, Metropolitan OperaHouse Phrenology Institute, 775 Broadway. Police Endowment and Relief Fund, .300 Mulberry. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 100 E. 22d. Prevention of C^ruelty to Children, 100 E. 23d. Prevention of Cruelty to Sailors, 52 Broadway Prevention of Crime, 116 E. 19th and 47 Warren. Prison Association of N. Y. 1.35 E. 15th Protective Tarifl' League, 23 W. 23d. Promotion and Encouragement of Art, 6 E. 23d. St. Andrews, 287 E. Broadway. St. Davids, 21 University PI. St. George's, 7 Battery PI. St. John's Guild, 21 University PI. St. Johnland, 220 E. 2.3d. St. Martha, 34 W. 22d. St. Nicholas, C. A. Schermerhorn, Treas., 1273 Broadway. St. Vincent de Paul, 29 Reade. Schillerbund, 04 E. 4th. Schoolmasters' Association, meets 2d Saturday in each month at Columbia College. School of Mines Alumni, 41 E. 49th. Seamen's Friend, 74 Wall . Sisters of the Stranger, 4 Winthrop PI. Societe de rAmitie,"440 6th Ave. State Charities Aid, 21 University PI. State Charities Hospital Books and Newspaper Committee, 21 University PI. Suppression of Vice, 150 Nassau. Symphony, 40th, cor. 7th Ave. Tammany, 143 E. 14th st. Tammany Central, 207 E. 32d. Training School for Nurses, 436 E. 36th. Trustees of N. Y. Universal Relief Fund, 36 Exchange place. Typographical, 19 Park PI. Typothetae, 19 Park PI. LTnited Hebrew Charities, ,58 St. Mark's PI U.S. Trade Mark, 137 Broadway. Verein Freundschaft, Park Ave. and 73d St. Water Color, 51 W. 10th. "West Side, 86th, cor. 10th ave. William's College Alumni, A. H. Masten, Sec, 146 B'way. Women's Prison Association, 110 2nd Ave. Yale Alumni, W. B. Anderson, 45 William. Young Men's Christian Association, General Office, 40 E. 33d St.; Branches as follows: Bo werv, 243 Bowery; German, 143 3d Ave. ; Harlem, 5 W. 125 st."; 23d St.. cor. 4th Ave. ; Yorkville, 153 E. 86th; Young Men's Institute, 223 Bow- ery. For Railroad Men: 361 Madison Ave., 470 W. 30th, 861 11th Ave., and Weehawken and New Durham, N. J. Young Men"8 Hebrew Association, 721 Lexington Ave.; Down-town Branch, 306 E. Broadway. Young Women's Christian Association, 7 E. 15th St. POST OFFICE DOiyP-STIC MONEY ORDER RATES. Payable at Money Order Post Offices q i $5 or less, 5 cents. $15 to 30, 15 cems. $50 to 60, 30 cents. fyo to 80, 40 cents. Is to 10, 8 cents. $30 to 40, 20 cents. $60 to 70, 35 cents. $So to 100, 45 cents. $10 to 15, 10 cents. $40 to 50, 25 cents. Postal notes, for less than $5, are issued and will be paid to the bearer either at the office designated for payment on the note, or at the office where issued, within 3 months from date of issue, rate 3 cents. FOREIGN OTONEV ORDER RATES. $10 or less, 10 cents. $20 to 30, 30 cents. $40 to 50, 50 cents. $10 to 20, 20 cents. $30 to 40, 40 cents. EXPRESS MONEY ORDER RATES. loney Orders payable in the United States or Canada, are issued by the American, United States, and Wells, Fargo & Co. Express. Rates as follows: $5 or less, 5 cents. Over $10 to 20, 10 cents. Over $30 to 40, 15 cents. Over $5 to 10, 8 cents. " 20 to 30, 12 cents. *' 40 to 50, 20 cents. The American Express Co. issues Money Orders payable in Europe also, at following rates; Not over $10, loc. i^Jo to 20, i8c. |20 to 30, 25c. $30 to 40, 35c. $40 to 50, 45c. HORSE CAR LINES. 1st & 2*1 Ave. Liiiie.— From Fnlton Ferry, via Fulton. Water, Peck Slip [to Soiitli and Oliver], Pearl, Park Row, Bowery, Grand, Foisyth, E. Houston, Second Ave. to Harlem River. Return, via Second Ave., 23d St.. First Ave., Houston St., etc., to Fulton Ferry; also via Second Ave., Chrystie St., Grand St., Bowery, Park Row, Pearl St., Peck Slip, South St. to Fulton Ferry. Also fror.i 86tli St. and Second Ave. to Astoria Ferry, foot of E. 93d St. Also from Park Row, via Worth, to Broadway. First Ave. Line ; from Broadway and Astor Place, via Stiiyvesant, Second Ave., 59tli St., First Ave. to Harlem. Return over same route. 3d Ave. Line. — From Post Office, via Park Row, Bowery, Third Ave., to Harlem. Return over same route. 4tli Ave Liine.— From Post Office, via Park Row, Centre, Grand, Bowery, Fourth Ave. to Grand Central Depot, thence via Madison Ave. to E. 13Sth St. Return over same route to Broome, Centre, Park Row to Post Office. Also fromE.32d, via Lexington Ave., E. 34th to Hnnter's Point Ferry ; also from Madison Ave. and 88th St., via E. 86th, Ave. A, E. 92d to Astoria Ferry. Return over same route. 5tU Ave. [Stage Ijiiie].-From Bleecker St., via South Fifth Ave. and Fifth Ave., to S9th St. Transfer at 8M St. for Riverside Drive. Stages do not run on Sundays. 6tl» Ave. liliic. — From Vesey St. and Broadway, via Church, Chambers, W. Broadway, Canal, Varick, Carmine, Sixtli kve. to W. 59th St. Return over same route to \V. Broadway, College Place, Vesey to Broadway; also from Canal and Broad- way, via Canal, Varick, Carmine, Sixth Ave. to W. 59th St. " 7tli A%'e. liiiie.— From Seventh Ave. and W. 59tli St., via Greenwich Ave., Clinton Place, Macdougal, W. 4th St , Thompson, Canal, W. Broadway, College Place, Park Place to Broadway. Return via Park Place, Church. Canal, Sullivan, W. 3d St., ^racdougal, Clinton Place, Greenwich Ave., Seventli Ave. to \V. 59th St. 8tli Ave. I^iiie.— From Vesey and Broadway, via Church, Chambers, W. Broadway, Canal, Hudson, 8th Ave. to 59th St. and Central Park, and ISSth St. Return over same route. 9tli Ave. liiiie.— From Fulton St. and Broadway, via Greenwich St., 9th Ave., 64th St., Boulevard, 10th Ave. to liGth St., connecting with Cable road. Return over same route to Gansevoort, Washington, Fulton and Broadway. lOtli Ave. «k 125tl« St. fable l.iue.— From foot of 125th St.. E. River, via E. 135th, W. 135th. Manhattan, to North River. Also from foot E. 135tli, via E. 135th, W. 135th, Manhattan, 10th Ave. to W. 18rth. 14tli St. & Union Sq. Une.— From Christopher St. Ferry, N. R.. via Greenwich, 9th Ave., 14th St. to Fourth Ave. Return via 14lh St.. Ninth Ave., Washington, Christopher, to Ferry depot. Transfer at 14th St. and Ninth Ave. for Hoboken Ferry, foot W. 14th St. 23d St. t.ine.— From foot W. 23d St. to foot B. 23d St. Also via 23d St., 2d Ave., 28th St., First Ave. to E. .34th St. Ferry. Returning via First Ave., E. 39th St., Second Ave., to foot W. 2.3d St. [Erie Ferry]. 42d and dii-and St. Ijine.— From Grand St. Ferry, via Grand, Goerck, Houston, Second, Ave. A, 14th St., Fourth Ave., 23d St., Broadway, 3)th St.. 10th Ave. to foot \V. 43d St. [\Vcehawken Ferry]. Return over same route to Cannon St., thence via Grand to Ferry depot. 42d St. Manliuttanville and St. \iciiolas Ave. Line.— From foot E. 34ih St. via First Ave., E. 42d St. to foot W. 43d St. Heturn over same route. Also from foot E. 34tli St. via First Ave. etc. to Seventh Ave., thence via Broadway to W. 59th St., Boulevard, Manhattan to foot W. 130ih St. [Fort Lee Perry], Return over same route, Ave. f Line.— From Erie Depot, foot of Chambers St,. N. R., via West, Charlton, Prince, Bowerv, Stanton. Pitt, Ave. C, 18th St., Ave. A.. 33d St,, First Ave,, 35th St., Lex. Ave. to E. 43d St. and Park Ave. Return, vui E. 42d St., Lex. Ave., 30th St., First Ave., 23d St., Ave. A, ITth St.. Ave, C, Third St., First Ave., Houston St., West, to Chambers. Also via West, Charlton, Prince, Bowery, I'itt, Ave. C, to E. 10th St. Ferry. Bleecker St. and Fulton Ferry Line.— From foot W. 23d St. via Ninth Ave., Hudson. Bleecker, Broadway, Park Row. Beekman, South, to Fulton Ferry. Return, via Fulton, William. Ann, Broadwav. Bleecker, Macdougal, W. 4th St., W. 13th St., Hudson, Ninth Ave. to foot W. 33d St. Also from foot W. 33d St. via Ninth Ave,, Hudson, Bleecker, Broadway, Canal. Elm, Keade, Centre, to Brooklvn Bridge. Return, via Centre, Leonard, Elm. Canal, Broadway, Bleecker, Macdougal, ■\V, 4th St., W. 13th St., Hudson, Ninth Ave. to foot W. 23d St, Oroadivay and Seventli Ave. Line. -From Seventh Ave, and Broadway, via University Place, (ilinton Place, (Jreene, Church, Barclay to Broadway. Return via Barclaj', College Place, W. Broadwuiy, Canal, Wooster, University Place, Broadway to Seventh Ave. and W. ,59th St. Also from Seventh Ave. & W. 59th St. via Seventh Ave., Broadway to Bowling Green and South Ferry. Return over same route. Central <'ro.ss Toivn Line.— From foot E. 23d St. via Ave, A., 18th St., Broadway, 14th St., Seventh Ave., W.llth St., West, to Christopher St. Ferry. Return over same route to 17th St. via Ave. A to foot E. 23d St. t'entral Park N. and li. Kiver Belt Line.— East Side Section, from foot Whitehall St., via Water, Old Slip, South, ;Montgomcrv. South. Jackson. ^Monroe, (irand, Goerck. E. Houston, Ave. D, E. 14lh St., Ave. A, E. 23d St., First Ave., E. 59th St., Tenth A ve. to W. 53d St. West Side Section from foot Whitehall St. via Battery Place, West. Tenth Ave., W 59th to Fifth Ave. Cliainber St. and Orand St. Ferry Line.— From Grand St. Ferry, E. R.. via East, Cherry, Jackson, Madison, New Chambers, Chambers to Ferry depot, foot Chambers St., N. R. Also from foot Chambers St., N. R., via New Chambers, James Slip, South, to Roosevelt St. Ferry, E. R. City Hall, Ave, B. and 34tU St. Line.— Prom Post Office, via Park Row, E. Broadway, Clinton, Ave. B , 14th, First Av. to E.34th St. Ferry. Returns over same route to 2d St., thence via Av. A, Essex, E.B'dway, Park Row to Post Office! Cliristoplior and Tentli St. Line.— From Christopher St. Ferry depot, via Greenwich Ave., Eighth St., Ave. \, E. 10th to E. 10th St. Ferry depot. Return via E. 10th, Ave, A, E, 9th, Stuyvesant place. Eighth St., Sixth Ave., Greenwich Ave., W. 10th, to Christop'her St. Ferry. Desbrosses, Vestry and Crand St. Line.— From Grand St. Perry, via Sullivan, Vestry, Greenwich, Desbrosses, to Ferry depot foot Desbrosses St. Return via Desbrosses, Washington, Vestry, Sullivan, Grand St. to Ferry depot. Dry Dock and East Broadway Line.— From Post Office, via Park Row, E. Broadway, Grand, Columbia, Ave D 14th, Ave. A, to E. 33d St. Ferry. Return via Ave. A, 14th St.. Ave. B, Tenth, Ave. D, Eighth, Lewis. Grand, E. Broadway! Park Row to Post Office. Also from Grand St. Ferry via E. Broadway, Canal, Walker. North Moore. Washington to Cort- landt St. Ferry. Return via Cortlandt, Greenwich, Beach, Lispenard, Canal to Grand St. Ferry. Harlem Bridge, Melrose and "%Vest Farms Line.— From E. 129th St. and Third Ave., via Third Ave. Mott Haven, Melrose. Boston Road, thence to West Farms. '' Harlem Bridge, Fordliani and Port Morris Line.— From 129th St., via Third Ave., Mott Haven, Melrose Morrisania, Tremontto Fordham. Also from 129th St., via Third Ave., 138th St. to PortJIorris. ' Madison Ave. Line.— See '•4th Ave. Line." llOtli St. and St. Nicliolas Ave. Line.— From First Ave. & 110th St. via 110th St., St. Nicholas Ave. Man- hattan to North River. ' Suburban Rapid Transit.— From Second Ave. and 129th St. to Third Ave. and 170th St. 19 FERRIES FROM NEW YORK. Trips are also made on Sundays if not otherwise stated. Astoria, from E. 9v!d st. 5 30, G 00, G 30, 6 40, 7 00 a. ni., then every 15 min. to 6 40 p. m,, then every 20 min. to 8 p. ni., then every 30 min. to midnight. Fare 3 cents. Bay RidL'e, from Whit-hall St. For Time Table, see Index for Steamboats. Blackwcill's Island, from B. "ieth St., 10 30 a. m., 1 30 p. m. except Sundays. Fare, 20 cents. Blackwcll's Island, from E. 52d st., every hour from (i a. m. to noon; then every half hour to 7 p. m. On Sundays hourly from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare, 2.5 cents. Blackwell's Island, from E. 76th St., hourly from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.; then 9 p. m., 10 p. m. Frequently on Sundays. Pass required. Bedloe's Island, from Whitehall st , every hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Excursion fare, 35 cents. Brooklyn, from Catherine st. to Main st.j every 10 min. from 5 a. m. to 9 p. m.; then every 20 min. to 5 a. m. Brooklyn, from Fulton St., E. R., to Fulton St., about every 5 min. from 4 a. m. to 7 p. m., then about every 10 min. to 4 a. m. Brooklyn, from Wall st. to Montague st., about every 10 min. from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m , then every 20 min. to 9 p. m. except Sundays. Brooklyn, South Ferry, from Whitehall st. to Atlantic st., about every 10 min. from 5 a. m. to midnight, then every .30 min. to 5 a. m. Brooklyn, from Whitehall st. to Hamilton av., about every 10 min. from 4 a. m. to midnight, then every 30 min. to 4 a. m. Brooklyn, from ,\ hitehall st. to 39th .. m., every 15 mm. to midnight, every 30 min. to 4 a. ra., on Sundays half hourly to 6 a. m., then on 15 min. intervals to midnight. Jersey Cii;y, from Liberty st. to Communipaw (C. R. R. of N. J. Dock), 12 15, 12 30, 12 45, 1 00, then every 30 min. to 5 30 a.m., then every 15 min. to 7 45 a. m., every 7 min. to 10 a. m., about every 15 min. to 3 15 p. m., every 7 min. to 6 30 p. m., every 15 min. to 12 night. On Sundays 12 1.5, 12 45, 1 30, 3 30, 4 00, 5 00. 6 00, 7 15, 8, 8 45, 9, 9 30, 10, 10 30, 11, 11 30 a. m., 12, 12 15, 12 40, 1, 1 30, 1 45, 2, 2 45, 3, 3 4.5, 4, 5, 5 30, 5 45, 6, 6 30, 45, 7 45, 8, 8 30, 9, 9 30, 10, 10 30, 10 45, 11 p. m., 12 night. Long Island City, from E. 34th st. to Borden av.— Winter Service— Leave E. 34th st. 12 30 a. m., then every 30 min. to 4 30 a. m., then every 20 min. to 5 30 a. m., then every 10 min. to 9 40 p. m., then every 20 min. to 10 40 p. m., then every 30 min. to 12 10 a. ni. Svndays 12 10, 12 30 a. m., then every .30 min. to 5 30 a. m., then 5 50 a. m, then every 10 min. to 1020 p. m., then every 20 min. to 11 40 p.m. Summer Service— Leave E. 34th st. 12 30 a.m., then every 30 min. to 4 30 a. m., then every 20 min. to 5 30 a. m., then every 10 min. to 11 40 p. m., then 12 10 a. m. Sundays 13 10, 12 30 a. m., then every 30 min. to 5 30 a. m., then every 10 min. to 11 4o p. m., then 12 night. Long Island City, from James Slip to Borden av., every .30 min. from 6 30 a. m. to 6 30 p. m. except Sundays. Fare, 6 cents. RandaU's Island, from E. 26th St., 10 30 a. m. except Sundays. Fare, 30 cents. Rtindairs Island, from E. 120rh St., occasionally between 7 a. m. and 10 p. m. Pass required. Randall's Island, from E. 122d St., rowboat service only. Staten Island, for Time Table to St. George, see Index for Steamboats. Ward's Island, from E. 26tli St., 10 30 a. m., 3 30 p. m. except Sundays. Fare, 30 cents. Ward's Island, from E. 115th St., rowboat service only. Pass requried. Weehawken, from W. 42d st. to West Shore R. R. Dock, 12 15, 12 45, 1 15, 1 45, 2 30, 3 15, 3 45, 4 30, 5 30, 6 15, 6 40, 6 55, 7 15. 7 50, 8 25, 8 45, 9 15. 9 55, 10 15, 10 50, 11 .30 a. m., 12 15, 12 45, 1 15, 1 45, 2 20, 2 50, 3 20, 3 40, 4, 4 10, 4 50. 5 15, 6, 6 25, 7, 7 15, 7 40, 8 15, 8 45, 9 15, 9 40, 10 05, 10 45, 11 15, 11 45 p. m. Weehawken, from W. 42d st. to Old Slip, 6, 6 30, 7, 8, 8 50, fl 20, 10, 10 35, 11 15 a. m., 12, 12 35, 1 20, 2, 2 40, 3 25, 4 05, 4 40, 5 20, 6 05, 6 40, 7 20, 8. 8 .35 p. m. Extra trip on Sunday 10 10 p. m.; on Saturday 9 20 p. m. Weehawken, from Jay st. to West Shore R.R. Dock, 12 30, 1, 1 30, 2, 3, 3 30, 4, 5, 6, 6 30, 7, 7 35, 8 10, 8 30, 9, 9 40, 10 20, 11 15, 11 30 a. m., 12 30, 1 30, 2 30, 3, 3 45, 3 55, 4 35, 5, 5 40, 10, 6 40, 7 30, 8, 8 30, 9, 9 40, 10 20, 11, 11 30 p. ni., 12 night. Alburtis, 33 Liberty. Aidrich, 32 Warren. Aldrich Court, 45 Broadway. Ai-mitaare, 87 Pearl. Astor, iO Wall. Bank of America, 46 Wall. Benedict, 171 Broadway. Bennett, 93 Nassau. Bible House, 8th st. & 4th av. Boreel, 1)3 Broadway. Bryant, 57 Liberty. Central, Broadway & Beaver. Central Trust, 56 Wall. Chesebrough, 21 State. Coal & Iron Exchange, 19 Cortlandt. Commercial, 40 Broadway. Continental, 100 Broadway. Cooper Union, 3d ave. & 8th st. Corbin, Broadway & John. Cotton Exchange, Beaver & AVilliam. Drexel, Broad & Wall. Duncan, 11 Pine. Eagle, Wall & Pearl. Empire, 69 Broadway. Equitable, 120 Broadway. OFFICE BUILDtNCS. Evening Post, Broadway & Fulton. Exchange, 78 Broadway. Exchange Court, 52 Broadway. Guernsey, 160 Broadway. Hemenway, 35 Broadway. Kemble, 15 'Whitehall. Kemp, 68 William. Knickerbocker, 2 ^V"est 14th. Lackawanna, 26 Exchange Place. Liverpool, London & Globe, 45 William. Manhattan Company, 43 Wall. Mercantile Exchange, 6 Harrison. Merchants, 2 Stone. Metropolitan, Park Place & Church. Mills, 15 Broad. Moffat, 3S5 Broadway. Munro, 45 Rose. Morse, 138 Nassau. Mortimer, 11 Wall. Mutual Life, 38 Nassau. National, 57 Broadway. New York Life, 348 Broadway. Orient, 43 Wall. Post, 18 Exchange Place. Potter, 35 Park Row. Produce Exchange, Broadway & Beaver. Real Estate Exchange, 59 Liberty. Schermerhorn, 96 B'way, 6 Wall, 3 Pine. Smith, 13 Cortlandt. Standard Oil, 36 Broadway. Staats Zeitung, Park Row & Ceutre. Stewart, Broadway & Chambers. Stone, 28-36 Liberty. Telephone, 16 Cortlandt. Temple Court, 5 Beekman. Times, Park Row & Nassau. Tontine, 88 Wall. Tower, 50 Broadway, 41 New. Tribune, Nassau & Spruce. Trinity, 111 Broadwaj'. Union, 54 William. United Bank, Broadway & Wall. United States Trust, 47 Wall. University, Waverly PI. & E. Wash. Sq. Yanderbilt, 133 Nassau. Waltham, 1 Bond. Washington, 1 Broadway. Welles, 14 Broadway. Wemple, 83 Nassau. Western Union, 195 Broadway. 20 IMPORTANT STEAMSHIP SERVICE FROM VARIOUS PORTS. liONDON, STRAITS, CHINA AND JAPAN. Mail Service as performed by the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Mails Leave London. Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Brindisi. Port Said. Aden. Bombay. Colombo. Calcutta. Penan g. pore. Kong. Shanghai Yoko- hama. April 12 April 15 April 17 April 23 April 29 April 30 May 6 May 6 May 8 May 14 May 18 April 19 April 22 April 25 April 30 May 6 Si April 26 April 29 May 1 May 7 May 13 May 14 May 20 May 20 May 22 May 28 Jane i May 3 Mav 6 Mav 9 May 14 May 20 « 5 May 10 M^y 13 May 15 May 21 May 27 May 28 June 3 June 3 June 5 June 11 June 15 May 17 May 20 Mav 23 May 28 June 3 g ^ May 24 May 27 May 29 June 4 June 10 June 11 June 17 June 17 June 19 June 25 June- 29 % tS Mav 31 June 3 June 6 June 11 June 17 Jane 7 June 10 Juue 12 Juue 18 June 24 Juue 25 July 1 July 1 July 3 July & July 1-3 l--^ £ June 14 June 17 June 20 June 25 July 1 June 21 June 24 June 26 July 2 July 8 July 9 July 15 July 15 July 17 July 23 July 27 ■^.^ -g June 28 July 1 July 4 July 9 July 15 ■? 5>. > July 5 July 8 July 10 July 16 July 22 July 23 July 29 July 29 July 31 Aug. 6 Aug. 10 ■S R i> July 12 July 15 July 18 July 23 July 29 R. ''s > July 19 July 22 July 24 July 30 Aug. 5 Aug. Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 14 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 s'!j S July 26 July 29 Aug. 1 Aug. 6 Aug. 12 § « >v Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Auir. 13 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 28 Sept. 3 &5pt. 7 ~ § > Aug. 9 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Aug. 26 El's » Aug. 16 Aug. 19 Aug. 21 Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 9 Sept. 9 Sept. ii Sept. 17 Sept. 21 ^ i ip Aug. 23 Aug. 26 Aug. 29 Sept. 3 Sept. 9 Aug. 30 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 10 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 7 Sept. 6 Sept. 9 Sept. 12 Sept. 17 Sept. 23 'Z S. 'C Sept. 13 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 24 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 21 •§t - Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Sept. 26 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 » =0 ^ Sept. 27 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. 4 ^> 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 7 Oct. 10 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 18 •§ 1 £ Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 24 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Dec. 2 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 7 Nov. 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 16 s :? i5 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 21 Nov. 26 Dec. 2 . iS x Nov. 22 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Dec. 3 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 Dec. 25 Dec. 30 ^ tL Nov. 29 Dec. 2 Dec. 5 Dec. 10 Dec. 16 s ■- Dee. 6 Dec. 9 Dec. 11 Dec. 17 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 30 Dec. 30 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 13 § t; Dec. 13 Dec. 16 Dee. 19 Dec. 24 Dec. 30 t^ '- Dec. 20 Dec. 23 Dec. 25 Dec. 31 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 13 Jan. 13 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 27 \\ 5 May 13 May 19 May 28 *June 12 April 23|Mav 13 May 21 May 28 June 6 June 21 *May 2 May 22 May 30 June 6 Juno 15 *June 30 May 11 May 31 June 8 June 15 June 23 July 8 *May 18 Juue 7 June 15 June 22 June 30 *July 15 May 25 June 14 June 22 June 30 July 9 July 24 ♦June 3 June 23 July 1 July 9 July 18 *Aug. 2 June 11 July 1 July 9 July 16 July 25 Aug. 9 *June 20lJury 10 July 18 July 25 Aug. 3 *Aug. 18 June 29lJuly 19 July 27 Aug. 3 Aug. n Aug. 26 *Julv 8 July 28 Aug. 5 Aug. 13iAug. 21i*Sept. 5 And at corresponding intervals thereafter. Train Service— liOndou to ITIarseilles. Leave London Leave Paris Arrive Marseilles. 8.20 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 8.00 p. m 7.15 p.m. 9.25 p.m. 11.15 a. m 10.42 a. m. 3.23 p. m. 5.48 a. m SAN FRANCISCO TO AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEA- LAND AND SANDTIICH ISLANDS, via Oceanic Steamship Company. April 6 May 4 June 1 June 29 July 27 Aug. 24 Sept. 21 Oct. 19 Nov. 16 Dec. 14 Arrive Hono- lulu. Arrive Auck- land. April 13 May 11 June 8 July 6 Aug. 3 Aug. 31 Sept. 14 Sept. 28 " Oct. 26 Nov. 23 Dec. 21 April 27 May 25 June 22 July 20 ijAug. 17 i:Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Arrive Sydney. Leave Sydney. Leave Auck- land. May 2 May 30 June 27 July 25 Aug. 22 Sept. 19 Oct. 17 Nov. 14 Dec. 12 Jan. 9 April 17 May 15 June 12' July 10 Aug. 7 Sept. 4' Oct. 2 Oct. 30 Nov. 27 Dec. 25 April 22 May 20 June 17 July 15 Aug. 12 Sept. 9 Oct. 7 Nov. 4 Dec. 2 Dec. 30 Leave Hono- lulu. <=^ May 4| June 1 June 29 July 27 Aug. 24 Sept. 21 Oct. 19, Nov. 16 Dec. 14 Jan. 11 May 11 Juiie 8 July Aug. 3 Aug. 31 Sept. 2§ Oct. 26 Nov. 23 Dec. 21 Jan. 18 21 GENERAL POST OFFICE. (For Statioris, see M page from this.) The District encompassed by the General Office is as follows :— The Battery, East River, Catherine St., Chatham Square' Bowery, Canal St., West Broadway, Franklin St., North lliver to Battery. Station V, in the Produce Exchange building, affords mailing facilities for the Produce Exchange and vicinity. The following arrangement in alphabetical order of the various departments will greatly facilitate the finding of any de- sired information concerning the mailing of letters, etc.: Boxes are rented at 4 dollars quarterly, payable in advance. Carriers leave Post Otfice for tirst delivery at 7.30 a. in. Last delivery at 4.40 p. m. On holidaj'S at 8 a. m. only. No delivery by carrier on Sundays, but mail will be delivered from Carriers' Department to applicants on Sundays from 9 to 11 a. m. at Section 17, Park Row side. Circulars when mailed in quantities should be made up in bundles and deposited at the windovvf designated for the reception of such matter on Broadway side of ground floor. For conditions as to mailing circulars unsealed, see under "3d Class Matter." Collectlon.s from Street Boxes are made frequently between the hours of 5.30 a. m. and 11.15 p.m.; on holidays a few collections are made between 7.30 a. m. and 8.30 p. m.; on Sundays at 2, 5, 6.45 p. m. Oeiieral Oelivery, at Section 5, Park Row side, begins at 7 a. m. and ends at midnight; on holidays during the ap- liointcd hours of business; on Sundays from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. iVIls.sliig Mall Matter.— Inquiries concerning missing letters, etc., should be made at Room 14, 3d floor, from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. ni. Ladies' AViiidow is at Section 9, Park Row side, for the obtaining of letters, stamps, etc. Money Order Department, on 2d floor, Broadway side, is open from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m., excepting Sundays and holidays. See Index for " Money Order Rates." Postage Stamps, Stamped Envelopes, etc., are sold at all hours on week days and Sundays on ground floor, Broadway side. For sums exceeding one dollar not after 5 p. m. and not on Sundays or holidays. Stamped envelopes or wrappers spoiled in addressing will be redeemed if not mutilated. Registry Department, at head of stairs at main entrance, Broadway side. Open for receiving mail from 8 a. m. to 6.30 p. m.; for delivery of mail from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m ; on holidays during the appointed hours of business; on Sundays from 10 to 11 a. m. Registered mail must be prepaid with an additional 10 cents postage and name and address of the sender must be endorsed on the envelope. A receipt from the person to whom sent will be furnished by the postmaster to the sender, excepting letters addressed to foreign countries, when a written request for receipt must be endorsed on the address side of the envelope. SItip LiCtters are received at Window 28, Park Row side, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Special Delivery is made at all Post Ottices, and the official 10 cent stamp must be afiixed in addition to the regular postage. Mail of any description [Merchandise, etc, and Registered Mail] will be received for Special Delivery if properly stamped. Special Delivery Mail will be delivered from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. at Letter Carrier oftices, and from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. at other offices. No delivery on Sunday. Supplementary Mall mnst be prepaid with double the ordinary postage. RATES OF POSTAGE AND POSTAL, REGULATIONS APPLYING TO MAIL MATTER WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. (For Rates to Canada and Mej:lco, see " Foreign Countries " 2d page from this.) Mail matter must be addressed to Post OfBces only and not to villages or railroad stations not designated as a Post Office It frequently happens, however, that the same locality bears two distinct names, for instance: Lake George, N. Y.; the rail road station name is "Caldwell," the Post Office name is "Lake George." Mail intended for this place should be addressed to Lake George. Mail for places other than Post Oftices will be forwarded to the nearest Post Oftice if properly marked. Martha's Vineyard, Mass., is not a Post Oftice, but if marked " Martha's Vineyard, Mass., via Cottage City P. O.," it will be sent to Cottage City Post Office for delivery. First Class Mall Matter. Mailable matter of the first class inclu les letters, postal cards, and all matter wholly or partly in writing, except as herein- after provided. On mailable matter of the first class (except postal cards, but including New York City letters), the rate of postage is TWO CENTS FOR EACH OUNCE OR PRACTiGN THEREOF ; matter produced by type-writer is included in the first class. Postal Cards. — The Postage of one cent each is paid by the stamp impressed on these cards, and no further payment is required. No cards are '' postal cards " except such as are issued by the Post Office Department. In using postal cards, nothing should be written or i)rinted on the side to be used for the address except what s necessary to secure their delivery. It is not permitted to paste, gum, or attach anything to them, except a label bearing the address of destination. They are unmailable as postal cards when these conditions are disregarded. Spoiled postal cards cannot be exchanged. First class rate is charged on all matter not admitting of examinalion by postal clerks without injury to envelope or wrapper. Letters exceeding one ounce in weight, and bearing but a single postage, will be forwarded to de.strnation and the addi- tional postage collected thereat. If entirely unpaid, or if exceeding one ounce and having less than a single postage, they will be returned to the sender if address be knoivn, or the addressee ivill be notified of the deficiency in postage. Letters delivered at wrong address may be re-directed fror)i the place where first delivered to the proper address, and when dropped in the Mail Boxes they 7vill be forwarded ivithout extra postage. When a change of address either in residence or ofiice occurs, a notice to that effect should be sent to the postmaster by correspondents. Second Class Mall Matter. Thie class embraces newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals issued at stated intervals not exceeding three months, dated and numbered, having a list of legitimate subscribers, and not designed primarily for advertising purposes, nor for circulation free, or at nominal subscription rates. When sent by the publishers or news agents, the rate of postage is one CENT PER POUND, payable in currency ; and when sent by other persons, one cent for each four ounces, payable by postage stamps. Tlilrd Class Mall Matter. This class includes prinfed books, pamphlets, cards, circulars, handbills, engravings, lithographs, photographs, proof- sheets and manuscript accompinying the same, transient newspapers and periodicals (except those belonging in the second class), and all matter of the same general character. Circulars produced by hektograph or similar process, or by electric pen, belong in the third class. Upon matter of this class, or on its wrapper, the sender may write his own name preceded by the word " from" : may make marks (other than by written or printed words) to call attention to any word or passage in the text, and may correct any typographical errors. There may also be placed upon the blank leaves or cover of any book or other matter of this class a simple manuscript dedication or inscription not in the nature of personal correspondence. There may also be placed upon the envelope, wrapper, tag or label of matter of this class any printing that is not in its character unmailable as third class matter, provided there be kept sufticient space for a legible superscription and the necessary postage stamps. The rate of postage on mail matter of the third class is one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. The limit of weight for mail matter of the third class is four pounds, except in the case of single books exceeding that weight. Matter of this class must be so icrapped or enveloped that the contents may be readily examined without destroying the wrapper . Fourth Class Mail Matter. Fourth class matter includes all matter not embraced in the first, second, or third class, which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface, or otherwise damage the contents of the mail bag, or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service. All matter of the fourth class is subject to postage at the rate op onk cent an ounce or fraction thereof. — ^^~ Except Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, Roots, Cions and Plants, the postage on which is one cent for e.\ch two ounces or fraction thereof. Upon any package of matter of the fourth class ttie sender may write or print his name and address, preceded by the word " from" ; also any marks, numbers, names, or letters for purpose of description, and may ?lso print upon the same anything that is not unmailable as printed matter, and that is not in the nature of personal correspondence, provided there be left sufficient space for a legible superscription and the necessary postage stamps. Continued on next page. 32 POSTAL INFORMATIOK-Gontinued. All packat^es of matter of the foiirtli class must be so wrapped or enveloped that their contents may be readily and thoroughly examined, wiUiout destroying the wrappers, and may weigh not exceeding four pounds. , . , ., * ♦ Articles which, from their form or nature, might, unless properly secured, destroy, deface or otlierwise damage the contents of the mail ba"- or harm the person of any one'engaged in the postal service, must, to be transmitted in the mails, be placed in a ba<:' box or^removable envelope or wrapping, made of paper, cloth or parchment, and such ba^, box envelope or wrapping must a^ain be placed in a box or tube made of metal or some hard wood, with sliding clasp or screw lid. In case of such articles liable to break the inside box, bag, envelope or wrapping must be surrounded by sawdust, cotton or other elastic substance. Poisons, explosives, perishable fruits anl vegetables, articles exhaling a bad odor, and ardent, vinous, spirituous or malt liquids, are unmailablk. (For information as to conditions on which other liquids are admitted, see below.) liiquids, Etc., in tlie JYIails. The followino- Reo-ulations of the Post Office Department relate to articles absolutely excluded from the mails, and to the manner in whichliqurds and other articles liable, unless properly protected, to injure other mail matter, must be packed before they can be admitted to the mails Articles of the fourth class, not absolutelv excluded from the mails, but which, from their form or nature, might, unless properly secured, destroy, deface or otherwise damagethe contents of the mail bag. or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service, inav be transmitted in the mails when they conform to the following conditions : 1st. When not liquid, or liquetiable, they must be placed in a bag, box or removable envelope or wrapping, made of paper, cloth or parchment. , , , ^ i ■ » i -.i 2A. Such bag, box. envelope or wrapping must aga'n be placed in a box or tube made of metal or some hard wood, with sliding clasp or screw-lid. , . ^ , j j , i » .. si. In cases or articles liable to break, the inside box, bag, envelope or wrapping must be surrounded by sawdust, cotton or other elastic substance. ^ , ^. , .1 ,. « . , , 4th Admissible liquids and oils (not exceeding 4 ounces liquid measure), pastes, salves or articles easily liquehable, must conform to the followin<' conditions: When in glass bottles or vials, such bottles or vials must be strong enough to stand the shock of handling in the mails, and must be enclosed in a wooden or papier-mache block or tube not less than three-sixteenths of an inch thick in the thinnest part, strong enough to support the weight of mails piled in bags and resist rough handling; and there must be provided between the bottle and its wooden base, a cushion of cork-crumbs, cotton, felt, asbestos, or some other absorbent sufficient to i)rotect the glass from shock In handling ; the block or tube to be closed by a tightly fitting screw-lid ot wood or metal with a rubber or other pad so adjusted a< to make- the block or tube water tight and 10 prevent the leakage of the contents in case of breaking of the glass. \Vhen enclosed in a tin cylinder, metal case or tube, such cylinder, case or tube should have a screw-lid with a rubber or cork cushion inside in order to make the same water-tight, and should be securely fastened in a wooden or papier-mache block (open only at one end) and not less in thickness and strengih than above pre- scribed Manufacturers or dealers, intending to transmit articles or samples in considerable quantities should submit a sample package, showing their mode of packing, to the postmaster at the mailing office, who will see that the conditions of this section are carefully observed. j ., .. u ^^ i 5th In ca-e of sharp pointed instruments, the points must be capped or encased so that they may not by any means be liable to cut through their enclosure; and where they have blades, such blades must be bound with wire so that they shall remain firmly attached to each other, and within their handles or sockets. Needies must beenclosed in metal or wooden cases .so that they cannot by any means ptick through or pass out of their enclosures. 6th Seeds or other articles not prohibited, which are liable, from their form or nature to loss or damags, unless specially protected, may be put up in sealed envelopes, if such envelopes are made of material sufficiently transparent to show the con- tents clearly without ojienuig. , . ^ ^ , . . • / rth Ink powders, pepper, snuff or other powders not explosive, or any pulverized dry substances, not poisonous (excepting fiour) may be sent in the mails when enclosed in the manner prescribed herein for liquids, or when enclosed in metal, wooden or papier-mache cases in such secure manner as to render the escape of any particles of dust from the package by ordinary handling impossible, and of such strength as to bear the weight and liandling of the mails without breaking ; the method of packing'to be subject to the approval of the (ieneral Superintendent of Railway Mail Service. 8th. Queen bees and their attendant bees, and dried insects, may be sent in the mails when properly put up so as not t) injure the i)ersons of those handling the mails, nor soil the mail bags or their contents. 9th. Hard candies, or confectifuierv. veast cakes, soaj) in hard cakes, when wrapped in strong paper boxes or heavy paper wrappers adequate to prevent all injurV to other mail matter in the same mail bag, are admissible in the domestic mails. 10th. Pistols or revolvers, in detached ))arts. may be sent in the mails ; but the mailing postmaster will carefully examine such packages and will receive them only when sure they are harmless. . nth. No specific mode of packing is prescribed for samples of fiour ; but they should be pat up in such a manner as to certainly avoid risk of the package breaking or cracking, or the flour being scattered in the mails ; and if this be not done, the sample should be excluded. POSTAGE RATES TO FOKEIGN COUNTRIES. To the countries and colonies (except Canada and Mexico) which comprise the Universal Postal Union, the rates of postage are as follows:— Letters, per 1.5 grams (1-2 ounce), prepayment optional ...--- Postal cards each ------------ Newspapers and other printed matter, per 2 ounces ------- ^ . , \ Packets not in excess of 10 ounces - - - " , ' , ' Commercial papers. -^ packets in excess of 10 ounces, for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof , „ u J- ( Packets not in excess of 4 ounces - - - " , " » feamples ot merchandise. -^ p.^p^ets in excess of 4 ounces, for each 2 ounces, or fraction thereof Registration fee on letters or other articles 5 cents. 2 cents. 1 cent. 5 cents. 1 cen'. 2 cents. 1 cent. 10 cents. Ordinary letters will be forwarded, whether any postage is prepaid on them or not, double rates being collected on delivery if unpaid or short paid. All corresiwndence other than letters must be prepaid at least partially. ,-. , • j- .- The maximum weight of i)rinted matter is fixed at 4 lb. 6 oz. ; and the maximum size to Is inches in any one direction, except that roils of printed matter which could be inclosed in a cube of 45 centimeters may ba forwarded by mail even il; they exceed 18 inches in 1-iu'th. Commercial papers must be forwarded under band or in an open envelope. The inaximum weio-ht of commercial vnipers is fixed at 4 lb. 6 oz.; and the maximum size at 18 inches. Samples of merchandise must conform to the following conditions: (1st) thev must be i)laced in bags, boxes, or removable envelopes in such a manner as to '> inches" in depth (see exceptions below). Packets of printed matter, commercial papers, and samples must not coniain any letter or manuscript note having the character of an actual and personal correspondence, and must be made up in such maii- ner as to admit of l)eing easily examined. "Commercial Papers" include instruments or documents wholly or partly m writin<^ such as deeds, invoices, insurance papers, etc., not having the character of personal correspondence, and manuscripts of works for publication. It is permitted to inclose in the same packet, samples of merchandise, printed matter, and com bookVandother printed matter in maTls to Germany and Great Britain are limited to 2 feet in length and 1 foot in each other dimension. 23 POSTAL INFORMATION-Continued. Samples of liquids, fatty substances, and powders, whether coloring or not (except such as are dangerous, inllaniniabU', explosive, or exhale a bad odor), are admitted to the mills exchanged between the United States and German}', Argentine Republic, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Chili, Curacoa, Denmark, Dutch Guiana, Egypt, Spain, France, French Colonies, Greece, Hawaii, Hayti, British India, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Norway, Netlierlands, Dutch East Indies, Peru, Portugal, Konmania, Salvador, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey, provided said samples conform to the following condi- tions, viz.: They must be placed in thick glass IxHtles, hermetically sealed; the bottles must be placed in a wooden box con- taining sufticient spongy matter to absorb the contents if the boitles should break; the whole to be inclosed in an outside metal case bearing the address; the wooden box and outside case must be closed so that they may be easily opened for examination of ttie contents; and the whole package must not exceed in weight 8 3-4 ounces, nor in size 8 x 4 x 2 inches, except those addressed to the Argentine Kepublic, Belgium, France, or Switzerland, which may weigh not to exceed 12 ounces, and measure not to exceed 12x8x4 inches. Articles not speclttcally enuiiierated in postal conventions or in the United States postal laws and regula- tions as transmissible in the mails to foreign countries, or whicli are not homogeneous with those therein entimerated, are nor entitled to be sent at the reduced rates of postage fixed for correspondence other than letters, but may be transmitted at letter rates of postage, fully prepaid, provided they are not absolutely excluded from the mails by the provisions of postal conventions, or by the laws and regulations. Packag'es E.vcliiited from Mails in Foreign Countries.- Packages containing articles of salable value, or dutiable goods, or exceedino; the prescribed limit of weight or size, are frequently deposited in Post Offices in Europe and elsewhere addressed to the United States, notwithstanding they are excluded from admission to Postal Union mails at less than letter rates by the terms of the Universal Postal Union convention. When their character is known, or they are not fully prepaid at letter rates, ihey are nut forwarded from the post ottices where posted, and this leads to complaint here by the addressees. It should be understood that the non-receipt of such packages is usually to be explained by their detention, for the reasons stated above, at tue oftice of mailing, and inquiry concerning them should be addressed there. When such unmaiiable packages are deposited in a post office in Germany, they are given in charge of an express company for transporta- tion to the United States outside the mails, and are delivered to New York agents of the express companj% and by them to the addressees, with express and customs charges payable thereon. Postage Rate.s to Foreign Countries Not in tlic Postal Union. The following are the Postage Rates to the principal foreign countries which are not in the Universal Postal Union. All corresijondence to these countries must be fully prepaid. Australia (except New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria): Letters, 5 cents per half ounce ; newspapers, 2 cents per copy ; other printed matter, 2 cents for eaeh 2 ounces. Samples not admitted. New SoutU Wale*, Victoria. Ctiieen >.laud. New Zealand and Tasmania : Letters, 12 cents per half ounce ; newspapers, 2 cents a copy ; other ijnnted matter and samples of merchandise. 4 cents for each 4 ounces. Cape Colony. Natal, Orange Free State, St. fSelena and Ascension : Letters, 15 cents per half ounce ; newspapers, 4 cents for each 4 ounces ; otber printed matter and samples of merchandise, 5 cents for each 2 ounces. Trani![oore. '^ 74. 220 E. 63d. " 25 12. .371 Madison. " 45. 227 W. 24th. " 75. 23 Norfolk. " 2rt 13. 239 E. Houston. " 46. 156tl),c.St.NicholasAv. " 76. 68th c. Lexington Av. *^ 27 14. 229 E. 27th. " 47. 36 E. 12th. " 77. 1st Av. cor. 85th. " 28 15. 728 5th. " 48. 122 W. 28th. " 78. Pleasant Av.c.E. 119th " 29 16. 212 W. 13lh. ^' 49. 239 E. 37ih. " 79. 40 1st. St. " 31 17. 335 W. 47th. " 50. 213 E. 20th. " 80. 252 W. 42d. " 32 18. 121 E. 51st. " 51. 519 W. 44th. " 81. 128 W. 17th. 19. 344 E 14th. " 52. W. 206th cor. Kings " 82. Ist Av. cor. E. 70th. " .34 20. 160 CLrystie. Bridge Road. " 8:3. 216 E. llOth. " 35 21. 55 Marion. " 53. 209 E. 79th. " 84. 50th, near 9th Av. '' 36 22. 110 Sheriff. " 54. 10th Av. cor. 104th. " 37 23. 36 Citv Hall PI. " 55. 140 W. 20th. Primary Mcliools. '• 40 24. 68 Elm. '• 56. 349 W. 18th. No. 1. 105 Ludlow. " 41 25. .328 5th. '■ 57. 176 E. 11.5th. " 2. 101 Bayard. " 42 26. 124 W. 30th. " 58. 321 W. 52d. •' 3. 100 Cannon. " 43 27. 208 E. 42d. " 59. 228 E. 57th. •• 4. 413 E. 16th. 28. 2.55 W. 40th. " 60. College Av. n. E.14.5th. ■' 5. 269 E. 4th. " 44 29. 97 Greenv/ich, " 61. .3d Av. near 169th. " 6. 15 .3d St. " 45. .30. 143 Baxter. " 62. 3d Av. near 158th. 274 W. 10th. " 46 31. 198 Monroe. " 63. E.173d c. FordhamAv. " 8. 62 Mott. " 47. S.enny's Guide should be in every hotne. Its arrangement of titwi tables, postal information and other tmefal nittter is so simple that the inexperienced can readily understand it. 29 Central Office, 300 Mulberry. POLICE STATIONS. Bureau of Elections, 300 Mulberry. House for Detention of Witnesses, 203 Mulberry. Station Hoiiisies. Precinct and Location. Pier A, N. R., Steamboat Patrol. 155 E. erth. 134 W. 100th. , 433 E. 8Sth. Pier A, N. R. 148 E. 126th. 126th St. & 8th Av. High Bridge. 10th Av. cor. 152d St. Town Hall, Morrisania. Bathgate Av. & irrth St. 6 King's Bridge Road. Precinct and Location. Precinct and Location. 1st. Old Slip & Front. 1.3th. Union Market, E. Houston St. 24th. 2d. Liberty & New Church Sts. 14th. 81 First Av. 25th. 3d. CitvHall. 15th. 221 :Mercer. 26th. 4th. 9 Oak. 16th.230 W. 20th. 27th. 5th. 19 Leonard. 17th. 34 E. 29th. 28th. 6th. 19 Elizabeth. 18th. 327 E. 22d. 29th. 7th. 247 Madison. 19th. 137 W. 30th. 30th. 8th. 128 Prinee. 20th. 430 W. 37th. 31st. 9th. 94 Charles. 21st. 120 E. 35th. 32d. loth. 20.5Mulberrv. 22d. 345 W. 47th. 33d. 11th. 105 Eldridfte. 23d. 163 E. 51st. 34th. 12th. Cor. Attorney & Rid^'e. 23d. (Sub.) Grand Central Depot. 35lh. ASYLUMS AND HOMES. All S;«nts\ for Men & Boys, 521 E. 120th. Assn. for Befriending Children & Young Girls, 138 2d Ave. Assn. for Improving Condition of Poor, Bible House. Assn. for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, Lexington Ave. cor. E. 67th. Assn! for Relief of Respectable Aged Indigent Females, lOth Ave. cor. W. 104th. Babies' Shelter, 118 W. 21st. Baptist Home for Aged, E. 68th & Park Ave. Baptist Ministers' Home, 2020 Vyse. Berachah Mission, 463 W. 32d. Berachali Orpbanallese,201 E.23d. Open 10a.m. to4p.m. Infirmary for Women & Children, 128 2d Av. Open 9 to 11 a.m. International Medical Missionary Society ; Dispensary No. 1, SI Roosevelt, open Tue,s., Thurs. & Sat. ; No. 2, 39 Pitt; No 3, 143 Bleecker ; No. 4, 310 W. 54th ; No. 5, 2301 2d Ave.; No. G. 4(53 W. 32d. All excepting No. 1 are open Mon., Wed. & Fri. only. Manhattan, 301 E. 7(ith. Open 2 to 4 p. ni. SARIES. Manhattan, 131st St. cor. 10th Ave. Open 2 to 4 p. m. Ma' hattan Eye & Ear Hospital, 10'! ParkAv. Open 2 to 3.30 p.m. Medical College & Hospital for Women, 213 W. 54th. Open 10 a. m. to 12 m.; 2 to 4 p. m. Metropolitan, 247 W. 49th. < ipen 1 to 3 p. ni. Metropolitan Tliroar, 351 W. 34th. Open 2 to 4 p. m. Mt. Sinai Hospital, cor. 66th & Lexington Av. Open 1.15 toJp.m. New York, 137 Centre. Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. New York Hospital, 7 W. loth. Open 2 to 4 p. m. North Eastern, 222 E. .59th. Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Northern, cor.W'averley PI. & Christopher. Open 8a.m.to5p.m. North Western, 403 W. 36th. Open 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Ophthalmic & Aural Institute, 46 E. 12th. Open 2 to 3 p. m. Orthopiedic, 126 E. 59th. Open 1 to 3 p. m. Polvclinic. 214 E. 34th. Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. ni. Post Graduate. 226 E. 20th. Open 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. St.Chrysostom's,,5,507th Av. Open Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, 3 to 4p.m. Sixth Street, 644 Sixth. Open 2 to 4 p. m. Skin & Cancer, 213 E. 34th. Open 2 to 4 p. m. Tompkins Square Homoeopathic, 261 E. 4th. open 1 to 3 p.m. Trinity, 209 Fulton, open 9 to 11 a. m. Twenty-five Cent Provident, 89 E. 10th. Open 5 to 7 p. m. Twenty-third &• Twenty-fourth Wards, 702 Westchester Ave. Open 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. University Medical College, 408 E.26th. Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vauderhilt Clinic, cor. 10th Ave. & 60th. Open 9a.m.to4p.m. Western, 201 W. 38ih. Open 9.30 a. m. to 12 m.; 2 to 4 p. m. Wilson Mission. 131 Ave. A. Open 10 a m. to 12 m. Womans Hospital Clinic, .50th St. & Park Av. Open 2to 4 p.m. Y'orkville. 1307 Lexington Ave. Open 3 to 4 p. ni. HOSP American Veterinary, 141 W. 54th. Bellevue. foot E. 26th. Blackweirs Island: Ferry from E. 26th, 52d & 7bth Sts. Blooraingdale Reception, 157 W. 99th. Cancer, 2 W. 100th. Colored Home & Hospital, 65th n. 1st Ave. College of Veterinaiy Surgeons. 332 E. 27th. Einergencv for Woiiien. 223 E. 26rh. Emigrants'" Refuire & Hospital. Ward's Island : Ferry from E. 110th St. For admission apply at Castle Garden. Eve & Ear Infirmarv, 218 2d Ave. French Benevolent Society. 131 W. 14th. German, Park Ave. & E. 77th. Gouverneur, Gouverneur Slip & Front. Hahnemann, Park Ave. & E. 67th. Harlem, foot E. 120ih. Harfs Island : Ferrv from foot E. 20th. House of the Good Samaritan. 201 W. 38tli. Laura Franklin Hosiiital for Children. 17 E. 111th. Lodge & Associaiion, 66 St. Mark's Place. Manhattan, 131st, near 10th Ave. Manhattan Eye & Ear, 103 Park Ave. Medical College & Hospital for Women, 12th. cor. 2d Ave. Metropolitan Throat. .351 W. 34th. Mount Sinai, Lexington Ave. & E. 66th. New Y'ork, 7 W. 15th. InQrmary for Women & Children, 5 Livingstone Place. Nursery & Child's Hospital, 571 Lexington Ave. ITALS. Ophthalmic, 201 E. 23d. Ophthalmic & Anral Institute, 46 E. 12th. Post Giaduate, 226 E. 20th. Preshyteiian, E. 70th, n. Park Ave. Randall's Island Hospital : Fer-y from E. 26th & 122d Sts. River Side, North Brother Island. River Side, foot E. 16th. Roosevelt, 59th St. & 9th Ave. Skin ostal iul'ormatlon contained in thi.a> Guide iis complete. No conTiifiilng reference inarlc "5 W M > (S > *11 50 Holley ., .. / Rocheiiter . . [Arrive P.M. . . [Leave t7 00 7 36 •IS 40 9 25 9 40 *9 20 *10 30 *5 50 6 30 6 42 7 10 7 22 7 32 V 47 7 55 8 32 *6 10 *8 05 8 05 8 17 9 .55 10 08 10 21 10 20 7 10 7 20 9 05 12 55 Clyde 10 35 10 4-i 11 25 8 47 9 30 Syracuse . . [Arrive 11 35 12 25 8 20 *5 CO 6 05 7 05 10 15 2 15 t6 05 7 00 8 05 9 15 . . [Leave +8 45 9 35 10 40 11 30 *1155 •19 35 10 35 11 .35 12 40 Syracuse . [Arrive A.M. 8 15 . . [Leave 17 30' H) SO *12 40 *12 30 *8 40 *10 25 *2 20 . . . . D^'witt 7 45 8 05 8 li) 8 31 1 15 1 26 1 36 2 00 2 30 2 48 2 53 2 57 9 15 ' 12 38 9 27 9 40 10 05 10 37' A.M. ■1-6 20 12 49 1 10 1 35 8 57 10 58' A.M. 9 30 11 SO *.T 4.^ Utica .. 1 50 10 35 11 57 3 51 9 48 9 54 40 6 45 fi .50 11 00 11 05 11 20 11 40 11 52 12 00 12 23 12 46 1 20 1 55 9 59 10 14 11 55 2 12 Little Falls 12 07 . . 7 0.1 3 lOi 2 2.-5 10 35 10 46 10 .54 11 18 11 m 12 15 12 50 urn '.'.'.'.'.'. 12 38 7 26 7 38 7 45 3 28 3 28 3 45 Fort Flain 2 .54 5 05 8 09 4 05I 3 Ifi , 1 10 1 43 2 20 2 30 "805 8 31' 4 2(ii 3 37 "i 57 2 30 5 45 6 15 6 55 7 45 J 9 05I 4 561 3 55 H Albany Troy . . Arrive .. 'Arrive 9 45! 3 301 4 30 4 00 10 05 P.M. A.M. A.M. •110 00 10 20 10 30 10 46 11 12 11 30 11 40 12 04 12 25 12 55 1 05 1 34 ■■i'5.3 2 in 2 26 A.M. a- -3 Troy ...[Leave 1 33 1 49 t2 25 2 40 ♦sis t9 45 9 55 4 15 *2 10 "*2 26 *5 40 1 *fi no *4 50 *4 05 6 00 *2 55 *7 15 10 00' () 05 fi 21 4 18; 2 35 6 03I 5 ^ ( 'a! New York (138tli St. St'n).[Ar (G. C. Station). [Ar 6 49 7 00 P.M. 'i2 66 n'n. ■ 212 P.M. 8 40 8 50 P.M. "7W P.M. 9 15 6 49 6 331 3 15 9 25 7 OOl 6 451 3 25 P.SI A.M. 1 A.M. 1 P.M. 7 69 7 20 A.M. 11 06 11 15 A.M. 0-^ Additional Liocal Trains to !Vetv York. Leave Polish iteepsie. irtoi)ping at intermediate stations, 25, 7 15 a. m.; leave Fiislikill. ti :A. 7 41 a. ni.; due in New York, 1)0. [)-20 a. ni. Leave Peekskill, *+6 10, 7 00, §7 31, t8 1.5, 8 35, *t9 38. 11 30 a. m., •'2 10, 3 00. *5 02, -to 45, *18 05. *I9 34, tlO .50 p. m.; Sun- days only :i 30 p. m.; due in New York— express trains. 1 lionr. 10 minutes ; acconimodation trains in II4 hours. *DuUy. MJoen not stop at Montrose, Crugers, Oscawana. ^Does not stop at Crugers o^' Oscawana. Leave €roton, 5 25. 6 (X). 6 30, 7 00, 7 16, 7 30. 7 43, 8 00, 8 m, *8 52. *10 35', 11 46 a. m.. *1 30 *2 30. 3 15, 4 00. *5 00, *5 18, 6 15, *7 00, 8 IK), *8 .55, 10 00. 11 02 p. m.: Sundays onlv, 3 45 p. ni. * Daily . Due in New York in I14 hours. Leave Sing Sing (Scarboro 4 minutes later), .5'31, 6 06, 6 35, T 06. 7 25, 7 3^, 7 .52, 8 06, 8 31, 836, *9 00, *9 46, *10 41, 11.54 a. m.. *1 36, 2 26, *2 36, 3 25, 4 06, =^5 06, *5 27, 6 03, 6 20, *7 06. 8 05, *8 23, *9 01, *9 55, 10 06, 11 08 p. m. ; Sundays, 3 55 p. m. *DaUy. Due in New York in 1 hour, 10 minutes. Leave Tarrylowii, stopping at intermediate stations, 5 42, 6 17, 46, 7 17, 7 37, 7 47, 8 01, 8 17, 8 46. *9 12, •1^*9 57, *10 52 a. m., 12 06, *1 47. 12. 'ir, *2 47, 3 37, 4 17, *5 17, +*5 38, 6 31, *7 17, 8 16, •l+S 35, *9 12, t*10 07, 10 17, 11 19 p. m.; Sundays only 4 07p.m. * Daily. ^ Slop only at Yonlers. Leave 'Konkers, stopping at intermediate stations. 6 03, *t6 28, 6 38, 7 07, 7 38, 'IS 00, 8 08, 'ISSO, 8 39, 9 07, *9 37. *tl0 15, *!! 13 a. m., 12 30, *2 08, t2 55, *3 08, 4 01, 4 38, *o 38, *t5 58, 6 50, *7 38, 8 37, *t8 54, *9 .33, *tlO 28, 10 38, -fll 43 p. m. ; Sundays only, 4 31 p. m. iStops at no intermediate stations. * Daily . 30TH STREET BRANf H. Fare from 30th street: Manhattan, 12c.; 152d street. 14c.; Fort Washington, liic: Inwood, 20c.; Spuyten Duyvil, 22c. Leave 30tU Street & lOtli Avenue at 6 20, 7 15, 8 00, 9 35 a. m., 12 50, 4 00, 5 00, *5 55, 8 45 p. m. ; Sundays, 1 15 p. m.; due at Spuyten Duyvil in 30 minutes. *Daily. To New York. Leave Spuyten DiiyvU, 6 55, 7.50, 8 50, *10 10 a. m., 1.35.5 00. 600,*7 00, 945 p.m.; Sundays, 2 20 p. ra.; leave Inwood 3 minutes later : leave Fort Washington 7 minutes later; arrive in New York in 30 minutes. 35 NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER R. R.-Continued. Via Delaware & Hudson Railroad. SHAKON SPRINGS, COOPKRSTO Wi\, RIOHFIKLD SPRINGS AND OS^VKGO. STATIONS. New York (G. C. Station) [Leave (138lh St. Station) A Ibany [Arrive rtica Syracuse Albany [Leave Howe's Cave [Arrive CobleskUI Sliavon Springs [Arrive ( 'lieiry Valley Cooperstown [Arrive Utica [Leave Richfield Sprinj^s [Arrive Syracuse, via D. L. & W. R. R.. [Leave Oswego [Arrive *9 50 a. m. 1 10 p. m. 3 35 " 4 52 " tl 25 p. m, 2 56 " 3 08 " 5 10 p. m. 16 10 p. m. 7 20 " +10 30 a. m, 10 41 " 2 35 p. m, 5 45 " 7 15 " t4 00 p. m. 5 27 " 5 40 " 6 26 p. m, 6 55 " ' 25 p. m, +6 15 p. m. 7 45 " 19 00 p. m. 10 10 " *6 00 p. m, 6 09 " 9 50 " *10 50 p. m. 12 25 a.' in. 9 *10 00 p. ra. 10 10 " 2 55 a. m. 5 57 " 7 40 " +10 35 a. m. 11 50 " 37 '12 OOniKht 5 55 a. m. 10 55 " 1 00 p. m. +8 35 a. m. 10 11 " 10 25 '^ 11 32 a. m 12 00 m. 12 27 p. m, +2 ro p. m, 3 10 " No. l.—Dra wing-Room Car New York to LUica and Syracuse. Dining Car. New York to Utica iind Syracuse. Buflfet Smoking Car New York to Utica and Syracuse. No. 3. — Dravving-Room Cars New York to Albany and Syracuse. No. 2a.— Drawing-Room Cars New York to Troy. No, 5.— Drawing-Room Curs New York to Albany. Dining Car New York to Albany. No. 9.— Sleeping Cars New York to Utica and Syracuse. No. 37.— Sleeping Cars New York to Albany. SARATOGA, liAKE: GEORGE:, THE ADIRONDACKS AND MO.NTREAL, STATIONS. No. 23. Montreal Express. No. 25. Northern Express. No. 29. Montreal Express. No. 37. Albany Express. +12 00 night New York (G. C. Station) [Leave +8 00 a. m. HI' 30 a. m. 11 40 " 4 35 p. m. 4 .50 " *6 .30 p. m. 6 40 " 11 25 " 11 40 " U3Hth St. Station) 8 11 " 12 ,50 p. m. Albany [Arrive 5 55 a. ni . 'I'roy 12 57 " 6 55 " Albany [Leave 11 05 p. m. 1 05 " 2 07 " 2 20 ■ " +5 05 p. m. 6 10 " 6 25 " *11 15 p. m. 11 50 " 12 50 a. ra. 1 05 " Troy +8 25 a.m. 9 31 " 9 45 " Ballston [Arrive Saratoga Saratoga ") f [Lv Je^sup's Landing 1 Adiroii- [Ar Hadley (Luzerne) ^ dack < 10 10 a. m. 10 58 " 11 13 '^ 12 31 " 12 54 p. m. Riverside Railway. .... North Creek J V [Ar Fort Edward [Arrive 3 05 p. m. 7 10 p.m. 1 40 a. m. 10 35 a. m . (;lcns Falls [Arrive 3 30 p. m. 7 35 p. m. 10 05 a. m . 11 45 " 8 10 " Whitehall [Arrive 3 45 p. m. 8 00 p.m. 2 20 a. m. 11 20 a. m. Rutland [Arrive 4 45 p. m. 9 00 p. m. 12 20 p. m. Crown Point [Arrive Port Henry ^. 5 10 p. m. 5 25 '• 5 50 " 6 12 " 6 55 " 7 20 " 3 31 a.m. 3 48 " 4 12 " 4 30 " 5 10 " 5 35 " Westport Essex Port Kent Plattsburgh Loon Lake House 1 f.i,at..aii- U^ Paul Smith's Y „Jl i^ V» - .... *9 56 a.m. 10 27 " 11 35 " . Saranac Lake... \ "^'^ "•"*(.... Rouse's Point [Arrive 8 30 p. m. 10 25 " *6 35 a.m. 8 25 " Montreal Rouse's Point [Lv 7 10 a. m. 9 55 " 11 35 " Moira ) Nortlierii I Paul Smith's. '( Adirondack f [Ar No. 23.— Drawing-Room Cars New York to Albany. Drawing-Koom Cars Albany to Montreal. No. 25.— Drawing- Room Cars New York to Troy. No. 29.— Sleeping Cars New York to Saratoga, Plattsburgh and Montreal daily. No. 37. — Sleeping Cars New York to Albany. NIAGARA FAI.I.S. Stations N.Y. (G.C.St'u) [Lv " (1.38th SLSt'n) Poughkeepsie Albany Utica Rome Syracuse Rochester Buffalo [Arrive Suspension Bridge. Niagara Falls.. [Ar No. 3. No. 5. Chicago Fast Express. Express. +10.30 a.m, *6.00p.m 10.41 12.44 p.m 3.00 " 5.45 " 6.08 " 7.40 " 9.55 " 12.15 a.m 12.50 " 12.40 " '■ 6.( 8.05 ' 10.00 ' 12..30 a.: 2.10a. 4.20 ' 6.15 ' 7.28 ' 7.20 ' No. 9. Night Express. *10.00p.i 10.10 ' 12.26 a.i 2.55 ' 5.57 ' 6.22 ' 8.00 ' 10.35 ' 1.00 p.: 1.30 ' 1.40 ' No. 3 runs daily, except Sunday. Drawing-Room Car New York to Syracuse. Sleeping Cars Syracuse to Niagara Falls. No. 5 runs daily, including Sunday. Drawing-Room Car New York to Albany. Dining Car New York to Albany. Sleeping Cars New Yorli to Niagara Falls. No. 9 runs daily, including Sunday. Sleeping ('ars New Yorlc to Niagara Falls. NIAGARA RIVER ROUTE. Connecting train leaves Niagara Falls for Lewiston, to con- nect with steamer for Toronto, during season of navigation. CAYUGA, GENEVA, f'L,IFTON SPRINGS & CANANDAIGUA. Stations. N.Y.(G.C.St'n)[l7v' " (138lh St.St'n) Syracuse . . . [Arrive Syracuse.. .[Leave Auburn... [Arrive Cayuga Seneca Falls Geneva Clifton Springs Canandaigua No. 3. Chicago Express. No. 29. Canandai- ua Exp. 110.30 a.m 10.41 " 7.15 p.m +7.45 " 8.50 " 9.20 " 9.35 " 10.05 '■' 10..35 " 11.00 " *6.30p.m 6.40 " 4.35 a.m *6.00 " 6.55 " 7.20 " 7..33 " 7..55 •' 8.31 " 9.05 " No. 9. Pacific Expres.". *10.00p.m 10.10 " 7.40 a.m +9.30 " 10.40 " 11.15 " 11.30 " 11.55 " 12.32 p.m 1.15 " No. 37. Night Express. I12.00n'ht 1.30 p.m +2.05 " 3.15 " 3.42 •' 3.52 " 4.15 " 4.45 " 5.12 " No. 3 runs daily, except Sunday. Drawing-Room Cars New York to Canandaigua. No. 29 runs daily. Sleeping Car New York to Canandaigua, daily, except Sunday. No. 9 runs daily, including Sunday. Sleeping Cars New York to Canan- daigua on Sundays only. No, 37 runs daily, except Sunday. Sleeping Cars New York to Albany. Sfi NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER R. R.-Continued. TRENTO\ F.\L,L.S, <'l,AYTON, <'API': \lTi- CENT, OSAVEGO. THOUSAND ISLANDS AND THE ADIRONDACKS, Via Rome, Watertown &. OKdeiisburgli R. R. Stations. No.l. Lim- ited. No. 3. Chicago Express. No. 9. Night Express. No. 37. Albany Express. N.Y.(G.C.St'n)..[Lv " (138th St. St'n). *9.50a.m tl0.30a.ra 10.41 " 12 44p.m 3.00 " 5.45 " 6.08 " 7.15 " *10.00p.m 10.10 '• 12.26 a.m 2.55 '• 5.57 " 6.22 " 7.40 " +12.00n'ht 3.00 a.m Albany Utica . . . [Arrive 1.15p.m *7.15 " 10.55 " 11.28 " Syracuse 4.52p.m 1.00 p.m XJtica [Leave t5.50p.m +6.35 a.m +1.00 p.m Trenton Falls...[Ar Carthage 8..50p.ni 9.35 a.m 4.00 p.m Watertown.. [Arrive 9.35 p.m 10.10 a.m 4.40 p.m Philadelphia [Arrive 10.15 a.m 4.40 p.m Kome [Leave Watertown . . [Arrive Philadelphia 16.15 p.m 9.10 " 9.55 " +6.35 a.m 9.30 " 10.15 " +12..^0p.ra 4.00 " 4.40 " Watertown . . [Leave Sackett's Harb'r.[Ar +4.00 p.m 5.20 " Watertown ..[Leave Cape Vincent [Ar +10.15a.m 11.15 " 4.10 p.m 5.00 " Clayton [Arrive +11.15a.m +10.15 a.m 11.38 a.m 12.25 p.m +5.25 p.m Philadelphia. [Leave +4.40 p.m 6.00 " Ogdensburgh....[Ar 6.20 " Philadelphia. [Leave Di'Kalb Junction +9.55 p.m 11.15 " +10.15 a.m 11.35 " 12.00 n'n 12.35 p.m +4.40 p.m 5.50 '• 6.40 " Norwood 12.15 a.m 6.45 " Paul Sniitli's [Arrive Masi^eua Spring8[Ar +1.00 p.m 7.15 p.m Sj'racuse [Leave Oswego... . [Arrive t5.25p.m 6.35 " +7.45 p.m 9 05 " +7.50 a.m 9.05 " +1.40 p.m 3.05 " DETROIT, JACKSON AND lioiv..i the exact loeution of all iniportant i>laee:.i in the City. 38 NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER R. R.-Continued. COLiriTIBCJS, DAYTON, CINCINNATI, I\DI- ANAPOIilS A: ST. liOUlS, Via " Bee L.liie." Stations. N.Y.(G.C.St'n).[Lv " (138th St. St'n) Buffalo! E. Time [Ar BulfaloiC.TimelLv Cleveland No. 1. Vestibule Limited. .45p.m [Arrive! 12. 15 a. m Cleveland.. [Leave Grafton [Arrive Crestline Galion Delaware Columbus. . [Arrive Cleveland.. [Leave Springfield . [Arrive Dayton Cincinnati. | .Arrive Cleveland. .. [Leavej*12.2.5a.ni 12.25a.m 1.23 " 2.53 " 3.05 ■" 5.40 " 17.45 a. m 8.40 " 10.17 " 10.23 " 11.35 " 6.35 a. m 12.45 p. m 12.25 a. m 7.35 " 8.25 " 10.05 " Galion [Arrive Marion Bellefontaine Union City Muncie Indianapolis Terre Haute Mattoon Pana St. Louie. . . [Arrive 3.05 " j 4.05 " 1 .5.45 " I 8.15 " 9.45 " 11.35 " I 3.00 p. ml 3.40 " 4.47 " 7.40 " I 10.54 a.ra 11.45 " l.lOp.m 1.20 " 2.20 " 3.30 '^ t7.45 a.mi*10.54 a.ni 1..30p.ni 4.10p.m 2 20 " ; 4..5B " 4. 35 " 6.,57J' t6.45a.mi*li.2na7ni 9.35 " 2.35 p.ni 10.28 " 3.25 " 11.54 " 4.5 1.55 p.m 7.20 3.07 5.15 8.15 10.20 8.43 " 10.35 '• 1.22 a. m 3.05 '• 4.18 " 7.30 " *7.30p.m 8 32 " 10.25 " 10.35 " 12.00n'gt LOO a.m *^30p.m 2.25 a.m 3.50 " (i.35 " *7.30l)rm 10.35 '• 11.28 " 12.55 a.m 3.15 " 4.32 " 6.50 •' 10.08 " 12.30 p.m 2.09 " 6.00 " Central time is one hour slower ihan Eastern time. No. 1 runs every dav. Vestibuled Drawing-Room Car New York to Buffalo. Vestibuled Slcejiinsr Car Buffalo to St. Louis. Vestibuled Sleeping Car \ew York to Cleveland. Vestibuled Sleeping Car Cleveland to Cincinnati. Vestibuled Dining Car New York to Buffalo. Vestibuled Buffet Smok- ing and Library Car New York to Cleveland. No. 3 runs daily e.xeept Snnday, but Saturday train does not nni beyond Cleveland. Drawing-Room Car" New York to Syracuse. Drawing-Room Car New York to Rochester. Sleeping Cars Syracuse to Cleveland. No. 5 runs every dav. Sleepinir Car New York to Cincinnati. Sleeping Car New York to Indianapolis and St. Louis. Dining t'ar New York to Albany. Dining Car Buffalo to Cleveland. No. 9 runs every dav. Sleeping Car New York to Buffalo. Sleeping Car Clevcl-\nd to Cincinnati. Sleejjing Cars Cleveland to Columbus. Sleep- ing Cars Cleveland to Indianapolis. DKAAVI\G-ROOH A: SLEEP'Ci CAK RATES In effect on all trains except tlie New York, Chicago & St. Louis Limited; on the latter train a slight extra fare is charged. Between New York and Albany or Troy Saratoga Lake George North Creek Plattshnrg Burlington Montreal , Utiea Clavton , Paul Smith's Richfield Syracuse Rochester Niagara Falls or Bufl'alo. . , Detroit Toledo Cleveland , Chicago Cincinnati Indianapolis Fort Wayne , St. Lonis Scat. $1 00 1 50 1 75 200 2 00 2 00 1 .50 2 00 1 75 2 00 2 00 Berth. $1 25 1 50 2 '66 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 i'.^r, 2 00 2 00 3 .50 4 00 3 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 fi no Sec- tion. |2 50 3 00 466 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 300 4 00 4 00 7 00 8 00 00 10 00 8 (K) 10 00 8 00 12 no- State- room. For Farex Co every plsu-e in |initeired by the lady at iioine will l>e I'oiind In this C»iiide. aii Sii pph'ineiil <<>iitsiiii.> ;ill eiianu'e.s in lime liil»E<-.., <■!<■. ELEVATED RAILROADS. Fare, 5 cents at all hours, children undci- five years, free. THIRD AVENUE LINE. Between South Ferry and l~".)th St. trains run dailv at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes, from 4.r) a.m. to 12 ni^dit : then every 15 minutes to 4.45 a.m. Between City Hall and 129th St. trains run daily at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes, from 5.30 a.m. to 12 30 niirht : then every 15 minutes to 5.30 a.m. On Grand Central Depot Brancli, trains run daily every 3 to 5 minutes from a.m. to 12 night. On East 34th St. Ferry Branch, trains run daily every 3 to 5 minutes from 5.30 a.m. 10 12 night. Time between South Ferry and 129th St. 43 minutes ; between City Hall and 129th St. 33 minutes. Stations. South Feiry, Hanover Square. Fulton, Franklin Squaie. Chatham Square— change here for 2d Ave. Line; Canal, Grand. Houston, 9th. 14ih. 18th, 23d, 28th, 34th- change here for K. 34th St. Ferrv; 42d, change here for Grand Cenral Depot; 47th, 53d. 59th, 07th, 76tli, Sltli. 89th, 98l;h, lOfith. llOlh. 125Ih, 129th. SECOND AVENUE L.INE. Between South Ferry and 129th St. trains run daily at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes, from 4.45 a.m. to 12 night. Through time, 43 minutes. Stations. South Ferry, Hanover Square. Fulton, Franklin Square, Chatham Square— change here for 3d Ave. Line; Canal. Grand. Rivington, 1st, 8tli, 14th. 19th. 23d and 1st Ave., 34th— change here for ,34th St. Ferry; 42a. .50th. 57th. (r)th. 70lh, 75th, 80tli. 86th, 92d, lOotli. 111th, 110th. 120th, 127th, 129th— connects here with suburban rapid transit train-! to 170tli St. and 3d Ave. SIXTH AVENUE LINE. Between South Ferry and 155th St. & 8th Avenue, trains run on week days at intervals of 2 to 5 minutes from 5.30 a.m. i 12 night, then every 20 minutes to 5..30 a. m. : alternatelv to 5Sth St. & 6th Ave. and 155 run at intervals of 4 minutes from 6.30 a m. to 12 night, then everv 20 minutes. 155ih St. & Stii Ave. Sunday trains Cross-town cars leave Grand Central Depot for Time from South Ferrv to 58th St. is 29 minutes ; to 155th St.. 52 minutes. 42d St. Station of this line, anil for Weehawken Ferry, foot of W. 42d St. Stations. * South Ferry, Battery Place. Rector, Cortlan it. Park Place, Chamber.*.- Franklin. Grand. Bleecker, 8lh. 14lh, 18th, 23d. 28th, 33d, 42d. .50th, .53d, branch to 8rh Ave.. 58th, .59tli— change here for 9th Ave. Line free of charge; 72d, 81st, 9.3d, 104tii, 116th, 125th, 135tli, 145th, 1.55tli and 8th Ave— connects here with N. Y. & Northern R. R. NINTH AVENUE L,1NE. Between South Ferry and 59th St. trains run daily from 5.;:0 a.m. to 8 p.m. at intervals of 5 minutes. Through time. 26 minutes. Stations. South Ferry, Rector, Cortlaudt, Barclay, Warren, Franklin, Desbrosses, Houston, Christopher, 14th, 23d, 30th. 34th. 42d, 50th, 59th— change here for 6th Ave. Line without extra charge. ;i9 NEW YORK, LAKE ERIE & WESTERN R. R. Depot, foot of (.'hanibers and Wo«t -2:3(1 Sts^. Ticket OfHces— 1, 3ir. 401. 711. 'X^7 Bioachvay; 15.3 Bowery; foot of Chambers and West 23d Sts, N. Y.; 331 Fulton St. 107 Broadway, Brooklyn. Excursion tickets are good for 30 days from day of issue. MAIN LIINE. Fare. M. Stations. Single, Ex. Jersey City H Secancus. . ..1.5c — 25c 10 Rnlherrord...30c-40c 11 Carlton Hill. 3.5c— 50c 11 Pa.s-^aicBd<;.3.5c-55c \-l Prospect St. 13 Passaic 40c — 55c 13 Hariison St., Passaic 13 Clifton 45l-— 65c Fare. M. Stations. Single, E.x. 15 LakeView ..50c— 70c 17 Patersoii .50c— 70c 18 River St 5,5c- .15 ,54 Greycourt$1.3tS~$2.25 55 Chester.. .$1..33-.S2.30 fiO Goshen. ..$1.43-i2..50 (i4 Hampton $1.58-$2.60 Fare. M. Stations. Single, E.x. (57 Main St. 67 Middletown.l.fi8-2.75 71 no\veirs..$].78-|2.'JO 7r) Otisville .$1.9.3-$3.10 SO (Iiivmard |2.08-.|3..3O 88 P'rtJervis$2.33-S3.(i0 Fare. | Fare. ;M. Stations. Sin£;le,Ex. M. Stations. Single.Ex. 28 Ramsey's 8,5c-$1.15 ! 44 Arden. . ..ftl.08-$1.85 30 Mahwah 9.5c-$1.25 ' 4(i NewbnrgJunc. 32 Snffern.,.$1.0((-S1.35 , 47 Turner's. .$1.08-$1. 05 19 Hawthorne.. 60c— 8.5c 33 Hillburn..$1.0.5-$1 40 ! .50 Monroe. ..$1.18-S2.o5 22 Ridgewood..70c— 95c .34 Ramapo..$1.0.5-$1.40 | ,52 Oxford. ..$1.23- Undercliff. .35 Sterlingtonl.08-$].45 21 Hohokiis...75c-$1.00 36 Sloalsburg.l.08-$1.45 I 25 Waldwick. 80c-$1.05 .38 Tuxedo.. .$1.08-$1. 60 26 Allendale... 80C-S1. 10 42 Sonthfieldsl.08-f 1.75 I To Pa!ii«tai<>. Pater.*oii, ^iiflTerii, Turner.*, Middletown and Port Jervis. stopping at intermediate stations. I,ea ve foot of Cliani l>ers St. ( Leave foot of W. 23d St. 5 1 o 15 minutes earlier). Trains marked * leave W.23d St. atS..55 a.m . For Pa^snlo and Patersoii (-eo also Newark Branch below), 4 00, *4.4.5, d.dO, 7.00, 7.50, 9.30, 10..30 a. m., 12, 1.00. 1.4.5, 3.00,, 1 4.01), 4. 10, •(■4.30, 4.40, 5.00,5.10,5.30, 5.50, fi.lO,, 7..30, 8.30, 9.00, 10.30 p m., 12 night. Sundays, *4.45,8..30, 10.30 a. m., 12, 1.45, 3 0\ 4.00, 5.00, 6.30, 7..30, 8..30, 9.00, 10.30 p. ni., 12 night. Time to I'assaic about 35minutes; to Paterson 411 to :'0 minutes. Trains marked t are express trains and make nostops betiveen Jersey City amd Paterson. For Siifl'ern, 4.00, *4.45, 7.50, 9.30, 10.30 a. m., 1.00, 3.00, 3.30, 4.00. 5 00. 5.30, 6.10, 6.30, 7.00. 9.00, 10.30 p. m., 12 night. Sun- days, *4.45, 8.30, 10.;30 a. m.. 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 p. m., 12 night. Time to Suffeni. about 1 hour, 10 minutes. For Tiiriierisi. *4.45, 7.50, 9 00, 10.30 a. ni., 1.00, 3.30, 4.30, 5.00, 5.30, 7.00, 8.30 p. m. Sundays, *4.45, 8.30, 10.30a. ni., 5.00. 6.30, 8.30 p. m. Time to Turners, 2 to2J/^ hours. For Middletown, *4.45, 7..50, 9.00, 10..30 a. m., 3.30, 4.30, 5.00, .5..30, 7.00. 8.30 p. m. Sundays, *4.45, 8.30 a. m., 5.00, 6.30. 8.:-!0 p. m. Time to Middletown about 2K hours. For Port Jervis, *4.45. 7..50, 9.00, 10..30 a.'m.. 3.30, 4 30, 5.00, 7.00, 8.30 p. m. Time to Port Jervis about 3J4 hours. Trailing to IVew York. Stopping at intermediate stations Leave Port Jervi.»i, 4..50, 6.30, 7.42, 9.25 a. m., 12 15, 2.18, 4.14, 8.15 p. m. Due in New York in abotit 3>4 hours. Leave iniddletowii, 5 32, 6.00, 7.10, 8.19, 10.01 a. m., 12..59, 2..55, 4 .56. 8 .55 p. m. Sundays, 5..32, 10.01 a. m., 12.59, 5.21, 8.55 p. 111. Due in New York in about 2J4 hours Leave Tiiriierfii. 6.44. 7.57, 10.41 a. m'., 1.50,3 36, 4.27, 5.4.3, 9.35 p. m. Sundays, 10.41 a. m., 1.00, l.,50, 6.14, 9..35 p. m. Due in New York in 2 to '2^/^ hours. Leave Siiflferii. 4 .58. 6.25, 6.55. 7.18, 7..36, 7.59. 8.45. 9.27, 10.28 a. m., 12.30, 2.21, 4.57, 6.1.3, 10.45 p. m. Sundays, 7.17, 8.41 a. m., 1.30, 2.21. 6.50. 10.45 p. m. Due in New York in about l^ hours. Leave Paterson, .5.2:1, 5.58, 6.40, 6.58, 7.09, 7.20. 7.46, 7.57, 8.10, 8.32, 8.48, 9.20. H..55, 10.00, 11.02, 11.28 a. m., 12.02, 1.03, 2.05. 2..57, 3.02. 4.00, 4.26. 5.0 i, 5.30, 6.0.5, 6.55. 7.49, 9.05, 10.05, 10.26, 11.20 p. m. Sundays, 7.09, 7.1.5, 7.50, 9.19, 10.33, 11.28 a. m.. 2.0.5, 2..57, 3 02. 4.00. 6.40, 7..35, 9.05, 10.26, 11.20 p. m. (Leave Passaic, 8 minutes later). Due in New York about 40 minutes after leaving Paterson. Sundays, *4.45, 8..30 a. m., .5.00, 0.30, 8..30 p. ra. Sundays, 4.50, 9.25 a. m., 13.15, 4.35, 8.15 p. m. NEAVARK BRANCH. § Leave West 23d Street, k.oo a. m. Fare. M. Stations. Single.Ex. Jersey City. 3 WestEud. 5 Pontiac. - 8 Harrison 15c— 25c Fare. M. Stations. Single,Ex. 8 Grant Ave.. 15c — 25c 9 Newark 1.5c— 2.5c 10 Riverside.... 20c— 25c 10 Woodside. ..20c— 25c Fare. M. Stations. Single,Ex. 20 Paterson 50c— 70c Fare, I Fare. M. Stations. Single, Ex. M. Stations. Single.Ex. 11 Belleville...20c— 30c I 14 Franklin. ...3.5c— 50c 12 Essex 25c— 40c I 15 Peru 40c— 60c 13 Avondale 30c— 45c I 17 Athenia 4.5c— 65c 13 Nutley 35c-50c | 19 S. Paterson. 50c— 70c Leave foot ofCliambers St. (Leave foot of West 23d St. 5 to 10 minutes earlieri, for Newark and Paterson. and intermediate stations. §5.45, 6..50, 8 IX), 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 a. m., 2.00, 3.30, 4.20, 4..50, 5.20, 5.50, 6.20, 7.30, 10.00 p. m., 12.00 night. Sundays, 9.00 a. ra., 3.30, 6.30, 10 00 p. m. Due at Newark in 35 minutes: Paterson, 1 hour, 5 minutes. Leave Pater.son for New York, 5 50, 6.33, 6.58, 7.30, 7.57, 9 25, 10.07, 11.30 a. m., 1.30, 2.25, 3.27, 4.55, 5.57, 7.35, 10.07 p. m. Sund .ys, 8.35 a. m.. 1.34, 5..30, 10.07 p. m. Leave Newark for New York, 6.17, 7.00, 7.26, 7..58, 8.29, 9.55, 10.30 a. m., 12.0.3, 1.53, 2.56, 3.56, 5.26, 6.26, 8.06, 10.34 p. m. Sundays, 9.08 a. m., 2.07, 6.05, 10.34 p. m. Stations. Miles. ___. . „ , Saddle River 12 12 Garfield 40c -55c Rutherford 10 | Spring Tank M. Stations. Fare— Single.Ex. Ill Lackawaxen S2.98-S5.00 115 Rowlands $3.13— $5.15 119 Glen Eyre f3.28-S5.25 BEROEN COUNTY K. R. Fare. ' Fare. M. Stations. Single,Ex. Stations. Miles. M. Stations. Single,Ex. Dundee 14 18 Fair Lawn. .55c— 75c Warren Point 16 | 19 Paramus 65c— 85c Leave foot of Clianibenii St. (Leave foot of West 23d St. 5 minutes earlier), for Ridgewood, stopping at inter- mediate stations, 8.30 a. m., 5.20, 6.00 p. m. Time to Ridgewood, 1 hour. ^ o ..-- n a' Leave Kldgewood, 7.15, 8.18 a. m. (Dundee, 5.15 p. m.), Garlleld, 7.29, 8.32 a. m., 5.25 p. m. Due in New \ork, 8.0*, 9.0. a. 111.. 6.07 p. in. HONESDALE BRANCH. M. Stations. Fare— Single,E\-. I M. Stations. 123 Kimbles $3 38-$5.35 i 131 WhileMiils 127 Hawley $.3.48-$5..50 135 Honosdale. 127 West Hawley $3.53— $5.50 1 Leave loot of Cliamber:* St. (Leave foot of West 23d St. 5 minutes earlier), for Honesdale and intermediate sta- tions, 9.00 a. m., 3.30, 8.30 p. m. Due at Honesdale, 2.15, 8.30 p. m., 10.15 a. m Leave Honesdale for New York, 7.10, 10.40 a. m., 5.55 p. m. Leave Lackawaxen, 8.29 a. Ni w York, 12.07, 5.07', 11.07 p. m. Fare. M. Stations. Single,Ex. 20 Ridgewood.. 7uc— 9.5c Fare— Single.Ex. $3.68— $5.60 S3.83-S5.75 1.11, 7.17 p. m. Due in Stations. Miles. Susc|uehanna. Laiiesboro 2 Jeflferson Junction ... .4 Stations. Miles. Carbondale 39 JEFFERSON BRANCH. Stations. Miles. I Stations. Miles. | Stations. Miles. Brandts 4 | Thompson. r 14 Herrick Centre 26 Stevens Point 5 i Ararat Summit 19 LTniondale 28 Starrucca 10 ! CotrilPs Switch 22 | Forest City 33 | Leave foot of Cliaiubers St. (Leave foot of West 23d St. 5 minutes earlier), for Carbondale and intermediate stations, 9.00 a. m.. 8.30 p. m. Due at Carbondale. 7.30 p. m., 9.35 a. m. Leave Carbondale for New Vork, 10.30 a. m., 5.55 p. m. Due at 11.07 p. m., 7. .57 a. m. IW For Express Trains to tUe West, see second page following this. FOR FARES TO EVERY PLACE IN THE UNITED STATES, SEE INDEX. 40 NEW YORK, LAKE ERIE AND WESTERN R. R. -Continued. MIDDLETO^VIV AND < RAAVFORD BRANCH. M Stations Fare-Single. Ex. | M. Stations. Fare-Single, Ex. I M. Station.-^. Fare-Sin<:le,Ex. I Fare. WMiddletown 72 Oircleville $1 83-$3.00 77 Thompson Ridge$l.H8-$3.20 M. Stations. Single.Ex. 70 Crawford June. $1.78-$2.90 I 74 Bullville $1.9.3-S3.10 | 79 Van Keurens. . ..$2.07-$3.25 | 80 Pine Bush $2.08-$3.30 Leave foot of Cliamber.* St. (West 23d St. 5 minutes earlier), for Pine Biisli and intermediate stations, 9.00 a. m., 4:i0\) m Sundays, 8.30 a. m. Due at Pine Bush, 12.38, 7.50 p. m. Sundays. 12.38 p. m. Leave Pine Biisli for Xew York. 7.24 a. m , ,5.15 p. m. Sundays, 8.50 a. m., 5.15 p. m. Due in New York, 10.37 a. m., 11.07 p. m. Sundays, 12.07 noon, 11.07 p. m. M. Stations. 60 Goshen. 02 Kipps. .. M. Stations. Fare— Single & Exc, 69 Beaver Dam 351 .70— $2.55 70 Montgomery $1.71— $2.80 M. Stations. Fare-Single, Ex. 61 New ^Vindsor $1.16— $2.25 62 West Newburg. 64 Newburg. . $1.16— $2.25 MONTGOITIKRY BRANCH. Fare— Single & Exc. I M. Stations. Fare— Single & Exc. I 65 Campbell Hall $1..56— $2.,55 | $1..52— $2..55 I 67 Neely Town $1.67— $2..55 | Leave foot of t'liambers St. (Leave foot of West 23d St. 5 minutes earlier), for ITIontgoiuery aid intermediate stations, 9.(X) a. m., 3.30. 4.30 p. m. Sundays, 8.30 a. m. Time to Montgomery, 2)4 hours. Leave ITIontgomery, 8.06 a. m., 4.23, 6.06. 7.20 p. m. Sundays, 4.55. 7.20 p. m. Due in New York, 10.37 a. m., 7.25, 11.07 p. m. Sundays, 8.37, 11.07 p. m. NEWBURC SHORT CUT. M. Stations. Fare-Single,Ex. ' M. Stations. Fare-Single, Ex. 46 Newburs June. ' 51 IIoughtonFarm $1.08-$2.00 49 Central Valley $l.08-$2.00 .55 Mountainville $1.08— $2.00 .50 Highland Mills $1.08- $2.00 57 Cornwall $1 08 -$2.00 51 Woodbury $1.08— $2.00 ! 59 Vail's Gate June $1.16-$2.25 Leave foot of Chambers St. (Leave foot of West 23d St. 5 to 10 minutes earlier), for Cornwall and Newbiirg;» stopping at intermediate stations, 7..50, 9.00 a. ni., 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 8.30 a. m., 1.45. .5.00 p. m. Due at Cornwall in 2S hours, due at Newburg in 2)4 hours. Leave Newbiirjj for New York and intermediate stations, 5..50. 7.40, 8.15 a. m., 2.42, 3..50, 5.3S p. m. Sundays, 7.26, 9.45 a. ra., 5.05 I), m. Due in New York, 8.27, 9.37, 10.37 a. m.. 5.07. 7.25, 1 1.07 p. m. Sundays, 10 07 a. m., 12.07, 8.37 p. ni. PINE ISLAND BRANCH. M. Stations. Fare-Single & Exc M. Stations. Fare-Single & Exc. (iO Goshen ^ 68 Big Island $1.68— $2.85 64 Orange Farm $1.53— $2.65 , 73 Pine Island $1.78— $3.00 66 Florida $1.61— $2.80 Leave foot of Chambers St. (Leave foot of West 2:W St. 5 minutes earlier), for Pine l^iland and intermediate stations. UXX) a. m.. 5..30 p. m. Sundays, 8..30 a. m., 5.30 p. m. Due at Pine Island. 12.28. 8..30 p. ni. Sundays. 12.28, 8.30 p. m. Leave Pine liiiland for New York. 6.40 a. m., 4.45 p. m. Sundays. 9.35 a. m., 4.45 p. m. Due in New York, 9.27a. m., 11.07 p. in. Sundays, V2 07 noon, 11.07 p. in. THirOUOH COACH ARRANGEMENT. -Trains to the AVest. For Time Table i^ee follow inq parje. day (Sundays, 8.30 a.m.). To Buffalo.— Smoking and Day (Oacliesand Pullman Buffet Drawiug-Kooin Coaches, day. To Chicago.— Smoking Coach. Day Coach and Pullman Buffet Sleei>ing Coach— A Solid Pullman Train ork, via Salamanca, Marion and tin- ('hicairo &. Atlantic Railway. To Cleveland.— Pullman Buffet Sleeping New York. To St. Louis. -Pullman P.ullVt Sleeping Coach from New York, via Salamanca, Cincinnati and the ssissippi Railway. To BufTalo. — SinoUing Coach and Day Coach from New York. To Suspension Bridge.— ffct Sleeping Coach from New York via Huffalo. day. To Chicago.— Pullman Sleeping Coach, Smoking Coach and Day Coach from New York via the Chicago RaUway and Salamanca. To Cleveland.— I'nllinan Parlor Car from Buffalo. To Cincinnati. —Pullman Sleeping Yoiingstown. To Buffalo.— Day Coach and Pullman Buffet Sleeping Coach from New York. To Rochester.— ft'et Slcepiiii; Coach from New York. . excel)! Sunday, To Ilornrllsvllle. —Pullman I'>uffet Parlor Coach. NEW YORK AND GREENWOOD LAKE RY. From Erie I)ei)ot, Fool of ( hainbers and W. 23d St. 1'rain 1.— Every Train 5. — Every from New Y C<»ach from Ohio & Ml Pullinan Bu Train 3.— Every & Atlantic Coach from Pullman Bu Train ll.-Dailv M. Stations. Jersey City Arlington Kearney North Newark. Fare Single and Exc. 20c -oOc. 20c-30c. 20C-30C. 20C-30'-. I Forest Hill . I Silver Lake ^ Blooinlield Ave. . . I Watsessing June. . M-{ Prospect Street g j Brighton .\ye . .. '- Washington St.... ^ I Llewellyn [Orange (Main St.). Soho Blooinlield 25c-40c. 28c -4.5c. 28c^.-c. 28c 45c. •.■8c-45c. 30c -50c. 30c-.50c. 3 0C-50C. ^c-45c. 30c -.oOc. M. i 13 14 15 16 V,% I814 20 201., 23 .2314 25 2614 28 Stations. Fare Single and Exc. , I i Chestnut Hill Montclair Watchung Upper .Montclair . . Montcljiir Heights. (Jivat Notch Cedar (irove. . . . Little Falls SIngac Mountain View. . . Wayne Pequanuock Poinpton Plains... Riverdale Pompton 32C-55C. '■ 35c-60c. 40c -05c. 45c- 70c. 50C-75C. 5.5c-8t)c. 60c-80c. t..5c-8Uc. 68C-90C. , 70c-90c. 75c-$l 00 80c- 1 10 85c- 1 20; 90c- 1 30 05c- 1 40 M. 29" 32 32!^ 35^ l3ft^ 1 38 |40 40^ '43 145 lie" [47 148 49 Stations. Pompton Junction. . Waniique Midvale Ringwood Junction. Er>kine Ringwood M onks Hewitt Cooper (Fuller House). Sterling Forest Greenwood Lake.... Warwick Woodlands. . Club House Brandon Hou-«- Windermere House . . . Fare Single and Exc. $1 00-$1 1 10- 1 1 15- 1 1 2.5- 1 1 25- 1 30- 1 30- I 1 40- 1 1 40- 1 1 40- 1 1 50- 1 1 50- 1 8 _9_i n^ 10 11 111^ ii-M 12 V2% 13H 1314 10 11J^__ Leave Foot of Cliambers St. (W. 2id St. 5 to 15 minutes earlier), for Orau{»-e (Main St.) and intermediate stations, 6 00. 8.50, 10 50 a. m., 12 00, 1 45, 3 10, 3 40, 430, 5 00, 5 30, 6 00, 6 20, 7 00, 8 30, 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 10 OJ a. m., 1 30, 00, 9 30 p. 111., due at Orange in 45 minutes. For Moiitelair Hel»-hts, 6 00, 8 20, 9 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 45, 3 40, 4 30, 5 10, 5 40, 6 20, 7 00, 8 00, 10 00 p. m., 12 night. Sun- day. 9 00 a. 111.. 8 00 p. m., due at Montclair Heights in 1 hour. For Little Falls. 6 00, 8 20 a. m., 12 m., 3 40, 4 30, 5 10, 5 40, 6 20, 7 00 p. m., 12 00 night. Sundays, 9 00 a. m., 8 00 p. m.. due at Little Falls in 1 hour. 10 minutes. For Pompton and Pompton June., 8 20 a. m., 3 40,5 10. 5 40 p. m. Sundays 9 00 a. m., due at Poinpton in \\^ hours. For Ringwood, 3 40 p. in., due ar 6 08 p. m. For Cooper (Greenwood Lake), 8 20 a. m.. on Saturdays and Mondays 5 10 p. m. also, due at Greenwood Lake in 2^ hours. Trains For New Vork. Leave Cooper (Greenwood Lake), stopping at intermediate Stations, 1 15 p. in., on Saturdaj's and Mondays, 6 45 a. in. also, due in New York 4 47 p. 111., Saturdays and Mondays, 8 57 a. m. also. Leave Rinj* wood; 5 50 a. ni., due in New York 8 27 a. m. Leave Pompton J unction, 5 52, 7 01, 7 30 a. m., 2 .34 p. m. Sundays, 25 p. m.. due in New York 7 27, 8 27, 8 57 a. m., 4 47 1). 111. Sundays. 8 07 p. ni. Leave Little Falls, 5 10, 6 18, 6 55, 7 28, 7 58, 8 34, 10 04 a. m., 1 20, 3 14, 5 52 p. m. Sundays, 7 28 a. m., 6 54 p. m., due in New York in 1 hour. Leave Montclair Heiglits, 5 21. 6 30. 7 07, 7 39, 8 09, 8 44, 10 15 a. m., 1 29, 3 09, 3 47, 6 10, 9 12, 11 16 p. m. Sundays, 7 39 a. m.. 7 06 p. m., due in New York in 1 hour. Leave Orange (Main St.). 5 23. 6 37. 7 07, 7 35, 7 57, 8 27, 9 09, 10 20 a. m., 12 25, 1 35, 3 12, 4 10, 5 50, 6 50, 10 35 p. m. Sun- days, 8 45 a. m., 12 15, 4 45, 7 45 p. m., due in New York in 40 minutes. 41 NBW YORK, LAKE ERIE & WESTERN R. R — Continued. WESTWARD. (^"^ Trai7i 1 leaves 3.S0 a. m. NS. 1 1 11 5 29 3 OH Sundays. STATIC Ev'y Day. Daily ex. Sun. Ev'y Day. Daily ex. Sun. Ev'y Day. 23d Street [Leave < HAITI BKR'^ Sr. A.M. *8.55 9.00 A.M. 10.25 10.30 10.43 P.M. 4.55 5.00 P.M. 6.55 7.00 P.M. 8.25 8.S0 .Jersey City 1 9.20 5.18 7.15 850 Port Jervis. . . . Lackawaxen . . . .[Leave 88 111 123 193 215 237 256 274 291 332 Noon 12.25 1.05 1.24 3.34 4.11 4 45 5,15 5.41 6.1>- 7 37 P.M. 2.05 2.53 3.15 a6.05 6.56 7.51 8.41 9.24 10.08 12.40 P.M. 8.06 'Vi'.23 12.00 12.35 1.10 1.39 2.17 3.30 A.M. 4.28 5.30 6.25 7.41 7.50 Night P12.30 pi. 33 p2.10 a6.05 6.46 7.29 8.22 9.00 9.49 11.30 P.M. 11.50 12.30 Narrowsbnrg 3.05 Binghamton. . Oweafo .... . [Arrive 3.45 4.36 Waverlj' 5.15 Elniira 5.46 Cornint; 6.27 Hornellsville 7.45 Portage \ctica ..[Arrive 362 393 423 443 445 P.M. 8 36 9.35 10.30 12.11 12.19 Night P.M. 4.44 6.10 7.45 A.M. 9.01 10.03 Buffalo Niagara Falls -11.00 12.56 Suspension Bridge 1.04 Clean CaiTollton . . [Arrive 395 408 414 10.06 10 33 5.33 3.22 3.49 4.00 10.33 11.00 Salamanca 10.45 6.i6 11.13 Koch.,B.R.&P Sara,B.R.&P. .Ry...[Lv Ry....[Ar . . [Arrive 460 5.40 9.45 A.M. 7.45 11.20 Dunkirk P.M. 6.00 1.10 Elmira Corning . . [Leave 274 291 311 367 P.M. 6.10 6.43 7.29 P.M. 1.40 2.15 3.01 5.00 P.M. A.M. 6.50 7.25 Bath 8.10 Avon . [Arrive 9.24 10.10 Caledonia . . [Arrive 374 381 391 5.34 5.48 6.09 blO.33 Le Roy blO.48 Batavia bll.07 Rochester . [Arrive 385 P.M. 10.05 P.M. 5.55 7.30 4.0 J A.M. A.M. p9.40 Buffalo Jamestown ... . . [Leave . [Arrive 7.30 4.00 P.M. 8.45 11.20 A.M. (Central Time.) Salamanca [Leave Jamestown. . . . [Arrive Corry Meadville'. Youngstown. Leavittsburj Cleveland . . Kent. Chi cago , C. & A. R'y. . . Springfield Indianapolis, O.I. & W. Bloommgton Peoria Cincinnati, C. C. C.& L St7LouisroT&M7R'yT^ Grand Trunk R'y «"«■■"«■• I East'nitLv Time. / [Ar Hamilton Toronto.. \ Detroit ... Chicago.C. &G. T. R'y. Chic'o,N.F.S.Line..[Ar ITI i ciiroeiit . r7R. Buffalo [Leave St. Thoma Detroit [Arrive Toledo East Saginaw. Jackson Grand Rapids Kalamazoo . . Chicago [Arrive L.. S. & M. S. Ry Buffalo [Leave DunkirK Erie Ashtabula Cleveland Toledo Elkhart Chicago [Arrive 626 781 920 1081 1132 ^61 1199 P M. ^7l5 9.40 11.40 P.M 10.. 50 2.30 8.10 8.20 6.25 P.M. P.M. 11.30 4.25 8.05 10.15 12.45 11.12 3.15 2.04 6.40 A.M. 5.40 6.43 8.03 9.14 10.55 2.20 6.15 9.30 P M P.M 1.00 2.1'; 3.5f 5.08 7.15 11.25 4.15 7.50 A.M. A.M. 5.15 6.15 7.0 8.15 12.50 11.20 11.85 5.11 10.30 5.25 7.20 7.55 _7.45 A.M. 6.40 9.20 11.30 2.05 P.M. 10.15 A.M. 5.35 10.00 l.o: 4.15 .3.35 10.15 5.15 9.30 P.M. 7.45 ' ' 9.,55 12.15 3.85 6.45 9.50 A.M. Noon 12.00 4.00 5.30 9.40 8.10 7.20 A.M 9.00 1.10 5.S0 9.20 10.40 10.50 0.00 1.15 7.00 P.M. 7.51 9.15 10.55 12.20 2.15 A.M 5.05 2^25 "am 2.05 4.10 6.50 P.M. 1.00 5.50 9.40 11.52 5.05 12.49 6.00 3 07 7.45 P.M. 11.45 12.. 56 2.31 3.46 h5.45 blO.OO b3.05 b6.45 P.M EAST\rARD. j^= jTor •' Fares to all Places," see Index. 12 4 10 8 STATIONS. (Central Time.) Ev'y Day. Ev'v Day. Daily ex. Sun. Ev'y Day. Orand Trunk Ry. Chicago, N. F. S. Line, . [Lv Chicago, C. & G. T. Ry P.M. P.M. .?.00 3.25 12.00 ll.CO 7.00 9..35 P.M. 9.O0 8.15 6,25 12.20 1..55 4.50 Detroit 'i'orouto 1 ^ Hamilton -E. Time- Buflalo ] f . . . [Ar 12.05 3.. 55 6.40 9.20 Mich. Central R. R. Chicago [Leave Kalamazoo A.M. 9.00 1.33 1.10 4.15 2.06 4..30 7.15 11.10 3.35 P.M. 3.10 6.58 5.40 8.49 5.20 9.10 10.55 2.05 6.15 A.M. 6.40 10.15 2.30 P.M. 10.10 3..35 10.45 6.15 11.20 7.50 9..50 12.50 4.45 P.M. 9.10 3.27 Grand Rapids 6.45 4.50 East Saginaw 7.00 Toledo . . 6.00 Detroit 12.05 St. Thomas 3..30 Buffalo [Arrive 8.05 L,. S. & M. S. Ry. Chicago [Leave Elkhart A.M. 8.50 12.45 5.30 10.00 11. .32 12..5n 2.04 3.30 A.M. P.M. ■ 5 30 8.25 11.50 2.55 ■5.18 ' ' 7.40 A.M. A.M. ■ ■ 7.00 11. .50 1.13 2.18 3..35 4.50 P.SI. P.M. 8.00 11.55 4.25 8.,50 10.22 11.57 1.21 2.50 P.M. P.M. 11.30 3 30 Toledo 10.10 Cleveland 3.00 4.30 Erie 5.41 Dunkirk Buffalo [Arrive 6..59 8.15 P.M. St. Louis, 0.& M.R'y. [Leave 8am P.M. Cincinnati, C. C. C. & I. R'y 10pm P.M. 5.45 Peoria, 0. I. & W. Ry 11.. 50 3.05 9.00 7.30 9.28 4.10 2.30 Bloomington, C. I. & W. . . Indianapolis, O. I. & W 4.25 11.00 Springfield 1.47 S.IO A.M. 8.35 Chicago, C. & A. Ry 2.30 Kent 9.25 2.25 Cleveland 8.3( 10..50 Lcavittsburg 10.35 11.10 1.40 3.05 3.55 3.28 Youngstown 8.40 Meadville 5.. SO 6 35 7..35 4.. 55 P.M. ;::.:;i:::::: 8.35 1 A.M. (Eastern Time) Jamestown [Leave Buflalo [Arrive P.M. 5 30 8.00 A.M. 9.15 11.45 Rochester [Leave 7.001 9.45 Batavia h4.15 bl..37 b4.52 7.33 920 10.21 10.55 P.M. b9.25 Le Roy b9.45 blO.OO Avon . . ... 10.20 Bath 12.10 Oorninc . . l.HO Elmira' [Arrive 2.06 P.M. 3.40 6.00 7 am Salamanca 9.40 Sal 'a, B. R. & P. Ry . . [ Leave Roch., B. R. & P. Ry.. [Arrive 10 a m 2pm Carrolltou [Leave Clean 6.13 6.35 9.. 51 10.12 Suspension Bridge. . . [Leave Niagara Falls Buflalo P.M. 4.00 4.10 5.30 6.36 P.M. P.M. 8.14 8.86 11.00 18.04 A.M. A.M. A.M. 8.35 . 8.43 9.15 Attica 10.20 Portage [Arrive 11.22 Noon Hornellsville [Leave 9.00 10.81 11.00 11.89 12.03 12.41 3.00 3.09 3.43 4.11 4.43 5.20 6.00 7.17 7.-55 8.30 9.08 9.49 18.. 30 1..39 Elmira 2.09 Waverly 8.36 Owego 3.18 Binghamton. 3.58 Su-quehanna [Leave Narrowsburg 1.35 3.43 4.06 4.50 6.02 "a 29 9.25 10.40 12.53 1.11 8.18 4.45 Lackawaxen 7.17 8.15 7.40 7.57 8.00 A.M. 11. .55 18.07 12.15 Noon 4..55 5 07 5.15 P.M. 10.55 CHAJTIBERS ST. . 11.07 New York, 23d Street 11.15 [Arrive P.M. a Daily, b Daily, except Sunda.ys. p Daily, except Mondays. 1[ Stops to take on passengers for Buflalo, Salamanca and points beyond. *Cn Sundays leave New York 8 30 a.m. For Ticket Offices, Sleeping Cars, etc., see preceding page. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD R. R. From Grand Central Depot, 4tli Ave. and -i2d St. For ''Fares to all Places." see Index. \K\\ YORK A: HARTFOKD DIVISION Stations and Distances. M. New York. l(j Williams Bridge, 18 Mount Vernon, 15 Peliiamville, Hi New Roclielle, 18 Larchmont Manor, 2() Mamaroneclv, 22 Harrison, 24 Rye, 2.i Port C'liest'r, 2.S Greenwich, 29 Cos Cob, 30 Riverside, .31 Sound Beach, ;3 Stamford. 3:5 (Jlenljrooli, 36 Noroton, 38 Darien. 3(1 Five Mile River, 41 South Nonvalli, 42 East Norwalk. 44 We.-tport & Saugattick 4" Green's Farms, 4!) Southport. .50 Fairfield . .5.5 Bridgeport, 59 Stratford, 60 Naiigatiick Junction. 63 Milford. 67 Woodmout, 70 West Haven, 73 New Haven, 77 Quinnipiack, 80 North Haven, 85 Walliiigford. 88 Yalesville, 9t Meriden, ■ 99 Berlin, 104 Newington, 109 Hartfor.l, 112 Wilson'.-. 116 Windsor, lis Havden's, 121 Windsor Locks. 123 Warehouse Point, 125 Enfield Bridge, 127 Thompsonville, 131 Longmeadow, 133 Pecowsic. 135 Springfield. 'I'ime from Grand Central Depot to New Roebelle, 30 minutes : minutes. Liocal Trains* Leave Grand Central Depot. For Blount Vernon— 501, 601, 701. 9 02. 10 02, 1102 a. m.; 120,>. 1 (12. 202. 230. 3 04, 4 06, 4 32. 5 04. 5 32, (• 07', 6 30. 7 01. S 01, 9 3tl. 11 .35 p. ni. Sundays. 6 01, 7 30, 9 00 a. Tu.; 5 (10. 10 00 p. m. For Pelliamville-5 01, 60!, 701, 902. 1002,1102a.m.; 12 (t2, 102, 2 02. 3 04, 4 06, 4 32,5 01, 5 33,6 07, 6 30. 7 01. 8 01, 11 .35 p. m. Siindavs, 6 01, 7 30, 9 00 a. m.; .5 00, 10 00 p. m. For New Koclielle~5 01, 6 01, 7 01, 8 00, 9 02, 10 02, 1 1 02 a. m.; 12 02. 1 02. 2 02. 2 30, 3 04, 4 06, 4 32, 5 04. 5 32.6 07,6 30.7 01,8 01,9 30, 1135 p. ni. Sundays, 6 (II. 7 30, 9 (H) a. m.: 5 00, 10 00 p. m. For Lrarehniont lUanor— 6 01, 7 01. 9 02, 1002. 11 02 a. m.: 12()-.'. 10,', 202. 3 04, 4 0(5, 4 32, 5 01. 5 32, 6 07. 6 30. : (II, s 01. O.JO, 11 35 p. HI. Sundays, 6 01, 7 30, 9 00 a. in.; .5 (Hi. 10 00 ]>. m. F'or ITIaniaroneek— 5 01, 6 01, 7 01, 9 02, 10 02, 1102 a. m.; 12 0.'. 1 02. 2 02. 2 30, 3 04, 4 06. 4 :«, 5 04, 5 30, 5 .32, 6 07, 6 30. 7 ol, 8 (H. 930. 11 35 p. m. Sundays, 6 01, 7 30. 9 00 a. m.; 5 (K). 10 (X) p. m. For IIarriKoii-6 01, 701. 9 02, 10 02. 1102 a. m.: 1302, 1 02. 2 (),', 3 01. 4 06. 4 32.- 5 04, 5 30. 5 32. 6 07, 6.30. 7 01, SOI. 930. 1135 p. ni. Sundavs. 6 01, 7 30, 9(H) a. m.; 5(K), 10 00 p. m. For Rye— 5 01, 6 01, 7 01, 9 02, 10 02, 11 02 a. m.; 12 02, 1 02. 2 02, 2 30, 3 01, 4 08, 4 32, 5 04, 5 30, 5 33, 6 07, 6 30, 7 01,8 01. 9.30. 11,35 p. m. Sundays, 6 01, 7 30, 9 00 a. m.; 5 00, 10 00 p. m. For Port <;he»itcr— 501, 601, 701. 9 02, 10 02, 11 02 a. in.; 12 02, 1 02, 2 02, 3 30. 3 04, 3 30, 4 04, 4 06. 4 30, 4 32. 5 02. 5 01. 5 30. 5 32, 6 03, 6 07, 6 30. 7 01 . S 01. 9 30. 1 1 35, p. m. Sundavs, 6 01, 7 30. 9 (X) a. m.: 5 00. 10 00 \). ni. For Oreeu«vicli-501, 601, 701. 9 02. 10 02, 11 02 a. in.; 12 02, 1 02. 2 02, 2 30, 3 01, 3 30, 4 04, 4 06, 4 30, 5 02. 5 01, 5 30, 6 07, 6 30, 7 01. 8 01, 9 30. 11 35 |). in Sundays. 6 01, 7 30. 9 00 a. m.; 5 00. 10 00 p. in. For Co.*i <'ob -5 01. 6 01, 7 01, 9 02, 10 03. 11 02 a. m.; 12 02, 1 02, 2 0>. 3 04, 4 0(;, 4 30, 5 04, 5 30. 6 07, 6 30, 7 01, 8 01, 9 30. 1135 p. m. Sundavs, 6 01, 7 30, 9 00 a. in.; 5 00, 1000 p. ni. For «iver.-iide— 6 01, 7 01, 9 02, 10 02. 1102 a. ni.; 13 02, I 02, 2 (i.>. 2 30, 3 .30, 4 0,'), 4 30. 5 04, 5 30, 6 07, 6 HO, 7 01. SOI. 11 35 p. m. Sundays, 6 01, 7 30, 9 00 a. in.; 5 00, 10 00 p. 111. For .Sound Beaeli-5 01, 6 01, 7 01, 10 02, 11 02 a. ni.; 12 02, 1 02. 2 02. 3 04, 4 06. 5 04. 5 30, 6 07. 6 30, 7 01.8 01, 11 -35 p. m. Sundays, 6 01, 7 30 a. m.; 5 00, 10 00 p. m. For Stanil"ord-5 0l, 601, 701,800, 900,902, 1002, 1100, II 0.' a. 111.; 12 02, 1 02, 2 00. 2 02, 3 30, 3 02, 3 04. 3 30. I 04. 4 06. 4 30. 5 02, 5 04. 5 30. 6 03. 6 07, 30, 7 01, 8 01. 9 0. 11 :m). 11.35 p. m. Sundavs, 6 01, 7 30, 9 (HI a. m.; to Port Chester, .50 minute.^ ; to Stamford, 1 liour to 1 hour 20 Local Trains to New York— Leave ' Stani lord— 5 0.5. (5 35 except Mondays). 6 04, 6 10. 6 33. 6 40. 6 .50, 7 00. 7 16, 7 45. 7 .50, 8 12, 8 15, 8 42, 8 50, 9 19. 9 .56. 10 28 a. m.; 12 05, 12 15, 1 15. 1 40, 3 08, 4 20, 5 02, 5 35, 5 40. 6 10. 7 0.5, 7 10, 8 33, 10 .34 p. in. Sun- days, 5 35, 6 04, 9 37, a. m.; 4 80, 6 35, 6 40, 8 10, 9 23 p. 111. Sound Beacli— 6 14. 7 04, 721, 7 55. 8 19. 10 01 a. 111.: 12 19. 1 41, 3 12, 4 25. 5 4.5, 6 13, 7 15, 8 37, 10 38 i>. ra. Sundavs, 9 41 a. in.; 4.35, 644, 81,5, 928 p. m. Riverside -5 11, 6 17. 6 47. 6 57. 7 08. 7 2.5. 7 59, 8 22, 10 05 a. m.; 12 22, 148, 3 16, 4 28, 5 49. 6 16, 7 19. 8 41, 10 40 p. in. Sundays, 9 45 a. in.; 4 38, 6 48, 8 19, 9 31 J), ni. Cos Cob 5 13, 6 19, 6 49. 6,59. 7 10. 7 37, 8 01, 8 24, 10 07 a. in.; 12 24. 1 .50, 3 18, 4 iO. 5 51, 6 iM. 7 21, 8 43 p. m. Sundays. 9 47 a. m.; 4 40, 6.50, 8 21, 9 31 p. m. Greenwicli-5 16. 6 23, 6 44, 6.53, 7 03, 7 14, 7 31. 8 0.5, 8 23, 8 28, 9 01, Kill a. m ; 12 28, 1 54. 3 22. 4 31, 5 55. 6 31, ? 2.5. 8 47. 10 45 p. in. Sundavs, 9.52 a. in.; 4 44. 6 54, 8 2.5, 9 37 p m. Port Cliester— 5 22. 5 .55. 6 30, 6 .50, 6 59, 7 10. 7 20, 7 37. 74.5, 8 11. 8 35, 9 07, 9 34. 10 17 a. m.; 12 35, 2 00, 3 28. 4 40, 6 01, 6 27, 7 31, 8.53, 10 51 p, m. Sundays, 10 tX) a. in.; 4 50, 7 02, 8 31, 9 43 p. in. Rye— 5 26, 6 00, 6 3.5, 7 04, 7 15, 7 25, 7 50, 8 15. 8 40, 9 13, 10 22 a. m. ; 12 40, 2 05, 3 32, 4 45, 6 O.i, 6 31, 7 36, 8 58, 10.56 p. in. Sundays. 10 06 a. in.; 4 55, 7 09, 8 36, 9 48 p. in. Harrison— 5 30. 6 05, 6 40, 7 09, 7 20, 7 30, 7 .55. 8 45, 10 27 a. in. ; 13 45, 2 10, 3 37, 4 49, 6 11, 6 36, 7 41, 9 03, 11 01 p. in. Sundays, 10 13 a. in.; 5 00, 7 17, 8 42, 9.53 p. m. Mamnroiieck— 5 34. 6 10. 6 45, 7 14, 7 2.5, 7 35, 8 00, 823, 8 50, 9 20, 10 32 a. m.; 12.50, 3 15, 3 41, 4 54, 6 1(!, 6 40, 7 46, 9 0S, 11 06 p. m. Sundavs, 10 19 a. m.; 5 05, 7 33, 8 48, 9.58 p. m. Larchmont iTIanor- 5 38, 6 15,6.50, 7 19, 7 30, 7 39, 8 0,5, 8.55. 10 37 a. in.; 13 55, 2 19, 3 45. 4 59, 6 31, 6 44, 751. 9 13. 11 10 p. m. Sundays, 10 24 a. m. ; 5 10, 7 29, S54, 1003 p. m. Ne*v Roclielle— 5 43, 6 30, 6.55, 7 24, 7 35. 7 44. 810.830, 9 00, 9 49, 10 42 a. in.; 100, 2 34, 3 50, 5 04, 6 26, 6 49. 7.5(), 9 18. 11 15 p. in. Sncdays, 10 31 a. m.; 5 1.5, 7 37, 9 00. 10 OS p. in. Pellianivllle -5 46. 6 35, 7 00, 7 38, 7 40, 7 48, 8 1.5, 8.34, 9 0.5, 10 46 a. m.: 10.5, 2 29, 3 54, 5 08, 6 30, 6.54, 800, 9 2'. 11 30 p. m. Sundavs, 10 37 a.m.; 5 19, 7 43, 9 06, 10 13 p. 111. Mount Vernon— 5 50, 6 30. 7 05, 7 33, 7 45, 7 53, 8 20. 5 39. 9 10. 9 32, 10 51 a. m.; 1 10. 2 34, 3 58, 5 12. 6 35, 6.59, 8 0.5, 9 2S, 1125 p. 111. Sundays, 09. 10 43 a. m.; 5 24, 7 51, 9 12. 10 18 p. m. 01, 13 00, +9 00, 9 02, tlOOO. ill 00 a. in.; +12 00 in.; 12 02, +1 oO, 1)1. SOI, +9 30, *+ll 00. *+ll 30 p. in. Sundays, 7 30 a. in.; +3 00, 'Daily. Express trains arrive in 5 00. 10 00, 11 30 p. in Leave Grand Central Depot For South Norwalk and intermediate stations. 5 01. 6 01, 7 01. +8 (XI, 902. +1100, 1103a.m.; +13 00 ra.; 12 02, +200. +3 02, 3.02. 3 30, +4 02, 4 04, 5 02, +6 03. 6 03, 701, 8 01, 9 30, *+ll .30 p. in. Sundays, 7 30 a. m.; 5 00 p. m. Trains marked I ore expre.ort and intermediate stations. 5 01. 6 01. +2 00. +3 02. 3 02, +4 02, 4 02, +5 Ot), 5 02. +6 0!. 6 03. 5(K) p. in. Trains marked + are exprexs trains, making tjut few intermediate stops. Bridgeport in 1),^ hours ; accommodation trains in 2 to 2J4 hours. For New Haveii and intermediate s'alions. 5 01. *6 01. 7 01, +8 00. +9 00, 9 02. +10 00. +11 (X) a. m.; +12 (X) m.; 12 02, + 1 Oi). +2 00. +*3 00, 3 02, t*4 tX), 4 02. +5 tXl, +6 0.1 7 01, 8 01, 9 30, +*11 00. +*11 .30 i>. m. Sundays, 7 30 a.m.; 5 (X) p. ra. Trains markid t are express trains, making but few intermediate slops. * Daily. Express trains arrive in New Haven in 2 hours ; accommodation trains in 2 hours 40 minutes. For Berlin, 5 01, SIX), 9 02 a. m.; 12 00 in.; 12 Oi, 3 00, 4 02, 6 03, 7 01 p. m.; due in Berlin. 9 01, 11 17 a. m.; 1 09, 2 48, 4 13, 5 56, 7 15, 9 12, 11 01 p. m. For Merid en and Hartford and intermediate Stations, 5 01, tSOO, +9 00, 9 02, +11 00 a, am., +12 00 noon, 12 02, 3 00, +*4 00, 4 C2, 6 Oi, 7 01. 9 .30. +*11 00 p. m. Trains marked + are express trains, making but few intermediate stops. * Daily. Ex- press trains arrivj in >Ierideii in i\4, to 3 hours ; accommodation trains in 3% hours. Arrive in Hartford, express trains, in 3 to 3K> hours : accommodation trains in 4I/6 hours. For 'IVI ndi-ior Lock*, and intermediate Stations. 5 01. 800. 9 02 a.m.. 12 02, 3 00, 6 03, 7 01 p.m., due in Windsor Locks, 9 .53 a. in., 12 02, 2 03, 5 07, 6 46, 9 59, 1 1 .52 p. m. For Sprinu'Held and intermediate Stations, 501, +8 00, +9 00, 9 02, til 00 a. in., 12 02, 3 OO, +4 00, 6 03, 701, 9 30, !*11 00 p. m. Trains market I are Expi-ess trains, making but few intermediate stops. * Daily. Due in Springtield at 10 25 a. m.. 12 27, 12 45, 3 38, 3 02, 5 42, 7 16, *7 37, 10 30 p. m., 12 35, 3 35, *3 02 night. 4::! NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD R. R. -Continued. Traill^ to IVe*v York. [Express trains, making but few irdermediaie stops. '''Daily. Leave Spriiij^tield f *1 58 (12 08, except Monday), 5 45, 7 00, 17 50, 9 25, 111 45. 11 50 a. m., 1 .58, 3 25, 4 30, *t6 33, 6 40 ]>. m- Arrive lii New York, *+6 00 (+6 .35, except Monday), 10 20, 1140, til 40 a. m.. 2 15, t3 30, 4 30, (i 00, 8 00, ilOO, *I10 00, 1100 p.m. lieave Windiiior L.ocks, 6 16, 733, 9 .58 a. m., 12 25, 3 59, 5 04, 7 11 p. m.. due in New York, 10 20, 11 40 a. m., 2 15, 4 .30, 8 00, 9 00. 11 0;) p. 111. lieave Hardord, *+2 40 (+3 00, except Monday), 6 4,5, 8 05. 18 29, 10 .30 a. m., +12 24, 12,55, +2 40, +3 25, 4 30, 5 3.5, +*7 10, 7 40 p. ni. Arrive f ii Nevv York, *600 (6 35, except Mondayi, 10 20, 11 40, +11 40 a. m., 2 15, 13 .30, 4 30, +6 On. +(5 30, 8 00, 9 00, *+]0 00, 11 00 p. m. L.eave Berlin, 7 05, 8 25, 10 50 a, m.. 12 42, 1 10, 3 43, 4 51, 5 .55, 8 00 p. m., due in New York, 10 20, 11 40 a. in.. 2 15. 3 30. 4 30, 30, 8 00, 9 00, 11 00 p. m. l.eave Merideu, *3 12, (3 .36 except Mondav), 7 19, 8 40, 9 01, 11 OG a. m., vi 50, 1 33, 3 12. 3 57, 5 08, 6 09, *7 .37. 8 10 p. ra. A rrive in !VeAV Y^ork, *6 00 (6 35 except Monday) 10 20, 11 40, 11 40 a. ra., 2 15, 3 30, 4 30. 00, 6 30, 8 00, 9 00, *10 00. 1! 00 p. in. Leave New Haveu. stopping at intermediate stations. *+3 50 (+4 20 except Monday) +* 4 50. 6 15, +7 00. +7 .30, 18 10, 8 30. +9 35, 10 40, +11 .50 a. m., +1 30, 1 35, +2 30, +3 .50, 4 00 +4 30, 5 30, +6 00, 6 30, * +7 05, +*8 08, 8 15, +9 05, 9 10 p. ni. Sundays.— 8 00 a. ni.. 5 00. i> 20, 7 30 p.m. \Ej'pres:s frains, making but few intemiediaie stops. *Baily. Express trains arrive at New Yorlv in 2 to 254 hours. Accommodation trains in 2J^ hours. Leave Bridgeport, * +4 20, (4 51 except Monday) *+5 21, 5 40, 6 S5, 6 53. +7 30, +8 00, +8 .37, 9 04, +9 .50, +10 05, 1 1 14 a. in.. 12 27. +1 57, 2 11. 12 57, +4 20. 4 34, +4 57, 6 04, +6 30, +*7 31, 7 40. +9 31, 9 44, p. m. Sundays.— 8 40 a. ni., 5 40. « ,55. 8 in p.m. yE.rpress /rains, making bift feir intermediate ,sfOi:!S. ''Daily. Express trains arrive at New York in ij-^ to \% hours. Accommodation trains in two hours. Leave Soiitli Norwalk. +5 10 except Monday, + *5 48, 6 12. 6 56, 7 23, +7 56, +8 26, 8 30, 19 03, 9 30. +10 13, 11 45 a.m.. +12 59, 1 0, 2 44, +4 46, 5 06, +5 20, 636, 8 11, 10 15 p. m. Sundays.— 9 15 a. m., 6 14, 7 28, 8 59 p. m. ■\ Express trains, mak- ing tn'tfeio intermediate stops. *Daily. Express trains arrive in New York in 1 hour, 12 minutes. Accoinmodaiion trains in ]?4 hours. HAlCLi:]^! KIVEK BKAN< H. Stations and Distances- Harlem River j Hunter's Point. ..! 2 Westchester 6[ Polham Manor 10 Port Morris 1 West Farms 4 ; Baychester 7 W. New Kochelle Casanova 2 1 Van Nest 5 Bartow 8 1 New Roclielle 12 Leave Harlem River (East 130ili St.) for New Roclielle and intermediate sialions 6 40, 7 .50, 9 00. 10 00 a. m , 12 m . 2 00. 4 00, 4 40, 5 40, 6 10, 6 40, 8 00. 10 30 p.m., 12 10 night. Sundays.— 12 10, 9 00 a. m., 12 0', 5 00, 9 30 p m., due at Rochelle in 35 minutes. Leave Neiv Roelielle for Harlem River and intermediate stations 5 .55, 6 5-<, 7 40. 8 45, 10 00, 10 50 a . in., 12 .",0. 3 05, 3 45, 4 45, 5 45, 6 .55. S 15. 10 10 i). m. Sundays.— 9 00 a. m., 3 15 5 30, 9 45 p. m., due at Hailem River in 35 minutes. NKAV CANAAN BRANCH. Stations.— Stamford, Glenbrook, Spnngdale, Talmadge Hill, New Canaan. Leave Grand Central Dppot for Ne*v Canaan and intermediate stations, 5 01, 8 00 a. m.. 2 00, 4 01, 5 0.', 6 03 p. m.^ due at New Canaan at 7 03, 9.55 a. ni., 3 13, 533, 6 28, 728 p. ni. Leave NeAV Canaan, stopping at intermediate stations, 10, 7 20, 8 20, 11 35 a. m., 4 15, .35 p. m. Due in New York at 7 35, 8 50. 9 40a. m., 1 05, 6 00, 8 00 p. m. NEW BRITAIN BItANCH. Leave Berlin for New Britain, 7 0(i, 7 45, h 2d, 9 02, 11 IS ;i. m., 1243, 2 49, 4 14, 4 .52, 5 57, 7 16, 9 30 p. m., due at New Britain in 10 minutes. Leave New Itrltaiii for Berlin, 6 52, 7 30.8 12, 8 47, 10 38 a. m., 12 30, 2 35. 3 30. 4 38, 542, 7 02. 9 00 p. m.. due at Berlin ill ten minutes. ITlIDDLETOtVN BRANCH. Stations.— BL-rlin. Beckley's, East Berlin, Westlield, Newti :1(1, Middletown. Leave Berlin for ITIiddletown and intermediate stations, 7 45, 9 02, 1118 a.m., 12 43, 4 14,5.57, 7 16 p. m., due at Middletown in 25 miinues. Leave Middletown lor Berlin, 6 25. 7 55, 10 12, 10 50 a. m., 12 10, 3 15, 4 4.5, 6 45 p. m., due at Berlin in 25 minutes. STFFIEIiD BRANCH. Leave Wiiid!>e\v York, 11 25 a. m., 2 15,6 tX), 900 p. m. Sundays, 7 35 p. m. Leave Waterbury, (> 05, 8 26, 10 54 a. m.. 2 42, 6 07 p. m., Sundays, 4 15 p.m. Leave Ansonia. 047,910.1140 a.m., 3 28, 6 49 p. m., Sundavs, 4 54 p. m. Leave Derby, 6 53. 9 IS. 11 46 a. ro., 3 35, 655 p. m., Sundays. 5 01 p. m. Arrive in Neiv Vork, 9 10, 11 25 a. m.. 21.5. 6 00, 9 OO p. m., Sundays, 7 35 p. m. W ATERTOWN BR ANCH-N AlGATUt K DIVISION. Leave Walerbiiry for Oakville and Watertown, 6 .50. 8 53, 11 22 a. m.. 4 03, 6 10, 7 01 p. m., Saturdays only 9 15 p. m., due at Oakville in 12 minutes ; at Watertown in 19 minutes. Leave W^atertoivn for Oakville and Waterbury at 6 30, 7 .55, 10 15 a. m.. 2 10. 4 50, 6 30 p. m.. Saturdays only 7 50 p. m. Due at Waterbury in 19 minutes. NORTHAMPTON DIVISION. Stations and Distances. 37 Avon, 39 Weatogue, 41 Simsbury, 46 Granby. — Congamond, 19 Hitchcock's, 2i I'lantsville, 22 Sonthington. 27 I'iainville, 30 Farmington. .54 Southwick, 60 Westfleld. 67 Southampton, 71 Easiliainpton, 76 Northampton. S7 South Deerfield, 92 t'oiiway, tOdSlulburne Falls. M. New Haven, 5 Centreville, 8Mt. Carmel, 11 Brooksvale, 15 Cheshire, Leave Grand Central Depot, via New Haven, for Farmington, Westfleld. Nortlianipton and Sliel- blirne Falls, stoi)ping at interuiedialc Stations. 5 01. 9 00 a. m.. 2 00 p. m. (4 0(1 p. m. to Xorlliainpton only and inter- mediate Station-); due alF'arniington, 8 48 a. m., 12 09. 4.50. 7 16 p. m ; due at WeslHeld at 9 47 a. ni., 1 0,5, 5 48, 8 15 p. m.; due at .Northampton, 10 34 a. ni., 1 4.5, 6 17, 8 50 p. m.; due at Slielbiirne Falls at 11 20 a. m., 2 35, 7 00 p. m. To New Haven and Ne^v Ifork. Leave Slielburiie Falls. 9 45 a. in., 1 00, 5 30 p. m.; due in New Haven, 1 18, 4 21, 8 .55 p. m. Arrive New York. 3 30. 6 :;i). 11 (10 p. in. Leave Nortlianipton. 6 35, 10 34 a. m., 1 45, 6 17 p. m.; leave Westfleld, 710. 1107 a. m.,2 18. 6 54 p. m.; leave Farm- ington, 8 07 a. in., 12 09, 3 18. 7 .55 p. m.; due in New Haven, 9 25 a. m., 1 18, 4 21, 8 55 p. m. A rrive New York, 11 40 a. iu.,3 30, 6oO, 11 00 p. m. NEW HARTFORD BR.\NCH. Leave Farniington for IJnionvilie, Kiirliiigton. Colllnsvllle, Pine ITIeadow 8 52 a. m.. 12 lo. .5 01. 7 18 p. m.; due at New liartfiud in 30 minutes. Leave Ne*v Hartl'ord, -topping at intermediate stations, 7 30, 1125 a.m., 2 34, 6 30 p.m. minutes. HOLYOKE BRANCH. Leave Westfleld lor liigle.<«ide and Hoi yoke. 9.55 a. m., 1 08. 5 55 p m.; due at llolyoke in 23 minutes. Leave Holyoke, 6 45, 10 •■8 a. m., 5 15 p. m.; dueat Westfleld in 2;3minutes. vi'illia:tisbi;rgh brancii. Leave Nortlianipton for Floreneo, Leeds, Haydenvllle and Wllllanisbnrg. 10 35 a. in. 1 .50, 6 32, 8 52 p. m.; due at William>burgin 2ti minutes. Leave A%'illlanisbiirg, 6 I5. 10 oO a. m., 1 1.5, 5 45 p. m.; due at Northampton in 20 minutes. TURNERS F.VLLS BRANCH. Leave South Deerfleld for Deerfleld, Cheapslde and Turners Falls, 11 00a. m.. 2 12, 6 37 p. m.; due at Turners Falls in 20 minuies. Leave Turners Fall.<«, 9 42 a. m.. 1 00. 5 30 p. m.; due at South Deerlield in 20 minutes. aiul New Hartford, due at Farmington in 30 Stations and Distances— Af. New Haven, 2 Fair Haven, 5 East Haven. 8 Branford, 10 Pine Orchard. SHORE LINE DIVISION. (For trains to ani from Boston see fol/ouinr/ page.) 11 Stonv Creek. 20 Madison, :33 Conn. River, 13 Crescent Beach, 13 Leeie's Island, 23 Clinton. 33 Lyme. 44 E. Lyme & Niantic, Sachem's Head, (Jrove Beach, 35 Black Hall. 47 Walerfoid. 15 Guilford. 28 Westbrook, . 39 Si>iuh Lyme, 50 New London. 18 East Kiver. :W Saybrook Junction, | Black Point, Leave Grand Central Depot for Guilford and intermediate Stations, 5 01, 9 00 a.m., 100, 3 00, 4 00 (8 01 p. m. Wednesdays and Situiduys only), *+ll 30 p.m.; due at Guilford. 8 41. 11 36 a.m. ,3 51, 5 56, 7 00p.m. ,'11 50 p.m. .Wednesdays and Saturdays only) *2 2'S a. in. ■\ Express train, stops at no stations lelween New Haven and Ouilford. * Daily. For Saybrook Junetion and intermediate Stations, 501, 9 00, tlO 00 a.m., Jl 00, 3 00, t5 00, 1*1130 p.m.; due at Saybrook Junction. 9 16 a.m., 12 10, tl2 51, X?,XA (accommodition train due at 4 26 p. ra.) 6 30, t7 41p. m., +*2 51a. in. \Ex}yress tram, making no intermediate stops. X Boston Express; change at New Haven for accomnwdation train to all stations. *I)aUy. For New London and intermediateStation*. 5 01, 9 00. +10 00 a. m., JI 00. 3 00. ^5 00, 1*11 30 p. m. ; due at New London, 10 t)Oa. m., 12 55, M 25, Jl 25 (accouunodation train due at 5 15 p. m.) 7 15, 18 10 p. m., +*3 .30 a. m. \Express train, stopping only at Saybrook .] unction. ^Boston Expre-ts; clianne at New Haven or Saybrook June lion for accommodation train to all Stations. * Daily. To New Haven and New^ York. Leave New London, *+3 00. 7 30, 11 25 a. m., 11 0.5, 3 0.5. +4 35, 5 4.5, t? 50 p. in.; due in New Haven, *t4 3.5, 9 25 a. m., 1 20. 12 25. 5 t)0. +5 .55, 7 45. 19 05 p. m. iExpi'ess trains stop only at Saybrook Junction. *Daily. Arrive New York, *+7 00, 11 40 a. m., 3 30, 14 3tl, 8 00, t8 00, 10 00, til 00 p. in Leave Saybrook Junction. *t3 40. 8 15 a. m., 12 10, tl 40, 3 51, to 10, 6 30. 18 20 p. m. ; due in New Haven, *14 35, 9 25 a. m., 1 20. +2 25. 5 00. 15 .55, 7 45, 19 05 p. m. Arrive New York, *17 tK>, 11 40 a. m., 3 30, 14 30, 8 00. 18 00, 10 00, til 00 p. m. \ Express trains, make no intermediate stops. * Daily. Leave Guilford, stopping at intermediate stations. *t4.0.5. 6.00. 8.50 a. m., 12.4,5. 4.25, 7.05 p. m, due at New Haven *t4.35. 6.40. 9.25 a. m.. 1.20, 5.00. 7.45 p m. Arrive New York, *t7.00, 9.10, 11.40 a. m., .3.30, 8.00, 10.03 p. m. *Daily ■\E.vpress train, tnakes no intermediate stops. 45 NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD R. R. -Continued BOSTON AND THE EAST. NEW YOKK. NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRINGFIELD AND BOSTON, Via Spi-iiigfleld liiiie.— Bostou & Albany R. R. Stations. 84. A.M. 50. A.M. 60. P.M. 2. P.M. 34 N. Y. 42d St. &4th Av. . [Lv Stamford ... +9.00 9.55 10.32 11.05 11.35 12.05 12.49 2.17 ill.OO 11.57 12.39 l.lt) 1.48 2.20 3.06 3.32 4.42 5.22 6.00 P.M. *4.00 *11.00 56 5.55 6.22 6.50 7.31 8.54 9.29 10.00 P.M. 12.40 74 1.16 V)2 1.48 110 Hartford . - . 2.20 13(1 151 I'.tl Springfield Palmer Worcester .[Leave . [Arrive 3.20 4 56 2\-i South Framingham. Bo.stoii 5.37 2U .[Arrive 3.30 P.M. 6.15 A.M. Daily. t Except Sunday. Parlor and Sleepln.H' Car Service. No. 84.— Drawing-Room Buffet Cars New York to Boston. No. 50.— rawing-Room Cars New York to Boston. Dining Car New Haven to Worcester. No. 60.— Drawing-Room Cars New Yorli to Boston. Dining Car New Haven to Worcester. No. 2. — Sleeping Cars New York to Boston. BOSTON. SPRINGFIELD, H.VRTFORD. NEW HAVEN AND NEW^ YORK, Via Springfield liiue.— Boston &, Albany R. R. Stations. 83. A.M. 19. A.M. 75. P.M. 63. P.M. Boston South Framingham. . . . . . . [Leave 1-9.00 +11.00 *4.00 *11.00 11 38 Worcester 10.13 12.20 1.29 1.54 2.40 3.12 3.42 4.20 5.02 6.00 P.M. 5.08 fi.29 7.10 7..37 8.03 12.19 Palmer 1.29 Springfield Haitford . . . [Arrive 11.41 12.24 12.56 1.24 1.57 1.54 2.40 Meriden 3.12 New Haven 3 42 Bridgeport Stamford 4.20 N. Y. (G. C. Station)... ...[Arrive 3.. 30 P.M. 10.00 P.M. 6.00 A. 31. * Daily. + Except Sunday. No. 83.— Drawing-Room Buffet Cars Bo>ton to New York. No. 19. — Drawing-Room Cars Boston to New York. Dining Car Worcester to New Haven. No. 75.— Drawing-Room Cars Boston New York. Dining Car Worcester to New Haven. No. 63.— Sleeping Cars Boston to New YorK. VIA AIR LINE AND NE%V YORK AND NEW ENGLAND R. R. Trains from Neiiv^ Yorli to Boston. Stations. N. Y. 42d St. & 4th Av. . . . [Lv Bridgeport New Haven [Arrive New Haven (via Air Line).. . [Lv IMiddletown Willimantic [Arrive New Haven(viaH'rtf'd Line)[Lv Berlin Hartford [Arrive Hartford (via N. Y. & N. E.) . [Lv Willimantic [Arrive Willinlantic [Leave Putnam. Blackstone Frankliu Boston [Arrive (,\ Stops at Bridgeport Sundays) W'k Days A.M. 5.01 7.03 7.40 8.03 8.53 10.02 10.15 11.00 11.48 12.06 1.00 P.M. Trains from Boston to Neiv York. Stations. W'k Days W'k Days Daily W'k Days Boston (via N.Y. & N.E.).[Lv Franklin A M. 8..30 9.25 9.48 10.45 11.25 11.30 12..35 1.22 no'n 12.00 12.42 12.55 1..37 2.17 P.M 3.00 "'5.15 5.20 6.17 6.58 P.M. 3..30 4.29 5.00 5.53 6.45 Putnam Willimantic [Arrive Willimantic (via Air Line). ..Lv Middletown 6.58 8.06 8.53 New Haven [Arrive Willimantic (N. Y. & N. E.) . .Lv 2.17 3.15 3.25 3.43 Hartford [Arrive 1 Hartford [Leave 1 Berlin 1 New Haven [Arrive 4.25 .'.. New Haven [Leave Bridgeport Neiv York [Arrive 1.30 1..57 3.30 P.M. 4., 30 4.57 6.30 P.M. 7.05 7.31 9.01* P.M. 9.05 9.31 11.00 P.M. SHORE LINE ROUTE. NEW YORK, PROVIDENCE AND BOSTON R. R. Stations. N Y42dSt&4thav[Lv New London . . . FLeave Mystic [Arrive Stonington Westerly King.-ton Narragansett Pier. Wickford June. Newport. East Greenwich. Providence W^orcester . . . Taunton New Bedford. Cottage City. Attleboro Mansfield Canton Junction Bo!«ton [Arrive 7.15 7.43 7.55 8.03 8.30 8..53 9.15 5.00 10.05 10.31 10.39 10.48 11.18 10.00 2.07 2..32 1.00 11.46 12.15 2.15 3.12 3.53 1.06 1.16 2.56 1.55 P.M. 2.45 3.15 6.00 6.04 6.40 3.41 4.30 P.M. P.M. 1.00 4.30 5.01 5.08 5.18 6.05 6.14 6.40 9.40 7.55 8.35 7.09 7.21 5.00 8.15 9.55 8.00 11.00 P.M. P.M. 'ML30 3.35 4.18 4.47 5.35 8.02 •=7.00 Through Cars.— The *I1.30 p. m. train from New York run daily Sleeping Cars for Providence and Boston attached. Drawing Room Buffet Cars on 10.00 a. m., 1.00, 5.00 p. m. trains from New York. Dining Car attached to 5.00 p. m. train from New York, at New London, 8.15 p. m. *Daily. ^Sundays only. Additional trains leave Neiv London for Provi- dence and intermediate stations at 6.30, 7.15 a. m., 3.05, 5.25 p. m. Arrive at Providence at 8. .55, 9.15 a. m., 5.35, 7.50 p. m. ^" //■ you want the time of departure of Train, Steamer or Steamboat, xend to Kenny's' Guide, 83 Nassait St., and your inquiry will be answered. Stations Boston [Leave Mansfield Attleboro Cottage City. New Bedford. Taunton Worcester. Providence East Greenwich Wickford Junction. Newport. Narragansett Pier. Kingston. Westerly Stonington Mystic New London . . [Arrive New York. [Arrive 7.45 8.30 8.42 7.25 8.05 7.00 9.10 9.38 9.48 7.30 10.02 10.36 10.45 10.53 11.20 3.30 P.M. 10.00 ib.44 7.30 8.45 9.31 7..30 11.10 "11.46 10.20 12.12 1.05 4..30 P.M. 1.00 1.41 J. 53 7.30 10 55 11.38 11.45 2.20 2.43 2.55 2.00 3.08 3.35 3.45 3.51 4.20 8.00 P.M. 2.00 2.50 3.03 1..30 2.10 3..35 3.55 4.05 4.00 4.1'; 4.42 4.51 4..58 5^ 10.00 P.M. 5.00 3.40 4.35 6.00 ' 6.28 4.45 11.00 P.M. *11..30 12.11 12.23 5.55 6.48 +7.35 *12.55 1.17 1.42 2.09 *7.00 a.m. Through Cars.— The *n.30 p. m. train from Boston, and 12..55 a. m. train from Providence, run daily and have Sleeping Cars attached. Drawing-Room Cars on 10 a. m., 1 and 5 p. m. trains from Boston; 11.10 a. m., 2 20 a- d 6 p. m. from Providence. Dining Car between Boston and New London on train leaving Boston at 5.00 p!m. *Daily. +Ex- cept Sunday. Additional trains leave Providence for New Lon- don and intermediate stations at 6.40 a. m., 12..30 p. m., ar- riving at New Londoii at 8.55 a. m..2.55 p. m., connecting with New London Northern R. R., for Norwich and Willimantic. The 6.-10 a. m. train from Providence connects at New Londoii with Steamer Manhanset for Greenport. Shelter Island and Sag Harbor. 46 hSEW YORK, PROVIDENCE & BOSTON R. R.-Continued. Lieavc Providoiioe ior Pa\%lii>:et, Oakland Beacli, Kiilton»'ood!« and intpiniedinto stations. 0.35, 9..)U ii. m.. 2M). 4.00, ().','o p. m., on Saturdays 11,10 p. m.. due at Battonwoods 7.20, 10.35 a. ni., 3.:i0, 4.45, 7.10;>. m., Satiir- da.vs 11.55 p. ni. liCave Providence lV»r Hope and intermediate stations 7.05, 9.25, 11.55 a. in., 2.40. 4 (X), 6.25 p m Saturday*) 11.00 p. m., dno at Hope 7.45. 10.05 a. ni., 12.43. 3.24, 4.50. 7.10 p. ni., Saturdays 11.55 j). ni. Leave Providenee lor Olueyvllle. Klin wood and .\iibiirii 0.25, 0.40, 7.05, S.OO, 9.10 9.25 50 1130 11.55 a.m., 12.80, 2.30, 2.40, 4.00. 4.10, 5.20. (1.15. 0.25, 7.20, 9.45. 11.00 p.m. PUO^ IDIilVCIi AND WORtKSTER K. R. Leave Providence for A^'oodlawii. Pawtucket. Central FalliK. Valley FallN and l.oii!t>dale. 0..30. 9.30, 10 30a. m., 12.00m.. 1.00, 1.30, 2 30, 3.30. 4.30, 5.00, 5.30, 6.10. 30, 8.10. 9.00, 10.20 p.m., Saturdaj s ll.OOp. m.. Sun- days 9 p. m., due at Lonsdale in 20 miniile.s. Leave Providence for Woonsockct 0.45, 7.20. 8.05. 9.C0. 11.30 a. m., 12.30. 2.10. 4.00, 4.20. ,5.45, 7.45, 11.25 p.m., Sundays 8.30 a. in.. 12.15, 4.45, 0.30 p. ni.. due at W'oonsocket in 35 minute-. Leave Providence lor Uxbridge. Worcester and interraedinte stations. 7.20, 9. tO a. m., 12..30, 2.10, 4.20, 5.45. 7.45 ]). m., Sundays S.30 a. m.. 0.30 p. m., duo at U.v bridge in 1 hour, at Worcester in IJ^ hours. Leave Worcester for Providence 7.00. 7.30, 10.00. 11.45 a. m., 2.30, 4.00. 0.05, 7.35 p. 5.10 p. m.. due at I'rovidcnce in IJ^ hours. m., Sundays 8.20 a. m. TO PLACES EAST OF BOSTON, ^'ia Ro.«ton and :TIaine R. R. F<»r "Fares to all Places," see Index. Leave Roston (llaymarket Sq.) for Haverhill, lixeter, Kennebnnk and Portland, .slopping at intermediate stations, 7 30, 8 -SO a.m., 100,3 45, 500 p.m. Sundays, 00 p. u:. Arrive Portland. 12 10. 12 20,' 5 00, 8 05, 11 00 Sundays. 1 00. 4 15 p. m. Arrive p. m. Sundays, il 00 p. m. Leave Portland, stopping at intermediate stations, 6 25. 8 35 a. ni., 12 40. 3 20 Roslon, 10 45 a. m., 1 15, 4 45, 8 00 p. m. Sundaj's, 530, 8 48 p. ni. Leave Ronton (Causeway St.). for Lynn, Gloncester, IVewburyport, Portsniontli and Portland, stopping at intermediate station*, 7 30.9 00 a. in.. 12 30.7 00 ]>. m. Snndavs. 7 00 p.m. Arrive Portland, 12 10. 12 35.4 40.1100 p.m. Sundays, 11 00 p. m. Leave Portland, 2 00, 9 00 a. ni., 1 00. 00 p. m. Sundays. 2 OJ a. m. Arrive Roston, 20 a. am., 1 15. 4 4.5, 9 30 p. ni. Sundays, 20 a. m. Leave Roston (Causeway St.), for Rriinswick, Rntli. .VH»;u8ta and Waterville, 9 00 a. m.. 112 30, *t7 00 p. ni. Dueat Brunswick. 2 25. 09 p. m.. *12 25 night: due at Bath, 2 .50. 35 p. m. (1350 Saturday night): due at Augusta, 3 47, 7 35 p. m., *2 20 a. m.; due at Waterville, 4 ;30 (8 20 p. ni. Saturdays only), *3 17 a. m. *DaUy. \To Waterville on Suliirdayx only. % To Hath on Safin (lay.f only. For Rans;or. Rar Harbor and Vanceboro, 900 a. ni., *7 00i). m. Due at Bangor, 35 p. m., *5 40 a. m.; due at Bar Harbor. 9 35)). ni., -'MO 15 a. m.: due at Vanceboro. 12 30 night, "ll :j0 a. in. * Daily. For Leivis.lon, 7 30 a. m., 12 30, *7 (X) p. m. Due at Lewiston. 2-33. c. 20 |). ni. *1 40 night. -'Daily. RONTON .\>D THK PROVINTICS. Leave Roston (llaymarket Sq.), for St. Stephen, Si. .\ndre\vs. Fredericton. St. John, .\ nnapolis and Ilalil'ax:. 8 m a. in., 5 CO p. in. Due at Si. Stephoii, 4 00 a. in., 2 40 p. in.: due at St. Andre ivs, 3 10 |). in.; due at Fredericton, 11 35 a. in., 3 10 p. in.: clue at St . John, 5 45 a.m., 4 00 p. ni.: due at Halifax. 7.50 p.m., 12 05 noon. Steamer leaves St. John for Annapolis Monday. Wednesday and Saturday, at 7 00 a.m.. conneciing at Annapolis with express train for Halifax, arriving at 7 20 p. in., and leaves .Xnnapolis for St. John Monday, Tliursday and Saturday. NORTHERN R. R. OF NEW JERSEY. M. From Erie Depot, foot of Chambers and W Fakes Stations. Sgl. Ex. Jersev City. 5 Tyler" Park 13c.-2.5c. Homestead i:^c.-2.5c. 7 New Durham 15c.-2.5c. 8 Oianion 20c.-30c. 9 Fair View 2.5c.-40c. 10 Ridgefteld 25c. -40c. 12 Palisades Park. . . 30c.-45c. 13 Leonia 30c. -.50c. M Stations. ;.'3d Sts. F.4.RES Sgl. Ex. 14 Nordhofl 30c. -50c. 15 Englewood 35c. -(iOc. 10 Highwood 40c. -70c. 17 Tenafly 40c.-70c. 18 Cresskill 4.5c.-80c. 19 Demarest 4.5c. -SOc. 20 Closter ,500.-900. 22 Norwood 50c.-SX)c. 23 Northvale 50o.-90o. Stations. Fares Sgl. Ex. Tappan 55c. -1 00 Sparkill .55c.-l 00 Piennont-on-Hill ,5.5c. -1 00 Grand \'iew . . . .550.-1 00 Broadway South Nyack....60c.-1 00 Nyack OOc.-l 00 Orangeburg 5,5c. -1 00 Blauvcltville 00c. -1 00 M Stations. Fakes Sgl. Ex. 32 Nanuet 700.-110 33 Nanuet Juno. 34 Spring Vallev. . . .80c.-l 20 .35 Monsey 8,5c. -1 30 M Tallmans 90c.-l 40 41 Suffern Leave foot of Chambers St. (leave foot of W. 23d Si. 10 to 20 minutes earlier) for Cresskill and intermediate stations. 5 30, 7 00. 8 20, 9 40, 10 W), 11 30 a. m., 1 15, 2 :10, 4 00, 5 10, 10, 40, 8 00, 10 30 p. m., 12 night. Sundays, 7 00, 9 30 a. m.; 4 00, 7 45 p. 111., due at Cresskill in ,50 minutes. For Nyack and intermediate stations, 5:^0, 7 00, 8 20. 10 00, 1 1 :30 a. m., 1 15, 3 30, 4 00, 4 50, 510,5 40,6 10, 6 40,8 00, 10 30 p.m., 12 night. Sundays, 7 00. 9 :i0 a. in.. 4 00, 7 45 p.m., due at Nyack in IV^ hours. For Siiflfern and intermediate stations, 7 00, 10 00 a. m.. 4 .50, 40 p. ni. Sundays, 9 :jO a. m.. 7 45 p. m. : due at Suffern, 10 00, 11 53 a. m., 3t), 8 40 p. ni. Sundays, 11 31 a. m., 9 45 p. m. Trains to New York. Leave Sit Hern, stopping at intermediate stations, 7 20. 10 20 a. m.. 220. 40 p.m. Sundavs, 7.30 a.m., 5 22 p. m.; due in New York 8 .57 a. in., 12 07, 5 27. 9 ,52 p. m. Sundays. 922 a. m., 7 37 p. m. Leave N yack, stopping at intermediate stations, 5 05, 12, 54. 7 23. 7 45. 805, 8 38, 9 23. 10 55 a. m., 1 12, 3 15, 4 14, 5 35, 7 05, 8 25. 10 40 p.m. Sundays, 8 05 a. in., 1 12, 6 16. 8 00 p. m.; due in New York in 1 hour, 20 minutes. Leave Cr«sskill, 5 32, 43, 7 22, 8 34. 9 53, 11 27, 11 41 a. m., 1 43. 3 43, 3 48, 4 44, 6 08, 7 35. 8 55, 11 10 p. m. Sundays, 8 34 a. in., 1 43, 40, 8 31 p. m.; due in New York in 50 minutes. LOCATION OF MARKETS. Catharine, foot of Catharine St., E. R. Centre, Grand & Centre Sis. Clinton, Canal & West Sts. Essex, Grand & Essex Sts. Farmer's, West & Gansevoort Sts. Fulton, Fulton & South Sts. Fulton Fish, foot of Fulton St.. E. R. Gouverneur. Water & Gouverneur Sts. Jeft'erson, 6th & Greenwich Avs. Tompkins. 3d Av. & 7th Sts. Union, Columbia & Houston Sts. - Washington, Fulton & West Sts. West W^ashiugton, 13tU Av. & Gansevoort St. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Assay Office, 30 Wall St. Barge OfHce. foot of Whitehall. Castle Garden. Battery Park. City Hall, City Hall Park. County Court House, Chambers near Broadway. Custom House, Wall A: William. Jefferson Market Court. 0th Av. ^t loth. Ludlow Street Jail, near Grand St. Navy Yard. Wallabout Bay, Brooklyn Post Office. Broadway & Park Row. Slate Arsenal, 7th Av. & .35th. Sub-Treasury, Wall & Nassau. Tombs, Centre & Franklin Sts. r. S. Army Building, Whitehall & Pearl. 47 LONG ISLAND R. R. Depots at Loii" Isiland Citv, and Flatbush Aveiuic. Miooklyn. Leave New York for Long Islaiul City by James Slip Ferry or E. ;«tli St. Ferry, as stated below. For " Fare.x to all Places^'' see Index. IW^For Stage Connections to places on Long Island, sec 3d page from this. Ferry <'oiiiiectioii» IVoiii New York City.— Leave New York— East 34th St. (daily, except Sundays), every 10 minutes from (5 00 a. m. until 9 00 p. m., and at 10 00, 11 10 p. m., and 12 10 night. Sundays, every 10 minutes from 6 00 a. m. until 10 20 p. m. James Slip, foot New Chambers St., E. R. (daily, except Sundays), every 30 minutes from 6 30 a. m. until 7 00 p. m. Ticket offices : James Slip Ferry; Foot of E. 31th St , 71, 415. 683, 942, 1140, 1313 Broadwav. 396 Canal, 11 E. 14th St., 142 West, 62 W. 125th St. Brooklyn : L. L R. K. Station, cor. Flatbush and Atlantic A\e».', 333 Fulton, lOr Broadway and L. I. City Depot. JAMAICA TRAINS. * JVb connection via James Slip Ferry. Leave Foot of E. 34tli St. (leave James Slip Ferrv 20 minutes earlier, except Sundays), "li 30, * *1040, 10.50 a. m., *12 40, 12 50, 150, *3 10, 3 20, *4 I'o, 4 20, 5 20, 5 50,620, 6 50, *r 50, *10 0.) p. m. days, *8 10, *8 50, *9 20, *9 50, *10 50 a. m., *1 50, *6 20 p. m. Arrive at Jamaica in 40 minutes. Leave Jamaica, 6 03, 6 31, 7 03, 7 30, 7 38, 8 O.J, 8 08. 8 10, 8 33, 8 34, 8 40, 8 43, 10 00, 10 10, *10 12, 10 34, 10 37, 1130 a. m. 12 53, 12 58, 1 35, 2 58, 3 39, 3 44, 4 20, 5 06, 5 09. 5 31, 6 0.5, *7 0,5, *7 10, ^^9 26, *11 .36 p. m. Sundays, *7 30, *8 02, *8 0,5, *10 22 a. m., *3 42, *519, *5 23, *5 31, *7 OS, *7 11, *8 37 p. m. Arrive in New York via 34tli St. Ferry in 30 minutes, via James Slip Ferry in 50 minutes. Leave Cor. FIatbii!«li and Atlantic Avenues. Brooklyn. 6 45, 7 30, 8 00, 8.30, 8.52. 9 15, 10 20, 10.57 a. m., 12.56, 2 00, 3 22, 4 22. 5 22, 6 00, (i 30. 6 5.5, 7 54, 10 05 p. ni.. 12 15 night. Sundays, 8 15, 8 55, 9 30, 1100 a. m., 2 00, 4 27, 6 30, 8 00, 10 00 p. m., arrive at Jamaica in 30 to 40 minutes. Leave Jamaica, 6 02, 6 31, 7 03, 7 30, 7.3'*, 8 05, 8 0S, 8 10, 8 32, 8 31, 8 40, 8 43, 10 06, 10 10, 10.34, 10.37 a. m., 12.53, 13.58, 2 58, 3 39, 3 44, 5 06, 5 09, 5 31, 6 05, 7 0.5, 7 10, 9 26. 1136 p. m. Sundays, 7 30, 8 02, 8 05, 8 52, 10 22 a. m., 108, 3 42, 5 19, 5 23, 5 31, 7 08, 7 11, 8 37 p. m. Arrive in Brooklyn in 27 to 35 minutes. 40, 7 50, 8 20, 8 50, *]2 10 night. Sun- MAIN Xo connection via Jaine^ I.INE TRAIiNS FKOltl NEW IfORK AND BROOKLYN. Slip Fern/- %Does not stop at Gknclale. ^Does not stop at HoUis. %Doet Deer Park, Deer Park, Brentwood, Long Island City, Bushwick, Fresh Pond. Clendale, Richmond Hill, Maple Cirove, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Jamaica, Garden City. Hemp.stead, Roslyn, lilen Cove, Hiinting'tou, Ronkonkoma, River- Uead. Greenport. Koot ofE. 34tU St. (leave James Slip Ferry 30 minutes earlier, except Sundays): Central Islip, Ronkonkoma, Waverly, Medfor'd, Yaphank, Manor, Baiting Hollow, Riverhead. Jamesport, Mattituck, Cutchogue, Peconic, Southolfl, Greenport. L.eaie 5 50, 6 20, Sun- For Olendale and Richmond Hill, *6 -30, *7 40, 8 50, *10 40 a. m., *12 40, 150, *3 10, *4 lo, i4 20, 5 20, 6 50, ■i-7.50, ''lOOO p. m., *12 10 night. Sundays, 8 10. {9 30, {10 50 a. m., 6 30 p, m. Leave Flatbn.<<«Ii Avenue, 6 45, 7 30, 8 52 a. m., 2 00, %i 33, 5 33, 6 00, 6 .30, 6 55, 7 54, 10 05 p. m., 13 15 night. days, 8 15. {9 .30. {11 00 a. ni.. 6 30 ]). m. Arrive Glendale in 25 minutes from foot of E. 34th St.: in 20 minutes from Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn. For HoIli.«, Queens and I?a.st Hinsdale, *6 30, 18 30, 8 50, 10.50 a. m., 150, 3 20, 4 30, 5 30, 6 30, 6 50, *7 .50, *10 00 p. m.; {12 10 night. Sundays, 9 30 a. m ; 1 50, 6 30 p. m. Leave Flatbush Avenue, 6 45, 18 30, 8 53, 10 57 a. m., 3 00, 8 33, 4 33, 5 33, 6 .30, 6 55, 7 54, 10 05 p. m.. 12 15 night; Sundays. 9:^0 a. m., 2 00, 6 30 p. m. Arrive East Hinsdale in 50 minutes from foot E. 34th St.; in 45 minutes from Flatbush Avenue. For Garden City and Hempstead, *6 30, 8 20. 10.50 a. m., 1 50, 3 20, 4 20, 5 20, 6 20, 6 50, *7 50, *10 0a p. ni.. *12 10 niglit. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. (9 2') a. m. to Garden City onlv), 1 50, 6 20 p. m. Leave Flutluisli Avenue. 6 45, S 30, 10 .57 a. m., 2 00, 3 33, 4 23, 5 32, 6 30, 6 55, 7 54, 10 05 p. m., 13 15 night. Sun- days, 8 55 a. m. (9 30 a. ni. to Garden City only), 3 00, 6 30 p. m. Arrive Garden City in 1 hour from foot E. 34th St.; in 50 minutes from Flatbush Avenue; arrive Hempstead 5 minutes later. For Hyde Park, 8 .50 a. m.; 4 30, 5 20, 6 20. 6 50 p. m. Sundays, 8 50. 9 50 a. m., 6 20 p. m. Leave Flatbush .\ venue, 8 53 a. m., 4 33. 5 33, 6 30, 6 55 p.m. Sundays, 8 55 a. m., 6 30 p. ra. Arrive Hyde Park in ,55 minutes from B. 34th St.; in 50 minutes from Flatbush Ave. For Mineola. 8 20. 8 .50, 10 50a.m.. 1 50, 3 30, 4 20, 530, 6 20, 6 50 p.m. *13 10 night. Sundays, 8 50, 9 20, 9 .50a.m., 6 30 p.m. . Leave Flatbusli Avenue, 8 30, 8 52, 10 57 a.m., 2 00. 3 33, 4 32, 5 23, 6 30, 6 55 p.m., 12 15 night. Sundays. 8 55, 9 m a.m. 6 30 p. m. Arrive >iineol,i, 1 hour from E. ;Mth St.; in 55 minutes from Flatbush Avenue. For AVestburyand Hicksvilie, 8 20, 8 50 a.m., 3 20, 4 20, 5 20, fi.30, 6 50 p. m., (on Saturdavs only. *12 10 night). Sun- days, 8 50, 9 50 a. m., 6 20 p. m. Leave Flatbush Avenue, 8 30. 8 52 a. m., 3 22, 4 22, 5 22, 6 30. 6 55 p. m., (on Saturdays only, 12 15 night). Sundays, 8 55, 9 30 a. m., 6 30 p. ni. Arrive at Westlniry in about 1 hour from E. 34tb St. and Flatbush Avenue; arrive Hicksvilie 7 minutes later. For Central Park, Farming-dale, tVe.st Deer Park and Deer Park, 8 20 a. m., 3 20, 5 20, 6 50 p. m. (on Sat- urday only, *12 10 night to West Deer Park). Sunday, 8 r.O a. m. Leave Flatbush Avenue, 8 30 a.m , 3 23, 5 23, 6 55 p.m. (on Saturdays only, 13 15 night, to West Deer Park). Sundays, 8 55 a. m. Arrive at Deer Park in Vy^^ hours from E. 34th St. and Flatbush Avenue. For Brent»vood, A'apliank, Riverhead. Greenport and intermediate stations, 8 20 a. m., 3 20 p.m. Sundays, §8 50 a. m. Leave Flatbusli Avenue, 8 30 a. m., 3 22 p. ni. Sundays, §8 ,55 a. m. Arrive Yaphank in 21^ hours from E. 34th St. and Flatljush Avenue; arrive Riverhead in 3 hours; arrive Greenport in 3).^ hours. To Brooklyn and Neiv York. Trcmis toNtw York arrive via James Slip Fernj 20 ■minutes later than E. 3hth St. time. Leave Greenport, stopping at intermediate stations, 7 :^0 a. m., 1 27, 2 52 p. m. Sundays, 4 17 p. m. Arrive foot of E .34th St., 11 u7 a. m., 5 37, 6 37 p. m. Sundays, *7 37 p. m. Arrive Flatbush Avenue, 11 03 a m., 5 40, 6 .32 p. m. Sundays, 7 .38 p. m. Leave Riverhead , stopping at intermediate stations. 8 16 a. ra., 2 14, 3 38 p. m. Sundays. 5 03 p. m. Arrive foot E. .34th St., 11 07 a. m,. 5 37, 6 37 p. m. Sundays, *7 .37 p. m. Arrive Flatbush Avenue, 11 03 a. m., 5 40. 6 32 p. ni. Sundays, 7 38 p. m. Leave Deer Park, stopping at intermediate stations, 5 38, 6 00, 9 29 a. m., 5 00 p. m. (10 31 p. m. from W. Deer Park on Satui'days onlv). Sundavs, 6 17 p. m. Arrive foot of E. 34th St., 7 07, 7 .37, 11 07 a. m., 6 37 p. m , Saturdays only *12 07 night. Sundays, *7 .37 p. m. Arrive Flatbush Avenue, 7 02, 7 .33, 11 03 a. m.. 6 32 p. m., Saturdays only 12 04 night. Sundays, 738 p. m. 4S LONG ISLAND R. R.-Continued. MAI> L1\E TKAI>S-< ontiiuied. Leave llifk!!«ville (stopping at Weslbury 5 iiiimiles later) 5 54, G 23, 7 00, 8 13, 9 50 a. in ,4 33, 5 29 p. ni., ou Saturdays only 10 53 p. ni. Snndavs, 7 31 a m., 4 48, 7 05 p. ni. Arrive foot of E. 34tli St., r or, 7 37, ^ 07, 9 07, 11 07 a. m., 5 37, 6 37 p. m., Saturdays only *1207 night. Sundays, *8 37 a. ni., *5 57. *0 17 p. m. Arrive Flatbnsh Avenue, 7 02, 7 33, 8 05, 911, 11 03 a. in., 5 40, G 32 p.m., Saturdays only 12 04 night. Sundays. 8 33 am., 5 5.i, 9 15 p. m. Leave Miiicola. 5 20, G 10, 6 37, 7 15, 7 42, 10 12 a. m., 12 22, 3 10, 4 48, 5 10, 5 43, *6 34, *11 08 p. m. Sundays, *7 37. *7 45. *9 57 a. ni. *4 47. *5 02. *8 05 p. in. Arrive foot of E. 34tli St. in 45 to 60 minutes; at Flatbush Avenue in 1 hotir.. Leave Hytle Park. G 1,5, 7 20, 7 48, 10 17 a. m.. 548 p. m. Sundays, 7 50, 10 03 a. m., 5 07, 8 13 p. m. Arrive at E. 34tli St. in about .50 minutes; at Flatbush Avenue in 1 hour. Leave Hempstead (leave harden City 5 minutes later) 5 25, 5 57, G 40, 702, 7 50, 8 04, 8 20, 10 02 a. m., 12 23. 3 10, 5 00, *6 35, *8 59, *11 09 p. m. Sundays. 7 35 a. m.. 12 41, 3 14. 4 48, 040 p. m. .'\rrive foot E. 34th St. in 1 hour; arrive Flatbush Avenue in 55 minutes. Leave East Iliiisdalo (leave (ineens 4 minutes later; Mollis, 7 minutes later). *5 46, G 18, G 51, 7 51, 8 15, 10 15 a. m., 12 38, 3 24. 16 51, *6 .50, *9 11. *11 22 p. m. Sundays, 7 48, 10 06 a. m., 3 26, 5 03. 8 17 p. m. Extra trains from Queens at 7 27 a. 111.. 4 58 p. ni.; from Ilollis, 1 02 p. m. Sundays. Arrive foot of E. 34th St. and Flatbush Avenue in 46 minutes from East Hinsdale. Leave ITIaple t Sundays) for Port Jeflerson and intermediate stations. t8 50 a.m.. 14 20 p.m. (6 20 p.m. to Northport.) Sundays, 18 50 a.m. (9 50 a.m., 6 20 p.m. to Northport). Leave Flatbush Avenue, ^8 52 a. m.. 14 22 p. m. (6 30 p. m. to Northport). Sundays, 18 55 a.m. (9 30 a.m., 30 p.m., to Northport). Arrive at Northport in 2 hours ; at Port Jefferson 2)4 hours. To Brooklyn and New Vork. Leave Port Jellerson, stopping at intermediate stations, ^6 55 a. m., 13 10 p. m. Sundays. 13 24 p. m. Leave Northport, stopping at iniermediale stations, 6 20 a. m. Sundays. 6 52 a. m., 6 00 p. m. Arrive foot of E. 34tli St. and Flatbush Avenue in 214 hours from Port Jefferrion ; in 1^ hours from Northport. I?IONTAUK DIVISION. Stations. Long Island City, Ocean Point, I Belluiore, Sayville, Bushwick, I Lawrence, Ridgewood. Bayport, Brooklvn Far Rockaway, | South Oyster Bay, Paichogue, r-^ ' PearsalTs (East Rock- , Amityville, Bellport, Jama'ca. | awav). Breslau, Biookhaven, Locust Avenue, Rockville Centre, I Babvlon, Forire. Springfield. Baldwin's, , Bavshore, Moriches, Valley Stream, Freeport, Isl'ip, Eastport, Hewlelts. | Merrick, ! Oakdale, Speonk, West Hampton, Quogue, Good Ground. Shinnecock Hills, Southampton. Water Mills. Bridgehampton, Sag Harbor. Woodsburgh, *i\'o connection via James Slip Ferry. \Does not slop at Bellmore. XDoes not stop at Merrick, Bellmore, Eidgewood or Breslau. iDoes not stop at Bayport. Leave foot of E. 34tli St. (leave James Slip Ferry 20 minutes earlier, except Sunday) : For Spriu" field and Valley Stream, *6 30, 7 50. 10.50 a.m., 12 50, 3 20, 4 20, 5 20, 5 50, 6 50, *7 50, *10 00 p.m., *12 10 nis.'lit. Suiidavs, 8 10. 10 .50 a. m.. 1 50. G 20 p. m. Leave Flal bush Avenue, 6 45. 8 00, 10 57 a. m.. 12 55. 3 22, 4 22, 5 22, 6 00, 6 55, 7 54, 10 05 p. m., 12 15 night. Sundays, 8 15. 11 00 a. m.. 2 IX). 6 30 p. m. Arrive Valley Stream in 50 minutes. For Bablyon and intermediate stations. *6 30, 7 50 (8 20 to Babylon only). 10 50 a. in., 12 50, +3 20, 4 20, to 20. 5 50, 6 50 p. m. (*]2 10 night on Wed. and Sar. only). Sundavs, 8 10 a. m. (8 -50 a. in. to Babvlon only), 6 20 p. m. Leave Flatbu«h Avenue, 6 45, 8 00 (8 30 to Babylon only). 10 57 a.m., 12 56. 13 22, 4 22, ifS 22 6 00, 6 .55 p.m. (12 15 night on Wed. and Sat. only). Sundays, 8 15 a. m. (8 55 a. m. to Babylon only), 6 30 p. m. Arrive at Babylon in \% hours. For Patch ogue and iulermediiite stations, 8 20, 10 50 a.m., 3 20. 4 20, 5 20 n.m. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Leave Flatbush Avenue. 8 30. 10 57 a. m.. 3 22, 4 22, 5 22 p.m. Sundays, 8 55 a.m. Arrive at Patchogue in 2)4 hours. For Bellport, The Hamptons, Sag Harbor and intermediate stations, 8 20 a. m., 3 20 p.m. Sundays. 8 50 a. m. Leave Flatbush Avenue. 8 30 a. m.. 3 22 p. m. Sundays, 8 55 a. m. Arrive at We^t Hampton in 3 hours : at Sag Harbor in 4 hours. To Brooklyn and Ne%v Ifork. Leave Sag Harbor, stopping at intermediate stations, 7 05 a. m., 1 57 p. m. Sundays, 3 58 p. m.; leave AVest Hamp- ton, 7 56 a.m., 2 49 p.m. Sundays, 4 50 p.m. Arrive foot of E. 34th St., 10 37 a. m., 5 37 p. m. Sundays, 7 37 p. m. Arri\e Flatbush Avenue, 10 35 a. m.. 5 40 p. m. Sundays. 7 38 p. m. Leave Patchogue, stopping at intermediate stations, 6 30, 7 15. §8 42 a. m., 1 49, 3 34 p. m. Sundays. 5 36 p. m. Arrive at E. 34th St., 8 37, 9 10, 10 37 a. m. 4 17, 5 37 p. m. Sundays, 7 37 p.m. Arrive at Flatbush Avenue, 8 35, 9 11, 10 35 a. m., 4 15, 5 40 p. m. Sundays, 7 38 p. m. (Contlnuid on next page). 49 LONG ISLAND R. R. -Continued. MONTAUK DIVISION-Coiitinued. Leave Babylon, stopping at intermediate stationp. 5^7.0 25. X7 Vi, 7 25, '8 iX). r< 26 Express) 9 28, 1152 a.m., 231, U 19 Express; 4 21, 6 (TT p. m.; en Wednesday and Satnrday only, 10 30 p.m. Sundays, 6 2.5 a.m., 4 16 p.m. (618 p.m. Exprfss). Arrive Foot of East 34th street. 7 07. 8 W. 8 37, 8 .57 (9 10, 10 .37 Express) 11 07 a. m. : 1 27, 4 17 (5 37 Express), 6 07, *7 .37 p. m., on Wednesday and Satnrdav. *]2 07 night. Sundays. 8 07 a. m., 6 07 p. m. (7 37 p. m. Express). Arrive Flatbiish Avenue 7 iri, 8 ii5, x :i.\ 9 i»2. (9 11, 10 :i5 Expres"), 11 03 a. m.. 1 26, 4 1.5, '5 40 Express;. 6 02, 7 40 p. m.: on Wednesday and Saturday, 12 04 nighr. Sundays, 7 .57 a. m., 6 05 p. m., (7 3X p. m. Express). Leave Valley Stream, e\v York. Leave Far Rooka w^ay, stopping at intermediate stations. 5 27, 6 00, 6 .58, 7 37, 8 10. 9 .34 a. m. : 12 26, 2 28. 4 .52. 6 32, 9 00, 11 07 p. m. Sundays, i; 59. 9 .50 a. m. : 3 10, 4 .55 p. m. Arrive foot of East .34th street and Flatbnsh avenue in one hour. NORTH SIDE DIVISION. Time from Long Island City to Corona, 16 minutes : to Whitestone, 32 minutes ; to Great Xeck, 40 minutes. Leave Iiong Iftland fity. For Vb'oodftide. Winlleld. NewtoTi-ii, Corona, Floslilng, Collei^e Point. W^liltentone and \%'bite- Mtoiie Land ing, t; 10. i>i .35. 7 10. 7 :i5. h lO. ^8 45. 10 0.5. 11 0.5 a. m .. 12 >)h. 1 00. 2 fW, 3 05. 3 30. 4 f«). 4 ?/). 5 00, .5 :%, 6 00 6 30. 7 m. 7 .30. 8 10. 9 10. 10 10. 11 20 p. m.. 12 20 night. Sundays onlv. x 35. 9 :i5. 11 35 a. m., 12 05, 1 35, 2 .35, 3 .35, 5 35. §6 10. e .55. 7 3.5, 8 45, 9 2.5, 10 % p. m. For Broadway. Bayslde, Donglaston. Little Neck and Great Neck, 6 35, ^''■35.8 45.1105 a.m., 100, 2 (XI. 3 ya. 4 30, 5 00. 5 ■»). 6 (MJ, 6 30. 7 00. 8 10, 9 10, 10 10. 11 20 p. m.. 12 20 night. Sundays only, 8 35, 9 .35 a. m.. 12 05, 3 35, 6 10, 8 45 p. m. Trains marked thus § do not run to College Point. Whitestone or Whitestone Landing. Trains marked thus X do not stop at Douglaston or Little Neck. To Long Island C Ity and New York. Leave Great Neck. 5 4-1. 6 in. i; 40. 7 12, 7 -V^. 8 25. 9 40 a. m.. 12 25. 1 54, 2 56, 4 3.5, 5 34, 6 33, 7 06, 9 00. 10 (X), 11 10, p. m. Sundays. H 10. 9 .37, 10 40 a. m, 4 .30. 5 40, 7 4() p m. Leave Little Neck, 5 43. 6 14. 6 43. 7 16, 7 56. 8 28, 9 43 a.m., 12 28,158.3 00, 4 38,5-39, 6 38.711, 9 03, 10 03, 1113 p.m. Sundays, x 14. 9 41. 10 44 a. ni., 4 33. 5 44, 7 44 p. m . Leave Donglastou, 5 46, 6 17. 6 46, 7 19, 7 .58. 8 .30, 9 46 a. m., 12 .31, 2 01, 3 03, 4 41, 5 42, 6 41. 7 14, 9 06, 10 06, 11 16 p. m. Sundays. 8 17. 9 45, 10 47 a. m.. 4 .3fi. 5 47. 7 47 p. m. Leave Bayf«Ide, 5 .50. 6 21. 6 .50, 7 23. 8 02, 8 34, 9 .50 a. m„ 12 .34, 2 04, 3 07, 4 45. 5 46, 6 44, 7 17, 9 10, 10 10, 11 20 p. m. San- days, s 2d (Cypress Avenue), JKast > ew i ork, Sheepshead Bay. Cooper Avenue, ! New Lots, | Manhattan Beach. Kowenhovens, Leave Long Island City for East New York and intermediate stations. 6 -30, 7 .30, *8 41, *9 4«), *11 20 a. m., *]2 30, *208, *3 10, *5 39, *6 4(). *7 :i5 p. m.: due at East Xew York in 22 minutes. *Budy. For Slieepsbead Bay and ITIanliattan Beach, stopping at intermediate stations, 6 30, 8 41, 11 20, a. m., 310, 5 39, p. m.: Sundays. 8 41 a. m., 12 30, 2 iv< p. m. ; due at Manhattan Beach in .5'ii for Flat bnsli Avenue at 6 33. 53, 7 22, 7 40, 7 52, 8 08 and at 8 22 am and from 832 a. m., every 14 minutes to 1 1 .53 a. m. ; from 11 53 a. m. every 10 minutes to S 23 p. m. ; from 8 23 p. m. about e\eiy 14 minutes to 10 22 p. m., and at 10 33, 10 51 and 11 23 p. m. JAMAICA AND MORRIS PARK TRAINS. Daily, except Sundays. Leave Flatbusli Avenue for Morrl.i Park and Jamaica at 6 tK), 6 25, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00 a. in., 13 30, 1 3(t. 3 .30, 3 30, 4 .iO. 5 00, 5 .30, 6 00, (i 30, 7 00 and 1 1 .30 p. m. Leave Jamaica lor Flatbusli Avenue at 5 13, 5 40. 6 15, 6 45, 7 15, 7 45, 8 15, 8 55, 9 2o, 10 15, 3 15, 3 15, 4 15, 5 15, 5 45. 6 15, 6 45 p. m. Leave Morris Park 4 minutes later. Sundays only. Leave Flatbusli Avenue Jor Morris Park and Jamaica at 9 30, 10 30, 11 30 a. m.. 13 30 5 30, 'j 30, 7 3(iand 11 30 p. m. „ ., ,. „. „ Leave Jamaica for Flatbusli A venue at 7 4.5, 8 15, 10 30, 11 30, a. m., 12 05, 13 3a, 1 io, 2 3o, 3 p. m. Leave Morris Park 4 minutes later. 8 30,9 11 15 a. , 1 30, 2 35, 4 35, 30, 10 30, 11 30 m., 12 15, 1 15, 30, 3 30, 4 30, 5 35 and 6 35 BOAT AND STAKE CONNECTIONS. For Shelter Island.— Ferry at Greenport. -, , j r . * o o- For Orient.— Stages connect at Greenport with tram leaving Long Island City at 8.3o a.m. , „ ,t , ,a ■, For East Hampton, Amasansctt and Springs.— Stages connect at Bridgehampton and Sag Harbor (daily, except Sundays. . . , . . , t t i j ^-^ For Cold Spring; Harbar.-StaL'es connect at Cold Spring station with trains from Long Island City For Oyster Bay. -Sta<'es connect at Svosset with trains leaving Long I-land City at 9 00 a.m. and 4 3.> p. m., and at Locust Vallev witli trains leaving Long Island City at 9 00 a. m. and 4 35 p. ni. (daily, except Sundays). For New Suflolk and Robbins Island.- -Stages connect at Cutchogue. For Atlaiiticville.— Stages connect at Quogne. For Lake Ronkonkoma and Lake w, C; Lew Yuk Lin, V. C, 26 W. 9th. Colombia— C. Calderon, C. G., 16 Beaver. Costa Rica— J. M. Muuoz, C. G., 59 Liberty: J. M. Ccballos, V. C. 80 Wall. Denmark— H. M. Braem, C. ; Thomas Schmidt, V. C, 69 Wall. Dominican Republic— Leonico Julia, C, 31 Broadway. Ecuador— D. L. Ruiz, C. G., 51 Liberty. France— Paul d'Abzac, C. G. ; A. Bonnefous, C; A. Dausse- ing, V. C, 4 Bowling Green. German Empire— A. Feigel, C. G.; C. B. Marheinecke, C; C. Ferie, V. C, 2 Bowling Green. Great Britain— W. L. Booker, C. G.; W. R. Hoare, C, 24 State; G. Eraser, 1st V. C, 2 Morris; H. D. Nugent, 2d V. C, 24 State. Greece— D. M. Botassi, C. G., 115 Pearl. Guatemala— J. Baiz, C. G., 302 Frout. Hawaiian IsLands— E. H. Allen, C. G., 51 Leonard. Hayti— Nourmil Deslandes,C. G.; C. Singleton, V. C.,24 State. Honduras— J. Baiz, C. G., 102 Front; F. Spies, V. C.,36B'way. Italy— J. P. Riva. C. G.; A. Monaco. 1st V. C; G. Markazzi, 2d V. C. 24 State. Japan— K. Kawakami, C, 7 Warren. Korea— E. Frazar, C. G., 124 Water. Liberia— J. W. Yates, C, 19 William St. Mexico— J. N. Navarro, C. G.; R. Y. Williams, Chancellor, 35 Broadway. Monaco— A. Daiis.seing, C, 4 Bowling Green. Netherlands— J. R. Planten, C. G.; W. M. B. Gravcnhorst, V. C, 47 Broad. Nicaragua— A.I. Cotheal, C.G.; Gerardo Canton, C.,76 Beaver. Norway— C. Bors, C; C. Ravn, V. C, 41 Broad. Orange Free State, South Africa— C. D. Pierce. C, 80 Beaver. Peru— Hernandez & Tracy, 39 Broad. Portugal— Baraod'Almeir'im, C. G. ; G. Amsinck, C, 148 Pearl. Russia— Baron Rosen. C. G.: C. G. Petersen, V. C, 24 State. Salvador— J. A. P. Bonalde, C.G.: S. P. Triana.Y.C, 16 Beaver. Siam— T. T. Smith, C. G., 115 Broadwav. Spain— M. S. Guanes, C. G.; M. de la Cueva, V. C, 30 B'wav. Sweden— C. Bors. C; C. Ravn, Y. C, 41 Broad. Switzerland— J. Bertschmann, C, 69 Beaver; J. E. Robert, V. C, 30 Maiden Lane. Turkey— Baltazzi Effendi, C. G.. 16 East 40th st. Uruguay— E. M. Estrazulas. C. G., 120 Front. Venezuela— Pedro Yicente Mijares, C. (.}., 18 Broadway. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Posts ill New York City.— Meeting Plate, etc. Anderson, Robt., No. 58, 490 8th av.— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Andrew. John A., No. 234. 835 B'way.— 1st and 3d Thursday. Aspinwall,L.,No. 600, 1.56th St. & 10th av.— Every 2d Timi'sday. Bendix, John E., No. 402. W. Boulevard & 74th St.— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Cameron. No. 79, 04 E. 4th.— 2d and 4ih Thursday. Claflin, Horace B., No. 578, cor. 4th av. & 129th.— 1st and 3d Mondays. Cooper, Peter,No. 582, cor. Grand & Ludlow.— Every Thursday. Corcoran, Geo. M., No. 427, 189 Bowery.— 1st & 3d Wednes- day. Dahlgren. No. 113, 52 Orchard.— Every Tuesday. Dix, John A., No. 135. 33 Union Sq.— 1st and 3d Tuesday. Ellsworth, No. 67. 1591 2d av.— Ist and 3d Monday. Farnham, N. L., No. 458, Broadway & 49lh St.— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Farragut, No. 75, W. 74th st. & Boulevard.— Every 2d Monday. Gilsa, No. 264, 207 E. .56th St.— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Goss, Adam, No. 330, 63 Ludlow. — Every Tuesday. Greeley, Horace, No. 577, 52 Union sq.— Every 3d Sunday. Hamilton. Alex., No. 182, 331 Lenox av.— 1st, 3d and 5th Thursday. Hancock, W. S., No. 259, cor. 8th av. & 25th St.— 2d and 4th Thursday. Hecker, Fied., No. 408, 260 W. 41st St.— 1st and .3d Thursday. Hooker, Joe, No. 128, 263 Bowery.— 2d and 4th Friday. Jackson, Andrew, No. .300. 52 Union sq. — 1st and 3d Monday. Kearney, Phil., No. 8, .389 6th av.— Ist and 3d Thursday. Kennedy, Wm. D., No. 42, cor. Bowery & 2d St.- 2d and 4th Wednesday. Kilpatrick, Judson, No. 143, 124th st. & 3d av.— 2d and 4th Monday. Kimball, E. A., No. 100. 54 Union sq. — 1st and .3d Saturdays. Koltes, No. 32, 291 Bowery.— 1st and 3d Fridays. Lafayette. No. 140, Masonic Temple, 6th av. & 23d.— 1st and .3d Friday. Lincoln, Abraham, No. 13, 54 Union sq.— 2d & 4th Wednes- day. McCIellan, Geo. B., No. 552, cor. Bleecker & Morton.— 1st and 3d Wednesday, M'Quade, Gen. Jas., No. 557, 234 Spring — Every Wednesday. Meade, George G., No. 38, 501 Hudson.— Every Friday. Meagher, Gen. Thos. F., No. .567, 1591 2d av.- 1st & 3d Sun- day. Mitchell, Wm. G., No. 559, 52 Union sq.— 1st & 3d Wednes- day. Monroe, James, No. 607, 22d Reg't Armory, 14th st.— 1st Satur- day and 3d Friday. Morgan, E. D.. No. .307, Grand Opera House, 23d st. & 8th av.— 1st and 3d Thursday. Musicians, No. 4.52, 64 E. 4th St.— Every 4th Thursday, 2 p. m. Naval, No. 516, 189 Bowery- 2d, 4th and 5th Monday. Powell. Hans, No. 638, 225 Grand— 2d and 4th Saturday. Ravvlins, John A.. No. 80, 52 Union sq.— 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Reno, No. 44, 1.54 E. 54th St.— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Rice, James C, No. 29, cor. 8th av. & 25th St.— 2d & 4th Fri- day. Riker, J. L., No. 62, 263 Bowery— 2d and 4th Monday. Sedgwick, No. 186, 289 Bleecker— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Sheridan, Phil., No. 233, 2009 3d av.— 1st and .3d Monday. Shields, James, No. 69, 20 2d av.— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Steinwehr, No. 192, 214 5th st.— 1st and 3d Wednesday. Stevens, Thad.. No. 255. 99 6th av.— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Sumner, No. 24. 341 W. 4Tth.— 2d and 4th Monday. Tilden, Oliver, No. 96, .Sdav. & 16tith st.— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Vanderbilt,No. 1-36, cor. 86th st. & 3d av.- 2d and 4th Tuesday. Veteran, No. 436, 54 Union sq.— 2dand 4th Thursday. Volunteer, No. 459, 276 Spring— 1st, 3d and 5th Monday. Wade, Edw. H.. No. .520, 278 Bleecker— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Wadsworth. No. 77, 620 9th av.— 2d and 4th Monday. Washington, Gen.. No. 103, Hotel Brunswick— Once a month. Williams, A. S., No. .394, 147 W. 32d.— 2d and 4th Saturday. Posts in Kings County. Barbara Freitchie, No. 11, 116Calyer— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Beecher. H. VV.. No. 620, 416 Adelphi— 2d and 4th Monday. Gushing, No. 231, 476 5th av.— 1st and 3d Monday. Dakin, T. S., No. 206, 136 Broadway— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Devin, No. 14S. 153 Pierrepont— 1st and 3d Friday. Doane. Chas. R., No. 499, cor. Dekalb & Bedford avs.— Ist & 3d Thursday. Dupont. S. F.. No. 187, 98 Graham av.— 2d and 4th Wednesday. Ford, N. S., No. 161, Lemken's Assembly Rooms, Canarsie — 1st and 3d Saturday. Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, No. 207, 61 Henrj-- 1st and 3d Monday. Germain, Metternich, No. 122, 54 Graham av.— 2d & 4th Friday. Grant, U.S., No. 327, cor. Nevins St. & Flatbush av.— 2d&4th Tuesday. Hamilton. L. M., No. 152, Schielleins Hall, East N. Y.— 2d & 4th Tuesday. Head, Frank, No. 16, cor. Court & Harrison— 2d & 4th Thursday. Kerswell. No. 149, Schoonmaker's Hall, Flatbush— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Lee, Harry, No. 21, Amphlon Academy, W'msburg— 2d & 4th Thursday. Mackenzie, C. D., No. .399, 315 Washington— 1st & 3d Tuesday. Mallery. No. 84, cor. Fulton & Flatbush avs.— Every 2d Wed. Mansfleld,No.35,Bedford av. & N.2d st.— lst,.3d & 5th Tuesday. Middleton. B. F., No. .500, 854 Gates av.— 1st and 3d Saturday. M'Pherson,Geo.,No.614. 142 Flatbushay.—lst& 3d Thursday. Odell, Moses F., No. 443, 1.53 Pierrepont— 2d & 4th Thursday. Perry, James H., No. 89, Stella Hall, Bedford near Myrtle— 1st, 3d and 5th Wednesday. Rankin. No. 10, cor. Court & Schermerhorn — lsttou. Carbonado 1 .00—7 Chehalis 1.00—7 Colfax 1.00—7 Dayton 1.00—7 Hot Springs 1.00-7 Olympia 1.00—7 Pomerov 1 .00—7 PuyalluiJ 1.00—7 Riparia 1.00—7 Seattle 1.00—7 Spokane Falls 1.00—7 Sprague 1.00—7 Starbuck 1.00—7 Steilacooni 1 .00—7 Tacoma 1.00-7 Tenino 1.00—7 Vancouver 1.00—7 Walla Walla l.tX)— 7 \%^e!iit Virginia. Benwood 40—3 Buffalo 40—3 Charleston 40-3 Charlestown 40—3 Clarksburg 40— ;3 Colfax 40—3 Farmington 40 — 3 Flemington 40—3 Grafton 40—3 GreenbrierWhiteSnlphur Springs 40—3 Harper's Ferry 40—3 Huntington 40—3 Ingleside 40—3 Kanawha 40 — 3 Keyser 40—3 Morgantown 40—3 Parliersburg 35 — 2 Point Pleasant 40—3 Ripon 40—3 Romney 40—3 Salem 40—3 Sir John's Run JO— 3 Wellsburg 40—3 Wheeling 35-2 AVisconsln. Applet on, Outagamie Co. 50— 3 Ashland, Ashland Co . . .50—3 Baraboo 50 — 3 Beloit 50—3 Blair .50—3 Cable 50—3 Colby 50—3 Custer 50—3 Doylestown 50 — 3 Eldorado 50—3 Fond du Lac 50—3 Gratiot 50—3 Green Bay 50—3 Independence 50—3 Jackson 50—3 Jefferson 50—3 Kenosha 50—3 Madison 50 — 3 Marshfield, Wood Co. . . .50— 3 Mendota 50—3 Milwaukee 50—3 Mineral Point 50—3 Monticello 50—3 Necedah 50—3 Neenah 50 — 3 Oconomowoc 50—3 Oconto 50—3 Onalaska 50—3 Oshkosh 50—3 Peshtigo 50—3 Plainfleld 50—3 Portage 50—3 Princeton 50 — 3 Racine 50—3 Rhinelander 50—3 Bipon 50—3 Rusk, Dunn Co 50—3 St. Croix Falls 50—3 Sauk City .50—3 Sheboygan 50—3 Shiocton 50—3 Shullsburg 50—3 Steven's Point 50—3 Stoughton 50—3 Superior 50—3 Tomah 50—3 Trempeleau 50—3 Waukesha 50—3 Waupaca 50 — 3 Wausa w 50 — 3 Wyoceiia 50 — 3 Vl^yuming. Cheyenne 75—5 Evanston 75—5 Fort Steele 75—5 Green River 75—5 Laramie City 1^~^ Medicine Bow 75—5 Rawlins 75—5 Yellowstone Nat. Park. .75—5 TUCKERTON R. R. Stations, Distances and Fares— Single and Excursion. M. New York ; 113 Barnegat $2.3.5-$3.80 130 Barnegat City. 122 West Creek. 95 Whiting's $1.85-$3.25 I 118 Manahawken.. 2..50- 4.05 125 Peahala. i 125 Tuckerton. . . $2.75-$4.50 100 Baniber. 122 Barnegat City June. 128 North Beach Haven. I 111 Waretown... 2.25-3.65 1 126 Harvey Cedars 129 Beach Haven. $2.95-$4.75 | VIA OENTRAI, R. R. OF N. J.: Leave foot ol" liiberty St. for Tuckerton and intermediate stations, 4 30 a. in., 1 OOp. m. Arrive 11 10 a. m., 642 p.m. Leave Tiiciterton, 7 20 a. m., 3 18 \>. m. .\rrive New York, 1 (X), 8 40 p. m. VI.V PEMVSYI.VAIMA R. R. : Leave foot of Cortlandt or Desbrosses Sts. for Tuckerton and intermediate stations, 1 00 p. m. Arrive 6 42 p. m. Leave Tuckerton, 7 20 a. m., 3 18 p. m. Arrive New York 11 40 a. m., 720 p. m. SHEPAUC, LITCHFIELD, AND NORTHERN R. R. Via New York, New Haven and H. R. R., (Jraiid Central Depot. Stations, Distances and Fares from New York. M. Stations. Fare. 15 Roxbiiry Falls $2.15 18 Roxbury 2.30 21 Judd's Bridge 2.45 25 Washington 2.60 M. Stations. Fare. 26 New Preston $2.65 30 Romford ■ 2.75 32 Morris 2.80 M. Stations. Fare. 35 Bantam $2.85 36 Lake 2.85 38 Litchfield 2.85 M. Stations. Fare. New York Bethel $1.50 G Hawleyville 1.84 11 Shepaug 1.95 Leave Grand Central Ilepot for Hawleyville, Roxbury, New Preston, liltclifleld and intermediate stations. 5 01, a. m., 3 02 p. m. Arrive Roxbury, 11 (ill a. m., 6 1(1 p." in. Arrive New Preston, 11 .53 a. m., 6 41 p. m.; arrive Litchfield, 1 (X1, 7 15 p. m. Trains to New York. Leave liltcli field, stopping at intermediate stations, 7 2ia. m., 140 p.m.; Sundays, 3 00 p.m.; leave Ne»v Preston. 7 57 a. m., 2 45 p. m., Sundays, 3 43 p. m.; leave Roxbury, 8 20 a. m., 3 50, p. m.; Sundays, 4 15 p. m. Arrive Hawley- ville, 8 52 a. m., 4 35 p. m.; Sundays, 4 .50 p. in. Arrive New York, 11 25 a. m.. 9 00 p. ni.; Sundays, 7 35 p. m. 59 OLD COLONY R. R. Via Fa!i Kivcr Liiu', foot of Murray St. NEW ¥ORK. NEWPORT, FAL,L. KIVER AND BOSTON. arrive Newport, Tritiiis to New York. Leave Boston, (i 00 p. m.; leave Taunton (Central Station), 6 50 p. m.; leave Fall River 7 15n 8 00 p.m. Arrive foot of Murray St.. 7 20 a. m. ' '^ NEW^PORT TO BOSTON. Leave Newport for Taunton and Boi^ton, 6 50, 7 35, 10 20 a. m., 2 5.5, 5 15 p. m.. Sundays, 4 4.5, G 30 a m G 30 p m- Arrive Taunton, 8 03, 8 .50, 11 42 a. m., 4 14. G 34 p. m., Sundays, ,5 57, 8 30 a. m., 7 35 p. m. : arrive Boston 9 05 10 00 a m i 1 00, 5 40, 7 50 p. 111., Sundays, 7 0,5, 9 35 a. ni., 8 45 p. m. ' ' ' BOSTON TO F ALiI. RIVER AND NEAVPORT. Leave Boston for Fall River. 5 45, 8 15, 8 30, 9 .30, 11 40 a. m., 12 00 in., 2 15, 3 40, 4 35, 6 00 p m . Sundays 4 15 430 a m 5 4.5, 7 00 p. ni. Arrive Pall River in 1^ hours. ' ' '' For Newport, 545, 8 30, 11 40 a. m., 3 40 p, m,, Sundays, 4 .30 a. m. Arrive Newport, 8 .55, 11 15 a. m., 2 20, 5 .55 p ni Sun- days, 6 .55 a. m'. ' < • •> F-ALiL, RIVER TO NEW BEDFORD. Leave Fall River, 8 50 a. in., 12 dO m.. 3 .30, 6 35 p. m. (10 45p. ni. on Saturdays only). Arrive New Bedford in .35 minutes Leave New Bedford, 7 05, 10 00 a. m., 12 35, 5 45 p. ni. (10 no p. ni. on Saturdays only). Arrive Fall River in .35 uiinute«. FAL.Ii RIVER AND PROVIDENCE. Leave Fall River. (> 50, 8 25 a. m., 12 25, 3 40, 5 55 p, m., Sundays, 9 00 a. m. Arrive Providence in 1 hour. Leave Providenee. 7 2.5, 9 35 a. m., 12 40, 4 15, 30 p. m., Sundays, 6 15 p. m. Arrive Fall River, 8 18, 10 .38 a. m., 1 44 5 19 7 30 p. ni., Sundavs, 7 05 p. m. ' ' ' BOSTON TO PLYOTOUTH. Leave Boston, s 15 a. m., 3 30, 3 40. 3 .50, 5 30 p. m., Sundays, 9 15 a. m. Arrive Plymouth in 1^ hours. Leave Ply fiioutli. 6 30, 7 25, 7 50, 9 30, 11 45 a, m., 3 30, 4 25 p. m., Sundays, 4 05 p. m. Arrive Boston in 1% hours. BOSTON AND PROVINC'ETOWN. Leave Boston for Yarmoutli and Provlncetow^n, 8 55 a. m., 4 15 p.m. Arrive Yarnioutli, 11 19 a. m., 6 46 p m Arrive Provincetown, 12 55, 8 30 p, m. Leave Provineetowrn, 5 .35 a, m,, 2 05 p. ra. ; leave Yarmouth, 7 21 a. m., 3 58 p. m. Arrive Boston, 10 05 a. m., 7 05 p. m. HOUSATONIC R, R. Via New York, New Haven and Hartford R. R., Grand Central Depot, 4th Av. & 42d St. Stations and Distances and Fares from New York. Bridgeport $1 15 2 North Bridgeport 1 25 5 Trumbull Church 1 33 8 Long Hill 1 42 10 Stepney 1 48 15 Botsford 1 60 19 Newtown 1 75 23 Hawleyville 1 84 27 Brooklield Junction 29 Brookfleld |2 02 .32 Lanesville & Still River 35 New Milford 2 23 42 Merwinsville 3 44 45 South Kent 2 .50 48 Kent 2 62 52 North Kent 2 62 57 Cornwall Bridge 2 75 61 West Cornwall 2 75 85 Lime Rock $2 75 67 Falls Village 2 75 73 Canaan 2 75 75 Ashley Falls 2 85 79 Sheffield 2 93 85 (^reat Barrington 3 10 87 Van Deu seuville 3 20 94 West Stockbridge. ... 3 20 97 State Line 3 SO I 89 Housatonic $3 25 91 Glendale 3 35 93 Stockbridge 3 40 95 South Lee 3 40 99 Lee 3 40 101 Lenox Furnace 3 40 102 Lenox 3 40 106 Deweys 3 40 110 Pittsfield 3 40 l,eave Orand Central Depot, via Bridgeport, for Lenox, Pittsfield and intermediate stations, .501, 8 00 a.m., 3 02 p. ni. (4 02 p. m. to New Milford). Arrive Pittsfield, 11 05 a. m., 2 20, 8 55 p. m. 8 10 a. m., 1 10, 5 00 p. m, Sundays, 2 00 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot, 2 15, 6 30, 11 00 p. m. Sun- Arrive Grand Central Depot, 11 25 a. m., 2 15, Leave Pittsfield, days, 9 00 p. m. Leave New ITIilford, 8 25, 10 48 a. m., 3 42, 8 00 p. ni. Sundays, 5 39 p. m. 6 30, 11 00 p. m. Sundays, 9 00 p. m. State liine BraneU— Leave Bridjsseport for Van Densenville, West Stockbridge and State Line. 7 08, 10 05 a. m., 4 50 p. m. Arrive State Line 10.55 a. m., 1 26, 8 15 p. m. Leave State Line 8 35 a. m., 12 00 noon, arrive Bridgeport 12 15, 4 50 p. m. DANBURY AND NOR^VALK DIVISION. * Express train, makes butfeiv stops. Stations and Distances and Fares from New York. I c''"w-?f"''-*i o- I 1^ f;'"inon . . .$1 17 I 20 Ridgetield.$l 41 I 24 Bethel $150 8 So. Wilton.. 1 Oo 15 Georgetown 1 20 - :r„-— ^ — ^ 11 Wilton 1 11 I 16 Brauchville. 1 29 i 18 Sanford.. . . 1.35 Wilson Point So. Norwalk. .85c. Norwalk 90c. Danbury ..$1 60 27 Hawleyville 1 G8 r3;5nBrookfleld . 2 02 8 00 a. m., 2 00 20 Redding ... 1 38 ' 25 E. Danbury ' Leave Grand Central Depot for Danbury and intermediate stations, 5 01, 8 00, 11 00 a.m., *4 02, 5 02 p.m. Sundays' 7 30 a. m., 5 00 p. m. Arrive at Danbury, 8 03, 10 22 a. m., 1 17, *6 02, 7 41 p. m. Sundays, 10 20 a. m., 7 57 p. ra. Leave Danbury. stopping at intermediate stations, 6 35, *7 36, 9 05 a. m., 12 01, 3 40 p. m. Sundays. 8 05 a. m., 5 05 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot, 9 10, 9 40, 11 25 a. m., 2 15, 6 00 p. m. Sundays, 11 12 a. ni., 7 35 p. m. Ridgefleld Branch— Leave Cirand Central Depat for Branclivllle and Rid&efield, 5 01, 4 02, 5 02 p. 111. Arrive Ridgefleld, 9 05, 10 11 a. m., 4 .30, 5 57, 7 30 p. m. Leave Ridg;efield, stopping at Branchville, G 45, 7 40, 9 18 a, m., 3 50, 6 30 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 10, 9 40. 11 25 a. m., 6 00,9 55 p. ni. Haw^leyville Brancli— Leave Grand Central Depot for Bethel and Hawrleyvllle, 5 01, 8(^)0. 1100 a.m., 4 02 p. m. Arrive Hawleyville, 8 15, 10 35 a. m.. 1 33, 6 13 p. m. Leave Hatvley ville (Bethel 10 minutes later), 8 .55 a.m., 3 20, G 42 p. m., Sundays, 4 52 p. m. Arrive New York, 11 25 a. m. 00, 9 .55 p. ni., Sundays, 7 35 p. m. Brookfield Braneli- Leave Danbury for Brookfield Junction, 5 35, 7 45, 8 30, 10 45 a. m., 3 35, 5 15. 8 00 p. m. Arrive Brookfield Junction, 5 50, 8 00, 8 42, 10 .58 a. m., 3 50, 5 30, 8 15 p. m. Leave Brookfield Junction for Danbury. 6 00, 8 06, 8 47, 11 17 a. m., 4 00, 5 .55, 8 25 p. m. Arrive, 6 15, 8 20, 9 02, 11 .32 a. m., 4 15. 6 10, 8 40 p. m. NEWT HAVEN AND DERBY R. R. Stations.- New Haven, West Haven, Tyler City, Orange, Derby, Birmingham, Ansonia. Botsford Branch— Shelton, Botsford, Leave New Haven for Derby, A nsonia and intermediate stat'on.s, 7 20, 9 20, 9 .55 a. m., 1 00, 2 35, 4 10, 5 35, 7 35, 11 15 p. ni. Sundays, 8 10 a. m., 8 10 p. m. Arrive at Derby in 25 minutes, at Ansonia in 30 minutes. Leave New^ Haven for Slieltou and Botsford, 9 20 a. m., 4 10 p. m. Arrive Shelton in 28 minutes, at Botsford in 1 hour, 10 minutes. Leave Botsford (leave Shelton 42 minutes later), 11 45 a. m., 8 50 p. m. Arrive New Haven in 1 hour, 10 minutes. Leave Ansonia (leave Derby 6 minutes later) 6 49, 9 08, 11 42 a. ni., 12 20, 12 .50, 3 25, 6 10, G 51. 8 20 p. ni. Sundays, 7 20 a. m., 5 00 1). m. Arrive New Haven in ,35 minutes. 60 NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND R. R. For '"AH liuil" Expre^ts Trains to and from Boston, see Index for "Boston." For " Fares to all Places," see Index. I.eave foot of Watts St. (Noiwich Line). 5 Oil p.m., except Sundays, for New Liondoii. Hutiiaiii, Woroester and Boston. Arrive Putnam, .5 30 a, m.; Web-^^ter, .5.51 a. m.: Worcester, 6 2.5 a. m.: Bostou, 8 00 a. m. Leave Boston, (J 00 p. m.; Worcester, 6 50 p. m.; Webster, 7 20 p. m.; Putnam, 7 55 p. m. Arrive foot of Watts St., 7 (X) a.m. NEIV YORK AND AVORCESTER TRAINS. Leave Grand Central Depot for Putnam. Webster and Worcester, 5 01, 11 GO a.m. Arrive Worcester 12 10, 5 29 p. m. Leave W^orcester 9 30 a. m., 4 45 p. m. : leave Weljster 10 12 a. m., 5 2.5 p. m. ; leave Putnam 10 45 a. m., 5 .53 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot 3 30, 11 00 p. m. NEW VORK AND PROVIDENCE TRAINS. lieave Grand i'entral Depot for Plainfleld and Providence, 5 0], 1100 a.m., 3 00 p.m. Arrive Providence, 12 cO. 5.50. S 30p. ni. Leave Providence, 9 15 a. m.. 3.30, 4 30 j). m.: leave Plainfleld, 10 35 a. m., 4 25, 5 55 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot. 3 30, 9 tX), 11 00 p. m. TRAINS GOING EAST. FisIikill-on-Hiidsoii. Dan bury. A%'aterbury. New Britain, Hartford, AVillimantic. Putnam, Blackstoiie, Franklin and Boston. L.eave Fislikill-on-Hudson for Boi^ton. *12 20 a. m. express train: 10 05 a.m. accommodation. Arrive Water- bury, *3 10 a. m., 12.50 p. m. : New Britain. *4 00 a. m., 1 55 p. m.: Hartford, *420 a. m., 2 10 }>. m.; Willimantic. *5 23 a.m.. 3 20 p. m.: Putnam, ■'(> 10 a. m., 4 10 p. m.; Blackstoiie, *(i54 a. m., 5 (Xt p. m.; Franklin. *7 10 a. m., 5 21 p. m.: Boston, *8tX)a. in., lOp. m. * Daily. Leave Brcn^sters for Waterbury. Hartford and intermediate stations, 7 20. 1125 a. m.. 6 30 p. m. Arrive Waterbury, 8 50 a. m.. 12 .50, 7 .55 p. m. : arrive Hartford. 10 10 a. m., 2 10, 9 20 p. m. Additional trains leave Water- bury for Hartford and Boston. 7 SO a. m.. 3 40 p. m. Anive Hartford. S 50 a.m., 5 00 p.m.; arrive Boston, 1 00. *9 00 p. ni. -' DaUy. Leave Hartford for :TIancliester. Vernon, Willimantic and intermediate stations, 6 50, 9 00 a. m., 2 20, 5 10, 7 40 p. ni. Arrive Willimantic in 1 bour, 10 minutes. Leave Willimantic for Bo.ie and Springtield, 10 25 a. m., 6 15 p. m. Arrive Melrose, 11 12 a. m.. 7 02 p. m.; arrive Sprinstield, 11 .50 w. in.. 7 40 p. m. Leave Sprin;>'lield for Hartford, 7 30 a. in., 3 20 p. m. Arrive Hartford. 8 55 a. in., 4 45 p. m. HARTFORD & CONNECTICUT WESTERN R. R. Connect at Rbinebcck via N. Y. C. & H. U. K. li., at Milli'rtt)n via Harlem Division. Leave Grand Central Depot via X. Y. C. & H. H. R. U., at 8 00 a. m. for Rhiuebeck ami Canaan, stopping at inteimediate .-stations. Arrive State Line 2 10 p. m., Canaan 3 25 p. m. Leave Grand Central Depot, via Harlem Division, at 10 35 a. m.. 3 25 p. m.. Sundays, 9 45a.m., for Millerton, Canaan and West Winsted. stoppiiii,' at intermediate stations. Arrive Canaan 2 51. 6 45 p. m., Sundavs. 5 31 p.m. Arrive West Winsted 3 3S. 8 p. m., Sundays, 25 p.m. Leave Grand Central Depot, via Harlem Division, at 10 35 a. m. for Hartford and intermediate stations. Arrive Hartford 5 03 p. m. To New York. Leave Hartford, stopping at intermediate stations, 10 15 a. m., 12 30 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot 5 20, 9 50 p. m. Leave Canaan, stopping at intermediate stations. 7 30 a.m., 12 30. 3 40 p.m. Arrive Grand Central Depot 2 12, 5 20. 9 .50 p.m. Leave Boston Corners for Rliinebeck and intermediate stations, 8 39 a, m., 1 45 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot, 2 12. 9 25]). in. FONDA, JOHNSTOWN AND CLOVERSVILLE R. R. From Grand Central Depot, via X. Y. C. A H. K. R. R. Leave Fonda for Jolin.otown and Gloversville, 9 05a. m.. 12 37. 4 25. 6 43 p. m. Arrive Gloversville in 30 minutes. Leave Fonda for Kingsboro. Maylield, Cranberry Creek and Nortliville, 9 05 a. m., 4 25 p. m. Arrive Xorthville, 10 30 a. m., 5 45 p. m. Leave Northville for Fonda, 6 22 a. ni., 1 20 p. m. Arrive Fonda. 7 53 a. m., 2 38 p. m. Leave Gloversville, stopping a( Johnstown. 7 25. 10 40 a. m., 2 10, 5 35 p. m. Arrive Fonda in 28 minutes. FREEHOLD AND NEW YORK R. R. Via Central R. R. of New Jersey, foot of Liberty St. Stations, Distances and Fare (Regular & Excursion) from Xew York. M. Keyport — I 4 Mt. Pleasant 7.5C-S1. 35 I 8 Wickatunk..80c-S1.45 I 11 Marlboro. ..90c-$l.(i0 I 15 Freehold.. $1.00-S1. 75 2 INIatawan. . .70c-$1.25 | Morganville.75c- 1.35 | 9 Bradevelt. ...a5c- 1.50 I 13 E. Freehold 95c- 1.70 | Leave foot of Liberty St. for MTatawan and Freehold, stopping atintermediatestations, 4 30. 8 15,11 15 a.m., 1 00, 4 30. 6 10 p. m. L(>ave JTIatawan 6 30. 8 39, 9 31 a. m.. 12 20; 2 08. 5 30, 7 25 p. m. Arrive Freehold in IJ^ to 2 hours from foot of Liberty St. lA?ave Freeliold for ITIatawan and New York, stopping at intermediate stations. 7 15. S 10. 11 15 a. m., 1 35, 4 30, 6 30 p. m. Leavf ITIata wan 7 43, 8 38, 11 45 a. m.. 2 05, 5 00, 7 05 p. in. Arrive foot of Liberty St.. 8 52, 9 37 a. in.. 12 55. 3 30. (5 15. 8 40 p. m. GENEVA, ITHACA & SAYRE R. R. Via Lehigh Valley R. R., foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Sts. Leave foot of Cortlandt or Desbros.«e.<>Sts. for Say re. I tliaca. Geneva and Lyons, stopping at intermediate .stations, 8 00 a. m, 7 (X) i*. in.. Sundays. 7 00 p. m. Arrive "ithaca 6 40 p. in., 00 a. m., Sundays, 6 00 a. m. Arrive Geneva 8 18 p. in., 8 00 a. ni., Sundays, 8 00 a.m. Leave Lyons 10 25 a. m., Sundays. 7 10 p. m.; leave Geneva 11 (X) a. in.. Sundays. 7.40 p. m.; leave Itliaca 1235 p.m. Sundays. 9 12 p.m.; leave Sayre 2 57 p. m., Sundavs, 10 55 p.m. Arrive foot of Cortlandt or Desbrosses Sts. 11 .35 p. m.. 7 .50 a. m. 61 NEW YORK, SUSQUEHANNA & WESTERN R. R. Fare. M. Staiions. Siusle. Ex. Jersey Cir>-. 7 Schuetzen Park.. .15c.-25c. 8 ^ew Durham 15c. -iic. 12 Little Ferrv 30c. -15c. 13 Ridgefield Park. ..35c. -50c. 14 Bogota 3.5c. -500. 15 Hackensack 3.5c. -50c. 16 Mavwood 35c. -50c. 17 RochellePark .....35c.-5Cc. 18 Passaic Junction.. 35c. -50c. — Garfield 35c.-50c. 21 Passaic 35c.-50c. 19 Dundee Lake 45c.-70c. 20 Vreeland Avenue.. 50c. -70c. Fare. Fare. M. Stations. Sinsle. Es. M. Stations. Sinsle. Ex. 21 Paterson .50- .70 46 Newfoundland .51.:«-S2.15 23 Riverside .50- .70 48 Oak Ridge . 1.40- 2..30 24 Van Winkles. . . .70- .90 51 Stockholm . 1..55- 2.50 26 Midland Park. .70- .90 54 Two Bridses... . 1.60- 2.60 27 Wortendvke ... .75- .95 58 Ofrdensbnrgh . . . 1.70- 2.75 29 Wvckoflf .«)-gl.00 60 Franklin . 1.75- 2.75 30Camp£raw .90- 1.10 63 Hambnrgh . 1.85- 2.75 31 Crvstal Lake... . .90- 1.20 67 Deckertown . . . . I.a5- 2.75 .33 Oakland .90- 1.30 71 Quarrv^iile . 1.85- 2.75 36 Pompton .9^ 1.40 75 I'nionville . 1.85- 2.75 36Pompton Jane. Si. 00- 1.50 78 West Town. . . 1.85- 2.75 •37Bloomingdale.. 1.10- 1.55 81 Johnsons . 1.85- 2.75 39 Butler 1.15- 1.60 83 Slate Hill . 1.85- 2.75 44 Charlottesburgh 1.30- 2.00 89 Middletown . . . . 1.86- 2.75 Fare. M. Stations. Single. Ex. .58 So. OgdensburgSl. 70-82.75 61 Sparta 1.80- 2.80 64 Sparta June 1.85- 2.85 — BranchvilleJuncl.95- 3.00 69 Washingnville 2.05- 3.10 72 Swans wood 2.10- 3.25 76 Stillwater 2.25- 3.45 80 Marksboro 2.40- 3.60 S3 Paulina 2.40- 3.60 84 Blairstown 2.40- 3.60 98 Del. Water Gap 2..55- 3.80 102 Stroudsbartr. . . . 2.70- 4.00 LOCAL, TRAINS TO P.i^TERSON. Schuetzen Park, New Durbaiii. Little Ferry. Ridgefield Park. Bogota. Hackeusackj !TIay- n-ood. Roclielle Park, Garfield, Passaic, Dundee Lake. Pater<>on. Leave foot of Cortlandt or Desbrosses Sts. for Hackensaek and Paterson. and intermediate stations, 6 40. *S 10. *9..30. *]0 30 a. m., 12 00 noon, *1 40. **3 -30. *4 i.X). 4 SD. *5 0(X *5 30, +5 40. *6 00. 6 40, 7 40. 10 00 p. m.. 12 15a. m., Sundays. 7 45. 10 30 a. m.. 1 45. 7 15 p. m. Arrive Hackensack in 40 minutes; arrive Paterson in 1 honr. * Express Trains. + Conmci for Pasmic. To New Tork. Leave Paterson. 5 37. 6 .32. 7 00. 7 22. *8 00. 8 24. *S 58. *n 01. *11 13 a. m., 1 15. 3 00. 3 38. 5 04. 6 18. 7 18. 8 50. 10 52 p. m.' Sundavs. 9 05 a. m.. 1 00. 6 05, 8 50 p. m.: leave Hackensack. 5 53. 6 50. 7 15, 7 40. *8 15. 8 41, *9 13, *10 16. *11 27 a. m.. 1 33. *3 15, 3 57. 5 24. 6 38. 7 35. 9 10. 11 11 p. m.. Sundays. 9 22 a. m.. 1 15, 6 24. 9 10 p. m. Arrive New Tork in 50 minutes from Paterson: in 35 minutes from Hackensack. * Express Trains. Leave Passaic. 8 22. 9 5^. 11 10 a. m.. 1 15. 6 16 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 honr. Leave Koelielle Park, 5 48. 6 45. *7 10. 7 34. *8 10. 8 35. 10 11 a. m., 127. *3 11. 3.51, 516. 6-32. *7 30, lite p. m.. Sundays. 9 10 a. m., 1 10, 6 18 p. m. Arrive New York in 40 to 50 minutes. » Expre^ Trains. RlTerstde, Pompton, Blair-^town, Delaware ^'ater Gap, 7IfddIetown. Leave foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Sts. for Riverside. 8 10. 10 30 a. m.. 12 0(1 m.. 3 30. 4 -30, 5 00. 5 Sii, 6 00. 6 40. 10 Oil p. m.. 12 15 night. Snudavs. 7 45. 10 .30 a. m.. 1 45 p. ra. Arrive Riverside in 1 honr. 3 minutes. For \%'orteudyke and intermediate stations, 8 10 a. m., 12 00 m., 4 00, 5 30. 6 00. 6 40 p.m.. Sundays, 7 45 a.m. Arrive Wor- leiidvkr in 11-4 bonrs. For Pompton, Butler and intermediate station.=. 810 a. m., 12 00 m., 4 00. 5 30 p. m., Sundays, 7 45 a. m. Arrive Butler in 1 hour. 50 minutes. For Two Bridges, Blairstovvn, Delaware "Water Gap. Stroudsbnrg and intermediate stations, 8 10 a. m.. 4 iX) p. m. Arrive Two Bridges. 11 15 a. m.. 6 22 p. m. ; arrive Blairstown. 12 iZ. 7 29 p. m. : arrive Stroudsbnrg. 1 .35, 8 12 p. m. For Two Bridges, Ogdensburg, Franklin. Hamburg, ZTIiddletown and intermediate stations. 810 a. m.. 4 Oil D. ni.. Sundavs. 7 45 a. m. Arrive Two Bridges, 11 18 a. m.. ti 22 p. m.. Sundays. 1050 a. m.: arrive Ogdensburg, 10 minutes later; Franklin. 20 minutes later; Hamburg. 30 mioutes later: arrive iniddletown, 1 35. 7 40 p.m., Sundays, 1 10 p. m. To New York. All Trains stop a' intermediate slafions. Sundays? 1 p. m.. Leave mddletown. 6 2"i a. m. 4 25 p. m.. Sundays. 4 25 p. m.; leave Hamburg; 712 a. m.. 6 22 p. m.. Sue 6 22 p. m. : leave Tavo Bridges, 7 40 a. m.. 7 30 p. m., Sundavs. 7 20 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 50 a. m . 10 05 ] Sundays. 10 05 p. m. Leave Strondsburg, 5 47 a. m.. 2 4S p. m.: leave Delaware "Water Gap, 5 55 a. m.. 3 00 p. m.: leave Sparta, 7 17 a. m.. 5 5ew York. 9.5(.i a. m.. 10 05 p. m. Leave Bntler, 7 15. 816 a. m.. 2 54, 8 04 p. m.. Snndav-. sm p. m.: leave Pompton, 7 22. 8 24 a.m., 3 02,8 12 p.m., Sundays. * 12 p. m. Arrive New York. 8 .50. 9.50 a. m". 4 40. 10 05 p. m.. Sundavs. 10 05 p. m. Leave "Wortendyke. 6 1:3. 6 4tl (6 35 from WvckofE). 7 40, 8 42 a. m.. 3 21. 8 36 p. m.. Sundays, 8 36 p. m. Amve New York m 1 honr. 10 minutes. Leave Riverside, 5 29. 6 25. 6 51. 7 1.3. 7 r2. 9 51 a.m.. 102. 3 32. 6 11 p.m., Sundays, 8 45 a.m., 12 5.3, 5 58 p.m. Arrive New York in 1 hour. NEW JERSEY AND NEW YORK R. R. station. Fare. Kxc. M. New York. 10 Carlstadt . 30c. 40r. 11 Wooand^e . 35c. nOc. 12 Corona . 35c. 50c. 13 Lodi Junction . 3,5c. .tOc. 14 Hackensack . . . . 3.V-, 50c. 15 Fairmonnt . 40c. 6.5c. 16 CherrvHOL... . 4i'c. 65c-. Starion. Fare. Exc. 17 River Edge 45c. 75c. 18 ^ewMilford 45c. 7.5c. 19 Oradell 45c. 75c. 20 Etna 50c. &c. 22 WesTwood 55c. 90c. 23 Hillsdale 55c. 90c. 24 Pascack 60c. $100 25 Park Ridse 65c. 1 10 Station. Fare. Esc. 26 Montvale 65c. §1 10 27 Pearl River 65c. 1 10 29 Nanuet 70c. 1 10 •30 Bardon"s 75c. 115 31 Germond"s < oc . 1 15 33 New Citv 75c. 115 .31 Spring "Yallev... 80c. 120 32 Union '. . . . 8ew York in 1X4 hours. Leave Hillsdale, stopping at intermediate stations. 5 14. 6 29. 7 13. 7 36, 8 18, 10 30, 11 41 a. m., 204, 4 27, 7 07 p.m., Sundays. 7 25, 9 11 a. m., 6 .39. 8 14 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 honr. 6 minutes. 62 NEW YORK, ONTARIO & WESTERN R. R. Ticket Officer : 30r Broad «■ Fare. Single. Exc. 83 85 88 89 93 94 96 100 101 104 108 111 Stations. New York, Weehawken. West Corn\vall$1.08-$2.00 Orr's Mills .... 1.08- 2.00 Meadow Brook 1.25- 2.1C Denniston"s. .. 1.32- 2.15 Gennnsis 1.35- 2.20 Rock tavern.. 1.4T- 2.35 Burnside 1.50- 2.40 Campbell Hall. 1.56- 2.55 Stony Ford.... 1.65- 2.65 Crj'stal Run. .. 1.65- 2.70 Mechanicstown 1.68- 2.75 Middletown... 1.68-2.75 Fair Oaks 1.83- 2.75 Winterton 1.92- 2.90 Bloomiiigburg. 1.98- 3.00 Wurtsboro . . 2.19- 2.25- 2.37- Summitville Phillipsport. Homowack. EUenville... Mountain Dale 2.37 Centreville .... 2.49 Fallsburgli.... 2.58 Hurleyviile.... 2.67 2.04- 3.47 2.13- 3.60 3.77 3.89 4.13 4.13 4.37 4.55 4.73 Depots foot of Jay and W. 42d Sts. ay. and foot of Jay and W. 42d St. ' Faie. M. Stations. Single, Exc. M. 116 Liberty Falls.. $2.85-$->.09 219 118 Liberty 2.91-5.21 226 123 Parksville 3.06- 5..51 209 129 LivingstnManor3.21- 5.81 ! 211 135 Rockland 3.42- 6.23 218 140 Cook's Falls. . . 3.57- 6..53 226 144 Whirling Eddy 3.78- 6.95 232 148 Trout Brook... 3.78- 6.95 234 150 East Branch.. . 3.87- 7.10 237 154 Fish's Eddy... 3.96- 7.10 241 160 Hancock 4.14- 7.10 ! 245 167 Cadosia 4.35-7.50 248 171 Rock Rift 4.50- 7.75 251 179 Walton 4.74-8.15 253 188 Hamden 5.00- 8.25 255 196 Delhi 5.25- 8.40 2.58 191 Franklin 5.00- 8.60 263 194 Sidney Centre. 5.00- 8.75 266 197 Young's 5.00- 8.90 267 202 Sidney 5.00- 9.00 27 •! 204 New BerIinJnnc5.00- 9.00 276 207 Rockdale 5.09- 9.00 270 211 Mt. Upton 5.21- 9.00 271 212 RockwellsMills 5.27- 9.00 273 215 White's Stores. 5.33- 9.00 275 217 Holniesville.... 5.39- 9.00 278 Fare. Stations. Single, Exc. So.New Berlin. $5.45-S9.00 New Berlin 5.70- 9.00 Guilford Centre 5.00- 9.00 Guilford 5.00- 9.00 Oxford 5.00- 9.00 Norwich 5.00- 9.00 North Norwich 5.(X1 - 9.35 Sher.4 Corners. 5.00- 9.55 Smyrna .5,00 9.70 Earlville 5.00-10.00 Randallsville.. . 5.00-10.00 Hamilton 5.00-10.00 Pecksport .... 5.00-10.00 Bouckville 5.00-10.00 Solsville 5.00-10.00 OriskanyFalls.. 5.00-10.00 Deansville 5.00-10.00 Franklin IWks 5.00-10.00 Clinton 5.00-10.00 New Hartford.. ,5.00-10.00 Utica 5.00-10.00 Kirkland .5.06-10.00 Clark's Mill*... .5.09-10.00 Westmoreland.. 5.1.5-10.00 Bartletl 5.24-lO.fH) Dix 5.30- 10.00 Fare. M. Stations. Single, Exc. 281 Rome $5.30-$10.00 250 Eaton 5.50- 10.00 253 Morrisville... . 5.50 255 Pratts 5.50 I 259 Munnsv'ille . . . 5.50- 260 Stockbridge.. 5..50 } 262 Valley Mills.. 5.50- I 265 Community . . 5.50 i 267 Oneida Castle 5..50 i 268 Oneida 5.50 : 271 Durhamville.. 5.62 273 State Bridge.. 5.68 276 Sylvan 5.77 277 Sylvan Beach. 5.77 279 North Bay.... 5.86 282 West 'S^iehna. 286 Cleveland . . . 288 BernhardsBav 6.16 292 Constantia 6.25 296 West Monroe. 6.37 .300 CentralSquare 6.50 303 Caughdenoy.. 6.50- 10.00 306 Pennellville... 6.50- 10.00 314 Fulton 6.50- 10.00 326 Oswego 6.50- 10.00 10 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.95- 10.00 6.07- 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 * Daily. § Daily Express train making but few slops. liCave foot of Jay St. (leave foot of W. 42d St. 15 minutes later), via Cornwall, for Campbell Hall, ITIiddle- toirn, Siinimitvllle and intermediate stations, *3 30, 7 35 a. m., 3 55, §6 10 p. m. Arrive Campbell Hall, *7 50, 10 20 a. ni., 641, §8 53 p. m.; arrive Middletown, *8 43. 10 40 a. m., 7 05, §9 15 p. m.; arrive SummitviUe, *11 30, 1125 a. m., 7 53, §9 58 p. ni. For Falle*bui-g, Liiberty. Walton, Sidney and intermediate stations, *3 30, 7 35 a. m., *6 10 p. m. Arrive Fallsburg, *12 26, 12 02, §10 32 p. m.: arrive Liberty. *1 08, 12 25, *10 58p. m.; arrive Walton, *4 50, 2 40 p. m., *1 10 a. m.; arrive Sidney, *6 10, 3 40 p. m., *2 07 a m. For Nor*vlcli, fiarlville, Randallsville. Oneida. Oswego and intermediate stations, 7 35 a. m., *6 10 p. m. Arrive Norwich, 4 35 p. m., *3 15 a. m.; arrive Earlville. 5 0,") p. ni., *3 49 a. m.: arrive Randallsville, 5 13 p. m., *3 59 a. m.; arrive Oneida, 6 20 p. m., *4 55 a. ni. ; arrive Oswego, 8 25 p. m., *6 55 a. m. Trains to Nciv York. Trains stop at intermediate stations. Leave Osivego, 700 a. m., *9 55 p. m.; leave Oneida, 906 a. m., *11 53 p. m.; leave Earlville, 10 13 a. m., *12 57 night: leave INorwicli, 10 50 a.m., *1 30 a.m. Arrive New York, 7 10 p. m., *9 45 a. m. Leave Sidney, *10 00, 11 45 a. m., *2 27 p. m.; leave IValton, *11 50 a. m., 12 55. *325 p. m.; leave lilbert}> *3 38, 3 03 p. m., *h 35 a. m. Arrive New York. *11 05, 7 10 p. m., *9 45 a. m. Leave Sumniitville. *6 25, 7 25 a. m., 3 58, *5 2-< p. m.; leave middletown. *7 10, 8 10 a. m., 4 40, *7 05 p. m.; leave Campbell Hall, *7 30, 8 33 a. m., 4 59. *7 48 p. m.; leave Cornwall, *8 00, 9 05 a. m., 5 30, *9 00 p. m. Arrive New^ York, *9 4.5, 10 45 a. m., 7 10, *11 05 p. m. e:ll.i<:]vyil.l.e: branch. Leave Sunimitville for Pliillipsport, Homowack and EUenville, 9 li", 11 30 a. m.. 7 56 j). m. Arrive EUen- ville in 20 minutes. Leave Elleitvillc for SummitviUe, 7 05, 10 45 a. m., 3 25 p. m. Arrive in 20 minutes. DELHI BRANCH. Leave Walton for <'olcliester, Haivley, Hamden, De l.ancey and Delhi, *8 00 a. m., 2 45, 9 00 p. m. Arrive Delhi in 1 hour. Leave Delhi for Walton, 7 00, 10 40 a. m., 5 30 p. m., Sundays, 10 00 a. m. Arrive in 1 hour. NEW BERL.IN BRANCH. Leave Sidney for New Berlin, Ednieston and intermediate stations, 1145 a. m., 8 00 p. m.. Sundays, 10 30 a. m. Arrive New Berlin, 1 40, 9 15 p. m., Sundays, 11 45 a. m. ; arrive Edmeston, 2 10, 9 40 p. m., Sunday, 12 10 p. m. Leave Edmeston (leave New Berlin, 25 minutes later), 7 00 a. m.. 4 45 p. m., Sundays, 7 30 a. m. Arrive Sidney, 8 45 a. m., 7 15 p. m., Sundays, 9 30 a. m. UTICA DIVISION. Leave Randallsville for Clinton, Utiea and intermediate stations, 6 45, 10 40 a. m., 2 00, 5 15 p. m. Arrive Clinton, 8 10, 11 37 a. m., 5 01, 6 15 p. m.; arrive Utica, 8 50, 11 59 a. m., 5 40. 6 40 p. m. Leave Utiea for Randallsville, 8 15 a. m., 4 38, 11 15 p. m.; leave Clinton, 8 48 a. m., 5 03 p.m., 12 01 night. Arrive Randallsville, 9 50 a. m., 5 54 p. m., 1 30 a. ra. WALLKILL VALLEY R. R. Via West Shore and New York, Ontario & W. R. Rs.. foot of Jay and W. 42d St. Stations and Fare from Campbell Hall. Montgomery l,5o., Walden 26c., Wallkill 36c., New Hurley 44c., Gardiner 53c., Forest Glen 61c., New Paltz 69c., Springtown 80c., Rosendale 90c., Binnewater 95c., Whiteport $1.01, Kingston $1.14. Via New York, Ontario «fc Western R. R. L.eave foot of Jay St. (leave foot M'. 42d St. 15 minutes later) for Campbell Hall, Gardiner, Kingston and intermediate stations, 7 35 a. m., 3 55 p.m. Arrive Gardiner, 12 08, 7 19 i).m.; arrive Kingston, 12 57, 8 10 p.m. Leave Kingston, 6 55 a. m., 3 05 p. m. ; leave Cardlner, 7 42 a. m., 3 55 p. m. Arrive New York, at 10 10 a. m., 7 15 p. m Via W^est Shore R. R. liCave foot of Jay St. (leave foot "V\^ 42d St. 15 minutes later) for Kingston. Gardiner, Montgomery and intermediate stations, 3 00, 7 00, 11 15 a. m., Sundays, 9 40 a. m. Arrive Montgomery, 8 05 a. m., 145, 4 23 p. m., Sundays, 3 50 p. m. To New York— Leave Montgomery, 9 00, 11 45 a. m., 4 00 p. m., Sundays, 4 05 p. m. Leave Gardiner, 9 31 a. m., 12 08, 4 51 p. m., Sundays, 4 43 p. m. Arrive Kingston, 10 20 a. m., 12 57, 6 00 p.m., Sundays, 5 55 p. m.; arrive New Y'ork, 2 50, 7 00, 10 00 p. m., Sundays, 10 00 p. m. LEBANON SPRINGS R. R. l.eave Grand Central Depot, via Harlem R.R., for Chatham, Lebanon Springs and Bennington, stopping at intermediate stations, 10 35 a. m. Arrive at Lebanon Springs, 5 05 p. m., at Bennington, 8 00 p. m. Leave Bennington 9 00 a. m., leave Lebanon Springs 11 05 a. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot, 5 20 p. m. 68 BUFFALO, ROCHESTER AND PITTSBURG R. R. Connect from New York via N. Y. C. & II. R. R. K., West Shore fl. R., or Erie R. R. liCave Rofliester for Craiiiesville, Salamanca, Bradlor*! and intermediate stations, 7 20 a. m., 3 30, 5 45 p. m. Arrive Gainesville, 9 26 a. m., 5 48.8 15 p.m.: arrive Sahunanca, 11 20 a. m., 10 12 p.m.; arrive Bradford, 1158 a.m., 11 00 p.m. Leave Bradford for Rid;:way, Puiixiiiiita^viiey, IValstou and intermediate stations, 7 00 a. m., 1 00 p. m. Ar- rive Punxsutawney, 12 01, 6 30 p. ni.; arrive Walston, (i 40 p. m. Trains to Kocliester. Leave Walston, 8 50 a. m.; leave Dii Bols, 10 00 a. m., 3 00 p. m. Arrive Bradford, 2 1.5, 7 15 p. m. Leave Bradford; 9 15 a. ra., 2 35 p. m.; leave Salamanca, 10 05 a. ni., 3 20 p. ni. Arrive Rocliester, 2 25, 7 30 p. m. Li'ave Asljlord. 10 45 a. m.,3 55 p. m.; arrive Rociiester, 2 25, 7 30 p. m. Leave BlisM, stopping at Gainesville, Warsaw, and intermediate stations, 6 30, 11 52 a. m., 4 56 p. m.; arrive Rochester, 9 00 a. m., 2 25, 7 30 p. m. BITFFAL.O BIVISIOX. Leave Biiflalo for Asliford, Salamanca, Bradford and intermediate stations, *8 40 a. m., 5 20 p. m. Arrive Bradford, *11 58 a. m., 8 40 p. m. * Daily. Leave Bradford, 7 15 a. m., *2 35 p. m.; leave Salamanca, 7 55 a. in.. *3 20p. m. ; leave Ashford, 8 25 a. m., *3 55 p. m. Arrive Buffalo, 10 25 a. in., *6 00 p. m. * Daily. CONNECTICUT RIVER R. R. Via "New York. New Haven and Hartford R. R., Grand Central Depot. Connecting trains leave Orand Ontral Depot : For Sprin^-fleld at 5 01, 8 00, 9 00, 9 02, 11 00 a. ni., 12 02, 3 00, 4 00, 6 03, 7 01, 9 30, *11 00 p. ni. *DaUy. Dne Sprinyfleld, 10 25 a.m., 12 27, 12 45, 2 38, 3 02, 5 42, 7 16, *7 27, 10 30 p. ra., 12 25, 2 35, *3 02 a. m. L.eave Sprius-tteld for Clticopee Falls, 6 40, 10 00. 1145 a.m.. 3 00, 5 05, 6 IS, 8 45 p.m. Arrive in 20 minutes. For Holyoke, 40, 715, 8 00. 9 10, 10 35 a. m., 12 00, 105, 130, 225, 3 15, 5 00, 5 45, 6 15, 6 4.5, 8 00,9 40, 1100 p.m. Ari'ive in 20 minutes. For Eastliamplon, 8 00, 9 10 a. m., 12 m.. 1 30, 3 15, 5 00. 6 45 p. m. Arrive in 40 minutes. For NortUampton,7 15,8 00,9 10, 1035 a.m., 12 00 m.. 10.5. 1 .30,2 25,3 1.5.5 00,6 15,6 45.8 00,1100p.m. Arrive in 35 min. For South Deerlield, Greenfleld, Soutli Vernon, Brattleboro, Bellows Falls, Windsor and inter- mediate stations, 8 00 a.m., 10.5, 3 15, 45, 8 00 p. m. Arrive South Deerfield, I14 liours: at South Vernon in 2 hours; at Bellows Falls in 3^ hours: at Windsor in 4 hours. For Keesie, 8 00 a. m., 3 15 p. m. Arrive at Keene, ?,\i hours. Trains to Spriii^tield. Leave Windsor, 3 55 a.m. except Monday. 7 .55 a.m., 12 55, 3 15 p.m.; leave Bellows Falls, 4 40 a.m.except Monday, 9 00 a. m., 2 00. 4 (K) p. m. ; leave Brattleboro, 5 25 except Mondav. 9 48 a. m., 3 00. 4 40 p. m. ; leave Soutli Vernon, 5 43 except Monday, 10 25 a. m., 3 50, 5 00 p. m. Arrive Springfield, 7 10 a. m. except Monday, 12 30, 5 50, 6 27 p. m. Leave Keene, 9 00 a. m.. 2 .50 p. m. Arrive Springfield 12 30. 5 50 p. m. Leave Greentield. 6 08 except Monday, 7 20, 11 00 a.m., 4 20, 5 25 p.m. Arrive Springfield in \}^ hours. Leave Nortlianipton, 6 00 (6 40 except Monday), 8 05, 9 23, 10 15, 11 20, 11 48 a.m., 12 '55, 2 20, 4 20, 5 05, 5 55, 7 05, 11 40 p. m. Arrive Springfield in 45 minutes. Leave Fastliainpton, 7 53, 10 06, 11 40 a. m., 1 50, 3 35, 5 00, 6 40 p. m. Arrive Springfield in 1 hour. Leave Holyoke. 6 21 (6 .56 except Monday), 7 20, 8 28, 9 45, 10 38, 11 42 a. m., 12 10, 1 13, 2 40, 4 45, 5 30, 6 13, 7 25, 10 25 11 58 p. m. Arrive Springfield in 20 minutes. Leave Cliicopee Falls, 6 20, 7 55, 10 30 a. m., 1 00, 3 35, 5 35, 6 42 p. m. Arrive Springfield in 20 minutes. NEW YORK & ROCKAWAY BEACH R. R. stations and Fares from L. I. City— Single and Exc— M'^oodhaven Junction, 20c., 30c., Ozone Park, 20c., 30c., Aqueduct, 25c., 35c., Goose Creek, 30c., 50c., The Kmnt, 30c., 50c., Broad Channel, .SOc. 50c., Beach Channel, 30c., 50c., Hammel's, Hol- land's, Seaside, Rockaway Beach. 30c., .50c., Atlantic Park, Arverne, .35c., 60c., Far Rockaway, 65c., $100*. "^Between Jvne IM and Sept. .:iOth. excursion fare is 10 cents. liCave Lons Island C!ity for Rockaivay Beach and intermediate stations, 7 35, 10 10 a.m. ,2 11, 4 27, 5 42, 6 45 p.m. (12 23 Wednesday night only), Sundays, 7 10, 9 10, 11 10 a.m., 2 05, 4 00, 6 45 p. m. Arrive Rockaway Beach in 4o minutes. To liOiig Island City. Leave Rockaway Beacli (Hammel's 9 minutes later), stopping at intermediate stations, 6 30. 8 00, 11 10 a. m., 3 10, 4 30, 5 30 p. m. (11 00 p. m. Wednesdays only), Sundays, 8 00, 10 10 a. m., 12 50, 3 00, 5 30, 7 30 p. m. Arrive Long Island City in 45 minutes. TRAINS FROM BROOKLVIV. Fare— Single and Exc. —Ozone Park, 20c., .30c., Aqueduct, 25c., 35c., Goose Creek, 25c., 45c., Broad Channel, 25c., 45c., Beach Channel. 25f., 4.5c.. Rockaway Beach, 25c., 45c., Arverne, .35c., 60c., Far Rockaway, 65c., $1 00.* ^Between June 1st and Sept. -Uith e.ccursion fare is 70 cents. liCave Flatbush Avenue for Rockaway Beach and intermediate stations, 7 -30. 10 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 22, 5 22, 6 30, p. m. (12 15 Wednesday night only), Sundays, 700, 9 20, 11 20 a.m., 1 40, 3 40, 6 05 p.m. Arrive Rockaway Beach in 1 hour. To Brooklyn. Leave Rockaway Beach (Hammel's 9 minutes later), 6 30, 8 00, 11 10 a. m., 3 10, 4 30, 5 .30 p. m. (11 00 p. m. Wednesdays only), Sundays, 8 10, 10 20 a. m., 12 40, 3 00, 5 00, 7 30 p. m. Arrive Flatbush Avenue in 1 hour. NEW LONDON NORTHERN R. R. Via Norwich Line and New York, New Haven A: Hartford R. R. Stations and Distances. M. New Loudon. 6 Montville 13 Norwich 17 Yantic 30 Willimantic 35 South Coventry 39 Mansfield 44 Tolland 61 Monson 1 100 Miller's Falls 65 Palmer 109 Northfleld 68 Three Rivers 111 South Vernon ■5 Belchertowu 121 Brattleboro 26 South Windham | 50 Stafford 85 Amherst Licave Grand Central Depot, via New London, for Norwich,Williinautic and intermediate stations, 5 00, 10 00 a. m., 1 00 p. m. Arrive Willimantic, 11 25 a. m., 3 48, 6 38 p.m. For Palmer and Brattleboro and intermediate stations, 1000 a.m. Arrive Palmer, 5 15 p.m.; arrive Brattleboro, 9 20 p.m. Leave via Norwich Line, foot of Watt:^ St., 5 00 p.m. for Xew London. Willimantic, Palmer, Brattleboro and intermediate stations. Arrive at Willimantic, 6 07 a.m.; at Palmer, 7 25 a. m.; at Brattleboro, 10 37 a. m. To New London and Ne*r York. Leave Brattleboro. 16 .30, t9 50 a.m.. *3 15 p. in.; leave Palmer, "8 40 a.m., 2 05, 7 10 p. m.; trains marked + arrive Grand Central Depot, 3 30. 1100 p.m.; trains marked * arrive foot of Watts St. 6 30 a.m. Extra train from Willimantic, 6 40 p. m.; arrive Grand Central Depot, 11 00 p.m. Our Weekly Supplement, issued every Monday, contains all changes in Time Tables of Railroads, Steamboats, etc. 64 NEWSPAPER OFFICES. 'Associated Press, 195 Broadway. Commercial Advertiser, cor. Fulton and Nassau sts. Daily News, 25 Park Row, 1238 Broadway. Graphic, 39 Park Place, 1238 Broadway. Herald, cor. Broadway and Ann ^t., cor. 5th ave. and 23d st. Journal of Commerce, cor. Hanover and Beaver sts. Mail and Express, 23 Park Row, 1238 Broadway. Morning Journal, Nassau and Spruce sts. Post, cor. Fulton and Broadway, 1238 Broadway. Press, 26 North William, 1238 Broadway. Star. cor. Broadway and Park Place. Staats Zeitnnj:. cor. Tryon Row and Centre St. Sun, cor. Nassau and Frankfort sts., 1265 Broadway. Telegram, cor. Broadway and Ann st., 532 6th av. 'i'imes. Park Row ana Nassau st., 1269 Broadway. Tribune, cor. Nassau and Spruce sts., 12;38 Broadway World, 31 Park Row . 1267 Broadway. NEW YORK AND MASSACHUSETTS R. R. Via New York Central & Hudson River R. R. Stations and Fares from Poughkeepsie, Van Wagner's 22c., Pleasant Valley 30c., Salt Point ■15c., Clinton Corners r>Oc Willow Brook 60e.. Stanfordville 65c., Mclntyre 70c., Stlising 7.5c., Pine Plains 80c.. Ancram Lead Mines $1.05 Halstead'iffil 10 Tanner's $1.1.5. Boston Corners $1.20. ■»■ • > Iieave Oraiid Central Depot, via Poughkeepsie. for Boston Corners and intermediate stations, 8 00 a. m and 3 30 p.m. Arrive Pine Plains 12-15, 6 57 p.m.; arrive Bo-ton Corners 1 20. T 2S p. m. Trains leave Pono-hkeeosie for Boston Corners, 8 00, 11 30 a. m., 5 45 p. m., Sundays, 9.30 a.m. " ^ To NeAV It'ork. Leave Boston <'oriiers, stopping at intermediate stations, 7 02 a. ni., 2 15 p. m.. Sundays. 4 00 p.m. Arrive Pouo-hkeep*iie 8 47 a. m., 4 05 p. m., Sundays, 5 54 p.m.; arrive Neiv York, 11 15 a. m., 7 00 p.m.; Sundays. 8 50 p.m. " M. 1.55th St. & 8th Av. 1 High Bridge .5c. 2 Morris Dock 10c. i20c. NEW YORK & NORTHERN R. R. YONKEKS BRANCH. Stations and Fares— Single and Excursion. 3 Fordham Heights. . 10c. 20c. ' 6 Mosholu 20c. .30c. Lowerre 20c. 35c. Park Hill 25c. 40c. 4 King's Bridge, . 5 Van Cortlandt.. . ll»c. 2i»c. .l.-ic. 25c. 8 Yonkers (Getty Sq.)2.5c. 40c. Leave 15.5tli St. A: 8tli Avenue for Yonkers and intermediate stations (daily except Sunday"), 6 00 6.30 7 00 7 30 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, '.) 30. 10 00, 11 05 a. ni., 12 m., 1 (H). 2 00. 3 00. 4 00, 4 .35, 5 12, (5 15 to Van Cortlandt), 5 40. 6 01, 6 :iO, 7 Oo! 8 Oo! 9 00, 10 00, 11 10 p. m., 12,30 night. Siin cents. Trains rim daily. Enruiinti time JJ ininiites. Stations.— Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn Bridge, Clark St.. Tillarv St., Court St.. Myrtle Ave., Boerum Place, Elm Place, Duffield St., Flatbush Ave., Lafayette Ave.. Cumberland St., Vanderbilt Ave.. Grand Ave., Franklin Ave., Nostrand Ave.. Brooklyn Ave., Tompkins Ave., Albany .\ve., Utica Ave., Ralph Ave., Saratoga Ave., Rockaway Ave. Leave Fulton Ferry and Brido;e Depot.-s for Roekaway Avenue and intermediate stations, 12 31, 1 00, 2 (X), 3 00, 4 tX), 5 tX), 5 30 a. m., then every 3 to 6 minutes to 12 nigtit. Leave RockaAvay Avenue for Brooklyn Brid<;e and Fulton Ferry every 3 to 6 minutes from 5 (HI a. m. to 12 night. Night trains leave Saratoga Avenue, 12 25, 1 25, 2 25, 3 25. 4 25 a. m. (5 25 a. m. Sundays only). BROOKLYN ELEVATED R. R. Fare r, cent.t. Trains run daily. Runninq time «-•! r'olloirs : From Fiiltoti Ferry to Van Siclen Avenue 32 minutes. From Sands and Washington Sts. (Bridge Depot) to Van Siclen Avenue SS minutes. From Broadway Ferry, F. I)., to Van Mclen Avenue 19 minutes. Trains run every 2 to 8 minutes from 4 58 a. m. to 1 10 night on all branches. Main Line Stations.— Fulton Ferry.York ana Washington Sts.(Bridge), Bridge St. .Navy St., Cumberland St., Washington Ave., Myrtle .\ve, Ue Kalb Ave.. Greene .\ve., Franklin Ave., Nostrand Ave.. Tompkins Ave., Sumner Ave.. Rc-id Ave., Gates Ave., Halsey St., Chauncey St.. Manhattan Beach Crossing, Alabama Ave., Van Siclen Ave. Myrtle Avenue Braneh Stations.— Sands and Washington Sts. (Brooklyn Bridge), Myrtle Ave. and Adams St., Bridge St.. Navy St.. Vanderbilt Ave.. Washington Ave., De Kalb Ave. to Van Siclen Ave. Broadway Branch Stations. -Broadway Ferrv. Driggs St„ Marcv Ave.. Hewes St., Lorimer St., Flushing Ave., Park Ave., Stuyvesant Ave.. Kosciusko St., Gates Ave. to Van Siclen Ave. 65 RATES OF FARE TO ALL PLACES IN UNITED STATES. Delaware, liackaivaiiua & AVestern. Pennsylvania. Baltimore & Ohio. Reaelied via tlie following Railroad!;) : Ne«v Vork Central Sc Hudson River. 'IFest Shore. Neiv York, Ontario & Western. New York, Lake Erie & Western. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Children under 5 years of age. Free. Between 5 and 12, Half Rate. One hundred and flfty (150) pounds of baggage will be checked free on each full ticket and seventy-flve (75) pounds on each half ticket of any class. Where specific routes are not designated the unlimited rates apply via all roads shown at head of column in which quota- tions appear, and the limited rates (where same are quoted) apply also via the roads thus designated in the unlimited column. The date of sale is always included as forming one day of the time-limit ; for instance, a limited first or second-class ticket to Kansas City, for which the time-limit is 3 days, if sold on the Vth, would be punched as expiring on the 9th. t^" For Fare to places not in this list, see time tables. Destination. Note.— Passengers holding Limited Tickets at Second- Class Rates, are entitled to vse of Smoking Car only. 33 35 35 65 22 40 24 20 15 00 31 15 9 45 29 35 32 30 .S2 60 22 15 29 00 38 80 46 30 30 60 32 00 35 45 Abilene, Kan $43 20 Adrian, Mich 20 75 Aiken, S. C 27 30 Akron, Ohio Albany, Ga Albany, N. Y.,v.N. Y.CotWJS. " " Excursion Albia, Iowa Albion, Mich Albuquerque, N. Mex Allegan, Mich Allent'n,Pa.v.D.L.W. or Pcnn. " " Excur. via Penn. Alliance, Ohio Alton, 111 Altoona, Pa., via Penn. R. R.. Amboy, III Americus, Ga Anamosa, Iowa Ann Arbor, Mich Anniston. Ala Anoka, Minn Anthony, Kan Apple River, III Applefcen, Wis ... Arcadia. Wis Arcadia, Ohio Arkansas City, Kan Asbury Park, N.J., via P.R.R. Asheville, N. C Ash Fork, Ariz Ashland, Neb Ashland, Ohio Ashland, Wis Aslitabula, Ohio Aspen, Col Assinniboine, Mont Astor, Fla Atchison, Kan Athens, Ga Athens, Ohio, via P. R. R Atlanta, Ga $27 45 to Atlantic, Iowa Attica, Ind Augusta, Ga $25 30 to Aurora, in Ai}fittn, Minn Austin, Tex $52 20 to Baker City, Oreg Baltimore, Md Baraboo, Wis Batavia, 111 Baton Rouge, La Battle Creek, Mich Bay City, Mich Beardstown, III Beatrice, Neb Beaufort, S. C Beaver Dam, Wis Bellaire, Ohio Bellefontaine, Ohio Bellevue, Ohio Beloit, Wis Belvidere, 111 Benson, Ariz Berlin, Wis Bethlehem,Pa.,v.D.L.W.orPa. " " Exc. via Penn. 1st Class Unlimited. go > ,2 02 h*^ Ah 45 05 1 55 23 70 93 85 40 15 18 20 39 20 14 90 69 80 76 40 39 60 38 80 33 10 19 45 37 .30 3.S 85 26 05 32 16 28 10 36 70 61 05 99 50 5 30 31 55 28 10 47 40 23 85 24 40 .30 95 40 90 33 40 30 9: 14 71 20 10 18 50 29 15 28 79 60 31 85 $40 15 17 80 15 15 'a'io 32 '46 18 95 66 75 20 85 2 60 i5'25 29 80 26 io 29 35 17 20 35 55 45 00 27 35 28 75 32 20 17 35 42 80 90 80 36 90 16 50 35 95 12 75 66 75 73 15 3575 34 30 35 60 24 25 24 85 33 45 55 35 98 45 28 30 24 85 47 25 19 70 19 30 29 35 37 65 27 TO is 50 16 25 25 90 25 45 78 30 28 60 2 45 Limited Tickets. $.36 15 16 75 23 00 13 00 28 20 'e'oo 29 15 17 90 62 25 19 75 "4'i6 13 00 24 00 $33 15 15 50 12 00 22 85 27 15 26 10 16 15 24 90 33 30 39 25 24 10 25 50 28 95 16 10 38 00 1 20 22 05 86 30 33 65 14 50 32 70 12 00 62 75 69 90 34 00 31 75 24 00 15 35 24 00 .32 35 20 65 23 00 21 60 30 20 46 95 87 50 4 25 05 3 21 60 5 34 00 18 65 17 70 25 00 34 40 24to26 24 45 12 50 17 00 15 00 22 65 22 20 70 95 25 35 5 3 85 26 25 16 25 51 25 16 75 12 00 21 00 8 00 20 58 24 io 15 40 21 90 27 80 36 25 22 10 23 .50 26 95 14 60 35 00 2136 63 75 31 65 13 eo 29 00 11 50 59 75 55 60 28 75 i2'85 21 00 .30 35 18 15 ig'eo 27 00 37 60 60 00 23 0.5 19 60 29 00 16 75 16 05 22 10 32 40 22 '45 11 00 15 00 14 00 20 65 20 20 59 95 23 35 Destination. Note.— Passengers holding Limited Tickets at Second- Class Hates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. Big Rapids, Mich Binghamton,N.Y.,v. DLWor E " " Excursion.. Birmingham, Ala . . .$30 25 to Bismarck, Dak Bloomington, 111 Boise City, Idaho Booneville, Iowa Booneville, Mo Boulder, Col Bowerston, Ohio Bozeman, Mont Bradford, Pa (not B.&O.R.R.) Braidwood, III Brazil, Ind Brecken ridge, Minn Bridgeport, Ohio, via P. R. R. Bristol, Tenn Brookfield, Mo Brunswick, Ga Bryan, Tex Bucyrus, Ohio Buena Vii'ta, Col Buffalo, N. Y Burlingame, Kan Burlington, Iowa Burlington, Kan Bushnell,Ill Butte City, Mont Cadillac, Mich Cadiz, Ohio Cairo, 111 Caldwell, Kan Caldwell, N.Y. v.N.Y.C.orW.S. Calera, Ala Calumet, Mich Calvert, Tex Cambridge, Ohio Cambridge City, Ind Camden, S. C Cameron, Mo Canal Dover, Ohio Canton, III Canton, Miss $.39 35 to Canton, Ohio Carbondale,Pa., v.D.L.W orE. " " Excursion Carrollton, Mo Catskill, N.Y., via West Shore. " viaN.Y.C... Cedar Falls, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Central City, Col Centralia, III Champaign, 111 Chariton, Iowa Charles City, Iowa Charleston, III Charleston, S. C Charleston, W. Va Charlotte, N. C $18 60 to Chattanooga. Tenn. . 25 95 to Cheyenne, Wyo Chicago, III Chillicothe, Mo Chillicothe, Ohio $18 35 to Chippewa Falls, Wis Cincinnati, Ohio $25 95 1st Class Unlimited. .2« > 36 15 53 10 28 80 94 55 37 10 36 40 57 15 15 20 82 20 11 70 28 40 25 50 43 95 14 70 21 30 36 20 33 60 54 55 18 55 62 95 41 10 32 65 41 80 31 65 86 90 27 10 15 00 32 05 46 00 36 '96 39 90 54 10 16 70 22 25 25 75 38 55 15 75 .30 70 42 65 15 55 36 90 38 45 33 25 58 40 29 60 27 35 36 60 35 70 27 35 24 35 20 20 24 25 31 55 55 15 26 50 .37 10 19 50 35 85 21 50 $21 50 6 15 35 60 49 85 26 55 91 50 33 85 .33 45 53 90 78 95 9 54 25 45 24 20 40 70 33 25 53 25 16 90 59 90 9 25 38 05 29 40 38 75 29 00 83 65 22 55 30 75 43 35 5 55 36 65 36 65 52 80 21 '46 35 '60 16 75 27 45 41 70 15 95 4 55 33 '95 2 18 2 30 31 60 30 00 55 .35 28 30 25 50 33 35 32 45 26 05 31 .30 51 90 23 25 34 15 19 90 32 60 21 25 Limited Tickets. $20 00 5 00 8 00 26 80 46 60 22 65 87 50 30 60 29 70 49 90 13 20 75 70 8 74 21 90 20 70 37 45 12 50 18 70 29 50 30 00 44 15 65 55 90 .34 05 26 15 34 75 25 65 80 40 20 85 13 00 25 25 38 95 26 '95 33 40 44 14 00 18 75 23 00 31 50 13 75 24 20 33 .30 13 55 '6'75 30 20 28 35 26 75 51 35 24 25 23 00 30 10 29 20 22 50 23 00 15 00 18 60 23 00 48 65 20 00 30 15 16 25 29 35 18 00 $18 00 23 80 37 00 20 65 .59 75 28 60 26 70 46 90 12 10 57 00 19 90 18 70 .32 95 11 00 26 '50 36" is 14 00 52 90 3i 05 23 25 31 75 23 15 59 50 18 85 12 00 23 25 35 95 2.3 '95 31 40 36 15 12 10 16 75 28 50 13 65 22 20 28 00 12 00 27 20 26 35 24 75 48 35 21 25 20 15 27 15 27 00 20 15 15 10 26 06 46 65 15 00 27 15 14 00 27 00 16 00 G6 FARES TO ALL PLACES-Continued. Destination. j^ote.— Passengers holding Limited Tickets at Second Class Bates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. let Class Unlimited. . S12 90 to Circleville. Ohio... Clarinda, Iowa. . . Clarksburg, W. Va. Clarksville, Tenn. . Cleveland, Ohio . . Clifton Forge, Va . Clinton, 111 Clinton. Iowa Clyde, Ohio Co"ldwater, Mich Coloiado Spring?, Col Columbia, Mo Columbia, S. C $22 30 to Columbia City. Ind Columbus, Ga $31 15 to Columbus, Ind Columbus, Miss $30 1.5 to Columbus, Neb. Columbus, Ohio Concordia, Kan — . Councllsvillc, Pa Conshohocken.Pa.v.Penn.R.R Cooperstown,Ny,v.NYCor\VS Corinth, Miss $32 4.5 to Corning,N.Y., via Penn, D.L. & W. or Erie.. " " E.xcursion Corry, Pa Corsicana, Tex Cortland, N. Y., via N. Y. C, W. S. or 1). L. & W Cortland,N.Y\.Esc.v.D.L.& W Coshocton, Ohio Council Bluffs, Iowa. Crawfordsville, Ind Crested Biitte, Col Cresson, Pa., via Penn. R. R Crestline, Ohio. .. Creston, Iowa Crete, Neb Cumberland, Md Cu.ster, Mont Dallas, Tex $.50 8.5 to Dalton, Ga.. $23 90 to Danville, 111 Danville, Va $13 65 to Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Deadwood, Dak Decatur, Ala $29 60 to Decatur, 111 Decorah, Iowa Deer Lodge, Mont Defiance, Ohio De Kalb, 111 Delaware, Ohio Delphos, Ohio Deming. N. Mex $70 90 to Denison, Tex Dennison, Ohio Denver, Col Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dodge City. Kan Dubuque, Iowa Duluth. Minn Dunkirk, N. Y Du Quoin, 111 East Liverpool. Ohio East Saginaw, Mich Eau Claire, Wis Effingham, 111 Elberon, N. J., via P. R. R. . . . Eldorado, Kan Elgin, 111 Elkhart, Ind Ellendale, Dak Elmira, N. Y., D.L.W., E. or P. " Excursion El Paso, Tex $70 40 to Elyria,Ohio Emerson, Manitoba. Emmettsburg, Iowa. . Emporia, Kan Erie, Pa .2 v. K-i Ph > 29 85 14 25 26 70 27 50 16 45 19 60 55 65 32 CO so'so 2.3 7.5 39 .30 38 60 18 40 40 40 6 15 35 80 Limited TicKets. 3l$16 251$14 00 50 30 50 11 00 24 05 12 00 32 £0 12 50 25 85 13 00 12 90 22 85 24 25 15 25 18 45 49 90 28 60 22 00 17 30 5 27 70| 3, 20 251 18 25 5: 29 90 26 25 4 35 35 33 35 3! 16 25' 14 00 36 40 10 .50 2 68 3 27 35 2t 75 84 50 17 30 49 75 88 42 15 35 75 n 40 65 35 ie'so .35 15 37 65 6806 50 20 .32 .50 24 .50 28 '45 19 80 57 35 33 90 26 70 31 70 a3 65 19 00 25 45 17 05 19 00 69 60 47 80 ! 5390 33 40 18 .55 45 40 28 65 39 30 10 25 29 40 i 19 66 32 60 ; 26 70 I 4i'36 24 85 20 80 44 15 7 25 69 60 15 05 46 50 35 50 .39 10 11 60 6 25 10 90 10 30 43 40 5 80 10 00 14 45 32 .50 20 .30 61 35 20 50 22 25 14 20 16 50 46 90 25 60 i.5 75 33 40 10 00 35 10 12 55 30 .50 18 30 .55 40 8 40 14 00 28 75 25 20, 17 00 54 10 26 651 23 10 2S 45 80 40 16 50 22 20 16 25 16 60 62 25 41 90 13 5o; 49 90 .30 15 16 25 41 40 25 40 33 55 9 50 25 25 11 17 65 29 35 23 20 1 00 37 05 21 60 19 00 40 90 6 00 10 25 62 25 13 80 43 25 32 25 35 10 10 85 10 85 Destination. Note.— Passengers holding/ Limited Tickets at Second- Class Pates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. 1st Class Unlimited. go " -' r o ^ o . s .SOitHpH as 65 20 75 26 45 59 50 15 00 20 20 14 00 14 90 51 25 33 75 12 10 46 90 28 10 14 50 38 40 23 40 30 00 22 .35 11 00 16 00 27 00 20 75 34'6.5 19 60 17 50 36 40 51 25 12 80 37 00 29 30 32 10 Escanaba, M ich Eureka. ISIev Evansville. Ind Fairhury, 111 Fairfield, Iowa Fargo, Dak Faribault, Minn Fayetteville, N. C. . .$15 80 to Fernandina. Fla $36 15 to Flandreau . Dak Flint, Mich Fond du Lac, Wis Fort Benton. Mont Fort Dodge, Iowa Fort Howard, Wis Fort Madison , Iowa Fort Smith, Ark Fort AV'aync, Ind Fort Worth, Tex $51 05 to Fostoria,Ohio Frankfort, Ky Fredericksburg, Va Freeport, HI Fremont, Xeb Fremont. Ohio Gainesville. Fla Galena, 111 Galesburg. Ill (}alion,Ohio Gallatin. Mont Gallipolis, Ohio $17 85 to Galva, 111 Galveston, Tex $55 90 to (ieneseo. III. . . Georgetown. Col Gettysburg, Pa Girard, Ohio Glendive, Mont Glyndon. Minn Gogebic, Mich Golden. Col Goldsboro, N. C $14 05 to Grafton. W. Va.. via B. & O. . Grand Forks. Dak Grand Haven, Mich ,. . Grand Island. Neb Grand Rai)ids, Mich Green Bay, Wis. Greenfield, Ind (iunnison. Col Hamilton, Ohio Hammondsport, N. Y'., via Pa. Erie. D. L. & W Hannibal, Mo Hastings, Mich Hastings, Minn., Hastings, Neb Havana, Cuba Havana, 111 Havana,N.Y'.,v.Erie,DLW,Pa Helena. Ark Helena, Mont Hillsdale. Mich Holden. Mo Holland, Mich HoUidavsburg. Pa., via P. R.R. Hot Springs, Ark $42 60 to Houghton, ilich i Houston, Tex $.54 40 to ! Howard City, Mich Hudson, Wis Huntingdon, Pa., via P. R. R... Huntington. Ind Huntington, Oregon Huntington, W. Va.,$18 95 to Huiitsville, Ala Huron, Dak Independence, Iowa Independence, Kan Independence. Mo Indianapolis, Ind Indianola, Iowa Indianola, Neb Ionia, Mich Iowa City, Iowa $.36 151 $.32 90 102 251 ' 99 20 28 85 28 05 34 20 45 CO 37 00 20 60 40 42 00! 23 00 30 95 79 85 37 60 32 45 33 05 -13 75 22 10 58 25 19 40 25 10 8 35 29 70 40 2i 18 95 37 45 31 25 31 40 18 30 83 ( 21 95 30 70 61 90 31 15 59 05 6 55 14 70 62 05 45 00 .37 45 56 95 17 10 13 70 4 25 70 4S 20 24 65 32 45 23 25 66 75 20 90 27 55 25 90 30 95 41 75 33 75 Limited Tickets. 4 1 $29 65 .38 75 18 00 27 70 76 GO 34 35 29 20 29 80 42 45 19 85 51 15 17 15 23 10 26 45 37 00 16 70 28 00 28 15 16 65 80 40 21 85 27 45 .55 90 27 90 56 00 6 77 14 25 .59 40 41 75 34 20 53 90 44 50 21 00 39 95 20 05 29 20 22 35 63 70 20 75 7 95 30 00 19 70 34 15 39 95 28 .50 7 60 .37 70 83 65 18 80 35 75 20 85 42 75 35 90 ,55 75 20 85 34 65 21 "66 94 55 42 25 30 75 40 15 35 75 22 50 33 40 44 15 19 75 30 05 18 35 95 20 24 05 21 55 27 70 38 .50 30 50 15 80 31 33 35 50 16 85 24 45 73 35 31 10 25 85 26 25 36 70 16 4;^ 80 15 90 21 8 20 23 20 m 85 15 45 .32 20 24 75 24 90 15 40 7: 77 15 2 17 .50 31 24 20 6 4(i 30 24 05 52 00 6 55 12 .50 .56 15 $27 65 71 75 22 05 19 55 24 75 34 00 27 00 31 90 15 20 22 45 55 60 28 80 23 85 23 25 32 85 15 30 35 35 14 40 19 25 21 "20 31 85 14 40 22 '75 22 90 14 00 58 45 14 75 22 20 37 65 22 65 49 00 11 50 44 35 38 50 3i 00 ,30 95! 28 95 49 90j 46 90 14 05 12 .50' 41 25i 20 001 36 70 19 50 25 85 18 90 59 70 18 00 6 95 26 25 19 00 30 90 36 70 50 00 24 25 6 35 31 60 80 40 17 75 31 20 20 00 3.540 11 00 36 75 18 00 .34 70 17 75 23 85 16 40 53 75 15 75 23 25 17 00 27 00 34 70 21 35 28 '56 59 50 16 50 28 20 18 00 8 20 32 80 32 65! 30 00 44 80 36 15 19 80 31 40 17 45 87 50 16 15 25 90 18 00 27 00 7 15 16 00 (K) 00 14 65 22 90 39 00 .35 55 27 .50 25 50 35 20 31 60 19 0.) 30 15 40 90 32 20 28 60 17 00 28 15 37 90 5 31 18 70 17 40 3 26 80 24 80 3I 17 30l 16 00 67 FARES TO ALL PLACES-Continued. Destination. Note.—Passenger-'> holding Limited Tickeh at Second- Class Bates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. Ist Class Unlimited. "a o 03 t^ p . CO rpq Jackson, Miss. 70 to I $47 -ZO .35 40 30 60 41 0.5 49 00 12 90 29 2.5 47 75 30 00 35 05 26 15 28 25 8 74 10 61 28 05 40 90 42 65 S3 85 40 90 27 25 38 80 44 35 22 .50 28 55 1955 .33 10 .30 45 11 35 53 90 .32 05 Jackson, Tenn $.34 25 to Jacksonville, III. Jacksonville, Fla....$36 25 to Jamestown, Dak Jamestown, N. Y Janesville, Wis Jefferson, Tex , Jefferson, Wis Jefferson City, Mo. . Jeffersonville, Ind...$24 75 to Jellico, Tenn Jersey Shore, Pa., via P. R. K. Johnstown, Pa., via P. R. R. . . Jolief, 111 Joplin, Mo Junction City, Kan Kalamazoo, Mich Kandiyohi, Minn Kankakee, III Kansas City, Mo Kearney, Neb Kendallville, Ind.. . Kenosha Wis Kent, Ohio Kenton. Ohio Keokuk, Iowa Kewanee, 111 Keyser, W. Va Key West, Fla Kilbourn City, Wis Kingston, N.Y., V.N. Y.C.orWS Kinsley, Kan Kittanning,Pa., viaPenn. R.R. Knoxville, Iowa Knoxville, Tenn Kokonio, Ind La Crosse, 'Wis Lafayette, Ind Lake City, Minn Lancaster. Ohio Lansing, Mich La Peer, Mich La Porte, Ind Laramie City, Wyo Laredo, Tex $62 30 to La Salle, 111 Las Animas, Col Las Vegas, N. Mes Lawrence, Kan Lawrenceburg, Ind Leadville, Col Leavenworth, Kan Lebanon, Pa., via Penn. R. R. Lebanon, Ky Leetonia, Ohio Le Sueur, Minn Lewi.sburg, Pa., v. Penn. R. R. Lexington, Ky Lexington, Mo.. . Lexington, Va. . . Lima, Ohio Lincoln, 111 Lincoln, Neb Litchfield, 111 Little Rock, Ark. Livingston, Mont Lock Haven, Pa., v. Pa. or DLW Logansport, Ind London, Ohio Long Branch, N. J., v. Pa. R.R. Longview, Tex Lorain, Ohio Los Angeles, Cal Louisiana, Mo Louisville. Ky $24 45' to Loup City, Neb Ludington, Mich Luray^ Va ], Lynchburg, Va. . . .'. . $li'76'to Lyons, Iowa McGregor, Iowa I .3-3 40 McKeesport, Pa I 12 50 McPherson, Kan ! 44 15 Mackinaw City, Mich ' 29 75 ..$13 30 to 15 to 47 85 12 60 35 85 25 25 24 30 34 .35 25 40 .36 45 18 20 22 95 23 .35 25 00 58 00 75 60 29 35 55 15 64 50 39 80 22 15 64 95 38 80 5 84 25 90 14 40 38 00 7 48 23 90 38 25 17 .35 20 .30 29 20 40 90 .30 10 45 75 79 70 9 13 24 30 19 25 1 35 48 95 32 55 26 40 44 26 .50 10 .55 10 00 30 75 00 >•, • ?;" o ^., c .5 X >i ?u $41 90 34 00 28 60 45 '7,5 10 25 26 00 46 45 26 75 33 75 24 50 28 00 24 80 39 10 39 60 20 35 37 65 25 10 35 75 41 10 20 25 25 30 14 85 18 00 30 00 27 20 28 80 1 76 44 80 32 06 22 15 31 10 23 45 33 20 19 65 16 25 22 05 54 75 02 40 26 10 52 10 01 45 36 75 21 90 61 90 Limited Tickets. $33 00 27 .35 24 25 27 75 42 50 9 .50 22 75 39 10 23 50 28 00 21 25 22 15 7 35 10 50 21 55 33 85 35 60 19 30 34 40 3, 20 75 31 75 37 85 1 22 05 13 00 16 25 26 25 23 95 11 20 42 50 25 55 $28 00 24 75 21 35 37 66 20 '75 32 25 21 50 25 00 18 75 20 75 '9 66 19 .55 30 85 32 00 18 00 29 90 18 75 28 75 .35 85 16 00 20 05 12 00 14 35 23 25 21 95 10 70 23 55 35 75 3 4 50 ') 25 65 4 14 65 34 75 4 .1 23 65 3 35 10 3 2 18 65 3 27 35 3 37 65 4 28 80 3 40 35 4 76 45 7 7 57 2 22 50 3 19 15 3 1 47 65 n 15 05 95 75 10 30 00 3 24 75 3 41 .50 4 23 15 3 3 27 50 3 .30 15 4 2 41 10 4 23 15 3 40 30 37 30 11 05 29 35 26 95 22 65 19 .50 19 00 17 00 27 85 25 85 20 OC 17 50 29 95 27 00 16 25 14 00 17 .55 16 25 10 25 14 60 20 00 18 00 51 .50 49 50 53 95 41 75 22 85 20 85 47 60 44 60 50 95 48 00 32 75 29 75 18 65 16 65 57 90 54 90 31 75 28 75 4 65 22 40 26 40 12 50 11 .50 31 50 27 85 6 09 18 55 16 55 31 20 28 20 12 35 16 50 14 75 23 35 20 75 34 40 32 40 24 25 21 25 33 00 30 40 73 20 57 00 7 57 19 00 17 25 17 00 14 75 1 00 40 30 33 00 13 80 12 80 91 75 63 75 26 25 23 25 21 50 19 00 38 25 36 25 20 00 18 00 10 05 11 70 24 25 22 25 26 90 24 90 10 50 10 00 37 10 34 10 23 15 Destin.\tion. Note.—Passengers holding Limited Tickets at Second- Class Rates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. let Class Unlimited. cSTS H o S3 . go S3 . > Macon, Ga $29 05 to Macon, Mo Madison, Ind Madison, Wis Manchester, Iowa Manhattan, Kan Manistee, Mich Manitowoc. Wis. . Mankato, Minn Mansfield, Ohio Mapleton, Dak Maquoketa, Iowa Marietta, Ohio $15 75 to Marinette, Wis Marion, Iowa Marion, Ind Marion, Kan Miirion, Ohio Marquclte, Mich ,' Marshall, Mich Marshall, Mo Marshall, Tex $46 85 to Marshalltown, Iowa Martin's Ferry, Ohio Maryville, Mo Mason City, Iowa Massillon, Ohio Mattoon, 111 Mauch Chunk,Pa,v.DLWor Pa " Excursion Meadville,Pa.(not B.& O.R.R.) Memphis, Tenn $.35 25 to Menasha, Wis Mendota, 111 Menominee, Mich Menomonee, Wis Meridian, Miss $.34 45 to Mexico City, Mex. ...$94 60 to Mexico, Mo Michigan City, Ind Midland City, Ohio Miles City, Mont Milledgeville, Ga Milton, Pa., via Penn. R.R. . '. Milwaukee, Wis Minneapolis, Minn Missouri Valley, Iowa Mitchell, Dak ."..■ Mobile, Ala $.38 10 to Monmouth. Ill Monroe, Mich Monroe, Wis [ . Monroeville, Ohio Montgomery, Ala.. ..$32 70 to Montreal, Que.,v.N.Y.C.orW B Mount Carmel, 111 Mt.Carmel,Pa,v.DLWor Penn " Excursion v. Pa.RR Mount Vernon, Ohio Muncie, Ind Muscatine, Iowa Muskegon, Mich Nashville, Tenn Natchez, Miss National City, Cal Natural Bridge Station, Va. . . Nebraska City, Neb Negaunee, Mich New Albany, Ind Newark,N.J.,v.Pa.,Erie,DLW Newark, Ohio New Berne. N. C Newberry, S. C New Brighton, Pa New Brunswick, N.J. ,v.P.R.R, Newburg,N.y.,v.NYC,WSorE " Excursion ... New Castle, Ind New Castle, Pa New Comerstown, Ohio New Orleans, La $42 .35 to New Philadelphia, Ohio New L^lm, Minn Niagara Falls, N. Y Niles, Mich I 24 60 $37 25 35 05 24 00 30 40 33 30 41 85 28 00 31 35 37 85 17 75 45 80 31 60 18 00 33 90 33 10 23 20 43 45 18 80 36 80 22 36 65 52 45 35 20 14 60 38 80 30 45 15 80 27 70 14 15 40 85 31 85 29 00 33 95 30 60 44 30 130 70 34 00 20 50 21 05 66 55 28 10 7 57 29 05 38 00 39 00 44 50 51 25 31 80 20 50 30 25 18 25 42 40 28 05 17 75 22 SO 32 .55 26 00 30 50 40 70 98 80 14 05 39 25 36 60 26 40 15 17 50 19 50 23 95 13 35 90 22 00 14 05 16 00 55 50 15 80 .38 75 $37 00 .32 10 23 75 27 15 .30 05 38 80 23 40 28 10 .34 60 16 60 42 55 28 35 30 65 29 85 22 05 40 40 17 25 .33 85 19 30 .33 70 46 95 31 95 35 75 33 20 16 30 26 40 3 45 i3'26 35 90 28 60 25 75 30 70 .33 35 40 10 113 75 31 55 22 40 21 25 63 30 o'os 25 80 34 75 35 75 41 25 43 95 28 55 17 15 27 00 16 00 .38 55 10 00 26 75 4 92 21 15 29 30 21 30 .30 25 44 90 95 75 Limited Tickets. 36 00 33 35 24 75 20 18 45 1 16 22 '66 46 00 16 85 .35 50 9 25 21 15 $25 00 28 25 20 50 23 90 20 80 .34 80 20 80 24 85 31 35 15 25 39 30 25 10 14 25 27 40 20 60 18 50 36 40 15 90 29 70 18 25 29 90 39 60 28 70 12 50 31 75 29 95 13 70 22 90 '5 55 11 40 29 40 25 35 22 50 27 45 30 10 .30 65 85 20 27 .55 20 00 17 10 60 05 25 00 03 22 55 31 .50 32 50 38 00 32 00 25 30 16 10 23 75 14 75 28 50 2325 '8 .36 15 25 18 25 26 05 20 40 25 65 34 85 91 75 12 90 32 75 30 10 21 25 i.5'2.5 10 45 23 .55 11 35 $22 00 25 25 18 75 21 90 24 80 31 80 18 80 22 85 27 85 13 65 34 80 23 10 12 10 25 40 24 60 16 50 33 40 14 00 26 55 16 .50 26 90 32 55 26 70 11 00 28 75 27 00 12 00 20 75 20 30 23 35 20 50 25 45 27 00 26 65 02 65 24 55 18 00 15 60 48 25 20 55 27 00 30 50 34 30 27 25 23 25 14 .50 21 75 13 65 24 50 9 00 21 25 2 25 18 75 12 05 14 00 ,34 00 13 80 32 25 31 20 00 13 65 16 25 24 05 18 40 23 65 29 85 63 75 36 '75 26 90 18 75 is 65 10 85 16 25 11 30 12 10 29 00 12 70 28 75 is '66- G8 FARES TO ALL PLACES-Continued. Destination. » 'Note.— Passengers holding Limited Tickets at Second Class Bates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. 1st Class Unlimited. So a . Limited Tickets. Niles,Ohio $14 80 $13 95 Norfolk, Va.v.Bwlt.orDelmar 8 50 " Excursion Norristown, Pa., v. Penn. R. R. 3 00 N.Adanis,Mas's..v.NYC.orWS Northfield, Minn 37 00 North Plat le. Ni'b 47 75 Northunil)errd.Pa,(notB.&0 ) 7 26 Exc.v.D.L.&W. Norwalk, Ohio 18 15 Norwich, N.Y,v.O&W.orDLW " Excursion Oberlin,Ohio 17 50 Oconomowoc, Wis 30 00 Oconto, Wis 33 ?0 Ogden, Utah 78 80 Oil City, Pa. (not B. &0.).... 14 11 Old Point Comfort 8 50 V. Wash. ARich. 14 00 01ean,NY. v. D. L.W.Erie or Pa viaN. Y.C.orW.S. Olympia, Wash 104 00 Omaha, Neb 39 25 O'Neill, Neb 44 95 Oneonta, N.Y.,v.N.Y'.C.or W S viaO. &W. Ry Osage, Iowa 36 20 Osage City, Kan 4135 Oshkosh, Wis. 31 45 Oskaloosa, Iowa 35 10 Oswego, Kan 41 40 Ottawa, 111 28 90 Ottawa, Kan... 40 45 Ottawa,Ont,vNYC,WSorO&W Ottum wa, Iowa 34 95 Owatonna, Minn 37 00 Owosso, Mich 2;J 45 Paducah,Ky 31 60 Paili'esville, Ohio 15 65 viaB. &0... 1650 Palatka, Fla $38 25 to 43 05 Palestine, Tex 5125 Palmyra, Mo 33 40 Pana,Ill 28 65 Paola, Kan 39 90 Paris, 111 26 55 Paris, Ky 23 Paris, Tex 48 Parkersburg, W. Va 17 25 V. B. & O. R. R. 15 30 Parsons, Kan 4140 Peirce City, Mo 39 90 Pekin,Ill 29 85 Pella, Iowa 35 60 Pembina, Dak 49 70 Pendleton. Oregon PeunYan,N.Y..v.N.Y,C.orWS . . v.DLW, Erieor Pa. Pensacola, Fla $38 10 to Peoria, 111 Peru, 111 Peru, Ind Peshtigo, Wis Peterborough, Out Petersburg, Va Petoskey, Mich Philadelphia, Pa., v.Penn.R.R. Phillipgburg,N.J.,v.DLWorPa •' Excursion... Phcenixville, Pi\.,v. Penn.R.R. Piedmont, W. Ya Pierre, Dak 50 30 Pipestone City, Minn 41 45 Piqua, Ohio 20 65 12 80 4 47 33 75 44 50 5 71 i.5 90 6 a3 is 2.5 26 75 30 05 75 75 13 35 9 10 10 85 100 75 36 00 41 70 5 55 6 09 32 95 38 30 28 20 31 85 39 45 25 65 37 40 11 35 31 70 33 75 18 45 31 35 13 50 21 $12 50 2 16 00 2 79 3 73 30 50 41 25 5 9 25 14 65 5 00 9 00 14 00 23 50 26 80 71 11 40 ,11 50 6 50 27 00 39 25 13 65 Destination. holding Second Note. —Passen gers Limited Tickets at Class Pates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. 1st Class Unlimited. c o go :$■ ad«J !> I Limited Tickets. t» 13 00 21 50 24 80 53 75 49 95 30 45 27 55 37 10 25 35 23 .50 46 40 29 85 29 40 23 80 a3 70 ii'go 29 90 2 50 "s'.si 11 50 47 45 39 30 38 85 27 25 32 35 4() 45 100 75 7 55 8 15 43 95 27 25 26 15 22 00 30 45 12 80 12 00 8 15 8 15 77 .50 32 75 38 45 5"i9 29 70 .34 30 21 95 6 50 55 50 30 75 36 45 27 00 31 30 22 95 28 60 26 40 34 35l 31 35 22 401 20 40 33 40 30 40 25 50 27 00 16 05 22 25 12 00 12 00 34 65 Zi 70 21 00 29 85 19 75 16 00 32 85 12 10 11 00 28 45 30 50 17 40 25 00 12 75 13 00 29 75 42 60 26 70 2.5 75 32 85 21 75 18 00 40 10 14 25 12 50 34 351 31 35 .32 85 29 85 23 35 21 35 32 95 28 85 17 75 57 30 15 60 4 25 39 66 37 00 21 80 10 90 31 45 13 55 36 55 24 00 2 05 Pittsburg, Pa., via Penn. R.R. viaB. &0 Pittsfield, Mass.v.NYC or Har. Pittston, Pa., Kxcur. v.D.L.W. •' Exc. v.Penn.R.R. Plattsburg,NY,v.N.Y.C.or WS Plattsmouth, Neb Pleasant Hill, Mo. Pt. Pleasant, N. J., v.Penn.R.R. Pomeroy, Ohio via B. & O 29 10 43 20 87 50 7 10 6 90 32 (X) 23 35 22 90 18 45 27 20 1130 23 15 39 25 38 60l 1 22 451 17 85l 2 47 05 5 38 20 5 19 50 3 1 2 3 28 . . '.'..'.'. "5 8 00 . .36 00 3 35 75 3 1 22 35 3 1 3 3 25 . ... 3 11 11 35 10 85 43 80 39 85 34 95 17 00 10 50 10 ,50 '7 is 7 75 32 31 55 1 45 18 00 15 05 Pontiac, Mich Portage Citv, \Vi.« $31 50 Portflope,6nt.(notEr.orPRR) . .. Port Huron, Mich Portland, Oregon 104 00 Port Royal, S. C 30 .50 Portsmouth, Ohio 21 00 viaB. &0.. 19 05 Port Townsend, Wash 104 00 Pottstown, Pa., via Penn. R. R. 3 70 Pottsville, Pa., via Penn. R. R. 5 30 " Excursion Prairie du Chien, Wis 33 30 Princeton, 111 29 65 Princeton, N. J., v. Penn. R.R. 1 51 Princeton, Ind 28 05 Pueblo, Col 56 95 Quebec,(i.v.NYC,WSorO&W. Quincy, III Racine, Wis Raleigh, N. C Rapid City, Dak Ravenna, Ohio Reading, Pa., v. DLW or Penn. Exc.v. Penn. R.R. Red Oak. Iowa Redwing, Minn Renovo, Pa., via Penn. R. R. . . Richfield Springs, N. Y., Exc, viaN.Y.C.W.S. orD.L.W. Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Ripon, Wis. Roanoke, Va Rochester, Minn Rochester,N Y,v.N YC,WS,Eri Rockford, 111 29 15 Rock Island, 111 31 65 Rome, (ia 27 15 Rondout,N. Y.v.N. Y.C.or W S. Rosendale, N. Y., via W. S. . . . " Excursion.. Rutland, Vt., v.N.Y'.C. or W.S. !5t..\lbans.Vt.v.N.Y.C. or W.S St. Augustine, Fla... $37 75 to 42 .55 St.Clair,Pa.,v.DLWorPa.R.R. 5 40 St. Cloud. Minn 40 25 St.Johns,Q.,v. N YC,WS,0&W. St. Joseph, Mo 38 80 St. Louis, Mo 31 30 St. Paul, Minn 38 00 Sacramento, Cal 98 80 Salanianca,N. Y., v. Erie or Pa Salem, N. J., via Penn. R. R. Salem, Ohio, via Penn. R. R.. Salina, Kan Salineville, Ohio Salisbury, Md., v. Penn. R. R. Salisbury, N. C Salt Lake Citv, Utah San Antonio, Tex. ... $57 70 to San Diego, Cal Sandusky, Ohio viaB. &0. R.R. Sandy Hill,N.Y..v.NYC,orW.S San Francisco, Cal San Jose, Cal Santa Fe, N. Mex Saranac Lake,NY,vNYCorWS Saratoga.N.Y.,v.N.Y.C.orWS. Sarnia, Ont Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. . Savannah, Ga $28 95 to Schuylkill Haven, Pa., via Pa. or D., L. &W.... Scranton, Pa., v.D.L.W. or Erie " Excursion Sea Girt, N. J., via Penn. R. R. Seattle, Wash Selma, Ala $33 00 to Seymour, Ind Shakopee, Minn Sharon, Pa 15 25 I Sharon Springs, N.\".,v.N.Y.C. 13 55 ' or W. S $16 55 28 25 12 25 14 90 100 75 21 40 30 05 26 40 26' 75 S3 90 12 00 30 00 25 60 $15 80 5 00 54 05 14 65 3 67 35 75 33 75 26 "9.5 87 50 24 00 17 75 16 25 87 50 3 41 4 43 7 36 26 80 23 15 23 25 49 90 $14 90 23 00 11 70 13 25 60 50 15 00 14 75 60 50 28 20 26 70 37 00 60 00 21 35 20 90 17 00 25 20 12 40 2i'56 33 30 7 63 25 90 28 40 33 45 1 76 2 00 '5' 64 8 50 'i'ii 37 00 9 25 .35 75 :iO 00 34 75 95 75 9 25 26 26 22 .35 14 70 50 80 13 00 3 67 6 24 32 35 30 50 8 58 10 75 18 40 10 35 24 95 31 45 15 50 10 00 10 00 30 75 28 55 3 50 14 60 43 85 14 40 6 36 18 75 78 80 63 45 98 80 18 30 19 65 98 80 98 80 67 85 40 80 75 75 57 75 95 75 16 05 24 80 21 15 21 '25 46 90 10 00 23 25 20 35 48 80 12 00 30 35 27 00 16 50 22 "95 4 70 95 75 95 75 64 80 11 35 4 20 14 80 26 60 33 55 5 11 1 70 104 00 42 30 24 15 38 00 14 60 4 58 4 55 100 75 38 55 23 90 34 75 13 50 4 90 30 05 22 '65 25 15 Zi 00 29 25 4 33 75 27 00 26' 65 23 15 20 00 31 75 24 25 31 50 91 75 8 50 i2 66 36 80 12 40 i7'i6 71 75 49 35 91 14 80 15 25 91 '75 91 75 60 30 24 00 4 43 '6 75 1 35 87 50 28 50 20 65 31 50 12 50 29 25 9 00 28 75 21 25 27 00 63 75 11 75 33 80 11 75 53 75 39 20 63 75 13 80 13 80 63 '75 63 75 50 10 13 25 24 95 60 50 24 .50 18 85 27 00 11 50 69 FARES TO ALL PLACESContinued. Destination. Noie.—Pasgerujerg holdimi Limited Tickets at Second- Clas.1 Bates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. Shawnee, Ohio Sheboygan, Wis Shelby ville, 1)1 Shenandoab,Pa.,v.DLW or Pa. " Esc.v.Penii.R.R. Sherman, Tex $49 25 to Shippensburg, Pa., v. Pa. R.R. Shreveport, La $46 30 to Sidney, Ohio Sioux City, Iowa Sioux Falls, Dak South Bend, Ind Sparta, Wis Spartanburg, S. C Spokane P'all-', Wash Springfield, 111 Springfield, Mo Springfield, Ohio Staunton, Va Sterling, 111 -. . . . Steubenville, Ohio, v. Pa. R. R. Stevens Point, Wis ' Stillwater, Minn Stockton, C'al Streator, 111 Sturgis, Mich Sunbiiry, Pa., via Penn. R. R. Suspension Bridge, N. Y Syracuse,N.Y,v.N.Y.C'.orW.S. Exc.v.D.L.&W. Taconia, Wash Tallahassee, Fla $38 10 to Tama, Iowa Tamaqua, Pa , via D. L. & W. Tampa, Fla Tarboro, N. C Taylor'sville, 111 Tecumseh, Mich Terre Haute, 1 nd Texarkana. Ark The Dalles, Oregon Thomasville, Ga Three Rivers, Mich Tiffin, Ohio . .. Titusville,Pa. (notB.&O.R.R.) 'J'oledo, Ohio Topeka, Kan Toronto, Ont Towanda,Pa,v Pa.,Er ,D.L.W. Traverse City, Mich Trenton, Mo Trenton, N. J., via Penn. R.R. Trinidad, Col Trov, N. Y., V. N. Y. C. or W.S. Tuckerton, N. J., via Pa. R. R. " Excursion.. Tucson, Ariz Two Rivers, Wis Tyler, Tex Tyrone, Pa., via Penn. R. R. . rhrichsville, Ohio Umatilla, Oregon Union, Pa., via Penn. R. R,... '■ via Erie Railway, . Union City, Ind Uniontown, Pa Upper Sandusky, Ohio Urbana, 111 Urbanna, Ohio Utica, N. Y.. V N.Y.C.or W. S. Valparaiso, Ind Van Buren , Ark, Vancouver, BC,v.No.Pac.R.R. v.Can.Pac.R.R. Vandalia, 111 Van Wert, Ohio Vicksburg, Miss $.39 00 to 1st Class Unlimited. go $18 45 30 60 28 35 5 73 54' 8,5 6 77 55 05 20 70 41 20 42 10 24 25 .33 65 21 25 103 45 29 60 .38 40 19 85 11 15 29 8C 14 00 33 55 38 00 29 05 23 80 7 20 104 00 45 55 34 60 48 '45 13 30 29 20 20 85 26 05 46 00 104 00 35 10 24 15 19 05 13 .53 19 75 40 30 28 55 37 10 1 70 59 15 '.3'90 w'm 31 60 49 85 9 02 15 50 104 00 13 10 21 60 12 89 19 00 27 35 19 90 2.5 25 43 60 104 00 104 00 28 95 21 15 .50 25 ,2 S^ fill > o ,c $27 35 26 90 4 47 48 10 48 40 19 15 37 95 38 85 21 30 30 40 100 20 28 00 37 10 19 15 26 .55 30 30 34 75 95 75 25 80 20 15 9 25 6 06 100 75 31 35 3 90 27 95 17 70 24 75 44 70 100 75 20 45 16 95 12 70 17 50 37 25 11 85 6 95 23 85 34 15 56 io 3 15 80 60 28 35 48 55 100 75 11 .35 20 20 17 '35 25 50 18 70 5 00 22 70 42 30 100 75 100 75 27 65 19 45 43 70 Limited Tickets. $16 10 24 10 23 55 4 47 7 44 41 90 .39 60 17 00 34 70 35 60 19 50 27 15 21 25 87 50 23 75 31 35 17 00 23 30 12 00 27 05 31 50 91 75 22 55 18 45 5 66 10 00 87 50 32 00 28 10 35 '76 24'60 16 65 21 25 37 35 87 50 29 95 19 40 15 70 10 85 10 25 33 25 '5'75 22 30 30 40 49 '9C '2'75 4 50 73 25 25 10 41 20 i3'50 87 50 10 60 10 60 18 00 10 50 16 10 22 00 17 00 2606 36 55 87 50 77 50 24 00 16 75 34 00 $14 00 22 10 21 00 33 85 31 .55 15 50 .31 10 31 90 18 00 25 15 20 50 60 00 20 75 28 35 15 00 21 .SO 11 00 25 05 27 00 63 75 20 55 16 75 60 50 26 "io 21 00 15 60 19 25 31 85 60 50 is 06 14 20 i4'56 30 25 20 30 27 40 62 25 23 10 33 60 7 65 12 10 60 00 16 25 10 00 14 00 20 15 15 0(1 is '66 32 85 60 50 55 50 21 00 15 00 29 00 Destination. Note.— Passengers holding Limited Tickets at Second- Class Rates, are entitled to use of Smoking Car only. Victoria, B. Cv.Nor.Pac.R.R. v.Can.Pac.R.R. Vincennes, Ind Vineland, N. J., v. Penn. R. R. Vinton, Iowa.. Virginia City, Nev Wabash, Ind Wabasha, Minn Waco, Tex $52 .35 to Wa Keeney, Kan Warren, Ohio Warren, Pa Warsaw, 111 Warsaw, Ind Washington, D. C Washington, Iowa Washington, Ohio Washington, Pa., v. Penn. R.R. v.B.&O.R.R. Waterbury, Ct., v. HarlemR.R. Waterloo, Iowa Watertown, Dak W"atertown,NY,v.NYC,or WS. Watertown, W'is Watkins Glen, N. Y.,v.D.L.W., Erie or Penn. R. R Watkins Glen, N. Y.,v.N.Y.C Waukegan, 111 Waukesha, Wis Waupaca, Wis Waupun, Wis Wausau, Wis Waverly, Iowa Waverly, N. Y., via D. L. W., Erie or Penn. R. R Waverly, N. Y., Excursion Webster City, Iowa Weldon, N. C Wellington, Kan Wellsboro, Ind Wellsville, Ohio... West Chester,Pa.,v.Penn.R.R. West End, N J., v. Pa. R. R.. West Point or Cranston's, N.Y. West Point, Va W. Rutland. Vt., V.N. Y.C.orWS Wheeling, W. Va Whitby, Ont. (not Erie R'y). . Whitehall, N.Y.,v.NYC.orWS White Water, Wis Wichita, Kan Wilkesbarre, Pa., v.DLWorPa. " Excursion... W^illiamsport,Pa, V.DLWorPa. Williamstown,Mass,,v.N.Y.C. or W. S Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Wilmington, Ohio Winfield, Kan Wingate, N. Mex Winnebago City, Minn Winnipeg, Man Winona, Minn Winterset, Iowa Woodstock, Ont Woonsocket, Dak Wooster, Ohio Wortliington, Minn Xenia, Ohio Yankton, Dak York, Pa., via Penn. R. R Youngstown. Ohio Ypsilanti, Mich Zanesville, Ohio Zumbrota, Minn. 1st Class Unlimited. go •2 m 104 00 104 00 27 30 3 25 33 95 101 80 23 35 36 00 58 25 48 10 14 95 33 10 23 30 6 50 33 65 19 70 13 50 13 65 34 '76 43 75 30 35 28 05 29 25 32 70 31 10 .34 45 35 20 37 05 14 35 45 35 24 90 13 95 3 30 1 35 'f'so 14 50 30 15 44 65 8 39 3 25 20 00 20 35 44 70 78 .55 38 25 .52 40 35 10 37 45 45 55 16 .55 40 55 20 10 42 90 5 40 14 55 21 25 17 00 37 35 $100 75 100 75 26 00 30 '76 98 75 21 55 .32 SO 52 45 45 05 13 95 10 .50 30 40 21 50 30 40 2 27 31 45 40 50 7 50 27 10 7 70 7 85 24 80 26 00 29 45 27 85 31 20 31 95 6 95 33 80 42 '76 98 '555 i2 85 5 30 26 90 41 60 5 00 6 85 4 34 42 40 75 50 35 00 49 15 31 85 34 20 12 10 42 30 16 00 37 30 19 75 36 95 13 95 16 95 18 75 34 10 Limited Tickets. $87 .50 77 .50 22 50 27 '4.5 94 75 18 00 29 55 44 80 41 05 12 50 9 75 26 25 17 95 27 15 16 60 11 .50 11 50 28 "26 .37 25 2385 6 45 7 10 21 55 22 75 26 20 24 60 27 95 28 70 5 75 9 60 30 55 11 30 .38 30 19 85 11 95 'i'06 12 50 12 60 23 'i5 37 50 ■r'so 6 85 3 73 i6'95 17 .50 37 65 71 00 31 75 45 90 28 60 30 95 .39 05 14 Ot 34 05 17 00 36 40 i2'56 15 90 15 00 15 25 30 85 $60 50 .55 50 20 50 25*45 66 75 16 25 27 00 .36 15 3S 05 11 50 23 25 16 50 5 75 24 75 14 80 11 00 11 00 S6'26 33 35 2i'85 19 .55 20 75 24 20 22 60 25 95 26 70 28 20 .35 '36 17 50 11 00 11 00 21 15 34 50 15 45 34 65 60 00 28 25 .38 35 26 60 28 95 35 20 12 50 30 35 15 25 32 70 ii'56 15 15 12 90 13 65 27 75 This is the only Guide giviuf/ the fare to every place in the United States. The time tables in this ivork ar'e so arranged that they can he readily understood. For Telegraph Rates to all Places, see Index. 70 NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN AND HARTFORD R. R. RATES OF FARE FROM NEW YORK. Stop-Over Re&'ulatioii!^. — Passcnoland Island 38 Herzeno Vina— (Secret language prohibited) 37 Holland 33 Hungary 36 Iceland— Messages can be posted at Leith (Scotland). India— ria Eastern or Indo 131 Do rill T^ortlicin (Siberia) 3 43 Italy. Sicily, Sardinia 34 Japan— reV/ NortluTn (Sil)eria); Tsushima Island (by cable from Japan) 2 56 All other offices 2 21 Do via Eastern or Indo: Tsushima Island (bv cable from Japan) 3 27 All other offices" 2 86 Java— !•«(/ Eastern or Indo ■ 192 Do via Northern (Siberia) 2 9u Labuan Island— Messages can be posted at Singa- pore. LiUxeinbura- 31 Macassar. Celebes Island 1 92 Madagascar — Messages can be posted at Aden. Madeira Island 56 Malay Peninsula— ?;ia Eastern or Indo: Malacca 1 78 Perak 1 66 Selangor 1 88 Sun<;ie Ujong 1 88 Do.— via Northern (Siberia): Malacca 2 80 Perak 2 94 Malta 39 Mauritius!) Island— Messages can be posted at Aden or Durban. Montenegro— (Secret language prohibited) 37 New Caledonia— Messages can be posted at Sydney. New Hebrides— Messages can be posted at Sydney. Ne vir Zealand— ri« Eastern or Indo 2 82 Do t!«a Northern (Siberia) 3 74 Norway 35 Peiiang— t'J« Eastern or Indo 1 62 Do via Northern (Siberia) 2 90 Perini Island 1 17 Persia— Biishire (Persian Gulf) 86 Jask (Persian Gulf) '. 1 17 Jask, via Bombay (in case of interruption to Persian Gulf Cables) 1 41 All other offices 64 Bunder Abbas, Bassidore, Lingah.— Messages to these places can be sent by special boat from Jask. .Insert before the address and charge for the words " Express paid Jask." Extra charge for boat hire in addition to rate to Jask: To Bunder Abbas, $7.84; Bassidore and Lingah, $11.76. Code and cipher maybe accepted to Biishire, Chiraz, Ispahan, Kirkmanschah, Salmas, Tauris and Te- heran. To all other places messages must be written in French and in plain language. They will be translated at Teheran and forwarded to their dc'^tination in Persian. Pescadore Islands— Makong. Same as to China. Pliilippine I.«i«lands— ria Eastern, Indo or Northern (Siberia). Luzon. Manilla and all offices 2 46 Portugal .39 Reunion Island (Bourbon)— Messages can be posted at Aden or Durban. Rodriguez Island— Messages can be posted at Aden. Rouniania— (Secret language prohibited.) 37 Rus!lace8 in West Iiidleti« beyond ('uba. Per Word. +Cienfiiego8 $ 44 tSantiago 44 Haytl— Mole St. Nicholas 1 67 Other places 25 cts., post Mole, St. Nicholas. San Domingo 2 17 Curacao 2 25 Venezuela. La Guay ra 2 42 Other offices 2 43 ttJ am aica— Kingston and Holland Bay 1 35 **Porto Rico— San Juan 2 08 Do —Other places. St. Tliomas 2 17 St. Croix 2 22 St. Christopher or St. KItts 2 35 Antigua 2 41 Guadaloupe— Basse Terre 2 49 Do Point a Pitre 2 51 Dominica 2 55 IHartlnique— Fort de France 2 60 Do St. Pierre 2 60 St. liUeia 2 66 St. Vincent 2 73 Orenada 2 83 Barbadoes 2 84 Trinidad— Port of Spain 2 94 Do Other places 2 96 tTo the word rate to Cienfuegos add $2.25, for ten words or less and 22 cents for each word over ten. To the word rate to Santiago add $3 for ten words or less, and 30 cents for each word over ten. ttThe name of " place to" and name of the Island must be given in address, and must be counted and charged for. For messages to all places in Jamaica other than Kingston and Holland Bav collect 25 cents for twenty words, and 6 cents for each additional five or part of five words m addi- tion to the rates to Kingston. **Charge rate to San Juan, and then add 6 cents per word for all words except five in the address, " place to," and signature, which five words are sent free over Government lines in Port Rico. The name of "place to" and name of Island must be given in the address. CENTKAL. AND SOUTH AMERICA. South America : Per Word. <'oIon (Aspin^vall) $ 97 Panama 97 Deuierara (English Guiana) 3 36 Berbioe (English Guiana) 3 38 Georgetown (English Guiana) 3 36 To Central and South America via Galveston, Tex., from IVew Vork City ria Central America and South American Cables. Central America. Salvador. La Libertad $ 72 Other offices in Salvador 77 Guatemala. All offices in Guatemala 77 Honduras. All offices in Honduras 77 Nicaragua. San Juan del Sur 97 Other offices in Nicaragua 1 02 Costa Rica. All offices in Costa Rica 1 02 South America. U. S. of Columbia. Colon (Aspiuwall) $ 97 Panama 97 Buenaventura 1 09 Other Offices in U. S. of Col 1 14 Ecuador— St. Elena $1 74 Guayaquil 1 74 Ballenita. Address messages " Ballenita St. Elena " 1 84 Other Offices in Ecuador 1 84 Peru— Arequipa 2 66 Callao 183 Chancay 1 83 Chicla 1 83 Chorillos 1 72 Chosica 1 83 Huacho 183 Islay 2 66 Lima 1 72 Matuacana 1 83 MoUendo 2 44 Payta 1 89 Piura (Code and cipher accepted subject to censor- ship) 2 09 Puno 2 66 San Bartolome 1 83 San Mateo 183 Santa Clara 1 83 Supe 183 Surco 1 83 Bolivia— All offices 2 09 Chili- All offices 2 25 Argentine Republic— Buenos Ayres and all other stations 1 82 Uruguay— All offices 2 00 Paraguay— Assumpclon and all other stations 1 82 Brazil— Aracaju 1 89 Bania 1 89 Fortaleza (Ceara) 2 59 Maranham 2 .59 Maroim 1 89 Natal 1 89 Para 2 .59 Parahyba 1 89 Pernambuco 1 69 Pelotas 2 09 Rio de Janeiro 1 89 Rio Grande do Sul 2 09 Santa Catarina 2 09 Santos 2 09 Other offices north of Rio Janeiro 1 89 south " " 2 09 Examine the Index and make yourself familiar with the Contents of this Guide, Yon will find it a valuable compendium of useful infortnation. 81 CENTRAL R. R. OF NEW JERSEY. Depot foot of Liberty St., North River. For " Fares to all Places," see Index. Ticliets, etc., can be procured at the following offices: 71, 2(il, 415, 944, 1140, 1323 Broadway, 737 Sixth Avenue, 204 W. 125tU St., 132 E. 125th St. In Brooldyn : at 4 Court St., 800 Fulton St.; 98 Broadway, Williamsburg. Fare— New Yorlc to Philadelphia, $2.50, Exc, $4.00; Baltimore, $5.30, Exc., $8.00; to Washington, New ITork to Pliiladelplita, Baltimore and \l''a.sliln»-ton. 3.50, Exc, $10.00. Leavk ' Sundays Only. New York, foot Liberty street. . Bound Brook AM 4 00 5 35 6 50 AM 7 45 8 40 9 30 AM *8 30 9 26 10 12 AM 9 30 10 30 11 17 AM 11 00 11 .53 12 35 PM *1 .30 2 27 3 15 PM 2 30 3 35 4 12 5 03 5 17 5 11 5 27 5 35 PM 3 15 4 10 4 52 5 39 5 54 5 56 6 11 6 17 PM 4 00 4 53 5 33 PM *4 45 5 37 6 22 PM 5 30 6 29 7 16 PM 7 30 8 31 9 21 M'dt AM 12 00 9 30 1 19 11 03 3 40 11 54 PM 3 30 3 25 4 12 PM 6 30 7 39 Trenton Arrive 8 43 Germantown 8 30 8 45 8 40 8 55 9 03 10 00 10 35 10 26 10 42 10 50 11 25 11 40 11 27 11 41 11 49 12 25 12 40 12 26 12 42 12 51 1 31 1 46 2 00 2 15 2 23 3 59 4 14 4 25 4 41 4 50 6 08 6 24 6 33 6 .50 6 59 7 25 8 16 10 11 10 25 10 15 10 31 10 40 1 34 1 39 1 55 2 11 2 20 5 40 5 55 5 35 10 10 Chestnut Hill 7 39 8 30 8 02!8 54 8 17i9 10 8 2519 19 10 25 Manayunk Conshohocken 10 15 10 31 Norristown 10 40 Wayne Junction 8 08 8 15 8 11 8 20 9 48 9 54 10 45 9 59 10 45 10 55 11 49 11 55 1 05 1 15 3 05 1 20 1 35 4 10 5 00 PM 3 45 3 55 §4 37 4 00 4 15 6 35 7 15 PM 4 40 4 50 5 19 5 25 5 58 6 04 6 50! 7 47 7 00 7 53 9 53 9 59 10 30 10 04 PM 3 30 13 35 3 40 12 42 1 03 3 45 13 47 4 00 7 00 8 15 AM PM 4 40 4 50 9 08 Columbia Avenue 9 15 ( 3d & Berks st t 7 05 7 20 10 00 10 .55 PM 8 07 7 58 PM Phila.-^ 9th & Green St ( 24th & Chestnut st 11 00 11 15 1 40 2 30 PM 13 00 M 4 .55 5 10 7 45 8 45 PM 5 30 PM 6 09 PM 4 55 5 10 7 45 8 45 PM 9 30 Baltimore Washington AM AM PM Trains marked * run on Sundays also, t Stop on, Sunday only. § Does not stop on Sunday, t On Sundays leave Norristoivn, 6 00 p. w., Conshohocken, a 08 p. m , Manayunk, 6 2h p. m.. Chestnut Hill, 7 00 p. m., Oeninuitoivn, 7 Ih p. m. l| On SvndOT/s leave Norristown, 1055p.m., Conshohocken, 11 OSp.m., Manayunk, 1119p.m., ChestnutHill, in ko p.m., Germantown, lOSSp.rn JParlor Cars on day express trains, and Sleeping Cars on midnight trains, to and from New York. Sleeping Cars can be occupied from 10.30 P. M. to 7.00 A. M. IVASHINGTON, BALTI.^ORE AND PHIIiADEIiPHlA TO NEW YORK. Leave. i Sundays Only. W^ashington PM 10 30 11 50 3 10 * AM 5 50 AM 7 30 731 7 40 AM 8 30 8 20 8 35 8 42 AM 9 45 9 05 9 50 9 56 AM 8 00 8 38 11 05 11 20 10 30 11 25 11 35 AM 9 30 10 30 13 50 1 05 13 55 1 10 1 20 A* 11 25 13 15 3 45 3 00 PM 3 45 3 30 PM PM 3 30 3 20 5 50 5 15 6 00 ^ no PM *4 15 4 63 7 30 7 35 §7 00 7 40 7 50 PM 8 45 8 00 8 51 9 00 M'd'l * 13 (Ml Pl 40 13 00 13 14 AM 9 00 8 30 9 05 9 13 AM 9 30 10 20 13 50 1 05 "i'io 1 20 PM "> 30 Baltimore 3 90 ( 34th& Ches Philadelphia-^ 9th&Green 1 3d &Berks 5 50 6 05 5 30 3 05 3 15 3 50 5 20 6 05 3 56'5 27 6 20 6 10 Wayne Junction 3 40 6 20 Is 1° 6 40 6 49 7 05 7 15 8 00 8 06 8 15 8 10 8 30 8 45 8 54 9 10 9 31 9 44 10 00 10 07 10 21 10 45 10 .59 13 25 13 32 12 48 1 00 1 14 "ii'ib 3 00 2 55:4 35 5 20 3 04 4 44 5 28 3 20:5 00 5 43 3 15 4 35 5 20 3 39 4 50 5 .55 t6 45 +6 54 t7 10 t7 05 17 30 8 15 8 24 8 40 7 45 8 35 lill 15 !111 34 illl 38 nil .55 1I13 07 7 40 7 50 8 06 8 30 8 44 'i2'36 12 44 1 48 2 35 3 30 PM 4 30 Conshohocken 4 39 Manayunk Chestnut Hill 4 55 5 00 Germantown ...7 29 5 14 Trenton Leave . Bound Brook New York, foot Liberty st . 4 35 5 33 *6 55 AM 7 00 8 00 8 108 44 9 30 9 30 AM 1 AM 9 00 9 56 10 50 AM 10 24 11 14 12 10 PM 12 06 12 55 1 50 PM 1 45 2 35 3 30 PM 3 46 4 36 *5 30 PM 4 24 5 55 6 53 5 14 6 44 7 41 6 10 7 40 8 35 PM PM PM 8 05 9 04 *9 55 PM 10 00 11 10 13 37 M'd-t 1 35 3 10 4 50 AM 9 50 10 49 12 00 M 6 .50 7 41 8 35 PM LiAKEWOOD AND ATLANTIC CITY TRAINS. Leave Foot of Liiberty St. for liakewood and Maneliester? stopping at intermediate stations, 4 30, 8 15 a.m., 1 00. 2 30, 4 30 p. m.. due at Lakewood, 7 30, 10 42 a. m., 3 19, 4 18, 6 18 p. m., due at Manchester 7 50, 10 58 a. m., 3 36, 4 35, 6 35 p. m. For Atlantic City, 4 30 a. m., 1 00, 2 30 p. m., due at Atlantic City 10 15 a. m., 5 45, 6 15 p. m. None on Sundays. To New York. Leave Atlantic City, 8 05, 910 a. m., 4 00 p. m., due in New York 1 00, 1 00, 8 40 p. m. I-eave iVIancliester (Lakewood 13 minutes later), 7 30, 10 28, 11 00 a. m., 3 36, 6 16 p. m., due iu New York 9 37 a. m., 1 00, 1 00, 6 15, 8 40 p, m. Parlor Cars on trains leaving New York at 2 30, 4 30 p. m., Lakewood at 7 48, 11 13 a. m. Ii:L.IZABE:TIIPORT, SPRING ST., ElilXABETH, EL MORA, ROSELLE. Time from New Y'ork to Elizabeth, 32 to 45 minutes, to Roselle 43 to 53 minutes. Leave foot of Liberty St. for Elizabetb, 4 00, 6 00, 6 15, 6 45, 7 00, 715, 7 4.5, 8 30, 9 00, 9 30, 10 00, 10 15, 1100, 11 15, a. m., 13 m., 13 45, 1 00, 1 30, 3 00, 3 30, 3 00, 3 30, 3 15, 4 00, 4 15, 4 30, 4 45, 5 00, 5 15, 5 30, 5 45, 6 00, 6 15, 6 30, 6 45, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 15, 10 00, 10 45, 11 30 p. m., 1300, 13 15 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 00, 8 00, 9 00, 11 00 a. m., 12 00 m., 1 30, 3 00, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 8 00, 9 30, 10 30, p. rn. 13 night. For El Mora, 6 00, 6 15, 6 45, 7 15, 7 45, 8 30, 9 00, 9 30, 10 00, 10 15, 11 15 a. m., 12 m., 13 45, 3 00, 8 30, 3 00, 3 45, 4 15, 4 30, 4 45, 5 00, 5 15, 5 45, 6 00, 6 15, 6 30, 7 00, 7 30. 8 00, 8 ;30, 9 15, 10 00, 10 45, 1 1 30 p. m., 13 00, 13 15 night. SUNDAY S.-8 00, 9 00, 11 00 a. m.,12 m., 1 30, 3 00, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 8 00, 9 30, 10 30 p. m., 12 night. For Roselle. 4 00, 6 00, 6 15, 6 45, 7 00, 7 15, 7 45, 8 30, 9 00, 9 30, 10 00, 10 15, 11 15 a. m., 12 m., 12 45, 1 00, 200, 2 30, 3 00, 3 30, 345, 4 00, 4 15, 4 30. 4 45, 500, 5 15, 5 30, 545, 600, 6 15, 6 30, 6 45, 7 00, 7 30, 800, 8 30, 9 15, 10 00, 10 45, 11 30, p. m., 12 00, 13 15 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 00, 8 00, 9 00, 11 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 30, 3 00, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 8 00, 9 30, 10 30 p. m., 13 night. To NeAV York. Leave Roselle, 3 53, 4 58, 5 38, 6 03, 6 33, 6 53, 7 03, 7 23, 7 25, 7 53, 7 56, 8 33, 8 25, 8 40, 9 08, 9 13, 9 38, 9 58, 10 38, 11 15 a. m., 12 03, 12 53, 1 33, 1 43, 2 28, 3 13, 4 13, 4 23, 4 48, 5 15, 5 54, 6 03, 6 25, 630, 6 53, 7 24, 8 03, 9 18, 9 48, 10 33, 11 49 p. m., 12 23 night. SUNDAYS.-3 53, 8 23, 9 18, 10 08, 11 23, 11 53 a, m., 12 53, 1 47, 3 53, 3 53, 4 53, 5 38, 708, 7 53, 9 10, 9 50 p. m. ), 7 06, 7 36, 7 28, 7 55, 8 00, 8 28, 8 43, 9 16, 9 41, 10 03, 10 41, 11 18 a. m., 13 06, 12 56, 5. 6 33, 6 57, 7 37, 8 06, 9 31, 10 36, 11 52 p. m., 13 27 night. SUNDAYS.— 8 26, 9 21, Leave El Mora 5 02, 5 32, 6 06, 6 27, 6 1 3t;, 1 46, 2 31, 3 16, 4 26, 4 51, 5 31, 6 10 11, 11 5.5, a. m., 13 57, 1 50, 3 56, 3 56, 4 57, 5 41, 7 11, 7 55, 9 33 p. m Leave Elizabeth 4 00, 5 06, 5 35, 6 10, 6 30, 7 00, 7 10, 7 30, 7 33, 7 48, 8 00, 8 03, 8 20, 8 30, 8 32, 8 47, 8 57, 9 15, 9 20, 9 45, 10 05, 10 19, 10 45, 11 03, 11 22, 11 40, a. m. 13 10, 13 47, 1 00, 1 30, 1 50, 3 35, 3 48, 3 15, 3 20, 4 20, 4 30, 4 55, 5.25, 5 39, 6 00, 6 10, 6 30, 6 37, 7 00, 7 09, 7 30, 8 10, 8 54, 9 13, 9 35, 9 55, 10 40, 11 55, p. m. 13 30 night. SUNDAYS .—4 00, 8 30, 9 35, 10 15, 11 38, a. m. 12 m., 1 00, 1 55, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, 5 45, 7 15, 7 35, 8 00, 9 25, 10 00 p. m. 83 CENTRAL R. R. OF NEW JERSEY-Continued. CRANFORD, AVESTFIELD, FAN WOOD (Sootcli Plains). NETHERWOOD, PLAINFIEL.D GRANT AVENUE, EVONA, I>UNEL,L,EN. Time from 'Sew York to Cranford, about 50 minutes ; to Plainfield, about 1 hour. Leave foot of L,iberty St. for Cranford 4 00, 6 00. r 00, 8 30, 9 00, 10 15 a. m., 1 00, H 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 15, 5 30, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p. m., 12 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 00, 9 00, a. m., 13 m., 1 .30, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 930 p. m. 12 night. For Westfleld and Fan wood 4 OO, 6 00, 7 00, 8 30, 9 00. 10 15, a. m., 1 00, 2 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 15, 5 30, 6 00, 6 30- 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p. m., 13 night, SUI^DAYS.— 5 00, 9 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 30, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 9 30 p. m., 12 night. For Netlierwood, 6 00 7 00, 9 00, 10 15 a. m., 1 00, 2 30, 3 30. 4 00. 4 30, 5 00, 5 30, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p. m., 13 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 (XI, 9 00, a. m., 12 m., 1 30. 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 9 30, p. m., 12 night. For Plainfield, 4 00, 6 00, 7 00, 8 30, 9 00. 10 15. 11 00 a. m., 1 00, 1 30. 2 30, 330, 345,4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 15, 5 30, 5 45, C 00, 6.30, 7 00- 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p. m., 12 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 00, 9 00, a. m., 12 m., 1 30, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 9 30 p. m., 12 night. For Grant Avenue, 6 00, 7 00, 9 00, 10 15 a.m., 2 30, 3 30, 4 30, 5 00, 5 30, 6 00, 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p.m., 12 night. SUN- DAYS.— 9 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 30, 4 00. 6 30, 9 30 p. m., 12 night. For Evona, 4 00, 6 00, 7 00, 9 00, 10 15 a. m.. 2 30, 3 .30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 .30, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p. m., 12 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 00, 9 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 30, 4 tX), 5 30, 6 30, 9 30 p. m., 12 night. For Dunelleu, 4 00. 6 00, 7 00, 8 30, 9 00, 10 15 a. m., 1 00. 2.30, 3 -30, 400, 4 .30, 5 00, 5 15. 5 30, 5 45, G 00. 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11.30 p.m., 12 night. SUNDAYS.— 5 00, 9 00, a. m., 12 m., 1 30, 4 00, 5 30, 6 30, 9 30 p. m., 12 night. To New tork. Leave Diinellen, 3 18. 5 35, 6 20, 6 50, 7 20, 7 50, 8 08. 8 23, 8 .30, 9 29, 10 31, 11 34 a. m., 1 14, 2 19, 3 43, 5 24, 5 58, 6 25, 6 55, 8 39, 9 10, 11 22 p. m. SUNDAYS.-3 18, 7 53, 849, 10 57, 11 25 a. m., 1 20, 3 23, 5 08, 7 20, 9 15 p. m. Leave Evona, 5 38, G 23, 6 5S, 7 23, 7 .53, 8 11, 8 26, 9 3J>, 11 36 a. m., 1 16, 3 46, 5 27, 6 27, 6 57, 8 42, 11 24 p. m. SUNDAYS.— 7 56, 8 ,52, 11 28 a. m., 1 23. 3 20. 5 11, 7 23, 9 IS p. m. Leave Grant Avenue, 5 40, 6 25, 6 55, 7 26, 756, 8 13, 6 29, 9 34, 11 33 a. m., 1 18, 3 48, 5 29, 6 29, 6 59, 11 26 p. m. SUN- DAYS.— 7 58, 8 .54, 11 29 a. m., 1 24, 3 28, 5 13, 725 p. m. Leave Plainfield, 3 27, 5 4.3, 6 29, 6 .59, 7 26, 7 30, 7 58, 8 00, 8 17, 8 33, 8 37, 9 37, 10 37, 11 25, 11 42 a. m., 13 32, 1 21, 2 35, 2 57, 3 51, 5 24. 5 32, 6 05, 6 32, 6 54, 7 03, 8 47, 9 18, 11 28 p. ra. SUNDAYS.-3 27, 8 01, 8 57, 11 03, 11 32 a. m., 1 27, 3 30, 5 16, 7 20, 7 28, 9 23 p. m. Leave Netherwood, 3 .30, 6 32, 7 02, 7 33, 8 01, 8 03, 8 20, 836, 9 40, 11 45 a. m., 1 24, 3 5:3, 5 35, 6 35, 7 06, 8 50, 9 33, 11 31 p. m. SUNDAYS.— 3 30, 8 04, 9 00, 11 34, a. m., 1 29. 3 34, 5 19, 7 31, 9 37 p. m. Leave Fan wood. 3 33, 5 48, 6 36, 7 06, 7 37, 8 07, 8 34. 8 43, 9 43, 10 43, 11 48 a. m., 1 28, 2 30, 3 56, 5 39, 6 10, 6 33, 7 09, 8 53, 9 26, 11 34 p. m. SUNDAYS.— 3 33,8 07, 9 03, 1108, 1137 a. m., 1 32,3 ,37, 5 22, 734, 9 31 p. m. Leave ^Vestfleld, 3 40, 5 .5.3, 6 41, 7 11, 7 42, 8 12. 8 29, 84;3, 8 52, 9 48, 10 48, 11 53 a. m., 1 3.3, 2 .3.5, 4 01, 5 44, 6 15, 6 43. 7 14, 8 58, 9 32, 11 .39 p. m. SUNDAYS.— 3 40, 8 13, 9 08, 11 13, 11 43 a. m., 1 37, 3 42, 5 27, 7 40, 9 37 p. m. Leave Cranford, 3 46,5 58, 6 47, 7 17. 7 47, 8 17, 8 34,9 00, 9.53, 105.3, 11 58, a. m., 1 38. 2 40, 407, 5 49, 6 20, 648. 7 19, 90.3, 9 38, 11 44 p. m. SUNDAYS.-3 46, 8 18, 9 13, 11 17, 11 47a. m., 1 43. 3 48, 5 3.3, 7 4.5, 9 43 p. m. NEWARK AND NEW YORK BRANCH. Stations.- Lafayette. .Jackson Avenue, West Bergen, E. Ferry St., Ferry St., Broad St. Time from New York to Broad St., Newark, 32 minutes. Leave foot of I^ibertv St. for Newark at 5 00, 5 30, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 7 15, 7 45, 8 15, 8 SO, 9 00, 9 15, 9 45, 10 15, 10 45, 11 1? a m 12 00 noon 12 45 1 15, 2 00, 2 30. 3 00, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 15, 5 30, 5 45, 6 00, 6 15, 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8 15, 9 00, 9 45 10 30, 11 15 p. m:: 12 00 night. SUNDAY : 8 00, 9 00, 10 00, 11 00 a. m. ; 12 00 noon ; 1 00, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, 6 30, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00, 11 00 p. m.; 12 00 night. Leave Broad St. (Newark), for New York at 4 40. 5 20, 5 50. 6 25 6 50,7 05. 7 35 7 52, 8 10, 8 -W 9 03 9 32. 9 f. 10 05 10 35, 11 05 11 35 a m • 12 20 1 05 1 35. 3 01, 3 45, 3 30, 3 50, 4 20, 4 50. 5 30, 5 43, 6 05, 6 35, 6 .55, 7 20, 7 50, 8 25, 9 10, 9 .55, 10 50; 11 20 p. m. ; 12 05, 12 40 night. SUNDAY : 8 00, 9 00, 10 00, 11 00 a. m. ; 12 00 m. ; 1 00, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00, 11 00 p. m. COMMUNIPAW, CLAREinONT, GREENVIL,I.E. PAillRAPO, BAYONNE, CENTREVILLE, BERGEN POINT. Time from New York to Bergen Point, 26 to 32 minutes. Leave foot of Ijiberty St. For Berg-en Point only, 7 00 a. m.; 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 30 p. m. For Berg-en Pointandall stations excepting Claremont, 6 00 a. m.; 3 30, 3 45, 8 00, 830 p.m.; Sundays, 12 00 night. For Bero-en Point and all Stations. 6 1.5, 6 45. 7 15, 7 45. 8 30, 9 00, 9 30, 10 00, 10 15, 10 30, 1115 a. m.; 12 00 m - 12 45 2 00 3 0) 4 15, 4 4.5, 5 15, 5 30, 5 45. 6 00, 6 15. 6 30, 6 45, 7 30, 915, 1000, 10 45, 1130 p. m.; 1215 night. Sundays: 8 00, 9 00, 1100 a.m.: 12 00 m.; 130, 3 00, 4 00, 5 30, 630, 800, 930, 1030 p. m. For Coniniunipaw, Greenville, Bayonne and Bergen Point only, 4 00 a.m.; Sundays, 5 00 a. ni. For Greenville and Bergen Point only, 7 00 p.m. To Ne«' Y'ork. Time from Bergen Point to New York, about 30 minutes. Leave Bergen Point, 4 15, 5 20, 5 48, 6 23, 6 48, 7 13. 7 23, 745, 7 47, 8 16, 8 27. 8 45, 8 59, 9 39, 9 33, 9 57, 10 17, 10 58, 11 .36 a m 13 33 1 13, 1 43, 2 02 2 48, 3 33, 4 33, 4 43, 5 08, 5 38, 6 12, 6 23, 6 42, 6 .50, 7 11, 7 42, 8 23, 8 50, 9 25, 9 38, 10 09, 10.53 p. m.; 12 07, 12 44 night. SUNDAYS: 4 15, 8 43, 9 37, 10 28, 1138 a. m.; 12 1:3, 113, 2 03, 3 13, 4 13, 5 13, 5 51, 5 58, 7 29, 8 13, 9 38, 10 13 p. m. Le^ve Centreville, 4 18, 5 23, 5 51, 626, 6 51, 7 26, 7 48, 8 19, 8 43, 9 36, 10 00, 10 20, 11 01, 11 .38. a. m.; 12 25. 1 16, 1 45, 2 51, 3 36 4 45, 5 10 5 *1, 6 26, 6 .53, 7 -M, 8 26. 8 52, 9 41, 10 11, 10 55, p. m. ; 12 09, 12 48, night. SUNDAYS, 4 18, 8 45, 9 .39, 10 .30, a. m. ; 12 15, 1 15, 2 11, 3 16, 4 16, 5 15, 6 01, 7 32, 8 16, 9 41, 10 16 p. m. Leave Bayonne, 4 21, 5 25,5 .53. 6 28, 6 53, 7 16.7 28. 7 51, 831, 8 50. 9 .39, 10 02, 10 22, 11 0.3 11 40 a. m.; 12 27 118, 147, 2 07 253 3 .39 4 48 5 12 5 42 6 29. 6 56. 7 15, 7 46, 8 28, 8 55, 9 43, 10 13, 10 57, p. m. ; 12 12, 12 50 night. SUNDAYS, 4 21, 8 48; 9 4l', 10 32, a. m. ; 13 17, 1 13, 2 13. 3 18, 4 18, 5 18, 6 04, 7 35, 8 18, 9 43, 10 18 p. m. Leave Pamrapo, 4 25,5 28. 556,6.31, 6 56, 7 19, 731, 7 .53, 8 24, 8 53. 9 42 10 05, 11 43 a. m: 12 29 1 21 150, 2 10, 2 56, 3 42 4 38, 4 sr 5 14. 5 45, 6 17, 6 32, 6 59, 7 17, 7 49, 8 31, 8 58, 9 46,H0 16, 11 00 p. m. ; 13 14, 12 53, night. SUNDAYS, 4 2o, 8.51,9 44, 10 35, a.m.; 12 21, 121.3 16, 3 21,4 21,5 31, 6 06,7 38,8 21,9 46, 10 21p.m. Leave Greenville. 4 28, 5 30, 5 59, 6 34, 6 59, 7 23, 7 34,7 47. 7 56, 8 27, 8 55, 9 45, 10 08, 10 28, 11 08, 11 46 a.m. ; 13 32, 1 24, 1 52 3 13, 2 59 3 44 4 41, 4 54, 5 16, 5 48, 6 20, 6 35, 7 02, 7 19, 7 52, 8 .34, 9 01, 9 31, 9 48, 10 19, 11 02 p. m. ; 13 17, 12 55 night. SUN- DAYS, 4 28, 8 54, 9 46, 10 38 a. m. ; 12 34, 1 24, 2 19, 3 24, 4 24, 5 24, 6 09, 7 42, 8 24, 9 49, 10 24 p. m. LeaveClaremont, 4 31, 5.33, 602, 6 37, 7 03, 7 37, 7 59, 8 30, 8 58, 948, 1011, 1111, 11 49 a. m.; 12 35, 127, 155, 301, 3 47, 4 57, 5 19! 551, 6 38 705, 8 37, 9 01, 9 51, 10 21, 11 05 p. m.;' 12 57 night. SUNDAYS, 4 31, 8 57, 9 49, 10 41 a. m. ; 12 27, 1 27, 2 22, 3 27, 4 27, 5 27, 6 12, 7 45, 8 27, 8 52 p. m. Leave Conimunipaw, 4 34, 5 35, 6 05, 6 39, 7 05, 7 -39, 8 01, 8 32, 9 00, 9 50, 10 13. 11 1:3. 11 51 am ; 12 37 1 29, 1 .08, 3 03 3 50, 4 59, 5 -22 5 53, 6 40, 7 07, 8 40, 9 06, 9 54, 10 24, 11 08 p. m.; 12 22, 12 59 night. SUNDAYS, 4 34, 8 59, 9 51, 10 43 a. m.; 12 29, 1 29, 2 24, 3 29, 4 29, 5 29, 6 14, 7 48, 8 29, 9 54, 10 29 p. m. 8a CENTRAL R. R. OF NEW JERSEY-Continued. AL,LF>TO^VlV L.INE. Leave foot of l.iberty St. for Reading and Harrii^bur*;, 4 UO. 8 30 a. in., 1 00, 5 45 p. m. JSundays, 5 30 p. m. Due al Reading, 10 00 a. m., 1 "25, 6 00, 10 2i [). ni. Sundays, 10 2:i p. m.; due at Harrisbnrg, 2 00, 3 10, 8 30 p. m. ; U 10 uight. Sundays, Vi 10 ni<;ht. For Pottsville, 4 00, 8 30 a. ni., 1 00 p. m. ; due at Pottsville, 11 35 a.m., 5 51, 7 15 p. m. To INew Vork. Leave Harrisbnrg', 5 10 a. m., 1 35 p. m. Leave Pottsville, 5 50 a. m., 3 15 p. m. Leave Reading-, 7 15 a. in., 3 30 p. m. ; due in New York, 3 30, 9 50 p. in. SOUTH RRANCH R. R. Stations: Sotnerville, Ricefleld, Flaglown, Neshanic, Woodfein, Three Bridges, Flemington. Leave foot of I^iberty St. for Fleinliigtoii and intermediate stations, 7 00, 8 30a. m., 100,4 30,5 00 p.m., Sundays, 4 00 p. in. ; due at Fleiningtoa 9 30, 11 10 a. m., 3 30. 30, 730 p. m. Sundays, 6 35 p. m. To New York. Leave Fleuiliigtoii. (5 55, 9 35 a. m., 1 10, 4 35, 6 50 p. m. Sundays, 8 00 p. m., due in New York, 8 53, 11 37 a. m., 3 30, 7 07, 9 50 p. m. Sundays, 10 45 p. m. ROUND BROOK & so]tix:rvill.i<: trains. Leave foot of l,iberty St. for Somerville, stoppinir at Bound Brook, 4 00, 7 00, 8 30, 9 00, 10 15 a. m., 1 00, 3 30, *3 45, 4 30, 5 00, 5 45. 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 8 30, 10 00, 11 30 p. m. SUNDAYS, 5 W, 9 00 a.m., 1 30, 4 00, 5 30, 9 30 p. m. Arrive Somervllle, 5 40, 8 34, 9 4.5, 10 40 a. m. ; 13 07, 2 27, 4 30, 4 53, 5 40, 5 58, C 38, 7 00, 7 35, 7 55, 8 38, 10 10, 11 40 p. m., 1 10 night. SUNDAY'S, 6 40, 10 40 a. m., 3 10, 5 40, 7 01, 11 10 p. m. * Does not stop at Bound Brook. To Netv York. Leave Somervllle (leave Bound Brook 8 minutes later), 00, (3 30, 7 30, 7 25, 7 35, 7 48, 8 26, 9 10, 10 15, 11 15 a. m , 12 55, 2 00. 3 35, 5 00, 5 40, 8 15. 8 40, 11 05 p. m. SUNDAYS, 8 30, 1 1 05 a. m. ; 1 00, 4 .50, 7 00, 8 50 p. m. Arrive in New York, 7 40, 8 05, 8 30, 9 03, 8 53, 9 35, 9 30, 10 50. 11 37 a. m., 12 55, 2 32, 3 20, 5 00, 6 40, 7 01, 9 50, 10 40 p. m., 13 37 night. SUNDAY'S, 10 05 a. rn., 13 45, 2 40, 6 30, 8 45, 10 45 p. m. HIGH RRIDGE BRANCH. German Valley, Ckester, Dover, Roekaway, Seliooley's ITIountaiii, Budd's Uake &: Lake Hopatcong. Stations: High Bridge, Califon, Vernoy, Middle Valley, German Valley, Chester Furnace, Chester, Naughrigh, Bartley, Flanders, Cary's. Drakesville, Kenvil, Hopatcong Junction, Morris Co. Junction, Minnisink, Lake Hopatcong, Hurd, Weldon, Ford, Ogden, Port Oram, Dover, Roekaway. Leave foot of Liberty St., at *4 00. 8 30 a. m., 4 30 p. m.; due at German Valley, 8 32, 10 42 a. m., 6 40 p. m.; due at Chester, 8 53, 11 00 a. m., 6 56 p. m.; due at Lake Hopatcong, 11 36 a. m., 7 35 p. m. (the *4 00 a. m. train from N. Y. con- nects for Lake Hopatcong on Mondays only) ; due at Roekaway, 9 25, 11 30 a. m., 7 23 p. m. To New York. Leave Roekaway, 6 .35 a. m., 3 40, 5 37 p. m.; due in New York, 9 30 a. m., 7 07, 9 .50 p. m. Leave Lake Hopatcong, 6 35 a. m., 5 10 p. m., Saturday, about 3 p. m.; due in New York, 9 30 a. m., 9 .50 p. m., Saturday, 7 07 p.m. Leave Kenvil, 6 .55 a. m.,401, 6 00 p. m., Sunday, 5 10 p. m.; due in NewY'ork, 9 30 a. m.,707, 9 50 p. m., Sunday, 10 45 p. m. Leave Cliester, 7 05 a.m., 4 10, 6 15 p. m.. Sunday, 6 15 p. in.; due in New York. 9 .30 a. m., 7 07, 9 50 p. m., Sunday, 10 45 p.m. Leave German Valley, 7 33 a. m., 4 39, 6 40 p. m., Sunday, 6 35 p. m.; due in New York, 9 30 a. m., 7 07, 9 .50 p. m., Sun- day, 10 45 p. m. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. For *' Fares to all Places," See Index. Leave Foot of Liberty St., for Pliilllpsburg, Faston, Retlileltem, Allento^vn, Siegfried and Maucli Cliunk, stopping at intermediate stations, 4 00, 7 00, 8 30, a. m., 100, 3 45, 5 45, p. m.; due at Easton, 7 14, 10 10, 10.53 a. m., 3 45, 5 57, 8 17 p. m.; due at Bethlehem, 7 40, 10 44, 11 13 a. m., 4 12,6 19, 8 39 p. m.; due at Allentowu, 7 51, 11 00, 11 30 a. ra., 4 30, 6 29, 8 48 p. m.; due at Miuch Chunk, 9 00 a. m., 13 0.5, 12 10, 5 40, 7 2.5, 9 50 p. m. Leave foot of Liberty St., for White Haven, "Wilkes Barre and Scranton, 8 30 a.m., 3 45 p. m.; due at White Haven, 1 06, 8 40 p. m. ; due at Wilkes Barre. 2 15, 9 50 p. m.; due at Scranton, 3 05, 10 40 p. in. To New York. Leave Scranton, 7 50 a. m., 300 p.m.; leave TVilkes Barre. 8 40 a.m., 3 35 p. m.; leave Wbite Haven, 1005 a. m., 4 34 p. m., stopping at intermediate stations; due in New York, 3 20, 9 50 p. m. Leat'elTIaueli Cliunk, 5 45, 7 13,1102 a. m., 2 35, 520 p.m.; leave Allentown, 6 48, 814a.m., 12 02, 341, 621p.m.; leave Betlilelieiii, 6 58, 8 36 a. ni., 13 11. 3 51, 6 31 p. m.; leave Faston (Phillipsburg 3 minutes later), 7 23, 8 57 a. m., 12 40, 4 15, 7 00 p. m.; due in New Y'ork, 9 .30, 11 37 a. in., 3 30. 7 07, 9 50 p. m. LFHIGH AND LACKAWANNA R. R. Leave foot of Liberty St., for Cliapinan Cluarries, Pen-Argyl and Bangor, stopping at intermediate sta- tions, 7 00 a. m., 3 45 p. m.; due at Chapman Quarries, 11 30 a. m., 7 13 p.m.; due at Pen-Argyl, 12 noon, 7 48 p. m.; due at Bangor, 12 10, 8 05 p. m. To NewT York.— Leave Bangor, 6 50 a. m., 4 40 p. m. Leave Pen-.Argyl, 7 01 a. m., 4 51 p. m. Leave Cliapnian Quarries, 7 34 a. m., 5 23 p. m.; due in New Y'ork, 11 .37 a. m., 9 50 p. m. Also leave Pen-Argyl on Saturdays, 12 40 noon; due in New Y'ork, 7 07 p. m. NESCOPEC BRANCH. Leave foot of Liberty St., for Upper Leliiglt and intermediate stations, 8 30 a. m.; due at Upper Lehigh, 2 10 p. m. Leave Upper Leliigli, 7 13 a. m., 3 45 p. m.; arrive in New York, 3 30, 9 .50 p. m. TAMAQUA BRANCH. Leave foot of Liberty St., for Tamaqua, Pottsville, MaUanoy City, Shamokin, 8 30 a.m., 3 45 p.m.; due at Tamaqua, 1 00, 8 20 p. m.; due at Pottsville, 2 35, 9 05 p. m.; due at Mahanoy City, 2 03, 9 51 p. m.; due at Shamo- kin, 3 30, 1100 p. m. For W^illlamsport, 8 30 a. m. ; arrive at 5 57 p. m. To New York. Leave Williamsport, 9 00 a. m., 11 .35 a. m. ; arrive New Y'ork, 7 05, 9 50 p. m. Leave Sbamokin, 4 56, 6 40, 11 32 a. m., 2 10 p. m. Arrive New Y'ork, 11 .35 a. m., 3 20, 7 05, 9 50 p. m. Leave Pottsville, 5 45, 7 50 a. m, 12 40 p. m. Arrive New York, 11 37 a. m., 3 20, 7 07 p. m. Leave Tamaqua, 6 38, 8 35 a. m., 1 45, 4 25 p. m. Arrive New York, 11 .35 a. m., 3 20, 7 05, 9 50 p. m. DRIFTON BRANCH. Leave foot of Liberty St., for Drifton and intermediate stations, 3 45 p. m.; due at Drifton, 9 05 p. m. To New York.— Leave Drifton, 5 50 a. m.; due in New Y'ork, 11 37 a. m. NANTICOKE BRANCH. Leave foot of Liberty St., for Wanamie and intermediate stations, 8 30 a. m.; on Saturdays, 3 45 p. m.; due at Wanamie, 4 20 p. m.; on Saturdays, 11 40 p. m. To New York.— Leave Wanamie, 8 25, 11 05 a. m. ; due in New Y'ork, 3 20, 9 50 p. m. 84 NEW JERSEY SOUTHERN DIVISION-C. R. R. of N. J.-Continued. Distances, Stations and Fares— Single and Excursion. Fares Fares M. Stations. Single, Exc. M. Stations. Single. Exc. New Yorlv 39 Manchester . . $1.7€- ii|;2.75 18 Red Banli... ..$1.00- p. 50 45 Whitings . 1.85- 3.25 16 Slirewsbury. . 1.00- 1.50 .50 Wheatland . . . 1.95- 3.55 15 Eatontown . .. l.(X)- 1.50 53 Woodmansie. . 2.05- 3.70 17 Pine Brook.. .. 1.05- 1.60 58 Shamong .. 2.25- 3.95 X!l Shark River. .. 1.20- 1.80 61 Harris . 2.35- 3.95 24 Farmingdale .. 1.30- .. 1.35- 2.00 2.05 69 Atsion . 2.60- .. 2.70- 4 00 26 Squankiim . . 71 Parkdale 4.00 32 Lakewood... . 1.45- 2.35 76 Elm .. 2.75- 4.00 35 White's .. 1.65- 2.55 78 Winslow June .. 2.80- 4.00 M. Stations. Sing Egg Harbor .... $3. Atlantic City... 3. 78 Winslow 2, 84 Cedar Lake 3. 88 Laudisville... . 3, 90 Wheat Road.... 3 92 Main Avenue . . 3 94 Vineland 3, 97 Bradway 3 100 Rosenhayu... 3 Fares ;le, Exc. :i6-$4.64 25- 4.75 85- 4.10 .00- 4.40 .15- 4.65 .20- 4.75 .25- 4.75 .25- 4.75 .25- 4.95 .25- 5.20 Fares M. Stations. Single, Exc. 103 Woodruffs $3.25-$5.25 104 Bridgeton June. 106 Bridgeton 108 Bowentowu.. . Ill Sheppard's Mills 113 Greenwich 114 Bacon's Neck. 116 Bay Side 3.25- 3.35- 3.45- 3.50- 3.55- 3.60 5.25 5.40 5.55 5.60 5.70 5.75 L.AKli\VOOD, ATI.A1VTIC CITY, VINEIiAND, BRIDGETON, BAYSIDE. Ijcave foot of lilberty Street : For Red Bank, Iiake^vood and Manchester, stopping at intermediate stations, 4 30,8 15 a. m., 1 00, t2 30, 4 30 p. m. Arrive Manchester, 7 50, 10 58 a. m., 3 36, t4 35, 6 35 p. m. f Atlantic City Express. For Atlanlio f'ily and intermediate stations, 4 30 a. m. 1 00, t2 30 p. m. Arrive Atlantic City, 10 15 a. m. 5 45, 16 15 p. m. iAUanti ■ C'll;/ /■.'.I'/z/Vfis. For Vinelaiuli Ki-idgeton, Bayslde and intermediate stations, 4 30 a. m., 1 00 p. m. Arrive Vineland, 9 47 a. m., 5 35 p. m.; arrive Bridgeton, 10 17 a. m., 6 10 p. m.; arrive Bayside, 10 48 a. m., 6 43 p. m. Trains! to INew York. Leave Bayside. stopping at intermediate stations, 7 15 a. m., 3 00 p. ni.; leave Bridgeton. 7 50 a. m., 3 35 p. m.; leave Vineland, 8 24 a. m., 4 06 p. m. ; leave \Vin!>>low. 8 58 a. m., 4 42 p. m. Arrive foot of Liberty Street, New York. 1 00, 8 40 p. m. Leave Atlantic City, stopping at intermediate stations. 8 05. t9 10 a. m., 4 00 p. m.; leave Atsion, 9 28, tlO 10 a. m., 5 20 p. m. Arrive New York, 1 00, tl 00, 8 40 p. m. i Atlantic Citij Express. Leave Mancliestcr (leave Lakewood 13 minutes later), 7 30, 10 28, til 00 a. m., 3 36, 6 16 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 37 a. m., 1 (XI, +1 1X1, 6 15, 8 40 p. m. i Atlantic City Express. Leave Farinln^^dalc, 8 00, 10 58 a. m., 4 10, 6 45 p. m.; leave Eatontown (Shrewsbury 4 minutes laterl, 8 14, 11 18 a. m. 4 30, 7 04 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 37 a. ni., 1 00, 6 15, 8 40 p. ni. Leave Red Bank, 8 22, 11 28, 11 45 a. m., 4 40, 7 13 p. m. Arrive New Y'ork, 9 37 a. m., 1 00, 1 00, 6 15, 8 40 p. m. TRAINS TO TOMS RIVER, BARNEGAT, ETC. Stations, Distances and Fares— Single and Excursion. Manchester 5 Germania 7 Appollonio .. B1.85-$3.00 1.90- 3.(K) 8 Toms River . . . 12 BarnegatPark. 14 Cedar Creek. . . 51.90-S3.00 I 16 Forked River. . .$2.20- 2.(10- 3.25 17 Ostrom. . . 2.20- 2.10- 3.35 1 53.45 I 20 Waretown $2.25-$3.65 3.50 23 Baruogat 2.35- 3.80 licave loot of I ESSEX DIVISION. Stations, Distances and Fares — Single and Excursion. M Hoboken 7 Harrison 20c-30c 8 Newark 20c-30c QRoseville 20c-30c 10 Grove St 25c-45c East Orange 26c-50c 11 Brick Church 28c-50c Orange 30c-50c 12 Highland A v 35c-55c 13 Mountain Station.. 38c-65c 14 South Orange 40c- .65 15 Maplewood 4oc- .70 16 Wyoming 50c- .75 17Mllburn i50c- .80 18 Short Hills 55c- .85 19 Huntly 55c- .85 20 Summit 55c- .85 22 N. Providence 60c- .95 23 Chatham 85c-$1.00 20 Madison 70c- 1.10 28 Convent 30 Morristown.... 32 Morris Plains . 36 Mount Tabor. . 37 Denville .75-$!. 15 .80- 1.25 .90- 1.35 .00- 1.40 1.05- 1.50 .55 Waterloo 60 Hackettstown . 66 Port Murray. . 70 Washington.. . 75 Broadway 79 Stewartsville. . 84 Phillipsburg... 85 Easton .. .$1.65- . 1.70- . 1.70- . 1.70- . 1.85- . 2.00- . S.05- .. 2.10- 12.25 2.45 2.75 2.85 3.05 3.20 3.25 3.30 t Does not stop at Moimt 38 Rockaway 1.1.5- 1.60 42 Dover 1.25- 1.75 47 Drakesville . . . . 1.40- 1.95 Hopatcong 1.45- 2.05 51 Stanhope 1.55-2.10 * Leave Christopher St. same time as Barclay >^t. t Express train, makes no intermediate stops. Tabor. % Doc not stop at Drakesville or Waterloo. Iieave foot of Barclay St. (leave foot of Christopher St. 5 minutes later). For Harrison, 30, 7 30, 9 20 a. m., 1 30, 3 10, 6 10, *7 00, *8 30, *10 00, *10 45, 11 30 p. m., 12 night. Arrive Harrison in 31 minutes. For NcAvark, 6 30, 7 00, 7 20, 7 30, 8 00, 8 10, 8 30, 9 10, 9 20. 9 30, 10 10, 10 30. 11 10, 11 30 a. m.. 1200 m., and 12 10. 12 30, 1240. 1 30, 2 1(1, 2 30. 3 10, 3 30, 3 40, 4 00, 4 30, 4 40. 5 00, 5 10, 5 20. 5 30, 5 50. 6 00. C 10, 6 20, *6 30, *7 00, *8 00, *8 30, *9 00, *10 00, =^10 45. 11 30 and 12 00 p. ni. Arrive Newark in 33 minutes. For Orange tall stations), Mountain Station and South Orange. 6 30, 700 (7 20 to Orange Station and South Orange), 7 30, 8 00, 8 30 (9 10 to Orange Station), 9 20, K) 10, 11 10 a. m., 12 U), 12 40, 1 30, 2 30, 3 IC, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30 (4 50 to Orange Station, Highland Ave., Mountain Station and South Orange), 5 00. 5 20 (5 40, except Grove St.), 5 50 (6 00 to Brick Church and Orange Sfn), 6 10, *6 30. *7 (X), *8 00, *8 30. *9 00. *10 00, *]0 45. 11 30 p. ni., 12 00 night. Arrive at Roseville Ave. in 38 minutes ; Grove St., 40 minutes ; East Orange, 42 minutes ; Brick Church, 44 minutes ; Orange Station, 47 minutes: Highland Avenue, 50 minutes ; Mountain Station, 53 minutes; South Orange, 55 minutes. For Maplewood. Wyoming. Mllburn and Sliort Hills, (7 20, Milburn only), 7.30, 8 30, 10 10, 11 10 a. m., 1 30> 2 30, 4 00, 4 30, (5 20, Milburn & Short Hills). 5 40. (6 00, Milburn & Short H.), 6 10, *6 30, *8 00, *9 00, *10 00 p. m. Arrive Mllburn in 1 hour. Short Hills 1 hour, 7 minutes. For Huntiy. 7 30, 10 10 a. m., 4 30, 5 40 p. m., arrive in 1 hour, 10 minutes. For Summit, 7 20, 7 30, 8 30, 9 10, 10 10. 11 10 a. m.. 12 m.. (1 20 on Saturdays only), 1 30, 2 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00. 5 20, 5 40. 6 00, 6 10. *6 30, *8 00, *9 00, *10 00 p. m., (12 night Wed. only). Arrive Summit, in 1^ hours. For New Providence, 7 30, 9 10, 10 10 a. m., 2 30, 4 30, 5 20, 600, *6 30, *8 00 p. m., (12 night Sat. only). For Chatham, 7 20, 7 30, 9 10, 10 10, 11 10 a. m., 12 m., (1 20 Sat. only), 2 30, 3 30. 4 30. 5 20, 6 00, *6 30, *8 00, *10 00 p. m., (12 night Sat. only). Arrive Chatham in \}i hours. For Madison, 7 20, 9 10, 10 10, 11 10 a. m.. 12 m., (1 20 Sat. only). 2 30. 3 30, 4 00. 4 30, 5 00, 5 20. 6 00, *6 30, *8 00, *10 00 p. m. (12 niglit Sat. only). Arrive Madison 1 Iiour, 20 minutes. For Convent (Signal Station), 7 20, 9 10, 10 10. II 10 a. m., 2 30, 4 30, 5 20, 6 00, *6 30, *8 00, *10 00 p. m.. (12 night Sat. only). Arrive Convent in 1 hour 25 minutes. For Morristown, 7 20. 9 10, 10 10, 11 10 a. m.. 12 m., (1 20 Sat. only). 2 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 20, 6 00, *6 30, *8 00, *10 00 p. m.. (12 night Sat. only). Arrive Morristown in \]4 hours. For Dover, stopping at Morris Plains, Mt. Tabor, Denville and Rockaway, t7 20, 7 20, t9 00, 9 10, 10 10 a. m., 12 00 m., tl 00, i3 30, t4 10, 4 30, t5 20, t*7 00, *8 00, +*9 00 p. m., Sundays t*9 00 p. m. Arrive at Dover— tExpress trains in l^ hours; accommodation trains in 2 hours. For Hackcttstow^n and intermediate stations, 7 20, +9 00 a. m., 12 00 m., §1 00, 3 30, 4 10, 5 20, »f7 00, *t9 00 p. m. Sundays, *t9 00p. m. Arrive in 2 hours. For Port Murray, 7 20 a. m., 12 m., 3 30 p.m. Arrive in 2^^ hours. For Washington, 7 20. 9 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 00, 3 30, 4 10, *7 00, *9 00 p. m. Sundays, *9 00 p. m. Arrive in 2^4 to 3 hours. For Easton, stopping at Broadway. Stewartville and Phillipsburg, 7 20 a. m., 1 00, 4 10 p. m. Arrive Easton, 10 52a. m., 3 40, 7 05 p. m. To New York. Leave Easton, 7 15 a. m., 1 00, 7 OS p. m. Arrive Kew York, 10 25 a. m., 4 35, 10 50 p. m. Leave Washington, 4 40. 5 10, 7 25, 7 44, 10 25 a. m.. 12 42, 1 38, 3 50, 6 48, 7 30, 41 p. m. Sundays, 4 40, 5 10, 7 25 a. m., Sundays, 4 59.529, 7 43 7 30 p. m. Arrive N ew York in 2 to 3 hours. Leave Hackettstown, 4 59, 5 29, 6 55, 7 43, 8 05, 1042 a. m.. 1 00, 1 58, 4 07, 7 05,7 51, 8 03 p a. in., 7 51 p. m. Arrive New York in 2 hours. '^^^l\lf*^^^^^ ^ ^^- *^ '^'5' ^ 55, 7 34, 8 19. 8 45, 11 15, 11 20 a. m., 12 45, 1 36, 2 44, 4 41, 5 55, 738, 8 36, 8 55 p. m. Sundays, 5 38, 606, 8 19 a. m., 8 36 p. m. Arrive New York in 11^10 2 hours. Leave Morristown, 6 30, 55. 7 21, 7 55, 8 02, 8 25, 9 12, 10 30, 11 48 a. m., 1 15 (2 55, Saturdays only), 3 15, 4 35, 6 25, 8 05, 9 30 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 to l>r hours. Leave Madison, 6 40, 7 05, 7 30, 8 02, 8 11, 8 32. 9 20, 10 40, 11 57a. m., 1 25 (3 05, Saturdays only), 3 24, 445, 6 34, 8 15, 9 39 p. m. Arrive New Y'ork in 1 1-4^ hours. Leave Chatham, 6 15, 6 46, 7 10. 7 34. 8 16, 9 25, 9 35, 10 46 a. m., 12 02, 1 31 (3 10, Saturdays only), 3 30, 4 51, 6 39, 8 21, 9 44 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 to IJ4 hours. Leave Summit, 6 25, ,55, 7 05, 7 18, 7 42, 7 48, 8 11, 8 25, 8 45, 9 32, 9 44. 10 15, 10 55 a. m„ 12 10, 1 39, 2 55 (3 17. Saturdays only), 3 38. 5 02, 6 48, 7 55, 8 29, 9 51, 1042 p.m. Arrive New York in 1 hour. Leave Huntly, 6 27, 7 07, 9 45 a. m., 1 40, 257 p. in. Arrive New York in 1 hour, 10 minutes. Leave Short Hill« 7 00, 7 24, 7 48, 7 53, 8 29, 8 50, 9 50, 10 20, 11 00 a. m., 12 15, 1 44, 3 00, 5 08, 6 52, 7 59, 8 34, 10 47 p. in. Arrive New \ oik in 1 hour. Leave Milburn 6 35, 7 04, 7 14, 7 28. 7 51, 7 56, 8 33, 8 54. 9 53, 10 25, 11 04 a. m., 12 18, 1 48, 3 05, 3 25, 3 46, 5 12, 6 57. 8 05, 8 38, 9 58. 10 51 p. m. Arrive New Y'ork in 1 hour. Leave Wyoming (Signal Station), 6 37, 7 06, 7 16, 7 30, 7 58. 9 55, 10 27. 11 06 a. m., 1 50, 3 07, 5 14, 6 59, 8 07, 8 40, 10 53 p. m. Arrive New ^ork in 50 minutes. Leave Maplewood 6 40, 7 09, 7 32, 8 00, 8 58, 9 57, 10 29, 11 07 a. m., 12 22, 1 53, 3 09, 5 17, 7 01, 8 10, 8 43, 10 56 p. m. Arrive New lork in 50 minutes. Arrive New York in 40 minutes. Leave Brick Churcli (Orange), 6 00. 6 11, 6 56, 7 25, 7 36. 7 55. 8 08, 8 36, 9 12, 9 37, 10 15, 10 47, 11 25 a. m., 12 07, 12 39, 1 27, 2 10. 2 5, , 3 2< , 4 36, 4 57, 5 34, 6 10, 6 42, 7 18, 7 57. 8 26, 8 58, 9 42, 10 43, 11 11 p. m., 12 45 a. m. Arrive New Y'ork in 38 minutes. 1 > > > r 1 ^^^r„ '5?.?t Orange 6 02, 6 13, 6 58, 7 27, 7 38, 7 57, 8 10, 8 38, 9 U, 9 39, 10 17, 10 49, 11 27 a. m., 12 09. 12 41, 1 29, 2 12, 2 5;3. 3 29 4 34. 4 o9. 5 3/. 6 18, 6 44, 7 20, 7 59, 8 28, 9 00, 9 44, 10 45, 11 13 p. m., 12 47 night. Arrive New York in 36 minutes. Leave Orove Street (Orange). 6 04. 6 15, 7 00, 7 29. 7 40. 7 50, 8 12, 8 40, 9 16, 9 41, 10 19, 10 51, 11 29 a. m., 12 11, 12 43, 1 31, 2 14, 3 01, 3 31, 4 40, 5 01, 5 40, 6 20, 6 46, 7 22, 8 01, 8 30, 9 02, 9 46, 10 47, 11 15 p. m., 12 49 a. m. Arrive New Y'ork in 34 minutes. Continued on next page. 87 DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN R. R.-Continued. Morri.-i &. lisscx Division— Traiii.^ to New York. Leave Boseville Avenue, C 06, 6 18, 7 03, 7 42, 7 52, 8 14, 8 43, 9 41, 10 23, 10 53, 11 32 a. m., 12 14, 12 46, I 33, 2 17, 3 04, 3 34. 4 04, 435, 5 03, 5 43, 6 23, 6 48, 7 25, 8 03, 8 32, 9 05, 9 48, 10 50, 11 17 p. in., 13 51 night. Arrive New York in 31 minutes. Leave Newark at 6 11, 6 23, 7 08. 7 30, 7 37, 7 47, 7 57, 8 07, 8 11, 8 19, 8 48, 8 53, 9 23, 9 .30, 9 49, 10 00, 10 27, 10 47, 10 58, 11 .37, 11 50 a. m. , 12 19, 12 51, 12 58, 1 38, 1 58, 2 22, 3 09, 3 39, 3 47, 4 09. 4 48, 4 55, 5 08, 5 39, 5 48, 6 28, 6 53, 7 30, 8 08, 8 37, 9 10, 9 53, 10 23, 10 55, 11 22 p. m., 1256 a. m. Arrive New Yorlc in 27 minutes. Leave Harrison, G 13, 6 2,5, 7 10, 7 39, 7 49, 9 51, 10 29, 11 00 a. m., 12 21, 3 11, 3 41, 4 50, 5 10, 6 30, 6 55, 8 10, 9 12, 9 55, 10 57, 11 24 p. m., 12 58 night. Arrive New Yorlv in 25 minutes. NEWARK AND BLOOITIFIEIiD BRANCH. * Leave Ghristouher St. same time as Barclay St. Fare, Single and Excursion— Watsessing 28c., 4.5c., Bloomfleld 30c., 50c , Glen Ridge, 33c., 5.5c., Montclair 35c., 60c. Leave Toot of Barclay St. (leave Christopher'St. 5 minutes later) for Watsessiii*', Bloomfleld, Glen Rf<1g-e and Montclair, 30, 7 20, 8 10, 9 30, 10 30, 11 .30 a. m., 12 30 (1 20, Saturdays only). 2 10, 3 40, 4 20, 4 40, 5 10, 5 30, ti 20, ^7 00, *8 30, *10 00, 11 30 p. ra. Arrive Watsessing in 42 minutes ; Bloomfleld, 44 minutes ; Glen Ridge, 46 minutes ; Montclair, 48 minutes. Leave Montclair. 6 03, 6 50, 7 15, 7 52, 8 28, 9 15, 10 30, 11 35 a. m., 12 40, 1 40 (2 30, Saturdays only), 3 30, 4 40, 5 20, 545, 6 10, 6 38, 8 15. 9 35, 11 05 p. ni., 12 40 night. Arrive New York in 45 minutes. Leave Glen Ridge 3 minutes later; Bloomfleld, 4 minutes later; Watsessing, 6 minutes later than time of leaving Montclair. BOONTON BRANCH. * Leave Christopher St. same time as Barclay St. Stations, Distances and Fares— Single and Excursion. Hoboken 4 Secaucus 15c.- 2.5c. 7 Kingsland 25c. -35c. 8 Lyndhurst 30c. -40c 9 Delawanna 35c. -45c. 11 Passaic 40c. -.55c. 12 Clifton 45C.-65C. 15 Paterson 50c.-70c. 16 West Paterson 50c.-70c. 18 Little Falls 65c.-80c. 21 Mountain View.. .70c. -90c. 23 Lincoln Park 75e.-95c. 25 Whitehall 80c.-Sl 05 28 Montville 85c.- 1 15 30 Boonton 9.5c.- 1 25 34 Denville SI 05- 150 Leave foot of Barclay St. (leave Christopher St. 5 minutes later) for Paterson, Boonton and intermediate stations, 6 50. 10 30, 4 10. .5 30 p. m. (6 20 p. m. to Lyndhurst). Arrive at Paterson, 7 47, 11 25 a. m., 5 07, 6 27 p. m. ; at Boonton, 8 23 a. m., 12 00 m., 5 48, 7 05 p. m. For Paterson and Boonton only (Express trains), 7 20, 9 00 a. m., 1 00, 4 10, *7 00, *9 00 p m., Sundays, *7 00, *9 00 p.m. Arrive Paterson in 42 minutes; Boonton in 1 hour, 5 minutes. For Denville, 1 00, 4 10 p. m. Ar rive, 3 55, 6 03 p. m. To New York. Leave Denville, 7 50 a. m., 3 05, 6 10 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 25 a. m., 4 45, 8 50 p. m. Leave Boonton, 5 56, 6 23, 7 00, 8 04, 8 35, 11 30 a. m., 12 30, 1 53, 3 18, 4 57, 7 50, 8 51 p. m., Sundays, 5 56, 6 23, 8 35 a. m. Arrive New York in I14 hours. Leave Paterson, 6 26, 6 49. 7 33, 8 38, 9 01, 11 55 a. m., 1 10, 2 19, 3 59, 5 23, 8 10, 9 26 p. m., Sundays, 6 2o, 6 49, 9 01 a. m. Arrive New York in .39 minutes. Leave Liyndliuri<$t, 6 07, 6 37, 7 49, 8 54 a. m., 1 25, 4 15 p. m., Sundays, 6 37 a. m. Arrive New York in 37 minutes. 53.50, SUSSEX R. R. Fare, Single and Excursion— Andover $1.85, $2.65, Newton $2.00, $2.95, Lafayette $3.15, $3 25, Branchville $2.35, Franklin $2.45, $3.60. Leave foot of Barclay St. (leave Christopher St. 5 minutes later) for Waterloo, Andover, Newton, Lafay- ette and Braiicliville, 7 20 a.m., 13 00 m., 4 10 p. m. Arrive Andover, 10 16 a. m.. 2 55, 6 25 p.m.; Newton, 10 29 a.m., 3 15. 6 38 p. m. ; Lafayette, 10 43 a.m., 3 30, 6 52 p. m. ; Branchville. 11.00 a.m., 3 50, 7 08 p. m. For AVaterloo, Andover and Newton only, 5 20 p. m. Arrive Andover, 8 35 p. m. ; Newton 8 50 p. m. For Sparta Station and Franklin, 7 20 a. m., 12 00 m. Arrive Franklin, 11 10 a m., 5 03 p.m. To New York. Leave Franklin, 12 45, 5 30 p. m. Arrive New York. 4 35, 10 35 p. m. Leave Branchville, 6 45 a. m., 1 05, 6 10 p. m.; leave Lafayette, 7 00 a. m., 1 20, 6 35 p. m. Arrive New York. 10 25 a. m., 4 35, 10 35 p. m. Leave Newton (leave Andover 13 minutes later), 6 30, 7 15 a. m., 1 35, 7 05 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 15, 10 35 a.m., 4 35, 10 35 p. m. PASSAIC AND DELAW^ARE R. R. Stations, Distances and Fares— Single and Excursion. 25 Murray Hill 70c.-$l 00 I 29 Stirling 90c.-$l 20 26 Berkeley Heights70c.- 1 00 30 Millington 95c.- 1 25 27 Gillette 85c.- 1 15 | 32 Lyons $100- 130 Leave foot of Barclay St. (leave Christopher St. 5 minutes later) for BernardsvUle and intermediate stations, 7 20, 9 10 a. m., 3 30, 4 30, 5 20 p m. Arrive Bernardsville, 9 25, 10 40 a. m., 5 10, 6 10, 7 05 p. m. Leave Bernardsville, stopping at all intermediate stations, 7 03, 7 52, 8 50 a. m., 3 00, 5 35 p. m. Arrive New York, 8 35, 9 15, 10 35 a. m., 4 35, 7 55 p. m. Hoboken 20 Summit 22 West Summit 65c. -95c. .34 Basking Ridge. $1 05-$l 40 35 Bernardsville . . 1 10-$1 45 BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Stations, Distances and Fares— Single and Excursion. Scran ton. , $4 35-$6 75 1 Bellevue 4 40- 6 80 3 Taylorville 4 4.5- 6 85 6 Lackawanna ... 4 55- 7 05 9 Pittston 4 65- 7 15 10 West PittstOD . . 4 70- 7 25 12 Wyoming 4 7.5- 7 35 14 Maltbv 4 85- 7 40 16 Bennett $4 90 $7 45 33 Shickshinny.. 38 Hick's Ferry. 41 Beach Haven . 44 Berwick 47 Brier Creek . 48 Willow Grove .50 Lime Ridge 5 30- 8 50 54 Espy 5 30- 8 55 ;5 25-$8 05 5 30- 8 15 5 30- 8 25 5 30- 8 35 5 30- 8 40 5 20- 8 45 .56 Bloomsburg. . . .$5 35-$8 65 58 Rupert 5 35- 8 75 60 Catawissa 5 35- 8 75 68 Danville 5 65- 9 00 71 Chulasky 5 80- 9 05 73 Cameron 5 90- 9 10 80 Northumberland 6 05- 9 25 Kingston 4 9.5- — Wilkes-Barre . . 4 95- 19 Plymouth June. 20 Plymouth 5 00- 22 Avondale 5 10- 34 Nanricoke 5 15- 27 Hunlock's 5 25- Leave foot of Barclay and Clirlistoplier Sts., via Scranton, for Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth and intermediate stations, 9 00 a. m., 1 00, 4 10, 7 00 p. m. Arrive at Wilkes-Barre, 3 00, 7 27, 10 40 p. m., 7 18 a. m.; at Plymouth, 2 55, 7 16, 10 30 p. m., 7 10 a. m. For Nanticoke, 9 00 a. m., 1 00, 7 00 p. m. Arrive, 3 05, 7 25 p. m., 7 19 a. ni. For Northumberland and intermediate stations, 9 00 a. m., 1 00, 7 00 p. m. Arrive Northumberland, 5 15, 9 45 p. m., 9 32 a. m. To New- York. Leave Northumberland, stopping at intermediate stations, 6 15, 10 00 a. m., 1 35, 5 40 p. m. Arrive New York, 2 55, 600, 8 .50 p. m., 7 10 a. m. Leave Plymouth, 7 10, 8 33 a. m., 12 15, 3 35, 7 59 p. m.; leave W^ilkes-Barre (Branch), 7 00, 8 10 a. m., 12 05, 3 15, 1 45 p. m. Arrive New York, 13 25, 3 55, 6 00, 8 50 p. m., 7 10 a. m. Continued on next page. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN R. R.-Continued,. M. New York — Junction ^— Changewater. .$1 80 66 Washington . . . .~Y70- 2 85 71 Oxford "Furnace 1 85- 3 15 75 Bridgeville 1 95- 3 35 77 Jlanunlca Chunk 2 00- 3 40 79 Delaware 2 05- 3 45 82 Portland 2 15- 3 60 87 Water Gap 2 35- 3 80 91 Stroudsburg 2 50- 4 00 MAIN LINE. Trams niarl-ecl * nin daily. Stations', Distances and Fares — Single and Excursion. 95 Spragueville. . . $2 65-$4 20 99 Henryville .... 2 75- 4 35 104 Cresco 2 9.5- 4 60 110 Mount Pocono. 3 15- 4 90 113 Pocono Summit 3 25- 5 05 llSTobvhanna.... 3 40- 5 40 123 Gouldsboro. ... 3 60- 5 70 131 Moscow 3 90- 6 15 134 Dunning 4 00- 6 30 145 Scranton 4 35- 6 75 151 ClarkVSummit 4 60- 7 15 _154 Glenburn $4 70-S7 30 155Dalton .$4 75- 7 35 157 La Plume . 4 80- 7 50 159 Factorvville.. . 4 90- 7 60 165 Nicholson . 5 00- 7 70 171 Foster . 5 00- . 5 00- 7 70 175 Kingsley's 7 70 178 Montrose . 5 00- 7 75 185 New Milford. . 5 00- 7 75 192 Great Bend... . 5 00- 7 75 197Conklin . 5 00- 7 85 207 Bingham ton.. .$5 00- B8 00 323 RichfieldSprings$5 65-10 75 301 Utica ....5 00 285 Syracuse. . . . 320 Oswego ....6 00-10 00 ....6 50-10 00 228 Owego ....5 50- 8 85 261 Ithaca 6 .50-10 .fiO 245 Waverly 263Elmira 299 Bath 410 Buffalo ....5 75- 9 60 ....6 00 10 25 ....6 60 ....8 50 liCave ioot of Barclay and Cliristoplier Sts. for Manunka Chunk, Stroudsburg, Scranton and inter- mediate stations, 7 20, 9 00 a. m., 1 00, 4 10, *7 00, =:^9 00 p.m. Arrive Manunka Cliuiik, 10 15, 11 31 a. m., 3 40, 7 00, *9 31, *11 45 p. m.; arrive Stroudsburg, 10 52 a. m., 12 00 m., 4 13, 7 35, *10 03 p. m., *12 19 night; arrive Scranton, • 12 45, 1 35, 6 00, 9 25, *11 40 p. m., *2 10 a. m. - i i .^ . j 0, *9 00 p. m. m. Arrive Bing'Uaiuton, For Binglianiton, Owego and intermediate stations, 7 20, 9 00 a. m., 1 00, *7 00, * 3 20. 3 35, 825 p. m., *1 40, *4 15 a. m. ; arrive Owego. 4 15, 9 08 p. m., *2 17, *5 02 a. For Ithaca, 9 00 a.m., *9 p. m. Arrive Ithaca. 5 45 p.m.,'*6 40 a. m. -^'°'' '^,***^'* '^"'^ Kichfleld Springs, 9 00 a.m., *9 00 p. m. Arrive Utica, 7 30 p.m., *7 55 a. m. Arrive Richfield Springs, 7 45 p.m. (8 05 a. ra. except Sundavs). For Syracuse and Oswego. 9 00a.m., *n 00 p.m. Arrive Syracuse. 6 10 p.m.. *7 10 a.m. Arrive Oswego. 7 25 p.m., *8 30 a.m. 1^ or Waverly, Kliulra, Bath and BiiflTalo. 9 00 a. m. (1 00 p. m. to Waverly and Elmira only), *7 00, *9 00 p. m. Arrive %Vaverly, 4 47. 9 40 p.m., *2 46. *5 40 a. m. Arrive Glmira, 5 15, 10 10 p.m., *3 15, *6 15 a.m. Arrive Bath, 6 22 p. m., *4 18, 7 35 a. m. Arrive Buifalo, 9 50 p. m., *7 20, *11 45 a.m. , Trains to New York. ^ ^ , „ ^ I'rains marked * rvn dailii. Leave Buflalo. 9 00 a. m., *6 15, *9 35 p. in Arrive New York, 9 00 p m , *7 30 ♦g 40 a m Leave Bath, *12 39, 8 18 a. m.. 32 23, *9 40 p.m. Arrive New York, *9 40 a.m., 6 00, 9 00 p. m., *7 30 a. m. Leave Klmira, *1 39, 5 40. 9 40 a.m., I 21. *10 46 p. m. Arrive New York, *9 40 a.m.. 3 00. 6 00, 9 00 p. m., *7 30 a. ra. Leave Waverly. 6 13, 10 10, 1 47, *11 15 p.m. Arrive New York, 3 00. 6 00, 9 00 p. m., *7 30 a.m. Leave Ithaca, 7 30 a. m., 12 30, *7 30 p.m. Arrive New York, 6 00, 9 00 p.m . *7 10 a m Leave Owego, -2 41, 6 46, 10 43 a.m., 2 13, *n 49 p. m. Arrive New York, *9 40 a.m., 3 00, 6 00, 9 00 p. m., *7 30 a. m. Leave Osivego, 7 45 a. m., *7 40 p.m. Arrive New York, 6 00 p. m., *7 10 a.m. Leave Syracuse, 9 00 a. m., *9 00 p.m. Arrive New York, 6 00 p.m., *7 10 a. m. Leave Kichfleld Springs. 9 45 a. m., 8 05 p.m. Airive New York, 9 00 p.m., 7 10 a. m. Leave Utica, 6 15. 11 15 a. m., *8 20 p.m. Arrive New York, 6 00, 9 00 p.m.. *7 10 a. m. Leave Binghanitou,*12 25, *3 15, 7 30, 11 20 a.m. ,2 48.*11 45 p.m. Arrive New York,*7 30. *9 40 a.m., 3 00, 6, 9p.m.,*7 lOa.m Leave Scranton, «1 50,*2 30,*5 00, 8 00, 9 .50 a.m.,1 25, 4 31 p.m. Arrive New York,*7 10, *7 30,*9 40 a.m. .12 30, 3 00, 6, 9 00 p.m' Leave Stroudsburg. *3 89, *4 13, *6 32, 9 38, 11 43 a.m., 3 00, 6 01 p. m. Arrive New York, *7 10, *7 30, *9 40 a.m., 12 30' 3 00, 6 00. 9 00 p.m. ' ' i' , , , , , Leave Manunka <'hunk, *4 12, *4 44, *7 00, 10 04 a.m., 12 17. 3 30, 6 29. 6 45 p.m. Arrive New York, *7 10, *7 30, *9 40 a. m., 12 30, 3 00, 6 00, 9 00, 10 10 p. m. LEHIGH & HUDSON RIVER R. R. New York connections as follows: At Grcycourt with Erie K. K.; at Franklin Juuutiou with New York, Susq. & W. R. R., and Sussex R. R.; at Belvidere with Pennsylvania R. R. Greycourt 4 Sugar Loaf 13c. 6 Lake 18c. 8 Stone Bridge 27c. Stations, Distances and Fares from Greycourt. 10 Warwick... 33c. i 24 Hamburg 75c. 13 New Milford 40c. j 26 Franklin Junction. . . . .80c. 18 Vernon 5Jc. I 30 Lake Grinnell 93c. 22 McAfee ... 65c. | 33 Sparta Junction $1 00 39 Andover $1 20 51 Great Meadows 1 55 58 Buttsville .. 1 75 63 Belvidere 1 90 Leave Greycourt for "Warwick and intermediate stations, 8 00, 8 45, 11 01 a. m., 3 18, 6 30 p. m., Sundays, 10 57 a. m. Arrive in 30 to 40 minutes. For Belvidere and intermediate stations, 8 45 a. m.. 3 18 p.m., Sundays,]© .57 a.m. Arrive Franklin Junction. 10 18 a. m., 5 10 ]). m., Sundays, 12 36 p. m. Arrive Belvidere, 12 15, 7 30 p. m., Sundays, 2 20 p. m. Trains to Greycourt. Leave Belvidere, stopping at intermediate stations. 8 05 a. m., 3 32 p. m. Sundays, 2 50 p. m.; leave Franklin Junc- tion, 10 55 a. m., 5 10 p. m., Sundays, 4 25 p. m. Arrive Greycourt. 12 40, 7 15 p. m., Sundays, 6 25 p. m. Leave Warwick, 7 05, 9 55 a. m., 12 05, 4 35, 6 18 p. m., Sundays, 5 36 p. m. Arrive Greycourt, 7 30, 10 20 a. m., 12 49, 5 15, 7 15 p. m., Sundays, 6 25 p. m. MERIDEN, WATERBURY AND CONNECTICUT RIVER R. R. Via New York, New Haven and H. R. R., Grand Central Depot. For " Fares to all Places,' see Index. Leave Grand Central Depot, 5 01, 8 00 a.m., 1 00 p. m., for "*Vaterbury, East Farms, Summit, Prospect, West Cheshire, Southington Road. Arrive Southiiigton Road. 9 44 a. m., 1 44, 5 17 p. m. For Meriden, Highland, Smiths, Westfield, Cromwell, 5 01. 11 00 a.m., 3 00 p.m. Arrive Cromwell, 10 28 a.m., 2 29, 6 16 p.m. To Meriden, \Vaterbury and New York. Leave Cromwell, 6 30 a. m., 12 13, 4 05 p. m. Arrive Meriden, 7 02 a. m., 12 51, 4 40 p. m. Leave Meriden. 7 02, 9 25 a. m., 12 51, 4 .55 p.m. Arrive Waterbury, 7 48, 10 18 a. m., 1 35, 5 45 p. m. Arrive New York, 11 25 a. m., 2 15, 6 00, 9 00 p. m. NEWBURO, DUTCHESS AND CONNECTICUT R. R. ~ Connect via New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Passengers from Newburgh will leave by Newburgh and Fishkill Ferry and Stage to Matteawan. Passengers for Newburgh will change at Matteawan, taking Stages of Newburgh Transfer Co. Stations and Distances. Newburg Dutchess Junction 1 Wicopee 2 Matteawan 4 Glenham 6 Fishkill Village 8 Brinckerhoff 12 Hopewell . 13 Clove Junction 16 Arthursburgh 17 Lagrange 19 Billing's 21 Moores 24 Verbank 27 CotHns 29 Mill brook 33 Shuupike 36 Bangall 39 Stissing 41 Attlebury 44 Pine Plains 46 Bethel 49 Shekomeko 52 Husted 54 Winchcll's 58 Millertou Leave Grand Central Depot 'for Sti.ssing, Pine Plains and intermediate stations, 8 00 a. m., 3 58 p. m. Arrive 1 me Plains, 12 06, 8 02 p. m. For Millerton and intermediate stations, 8 00a. m. Arrive, 12 50 p. m. - T„-,, Trains to New York. Leave Millerton, 6 05 a. m., 3 15 p. m., Sundays, 3 15 p. m. Arrive New York, 10 45 a. m., 9 25 p. m.. Snndavs, 9 25 p. m. Leave Pine Plains, 7 00. 9 36 a. m., 4 34 p. m., Sundays, 4 34 p. m. Leave Hopewell, 8 18 a. m., 1 21, 6 37 p. ra., Sun- days, 6 3i p. ni. Arrive New York, 10 45 a. m., 6 30, 9 25 p. m., Sundays, 9 25 p. m. PROSPECT PARK AND CONEY ISLAND R. R. Horse car routes to Depot, cor. Otli Avenue and 20th Street. From Fulton Ferry or Brklse Depot.?.— The 7th Avenue line, Vanderbilt Avenue line and Smith Street line. From Hamilton Ferry— via 9th or 15th Street Lines. Excursion Fare to West Brighton Beach, 30 cents. § Trains will slop ai the Gmnd Stand, Brooklyn Jockey Club Race Course, on Race Days only, and on those days zvill not stoj) at King's Hiqii n-mi sfnitDii het)oe Arrive Pascoag, 10 56 a. m., 2 30, 5 .30, 7 35 p. m. (Saturdays only, 12 .30 night.) Leave Pascoag', 5 35, 7 10 a. m., 13 30, 4 15 p. m. (Saturdays only. 5 40 p. m.); leave Georgiaville, 6 14, 7 49 a. m., 1 13^ 4 54 p. m. (Saturdays only, 6 19 p. m.). Arrive Providence, 6 45, 8 30 a. m., 1 40, 5 20 p. m. (Saturdays only, 6 EC p. m.). WEST SHORE R. R. Depots foot of Jay and W. 43 Sts. and Weehawken. Ticket Offices— 1,271, 363, 785, 942 Broadway; 12 Park Place. 2 Centre St. 1.531^ Bowery, and foot of Jay and W. 42d Sts. Brooklyn, 333 Washington, Annex Office, foot of Fulton St., 730 Fulton St., 215 Atlantic Ave., 398 Bedford Ave, near Broadway. Local Statiou!^ and Trains from New York. :m Fare. Exc. Stations, New York, Weehawken, 1 New Durham 14c. -25c. 5 Little Ferry 23c.-40c. t) Ridgefield Park...2.5c.-40c. 7 Hackensack 29c. -.50c. 9 Teaneck 30c.-.50c. 10 WestEnglewood 35c.-60c. 12 Bereenflelds 40c.-70c. 12 Schfaalenburgh. ..40c.-7.5c. 1 6 Harrington 45c.-85c. 17 West Norwood. ...50c.-90c. M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 36 Tomkins' Cove. .80c.-$l .35 39 Jones' Point (Peekfekill by Ferry) 80c.- 1.40 41 lona Island 85c.- 1.50 42 Fort Mont- gomery 90c.- 1.60 46 Cranston's (Hig'nd Falls)98c.- 1.75 47 West Point (Garrisons by Perry) 98c.- 1.75 M. Stations. Fare. E»c. .52 Cornwall $1.08-$3.00 56 Newburgh (Fishkill by Ferry).. 1.16- 2.25 60 Roseton.. 1.28- 2.44 63 Hampton 1.2,8- 2. .53 64 Marlborough... 1.28- 2.56 68 Milton l.:38- 2.73 72 Highland (P'keepsie by Ferry)... 1.49- 2.90 M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 19 Tappan .5.5c.-$l .00 20 Oransreburgh.. ..5.5c.- 1.00 21 Blauveltville 60c.- 1.00 23 Rockland Park. .60c.- 1.00 34 West Nvack 60c.- 1.00 26 Valley Cottage... 6.5c.- 1.10 28 Congers (Rock- land Lake) 75c. -1 20 33 Haverstraw Village... 80c,- 1.20 33 W. Haver.-'traw..80c.- 1.20 34 Stony Point 80c.- 1.20 *Daily. iExpress train, makes no slops between New Durham and Haverstraw. Leave foot of Jay St. (leave foot W. 42d St. 15 minutes later), For.Teaneck, Bergenflelds, West Nyack, West Haverstraw, and intermediate stations, *3 00, *7 00, 810, *+9 40, *10 00, til 15 a, m., 1 30, +3 45, 3 55, 5 00, *6 10, *18 00, 8 30 p. m. Arrive Teaneck in .50 minutes; arrive Bergen- flelds in 1 hour ; arrive West Nyack in IJ^ hours ; arrive West Haverstraw in \% hours. For Stony Point, *3 00, *7(0, *10 00 a. m., 3 45, 3 55, 5 00, 8 30 p. m. Arrive Stony Point in IM hours. For Toinkin'.s Cove, *3 00, *7 00, *10 00 a, m,, 3 55, 5 00, 8 30 p, m. Arrive in 2 hours. For Jones Point, *7 00, *10 00 a. m., 3.55, 500, 830 p. m. Arrive in 2 hours 5 minutes. For lona Island (signal station), *7 00, *10 00 a. m., 3 45, 3 55, 5 00, 8 30 p. m. Arrive in 2 hours 7 minutes. For Fort iTIontgoniery, *3 00, *7 00, *10 00 a. m., 3 .55, 5 00, 8 30 p. m. Arrive in 2 hours 10 minutes. For Cranston, AVest Point, Cornwall, Newburg, *3 00, *7 00, *9 40, *10 00, 11 15 a. m., 3 4.5, 3 5,5, 5 00 (*.5 40 not West Point), *8 00, 8 .30 p, in. Arrive Cranstons in 2 hours 5 minutes ; arrive West Point in 2J4 hours; arrive Cornwall in 2 hours 25 minutes; arrive Newburg in 2^ hours. For Kosoton, *3 00, 7 00 a. m., 3 45 p. m. Arrive in 2 hours 40 minutes. For Hampton. *7 00 a. m., 3 45 p. m Arrive *9 47 a. m., 6 07 p. m. For Marlborough, *3 00, *7 00, *9 40, 11 15 a. m., 3 45, *8 00 p. m. Arrive Marlborough, *5 49, *9 59 a. m., *13 04, 1 40, 6 )2, *]0 .55 p. ni. For TWilton, *3 00, *7 00, *9 40 a. m,, 3 45 p. m. Arrive Milton, *5 .58, *9 .57 a. m., '^12 11, 6 20p. m. For Highland. *3 00, *7 00, *9 40, 11 15 a. m., 3 45, *8 00 p. m. Arrive in 3 hours. Local Trains to IVew York. Leave Highland, 6 .57, *7 40 a. m., 1233, *4 34, (i 44, *8 11 p. m. Arrive New York, ZH hours. Leave ITlilton (Signal Station), 7 05, 7 47 a. m., 13 30, *4 42, *6 53 p. m. Arrive New York iu 3 hours 5 minutes. Leave Marlborough, 7 13, *7 55 a. m., 13 38, *4 47, *7 01 p. m. Arrive New York in 3 hours. Leave Hampton. 7 16 a. m., *7 04 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 15 a. m., *10 p. m. Leave Roseton, 7 21 a. m., *4 54, 7 10 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 15 a, m,, *7 00, *10 p, m. Leave Newburg, *5 45, 6 00, 6 .50, 7 30, *8 10 a. m , 12 52, *1 20, 4 10. *5 03, *7 19, *8 38 p. m.; leave Coruwall, *5 .55, 6 10, 7 00, 7 39, *8 20 a. m., 1 03, *1 30, 4 20, *5 11, *7 30, *8 45 p. m. Arrive New York in 2^4 hours from Newburg and in2 hours 5 minutes from Cornwall. Leave AVest Point (leave Cranston 2 minutes later), 6 20, 7 10, 7 49, *8 31 a. m., 1 12, *1 41, 4 30, *5 31, 7;42, *8 56 p. m. Arrive New fork in 1% hours. Leave Fort Montgomery, 6 30, 720 a. m., *1 50, *4 40, ""7 55 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 hour 40 minutes. Leave lona Island (Signal Station), 6 .34, 7 34 a. m., *1 55, 444, ■*8 00 p. m. Arrive New York in 3 hours. Leave Jones Point, 6 38, 7 23 a. m., *1 59, 4 48, *8 03 p. m. Arrive New York, 8 15, 9 15 a. m., *3 40, 6 25, *10 00 p. m. Leave Tomkin.«i Cove, 6 43, 733, *8 .53 a. m., *2 0.5, 4 53, *8 13 p. m. Arrive in New York in \]4 hours. Leave Stony Point,647, 7.37, 8 10, *8 56 a. m., *2 10, 4 .57,*818 p.m. Arrive New York iu 1 hour 25 minutes. Leave West Haverstraw, stopping at intermediate stations, 530, 6 .50, *7 40, 8 14, 9 01, 10 45 a. m.. +1 38, *3 14, 3 .50, 5 00, *t5 48, *8 24 p. m. Arrive in Xew York— Express trains in 1 hour 5 minutes; accommodation trains 1 hour 20 minutes. Leave W^e.s^t Nyack, 5 51, 7 09, *8 01, 11 0;i a. tn., *i 35, 4 08, 5 19, *6 05, *8 48 p. m. ; leave Tappan, 6 04, 7 30, *8 14, 11 19 a. m.. *2 46, 4 19, 5 31, *9 00 p. m.; leave Bergenflelds, 6 21, 7 38, *8 31, 11 .36 a. m., *3 02, 4 33, 5 47, *9 17 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 hour 10 minutes from West Nyack; iu 1 hour from Tappan; in 45 minutes from Bergenlields. For trains to and from the Wc-st see following pages. 90 WEST SHORE R. R.-Continued. TRAINS »OINO West. Miles. Stations. Fare. 59 61 51 57 65 53 55 L've New York, foot Jay St., N. R " New York, foot W. 42d St. A. M. 3 00 3 15 A. M. 7 00 7 15 A. M. 9 40 9 55 A. M. 11 15 11 30 p. M. 3 45 4 OJ p. M. 5 40 6 00 p. M. 8 00 8 15 L've Brooklyn, by Annex 10 30 11 20 11 30 3 00 3 40 3 50 " Jersey City, P. R. R. Station " Hobokeii, West Shore Station 46.5 47.4 52.3 L've Wechawken " Cranston's (Highland Falls) " West Point (Garrisons by ferry) . . . Arr. Cornwall S 98 98 1 08 1 16 1 49 1 76 3 30 *5 06 5 08 5 19 7 30 9 12 9 14 9 24 10 10 11 28 11 31 11 41 11 45 1 03 1 05 1 15 4 15 5 34 5 36 5 40 6 15 7 25 "7'34" 8 30 10 10 10 13 10 25 56. r 72.3 88.2 Arr. Newbiirirh (Fishkill by ferry) " Highland (Pougheepsie by ferry).. 5 ai 6 08 6 45 9 35 10 04 10 35 10 45 11 27 12 00 12 40 11 50 12 19 12 50 1 24 1 54 2 25 5 56 6 28 7 00 7 43 "s'ss" 10 .37 11 10 11 45 88.2 L've Kingston 2 18 2 58 3 10 §7 00 7 42 8 15 9 CO 1 00 1 40 2 15 2 55 2 35 3 14 3 45 4 30 7 10 7 .50 8 25 9 05 8 40 9 15 9 45 10 25 11 .55 12 42 1 20 2 03 110.0 128.2 Arr. Catskill " Coe}'man's Junction 71 141.3 " Albany L've Albany, C' eyman's Junction " Albany, D. & H. C. Go's R. R ' 835" p. M. ■§i'2.5 " 2 30 3 30 p. M. 9 08 A. M. 152.6 Arr. South Schenectady " Rotterdam Junction 3 44 3 58 3 76 3 98 4 20 4 28 4 .58 4 72 4 78 4 Hi 5 00 9 25 9 39 9 56 10 15 10 38 10 45 11 15 11 28 11 32 11 38 12 02 12 45 12 55 1 45 3 05 3 18 3 37 3 55 4 15 4 20 4 45 4 40 5 00 5 16 5 36 6 00 6 07 6 38 6 51 6 56 7 00 7 20 gw 159.6 10 40 2 40 3 07 3 27 3 .50 3 58 4 28 168.1 " Amsterdam D 178.4 " Fnltonville (Fonda) A. M. 190.3 193.8 209.1 '• Canajoharie (Palatine Bridge) " Fort Plain " Little Falls 11 40 7 Ot) 11 7 08 7 42 216.5 " Mohawk 7 55 218.7 " Ilion 1225' 12 45 4 46 4 ,50 5 21 7 .59 220.9 " Frankfort 5 05 5 29 8 04 231 .8 " Utica 8 26 251.8 Arr. Oneida Castle (Oneida) 5 54 5 64 6 06 6 04 6 13 6 .50 8 40 P. M. o o o o Qi m A. M. ""2'i6"' 6 10 6 25 7 10 9 10 257.4 278.3 " Canastota (E. C. & N. R. R.) " Syracuse 9 27 10 10 329.2 Arr. Newark 7 08 3 34 6 55 3 28 9 10 11 .58 359.0 Arr. Rochester 7 68 4 35 9 30 11 40 12 SS 12 40 A. M. 7 55 4 25 10 10 1 00 426.0 Arr. Buffalo 8 50 8 50 8 50 7 00 P.M. 10 10 A. H. 6 25 7 25 7 32 A. M. 12 30 1 30 1 40 P.M. 448.9 '• Niagara Falls 449.9 " Suspension Bridge X stop for, or to leave New York or New England Passengers only. |i Daily. § Daily except Sunday. * Stop on signal. Trains No. 51, .53, 55 and 61 run daily. Train No. 59 will run daily between New York and Kingston, and daily, except Sunday, west of Kingston. All other trains daily, except Sundays. Train No. .57 runs to the New York Central station, Utica, and not to West Shore station. Trains 51 and 55 will stop at all stations west of Frankfort to let off passengers com- ing from New York or New England points. ARRANGEMENT OF PARLOR AND SLEEPlNCi CARS. No. 51.— Sleeping Cars, New York to Chicago, via Port Huron, daily. No. 5 7.— Drawing Room Cars, Jersey City to Albany, daily, except Sunday. No. 55.— Sleeping Cars, New York to Toronto; New York to Chicago, via Port Hu rot: , daily. No. 53.— Sleeping Cars, New York to Chicago, via Niagara Falls Short Line; New York to St. Louis, via Michigan CentralK. R. ; Buffalo to St. Louis, via Grand Trunk R. R., daily. No. 65.— Drawing Room Car, New York to Albany daily, except Sunday . HIGH WATER AT SANDY HOOK, N. J. In the a.m. columns hours designated by o mean midnight ; in the p.m. columns li h. m. means noon. 91 WEST SHORE R. R.-Continued. TKAINS COMING FAST. STATIONS. 56 p. M. 4 40 4 48 78 54 58 62 60 52 72 72 p. M. p. M. 8 10 8 16 6^ A. M. a It „ 5 >. a 0^ 03 s c >-. ■55 ^ A. M. 1 A. M. c3 43 1 8 47 3 51 1 8 .53 " ^'iagara Falls L"ve Buffalo 6 30 3 15 9 25 §5 00 9 55 p. M. L' ve Rochestar 8 20 5 40 6 40 11 15 7 25 1 11 45 4 00 Arr. Newark 9 10 10 35 11 15 12 04 8 25 i 12 .36 p. M. 5 01 p. M. 1 35 10 10 1 2 15 10 53 11 04 ' 4 .30 5 10 5 30 6 45 Arr. Canastota (E. C. & N. R. R.) " Oneida Castle, Oneida L've Utica 12 08 12 30 2 47 3 05 is' 27' 3 55 "4'4i" 6 50 7 10 7 15 7 19 7 34 8 03 8 09 8 33 8 53 9 10 9 31 n 46 3 29 12 10 3 45 12 19 i 3 54 12 23 12 37 1 4 09 1 08 ! 4 33 1 15 ' 4 38 1 40 i 4 57 2 03 i 5 13 2 20 5 36 2 45 1 6 06 6 30 6 .36 6 40 6 56 7 38 7 35 p. M. 66 " Mohawk " I;ittle Falls 12 .56 *1 27 1 33 '■ Fort Plain " C'anajoliarie (Palatine Bridge) " FiiUonville (Fonda) 2 10 3 25 • " South Schenectady Arr \lbany D & H C Co's R R A. M. §6 55 10 10 p. M. 5 05 1 §7 45 p. M. 1 P. M. " Albany, Coeynian's Junction _ . 4 15 L've Albany 3 50 3 35 4 05 4 45 4 20 5 00 5 34 6 15 4 55 5 40 6 15 6 55 9 .50 10 .30 11 03 11 45 2 00 2 45 3 17 3 55 4 00 1 5 .30 4 45 6 25 5 19 6 .58 6 00 1 7 35 " Kingston 4 50 ■'.5 45" 6 25 6 57 7 30 7 10 7 40 8 10 11 55 13 2S 12 52 4 05 4 34 5 02 116 10 6 44 7 19 7 45 8 11 8 36 Arr. Highland (Po'keepsie by ferry) ■ " Newbur^h (Fishkill by ferry) Arr. West Point (Garrison's by ferry) 5 55 7 39 7 49 7 51 9 05 8 20 8 31 8 33 10 00 1 02 1 12 1 14 2 40 5 11 5 31 5 3:B 6 .50 7 30 i 8 46 7 42 1 8 56 7 45 1 8 .59 " Weehawken 7 30 7 40 7 55 A. M. 9 50 10 20 Arr. New York, foot W. 42d St " New York foot Jay St N R 9 15 9 30 A. M. 10 10 10 25 A. M. 2 50 3 05 7 00 7 15 10 10 10 15 p. M. 10 30 10 45 p. M. 3 00 3 10 3 .50 A. M. 7 10 7 20 7 50 p. M. 1 t stop for, or to leave, New York or New England passengers only. * Stop on Signal. il Daily. § Daily, except Sunday. c Daily, except Monday. Trains Nos. 53, .54, .56 and 63 run daily. Train No. 60 will run dailv between Kingston and New York, and daily, except Sunday, west of Kingston. All other trains daily, except Sunday. Train No. .54 will stop at stations between Suspension Bridge and Coeyman's Junction: and Trains Nos. .53 and .56 will stop at any station to let off passengers holding foreign ticket.s to local stations, sold at points west of Buffalo or Clifton. On Sunday Train No. .53 will stop at West Haverstraw at 9 26 p. m.,and No. 56 will stop at Cranston's at 6 06 a. m. Train No. .58 leaves from the New York Central station at Utica, and not from the West Shore station. STATEN ISLAND RAPID TRANSIT R. R. PKRTH AMBOY DIVISION. Fare from JVeiv York to all stations, 10 cents; from station to station, 5 cents. Iieave foot of Whitehall St. for St. George. Gra.smere, Garretson, Grant City, New Dorp, Court House. Giffords, Eltingville. Anuadale, Huguenot, Princess Bay, Pleasant Plains, Richmond Valley, Tottenville and Perth Amboy, daily except Sunday, 6 30, 7 30^ 9 30 and 11 30 a. in.; 1 30, 3 30, 4 .30, 5 10, 5 .50, 6 30, 740 and *10 00 p. in. and 112 15 night. Sun- days, 8 00, 9 06, 10 00 and 11 00 a. in. ; 1 00, 2 00, 4 00, 5 W, 6 00, 7 00 and 8 IXl p. m. Iieave Perth Amboy, stopping at Tottenville 10 minutes later, and all intermediate stations, 6 25, 7 05, 7 35, 8 05, 9 25 and 1 1 35 a.m. ; 1 .55, 3 .35, 5 15 and 6 30 p.m., SundaysS 10, 8 10, 9 10, 10 10 a.m., and 12 10, 1 10, 3 10, 4 10, 5 10,6 10 and 7 10 p.m. Leave Tottenville for New York and intermediate stations. Additional trains at 5 35 a. m. and 19 40 p. m. RAPID TRANSIT DIVISION, From foot of Whitehall St. liCave New York for St. George. Tonipkinsville. Stapleton, CMifton. Rosebank, Fort Wadsworth, Arrochar, New Brighton, Snug Harbor. Livingston, West Brighton, Port Richmond, Tower Hill, Elm Park and Erastina, daily, except Sunday, .o 30, 6 00, 6 30, 7 30, 7 50, 8 10, 8 30,. 9 00, 9 30. 10 00, 10 30, 11 00 and 11 30 a. m.; 13 00 m.; 13 30, 100, 1 30,2 00,3 30,3 00.3 30,4 00, 4 30, 4 .50, 5 10, 5 .30, 5 50, 6 10. 6 30, 7 tX). 7 40, 8 30, 9 00, 10 00. 11 00 and 11 .30 p. m. and 13 15 night. Sundays, 6 00, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00, 9.30, 10 00. 10 30, 11 00 and 11 30 a.m.; 1300 m.; 13 30,100,130,3 00,3 30,3 00, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 30, 600, 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, 9 40, 10 20, 11 tX) and 11 .30 p. m. 8 40, 9 00, 9 30, 10 00 and 10 40 p. m. liCave Erastina for Arrochar and intermediate stations, daily. Additional trains at 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 11 10 p. m. Leave Arrochar for Erawtlna, Ne^v York and intermediate stations, daily, except Sundays, 5 58, 6-33, 7 03, 723, 7 43. 8 03, 8 33. 8 43, 903, 9 33, 10 03, 10 33, 11 03 and 11 33 a. m.; 1303, 12 33, 1 03, 1 m. 2 03, 3 .33, 3 03. 3 33, 4 08, 4 .33, 4 o3, 5 13. 5 33, 5 55, 6 13, 6 38, 7 08, 7 48, 8 28, 9 08, 10 08 and 11 08 p. m. Sundays. 7 00, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, 9 35, 9 55, 10 2o. 10 5o, 11 35 and 11 .55 a. m. ; 12 25, 12 55, 1 25, 1 5,5, 2 35, 3 .55, 3 25, 3 55, 4 25, 4 55, 5 35, 5 55, 6 35, 6 55, 7 35, 7 55, 8 40, 9 00, 9 30, 10 0<3 and 10 40 p.m. Leave A rrochar for Erastina and intermediate stations, Sundays, 11 10 p. m. also. -, /. m 1 Leave Clifton for New York and intermediate stations, daily, except Sunday, 5 10, 5 40 a. m. Sundays, 6 10 a. m. also. Leave St. Georffe for Whitehall St., daily, except Sunday. 5 30, 5 50, 6 15, 6 50, 7 30, 7 40, 8 00, 8 30,8 40, 9 00, 9 30, 9 .50, 10 30, 10 .50, 11 30 and 11 .50 a. m. ; 13 30, 13 .50, 1 30, 1 .50, 2 30, 3 50, 3 30, 3 .50, 4 10, 4 .30. 4 .50, 5 10, o 30, o .lO, 6 30, 6 50, 7 30, 8 10, 8 .50, 9 30, 10 30 and 11 30 p. in. Sundays, 6 30, 7 20, 8 30, 8 50, 9 30, 9 45, 10 15. 10 45, 11 15 and 11 45 a. m.; 13 1.5, 13 45, 1 15, 1 45. 2 15, 3 45, 3 15, 3 45, 4 15, 4 45, 5 15, 5 45, 6 15, 6 45, 7 15, 7 45, 8 15, 9 00, 9 40, 10 30 and 11 p. m. * Will not run Saturdays or Sundays, t Saturday nights only. F&n, New York to Perth Amboy, 40 cents. NEW YORK & LONG BRANCH R. R. Notice.— No trains stop at Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, or Key East on Sundays. Depots :-Central R. B. of N. J., foot of Liberty St., N. R.; Pennsylvania R. R., foot of Cortiandt and Desbrosses Sts., N. R. Stations, Distances and Fares from New York. Fare, Single, J3xc. .roc-$i.io M. 35 Perth Am boy ■27 South Amboy 28 Morgan 70c- 1.15 30 Cliffwood 70c- 1.35 33 Matawan 70c- 1.25 3.") Hazlet 75c- 1.35 37 Middletown 85c- 1.50 Fare. M. Single, Exc. 43 Red Bank $1.00-$]. 50 45i Little Silver.... 1.00- 1..50 46 Branchport . 49 Long Branch.. 50 West End.... 51 Elberon 53 Deal Beach. . . 1.00- 1..50 1.00- 1.50 1.00- 1..50 1.00- l.tiO 1.00- 1.75 Fare, M. Single, Esc. .54^ N. Asbury Pk.$1.20-$I. 85 55 Asbury Park.. 1.20- 1.85 55 Ocean Grove . . 1.20- 1.85 57 Key East 1.25- 2.00 57* Ocean Beach.. 1.25-2.00 58^ Como 1.30-2.05 5W Spring Lake. . . 1.30- 2.10 M. 61 Sea Girt . . . 6U Manasquan. G2" Brielle 1.40- 2.25 63* Point Pleasant 1.45- 2.35 Fare, Single, Exc. ..$i:35-$2.l5 1.40- 2.25 4.30, b.lO p. m. Sundays. 4.00, 9.00a. m. Due at Long; Brancli, 6.4.5, 10.05 a. m., 12.50, 2.4.3, 5.40, 5.56, 7.55 p. m. Su Due at Ocean Grove. 7.00, 10.20 a. m.. 1.05, 2..58, 5.55, 6.11, 8.10 p. m. Xone Due at Point Pleasant. 7.2.5, 10.45 a. ni., 1.30. 3.20, 6.20, 6.30, 8.35 p. m. Si . Ocean Grove, Asbury 4.30, 8.15, 11.15 a. m., 1.00, 4.00, a t'EXTRAL. R. R. of N. J.— Leave foot of Liberty St. for I^onff Branch ■ o'^'',. ,„^"" ***>*"t Pleasant, stopping at Red Bank and intermediate stations, 4.30,_6.10 p. iru Sundays. 4.00, 9.00a. m. Sundays, 5.50, 10.40 a. m. jne on Sundays. Sundays, 6.25, 11.15 a. m. V'ia PENNSYLVANIA R. R.— Leave foot of Cortiandt and Desbrosses Sts. for L.ong Braneli. Ocean Grove, < in rMr,^ *'"^ '""^ Point Pleasant, stopping at Red Bank and intermediate stations, 9.10 a. m., 12 noon, 4.20, 5.001). m. Sundavs, 9.45 a. m. ,5 p.m. ■ Due at ILons Branch, 10..50 a. ra., 1.45, 5.51, 6.45 p. m. Sundays, 11.40 a. m., 6.45 p. m. Due at Ocean Grove, 11.05 a. ra., 2.00, 6.06. 7.00 p. m. None on Sundays. Due at Point Pleasant, 11.30 a. m., 2.2.5, C.A ~-25 P- m. Sundavs, 12.15, 7.20 p. m. Via CENTRAL, R. R. '.15 a. ra., 3.50 p. m. Train.** to New York From the following places, stopping at intermediate stations: OF N. J.— Leave Point Pleasant, 5.50, 6..35, 7.30, 10.35 a. m., 3.50, 6.20 p. m. Sund.iys, None on Sundays. Sundays, s, 8.55 a.m., 5.10 p.m. o'egoiug tnun.s arrive in New Y'ork, foot of Liberty St., at 8.10, S.52, 9.37 a. m., 1.00, 3.30, 6.15, 8.40 p. m. 9.35 a. m., 6.15 p. m. ^ > r . , , , , i- Additional trains leave South Amboy, 8.18, 8.53 a. m., and arrive in New York, 9.17, 9.52 a. m. ^11^,/lF'^'^*^.''^'*-'^^^ **• R-— Leave Point Pleasant. 6.2.5, 8.50 a.m., 12.50, 5.10p.m. Sundav " t!^1 O*"*"*!! Crrove (Asbury Park), 6..50, 9.15 a. m , 1.15, 5.35 p. m. None on Sundays. Leave J^onS^B ranch, 7.06, 9.30 a. m., 1.30, 5.50 p. m. Sundays, 9.30 a. m., 5,50 p. m. ilf^ S*'^ Bank, 7.19, 9.43 a. m., 1.43, 6 06 p. m. Sundays, 9,43 a, m., 6.06 p. m. Leave Matawan. 7,.36, 10 a. m., 2.01, 6.26 p. m. Sundavs. 10 a. m.. 6.26 p. m o''ego'l'g trams arrive in New York, foot of Cortiandt and Desbrosses Sts., 8.40, 11.10 a. m., 3.10, 7.40 p. m. Sundays ll.Oo a. m., 7.50 p. m. ' i > i i ,; M, Philadelphia. Shackamaxon St. Market Street. 1 Camden. 4 Collingswood 14c. 6 lladdontield 20c. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC R. R. Via Pennsylvania K. R. foot of Cortiandt and Desbrosses Streets. Stations, Distances and Fares from Phila "elphia. 9 Ashland 37c. II Kirkvvood 31c. 16 Berlin 44c. 19 Atco 50c. 22 Chesilliurst 5Sc. 22 Walerford 60c. 24 Ancora 65c. 27 Winslow .Junction 71c. 30 Hammonton 79c. 32 Da Costa 84c. 36 Elwood 94c. 41 Egg Harbor $1.00 44 Gerraania $1.00 46 Pomona 1.00 49 Doughty 's 1.00 .52 Absecon 1.00 57 Drawbridge 1.00 58 Atlantic City 1.00 Leave foot of f ortlandt or Desbrosses Sts. via Philadelphia and Camden, for Hammonton, A bsecon and Atlantic City, stopijiug at intermediate stations, til 10 a. m., 1 00, 12 00 p. m., Sundays 10 00 a. m. Arrive Hammon- ton .i .^l, 5 45, 5 56 p. m. : Sundays, 5 29 p, m. Arrive Atlantic City, 4 30, 6 47, 6 37 p. m., Sundays, 6 22 p. m. An addi- tional accommodation train leaves Philadelphia (and Camden) daiiv, at 8 00u. ..- daily. I Express trains making no intermediate stops after leaving Philadelphia. Trains to New Y'ork. Arrive at Atlantic City, 10 10 a. m. Leave Atlantic City for Philadelphia, stopping at intermediate stations, 7 00, HO 15 a, m., 3 20, t4 40 p. m., Sundays, 7 50 ^< i™i,'- .,.?■ ?^V }^^^'^ Hammonton, 7 ,54. til 00 a. m., 4 16. +5 31 p. m., Sundays, 8 43 a. m., 5 04 p. m. Arrive Phila- aelphia9 0o, til 50 a m., 5 35, t6 10p. m., Sundays, 10 05 a. m., 6 20 p. m. Arrive New York, 12 15, 13 45, 9 45, t9 45 p. m„Sundays, 3 45, 9 45 p, m. t Express trains. ^ f , , , , Local trains leave Philadelpliia for Hammonton and intermediate stations, 1045 a. m., 600 p. m. (11 30 p. m. to Atco). Arrive Hammonton, 12 18, 7 28 p. m. 1 . ^ r Leave Hammonton. 6 05a, m., 12 30 p. m. 'Arrive Philadelphia, 7.35 a. m., 1 50 p. m. Leave Waterlord, 5 34, 6 24 a. m., 13 47, 7 40 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia, 6 .35, 7.35 a. m., 1 50, 8 .50 p. m, Lono'port trams leave Atlantic City, stopping at intermediate stations, 6 20 a. m.. 4 47 p. m. (10 44 a. m., Wednesday and Saturday only.) Returning leave Longport, 6 55 a. m., 5 35 p. m. (2 40 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday only). M Philadelphia Market Street. 1 Camden. 4 Collingswood. Stations and Distances. 6 Haddonfield. I 11 Locust Grove. 8 Freeman. 13 Cropwell. 9 Lodi. 13 Marl ton. 10 Springdale. | i5 Elmwood Road. 17 Melrose. 18 Medford. 22 Lumberton. 25 Mt. Holly. L«av^e Philadelphia (Vine Street) for CoIlin<;swood and Haddonfield, 6 30. 7 30, 8 00, 10 00, 10 45 a. m,, 12 m., 3 m, t3 10, 4 30, t5 00, 5 30, 6 (X), 6 30, t7 30, 10 30, 11 30 p m. : Sundavs. 8 (K), t9 15 a. m,, 1 00, 4 00, t5 30, t9 30 p, m. Ar- nve Haddonfield in .30 minutes. Trains marked t leave Market Street Station . For ITIedford and Mt. Holly, stopping ai intermediate stations; from Vine St. Station, 7 30, 10 00, a. m.; from Market St. Station, 3 10, 5 00 p. m.; Sundays, 9 15 a. m. (to Medford only), 5 .30 p, m. Arrive Medford 8 32, 11 40 a. m.; 4 15, 6 07 p. m. Sundays, 10 30 a m., 6 33 p. m.; arrive at Mt. Holly, 8 52 a. m., 12 10, 4 35, 6 28 p. m., Sundays, 6 52 p. m. Trains to Philadelphia. Leave Mount Holly, 6 47, 9 32 a m., 12 2.5, 5 00 p. m., Sundays. 7 15 a. m.; leave Medford. 7 08, 9 50 a. m., 12 .55, 5 37 p. m., Sundays, 7 41 a. m., 3 50 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia. 8 10, 10 50 a. ra., 2 05, 6 35 p. in., Sundays 8 .50 a. m., 4 50 p. m. Leave Haddonfield (Collingswood 8 minutes later), 6 05, 7 05, 735, 7 47, 8 41, 10 23 a. m., 12 .50, 1 27, 1 40, 3 35, 5 08, 6 10, 7 05, 8 25, 9 50, 11 07 p. m., Sundays, 8 23, 9 36 a. m., 2 20, 4 23, 5 56, 10 20 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia in 30 minutes. 93 HOURS OF CLOSING DOMESTIC AND CANADA MAILS. The time here given is official, but mails made up at the Post Office between 13 night and 7 a. m. we have purposely omit- ted [excepting where such hours represent the only Sunday dispatch], believing a report of those mails unnecessary to ordinary correspondents. Mails with s prefixed close on Sunday also. Alabama, Alaska Ter., Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota, Delaware, Dist. Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Indian Ter., Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, HOURS OF CLOSING. 1, 3.30, S3.30, s8, 11 p. m. sT.30 p. m. s8 a. m., S7.30 p. ni. s8 a. m., S7.30 p. m. s8 a. m., s7.30 p. m. s8 a. m., R7.30 p. m. 7.30, 9.30, 11.30 a. m., s2..30, s9..30, slO p. m. 8.80 a. m., s7.30 p. m. 7.30, 10 a. m., 1, s8 p. m. 7.30, 9 a. m., 1, s2..30, 3.30, s8, sll p. m. s3.30a. m., s8p. m. 7.30 a. m., 1, s3..30, s8, 11 p. m. s8 a. m., S9..30 p. m. s8 a. m., s7.30 p.m. s8 a. m., 5.30, 7 p. m. s8 a. m., 87.30 p. m. 8..30 a. m., s7..30 p. m. s8 a. m., S7.30 p. m. s8 a. m., 7 p. m. s8 a. m., 3.30, s3.30, 7, s8, 11 p. m. 7.30, 9.30 a. m., s3.30, s9..30 p. m. 7.30, 9 a. m., 1'2 m., s2.30, 3..30, 7, s8, sll p. m. 7.30, 9.30, 11..30a.m., 1.30, s3.30, .3.30, S9.30 p. m. 8.30 a. m., sl.30, s7.30 p. m. 8 a. m., S4.30, s7.30 p. m. s8 a. m., 7 p. m. s8 a. m., s7.30 p. m. 8.30 a. m., s7.30 p. m. 8.30 a. m., s7.30 p. m. s8 a. m., s7.30 p. m. 7..30a. m., 83..30, s9.30 p. m. Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey: Asbury Park and Long Branch, 7 a. m., 12 m., 3 p. m. Jersey City, s8, 10 a. m., 13 m., 3.30, 5.30, 7, 8, sll p. m. Newark, 7.30, 9.30, 11 a. m., 1, 3.30, 3.30, 5.30, 8 p. m. New Brunswick, 7.30, 10 a. m., 13 m.,3.30 p. m. Orange, 11 a. m., 3.30, 7 p. m. Paterson, 3, 11 a. m., 2.30, 3.30 p. m. Trenton, 7.30, 10 a. m., 12 m., 3.30, s8 p. m. New Mexico, s8 a. m., 87.30 p. m. STATES. HOUUS OF CLOSING. New York: Albany, 9, 10 a. in.. 3.,30, 5, 7.30, slO p. m. Auburn, s3 a. m., 5, s7.30 p. m. Binghamton, 8 a. m., g8 p. m. Brooklyn, every half hour from 7 a. m, to 4 p. m., then hourly to 89 p. m., then occasionally to 7 a. m. Buffalo, 9 a. m., 84.30, 87.30. slO p. m. Oatskill, S3, 10 a. m., 2, s7.30 p. m. Elmira, 8 a. m., 88 p. m. Flushing, 6 a. m., 1, 3..30 p. m. Greenport, 2, slO p. m. Newburgh, 10 a. m., 1, 2.30, g5, 10.30 p. m. Oswei^o, 4, s8p. in. Poughkeepsie, s3, 9 a. m., 1, 2.30 p. m. Rochester, 9 a. m., 84.30, s7.30, 10 p. m. Rome, s3 a. m., s7.30 p. m. Saratoga Springs, 83, 9 a. m., 5, 10.30 p. m. Staten Island, about 6 times a day. Syracuse, s3 a. m., 87.30, 10 p. m. Troy, 83, 9, 10 a. m., 2.30, s5, 7..30, 10..30 p. m. Utica, s3 a. m., .5, 87.30, 10 p. m. West Point, 3 a. ni., 2.30 p. m. Yonkers, s3, 9 a. m., 12.30, 2..30, 4.30 p. m. North Carolina, 7.30 a. m., l, s3.30, sS, ll p. m. Ohio, 83.30, s8 a. m., 7 p. m. Cleveland and Toledo, g3.30, 8.30 a. m., 84.30, s7.30 p. m. s3.30 a. m., 87.30 p. m. S3..30 a. m., 8 a. m., 1, 5.30, 7 p. m. 7.30, 9, 10, 11.30 a. m., 12 m., 1, 3.30, s5.,30, 87, s8, sll p. m. 7.30, 11.30 a. m., 3.30, slO p. m. 7..30 a. m., s3.30, b8, 11 p. m. S3..30, s8 a. m., 7 p. m. S3..30 a. m., 2.30, s3.30 p. m. 88 a. m., 87..30p. m. 85, 10..30 p. m. ._^ 7.30 a. m., s8 p. m. Washington, D. C.,7..30, 9a.m. ,l,s2..30, 3.30, 88, sllp.m Washington Ter., s3..30a. m., s7..30p. m. West Virginia, 7.30a. m., sSp. m. Wisconsin, 8.30 a. m., 64..30, 87.30 p. m. Wyoming, s8 a. m., s7.30 p. m. CANADA. British Columbia and Manitoba, 8.30a. m., s7.30p. m. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and P. E. Island, 9..30a. m., s9..30p. m. Ontario, 9 a. hi., s4, s7.30p. m. Quebec, 3 a. m.,s5p. m. Oregon, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, FOR THE RECEPTIOIV OF LETTERS TOO I^ATE FOR MAIIiS AT THE POST OFFICE. Red Boxes have been placed at the Grand Central Station, in the Pennsylvania R. R. Station at Jersey City, and in N. Y., L. E. & W. R. R. Station, Jersey City. They are to be used as follows : Oraiid t'emral Station.— The one in Vanderbilt Avenue, near Baggage Entrance of New York Central & Hudson River R. R., is exclusively for letters going to places on the route of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. and beyond, by s4.35 and 8 a. m., and 3:58 and s9 p.m. trains. Collections will be made 10 minutes previous to starting of trains. For 9 p. m. train no letters should be posted for places south of Rhinecliff, N. Y. The Box near the Passenger Exit in 42d Street is exclusively for letters going to places on the routes of N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., and beyond, by 5.02 and 9.01 a. m., and s4.01, s4.03, sll.Ol and sll.31 p. m. trains. Collections will be made 10 minutes previous to starting of trains. No letters for Western Vermont should be placed in this box, and no letters for points West of South Norwalk should be deposited for the 11.01 and 11.31 p. m. trains. The Box for the Harlem R. R. is near the Baggage Entrance of that road in Vanderbilt Avenue. Mails will be taken from this box at 8.15 a. m. and 3.40 p. m., for tlie 8.20 a. m. and 3.15 p. m. trains. Put no letters for NEW YORK CITY, or for the Southern States, in tlie Bed Boxes at Grand Central Station. Pennsylvania R. R. Station, Jersey City.— A Red Box is placed in the Passengers' Waiting Room exclu- sively for mail destined to points local to the N. Y. Division Pennsylvania R. R., and South and West of Philadelphia, Pa., by 84.45, 8.15, 8.23 and 8.43 a. m. and 4.52, s6.45, 8 and s9.15 p. m. trains. Collections will be made 10 minutes previous to starting of trains. No mail for Northern New Jersey, New Y'ork, or New England should be posted in this box. For the 8.15 a. m. train only letters for points on the Lehigh Valley R. R. should be placed in this box, and for the 8.23 a. m. train only letters for points on the N. Y., Susquehanna & Western R. R. N. Y., £.. E. & VV. R, R. Station, Jersey City.— A Red Bos is placed in the Passengers' Waiting Room for the reception of letters to be forwarded by trains as follows: N. Y.,L. E. & W. R. R., 5.00, 8.05 a. m., 4.44 and 8.50 p. m. Northern R. R. of N. J., 8.33 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. N. J. & N. Y. R. R., 8.08 a. m. N. Y. & Greenwood Lake R. R., 8.37 a. m. Collections will be made 10 minutes previous to starting of trains. 94 MISCELLANEOUS. Arrears ic Assessments Collection Bureau. Oftice. 35 Stewart Buildiiis. ^7(5 Broadway. Board of Assessors, Office, 11!^ t'ity Hall. Biiildin<; Inspection Bureau, Office, 1.57 E. 67th. Coinmissioner of Jurors, Office, 1-.J7 Stewart Biiild- iiifr, 276 Broadway. t'ustoin House, cor. of Wall and William Sts. Open every day except Sundays and Holidays, from 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. ; on holidavH, usually open from 9 to 10 a. m. for Entnince and Clearance of Vessel.*. Collector's Office, in Custom House. Auditor's Office, in Custom House. Barge Office, Battery Piirk. Cashier's Office, in Custom House. Deputy Surveyor's Office, in Barge Office. Naval Officer's Office. 22 Exchange Place. Sample Offices, 254 West. Surveyor's Office, in Custom House. Public Stores, Washington and Laight Sts. Kxeise Department, Office, 54 Bond. Fire Department, Office, 157 E, 67th. Healtit Department, Office, 301 Mott. Inspectors &, Sealers of Weig'lits & Itlea.«>ure8. First District,— H. B. Masterson, Inspector, 46 W. 62d ; S. R. Porter, Jr., Sealer, 186 Chrystie. Second District.— VVni. Martin. Inspector, 234 Mulberry ; Michael Hahn, Sealer, 24-2 E. 39th. National Guard, Location of Armories. Arsenal, Seventh Ave. and W. 35rli. 1st Brigade, Headquarters, 6 Pine. 1st Battery, 44th, near Ninth Ave. 2d l?attery. Seventh Ave., near Hid. 7th Regiment, Parlv Ave. and 67th St. Sth Regiment, Broadway and 35th. 9th Regiment, 321 W. 26th. 11th Regiment, Disbanded. liih Kegiment, cor. Ninth Ave. and 61st. 22d Regiment, 14th St., near 61h Ave. 69tli Regiment, cor. Third Ave. and 7tli St. 71st Regiment, Broadway and 4.5th. U. S. Army OVarDept.) Building, cor.Whitehall & Pearl Sts. Public Cliarities & Correction Department, Office, cor. lUh St. & 3d Ave., has in charge the following hospitals, etc.: for ferries to Blaclcwell Island &c. see below: Almshouse, BlackwelTs Island. Beilevue Hospital, foot E. 26th SI. Charity Hospital, Blackwcll's Island. City Prison, Franklin & Centre Sts. Colored Home, 65th St. and 1st Ave. Colored Orphan Asylum, 10th Ave and 143d St. District Prisons. Emergency for Women, 223 E. 20th. Epileptic & Incurable Hospitals, Blackwell's Island. Gouverneur Ho.«piial, cor. Gouverneur Slip & Front. Harlem Hospital, foot E. 120th. Homiropathic Hospital, Ward's Island. Idiot Hospital, Randall's Island. Infants' Hospital. Randall's Island. Insane Asylum, Ward's Island. Lunatic Asvlum. Blackwell's Island. Medical & Surgical Relief for Out-door Poor, foot E. 26th. Nursery Hospital, Randall's I-^land. Out-door Poor Department. Supt's. Office, cor. 11th St. & 3d Av Penitentiary, Blackwell's Island. Workhouse, Blackwell's Island. \ Blackwell's Island Ferry.foot of E.26th, .52d, 76th St. Ferries ■ RMnd.ill's Island Perry, foot E. 26th and 120th Sts. / Ward's Island Ferry, " " " Street Cleaning; Department, Office. 51 Chambers. Tax Collection Bureau, Receiver's Office, 57 Cham- bers. STORAGE WAREHOUSES. Acker & Co., Office, 74 South. American Docks, Sfaten Island : Office, .50 Cotton Exch., N.Y. Appraiser's Stores, 402 Washington. Atlantic Dock, at HamiltonFerry,Bkln. : Office..361 ProduceEx. Baker AWilliams: Office, 27'4 Water, 510 Washing'n, 72 Beaver. Baltic, foot of Baltic St.. Bkln.: office, 5 Hanover St. Bartlett, near Wall St. Ferry, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Bellows : Office, 127 Front. Blnxome & Co.: Office, .54 Washington. Brooklyn Gram Warehousing Co., 103 Produce Exchange. Brooklyn Tobacco Inspection, Water & Dock Sts., Dows & Co., iRoom M, Produce Exchange. Casey's, 151 Leroy. Clinton, Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 361 Produce Exchange. Columbia, foot of Pacific St., Bkln.: Office, 103 Produce Ex. Coe— Lawrence, Son & (Jerrish: Offices, 103 Front, 755 Water &221 South. Commercial, Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Congress, foot of Congress St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Deans : Office, 302 Greenwich. Dows, foot of Pacific St., Bkln.: Office, 103 Produce Exchange. Driggs, E. F. & Co.: Office, 271 South & 113 Water. Driggs, M. S. & Co.; Office, 280 South & 72 Beaver. Empire, Water St.,n. Fulton Ferry, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover. Empire Warehousinir Co. : Office, 5 Hanover. Excelsior, 384 W. 11th. Excelsior, Atlantic Dock, Bkln. : Office, 207 Produce Exchange. Export Lumber Co., Long Island City : Office, 88 Wall. Finke Tobacco Inspection, 149 Water. Finlay, Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Franklin, Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Fulton— cor. Water & Dock Sts., Bkln.: Office, Room M, Produce Exchange. Gentle's : Office, 227 Pearl. German American, ft. of Partition St., Bkln.: Office. 19 Old SI. Grain Warehousing Co., Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 207 Produce Exchange. Hamburg, foot of 1st St., Hoboken. Harbeck, near Wall St. Ferry, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Hobby's, 286 South. Hobby's, 110 Washington. Hoboken, foot of 4th St. Hoboken [Bonded], foot of 3d St. Jarvis & Co., Clinton & South Sts., and 13th & Provost Sts., Jersey City : Office. (iO Broad. Jersey City, foot of Grand St. Kelsey, foot of Irving St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Kimberlv & Co., 6 Bridge. Knickerbocker : Office, 5 E. 14th & 425 E. 24th. Luimbeers, Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 207 Produce Ex. Lawrence, Son & Gerrish: Office 221 South, 103 Frout,755 Water Laytons, 62 South, Linde. F. C. & Co.: Office, cor Varick & Laight Sts. Linde Tobacco Inspection : Office, 142 Water, Lockwood, C. B. & Co., 301 Produce Exchange. Manhattan, Lexington Ave. & 41st. Martins, near Wall St. Ferry. Bkln.: Office, 109 Water. Mediterranean, at Wa'l St. Ferry, Bkln: Office, 5 Hanover Merchants, :32 Jay : Office, 65 Beaver. Merchants, foot of Van Dyck St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Miller's : Office, 88 Pearl. Morewood's : Office, 237 South & 87 Front. National— Communipaw, N. J.: Office, .55 Broadway. N.Y.WarehousingCo.,footVanBruntSt.,Bkln: Office,52B'way Nichols : Office, 4:^8 W. 12th & 28 So. William. Phillips Tobacco Co.: Office, 185 Pearl. Pierrepont, near Wall St. Ferry, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Pintos, Atlantic Dock, Bkln.: Office, 459 Produce Exchange. Prentice, near Wall St. Ferry, Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Public Stores, cor. Laight & Washington Sts. Roberts, near Wall St. Ferry, Bkln. : Office, 5 Hanover St. Robinson, foot of Congress St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Robinson. 52 Greenwich. Shaw's : Office, 65 Water. Stranahan Storage & Tobacco Inspection, foot of King St., Bkln. : Office. .361 Produce Exchange. Tower's, 281 West. Union, foot of Sedgwick St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. United States, foot of Degraw St., Bkln. Watson, near Wall St. Ferry, Bkln. : Office. 5 Hanover St. Waverly, foot of 26th St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Woodruff, foot of Joralemon St., Bkln.: Office, 5 Hanover St. Wood's, 311 West. STOBAGE FOB FUBNITUBE, ETC. Baker's : Office, 164 E. 125th. Brigg's, 207 E. .59th. Brown's, 202 E. 42d. Carrington, 384 3d Ave. Clinton, 245 E. 35th. Curtis, 1601 Broadway. De Boes, B. H. & Co., 1:382 3d Ave. Deweys, 104 E. 126th. Empire, 88 Wooster. Empire, 388 Hudson. Globe, 305 E. 61st. Haeger's, 300 W. 34th. Harlem, 125 E. 129th. Hayes & Co., 311 W. 48th. Hetherington, 102 E. 63d. Knickerbocker, 421 E. 24th. Manhattan, Lexington Ave. & 4l8t. Martin, E. & Son, 165 W. 32d. Metropolitan, 202 Mercer. Meyers, H. M., 300 W. 11th. Morgan's, 232 W. 47th. Muslow's, 1283 3d Ave. N. Y. Storage, 109 E. 44th. Standard, Broadway, cor. 53d. Star, 103 W. 33d. Sylvan, 2191 3d Ave. Timmins, cor. 8th Ave. & 125th. Union, 2S5 Hudson. Union, 121 E. 22d. Union Square. 80 University PI. United States, 49th St. & 3d. Ave. Y'orkville, 163 E. 84th. 9r3 NATIONAL AND STATE BANKS. For Savings Banks, see below. Bank Clearing House, 14 Pine St. Sub-Treasury, cor. Wall, Nassau and Pine Sts. Banks are open every day, except Sundays and legal holidays, from !0 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Saturdays only from 10 a. m. to 12 ni. Commercial paper, except sight or demand bills, falling due on Saturday, is payable on the following business day. Note— In the following arrangement of names, the only bank title given is the one commonly used. The prefix -'Bank of " and " National Bank of," etc., being confusing to many who have occasion to look for the location of a bank. Bank of America will be found under A. — Bank of New York, under N. — National Bank of Commerce, under C. America, 4(5 Wall. American Exchange National,! 28 B' way. Assets State Bank, 43 New. Bowery, 02 Bowery. Broadway, 287 Broadway. Butcher's and Drover's, 124 Bowery. Central National, 320 Broadway. Chase, 15 Nassau. Chatham, 192 Broadway. Chemical, iiTO Broadway. Citizen's. 401 Broadway. City, 52 Wall. Clniton, 112 Hudson. Columbia, 501 Fifth Av. Commerce, 29 Nassau. Commercial, V8 Wall. Continental, 7 Nassau. Corn Exchange, 13 William. Deposit, 55 Liberty. East River, f)82 Broadway. East Side, 4.')9 Grand. Eleventh Ward, 147 Av. D. Empire, (340 Broadway. Fifth A v., .531 Fifth Av. Fifth National, 300 Third Av. First National. 2 Wall. Fourteenth St., 3 East 14th, Fourth National, 14 Nassau. Gallatin, 36 Wall. Gansevoort, cor. 9th Ave. & 14th St. Garfield, 79 West 23d. tJernian American, 50 Wall. German Exchange, 330 Bowery. Germania, 215 Bowery. Greenwich, 402 Hudson. Hamilton, 278 West 125th. Hanover, 11 Nassau. Harlem, 241 West 125th. Home, 303 West42d. Hudson River, c. Ninth Av. and 72d. Importer's & Trader's, 247 Broadway. Irving, 287 Greenwich. Leather Manufacturer's. 29 Wall. Lenox Hill, 1248 Third Av. Lincoln, 32 East 42d. Madison Square. 202 Fifth Av. Manhattan Company, 40 Wall. Marine, Receiver's "uflice. SO Wall. Market and Fulton, c. Fulton and Gold. Mechanic's, 33.Wall. MfChanic's&Trader's, B'way&Broome. Mercantile, 101 Broadway. Merchant's, 42 Wall. Merchant's Exchange, 257 Broadway. Metropolitan, in liquidation, 2 Wall. Metropolis, 29 Union Souare. Mount Morris, 85 East i25th. Murray Hill, 760 Third Av. Nassau, 9 Beekman. New Amsterdam, 1,434 Broadway. New York, N. B. A., 48 Wall. New York County, '9 Eighth Av. New York, State of, 33 William. New York Nat. Exchange, 136 Chambers. New York Produce Exchange, Produce Exchange Building. Ninth National, 409 Broadway. Ninth Av., 922 Ninth Av. Nineteenth Ward, 953 Third Av. North America.cor. Nassau & Cedar Sts. North River, 187 Greenwich. Oriental, 122 Bowery. Pacific, 470 Broadway. Park, 214 Broadway. People's, 395 Canal. Phamix. 49 Wall. Produce Exchange, Produce Exc. B'l'g. Republic, 2 Wall. Riverside, c. Eighth .\v. and 57th. Seaboard, IS Broadway, Second National, 190 Fifth Av. Seventh National, 184 Broadway. Shoe and Leather, 271 Broadway. Sixth National, 1,282 Broadway. St. Nicholas, 120 Broadway. State of New York, 33 William. Stuyvesant, cor. 5tli Ave. & 125th St. Third National, 20 Nassau. Tradesmen's, 291 Broadway. Twelfth Ward. 153 East 125th. Twenty-third Ward, Third Av. & 146th. Union, 747 Fifth Av. Union Nat'l, in liquidation, .39 William. Union Square, 8 Union Square. United States, 1 Broadway. Western, 120 Broadway. West Side, 481 Eighth Av. Bank Asenctes, Sec, Bank of British North America, 52 Wall. Bank of California,- 16 Wall. Bank of Montreal, .59 Wall. Canadian Bank of Commerce, 16 Ex- change place. Cheque Bank of London. 2 Wall. Merchant's Bank of Canada, 61 Wall. Nevada Bank of San Francisco, 62 Wall. SAVINCS BANKS ANI> THEIR BUSINESS HOURS. American, .501 Fifth Av. ; 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., and on Monday, 6 to 8 p. m. also. Bank for Savings, 67 Bleecker ; 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., and on Wed. and Fri., 4 to 6 p. m. also. Bowery, 130 Bowery; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Monday, " 10 a. m. to 7 p. ra. Broadway, 4 Park Place; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Citizen's, 58 Bowery; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Dry Dock, 343 Bowery; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Monday, 5 to 7 p. m. also. East River. 3 Chambers; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Emigrant Industrial, 51 Chambers; 10 a. ni. to 4 p. m. Excelsior, 118 West 23d; 10 a. ra. to 3. p. m., and on Saturday 6 to 8 p. m. also, except July and August. Franklin, 658 Eighth Av.; 10a. m. to 3p. m., and on Monday 6 to 8 p. m. also. German, c. Fourth Av. and 14th; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Monday, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Greenwich, 73 Sixth Av.; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Harlem, 2,281 Third Av.; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Mon- day, 6 to 8 p. m. also. Institution for the Savings of Merchants' Clerks, 20 Union Square; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Thursday, 5 to 7 p. m. also. Irving, 90 Warren ; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Manhattan, 644 Broadway; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and on Satur- day, 10 a. m. to 12 m . Metropolitan, 1 Third Av.; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Mon- day, 5 to 7 p. m. also. New Y^ork, 81 Eighth Av.; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Mon- day, 6 to 8 p. m. also. North River, 474 Eighth Av. ; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Mon- day and Saturday, 6 to 8 p. m. also, except Saturday nights in July and August. Seamen's, 74 Wall; 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Union Dime, 54 West 32d; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Mon- day, 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. West Side, ,56 Sixth Av. ; 9 a. ni. to 3 p. m., and on Monday and Saturday, 6 to 8 p. m. also. SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. American, 3 E. 42d. Bankers'. 4 Wall. Bank of New York, 48 Wall. Central, 3 E. 14th. CJarfield. 6th Av. & 23d. Lincoln, 32 E. 43d. Manhattan, [and storage], 346 Broadway. Manhattan Warehouse, 42d St. & Lexington Av. Mercantile, 122 Broadway. Mount Morris, Park Av. c. 125th. Nassau, Beekman cor. Nassau. New York County, 79 8th Av. North River, 187 Greenwich. Park Bank, 214 Broadway. Produce Exchange, Broadway & Beaver St. Safe Deposit Co. of New York, 140 Broadway. State, 35 William. Stock Exchange, 10 Broad. Stuyvesant, 1 3d Av. Tiffany & Co., 15 Union Sq. TRUST, INVESTMENT AND MORTGAGE COMPANIES. American Dock & Trust Co., Cotton Exchange Building. American Investment Co., 1.50 Nassau. American Land Mortgage Guar. & Debenture Co., 39 Broad. American Loan & Trust Co., 113 Broadway. Atlantic Trust Co., 39 William. Central Trust Co., 54 Wall. Des Moines Loan & Trust Co., 38 Park Row. Eastern Car Trust Co., 11 Wall. Equitable Trust Co., 32 Pine. Equitable Mortgage Co., 208 Broadway. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 20 William. Fidelity Indorsing & Guarantee Co., 167 Broadway. Fidelity Loan & Trust Co., 37 Wall. Guaranty & Indemnity Co., 52 Broadway. Gfuaranty Investment Co., 191 BroadwaJ^ Hamilton Loan & Trust Co., 150 Broadway. Holland Trust Co., 7 Wall. Interstate Loan & Trust Co., 170 Broadway. Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Co., 239 Broadway. Knickerbocker Trust Co., 234 .5th Av. Lombard Investment Co., 150 Broadway. Manhattan Trust Co., 10 Wall. Mercantile Trust Co., 120 Broadway. Merchants' Loan & Trust Co., 58 New. Metropolitan Trust Co., 37 Wall. Mutual Trust Co., 31 Broadway. New England Loan & Trust Co., 160 Broadway. New England Trust Co., 160 Broadway. N. Y. Guaranty & Indemnity Co., ,52 Broadway. N. Y. Life Ins. & Trust Co., 52 Wall. Real Estate Loan & Trust Co., 58 New. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 55 Liberty. Union Trust Co., 73 Broadway. U. S. Mortgage Co., 32 Nassau. United States Trust Co., 49 Wall. Western Loan & Trust Co., 2 Wall. 96 NEW YORK AND HARLEM R, R. Fare. M. Stations. Single, Ex. Grand Central St'n 86tli Street 5c. 110th Street 5c. 4 Harlem (125th St.). tic.-lOc. 4 Mott Haven (138th) Cc.-lOc. 5 Melrose 10c.-20c. •) Morrisania 10c. - 20c. 7 Central Morrisania 12c. -24c. 7' Tremont 12c.-24c. s Fordham 15c.-30c. U Bedford Park St'n. 20c.-35c. Ill Williams Bridge.. 22c.-35c. 11 Woodlawn 25c.-35c. Stasie Connecllonf! and Miles Fare. Single, Ex. . .28- .45 .55 .35- .38- .45- M. Stations. 13 Mount Vernon 15 Bronxville 10 Tuckahoe 38- .60 18 Scarsdale 45- .75 20 Hartsdale 48- .80 22 White Plains... .50- .90 25 Kensico 58-$l .05 28 Unionville OS- 1.20 30 Pleasantville ... .73- 1.25 33 Chappaqua 78- 37 Mount Kisco. .. .88- 39 Bedford 9.5 42 Katonah $1.00- 1.40 1.55 1.05 1.75 Fare. M. Stations. Sin^rle, Ex. 84 Amenia $2.05-p.45 87 Sharon Station. 2.1.3- 3.55 88 Coleman's 92Millerton 2.28-3.75 95 Mount Riga 99 Boston Corners 2.4.5-4.00 104 Copakel'nW'ks 2.58- 4.20 108 Hillsdale 2.68- 4.40 111 Crarvville 2.73- 4.50 115 Martindale.. . 2.83- 4.50 118Philmont 2.90- 4.50 124 Ghent 2.96- 4.50 127 Chatham 3.00- 4.50 Fare. M. Stations. Single, Ex. 44 Golden's Bridge $1.05-$1. 85 47 Somer's Centre. 1.10- 2.00 51 Lake Mahopac. . 1.10- 2.00 46 Purdy's 1.13- 1.90 48 Croton Falls.... 1.1.5- 2.00 52 Brewsters 1.25- 2.15 55 Dykeman's 1.33-2.30 58 Towner's. 1.40-2.45 60 Patterson 1.48- 2.55 03 Pawling 1.55- 2.65 69 South Dover.... 1.70- 2.85 76 Dover Plains... 1.85- 3.10 81 Wassaic 1.98- 3.25 Mount Vernon for Yonkers 3. White Plains for Tarrytown 6, Kensico for Arinonk 6, Pleasant- ville for Sing Sing 5, Sharon Station for Sharon, Conn., 2}^ miles. erome Park Race Track at Fordham, Fleetwood Race Track at Melrose, Y.M.C. A.— Athletic Department at Mott Haven. * Express trains, t Stops only at Mt. Kisco. Katonah and Brewsters. licave brand Central Depot for Williams Bridge^ Woodla^vu, OTt. Vernon, Xuclcalioe and inter- mediate stations, 6 00, *6 20, 7 00, 7 40, 8 .35, 9 05, 9 35 (10 35, Woodlawn and Mt. Vernon), 10 37, 11 20 a. m., 12 35, 1 05, 1 35, *2 05, 2 .35, 3 27, 4 12, *4 15, 4 35, *5 13, 5 15, 5 29. 5 50, 06, 6 18, C 38, 42, 7 40, 8 40, 10 05. 11 45 p. m., Sundays. 9 05, 10 45 a. m., 1 35 (2 20 excejjt VVms. Bridge), 2 35, *4 15, *5 03, h 15, 7 00, 10 05 p. m. Arrive at Williams Bridge in 25 minutes ; at Woodlawn in 30 minutes: at Tuckahoe in 35 minutes. For Wliite Plains and intermediate stations, *6 20, 7 40, 9 05, *10 35, 11 20 a. m., 1 05, 2 05, 2 35, 4 15, 4 35, 5 13, 5 15, 5 50, 6 06, 6 3S, 42, 7 40, 8 40, 10 05, 11 45 p.m., Sundays, *0 15, 9 05, *9 45, 10 45 a.m., 2 35, 5 03, 7 00, 10 05 p.m. Arrive White Plains in 1 hour. For Bedford. Katonali, Croton Falls and intermediate stations, 6 20. 10 35 a. m., 3 05, 4 15, 5 13, 6 38 p. in., Sundays, 6 15, 9 45 a. m., 5 03 p. ni. Arrive at Bedford in ] i^ hours; at Croton Falls in 1% honrs. For Lake Maliopac, 10 35 a. m.. 4 15, 5 13 p. m.. Sundays, 9 45 a. m. Arrive Lake Mahopac in 1 hour, 55 minutes. For PaAvlinji; and intermediate stations, 20, 10 35 a. m., 2 05, t3 25. 4 15, 5 13 p. m., Sundays, 9 45 a. m., 5 03 p. m. Arrive Pawling in 2^4 hours. For Dover Plains. Amenia. ITIillerton and intermediate stations, 6 20, 10 35 a. m., 3 25, 4 15 p. m., Sundays, 9 45, a. m. Arrive Millerton, 9 33 a. m., 1 55, 6 11, 7 25 p. in., Sundays, 1 15 p. m. For Hillsdale, Chatham and intermediate stations, 6 20, 10 35 a. m., 3 25 p. m., Sundays, 9 45 a. m. Arrive Chatham, 10 43 a. m.. 3 05, 7 24 p. m., Sundays, 2 30 p. in. For Pittsfleld and Nortli Adams, take the 3 25 p. m. train from Grand Central Depot. Trains to New York. Trains stop at intermediate stations. Leave Chatham, 8 30 a. m., 12 25, 4 45 p. ni., Sunday.-, 3 00 p. m. Arrive New York, 12 20, 5 20, 8 55 p. m., Sundays, 7 40 p. m. Leave Millerton, 7 00, 9 33 a. m., 1 36, 5 51 p. m., Sundays, 7 00 a. in., 4 15, 5 10 p. m. Arrive New York in 3 hours. Leave Pavvlins, 6 20, 7 55, tlO 35, 10 50 a. m., 2 40, 6 55, 7 45 p. ni., Sundays, 7 55 a. in., 5 20, 7 45 p. m. Arrive New York in 2 hours, 10 minutes. Leave Croton Falls, 5 40, 6 49, 8 26, 1124 a. m., 3 28, 7 25, 8 57 p. ra. Sundays, 8 26 a. m., 5 53, 8 57 p. m. Arrive New York in 1\C hours. Leave Lake ITIahopac, 8 15, 11 08 a. m., 3 23 p. m., Sundays, 5 35 p. m. Arrive Nesv York in 2 hours. Leave Katonah. 5 .5.5, 7 OJ, 8 40, 11 12, 11 38 a. m., 3 48, 7 38 p. m., Sundays, 8 40 a. m., 6 08, 9 32 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 hour 20 minutes. Leave Bedford, 00, 7 09, 8 45, 11 44 a. m., 3 54, 7 44, 9 47 p. m., Sundays, 8 45 a. m., 6 14, 9 47 p. m. Arrive New York in 1J4 hours. Leave White Plains, 5 25, 6 18, 6 38, 7 13, 7 30, *7 47, 8 29, *9 20, 9 34, 10 40, *11 43 a. m., 12 21, 1 27, 2 50, 3 45, 4 33, 5 15. 6 20, *8 10,8 21, 10 20, *1107p. m., Sundays, 713, 8 50, 9 20, 10 40 a. m., 100, 5 55, 6 55, 7 00, *11 07 p. m. Arrive New York in 1 hour. Leave Tuckahoe (Mt. Vernon 8 minutes later, Woodlawn 10 minutes later). 5 30, 5 40, 6 32, 6 51, 7 03, 7 26, 7 43, 8 03, 8 42, 9 00, 9 47, 10 12, 10 54, 11 17 a. m., 12 35, 12 4;^, 1 42, 2 00, 3 03. 3 30, 3 59, 4 25, 4 47, 5 08, 5 28, 6 55, 8 33, 10 33 p. m., Sundays, 7 26, 9 02, 10 54 a. m., 1 17, 4 52. 5 43, 7 16 p. m. Arrive New York in .50 minutes. Leave Williams Brid:;o, 5 46, 5 58, 6 47. 7 04, 7 18. 7 41, 7 55, 8 17, 8 57, 9 21, 10 02, 10 28, 11 11, 11 32 a. m., *12 49, 12 59, 1 58, 2 17, 3 18, 3 45, 4 14, 4 39, *4 58, 5 43, 6 52, 7 11, 8 48, 10 49 p. m., Sundays, 7 41, 9 17, 11 11 a. m., 1 33, 3 45, 5 10, 5 58, 7 34 p. m. Arrive Grand Central Depot in 25 minutes. Leave Mott Haven, 05, 6 19, 7 06, 7 14, 7 38, 8 19, 8 36, 9 16, 9 50, 10 19, 1046, 11 28, 11 50 a. m., 12 59. 1 17, 2 16, 2 30 3 37, 4 05, 4 32, 4 57, 5 09, 6 00, 7 09, 7 28, 8 46, 9 08, 11 07 p. m., Sundays, 9 36. 11 28 a. m., 1 51, 4 05, 5 29 6 15, 7 56 p.m. Arrive Grand Central Depot in 11 minutes. Bedford, cor. Bedford Av. & Halsey St. Broadway, c. Broadway & Flushing Av. Brooklyn, cor. Fulton and Front Sts. City (National), 3.57 Fulton. Commercial, 363 Fulton. First National, cor. Kent Av. & B'dway. Fulton, 361 Fulton. BROOKLYN BANKS. Kings County, 12 Court St. Long Island, 186 Reinsen. Manufacturers, 64 Broadway. Mechanics, cor. Court & Montague Sts. Mechanics and Traders, cor. Greenpoint Av. and Franklin St. Nassau, cor. Court and Remsen Sts. Sprague, cor, 4th and Atlantic Avs. Twenty-Sixth Ward, Atlantic Av. near Manhattan Crossing. Wallabout, cor. Myrtle and Clinton Avs. Savings Banks and tlieir Business Hours. Brooklyn, 223 Fulton St. Open daily, 10 a.m. to 3 p. m., and on Monday from 5 to 7 p. in. also. Bushwick. 466 Grand St. Open, 10 a.m. to 2 p. m.; on Satur- days, 10 a. m. to 12 noon; on Mondays, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. and 5 to 8 p. m. City. cor. 4th and Flatbush Avs. Open, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 noon; on Monday, 9 a. ni. to 3 p. m. and to 8 p. m. Dime of Brooklyn, cor. Court and Remsen Sts. Open daily, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. ; oH Mondays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 5 to 7 p. m. Dime of Williamsburg, .52 Broadway. Open, 10 a. m. to 3 p. in.; on Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 12 noon; on Mondays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 5 to 7 p. m. East Brooklyn, 643 Myrtle Av. Open daily from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., and on Mondays from 7 to 9 p. m. also. East New York, cor. Atlantic and Van Siclen Avs. German, cor. Broadway and Boeriim. Open, 10 a. m. to 2 p. 111.; on Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; on Mondays, 10 a. m. to 2 p. 111. and 5 to 8 p. m. Gerinania, 375 Fulton. Open, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. ; on Saturdaj's, 9 a. m. to 12 noon; on Mondays, 9 a. m. to 'i p. m. and 5 to 7 p. 111. Greenpoint, cor. Manhattan Av. and Noble St. Open, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.. and on Monday from 6 to 8 p. m. also. Kings County Savings Institution, cor. Broadway and Bedford Av. Open, 9 a. m. to 3 p. M.; on Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 noon; on Mondays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 4 to 7 p. m. South Brooklyn Savi'nos Institution, 160 Atlantic Av. Open, 9 a. m, to" 3 p. m.; on Saturdays, 9 a. 111. to 12 noon; on Mondays, 9 a. m to 3 p. in. and 6 to 8 p. m. Williamsburg, cor. Broadway and Driggs St. Open, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.; on Saturdays, 10 a. m.to 12 noon; on Mondays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 4 to 7 p. ui. SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANIES. Brooklyn City Safe Deposit Co.. cor. Montague & Clinton Sts Brooklyn Trust Co., 177 Montague. Franklin Trust Co., 186 Remsen. Long Island Loan and Trust Co., 203 Montague. Long Island Safe Deposit Co.. cor. Fulton and Front Sts. Nassau Loan and Trust Co., 101 Broadway. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Depots foot of Coutlandt and Desbrosses Streets. ffi^"" For Loeal Trains between New York mid all Stations see 3d iniffe folloiving this. Eatiteri! Staiularil Time is given at all dations east of Pittsburg, and Central Standard Time at all points west thereof. Tickets, Baggage Checks, etc., can be obtained at the offices of the Company, as follows : 1, 435, 849, 944 Broadway, 1 Astor House, and foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses streets ; also in Jersey City at the Depot. Trains for Philadelphia. Fare $2.50; Excursion Fare $U.OO, good far 5 days. 3 FAST EXPRESS TRAINS are now rnn from New York to Camden, via Trenton, leav- ing New York at 8 a.m., 12.20, 4 p. m.; Brooklyn 7.30 a. m., 12 m., 3.30 p.m.; arriving at Philadelphia at 10.50 a. m. 3.10 and 6.40 p. m. Sunday trains leave Brooklyn 8.30 (Limited Ex- press 8.30 a. m.), 9.30 a. m, 3.30, 4.00, 4. .30. 5.30, 6.00. 6. .30, 7.30, 8.30 and 11 p. m. Leave New York 6.15, 9.00 (Limited Express 9.00 a.m.), 10.00 a.m., 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, 6.00, 6.30, 7.0 X 8.00 and 9.00 p. m., and 12.15 nighr. All Sunday trains except the 6.15 a. m., 5.00. 6.00 and 7.00 p. m., have Parlor or Sleeping cars attached. The limited express TRAINS leaving New York at 9.00 and 10.00 a. m. are com- posed entirely of Pullman Parlor Cars, on which an ex- tra rate of fare is charged. All trains except those marked t stop at Germantown Junc- tion. Pullman sleeping car for train leaving New York 12.15 midnight, daily, will be placed in Station at Jersey City, open to receive passengers at 10.00 p. m. Leave Leave Arrive New Brook- Philadel- York. lyn. phia. 6.20a.m. 8.48 a.m. 7.20 " 7.00 a.m. 9.55 •• ts.oo " 7.30 '• 10.10 ■■■ 8.30 " 8.00 '• 11.08 " tg.oo '• 8.30 '■ 11.13 " +9.00 " 8.30 •• 11.30 " 1 10.00 '• 9.30 '• 12.25 p.m. 11.00 " 10..30 '• 1.20 '• 11.10 " 10.30 •' 2.30 ■■ 12.20p.m. 12.00 noon 2.47 •' 1.00 " 12.30 •• 3. .50 '• 2.00 " 1.30 p.m. 4.20 •' 3.00 " 2.30 " 5.12 '• t3.30 " .3,C0 " .5.43 " 4.00 " 3.30 " 605 " 4. .30 " 4.00 " 6.47 " 4.40 " 4.00 " 7.33 '■ 5.00 •■ 4.30 '• 7..50 •' 6.00 " 5.30 " 8.30 " 6.30 '• 6.00 '• 9.00 " 7.00 - H..30 " 10.35 " 8.00 " 7.80 - 10.50 " 9.00 " 8.30 '• 11.47 " 12.15 n't 11.00 ■' 3.35 a.m. Trains for Kew ITork. Leave Arrive Arrive Philadel- New Brook- phia. York. lyn. 12.01 n't 3.50 a.m. t3.20a.m. 6.20 " 6.45 a.m. 4.05 " 6.50 " 7.15 '• 1-4.40 " 7.10 " 7.45 ■■ +5..35 " 8.00 " 8.15 " 6.50 '• 9.20 -^ 9.45 " 7.30 '• 9.30 " 9.45 '• 8.20 " 10.40 " 10.45 '• 8.30 " 11.30 " 11.45 '• 9.40 " 11.50 " 12.15 p.m. 11.00 ■' 1.20 p.m. 1.45 '• 11.15 '• 2.00 " 2.15 " 12.00 n'n 2.10 " 2.45 '• 12.49p.m. 3.20 " 3.45 '■ + 1.14 " 3..30 " 3.45 '• + 1.40 " 4,00 " 4.15 " 2.30 •' 4.50 " 5.15 •' 3.20 •' 5.50 " 6.15 " 4.00 '• 6.20 " 6.45 " t4..50 " 7.00 " 7.15 '• 5.00 '• 7.20 ■' 7.45 " 6.00 " 8.50 " 9.15 " 6.35 " 9.20 " 9.45 " +7.12 '■ 9.35 '■ 9.45 •• 8.12 " 10..35 " 10.45 '■ 9.50 '^ 12.20 a.m. 3 FAST EXPRESS TRAINS are now running from Cam- den to New York, via Tren- ton, leaving Station, foot of Marlvet St. at 9, 11.40 a. m. and 4.30 p. m., arriving at New York 11.40 a.m. . p. m.. and Brooklyn 11.45 a. m., 2.45, 7.45 p. m. Sunday trains leave Phil- adelphia (Broad St. Station) 12.01 night, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.30 and 9.40 a. m., 12.49, 1.40, 3.20 (Limited Express 4.50), 5.28, 6.35, 7.12 and 8.12 p. m. All Sunday trains except the 8.30 a. m. have Parlor or Sleeping Cars attached. The limited express trains leaving at 1.14 and 4.50 p. m. are composed en- tirely of Pullman Parlor Cars, on which an extra rate is charged. All Trains except those marked + leave Germantown Junc- tion 9 minutes after leaving Philadelphia. Pullman sleeping cars open to receive pas.sengers at lO.f p. m., are run every night on train leaving at 12.01 night, ar- riving in New York at 3. .50 a. m. Passengers may rest undis- turbed until 7.00 a. m. NEVtr ¥ORK AND CHICAGO. ■- 5 For Arrangement or Through Cars see Next Page. Fare. N. Y. & Chicago Limited. (Extra Fare.) Leaves every day and runs through. Fast Line. Leaves every day. Train leav'g New York on Saturday does not run be- yond Pittsburg on the P., F. W. & C. Ry.; connects for Chicago via C, St. L. & P. R. R. daily. Western Exp. Leaves every day and runs through. Pacific Express. Leaves every day and runs through via P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. Train leav- ing N. Y. on Sat- urday does not connect via C.,St. L. & P. R. R. 9 Leave New York ■' Newark " Trenton $ 15 1 70 2 50 5 .50 10 50 9.00 a. m. ""ii.2() "•' 2.00 p.m. 8.30 ■' 7..30 •• 7.45 " 9.00 a.m. 9.30 •' 10..33 " 11. .50 '■ 3.40 p.m. 11.55 " 10..55 " 11. '20 '■ 6.20 a.m. 6.55 " 12.20 p.m. 6.05 •' 11.15 ^' 12.45 noon. 6..30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 6..59 '• 8.05 " 9.20 '■ 12.25 a.m. 7.45 " 6.45 '• 7.25 '" ■ 1.09 p.m. 1.35 '• . 5.10 " 9.30 " 8.00 p.m. 8..32 '■ 9.50 " 91 ■* Philadelphia 11.25 " 190 444 Harrisburg Arrive Pittsburg, Eastern Time Pittsburg, Central Time 3.10 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 11.45a.m. Leave Pittsburg, Central Time 1.00 p.m. 619 x\rrive Mansfield " Crestline ■' Fort Wayne " Chicago (via P., F. W. & C. Ry.) Leave Pittsburg, Central Time (via Pan Handle Route) Arrive Logansport is 25 15 25 16 75 20 00 19 00 20 00 810 '■ ()33 764 912 1.35 a.m. 4..54 •' 9.00 " 8.45 " 1.35 a. m. 7.00 '■ 12.05 noon. 834 2.40 a.m. 952 (via C, St. L. & P. R. R.) " Chicago (via C, St. L. & P. R.R.) 7.20 " NEW YORK, INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. I.OUIS. Dist. from New York. For liottrs at Stations between New York and Pittsburg, see Neiv York and Chicago Time Table. Fare. Fast Line. Leaves every day and runs through. Western Exp. Leaves every day and runs through. Leave New York " Philadelphia Arrive Pittsburg, Eastern Time Pittsburg. Central Time Leave Pittsburg, Central Time. Arrive Steubenville ■' Newark - " Columbus ■' Indianapolis " Terra Haute Ettingham. Vandalia St. Louis 1 $10 .50 9.00 a. m. 11..50 '• 11.55 p.m. 10.55 -^ 11.15 ■' 12.45 a. m. 4.25 ■• .5.30 ■' 11.40 '• 2.00 p.m. 4.20 •' 5.15 " 7..30 '^ 6..30 p.m. 91 444 For Arran<>eiiieii( of Tliroua,li Cars, see Next Pajic. J 9.20 " 7.45 a. m. 6.45 " 7..^0 •■ 487 12 00 15 25 16 25 19 00 21 25 23 20 24 00 24 25 9.00 '■ 604 1.25 p.m. 637 825 2.30 " 10.20 " 898 965 996 1065 1.30 a.m. 3.45 •' 4.48 '■ 7.00 ■' 98 PENNSYLVANIA R. R.-Continued. NEW YORK, ( OL-UlTIBllS, CINCINNATI AND THE SOUTH. e . N. Y. & Chicago Limited. Fast Line. Leaves New York Western Exp. Pacific Exp. <- o For hours at. Stations between New daily and ra»s Leaves every day. S>-| York and PUtsburq, see New York Fare. Leaves through to Cin- every day and runs through. Train leav'g New feS and Chicago Time Table. every day cinnati, Connects York on Saturday .2^ and runs through. for Louisville week days. does not run west (it Pittsburg. $ 2 50 9.00 a.m. 6 11.20 " 9.00 a.m. 11.50 " 6.30 p.m. 9.20 " 8.00 p.m. 91 Philadelphia 11.25 " 444' Arrive Pittsburs. Eastern Time 10 50 o 8.30 p.m. 11.55 p.m. 7.45 a.m. 12.45 noon. ^ 7.30 •' « 8.00 " 10..55 '■ 11.15 " 6.45 " 7.30 " 11.45 a.m. Leave Pittsburg. Central Time 13.05 p.m. 637 Arrive Columbus 16 25 ■S 2.25 a.m. W 7.10 " 11.59 " 5.30 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.25 " 757 867 18 00 21 50 10.00 " 7.20 p.m. 6.40 " 11.45 " " Louisville Connecting via Louisville and Njshville B. B. for I Arrive Nashville I ■' Memphis " New Orleans. " Galveston . . . $25 65 1 29 40 i 34 00 1 46 30 7.40 p.m. 5.15 a. m. 7.20 p.m. 12.01 noon. 6.50 a.m. 2.40 p.m. 7.00 a. m. 8.25 " NEW YORK, CliEVELAND AND TOIiEDO. Dist. from New York. For hours at Stations between New York and Pitts- burg, see New York and Chicago Time Table. Fare. Fast Line. Leaves every day and connects through to Cleve- land. Train leav- ing New York on Saturday does not con'ctfor Toledo. Western Exp. Leaves eveiy day. Train leav'g New York on Saturday does not connect for Cleveland or Toledo. Pacific Express. Leaves every day for Toledo. Train leaving New York on Saturday does not connect for Cleveland. $ 2 50 10 50 9.00a.m. 11.50 " 11. .55 p.m. 10.55 •• 11.05 •• 6.30 p.m. 9.20 •• 7.45 a.m. 6.45 '■ 7.25 '• 10.15 - 12.50 p.m. 1.09 " 4.15 " 8.00 p m. 91 11.25 " 444 12.45 noon. 11.45 a.m. 12.50 p.m. 527 12 00 13 00 15 25 16 25 593 5.25 a.m. 5.55 " 9.15 " 6.55 " 619 8.10 " 705 Toledo 11.25 " ARR.iNGEWIENT OF THROUGH CARS. Fast lilne,— Vestibule Sleeping t;ar New York to St. Louis. Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Cincinnati. Sleeping Car Altoona to Chicago. Vestibule Parlor Car New York to Pittsburg. Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Cleveland. Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Toledo ; car open at 10.00 p. in. Dining Car Philadelphia to Altoona. Passenger Coach New York to Pittsburg. Passenger Coach Philadelphia to Pittsburg. (Note.— Tickets will be sold at New York. Jersey City and Philadelphia, good for a seat in Parlor Car to Pittsburg, and a berth in Sleeper from Pittsburg to Cincinnati.) New York and Chicago Iiimlted.— Vestibule Sleeping Cars New York to Chicago. Vestibule Sleeping Car New York to Cincinnati. Vestibule Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Cincinnati. Vestibule Dining Car New York to Pittsburg, and Fort Wayne to Chicago. Vestibule Smoking Car New York to Chicago. Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Indianapolis. "Western Express.— Vestibule Sleeping Car New York to St. Louis. Vestibule BuflEet Sleeping Car New York to Memphis. Vestibule Sleeping Car New York to Chicago. Sleeping Cars Philadelphia to Pittsburg. Vestibule Sleeping Car New York to Cincinnati. Vestibule Buffet Sleeping Car New York to New Orleans. Passenger Coach New York to Pitts- burg. Dining Car New York to Philadelphia. Pacific Express.— Vestibule Buffet Sleeping Car New York to Chicago. Sleeping Car Philadelphia to Pittsburg, open at 10.00 p.m. Sleeping.Car Philadelphia to Altoona. Passenger Coach New York to Pittsburg. Buffet Sleeping Car New York to Memphis (via Shenandoah Valley R. R.) Sleeping Car New York to Chicago via C, St. L. & P. R. R. Passenger Coach Philadelphia ta Pittsburg. PIEDITIONT AIR LINE AND ATLANTIC COAST L,INE. Leave New York by Pennsylvania Railroad, foot of Cortlaudt and Desbrosses streets. For arrangement of Through Care, see •' Pennsylvania Route to Washington and the South." Piedmont Air Line. Atlantic Coast Line. *RuN ON Sundays also. Fare. Fast Mail. Soutuern Express. Lv. New York *12.15 n't 7.20 a.m. 9.00 " 11.24 " 8.30 p.m. 1 .5.5 a. m. *4.30p.m. 6.57 " " Baltimore 9..30 •• 11.00 " Ar. Danville, Va $13 65 18 60 8.05 a. m. " Cnarlotte, N. C. 12.40 n'n " Atlanta. Ga 24 00 1 ll.(X) " 9.40 p.m. 25 00 28 50 6.15 p.m. 7.00 " 3.58 a.m. " Montgomery, Ala 7.25 " " Birmingham 26 80 8.20 p. m. 6.30 a.m. " Mobile 32 00 34 00 2.10 a.m. 7.00 a.m. 1.55 p.m. 7.20 p.m. " Galveston .... 46 30 91 75 85 20 9.20 a.m. 8.45 p.m. 7.15 a.m. 12.05 n'n " San Francisco, 4th day 1 from New Orleans. . . f Ar. City of Mexico, 5lh day I. from New Orleans... )" Fare. Runs every day. Daily except Sunday. 12.15a.m. 7.20 •• 9.00 •' 10..57 '■ 2..38p. m. 9.55 '• 4.00 a.m. 6.41 •' 8.30 a. m. " Philadelphia " Baltimore 11.18 " 2.00p.m. 3.10 " 7.45 •' " Wilmington, N. C " Charleston, S. C " Savannah, Ga $16 95 23 00 24 00 3.55 a. m. 10:55 " 2.15 p.m. Ar. Brunswick, Ga. " Thomasville. . 27 00 I 12.50 p. m. 29 50 I 1.40 p.m. Ar. Jacksonville, Fla.. " St. Augustine " Tampa, Fla 37 75 32 50 35 70 12.00 n'n .3.15 p.m. 10.00 p.m. 8.30 p.m. Far arrangement of Thrmigh Cars, see next page. 99 PENNSYLVANIA R. R.-Continued. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE- W^ASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. Connect frain Brook- lyn, via Annex, foot of Fulton St. Pare. Lv. New Yorlv Jersey Citi' Ar. Tv j Philadelpiiia... $2 50 Ar. Chester Wilmington Baltimore 2 90 3 25 5 30 Annapolis 6 45 Fast Mail. *4.45am ( 6.50 '• ) 7.20 " 8.04 " 9.40 " Wash- ins;ton Mail. i6.20am 6.34 •' 8.48 " 9.10 " 9.42 " 10.12 '• 12.25pm Wash- ington Fast Exp. 8.00am 8.13 " 10.10 " 10.20 " ii.od''' 12.35pm South- ern Day Exp. 8.30 am 8.43 " 11.08 " *11.18 " 11.45 " 12.06pni 2.00 " § Wash- ington Lim- ' ited. ' lO.OOain 10.15 " 12.25pm 12.35 " , 1.17 2.55 Wash- ington Day E xp. l.OOpm 1.15 " 3..50 " 4.05 " 4.26 " 4.46 " 6.50 " Wash- ington Exp. 2.00 pm 2.13 " 4.20 " 4.30 '• 5.13 6.59 §Con- Fast gress. South- Limitedlern Exp. *3.40pm 3.54 " '5.42 "''' 6.33 8.06 *4.30pm 4.43 " 6.47 " 6..57 " 7.19 " 7.40 " 9.25 " Wash- ington Exp. '■12.15am 12.30 " 3.35 " 3.50 " 4.21 " 4.46 " 6.45 '• ■• Annapolis 1645 1 1 1 1.48pm 1 6.30pm | 6.30pm | 1 1 1 1 1 t9.05am Ar. Washington '■ Alexandria •■ Fredericksburg. 1 6 50 *10.45am *2.15pm 6 65 11.14 " 14.00 " 8 35 12.45pm 10 35 2.38 " i 1.42pm *3.10pm| 4.00pra 2.25 " , t4.0n " 1 4.45 '■ t5.38 " *8.30pm 8.10pm *9.12pm *10.35pm 10.25 " tll..57" ='4.10am *8.00am 4.49 •' +9.00 '• 6.36 " •• Richmond i t7 45 " 1 8.50 " 1 tOn Sundays this train leaves New York at 6.15 a. ra. Parlor Cars, on which an extra rate of fare is charged. *Every day. +Daily, except Sunday. §Train is composed entirely of Trains to New York. Stations. Fast Express. New York Express. ^Limited Express. New York Express. New York Express. Boston Express. §Congres- sional Limited. m^-^ Night Express. ^-^P--^^^- Night Express. Richmond [Leave *7.32 a.m 9.27 " 11.07 " *n.40 " +11.07 a.m 1.30 p.m 3.21 " *3.45 " +11.07 a.m *6.25p.m 8.47 " 10.42 •' *11.20 •' Alexandria Washington 6.05 a.m 7.20 " +8.00 a.m *9.00 " *9.10a.m +9.40 " 10.15 a.m 11.00 " +1.20 p.m *2.10 " 3.21 '" |'*9.'32p.m *4.]0 " 1*1000 " Annapolis [Leave 6.40 a.m *8.37 a.m 1 +12.05 p.m +12.05 p.m *4.10p.ml Baltimore .... [Leave 8.25 a.m 10.07 " *10.0S a.m' 11.51 ■' 12.10 p.m 12.35 '• 12.49 " 3.13 " *3.20 " 10.45 a.m 12.23 p.m 12.05 p.m 1.39 " *12.45p.m 2.27 " *3.20p.m 5.24 " 544 " 6.09 " 6.35 " 9.10 " *0.20 " *4.49p.m 6.26 " *5.]7p.m 7.06 " 7.26 " 7.49 " 8.12 " 10.28 " *10.35 " *11.35p.m 2.00 a.m 2.28 " 3.00 " 3.20 " 6.10 " *6.20 " *12.40a.m 2.52 " 3.16 " 3.45 '• 4.05 " 6.42 •' *6.50 " Philadelphia.... J ^ v 10.47 '• 11.00 •• 1.12p.m 1.20 •' 1.05 '■ 1.14 " 3.20 " 3.30 " 2.20 " 2.30 " 4.42 " 4..50 " 3.10 " 3.20 " .5.42 " *5.50 " 7.17 " Jersey City .. [Arrive New York. . . [Arrive 9.13 " *9.20 " ARRANGEMENT OF THROUGH CARS.— Southward. Fast Mail.— Passenger Coaches Philadelphia to Wash- ington. Buffet .Sleeping Car Washington to Jacksonville (via Atlantic Coast Line). Buffet Sleeping Car Washington to Charleston (via Atlantic Coast Line). Passenger Coach Wash- ington to Wilmington, N. C. VVasliiii<, 11 00 a. m., 12 m, 1 00. 2 00, 4 00, 4 30, 5 45, 6 45, 11 00 p. m. Arrive in 30 minutes. For Newark (Centre Street), 5 00, 6 00, 7 00, 7 30, 8 10. 9 20. 10 10, 10 40, 11 10 a. m.. 12 00 ni., 12 30, 1 40, 2 30, 4 10. 4 40, 5 10 5 30, G 20. 6 40, 7 00, 7 30, 8 30, 10 15. 11 45 p. m. Arrive in 31 minutes. For Newark (Market St.), 5 00, 6 00, 6 .30, 6 40, 7 00, 7 30, 7 40, 8 10, 8 30, 9 10. 9 20. 10 10. 10 40, 11 00, 11 10 a. m.. 12 m., 12 .30 1 00 1 40 2 00 2 30 3 00 3 20, 3 50, 4 00. 4 10. 4 30, 4 40, 4 50. 5 00, 5 10, 5 20, 5 30, 5 40. 5 .50. 6 00, 6 10. 6 20, 6 30, 6 40, 7 m 7 30 830 9' 15, 10 15, 11 45 p. m., 12 15 night. Sundays, 6 15, 8 (K), 9 00, 9 45, 10 00, 10 30, 11 (X) a. m., 12 m., 1 00, 2 (HI, 300,' 4 (XI, 4 30, 5 00, 5 45. 6 30, 6 45, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, 9 30. 10 15, 11 (XI p. m., 12 15 nighr. Arrive in 30 minutes. For Newark (Chestnut Street), 5 00. 6 00, 6 30, (i 40, 7 (X), 7 30, 7 40, 8 10, 8 30, 9 10, 9 20, 10 10, 10 40, 1 llO a. m., 12 m., 12 30, I 00 1 40 2 00 2 30 3 00, 3 20, 3 .50, 4 10, 4 40, 5 10, 5 20, 5 30, 5 .50. 6 00. 6 10. 6 30, 6 40, 7 00, 7 30, 8 30. 9 15, 10 15. 11 45 p. m. 12 15 nislit. Sundays. 8 00, 9 00.10 30. 11 00 a. m.. 12 m.. 1 00, 2 00, 3 00, 4 09, 4 30, 5 45. 6 30, (i 45. 7 00. 7 30. 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, 9 30, 10~15, 10 10 p. m., 12 15 night. Arrive in 35 minutes. For Newark (Emmett Street), 5 00, 6 00. 6 40, 7 00, 7 30, 7 40, 8 10, 8 30, 9 20, 10 10, 10 40 a. m. ; 12. m.. 12 30, 1 40, 2 30. 3 .50. 4 30, 5 10 5 30, 6 00. 6 10, 6 20, 6 40. 7 30, 8 30. 10 15, 11 45 p. m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 30, 11 00 a. m., 12 00 m.. 1 00, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 4 30', 5 4.5, (') 4.5, 7 30. 8 00, 8 30, 9 00. 9 30. 10 15 p. m. Anive in 37 n)iniites. For Wa^'erlv 5 OO 6 00 6 40, 7 30, 7 40, 8 10, 8 30. 10 10, 10 40 a m.. 12 (X) m., 12 30, 1 40, 2 30, 3 .50. 4 40. 6 30, 7 30. 8 30, 10 15, II 45 p. ni. Sundays, 9 0(». Ki 30. 11 00 a. m.. 12 (K) ni., 1 (K), 2 (X). 3 00, 4 00, 5 45, 6 30, 6 45, 8 30. 9 (H), .9 30, 10 15 p. m. Arrive Waverly in 37 ininules. For Elizabetli and Kali way. 6 30. 7 (K), 7 20. 7 40. 8 00. 9 10, 9 20. 10 10, 11 00, 11 10 a. m., 12 00 m., 12 30, 1 00, 2 (X), 2 .30, 3 00 3 20 4 00 4 10 4 30, 4 50, 5 (Kl, 5 10, 5 20, 5 30. 5 40, 5 50, 6 (Ml, 6 10. 6 20. 6 40. 7 00, 7 30, 8 30, 9 15, 10 15, 11 45 p. m., 12 15 ni"ht Sundays, 6 15, 8 GO. 9 00. 9 45, 10 00. 11 00 a. m., 12 m., 1 00, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 45. 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00, 9 30. 10 15, 11 00 p. m., 12 15 night. Arrive Elizabeth in 45minutes; arrive Rahway in 55 minutes. For Woodbridge, 6 00, 9 10. 10 10 a. m.. 12 m., 2 30, 4 10, 5 00, 5 SO, 6 40, 11 45 p. m., Sundays, 9 45 a. ni., 5 00, 9 30 p. m. Arrive ^Voodbridge in 1 hour. For Pertli Amboy, 6 00, 10 10 a. m., 2 30, 4 10, 5 30, 6 40, 11 45 p. m., Sundays. 9 ,30 p. m. Arrive Perth Amboy in 1 hour 10 minutes. For metuolien and intermediate stations, 6 30, *6 50. *8 00. 9 20, *11 00, 11 10 a. m., 1 00. 2 00, 3 00, *3 40, *4 00, 4 50, *5 00, 5 40, 6 00, 7 00. *9 (X). 10 15 p. m., *12 15 night. Sundays, *8 00, 9 00 a. m.. 12 m., 1 00, 4 -30, *5 00, 5 4.5, 7 00. 8 30 p. m.. *12 15 night. Arrive Metucben in 1 hour. *Ex]uess trains. For Nc w Brunswick, *6 20. a. m., *5 00, 700 p. m., *12 15 night. Arrive Monmouth Junction in IJ^ hours. *Express trains. For Kin$£Ston, Rocky Hill, 7 20a, m., 4 00 p. m. Arrive Rocky Hill in 2 hours. For Princeton, 6 30, S 30, 11 10 a. ni., 1 00, 2 00, 4 40, 7 00 p. m. Arrive Princeton in 1% hours. For Trenton and intermediate stations, *6 20, 6 3t), *720,*8 00, *8 30, *9 00, (*10(X) a. m., extra fare), *11 00, 1110 a.m., *12 -X! 1 00 2 00 3 00 *4 00 4 40, *5 00, *6 00, *6 30. 7 00. *8 00. *9 (X) p. m., 12 15 night, Sundays, *6 15, *9 00, *10 (X) a. in., *4 (X). "5 00. '*6 00. *6 .30, 7 00, *8 00. *9 00 p. m., 12 15 night. Arrive Trenton— Express trains in li^ hours. Accommodation trains in 2 hours. *E.vpress fj'ains. For Bristol. Frankford, and intermediate stations, *6 20, *7 20. 8 00, *8 30, 10 00, 11 10 a. m.. 1 00, 2 00, 4 00, 4 40, *5 00. 6 .30, 7(X)p. m., 12 15 nisht, Sundays, 61.5. 1000 a.m.. *5 tH), 7(X)p. m. (*9(X) to Bristol), 12 15 night. Arrive Bristol 2 hours 6 minutes; arrive Frankford in 2V2 hours. ^Express Trains. For Kensington, 620, 7 20,8 00,8 30, 10 00, 11 10a. m.. 1 00, 4 00. 4 40, 6 30, 7 00p. m. Arrive in 2 to 3 hours. JJS=° For trains to and from Germantown Junction and Philadelphia, see page 97. Train.** to New York. * Express trains.— Trains stop at intermediate stations unless marked *. Leave Ken.«in on, 6 0.5,617,6 35,7 05,7.56,8 35,9 40.1035 a.m., 12 3.5,115.215,4 0.5.4 26,7 29,8 14,10.55 p.m., Sun- days. 8 11, 9 03. 10 33 a. m., 12 02, 1 03, 2 05, 2 .53, 4 0.5, 5 04, 7 03, 9 33 p. m. Arrive New York in 25 minutes. Leave ITIeadoiV!«, 1208, 5 09, 6 29p. m. Arrive New York in 22 minutes. Leave ITIarion, 6 12,0 25,6 42,7 14,7.56,8 04,8 4^,8.56,9 47. 1013 a. m„ 1214,12 43,121,2 23,2 43, 3 43,413,4 33,5 14,5 44, 6 01, 37,6.57,717,7 36,8 00,8 22,8.50.9 33,1017. 1103 p.m., 12 05 right., ^w/ifiay*. 8 19, 9 15, 1016, 10 45 a. m.. 12 15, 1 15, 2 13.3 00, 4 1.3. 5 .57, 7 15, 7 32, 8 .56, 9 41, 10 13, 10 43 p. m., 12 13 night. Arrive New York in 16 minutes. BRVN ITIAWR AND PAOIil TRAINS. Leave Cortlandt and Desbros8e.s Sts., via Philadelphia, for Bryn J?Iawr and Paoli, 6 20, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00, 11 10 a. jn., 12 20, 1 00, 200, 3 20. 4 00 (4 30 to Bryn Mawr), 5 00, 6 30, 8 00 p. m., Sundays, 6 15, 9 00. 10 00 a. m., 4 00, 5 00, 6 .30 p. m. (8 00 p. m. to Bryn Mawr). Arrive Bryn Mawr in 334 hours; arrive Paoli in 3!^ hours. Leave Paoli (leave Bryn Mawr 23 minutes later), 5 55. 6 25. 7 17, 8 25. 9 25, 10 25, 11 .55 a. m., 12 25, 1 25, 1 55, 2 .55. 3 95 (4.48 from Bryn Mawrt, 5 25, 5 55, 6 55, 8 .55, 10 55 p. m.. Sundays, 7 25, 8 13 a. m. (11 48 a. m.. from Bryn Mawr). 12 10, 2 18. 4 IS. 4 57. 5 48 (0 -IS from Bryn Mawr), 10 25 p. m. Arrive New lork in 4 hours. Manayunk. Norristown, Plioenlxville, Pottstown. Birdsboro, Reading', Hamburg, Pottsville. l. ni. For Hamburg and Pottsville^ 12 15, 11 00 a m., 1 Oi) p. m., Sundays, 6 15, 10 00 a. m. Arrive Pottsville, 10 04 a. m.. 20, 7 07p. m., Sundays, 1 11, 5 06 p, ni. GERMANTOW^N AND CHESTNUT HILL. BRANCH. Fare to Chestnut Hill .$^. HO— Excursion $!,.20. Leave toot of Cortlandt or Desbrosses Sts.. via Geruiantown Junction, for Chestnut Hill and intermediate stations, 20. 7 20, 8 30, 11 00 a. m. 12 20, 1 00, 2 00,3 00, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 00, 6 30,8 00,9 00 p. m., S nulays. 15, 9 00, 10 00 a. m.. 4 30, 5 00, 30 8 00 )). m. Arrive Chestnut Hill in about 3 hours. Leave Chestnut Hill, 6 30. 7 15, 8 07, 8 20, 9 15, 10 46 a m.. 12 26. 2 10, 2 4.5, 3 10, 4 46. 5 45. 6 20, 7 4.5, 9 05, 11 59 p. m., Sundays, 7 15, 9 28 a. ni., 12 30, 2 M, 4 34. 6 24, 7 29. 10 30 p. m. Arrive New York in about 2}^ hours. BKLVIDERE DIVISION. M. Stations. Fare. Exc. Trenton $1.70-$ '.75 1 Warren St eec 4 Asylum 1.«2- 2.95 5 Wi'lburtha 1.85- 3.00 Scudder's Falls 1.91- 3.10 7 Somerset 1.94- 3.14 9 Washington Crossing 1.9S- 3 22 10 Titusville 2.02- 3.28 1 2 Moore's 2.09- ;{ 39 M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 16 Lamhertville. . .$2.19 $3.56 18 ■- I'Alexauken. 2.25- 19 ^ \ Mt. Airy.. . 2..30- 20 s I Bowne 2.32- 22 £ I Boss Road. 2.37- 23 'i 1 Ringoes.... 2.40- 24 "g I Muirhead's. 2.43- 26 S I Copper Hill 2.48- 28 iu [Fleminglou 2..55- 19 Stockton 2.29- M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 22 Bnirs Island... $2.39-$3.89 3.66 24 Bvram 2.44- 3.98 3.74 i 26 Tumble 2.50- 4.08 3.78 ! 28 Kingwood . .. 2..5.5- 4.17 3.87 31 Frenchtown.... 2.66- 4.34 3.91 ' 35 Milford 2.76- 4.51 3.97 .38 Holland 2.86- 4.67 4.05 ! 41 Riesrelsville..., 2.96- 4.85 4.10 45 Carpenterville.. 3.07- 5.03 3.73 : .50 Leliigh June . . 3.22- 5.29 M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 50 Phillipsburg... .$3.23- $5.29 Eastou 51 Lopaicong .. . 3.2.5- 5.33 53 Harmony 3.37- 5.. 53 57 Alartiifs Creek 3.44- 5.64 .59 Hutchinson's.. . 3.49- 5.73 60 Roxbursr 3.53- 5.S0 04 Belvidere . 3.65- 5.99 67 Mannnka Chunk .. 3.74- 6.15 Trenton. Lambertville, Flemington, Lehigh Junction. Eastoii and Manuiika Chunk. Leave toot ol'Cortlandt and Desbrosses Sts. for Lambertville and intermediate stations. 720, 11 00 a. m.. 2 00. 3 00, 5 00 p, m. Arrive Lambertville, 9 42 a. m., 1 35, 4 25, 5 24, 7 40 p. m. For Flemington and intermediate stations, 7 20, 11 00 a. m., 3 00 p. m. Arrive Flemington, 10 12 a. m., 2 55, 6 02 p m. For Lehigh Junction, Easton, Mauiinka <:hunk and intermediate stations, 7 20, 11 00 a. m., 300,5 00 p.m. Arrive Lehiah Junction, 10 38 a. m., 2 44. <> 21, S 49 \>. m.\ arrive Easton, 10 43 a. m., 2 50, 6 25, S .53 p. m.: arrive Manunka Chunk. 11 20 a. m., 3 30, 7 (XI, 9 .30 p. m. Train.* to New^ York. Leave Manunka Chunk, 7 00, 10 15a. m., 12 20, 3 45, 6 30 p. m.; leave Easton, 7 26,10 40 a. m., 1 00. 4 20. 7 02 t). m.: leave Lehigh Junction, 727,10 47 a. m., 1 01, 4 21, 7 03 p, m.; leave Lambertville. S .30, 11 .52 a. m., 208,530, 8 (K) p. m. Arrive New York, 10 40 a. m., 2 10, 4 50, 8 50, 10 35 p. m. Leave Flemington, 7 50 a. m., 12 40, 4 45p. m. Arrive New York, 10 40 a. m., 4 .50, S 50 p. m. 102 PENNSYLVANIA R. R.-Continned. M Stations. South Arabov Fare. Exr. roc.-$].io AMBOir OIVISIOIV. The fares here given are via Rahway. 2 Ernston 80c.- 1.30 7 Old Bridge 88n.- 1.4(3 S Bloomfield 90c.- 1.51 9 Spotswood 94c.- 1.57 11 Helmetta 99c.- l.()7 13 Jamesbuiisr $1.(X1- 1.75 15 Prospect Plains 1.10- 1.90 17 Cranbury 1.14- 1.98 20 Hightstowu 1.21- 2.13 ]M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 24 Windsor $1.30-$2.30 27 Newtown 1..38- 2.45 30 Yardville 1 .47- 2.63 33 Bordentown ... 1.54- 2.79 34 White Hill 1..57- 2.85 36 Kinlcora 1.62- 2.94 37 Knickerbocker Row 1.04- 2 99 38 Florence 1.67- 3.03 41 Stevens 1.73- 3.16 M. Stations. Pare. Exc. 42 Mt. Holly June. 43 Burlington . . . .$1.78-$3.26 45 Edgwater Park. 1.84- 3,38 46 Beverly 1.86- 3.42 47 Perkins 1.88- 3.46 48 Delanco 1.92- 3.53 49 Kiverside 1.93- 3.56 50 Cambridge 1.95-3.60 .50 Taylor 1.97- 3.64 52 Riverton 2 02- 3.73 M. Stations. Fare. Exc. 53 Palmyra $2.03- $3.77 53 West Palmyra . . 2.05- 3.79 54 Morris 2.08- 3.85 56 Delair 2.10- 3.91 56 Fish House .... 2.12- 3.94 57 Beideman's 2.15- 4.00 58 Pavonia 2.16- 4.00 60 Haddon Avenue. 2.22- 4.00 60 Camden 2.22- 4.00 61 Philadelphia.... 2.25- 4.00 12 00 m., 2 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 30, Sundays, 10 19 a. ra., 6 42 Leave foot of Cortlaudt or Desbrosses Sts.j for Jaiuesburg, Higlitsstowii; Bordentown and inter- mediate stations, 9 10 a. m., 5 OOp. m. Arrive Jamesburg, 10 42 a. ra., 6 36 p. m.; arrive Bordentown. 11 31 a. m., 728 p. m. For Bur]In«;ton, Camden. Plilladelplila and intermediate stations, 9 00, 11 10 a. m., 12 20, 1 00, 2 00, 4 00, 5 (X), 8 00 p. m., Sundays, 10 00 a. m., li 00 p. ni. Arrive Burlington in 21^ hours; arrive Camden and Philadeli>hia in 3 hours. Trains to New York. Leave Pliiladelpliia (leave Camden 10 minutes later). 6 20. 7 20, 9 (X), 10 30, 11 40 a 7 30 p. m., Sunday. ■<, 9 15 a. m., 5 45 p. m. Arrive New York in 3 hours. Leave Biirlf n^ilon, 7 10. 8 09, 9 37, 11 21 a. m., 12 16, 1 00, 3 21, 4 29, 4 44, 5 37, 6 19, 8 23 p p. m. Arrive New York in2^ hours. Leave Bordentown. 6 30, 7 29. 8 37, 9 .55, 11 47 a. m., 1231. 1 25, 3 45, 4 .52, 5 (X), 5 36, 6 41, 8 45 p. m.. Sundays, 6 30, 10 43 a. m.. 7 OS p. m. Arrive New York in 2 hours. Leave Higlitstown, 7 25, 8 30. 902 a. m., 5 21 p. m. ; leave Jamesburg, 7 50. 9 40, 9 35 a. in.. 5 41 p. m. Arrive New York, 9 20, 11 30, n lO a. m., 7 20 p. m. Burllnston Branch-Leave Burlington for Mount Hollj', 820, 10 OB. 11 53 a. m., 3 32. 5 18, 7 33p. m. Arrive Mount Holly in 25 minutes. Leave IVIount Holly for Burling'ton, (i 42, 9 02, 10 .50 a. m.. 2 50, 4 38, 6 00 p. m. Arrive Burlington in 25 minutes. Medford Branoli— Leave IVIount Holly for IVIedford, 6 47, 932 am., 12 25, 5 00 p. m.. Sundays. 7 15a. m. Arrive Medford in 27 minutes. Kinkora Brancli— Leave Kinkora for L.ewistown, 8 25. 9 50 a. m., 3 37, 5 42 p. m., Sundays, 7 23 a. ui. Arrive Lewistown in 22 minutes. Leave Lewistoivn. 7 30. 9 16 a. m.. 2 32, 5 05 p. ni.. Sundays, 6 29 p. m. Arrive Kinkora in 22 minutes. Vlncentown Braneli— Leave Ewansville, 9 28 a. m.. 12 42. 237, 3 40. (!27 p. in. Arrive Vmcenlowu in 12 minutes. Leave Vincentown, 7 00 a. m., 12 20, 1 55, 3 10, 4 05 p. in. .Vrnve Ewansville in 22 minutes. Pemberton and Higlitstowrn B. R.^Leave Higlitstown for IVortli Pemberton and Biruiingiiam. 7 30, 10 00 a. in.. 7 03 p. in. Arrive Birmingham, 8 .52 a. in.. 12 38. 8 29 p. m. Leave Birmingliam ( North Pemberton 6 minutes later., 8 tX) a. m.. 1 45, 5 08 p. m. Arrive Hlglitsto wn, 9 00 a m., 5 20, 6 25 p. m. POINT PI.EASANT. TORI'S RIVEB. ^VHITINOS. MOUNT HOLLY .\ND PHIL, ADEIiPHIA. Leave Point Pleasant for Berkeley. Seaside Park, Island Heiglits and Tom's Biver. 11 30 a. m., and on Mondays and Safurd.'ivs onlv. 3 07 p. m. .\rrivc Tom's Hiver, 1 12 p. in., and on Mandavs and Saturdays at 4 07 p. m. Leave Island Helglits for ^Vliitings. lYIount Holly and Pliiladelpliia, 7 50 a. m., 3 55 p. m. .\rrive Mount Holly, 910 a. m.. 5 10 p. in.; arrive Philadelphia. liHil) a. in..V) 00 j). m. Leave Nortli Pemberton for IVIereliantville and Pliiladelpliia, (> 30, 7 35 a. in.. 12 32, 230. 4 10, 825 p. m., Sundays, 8 12 a. m. Arrive Merchantvillr m 1 hour: arrive Philadelphia in I14 hours. Leave Mount Holly for ITIercliantville, Camden and Pliiladelpliia. 530, 6 00, 6 52. 7 22, 8 Ot), 9 10, 11 20 a. 111., 18 51, 2 45. 4 28, 5 10. 6 15.8 41, 10.50 p. m.. Sundays, s 43 a. m. 12 05, 5 30, 7 -50 |). m. Arrive Merchanlville in 36 minutes; arrive Camden and Philadelphia in 1 hour. FBEEHOLD AND JAMESBUBO B. B. TJie, tares here given are via Monmouth Junction and are higher than rates via Rahway and South Amboy. New York connections for this road are mostly made via Monmouth .function. M. Stations 28 Allaire. Fare. $1.75- Exc. $2.25 30 Allen wood 1.75- 2.35 32 Manasquan . 1.7,5- 2.35 33 Sea Girt 1.75- 2.35 M. Stations. Fare. Exc. M. Stations. Fare. Exc. M. Stations. Fare. Exc. MonmonthJun.$1.24-$1.95 11 Tracy's S1..50-$2.()0 20 Howell $l.fiO-$2.10 2 Dayton 1.30- 2.trict No. 6.-C'has. B. Husted, dockmaster. Office, foot W. 13th St. From W. 11th St. to W. 23d St. District No. 8.— Patrick J. Brad v. dockmaster. Office, foot W. 30tli St. From W. 23d St. to W. 42d St. District No. 10.— Joseph B. Erwin, dockmaster. Office, foot W. .57th St. From W. 42d St. to W. 60th St. District No. 12.— John J. Ryan, dockmaster. Office, foot ^V. 79th St From W. 60th St. to Yonkers, Spuyten Duyvil and Kingsbridge. 103 WEST JERSEY R. R. Via Pennsjivania K. It. foot of Cortlandt and Des'brosses Streets. L.eave Philadelphia for \e\vfleld and Atlantic City, stoppini? at intermediate stations, 8 20, ts 50 a. m., 3 10, t4 00 p. m., Sundays, 8 00, 18 45 a. m., 4 45 p. m. Arrive Atlantic City, 10 37, tlO 30 a. m., 5 30, t5 40 p. m., Sundays, 10 18, tl0 25a. m., 7 03 p. m. !• Express trains, make no stojys between Camden and Pleasantville. Trains to Plilladelpiila. Leave Atlantic City, 7 15, 17 30 a. m.. +3 (X), 3 05 p. ni., Sundays, 7 20 a. m., 3 .55, t4 10 p. m. Arrive Pliiladelphia, !) .50, (9 10 a. m., 4 40, 5 20 p. m., Sundays, 9 35 a. m., 6 20 p. m., t5 50 p. ni. Leave ^'ewfleld, SOfia. ni., 3 58p. ni., Sundays, 8 13 a. m., 4 44 p ni. Arrive Philadelphia, 9 50 a. ni., 5 20 p. m., Sundays, 9 35 a. m., 6 20 p. m. Sonier. 10, 8 IK), 8 20, 9 30, 10 30 a. m., 12 (N) m., 3 10, 3 30, 4 30, 5 00, 5 20, 6 30, 11 30 p. m., Sundays, 8 00, a. m., 4 45 p. m. Arrive Glassboro in 50 minutes. For Clayton, 8 20 a. m.. 12 00 m., 3 10, 5 20 p. m., Sundays. 8 (XI a. m., 4 45 p. m. Arrive in 1 hour. For Elmer and Bridgeton, 8 iK) a. m.. 12 00 m., 3 30, 5 00. « 30 p. m., Sundays, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m. Arrive Bridgeton in 1% hours. Trains to Pltiladelpliia. Leave Bridgeton. stopping at intermediate stations, 7 00, 8 05 a. m., 12 15, 3 00, 5 10 p. m., Sundays, 8 00 a. m., 4 .50 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia in 1J4 hours. Leave Glassboro, 5 .50, 6 20, 7 07, 7 34, 7 40, 8 42, 8 59, 11 00 a. m., 12 00 m., 1 05, 3 46, 4 30, 5 21, 5 51, 7 40 p. m., Sundays, 84() a. m., 5 32 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia in 1 hour 50 minutes. Leave Pennsgrove, 6 55, 8 15 a. m., 12 30, 4 55 p. m., Sundays, 7 30 a. m., 4 30 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia in 1% hours. Leave Woodbury, 6 07, 6 38, 7 28, 7 47, 8 tXI, 8 35, 9 21, 11 20 a. m., 12 20, 1 26, 3 00, 4 03, 4 49, 5 08, 5 35, 6 10, 7 02, 8 03, 8 50, 11 07 p. m., Sundays, 8 33, 9 04 a. m., 3 00, 5 43, 5 .52, 10 21 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia in .30 minutes. VINEIiAND, MIIiLiVILiIiE, PORT IVORRIS AND CAPE MAY. liCave Pliiladelphia for Vineland. I»Iillville, Mannniuskin and intermediate stations, 8 20,9 00a.m., 12 00 m., 3 10 (3 50 to Millville) 5 20 p. m., Sundays, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m. Arrive Vineland in I14 hours; arrive Manumuskiu in 1^ hours. For ]TIauriceto\vn, Port IVorris and intermediate stations, 8 20 a. m., 13 00 m., 5 80 p. m., Sundays, 4 45 p.m. Arrive Mauricetown, 10 IS a. m., 3 17. 7 08 p. m., Sundays, 6 43 p. m. ; arrive Port Norris, 10 51 a. m., 3 55, 7 41 p. m., Sundays, 7 16 p. m. For Cape ITIay City and intermediate stations, 9 00 a. m., 3 10, 3 50 p. m., Sundays, 8 00 a. m. Arrive Cape May City, 11 35 a. m., 6 IS. (i 00 p. ni., Sundays, 11 03 a. m. Trains to Philadelpliia. Leave Cape May City, 6 50, 7 20 a. m., 3 25, p. m., Sundays, 3 20 p. m. ; leave Cape May C. H. 17 minutes later. Arrive Philadelphia, 9 .50, 930 a. m., 6 00 p. m., Sundays, 6 20 p. m. Leave Port IVorris, 5 5.5, 11 20a. m., 3.35 p. m., Sundays, 7 03a. m. Arrive Philadelphia in 214 hours. .Leave Man umu skin (leave Millville 12 minutes later), 6 36, 7 54 a. m. (8 21 a. m. from Millville), 1203,3 29. 4 26 p.m., Sundays 7 4ii a. m., 4 29 p. m.; leave Vineland, 7 01, 8 19, 8 30 a. m., 12 27, 3 56, 4 51 p. m., Sundays, 8 11 a. m., 4 50 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia in 2 hours from Manumuskiu; in 13^ hours from Vineland. Arrive Swcdesboro PHILADELPHIA AND SAL.EM TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia (via Glassboro), 8 00 a. m., 3 30 p. m. Arrive Salem, 10 20 a. m., 5 17 p. m. Leave Salem, 7 30 a. m., 2 17 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia, 9 30 a. m., 4 40 p. in. Leave Philadelphia (via Swedesboro), 8 30 a. m., 1 30, 4 10, 5 40 p. m., Sundays, 8 15 a. m., 5 15 p. in 1 hour: arrive Salem in iy> hours. Leave Salem, 6 4,5, 7 40 a. m 12~20, 4 00 p. m., Sundays, 7 20 a. m., 4.30 p. m.; leave Swedesboro, 7 34, 8 16 a. m., 12 .58, 4 40 p. m., 7 .58 a. m., 5 11 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia 8 30, 9 00 a. m.. 2 00, 5 40 p. m. Sundays, 9 05 a. m., 6 20 p. in. Sea Isle and Ocean City Branch— Leave Philadelphia, for Sea Isle City and Ocean City, 9 00 a.m., 3 .50 p.m.. Sundays, 8 00 a. m. Arrive at Ocean City, 11 38 a. m., 6 20p. m., Sundays. 11 09 a. m. Leave Ocean City. 30a. m.. 3 30 p. in., Sundavs, 3 17 p m. Ari-ive Philadelphia, 9 30 a. m., 6 00 p.m., Sunday.«, 6 20p. m. Five-Mile Beach Branch.— Leave Philadelphia for A nglesea and Holly Beach, 9 00 a.m., 3 50 p.m., Sundays 8 00 a. m. Arrive Holly Beach, 12 01, 6 35 p. m., Sundays, 11 20 a. m. Leave Holly Beach, 6 31 a.m., 3 00 p. m., Sundays, 3.55 p. in. Arrive Philadelpliia, 9 30 a. m., G(X)p. m., Sundays, 6 20 p. m. BOARD OF PORT WARDENS. Office of Wardens of Port, 17 South St., New York.— William H. Leaycrafr, President; F. G. Comstock, Vice-Pres. ; William Conselyea, Secretary : C. W. Meade, Treas., and in charge of Auctions; A. W. Dodge. Collector. C. W. Meade, from Pier 1 N. R. to Pier 21 N. R. Isaac W. Edsall, Pier 22 N. R. to Pier 36 N. R. F. G. Comstock, Pier ii7 N. R. upwards. W. G. Wait. Pier 1 E. R. to Pier 40 E. R. William H. Leaycraft, Pier 41 E. R. to Coe's Stores. H. A. Barnuni, from Coe's Stores, Williamsburgh, Greenpoint and Hunters Point. J. S. Kidder, from Navy Yard to South Ferry, Brooklyn. Hiram Calkins, from South Ferry to and including Atlantic Dock, BrooKlyn. Edward Toohill, from Atlantic Basin to Gowanus Bay, Brook- lyn. FOREIGN EXPRESSES. American Express Company.— Principal oflice. 65 Broadway. American Foreign and European Express. — Davis, Turner & Co., 34 Broadway. Baldwin's European Express.— Baldwin, Bros. & Co., 53 Broadway. Contanseau Foreign Express Co.— L. Contanseau, V. Pres., 69 and 1,430 Broadway. Downing's Foreign Express. — R. F. Downing & Co., 20 Exchange Place, 63 Beaver St. E. Losee's European Express. — 111 Broadway. Hensel, Bruckmau & Lorbacher.— Parcel Agency Imperial German Mail. 25 William St. Merchants' Lightning Foreign Express.— R. F. Lang, 49 Exchange Place. Morris" European and American Express.— L. W. Morris & Son, 18 and 20 Broadway. Pitt & Scott's Foreign Express.— 35 Broadway. Steglich & Baese European Package Express. — 76 William St. The Foreign Express Co.— 207 Broadway. The Transatlantic Express.— J. Ter Kuile, Prop., 31 Broadway, Wells, Fargo & Co. European Express.— 63 Broadway. Wolff's European Express. — 15 Broadway. 104 Grace & Co., Hanover Square. SAILING VESSEL LINES FOR FOREIGN PORTS. We have inserted the frequency of sailinris of the differenf lines where any regular ial-rvalis adhered to by tht lines. Adelaide, Suiitli Australia.— " Kangaroo Line." Every 3 to 6 weeks. Mailler & Quereaii. 51 Stone St Alleaiite, Spain.— R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Miller & Houehton, 32 South St. Almeria, Spain.— H. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Antefo$>a«ta, 4'Iiili.—" Merchant's Line." W. R. Grace & Co., Hanover Square. Antigua. West Indies.— G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. ;; " Miller, Bull & Co., 48 South St. G. F. Lough & Co., Produce Exchange. Arica, Peru.— Every 3 or 4 mouths, W. R. Grace & Co., Hanover Square. Arroyo, Porto Rico.— Miller, Bull & Co.. 48 South St. G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. Asplnwall, U. S. of Col.— Miller, Bull & Co., 48 South St. G. A. Brett, Sou & Co., 41 South St. '■ " Miller & Houghton, 32 South St. Auckland, Neiv Zealand.—" Pioneer Line," once a month, R. W. Cameron & Co., 23So. William St. ^" „ '■ , „ ^, " Kangaroo Line." Every 3 to fj weeks, Mailler & (^uereau, .-)1 Stone St. A ux Cayes. Hayti.—F. C. Elliot, 2() South St. Azua, St. Domingo.— J. B. Vicini &Co., 91 Wall St Baracoa. Cuba. -Miller, Bull & Co., 48 South St. Barbadoes. West Indies.— G.F. Lough & Co., Produce Exchan"-e. Barcelona, Spain.— R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Barcelona, Venezuela.- Every 2 months, S. Dominici's Sons, 81 New St. Bas^a, Africa.— Yates & Porterfield, .57 South St. Bermuda.— G. F. Lough A: Co., produce E.\change. Scam niell Brothers, 29 Beaver St. Bilboa. Spain.— R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Brisbane, dueensland.— " Pioneer Line." Once a month, R. W. Cameron & Co., 23 So. William St. " Aus^tralasian Line." R. W. Forbes & Son. 14 South William St. " " Merchants' Line." Arkell & Douglas, 2.5 Whitehall St. „ . ■ " Kangaroo Line." Everv 3 to 6 weeks. Mailler & Ouerean, 51 Stone St. Bueno.>i Ayres, Argentine Republic— "Old Regular Line." John Norton & Sons. 9(1 Wall St. Paul F. Gerhard & Co., 84 Broad St. J. E. Ward & Co., 113 Wall St. ,, .. " . " Miller & Houghton, 32 South St. < adiz, Spain.—" Regular Line." R. De Florez & Co.. 24 Stone St. Caibaricn, <'uba.—" Independent Line." E. Sanr-liez y Doiz, 117 Pearl St. Regular Line. Waydell & Co., 21 Old Slip. <'allao, Peru.— "Merchants' Line." Everv 3 months. W. R. Gr Cainpcacliy, Mexico. —B. P. Metcalf & Co., 120 Front St. <'apc ToAvn, <". G. H.— " Dispatch Line." John Norton & Sons, 90 Wall St. Corner Bros. & Co , 128 Pearl St. Cardcna:«, Cuba.— "Independent Line." E. Sanchez y Dolz, 117 Pearl St. Miller & Houghton. 32 South St. " G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. Carupano.— G. A. Brett. Son & Co., 41 South St. Every two months, S. Dominici's Sons, 81 New St. i'ayennc, F. G.— G, A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. <'eltc, France.— R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Cicnmegos, Cuba.—" Independent Line." B. Sanchez v Dolz, 117 Pearl St. J. & G. Fowler, 134 Pearl St. Cc\v Zealand.-" Pioneer Line." Once a month, R. W. Cameron & Co.. 23 South William St. _, , , , ■' " Kangaroo Line" everv 3 to weeks. Mailler & Quereau. .51 Stone St. ■^.a.xt L.ondon, South Africa.— " Merchants' Line." Arkell & Douglass, 2.5 Whitehall St. \\ " " Dispatch Line." John Norton & Son, 90 Wall St. „. „ „, " Corner Bros. & Co., 128 Pearl St. Eten, Peru.— ^^ . R. Giace & Co., Hanover Square. * reemantle, Aui^tralia.- " Pioneer Line." Once a month. R. W. Cameron & Co., 23 So. William St. Frontera, Mexico. —Thehaud Brothers, 87 Broad St. ^ " _ " B. F. Metcalf & Co., 120 Front Street. Genoa. Italy.— R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St .,.. ■ " Miller ct Houghton, 32 South St. Gibara, <'uba.— Every month. Mosle Brothers, .52Exchange Place. i-ibraltar.— Miller & Houghton, 32 South St. "Rt-KularLine." R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Gonaives, Hayti.— G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. ^ " " F. C. Elliot. 2(3 South St. Guantanamo, Cuba.— Miller & Houghton, 32 South St. Waydell & Co , 21 Old Slip ^, , ", " Waydell & Co., 21 Old Slip. GuaUaloupe, W>st Indie.*.— Howland & Asplnwall. .54 South St. " " Miller, Bull & Co., 48 South St. „ .. ^ '■ Gt. F. Lough ife Co., Produce Exchange. Guayaquil, Ecuador.— W. R. Grace & Co.. Hanover Square. Havana, Cuba, ~" Independent Line." E. Sanchez v Dolz. 117 Pearl St. Ha J ti, We,=»t Indies.—" Peoples' Line." Everv two week=. F. C. Elliot, 2(iSouth St. G. A. Brett. Son & Co., 41 South St. " " Miller & Houghton, 32 South St. H>, C'ltba.— "' Independent Line." E. Sanchez y Dolz, 117 Pearl St. " Every month. Mosle Brothers, .52 Exchange Place. G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. Oporto, Portlig-al.— Hagemeyer & Brunn, 47 Pearl St. Pa;*affe.<, Spain.— R. De Florez & Co., 24 Stone St. Pelota.>i, Brazil.— Paul F. Gerhard & Co., 81 Broad St. Every 3 months. Thomas Norton, 104 Wall St. Piiiiental, Pern.— W. K. Grace* Co.,Hanovir Square. Pirteo, Pern, W. R. Grace & Co., Hanover Square. Port-aii-Prinee.— " People's Line" every two weeks. F. C Elliott, 20 South St. " Brett's Line." G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. Port €halnier:oa Bay.—" Dispatch Line." John Norton & Sons. S)0 Wa'.l St. " ■ Corner. Bros. & C:o.,128 Pearl St. Port Natal, Soutl) A friea.— Corner Bros. & Co., 128 Pearl St. " Merchants" Line.'" Arkell & Douglass, 25 Whit-hall St. Porto Alegre, Brazil.— Paul F. Geriiard & Co., 84 Broad St. Porto Plata, Hayti.— G. A. Brett, Son & Co.. 41 South St. Miller & Houghton, 32 South St. " Porvenir Line," Hugh Kellj', 71 Wall St. Porto Rleo, West Iiidie:«. -Miller & Hought-n, 32 South St. G. A. Brett, Son & Co., 41 South St. Proo-reso, lUe.xieo. B. F. Metcalf & Co., 120 Front St. Bio de Janeiro, Brazil.— Every 6 weeks. Thomas Norton, 104 Wall St. Bio Grande do SnI. Brazil.— Paul F. Gerhard & Co., 84 Hroad St. Every 3 months. Thomas Norton, 104 Wall St. RoMarlo, Ar<»entine Bepiiblie.— " Old Regular Line." John Norton & Son;-, !)t) Wall St. Paul F. Gerhard & Co.. 84 Broad St. J. E. Ward & Co., 113 Wall St. Saniana.— " Porvenir Line." Hugh Kelly. 71 Wall St. Santo Doniin»'o, St. Domingo.— G. A. Brett. Son & Co., 41 South St. J. B. Vicini & Co., 91 Wall St. ■' Porvenir L-ne." Hugh Kelly, 71 Wall St. San Fernando, Venezuela.— Miller & Houghton, 32Soutu St. Santos, Brazil.— Everv month. Thomas Norton, 104 Wall St. Sierra Leone, Alriea'.— Yates & Porterfleld, .57 South St. St. Croix, West Indies.— Miller & Houirhion, 32 South St. St. Jago de Cuba, Cuba.— G. A. Brett. Son & Co., 41 South St. Miller & Houghton. 32 South St. Waydell & Co.. 21 Old Slip. St. Kitt:ort. Maine.— Jed Frye & Co., 47 Water. Fall Itiver. Ma.ws. —Rackett & Bro., 52 South. Fernandina, Fla.- J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. Slaght & Bailey. 44 South St. tialveston.— ' Atlantic Line."' Tupper & Beattie,ll() Wall. Every 2 weeks. N.A.Benner&Co.,19 01d Slip. Oeora,eto« II. D. C— J. A. Van Brunt. 75 South. Oeorgeto wii, S.C. —Every 10 days. F.V.L.Jones,83 South. Green Cove Springs.— Every 2months. W. Ray, ti2 South. Jacksonville, Fla.— Slaght & Bailey. 44 South. Regularly. Warren Ray, 62 South. J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. Key "%Vest. — Every 2weeks. N.A.Benuer& Co., 19 Old Slip. liUbec, ITIaine.— Jed Frye & Co., 47 Water. Mobile.— Every 2 weeks. N. A. Benner & Co., 19 Old Slip. J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South St. New Bedford, Mas.*.— Rackett A: Bro.. .52 South. Newbern, Pi. C.— Slaght & Bailey. 44 South. Newbiiryin»rt, Mass. — Rackett & Bro., 82 South. Jed Frye cV: Co.. 47 Water. IVew Haven, Conn.— Rackett & Bro.. 52 South. View London, Conn.— Rackett & Bro., 52 South. New Orlean.x.— "Despatch Line." N.H.Brigham,96 Wall. "Atlantic Line. "'Tupper & Beattie,116Wall. Newport, R. I.— Rackett & Bro.. .52 South. New^port News, Va.— J. A, Van Brunt. 75 South. Norfolk, V^a.— Regular Line. J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. Slaght & Bailey. 44 South. Palatka, Fla.— Every 3 weeks. Warren Ray, 62 South. PeaeliTree, S.C— Every 10 days. F. V.L.Jones, 83 South. Pensacola.— Once a month. N. A. Benner & Co. ,19 Old SI. Petersbursi'li, Va. — J. A. Van Brunt. 75 South Philadelphia, Pa.— J. A Van Brunt, 75 South. Slaght & B.iiley, 44 South. Plyinoiitli, Mas.*.— Jed Frye & Co , 47 Water. Port If arrelson, S. C— Every 10 days. F. V. L. Jones, 83 South. Portland, Maine.— Jed Frye & Co., 47 Water. Portland, Ore. —"Despatch Line. "Sutton & Co. ,82 South. Port Royal, S. C— J. A. Van Brunt. 75 South. Slaght ct Bailey, 44 South St. Portsnioiith, N. H.— Jed Frye & Co., 47 Water. Portsniniith, Va.— Slaght & Bailey, 44 South. J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South St. Pot Bl II tl", S. C.— Every todays. F.V.L. Jones, 83 South. Providence, R. I.— Jed Frve & Co., 47 Water. Rackett & Bro., 52 South. Rich iiiond,Va.— Regular Line. J.A.Van Brunt. 75 South. Slaght ct Bailey, 44 South. Saco, Maine.— Jed Frye & Co., 47 Water. San Francisco, Cal.—" Despatch Line." Every two weeks. Sutton & Co.. 82 South. " Every 3 to4 weeks. Dearborn &Co., 104 Wall. Savannali, Ga.— Slaght & Bailey, 44 Soutn. " Regular Line. J'. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. SI. Augustine, Fla,— Regularly. Warren Ray, 62 South. J. .\. Van Brunt, 75 South. Taiiipa,Fla.— Once a month. N..\. Benner & Co..l9 Old Slip ^Vashiimton, ». C— Slaght & Bailey. 44 South. J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. Washington, N. C— J. A. X»n Brunt, 75 South. West Point, A"a.- J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. \Viiiiiingt<»ii, Bel.-- Rackett & Bro.. ,52 South. AVilmington, N. C— Slaght & Bailey, 44 South. " J. A. Van Brunt, 75 South. ULSTER AND DELAWARE R. R. via West Shore R. R. to Kingston, or via N. Y. C. A; IL R. R. R. to Rhinebeck, and ferry to Rondout. M. Stations. Fare. Rondout. 2 Kingston .5c. 4 Iligginsville. 8 Stony Hollow 27c. 9 West Hurley 31c. 12 Olive Branch 36c. 15 Brown's Station 45c. Stations, Distances and Fare from Rondout. M. Stations. Fare. I M. 17 Brodhead's Bridge .54e. 18 Shokan .54c. 21 Boireville 63c. 24 Mt. Pleasant .72c. 27 Phoenicia 81c. .32 Allaben 9f)C. 33 Shandaken 99c. Stations. Fare. \ M. Stations. 36 Rig Indian $1.08 39 Pine Hill 1.20 41 Grand Hotel Station.. 1.23: 44 Gritlin's Corners 1.32' 48 Arkville 1.44 i 51 Kelly's Corners 1..53 I Fare. .53 Halcotville . . .$1.59 .59 Roxbury 1.77 65 Grand Gorge . 1 .95 South Gilboa 2.13 74 Stamford 2.22 78 Hobart 2.34 VIA WEST SHORE R. R. Licave foot of Jay St. (leave foot W. 42d St. 15 minutes later): For Kingston, Phoenicia, Arkville. and intermediate stations. 3(X). 7 on, 11 15 a. ni. Rondout. 7 40, 11 30 a. m.,2 40p. ra., Sundays. 7 40 a. m. Arrive Phoenicia, 9 04 a. ni..2 05 Arrive Arkville, 10 26 a. m., 4 .50, 5 23 p. m., Sundays, 10 26 a. m. ForRoxbury. Stamford, Hi>bart and intermediate stations, 300, 1115 a.m., Sundays Sundays. 3 00 a. m. Leave 4 10 p. m., Sundays. 9 04 a. ni. 3 00a. m. Arrive Roshurv. 1051a. m., 5.58 p. m., Sundays, 1054a. m.: arrive Hobart, 11 40a. m., 645 p. m., Sundays, 11 40 a. in. VI.4 NEW VORK CENTRAL, AND Hl'DSON RIVER R. R. Leave Grand Central Depot {42d St. and 4th Av.): For Rondout (Ferry from Rhinebeck). Phieiiicla. Arkville. and intermediate stations, S O), 10 :M) a. ni. Arrive Phoenicia. 2 40, 4 10 p. m. : arrive Arkville, 4 .50. 5 2S p. ni. For itoxbii ry, Stamford, Hobart, and intermediate stations, 10 30 a. m. Arrive Hobart, 6 45 p. m. Trains to New York. Leave Hobart, 7 40 a. m., 1 40 p. m., Sundays, 1 40 p. m.: leave Stamford, 7 .50 a. m.. 1 .50 p. m., Sundays, 1 .50 p. m.: leave Grand Gorge. 8 10 a. m., 2 10 p. m.. Sundays, 2 10 p.m.: leave Roxbury, 8 25 a. m., 2 25 p.m., Sunday--^. 2 25 p. in.: leave Halcottville, 8:^ a. m., 2 38 p. m., Sundays, 2 38 p. m. Arrive Kingston. 11 16 a. m.. 5 20 p. m., Sundays. 5 20 p. m.: arrive Rondout, 10 20, 11 25 a. m., 5 30 p. m.. Sundays, 5 30 p. m.; arrive New York via West Shore R.R., 2.50, 10 00 p.m., Sundays. 10 00 p. m. : via N. Y. C. & H. R. R., 3 25, 8 .50 p, m.. Sundays, 8 50 p. m. Leave Arkville (stopping at intermediate stations). 5 15.8 54 a. m.. 2 55 p. m.. Sundays, 2 55 p. m., leave Phwnicia, 7 30, _ 10 07 a. in., 4 10 p. m., Sundays, 4 10p.m.: leave Shokan, 840.10 29 a.m.. 4 :32 p. in.. Sundays. 4 32n.m.: leave West Hurley, 9 :iO. 10 .54 a. m.,4 58 p. m., Sundays, 4 58 p. m. Arrive Kingston. 10 10, 11 16 a. in., 5 20 p. m., Sundays, 5 20 p. m.: arrive Rondout, 10 2'J, 1125 a. ni.. 5 30 p., Sundays. 5 30 p. m.: arrive New Vork via West Shore R. R..2 50. 10 01) p. m., Sundays. 10 00 p. m. : via X. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., 3 12. 3 25, 8 .50 p. in., Sundays. 8 .50 p. m. STONY CLOVE AND C.\TSKILL MOUNTAIN R. R. Stations and fare from Phcenicia— Chichesters, lOc: Lanesville. 40c.; Edgewood, 60c.: Stony Clove. 9Uc.: Kaaterskill Junction, b»;. $1. 10c. ; Hunter, $1.10. Leave PlKFiiicia for Hunter and intermediate stations, 9 05 a. m., 4 10 p. m. Arrive Hunter, 10 10 a. m.. 5 05 p. m. Leave Hunter, stopping at intermediate stations, 8 00 a. m..310p. m. Arrive Pha?nicia, 8.55 a. m., 4 00 p. in. Kaaterskill R.R. trains will begin running about June 20th. loi ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. American Accident Indemnity Associa- tion, 5 Beelcnian. Cooperative Life & Accident, 171 B'way. Employers" Liability Assurance Corpora- tion of London, 54 Pine. Fidelity & Casualty Co., 214 Broadway. Guaranty Mutual, .S5 Park Row. Mercantile Mutual, 137 Broadway. Merchants' CHsualty. 21 Park Row. National, 280 Broadway. Provident Fund Society, 280 Broadway. Traders' & Travelers', 387 Broadway. Travelers", 140 Broadway. United States Mutual, .320 Broadway. Women's Mutual Ins. & Accident Co. 128 Broadway. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. -Etna of Hartford, 167 Broadway. Bankers' A Merchants' Alliance, 32 Thomas. Berkshire of Massachusetts, 271 B'way. Brooklyn, .51 Lilierty. Citizens' Mutual, 115 Broadway. Connecticut Mutual of Hartford, 1 Wall. Cooperative Life it Accident oif U. S., 171 Broadway. Equitable, 120 Broadway. Equitable Reserve Fund, 169 Broadway. Family Fund Society, 280 Broadway. Fidelity Mutual of Philadelphia, 13 Park Row. German ia, 20 Nassau. Globe Mutual Beueflt, 73 Park Row. Hancock, John, Mutual of Boston, 28 Union Square. Hartford Life & Annuity, 189 Broadway. Home Benefit Society, 161 Broadway. Home Benefit Association, 137 B'way. Home, 2.54 Broadway. Home Provident Safety Fund,89Liberty . Homoeopathic Mutual [i'l liquidation], 117 W. 42d. Income & Life, 265 Broadway. Life & Accident Ins. Corp., 132 Nassau. Life Union, 2.34 Broadway. Manhattan, 156 Broadway. Massachusetts Mutual of Springfield. 243 Broadway. Mercantile Benefit, 319 Broadway. Metropolitan, 33 Park Place. Mutual, 32 Nassau. Mutual Benefit of America, 380 B'way. Mutual Reserve Fund, 38 Park Row. National Alliance, 5 Beekman. New England Mutual, 2o6 Broadway. New York, 346 Broadway. New York Life and Trust, 52 Wall. New York Life Ins. Credit Co., 13 Park Row. New York Safety Reserve Fund, 197 Greenwich. Northern Assurance Co., of London, 35 Pine. Northwestern Mutual, 13 Park Row. Protective. 44 Broadway. Provident Savings, 120 Broadway. Prudential, 324 Centre. St. Lawrence, 7 Beekman. Security Mutual Benefit, 2.33 Broadway. State Mutual, of Worcester, 189 B'way. Travelers", 140 Broadway. Union Mutual, of Portland, 96 B'way. United Life and Accident, 44 Broadway. United States, 261 Broadway. Washington, 21 Cortlandt. Women's Mutual Ins. and Accident Co., 128 Broadway. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Atlantic Mutual. 51 Wall. Board (National) Marine Underwriters, 25 William. Boston, 43 Wall. British and Foreign, of Liverpool, Cot- ton Exchange Building. China Mutual, 16 Exchange Place. Commercial Mutual, 42 W'all. Delaware Mutual, of Phila., 75 Beaver. See also under '^ Fire Insurance Companies Dresden, 18 Exchange Place. India Mutual, of Boston, 16 Exchange pi. London, 77 Beaver. Mercantile, of Boston, 141 Broadway. National Board of Marine Underwriters. 25 William. New York Mutual, 61 William. North America, 16 Exchange Place. Saint Louis, 120 Broadway. Sea, of Liverpool, 77 Beaver. South and North American Lloyds, 33 Liberty. Switzerland, of Zurich, 18 Exchange pi. Thames & Mersey, of Liverpool, 69 Wall. LTnion, of Liverpoo', 51 Wall. Union of Philadelphia, 16 Exchange pi. United States Lloyds, 50 Wall. Universal, of London, 4 Hanover. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE COMPANIES. American Steam Boiler, 120 Broadway. American Surety Company, 160 B'way. German Am. Real Estate Title Guar- antee Co., 34 Nassau. Fidelity & Casualty, 214 Broadway. Guarantee Company of North America, 111 Broadway. Hartford Steam Boiler, 285 Broadway. Lawyers" Title [Real Estate], 120 B'way Lloyds [Plate (ilassl. 68 William. Metropolitan [Plate Glass], 66 Liberty. Protective Live Stock Mutual,116W 23d. MERCANTILE AND TRADE ASSOCIATIONS, EXCHANGES, ETC. Ale Brewers" Assn. of N. Y. A N. J., 24 Park PI. American Horse Exchange, 1634 Broadway. Associated Press. 195 Broadway. Bankers' Association, 78 William. Board of Trade & Transportation, .55 Libert}'. Brewers' Exchange, 2 Irving PI. Brewers' Exchange, cor. Worth St. and Park Row. Building Material Exchange. 63 Liberty. Carpet Trade Association, 115 Worth. Cattle Exchange, 1634 Broadway. Chamber of Commerce. .36 Nassau. China & Glass Importers & Jobbers' Assn., 61 Park PI. Clothing Manufacturers' Assn., 96 Spring. Coal Exchange. 1 Broadway. Coal & Iron Exchange, cor. Cortlandt & New Church. Coffee Exchange, 141 Pearl. Consolidated Stock & Petroleum Exchange, 60 Broadway. C^onfectioners' Association, 33 Jay. Cotton Exchange, Beaver & William. Electrotypers & Stereotypers' Assn.. 19 Park PI. Exchange for Woman's Work, 329 5th Ave. Foreign Fruit Exchange, 24 State. Furniture Board of Trade, 63 Bowery. Hardware Board of Trade, 6 W^arren. Horse Exchange, 1634 Broadway. Ice Exchange, 369 8th Ave. Importers' & Grocers' Exchange, 107 Water. Iron & Steel Wire Association. 146 Broadway. Italian Chamber of Commerce. 22 State. Jewelers' Association, 146 Broadway. Jewelers" Board of Trade, 41 Maiden Lane. Jewelers" League. 170 Broadway. Lager Beer Brewers' Board of Trade, 2 Irving PI. Leaf Tobacco Board of Trade, 178 Pearl. Madison Avenue Depository & Exchange for Women's Work, 640 Madison Ave. Manhattan Stock Exchange, 69 New. Maritime Exchange, Produce Exchange Building, Broadway & Beaver St. Master Car Builders' Association, 45 Broadway. Mechanics' & Traders' Exchange, 14 Vesey. Mercantile Exchange. 6 Harrison. Mercantile Jobbers" Association, 530 Broadway. Merchants' Association, 6 Harrison. Metal Exchange. 234 Pearl. Milk Exchange, 6 Harrison. Musical Exchange, 32 E. 4th. Naval Stores & Tobacco Exchange, 113 Pearl. N. Y. Petroleum Ex. & Stock Board, 62 Broadway. North American Exchange Co., .57 Broadway. Pattern Makers' Association, 73 Ludlow. Produce Exchange, Broadway & Beaver. Public Grain & Stock Exchange, 18 Broadway. Real Estate Exchange & Auction Rooms, 59 Liberty. Spanish Chamber of Commerce, 19 Whitehall. Shipmasters'^ Association, 37 William. Silk Association of America. 446 Broome. Stationers' Board of Trade, 99 Nassau. Stock Exchange, 10 Broad and 13 Wall. Undertakers' Association, .301 W. 23d. U. S. Brewers' Association, 2 Irving PI. Vessel Owners and Captains' National Assn., 1 Broadway. 108 B'^OOKLYN, BATH AND WEST END R. R. Trains stop on signal at Blythebonriie, Weirs" Hill, Bensonhurst and Club House. * Except Sttnday. 1 Wednesday and Saturday only. Farer* from New York — Single arid Excursion. West Brooklyn. 10c. . 20c. ; Blythebourne. 1.5c., 2.5c. ; Batb Beach Junction, •20c.. 30c.: New Utrecht, 20c., 35c. ; Batli Beach. 20c., 3.5c.; Bensonhurst, 20c., 3.5c.; Unionville, 2.5c., 3.5c.; Club House, 2.5c., 3.5c.; Coney Island, 2.5c., 40c. I^eave Stli^v.aud 27tli St., Brooklyn, for West Brooklyn, Batli Bencli, Unionville and Coney IslHiid. (Daily) *6 30, 8 00, 830, 9 30, 10 30, 11 30 a. m., 12 30, 1 30, 2 30, 3 35, 4 30, 5 tK), 6 00. 6 30, 7 .50, 1015 p. m., +12 15 night. Arrive West Brooklyn in 8 minutes; arrive Bath Bench in 19 minutes; arrive Unionville in 24 minutes; arrive Coney Island in 30 minutes. Leave Ferry Depot, 2cl Av. and 39tli St. (Ferry from Whitehall St. N. Y.) Daily, *8 00, S 30 a. m.. 5 00. 6 00, (i 30, 7 (10 p. m. Arrive Bath Beach in 19 minutes; arrive Coney Island in 30 minutes. Train..! to Brooklyn. Leave <'oney I:, 314, 490 Canal, 096, V85, 940, 942 Bioadway. 15, 27 E. 14th. 30th St. & 10th Av., 45th St. cor.Van- derbilt Ave., Grand Central Depot, 48tli St. cor. Madison Ave., 53d St. cor. 8th Ave., 123 E. 125th St., and 3 Hudson St., J. C. Baltiiiiore A: Ohio, now United States Express. Dodd's, see at N. Y. Transfer Co. Earle & Frew, .see New Yorlv & Boston Despatch. Krle, now Wells, Fargo & Co. International: Main office, 280 Canal. Branch offices, 49, 207, 083, 1313 Broadwav, 101 Mercer, 72 W.la5th, 142 West, 11 E. 14th. Lioiig Island : Main office, foot of New Chambers St., E. R., and foot of E. .34th St. Branch offices, 683, 942, 1313 Broadwav. 11 E. 14th. 290 Canal, 142 West, 62 W. 125th. In Brooklyn, L. I. R. R. Depot, cor. Flaibush and Atlantic Aves., 333 Fulton St., and 107 Broadway, E.D., and Long Island City. National: Main office, 145 Broadway. Branch offices, 300 Canal, 785, 940 Broadway. 12 Park PI., cor. 47th St. and IMadison Ave., foot of Jay St.. Ill Hudson St., Jersey City, and West Shore Depot, Weehawken. •?s, takiui; goods for different sections of the country. IV'e*v ICii;>land Uespatoli, see International Ex|)ress. \ew Yorit & Boston Despatoli : Main office, 304 Canal St. Branch offices, 940 Broadway, 45 Cliiirch St. Now Yorlt Transler Co. : 1333 Broadway. Branch offices, 290, 849, 944 Broadway, 1 Astor House, 737 Oth Ave , 134 E. 125th St.. 204 W. 12,5th St. 18 Exchange PI., Jersey City. 4 Court, 52 Nassau, 860 Fulton, 98 Broadway, Brooklyn. Philadelphia & Reading', now Adams Express. Soiitlierii, see at Adams Express. United State.s : Main office, 49 Broadway. Branch offices, (iS3. 9)0 ,1313, 1140 Broadwav, 142 West. 290 Canal. 11 E. 14th. foot Christopher and VVhitehall Sts. In .ler.sey City, GO .Montgomery St., and D., L.-& W. Depo', Hoboken. Wells, Fargo & Co. : Main office, 63 Bro.adway. Branch offices, 317, 711, 9.57 Broadwav, 81 Liberty, 322 Canal, 153 Bowery, 254 Sth Ave., foot Chambers and W. 23d St. In Brooklyn, 331 Fulton St., and 107 Broadway, E. D. In Jersey City, 64 Pavonia Ave & 62 Montgomery St. and Erie Depot. We.stcott : Main office, 12 Park Place. Branch offices, 785, 942 Broadway, 314 Canal, Grand Central Depot, foot of Barclav, Christopher, Jay and W. 42d Sts. In Broolclyn, 333 Washington, 19 Bergen St., 398 Bedford Ave., E. D. IiOfAI. EXPRESSES. American Union, 313 Canal. Ames, 101 Mercer. 1 Hudson, 12 Fulton. Benjamin, 117 .John, 3 Hudson, 97 Mercer. Big'lin. Castle Garden and .598 Washington, Bowron. 12 Fulton, 1 Hudson, 785 Broadway. Brisk. 1 Hudson, 84 Cortlandt, 101 Mercer. Brooklyn, Bath & West End. 39lh St. Ferry Depot, foot Whitehall St., 313 Canal, 31 Hudson. Consolidated, 312 Cana', 4 Old Slip. 76 Cortlandt. Coop. 117 John, 97 Mercer, 1,53 West Broadway. Dodd & Child, 396 Canal, 683, 844 Broadway, 11 E. 14th, Cortlandt and Desbrosses Sts. Ferry. Diinlap's, 344 W. 24tli, 153 W. Broadway, 97 Mercer. Fuller Ex. Co., 135th St. & 4th Ave. and 216 Duane. Fuller Palerson Ex., 153 W.B'way, 117 John, 97 Mercer. Furniture Van Co., 2.348 8th Ave. Hackensaok Despatch, 91 Barclay, 109 Murray. Hudson Count}'. 1 Hudson, 296 Greenwich. Independent. 330 Pearl, 155 E. .33d, cor. 145th & .3d Ave. Inman Hall, 84 Cortlandt, 3 Hudson, 30 Church. Kelly, 3 Hudson, 06 Beekman, 167 Washington. Knickerbocker. 117 John, 101 Mercer, 1 Lispenard. Uary'.*. 19'2 c:hambers. Manhattan, cor. 42d St. and 4th Ave. Merchants, 3 Hudson, 153 W. B'way. 101 Mercer. Metropoliiau Express A; Van Co., 204 Mercer. 312 Canal, 45 Church. Moore's, 3 Hudson, 11 E, 14th, 12 Fulton, 296 Canal. Morris Ex. Co., 117 John, 76 Cortlandt, 296 Canal. N. V. «k Harlem Despatch, 1 Hudson, 78 E. l'25fh. Ogden Ex. Co., 1.53 \V. B'way, 1 Hudson, 4 Old Slip. Patterson's, 1 17 John, 153 W. B'way, Barclay St. Ferry. People's, 1 Hudson. 101 Mercer. Piercy's, 23 Astor PI., cor. B'way & Howard, 40 W. 131st. Rem.'ien, 117 John. Smith's, 117 John, 12 Fulton, 23 Church. Stanton, 312 Canal, 12 Fulton, 153 West Broadway. Turnir, 76 Cortlandt, 1 Hudson, 1.53 W. Broadway. Union Tran.sler, 467 4th Ave., 123 E. 22d. Van Nostrand's, 97 Mercer, 117 John, 153 W. B'dway. "Wasliing'ton Ex. & Van Co., cor. 8th Ave. it 124th St. 'Weed &. Paul. 1.53 W. B'way, 117 John, 97 Mercer. CANAL LINES. Baltimore, Md., Nciv Y«»rk and Baltimore Transportation L.ine.— Steamers leave Pier 7 N. R (foot of Rector St.) daily except Sunday 5 00 p. m. Freight received to 5 00 p. m. Time of trip 86 hours. H. C. Foster, agent, on Pier7N.R. !vaiiia, (%Miiieeti5 9 41 66 21 Berwick, Pa.— U S Besemer, N. Y.— Natl Am Betliayres. Pa.— Ad Bethei, Conn.— Ad Bethel, N. V.— Am Bethel. Vt.-Natl 13c. 40 Bethlehem. Pa —Ad 67a Beverly, N. J. -Ad Bis Flats, N. Y.— U S; W F & Co Biff Indian, N. Y.— Am; Natl Bis Island, N. Y.-W F & Co Big Shantv, Pa.— W F & Co Billings, N. Y. -Am Binghamton. N. Y.— Natl; US Binnewater. N. Y.— U S Bird-in-Hand, Pa —Ad Birdshoro. Pa — Ad Birmingham. Conn. — Ad Infl Birmingham, N. J.— Ad Black Hall, Conn.— Ad Black inton. Mass.— Natl Black Point. Conn.— Ad Black Ridge. Pa.— Ad Black River, N. Y.— Am Black Rock, N. Y.— Am: I' S Blackstone. Mass.— Ad Blackwells Island, N. Y.— Local Blairstown, N. J.— Natl Blairsville Int'sec , Pa.— Ad Blandnn. Pa.— Ad Bl.iuveltville. N. Y.— W F & Co Bliss. N. Y — Am Blis^ville. L. I.— Bowron Block Island. R. I.— Ad; N Y&B Blndgetts Mills, N. Y.— U S 21. .57 Bloods. N. Y.— U S; W F & Co 35 Bloonitield, Conn. — Ad 49 21a Bloonitield, Essex Co., N..T.— US 67a Bloomfteld, N. J.— W F & Co Bloommgburgh, N. Y.— Natl Bloomingdale; N. J.— Natl Bloomingdale, N. Y. — Natl Blooniingdale, N. Y.— Natl Blooming Cirove.N.Y.— WP& Co Bloomsbnrg. Pa.— Ad; U S Vi. 40 Bloomshnrv. N. J. — Ad ,57 Blo-sbnrg,"Pa.— W F & Co 1 Bine Moun'ainLake, N. Y.— Nat via 41 Blue Point. L. I. — L I 6 Blythebonrne. L. I.— Local 63 Bogota. N. .1.— Natl 87, Boiceville, N. Y. — Am .52 Bolton. Conn. — Ad 20 Bolton, N. Y— Natl 14 Bolton, Vt.— Nalt 5 Bondsville, Mass.— Ad; Natl Bonnnffon, Pa.— Ad Boonton,N. J.— U S Boonville, N. Y — Am 67a Bordentovvn, N. J.— Ad 67 Borie's, Pa.— Ad • .58, 83 Boston, Mass.— Ad; Int'l .56a Boston Corners, N. Y.— Am m Botsford, Conn.— Ad .59 Bonckville, N. Y.— Natl 13. 40 Bound Brook. N. J.- -Ad 66 Bourne. Mass.— N Y&B Bowentown, N. J.— Ad. Bowenville, Mass— N Y&B Bower"s. Pa.— Ad Bowery Bay Beach, L.T.— Bowron Bowmaiie, Pa.— Ad; U S Bowmansville, N. Y.— Natl Bowne, N. J.— Ad Boyertown, Pa. — Ad Bradevelt, N. J.— Ad Bradford, Pa.— Am ; U S ; Natl Bradshavv, Md.— U S Bradway, N. J. — Ad Brainards, N. Y.— Natl 13g, 50,83 Branchport. N. J.— Ad :36a Branchville, Conn. — Ad 21f Bninchville, N. J.— U S Brandon, Vt.-Natl Brandts. Pa.— W F & Co Branford, Conn. — Ad Blattlehoro, Yt.— Natl Breesport, N. Y.— Am; Natl Brentwood. L. I. — L I Breslau, L. I.-L I Brewerton, N. Y.— Am Brewster. Mass.— N Y&B 59 63 15 15 57 21a 69 21 c 13g 66 68 83 Vic 95 67b 68 31 57 3 13g 38" 66 53, 56a Brewsters, N. Y.— Am 21a ~ ■ '■ ' " 21c 40a 67 41 58, 83 Briar Creek, Pa.— U S Brick Church, N. J.— U S Brick Cliurch, N. Y.— U S Bridesbnrg, Pa.— Ad Bridge Hampton, L. I. — L I Bridgeport, Conn.- Ad; Intl 68 Bridgeport, Pa.— Ad 13g, 94 Bridgeton, N. J.— Ad 69 Bridgeville, Del.— Ad 21 Bridgeville, N. J.— U S 66 Bridgewater, Mass.— Ad 21 Bridgewater, N. Y.— U S .50 Brielle, N. J.— Ad 75 Brier Hill, N. Y.— Am 5 Brighton, Mass.— Ad 56 Brighton, N. Y.— Am 7 Brighton Heach, L. I.— Remsen 17 Biightwood, Mass.— Ad 45, 52 Brinekerholl, N. Y.— Am 67 Brintons, Pa.— Ad 21 Brisbin, N. Y.— U S 52 Bri>tol, Conn. — Ad 67 Bristol, Pa.— Ad 66 Bristol, R. I.— Infl 66 Bristol Ferry, R. T.— Infl 53 Broad Brook, Conn.— Ad 54 Broad Channel, L. I.— L I 21c Broadway, N. J.— US: Natl 56 Brockport, N Y.— Am 83 Brockways, Conn.— Ad 66 Brockton, Mass.— Ad 1.3c Brodhead. Pa.— Ad 87 Brodhead's Bridge, N. Y.— Am 56a Bronxville, N. Y.— Am 9 Brookdale, N. Y.— Am .36 Brookfleld, Conn.— Ad 5 Brookfleld, Mass.— Ad; Natl 41 Brookhaven, L. I. — L 1 72, .55 Brooklyn Jockey Club, LI. 68 Brooli.side, Pa.— Ad ■ 14 Brooksville. Vt.— Natl 23 Brookton, N. Y.— Am; Natl; U S 83 Brown's Dock, N. J.— Ad 67a Brown's Mills, N. J.— Ad 87 Brown's 8 ation. N. Y.-Natl 75 Brownvil'e, N. Y.— Am 40 Brownsville, Pa.— Ad via ,58 Brunswick, Me.— Ad; N Y & B 67 Bryn Mawr. Pa.— .\d 67a Buckingham, N. J — Ad 52 Biickland, Conn.— Ad 40 Buck Mountain, Pa.— Ad via .58, 84 Bucksport, Me.— Infl 21c, 13 Budd'sLake, N. J.— IT S 94 Buena Vista, N. J.— Ad .57, .56, 94. 40 Buffalo, N. Y.— Am; Natl 80 Bulls Head, S. I.— U S 67b BulTs Island Station, N. J.— Ad .57 Bnllville, N. Y.— W F & Co .59 Bundys, N. Y.-Natl .58c Burlington, Conn. — Ad 67a Burlington, N. J —Ad 14 Burlington, Vt.-Natl via .53 Bnrham, Me.— Natl .52 Burnhams, Conn.— Ad 57 Burns, N. Y.— VV F & Co .52 Bnrnside, Conn.— Ad 59 Bnrnside, N. Y.-Natl .58a Burrville, Conn.— Ad 41 Bnshwick, L. I.— Weed & P. 67 Bustleton, Pa.— Art 63 Butler. N. . I. —Natl 62 Buttonwoods, R. I.— Ad 39 Buttsville, N. J.— W F & Co 57 Buttsville, Pa.— W F & Co 66 Buzzard's Bay, Mass.— N Y&B 68 Byers, Pa.— Ad 67b Byram, N. J.— Ad 95 Byron Centre, N. Y.-Natl 15 Cadyville, N. Y.-Natl 12 Cairo, N. Y.— Am ; Natl 20 Caldwell, N. Y.-Natl 56, .57 Caledonia, N. Y.— W P & Co 13 Calif on. N. J.— Ad 57 Callicoon, N. Y.— WF & Co 69 Cambridge, Md.— Ad 20 Cambridge, N. Y.— Natl 3 Cambridge, Ohio.— Am 67a Camden, "N. J.— Ad 23, 75 Camden, N. Y.— Am ; Natl 56 Cameiot, N. Y.— Am 57 Cameron, N. Y.— W F & Co 21a Cameron, Pa.— Ad 57 Cameron Mills, N. Y.-W F & Co 56 Camillus. N. Y.— Am 21, 57 Campbell, N Y.— US; W F & Co 57, 59 Campbell Hall, N. Y.-Natl ; US 60 Campello. Ma.ss.— Ad via 58 Canaan, Conn.— Ad via 56 Canandaigua, N. Y.— Am ; Ad .57 Canisteo.'N. Y.-W F & Co 36a Cannon, Conn.— Ad 57 canoe Camj), Pa.— W F & Co .52 C!anterbnry, Conn. — Ad 35 Canton, Conn.— Ad 3, 69, 75 69 94 94 75 20a, 57 47 75 75 via 56 53 62 21 67b 57 13 75 13 58 40a 85 57 56 20 75 13c. 40 . 2la 40a 95, 82 56 .57 21 59 14 40b, 56 23 13g 49 13g 1 13g 21 52 20b 40 41 56a 41 59, 75 57 52 38 73 38 14 20a 58c 69 13 13g 59 68 67a 21 21 13g 35 56 52 13c 56a 69 17 75 14 63 5 52 69 66 21c 5, 56a 5 75 20 15 58c 57 80 57 21 21 35 47 20b 58c 5 5 Canton, Md. — Ad Canton, N. Y.— Am Cape Charles, Va.— Ad Cape May, N. J. — Ad Cape May C. H.. N. J.— Art Cape Vincent, N. Y.— Am Carbondale, Pa.-U S; Natl Carlstadt. N. J.— IT S Carlton, N. Y.— .\m Carlyon, N. Y. — Am Carinansville, N. Y.— Am Carmel, N. Y.— Am Caro ina, R. I.— Ad Caroline. N. Y.— U S Carpenterville, N. J. — Ad Carrollton, N. Y. W P & Co Carteret, N. J.— Art Carthage, N. Y.— Am Gary's. N. J.— Ad Casa!iova, N. Y. — Ad Cascade, N. Y.-U S Cascade Mills, N. Y.— Am Castile, N. Y.— W F & Co Castleton, N. Y.— Am Castleton. Vt.— Natl Castor Land, N. Y.— Am Catasanqua, Pa. — Ad ; Catawissa, Pa.— Ad ; U S Cato, N. Y.— Ad ; U S Caiskill, N. Y.--Am ; Natl Catskill Station, N. Y.— Am Cattaraugus, N. Y.-W F & Co Cattatonk, N. Y.— U S Caughdeiioy, N. Y.-Natl Cavendish, Vt.— Natl Cayuga, N. Y.-Ad ; Am ; U S Casenovia, N. Y —Am ; Natl Cedar Creek, N. J.— Art Certar Grove, N. J.— W F & Co Cedar Lake, N. J.— Ad Cedar River, N. Y.-Natl Cedarville, N. J.— Ad Cedarville. N. Y.— U S Centerville, R. i.— Ad Central Bridge, N. Y.— Natl Centralia, Pa.— Ad Central I.'lip. L. I.— L I * Central Morrisania, N. Y.— Am Central Park, L. I.— L I Central Square. N. Y.— Am; Natl Central Valley, N. Y.— W F & Co Central Village, Conn.— Ad Centre Berlin, N. Y.-Natl Centredale, R. I.— N Y & B Centre Lebanon. N. Y.— Natl Centre Rutland, Vt.-Natl Centre Village, N. Y.— Natl Centreville, Conn.— Ad Centreville, Md.— Ad Centreville, N. J.— U S Centrevi]le,Cumbrd Co.,N.J.-Ad Centreville, N. Y.-Natl Centreville, Pa. — Ad Chadwick, N. J.— Ad Chadwicks, N. Y'.-U S Changewater, N. J.-U S Chapel Hill, N. J.— Art Chajiinville, Conn. — Ad Chapinville, N. J.— Am Chaplin, Conn.— Ad Chai)man Quarries, Pa.— Ad Chappaqua, N. Y.— Am Charlestown, Md.— Ad Charlestown, N. H.— Natl Charlotte, N. Y.— Am Charlotte, Vt.-Natl Charlotteburgh, N. J.— Natl Charlton, Mass.— Natl Charter Oak, Conn.— Ad Chases, Md.— Ad Chatham, Mass.— N Y&B Chatham, N. J.— U S Chatham, N. Y.— Am: Natl Chatham Centre, N. Y.— Am Chanmont, N. Y.— Am Chazy, N. Y.-Natl Chazy Lake, N. Y.— Natl Cheapside, Mass. — Ad Checktowaga, N. Y.— W P & Co Chelsea, S. I.— U S Chemung, N. Y.-W F & Co Chenango Bridge, N. Y.— U S ChenauL'o Forks, N. Y.— U S Cherry Brook, Conn.— Ad CherryHill.N. J.— US Cherry Valley, N. Y.— Natl Cheshire, Conn. — Ad Cheshire, Mass.— Ad; Am Cheshire Harbor, Mass.— Ad 114 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACESContinued. Foi- Explanation of Abbreviations used, see page 112. 14 13 68 58 49 13a 10 Cliesilhmst, N. J. -Ad 58d Chester, Conn.— Ad 5 Chester, Mass.— Ad; Natl 13, 21c Chester, N. J.-U S; W F & Co 57- Chester, N. Y..^Natl 69 Chester, Pa.— Ad: US Cliester, Vt.— Natl Chester Furnace, N. J.— Ad Chester Springs, Pa.— Ad Chestnut Hill, Conn.— Ad Chestnut Hill, N. J.— W F & Co Chestnut Hill, Pa.— Ad via 56, 57. 67, 3 Chicago. Ill —Ad; Am; U S 87b Chichesters, N. Y,— Am 17 Chicopee Centre, Mass. —Ad;Natl 17 Chicopee Falls, Mass.— Ad; Nat 69 Childs. Md.— Ad 56, 95 Chili, N. Y.— Am 3 Chillicothe, Ohio.— Ad; U S 56, 95 Chittenango, N. Y.— Am; Natl 23 Chittenango Falls, N. Y.— Natl 20 Chnbbs Dock. N. Y.— Natl 21a Chulaslvy, Pa.— U S 7 Church Lane, L. I.— Smith's 56, 95 Churchville, N. Y.— Am; Natl via 56, 57, 67, 3 Cincinnati, Ohio.— Ad; Am 57 Circleville, N. Y.-W F & Co City Inland, N. Y.— Ad City Mills, Mass.— Ad Claremont, N. J.— Dodd & C. Clarence, N. Y.— Natl Clarence Centre, N. Y.— Am Clarenceville, L. I.— Local Clarendon, Vt.— Natl Clark's Mills, N. Y.— Natl Claverack, N. Y.— Am Clay, N. Y.— Am Claymont, Del.— Ad Clayton, Conn. —Ad Clayton, Del.— Ad Clayton, N. J.— Ad Clayton. N. Y.— Am Clayville.N. Y.— US Cleveland, N. Y.— Natl 67 Cleveland, Ohio.— Ad; Am 83 52 13 95 56 41 4 95 5 75 69 52 69 94 75 21 59 via 56, i .50 Cliffwood, N. J.— Ad via .58 Clifton, Mass.— Ad; Nail 21, .57 Clifton, N. J.— W F & Co 80 Clifton. S. I.- US 56 Clifton Springs, N. Y.— Am .58 Clinton, Conn.— Ad 40 Clinton, N. J.— Ad .59 Clinton, N. Y.— Natl 51 Clinton Corners, N. Y.— Am 20b Clintons, N. Y.— Natl 23 Clockville, N. Y.-Natl 65 Closter. N. J.— W F & Co 45 Clove Valley. N. Y.— Am 49 Club House, N. Y.— W F & Co 67 Clyde, N. J.— Ad .56, 95 Clyde, N. Y.— Am ; Natl Clyde, Pa.- Ad Coaldale, Pa.— U S Coal Port, N. S.— Ad Coatesville, Pa. — Ad Cobalt, Conn.— Ad 20b Cobleskill,N. Y.-Natl 57 Cocbecton, N. Y.-W F & Co Coey man's, N. Y. — Natl Coeynian's June. N. Y.-Natl Coffln's, N. Y.— Am Cohassett, Mass. — Ad ; Natl 2K 57 Cohacton. N. Y.— VP^ F & Co 20 Cohoes, N. Y.— Natl .58 Colchester, Conn.— Ad .59 Colchester, N. Y.— Natl 14 Colchester, Vt.— Natl 41, 83 Cold Spring, L. I — L I .56, 82 Cold Spring, M. Y.— Am S*; Cold Water, N. Y. -Am Colebrook, Conn.— Ad Colebrookdale. Pa.— Ad Coleman's, N. Y.— Am Coles, R.I.— Ad 1.3c 1.3c 67b 67 82 95 45 66 35 68 .5Ha 62 41, 83 College Point, L. I.— L I 21 21 1 13a 83 59 21c .59 67a 20b 49 20b Colliers, N. Y.-Natl 10 Collingswood, N. J.— Ad 5 Collins, Mass.— Ad .58c CoUinsville, Conn.— Ad 5 Coltsville, Mass.— Ad; Am 63 Columbia, N. J.—f Q 67, 68 Columbia, Pa.— Ad 67a Colnmbus, N. J.— Natl via 56, 57, 67, 3 Columbus, Ohio— Ad; Am 13, 28 Communipaw, N . J.— Dodd & Co 59 Community. N. Y.— Natl 50 Como, N. J.— Ad 20 Comstock, N. Y.-Natl via 58 Concord, N. H.— N Y & B 80 Concord, S. I.— U S .57 Conesus, N. Y.-W F & Co 7, 16, 41, 55,72, 83 Coney Island, L. I. .58c Congamond, Conn.— Ad 95 Congers, N. Y.-Natl 62 Coniniicut, R. I.— Ad Conklin, N. Y.— U S Conklin Centre, N. Y.— U S Conklingville. N. Y.-Natl Conshocken, Pa. — Ad Constable Hook, N. J.— Local Constantia, N. Y.-Natl Convent, N. J.— U S Cook's Falls, N. Y.-Natl Cookstovvn. N. J. — Ad Coons, N. Y.— Natl Cooper. N. J.— W F & Co 21. .57 Coopers, N. Y.-W F & Co 20b Cooperstown, N. Y.-Natl 20 Cooperville. N. Y.-Natl 35 Copake, N. Y.— Am 56a Copake Iron Works, N. Y.— Am 40 Coplay, Pa.— Ad. 5 Cordaville. Mass. — Ad ,56 Corfu, N. Y.— Am 1 Corinth, N. Y.-Natl 21, .57 Corning, N. Y.— Am; W F & Co i7,82,95 Cornwall, N. Y.— Natl 36 Cornwall Bridge, Conn.- Ad 67 Cornwall's, Pa. — Ad 47 Corona, N. J.— U S 41 Corona. L. 1.— L I via .57 Corry, Pa.— Ad; Am; Natl; W F 21. 23 Cortland, N. Y.— Am; Natl .58 Cos Cob, Conn.— Ad 66. 83 Cottage City, Mass— N Y & B 35 Collage Grove, Conn.— Ad Cottons, N. Y.— Natl Council Ridge, Pa. — Ad Court House. S. I.— U S Coventry, N. Y.— U S Coventry, R. I. — Ad Covert, N. Y.— Ad; US Covington, Pa.— VV F & Co Cowenesque, Pa. — Am Cowenhovens, L. I.— Remsen Cowessett, R. I.— Ad 82, 95 Coxf ackie, N. Y.— Am ; Natl .56 Coxsackie Station, N. Y.— Am Cox Station, N. J.— Ad Coxton, Pa.— Ad Crafts, N. Y.— Am Craigs. N. Y.— U S Craigville, N. Y.-W F & Co Crains Mills, N. Y.— Natl 67a Cranbury Station, N. J.— Ad 56 Crane's Village, N. Y.— Am. 13 Cranford, N. J.— Ad .52 Cranston, R. I.— Ad 82, 95 Cranstons. N. Y.— Natl. 56a Craryville, N. Y.— Am 67a Cream Ridge, N. J.— Ad via 41 Creedmoor, L. I. — L.L 1 Creek Centre, N. Y.— Natl .58 Crescent Beach. Conn. — Ad 21 Cresco, Pa.— U S 65 Creskiil, N. J.— W F & Co 80 Creskil), S. I.— U S 67 Cresson, Pa.— Ad. 68 Crossona, Pa.— Ad. via 57,67CTestline, Ohio— Ad; Am 69 Cristield, Md.— Ad .56 Crittenden, N. Y. — Am .56 Crofts. N. Y.- Am ,58d, 83 Cromwell, Conn,— Ad 10 Oropwell. N. J — Ad 5', 82 Croton, N. Y.— Am .56a Croton Falls, N. Y.— Am .53 Croton Lake, N. Y.— Am Croton Landing. N. Y. — Am Crown Point. N. Y.-Natl Crugers. N. Y.— Am Crum Lynne, Pa. — Ad Crystal Lake, N. J.— Natl Crystal Run, N. Y.— Natl Cuba. N. Y.— W F & Co Cumberland, Md.— Ad; U S Cumberland Mills. R. I.— Ad 21, 57 Curtis, N. Y.— U S; W F & Co ,57 Custer City, Pa.— W F & Co 41 Cutchogue, L. I.— L I 14 Cuttingsville, Vt.— Natl 23 Cuvler, N. Y.— Am; Natl .57 Cuylerville, N. Y.— Am; W F 41a Cypress Hills. L. I.— liOcal 57 Dale, N. Y.-W F & Co 40 Dallas, Pa.— Ad 5 Dalton, Mass.- Ad; Natl 57 Dalton. N. Y.-W F & Co 13c 80 40b 21 .52 85 41 62 .56 20 .56 69 63 59 57 3 52 21 Dalton, Pa.— U S via .58 Damariscotta, Me,— Natl; Ad 36a 52 Daubury, Conn.— Ad; Int'l. 4 Danby, Vt.-Natl 52 Danielsonville,Conn. — Ad 15 Dannemora, N. Y. — Natl 21,. 57 Dansville, N. Y.-U S; WF via ,56 Danville, 111. -Ad; Am; U S 21a Danville, Pa.— Ad; US 3,69 Darby, Pa.-Ad; U S .58 Darien, Conn. — Ad 21, .57 Darien, N. Y.— U S; W F & Co 68 Dauphin, Pa.— Ad 67a Davenport. N. J. — Ad m Davids Island, N. Y.— Ad 67a Davis, N. J.— Ad 62 Davisville, R. I.— Ad 67c Dayton, N. J.— Ad 57 Dayton. N. Y.— W F & Co via.56, 57. 67 Dayton. Ohio.— Ad; Am; US 52 Dayville. Conn.— Ad 67a Deacon's. N. J.— Ad .50 Deal Beach, N. J.— Ad 67 Deans, N. J.— Ad .59 Deansville, N. Y.— Natl via.56 Decatur, 111.— Am 63 Deckertown, N. J.— Natl ,58d, 83 Deep Hiver, Conn. — Ad .58c, 17 Dterlield, Mass.— Ad; Natl via .58 Deer Isle. Me— Ad 41 Deer P«rk, L. I.— L I 75 Deer River, N. Y.— Am 3 Defiance, Ohio.— U S .57 De Golias. Pa.— W F & Co 3t> De Kays, N. J.— WF &Co .59 De Lancy, N. Y.-Natl 67a Dclanco. N. .).--Ad 40 Delano. Pa.— Ad 21c Delawanna. N. J.— U S 21 Delaware, N. J.— U S Natl via.56 Delaware, Ohio. — Am 21, 63 Delaware Water Gap, Pa.— Natl .59 Delhi. N. Y.-Natl 69 Delmar, Del.— Ad 20b Delmar, N. Y.— Natl 2:^ Delphi. N. Y.— Am; Natl 65 Demarest. N. J.— W F & Co .59 Denuistons, N. Y. —Natl 21c Der.ville. N. J.— U S .57 Deposit, N. Y.— W F & Co 46, .58a, 83 Derbv, Conn.— Ad 67 Derry, Pa.-Ad 2:3 De Ruyter, N. Y.— Am; Natl via.56 Detroit, Mich.— Am; US via .58 Deverenx, Mass. — Ad 9 Devercux, N. Y.— Am 36 Deweys. Mass.— Ad .56, 95 Dewitt. N. Y.— Natl via 58 Dexter, Me. — Natl .52 Diamond Hill, R. I.— Ad 64 Dickinson Centre. N. Y.— Am 20a Dickson. Pa.— U S 06 Diehton. Mass.— N Y & B 67 Dillerville, Pa.-Ad 13g Dividing Creek, N. J.— Ad .59 Dix, N. Y.— Natl .56, 82 Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.— Am via 21 Doddtown, N. J.— U S .52 Dorchester, Mass.— Ad; Natl 10 Doughtys. N. J.-Ad .52 Douglas, Mass.— Ad 68 Douglasville, Pa.-Ad 41 Douglaston, L. I.— L I 69 Dover, Del.— Ad via 58 Dover, Me.— Natl via 58 Dover, N. H.— Natl 13, 21c Dover, N. J.-U S 56a Dover Furnace, N. Y.— Am .56a Dover Plains, N. Y'.— Am 95 Downing, N. Y.— Natl ()7 Dowingtown. Pa.-Ad 13c Drakes Point. Pa.-Ad 21c 13 Dralvesville, N. J.— U S 20 Dresden, N. Y.-Natl 85 Dresden, Yates Co., N. Y.— Am 13c 40 Drifton, Pa.-Ad 40a Dryden. N. Y.— Ad: U S 13c Dryland, Pa.— Ad 20b Duanesburgh, N. Y.-Natl 9 Du Bois, Pa.— Ad; Am; Natl 67a Dudley, N, J.-Ad 17 Dumnierston, Vt. — Natl 67 Duncannon, Pa. — Ad 57 Dundee, N. J.— W F & Co 85 Dundee. N. Y. -Am 63 Dundee Lake, N. J.— Natl 13 Dunellen. N. J.-Ad .57 Dunkirk, N. Y.— Am; Natl 63 Dunnlield, N. J.— Natl \ 115 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACES-Contlnued. For Explanation of Abbreviations used, see page 113. 1 21 Diirrings, Pa.— U S; W F & Co 35 Ellerslie, N. Y.-Am 45, 53 Fishkill Village, N. Y.-Ad; Am .53 Diinwoodie, N. Y.— Am 9 Ellicottville, N. Y.— Am 59 Fish's Eddy, N. Y.— Natl .59 Dmhamville, N. Y.— Natl .52 Ellington, Conn.— Ad Fitchburg, Mass.— N Y & B 21a Diiryea, Pa.— U S .52 Elliotts, Conn.— Ad 67 Fillers, Pa.— Ad .56 Dutchess June, N. Y. — Am 80 Elliottville, S. I.— U S 58 Five Mile River, Conn.— Ad 41 Uiilcli Kiil.«, L. I. -Bowron .52 Ellis, Mass.— Ad 13, 40 Flagtown, N. J.-Ad 66 Dnxliinv, Mas.s.— Ad; Natl .55 Ellithorpe, Conn.— Ad 13 Flanders, N. J.-Ad 48 Dwights, Mas?.— Ad via .58 Ellsworth, Me.— Natl 11 Flatbush, L. L— Smith's 73 Dyerville, R. 1— N Y & B 13g Elm. N. J.-Ad 41c Flatlands, L. I. -Smith's .56a Dykenian"g, N. Y.— Ad; Am 94 Elmer, N. J.— Ad 08 Fleetwood, Pa.— Ad 29 Kagle Bridge. N. Y.— Natl 85 Elmer, Pa.— Am r)6a Fleetwood Park, N. Y.— Turnir .56 Eagle Harbor, N. Y.— Am 57, 21, 40 Elmira, N. Y.— Ad; Am; U S 13, 40, 671), Fleiniiif,'ton, N. J.-Ad 48 EaL'leville, Conn.— Ad 13 El Mora, N. J.-Ad 40a Fleniiiigville, N. Y.— U S 8.5 Eai-le's. N. Y.— Am 80 Elm Park, 8. L— U S 58c Florence, Mass.— Ad; Natl 21, .59 Earlville, N. Y -US; Natl .53 Elmsford, N. Y.-Am 67a Florence, N. J.— Ad .56 East Albany, N. Y.— Am ,52 Elmwood, Conn.— Ad 57 Florida, N. Y.-W F & Co .58 Ea.-t Berlin, Conn.— Ad 63 Elmwood, R. I.— Ad 41, 83 Flushing. L. I.-LI 21 East Bethany, N. Y.~V S 10 Elmwood Road, N. J.-Ad 3 Folsom, Pa. — r S .56 East Bloonifield, N, Y.— Am 80 EltiDgville, S. L— U S 56 Fonda, N. Y.-Am; Natl .59 East Branch, N. Y.-Natl 9 Elton. N. Y.-Am 13 Ford. N. J.— Ad 6() East Brewster, Mass.— N Y & B 10 Elwood, N. J.-Ad .56a Fordham, N. Y.— Am 13g East Bridgeton, N. J —Ad 68 Emaus, Pa.— Ad 53 Fordham Heights, N. Y.— Am .5 East Brookfield, Mass.— Ad 53 Endicott, Mass.— Ad 40 Fords, N.J. -Ad 67 East Brunswick, N. J. — Ad 5 Enfield. Mass.— Ad ; Natl 41c Ford's Corners, L. I.— Smiths 21, 56, 57 East Buflalo. N. Y.— U S 73 Enfield, R. I. -Ad via 67 Forest, Ohio— Ad 35 East Canaan, Conn. — Ad 58 Enfield Bridge, Conn.— Ad 57 Forest City, Pa.— W F & Co 5 East Chatham, N. Y.— Am 67 Engleside, Pa.— Ad 90 Forest Glen, N. Y.— U S 39 East Chester, N. Y.— W F & Co 65 Englewood, N. J.— W F & Co 94 Forest Grove, N. J.— Ad .56 East Clarence, N. Y.— Am 94 English Creek, N. J.-Ad .53 Forestville, Conn.— Ad 56 East Creek, N. Y.— Am 67c Englishtown, N. J.— Ad ,57 Forestville, N. Y.— W F & Co 4 East Dorset, Vt.— Natl 40a Ensenore, N. Y.— Ad; U S 41 Forge, L. I.-L I .52 East Douglas, Mass.— Ad 68 Ephratah, Pa.— Ad 13g Forked River, N. J.-Ad 43 East Farms, Conn.— Ad 80 Erastina, S. I.— U S .56 Forks, N. Y.— Am 66 East Freetown, Mass. via .56 Erie, Pa —Ad; Am; Natl 30 Fort Ann . N. Y.— Natl 14 East Granville, Vt.— Natl 23 Erin, N. Y.— Am; Natl 80 Fort Columbus, S. I.— U S 83 East Haddam, Conn.— Ad 67c Eruston, N. J.-Ad 20 Fort Edward, N. Y.— Natl 6(i Easthani, Mass.— N Y & B • 49 Erskine, N. J.— W F & Co 11 Fort Hamilton, L. I.— Kelly 75 East Hamlin, N. Y.— Am .57 Erwins, N. Y.— W F & Co 95 Fort Hunter, N. Y.-Natl 58 East Hampton, Conn.— Ad 95, 82 Esopus, N. Y.-Natl 82 Fort Lee. N. J.— By Ferry .58c Easthampton, Mass. — Ad; Natl 20b Esperance, N. Y.-Natl 95 Fort ^Montgomery, N. Y.— Natl 52 Ea.-t Hartford, Conn.— Ad 21a Espy, Pa.— US 56, 95 Fort Plain, N. Y!— Am; Natl 58 East Haven, Conn.— Ad 58d, 83 Es8e.\', Conn. -Ad 83 Fort Schuvler, N. Y.— Local 41 East Hinsdale, L. I.— L I .57 Essex, N. J.— W F & Co 20 Fort Ticonderoga, N. Y.— Natl 23 East Homer, N. Y.— Am; Natl 30 Essex, N. Y.-Natl 80 Fort Wadsworth, S. I.— U S 75 East Kendall, N. Y.— Am 14 Essex Junction, Vt.— Natl 56 Fort Washington, N. Y.-Am 67 East Liberty, Pa.— Ad 47 Etna, N. J.— U S via 67, 56, 57 Fort Wayne, Ind.— Ad; US .58 East Lyme, Conn. — Ad 23 Etna, N. Y.— Am; Natl 21 Foster, Pa.— Ad; US 67 East Millstone, N. J.— Ad 75 Evans Mills, N. Y.— Am 40 Fonndryville, Pa.— Ad 67a East Moorestown. N. J. — Ad via 67 Evansville, Ind.— Ad 80 Four Corners, S. I.— U S 11, 41a, 41c, East New York, L.I.— Peoples 13 Evona, N. J.-Ad 68 Frackville, Pa.— Ad 58 East Noi walk, Conn.— Ad 67a Ewansville, N. J.-Ad 67 Frankford, Pa.— Ad 66 East on, Mass.— Natl 13a Ewing, N. J.-Ad 56, 95 Frankfort, N. Y.-Am; Natl 13, 2Ic, 40 Easton, Pa.— Ad; U S via 58 Exeter, N. H.— Natl 48 Franklin, Conn.— Ad 21c East Orange, N. J.— U S 21 Factoryville, Pa.— U S 52 Franklin, Mass.— Ad 56 East Pembroke, N. Y.— Am 80 Factoryville, S. I.— U S 6.3, 21f Franklin, N. J.-U S; W F & Co via 58 Eastport, Me.— Intl 58 Fairfield, Conn.— Ad 59 Franklin, N. Y.-Natl 41 Eastport, L. I.— L I 67c Fairfield, N. J.— Ad 59 Franklin Iron Works, N.Y.— Nat 17 East Putney, Vt.- Natl 58 Fair Haven, Conn.— Ad 67 Franklin Park, N. J.— Ad 13 East Rahway, N. .1 .—Ad 66 Fairhaven, Mass.— N Y & B 94 Frankllnville, N. J.-Ad .58 East River, Conn. — .\d 83 Fair Haven, N. J.-Ad via 13, 67 Fredericksburg, Va.— Ad 2:3 East River, N. Y.-Natl 40a Fair Haven, N. Y,— Ad; U S 9 Freedom, N. Y.-Am 41b East Rockaway, L. J.—L I 20 Fairhaven, Vt.— Natl 31, 67c Freehold, N. J.-Ad 66 East Sandwick, Mass — N Y & B 57 Fair Lawn, N. J.— W F & Co 48 Freeland, Pa.— Ad 29 East Schaghticoke, N. Y.— Natl 47 Fairmount, N. J.— U S 10 Freeman, N. J.— Ad 75 East Steuben, N.Y.— Am 56 Fairmount, N. Y. — Am .57 Freeman, Pa.— W F & Co 66 East Taunton, Mass.— N Y & B 59 Fair Oaks, N. Y.— Natl 13c, 40 Freemansburg, Pa.— Ad .52 East Thompson. Conn.— Ad 56, 95 Fairport, N. Y.-Am; Natl via 58 Freeport. Me.— Natl .53 East View, N. Y.— Am 13g Fairton, N. J.— Ad 41 Freeport, L. I.— L I .58 East Wallingford, Conn.— Ad 65 Fair View, N. J.— W P & Co 2.3, 40a Freeville, N. Y.-Ad; Am; U S 14 East Wallingford, Vt.— Natl 20a, 40 Fairview, Pa.— Ad; Am; Natl 68 French Creek, Pa.— Ad 66 East Warehara, Mass.— N Y & B 56 Falkirk, N. Y.-Am 20 French Mountain, N. Y.-Natl 40b East Waverly, N. Y.— U S 85 Fall Brook, Pa.— W F & Co 67b Frenchtown, N. J.-Ad 53 East Webster, Mass.— Ad 66. 83 Fall River. Mass.— Int'l ; N Y & B 41 Fresh Pond, L. I.— L I 41 EastWilliston, L. I.-LI 40b Falls, N. Y.— U S 57 Friendship, N. Y.— US; W F 20a East Windsor, N. Y.-Natl 40 Falls, Pa.— Ad 95 Fullers, N.Y.— Natl .53 East WindsorHill, Conn.— Ad 59 Fallsburgh, N. Y.-Natl 31, 59, 75 Fulton, N. Y.— Am; U S; Natl 21 East Winfield, N. Y.— U S 36 Falls Village, Conn.— Ad 40 Fulton, Pa.— Ad 20b East Worcester. N. Y.— Natl 66 Falmouth, Mass.— N Y & B 95 Fnltonville, N. Y.-Natl .59 Eaton, N. Y.-Natl 13 Fauwood, N. J.— Ad 9 Gainesville, N. Y.-Am 1.3g Eatontown, N. J.— Ad 40b Farmer, N. Y.— Ad; U S 1.3g Galilee, N. J.— Ad 40 Ebei vale. Pa.— Ad 9 Farmersville, N . Y.-Am via 56, 57 Gallon, Ohio — Am 40, 1.3c Eckley, Pa.— Ad 13g, 67c Farniingdale, N. J.— Ad .35 Gallatinville, N. Y.— Am 67 Eddington, Pa.— Ad 41 Farniingdale, L. I.— L I 67 Gallitzin, Pa.— Ad 67 Edgars. N. J.— Ad 58c Farmington, Conn.— Ad 20 Gansevoort, N. Y.— Natl 83 Edgevvater,N. J.— See "Fort Lee" 69 Farmington, Del.— Ad 67 Gap, Pa.— Ad 80 Edgewater, S. I.— Brisk; U S via 58 Farmington, Me.— Natl 9 Garbnttsville, N. Y.-Am 67a Edgewater Park, N. J.— Ad 56 Farmington, N. Y.— Am 41 Garden City, L. I.— L I 69 Edgewood, ]\Id — Ad 41 Far Rockaway, L. J.— L I via .58 Gardiner, Me.— Natl 87b Edgewood, N. Y.— Am 75 FeltMills.N. Y.-Am 90 Gardiner. N. Y.-U S 10 Egg Harbor City. N. J.— Ad 58d Fenwick, Conn.— Ad 29 Gardrer, Mass.— Ad; Natl 95 Elta. N. Y.-Natl 85 Ferenbaugh's N. Y.— Am 63, .57 Garfield, N. J.--WF; Natl .50 Elberon. N. J.— Ad 14 Ferrisburgh, Vt.— Natl 80 Garretsons, S. I.— U S 67, 13 Elizabeth, N. J.-Ad 20 Ferrona, N. Y.— Natl 56, 82 Garrisons, N. Y.— Am 13, 83 Elizabeth port, N. J.-Ad 95 Feura Bush, N. Y.— Natl 57 Garwood?, N. Y.— W F & Co (i7 Elizabethtown, Pa.- Ad 13 Finderne, N. J.-Ad 56 Gasport, N. Y.— Am via 57, .56, Elkhart, Ind.— U S 41 Fire Island, L. I.— L 1 14 Gassett's, Vt.— Natl 85 Elkland, Pa.— Am; U S; Natl 56 Fishers, N. Y.-Am ,57 Gfineseo. N. Y.— U S; W F & Co 69 ElUton, Md.— Ad 67a Fish House, N. J.-Ad 56, 40b Geneva, N. Y.-Ad.; Am; U S 53 Ellenville, N. Y.-Natl 56, 82 Fishkill, N. Y.— Am 40a Genoa, N. Y.-Ad.; U S 1 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACES-Continued. Fur Explanation of Abbreviations used, see page ll'-i. 40 68 94 83 58 31 08 59 Genungs, N. Y.— Natl 14 Georgia, Vt.— Natl 73 Georgiaville, R. I.-N Y & B 36a Georgetown, Conn.— Ad 69 Georgetown, Del.— Ad 10 Germania, N. J.— Ad 13g Germania, Ocean Co., N. J.— Ad 56, 82 Germantown, N. Y.— Am 13a Germantown, Pa.— Ad 67 Germantown June, Pa.— Ad 13 German Vallev, N. J.— Ad 47 Germond!', N. Y.— U S .56 Getzville, N. Y.— Am .56a Ghent. N. Y.— Am 80 Giffords, N. Y.-l" S 5 Gilberiville, Mass.— Ad 83 Gildersleeve's Conn.— Ad 21e Gil:ette, N. J.--r S 1 Gilnmn's, N. Y.— W F & Co Girardville, Pa— Ad Glasgow, Pa.- Ad Glassboro, N. J. -Ad Glastonbury, Conn. — Ad Glenbrook, Conn. — Ad GlenljLirn, Pa — F S Glen Carbon, Pa.— Ad 41. 83 Glen Cove. L. I.— L I .30 Glendale, Mass.— Ad 75 Glendale, N. J.— Am 41 (Jlendale, L. I.- L I 40, 13c Glendon. Pa.— Ad 13 Glen Gardner. N. J.— Ad; U S .52. 45 Glenlniin. N. Y. — Am 41 Glen Head, L. I,— L I 83 Glen Island, N. Y.— Ad 67 Glen Loch, Pa.— Ad 69 Glenloden. Pa.— Ad 40 Glen Onoko, Pa.— Ad 210 Glen Hidge, N. J.— US 20 Glen Falls, N. Y.— Natl Glenside, Pa.— Ad Glen Summit. Pa. — Ad Glen Wood. L. I.— L I filenwood, N. Y. — Am \ia .58 Gloucester, Mass.— Ad; Natl 94 (;louC('ster, N. J.— Ad 30 (iloviTSville, N. Y.— Am 5t)a (Jolden's Bridge, N. Y.— Am 41 Good Ground. L. I.— L I .58a, 83 Goodspeedfi. Conn.— Ad 57 Goshen, N. Y.--\V F & Co 21 Gouldsboro, Pa.— D S 75 Gouveneur, N. Y. — Am 83 Governor's IsL, N. Y.— By Boat 40 Gowen, Pa.— Ad 3 Grafton, W. Va.— U S .58c Granby, Conn. — Ad 87 Grand Gorge, N. Y.— Am: Natl 87 Grand Hotel Station, N. Y'.— Am via 57, .50 Grand Rapids, Mich. — Ad.; Am. 65 (handview, N. Y.— W F & Co 80 Granileville, S. I.— Ij S 80 Grant City. S. I.— US 65 Granton, N. J.— W F & Co 35 Grant's, Conn.— Ad 20 Granville. N.Y.— Natl 80 Grasmcre, S. I.— U S 56 Gratwiclc. N. Y. — Am 72, 55,0 Gravesend. L. I. — Remsen 20a 40 83 56 (iray's Ferry, Pa. — Ai: Great Barrington, Mass.— Ad Great Bend.N. Y.— Am Great liend. Pa.— U S Great Kills, S. I.— U S Great Meadows, N. J.— W F & Co 41, 83 Great Neck, L. I.— L I 49 Great Notch, N. J.— W F & Co Great Valley, N. Y.—W F & Co Greece, N. Y. — U S; Am Greenbush. N. Y. — Am Greene. N. Y.— U S Greene R. I.— Ad Greeneville, Conn. — Ad (Jreenfield, Mass. — Ad ; Nat Greeniield, L. 1. — Remsen Greentiekl, N. Y.— Natl Green Haven, N. Y. — Ad Green Island, N. Y.— Am ; Natl Greenlawn, L. I. — L I Greenpoint. L. I. — Bowron 69 36 75 21, 57 80 39 57 75 56,5 21 .52 52 17 1 52 20 41 28 41, 83 Grcenport, L. I.— L I 80 Green Ridge, S. I. -U S 20a Green Ridge, Pa. -US; Natl 67 Greensburg, Pa. — Ad 56 Green's Corners, N. Y. — Am 58 Green's Farms, Conn. — Ad 41 Cireenvale. L. I. — L I via 58 Greenville, Me.— Ad; Natl 13 Greenville. N. J.— Ad 58, 83 Greenwich, Conn. — Ad .5 Greenwich, Mass. — Ad 13g Greenwich, N. J.— Ad; U S 62 Greenwich, R.I. —Ad 69 Greenwood, Del. — Ad 62 Greenwood, R I. — Ad 49 Greenwood Lake.— W. F. & Co 21 Grcigsville, N. Y.— U S .57 Grey court, N. Y.— W F & CO 29 Greylock, Mass.— Natl .52 Greystone, Conn. — Ad 87 Griflin's Corners, N. Y. — Am 83 Grigg.-town, N. J.— Ad 56 Grimesville, N. Y. — Am 57 Griswold, N. Y.— W F & Co 52 Grosvenordale, Conn.— Ad 62 Groton, Conn.— Ad 40a Groton, N. Y.— Ad; U S 58 Grove Beach, Conn. — Ad 21 Groveland, N. Y.— U S 20b Gnilderlanil, N. Y.— Natl 95 Guilderlaud Centre. N. Y.— Natl .58 Guilford, Conn.— Ad 59 Guilford. N. Y.— Natl 59 Guilford C ntre, N. Y.— Natl 95 Gunnville, N. Y. -Natl 6 Gunthersviile^ F,. I. — Remsen 28 Guttenburg, N. J.— Hudson Co 57 Guvmard, N. Y.— W F & Co 47, 63, 95 Hackensack. N. J.— U S; Natl 21c Hackcttstown, N. J.— U S .5Sd Haddam, Conn. — Ad 10 Haddouticld. N. J.— Ad 1 Had lev, N. Y.— Natl 58d, S3 Hadlvme. Conn.— Ad ()3 llaineshurg, N.J. —Natl 87a Haines Corners, N. Y.— Am 67a Hainesport, N. J.— Ad 87 Halcottville, N. Y.— Am; Natl. .57 Hales Eddy, N. Y.— W F & Co 40a Half Acre.'N. Y.— U S .56 Halfway, N. Y.— \m fit; Halifax, Mass.— Ad; Natl via .5ike, ]\Iass.— Ad Highland Mills, N. Y.— VVF&Co Highlands, N. J.— Ad Highlands, N. Y.— Am Hightstown, N. J.— Ad High wood, N. J.— W P & Co Hillburn, N. Y.— W F & Co Hillsdale, N. J.— U S Hillsdale, 'N. Y.— Am Hills Grove. R. I.— Ad Ilimrod's, N. Y.— Ad; Am Hingham, Mass. — Ad Hinsdale, Mass.— Ad Hinsdale. N. Y.— Am; WF& Co Hitchcock's, Conn.— Ad Hobart. N. Y.— Am; Natl Iloboken, N J.— Dodd & C. Hodgcvillo. N. Y.— W F & Co Hoflfman, N. Y.— W F & Co Hoffman's, N. J.— Ad Hoffman's, N. Y. — Am Hohokus. N. J.— W F &Co Hokendauciua, Pa. — Ad Holbrook, Ma.«8. — Ad Holbrook. L. I.— L I Holland Patent, N. Y.— Am Holland's, L. I.— L I Holland Station, N. J.— Ad Holley, N. Y.— Am Hollis, L. I.— L I IIolmesl)urg, Pa.— Ad Holmesburg June, Pa.— Ad Holyoke, Mass.— Ad; Natl Homer, N.Y.- US Homestead, N. J.— W F & Co Homesville, Pa. — Ad Hornet's Ferry, Pa.— Ad Homowack, N. Y.-Natl Honeoye Falls, N. Y. — Am Honesdale, Pa.— Natl; WF& Co Hooper, N. \.~W P & Co Hoosick, N. Y.-Natl Hoosick Falls, N. Y.— Natl Hoosick June., N. Y. — Nat! Hopafcong, N. J.— U S Hope, Pa.— Ad: U S Hope, R. I.— Ad Hopetnn, N. Y. — Am Hopewell, N. J. — Ad Hopewell June, N. Y.— Ad; Am Ilonping, N. J.— Ad ; U S Hop River, Conn. — Ad Hornellsville, N. Y.— U 8 Hornerstowu, N. J.— Ad Horn's Springs, Pa. — Ad ; U S Horseheads, N. Y.— Ad Horton, N. J.— U S ' Hoskius, Conn. — Ad Houghton Farm, N. Y. — W F 117 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACES-Continued. For Explanation of Abbreviations nswl. sue page 11^. via 58 Houlton, Me.— Natl 36 Housatonic, Ma.fiflil, Pa.— Ad; VV F ct Co 67a Miuitoloking, N. J.— Ad 73 Manton, R. L— Ad 94 Manumuskin, N. J. — Ad 2], 67b Manunka Chunk, N. J.— U S 74 Manville, R. I.— Ad 5 Maple Grove, Mass.— Ad 41 Maple Grove, L. I.— L I 67a Maple Shade. N. J.— Ad 40a Mapleton. N. Y.— Ad; U S .55 Mapleton, L. L — Renisen 21c Maplewood, N. J.— US 95 Maplewood. N. Y.— Am; Natl 21 Marathon, N. Y.— US via 58 Marblehead. Mass.— .\d: Nail 56 Marcellus, N. Y.— Am 75 Marcy, N. Y.— Am 83 Mariner's Harbor. S. I.— U S 66 Marion. Mass.— N Y & B 67 Marion, N.J. — .\d 31 Marlborough, N. .].— Natl 95, 82 Marlborough, N. Y.— Natl 10 Marlton, N. J.— Ad 58d Maromas, Conn. — Ad 21 Marshall. N. Y.— U S 66 Marshfielri. Mass.— Ad 80 Marshland, S. L— US 66, 83 Martha's Vineyard.— N Y & B .56a !Marlindale, N. Y. — Am 75 Martinsburg, N. Y. — Am 3 Martinsburg, W. Va.— U S 67b Martin's Creek, N. J.— Ad 57 Martinsville. N. Y.—W F & Co 40a Martville, N. Y -Ad ; U S 20b Maryland, N. Y.— Natl 67 Marysville, Pa.— Ad 67a Masonville, N. J.— Ad 41 Maspetb. L. I.— L I 48 Massapeag, Conn. — Ad 75 Messena Springs, N. Y.— Am 69 Masseys, Md — Ad 57 Mast Hope, Pa.-W F & Co 50, 83 Matawan, N. J.— Ad 52 Mattapan. Mass.— Ad ; Natl 66 Mattapoisette. Mass.— N Y & B 52, 45 Matteawan, N. Y.— Am 41 Mattiiuck, L. I.— L I 40, 13c Mauch Chunk, Pa.— Ad 13 Maurers, N. J.— Ad 94 Maurice River. N. .J. —Ad ]3g Mauricetown. N. J.— Ad ; U S 86 Mayeta, N. J.— Ad .30 Mayfield, N. Y.— Am 94 May's Landing. N. J.— .\d 63 Maywood. N. J.— Natl .39 McAfee, N. J.— W F & Co 75, 23 McConnellsville, N. Y.— Am 23 McLean, N. Y.— Am ; Natl .57 McNair, N. Y.—W F & Co 67 McVevtown, Pa.— Ad 59 Meadow Brook, N. Y.— Natl 67 Meadows, N. J.— Ad via 57 Meadville. Pa.— Ad ; W F & Co .59 Mechanicstown. N. Y. — Natl 62 Mechanicsville, Conn. — Ad 20 Mechanicville, N. Y.— Natl 67a Medford, N. J.— Ad 41 Medford. L. L— L 1 69 Media, Pa.— Ad ,56 Medina, N. Y. - Am 40 Mehoopany, Pa.— Ad 5 Mellenville, N. Y. — Am .53 Melrose, Conn.— Ad 10 Melro.'a.— Ad 13 Middle Vallcv. N. J.— Ad 63 Miclland Parli. N. J.— Natl 57 Midmond, Pa.— W F &Co 49 Midvale. N. J.— U S ; W F & Co 67 Mifflin, Pa.— Ad 40 Milan, Pa.- Ad 21c Milburn, N. J.— U S .58 Milfoid, Conn.— Ad 20b Milford, N. Y.— Natl 67b Milford Station, N. J.— Ad 45 Millbrook, N. Y.— Am; Natl 74, 5 Millburv. Mass.— Ad 20a Mill Creek, Pa.— U S 40 Millers, Pa.-W F & Co .56 Millers Corners, N. Y.— Am 48 Millers Falls, Mass.— Ad; Natl 56a Millertou, N. Y.— Am .57 Millerlon. Pa — W F & Co 21c Milliiigton, N. J.— U S .52 Mill Plain, Conn.— Ad 67 Millstone June.. N. J. — Ad 52, 74 Millville, Mass.— Ad 94 Millville, N. J.— Ad 9.5, 82 Milton, N. Y.— Natl 13c Milton, Pa.— Ad 14 Milton. Vt.— Natl 95 Mindonville, N. Y.— Natl 41 Mineola, L. I.— L I 67 Mineral Point, Pa.— Ad 68 Minersville, Pa.— Ad 1 Minerva, N. Y. — Natl 13 Minnisiuk, N. J.— Ad 20a Minooka, Pa.— U S 95 Mohawk, N. Y.— Am 20b Mohawk, N. Y — Natl 48 Mohegan. Conn. — Ad 68 Mohrsviile. Pa.— Ad 64 Moira, N. Y.— Am 13g Moiiniouth Beach, N. J.— Ad 67 Moninoulh June, N. J.— Ad 68 Monocacy, Pa. — Ad 39 Monroe, N. J.— U S 57 Monroe, N. Y.—W F & Co 65 Mousey. N. Y.—W F & Co 48 Monson, Mass. — Ad 48 Montague, Mass.— Ad; Natl 21c, 49 Montclair, N. J.— U S; W F 49 Montclair Heights, N. J.— W F 95 Montezuma. N. Y.— Natl 57 Montgomery, N. Y. — U S 13c Montgomery, Pa. — Ad 71 Monticello. N. Y.—W F & Co 13c Mor.rours\ille, Pa'— Ad 58 Montowese, Conn. — Ad 14 Montpelier. Vt.— Natl 20, 14 Montreal, C^iie. —Natl .56 Montrose, N. V.— Am 21 .Montrose Pa.— Ad; U S 47 Montvale, N. J.— U S 48 Montville, Conn. — Ad 20 Mooers June, N. Y.— Natl 13a Moores, N. J.— Ad 67b Moore's, N. J.— Ad 20a Moosic, Pa.— U S 52 .AIoosiip, Cou'i. — Ad 40a Moravia, N. Y.— U S 85 Moreland, N. Y.— Am 41 Moricln s, L. 1 — L I 56a Morrisania. N. Y. — Am 53, .56 Morris Do^k. N. Y.— Am 15 Morrisonville, N Y. — Natl 41a Morris Park. L. I.— L I 21c Morris Plains, N. J.— U S 57 Mollis Run, I'a.— W F & Co 21c Morristown, N. J — U S 75 Morristown, N. Y. — Am .59 Morrisville, N. Y.— Natl 67 Moriisville, Pa.— Ad 21 Moscow, J'a.— U S 53 Mosliolu, N. Y.— Am 56a, .56 Mott Haven, N. Y.— Am ,59 Mountain Dal'', N. Y.— Natl 12 Moiiiifn House Si'n, N. Y.— Am 21c ^lountain Station, N. J.— LT S 21c, 49 Mountain View.N.J.— W F & Co .57 Mountainville, N. Y.—W P & Co 67b Mount Aiiy, N.J. —Ad .52 Mount, Bowdoin, Mass. — Ad 68 IMouiit Carbon, Pa.— Ad 58c Mount Carmel, Conn. — Ad 40, 13c Mount Carmel. Pa.— Ad 67a Mount Holly, N. J.— Ad 14 Mount Holly. Vt. — Natl 53 Mount Hope, N. Y.— Am 57 Mount Jewett, I'a.— W F & Co 67 Mount Joy, Pa.— Ad .56a Mount Kisco, N. Y — Am. 95 Mount Marion. N. Y.— Natl 21, 57 Mount Morris, N.Y.— Am; U S 31 Mount Pleasant, N. J.— Ad 94 Mount Pleasant, N. J.— Ad 87 Mount Plea-ant, N. Y.— Am 21 Mount Pocnno, Ph. — U S .56a Mount Kiga. N. Y.— Am .35 Mount Ross, N. Y.— Am 56 Mount St. Vincent, N. Y.— Am 21c Mount Tabor, N. J.— U S 48 Mount Tobey, Mass.— Ad 17 Mount Tom,' Mass.— Ad 67 Mount L^iiion. Pa.— Ad 59 Mount Upton, N. Y.— Natl 56a, .58 .Mount Vernon. N. Y.— Ad; A.m 67b Muirheads, N. J.— Ad 9 Miimford, N. Y.— Am 13c Muncv. Pa.— Ad. 59 Muiusville, N. Y.— Nat 56 Murrav, N. Y.— Am 21c Murray Hill, X. J.— U S 68 Myerstown. Pa.— Ad 62 Mystic Conn. — Ad 21a, 13c Nanticoke. Pa.— Ad; U S 66 Nantucket, Mass.— N Y & B 47-65 Nanuet. N. Y.— U S; W F & Co 119 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACES-Continued. For Explanation of Abbreviations used, see page 112. f)2a Xarraifansett Pier, R. I.— Ad 57 N a rro w sb nrgh , N . Y .— W P & Co 84 Xashua, N. H.— N Y & B 5 Natick, Mass.— Ad. 62,52 Naticl<, R. I.— Ad .58a Naugatuclc, Conn.— .■^d Naugliiiglit, N. J.— Ad Navesink, N. J. — Ad Neely Town, N. Y.— W P & Co Nelson, Pa. — Am. Neppeilian, N. Y. — Am Neshannintr Falls, Pa.— Ad 13,40 Neshanic, N. J.— Ad 13c Ne.-^qiielioning, Pa.— Ad 13 Netherwood, N. J.— Ad 69 Newark. Del.— Ad 67, 13c, 21c, .57. 83 Newark, N. J.— Ad .56,95 Newark. N. Y.— Ad; Am; Natl 3 via 07 Newark. Ohio— Ad Newark Centre, Del.— Ad Newark XMfy, N. Y'.— Ad; U S New Baltimore, N. Y. — Natl New Bedford, Mass.— N Y & B New Berlin, N. Y.— Natl New Brighton, S. I.- U S New Briiain, Conn.— Ad: Infl New Brnnswick. N. J. — Ad 1)5, .57. 82 Newburgh, N. Y.— Ad; Am" via .58 Newbiirvporf, Mass. — Ad; Natl 13 13g 57 85 53 13a 69 40a 95, 82 66, 83 59 80 58, 83 67. 83 40, (i8 47 13c 1 80 1)3. 65, ! 7.5 94 401; 67 63 56, S2 58c 14 90 58, .52 38 67a New Canaan, Conn.— Ad Newcastle, Del.— Ad New Castle. Pa.— Ad; Am New City, N. Y.— I" S New Columbia, Pa. — Ad Newcomb. N. Y. — Natl New Drop, N. Y.— U S )5 New Durham, N. J.— Natl; WF New Pane, N. Y.— Am Xewfield, N. J.— Ad Newlield, N. Y.— Ad; US New Ploi-ence, Pa. — Ad Newfonuilland, N. J.— Natl New llauiburgli, N. Y. — Am New Ilaitford, Conn.— Ad; Natl 21, .59 New Hartford. N. Y.— Am ;ll S 58, 83 New Haven, Conn.— Ad: Int'l New Haven, N. Y.— Am New Haven, Vt. — Natl New Hurley, N. Y. — Am Newington, Conn.— Ad New 1,'ebanon, N. Y. — Natl New Lisbon, N. J— Ad 58, 83 New London, Conn.— Ad 41c New Lots, L.I.— Local New Market. N. J.— Ad New Milford, Conn. — Ad New Milfnrd, M. ,T.— U S New Milfod, N. Y.— W F & Co New Milford. Pa.— U S New Nortbjjort, L. I.— L I New Paltz. N. Y.— l' S New Philadelphia, Pa.— Ad Newport, Del.— Ad 13g Newporr. N. J.— Ad 67 Newport, Pa.— Ad 62a, b, 66, 83 Newport. R. I.— Ad; N Y' B 78 New Preston, Conn.— Ad 68 New Providence, Pa.— .\d 68 New Ringgold, Pa.— Ad 58, 83 New Rochelle, N. Y'.— Ad 5 New Salem, Mass.— Ad New Scotland, N. Y.— Natl New Springville. S. I.— U S New Snflfoik, L. I.— L I Newton, i\[ass.— Ad Newton, N. J.— U S Newtown. Conn.— Ad Newtown, N. J.— Ad New Utrecht, L. L— Remsen New Windsor, N. Y.— VV F & Co 56, 95, 40 Niagara Palls, N. Y.— Am .58 Niantic, Conn.— Ad 62 Niantic, R. L— Ad 21 Nichols, N. Y.— U S 21 Nicholson, Pa.— U S 30b Ninweh, N. Y.— Natl 67 Ninweh, Pa.— Ad Noank, Conn.— Ad Nordhofif. N. J.— M' F & Co Norfolk, Conn.— Ad Norfolk, Mass. — Ad Normandie, N. J.— Ad Noroton, Conn. — Ad Xorristown, Pa. — Ad , .580, 29 North Adams, Mass.— Ad; Am 48 North Amherst, Mass.— Ad 17, .58e Northamjiton, Mass.— Ad; Natl .50 North Asbnry Park. N. J.— Ad .59 North Bay, N. Y.— Natl 80 83 5 21 f 36, 52 67a 6 57 62 65 35 .52 13g .58" 1.3a 4 North Bennington, Vt.— Natl 35 North Bloomlield, Conn.— Ad 13 North Branch, N. J.— Ad 74 Northbridge, Mass.— Ad 5 North Brookfield, Mass.— Ad 21 North Brookfield, N. Y.— U S 13g North Cedarville, N. J.— Ad 14 North Clarenden. Vt.— Natl 1 North Creek, N. Y.— Natl 58d North Cromwell, Conn. — Ad 5 North Dana, Mass.— Ad 69 North-East, iMd.— Ad 67 North Elizabeth, N. J.— Ad 21, 57 North Elmira, N. Y.— Am; US 40a North Pair Haven, N. Y.— Ad 14 North Ferri.sbnrgh, Vt.— Natl 48 Northfleld. Mass.— Ad; Natl 14 Northfield, Vt.— Natl 48 Northfield Farms, Mass.— .\d 58 Northford, Conn.— Ad 14 North Georgia, Vt.— Natl 5 North Grafton, Mass.— Ad 52 North Grosvenordale, Conn 14 North Hartland, Vt.— Natl 66 North Harwich, Mass.— N Y & B 17 Noith Hatfield, Mass.— Ad .58 North Haven, Conn.— Ad 29 North Iloosick, N Y.— Natl 36 North Kent, Conn.— Ad 13g North Long Branch, N. J.— Ad 66 North Middleboro, Mass.— Ad 49 North Newark, N. J.— W F & Co 21, 59 North Norwich. N. Y.— U S -Ad North Oxford, Mass.— Ad North Peinberton, N. J. — Ad North Petersburgh, N. Y'.— Natl Northport, L. I.— L I North Providence, N. J. — U S North River, N. Y.— Natl North Stephentown, N. Y.— Natl Northumberl;ind, Pa.— Ad; US Northvale, N. J.—W F & Co North Vineland, N. J.— Ad North Westport, Mass.— NY &B North Wilbraham, Mass.— Ad North Windham, Conn. — Ad 36a, 83,58 Norwalk, Conn.— Ad 48, 83 Norwich, Conn.— Ad 59, 31 Norwich, N. Y'.— U S; Natl 53 Norwood, Mass.— Ad 65 Norwood, N. J.—W F & Co 75 Norwood, N. Y.— Am 62 Norwood, R. L— Ad .52 Norwood Central, Mass. — Ad .57 Nntley, N. J.—W F & Co 65, 82 Nyack, N. Y.— Natl; W F & Co 41 Oakdale, L. I.— L I Oakfteld, N. Y.— Natl Oakla"d,Md.— Ad Oakland, N. J.— Natl Oakland, N. Y.— W F & Co Oakland, R. I.— Ad Oakland Beach, R. I.— Ad Oaklawn. R. L— Ad Oak Ridge, N. J.— Natl Oakville, C:onn.— Ad Ocean Beach, N. J.— Ad Ocean City, N. J.— Ad Ocean Grove, N. J.— Ad Oceanic N. J. — Ad Ocean Point, L. I.— L I Oceanport, N. J. — Ad Odells, N. Y.— .\m Ogden, N. J.— Ad Ogdensbiirgli, N. J.— Natl Ogdeusbnrwh, N. Y.— Am; Natl Oil City, Pa.— Ad; Am; Natl Old Bridge, N. J.— Ad Old Chatham, N. Y.— Natl Old Furnace, Mass. — Ad Old Northport, L. L— L I O'd Point Comfort, Va.— Ad 57 01ean,N.Y.— Am;US;WF&Co .58 Olive Branch, N. Y.— Am 73 Olneyville, R. I.— Ad 20a Olyphant, Pa.— U S; Natl 21 Onativia, N Y^.— U S .52 Oneco, C"nn. — Ad 56, .59 Oneida, N. Y.— Am; Natl 59, 95 Oneida Castle, N. Y.— Natl 20b Oneonta, N. Y.— Natl 75 Ontaiio, N. Y.— Am 47 Oradell, N. J.— U S 46 Orange, Conn.— Ad 21c, 49 Orange. N. J.— U S; W F & Co 95, 65 Orangeburgh, N. Y.— W F & Co 57 Orange Farm, N. Y.— W F & Co 35 Ore Hill, Conn.— Ad 83 Orient, L. I.— L 1 ■52 67a 38 83 31c 1 38 31a 65 94 66 5 52 95 3 63 71 73 62 .52 63 .58a 50 94 .50 83 41 1.3g 53 13 63 75 via .57 67a 38 5 41 .56 Oriskanv. N. Y.— Am .59 Oriskany Falls, N. Y.— Natl 75 Orleans Corners, N Y.— Am .59 Orrs Mills. N. Y.— Natl via 67 Orrville, Ohio. — Ad 67a Ortley, N. J.— Ad 52 Osborn, Conn. — Ad 20b Osborn Hollow, N. Y'.— Natl 56 Oscawana, N. Y.— Am 85 Osceola, Pa.— Am \V H\ Natl l,3g Ostrom, N. J.— Ad .59, 21. 75 Oswego, N. Y.— Am: U S; Natl 20b Otego, N. Y.— Natl 57 Otisville. N. Y.— W F & Co 40b Ovid, N. Y.— Ad; ITS .57, 31, 40a, Owego, N. Y.— Ad; U S 69 Oxford, Md.— Ad .52 Oxford, Mass. — Ad 21, 59 Oxford, N. Y.-^U S 57 Oxford, Orange Co., N.Y.— Natl 69 Oxford, Pa.— Ad 31 Oxford Furnace, N. J.— U S 83 Oyster Bay, L. L— L I E4 Ozone Park, L. I.— L I 52 Packerville, Conn. — Ad via 56 Painesville, Ohio.— Am 57, 21 Painted Post, N. Y'.— U S 56 Palatine Bridge, N. Y. — Am 12 Palenville, N. Y.— Am; Natl 5, 48 Palmer, Mass. — Ad 67a Palmyra, N. J.— Ad 95, 56 Palmyra, N. Y.— Am; Natl 68 Palmyra, Pa.— Ad 13 Pamrapo, N. J.— Ad 67 Paoli, Pa.— Ad 71 Paradise, N. Y.— W F & Co 57 Paramns, N. J.—W F & Co 21 Paris, N. Y.— U S 75 Parish, N. Y'.— Am 13e Parkdale, N. J.— Ad 3 Parkersburg, W. Va.— U S 57 Parker's Glen, Pa.— W F & Co 67 Parkersbnrgh, Pa.— Ad 47 Park Ridge, N. J.— U S 59 Parksville, N. Y.— Natl 52 Parkville, Conn.— Ad 72, 7, 16 Parkville, L. I.— Remsen 75 Parma, N. Y.— Am 40, 1.3c Parryville, Pa.— Ad 20a Parsons, Pa.— U S 47 Pascack, N. J.— U S 69 Paschall, Pa.— Ad 73 Pascoag, R. I.— Ad 57, 21c, 63 Pas>aic, N. J.— U S; Natl ,57 Passaic Bridge, N. J. — U S 41 Patchogne, L. I.— L I 57, 63, 21c, Paterson, N. J.— U S; Natl 40 Pattenburg. N. J.— Ad 20 Patterson, Essex Co.,N.Y.— Natl 56a Patterson, Pnt. Co., N.Y.— Am 95 Pattersonville, N. Y.— Natl 63 Panlina, N. J.— Niitl 64, 15 Paul Smith's, N. Y. -Natl 9 Pavilion, N. Y.— Am 9 Pavilton Centre. N. Y'.— Am 56a Pawling, N. Y.— Am 74, 52 Pawtucket, R. L— .\d; Int'l 62a Peace Da'e, R. I.— Ad 86 Peahala. N. J.— Ad 21c 13 Peapack, N. J.— U S 9, Pearl Creek, N. Y.— Am 47 Pearl River, N. Y.— U S 41 Pearsall's, L. I — L I .59 Pecksport, N. Y.— Natl 20a Peckville, Pa.— U S; Natl 56, 63 Peekskill, N. Y.— Am ,58 Pelham Manor, N. Y — Ad 58 Pelhamville, N. Y.— Ad 13c Pen Argyle, Pa.— Ad; U S 68 Pencoyd, Pa.— Ad 57 Pendleton Centre,N.Y.— WF&Co 56 Penfield, N. Y.— Am 67 Penn, Pa.— Ad 59 Pennellville, N. Y'.— Natl 10, 13c Penn Haven Jnnc, Pa.— Ad 13a Pennington, N. J.— .\d 67 Penn Valley, Pa.— Ad 85 Penn Yan. N. Y. -Ad; Am 41e Penny Bridge, l,. I.— Bowron 67 Pennvpack. Pa.— Ad 1.3a Penobscot, Pa.— Ad 49 Peqnannock, N. J.—W F & Co 21 Perkinsville. N. J.— U S 68 Perkiomen June, Pa.— Ad 69 Perryman, Md.— Ad .57 Perrvsburg, N. Y.— W F & Co 69 Perryville, Md.— Ad 33 Perryville, N. Y.— Am; Natl 67, 13, 80. 83 "Perth Am boy, N. J.— Ad 120 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACES-Continued. For Explanation of Abbreviations used, see page 11'2. 20 40a 38 67 56 62 75 13a 87 65 56 9 13g Peru, N. J.— W F & Co Peru, N. Y.— Natl Peruville, N. Y.— Ad; US Petersburg, N. Y.— Natl Petersburg, Pa. — Ad Phelps, N. Y.— Ad; Am Phenix, R. I.— Ad Philadelphia, N. Y.— Am 67, 13a, 67a, 84 Philadelphia. Pa.— Ad 85 Phillips. Pa.— Am 13, 21c, 40 Phillipsburg, N. J.— Ad; U S 59 Phillipsport, N. Y.— Natl .56a Philniont, N. Y. — Am Philmont, Pa.— Ad Phoenicia, N. Y. — Am; Natl Phoenlxville, Pa. — Ad Pierce's, N. Y. — Am Piermont-on-the-Hill, N. Y. — W F & Co Pierrepont Manor, N. Y.— Am Picnson's, Pa. — Ad Pierson's, N. Y.— Am Pike, N. Y.— Am Pine Brook, N. J.— Ad Pine Bush, N. Y.— W F & Co Pine Grove, Pa. — Ad Pine Hill, N. Y.— Am; Natl Pine Island, N. Y.— W F & Co Pine Meadow. Conn. — Ad Pine Orchard, Conn.— Ad Pine Plains, N. Y. — Am via 67 Piqua. Ohio— Ad 94 Pitman, N. J.— Ad 67 Pittsburg, Pa.— Ad; Am; Natl 36. 5 Pittsfield, Mass.— Ad; Am .56.95 Pittsford, N. Y.— Am 20a, 21a. 40 Pittsion. Pa.— Ad; U S: W F Plainfleld. Conn.— Ad Plaintield. N. J.— Ad Plainsboro, N. J. — Ad Phiins\ille, Pa. — Ad ! Plainville, Conn. — Ad Plantsville, Conn.— Ad Plattsburgh, N. Y.— Natl Pleasant Lake. Mass.— N Y ifc B Pleasant PNins, N. Y.— U S Pleasant Valley, N. Y.— Am Pleasant Valley, Pa.— Ad; U S Pleasantville, N. J.— Ad PleasantviUe, N. Y. — Am Pleasure Bay, N. J.— Ad Plymouth, Mass.— Ad; Natl Plymouth, Pa.— U S Plympton, Mass. — Ad Pocasset, Mass.— N Y & B Pocasset, R. I.— Ad Pocomoke, Md. — Ad Pocono Sumniif. Pa. — U S Point Lookout. L. I — L I 13c Point Phillipp, Pa.— Ad 50 Point Pleasant. N. J.— .\d .^2 Pomfret. Conn. — Ad 10 Pomona, N. J.— Ad 47 Pomona. N. Y.— U S 63, 49 Pompton, N. J.— Natl ; W F & Co 49, 63 Pompton. June. N J.— W F & Co 49 Pompton Plains. N. J.— W F .57 Pond Eddy. N. Y. & Pa.— W F .57, 52 Pontiac, N. J.— W F & Co 62 Pontiac, R. I.— Ad 21 Poolville, N. Y.— US 57 Portage. N. Y. — Am 95. .56 Port Byron. N. Y.— Am; Natl 68 Port Carbon, Pa.— Ad ,58, 83 Port Chester, N. Y.— Ad 68 Port Clinton, Pa.— Ad- 20b Port Crane, N. Y.— Natl 69 Port Deposit, Md.— Ad 95 Port Gibson, N. Y.— Natl 20 Port Henry. N. Y.— Natl 41 Port Jefferson. L. I. — L I .57 Port Jervis, N. Y.— W F & Co (iS Port Kennedy. Pa. — Ad 20 Port Kent, N. Y.— Natl .58. 83 Portland. Conn.— Ad via .58 Portland, Me.— N Y & B 21 Portland. Pa. -U S 20b Portlandville, N. Y.— Natl 75 Port. Lyden, N. Y.— Am 13g, 83 Port ]\[onmouth, N. J.— Ad .58 Port Morris, N. Y.— Ad 21c Port iVIurray, N. J.— U S ::^g Port Norris, N. J.— Ad 21c, 13 Port Oram. N. J.— Ad 80 Port Richmond, S. I.-U S 41 Port Washinsion, L. L-L I 85 Post Creek, N. Y'.— Am 75 Potsdam, N. Y.— .\m 85 Potter Brook. Pa.— Am 58c 58 51. 45 13 67 40 .58c, 52 5Sc 20 66 80 51 20a 94 56a 83 66 21a 66 ()6 (i2 69 21 41b 1 Pottersville, N. Y.— Natl 68 Pottstown, Pa.— Ad 13c, 40, 68 Pottsville. Pa.— Ad 56, 82 Poughkeepsic. N. Y.— Am. .53 Poughquag. N. Y.— Ad 52 Pratfs, Conn.— Ad 59 Pratts, N. Y.— Natl 21 Preble, N. Y.— U S 68 Prescott, Pa.— Ad 73 Primrose, R. L— Ad 80 Princess Bay, S. I.— U S 67 Princeton, N. J.— Ad 14 Proctorsville, Vt.— Natl 20a Pompton, Pa.— US 75 Prospect, N. Y.— Am 67a Prospect Plains, N. J. — Ad 13c Prospect Rock, Pa —Ad 20a Providence, Pa.— Ad; U S 58, 62, 83 Providence, R. I.— Ad; Int'l 66 Provincetown, Mass.— N Y & B 75 Pulaski, N. Y.— Am 5 Pnlvers, N. Y. — Am 9 Punxsutawney, Pa— Ad; .\m 59 Purdy's, Orange Co., N. Y — Am 56a Puidy's Westchester Co., N. Y. ,52 Putnam, Conn.— Ad 20 Putnam, N. Y.— Nail 20b Quaker Street, N. Y.— Natl 80 (Quarantine, S. 1. — Brisk 63 Quarry ville. N. J.— Natl 68 Qnarryville, Pa.— Ad 69 Queen Ann, Md.— Ad 41 Queens, N. Y— LI 52 Quidnick, R. I.— Ad 58 Qninnipiack, Conn. — Ad 41 Quogue, L 1.— L I 67 Rahway, N. J.— Ad 57 Ramapo, N. Y.— "W F & Co 57 Ramsey's. N. J.— W F & Co 83 Randalls Island, N. Y.— Local .59 Randallsville, N. Y.— Natl 66 Randolph, Mass.— Ad 14 Randolph. Vt.— Natl 40 Ransom, Pa.— Ad 75 Ransomville, N. Y.— Am 13 Raritan, N. J.— Ad .57 Rasselas, Pa.— W F & Co .57 Rathboneville, N. Y.— W F & Co 41 Ravenswood, L. I. — L I 66 Raynham, Mass.— N Y & B 38 Rayville, N. Y.— Natl 68 Reading. Pa.— Ad 85 Reading Centre, N. Y.— .\m 52 Readville, Mass.— Ad. 50, 83 Red Bank, N.J.— Ad 3()a Redding, Conn.— Ad 35 Red Hook, N. Y.— Am 40 Red nston, Pa.— Ad 75 Redwooil, N. Y.— Am 69 Rehoboth, Del.— Ad 75 Remsen, N. Y.— Am 75 Rensselaer Falls, N. Y.— Am 29 Reynolds, N. Y.— Natl .52 Reynoldsville, N. Y.— Ad 56, 82 Rhinebeck. N. Y.— Am 13 Ricefield, N. J.— Ad 75 Rice's. N. Y.— Am 21 Richfield Springs, N. Y.— U S 40a Richford, N. Y.— Ad; U S 75 Richland. N. Y.— Am 68 Richland, Pa.— Ad 5 Richmond, Mass. — Ad; .\m 80 Richmond, S. L— U S via 13. 67 Richmond, Va. — Ad 14 Richmond, Vt.— Natl 41 Richmond Hill, L. I.— L I 80 Richmond Valley, S. I.— U S 20b Richmondville, N. Y.— Natl 56, 75 Rich ville, N. Y.— Am 57 Ridervillt, Pa.— W F & Co 36a Ridgefield. Conn. — Ad 65 Ridgefield, N. J.— W F & Co 9.5, 63 Ridgefield Park, N. J.— Natl 41 Ridgewood, L. I.— L I .57 Ridgewood, N. J.— W F & (;o 3 Ridley, Pa.— U S 69 Ridley I'ark, Pa.— Ad 67b Riegel.^ville, N. J.— Ad 67b Ringoes, N J.— Ad 49 Riiigwoori, N. J.— W F & Co 49 Ringwood June, N. J.— W F 94 Rio Grande, N. J.— Ad 1.3c Ritter. Pa.— Ad 56 Riverdale, N. Y.— Am 47 River Edge, N. J.— U S 41 Riverhead, L. I.— L I 52 Riverpoint, R. I. — Art 58 Riverside, Conn. — Ad 57, 67a Riverside. N. J.— Ad 1 Riverside, N. Y.— Natl 67a Riverton, N. J.— Ad 62 River View, R. 1 —Ad 75 River View. N. Y.— Am 68 Robesonia, Pa. — Ad 67 Robin vale, N. J.— Ad 5 Rochdale, Mass.— Ad 63 Rochelle Park, N. J.— Natl 56, 57, 95 Rochester, N. Y.— Am ; U S 21c, 13 Rockaway. N. J.— U S 54. 83 Rockawav Beach, L. I.— L I .59 Rockdale, N. Y.— Natl 40 Rockdale, Pa.— Ad 58 Rockfall, Conn.— Ad 9 Rock Glen, N. Y.— Am; W F 14 Rockingham. Vt..— Natl via ,58, 81 Rockland. Me.— Natl 59 Rockland. N. Y.— Natl 83 Rock Landing. Conn —Ad 82 Rockland Lake, N. Y.— Natl via .58 Rockport, Mass.— Ad; Natl 40, 13e Rockpiirt, Pa.— Ad 59 Rock Rifr, N. Y.— Natl 85 Rock Stream, N. Y.— Ad; Am 59 Rock Tavern, N. Y.— Natl 52 Rockville, Conn.— .\d 67 Rockville, Pa.— Ad 41 Rockville C<'ntie, L. I.— LI .59 Rockwell's Mills, N. Y.— Natl .58d Rocky Hill, Conn.— Ad 67 Rocky Hill. N. J.-Ad 62 Rocky Point, R. L— Ad .5t; Rome, N. Y.— Am; Natl 78 Romford, Conn.— Art 40b Romulus, N. Y.— Ad; U S 82, 95, .56 Rondouf, N. Y.— .\m; Nail '41 Ronkonkoma, L. I.— L I 75 Rose, N. Y.— Am 68 Roscglen. Pa.— Ad 13 Roselle, N. J.-Ad 90 Rosendale, N. Y.— L' S 13g Rosenhayn, N. J.-Ad 71 Rose Point, N. Y.— W F & Co 95 Roseton, N. Y.— Natl 21c Roseville, N. J.— U S 75 Rosiere, N. Y.— Am 41, 83 Roslyn, L. I. -L I 75 Rossie, N. Y. — Am 83 Rossviile, S. I.— U S 20, 64 Round Lake, N. Y.— Natl 20, 14 Rouse's Point, N. Y.— Nail 57 Rowlands. Pa.— W F & Co 67b Roxburg, N. J.— .\d 78 Roxburv, Conn.— Ad 87 Roxbury, N. Y.— Am; Natl 14 Roxbury, Vt — Natl ■(8 Roxbury Falls, Conn.— Ad 14 Royalton, Vt.— Natl 68 Royer's Ford. Pa.— Ad 40 Rummerfield. Pa.— Ad 13g R'unson Beach, N. J.-Ad 21a Rupert, Pa.— Ad; U S .57 Rush, N. Y.-W P & Co 5 Russell, Mass.— Ad .57 Rutherford, N. J.-U S; W F 20, 4, 14 Rutland, Vt— Natl 67 Ryde. Pa.— Ad 58 Rye, N. Y.— Ad 1 Sacandaga River, N. Y.— Natl ,58 Sackuiio Head, Conn. 75 Sacketts Harbor, N. Y.— Am via .58 Saco. Me.— Ad .52 Sadds Mills, Conn.— Ad 66 Sagamore. Mass.— N Y & B .59 Sages Corners, N. Y.— Natl 41, 83 Sag Harbor, L. I.— L I 80 Sailors' Snug Harbour, S.I.— U S 14 St. Albans, Vc— Natl 40 St. Clair, Pa.— Ad 83 St. George. S. I.— U S; Brisk 41 St. James. L. I.— L I 41 St. Johnland, L. I.— L I 14 St. Johns, Que.— Natl .56, 95 St. Johusville, N. Y.— Am; Natl via .57,3.67,.")6 St.Louis.Mo.— Ad; Ain;U S 15 St. Regis, N. Y.— Am .57 Salamanca. N. Y.; Am; WF& Co via .57 Salem, Alass.— Ad; Natl 94 Salem, N. J.-Ad 20 Salem, N.Y.— Natl 75 Saliua. N. Y.— Am m Salisbury, Conn.— Ad 69 Salisbury, Md.— Ad .57 Salisbury, N. Y.— W F & Co 14 Salisbury, Vt.— Natl .51 Salt Point, N. Y.— Am 9 Saltvale, N. Y.— Am .56 Sanborn, N. Y.— Am 75 Sand Hills, N. Y.— Am 131 DIRECTIONS AND EXPRESS TO VARIOUS PLACES-Contmued. For Explanation of Abbreviations tisfd, see page 112. 83 Sands Point, h. I.— L I 1)6 Sandwifli. :\Iass.— N Y & B 7.") Sandv C'reelc, N. Y. — Am 20 Sandy Hill, N.Y.— Natl 52 Sandy Hook, Conn.— Ad 132-, 83 Sandy Hook, M. J.— Ad; US 36a Sandi'ord, Conn.— Ad 7.5 Sandfords Corners, N. Y.— Am 84 San Francisco, Cal.— W. F. & Co 21 Sangerfleld Centre, N. Y.— U S f)5 Santa Clara, N. Y.— Am 15, 64 Saranac Lake, N. Y.— Natl 20 Saratoga, N. Y.— Natl 66 Satiicket, Mass.— N Y •& B 58 Saugatuck, Conn.— Ad 95, 82 Sangerties, N. Y.— Am; Nalt 74 Saiiiidersville, Mass,— Ad; Natl 21 Sauquoif, N. Y.— U S .56, 95 Savannah, N. Y.— Am; Natl 21. .57 Savona, N. Y.— W F & Co .58. 83 Saybrook, Conn.— Ad 58d Savbrook Point, Conn.— Ad 40 Sayre, Pa.— Ad 80 Sayreville, S. J.— US 41 Sayville, L. I.— L I .56 Scarborom.'h, N. Y. — A711 .56a Scar:^dlllt•. N. Y — Am 67 Schalks. N. J.— Ad 29 Schaghiicoke, N. Y.— Natl 67 Sclienck's, Pa. — Ad 56 Schenectady, N. Y.— Ami 20b Schenevns,"N. Y.— Natl .56 Schodack, N. Y.— Am 21c. 13 Schooley's Mountain, N. J.— Ad 95 Schraalenbnrg, N. J.— Natl 1 Sehroon Lake, N. Y.— Natl 63 Schuetzen Park. N. J.— Natl 29 Sclmylerville, N. Y.— Natl 68 Schu'vlkill Haven, Pa.— Ad .57 Scio, N. Y.— W F & Co 20 Sciota, N. Y.— Natl 66 Scilnate. Mass.— Ad .52 Scotland, Conn.— Ad 9, .57 Scottsville, N. Y.— Am;WF&Co 21, 20a Scranton, Pa.— .'^d; U S; Natl 75 Scriba, N. Y.— Am 67b Scndder's Falls, N. J.— Ad 75 Sea Breeze, N. Y. — Am 13g, 83 Sea Bright, N. J.— Ad 41, 83 Sea Cliff, L. I.— LI 69 Seaforth, Del.— Ad .50, 67c Sea Girt, N. J.— Ad 94 Sea Isle City, N. J.— Ad 54 Seaside, L. I.— L I 67a Seaside Park. N. J.— Ad 94 Seaville. N. J.— Ad Sic, .57 Secaucns, N. J.— W F & C.i 57 Seeley Creek, N Y.— W F & Co 95 Selkirk, N. Y.— Natl 56 Seneca Falls, N. Y.— .\m .59 Seneca Hills, N. Y.— Natl ■56 Sennett, N. Y.— Am 41 Setaiiket. L. I.— L I 20b Seward, N. Y.— Natl 13. 83 Sewareii. N. J.— Ad 94 Sevvell, N. J.- Ad 58a Seymour, Conn.— Ad 57 Shaker Crossing, N. Y. — 5 Shaker Villagej Mass. — Ad 52 Shaker Station, Conn.— Ad 13c, 40 Shamokin, Pa.— Ad 13g Shamong, N. J.-Ad ; U S 68 Shamrock, Pa —Ad 87 Shandaken, N. Y.— Am ; Nail 62 Shannock, U. I.— Ad 13g Shark River, N. J.-Ad ; U S 67a Sharon. X. J.— Ad 14 Sharon, Vt. — Natl 69 Sharon Hill, Pa.— Ad 56a Sharon Station, N. Y.— Am 20b Sharon Springs, N. Y.— Natl 62 Shawomet Beich, R. I.— Ad 7, 41c Sheepshead Bay, L. I.— L I 36 Sheffield, Mass.— Ad 45 Shekomeka, N. Y.— Ani 14 Shelliurne, Vt.— Natl 58c Shellburne Falls, Mass.— Ad 40b Sheldrake, N. Y.— Ad; U S 41, 83 Shelter Island, L. I.— L I 83 Shelton, Conn. — Ad 13c, 40 Shenandoah, Pa.— Ad 78 Shepang. Conn.— Ad 13g Sheppaid's Mills, N. J.— Ad 21 Sherbnrne, N. Y.— U S 59 Sherbnrne 4 Corners, N. Y.— Natl 68 Sheridan, Pa.— Ad 57 Sheridan, N. Y.— W P & Co 21a Shickshinny. Pa.— Ad ; U S 13c Shinier, Pa.— Ad 41 Shinnecock Hills, L. I.— L I 68 Shoemakersville, Pa.— Ad 57 Shohola Glen, Pa.— W F & Co 87 Shokan, N. Y.— Am ; Natl 21c Short Hills, N. J.— U S 56 Shortsville, N. Y.— Am 13g Shrewsbury, N. J.— Ad 45 Shnnpike, N. Y. — Am 75 Shnrtliffs, N. Y.— Am 20 Shushan, N. Y.— Natl 20b, .59 Sidney, N. Y.— Natl 59 Sidney Centre, N. Y.— Natl 13c Siegfried, Pa. — Ad 49 Silver Lake, N. J.— W F & Co 57 Silver Springs, N. Y.— Am 58c Simsbury, Conn.— Ad 49 Singac. N. J.— W F & Co .56, 83 Sing Sing, N. Y.— Am 68 Sinking Spring, Pa. — .'\d 56 Skaneateles. N. Y. — Am 13a Skillinan, N. J.-Ad 40 Skinner's Eddv. Pa.— Ad 63 Slate Hill, N. Y.— Natl 40 Slatington. Pa.— Ad 53 Slee|)y Hollow, N. Y.— Am 20b Slingerlands. N. Y.— Natl 57 Sloatsbiirg. N. Y.— W F & Co 40a, 57 Smithboro. N. Y.— W F & Co 73 Sinithtield, R. I.— Ad 43 Smith's, Conn.— Ad 5 Smiths. Mass.— Ad 20 Smiths Basin, N. Y.— Na 1 17 Smith's Ferry, Mass.— Ad 57 Smith's Mills, N. Y.— W F & Co 41 Smithtown, L. I. — L I 67a Smithville, N. J.-Ad 69 Smyrna, Del. — Ad 59 Smyrna, N. Y.— Natl 75 Sodus, N. Y.— Am 49 Soho. N. J.— M' F ct Co 59 Solsville. N. Y.— Natl 56a Soniers Centre, N. Y. — Am 66 Somerset, Mass.— N Y & B 67b Somerset, N. J.-Ad 75 Somerset, N. Y. — Am 57 Somer's Lane, Pa.— W F & Co 94 Somers Point, N. J. — Ad 1.3a Soraerton, Ha.— Ad 13 Someiville, N. J.-Ad 57 Sonyea, N. Y.— W F & Co 58 Sound Beach, Conn. — Ad 29 South Acton, Mass. -Ad: Natl 50. 67a South Amboy, N. J.-Ad 41 Southampton, L. I. — LI 58c Southampton, Mass. — Ad 5 South Athol, Mass.— Ad 10 South Atlantic, N. J.-Ad 57 South Avon, N. Y.— VV F & Co 20 South Ballston. N. Y.— Natl 38 South Berlin, N. Y.— Natl 95 South Bethlehem, N. Y.— Natl 66 South Bra intree, Mass. — Ad 56 Southbiidge, Alass. — Ad 12 South Cairo. N. Y.— Am; Natl 17 South Charlestown. N. IL— Ad 66 South Chatham, Mass.— N Y & B 21 South ( 'olumbia. N. Y.— U S 1 South Corinth, N. Y.— Natl 48 South Coventry, Conn. — Ad 17. .58c Sontli Deerfleld. Mass.— Ad 66 South Dennis, Ma'^s.— N Y & B .56a South Dover, N. Y.— Am 67 South Elizabeth. N. J. 57 Southfields, N. Y.— W F & Co 52 Southford. Conn.— Ad 5 So. Framingham, Mass. — Ad 87 South Gilbia, N. Y.— Am 83 South Glastonbury, Conn. — Ad 21 South Gran by. N. Y.— U S 41 South Greenfield, L. I.— L I 66 South Harwick. Mass.— NY &B 58c Soiithinglon, Conn. — Ad 36 South Kent, Conn. — Ad via 58 South Lawrence, Mas.s. — Ad 36 South Lee, Mass. — .\d 57 South Lavoniii, N. Y.— W F & Co 14 South Londonderry, Vt. — Ad 58 South Lynne. Conn. — Ad 66 South Midillel)nri). Mass.— Ad 59 South New Beilin, N. Y.— Natl 58. 83 South Not walk. Conn.— Ad 63 South Ogdensliurgh, N. J.— Natl 41. 83 Southold. L. L— L I 21c South Oraiire. N. J.— U 8 41 South Oyster Bay, L. I.— L I 57 Sout li Paterson, N. J.— W F & Co 67a South Pembeiton. N. J. — Ad . 40 South Plainficid, N. J.— Ad 58 Soiitbport. Conn.— Ad 57 Southport, L. 1.— L I 14 South Koyalton, Vt.— Ad 95 So. Schenectady, N. Y.— Natl 40 South Somerville, N. J. — Ad 67 South Trenton. N. J.-Ad 66 South Truro. Mass.— N Y & B 17 South Vernon, Vt.— Ad 5 Soiithville. Mass. — Ad 94 South Vineland, N. J.-Ad 66 South Wareham.Mass.— N Y & B 66 South Welltieet. Ma-s.— N Y & B via .58 South West Harbor, Me.— Ad 58d SoutliWctlicisfield. Conn.— Ad 58c South wick. Mass.— .\d 13c, 40 South \Vilkesl)arre, Pa.— Ad 48 South Wellington, Conn.— Ad 36a South Wilton, Conn.— Ad 48, .52 South Windham. Conn.- Ad 52 South Win(Uor, Conn.— Ad 66 So. Yarmouth, Mass.— N Y& B 65 Sp.arkill, N. Y.— W F & Co 63 Sparta, N. J.— Natl 67 Spa Spring, N. J.-Ad 5 Spencer, Ma'e and Ft. Hamilton Steam Cars— From 2(;th St. and 3d Av.. to Bay Rid"e and Fort ILimiltoii via :3d Av. . j = Brooklyn, Bn. Park Av , to Washington Av., to Kent Av,, to Broadway (passing Grand, and Roosevelt Ferries), to Driggs St.. to Van Cott Av.. to .Manhattan Av., to Newtown Creek. Branch to Long Island City, throiisrh Central Av. and Borden Av.. to .34th St. Ferrv, and Long Island R. R. Depot. Night cars leave depots. 1 00, 1 HO, 2 30, 4 00 a. m. <'ro.<. m. Cypres.* Hills Kxteii.ilon— From Fulton and Alabama Av., through Fulton .\v.. to Cypress Av., to main entrance Cypress Hills Cemetery. DeKalb Av. Line.— From Fulton Ferr/, through Water St., to Washington St., to Fulton St., to DeKalb Av., to Myrtle A v., to Manhattan Beach Railroad. Night cars leave ferry, 131", 12 27, 12 37. 12 51, 1 OIJ. 1 21, 1 3i>, 1.51, 2 0(1, 2 3().306, 3 30 4 20. 4.50, 5 20 a. m, DcKiilh and Franklin Av. Line. — From Fulton Ferrv. through Water, Washington and Fulton S(s. and DeKalb and Franklin Avs. to City line at P'latbush. Ea.st IN'ew York Line— From Broadway ferries through Broadway to East New York; return same loiite. Night cars leave Ferry at 1 .50. 2 30, 3 10, 3 50. 4 30, 5 10 a. m. Fifteenth Street Line— From Hamilton Ferry, through Hamilton Av., to Fifteenth St., to 9th Av., to 20th St. (Culver's Depot). Last car leaves Ferry, 11 39n''glit. Flatbush Av. Line— From Fulton Ferry and Bridge Depot, through Fulton to Flatbush av., to Prospect Park and Flatbush. Night cars leave Fulton Ferry, 1 37, 207, 237, 307, 337, 4l.7,'437, 507, 537, 607 a. m. Flu.sliins' Av. Line- From Fulton Ferrv, through Fulton to Sands, to Hudson Av., to Flushing Av., to Broadway and Graham Av..to Van Cott Av., to Manhattan Av., to Greenpoint Av., to 23d and 19th St. Ferries, Greenpoint. Transfers passengers to Greenpoint Line at Classon and Flushing Avs. and to Ridgewood and Grand St., and Broadway Femes at Graham Av. and Messrole St. Night cars leave P'ultou Ferry, 1 08, 123, 1 38, 1 .53, 222, 352. 332, 3.53, 432, 452, 532, 538a. m. Franklin Av. Line— From foot Grand St.. through Water St., to Kent Av., to South 8th. to Wythe Av.. to Franklin Av,, to Prospect Park, to Ocean Av., to Franklin Av. in Flatbush, to Greenwood Cemetery. Last car leaves Franklin and Flatbush Avs., 1 a. m. ; Grand St Ferry, 1 40 a. m. Fulton St. and Fast New York.— From Fulton Ferrv ihronsh Fulton St. to East New York. Night cars leave Fulton Ferry, 1 OS, 132, 2 08, 2 30, 300, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 01, 523. Furman St. Line.— From Fulton Ferry, Furman St., to Atlantic Av, (South Ferrv), to Columbia St., to Sackett St., to Hamilton Ferry. Taansfers to Van Brunt St. and Erie Basin line and to Hamilton Av. line from Hamilton Ferry. Gates Av. Line— From Fulton Ferrv, through Fulton St. to Greene Av., to Franklin Av., to Gates Av.. to Broadway, to Ridgewood. Night cars leave Fulton Ferry, 1 .52. 3 33, 307, 3 S8, 4 09, 4 59 a. m. Greenpoint Line- From Fulton Ferry, by Fulton St., to Myrtle Av.. to Classon (or Washington) Av., to Kent Av.. to Fianklm St.. to Commercial St.. to Newtown Creek. Transfer to Flushing Avenue line at Classon and Flushing Avs. Night cars leave Fulton Ferry, 1 12, 1 37, 3 07, 3 07, 3 37, 4 37, 5 33 a, m. Greenpoint and Bu.«li wiek Line.— Prom depot through Bushwick Av. to Meserole St., to (iraham Av,. to Van Cott Av., to Manhattan Av., to Greenpoint Av., to 10th and 23d St. ferries, Greenpoint. Greenpoint and Lurimer Street Line— From 10th Si. Ferry. Greenpoint, to Lorimer St.. to Park Av., to Nostrand .\v., to Prospect A v. Hamillon Avenue Line— From Hamilton Av. Ferry, through Hamilton Av. to 3d Av., to 25th St . to Greenwood Ceme- tery , connecting at 3d Av. and 25th St. for Fort Hamilton, Bay Ridge and Coney Island, Hamilton Avenue and Prospeet Park Line— From Hamilton Ferry, through Hamilton Av., to 9ih St., to Pros- pect Park. Last car leaves ferry, J2 10 a. m. Hiek:-* Street Line— Through Hicks St . Atlantic Av., to Boermn PI. to Adams St., to Brooklyn Bridge, Catharine and Fulton Ferries, Return by same route through Hicks st, to Hamilton Av., 15th St., to Prospect Park (.5th Av. to Greenwood Cemetery and Ninth Av. to Prospect Park and Coney Island R. R. and Greenwood Cemetery. Jamaica (Electriei- From Alabama Av. to Jamaica. Lee and Nostrand A venue Line—From foot of Broadway, to Driggs St., to Division Av., to Lee Av.. to Nostrand Av., to Malbone St.. to Willink entiance. Prospect Park. Niglit cars leave Broadway ferries, 12 18, 13 58, 133, 155 a.m. 125 BROOKLYN HORSE CAR LINES.-Continued. Liitlieran <'eiiiel«'ry Line— From City line to .Mvitir Av.. to Palmotto, to ^Mftropolitan Avt-. (Lutheran t'enietery Middle Village). Last car leaves City line at 10 OO p. lii. Myrtle A v. Liliie— From Fulton Ferry, Ihroush Fulton St., to Myrtle Av., to l{idge\vood. Night cars leave Fulton Ferry. ■ 1 -i-i. 1 52. 2 -i-i, •> .->',>. 3 -i-i, :i 52, 4 22, 4 .52, 5 22, 5 52 a. in. ■Newtoivii Line- Fro)n foot of IJroadway, through Kent Av., to Grand, to Newtown. Last car leaves fcrrry, 11 52 p. m. Prosi)e<'t Park and Flatbii^li Line-Flatbush Av. (Willink entrance Prospect Park) to Greenwood Cemetery. Pro!*i)eet Pask aii«l Holy Cross Cemetery— From Fiatbush Av. and Malboiie St., through Malbone St., Clove road. Clarkson St. (.Mmshouse, Hospital and Asylum), and Canarsie Lane, to Ho^y Cross Cemetery. Piitnaiii Av. Ii»ne— From Fulton Ferry, through Fulton St., to Putnam Av.. to Nostrand Av., to ITalsey St., to Broadway. Last car leaves Fulton Ferry, 12 40 a. m. Kalpli A V. Lin p— From Broadway and Kalph .Vv.. through Palpli A v., to .\tlantic Av. East Xew York cars transfer both ways. Keid A V. Line— From Broadway ferries, Broadway, to Reid .Vv.. to Fulton Av.. to Utica Av., to .Ulantic Av. Ni"-ht cars leave Ferry at 2 Id, 2 .51), :i 00, :i 30, 4 10, 4 .55 a. m. Sniitii and Jay Street Line— From Fulton Ferry through Water, to Main, to Prospect, to Jay, to Smith, to 9th Av., to ]5tli St., to Ciiy Line, connecting with horse cars to Coney Island. Last car leaves ferry depot, 12 44 a. m. Sunnier A v. Line— From Broadway ferr'es, through Broadway, to Sumner Av., to Fulton St., to Troy Av., to Bergen St. Last night car leaves ferry at 1 If) night. Tonipkin-i Av. Line— From Atlantic and Kin'.'ston Avs., through Kingston to Fulton, to Tompkins Av., to Harrison Av., to Division Av., to Roebling St., to Broadway, to Roosevelt and Grand St. ferries. Last car from ferry depot 1 18 a. m. Van Brunt Street and Erie Basin Line— From Hamilton Ferry, through Hamilton Av. to Van Brunt St., to Erie Basin, through Elizabeth St. to Columbia St., Eric Basin Dry Docks. Transfer at Hamilton Ferry for South, Wall and Fulton Ferries, also by Sackett and Bergen Street Line to Albany Av., also, l)y South Brooklyn Central R. R. from Hamil- ton Ferry, through Sackett, Hoyt and Bergen Sts., to .\lbany Av. Vanderbilt Avenue Line— See "!)th Av. and Vanderbilt Av. Line.'' STEAMBOATS NOT RUNNING FROM NEW YORK CITY. Koiner tV Xreniper .Steainb<>at Co. — Steamboats J. II. Tremper and M. ^Martin leave >'ewbiir{tli (for up Hudson River to Albanvi dailv, at 730 a. m.. New Hamburgh H 00 a. m., Marlborough.S(»5 a. m., Milton S25 a. m, Pougli- keepsie 8.50 a.m.. Highland 8.55 a.m.. Hyde Park 9 15 a. m.. Esopns 925 a.m., Rondout 10 30 a. m.. Rhinebeck 10 50a. m., Barrytown 11 10a. m.. Tivoli 11 30 a. m., Saugerties 11 40a. m.. Maiden 12 m.. Smith Dock 12 15 p. in., Germantown 12 25 p. m., Catskill 12 45 p. m., Hudson 1 15 p. m., Coxsackiel 45 p. m., Stuyvesant 2 05p. m., New Baltimore 2 30 p. m., Coeymans 245 p. m.. Castleton315p. m. Arrive at Albany, 400p.ni. (Trip from Albany to Troy on Tuesdays and Fridays only.) BoatM leaxe Albany (for down Hudson Riven daily at S 00 a. m.. Castleton8 40a. m., Coeymans 9 10 a. m.. New Baltimore !) 25 a. m., Stuyvestant 9 40 a. m . Co.Ksackie 10 00 a. m., Hudson 10 45 a. m., Catskill 11 10 a. ni., Germantown 11 30 a. m., SniilhDock 11 40a. m., Maiden 11 .50a. m., Saugerties 1205 p. m.. Tivoli 1215 p.m.. Barrytown 1240 p. m.. Rhinebeck 110 p.'m.. liondout 2 15 p. m., Esopus 250 p. m.. Hyde Park 3 05 p. m.. Highland 3 30 p. m.. Poughkeepsie 4 OOp. m.. Milton 4 10 p.m., Marlborough 4 25 ]). m.. New Hamburgh 4 40 p. m. Arrive at Newburgli, 530p.'m. Nyack and Xarrytovvn Ferry Co.— Steamboat Rockland leaves Nyack for Tarrytown daily, except Sundays, at 710 a. m.. 820a. m. ,930a.m.. 11 30 a. ni., 1 15 p. m., 215p. m.. 3 50 p.m.. 5 05 p.m., 6 30 j). m. .On Sundays, 9 15 a. m., 11 15 a. m., 1 15 p. m,, 2 15 p. m.,330p. m., 5 lOp. ni., 630p. m. Returning leave Tarry town for Nyack daily, except Sunday, 8 00 a. m.. 9 00 a. m., 1010 a.m., 12 30 p.m., 1 .50p. m.. 3 20p. m., 4 30 p. m.. tiOOp. m.. 7 00 p. m. On Sundays, 10 05 a. m., 12 m., 1 .50 p, m.,2 55p. m.,415p. m., 6 00 p. m., 7 00 p. m. Feirj Boat leave.x Garri.-:ou for West Point daily, except Sunday, 714 a. m., 8 00 a. m., 9 11 a. m., 9 39a. m., 11 05d. m., 12'l0 p. 111., 1 10 p. m,. 1 .53 p. m.,300p. in., 4 05 p. m. 4 46 p. m., 5 -30 p. m. On Sundays, 8 45 a. m.,91Ia. m., 10.53 a. in., 4 20, p. m., 4 45p. m., 5 2S p. m. Returning leave West Point for Garrisons daily, except Sunday, 7.50 a. m.,8 56a. m., 927 a. m., 11 00 a. m., 1235 p. m., 1 14 p. m. 2.50 p. m.,3 53p. iii.,4 33p, m., 5 16 p. m..5 45p. m. On Sunda7/s, 9 00 a m., 10 41 a. in., 4 33 p. m., 5 16 p. m. Fare 15c. Newburiili and Fi«>likill Ferry.— Ferryboat leaves Newburgh for Fishkill daily except Sundays, at 5 50a. m., *6 40 a. m.. *7 25 a. m.. 8 00 a. m.. *8 35 a. m., *9 15 a. m., *9 45a. m., *10 20a. m., *10.50a. m., *11 20 a. m., *11.55a. m.,*]2 20 p. in., *12 45p. m., -1 15 p ni.. 1 50 p. m.,2 15 p. ni.,2 45p. m., 3 15 p.m., 3 45 p. m , *4 10 p. m., *4 45. p. m., *5]5 p. m., *5 35 p. m.] 6 05 p. m., *6 45p. m., *7 15 p. m., *7 45p. m., *8 10 p. m . *8 40p. m., 9 30 p.m., 1015 p.m. On Sitndays, 7 20 a. m.,*835a. m., 9 20 a. m., 9 50 a. m., 10 30 a. m., *11 00 a.m., 11 45 a. m., 12 15 p. m., 1 15 p. ni.. 1 45 p. m.,2 15 p. m., 2 45 p. ni.,3 15 p. m., 3 45 p. m..*4 10 p. m.. 4 40 p. m., 5 10 p. m., *5 35 p. m., 6 05 p. m., 6 45 p. m., *7 15 p. m.. *7 45 p.m.. *810p. m., *8 40 p. m., *9 30 )). m.,10 15 p. m. 7')^ps marked * are from Depot Slip. Returning leaves Fishkill for Newburgh daily, except Sunday, at 5 45 a.m., 6 25 a.m.. ''7 00 a.m., *7 41 a.m., 8 20 a.m., *8 .55 a. m., *9 30a.in., *10a. m ,*10 35 a. m., *11 05 a. m., *11 35 a m., *12 11 p. m., *12 34 p. m.. *1 00 p m., *1 35 p. m., 2 00 p. m.. •2 30 p. m., 3 30 p. m.. 3 55 p. ni , *4 25 p. m., *5 02 p. m., '5 25 p. m., *5 50 p. m., 6 30 p. m., *7 01 p. m., *7 30 p. m., *7 .55 m., *8 26 p. m., *9 05 p. ni.,10 00 p. m On Sundays, 6 .50 a. m., 8 00 a. in., *9 00 a. m., *9 35 a. m.. 10 10 a. m., 10 45 a. m., '^11 25 a. m.. 12m.,l OOp. m., 1 aOp.m.. 2(l0p. m., 230 p. m., 300 p. m.,330 p.m. ,355 p.m., *4 25 p.m.. 4 55 p.m., 5 20 p. m., *5 .50 p. ni.. 6 30 p. m , 7 00 p. m.; *7 30p. m., *7 55 p. m., 8 26 p. m.. 9 00 p. m., 10 00 p. m. Trips marked * are from Depo' Slip. Stages connect at Ferry landing fm' Matteawan every day. Ferry Boat Transport.— Leaves Rondout for Rhinecliff daily except Sunday, at 6 35 a. m., 7 20 a. m., 8 15 a. m., 9 35 a. 111., 10 35 a. m., 11 15 a. m.. 11 55 a. m., 12 40 p. m.. 2 15 p. m., 2 .55 p. m., 4 30 p. m., 5 30 p. m., 6 .35 p. m., 7 25 p. m. On Sunilay, 7 15 a. m., 8 15 a. m., 1 30 p. m.. 5 30 p. m., 6 30 p. m. Leave Rhinecliffe for Rondout daily except Sunday, at 7 07 a. m.. 7 47 a. m., 8 42 a. m., 10 00 a. m., 11 02 a. m., 11 35 a. m., 12 25 p. m., 1 09 p . m., 2 39 p. m , 3 19 p. m., 4 50 p. m., 6 02 p. m., 7 02 p. m., 7 .50 p. ni. On Sunday, 7 47 a. m., 8 42 a. m., 2 00 p. m.,6 02 p. ra., 7 02 p. m. Propellor IIiiiitiiii>;ton leaves Huntington, L. I., for Xorwalk, Conn., on Saturdays at800a. in. Returning leaves Nor- walk on Saturdays. 3 00 p. m. Fare 50c. Bridneport and Port Jefl'er.^on Steamboat Co On and after May lOlh steimboat Nonowautuc leaves daily except Sunday, from Port Jefferson, L. I., for Bridgeport, Conn., at 8 30 a.m. Returning, leaves Bridgeport for Port Jefferson. 3 00 p m. Fare 75c.. excursion fare $1. Greenport and Shelter I.>iland Ferry Co.— Until June 1st sail boats will make trips as often as winds will allow, leaving ea h side at the same time. BROOKLYN ANNEX. From foot P'ulton St., Brooklyn— Pare 10 cents. Connections are made at Jersey City with the following roads: Pennsylvania R. K.. New York, Susquehanna «fc AVe.^tern It. R.. VVe..t Sliore R. R., Leliiiili Valley R. R. Leaves Fulti>n St., Brooklyn, for Jers-'ey Ciiv (SW-^'y f^ttZ/ at 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8(X), 8 30, 9 00, 9 30, 10 00, 10 30, 11 00. 1130:1. m., 12 00 noon, 12 30, 1 (XI. 1 30, 2 00, 2 30, 3 tX), 3 30.4 00,4 30,5 00, 5 30,6 00. 6 30, 7 00,7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9(X), 9 30, 10 00.' 10 30,1100 p.m. Leave.'* Jer.«ey City for Brooklyn every day at 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00. 9 30, 10 CO. 10 30, 11 On. 11 30 a. m., 12 00 noon, 12 30, 1 00, 1 30, 2 00, 2 30, 3 00, 3 30, 4 00, 4 SO, 5 00, 5 30, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 7 .30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 Iht, 9 30, lOOO. 10 30. 11 00 p. m. Fall Riv«'r Line for Bo,«ton, Nexiport, ete. Connections are made fC^ry r/ay by the4 30 p. ni. trip Irom foot of Fulton St. direct to Pier. Connects also for Brooklyn on arrival of Fall River Boat at Pier. Connection can also be made from Jersey City by the 4 00 p. m. trip to Fall River Boat. 126 BALTIMORE AND OHIO R. R., via Central R. I', of N. J., foot of Liberty St. For " Fares to all Places," see Index. Tlcljet Offices.— Depot, foot of Liberty St., 21,71,261,41.5,044,1140,1.323 Broadway, 737 6th Avenue, 204 \V. 125th St., 132 E. 125th St. Brooklyn: 4 Court St., 860 Fulton St.. 98 Broadway. To \l^asUliiKtoii. To New York. Stations. 93 95 97 99 101 103 91 a.m. a. m. a.m. p. m. p.m. p. m. iNiirht New York.. .Iv. 8 30 11 00 1 30 2 30 4 45 [12 00 foot Liberty st . a. m. Philadelphia. ar. 11 10 1 40 4 10 5 10 7 25 4 00 Philadclphia.lv. 8 15 11 15 1 45 4 15 5 15 7 30 4 10 Chester Iv, 8 31 11 31 2 01 4 31 5 .32 7 47 4 28 Wilmington.lv. 8 46 11 48 2 18 4 46 5 .50 8 05 4 50 Newark, Del.lv. 9 01 12 04 2 34 5 01 6 06 8 21 5 10 Baltimore... ar. 10 35 1 40 4 10 6 35 7 45 10 00 7 00 Washington. ar. '11 15 2 30 5 00 7 15 8 45 10 .55 8 15 a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. ^ p.m. p. m. a. in. Stations. 90 a. m. 92 94 96 98 102 104 a. m. a. m. p.m. p. in. p. m. p. m. Washington. Iv. 8 00 9 30 11 25 2 .30 4 15 8 00 10 .30 jBaltimore....lv. 8 39 10 20 12 15 3 20 4 .54 8 .55 11 .50 Newark, Del.ar. 10 t)6 11 18 1 43 4 48 6 21 10 30 1 50 iWilmington.ar. 10 26 12 08 2 03 5 08 6 41 10 .52 2 13 Chester ar. 10 42 12 26 2 21 5 26 6 .57 11 09 2 37 Philadelphia.ar. 11 00 12 45 2 40 5 45 7 15 11 30 3 00 Philadelphia.lv. 11 05 12 .50 2 45 5 50 7 20 3 10 New York. . .ar. 1 50 3 .30 5 30 8 35 9 55 6 55 Foot Liberty St. p. m. p. m. p.m. p.m. p. m. p. m. a. m. Day coaches and Pullman buffet parlor car Train No. 99 Vestibuled Limited, is conipo' charged on this train. * attached to all day trains, and Pullman palace sleepers attached to night trains ed entirely of Vestibuled Coaches and Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars. No extra i New York, Pliiladelpljia & C'liicago Line. WESTWARD. Stations. 1 Newark, N.J. I B'd Br'k I Trenton, " . f Route. ( Philadelphia. J J Phila. (Eastern time) Chester Wilmington Baltimore Washington Harper's Ferry Maninsbnrg .". Cumberland Pittsburgh Pittsburgh L've New York. . . 1 Arr. L've Arr. L've Arr. L've Arr. L've L've Arr. L've Arr. L've Arr. Cumberland Piedmont DeerPa-k Mountain Lake Park. . Oakland Grafton Wheeling Wheeling Bellaire (Central time) Zanesville Newark, O Arr. Columbus Arr. Arr. Arr. Mt, Vernon Mansfield Chicago Junction . Mansfield Sandusky Tiffin . . . . Fostoria . Defiance. Garrett . . Chicago. . No. 5. Limited. Night. *12 00 til 25 p. m. *2 10 a. m. 4 00 " *4 10 '• 4 28 '■ 4 .50 " 8 00 " 8 55 " 10 27 " 11 00 •' 1 25 p. m. 2 15 " 3 17 5 10 9 05 8 10 10 08 10 55 3 25 a m. 11 45 12 49 1 35 p. a m. m. 2 15 a. m. s2 35 '• 3 57 " 5 00 " 9 05 " No. 7. Chic. Exp. *2 30 p.m. 2 35 •' 3 46 •' 5 10 " *5 15 5 32 " 5 .50 •' 8 05 •' 9 05 " 10 40 " 11 14 •' 1 30 a. m. 7 10 " 7 m •' Runs via Pittsburgh. 10 15 a. m. 10 25 •' 10 02 •' 12 41 )). m, 1 40 ■' 3 00 p. m. 3 11 4 33 5 30 P- m. 6 25 p. ni. 7 00 '• 6 .57 p. m. 7 30 " 9 40 " 11 25 ■' 5 30 a. m. Cliifa<>-o, Philadelplifa A: New York Line. EASTWARD. Stations. No. 6. Limited. No. 8. Express. L've Chicaso (Central time). . . . *7 05 p.m. 11 05 " 12 12 a.m. 1 30 '^ 1 49 " *10 25 p. m. 3 20 a. m. " Defiance 4 45 " '■ Fostoria 6 40 " " Tiffin 7 15 " 7 40 a. m. •' Monroeville 8 20 " 2 25 a. m. 3 14 '■ 4 14 " 11 05 p.m. 5 00 a. m. 5 53 " 8 12 " 9 50 " 8 .55 " 1 03 p. m. 3 04 " 8 20 a. m. ■' Mansiield 9 .53 " '• Mt. Vernon 11 21 " L've Columbus 11 20 a. m. Arr. Newark 12 15 p. m. " Zanesville " Bellaire " Wheeling (Eastern time). . 1 33 " 4 40 " 6 20 " 6 30 " Arr. Grafton •' Oakland " Mountain Lake Park Runs via Pittsburgh. •' Piedmont 4 03 p. m. 5 00 '• •■ Cumberland... Arr. Pittsburgh 9 10 p. m. 10 20 " L've Pittsburgh 3 .55 a m 7 25 p.m. 8 01 " 9 35 " 10 45 '^ 2 13 a m. 2 37 " 3 00 " 3 10 " 4 49 " 6 46 " 6 .55 " 6 05 " " Harper's Perry 6 45 " 8 35 " 9 45 " '■ Wilmington 12 08 p. m. 12 26 " 12 45 " 12 .50 " 2 09 " 3 30 " 3 30 " " Chester " Pliiladelphia L"ve Philadelphia. 1 1 Arr. Trenton, N.J. | B'd Br'k 1 '• Newark. " [ Route ( '• New York J J * Daily. t Except Sunday. s Stop on Signal or notice to conductor. Train No. 5 Vestibuled Limit.=d has Day Coaches and Pullman Sleeper New York to Washington. Day Coaches and Pullman IJuffet Sleeping Car Baltimore and Washington to Chicago. Puilman Slee;iing Car Wheeling to Chicago. Train No. 7 has Day Coaches and Pullman Palace Car New York to Washington. Day Coaches and Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Baltimore and Washington to Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Chicago. The List of Places on pages M2to 123 includes over 3,000 towns in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and adjacent states. The Express Company taking packages for these towns is given at each place. 127 BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R .Continued. New Vork, Ciiiciiiiiati Sc St. Louis Line. WESTWARD. Stations. No. 1. Limited. No. 3. Express. L"ve New York 1 "i " Newark, N. J. |^ B'd Br'k 1 •' Trenton. '' ( lioiile. ( Arr. Philadelphia.. J J L've Phila. (Eastern time.) " Chester. *8 .30 8 30 9 :« 11 10 *11 15 11 31 11 48 12 08 1 40 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 04 4 28 5 00 7 01 7 55 8 10 9 11 10 .55 11 00 11 37 2 10 1 20 2 34 4 25 7 35 8 15 2 00 6 50 8 15 12 40 *8 00 11 40 a.m. p.m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. in. *4 45 p. 111. 4 35 " 5 55 ^' 7 25 •' *7 30 '• 7 47 '■ " Wilmington 8 05 •' 8 25 '• Arr. Baltimore . . . 10 00 '■ L"ve Baltimore 10 10 " Arr. Washington.... . .. . 11 05 ■' Ji've Washington •■ Wa^^hlngton Junction " Harper's Ferry 11 10 '• 12 24 a. m. 12 51 " " Mart.ingburg 1 25 " " Cumberland 3 45 '• 4 30 " 4 45 " " Oakland 5 .50 " Arr. Grafton 7 45 '• L've Grafton ... 8 05 •• Arr. Clarksburg 8 47 •• " Parkersburg 11 .30 " L've Parkersburg (Central time) Arr. Athens 10 40 " 11 .59 •' " Chillicothe " Cincinnati 1 55 p. 111. 5 45 '• L've Cincinnati " Vincenneg 8 30 •• 2 43 a. m. Arr. St. Louis . 7 45 " Lv'e Cicninnati 7 30 p. m . 11 45 •• L"ve Cincinnati C. H Arr. ludianapols & D. R. R- *7 15 }). 111. 10 55 " SI. Louis, Oiiioiiiiiati & New Yorls Line. EASTWARD. Stations. No. 2. Limited. No. 4. Express. L've Indianapolis C.H.&D.R.R. Arr. Cincinnati '■ " t3 .50 p.m. 7^30 " 8 00 a. m. 12 .57 p. m. 2 25 '• 6 .37 " 7 30 " 10 42 " 12 34 a. m. 1 45 '• 2 .50 '' 5 14 " 5 .55 " G 00 •• 7 41 '• 8 39 '• 8 .50 " 9 30 '■ *3 55 a. m. 7 45 " L've St. Louis (Central time). . . 8 05 p. m. 1 30 a. m. 2 20 '• '• Louisville Arr. Cincinnati 7 20 " L've Cincinnati 8 25 " 11 36 p. m. 2 43 •' ■' Chillicothe •' Athens Arr. Parkersburg (Central time) L've Parkersburg (Eastern time) ■■ Clarksburg 4 20 " 5 .30 " 8 24 " Arr. G raf ton 9 15 " L've Grafton 9 45 •' Arr. Oakland 11 43 " •■ Piedmont 12 43 a. m. 12 .55 " '■ Cumberland 1 36 " •' Sir John's Run 2 .57 " 11 47 a. m. 12 22 p. m. 12 45 " 1 55 " 2 05 " 2 .55 " 3 20 " 4 .52 " 5 08 " 5 26 " 5 45 " 5 50 " 7 15 " 8 m " 8 35 " 3 54 " " Hari)er'.s Perry •' Washington Junction '■ Washington 4 34 " 5 05 " 6 20 " L've Washington 6 30 " 7 .30 " 8 .39 " Arr. Newark 10 10 " " Wilmington 10 26 " 10 42 " ■' Philadelphia 11 00 " L've Philadelphia..! Arr. Trenton, N. J. 1 ■' Newark, N. J. f " New York. . .. j B'd Br'k ! Route. I J 11 05 " 12 35 p. m. 1 45 •■ 1 50 '• * Daily. t Except Sunday. Train No. 1 Yestibiiled Limited has Day Coaches and Pullman Parlor C-tir New York to Washington. Day Coaches and Pullman Bufifet Sleeping Car Baltimore and Washington to Cincinnati. Parlor Cars Cincinnati to Louisville and St. Lonis. Pullman Vestibuled Sleeping Car Baltimore and Washington to Indian.apolis. except Saturday. Train No. 3 has Day Coaches and Pullman Parlor Car New York to Washington. Day Coaches and Pullman Buffet Sleeping Bar Baltimore and Washington to St. Louis. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE R. R. Via Pennsylvania R. R. foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Sts. M. Philadelphia. 1 South St. Station. 3 Gray's Ferry. 3 .58th St. 4 Mount Moriah. 4 Biinnatfon. 5 Paschall. 6 Darby. 6 Academy. 7 Sharon Hill. 7 Folcroft. 8 Glenolden. 9 Norwood. For through trains 9 More's. 10 Ridley Park. 11 Crnni Lynne. 12 Eddystdue. 13 Chester. 14 Lamokin. 15 Thurlow. 16 Trainer. 17 Linwood. 18 Claymont. 20 Griibb's Landing. 31 Holly Oak. 22 Bellevue. to Baltimore sc Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table. 23 Riverside. 21 Edge Moor. 25 Landith. 2(5 Wilmington. 30 Newport. 33 Stanton. 3fi Ruthby. 38 Pencador. 38 Newark Center. 38 Newark. 41 Iron Hill. 45 Elkton. 48 Bacon Hill. .51 North East. 51 Charlestown. .57 Principio. 59 Perry vi lie. 60 Havre de Grace. 63 Oakington. 63 Swan Creek. 65 Aberdeen. 67 Short Lane. 69 Ferryman's. 71 Bubh River. 75 Edsewood. 77 Magnolia. 78 Gunpowder. 79 Harewood Park. 81 Chase's. 83 Bengies. 85 Middle River. 87 Stemmer's Run. 89 Back River. 91 Bay View. 94 Biddle Street. 95 Baltimore. LOCAL TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER AND WILMINGTON. * Daily. \ Express trains. Lt-ave Plilladelpliia (Broad St. Station), for Clioster and intermediate stations. 6 25. 7 27, 7 47, 8 34, *9 10. *10 28 1155 a. m,, 12 37, 1 2.5, +2 02. 2 28. 13 01,3 22, 14 0.5, 4 37, *t5 08, t5 21, 5 27. 1-6 07, 6 12, 622. 638,*I6 .57, 7 10, *835, 10 03, *10 40, *4.11 20, *1133 p. m. (SMftf/firj/s ow/fy, 8 35 a, m., 12 .35, 2 05, 6 10, 10 00 p. m. Arrive Chester, Express trains, in 25 minutes; Accommodation trains in 37 minutes. For Wiliiiino-toil, *I3 .50, 6 25, *+7 20. 7 27, *18 31, *9 10, 10 20, *10 28, *tll 18, 11 55 a. m., +12 35, 1 25, 12 02. 228, 13 01 3 22 +3.58. +4 0.5, +4 30, 4 37, *+5 08. 5 21, *15 42, +6 07, 6 22, *+6 .57, *8 .3.5, 10 03, *10 40, *+ll 20, *11 30, *11 33, *+ll .57 p. m! Sundays, 8 35 a. ni., 12 35, 2 05, 6 10 p. m. Arrive Wilmington, Express trains, in 45 miiMites; Accommodation trains in 1 hour 10 minutes. Trains to Pliiladolplila. Leave Wllmliisttoii, *+2 00, *+2 52, *+4 20, +6 30, 6 40, 6 .55, 7 0.5, 7.50, 8 10, 18.50, 9 10, +9 47. +10 07, +10 40, 10 4.5, 11.33, *+ll 51 a. m., +12 23, +1230, 12 38, +1 .39, *+2 27, 2 35, 4 00. *+5 24, 5 32, *+6 Zi',, 6 40, *+7 06, *740, *10 00, *+10 40, *10 45 p. m. Sundays, 7 00, 8 15 a. m., 12 10, 1 25, 4 10, 5 39 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia, Express trains, in .50 minutes; Accommodation trains in 1 hour lO^minutes. Leave Cliester, 5 .53, 6 33, +6 .55, 7 10, 7 26, 7 47, 18 16, +8 40, 8 48, +9 09, 9 39, 110 09, 10 31, 11 16 a. m., *+]2 00 noon, *+12-10 +12 r>4, 1 07, 1 35, 3 07, 4 32, *+5 44, 6 01, 6 53, +7 10, *+7 26, 8 12, 9 ;33, 10 20, 11 11 p. m. Sundays, 7 28, 8 51 a. m., 12 44, 1 58, 4 4;^, 6 10, 8 03 p. m. Arrive Philadelphia, Express trains, in 23 minutes ; Accommodaton trains in 40 minutes. 138 Academvof Music, E.14ih St. & Irving pi. Ainberg's, ]5ili St. & Irving Place. Bijou, Broad unv & 30tli St. Broadway, Bro .dwiO' & 41st St. Casino, Broadway & 39tli St. Comique, ]2.)th St. & 3d Av. Dalv's. Broadway & 30tli St. DocliStader"s. Broadway & :29th St. Fifth Av., W. asth St., n. Broadway. Fourteenth St., 14th St., n. 6th Av. Grand. 3-15 (irand St. (iraiid Opira Houte, 8tli Av. & 23d St. THEATRES. For Diagiams tee fol/oid/ig pages. Harrii^an's Parle, Broadway & 3.3th St. Lexington Av. Opera House, 5Sth St., n. 3d Av. London, 23.J Bowery. Lyceum, 4th Av. & 23d St. Madison Square, 24th St., u. Broadway. Metropolitan Opera House, Broadway & 49th St. Miner'.-i, Bowery n. Broome, and 8th Av. & 23d St. Niblo's, 570 Broadway. Old Bowery, Bowery, n. Canal. Palmer'.s, Broadway & .30th St. People's. 199 Bowery. Poole's, 8th St.,l)et.Broadway & -Itli Av. Proctor's, 23d St., bet. 6th & ^th Avs. Standard, Broadway & 33d St. Star, Broadway & 13th St. Thalia, 46 Bowery. Theatre Comiqne, 125th St., n. 3d .Av. Tliird Ave., 445 3d Av. Tony Pastor's, 14th St., n. 3d Av. UnionSquare. Union Sq.,14thSt.&B' way. Windsor, 45 BoAerv. OTHER PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. American Institute. 3d Av.. n. (ilth St. American Museum of Natural History, 77th St. & 8th Av. The K.vhibitiou Halls of the Museum are open free to tlie public on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and on all public holidays; also on Wed- nesday and Saturdaj' evenings until 10 p. m. Mondays and Tuesdays are reservetl for members and ilieir friends, Students and Contributors, when admission is by ticket. Chickering Hall, 5th Av. & W. 18th St. Cvclorama Buildings, 19th St. & 4th Av.. and Madison Av. & .59th St. Cooper Union, 8th St. & 3d A v. Eden Miisee, 23d St. & 6ih Av. Hardnian Hall, 19th St. & 5th Av. Kostcr.t Bial's Concert Hall, 23d St. & 6th Av. >Iadison Square Garden, Maoison Av. & E. 2i)lh St. Metroi)olitau Museum of Art, 5th Av. & 82d St. Open daily, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Ad- mission free, excepting Monday and Tuesday, when the charge is 25 cents. National Academy of Design, 23d St. & 4th Av. Steinway Hall, 14th St. & 4th Av. Worth's Museum, E. 14th St., near Broadway. HACK REGULATIONS AND LEGAL RATES OF FARE. IHdance is computed at 20 block>t to a mile, crceniiii':/ through suc'i streets that intersect the nninc-ral and letter avenues, for example, 1st Aee. tfc Ace. A, whin 7 blocks constitute a mile. Sec. 89. The price or rates of fare to be aslied or demanded by the owners or drivers of hackney coaches or cabs shall be as follows : <'ab. |I9I(7II5II3!I Il9t7(:5 i-M \ P II9II7II5 1/311 119171^1311 1 U V Il9ll7ll5llillll9l7l^l3l 1 R 11711511311 119171^ 1.3 1 1 s |lv|l.'r|.ilMl9l7lilj| 1 T |l7|L'^|lilul9l7l^lJI ITT Il7ll3ll3l( ll9l7l J13I J V II0II2 13 141 51 6 |7|8|9|II0| IlOi|2 |3|4|5!6|718|9|II0| IIOII2 13 I4I.5-I6 I718I91II01 IIOII2 13 14151 6 |7|8i9|l[01 ||0||2|3|4!J-16 1718l9|l(0f IlOl|2l3|4|5l6 17181911101 Il0ll2l3|4|5l6l718l9|ll01 II0II2I3 141516 I71819II10I |IOI|2I31415I617I©!9|MO| )IOi|2l3|4|5!6 |7|S|S||I01 |)0!|2|3 1415l6|7|8|9|IIO| tl0il2 13 I4I5I6 I7I8I9III0I noil 2 13 141516 171 819 11101 |IOr|2|3|4|5l6 17181911101 Il0(l2l3l4l5l6|7|8|*|ll0l 110(12 13 141516 I7IB19III0I Il0ll2l3l4l5l6l7le|9||10l IIOII2 13 141^16 I7I813III01 • IIOII2 I3l415l6l7l8l3|ll0l (|0/I2!3l4l5l6l7l©l9lll0l 3 A B G D E F G H J K h M N O P Q B S T U V BALCONY From plates prepared especially for Kenny's G-uide, see page 128. From, plates prepared especially for Kenny's G-uide, see page 128. 133 BROADWAY. E rr5ri3TTTm7T5T3Tn E ffiii^MSiS E ^^p\,W'^'^^ P ^li5ii3iMl9l7|5T3m F EHELiMIiIillMa ^^^^^^#^ G nTTT5]i3]Hi9i7isi3i( i G cnuAiBiLoiuiisiaii) ^^^^^^^^0^-' ] KL2l4l6le]idiiiMr6llfiEisi ^\^^ n3]TiT9T 7T3T3"m N SBISe MSMI From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 133 SXXTO BALCONY //Ojll|lZ|l3|l4jl5|l6|l7l(8|l9|Z0|2l|22l23|24J25|26l27lZ"8l29\ /2ll3ll4^l5|l6|l7^l8|l9|20l2ll^2|23l24|;5l26|27|28|29l30|3 "i^5Ii 3|l4|l5|l6!l7H8|l9|20|2{|22|23|24i25|26U7|28|29|30|3l|32|33|34i j^ ^SE4Ti5]Q fi6|l7|l8|l9l2O12li2;|23|24J25U6|Z7U8|29l30l371 «(3rT33[g]'P ^ ^II iPl4|5-|6|7l8l9|l0|ll|l2|/3ll4ll5|l6ll7ll8|l9l2Ql2l|22|23lZ4|2"5l |B^^ ^Sg l3T4l^|6J7|s|9|l0|ll|l2ll3ll4|lg[l6ll7ll8|l9l^0|2ll22l23l24Uiim S^^ G / I IZI3l4l5l6l7l8|9|/0lnll2|/3ll4l)5^6ll7l7a779l G i^ From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 134 D -A. TJY S ORCHESTRA II3I(I|9|7I5IJI 1 1 S !(3|lll9l7l5l3ll 1 K |I3IIII9I7I^-|JI 1 1 Q Il3|(l|9|7|j|3|l| P |l3|Ml9|7U|3|i 1 n;:l(3lMl9l7l^l Jl 1 1 •- N ll3lM|9l7l5-|3ll 1 M 11311119171^131 1 1 L 1I3IIM9I7IJI3I 1 1 K II3IIII9I7IJ-13I 1 1 J ll3lMl9l7l5l3|l 1 I ll3llll9l7Ul3|l 1 K Il3l/ll9|7|j-|.ni 1 C4 •II1I9I7IJ-I3I 1 1 <0 W Il3illl9!7|j-|j| 1 1 W I(3l)ll9l7lvrl3l 1 1 n ll3lnl9l7UlJll 1 r! Il3ll(|9l7|j-|^l ( 1 H |I3|H|9|7|^|3II 1 Ii3lnl9l7lj-I3l II BALCONY :^^nil3]4iTiii7iilIlS!^"^ Trel7l^\9Udm X From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 135 7>" 4?''- --^Bt" DOCKSTADERS. From plates prepared especially for Kenny' Guide, see page 128. 13G From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 137 FOURTEENTH ST. ^ORCHESTRAt I I2I3I4- I \Z\3 rrm-3 21314- IT ^-IsieTr 5 I 6 I 71 8 II |2|3l4l5 l 6T7re I I |2|3|4-|5|6|7|8|9TTo I |2|3|4l^|6|7|0|9|loTn I |2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|lo[TT I l2l3K|.5-i6|7|e|9|ioiTT I |2|3|4|j-|6l7l8|9!l0|iT I l2l3|4|.fl6|7|ei9lio]T I |2|3|4|J"|6|7|8|9|I0|II 6 |7|8|9fTo i"l6|7|8l9 .y 61 7T8T9 6 I 7|sl sTT o 6|7Ta|9|/0 7ie|9 iioTTT 8T9 |/0|ll 111 91(0 11 12 (3 loll I |I2|I3|I4 IO|ini2p3|l4 l2|l3|l4|/5-|/6|/7 /3|«-|!S|l6Ti7Tia] I3II4II5II6II7TT8 l3|l4|l?l!6|i7lTB f3|l4HS|l6|l7lie I3|l4|l5|l6|l7|7a I3|(4|l5|l6|l7"fil I] Am o] c DI 3 Dm HE GI UFEI mi UE I3|I4|I5|I6|I7|I8|(9|20|2I|22 I2|I3|I4|I5|I6|I7|I8||9T201 I2|I3|I4|I^|I6|I7|I8||9|20] I3|l4||g|l6|l7|l8|l9|20|2l|21 I3|I4H5|/6|I7|I8|I9|20|2TT2I1 /4|I^|/6|I7|I8|I9|20|2I|22|23|Z4 (5|I6|I7|I8|I9|20|2I|22|23|24| I6|I7|I8|(9|20|2/|22|23|24|2.S I7II8I I9I20I 21 I22I23I24 125126 127 5] J |I6|I7|I3|I9|20|2I|22|23|24|25-]26| 8] K[ Il9|20|2l|22|23|24|25|26|27|l8|l9|30|3l|3;|33|34|35l36l U L |2O|2l|?.2Tz3|24|25|26|27|2B|29|30|3l|32|33|34l35|36|37|38| UM |2O|2l|22|23|24|2i'|26|27|28|29|30|3l|32|33l34l3J|36|37|3a| D N |20|2||22|?.3|24|25|26|27|Z8|29|30|3I|32|33|34|3J|36|37|38] H O l20|2(l22|23|24|25|Z6|27|26|29|30|3l|32|33|34|35|36|37i38l U P 12012112212312412^126127128129130131132133134135136137138] H E, 12012/ |22|23|24|2^|26l27|28|29|30|3l|32l33l34|35|36|37l38l ^i^Si6ii2 ii8[m2Wijmm !&^^ From plates prepared especially for Kenny's G-uide, see page 128. rs8 ^^. From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 139 HARRIQA ORCHESTRA. A l7|5 | 3| B l7 l sM C \7\S\3 r> |7|5|3| E I7I5I3 F |7|5|3| G I7l5|3 H I7|5|3 J I7I5I3I K f7T5T3l L I7l5l3 M l7|5|3|l N l7l.S-|3i I O I9l7l5l3l 977151311 Q I9i7i5i3i r Hj Illl9|7|.y|3l iS 11119171^131 I2l4^6l8l A l2l^lfelel B 21^16131 C I2|4-l6lel D 2l4l6l8l E 121416181 E I2l4l6|e| G 2l4.|6|s| H I2l4l6l8l J K 21416181 2I4I6I8I L J2|4|6|e rM 2Ul6lell0| N 2!4j6lelio1 O 2l4^6l8|ioTTzT 214-16 I8IIOII2I Q I 2l4J6i8ll0T7I] R I2I4^6I8II0TT21 S Dress Circle & Balcony. A llll9|7|5|j|lUI4l6l8|IO|lTI A B lnl'»l7l5lJhl2l4|fe|g|ioiiITi4l B h3|iihl7|i|j|ilzl4lfel8|ioTirrM] c llSlO|l'|9|7|.r:3|l|2l4|6|8|i0|l2|l4l D E |I5||3|| .19171513 I I lll4kl8llOlU|l4 / / 131415 I6I7ISI9 h; ' 1 l2l3 l4l>5 16 171SI9 b' ; 12131415 16 171819 (+ 1 I2l3 |4|5I617 I81S H 112 13 141516 17 ISIS J 1 |2|»I41516 171819 K 1 1213 I4-I5I6I7I8I9 Ii 1 I2l3 |4|5-16I7 1819 M I I2l3|4-li-|6l7ls|9 O 1 213 1 41^16 1 7 jBLS P 16 1 7 |8|S H |4|^S16 17I81^ W l4l'l'l6l7lS|9 T /^\^K|lJl6l7l8|9 U j/ n H / U\ L6i7jel9 J w loll »|I2|)3| |IO|M|l2ll3l B G D E [ F [ G H J K L M [ O |l4|l.5|l6|l7|ieil9 1141151161)7118119 |I4|I51I6|I71I8|I9 41I51I6|I71I8|I9 4ll5ll6ll7|l8|l9 loii 1I12I13I |lo|i 1I12I13 I iioyi III2II3I |IO|l I|l2|i3l IIOll I|I2|I31 lion mziiJI lion iii2ii3l IIOll t|l2ll3l IIOll I|I2|I31 ion Iif2|l3l L ll4ll5n61l7|t8|l9l20|2T rT4|l6'n6ll71l8|l9|20f?T ll4n5|l6|l7ll8|l9|20f2T 114-1 l-SI 1611 7 |I8|I9|20|2T 4|I6"II6!I7|I8|I9| » m 4|(6'll6n7ll81l9T20r2l ||4|)51I6|I7H8|I9|20|2I I10II1II2I13I P lK^I5n6ll7ll8n9l20l2ll l)Ollll)2|l3l R ri4|l;?|i6|l7| S T lion IIIZII3I 114115116 1 1 7l Sri9l From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 141 MADISON SQUARE From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 14'^ ETROPOLITAN. From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 144 From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see page 128. 145 PROCTORS ORCHESTRA ^ 1(41(311211111019181 ^ \ fl |I4.|/3I(2|I(1(019|8I ^ V / Il4|(3|l2|((|l0|9|e| U ^ |l4|(3l(2|l(|/o|9|a| ^^ Ly^ 1 1I41I3|/2|( (|I0|9|8| // ¥h /l 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 y 1 MM/ 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 H / / I'OI 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 •M^/ ^\ to 1 9 1 e 1 7 1 6 1 /^ 1 lO 1 © 1 8 1 7 1 6 I '^ 12212 11201(91(81(7 1(61(5 1141(31(21 1221^(1201(91(81 (7 1(61 (5 1141 (31(2 1 12212 (1201 (9|(81(7|I6|IS 1141(31121 12412312212(1201(91(81(71161(51(41(31 12612512412312212(1201 (91(81 171161151(4! 12612^12412312212 11201 191181 (7 1(61(51(41 |26|2>J124123|2e|2( 1201 (91(81 17 1(6 1(5 1141 12612512412312212(1201191(81(71/61151(41 124123|22|2l|20|(9l(8l(7| (61151(41(3 1 12412312212 11201 191(81(71 16 1(5 1141 (3 1 12412312212 ( 1201 (9||8| (71(61 (51(41 (31 12412312212(1201191(8 1(71 (6 1(51(41(3 1 12412312212(1201(91 (81(71 (6 1151(41/3 1 12412312212(1201191181171(6 1151141131 |20l(91(ei(71(6l(Sl(41l3ll2l( II A. l7|6|5l4J3|2l 1 1 \^ n \ B 1716 1514-1312111 H ^\ #* V 1 71615I4-I3I2I 1 1 L *• •• MJS () 1 7161X14-13121 1 1 E 17161^1413121 1 1 P 1 4- 1 3 1 2 1 1 l\ fl\\ 0-14-13 1 2 1 I 1 \ D\ ■Hl5l4-I3l2|l|\ \1 .1 1 5 1 4. 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 \^ \| ■K:I5I4-I3I2III \>5j L |II1(0|91817|6I514|3121 1 1 M 1II1I0191817|6 1514131 21 1 1 N 1II1IOI918I71615-I4I312II 1 ^J 1(211 III0I9 181 7161514-13 121 II P 1(31(2 1( (1(019 18 171615 1413 121 1 1 Ci Il3l(2l((l(0l 9 18 1 716 1514-131 21 1 1 JJ, 113 11211 II (0191 81 7161514131 21 II a |(31l2lllilOl9l8l7l6 151413UI,l 1 T II2II l|IOl9|SI 7161 51 41 3 121 1 ) IT ll2ll(l/Ol9|81716IS1413121 1 1 \J 1I2II I1/OI91SI 716151413 121 1 1 WII2l"l'Ol9l317|615|4|3 12lll ^ |I2IM|I01918|7|615|4|3|2| 1 1 y Il2lllll0i9|8|7l6l514l3l2l J 1 Vx |(0|9|8| 7161SI4I3 1 21 1 1 From plates prepared especially for Kenny's G-uide, see page 128. 10 14G From plates prepared especially for Kenny's G-uide, see page 1 28. 147 From plates prepared especially for Kenny's Guide, see ^age 1 28. 148 UariON SQUARE H3|l I |9| 71 5"| 3 I II3II l|9|7|.5"|3| I9I715I3I iialiij 7I.5-I3 1511311 l|9| 7|.f I 3 I ism 15 |I3|I l|9|7 |5|3 )5|I3|I l|9|7 I tSllJWlVS \7\5\o |Z3|2(|I9|I7I(5|I3|| l!3|7|5| U3Ul|l9|l7|l5|l3|ll|9|7|5|3i |23|ZI|I9|I7|I5|I3II Il9l 7|.ri3l 123121 Il9iiy|l5|l3 II I 1:^1 7I.5T31 |23|2I|I91I7|I5II3||I |9|7I |23|2IH9|I7|I5|I3|I II::' I 71 51 3l |23|2l|l9il7llSII3ll 1191 7I.5'|31 I23I2IU9II7II5II3II 1191 7 1 513" |23|2)|I9||7|I5|I3|I l|9| 7|i"i3| n S |23|2l|l9|l7|l5|l3|ll|9|7|i"j3l |l9|l7|lS|l3Til I 2 |4|6|8|I0|I2| I \. I214I6I81I01I2I \ -- \ G I 2 |4|6|8|IOil2| \ I2I4I6I8II01I2I \ -p. 1 2 1416 I8II0II2II4I \ 12 l4l618|io|lZ|l4|l6i \ 1 2 |4|6|S|iOll2ll4|l6|l8| 12 |4l6|S|IO|l2|(4il6|l8|20|22 12 |4|6|8|IO|I2|I4|I6|I8(20|22| |2 |4I5|8|IOII2|I4|I6|I8|20|22| |2 |4|6|8||O|l2|l4IIC|l8|20|22l 1 2 1 4 1 5 le |IO|I2|I4|I6|I8|20|22| 1 2i4l6 |8llO|l2|l4ll6|l8|20|22| 1 214-16 |a|lo|l2|l'*il6|l8|20|22| 1 2I4|S|8|,-0|I2II4|I6|I8120122| 1 2l4l«|e|IO|l2U4ll6|l8|20|22l 1 2l4l6'l8|)O|l2|l4ll6ll8l20|22| 1 2|4|6|8|IO|I2|I4|;6|I8|20|22| U 1 41 o and St. Loul:^.— For Fares lo all Plact>s seo page.^ 65-69. Trains leave New York for Cliit-aKo and SI. l,oHis as follovvis: FEIMIVS VL.VANIA R. R. Leave foot of Corllandt and Desbrosses Sts. daily for Clii«;a»-o, *'9 00 a. m., -0 30, p. m., 38 00 p. m. Arrive Chicago, >6 05 p. m., =9 30 p. m., ^7 GO a. ni. For St. LiOiiis, leave New York daily, ^9 UO a. m., ^6 30 p. m. Arrive St. Louis, i7 30 p. m., 27 OO a. m. *-'Limi/ed Express'' 'extra fare) also leaves New York at 00 a. in. and arrives Chicago 00 a. rn. following day. VIA NEW YORK CENTRAIi AND " LAKE SHORE UOCJTE." Leave Grand Central Depot daily for riiit-ago at '9 50 a. ni. (-10 30 a. m. except Sunday), ^6 00 p. m., MO OOp. vn. Arrive Chicago, 19 .50 a. ni, (-0 4.i p. ni. e cept Siindav), =*9 30 p. m., ■": 3.i a. m. For St. JLoiiis, via '• Bee Line." Leave Grand Central Depot daily, '9 50 a. m., -G 00 p. in., ^lO 00 p. ni. Arrive St. Louis, '7 "10 p. m. =7 30 a. m., ^G 00 p. in. VI.l NEW YORK, LAKE ERIE AND WESTERN R. R. AND .IIICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. Leave foot of Chambers and West 23d Sts. daily for Cliii-aii-o, '8 55 a. m., 24 5,5 p. ui., ^8 25 p. in. Arrive Chicago, >6 40 p. m., 2 ^ o *-'^ ^ c I— oj ►CI cS ^ O ''^ 3 > CU X ^ „ " "■£^ >-.o . O 1^ »<=■« — -a" '6 c S '"-a; .:i t- yj o nr 7-< o PS— St '-'^ o W W 5^ Kl .= X fi = „>-5 1 .dr. - «'5 So 5=^ <; d o '^ 5=^' !=£ I* S S^^^-S^-S i'^-^ =-J •S Z r- ■;: cs X ^ S -y: o Iz; CK IS < D E 5^ =) O--; 1-5 7.^z"S.zx. ^r: o eL c^ i*^ j: ^ ^ sc.S •; dd^<«3i'^,Ss«,;^^'=<~|='^i=a£' = .§ i >>=; s g"s=«^| 5-^2 £|^ 1^1 =30 g- s^S; -~|^!=|gdy=g^' : g ti 2 ; 151 COj O* S — = -cl 7-^ =s rO .1:5: ==^0 . o - .0 S , 03 i. 1- b-O o 03 13 i. Q b ^ — X^XK : a. „' = «•=•£; "^ fc^ »-3 hi^ — ' £2 = ~ " &< ,3C - 2 = o K ■.= > c ia ,33 2 « ::■? J £:i":i-:3 -a:f „^=^s'ra3a4^ • • o ° 50 I- .x°|xQ rr ,*T t- . . .-#^ TT ■— r-* ii r > f^ -r ^|ld n d oj X ^ a; x5.^ - ■ =0 Q -^jsoa .-£-5 :c^ • K • -Q ^xS-s-a'-c C 2 a =^ a>-g_. OPe9Ci3i;:^ffiB*f^^>^x g s £5-3 - m . • • t- ^ 153 OS r? 1^ o o S 13030053 ^i3B-.fci " Sr" ^•'^ ^^^ ^^ S « 2 ;5 ^ '*'c3^c3fs^e:>>«acc OS'S OS's .^ oi'B'ls: S~ c S' Buao«'*rsS,''"-'au St. Long Island R. R,, pays quarterly dividend of 1%. Long Island R. R. 1st mtg. Corbin Banking Co., 192 Broadway Long Island City & Flushing Ists, Corbin Banking Co., 192 Broadway, 11 Jolin St. Long Island City ,s. Flushing 2ds., Corbin Banking Co., 192 Broadway, 11 John. Lincoln Mtg. & Trust Co., Ashland Kan., Fourth National Bank, 14 Nassau St. Lawrence Co.. Dakota, Fourth National Bank, 14 Nassau St. Larchniont Yacht Club, 1st mtg. 7%, Farmer's Loan & Trust Co., 20 William St. Michigan Central R. R., 5^, Union Trust Co., 73 Broadway. Michigan Central R. R., 7%, Union Tru^t Co., 73 Broadway. Michigan Air Line, Union Trust Co., 73 Broadway. Moorhead, Minn., City of. Third National Bank, 20 Nassau Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western R'y. National Bank of Commerce, 29 Nassau St. Moberly City, Mo., National Bank of Commerce, 29 Nassau Marietta, Ohio, (due May 1.5th) Winslow, Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Miami County, Ind., (due May 17th) Winslow, Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Minneapolis & Duluth R. R., Bank of North America, 25 Nassau St. Minneapolis, Minn., National Pa'kBank, 214 Broadway. MinneapolaSt. R'y. Co., 2d mtg. 6%, Fanner's Loan & Trust Co., 20 Wiliiam St. Mi■ < SI; (0 . Ok. ^1 Oi a^ OH O I- (0 5 "si <» 5. o a, I's f^S Ik's ,C S II S§ = -2 p. « a o c=£ "3 ■^§ ■ ■ * CO cs c3-E-n ^*? E>^- -S S S 5 :2« [i-sg-^ a> "^ r^ i= oj oj c- — rt ^1 a fs _: -' o g p. -5 £| & 'HS S 03 B — a a a cS ■A - C w t^ C « 5 c (- cS "/I 6t t' .i , y. a f. H-CT -^ s - g c T) _5 c .2 1 is J a xra O 3 a. S p "ti ■n "^ ., * ■3 •i C3 ■3 -3 Tl ■c Z S 1 s 1 a e3 OS a' ^- — 7. -1 iw. o t ^ — — K cS L. *-; y. J- ,- a a T, ' ^ ^ c "a ._ M - — ~ ^ iJ p. JC 58 Ci !!: o £ ~ r c -S 53 ■5 £ ^ o -^ '^ 1 a a a. -oj o o 0) o s ■^ 5 » 3 3 3 a 'S 5J S-vZ a O to r a;'-' n -3 e c -" a 1 W'Sj^Q "i; t. S-a 0) ^ — 5. o a j^2:3 c 2 c .£ S a eq 2 :t3S^-s -is ■5;, 01 5 .3 == 'H a « ■ < ca giS ^ cj g ^q T^ *■* ^ a '^ j; S a •j: 3 o 0.2 J=_ c — 03 i; - -• '^ .Sat^ggS g : c a g g o o g S E ■5 c .i p c _a X ., p--?; .^ A s .3 ■O M 1 "a r a 1 p « "a ^ .-"a a s v. 0) J2 ■a a a S c ? a :r = - hi; w ' o 5 'i :^ 5 c o c s ; 22 = 2S>.2 £ = a 'a a £,'3 ». a '2 — —c II c^ 2 P = 3 ^'3 o a'p-|'|'aS E S-2 i^^goaSiiio O ti O O O ?; ^— O a ct -a tA 0,0.°* S !S S S X [» S 00 00 00000000 00 CC CO CC O CO cc cc c CO •*' -T in i- oc ad c coco O CO CO 5 c' o" — I -"^ o a a S ■£ a § S^ 0) a) -. *j tS « ^c^g^FU'iigcy 5x o'o'ig coWc a o. £■■? S o " a >'x C? • P. aE .5 S tE 5 >-■ .,:, o c a 3 •r; >.— a JT-'S £f'~^ 3 ^S'xSc<^a 5 -S -dga « :Z S-3S >. 5 ^ S = 5 ■5 -^ Z ^ S >g< ao O 03 "^2 3 .-3 5=* ^ > — ej 03 a. S P. O f ! e aj o; >. ^ 03 O < s TS ti C r^ C3 T^ >- -J oSTS - i) = 3 ?. - o; c o ' ; -< s ^ » " S S .Eh 'd - 3 r^ o- lis C OS ^"2 -a -S ft S. iri 03 03 , iS t^ "■-■ -^ '2 «.-=!» 5 03' 5^ 3-- U -Kg ^ 03 (^"5 < S'w' O-C. 11 = Si3 o = S o S == g s -° S ' S a:^^.-^ S S ft '' o -^ -5 o 03- :>£^\i> :s5-g^s- ■0 03 o a; ^ PS ..2 .Sec — ■s-_o3aji2'r3^ o3-a3c>S°*— u S = « 03 < ■Sb-o 5.: c o o -2^ I' I i^ i « iS"S 3 S :; « =3 s ^ O J, 2 o .= o 2 o o .2 — — c .2 i2 c c o s ■ ft .„ 5 5 o o o 5S -£ g££ °.3££ 03 03 III iiii I ^m^^ uMi i^^ a I- £co -i-i 'S -a g « 3 ; =3 03^3 eg S 03 0) j^"^ a §3-=S2§3 o o ° I Co ■5 '5 '3 '3 '3 ~ '^ ;*-; .0 •S .Q d ale '2 3 g..a . 3 . DQ 03 m c c s'-o 03 St3 '2 « o'd 03 :q t- :o :D 1> O CD CD 00 000 = cc o o o 00 o '-< oto-t-i^ai ■ -TH .OrtO 8 :S88 ^o^S ^ -3 »; S ^ S a.' ■= & 2 a Co Phs-^-^ •S ^ M 'a '"M a g p 5 3 o -< dn £ UW£ "^03 3i^ 3 S =3— 03 H a; 'osS 5 o3'>- 11 03 3 O '=':•= pa go 03 t-i 3 0.0 ^ a Si OOPh Pm c Spu P 03 I W) S c 03:;: o i-S B S ^5 S o • ^ o 35 ■? O . a ^ y = S 3=^ ^3 13 ■ S 03 "5 1) si 3 03 -« .0105'-^—- .=S7303"H .ou jS o 3i-a^-o2 o^ s'S £ jcaacQHPHpaa^MEHCQBpa Z ^ ^ PU O 0 o s £ 03 b oPS !=: - ; ,V. ^ ^ ^ g^^ SoScoSb,^ — — 0S03.5 T-i drfoo Oiososo i-H i-< ^H ,-H ^ 10 ir: cdcdxqoo -3 -a 3 .J .^ ; 03 03 H r^ «;■ > ?^ 13 >>>' >^S'S; ■ « (?) (N OJ (N (N 0» U ^i OJ TO 03 c! 03 • • 83 OS f^ ^ "O V* ^'d '^ «-.- — ^^•C.Ss-^t- — ^.^^ Qj — d•-■3a)2:i;::■^••=-2U" P^Hfax!g&^^^fafeE-lEH&:,OQM T-(O?OiooiJ^QOo;O50sOOcDcDt-a:a) 156 o O I o 00 GO •8* d e Q I ^ u z ^ OS III . Ik K O h < -2 c •35 -■ c 3« c3 ■= o " c3 C f= S !* », '5 '3 S'S'S'S'S S'S « J ooooooooo ocSocooooo b =3 S 5'S •■ wo 2 o o3 J .-5T3-:3T: -•='3 - § xS ? 3 X = ■/ §■2 ojZ S.= 2.C ' S *" >.^ E ^ S t. a/ t. 2 !-ii u ^ i£ KOE X i K iE /. 2 s 3>-5 0^5.0 S S S S c3 ei 03 « tij a >H >^ ' ~ a .t; t3pa 32 M fet» ^ .-^ QC ■^ lO S TM .-■ C) IN CO lo7 COUPONS, ELECTIONS, ETC.-Continued. Rochester, Ind. (due May 4th), Winslow, Lanier it Co., 17 Nassau St. Ramsey Co, Minn., Chase National Bank, 15 Nassau St. Rome City Street Ry. Co., Farmers' Loan «fc Trust Co., 20 William St. San Antonio City , Texas, National City Bank, 52 Wall St. Syracuse, Geneva & Corning R. R. Co.. Coupons and Drawn 'Bonds (due May 15th), Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 20 William St. State Savings Assn., Ellsworth, Kan., Union Trust Co., T3 Broadway. Shelbyville Waterworks Co., of Ind., American Loan & Trust Co., 113 Broadway. Suburban & City R. R. & Improvement Co., American Loan & Trust Co., 113 Broad wav. San Marcos, Texas. Water Co. (Mav 3). Third National Bank, 20 Nassau St. Santiago Cattle Co., National Bank of Commerce. 20 Nassau. St. Louis City, Mo.. National Bauk of Commerce, 21) Nassau St. St. Louis County, Mo., National Bank of Commerce, 15 Nas- sau St. St. Paul & Northern Pacific Ry. Co. (Registered), Winslow, Lanier & Co.. 17 Nassau St. South Bend, Ind., National Park Bank, 214Broadway. Sheboygan City, Wis., Fourth National Bank, 14 Nassau St. . Paul City Bonds, Chase National Bank. 15 Nassau St. St. Paul City Bonds (due May 2d), Chase National Bank, 15 Nassau St. St. Louis Cable & West'n R. R. Co., Farmers' Loan & Trust StCc, 20 William St. Somerset Ranche & Cattle Co., Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 20 William St. Tallahasse Gas & Electric Light Co., American Loan & Trust Co., 113 Broadway. Terre Haute, Ind., Winslow, Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Texas State, Bank of New York. 48 Wall St. Texas Loan Agency, National Park Bank, 21.4 Broadway. Tenn. Coal, Iron &■ R. R. Co., consolidated 3d mtge., Fourth National Bank, 14 Nassau St, Union Depot Co, Union Trust Co, 73 Broadway. Union Security Co., Fourth National Bank, 14 Nassau St. Virginia Electric Light & Power Co., American Loan and Trust Co., 113 Broadway. Vermillion County, Indiana, Third National Bank, 20 Nassau Warren Co., Iowa Chemical Bank, 270 Broadway. Western Union Tel. graph Co, Union Trust Co., 73 Broadway Western Trust & Security Co., American Loan and Trust Co , 113 Broadway. M^estem R. R., Minn., Winslow, Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Wabash, Ind., Winslow, Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Whitley County, Ind. (due May 14th), Winslow Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Wabash County, Ind. (due May 15th), Winslow, Lanier & Co., 17 Nassau St. Ward Consolidated Mining Co., 53 B'way, pays a dividend of 5 cents per share. Wheeling & Lalce Erie R'y., 2 Wall, pays a dividend of I % Waterloo, low^a. National Park Bank, 214 Broadway. Wj'oming Valley Coal Co., Farmers Loan & Trust Co . 20 William St. Western Equipment & Car Co. Bonds, Farmers Loan aud Trust Co., 20 William St. Wellsville Water Co., Farmers Loan and Trust Co., 20 Wil- liam St. Yonkers Gaslight Co., National Park Bank, 214 Broadway. MEETINGS OF STOCK rOMPANIES. May 1, N. Y. Chicago & St Louis R. R., at office in Cleveland, at 9 a. m. May 1, Lake Shore & Michigan Sou. R'v, at office in Cleve- land, 10 a. m. May 2, Mich. Central R. R., at office in Detroit, 10 a. m. May 6, Ouray Mining Co., 53 Broadway, 2 p. m. May 6, Evening Star Mining Co., 53 Broadwav, 2 p. m. May 6, Morning Star Con. Mining Co., 53 Broadway, 2 p. m. May 6, Ward Consolidated Mining Co., 53 Broadway, 2pm May 6, United States Tel. Co., 195 Broadway. May 6, Oregon Short Line R'y, Annual, Cheynne. May 10, Central R. R. of N. J., at office in Jersey City. 12 to 2 p. m. May 14,Del. & Hud. Co.. cor. Cortlandt & Church Sts., at 12m. May 15, Cleve, Col, Cin. & Ind. R'y, in Cleveland, 8 a. m. FOREIGN MONEY EQUIVALENTS. Their eqidva/en/ in American money, intrinsic value, withouf regard to rate of exchange. Oreat Britain. GOLD. One S'overeign $4 86 One-half Sovereign 2 43 Crown One-half Crown One Florin One Shilling Six Pence Four Pence Threepence BANK NOTES. £5 Bank of England $24 25 £1 Irish and Scotch 4 84 Germany. Twenty Marks , Ten Marks Five Marks U V4 2 37 1 18 SILVER. One Thaler $0 69 One Mark 23 BANK NOTES. One Hundred Marks $23 62 Fifty Marks 11 61 Twenty Marks 4 72 Five Marks 118 Mexico. Silver Dollar $ 73 Gold Doubloon 15 .55 $20.00 Gold 19 .55 France, Belgium and Switzerland. GOLD. Twenty Francs $3 86 Ten Francs i 93 Five Francs 96 SILVER. Five Francs $0 93 Two Francs 36 One Franc 18 Half Franc (.50 Centimes) 9 BANK NOTES. Fifty Francs $ 9 62 One Hundred Francs 19 12 Five Hundred Francs 95 60 One Thousand Francs 191 20 Spain. GOLD. Four Piasters $3 88 Pistole ■. ; 3 87 One-half Pistole 1 93 One-quarter Pistole 95 SILVEIi. Spanish Dollar $0 75 Five Pesetas 80 Twenty Reals 75 Ten Reals 37 Pistareen 16 Half Pistareen 8 158 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. ^tna of Hartford, 45 William. Agricultural of Watertown, 71 Wall. Albany of Albany, 156 Broadway. Alliance Insurance Association, 32 Nassau. American, I-I6 Broadway ; for parlieulai'S «ee page 160. Americau of Boston, 141 Broadway. American of Newark, 168 Broadway. American of Philadelphia, 206 Broadway. American Central of St. Louis, 71 Wall. American Exchange, 115 Broadway. Anglo-Nevada of San Francisco, .33 Pine. Arn>enia of Pittsburg, 41 Pine. Atlantic (F. & M.) of Providence, 44 Pine. Board (N. Y.) of Fire Underwriters, 32 Nassau. Board (National) of Underwriters, 156 Broadway. Boatman's (P. & M.) of Pittsburg, ,54 Pine. Boston Underwriters, 120 Broadway. Bowery, 141 Broadway and 124 Bowery. Boylston if Boston, 206 Broadway. British-America of Toronto, 32 Pine. Brotdwa}', 158 Broadway. Brooklyn of Brooklyn, 168 Broadway. Buffalo German of Buffalo, 155 Broadway. California of San Francisco, 120 Broadway. Citizens, 1.56 Broadway. Citizens of Cincinnati', 41 Pine. Citizens of Pittsburg, 155 Broadway. Citizens of St. Louis, 54 Pine. City, 111 Broadway. City, of London, 33 Pine. Clinton, 25 Pine. Commerce of Albany, 44 Pine. Commercial, in liquidation. 23 William. Commercial of California. 33 Pine. Commercial Mutual. 42 Wall. Commercial Union of London, cor. Pine & William ; for particulars nee page 1&2. Commonwealili. .33 Nassau. Concordia of ^lilw.-uikee, 25 Pine. Connecticut of Hartford, 45 William. Co n t i n e n t a K 100 Broad way ; for iMrdculare see p. 161*. C^ounty of Philadelphia, 120 Broadway. Detroit (F. & M.) of Detroit, 54 Pine. Eagle, 71 Wall. Empire City, 166 Broadway. Equitable (N. Y.I, 58 Wall. Equitable (F. oisr, Cor. Pine and William Sts., New York. 163 STRUTHERS & CO., Map Engravers ^ Printers, 24 26, 28, 30, 32 & 34 NEW CHAMBERS STREET. r, avj uv, wv, NE^W YORK. Relief Plates of Maps, Diagrams, Color Plates, etc. PINE COLOR PEIITTIITG A SPECIALTY. The Franklin Photo-Electrottpe Co,, 305 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, Desi($i)ers, EQ(^rau<^rs, pi7oto-<^ $4 88 $4 87)4 $4 88 4 89}^ 4 90 4 8954 4 90 4 89^ 4 90 4 89)^ 4 90 4 m% 4 87 4 86% 4 87 4 86% 4 87 4 86% 4 87 4 88% 4 89 4 88% 4 89 4 88% 4 89 4 88% 4 89 4 89J4 4 89% 4 89)4 4 89)4 4 89 4S9)4 4 89 4 89)4 4 87 4 86^ 4 86 4 S^H 4 86 4 86)^ 4 86 4 86)4 4 851^ 4 86 4 85^ 4 86 4 85)4 4 80 4 85)4 4 86 5 18^ 5 171^ 5 18)4 5 17)4 5 18% 5 17)4 5 18% 5 17)4 .5 16)4 5 15% 5 16)4 5 1.5% 5 16M 5 15% 5 16;^ 5 1.5% 5 20% 5 20 5 20% 5 20 5 20% 20 5 20% 5 20 5 18^ 5 171^ 5 18)4 5 17Ji 5 21% 5 21)4 5 18% 5 19% 5 19% 5 19% 5 18% 5 19% 5 K% 5 I614 95% 5 16% 5 16)4 5 16% 5 16)4 5 16% 5 10)4 95% sm 95)4 95% 95)4 95% 95)4 95% 95%, 95% 95% ] 95% 95% 95% 95% 94?^ 95^' 94% 95)^ ! 94% 95)4 94% 95% 95% 95^1 95% r^H 95% 95)4 95% 953^ 40 3-16 40)4 ■ 40 3-16 ■ -lOH 40 3-16 40)4 40 3-16 40J4 40% 40 7-16 40% 40 7-16 40% 40 7-16 40% 40 7-16 40 40 1-16 40 40 1-16 40 40 1-16 40 40 1-16 40 3-16 4014 40 3-16 40)i 40 3-16 403^ 40 3-16 40M 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 27 271^ 27 27% 27 27% 27 27%' April 18. $4 87)4 4 89)4 4 86% 4 88)4 4 87 4 86^ 4 85% 5 18% 5 16)4 5 20% 5 18% 5 21% 5 19% 4 90 4 87)4 4 88% 4 89)4 4 86)4 4 80)4 5 17)4 20 17)4 18% 16M 95% 95% 95% 95% 40)4 40% 40 7-10 ■" 40 1-10 40M 95)4 95)4 94% 95 H' 40 3-16 40 40 3-16 27 164 THE CONTINENTAL FIRE INSIANCE CO. has a Cash Capital of ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS, Cash Assets of over FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, a Reserve for the security of Insurance in force amounting to over TWO MILLIONS AND A HALF OF DOLLARIS, and a Net Surplus, above the Capital and all liabilities, of over TWELVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. It has paid Losses to date amounting to the large sum of over TWENTY-THREE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. It conducts its business under the provisions of the Safety Fund Law of the State of New York, and has in the two Safety Funds ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS. Its gain in Net Surplus for the year just closed (1888) was the largest of any American company. In the great Chicago fire, which occurred in the year 1871, it paid, in cash, losses amounting to nearly Two Millions of Dollars, and so strong were its reserves that it did this luithotit impairing its Capital. Thirteen months later, it paid in consequence of the large fire in the city of Boston nearly Three-Quarters of a Million of Dollars. Such facts as these should recommend the Company to all having property to insure. Why should you select a weak Company when you can just as well select a strong one, which has been tried by pass- ing through conflagrations in consequence of which one hundred Companies failed? The best is the cheapest. Especially is it incumbent upon trustees, guardians, executors, agents and others acting in a fiduciary capacity to select for those whose interests are entrusted to their charge, unquestioned indemnity. If you desire insurance on property of any kind, and will send us a postal card we will save you all trouble by having our representative call on you. An examination of the list of Directors of this Com- pany should be satisfactory evidence to any one, that the connection with it by men of such standing in the community is further evidence of its reliability. TOTAL ASSETS. Reserve for re-iusuraiice - . - - - $2,o01, 884.39 Reserve for losses- -. 204,763. 4 Reserve for Commissions, Taxes, &c .54,495.00 Reserve for Scrip dividends and all other claims 40,ol0.40 Cash Capital - 1,000,000.00 Net Surplus.. -- - -.- 1,226,691.66 $5,028,344.69 PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. BRANCH OFFICES: 1273 Broadway, lO Cooper Institute, : I 2 I ' E. 125th St. BROOKLYN: Cor. Court and Montague Sts., and 126 Broadway. WILLIAM L. ANDREWS. SAMUEL D. BABCOCK. HIRAM BARNEY. GEORGE BLISS. CHARLES H. BOOTH. HENRY C. BOWEN. JOHN CLAFLIN. E. W. CORLIES. JOHN H. EARLE. DIRECTORS. JAMES ERASER. AURELIUS B. HULL. WILLIAM H. HURLBUT. BRADISH JOHNSON. H. H. LAMPORT. WILLIAM G. LOW. EDWARD MARTIN. RICHARD A. McCURDY. ALEX. E. ORR. ALFRED RAY WM. M. RICHARDS. JOHN L. RIKER. HENRY F. SPAULDING. WILLIAM H. SWAN. LAWRENCE TURNURE. THEO. F. VAIL. J. I). VERMILYE. JACOB WENDELL. F. C. MOORE, President, CYRUS PECK, Vice-Pres't & Secretary, HENRY EVANS, 2d Vice-Pres't & Sec'y Agency Dep't. En\V.\RD liANNING, Ass't Sec'y. C. II. DI Tt'HER, Sec'y BiooKlyn l)tp"(. ■■ L mm :'H'?;affi>33:f^f>r;i:^iaJi«i<^-^A;;^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 221 621 8