ARMOUR^»COMPANY U.S. A CATALOGUE of PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY ARMOUR;^Cd COMPANY ? Copyright. 1918 by ARMOUR^COMPAISY SEP I i /9I8 Dressed Beef Department Dressed Beef: This classification covers beef in carcasses, hind- quarters, forequarters, and rattles. The beef is dressed and chilled in sides, but before loading in cars is ribbed or quartered to facilitate the work of shipping from the plant and the handling at the branch house. Dressed beef is classified in a general way as Native, Western and Texas, with steers, cows, heifers and bulls in each class; and is graded good, medium and fair of each class to designate quality. Native beef, as a rule, is of superior quality and has sufficient finish to indicate grain feeding, and the carcass is compact in form and covered with a good thickness of clear, bright fat. Cattle of this class generally mature at a comparatively early age. West- ern or Colorado beef is relatively rangy in form, less bright in color and not so good in quality, finish, or general appearance as the native variety. Texas beef also is less bright in color, weighs considerably less in the carcass than either the Native or Western grade, and is not so good in form, finish, nor quality. Native cattle are generally produced by the corn growing districts of the country. Western and Colo- rado cattle are raised in Colorado and adjacent states in the Northwest. Texas cattle come mostly from the state of that name and from Oklahoma, but the terms "Western" and "Texas" have less geographical significance now than formerly. Cattle produced in these sections, when properly handled and fattened on grain feed, frequently make beef that will com- pare favorably with the Native grade. Other grades of interest are Yearlings — which, as the name implies, are young, soft boned steers or heifers, generally of the native class, weighing 400 to 700 pounds in the carcass— and Stillers, which are usually well bred steers, bulls or stags which have been fattened on distillery mash. The quality of this beef is usuallj- good, and tlie appearance attractive. The term "Kosher" indicates that the cattle 'have been slaughtered and the beef inspected, labeled and cleansed in accordance with the Jewish rites. All grades of cattle are slaughtered for this trade, the forequarter meat of the carcass being preferred and in general use, on account of being readily cleansed and the large veins easily removed therefrom in com- pliance with the Mosaic law. For ordering and shipping purposes, carcass beef is classified for weight as follows: Under 500 pounds, 500 to 600 pounds, 600 to 700 pounds, 700 to 800 pounds, 800 to 900 pounds, and 900 pounds and up. Dressed Sheep Department Which Includes Dressed Sheep, Dressed Calves, and Dressed Hogs DRESSED SHEEP 1. Aged Stock includes our lots A, B and C: Lot A— All Sheep (Ewes and Wethers) under 65 lbs. Lot A-H — ^All Sheep (Ewes and Wethers) 65 to 80 lbs. Lot A-HH— All Sheep (Ewes and Wethers) 80 lbs. up. Lot A-4— All Bucks. Lot A-X — Common to Fair Sheep. Lot B — All Caul-Dressed Sheep. Lot BX — All Common to Fair, Caul-Dressed Sheep. Lot B — The trade term of this grade is Year- lings. Lot C — The trade term of this grade is Winter or Fall Lambs. It includes all stock be- tween one and two years old which breaks at the lamb joint. From July 1st to about November 1st these are generally range stock. During the winter and spring they are grain fed. During the past few years there has been a re- markable change in the sheep business. Aged stock has become very scarce. Live stock men now mar- ket practically all of their stock as Lambs. This has almost resulted in the elimination of wether sheep and "C" lambs. Receipts of Aged Stock are now almost all ewes, and even these at times are very scarce. 6 2. Spring Lambs: The first run of lambs usually comes just before Easter. These are often termed "Hot House Lambs" and are the output of growers who specialize on early lambs. They are generally dressed with the pelts on. The first real run of Spring Lambs on the western markets is from Tennessee. They start in limited quantities about the middle of May and come regu- larly after June 1st. These are followed by Kentucky lambs during June and July, and the Central-State Natives and Western- Range Lambs from July 15th to about November 1st. During this season we tag our lambs "Genuine Springs." 3. Lot G-E Lambs: These are the grain-fed spring lambs that run from about November 1st to June 1st. They are mostly range-bred stock that has been moved east during the fall and handled by professional feeders located throughout the central west. Our G-E and Genuine Spring Lambs are graded as follows: Regular — Good to Prime. X — Common to Fair. 4. Imported Sheep and Lambs: For several years past frozen sheep and lambs have been imported from South America, Australia and New Zealand. Although the American trade is un- used to handling Frozen Stock, these imported Sheep and Lambs have met with a ready sale and given entire satisfactign. DRESSED PIGS AND HOGS Pigs are stock that will dress 100 lbs. or under. Animals over this weight are generally termed "Hogs." Suckling or Roasting Pigs: From 8 to 30 lbs. These are generally frozen. They are in demand around the three holidays — Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. Dressed Pigs: From 30 to 100 lbs. Generally known as Shipper or Market Pigs. Onr grading on these is a-s follows: AA under 35 lbs. A 35 to 50 lbs. B 50 to 65 lbs. D 65 to 80 lbs. E 80 to 100 lbs. The seascn for Shipper Pigs is usually between September 1st and February 1st to 15th. During the first part of the season there is a good percentage of the A and AA grades. As the season advances the light Pigs become scarce. From December 1st on the bulk of the stock will range from 60 to 100 lbs. During the season, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and Fort Worth usually have a good supply of Pigs. St. Joe at times has a fair run, but the run is rather erratic at this point. Omaha and Sioux City as a rule get very few. Dressed Hogs are divided into the following classi- fications, viz.: Shipper-Dressed Hogs: Are with head on, leaf lard in. Hams unfaced, un- split. They are graded as follows: E— 100 to 125 lbs. F— 125 to 150 lbs. G— 150 to 175 lbs. H— 175 to 200 lbs. Lard Hogs: Are dressed with head on, leaf lard in. Hams un- faced and split — 350 lbs. up. We do not carry a stock of Shipper-Dressed Hogs on hand at any plant. Therefore, it always is neces- sary to give us 48 hours notice on orders. Packer Dressed Hogs: Are with head off, leaf lard out. Hams faced and split. They are obtainable in the same grading and weights as Shipper-Dressed Stcck. DRESSED CALVES These are divided into two general classifications, viz.: Native Veal Calves, Milk-Fed, are graded as follows: AA— Strictly Choice— 100 to 135 lbs. A— Choice— 65 to 100 lbs. .__ B— Medium— 65 to 100 lbs. ^ X — Include all common to fair INIilk-Fed Dairy Calves. The heavy run of Dairy Calves is during the months of March, April, May and June. Chicago can be depended upon for a supply at all times. During the season St. Louis and Kansas City have a fair run, and a few are received at St. Joe. Other west- ern packing houses get very few strictly Dairy Calves. Western Calves (which class also includes native calves that are not Milk-Fed dairy stock) are graded as follows: C— Choice— 90 to 100 lbs. D- E- F- G— Good— 200 to 250 lbs. H— Good— 250 lbs. up. LL — Includes all Common to Fair of the above grades under 120 lbs. J— Includes all Common to Fair of the above grades over 120 lbs. The season on this classification runs from June 1st to December 1st. They are usually very scarce between January 1st and May 1st. Kansas City and Ft. Worth get the heaviest runs. We also usually have a fair supply at St. Louis and Chicago during the season. Omaha and Sioux City receive very few Calves, either Native or Western. Our weights are with hide on. All Calves shipped with the hide off are skinned out just before ship- ping. Good to Choice— 120 to 140 lbs. Good to Choice— 140 to 175 lbs. -Good to Choice — 175 to 200 lbs, Canned Food Department Domestic Science courses, improved kitchen uten- sils and the ever-improving gas stoves strongly indi- cate the desire to constantly cater to the wants of the up-to-date housekeeper. In every food industry in the United States there has been a noticeable effort in recent years to save time and trouble in the home in the preparation of food. "Ready to Serve" is the watchword. Canned Meats are growing in popularity because they meet the modern demand for convenience and economy in the kitchen. One pound of fi^ti^e^U Canned Meats contains as much nutrition and as much real food as the average two pounds of fresh meats. This is because fresh meats shrink about 50% in cooking. Canned Meats have gone through the shrinking — every ounce in the can is ready for the table. The success we have met with on Canned Meats is attributable almost entirely to our improved meth- ods. Some years ago we perfected and adopted a new vacuum process which preserves the natural flavor in Canned Meats. Then, too, the scientific process followed in cooking f^zHSejT canned products makes them just as tender as the most expensive steak — and the natural flavor is preserved. Under the Armour process, not a human hand or instrument of any kind touches the meat after it is processed, so the best meat in the world comes to the table absolutely pure, and scientifically clean. Beef and Vegetables — ftSuS^eJT Choice carrots, onions and potatoes, stewed with fresh beef in rich gravy. Serve hot. Especially suit- able for mining camps, etc. Packed in No. 2 tins. 1 or 2 dozen to the case. , 10 Beef Loaf— >5g*^gSr Minced Beef with a com- bination of eggs, milk ana cereals; small addition of Pork for seasoning. Excellent ^ , for cold luncheons. Packed in No. % tins. 2 dozen to the case. Beef Steak and Onions — /^^g^^- Choice steak and onions, with gravy. Serve hot Suits all trade, especially shipping, mining camps] Packed in No. 2 tins. 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Beef Stew— >5g^g^ Selected cuts of rib beef, stewed with best Colorado potatoes, carrots, onions and turnips. Rich brown gravy added. Serve hot. Suitable for all classes of trade, especially camps and shipping. Packed in No. 2 tins. 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Beef Suet— ^^^^57- No. 1 Beef Kidney Suet, rendered. One pound equals two pounds raw. Substitute for butter in cookmg, etc. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case.' Boiled Beef— >^^g^ Choice cuts of lean beef. Serve hot or cold Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case Packed in No. 6 tins, 1 dozen to the case. Boned Chicken— y^^gg^^- Only choice parts of fowl are used. One pound cooked equals almost four pounds raw. Packed in No. % tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. Yz tins, 2 dozen to the case. ^BOWDCHICKEHl^ -ARMOUR aS^ COMPANY T-. , :: — " V1WZ.C11 uu tilt; caae. Packed m No. 1 tms, 1 or 2 dozen to the case 11 Bcned Turkey — f^tc^ejT Prepared same as Boned Chicken. Packed in No No. 1 tins. 1 or case. 1^ and 2 dozen to the 3^^^^j ^fiONEDTURKu^ 'ARMOUR jfe COMPAKV Boneless Pigs' Feet — J^^g57" Special club sausage, garnished with I^StZ^eJT To- mato sauce. Serve hot. Packed in No. i/^ tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Minced Collops — f£tl^^ Lean Beef minced with onions, to which is added rich beef gravy. Serve " hot. Suitable for shipping trade and mining camps. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Minced Steak — f^k^i^ed/ Practically the same as INIinced Collops, packed in same size tins. Oxford Sausage — >^^^g^ Choice clear Pork sausage. Put up in tender cas- ings, tied at both ends. Six to a can. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 dozen to the case. Ox Marrow — >^^g^ Pure Beef bone marrow, rendered. Substitute for butter in cooking. No odor. Always sweet. Guar- anteed in any climate. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Ox Tails — Solid — li^^u^^ Choice Ox Tails, cut to length of the tin. Excellent for shipping trade. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Ox Tongues— yS^^^ST Specially selected Ox Tongues, prepared in a mild sugar pickle. One whole tongue in each can — no waste. Packed in No. 1 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Packed in No. ly^ tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 dozen to the case. Vja^ti^edl *;OXTONGlJEU ^^^^ ^Rmour^^company 18 Packed in No. 2^^ tins, 1 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 3 tins, 1 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 6 tins, % or 1 dozen to the case. Packed in medium size glass, 1 dozen to the case. Packed in large size glass, 1 dozen to the case. Plum Pudding — k^-u^ed/ Made after a very celebrated old English formula and contains only the very highest quality fruits, suet, wine and other ingredients. Packed in No. % tins, 2 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 dozen to the case. Pork and Beans, Plain — li^ic^edT High grade hand-picked Michigan navy beans; generous piece of Pork in each can. Packed as follows: Vz tins, 4 dozen to the case. 1 tins, 4 dozen to the case. 2 tins, 3 dozen to the case. 3 tins, 2 dozen to the case. No. No. No. No. No. 10 tins, 1 dozen to the case. Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce — kStZ^^JT High grade hand-picked Michigan navy beans; gen- erous quantity rich tomato sauce and palatable piece of Pork. Packed in same size packages as Plain Beans. Pork Sausage Meat — Ji^iZ^eJr Pure Pork Sausage Meat, excellent fried, or may be served cold. Packed in No. y^. tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Potted Beef— y^^^g^r Lean Beef finely minced and delicately seasoned. Packed in No. 14 tins, 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. y^ tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. 19 Potted Meats— Helmet: Pork and Beef minced very fine and delicately sea- soned. Packed in No. i/4 tins, 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. i/^ tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Potted Ham— >^*^5r Potted Chicken — h^tc^^ej/ Potted Tongue — ft^u^JT Potted Turkey — h^tl^e^ Potted and deviled meats vary in their meat and spice flavor only. The difference between potted and deviled is that a little more cayenne pepper is added to all deviled meats. It should be remembered in using the deviled or potted goods that they are already highly seasoned, and the sauces to be used with them should be with- out additional seasoning until it is determined by taste that more is required. Such seasoning as lemon juice, onion extract; Worcestershire sauce, tomato, mushroom, cr walnut catsup may be used with care. Packed in >6^i^«^ counter display case. No. 14 tins, 2 dozen to the case. Rice, Beef and Chili Sauce — Helmet: A delicious combination of Rice, Beef and Chili Sauce; delightfully seasoned. Packed in No. 1 cans, 4 dozen to case. Rice, Pork and Chili Sauce — Helmet: A delicious combination of Rice, Pork and Chili Sauce; delightfully seasoned. Packed in No. 1 cans, 4 dozen to case. 20 Rice, Beef and Tomato Sauce — Helmet: A delicious combination of Rice, Beef and Tomato Sauce; delightfully seasoned. Packed in No. 1 cans, 4 dozen to case. Rice, Pork and Tomato Sauce — Helmet: A delicious combination of Rice, Pork and Tomato Sauce; delightfully seasoned. Packed in No. 1 cans, 4 dozen to case. Roast Beef — f£tl^eJf Select portions of fresh, lean Beef, parboiled and steam roasted. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 6 tins, 1 dozen to the case. Roast Mutton — hStZ^^JZ^ Select portions of fresh Mutton, parboiled and steam roasted. Packed in same size tins as Roast Beef. Sauerkraut and Vienna Sausage — I^SU^JT Made from our huse^l Kraut and ft^us^d/ Vienna Style sausage, two pieces of sausage to the can. Packed in No. l^/^ tins, 2 dozen to the case. Sausage Meat — Helmet: Prepared with lean beef and pork, cereals, spices and sage. Packed in No. i/^ tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Sliced Bacon — >^^g^ Cut in uniformly thin slices, M^^r * ""*^ A \r i\ f 11 • ti^^^^^sss^^M^^ Small size glass, 2 dozen to jPsg^^'^^^^ B Large size glass, 1 or 2 dozen "^ ^^^^^^Miy to the case. 21 No. Vz tins, 2 dozen to the case. No. 1 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. 8-oz. (full weight) cartons, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. 12-oz. (full weight) cartons, 1 dozen to the case. 16-oz. (full weight) cartons, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. 5-lb. (full weight) cartons, any number desired. /^jK^&*»Mr rmf SOUPS— >^^«5r kkii^e4/ Tomato: Is prepared only from full fresh ripe choice Tomatoes — flavored and seasoned with tender, crisp celery and parsley, selected spices, and pure creamery but- ter, all of which gives that y^^SiT flavor that appeals to the most critical taste of an epicure. kUOe^ Ox Tail: For this we use selected Ox Tails. The broth is flavored with small pieces of carrots, turnips and parsley; this com- bination blending a flavor that is really delicious. fi^ti^4/ Mock Turtle: Is prepared from calves' heads and tongues — sufficient number of vegetables, all purposely chopped fine, are entirely cooked up in one process, the pure spices added giving that "just right" flavor that is most appetizing. 22 lik^i/ied/ Chicken; Is prepared from chicken broth. Se- lected fowls are first boiled — the broth drawn off — and additional minced chicken added, as also spices, and a sufficient amount of rice, making it a really deli- cate broth. mi^^^ Vegetable: Is prepared from a varie<:y of selected vegetables with which a small quantity of tomato is cooked. The full body pro- duced by the large quantity of vegetabl'^s making it just as good as real home-maae Vegetable Soup. Consomme: A most delicate and appetizing soup; made from the choicest prime beef and daintily flavored with selected vegetables. As a "first course" dish it is most excel- lent. Packed in size 1 tins, 4 dozen to the case. Either straight or assorted cases. Soup and Bouilli — Melrose: Lean beef, rich beef soup, and vegetables, carrots, turnips, onions. Delicious combination of beef, soups and vegetables. Serve hot. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 6 tins, 1 dozen to the case. Spaghetti, Meat and Chill— >^^^^ Made from choicest cuts of lean beef and best quality of Spaghetti, garnished with Mexican Chili peppers. Must be served hot. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. 23 Stewed Kidneys — y^i^gST Beef and Pork kidneys, minced. Garnished with rich English club sauce. Serve hot. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Tripe — kS^^^eJT Choice honeycomb tripe, prepared with fresh milk. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. Veal Loaf- A combination of minced Veal, eggs, milk and cereals: beef and pork added for sea- soning. Packed in No. % tins, 2 dozen to the case. Vienna Style Sausage — f^^^^JT and Helmet: Our standard Vienna Sausage. Cut to fit various^ size tins. Serve hot. Packed in No. y^ tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 1 tins, 2 or 4 dozen to the case. Packed in No. 2 tins, 1 or 2 dozen to the case. fiSH^^ PEANUT BUTTER This increasingly popular product is made of strictly No, 1 Spanish and Virginia peanuts, blended in proper proportions to give the most satisfactory results. Use of only the finest materials, trained workmen and most up-to-date equipment combine to give it 24 the quality, flavor, superfine roast and smoothness of grind for which it is noted. You can unhesitatingly offer it to your trade as the f^ti^df on the mar- ^^^S^]^ ket today. Small jars, 2 dozen to case. Medium jars, 2 dozen to case. Large jars, 1 dozen to case. 15-lb. net pails to case, 2 to crate. 5-lb. net pails, 6 and 12 to crate. 25-lb. net pails, 2 to crate. 60-lb. net pails, 1 to crate. 25 Mince Meat Department We desire to thoroughly acquaint you with all the details of the Mince Meat business. The most important thing to remember is: Every grade of Mince Meat we put up, except our Shield brand, is absolutely free from any chemical preserv- atives, as the alcohol in the rum and brandy used in our kUi^ej/ Home Made and Mayflower Moist Mince Meat acts as a preservative, if Mince Meat is handled according to our directions. In our Shield Brand, however, the low price we make will not per- mit our using rum and brandy, and, therefore, we must use one-tenth of one per cent benzoate of soda to preserve it. To meet the particular demands of every user of Mince Meat, we put up eight different grades under as many brands, packed in small packages, tins, pails or barrels, as follows: Two grades of Condensed — | Two grades of Concentrated — j Helmet Bakers' Shield The brands of Mince Meat above listed are packed as follows: ti^,u^ed/ and Helmet Condensed: Packed in 10-oz. cartons, 36 cartons to the case. 26 I^Stl^Sit Concentrated : Packed in 1^-lb. tin pails, 2 dozen to the case; 3-lb. tin pails, 1 dozen to the case. mig:^ Moist: Packed in quart jars, 6 or 12 to the case. fikti^ed/ Concentrated or Condensed: Packed in 13, 25 and 50-lb. kits, and 100, 250 and 450-lb. barrels. Bakers' Concentrated or Condensed: Packed in 13, 25 and 50-lb. kits, and 100, 150, 250 and 450-lb. barrels, >6^^^g^ Moist: Packed in 5 and 10-lb. kanakins, 6 to the case; also 20 and 40-lb. kanakins and 100, 250 and 450-lb. barrels. Home Made Style, Moist: Packed in size 1 tins, 2 dozen to the case; also 13, 25 and 50-lb. kits, and 100, 150, 250 and 450-lb. barrels. Mayflower and Shield, Moist: Packed in 13, 25 and 50-lb. kits, and 100, 150, 250 and 450-lb. barrels. fikil^e4/ and Bakers' Concentrated are packed in 13, 25 and 50-lb. kits, and 100, 150, 250 and 450-lb. barrels. All of the ingredients contained in our Mince Meat are absolutely the best we can secure. RAISINS used are the finest quality of 3 and 4- Crown Standard Muscatels and Sultanas, bought direct from the largest growers in the Fresno Dis- trict in California, in the season when fruit is at its best. The raisins are carefully washed and stemmed by hand to insure their cleanliness — then put through an automatic seeding machine to remove the seeds. In this way, the meat and flavor of the raisins are retained in their entirety. 27 CURRANTS are, as you know, an important item— and for this reason we secure the best that the mar- ket affords, which are known as "Greek Dry Cleaned Amalias." APPLES used in our Moist Mince jNIeat are of the Greening and Baldwin varieties, while in the Con- densed and Concentrated Mince Meat we use fancy Virginia sun-dried apples. CITRON of the best variety may be imported — but if it isn't chopped into uniform sizes its value is considerably lessened. We watch this feature as closely as we do the quality of the citron — which assists us wonderfully in getting the desired flavor. SPICES of our own grinding are used, thus assur- ing us the purest on the market. SUGAR used is that commonly known as pure cane sugar. MEAT and SUET: Armour and Company have always been known as packers of strictly high-grade meats, and the Mince INIeat department is in a posi- tion to select the very best quality of prime beef and kidney suet. This is an obvious advantage over competitors who are compelled to purchase their product from outside sources, and have not the facili- ties for selecting the best grades of beef and suet. We have been asked why the meat in our product cannot be seen. This is easily accounted for by the fact that it is purposely chopped fine to permit proper blending of the spices and sugar. Were larger pieces used, it would naturally take a long time for the sugar and spices to permeate the entire product, with the result that many people would complain of a bit- ter taste. This unpleasant taste is not perceptible in Armour's Mince Meat, owing to our extreme care in the blending of ingredients. This in a great way is the secret of Armour's "Quality" Mince Meat. SEASONING: We have seasoned our Mince Meat to suit the average taste. To make a more highly spiced meat, additional flavors may be added to suit the individual taste. 28 GUARANTEE: We absolutely will not guarantee the keeping quality of our Mince Meat, and no other legitimate manufacturer will. We do claim, how- ever, that our Moist Mince Meat will stand up as long as any Mince Meat on the market if it receives the care which should be exercised in the handling of all Moist Mince Meats and according to the directions on each package. FERMENTATION: Wet Mince Meat requires more attention than either Condensed or Concentrated Mince Meat, because of fermenting properties it contains. THE REASON: Green apples and fresh cider are used in the manufacture of Moist Mince Meat, and as apples make cider, and raisins and currants make wine, it can be readily understood why Moist Mince Meat is liable to ferment, but with careful handling this can be avoided. We recommend that it be kept in a cool place and stirred at least once a day for the reason that the sugar dissolves in the cider, making the liquid part of the Mince Meat heavier than the fruit; the liquid settling to the bottom and the fruit remaining on the top, it dries and presents an un- sightly appearance. But if kept thoroughly mixed it will have a brighter appearance and a better flavor, and again, if spices are kept thoroughly mixed, they act as a preservative. Fermented Mince Meat does not necessarily mean that it is spoiled. If allowed to ferment in a cool place, Mince Meat takes on a brighter taste and snap that it otherwise does not have. The alcohol formed in the process of fermentation merely acts as a temporary preservative, and is evaporated in the baking. Condensed and Concentrated Mince Meat, if stored in a cool place, and handled with reasonable care, will keep almost indefinitely. Concentrated Mince Meat: Concentrated Mince Meat contains the same in- gredients as Moist Mince Meat, except that dried apples and boiled cider are used. The water having been evaporated from the cider, the diluticn puts our Concentrated Mince Meat into the same form as regular Moist Mince Meat. 29 COFFEE A high mountainous grown Coffee from the best producing coffee countries. The fiUi^led/ Brand— "a Perfect Blend" — for mel- lowness, smoothness and flavor has no peer. Helmet Coffee is a brand that will meet the de- mands of those desiring a Coffee with a sharp twang — a splendid article at a medium price. Our facilities aiid expert advisers enable us to place at the disposal of the public two brands of Coffee that are certain to give lasting satisfaction to Coffee drinkers everywhere. 24 1-lb. net cartons f^^l^^ 50 1-lb. net cartons >^^S^ 12 3-lb. net cartons ft^u^^jT 24 3-lb. net cartons fiSn^JT 24 1-lb. net cartons Helmet. 50 1-lb. net cartons Helmet. 12 3-lb. net cartons Helmet. 24 3-lb. net cartons Helmet. Armour's Coffee is also packed in the bulk in 50- and 100-lb. drums. All Coffees can be had either in the berry, steel cut or pulverized. Other brands are now in the course of preparation and will soon be ready for the market. FISH ITEMS Salmon: Our salmon is packed in canneries located at the most advantageous points on the Pacific Coast from Washington to Alaska, insuring select fish of all grades, as well as packing them just as quickly as caught. These canneries contain modern machinery and the varying grades handled insure a food for the most critical epicurists. No. in Case and Size: 48 y^ Fancy Sockeye, fikti^e^/ Brand. 48 1 Fancy Sockeye, l^tZ^eJT Brand, Tall. 48 1 Fancy Sockeye, f^tZ^edT Brand, Flat. 48 1 Alaska Red, Armour's, Tall. 48 Vz Alaska Red, Armour's, Flat. 30 48 1 Medium Red, Armour's "Sterling," Tall. 48 y^ Medium Red, Armour's "Sterling," Flat. 48 1 Pink, Armour's "Atlantis" Brand, Tall. 48 y^ Pink, Armour's "Atlantis" Brand, Flat. 48 1 Chum, Armour's Titan Brand, Tall. 48 1/^ Chum, Armour's Titan Brand, Flat. 48 y^ fikil^e^ Brand Chinooks, Flats. 48 1 fiSu^dT Brand Chinooks, Flats. 48 1 mi^^JT Brand Chinooks, Tall. Sardines: Our domestic sardines are packed in canneries located at the shore line of the Maine Coast, also southern California, insuring fresh fish at all times. These canneries are equipped with the most mod- ern machinery and each case is inspected by a United States Government Inspector, insuring uniform qual- ity, as well as an appetizing piece of goods. The excellent nutritive value contained in a can of sar- dines is a well known fact. We also carry an extra fancy quality of Imported Norwegian Sardine packed for us in large canneries located along the Fjords in Norway. The same care is used in canning these, and a government inspection certificate is issued with each case. Domestic — Oil: 100 1^ Decorated — keyless. 100 1^ Decorated — with key. 100 % Red Seal carton with key. 100 14 Fancy in Olive Oil. Domestic — .Mustard: 100 1/4 Decorated — with key. 48 % Decorated — keyless. 48 % Fancy Touraine carton with key. 100 1/4 Red Seal carton with key. 48 % Red Seal carton with key. Imported — Olive Oil: 100 1/4 fik^i^e^ Norwegian. 50 1/4 fikti^d^ Norwegian. 24 l^ f£iig^4r Norwegian. 31 Tuna Fish: This is one of the gamest of fish, and is caught with hook and line off tlie Southern California Coast near the Catalina Island. In order to insure packing fresh fish, and obtaining an appetizing piece of goods, floating canneries go out with fishermen. Tuna is coming into stronger favor every day with the house- wife as "an excellent meat for appetizing salads, and fiktl^^ Tuna is strongly recommended. -18 14 kSiZ^JT, flat tins. -18 Vn. f^ng^JZ', flat tins. -18 1 fiUi^e^ , flat tins. Shrimp: Shrimp Salads and Shrimp Cocktails are well known by everyone, and our Shrimp is caught and canned in factories located on the shore along the Gulf of Mexico, which is known as the most fertile shrimp fishing ground, insuring superior quality. 24 1 ti^u^^jr Brand— Dry or Wet Pack. 24 11/2 >^^^^ Brand— Dry or Wet Pack. Cove Oysters: Our Cove Oysters are packed for us at the im- mense Oyster grounds in and around the Chesapeake Bay, as well as the fertile grounds located along the Gulf Coast. They are highly processed Avhen packed, which insures their keeping qualities. 24 4-oz. Helmet Brand. 24 o-oz. Helmet Brand. 24 8-oz. Helmet Brand. Lobsters: Our lobsters are packed for us along the Xova Scotia shores of the Atlantic in Canada. Modern machinery and methods insure an appetizing and |, nutritious focd for salads, etc. 96 14 kkti^e^^g^ Oval Label is used only on goods the superior quality of which we have definitely determined is the best that can be produced. In packing f^kti^edl Tomatoes nothing but whole red ripe fruit is used. Our tomatoes are all hand packed in sanitary tins, the whole tomato being placed in the can without surplus moisture. Our Helmet Tomatoes are packed also from red ripe fruit only, and differ from the >5g^^^ Brand in that the fruit is not always uniform in- size and becomes more or less crushed in packing. Our f<^u^^ Corn is packed where the highest quality fancy corn is grown, viz., in Maine, New York, Minnesota and Illinois. Nothing is overlooked that will insure the quality of the corn being worthy of the y^^^g^ label. Mcst of our Peas are packed in Wisconsin and New York, and here again we are assured of the best quality obtainable. We are especially careful to secure uniformity in size and flavor for our >K^^g^ Brand. Asparagus (Packed in California): 24 2% k^^Zg^JT Giant White Asparagus. 24 2% fi^ii^^ej/ Mammoth White Asparagus. 24 2% f^tZ^JT Large White Asparagus. 24 21/^ k^^ii^j/ Giant Green Asparagus. 24 21/^ f£tZ^JZ^ Mammoth Green Asparagus. 24 ly^ fi^H^dT Large Green Asparagus. 24 1 k^iZ^jr Mammoth White Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 ke^l^JT Large White Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 fiU/^ieiU Mammoth Green Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 tik^i^d/ Large Green Tips, Square Tins. 24 21/^ Helmet Medium White Asparagus. 24 21/^ Helmet Medium Green Asparagus. 24 1 Helmet Medium White Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 Helmet Medium Green Tips, Square Tins. 24 21^ Fowler Small White Asparagus. 24 2^/^ Fowler Small Green Asparagus. 33 24 1 Fowler Small White Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 Fowler Tiny White Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 Fowler Small Green Tips, Square Tins. 24 1 Fowler Tiny Green Tips, Square Tins. 48 1 Fowler Small White Asparagus, Tall Tins. 48 1 Fowler Small Green Asparagus, Tall Tins. Beets (Packed in Wisconsin and New York): 24 2 fiSngeJr Baby Whole. 24 3 hiU^ej/ Baby Whole. 6 10 fi Ui^e4/ Small Whole. 24 2 Helmet Large Whole and Cut. 24 3 Helmet Large Whole and Cut. 6 10 Helmet Large Whole and Cut. Corn: 48 1 f^ugeJT Fancy Maine. 24 2 htl^e4/ Fancy Country Gentleman. 24 2 y^^g^T Fancy Early Crosby. 24 2 >K^Sr Fancy Maine. 6 10 >K*^S^ Fancy (any above varieties). 48 1 Helmet Extra Standard. 24 2 Helmet Extra Standard. 6 10 Helmet Extra Standard. 48 1 Fowler Standard. 24 2 Fowler Standard. 6 10 Fowler Standard. Green Beans (Packed in New York): 24 2 fi kti^ i ej/ Tiny Refugee. 24 2y2 >5^^S^ Tiny Refugee. 24 3 f! kt/A^ Tiny Refugee. 6 10 y^A^^Ssr Tiny Refugee. 24 2 Helmet Whole or Cut String and Stringless, 24 2^ Helmet Whole or Cut String and Stringless. 24 3 Helmet Whole or Cut String and Stringless. 6 10 Helmet Whole or Cut String and Stringless. Lima Beans: 48 1 Helmet Soaked. 24 2 Helmet Soaked. 24 3 Helmet Soaked. 34 Mixed Vegetables for Soup: 48 1 >K^^sr 24 2 mi^dT 6 10 mig^jr Okra: 24 2 Helmet. 24 3 Helmet. 6 10 Helmet. Okra and Tomatoes: 24 2 Helmet. 24 3 Helmet. Peas (Packed in Wisconsin and New York): 24 2 y^^g^r Fancy Tiny Sifted Sweet. 24 2 >^i^g5r Fancy Tiny Sifted Early June. 24 2 f£il^ejr Fancy Extra Sifted Sweet. 24 2 fi kti^^j/ Fancy Extra Sifted Early June. 24 2 liS^i^ejr Fancy Sifted Sweet. 24 2 fiSn^^JT Fancy Sifted Early June. 24 2 >^^g5r Fancy Sweet. 24 2 >^^g5r Fancy Early June. 6 10 y^ii^gsr Fancy (any above sizes). 24 2 Helmet Extra Std. Ex. Sifted Sweet. 24 2 Helmet Extra Std. Ex. Sifted Early June. 24 2 Helmet Extra Std. Sifted Sweet. 24 2 Helmet Extra Std. Sifted Early June. 24 2 Helmet Extra Std. Sweet. 24 2 Helmet Extra Std. Early June. 6 10 Helmet Extra Std. (any above sizes). 24 2 Fowler Standard Sifted Sweet. 24 2 Fowler Standard Sifted Early June. 24 2 Fowler Standard Sweet. 24 2 Fowler Standard Early June. 6 10 Fowler Standard (any above sizes). Pumpkin: 24 2 >^^g^ Fancy Solid Dry Pack. 24 21^ miSSjr Fancy Solid Dry Pack. 24 3 mi^eZt Fancy Solid Dry Pack. 6 10 fikii^e^ Fancy Solid Dry Pack. 24 2 Helmet Extra Standard Dry Pack. 35 24 21/^ Helmet Extra Standard Dry Pack. 24 3 Helmet Extra Standard Dry Pack. 6 10 Helmet Extra Standard Dry Pack. Red Kidney Beans: 24 2 >^^^g^ Fancy Improved. 24 2 Helmet Extra Standard. Spinach: 24 2 li^Zg^jr Fancy Solid Pack. 24 V-k >K^/i^W Fancy Solid Pack. 24 3 >^4^«sr Fancy Solid Pack. 6 10 f£u^e^ Fancy Solid Pack. 24 2 Helmet Extra Standard. 24 21/^ Helmet Extra Standard. 24 3 Helmet Extra Standard. 6 10 Helmet Extra Standard. Squash: 24 3 6 10 and Helmet, and Helmet. Succotash: 48 1 fi^-u^ed/ and Helmet. 24 2 fi^n^JT and Helmet. 6 10 mi^^zr and Helmet. Sweet Potatoes: 24 2 k^U^^^r Fancy and Helmet Extra Standard. 24 21/^ >^^^^ Fancy and Helmet Extra Standard. 24 3 ti^n^^JT Fancy and Helmet Extra Standard. 6 10 fi^^Sej/ Fancy and Helmet Extra Standard. Tomatoes: 48 1 fi^mejr 48 11/2 fi^u^^ 24 2 ;^^S^^ 24 21/2 k^il^e^ 24 3 > ^^gg^ 6 10 fi^H^^ 48 1 Helmet 48 IV2 Helmet 24 2 Helmet Fancy Whole Hand Packed. Fancy Whole Hand Packed. Fancy Whole Hand Packed. Fancy Whole Hand Packed. Fancy Whole Hand Packed. Fancy Whole Hand Packed. Standard. Standard. Standard. 24 2y2 Helmet Standard. 24 3 Helmet Standard. 6 10 Helmet Standard. 48 1 Fowler Standard with Puree. 48 iy2 Fowler Standard with Puree. 24 2 Fowler Standard with Puree. 24 21/^ Fowler Standard with Puree. 24 3 Fowler Standard with Puree. 6 10 Fowler Standard with Puree. Wax Eeans: 24 2 fgiZ^jr Fancy Tiny. 24 21/^ y^^^ST Fancy Tiny. 24 3 r^n^^jr Fancy Tiny. 6 10 f^^m^jr Fancy Tiny.. 24 2 Helmet Extra Standard Whole or Cut. 24 21/^ Helmet Extra Standard Whole or Cut. 24 3 Helmet Extra Standard Whole or Cut. 6 10 Helmet Extra Standard Whole or Cut. y^^S^ EVAPORATED MILK This product is packed at our own con den series, which are located in the best dairy districts of the U. S. Our y^^^ST Evaporated Milk is made from whole fresh cows' milk, and, without a single addition, is reduced to the consistency of cream by the evaporation of water, is hermetically sealed and thoroughly sterilized, all by the latest and most approved methods known. This milk may be used in coffee or for general cooking purposes, in fact may be used in any way fresh milk is used. Whipped cream may be made from evaporated milk in the same way as from fresh cream. 96 6-oz. cr Baby size. 48 12-oz. cr Family size. 48 16-oz. or Tall size. 24 32-oz. or Hotel size. 6 10 cr 8-lb. cr Confectioners' size. HOMINY Packed in Indiana, in the center of the famous White Flint Corn belt; so situated as to obtain choic- est grain. This is a product that is meeting with hearty- approval all over the country. 24 2 >^^Ssr Hominy. 24 3 >K*SSsr Hominy. 24 2 Helmet Hominy. 24 3 Helmet Hominy. HELMET MUSTARD CONDIMENTS These are products that have well stood the test. In spite of abnormal conditions which prevail at present in securing mustard seed, our formula has never been changed. Packed in popular sizes: 24 5^-oz. Horseradish Cream. 24 5^-oz. Horseradish Mustard. 24 5^-oz. Prepared Mustard. 24 9 -oz. Prepared Mustard. 6 1 -gal. Prepared Mustard. fiStOe^ KRAUT Packed in our own factories located throughout the best cabbage producing belts. Experienced kraut men follow every angle — from the time the cabbage is planted until the kraut has been fermented, ready for the market. When we say our Kraut is fancy thread, solid pack and well cured, there is nothing more to be desired. 24 3's >KS^g5r 24 2y2's kSimjr 36 2's l^tlgedT 48 I's i^stafejr 45-gal. Casks. 40-gal. Casks. 28-gal. Bbls. 14-gal. Va-Bbl. 10-gal. Kegs. 5-gal. Kegs. 38 f^Sn^^jT CONDIMENTS All packed in our own factory at Terre Haute, Indiana, which is the last word in equipment,- sanita- tion and cleanliness. Only the highest grade ingredients obtainable enter into the manufacture of these products. No pains are spared in producing finished products that are second to none on the market. Salad Dressing: 48 4-oz. bottles to the case. 24 8-oz. bottles to the case. 24 12-oz. bottles to the case, 24 16-oz. bottles to the case. 6 1-gal. bottles to the case. Table Sauce: 24 6-oz, bottles to the case. Worcestershire Style Sauce: 24 6-oz. bottles to the case. Tabasco Sauce: 12 2-oz. bottles to a container. Tomato Relish (Green) : 24 8-oz. bottles to the case. 24 16-oz. bottles to the case. Ketchup: 24 8-oz. bottles to the case. 24 16-oz. bottles to the case, 6 1-gal. jugs to the case. Chili Sauce: 24 8-oz. bottles to the case. 24 16-oz. bottles to the case. 6 1-gal. jugs to the case. Oyster Cocktail Sauce: 24 8-oz. bottles to the case. 24 16-oz. bottles to the case. 39 SYRUPS AND MOLASSES Drawing from a factory centrally located in the largest producing district enables us to procure what we want. The best grades of syrups are not thrown promiscu- ously on the market, because the packers contract direct with the growers in the planting season, and by paying premiums secure unifcrm and excellent stock. The same is true of molasses, which is a product of sugar refiners, and prestige is the only inducement which can be brought to bear on sugar refners to sell the higher gi-ades of molasses, as it is more profitable to them to produce lower grades of molasses, which mean more sugar. Our brands are not only unsurpassed, but are packed in sanitary cans — the most practicable con- tainer to be had. t^tl^ed/ Pure Louisiana Cane Syrup: 6 No. 10 tins to a case. 12 No. 5 tins to a case. 24 No. 21/^ tins to a case. 48 No. ly^. tins to a case. P^ti^e4^ Cane and Corn Syrup: 6 No. 10 tins to a case. 12 No. 5 tins to a case. 24 No. 21/^ tins to a case. 48 No. Wz tins to a case. Helmet Corn and Cane Syrup: 6 No. 10 tins to a case. 12 No. 5 tins to a case. 24 No. 21/^ tins to a case. 48 No. 11/^ tins to a case. >^^^^!W Pure Louisiana Sugar House iVIolasses: 6 No. 10 tins to a case. 12 No. 5 tins to a case. 24 No. 21/^ tins to a case. 48 No. 11/^ tins to a case. 40 Helmet Louisiana (Old Fashion) Molasses: 6 No. 10 tins to a case. 12 No. 5 tins to a case. 24 No. 2% tins to a case. 48 No. iy2 tins to a case. RICE Drawing from mills which are in the heart of the rice belts throughout Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas, we are not only in position to draw the cream of the stocks for our package goods, but are enabled to select the choicest grades for our regular 100-lb. pockets. Handling all varieties grown in this country, i. e., Honduras, Blue Rose and Japan, as well as all grades of each variety, namely, heads, second heads and screenings, we are putting every branch in posi- tion to compete for the business, on products of merit. When we say choicest grades in regular 100-lb. pockets we mean rices that are better than the average offerings of the market. In fact, are not excelled except by occasional lots, which bring a premium, and these premaam grades are packed under our y^^^SlT label. 60 1-lb. cartons fi^^i^e^/ Natural Brown Rice. 60 1-lb. cartons >^^^g^ Ex. Fey. Honduras Style Head Rice (Uncoated). 100 1-lb. bags f^tl^JT Ex. Fey. Honduras Style Head Rice (Uncoated). 50 2-lb. bags fi^ug^jT Ex. Fey. Honduras Style Head Rice (Uncoated). 33 3-lb. and 1 1-lb. bags y^^g^T Ex. Fey. Hon- duras Style Head Rice (Uncoated), 20 5-lb. bags y^^^^T Ex. Fey. Honduras Style Head Rice (Uncoated). 60 1-lb. cartons y^^g^ Ex. Fey. Blue Rose Head Rice (Uncoated). 100 1-lb. bags fi^n^ejr Ex. Fey. Blue Rose Head Rice (Uncoated). 50 2-lb. bags y^^^gST Ex. Fey. Blue Rose Head Rice (Uncoated). 41 33 3-lb. and 1 1-lb. bags >K^g5r Ex. Fey. Blue Rose Head Rice (Uncoated). 20 5-lb. bags >^^sr Ex. Fey. Blue Rose Head Rice (Uncoated). 4 25-lb. bags Helmet Honduras Style Rice (Fancy Grade — Uncoated) . 2 50-lb. bags Helmet Honduras Style Rice (Fancy Grade — Uncoated) . 4 25-lb. bags Helmet Blue Rose Rice (Fancy Grade — Uncoated). 2 50-lb. bags Helmet Blue Rose Rice (Fancy Grade — ^Uncoated). Cartons packed in corrugated paper case; small bags, 100 lbs. to burlap bag. 100-lb. Pockets: Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice. Fancy Blue Rose Second Head Rice. Fancy Blue Rose Screening Rice. Fancy Honduras Head Rice. Fancy Honduras Second Head Rice. Fancy Honduras Screening Rice. Fancy Jap Head Rice. BEANS IN BAGS We will ordinarily have the following varieties to offer. All our Beans in bags are purchased subject to approval of samples, and close scrutiny is given, each lot to insure desirable stock. Our Michigan Beans come direct from our own elevators, where they are machined, cleaned, sorted and double hand picked. The machinery at our various elevators consists of the most improved and up-to-date devices, and taking it all in all we shall be better equipped than any one else in the Bean busi- ness to give service and quality. Long Cranberry Beans. 100-lb. sacks dried California Lima Beans. 50-lb. bags l^sn^eJT Choice Hand Picked. 50-lb. bags Helmet Rapids. 145-lb. sacks Choice Red Kidney Beans. 100-lb. sacks Cranberry or Roman Beans. 100-lb. sacks Pintos. 42 150-lb. sacks Brown Swedes. 100-lb. sacks Pinks. 165-lb. sacks Michigan C. H. P. 165-lb. sacks Michigan Rapids. California Small White Beans. California Large White Beans. Idaho Small White Beans. Kotenaski Beans. Blackeye Peas. ^ Yellow Split Peas. Green Split Peas. Bayo Beans. Garbanzos Beans. Burritos Beans. ARMOUR'S OATS The Guaranteed cereal. Packed by the Armour Grain Company — the largest handlers of grain in the world. Their unlimited buying facilities through their large corps of experts, and their immense eleva- tor capacity, insures a steady supply of oats that are best suited to the very particular demand in the manufacture of Armour's Oats. Packed under the most modern milling method, the Armour Grain Company have been able to pro- duce a Rolled Oat that is cleaner, whiter and more quickly cooked than any rolled oat on the market today. The absence of hulls in Armour's Oats, which has been a revelation to the milling industry, is but the result of the extreme care in the cleaning and separating in the long process of producing Armour's Oats. Through their special process Armour's Oats ate more thoroughly cooked before packing; this com- bined with the uniformly thin flakes makes it pos- sible to cook Armour's Oats in much less time than the ordinary brands — in fact a test has proven that ten to fifteen minutes is all that is necessary to produce a most palatable dish of Armour's Oats. Serve them for breakfast, luncheon and dinner — ten attractive recipes shown on the label are but a few of the innumerable ways they can be served to 43 excellent advantage. Secure a package today and let us prove the wonderfully improved quality of Armour's Oats over any other brand that you may have tried up to this time. Packed only in air-tight round packages — two sizes, regular and family. ARMOUR'S CORN FLAKES Both thin and thick flakes. Manufactured from the best pure white corn; thoroughly cooked, toasted and ready to serve. Packed in triple-sealed cartons, insuring absolute cleanliness and retaining their original freshness. ARMOUR'S WHEAT FLAKES ^lanufactured from the whole wheat berry, bran and all. Flaked and toasted — ready to eat. The food that keeps you "right." Packed in triple-sealed cartons in the same manner as the Corn Flakes. ARMOUR'S MACARONI (ELBOW-CUT) Made of Durum wheat semolina, ground specially to insure highest quality of raw material. The auto- matic machinery avoids the touch of human hands; machine cut, sanitary dried. ARMOUR'S SPAGHETTI Similar in every respect to the macaroni, except as to shape. Some people prefer spaghetti on account of its appearance. ARMOUR'S EGG NOODLES Made by the same sanitary process as the macaroni and spaghetti, with the addition of eggs. 44 3 - ^f0 StLty ^/?£ /tooT- 7-

^^^Sr Boneless Beef Brisket: A fancy grade of corned beef for best trade. Made from native corn fed beef. UNCOOKED AND IN SALT PICKLE Pig Tails, Long Cut: This product comes uncooked and in salt pickle. When designated as long cut the tail with root on to the extent of 2 or 3 inches is contemplated. 67 Pig Snouts: This cut takes in tlie snout part of tlie face, cut from the upper lips 2 or 3 inches up across the face. Thoroughly cleansed. They are uncooked," come in salt pickle, and when cooked with boiled dinners are considered very appetizing among some classes of trade. Ox Lips (or Beef Mouths): These are made from the lips of cattle, outer skin off. They are gaining favor with the trade as an economical food. No waste in the shape of bone. An uncooked product, pickled. COOKED AND IN VINEGAR PICKLE Pigs' Feet, Split: This is an old-fashioned product and a very enjoy- able food. Made from pigs' feet, carefully cleaned, trimmed and split in half. In good demand among all trade. Regular Tripe: An old and well-known product. Makes a very pleasing dish. Honeycomb Tripe: This is the choicest portion of Tripe. The surface presents a series of cells, similar to those found in a honeycomb, and from that fact it derives its name. 68 SWEET PICKLE GOODS S. P. Boneless Butts: Also known as Boneless Ham, Gala Butt, and Cot- tage Ham. It is taken from the shoulder butt be- tween the neck bone and blade bone. See Fresh Meat Department. Beef Tongues: Just as the name indicates; carefully selected stock from our slaughtering and can be obtained either long or short cut, with or without pickle. In the long cut tongues the average runs from 3i/^ to 4% lbs., 4% to 51/2 lbs., 51^ to 6 lbs., 6 lbs. and up. Short cut beef tongues run from 314 to 4 lbs. With pickle off, or fresh, are found particularly good when boiled; with pickle on or cured, can be used in a variety of ways. 69 Refinery Department ■Simon Pure" Leaf Lard: This is the finest lard ever made. As the label mplies, it is. "all leaf"; in its preparation we use nly the fine, pure, white, flaky leaf, the finest fat or lard in existence. Nothing else is added. We try it out in open kettles. It is drawn direct from the kettle through cheese-cloth into pails and sealed tight. The consumer gets it free from all contamina- tion and impurity. While the cost of "Simon Pure" is higher than other lards, it is in fact very economical. It s richer and goes farther. Helmet Lard: We recommend this product as one of unusual luality; it is rendered in open kettles, from the leaf at, mixed with back fat, and is prepared with care and skill in our model refinery. Second only to our amous "Simon Pure." Packed in tubs, tierces, bar- rels; not sold in pails. Shield Lard: Our standard pure lard. Thor- Dughly reliable, its uniform high quality meets the demands of dealers and users in a most sat- isfactory manner. Packed in various size packages, both wood and tin. 71 Vegetole: The name of this product ii dicates its nature. Vegetole ii a pure vegetable product coni posed of vegetable oil, hardener by a special scientific Armou process, a real, conservatioi shortening. White Cloud: This is a reliable, dependable lard substitute for shortening re- quirements. It is carefully pre- pared from selected vegetable oil and beef fat and meets in a most satisfactory way the wide- spread demand for this class of product. Choice White Cooking Oil: Is the highest grade of refined Cotton Oil that it ii possible to make, neutral in odor, and white in color used by bakers and for deep frying, etc. Kokolene: No. 1, hard. No. 2, soft, for confectioners' use Generally used in Chewing-gum, Taffies and penni goods. INEDIBLE FATS Cylinder Tallow: For shaft and journal lubricating. In barrels am 100-lb. cases, latter packed in 5-lb. cakes. Prime Tallow, No. 1 Tallow, White Grease, Yellow Grease, Brown Grease, Raw Soap Stock, Acidulated Soap Stock, Yellow Grease Stearine, White Grease Stearine: Used by soap and candle makers. Tallow Stearine, Oleo Stearine: For tanners' use in filling leather. 72 ANIMAL OILS Prime Lard Oil: Used by light-houses, on ships, in miner's lamps, and by railroad companies for head-light oil. Extra W. S. Lard Oil and Extra Lard Oil: Used for high-class lubrication, on fine screw ma- chines, lathes, etc. -__ Extra No. 1 Lard Oil: Used as a lubricant; also for mixing with Mineral Oils, to make what is called "Screw Cutting Oil." No. 1 and No. 2 Lard Oils: Used for lubrication on heavy work, iron pipe threading and screw cutting. Pure Neatsfoot Oil: Used by tanners and glove makers for softening leather and making leather dressing preparations. Extra Neatsfoot Oil: Used by Silk Mills and Silk Throwsters. No. 1 Neatsfoot Oil: Used by tanners, for working on coarse leather and for making a tanner's liquor bath. Tallow Oil, Acidless: Used by oil dealers as a basis for compounding Cylinder Oils. Casings Department Beef Round Casings are the small intestines of cat- tle. Each set of 100 feet is the entire intestine of one animal. Domestic Beef Round Guts, which contain a few warts, are packed 125, 140 and 180 sets of 100 feet each to the tierce. Export Beef Round Guts, which are absolutely free from warts, are packed 140, 150 and 225 sets of 100 feet each to the tierce. Beef Round Casings are used on Mettwurst, Hol- stein, Knoblauch, Round Bologna, Round Liver Sau- sage and Kolbassy. (For illustration see Holstein Sausage.) Beef Middle Casings are the last intestine of cattle and each set consists of the entire middle gut of from three to four cattle: They are pacKed 110 sets of 57 feet each to the tierce. We also put up Narrow Beef Middle Guts packed 140 sets to the tierce. Beef Middle Casings are used on Summer, Farmer, German Salami Sausage, Swedish, Columbia and Bologna. (For illustration see Swedish Summer Sausage.) Beef Bungs are the largest intestine of the cattle 9,nd run from three to six inches in width and four to five and one-half feet in length. They are packed 400^ pieces to the tierce. We also put up Narrow Beef Bungs packed 500 pieces to the tierce. Beef Bungs are used on Lackschinken, Pigs' Foot Jelly, Koppa, Blood, Capacola, Luncheon Meats (New England, Pressed, Minced and New Orleans styles), and Lebanon Bologna. (For illustration see Lackschinken Summer Sau- sage.) 74 Beef Weasands are the feeding tube of cattle. They ire put up in two grades, namely No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1 Weasands measure 22 inches and over in ength, 3 inches and over wide, free from worms, jruises, etc. No. 2 Weasands measure 18 to 21 inches in length, inches and over wide and are free from worms, )ruises, etc. Both No. 1 and No. 2 Weasands are packed in )oxes of 5,000 pieces each and barrels of 1,000 pieces jach. Weasands are used principally on Star Bologna Lud Kosher Salami. Narrow Weasands, measuring 2 to 2i/^ inches and J% to 3 inches in width, are used as Snuff Containers. Quotations on request. Beef Bung Gut Skins are the thin inner skins of Beef Bungs. They are used in the manufacture of joldbeater Skins, Bottle Capping, Balloons, etc. Quotations on request. Beef Bladders are put up dried in three assort- iients, large, medium and small. Large are 12 inches and over in width and are packed 50 dozen to the barrel. Medium are 10 to 11% inches wide and are packed LOO dozen to the barrel. Small are 8 to 10 inches wide and are packed 125 iozen to the barrel. Beef Bladders are used on Minced Ham, Morta- lella, etc. (For illustration of Beef Bladders see Mortadella Summer Sausage.) Medium and Small Beef Bladders are also used as Putty Containers. Quotations on request. Calf Bladders are put up dried and packed four to five thousand pieces to the barrel. They are used by some sausage manufacturers as a substitute for Beef Bladders in stuffing Salami, Westphalia, etc. Quotations on request. (For illustration see Westphalian Summer Sau- sage.) 75 Calf Rennets are the second stomachs of calves and are used in the manufacture of Rennet Extract for curdling milk for cheese. Quotations on request. Hog Casings are the small intestines of the hog. They are sold, including salt, packed in 5, 10 and 25 pound wooden pails and %, i/4 and i/^ barrels, barrels and tierces. Hog Casings are also sold on a free off salt basis in half-barrels, barrels and tierces and we will make you quotations on request. Hog Casings are used principally for Pork Sausage, but are also used as containers for Polish, Pork, Peperoni Di Caserta, Chorizos, etc. They are also used as a substitute for Sheep Casings on some grades of Frankfurters. (For illustration see Peperoni Di Caserta Sausage.) - Hog Bungs are the last and largest intestine of the^ hog. They are assorted into five grades, namely, , Exports, Large Primes, Medium Primes, Small Primes and Skips. Export Hog Bungs measure 1 14/16 inches and over in width, 18 inches from the crown or wide end and I are packed 400 pieces to the tierce. They are used on high grade Summer Sausage. (For illustration see Star Summer Sausage.) Large Prime Hog Bungs measure liJ to 111 inches in width, 18 inches from the crown and are packed 500 pieces to the tierce. They are used on Summer Sausage and high grade Liver Sausage. (For illustration see Gothaer Sausage.) Medium Prime Hog Bungs run 1 8/16 to 1 10/16 inches in width, 18 inches from the crown and are packed 550 pieces to the tierce. They are used prin- cipally for Liver Sausage. Small Prime Hog Bungs measure 1 6/16 to 1 7/16 inches in width, 18 inches from the crown and are packed 600 pieces to the tierce. They are used for some grades of Liver Sausage. Skip Hog Bungs measure 1 4/16 to 1 5/16 inches in width, 18 inches from the crown and are packed 700 pieces to the tierce. 76 Hog Middle Guts are the black or curly guts of the hog, put up in sets at least 7l^ feet each in length and packed 150 to 200 sets to the tierce. They are used for Thuringer Blood, Sopressata Frizzes, Salami Di Modena and Liver Sausage. (For illustration see Salami Di Modena and Sopres- sata Sausage.) Hog Middle Caps are the cap end of the Hog Middle Gut and are packed in tierces of 3,000 to 4,000 pieces each. They are used on Thuringer German Salami and Alpino Salami, Quotations on request. Hog Bladders are put up dried and also in salt pickle. The dried hog bladders are used by some sausage manufacturers as a substitute for Small Beef Bladders. Hog Bladders are also used for Bottle Capping, Snuff Containers, Ice Bags in Hospital Service, etc. Hog Stomachs are put up in salt pickle, in tierces containing about 300 pieces, also in smaller sized packages. They are used as containers for Head Cheese. Hog Chitterlings are put up fresh in salt, frozen and cooked. They are the Hog Middle Gut specially prepared and put up as a food product. The Fresh Uncooked Chitterlings are put up in 15 and 25-pound kits, %, i/4 and V2 barrels, barrels and tierces. The Frozen Chitterlings .are put up in 25 and 50 pound boxes. The Cooked Chitterlings are packed in 13 and 17 pound kits, %, % and V2 barrels, barrels and tierces. Sheep Casings are the small intestines of the sheep. We put up Domestic Sheep Casings of our own cleaning and also sell Imported Sheep Casings. The four grades are extra wide, wide, medium and nar- row. In ordering Sheep Casings be very careful to state specifically size wanted and also whether domestic or imported. Sheep Casings are used on Frankfurters and Wieners. 77 Dry Sausage Department Owing to the large increase in our Dry Sausage business and the further possibilities of this line, we deem it advisable to more fully acquaint the trade with our many varieties and grades. Dry Sausage is a tempting delicatessen product . seasoned with spices and very appetizing. In Europe, where the marketing public are of necessity shrewd buyers, and the people more critical in their tastes than here, it has long held an important place in the every day meal of all classes of people. The exces- sive cost of importation, however, placed it among the luxuries here until American dealers, perceiving the great possibilities of the product, have by apply- ing modern methods, and manufacturing it in this country, brought it within the reach of all. Dry Sausage is no longer imported by the United States to any extent, but is now exported in large quanti- ties. The rapidly increasing demand and the excep- tional favor with which the product has been received wherever introduced, is readily explained by the fact that though a meat product, it has not an ounce of waste, requires no cooking or preparation of any sort, and will keep for months without ice. Housewives find it very convenient to keep on hand for chance guests, as there are very few meat products which can be kept in this way, without spoiling, and are always ready to serve. Because of these qualities, it is also very nice for the meat course at dinner or supper, for lunch boxes, picnics, camping, etc., and at more elaborate dinners, a few slices of it are sometimes served with olives instead of Blue Points, oyster cocktails, etc. The sausage, to be at its best, should be sliced very thin and obliquely, so that the slices will be as large as possible. Armour & Company are the largest dry sausage dealers in the world, manufacturing many millions of pounds every year, and many different varieties and grades which are given below: 78 SUMMER SAUSAGE Is very much relished by all nationalities and all delicatessen trade who prefer a smoked sausage without garlic. It is one of the best selling articles in the dry sausage line. Veribest Brand Summer Sausage >^A^^5r Brand: An extra sausage. Is a very choice grade. Each piece is wrapped in parchment paper with a f^^u^ed/ label. Star Brand: It is Winter made, of the choicest of pork and spices obtainable, chopped fine, smoked and air dried, stuffed in either hog or beef casings. We spare no time or trouble in making this the most tempting dry sausage product that can be produced. The pieces average about 28 inches in length and Zy^. pounds in weight. Each piece bears our Star tag. Shield Brand: While somewhat cheaper than the Star, is still one of the best on the market. We consider it second to no other, excepting our Star. Stuffed in hog casings. Globe Brand: This is what might be called our competitive brand, manufactured to meet competition; although the material is cheaper and the labor used, less, it is a high grade product. Close buyers are very partial to this brand. Stuffed in hog casings. Germanic Brand: A shade cheaper than the Globe, and in narrower casings. Stuffed in hog and beef casings. Viking Brand: The same as Special, but drier, and in price comes between our Special and Germanic brands. Stuffed in both hog and beef casings. 79 Special Brand: H. C. and B. C. It is sold fresh out of smoke, and people who prefer a fresh article will find our Special Brand exceptionally good for the price. Muenchener Brand: H. C. and B. C. This is the cheapest grade of Summer Sausage we make. It is smoked and sold in a fresh condition. THURINGER SUMMER SAUSAGE Armour's Thuringer Summer Sausage is a high grade of Summer Sausage chopped vefy fine and sold fresh out of smoke. Is very popular with the trade. Packed in both hog and beef casings. GOTHAER Armour's Gothaer is made as nearly like the im- ported article as possible and is considered equal, if not superior, to anything manufactured in Europe. It is made entirely of pork, chopped somewhat finer than Star Summer Sausage, and stuffed in casings about half as long. It is usually wrapped in yellow tissue paper with printed trademark to further carry out the idea of imported sausage. For a fancy delicatessen sausage, Gothaer is unsurpassed. Packed in hog casings. Lebanon Sausage: Made of beef and stuffed in a large beef casing. Is smoked and flavored to suit the taste of those buyers in Pennsylvania where this grade is in great- est demand. 80 GERMAN SALAMI As the name would imply, this is a German sau- sage, but is sold more or less to all delicatessen trade. It is delicately flavored with garlic and there- fore greatly preferred by those having a taste for the snappy flavor. The meat is chopped somewhat coarser than Sum- mer Sausage. It is stuffed in beef middle casings, bound with twine, smoked and then dried. Pieces are about 11 inches long and IVz or 2 pounds in weight. German Salami is greatly appreciated by people who like the smoky flavor of ham and bacon. ^^Z^JT Brand: Our best grade. Choice in every respect. Each piece wrapped in parchment paper with MtZ^J^ label. Star Brand: The Star tag is our guarantee of quality. Dealers who handle only the best of everything and want their customers to know it, handle this brand, be- cause of its world-wide reputation. Shield Brand: Although this is our third grade, it iS' nevertheless a high grade product and sure to give satisfaction. Eclipse Brand: This is our competitive grade. It is sold dry. Special Brand: This brand we sell medium dry, which greatly reduces the cost. Muencliener Brand: This is the cheapest brand of German Salami we make. Sold in a fresh condition. 81 THURINGER GERMAN SALAMI This is the same quality as Star, but stuffed in crinkly oval-shaped casings about 6 inches long. Dealers who want something a little out of the ordi- nary are partial to this brand. It cuts a nice large slice for sandwiches. AUSTRIAN SALAMI Similar to Eclipse German Salami, the difference being in the flavor and the style of twining — also in narrower casings. STAR METTWURST Is really a summer sausage in a round beef casing, sold fresh, and comes under the head of a cooking sausage. Chopped very fine. Very nice when boiled with vegetables for a "boiled dinner." 82 >^^g^ METTWURST Made entirely of pork chopped extra fine. Is smoked and shipped in a fresh condition. Has a bright golden color. Is in a straight casing, linked in short lengths of about four inches each. Instead of having the horseshoe shape it is linked in the center. Is used principally for boiled dinners. HOLSTEIN SAUSAGE Is chopped coarse and stuffed in round beef cas- ings. It is highly seasoned with black pepper, smoked and well dried. A popular article. LANDJAEGER Is made largely of beef; stuffed in hog casings, pressed to be flat on top and side; smoked hard; highly seasoned; adapted to German and Swiss taste. Weighing three to four ounces a pair. LACHSSCHINKEN A delicacy of the highest order; appreciated by the best German trade; made of boneless pork loins, mild dry cured, and smoked. It is sliced thin and eaten cooked or uncooked. Should be in every deli- catessen store and with dealers who make specialties of fine goods and imported articles. FARMER SAUSAGE made precisely the same as Holstein in its in- gredients, but stuffed in beef middles; usually smoked. We also have it unsmoked. GOTEBORG SAUSAGE It is chopped somewhat coarser than Summer Sausage and smoked hard. In appearance it is very similar to Farmer, but the ingredients are different; more beef is used, also more salt, and less pepper, and it is smoked more. It is salable to the Swedish and Norwegian trade and in more or less degree to all delicatessen trade. Two grades, Star and Shield. TORKET FAARE KJOD OR TURSOUBEN These are Mutton Legs, mild dry-cured, air-dried, and of excellent flavor. They are usually sliced lengthwise and served raw. 84 CHORIZOS A Spanish Sausage made in links about 4 inches long, and flavored with sweet peppers. They are sold very extensively and greatly appreciated by the Spanish, French, Hungarian and Italian trade. Cut and used for flavoring soups. HISPANOSA A cheaper grade of Chorizos. KLOBASK Is a Polish sausage, flavored with garlic, and heavily smoked. AUSTRIAN PORK Stuffed in hog casings and linked about 4 inches in length and smoked. Coarsely chopped, spiced with caraway seeds and flavored with garlic. MORTADELLA Star Brand: Armour's Star Mortadella is a fine delicatessen product made from lean ham meat, chopped very fine. Pieces weigh 6 to 8 pounds. It takes years of honest effort and satisfied customers to build up a reputation such as that possessed by Armour's Star Mortadella, but once secured, that reputation is in- valuable not only to Armour & Company, but to every dealer who handles the product. Each piece bears our "Star" tag. Shield Brand: The same as Star Mortadella with the exception that it is made of lean pork trimmings. Special Brand: A cheaper grade, shipped in a fresh condition. A very popular article. GOLD BAND SAUSAGE Similar to the Special Brand Mortadella, but con- tains no garlic. ITALIAN PORK SAUSAGE Is a fresh sausage made for the Italian trade, sea- soned with garlic and unsmoked. MILAN SALAMI Takes its name from the famous old Italian city of that name, which includes sausage making among the many things for which it is known. It is made of pork with a small quantity of beef chopped fine or coarse, as the trade may prefer, and is seasoned to suit the Italian taste. It is dried, but not smoked, and is closely bound with twine. The pieces are from 17 to 26 inches long and 2 to 3 pounds in weight, depending on the brand. We have four brands: >^^^g^, Star, Shield and Eclipse. ALPINO SALAMI Is the same grade of sausage as our Star Milan Salami, but is put up in different form. It looks very much like Thuringer German Salami from the out- side, and the pieces weigh about 2^^ pounds. Deal- ers who appreciate the advantages of novelty are partial to Alpino Salami. SALAMI Dl GENOA Is very similar to Milano and is made according to the ideas of the people of Northern Italy. It is dried, but not smoked, and is tied especially to meet the requirements of a certain class of trade. Each pieces is wrapped in parchment paper with a k^t/^^jr label. ALESSANDRIA SALAMI Made from the choicest pork, well trimmed and chopped coarser than the Milano. Stuffed in large hog casings, unsmoked, air-dried and wrapped very closely with twine. Seasoned and flavored to per- fection. Winter made. LYONS This is a French Sausage. It is made of lean ham meat, chopped very fine — so fine that the particles can scarcely be distinguished. It is highly seasoned and dried, but not smoked. The twining is shown in the illustration. D'ARLES Is very similar to Milan Salami, but is chopped coarser and comes in various sizes, from 16 to 20 inches long. It has a peculiar, indescribable flavor which is greatly relished by the French and Italians. These people are great epicures, and are competent judges of everything that is good to eat. We recom- mend D' Aries Sausage to everyone who appreciates French and Italian dishes. Three grades — Star, Shield and Eclipse. Also put up in beef middle casings. Two grades — Star and Shield. SOPRESSATA This is also known as Frizzes. It is D'Arles sau- sage meat stuffed in hog middle casings. Unsmoked 87 and air-dried. Armour's Sopressata is not only a trade "builder" but a trade "holder."' Three brands — Sopressata, Star Frizzes, Shield Frizzes. BARI STYLE Same as Sopressata, but spiced with red pepper. MENAGE Same meat as Aries, stuffed in the small end of a hog bung, often used as a substitute for Milan and Aries during the early months of the year. Un- smoked, air-dried and winter made. Has strings tied around center of each piece. PROSCIUTTI Prosciutti is the Italian word for Ham. It is dry salt cured, pressed flat, long shank, unsmoked. Can only be cured in Winter, and as it dries out it in- creases in value; sweet nut flavor, superior to old- fashioned Westphalian Ham. It is usually eaten un- 88 cooked. Sliced very thin lengttiwise of Ham. We show in the cuts the Prosciutti, back and front, and how it is sliced on the side. The slicing must be thin to be at its best. The well known quality of Armour's La Stella Prosciutti is the result achieved after many years of experience and effort. COPPA Made from mild-cured, boneless butts, nicely sea- soned with spices, stuffed in a large beef casing. Wound with twine, air-dried, unsmoked. Has no red pepper seasoning. Sold in a dry condition. CAPACOLA Is similar in appearance to Coppa; a solid piece of meat seasoned with Italian spice and red pepper, can be made throughout the year. Two grades — Star and Special. DOLCE CAPACOLA Similar to Capacola, but flavored with sweet spices. Sometimes designated as "Sweet Capacola." CASERTA PEPERONI m Is probably more popular with the Italian trade than any other dry sausage product we make. It is made entirely of pork, chopped coarse and highly seasoned with ground red pepper. The bright rich color of Armour's Caserta Peperoni, as well as the appetizing taste, both tend to make this brand a favorite. Each piece is tagged. NOLA SALAMI We use the very choicest of pork, chopped coarse and stuffed in beef casings about 6 inches long. It is seasoned with black pepper, and other Italian spices. Armour's Nola Salami has stood the test of popular approval for many years. Has an Armour tag attached. BARI SALAMI Similar to Nola, but spiced with red pepper. SICILIAN SALAMI Tastes very much like Nola Salami, but the pieces are larger, weighing about li/^ pounds each. Some people prefer Sicilian Salami to Nola Salami because of its size. It is dried but not smoked. PACKING All Dry Sausage, with a few exceptions, is sold in 50 and 100 pound boxes for the domestic trade, and a different standard of weight is used for export orders. 90 The exceptions are Mettwurst, Italian Pork, IKlobask, Landjaeger and Austrian Pork, and usually sold in 25 pound boxes, and Prosciutti in boxes of 12 pieces each. CARE ON ARRIVAL Owing to the excellent keeping qualities, this prod- uct can be carried for a considerable time in suitable storage. However, those grades sold in a fresh con- dition should be unpacked by the buyers on arrival, although they can be kept for a few days in a dry, cool place. In the event of mould accumulating on Sausage, it is necessary, if the mould is a dry mould, to clean the Sausage with a damp cloth. If a wet, sticky j mould, the Sausage should be washed by using cold water with a little salt in it. After washing, the Sausage should be hung up until casings are dry. INTERESTING FACTS Some facts about Armour & Company's brands of Dry Sausage: Made in a modern plant by skilled labor. Unequaled facilities for manufacturing. High grade of materials used throughout. Many years' experience has insured a perfect article. Made under the supervision of United States gov- ernment inspectors. Every piece "U. S. Government inspected and passed." ADVANTAGES A few good reasons for handling and using Ar- mour & Company's Dry Sausage: An interesting line. A rapidly increasing demand. Easy to handle. Economical — all solid nutritious meat. No bone — therefore no waste. Very appetizing and nourishing. Excellent keeping properties. A tasty product. 91 Fine texture and appearance. Requires no cooking or preparation. Popular for the dinner pail, lunch basket, picnics, or as the meat course at dinner or supper. Makes a splendid sandwich for either the home or restaurant. A genuine "pure food" product. Our brands are standard. Each grade always uniform. SAUSAGE IN OIL The following are our regular grades of Fresh Sausage, packed in tins with white cottonseed oil. Sausage in Oil Xo. 50 Frankfurt Style (one to case). No. 20 Frankfurt Style (two to case). No. 50 Smoked Sausage (one to case). No. 20 Smoked Sausage (two to case). No. 50 Bologna Style (one to case). No. 20 Bologna Style (two to case). Sosera in Oil No. 50 Smoked Links (one to case). No. 20 Smoked Links (two to case). No. 50 Sandwich Links (one to case). No. 20 Sandwich Links (two to case). No. 50 Round Sosera (one to case). No. 20 Round Sosera (two to case). 92 Oleomargarine Department Every representative should be in possession of our new booklet, "INFORMATION ON OLEOMAR- GARINE REGULATIONS." If you have not one of these, please advise and we will forward same promptly. This booklet gives all details relative to U. S. Government Laws regulating the sale and handling of our product. State laws covering the sale and use of Oleomargarine differ. It is well that our representatives be posted as to the laws of the states in which they operate, and such information will be furnished upon request. United States Government laws are the same in all the states. The ingredients in natural color Oleomargarine are: Oleo Oil, Neutral, Vegetable Oil, Butter, Pas- teurized Milk and Salt, churned together just the same as butter. We make all Oleo Oil and Neutral used in the manufacture of our Oleomargarine, from animals which are Government inspected before and after killing; therefore, we are assured of best re- sults in the finished product. All butter and milk used in our Oleomargarine is obtained under the most hygienic surroundings, the butter being a pasteurized product from the finest butter-producing sections, which costs us a premium over ruling markets on account of its high quality and flavor. Oleomargarine can be used for every purpose to which butter is put, with as satisfactory results. Every article entering into the preparation of our Oleomargarine is used in daily food in one form or another. 93 OUR BRANDS OF NATURAL COLOR OLEO- MARGARINE ARE: Glendale: Only the choicest fats, tempered with a large per- centage of high grade uncolored creamery butter, are used in the production of this brand. The color is very attractive and equal to most of the natural color butters found on the market; also equal in quality to the average butter. Packed in one pound paraffined cartons; also bricks or rolls of any w^eight; also packed solid in tubs. Silver Churn: A strictly high grade article. We consider the quality of this grade equal to the average butter found on the market. It has a pleasing yellow shade. Packed in one, two, three or five pound parafP.ned cartons and five pound drums; also bricks or rolls of any weight; also packed solid in tubs. Buttercup (branded Magnolia in Michigan and New York): Our leading medium priced product, on which any dealer can obtain a good line of profit. This grade has a very fair shade of color. Supplied to the trade in one, two, three or five pound paraffined cartons; also in bricks or rolls of any weight, or five pound lithographed fiber drums; also packed solid in tubs. Tulip: Our leading dairy grade. This product, of course, contains no butter, but is of excellent texture and a rival of the average country butter. It has a fair shade of color. Packed in one and two pound paraf- fined cartons and in rolls or bricks of any weight; also packed solid in tubs. 94 Cherry: Our lowest priced product. In this grade we use a percentage of butter oil, which is highly refined cottonseed oil, a very healthful article. Packed in one and two pound branded cartons, rolls or bricks of any weight; also furnished in unbranded cartons; also packed solid in tubs. OUR BRANDS OF WHITE OLEOMARGARINE ARE: In several states the regulations permit dealers to sell only white Oleomargarine; this condition has no connection with the U. S. regulations. To supply such trade, we prepare goods especially in the fol- lowing grades: This is without doubt the highest type of white Oleomargarine on the market. It is prepared from materials specially selected and churned in highest quality pasteurized milk; the resulting product has a fine flavor and texture which pleases the most criti- cal. This product is packed in 1, 2, or 5-lb. cartons and 5-lb. lithographed fibre drums. Sold only in printed cartons. Helmet: Prepared of choice materials and in a manner similar to fik^l^ej/ \ equal in every respect to the highest grades of competitors' goods on the market. Packed in 1, 2, 3 and 5-lb. cartons, 5-lb. lithographed fibre drums, bricks or rolls of any weight and solid in tubs. 95 Eastlake: Medium grade product churned in milk; possesses an excellent flavor and body and is giving complete satisfaction against many so-called higher grades. Packed in 1, 2 and 5-lb, lithographed cartons, 5-lb. drums, bricks or rolls of any weight and solid in tubs. Lotus: A dairy grade; supplying the want for a low-priced product. Has a good flavor and texture. Packed in 1, 2, 3 or 5-lb. lithographed cartons; also 5-lb. un- branded cartons or fibre drums; bricks or rolls of any weight and solid in tubs. NUT MARGARINE Nut-Ola: Nut-Ola is strictly a white product and is made of the oils of sweet nuts, churned in rich pasteurized milk. It is very sensitive and requires careful and prompt handling, and must not be stored near any- thing giving off unpalatable odors, as same will be readily absorbed. Sold in 1-lb. cartons. While Nut-Ola is a purely nut oil product, it is oleomargarine under control of the Internal Revenue Department, just the same as any other oleomargarine, and must be handled identically the same in every respect. COLORING In all cases of White Oleomargarine there is in- cluded a sufficient supply of coloring capsules to be distributed by the dealers when making sales to 96 krictly private families, together with instructions low to use. Only private families (not keeping )oarders) are permitted to add artificial coloration ;o white or natural color oleomargarine, and this nust be done in their own home. It is advantageous to the dealer to handle our Oleomargarine in bricks or roHs, with printed wrap- pers or cartons, for the reason that the quality of >ur product is standard, and if the goods are put out n printed packages, the average consumer will de- mand such brands from dealers. Cartons mentioned in foregoing have lithographed [abels. We can furnish unbranded cartons in 1, 2, 3 md 5-lb. sizes for any grade (except kkii^ej/ ) and also pack any grade desired in plain fibre drums con- taining 5 lbs, net. Our cartons are unlike a good many in which Oleomargarine is sold, being par- affined both in and outside. This is strictly a hygienic package and a winner wherever introduced. Un- branded cartons or drums for any brand have only the words "Oleomargarine" and "Government In- spection" printed thereon. Advertising matter will be furnished on request to any dealers handling our goods. OUR BAKING SPECIALTIES We make two leading grades of Bakers' Oleomar- garine, each prepared for definite classes of bake- shop use, jCake Special: This is a good grade of Oleomargarine for use in layer cakes, jelly roll, pound cakes, drop cakes, fruit cakes, and gingerbread. Cake Special is a legitimate substitute for butter, and can be used just as you would use butter in baking. Pastrimix: A hard, waxy product, churned in milk, and espe- cially made for use in all forms of puff paste work. This includes patty shells, cream rolls, turnovers, and cream slices. We recommend using Pastrimix 97 pound for pound with the flour, although some bakers have their own ideas on this point and use less than equal parts. In the baking of pound cakes, etc., a baker may use either Glendale or fiStSSeJZ' and can .obtain the same results as with the best butter. In baking, % to % of a pound of Oleomargarine will do the same work as a pound of butter, for the reason that our product does not have the excessive moisture found in the natural article. t i STANDARD SIZE PACKAGES All brands of Oleomargarine may be packed, net weight, as follows: Solid packed in tubs, 10, 30, 40, 50, 60 lbs. Solid packed oak kegs, iron bound, 25, 50 lbs. Solid packed oak tierces, iron bound (about), "^ 400 lbs. Four ^/4-lb. prints in cartons, packed in cases, 10, 30 lbs. 1-lb. bricks or cartons, packed in cases, 10, 30, 48, lbs. 2-lb. bricks or cartons, packed in cases, 10, 30, 32, 48 lbs. 1-lb. round prints, packed in tubs, 37, 50; cases, 10, 25, 30 lbs. 1-lb. country rolls, packed in cases, 10, 30, 50 lbs. 2-lb. country rolls, packed in cases, 10, 30, 32, 40, 50, 54 lbs. 5-lb. bricks, cartons, packed in cases, 30, 60 lbs. 5-lb. rolls, packed in cases, 30, 40, 50 lbs. 5-lb. drums, packed in cases, 10, 30 lbs. 91/^-lb. rolls, packed in cases, 57 lbs. 98 TO OBTAIN OLEOMARGARINE LICENSE A merchant deciding to retail Oleomargarine must fill out application for U. S. license, sign and have signature acknowledged before Notary Public. The application then to be delivered to the Collector of Internal Revenue prior to the close of the month in which the license is effective, together with draft or money order (personal checks not accepted) in amount of 50c per month for the remaining months of the Revenue year which ends June 30th. The License or Special Tax Stamp will then be promptly issued and mailed direct to the applicant. The Army, Navy, Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding Houses, Bakeries, Institutions, Schools and Con- tractors and private families are privileged to use Oleomargarine without U. S. Internal Revenue License. 99 Oleo Oil Department Extra Oleo Oil: This is our first grade. It is made from caul fat, the choicest fat of cattle, rendered at a low tem- perature so as to be as devoid of flavor as possible. It is used largely by Butterine manufacturers in the United States and Europe. Prime Oleo Oil: This is our second grade. It is made largely from kidney fat in the same manner as Extra Oleo Oil, and is used for the same purposes. Atlas Oleo Oil: • This is our third grade. It is made from beef fat which is not fine enough for either of the other two grades, and is also used for making Butterine. Mutton Oleo Oil: This product is made from mutton fat, in the same manner as we make other kinds of Oleo Oil. It is used for the same purposes. Extra Oleo Stock: The unpressed stock from which Extra Oleo Oil is made; pressing separates it into Extra Oleo Oil and Oleo Stearine. Used by bakers and confectioners. ( Prime Oleo Stock, "j The same description applies Atlas Oleo Stock, I to these as to Extra Oleo Mutton Oleo Stock, I Stock. Oleo Stearine: For lard refiners' and tanners' use. 100 Neutral Department Choice Neutral: This is our first grade and is made exclusively from the leaf of hogs. The fat is rendered at a low temperature so as to make the finished product en- tirely devoid of flavor (or neutral, as the name denotes). The color is pure white, and the consist- ency, grainy. It is used largely by butterine manu- facturers, and is also used by some for baking. Corn State Neutral: This is our second grade. It is made from the back fat of hogs in the same manner as Choice Neutral. It is not quite equal to Choice Neutral, but is a very fine product. 101 Fresh Beef Cuts Department CARCASS CUTS i. 9. 10. 12. 11. 13. 14. BONELESS CUTS 1. Shank Meat 1 and 2. Insides, Out- sides and Knuckles 3. Rump Butts 4 and 5. Sirloin Butts 6. Strip Loins (Bone in) or Sirloin Strips (Bnls.) 7. Beef Rolls 8. Clod Flank Steak Boneless Chucks Tenderloin lies on the inside of the loin under 4, 5 and 6 4. Loin End (Flat Bone cut) 4 and 5. Loin End I Full (Pin Bone cut) f Loin 6. Short Loin (Pin Bone cut) 5 and 6. Short Loin 11 (Flat Bone cut) 13 Rib Roast Brisket ] ^ „ Short Ribs ^^^; Navel End J ^^^^® Flank Sq. Cut Chuck (in- cluding 8) Neck 7 and 13. Beef Back 1, 8, 9 and 13. Cross Cut or Manhattan Chuck The Fresh Beef Cuts Department, as its name indicates, handles portions of carcass stuff rather than the carcass itself. This is due to the fact that there are many merchants who, although they may be able to handle entire carcasses, have greater out- 102 I f lets for certain portions of the carcass, such as ribs [ and loins, than they have for other parts. There are ! other merchants who can handle particular cuts only. This state of affairs has made it necessary for Ar- mour and Company to place themselves in position to supply such demands as may be made upon them I by the various requirements of the trade. And, that the law of supply and demand may be fulfilled, it has been the province of the department in question ' to supply the trade of the country with any portion of the cargoes that may be particularly required in any neighborhood. These cuts include not only those i made from beef carcasses, but from sheep and veal carcasses as well. All of our Boneless cuts frozen are packed in 100 lb. boxes with the exception of Hanging Tenders, Skirts and Flank Steaks, packed in 50 lb. boxes. When shipping fresh we pack everything from 15 lbs. and up which can go plain pack, ice box pack or ice case pack. We prefer ice box pack in prefer- ence to the ice case pack. From the fact that Chicago is the center of the packing industry and that cuts were made along certain lines in Chicago, it grew to be the fashion to standardize the style of the cut, and these stand- ards became known as the Chicago cuts. It may be well to state here that the first dispo- sition of a beef carcass is to split it into sides. The side is then divided into quarters, which are known as "Fore" and "Hind" quarters. In making these quarters for this department, it is necessary to cut directly between the twelfth and thirteenth ribs, with the thirteenth rib left on the hindquarter. The various standard Chicago cuts made by us are . given below: Beef Rattle: Is the.forequarter with the seven-rib roast removed. Beef Chuck, Square Cut: Is the front end of the forequarter, including the first five ribs; the seven-rib roast, brisket, plate, neck and shank removed. Manhattan Style, or Cross Cut Chuck, is the front end of the forequarter and in- cludes the brisket, neck and shank, 103 BEEf LOIN Beef Loin: The front part of the hindquarter with flank re- moved; has one rib and ranges in weight from about 25 lbs., for the lightest, up to 100 lbs. for the heaviest No. 1 Native Steer, and has a correspondingly wide range in price. Beef Round: That part of the hindquarter which remains after removing the loin and flank, or the entire hind leg, including, the rump and shank. When the shank is removed and the cod fat left on it is commonly known as a buttock. Beef Short Loin: Made from the regular loin, principally for high class hotel trade, and is the small or rib end of the loin cut in different lengths, from a pin bone cut to a flat bone cut, A pin bone short loin is the shortest and most expensive, and is less than fifty per cent, of the full loin. Beef Loin End: The butt or large end of the full loin cut off in making a short loin for the high class hotel trade. 104 BEEF RIB Beef Rib Roast: That part of the forequarter back of the chuck and has seven ribs. Length of ribs on medium weight stock about 10 in. Weight ranges from about 16 lbs. for the lightest, to as high as 55 lbs. for the heaviest Native Steers. With a wide range in price. SIRLOIN BUTT Beef Sirloin Butt (Boneless): The large end of a full loin (loin end), bones out. Used for both roasts and steaks. Quite a wide range in weight, the regular average running from 4 to 6, 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12, 18 to 20 lbs. K. Sirloin Butts: Same cut as our Sirloin Butts. This is our second grade of Sirloin Butts. 5 lbs. and under and 5 lbs. and up. 105 Beef Rump Butt: Cut from the hip or top end of a round and prac- tically boneless, only an insignificant piece of the tailbone left in. Average 5 lbs. Beef Clod: Frequently called shoulder clod. Cut from the shoulder part of the chuck or upper part of the fore- leg. Entirely bcneless. Weight about 5 to 7, 7 to 9,, 9 lbs. and up each. Beef Ham: The entire meaty part of beef round, split, from which the bone has been removed. The set consists of knuckle, outside and inside; all boneless with the exception of a very small piece of bone, hardly enough to consider, left in the knuckle. This can be sold in either regular sets, or each piece separately. Is very desirable for pot roasts or steaks. Beef Plate: Cut frcm the forequarter, the bottom part below the chuck and the rib. Pull plate contains navel end and brisket. Beef Brisket: The front part of a full plate. 5 ribs. Beef Navel End: The rear part of a full plate. 7 ribs. Beef Neck: The rough part of the neck removed from the chuck. Used only for animal meat. Hanging Beef Tenderloin (Bcneless): Grows directly under the middle of the backbone, is about 6 inches long and weighs about 2 lbs. Beef Flank: Cut from a hindquarter just below the . loin andl in front of the round. When trimmed, has the flank v steak and tallow removed; untrimmed, is known as- a rough flank with the flank steak and tallow in. Beef Fore Shank: Lower part of the fore leg cut with a piece of the clod on or off, 106 Beef Hind Shank: Lower part of hind leg or round. Beef Skirt: The fleshy part of the diaphragm, skirt used for steaks. The trimmed ?^«1 SIRLOIN STRIP Beef Sirloin Strip (Boneless): Cut from the back cf a short loin. Used for sir- loin steaks. Range in weight is considerable, weight of the general run being about 4 to 5, 5 to 6, 6 to ", 7 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12 lbs. K. Strips: Same cut as our Sirloin Strips, grade of Sirloin Strips. 4 to 5 average. This is our second and 5 lbs. and up BEEF ROLL Beef Roll (Old Style): Cut from the back of a beef rib and is entirely boneless. Used for both roasts and steaks. Has ^^gsr A fine grade of frankfurts, put up in narrow hog casings, in 1 lb. wrappers. This would also appeal particularly to high class trade. Garlic or Knoblach: Put up in beef round casings and seasoned with garlic. In big demand with the foreign trade. Garlic or Knoblach, >^^^^ Brand: Same as above, made of selected meats and fully worth the difference in price. Hamburger Steak: A chopped fresh beef, with a small percentage of suet added. Put up in cartons or as desired. Head Cheese: Made from boned hog heads, pickled, stuffed in hog stomachs, cooked and pressed. May be smoked if desired. 131 Jellied Lamb Tongue — /^^^^W Made of cured cooked sheep tongues and gelatine. Shipped in 5 lb. tins, with an attractive wrapper. Jellied Luncheon Tongues — >^^«^ Made of cured cooked pig tongues. Shipped in 5 lb. tins, with an attractive wrapper. Jellied Ox Lips — fi^tZgeJT Made of cured cooked ox lips. Shipped in 5 lb. tins, with an attractive M^rapper. Jellied Tripe — >^^g^ Made of cured cooked tripe. Shipped in 5 lb. tins, with an attractive wrapper. Jellied Pigs' Feet— >^^S5r Made of cooked boned pigs' feet. Shipped in 5 lb. tins, with an attractive wrapper. Jellied Ox Tongue— y^^^g^T Made of cooked whole ox tongues, put up in 6 lb. molds. This is one of the most attractive articles of this department. Liver Pudding, Long: Made of selected hog livers, pork trimmings, and meat products. Put up in hog bungs, and is smoked or unsmoked as desired. Packed in 10 lb. cartons, or shipped in 25 and 50 lb. boxes. Liver Pudding, Ring: Same as above but put up in round beef casings. Liver Pudding (Braunschweiger) — hStSfe^iir A high grade liver sausage, made of selected hog livers, and pork trimmings. Put up in hog bungs. Liver Pudding, Special: Made of selected hog livers, pork trimmings, and meat products. Put up in hog bungs, and is made for discriminating trade. 132 Liver Pudding, Strassburg — /^^^gST Our highest grade liver pudding. Made of se- lected pork trimmings, boneless veal, hog livers, and meat products, with pistachio nuts added and sea- soned with onions. This article should be repre- sented in every fancy grocery and delicatessen store. Liver Cheese — y^^g^T" Put up in 5 lb. molds, covered with a layer of cured back fat. It is one of the most delicious articles for lunches produced, and should be in every high grade market, grocery, and delicatessen shop. Lunclieon IVIeat, Berliner Style: Made of pork trimmings, beef trimmings, and meat products. Put up in beef bungs. Shipped in any weight package desired. This is one of our many luncheon meat items, and is in very big demand generally. Lunclieon Meat, New England Style: A high grade article, made as above, put up in beef bungs. Luncheon Meat, New Orleans: Made of pork trimmings, beef trimmings, and meat products. Put up in canvas bags, paraffined, and finds a very large sale through the south. Luncheon Meat, Pressed, kSH^JT Brand: This is our highest grade luncheon meat. Made of selected pork trimmings, beef, and meat products. Put up in beef bungs. Luncheon Meat, Minced, Shield Brand: Made of pork and beef trimmings and meat prod- ucts. Put up in beef bladders. This is chopped finer than the regular luncheon meats. It is one of the heaviest sellers we have. Luncheon Meat, Helmet: A high grade luncheon meat, made of pork trim- mings, and pork and beef products, chopped fine. Put up in hog bungs and bladders. 133 Pressed Loaf, Paraffined — fiUi^e^^ Made of selected pork and beef trimmings and meat products. Put up in a cloth bag, pressed, and dipped in parafRne. Mexican Sausage: This is an article put up for the Mexican trade in Texas and adjoining states. Made of selected pork trimmings and meat products, and highly seasoned. Put up in beef casings. Devonshire Farm Style Sausage Links: Is our highest grade pork sausage. It is put up in one pound cartons, packed twelve to a box, and is stuffed in sheep casings. This is the acme of our pork sausage production and is a high grade product throughout. Devonsliire Farm Style Sausage, Bulk: Same as the above, except that it is put up in bulk and not in casings, and is the best way to handle Devonshire sausage. Pork Sausage, Linked — f^SHSSJZ' This is a pure pork sausage put up in selected hog casings and packed in 10 lb. cartons and in 10 or 25 lb. pails, or boxes, as desired. Pork Sausage, Bulk — fi^ti^^ This is pure pork sausage meat and is packed in the same manner as the links, I^StZg^JT Pork Sausage in 1 lb. Cartons: Is a pure pork sausage put up in selected sheep casings and packed in 1 lb. cartons, 6 and 12 to the case. Helmet Pork Sausage in 1 lb. Cartons: Is pork sausage made of selected trimmings andi put up in small hog casings, packed in 1 lb. cartons, 6 and 12 to the case. Pork Sausage, Link, Camp Style: Pork Sausage, Casco, Link: 134 Pork Sausage, Magnet Brand, Link: These are our grades of pork sausage. They are made of pork trimmings and meat products and are especially seasoned. Are put up in hog casings^ linked. Packed in 10 lb. cartons, 10 and 25 lb. cans, or boxes, as desired. Pork Sausage, Casco, Link, Sheep Casings: Pork Sausage, IVIagnet Brand, Link, Slieep Casings: These items are made up the same as the above, except that they are put up in sheep casings. Pork Sausage, Bulk, Camp Style: Pork Sausage, Casco, Bulk: Pork Sausage, Magnet Brand, Bulk: These are the same items as mentioned above, except that they are made up without casings. They are packed in 10 lb. cartons, 10 and 25 lb. tins, or boxes, as desired. Also 2 lb. bags. Pork Sausage, Windsor: This is a pork sausage made of selected trimmings and meat products. Put up in sheep casings in small 3 in. links. Packed in 10 lb. cartons. Pork Sausage, Casco, Windsor: Packed and handled same as above but are billed at a trifle lower price. Pork Sausage, Country Style: Made of selected trimmings and meat products. Put up in hog casings, not linked. Packed in 25 lb. tins and boxes. Is a big seller through the south. Pork Sausage, Country Club: Used in Kansas City principally. A selected pork sausage put up in hog casings. Packed in 10 lb. cartons. Pork Sausage, Country Style, Smoked: Unlinked, smoked, packed in 25 lb. boxes or as de- sired. 135 Pork Sausage, Country Style, Corn Husks: Made same as country style, wrapped in corn husks, and packed 12 to the box. Pork Sausage, New England Style: Made of selected pork trimmings and meat prod- ucts. Packed in 1 and 2 lb. bags. A big seller and one that should not be overlooked. Pork Sausage, St. Clair Brand: Put up in hog casings, in 1 lb. paper wrappers. Made of selected pork trimmings and meat products. Used especially in St. Louis. Pork Sausage, St. Louis Style: Made of selected pork trimmings and meat prod- ucts. Put up in hog casings and packed in 10 lb. cartons. Pork Sausage, Crown Brand: Pork Sausage, Cherry Brand: Pork Sausage, Peach Brand: These are the local names of the ix)rk sausage items put up at the packing house at South St. Joseph. Both link and meat. Polish Style Sausage: Made of pork and beef trimmings, flavored with garlic, put up in hog casings, linked about 10 in. long in pairs. Polish Style Sausage, Pittsburgh Brand: Same as above, made particularly for the Pennsyl- vania trade. Polish Kolbassy: Made from pork trimmings and meat products, chopped very coarse, put up in beef round casings, and smoked thoroughly. Flavored with onions. It is used by the foreign trade and is in big demand. Scrapple, Pennsylvania Style: Is made of corn meal and pork products. Packed in 10 lb. molds. 136 Smoked Sausage: Made of pork and beef products, put up in hog casings, linked, and is used through the south. It is on the order of a pork sausage smoked. Souse, Shield Brand: Made up of boned pig's feet and pork products, jellied. Put up in 10 lb. molds. ■■ Souse with Tongue: Same as above, with pig tongues added. Suize— y^^^ST Made of beef and pork products, with cooked hog tongues, seasoned with vinegar, put up in 6 lb. molds in tin pans. Special Loaf — f^^i^d/ One of our loaf goods articles, made of selected beef and pork trimmings, with macaroni, cheese, eggs and seasoning added. Put up in loaves weigh- ing about 6 lbs., with a parchment wrapper. Meat Loaf — f^^i^j/ Made of selected beef and pork trimmings, made up with bread crumbs and eggs. Baked in the shape of a loaf, weighing about 6 lbs. Put up in a parch- ment wrapper. Mistletoe Delicatessen Luncheon Specialty: A meat loaf made of selected meat products, sea- soned with onion seasoning. Baked in the shape of a loaf,' weighing about 6 lbs. Put up in a parchment wrapper. Cooked Whole Ox Tongue — f^kti^dl Cooked whole ox tongues with a thin covering of dry salt fat back, put up in cartons. Sausage in Pickle: We also pack the following items in pickle, and especially recommend them for summer use: Bologna Style Sausage Magnet Style Sausage 137 Polish Style Sausage Frankfurt Style Sausage Liver Sausage Head Cheese Minced Luncheon Meats Berlin Luncheon Meats Smoked Sausage We put them up in the following packages: Kits, small Vs barrels, or large kits 14 barrels V2 barrels We also have special packages of barrels and 20 lb. tins for Bologna and barrels for Minced Luncheon Meat. Sosera is a meat product made of beef and pork and beef and pork products and cereal. It is put up to correspond with the items below, but must be sold as a meat product as the govern- ment regulation specifies that only 2% cereal can be put in sausage. This is an article that is most palatable, and be- sides being much cheaper fully takes the place of corresponding sausage items. Sosera Meat Products: Sosera long, corresponding to long bologna. Sosera large, corresponding to large bologna. Sosera round, corresponding to round bologna. Sosera in paraffined bags, corresponding to Shield bologna. Sosera, sandwich links, H. C, corresponding to Coney Island frankfurts. Sosera, sandwich links, S. C, corresponding to regular frankfurts. Sosera, Link, H. C, corresponding to pork sausage in H. C. Sosera, Link, S. C, corresponding to pork sausage in S. C. Sosera, bulk, corresponding to pork sausage, bulk. 138 Sosera, small links, corresponding to Windsor pork sausage. Luncheon Sosera, bladders, corresponding to minced luncheon meat. Luncheon Sosera, bungs, corresponding to minced luncheon meat. Sosera, fresh, unlinked, corresponding to country- style. Sosera, smoked, unlinked, corresponding to smoked country style. * Sosera in Pickle: Link, round, sandwich links, S. C, sandwich links H. C, luncheon, bladder and bungs. Put up in small kits, % barrel, large kits, % barrel, l^ barrel. 139 Extract of Beef Department Solid Extract of Beef: Extract of Beef, as its name implies, is an extract of beef, or in other words the essence of the meat. It is manufactured from a choice grade of beef. Our Extract of Beef is stimulating and invigorating. It will keep indefinitely in any climate. It contains absolutely no foreign ingredients — being the soluble salts of the meat only. Armour's Extract of Beef goes farther and gives better satisfaction than any other brand. It is entirely free from alcohol or other preservatives of any nature, and will conform to the pure food laws of any state or country. It is used in making beef tea; as a soup stock; for coloring and flavoring gravy; re-enforcing sauces; for utilizing left-overs, and also in making many dainty and toothsome dishes in the chafing dish. Fluid Beef Extract: About half the strength of the paste form, but ^^gsr Cocoa. Our special manufacturing process insures smoothness and uniform consistency. This product is a boon and a convenience to the soda water dispenser. It relieves him of the disagreeable task of weighing, mixing, boiling and properly flavor- ing and also the liability of scorching the chocolate syrup. We put up the following brands: f^^H^JT Cocoa. Helmet Brand Cocoa. kUi/^4^ Cocoa Paste. Grape Juice: We take just pride in our Grape Juice and cannot praise its qualities too highly. Nothing but the choicest sun-ripened Concord Grapes enters into its manufacture, which are hauled the same day they are gath- ered to our two ideally located factories, and promptly stemmed and pressed by the latest patent machinery. After proper ageing in specially constructed glass containers, the juice is subjected to our own special clarification process, by which process every objectionable element is eliminated and all that is good retained. The effects of this ex- clusive clarifying process of ours are most salutary. As a result of it our Grape Juice has a richness and beauty of color, and a distinctive delicious Concord Grape flavor which no competitive brand can claim. And what is still more important, time does not deterio- rate these much-desired qualities of appearance and taste. Following the clariflcation process the Grape Juice is siphoned to the various sized bottles, sterilized and sealed. We use the best crown caps to insure a perfect air-tight closure, making fermentation impossible. 146 Flavoring Extracts: We manufacture two grades of Vanilla, and one of Orange and Lemon. Our ;^^g^ Brand of Vanilla Extract is 23% stronger than the minimum require- ments of strength prescribed in the federal regu- lations covering this item. For our fileUgSjr Brand we use only the choic- est 8-inch Mexican Beans which im- part to the manufactured product the greatest strength and truest flavor. Our second grade we call "Armour's Pure Vanilla Extract, U. S. P." This brand also fully complies with govern- ment requirements. Our Lemon and Orange Extracts are unsurpassed in high strength and true fruit flavor. They are packed un- der the ji^u^^JT label. There is a big demand among the grocery trade for Vanilla, Lemon and Orange Extracts in small containers, and we are packing these three flavors in 1, 2 and 4 oz. bottles, each bottle being protected by a neat cardboard carton. All three sizes are packed one dozen to the case. Accessories: All articles listed under this head are absolute necessities at every soda fountain. Acid Phosphate — This is handled by the dispenser in the bottles with squirt tubes, and is used in pre- paring phosphate drinks, where for any reason the concentrated phosphate syrups are not found. Acid Fruit — This is used in preparing nearly all syrups to impart the proper flavor. Foam — This is added to all syrups to fcrm and retain foam in the glass when drink is served. Ice Cream or Vanilla Flavor: This is known as Vanillin and Coumarin. The for- mer is the active principle of the Vanilla bean and the latter of the Tonka bean. This product is in liquid form, sold in pints, quarts and gallons, and 147 two ounces are sufficient to flavor ten gallons of ice cream. We can supply other special ice cream flav- ors if desired; also in larger containers, and will quote prices on application. Marshmallow Topping: Is a scientifically made, superfine, Marshmallow fondant, delicately flavored. Is served as a delicious topping for all kinds of sundaes, ice creams, frappes, in milk drinks, hot chocolate, etc. Can also be used wherever whipped cream is served. We furnish this in Vanilla flavor only. Marshmallow Topping is rich in egg whites and is also used extensively by bakers in making cake icings and fillers, also as filler for cream rolls, pies, etc. In fact this product is a high-class, economical sub- stitute for fresh whipped cream and beaten egg whites for whatever purpose. It is also popular at cantonments and in hotels and restaurants. ARMOUR'S FRUIT JELLY There are many jellies on the market, but few unadulterated, and which enjoy the confidence of the consumer. In considering the possibilities of this line we realized people were skeptical, and that many never would think of anything but "the home-made article", as experience had taught them that was the only kind fit to eat. We felt if we set a high standard of quality we could develop a nice business. 148 Armour's jellies are made entirely from pure fruit juices and granulated sugar, with a little apple juice as a base. They contain no inert filler nor any other foreign ingredient. We pack four flavors in assorted cases of three dozen 7-oz. glasses as follows: 9 grape, 9 strawberry, 9 raspberry, 9 apple. Also in straight cases of any one flavor. For large buyers, such as commissaries, hospitals, cantonments, hotels, etc., we pack in 5-lb. and 10-lb. crocks and 30-lb. pails. WHIPS (FLAVORING EMULSIONS) When our chemists succeeded in perfecting this line, after several years of faithful labor and experi- ment, they had good reason to feel proud of their achievement, for all attempts previously made by others had failed. Our Whips constitute the Twentieth Century better way of flavoring ice cream, ices, candy, bakery goods, and fancy desserts. They are a distinct step in ad- vance of alcoholic extracts and oils for all flavoring purposes. The Whips are easily soluble in cold water, and we positively guarantee them not to separate nor turn rancid. They are non-alcoholic, and none of the flavor is lost by evaporation or by baking out or freezing out. The Lemon and Orange Whip are also extensively used by soft drink bottlers. We have six flavors (packed only in ^-Ib., %-lb. and 1-lb. screw cap opal jars), as follows: Lemon Orange Vanalwhip (Imitation vanilla) Lime Peppermint Maple We will be glad to answer in detail all inquiries from those interested. >^^Sg^^ PURE APPLE BUTTER This is a pure product, manufactured and packed in the best apple section in the State of Michigan. It is made from fancy select apples, cider, and the best granulated sugar for sweetening. Our f^^i^^ 149 Apple Butter in tins contains no artificial color, preservative or acids. It is packed in 8 oz, glass jars, 36 to case; No. 1 tins, 48 to the case; No. 2i^ tins, 24 to the case, and No. 10 tins, 6 to the case. We also have this product packed in 30-lb. net pails and 500-lb. barrels for the larger trade. CALIFORNIA FRUITS AND HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Our California fruits are grown and packed in the great fruit state — California. We have three grades in all sizes, namely: f^^^iAe^/ , first grade; Helmet, second grade; Fowler, third grade. The first grade {fiiti^j/) fruits are in a heavy syrup; the second grade (Helmet) fruits, in. a medium syrup, and the third grade (Fowler) are in a light syrup. These fruits are packed in No. 2, No. 21/^ and No. 10 tins. The Berries are packed in sanitary enamel lined tins. The principal outlet for small tins is the grocery, delicatessen and small restaurant trade; the large tins in syrup are used principally by hotels, institutions and restaurants, and the fruits in water and pie stock are used by all bakers. Our Pineapple is grown and packed in the Ha- waiian Islands. This is the greatest pineapple sec- tion in the world and where are located the most modern of canning factories. This Pineapple is shipped direct from the islands to our many distrib- uting points in the United States. The small tins. No. 2 and No. 214, are in great demand by grocers, delicatessens and restaurants. We have two grades on the whole slices, crushed, and grated. The large tins containing slices in syrup are sold to hotels and restaurants. The large tins (crushed and grated) are used principally by bakers and ice cream manu- facturers, also restaurants. All of our California Fruits and Hawaiian Pine- apple are free from any artificial color, preservative or other foreign substances; in a word, they are packed from the choicest fully ripened fruit and with enough syrup to reproduce as nearly as possible the natural flavor and sweetness of the fruit. 150 FRUITS IN TINS FOR PIE BAKERS AND RESTAURANTS The eastern fruit used for this purpose is selected and packed at our Frankfort, Michigan, preserving station. Every care is exercised to see that none but fully ripened fruit is put into these tins. The fruits in water are packed in No. 10 tins (gal- lon cans) and are used by all bakers, many hotels, institutions and restaurants. The following fruits are packed in No. 10 tins, one dozen to the case: Apples Blackberries Blueberries Cherries (Red Pitted) Gooseberries Peaches Raspberries (Red) Raspberries (Black) DRIED FRUITS We are now handling a complete line of dried fruits. Most of these fruits are from California, where the drying process is conducted on a most scientific basis. We have the following varieties in all grades: Apples, Apricots, Pigs, Peaches, Pears, Prunes, Raisins. Practically all dried fruits are packed bulk in boxes, containing 10 lbs., 25 lbs. and 50 lbs. Raisins are packed in bulk as well as in 15 oz. and 11 oz. cartons. Dried fruits are sold to grocers, delicatessens, insti- tutions, hotels, restaurants, bakers, commissaries, camps, etc. 151 Butter, Clieese, Egg and Poultry Department BUTTER Our brands of Creamery Butter: Cloverbloom Goldendale Butternut Woodlawn Cloverbloom and f^^n^ledl Brands are the finest grades obtainable, put up especially for particular and exacting trade. 152 Goldendale, Butternut and Woodlawn Brands, in their order, are very good table brands used by trade not desirous of the very finest quality. We also handle Process Butter and Baking Butter. CHEDDAR OR AMERICAN FULL CREAM CHEESE Cheddar Cheese: Named from the English village where it orig- inated. Very popular in England and the United States; in fact, it is the most commonly used of all commercial varieties in these two countries. Cheddar Cheese is made from sweet cows' milk, and when fresh, it is soft and mild in flavor, but when well ripened, it is waxy in texture and has a sharp taste. American Full Cream Cheese is produced in the best dairying sections of this country. The most popular styles are as follows: Daisy Cheese Flat Cheese Daisy: White or colored. Packed 1 or 2 to the box. Aver- age weight about 20 lbs. each. Flats: White or colored. Packed 1 to the box. Average weight about 32 lbs. 153 Twin Cheese Longhorn Cheese Twins: White or colored. Packed 2 to the box. Average weight about 32 lbs. each or 64 lbs. to. the box. Longhorns: Colored. White made on special orders only. Packed 4 pieces to the box. Average weight 10 to 12 lbs. each. Young Americas: Colored. White made on special orders only. Packed 4 pieces to the box. Average weight about 10 lbs. each. 154 Young America Cheese GERMAN TYPES Made in Wisconsin where best cheese of this type is produced. Brick Cheese Brick: This is a soft, white mild flavored cheese, some- times called Cream or Cream Brick. Bricks average 5 lbs. each. Full boxes average 120 lbs. net, half boxes average 60 lbs. net and quarter boxes 30 lbs. net. Swiss Cheese: The type originating in Switzerland, of which very large quantities are now made in the U. S. A. The State of Wisconsin furnishes the larger part of it, where the industry was introduced, and is being carried on by cheese makers from Switzerland who learned the art in their native land. The best of the Wisconsin make is equal to the genuine Emmen- thaller or Gruyere. Wheel Swiss Cheese This grade is usually classed as Selected Large Eyed. The wheels are thirty to forty inches in diameter and from five to seven inches thick, weigh- ing from 125 to 200 lbs. each, usually packed for domestic trade five wheels to the drum or tub, and for export in single export packages. 155 Block Swiss Cheese Block or Square Domestic Swiss: This style is made by the same process, but is seldom better than small eyed. Sometimes it runs a good deal to blind cheese. It is generally graded for texture, flavor, without much attention being given to the eyes and is sold as Standard No. 1 Block. Packed for domestic trade five to six pieces to the box, average weight 25 to 30 lbs. each. Limburger Cheese Limburger: A type first made in the town of Limburg, Ger- many, Very soft in texture, smooth and when fully ripened has a characteristic sharp flavor. It is put up in one and two lb. stones wrapped in tin foil over heavy manila and parchment inside wrappers, averaging about 135 to 150 lbs. per box. 156 EGGS Our eggs are all packed in standard whitewood cases and come thirty dozen to the case. Below we are giving the grades we market: fikti^e^ Selects: These are closely-candled eggs and selected not only as to size but as to color and fullness as well. This is a dependable article and once used, will always be demanded. >^^g^ Selects in Cartons: We put out the f^^n^edT Select brand in cartons, one dozen to the carton, thirty cartons to the case. An idea which the trade has found to be ex- tremely helpful to them as it always in- sures their customers having an excellent egg in convenient packages. Helmet: These are closely-candled eggs. An extremely fine article, and one which will stand every demand made upon them. 157 Helmets in Cartons: We put out Helmet eggs in cartons, one dozen to the carton, thirty cartons to the case. A convenient and safe package for both dealer and con- sumer, Rurals: These are country-candled eggs and free from rots and spots. Storage at Mark: These are eggs which are packed for storage. They are candled going in but we do not recandle when withdrawing from storage. Fresh at Mark: These are eggs which are not candled or rehandled after purchase from shipper. Frozen Eggs: Owing to the demand from the baking trade and because of the convenience and economy in hand- ling, we are putting up frozen eggs in three differ- ent forms: Whites, Yolks and Mixed. They are put up in 30-lb. cans and packed in egg cases, two cans to a case. POULTRY 158 Frozen Poultry: Our stock in this line is graded and packed by experts. All grades are packed one dozen birds to the box. We cannot recommend too highly our f^iuZ^e^T Milk-fed Poultry, which is especially fattened at our own feeding stations. It is an extra fancy grade of poultry, and every individual bird is closely graded before packing under our fi^u^^/ brand. We also recommend our Helmet fatted Poultry, which is a fancy No. 1 quality. Our Plain Poultry consists of birds roughly picked, have broken skins, and for such reasons will not grade as strictly fancy. They are perfectly good so far as eating qualities go, and we figure they are cheap at the prices. Broilers: Dry-picked, f^^uig^jr I\Iilk-fed, Helmet and Plain; 16 pounds and under, 17-20, 21-25, 26-30-pound per dozen averages. Fowl: Hens, dry-picked, >^^^^ Milk-fed, Helmet fatted and Plain. Run 26-35, 36-42, 43-46, 47-54, 55-60, 61-up pounds and over to the dozen. A very fancy article. Fryers: Dry-picked, y^^^^T Milk-fed, Helmet fatted and Plain; 31-36 and 37-42 pound per dozen average. Roasting Chickens: Dry-picked, y^^^^T Milk-fed, Helmet fatted and Plain; come in 43-48, 49-54, 55-59, 60-pound and over per dozen averages. Turkeys: Dry-picked, Helmet Young Toms and Hens, come in 8-pound and under, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-pound and over each averages. We also have old Tom turkeys. ." 159 Cocks: Dry-picked and scalded. Ducks: Helmet and Plain, and come in 26-35, 3fi-42, 43-49, 50-59, 60-pound and over per dozen averages. Geese: Helmet, Corn-fed, and come in 8-pound and under, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14-pound each averages. Also Plain, 6-pound and over each averages. Selected stock. 160 Pepsin Department (Pharmaceutical Products) A Line of Medicinal Preparations Maae From Raw Materials Supplied by Our Abattoirs In the Armour Laboratory all glands and mem- branes are worked up while perfectly fresh. This, with modern apparatus of all kinds, improved proc- esses, and the best chemical talent, enables us to offer the physicians and pharmacists superior prod- ucts at moderate prices. We can furnish any of the organotherapeutic agents, and will send adver- tising matter to doctors and druggists when asked to do so. The following are the leading articles: Pepsin, U. S. P., Scale, Granular and Powdered form. Scale, Granular and Powdered Pepsin, 3000 test, 4000 test, 5000 test and 6000 test. Insoluble Powdered Pepsin, 3000 test. Pepsin Tablets. Glycerole of Pepsin, 10 per cent. Essence of Pepsin. Lactated Pepsin. Lactated Pepsin Tablets. Elixir of Lactated Pepsin. Saccharated Pepsin. Pancreatin, U. S. P. Glycerole of Pancreatin. Essence of Pancreatin. Elixir of Enzymes. Nutrient Wine of Beef Peptone. Lecithol. Extract of Red Bone Marrow. Rennet. Chymogen. Ovol (Purified Mutton Tallow). Benzoinated Lard. Kephalin. Sterilized Catgut Ligatures, plain and chromic. , Beef, Wine and Iron. t 161 Trypsin. Peptonizing Tubes (Trypsin and Soda). Rennase — Cheesemaker's Extract. Corpus Luteum, Powder. Corpus Luteum, Tablets. Corpus Luteum, 5 gr. Capsules. Pituitary Body, Powder. Pituitary Body, Tablets. Pituitary Body, Anterior Lobe. Pituitary Body, Posterior Lobe. Pituitary Liquid, 1 C. C. and y^ C. C. Ampoules. Spleen Substance, Powder. Spleen Substance, Tablets. Spleen Substance, Capsules. Suprarenal Substance, Powder. Suprarenal Substance, Tablets. Thymus Substance, Powder. Thymus Substance, Tablets. Thymus Substance, Capsules. Thyroids, Powder. Thyroids, Tablets. Parathyroids, Powder. Parathyroids, Tablets. Pineal Substance. Pineal Tablets. Ox Gall, Crude. Ox Gall, Paste. Ox Gall, Powder. Duodenin Tablets. Also other Glandular Substances in powder and tablets that may be wanted by the medical profession. NOTE — The products of the Armour Laboratory are sold to the medical profession and drug trade only. 162 Gut String Products MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STRINGS, TENNIS RACKET STRINGS, SURGICAL LIGATURES, ETC. II Trovatore Musical Instrument Strings: Finest selected material of the most expensive quality is used in these strings; the latest type of machinery and skilled labor are used in their manu- facture. Each string is especially polished and gauged before being shipped and the best care taken in every detail. II Trovatore Strings are made by an entirely new process, and are the result of a series of long-con- tinued experiments in the endeavor to produce a durable string that will be true with brilliant tone qualities. II Trovatore Strings will meet every need of the professional violinist. II Trovatore Strings are very popular with the trade selling to musicians who have in the past shown a preference for imported strings. The en- velopes and cartons do not bear the name of the manufacturer. f VIOLIN 1^ © STRINGS Tested and Guaranteed /m riri 163 II Trovatore Musical Instrument Strings — Description of Packing, Etc.: Each violin string is packed in double Japinin envelope. The envelopes are printed in gold bronze with a most artistic design. Violin E, A and D strings are packed in bundle or one-half bundle fancy cartons. "Tested" single length violin E, A and D strings are packed in fancy straight cartons. Violin G strings wound with pure silver or gold wire, and violin D strings wound with aluminum wire are packed in straight glass tubes. Viola G and C strings wound with pure silver wire packed in straight glass tubes. Violin E strings quoted as four lengths will make three full lengths. Violin A and D strings quoted as 2y2 lengths will make two full lengths. Violoncello A, D, G and C strings packed in fancy square cartons. Armour's Musical Instrument Strings: We have first choice of practically unlimited sup- plies of the very finest quality of selected material for use in the manufacture of the above mentioned brand, and combining this advantage with our ex- perience and superior manufacturing facilities, we are putting on the market musical instrument strings of the finest quality. Each string is handled sepa- rately through the entire process of manufacture. The Armour's strings in addition to their fine tone qualities are recognized by the professional musicians as the most durable and with these two inherent qualities they are the most desirable strings procurable. Carry a supply of Armour's musical instrument strings and accessories. They do away with needless explanations and apologies. They insure the best of satisfaction to your customers. Moisture-Proof Violin Strings: Made from finest selected Lamb Gut, are not easily affected by climatic conditions; unequaled for bril- liancy of tone, resonancy, strength and durability. 164 We make these in E's, A's, and D's, in 2i/^ to 4 lengths (18 inches to a length); the A's and D's in 21/^ lengths will make two full Violin lengths (22i^ inches long) ; E's in 2i^ to 4 lengths each will make two or three full Violin lengths. SPECIAL CONCERT/,':;- Special Concert Violin Strings: Made from finest selected Lamb Gut; transpar- ent; unequaled for brilliancy of tone and the favorite String for Artists and Soloists. We make these in three different grades, viz.: "A," "B," and "C." They are put up in E's, A's and D's, the E's in three full Violin lengths and the A's and D's in two full Violin lengths. 165 "Helmet" Puretone Violin Strings: Made from selected . Lamb Gut; noted for purity of tone and durability. They are put up in E's, A's and D's, the E's in two and three full Violin lengths and the A's and D's in two full Violin lengths. "Helmet" Mellowtone Violin Strings: Made from selected Lamb Gut; are brilliant and responsive in tone. They are put up in E's, A's and D's, the E's in two and three full Violin lengths and the A's and D's in two full Violin lengths. "Melrose" Conservatory Violin Strings: Made from Lamb or Sheep Gut, in smooth finish.. A satisfactory string for student practice. Put up in E's, A's and D's, the E's in two and three full Violin lengths and the A's and D's in two full Violin lengths. Straight Length Violin Strings: We put up Gut Violin Strings in single lengths (221/^ inches), each with knotted end and dyed tip, in straight cartons. We carry two grades, "Guaran- teed and Tested," and "Regular Run," also Moisture- proof Strings, Guaranteed and Tested. La Melodia Musical Instrument Strings: These strings are carefully and scientifically made from the very finest selected material. Every string is carefully gauged and polished before being shipped. Special care is taken to see that an assortment of properly gauged strings is included in each bundle. Dealers who prefer to handle strings, without the manufacturer's name appearing, will find this brand a ready seller, that will merit repeat business. ALL VIOLIN STRINGS ARE PACKED IN JAPININ ENVELOPES; ARE SOLD IN BUNDLEfl BOXES CONTAINING 30 STRINGS AND IN HALF BUNDLE BOXES, CONTAINING 15 STRINGS. 166 "Armour", "Helmet" and "Melrose" Steel Strings: In addition. to handling Gut Strings, we carry a full line of Steel Strings for Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo and sell same by the dozen, gross, or in complete sets. There are no better Strings on the market than the above-mentioned grades. We also handle the Black Diamond, Bell and Lyric brands of Steel Strings. Violin Tail Piece Gut: Made from good quality Gut; put up in 4, 6, 8 and 16-ft. lengths, B. and S. gauge 11 and 12, either black or red. This article is acknowledged to be the finest on the market. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. Wound Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass Strings: Our finest selected Sheep and Lamb Gut is used in the manufacture of these Strings and, after being thoroughly seasoned and stretched, are wound with Silver Plated Copper, Pure Copper, Triple Silver Plated, Pure Silver Wire (.998 fine) and Pure Gold 167 Wire. They are sold by the dozen. Under a magni- fying glass, they readily show the excellent work- manship. The Violin G Strings can be had in Straight or Square Cartons. "Armour" and "Helmet" Banjo Strings: Made from selected raw material, each string 72 inches long, which will make 2 Banjo lengths. of 36 inches each. SOLD BY THE BUNDLE (30 StRINGS), OR HALF BUNDLE (15 STRINGS). i::Do«?^p @ BANJO STRINGS Very Satiafactory Quality 168 "Armour" and "Helmet" Harp Strings: We make two qualities out of selected material, five Octaves being Gut, the sixth Octave being com- pound wound on Silk and Steel and wound on Silver Plated Steel. There are seven strings in each Oc- tave, the F of each Octave is Purple, the C of each Octave is Orange; gauged carefully. 169 Violoncello Strings: Made from selected raw material in five different grades, viz.: IL TROVATORE, ARMOUR, HELMET, MELROSE and LA MELODIA brands. They are put Mp^s^ %/frmours VIOLONCELLO STRIMGS SK^^^I N EST QlJAiltV^ up in Smooth and Italian finish. There are two Gut Strings on the Cello, A and D; and two wound, G and C. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. 170 Double Bass Strings: Made from selected raw material, and put up in two grades, viz.: "ARMOUR" and "HELMET," and admitted to be unexcelled. There are four strings on a Bass Viol, G, D, A and E, usually two Gut and two Wire Wound Gut Strings are used, but sometimes Soloists require three Gut strings, G, D and A. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. Drum Snares: Made from selected raw material in ^O-ft. lengths in B. & S. Standard Gauges 9 to 20. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. We also handle a complete line of musical in- trument accessories of fine quality as follows: Violin Bridges. Violin Pegs. Violin Tail Pieces. Violin Saddles. Violin Nuts. Violin End Pins. Violin Finger Boards. Violin Chin Rests. Violin String Gauges, Violin Shoulder Pads. Violin Bows. Violin Tuners. Violin Bow Rosin. Violin Bow Frogs. Violin Bow Hair. Violin Bow Screws. Violin Bow Tips. Violin Mutes. Violin Patent Heads. Violin Purfling. Violin Instruction Books. Violin Finger Board Charts. Violoncello Bridges. Violoncello Bow Hair. Violoncello Bow Rosin. Violoncello Finger Boards. Violoncello Mutes. Violoncello Pegs. 171 Violoncello Tail Pieces. Violoncello Instruction Books. Ukulele Pegs. Ukulele Tuning Pipes. Ukulele Finger Board Charts. Ukulele Instruction Books. Ukulele Bridges. Viola Pegs. Viola Tail Pieces. Viola Mutes. Viola Finger Boards. Viola Finger Board Charts. Viola Instruction Books. Mandolin Bridges. Mandolin Finger Boards. Mandolin Tuning Pipes. Mandolin Patent Heads. Mandolin Tail Pieces. Mandolin Patent Head Back Plates. jNIandolin Finger Board Charts. Mandolin Instruction Books. Mandolin Picks. Guitar Pegs. ■Guitar Tail Pieces. Guitar Tuning Pipes. Guitar Patent Heads. Guitar Nuts. Guitar Bridges. Guitar Bridge Pins. Guitar End Pins. 'Guitar Frets. Guitar Finger Boards. Guitar Finger Board Charts. Guitar Instruction Books. Guitar Capo D'Astros. -Guitar Picks. Banjo Pegs. Banjo Tail Pieces. Banjo Tuning Pipes. Banjo Tuning Wrenches. Banjo Bolts. Banjo Bridges. Banjo Brackets. IBanjo Prns. 172 Banjo Heads. Banjo Finger Board Charts. Banjo Instruction Books. Banjo Patent Heads. Banjo Ukulele Heads. Drum Snares. Drum Heads. Catgut Strings. Music Stands. Music Stand Cases. Spool Wire. Surgical Ligature: Made from finest selected Lamb and Sheep Gut in B, & S. Standard Gauges 000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in coils containing teii strings of ten feet each. The raw material is all handled promptly from our kill- ing beds and kept in the refrigerator until it is worked up, so that there is absolutely no chance of deterioration. Our Factory is equipped in the most hygienic manner possible, enables us to turn out a finished product that is absolutely the best on the market and of great tensile strength. The workmen are men of long experience in this line, some hav- ing spent nearly a lifetime in the manufacture of this material; therefore, the product is second to none. SOLD BY THE 1000 FEET. Spinning Gut: We put up Spinning Gut for the following instru- ment strings: Violin "G" in 24-inch lengths, Viola "G" in 26-inch lengths, Viola "C" in 26-inch lengths, Cello "G" in 45-inch lengths, Cello "C" in 45-inch lengths, Bass "A" in 72-inch lengths, Bass "E" in 72-inch lengths, and Banjo "A" in 40-inch lengths. This Spinning Gut is of the highset quality and used in the manufacture of all our wound strings. SOLD BY THE DOZEN OR GROSS. Tennis Strings: Made from selected Lamb and Sheep Gut in White, Red or Black, B. & S. Standard Gauges, 14, 15, 16, in 17, 19 and 21-foot lengths in the following grades: 173 Extra Special. Super Special. Special. A. A. A. Lawn Tennis is becoming universally popular so that the demand for Tennis Strings is increasing yearly. We exercise the greatest care in the finish, gauge and tensile strength of our Tennis Strings. SOLD BY THE DOZEN OR GROSS. Trimming Gut: Made in Red, Blue, Green, Black and Purple, 4, 6, 8 and 10-ft. lengths. Trimming Gut is used as the name implies — as a trimming or ornament — usually at both top and bottom of the strung Tennis Racquet. SOLD BY THE DOZEN OR GROSS. Bands, Belting and Looms: Made from selected raw material put up in 8 to 28- foot lengths of B. & S. Standard Gauges 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Gut String for Belt Lacing is being used exten- sively on account of its great tensile strength, as a substitute for Raw Hide Lacing. SOLD BY THE DOZEN. 174 Glue Department Glue may be divided into two classes. Hide Glue and Bone Glue. There are a variety of grades in Hide Glue, running from X4, our lowest grade, to AB, our best grade. The Bone Glues range from JK grade up to No. 4 Special, the best of that kind that we manufac- ture. As you will readily notice, there is quite a range in the various styles of Hide and Bone Glue and the grading is determined entirely by the strength of the glue. Hide Glue, being a very strong adhesive, is especially recommended for the manufacture of fur- niture, cabinet work, leather belting, etc. Bone Glue is used in work which does not require a strong adhesive and is largely used in the manufacture of paper boxes, calcimining, paper (including wall paper, writing paper and glazed paper), etc. The viscosity of glue is indicated by the heaviness of the body of the glue itself after it has been cooked and is ready for use. Hide Glue has a very much greater viscosity than Bone Glue and the stronger grades in each of the varieties will show a greater viscosity. GELATINE Gelatine is a glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by prolonged boiling. It hasn't the heaviness of glue nor the adhesiveness. Its tendency is to melt in boiling water. It comes in the following grades: AA Extra Ground. AA Ground. This product is used extensively by manufacturers of ice creams and confections. 175 Toilet Article Department Our toilet articles, comprising Luxor Toilet Requi- sites, were placed on the market after three years of painstaking experiments, conducted with the object of creating a line of toilet requisites which would set a new high standard for quality. These toilet ar- ticles are manufactured in a model laboratory under the strictest scientific control and sanitary conditions. These lines comprise massage and vanishing creams, complexion and toilet powders, toilet waters, lip pomades and other cosmetics. A list of products follows: Nail Boards Orangewood Sticks Nail Stones Smelling Salts Tooth Powder Tcoth Paste Cold Cream Bath Powder Bath Salts Liquid Shampoo Soap Toilet Waters Shaving Powder Toilet Soap Vanishing Cream 176 Complexion Powder Complexion Powder Tab- lets in Chatelaine Boxes Rouge Sachet Lip Pomade 177 Laundry Soap Department Our Soap Factory is one of the most complete and up-to-date plants now in operation. The factory itself is a marvel of modern concrete construction, abso- lutely fireproof and containing the most. modern ap- pliances for the manufacture of soap. The kettle room has forty steel kettles, the total capacity of which is close to 3,500,000 pounds of soap at one boiling. We also have the most up-to-date machinery for drying, cutting, pressing and wrapping. The num- bers listed in the following pages are our standard brands and we have tried to describe them as com- pletely and concisely as possible. If in doubt as to the brand of soap desired, state for what use intended, and we will advise which should be purchased and give other information of value. BAR LAUNDRY SOAPS White Flyer Soap: Is a white laundry soap made from pure, wholesome tallow combined with vegetable oil; contains no rosin or harmful ingredients of any kind. Is particularly adaptable for use in hard water. It is warranted to comply with every requirement of a laundry soap for general pur- poses. Lighthouse Soap: Our very best Laundry Soap. Made of pure, whole- some tallow with no excess alkali or fillers of any kind. Works equally as well in hard or soft water. Packed 100 bars to box. 178 Big Ben Soap: Made from No. 2 stock. Grade below Lighthouse, but will compare favorably with so-called "standard" brands. Packed 60 large bars to box. A big bar of soap for a "leader." Hammer Soap: Same stock as Big Ben, but packed 100 bars to box. Sail Soap: Same stock as Hammer, to box. Packed 100 small bars Flotilla Soap: A standard floating toilet and bath soap in oval and square shapes. Absolutely pure and neutral. Packed in neat attractive cartons and wrappers. 179 Lighthouse Naphtha Washing Powder: Put up in standard size packages. This powder contains naphtha, the well known dirt remover. - This washing powder is also put up in barrels, kegs and 25-lb. pails. Lighthouse Cleanser: Is a combination of natural cleansing agents refined and powdered. Recom- mended for scouring, polishing and puri- fying bath tubs, marble, metal fixtures, kitchen utensils, etc. Pumex Soap: A high grade mechan- ics' soap. Manufactured from high grade stock. Contains powdered pumice, and there is nothing better for re- moving grease, paint, etc. BULK GOODS Flint Brand Shredded Soap: The highest grade chip soap; 12% moisture, 88% real soap and is strictly neutral. The most economi- cal soap on the market. Packed in 300-lb. barrels. • 180 Topaz Soap Chips: A good "built" soap. Measures up with the ordi- nary chip on the market and the price is attractive. Packed in 300-lb. barrels. ""Driclene" Concentrated Benzine Soap: Soluble in benzine. Prepared expressly for Dyers and Cleaners. Packed in pails containing 10 lbs., 25 lbs. and 50 lbs. Also in barrels of 200 lbs. and 400 lbs. each. X. L. Wasliing Powder: A cheaper grade than our Lighthouse, but equal to the majority of competing brands, also contains naphtha. Special Green Soap: A soap jelly for general cleaning; woodwork, painted surfaces, etc. In barrels, tubs and pails. Liquid Soap: A highly concentrated soap in liquid form. For the toilet, bath or shampoo. The actual soap content of this product is sufficient to permit the addition of a large percentage of water and still produce a satis- factory lather. Packed in 5-gallon cans, 10-gallon cans and barrels. Lighthouse Naphtha Washing Powder: Prepared for use wherever a good grade of laun- dry soap might serve, and will do the work as thor- oughly and satisfactorily and with less physical •effort. Lighthouse Naphtha Washing Powder con- tains more actual soap and less free alkali than most soap powders available. Lighthouse Cleanser: In barrels, for hotels, office buildings, restaurants and other large consumers. A scouring powder with- out a peer. Lighthouse Cleanser does not lather. Its function is to remove dirt by friction, not by dissolu- tion. Do not confuse with Lighthouse Washing Powder. 181 Toilet Soap Department GLYCERIN Chemically Pure Glycerin: This is a water clear white glycerin, guaranteed to comply with the U. S. P. standard; answers all requirements of the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Comes in 50-lb. cans or 1100-lb. drums, tests 30 de- grees Beaume or 1.26 specific gravity. Pale Yellow Glycerin: Goes through the same process of distillation as Chemically Pure Glycerin, except the color is not removed. This accounts for the slight yellowish tinge which remains. It has the same specific gravitr as the Chemically Pure grade. TOILET SOAPS La Richesse Soap: This brand is the acme of perfection in soap mak- ing. Each cake is wrapped in a dainty silk bag, tied with ribbon, the general color scheme of the silk and the box harmonizing perfectly. Three cakes in each box. Rose and Violet odors. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 182 No. 18 Certified Complexion Soap: A pure white milled cake, of delicate perfume con- taining pure extract of witch hazel; a skin beautifier. Four in box, wrapped. La Satineuse Series: Four odors, comprising Violet, Rose, Heliotrope and Sandalwood. Armour and Company firm name does not appear on boxes, which have every appearance of foreign manufacture. It is a distinctly French package. Three in box, wrapped. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 183 Sylvan Talcum Powder: Three odors, comprising Carnation, Sandalwood and Violet. A very finely-ground highly-perfumed powder, thoroughly borated, in handsome cans labeled in the same style as Sylvan Series Toilet Soap. No. 189 Peroxide Soap: A high grade delicately perfumed complexion soap which liberates free oxygen upon the application of water, whitening and beautifying the skin. Three in box, wrapped. No. 76 Hardwater Soap: Pure White Soap. Best Selected Stock. Lathers satisfactorily in either hard or soft water. Delicately perfumed with bouquet odor. Each cake wrapped and sealed with "Purity Guaranteed" seal. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 184 Sylvan Series: A soap specially adapted for general toilet pur- poses. Put up in six odors, comprising Carnation, Heliotrope, Lilac, Rose, Sandalwood and Violet. Boxes and wrappers are of elaborate floral and wood- land scene designs; exquisite flower-like perfume. Three in box, wrapped. No. 134 Transparosa Soap: A transparent glycerine soap. A beautiful pack- age, each cake tied with ribbons. Perfumed with attar of roses. Three in box, wrapped. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 185 No. 208 Supertar Transparent Shampoo Soap: A pure transparent soap with the addition of triple extract of pine tar. Beneficial to the scalp, leaving the hair soft and fluffy. Three in box, wrapped. No. 165 Auditorium Bath Soap: The largest, high grade toilet and bath soap ever offered for the money. Delightful Lilac perfume. Twelve wrapped cakes in each box. Medicinal Series: The ingredients of these brands are carefully se- lected with their special purposes in view after con- sultation with high medical authorities. Each brand answers its purpose to the greatest possible extent. Packed three cakes to the box. Comes in the following brands: Tar, Sulphur, Carbolic and Corrosive Sublimate, Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 186 No. 349 Stork Castile Soap: A genuine Olive Oil Castile soap. Thoroughly ground, milled and seasoned to insure fineness and uniformity of texture and lasting qualities. Specially recommended for use on babies. Twelve in display box, each cake wrapped in wax paper. New Rosaire Series: A big cake offering exceptional value for the money. The following numbers comprise this series: No. 440 Light Glycerine, No. 480 Oatmeal, No. 481 Elder Flower, No. 482 Cocoa Almond and No. 483 Violet Glycerine. Twelve in box, unwrapped. English Style Series: A large milled cake of perfumed toilet soap offer- ing unusually generous value. Twelve in box, un- wrapped. The following numbers comprise this series: No. 409 Turkish Bath, No. 410 Pure Palm, No. 415 Elder Flower, and No. 418 Oatmeal. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 187 La Peria Brand Soap: A free lathering soap of standard qualities. 1, 2, 3, and 4 lb. bars, white only. In Fairskin Series: Four odors, comprising Buttermilk, Glycerine and Cucumber, Oatmeal and Almond and Benzoin. This brand combines complexion-improving qualities with delicate perfumes. Elaborate box labels and wrap- pers. Three in box, wrapped. No. 302 Supercream Shaving Soap (Barbers' Rolls): A condensed cream of unusual beard-softening prop- erties. Will not dry on face. In 10-lb. boxes, 6 cakes to the pound. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 188 No. 155 Sapone Carrara Soap (With Wash Rag): A convenient package, combining soap and wash rag. Milled stock. Three or six dozen in case. No. 299 Supercream Shaving Stick: A delightfully perfumed soap of excellent emollient qualities; soft- ening to the beard and producing a profuse lather that is soothing to the face and will not irritate. This Shaving Soap is the result of years of experimenting by our scientific staff. Each cake in a metal con- tainer, which is packed in a carton. No. 147 Pure Palm Soap: A standard number, yellow colored palm oil and tallow soap for general toilet use. Twelve in box, unwrapped. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 189 No. 128 Premo Soap (Light or Dark): A transparent glycerine soap. It is a standard medium-priced number of free lathering properties and delicate perfume. Three in box, unwrapped. ms Industrial Tar Soap: A hard milled tar soap of great lasting properties. Especially adapted for use by mechanics. In cartons 50 or 100 cakes to box. No. 177 Violetta Soap: A very popular medium-priced soap of high quality. Pure white, containing delicate odor. Three in box, wrapped. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 190 No. 175 Cold Cream and Glycerine Soap: A popular priced combination toilet and complexion soap. Three in box, wrapped. Monster Series: Put up in five odors, comprising Buttermilk, Clover- blossom, Hazel Cream, Oatmeal and Turkish Bath. Large cakes of hard milled toilet soap. Twelve in box, unwrapped. No. 119 Genuine Pure Glycerine Soap: The biggest value on the market today. A soap brand that pleases both dealer and consumer and makes a friend of every user. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 191 No. 142 Turkish Bath Soap: A small cake of brown colored toilet or bath soap with pleasant perfume. Twelve in box, unwrapped. No. 204 Flesope: A pure white soap containing ingredients which make it a perfect insecticide. Fatal to fleas and other vermin. Specially recommended for dogs as it leaves the hair soft and glossy and free from all odor. Each cake in carton, 6 cartons to box. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 192 Economy Line Toilet Soap: There are two brands in this series: Buttermilk and Borax and Lemon Cream. They are positively the biggest value in a pure toilet soap ever offered for the money. IVlotorists' and IVlechanics' Soap Paste: A scientific hand soap that "starts" the dirt. Better and quicker action than any preparation on the market with no in- jurious effect on the skin. A big can. Pineywood Tar Glycerine Soap: A hard French milled tar soap. Exceptionally fine quality. For the Western States we put this soap up under our Industrial Tar brand. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 193 Milady Toilet Soap: Is a thoroughly milled white toilet soap, absolutely pure and neutral. Popular price. Garden Series: Prepared in 3 odors, Violet, Rose, Verbena. Very highly scented, the odors being unusually true to the real flower. Wrappers and boxes of delicate and beautiful design. Packed 3 cakes to box. Baby's Balm Talcum Powder: A heavily borated talcum of the finest possible texture, designed especially for use in the care of infants. There are many features about this package and product which distinguish it from the large variety of talcums on the market. Venetian Bath Series: A large, round, finely milled, compact Soap Tablet for bath and toilet use. Prepared in 5 odors: Violet, Verbena, Peroxide, Geranium and Corylopsis. The economy of this character of soap as compared with soaps of other styles is a feature to which we draw special attention. Packed 12 to box. Peroxide Bath Soap: Of the same character and stock as Venetian but cut into oblong bars instead of round tablets. Packed 12 cakes to box. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 194 m^ Broadway Bath: The last word in style and value. The newest and one of the most practical shapes for a bath soap that has ever been designed. (Copyrighted by Armour and Company, 1915.) Each cake is wrapped in glassine paper. Highly scented, profuse in lather- ing properties. Packed 3 dozen to fibre case. All Pure Series: Prepared in five (5) styles. A large oval cake, un- wrapped. Packed 12 cakes to box. These soaps are of the same style and quality as the "Economy Twins" (Buttermilk and Borax and Lemon Cream). Exceptional value. Fragrant Series: A nicely scented, attractive toilet soap. Packed 3 cakes to box. This series differs from our higher priced lines only in perfume and style of package. 4 odors: Carnation, Sweet Brier, Buttercup, Violet. Signet Glycerine: A very popular transparent soap. Medium priced. Unscented and affording a luxuriant lather. Wrapped. Packed 12 cakes to box. Armour Squares: Prepared in 6 varieties. All popular. As indicated by name, cakes are square. The shape of these cakes renders them very satisfactory for either bath or toilet use. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 195 COCOANUT OIL SOAPS We use only the best of material and our soaps of this nature are of high quality. They will lather freely and are especially adapted for use in sections where the water is extremely hard. No. 91 Hardwater Castile: A large, oval cake, pure white. Especially suitable for hard water. Profuse in lather and imparts a deli- cate odor to the skin. Oval Label Hard Water Toilet Soap: A new Oval Label product conforming to the same high standards required in all products carrying the oval label. An attractive package; highly satisfac- tory in hard or soft water; delicately perfumed. Packed three or six dozen to the case. Zebra Castile Soap: A pure cocoanut oil soap, mottled, packed in boxes, 100 bars to box. Every cake of toilet soap bearing the name of Armour and Company carries our guarantee of abso- lute purity. 196 Armour Fertilizer Worlcs FERTILIZERS Animal matter such as dried blood, tankage, bone, etc., serves a most useful purpose in the manufacture of commercial fertilizers. In large modern factories these materials are combined under strict chemical control with acid phosphate, nitrate of soda and potash salts into an almost endless variety of for- mulas suitable for the many different soils and crops in both this and foreign countries, where they have proven to be one of the most economical mediums of enriching the soil, hastening maturity, increasing the yield and improving the quality of crops to which they are applied. Fertilizer factories for the manufacture and dis- tribution of Armour's animal fertilizers are located at the following points: Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta, Chrome, N. J., Jeffer- sonville, Ind., Wilmington, N. C, Greensboro, N. C, Buena Vista, Va., Omaha, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Augusta, Ga., Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville, Nashville, Kansas City, East St. Louis, Sioux City and various other points. Our products are used as Fertilizers for the fol- lowing: Cereals. Hay. Sugar Beets. Cotton. Melons. Tobacco. Fruits. Nursery Stocks. Truck Gardens. Grain. Potatoes. In our manufacturing processes none but the best of ingredients are used. Some of these, which enter into the manufacture of our combinations, are as follows: Sulphate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Potash. Blood. Acid Phosphate. Bone Meal. Nitrate of Soda. Raw Bone Meal. Tankaso. 197 Kainit. Concentrated Tankage. Muriate of Potash. Detailed descriptive matter bearing on our Fer- tilizers can be had on request of Armour Fertilizer Works, Chicago. BLOOD ALBUMEN Standard Albumen: Extra Light Special Albumen: Black Albumen: Defibrinated Liquid Blood: Standard and Special grades Albumen are used by cotton cloth printers for setting colors on print cloths. Black Albumen is used by leather finishers, who also use some light grades of Albumen and Liquid Blood. Also used as a glue in the manufacture of Waterproof Veneers. Blood Meal: For Poultry and Stock. Meat Meal: The famous hog feed. 198 Sand Paper Department Crystolon Cloth: Alundum Cloth: Is used not only in the shoe trade, but for the same purposes that Emery Cloth is used. Many firms have found the Alundum Cloth more satisfactory than the Emery. This cloth is made in sheets 9x11 inches, also in rolls of 9, 18 and 27-inch widths by 50 yards long, the same as Emery Cloth. In appearance it resembles Emery very much. Crystolon Combination: Alundum Combination: Is used largely by the shoe trade in narrow width rolls moulded into shape, for heel-scouring purposes. This is made originally in 28-inch rolls, and the proc- ess of manufacture is much the same as that of Garnet Combination, the difference being that Alun- dum mineral is used instead of Garnet. Crystolon Paper: Alundum Paper: Is extensively used by shoe manufacturers, as the cutting qualities it shows on leather render it very satisfactory. It is used for buffing the soles and heels of shoes and is made in a great variety of widths, ranging from ^ to 3 inches; also 24-inch rolls by 50 yards long. It is also made in sheets 9x11 inches, 9xlli/^ inches and 9x12 inches. This product has demonstrated in many instances that for metal work it is far superior to Emery Paper. Emery Cloth: Is sold in sheets 9x11 inches; also in rolls of 9, 18 and 27-inch widths by 50 yards long, and is consid- 199 ered a very good abrasive for metals, as the cutting- quality of Emery is very well known. Emery Grains: We sell these in the bulk form, in all grades or sizes, in 100 lb. lots. Emery Paper: Is used for grinding and polishing by firms who work in metals. It is sold in sheets 9x11 inches, also in rolls 24 inches wide by 50 yards long. Flint Cloth: This material is, as the name implies, a cloth backing coated with Flint Quartz or grains. It is used principally for belt purposes, and while originally made in 28-inch widths by 50 yards long, it is usually cut into smaller size belts. It is less expensive than Garnet Cloth, and is used for sanding soft woods and for some of the lighter work on hardwood. Flint Paper: Nearly always called Sand Paper. It is made in both sheets and rolls. The widths of the roll goods are the same as those of Garnet Paper, namely 24, 30, 36, 40, 42 and 48 inches by 50 yards long, and these original width rolls are cut up on request into any desired width, provided the customer takes the contents of the entire original roll; these narrow widths selling at prices as shown on our price list. Flint Paper is used in the roll form on sanding machines by firms who manufacture products from the soft woods, such as Pine, etc., these firms using the Flint because it lasts approximately as lon'g on the soft woods as the Garnet, and is less expensive. Flint Ream Paper is of two kinds, the Armour brand of Flint Paper, size 9x11 inches, being the first quality, while our Helmet brand 9x11 and our Bull's Head brand of Flint Paper, size 8%xl0i^ inches, are second quality. Also Lakeside brand, 8%xioy2. 200 Flint Ream Paper is used for polishing and other sanding purposes, and is sold principally through the hardware dealers or jobbers, as well as the paint and wallpaper stores. Flint Finishing Paper: This is practically the same as the garnet finishing paper, only that flint sand is used instead of garnet. Flint Sand: We sell this in the bulk form, in all grades or sizes, in -100 lb. lots. Garnet Cloth: Is just what the name implies; a cloth covered with Garnet Sand, and is used principally for making sand belts. This cloth is made originally in 28-inch rolls 50 yards long. These are cut into 14-inch widths, or any size as required; our rule being that the customer must take the contents of a 14-inch or 28-inch roll. Garnet Combination: Sometimes called Garnet Paper-Cloth. Is made by combining Paper and Cloth, then applying the Garnet on the cloth side by means of glue. This material is used for the same purposes as Garnet Cloth, but is not so expensive. It is made in the same widths and lengths as Garnet Cloth. Garnet Paper: Is used by firms manufacturing articles from hard- woods, such as oak, hickory, mahogany, walnut, etc. It is more expensive than the Flint Paper but does more work in proportion, thus showing a saving. It is made in rolls and sheets 9x11 inches; the original width rolls being 24, 30, 36, 40, 42 and 48 inches by 50 yards long. These are sometimes cut into small width rolls on request of the customer. If a party desires 6-inch rolls, we usually request that he take the contents of an entire original width roll. 201 Garnet Ream Paper is packed 480 sheets per ream, and is used by the same class of trade as Garnet Roll Paper. Garnet Finishing Paper: This, as the name implies, is used for finishing pur- poses. It is a very light weight paper backing coated with the finer grades of Garnet Sand. It is manu- factured in two sizes, sheets 9x11 inches, and rolls 11 inches wide by 60 yards long. Finishing paper is made in both single-faced and double-faced, coated on either one or both sides and is sometimes called splitting paper. The roll paper, however, is made only in the double-faced. The ream paper is made in both single and double faced. This double-faced paper is so manufactured that it can be readily separated. A ream of double-faced finishing paper contains 240 sheets, or half the number con- tained in a ream of single-faced. Each sheet of double-faced paper of course produces two sheets when split, the ream of 240 sheets thus giving 480 sheets in all, the number contained in a ream of single-faced paper. Garnet Sand: We sell this in the bulk form, in all grades or sizes, in 100 lb. lots. 202 Curled Hair Department We manufacture curled hair in black, white and gray colors, prices varying according to the resiliency and length of the hair. It is used for upholstering motor cars, carriages, mattresses and upholstered furniture. We produce a large percentage of the material and import from South America horse hair obtained from the tails and manes of live horses roaming the plains. It is sorted into the various colors and lengths, the hard separately from the soft, and put through a thorough cleaning and sterilizing process. It is then spun into small ropes, boiled, steamed and baked and given a further sterilization. After remaining in the rope a sufficient time to insure thorough seasoning it is picked and made ready for commercial uses. Subjection to these processes renders the hair abso- lutely pure, clean and odorless; will not absorb moisture and deleterious substances. Has greater resiliency and is more wholesome to sleep on than cotton and felt. Prices and samples will be furnished on application to the Curled Hair Department, Chicago. Ammonia Department We put up Anhydrous Ammonia for the trade in cylinders of three sizes — those containing 50 pounds, those containing 100 pounds, and the extra large size containing 150 pounds net. We have convenient stock carrying points and can fill orders promptly. Armour's Anhydrous Ammonia is made from aqua- ammonia, a by-product of the coking industry, and is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, dry and volatile. It is NOT A BY-PRODUCT OF PACKING HOUSE OFFAL. Under ordinary conditions it is a colorless gas, consisting of a combination or union of two other gases, viz., Nitrogen and Hydrogen. Ammonia is not combustible at the ordinary temperature and a flame is extinguished if plunged into the gas. Under usual conditions of temperature and atmospheric pressure, Anhydrous Ammonia is a gas, yet at a temperature of about 28.5 degrees below zero, at normal atmospheric pressure, or when it is subjected to 100 pounds pressure per square inch, at ordinary temperature, it becomes a liquid. Around 110 degrees below zero it congeals or freezes to a white, crystal- line, odorless mass. Anhydrous Ammonia is used as a refrigerating medium, and for this purpose it is held by the leading authorities to be the most economical, as well as the most reliable and effective agent for that purpose. It is also used in French dry cleaning processes, for certain case-hardening processes and also by wood furniture and fixture manufacturers for toning oak and other hardwoods. The department is glad at all times to answer specific inquiries regarding any of these processes. 204 CLASSES OF TRADE USING ARMOUR'S "QUALITY" PRODUCTS Agricultural Implements— Anhydrous Ammonia, Glue, Sandpaper. Air Cooling for Churches, Hotels, Offices, Residences, Restaurants, Theatres, Etc.— Anhydrous Ammonia. Alcohol (recovery of) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Aluminum Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Amusements — Grape Juice, Malted Milk, Soda Foun- tain Supplies, Soft Drinks, Oleomargarine, Coffee. Aquarium and Fish Exhibits — Anhydrous Ammonia. Arms Manufacturers — Sandpaper, Oils, Soap. Army and Navy — Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Packing House Products, Soap, Oleomargarine. Army Posts — Packing House Products, particularly Dressed Beef, Soap, Oleomargarine, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Automobile Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia, Glue, Sandpaper, Curled Hair, Soap. Automobile Tire Fillers — Glue. Bakers — Canned Fruits, Flavoring Extracts, Cocoa, Flavoring Emulsions, Marshmallow Topping, Pie and Cake Filler, Glace Fruits, Canned Foods, Gela- tine, Butter, Eggs (Shelled and Frozen), Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine, Cooking Oil, Soap. Banks — Toilet Articles, Soap. Barber Chairs — Glue, Sandpaper. Barber Supply Houses — Toilet Articles, Soap. Barber Shops — Soap. Bar Supplies (wholesale) — Dry Sausage, Soda Foun- tain Supplies. Bar Fixtures — Glue, Sandpaper. Bath Houses — Toilet Articles, Soap. Beauty Parlors — Toilet Articles, Soap. Beef Houses (wholesale) — Packing House Products. Beer Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Blast Furnace (air drying) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Bleaching Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. Bicycles — Glue, Emery Cloth. Billiard Tables^ — Glue, Sandpaper. Boarding Camps — Packing House Products, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Soap, Oleomargarine. 205 Boarding Schools — Packing House Products, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Soap, Oleomargarine, Cof- fee, Rolled Oats. Boat Lines — Packing House Products, Butter, Coffee, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Soap, Oleomargarine, etc. Bookbinders — Glue. Boots and Shoes — Glue, Sandpaper. Boxing Glove Manufacturers — Curled Hair. Boxes (Paper, Wooden, Cigar) — Glue, Sandpaper. Bottlers — Soap, Anhydrous Ammonia. Breweries — Anhydrous Ammonia, Brooms — Glue. Brushes — Glue, Sandpaper. Butcher Supplies (wholesale) — Casings. Butter and Egg Stores — Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Oleo- margarine. Cabinet Makers — Glue, Sandpaper. Cafes — Packing House Products, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Soap, Toilet Articles, Fruit Pre- serves, Grape Juice, Canned Fruits, Cherries I.M.F., Extract of Beef, Bouillon Cubes, Oleomargarine, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Caici miners — Glue. Camera Manufacturers — Glue, Sandpaper. Camps — Packing House Products, Oleomargarine. Candle Makers — Tallow, Grease, Raw Soap Stock, Anhydrous Ammonia, Yellow Grease Stearine, White Grease Stearine. Candy Makers — Butter, Shelled and Frozen Eggs, C. P. Glycerine, Kokolene, Cocoa. Canning Factories — Smoked Meats, Dry Salt Meats, Anhydrous Ammonia. Carbonated Beverages — ^Anhydrous Ammonia, Soda Fountain Supplies. Carpet and Rug Cleaners — Soap. Carpets — Glue. Carriages — Glue, Sandpaper, Soap. Cars — Glue, Sandpaper, Soap. Caskets — Glue, Sandpaper. Celluloid Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. Cement Manufacturers — Glue. Chain Stores — Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Pack- ing House Products, Oleomargarine. Chairs— Glue, Sandpaper. 206 Chemical Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. Chocolate Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. Cider Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. Cigar Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. Cigar Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Clock Manufacturers — Clock Cord. Clubs— Toilet Articles, Soap, Hotel Toilets, White Floating, Scrubbing. Soaps, Washing Powder, Green Oil Soap, Grape Juice, Fruit Preserves, Packing House Products, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Oleomargarine, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Cocoa Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. Coffins — Glue, Sandpaper. Cold Storage Warehouses (more than 200 different kinds of articles stored) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Collar and Cuff (Paper) — Glue. Colleges — Packing House Products, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Soap, Washing Powder, Oleomar- garine, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Commissaries — Canned Meats, Canned Foods, Pack- ing House Products, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Compound Lard Manufacture — ^Anhydrous Ammonia. Company Stores — Toilet and Laundry Soaps (all kinds). Packing House Products, Oleomargarine. Condenseries — Anhydrous Ammonia, Sandpaper. Confectioners — Cherries I.M.F., Soda Fountain Sup- plies, Hot Drinks Supplies, Grape Juice, Glace Fruits, Flavoring Emulsions, Malted Milk, Gela- tine, Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine, Butter, Eggs (Shelled and Frozen). Cooperage — Glue. Cotton Mills — Anhydrous Ammonia, Soap. Corset Manufacturers — Glue, Curled Hair. Creameries — ^Anhydrous Ammonia. Curtain Fixtures — Glue. Cutlery — Glue, Sandpaper. Dairies — Anhydrous Ammonia, Soap. Dehydrating — Anhydrous Ammonia. 207 Delicatessens — Grape Juice, Cherries I.M.F., Extract of Beef, Bouillon Cubes, Fruit Preserves, Jellies, Canned Fruits, Flavoring Extracts, Dry Sausage, Smoked Meats, Dry Salt Meats, Refinery Products, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Department Stores — Anhydrous Ammonia, Curled Hair, Packing House Products, Soap, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Drum Snares, Oleomar- garine, Coffee, Rolled Oats, etc. Desks — Glue, Sandpaper, Soap. Dining Car Lines — Packing House Products, Soap, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Cof- fee, Rolled Oats. Disc Grinding — Sandpaper. Distilleries — Anhydrous Ammonia. Dredges, etc. — Anhydrous Ammonia, Soap. Druggists (retail) — Pharmaceutical Products, Glue, Toilet Articles, Soap, Pepsin, Pancreatin, Thyroids, etc., C. P. Glycerine, Anhydrous Ammonia, Extract of Beef, Soluble Beef, Bouillon Cubes, Grape Juice, Soda Fountain Supplies, Hot Drinks Supplies, Malted Milk, Musical Strings, Butter, Cheese, Eggs. Druggists (wholesale) — Toilet Articles, Soap, Sur- gical Ligature, Musical Strings. Drug Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. ' Drum Manufacturers — Drum Snares. Dry Goods Houses — Toilet Articles, Soap. Egg Freezing — Anhydrous Ammonia. Electric and Elevated Railways — Soaj), Sand and Emery Paper. Electrical Supply Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia, Soap, Sand and Emery Paper. Ether (recovery of) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Explosives (manufacture and storage of) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Exporters of Food Products — Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine. Fancy Groceries — Toilet Articles, Canned Foods, Soap, Smoked Meat, Oleomargarine, etc. Factories (all kinds) — Soap. Feed Dealers— Blood, Meat, Bone INIeal for Poultry and Stock. 208 Fern Storage— Anhydrous Ammonia. Filtering Plants^ — Anhydrous Ammonia. Fish Culture — Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine. Fisheries— Milts, Livers, Lungs, Plucks, Hearts, Oleo- margarine. Fish Freezing — Anhydrous Ammonia. Fish Merchants — Dry Sausage. Fish Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Five and Ten Cent Stores — Toilet Articles, Soap, Washing Powder, Lighthouse Cleanser, Oleomar- garine. Florists — Anhydrous Ammonia. Floor Surfacing Machine Manufacturers — Sandpaper. Fruit Handling — Anhydrous Ammonia. Fruit Merchants (whclesale) — Dry Sausage, Oleomar- garine. Furniture and Piano Factories and Large Furniture Stores — Green Oil and Castile Soaps, Glue, Sand- paper. Furriers — Anhydrous Ammonia. Fur Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Gas Condensing — Anhydrous Ammonia. Gelatine Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. General Commission and Jobbing Trade — Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Oleomargarine. General Stores — Packing House Products, Soap, Poul- try and Live Stock, Meal and Bone Feed, Oleomar- garine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Glass Making — Anhydrous Ammonia. Glue Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Golf Clubs — Grape Juice, Fruit Preserves, Fancy Table Canned Fruits, Bouillon Cubes, Canned Foods, Canned Meats, Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Government Arsenals — Soap, Sandpaper, Oils, Case Hardening Bone. Grain Elevators — Blood, Meat and Bone Meal for Poultry and Stock, Grocery Stores (retail) — Grape Juice, Cherries LM.F., Extract of Beef, Gelatine, Bouillon Cubes, Fruit Preserves, Jellies, Canned Fruits, Flavoring Ex- tracts, Dry Sausage, Canned Meats, Canned Foods. Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Refining Products, Smoked Meats, Dry Salt Meats, Butterine, Oleomargarine, 209 Soap, Washing Powder, Lighthouse Cleanser, An- hydrous Ammonia, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Grocers (wholesale)— Dry Sausage, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Refinery Products, Smoked Meat, Dry Salt Meat, Lighthouse Cleanser, Soap, Oleo- margarine. Hair Dressers — Soap, Supertar, German Green and Green Oil Soap. Hardware Houses (wholesale) — Supercream, Super- tar, Glue, Sandpaper. Hardware Stores — Glue, Sandpaper, Tennis Gut. Harp Manufacturers — Harp Strings. Harness Pad Manufacturers — Curled Hair. Hide Curing — Anhydrous Ammonia. Horse Collar Manufacturers — Curled Hair. Hospitals — Extract of Beef, Soluble Beef, Grape Juice, Bouillon Cubes, Malted Milk, Packing House Products, Hog Bladders, Surgical Ligature, Light- house Cleanser, Refinery Products, Soap, Washing Powder, Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine, But- ter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Hotels — Fruit Preserves, Grape Juice, Canned Fruits, Cherries I.M.F., Extract of Beef, Bouillon Cubes, Packing House Products, including Hotel Cuts, Canned Meats, Canned Foods, Mince Meat, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Smoked Meats, Dry Salt Meats, Refinery Products, Sweet Pickled Meats, Toilet Articles, Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, Wash- ing Powder, Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine. Ice Cream Manufacturers — Gelatine, Butter, Eggs, Soap, Bulk Crushed Fruits, Flavoring Extracts and Emulsions, Cocoa, Cherries I.M.F., Canned Pine- apple. • Ice Cream Cone Manufacturers — Oleomargarine'. Ice Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Ice Skating Rinks — Anhydrous Ammonia. Ice Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Ink Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Institutions — Packing House Products, Canned Meat, Canned Food, Refinery Products, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Washing Powder, Lighthouse Cleanser, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Interior Decorating — Glue. Interior Finish — Sandpaper. 210 Iron, Steel and Brass — Glue, Emery Paper. Isinglass Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Italian Importers — Dry Sausage, Oleomargarine. Italian Labor Agencies — Dry Sausage. Italian Shipping Agents — Dry Sausage. Laboratory Work — Anhydrous Ammonia. Lard Refining — ^Anhydrous Ammonia. Large Factories — Soaps, Washing Powder in barrels and pails. Large Restaurants — Laundry and Scrubbing Soaps, Washing Powder in barrels and pails. Hotel Toilet Soaps, Lighthouse Cleanser, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Laundries — Anhydrous Ammonia, Toilet Articles, Soap. Leather Belting — Glue. Leather IVIanufacture— Anhydrous Ammonia. Liquid Air Manufacture (for production of Nitrogen, etc.) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Liquor Merchants (wholesale) — Dry Sausage. Liquor Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Liveries — Soap. Lumber Camps — Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Bar- reled Pork and Beef, Smoked Meat, Dry Salt Meat, Soap, Oleomargarine. Lunch Rooms — Dry Sausage, Canned Meats, Canned Foods, Fresh and Smoked Sausage, Packing House Products, Soap, Oleomargarine. Macaroni Manufacturers — Dry Sausage, Oleomar- garine, Frozen Eggs. Machine Shops — Soap, Emery Cloth, Case Hardening Bone. Mail Order Houses — Laundry and Toilet Soaps (all styles), Private brands considered if in large quan- tities. Toilet Articles, Packing House Products, Oleomargarine. Malt Extract Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Malt Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia.. Match Manufacturers — Glue. Mattress Makers — Curled Hair. Meat Curing — Anhydrous Ammonia. Meat Markets — Packing House Meat Products, An- hydrous Ammonia, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Refinery Products, Cooking Oil, Oleomargarine, 211 Barreled Pork and Beef, Dry Sausage, Canned Aleats, Smoked Meats, Dry Salt Meats. Meat Storage — Anhydrous Ammonia. Medical Treatment (Cold rooms for Fever Patients — C. S. of Anatomical Parts, etc.) — Anhydrous Am- monia. Menageries — Packing House Meat Products for Ani- mals. Mercerizing Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. Metal Products (finished) — Sandpaper. Military Encampments — Packing House 'Products, Soap, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Millers — Blood, Meat, Bone Meal for Poultry and Stock. Mineral Water — Anhydrous Ammonia. Mining and Smelting — Anhydrous Ammonia. Models — Glue, Sandpaper. Morgues — Anhydrous Ammonia. Motor Boats — Curled Hair, Sandpaper, Glue, Soap. Motor Car Manufacturers — Curled Hair, Glue, Sand- l)aper, Soap. Mouldings (picture) — Glue, Sandpaper. Musical Instruments — Glue, Sandpaper. Music Stores — Musical Strings, Drum Snares. Navsl Stations — Packing House Products, Soap, But- ter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry. Nurserymen — Anhydrous Ammonia. Office Buildings — Soap, Washing Powder (barrels and pails). Office Buildings (cooling drinking water) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Oil Cloths— Glue. Oil Companies — Lard Oil, Tallow Oil, Acidless Tallow Oil, Cylinder Tallow. Oil Refiners^Glue, Anhydrous Ammonia. Oleomargarine Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia, Buttei-. Optical Instrument Manufacture — Anhydrous Am- monia. Organs— Glue, Sandpaper. Oyster Handling — Anhydrous Ammonia. Ozonating Plants — Anhydrous Ammonia. Packing Houses— Dry Sausage, Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomargarine. 212 Padding Composition — Glue. Paint Stores — Glue, Sandpaper. Paint Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. Paper IVlanufacturers (Writing Paper, Wall Paper, Glazed Paper) — Glue, Anhydrous Ammonia. Paraffine Production — Anhydrous Ammonia. Patterns — Glue, Sandpaper. Peddlers^ — Packing House Products, Oleomargarine. Pencils — Glue, Sandpaper. Perfumery Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Photo Material Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Picture Frames — Glue, Sandpaper. Pi pe — Sandpaper. Planing Mills — Sandpaper. Plaster Casts and Moulds — Glue. Plasterers — Glue. Plug Tobacco Manufacturers — C. P. Glycerine. Pop Corn Venders — Oleomargarine, Butter. Pork and Bean Canneries — Barreled Pork. Poultry Freezing — Anhydrous Ammonia. Precooling — Anhydrous Ammonia. Printers' Roller Manufacturers — P. Y. Glycerine, Glue. Private Schools — Packing House Products, Light- house Cleanser, Soap, Washing Powder, Oleomar- garine. Produce Merchants (wholesale) — Anhydrous Am- monia, Dry Sausage, Oleomargarine. Prolonging Animal Hibernation (Silk Worms, Lady- bugs, etc.) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Prolonging Vegetable Hibernation (Bulbs, Seeds, Plants, Trees, etc.) — Anhydrous Ammonia. Provision (wholesale) — Dry Sausage, Oleomargarine. Public Buildings — Anhydrous Ammonia, Oleomar- garine. Public Institutions — Packing House Products, Light- house Cleanser, Soap, Washing Powder, Oleomar- . garine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Public Markets (Stalls) — Packing House Products, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Pulleys, Wood Split— Glue, Sandpaper, Putty Manufacturers — Beef Bladders. Quicksilver (recovery of) — Anhydrous Ammonia. 213 Racket Stores — Toilet Articles, Washing Powder, Lighthouse Cleanser. Railroads — Soap. Railroad Commissaries — Packing House Products, Soap, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs,' Poultry. Refrigerators — Glue, Sandpaper. Rendering Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. Residence Cooling — Anhydrous Ammonia. Restaurants — Fruit Preserves, Grape Juice, Canned Fruits, Cherries I.M.F., Extract of Beef, Bouillon Cubes, Packing House Products, Dry Sausage, Canned Meats, Canned Foods, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Smoked Meats, Dry Salt Meats, Refinery Products, Soap, Washing Powder, Anhy- drous Ammonia, Lighthouse Cleanser, Oleomar- garine, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Rubber Goods Manufacturers— Soap, Anhydrous Am- monia. Saloons — Anhydrous Ammonia, Soda Fountain Sup- plies, Beef Extract, Bouillon Cubes. Salt Mining — Anhydrous Ammonia. Salt Refining — Anhydrous Ammonia. Sanitariums — Washing Powder in pails and barrels. Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, Packing House Prod- ucts, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Oleomargarine, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Sash, Doors and Blinds — Glue, Sandpaper. Saw Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Sausage Manufacturers — Dry Sausage, Anhydrous Ammonia, Fresh Beef Blood. School Houses — Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, .Wash- ing Powder, Oleomargarine. Sewing Machines — Glue, Sandpaper, Shaft Sinking — Anhydrous Ammonia. Ship Chandlers — Barreled Pork and Beef, Dry Sau- sage, Soap, Oleomargarine. Shoe Manufacturers— Hog Bladders, Glue, Sandpaper. Silk Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Sleeping Cars and Railroad Coach Manufacturers- Curled Hair, Sandpaper. Snuff Manufacturers— Beef Weasands. Soap Manufacturers — Anhydrous Ammonia. 214 Soda Fountains — Grape Juice, Soda Fountain Sup- plies, Hot Drinb:s Supplies, Malted Milk, Soft Drinks, Butter, Cheese, Eggs. Soup Manufacturers — Butter, Eggs, Oleomargarine. Sporting Goods Houses — Tennis Gut. Staff Decorating — Glue. State, County and Municipal Institutions — Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, Washing Powder, Packing House Products, Oleomargarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Stationery Stores (wholesale) — Soap, P. Y. Glycerine. Steamship Companies — Toilet Articles, Soap, An- hydrous Ammonia, Packing House Products, Oleo- margarine, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry. Stearine Production — Anhydrous Ammonia. Steel Mills — Suet, Anhydrous Ammonia. Stock Farms — Soap. Street Pipe Refrigeration — Anhydrous Ammonia. Street Railroads — Soap, Washing Powder, Sandpaper, Glue. Sugar Refining — Anhydrous Ammonia. Sulphite Fibre Works — Anhydrous Ammonia. Summer Resorts — Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Poultry, Packing House Products, Oleomargarine. Surgical Supply Houses — Surgical Ligature, Soap. Syrup Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Tanneries — Anhydrous Ammonia, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Pig Skins, No. 1 and No. 2 Ham Skins, salted whole Hog Skins, Egg Yolks, Neatsfoot Oil, Tallow Stearine, Oleo Stearine, Soap, Fresh Beef Blood. Tea and Coffee Stores — Soap, Butter, Cheese, ?]ggs, Smoked Meats, Oleomargarine, Coffee, etc. Testing Automobile Parts— Anhydrous Ammonia. Testing Batteries and Engines — Anhydrous Ammonia. Testing Insulation — Anhydrous Ammonia. Testing Paving Material — ^Anhydrous Ammonia. Testing Roofing Material, etc. — ^Anhydrous Ammonia. Textile Mills^ — Soap. Theatres — Toilet Articles, Soap. Thermometer Manufacture — ^Anhydrous Ammonia. Tobacco Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Toilet Supply Companies — Toilet Articles, Soap. Towel and Office Supply Companies — Soap. Toys — Glue, Sandpaper. 215 Trunks — Glue, Sandpaper. Turkish Baths — Soaps. Turpentine (naval stores) — Glue. Undertaking Establishments and Large Private Barns — Lighthouse Cleanser. Upholsterers — Curled Hair. Upholstered Furniture Manufacturers — Curled Hair. Violin Manufacturers — Violin Strings, Glue, Sand- paper. Wagons^Glue, Sandpaper. Wail Paper Houses — Green Oil for Calcimining. Watch Case Manufacturers — Sandpaper. Watch Factories — Anhydrous Ammonia, Emery Cloth. Whips— Glue. Window Shades — Glue. Wineries — Anhydrous Ammonia. Woolen Mills — Anhydrous Ammonia, Glue. Yeast Manufacture — Anhydrous Ammonia. Y. M. C. A.'s — Toilet Articles, Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, Washing Powder, Oleomargarine, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Y. W. C. A.'s — Toilet Articles, Soap, Lighthouse Cleanser, Washing Powder, Oleomargarine, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, Coffee, Rolled Oats. Zinc Shavings — Anhydrous Ammonia. Zoological Gardens — Packing House Products for Ani- mals. 216 INDEX A Page Albumen 198 Alundum Cloth I99 AMMONIA DEPARTMENT 204 Animal Oils 73 Apple Butter 140 Austrian Pork 85 B Backs r.0-r)4-r>5-o6-r),S-r,2-l 13-125 Back, Sheep 113 Bacon 49-50-54-60 Bakers' Oleomargarine Specialties 97-98 Banjo Strings 168 Bari Style Sausage 88 Barrel Pork and Beef 61-69 Beans 42-43 Beef Extract 140 BEEP PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT 116-120 Bellies 56-57-58-60-125 Beef and Pork, Barrel 61-67 Beef Cuts 102-109 Beef, Dressed 3-5 Bladders 75-77 Blood 116 Bolog-na 128-129 Bones 123 Bouillon Cubes 141 Brains 116-119-120-127 Brisket, Beef 106 Bungs 74-75-76 lU'TTKK. CHEESE. ECCS AND POPLTRY DEPART- MENT 152-160 Butts 40-58-69-122-123 c Calf Cuts 114-119-120 Calves, Dressed 9 217 Page CANNED FOOD DEPARTMENT 10-44 Capacola 89-90 Caps — Hog 77 CASING DEPARTMENT 74-77 Cauls 118-126 Cheeks 126 Cherries 143 Cheese 153-156 Chickens 159-160 Chitterlings 77 Chorizos 85 Chucks 104-112 Classes of Trade using Armour's "Quality" Products. 205-210 Clears 60 Clods 105 Cocoa, Fountain 145-146 Coffee , 30 Concentrated Syrups 144-145 Condiments 39 Cooking Oil 72 Coppa 89 Corn Flakes 44 Crushed Fruits ! 142 Crystalon Cloth 199 CURLED HAIR DEPARTMENT 203 D D'Arles Sausage 87 DRESSED BEEF DEPARTMENT 3-4-5 Dressed Calves 6-9 Dressed Hogs 6-7 Dressed Lambs 6-7 Dressed Pigs \ . . . 7-8 DRESSED SHEEP DEPARTMENT 6-7-8 Dried Fruits 151 Dried Beef 50 Drum Snares 171 Dry Salt Meats 54 DRY SAUSAGE DEPARTMENT 78-92 Ducks 160 E Ears 126 Eggs 157-158 218 Page Emery Cloth 199-200 Ends 109 Evaporated Milk 37 Ewes 6 EXTRACT OF BEEF DEPARTMENT .140-141 Extracts, Flavoring 142-148 F Farmer Sausage 84 Fat 125-126 Fat Backs 54-55-125 Feet 68-119-125 FERTILIZER WORKS 197-198 Fertilizers 197-198 Fish Items 30-31-32 Flank, Beef 106 Flavoring Extracts 147-148 Flint Cloth 200-201 Fountain Cocoa 145-146 Frankforts 130-131 FRESH BEEF CUTS DEPARTMENT 102-115 FRESH MEAT AND SAUSAGE DEPARTMENT 121-139 Fries 120 Fruit and Nut Specialties 142-143 Fruits, Crushed 142 Fruits in tins for pie bakers and table use 151 G Garnet Cloth 201-202 Geese 160 Gelatine ' 175 GLUE DEPARTMENT 175 Glycerin 182 Goteborg Sausage 84 Grape Juice 146 Grease . 72 GUT STRING DEPARTMENT 163-174 Guts . 77 H Hair, Curled 203 Ham, Beef 106 Hamburger Steak 131 Hams 47-48-50-51-52-124 219 Page Harp Strings 161) Heads . 119-12o Hearts 11()-119-120-12« Hispanosa 85 Hocks 12:5 Hogs. Dressed 7-8 Holstein Sausage 83 I Inedil)le Fats 72 J J(>ll.v. Fruit 14S Jowls 12^ K Kidneys 117-120-120 Killing Products 110 Klobask 85 Kokolene 72 L Lachsschinkcn N4 Lamb items 12(i Laml)s (5-7 Landjaeger 80 Lard 71-124 Lard Oil 73 LATNDKY SOAl' DFPAUT.MKXT 178-181 L(>g, Sheep " 1 1 <> Lighthouse Ch-anser 180-181 Lighthouse Washing Powder 180 Lips 08-117 Livers 110-110-120-120 Loin Backs 5(5 Loin, Beef 103-107 Loin End, P»(>ef 102 Loins 107-100-121 Loin, Sheep lo;> Luncheon Meat 132-133-137 Lungs 11<; Lyons Sausage 87 220 M Page Macaroni 44 Maraschino Cherries 14;j Marshmallow Topping 148 Meal 198 Menage 88 Mettwurst 82-83 Milts 116-126 MINCE MEAT DEl'ARTMEXT 26-27-28-29 Mortadilla 85 :\Ionths 68 Musical Instrument Accessories "... .171-172-17o Musical Instrument Strings 163-164-166 N Navel End, Beef 106 Neatsfoot Oil 73 Neck. Beef 106 NEUTRAL DEPARTMENT 101 Noodles 44 Nut Margarine 96 Nut-Ola 96 o Page Oats 43 OLEOMARGARINE DEPARTMENT 0:'>-99 OLEO OIL DEPARTMENT 100 P Peperoni 90 I'EI'SIN DEI'ARTMENT 161-162 I'icnics 51-124 Pigs, Dressed 7-8 Pineapple, Hawaiian, in tins 150 Plate, Beef 106 Plates 58 Plucks 119-120 Pork and Beans 19 Pork and Beef, Barrel 61-67 Pork Cuts 121-127 Poultry 158-160 I'oultrv Feeds 198 Preserves 143-144 Prosciutti 88-89 PROVISION DEl'ARTMENT 47-69 221 R Page Racks 111-112-114 Rattle, Beef 104 REFINERY DEPARTMENT 71-73 Rennets — Calf v • 76 Rib Backs 55 Rib *Roast, Beef 104 Rib Roast, Lamb 113 Ribs 52-53-60-104 Ribs, Spare 59 Rice 41-42 Rinds 126 Roll, Beef 107-108-101) Round, Bocf 104 Rump Butt, Beef .' 105 s Saddles 109-110-114 Salami Sl-82-86-87-90 SANDPAPER DEPARTMENT 199-202 Sausage Items 127-139 Sausage in Oil 92 Sausage in Pickle 137-139 Scrapple 136 Shanks 106-118 Shaving Soap 188-189-190 Sheep Cuts 109-113 Sheep Items 120 Sheep, Dressed 6 Short Clears 53-54-60 Short Loin, Beef 105 Shoulders ; . . . 50-51-59-60-121-122 Sirloin Butt (Boneless) Beef '. 105 Sirloin Strip (Boneless) Beef 107 Skinned Hams 47 Skins, Hog 126 Skirt, Beef '. 106 Snouts 68-127 Soaps 178-196 Soap Stock 72 SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT 142-151 Soluble Beef 141 Sosera 138-139 Soups 22-23 222 Page Sopressata 87 Souse 137 Spaghetti 44 Spare Ribs 59-122 Stearine . . .♦ 72-100 Stew 114 Stock Feeds 198 Stomachs 77 Suet 117 Sugar Cured Meats 47-51 Summer Sausage 79-80 Sweetbreads 117-119-120 Syrups, Concentrated 144 Syrups and Molasses 40-41 T Tails . . 67-117-127 Talcum Powder 184-194 Tallow 72 Tallow Oil 73 Tankage 197-198 Tenderloin, Beef 106-108 Tenderloin (Boneless) Hanging Beef 106 Tenderloin, Pork 123 Tennis Strings 173-174 TOILET ARTICLE DEPARTMENT 176-177 TOILET SOAP DEPARTMENT 182-196 Tongues 50-69-117-120 Trimmings, Beef 118 Trimmings, Pork 124 Tripe 68-118 "T" Strip, Beef 107 Turkeys 159 Tursouben 84 V Veal Cuts . 114 Vegetables 33-34-35-36-37 Vegetole 72 Vigoral 141 Vin Fiz , 144 Violoncello Strings . . . . ; 170 Violin Strings 164-165-166-167 223 w Page \yashing Powder, Lighthovise iso-isi Wi'asands 7r> W ethers