JU n SEE JAMAICA — BY AUTOMOBILE FOR OUR PENNANT F 1869 .P56 Copy 1 SSlDY's ON ALL CARS DESCRIPTION OF TRIPS COVERING THE ENTIRE ISLAND & "CASSIDY'S" CARS .,-. Copyright 1913 by Motor Car and Supplies, Ltd. rps& HAMBURG- mnuary 1 ■ FEBRUARY AMERICAN MARCH and LINE...^ 1 ^ WINTER CRUISES J9J4 ===== To the WEST INDIES, PANAMA CANAL, and VENEZUELA. Duration 16 to 29 days. From New York by the twin-screw steamers, "Victoria Luise" (17,000 tons) and "Amerika" (23,000 tons). Rates from $145 to $175 and up. From New Orleans, by the twin-screw steamers i, "Fuerst Bismarck" and "Kronprinzessin i] Cecilie" (9000 tons each). Rates, $125 and up. Duration 15 days. ; « , . : : ATLAS SERVICE from New York: ! Regular Weekly Sailings. 11 to 18 days $85.50 and up. 25-day Cruises $140 to $150 and up. For further information write to HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 41-45 Broadway, NEW YORK. Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Chicago, San Francisco. AGENCIES IN ALL LARGE CITIES ©CI.A360077 SERVICE" OUR MOTTO Look for Our Pennant ;: 1 CASsidys On all Cars. MOTOR CAR AND SUPPLIES, Ltd. Opposite Myrtle Bank Hotel, KINGSTON JAMAICA. Compiled by !.. L. Phillips and E. h. Rouse I . R. ( .U \hi>\\ PRI - IMPS! OTT, M \- Mtlfi Q Look for the Pennant. CASSlDYs T N compiling this booklet describing the various trips in Jamaica, the arrangement has been made with reference to the length of the rides, commencing with the shorter ones from Kingston. On the tours, stopping places have been arranged only at points where good hotel accom- modations can be obtained. Many visitors in arranging their cruises have only allowed for a few hours stay in Jamaica. To these and others who are unable to take more than one motor ride while in Kingston, we un- hesitatingly recommend the irip to Castleton Gardens as the most scenic and typical half day tour from Kingston. Cassidy Stands for Service. Cable Cassidy for Cars. GASsiDYs LIST OF TOURS. Description and Rates on Page 1. Constant Spring 6 2. Hope Gardens 6 3. Constant Spring and Hope Gardens, 7 4. Gordon Town, including Hope Gar- dens 7 5. Constant Spring, Hope Gardens and Gordon Town 8 6. Spanish Town 8 7. Albion Sugar Estate 9 8. Castleton Gardens 10 9. Bog Walk and Spanish Town ..... 11 10. Bog Walk and Castleton Gar- dens 12 (List of Tours continued on next page.) Cassidy's Chauffeurs are Careful. 3 Cable Address, "Cassidy" Jamaica. GAS's i dy>* LIST OF TOURS. Description and Rates on Page 11. Natural Bridge, Bog Walk and Span- ish Town 12 12. Newcastle 13 13. Moneague 14 14. Bath 14 .15. Mandeville 15 16. St. Ann's Bay. 18 17. Port Antonio via Castleton Gar- dens 18 18. Three day tour 20 19. Four day tour 21 20. Five day tour 22 21. Six day tour 23 Cassidy's Cars Meet All Steamers. 4 I Cassidy Cars for Comfort GAS sidy' RATES Five Passenger Seven Passenger Car Car (Four and driver.) (Six and driver) In the city only, per. . hour $5.00 $7.50 On tours of three days or more (not exceed- ing 80 miles per day) , per day 40.00 60.00 Rate per day, one or two day trips, (mileage limited to 100 miles per day) . 50.00 75.00 Rate per seat between Port Antonio and Kingston 12.50 12.50 Cassidy's Chauffeurs are Careful. Cassidy's Chauffeurs are Courteous. TOUR No. 1. CONSTANT SPRING. A distance of six miles north of Kingston to the base of the foot hills of the Blue Mountains, passing the business section of the city, the Parade Gardens, Jubilee Market, Cross Roads, and Half Way Tree through the residental sec- tion of the city and returning via the Military Station at Up Park Camp. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $6.00 $9.00 TOUR No. 2. HOPE GARDENS. The Government Botanical Experimental Station at the base of the foot-hills of the Blue Mountains about three miles to the east of Con- stant Spring. Route is through the business Cassidy's Cars Meet All Steamers. 6 Cassidy's Cars Carry Pennants. section, past Parade Gardens, Jubilee Market to Cross Roads thence across the Liguanea Plain to the Gardens, returning via the Military Sta- tion at Up Park Camp. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $7.00 $10.50 TOUR No. 3. CONSTANT SPRING and HOPE GARDENS. Combination of Trips No. 1 and No. 2. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $10.00 $15.00 TOUR No. 4. GORDON TOWN. Same as Tour No. 2, with a drive to Papine, extending up into the mountains to the end of Cassidy Carries All Supplies. 7 Cassidy Everywhere. the road at Gordon Town. A very picturesque ride. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $10.00 $15.00 TOUR No. 5. CONSTANT SPRING, HOPE GARDENS and GORDON TOWN. Combination of Trips No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4, making the most complete and interesting drive about Kingston and embodying all of the local points of interest Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $14.00 $20.00 TOUR No. 6. SPANISH TOWN. Known to the Spaniards by the name of St. Jago de la Vega, and the former capital of Jamaica. Look for Our Pennant 8 Sole Jamaica Agents for Carbide. Spanish Town is one of the first places visited by the tourist and is some thirteen miles from Kingston in the Parish of St. Catherine. Here will be found many points of interest, including King's House, the Temple to Admiral Rodney with its beautiful statue of himself, who achieved his glorious victory over De Grasse's fleet in 1782 thereby saving the West Indies for the British Empire, are both situated around the public square laid out by the Spaniards in 1560; the old cathedral with its floor of tombs; dating back to the sixteenth century, a model prison and the town itself with its quaint streets and houses. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $15.00 $22.50 TOUR No. 7. ALBION SUGAR ESTATE. A very interesting drive to the east of Kings- ton along the sea coast, passing Rockfort quarry, Cassidy Will Care for Your Car. Cassidy Stands for Service. where the prisoners may be seen at work, the Yallas River and Dry River with their valleys running deep into the rugged valleys of the mountains. Very interesting combinations of sea and mountain scenery will be had. At Albion is one of the largest sugar estates of the Island and the cultivation of the sugar cane may be seen at its various stages of growth and pro- duction. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $20.00 $30 00 TOUR No. 8. CASTLETON GARDENS. A botanical park of seven acres maintained by the Government, twenty miles north of Kings- ton across the central range of mountains. Pass- ing through the city to Constant Spring (see Trip No. 1), the road leads over the central range of mountains, attaining at Stony Hill an alti- tude of 2,100 feet, and follows the valley of the Long and Short Trips. 10 We Can Supply Every Motor Need. Wag Water River through the mountains to Castleton, passing on the way large estates of tobacco cultivation. The road is a continuous delight to the visitor who marvels at the grand- eur of the valleys and mountains at every turn. Castleton Gardens contain specimens of plants and trees gathered from all parts of the world, from the hardy pine of Norway, to the most delicate orchid. The varied beauty of this trip cannot be surpassed and for a morning or after- noon ride from Kingston it is unequalled. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $25.00 $35.00 TOUR No. 9. BOG WALK. Bog Walk and Castleton Gardens are the two points of interest always included in the itiner- ary of the visitor and undoubtedly afford a most comprehensive idea of the characteristics of the Island. Bog Walk is a continuation of Tour No. 6, to the town of Bog Walk. After leaving "Service" Our Motto. ii Look for Our Pennant. Spanish Town, the road passes for some miles through the narrow gorge of the Rio Cobre with high hills towering perpendicularly on either hand so that in some parts only the noon- day sun reaches the bottom. This drive affords an example of grandeur blended with luxuriant tropical vegetation, making an ever to be re- membered impression. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and^driver) (Six and driver) $25.00 $40.00 TOUR No. 10. BOG WALK and CASTLETON GARDENS. Combination of Trips No. 8 and No. 9, oc- cupying onejday. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $50.00 $75.00 TOUR No. 11. NATURAL BRIDGE. Six miles beyond Bog Walk, this wonderful natural limestone formation forms a very Welcome to Jamaica 12 We Want You to Come Again. interesting picture, especially when viewed from the bed of the stream which flows under its arch. This trip is a continuation of Tour No. 9. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $30.00 $45.00 TOUR No. 12. NEWCASTLE — Elevation, 3,800 feet. The drive to this military station built away up in the Blue Mountains on a slope overlook- ing Kingston and the Liguanea Plain, affords a trip, which for grandeur is unequalled any- where on the Island of Jamaica, or the entire West Indies and which is affirmed by many experienced travellers, to be excelled by few places in the world. Five Passenger Cars (Four and driver) $30.00. Seven passenger cars cannot make this trip. Cassidy's Cars Meet All Steamers. 13 We Will Book Your Passage. TOUR No. 13. MONEAGUE. A village in St. Ann's, the Garden Parish of Jamaica, 1,100 feet above sea level and in the heart of the grazing country, possessing a fine hotel where one can obtain comfortable ac- commodations. The route to Moneague is over tour No. 9 as far as Bog Walk. From here the road crosses the plain of St. Thomas in ye Vale and ascends Mt. Diablo from Ewarton, con- tinuing on over rolling country to Moneague. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $50.00 $75.00 The return trip may be delayed until second day for $25.00 additional to either of the above rates. TOUR No. 14. BATH. The famous mineral springs at Bath, near the eastern end of the Island, are noted for their Cassidy's Chauffeurs are Courteous. 14 Buick Cars medicinal properties. The road skirts along the shore, passing through Albion Sugar Estate to Port Morant and Bowden, turning inland here through fertile valleys to the town of Bath. From the town to the baths and springs is about one. mile. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $50.00 $75.00 TOUR No. 15. MANDEVILLE. A most picturesque town of 2,000 feet above the level of the sea in the middle of the Island, and the center of the orange district. The route is the same as Tour No. 6 to Spanish Town and from there through the Vere Sugar Planta- tions to the mountains and Mandeville. Ex- cellent hotel accommodations are available here. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $75.00 $115.00 The return may be delayed until second day for $25.00 additional to either of the above rates. We are Sole Jamaica Agents 15 We Need You. AUTOMOBILE ROA More than 2,000 Mile|) " Service" Our Motto. 16 You Need Us fflAP OF JAMAICA. - 1 , Jamaica. 6-0& 1* Compiled. 15-om Vsn-iovis AiAthorrties By E..V D' WVlLLIERS, Seologisr aikS Dlining Engineer. *«"* 711 V/alnur SC- Phila-Fa- •V^ Good Roads in Jamaica. Look for the Pennant. 17 Cable Address, "Cassidy " Jamaica. TOUR No. 16. ST. ANN'S BAY. See trips No. 9 and No. 13. After leaving Bog Walk the drive is no less picturesque, wind- ing up the low hills of St. Thomas in ye Vale to Ewarton; here the ascent of Mt. Diablo is com- menced, on the other side of which are Moneague Fern Gully, Ocho Rios and the Roaring River Falls. At St. Ann's Bay will be found a most comfortable Hotel. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $75.00 $115.00 This trip may be delayed until the second day for $25.00 additional to either of the above rates. TOUR No. 17. PORT ANTONIO. This is undoubtedly the one or two day trip "Par excellence" in Jamaica and one which leaves in the mind of the tourist the satisfaction Cable "Cassidy" for Cars 18 Cassidy Gives Satisfaction of having seen the best and most possible in a limited stay. Next to Kingston the most important port in Jamaica and the chief town on the North coast, Port Antonio enjoys one of the most beautiful situations in the world. Located near the end, on a high point, of a peninsula extend- ing out into the blue Caribbean is the beautiful Hotel Titchfield under the management of the E. R. Grabow Company of Boston. To the front and rear of the Hotel are the magnificent harbors of Port Antonio, to the North the Caribbean with its varying shades of blue and green, and to the South the Blue Mountains tower 7,360 feet into the sky. The trip here from Kingston may be made by either one of two routes, via Castleton Gardens (Tour No. 8), which is across the mountains, or via Bath (tour No. 14), which is the shore road around the eastern end of the Island, or as we recommend go by the one and return by the other, remain- ing over night at the Hotel Titchfield. The round trip rate for one day is, Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $75.00 $115.00 Always On Time 19 Men Wearing the Pennant TOUR No. 18 (THREE DAY TOUR.) First Day. KINGSTON via Spanish Town, Bog Walk, Moneague, Fern Gully, Ocho Rios and Roaring River Falls to ST. ANN'S BAY (see Tour No. 16). Second Day. ST. ANN'S BAY via Ocho Rios, Port Maria, Annotto Bay, Buff Bay, Orange Bay, Hope Bay and St. Margaret's Bay to Port Antonio and Hotel Titchfield. Third Day. PORT ANTONIO, via Blue Hole, Man- chioneal, Bowden, Bath, Morant Bay and Albion Sugar Estate to KINGSTON. (See Tour No. 14 for latter portion of trip). Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $120.00 $180.00 Our Aim is to Make 20 Badge Are Reliable . TOUR No. 19. (FOUR DAY TOUR.) First Day. KINGSTON to ST. ANN'S BA Y. (See Tour No. 16). Second Day. ST. ANN'S BAY via Llandovery Sugar Estate, Brown's Town and Falmouth to MON- TEGO BAY. Third Day. MONTEGO BAY over Long Hill thence via Montpelier, Black Hill, Lacovia and the Santa Cruz Mountains over Spur Tree Hill to MAN- DEVILLE. Your Stay Pleasant 21 Everybody Knows Us Fourth Day. MANDEVILLE via Porus, May Pen, the Vere Sugar district and Spanish Town to KINGSTON. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $160.00 $240.00 Exclusive of hotel expenses. TOUR No. 20. (FIVE DAY TOUR.) First Day. KINGSTON via Albion Sugar Estate, Bath, Manchioneal and Blue Hole to PORT AN- TONIO and HOTEL TITCHFIELD. Second Day. PORT ANTONIO via Hope Bay, Buff Bay, Port Maria, Ocho Rios and Roaring River Falls to ST. ANN'S BAY. We Want to Know Everybody 22 "Cassidy" Stands for Service Third Day. ST. ANN'S BAY to MONTEGO BAY. Same as second day in Tour No. 19. Fourth Day. MONTEGO BAY to MANDEVILLE. Same as third day in Tour No. 19. Fifth Day. MANDEVILLE to KINGSTON. Same as fourth day in Tour No. 19. Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $200.00 $300.00 Exclusive of hotel expenses. TOUR No. 21. Six day tour covering the entire interesting points of the Island. First Day. KINGSTON to PORT ANTONIO. Same as Tour No. 20. Cassidy Knows Every Road 23 NOV 28 1913 Look for the Pennant Second Day. PORT ANTONIO to ST. ANN'S BA Y. Same as Tour No. 20. Third Day. ST. ANN'S BA Y to MONTEGO BA Y. Same as Tour No. 19. Fourth Day. MONTEGO BA Y to MANDE VILLE. Same as Tour No. 19. Fifth Day. MANDEVILLE via Porus and May Pen to Spanish Town, thence via Bog Walk and over Mt. Diablo to MONEAGUE. Sixth Day. MONEAGUE via Fern Gully, Ocho Rios, Port Maria and Castleton Gardens to KINGS- TON. (See Tour No. 8 for latter part of this trip.) Five Passenger Car Seven Passenger Car (Four and driver) (Six and driver) $240.00 $360.00 All Points of Interest are Explained 24 Cassidy's Cars Meet All Steamers IMPORTANT. "While the MOTOR CAR and SUPPLIES COMPANY have taken every precaution to insure the successful completion of any and all engagements of their cars, they cannot be held legally liable or responsible in any way whatso- ever for such delays, accidents or other incon- venience or loss such as may occur. The rates above quoted are for the use of the car, and in- clude all expenses in connection with same, but DO NOT include hotel accommodations en route, (except for the chauffeur) or such personal ex- penses as may be incidental to delays in con- nection with the operation of the cars." Cassidy Will Care for Your Car ^ 25 METROPOLITAN HOUSE JAMAICA'S LARGEST AND BEST -EQUIPPED DRY GOODS STORE Every Requisite in Clothing, Underwear, Boots and Shoes Millinery, Etc. FOR TOURIST AND RESIDENT Suitings, Linens, Drills, Light-weight Tweeds, Embroideries, Laces, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars Ties, Lingerie, Corsets. Agents for Regals, Walkover, K.G Brand, Bee Hive, Jamaica Lady Boots and Shoes. WE SPECIALIZE in Elite Tailoring and Dressmaking. Suits made to measure in three hours. NATHAN & CO., Ltd. KING & BARRY STREETS, KINGSTON. 26 GOLOFINA CIGA RS For QUALITY INSIST AND BE SA TISFIED 25 DIFFERENT SHAPES GOLOFINA CIGARS 27 HF RFP Uli/P Cor ner King and I f\ DC IVl Harbour Streets ■ ik. ltll in t l_ Kingston, Jamaica 15 Minutes from the Wharf KINGSTON'S FAMOUS TOURISTS' RENDEZVOUS Tropical Outfits for Ladies and Gentlem en JIPPA-JAPPA AND GENUINE PANAMA HATS Make our House your Headquarters. ALSO BRANCHES AT . Montego Bay, Browns Town, Port Maria Sav La Mar (Bee Hive & Cavendish House) IN THE COUNTRY And Cavendish House (Orange St ) People's Mart (King St. and Parade) IN KINGSTON All replete with fresh, up-to-date goods at the lowest possible prices. NATHAN & CO. Ltd. 28 Myrtle Bank Hotel Situated on Harbour Street Overlooking the Water KINGSTON, JAMAICA The Myrtle Bank Hotel is equipped with all modern improvements, electric lights throughout, hot and cold running water in every room and many rooms have private bath. On the first floor there is a spacious foyer a large billiard room with American and English tables, and an attractive Dutch room ; there is also a telegraph and cable office, and post office for the convenience of guests. The main dining room is large and well- lighted, and is connected with a spacious piazza dining room looking out on the gardens and bay, and the cuisine and service will be found equal to any hotel in America. The Hotel is but a short distance from the shopping district and the arrival and sailing piers of all steamship lines calling at Jamaica. MYRTLE BANK HOTEL CO., Ltd. E. R. GRABOW, Managing Director C. E. CHADBOURNE, Resident Manager 29 HOTEL TITCH FIELD AND ANNEX Port Antonio, Jamaica, B. W. /. The Hotel Titchfield is the finest appoint- ed winter resort hotel in the West Indies and has every modern convenience. Over One Thousand Feet of Wide Piazzas, including a large Dining Piazza and a Cafe Piazza. In both the main building and the an- nex there is hot and cold running water in every room and many rooms have private bath. Splendidly situated on Titchfield Hill, commanding a superb view of the Blue Mountains and the Caribbean Sea. Bath- ing the finest in the world. Every facility offered for Tennis, Horseback Riding, Driving, Boating, Fishing and all out- door amusements. There is also a first- class modern garage connected - OPEN JANUARY, FEBRUARY MARCH AND APRIL E. R. GRABOW COMPANY, Managers Boston Office, 673 Boylston Street 30 The C. C. Henriques Co. The Oldest and Largest Wholesalers and Retailers of PANAMA HATS IN JAMAICA One of our Men's Styles. One of our Ladies' Styles. We specialize in Ladies' Hats, and our factory is equipped for finishing in the latest and most up-to-date models. We cater specially to American Tour- ists, and invite a visit to our factory. Best Value and Lowest Prices have been our success. 1 6 ORANGE ST., Near HARBOUR ST KINGSTON JAMAICA 31 WINTER . CRUISES RED STAR LINE WHITE STAR LINE WEST INDIES Always including JAMAICA PANAMA CANAL SOUTH AMERICA Delightful Voyages, 16 to 28 Days Each by the Superb Steamers " LAPLAND," $«? " LAURENTIQ" ^ " MEGANTIC," $£? From $145 to $175 and up Comprehensive Itineraries. Ask for Booklets. Cruise Department §f&K££ JAMAICA As well as all other points of interest on the Caribbean is included in the three winter cruises to the WEST INDIES AND PANAMA CANAL By the world-famous steamship "GROSSER KURFUERST" of the NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Dates of Cruises. January 14. February 12. March 19. Jamaica is in all its tropical glory during the first three months of the year. In addition you will see the Panama Canal in actual operation. You cannot afford to miss this trip. Rate $!60 up -Duration 21 to 29 dayi. Write for our new booklet, " To the Canal and Caribbean." OELRICHS & CO. General Agent* 5 Broadway, New York «@xf LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 995 957 % The WHITE FLEET COOLEST, CLEANEST, MOST COMFORTABLE SHIPS AFLOAT The Ideal Steamers for your Winter Cruise to JAMAICA PANAMA CANAL COLOMBIA COSTA RICA HAVANA SAILINGS FROM BOSTON— Weekly, Thursdays NEW YORK— Weekly, Wednesdays Weekly, Saturdays— 18-day Cruise- de-Luxe to Port Antonio, Kingston, Colon, Port Limon and Havana NEW ORLEANS— Weekly, Wednes- days, Thursdays and Saturdays SEND FOR BOOKLETS UNITED FRUIT COMPANY STEAMSHIP SERVICE LONG WHARF 17 BATTERY PLACE BOSTON NEW YORK