1666 8 y 1 CATALOGUE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE UNION PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF DICKINSON COLLEGEj CARLISLE, PA. MDCCCXXXVIII, CATALOGUE MEMBERS OF THE UNION PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ny OF DICKINSON COLLEGE, From its estabUskment August SI, 1789, ^o Movember 30, 1838. PHI3TTED BY GEORGE M. PHILLIPS, CARLISLE. MDCCCXXXVIII. "V-. -f W^'S^^' .3 •US' FOUNDERS OETHE SOCIETY, WILLIAM BALDRIDGE JOHX CHEW SAMUEL DAVIDSON FRANCIS HOLLAND THOMAS McCOMB THOMAS G. PSACHEY WILLIAM T. PEACHEY ROBERT SMITH JOHN THOMPSON ROBERT WILSON, HONORARY MEMBERS, *John M. Mason, D. D. S. T. P. Henry Vethake, A. M. Prof. Math, et Nat. Phil. John C. Slack, A. M. New York. John S. Ebaugh, V. D. M. Carlisle. * George Woodruff, V. D. M. Carlisle. Thomas R. Lee, A. M. Westchester City, N. Y. Samuel Sitgreaves, Jun. V. D. M. Easton. John L. Mason, A. M. New York. *David Hosack, M. D. L. L. D. F. R. S. New York. William Barrow, M. D. New York. Nathaniel Chapman, M. D. Philadelphia. Redmond Conyngham, Esq. Carlisle. John Andrew Shultz, Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. * Gabriel Hiester, Esq. Harrishurg. Hon. David Stewart, Baltimore. John Reynolds, Esq. Ohio. Hon. Thomas Burnside, Bellefonte. William Carmichael, Md. Lewis Mayer, V. D. M. Carlisle. *Isaac D. Barnard, Esq. Chester Co. Joseph Hemphill, Esq. Philadelphia. H. A. Muhlenberg, D. D. Minister near the Court o^ Vienna. Maj. Stephen H. Long, U. S. Army. Hon. David Scott, Wilkesbarre. Rev. Samuel B. How, D. D. Pres. Dickinson College. Hon. Langdon Cheves, South Carolina. 6, John W. Vethake, Chilicothe, Ohio. Right Rev. Bishop H. U. Onderdonk, Pa. John K, Finley, M. D. Frof. Chem. D. C. AVilliam G. Ernest, V. D. M. Lebanon, Rev. Wm. L. McCalla, D. D. Philadelphia, Rev. John Macbeth, A. M. Scotland. Rev. Daniel Young. Com. Jesse D. Elliott, U. S. Navy. * General Gilbert Motier De La Fayette, of France. Capt. k. Mcllhenny, U. S. Army. Thomas Cooper, A. M. Chem. et Nat. Phil. Prof. Rev. S. A. Roszel, A. M. Carlisle. Gen. George Gibson, U. S. Army. Pres. B. N. Lindsley, Nashville, Tenn. J. N. Conyngham, Wilkesharre. Major Moiiill Manton, U. S. Army. Rev. George G. Cookman, Washington City, Rev. John R. Goodman, A. M. Carlisle. Col. William A. Trimble, U. S. Army. Thomas Sevvall, M. D. Washington City. •*Prof. John M. Keagy, M. D. Philadelphia. Hon. John Taliaferro, Fredericksburg, Va. Rev. George Lane, Wilkesbarre. Hon. Charles Miner, Wilkesbarre. James B. Longacre, Esq. Philadelphia. Merritt Caldwell, A. M. Prof. Ment. Phil, et Polit. Econ. John McLean, Esq. Philadelphia. Hon. J. W. Chinn, Lancaster Co., Va. Hon. Samuel D. Ingham, New Hope. H. P. C. Wilson, Esq. Princess Ann, Md. Jesse Bowman, Esq. Berwick. Rev. Samuel Harvey, Germantown. Thomas E. Sudler, A. M. Prof. Math. Annapolis, Md. Rev. H. B. Bascom, D. D. Prof. Mor. Sci. Avgiista, Ky. William H. Allen, A. M. Prof. Chem. et Exper. Phil. Richard Benson, Esq. Philadelphia. Alexander F. Dobb, A, M. Attelboro. Charles A. Warfield, Esq. Williamsport, Md, Matthew Anderson, M. D. Philadelphia. *Maj. George Blaney, U. S. Army. Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsburg. Henry Antes, Esq. Harrishurg. Samuel Lyon, Esq. Washington. Rev. T. C. Thornton, Dumfries^ Fa. Hon. W. C. Rives, Fa. Major General Gaines, U. S. Army. Charles Anthon, Prof. Lan. Columbia College, N, Y. Hon. J. Forsyth, Georgia. Hon. J. C. Calhoun, South Carolina. AVashington Irving, Esq. New York. Hon J. Q. Adams, Mas s adieus etts. N. P. Willis, Esq. New York. Noah Webster, L. It. D. Conn. Hon. Samuel L. Southard, L. L. D. New Jersey. Nicholas Biddle, Esq. Philadelphia. His Exc'y. Martin Van Buren, Pres. U. S. Hon. Wm. C. Preston, South Carolina. Dr. Robert M. Bird, Philadelphia. Hon. John P. Kennedy, Baltimore. Hon. Horace Binney, L. L. D. Philadelphia Hon. P. P. Barbour, Fa. Alexander Bache, Pres. of Girard College. Matthew Carey, Esq. Philadelphia. George McClelland, "M. D. Philadelphia. Charles Da vies, Prof. Math, in Military Acad. West Point. trofessor Goodrich, Conn. . F. Wayland, D. D. Pres. Brown University. E. Nott, D. D. Pres. Union College, N. Y. Major General Scott, U. S. Army. Hon. J. King, Georgiai Hon. W. R. King, Alabama. Benjamin Silliman, L. L. D. Yale College. Hon. Henry A. Wise, Firginia. J. C. S. Monkur, M. D. Baltimore. Hon. Judge Story, Mass. Hon. J. K. Paulding, Sec. U. S. Navy. J. Fennimore Cooper, YiSc^.^New York. Fitz-Greene Hallack, Esq. New York. Rev. Alexander T. McGill, A. M. Carlisle. Robert H. Rose, M. D. Silver Lake. N. C. Brooks, A. M. Baltimore. John F. Watson, Esq. Germantown. JUNIOR HONORARY MEMBERS Daniel Zacharias, Carlisle. John W. Curtis, V, D. M. Harrisburg. Lieut John M. Berrien, U. S. Navy. Edward M. Biddie, Esq. Carlisle. Lieut. William Inman, U. S. Navy. Lieut. John B. Montgomery, U. S. Navy. Gad Day, Lancaster. James Goodman, Esq. J. Brown Parker, Esq. Carlisle. BEGULAR MEMBERS. 1790. Rev. William Woods, Cumberland county, John Lyon, Esq. Prof. Rhet. et Ment. Phil. Uniontown. James Eamsey, Pennsylvania. James Smith, Jun. Maryland. Josiah Leake, Virginia* James Wilson, Pennsylvania. James Laird, Cumberland county. Hatch Dent, Pennsylvania. George D. Parnham, Maryland. 179 1. Rev. John Brackenridge, Pennsylvania. Andrew Steel, Pennsylvania. William Noland, Esq. Sup. Public Buildings, Wash. City. James Martin, M. D. Snow Hill, Md. Henry Lyon Davis, A. M. Pres. Hamilton College, N. Y. Rev. John McJimsey, Pennsylvania. *David Cassat, Jun. Esq. Pennsylvania. 17 92. Rev. Matthew Brown, D. D. Prest. Jefferson College. James G. Gilchrist, South Carolina. Andrew Caldwell, Pennsylvania. *William Laird, M. D, Cumberland county. *Rev. Francis Laird, Cumberland county. David Duncan, Cumberland county. *Sarauel Duncan, Esq. Cumberla7id county. 10 Callander Irvine, A. M. Coramissary Gen. of Supplies, U, S. Jl Alexander Dow, Maryland. William Elliott, Pennsylvania. 1793, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Baltimore. Hon. Alexander Nisbet, Judge of the Court at Baltimore, 17 9 4. Edwin Watts, Alexander McCoy, Richard Johns, *George Reid, John Whiteside, Rev. William Stewart, Rev. David McConaughy, Pres, *William Patton, M. D. *Rev. Patrick Davidson, Edwin Putnam Esq. John Nevin, Rev. Walter Bredin, AVilliam Crieghton,. John Cooper, A. M. Principal 1 7 Rev. Robert Kennedy, *Alexander P. Lyon, Esq. Cathbert Harrison, Jr. *Thomas D. Carson, James Irvine, M. D. Abraham Craig-, John McCan, James D. Greason, Esq. * Alexander McKeehan, M. D. Hon. Henry More Ridgely, Samuel Norwood Ridgely, Thompson Holmes, M. D. 1 7 *Ralph Marlin, Esq. Rev. Thomas Grier, Westmorland county, Pennsylvania. Maryland. , Washington College. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Maryla7id.' of the Newhnrg Academy. 9 5. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Virginia. Harrisburg. Cumberland county. Cumberland county. Pen7isylvania. Cumberland county. Cumberland county. Chancellor of Delaware, Maryland. Near Philadelphia. 96 . Cumberland county. Cumberland county. 11 Willing King, M. D. Moses Montgomery, John Moore, Thompson Moore, William N. Irvine, Esq. *Jesse Duncan, Esq. William' Ritchie, Esq. Rev. James Guthrie, Thomas McComb, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. Maryland. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Virginia. Pennsylvania. Virginia. 17 97. Hon. John B. Gibson, Chief Justice Pennsylvania. *John C. Floyd, Ex-Governor of Virginia. George Metzger, Esq. Gen. John B. Alexander, * William Watson, M. D. *Elias EUmaker, Esq. *Thomas Stockton, Carlisle. Greenshurg. Pennsylvania. Lancaster. New Jersey. *Alfred M. Grayson, Esq. Sec. Commonwealth Ky. Pennsylvania. Chester county. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. ,17 9 8. Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, Virginia. Baltimore. Virginia. Virginia. Pennsylvania. Maryland. 1799. Carlisle. Carlisle. Pennsylvania, Carlisle. Pennsylvania, Robert Houston, M. D. Rev. Levi Bull, D. D. Andrew Buchanan, Esq. William F. Mitchell, *James Dunlop, Esq. Robert Patterson, *John Scott, *Alexander H. Boyd, Esq, John Preston, Esq. Samuel Ball, *John B. Cox, Otho W. Lnckett, George A. Lyon, Esq. *Andrew Carothers, Esq. Jonathan Redick, Esq. John Hunter, William Walker, 12 18 0. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, late Min. near the court of !Si. Petersburg George D. Foulke, M. D. Carlisle. Robert C. Carter, Virginia. G. Bullitt, Esq. Virginia. Moses Merryman, Esq. Baltimore, George Espy, Pennsylvania. *Wilson Elliott, Esq. Pennsylvania. John Oliver, Pennsylvania. Moses Canan, Esq. Montgomery county* *John Hylliard, A, M. Delaware, John Cunningham, Pennsylvania. ^Alexander ('. Wallace, Esq. Maryland. Charles N. Ridgely, Maryland, 18 1. Edward G. Woodyear, Esq. Baltimore. William Patterson, Pennsylvania. Hon. James Rice Black, Judge of Supreme Court, Delaware, Charles Kuhn, Pennsylvania. *Samuei Guthrie, Pennsylvania. Rev. James Buchanan, Pennsylvania. 18 02. George P. Forrence, Esq. South Carolina. William Peterson, Maryland. 18 3. Stephen Duncan, Sr. M. D. Natchez, Miss, Isaac B. Parker, Esq. Carlisle. *Walker Reed, Esq. Pennsylvania. *Thomas G. McAllister, M. D. Surgeon U. S. Navy. ^Stephen Carson, Pennsylvania, Hon. Samuel Herrick, Judge of District, Ohio. John B. Reynolds, M. D. Pennsylvania. William Barr, Pennsylvania. C. Willis Weaver, Esq. Chief Engineer on the National Road. *]RiGhard Gustine, M. D. Carlisle. *Johi)i McAllister, Esq. Harrishurg. 13 William Norris, Esq. Stephen Duncan Jr. Esq. *Thomas McFerron, M. D, Robert Agnew, Thomas May, M. D. William M. Chambers, M. Adam Hays, M. D. *Joseph Briggs, Esq. Henry G. Breeman, GustavusM. Brown, John Lashell, Esq. MMtiiew W. Brooke, *Sacauel P. Duncan, M. D. *J^hn Fisher, Esq. Robert Laverty, William Irwin, Esq. Jonathan G. Good. Jacob Zell, William V. Mercer, *Rev. Francis Pringle, John W. Armor. William A. Boyd. John Gardiner, Esq. Hon. James Buchanan, U. Paul S. Pierce, Henry Carroll, Daniel Dunn, Robert Smith Grier, A. Brackenbridge, Esq. Samuel Parke. John Caldwell Grier, Vachel W. Randall. 1804. Lancaster. Mississippi. Pennsylvania. Maryland. 18 6. D. Philadelphia. Carlisle. Carlisle. Baltimore. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Virginia. Pennsylvania. Delaware. 18 7. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Virginia. Ulkton, Md. Carlisle. Fork. S. S. et late Minister to Russia. Newville. 18 8. Maryland. Baltimore. Pennsylvania. Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, 14 Cornelius Smith, Jacob B. Weidman, Esq. Charles F. M. Keener, Stephen W. Foreman, Charles Bosley, Steptoe Pickett, Esq. Isaac R. Douglass, Esq, Braxton Davenport, Esq. Edward Lucas, Charles Morrovy, Simon Morgan, Wilkin Allison, Esq. Jacob H. Geiger, Richard Johns, Benjamin Johns, *John A. Henderson, Esq Thomas T. Blackford, M. Andrew J. Peterson, Thomas B. Veasey, Philadelphia, Lebanon. Carlisle. 18 9. Martinsbiirg, Va, Baltimore. Fauquier County, Va. Alexandria, D. C. Charlestown, Va. Shepherdstown, Va, Shepherdstown, Va. Shepherdstown, Va. Greencastle. Hagerstoivn. Baltimore county, Md. Baltimore county, Md. Huntingdon. D. Frederick City, Md. Elkton, Md. Elkton, Md. 18 10. John D. Urquhart, William Allison, Thomas J. Grahame, James Foster, George Travers, Charles Witman, *Dennis Hagan, Esq. James Johnson, William Goldsborough, Philip Wager, William D. Mercer, Nicholas W. Goldsborough, Jesse Taylor, Samuel A. Marsteller, Esq. John G. Gould, Germania, Va. Franklin county. Frederick City, Md. Lewistoum. Georgetown, D. C. Reading. Frederick City, Md. Frederick City, Md. Frederick City, Md. Charlestown, Va. Elkton, Md. Frederick City, Md. Alexandria, D. C. Alexandria, D. C. Hagerstown, Md, 15 James Hamilton, Esq« Charles H. Carroll, Daniel M. Fitzhugh, John Mitchell, Charles Chapin, Frederick D. Stone, James D. Riddle, William McPherson, Grafton Dulany, Esq., William S. Stewart, Edward B. Addison, Charles C. Stuart, *Ezra Doty, Prof. Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin CoUett, Richard H. Field, James Sykes, M. D., Benjamin Mackall, John H. Mason, William M. Worthington, Joseph W. Edminston, Peter McFarland, Hon. Wm. W. Potter, M. C, Josias Crapham, Carlisle. Hagerstown, Md. Hagerstown, Md. Georgetown, D. C. Alexandria, D. C. Port Tobacco, Md. Alexandria, D. C. Frederick city, Md. Baltimore. Fairfax county, Va. Georgetown, D. C. Fairfax county, Va. Middletown, Pa. Washington College, Pa, Charlestown, Va. Madison county, Va. Dover, Del. Nottingham, Md. Loudon county, Va, Georgetown, D. C. Lewistown, Pa. York, Pa. Belief onte, Pa, Loudon county, Va. William A. Simpson, George L. Potter, Charles N. Clagett, Richard Wool ton, Notley H. Rozier, Prof. Ed. H. Barton, M. Horatio R. Beatty, Addison Belt, Robert Patton, Charles Eggleston, James Sommerville, 1811. Shippensburg, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Prince George county, Md, Montgomery county, Md. Alexandria, D. C. D., Fredericksburg, Va. Georgetown, D. C. Georgetown, D. C. Fredericksburg, Va. Amelia county, Va. Prince George county, Md. 16 Andrew Pierce, Joseph Tate, Esq. John McPherson, Esq. Humphrey B. Powell, Esq. William Turner Wolfon, John Hill Carter, Joseph Cellers, Henry Armstead Nelson, William Eggleston, Cassius Carter, *Edward E. Carter, Thomas M. Colston, John A. French, Robert Allen, John James Allen, Joseph S. Spengler, John D. Mahon, Esq. EHsha T. Fox, Daniel B. Hook, John Marshall, Robert B. Corbin, John F. Brooke, Ernestus A. Dunkell, Thomas Tyler Linton, Thomas Hord, William J, Brona«gh, John W. Tyler, Jones Green, Richard R. Randolph, Josiah Hawkins, William E. Sykes, Wilson Cary Seiden, Thomas W. Hack, *John Duncan, Esq.' Andrew H. Woods, Pittsburg, Pa. Richmond, Va, Frederick county, Md. Middlebury, Va. Prince George county, Md, Prince William county f Va, Hagerstown, Md. 1812. Fredericksburg, Va. Amelia county, Va. Prince WUliam county, Va, Prince PVilliam county, Va, Berkely county, Va, Fredericksburg, Va. Shenandoah county, Va. Shanandoah county, Va. Shanandoah county, Va. Pittsburg, Pa. Pnnce William county, Va, Frederick county, Md. Washington county, Ky. Caroline county, Va. Fredericksburg, Va. Baltimore, Md. Prince William county, Va, Caroline city, Va. Loudon county, Va. Prince William county, Va, Culpepper county, Va. Richmond, Va. Charles county, Md, Dover, Del. Loudon county, Va. Accomack county, Va. Carlisle, Pa. Baltimore, Md. 17 1813 William A. Wright, *William F. Carter, E. L. Waring, Robert L. Madison, William Price, Esq. William Croghan, jun., Esq. Samuel Liggett, Esq. Rev. Frederick Augustus Ross, Tasker C. Quinlan, Francis W. Brooke, David N. Mahon, M. D. Festus Dickinson, Lev^-is JNeill, Charles T. Magill, ^William Brackenridge, Esq. John E. Page, Robert G. Hill, William Gemmill, Joshua Storrs, Edward Govan, Mortimer D. Williams, Richard Taylor, William S. Bernard, 1 8 Henry H. Wells, George L. Brent, John Mason, Allen Apperson, John Dorsey, Thomas Kelly, Esq. *Lycurgus Winchester, *John T. Corbin, Gunning B. Read, George F. Thornton, Alexander L. Botts, King ^ Queen county^ Va. Culpepper county, Va. Essex county, Va. Madison county, Va. Washington county, Md. Pittsburg. Chambersburg. Richmond, Va. Loudon county, Va. Fauquier county, Va. Carlisle. Caroline county, Va. Frederick county, Va. Frederick county, Va. Carlisle. Frederick county, Va. Caroline county, Va. York county. Henrico county, Va. Hanover county, Va. Hardy county, Va. Richmond, Va. Virginia. 14. Sussex county, Del. Stafford county, Va. Stafford county, Va. Caroline county, Va. Anne Arundel county, Md, York coimty. Baltimore, Md. King 8c Queen county, Va. Newcastle, Del. King George county, Va. Richmond, Va. 18 *Levi Wheaton, M. D. Thomas Mason, liovv^ard Malcora, John Karris, Stephen W. Wykoff, John W. Armstrong, M. I Samuel Oldham, Thomas H. Dunn, Reade Washington, Esq. Walter C, Carrington, Charles F. Machin, Archibald Ritchie, *Dabney C. Terrill, John McRae, Thomas Lee Orr, George C. Harrison, Richard Hard way, * James E. Madison, Cyrus V/. Trimble, Washington Williams, Richard Adams, Rev. John Winebrenner, William Gilmour, Carey A. Trimble, Esq. Alexander McRae, Lemuel P. Gustine, M. D. ^Matthew Miller, M. D. Richmond, Va. Richmond^ Va, Philadelphia. Annapolis, Md. Opelousas, La. Carlisle. 18 15. jCaroline county, Va. Petersburg, Va. Frederick county, Va* Charlotte county, Va. Hardy county, Va. PVashington county, Md. Louisville, Ky. Petersburg, Va. Frederick county, Va. Prince George county, Va. Amelia county, Va. Madison county, Va. Late Governor of Ohio. Hardy couuty, Va. Richmond, Va. 18 16. Harrisburg. Lancaster county^ Hillsborough, Ohio, Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia. Carlisle. 182 1 Rev. George A. Lyon, junr. Alfred Armstrong, A. M. James Culbertson, M. D. Hon. AVilliam L. Helfenstein, Samuel Boyd, jun., M. D. Hugh Gaullagher, Esq. Pittsburg. Princ'l Harrisburg Academy. Carlisle. Ohio. New York. Carlisle. 19 James Markoe, Esq. Rev. William P. Cochran, Andrew Parker, Esq. Hon. Charles McClure, M. C. Alexander Donaldson, M. D. Philadelphia. Millerstown. Cumberland county. Carlisle. Little Rock, III. 1822. Rev. E. Mason, D. D. S. T. P. Digby B. D. Smith, Cornelius Van Cleef, Isaac Labaugh, Ira C. Boice, Rev. Charles Whitehead, J. J. B. Rowan, Thomas R. Lee, *Theodore H. Smith, William Irvine, William Annan, Rev. John E. Annan, William B. Norris, Samuel Bryson, Robert P. Lee, ^ Rev. John M. Dickey, Paris Spohn, Samuel Smith, Samuel Montgomery, Matthew B. Patterson, Thomas S. Herbert, Joseph Crane, Rev. Samuel McClay, Thomas Williams, Charles R. Cooper, M. D. Thomas Craighead, Robert Bridges, Charles A. Snowden, Robert M. Taylor, Rev. George E. Hare, New York. New Brunswick, N. J. New Brunswick, N. J. New Brunswick, N. J. New Brunswick, N. J Philadelphia. New York. Yorktown, N. Y. Lancaster. Centre county. Ermnitsburg, Md. Emmitsburg, Md. Bellefonte. Mifflin. Yorktown, N. Y. Oxford. Philadelphia. Gettysburg. Columbia county. Columbia county. Prince George county, Md. Cumberland coimty . Lewistow7i. Greensburg. Carlisle. Carlisle. Philadelphia. Prince George county, Md. Frederick county, Md. Princeton, N. J. 20 George S. Armstrong, John H. Wells, W. H. Postlethwaite, Robert L. F. Preston, Alexander Macbeth, Esq. Rev. Joseph Mahon, William D. Stratton, Edward H. Brien, Samuel R. Houston, Charles V/. Kelso, Esq. William Peter, Rev. John H. Marsden, George W. McKenney, William W. Gerhard, James M. Hopkins, Alexander Gwin, Esq. William B. McClure, Esq. Augustus O. Heister, Esq. Henry L. McConnell, Esq. George W. Teackle, John H. Price, Robert Adair, Joseph Gardner, Carlisle. Greenshurg, Greensburg^ 182 3. Abmgdon. New ark , Del. Shippenshurg. Northampton counti/.. Lancaster. Rockbridge county, Va. Carlisle. Georgetown, D. C. Mams county. Georgetown, D. C Philadelphia, Lancaster. 1824. Huntingdon. Pittsburg. Harrisburg. Huntingdon. Accomack county, Va. Hartford county, Md. Philadelphia. Chester county. 1825. Andrew Work, Sidney G. Fisher, Esq. Albert S. Mendenhall, Hon. R. B. Carmichael, M. C. *Daniel Denny, Esq. George W. Hitner, Augustus E. Shultze, Esq. James Noble, William L. Savage, Esq. Mc Connellsburg. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Centreville, Md, Chanbersburg, Carlisle. Harrisburg. Carlisle. Northampton county. 21 George W. Ege, Yeates Conynghara, James Burnside, Esq. Walter S. R. Tarpin, Benjamin Patton, jun., Esq. Benjamin Gerhard, M. D. Edward Ritchie, Robert Bryson, Peter H. Engle, Cumberland county, Carlisle. Bellefonte. Centreville, Md. Lewistown. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northumberland county, Chester. 182 6 John Norris, jun. Samuel White, Rev. David Gordon, Richard Armstrong, Francis West, jun., M. D. Henry N. Troup, Edward C. Humes, Esq. Madison Brown, William M. Lyon, Esq, *Edward J. Lowrey, Joseph INeide, Esq. Heister H. Muhlenberg, M. D. *John C. Spayd, M. D. James Van Horn, Hon. William S. Ramsey, M. C Wamilton Peter, James Crawford, Esq. Samuel Pollock, Charles R. Thomson, Alexander W. Hemphill, Bowles A. Lee, Bellefonte. Kent Island, Md. New York. Northumberland county, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Bellefonte. Cenireville, Md. Pittsburg. Bellefonte. Chester. Reading. Reading. Newhope. . Carlisle. Fauquier county, Va. Huntingdon county. Milton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Loudon county, Va. 18 2 7. James H. Brady, Esq. Albert C. Ramsey, Esq. Persifor Frazer, Isaac Grier, Philadelp)hia. York. Philadelphia. Danville, 22 James L. Fisher, George Powell, William Hamsley, AVilliam Donnell, Peter F. Nagie, M. D. James Peter, Philip F. Thomas, Tench Tilghman, Joliii L. Mayer, Esq. Ezekiel Sanderson, William H. Ludwig, John B. Patterson, William S. Bishop, M. D. David Conyngham, Gustavus Howard, Thomas K. Bull, William A. Rogers, George Marshall, Robert W. Porter, Esq. Samuel McLane, George B. Browne, William White, jun. Solomon P. Allen, Samuel H. Traquair, Thomas H. Kreeger, Philip B. Waddle, George Read, Esq. William M. Patterson, Hendrick B, Wright, Esq. Lewis V. D. Rosseau, Clharles N. Ege, M. D. Edward Crawford, Philadelphia. Delaware county. Queen Anne's county, Md. Baltimore. Reading. Fauquier county, Va. Easton, Md. Uaston, Md. York. Milton. Union county. Columbia county. Carlisle. Carlisle. Anne Arundel county, Md. Chester county. Dauphin county. 18 2 8. Union county. Beading. Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bellefonte. New Castle, Del. Columbia county. 1829. TVilkesbarre. Philadelphia. Carlisle. Chambershurg. 1830. Rev. Edwin Henry Nevin, Shippensburg. 23 Alfred Nevin, Esq. Shippenshurg. William Gaston Bullock, Savannah, Geo. Isaac F. Slayraaker, Lancaster. Rev. Robert Hays, Alabama. 1831. A. Adams Anderson, Esq. Carlisle. Constant Freeman, Baltimore. Frederick E. Bailey, Esq. Fork. 1834. William B. Parker, Carlisle. James M. Thompson, Centre county. AVilliam Lyon, Carlisle. John Zug, Carlisle. *Tolbert P. Moore, Carlisle. Richard L. T. Beale, fVestmorland county, Va, Jonathan J. Slocum, Esq. Wilkesbarre. John H. Knox, Lycoming county. 1835. William S. Waters, Somerset county, Md. John B. Rider, Salisbury, Md. William H. Bntlcr, Middletown, Md. Lemuel Todd, Carlisle. William Z. Angney, Carlisle. Samuel R. Hamill, Shippensburg. John M. Bradbury, Newburyport, Mass. George R. Veazey, Cecil county, Md. Samuel Baird, Carlisle. Joseph Ulrich, Carlisle. Thomas C. Collins, Westmoreland county, Va John 0. Proctor, Carlisle. Charles M. F. Deems, Baltimore. John Lyon, Carlisle. Charles Denison, Wyoming Valley. William Hopkins, Lancaster. John J. Sanderson, Milton. William M. Baird, Carlisle. 24 Robert H. Watson, Amos Slaymaker, Abram A. Groff, Richard R. Battee, John Irvine, Spencer F. Baird, Carson C. Moore, John McFeely, Joseph S. E. Rochester, Warren Holden, Thomas W. P. Rider, David G. Eshieraan, Robert Welch, Custis B. Nottingham, Benjamin H. Crever, William Martin, Richard B. McAllister, Fielding H. Keeney, Thomas B. Flower, Jarret W. Garner, William Barnitz, Jacob B. Ayres, George W. Parker, William McCoy, John H. Dashiell, William M. H. Irwin, George W. Anderson, Thomas L. 3avin, jun. Nathan C. Gore, George A. Coffey, E. Emelius Leclerc, Welding F. Dennis, Thomas V. Moore, James Brown ScouUer, Northumberland coun'y, Lancaster. 1836. Lancaster. Baltimore, Md. Carlisle. Carlisle. Carlisle. Carlisle. Queen Anne's county, Md. Newark, N. J. Salisbury, Md. Strasburg. Anne Arundle county, Md. Eastville, Va. Carlisle. Cumberland county. Fort Hunter, Pa. Carlisle. Chester county. Manchester, Md. Hanover. Harrisburg. Carlisle. Pittsburg. Salisbury, Md. Lewistown. Christiansburg, Va. Port Deposite, Md. Freedom, Md. Huntingdon county. 1 837. JVilkesbarre. Wilkesbarre. Newville. Newville. 25 Albert B. Clark, Benjamin McConkey, A. Herr Smith, ♦Benjamin F. Watson, Henry M. Denison, Henry B. Harnsberger, George W. Corner, William Thompson, George G. Butler, John Y. ScouUer, John K. Stayman, Wilson L. Spottswood, William H. Stewart, Thomas C. Worthington, Thomas M. Wilson, John Lehman, George D. Cammins, George B. Denison, Robert B. Green, T. Edwin Massey, Archer G. Miller, William P. Miller, Perry G. Buckingham, Samuel R. McClintock, Rufus Creery, John S. Battee, John R. Pattison, R. V. B. Lincoln, Benoni Wheat, Henry A. Muhlenberg, William P. Rider, Thomas R. Stewart, Charles P. Wilkins, Alexander B. Anderson, G. Ashman Hamill, G. T. C. Hickman, Albert T. Emory, Shbllsburg. Baltimore, Md. Lancaster county. Newark^ Del. Wilkesharre. Rockingham county, Va. Baltimore, Md, Centre county. Wilkesharre. Newville. Cumberland county, Carlisle. Dorchester county, Md. Baltimore. Md. Washington city, D. C. Cumberland county. Baltimore, Md. 1838. Wilkesharre. Lewisburg. Carlisle, Carlisle. Carlisle. Carroll county, Md. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Baltimore. Cambridge, Md. Union county. Alexandria, D. C. Reading. Somerset county, Md. Dorchester county, Md. Pittsburg. Andersonshurg, Gettysburg. Shepherdstown. Va. Queen Anne's county, Md. SUMMARY. Honorary Members 108 Junior Honorary Members - - - 10 Regular Members 572 Total - - - 690 The names of deceased members are distinguished thus (*).