ST '< • . V* W \ ^J> * ft* #■* " v :.."'X--v ■•>• '% <0 °o G ^ v0 q. \> O '■' '/, > v 0^ ^ ' ' " cv . l ' e * "^ ^ X . " s '' * v b " * S **s «iV 0o. 0^ s TS>. • o- w* ^ . . w t S ^ \ '-",'.'- - .v' * ^ - . A* .0 o ' s * * 'oo l • v ,0o. % $ «5 - 1 . v ,-> s*' .^ - > - ^ * A ^1 ■* . ^ « N° °<. *° \\- <* ^ V **t. si FOODS AND CHEMICALS The Science of Correct Poods for Each of the 19 Constitutions of Mankind Based upon Natural Laws of Right Eating In Harmony with the Chemical Construction of the Individual As Discovered and Unfolded by Victor &• Rocine, D. Sc. "being Systematically Compiled and Classified Under the Auspices of THE HUMAN NATURE CLUB Chicago, Illinois, 1920 - 1921. Copyright, 1921, •by V» Gm Rocine- Third. Edition (Revise5. and Enlarged) SEP 28 192! §r,U624549 ? E E ? A v'« The contents of this book are the results of a series of lectures, delivered under the auspices 'of TEE EUMAJ STATUES CLUB, by Br. V. G. Rocine, at Chicago, Illinois, in 1920 - 1921, on the subject, "FOODS CHEMICALS", as they apply to the nineteen human types of people. No - other reference, similar to this, has been compiled, that gives such definite and extensive information concerning the particular foods necessary to health and well-being of each type of people. jln preparing this work, organizing, S37stematizing, and classifying the information, the fact has been kept in mind, always, that the statements should be sufficiently clear to enable the doctor, the nurse, the student, and the layman, to understand and apply the science to everyday life. The Government chemists, Atwater and Bryant, in their work, "American Pood Material", page 12, write that, "The ideal method of analysis of food materials would involve quantitative determinations of the amounts of each (element)." When we know the relative and quantitative proportions of the vari- ous food elements in a given food; when we consider that the human body is composed of sixteen different chemical elements, in varying degrees of strength; when we can supply that chemical element, or ■ compound, which may be lacking in the body, as, for instance, tri- Calcium phosphate for the bones, or lecithin for the nerves and brain, or Potassium chlorid for the muscles, or Iron sulphate for the blood; and when we know in which food articles to find those par- ticular elements needed by secretions, blood, nerves or tissues - the question of health and the cure of disease reduces itself to a scientific certainty, as explained in this book. From time immemorial, doctors have said, "That which is one man's meat is another man's poison." Why? Because people are differ- ently constituted; because they are divided into different types, namely, nineteen different Constitutions, or types; hence, that diet which cures one man may kill another. It is " exceedingly important to study that which we eat, drink and breathe. s associates v;e keep; the clothes we wear; the books we'read; the thoughts we think; the food we eat - determine our destiny, Our health, our success, our longevity, our character, oUr peace of mind, our prosperity, and our place in heaven, or in hell. "As we sow, so shall we reap", says the Bible. "We are what we eat, 1 ' says the chemist. Look at the food of the inebriate; observe the habits of the criminal; notice the menu of the nervous and sickly society lady; pay attention to the diet of the obese gormand; ob- serve the meals of "the sickly sinner; notice the meals and habits of the morphine fiend. Is it any wonder that the observing chemist says, "We are what we eat"? The marvelous science, herein described as discovered, unfolded and revealed by Dr. Rocine, is of inestimable value to the present gener- ation, and it will be Of ever-increasing value to the countless generations yet unborn. THE HUMAN NATURE CLUB. Chicago, May, 1921, INTRODUCTION o This book contains many facts that are highly important to our every-day life, facts that have never "been taught in any Universi- ty, Medical College, or other educational institution in the world. The most valuable feature of a Scientific Treatise on Poo&s is the definite knowledge that the individual has concerning the contents of the "book, and how . to refer, instantly, to any important inform- ation therein that may he desired. The purpose of this Introduction is to give you a glimpse of the contents of this book, and ho?/ to find any needed information set forth in the book. The first section of the book, pages 1 to 124, includes Lesson Sheets on each of the 16 Chemicals in the human body. Each chemi- cal Is treated in a definite and uniform manner, and the knowledge set forth under each of the several definite headings, in connec- tion with each chemical, conveys valuable information. The Index to the first section - pages 125 to 130 - covers informa- tion contained in the first 124 pages. Following the Index,, are pages P~l to P-218, which cover Lecture Notes on the chemical food elements described in the first section of the book. These Lecture Notes are very comprehensive, and give much detailed information, which abundantly supplements the Lesson Sheets on the various chemicals in the body. In these Lecture Notes are several hundred Questions and Answers on varied subjects. On page P-84 to P-86, detailed information may. be found on the sub- ject of herbs and their curative value. Pages P-219 to P-263 cover "ASSEMBLED PACTS", all bearing directly upon the subject of Poods and Chemicals, and their application to the human race. On page P-219 to P-220, appears the name of each human Constitution, and 'the Pood Chemicals which people of that Constitution should eat, and other Pood Chemicals which people of that Constitution should omit from their diet. On pages P-223 to P-231, appear the names of Poods common to the every-day dining table. Opposite the name of each food appears the name of the principal food elements rich therein. Dr. Roclne spent many thousands of dollars in obtaining quantitative food analyses, which formed the basis for this very valuable informa- tion, valuable to every living person. On pages P-233 to P-234 are the names of many acids found in foods. Opposite the name of each appears a description thereof, and the manner in which that acid affects the human sj^stem. On pages P-237 to F-240 appear. the names of such foods that are richest in the chemicals named. A list of the most prominent functions of each of the 16 Chemicals, as they affect the human body, appears on these pages. This gives a birds *-eye-view of the leading functions of each Chemical, and of the -foods that supply these chemicals in the body- Kiis list serves as an in- stant and valuable reference, and should be borne in mind whenever the reader desires to know the principal functions of any food element, or what foods to eat, in order to increase that chemical in the body. On pages F-241 - F-242, please note the name of each Chemical, op- posite of which appears the name of each Constitution in which that Chemical element is in excess; and the name of each Constitu- tion in which that Chemical is deficient. Page F-243 tells what to eat and what to 'omit, in order to increase, in the body, any one of the 16 Chemicals. Page F-244 tells what _ to eat arid what to omit, in order to reduce any Chemical element in the body. Page F~247 describes the nature of the bath most adaptable to each of the 19 Human Types. Page F-248 names the altitude and the climate which are most favorable to each Constitution. Pages F-250 to 5^-263 contains many valuable statements under the heading "FLASHLIGHTS". " This information is alphabetically arrang- ed under four headings* The first section. contains information in reference to "BODY AND MIND CONDITIONS", the second section - "DISEASES AND AILMENTS", the third section - "FOODS AND CHEMICALS", and the fourth section ~ "MISCELLANEOUS". Let 'us suggest, in order to become familiar with the book, that you, first, read the PREFACE, then read the TABLE OF CONTENTS on the opposite page. Study carefully the INDEX on the blue pages 125 to 145. Note that the first section of the Index - pages 125 to 130 - guides you to information contained on pages 1 to 124. Pages 131 to 145 supply the Index to information in the second section of the book - pages F~l to F-263. Read carefully page 131 of the Index. This is most important . This book is a product of which every member of the HUMAN NATURE CLUB is justly proud. The information contained therein is suf- ficient for many books, but the thousands of facts'- marvelous as jhey are, have been condensed into this one volume, and the in- formation has been assembled, prepared and systematized in the most convenient and logical manner possible* 'It is the crowning achievement of the work and co-operation of Dr. Rocine and the Human Nature Club. It is a stepping-stone in the Science of Man, which will contribute immeasureably to the health and well-being of mankind in this age, and in the ages to come* HUMAN NATURE CLUB. TABLE OP CONTENTS Carbon Lesson Hydrogen " Oxygen " Nitrogen " Sodium ,T Iron " Chlorin " Calcium " • « O * <3 ft « « » 9 • • * • »•*•* 1-2 5-4 5-6 7-8 9-14 15 - 22 23 - 28 29 - 36 Potassium " 37 - 44 Silicon " „...., Manganese " Fluor in ,T ...... Iodin ,r Sulphur " Magnesium " Phosphorus ,r Index Nitrogen Lecture ... Sodium " Iron n m 9 ^ Chlorin " ... Calcium TT mm9 Potassium " ... Silicon " Manganese " Fluor in " Iodin » Sulphur " Magnesium " Phosphorus " 45 - 54 55 ~ 62 63 - 74 75 - 84 85 - 98 99 - 100 111 - 124 125 - 145 EL - M F5 - F18 . ., ZL9 ~ F34 ... F35 - F54 ... F55 - F72 ... F75 - F90 ... F91 - F100 ... F101 - F114 ... F115 p- F126 ... 1127 - F134 ... F135 - F152 ... F155 - F164 +«• F165 - F194 Questions & Answers . F195 - F218 . ,. F219 - F220 Foods for Each Constitution . , .b'oods that Each Con- stitution should Eat or Omit F221 - F222 Food Analysis F225 - F231 Disorganized Chemicals F232 Miscellaneous Acids Described .... F233 - F234 Chemicals Described F235 Vitamines Required . F236 Chemical Foods and Functions F237 - F240 Chemicals Excessive or Deficient in People .•a......... F241 - F242 Increasing Chemicals By Die t F243 Reducing Chemicals By Die-iT F244 People Who Should Ea£ Certain Food Chemicals F245 Bathing, for Each Constitution ....... F247 Climate, for Each Constitution F248 Nature of ■ Constitutions . I?249 ^246 "Flashlights", viz: F250 - F265 F252 , a. Body and Mind Conditions F250 ~ b. Constitutions ... F252 c. Diseases & Ailmt. F252 - F255 d. Foods & Chemicals F254 - F262 e. Miscellaneous ... F262 - F263 CopjTight, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 1 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CARBON . 1. CARBON IN THE I.IINERAL ANp VEGETABLE KINGDOMS : a. Carbon is the cradle (Basis or foundation), of the creation; the primary element of growth. It is an organic, non- metallic element. It is found in the diamond, dolomite, limestone, anthracite coal, charcoal, lamp— black, graphite, and other minerals. b. Carbon is found in the hardest and softest elements known. It is found in large proportions in the entire carbo-hydrate series: the glucoses, the bi— saccharides, the tri— saccharides, and the poly-saccharides. c. The Carbon in the atmosphere exceeds in quant ity the Carbon in the earth, in vegetables, in animals and in human beings. 2. CARBON, ITS NATURE AMD CHARACTERISTICS : a. Carbon is a sleepy, negative element;but highly complex in its molecular construction. Chemists claim it has neither color, odor, nor taste. Whenever Carbon and Oxygen are at work, heat is generated, growth takes place, and carbonic oxide is formed. 3. FUNCTIONS OF CARBON- IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION : a. Carbon is the basis of the Lipopheric, pyogenic, and especial- ly the Carboferic constitutions. It is the principal orga- nizing element in the sugars (Sacchari). It plays an im- portant roll in muscle metabolism, in glycogenosis, in cell organization, and in protoplasmic evolution. b. Muscles contain from 140 to 230 grains of sugar (glycogen). The average person who weighs 160 lbs. has about 45 lbs. Carbon in his body. c. When Carbon is oxidized, stored, utilized, or formed into living material, carbonic acid and Carbon products are formed. If Carbon cannot be utilized in the body, disease follows. 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH CARS 01 J IS INHERENTLY : a. Excessive: Carboferic, Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Pargenic. b. Deficient: Nervi -Motive, Neurogenic, Marasmic, Calciferic, Sillevitic, Atrophic, Medeic. 5. SYMPTOMS WHEN CARBON IS EXCESSIVE : a. Fatigue, growths, low vital resistance, gas generation, acidity, bacterial growth, drowsiness, internal congestion, stupidity, confusion f f ear, forge tfulness, fainting, nervousness, diseased imagination, loss of ambition, and laziness. 5 a. SYMPTOMS WHEN CARBON IS DEFICIENT : a. Leanness, irritability, excitability, spitefulness, coldness of mind, over-sensitiveness, poor nutrition, frigid manners, ten- dency to rave about conduct of others, low Carbon metabolism, desiccation, emaciation. 6. HOW TO REDUCE CARBON IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat foods rich in Calcium, Iron, Potassium. Silicon, and Sodium. Omit sweets, fats, starches. b. Climate: Live in dry, cold climate in mountainous district, where air is sharp and attenuated;, high altitude, abundance of ozone, sandjr or stonjr'soil. c. Mental Exercise: Intellectual, scientific, mathematical, vo- litive. d. Physical Exercise: Hard, severe, continuous. 8 (Revised) 7 . * HOW TC IN CR EASE C ARBO N IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat easily digested sugars, fats, and starches mixed with foods rich in Po- tassium, Iron, and Sodium. b. Climate: Live in low altitude, dense air, high hu- midity, warm sunlight. Tropics preferred. c. Mental Exercise: Innocent pleasure, attention to dress, free- dom, abundant sleep,.love pleasure, a care- free life; sentimental, romantic, imagina- tive scenes. d. Physical Exercise: Pleasureable. 8 - PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE CARBON FOODS : a. In abundance: All lean people ;but such people cannot easily assimilate Carbon substances. b. Very little : All vital people; but they are always fond of carbonaceous food substances. 9. INEEEENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF CARB O N FOODS ON : a. Health: Ruins the health and shortens life. b. Disposition: Sours the disposition, tissues, and secretions by precipitating many of the organo-metallic salts; lowers oxidation, and sours the nerves. "My nerves are crazy and creepy" says the Carbon patient. *° • INFLUENCE OF A DEFIC I ENT AMOUNT OF CARBON FOODS ON : a. Health: Leads to hardening, sclerosis, calcifications. b. Disposition: Pessimism, atheism, skepticism, criticism, cynicism. 11 . DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM CARBON IS IN EXCESS : a. Paralysis, nervous diseases, cardiac ailments,. obesity, goiter, feeble— mindedness, fear, auto-intoxication. 12 • CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS CARBON SHOULD : a. Eat: Foods rich in Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Silicon, and Sodium. b. Avoid: Carbonaceous foods; especially all foods containing sugar. 1 3 • VOCATIONS FOR WHICH CARBON PEOPLE A RE BEST ADAPTED : a. Tailoring, textile manufacturing, cookery, study of gases, spirits, hob-goblins r dress, chemistry of carbo-hydrate series, zymology, brewing, candy-making, and cake-making. 14 . HELPFUL H INTS: a. Carbonic acid depresses the mind, heart, 'circulation, thought, mus- cles, and nerves. Carbonic oxide demands abundant air. The Carbon man is a man of fear, timidity, and accidents. He should develop courage, self-confidence, and action. 15 • PRINCIPAL CARBON FOODS : a. Potatoes, rice, sugar, candy, honey, syrup, molasses, rye, corn, wheat, barley; also all gluten, white, and graham flour; as well as all bread preparations such as biscuit, cake, pas- try, cookies, crackers, doughnuts, rolls, wafers, puffs, germs, pancakes, and puddings. Also all starchy-yeasty dishes, maca- roni, sago, manioca, arrowroot, beans, peas, lentils, apples, red chili, figs, grapes, pears, chestnuts, lichi nuts, malted milk, infant food. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 3 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JEC T-HYDROGEN . *• HYDROGEN IN THE MINERAL AND VEGETABLE KIN GDOMS: a„ It is abundant in nature ,oc curing as a constituent of water, of which it forms 11.19$, and of all organic compounds. We cannot analyze any vegetable substance without discovering that it contains Hydrogen and Carbon. 2, HYDR OG EN, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS : a. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous element that li- quifies under great pressure, and at a very low temperature. It is the lightest substance known, being 14-J- times lighter than air, and more than 11 times lighter than water; hence, it is taken as a standard in comparing atomic weights and volumes, b. As a gas,H3rdrogen is used for inflating balloons; in a com- pressed state, for producing low temperature; and in the na- scent state, for reducing chemical compounds. c. Hydrogen enters into animal and vegetable tissue, also into minerals. It is the water maker. It does not unite readily with any other element, although its affinity for Oxygen is rather pronounced. In the form of organic compounds, it is absorbed by plants, animals and human beings. It is the wa— terer of life. d. It possesses great inflammability, expansion, diffusion, and wonderful power of penetration. It is Hydrogen that runs our trains, waters our plants, circulates our blood, carries our ships, explodes steam boilers. It is the nurse of life, and the vehicle of transportation. 3. FUNCTIONS OF HYDROGEN IN THE HUMAN ORGAN I ZATION : a. Hydrogen is the silent, passive worker in the scheme of crea- tion. It is the medium betv/een soul and matter. Without Hydrogen, creative energy in the bod}?- would cease. There would be no elimination, no perspiration, no salivation, no pro- creation. There would be no music, no song of birds, no pratt- ling of babies, no growth, no activity, no thinking, no circula- tion of blood, no digestion. There could be no chick hatched, no baby born - only death and silence. b. About 15 lbs. Hydrogen enters into the normal human body of which the total weight is 160 lbs. Hydrogen is needed in every tissue and in every drop of blood. c. Hydrogen promotes osmosis, soothes the nerves, regulates bodily temperature, moistens lung surfaces for gas diffusion, carries out impurities, cools tissues, and prevents inflammation. d. Without moisture in the body, the nerves would harden, stiffen, decay, ache, burn, and corrode. e. Hydrogen favors osmotic pressure , cell filtration, smell, hear- ing, cell vibration, and the function of the taste buds. I. CONSTITUTION S IN WHICH HYD RO GEN IS INHEREN TLY: a. Excessive: Carboferic, Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Oxypheric, and Pallinomic. b. Deficient: Marasmic, Calciferic, Medeic. >. SYMPTOMS WHEN HY DROGEN I S EXCESSIVE : a. Sores heal slowly; skin is like putty; scars never disappear; tissues are too spongy; lower bowels are too large ; water bags form under the skin; senses become alarmingly acute; bad odors stay ^ almost permanently in the body; obesity, because salts are precipitated, resulting in diseases that medicine, operations, and mechanical punches cannot cure. 4 (Revised) 5a . SYMPTOMS WHEN HYDROGEN IS DEFICIENT : a. Leanness, desiccation, inflammation, heat centralization, pain, discomfort, sleeplessness, torpid glands, confusion, temper, rush, excessive nerve heat , shrinkage of brain cells. The patient "becomes lean, lank, old appearing, touchy, self ish, contrary, odd, cross, intolerant, dictatorial, self -wise, ugly, and mean - all because nerve and brain matter is disturbed. 6 - gQWJTO_REpUCE HYDROGEN IN THE BODY: a.. Foods: Eat foods rich in Calcium, Silicon, and Chlorin, Omit watery foods. b» Climate: Live in a dry climate. c. Mental Exercise: Relish dry foods. d. Physical Exercise: Do hard work. 7 « HOW TQ INCREASE HYDROGEN I N THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat watery foods. Omit foods rich in Calcium, Silicon, & Chlorin. b. Climate: Live in a humid climate. c. Mental Exercise: Relish liquids and liquid foods. d. Physical Exercise: Engage in easy exercises. 8 - PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE HY DROGEN FOODS : a. In abundance: Lean, over-heated, high-tempered, feverish people. b. Very little: Vital people, especially Hydripheric people. 9. IN FLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE A MOUNT OF HYDROGEN FOODS ON: a. Health: . Detrimental. b. Disposition: Favorable. 1 . INFLU ENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF HYDROGEN FOODS ON : a. Health: Unfavorable. b. Disposition: Pessimistic, critical, crabbed. 11 . DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM HYDROGEN IS IN, EXCESS : a. Eczema, sudden collapse, infiltration, hydric obesity, fevers, dis- charges, effusion, ulceration, pyorrhea, ailments with feet,anere- thesia, numbness, paralysis. 12 . C HEMIC A^_JN_FOpDS_THAT_PE OPLE WITH E XCESS HYDROGE N S HOULD : a. Eat: Foods rich in Calcium, Silicon, and Chlorin. ~ b, Avoid: Foods rich in Hydrogen. 15. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH HYDROGEN PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED: a. Food manufacture, doctoring, drug manufacture, balneology, clima- tology, business in foods, tonics, and beverages. 14 . HELPFUL HINTS : a. Excess water results in protrusion of eyeballs, lung oppres- sion, lymphat ism, high arterial tension, sudden diarrhea, organic heart disease. Urine often contains epithelial cells, indica- ting destructive changes in tissue, The fibrin, albumin, leu- cocytes, and organo-metallic salts are often below normal, and specific gravity of the blood is too low. 15 . PRINCIPAL JTyDR^EN_FOODSi a. Soups, tender meat, tongue, lamb, veal, tenderloin, fowl, gizzard, liver,.heart; tender juicy fish, frog legs, eggs, butter-milk, ku- miss, milk, goat »s milk, whey, meat juices, berries, greens, vegeta- bles, oat water, distilled water, artichokes, asparagus, beans, beets, sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, celery, green corn, okra, cu- cumbers , egg plant , parsnips , pumpkin , kohlrabi , rhubarb , rutabaga , sauer-kraut, spinach, squash, tomatoes, muskmelon, nectarines, oranges , peaches , pineapple , plums , prunes , apples , apric ots , water- melon, pears, persimmons .bananas , rice , b. All of the above foods contain more than 50$ water. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 5 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOOD S & CHEMICALS , SUBJECT-OXYGEN . I. OXYGEN IN THE MINERAL A ND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS : a. Oxygen is the most abundant and most important element yet discovered. It is found everywhere - in animals, vegetables, water, air, in the crust of the earth, in tissue, fluid, and in blood. The ocean itself is a vast storehouse of Oxygen. b. The weight of Oxygen of the globe exceeds that of all other elements combined. It forms by weight more than half of the animal, four-fifths of the vegetable, and half of the mineral world; also about one-fifth by volume of the atmosphere, and eight-ninths of weight of water. 2 - OXYGEN, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS: a. Oxygen is associative in character, and unites with every ele- ment known, except Fluorin. It is uneasy, restless, active, constructive, destructive, unstable, explosive, impulsive, instantaneous, and spontaneous. It is never still; it knows of nothing but work, action, rush. It is the Almighty 1 s chem- ist, destroyer, user, and economist. Its combination with other elements is called oxidation. It is called "The tooth of time". b„ It has neither color, odor, nor taste. c. Oxygen has many functions and uses besides that of food organ- ization and its presence in food; as, for instance: Oxidation, decomposition, association, heat generation, utilization, life action, invigoration, intensification, metabolism, atmospheric motion, elemental commotion, mental emotion, combustion, de- struction, air purification, removal of organic matter, corro- sion, disinfection, (ozone), etc. d. Oxygen is also the destructive agent of the air. It is ever ready to attack, decompose, corrode, separate, organize, cre- ate, break-up, use, or combine. 3. FUNCTIONS OF OXYGEN IN THE HUI.IAN ORGANIZATION : a. It is an organic impulse in the phenomena of human life. It stimulates the muscular s3?-stem, arouses the circulatory im- pulse, increases life processes, supports life, urges the blood to and fro, fires up creative passion, invigorates the functions, builds tissue, increases power of transmission, oxidizes blood and tissue, tones up the soul, intensifies pleasure, increases oratory, warms the body, repairs fractures, and feeds every organ of the body. b. The muscles consume about 59 cc . , of Oxygen, and give off about 57 cc.,of carbonic oxide every 24 hours. The brain uses 46 cc. kidneys require 37 cc, spleen absorbs 27 cc. , genitalia utilize 18 cc, and give off 10 cc,and the bones absorb and give off 8 cc. every 24 hours. c. In an average man who weighs 160 lbs., 89 lbs. Oxygen is found. d. Oxygen is called the most electro-negative of all elements, which means that it is the most associative element. e. It is not acid-producing; but when' it is lacking in the tis- sues, acidosis and disease follow. It intensifies and exhil- erates the mind, (The faculty of Hope). 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN V/HICH OI'CYGEN IS INHERENTLY : a. Excessive: Oxypheric , and sometimes Myogenic, b. Deficient: Atrophic, Neurogenic, Desraogenic, Marasmic, Carboferic, and Nitropheric. 5. SYI.IFTOr.IS WHEN C:CY£E N IS E XCESSI VE: a7 Caloris disposition, impulsive temperament, stormy passions, changeable emotions, excessive appetite, spontaneous impulses, familiarity, fickle feelings, great hope, excesses, specula- tive business, despondency, mental intoxication, excessive heat generation with great perspiration, hilarity, alkaline rheumatism, hyperemia, albuminuria, plethora, drinking, adhe- sions, hemorrhages, convulsions, skin disease, insanity, con- gestion, "psora tt , overheated blood. 5a - SYMPTOM S WHEN OXYGEN IS DEFICIEN T: a. Pale face, blue veins, nutritive ailments, disease, sterility, lack of manhood, auto-intoxication, consumption, acidosis, dyspuea, paralysis, pain, aches, operations, low tissue oxi- dation, dropsy, anemia. 6. HOW TO REDUCE OXYGEN IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat foods containing Nitrogen and Fluorin. Omit foods containing Oxygen, Iodin, Iron, and Potassium, b. Climate: Live in a low altitude where the air is dense. c. Mental Exercise: Study science, philosophy, mathematics. d. Physical Exercise: Dcr heavy uhysical work. 7 « H0\7 TO INCREA SE O XYGEN IN T HE BO DY: a. Foods: Eat foods containing Oxygen, Iodin, Iron, and Potassium. Omit foods containing Nitrogen and Fluorin. b. Climate: Live in a high altitude where the air is rarefied. c. Mental Exercise: Participate in love pleasures. d. Physical Exercise: Indulge in pleasurable physical exercises. 8 ' PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE OXYGEN FOODS : a. In abundance: Lean, and phlegmatic people, also Carbon people. b.^Very little : People of a sanguine temperament. 9 * INFLUENCE CF AN EXCES SIVE AMOUNT OF OXYGEN FOODS ON : a.. Health: Stimulates the functions; increases alkalinity. "b. Disposition: Excessively sanguine; develops mental intoxica- tion, 1 . INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT O F OXYGEN FOODS ON : a. Health: Lowers the health7 and reduces the life vigor. b. Disposition: Pessimistic. 11 • DISE ASE TENDENCIES OF OXYPHERIC PEOPLE : a - Plethora, psora, adhesions, kidney disease, insanity, hyperemia. 12 . CKBl.rrCALS I N FO ODS THAT PEO PL E WITH EXCESS OXYGEN SHOULD : a. Eat. Nitrogen, Fluorin, b. Avoid: Oxygen, Ferrum, Potassium. 13 . VOCATIONS FOR WHICH OXYGEN PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : a. Organizing, promotion, selling, social work. 14. HELPFUL HINTS : a. Oxygen food stirs up everjrthing, and throws every, miasm to the surface - the temper, passion, appetite - same as sulphur food does. b. In high altitudes, a man is more erratic, and high tempered. c. In cold and high altitudes, life is less prolific and exuberant. 15. PRINCIPAL O XYGEN FOODS :" a. Saccharic, amy lie, alcoholic, fibrinous, all foods containing vitamines; also vegetables high in oxalic acid and oxalate of lime - such as sorrel, rhubarb, tomatoes, radishes, onions, spices, horseradish, etc. Copyright, 1920, by V, G. Rocine. (Revised) 7 INSTITU TE O F HUMAN NA TURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLI NOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJSC T-NITROGEN . 1 • NITROG EN IN TH E MINERAL AND VEGETABL E KINGDOMS : a. Nitrogen is found - in the air , (forming four-fifths of its vol- ume) and in the vegetable kingdom, as a common constituent of plant tissue, and in the mineral kingdom, also in animal tissue 2, NITROGEN, ITS NATURE A ND C HARACTERI STICS : a.- Nitrogen does not support combustion; it prevents Cxjrgen from burning everything (except Fluorin, which is the one element Oxygen cannot destroy). It (Nitrogen) acts as a necessary diluent of the Oxygen of the air. b. It is a tasteless, odorless, colorless, gaseous element. c. Under great pressure it forms a colorless liquid which, when evaporated in a vacuum, produces colorless crystals of Nitrog«3, d. It is one of the essential fertilizers, and when guano, nitrate of soda, and nitrate of Potash, (The. great sources of Nitrogen) are exhausted, atmospheric Nitrogen will be the only remaining supply. e. Only two ways are known of converting Nitrogen into plant food: one by electricity, and the other through bacteria. f. Nitrogen is very strong, very independent, non-associative, acts as a cooler, and regulator of heat, a preserver. g. It is negative in nature. It has power to absorb the dark pigments from plant food. It is directly opposite to Oxygen in its nature. Its affinity ia distant. 3 , FUNCTIONS OF NITROG EN IN TH E HUMA N ORGAN IZATION : a. It acts as a vitalizer,and tissue builder. It enters strongly into the proteins. One-fifth of our flesh is Nitrogen, says the chemist; and this we obtain from vegetables and meat. We hold Nitrogen very loosely. b. The tendency to decomposition is in proportion to the insta- bility of Nitrogen. So soon as Nitrogen leaves the body the tissues decompose; and Nitrogen is the first of all elements to leave. c. In an average man who weigh. s 160 lbs., there are 2 ounces Ni- trogen; says the chemist; d. Nitrogen is found in the muscles, blood, fibrous tissue, also in the hairy and horny tissues. e. Nitrogen increases pigmentary assimilation. Its power upon mind functions and disposition is inhibitive. It increases magnetic and electrical qualities. 4, CONSTI TUTIONS IN W HICH NITR OGEN IS INH ERENTLY : a. Excessive: (Functionally) Nitropheric, Pathetic. (Organically) Calciferic, Desraogenic, Myogenic. b. Deficient: (Functionally) Oxypheric , Lipopheric, Exesthesic, Sillevitic, Nervi-Motive . (Organically) Nitropheric, Pallinomic , Pathetic. 5 « SYMPTOMS WHEN NITROG EN IS EX CESSIVE: a. They dislike drugs, have an active pride, distant manners, a cold skin, very dark complexion, feel gloomy in murky weather; they are suspicious, tardy, processive, lofty in mind. They have a love of the weird and romantic; a hatred for dirt. The mind seems as if influenced by opium. They are in a state of leth- argy, and Oxygen hunger. The3>- are unable to decide; fear change and enterprise. 5a . SYMPTOMS _;7H EN NITROGEN 15 DEFICIENT: a. Enthusiasm, lack of control, mental intoxication, instability, hyperbolism.h3rperer.1ia, hot blood, changeable disposition, very impulsive; elopement. 8 6 - HOW TO .REDUCE NITROGEN IN THE, BODY: a r Foods: ~* Sat foods containing Sulphur, Potassium, So- dium,Calcium, Silicon, Oxygen and Ferrum, Omit foods containing Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen. b. Climate: Live in cool and breezy hills; abundant ozone. c. Mental Exercise: Volitive, progressive, revolutionary. d. Physical Exercise: Do vigorous, exertive, laborious work. 7< HOV/ TO INC REASE NITROGEN IN THE BODY: a. Foods:"" Eat Nitrogenous and Alkaline foods. Omit foods containing Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Sillicon, Oxygen, and Ferrum. b. Climate: Live in tropical climate; like Louisiana, Italy, or Africa; low altitude, moist. c. Mental Exercise: Indolent, Sentimental, Imaginative. d. Physical Exercise: Pleasurable and recreative. Q -' PEOPLE WHO REQ UIRE NITROGEN FOODS: a. In abundance: Stormy, fiery, restless, agitative, choleric, san- guine, wild, temperaments; or mainly light com- plected people. b. Very little : Phlegmatic ,melanic, sentimental ,unprogressive. 9 - INFL UENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF NITR OGEN FO OD S ON : a. Health:"" Disturbs health, and leads" to disease. b, Disposition: Becomes phlegmatic, sleepy, lethargic. 10 . INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMO UN T OF NITROGEN FO ODS ON: a. Health: The tissues refuse the albumin. b. Disposition: Stormy, impatient, familiar, impulsive, moody, fickle, feather-headed. 1 1 • DISEASE TENDENCIE S OF PEOPLE IN WHOM NITROGEN IS IN E XCESS : a. Heart disease, enlargement of liver, obesity, Nitrogen reten- tion results in the formation of carbonic oxide, by keeping Oxygen out of the body. This leads to lethargy, phlegmosis, . catalepsy, swelling, stupor, nervous ailments, effusion, tetanus, necrosis, paralysis. 12 . CHEMI CALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE vJITH EXCESS NITROGEN SHOULD: a. Eat: ~ Sulphur , Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Silic on, Oxygen, Ferrum. b. Avoid: Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen. 13 • V PC ATI O NS FOR Y7 HI CH NI TROG EN PEOPLE ARE BEST. ADAPTED : a. Clerical, political, protective, defensive, investigative, ad- ministrative , directive , provisionary, domestic , instructive , diplomatic, such as - dining service, custom house work, ship registry, renting, rescue work, commission, cashiership, banking, receivership, rulership, management, secretaryship, distribution, emmigration, defensive warfare ,directors'hip, fi- nance, road maintenance, fancy tailoring. 14 . H ELPFUL HIN TS : a. Blood lacks fibrin, and : alkaline salts. There is a -scarci- ty of Silicon and Calcium. Involuntary muscles are weak, tissues are tender and fragile. Oxygen is lacking. b. Retention of free Nitrogen is the main cause of the Nitrophe- ric constitution; also starches found in starchy vegetables, etc, such as potatoes, peas, beans; also in nuts, barley, rice, wheat, corn. 1 5 . PRINCIPAL NITROGEN P'OODS : a. Mainly meat, especially chuck, dried beef, ham, lean flank; also dried sturgeon, lean mackerel, smoked herring, beans, peas, egg white, cheese - especially Dutch cheese - nuts such as, almonds, butternuts, raw peanuts, pignolias, walnuts. Copyright, 1920, by V. C-. Rocine. (Revised) 9 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . lesson: sheet. course-foods & CHEMICALS . subject -s odium . 1. sodi u m in the mineral and vegetable KINGDOMS : a. Sodium is abundant in nature. It is found in all bodies of salt water, in plants and plant crops that grow near salty bodies of water, and in the earth (as common salt) etc. b. Native Sodium comes mainly from such mineral waters as French Vichy, Aaix; and Carlsbad. It comes also from the geysers of Iceland, from the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, from California, and Virginia. c. One gallon of sea water contains about four ounces of common salt, and this salt is highly rich in Sodium. d. Sodium salts found in plant foods are organic in form, while those chemically are inorganic. Organic Sodium is preferable to inorganic Sodium (salt). e. B4-carbonate of soda is the soda used by cooks. This is a. white powder, having a cooling spicy alkaline taste, and is soluble in twelve parts of water. 2. SODIU M, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS : a. Sodium (or Natrium) is a silvery white, alkaline metal with a remarkably brilliant lustre. b. It is positive in electrical character, and has a strong affi- nity for Oxygen and Chlorin, and, in consequence, it is now made commercially for the reduction of Magnesium and similar metals. Its compounds are of high importance, c. Sodium was discovered in 1807 by Sir Davy, who, by means of electricity, separated the Sodium: element from Oxygen. d. Sodium oxidizes rapidly in air, but not so rapidly as Potas- sium. Sodium neutralizes acid, and is curative in nature. e. When Sodium is heated in Oxygen it bursts into a flame and burns with a yellow light. f . Sodium has a decomposing effect on water. If the water is hot the Sodium acts spontaneously. It has attraction for humidity. 3. FUNCTIONS OF SODI U M IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION : a. Sodium is present in all animals and human beings. In the average normal person who weighs about 160 lbs. three ounces of Sodium are present. b. Free Sodium is needed in all people, but more in certain types of people than in others. It is found more in lower types of people. Indian babies are Sodium in element, generally, hence, they can stand very rough treatment. c. Sodium and its compounds act upon the convolutions of the brain, especially upon those that control the metabolic func- tions. It acts favorably upon the medulla, the blood, the se~ cretions,the mucous, and serous membranes, upon the throat, the alimentary canal, the secretory glands, the synovial membranes, the stomach, the intestinal walls, the spleen, the pancreas, and upon albumin metabolism. d. Sodium increases the function of osmosis and holds Calcium, al- bumin, and fibrin in solution. It has a soluble effect upon Calcium in the human bod3r. 10 3. F UNCTIONS OF SODIUM I N THE HU I.IAN ^GANIZATI^: (Continued) e. Sodium enters into all connective solid tissue, into joints, bone tissue, cartilage, f ibro-cartilage, ligaments, synovial membranes, into the spleen, the brain, muscles, liver, blood ' corpuscles, and other parts of the body. f . Lymph contains 0,70$, the synovia holds 0.80$, the cartilage carries 0.90$, and the brain contains 0.20% of Sodium. g. Because of their alkalinity. Sodium salts assist the lymph and the blood, giving these fluids their alkaline character- ' istics. h. Sodium is more abundant in flesh-eating animals. Sodium carbonate is more abundant in n on— flesh eating animals. i. Sodium carbonate is essential for fat metabolism, to break up neutral fats into fatty acids and glycerine. In conjunction with the pancreatic juice, Sodium carbonate takes up and re- tains fat. j. Pancreatic juice, in addition, contains a ferment called amyl- opsin which, when it comes into contact with the small intes- tines, helps to convert the starch into maltose. k. Sodium bicarbonate in food form, has a beneficial effect on the throat, and naso-larynx. It helps catarrh and catarrhal pus, bronchial phlegm, secretions formed on the canal wall, on the walls of the stomach, and on those of the chest. I. A Sodium diet is valuable in acid states of the stomach, or in gout , or in diabetic acidity. Sodium phosphate is excellent for an acid state of the stomach. Sodium phosphate is able to split up lactic acid and liberate humidity. m. All tissues and fluids should be bathed in an alkaline medium. n. An ordinary man, under normal conditions, secretes in twenty- four hours, between two and three pounds of saliva. o. Sodium salts are present in the saliva, (Aids digestion) in the bile, (Prevents constipation) and in the lecithin, (In- creases brain action). p. Sodium-carbonate, Sodium bi-carbonate, Sodium-chloride, and other Sodium compounds enter into, and play an important part, in human biochemical processes, fluids, and tissues. 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN '.T HICK SO D IUM I S INHERENTLY : a. Excessive: None. Desmogenic: excessive consumption of Sodium. b. Deficient: Desmogenic, Nervi -Motive, Marasmic, Atrophic, and in all acid constitutions, in most all old people, in many babies and children, and in a great many very fatty constitutions. 5. S YMPTOMS WHEN SODIUM IS EX CESSIVE: a. Corpse-like paleness, flexibility, wonderful work, activits^ and energy, wiriness of constitution, dexterity, cat-like movements, keen sense of gravity, panther-like tissue, love of athletics 8,nd forest life, or out-door life, anger in the morning, dog— like memory for wrongs or injuries, stormy moods, spells, notions, and hobbies; periodicity of functions, amour- ousness, tendency to fanaticism, or desperado! sm, strong likes and dislikes, extreme ideas; tendency to heat strokes, sun strokes, sensitiveness to wind, cold, moisture, pneumonia, and great recklessness. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 11 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT -SODIUM , 5a . SYMPTOMS V/HEN SODIUM IS DEFICIENT : a. Gout, indigestion, vomiting, rheumatism, frontal headache, stiffness in the vertex, bloating; poor smell, catarrh of the nose, sensitiveness to draughts (worse some da3>-s; well other days), murky complexion, burning face, dry tongue, dry skin, cold feet, sleepy during the day, heart bothers, gas in the stomach, hard stomach, breath has odor like sewage, lack of hydro chloric acid, slow digestion, burning in the stomach, irritability, fear of sudden downward mo- tion, acid stomach, difficult to read small print, confusion of mind. 6 - HO W TO REDUCE SODIUM IN THE BODY : a. Foods: " Eat foods and drink drinks rich in Potash and Calcium. Omit Sodium foods. b. Climate: Hot climate. c. Mental Exercise: Excessive emotional and intellectual. d. Physical Exercise: Excessive. 7. HOW TO INCREASE SODIUM IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat foods rich in Sodium. Omit Potassium and Calcium foods. b. Climate: Genial, Breezy climate. c. Mental Exercise: Pleasing mental, and emotional. d. Physical Exercise: Pleasing physical. All exercises should be pleasurable. 8. PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE SODIUM FOODS : a. In abundance: All sickly people, and all Calcium people. b. Very little : All people who have an excessively alkaline constitution, also very young people who are happy-minded. 9. IN FLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF SODIUM FOODS ON : a. Health: Excess of Sodium salts destroys the Oxygen- carrying capacity of hemoglobin, diminishes tissue oxidation, decreases Nitrogen meta- bolism of fat until an akaline obesity and anemia develop, increases metabolism of sugar, and creates an abnormal appetite for sugar, decreases bile action, over-stimulates the glycogenic center in the brain; sugar gluttony, precipitation of Calcium phosphate, over-alka- linity of the blood; alkaline diseases; auto- intoxication, indigestion, and growth of germ life. b. Disposition: Tendency to scandalize others, bitter hatred, malice, impatient disposition, stormy moods, eccentric characteristics, restless disposition, erratic hobbies, drinking tendencies. 12 10 . INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMO UNT OF SODIUM FO ODS ON : a. Health: b. Disposition: "Results in disease of all Sodium structures in the body. Nervous disposition, nerves are on fire, poor concentration, defective recollection, unreli- able judgment, fear of darkness, fussiness, drowsiness, restlessness, stupidity, cries easi- ly, absent-minded, unexplainable longing for something. 1 1 . DISE AS E TENDENCIES OF SODIUM PEOPLE : a. Excitability, weariness, tired spells, hysterical moods, ver- tigo, mental depression, poor eyesight, melancholia, physical exhaustion, irritated nerves, aphonia, fear, chlorosis, mental mdisorders, tendency to sun stroke, acidity, catarrh, excessive thirst,- stasis in the colon, burning, bursting, hammering headache, falling of the hair, asthma, cardiac difficulties, rheumatic throat ailments, gout, sciatica, lack of muscular strength, jerking in the eyelids, eyesight that requires newer and newer glasses, gas pressure, throat and lung ailments, albuminuria, appendicitis, numbness, laxity in the motor equip- ment, need of cosmetics, cramps, ossification, and abnormal bone formation. 12. CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS SODIUM SHOULD : a. Eat: Starches, fats, sweets, b. Avoid: Sodium and Magnesium. 13 . VOCATIONS FOR W HICH SODIUM PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : a. Athletics, selling, mechanical, out-door activities. 14. HELPFUL HINTS: a. As a general rule there are no bad results from a continuous use of bi-carbonate of soda. The inorganic drug - bi-carbo- nate of soda - purchased in a drug store, or advertised tis- sue remedies, may have their abnormal value, but it should al- ways be remembered that a human being is organic, and not in- organic; and that, therefore, organized Sodium bi-carbonate, Sodium sulphate, Sodium chloride, Sodium phosphate, or Sodium in whatever form it may be, as found in foods, is always the genuine article. 15 . PRINCIPAL SOD IU M FOODS : (Those shown in capital le foods.) 1. CARROTS 10. 2. CELERY 11. 3. GIZZARD 12. 4. LENTILS 13. 5. NUTS, ALMOND 14. 6. NUTS, PISTACHIO 15. 7. OKRA 16. 8. SPINACH 17. 9. STRAWBERRIES 18. tters are the most desirable Sodium Apples (Swee Asparagus Beets Cocoanut Cucumbers Egg Yolk Figs Fish Gooseberries t) 19. Milk, Sow's 20. Milk, Goat's 21. OATMEAL 22. Prunes 23. Radishes 24. Rutabagas 25. Turnips (llainly because (Sodium and Silicon (are combined. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 13 INSTITUTE OF HUI.IAN. NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CH EMICALS. . SUBJECT-SODIUM . 14. HELPF UL HINTS : a. Sodium-containing foods should always be eaten under the following conditions; 1. When the digestion is bad. 2. When infants vomit. 3. When there is a tendency to gout, or rheumatism. 4. When the front part of the head aches ^ 5. When there is stiffness in the vertex, or bloating. 6. When it is difficult to read small print without a seeming reason. 7» When the mind is confused. 8. When the sense of smell is poor. 9. When the throat is catarrhal. 10. When the patient is sensitive to gas. 11. When he is worse some days, and well other days. 12. When there are tendencies to eruptions. 13. When white spots appear in the palms of the hands. 14. When the complexion is murky.- 15. When the face burns, and the tongue and skin are dry. 16. When the feet are cold. 17. When becoming sleepy during the day. 18. When the heart bothers. 19. When the joints crack, the tendons are stiff and compact. 20. When tissue becomes bruised without any seeming reason. 21. When the tendons are shortened and stiff. 22. When gas generates in the stomach. 23. When cold drinks produce pain. 24. When the breath has an odor of sewage. 25. When the urine changes in odor, color, and specific gravity, or is, perhaps, entirely too low in specific gravity. 26. When catamenial function is disturbed in a mother. 27. When the salivary glands dry up. 28. When the patient is gloomy after meals. 29. When there is a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. 30. When the digestion of starches, fats, and sweets is low; - and Sulphur -containing foods produce gas. 31. When there are burning pains in the stomach. 32. When a young girl is fussy without any seeming reason, and flies into a rage about trivialities. 33. When a patient is afraid of sudden downward motion. 34. When he is very gloomy. 35. When the patient is weary. ±4 b. Rob the stomach and bowels of their food salts of Sodium, and soon an intestinal flora will flourish, whose number may run up into billions, c. When a person gets sleepy after meals it indicates that the digestion is slow, and that the Sodium supply is low. d. Sodium salts are used up in greater quantities in warm, sultry weather. They are washed out of the system by ?>rater drinking. e. Heavy physical work calls for more Sodium foods in the diet. Fever, gas, great excitement, passion, perspiration, all drain the body of Sodium salts. f. Self-abuse uses up Sodium salts, the neurolin in the brain, the Iron in the hemoglobin, and lowers Nitrogen metabolism. g. Pregnancy calls for Iron, Calcium, Silicon, and Sodium in abundance, Catamenia uses up Sodium salts. The spleen drinks Sodium salts like a thirsty man drinks water. h. The bile, gastric juices, the blood, the intestinal and other secretions, all call for Sodium, and more Sodium. I. Calcium metabolism calls for Sodium salts, for Sodium keeps Calcium in solution. j. The blood, liver, muscle, brain, corpuscles, fibrous tissue, cartilage, synovia, blood serum, lymph; in fact, nearly all body fluids call for Sodium salts. k, A fatty, starchy diet calls for Sodium; or fermentation and acid formation take place. 1. So soon as there is acid and waste matter working, one upon the other, germs are prolific. m. A. Sodium diet is necessary in the diabetic patient in connection with certain other important alkaline salts. Such Sodium bi-carbonate as comes from plants growing near large bodies of salt water is preferable. n. Such greens as watercress, okra, celery, or other Sodium- containing juices, are excellent for the patient manifesting Sodium hunger. o,.Prof. Metchnikoff recommended Bulgarian buttermilk, saying that it contained friendly germs, and that those friendly germs would devour other germs in the bowels. He also recommended that the large bowels should be cut out, indicating that the Almighty did not know His business when He made the large bowels. If Prof. Metchnikoff had adopted a. rich Sodium diet, he would not be dead now. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 15 INSTITUTE CF HUI.IAN NATURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO, I LLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-IRON (FERRUH) . 1. IRON IN THE T.IINERAL AND VE GETABLE KINGDOI.'S : a. Iron is found native in small quantities, but is chiefly de- rived from ores as magnetite, hematite, and limonite, which are abundant and very widel}? - distributed. It is an essen- tial constituent in plants and animals, and is found in sea- water and mineral water, b. Iron exists in the sun and stars, and comes from space to the earth in the form of meteorites. c. Iron has a great deal to do with the development of the chlorophyl, or the green coloring matter in plants, by the . agency of which sugary substances are formed. The chloro- phyl corresponds relatively to the hemoglobin in the red corpuscles of the blood. Without chlorophyl, plants would be unable to manufacture their food from inorganic substances, but would be under the necessity of living as parasites or saprophytes, as is the case with bacteria, mushrooms, etc. 2. IRON, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS : a. Iron is the most important of the metallic elements. It is silvery-white when pure, and very tenacious, malleable, and ductile. b. As found in commerce, it is never pure, but is combined with small quantities of Carbon, Phosphorus, Silicon, Sulphur, etc. , with which it forms important eutectic alloys, viz: Cast iron, wrought iron, bar iron, and steel. c. The salts of iron are largely used in medicine as tonics. d. ANTIDOTE: Bi-carbonates in water, ice, opium. e. Iron is a tv/in brother to Ox3^gen, and is an affinity to Oxy- gen. Metallic iron is not converted into hemoglobin. It may enter the blood-stream to a certain degree and give a temporary impetus to vital life, but soon it is thrown out of the system through the intestinal epithelium, perhaps through the kidneys.. In the latter case, it will do harm to the kidneys. Iron that is found in food is organized Iron, and is more readily converted into hemoglobin in the bone marrow, after which it is ready for its transportation to the liver, where the hemoglobin becomes duly qualified for its high function of oxidation of blood and tissue. If Iron does not pass through all the stages of hemoglobinogenesis, and if it stays in the blood-stream of the liver, spleen, and bone mar- row only for a time, without passing through the metabolic pro- cesses of organic life, finally to be eliminated by the intes- tines, it only stimulates oxidative energy in the blood, with- out entering into the hum of organic tissue life as an Iron compound. f. Iron is the most astringent of all metals. It contracts when it is cold, and expands when it is warm, or hot. 3. FU NCTIONS OF IRON IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION : a; Iron stimulates the sex function. It supplies the blood salts. b. In the average normal, healthy man who weighs 160 lbs., 2 ounces of Iron are found. c. Iron is the most important of all blood salts. It is a tonic. It supports vital energy, increases elimination, generates life, pleasure, health, response. It increases heat, temper, sentiment. Approximately 3.23 grams of Iron are found in the blood, or about enough Iron.-'to make a good sized nail. This small quan- tity of Iron, nevertheless, has an exceedingly important func- tion to perform. It is the gateway through which Oxygen enters the system, for Iron alwajrs combines with Oxygen in the pre- sence of moisture, whether it be in the human blood or else- where. d. It oxidizes the blood and promotes the generative functions. If there were no Iron in the blood, the body could not absorb Oxygen from the air in the lungs, and a man would suffocate in the same way that fire goes out when the Oxygen supply is cut off. In the absence of Iron in the hemoglobin of the red cor- puscles of the blood, animal life would not prosper very long; metabolism would, at once, become faulty. The oxidation of the blood in the lungs depends upon the Iron, or hematin in the hemoglobin of the red corpuscles of the blood, A normal quan- tity of Iron in the blood and tissues means greater free Oxy- gen consumption,. and more Oxygen in blood and tissues, which, in turn, means a higher degree of magnetic life, animation, and vi- gor. e. Carbonic oxide is carried off from the body through the com- bined action of Oxygen and Sodium. f. Oxygen is a generator of heat. Bodily heat is mainly generat- ed by the muscles, acted upon by Oxygen. TTherever Oxygen is at work, heat is generated, whether slowly, or rapidly. People who generate animal heat in abundance are rich in Oxygen, Iron, Potassium, and Chlorin. Such people never suffer from catarrh, nor from cold feet. g. Iron and Oxygen, when normally and vigorous^ active, enable the parents to transmit their highest qualities to children; for Oxygen arouses every cell, increases life force.,nerve energy, sex magnetism, and transmissive power. It is better to have Oxygen and Iron in the blood than to study 1,000 volumes of eugenics; Iron enables parents to produce greater offspring. Oxygen fires up sentiment. Iron urges the lover to a more romantic proposal. h. Iron and Oxygen are natural beauty specialists, and will increase charm, beauty, and magnetism. That lady who has Iron and Oxy- gen in abundance in her veins and arteries, will never need any face powder, and will need no instructions in beauty culture. Her eyes are magnetic, her cheeks glowing, her arteries active and elastic, her blood rich and warm, and she has great power to attract the opposite sex. i. Youthfulness is closely associated with Iron and Oxygen, That man who has plenty of Oxygen and Iron in his system looks young when he is old. Again, when oxidation is perfect, cuts, bruises, injuries heal rapidly. A person recuperates more quickly from an illness because of the power of self-healing in the very blood. j. Iron is mainly found in the coloring matter of the blood, in the lymph, in the bile, in the gastric juice, in the pigment of the eye,skin r and hair. It exists in the human body as a ferric oxide, always in combination with organic compounds. Iron is . utilized in the chromogenic processes taking place in the hemo- globin of the red corpuscles of the blood. Iron is stored in the body and is utilized over and over again in the manu- factor of new Oxygen-carrying blood discs, or corpuscles. Copyright, 1920, "by V, G. Rocine. (Revised) _ 17 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN ITATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, . ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. . SUBJECT-IRON (FSRRUM)» 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH IRON INHERENTLY: a. Excessive: b. Deficient: 5. SYMP TOMS WHEN Sensuality. Absent-mindedness . Hardness of heading. Feelings languid. Reason dull . Hind distracted. Thoughts scattered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7; s; -9; 10. 11. 12. 13; 14. Myogenic and Oxypheric. Neurogenic, Pathetic, Desmogenic, Carboferic, Ni~ tropheric, Atrophic, and in all old, and dis- eased -oeo-nle. IRON IS EXCESSIVE: Increased blood pressure in brain. Intracranial pressure. Tension in the head. Mind is in a mental mist. Partial loss of faculty control. Things not so clear as formerly. No longer former self. Blood and brain are under Iron pressure, or Iron gravity. Sleepiness overtakes him, and his "disposition becomes sleepy. Dullness, and blind spells. Heavy in heart. Hea/vy in thought. Blood pressure. Plethora. Hemorrhages. Headache and stupidity. Hebetudinous senses sot 15. IS. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. in. 5a. SYMPTOMS WHEN IRON IS DEFICIENT: 1. Dullness. 24. 2'. Stupidity. 3; Lack of ambition. 25. 4i Disease. 51 Loss of memory. 26. 6, Cold hands and feet. 71 Greenish tint in face. 27. 8i Night sweats, "9; Irritability. 28. 10". Depression. I!'. Indolent and excitable. 29. I2» Sleeplessness, 13. Restless dreams. 141 Over-sensitive nerves. 151 Murky complexion. 30. 16. Craves love & sympathy. 17. Y/hiney and fussy." 31. 18. Ready to weep. 19 . Tendons jerk". 20; Voico rattles. 32. 21, Disturbed mornings more than evenings. 33. 22; More lively in evening. 23. Subject to outbursts 34. of anger. Lower part of head aches -indi- cating" lack of Iron_and Silicon. Sympathetic system drained to point of agitation,& excitement. Difficult to solve problems, study, form plans, or memorize. Weeps, laughs, complains, plays, all" without normal" regulation. Broods over trouble that never comes. Unfavorable expressions from others may unbalance the nerves, and agitate the emotions seri- ously. May scream from violent agita- tion. ~"ay have instinctive fear of ii 6. HOW TO REDUCE a. Foods: crossing water, but likes woods and hills. Dislikes wind, moisture, stir, noise, fluster, commotion. Prone to exaggerate own ail- ments. Inclined to answer questions un- pleasantly, and in a surley man- ner. IRON IN THE BODY: B, Climate: c. Mental Exercise: d. physical Exercise: Eat foodb containing Sulphur, Carbon, Hydro- gen, and Nitrogen, Omit foods containing Iron, Magnesium, Chlorin, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Silicon, Oxygen and lodin. Live in low altitude, v;here climate is very moist. Draw blood to brain by means of intellec- tual and emotional work. Drink water abundantly; sit still in-doore.. 18 ?. Hpg TO ''^CREASE IRON IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat foods containing Iron,Magnesium,Chlorin, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Silicon, Oxygen, I od in. Omit foods containing Sulphur, Carbon, Hydro- gen, and Nitrogen. b. Climate: Live in a high altitude, or in the hills - a high sky — where the air is breezy and atten- uated. c. Mental Exercise: Do not use the brain. &. Physical Exercise: Engage in out-door physical exercises, also active breathing exercises. PEOPLE V/HO REQUIRE IRON FOODS : a. In abundance: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Desmogenic, Carboferic, Nitnopheric, Atrophic, Pargenic; also all sick, and old people. b. Very little : Oxypheric and Myogenic. 5- INFLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE A MOU NT OF IRON FOOD S ON: a. Health:"" Blind spells, blood pressure, excessive nerve pres- sure, intracranial pressure, too much blood in liver. The specific gravity of the blood is too high, running up on the scale until the person's life is in danger* b. Disposition: Lethargic. I . INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF IRON FOODS ON : a. Health: The blood is impoverished; disease sets in; the tissues lack muscle Iron; the person is neither sick nor well; but is more sick than well, and really is a walking sick person, I 1 . DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN \7H0M IRON IS IN EXCESS : 1. Trouble with digestive function, bowels, kidneys, and blood; 2. The fibrin, albumin, and solids are excessive in the system; 3. The blood is produced be^rond the needs of the sjrstera; 4. Blood pressure is increased above the normal level; 5. Danger of rupture of arterioles, veins, and blood pockets; 6. Solids become excessive, and portal system becomes congested; 3. Palpitation of heart, tingling in ears, nose—bleed; 8. Dilation of blood vessels, thick blood, congested veins; 9. Leads to hemorrhages; specific gravity of blood changes; 10. Oxygen consumption becomes excessive; the eyes bulge; 11. Tongue and teeth are discolored, and digestion is disturbed; 12. Thirst is unquenchable; headache and nausea set in; 13. Excreta is darkened; gastro-intestinal disturbances; 14. Difficulty of respiration; oppressive internal heat; 15. Finger technique is not so good as usual; 16. Iron, being an astringent, binds, contracts, and draws; 17. This internal astringency affects nerves, blood, canal walls, arteries, and heart muscles. 18. Contraction of heart muscles affects the pulse; 19. Constricting the arteries increases the blood pressure; 2C . By astringing the bowels, costive habits appear; SI. B3^ dra¥/ing the muscles within a smaller compass, urea is increased, and the bladder is contracted; resulting in frequent micturition. Copyright, . 1920*. "by. V # G # Rpcine. . (Revised) 19 INSTITUTE, OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO,. ILLINOIS . LESSOM, SHEET . . . COURSE-FOODS, & CHEMICALS . . SUBJECT-IRON /PERRUM) . 12. CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS IR01T SHOULD ; a. Eat: Foods rich in Sulphur, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitro g en . b, Avoid: Foods rich in Iron, Magnesium, Chlorin, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Silicon, Oxygen, Iodin. 15. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH IRON PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : 1. Promotion. 6. Regulation of traffic. 2. Managing, 7'. Using other people. 3. Commerce, 8'- Horse-breeding, and cattle-breeding, 4. Oratory . ~9. Promotion of every kind. 5. Transportation. 10. Financiering. 14. HELPFUL HINTS : a* Deficient Iron is caused by - i; Diseased heredity. 2. Disposition. 3, Over-work, 4, Illness. 5. Old-age. b. An Iron diet is good for the "blues", or for low oxidation. c. The mucous and serous membranes, bile, urine, skin, and in- testines are the agents through v;hich Iron is eliminated from the body. It is mainly discharged through the bowels, as a 3ijlpho- albuminate. In the stomach it is changed into a chlorid, and enters the blood as an albuminate; being transported by the white corpuscles in the blood plasman. d. The spleen, marrow, and liver are the Ferric (Iron) store houses of the body . When the Iron supply runs too low, these organs feel the effect first. Mien the blood, tis- sues, and lungs suffer, if Iron is not again supplied in no rmal quant i t i e s , e. Iron and Oxygen stir everything to action. Iron and Oxygen mean vim, stir, action, and energy in the functions; opti- mism and enthusiasm to the mind, and a high degree of per- sonal magnetism. Iron and Oxygen stimulate functions^ en- courage ambition, stir up sentiment, increase reason, swell passion, arouse appetite, improve memory, paint t&e faded cheek, increase masculine power, and feminine charms, f ♦ Iron is absorbed mainly by the duodenum, after being convert, ed by the stomach, into an Iron chlorid. It is not so read- ily extracted from food that has been digested by the stomach first, as from fruit juices containing Iron. g. When Iron, as contained in fruit juice, enters, the duodenum contracts and holds the liquid until the Iron compound con- tained in the fruit juice shall have oeen absorbed, which it does more completely than it possibly can extract it from solid food; because much of the Iron in solid food escapes the assimilative efforts of the duodenum. 20 h. If metallic Iron be excreted by the kidneys, it injures those organs. It is unwise to inject inorganic compounds into the blood-stream, as they may injure the kidneys, and have a detrimental effect in other ways; nor is this nec- essary, because certain berries and other foods carry those important Iron compounds. i. Strong doses of metallic Iron have a costive effect upon the bowels, a styptic effect upon the arteries and veins, and up- on the vibratory action of ~ the cells, resulting in stupidity. j. In testing the effects of inorganic Iron on mice. Dr. Socin fed drug store Iron to one group of mice, in the form of Iron-chlorid; and fed another group on free Iron food, plus raw egg yolk, (Egg yolk is rich in* Iron). All mice fed on the drug store Iron were dead before the 33d day of the ex- periment; but the mice fed on the foods containing Iron lived and gained weight. k. Dr. Lelensky, another experimentalist, fee doge pollened rice. In one day the hemoglobin in one dog fell from 18 to 15* In another dog, it fell from 14 to 11. Anemia became more and more pronounced in the dogs, as the experiment con- tinued; and, on the 18th day, some of the dogs died. 15. WHEN AN IRON DIET IS HEEDED : i; Palpitation of the heart upon arising. 2. Perspiration of face on one side; while other side is dry, and perhaps flushed. Tendency to colds in the head. 3. Face pale at one time, and flushed at another time, and murky, or yellowish, or pale, or gray, at still another time. 4. Mental confusion; crying against the will; verbal mistakes. 5. Peevish, anxious, whining, craven, di sheartened, ■ changeable mind. 6i Trivialities seem unsurmountabl e ; cloudy mind. 7'. Fatigued by: reasoning, conversation, reading, thinking. 8'. Fearful of losing reason. "91 Alternating pain in kidneys, and in the spleen. 20'- Appetite for indigestable things; craving for stimulants. 11. Fullness and dryness in throat. Tender nostrils. IS. Laxity in organs so they are no held in place. 13. Increased psychical sex desire, with decreased physical sex desire. 14. Tendency to sneeze, or to dry hacking cough; husky voice. 15. Lack of control of involuntary functions, causing partial- ly involuntary discharges. Constriction and laxity in or- gans . 16. The lower limbs tremble, or are heavy. 17'. Cold hands and feet. Intolerable itching. 18. Pulsation in finger tips, pelvic organs, cerebellum, tem- ples, epigastrium, or elsewhere. Painful lungs; rattling: breath. Bloody taste in mouth. Chest is heavy. 19. Flatus of stomach, or bowels; tightness in head, around chest; constriction in heart muscles, vertigo. 20. A seeming fog, or film in front of the eyes, making objects appear indistinct; tired eyelids. The eyes seem sleepy. 21. Eyes are sore, or inflamed, or hot, or tearful. 22. Strong tendency to carry arms above head, and stretch the limbs. The sense of smell is weakened. 23. Shoulder joints pain, tendons jerk, nerves are tired. Copyright, 1920* "by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 21 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-IRON (FERRUM) . 15* WHEN AN IRON DIET IS NEEDED ; (Continued) 241, Lively in the evening; stupid in the morning. 25i Nervous, excitable 5 fussy, tearful, hysterical, sensitive. 261 Can see better in the dark than in the daylight. 27 . Dry, hot, weak, lax, tired, feverish. Dry throat and organs. 28; Foul breath; heavy pressure in pit of stomach. 29'. Cramp-like pain in spleen; suffocating sensation. 30% Tenderness in liver and abdomen; heaviness in eyes. 31. Lame arms, stiff neck, tickling in throat, and in nose. 32. Faded cheeks, pale face, shriveled skin. Uterine displace- ment. Dull hearing during menstruation. 33'. Sensitiveness to pressure. Kidneys in state of laxity. 34. Strong tendency to chlorosis, pneumonia, anemia, asthma. 35; Hysteria, menstrual ailments, nervousness, prostration. 36. Feels the need of support and sympathy, or a bracing tonic. 37. Tender scalp; feeling of heaviness and tension in brain. 38'. Nerves quiver, spleen under tension, liver enlarged. 39. Danger of thrombi forming in arteries, or in blood pockets of the brain. Neuralgic pains fly throughout the system. 40. Nerve plexuses are dry and* hot; genital organs under ten- sion, resulting in hysterical attacks. 41. Cerebellum under tension, so that equilibrium and co-ordina- tisna pov/er of fingers, nerves, and muscles are disturbed. 42'. Face burns, and perhaps is ash-gray. Stiff arms, ankles lax. 45; Voice, under lip, and hands in a state of tremor. 44; Small of fe&ck tender, perhaps weak and stiff. 45; Suffocating spells, constriction in throat muscles. 46. Poor eyesight; soles of feet burn; lower limbs cold in cold weather. Blood flows mainly to face and lungs. 47i Sleepy, heavy feeling; irritable, and confused. 48i Wants something, but does not know what it is. 49 '• Symptoms increase, as carbonic acid increases in atmosphere. 50"; Subject to hemorrhages during the catamenial period. 51. Decrease of urea, albumin, Nitrogen, Potash, and Calcium chlorid. Ire reased fat and water, so that ankles swell. 52; Fault-finding tendency with, or dislike of, husband, (or wife) 53. Oppressive respiration, anemic blood, acid blood. 54. Frequent perspiration, or micturition during sleep. 55. Partial deafness; murmur heard in the heart. 56'. Desire for long walks in fresh air. 57. Carotids pulsate like little hearts; difficulty in walking upstairs. Urine is red, perhaps hot and burning. 58. Food only partially digests. Chest is tender. Blood in excreta. 59. Weak rectal muscles; anus burns and smarts. 60. Discharges corrode; parts smart, burn, and itch at the same time. 61'. Stinging headaches. Craves rest, repose, and quiet. 62i Tumors develop in uterine tissues, and perhaps elsewhere. 65. Bladder becomes weak. Sleepless at night; sleepy in ■ " daytime. 64. Touchy, sur>er- sensitive, hard to -nlease; wants to ween, 65. IN TIMES OF ABOVE NAMED SYMPTOMS," A HEAVY IRON FOOD DIET IS IMPERATIVE, ALSO DEEP BREATHING, ELEMENTAL COMMOTION, QUIET REST, IN THE FOREST OF PINES, IN THE HILLS. 22 16- PRINCIPAL IRON FOODS b. d. f. S- h. (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED) : the -o ere entages of IRON in n& percentages given oexow are the salts (Asia content) contained in the foods named. The VITAMINES (Life force) are found only in the seeds. Temperature above 59°F. injures the Vitamines, and 130°F. kills them. Cooking kills the Vitamines, and, in many instances, alters the chemical elements; hence, all fruits and many vegetables are more valuable in the raw state than they are when cooked. The Vitamines deteriorate with age. Fruits and vegetables directly from the garden or orchard are far more valuable . for their Vitamines than they are after they have been ga- thered a few months, weeks, or even a few days. To obtain the Vitamines, chew and eat the seeds and pits, (Except any uneatable parts) of all fruits named herein. Eat these foods without adding granulated sugar, vinegar, or cream. All foods named herein are ORGANIC, except drug Irons, which are inorganic and harmful to the health. ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO BEST IRON FOODS CONTENT Medium IRON " 9140 VITAMINES Yes 5 E A T Beef juice (Raw) Raw Bilberries High ~bmO0 Yes Raw Blackberries (Wild) High, About 19; oo Yes Raw Head lettuce Low 7; 44 No Raw Lettuce Medium r.4o No Raw Ox blood. Very high 9.47 Yes Raw SECOITD BEST IN IROIT Asparagus Low 3.40 Killed Cooked Berries (Dark) Low About Yes Raw (Hot elsewhere named herein) - Blackberries Medium 3.50 Yes Raw (Cultivated) Currants (Black) Medium i; 17 Yes Raw Currants (Red) 1 Tedium i;ao Yes Raw Egg Yolk (Raw) High o;8o Yes Raw Pears (Bartlett) Low i;io In stones Raw Prunes Low 2; 50 In nits Stewed or raw Spinach Very high 3.35 No ' Cooked 3 min. Shredded VJheat Biscuit High i;35 perhaps Raw Strawberries Medium 5.90 In seeds Raw THIRD BEST IN IRON Bran (VJheat) Bread (T.liole barley) Cherries (Black) Figs (Dried) Grapes (Concord) Lentils Raisins IRON (Drugs) High Very high Very low Very high Low Very high Medium 1.30 Killed Cooked or baked r.7c ;47 ;92 ;9o 2.00 Killed In stone; In seeds In seeds Killed In seeds Very high morga- None nlc Baked 5 Raw Raw Raw Cooked Raw Leave alone Copyright, 1920, by V. C-. Rocine. (Revised) 23 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOI S. LESSON SHEET, COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SU3JEC T-CH LORI N . 1. CHLORIN IN THE MIN E RAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS : a. Chlorin occurs in common salt. This salt is found mainl3r in ocean water and salty lakes. It occurs also in the soil, in certain strata of the earth, and in the vegetable kingdom; as well as in the animal kingdom; also in mineral waters; even in rain-water. b, Chlorin is a non— metallic element discovered by Scheele in 1774. In nature, it is found in a state of combination. United with Sodium, it (Chlorin) occurs very largely as chloride of Sodium (Common Salt). 2 - CHLORIN, ITS NATURE AN D C HARACTERISTICS : a. The electrical character of Chlorin is negative. It has a remarkable affinity for Hydrogen which enables it to decom- pose compounds containing Hydrogen; hence, its power for bleaching, de-colorizing, and disinfecting. Chlorin is a powerful deodorizer, and has great germicidal power. b. Chlorin is a greenish-yellow, very poisonous, liquefiable, gaseous element with an offensive odor. It has a bad af- fect upon wall paper and colored fabrics; hence, it is not used much for cleaning fine fabrics. c. Chlorin is valuable for bleaching, especially when aided by dew, air, and ozone. Those who bleach have learned to lay the washed fabrics on the grass for better results. d. Chlorin is highly caustic, and its disagreeable odor pro- duces a suffocating cough, which is relieved by inhaling ammonia. It is a very heavy gas - nearly 2-J- times heavier than air. e. Chlorin combines with Phosphorus, or with arsenic to form flame. It has a powerful affinity for water, and is solu- ble in water. f . The antidote for Chlorin is Magnesia, also white of egg. g. Chlorin combines very energetically with the metals. It has an intense affinity for Hydrogen, which Chlorin attracts from any moist body, or humid air. Hence, it attracts the water from a Hydripheric person suffering from obesity. \7hen Chlorin consumption is great - as in a Marasraic person — that person will be as lean and dry as wood, and as caustic in wit as an Irishman. h. Chloroform is a Chlorin product, produced through the chemi- cal action of Chlorin on alcohol. Chloroform possesses hyp- notic and anaesthetic properties, and produces remarkable symptoms in the patient; such as blood pressure, surface breathing, fall of temperature, paralysis of the brain, cord, heart, and medulla, also depression of the blood vessels. Comtinued administration of chloroform increases the excre- tion of sulphate, phosphate, and Nitrogen, which results in fatty degeneration of heart, liver, kidneys, and cardiac ganglia. Chloroform aids peristaltis and the expulsion of gas from the stomach. 24 3. FUNCTIONS OF CHLORIN Iff THB HUMAN ORGANIZATION : a. There are one and three-fourths pounds of Chlorin in the average normal man weighing one hundred and sixty pounds. Organic Chlorin consumption, however> is a different process; being a function that is taking place in every person. "b. Chlorin is found as a compound in the tissues and fluids of the body; always exerting* a beneficial effect upon metabolism and health when present in normal quantities. c. Chlorin increases bodily heat, and the peristaltic movement in the stomach and bowels* It liberates internal heat in the muscles - for Chlorin acts strongly upon the muscular system. It excites the sexual system, but does not strengthen it, d. Chlorin counteracts tetanus, drunkenness, and intestinal colic. In the form of hydrochloric acid, Chlorin aids di- gestion and nutrition. It overpowers intestinal infection, and prevents bacterial fermentation. It prevents cell nu- trition by a process called osmosis. e. Both Chlorin and Sodium are lowered by a diet of vegetables and greens. For every ounce of Potassium eliminat- ed from the body, fifty-five to sixty ounces of Sodium and Chlorin are eliminated. A lack of Sodium and Chlorin re- sults in bloating, gas generation, ill health, perhaps even deaths Chlorin aids urination. The urea is temporarily increased, which is the case with chlorid of Sodium, phos- phate, and sulphate when there is a normal quantity of Chlorin in the' body. f* Organic Chlorin makes the tissues dense and elastic. It knits tissue cells together closely. It excludes water, fat and starch. g. Chlorin aids absorption of new blood material, and transfers waste products from tissues and blood. It promotes elimina- tion of water from the tissues, skin, and lungs. Under the influence of Chlorin, from six to ten pounds of water may be eliminated in a single day. Were it not for the pressive, contractive, extractive, osmotic pressure, exerted" by Chlorin on cell, tissue, and fluid, the impurity, germs, and pus weald stay in the bod-;, and the nan would soon die in* his own sewage, *• CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH CHLORIIT IS INHERENTLY . a. Excessive? Nervi-Motive, i.larasmic, lledeic, (es-oecially Ilaras- mic). b. Deficient: All lean people, due to excessive Chlorin con- sumption. Copyright, 1920, by V, S. Roeine. (Revised) _ 25 v INSTITUTE OF HUHAH TTATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSQH SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHKIICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORI'T . 5. SYrlPTOMS T.VHE1T CHLORIH IS EXCESSIVE : i; Hypnotic power, choleric wit, snappish temper, surly moods* 2i Mischievous tendencies, sarcasm, biliousness, ugly streaks. 3i Evil thoughts, aggravating answers, captious humor. 4'. Peevishness, quickness to take offense. 5. The person is odd, droll, comi co-tragic; able to make a situation appear burlesque, 6. One minute he talks like an orator, then he is mute as the grave, or as sulky as a criminal. 7'. Becomes comical, hilarious, and perhaps good-natured. 8. Pessimism, suspicion, almost self -chloroformed. ~9» Thinks others will poison him, clannish as a Chinaman. 10» Slavish in devotion, doglike; treacherous, malicious, and selfish tendencies, criticises. 11. Loves one minute, fights the next. Has no toleration for society, distrusts friends, jealous. 12/. Subject to matrimonial entanglements, hard to live with mate. 13', Sighs for new affinities, his religion is one of fear. ^ 14i Wonderful memory of evil, tendency to sow wild oats. *I5. Torpid nerves, dull senses, abstract faculties, sad, silent. 16. Livesin, and fears, the future, feels like cursing and crying, may go on spree for few days, then become industri- ous again. 17. If a woman, she becomes a sensation and drug fiend. 13'. Careless about appearance, conduct, and dress. 19. She is listless, indifferent. Dull literary perceptions. 20" i Inclined to stimulants, fears thunderstorms, talks to self. 21. Pays no attention to others, becomes a gossip. 5a« _SY??PT0L:S 17HEN CHLORIIT IS DEF ICIENT : i; Extreme ties appear purple, "blue lips, grayish nail roots. 2. Bluish green, or yellow-blue skin, * tension in stomach, spleen, liver, and lower lungs. Under-lip quivers. 3. Facial muscles twitch, bones ache, -neriosteum contracts. 4; Heavy, weak, wooden-like limbs, inflamed taste buds. 5; The transverse colon is distended like a drum. Bi Hip joints sore, painful stitches in liver and spleen. 7'. Bloating of abdomen, sediment like red sand in urine. 8'. Throat and lungs inflamed; tissues refuse albumin. '9; Sore mouth - feels burned, heavy tongue. 10. Eminences, like little berries, appear at posterior side of root of tongue, gums swell, teeth are loose. Hi Deafness; roaring in ears; picks noise, feels dizzy. 12; Digestion of albumin, fat, sweets, and starch is slow. 13. Hair and whiskers fall out; urine and saliva are bloody. 14. Very hungry, but feels better, has suffocating attacks. 15. Starves, and preaches starvation, until he gets very thin. IS. Worries, dull, anxious, mourns, mutters, snores in sleeo. 17'. Frontal headache that travels back to backhead. 18; Has sparkles, flashes, flickers before the eyes. 19; notion produces dizziness; chilled here, overheated there. 2a; Likes acid foods and drinks, itching in Perineal region. 21. Specific gravity of urine falls below 1018. 26 6. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. HOW Teeth ache, even if sound, blood pressure low. One leg shorter than another, rheumatic pain in muscles. Distress of heart, burning in kidneys. Skin exfoliates and falls, heat waves travel over body. Nose-tip is shiny; pus, mucus, phlegm form. TO REDUCE CHLORIN IN THE BODY: Nitro- a. Foods: b. Climate: 7. c. d. HOW Mental Exercise: Physical Exercise: Eat foods rich in Carbon, Hydrogen, gen, Oxygen. Omit foods rich in Chlorin. Go to China, or some other warm country; or take perspiration baths. Cultivate sarcasm and caustic wit. Work hard until the skin perspires freely. TO INCREASE CHLORIN IN THE BODY: a„ Foods: b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: d. Physical Exercise: Eat foods rich in Chlorin. Omit foods rich in Carbon, Hydrogen, trogen, Oxygen. Live in a genial climate. Purely sentimental. Pleasing and easjr exercises only. Ni- 8. PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE CHLO RIN FOODS: a. In abundance: Desmogenic and Atrophic , on account of exces- sive Chlorin consumption. Neurogenic, Carbofe- ric, Hydripheric,Nitropheric and Pall inomic, be- cause of tendency to auto-intoxication, Calci- feric and Isogenic need Sodium and Chlorin to prevent calcic hardening; but too much Chlorin food will eventually develop into calcic harden- ing. Pathetic,Lipopheric,and Pargenic should eat Chlorin food, but only to a moderate extent. Oxypheric require only small amount. Marasmic should change diet frequently to avoid taking up too much Chlorin, as Chlorin is bad for him. INFLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF CHLORIN FOODS ON: b. Very little a. b. Detrimental. Develops a cynical mind, pessimistic disposition. 10. INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF CHLORIN FOODS ON: Health: Disposition: caustic wit, and a a. Health: b. Disposition: Results in disease. Feels hopeless, gloomy, self— concerned, anxious, craves consolation, but refuses it when offered. Wants sympathy, friendship, and love, but spurns it when offered. Feels spleeny,ugly, hateful, nervous, fearful of the future. II . DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM CHLOR I N IS IN EXCESS : a. Increase of the output of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxjrgen, Phosphorus, Sulphur, fat and sweet. b. Emaciation prevents normal growth in children, unbalances di- gestion. It causes ulceration, depression of motor power, muscular force, vigor in tendons and in many other solid structures. c. Neurasthenia that is hard to cure, curvature of limbs, asthenia of the motor equipment, self-hypnotization,vaso-motor disturb- ances, bowel trouble, periodic collapses, erosions that resemble cancer, atrophia, narcotic neurosis, disorders of the generative system, mania, fears, morphine habits, bluish hemorrhoids that are as sensitive as a boil, diarrhea with constipation, paraly- sis of some of the muscles that results in involuntary stools, ailments that are pronounced in the right side of the body. Copyright,. 19 20,. by V. G. Rocine. {Revised). 27 INSTITUTE OF HUI1AIT, NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET , COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJSCT-CHLORIiT . II. DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IF WdOU CHLORIII I S IN EXCESS ; tContd) d. Internal heat and external coldness j heart trouble, eruptions around the mouth, weak respiration, lov/ temperature, cold perspiration, congestion of the vaso-motor system, poor pro- teid metabolism, erratic functions, high pitched voice, fainting spells, inability to absorb and hold water, impo- . tence, food fermentation, vomiting, hyperchlorhydria. 12. CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS CHLORIN SHOULD ; a. Ea€: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen; or foods rich in the organic elements. b. .Avoid: Foods, rich in Chlorin.. 15. VOCATIONS FOR l/HICH CHLORIN PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED ; a. Military occupations, surgery, gardening, glass work, traf- fic, drugs and poisons, scavenger work, butchering, meat and sausage, industries. 14. HELPFUL HINTS t eu The following conditions use up the Chlorin too rapidly: Heavy work in the sunshine, or in dry heat. Excessive water drinking. A vegetable diet. Cold climate ; strong winds. Scurvy. b. Sodium-chlorid works in cartilage. Without this compound, no cartilage could be made. c. Chlorin and Sodium combined help internal lavation and the distribution of water throughout the system. There can be no equilibrium of humidity, and no exchange in the various fluids of the watery element, unless there is normal quan- tity of Sodium and Chlorin salts at work in the tissues and fluids. d. A lack of sodium and Chlorin salts results in the precipita- tion of certain other important salts which leads to lowerod tissuo metabolism of tho* albumin. This may result in albu- minuria, or dropsy, and perhaps death. e. 200 grams of Sodium-chlorid, or more, are found in the vari- ous tissues and fluids of a well proportioned man. This Chlorin compound regulates the phenomena of difusion, or it favors the transportation of old and new material. f. water is not absorbed into the blood, if there is a lack of Sodium-chlorid, A normal amount of Sodium-chlorid in the blood plasma enables the red corpuscles to maintain their shape and structure, by maintaining their water equilibrium, or the humidity which must enter into their composition. g. A lack of Sodium-chlorid in the system weakens the red blood comuscles* 28 15 , PRINCIPAL CHLORIN FOODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED) : a. The best "ClUor in-containing foods are those named under the heading below "BEST CHLORIN FOODS 11 , the next best are those named under heading: "SECOND BEST CHLORIN FOODS"-, etc. "b. The approximate quantity of ash content of each food is in- dicated in the column headed, "ASH CONTENT 11 . e. The quantity of Chlorin contained in each food named below is indicated under heading, "CHLORIN"; the figures representing ' the percentage of the ASH CONTENT, is CHLORIN. d. Vitamines are found in the seeds ONLY, and are killed by heat at or above 130 degrees. The words "YES* and "N0 a in the column headed "VITAMINES", indicate whether there are Vitam- ines in that part of food which we generally eat (including seeds), when the food is in its raw state, and when it is in & cooked, or otherwise heated, state. e. All foods named herein are ORGANIC, (consequently entirely wholesome); except salt which is inorganic, but wholesome to a limited extent, and necessary; and except dried beef, ham, fish, and Roquefort cheese; which may be either organic or inorganic, due to common salt added thereto. f. g. h. i. BEST CHLORIN ASH • CONTAINS BETTER TO FOODS CONTENT Very high CHLORIN 30.41 VITAMINES Yes EAT Cheese, (Goat milk) Raw Cheese, whey Very high 32.63 No Raw (Goat milk) Cheese, Swiss Very high 30.41 Yes Eaw (Goat milk) Milk, Goat Very high 31.00 Yes Raw Salt (About Excessive- 40% Sodium) ly high 60.00 No Raw Dr cooked SECOND BEST CHLORIN FOODS Beef (dried) Very high 6.00 Yes Raw Blood, (Ox) Very high 34.40 Yes Raw Cheese, Roquefort High 28.10 Yes Raw (Sheep milk) Ham Very high 4 - 13% Killed Broiled Milk (Human) Low 18.38 Yes Raw THIRD BEST CHLORIN FOODS Cheese (Cow's mi Ik) Low. 14 - 18fo Yes Raw Cocoanut Medium 13.40 Yes Raw Fish, salty High 11 - 19fo No Broiled (All kinds) Milk (Cow's) Low 14.28 Yes Raw FOURTH BEST CHLORIN FOODS 5.30 Killed Asparagus Low Cooked Cabbage (Red) Low 13.65 In seeds Raw Cabbage (White) High 7.90 In seeds Raw Carrots Medium 4.60 No Raw Cucumbers Low 6.60 In seeds Raw Egg Yolk (Raw) High 9.00 Yes Raw Lentils Very high 4.63 Killed Cooked Lettuce Medium 7.65 No Raw Meat juice (raw) Medium 36.00 Yes Raw Radishes Low 9.15 In seeds Raw Spinach Very high 6.30 No Cooked 3 min. Flour( Super-white ) Very low None No Heated Copyright, . 1920 f by V. G. Rociiie. (Revised) 29 INSTITUTE OF HU??AN, NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LE SSON SHEET , COURSE-POODS & CHEMICALS . 5U3JECT-CALCIUH . 1. CAL CIUM II IHE MINERAL M P VEGETABL E KINGDOMS : a%~*CaTcium is found in all soils," almost without exception. Also in the ash of plants, in mineral waters, in water gen- erally, especially in hard water. b. Calcium is" the metal present in chalk, stucco, and other com- pounds of lime. It may be obtained by passing a powerful current of voltaic electricity through fused chlorid of Cal- cium, when the metal separates into minute globules. 2. CALCIUM, ITS NATURE AND _ CHARACTERISTICS : a. It is a yellowish-white metal, can be rolled into sheets, and hammered into leaves. It is intermediate between lead and gold in hardness. b. At ordinary temperature, Calcium slowly tarnishes by Oxygen; and, when placed in contact with water, it rapidly decompos- es the water, forming lime (CaO), and the Hydrogen escapes. c. To be kept bright, Calcium must be kept under the surface of naphtha. At a red heat, Calcium melts and burns with a drizzling white light, accompanied by scintillations. &• Calcium is usually associated with Sulphur, Silicon, and Carbon, indicating a strong affinity between itself and those elements. It has also a strong affinity for Oxygen. e. As a carbonate, Calcium forms marble, limestone, chalk. Lime is nothing but a Calcium-oxide. f . It is one and one-half times as heavy as water. It is duc- tile, oxidizablo, malleable, soluble in water to some extent, and highly soluble in dilute acid. g. Some of the more important Calcium compounds are the oxid, hydroxid, fluoriil, chloric!, sulphate, nitrate, carbonate, phosphate, and silicate. h. Limestone, when pure, contains fifty-seven parts of lime and forty-three parts of carbonic acid. Limestone, however, is not pure, for aluminum, Hagnesium, Silicon, Iron, and other elements are generally present. i. The presence of carbonic acid in limestone gives the stone its power of effervescence, as seen at soda fountains. j. Lime is the tiller. of the soil, the soil fertilizer. It de- composes vegetable matter, and compels the liberation of plant vitality. It sets free the soil alkalies for plant growth. k. Lime is active in neutralizing oxalic acid, a poison elabo- rated in nutritional plant processes. In accomplishing this function, lime becomes a carbonate. 1. Hens lay more and better eggs with harder shells, when they are fed ground bones, cracked oyster shells, and other feed rich in Calciumi nu Lime is used in many arts and industries, as, for instance - leather, soap, washing soda, metallurgy, neutralization of acids. It is used extensively, also, in mortar, cement, etc, n. Lime is valuable as an antacid to destroy irTert, noxious, vegetable matter, etc. It is used to decompose heavy clay soils for fertilizing numoses. ■--•■a 30 3, FUNCTIONS OF CALCIUM IN THE HUI1AN ORGANIZATION : a. Calcium travels from the rod-: to human blood and bone. Cal- cium is derived from decompoased rocks, which is converted into soil; then the soil converts the Calcium into plants; plants transform it into seed fruits and vegetables: man, by the process of digestion, transforms and converts the Calcium in seeds, fruits and vegetables into human blood and bone. Thus Calcium is converted into libraries of poetry, science, inventions, philosophy, by the marvelous processes of nature and man. b. Between four and five pourrl s of CalcL urn enter the human body* Nichols says that five lbs*, of phosphate of lime, one pound of carbonate of lime, three ounces of fluorid of Calcium, are found in the body of a man weighing 154 lbs. c. Calcium combines with Silicon, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Fluorin, /and gelatin, in the structures of bones and teeth. Berzeli- us, the great chemist, gives us the following analysis of hu- man bone: Gelatin . . -„.... 32.17 phosphate of lime ... 5i;o4 Fluorid of Calcium . . . . . 2'.CrO Chi o rid of Sodium ... ~Tm20 Blood vessels .%... li!3 Carbonate of lime ..• 11,50 Phosphate of Magnesium . 1,16 d* Bones are the most enduring part of man, nearly as strong as cast iron, and twice as strong as the stfcurd}' - oak. The chem- ist tells us that bones would last over four thousand years without being fed. The heart would last only thirty days without talcing nutrition from the body, e« Without Calcium a man could not move, act, walk, nor stand up. He would fall together like an empty bag, and be as shapeless as a sponge, Uhen professor Rice fed chicken a Calcium-free diet, the chickens were, at last, not able to stand on their feet. Their legs were twisted almost into knots, f, YJhen Calcium Phosphate, Carbonate, Silicate, and other bone salts are lacking; the bones and teeth suffer, rickets and other bone diseases set in, g* Calcium carbonate is found in the ear stones (Otoliths), h. Calcium salts are important in the coagulation of milk. Pre- cipitate the Calcium from the milk, and cheese-making is im- possibly. i. Calcium Lactate is of value in serious operations, by caus- ing the blood to coagulate at the surface of an injury, thus preventing a person from bleedings to death, A man whJise system lacks Calcium Salts bleeds to death from a cut, or an operation? or from the extraction of a tooth. 3- An insufficient Calcium supply results in ugly scars, from wounds, cuts, and operations, k. Were it not for Calcium, the walls of the arteries and veins would be so weak, that the man would suffer from hemorrhages. Indeed, tendencies to all sorts of hemorrhages are the re- sult of Calcium and Iron hunger. 1. Calcium affects the pulsation of the heart. If the heart of an animal be immersed in a solution of lime, the pulsa- tions are increased, and continue long after the heart has been dissected from the body. m» Calcium is concerned with almost all muscular movements. Copy right, 1920> "by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 31 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN. NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO,, ILLINOIS , , LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CALCIUM . 3. FUNCTIONS OF CALCIUM IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION : (Continued) n* Calcium is concerned with vital processes, for the cells of the body do not thrive long without Calcium* Calcium in- creases the life of the cell, and calls out its properties. Bony people are the most long-lived people that we have, o. Free Calcium in the body fluids saves its possessor from the ravages of many germ species and dangerous diseases, p. Calcium prevents Oxalic Acid poisoning. So necessary are Calcium Salts to the system, that the body will tear down its own structures in order to obtain Calcium material for the maintenance and integrity of the internal secretions. When the Calcium Salts have been extracted from a tooth, the sub-structure is undermined, the enamel breaks, and hostile germs do the rest. $• Sugar hastens decay of teeth, not that sugar affects teeth directly, but sugar drinks the Calcium. Ordinary water takes up one part of Calcium Salts in each one thousand parts of water. Add plenty of sugar to the water, and the water takes up about forty times as much Calcium as it other* wise would. r. Children whose diet is deficient in Calcium, have trouble with bones, tendons, hip bones, feet, arteries, skull bones, sutures, teeth, and other solid structures. They suffer from scurvy, softening of the bones, rickets, catarrh, and tuberculosis. s. One and one-half grams of Calcium Salts are needed a day. To obtain this a man would have to eat about eight loaves of white bread a day. One quart of milk, or less, woul-d fur- nish the required quantity of Calcium. t # Calcium Phosphate is found "in bone, also in the blood corpu- scles to the extent of 0.114 parts a thousand; also in car- tilage, fluids, and certain tissue. Were it not for the acid phosphate of sodium, Calcium Phosphate could not be held in solution in the urine, but would harden and form stone in the bladder. u. Calcium broth, or milk cloths, are excellent as a dressing for indolent ulcers, chronic eczema, also for swellings, in- juries, congestion, inflammation, contusions. v.'^Glycerophosphoric acid exists in nerve matter. Foods con- taining such salts help neurasthenia, phosphaturia, goitre, convalescents, exhausting fevers, and nervousness. w. Calcium inheres latency, but possesses potentiality. Like the winter apple, the Calcium boy ripens slowly. x. Under the influence of Calcium, the brain gives up its know- ledge; transmission is greater; poetry grander; science more profound; genius more brilliant;* and concentration more ef- ficient, Vihen a person has Calcium in abundance in the system, he needs no memory courses, and when he lacks Calci- um, memory courses are a mere mockery. y. Calcium diet, or a milk diet, is a peril in old age, result- ing in hardening, arterio- sclerosis, and other ailments. z# Defective blood coagulability calls for a rich Calcium diet. 3£ « 4. CONSTI TUTION S a. Excessive:" IN WHIC H CAL CIUM IS INHERENTLY: Nervi-Mctive, Calciferic, some Isogenic people. Atrophic (organically but not functionally). Medeic in isol ated instances. Bony people - often when they are old. b. Deficient: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, often Hydripheric, Lipopheric , Nitropheric, also the Atrophic because Calcium is locked up in tubercles, or because of pus formation. 5. SYMPTOMS V/HEN CALCIUM IS EXCESSIVE: a. Calcic ailments Epilepsy Stiffness Angularity Sternness Chronic ailments Hardening Science craze Materialism Contradiction Fearlessness Persistence Revenge f ulne s s Censure of the public its modes its styles its manners its opinions its conduct its deeds its movements and systems Increasing habits Like a mule in disposition Strong dislikes Great love of hard work - like Edison 5a. SYMPTOMS WHEN CALCIUM IS DEFICIENT: groove power Laborious thinking Listlessness Ennui Looking into distance Sighing Brooding Fear Getting into a Lacks executive Complaining Distrust Pessimism Weak will power Grief about trivial ities Weak courage Mental aggravation (Calcium is the fort of courage, the back- bone of resolution, the anchor of hope, gives a feeling of conviction,) Hemorrhages Trembling Soft bones Deformities Imperf orations Displacements Closures Splits Alterations Chilblains Ugly scars Sensitive to moisture Involuntary artifi- cial breathing Afternoon headache Dizzy in open air Sensitiveness to at- mospheric pressure Staggering upon aris- ing Perspiration in dark Heaviness of head One limb shorter Early sleepiness than the othe: Cysts Catarrh Obesity Discharges Tumefaction Rotten tissue Pus formation Suppuration Lack of Coagu- lability Incoherent ■•* speech Earthy complex- ion Stinging pains in genitals Sluggish movement of red corpuscles the Sleeplessness after midnight Icy sensations in spine Sour bodily odors Defective blood Slowness in walk Tardy convalescence Sores do not heal Slimy salivation Swelling of inguinal glands Lameness of flexors Venous dilation Jelly— like bones Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 33 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NAT URE STU DIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LE SSON SHEET . COURSE-F OODS & CHE MICALS. SUBJECT-CAL CIUM. 6. HOW TO REDUCE CALCIUM IN THE BODY: a. Foods: Eat starch, sugar, and Sodium foods. Omit foods rich in Calcium. Live in a low altitude in the valley, in a warm climate. Live in the feelings y or in the heart part of the mind. d. Physical Exercise: Sleep much, let others do the work; be lazy. b. Climate: c . Mental Exerc i se : 7. H OW TO INCREAS E CA LCIUM IN T HE BODY: a. Foods: b. Climate: c . Mental Exe re i se : d. Physical Exercise Eat foods rich in Calcium. Omit starch, sugar, and Sodium foods. Live in a mountainous country ^ where the elevation is high and the air is cold. Study science; become very critical, use will force, concentrate. V/ork long hours, and very hard at all sorts of laborious pursuits. Carry heavy loads , give yourself no peace. 8. PEOPLE Y7HQ REQUIRE C ALCIUM FOODS: a. In abundance: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carbof eric , Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric. All obese and small-boned people. All tubercular people. All growing children. All mothers during and after gestation. b. Very little : Nervi -Motive. Calciferic. some Isogenic People. All gouty and stiff people; all old, lean people. Occasionally/- some Medeic People. 9. INFLUENCE CF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF C ALCI UM FOODS ON : a. Health: Detrimental to health. b. Disposition: Gloomy, pessimistic, cynical, critical, materal- istic, atrabiliary. 10 . INFLUENCE OF A DEFI CIENT AMOUNT OF CALCIUM FOODS ON : a. Health: Blood, bone, and lung trouble. b. Disposition: Timid, fearful, complaining, indolent. 11. DISEASE TENDENCIES OF CALCIUM PEOPLE: Acid, Calcic Apoplexy Arteries, hardening of Bone tumors Brain shrinkage Calcareous deposits Calcic ailments Calcification Canal walls, harden- ing of Cancer Cataract Chondroma Concretions Contraction of cords Cranial growths Day sleepiness Dull hearing Emaciation Epilepsy Flatus Gout Gouty kidney Gravel Hardened semen Indigestion Lithemia Nodes Ossification Oxidation, low Phosphatic calculi Quadriuratic forma- tions Sarcoma Swelling of joints Synovitis Thrombosis Urethritis Urination, difficult J 34, 12 . C HEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPL E WITH EXCESS CALCIUM SHOULD : a. Eat: Carbo-hydrates, Fluorin, and Sodium. b. Avoid: Calcium-containing foods. 13 . VOCATIONS FOR WHICH C ALCIUM PE O PLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : a.. Science, engineering, construction. 14. HELPFUL H INTS: a. Sunshine lessens the amount of carbonic acid in the atmosohere; hence, sunlight has a good effect on the Calcium-hunger patient but strong artificial light has a bad effect upon his eyes and eyeballs. b. A Calcium-hunger patient is sensitive to atmospheric changes, changes in the electrical tension of the atmosphere, to cloudy weather, raw night air. His chest is heavy in moist weather. c. He retires early, and" arises early. His bodiLy heat decreas- es toward evening, but increases toward morning — the opposite of the Exesthesic. d. He eats more than he can digest, for his food passes through him like straw through a thrashing machine. e. He is fond of animal food, potatoes, fat gravy, salt, stimu- lants, condiments, and strong drinks. f. He needs a warm diet. His circulation is sluggish; he is a man of pus. g. He has strong amatory cravings, but a weak sexuality. h. The child that suffers from Calcium-hunger is fleshy as an infant. His bones are small, thin and soft.. i. Calcium is an excellent deodorizer, disinfectant, purification agent, and vitalizer. j. A rich Calcium diet has a beneficial effect upon ulcers, infec- tion, anthrax, fistula, eczema, psoriasis, purigo, lichen, fish-skin disease, erysipelas. 1 5 . W HEN A CALCIUM DI ET IS NEEDED : a. \7hen the head feels full; when headache is one-sided; when the head is too large in proportion to the bod}^; 'when a dread creeps over a patient as night approaches; when there is a painful solicitude concerning the condition of self; when the atria of the heart become hypertrophic; when the inner brain throbs; when a hard lift produces discomfort; when the patient does not believe what he expects; when the cranial sutures fail to grow; b. when bones are small and soft; when frothy saliva runs from the mouth; when teeth decay; when there is obesity associated with cystic goitre, and perhaps dropsy; when consumption germs thrive in lung tissue; when polypi and growths form; when glands swell and suppurate; when lymph glands are scrofulous; when fractures fail to heal; Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 35 INS TITUTE OF HU MAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT -CALCIUM. 15. WHEN A CALCIUM DIET IS NEEDED: (Continued) c. when the face is bloated, wrinkled, old; ,when the body is sore; when the face and neck perspire; when the ribs bend, bones arch, shafts thicken or swell; when rickets prevail* when teething is slow; d. when there is a singing murmur in the ears like the roar of a watermill, or the ringing of bells, or the wind of a forest; when the patient has a musty odor; e. when one limb is shorter than the other, or grows to another limb; when the tongue is sore at the tip; when saliva runs as in the idiot; when there is a strong appetite for salt; f. when the patient bleeds easilv; v;hen the ears ache and run; when the complexion is pasty; when there is a. crawling in the arms; when moisture aggravates your ailments; g. when the os uteri, or the genitals are sore or sting; when the throat is raw or whistling; when pus forms somewhere and calls for so much Chlorin that it cannot be supplied, and there is a salty taste, later a sweet taste, and still later a bloody taste*. h. when abscesses form; when knees swell; when there are night sweats and clammy perspiration; when pressure causes numb- ness; when scars ache; when a person is sensitive to jars; when children are late in walking; i. when the eyeballs are sore, nose-tip cold, teeth sensitive to cold wind; when there is a tendency to bleeding* when the groin aches; when the limbs are weary; 3. when breathing is short and labored; when the nape of the neck, or the throat pit, pulsate; when blood vessels echo:- the heartbeat; k. when the spine curves; when bones seem bruised; when the chest sinks at the side; when the nose is stuffed more or less; when bones are tender; perhaps cold in certain spcts; when the chest is oppressed; 1. when the bronchi are filled with mucus; when the clavicle and sternum are tender; when the nail roots are swollen — ra. AT ALL SUCH TIMES A CALCIUM DIET IS IMPERATIVE. . 56 16 ■ PRI NCI PAL CALC IUM FOODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED!: ,e of Magnesia, a. All foods named herein are organic except uiuai Soda Fountain Drinks and Wa ter. Natural soft' Water, rain water, and distilled w ater are ali Ire in that the Tr do not contain Cal- cium. Lime water contains abundant Calcium. The harder the water, the more Calcium it contains. Cranberries form much hippuric acid. b. Vitamines are k illed by hea ,t. Pure water contains no Vitamines* Impure water contains Vitamines in the form of disease germs. c. BEST CALCIUM ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO FOODS CONTENT High CALCIUM 18.10 VITAMINES Killed EAT Bran, wheat Cooked or baked Cabbage High 21,40 In seeds Raw Cabbage, Chinese High 21.40 In seeds Raw Cheese, cottage Low 21.65 Yes Raw Che e s e , C r e am ( C ow ) Low 21.65 Yes Raw Cheese, Mare Low 29,65 Yes Raw Citron High Very high In seed Raw juice Halibut High Ver3r high No Broiled Kumiss High Verv high Yes Raw Lemons Low 50 In seeds Raw juice Limes Low 50 In seeds Raw juice Milk, Cond. (Cow) Low 22.05 Killed Raw Milk, Fresh (Cow) Low 22.05 Yes Raw Milk, Fresh (Ma re ) Low 29,65 Yes Raw Onions Low 22.90 In seeds Raw Oranges Medium 21.60 In seeds Raw Rhubarb Medium Very high Killed Cooked Soda Foun. Drink s Varies High No Raw Sorrel High High Killed Cooked Sauer-kraut Very high 21.40 In seeds Raw Spinach Very high 11.90 No Cooked 5 min. Water, hard High Very high No Fresh d. SECOND BEST CAI CIUM FOODS Beans, Lima Verv high 5 Killed Cooked Cranberries Medium Kie:h In seeds Raw Egg Yolk High 10^90 Yes Raw Gooseberries Low 12.20 In seeds Raw Grapes Low 10.80 In seeds Raw Lentils Very high 6.50 Killed Cooked Lettuce Medium 14.70 No Raw Milk, Human Low 16.70 Yes Raw Peas, dried Very high 4.30 Killed Cooked Pomocitron Low High In seed Raw Prunes Low 10.10 In stones Cooked or rav; Walnuts Very high 8.60 Yes Raw e. THIRD BEST CALCIUM FOODS' Asparagus Low 10.35 Killed' Cooked Buttermilk Low High Yes Raw Cauliflower Low 5.60 Killed Cooked Cheese, Goat Very high 5.99 Yes Raw Cheese, Sheep Very high 5.99 Yes Raw C i t rate , Magne s i a ? Very high No Cold Cucumbers Low 7.50 In seeds Raw Currants Medium 7.50 In seeds Raw Milk, Goat Very high 5.99 Yes Raw Milk, Sheep Very high 5.99 Yes Raw Peaches Very low 8 In stones Raw or cooked Radishes Low 7.50 In seeds Raw Shredded Wht. Bis. High 2.60 Perhaps Raw Water, Distilled None None No Fresh 1 Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 37 INSTI TUTE OF HU MAN NATURE S TUDIES , CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , . LE SSON SH EET. C OURSE-FOODS & CHELICAL S. SUBJEC T -POTASS IUI.I . 1. POTASSIUM IN THE HINERAL MID VE GET ABLE KINGDOMS : a. Potassium is found in rocks, soils, plants, most foods, in explosives, in the tissue of animals and human beings. b. Potash is Potassium carbonate. When Potash is purified it is called pearl ash. Potash is much used in glass and soap industries. Potassium hydrate, (caustic potash), is so cor- rosive that it eats into animal and plant tissue. Being strongly alkaline, it restores reddened litmus paper to blue. It has great attraction for humidity, and attracts it from the air. It is fusible at three hundred degrees. Caustic potash counteracts bites of dogs and venomous snakes, de- strojrs fungous growths, obliterates warts, and is used in chemistry, in manufacturing industries, in the making of soft soaps, and for ether purposes. Potassium chlorid, known also as muriate of potash, is obtained from Potassium- carrying metals, marine plants, brine water, sea water, and is found in certain foods. Potassium bicarbonate is used much in effervescent drinks. Potassium sulphate is used in manure. Potassium chlorid is used in calico printing; in the manufacture of lucifer matches. Potassium cyanide is used in photography. c. By studying the growth of plants we learn that, in the ab- sence of Potassium, crops are backward, and fruit does not develop. Potassium promotes the development of stems, flowers, and fruit, and the maturing of the plant. Its pre- sence in the soil, in abundance, protects plants from a great manlp plant diseases and germ species. 2. POTAS SIUM, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS : a. Potassium has the symbol "K". meaning - Kalium. It is a bluish-white and silvery metal, and so light that it floats like cork. At thirty-two degrees it is hard and brittle; at fifty degrees it is malleable; at one hundred and fifty degrees it becomes a lio x uid. Its affinity for Oxygen is so great, when it is exposed to Oxygen, that it becomes covered with an oxid film. It has power to conduct electricity the same as other common metals, It is alkaline in properties, a powerful neutralization agent, an excellent preservative, a cooling and antiseptic element, and also very poisonous. It has high explosive properties, and is used much in the manufacture of gunpowder." b. Potassium assimilation is greater in some plants than in others; Potassium plants are strongly charged with Potassium. The birch is a potash plant. The "wood of the birch contain;: the best potash known. Birch leaves have a bitter taste, indicating a liberal amount of potash. All potash-carrying foods have a bitter taste. Dried olives are especially bit- ter, as are many vegetables, greens, and salads. A pound of potatoes contains about one-fourth of an ounce of potash. Those potash salts are found in the skin and at the surface of the potato. Potassium is the enemy of scurvy. This disease is unknown among people who eat baked potatoes, yel- low corn, and other Potassium foods. The Potassium and Sodium in grapes, cucumbers, potatoes, and other plant foods. unite with tartaric acid contained in then and form a £ drum-Potassium tartrate, having highly laxative food pro- perties. c> It has been proven that potash is intimately connected with the construction of carbo-hydrates, (sugar and starches) in plants, but in what way is not definitely known, 3- FUNCTIONS OF POTASSIUM IN THE HUMA N ORGANIZATION : a. Potassium is found in the human cadaver to the extent of about three ounces and three-quarters. During life, this element is constantly needed and utilized in the tissues for various purposes. How much Potassium a man utilizes and eliminates during life is not known. b. Potassium finds its way into the tissues of all people, but it is more active in the functions of some people than in others. When there is considerable of Potassium in the tis- sues, there is a greater amount of Oxygen present in the tis- sues, producing greater Oxygen activity, life and growth in the tissues, greater blood alkalinity, a stronger system, and a more efficient muscular equipment; heat generation in the muscles is greater, muscular power is increased, fibrin in the blood is manufactured in greater Quantities, giving greater healing power and power of resistance. Then, the man is more able to take up albumin, casein, fibrin; he is strong- er, more alive; his blood has greater repairing and construct- ive power; his brain and muscles are better toned up; h© has more executive power, and is more of a force in the world. There is a higher degree of health, greater harmony of tem- perament, better functioning. Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and the organo-metallic salts enter the system in normal proportion, when Potassium is present in normal quan- tities. c. A man has wonderful recuperative power, when Potassium is pre- sent in the tissues; his blood is more alkaline; oxidation is more perfect; injuries, cuts and bruises heal quickly, per- haps in a few hours. In youth, these elements enter the blood in larger quantities. This is why army surgeons are successful in operating upon 3?-oung soldiers. The surgeon takes the credit, but in reality the curative power of the blood of the young man is the explanation of seemingly mar- velous cures." If you doubt this, watch the result when sur- geons operate on old men, in whom recuperative power is low, and vitality is on the ebb — these men die from operations. d. Where Potassium is present in normal quantities, there is an abundance of fibrinogen and serum-albumin in the blood, and Oxygen in the tissues. e. Where Potassium is highly represented in the tissues, the man is of a high standard of organic and vegetative life, per- fection and health. In him albumin, highly complex in its molecular structure, and widely different within certain i. limits, has reached its highest evolution of vegetative life. Albumin is mainly a Carbon substance, but contains also Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hjrdrogen, and Sulphur: To be exact, there are fifty-two parts of Carbon, twenty-two parts of Oxygen, sixteen parts of Nitrogen, seven parts of Hydrogen, and three parts of Sulphur in a scale of one hundred parts. When Potassium is active in the proteids of the muscles, muscle life is at its height. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine, (Revised) 39 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, IL LINOIS . L ESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJEC T-POTASS IUH . 3- F ACTIONS Ci 1 POTASSIUM I N THE HU I.IAN ORGANIZATION : (Continued) f . When Potassium li present in normal quantities, the follow- ing are very active: Arterial and venous circulation Power of recuperation Functions of generative system Oxidation of the blood Rest processes of nervous system Equalization of heat Equilibration Electro-vital phenomena Alkalization of blood Nerve conductivity X-lbuminogene sis Fibrin production Muscular co-ordination Hair growth and hair life -1. Hematogenesis 15. 2. Respiration 16. 3. Elimation 17. 4. Muscular life 13. 5. Heart action 19. 6. Internal oxidation 20. 7. Thermogenesis 21. 8. Distribution 22. 9. Secretion 23. 10. Brain life 24. 11. Cell life 25. 12. ■Tell processes 26. 15, Neuricity 27. 14. Skin functioning 28. g. h. k. The Potassium man is very seldom bald-headed. He can be dragged, pulled, jerked and twisted about by the hair with- out its coming out. No other type of man has such pilosity, or hair growth. The pilo-motor nerves are strong and ac- tive. Potassium salts are present in the excreta, in milk, perspi- ration, tears, gastric juice, in many of the acids of the body, in muscles and elsewhere, but Potassium finds its out- let mainly through the kidneys. Intestinal fermentation takes place when there is a lack of Potassium in the system. Potassium and Sodium have every- thing to do with saponification. In the process of intesti- nal fermentation, dextrose and maltose are converted into lactic acid, which is converted into butyric acid, Carbon dioxid, and Hydrogen. Fats are split up into glycerol and fatty acid. The proteids, by the action of the pancreatic juice, are decomposed, giving rise to leucin and tyrosin. These are reduced into simpler products. Leucin 2rields valerianic acid, ammonia, and Carbon dioxid. Tyrosin yields indol, which gives rise to the indican found in the urine, Skatol is a derivative of the proteids. It is skatol and indol, when acted upon by germs in the intestines, that give the excreta its odor. If it were not for the Potassium and other salts that favor intestinal evacuation and disin- fection, some of these poisons would soon undermine health. Potassium c hi or id preponderates in muscular and nerve tis- sues, and in the red corpuscles of the blood. The plasma in those tissues contains but a small quantity of these salts, but a high quantity of Sodium chlcrid. Those Potassium compounds increase the alkalinity of blood and l3rmph. All tissue cells must be bathed in these salts, else cell activity is decreased; for these salts increase heart action, maintain arterial pressure, improve circula- tory vigor. 40 1. JTL n. 4- r. Muscle contain 73.5^ of Water; 18^02$ of protein, including sarcolemma, connective tissues and pigments; 1,99% of gela- tin; 2*21% of fat; §.22f of extractives; 3,12$ of inorganic cp\ "I "f" Q Muscle contains a muscle-iron, (myohematin) and this ferric pigment increases internal respiration and internal oxida- tion, which is spectroscopically proven by the fact that its bands of absorption undergo oxidation and reduction changes* The main Nitrogen extractives in muscle are - urea, creatin, creatinin, uric acid, xanthin, carnin; and the non-Nitrogen containing extractives are glycogen, lactic acid, fat, ino- site, dextrose. When there is a lack of Potassium salts in the tissues, sug- ars and starches are not assimilated, not even tolerated, by the tissues. This leads to diabetes, dropsy, and other ailments. When food salts of Potassium are present in the body, pain sensations are not so severe, but when food salts of Potas- sium are lacking, pain sensations become uncontrollable. Nerve matter demands a normal alkaline (not acid) medium. Cancer and snake bites are less deadly when Potassium salts are in abundance. A Potassium diet prevents ulceration, equalizes certain excretions, such as the urinary, uterine, nasal, laryngeal, perspiratory, and helps to remove excess of water from the body. It helps to prevent gangrene, skin ailments, ingrowing toe nails, also foot sweat, due to the presence of the bacillus factidus. Potassium is a laxative and promotes sleep. 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH POTASSIUM IS INHERENTLY : a. Excessive: Myogenic, seldom in any other constitution; but it is often excessive in animals. b. Deficient: Lacking in almost all types of people except Myogenic. 5. SYMPTOMS WHEN POTASSIUM IS EXCESSIVE*. 1. Great animation 2. Impulsiveness 3. Impatience 4. Loves motion 5. Periodicity 6. Sleepiness 7. Faintness 8. Drowsiness 9. Dislikes work 10. Pulse rate increased 11. Bladder overstimulated 12. Kidneys overstimulated 13. Itinerant in nature 14. Nomadic in disposition 15. Cosmopolitan in views 16. Stubborn when opposed 17. Violent when angered 18. Sulky when corrected 19. Nervous when exhausted 20. Tendency to hobbies 21. Pulse unfavorably af- fected 22. A tendency to mix muscularity, dancing, and wine into religion 23. Has wonderful gravity perception 24. Monkey— like in speed and control of feet and fingers 25. Loves wild career and rough life 26. Tendency to act by spells and spurts 27. Ability to see well in the dark 28. Some brain areas overcharged with blood 29. Gait is unsteady 30. Equilibrium of movement and finger technique is disturbed 31. Does not know what he is doing or saying 32. Does not know how to defend himself 33. Diminished reflex activity 34. Heart unfavorably affected 35. Circulation unfavorablv affect- ed . Copyright, 1920, by V. G, Rocine. (Revised) 41 INSTITUTE OF HU MA N NATURE STUDIE S, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , LESSON SHEET, COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, SUB JEC T-POTASSIIM . 5a. SYMPTOMS WHEN POTASSIUM IS DEFICIENT: 1. Low tissue oxidation 30. 2. Weakness in heart 3. Falling tendencies 4. Periodic headaches 5. Flying pains 6. Dropsical ankles 7. Dry throat 31. 8- Perspiration 32. 9. Dry skin 10. Atrophy of muscles 11. Inward fever 33. 12. Crawling in feet 34. 13. Itchy skin 14. Scabs 55. 15. Eczema on legs 36. 16. Painful pustules 57. 17. Angry ulcers 38. 18. Sensitive corns 39. 19. Parched throat 40. 20. Pain in side 41. 21. Throbbing feet 42. 22. Nosebleed 43. 23. Jerking in limbs 44. 24. Gnawing sensations 45. 25. Fyorrhea 46. 26. Frothy saliva 47. 27. Tendency to blisters 48. 28. Itching around scars 49. 29. Defective peristalsis 50. Digestion and assimilation of: Fibrin Albumin Sugar Gelatin become increasingly difficult Distress in the epigastrium Sunken, hot, red, luster less eyes (eyes feel as though sand is in them) Stitching pains in left ear Greenish, ropy, sputum and discharges Pain in lower backhead Crawling under roots of teeth Restlessness at night Great rush to take off shoes, etc. Crampy pains in the heart Organs feel as though hanging Constriction in the urethra Tingling in the rectum Distension of the stomach Desires cold water and sour food One ear red the other pale Throbbing over the eyes Bitter taste in the mouth Nausea from excitement Crawling under the skin Tickling in the nose 6. HOW TO REDUCE POTASSIUM IN THE BODY: a. Foods: b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: d. Physical Exercise: Sat foods rich in Chi or in and Sodium. Omit foods rich in Potassium. Live in a warm climate. Great passion and temper reduce the Potassium. Do heavy physical work. 7. HOU TO LNCREASE FQTASSIUU IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat foods rich in Potassium. Omit foods rich in Chlorin and Sodium* b. Climate: Live in a cold climate. c. Mental Exercise: Avoid temper and passion. d. Physical Exercise: Do pleasing, light and vigorous work, s - PEOP LE V/HO REQUIR E POTASS lUHMFOODS: a. In abundance: All people, except Myogenic. b. Very little : Myogenic. 42 9 . INFLUEN CE OF AN EXCESSIV E AMOUNT^OF. .POTASgEUM F OODS ON : a, r -altE: Disturbs equilibrium and finger technique;-- ex- hausts the Sodium and Chlorin supply, resulting in sudden flatulence, great perspiration and weakness; degenerative changes in the cortical cells of the brain, especially in the motor areas; naturally sleepy; weak memory; impairs tactile sensibility by overcharging the brain areas with blood; drowsiness; faintness; absent- mindedness; unconscious or subconscious state of mind; loss of gravity perception. b. Disposition: Periodic; depressed imagination. 10 . INFLUENCE OF A DEFICI E NT AMOUNT OF POTASSIUM FOODS ON: a. Health: Destroys health, b. Disposition: The person becomes erratic, imaginative, notion- al, periodic, now intoxicated with joy, then de- pressed; now in high spirits, then moody; now- talkative, then taciturn; gets angry with people; makes fun of them; vehement, suspicious, stupid, confused, childish, dependent upon sympathy; feels that he is not equal to anything. 11. DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM POTASSIUM IS IN EXCESS: 1. Abdominal pain 17. 2. Alkalinity of tissues 18. excessive 19. 3. Bloating, excessive 20. 4. Bloody stools 21. 5. Brain depression 22. 6. Constriction of 23. esophagus 24. 7. Convulsions 25. 8. Depression of heart 26. 9. Disintegration of blood 27. cells 28. 10. Dryness of tissue 29. 11* Heart failure 30. 12. Hemoglobin, lacking 31. 13. Jaundice 32. 14. Medullary depression 33. 15. Muscular collapse 54. 16. Nerve depression 35, Papules on skin . . Paralysis Paralyzation of eyelid muscles Ferspiration, great Precipitation of albumin Prostration Furg ing Respiration disturbed Spinal cord depressed Stringy secretions Temperature, low body Thirst, with chilliness Tingling sensations Tumors in ears Ulcerous membranes Ulcers, skin Uremia Vomiting Weakness 12 • CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS POTASSIUM SHOULD : a, Eat:~ Foods rich in Chlorin and Sodium. b. Avoid: Foods rich in Potassium. 13. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH P O TASSIUM PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : 1. Athletic 6. Industry: a. Aeronautic 2. Dancing b. Dynamic 3. Fencing c. Explosive 4. Skating n. Forest 5. Study - in Nature 1 s University e. Muscular f. Thermic g. Traffic Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 43 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET , COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS ^ SUB JECT-POTASSI UM . 14, HELPFUL HINTS : a. Nichols informs us that a wheat crop, from one acre of land, removes about forty pounds of potash; that a^crop of one acre of potatoes removes four hundred pounds of potash from the soil, b. Potash is found in potato peelings, in the outside part of grains, in the peelings of fruits and nuts. The miller re- moved the outside part from the grain; the cook removes the peelings from potatoes, fruits, tomatoes, turnips, carrots; so that when the food comes to the table, the Potassium salts have been removed, c. Periodicity is the elementary characteristic of Potassium, whether Potassium is working in plant, animal, or human tis- sue; the Potassium man acts by spells and spurts. d. Potassium ma.j become excessive in the human system by eating Potassium foods to excess; by eating bakers' ginger bread, preserved meats; by taking Potassium drugs, such as Potassium bromide, Potassium carbonate, Potassium phosphate, Potassium sulphate. • e. Potassium, in the form of drugs, is a fatal poison, and will destroy the functions as quickly as any other poison that could be purchased. f. Potassium salts, if used in manufactured foods and preserved meats, produce disorder of digestion, and increase the waste products in the tissues. They affect the mucous surfaces of the alimentary tract, and produce sensations of burning pain. Potassium increases Sodium excretion alarmingly, un- til tumors develop, and until the Sodium supply is exhausted. 15. WHEN A POTASSIUM DIET IS NEEDED : 1. When fatty food disagrees 12. 2. When objects seem to reel 13. 3. When pains are terrible 14. 4. When the skin is bluish in 15. cold weather 16. 5. When hungry on going to the table but when food odor 17. meets the olfactory mem- brane, the appetite flies 18. 6. When eyeballs ache 19. 7. When eye muscles are tired 8. When lips are cracked 20. 9. When thirst cannot be 21. gratified 22. 10. When everything tastes bitter 11. When intestines have a tearing pain When the heart flutters When the heart is crampy When the thighs are weary When you are always tired When there are crawling sensations in the skin When you feel like scream- ins: When you feel prost rated When clothing is unbeara- ble When heels are sore When the head jerks When there is albumin in the urine - AT ALL SUCH TIMES A POTASSIUM DIET IS IMPERATIVE. 44 PRINCIP AL PO TAS SIUM FOODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED}, : a. All foods named herein are organic. b. Vitamines are found in seeds only, and are killed by heat, above 130° Fahrenheit. c. BEST POTASSIUM ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO FOODS CONTENT High POTASSIUM Very high VITAMINES EAT Chervil Ye s Raw Chickory High Very high Yes Raw Cress High Very high Yes Raw Dandelion Very high Very high Yes Raw Dill Very high Very high Yes Raw- Figs Very high 28.36 In seeds Raw Greens, bitter _ _ _ Very high Yes Raw Herbs, bitter _ Very high Yes Raw Lentils Very high 34.80 Killed Cooked Nuts: Almonds Very high 28.00 Yes Raw Chestnuts Very high 56.70 Yes Raw Walnuts Very high 31.10 Yes Raw Olives , sun— dried Ver^r high 80.90 In stones Raw Peas, Scotch (Dried) Very high 43 - 50 Killed Cooked Sage High Very high No Raw or as tea Teas, bitter High Very high Killed Juice steeped > d. SECOND BEST POTASSIUM FOODS Blueberries Medium 57.10 Yes Raw Cabbage, white High 27.50 In seeds Raw Cocoanut Medium. 43.90 Yes Raw Endive High High No Raw Lettuce Medi urn 37.60 No Raw Mint Medium Very high No Raw or as tea Nasturtium Medium Very high No Rav? Oats, (3ntire) Very high 17*90 Yes Juice raw Oats, (Entire) Very high 17.90 Killed Cooked 22 hours Parsley Medium Very high No Raw Peppermint leaves Medium Very high No Raw or as tea Potato skin Medium 60.10 Killed Baked Prunes, German Low 59.20 In stones Stewed or raw Prunes Low 48 - 55 In stones Stewed or raw Spinach Very high 16.60 No Cooked 3 min P Swiss chard Very high 16.60 No Cooked Thyme ? Very high No Raw or steeped Wintergreen Medium Very high No Raw or steeped e. THIRD BEST POTASSIUM FOODS 37.4 Killed Cooked or baked Bran, wheat High Carrots Medium 36.90 No Raw Gooseberries Low 38,65 In seeds Raw Meat juice, raw Medium Low Yes Rav; . Peaches Very low 54.70 In stones Raw or ! cooked Romaine Low High No Raw Copyright, 1921, by V. G. RocineT (Revised) 45 INSTITU TE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, I LLI NOIS . ■-■■*■■■ - - ■ - ■■■- ■- - i . -- -- ■ i h i - i . - j . - 111, i ■ fr I, i i a i . m LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUBJECT-SILICON . *• SILICON IN THE MINERAL AND V EGETABLE KINGDOMS : a. Silica is a compound of Silicon and Oxygen, occurring in nearly all earthy minerals. It enters largely into certain precious stones, such as the jasper, amethyst, agate, onyx, opal and others, Silicon offers great resistance to ele- mentary changes, and to soil and climatic impressions of al- most every kind. Next to Oxygen, Silicon is the most abun- dant element in the strata of the earth, forming nearly one- fourth of the earth* s crust. It constitutes the principal part of most soil, serving as a soil support to plants, Silicon is very abundant in wheat straw; one chemist making the statement that he found Silica in wheat straw to the ex- tent of about 68$. Silicon is found in many natural waters, in rocks, and forms many hydrates having acid properties, and giving rise to many different salts, which are known as silicates. In medicine Silicon is used in the form of an alkaline silicate mainly. b. Non-poisonous paints are made of silicate are remarkably resistive to sunshine, hea changes, and are, therefore, valuable to The silicates are used, to a great extent ture. They were likewisejjsed in Egypt, other places by ancient magicians, who we blowers and manufacturers of beads, vases cut and gilded raised figures, of mummies hieroglyphic emblems, all ornamentally de s.. These paints t, cold, weather outdoor painting, in glass raanufac- in Nineveh, and in re expert glass- , of beautifully , adornments, of corated. SI LICON, ITS NATURE AND CH A RACTERISTICS : a. Silicon is a brown- like, almost colorless element, having strong electrical power. It is practically tasteless and odorless, although people with keen taste and odor declare that it has a pronounced odor and taste, b. Silicon unites readily with the alkalies, the properties of which it neutralizes, resulting in soil formation and disin- tegration, under the influence of water, in the interests of plants. c. It is Silicon that gives firmness to stalks of grain; that produces a polished, hard outside surface in oats, barley, corn, rice, and other cereals; that gives hardness, firmness, elasticity and polish to bone, to teeth, to tendons, in animals and human beings, d. It is interesting to know that oats contain, in addition to Silicon, alkaline phosphate, starch, gluten, diastase, Phos- phorus, and a small percent of Chlorin, Sulphur, Iron, Mag- nesium, Calcium, Sodium, a considerable amount of Potassium, an alkaloid principle, having slightly narcotic power, and an important active principle called avenin, which acts strongly upon the sexual system, being important in sexual neurasthenia, brain weakness, nervousness, in the cure of tobacco heart, tobacco and -morphine habits. An oatmeal diet is valuable in neurasthenia, and also when a patient is addicted to such habits that affect the nervous system, the brain, or the sexual system. 46 5 ' FACTIONS OF SILICON IN THE. HUMAN ORGANIZATION : a. It has pleased the Almighty to introduce about one and one- quarter ounces of Silicon into human tissue. Free Silicon is also used in the "body, and eliminated by various avenues after it has done its work, Silicon is found in almost all animal and vegetable tissue, especially in resistive tissue, such as — skin, tendons, dura mater, fascia, hair, feathers, nails* b« Silicon makes muscles firmer, blood warmer, hair more luxuriant and glossy; it strengthens all of the membranes, the ligamen- tous tissue, the arterial walls, the walls of the throat, the outer and inner linings of organs, the uterine coat, the walls of the alimentary tract, the spinal and cerebral dura mater, the nails and skin* It seems to act strongly upon the ner- vous system, the brain, and the sexual system. In fact, it seems to impart vigor to the entire organism of man # c. When the Silicon element is actively at work, the tissues are strongly alkaline. It exerts a powerful influence upon the nervous system and the brain* It makes the pulse more ryth- mic, the bones more active, the body more alkaline; bones, nerves and mucous membranes possess greater vibratory cell ac- tion, and greater power to transmit nerve impulse, when Silicon is present in normal quantities. Silicon is a powerful anti- septic. It establishes, in the human organism, a greater re- sistance to disease; the body can more successfully defend it- self against the invasion of many micro— organisms. 3. In combination with Sulphur*. Silicon is particularly necessary for hair and nails. Unless these important elements are sup- plied as a child is growing up, the hair lacks gloss, strength and pilosity. Animals that have luxuriant fur or wool, as, for instance, the sheep, fox, bison, bear, require Silicon and Sulphur in abundance. e. A Silicon diet has a remarkable effect upon impotence. It is valuable for a patient who suffers from ovarian, hysterical, or menstrual ailments. It is beneficial for those who suffer from tobacco or morphine neuroses^ from psychopathia sexualis; psychosis; from sexual, cerebral, spinal, and cerebellar neu- rasthenia, nervous debility brought about by excessive work or passion. The morphine fiend is in the greatest need of a. Sil- icon diet. The man who suffers from sexual debility will never regain his former strength, until he is placed upon a diet that is rich, in the Silicon element. f . Silicon has a remarkable effect upon the brain, particularly upon the intellect. A Silicon diet enables the brain-worker to accomplish much work with less fatigue. Patients of an intense nervo-fibrous temperament, (Bxesthesic) are always ben- efited by a Silicon diet; such a diet increases the appetite, and the general sense of well-rbeing. g. Silicon increases motor energy and working capacity in horses. It increases the endurance of old men suffering from the in- clemencies of weather, and from old-age ailments. Like alfal- fa it increases vigor. Foods containing Silicon, have almost the same effect as those that are rich in Formic acid. Joints become elastic, eyesight brighter, varicose veins less trouble- some, polypi decrease; the complexion improves, flesh becomes Copyright, 1921, by V. G. ftocine. (Revised) 47 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-SILICON , 3 - FUNCTIONS OF SILICON IN THE HUMAN OR GANIZATION: (Continued) firmer, scabs disappear, hair becomes more abundant and glossy, both in animals and in people, upon a diet that com- bines the Silicon element and Formic acid, h. Cancer is unknown in one country, at least, where Silicon and Formic acid are combined in the national diet, Silicon foods counteract malaria* It is important in catarrh, tu- berculosis ; tumors; it helps apoplexy, bruises, rheumatism* and consumption of the throat; it counteracts self-generated systemic poison. Foot sweat disappears under the influence Of a Silicon diet, if taken in connection with food contain- ing Formic acid, not in drug form, but in food form, i, A Silicon diet is valuable for animals that suffer from hoof foot rot. It is beneficial in times of infection from vac- cination serum, and when injuries, sores, and wounds become suppurative because of lack of this element, It helps, to a small extent, the bad results of syphilis and gonorrhea, if taken in combination with food that contains Fluorin, Sulphur, Potassium chlorid, and certain other salts, that are always broken down, by germ impurity, in times of venereal diseases, j. Silicon foods, if taken in connection with foods that are. rich in Potassium chlorid, prevent paralysis. Nervous ex- haustion demands an almost exclusive Silicon diet* Such a diet helps the circulation by making the arterial walls stronger, more elastic. It has a particular effect upon the testicles, ovaries, inguinal glands, cerebellum, and up*- on pyorrhea alveolaris. It acts upon the epidermis of the skin. It helps measles, a great many swellings, and pus formation, which demands a neutralizing agent. It has a partial curative affect upon sewer gas poisoning.. Silicon is needed in the body for good health, but it must not be excessively supplied, 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN WHI CH SILICON IS INHERENTLY : a. Excessive: Sillevitic. Some Nervi-Motive people in whom Silicon consumption is excessive. b. Deficient: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Atrophic, some Pargenic people; also in all people who suffer from pus formation, tuberculosis, catarrh, degenerative processes, and suppurative processes. 5. SYMPTOMS WHEN SILICON IS EXCESSIVE : a. Agility, ease of movement, speed, imagination. The patient expects the impossible and expresses the improbable. The constitution becomes excessively alkaline. Love is momen- tary; disposition changeable; imagination vivid; intellect communicative; friendship pleasing; smile winning. The- pa- tient sings, plays, laughs, and talks all day long. Fr-ople of the Silicon constitution are similar to the caprine .anu ovine species, which live in the mountainous districts, where it is sandy and stony, and where the altitude is high and tins- 48 sun shines brightly, as, for instance, such animals as - the deer, the elk, the gnu, antelope, cervus sika, chamois, the gazelle, the addax, the eland, the steinbok, the mountain goat, and others. These animals could be called Silicon animals. In Silicon people the secretions are alkaline, and they are elastic, active, nimble and fleet. b. When Silicon consumption is too great, there is an increase of appetite, accompanied by a falling off in weight. The patient is always hungry, always lean, always active. To think, de- cide, and execute seem to be instantaneous processes in such a man. His tongue seems to be on a pivot, his brain oiled, and his bones seem to work like steel springs. He is like the chamois in movement. He passes rapidly from subject to sub- ject, and never dwells long on any topic. He feels learned and important; he wants a high position. Ecstasy, buoyancy, great optimism, excessive enthusiasm, acuteness of sense per- ception, loquacity, lively gesticulation and manners, fluctua- tion in ideas, a craving for excitement, phantasy and idealism characterize a Silicon patient, C. The Silicon patient is hyperbolic, visionary, full of exagger- ation; he is as playful as a squirrel; his mind is active even in sleep. His moods are lively; his humor hilarious. He laughs gleefully at his own peculiarities. He is as comical as an auctioneer. He sings to himself unconsciously. Even the song of a bird may start him singing, and he may keep it up incessantly for hours, even for days. He may often sing in his sleep. Neither does he need very much sleep. d. As time goes by his mental and physical excitement and activi- ties may become too intense, resulting in over-activity in the motor function. There is excessive energy in the locomotor parts of the body; pain in the cerebellum; excess of alkalini- ty in the blood, and in the secretion; great heat and inflam- mation in the lower part of the backhead; abnormal desire for work, action and enterprise, He develops an abnormal desire for mountains, hills and sunlight. He is an innocent racket- maker. His salivation becomes chronic; some of the solid structures harden and fibroids form; the blood becomes darker; the heat function excessive; and he is subject to fever and alkalinuria. He suffers from great emaciation, because of excessive work. He cannot assimilate the organic elements in normal quantities. He suffers from humming in the ears, op- tical illusions, exhaustion, because of work and action, 5a. SYMPTOMS W HEN SILICON IS DEFICIENT : a. A^ patient who suffers from Silicon hunger is overly anxious about himself. He has a feeling that death is approaching; he is more hopeful in the morning; more depressed and anxious towards evening; and, at this time, he is subject to crying spells, which come on without any apparent reason. Sometimes he feels like screaming. At one time he yields, at another time he is. headstrong; at still another time faint-hearted; again, angry, irritable and unable to restrain himself . There is a great sensitiveness in the nervous system. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 49 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATUR E STUDIES, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS , LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS* SUBJECT-SILICON. 5a. SYMPTOMS WHE N SILICON IS DEFICIENT : (Continued) b. Such patients cannot tolerate motion, strong light, rattle, din, nor loud talking. The least noise disturbs their ner- vous system. The auditory apparatus is often exceedingly acute. They complain that it is next to impossible for them to concentrate their minds. Heat generation is low; hence, they wrap themselves up in warm fabrics, and retire to a warm, dry, quiet room. c. The Silicon hunger patients are in danger of brain trouble. They feel that there is nothing to live for; the headache is so violent that they are afraid of losing reason. They are bothered by conscientious scruples, to which a healthy man would pay no attention; such scruples bother them to the point of bitter tears. They are over-excited, angry at tri- fles, quarrelsome and dissatisfied, always in a rush. They talk and answer hastily, are exceedingly fussy, and do not want to talk to anybody. d. They feel as though they are "like a broken-down machine". They are anxious; manners are retiring; speech indirect; senses erratic; temper spasmodic; disposition yielding; spirit timid; feelings touchy; sentiments passive; appetite lacking; desires unsatisfied; patience lacking; love apathe- tic; thinking difficult; nerves fidgety; reading, writing, conversation tiresome; perceptions volatile; memory becloud- ed; reason dull. They sleep when riding in cars; always complaining; and always have some kind of trouble with mem- branous tissue and canal walls. 6. HOW TO REDUCE SILICO N IN THE BODY: a. Foods: b. Climate: Eat foods rich in Carbon, Hydrogen, Ni- trogen and Oxygen. Omit foods rich in Silicon. Live in a low altitude, where the climate is humid. c. Mental Exercise: Do not use the intellect and cerebellum excessively through appetite, feeling, and study. d. Physical Exercise: Be lazy. 7 - HOW TO INCREASE SILICO N IN THE BODY: a. Foods: Eat foods that are rich in Silicon. Onit foods rich in Carbon, Hydrogen, Ni- trogen and Oxygen. b. Climate: Live in a high altitude where the climate is dry and the soil is sandy. c. Mental Exercise: Use the intellect and the cerebellum vig- orously, • d. Physical Exercise: Engage in active exercise, especially speedy and light energetic action, but it must not be excessive. 50 8. PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE SILICON FOODS : a. In abundance: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Atrophic, Fargenic. All people with tubercular, catarrhal, or suppurative ailments or diseases. b. Very little : The healthy Sillevitic; the healthy Nervi -Motive, Medeic, and many Marasmic. If, however, some of those people abuse themselves, or if they are too energetic and burn up the Silicon elements too excessively, they also require Silicon in abundance . 9. INFLUENCE OP AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF SILICON FOODS O N: a. Health: It affects health detrimentally; leads to necro- sis, suppuration in bone, in fibrous tissue, glands and mucous surfaces;, the nutrition of such fibrous tissue is interfered with. The lymphatic glands are enlarged and show a tendency to suppuration. There is an indication of neurasthenia., for excess of Silicon has a bad affect upon the nervous sys- tem, as well as upon solid fibrous tissue* b- Disposition: The disposition becomes over— energetic, and the intellect becomes excessively active, 10 - INFLUENCE OF A DEFIC IE NT AMOUNT OF SILICON FOODS ON : a. Health: There is no desire for work, action, and excite- ment, for there is no strength left. He feels like a "broken— down machine". b. Disposition: Melancholy. The patient becomes a whiner, and ' • soon suffers from pathophobia, imagining that he is full of disease and can never improve. 11. DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM SILICON IS IN EXCESS: 1, Alkaline diseases. 2. Working craze. . 3. Feverish rush. 4. Excessive enterprise. 5' Paresis. 6, Fibroids. 7. Alkalinuria. ■8. Emaciation. 9. Herpetic eruption. 10. Optical illusion. 11. Psychentonia. 12. Tendency to necrosis. 13. Excessive mental ex- citement. 14. Over-activity in the motor function. 15. Catabolic changes in the glands. 16. Degeneration of mucous surfaces. 17. Destruction of fibrous tissue. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 Exhaustion of the intellect. Excessive energy in all of the locomotor parts including all of the canal walls, and in the cerebellum. Inflammation in the upper part of the spine. Fever. in the solid structures of the body. Malnutrition of the tissues. Exhaustion because of excessive work and action. Enlargement of the lymphatic glands. An acid is generated in the body which has a bad affect upon bone and fibrous tissue, producing greater tendency to necrosis. Suppuration of bone and other ail- ments resulting in catarrhal ail- ments . . Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. (Revised) 51 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATU RE STUDIES. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICA LS. SUBJECT-SILICO N, 12 . CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS S ILICON SHOULD: a. Eat:~ Foods rich in Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen. b. Avoid: Foods rich in Silicon. 1.'5. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH SILICON PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED: 1. Manufacture of precious stones. 2. Manufacture of Pottery. 3. Stone industry. 4. Active business life. 5. Herding industry. 6. Chinaware manufacture. 7. Glass manufacture. 8. Manufacture of statues, tomb- stones, monuments. 9. Sand industry. 10. Speed work. 14. HE LPFUL HINTS : a. It is a known fact that in many instances Silicon mineral waters have a beneficial effect on health. The Mont Dore mineral water contains 0.016$ of Silicon; the Marienbad mineral water contains 0.014$ of Silicon; Baden— Baden mineral water contains 0.012$ of Silicon. These mineral •waters seem to have a remarkable affect upon diseases Of membranous structures and ligamentous tissue. b. According to reports from various sources, Mont Dore miner- al water is mainly curative of naso-pharyngeal, laryngeal, catarrhal, bronchial, rheumatic, gouty, neurotic, asthmatic, and hysterical ailments. Mont Dore mineral water is rich in carbonic acid, and is fairly warm. It is possible that the climate has a great deal to do with the cures reported, for this spring has an altitude of 3,550 feet. This would naturally have a beneficial effect upon the ailments men- tioned. c. The Marienbad has an altitude of 2,100 feet, and the miner- al water contains carbonate of Iron to a small extent, car- bonic acid, also sulphate, chlorid, and bi— carbonate of Sodium, It is, however, not necessary to drink Silicon mineral waters and spend money by going to mineral springs, for it is possible to eat such foods and drink such drinks that are rich in the Silicon element, in your own home. 15. WHEN A SILICON DIET IS NEEDED : (Symptoms that enable the doc- tor, nurse or patient to know when a Silicon^- containing diet is necessary.) 1. Sensitiveness to sound, noise, etc.; 2. Flying specks before the eyes; 3. Formication; 4. Morbid vigilance; 5. Neurasthenia; 6. Excessive irritation; 7. Great intellectual and emotional impressibility; 8. Sleepiness, with alternating sleeplessness; 9. When talking exhausts; 10. V/hen the patient is worried about trifles; 11. When he thinks he has some serious disease; 12. When he thinks he is on a decline, that his powers are be- ing undermined although doctors can find no evidence of disease and are apt to think the patient a victim of his own imagination. 52 3-*- When there is a tenderness along the spine; 14. Flying pain? in the chest and in the abdomen; 15. Spasmodic action in the limbs; 16. Throbbing sensations in head or chest; 17. Coughing and wake fulness at night; 18. When there are self -abuse symptoms; 19. When there is a numbness in some part or parts of the skin, for hours, perhaps days; 20. When there is a great sensitiveness to change of temperature in some limb; 21. When the head and face perspire and the perspiration is warm, yet the temperature of the patient is low; 22. When the patient is cold on the left side of the body; 23. When there is a twitching in the left eyelid; 24. When there is a tendency to chorea; 25. When there is a desire for hot compresses to the head; 26. ?/hen excitement exhausts; 27. When electrical treatments and massage make him feel good, yet his ailment soon returns; 28. When the patient is lean; 29. When the patient suffers from hay-fever and faint spells; 30. When there is a tendency to boils and pustules; 31. When the thighs are sore; 32. When there is a lame sensation in the sacrum; 33. When the urine is light amber, or dark amber, or light yellow, and it contains a red sandy, or milky sediment, The urine may also contain phosphate; the urination is frequent, per- haps distressing, because of contraction of the sphincter muscle; 34. When there is very little strength in the lower limbs; 35. When the pulse is small or rapid, then slow and weak; 36. When the fingertips sweat or burn by turns; 37. When the feet itch; 38.. When mental sensations seem to center in the epigastric plexus; 39. When there is a great tendency to snoring; 40. When there is a gristle in the knees; 41. When a patient becomes sleepy in the afternoon; 42. When there are fugitive pains in the genital parts; 43. When the patient perspires in going up a stairway, and has a great difficulty in going down a stairway, because of weak- ness in the ligaments; 44. When the patient staggers to the right side in walking; 45. When the hair falls or turns gray early in life; 46. When the flesh is loose or lax; 47. When motion aggravates, and the patient craves rest; 48. When the cranial sutures fail to close in a growing child; 49. When there are large warts; 50. When there is a tendency to suppuration; 51. When the canais of the body are stenotic; 52. When the body parts seem foreign, lost, numb, or elongated; 53. When the nervous and sexual systems are shaken to their very f oundati ons ; 54. When there is a great tendency to tobacco and morphine habits; 55. When there is a great tendency to sores, crusts, blood poison- ing, boils, vaccinosis, herpes facialis; Copyright, 1921, by V. G-. Rocine. (Revised) 53 INSTITUTE OF HUMA N NATURE STUDIES, CHICA GO, ILLI NOIS • LESSON SHEET - COURSE-FOO DS & CHE MICALS. SUBJECT-SILICON. 15. WHEN A SILICON DIET IS NEEDED : (Continued) 56. When there is a swelling and running of sores, and sores leave ugly scars; 57. When there is a gurgling in the shoulder joints, or in the spleen, or in the lower limbs, or somewhere in the blood vessels; 58. When there is a tendency to fall forward; 59. When there is a cold sensation in the neck and head, travel- ing in waves through the body; 60. When there are rosy blotches on the skin; 61. When skin eruption is worse in the sunlight; 62. When excretions are putrid; 63. When nerve ends at the surface of the skin itch, sting, jump; 64. When bones seem loose and rattling, or divided; 65. When the body feels chilly in a circumscribed spot on the left side of the body; 66. When the slightest effort brings on perspiration; 67. When there is a great thirst after twelve o'clock at night, but never before; 68. When limbs jerk; 69. When the soles of the feet are itchy beyond endurance; 70. When flexor tendons give out, and joint tissue becomes weak or paretic; 71. When there is a great fear of disease and death; 72. When there is a throbbing in the cerebellum, as in a preg- nant mother; 73. When emotion produces respiratory oppression; 74. When the disposition is crabbed; 75. When the mammae are tender, limbs weak, brain fagged, milk bloody, the cutaneous tissue lumpy, foot sweat offensive, piles painful, coition nauseating; genitalia humid, tender, painful; 76. When the semen is premature; 77. When sores are lumpy; 78. When glands are swollen or hard, or pus purulent; 79. When the skin of the face is yellow; 80. When the liver is enlarged; 81. When the pylorus is hardened, the heart is uneasy, the ap- ■ petite variable, perhaps lacking; 82. When the throat is slimy, the tip of the tongue ticklish, the roots of the teeth suppurating, tissues are cancerous, teeth carious and sensitive to cold air current; 83. When the lips are parched, perhaps scabby; 84. When the nosetip is generally cold; 85. When the nasal membranes are swollen, dry and acrid; 86. When the ear wax is curdy; 87. When the ears are itchy; 88. When the retina contracts and is sore; • 89. When the cornea hardens; 90. When the scalp is sensitive; 91. When the neck is scabby, burning, tingling, itchy and pus- 92- When the brain is sensitive to concussive vibration; 54 93. When headaches yield to hot fomentations; 94. When the tophead is sore and painful, and subject to partial congestion, producing hot, red cheeks, at times, with yellow- ish complexion at other times; 95. When the head and face perspire mostly, though always at night, or nearly so; 96. When there is no ambition for brainrrwork; 97. When a. feeling hangs over the patient that death is approach- ing, or that some fatal disease is ahead, lurking in his tissues — AT ALL SUCH TIMES SILICON FOODS AEE NECESSARY, EVEN IMPERATIVE. I6. PRINCIPAL SILICON FO ODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED) : a. As a general rule Silicon is found in the outside part of the grain, and this is usually milled away by millers. It is found in the peelings, and the peelings are usually thrown away.. Thus,, people are likely to suffer from Silicon hunger, because of milling, refining, paring, and cutting processes. b. All foods named herein are organic* c. Vitamines are found in seeds only, and are killed by heat above 130 degrees temperature. L. FOODS RICH ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO IN SILICON CONTENT SILICON VITAMINS* 5 EAT (Best) - Barley Very high 28.70 Killed Cooked or baked Oats (Entire) Very high 39.20 Killed Cooked or baked (Second Best) Asparagus Low 10.10 Killed Cooked Beechnuts Very high 2.70 Yes Raw Cabbage High 4.78 No Raw Cucumbers Low 8.00 In seeds Raw Figs Very high 5.93 Yes Raw. fresh Horseradish Medium 12.70 Yes if raw Raw or cooked Lettuce Medium 8.10 No Raw Milk: Cow»s Low 0.04 Yes Raw Goat's High 0.02 Yes Raw Human Low 0.02 Yes Raw Olives sun-dried Very high 0.65 In stones Raw Peas Very high 0.90 Killed Cooked Rice(Unpolishe'd) Medium 2.60 Killed Cooked Rye (Entire) High 1.40 Killed Cooked or baked Shredded Wheat Biscuits High 1.85 Perhaps Raw Spinach Very high 4.50 No Cooked 3 min. Strawberries Low 12.05 Yes Raw, fresh . Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. 55 INSTITUT E OF HUMAN NAT URE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , LESSON SHEET . COURS E-F OODS & C HEMICALS. SUBJE CT-MANGANESE . 1. MANGANESE IN THE MINE RAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS : a. Manganese is an element that is very widely distributed through the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It is a hard, brittle metal, resembling cast iron in its color and texture. Clay, iron and stone often contain Manganese. Manganese is found, however, to a considerable extent in nature, both in its elemental state, and also in combination with other metals, 2. M ANGANESE , ITS NATURE A ND CHARACTERISTICS : a. Manganese has the s^rmbol Mn. It is a gray— white, or sil- very-white metal. It is positive in electrical character, and fuses at 39° Fahrenheit. Manganese occurs mainly as an Oxide. It oxidizes ra.pidly when exposed tc the air. In coming in contact with water it decomposes, and Hydrogen is liberated. b. Manganese has many of the characteristics peculiar to Iron, yet it is different in cell structure. It has properties that permit of a beautiful polish. It is a useful metal, and possesses remarkable qualities, not found in other me- tals. Because of its inherent ductile, tensile, wiry, and clastic properties, it is used in many manufacturing proces- ses, in which it is important to impart these equalities to metal, metallic products and wares. c. Manganese is used much in the manufacture of steel to in- crease its ductility, and enduring qualities, in processes of efficient forging. Iron Manganese T or Manganese com- bined with Iron, gives great strength, hardness, toughness, ductility, and elasticity to Iron, and Iron wares, and en- hancing the qualities for forging end tempering tc Iron, steel, and metal wares.. d. Manganese also adds properties to glass and pottery that are of great utility. c. Manganese is of great value in the laboratory in processes of analytical chemistry. It decreases the liability to corrosion in certain metals. In the manufacture of glass, Manganese is used to a large extent to counteract the yellow tint produced in the glass by Oxide of Iron. The black en- amel seen in pottery is due to the Manganese metal. Manga- nese, or peroxide, is used in the preparation of Chlorin in the manufacture of bleaching powder. 3 * FUNCTIONS OF MANGAN ESE I N THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION: a. Traces of Manganese arc found in the blood cells, and in cer- tain solid tissue. The small quantity of Manganese present in the body performs an important function. It has a no- ticeable effect upon the lining cf the heart, the lining of the bones, the lining of the cranium, the membrane surround- ing the viscera raid the abdominal cavity; the capsules of the joints, and all of the structures of the joints. It evidently influences bone production, increasing the hard- ,-• ' ness and elasticity of bones and other solid tissue. It acts upon the biliary passages, on the lining of the intes- tinal tract, on the lining of the larynx, on the structure of the excretorv duct of the liver and g^J.l bladder. 56 b. Manganese seems to have an inter—related connection with the - bile function. Under the influence of a diet rich in Manga- nese, the bone lining, tubular walls, motor nerves, and the linings of organs improve; perhaps because Manganese helps to make tubes, linings, pcriastcal structures, bones, and fibers .more rigid. It acts upon the linings of the generative or- gans. Under the influence of Fluorin, Silicon, and Manga- nese, the strength, endurance, conductivity, elasticity, hardness, wirincss, toughness, tensility, end heat endurance, are increased in a man, or in a patient. c. A rich Manganese diet, in connection with foods rich in Sodi- um, has a beneficial effect upon a patient suffering from gout, d. Manganese is an agent of body purification, because 'of its antiseptic and germicidal properties. It counteracts cer- tain body acids and products, so that they become less harm- ful to life, functioning, and to the metabolism of solid structures. Manganese counteracts the effect of opium, and the inroads of certain venereal miasms. It increases the recuperative power of the body, helps the battle against acid, germ life, and against rheumatic, septic, and gouty ail- ments. It increases the power of bodjr purification; it pro- motes normal metabolism in the membranes of the joints. c. It has many important functions to perform, some of which are rather obscure at the present time. It has an indirect in- fluence on bone zu&&9ri>oli8m and catabolism. It hinders the development of cancerous growth in membranes, linings and or- gans. It helps in the construction of ligamentous struc- tures. It. effects favorably, bone ablution, cell affiniti- zati.on in bone tissue, disinfection of bone and ligamentous structures. Osseous and ligamentous tissue oxidation is in- creased by Manganese, the same as it influences oxidation t processes in plants. f. Manganese possesses tonic food properties, and also tonic medicinal properties. Manganese acts strongly on the ute- rine lining through the nerves, not through the blood. When Manganese is lacking in the body, health suffers, and tubu- lar tissue, membranes, bones, ligaments, linings, gelatinous structures suffer; and certain unmistakable symptoms appear. Although there is only a sprinkling of Manganese in the body, yet this sprinkling serves a highly useful purpose. g. There arc several elements found in the body only in minute proportions, viz., Sulphur, Fluorin, Potassium, Sodium, Mag- nesium, Iron, Silicon, Manganese, and Iodin, the two latter being present in exceedingly small quantities. If any of these elements arc lacking, or partly lacking, however, it results in chronic diseases impossible to cure until the miss- ing clement, or elements, arc supplied in organized feed form, The chemist is generally silent in regard to the presence of Manganese in food. 4. CONST ITUT IO NS IN WHICH MA NG ANESE IS INHER ENTLY: a. Excessive: None. b. Deficient: Almost all constitutions. ■ Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Roc inc. 57 I NSTITUTE OF HU MA N NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, I LLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-MANGANESE. 5, SYM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PTOMS V/HEN MANGANESE IS EXCESSIVE: 15, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. 30. and muscle. the wonder, moods of crying, fear, despair, anger, Perplexity. Embarrassment. Unsteadiness of gait. Inability to direct and control mind, nerve, The patient is full of intellectual ideas. Worried excessively about unimportant conditions and de- tails, at times. Excess in laughing, weeping, worry, and grief. Optimistic at one time, pessimistic at another. Emotions unusually active. A pleasurable surprise may have a bad effect upon general well-being. Pleasure sensations, cravings, dislike, sympathy, appetite, content, joy, despair, fear, grief, r.nd other emotions arc always excessive. Weakness from strong, sudden emotion. Motion, action, work, emotion, is increased and increases the physical function, especially the- sexual. When patient is excited his chest heaves vigorously, his underlip trembles, and there is a tremor in the nerves of the limbs. The patient experiences occasional fear of death, accom- panied by feverish heat waves and simultaneous cold shivers. He is super— sensitive, even ill-humored at times, and has many changing cheerfulness. His power of accommodation is increased, so that he is able to read the finest kind of print, and notice small objects at great distances. His senses, faculties of perception and conception, or all intellectual processes, are more active. He is more conscious than usual of the slightest change in position, motion, and location. His sense of motion, touch, taste, smell, hearing, arc all more acute. His own pulse seems to vibrate more keenly in his ears, when he is out in the open air, than when he is in the dark. He is more keenly alive to the action of his own function. He is seemingly more wide-awake; he Cwcts quickly and is aroused easily at night from the slightest causes. He is highly sensitive to the touch of other people. It appears that his brain is in a state of super— tension, that the nerves and teeth arc more sensitive. He is under high tension, and keenly impressive to all sorts of emotions and sensations. He' complains of when sitting still. When he takes exercise, he perspires r.long the spine. He complains of external xvarmth that comes in waves like lukc-warm water, accompanied with shivers in the spine. He complains of coldness and stiffness when it is dark, but not in day-time. 58 31. The respiratory movements of his chest are greater in range. 32. He tries to swallow when out in the fresh air and strong sun- light, he says something- sticks in his throat, his vocal chords become expanded; also the throat walls. 33. His hunger appetite is keener. 34. VThcn he perspires he complains of thirst; he wakes up in the middle of the night and complains of thirst. 35. If he drinks anything cold, or cats anything cold, it pro- duces jerky sensations in the nerves, and aggravates tho nerves in the teeth. 36. Any cold drinks, or cold foods, increase the prevailing state of his mind, i.e., if he is joyful, he becomes more joyful; if he is depressed, he becomes more depressed; if he dis- likes anything, his dislike is increased. 5 a . SYMPTOMS WHEN MANGANES E IS DEFICIENT : 1. Manganese -hunger results in confusion. 2. Impairment of memory, 3. Affects muscular co-ordination; handwriting, sentence making, the memory of location, power of command, order, system and direction, grasp of detail, connection between subject and subject, 4. Forgctfulncss, absent-mindedness. 5. Liability to error in speech, involving forgctfulncss of subjects and omission of clauses, phrases, and words in sentences, both in spoken and written language, seem to bo a natural result of Manganese -hunger. 6. Manganese -hunger patient is Inaccurate, Ho will say that a certain letter is in that drawer, but he docs not specify which drawer, nor the location of it. 7. There is an incompleteness about his orders, commands, directions, letters and speech'. 8. He docs not have a clear grasp of all the details relating to a given subject. 9. There is a lack of connection between thought and thought, 10. He is more or less puzzled, and his mind wanders. 11. He is a man of dislikes, fears, hasty judgment and errors. 12. He dislikes effort* 13. His will is weak; his nerves spasmodic; his mind irresolute. 14. If he is an office manager, he has the whole office in a state of confusion. 15. He is hesitating in his judgment, falters in his speech, falters in accent, stammers in pronunciation, experiences feelings of doubt, and wavers in plan and motive. 16. He expects troublo and his future looks dark. 17. The objective word has a bad impression upon him. 18. He talks a great deal about himself, his likes and dis- likes, especially his dislikes. 19. Dislikes, ambiguity, irresolution, uncertainty, doubt, per- plexity take possession of him. 20. His information is misleading, 21. Noise and discord is distasteful. 22. Ho whips children because they are too noisy. 23. He is nervous, anxious, apprehensive, and depressing. 24. He craves a quiet place, rest, perucc, and gentle treatment. 25. He says that his brain is loose, that it is rolling from side to side, when he bonds down, or to the side, or front, Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. 59 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHE ET. COURSE-FO ODS & CH EM ICALS , . SUB JEC T-MANGANESE . 5a. SYlTPT0I.lS V/HEN MANGANESE IS DEFICIENT : (Continued) 26. Downward motion has a bad effect upon him. 27. He claims that objects are standing in front of his eyes. 28. It is difficult for him to dance; so soon as he turns, or so soon as there are any rotary motions, he becomes con- fused. It seems he cannot adjust himself to motion, or to loss of motion. Rocking, turning, up and down move- ment of a ship, or the motion of a car or train, disturbs his equilibrium, and results, often, in disagreeable sen- sations, perhaps even vomiting. Yet, he wants to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. 29. His face is hot, perhaps bleated; his eyes red and swollen, his scalp itches, his head burns at the lower part of the backhcad. He closes his eyes tightly as though there were a pressure upon them from within, producing lack of accommodation in the eye mechanism. His eyes itch and smart. 30. It scorns that the ccrcbro— spinal fluid is not sufficiently secreted, resulting in brain shrinkage. 31. The taste function is erratic; now he says he has a sweet taste in the mouth, then again a metallic taste, then an oily taste, then a mawkish taste, then a sour or a foul taste. The food has a fatty, rancid, oily and disagree- able taste in his mouth. 32. Milk produces distension of the stomach. He says his stomach is too small, that it is drawn together like a rubber band. 33. His lower limbs arc seemingly lifeless. 34. His heart nerves contract, producing fearfulncss, flashes of light before the eyes, temporary sleeplessness, perspiration, tremors, difficult breathing, fainting spells, falling and epileptic symptoms. 35. A rash appears on his chest or on his back. 36. His glands swell. 37. His hands tremble, 38. His bones crack. 39. There is a tendency to yawning during the day. 40. He becomes drowsy between twelve and three o'clock every afternoon, and cannot keep awake. 41. He groans when he takes exercises. 42. He is reserved in disposition, silent in mood. 43. His head feels heavy and larger than usual. 44. His brain seems plugged, nerves dull, eyes drowsy, dreams vivid. 45. Heat sensations start in the central part cf the brain and travel towards the feet. 46. It seems that Manganese increases the tensile strength of the nerves, nerve conductivity, and the transmission of nerve impulse. 47. It seems that inter-communication between neuron and neuron, between brain fiber and brain fiber, brain com- partment and brain compartment, is improved under the Manganese diet, his mind is clearer. m 6. HOW TO REDUCE MANGANESE IN THE BODY: a, Foods: Omit foods rich in Manganese. ■ b. Gliraato: Stay much in the dark. c» Mental Exercise: Think at night. d. Physical Exercise: Night work. 7. HO\7 TO INCREASE MANGANESE IN THE BODY: a; b. c. Foods: Climate: Mental Exercise: Eat foods rich in Manganese.. Stay in the sunshine and fresh air. Use the intellectual faculties much in day— time, d. Physical Exercise: Take pleasing physical exercise during the day, in the fresh air and sunshine, to in- crease Manganese metabolism. 8 - PEOPLE Y/H O REQUIRE MAN GANE SE FOODS: a. In abundance: All people, b. Very little : Those who are healthy and active normally, both physically and mentally. 9 « INFLUENCE OF AN EXC ESSIVE AMOUNT OF M ANGAN ESE FOODS ON : a. Health: It disturbs health. b. Disposition: The temperament bee ernes emotional, and there is a tendency to exaggerate states of mind, and conditions. 10. I NFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF MANGANESE FOODS ON : a. Health: Health is disturbed. b, Disposition: Fitful, 11, DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN V/HOM MANGANESE IS IN EXCESS: 1. Vulvar pruritis. 2. Hemialgia. 3. Y/atery diarrhea. 4. Nerve pressure. 5. Y/heezy voice. 6. Crural neuralgia. 7. Fear. 8. Falling* 9* Emotionalism. 10. Disagreeable flatus. 11. Whitish leucorrhca. 12. Symptoms of apoplex3>". 13. Excessive and frequent urination. 14. Pinched nerve sensation. 15. Toothache without seeming ca.usc. 16. Inflammation of nerves. 17. Congestion in the gums. 18. Chills and perspiration. 19. Cravcnness of disposition. 20. Cracking in the ear and brain. 21. Excessive impressibility. 12 . CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE \7ITH EXCESS MANGANESE SHOULD : a. Eat: Immaterial. b. Avoid: Foods rich in Manganese, 13 . VOCATIO NS FOR Y/HICH MANG AN ESE PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED: a.. Manganese has no const itution, 14 . HELPFUL r HINTS : a. Manganese is very important in certain forms of gout end rheumatism. b. There is greater presence of mind, and greater harmony among the faculties when Manganese is present in the system, and also greater ability in the intellectual faculties,. c. Ailments are always worse when the patient is sitting still, and at night when it is dark. d. There are jerky sensations in the nerves, that nothing else will cure than a diet that is rich in the Manganese clement. Copyright, 1920, by v. G. Rocine. INSTITUTE 0P_ HUJ1AN NATURE STUDIES, .CHICAGO, . ILLINOIS. 61 LESSON SHEET. .COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS.. SUBJECT-MANGANESE. 15. WHEN A MANGANESE DIET IS NEEDED: i;: Si 3. 5. 6. 7: &: ~9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. poor handwriting, forge tfulness, absent-mindedness. Errors in speech, lack of system, optical illusions. Shrinkage of the brain, ,erratic taste function, laryngitis. Enlarged tonsils, dry throat, seeming heart ailments. Perspiration, tremors, difficult breathing, fainting spells, torpidity, power of endurance, periostitis* Gout at night, throatal pain, dry catarrh, congestive- head- ache, glossitis, cardiac spasms, tension in the heels, pseu do -angina, catamineal cramps, unsteadiness of gait. Swelling of eyelids, swelling of the pilories, itching. Temporary sleeplessness, lack of muscular co-ordination. Pressure and traction in the optic nerve, thirst and heat sensations, tension and stiffness in the tendons. Griping and drawing pain sensations, weakness in the recti muscles, falling and epileptic symptoms. Drowsiness between the* hours of twelve and three in the afternoon, disturbance of gravitation and equilibrium. Lack of repose, rest, sleep, and recuperation of the en- tire nervous system at night, lack of inter-communication between brain part and brain part. Gouty pains in fingers, wrists, ankles, hips, knees, spinal vertebra, Chlorosis rubra, accompanied with Harasmic tenden- sies, lack of emotional control. When gout and rheumatism are worse at night, and better in the day-time, when itching is worse during and after per- spiration, when the senses are dull in the open air. When it itches in the hollow of the knees, or in the hollow of joints, when swellings have a glossy appearance on the skin, when motion riroduces a rushing sound in the ears. When a burning is in the body with profuse perspiration. When waves travel like warm water accompanied with shivers in the spine, when pain runs downwardly. When hot, foggy weather aggravates all the symptoms. When cold food, drinks, or tonics produce toothache, when there is a rawness between the fingers or toes. When nerve pain runs from the shoulder to the finger tips, or from the hips to the toes, when a gnawing, boring sensa- tion is in spinal bones, when the mitral valves are insuf- ficient, when there is a great tenderness of the nipples. When there is a boiling, trembling, rushing, bubbling sen- sation in the heart and elsewhere. When laughing, dancing, talking, walking, breathing, pro- duces headache, when bone and joint metabolism is imperfect* When there is a rough, ticklish sensation in the throat in the morning, or when the patient is out in the sunlight. When there is a drawing, burning sensation in the spermatic cord, when the skin is dry but perspiration profuse. a clay^like sediment after standing. yellowish, and there is a, drawing sen- when the abdomen is full of v;ind, the the maxillary joints painful. When cold food or drinks produce tensive pressure in the stomach or bowels, when the patient is never thirsty, not- withstanding the fact that his throat and stomach are dry. When urine contains When the excreta is sation in the anus, bowels are lax, and * 62 29i When the stomach contracts so that it cannot hold food, 30. When undigested food is evacuated through the bowels, 31. When there is a greasy teste in the mouth, or when there is a greasy scalp, or a fetid odor from the skin, or the excre- ta.- or the perspiration are sour, when there is enlargement of the ovaries, accompanied with uterine innuration, 32. When" the skin is shriveled, the face pale and sunken, the nose-tip sore, the facial bones neuralgic, the eyesight poor during the day, the eyeballs tender, the eyes tired. 33. When objects are dim and seem to dance before the eyes, and. artificial light produces pain in the eyeballs, when objects have a light or purple sphere around them, similar to that of Aurora Borealis, when there is a great sensitiveness to draft. 34. When the patient is worse in the morning, pain in the nerves, stupid in intellect, and has a special fondness for dry, fresh air and genial sunlight, but a dislike for moisture, v/hether cold or hot, when there is a burning, watery discharge from the nose, when vesicles form at the roots of the tongue, and " swallowing is difficult. 35. When there is anxiety about the heart, trembling in the hands, rash appearing on the skin, lameness, soreness and stiffness in the arms. 36. When there are tearing, pulsating, darting, tickling, ' twi st- ing, twitching, itching, * chilly, gnawing, shifting, stinging, boring, creeping, burning, jumping, or wavy pain sensation in the nerves, especially at night. AT ALL SUCH TIMES A MAUGANESE DIET IS IMPERATIVE. 16, pniITClPAL_,IiAj:TGA!TESE FOODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRAITGED ) t a, POODS RICH ITT ASH - C01TTAI1TS" BETTER TO MAI7GAITESE COITTEHT Low MAITGAHESE A trace VITAIIIHES No EAT Chives Raw Cress Medium A trace Bo Raw- Egg yolk 1*9 A trace Yes Raw Endive Medium A trace Ho Raw nasturtium Medium A trace Ho Raw Huts: Almond Chestnuts Pignolias Walnuts (Calif.) 3; io 3.00 High 0.59 0.2 o;s 0,1 0.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Raw & ground Raw Raw Raw Parsley Medium •?« Some No Raw Peppermint leaves Medium A trace No Raw Wintergreen Medium 4 A trace ITo Raw kl Copyright, 1921, "by V. G. Rocine. 63 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOI S. LESSON SHEET . . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT»-FLUORIN . 1. FLUORIN IN THE MINERAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS: a. Fluorin is found in Derbyshire, or fluor spar, of which beautiful ornaments are made. b. It is found in the enamel of teeth. It is found in the glossy surfaces of bony fibrous tissue; it is -found in car- tilage of men and animals. It is found in greenish sea water and river T/ater; and it is found in certain species . . of grass j, growing in the sea, or in swamps. 2. ffLUORIN, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS : a* Fluorin unites with Hydrogen* forming hydrofluoric acid, which is noted for its corrosive action on glass. So deli- cate' is the test of this acid, that by this means the pre- sence of Fluorin has been detected in fossil teeth* This acid is exceedingly corrosive. The smallest drop on the skin is likely to produce an ulcer. b* Fluorin is the only element that does not unite with Oxygen to form compounds, though it is found in combination with other elements, especially Calcium. There is a strong af- finity between Calcium and Fluorin. Fluor spar, when pure, contains about 49$ of Fluorin, and about 51% of Calcium'. Fluor spar is found in metal-carrying strata, containing silver, "tin, lead ore. It is sometimes colorless and transparent, but usually has a tint of yellow, green, blue and red. Fluorin salts are highly corrosive and poisonous in their full strength. c. Fluorin is an element that it is very difficult to isolate by present processes. Even the word itself suggests this tend envy to* flow - from the Latin "flur", from the verb "fluo". 3. FUNCTIONS OF FLUORIN IN. THE HUMAN OR GANIZ ATION : a. Fluorin is constantly at work in animals and man, especial- ly in bony, tissue. It is Fluorin that adds beauty and . strength to the feathers of birds. Chickens need Fluorin for the proper development of their eggs. The yolk of the egg contains Fluorin,.* and requires it to a certain degree. ■ If chickens are given food from which they cannot obtain Fluorin, they become subject to chicken diphtheria, chicken cholera, and other ailments. Moreover, the baby chicks v/ill be more feeble and sickly. b. Only about three to four ounces of Fluorin is found in the body, but this small quantity is important to the health of nuan- ce Fluorin is a worker in bone, it is a twin-brother" to Calcium. The great chemist, Berzelius, found tv/o percent of f lurid of Calcium in human bone. Fluorin and Calcium combined, work particularly in the- outer part of the bone. They form the enamel of the teeth, and the hard, highly polished bone surface. Fluorin acts upon Calcium and binders calcifica- tion. Under the normal influence of Fluorin, Calcium can- not decay, ulcerate, calcify, infiltrate, crumble, suppu- rate, indurate, nor increase excessively in any bone struct- ure. Because there is no affinity between Oxygen and 64 Fluorin, Oxygen cannot penetrate the hard, glossy, Flucrin- made surface en bones ana teeth. Fluorin is present in the spleen, in the eye structure, and in elastic fiber. d, Fluorin acts with albumin in elastic fiber, and helps to form hard coatings of muscular tissue, . it is present in the nails, shin, hair, arterial and venus walls, in joint tissue ana solid rare. Fluorin has much to do with the repair, growth, construction, maintenance and strength of bene. hen Fluorin is not present ir. the blood, tuners, prolapsus, hardened glands, Indurated enlargements, weakened elastic fi- bers, and ligamentous tissue, also varicose veins, are the result. e, Fluorin is a preventive of heavy dental bills. It is anti- septic, entipyic, antiparasitic, antipyretic, and antisyphili- tic. It opposes :;.: ng enemies that threaten bone and "issue life, viz., gems, Oxygen, bacterial gases, mortifica- tion acid, calcic and bacterial toxins, and other agents of a :-:._"- nature. So long as that dense, hard, glossy, and polished Fluorin surface, the enamel, is intact, decay, tooth- ache, infection, and heavy isntal bills are out of the ques- tion f, Fluorin is the sanitary pcliee officer of the bedy. There are- certain diseases, gems, toxins, pus, and .iasus, that break down the Fluorin supply in the body. Among these are, con- sumption and syphilis gems, mumps, erysipelas, certain bac- terial toxins and vaccine, ".Then Fluorin, that sanitary po- lice officer in the human body, is destroyed, watch the bones, solid tissues, teeth, skin, integuments, membranes, perios- teum, uericraniun, and notice the results. "here i: of the tooth is destroyed, Cxygen and germs do the rest. g. Fluorin is a preserver of skulls, teeth, hair, nails, and skeletons. men mere is a lack of Fluorin, the bones are like plaster. .en Fluorin shall have done its work in the sues, or teeth, the ': ernes ami teeth are like flint, for Fluorin holds together the bone cells and cements them into solid blocks. In conjunction with Silicon, and certain other elements, Fluorin forms a glossy, hard, tenacious, pciished, --"-- ornamental enamel, or veneer, which deeies r the teeth of tine", vis., Cxygen. Oxygen is helpless; dec ocroosi tion is impossible. Skulls, teeth, herns, nails, and skeletons have come to us from the hoary Eocene and kiccene epochs of the Zenozoio periods, as perfect as when man came forth frcm lei's laboratory of life and being. lone-buili ing . bone— 3cne-condensation, bone-glazing, bone-protection, cone -re pair, and other bone processes, are incomplete, if Fluorin is lacking. Fluorin eves Osteogenesis , ke rat ini t at i on, cr the cenucac- ture of keratin, which is the basic material of bone, horn, nails. Fluorin increases the hunger for, and absorption of, Calcium, gelatin, lime carbonates, "sodium chloric, and other tissue salts, required as material in the bone factory of the human body. Copyright, 1921, by v. G. Rocine. 65 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NA TURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOOD S & CH EMICALS. SUBJEC T -FLUORIN . 3. FUNCTIONS OF FLUORIN IN TH E HUMAN O RGANIZATION : (Continued) i. A person who suffers from syphilis, requires a Fluorin diet. Mercury may stop Fluorin destruction in the body, but the patient is not cured; he goes to his grave with rotten bones, and in a few years his skeleton remains disappear.. A thousand years from now, no anthropologist will measure the capacity of his skull; no character-reader will read his character from his head formation. He dies in bone, crani- um, skeleton, and his skull crumbles like dry wall plaster. Even while he lives, he suffers from bone diseases, peculiar to him alone. j. Fluorin is a preserver of 3?-outhfulness, and an aid to long life. People who have Fluorin in abundance look young when they are old. Fluorin is the greatest preservative element that, by divine decree, enters the human body. 4 . CONS TITUTIONS I N WHICH FLUORIN IS INHERENTLY : a. Excessive: Marasmic, sometimes in the Sxesthesic. b. Deficient: Pargenic, Atrophic, Carboferic, Neurogenic, some- times in the Pathetic, occasionally in the Nitro— pheric; and it is always deficient in all people suffering from syphilis, or from vaccinosis. 5. SYMPTOMS WHEN FLU ORIN IS EXCES SIVE: 1. Excessive sexual desire. 2. Inflammation and irritation of the sexual system, and its associated areas in the brain, possibly by its escharotic action on the cerebral and spinal meninges, for these structures are always attacked, in connection with other deep osseous tissues, when Fluorin is in excess. 5. Destruction of the reproductive power of man. 4. Eating and drinking to excess, or until the man becomes obese and coarse in appearance. He is exceedingly fond of wine, coffee, sweets, and fatty foods. 5. Always hungry, but never thirsty. 6. His skin is bloated, red, dry and hot. 7. Excess of Fluorin interferes with the normal distribution of the blood, so that certain parts become excessively sur- charged with blood, while other parts are more or less ane- mic. The blood flows to the brain; the pericranium, the periosteum, the dura, mater, in between the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, and the lobes of the brain become more or less involved, resulting in disturbances of brain function. 8. Recollection is almost lost. 9. The corpus callosum, the folx cerebri, the tentorium cere- belli, the falx cerebelli, and the Pacchionian glands, sit- uated at the inner surface of the vertex of the skull, con- taining calcareous concretions, containing brain sand, be- come inflamed, , ulcerated, hardened, resulting in brain dis- eases. Other parts of the brain, such as the pineal gland, the pituitary body, the peduncles, the venous sinuses, be- come affected, resulting, perhaps, in religious mania. 10. The Fluor in-excess patient usually calls for the minister, to pray for the salvation of his soul. He- worries about the welfare of his soul. He feels unfit to associate with 66 people, unfit for the world, unfit for heaven, all because of the firmer structures of the brain becoming inflamed, in- durated, and because excess of Fluorin always attacks the deeper and more solid structures and glands, 11. The Fluorin-excess patient worries about his duties t work, and his loved ones. He cannot get his work done fast enough. He fears hell and damnation, experiences great anxiety in regard to his future, his standing in society, his duty and his business. 12.' He imagines people have lost confidence in him, the same as he has lost faith in himself. IS.. Now he is cheerful, then depressed; now he works indifferent- ly, then he labors to excess. 14. In the morning, he is frisky, in the evening more low- spirited, for his symptoms are always mere aggravated towards the evening, or by heat, moisture, or motion. 15. Grief aggravates his symptoms. 16. The sensorjr cortical centers are morbidly stimulated, result- ing in hemiopia, in negative visual and unilateral halluci- nations. He sees objects that are not real. He may see only one-half of an object, the other half of the object being obscure, perhaps black, or not visible at all. 17. His more solid eye structures are affected, so are his sense perceptions, especially those of taste, smell, and hearing, which are, sometimes, almost lost. 18. His voice has a nasal quality. IS. He prefers his bed. 5a . SYi :?T0I.S "THEN F LUCRIU IS DSFICI5NT: 1. The Flu or in-hunger patient is difficult to arouse in the • morning. 2. It is difficult for him to get his brain into action, with- out a great deal of effort. 3. He has swimming sensations in his head. 4. Ivlany regrets; his mind is hazy, memory almost lost. 5. His appetite is tremendous when it is aroused. 6. He is never thirsty in the morning, but often in the after- noon. 7. He is in a state of subdued fever, 8. He likes fatty foods. 9. His sexual appetite is in a state of fever; motion aggra- vates this ailment. 10. He is bothered with nausea and dizziness, being often oblig- ed to lie down and keep still because of nausea. The Mag- nesium-hunger patient craves motion, and is benefited. by mo- tion. The Flu or in-hunger patient craves stillness, and is aggravated by motion. 11. The Fluor in-hunger patient suffers from respiratory oppres- sion. 12. Deafness in the morning, but not in the afternoon. . 13. Bruised sensations in the muscles in the afternoon; in- creased sex desire at night. 14. Fatty perspiration, more abundant at night than during the day. 15. Great forgetfulness of promises, and a tendency to worry. 16. Great indifference to, and even dislike for wife, husband, children.. 17. Anxious, apprehensive, disposition. 18. Heaviness in the forehead. 19. Frozen, numb sensation in the brain. . Copyright, 1921, by V. C-. Rocine. 67 INSTIT UTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES , CHICAGO, ILLI NOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS, & i CHEMICALS . SUBJ EC T-FLUORIN . 5a . S YMPTOMS V/ EEN FLUORIN IS DE FICIE NT: ( C on t inue d ) 20. Indifference to family, and greater interest in strangers.' 21. Daring and courage, self-satisfaction, spells of ill humor. 22. Violent grief with many delusions, characterize the Fluorin— hunger patient. a. The Fluorin— hunger patient is a puzzle to alienists. He can reason like a lawyer, yet has many unusual moods. He may think himself obsessed, because of false voices in his ov/n brain, or ears. He suffers more mentally than people know, or than doctors suspect. He complains of shivers in the brain and nerves, tremendous headaches, nervous shocks, and almost unconscious spells. Nerve and brain sensations cf a. dull trembling, uneasy, moving, twitching and burning nature, always centering in the epigastric plexus and the stomach. b. His headache is so severe he may apply boiling water to his head, or knock his head against walls to relieve the pain. c. Electrical storms have an exhilerating influence upon him. His head is swollen, tissues puffy, vision double, or pervert- ed, or it appears to him as if he is enveloped in a blue cloud. He has frightful dreams of amatory scenes. He has a high idea of his own skill, genius and enterprise. He dislikes to do things on a small scale. He feels superior to workmen, bosses, superiors, and has trouble with them. He becomes clairaudient, or clairvoyant, often hearing strange voices giving him advice regarding investments, in- ventions, leadership. V/hen he thinks of churches, or any- thing religious, his mind becomes filled with delusion and fear, which centers in the pit of his stomach, accompanied with false voices, whispers, and sounds. d. He may be lifted up into the seventh heaven of bliss, and sud- denly be thrown down into the abyss of dark depression, and despair. Now he feels tremendously strong and great, then he appears as little in his own eyes as a pinhead, and may develop violent cursing and tearing tendencies. e. All such experiences and imaginations he never tells to others. He imagines that there are evil spirits around him, and that they are repeating his own statements. So soon as he closes his eyes, he has brain visions, horrible alligators, lizards, snakes, monkeys, blue clouds, devils, Chinese opium dens, greasy negroes, horrible people, vicious demons, making faces at him, may be pictured before his ejres, so soon as the light is turned off, and he closes his eyes. f . The spirit of investment, speculation, and enterprise is ac- tive, leading him into dangerous enterprises. The opposite sex is likely to think him crazy, but he thinks he is magne- tic. 68 g. He may be possessed by a strong desire for wealth, position and leadership, that borders on mania. He wants to become a master of great transactions. Sometimes he is a selfish ma- trimonial fortune-hunter, but is always a gruff, rusty, surly fellow, having a disposition like a bear. h. Some of them are called "people of mystery". The people are afraid of them. They have a husky voice, and inflamed face, a tremendous appetite. They may starve to excess, and eat to excess, at another time. They stammer and stutter when they talk, and have very little control of their tongue, vocal chords, nerve impulses, throat action and emotions. i. It is difficult for them to study, think, and memorize, or to recall knowledge, J. One Fluorin-hunger patient said that there was a blue electri- cal storm at work in his very brain. k. The Fluorin-hunger patient takes an interest in unusual things, mysterious teachings and occupations, astrology, magnetism, bio-chemistry, physical geography, magi, spiritualism, demon- ology, toxicology, and the studies of weather, wind, currents, diseases. Motion disturbs him. When he travels, dances, or swims, or swings, or looks at moving objects, he becomes nauseated. His ability to use words, pronounce and conform to phonetic laws of speech, is lacking, for he mispronounces and uses wrong words in speech and writing constantly. His judgment of motion, speech, time, location, sound, throwing, or of catching anything thrown, is faulty. His love for the opposite sex amounts to mania. 1. Most patients dislike noise, but the Fluorin-hunger patient- likes it. Most patients like to swim and bathe; the Fluorin- hunger patient dislikes both. Even a wash of the hands, of- ten produces an almost insane itching. m. The Fluorin-hunger patient is psychic, mystic, and amatory. Some of the cephalic glands are unfavorably affected. 6 » HQV7_TQ_ REDU CE FLUOR IN IN THE_BODy: a. Foods: Omit foods rich in Fluorin and Calcium. b. Climate: No effect. c. Mental Exercise: No effect. d. Physical Exercise: No effect. 7. H^_Tp_IN^REASE^yjORIN_I£Jim_JppY;: a. Foods: b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: at foods rich in Fluorin and Calcium. No effect. Very little effect, except possibly by associating much with the opposite sex. d. Physical Exercise: No effect. Copyright, 1921, by V. G-, Rocine. 69 INSTITUTE OP' HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUB JEC T -FLUORIN . 8 . PEOPL E V/HO REQUIRE FLUORIN FOODS : a. In abundance: Neurogenic, Pathetic, sometimes Marasmic, be- cause of excessive Fluorin consumption; Car- boferic, Lipopheric, Atrophic, Pargenic. All tubercular people; all people who have suffer- ed from syphilis, are in the greatest need of a high Fluorin diet. b. Very little : Exesthesic, Nervi -Motive , Calciferic, Sille- vitic. 9 • INFLU ENCE O F AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF FLUDRIN FOODS ON: a. Health: It disturbs health, by interfering with the nor- mal distribution of the blood, so that some parts become hyperemic, while other parts are anemic . The blood flows to the brain and the more solid tissues become escharotic. b. Disposition: It becomes amatory, surly, sensual, sullen, and suspicious. 10 . INFLUENCE, OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF F LUORIN FOODS ON: a. Health: The deeper structures become involved, and the health is thereb3 7> disturbed. b. Disposition: Morose, mystical, eccentric. He has fixed moods. He is mistrustful. He has disorderly habits. He is awkward in movement, in car- riage, clumsy in finger technique. He is a poor, although daring, surgeon. If he fallr from a building, he lands beneath like a heavy cement bag, breaking his bones. 11 . DIS EASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN 7H0M FLUORIN IS IN EXCESS: a. Decay of bone, caries, ulceration, trouble with bone, teeth, hair. 1 2 . CHEMICALS IN FOODS T HAT PEOPLE 71 TH E XCESS FLU ORIN S HOULD : a. Eat: Any foods except those named below. b. Avoid: Hydro-carbons, oily and fatty foods, and foods rich in Fluorin. 13 . VOCATIONS FOR 7HICH FLUORIN PEOPLE ARE BEST A DAPTED: a. Horse-breeding, pig-breeding, dog-breeding, veterinary sur- gery, all sorts of breeding arts and sciences; snake charming, bird culture, fish culture, butcher business, fish business, dancing instruction, revivalism, adventure, low and contemp- tible occupations, brewing, navigation, superintendence of mining industry, speculation, doctoring of sexual diseases in men, female diseases. Heavy building construction, me— diumship, conductorship, politics, commission, chiropody, manufacture of germ destroyers, the handling or running of pleasure resorts, wine business, live-stock and dairying, manicuring, founders of freakish religions. 70 14.. HE LPFUL H INTS: a. Pus formation, degenerative processes, suppurative process- es, are always managed and overcome best, by graduated alti- tudinal ascension, and by a high Fluorin diet. Atrophic, Pargenic, tubercular, scrofulous people, always suffer from eremacausia, or low oxidation and combustion. Absolute Fluorin starvation results in defects, alterations, lesions, and atrophy, because of changes in periosteal and osseous structures. The function of the bone marrow becomes dis- turbed, which, in turn, interferes with the manufacture of the red corpuscles of the blood. b. The car-oba. bean is valuable, when a patient suffers from Par- genic impurity, low oxidation and combustion. c. Sarsaparilla tea acts favorably upon Pargenic impurity. d. Berberis aquifolius, or the roots of Oregon wild grapes, contain a principle that counteracts the miasm which thrives . in the system of the Pargenic man, e. Hop tea, drank daily between meals, is healthful. f. Sulphur-containing foods prevent the destructive, suppura- tive,, inroads of the Pargenic miasm. g. Cod-liver oil contains Phosphorus, Cholesterin, Iodin, Bromin, Trimethylamin, and also a certain oil - all of which increase the red corpuscles of the blood, and improve the function. of oxidation and combustion. h. Washing the body in salty soap-suds made of castile soap, in- to which water has been added Sodium chlorid, and Sodium car- bonate, also some Sulphur, is very beneficial, and the more hot the bath is, the more beneficial it is. The bath should be as high as 130° Fahrenheit. 15. WHEN A FLUORIN_DIET IS NEEDED: 1. Decay of bones and teeth; enlargement of veins; 2.. Poor eyesight; hypertrophy of the spleen; 3. Tendency to diphtheria;* falling of the hair; scalp disease; 4. Induration; hard nodules form; 5. Tumors in the liver, spleen, bones, or integuments; '*£. Stones form in the kidneys, or in the ducts of the salivary glands, or calcareous tumors form and calcify in some of the organs; 7. Hard crusts form in the nose; urethral catarrh; 8. Calcareous concretions form in the bladder or in the mammary ducts; 9. Bone tumors may develop in the vertebral bcnes; 10. Bony growths may appear on the outside of the skull, or , form- in the ears, and interfere with the function of hearing; 11. Tumors may form in the cerebellar structures, and interfere • with the co-ordination function, leading, lastly, to incurable paralysis. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 71 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LE SSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-FLUORP ; . . 15, WHEN A FLUORIN DIET IS NEEDED : (Continued) 12. Sclerosis forms somewhere; degeneration in the pleura; 13. Hyperplasia may develop in tissue; 14. The prostate gland may harden, shrink, and suffer; 15. The generative substance may harden, resulting in steril- ity; 16. Calcification may take place in the meninges of the brain, and lead to insanity; . 17. Neoplasm may form in the larynx; IS. The dura mater in- the brain, or spinal cord, may harden, and give rise to serious ailments; 19. The voice may become rattling and bronchial; 20. Lack of Fluorin results in alteration, lesion, and defects in structures, such as Tabes, club-foot, deformity, athe- roma, onychia, deformed fingertips or teeth, horny nail layer, osteophytes, chondroma, bone granulation, bulbous enlargement in joints; altered ossature, spinal curvature, scirrhus, carcinosis, osteides in the pulp cavities of the teeth, ossified integuments, disappearance of bone, en- largement of bone, baldness and scaliness of eyebrows, ophiosis, destruction of eye structures, tuberculosis of some kind; 21. Scaly psoriasis, wasting of the retina, enlargement of the uterus, with induration; 22. Decubitus with cerebral lesions, falling of hair in bunch- es, ugly warts, the bones may crumble like wall plaster and break; 23. Pus* formation, suppuration, ulceration, degenerative pro- cesses, dilation of blood vessels, callus, puffy obesity, blindness, parasitic eye disease, mucus and ammonia in the urine with low specific gravity of the urine and of the blood; 24. All sorts of degenerative, suppurative, and ulcerative processes; 25. Matting of the hair; uncontrollable appetite; 26. Rheumatism in the bcnes characterized by numbness; 27. Swelling here, sclorosis there, suppuration at this place, ossification in that; 28. Greasy perspiration, ugly sties; 29. Oxidation and combustion are always poor in Fluorin-hunger patients; 30- Fluorin-hunger patients may suffer from eremacausis, poor control of motion, and movement, (kinetia)* 31, A torpid brain, or great difficulty in getting the mental machinery to work; 32. Tendency of the mind to run to sensual scenes; 33,. Premature sexual instinct and practices, swaying the boy, the girl, or the man; 34. Gluey, swollen, inflamed, red or granular eyelids; 35.. Fear of insanity; 36. Hearing unreal voices; 37. Illusions or hallucinations; 72 3a. Unbearable pains and aches; 39. A dirty-yellowish^oily skin pigment, when it is cold, hot, or moist; 40. A clammy, greasy, puffy, thick or scaly skin; 41. Difficulty in waking up, or in arousing brain and functions in the morning; 42. Aggravation from motion, travel, dancing, swinging, rocking; 43. Tendency to condemn self with great self-conceit neverthe- less; 44. Backwardness in manners, clumsiness in action and movement; 45. Bluntness in speech; voracious appetite; .46. Unusual errors in conversation, speech-writing, pronuncia- tion, or in the use of words; 47. Puffed or swollen body parts, especially head, neck, skin, lower abdomen; 48. Flesh of chest, chin and forehead tight; 49. Objects moving away when the patient is looking steadily, for a brief time; 50. Bones that break easily from a fall, blow, or injury; 51. Bone fractures healing slowly; 52. Loose, tender, spongy gums; 53. Running of the saliva from the mouth when the patient talks or whistles; 54. Seemingly (to the patient), hot brain and nerves with colder body; 55. A decayed odor emitted from the body; 56. Ulcerous bones; sensuality; 57. Great cerebellar pulsation with inflammation in hot weather; 58. Great sensitiveness to pressure of the head in hot weather; 59. An odor, or smell, in the nose, simulating that of a pig-pen; 60. Great susceptibility to the ill-effects of vaccination; 61. Defective teeth in youth; matted hair; scurvy scalp; 62. Great aversion to darkness and superstitious fear; 63. Great fondness for light; 64. Granular catarrhal eyelids; pain in the ball of the eyes; 65. Bilious or nervous spells when the patient drinks cold water; 66. Sticky eyelids, and a greasy exudation from the skin on the head, face and neck; 67. Itch after perspiration, or bathing, with aggravation of symptoms; 68. Ailments with the nails, eyelashes, eyebrows, bunions, in- growing toe-nails, ugly warts, aggravation after sleep; 69. Thick, yellow discharges; 70. Swelling of the joints, before a storm; . 71.. Itching vesicles filled with yellow matter, and watery pus; 72. Horrible dreams and visions, when the patient closes his eyes; 73. Heat prostration in hot weather, or from hard work; 74. Almost temporary blindness from stooping; 75. A mustard-like, slimy, coating on the tongue; 76. Brown, yellow spots on the skin; 77. Aggravation from cold applications; 78. Nails growing upwardly; 79. Hair, whiskers, eyebrows and eyelashes bending inwardly, upwardly, this way and that way; .. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 73 INSTITUTE OF, HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUBJECT-FLU ORTN , ■ ■ ■ ^«^-^ ■ — —■ «1 1 ■<■■ ■ »■» i ^ l ll »■-■■■ M I I !■■■■■ ^ II ■ — ^« MM^ ■! !<■ ■ » I I U ll ■■»■ ■■■ ■ « ■ ■ ■< ■ ' l l »' ll » « ■» ■■ !■« «■■ ■ ■■ 15 . WHEW A FLUORIN DIET IS NEEDED : (Continued) 80. A greasy exudation at the corners of the eye; 81. Puffy lips, neck, head, limbs, eyes in the morning; 82. A decayed taste sensation in the mouth; 83. Pain in the sutures of the bones; 84. Great pressure behind the eyeballs; 85. A cold, drafty sensation under the eyelids; 86. A red, swollen, nose-tip; 87. Deep, heavy, wheezy respiration; 88. Numbness of the hands; protruding eyeballs; 89. Soreness of scars, or of corns; 90. A clammy, decayed sweat on the feet, or most anywhere; 91. Sallow complexion with mucous tubercles and squamous eruptions; 92. Greater tendency to deafness in the morning, yet deafness passes off after daylight acts upon the head; 93. Great sneezing spells; easily bleeding gums; putrid sputum; 94. Troubled hearing, eyesight, taste and smell; 95. Unusual dread of great heat and cold; 96. Hallucinations caused by irritation, infiltration, or ulceration, of the peduncles in the brain, the pineal gland, the pituitary body, the Pacchionian body, the ten- torium cerebelli, the venous sinuses in the brain, the pericranium and the meninges in the brain and spinal cord; 97. Darker blood than usual, is a very positive sign; 98. This produces a dark tongue; 99. This is caused by poor combustion in the bones and brain; 100. Greater thirst as the day advances, yet ice-cold drinks aggravate; 101. A. disorderly mind; 102. Answering questions slowly when the doctor is questioning him in regard to his ailments; 103. Proneness to argue with the doctor about his ailments, or a tendency to believe that no one can be trusted; There are many transient, or indirect, symptoms, such as — 104. Seemingly dormant energy; 105. Sulky, happy, miserable, fearful, sad, moods by turns; 106. A deep interest in psychic phenomena, mystery, magnetism; 107. A milk diet makes them sick, or it makes them bilious; this is an almost positive symptom; 108.. Fear of ghosts, hell, demons, heat and cold; 109. Crampy legs; irregular teeth; 110. Faintness and occasional unconsciousness; 111. Tottering; 112. Unusual appetite for tea; 113. Decayed teeth; 114. Sensitiveness to odors, fumes, and gases; 115. A tremulous bronchial, or nasal, voice. 74 16 • PRINCIPAL FLUORIN FOODS (-ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED) : a. All waters contain germs, algae, cancer germs, minerals that do not belong in the human body. b. FOODS RICH IN ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO FLUORIN CONTENT FLUORIN . VITAMINES EAT Broth, Cartiliginous High High No Hot or cold Cabbage High Medium Yes Raw Cabbage , Red High Medium Yes Raw Cauliflower Low Medium Killed Cooked Cheese, Goat's 1.74 .66 Yes Unheated Cheese, Goat's cottage 1.74 .66 Yes Unheated Cheese, Goat's whey Very high Very high No Unheated Chee se , Roquef ort High Low Yes Unheated Cod Liver Oil High Medium Yes By itself or with juices Colax High Medium Killed Prepared Egg Yolk 1.9 Medium Yes Raw Fish; Black Bass 1.60 Low Killed (Steamed, Bluefish 1.60 Low Killed (cooked or All greenish 1.60 Low Killed (baked Garlic Medium Medium Yes Raw or cooked slowly Kumiss: Cow' s .71 Low Yes Unheated Goat's 1.74 .66 Yes Unheated Mare l s High Low Yes Unheated Sheep's Medium Low Yes Unheated Milk: Goat's 1.74 .66 Yes Unheated Human .45 Low Yes Natural Sauer— kraut Very high Medium Yes Raw Seagrass Medium Medium Killed Steep and , drink juice Spinach Very high Medium Ncr Cooked 3 min. Sprouts Medium Medium Killed Cooked slowly Water: Green sea High High In germs Fresh Ocean Medium to High Medium In germs Fresh Watercress Medium Medium No Raw Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocir.e. 75 INSTIT UTE OF HUMAN NATURE S TUDIES. CHICAGO , ILLINOIS. LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-IODIN , X« IODI N IN THE MINERA L AND VEGETABLE KINGDO MS: a. Iodin is made from kelp, or from the ashes of sea-weed. Iodin is found in sea water, and in some mineral springs. It occurs in cod liver oil, in most shell fish, and in all marine plants. b. Iodin is found in compounds with other metals, and these are called Iodides. The word "Iodin" means — violet, or light violet, 2 - IODIN, ITS NA TURE AND CHARAC TE RISTICS : a. Iodin gives off a crimson purple vapor. Iodin is slightly soluble in water, but highly soluble in alcohol and ether. When it comes in contact with Phosphorus, it becomes inflam- mable, even spontaneously. b. Iodin is a non-metallic element with a high metallic lus- tre. It is blue-black in color, solvent in ether. Its fusing point is 225° Fahrenheit, c. Iodin omits a smell which closely resembles that of Chlorin^ especially when it vaporizes and condenses. Iodin stains cloth yellow, and this tinge may be removed by a solution made of Potassium iodide. The test of Iodin is starch. This test is so positive, and so delicate, that the slight- est speck will determine the presence of starch, or the pre- sence of Iodin. 3, FUNCTIONS O F IOD IN IN THE HUMAN ORGANI ZA TION : a. In its elementary state Iodin is an irritant to the skin. Potassium iodide ranks as a specific in. tertiary syphilis. It is considered an excellent remedy in sclerosis of the liver and in chronic bronchitis. It acts as an irritant. It stimulates the glands to greater action, especially the lymphatic glands, when administered in strong doses. It is followed by depression, emaciation, and atrophy. b. Iodin is very important in the thyroid gland, or in the thy- roid gland secretion. The thyroid secretion is invaluable to normal brain action. Iodic-neucleo proteins are found in the secretions made by the thyroid. Iodin neutralizes certain toxins elaborated within the human body, c. Drug store Iodin compounds do not have the same effect upon the functions as that Iodin which has been organized in food and tissues. Iodin-hunger is a direct cause of goitre and an indirect cause of defective bone metabolism. When the thyroid gland cannot obtain organized Iodin, together with other substances needed in the thyroid secretion, its function is depleted and this results in goitre. d.' It has been proven that the thyroid gland pours a certain substance into the blood which prompts the functions to more • vigorous assimilation of Calcium, Silicon, Fluorin, Chlorin, and other salts. When the thyroid gland does not pour its Iodin. secretion into the blood-stream,, such salts are not normally assimilated. The thyroid secretion seems to have a particular effect upon the assimilation of Calcium for the bones. When there is a deficiency of thyroid secretion, bone metabolism is weakened, also the nervous system, 76 including the brain. Then the foody is unable to assimilate, utilize and hold such salts that are needed bj the hone func- tion. e. Fickerill demonstrated that thyroid insufficiency in children leads to defective teeth and hone metabolism. He proved that, when the thyroid gland is removed from an animal y that animal is not able to assimilate enough of certain vegetable salts needed by the bones and teeth. He lays stress upon Calcium, which salt was lost through the intestinal secretions, accord- ing to his observations. He found that the alkalinity of the saliva was reduced, that the salivary glands became shrunken and weakened after the removal of the thyroid gland, in the ' animal. f . An animal can prolong its life almost indefinitely on a bread and milk diet, after the thyroid gland has been removed, be- cause there will be less of toxic decomposition products in the system to injure brain, nerves and vital functions. g. The Iodin secretion of the thyroid gland is a poison destroyer of certain toxins that are likely to enter the blood through the intestinal walls. The thyroid secretion neutralizes cer- tain toxins arising from the decomposition and putrefaction of certain albuminous foods, which toxins enter the blood from the intestines, and passing into the head, affect the brain, nerves, and cell action unfavorably. A man who lises much on starches, fats, meats, eggs, or albuminous food in general, and does not eat food that is rich in Iodin, is weak- ening his thyroid gland. Kis brain and nerve matter is un- favorably affected by albuminous toxins. The albuminous toxins are neutralized by the Iodin secretion of the thyroid gland, but are permitted to enter the brain, to accumulate in the blood, until, lastly, it results in auto— intoxication of • the body, or of the brain, or both. h. Ushenko, an able surgeon, learned that, upon removing the thy- roid gland, the Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the urine were, first increased; then, as the condition progressed, immediate- ly- before death, the Phosphorus and Nitrogen in the urine were . again diminished. He found that the constructive processes in the body were very much. affected; that the metabolism of the tissues containing Phosphorus and Nitrogen were exceeding- ly disturbed. Certain vegetable salts were not assimilated; that the creatinin was diminished to a great extent; that the pur in bodies were alarmingly increased, and also the amido- acids and certain decomposition products. i. People who eat such foods that are rich in the Iodin element never suffer from goitre, scrofula, brain intoxication, ner- vous ailments, defective, bene and brain metabolism, to such an . extent as those people do who live on meat, starchy and chemi- cally preserved food products, on albuminous and de-mineralized food articles, for the reason that such free Iodin, albuminous, • and de-mineralized food products inflame and irritate the thy- roid gland, overwork the thyroid secretion excessively, and fill the body with decomposition products until the health suf- fers, brain and nerves are poisoned, tissues are filled with destructive acids, toxins and gases, the alimentary tract is in a state of corruption, and until all of the Iodin and other toxin-destroying material is used up in the body to such an extent that the toxin-destroying glands find no material for their functions. Then, there will be serious disease, incur- able chronic disorders, and lastly, death. Copyright, 1921, by V, G. Rocine. 77 INSTIT UTE OF HU M AN NATURE STUDI ES , CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SH EET, COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-IODIN . 3. FUNCTIONS OF I ODIN IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION : (Continued) j. Grass-fed animals have healthy thyroid glands, and Iodin se— cretions in abundance. Seidell, who conducted a great many investigations in regard to animals which were shipped to the Union Stock Yards in Chicago from all parts of the American Union, found that the thyroid gland, in all grass-fed animals shipped in the fall, contains three times as much Iodin as in those animals that were shipped between December and May, which later animals had been fed on such commercial products that gave rise to decomposition arid albuminous toxins to such an extent that the led in principle was entirel}?- consumed, so that, lastly, the animal did not have the thyroid secretion, or Iodin, in sufficient quantities to neutralize the albumi- nous toxins. k. Every parent should know that the thyroid gland does not function in a child before that child is about two to three years of age, and may not function before the age of five, even up to twelve in some children. An albuminous diet at this time is very likely to produce disorders of some kind in the child, because the child cannot take care of albumi- nous toxins, nor can he eliminate them from his system. Be- fore the age of, perhaps, three, or before the thyroid gland functions in the child, nature kindly has supplied the child with such a diet that does not endanger his health, functions, and growth, viz., a milk diet. People who are growing old . are not able to neutralize albuminous toxins, nor to counter- act the production of decomposition, nor to eliminate such toxins and v/aste matter from their systems, because most of their poison-destroying secretions, including the thyroid gland, are weak. 1. Iodin seems to be a sanitary police officer and brain guard, having his headquarters in the thyroid gland, evidently plac- ed there by the Wise Creator, to guard the brain, destroy the toxins that are harmful to the brain, to increase assimila- tion of certain salts and establish more normal metabolism, and to promote the oxidation of the brain. When Iodin is not present in normal amounts in the thyroid gland, certain ■albuminous toxins and other toxins, injurious to the brain, are not neutralized. The thyroid secretion should be pour- ed into the blood as. the blood passes into the brain, to neu- tralize injurious toxins. m. Moreover, Iodin, or the thyroid secretion, has another im- portant, though unknown, function to perform. It is relat- ed to Phosphorus and Phosphorus consumption, stirring the brain into more vigorous action, promoting oxidation in the brain, increasing circulatory activity, acting on certain lymphatic glands, and upon special nerves of a sensory na- ture. n. Iodin is the X— Ray principle to the bra„in, Iodin, in the thyroid secretion, increases the rate of the pulse, lowers arterial pressure, increases respiration and the demand for Oxygen, increases the quantity of urine, and the assimila- tion of certain organo-metallie salts, especially Calcium. There is a close connection between the lack of the thyroid secretion, or Iodin, and Myxedema, which disease is known to 78 diagnosticians by — an unwieldy body, by thick, scalj skin, by slow muttering speech, by mental torpor" bordering on idiocy; by raucous collection in the connective ticmie; by destruction of the thyroid gland; by flabby tissues; soft bones, an idiot- ic expression, excessive discharge of saliva from the mouth. o. The lodin element has principally to do with circulation and neutralization of certain toxins. An lodin diet increases the curative power in the system in certain directions. When lodin is lacking, sores and ulcers appear more quickly, and are more difficult to cure. The thyroid secretion has its affect upon the uterus, or upon the lining of the uterus, upon the lining of the heart, and upon the intellectual function or upon the brain in general; not because it nourishes nor vi- talizes, but because it neutralizes certain toxins that would ' have a bad effect otherwise. p. lodin possesses germicidal properties. It retards the growth ; of certain germs. It possesses the power of neutralization of certain injurious and albuminous toxins. SO long as the thyroid gland is not normally developed, and not normally ac- tive in the child, that child should be supplied with such food materials as cannot decompose in the alimentary tract, nor give rise tc germ and germ toxins. b Lower the lodin se- cretion of the thyroid gland and cerebellar vigor in a boy, and the principle of growth is weakened, resulting in stunted growth. While lodin is mainly contained in the thyroid gland and in the thyroid secretion, it also finds its way to a great many other tissues and fluids, although never to any great ex- tent. q. Traces of lodin are found in some of the tissues, in the per- spiration, in the tears, in the saliva, in the milk, and in some of the discharges from the excretory organs. Transplan- tation of the thyroid gland, however, or the effects of hypo- dermic injections of thyroid extract, or the experiments on animals or upon humans, or drug lodin, are of no great value to the human body. Each man should manufacture his own lodin thyroid secretion. An lodin-containing diet, in normal quan- tities, always increases oxidation, reduces bodily weight, disintegrates fat and protein, creates a greater demand for Oxygen, increases the assimilation of organo-metallic salts, augments the urinary secretion of Nitrogen and Phosphorus, en- hances the combustion of fat, increases the elimination of Carbon dioxide, and has a great many other interesting effects upon the various organs and functions. r. In cretinism the results of thyroid extract medication are of- ten^ remarkable. Osier says: "Within six weeks, a poor, feeble-minded, toad-like caricature of humanity may be restor- ed, to bodily health . Indeed, so important is the iodothy- roid secretion, that, if it is lacking in a boy, or girl, that same boy or girl cannot become normally developed in hone, brain, and functions. 4. CONSTITUT IONS IN V/IJIC H I ODIN IS INHERENTLY: a. Excessive: None. b. Deficient: Almost all people, with the exception of Calciferic, Oxypheric and Myogenic. Even these very often have a deficiency of lodin, simply because they are . principally living on an lodin free diet. 'Copyright, 1931, by V. G-. Rocine. 79 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LESSON SHEET COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, SUBJECT-IODIN. SYI.II tu UCii iod: EXCESSIVE: 1. &. 4< 5. 6, 7, 8. 10, 11. IS, ,13, 14, The patient is neurotic, and abnormally concerned about his future; He becomes highly nervous in disposition and excessively concerned about conditions, plans, prospects, ailments, work, movement, prosperity, adversity, happiness, possibili- ties;" or, in fact, anything that relates to his future, or to the future of his own immediate friends; This results in a hyper aesthetic state of the nervous sys- tem, and a cardiac, neurotic, and a positive dislike to any- thing that is rugged, thorny, sharp, barbed, horny, pointed, rough, fanged, tusked, jagged, toothed, such as fish, birds, or animals having spined bristles, teeth or bills; or such tools, instruments or knives, stones, swords, lancets,' saws, needles, thorns, fangs; or, in fact, anything else that is rough or edged; There is an outward pressure behind the eyeballs, with pro- trusion of the eyes, and a painful pressure in the eyes; ■His vision, at a distance, is improved, but he cannot see well at a close range'; The linings are very sensitive, and the heart, eyes and sex- ual system become involved; The patient prefers to lie on her right side when she sleeps, or else her heart gives her trouble; There is a sympathetic self-concerned consciousness .between her paid her heart, motherhood organs, and eyes, hanging over her like an omen night and day; The endocardium, the retina, the endometrium, and the sensi- tive ret macula, are in a. state of hyper-erethism, tension, great sensitiveness, vibratory irritation and hyperalgesia; Excessive sensitiveness to touch (hyperaphia) is another mental symptom of Iodin excess; Abnormal nervous restlessness and emotional agitation is still another symptom; In changes of weather her nerve ends in eyes and eyelids are creepy; she thinks that there is something tickling and ir- ritating her eyes and eyelids, which is nothing else than the nerve ends in her sensitive eye structures; Morning headache in the lower part of the backhead, travel- ing: to the top of her head, to the temples, and settling in the eyes, usually the left, is an ailment of which she often complains; Exophthalmos, neurosis, psycho-neurosis, and hyperesthesia develop more and more as her 5a. SYMPTOMS WHEN IODIN IS DEFICIENT to unnecessary crying; mouth; a great thirst most 1. Screaming during sleejj, tendency 2. A running, of the saliva from the of the time; 3. Gasping from lack of air; a state of suffocation; 4. Lameness from motion; stiffness in the neck muscles; ten- sion in the arms; throbbing in the brain; numbness in the fingers; 5. Stinging sensations in the temples, with alternating waves of cold and heat in the various skin areas; 80 6. A- strong conviction that there is something undone, neglect- ed, or forgotten; cardiac palpitation; 7. Sensitiveness to the influence of the sun; childishness; 8. Restlessness; shyness; nervousness; fidgety; 9. A tendency to roll the eyes and squint; 10^. Muttering when he speaks; 11. A tendency to walk around buildings and hunt in nooks, cran- nies, waste baskets, drawers, for something; i.e., they ap- pear childish in action, busy with trifles, pay attention to foolish detail or objects, as if they are growing feeble- minded; 12. The fact of the matter is, the brain substance is altered, degenerated, mollified, or decayed, or the brain is likely to become softened until it is like paste or putty; the brain cannot act; 13. He cannot be kept long at anything; 14. He does not walk like other people, but has a clumsy gait of his own; he appears like a blunderbuss. He may start walk- ing with an awkward hop, or with clumsy jumping, or with a careless run, in such a manner as if his motor equipment were not under proper control and direction; 6 - HOW TO RE DUCE IODIN IN THE BO DY: a. Inasmuch as there are no people who have Iodin in excess, this is not necessary. 7. HOW TO INCREASE IOD IN IN THE B ODY: a. Foods: Eat foods rich in Iodin, b. Climate: Live in a high altitude. c. Mental Exercise: Use mental effort, or will effort. d. Physical Exercise: Take a regular course of physical culture exercises. 8. PEOP LE WHO REQUIRE I ODIN FOODS: a. In abundance: Exesthesic, Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carbofetic, Hydripheric , Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Palli- nomic, Atrophic, Pargenic. All feeble-minded and all silly, childish people. All people who eat albuminous foods to a great extent. b. Very little : Calciferic, Sillevitic, • Oxypheric. 9 - INFLUENCE OF A N EXCESSI VE AHOUNT OF IODIN FOODS ON: ■ a. Health: Favorable. b. Disposition: Favorable. The fact of the matter is, you tan never an excessive amount of Iodin in the food. There is never an excess of Iodin, ex- cept v/hen a person uses drugs that are high in Iodin. Of course, it would be possible to place a man on a high Iodin diet and keep him on that diet until there is an excess of Iodin, and in that case it would have a bad effect, both upon health and upon disposition. 10 . INFLUENCE OF A D EFIC IENT AMOUNT O F IODIN FOODS ON : a. Health: Unfavorable. [ "~ — " b. Disposition: Neurotic. Copyright, 1921, by V, G. Rocine. INSTITUTE OF HUMA N NATUFJ^S'rTJpIES^CHICAaO , JlI,L,INOIS,. LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. t5i SUBJECT-IODIN. 11 . DISEASE TENDE NCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM I OD IN IS IN EXCESS : 1. Intense burning and itching; cardiac palpitation; 2. Ailments of the mucous membranes; loss of weight; 3. Atrophy of the mammae, wasting of the arches; 4. Irritation of the thyroid gland, emaciation, sneezing; 5. Running of the nose, frontal headache; 6. Iodin diseases are always neurotic, alternating and uni- lateral, usually the left side of the body, and the ail- ments are usually always also in the linings of the heart, of the uterus, in the retina, and all sensitive ret macu- la, in sensory nerve matter, plexuses and sensoria, in some of the motor nerves, in the eyes, especially in the left eye, also in the thyroid gland; 7- Constriction of the throat, edema of the tongue; 8- Casts and albumin in the urine; increase of urine; 9. Elevation of the temperature; gastric colic; dizziness; 10. Shortness of breath; faintness; 11. Progressive loss of flesh through excessive oxidation and combustion of fat; prostration; increased pulse rate; 12. Swelling of the throat; optic neuritis; ". 13. Circulatory "weakness; hurried respiration; 14. Cerebral disorders; nocturnal neurotic habits; 15. Alternating psychotic moods; insomnia^ great restlessness; 16. Headache; hyperalgesia; endocarditis; retinitis cerebralis; 17. Hemialgia, usually in the left hemisphere; hyperaphia; 18- Endometritis; hemianopsia; migratory neuralgia; presbyopia; hypererethism, retinitis albuminurica, albuminuria; 19, Nightly toothache; rheumatic ophthalmia; hemidrosis; 20. Excessive alternating hunger and thirst, bordering on dis- ease, with alternating aversion for food and drinks; Zl. Chordes without aphrodisiac desire is another common ex- perience of the Iodin-excess patient; 22. Nervous palpitation of the heart, accompanied with rheuma- tism in the neck and shoulders, with tingling in the finger- tips, perhaps even finger rheumatism; uterine rheumatism, cardiac rheumatism, rheumatism of the head or of the eyes, or of the heart, or nervous rheumatism. Of course, it is not rheumatism, although most patients and a. great many • doctors may call it rheumatism. The Iodin patient's rheumatism is in the nerves, in the sensitive structures, and is always alternating and unilateral. 12 - C HEMIC ALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS., I0piN_SH0yLD: a, Eat: Albuminous foods. b" »Asfcoid: Iodin-containing foods. 13 • VOCATIONS FOR WHICH IODIN . PEOPLE_A^_BEST_ADAPTED: a* Iodin has no effect upon the vocation or occupation. 14. HELPFUL HINTS: ._ .. .. a. People who are anemic, diabetic, very ola, highly pat aeoic, or those who have a tendency to albuminuria, or those in . whom starch metabolism is preponderating, as, i or instance, the Nitrooheric, or those who are sentimental and weak in the mechanism of the heart, are highly sensitive to the 82 effects of lodin, whether it be lack or excess of lodin, or whether it be administered in drug form, or as it is found in food> b. The vagus nerve, and many highly sensitive nerves, ganglia and plexuses, are exceedingly responsive to the influence of lodin. c. Iodin--excess results in cardio-vascular, compressive, con- tractive and neurotic ailments- lodin has a semi-paralytic effect upon the upper eyelids. It produces a tremor in the nerves and heart, a high pulse, varying from 95 to 135 beats a minute. d. The lodin-hunger patient always suffers from. cardiac palpita- tion when he starts working, or walking, or when he otherwise exerts himself, even heavy breathing is likely to produce pal- pitation of the heart. He seems to have a "screw loose* in the brain. Of course, there are no "screws" in the brain, but the brain is in a state of deterioration, so that it can no longer maintain its mental function. It is being degenerat- ed, softened, even converted into water, in some instances. It is passing from an anastate to a catastate, and from a ca- tastate to a. still lower state. In other words,, the patient is degenerating. e. The lodin-Hunger patient craves change of scene, change of work, change of study, every minute of the day. Occasionally he is exceedingly excitable, and at all times he is d fidgety, though his restlessness could be called unsettled, for he is more like a living "jumping jack", making a thousand and one little motions an hour. As time goes by he, lastly, becomes a pronounced hermit in disposition. He can never be still with his eyes, fingers and feet, nor can he ever sit still with his whole body for any length of time. If he is sudden- ly placed in a high elevation, it produces respiratory oppres- sion and cardiac palpitation. f. The lodin-hunger patient suffers from atrophy of the brain, amyloid degeneration, hydropsic degeneration, deterioration in nerve and brain tissue, fatty degeneration, softening of the brain, anemic disintegration and liquifaction of the brain substance, softening of the bcnes, or of the esophagus, edeo- mateous degeneration, chronic endarteritis, stupidity in brain function, inability to learn lessons at school or pass exami- nations successfully, brain starvation and prostration, re-. suiting in simple-mindedness, enlargement of the lymphatic glands, caused by degenerative processes. The lymphatic glands become soft, moveable and doughy. g. The brain in the lodin-hunger patient is undergoing a molle- scent alteration and becomes doughy, flabby, pasty, or watery. Degenerative changes take place, evidently because 'toxins in the blood are not neutralized as the blood enters the brain, and because of defective oxidation in the brain tissue, .for lodin influences oxidation of the brain and brain-life' in some mysterious way, and may, moreover, perform other functions that favor thought, reason, understanding, perception, voli- tion, impulsion, indirectly. h. The lodin-hunger patient suffers from -soggy colds in the head, difficulty of pronunciation, is subject to hydro-cephaus, or other diseases, or degenerative processes to which lodin star- vation leads. Cretinism, Myxedema, ' goitre, mental degeneracv, stunted growth, and other ailments are closely related to lodin starvation. The congenital cretin, the degenerative cretin, the mental degenerate, with his thick neck, short Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 83 IN STITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIE S, C HICAGO, ILL INOIS. LESSON SHEET. CO URSE-FOODS & CHEMICAL S. SUBJECT-IODIN. 14. HELP FU L HINTS : (Continued) arras and legs, degenerate "brain, short stature, flabbjr tis- sues, large and flabby abdomen, thick lips, protruding tongue, large flabby idiotic face, spongy goitre, doughy, paste— like brain, appears to be a product of congenital Iodin starvation. The thyroid gland is always lacking in the cretin. i. The heart of the Iodin-hunger patient is either excessively slow or excessively fast, for Iodin seems to affect the in- hibitory nerve of the heart, and also the depressor nerve and center in the medulla. j. There is a throbbing of the throat, or of the thyroid gland, or throbbing in the centrum of the brain (circle of Willis). There is throbbing in the hepatic, gastric, spleenic ar- teries, or throbbing in the temples, and a throbbing in al- most all of the principal arteries. So soon as there is a throbbing in the throat, or in the thyroid, we know that Iodin is lacking. 1 5 . WHEN AN -I ODIN DIET IS NEEDED : 1. When there is a swelling of the thyroid gland or throat, or in times of goitre, and flabby tissue; 2. When the skin is pale, doughy, dry, hot, cold, scaly, alter- nately; when the abdomen is bulky, and when the head is ex- cessively large, and the body is puny; 5. When the mind is stupid; when the salivation is frothy; 4-, When the arms are numb; when the scars break open; 5.. When there is a compressive cardiac, chest or head pressure; 6. When there is a palpitation upon ascending a stairway, or being placed suddenly in a high situation, with oppressive breathing; when the urine is turbid, acrid, thick, scanty violet, yellowish green, brothish red, green, having a strong odor, and being perhaps albuminous or bloody, or having an earthy, violet sediment if permitted to stand; 7. When there is throbbing in the arteries, neuralgic pains in the linings of the heart, or in the uterine linings, or in the retina, head, diaphragm, or some of the plexuses; 8. When there is sweet and putrid saliva, alternately; 9. When the symptoms are alternating; when the ailments are unilateral,- usually in the left side; 10. When there is a hurried, short respiration; when there is a dullness under the scapular bones, with numbness in the fingers, swelling of the feet or toes; . 11. Preference to standing and moving to sitting and lying; 12. Deep sleep before midnight, with restlessness after mid* night; 13. When there is great occasional prostration; when there is fondness for washing the head, face and neck in ice-cold water; when there is a tendency to grasp at the throat; 14. When the perspiration is doughy from exertion, the glands are enlarged, there are stinging migratory pain sensations; 15. When the skin is impoverished; when the chest is oppressed; 16. When pulse is full, slow, rapid, weak, alternately; 17. When there is an excessive hunger, or thirst sensation, then absence of the same, but by turns; 84 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. When there is crying after meals, when the brain is clearer when walking or exercising, but stupid when at ease; When there is a fear that the doctors may discover some in- curable hereditary disease upon examination; When there is a fear of looking behind, because the patient imagines there may be something dreadful behind him; When the child is exceedingly awkward in penmanship, and awk- wark in handling things; when the child is shy in disposition; When there is a bluish, earthy, pale-gray, pale-yellow, brown, red, complexion by turns; Fluttering in the ears, with a sensation of warm waves passing through the ears; when there is a squinting tendency of eyes; When there is a restless, rolling motion of the eyeballs, ac- companied with pupillary dilation, producing flickering be- fore the eyes, perhaps occasional dimness of eyesight, and a tendency to press the eyelids down with the fingertips to im- prove the visual function; When there is a brief talking spell, followed by stupor, numbness, stupidity, muttering, screaming, then sleep; When there is an enormous growth in brain and head structures; When jaw, When there is a gnashing of the teeth, dropping of the under or a tendency to clinch the jaws together tightly; there is a great fondness for milk, which relieves some of the symptoms, because it supplies Calcium, which is lacking; When there is a tenderness of the lower ribs and a flabby lower abdomen; 16. PRINCIPA L IO DIN FOODS .(ALPHABETIC ALL Y-AggANGSm: a. FOODS RICH IN ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO IODIN CONTENT IODIN VIT AMINES EAT Artichokes 1,0 Low In seeds Fresh Carrots .90 Trace Yes, if raw Raw or cooked Clams 1.6 Medium Killed Broth Cod liver oil High High Yes , Emulsion Crabs 3.1 Medium Killed Cooked or steamed Crawf i sh 1.3 Medium Killed Baked Frogs legs .8 Low Killed Broth Garlic High Trace In seeds Raw Crapes, green .50 Trace In seeds Raw-chew seeds Irish moss Medium High Yes Raw v/ith food Lobster 2.2 Medium Killed Boiled alive Mushrooms 1.2 Medium Killed Boiled Mussels 1.9 Medium Killed Steamed or boiled Oysters .2 Medium Yes Rav/( stomachs removed) Pears, Bartlett .4 Trace In seeds Raw cr dried Pineapple TV Trace In seeds Raw Salmon, smoked 1.8 Medium Doubtful Smoked Scallops 1.4 Medium Killed Brcth Shrimp 2.6 Low Killed Boiled Sorrel High Medium •? Prepared Terrapin Turtle, green 1. 1.2 Low High Killed Killed Broth Brcth ., Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 85 INSTITUTE OF HUM AN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LE SSON S HEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJEC T-SULPHU R. I. SULPH UR IN THE MINERAL AND VEGET ABLE KIN GDOMS: a* Sulphur is another word for brimstone. Sulphur is a non- metallic, combustible, smoky, acid, fitful and volcanic el- ement occurring in beds of clay, also in combination with certain metals, forming sulphates and sulphids, and occurr- ing in the vicinity of volcanoes, b. Sulphuric acid is the king of all acids. c.'Most Sulphur comes from vegetables and volcanoes. 2. SULPHUR, ITS IHARACTERISTICS: a. Sulphur is almost lemon-colored, although the color varies somewhat in different countries, seasons _ and temperatures. Sulphur is a non-conductor of electricity. v b. It becomes a liquid between 232° and 280° Fahrenheit,^ It solidifies at. 320°, boils at 790°, It becomes a fluid, for the second time, at from 408° to its boiling point, and rises in vapor form at 792° Fahrenheit. c. Sulphur is sensitive to air currents, to atmospheric gases,, electricity and ferments, to heat, cold, moisture, and to other conditions. It is tasteless, but has a peculiar odor when melted, or subjected to friction. It is remarka- ble for its allotrophic character, or for Its ability to unite with all the metals and nearly all the non-metals, for its tendency to form crystals and for its capacity to exist in many forms and climes. Sulphur is insoluble in water, but is easily taken up by spirits of turpentine, and by cer- tain oils. d. Sulphur is used in the manufacture of gunpowder, in vulcaniz- ing, in the manufacture of metals and of sulphuric and sul- phurous acids. It is used in many arts as a Sulphur gas; it is used in many forms in medicine. c. Sulphur is a strong disinfectant, it purifies, f. Sulphur is not an element of strength. 3, FUNCTION S OF SULPHUR IN T HE HUMA N O RGAN IZATION: a. Sulphur is contained in living tissue, being especially uti- lized in the construction of protoplasm. It is absorbed by plants as a sulphate. Sulphur promotes the flow of bile, but cannot subdue pain. It has a particular effect upon the liver, promoting the secretion of bile. b. A diet that is rich in Sulphur decreases the liver in a pa- tient who suffers from enlargement of the liver. Sulphur food, for that same reason, is exceedingly valuable for the promotion of the secretion of bile, and for the purpose of overcoming enlargement of the liver. c. Sulphur foods act upon the. cerebrum as a mild hypnotic, al- though its action is slow, for it requires from one to ten days for such a diet to act vigorously upon the brain. A man who eats Sulphur food to excess, lastly becomes food drunk, so to speak. 86 d. Sulphur is found in hair, nails and horny tissue. Keratin is a substance that is found in all horny tissue such as nails, hair, feathers. It Is found in the epidermic tissue of the skin. It is a mixture of ma.nj complex proteid substances. In tjie laboratory it yields tyrosin and leucin. Keratin is found in the cornea of the eye. Keratin differs from pro- teids in general in the sense that it contains a high percent- age of Sulphur. e. Sulphur is present in the combination of Sodium sulphate in many of the tissues and fluids. Sodium sulphate is needed in the tissues to a certain extent. f. Nearly four ounces of Sulphur are found in man. g. Free Sulphur is utilized by the functions almost every hour of the day. The Sulphur that is functionally utilized, the chem- ist cannot measure. He can only estimate it, though such es- timations would not necessarily be accurate. h. A Sulphur diet has a revolutionary effect on the functions, causing certain bodily blood taints and impurities to be thrown to the surface of the skin for elimination. A Sulphur diet acts strongly upon the skin. The nature of Sulphur is such that it exerts a powerful influence on the internal or- gans, throwing taints, miasms, impurities, etc., to the sur- face of the body. This results in congestion of the capilla- ries, veins, skin and nerve tissue at the surface of the body. i. Sulphur is an uproarious element, agitative, expulsive and convulsive. Where it is present it acts as an angry under- current, producing explosions at the surface, as may be seen in volcanoes, beneath which the Sulphur element is at work. Sulphur favors evaporation and surface radiation of bodily heat, but it increases internal heat and organic gases in the liver, nerves, sex brain and genitalia. J. Sulphur heat and organic gases escape readily through the skin when Sulphur is abundant in the body, and when cold winds, cold water or cold moisture strike the surface of the body, but not otherwise. k. A Sulphur diet has the power to force impurity to the surface of the skin, resulting in pimples and eruptions. Sulphur has a warming effect upon the skin, producing traveling waves of heat accompanied with ruddiness' of the skin and greater ac- tion in nerve function. 1. Sulphur intensifies nerve life. It acts on every cell in the body. It acts upon every blood drop, upon every nerve fibre and cerebral neuron, and yet its work is like an angry under- current and a hypnotic sleep combined. It acts as an explo- sive, yet hypnosis on nerve life, through nerves, upon cells, upon nerve ends. It acts slowly and cumulatively. It is a stirring dynamic element, acting like a volcanoe and compell- ing the expulsion of disease intruders. m. About four percent of Sulphur is found in hair. Red hair has more Sulphur than golden hair. Golden hair has more Sulphur than sandy hair. Sandy hair has more Sulphur than light-brown Copyright, 1921, by V, G. Rocine* 87 INSTITUTE OF HUM AN NA TURE STU DIE S.,. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LES SON SH EET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICA LS. SUBJECT-SULPH UR. ?"• FUNCTIONS O F SULPHUR IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION: (Continued) hair. Light-brown hair has more Sulphur than dark-brown hair. Black hair has the least proportion of Sulphur; By falling back upon a Sulphur diet and certain Nitrogen or vegetable pigments, it is possible to color the hair by diet alone. n. A. normal supply of Sulphur is necessary to regulate nerve Im— pulsion and to maintain a uniform temperature in the nerves, in the sensorial brain centers, in the sexual nerves and plexuses, in the spinal reflexes, in the nerves of the liver and kidneys, in the vaso-motor system, in the optic centers, in the heat centers of the body, in the Meibomian glands, in the oily secretions, such as the perilymph, endolymph, cere— bro-spinal fluid, neurolin in nerve and brain matter, in the gonoblastic fluid, and others. o. The soul life and nerve tension is great in Sulphur patients. Great Sulphur consumption favors versatility, emotionality, adaptability, purification, but not strength. p. Sulphur and Carbon, if used much in ments , makes them brittle and useless steel expert may inform us. Sulphur same effect upon the human, organizati The diffusion of cells, the strength sue, the power of brain for continued wiriness, endurance of bone and muscl never so great when Sulphur is excess ganism. steel tools and instru- , as any scientific and Carbon have the on and upon the brain, and durability of tis— activity, the hardness, e are, as qualities, ive in the human or- q. But nerve heat, nerve tension, tone of nerve impulsion, idealistic and romantic emotions, emotional soul action, im— pressiveness, responsiveness and soul tone, as qualities, are greater when Sulphur is abundantly assimilated and utilized. r. Sulphur is formative and life-sustaining. It is the agent of soul expres si. on. It surrounds, supports t and enters in- to life and nerve processes. The vitellus, or the life principle, in an ovum, or in the egg yolk, is supplied with a liberal quantity of this life-supporting, heat— producing, neurolinic and fomative element in an organized form. Dead Sulphur or inorganic Sulphur, is of no value to an ovum, nor to an egg yolk. The ovum pays no attention to drug Sul- phur. The Sulphur in the ovum could be called living Sul- phur, which is also the case with the Sulphur found in the egg yolk. s. Sulphur enters into and supports life in the budding proto- plasm of the male and female reproductive principles. With- out Sulphur the ovum would be useless, and so would the egg yolk. Without Sulphur, not a chick would be hatched, not an infant born. "No Phosphorus, no thought' 1 , says the Ger- man philosopher. He might as well have added, "No Sulphur, no sensation, no soul communication with body and matter, no 88 sense, no life and soul expression . Without Sulphur, Phos- phorus would soon burn out our brain, so that we would all end our lives in an asylum. t. Sulphur, however, is transformed, converted and completely re- organized before it enters into the workshop of thought and emotion, as a supporter and medium of soul expression and nerve life. u. Sulphur, moreover, has a great deal to do with the phosphoro- psychical processes and serves as a communication medium be- tween soul and brain, and between soul and sensory physical states. Sulphur is the communicative regulative and magnetic medium of thought action, nerve impulsion, soul intelligence, telegraphy, sensorial conduction, and emotive transmission. v. Lack of Sulphur affects life, nerve and soul expression, and results in a peculiar kind of neurasthenia, psycho-neurosis, enfeeblement of the mind, or psychocoma, very difficult to cure. w. The lady with her ovoid head, oval face, soft, velvety, warm and delicately rosy red skin, with her elastic, wiry, wavy, luxuriant, golden or light-brown hair, her warm, glittering, magnetic, intelligent, blue-gray or light hazel, soulfull eyes; whose complexional pigments change with the varying weather conditions as readily as the Sulphur element, or like the chameleon changes its colors; who is electrical in touch, responsive, emotional, moody, intense, fond of luxuries, ver- satile, fanciful, tall and proportionate, beautiful, highly keyed, volcanic in feelings, elastic in tissues, firm, yet soft in tissue, graceful in movements, firm in joints, harmo- nious in build, graceful and stately in form, neat, tidy and particular; who, among ladies, is the queen of beauty, propor- tion, and youth - is like a harp with a thousand strings, and rules palaces and the hearts of men. x. Sulphur is a poor conductor of muscular electricity, hence, retains acid in the body. y. Sulphur produces nerve, brain, skin and liver heat; hence, causes nervousness. z. Sulphur causes sluggishness; people with Sulphur strong, rise late in the morning. aa. Exesthesic people cannot bear hardships, nor rough life. They suffer first with cold hands, then warm hands; they suffer from heat, etc. So they must have pleasing environment. ab. Sulphur is sub-conscious, therefore, Sulphur people worry with- out realizing it. ac. Sulphur increases: a. Sensitiveness b. Nerve, brain and liver heat c. Rouses the skin d. A dissatisfied mind ad. Sulphur creates alertness and activity in the emotions. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Roeine. 89 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NA TURE STUDIES^ effiCA- GC, ILLI NOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURS E-FOO DS & CHEMICA7£- SjajJECT^SULPHUR. .S*. FUNCTI ONS OF SULPHU R. IN TH E HUMAN O RGANIZATION: (Continued) ae. Sulphur people like cold water baths, (for the Oxygen), to cool the nerves and to overcome sluggishness, which accumu lates overnight. They desire and need abundant fresh air. af. Sulphur throws impurities to the surface, hence, Sulphur people do not contract diseases easily. ag. The joints of Sulphur people are nearly always weak. ah. Sulphur helps to construct protoplasm, promotes bile secre- tion, grows hair and nails. aJu Sulphur favors surface heat radiation. aj. Sulphur increases beauty of complexion. ak. Sulphur regulates nerve impulsion, transmission of tempera- ture. al. Sulphur is found in the life substance, in the neurolin, spinal fluid, brain oil. am. Sulphur favors soul tone. 4. CONSTITUTION S IN WHI CH SULPHUR IS INHERENTLY: a. Excessive: Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive . b. Deficient: Calciferic, Carboferic, Nitropheric, Pargenic; also Exesthesic, because of excessive Sulphur consumption. 5. SJMFrOMS_y/HEN SULPHUR IS EXCESSIVE: a. Sulphur excess makes the disposition volcanic, feelings moody, temperament spasmodic, desires paroxysmal. The person becomes similar to Sulphur - volcanic. Now she is well and happy, then feverish, morbid, ugly and excitable. Now life is a poetic dream; later the mental horizon darkens and nothing pleases her. Complaint, hopefulness, temper, love, fear, determination, peace, health, depression, joy, pessimism, optimism, planning, wishes, fright, courage, self-condemnation, distrust, pride, faith, carelessness, in- dependence, dependence, exclusiveness, charity, selfishness, economy, stinginess, liberality, serenity of mind, abuse, kindness, emotional excitement, sociability, geniality, ha- tred, cheerfulness, friendship, hostility, forgiveness, re- gret, doubt, trust and many other contradictory characteris- tics fuse, mingle, melt and separate in the laboratory of the soul, brain and bod}?- in such patients. b. They are born domestic actresses playing the leading roles in constantly changing dramas. From the gentleness of a lamb, or a loving cooing pigeon, they become angry spit- fires. 90 c The love of a man in whom Sulphur consumption is excessive is ardent, intense, romantic, even hyperesthetic , hut his love is changeable. To-day his sweetheart is a goddess, to-morrow he may not care for her, nor for marriage, home, friends , studies, nor even life itself. The Sulphur patient is sulky in the morning, but happier towards evening. d. The functions are torpid in the morning. The real day be- gins at about eleven o'clock with a Sulphur patient. Before that time she is only half awake, possibly angry, irritable and .hard to please. Emotional and complexional changes are peculiar to Sulphur .patients. They are fitful, capricious, acid, touchy, particular, fastidious and sometimes volcanic. e. They are subject to spasmodic moods. She changes quickly from gay to sad, from lively to indolent, from respose to im- pulse, from alacrity to lassitude. They have their spells of ill-humor, are cranky and repellant by turns, and easily throv/n into a nerve panic. Counting mania is a Sulphur symptom. Dry hair, trembling pu- pils, dependent pride and a Ferric taste in the mouth are pro- minent Sulphur symptoms. g- Excessive Sulphur consumption results in the generation of Hydrogen sulphid gas, which destroys the Iron in the red cor- puscles of the blood. The Iron in the hemoglobin of the blood is metamorphosed, and its ferric essence gives rise to this Iron taste in the mouth. h. The Sulphur patient longs for food rich in Sodium, chocolate, juicy food, tart beverages, sour cooling mucilagenous drinks, or tonics, greens, vegetables, strong tea.- They may even long for beer in hot sultry weather, or for vinegar, because of ferments and gas pressure. i. Eating alleviates her symptoms for the time being, but aggra- vates her ailments in a few hours. She may say that her head feels as if it had been lifted away. This is nothing but brain tension. j. She has a craze for frosty air, nightly room breezes, storm and elemental commotion. She is a fresh-air enthusiast. She wants the cold wind to play upon her face in her bed room. Intense cold has a pleasing effect upon her, k. The catamenial function is often spasmodic. She is very for- getful. She is, sometimes, as peevish as a petulant baby* A warm room smothers her. Decumbent bed positions irritate the sensory nerves in her. Procumbent bed positions are resting. Sitting results in tension and flatus. Talking weakens the brain, producing lassitude and provokes temper. Erect static positions urge the blood to the liver, spleen, heart, producing pain in those organs. Climbing results in dizziness. 1. Fresh, breezy air, or looking at cool, heaving billows, or seeing thunderbolts, or being out in the rain and storm, al- ways soothe her nerves and pacify her emotions. Copyright, 1921, b}r V. G. Rocine. 91 IN STITUTE OF H UMAN IIA TURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, SUBJECT-SULPHUR. 5, SYMPTOMS WHEN SULPHJR IS EXCESSIVE: (Continued) m. The Sulphur lady is a puzzle to doctors. She does things by fits and starts. She is unequable, spleeny, whimsical, captious, and fitful. Now she is well, and then she is sick. She is a good soul, but a freak to her husband. She dislikes cookery odors, fumes and heat. 5a , SYMPTOMS 'THEN SULP HUR IS DEFICIE NT: a. Pressure, tension, fitfulness, fussiness, impatience, weak ankles, late hours, prominent emotional irritability, fond- ness for change and variety, tendency to hysterial outbursts, volcanic outgushes of emotion with extreme impatience and touchiness. Intentions may be noble, but they are spasmo- dic. The disposition is affected. This affects accom- plishments. The finger muscles are jerky. b. The transmission of nerve impulse from the brain is fitful. The nerve pressure is increased, which affects the blood vessels. Dizziness, dislike for prolonged talking and rea- soning, weakness of the throat are Sulphur-hunger symptoms. The patient craves vigorous pressure or massage, but dis- likes gentle touches or massage movements. She may be am- bitious, but lacks in fortitude. Swallowing is difficult. Her pulse is short and quick. She sleeps late in the morn- ing and is up late at night. The appetite is poor in the morning. The skin pigment is similar to the color of Sul- phur. Her complexion changes many times during the day. c. Like Sulphur, she is sensitive to temperatural changes, or atmospheric gases and fumes. The epigastric region is sore. Gas generates in the alimentary tract, and red corpuscles are broken down in great numbers. She suffers from stuffi- ness, air hunger, acid formation, gas generation, lack of Magnesium and blood salts. d. The vocal organs are in a state of dryness, and her throat is filled with mucus. She feels faint and seeks a dark, quiet,, cool room. She feels stuffy in head, feet, liver and spleen. She gets out of breath easily in sultry places, or in warm rooms. e. She is peevish in disposition, fitful in moods, changeable in wishes. She is always tired in the morning. Her eye- lids are weak, so she can hardly open them in the morning. f. The nervous system, the sensory nerves, the portal system, the liver, the colon, the spleen and the virilia are usually the seat of trouble. g. Hydrogen sulphid is the main cause of her ailments for the following reasons: 1. Sulphur consumption is too great; 2. Sulphur is not normally assimilated; 3. Sulphur food is not properly combined in the diet with Magnesium, Sodium and Iron; 92 4. The alimentary canal, the tissues and the secre- tions are always in a state of acidity so that un- less antiacid food is combined with Sulphur food, food-containing Sulphur forms more acid and more gas; 5. Because of Sulphur acid and gas, and also because of lowered oxidation, destroyed blood salts and not enough Sodium supplied, the carbonic acid is not pro- perly excreted; 6. Irritability, emotionality, petulance, pains, discom- fort, so much Phosphorus is broken down in the brain that Phosphorus products become another source of acid- ity, destroying the Magnesium supply, leaving the eliminative avenues filled with waste matter in which germs and germ toxins thrive, only to aggravate her ailments still more. h. She suffers from anemic, anoxyeraic, hypoaloneraic states of the system. The menses are spasmodic, as are many of the physi- cal functions. i. She dislikes small towns, crude people, stingy men, literary platitudes. She needs intermissions of rest. j. She is an excellent judge of art and culture, refinement, clas- sics, beauty and platonization. - k. She is often cross in behaviour, touchy in disposition, cap- tious in moods, irritable in temper, freakish in wishes, fit- ful in love, often repellent to others in word and action, al- though she does not mean any harm. She is proud, yet sensi- tive. 1. The complexion may be pale pink, or delicately ruddy, because of capillary congestion and nerve irritation at the surface of the skin. m. Impetuosity is her greatest fault. Her mind acts faster than her tongue. Hence, when her tongue refuses to act as fast as her mind or emotions, it results in tongue panic, or hysteria. n. She is stubborn from sentiment, but not from reason. Kindness falls as softly on her nerves as oil and cotton around the heart. o. She has many wavering, moody, variable, fitful, haughty moods, but she is never fickle. she wants to be humored. She is gloomy moody, careless, tired, dull, gay, jealous, playful, quarrelsome, loving, sympathetic, restless, nervous, lonely, saa, timid, weary, faint, by turns. p. She dislikes foreigners and other races. She dislikes also long sermons. She has an instinctive fear of snakes and wars. q. She is a poor judge of motion, distance, time, balance, effi- ciency, real values, speed, momentum, mechanics, kinematics, psychics. ' ■ r. Direct questions irritate her. Her sense of balance is dis- turbed. h Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLIN OIS . 93 LESSON SHEET, COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-SULPHUR. 5a. SYMPTOMS WHEN SULPHUR IS DEF ICIENT: ( Cont inue d ) s. She worries much about her good looks. t. She is a patient for a high altitude, frosty air and mois- ture. She is a hypoaloneraic patient. u. It is Sulphur gas or Sulphur products that are at the foun- dation of all of those symptoms. They are Sulphur Symp- toms. She is not herself when Sulphur is very active in her. 6. HOW TO REDUCE SULPHUR IN THE BODY: a. Foods: b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: Omit foods rich in Sulphur. Live in a high altitude in the hills, where the air is fresh and the climate is cold and dry. Do not use the emotional mind or brain any more than necessary. In other words, avoid temper, passion, fretting, nervous- ness, irritability, and other unfavorable emotions, d. Physical Exercise: Spend much time in the cold, dry, fresh, open air. Take plenty of horseback ex- ercises, rowing exercises, and walking exercises. Take, in addition, very cold sponge or shower baths. Never take Tur- kish baths, or any other hot or warm baths, whether sick or well. 7. HO W TO INCREAS E^ SULPHUR IN THE BODY: a, Foods: Cooked b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise; Eat foods rich in raw Sulphur. Sulphur foods generate gas. Live in a low altitude where the atmos- phere is warm and stuffy. Use the emotional brain much. d. Physical Exercise: Stay indoors much, and be lazy. 8. PEOPLE ^V H^REQUIRE_SULPHL T R FOODS: a. In abundance: Phlegmatic people, stupid people, people who_ use their brain much, Exesthesic, Calciferic, Carboferic, Nitropheric, Atrophic, and Pargenic people. Exesthesic people require raw Sul- phur foods because of excessive Sulphur con- sumption. b. Very little : Healthy Exesthesic and healthy Nervi-Motive people; also Myogenic, Oxypheric, and Lipo— pheric people. 9. INFLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF SULPHU R FOODS ON: a. Health: It results in disease, b. Disposition: The disposition becomes spasmodic. 10 , INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMQWlTi OF SULPHUR FO ODS ON : a.. Health: Leads to disease, b. Disposition: The disposition becomes temperamental or emo- tional,, 94 11. DISEASE TENDENCIES OB' PEOP3 PT. IN UHOfrl SULPHUR IS IN EXCESS: "Fevers"~become intermittent; disposition varies, symptoms change, diagnosis becomes difficult; b. Sulphur acts on the cells, skin and sex life, but when eaten to excess, digestion is disturbed, assimilation suffers, Hy- drogen sulphid is generated, making short work of the red cor- puscles of the blood; c. It results in bloating, congestion, skin affections, acrid discharges, tension, constriction, rose rash, headache, psori- asis, burning in the soles of the feet, sudden prostration, spasmodic symptoms, hysteria, catamenial disorders, dizziness, drowsiness, muscular weakness, formation of tumors, auto- intoxication, de-oxidation. Hypoalonemia, hypoemia, pares- thesia, erotic habits, temper, boils, pustules; d. Fhenard says that: 1. 2. One' fifteen hundredths percent of Hydrogen sulphid in the air kills a bird; One eight hundredth percent of this gas in the atmos- phere is fatal to a dog; 2. One two hundred and fiftieth percent kills a horse; Phenard says 'that a man can withstand from one to three per- cent of this gas in the atmosphere for a brief time, but last- ly the man suffers from faintness, vertigo, trembling, con- vulsions, de-oxidation of the blood, because -- this gas unites with the Iron in the hemoglobin in the red corpuscles of the blood and destroys the power of the blood to carr3?- Oxygen. lady, when there is f , This is also the case with the Sulphur Sulphur gas generation, Sulphur acids, gases and products are dangerous to the blood, to the blood salts and to oxidation. 12 . CHEMICALS IN a. Eat; 'CODS THAT PEOPLE V/ITH EXCESS SULPHUR. SHOULD: raw ve- Magnesiura, Manganese, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, getable Sulphur. Inhale fresh air in abundance; live in a cold climate, high altitude, b. Avoid: Carbo-hydrates, cooked Sulphur foods, all gas-producing foods. 13 . VOC A TIONS FOR \7HI CH S ULPHUR PEDPLE ARE BEST ADAPT ED: a. Exesthesic people always pay more attention to dress, culture, dancing, appearance, art. b. They excell in: Academic arts Art Beauty culture Birds Calesthenics Child-training China painting Copying business Culture Decorative advertising Decoration, interior Demonstration work Drama Dress Elocution Fashion Fine fabrics, handling of Flowers Haberdashery Hair-dressing Copyright, 1921, bJrV. G, Rocine. 95 INSTITUTE OF HU MAN NATURE STUDIES, C HICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . S UBJECT-SULPHUR . 15. VOC ATION S FO R V/HICH SULPHUR FEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : (Continued) Hair goods & wigs Instruments, handling of Interpretation Jewelry business Landscape gardening Landscape photography Langus-ges Library science Literature Literature, progressive handling of Millinery Moving picture business Music, vocal Nurseries Osteopathy Painting Pictures Plants Printing, color School inspection Seminary training Society work Speaking Stage work Stationery Stenography Tapestry Window trimming Women's Welfare work 14 . HELPFUL HINT S: a. Sulphur acid and gas products lessen the blood salts and re- duce oxidation. A blood test does not reveal the trouble, for even if the number of the red corpuscles is up to the normal, the condition of the hemoglobin is such that the red corpuscles cannot carry Iron - not even when the Iron is present in the hemoglobin, nor when the hemoglobin is up to normal. This is the reason why every Sulphur patient is more or less anoxyemic, and this is also the reason why the Sulphur lady is a fresh air maniac. b. Under the influence of Sulphuric acid the tissues suffer, especially the mucous membranes. It neutralizes the alka- li, abstracts wat^r and precipitates albumin. It burns the stomach, the throat, and produces intense thirst. It leads to collapse and suffocation. c. Sulphuric acid is known by the black stain which it produces on lemons. It overcomes the alkalinity of the blood, mak- ing the secretions and the system acid, and interfering with the removal of carbonic oxide from the tissues. d. In carnivorous animals, in meat eaters, Sulphuric acid pro- duces ammonia in the tissues and fluids, thus protecting the blood salts. e. Food preparations that are treated with various kinds of Sulphuric acid or Sulphur preparations, and eaten, lead to doctor bills, operations, sickness, loss in efficiency and a great deal of suffering. Never eat Sulphur- treated foods. f . Sulphur is cumulative. It is retained from day to day un- til auto-intoxication, in all its forms, develops. A diet that is rich in raw Sulphur should be supplied when the 96 * 5 • WHEN. A SUD FHUR DIET IS NEEDED : 1. When patients are gloomy in the morning; 2. When they are peevish and irritated by trifles; 3. When penitent after outbursts of temper or displeasure; 4. When the skin is dry, soft, velvety and Sulphur-like in pigment, yet anemic; 5. When there is a tendency to numbness and stuffiness and suffocation; 6. When there is a great appetite for sensationalism; 7. When idealism is morbid; 8. When patients retire late and arise late; 9. When the appetite is poor in the morning until nearly noon; 10. When love is morbid or perverted; 11. When there is a great fondness for travel, or pleasure in the hills or woods, stormy water scenery, storms, cold showers; 12. When there is a. dryness in the tissues, canal walls or elim- inative avenues, capillaries, glands, eyelids, liver, kid- neys, colon, veins, heart, cerebellum and heart walls; 13. When there is a tendency to sexual perversion; 14. When there is a great pain during catamenia, but not before nor after; 15. When there is a. strong dislike for cookery odors, fumes, smoke, cr staying in the kitchen; 16. When moods, wishes, plans, love, fears, will, physical func- tions, heart, digestion, liver, spleen, eyes, bladder, kid- neys, voice, are spasmodic; 17- When there is great irritation and outbursts of temper, which outgushes are nothing but harmless mental pyrotechnics; 18. When the mind acts faster than the tongue and there is a ten- dency to hysterical outbursts, screaming, crying, complain- ing; 19. When there is a great demand for intermissions of rest, air motion, pleasure, during working hours, indicating that the functions are spasmodic; 20. When sentimental stubbornness prevails over rules, • regula- tions, laws, duty, discipline, reason and love; 21. When there is a strong acid Sulphur odor to the perspira- tion, secretions, expectoration, or in the body or in the breath, or in discharges, or pustules or eruptions; 22. When discharges are corrosive and likely to produce brown or yellow-brown, or dark yellow stains on the linen; 23. When there is tender stubbornness one minute, and penitence the next; 24. When there is a rush of blood to the emotional areas of the brain: 25. When the hair falls or is dry and the scalp itches in sultry weather, in heat, or in the evening; 26. When there is a granulation in the eyelids, irritation of the eyes; 27. When the nose tip is red and shin3^; 28. When there is dryness, with swelling of some parts of the bo- dy such as the skin, gums, eyelids, inner throat, liver, spleen, uterus, accompanied with pulsations in that dry, anemic part; 29. "When the saliva is fetid, the throat is burning, and there is a partial closure of the respiratory tract, producing dis- tress, redness with inflammation of the face, accompanied with great irritation and a tendency to hysteria; Copyright, 1921 7 by V. G. Rocine. INSTITUTE, OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO , ILLINOIS. 97 LESSON_SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-SULPHUR, is a continual trouble with the throat, stomach acid, resulting in gas genera tion y with 15 . WHEN A SULPHUR DIET IS NEEDED: ( C ont inued ) 30. When the patient appears healthy, rosy— skinned, and yet she is miserable, full of pain, congested, plethoric, or full of tough mucus; \7hen food aggravates before 11 A.M. When the patient is sleepy, dull, torpid, in the morning, inclined to sleep late, or if the patient does rise early she is morose, miserable, fussy, angry, dull, torpid, hard to please; When the urine is fetid and green; When there is a burning sensation in the membranes; When there is an almost maniacal desire for open doors and windows; When there and colon; When the stomach is fitful indigestion; When the patient craves very cold water over the feet, and perhaps throws off the covers from the feet at night; When motion, walking, working, severe emotion, excitement, produce a flow of blood to the neck and back, resulting in stiff nerves in those parts; When there is a tendency to read sensational, trashy news; When the patient quarrels quickly, and lastly cries and pie ads ; When a patient changes her furniture often; When a milk diet gives rise to nausea, acidity and eructa- tions with tension in the abdominal muscles; When the patient feels that she must absolutely eat or col- lapse, and she feels worse about an hour after eating; When chills travel upwardly; when pains travel downwardly; When there is an internal pressure in the direction of the body surface; When the feet burn, the nerves are irritable; \7hen very strong light irritates; When the patient feels neglected by husband, wife or others; When mental states vary like April weather; When ailments, symptoms and diseases are hard to understand; When S3 r mptoms change; When there is a. great dislike for strangers, foreigners, heat, sultry weather, noise, vibration, disturbances, car motion, balance, gravity; 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. When there is a sense of great weariness, weakness, and lassitude, compelling the patient to lie down often; When the patient misplaces* things and cannot find them; When there is an indifference about the condition of other people; When there is a tingling, chiming, humming, or wabbling noise in the ears; When there is a numbness and pain from vibratory motion on cars, trains or otherwise; When the heart palpitates when a patient climbs a hill, or walks up a stairway, because of greater demand for Oxygen; When there is a dropsical tendency with cold in the knees; When there is a nightly nervous perspiration on the chest; 98 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. When the doctor thinks that the sickness of the patient is nothing but products of imagination; When the patient makes noble resolutions but violates her own resolutions as fast as she makes them; When odors and noise make her sick, fumes make her suffocate; When moisture soothes and rush confuses; When the patient retires in a cool dark room, bundles up her body, applies cold applications to her face and neck and hot applications to the stomach; AT ALL SUCH TIMES A DIET RICH IN FOOD SULPHUR IS NEEDED. 16. PRINCIPAL SULPHUR FOODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED): a, Horseradish is too stimulating to the vital organs, skin func- tion, and to the brain. It acts as a fire, and leads to tem- per, bad habits, profanity, and ugly deeds. Hence, horsera- dish should be consumed sparingly, except by stupid and feeble' minded people. Mineral Sulphur is very high in Ash Content, but contains no Vitamines, and should never be consumed as a drug, or as a food preservative, because it is harmful to the liver, and .to a great many othe r vital functions. c, BEST SULPHUR ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO FOODS CONTENT .77 SULPHUR 15.30 VITAMINES No EAT Cabbage, red Raw Carrots 1.60 11.13 Yes Raw Chestnuts 1.55 11.94 Yes Raw C oc oanut 1.00 5.09 Yes Raw Figs, dried 2 .86 6.75 Yes Raw Milk, Human .45 5.95 Yes Raw Nuts, Almond 2.30 4.61 Yes Raw Oranges .80 5.80 In seeds Raw Spinach 2.10 6.90 No Cooked 3 min. d. SECOND BEST SULPHUR FOODS 9.11 No Raw Cabbage, white 1.11 Cauliflower .83 13.00 No Cooked Egg Yolk 1.90 .30 Yes Raw Onions .70 5.68 Yes Raw Parsnips 1.60 .20 Killed Cooked Peaches ..30 5.70 In stones Raw Radishes .74 6.50 Yes Raw Rapo .14 1.15 In seeds Raw or cooked Rutabagas .11 .10 Killed Cooked e. THIRD BEST SULPHUR FOODS Apples .50 6.10 In seeds Baked Asparagus .54 6.20 Killed Cooked Brassica Napus -90 .40 No Raw or cooked Cherries, light .90 5.11 In seeds Raw Cucumbers .44 6.99 In seeds Raw Gooseberries .40 5.90 Yes Raw Grapes .50 5.60 In seeds Raw Horseradish 1.50 30.80 Yes Raw Potat oe s ( Gree ley) 1.00 6.59 Killed Baked j Shrimp 1.60 High Killed Boiled ! Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 99 INST ITUTE OF HUMAN N ATURE, STUDIES, CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & C HEMICALS . SUB J ECT-MA GNESI UM . 1. MA GNESIUM IN THE MIN ER AL AND VEGETABLE KI NGDOMS: a. Magnesium is one of the metals of the alkaline earths, wide- ly distributed in organic matter. It is also a constituent of animal and vegetable tissue. Magnesium is found in many rocks, such as soapstone, talc, dolomite, augite, and others. The bitter taste in sea water and in certain mineral waters, is due to the salts of Magnesium. b. Dolomite is composed of Magnesium carbonate, Calcium carbo- nate, and of these compounds a hydraulic cement is made that hardens and sets under water, 2. MAGNESIUM , ITS NATURE AND C HARACTERISTICS : a. The fusing point of Magnesium is 446 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a gray-white metal having a silvery lustre, and is malle- able, ductile. b. It is light in weight, alkaline, flexible, conferring these same qualities to- human tissue, thus making the tissue al- kaline, supple, elastic and pliable. It produces elastic- ity and leanness to vegetables and to tissues. c. It is a white, earthy, insoluble, absorbant, anti-acid, mild- ly cathartic, tasteless powder, occurring in nature, but usually prepared artificially ► d. When Magnesium combines with Oxygen it becomes Magnesia. Magnesia is a Magnesium oxide. Kydrated carbonate is call- ed Magnesia alba; which is used considerably in medicine. Magnesium is the metallic base of Magnesia. e. In taste, Magnesium is tart or pungent. 3. FUNCTIONS OR MAGNESIUM IN THE HUM AN ORGANIZATION: a. It is Magnesium that produces that pungent bitterness which is peculiar to Epsom salts, and it is the combined action of Magnesium and Sulphur that gives the laxative and purga- tive properties to Epsom salts. In whatever food Magnesium is present, that food becomes a laxative to the bowels. Magnesium is found in abundance in certain natural mineral waters, such as - Pullna, Rubinat, Carlsbad, Friedrickshall, Hunyadi Janos. Such waters are highly laxative and purga- tive, if taken in great quantities. These waters are very often highly unfavorable to many different kinds of patients. It is much better for patients to fall back upon laxative Magnesium-containing foods in times of costive habits, than to fall back upon mineral waters. b. Normally $here is about three ounces of Magnesium, or a lit- tle more, entering the body tissues, but Magnesium is used functionally from birth to death by every man. Bodily function cannot be maintained very long without this alka- line, laxative, flexibility— producing and nerve— calming element. 100 e. Magnesium makes the body fluids more alkaline, and also the tissues, tendons, muscles, nerves, more elastic. It produces flexibility to limbs and joints. It has a pleasing affect upon the bowels. It acts upon glands, serous and mucous mem- branes, on the trophic nerves, nerves of excretion and elimi- nation, upon the generative function, upon the processes of life in general. d. Magnesium food is purifying, cool, alkaline, laxative, nerve- calming and sleep— producing. It is not sleep-producing be- cause of anaesthetic properties, but because it counteracts body gases, toxins and acids, and auto— intoxication products. It is purifying to the intestines. e. In case of poison from aluminum, barium, ferrous sulphate, Phosphorus, muriatic acid, antimony, chlorid, all sorts of Magnesium foods^ and even Magnesium drugs, are highly recom— mendable. They are equally essential in cases of ptomaine poisoning. Magnesium foods prevent phosphatic deposits from forming in joints and solid structures, which otherwise would possibly result in gout, arthritis, bone ailments; especially when uric acid and urea are present in tissues and fluids, and when the eliminative avenues are partly closed up, obstructed, or slow. f . Magnesium promotes brain action, indirectly, by neutralizing Phosphorous products generated by strenuous brain action - excessive Phosphorus consumption. It has a cooling effect upon the nervous system and brain. It prevents sleeplessness because it prevents noxious acids, gases, and toxins from tak- ing effect upon the body. A Magnesium diet is preferrable to opiates. g. Magnesium is a sedative to the nerves. It helps in filtra- tion, osmosis, most of the eliminative functions. It pre- vents congestion and hardening processes from taking place. It increases magnetization, alkalization, as well as electri- fication, which takes place in the muscles. h. Magnesium acts favorably upon highly sensitive, sympathetic, yet excitable natures, upon highly sentimental, high tempered people, upon erratic natures, upon highly pathetic and roman- tic ladies, upon all people in whom motor impulsions, brain ganglia, nerve nets, and sensory nerves are excessively ac- tive, hot, irritated and inflamed, or in whom the whole neurol machinery acts under high nerve tension. One of its greatest spheres is its sphere of counteracting broken down Phosphor- ous products. i. Magnesium phosphate, together with Calcium phosphate, is found in a small quantity in almost all tissues. Magnesium carbo- nate is found in small traces in the blood. Magnesium acts favorably upon the algesic function, upon eliminative avenues, organs and functions, upon certain acids, toxins, germs and gases, but not upon all. j. Magnesium helps to construct the white fibres of the muscles and of the nerves, which is an important functional sphere of Magnesium. Magnesium uses- water and albumin, from which it Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 101 INST ITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESS ON SHEET, COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUB J E CT-MiAGNESI UM . 3. FUNCTIONS OF MAGNESIUM IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZ ATION: (Continued) helps to form a transparent fluid for the construction of the white muscular and nerve fibres, k. Magnesia is converted by the acids in the stomach into solu- ble salts, which salts are highly laxative. Magnesia is an antidote to arsenical poisoning. Magnesium carbonate stirs up the abdominal contents, resulting in gas generation and consequent disagreeable eructations v/hen the stomach is acid, but removes indigestible products from the stomach and the intestines, being, therefore, a valuable vehicle to carry out auto—intoxication products caused by wrong diet in times of a very acid stomach. 1. Magnesium, like Chlorin, is a cleansing, laxative, germici- dal element, only in a different capacity . It is cooling to the nerves and nerve nets, sensitive linings in cells, and to the algesic functions in the cerebrum. m. Magnesium foods should be liberally eaten by all people who are highly impulsive, excitable, nervous, emotional, sensi- tive, and hyperesthetic. n. Magnesium food relaxes the brain, promotes sleep, cools the liver, assuages fevers, calms nerve ends and nerve nets, stops a certain kind of heat, soothes the generative system, stops contraction in motor nerves, relieves neurotic cramps, reduces temper, relieves pain in perineural, periosteal structures, or in linings containing fine nerves capable of intense pain sensations, mainly by neutralizing certain acids, destroying germ life, and rushing corruptive matter out of the system. o. Magnesium food is important when the nerve and brain oil has dried up by seances, by excessive passion, by hypnotism, by exhausting healing practices, by overwork of the brain, by hypnotic trances, instituted by poisonous snakes, or other- wise, leaving nerve and brain matter hot, dry and irritated. p. It is important when the mind wanders, or when the patient indulges in excesses, or when he is clairvoyant, or when he is possessed by irrational moods. q. It is important for neural and cerebral functioning, not di- rectly but indirectly. An intense nervous system, keen al- gesic functions, great Phosphorus and Sulphur consumption, resulting in Phosphorous and Sulphurous products, require Magnesium food. It makes the tissues flexible, supple, al- kaline, the disposition quiet, the mind serene, the temper, placid, the nerves restful, the deportment sedate, principal- ly by its laxative, eliminative, neutralizing and germici- dal properties. r. Magnesium is the most relaxing and cooling of all chemical elements. 102 s. Too much Magnesium relaxes and makes sluggish the brain and body, and irritates the mucous membrane and deranges the sex functions. t. Magnesium is required as follows: 1. For elimination 2. For bodily sanitation 3. To clear up pale, muddy complexion 4. To make brain more active 5. To prevent tumors on brain 6. To furnish fibre for the brain 4. CONSTIT UTIONS IN WHICH MAGNE SIUM IS INH E REN TLY: a. Excessive: None. b. Deficient: Almost all Constitutions, but especially, Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive , Neurogenic, Pathetic, Desmogenic, Ma~ rasmic, Calciferic, Isogenic, Sillevitic, Carboferic, Oxypheric, Atrophic, Medeic and Fargenic; in fact, all Constitutions where there is a great deal of excitement and brain activity. 5. SYMPTOMS . W HEN MAGNESIUM IS EXCES SIVE: a. If Magnesium be excessively introduced in drug form, or per- haps even in food form, it takes the vim out of nerve matter, producing semi— anaesthetic states of the nervous system, re- sulting as follows: 1. Impairs the brain; 2. Oppresses the mind; 3. Hebetates the centres; 4. Deadens the nerves and perception,, and results in weak- mindedness; 5. Results in great drowziness in working hours, and terrifying dreams ; 6. Affects the brain areas of fear and prevision; 7. Blunts the perception of quantity, place, duration, distance and time; 8. Power of recognition and identification of people and objects is partially lost; 9. Lack of judgment and perception of the objective world, or of place, duration, distance, time, quantity, form, shape and constituency; 10. The place perception is unreliable, as are most all percep- tive brain compartments; 11. Life is like a lethargic dream; 12. Abhors teasing; 13. Makes foolish answers, and is not conscious of his own answers and deeds, nor of the answers and deeds of other people; 14. Is not interested in life and business; 15. He cautions the people in regard to future evils; 16.. He imagines that fate is against him; 17. He has delusions in regard to defunct people, dead animals, blood; 18. He has day visions accompanied by horrible fears; 19. The nerves in the small intestines, and the nerves in the en- tire alimentary tract, are unfavorably affected; 20. Phosphorus and Sulphur products are not eliminated, or possi- bly Magnesium has a bad effect upon the Sulphur and Phosphor- us elements. , Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 103 INSTITUTE OF HUT-IAN NATURE STUD IES, CHICA GO , IL LINOIS „ LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS- SUB J EC T-MAG NES I UM , 5 - SYMP TOMS V/HEN MAG NESIU M IS EXCESSIVE: (Continued) 21. He complains of pressure over the orbits of the eyes; 22. He cannot study in the evening; 23. He retires early and cannot keep awake anywhere where the people gather; 24. He becomes sleepy as soon as the sun passes the meridian; 25. He falls asleep over his work; 26. He suffers from feverish appetite and capricion, acting by spells; 27. He has periods of gluttony and periods of food aversion; 28. Brain work aggravates his ailment; 29. He is discontented with life; 30. He is drowzy in the afternoons, after sundown, in the morn- ing, and after vigorous brain action; 31. Concentration is impossible; 32. He is restless at night, not in nerve but in muscle; 33. He wakes up and falls asleep again and again; 34. His urinary system is exceedingly active during sleep, but urination is difficult; 35. Fublic opinion does not bother him, but teasing embitters him. 36. The communication fibres of the brain, the white muscular fibres, are disturbed; 37. Most of the functions are stupefied; 5a>SYMPT0MS V/HEN MAGNESIUM IS DEF ICIE NT: 1. The nervous system is in a state of dynamic intensity; 2. The patient is very restless, full of work and industrial solicitude; 3. He is too energetic and likely to see possibilities in every enterprise; 4. Exhaustion in physical and mental activities, cerebral neu- rasthenia, perhaps cerebellar exhaustion; 5. Nervous system and brain are in a state of nervous hyper- tension; 6. Headache during rush; 7. Near-sightedness-,- mentally rather than optically, and an optician cannot do anything for her; 8. She forget-s details about books, accounts and notes; 9. Horseback riding helps her; 10. Frightful thunderstorms, the rush of water, the cry of a baby, are soothing to her; 11. .She says she feels as though her skull were broken, and that her head is as sore on top as a decayed tooth; 12. She is subject to hemorrhages and freckles even in the winter; 13. Red color sends a pain into her eyes; 14. Dark blue colors depress her mind; 15. White has a soothing affect upon her eyes and nerves; 16. Her skin is exceedingly sensitive; 17. Her skin is like a live wire, and she seems to breathe with her skin; 18. She cannot wear woolen or heavy goods, or she smothers, even in cold wea.ther; 104 19. Her head gets so hot she sometimes cuts her hair off, or ducks her head into cold water; 20. Her scalp and skin are gritty; 21. If she goes near a. radiator, or a dynamo, or touches anything that is artificially heated, she feels worse; 22. Tobacco odors make her sick; 23. She feels as though something terrible, harmful, or fatal is going to happen; 24. She is sensitive to electrical currents and batteries; 25. Her teeth attract the telephone current; 26. If she goes around a live battery, she suffers from toothache and tumors form under the teeth; 27. She is sensitive to weather changes; 28. Her tissues and blood become acid during a storm; 29. She says that the mental machinery is so tight that the wheels cannot move; 30. As the evening approaches she becomes thirsty and she craves acid foods and drinks; 31. Nerve and brain matter is dry in the Magnesium— hunger patient; 32. The Magnesium-hunger patient may suddenly leave the dinner table because of nauseation and vomit; 33. Her shoulder muscles are charged with blood so that they be- come stiff; 34. She is nervous and neuralgic; 35. Vibratory motion of trains, cars, vehicles produces an accu- mulation of blood in the base of the brain; 36. She gets excited and loses her temper; 37. Thoughts vanish, intentions evanesce, wishes and desires are spasmodic, love is capricious, purposes are impermanent, ha- bits are wavering, appetite is fitful, the mind is notional, the disposition is unstable, character mutable, conduct fick- le, resolutions freakish, attention volatile, inclinations inconstant, thoughts fanciful, sentiments captious, feelings whimsical, nerve transition fitful; 38. She is fearful, fastidious, offended at trifles, premonitory, . presageful, full of wants, but she does not know what those wants are; 39. She may take a. notion to eat clay; 40. She is angry in suddenly appearing and disappearing turns, with brief interlapses of devotion, gratitude and ardent love « then profuse flow of burning tears; 41. She complains of an earthy taste in the mouth; 42. She stumbles and falls easily; 43. A very remarkable Magnesium-hunger symptom is that a great pressure to the painful nerves eases the pain, and quiets the algesic centres in the brain, perhaps 6tops the pain sensation entirely for some time, even when morphine fails; HO W TO REDUCE MAGNESIU M IN THE JBODY : a. Foods: Omit foods and drugs rich in Magnesium. No food chemicals counteract Magnesium in the body except albumin, and albumin can- not be utilized except by physical laborers. No special affect. A hot, dry climate may possibly reduce excess of Magnesium. Use the intellect and the emotions very actively, especially the emotions. d. Physical Exercise: No special affect. b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine, 105 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-MAGNESIUM, 7. HOW TO INCREASE MAGNESIUM IN THE BODY : a. Foods: Eat Magnesium-containing foods. Omit high albuminous foods. Live in a cool, soothing, ozonic climate in the hills at a medium altitude. Stop using the intellect and the emotion- al mind, especially the emotions and the passions. Physical Exercise: No special affect, except perhaps easy exercises. b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: 8. PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE MAGNESIUM FOODS: a. In abundance b. Very little: All Constitutions, especially all excitable people, hot— headed people, high strung people, nervous and emotional people, all hard brain workers, all intense temperaments. Nitropheric people, also easy-going Isogenic people who are very dark in complexion. INFLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF MAGNESIUM FOODS ON : a. Health: Irritation of the mucous membranes, derange- ment of metabolism, disturbance of menstruation, colic, spasmodic functions. It is almost im- possible to eat Magnesium food to excess except when Magnesium food is selected and eaten in combination with foods rich in no other chemicals. b. Disposition: Drowzy, dreamy, lethargic, listless, enertia, ill-humored.. 10 ^ INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF MAGNESIUM FOODS ON : a. Health: It results in ill health. b. Disposition: The disposition becomes fussy, nervous, irri- tated, nerve centers erratic, nerves irritated, the emotions hyperesthetic, the alimentary tract full of disease germs, linings become in- flamed, angry pimples appear, the urine becomes hot, red, turbid, smoky, and loaded with Phos- phorus; it results in darting pains, colic, membranous contraction, neurotic cramps, psycho- neurotic ailments, hysterical, sensational, neuro-dynamic impressions, irrational actions, carbonic or acid nerved, pericranial pains, and also mental disorders, such as Dementia, or Paranoia, caused by defective communication in the white fibres in the brain. 106 11 . DISEASE TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM MAGNESIUM IS IN EXCESS : "TT~Nerve matter becomes unsettled almost to the point of nerve block, because the white nerve fibres are not able to trans- mit mental, motor and sensory dictates, impulsions and sen- sations; 2. The white brain matter becomes pulpy, gluey, leaving the pa- tient in a weak-minded condition with many delusions, result- ing in Paranoia; 3. It may develop into atrophy of the brain, shrinking of the cerebral meninges, loss of perception, reason, sequence of expression, self direction and control; 4. It may result in hypertrophy, intestinal adhesions, the gen- eration of gas, resulting in disagreeable eructations; 5» The entire alimentary tract may become irritated, gluey and pulpy, resulting in abdominal obesity and later on, great emaciation; 6. Fluids may be abstracted from the tissues and blood, resulting in the drinking of fluids to excess, and in the rushing of vital nutrition through the intestines; 7. It results in weakness of the alimentary tract, muscular re- laxation, drowziness of function, sluggishness in the cell activity; 8. It may irritate and deaden the catamenic function; 9. It may result in mind paralysis, nauseation, beer drinking to •excess, alcoholic hypertrophy, disturbance of brain function, and even Dementia; 12 . CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH EXCESS MAGNESIUM SHOULD : a. Eat: Any kind of food that has a constipating, overheating affect, b. Avoid: Foods containing Magnesium and also drugs containing Magnesium. 15- VOCATIONS, FOR WHICH MAGNESIUM PEOPLE AEE BEST ADAPTED : a. As Magnesium has no Constitution that we know of, Magnesium itself has no particular influence upon the various occupa- tions, or upon the talent and skill of the patient, except that Magnesium always produces greater elasticity and pliabil- ity, and therefore, greater manual skill, as well as more ra- pid communication in the brain fibres. 14. HELPFUL HINTS : a. Epsom salts is another name for Magnesium sulphate. This salt has a powerful effect upon auto-intoxication products, accumulated in the intestines; b. Increasing the puridity in the intestines, by attracting fluids from the intestinal structures and contents, and by rushing fluids, germs, auto-intoxication products and excreta and all out of the intestines. Perhaps no other salts have a more beneficial affect upon the colon if used in a warm water ene- ma injected into the colon for purposes of colon irrigation, if people will eat such foods that are rich in- Magnesium they do not need to take Epsom salts, nor Citrate of Magnesia. Copyright, 1921, by V. G, Rocine. 107 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NA TURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-MAGNESIUM. 14. HE LPFUL HINTS : (Continued) c. Citrate of Magnesia, if drunk to excess at a time when the alimentar^r tract is not in an acid condition, is very like- ly to coat the entire alimentary tract with an earthy coat- ing, but if the alimentary tract is in an acid condition, it has no such effect, d. Excess of Magnesium results in deficient communication of cerebral impulses. e. Patients who are obese become more obese under the influ- ence of Magnesium foods and drugs, and patients who are lean become more lean under the influence of an excess of Mag- nesium foods and drinks. f . People who drink beer or liquor to excess always suffer from alcoholic hypertrophy, and from intestinal adhesions. g. Vibratory motion of trains produces neuralgia, nerve tremb- ling, toothache and other pains in a. Magnesium— hunger pa- tient. Tempera. tural changes, great excitement, outbursts of temper, gases in the atmosphere or in the room, smokes, fumes, drafts, great artificial room heat, always end up in severe neuralgia. The whole nervous system is in a. state of hyper— nervous tension. Walking results in weakness and pe^in in the back. When the patient is jarred or lies in one position, or stretches, or bends down to lift something heavy, the nerves and the nerve nets in the viscera are irritated. h. Magnesium-hunger is closely related to the birth of vicious, high-tempered, defective children, with greater tendency to neurotic and psychotic habits. 15 .WHEN_ A MAGNESIUM DIET IS NEEDE D: 1. When the intestinal tract is inflated by an army of certain bacteria, and accumulated waste matter; 2. When catarrhal discharges are tenacious; 3. When the bowel contents have a sour odor; 4. When the complexion is pale, muddy and sickly; 5. When the patient is emaciated; 6. When the blood has become acid; 7. When jaundice weakens the ambitious brain worker; 8. When children suffer during dentition; 9. When habits are costive; 10. When phosphatic products and body gases, block the intes- tines and form gas pockets; 11. When sleeplessness is caused by certain bacterial toxins at work in the intestinal tract; 12. When young girls suffer from fainting, nervous ailments a.nd headaches; 108 are acrid; brain are in a feverish condition; are erratic in times of great mental labor, grief; is alternating; 15. When ladies faint in cars, trains, or public places, or ere subject to emotional brain storms; 14. When boys suffer from Saint Vitus Dance, or dysentary, espe- cially during the sultry months of July and Augusx; 15. When heat plays havoc with nerve and brain matter; 16. When Phosphorotis products are liberated in great quantities; 17. When the blood becomes over-heated so that the myolin cells and brain matter becomes over-heated and perhaps partially melted, resulting in heat-stroke or sun-stroke; 18. When there is a tendency to peritonitis, intestinal stasis, cholera; 19. When secretions 20. When nerves and 21. When the nerves passion, fear, 22. When toothache 23. When there is a craving for earthly, metallic substances; 24. When there is an earthy taste in the throat; 25. When the neck and also the shoulder muscles a.che; 26. When people become over— excited, and need rest and recupera- tion; 27. When they forget details about the house, books, systems, or- ders, notes, music; 28. When expectoration is yellow; 29. When the catamenia is late, with a scanty flow, accompanied by sore throat, backache, chills, weakness, and coryza; 30. Wnen pains are relieved by pressure; 31. When the white of the eye is yellow; 32. When there is a tendency to hardening of the liver; 33. When there is weakness in the abdominal muscles; 34. When there is a grea.t tendency to infection, sensitiveness to heat, currents, batteries, electrical aparatti, heaters, rr.s- tals, artificial heat, seances, hypnotic snakes, animals and people, or to the electrical tension in the atmosphere; 35. When gas generation occurs mostly in the evening; 36. When there are swimming sensations in the head; 37. When there are aching sensations all over; 33. Wnen the perspiration is oily; 39. When the patient goes to sleep over his work, or when he has visions before failing asleep; 40. When he is exceedingly sensitive to conduction; 41. YZhen there is intolerance to dress pressure; 42. When his sense of prevision is very keen; 43. When there is a change in the pigment from red to pale and to earthy by turns; 44. When the fingers and eyes are restless; 45. When there is great distress from ordinary summer heat; 46. When there is a great sudden pressure upon the blood upon arising from the bed; . 47. When there are burning vesicles in the mouth; 48. When there is tendency to vomiting at meals, or upon riding on cars or trains; Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 109 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET , COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUBJECT-MAGNESIUM , 15. WHEN A MAGNESIUM DIET IS NEEDED : (Continued) 49. When the patient feels chilly after retiring into a warm bed or into a warm room; 50. When the patient seeras to fall, or feels like falling when he is standing still; 51. When creepy feelings or tired feelings creep over the pa- tient when he is sitting still; 52. When symptoms and ailments are aggravated at night; 53. When symptoms and ailments, or pain sensations, reach a climax about every six weeks; 54. When there is a strong desire for strong coffee, motion, pleasing work, exercise, breezy air pressure, cold sponge baths, ducking the head into cold water, or imbedding the head into cool moist clay, or a liking for severe thunder- storms, or fondness for running water, or when the cry of babies, bright surroundings, light colors, or perhaps mag- netic massage, have a pleasing affect upon the patient; 55. When strong pressure has a soothing, resting, relieving af- fect upon the patient; 56. When there is intolerance for woolen goods, fur or heavy fabrics; 57. When there is a strong desire for tart fruits or foods; 58. When there is a necessity for the patient to get into ac- tion in order to feel better; 59. When there is a tendency to diarrhea in the fall and spring; 60. When the neck and jaw muscles are jerky; 61. When the pain is relieved by walking in the fresh air; 62. When there is a great tendency to neuralgia; 63. When the baby clinches his fist when he breathes, and pushes his fist forwardly and upwardly, or perhaps inserts his entire fist into the mouth; 64. When a patient must protect himself against batteries; 65. When there is a tendency to frequent urination with a burn- ing sensation after urination; 66. When the urine has a yellow paleness, and there is indic&n in the urine; 67. When a patient faints after he eats because of gas pressure in the stomach; 68. When the thumb feels weak and numb; 69. When the patient sleeps with his eyes half open, and there are jerky movements in his muscles; AT ALL SUCH TIMES A HIGH MAGNESIUM' DIET IS IMPERATIVE. 1X0 16 . P RINCIPAL MAGNES IUM FOODS (ALPHABET I CALLY ARRAN GED) : a. Do not use Mineral water or Sea Water, as the Magnesium there- in is unorganized; hence, is harmful. b. Eat these foods without sugar, as sugar develops acid and gas. c. Nuts should not be eaten by themselves, but should be ground and sprinkled on other foods and eaten at meals. d. f. BEST MAGNESIUM ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO FOODS CONTENT MAGNESIUM VITAMINES EAT Cheese, Goat , s whey Very high 2.48 Killed Raw Citric fruits Vary Vary In seeds Raw Cocoanut 1.00 9.40 Yes Raw Egg Yolk 1.90 1.10 Yes Raw Figs 2.66 9.21 Yes Raw German Prunes 0.66 5.50 In stones Raw Grapefruit Low Very high In seeds Raw Milk, Goat's 1.74 2.48 Yes Raw Nuts: Almonds 3.10 17.66 Yes Raw & Salted Beechnuts 3.86 14.15 Yes Raw Chestnuts 3.00 7.47 Yes Raw Walnuts 2.03 13.00 Yes Raw Orange s 0.80 5.90 In seeds Raw Rye 1.81 * 11.22 Killed Cooked or baked Spinach 2.10 6,40 Killed Cooked 3 rain. SECOND BEST MAGNESIUM FOODS 12.50 Killed) Cooked or Barley 2,70 Beans 3*26 7.15 Killed) baked Cherries 0.90 4.90 In seeds Raw Corn 1.51 15.50 Killed Cooked or baked Fish: Smelts ) Sole ) 1.60 3.90 No Broiled Whiting ) Gooseberries 0.40 5.85 In seeds Raw Meat: Frog legs )1,10 3.21 Killed Broiled Shoulder of la mb) Tender chicken ) Oats 3.02 7.10 Killed Cooked or baked Peaches 0.30 5.20 In stones Raw or cooked Pea.s 2.58 8,00 Killed Cooked Prunes 0.78 4.98 In stones Raw or cooked Shredded Wheat Biscuit Wheat: 1.65 11.30 Perhaps As Mnfg'd. Flour 0.70 9.10 Killed) Cooked or Whole 2.. 00 12.10 Killed) baked THIRD BEST MAGNESIUM FOODS 8.75 In seeds Raw or baked Apples 0.50 Grapes 0.50 4.20 In seeds Raw with seeds Rice Flour 8,90 7,90 ; Killed Sooked or baked Copyright, 1921, by V, G-. Rocine. Ill INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO,. ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJ ECT-PHOSPHORU S . 1 • PHOSPHORUS IN THE MINERAL AND VEGET ABLE KIN GDOMS. a. Phosphorus is widely distributed in some rocks, in fertile soil, in animal and vegetable tissues, in gualo. Phosphates perform an important nf unction in mineral and plant growth. The most important Phosphates are Calcium phosphate, Sodium phosphate, and phosphate of Magnesia. Phosphatic manures are used much to replenish soils, and consist of bone phos- phate mixed with other phosphates. Metallic Phosphorus compounds are often called phosphides. b. A species of calcareous earth or phosphate of lime is used much for improving and fertilizing the soil in the interest of crops and plants. Phosphoric acid is present in the soil, principally in combination with lime and phosphate of lime from the soil in the form of phosphates, which phos- phates are found mainly in that plant part which is rich in protoplasmic cell contents, c. A good phosphate supply is needed to promote Nitrogen assim- ilation in plants. Phosphorus is found in the casein of milk, in egg yolk, in the hulls of wheat, corn, barley, oats and buckwheat, which hulls the miller usually discards, and which are fed to pigs and horses, which are needing Phos- phorus less than man. d. It is difficult for a weak stomach to digest oatmeal, wheat bread made of whole wheat, and other solid food, but it is more easy to digest and extract Phosphorus from certain grains easy of digestion, from easily digested vegetables, from fish and properly prepared fish broths, for such people whose digestion is poor, e. Phosphorus is found in decayed wood, which changes to soil, rocks, etc; then into the vegetable kingdom, then through food to the brain. z > PHOSPHORUS, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTERIS TICS: a. Through chemical studies in the laboratory, we learn that Phosphorus is a non-metallic, highly poisonous, yellowish white and somewhat waxy element; that its melting point is from 108 to 111 degrees; .that it vaporizes at 550 degrees; that it does not conduct electricity. It is inflammable and burns with a white flame. It undergoes slow combustion when exposed to air in an ordinary temperature. It emits a white vapor and appears luminous in the dark. b. Phosphorus must be kept under water in order to keep it. It is insoluble in water, and slightly soluble in alcohol. c. Through medical studies we learn that it is one of the most powerful stimulants known; that it is one of the most diffu- sible, and also exceedingly poisonous. Phosphorus is allo- trophic, for by keeping Phosphorus long below its boiling point, it can be precipitated in another form. HZ d. This other form is called red Phosphorus, This form of Phos- phorus is very different in its properties than ordinary Phos- • phorus, being red, "brittle, hard, non-poisonous, and not easi- ly combustible. If red Phosphorus be heated to 500 degrees, it again changes into its former form of Phosphorus and burns in a lurid flame, e. Formerly Phosphorus was called Lucifer, meaning - son of Satan - a Latin word, meaning carrier of light. The word Phosphorus is the Greek word for this element, and means. bear- er of light. f » A great many phosphorescent phenomena are produced by Phospho- rus when it is present in objects. Phosphorus shines in the dark. Putrefying fish often contain so much Phosphorus that they have a luminous appearance. The glow-worm is so deeply laden with Phosphorus that it produces a beautiful light in the dark. We are informed by the chemists that the fire-flies of the West Indies are charged with Phosphorus to such an ex- tent that they give such a brilliant light that it is possible to read at night in the light produced by them. Multitudes of polyzoa.-and microscopic organisms inhabiting seas, swamps, rivers and bogs contain Phosphorus in such quantities that it . often appears that they are on fire with lurid flames leaping to and fro. In grave-yards and on some boats, where Phospho- rus-bearing objects and polyzoa are plentiful, many wonderful light effects are exhibited", g. Apparently supernatural,- spiritualistic performances are pro- duced by this wonderful element Phosphorus, which God has also designated as the brain medium of soul expression, This lu- minosity of Phosphorus is seen in animals, some possessing more than others of this phosphorescent quality, as., for instance, jelly-fish, seatens, glow-worms, earth worms, fresh water worms, and marine worms,* and also fishes that, swim in deep wa- ter, some of which are like so many phosphorescent luminaries in their watery home* iu Phosphorus is the element of life, considered from the view- point of intelligence. i* Phosphorus is an affinity for Sulphur and unites with it; it is used with Sulphur in matches. 3 * FACTIONS OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATIO N: a* The use and function of Phosphorus in the human body is more important, we think, than the chemical studies of Phosphorus as manifested in mineral and vegetable life. Normally. Phos- phorus enters into the body to the extent of about two' pounds; almost enough of poison to kill one quarter of all the people in Chicago. And yet, although one single man has that' much poison in his brain and body, he can live and thrive, . Phos- phorus is directly -associated with the nucleus in oell matter. It is present in the fluid and solid tissues in the form of . Potassium phosphate. In the bones it is found as Calcium phosphate. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 13.3 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURS STUDI E S, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-P HOSPHORUS . 3. F UNCTIONS OF PHOSPHOR U S IN THE HUMAN OR GANIZATION: (Continued) b. Phosphorus improves the nutrition of nervous tissue, especial- ly, and helps to make the bones more dense. It acts upon the sensory nerves, upon the sensory seat in the brain, upon the nerve nets, upon the. sympathetic system, upon the nerves, nerve nets and ganglia in general, especially those that cone from the heart. It has a stimulating effect upon the gen- erative organs, and upon the bone-producing functions, when normally supplied. c. Phosphorus is essential to the higher intellectual functions, for the idealistic, altruistic, religious and psychic emo- tions, for the subjective functions of the brain, for the physical senses, especially those of taste and touch. d. Phosphorus, when associated with the stronger elements, stim- ulates the tissues to greater action in the metabolic func- tion, e. Phosphorus is the element of thought, emotion and intelli- gence. The Phosphorus element is the student man. Uhen we think we consume Phosphorus. The more we think the more Phosphorus we consume, and the more work we throw upon the liver. f . After an orator has captivated his audience by his display of metaphor; after a philosopher has used his brain in rea- soning, writing, thinking and teaching, and investigation; after a musician has fascinated his audience with sentimen- tal music; after any intellectual effort, any emotion, sen- timent, passion, appetite, or all brain action, there are greater quantities of Phosphorus in the urine. This indi- cates that Phosphorus consumption in the brain has been greater during processes of cerebration. Phosphorus is a bone and brain worker. It helps to build bone, to repair bone, to nourish brain, to feed nerves. g. It stimulates bone production. When there is a lack of Phosphorus in the bones, bone tissue becomes soft and gela- tinous, instead of hard, dense, compact and elastic. Phos- phorus increases the number of the red blood corpuscles. This does not mean that the red corpuscles are made of Phos- phorus. It simply means that Phosphorus has an indirect affect upon the manufacture of the red corpuscles of the blood. Phosphorus improves nutrition of tissues at large. If there is a lack of Phosphorus in the body, the metabolism suffers and health cannot be maintained very long r h.. When bone tissues become soft, and there is a tendency to ricketts; it is an indication that Phosphorus and phosphoric acid are needed in the body, as well as Calcium and other metal salts. Phosphorus performs an important function in the mucous surfaces by its tonic action upon the same. 1X4 i. Without Phosphorus the brain decays and intelligence leaves. Lack of Phosphorus leads to sterility, brain softening, neu- ralgia, pus format ion* The intelligence soon leaves, and the patient slips into a state of unconsciousness. Nor can Phosphorus be withheld from the diet for a long time and sub- sequently be supplied without serious consequences. j. A child going to school is using up the Phosphorus in the brain very strongly. If the Phosphorus is not supplied in sufficient amount, that child will soon suffer from weakness, brain decay or brain softening. The mathematical lessons will never do that child any good, unless dead people can use mathematics in the grave to advantage. k. Ammonio-magnesium phosphate appears in the urine when a patient suffers from dyspepsia, alkaline fermentation, cystitis. So sure as the Phosphorus supply is too low in the child, or if the system cannot assimilate Phosphorus, that sure maladies of some kind will appear. 1. Leucin and Tyrosin always appear in the urine when a patient suffers from Phosphorus poisoning, or from yellow atrophy of the liver, or from great degenerative tissue heat in the liver. m. Lecithin is egg yolk pure and simple, translated into Greek for scientific effect. Lecithin is a complex fatty compound widely distributed throughout the body in human beings and some animals. It is found mainly in bile, milk, semen, yolk of eggs, nerve tissue, red corpuscles, white corpuscles, serous fluids, lymph, blood, and in pus. It is regarded as a decom- position product coming mainly from nerve tissues, removed from the blood by the liver, thus becoming one of the consti- tuents of the bile in which it is held in solution by the bile salts. n. Lecithin is composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen, but con- tains also Oxygen, Fluorin, Iron, Sulphur, Calcium, Phosphorus, and a certain nerve fat called neurol, or glyco-phosphoric acid, and also an alkaloid called Cholin. From a diet lacking in the vitamines, neurol, Phosphorus, Oxygen, Sulphur and certain needed nerve salts, the lecithin cannot be manufactured. o. Lack of the lecithin in the body tissues results in impotence, neuratrophia, brain decay, imbecility, pus formation and gener^ al physical degeneration. If Phosphorus is insufficient in body tissues the lecithin cannot be formed. If Phosphorus be withheld from the diet, the lecithins are not manufactured for brain and nerve. This results in neurasthenia, or brain de- cay, phthisis* p. A vital principle called - vitellus, is found in egg yolk, be- ing the creative principle in the egg yolk. Vitellus is a nucleo-protein and contains considerable proportions of Phos- phorus in its composition. q. If the Phosphorus part of the egg yolk be lacking, or if the Phosphorus part in the vitellus is lacking , either in the ^gg yolk or in the creative principle of man, not a chick could be Copyright, 1921, by V» G. Rocine. 115 INSTITUTE. -OF HUMAN. N ATURE 'STUDIES , CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CH EMI CALS . SUBJECT-PHOSPHORUS , »^*» W1l ■■! — ■ I H MIl. t — — — — ■ HI ■■■»■■■■ . I I < l ■ ■■■! Ill ■ ■ ■ — H ■■ ■ l« y *»«« — ■■ » P H I ■ '■ I III ■■■ ■■■! — ■■ I ■ ■■..■—.. ■!!■■ « — I 3, FUNCTIONS OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION : (Continued) hatched nor a baby be born. Phosphorus has a great deal to do with generative life and growth. Phosphorus stimulates life to unfoldraent in and through formative life processes. r. The chemic composition of the white corpuscles has been in- ferred from an analysis of pus corpuscles with which they are remarkably identical, and also of lymph corpuscles from lymph glands. Of the white corpuscles about ninety percent is water and the remainder is solid matter, consisting main- ly of proteins, of which nucleo-albumen and cell globulins are abundant, the two being characterized by the presence of a considerable quantity of Phosphorus, amounting to as much as ten percent. s. Lecithin, fat, glycocin, also earthy and alkaline phosphates, are, moreover, present in the white corpuscles of the blood. Phosphorus is here in demand as elsewhere, and if not sup- plied results in lowered metabolism and feeble health. t. Phosphorus is an agent of life and growth* It is an ele- ment of luminosity. This luminosity has its effect upon 'the vital functions, although this fact is not known to all investigators. In plants this phosphorescence favors solar transmission and plant growth. In fish it produces great- er electrical generation, in animals it increases the gener- ation of animal heat, life action in the tissues, and the generation of muscular electricity. In man this same Phos- phorus luminosity favors the same processes and also the higher cerebral functions ♦ When it acts mainly in the mus- cles of man, he becomes more electrical. u. In some types of people this phosphorescent quality acts principally in the brain and nerves and less in the tissues, and they become more magnetic. This gives them greater power to cure patients of certain psychical disorders or habits. So long as a man is alive, if his fingers be held up against strong light, they appear luminous, but when life has fled the finger bones appear dark, v. Phosphorus evidently helps to keep body and soul together in man, life and body together in animals, life force and mat- ter together in plants. Phosphorescence is the astral body of Theosophy. It is the aura of spiritualists. w. Phosphorus has much to do with wireless air messages, tele- pathy, tenekishis, dreams, mental activity, digestive thera- peutics, mediuraship, psycho-genesis, physical sense percep- tion, sensory impulsion, psychometry, the ability to trans- mit and receive inventive ideas, obsession, delusion, and many seemingly strange psychic phenomena. x. If Phosphorus is low, life would be operating under low pres- sure. Life could not organize nor take form and substance lie for material growth and feeling. Phosphorus is one of the essential elements of organo-genesis. y. High organic life is impossible without Phosphorus and Sulphur in normal quantities. z. Phosphorus is broken down by every thought and emotion. Some mental (Phosphorus) people are freakish; many of them have bad habits, are not normal, neither are they practical. aa. Phosphorus acts on Spirituality and Sublimity, A person dies or goes insane if temperature of brain reaches 111 degrees, be- cause Phosphorus melts and becomes wax-like at that tempera- ture. Sunstroke is the result of overheating of the brain, causing it to start to melt; hence, Mental Temperament people should avoid heat, especially a hot sun. ab. Phosphorus vitalizes, electrifies and magnetizes the soul and mind. The soul and body are kept together by Phosphorus. ac. Phosphorus is electricity at work in the muscles and in the outside world. ad. Phosphorus works on brain and nerves, and with the subjective mind. 4. CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH PHO SPHORUS IS INHERENTLY: a. Excessive: Neurogenic, b. Deficient: Carboferic, especially in a physical sense; Atro- phic, because Phosphorus is used in excess in the brain, therefore, it is deficient in a great many .".'.. functions. Phosphorus is deficient in idiots, and in all feeble-minded children. 5 - SYMPTOMS WHEN PHOSPHORUS IS-' EXCESSIVE: - a. It is excessive in Neurogenic people, hence, they always crave .excitement, . They are extravagant and spend money foolishly. -They lack judgment in economics and practical directions, . and live their entire lives in the emotions. b. They argue that thoughts are. things. They take a greater in- terest in mental suggestion, in mental healing. . . Suggestion has a remarkable effect upon their physique, ailments, symp- toms and habits. They say, "Talk health and health is yours", "Talk success and it comes to you tt , "Think of disease and it overtakes you". They are interested in speculative philoso-* • phy, " Their imaginations are lively. They are enthusiastic idealists. They have faith in the future, in the Almighty, in mental suggestion, but have no faith in work, effort, diet, etc. c. They are sort of idealistic maniacs and enthusiasts. They have more ambition and optimism than strength and power. They become somnambulists, or sleep walkers. Their brains work Latin, Greek and mathematics when their eyes are asleep. Copyright, 1921,. by V. G. Rocine, ■ 117 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-FHOSPHOEUS, 5 . SYMP TOMS WHEN PHOSPHORUS IS EXCESSIVE : ( C on t inue d ) Their subjective minds .seera to be awake, while their muscles, nerves, and objective brain centres are locked in slumber, d. They imagine themselves to be under the influence of unseen forces. e. Their foreheads are hot; feet and hands are cold, and their nerves are irritated. Their minds are over-active, but their will power, power of decision, practical judgment and power of mental concentration are weak and unreliable. f. They are excitable. Their excitable moods are followed by falntness. Their mental attitudes are extreme, varying, sudden, spasmodic. Hope and expectation are excessive. Laughter, hilarity, optimism, speculation are also excessive, g. They think they know more than anyone else, and they argue about it, especially when it is a question of doctrines, creeds, miracles, psychic phenomena and religious pnilcsophy. h. Their religion is creedism, idealism. i. They imagine, perhaps, that everything around them is false, insignificant and inferior. j. They talk about, B The great Unknown*, about ll The magnetism in things' 1 , u The Spirit Essence". k. They despise practical life, money matters, and useful pur- suits. 1. They are almost boneless. m. They are lively, remarkably responsive, wide awake, quick, to understand and to learn, but equally quick to forget. n. Their feet, eyes, arms, fingers, head and senses are rest- less, and the tongue is a busy member. o. They sigh for other worlds, and would be perfectly willing to go beyond the clouds and live in ether, clouds and moon- shine. p. They would rather build a house with thoughts than with mor- tar, bricks, stones, wood or steel. q. When children they grow rapidly upwardly, but never out- wardly. r. They are restless in movement, spasmodic in tendencies. 118 s. They think that work is degrading, and that creed-making is the most lofty calling in life. t. They take deep interest in the sky, in spirits, ghosts, hob- goblins, celestial phenomena, aerial contrivances, in the ha- bits of migratory birds, in airships, submarines, aeronautic apparata; speed and motion, altitude and space; aviation, in- vention, modernism, revelation, adventure, magnetics, idealis- tic philosophy. u. Their muscles are too slender. v. They imagine that they can think themselves wealthy, that they can heal a broken bone by thought, that they can cure them- selves by faith, that they can make prosperity walk into their homes by mere thinking, w. They have more faith in thought than in science, work, business and effort. x. EXCESS PHOSFHORUS: 1„ Causes imagination (psychic), 2. Receives revelations from own mind through strongest faculties. 3. Over-inspiration in religion, etc. 4. Get angry, crazy, or excitable if aroused. 5a . SYMPTOMS W HEN PHOS PH ORUS IS DEFICIENT : a. Low oxidation in the tissues; chilliness produces hunger; b. When they come to the breakfast table,, their appetite flies; c. A strong desire for something cold, icy, stimulating and re- freshing ; d. Poor appetite alternating with great hunger; . e. Weakness of the generative system; f . Changes of position increase nerve pain; g. They feel as though they cannot use their brain without its resulting in headache; h. Excitement, or use of the brain, results in anxiety and uneasy sensations in the epigastric plexus; i. News weakens them; J. They lack will power, self direction, power of control, execu- tive power; Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 119 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN N ATURE STUDIE S, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-PHOSPHORUS, 5a. SYMPTOMS WHEN PHOSPHORUS I S DEFICIENT : (Continued) k. Their excitable moods are followed by faintness and nerve collapse; 1. They are wrapped up in their own ailments so strongly that they manifest great indifference towards others, always talking and thinking about themselves; m. Their mental attitudes vary, changing from tears to laughter, from pessimism to talkativeness, from optimism to great de- spondency; n. They imagine that there is something dangerous in under them, above them, or that something is hidden somewhere; o. The heart, the disposition, the nerves and the brain cells are unfavorably affected when lightning cuts the sky; p. Every Phosphorus-hunger person prefers to hide away at such a time; and the heart and pulse are thumping like a trip- hammer; q. They have no courage, no will power r no power of decision, no desire for action, no spirit of enterprise; r. They grope for ideas, but their minds cannot act; s. They sink into a mental chaos from which they cannot easily return; t. They look into the mirror and see a hundred little creases in the face; u. They appear aged beyond their years; v. They are drowsy, stupid, wakeful during the day, and afraid in the dark; w. They are as timid as a. child, prone to take a gloomy view of themselves and their own condition; x. They are helpless prey to an indescribable dread, which seems to fill their very brains, nerves and blood; y. They cannot tolerate the clamor of trains, the rush and noise of cars, the din of machinery, the rattle of wagons, the fuss of children, the clatter of horses, the clank of metals, the cry of babies, the rush of customers, the scuffle of passen- gers; z. They crave peace and quiet; 120 aa. They become disgusted with the world; ab. She may take a notion to live in the forest away from so- ciety, and live like a hermit; although she may be a queen among society ladies when she* appears well, and when fortune smiles on her; ac. She always thinks of imaginary troubles; ad. She is exceedingly sensitive to her own imperfections; ae. Her mind is sick, her nerves starved, her brain matter toxic, her nerve substance acid; af . Her nerves almost creep when she is criticized, blamed or scolded, and this exhausts her still more; ag. She is possessed by a morbid fear of people; ah. She cries easily; she is weak, timid, unable to supply herself with that which she needs; ai. She feels that she is the weakest of the weak, and yet she is proud ; aj. Some parts of the body may seem half paralyzed; ak. She may not even have power to put her tongue out, upon the request of her physician; al. Anything unfavorable, dark, troublesome, noisy, has a bad effect upon her; am. Morbidity takes possession of her; an. They feel as though their limbs were dismembered; ao. Her mind and nerves are in a state of morbidity, evidently caused by Phosphorous products, acidity in the nerves, toxic substances in brain and tissue; ap. It is evident^ Phosphorous products, acidity, and auto-toxins that make a Phosphorus patient so morbid and forlorn when sick; aq. The hair becomes gr,ay at the roots r the person becomes impa- tient, nervous and filled with fear;, collapse may take place; ar. Oxidation is slow in Phosphorus people- The greater the consumption of Phosphorus, the lower the oxidation; as. Mental people are liable to become scrofulous on account of inability to take up Oxygen; at. Phosphorus people strive to go up into the air, while Osseous and Vital people remain low down, even in basements; au. A HEALTHY" NEUROGENIC PERSON DOES NOT HAVE SUCH SYMPTOMS, AND CHARACTERISTICS, EXCEPT IN A MODIFIED FORM, BUT DELICACY AL- WAYS CHARACTERIZES THE NEUROGENIC PERSON ^ 6. HOW TO REDUCE PHOSPHORUS IK THE BODY: a. Foods: Omit foods rich in Phosphorus. b. Climate: Live in a warm, moist climate and low alti- tude. c. Mental Exercise: Stop cultivating the idealistic emotions, d_ Physical Exercise: Participate in physical and pleasing exer- cises, i. e», use the body, but not the brain, nor the nerves of feeling. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 121 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-PHOSPHORUS. 7. HOW TO INCREASE PHOSPHORUS IN THE BODY: a. Foods: b. Climate: c. Mental Exercise: Eat foods rich. in Phosphorus. Live in the hills where the climate is cool and refreshing, and where there is plenty of ozone in the atmosphere. Cultivate the idealistic emotions, nor- mally, but not excessively. d». Physical Exercise: Will not increase Phosphorus consumption in the body, unless the exercises are slow and prolonged so that they reach the bones. 8 - PEOPLE WHO. REQUI RE PHOS PHORUS FO ODS : a. In abundance: Idiots, feeble— minded people, Atrophic people, people who suffer from sterility or impotence, people who are low in vitality, people who are using their emotions or their brains excessive- ly, students, lawyers, ministers of the gospel, musicians, orators; in fact, intellectual and idealistic people, because they use their brains and burn down the Phosphorus in the brain, and, thus rob the blood and the body of the Phosphorus which is needed in body tissue, b. Very little : All people are in need of Phosphorus, even Neurogenic people who suffer from excessive Phosphorus consumption. In them the Phos- phorus is burned up in the brain and nerves rather than in the tissues. This robs the tissues of the body and weakens them. 9 ♦ INFLU E NCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF PHOSPHOR US FOO D S ON : a. Health: The inf luenceTs favorable until it is exces- sive, when it results in disease. b. Disposition: The disposition becomes morbid, the nerves de- pressed, and the mind impractical. 10. INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF PHOSPHORUS FOODS ON: a. Health: b. Disposition: It results in Atrophic states of brain, nerves and body, perhaps even in pus formation, tu- berculosis, or some pus disease. The mind is too intellectual, bright and genius- like; the nerves are excessively impressive; the disposition is nervous, or pathopathic. 1 1 , DISEASE, TENDENCIES OF PEOPLE IN WHOM PH0SPH0RUS_IS_lN_E2^ESSl a. Neuric, vital and spasmodic: This may result in fatty de- generation of the liver, fatty degeneration in the tissues, in the muscles, heart, kidneys, intestines, glands of the stomach; or in progressive emaciation, degenerative changes in connective tissue, disturbed metabolism, great tendency to paralysis, sleep walking, neurasthenia, bronchitis, ner- vous diseases, hemorrhages, albuminuria, jaundice, exhaus- tion, neuralgia, heart disease, the formation of subject!— vistic habits, hypererethism in the sexual glands, paracholia, 122 12 . CHEMICALS IN FOODS THAT PEOPLE. WITH E XCES S PHOSPHORUS SHOULD: a* Eat:*" Poods that are rich in Magnesium, """Calcium, Fluorin 3 Silicon, Potash, or in the earthy salts. b. Avoid: They should avoid starches, fats, sweets, meat. 13. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH PHOSPHORUS PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED: 1. Floristry. 2. Fainting, 3. Religion. 4. Modernism. 5. Cults. 6. Occultism. 7. Aviation. 8. Mediumship. 9. Electricity. 10. Magnetics. 11. Theosophy, 12. Hieroglyphics, 13. Reformatory systems. 14. Mission schemes. 15. Oriental philosophy. 16. Salvation plans. 17. Sacred speech. 18. 19. 20. 81. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. New Thought religion. Starvation doctrines. Organization of Societies. Business in sacred relics. Travels to Palestine. Writing, especially about the air. Spirits and all sorts of unseen forces. The study of ancient languages, such as Sanskrit, Prakrit , Greek,, Hebrew, Latin, Hindoo. Religious evolutions. Experimental work, also the use of scientific and delicate instruments, Laboratory work. 14. HELPFUL HINTS : a. The Neurogenic man needs a diet that is rich in lecithin, in nerve fat, Calcium, Vitamines. b» He needs a cool climate, a high altitude, and ozonic air. c. He needs sleep and rest. d. He needs pleasurable recreation. e. He needs a Magnesium diet to break down Phosphorus products. f . He needs association of Calciferic people, whether he likes them or not, and he should not accuse them of "Materialism 8 , as he always does. 15 < WHEN A PHO SPHORUS DIET IS NEEDED: 1. In cases of neuralgia; 2. In softening of the brain; 3. In imbecility; 4. In impotence; 5. When the face is bloodless and pallid; 6. When there is a dislike for exertion and work; 7. When a patient makes an effort only under excitement and stimulants, and collapses when the excitement is over; 8. When the patient feels that there is something that is gnaw- ing at his vitals , or undermining his very life; .. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 123 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN N ATU RE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LESSON SHEET. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, SUB JEC T-PHOSFHORUS . 15 . WH EN A PHOSPH ORUS DIET IS NEEDED : ( C ont inued) 9, V/hen he appears healthy, yet feels and acts like a dying man, or is seemingly the victim of his own imagination, al- ways dreading his future and deeply concerned about his ailments; 10. \7hen there is a depression with a tendency to nightly dis- charges; 11. V/hen there is prostration during the menstrual period; 12. V/hen there is numbness in some of the members of the body, or in the areas of the skin; 13. When there is insensibility to pain, heat or cold, or when there is a loss of control of some finger, or hand, arm, or perhaps cf the tongue; 14. When there is twitching in the muscles of the eyelids so that the patient winks against his will; 15. V/hen there is great inconstancy of symptoms, one chasing the other, so that so soon as one ceases another commences; 16. V/hen there is a dislike for the opposite sex; 17. When there is a constant tendency to scrofula; 18. When there is a dislike for consecutive brain work; 19. V/hen there is sensitiveness to pressure; 20. V/hen there is hardening of the wax in the ears; 21. V/hen the skin is wax- gray, or waxy and blue; 22. When sores have a dark-blue, or dark-green color; 23. V/hen there is delicacy and weakness, perhaps an alabaster- like appearance in young girls or boys; 24. V/hen there is defective bone metabolism; 25. V/hen there are degenerative changes taking place in bones and joints with great emaciation of arms and legs, perhaps complete mental and physical decay; 26. When there is slowness in learning how to walk; 27. V/hen the child awakes and screams with pain at night; £8, V/hen some of the bones are enlarged and swollen; 29. When the appetite is delicate; 30. V/hen the body temperature is variable; 31. When bean-like knots form in the glands of the neck and in other glands; 32. V/hen oxidation is low; 33. When the face flushes easily from excitement; 34. When the head is too large and the body is frail; 35. When the disposition is pathopathic and the mind is too mystical; AT ALL SUCH TIMES A DIET RICH IN PHOSPHORUS IS IMPERATIVE, 124 16 -P RINCI PAL PHOSPHORUS FOO DS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED) : a. BEST PHOSPHORUS ASH CONTAINS BETTER TO FOODS CONTENT 2.70 PHOSPHORUS 32.80 VITAMLNES Killed EAT Barley, Whole Cooked or baked Beans 3.26 38.90 Killed Cooked or baked Bran, Wheat High Very high Yes Raw , chew but do not swallow- Cabbage, red 0,77 3.90 Killed Cooked Corn 1.51 45.60 Killed . Cooked or baked Egg Yolk 1,10 37.60 Yes Raw- Fish, viz: Clams 1.60 About 38, ,16 Killed Baked Crabs 1.60 About 38. .16 Killed Baked Haddock 1.60 About 38, ,16 Killed Baked Herring 1*60 About 38, ,16 Killed Baked Lobsters 1.60 About 38, ,16 Killed Baked Oysters 1.60 About 38. .16 Killed Baked Salmon 1.60 About 38. .16 Killed Baked Smelt 1.60 About 38. 16 Killed Baked Trout 1.60 About 38. .16 Killed Baked Whiting 1,60 About 38, ,16 Killed Baked Lentils 3.04 33.30 Killed Cooked Meat 1.10 42.50 Yes, if raw • * Rare or as juice Milk, viz:- Cow's 0,71 28.45 Yes Raw Goat's 1.74 13.78 Yes Raw Human 0.45 22.66 • Yes Raw Nuts, viz: Almonds 3.10 43.60 Yes (Grated and Beechnuts 3.86 30.50 Yes (sprinkled Walnuts 2.03 43.70 Yes (on foods Oats, Whole a* 02 25.60 Killed Cooked or baked Peas 2.58 35.90 Killed Cooked Rice, Wild 1.00 53.76 Killed (Cooked or Rye, Whole 1.81 47.70 Killed ( baked Wheat, Whole 2.00 47.20 Killed Cooked qr baked J FIRST SECTION I H D E I - PAGES 1 - 124 .25 CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS ARE INHERENTLY EXCESSIVE. AND OTHER CONSTITUTIONS IN WHICH THEY ARE 'DEFICIENT Calcium . Carbon . . Chlorin . Fluor in . Hydrogen Iodin .p. Iron • . . , Magnesium • e o « g e a » * Page 32 1 24 65 3 78 17 102 Page Manganese .... 56 Nitrogen » . . ., 7 Oxygen .„...„. 5 Phosphorus ... 116 Potassium . ... 40 Silicon ...... 47 Sodium • 10 Sulphur ...... 89 DIET THAT IS NEEDED tfHEN FOLLOWING CHEMICALS ARE BEING BURNED UP Calcium .. Fluorin • . Iodin . .. Iron • . • . . Magnesium Manganese © • o o Page 34 70 83 20 107 61 Phosphorus Potassium ♦ Silicon . . . Sodium .... Sulphur • . o P&ge 122 43 51 13 96 DISEASE TENDENCIES WHEN FOLLOWING CHEMICALS ARE IN EXCESS IN BODY Page Calcium . 33 Carb on ...... . 2 Chlorin ...... 26 fluorin ...... 69 Hydrogen . .... 4 Iodin ........ 81 Iron ......... 18 Magnesium .... 106 Manganese ... Nitrogen ..., Oxygen Phosphorus .. Potassium . •< Silicon'. •• ., Sodium 12 Sulphur 94 Page 60 8 6 121 42 50 FOODS, (THEIR ASH CONTENT, CONTENTS OF SALTS, VITAMINES, HOW BEST PREPARED). THAT ARE RICH IN THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS Calcium' • ••• Carlo on ..... Chlorin Sluorin .*.. Hydrogen Iodin ...... Iron «.„.,.. Magnesium . . Page 36 2 28 74 4 84 22 110 Manganese •• Nitrogen ... Oxygen ..... Phosphorus • Potassium Silicon...... 54 Sodium 12 Sulphur ...... 98 Page 62 8 6 124 44 FOODS THAT PEOPLE WITH THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS AND OTHER FOODS THEY SHOULD AVOID IN EXCESS SHOULD EAT* Page" Calcium ...... 34 Carbon ....... 2 Chlorin ...... 27 Fluorin ...... 69 Hydrogen • .... 4 Iodin .....«,.• 81 Iron 19 Magnesium .... 106 Manganese , Nitrogen • Oxygen . . . , Phosphorus Potassium , Silicon .. Sodium ... Sulphur . . , Page 60 8 6 122 42 51 12 94 126 FIRST SECTION -IN D 2 X - PAGES 1-124 FUNCTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION Page Calcium ...... 30 Carbon ....... 1 Chlorin ...... 24 Fluorin ...... 63 Hydrogen . .... 3 Iodin 75 Iron ......... 16 Magnesium .... 99 Manganese Nitrogen Oxygen . . Phosphorus Potassium Silicon . Sodium .. Sulphur • . • # Page 55 7 5 112 38 46 9 85 HELPFUL HINTS CONCERNING PEOPLE WITH FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN EXCESS Page Calcium' ...... 34 Carbon ....... 2 Chlorin ...... 27 Fluorin ...... 70 Hydrogen ..;.. 4 Iodin ........ 81 Iron 19 Magnesium ••«• 106 Manganese . Nitrogen • , Oxygen • • • . Phosphorus Potassium . 60 8 6 122 43 Silicon •*•••• 51 Sodium ....... IS Sulphur 95 INCREASE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN BODY BY FOODS. CLIMATE AND EZERBISE Calcium . Carbon .. Chlorin . Fluorin . Hydrogen Iodin ... Iron .... Magnesium Page 33 2 26 68 , 4 80 18 105 Manganese ' . Nitrogen •• Oxygen .... Phosphorus Potassium • Silicon ... Sodium •••• Sulphur ... Page 60 8 6 121 41 49 11 93 INFLUENCE OF A DEFICIENT AMOUNT OF THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN FOODS ON HEALTH AN D D ISPO S I T ION Page Page Calcium'..;;.. 33 Carbon ....... 3 Chlorin ...... €6 Fluorin ...... 69 Hydrogen ..... 4 Iodin ... o.... 80 Iron ........ 18 Magnesium .... 105 Manganese Nitrogen • Oxygen ... Phosphorus Potassium . * . # 60 8 6 121 42 Silicon ...... 50 Sodium ....... 12 Sulphur 93 INFLUENCE OF AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN FOODS ON HEALTH AND DISPOSITION Page Calcium...... 33 Carbon ....... 2 Chlorin ...... 26 KLuorin ...... 69 Hydrogen ....; 4 Iodin •••••••• 80 Iron ......... 18 Magnesium . ... 105 Page Manganes e .... 60 Nitrogen ..... -8 Oxygen ....... 6 Phosphorus ... 121 Potassium . ... 42 Silicon ...... 50 Sodium 11 Sulphur 93 FIRST SECTION -INDEX- PAGES 1 - 124 127 MINERAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS WHEREIN THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS ABOUND Calcium'...,-. 29 Carbon ....... 1 Chlorin ...... 23 Fluor in ...... 63 Hydrogen'..... 3 loam ........ 75 j x i' on e. ..»•*.'> jlo Magnesium .... 99 Manganese ' •• Nitrogen . . • Oxygen . . . . • Phosphorus . Potassium . . Silicon . ... Sodium ..... Sulphur .... Page 55 7 5 111 37 45 9 85 NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS r IT" Calcium ...... Carbon ....... 1 Chlorin ...... 23 Fluorin ...... 63 Hydrogen " , Iodin"... 4 Iron Magnesium 3 75 15 99 Manganese .., Nitrogen .... Oxygen ...... Phosphorus .. Potassium .., Silicon 45 Sodium ....... 9 Sulphur 85 Page 5d 7 5 111 37 PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN ABUNDANCE, AND OTHER PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE THEM VERY LITTLE Page Page Manganese ' .. ... 60 Carbon ....'. 2 Natrogen . . . 8 Chlorin , , . , .. 26 Oxygen 6 Phosphorus ' , , .. 121 Hydrogen . . . 4 Potassium . . ... 41 Silicon ... , ... 50 .. 18 Sodium ...o, S ulphur • • . < , .. 11 Magnesium .. .. 105 • • JLZ/ <0 REDUCE THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN THE BODY BY FOODS. CLIMATE AND EXERCISE Page Page Calcium ...... 33 Manganese . ... 60 1 Nitrogen ..... 8 Chlorin *..... 26 Oxygen ....... 6 JPlaorin ...... 68 Phosphorus ... 120 4 Potassium •••< 41 J-U O. '„il »* c ,*j o * o e s 80 Sil icon ...... 49 17 Sodium 11 Magnesium 104 Sulphur ...... 93 SYMPTOMS WHEN THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS ARE DEFICIENT ] Page Page 32 Manganese .... 58 Carbon ....... 1 Nitrogen • . . • . 7 Chlorin ...... 25 Oxygen 6 66 Phosphorus . .. 118 Hydrogen . . .. . 4 Potassium . . . . 41 Iodin ........ 79 Silicon ...... 48 17 Sodium ....... 11 Magnesium .... 103 Sulphur 91 128 FIRST SECT ION - INDEX - PAGES 1-124 SYMPTOMS WHEN THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS ARE IN EXCESS Page Calcium ...... 32 Carbon ....... 1 Chi or in ...... 25 Fluorin ...... 65 Hydrogen ..... 3 Iodin ....... . 79 Iron ......... 17 Magnesium «... 102 Manganese . ... Nitrogen . . . . • Oxygen ....... Phosphorus . . . Potassium ••»• Silicon ...... 47 Sodium ....... 10 Sulphur . 89 Page 57 7 6 116 40 VOCATIONS FOR WHICH PEOPLE WITH THE FOLLOWING CHEMICALS IN THE LEAD ARE BEST ADAPTED Page Calcium ...... 34 Carton ....... 2 Chlorin ...... 27 Fluor in ...... 69 Hydrogen ..... 4 Iodin........ 81 Iron ......"..; 19 Magnesium .... 106 Manganese , Nitrogen . Oxygen ... Phosphorus Potassium , Silicon'. . Sodium ... Sulphur 94 Page 60 8 6 122 42 51 12 LIST OF PRINCIPAL FOODS Page Alcoholic ..... 6 Amylic ........ 6 ' Apples 98,110,2,4, Apples, Sweet 12 Apricots 4 Arrowroot ..... 2' Artichokes'.... 4; 84 ' Asparagus 4,12,22,28,36, 54, 98 Bananas ....... 4 " Barley 2, 54, 110 Beans 2,4,6,8,110 Beans; Lima ... 36 Beans, String . Beets a- Berries, dark Bilberries .. Blackberries Blueberries Bran ...... Brass ica Napus ' Bread, Barley". Bread Prepara.. ... 4, 22 22 44" 22, 98 22 2 12 22 36, 44 Cabbage 28,36,44,54, • ' 74,98 Candy ........; 2 Carrots ....... 4,12,28,44, 84,98" Cauliflower ... 4, 36, 74, 98 Celery 4, 12 CHEESE, VIZ: Cheese Cottage or Dutch Cow *s .......••• Goat *s ......... ■M©-.r e s .«».»?. «• Roquefort Swiss Whey .... ....... Cherries ......... Chervil ......... Chickory .......«• Chili, red ....... Chives Citrate Magnesia . Citric Fruits .... Citron • Cocoanut £§ge 6, 8 6, "8,36,74 28. 36 28,36 74 74, 98. Cod liver oil . .. . Colax • Corn Cranberries Cress Cucumbers 36 28 36 28 28 22 44' 44 2 62 36 110 36 12,28,44, 98,110 74, 84 74 74,110 110 110 2, 4, 36 44. 62 110 4,12,28,36, 54.98 Currants 22, 36 -I FIRST SECTION -INDEX- PAGES 1 - 124 129 Page Dandelion ...... 44 Egg Plant ...... 4 Egg white ...... 6 ' Egg yolk .. . 12,22,28,36, 62,74,98,110 Eggs ........... 4 Endive 44. 62 Fibrinous foods Pigs ......... FISH, VIZ: Black bass • . . Bluefish ..... Clam broth . . . Clams . . Crabs •.....•• Crawfish ..... Fish ......... Frog's Legs . . Greenish ..... Hal ib at ...... Herring ...... Lobsters ..... Mackerel ....." Mussels ...... Oysters "..... Salmon «, . . • • . Scallops ..... Shrimp".. ..... OUJ-C «*09eo«»* Terrapin ..... Turtle, Green Sturgeon .....', Whiting FLOUP, VIZ: Gluten ;....... Graham ....... Iheat "whole . 110 2,12,22,44, 54,98,110 74 74 84 84 84 4, 12 4, 84, 74 36 6, 8 84 6, 8 84 84 84 84- 84, 110 110 84 84 6 Z\ 28 98 8 lire ....... Garlic ..... Gooseberries Grapefruit ..... Grapes ......... Greens ... o c o a * Herbs ...... Honey ...... Horseradish 2, 2 110 110 2, 28 74, 84 ' 12,36,44,98, 110 110 ' 2,22,36,84, 98, 110 4, 44 44 8 6, 54, 98 Page Infant f o od .... 2 Irish Moss ..... 84 Iron (Drug ) .... 22 Kohlrabi ....... 4 Xumiss 4, 36, 74 Lemons • • • 36 Lentils 2, 12, 22„ 28, 36, 44* Lettuce 22 s 28, 36, ■ 44, 54 Limes « 36 Macaroni Manic ea , MEAT, VIZ: Eeef, Dried •• Blood, Ox . . . . Bro th ... o ... • Chicken ...... >-^i_-<.L,-.i. ........ X J. 3rQ& ....•«.. Fowl ......... Gizzard ...... Ham op*. ...... Heart Juice • • Aran o ......... -u-tver ........ Tenderloin ... Tongue " . • . o • . . Veal MILK, VIZ: Buttermilk . . . Cow's wOau S « * o o a a • Human .... ».*.<» Malted , Mare T s Sheep *s Whey Mint ^ ........ . Molasses ...... Mushrooms ..... Muskmelons «... Nasturtiums Nectarines NUTS, VIZ: Almonds . Beechnuts , Butternuts Chestnuts , • . • . « 2 2 6, 8, 28 22, 28 74 110 6, 8 6, 8 4 4, 12 6, 8, 28 4' 4, 22, 28,44 4, 110 4 4 4 4 12,28,36,54 ' 4,12,28,36,54, 74,110 " 28,36,54,74, 98 2 36 36 4 44 2 84 84 44, 62 4 6, '8,12,44,62, 98, 110 54 6, 8 2, 44,62,98, 110 130 gIRST SECTION - HDH • Page, NUTS, VIZ: (Continued) iichi .;.....; 2' Peanuts, raw « 6, 8' - Pignolias ...: 6, 8, 62 Pistachio .... 12 Walnuts ...... 6, 36,44,62, 8, 110 Oatmeal ........ 12' Oats ........... 44, 54, 110 ^Jivi a ...a."..... 4fc, JLC Olives ......... 44, 54 Onions ......... 6, 36, 98' Oranges 4, 36, 98, 110 Parsley ........ 44, 62 Parsnips ..... o . 4, 98 Peaches ........ 4; 36, 44, 98, 110 Pears".:........* 2, 4, 22, 84 Peas" ........... 2- 6, 8, 54, 110 Peas, dried .... 36 Peas, Scotch Dried .... '44' Peppermint ......44, 62 Pers immons '♦.... 4 ' Pineapple ...... 4, 84 S- X U.IDS ...o.s.o.. 4c Pomacitron ..... 36 Potato skins ... 44 Potatoes ....... 2, 98" Prunes ......... 4, 12, 22, 36, 44, ' 110 Pumpkin ........ 4 Radishes 6, 12, 28, 36, 98 Raisins ..,..„.. 22 Rape ........... 98 Rhubarb ........ 4, 6, 36 Rice ....,.....; 2, 4, 54 Romaine «,......; 44 Rutabagas ...... 4, 12, 98 Sye . ... 2, 54, 110 Saccharic . 6 Sage 44 OagO .....a... a . 2 Salt ...; 28 Sauer-kraut .... 4, 36, 74 Seagrass 74 Soda Fountain Drinks ......... 36 Sorrel ......... 6, 36,, 84 Soups ....;.•••• 4 Spices . . ......; 6 Spinach 4, 12, 22, ' 28, ' 36, 44, 54, 74, 98, 110 Sprouts' ... .. . .. 4, 74 Squash , 4 PAGES 1 - 124 Starchy, yeasty foods .......... 2 Strawberries ... 12, 22, 54, Sugar ^•?0«OOOOC Swiss chard .... 44 Syrup e#o»«ofloc» Teas, bitter ... 44 Thyme .......... Tomatoes ....... Turnios .*..o... 44 4, 12 4, 6 » » o © • Vegetables Vitamines ...... 6 WATER, VIZ: Distilled Green sea Hard Oat Ocean Watercress ..... 74 Watermelon ..... 4 Wheat .......... 2 Wintergreen .... 44, • o © « a * © o © e © © • #0©opo»o# • »»•©••• 4, 74 36 4 74 36 62 SECOND SECTION -INDEX- PAGES F-l - F-263 INDEX TO SECOND SECTION EXPLAINED : This Index, alphabetically ar- ranged, covers the substance of the material in the Second Section of this "book. In preparing the Index, such information is includ- ed as is considered most useful. Much of the 'material included in this work' is not indexed, for the reason that, if it were, the Index, itself, would be too voluminous. Therefore, only the most essential, highly valuable, and outstand- ing features are included in the Index. Much time, thought and' painstaking care have been exercised in compiling this reference, so as to make it as valuable as possible to the doctor, the nurse, the student, and the layman. You will note that the refer dex entry gives, as referenc number. For instance, the means - that a Potassium Die the information in full is t page 3P-10. The first figur The letter ' "F" between the f letter ,T F", together, indica formation appears. In numb of the page and count, as th any part, (even a portion of the page. ence to the subject matter of each In- e, the paragraph number and the page entry - T 'K Diet Demands Na and CI, 5510" demands Sodium and Chlorin, and that be found in the fifth paragraph of indicates the number of and the page of the book wherein ering the paragraphs, begin at the top e first paragraph, that portion, all or one line), that appears at the top c o e igures, te •che paragraph, the figures following the in- of CHE MICALS AND THE IS SYMBOLS : For convenience and economy of space, Symbols of the 16 Chemicals are used in the Index to indicate the names of the chemicals. The following are the names of the 16 chemicals and their respective Symbols* Calcium Carbon Chlorin Huorin Ca Hydrogen C Iodin CI Iron F Magnesium H Manganese I Nitrogen Fe Oxygen Mg Phosphorus Mn Potassium - K N Silicon - Si Sodium - Na P Sulphur - S CONSTITUTIONS AND the THEIR ABBREVIATION S 19 Cone t; i t ut ions are abbreviated," Atrophic Calciferic Oarboferic Desmogenic Exes the sic Hydripheric Isogenic Atro. ' Lipopheric Calci. Marasmic Carbo. Medeic Desmo.- Myogenic Exes* Nervi-Motive Hydri. Neurogenic Iso, : In the Index the names of as follows: Lipo. ' Nitropheric - JSfitro. Maras. Oxypheric - Oxy. Medeic Pallinomic - Palli. Mj o . Pargenic - Par. Nervi. Pathetic ■* Pa the. Neuro<, Sillevitic - Sille. 132 SECOND SECTION IOEI- PAGES F-l - F-263 A ACID ACTS ON" NERVES, 4F79 Acid Affects, 3F80 Acid & Gas Cause Constp. 3F51 Acid -Chemicals, pp,F224-F231 Acid, Citric & Formic; 3F49 Acid Constitutions, p,F249 • Acid Foods Bad for Sick, 3F6 Acid, Gas, Constp, 1F250 Acid in Stomach, 11F212, 6F252 Acid Tissue Needs E, 4F75 Acidity, 7F252 Acidity Causes Eheum. 8F70 Acids, Descr. "pp. F233-F234 Acids " in Body, Many, ' 5F18 Acids, Misc. in Foods, pp. F224- F231 Acne, Cause, 5F209 _ Active People Strg.Cereb. 5F186 Adenoids, 14F196 Affinities, 4F142 Affin. Calci.& Desmo. 3F70 Affinity, F & Ca, 3F15 After' 45 Years of Age, 2F250 Air, Described, 1F254 Air Purifies Itself, 6F171 •Albumin, 2F153 Albumin "Egg Poison, 7F31 Albumin, Effect, p.F233 Albumin in Foods, pp;F224-F231 Albumin - Intestines, 2F187 Albumin Requires Na, 5F8 Albuminuria, Cure for, 3F36 Aliment; 65181, 3F182, 2F184 Aliment. Absbs. Fat, "31184, 5F193 Alkaline Chemicals, pp.F224-F231 Alkaline Constns. p»F'249, 8F252 Alkaline Salts, 1F92 Almond Nuts, Expld. 15F1 Almond Oil for Skin, 4F204 Altitude, Each Constn. p.F248 Altitude for 0, 5F22 " Amat. Absorbs Fat, '3F73,3J184 Analysis of Foods, pp.F223-F231 Anemia, 3EL30 Anemia, Cause & Cure, 8F3 Anger, 3F250 Animal Fertilizer, 7F71 Apoplexy, 5F107 Appendicitis, 4F49, 9F252 Appendix Kills Germs, 2F9, Appetite Faculty, 35182 6F34 A Apples, Expld. 2F15, "4F30, 8F152, 55164, "2F254 Apples, No Malic Acid, 3F190 Apricot Acid, Effect, p.F233 Arachnoid Membrane, 5F73 Arguing, 1F182 Arsenic 'Acid, Effect, p.F233 Arsenic, Antidote, 1F157 Arterio-Sclerosis, 6F13 Arthritis, Cure, 3F33 Arthritis Deformans, 5F48 Artificial Lights Bescr. 6F262 Artistic People, 2F204 Ash Content, Expld» 6F50 Asparagus, 3F15, 5F26, 7F45, 8F99 Asthma, 10F252 Atrophic, 2F169, 2F173 Atro., S Diet Bad, 7F150 Aura, Described 5F69 Aura - Soul, 6F167 Auto-Intoxication, Cure, 8F39 A^ena & Avenin, 9F211 A vena Sativa, 3F212 Avenin, Effect, p.F233 B BANANAS, DESCRIBED, 3F254 Barley, Descr. 3F164, " 2F178,4F254 Barley "Has P, Muscles, 45169 Barley, Unpearled, 3,4F99 Bathing, Each Constn. p.F247 Baths, Sun, 5F200 Bean, Caroba, 4F121 Beans, Expld. 1F1, 3F2, 4F178, 6F254 ■ Beans, Swedish, Descr. 5F254 Beauty Applications, 7F205 Beechnuts, 9F99 Beef, 2F26 " Beef, Dried, Expld. 1051 Beets, 4F15 ■ Bibativeness, liquid, 3,5,6ZL83 Bitters, feas, Effect, p.F233 Blackberries, 2F26 " Blackberries, Descr. 7^254 Blood, Coagulation, 25158 Blood, Curative Power, 6F75 Bland, Cure by Teas, 9F85 Blood Needs K,Fe,Na,Cl, 2F76 Blood, Expld. 2F45 Blood Oxidation, 3F20 SUCfOND*SEffaOTT -INDEX- PAGES 5^-1 - 5^-263 133 B Blood Pressure, -Cure, 9F49, 3F90 Blood Salts, 7F62 Blood Salts, Supply, -5111 Blood Tests, 2,3F147 Blueberries, 6F82 " Body & Mind Conds.pp. F250-F251 Bone Builders, 15187 Bone Development, 1F61 Bone, Length of Life, 75194- ■ Bone & Tissue Builders, 25165, 6F169, 1.2F170 Bones, Brittle, LaekF, 2511 Bones Made Strong, 2,35118 Bony Men, Eating, 5,6F185, 2F187, 2P189, 55192, 35193 Bowlegs, Cause, 6P53 Brain, 1,35130, 15140 Brain Action, 1P172 Brain Action by I, 15127, 2,45128, 2,4,75130 Brain Burns Up P, 65165, 25166 Brain Cell Activity^ 55160, 25161 Brain" Congestion, 8^97 Brain, Descr. 5P92 Brain, Excess Use of, 4F250 Brain, Explained, p.F109, 6F177 Brain Fibre, 6P250 Brain" Is Dual, 2F34 Brain, Length of Life, 75194 Brain Measurements, -7 F250 Brain Melting, 45166 Brain Needs CI, 5P35 Brain Perspiration, 5F28 Brain Pressure, 25153 Brain Shrinkage, 6F62, 52110, 3F217 Brain" Uses much Blood, 7^22, 5F250 Brain, When Mg Lacking, 53160 Bran, ' 5F83 Bread, No Ca, 2F58 Bread, Rye, 1F26 Bright*s Dis. Needs Cl t 10518, 4F51 Bronchitis, Cure by Teas, 10F85 Broth, 105125 " Butter, Descr. 6F76, 8F254 Butternuts, Expld. 1651 Buttermilk, 6F31 Buttermilk, Myo. 10F30 C- In Foods, p.x<'237 C, Nature of, p.F235 C People, 5F55 Ca Assimilation, 3F86 • Ca Ass 'no with Others, 2F55 Ca "Builds Firmness, 55172 Ca, Eliminate, 'Epilepsy, 5F215 Ca, Excess of, Descr, 9F254 Ca Excess Causes Boils, 9F13 Ca Hardening, Cure, 9F39 Ca In Foods, p.F237 Ca Lactate, Expld* 9F70 Ca Man, Nature, ' 2, 3F60 CaMay Solidify, '10F254 Ca, Nature of, p,F255~ Ca Needed After Delvy« 5F60, 3F61 Ca Needs Fe and K, 6F22 Ca People, Expld. pp.F55,F56, F63 Ca People, No Ca Diet, 8F59 Ca Period, Age, 1F215 Ca Phosphates, 55169, ' 2,35170 Ca Strengthens Carbo., 2F70 Ca Supply in Milk, 6F70 Ca -Taken Up, 11F254 Cabbage, 10F99, 115125 Cabbage, Expld. 1F46 Calci. Latency, 95199 ' Calci. People, 1,25132, IEL46 Calci. Persuade, 25132 Calcic Acid, 7F218 ' Calculation, Fac.of, 5F144 Cancer, 45165 Cancer, Cure, 2F103 Cancer Germ Carries, 1F47 Carboferic, 95142 Carbo. Omit Sugar, 25134 Carbo. People, 1F252 Carbo. Starch, 25183 Carbohydrates, "Effect, 5F225 Carrots, Expld., 1514, 2F46, 6F83, 7F88, 35152 Carrots, How to Prepare, 7F54 Carrot Water, 7F83 Casein in Foods, pp.F224-F231, p.F23S 134 SECOND SECTION -IN D E X - PAGES ff-1 - ff-263 Cataract, Cause, 7F62 Cataract, Cure, 9F53 Catarrh, Dry, 5F195 Catarrh, Eat I, Si, 6F127, 55128 Cauliflower, 15126 Celery, "Expld., 2514 Celery , How ' to Eat, 9117 Celery Juice, 1F13 Celery Organizes Water, 10517 Cereb. 65136, 3,4,5F186, 21187, " 2F188 Cereb. Contracts, 8F31 Cereb. Cure by Teas, 11F85 Cereb. K Chlorides, 85134 Cereb, Oat Tonic, 2F91 Cheese 35126 Cheese, Dutch, Expld., 5F2 Cheese, Expld. '251 - Cheese, Coat's, 2F126 ' Cheese, Roquefort,. 7F33, 41126, 13P254 Chem.Acid or Alkaline, pp. F2 21- 4 F222 Chem. Person, pp.-F221-rF222 Chemicals Broken Down, "65115 Chemicals Deficient, pp. F241-F242 Chemicals, Descr. " p.F235 Chemicals, Disorg. p.F232" Chemicals, Each Cohstn. p.F235 pp.F245~F246 Chemicals, Excessive, pp. F241~F242 Chemical Functions, pp. F237-F240 Chemical Fune. Descr. 1F255 Chemicals 'Lackg.Descr. 14F254 Chemicals, Nature of, p.J'235, 2E255 Chemicals, Pr in. Foods, pp. F237-F240 Chemicals That Prev.Fat, 3F255 Chemicals, To Increase, 'p. F243 Chemicals, To Reduce, p,F244 Cherries, Expld. 4F164 Chervil, Expld. 7F81 Chewing Gum, 3F32 Children Need I, 5F130 • Chinaman, F Consumption, 9F202 Chinese Are Mar. 2F36 Chiropract©rs~Osteopaths, 15195 Chocolate, Food Value, 1F31 Chuck, Expld, 1151 ' Circulatory System, Cure- 12F85 Citrate of Magnesia, 3F161 Citric Acid, Effect, "p.F233 Citric Fruits, Descr. 6F255 CI Absorbs Water, 1F36 CI 'Acts on Intestines, 5&L61 CI, Albumin & Mg, 2F156 CI Builds Joints, 1F42 CI Craving, Cause, 2F51 CI -Deficient, 'Pyorrhea, 5P39 CI, Described, 4F255 CI, Effect on Spleen, 4F39 CI -Eliminates 'Pus, 9F46 CI, Excess of, Descr. 5F255 CI Excess, Cruelty, ' 8F38 CI Excess, Cure for, 4F35 CI, Excess & Deficient, ' 7F53 CI Handles Albuminate, 4512 CI In Foods, p»P237 CI Increases Voice, 3F41' 01 "is Laundryman of Body, 4F6 CI, Its Functions, 4F42 CI Kills Germs, 5F38, 35157 CI Lacking; 25153 CI Lacking, Albuminuria, 4F41 Cl Lacking, Causes, 5F41' CI .uackg. Craves Sympathy, 10F59 Cl Makes Cells ' Compact, 4F38 Cl'Man, Descr., 8F38, 3F39 01, Mg & Na Kill "Germs, 3F157 Cl, Nature of, p.F235 Cl, Organic & Inorganic, 6F51 01 Patients Breathe Fast, 4F40 Cl People, Disposition, 4F52 Cl Reduces Obesity, 4F160 Cl Salt in Excess, 7F52 ' Cl Suppresses Expression, 7F58 Cl Used Up, Hard Work, 7F39 Cl Works on Albuminuria, 8F50 Cl Peristalsis, 6F52 Clam Broth, Expld., 75180 Clams, Descr. 12F255 Climate, 35139, 2,3,55142, 55148, 2,35150" Climate, Each Constn. p.F248 Cocoanut, 5F195 ' Cocoanut Butter," 55195 Cocoanut, Expld. 5F15, 5,6F45, 7F82, 65152 Cocoanut, How to Eat, 4F87 Cod Liver Oil, 55126" Cod Liver Oil, Descr. 8F255 Coffee Acts-on Stomach, 45114 Colax, 65126' Colds, Cause, 3F24 SECOND SECTION - INDEX ~ PAGES F-l - F263 135 Colds, Cure by Teas, 13F85 Colds, Cure in Exes., 2F87 Colic, Cure "by Teas, 14F85 Colloid, pp.F224~F231, p.F233 Colon Irrigation, 4F37, 5F161, 15162 Combat; Bone Builder, 1£187 Combat,, fo Bev. 35187' Concentration Needs Ca, 4F58 Constipation, 11P252 Cons tipn., Cure, 4F9,'3il2 t -' 5F29,'4F37,-15F85, 35136, 55161, 105164 Constitutions, p.F252 Constns^Acid or Alk. p;F249' Cons tns. Hard to Change, 4F4, 3F205 Cons tns; Leadg«Chem.p.F235 Constns^Malic Acid, 15F218 Cons tns; Nature of, p;F249 Cons tns;, Negative, p.F249 Constns., Positive, p.F249 Cooking Scientifically, '45112 Corpuscles, To Make New 8F250 Cough, Cure by Teas, 16F85 Crabs, Descr. 9F255 Cramps in legs, '1517 Criminals, Cure, 4F190 Crying Children, Cure, 75160, 11161 Cucumber Diet, Nitro. 7F199 Cucumbers, 25100' Cucumbers, Expld. 6F15, 3F46,' 91152 Currants, Black, Expld. 6F26 Currants, Descr, 10P255 Currant Juice, Prepare, 7^210 Cystitis, Cause & Cure, 15199 D Dates, Expld; 12F164 ' Deafness, Ca. Hardening, 1F211 Desmo; Descr. 2,3511 Desmo. Needs Excess Na, 5F34 Desmo; Needs Fe & K~ 6F22 Desmo. People, 1FL56 Desmo. People Remember Evil, 6F9 Diabetes, 12P252 Diabetes, Cause, 9F54, 3F77 Diabetes, Cause & Cure, 4F7 D Diabetic Patients, Sa, 13F252 Diet, 5F139, 25140' Diet, Appendicitis, 11F218 Diet-Do Not Starve, 1F173 Diet for Sick Man, 4F47 Diet, Length of, 5F88 Diet, Mental Workers, 6F204 Digestion, 5F153, 2F186 Digestion, Mental Att. pp. 5184-5194 Digestion, Chemicals, 1F12 Diphtheric Cure, 5F197 Disappointment, ' Cure, 8F30 Disease Lacks 0, 8,9F120 Diseases & Ailments, pp.F252~F253 Disorganized Chem.Listed, p,F232 Disposition, 10F150, 1,25151 Dreaming, Expld., 8F113 Dreams, 11F126 Dreams, Cause, 7F214 Drinking at Meals, 11F18, 5F114 Drinks, Kind of, 35183 Dropsy, 8F204, 14F252 Dropsy, Cause, 4F7 Dropsy, Cure, 2F52 Drugs, 25112 Drunkards, Descr., 3,45183 Drunkenness, Increased by Ca, 3F69 Dry Diet-lean People, 4F184 Duodenum Fe Absorber, 1?25 Dura Mater, 3F121 Dyes in Foods, pp.F224-F231 Dyspeptic, 25174 B Eat K,C1 8c Na together, 3F89 £a£ Only When Hungry, 65*27 Eczema, 6F138 Eczema, Cause, 1F202 Eczema, Contagious, 3F206 Eczema, Cure, 4F93 Effect of Cold Weather, Descr. 7F262 Egg Phosphate 10F210 Egg White, -8,95128 Egg Whites, Expld. 351 Egg Yolk, 7515, " 9F26 ■ Egg Yolk, Descr. 4F46, 11F255 Egg Yolk, Raw, Value, 35112, 15113 e& 5,65174 136 SECOND SECTION INDEX- PAGES 2^-1 - F263 E F Elements in Infants, 16F214 Emotional People, Pood, 7P188, 2P189, 1,2,4,6P190, 4.7P192- Emotions, Descr., 7F188, 15189, 3,41192 Emotions, Diet, 7F188, 2H.89 Endive, 8P82 Enema, How to Take," 14F164 Enzymes, Effect, p.F233 - Epilepsy, Cause & Cure, 5P61, 6271- Epsom Salts, 35161, 10F164 Eruptions, Cause, 3F40 Erysipelas, Cause, 8P87 Erysipelas, Caused by Germs, 1P53 Executive, Cerebellar, "2, 3P185 Executive, Pood Absorb, 4,55185 Executive Power 0,Fe& K, 3P23 Exercise After Meals, 1P89 Exes* People-Mg lacking, 2P162 Extreme Temp. Descr. 8P262 Eye, (Original One-Eye) 1P207 Eyelid, Defect, 11P217 Eyelids Pall- Ace t. I, 3PL32 Eyelids, Red, Cause, 3F52 Eyesight Good in K People, 7P77 P P'& Na Keep Ca in Solu. 3P120 P, Described, 1F115 P Diet, 1,3P203 ' ' P Does Not Unite with 0, 1,3P115 P Effect, 2P31 • P Excess, 2,3,4, 5F119 P Excess, Cure, 5P118 P Poods, p.P237- • P Pood for T.B«, -3,5PL17 P Functions, 2,4,9P116 P for Calf, 1P213 P, Goat's Milk, 7P215 P, Row to Supply, 7P202 P in Broth, 5P202 P in Most All-Ca Poods, 1P115 P Kills Germs 7 1F35 ' ■ P Lacking, 5,6PL16, 7,8,9P119, 1PL20, pp.F122~F125 P, Nature of, p.F235 ' P People, Nature, 4,5^6P120 P Preserves Health, 4J118' P Preserves Youth & Vigor, 4P118 P Protects Bone & 2eeth, 1,2P115, 3,81116, 420.17 Facial Lines, Cure, 6P134 Faculties, Emotional, 3,4F188, 3P189 Pac;, How to Develop, 2,3,4P172 Fac. In 'Lead, Descr*, 9P262 Pasting, Method, 65164, 10P262 Pat, Descr., 12P255 Pat & Sugar Heat, 5P12 Pat Dev. Acid in tissue, 1F75 Pat Does Not Produce Heat,2P76 Pat, If you Are,'2P253 Pat In Poods, pp.F224~F231 Pat, Its Punctions, 3P74 Fatigue Products, 14P252 Pats Desirable, 4P74 ' Patty Acids, Effect, p.F233 Peand P'for Mental Work, 2P22 Fe,Cereb., Descr. 11P257 Pe, Effect When Lacking, 1F22 Pe, Excess or Lack, 4F23 Pe Excess, Plethora, 6P21 Pe Poods, p.P237 Pe for Old-Age, 8P28 Fe Free Diet, Children, 8P27 Pe, How to Obtain, '2,3F25 Pe' Lacking, Result, 2P25 Pe, Nature, p.F235 Pe 3?aste by S People, 3F145 Pe Used by Liver & Spleen, 4P21 FeUsed Over & Over, 1F24 Pe, What Constitutions, 5F21 Pe, Where Pound, 3P31 .Feeblemindedness, 2P173 Peed Ihru Strong Pac*, 35184 Feminine Build, Candy, 3P193 Fibrin, Healing Power, 6F75 Pigs; 8F15, "1F27, 3PL00 Pigs, Expld., 5P152, 8P163, 13P255 Pirmness, Bone Builder, 1P187 Pish, 9F15 Pish, Black* Bass, 82126 Pish, Expld. 7P45, 2,35179 Plank, Lean, Expld., 9F1 Flashlights, pp.F250-F263 Flatus, Cause, 4F107 Flaxseed for Lungs, 5P208 Floating Kidneys, Cure, 7P25 SECOND SECTION - INDEX- PAGES F-l - F-263 137 F G Food' Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Foods Cause, 3F218 Analys is , pp . F223-F231 Brain, Descr. 2F256, 4F256 Cold, 7F180, Eliminative, 6F256 Emotional Fac, 4,5,6FIG8 Bony Men, 1F186 Old People. 5F91 Formic Acid, 7F256 P, Good, 7F180 Princ.Na, 9F256 Neurol, 8F256 5 Descr,, 1F257 Summer & Non-Summer, Descr, 2F257 Wrong, Descr. 3F257 , Alk. Descr. 1F256 6 Chemicals, List of pp.F854-F256 , Demineralized, 3F129 , Each Chera.pp.F237-F240 ,Each Constnr.pp,F?,19- F220, pp.F245-F24S for Calci. 12F70 for Children, 3F34 for Mental Wcrk, Descr. , Good & Bad, 5F112 , Quantity, 3F151 , Right Kind, 4F131 Forehead Perspiration, 13F200 Foreign Matter in Body, 7,8F111 Formic Acid, 6F92 " * Formic Acid, Ef fect,p%F233 Frontal Sinuses, 3,4F95 Froth in Secretions, 5F162, 1,2,3F163 Fruit Builds Tophead, •5F172, 6F188, IK. 8 9-, 3F191 Fruit, Elevated Food, 1F190 Fruit, How to Can, 7F200' Functions, Each Chemical, pp.F237-]?240 G GALLSTONES, 8F208 Gangrene, Cure for, 4F59 Gas, Cause & Cure, 4,5F162, 4F163 Gas in Stomach, Cure 6F36 Gas in Stomach, 13F217 Gas ' Producers , 5F151 §as, S, Cure, 7F36 Gas, To Reduce, 4,5F189 Gaultheria, Effect, p.F233 Gelatine in Foods, pp.F224-F231 Generative Organs, 9F250 Generative Power, 7F174 Geniuses, Inheritance, 9F72 Germs, 1F253 Germs, Ho?; to Kill, 2F59 Germs, Na,K, CI, F, 8F13 Germs Where K is Lacking, 5F75 Gingerale, Descr. 4F257 Gizzard, All are Good, 3,7EL7 Gizzard, Chicken, Descr. 5F257 Gland Trouble, Prostatic, 9F203 Glands, Swell, 1F214 Glucose Acid, Effect, p.F233 Glucose In Foods, pp.F224~F231 Goitre, Cause, 12F196 Goitre, Cause & Cure, 4F54 Goitre, Cure, 7F217, 2F89 Goitre in Women, "5F217 Gciore, Operation, 9F217 Gcitre Requires I, 4F22, 8H21, 7F133, 7F203 Gonorrhea, Cure, 5F212 Gooseberries, 8F93, 2F16 Gossiper, Descr* 9F10 Gout, Cause & Cure, 2F8, 7F9, 1F65 Gout & Rheum. 8F104, 5F109, 2F110 Grapefruit, Expld. 9F153, 6F257 Grapefruit, When to Eat, 6ZL98 Grapefruit, 4F136 ' Grape Juice, Descr. 7F257 Grapes, Arsenic, Effect, 3F114 Grapes, Concord, 2F27 Grapes Enlarge Liver, 2F20 Grapes, Green, 3F27 Gray Matter of Brain, 10F250 Grease, Fried, Bad, 3F54 Greens, Bitter, Expld. 9F81 Grief & Sorrow, 8F157 Grinding Grain at Home, 8F196 H H" FOODS, P.F238" H, Nature of, p.F235 Habits, 35187 138 SECOND SECTION -.INDEX- -PAGES F-l - 3^-263 H Hair, 3F138, 3F139, 2F145 Hair, Gray, 10F204, 9F215 Hair Wash, 11F262 Ham, Expld. 4F45 Hands, Chapped, Cause, 2F88 Hard Work, Descr. 12.262 Harmonious Dev. 6F192 Harmony While Eating, 5,63181, 2*182, 51182 Hatred While Eating, 4F181 Hayfever Headache Headache Headache Headache Headache Headache 7F208, 2F253 Bilious, Cause, 7P18 Cure, 5F98 Cure by Teas, 17F83 feeds Mg, 6F156 I Starvation, 1F210 Periodic, 3F78 Health, Effect, S Pood, 75150 Health, To Becover, 3F253 Heart Salts, Poods, 5F47 Heart, Cure by Teas, 18F85 Heart & Soul, 2P191 ■ Heart & Tissue Salts, 1F40 Heart Disease, 61163 Heart Disease, Cure, 2F40 Heart, Length of Life, 2P194 Heart Trouble, 3F210 Heat Produced by Muscles, 2P76 Heaven in Brain, 2F1S0, 2P191 Hell in Brain, 5P190 Hemiphlegia, 1F205 Hemorrhage Needs Ca, 4F57 Hernia, 5F205 Herring, Smoked, Expld. 10F1 Herring, Spiced, Descr. 8P257 Hiccough, Cause & Cure, 1P30 Hickory, 8F81' Hippuric Acid, Effect, p.F233 Hives, Oatmeal, 6P.L96 Hives, Tannic Acid, 4F196 Honey & Lemonade, 11F199 Honey & Milk for Throat, 1F200 Honey ' Builds "Backhead, 5P172 Honey, Expld. 9F133, 1F134, 9F257 Horseradish, 7F152, 4H00 Horseradish, Expld. 2P152 Hot Weather Takes Na, 6F12 How to Know K is racking, 1P78 Human Vampires, 3P207 Hunger, Descr. 13F262 Hydric Obesity, Cure for, 1F36 Hydrochloric Acid, Lacking 5P9 H Hydrochloric Acid, Function 5P37 Hyperacidity, Cure, 9P33 Hypnotism, 4ZL57 Hypnotizing, Evil, 6P73 Hysteria, Cause, 8F110 (I - IODIN) I, Cod Liver Oil, 55199 I, Described, 10F257 I Diet, 12*198 I Excess, 7P127, 31132 I Excess &' Lacking, 8F216, 1F217 I Poods, p»F238 I Poods, Best, 6P133 I, Free, 1F216" I Functions, 2,4F127, 4F128, 2P129, 2,3P130, 7P132 I Lacking, 2P127, 6P128, 2P130, 4P132, 5P134 I, Nature of, p.F235 I Symptoms, 8F128 Ice Bags for Inflammation, 4F53 Indigestion, ' To Cure, 5F253 Inflammation, 6F253 Inflammation' in Brain, 7F253 Inflammation, Use Ice Bags, 4F53 Impotence, Food for, 3F92 Impulse, Descr. 2F188 Increasing Diet, p.F243 Infantile Paralysis, 12F204 12F208 Infants Food, Descr. 1F3, 5F4 Infection, Use Tobac. 2F114 Influenza, Cure, 2F196 Influenza, Cure by Teas, 19F85 Influenza, Diet, 9F195 Insanity, 11F203 Insanity, Prevention, 2F158 Intellect, I, 3F141 Intellect Uses Mb, 2F106 Intensity Needs Mg, 5F156 Internal Baths, 41161, 4F163 Isogenic Mothers, Best, 6F57 Iso. Needs Outdoor Exer. 4F71 Iso. Needs Perspiration, 8F72 Itching, Cause, 7F49 JEALOUSY, CAUSE, ■ 8F54 Joints, Cracking, Cause, 4P8 -* SECOND SECTION - I N D 3 X - PAGES P-l - F-263 139 K (K - POTASSIUM) K, 2F84 K Acts on Fat, 1F73 K Acts on Pat, Sag* Starch, 4F79 K and Na Functions, 7F73 ' E and Na Take Care of Fat, 2F73 K Attracts in Tissue, 9F74 K Broken Down, 2,4F80 K Causes Bloating, 5F77 K'Combn. Descr. 4F260 K, Described, 3F260 K Diet Demands Na, 5F10 K Diet in Breakdown, 4F88 K Excess, 4,5F90 K Foods, p.F240 K for K People, 3F209 K Hunger Symptoms, 5,8F79, 1,6,7F80 K Increases Brain Action, 2F77 K Lacking, 2F153 K Lacking, Result, 5F78 K, Na & CI for Myo. 7F212 K, Nature of, p.F235 ' K Needed for Sug*Metab. 2F73,3F77 K Prevents Acid, 2F73 K Prevents Fermentation, 5F76 K Produces Cell Action, 3F76 K Produces Energy '& Sleep, 4F76 K Produces Fibrin, 4F76 £' Products Need Mg, 2F156 K,S & CI, Lacking, Itching, 7F49 K Takes CI & Na,'Out, 2F38 K Very Poisonous, When Dis- organized, 3F156 £ Works in Muscle & Fat, 7F74 LACTIC ACID, EFFECT, p.F233 La Grippe, Cupe by Teas, 20F85 Laxative, -Peppermint, 7F112 laxatives, Descr. 12F257 Lean People-Dry Diet, 4F184 Lean People Perspire, 6F183, 1,21184 Lecithin, Described, 1F258 left-Handedness, Cause, 2F71 Leisure Life, 'Descr. 14F262 Lemons, Descr. 2F258 length of 'Life of Body, 2,3,4,5,6,7F194 Lentils, 4F27, "10F81 Lentils, Expld. 651, 3F14, 5F46, 4F179, 3F258 Lettuce, 4F26, 9F82 K Lettuce, Expld. 5F100 Life & Death, 9F253 ' ' Life Chemicals, F,Na,S,P, 4F115 Ligaments &■ Joints, 12F250 liquid Diet, Descr. 4F258 liver, 1F140, 1F251 Liver, Cure by Teas, 1F86 Ljver, Sluggish, 1F157 Lobsters, 1F16 loganberries, Fe, 10F29 ' Love & Idealism, Defined, 10F3 Lungs, Length of Life, 7F194 Lymphatics, Children, 3F193 M MACKEREL, EXPLAINED, 4F1 Magnetism vs.Electric. 9F207 Malic Acid, Effect, p.F233 Maple Sugar, Descr. 5F258 Mar as. Diet, 4F36 Marmalade, Descr. 7F258 Massage, Each Constn. p.F247 Massage, Expld. 7F116 Materialists, 2F191 Mathematical ' Genius , 5F210 Meat Protein, 2F189 Meat, Tougher the Better, 7F3 Meat, Young Animals, 1F209 Meat Juice is a Tonic, 2F72 Meat Juice, Raw, 9F83 Meats, Explained, 7F1 Mechanical Engineer, 9F71 Medeic, Longevity, 4F114 Medeic Taint, Cure, 2F90 Memory, 2F137 Memory Gland, 10F54 Mental Depression, Cause, 4F23 Mentality, Defective, 11F200 Mercury, Arsenic, Affect, 3F197 Metabolism, Expld. "3F37 Metals 'In Food, pp.F224-F231 Methyl, Effect, p.F234 (MG - MAGNESIUM) Mg, Citrate of Magnesia, 1,2F155 Mg & Citric Acid Foods, 4F153 Mg & Muscular People, 1F156 Mg & 0, Combined, 1F155 140 SECOND SECTION - INDEX- PAGES F-l - F-263 Mg Characteristics, 2F157, 5,6F158 Mg Constructs White Fibres, 8F156 Mg Cooling, 7F156 Mg Cools Brain, 5F160 Mg Directions, 1F2X8 Mg Drugs & Pood, 1P159 Mg Effect on Body, 3,6F155, 3,5,6,7,81X58 Mg Eliminates, 3,5F156, 8P157 Mg Excess Affects Brain, 8P159 Mg' Foods, p.F238 Mg, Functions of, 2F153, 5F154, 6,7,8P157, 2F158, 5P159, 2,3,5,F161 Mg, Heart Disease, 6F163 Mg Lacking, 4,5F156, 6,7,8,9,10F158 Mg, Location in Body, 2P198 Mg, Nature of, p.F235 Mg Seduces Passion, ' 7F156 Mg' Regulates Nerves, 7P156 Mg, Tart or Pungent, 3F155 Mg" Washes Germs Out, 3P157 Mg, When Excessive, 6,7,9P159, 4P162 Mg, When lacking, 7F159, 2P160, 2,5F162,4F163,1J161, 8F164 Mg, When Needed, 2,3P159 Miasms, 5F102, 7F121, 4,5,6,10F124, 4P127, 6,7F140 Milk and Dates, 5F213 Milk, 6F100 Milk, Cow's.Expld. 6F2, 3P16 Milk Diet, Descr. 8F258 Milk, Expld. 6P179 Milk for Calci., 2F170, 3F174, 4,5P177 Milk, Goat, 4P198 Milk, Goat's for Babes, 4F69 Milk, Goat's, Expld., 10F2, 4F16, 2P44 Milk Must be Alkaline, 3,4,5,6B_53 Milks, Analyzed, 8P2 Mineral Waters, 5P95" Misc. Flashlights, pp,P262~F263 (MN - MANGANESE) Mh Acts on Nerves, 7F103 Mh Acts on Will, 1F109 Mn Controls Handwriting, 4P110 Mn Controls Soul, 2F107 M Mn Food, p.F239' Mn Functions, p. PI 01 Mn Needed by Old People, 1F105 Mn In Nuts, 14F214 Mn Increases Oxidation, 3,4F103 Mn Makes Feelings Permanent, 21X07 Mn, Nature of, p,F235 Mn Produces Synergy, 5F108, 1,2 ? 4F109 Mn, S & P, Trinity, 4F113 Mn Symptoms, 4,5,6,7F110 MnWeather Effect, 'lOFHO Mn, When Lacking, 1,2F1 05, 1F107, 1,2,3,4F108 Molasses in Foods, pp.P224-F231 Mulberry Juice, 5F218 Muscle Builders, Cereb. 3,4,5F186, 2F187 Muscle Foods, Descr, 9F258 Muscle People, No Sweets, 3F193 Muscle Twitching, Cause, 2F4 Muscles, 2F86 Muscles, Length of Life, 3,6,F194 Muscles, P & Fibrin, 1F170 Myo, Outdoor Exercise, 4F71 Myo. People, 1F146 Myristic Acid, Effect, p,F234 N (N - NITROGEN) ■ N Builds Muscle, 4F3 N Foods, p.F239 N, Nature of, p.F235 (NA - SODIUM) Na and CI Remove Dirt, 5F6 Na & K Handle Fat, 5F6, 6F6 Na Broken Down, 6F10, 2,3,4F13 Na Builds Strength, 3F8 Na' Chloride, Descr, 9F261 Ba,Cl & Ca, Descr, 7F261 Na, Descr, 6F261 Na, Eliminative, '5F161 Na Excess, Descr. 8F261 Na Foods, p„F240 Na Increases Saliva, 1F12 Na Lacking, Eyesight, 2F11 Na Lacking in 99$ People, 4P10 Na Lacking, Result, 8F8, 1F9, 2,31X0, 10F34, 2F155 SECOND SECTION - IIDH- PAGES F-l - F-265 141 If N Na lacking, Symptoms, 7F11 Na, Nature of, p.F235 Na, Regulated, 5F54 Na, Tissue & Free, 7F13 Nasturtium Flowers, 3F113 Nature, Disorganized Chem.p.F232 Nature, Fat on Body, 2F251 Nature of Constns. p. 1249 Negative Constns. p.F249 Negative Suggestions, 3,4F187 Nerve Control by Ma, 1F111 Nerve Gas, Cure for, 2F35 Nerves, 3F86 Nerves Ache Acct. Acid, 4F77 Nervi.& Medeic, 6F113 Nervous Imagination, 3F211 Nervous Prostration, Cause & Cure, 3F36 Nervousness, Cause, 5F59 1F60, 5F157 Nervousness & Sleeplessness, 10F253 Neuralgia, Cause, 4F77 Neuralgia, Chronic, Cure, 7F201 Neurasthenia, 3F173 Neurasthenia, K, 6F20 Neuritis, Cause, 4F77, 11F253 Neuritis, Cause & Cure, 2, 3F7 Neuro. Need Fat & Na, 9F34 Neuro: People Have P, 5,6Iil68 Neuro. Needs CI, 6F48 Neuro. People Need, 7F30 Neurolin, When Weak, 4F73 Neurosis, Cure, 4F92 Neurotic Habits, 4F156 Night 'Work Demands Mh, 5F105 Nitro. People, 4F159 Nitro. Starch, 2F183 Numbness, 8F133 Numbness, Weak Cereb. 7F209 Nut Butters, ■ 7F195 Nuts, Almond, 2F82 ' Nuts, Almond, Descr. 4F14, 10F153, 10F258 Nuts, Almond, Rich in l&i, 4F104 Nuts, Black Walnuts, 1F164 Nuts, Chestnuts, 3F82 Nuts Dev. Tophead, 6F188,1P189, 3F191 Nuts, Expld. 13F1, 2F180 Nuts, Peanuts, Raw, Expld. li?2 Nuts, Pignolia, Expld. 2F2 Nuts, Pistachio, Descr. 5F14, 11F258 (0 - OXYGEN) 0, Active, 5F132 0, Builder & Repairer, 5F103 0, Excess, Descr. 8F259 Foods, p.F239 Gives Energy, ' 2F21 0, Nature of, p.F235 Obtained as Follows, 8F259 Oat Oil, Effect, p.F234 Oat Preparations, 1F212 Oatmeal, 5F16, 10F82, 6F99 Oatmeal, Expld. 4F133 Oats, Curative Value, 3F91 Oats, Descr. 4F180, 12F258 Oats, Relative Value, 2F91 Oatwater, Directions, 12F258, 3F259 Oatwater, Purpose, 2F259 Obesity, Cure, 4F160 Occipital Headache, 12F210 Offspring, 3,4F167 Offspring, Emotional People, 3,4F191 Okra, Expld., 6F14, 4F259 Old-Age, 1F129 01d-*Age, Cause, 1F23 Old People Need Mn, 1F105 Oleic Fat, Effect, p.F234 Oleic In Food, pp.F224-F231 Olive Oil, Descr. 5F259 Olives, Sun-Dried, 4F82 Orange Peel, Descr. 5F259 Osseous Type People, 2F252 Osteopathy & Other Cures, 6F105 Over-eating, Descr. 6F259 Oxalic Acid, Effect, p.F234 Oxy. Periodic Exper. 7F72 Ozone, After Rains, 2F175 Ozone in Each Constn. p.F248 (P - PHOSPHORUS) P & Ca Combined, 6F172, 4F174 142 SECOND SECTION - INDEX- PAGES F-l - F263 P & F for Paralysis, 5F176 P & N Increase, Effect, 2P129 P Builds Ideal it y-Ca, 4F170 P, Cure, 5F171, 4F175, 2,3F177 P Develops Tophead, 2,4P168 P Excess, Descr. 1F260 P Exhaustion, 3F173 P, Explained, 2F180" P Poods, 3.9F214, p.F239 P for P People, 9F213 P Functions, 2*165, 7F167, ■ ' 4,7,8F168, '2,3F169, 1,2F170, 2,3F171 P in Salesmanship, 1,2F176 P lacking, 1,2F165, 3F167, 1,2F174, 5F175 ; lamp of Brain, 4F173 , Nature of, p.F235 " Necessary for Poise, 5,6F176 Needed, 7F140 People, Imagine,5,6,7,8,9F131 People Impractical, 3F168 People Need Sleep, 3F213 Symptoms, 4,5F171, 7F176 Paralysis, Avoid, 3,4F166 Paralysis, Food For, 1F34 Parental I. Craves Sugar, 2F193 Pargenic, 2P122, 6,7,8,9F125 Pargenic People, 3F252 Parsley, 1F83 Pa the. People, 11F164 Pathe. Respond to I, 2F132 Reaches, 10F83 Peaches, Descr. 9F259 Peanuts, Raw, Descr . 10F259 Pears, 7F26 " Pears, Descr* 11F259 Peas, Descr. 5F1, 12F259 Peas, Scotch Dried, 5F82 Pectose, Effect, p.F234 Pectose in Foods, pp.F224-F231 People, Foods to Eat, pp*F221-F222 People, Foods to Omit, pp.F221-F222 People, Heavy, Fleshy, 11F250- People, Intellectual, Illness, 1F8 People, Muscular, 5F252 Peppermint Tea, 11F164 Peristalsis, Expld. 6F153" " Peristaltic Action, Expld., Cure, 4F37 Perspiration, Lackg. Cause, 6F39 Perspiration, Sour, 12F253 Phlegm in Lungs, 5F203 Phthisis, Expld. 1F165 Pimples, Cause, 3F216 Pineal Gland Func. 7F206 Pineapple Acid, Effect, p.F234 Pineapple, Descr. 2F260 Pink Eye, Cause, 3F201, 9F212 Pituitary Gland, 7F207 Pleasure ' in Eating, 6F181 Plethora, Cause, 3F23 Pork, Wholesome, 7F48 Porterhouse Steak, Expld. 13F1 Position While Sleeping, 1F263 Positive Constns. p.F249 Positive Suggestions, 2F187 Potatoes, 2F83 - Potatoes, Baked, 2F54 Potatoes, Expld. 4F2 ' Poultice, Bran & Milk, 8F258 Power, Creative, 4F175 Prayer, Purpose of, 6F72 Pre -Natal Habits, 2F50 Products of System, Descr. ■ 5F260 Proteid in Foods, pp,F224-F231 Protein Dev. Kidney Trble. 5F3 Proteinf Animal ) Di- gest, 5F40' Protein, Effect, p.F234 Protein Foods, Expld. 7F2 Protein in Foods, pp.F224-P231 Protein - Meat, 2F189 Protein Metab.Cereb. 3,4F186 Protein Metab. Low, Symp.2F41 Protein Poisons, Descr. 7F260 Protein Products, Poison, 7F76 Protein Type Constns. 4F252 Protein Unabsorbed Decays, 2F187 Proteins, Descr. 6F260 Prune Acid, Effect, p.F234 Prunes, 6F16 " Prunes, Descr. 8F260 Prunes, German, 3F83 Pus Disease, "4F165 Pus in Cereb. 10F208 Pus Under Teeth, 6F128 Pyorrhea, 13F253 ■■i SECOND SECTION - INDEX- PAGES F-l - P-263 143 R RADIO-ACTIVE PEOPLE, 8F206 Radishes, 7P16 Radishes Cause Gas. 11F16 Raisins, Rations. Seeded, Good, Descr. 9 #8 SO' 2P49 Red Corpuscles, Happy Mind, 1519 Red Corpuscles, Mnf'g, East, 4F33 Red Corpuscles Heed Fe, 1F2-1 Reducing Chem. 'by Diet, p« 2*244 ■ itesin, Effect, p.F234 Respiratory Centre, 13F218 Rheumatism, Cause, 11F70 Rheum. Cause & Cure, 3P38, 8518 Rice, 7F99 Romaine, 11F83 Round Shoulders, 5F206 Rutabagas, .8P16 H-ye, Explained, 2F164 S (S - SULPHUR) S Affects Memory, 35199 S & P Heed Mg, 2P142 S Characteristics, 1,5F145, ' 3,4E14 6, 1P147, 2,3,45148, 8,95150 • S' Deficient, 3.45151 S, Described, 13F261 S D±2T, Bad for Atro, 7P150 SDiseases, 55143, 1,25144 3, Effect on Liver & Bile, 25136 S, Effect on 0x16 at ion; 3,4P137 S, Effect on Pe^scn, l,6.hl41, 10JP142, 7 5143 S Excess, Descr, 65136, 5,6F137, 15142, 14F261 S Pood, Raw, 5P148 S Poods, 4P31, p,F.?40 ■ S Foods, Cooked, GF136, 2F137, 257..5C, 31140, 6F149, 3F20C • ■ S Functions in Body, 2,3,4F135, 4F156, 453 40, 25141, 1,71142 S'Gas Fills Hemoglobin, 3F22 S, Generative Power, 4F175' S, How to Reduce, 6F148, 1,2F149, 55151 S In Body, 4,55145 S In Hemoglobin, 55145, 5,51146, 1,25147 S Lacking, 15135 S Makes Parser Adapt. 2F135 S, Nature of, 1,2,4,6,75139, 1F140, 85142, 1,2,45143, 45144, p«F235 S Needs, 150 42 S ' Symptoms. -4F138, 2F146 S, Syphilis, 7,85133 Saccharin, Effect, p„F234 Sage 5ea, Descr. 10^260 Saint Vitus Dance f Cure, 5F97 Saleratua is 'Ha Oxide, 5P18 Salesmanship, Action, 3F72 Salicylate, Effect, p,F234 Saliva, Rich in Ha, 4F9 Salmon, Expld. 2F133 Salt, A Preservative, 1F38 Sa i + Common, Exp Id. 4U44 Salt,- Ccmmcn, Not Heeded for Blood, 1F48 Salt, Common, When Heeded, 10F53 Salt for Bath, p.F247 Salt in Foods, pp.F224~ir231 Salt Neutralizes Gas, 1F37 Salt Rheum, 9F218 Salts, Alkaline, Descr. 11F260 Salts, Blood, Descr. 11F260 Salts ; Brain, Descr. 1F261 Salts, Heart, Descr. 2F261 Salts in Outer Part Grain, 6F78 Salts, Organic & Inorganic, 3F5 Salts, Stomach, Descr. 3F261 Salts, Iheir Functions, 6F74 Saltwater, 4F18 Salviol, Effect, p.F234 Sandy Beaches, Si, 7F211 Sassafras 'lea, Prepare, 7F210 Sauer-Kraut, Expld, 3545' Sauar-Ktaut, How to Cook, 75164 Scalp, Greasy, 5F211 Scalp/ Sweaty, Cure, 1F33 Scrofula, 15165 Secretions that Aid Digestion, 3F2, 3F251 Sharp Edges, I, 4F131 Shell Shock-Gas, 11F197 Shrimp, Expld. 3F133 144 SECOND SECTION - INDEX- PAGES F-l - F-263 S (SI - SILICON) Si "Dev. "Activity, 2F161 Si, Dev. Combat. 1F93 " Si, Effect on Intellect, 5F92 Si Si Si Si Si- Si, Si, Si, Si, Si, Foods, p for Etc., Cereb. 7F98 3F98. 4F91 6F94 5F105 F240 Hair, Nails, Gives Energy to Hunger Symptoms, .backing, Result, Lost, 9F209 Lost Speech, 15F211 Nature of, 5,6F93, p.F235 Outer Part of Saw Oats, 11F209 Grain, 8F98 SI Tones Nerves, 6F94 Sickness Needs Ash Salts, 1143 Size, Faculty of, 7F113 Skin Eruptions, 7F197 Sleep Impossible Without Mn, 4F105 Sleep, To Acquire, 5F214 Sleepiness After Meals, Descr. 2F263 Sleepiness, Cause, 9F201 Sleeping Sickness, -10F196 Sleeplessness, 6F86,'5F105 Sleeplessness, Cause, 5F216 ' Sleeplessness, Cause & Cure,4F77 Sleeplessness, Cure, 6F160,3F163 Sluggishness, Cause of, 7F157 Sociability, Descr. 3F263 Soda Foun .Mate rial, 14F208 Sores & Cuts, 9F59 Soul & Heart, 2F191 Soul in Tophead, 1F191 Speech Lost, Avenin, 11F211 Spells, Periodic, 1F201 Spices in Foods, pp.F224~F231 - Spinach, 8F26, "4F83, 7F10G, 95126 Spinach, Expld. 7F14, 6F46, 4F152 Spinach from Greenhouse, 3F215 Spinach, More Fe Than Juice, 2F29 Spinach, P & K, 5F172 Spirituality^ P, 5F167 Spirituality, Very Strong, 7F120 Spleen Needs Salts, 5F13 Starch by Ailment, 3,4,6,7F182 Starch Metal, Effect, p.F234 Starch Poison, 6Fi.32 Starch Types, 2F183 ' Starches in Foods, pp. F224-S 1 231 Starches, Negative, Descr. 10F261 Stearoptene, Effect, p.F234 Stomach, Cure by Teas, 7F86 Stomach, Length of Life, 7F194 Stomach, Weak, 7S180 Strawberries, 10F26, 8FL00 Strawberries, Eat Without Cream or Su^af, 4F5, "71'129, Strawberries, Expld. 1F15 Strawberries Without Sweetg,8F34 Sturgeon, Dried, Expld. 8F1 Sugar Absorbs Ca, 4F86 Sugar Unnecessary for Canning, 7P27 Sugar, Bright "s Disease, 3F165 Sugar Dev, Par.Love, 5F172 Sugar, Fat, Starch, Descr* 12F261 Sugar in Foods, pp.F224-F231 Sugar, To Handle, Descr. 11F261 • Sugar, Organic, 1F208 Sweets, Craving for; Descr. 15F261 Swiss Cheese, Expld, 3F44 Symbols, Chemical, pp.F224- and F235' Sympathy, Betw. Heart & Feet,5F207 Sympathy, Sugar, '3F193 Symptoms, Direct, 3F162 Symptoms 'for Everything, 2F120 Syphilis, Cure, 8F115, 2F117, 5F121 Syphilitic, Vs. Par. 3F202 T TAINT, CURE, 1F197 ■ Taint, Cure by Teas, 8F86 Talk in Sleep, 10F126 Tannic Acid, Effect, p»F234 Tartaric Acid, Effect, p.F234 Tea (Not Herbs ) Acts on Nerve and Brain, 5F114' Teas, Expld. Bones et, 4F84 Teas, Burdock, Expld. 5F84 leas, Chamomile, Expld. 6F84 Teas, Catnip, Expld. 7F84 Teas, Dandelion, Expld. 9F84 Teas, Elderberry Juice, Expld. 10F84 SECOND SECTION INDEX- PAGES F~l - P263 .145 T T Teas. Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Teas Flaxseed, Expld. 11P84 Herb, 9P200 Hop, Expld. 12F84 laurel Leaves, Expld. 13F84 Marjoram, Expld. 14F84 Mint, Expld. 15F84 Peppermint, 'Expld. 16F84 Sage, Sxpld«'lFS5 Sarsaparilla, Expld. 2F85 Sassafras, Expld. 5P85 Savory, Expld. 4F85 Senna, Expld. 5F85 Thyme, Expld. 6F85 Wintergreen, Expld. 7F85 Wormwood, Expld. 8F85 Teeth, 'Undersized, 10F198 Temper, Scarce of, 6F160 Temper, To Reduce, 6F160 Temperament & Dispostn. . 4,5F106 Temperature of Boom, 2F166 Tension, 5F251 Third Circulatory System, 7F206 Three Kingdoms, Descr. 4F263 Throat Trouble, 14F253 Thrombosis, 3F158' Thymol, Effect, p.F234' Thyroid Gland, '1, 2F127, . 4,5,6,8F129, 7F152, 6F251 Thyroid Gland, Auto- Toxins, 3F9 Tissue & Bone Builders, 2F165 Tissue Protected by Salts, 7F251 To Convert Fat, 8F251 To Sweeten Stomach, 9F251 Tomato Acid, Effect, p»F234 Tonic, Happy Mind, 7F92 Tonics, Descr. 1F262 Tophead, Vegetarian, 2F189 Toxins, Effect, p*F234 Toxins, Neutralized, 1F127,1F128 Tubercular, Cause, 7F10 Tubercular People, Fevers Daily, 9F3 Tubercular People, Foods, 7P30, ' 2,6F121, 5F127 tubercular, Results, Lack of I, 4F22 Tubercular 'Roommate, 1F206 " Tubercular, Sensual, Expld. 1F64 Tuberculosis, 3,6,7F117, 4F158 T„B. Cure by Teas, 9F86 Tuberculosis Patient, Ca, 2F61 Tuberculosis Peculiarities, 3F63 T.B., Prevent, 1F166 Tumor, Cure, I, 3F158 Tumor, Fibroid, 9F1M Tumors, Cause, Cure, 4F34,5F71 Turnips, 9F16 U Ulceration, Cure, 9F29 Ulcers, Dressing, 15F253 Ulcers, Varicose, 9F197 Urination, Frequent, 9F201 VACCINATION, 3F93 Vaccine & Serum, 6F114 Vaccinosis, 7F118 Value, Good Meals, 1F154 Varicose Veins, 7F116, 11F201 Vegetable Diet, 3F38 Veg.Diet Descr, 2F262 Veg n Diet Needs CI, 1F51 Vego Salts, 7F213 Vegs« Excess, Descr. 3F262 Vegs. Supply Water, 7F12 Vegetarian Tophead, 2F189 Vein, Zigzag in Temple, 8F71 Veneration & P, 5F167 Vigor, To Generate, 6F150 Vital Organs, 2F140 Vitamines, 2F99, 4F113, 1F140, 3F176, 12F83,4F262, 2F47 Vitamines, Each Constn.p.F236 Vitamines, Expld. 8F25,6F50, Vi tarn ine s , Wh ere Fo und , 4F43 , 5F43,lF44,pcF223 Volatile Oil , Effect, p. F234 Volatile Oil, Foods, pp.F224-231 W WALNUTS, EXPLD. 14F1, 1F113, Water , 4F7 , 11F214, 6F171, 1F88 Water iii Foods, pp. F224-F231 Weather, Each Constn.p.F248 Whooping Cough, Cause, 3F53 Will-Power, -5F184- Wit, Sarcasm, Cause, 5F36 Wine, Dandelion, How to Prepare 8F263 Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-l INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUB JEC T-NITROGEN . FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED : BEANS - contain 24.30$ Protein, and all brain and Potash salts r principally Potassium Phosphate. They are very rich in Protein, and are muscle— building. Muscles contain 17$ Nitrogen. CHEESE ■* contains 16$ Nitrogen. EGG V/HITES - give 13$ Protein. Eggs contain a little more than 15$ of Nitrogen. MACKEREL, LEAN - contains 16$ to 25$ Protein. PEAS - contain 23$ Protein and all the salts needed for the human system, principally Potassium Phosphate. LENTILS - hold 25$ Protein, and contain all tho salts with the exception of Silicon and Sulphur, MEATS - In meats we find from 16$ to 25$ Protein, and principally Potassium Phosphate. DRIED STURGEON - contains 32$ Protein, also Potassium Phosphate, and mostly all of the salts. FLANK, LEAN - contains 13$ up to 27$ Protein, usually 13$ to 21$, also Potassium Phosphate. DRIED BEEF - holds 47$ Protein and down to 24$, also Potassium Phosphate. CHUCK - contains 13$ to 22$ Protein, and principally Potassium Phosphate of the salts. SMOKED HERRING - contains 36.9$ Protein, also Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium. PORTER HOUSE STEAK - is principally water, NUTS - are principally fat, from 67$ to 83$ fat. WALNUTS - contain 17$ Protein and 53$ fat. ALMOND NUTS - hold 25$ Protein, are rich in most of the salts need- ed; contain principally Potassium Phosphate; are muscle-building and bVain-building. Fish is also a brain food. Almond nuts con- tain the brain salts. \7hen Almond Nuts are salted, they aid the digestion of Starch. Do not eat Almond Nuts by themselves to any great extent, as they may poison the stomach. They should be ground and sprinkled on other foods. BUTTER NUTS - contain 27.9$ Protein, also Potassium Phosphate.. F-2 pah PFANfnS'- contain a little more than 29$ Protein, are rich in the SaSf and contain Potassium Phosphate in abundance. Do not eat roasted peanuts. PIGNOLIA NOTS - hold 33.955 Protein. They are rich in Potassium Phosphate, and are brain-building. wcnw REAMS - are rich in Potassium Phosphate and Sodium. People shoSa eaf plenty of String Beans, Pineapple, Strawberry, and Raspberries - all rich in Sodium. POTATOES - contain Sf, Ash; only about 13* of Potatoes is ^otein; 67* fl^S .-. aater- and sugar is found to the extent of 21%. There is a vl™ small cerclage of Potassium Phosphate. Potatoes should be eale^onlf by P cSen. People over 40 or 45 should not eat pota- toes. DUTCH CHEESE - holds 29$ to «$ Protein. It is principally Calcium; among the salts. It is difficult to digest. COW'S MILK - contains from 3$ to nearly 4$ ^f' pE^eS^km- been Protein crazy for nearly 100 years. Ex ? ess .°^ Pr< ?r^ n i S £+ in| mcly people. Y Vte find Calcium and Potassium m Cow's Milk, but hardly any Iron. PROTEIN FOODS - are rich in Nitrogen; contain from 13$ to 17* Nitro- gen. MILK FROM GOATS AND CPUS COMPARED CONTAINS COff'S MILK GOAT'S MILK Water 85 to 87.20$ 87 to 89.39^ Protein 3.55$ 2." Sugar 4.88$ 4.25 /0 Ash • '! X* Potassium Oxide 24.67$ .44.58* Sodium Oxide 9.70$ 7.18% Calcium Oxide 22.5 J | ? 99* Magnesium Oxide 3.05$ 2.48^ Iron »55 § Phosphorus 28.45$ 13.78$ Silicon .04 None Chlorin 14.28$ 31. J Fluorin None .66^ Much more Calcium is found in CWb Milk than in Goat's Milk. Goat's Milk contains more Iron than Cow's Milk, Goat's Milk contains Lactic Acid, to #»•«*«?*<* /J&StN^ It acts upon the alimentary tract. Goat's Milk is closest to Mother's Milk. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Roc^ne. INSTITU T E OF HuHAN NATURE STUDIES, CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . F-3 LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-NITROGEN. FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED : (Continued) Infants' Food may contain 89$ of the cheapest kind of sugar; many times as much sugar as Mother's Milk. Infants 1 Food may result in bloating, gas, hip disease, trouble with bones and teeth. Human IS. Ik contains 2.36$ Protein, and much Potassium. Goat's I.:ilk contains 2.78$ Protein, a little more than IJother's Milk, and all the blood salts; Potassium Chloride, Calcium Fhos~ phate, and Sodium Chloride, REMARKS : All Foods high in Nitrogen build muscle. The Myogenic, the Calciferic, Desmogenic, and Nitropheric, arc Protein types. These types are able to hold Nitrogen in the system. Nitrogen takes up starch, principally. The person who lives on a high protein diet is likely to suffer from Kidne}?- disease, because he cats too much Protein. Too much sugar, too much Protein, too much fat, cause fermentation end auto-intoxication in the stomach. The brain worker does not need much Protein food. He should have brain fcod, alkaline salts, especially Magnesium, also the Vitamines. Those parts of an animal which are being exercised, contain more , Protein and more of the salts. Therefore, tough meat is more val- uable than tender meat. The meat that has not been exercised is not valuable. The tough meats are most valuable and the cheapest. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : 1. What is the cause and cure of anemia? A. — This depends upon the cause of anemia. If lack of Iron is the cause, then an Iron diet is needed; if a nervous condition is the cause, sleep, rest, and a Phosphorus diet is needed. If the liver, or spleen, or duodenum is the cause, we must attend to one of those organs, so that the Iron may be taken up by the red corpuscles of the blood, If the cause is in the marrow, we must do something to counteract anemia from this viewpoint; and if dropsy is the cause, a Chlorin diet is needed, 2. Why does a tubercular patient have a fever every two weeks? A, — A tubercular patient has a fever usually once in every twenty- four hours. He has a fever from twelve o'clock at noon to about twelve o'clock midnight. The reason of this rise in temperature is Carbonic Oxide in the system, and also In the atmosphere. This Carbonic Oxide at night is the cause of night sweat; sometimes Potassium hunger may be a cause of perspiration also. 3. What is the difference beti?een Love and Idealism? A. — Love is Idealism of a certain kind. Idealism may be romantic, imagina- tive, cosmic, religious, altruistic. The lover is always full of Idealism; poetry and romance. F-4 4. Can a tubercular patient be cured in this climate? A. — Not very well, if the patient has suffered from consumption longer than three months. 5. Why do the muscles in the legs twitch and jump during sleep. A. — Because the cerebellum is not fully asleep; also because there may be acidity in the system around the motor nerves, or around the muscles. 6- Which is the nearest approach to the normal type of people? A. — The Myogenic is the nearest appro?uch to the perfect type. The isogenic is another approach to a perfect type of another kind. 7. Can a. constitution be changed by dieting? A. — No, A con- stitution is chemical, or hereditary. If we were to change a con- stitution we would have a work for perhaps twenty or thirty years, or longer. 8. Do all foods high in Nitrogen, build muscle? A. - No. If a certain Nitrogen-containing food be too high in Nitrogen, a cer- tain type, as, for instance, the Neurogenic, or the Pathetic, or the Carboferic, may not be able to utilize the Nitrogen in the food at all. A Nitropheric man or lady cannot digest a high propor- tion of Nitrogen. Nitropheric people, or Neurogenic, or people of a delicate constitution, should eat foods that are low in Nitrogen, in order to gain in strength. If they eat high Nitrogen foods they lose in strength, because they will suffer from Protein poison- ing, and auto-intoxication. Foods that contain perhaps only two percent of Nitrogen, are more nourishing to them. We must know the difference between type and type, and between Nitrogen food and Nitrogen food. The Nitropheric constitution is a. staicn constitution, with free Nitrogen at work in the system. The Neu- rogenic constitution is a brain and nerve constitution, with very low power of Nitrogen metabolism. 9. How can you determine whether a patient has a lack or excess of Nitrogen in the system? A. - If a patient lacks the Nitrogen element he has Nitrogen-hunger symptoms; and if a patient has an ex- cess of Nitrogen, he has Nitrogen-excess symptoms. We know the pa- tient by his symptoms, and we know each element by its symptoms. 10. "(That is meant by brain metabolism? A. - That process by means of which the brain is nourished is often referred to as the process of brain metabolism. 11. Why do you say that Desmogenic people fail in matrimony? A, - If Desmogenic people are not properly mated there will be trouble to a greater extent than there would be in most constitutions, ex- cept, perhaps, the Nervi -Motive, and the Medeic. The Desmogenic man or woman must be properly mated, for he is a man, or she is a lady, of great intensity, and if everything is not right, he is like- ly to speak for himself, or herself, whether it be in love or war. 12. Can one be both intelligent and sentimental? A. - Yes. There is a difference between intellectuality and sentiment. As a general rule, those who are highly sentimental are never scientific. MHMl Copyright, 1920, by V, G, Rocine. F--5 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINO IS. LECTURE NOTES. COU RSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-SODI UM. No previous lesson has been as important as this one lesson on So- dium. It is a lesson for people who suffer from acidity of the stomach, gas generation and gout. Such patients should eat Sodium foods in abundance. The ordinary common table salt is a combination of Sodium and Chlorin, in almost equal proportion. Salt is inorganic Sodium and Chlorin* For that reason, it is not so valuable as that Sodium is which we find in organized foods. Sodium which we buy in drug stores is not so valuable as that which we find in organic foods. The human being is organic, or organized. Sodium which we get from plants and vegetables is organized Sodium. Sodium in ordi- nary table salt, or salt manufactured, is inorganic. When we take out from foods, some certain salt, we are likely to alter the chemicals in those foods. When extracted from food, that certain chemical salt extracted, may even become a poison. Potash by itself is a poison, whether it comes from food, or from the drug store. This is also the case with Phosphorus. Manufac- turers who extract certain food salts, that manufacture all sorts of salts, are manufacturing inorganic salts, and if taken into your system, you thereby overtax your system, and your functions must work that much harder, in order to throw off those inorganic salts or poisons introduced, either through drugs, or through so- called tissue remedies, or otherwise. When we are sick we should eat such foods that contain the salts needed. We obtain Sodium salt from spinach, strawberries, and carrots. If we put sugar and cream on the berries, we are not wise, for the Sodium that the berries contain, will be overcome by the sugar, cream, or whatever else we may put into the food. We should eat the food the way the Almighty is manufacturing it for us. The Sodium which we need is often used up by the cream, or by the sugar, as the case may be. It mixes with the cream in the stomach, and the power of the Sodium salt is almost lost. We should eat strawberries without cream and without sugar. If we would do this, the Sodium salts, which the Almighty has put into the food, would, do us more good. If we go to the drug store for Sodium, we get drug store Sodium instead of the right kind of So- dium, as it is manufactured by the Almighty. Jf you extract the Sodium salts from the food, and take those salts by themselves, you will have trouble. You should eat the foods as they are; and when you are in need of much Sodium, you should eat those foods that are very rich in Sodium salts. When you cook Spinach and you pour the juice into the sink, you get spinach minus the salt. The salts that you need you pour into the sink. A great deal of sugar and cream on strawberries may tempt your appetite. The Almighty did not intend you to eat that way. He did not make sugar. The sugar that you are using on the table you have manufactured your- self, the Almighty had nothing to do with it. When He made wheat, He did not intend you to eat it in the form of white flour and doughnuts. If He intended you to eat doughnuts and coffee, He would have made doughnuts and coffee for you, and would have had them in the Garden of Eden already. The Salvation Army people thought they were doing a great deal of good in the war, by putting F-6 up their kitchens and selling doughnuts to the boys. But the Salva- tion Array people never were told by the Almighty to give the soldiers coffee and doughnuts. It is not a good food, and yet the Salvation Army was out begging money from all of us, in order to carry out a. food scheme like that. The Sodium we get from plants is organic Sodium, French Vichy Water is organic. Sodium is a Latin word. Natrium is the Greek word for the same thing. Sodium is called Natrium in Greek, Chemicals that are alkaline are most valuable for the sick man. Every food that is acid, or makes the system more acid, is bad for the sick man. Every food that generates gas in the. alimentary tract is bad for the sick man. Coffee may have a good taste, and is as inviting as the v/ine in the glass, but it makes the stomach acid. Tea generates acid and gas, and yet there are many people who drink twelve cups of tea a day. Then they wonder why they suffer from nervousness and gas in the stomach. Some of them drink so much tea that they become hysterical. There is no nutrition in tea. Uhy should you drink it, or why should you drink coffee? Or, why should you drink Postum, or Chocolate? Sodium combines with Chlorin. Chlorin is an important element. Chlorin is the laundryman of the body. It carries impurities out of the body. It is associated with Sodium to make the cells clean and pure. It kills germs that are alwaj^s associated with foods that are rich in Sodium. Sodium makes the cells alkaline. If you take Sodium and Chi or in-containing foods, or drinks, in abundance, your cells are purified, then you get very thirsty, and you want puie water in abundance, then you should drink distilled water and fruit juices. There is a strong affinity between Sodium, Chlorin, and Oxygen. Foods that are rich in Sodium are often rich in Chlorin and Oxygen also. Oxygen foods are often rich in Chlorin, also in Sodium, in Potassium, or in Potassium Oxide. Sodium neutralizes acid. It is used in soap manufacture. Sodium and Chlorin in soap take off the dirt. The same kind of soap manufacture is going on in the body, and the same kind of cell-cleansing processes. Saponification is a physiological function. If you take Sodium and Potassium out of the body, saponification stops. If you then eat fat of any kind your stomach becomes acid. Sodium and Potassium are the two elements necessary for soap-making. If those two elements are low, you can- not take care of the fat. Hence, also, you grow lean; and the more fatty food you eat, the more lean you grow. If you are lean you grow leaner, on a starchy and fatty diet; and if you are fleshy you grow fleshier. You fill up with water and fatty substances; you be- come food drunk, and you cannot get all of those fermented substances out of your body. Do you think that you can starve all such fatty substances out of yourself? No, no. If you suffer from obesity, from fat, that fat stays in your body, even if you starve yourself to death. Even af- ter you are dead, you have those same fatty linings in the stomach; and if you are a lean man and you eat fatty foods at such a time, you cannot take care of the fat. Supply yourself, at such a time, with Sodium and Potassium food in abundance, for a long, long time, and you will find that lastly your system will take care of fatty foods. And at such a time, do not forget the necessity of fresh air. If you do this, you can put on flesh; you can convert oil and fat into Copyright, 1920, by V. &. Rocine. F-7 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE ST UDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LEC TURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS SUBJECT-SODIUM . good tissue,. As a general thing, people at large do not under- stand the human machine, nor the foods that go into the human ma- chine. Even doctors are not acquainted with the human body, nor with the chemistry of the body, nor with the chemistry of foods, we are sorry to say. They do not teach this in medical colleges. Sodium neutralizes acid. Gout is caused by nothing but acid. Neuritis is caused by acid. Celery juice will cure Neuritis, when that Neuritis is caused by acid around the nerves. It is the acid that makes the nerves ache. The nerves would never ache if there were no acid in the system, around the nerves. When you neutra- lize the acid around the nerves, the nerve pain stops. If you eat Sodium foods, do not drink a great deal of water after- wards, for, if you do, you wash the Sodium out of your system. Hot water will convert Sodium into Sodium Carbonate. If you drink cold water after eating Sodium foods, it will have a decomposing effect upon the stomach. The man who tries this diet should not introduce water into his s^rstem, i.e., a Sodium diet. Eat Sodium foods, so that Sodium mo.y act upon other foods, and so that it may neutralize the secretions, and make the secretions alkaline, as well as the tissues, Then you are acid, eat nothing but celery one whole day, and ea.t nothing but oranges and good rye bread the next day, then eat celery the third day, and then chew something, as, for instance, raw bran and swallow the saliva and spit out the bran, and keep this up until you make your stomach more alkaline; and then see how you feel. By making the stomach more alkaline, you can overcome indigestion. The reason that the eating of bran cures indigestion, is because it constantly increases the saliva in the salivary glands, which glands secrete the most alkaline secre- tions in the body. If you manufacture great quantities of these salivary secretions and swallow them, it will neutralize tiie acid in the stomach, and thus overcome indigestion. Indigestion is al- ways caused by acidity in the stomach, or, at least, perhaps, nine- ty cases out of every hundred. The eating of bran is no good for any other purpose, except for the purpose of making the saliva flow more readily. You could chew almost anything, just so you get the saliva to flow freely. But do not chew gum, as you ab- stract the gum compounds and swallow the same, and gum compounds arc not good for the stomach. Water decomposes in the stomach. Water-drinking leads to diabetes in the course of time, or dropsy, or acidity. Decomposed water is subject to the formation of acidit3r and fermentation. The tissues are full of decomposed water. You cannot cure diabetes, nor dropsy, by drawing out the water from the system. When the tis- sues lack Sodium, Potash, and Chlorin, the water in the tissues de- composes. This decomposed water, going to the kidneys, decomposes the kidneys also. If you suffer from dropsy, go to the hills and fall back upon foods that are rich in Sodium, Chlorin, and Potash, especially Chlorin. The lower types of peoule have more Sodium in their system. They are seldom sick. The" more highly organized man or woman, does not have enough of Sodium, and yet, he, or she, needs more Sodium than F-8 one of a lower type. Highly organized people have too much Phos- phorus in the system. They are always burning up the Phosphorus in the brain, and thus throw too much work upon the liver, and other elirainative organs. At last, when the liver cannot function sufficiently, or efficiently, the tissues become acid; the entire alimentary tract also becomes acid. Highly intellectual people suffer mostly from acidity. The pig never suffers from acidity. A man of a low type never suffers from aridity in the alimentary tract. Y/e have been told that gout is caused by high living, but we find gout among the lower types of laborers also, who live on the cheap- est kind of food. \7e find gout among highly organized people. The Osseous, or bony, and Desmogenic people are the most intellec- tual, and they are the ones who suffer from gout. The more Sodium the tissues take up, the more alkaline and stronger they become. Desmogenic people are the strongest people we have; they are strong because they have a great deal of Sodium in their tissues, tendons, ligaments, joints. Almost/all of the Sodium food eaten by Desmogenic people goes into the tissues, so that the spleen, the alimentary tract, and the secretions, /as well as the blood, are all robbed of Sodium. Thus they suffer from Sodium starvation; al- though their tissues are full of Sodium. Desmogenic ladies are al- so powerful, in the majority of cases, unless they are sick from the lack of Sodium and other important salts. The Synovial membrane secretes Sodium. If there is, a lack of Sodium in the joints, the joints crack. Creaking joints show that there is too much Calcium, and that there is a lack of Sodium in the joints. There is a low supply of Sodium. Creaking or cracking in the joints is a Calcium-excess symptom. You can digest Albumin well, if you have plenty of Sodium, and Chlorin. V/hen you eat the white of an egg, and you put plenty of salt on it, you can digest it better. Any kind of Albumin is poison to sensitive nerves. Nervous people should never eat the white of an egg, nor other foods that are rich in Albumin. Tired nerves cannot handle Albumin. A man who is pulling heavy loads, like a mule, should eat albumin, or the white of an egg, but he should always put plenty of salt on it. If you eat too much Calcium, in the form of food, and there is not enough Sodium in the system, you are likely to suffer from rheuma- tism and stiffness everywhere. If you bleed easily, there is not enough of Fibrin in the system. It means that you are not able to handle Fibrin, nor manufacture Fibrin, because there is a lack of some salts. A man who suffers from Albuminuria, lacks Chlorin and Sodium. Breath- ing is difficult without Sodium. There is more Sodium salt in the ear and in the big toe than elsewhere, and there is also more Cal- cium in the oar, and in the big toej because of the great quantity of Calcium, those parts usually are subject to Calcium deposits. Hence, also, gout starts in the big toe, and sometimes also in the ear. An excess of Calcium in the system results in boils of a Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-9 INSTI T UTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECT URE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JECT -SODIUM . special kind. If you suffer from gout, fall back upon a. correct diet. Drink distilled water in abundance, and fall back upon a low Calcium diet. Lack of Sodium salt results in catarrh. If you suffer from catarrh you need foods that are rich in Sodium, such as, celery, spinach, lettuce, etc. Doctors usually say that the o,ppendix is of no use, indicating that the Almighty did not understand His business when He made the appendix. Doctors cut out the Appendix. And yet, the appendix is a germ killer. It secretes a certain secretion that contains germicidal properties; this secretion kills a great many germs that happen to bo in the colon. This is the function of the appendix, and that is a very important function. The appen- dix cannot secrete this secretion if it is cut out. Then, bacter- ial gases and toxins, fill the colon and the entire alimentary tract. The Thyroid gland keeps poison from passing up into the brain. V/hcn the Thyroid gland cannot do its work auto-toxins pass up into the brain. This has a bad effect upon the brain function. V/hen the Almighty made the appendix, the Thyroid gland, and a great many other glands, Ho knew His business, whether doctors know this or . not. The saliva is rich in Sodium. That secretion should pass into the food every time wc eat. 'Jhcn the saliva does not pass into the food, some parts of the food are not so well digested. Hot appli- cations, applied to the stomach, create action in the stomach and the bowels, so that the excreta may pass out of the bowels, and so that bowel gases may be dissipated. Hydrochloric acid docs not burn in the upper stomach. Such acid would be at the bottom of the stomach. The burning in the upper part of the stomach, which people suffer from who suffer from in- digestion, is not caused by Hydrochloric acid r A man who suffers from indigestion and burning in the stomach, usually always lacks Hydrochloric acid. Lack of> Sodium is another cause of constipa- tion, and also other salts. If there is a lack of Sodium in the system, the brain cannot perform its function so efficiently. If you injure the feelings, or the purse, or the interests, of a Dcsmogenic man, he will always remember it. You may be good to him ninety-nine times, but if you arc bad to him, or mean t© him, only once, he will remember that one bad deed forever. The Dcsmo- genic man is often a stormy men. He has his ugly spells, He wants to quarrel and fight, in between. Gout is a disease that proves conclusively that there is not enough of Sodium to keep Calcium in solution. A Sodium patient feels well one day, and the next day he is sick. He feels, that all of the time something wrong is going to happen. He is slcQ-py during the day, and at night his brain is vc^ active. His brain is very active after twelve o'clock at night. Then he plans and feels as though he can accomplish great things, but during F-10 the day he is always sleepy, always tired, always drowsy. Lack of Sodium, results in palpitation, gas in the stomach, liver trouble, slow digestion, lack of the gastric juice, and lack of the saliva, A Sodium-hunger patient is hard to please. A wife cannot get very much love out of a husband when that husband suffers from Sodium starvation. If your husband is ugly, because of lack of So- dium, give him plenty of celery at every meal. So sure as the Sodium supply runs low, so sure jrou will suffer from weak eyesight. It is better to oat celery for weak e3*-esight, than to go to an oculist. When the Sodium supply is low the memory is poor. In ninety-nine people out of one hundred, there is a lack of Sodium, rather than an excess. A heavjc Potash diet, requires from forty to sixty times more of So- dium. If you live on an exclusive vegetable diet, or on greens that are full of Potash, more Sodium is needed than you can supply. Hhen Potash passes out of the system, it precipitates from fifty- two to sixty-five ounces of Sodium to every ounce of Potassium. If you have an excess of Potassium salts, you can overcome the effects of excess of Potassium salts by introducing foods that are rich in Chlorin, All people should increase the Sodium supply in the body, by eating foods that are rich in Sodium. o A hot climate uses up Sodium salts in the body; and a very cold cli- mate also uses up Sodium salts. A love state enables a man to take up more Sodium salts. Under favorable emotions, Sodium is more ra- pidly assimilated, or utilized. But under unfavorable emotions, or passions, the Sodium salts are precipitated, and appear in the urine. A loving state of mind is favorable to health. Temper, excitement, jealousy, and ugly melancholy passions, always have an unfavorable effect upon the. chemistry of body, or upon health. The sick man requires Sodium salts, or a Sodium diet. People be- tween the ages of seven and twenty-one, do not require very much So- dium, for at that time the body is usually alkaline. When Sodium runs low it means malnutrition, and this malnutrition even termi- nates in tuberculosis. Sodium excess is usually excess #f Sodium in the tissues, not in the secretions. There is never an excess of Sodium in the blood and se- cretions; but there may be an excess of Sodium in the tissues, in the joints, as, for instance, in the Desmogenic man. Let a chemist analyze a Desmogenic man and give us a report of the analysis. The gossiper is usually lean, broad-headed, sharp-nosed, and has drawn lips. Such a lady knows what is taking place in the neigh- borhood. She thinks every man is a rascal, and that every woman is a flirt. The gossiper is the "Devil's Neighborhood Directory".- "iThen Sodium is lacking, the nerves are on fire, judgment is unreli- able 9 concentration is poor, and there is a greater tendency to sun- stroke, or heat-stroke. '. ... The Sodium, man is different from the Calcium man. The Calcium man is persistent; his diseases are persistent; his love, his anger, ■I Copyright, 1920 , by V, G. Rocine. F— 11 INSTITUTE OF HttKAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICAL S. SUB JECT-S ODIUM. studies, all persist, \7Tien you require newer and newer spectacles, you are in the great- est need of Sodium-containing food, such as celery,, raspberries, and others. The Desraogenic man is a real Sodium man. He has Sodium in his tissues, but not enough in the blood, nor in the secretions, nor in other fluids. If a Desmogenic man gets interested in some special thing, it is difficult to get him to stop. If he is interested in a certain science, he never stops until he shall have mastered that science in every detail. Try to stop him, and you increase his interest and his determination to go on. If he falls in love, he cannot stop. He must go on. Try to force him, however, and he will soon stop. \7e can never force a Desmogenic man, nor a Desmogenic woman. When a man suffers from "Flu", you should analyze his urine, \7hen he suffers from pneumonia, 3^ou should also examine his urine. If you do, you will find that the blood salts are precipitated from the body; in times of "Flu", and in times of pneumonia you should supply the blood salts, and forget almost everything else. Supply Sodium salt, or supply blood salt, and you will cure B Flu", unless the disease shall have progressed to such an extent that the M Flu :i germ shall have taken full possession of the body, in which caf^e the man will die. When all of the chemical food salts are sup- plied in the body, there can be no symptoms, no ailments, no pecu- liarities to bother you and others. You are simply healthy. In- digestion is caused by a lack of Hydrochloric acid, or it may also be caused by inflation of the stomach, inflated by gas. Foods con- taining sugar, starch or fat, are converted into gas when the stomach is acid. Gas in the bowels produces sleeplessness. Y/hcn you cannot sleep at night, it is because of gas generation in the bowels, or because of acid formation. Do you think that it is wise to go to a doctor and have him give you opium, or morphine, at a time when j^ou cannot sleep, when this sleeplessness is caused by gas, or aciditjr? One-sided headache comes from the bowels. A certain eruption on your chest, or on your back, or on your arms, or neck, is caused by of Sodium in your body. The best way to improve ^rour complexion, is not bjr going to a beauty specialist but, by eating plenty of celery, when the skin is murky from lack of Sodium. V/hen there is a lack of Sodium in the system, there is anxiety around the heart. A person must stop to rest while walking, be- cause his heart bothers him. 'Then the tissues feel bruised, or seem bruised, without any seeming reason, there is a lack of Sodi- um. V/hen the urine sinks in specific gravity, there is a lack of Sodium. Urine is nothing but tissue water passing away from the system. You can tell by the urine, what is going on in your tissues. F~12 If you the Sodium supply in your system, you increase sali- va; and if you increase saliva you increase the flow of the gastric juice; and by increasing the flow of the gastric juice you increase digestion, Uhen there is a lack of Sodium and you go to a doctor, he is likely to think that there is, perhaps, a tumor in your stomach, or that you suffer from cancer, or that you have an ulcer. In fact, he is very likely to think anything. And if he doctors 3?"ou, he can- not cure your disease. Sodium, Chlorin, Magnesium, and Potash, are the food chemicals that enable your stomach to carry on its funct- ions. When these elements are lacking, you suffer from constipation and auto-intoxication, gastritis, and many other ailments. A burn- ing pain in the upper part of your stomach, is an indication that there is a lack of Sodium. A minister of the Gospel ought to be a dietician. It is not easy to pray when you suffer from indigestion. It is not to be a good Christian when there is acid and poison in the stomach and boivels. A minister of the Gospel should tell the congregation what to eat. We imagine that the prayer of a dyspeptic does not go very high, perhaps no higher than the ceiling. Your stomach is a laboratory. If you put fermentable food into your stomach, the food ferments. If 37-ou put acid food into your stomach, 3rour stomach will become acid. Y/hen you suffer from con- gestion in the bowels, or when you are constipated, you should re- member that foods that are rich in Magnesium, Sodium, Chlorin, and Potash, will help. Drink salty water at such a time, it will help you, Chlorin is another salt that the Almighty put into the system to im- prove the metabolism of starch, fat, sugar, albumin, and protein. If you wish to convert fat into heat, you should eat Potash-contain- ing food, Sodium-containing food, Silicon-containing food, those salts arc necessarjr for the purpose of converting the fat into heat units. If there is not enough" of Oxygen, Sodium, Chlorin, Potassi- um, Iron, and Silicon, all of which arc tissue salts, you cannot con- vert fat into heat units; nor can you convert sugar into heat units. You cannot convert fat into calories without breaking down some of those salts. People are more nervous in hot, sultry weather, because of lack of Sodium. Heat, or sultrjr weather, precipitates the salts. People are in danger of heart trouble during July and August, when the heart is weak, You are in danger of heart failure yourself, even when your heart is strong, during July and August, if there is a of Sodium salt in your system. During the fall and spring, and in the evening, there is a great deal more Carbonic Oxide in the air. At that time the fever of the consumptive increases, and keeps increasing until about twelve o'clock at night. Then the fever passes away. Then the perspiration starts, and he suffers from ex- haustion and night sweats. The Almighty never intended that we should drink ordinary water, full of germs and minerals. He made vegetables and greens which contain from fifty percent up to ninet3r~eight percent, or more, of water. In greens and vegetables we get organized water. That is the kind of water that is needed in the human organism, The Sodium supply Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F— 13 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-SODIUM . is lowered by drinking ordinary water, or, in fact, any kind of wa- ter, 'tfater-dr inking, washes the Sodium salts out of the system. People are drinking too much. They are drinking coffee, ice cold water, postura, chocolate, and all sorts of drinks not good for the stomach, nor for the health in general. The harder you study, the more Sodium you need. Have you noticed that your perspiration is salty? Temper and excitement uses up Sodium salt. The more high-tempered you are, the more you burn up, or destroy, Sodium salt. At last you will suffer from indigestion, because of your temper. It is much better to cultivate affection then to cultivate temper. If you cultivate love, you will cure your indigestion; but if you cul- tivate temper, you fill your system with toxins and impurities. A mother needs Calcium, Sodium, Iron, and Silicon in abundance, be- cause the baby is taking up all of those salts and a great many others. Morning sickness is an indication of a lack of Sodium, Supply Sodium in abundance, and morning sickness disappears. Giz- zard contains an abundance of Sodium. The coming mother should eat gizzards, drink gizzard extracts, and cat plent^r of celery. This will cure morning sickness. You can buy ingluvin, which is gizzard extract, or organized Sodium. It is excellent for morn- ing sickness. You can buy this ingluvin at any Homeopathic drug store, or you can prepare gizzard extract yourself, by cooking gizzard very slowly, until you get the extract only. Menstruation is impossible when there is an absolute lack of Sodium and Iron salts. Fluorin, Sodium, and Chlorin are the three salts that the spleen needs. The spleen is the most blood^r organ in the body. The spleen has a good deal to do with the circulatory system, and the vital organs. The spleen is also the dumping ground for the red blood corpuscles, as we have been told by physiologists. When there is a lack of Sodium, the canal walls become more and more covered with Calcium salts. To get the Calcium out of the walls of the stomach, or out of the canal walls, out of the arter- ial walls, it becomes necessary to eat Sodium foods in abundance. The very best way to cure arterio— sclerosis is before you get it, merely by eating foods that are rich in Sodium. There are two functions of Sodium going on in your bod2r — tissue Sodium, and free Sodium. Tissue Sodium is found in the tissues. Free Sodium is used by the functions. Sodium, Potash, Chlorin, and Fluorin, are needed when germs are prolific. Milk is full of Calcium salts. Uhen there is an excess of Calci- um salts in the blood, or in the tissues, boils are prolific. F-I4 FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAIN ED: CARROTS — are one of the very best foods we cr.n oat. They may be eaten raw or cooked. If we cook them, we cook out most of the So- dium salts, and if we pour the juice into the sink, we pour the salts into the sink also. If you cook the carrots, do not use very much water, then drink the water; or steam the carrots, i.e., cook them in steam. Carrot juice is excellent for the kidneys, for the liver, for the digestion, for the bowels. Carrot juice makes the stomach walls alkaline. CELERY — You may think that celery is of no special value, but it is of the greatest value to the nerves and brain. b It supplies Sodium to the tissues, the organs, the secretions. Celery is im- portant because it is rich in Sodium. It has a neutralizing ef- fect upon the tissues, and upon the nerves. V/hcn you suffer from gas generation, press out celery juice and drink it in abundance. Eat celery for one whole day, or two days, or three days, or a week, if it be necessary. If you are not then well, eat celery another wook, and do this until you feel better. LENTILS — are rich in Potash, but they do not contain much Silicon, nor Sulphur. Eat lentils, together with foods containing Silicon and Sulphur, when 3rou suffer from dropsy. A salty dry diet will save you, but drugs will not; and operations will not, ALMOND NUTS -are said to be the "King of Nuts 11 -. They are rich in nearly all the elements needed b3r the body, but they arc low in Sil- icon and in Chlorin. This is the reason that you should salt the nuts. They are rich in Phosphorus, and are, therefore, good for brain-workers. Do not eat Almond Nuts by themselves, eat them to- gether with other foods. The skin, outside the nut, should be taken off, as it contains certain toxins, which are not good for your system. you bake Almond Nuts, they arc improved, providing you use plenty of common salt* Bake the salt into thorn. Dc not eat bitter Almond Nuts, for they contain a small percent of Prussic acid, which is a very energetic poison, PISTACHIO NUTS -r Those nuts are high in Sodium, and contain also Fluorin in a small quantity. Those nuts are valuable in times of indigestion caused bjr a low Sodium supply. OKRA — is rich in Sodium and in Chlorin. Eat Okra in conjunction with other foods. No other food is so rich in Sodium and in Chlorin* SPINACH - This is one of the best foods that we can eat. VThen con- stipo-tod, because of lack of Potassium salts in the alimentary tract, eat spinach, and more spinach, and still more spinach. Stasis is that kind of constipation which is caused by lack of Potassium. It is cured by eating plen'cy of raw spinach, cooked about three minutes in its own steam. VJhen you cat spinach, be sure to wash it in runn- ing wcuter, and cut it into fairly small pieces, then sprinkle it with distilled water, and cook it in its own steam for three minutes. Spinach contains all the salts needed by your system. It is espe- cially rich in Potassium salts. Spinach also contains Iron salts. - Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-15 INSTITUTE OF HUMA N NA TURE STUDIES , CHICAGO, ILL INOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-SODIUM . FOOD ANALYSIS EXP LAINED : (Continued) STRAY/BERRIES - should be fresh. They must not be decayed, nor un- ripe. If a strawberry has a white end, do not eat it. Do not eat hot-house strawberries. Do nor pour cream on strawberries; and do not put any sugar on them. .Eat them as the Almighty made them. Strawberries are excellent for gout. Canned strawberries contain too much sugar. The manufacturers spoil the strawberries, by canning them in sugar, SY/EET APPLES — are good if eaten raw. If you bake apples, do not use much sugar. Always use sweet apples, not sour apples. Sour apples are too high in malic acid. ASPARAGUS - is good for indigestion. It contains Sodium, also Sulphur. Of course, the Sulphur is not very good for indigestion, but the Sodium salts are. If you have an acid stomach, the Sul- phur contained in asparagus, is turned into gas. BEETS — are rich in Sodium, and also in a certain kind of sugar. COCOANUT - contains an acid called Myristic acid. The kind of fat that cocoanut contains has a. remarkable reconstructive effect upon the chest in ladies. For chest cultivation, cocoanut is an excel- lent food. Cocoanut contains no Iron, but it is rich in Chlorin.. Cocoanut is excellent for the nerves, and for the brain, and for the lung substance. For some reason not known, cocoanut, in con- nection with breathing exercises, will build up a very large chest in ladies, the same as cream and buttermilk will enlarge the lower bowels and the hips. CUCUMBERS - are rich in Sulphur. They are very cooling, and there fore an excellent food during July and August, When it is hot and sultry. EGG YOLK — is lecithin. It is rich in the Vitamines. It contains nerve salts, brain salts, Fluorin, Protein, fat, Iron, Sulphur, Calcium, Phosphorus, and a certain digestive principle called di- astase. The white of the egg should not be eaten, except by the man who does hard physical work. The brain-worker needs the yolk, not the albumen. Egg albumen is poison to the nerves; a nervous lady ought to leave egg white alone. FIGS - arc rich in all the salts. They arc especially rich in Calcium, in sugar, and in worms. People who eat figs may be sure that they arc also eating worms, but fig worms will hurt no one, except the taste, or the sight, of those who cat them. Figs are excellent for constipation. FISH - is rich in Calcium, Chlorin, Sodium, Potash, Phosphorus, but fish contains no Iron, no Sulphur, no Silicon. Y7c should eat foods containing those elements lacking in the fish. Fish is a good food for the brain-worker, because of the fat, and the Phos- phorus, and the Chlorin and Sodium it contains. F-16 LOBSTERS - are full of Phosphorus. Whiting and Smelt .are high Phosphorus-containing fish. GOOSEBERRIES - are rich in Potash, Phosphorus and Calcium. COT'S MILK - is good for calves, but not for babies. There is too much Calcium in cow's milk for babies. No food is richer in Calcium than cow's milk. It is also rich in Potash and Chlorin, to some extent, GOAT'S MILK —contains the blood salts. Goat's milk and goat 1 s cheese are ^ood for people who are weak in the medulla., -or in whom the circulation is defective. It is rich in Fluorin. Outside of goat's milk, goat's cheese, and pistachio nuts, it is not easy to get foods that contain Fluorin. STEEL CUT OATMEAL — contains a greater quantity of Silicon than any other food. 17© find also Potash and Phosphorus, in stcclcut Oat- meal; also avenin, which is one of the most strengthening and stim- ulating principles for the sexual system. PRUNES - are good for people who suffer from constipation. If there is a lack of bile in the system, eat prunes and drink prune juice. But do not drink more than you can assimilate. Remember that you have your limitations. RADISHES - arc full of Sulphur. '.Then you cat radishes be sure that there is no acid in your stomach, for if there is acid in your stomach you will suffer from gas generation. The Sulphur in the radishes will be converted into gas, and this ga.s will pass into your red blood corpuscles, RUTABAGAS - arc excellent for the tissues and brain. They are also rich in Sulphur, but not high in Sulphur, If your stomach is acid, or if you already have too much gas, rutabagas are not a good food. TURNIPS - are fine for the tissues and the brain. If your stomach is acid, you cannot tolerate them, on account of the high percent of Sulphur contained in turnips. This Sulphur will be converted into gas, and will make you more sick. Q UESTIONS AND ANSWERS : 1. Is Sodium food good in times of diphtheria? A. — Sodium does I not cure diphtheria. 2. Are radishes difficult to digest? A. — A medical doctor said that radishes is one of the hardest foods to digest there is, and that they cause acute indigestion. Radishes are not difficult to digest, but they contain considerable of Sulphur. If your stomach is already acid, the Sulphur that the radishes contain, is converted into gas, and it is this gas that would produce acute indigestion. it is not the radishes, but it is the Sulphur in the radishes that produces indigestion, or acute indigestion. The Sulphur in cabbage also produces gas. All sorts of Sulphur foods produce gas when there is acid in your stomach, but not otherwise. Radishes digest in about thirty -eight minutes; they are of digestion, but they generate Sulphur gas, ■ Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-17 INSTITUTE OF HUI.IAN NATURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO., ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-SODIUM . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : (Continued) 3. V/hy does a person get cramps in his legs at night? Will Sodium cure it? A.. — Cramps in the legs are caused by low tissue oxi- dation, acid in the tissues, and lack of the blood salts in the blood. Sodium food will not cure it, but it will help to cure it. 4. What are the symptoms of Albuminuria? A. — Albumin in tho urine is the principal symptom. 5. Are there any special gizzards from the fowls that you recommend, or do you refer to chicken gizzard only? A. — All sorts of giz- zards are rich in Sodium, Any gizzard is valuable. 6. Some of the Sodium foods listed require cooking. How about the Sodium above 130° Fahrenheit? A. — Yes, some Sodium foods re- quire cooking. We should cook in such a way that we may preserve the salts. Carrots should be steamed, if not eaten raw. When we cook food in a very high heat, foods are not so valuable. 7. If the central nervous system of an insane person is affected, would Sodium foods cure him? A. — No. 8. Are there any food compounds in the body, besides sweets and wa- ter, that destroy Sodium salts? A. — Yes. 9. How should the gizzard be used, whole, or just the outer skin, or the meat? A. — The inner part. It is not the skin that is valuable, but the inner part. 10. Is there any Sodium in ogg plant? A. — Yes. But there is so much acid in egg plant that it will make our stomachs m~rc acid if we eat it. 11. Should celery be eaten alone at a meal? What foods should be eaten with celery? A. - Celery may be eaten in any way you choose. Any foods may bo eaten with celery, the same as you may eat any kind of food with spinach, or with carrots. And why? Be- cause such foods are rich in Sodium salts. You should always eat some kind of Sodium-containing food at your meals. And the more starch, or fat, or sugar, you oat, the more you should eat of Sodium-containing foods. 12. If Sodium decomposes water, is it well to drink celery broth made from the coarse parts and leaves? A. — Sodium decomposes water, but celery is organized Sodium, and does not decompose water in the stomach. It helps to organize water instead of decomposing it. When we eat celery, or any kind of Sodium food, we should not drink water. 13. Do celery seeds contain much Sodium? A. — Yes. They are rich in.. Sodium, also in Potash and Sulphur. E-18 14. which is the best way to obtain celery juice? Is there any way to keep it for any length of time? A. — You should never try + ,o keep it for any length of time, but use it right away. The best way is to press it out by means of a meat press. 15. Does the body need more Sodium than any other salt? The body needs more Chlorin than any other salt. A. - No, 16. Does Saleratus contain Sodium? Oxide. A. — Saleratus is a Sodium 17. Does the continued use of drinking salt water, have a tendency to harden the arteries? A. — If there is a lack of Sodium salt in the system, it will. 18. Can a man lack Hydrochloric acid, and still have acidity in the stomach? A. — Lack of Hydrochloric acid would result in acidity. It should be remembered, also, that there are many different kinds of acids in the body. One kind of acid is caused by Phosphorous products; another kind of acid is the result of Carbon products; and still another kind of acid is a result of Sulphur products. There are many kinds of acidit^r. 19. \7hs*t chemical salts does the stomach lack, when beans are hard to digest? A. — Sodium and Chlorin salts* 20. \7hat is the cause of bilious headache? Chlorin, and I.iagnesium. A. — Lack of Sodium, 21. If Sodium is precipitated in times of great heat, how will hot celery water effect inflammatory rheumatism? A. — Precipitation of Sodium salts by external heat, or by excess of heat in the blood, or by inflammation in the stomach, or by inflammation in a joint, are very different processes of precipitating Sodium in the system than the applico-tion of celery water on an affected rheumatic part. If you ^ppl7 hot celery water applications to a rheumatic part, you are simply reducing the inflammation, that is all. Inflammatory rheumatism, however, is not caused by precipitation of Sodium salts so much as it is caused by a certain germ. Inflammatory rheuma- tism calls for dry hea.t, 22. Yfaat can be done for excessive Sodium in tissues? How can it be equally distributed to blood, fluids, and secretions? A. — If the tissues take up too much Sodium, it requires time and pa- tience to overcome this tendency. 23. Should table salt be used in Bright 1 s disease? Is dropsy caused by albuminuria.? A. — Table salt is not taken up by the tissues. Hence, table salt would not cu3 ganic Chlorin and Sodium are needed in 3r: e Bright* s disease, .ffht's disease. Cr- 24. 'That difference does it make if Sodium salts are in solution in the stomach by the drinking of water at meals? A. — If oliere is much water in the stomach, the Sodium and Chlorin will mix with the water, and pass out of the system through the kidne3^s. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-^:9 IN STITUTE OF HUMAN MATURE STU DIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . L ECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUBJECT- IRON {FERRUM). Hernoglobinogencsis is a word that means — ■ blood production, or the manufacture of hemoglobin. u Hemo a means - blood; "globe" means — ball; and "genesis" means - production. The manufacture of hemo- globin stands in close relation to oxidation. If there is a lack of hemoglobin, there is usually also lov; oxidation in the blood. When a man falls in love, there is a greater production of the red corpuscles. The red corpuscles are manufactured in greater abun- dance during a happy state of mind. A happy state of mind stimu- lates the sexual system. When a man marries, he should be at his best, which holds good in regard to a lady, also. Abundance of Iron in the blood, and abundance of red corpuscles, results in bet- ter offspring. A man who is sexually wer*k should marry for de- velopmental purposes, but should not become the father of offspring before he is strong. The hemoglobin of the red corpuscles of the blood contain Iron. Iron is necessary when it is a question of health. Many people take drug store Iron. Some business men have heard that Iron is good for the blood, so they manufacture a certain kind of Iron and advertise it heavily, We should remember that the human organiza- tion is organic, and cannot assimilate Iron in drug form, or in an inorganic form. \7e should remember that nature must manufacture the Iron which is to be taken up by the body. Without Iron we could not live very long. IThen there is a great is not so good. The locomotives from that and Sulphur, for that tives could not stand of Iron. deal of Carbon and Sulphur in the Iron, it railroads do not allow the construction of kind of Iron which contains too much Carbon kind of Iron would fall to pieces. Locomo— the strain, if they were made of that kind There is an affinity between Oxygen and Iron in the blood. They rush into each others u arms u . If we had sense enough to cat foods that are rich in Iron, we would have plenty of Iron in our blood. If 3^ou take drug Iron for a long time, _ that Iron will eventually be eliminated by your kidneys, and in being eliminated by your kid- neys, it will break down your kidney cells, decompose the walls of your kidneys, and you will die from dropsy, or albuminuria, or some other kidney disease. Leave such Iron alone. Metallic Iron will disturb the Iron that you have already in the blood. If the spinal marrow becomes weak, or weakened by heat, germs, gas, or some other condition, eventually the red corpuscles will not be manufactured in the bone marrow; lastly, that same per- son, or you, will suffer from anemia, which may also run into diabetes and dropsy. When there is a lack of Iron, some kind of dropsy is usually the result. The red corpuscles must eventually go to the liver. There the Iron undergoes a certain process and becomes duly qualified to enter into the hemoglobin of the red cor- puscles of the blood, and enter the vim of tissue life. F-SO If you take drug Iron, you may improve temporarily, but you will im- prove at the expense of your own life. People used to take arsenic for a beautiful complexion, formerly. They have a bright eye and a beautiful complexion for a time, but all at once the arsenic does its work, and the complexion, or the beauty, disappears, and they look old and homely, and die before time. This is also true in re- gard to drug store Iron. Green grapes will improve the complexion, but if you eat green grapes to excess, your blood will be too rich in sugar, and your liver will become enlarged. Whenever you have too much Iron in your system, you have a tired feeling somewhere in the forehead, or eyes, or elsewhere. You have that same sensation when you suffer from Iron starvation. Iron is stimulating. It gives energy to functions. When a man grows weak, has no power, no strength, it is perhaps because there is a lack of Iron in his blood, and he cannot oxidize his blood. When you can- not oxidize your blood, nor your tissues, you are growing weak, day by day. When there is a lack of Iron, there is often also a lack of Potas- sium. When you have plenty of Iron in your blood, your nerves are stimulated, and you are usually better nourished. If you marry when you have plenty of Iron in your blood, or when you have red corpuscles in abundance, and all the hemoglobin in the red corpu- scles charged with Iron, and you become a father, or a mother, 3>-ou have greater power of transmission to send energy into every little cell, resulting in strong end healthy offspring, as well as gifted. Is it not better to know this, or is it not better to know how 3?-ou can get Iron and Oxygen into your system, than it is to have a thousand volumes of eugenics on 3>-our shelves? Without Iron and Oxygen you cannot transmit yourself to your child. Your child becomes Atrophic, a weakling; perhaps that child fills the consump- tive^ grave before the child is twenty— one years of age. When you have Iron in your blood, and Fotassium in your tissues, and Oxygen, to act upon your functions throughout, you are more fasci- nating, more beautiful, more useful. You have more energy, more magnetism; greater transmissive power. You know what you are doing, you know your duties, and you fulfil your duties. When there is a lack of Phosphorus, the patient suffers from neuras- thenia; the patient is so weak that he can hardly hold his jaws to- gether. If you want to become more efficient, more successful, if you want to love to the fullest capacity, if you want to attract attention and become popular among the opposite sex, eat foods that are rich in Iron. But do not take drug Iron; fall back upon that kind of food which is rich in the Iron element. Eat wild blackberries from the Iron Belts in Michigan, or from the Iron Belts in Oregon. If 3?-ou have a weak stomach you cannot digest bran, nor take the Iron out of the bran. Some foods do not give up their Iron readily, it requires a very strong stomach to take Iron* out of bran, but it does not require a strong stomach to take the Iron out of wild blackber- ries, from the hills in Michigan, or in Oregon. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-21 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB J EC T-IRON ( FERRUH ] lUN. Before going upstairs, or carrying something heavy, or before rim- ing fast, always fill your lungs full with Oxygen, If you get out of breath easily, you do not have enough of Oxygen in your blood; you suffer from Oxygen hunger quickly. This means that you do not have Iron in the hemoglobin; it means that the red corpuscles can- not carry enough of Oxygen for your system. It means that the hemoglobin cannot take up very much Oxygen. It is not a question of how many red corpuscles you have in your blood, so much as it is a question - How readily those red corpuscles are charged with Iron, and with Oxygen. If they are healthy, and vigorous, and if they have plenty of Iron in their interior, they carry Oxygen to lungs and tissues in abundance. of air is lack of hemoglo- bin, or it is lack of Iron. This results in asthma. A man needs plenty of Oxygen in order to run fast. The faster you run, the more it is necessary to hold your lungs out, and, fill with air. The more aggressive you want to be, the more you want to argue, the more positive you want to be — the more it is necessary to charge your lungs with fresh air. It is through Iron that Oxygen comes into your blood. V/hon Oxygen is at work in the tissues, there is plenty of energy, life and heat in the tissues. Then, there is heat generated in - the muscles; then ycu feel warm, even when it is cold. Then you feel energetic; then you can fill your lungs with air; then you feel that life is a pleasure. The Almighty wants us to have Iron and Oxygen in abundance and, therefore, energy and life, especially when it is a question of transmission of life. You may write and read volumes on birth culture, but it would not do you very much good, unless you have Iron and Oxygen, energy and a strong sexuality. You cannot give birth to vigorous and gifted offspring, merely by reading works on eugenics and birth culture. Iron is used up, to a great extent, in the liver and in the spleen, and in other parts of the body. There is considerable Iron in the red marrow of the bone. If the marrow is red., it indicates cnerg^r in the marrow cells. If there is a lack of Iron in the liver, or in the blood, or in the spleen, there is a dcfie»i«efl,c^ of Oxygen. And, wherever there is a deficiency of Iron in some parts of the body, there is a deficiency of Oxygen. You find Iron and Oxygen at work, vigorously, in the Myogenic and Oxyphoric constitutions; never Iron to excess in any other consti- tution. The Atrophic constitution is low in Iron and, thcrsforc, also low in tissue oxidation and in the oxidation of the blood. In Pathetic people, oxidation is low; -in Dcsmogcnics oxidation is often low; in Carbofcric people oxidation is almost always low, especially after they reach the age of about thirty-five. Some people suffer from Iron-hunger and from Oxygen-hunger, after thirty— five, and sometimes often before. Plethoric temperament means that there is an excess of Iron and certain other salts, as well as of Oxygen. V/hen Oxygon is too dense, it results in plethora. IThcn there is an excess of Iron F-22 a man may become a sensualist. There is an increase of nerve power. Excess of Iron attracts Oxygen, perhaps even to excess; and when Oxygen is in excess, the man is under a heavy Oxygen pressure. If a iv oman lacks Iron she cries readily. She craves for love and sympathy, almost all of the time.b She is like a baby. Furnish Iron to the tissues, and Phosphorus to the brain in abund- ance, and you can do mental work efficiently, and without fatigue. V/hen there is a lack of Phosphorus, we are weak in brain function, and also physically. V/hen there is a lack of Iron for any length of time in a young girl, or in a woman, she lastly becomes hysteri- cal. Starve the body too long and it cannot take up Iron. The tongue becomes thick, when there is a lack of Iron. If you eat Sulphur foods to excess, that Sulphur which is not taken up by the system is converted into gas, and passes into the red cor- puscles and fills up the hemoglobin, so that the hemoglobin cannot carry Oxygen normally. Then, the Iron in the hemoglobin will do you no good. People who suffer from Sulphur gas, suffer also from low oxidation, and yet, there may be nothing wrong with their blood, so far as the blood count is concerned. Animals always become more tubercular towards spring and fall, when there is a tendency to tuberculosis; simply because animals during winter and spring, cannot obtain the right kind of food. The feed that the animals get during the winter docs not contain Iodin in suf- ficient quantities. This is the reason that oxidation is low in an- imals during the winter. It should be remembered that Iodin has a great deal to do with oxidation. Whenever a girl suffers from low oxidation, she is likely to suffer from goiter; and she suffers from goiter because there is a lack of Iodin in the thyroid gland. To cure goiter of this kind, it is necessary to eat foods that rich in Iodin, and practice breathing exercises in abundance. We always obtain more Oxygen when the air is attenuated, where the altitude is high. . If we live in a dense atmosphere and low alti- tude, we -lack Oxygen. The Calciferic, and the Desmogcnic, need Iron and Potassium foods in abundance . When you use your brain vigorously, all the way from ten to twenty times as much blood goes to the brain. If you become very excited, the blood flows to the brain tremendously, and the red corpuscles die in great numbers. At last the brain becomes hyperemic, or overcharged with blood. How do you think this will affect your health for a day or more? A disturbance of specific gravity in the blood, either one way or another, affects the function of sleep, even the function of the brain. Oxypheric people usually have the blood salts in abundance. They are full of energy., If you are a business man and you want a part- ner for the purpose of promoting your business, you must hire an Oxypheric man. Such a man is a great talker, and can always get people interested; he can inspire confidence and enthusiasm. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-23 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE S TUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & C?IEMICALS . SUBJECT- IRON (FZRRUI.l) . When a man grows old, the red corpuscles die in great numbers, and he cannot manufacture red corpuscles fast enough. The Iron in his Blood is below par; he becomes weak and feeble. The hemoglobin cannot carry enough of Oxygen to his various functions, and there will be an insufficiency of Oxygen in his system. As he grows still older, his strength fails, because oxidation fails, then he must die. more work out of take care of it. never think of to their ta- cat and live. To influence people, we must have an abundance of red blood corpu- scles and plenty of Oxygen in the system, and also the essential vegetable salts, by means of which the functions carry on the com- plexity of life. We must have Iron in abundance in the hemoglobin of the blood. If a man is not vigorous he does not eat rightly, else he has unde- sirable habits. A young man has more executive power, and power of organization, than an old man has, because of abundance of Iron, Oxygen, and Potassium, which he has in his system. The business house always wants young men in its service. After a man is fifty- five, or sixty, or sixty— five years of age, business firms do not care for him, because he is not vigorous enough. A business house wants vigorous men. A business house, however, does not always know how to keep its men vigorous. If ycou want a machine you must feed the machine rightly, and This is exactly what business men forget. They placing their employees where they can act according lent, nor do they ever teach their employees how to « If employers would teach their employees how to eat and live, they could increase the efficiency of their employees, and obtain, i^cr— haps, twice as much work out of them. It is not easy to get work out of a tired mule, neither is it cas3^ to get work out of a dys- peptic, nor speed out of a consumptive, nor patience out of a ner- vous, sickl}^ lady. Everything that weakens the red corpuscles of the blood, weakens also the Oxygen-carrying capacity of tho red cor- puscles. Anything that weakens the Iron in the hemoglobin of the blood, leads to inefficiency in the Oxygen function. If there is tpo much blood, and too much Iron, and too many blood salts, the result is Plethora - resulting in inefficiency again. People who have a normal quantity of Iron and Oxygen are never de- pressed. When there is an excess of Iron in the blood, or when there is an insufficiency of Iron in the blood, in both cases there is mental depression. The man who lacks Oxygen feels that every- thing is against him. The nan who has Iron and Oxygen in excess, also feels that everything is against him. When you are going: to make feel that you are siastic. If you against mm. transaction, you must have a face that maizes your customers a success. You should be optimistic and cnthu— are a pessimist, people do not want your ^;cods. We should remember that the bod- requires organic iron; the system needs food Iron, not drug store Iron, F-24 Uc have been told that Iron is used over and over again in the body. This is relatively true. But Iron is eliminated from the body, and after the Iron shall have been eliminated from the body, it is not in the body any longer. The menstrual function uses Iron at each menstrual period, to carry out the menstrual function. That Iron which is broken down, and precipitated, is lost, and is not in the body any longer. When there is a lack of Iron in the blood, the mcnstrueJ. function is inefficient; blood clots form, and menstruation is painful. The Iron that is used in the muscles is broken down and eliminated, and is not in the body any more. Therefore, also, that Iron which is eliminated, or precipitated, crjinot be used over and over again. Wc need a new supply. The more Iron. a. man has in his system, up to a. normal amount, the greater capacity that same man has in his various functions. A woman docs not have as many red corpuscles to the count as a man, neither docs she have the same Oxygen— carrying capacity as a man. A woman uses Iron in carrying out the feminine functions. It is impossible for a. mother to grow, a baby without using up her own Iron. It is impossible for a mother to menstruate, without using up the Iron in her body. Even the Iron that the mother has, goes to the baby r and, if she does not know enough to cat foods that arc rich in Iron, so that she may replenish her own blood with Iron, she will suffer from Iron hunger, and therefore, also, from Oxygen hunger. If Iron is not supplied, she lastly suffers from tumors, weakness, disturbances, and female ailments, that no drug doctor, no Osteopath can cure. When she is placed on the operation tabic, not a word is said about Iron food. Then the white-robed, skilful surgeon operates, but he himself does not know that that lady suffers from tumors because of a lack of Iron in her blood. But if 3 r ou let her cat wild blackberries in abundance, or drink the juice from wild blackberries, she would gradually improve, and no more tumors would form for the surgeon to cut out; her complexion would improve, and she would no longer be hysterical. A lack of Iron leads to the divorce court. A mother cannot be a good mother without iron; and a wife cannot be a good wife without Iron, according to the scheme of the Almighty. Sometimes wc think that wc catch cold. The factis that we do not catch cold,, neither do wo catch hot. Wc are, perhaps, inhaling germs, or perhaps wc have been breaking down too many rod corpu- scles. Perhaps wc have been doing too much brain work; perhaps there is a. congestion somewhere in the system; perhaps there is not enough of Iron, nor enough of Oxygen. Very few people know that there is a close communication between the brain and the nose. If this communication is disturbed; if the nose is stopped up; or if the frontal sinus is full of mucus to the extent of congestion, how do you think you would feel? Do you not think you would suffer from, headache and catarrh, and do you not think that the red cor- puscles would 'die in great numbers in that very place? And do you not think that there would be pus formation taking place in the na- sal membrane, and in the frontal sinus? Do you not think that your brain would perspire and suffer fr$m the effect of such nasal con- gestion? Those girls who have plenty of Iron and Oxygen in their blood, never need to go to a beauty parlor. Oxygen and Iron arc the Almighty's complexion specialists, and beauty restorers. Copyright, 1920, by V, G. Roc inc. F-25 INSTITUTE OF HUI1AN NATURE STUDIES, C HICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECT URE. NOTES . COURS E- FOODS & CH EMICALS . S UBJECT-IRON (FERRUH) . If the duodenum is unable to take up the Iron, the Iron is not ta- ken up. The duodenum is the Iron-absorber; it is hungry for Iron. Bran contains Iron, but it requires a very strong stomach to di- gest and assimilate the food salts contained in bran. It is bet- ter to drink blackberry juice when you need Iron. Drink black- berry juice, and go out into the open air, up into the hills, and breathe fresh air in abundance, and you improve. Go to the hills in Michigan, or in Oregon, or in Tennessee, where wild blackberries groiv by the millions, and make blackberry juice in season, and take the blackberry juice home and use it during the winter. This would be much wiser than to run to specialists and lie on operation tables. We should never take inorganic Iron drugs, nor any kind of tonics advertised in the papers. .ron How much Iron do you think of white flour, pancakes ma grease, coffee, tea, bacon, Iron do you think there is drinks, and other dishes of Iy civilized, arc we not? wonder that yoxz must have a for from floating kidneys; tcricus; or from menstrual you get in white bread, biscuits made dc of white flour, doughnuts cooked in and other similar foods? How much in cake, in pie, in candy, in vegetable civilized cookery? V/c arc wonderful— If you eat that kind of food, do you good cry occasionally* or that you suf- or from prolapsus uteri; or globus hys- ■pain? IThcn you arc called to play on a piano, or at a concert, you spend, perhaps, the whole day previous on the piano, in order to make a good showing. By so doing 3-ou get tired. You use up the vege- table salts in your system, and burn up 3-our nerve force, and when the time comes to do the playing - you If you had stayed away from the piano and gone to bed, or had taken a trip up into the hills, and drank wild blackberry juice, and then gone to the piano, you would have done credit to yourself, and all the people would have marveled at your skill, technique, romance and poetry, in playing on the piano. If you suffer from floating kidney, you can fasten the kidney, with v/ild blackberry juice. If you suffer from sleeplessness, between two and five o 1 clock in the morning, y ou perhaps have sown avona fatua. The word "Vitamincs means life source. The Vitaminos are found in the seeds of foods. If you cook an apple, you kill the Vi- tamines. The Vitamincs cannot stand any more cooking than you can stand. If you jump into a boiling pot for about one hour, how much life would there be left in you? Raw meat juice contains the Vitamincs, but cooked meat juice, or cooked neat, contains no Vitr.raincs. Young meat contains more Vitamincs than old meat. Always get your meat from young animals, if possible; and eat foods fresh from the garden, Ycu should live close to nature, in order to get the Vitamincs — when you arc sick, or weak. F-2S FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: RYE BREAD - All people should eat rye bread, if they suffer from Calcium excess. There is an excess of Calcium in whole wheat bread. If you are old and stiff, you had, better not eat whole wheat bread, any longer, nor had you btstter drink milk, nor eat cheese, n(jr eat cabbage. If you suffer from hardening of the ar- teries eat rye bread, and drink plent^r of distilled water, but lea-ve whole wheat bread alone. BEEF - You do not find the Vitamines in fried beef, but you find the Vitamines in the juice pressed out of raw meat. The best beef is tough beef, because it contains the salts, simply because it has been exercised. BLACKBERRIES - Blackberries that have not been canned in sugar are better. You find Iron salts in blackberries. You can never get any other food so rich in Iron as wild blackberries. Cultivated blackberries, however, never contain as much Iron as wild black- berries. HEAD LETTUCE - We find Iron, also Sodium, in lettuce. We find more Iron in head lettuce than in leaf lettuce. There is more Iron in a large dish of blackberries than in four gallons of cow's milk. The baby, or the fetus, or the embryon, does not need an Iron diet. The growing child does .not need an Iron diet. This is the reason that the Almighty arranged it so that the baby, or the child, should get an Iron— free diet, simply because the baby, or the child, al- ready has Iron in abundance. ASPARAGUS does not contain very much iron. BLACK CURRANTS - contain a small percent cf Iron. Currants are "val- uable beca.use they contain Potassium, so important for the elimina- tion of certain impurities from the body. BARTLETT PEARS - are low in salts, and contain a small percent of Iron. They are rich in sugar. A sugar diet does not cause decay of teeth, but sugar drinks the Calcium, and thus robs the teeth and the bones of Calcium, SPINACH - contains all the salts needed by the system; the Vitamines are found principally in the seeds of spinach. EGG YOLK — contains the Vitamines in abundance: the white, however, does not. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS - This is a fine food for anyone suffering from dropsy. Do. not drink water if you suffer from dropsy. You need a dry diet; a diet rich in Chlorin. STRAWBERRIES - are good for rheumatism, if they are ripe. They contain Iron, and also the Vitamines, together with a great many other Important salts needed by the body. When you eat strawber- ries do not use sugar and cream. If the Almighty had intended you to have sugar and cream on strawberries, He would have put sugar and cream into them, or on the outside of then, to tempt your appetite; but He did not do this. Copyright, 1920, by V, G, Rocine. ■ F-27 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECT URE NOTES. COURSE-F OO DS & CH EMI CALS . SUBJECT-IRON (P E RRUM) . \ FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINE D: (Continued.) DRIED FIGS — are low in the salts, and do not contain much Iron. Figs, however, are laxative. They are also full of worms. CONCORD GRAPES - contain a certain percent of grape sugar, also a small percent of Iron. They are low in the salts. If you eat grapes to excess you will suffer from enlargement of the liver, be- cause of an excess of grape sugar. Remember, that the liver must store up the excess of sugar that you eat. If you eat too much sugar, or grapes, or sweet foods, you will overtax your liver, and soon it will go on a strike, and then you will be in bed, or else on an operation table. GREEN GRAPES — are good for the complexion, because they contain arsenic. Any food containing arsenic would act upon the complex- ion; but if you eat grapes to excess, or if you take arsenic for your complexion, you will soon pay the penalty. Your complexion Brill at last become as murky as the skin on a toad, and you, your- self, will get sick, and will die before time. Green Grapes are excellent for syphilis, because they contain organized arsenic. LENTILS — are high in organic salts. If you suffer from low oxi- dation, dropsy, neurasthenia, - eat lentils. The}?- are rich in Po- tassium, and exceedingly high in organic salts. You must cook len- tils, otherwise 3 r ou cannot eat them. They should be soaked over night ajid cooked on a very slow fire, for about two and one-half hours. And when you eat them you she ild not eat them to excess, fot they are so rich in protein that you cannot digest and assimi- late more than about three teaspoonsfuls. QUESTIONS AND A NSV/ERS : 1. How can wild blackberry juice be prepared in order to save the Vitamines for a young child? A. — Remember, the Vitamines are not in the juice but in the seeds. Eat blackberries in season; save the juice for the winter. This is the best that you can do. 2. Do you recommend eating salt, or salty foods, when the appetite is lacking? A. — If there is a lack of appetite there is not necessarily a lack of Chlorin. Appetite may be lacking for many reasons. So long as there is no appetite, there is no gastric juice, and the stomach cannot digest food. Eat only when you are hungry. 3. How can you keep blackberry juice from fermenting? A. - Only by killing the germs in canning the fruit. If there is a single germ in the fruit after it is canned, the juice will ferment. You should boil the juice and bottle up the juice when it is boiling. If you do everything rightly, you need no sugar for canning. 4. Could a baby drink diluted fruit juice? A. -A baby does not need diluted fruit juices containing Iron. A baby usually has the red corpuscles in excess, and also Iron in excess, or comparative ly so. That is why the Almighty gives the baby milk. A baby needs an Iron—free diet. F-28 5". Can a complete loss of voice be caused by lack of Iron and Sodi- um? iu — Yes. If Iron and Sodium are entirely exhausted in a Nitropheric lady, she is in danger of losing her voice temporarily, perhaps permanently. 6. Has the lack of Iron anything to do with varicose veins? A. - Yes, but wrong eating and over-eating, have more to do with it, 7. If blackberries are not obtainable, will spinach juice supply enough of Iron? A. — No. You should drink the spinach juice and eat the spinach as well, but whatever you do, do not pour out the spinach juice into the sink. 8. Can blackberry juice be obtained from canned blackberries-, such as are purchased in grocery stores? A. — The blackberries that are purchased in most grocery stores, are mainly a blackberry syrup. The best thing you can do is'to take the blackberries out cf this syrup and boil them in distilled water, and take the juice outy by : this method, and drink. 9. How is the condition of mental perspiration determined? Is it theoretical, or is it an established fact, that the brain sweats, and if so, does the heart and other organs sweat also? A. — We said brain perspiration, not mental perspiration. Brain moisture passes from the brain to the nose. You blow your nose, but you do not know where that mucus comes from. The brain is a thinking or- gan. -In thinking, a certain moisture exudes from the brain and passes through the ethmoid bone, down into the nose. This is what the nose is for. If that moisture cannot find its way through the ethmoid bone down into the nose, you may suffer from catarrh and headache. When you suffer from headache, you know that it is a fact, whether it has been established or not. If ycu experiment, chemically, as a scientist, you soon find out that Phosphorus per- spires, and that Sulphur perspires also. 10. Can a Carboferic, or an Oxypheric , lady, suffer from lack of Iron? A, - Yes. An Oxypheric lady could suffer from Iron hung- er in, two, three minutes, merely by accidentally having an artery cut, also otherwise. 11. What diet is the best for a patient suffering from high blood pressure, running from 150 to 190? A. — Determine the cause of the high blood pressure first, then remove the cause; then supply the diet needed. 12. Can we supply Iron salts to the blood of an old man, and thus chase old age away? A. — When we grow old we die fast. There is a lack of blood salts and a lack of Oxygen; a hundred and one wrinkles appear, and we look old. When we supply Iron salts in abundance, and the system takes them up, we increase the Oxygen sup- ply, and impurities are eliminated from the body; the nutritive function is increased; youth is restored; or the person looks young? er than he did before. IS. Can you dry blackberries and thus keep them a year? Or, are they dead food then? A. — If you dry blackberries, the water passes up into the air. Thus, you have all the salts and the Vi- tamines left, ■ "They are not dead food. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. • F-29 INSTITUTE OF HUM AN NATURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO, ILLINOIS. L ECTURE NOTES . COUR SE- FOODS & CHEMICALS . SU B JEC T-I RON ( FERRUH) . QUESTIO NS AND ANSWERS : (Continued) 14. Can you supply the blood with the Iron if you live in Chicago? A. —Yes, we can always obtain Iron food, in Chicago, the same as we can anywhere else, but it is more difficult to get fresh air, for the Chicago air contains all the way from fifteen up to twenty- seven percent of gases, impurities, dust, and fumes. 15. Is raw spinach juice rich in Iron? A. — The juice is not so rich in Iron as the spinach. The iron is usually mostly in the leave s„ 16. If the cheeks are faded and withered at forty, can Iron, iron out the wrinkles? A. — You can eat in such a way that you ap- pear young again at forty. 17. When the abdominal organs fall forward, almost to the knees, is this caused by Iron-hunger? A. — Partly. In such a case most of the salts are lacking, and all of the muscles in the vi- tal organs are extremely weak. The cerebellum, then, is also weak. 18. Is olive oil good when Iron is lacking and constipation is chronic? V/hat will cure this? Would you advise enemas? A. — Olive oil is of no special value in such a case. It is much better to eat laxative foods* Enemas, or enemata, widen the co- lon in the majority of instances, and only the water comes out. You cannot do very much with the hard excreta. The best thing to do is to eat rightly; breathe fresh air in abundance, and spend much of the time outdoors. Also take horseback riding exercises when you suffer from constipation. 19. What shall we do if we cannot get blackberries in the winter? How can we supply Iron? A. — Eat those foods that you find un- der the heading of Iron Food. 20. Is blackberry juice that has been heated, as good as fresh blackberry juice. A.. — No, but it contains Iron, nevertheless. 21. Does the system take up Iron from spinach as readily as from raw egg yolk, A. — Yes. • 22. Should blackberry juice be given in times of ulceration of the stomach, and in typhoid? A.. — It is better not to give any- thing in times of ulceration. Heal up the ulceration first, and if you give any kind of food, in times of ulceration, be sure that it is such foods that do not require digestion, as, for instance, raw egg yolk with milk; or raw egg yolk with orange juice. In times of typhoid fever, the walls of the stomach and intestines are almost rotten. You must not give a typhoid patient foods that require digestion. 23. Do loganberries contain Iron? A. - They are low in Iron. F-3C 24. What causes hiccough? A. -r The diaphragm goes upwardly and is held with a tension, this causes hiccough. Lack of Oxygen also causes hiccough. Breathe deeply and hold your breath long enough to stop your hiccough. 25\ What is the difference between ordinary Sodium,. Sodium chloride, and Sodium carbonate? A. -• Sodium is Sodium, or it is the ele- ment of Sodium. Sodium chloride is table salt. Sodium carbonate is Sal— soda*. Sodium carbonate is used extensively in the arts. It is of great importance to all consumers of soap, glass, soap man- ufacturers, and glass manufacturers. It is also important in the tissues. 26. Why are the skins of apples difficult for some people to digest? A. — Because the skins of the apples contain the salts. Apples should be baked, and they are more easy to digest. Apples, how- ever, contain malic acid, which is not favorable to a weak stomach. 27. Are baked salmon, trout and halibut, too high in protein for the Exesthesic lady? A. — Salmon and halibut may be good for a laborer, but not for an Exesthesic lady; trout is better for her, if it is baked; but trout is not the cleanest food that we could find. 28. Would a proper diet cure retroversion of the uterus? A. — Yes, in connection with other treatments. 29. Does a Neurogenic man need Sodium? A.. — He needs Magnesium rather than Sodium. A man who has a great deal of Phosphorus in his system, and in whom Phosphorus, consumption is great, should eat foods that contain Magnesium and Phosphorus. 30. Please give a diet suitable for a tubercular patient. A. — We could hardly give a general diet for tubercular patients. As a> general rule such foods as — Egg Yolk Shakes; Good Rye Bread; Goat*s Milk; Raw Meat Juice; Blackberry Juice Tonics; Oatmeal muf- fins; berries rich in vegetable salts and Iron; in connection with other foods, are very good. A consumptive should have a regular diet system. 31. What salts are needed at a time of disappointment in love? When- a man is languid and indifferent, who was formerly happy? A. —Anyone who is disappointed, from whatever caase, is breaking down the Sodium, and filling the system with Phosphoric products and fatigue poison. He needs Cxygen in abundance Send that man to the hills, and let him forget his troubles, and forget the girl; ■ it will do hitf good. 32. How much Iron is there in the blood of a full grown man? A. - Just about enough to make a tenpenny nail. 33. Should a Myogenic man drink buttermilk in abundance? A. — Nc His bowels would soon enlarge, and he ivould suffer from rheu- - mat ism. 34. Does ice cream have any food value? A. —Yes, but it does not give us very much strength. ■ Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-31 INSTITU TE OF H UMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-IRON (FERRUM) . QUESTIO NS AND ANSWE RS: (Continued) 35. What food value is there in milk chocolate with nuts? A. — This is nothing but candy, with nuts inside. The nuts are good, but the candy is simply candy, and no more. 56. Can Fluorin be introduced into the system in youth and do good, after the age of about twenty? A, —Yes, indeed. If Fluorin shall have once done its work} in the bones and teeth, the teeth and the bones may last, perhaps,- five, perhaps ten thousand, years, perhaps a hundred thousand years, or longer. I have seen a skull that contained teeth, and geologists claimed that that skull 'was one hundred and twenty thousand years old. Between the ages of seven and twenty, the teeth are forming. This is the time that we need a Fluorin diet. Our parents, however, were not instructed in regards to the value of Fluorin during the teeth-building and bone- building periods. 57. Is Cuba, or the Adirondacks, good for Iron? A. — You per- haps mean, if Iron foods come from the Adirondack Mountains. Do wild blackberries grow there? If so, I would say yes. Iron is found in the soil in Cuba, and everywhere else, although there may be a difference in the supply of Iron in the soil. 38. When Sulphur is lacking in the system, and Sulphur foods pro- duce gas and liver trouble, how then can Sulphur be introduced into the body? A. — Eat such Sulphur-containing foods that the sys- tem can tolerate, as, for instance - Raw Egg Yolk, Sauer— kraut, Figs. , We should also remember never to over-eat of Sulphur food, at such a time. 39. Can we eat raw sweet corn? If not, how long should it be boiled? A. — We should not eat raw sweet corn, for we cannot handle that kind of starch. If we must eat corn, we should boil it. 40. Do you compare the buttermilk made in this country with the buttermilk made in Bulgaria, which is made from sheep's milk or from goat's milk, and prepared from the fresh milk, not boiled? A. — We do not compare buttermilk with buttermilk. The question is,' why should we eat buttermilk that is made with a germ, and which is mainly a mass of germs? 41. Would Albumin, injected into the blood, produce poison, the same as rattlesnake poison? A. — No, I think not, although I have never tried it. It is true that Albumin, as found in the white of egg, is identical to the poison found in the rattlesnake, viewed from a chemical standpoint. 42. Does the cerebellum contract when Sodium is needed, as well as when Iron is needed? Does a person jerk from lack of Sodium, the same as he does from lack of Iron? Are not the symptoms of lack of Iron similar to Iron excess? A. — Yes. The cerebellum con- tracts also when Potash is needed; it contracts when any of those F-3& salts are needed. Each and every salt has its own peculiar influ- ence on the cerebellum. If you compare Iron-hunger symptoms with Sodium-hunger symptoms, and if you compare Iron-hunger symptoms with Iron-excess symptoms, or Sodium— hunger symptoms with Sodium— excess symptoms, you will find that they are widely different. Some may be similar, but they are not identical. 45. What is Iron carbonate. A. — It is a sort of a spar found in spathic, and clay— iron stone, often containing some manganese. It is Manganese that is fitted for the manufacture of certain kinds of steel, hence it has been called a steel ore. 44. Could enough blackberries be put into chewing gum to make such Iron chev/ing gum that would supply the system with Iron? A. — Would it not be better to eat Iron-containing foods, just as the Almighty made them, than to stick the Iron into gum? When will we learn common sense? 45. What should stenographers do to regain red cheeks when they are compelled to sit still and v/ork eight hours a day? A. — Let them eat Iron-containing foods, and go into the hills for Oxygen. This is better than to eat doughnuts and coffee, and paint the cheeks. 46. How is the Iron metal administered as a tonic? A. — It is administered in the form of a fine powder as citrate of Iron, and also in other forms of drugs. We should remember, however, that that kind of Iron tonics are not the best Iron tonics for the blood. 47. Should a child four years old be given Iron pills? A. — No. It is much better to give the child wild blackberries, or the juice from wild blackberries, or spinach, raw egg yolk, etc.,. the same as the Almighty made the foods. 48. Does celery cabbage contain Sodium and Iron? A. — It is rich in Sodium, but not in Iron, 49. Will breathing exercises, combined with Iron food, increase Oxy- gen? A. — To increase Oxygen go out into the hills, and then eat foods that are rich in Iron and Potassium. 50. Can the Desmogenic man become normal in Iron and Oxygen? A. - Yes. 51. Does old-age end study rob' the blood of Iron so much that the Iron cannot be supplied? A. — If we study too much, or if we become too scientific, we must suffer for it. 52. What cures rheumatism? A. - It depends upon what kind of rheumatism. Rheumatism may be caused by acidity, it may be caused by Phosphorous salts, it may be. caused by an excess of Calcium, it may be caused by a lack of Sodium, it may be caused by germ—life. When we know the cause of rheumatism, we can apply a remedy, but not before. 53. Are canned blackberries as rich in Iron as Concord grapes? A. - Concord grapes are not rich in Iron. Take blackberries and Concord grapes to the laboratory, and make an analysis yourself, and you will find out. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-o2 IN STITUTE OF HUMAN NA TURE STUDI ES, CHICA GO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-IRON (FERRUI.I) . 54. How can you cure a sweaty scalp? A. — \7hen there is too great activity in the hair glands and hair roots, and too much Car- bon in the system of a baby, or child, that same child is likely to suffer from a sweaty scalp. Cut down the Carbon foods, or cut down the food in general, and this ailment disappears. 55. If a person is almost entirely deficient in Iron and Oxygen, is it possible to become perfectly normal by eating Iron— containing food, ?>lso by deep breathing and other means? A. — Yes. 56* Do people who suffer from Arthritis need Iron? If not, what do they need in the way of diet? A. — They need Sodium and Oxy- gen in abundance, 57. Are overshoes good for the average person to keep the feet warm in the winter, in cold cars? A. - Yes. I7e should always keep our feet warm, wherever we are, as this is very important. Keep the feet warm, but do not forget diet, exercises, breathing, and a suitable altitude. 58. How fast are the red corpuscles manufactured? A. — It is difficult to tell. They are manufactured rapidly after eating foods that are rich in Iron. They are manufactured rapidly when you are in a high altitude and breathe much. They are manufactur- ed more rapidly during love states, as may be determined in the laboratory, and as we have seen ourselves demonstrated again and again. They are. also manufactured rapidly by a great many other means and methods. 59. How long docs it take to build up the blood in anemic people? A. — This depends upon the constitution, or the type of the patient. V/e can supply enough of Iron to the body in twenty— four hours, but whether the S3rstem can assimilate enough of Iron is another ques- tion. !7e can lead a horse to water, but we cannot force the horse to drink. 60. Are the elements in Roquefort cheese, easily taken up by any *" constitution? A. - Yes. Vfliy? Because those salts are or- ganic, and ee.sily digested and utilized, especially if the Roque- fort is made of 'goat's milk. Roquefort cheese, however, is usual- ly always made of sheep »-s milk. Goat's cheese is very scarce. 61. Should celery root be eaten raw or cooked? A, — Raw is the best. 62. Would you recommend a patient who suffers from hyperacidity, to eat Sodium foods in preference tc Chlorin, or should he have a com- bination of both? A. — Hyperacidity means excess of acid. When there is an excess of acid, that same acid should be neutral- ized, should it not? How can we neutralize acid? We can neu- tralize acid by another acid as, for instance, citric acid, formic acid; also by supplying foods that are rich in Potash, Sodium, llagnesium, or some other alkaline salt. F-34 63. Should a patient, who* is on a diet consisting principally of Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Potassium, and who suffers from paralysis, or mild paralysis, use Sodium foods also? A, - Yes. 64. Why is the brain constructed on a dual plan, divided into two hemispheres, the right and the left? A. — I am not so sure, but I think that one part of us is feminine, and the other is masculine. I do believe that, if a man were not constructed on this principle, it would be impossible to five rise to more than one kind of off- spring. There would be either no men, or else no women. There is another reason: When one side is useless the other side can be used. When one lung is gone, we can still breathe with the other lung. When one ear cannot hear, the other oar can heajr, ~ When one eye can- not see, the other eye can see. V/hen one hemisphere cannot think, the other hemisphere can think. Man is dual, but we really do not know why. 65. Are fruit juices, raw egg yolks, steel-cut oatmeal, and graham toast with milk, sufficient for a baby one year old?' A, — This would be a strong diet for a child only one year old. It would not be a suitable diet. It would be a very good diet for a Calciferic child, but it would be a wrong diet for a Neurogenic child, 66. What causes Fibroid Tumors? A, - Lack of alkaline salts. 67. How can a. Desmogenic man make Sodium act upon the blood, the se- cretions, and the functions,- instead of on the ■ tissues? A. ~ By supplying it to excess, that is about the only thing that a Des- mogenic man can do, unless he wishes to study developmental methods, and form habits for developmental purposes. 63. If the appendix is removed is there a greater tendency to coli- tis? A. - There is a greater tendency to germ life. A man who has undergone an operation for appendicitis, will never live so long, nor ever enjoy as perfect health, as he would otherwise have done, if he had kept himself in condition by means of a scientific diet. Operations do no one any rood. We should live in such a way that we do not need to undergo operations. 69, How can Sodium be introduced into the fluids, as well as into the tissues? A. - Only by supplying Sodium foods to excess. We never need to be afraid of supplying too much Sodium, Sodium is not contained in foods to excess. 70. Will honey spoil Sodium in strawberries? A. — Why should you put honey on strawberries? Are they not sweet enough without honey? If the strawberries are very sour, you should not eat them, 71, Should a Neurogenic patient eat Sodium-containing foods to the exclusion of fats, such as - butter, cream, fat meats, etc.? A, - A Neurogenic patient is in the greatest need of Sodium, but he should also introduce certain fats. Not such fats that come from the cow, but fats that come from other sources. He needs oleic fat, cocoanut fat. 72. Does a lack of Sodium in the blood produce nervous diseases? A. - Yes, Copyright, 1920,. v by V#. G, Rocine # F-35 INSTITUTE OF. HUMAN. ITATURE STUDIES,.. CHICAGO,, ILLINOIS . LECTURE BOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JECT-CHLORIN , Chlorin is one of the sixteen elements found in man* It is a groat germicide. It cleanses and washes the :: cells, and sends §erms and inrourity out of the "body. Germs are at work in the bo- y by the millions. We are fighting germs, all of the time, and they are killing us* This is called disease. There are thous- ands of different kinds of germs. This is the reason that Fluor- in, Chlorin, and Magnesium have been organized into the human "body to help to throw off poisons, germs, and disease. Fluorin kills many kinds of germs, including the consumption germ. Chlorin kills hundreds of different kinds of germs. When there is gas generation, poisons, fever, fatty acid in the stomach, a teaspoon- ful of ordinary table salt, taken in distilled water, sometimes is very beneficial. Chlorin cleanses the cells until they are puri- fied. It does this by a sort of a suction, or pressure. Chlorin does the same kind of work in the human body that the laundryman and the laundry soap do to clothes. Chlorin kills germs in the system, passes them thtough the alimentary tract, out of the body. One teaspoonful of ordinary common salt in a little water sends germs flying to the earth and space. If you feel bloated, uncomfortable, cannot sleep because of gas passing into the nerves and brain, all because of impurities and toxins at work in tissue and nerves, a teaspoonful of ordinary common salt in distilled water, and a hot application on your bowels, taken as hot as you can stand it, for about an hour at a time, in the evening, after you retire, will put you to sleep in perhaps ninety cases out of one hundred. Germs, impurities^ de- composed tissue water, are sent out of your system. The human system is a sort of a battlefield. Talk about Hinden- burgts army; you ought to see the army of germs at work in your interior to conquer you. There is a greater battle going on in the body, than was carried on between Germany and the Allies. Millions of little germs are at work in the body. Chlorin, Sul- phur, Fluorin, Magnesium are your artillery and powder. Chlorin is a powerful germicidal agent. Ordinary common salt is nothing else than Chlorin and Sodium. If there is an excels of Chlorife in the system, you are relieved by inhaling ammonia. Sometimes, in a Medeic constitution, and in the Marasmic constitution, Chlorin consumption may be too great. Those people have a suffocating cough, and can hardly get air enough. This is a Chlorin symptom. Chlorin combines with Phos- phorus. If you are of a mental temperament, or of a Pathetic con- stitution, or ITervo-Motive, or Exesthesic, and there is a lack of Chlorin in your system, you suffer from a certain kind of neuras- thenia, and this neurasthenia no doctor «can cure before you eat rightly. The brain itself is of such a nature that it must have Chlorin. If there is an insufficiency of Chlorin in the body, you will have trouble with the nerves and brain* Chlorin has an indirect in- fluence upon the brain, not a direct. Phosphorus and Sulphur have a direct influence on the brain, but Chlorin has an indirect influence. Lack of Chlorin results in poor brain and nerve meta- bolism. Under the influence of a Chlorin diet, the nerves grow stronger, and the brain is supplied with the nourishment needed. Chlorin takes up water like a sponge. It takes up fifty times as much water as its own quantity. If you eat foods rich in Chlorin, ycu are driving sick water out of your system. If you suffer from impurities, and you drink Chlorin-oontaining drinks, or eat Chlorir.- containing foods, the decomposed liquid that you have in your sys- tem is abstracted from the brain,, nerves, muscles, vital organs., and must pass out of your body. You lose in weight Thus, in times of hylric obesity, there is nothing better than a dry and high Ohlo- rin diet. You can reduce almost a pound a day on such a diet. If you get thirsty when you drink salty drittfySj and ycu, then, drink hot lemonade, you can reduce that much more., providing you put no sugar into the lemonade. when you suffer from hydric obesity you should eat foods that are below thirty percent in water, low in starch, in sugar, in fat, and rich in Chlorin. Mien there is an excess of water in the system, there is a lack of Chlorin. liuch water drinking washes the Chlorin and the Sodium out of your body. IVhen there is an excess of Chlorin, you are lean* A Chinaman is usually a Chlorin mai... t he is also a lean man. You seldom see a fat Chinaman. The Chinese are usually lean. Chinese are mostly of a Marasmic constitution. Nervous prostration, caused by a lack of Chlorin, requires a high Chlorin diet. When- there is an excess of water in the system, you require a salty dry diet. A man who is Marasmic in constitution, should be given a diet rich in Magnesium to counteract the excess of Chlorin in case he wants to put on flesh. Give such a man the white of egg, either raw or boiled. The more albumin you put into bis diet, the more work you give the Chlorin that he has in' his system, to do. Ohlorin works in albumin. When a patient suffers from albuminuria, give him Chlorin foods in abundance, The Irish people as a rule are witty, because they have Chlorin in excess, and because they are wide-headed. When a man has a wide head, a small back head, a low top head, and Chlorin consumption is great, that same man is witty and sarcastic. A man ?;ho has Hydro- gen, or water to excess in his body, is not/witty. Did you ever see a witty Hydripheric or Carboferic nerson? A Chlorin" -lersnn is always witty, always full of arguments" and sarcasm. Very" often such a person has running eyes, or oyes called sour eyes. Some- times the eyelids hang down like bags* He looks sour and angry, and people keep away from him* Sometimes, the stomach and liver become an alcohol factory, even in the Christian. At such a time a rich Chlorin diet is needed. If you feel bloated, uncomfortable, full of gas, take a teasDoonful of ordinary common salt in distilled water, and you will soon be re- lieved. Tins starts the peristaltic movements in your stomach and intestines. Then, it is necessary to eat small meals. When you suffer from gas m the stomach, or bloating, or indigestion, v u must not eat heavy meals. Old ^eoDle, and neo^le who suffer from dyspepsia, do not need very much food, as they cannot digest it, nor assimilate it. When a man is over fifty-five years of age, he does not need very much food, but he needs an eliminative diet? When there is Sulphur gas at work in the interior, it is not easy to be agreeable, romantic, poetic. a salty diet is very beneficial at such a time. The function of 'Ohlorin is to send impurity and Copyright, 1920, "by V. G. Rocine. P-37 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN, NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE I70TES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORIIT. germs out of the system, and to draw off decomposed water. Chlorin takes the "bacterial impurities out of the system, and relieves the nerves and the brain cells. It is difficult to pray properly when there is auto toxin and acid in the stomach. It is difficult to talk about joy, peace, heaven, reformation, and conversion. So long as there is impurity in the interior, around the nerves and in the brain, the Holy Spirit will not he influenced very much to live in such an atmosphere. Metabolism is up-building and down-tearing processes in the body. These two processes are at work in daytime and in night time. We are being torn down every minute of the day; we are being built ut) every minute of the day also. When we are being torn down fast- er than we are being built up, we grow lean, when we are being built up faster than we are being torn down, we grow fleshy. In some people that apparent fleshiness is nothing but gas; in others it is" water; in others it may be nothing but phlegm; and in still others it may be nothing but fat, or fatty growths. When we grow old, it is better to be lean than fleshy. If a man is fleshy as he advances in years, be is likely to die early. Chlorin and Potassium are the two elements by means of which the peristaltic action takes place, under the influence of psychical Impulse* When there is a lack of Chlorin and Potassium in the in- testines, we suffer from constipation. Everything is comparative- ly still and we suffer from stasis. You cannot sjart that peris- taltic action in the stomach by colon irrigation. You must" supply the Chlorin and the Potassium elements. A colon injection may weaken the bowels, in the course of time, and may even injure the bowels. It is better to fall back upon a high Potassium diet. Remember the elements, Chlorin, Potassium, Silicon, Magnesium, and Fluorin when you suffer from constipation and catarrh. Internal baths, or colon irrigations, are likely to weaken the muscles in the canal walls of the colon. These muscle fibers may become pa- ralyzed by inflation, to such an extent that you may suffer from intestinal paralysis, or from a colon ailment that can never be cured. If you must take a colon irrigation, use plenty of salt water, and let the water run in as slowly as it is possible; even then it may do harm. The water should pass along the intestinal walls, and does tia&s along tne intestinal wall in times of colon irrigation. If it does pass along the intestinal wall, it does not effect the hardened excreta; the excreta is there just the same after you are through with your colon irrigation. Is it not much better to eat foods that are rich in Chlorin, Silicon, Potas- sium, and Magnesium? This is the normal way. Then you will strengthen the colon and the muscles in the walls of the alimentary tract. If there is a lack of Chlorin in the muscles, we cannot work so ef- ficiently, Go to church and pray, but study diet and your own needs as you pray and read your Bible. Use your own brain and com- mon sense. If there is a lack of Hydrochloric acid in your stomach, how can you digest your food? You sicroly suffer from in- digestion, not because you have too much Chlorin^ but because you do not have enough. P-38 Germs cannot thrive in the presence of Chlorin. You use ordinary salt to preserve meat; use common salt to preserve your own intes- tines. 'You can keep meat for a year, or longer, by putting plenty of salt on it. This is a good lesson in regard to your stomach, when there are many germs anywhere, put a little Chlorin on them, and they will feel very uncomfortable. vegetable diet. We needed should the re- It is not wise to use an exclusive member that there are sixteen chemical elements needed in the body In an entire vegetable diet, you cannot get enough of Chlorin. There are also other elements that you cannot get very much of. If you live on nothing but greens, you get Potassium in excess. Potash will take Chlorin and Sodium out of your system, so that lastly you will suffer from many ailments. Vegetables, fruit, and cereals are lacking in Chlorin. Rheumatism is often caused by lack of Chlorin, Sodium, Fluorin, Manganese, and llagnesium. You may obtain a temporary relief from a masseur when you suffer from rheumatism, but rheumatism will re- turn, and you will never be cured until you eat rightly. Chlorin has a powerful pressing effect upon +he cells. It presses the cells together, so that the cells become compact. The Chlo- rin man is a compact man. He is strong. Dempsey is a Chlorin man; Carpentier is a Chlorin man. We should eat plenty of Chlorin foods, so that we may eliminate im- purities and kill germs, or they will otherwise kill us. All animals that have an excess of Chlorin are hypnotic. A Chlorin man is a great talker, for a time, then he is as mute as a grave. If you speak to him, he may answer you in a disagreeable manner. Chimamen sit in different parts of the same room, or car, and never say a word to each other. A dog uses up a great deal of Chlorin. The dog is slavish in his devotion towards his master. The Chlorin man is simila,r to a dog, in this resj)ect. A dog sleeps with one eye open and the other eye closed; he can hea.r with one ear while he sleeps with the other. This is also the case with the Chlorin man. He is ah excellent watchman. If you want a first-class watchman, hire a Chlorin man. Such. a man is usually wide-headed. The more wide-headed a man is, or an animal, the more Chlorin he utilizes for the metabolic func- tions. Such a man, or animal, suffers from liver ailments, in the course of time. Such an animal, or man, is lean; and a woman of this temperament is also lean. She knows everything that goes on in the neighborhood; she is talking about everybody; she is a sort of a neighborhood directory. The Chlorin man has a wonder- ful memory for evil; that is also the naturo of the dog. If you. injure a man like that, he never forgets it and never forgives it. If you injure a dog, that dog never forgets you, and never forgives you. VJhen a man is wide-headed, and Chlorin consumption is exces- sive, and this man is a journalist, he is always a sensationalist. His mind runs fco yellow journalism. If you fall in love with such a man, he loves you ofcie minute, and throws you out through a window the next. VJhen Chlorin consump- tion is excessive, there is a greenish tint to the eye; there is- al- so jealousy, temper, cruelty in the disposition. If he has a green eye, there is something ugly in his very soul, something black in Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. . F-39 INSTITUTE OF HUIiAIT "ATURS. STUDIES, CHICAGO,, ILLINOIS . L ECTURE ITOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORIIT . his blood. He may marry a lady and leave her, within only a few days, to find another affinity. Injure a Chlorin man, and he may come back in five or ten years to fight. The faculties of observation are never active in a Chlorin man, whether they are largo in the brain or not. The imaginative fa- culties are always more active in a Chlorin man. At times, such a man does not know just where he is, nor what is taking place around him. He is in a sort of hypnotic dream, occasionally. He can, however, watch evil deeds, and evil people. He sees everything that is bad, and imagines bad things also. A Chlorin man likes stimulants, and has a leaning towards morphine habits and drinking. Chlorin people are always in a rash. When there is a lack of Chlorin in the spleen, there is tension in the spleen. The spleen cannot function well before it is well sup- plied with Chlorin." If you tell such a patient to hold out his tongue, his tongue seems to stick in his mouth, and is so large that it fills his entire mouth. If you tell a Phosphorus patient to hold out his tongue, he sticks it out all the way, and it is long, slender, and small. V.hen you lack Chlorin, you suffer from pyorrhea. TThen your doctor may tell you to go to the dentist and have your teeth plucked out; and the osteopath gives you treatments for spinal lesion. "*hen Chlorin is lacking, the functions are disturbed, A Chlorin pa- tient may suffer from toothache while out in the cold. You cannot perspire without using up Chlorin. spire you lack Chlorin, Sodium, and Sulphur. VJhen you cannot per- The more you v/ork, the more you take Chlorin out of the system. VJhen a man works hard and perspires, Chlorin is passing out of his body very rapidly, through the skin ; also through the urine. V.hen you use your brain very much, you use up Chlorin, Phosphorus and Sulphur, as may be demonstrated in the laboratory, for such ele- ments always appear in the urine. In times of heavy brain-work, this is especially true in regard to Phosphorus* At such a time, you nust supply those elements by eating such foods that contain those elements. You must know what you are eating. Foods that are good for you now, may not be good for you a year from now. If you suffer from auto-intoxication, you are in the greatest need of Chlorin, Potassium, Magnesium and F'iucrin. The Calc.iferic and Isogenic should eat foods that are rich in So- dium to prevent Calcic hardening. V.hen people lack Chlorin they crave sympathy. This is especially true in regard to women. If you give them sympathy at such a time, they become fussy, and may probably refuse the sympathy, yet they crave for it. F-*0 VJhen we speak of disease tendencies in Chlorin people, we have refer- ence to Chlorin-excess symptoms and diseases 9 When Chlorin is being consumed excessively, it results in Chlorin starvation in the "body, especially in the blood, and in the secretions* There are certain compound elements needed by the tissues of the heart, i.e., Sodium Chlorid, Potassium Chlorid, and Calcium Phosphate. They are the heart salts, or the tissue salts* If you add Iron you have all the important blood salts, and also tissue salts, needed by the tissues. When any of these compounds are lacking, there will be heart disease, or a tendency to palpitation, or a tendency to contraction in the heart nerves, or in "the heart muscles. When I was in a laboratory once, we took a rabbitt's heart that had not beat for four hours, and put it into a solution made of those very heart salts, and the heart beat far seventy-two hours, before it stopped completely. This proved to us that the heart and its function depends also upon chem- ical food salts. Those food salts must be supplied at all times, otherwise the heart action is not so energetic, nor so regular. If you suffer from heart disease, it may be due, possibly, to a lack of those tissue salts* Do you think it v;ouId be wise for you to drug yourself with digitalis at such a time? Do you not think that you would die? " But if you supply those foods that contain Sodium Chlorid, Potassium Chlorid, and Calcium Phosphate, in proper combi- nation, you would overcome your heart disease. Your heart cannot stop so long as they are supplied* That is one way of keeping your heart going, viz. by chemical means. Even after you are dead, it is possible to start your heart by keeping it in a solution made of those salts, in the proper combination. Iron, or lack of the same, also excess of the same, has its erup- tions; Potassium has its eruptions, so does Chlorin, Sodium, and' also certain poisons, as, for instance, the lledeic man with his poi- sons, has his eruptions. Eruptions are different in kind. In' the Chlorin patient the mouth is almost dark red from eruptions, when there is an absolute lack of Chlorin in the tissues, or in the blood, or in the secretions. He has his eruption on the arms, on the chest, on the neck, and on the mouth. Chlorin patients breathe all the way from sixteen to thirty-eight respirations a minute. I do not know whether I would call that nbr- mal, because I have found that the stronger a man is, the more air he takes into his system, and the slower are his respirations. Some men take eight, five, even three respirations of air a minute* . I have found that very strong men take only three respirations a min- ute. The Chlorin patient takes from sixteen up to thirty-eight re- spirations a minute* Therefore., we know when Chlorin is lacking, by the respirations being quick and weak. When the Chlorin -natient inhales air, it seems to him, and to others also, as if his lungs are too small; it seems that the linings of the lungs do not nermit exnan- sion of the lungs. Hence, the breathing of the Chlorin natient " catches". We hear a great deal about proteins, and we are told that they give us strength. They are called the albuminoids* When nrotein is digested in the human system? it is called -oroteid* Foods contain protein, but after protein shall have been digested, and -nroperly prepared in the body, it is called proteid, in physiology", 'if you lack the^ Chlorin element, or if there is an excess of Chlorid "it is important that you fall back upon a diet that supplies the Chlorin Copyright,. 1920,. "by v, G. Rociue. F-41 I NSTITUTE OF. HUMAN NATURE STUDIES,, CHICAGO,. ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES , COURSE- FOODS & CHE1IICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORIN . element, according to your needs. And if Chlorin-consumption is excessive, so that you suffer from Chi or in-Hung er, you should fall back upon a low protein diet, or upon a diet that contains about one and one-half percent of protein. Fall back upon a vegetable protein diet. Animal protein is more difficult to digest and handle. Heat, or protein from the steer, is difficult to digest. When Chlorin-consumption is too great, you suffer from weakness of some kind, and principally because you cannot digest, utilize, and assimilate the protein element. When protein metabolism is low, you should fall back upon a low protein diet. You should introduce Chlorin-containing food to a greater extent. You know when you have ea.ten too much protein, because you feel heavy, dull, and stupid after eating. When you feel weak, and you do not know what to do; when you have no ambi- tion ; you may be sure that protein metabolism is low. Again, when you have trouble with your stomach; when you cannot digest your food, you suffer from low protein metabolism. The stomach must digest food material for the muscles, and when the stomach cannot digest protein, the muscles suffer. Hence, also, low pro- tein digestion results in muscular prostration. Excitable people run so low in Chlorin that the throat contracts to such an extent that the voice gets be^^ond control. The slight- est excitement, in the Nervi-liotive people, affects the voice. You cannot sing so well when 'there is a lack of Chlorin. See that you have plenty of Chlorin in your system before you take a course in voice culture; else, the one who teaches, or trains you in voice culture, cannot develop your voice. You should remember that Chlorin increases the strength of the voice. A function of Chlorin is to work in albumin. If there is a lack of Chlorin, it results in albuminuria. When we speak of Chlorin people, or Chlorin patients, we have reference to that constitu- tion in which Chlorin-consumption is excessive. A Chlorin pa- tient is usually interested in sanitary work. Anything dirty oft- en appeals to him. He may not be cleanly himself, in the sense of dress, but he is cleanly in habits. He likes to cut in a ca- daver; he usually makes a good surgeon. If you have strong Ideality, you will never be much interested in surgery. If you are of an Exesthesic constitution, or if you are of a Nervi-LIotive constitution, you will not be interested in surgery. If you are of a Nitropheric constitution, you will not be interested in sur- gery, nor should you take up surgery; become a Homeopath, or an Osteopath, or an Idealistic doctor, i.e.- one who merely gives advice. Heavy work in the sunshine, uses up the Chlorin element in your body. In a hot, warm country, where there is a great deal of Iron in the soil, heat is oppressive, and the Chlorin element is broken dorm, in connection with the Sodium element. A vegetable diet breaks down Chlorin, also Sodium. If you live exclusively on a vegetable diet, you will get so much Sulphur into your body that,. lastly, you are likely to spread an o'dor about you like a cabbage patch. Cabbage is a Sulphur plant; Onions are Sulphur plants; F-42 Radishes are Sulphur plants. In times of pneumonia, Chlorin is pre- cipitated and appears' in the urine. This is also true in times of "Flu". You can* never build strong joints without a heavy Chlorin diet, nor without Sodium. You need those elements for the "building of joints. -It is Chlorin principally that builds joints. If absolute starvation of Chlorin prevails in your system, you are likely to die of albuminuria. When you suffer from albuminuria, go to a doctor who believes in diet, a doctor who knows the value of Chlorin, a doctor who knov/s which foods contain Chlorin. Old ma- terial must be taken out of the tissues, and new material supplied. If there is a lack of Sodium Ohio rid, and Potassiun Chlorid, the old material cannot be taken out of the body, and new material cannot be supplied, simply because old material is in the way. This results in tissue congestion. You may go to a masseur, and he may stir up or loosen up the dead stuff in your tissues, for the time being, and you may feel well for about one hour or more, and then, 37-ou feel as bad as ever. when there is a lack of Chlorin, dead material is not well eliminated, Chlorin is, so to speak, the laundryman in the body. It helps to remove dead material from the body. If there is an insufficiency of Sodium Chlorid in the system, or in the blood, the red corpuscles cannot maintain their shape, nor can they travel forward so actively as they otherwise would. They can- not move forward with the same power. They do not have sufficient of kinetic energy. They cannot carry as much Oxygen as is neces- sary. That is the reason that the Almighty put those important food salts into the body, so that the body may be supplied with Oxy- gen, and with all of those powers that are so essential for perfect self-efficiency, in all the functions, in habits, in studies, and otherwise. This is also the reason why we should study all of those chemical elements, both as we find them in the body, and as we find them in food. We should study the Almighty^ laws of life, and introduce them into our every-day action, thought, and studies. We should make an attempt to study the scheme of life, in its rela- tion to food, diet and efficiency. Study the living man, not the dead man. After a man is dead, he is dead. Then, there is no life, no functioning; the blood is not the same, the secretions are not the same, We should know also that, when we wish to cure a living man, we should study a living man, and not a cadaver. We should find out what is needed in the normal man.: how much Chlorin is needed, and where it is needed, and why it is ! needed, Chlorin is found almost everywhere in the body. It is found in the tissues to the extent of one and three-quarter pounds. Chlorin is needed for memorizing, for the nerves, bones, tissues, for the sexual function, the generative function, the bile, in order to carry out the bile function. It is needed in the joints above all things. Bones cannot be built without Chlorin, If you become pas- sionate, you are burning up Chlorin, also Iron, If you want perfect children it is more important to fall back upon Clilorin-containing foods, than it is to study eugenics written by great authorities. You will have better offspring if you have all of the normal food salts needed in your body. When you cry, you use up Chlorin. Tears are always salty; perspiration is salty. In fact, Chlorin is need- ed almost everywhere in the body. It does not matter so much how •much water there is in a certain food, how much protein, how muGh fat, how much Carbohydrates. It is Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rpcine,. . F-43 INSTITUTE OF H0MAH NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOj.5 . LECTURE 170TES. COURSE-FOODS & CHE 11ICAL S. SUBJECT- CHL0RI1T . exceedingly important to know how much of the various organo-metal- lic salts you are supplying in your every-day diet* When the chemist has analyzed^ or, perhaps, burned up everything there is in a certain food, the ash* is left. It is' the ash that it is more important to study* If you wish to cure a sick man, it is the ash that cures. In speaking of all these salts, it should be remembered that they always appear as Oxides, as - Sodium-Oxide, etc. We should know in which foods we can find those salts. We should know what those salts are needed for, how they may be sup- plied, especially to a sick man. V/e should study the ash contents of food. The Almighty put these ash contents into the foods and into the body, because He* knew that they are needed in the scheme of life. Burn up the drugs in your drug store, especially the poisonous drugs, if you pi ease, but study the scheme of the Almighty. Christian Science may be an excellent doctrine, but it cannot cure you when you are sick from a lack of certain salts. When the Christian Scientist lacks these important tissue salts, blood salts, nerve salts, he, also, is sick, however much he prays; however holy he may be; or however much he may deny disease and death. Even Ilrs. Eddy is dead, with all her wise teachings. It is perfectly true that her teachings are noble, great, good; but it is also true that she neglected the study of that material which goes into man, and which builds a more perfect body, cleaner blood, and a more purified soul* If v/e follow the scheme of the Almighty, we can keep ourselves well, and strong, and vigorous, v/hen v/e are old; v/e can live longer, and die nobler. Sometimes it seems that sickness is a sin. So long as we need asylums for the insane, and those asylums are full of insane peo- ple, doctors have not done their duty. So long as we need hospi- tals, doctors have not done their duty. So long as we have jails and criminals, ministers have not done their duty. If you eat rightly, think rightly, live rightly, and study the scheme of the Almighty, there is no need of jails, hospitals, sanitariums, nor asylums. Then, there is also less need* of undertakers and grave-diggers • When we are studying the ash, say, of carrots; v/e say carrots con- tain eight percent Silicon. That means - the carrots contain, in their ash content, eight percent of Silicon. Suppose we find about 1.74 percent of ash in goat's milk, and we find that of these salts, found in goafs milk, thirty-one percent is Chlorin, it simply means -' that thirty -one percent of the ash is Chlorin. Ox blood, of its .85 percent of ash, we find about thirty-five percent of Chlorin. We learn from such chemical analyses that goat's milk contains a higher percent of Chlorin than ox blood. The comparative percent of goat's milk and goat's cheese is a great great deal higher than the comparative percent of ox blood. The Vitamines are found in abundance in fresh goat's milfc, but in boiled goat's milk you do not find the Vitamines, for the boiling kills them. The Vitamines are always in the seeds of food. Anything that grows, as, for instance, a chicken, or spinach, or F-44 oarrots, or whatever else it may "be that grows, grows because it con- tains the Vitamines. The Vitamines are in the germ. So long as ■ you are feeding your patient boiled food, fried food, you are not giving him the Vitamines. You are feeding him dead food, and, there- fore, you cannot cure him. The Vitamines constitute the living principle in food. There are no Vitamines in spinach. The Vita- mines are in the seed of the spinach. In goat's milk you find Vi- tamines in abundance. You find the Vitamines in blood, but boil the blood, and it contains no Vitamines. If you boil a dozen of eggs, and you set a hen on those eggs - Hot; many chicks do you think you id.ll get? This ought to be a good lesson for those who are talk- ing learnedly about Vitamines. The Vitamines are always in the germ. . Eo food contains so much salt as whey cheese made from goat's milk whey, or even from goat's milk. It is better to eat goat's milk fresh. If you cannot get goat's milk fresh, you can get goat's milk containing the blood salts, in the form of evaporated goat's milk. Evaporated goat's milk contains the blood salts and the heart salts. This is also true in regard to goat's cheese. It is true in regard to goat's milk whey cheese. Goat's milk is nearer to human milk. FOOD, A1TALYSI S EXPLAINED ; SV/ISS CHEESE - made of goat*s milk is high in ash content. Goat's milk is higher in ash content than other milk. It is more valuable when it is a question of blood and tissue salts. Goat's milk is one of the best foods you can purchase when it is a question of blood salts and tissue salts. This is also true in regard to goat's milk cheese, and goat's milk whey cheese. The cc^sunptive should live in the hills of California, and live on a goat's milk diet. Any milk that you boil or heat does not contain the Vitamines, nor the Fluorin. If you heat cow's milk, you drive out the Fluorin. So soon as the heat temperature rises above one hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit, the Fluorin element evaporates, or it is slowly dissipated. If milk is heated "slowly, you can heat it as high as one hundred and seventy- two before Fluorin dissipates. Fluorin is an element that cannot stand high and sudden heat. Pasteurized milk, we are told, contains less germs; but it contains less of the Vitamines, also. If you pasteurize milk, you get dead milk. Ho re- over, pasteurization of milk disturbs the salts in the milk. I am not sure if it would not be as well to drink the milk as it comes from the cow, germs and all, as to drink pasteurized milk. If you drink fresh milk from the cow you get the Vitamines, and you can fight the germs, because you will have more vitality. Some germs cannot be killed by a temperature of 172° Fahrenheit, and if you boil goat's milk, you get the milk minus the Fluorin. You cannot build good, solid tissue without Fluorin, Calcium, Chlorin, and other salts. SALT - Ordinary table salt, contains 40% of Sodium, and GOfo of Chlorin. If inorganic salt should pass into your blood, it would, possibly, result in hardening of the" arterial walls. It is, how- ever, not easy to introduce ordinary common salt into your arteries and veins, for the lacteal s refuse that which is inorganic. The lacteal s have selective and rejective power, and refuse rock salt. If there is a great deal of gas generation going on in your stomach, after eating fatty foods, there is nothing better than a drink made I Copyright, 1920, by W &* Rocine. F-4-5 INSTITUTE OF mum . NATU RE STUDIES, . CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . L ECTURE NOTES , . . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORTN. F OOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED ; (Continued) of distilled water and about a teaspoonful of ordinary common salt, If you suffer from heart burn, drink ordinary common salt and dis- tilled water. OX BLOOD, CALF BLOOD, CHICKEN BLOOD - could easily be assimilated, if introduced into your diet. The blood is the cleanest part cf all the secretions; which is also true in regard to milk. Milk and blood are the cleanest and purest products we can get. The germs we are told about, and that you see in milk, do not come from the interior of the cow but from the outside, from the atmosphere in the stable, from the dirty milkman, and from his dirty bottles. When a germ gets into warm milk, it grows rapidly. We should not drink milk by itself. SAUER-KRAUT - is a very good food. I have seen patients who could not digest, nor tcl:erate any other kind of food. The Germans have a superior way of making sauer-kraut. Sauer-kraut contains or- ganic Chlorin, also inorganic Chlorin. HAM - should be broiled, but it does not require a great deal of broiling. COCOANUT - is one of the best foods that we can get. We should, however, not eat canned cocoanut, for it is much better to get the cocoanut in its fresh state. Cocoanut contains myristic acid, which is a fatty substance of great value to nerves and brain. If you are nervous, eat cocoanut. If you are small -chested, eat co- coanut. Cocoanut builds up your chest, if you breathe fresh air in abundance. There is no food so valuable to the nerves and to the lungs, but do not patronize manufacturers who are not giving you a natural product. I would advise you to patronize nature as much as possible. Canned foods are never so gbod as foods that come directly from nature. It may be that some canned foods are good during the winter season. We cannot get fresh foods during the winter. When you suffer from Cerebral neurasthenia, eat cocoanut in con- junction with foods that are rich in Potassium Phosphate. FISH - is not a desirable blood-building food. It is good food for the brain and nerves, because it contains that important nerve fat, lecithin. Some fish contain cancer germs. Fish is a good food, first, because it contains lecithin; secondly, because of the protein it contains; thirdly, because of the ash. ASPARAGUS - is usually cooked* Anything that is cooked is dead food. Nearly all food we eat in its fresh state, containing the seed, contains the vital principle. Be sure to crush the seeds when you eat foods containing seeds, so tbat you may masticate and utilize the Vitamines in the seeds. If you cannot masticate and digest the seeds, you cannot utilize the Vitamines* F-46 CABBAGE -is "better in the form of sauerkraut. If you have a weak stomach, and you eat cabbage in its raw state, you are like*, ly to suffer from gas generation. If you eat boiled cabbage you will generate so much gas that you will become uncomfortable. Red cabbage is better than white cabbage. Red cabbage contains :nore Chlorin than white cabbage. Red cabbage should be eaten in the form of cold slaw. CARROTS - you cannot find a better food than carrots, whether you are sick, or well; whether your digestion is weak or strong, whether you need Chlorin, Sodium, or Silicon, or some other salt; you alv^ays find those salts in carrots. If you need sugar you find it in car- rots;, if you need vegetable proteins to a small degree, you find it in carrots. The protein that you find in carrots is easily digest- ed and assimilated. You can eat carrots raw or boiled, but it is preferable that you eat carrots raw. There is always some kind of salt that you may need, and this salt you can more likely find in carrots. CUCUlffiERS - There is a great deal of Sulphur in cucumbers. It is the most healing vegetable that you can find. There is nothing so good for the blood, or for blood heat, or for congestion; as Cucum- bers. If, however, you eat too much Cucumbers, the extra part of the Cucumbers that you cannot digest, and appropriate will be con- verted into gas. If there is a tendency to necrosis, eat cucumbers. EGG YOLK - is the nearest substance to the brain. Egg Yolk, the brain, and the generative substance, are comparatively the same, from a chemical viewpoint. Excitable people, insane people, peo- ple who have lost their sexuality, should eat plenty of raw egg yolk, in an alkaline form. People who want to improve their com- plexion should use egg yolk. People who want to improve their hair, should use egg yolk preparations, or hair-wash made of claret and egg yolk. This makes an excellent hair-7/ash. LENTILS - are nutritious. Most people do not know much about len- tils. We cannot eat lentils raw; they must be cooked. Do not eat more than two tablespoonsful of lentils; if you are sickly, do not eat more than three teaspoonsful. SPINACH - contains all the salts needed in your body, providing you do not over-cook the spinach; and providing you do not throw the spinach juice into the sink. IT ever eat too many radishes at one meal, or you will suffer from gas the next day. Carrots, raw spinach, goat*s cheese and almond nuts are among the very best foods for the purpose of obtaining vegetable salts for your tissues. Dishes made from white flour, do not contain the Vitamines. By right you should not eat, preparations made from white flour. QUESTIONS. AITD ANSWERS t 1. Are there any foods that will help to eliminate pus from the sys- tem? A. - Foods that are very rich in Chlorin will help to elim- inate pus from the system. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-47 INSTITUTE OF HU11AN NATURE STUDIES,. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORlfl . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : (Continued) 2. Name cancer- carrying fish and foods? A. - Ordinary common water, lake water, trout, salmon, white fish, are likely to carry the cancer germ. There are fifteen different varieties of fish that carry cancer germs, and almost all waters, with the exception of distilled water, are likely to carry cancer germs. You may drink ordinary water for years, and not get any cancer germs, "but all at once, you ma,y drink a glass of water that contains, perhaps, thousands of cancer germs. Of course, if you have all of those salts in your system, in your blood, in your secretions, in your tissues, in your nerves, that protect you from cancer germs, the cancer germs cannot get hold of you; you are protected; you are immune. But if you lack some of those important salts, you are in danger. The better thing to do is to leave alone fish and wa- ter that contain cancer germs. 5. What affect do the Vitamines have on the chemical composition of foods? A. - They are forever trying to establish processes of germination, whether it be in the soil of the earth, or in the soil of man, or in any other soil, where germination processes take place. They have a great affect upon the chemical composi- tion of foods. If there were no Vitamines in food at any time, foods could not be worked up into living tissue. If there were no Vitamines in the food it would be impossible to build a vigor- ous sexual system. The Vitamines are the life-principles. They are taken up by the sexual system and utilized, for purposes of reproduction. If food has been boiled, that same food, or seed, can never germinate. If an egg has been boiled, the hen is help- less. If any seed has been boiled, or fried, or baked, it can produce nothing. It is dead. 4. Do ox-tails contain Chlorin? A. - Yes. 5. When a man suffers from Chlorin excess, should he eat freely of Chlbrin-containing foods in connection with a high protein diet? A. - No. A sick nan should not have a high protein diet. If you have Chlorin to excess, omit Chlorin-containing foods. If Chlorin consumption is great, eat Chlorin- containing foods in abundance; also the Vitamines. 6. What are some of the foods that contain the Heart Salts? A. - Goat's milk, evaporated or fresh; Goat's cheese, goat's milk whey cheese, carrots, spinach. 7. What difference does it make if there is a high ash content, or a low ash content? A. - If the ash content is low, it is low; and if it is high, it is high. Any food that has a high ash con- tent, becomes more valuable to the human body, because it is more easy of digestion. And if that same food is rich in the Vitaminss 5 it becomes doubly valuable to the human body, because it can be me- tabolized, 8. If a glass of distilled water, with a table spoonful, or a tea- spoonful of salt, is good for one who lacks Sodium Chlorid, when is it best to take such a drink, morning or night? A, - We do F-48 not recommend ordinary common salt, except for purposes of purifica- tion of the colon, and for the exodus of germs through the alimenta- ry tract. But if there is a lack of Sodium Chlorid in the "blood and in the tissues, you must fall bade upon foods that are rich in Sodium Chlorid, or in those very organic salts that are lacking in the tissues and in the "blood, 9. Why can we not get Chlorin from the same source as animals do? Yrfhy is it necessary to eat meat in order to obtain Chlorin? A- - Where do the animals get their Chlorin? Do you find Chlorin in hay? Do you find it in grass? Is it not a fact, that animals do not get enough of Chlorin from grass and hay, and is it not because of this very deficiency of Chlorin in grass and hay, that the wise farmer gives animals rock salt? This is how animals get Chlorin - man must supply the Chlorin to animals. Animals get inorganic Chlorin, but it is possible for us to get organic Chlorin in the form of milk, ham, meat, blood, fish, and other food material. If you take meat to the laboratory you find that it contains a high percent of Chlorin. If you take grass to the laboratory « How much Chlorin do you find? 10. Do green peas contain Chlorin? A« - Yes, to a small extent. But the" percent is so small that peas could not be called a Chlorin-containing food. 11» Do juices pressed out from carrots, spinach, celery, etc..^ con- tain all of the blood salts you need? A. - Those juices contain salts, but not all the salts that we need* Hor do they contain salts in the proportion that is needed in the bouy. 12. what food elements are needed in arthritis deformans? A* - If you suffer from arthritis deformans you have simply waited too long. You are likely to die with it. Arthritis deformans means - absolute Sodium-hunger, especially if it has continued for a long, long time. If the tissue salts are lacking in your tissues, you are likely to suffer from arthritis deformans and, so long as those salts are lacking, no doctor can cure you. 13. Y/ould salt and water be good for a neurogenic who suffers from sleeplessness at night? Would it be well to drink salty drinks at night? Would it be possible for a Neurogenic to drink salty water to excess? A. - I think that salty drinks, made of ordinary com- mon salt and water, would not do a neurogenic any good. It is pos- sible for a Neurogenic to drink salty drinks to excess. Remember that, if the neurogenic is in need of salt, or Chlorin, he requires organic Chlorin; it is organic Chlorin that acts upon albumin, upon brain, nerves, secretions, skin, and blood. 14. Are pigs poisonous, and should people eat pork? Is not a pig a Chlorin-excess animal, and for this reason poisonous? A. - I never heard that any chemist found any poison in the tissues of a pig, nor in pork. It may be perfectly true that pork contains substances that are not favorable, but this is also true in regard to cabbage, barley, wheat, or almost any food that we may eat. The pig is not a Chlorin-excess animal. You could- eat ham every day in the year and never suffer from any kind of sickness, if you eat it in proper combinations, and if you do not eat it to excess. Copyright,.. 1920, . by. V.. G*. Rocine.. F-49 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN. NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE- FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB J E C T- CHLORI N < ^ggSTIOITS AND ANSY/ERS ; (Continued) 15. Is there a possibility of ills of long standing "being cured through diet? A. - Yes. It is possible to eat foods, and drink drinks of a curative nature, according to the needs of your own constitution, until your chronic ailment disappears. Diet cannot do everything, but it is important e,s a curative agent. That doctor who pays no attention to diet, is not a very desirable doctor. You had better not solicit his services* 16. Should the seeds of raisins be chewed and consumed? Most raisins are seeded before they reach the consumer. Ae - Yes. Because you find the Vitamines in the seeds, but you should masti- cate them well. Seedless raisins do not contain the Vitamines. 17. Is it not necessary to give one acid to counteract another acid in the system? A. - Yes. But that acid should be citric acid, or else formic acid, in food form. Y/e must not give a man all sorts of acids, and expect the man to improve. Formic acid, and citric acid, in food form, have a. neutralizing effect upon other acids. 18. Can appendicitis be cured by diet? A. - Yes, if it has not gone too far. If the appendix is decomposed, the best thing to do is to scrape it out. 19. Y/hat is meant by a warm diet, and by a cold diet? A. - A warm diet consists of warm foods, hot drinks, stimulating tonics, invigorating food salts, heat-producing food substances. A cold diet is the very opposite of a warm diet. 20. Can parents transmit any constitution they wish to their off- spring at will? A. - It would be possible for the parents to produce almost any child within their scope of transmission, and perhaps almost any constitution, especially if the parents are distant affinities. In fact, when parents are distant affinities, we find every variety of types, even a conglomeration of children, of different constitutions, notwithstanding the fact that those very parents had no will in the matter. It should be remembered that, parents, as a general rule, never make any effort to endow offspring^ or throw any control over the syngenetic act. 21. Y/hen there is itching in the palm of the hand, and in the sole of the feet, persistently, what chemical symptom may this be? A. - Lack of Potassium salt in the tissues; lack of Sulphur in the tissues; lack of Chlorin in the tissues, or in the nerves, may re- sult in itching of some kind, though a different element has a different itch. 22. Y/hy may a certain portion of the body be cold while the rest of the body -is warm? A. - Because of lack of Chlorin, or, per- haps, Silicon. 2S. Y/hat causes high blood pressure? How can it be cured? A. - There are many things that may cause high blood pressure, as, for instance, high nerve pressure, or intracranial pressure, or F-50 •--.*" lack of the blood salts, or lack of the tissue salts, or an excess of Oxygen, or excess of emotion, or excess of "blood in the brain, or an excess of watery fluids in the body, or an excess of blood in the arteries and veins, or an excess of blood heat. Running too rapid- ly is likely to give rise to high blood pressure for the time being. In fact, there are many causes of blood pressure. To cure high blood pressure, we must first remove the cause. 24. Is it not true that pre-natal habits of living and eating have an effect upon the child, especially before conception? A. - Yes. Pre-natal habits, before conception, and the state of the mind of the parent at the time of conception, determine the nature of the child. After the child is conceived, you have no power over it. Five minutes before conception is worth fifty 3rears bf train- ing after the child is born. 25. Is there any cure for Tabes-Dorsalis, or is there any cure for Syphilis? A. - Ho, only in the way of up-building. 26. How do you account for the following: In a family of six children, four girls and two boys, all the girls were born blind, but the boys see perfectly. A. - The girls take after the father and must suffer for the father's sins, which, in this case, are r '. visited upon the girls. The father had some kind of taint in his system. Fathers must be careful. They cannot soy/ wild oats and expect to give rise to perfect children. 27. If there is nothing in heredity, why do syphilitic parents pro- duce such crippled offspring? A* - Syphilis is not heredity. Syphilis is a disease that affects every nerve, every cell, every tissue of the man, or of the wonian. Syphilis is a disease, and does not prove heredity, it simply shows that the generative sub- stance was diseased. 28. YJhat is the difference between the Vitamines and ash content? A. - If you burn up a piece of wood what have you left in the aeh pot? A few ashes, have you not? This is the ash, or the ash con- tents of that wood which you burned. If you burn up a certain food, and you have a certain ash left, this is the ash content of that food. The Vitamines are the vital principles in a plant, or in the seeds, or in the milk, or in a grain of wheat. The Vitamines is the germ, or the embryo; it is the power of the young plant to take life to itself, to grow and thrive. Every grain of wheat has a germ, and this germ contains the Vitamines. This germ represents about one and one-half percent of the whole grain in a grain of wheat; it is called the germ* 29. What is the difference between the various acids of the body? A. - One acid is different than another acid. Sulphur acid is dif- ferent than carbonic acid; and carbonic acid is different than citric acid; citric acid is different than formic acid; myristic acid is not the same kind of acid as some one, or more than one, of the fatty acids. There are many different kinds of acids in the body, and each acid has its own nature and its own characteristics. 30. In what way will Chi or in cure Albuminuria? A. - Chlorin works in the tissues. It works in albumin. It increases tissue metabo- lism, or albumin metabolism* Copyright, 1920, by V. G. RoCine. F-51 INSTITUTE OP HUMAN NATURE STUDIES,., CHICAGO, ILLINOI S. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT- CHLORIN. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ; (Continued) 51. Does a man who lives on vegetables and fruit, get enough of Chlorin, if he is vigorous? A. - ITo. Upon a vegetable and fruit diet it is simply impossible to get enough of Chlorin for any man, whether he be healthy or sickly. If a man is healthy, and lives on a vegetable and fruit diet for many years, he will, eventually, become sick. A healthy man, however, is able to utilize all the Chlorin in the food that is obtainable. 32. Why do some, people crave ordinary common salt; they want every- thing so salty that no one else can eat it? A. - One reason is, because there is an excess of Chlorin-consumption. They need it, and do not know where to obtain Chlorin. Another reason is that the albumin is not doing its work, because of lack of other salts, or because there is a lack of Chlorin salts. Still another reason may be, perhaps, a tendency to pus formation throughout. the system, as, for instance, in a tubercular man. 33. IThy should a nursing baby have constipation? Is it lack of Chlorin? A. - Perhaps, and perhaps not. Mothers are often too generous to their babies. They give them too much food, or, perhaps, the wrong kind of food without knowing it. VJhen the milk, which the baby gets from the mother contains acid, that baby is likely to suffer from acidity, vomiting, constipation, gas generation. If there is acid or gas in the stomach, the baby will suffer from constipation, the same as we would suffer from constipation if we suffer from acid formation and gas generation. And if the mother stuffs the baby, the baby will suffer from con- stipation and stasis, the same as v/e would suffer from constipa- tion, if we were to eat food in excess. The mother* s milk may not contain enough of the alkaline salt; it may not contain enough of Chlorin. 34. Can you, by prescribing too much organic Chlorin in Bright* s disease, increase the ailment, and thereby prevent a cure? A» - In times of Bright 's disease organic Chlorin is needed. A man who suffers from Bright f s disease, can never get enough of organic Chlorin. We must supply Chlorin in abundance to such a patient, or he will not improve* It is important to cut out the albumin, until the system reaches a point of albumin toleration again. * 35. What is the difference between Sodium Chlorid, and Chlorid of Sodium? A. - The difference is grammatical only. It is sim- ply ordinary, common salt* 36. Is Chlorin, found in common table salt, inorganic; and will this have the same effect as organic Chlorin? A. - Inorganic Chlorin passes through the alimentary tract, mainly. If you in- troduce inorganic Chlorin into the arteries, you are interfering with the scheme of nature, and you will eventually suffer. If you give your lacteal s an opportunity, you will find that they re- fuse to take up inorganic Chlorin. We need organic Chlorin for the blood, secretions and tissues. F-52 37. How will ordinary, common salt, affect dropsy? A. - We need plenty of ordinary common salt when we suffer from dropsy, and we need, also, a dry diet* We must not drink cold drinks, as they have a bad effect. It is better to drink hot lemonade v/ithout sugar, when we are thirsty, when we suffer from dropsy. 38. What elements are not obtainable in a vegetarian diet? A. - Chlorin, principally. 39. What Chlorin foods would be of value to a person suffering from cataract? A. - A Chlorin diet would do nothing for cataract. 40. What causes red, or irritated, eyelids? Is it due to acidity, and what kind? How can it be eliminated? A. - It may be due to many things, as, for instance, excessive Sulphur consumption. It may be due to a Pargenic taint. It may be due to vegetable poison. It is seldom due to acidity. 41- How can xve recognize nervousness, or irritability, caused by a lack of Chlorin? A. - Because of other symptoms that go with it, and because it is a certain kind of nervousness, and a certain kind of irritability. Chlorin-hunger people, or Chlorin-excess people, are not only irritable, but ugly, revengeful, stormy, mean, cynical; and a very heavy cloud hangs over them, and an anxiety that they cannot explain. 42. Kindly explain the physiological process that Chlorin exerts up- on peristalsis. A. - Chlorin acts upon the nerve ends, and Potas- sium acts upon the muscle fibers; thus producing peristalsis. How- ever, peristalsis is also mainly produced by the nerve force that is acting upon the various organs, tissues and fibers. 43. Is there not too great a tendency in people to use too much salt on their food, thereby injuring their kidneys? A. - Yes, some people. 44. Is Chlorin, in the form of common table salt, harmful to the liver and other organs? A. - It may be harmful if taken to ex- cess, but not otherwise. 45. What pathological processes go on when the knees swell? A. - There- are no pathological processes going on by the mere swelling of the knees, unless the process becomes pathological. That swell- ing may be in the bones; it may be caused by acid resulting in in- flammation; it may also be caused by sick blood. 46. What is the cause of the collapse of a child which was never ill, yet suddenly had a collapse of her legs, so that she has not been able to walk since? A. - The cause was in the cerebellum, or else in the spinal centers. They gave out, perhaps because they never were very strong, and perhaps, also, because the parents did not know how to feed those spinal centers, or cerebral centres, or cerebellar centres. 47. Will grafting in sex glands make a person young again, as is claimed and done by certain doctors, by grafting goat*s glands into human sex glands, and claiming that it corrects barrenness in mothers? A. - Wait and see. Copyright,. 1920,. "by. V, G. Rpcine, t?-53 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE, STUDIES,, CHICAGO, ILLINO IS, LECTURE NOTES . . . . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CHLORIN . QUESTIONS AND,. MSWERS t (Continued) 48. What is the cause of Erysipelas? A. - Germs. 49. Do you recommend yeast as being an excellent food, as is some- times claimed? A* - Let it be proven. 50. Are there any foods that prevent whooping cough? A. - No* There are some foods that may help, but whooping cough is caused by by a germ. It is a disease. 51. Should ice bags be placed on the inflamed breasts of a mother, and what ivould be the effect? A. - I believe that it would be better to use cold towels than to use ice bags. The condition of the blood, and the amount of blood in a patient, determine whether we should use ice bags, or cold applications, or not, in times of inflammation. A good doctor knows the danger of ice bags to hu- man structures in times of sickness, even in times of inflammation. 52. What do ridges on the finger nails indicate? A. - Lack of Silicon. 55. What causes bow legs in babies? A. - Lack of Calcium, So- dium and Fluorin. 54. Sometimes an excess of the chlorides may cause dropsy, yet Chlorin is needed in times of dropsy, why? A. - Excess of any- thing is detrimental to health. A deficiency of some certain chemical element, is also detrimental to health. Chlorin works in albumin. If Chlorin is excessively supplied, there will be trouble with albumin metabolism, because Chlorin is excessively supplied; and if Chlorin is not sufficiently supplied, there will be trouble with the same function. Let this go on for a long time, and it may result in dropsy. 55. What is the cause of hang-nails on the nails? A. - Lack of Silicon. 56. Will diet cure cataract? A. - Yes, if it is supplied in time. Cataract requires lecithin, and warm milk from the goat. 57. How much common salt should be eaten with foods, such as celery, radishes, nuts, cheese, etc.? A. - When we suffer from auto-intoxication we need more common salt than otherwise. If we are healthy and we eat plenty of celery, we do not need ordinary common salt, for celery is rich in Sodium, which is the case with certain nuts, and cheese, such as goat's cheese, sheep's milk cheese, or Roquefort cheese. Ordinary common salt is needed in times of auto-intoxication, fermentation, and germ life in the in- testines. Ordinary common salt passes through the alimentary tract, and acts upon the walls of the stomaoh. It can do no harm. If a man suffers from obesity he needs ordinary common salt in abundance. In the Desmogenic patient the tissues are too active in Sodium metabolism, he needs ordinary common salt in his diet to a great extent, otherwise he may run short of Chlorin and Sodium, and run into tuberculosis. F-54 58. Is a fireless cooker of any value in preparing food? is a very good cooking apparatus. A. It 59. Are potatoes boiled, mashed, fried, or baked, good for growing children? A. - Baked potatoes are an excellent food for growing children, if they- are healthy; but let your children eat the skin ? for the Potash, for the salts are in the skin. If your children leave anything alone, let then leave the inside alone and eat the skin. If children are allowed to eat as they choose, they will eat themselves sick in a short tine. 60. Are pancakes good for healthy people to eat about once a week, the year^ around? A. - It depends upon what kind of pancakes, and how much grease is used in making the pancakes, and how the pancakes are prepared. Pancakes, poorly prepared, are not very good for anyone." Fried grease is never beneficial to anyone. 61. Can goiter be cured? A. - There are four different kinds of goiters. One is caused by lack of Iodin. This goiter requires Iodin foods in abundance. 62* How can you regulate Sodium between the tissues and the blood, or can there not be too much Sodium in the tissues and not enough of Sodium in the blood? A. - The tissues are sometimes robbed, and again the blood and the secretions may sometimes be robbed al- so. The Desmogenic patient sometimes suffers from indigestion, because the tissues rob the stomach, or because there is not enough of Sodium in the secretions," nor in the blood. The only, way that we can regulate this, is to eat Sodium foods in abundance. 63. Will Sodium supplied in abundance, help the Thyroid gland? A. - No. 64. Vlhieh is the best way to prepare carrots? A. - By steaming them. Perhaps the be st way to eat carrots is to eat them as they are - raw, and masticate them well* 65. Uhat is the cause of jealousy? A. - 17e find more jealousy in certain constitutions than we find in others. Exesthesie peo- ple are very jealous. Jealousy is often caused by too much per- sonal pride. Any one who is very strongly developed in the tem- ples, in the Posterior part of the Temporal Lobe, and in the upper part of the Parietal Lobe, especially the Posterior section - that same person is exceedingly jealous. Acidity in the system, and a&to-toxins, have their influence upon jealousy. 66. Does the young Desmogenic ever develop diabetes? A* - Yes. Children suffer from diabetes v/here Phosphorous metabolism is too great; and Desmogenic children suffer from diabetes because of lack of Chlorin and Potassium in the system. 67* VJhat does it indicate when the right mammary gland in a woman is bigger than the left? Can normality be brought about? A. - The difference in size of the mammary gland depends upon the size of the cerebellum* If the right side of the cerebellum is the largest, the left mammary gland is the largest, and vice versa. That which is the strongest and most active, takes un the nutrition first. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-55 INSTITUTE OF HUT.TAI! NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CKELIICALS . SUBJEC T-C ALCIUH . Calcium is the same as lime but not exactly. Lime is Calcium- oxide, while Calcium is an element. That is one reason why we should not drink water from a hydrant, or a well, or a river, for the simple reason that all such waters, without exception, are rich in Calcium. Calcium which is inorganic the human system cannot take up. It will collect in the various structures of the body and produce many ailments and diseases. In Calciferic people, oxidation is always low. In people of the Phosphoro-Calcium type, (Atrophic), oxidation is exceedingly low; in other words: There is a great affinity between people of the Calciferic constitu- tion and the Carboferic, Sillevitic, and Exesthesic. Calcium us- ually associates itself with Sulphur? Silicon, and Carbon. We study plants; we study soils; but we forget man. Why is it? People of the Atrophic constitution, people of the Carboferic con- stitution, people of the Pathetic constitution, people of theHydri- pheric constitution, always suffer from deficiency of Calcium. Those people seem healthy. They are fat, yet they have no strength, no power, because they do not get enough of Calcium. Cal- cium is the fertilizing agent; it is the tiller of the soil. It is also the tiller of the human soil, in the human organization. The various soils are compelled to give up their vitality under the influence of Calcium. Mothers who are of the Calciferic constitution bear from five to fourteen children, or more. Calciferic mothers give rise to strong children. Carboferic mothers give rise to weak children. You look at a Carboferic girl and you think she is very beautiful. You marry her. Then you find she has no strength. Then you have to prepare your own breakfast, sweep the house, and do everything yourself. When it is a question of reproduction, you get a baby that is a weakling. You work all your life to raise that baby. You bury your wife when she is about fort3/--five years old, and also your children. The Carboferic often has a sour odor. If she sleeps in a room, the room itself may have a sour odor. It is because there is not enough Calcium in her s^rstera. Every person who has Calcium in abundance is clean, on the inside, although he may be dirty on the Outside. The Calcium man does not need to clean and brush because the Calcium takes care of it. Calcium is a deodorizer. It throws out impurity. If there is plenty of Calcium in the system, there is greater vitality, there is stronger sexuality, there is greater cleanliness. V/e learn that hens lay better and more eggs when they are fed cracked oyster shells and food rich in Calcium. The farmer has found this out; but the human farmer has not found it out . neither has the doctor, nurse, nor cook. If we want to give rise to gift- ed children, we should eat foods rich in Calcium during the period of gestation, because then the mother is laying the foundation for the life of her bab3r. That is the time that Calcium salts are • F~56 being used up. If that mother is not sufficiently supplied with Calcium, she is in danger of disease after she is through with ges- tation. Most milks are rich in Calcium. There is 24$ of Calcium in cow's milk", and in mare's milk more than 24$ of the salts con- tained, because the colt and the calf must build bones, horns, hoofs. Therefore, cow's milk is not the best food for the baby. The baby does not build such big bones; the baby does not build horns and hoofs, nor a heavy hide. Therefore, the baby does not need cow's milk so much as he needs mother's milk. The baby that cannot get mother's milk is to be pitied. You can never get a product as good for the baby as mother's milk. Mother's milk contains only 4$ of fine sugar. Some infant foods contain a great deal of cheap sugar, therefore, they will do your baby more harm than good. We should pass up science when we get so scientific that we kill the baby with our science, and "scienti- fic" food. The rain water is at work in the rocks, manufacturing Calcium. We do not know that it is Calcium that makes the bone of man. We do not know that it is Phosphorus that is in the brain. We do not stop to think that those inventions, those arts, that genius we admire, those excellent books on science and philosophy, are nothing else than stone talking to us. . The bones that we have are originally nothing but stone. They come from stone and go back to stone. We are nothing but living soil. A man with a great deal of Calcium in his organization is a man of endurance. It takes him about two weeks to get angry, but once an- gry, it may take him, perhaps, fifty years to get over it. A Cal- cium man never forgets. When a Calcium man gets angry, you are dealing with a loaded man. A. weak person, one of the Pathetic type, or a Carboferic type, gets angry in a second of time; but there is nothing to it. A man is loaded when he has considerable Calcium in his organization. Look at those policemen, and those criminals who empty pistols at each other and neither one falls. If a Calcium man points a pistol at you, 3rou are a dead man. Many Russians are Calcium men. Napoleon said that you would have to shoot a Russian and then push him down. Calcium people are slow, Patient, steady, heavy. It is nothing but Calcium that makes them so. If people do not have enough Calcium in them r their ankles are weak. Calcium and Fluorin hold the bones together. When a ehild is slow in walking, it is because there is not enough Calcium in its system. That child needs a sensible doctor, cook, and mother, to give the right food to that child so that he may gain in strength. If boys or girls do not have enough Calcium in" their systems, they are feeble- minded. Put them on Calcium-containing foods. Keep them on a Cal- cium diet for a long time and they will not be feeble-minded any more. If there is an insuf f icienc3 r of Calcium in the bones when they are being formed, when the solid structures are being formed, when vital- ity is needed in abundance, the child will be feeble— minded. It can- not be helped until a heavy Calcium diet is supplied. A person interested in humanity should stucl^ every detail of diet. It is nell to be a doctor, but we should be" something else, It is Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F~57 INSTITUTE OF HU I.IAIT NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. CO URSE -FOODS & CK E LHCAL S. SUBJECT - C ALCIUM . all right to be a scientist, but we should depend more upon the Almighty and upon nature. We should use the science of the Al- mighty. He has given us our reason to use. You have noticed sometimes that a person bleeds easily; more or less of nose, chest, bov/els, because of lack of Calcium. A man who bled easily went to a specialist and took Serum injections for one year, which cost him $500.00; but he bled just as easily as ever : all because there was not enough Calcium in the S3rstem. If you want to learn concentration do not waste your money on a con- centration course, but fall back on a Calcium diet. After you take a Calcium diet, you will not need a concentration course. These are facts that we are just finding out. If jt-ou cut yourself, and you do not have enough Calcium in your system the wound will not heal. Then, you should fall back on a Calcium diet. Some people suffer from hemorrhages of the lungs, of the stomach, and hemorrhages of all kinds. They need a heavy Calcium diet. Calcium gives greater power to the heart. Judgment and motion of a Calcium man are slow. The Calcium man is a bit awkward, but he is sure. When he strikes, he strikes hard. Of course, a quick' man can get out of the way before the Calcium man can hit him. If there is a lack of Calcium, there is little vitalization. The Calcium man has the most perfect offspring, if he has the right kind of a wife. If she is Calciferic, or Isogenic, she will have gifted children. The most gifted children in the world come from Isogenic mothers. If you were running an insurance company, you would make money by taking in only Calciferic and Isogenic people, and refusing all others. That is something the insurance companies should do. They also should teach people how to take care of themselves. Then that insurance company would make more money. If there were no Calcium in the sj^stem, there would be danger of Oxalic acid symptoms* There are many people who suffer from acid symptoms. When the tissues can find no more Calcium, when the se- cretions can find no more Calcium - the whole man will suffer. When the Calcium salts are extracted from the body, or when the body has been robbed of Calcium, decomposition sets in. What do you think of yourself as a mother when you buy the cheapest kind of candy and give it to your boy, or girl, at the time they are building bones? What kind of teeth will that child have when it is grown? Can you expect a child to build a good set of teeth on candy? The sugar we are giving children will use up the Cal- cium. There is a very strong affinity between sugar and Calcium. You can put teeth into a sugar solution and it will never affect them at all, because the teeth have a coat of Fluorin on them to protect them. But if you eat sugar, it goes down into the stomach and takes up the Calcium, and your blood is robbed of the Calcium, F-58 and your teeth do not get the Calcium salts needed. The child be- comes lastly a fermentation factory, if the mother feeds it candy. That child will have poor bones, and at last will walk on crutches, if at all. The thing to do is to take the crutches away from him; he must exercise; he must do something; he must be put on a Calcium diet and kept on it. If you continually feed your boy or girl can- dy, sweets, and starches, you may be sure that child will walk on critches. When a person is building bone, Calcium is needed for bone-building . To give the body one and one-half grams of Calcium salts, needed each day, a person would have to eat eight loaves of white bread daily; if you expected to get your Calcium salts from white bread. There- fore you are compelled to fall back on some food that is rich in Cal- cium. As white bread does not supply enough of Calcium salts, we are compelled to fall back upon some other foods that are rich in Calcium, in order to supply enough of Calcium salts for bone and tis- sue. It would be better to give our white bread to our pigs. White bread will fatten pigs, but our child cannot find enough of bone-building material in white bread, and similar food products. You must give your child foods containing Fluorin, because Fluorin is a co-worker with Calcium. Fluorin is a sort of a bone cement, and helps to keep the bones together. If it were not for Fluorin, the bones would fall apart like wall plaster. All people have stomachs, brains, tissues, joints, blood; all people think more or less. All people require a certain degree of endur- ance. All people must concentrate their mind to a certain extent, at least. If there is a lack of Calcium in the body, the brain is too soft; and if there is not enough of Calcium in the system, the brain cannot use itself in concentrating processes. If you make a chisel of mush, you cannot cut through a stone wall with that chisel. If you make a chisel of hard steel, you can cut through any kind of a stone wall. So it is also with the brain. If there is a lack of Calcium salts in the body, the body, including the brain, is too soft. Hence, also, the brain has no power of mental concentration. And what good wbuld it do to take lessons in concentration? Would it not be better to eat foods that are rich in Calcium? If you want to improve your power of mental concentration, you should fall back upon a very heavy Calcium diet, and you should take heavy, per- sistent physical exercises. The Calcium man does not need a concentration course. He is so powerful in the processes of mental concentration, that he would even concentrate himself into the asylum with his thoughts of in- vention. People who are soft in tissue, or Carboferic people, do not have enough power of mental concentration. Carbon people are very poor mathematicians, but Calcium people are always better mathematicians. Where there is an abundance of Calcium there is greater power of mental concentration. All people who are lo\7 in Calcium cannot concentrate their minds. When we know all such facts, we smile at "Concentration Courses". If jon suffer from Calculi you should eat foods that are rich in Sodium salts. A poultice of bran and milk will draw impurities Copyright, 1920, by V, G-. Rocine. F-59 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUD IE S, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMI CALS. SUBJECT -CALCIUM . out of a sore. A poultice made of milk and bran contains Calcium, or Calcium salts; and such a poultice put on a sore, or a swelling, containing ferments and impurity, or sick blood, will draw the im- purity, soreness, heat and inflammation out of that swelling, or out of that sore. A. very powerful electric light applied to a sore, will kill a greater number of germ species; hence, also, a strong electric light applied to a sore or to a swelling, or somewhere where pus formation is taking place, will kill a great number of germs, and thus help to heal up the sore. We often talk scientifically, but we neglect common sense. We should never neglect, or forget, what the Almighty has given us, viz. — Reason, and Common Sense. Milk is a fine food product. It is rich in Calcium, and also in a great many other saljjs. Sometimes .you may suffer from a swelling in the knee, or a gathering somewhere, or a sore; remember, at such a time, that a milk-cloth kept on that sore place, as hot as you can stand it, very often, will cure that swelling, and draw out the impurity in that sore. Even gangrene may be prevented to a cer- tain extent, at least, by hot milk applications. Pat on a bran and milk poultice for several days, and you will be surprised how that poultice will help to heal up a sore, or draw out the swelling in a knee, or somewhere else. It is the Calcium in the milk, or bran that cures. A man who has plenty of Calcium in his s^rstem is never nervous. You never saw a Calcium man nervous. But other temperaments, lack- ing Calcium, are always nervous. Women, as a rule, are lacking in the Calcium element, and also in other salts; and they are forever complaining about nervousness. Diseases are chronic in Calciferic people. .Then a Calciferic man begins to fail, he reaches a climax. He goes down rapidly. It is difficult to cure his disease, and medical men call his disease — chronic disease. It takes a Calciferic man a long, long time to gather knowledge, or to learn, or to memorize; but that which he does learn, he can use forever. He does many times more with his knowledge than any other man. After we are about thirty-five years of age, we should cut down our Calcium diet, especially if we are Calciferic people. If there is a lack of Albumin, Fibrin, and Calcium salts; and you cut yourself, the cut keeps bleeding. It is almost impossible for you to stop the bleeding. But when there is Calcium salt, Albumin, and Fibrin in abundance in ycrar system, or in your blood, the sore heals quickly. Fibrin forms in the cut, and the Calcium salts Will promote coagulation of blood in that sore, and will soon heal up the sore. F-60 Nervous people are defective in Calcium. If we pasr no attention to diet, as doctors, we cannot cure. A Calciferic man believes nothing but science and facts. When a man has Calcium in excess in his system, he becomes a skeptic, and often a materialist. The more Calcium a man has in his bones and blood, and the smaller his back head is, and the more developed his brain at Firmness, and at Combat iveness; the more scientific the man becomes, the more courage he has. You cannot scare such a man. The more Calcium a man has in his bones, the more of a critic he is. Habits always grow and become permanent in a Calcium man. The older he grows, the more set he becomes in the bone, and the more stern he becomes. His wife can do nothing with him. If a Cal- cium man becomes a clerk when he is young, he remains a clerk, and dies a clerk. If he becomes an inventor, he knows of nothing but invention; he hears nothing but invention; he thinks of nothing but invention; and he dies an inventor. If he goes to heaven he will likely continue with his inventions; and if he goes to hell he willr,- in all probability, invent things there. If you want to become a first— class salesman, I would advise you "to fall back upon a Calcium diet, and to develop the faculty of Con- viction, viz*, Combat iveness; and I would also advise you to inhale fresh Oxygen in abundance, and, thereby, develop your chest and your Conviction power. This would be better than to take a sales- manship course. It is well to take a salesmanship course; but you should also remember the value of a Calcium diet, and the necessity of developing the faculty of Conviction. If a salesman cannot convince, he will not make many sales. Mothers usually suffer from displacement after gestation, because they have lost too much Calcium, and other salts, in order to build bones and solid structures in the baby. Such mothers need a Cal- cium diet after delivery, and also after lactation. When there is a lack of Calcium salts, the breath is short; there is very little power in the lungs; respiration is laborious, as may be seen in the consumptive; it is difficult, at such a time, to take enough of air and hold it long enough. Colleges do not say much about the material that should be taken in- to the human machine. If we want to learn all about diet, we must leave the University, and the Medical College, and also all other colleges; for such colleges teach simply about proteins, carbohy- drates, hydrocarbons, and about a few u oses tt , such as - hectoses, lactoses, etc, and "ides, as, for instance, saccharides, bi-sacch- arides, etc. Calcium is the strongest element in the human body. By eating great quantities of sugar, or sugary foods, we always reduce Calcium in the body, Lime salts associate themselves with the sugar, and are eliminated. If we live in the sentiments, largely, and eat sugary foods in abundance, that stops bone-building to a certain de- gree. If we live in the Will faculties, and do very heavy, per- sistent work, we build bone to a greater degree. Heavy exercises develop bone. The less we work, as we are growing up, the less strength we will have in the bones, and the smaller the bones. Copyright, 1920, by V. C-. Rocine. F ~ S1 INSTITUTE CF HUIIAN NATURE STUDIE S, CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . CO URSE-FOODS & CHLTIIC ALS . SUB JEC T-CA LC IUM . A girl of a Vital Temperament, who sits still all of the time, who sleeps much, and who reads novels r is likely to become so weak in bone structure, that she could almost be said to be boneless. Look' at the man who is carrying heavy planks, and you will' find that he has very heavy bones. Heavy, persistent work builds bones, heavy bones, compact bones » The consumptive requires Calcium, not because he lacks. it, but be- cause the Calcium element is being deposited in tubercles in the lungs. Those tubercles are hardened Calcium. YThen Calcium is locked up in tubercles in the lungs, there will be an insufficiency of Calcium. The consumptive may have plenty of lime salts in his system, but when the lime salts are locked up in tubercles, the blood is being robbed of its Calcium, and so are also the bones. Hence, the consumptive suffers from Calcium hunger, although he has Calcium in excess. Calcium salt is one of those salts which is being consumed by the mother during gestation and lactation. Those are the two periods requiring Calcium salts in abundance. Calcium is in great demand during this time, A mother who is carrying a child that is hungry, for Calcium at that very time, will, after the time of delivery, feel almost like an empty shell. Think of a doctor, who is giving this mother, suffering from Calcium hunger, giving her drugs in- stead of Calcium foods. Later on, when she gets sick, perhaps from tumors, he performs an operation, and calls this science. All mothers who are giving rise to offspring, are in the greatest need of Calcium salts during gestation and lactation. The milk function is almost impossible, unless there is a plentiful supply of Calcium salts in the system at this very time. Perhaps a mother may neglect the eating of such foods and drinking of such drinks that contain Calcium salts, simply because she de- pends upon her appetite, and eats according to her appetite instead of eating according to science. The less Calcium we have in our system, the less we want. The less Calcium a mother has in her system; the more Calcium has been broken down in her body during gestation, the less appetite she will have for Calcium. At last, when a dietician begins to supply that mother with the Calcium salts, or ordering such foods containing Calcium salts in abundance, she may become sick; because, when the system has been robbed of Calcium salts for a long time, and they are suddenly supplied, they create a revolution in the system, and the mother is likely to. think that the food does not agree with her. That which we need ma.j be the very thing we do not want; it may be the very food arti- cle that goes against us, and that our appetite does not call for. The man who drinks whiskey has an appetite for whiskey, and he thinks that whiskey is the very thing he needs. If there is too much Calcium in the system, in the bones, in the joints, in the arterial walls, in the canal walls, here, there, and everywhere in the body; too much Calcium in the blood; too much Cal- cium everywhere in the body - it is likelAr to result in some sort of Calcic hardening. Too much Calcium in the blood results in epilepsy, especially when there is an insufficiency of Sodium and Chlorin. F-62 Lower the Calcium supply for five, six, or eight months, and that man becomes sick. Try this, viz., a Calcium-free diet, on another man, and he becomes sick; try it on a third man and he becomes sick. They all suffer from the same thing. V/hen we say this, and know this, through experimentation and observation, we know positively that we are on the right road. If we can make those sick men well, by placing them on a high Calcium diet, we know that we are' doing the right thing. Unless we find such facts through dieting, (All our knowledge is based upon such facts) , we are not scientific di- eticians. Formerly I paid people to let me practice diet on them. Put a man on a one-sided diet, or on a diet that does not supppy a certain needed salt in the system, and that same man soon becomes sick. It is well to remember, also, in connection with experimentation, through diet on human beings, that we must not go too far, for if we go too far, the chances are that the body refuses to take up that same needed chemical food salt. If the body has been robbed of a certain chemical food salt for a long time, until actual starvation for that same food salt takes place, the body may never assimilate that chemical food salt again; then the man would die. At that time, when we are most healthy, we should build up and not wait until we are sick* As a general rule, when we begin to build up, it is too late. A man who lacks Calcium has many peculiar symptoms. He is full of fear; something hangs over him; he thinks something terrible will happen; he is gloomy; he stays around the house, and refuses to do anything. When there is too much Calcium in the system, it results in Calcic diseases, or in hardening; Calcic acid formation; formation of Calcic by-products; Calcic deposits. At about the age of fifty-five a man usually suffers from brain shrinkage. When that brain shrinkage is rapid there will be a vacuum between the brain membranes and the skull. This causes a very peculiar sensation. If such a man lies down suddenly, he feels dizzy, he feels as if he is going down. There is danger of insanity. The brain rolls in the cranium,- because of this shrink- age, and this may produce feeble-mindedness, or some form of in- sanity. A man, at this age, in whom the brain is shrinking, should take a long time to lie down. He should lie down gradually, a little at a time; and in the morning he should get up slowly. Such a man must not bend down suddenly, nor lie down suddenly, nor arise suddenly. A cataract is caused by excess of Calcium in the diet. Calcium, Chlorin and Sodium are the three elements that keep the blood in condition. If there is too much Calcium there is danger of Throm- bosis. This may also happen when there is not enough Calcium. Sodium keeps Calcium in solution. Fluorin keeps Calcium at work in the bones. Without Sodium and Fluorin, it would not be very easy to build bones, nor would it be easy to keep Calcium in work- ing condition in the body, in the blood," and in the bones. When people grow old they become stiff, Calciferic people, or bony people, are the most long-live^ people that we have,, yet thejr often Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F ~' 3 - 5 INSTITUTE OF HU MAN NATURE S T UDIES, CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEM ICALS. SUBJECT-C ALCIUM. suffer from Calcic ailments or hardening. Gout is taken from the word "Cutta", which means - drop. Doctors formerly, thought that patients had a certain "drop" which traveled here, there, and everywhere, something similar to mercury,- and they called this kind of ailment, Gout, meaning drop. That Gutta, or gout, is caused by acid. This acid is everywhere. This is why it seems to the gout patient, that the pain jumps, for the pain is first here, then there, then somewhere else. That stiffness in the bones, in the tendons, in the joints, is hardening, caused by Calcium deposits. If a man eats Calcium food all of the time, there will eventually be an excess of Calcium, and he will suffer from Calcic ailments. You cannot cure a man like this by giving him drugs. You cannot cure him by punching his back, nor by giv- ing him osteopathic treatment. There is only one way of curing him, and that is by placing him on a Calciura-free diet, also by giving him a high eliminative diet, with plenty of foods that are rich in Sodium, to keep the Calcium in solution, Calciferic people are the greatest constructors or builders that we have. They are the best engineers; they are the greatest mathema- ticians that we have. They are highly scientific. They are for nothing but studies. 1 Calcium people are interested in geology, and in all sorts of agricultural problems. The Calciferic man contradicts the minister. He is from Missouri. He tells the minister — "Show me your God and I will believe in Hin; show me where heaven is, and I will believe in your heaven". Every tubercular patient feels better in the morning. He feels worse as soon as the sun passes the Meridian. Then he grows worse until about twelve o'clock at night. After midnight he breaks into perspiration, and this is called - night sweat. Then, there is a change in temperature. The carbonic acid in the atmos- phere is partly dissipated, and there is more Oxygen in the atmos- phere. The Oxygen increases more and more, until the sun rises in the east; and it keeps increasing until about twelve o'clock at noon; and during all this time the carbonic acid in the atmosphere is decreasing. At this time the tubercular patient seems better. We should put the tubercular patient in an airship, and send him up into the air afternoons, or after twelve o'clock noon, and when night comes, we should take him up into the air so that he may ob- tain Ozone in abundance. Then you could cure jrour tubercular pa- tient quicker. He can never be cured, however, if you put him in- side of four walls in a sanitarium, where there is no air, and give him one pint of cream and twelve raw eggs a. day. This would surely kill him; and would not this be enough to kill anyone? A Calcium hunger patient cannot digest food. His appetite is stronger than his digestion. He over-eats at every meal. The more he eats, the leaner he gets, and the more his consumption in- creases, A tuberculosis patient should be placed on a dry diet. He should, however, not go according to his appetite. Appetite knows nothing about science. Appetite knows nothing about assimi- lation and digestion. Most Calciferic men are fond of whiskey, which is also the case with most Oxypheric men. The tubercular F-64 patient is weak in the sex brain, yet he is sensual and excitable because of inflammation of the sex brain. Some people wonder how we can tell when a certain diet is necessa- ry. This is very easy. Every food element, when it is lacking, has its own peculiar symptoms. Iron-hunger has its anemia; Cal- cium-hunger has its tuberculosis and its catarrh, and its earache. Calcium excess has its symptoms in the form of poor hearing, poor eyesight, stiff joints, gout, chronic rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, irritability, and so on. When we are acquainted with the symptoms peculiar to a certain chemical food element, or the lack of the same, we know when that chemical food element is lacking, or when it is excessive. Certain symptoms precede certain coming diseases; certain symptoms and diseases call for a certain diet. When a man suffers from anemia, we know that he needs Iron for his blood. When a man suffers from cerebral neurasthenia, we know his brain is starved, and that he is in great need of a diet that is rich in Phosphorus.. FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED : CRANBERRIES — generate hippuric acid in the system. When a person eats cranberries, there is always hippuric acid in the urine. Cal- cium is abundant in cranberries; but they do not contain salts, ex- cept in small quantities. CABBAGE - is a very high Calcium food. It is rich in vegetable Calcium, There is a difference between vegetable Calcium, and animal Calcium. The Calcium which we find in milk is animal Cal- cium. Some people can handle animal Calcium better than they can handle vegetable Calcium, which is the case with the Calciferic pa- tient. Cabbage should be eaten raw, or it may be eaten cooked, if it is sauer-kraut, Chinese cabbage is rich in Calcium; it is also rich in Sulphur. Some people can handle Chinese cabbage in its raw form. Those who eat it raw always get the Vitamines. If you cook cabbage, you get only a dead food. Anything cooked is dead. Anything that is cooked, baked, boiled, fried, does not contain any of the Vitamines. Cabbage juice is a fine tonic if rightly pre- pared. If it is not rightly prepared it is not a good food. MILK — Cow's milk is high in Calcium. Mare's milk is even higher in Calcium than cow's milk. Cows and mares secrete milk very rich in Calcium. The colt and the calf are in need of Calcium for heavy bones, solid structures, hoofs, hair and hide. But mare's milk and cow's milk are not good to give to babies. Babies do not build horns., or hoofs. Babies need mother»s milk, not mare's milk, nor cow's milk. KUMISS — is high in Calcium, unless it is made of goat's milk, or of sheep*s milk. There is much more Calcium in cow's milk than in goat's milk, or in sheep's milk. LEMONS - V/hen you buy lemons, always buy those that feel soft. This holds good in regard to oranges and limes. Never buy those that feel hard, or that have a thick skin; always buy orange's, limes, and lemons that have a thin skin. They are more juicy, and they were ripe when they were picked. Thick— skinned oranges con- tain an acid that does not belong in the oranges. Thin-skinned oranges contain more citric acid. Copyright, 1920, by V. 0. Rocine. 5W55 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTE S. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . .. SUB JECT-C ALC IUH . FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED : (Continued) LIMES - is one of the finest kind of fruit. Limes are rich in Calcium, but that Calcium is associated with Formic acid, Citric acid, and other beneficial acids that are favorable to the gout patient, or to the patient that suffers from rheumatism. If you give a man who suffers from gout, lemonade, you will increase his gout. If you do not believe it, try it for about two weeks, and you will soon believe in diet, especially if you suffer from gout, because the gout pains will convince you that there is something in diet. If you discontinue with high Calcium foods, and fall back upon limes, eliminative foods and juices, citric fruit and • foods, formic acid foods, and distilled water, you will find that your gout, or your chronic rheumatism, will not be so severe* A man may even cure his gout by drinking juice from limes, and dis- tilled water, and falling back upon foods that are rich in citric acid and in formic acid. ONIONS - contain Calcium in abundance, also Sulphur. It is the Sulphur and the Oxygen acid that goes into the tissues everjrwhere when you eat onions. It is the Sulphur in the onions that give you that odor. Do you remember what a girl sang, viz., "I am to remember the kiss you gave me pet, You had been eating onions, and I can smell them yet". If you eat onions you will have an onion odor for two or three days, that will reach out perhaps five, ten feet away from you. ORANGES — contain citric acid. They are high in Calcium. Some oranges are rich in sugar. Oranges have certain food elements that are fine for gout. Formic acid and Citric acid are two of the most important acids for the body. There are no acids so val- uable to the human system as Formic acid and Citric acid. We should introduce them to a great extent into the body, for those acids will neutralize other acids, and will have a beneficial ef- fect upon nerves and brain. RHUBARB — is a high Calcium food. It contains also Oxalic acid. There is no food so stimulating to the brain as rhubarb. If you have Citric acid in the body, and Uric acid, you are in no danger; but if there is an excess of Uric acid, and you then eat some foods, such as rhubarb, containing oxalate of lime, the two will unite and will form a quadri-uratic deposit, which will cause in- flammation, and you will suffer, perhaps, from chronic rheumatism; or perhaps from gout; or perhaps from arthritis. Arthritis is that kind of gout that lives in the joints. It is a diet disease. Rhubarb is injurious to a man who has that kind of acid in his sys- tem, or who suffers from gout, or chronic rheumatism. SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS - are high in inorganic Calcium. That. Calcium which is found in human bones is organic. Bone Calcium is evoluted Calcium. The coarser a certain man is, the coarser is his Calcium. The finer a man is, the finer is his Calcium. We should give a man the kind of Calcium, either from vegetables, or from animals, which he can handle better. If he is a coarse man, give him coarse Calcium foods. F-66 SAUER-KRAUT t is a very good food, if prepared rightly, or as the Germans prepare it. But if you prepare it with considerable of vinegar, or if you prepare it in some way that is not favorable, it is not good food. Remember that vinegar is acetic acid, and this is bad for the liver. SPINACH - is a very fine food, unless it is grown on hot beds; then it may not be good. Spinach is high in chemical food salts. If you drink hard water for a long time you may be sure that the Calci- um in the water will collect around the kidneys, and on the walls of the arteries, in the bones, and in the walls of canals; lastly you will suffer from rheumatism and will become stiff and unyielfy. Your hinges will become rusty. Never drink ordinary water. It is not necessary, for the Almighty has made foods that contain enough water, even up to nearly one hundred percent. He never told us to drink ordinary water. The Almighty distills the water for us, through the vegetable kingdom, and through rain. We should do the same thing* LIMA. BEANS - are very high in salts, also in Calcium salts. EGG YOLK - is rich in the Vitamines, if you do not boil it, or fry it. You need not think the white of the egg is rich in Vitamines, because it is not. If you cook the egg, you kill the life in the egg, A boiled egg is dead food. There is no life value in a boiled egg. There is no food of such high value to the brain and nerves, as raw egg yolk. Raw egg yolk is full of life. If you boil eggs and set a hen on them, do you think you can get chicks? Certainly not. And why? Because the eggs are dead, GOOSEBERRIES - are excellent. They contain Potassium acid of high value for gonorrhea. The Potassium acid in gooseberries, and in red currants, or black currants, is simply fine for Medeic impurity. The pulp of the grapes does not have any Vitamines. You find the Vitamines in the seeds. Any food that reproduces itself, or that germinates in the soil, has the Vitamines. It is the Vitamines that are the life— principles in foods, in seeds, in berries, in plants, GRAPES - are said to he excellent for the complexion, because they contain a small percent of arsenic; also because the}?- contain grape sugar and tartaric acid. They should be used sparingly, neverthe- less. LENTILS - You can never get a better food than lentils. If you knew the value of lentils, you would plant them and eat them to a greater extent. They give you all the protein that your system needs, and more. You could work like a mule on lentils. They contain more protein than beef. They are more easy of digestion; they have more of the organo-metallic salts, with the exception of two of those salts. They are low in Calcium. LETTUCE - is a fine food if clean. They should be eaten with other foods, HITMAN MILK -is low in organo-metallic salts. DRIED PEAS - are high in salts and low in Calcium. They are fine for a man who is stiff in the spine. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Racine, P-67 INSTITUTE OF HUHAH. NATURE STUDIES,, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE, NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUBJECJ-CALCITOU FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: (Continued) YELLOW PEAS - are much better than any other kind of j^eas. You can cook these in steam at a temperature of about 125° Fahrenheit* You can work like a horse on such food. If you want to grow strong muscles, eat plenty of peas. PRUNES - are of value, not for all people, but for some people. WALNUTS - are high in fat,, but low in Calcium. Walnuts are an excellent food after the age of about fifty-five, when a man be- gins to stiffen up in the hinges. Lentils, peas and Y/alnuts, are high protein foods. CHEESE - Goat's cheese is low in Calcium, but high in the blood and heart salts. It is a fine food for the old gentleman, the grandfather. This is true in regard to sheep's cheese. Such cheese does not fill the system with Calcium. Goat's cheese con- tains blood salts in almost equal proportion. There is no food that contains the blood salts, and" the heart salts, so equally, as goat's cheese, or goat's milk. In goat's cheese, and goat's milk, we find Fluorin, that valuable element so essential in times of * tuberculosis. There, we find the salts that are needed in the blood and tissues; there we find more of the salts in a more equal proportion than in any other food. That is why goat's milk and goat's cheese is such a valuable food. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA - is a fine laxative when the stomach is sour, but not otherwise. When the stomach, or the alimentary tract, is not acid, then it forms a clay coating along the walls of the en- tire alimentary tract. Do not take Citrate of Magnesia at any other time than when your stomach is acid, or sour. CUCUIIBERS - are valuable when sores do not heal; where there is proud flesh; when there is a tendency to congestion; when it is hot and sultry, as, for instance, in July and August. RADISHES - are rich in Sulphur-containing food, but not in Calcium. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS ^ are high in salts, especially in Calcium salts. Vitamines found in impure water, viz., germs, are the very kind of Vitamines that we do not want. They would send us into eternity. When we study the percent of the salts, we mean the percent of the salts found in the various foods. For instance, when we say that wheat contains two percent of mineral taatter, we mean that it con- tains two percent of mineral matter as compared to the wheat it- self. But when we say that wheat contains thirty-one percent of Potash, we do not mean that it contains thirty-one percent as com- pared to the wheat itself, but compared to the two percent of mineral matter found in the wheat. Or, in other words, wheat con- tains thirty-one percent of Potash, of the salts found in wheat. We are talking about the percent of the salts, and not the -nerc-e?it F-68 of wheat, Wheat bran is usually recommended for constipation, but wheat bra,n is not a cure for constipation, in very many patients. There may be an occasional patient that is benefited by a wheat bran diet, but most patients become constipated by eating wheat bran. Wheat bran will* not cure constipation in the Calciferic patient, it would increase the constipation. Bran is not a laxative food to the Calcium patient. It is a good food for some people, but not for the Calciferic. If you eat the bran raw, you get the Vitamines, but not otherwise. All Citric fruits are high in Calcium. Some people are sensitive to Calcium, as, for instance, Desmogenic, Myogenic, Pathetic, and Neurogenic people, Some .patients get sick from milk, because milk is too rich in Calcium. If we do not know types of patients, as doctors, we will doctor the people into their graves. One man is cured on a certain diet, another patient is killed. The main element in the Calciferic man is Calcium. The Calciferic man is a sort of a Calcium factory. He craves for foods that are rich in Calcium. The Calciferic man thrives on a milk diet, be- cause milk is rich in Calcium* If you give a Myogenic patient Cal- cium, or milk, he becomes sick. The Myogenic man is a vegetable man. He likes greens, vegetables and nuts, but a milk diet will make him sick. The Neurogenic man, or patient, is a sort of a brain or nerve factory. There is a vast difference between man and man. People differ in chemical elements, and in characteristics, and therefore, also, they differ in dietetic needs. One man thrives on a fruit diet; another man thrives on a milk diet. One requires a nut diet; and another one requires an eliminative diet. One needs a brain diet- and so on. When we improve upon a certain diet, we are likely to recommend that diet to everybody else. This is wrong. Just because a cer- tain food cured us, that is no sign that that same food will cure another person. We never stop to think that one person is dif- ferent from another person^ that a certain disease in one person has one cause, and the same disease in another person may have another cause. We never stop to consider that one person has a different body chemistry from that of another person. The citric acid, and the formic acid found in limes, are beneficial for the nerves. There is nothing better than cucumbers for con- gestion of the blood. If the sexual system is too energetic, there is nothing better than the juice of limes and cold baths. If you want to break down fat, there is nothing better for this purpose than hot sour lemonade without sugar. If your vitality is running low, do not drink pasteurized milk, and do not give your baby that kind of milk. We are told that ordinary cow's milk is rich in germs. That is true. One teaspoonful of milk contains more than forty million germs in many instances. It is not the germs that we need, especially dangerous germs. It all depends upon what kind of germs they are. It is not the germs in the milk at the time of milking that we need to be afraid of, so much as it is the germs that have been added to the milk by the dirty milkman, and by his dirty cans, and by his dirty methods. Moreover, there is no food that grows germs so fast as milk. Copyright, . 1920, by V*. G. Rocine. F-69 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-POODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JBCT-CALCJ UM , FOOD ANALYSI S , EXPLAINED i (Continued) When a prominent man recommends a certain food article, we are ready to recommend that food article also, without knowing any- thing about it. When we pasteurize milk, we kill the Vitamines., and we alter the chemistry* in the milk. It would "be much better to instruct the milkman to wash his cans, to v/ash the cow, to watch out' for the germs that are flying around in the atmosphere, and to have a first-class chemist to inspect the milk cans; this would be much better than to pasteurize the milk. In times of chronic rheumatism we should fall back upon foods that are rich in Citric acid and Formic acid; and in times of great ner* vousness, or brain trouble, we are in the greatest need of such fruits or foods that are rich in Formic acid. High-tempered peo- ple need fruits that are rich in Formic acid. Sensualists need foods that are rich in Formic acid. If you are excitable and you are subject to the growth of tumors, you are in the greatest need Of foods that are rich in Formic acid, .QUESTIONS, AND ANSWERS ; 1. Would Calcium and Fluorin foods help to sober a drunkard? A. - No. They would increase his drinking tendencies. A heavy Calcium diet will increase drunkenness. 2. What is the best substitute for mother's milk for the unfortu- nate baby? A. - Goat's milk, 3. What is the Aura, and is it more pronounced in some constitu- tions than in others; if so, which ones? A. - It is an elec- trical condition, or a magnetic substance in the human organisa- tion, very closely associated with life, as I understand it. If you -out your finger in front of the light, you will find that your' finger is translucent. It is the life principle, or it is the Aura, that makes it translucent. When the Aura is gone from your finger, your finger is dead. When the Aura has left your body, your body is dead. The Aura is the soul in man; the soul that lives in the body is the Aura. The soul in some people is larger than it is in other people. people who have a large soul are called magnetic; people' who have a small soul are called un- magnetic. If you increase the Aura, or if you develop the soul itself, you will increase your own personality. people who have very strong back heads are interested in humanity; they have a larger Aura, or a larger soul. They are interested in humanity. Christ is a remarkable example of that kind of a man. Tolstoi is another example of a large-soul ed man. Such people are called magnetic. The Aura is not exactly electricity in the body. Electricity has no Aura, but a Christian, who has a large soul, al- ways has a large Aura. A highly developed spiritual Christian, has a large Aura, A Medium claims to see the Aura in the dark; a Medium comes in contact with your Aura, and she is able to tell what is in your mind. She thinks that she is guided by a spirit guide, or by some Indian guide; but she is not. She gets the in- formation from you, or from some other human soul» Spirituality F-70 is of such a nature that it is symboii6» that is symbolic, it will come true. If you dream a dream 4. Will Calcium make a Carboferic person stronger after he shall have attained his growth? A. -~Yes. It will make him strong if he will only work and make effort at the same time. A Carbo*- feric man does not want to work, nor make effort, in which event a Calcium diet would not make him any stronger. 5. Would Calciferic and Desmogenic people be happy together? A. - This would not be a favorable matrimonial -combination. They are not affinities, whether they could live well together or not. 6. Do Calciferic people make good classical dancers 5 if they move slowly? A. - ITo. They would dance like oxen, or in an awkward way. There is strength in a Calciferic girl, but you would not like to dance with her, she would step on your corns. 7. What constitution makes the best classical dancer? A. - The Desmogenic. The dancer must be powerful in joints and limbs. Dancing requires a great deal of exertion in the feet. For that reason, and because Desmogenic people are stronger in the joints and tendons, they make the best dancers* Their feet never tire. 8» Does Cow's milk supply the Calcium needed, at the rate of a pint a day for the adult? A. - Yes; unless you are a constitution that cannot tolerate milk; in which case you must get your Calcium from the vegetable kingdom. 9. Mien Calcium is deficient, would a Calcium diet benefit an adult? A* - Yes. 10. Is lack of Calcium associated with rheumatism in a young person of about seventeen years of age? A. - No. It would not result in rheumatism, but in acidity, and that acid could result in rheuma- tism. 11. What is Calcium Lactate? lime. A. - It is a sort of a milk of 12. Was McSwinney a Calcium man? A. fc No. 1 rather think he must have been an Exesthesic. He was strongly developed in the temples, and was very deeply interested in what he had said, or in popularity, in a certain direction. He would not like to retract what he had said. This is called "pride". It is really the spirit of vanity and popularity. 13. When a Myogenic, or a Desmogenic, suffers from muscular rheuma- tism, what diet is the best? A. - If a Myogenic suffers from muscular rheumatism, it is because of the condition of his blood. In the Desmogenic, it is caused by acid and lack of Oxygen. 14. Is it advisable for a person of a Calciferic type to eat -cran- berries, pumpkins, grape fruit? Are these foods detrimental, or not, to such a type? A. - I would not advise the Calciferic to eat cranberries, because it would result in gas generation. Grape fruit is better. ■ Copyright,. 1920, by V.. G.. Rocine.- F-71 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN ITATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-CALCIUM . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ; (Continued) 15. Kindly explain how hypertrophy of the heart, and tricuspid regurgitation are brought back to normal condition when valves are pathologic. A. *■ Take the water out of the system and fall back upon Calcium, Potassium, and Chlorin food salts. Give a dry diet. It is necessary to manufacture Fibrin, also. 16. What is the cause of some people's being born left-handed, and can they become right-handed? * A. - The reason why some people are born left-handed is because the right side of the cerebellum is the stronger. If you are right-handed, the left side of the cerebellum is the stronger. If a child is left-handed, it is bet* ter not to interfere. 17. Is Ozena or Atrophic catarrh caused by lack of Silicon, and will a Silicon diet cure it? A. - Not altogether, but it will help to cure it, 18. If a Myogenic man does brain-work, only, is it not necessary for him to take regular exercises, or become interested in athle- tics? A. - The Myogenic should spend at least six hours out of doors every day, and be in action, otherwise he will get sick. He cannot sit indoors and remain healths'. The Isogenic man can sit at a desk eighteen hours a day, where there is but little fresh air, and work, work, work, day in and day out, for fifty years, and feel well, as, for instance, Edison. But not so with the Myogenic. He must be in action, and outdoors every day. 19. "What is the cause of a cystic tumor, and what cures it? A. - It is a watery tumor. Wherever there is dead tissue, water will form. It is cured by v/ork, massage, and a Chlorin diet. 20. Are some types more subject to epilepsy than others, if so, what types? Can epilepsy be cured by diet? A. - Yes. Some types are more subject to epilepsy than others. The Oxypheric, the Calciferic, sometimes the Exesthesic, suffer from epilepsy. Y^s, it can be cured by diet, when it is caused by diet. 21. Is not the fertilization of soil with manure, instead of with chemical fertilizers, or pulverized rock, or coal ashes, the cause of germs on vegetables? A. - Whenever we fertilize with animal fertilizer, there is great danger of germs on plants. Chemical fertilizers are better. 22. What does a prominent zigzag vein on the temple mean? A. - It means that hardening of the arteries is at work. 23. " What are the leading faculties of the mechanical engineer? A. - He is a mechanical engineer by reason of his temperament. The Calciferic type is the most scientific and successful mechani- cal engineer that" we have. But that does not mean that others are not good mechanical engineers also. F-72 24. Can a person overcome an excessive development of the parietal region of the "brain? A, - Yes* He can overcome fear. He should develop courage; feel that he can do anything, fight any- thing; not afraid to meet the devil himself. When a man feels strong* there is no fear in him, and we cannot scare him. 25. Is a meat juice diet less dangerous than a vegetable diet? A* - We should never live exclusively on a meat juice diet. That would not be a diet. It may be a tonic in time of sickness, but meat juice would not constitute a diet. 26. What is the best faculty for a salesman to have in the lead? A. - Action is the quality to have in the lead. I would rather have the faculty of Action than all the salesmanship courses that have been written. 27.^ ; How can we find out what constitution we are in order to gnow what our diet should be? A. - 'Take a good look at yourselves. Study yourselves, and take a first-class inventory of yourselves before a mirror, then determine your own characteristics, mentally and physically. 28. What, is the average length of life of the Myogenic? A. - That I do not know. They are not long-lived, although healthy; ■nerhaps fifty-five or sixty. 29. "What effect has Prayer on the brain? And why should we pray? A. - We should pray, not because God needs it; we should pray, not because other people need it; we should pray, not because other peo- ple tell us to pray; but we should pray, because it does US good. We should pray to bring blood to the areas of the brain that make us highly religious, so that we do not become un-Ckristlike, des- peradoes, undesirable people. We should pray to develop ourselves. 30. What causes an Oxypheric to experience periods of exhilaration and periods of despair? A. - Oxygen. The more Oxygen there is the more fire there is. At last the fire goes out. This is the climax. 31. You sajr an Isogenic needs to perspire. How would a position as cook in front of a hot stove suit them, or would they get along in a hot climate? A. - That is not the kind of heat that would be good for an Isogenic. It is well for an Isogenic to perspire, but stove heat, or strong artificial heat, would lastly lead to disease. It must be natural perspiration, either through work, steam baths, or through a congenial climate. 52. If there is no pre-natal influence, can a literary genius spring from illiterate patents? A. - Yes, indeed. We have no- ticed this hundreds of times. Very often a great literary genius gives rise to an ordinary child. Geniuses very often spring from ordinary parents; and the most highly educated, very often give rise to simple-minded children. 53. A woman of fifty-seven died of tuberculosis, but had never been ill before in her life, to what do you attribute it? A. - She had the tubercular taint in her system. She was evidently of an Atrophic type, or else of a Pargenic. There is always a cause for everything. Copyright, 1920, "by V. G. Rocine. F-73 INSTITUTE OF. HUHAII ITATURE. STUDIES, _ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS * LECTURE HOTES . COURSE-FOODS £ CHEMICALS . SUB JECT-PO T AS SIUM . Potassium is used by soap manufacturers. The human body is also a soap factory. The function which physiologists speak about, called "Saponification", which means «- soap -making, is a physical^ or physiological process going on in the human organization. When there is a lack of Potassium Salts in the body, fats are not con- verted into the proper compound. Then, fatty food elements are converted into fatty acids and gases. This majr result in a cer- tain form of rheumatism. The organic food elements are not well taken care of when there is a lack of Potassium in the bods'- . Then, the organic food elements are converted into acids, so that lastly the entire body becomes add, and the secretions become sour. Then, because of those body acids, some foods will be converted into gas, resulting in ailments and diseases. If you do not have enough of Potassium salts in the body, you had better leave fat alone. Sodium and Potassium salts are absolutely imperative in order to take care of fat. Potassium salts are needed also for sugar metabolism. There is one brain centre that is essential in order to take care of fatty products, viz,, the sex brain. If this brain area has been weakened, it is almost impossible to take care of the fatty elements. Then, fats and oils cannot be utilized by the system; then the spinal marrow, and the marrow in the bones, the brain, the lung substance, the joints, and a great many other parts, or secre- tions, of the body, v/ill suffer; simply because the fatty elements cannot be utilized. A certain substance called Neurolin is needed in the brain and nerves* When the sex brain is weak, or has been weakened, Heuro.4. lin cannot be assimilated, nor utilized by the nerves, nor by the brain* When the brain is not supplied with this important fatty substance, the brain becomes stiff, and the neurons in the brain become unyieldy; memorization is then impossible, or, at least, difficult. A man v/ill experience a peculiar sensation when Sodium and Potassium are lacking in the system, and when the faculty Ama- tiveness is weak. When Heurolin is lacking, the membranes of the brain cannot function so efficiently. The arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord, and of the brain, is a membrane that is concerned in the secretion of a fatty, oily ele- ment, or substance, for the brain and for the spinal cord. If there is a lack of Potassium in the system, this important oily sub- stance is not secreted for the spinal cord, nor for' the brain; nor is it secreted for the generative organs. Fever permit anyone to hypnotize you. You will never be the same person again. If you find anyone trying to hypnotize you, send him to "Siberia" immediately, in your own imagination anyway* Potassium and Sodium have considerable to do with the generative function; with the utilization of fat for the generative system, as well as for the nerves, brain, joints, and for the sex brain; also for the spinal cord, and other parts of the body requiring this very oily element of which we are speaking. When there is a lack F-74 of those elements, there will be a lack of the fatty element, or, at least, it will not be utilized properly. This results in disease. Hi/hen we speak of the fatty elements needed in the body, we do not re- fer to the fatty element that is deposited under the chin, or on the lower part of the abdomen, or -the fatty element which is deposited immediately under the skin. That kind of fat ?*hich is deposited in such parts of the body, will never do you, nor anyone else, any good. It is" superfluous fat; it will only do you harm. When nature stores up fat in the blood, in the liver, under the chin, on the neck, or anywhere else, the fatty element is not being utiliz- ed properly. The fatty elements should be utilized in the bone marrow, in the nerves, in the lung substance, in the brain, in the generative substance; or, in fact, any and everywhere where it is needed. Even the muscles should carry a certain degree of. fat* When the Potassium and Sodium elements are lacking in the system, the function of saponification is not so good, and then fatty foods do not agree. At such times, we should also know, what kind of fat will be most easily utilized. Butter fat, for instance, is never well utilized by the body, for it is a different kind of fat than the body requires. Cocoa-nut fat is much better; even the fat from the "contemptible and dirty" hog seems to be nearer to the hu- man body than is* butter fat. If there is a lack of Potassium in the soil, the crops will suffer, so will the trees, the nuts, plants, fruit, and everything that grows in the soil. The crops will be backward; germs will thrive on the leaves of the plants. Potassium is important in taking care of the plants and preventing germs from thriving on leaves and fruit. If we do not have enough of Potassium in our tissues, germs will take hold on the tissues. Certain salts protect our tissues, as ; for instance, Potassium, Fluorin, Chlorin. Fluorin protects the bone; Potassium protects the. tissues; Chlorin protects the alimen- tary tract. Fluorin also protects the lungs. When the system is charged with Fluorin it is impossible for consumption germs to take hold of the lungs. The Fluorin element will send the consumption germs into eternity. Potassium works in muscular tissue, in sugar and in fati, The mus- cles are vegetative in growth, the same as the hair. If it were not for the Potassium element, germs would take hold of the roots of the hair and beard, resulting in loss of hair and beard. The scientific agriculturist recommends Potassium for the soil, to help the crop, trees, plants^ nuts, fruits, and also to protect them from certain species of germs. The Myogenic man is red-faced, because he has the Potassium element at work in his tissues. Because he has more Potassium in his tis- sues, his tissues attract more Oxygen. This is why he is red- faced. He has more red blood, and better functioning in the tis- sues. All people who have considerable of Oxygen in their tissues and in their* blood, are red-faced; they have a healthy color in their cheeks, magnetic eyes, and an elastic walk. Copyright, 1920, by V. G.. Roolne. F-75 INSTITUTE OF EUIIAI7 NATURE STUDIES* CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJEGT^gOTASSIUM . If there is an insufficiency of the Potassium element, tissue be- comes sour. If you eat fat, butter, cream, and all sorts of fatty products, or fat meats, the tissues lastly become acid, and you suf- fer from gas generation and acid formation. It may be very scientific to know how many red corpuscles there are in a cubic centimeter of blood; it may be interesting to know how great the blood pressure is; it may also be interesting to have an X-Ray taken of our interior - But after all, when a doctor knows all of these facts, and when you know all of these facts yourself, what then? Can you then cure your disease, or do you know, after such scientific tests, what you need? Or does your doctor know? Can he cure you after he knows all those scientific facts? If you need Potassium, and you supply your system with the needed Po- tassium foods, you will get cured, whether you are in a sanitarium, or in a scientific laboratory, or whether you are in a mansion, or whether you are in the hills among the pines, where the trees grow tall, and where you do not know whether you have corpuscles in the blood or not. When your tissues are acid, your sj'stem needs a greater supply of Potassium. If you, at such a time, when you are sick from such a cause, want to take a scientific count of your blood, do it. If you want your blood pressure determined, determine it; if you want your urine analyzed, analyze it; but whatever you do, do not forget that you need a high Potassium diet. You can be as scientific as Darwin, but do not be so scientific that you forget common sense. Potassium is an alkaline element, needed, not only by plants, not only by the animals, but also by human tissues and human secretions. If you are using up the Potassium element in the muscles excessive- ly, and you do not supply enough of the Potassium element, the tis- sues will soon become acid. There are always germs wherever there is a lack of Potassium, Chlorin, Pluorin and Magnesium. So soon as there is acid in the stomach, bowels, and tissues, there will be trouble. Acid and gas in the stomach and bowels result in constipation, and auto- intoxication. When there is an excess of the fibrin element in the blood, there is wonderful healing power in the blood. If there is a tiny hole, or cut anywhere, it is soon healed up. If there is a hole in one of the ventricles of the heart, or in the valves of the heart, re- sulting in regurgitation of the blood, and you manufacture fibrin in abundance, this leakage will soon disappear under a high fibrin diet, and potassium diet. You can heal that leakage by diet, but not by drugs, nor by punches in the back, nor by aspirin, nor by chiropractic, nor by dogmatism, nor by rest in bed, nor by faith, nor by Christian Science, alone. Nature can heal up a hole al- most anywhere in the body; nature can heal up a cut; nature can heal a broken bone; nature can cure you* The curative power is in your blood, not in the doctor f s drugs, nor in the chiropractic's punches. Drugs may occasionally be necessary, providing they are not poisonous, and the punches of the chiropractor majr also be P-76 necessary at times; but we should never forget diet. The osteopath may be a wise man, but if he forgets diet he is - otherwise. This does not mean that we do not need the doctor, the chiropracter, the osteopath. We need them all, but their pra,tique should be wide enough to include diet, or that which goes into the human machine. Hematogenesis is blood-production. If there is an insufficiency of Potassium, Iron, Sodium, and Chlorin> the right kind of blood is not manufactured. Internal oxidation, is oxidation of the muscles. The muscles hold and utilize Oxygen. Free Oxygen is active in the muscles. We get animal heat through oxidation in the muscles. You do not get heat from fat. You may be told in works on chemistry and physiology, that fat is so many units of heat, or so many calories. 3!t is not so much a question of how much fat you have in your system, as it is a question, *» How are you able to utilize and convert that fat into units of heat! When we need bodily heat, v/e must get it from the muscles, not from fat. Seventy-five percent of the bodily heat comes from the muscles. If you do not have enough of Oxygen in your tissues, you feel cold. Your arms, fingers, toes, are cold, perhaps, air of the time. In- ternal oxidation is at the foundation of thermogenesis, or heat- production. There is greater vibratory action in the cells when Po- tassium is in the system. Under the influence of Potassium, the cells receive greater power of life and action. During periods of Potassium-hunger, the tissues are cold, and the handshake is dead, you feel as if you had hold of a dead fish, when you get hold of a man ! s hand. If such a man goes out to make sales, v/hat kind of a salesman do you think he will be? He has no energy. He cannot im- press his customers. Even if he knew all about salesmanship, yet he could not make a sale. He cannot impress his customers. Courses in salesmanship never tell you anything about the necessity of a Po- tassium diet. If a man lacks life, energy, ambition, power of con- viction, personal magnetism, he cannot make a sale. A man can in- crease his self-efficiency, and his efficiency as a salesman, by the right kind of a diet. ITeuricity is the generation of nerve energy. When there is an abundance of Potassium, and high muscular oxidation, a man has more energy; he can sleep better. But when Potassium is lacking, there is unequal heat-production in the body; one part may be hot and the other cold; one hand may be cold on one side, and perspire on the other. • Lack of equalization of heat in the body is lack of Potassi- um. If you want to make more fibrin for your blood, you must fall back upon a high Potassium diet. The man who suffers from Potassium-hunger, is always in danger of falling. The power of balance is never so good. When Potassium salts are broken down in different parts of the body, this Potassium precipitation must pass to, and through, the kidneys. The food fer- ments in the stomach and in the intestines, v/hen there is not enough of Potassium present in the system. Butyric means - butter. Butyric fat is not a good fat for the body. Skatol and Indol are protein poisons. If you are above twenty-seven years of age, you had better cut down your protein supply. You ought to look to other foods, or eat other foods not containing so much protein. When we are protein drunk, we have the devil in us. Copyright, 1920, by. V.. (3> Rpcine.. F-77 • INSTITUTE OF HUIIAI T , IT ATURE, STUDIES, , CHICAGO, ILLIITOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JEC T-PO TAS Si m We should know what we are eating and drinking* If we do not cut out our protein foods, we will be compelled to go to the doctor. His pills will not cure us, however, before we cut down the protein diet'. He can do us very little good, so long as we keep up eating protein in excess. If there is not enough of Potassium Chloricl in the tissues and blood, sickness sets in. Under the influence of Potassium, the brain is able to function more vigorously; but, when Potassium is lacking, memory suffers from rheumatism, and energy walks on crutches. When Potassium is lacking, sugar cannot be utilized in the muscles so well. Hence, the sugar is stored up in the liver until you suffer from enlargement of the liver* The liver may pass the su- gar over to the kidneys, and decomposition in the kidneys sets in, and lastly ;t"ou suffer from drops;' - , or from albuminuria, or some other kidney disease. Potassium and Chlorin are important ele- ments in the muscles. When the sugar goes through the kidne;>"s, it causes fermentation. The kidneys are decomposed, resulting in diabetes. This is a tissue disease, although you think that it is a kidney disease. This disease ma;- start five, perhaps ten, years before you know that there is any sugar in your urine. When you find that there is sugar in your urine, it is perhaps too late. We should prevent this disease five years before it comes. We need preventive doctors. A doctor is too late, when a man has one foot in the grave. ITeuritis is acid in the nerves, or acid disturbing the nerves. Cramps are caused by acid. Neuralgia is nothing but acidity act- ing upon the nerves. Nerves will never ache, unless there is acid there producing the pain. When you suffer from neuralgia, there is acid in your system, somewhere. When you suffer from sleeplessness, there is gas in your bowels, whether 1 you know it or not. At such a time there is a lack of Potassium, or some other alkaline food element. When there is acid or gas in your bowels, it is not easy to sleep; and if you sleep, your sleep is a Ilorphine like stupor. Animals sometimes eat grass to such an extent that they become bloated. Grass is very rich in Potassium, but does not contain Chlorin to a sufficient extent. Let an animal eat grass until there is an excess of potassium in the system, or in the alimentary tract, and that animal will die from bloating, unless ordinary com- mon salty water is given that animal in abundance. When Potassium has been lacking for a long time, and we supply it, that same patient may become sick. He thinks that he does not need that kind of food, because that food makes him sick. He takes this for a sign that he must not eat it. The eyesight is element in exec almost wonderful in ; s. The-' can see in eople who have the Potassium the dark as clearlv as a cat, F-78 Deficiency of the Potassium element in the body, produces certain positive symptoms, and perhaps, also, diseases. How do we know this? If " you are a scientific man, and want to find out for your- self, cut out, from your general dietary, all such foods that are rich in the Potassium element, or cut out all such foods that are rich in the Potassium element from the diet, and watch for the re- sults, for say, two to six months, and you will know, not only, the characteristics, but also the symptoms, ailments, etc, which are pe- culiar to potassium-hunger. And remember that, you must know hu- man constitutions. There is a state of low tissue oxidation, as a general symptom, when the Potassium element is lacking. This means that the tissues can- not function perfectly. Tissue water is formed. This decomposed tissue water, decomposes the kidneys, and lastly the kidneys cannot perform their function. All at once, you suffer from swollen an- kles, which is a sure indication of low tissue oxidation. When we lower the Potassium supply 7- , the cerebellum cannot function so effi- ciently. Hence, the patient feels like falling. Mental work, and physical movements become difficult. Periodic headache is a symptom that appears regularly, perhaps at two o'clock each day, or perhaps in the evening, or perhaps some other time. One peculiarity of Potassium is periodicity. Plants, animals, people, who lack the Potassium element, present periodic ailments, or tyrptcns. When there is a lack of tissue oxidation, the muscles waste away, almost dissolve, and are converted into wa- ter. This is called dropsy. There is an inward fever, but not an outward fever. Something seems to be burning on the inside, but not on the outside. The skin itches and the patient scratches, here, there, and every- where. The potassium patient complains of sensitive corns. There is a shrinkage in the cells of the cerebellum, when there is a lack of Potassium. Self-abuse, is often caused by a lack of Potassium. A scar on the body itches more, v/hen there is a lack of Potassium* When there is a lack of Potassium, peristalsis is defective. This may result in acidity in the stomach. Even the muscles become acid, and soon the whole system becomes acid. This results in many different diseases. That which you call disease is nothing else than the result of acidity in the s^^stem. So long as the system is alkaline, there will be no disea,sej but so soon as the system be- comes acid ; gas is generated and finds its way into the nerves, and even into the neurilemma of the nerves, or in between the nerve walls and the nerve substance itself, giving rise to what is called - Neuritis. These little gas wavelets find their way into the brain, only to disturb the brain function. There is no such a thing as an aching nerve, so long as that nerve is alkaline. The Almighty has given us important foods containing salts of Potassium, Sodium, Silicon, and Magnesium. The Almighty knew that without these alka- line elements, we would become acid, and would become diseased. potassium is found in different greens, vegetables, and cereals. Potassium is usually found on the outside, but it is also function- ing in the cells, or in the inner sanctuary of the tissues. The manufacturers put cereals through a mill, and the Potassium, Silicon, Phosphorus, and other important organo-metallic salts are milled off, and sell us only the starch. The miller mills away; the mother Copyright, 1920, by V, C-, Rocine. F-79 INSTITUTE OF 1IUMAN. ITATURE. STUDIES,.. CHICAGO,, I LLINOIS. LECTURE ITOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-POTASSIUM, boils away; the cook peels and pares away, that which we need so much. They may not mean to do* it, but they are doing it, never- theless. Thus, those important foods that should contain the Po- tassium element, are eaten minus the Pota-ssium. Lastly, stomach, .tissues, secretions become acid. Then the mo- ther pays for her ignorance, her husband becomes a dyspeptic, a drunkard. She cooks him into an early grave, perhaps without knowing it. V/e should eat food the way the Almighty made it. We have no business to mill away, peel away, boil away, any part of the food. Potassium acts upon the intestines, upon the motor nerves, and makes them function more efficiently* The motor nerves are un- der the influence of the "brain, but if there is no Potassium in the system to act upon the nerves, nerve action becomes spasmodic. If we eat foods that are rich in fat, or starch, or sugar, or ge- latin, we cannot digest them, nor assimilate them as we should, when there is a lack of Potassium in the body. If we eat such foods mentioned at such a time, it may produce auto-intoxication. This is especially true in regard to albumin. A lack of the Po- tassium element in the system, results in defective fat metabo- lism. Acid is a poison to the nerves. The Potassium -hunger person feels as if there is a grain of sand under his eyelid. He has a stitching pain in the left ear, never in the right ear. His mouth, throat, and even stomach, are full of pus and ropy mucus. He complains of pain in the lower back head. He turns from side to side and cannot sleep; he is rest- less, uneasy. A lady suffering from Potassium-hunger, rushes home, as fast as she can, so that she can take off her shoes, cor- set, and other apparel that are touching her tender and delicate skin. Her tissues are sore, tender, sensitive. Displacement of the uterus is caused by a lack of Potassium. A surgeon may cut in the muscles and sew in and around them, and the patient may improve to a certain extent, but the muscles are too lax. The best thing that a surgeon can do is to leave the Almighty's workmanship alone, except in emergencies. An opera- tion will do harm to people. Osteopaths do not care for opera- tions. They may not be wise in all directions, but they are will- ing to leave the Almighty's workmanship alone. Allopathic doctors are scientific men, and are trying every possi- ble way to cure people, as, for instance, by electricity, baths, diet, climate, altitude. A doctor who recommends operations, for the purpose of making money, is not a real doctor. He is a mer- cenary doctor. We have many such doctors, I am sorry to say. The doctor who says, "Eat what is placed before you, and ask no question", is no doctor. The Potassium-hunger person likes his food sour, and drinks great quantities of cold water, because his system is feverish. His liver is over-heated, and his spleen is in a state of fever. He is fond of pickles. Hence, we know that he lacks Potassium. F-80 ffausea from excitement is a positive symptom of Potassium-hunger. If you notice one single Potassium-hunger symptom in your patient, you may know that he has, perhaps, a hundred, or several hundred, Potassium symptoms. If you tell that patient - "This is how you feel, that is how you act, that is how you talk", or if you describe him according to your diagnostic knowledge, that patient goes home and advertises you, saying that that doctor knows his business. When we are excited, we break down Potassium salts. When we are jealous, we break down Potassium. When we hate people, we break down Potassium. The more Potassium we break down, the more acid we become, and the more high-tempered we become also. It becomes more difficult for us to control our temper. Mental control, prayer and religion, have their roots in the stomach. Ministers should know something about the chemistry of foods, how to eat and drink* Theyshould understand the chemistry of the body. Acidity acts unfavorably upon the nerves, and upon the cells. When there is an excess of acidity, in the tissues, or around the nerves, and also, perhaps, in the brain, the man fe^ls, and acts, and talks, as though he is more devil than man. The time will come, when ministers of the gospel will be required to take a course in modern dietetics, according to the creative plan of the Almighty, and thus explain to sinners, how to eat and drink, and what habits to cultivate. The more work we do, the more Potassium we break down. In a cold climate, we are able to increase the Potassium supply in the body, to a greater extent than during the hot summer months. Myogenic people usually have Potassium in abundance. This is why he is un- usually healthy. The vigorous man can undergo many hardships, and yet keep up health. In times of emergency, the weak man collapses, but the strong man goes on, as if nothing had happened. He* is sometimes like an el- ephant. A rabbit could not v/ithstand great hardship, nor could a rabbit stop the momentum of anything. It takes an elephant a long time to start, but when he starts, he can sweep a thousand grey- hounds out of the way. An excess of Potassium makes a man feel as if he is half drunk, as if he does not have full control of his muscles. A lack of Potas- sium has the same' approximate symptom. Give a musician a Potassi- um diet in excess, for a week, and observe his mistakes in playing upon musical instruments. His finger technique is partly lost, and his music is not so good. This holds good when' Potassium is lacking. A lady in whom Potassium is lacking in the tissues, and secretions, holds her finger on one key too long, and another key she does not hold long enough. This affects the harmony of the music. All at once a man feels bloated, for no seeming rea is an excess of Potassium. The motor cells are •."• heavy Potassium diet, or by heavy Potassium drugs. patient may imagine that he is flying away from the somebody is after him, perhaps a police officer, or or he may dream that he is trying to fly away from haps in some deep forest, and that lastly the devil hijs feet and duIIs him down into the dark forest. son, when there affected by a The Potassium devil, or that a detective; the devil, per- gets hold of He may feel ■ Copyright, 19£0„ by V, . G, Rpcine. .. F-81 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE. STUDIES,,, CHICAGO,, ILLINOIS ., LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-POTASSIUM . that he is losing his mind. He fears the asylum. Such symptoms, most medical men, Osteopaths, Homeopaths, and others, never pay any attention to, or they call it nonsense, or imagination, but their patient is not cured. Under a normal Potassium diet, people can live more harmoniously together, but under the influence of a. heavy starch diet, love takes wings and flies away. Excess of acid in the stomach leads to the divorce court, or to the asylum for the insane, or to the operation table. The Potassium patient wants sympathy, but if you sympathize with him he gets angry. The Potassium-excess patient suffers from excesive alkalinity; and the Potassium-hunger patient suffers from the opposite, viz., acidity. There is a deficiency in the circulatory current of the blood, and a weakness in the circula- tion center of the brain, in the Potassium-hunger patient. The Potassium-hunger patient suffers from albuminuria; the albumin is precipitated and appears in the urine. When we speak of the Potassium man, we have reference to the man of the Myogenic constitution. The Myogenic man is usually 1 *. healthy, or should be healthy. The words "Calisthenics means - "beautiful strength". Calis- thenics is feminine gymnastics. The Myogenic man prefers to stu- dy in nature's university. The Myogenic man likes* to see how things are done. He wants to see things move. He is interested in traffic, action; he does not care to see anything stationary. When a Myogenic man has his steam up, he wants lazy drones out of the way. The Myogenic man is a Potassium man, and believes in work, action, and motion. Potassium is an element of energy and action, the same as Oxygen. FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: CHERVIL - is a high Potassium food, and contains Vitamines in the seed. CHICKORY - is a high Potassium food* BITTER GREENS - Potassium is one of the most bitter elements there is. It is bitter even when it is associated with sugar. All sorts of bitter foods, bitter greens, bitter vegetables, bitter nuts, always carry Potassium* LENTILS - are excellent as a food. They should be cooked slowly, on a slow fire, after first being washed in running water, so that any impurity may be washed off. Always be careful about food, for something may adhere to the food, or be in the food > that may cause disease; disease that may fade your cheeks, -ooison your blood, weaken your stomach, perhaps, send you to the hospital, or to the grave. Wash lentils* in a strainer, so that you may ¥/ash off any sand, or dirt, or seeds, or germs, that may cling to them. F-82 Then, put the lentils into a vessel of . distilled water, and cook them on a slow fire about two and oner-half hours. Lentils are' very nutritious; lentils are better than meat for laborers. The lady, however, who sits still and does light work all day, should eat only about two teaspoonsful of lentils, ALHGlTD./iTUTSs - The skin of almond nuts should not be eaten. Almond nuts should be grated and salted. You should never eat almond nuts by themselves, nor on an empty stomach, for this may produce stomach trouble. CHESTNUTS - are high in Potassium. when Chi or in and Sodium are lacking, gether with other foods. We should never eat Chestnuts We should eat those nuts to- SUN-DRIED OLIVES - Never eat any other kind of Olives than sun-dried olives. Green olives, or ripe olives, may poison you. SCOTCH DRIED PEAS - This is another Potassium food. Here you find Potassium in connection with Nitrates. In almond nuts, you have Potassium in connection with starch. In figs, you have Potassium in connection with glucose. In one food Potassium may be associated with sugar; in another food it is associated with acid; in another food it is associated with fat; in still another food, with starch; in another food still, it may be associated with Nitrates. Then ggain, it ma"/ be associated v/ith albumin. One patient may need Potassium with sugar, another may need potassium in connection with albumin, in still another patient, almond nuts, or the starch in al- mond nuts,may be needed in connection v/ith Potassium salts; and in still another patient the potassium associated v/ith fatty substances, may be the very thing that patient needs. Cook Scotch peas slowly and always in distilled water, and be sure to wash the peas first. Do not cook so that the steam comes out into the air, because then you are losing some of the important food odors. Do not eat green peas, or Scotch peas, or yellow peas, or lentils, to excess* Re- member that thsy are very high in nutrition. BLUEBERRIES - are of great value to certain constitutions. They are good for the muscles. COCOANUT - is a fine food for the nerves, for the marrow of the bones, for the lung substance, and for the brain. ENDIVE raw. is high in Potassium. Cut it into small pieces and eat it LETTUCE - is a sleep producer. It contains soporific properties. It cures sleeplessness in some cases. OATMEAL - Steelcut oatmeal contains Silicon. Silicon is found, mainly, in the outside of the grain. Potassium is found in abund- ance in oats, 39$ of the salts, found in oats, is Silicon. It is of the greatest value to the sexual system, viz., the salt, and other principles found in oatmeal. Oatmeal contains a principle called avenin, which stimulates the sexual system and the' brain*. A man who is weak sexually, who has abused him s el© who v/ants to gain in manly strength, should fall back upon a heavy oatmeal diet. Cook oatmeal twenty- two hours in a fireless cooker, and make also oatmeal muffins, oatmeal bread, and other oatmeal dishes, and eat in abund- ance, but not more than you can assimilate. Copyright,. 1920* "by V. G. Rocine. F 35 INSTITUTE' OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, . CHICAGO, . ILLINOIS ., LECTURE.. NOTES . . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JECT-POT AS SIUM . FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: , (Continued) PARSLEY - is an excellent food for one who suffers from sexual weakness. It contains a camphor of the greatest value to the sex "brain. It is also stimulating to the nerves. POTATOES - should be baked and eaten with the skin. You find Potassium salts in the skin. Take potato peelings and put parele parsley, endive, and other Potassium greens into the potato peel- ings, and cook them all together, and make a sort of a potato peeling broth; drink this, and you obtain more Potassium than you could by other methods of cookery. GERMAN PRUNES - contain twice as much potassium as American prunes. They contain all the salts needed in the body. Before the war, German prunes were selling at seventy-five cents a pound. Ameri- can prunes are low in the salts, but high in Potassium. Prunes contain important laxative principles, viz., Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Sodium. SPINACH - should be cooked for three minutes in its own steam, poured on toast, and eaten with broiled ham. This makes a fine meal. We should not pour the spinach juice into the sink. BRAN - Some people think wheat bran is good for constipation, but it is not. If you chew bran slowly, and swallow the juice, you draw out the salts in the bran. This would help constipation, because it would sweeten the stomach, but it would not cure con- stipation. CARROTS - are excellent as a food. You can eat them raw, or grate them, or crush them, or grind them, or boil them. CARROT WATER - Drink it by. itself. It is better to drink than coffee. Drink carrot water instead of coffee, and you will be- come more healthy. GOOSEBERRIES - are low in salts, but high in Potassium. HEAT JUICE, RAW - is high in Chlorin, but low in Potassium. It has a stimulating effect upon the muscular tissues. PEACHES - are low in the salts, but high in Potassium. If you eat eat peaches' the proper way, they sweeten the stomach. R0MAI1TE - is a vegetable, rich in distilled water. It is high in Potassium. All vegetables contain the Vitamines in the seeds. It is not so easy to kill the Vitamines in Figs. Figs should be eaten raw; they are excellent. They contain sugar that is associated with the organo-metallic salts, for figs are rich in ash. We should, by right, wash figs before we eat them, for germs are likely to cling to figs. Worms always grow in figs, because they are rich in sugar, and because they are rich, also, in the Vitamines* In figs you cannot taste the Potassium because it is associated with sugar. F-84 "We are eating ourselves into our graves without knowing it. After the age of about forty-five, we are in danger of eating too much. Lentils are rich .in Potassium. If we suffer from Potassium-Hunger, we should eat lentils. If you lack' Potassium, or if your system is not able to utilize Potassium foods, drink: Dandelion wine, as this vjould increase the Potassium-assimilating capacity in your sys- tem, so that you, thereby, may take up Potassium to a greater ex- tent. You can make Dandelion wine yourself. Potassium is one of the most virulent poisons there is- If the stomach is empty, and there is a lack of Chlorin and Sodium in the system, the Potassium in the nuts, or in the Olives, may poison you. We have, possibly, sixty or seventy different kinds of bitter teas. Potassium is the principal element in all of them. All sorts of bitter teas carry potassium. It is the potassium bitters, found in those teas, that is valuable. BONESET TEA - acts upon the liver. BURDOCK TEA - acts upon the muscles. CHAMOMILE TEA - acts upon the sexual system, and is very valuable in times of defective menstruation, or in times of leucorrhea. f$o other tea equals chamomile .tea for defective menstruation. CATNIP TEA - is excellent for gas in the stomach. DAHDELION TEA - acts upon the liver and blood. DAI7DELI0N Y7IHE - increases the potassium-assimilating capacity in the system, enabling the system to take up Potassium from foods. ELDERBERRY JUICE - is important for the motherhood function. In fact, no juice is so valuable as elderberry juice to the motherhood function. FLAXSEED TEA - is good for coughs, bronchitis and consumption* HOP TEA - is an excellent tea for the Medeic constitution. The Medeic impurities may be sent out of the system by drinking Hop Tea. This is also true in regard to Sassafras tea. Germs, vermin, insects, dislike the odor of sassafras. The gonorrheal germ feels uncomfortable under the influence of hop tea, or sassafras tea. LAUREL LEAVES - is a mild bitter tonic, contains tannin, and a trace of hydro-anic acid; it acts upon the cerebellum. MARJORAM TEA - contains a remarkable principle, which has a very beneficial effect on sexual excitement. It acts favorably upon the sex brain, sex glands, and sexual system of a man who suffers from satyriasis, or from self-abuse, or from some other ailment of the sexual system. Marjoram tea is highly favorable for ex- cessive tension in sexual glands, nerves, or cells. MUTT TEA, or - is excellent for gas in the stomach. Every one. PEPPERimTT TEA - should have peppermint tea, or mint herb, on hand* You ought to raise such herbs in your garden, and preserve the same for the winter. Such herbs that you buy in drug stores are never so good as those that you pick and dry yourself. The teas that you buy in drug stores have, often, lost their strength. Copyright, . 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-85 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN. NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , LECTURE. NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICA LS. SUBJECT-POTASSIUM . FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED : ( Continued ) SAGE TEA - is good for colds. We can stimulate the circulatory system, and the sexual system, with strong sage tea, SARSAPARILLA TEA - acts upon the liver. There is no tea, or food, that acts directly upon the blood. It is only by passing through the liver that it can purify the blood. Anything that acts upon the liver, acts also upon the blood-stream indirectly, but never directly. SASSAFRAS TEA - contains and spreads an odor that germs, bed-bugs, fleas, chicken lice, cannot stand. It is even disagreeable to . ants. It helps to send Medeic and gonorrheal impurities out of the system. Germs do not thrive under the influence of sassafras. SAVORY TEA - (Satureia hortensis) acts upon the uterus, a tonic; a carminative, i>e. it is a soothing tea; relieves gas pains* SENNA TEA - acts upon the liver and bowels. THYME TEA - contains thymol; an antiseptic; a stimulant. WIITTERGREEN TEA - acts upon the liver. WORMWOOD TEA - acts upon the heart; it is also a stomach tonic, but will weaken the stomach and, lastly, destroy sex capacity. AILMENTS ON WHICH TEAS RICH IN POTASIUM HAVE A CURATIVE EFFECT . BLOOD - Boneset tea, Sarsaparllla tea, Senna tea, Wint©rgreen tea. BRONCHITIS - Flaxseed tea. CEREBELLUM - Laurel Leaves tea, Thyme tea. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - Sage tea. COLDS - Sage tea. COLIC - peppermint tea, Catnip tea. CONSTIPATION - Senna tea. COUGH - Sage tea. HEADACHE - Peppermint tea, Catnip tea, if headache is caused by Flatus. Chamomile tea, or roasted Corncob tea, if headache is caused by contraction of the uterus. HEART - Wormwood tea., INFLUENZA - Hop tea, Sage tea. LA GRIPPE - Sage tea. F-86 LIVER - Bone set tea, Dandelion tea, Senna tea, Sarsaparilla tea, Wintergreen tea. MUSCLES - Burdock tea. ITERVES - Savory tea. SEXUAL SYSTEM - Ailments and Self-abuse - Marjoram tea. Weaken 3d Condition * - C hamomile tea, Sage tea. SEXUAL (Female) Leucorrhea - Chamomile tea. Menstruation - Chamomile tea. Motherhood functions *■ Chamomile tea. Uterus - Savory tea. SLEEPLESSNESS (caused by gas) - Peppermint tea, Mint tea. STOMACH r Acid ) Catnip tea, peppermint tea, Mint tea, Gas ) Savory tea. Fermentation ) Flatus ) TAINT (Medeic) - Hop tea, Sassafras tea, TUBERCULOSIS - Flaxseed tea. .QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : 1. Can a child get enough Potassium from the juice of spinach? A. - I would advise other foods for Potassium than spinach juice. Potassium is in the leaves to a greater extent than it is in the juice. 2. Would a fall, resulting in a broken knee cap, which the doctors pronounce tuberculosis of the joint, be contagious, so that it' may be transmitted to people living in the same house? A. - No* tuberculosis is not contagious, unless the sputum containing the germs dries up, and floats about in the air, so that you inhale it, and at the same time inhale the germ. It is the only way that tu- berculosis is contagious. 5. How long does it require Calcium food to be taken up by the sys- tem after eating? Will the sugar take out of the system the Cal*-- cium already organized? A« - It is difficult to tell how long it takes Calcium to be assimilated after eating. Calcium stays some time in the alimentary tract, and even after it is assimilated by the blood, it stays in the blood for some time before it is deposit- ed in the tissues. Hot/ long, no one knows. It may take- perhaps, anywhere from three days to two weeks. Of course, I do not know, but I rather think this is so. The sugar would go into the tissues, into the alimentary tract, and into the liver, and absorb the Calcium out of those tissues, and also out of the blood. Copyright, . 1920, by V. G. Rocine. . ... F-87 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS .. LgCTURB., NOTES . ... . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-POTASSIUM . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : (Continued) 4. How is Potassium obtained from the birch tree? Does fire de- stroy it? How is potassium best applied to plants? A* - No, fire cannot destroy Potassium. We obtain Potassium from the birch tree by burning it. Organic Potassium is better for plants than inorganic. Wood ash is better for plants than the potassium that comes from rocks, or from heavy soils. 5. What is the best method of curing c, severe cold in the throat and lungs, in an Exes the sic lady? A. - Retire, and drink hot bitter teas. Do not eat anything. Sleep as much as possible, put hot applications on the stomach and bowels. 6. Does a baby need Potash when the face is very red and rough? A. y That is no indication of lack of Potassium. Potassium- hunger has very different symptoms. 7. Please tell how to eat cocoanut to get Chlorin, how much per day? Is the milk as good as the solid part? Should the skin be removed? A« - Eat cocoanut at meals. Grate it, or grind it up. Take about three table spoonsful. The milk is not so good as the solid part. You can eat the inner skin, it contains more Potassium. 8. Can Amativeness be developed and virtue retained? A. - Yes. Amativeness has nothing to do with virtue, either one way or another. A man may be strong in Amativeness, and be as virtuous as an angel. He may be weak in Amativeness and be a sensualist. Amativeness is not lust. The best way to develop Amativeness is to admire the people of the opposite sex, and leave them alone, by cultivating- platonic love, and" the higher Christian virtues. 9. What is the cause of running of tears from eyes when not in emotion? What indicates aching veins? • A. - It is nothing but weak sexuality. Of course, this is not the only tiling that pro- duces running tears, but it is one of those conditions that pro- duce running tears. Aching veins indicate that the blood is too sluggish in the veins, and that the liver is torpid. 10. What causes the lips to dry and blister during cold and windy weather, and what helps tc take that soreness away? A# - The fatty substance and the moisture are drawn out from the lips, by cold and windy weather. Supply sufficient moisture, and the \ right kind of fat to the lips, and keep yourself warm, or stay ouc of the cold and wind. 11. What is the cause of Erysipelas? A. - Erysipelas is caused by a germ. It is a contagious disease. 12. If the regurgitation is in the aortic valve, should the pa- tient lie on the right side? A. - Yes. He should lie on the right side, and slight^ on the back. F-88 13. Is filtered rain water the best to drink? A. — Yes. Filter- ed rain water is an excellent drink. Filtered rain water is distil- led water. Filter the rain water in a clean barrel, put a layer of charcoal, then a layer of washed white sand, then another layer of charcoal and a little layer of fine sand, and make layer upon layer until the barrel is full. Then let the water filter through slow- ly. You will thus have clean distilled water. 14. What type of patients are bothered mostly by chapped hands? What is the cause of chapped hands? A. — Calcium types. Exes- thesic men and women are bothered very much by chapped hands. Chapped hands are an indication of a lack of the fatty element in the skin. Not all Calciferic people suffer from chapped hands, nor a great many Exesthesic. Chapped hands are a result of the lack of the fatty element in the body, or in the skin. Dryness in the tis- sues; lack of animal heat in the skin; lack of skin food, or Silicon. Of course, no one would suffer from chapped hands unless he is out in wind, cold, frost and dryness. Some suffer from chapped hands because germ life inhabits the skin, or because germs are at work at the surface of the skin, producing skin disease of some kind. 15. How can we determine whether it is excess, or a deficiency, of some. certain chemical element, that a patient suffers from? A. — We can always determine this by the difference in the symptoms. It may be true that symptoms may be similar, but they are never identi- cal. If a patient suffers from excess, there are symptoms that appear from excess of a certain chemical element which never appear in times of deficiency. 16. Is Potassium needed in a mental break-down, from excessive mental strain? A. - Yes. A Potassium diet is needed in cerebellar and muscular prostration. 17. How long does the average patient have to subsist upon a speci- fic diet before results may be obtained? A. - This depends upon how soon the constitution responds to the element. The longer you go without supplying the element needed, the longer it takes for your system to assimilate it. If a constitution has been robbed of Sodium for a long, long time, and we begin to supply Sodium, that same man may become sick, simply because his constitution cannot ac- commodate itself to the Sodium element. It may "take a month, or six months, possibly longer, before the body assimilates that lost food element, in normal quantities, 18. How much ash is found in Persimmons? A. - 0.96$, or nearly one percent. 19. Which is the best part of the carrot, the inside, or the part near the surface? Does the carrot contain any Potassium? A, — The Potassium salts are distributed through the whole carrot, nearly equally, but most Potassium salts are found in the peelings, never- theless. Carrots contain nearly one percent of organo-metallic salts, and of those organo-metallic salts it contains 36.90$ of Potash; 21.20$ of Sodium; 11,50$ of Calcium; 4.40$ of Magnesium; 21.00$ of Iron; 12,80$ of Phosphorus; 0.45$ of Sulphur; 2.49$ of Silicon; 4.60$ of Chlorin; a trace of Manganese, and also a trace of Fluor in. Copyright, 1920, by V. G. Rocine. F-8£ INSTITUTE 0? HUMAN NATURE S TUDI E S, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LEC TURE NO TES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJE CT-POTASS IUM. — ■ ■ ■ ■ « •<■ i ' ■- — ■ * ■■ ■ ■» — - - ... ■-.- ■— ■ ■ —■——.-. — —■■■■■»■■ — .■■ h i ■■ — . lM n . ! i *• * **» QUESTIONS AND A NSWE RS : ( C ont i nue d ) 20* Do breathing exercises after meals interfere with digestion, *.or do they benefit it? Likewise bowel exercises?' A, — Vigorous exercises are not beneficial after meals. If you take any kind of exercises after meals, let it be walking and breathing exercises. If you take vigorous physical culture exercises after meals, it will interfere with digestion, by drawing the blood to other parts of the body. 21. Is it possible to reduce a goitre of two years standing in a man of sixty— five years? What diet and applications are best for it? A. — He is too old, unless he is vigorous in vi- tality, and youthful in appearance. An lodin diet is good for him. He could not, perhaps, extract the salts from the foods supplied. 22. Should a Potassium and Sodium diet always go together to avoid exhaustion of Sodium, when a Potash diet is given? A. — As a general rule, except when Potassium has been exhausted for seme cause. L Potassium diet always requires a heavy Sodium and Chlorin diet. It is well to remember, also, that Sodium and Chlorin are elements that are used every hour of the day in every man, woman and child. 23. Is Potassium especially indicated in albuminuria? A. — No, but Chlorin is. 24. Do you mean that excess of Potassium has the same symptoms as a lack of Potassium? A. — Yes. The symptoms are similar, but not identical. There are great differences in symptoms between Potassium— hunger and Potassium-excess, as you would learn if you were to place Potassium-excess symptoms, and Potassium-hunger symptoms in contrast. 25. What would you do in a case where Potassium is lacking? Also, Chlorin and Sodium? You say that Chlorin and Sodium foods should be omitted. A. -,In times of Potassium-hunger the chances are that Sodium and Chlorin are in excess, or, at least, one of those elements. And in that case, we should cut out that element which is in excess. If both are in ex- cess, it would be better to supply Potassium only. Cf course, you will understand that it would be almost impossible to cut out Sodium and Chlorin supply entirely, for all foods contain Sodium and Chlorin to a certain extent, although some foods are comparatively lacking in those elements. F-90 26. Give your opinion on wearing corsets, belts, and supporters, or anything that obstructs circulation. A. — Tightness, or pressure upon the stomach, neck, or any part of the body, interferes with the circulation of the blood in those very parts. Ue should never produce pressure upon the skin, nor on the circulatory vessels, nor upon any of the parts, nor organs, throughout the entire body. Any pressure upon any part of the body produces ailments of some kind, in the course of time. 27. How much sassafras tea, and how many currants, should .©ne drink and eat daily to get the Medeic taint out of the system, and how long should one take them? A. - A Medeic taint is simply a taint. It would perhaps require from sixty days to one 3?"ear, or longer, to eliminate a Medeic taint from the system. 28. What can we advise for high blood pressure? A. — That de- pends upon the cause. There are many causes of high blood pressure. The main thing to do is to remove the cause first. There may, perhaps, be from ten to twenty causes, or more, of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a general symp- tom, and does not mean much, until we know what caused it. It may mean anything, or nothing. Some types of people have normally high blood pressure. 29. Is one likely to get too much Potassium in foods? A. - Yes, it is possible to get too much Potassium from the eating of certain foods. If we eat high Potassium foods at every meal, day after day, month after month, and year after year, in the. course of time, there will be an excessive supply of Potassium in the body. And if there is Potassium-excess, there would, necessarily, be a Sodium and, Chlorin hunger also; for Potassium always lowers the supply of Sodium and Chlorin. m 30, Is not Potassium— excess found in people who have been drugged with Potassium drugs? A. — It is possible to develop Potas- sium-excess symptoms and poisoning merely by drinking drugs that are high in Potassium. If you take Potassium-carrying drugs for a long, long time, you will, lastly, become a wreck, and no one can ever cure you. Copyright, 1921, by V. GF« Pocine. F~91 INSTITUTE OP HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS,. LECTURE II GTE 3. COURSE -FOOD? & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT- ■S ILICON . Silicon is- contained in the out/side cf oats. People who use their brains a great deal use up the Phosphorous element. If they do not eat foods that are high in Silicon eventually the sys- tem becomes acid. Phosphorous products lead to acidicy. The starch in potatoes is a very different starch than the starch in | oats. A diabetic can tolerate the starch in oats, but the starch in sugar, potatoes, or rice, passes through is kidneys. Oats is a valuable food. You may think that wheat is the king of cereals, but barley is a much better food for man, and oats are still better, provided the outside of the oats has not been milled away. The miller takes almost all the outside and gives us only the inside. All chemicals needed in the human system are found in cat's. The outside of the oats contains Silicon to the extent of o9% of the salts. Meat and vegetables do not contain as much Silicon as oats. Avena sativa contains avenin, and has a remark- ably tonic effect upon the entire sexual system. When goat experts want t goats oats, and the goat oats, as a Silicon food, ue of foods than doctors goat milk as goat expert r asthenia. If you want weak heart, eat oats, nor for the cerebellum, spinach and carrots, and give o increase the milk product s produce more milk. Barl Agriculturists know more Medical men do not know s. Avenin is valuable in to cure the brain, weak nerves, and a There is no better tonic for the sex brain th goat's milk, in pbundance. ion,, they ey is next to about the valtt as much about times of neu- Eat oats in connection wi" you supply the blood salts A certain amount of Silicon is used by the various functions. It is celled free Silicon consumption. The Silicon that is used in the tissues, in the secretions and in carrying on the functions of life, is called free Silicon. We must absolutely supply the Sil- icon that is needed. Some is needed every day. It is impossi- ble to build good nails, solid tissue, a good skin, or to grow beautiful hair, without Silicon. Fall back upon a Silicon diet and take care of your hair roots, if you want good hair. You -.'.'. will be surprised how glossy your hair becomes in a very short time. Women of the Silicon type have the longest and the most beautiful hair of all women. When a grandfather becomes weak and sick, we ought to give him various oatmeal dishes, so he can regain his former strength. Also give him raw egg yolk. We can keep well and strong, and live a. long time, unless the digestive system gives out- When it gives out, we cannot digest food. When a man cannot digest food, nor assimilate it, he is beyond repair. So long as food can be digested, utilized, and waste matter eliminated, we can build up arsin, and make a new man out of an old man. We can make blood, d a new stomach, and a new set of bones in seven years. So long as food can be digested and utilised, that long it is possi- ble to build and rebuild. The alkaline food salts e»re Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Silicon. Those are the food elements that we must absolutely fall back upon, F-9£ Magnesium is the most essential for the nerves and brain- Silicon acts- upon all sorts of solid tissue, which must be made strong; also upon the skin and hair. Silicon makes the more solid tissues, alka- line. Potassium makes the muscles and vital organs more alkaline. Magnesium acts upon Phosphorous products. Sodium keeps Calcium in solution and acts upon the blood and digestive juices. After the tissues become acid, we get sick and no doctor can cure us. You may go to a hospital, and be operated on, but when you come out you are as acid as when you went in. You have just as much acid in you as ever-. If you do not fall back on Sodium, Silicon, Potassium r and Magnesium, the Almighty's remedies-, which He puts into foods to make the tissues alkaline, it is impossible to get well. So long as the tissues are alkaline we can keep well. Those alkaline pro- perties are the Almighty's remedies. He is a better specialist than any specialist in our hospitals. T believe the Almighty under- stands His business. He puts those elements into the human organi- sation to keep it alkaline. Silicon should never be forgotten. Sil- icon is found in . barley and oats, but barley is acid producing. Oatmeal food is more beneficial to the human organization. The sheep is a Silicon animal. The goat is a Silicon animal. The goat always likes high places. People with considerable Silicon in their organization always like high places. Goats and other Sili- con animals are fond of Silicon-containing feed", grasses, leaves and grains. You can put any kind of food in front of goats, but if you put oats in front of them, they devour the oats first. There is nothing better for impotence than oatmeal, raw egg yolk, Iron, Phosphorus and sleep* Any one suffering from sexual weakness will become more invigorated by such a diet. If a wife would fall back on an oatmeal diet, she would be more able to retain her hus- band's affection. Neurosis is a nerve habit, as, for instance, the ll \7riter*s cramp 11 . In such an ailment, Silicon, Sulphur, and Neurolin are used up. in the nerve. Neurosis is in the nerves. In times of nervous debility, fall back upon oatmeal. Cook the oatmeal twenty— two hours in a fireless cooker. Eat oatmeal muffins. The}' are essential in an alkaline diet. So long as the tissues are acid; so long as there is acidity in the secretions; so long as the sexual system is acid, that long we will be weak and sickly. Silicon has a remarka.ble effect upon the intellect, or that part that thinks and observes. Take out that part of the brain and we are as helpless as babies, yet we may have as strong a will as we ever hail. Then we are human beings without intellect. We are next to animals. The monkey has no brain in front of the fissure of Rolando; it has no tophead. A man has a different head from the monkey. A man has a large tophead. He also has an intellect, which a monkey never did have and never will have. Love acts as an invigorating tonic, and is of the greatest value in sickness. A love life often cures some people. It is not general- ly known that Formic acid is of value to the brain, and to the per- formance of the functions in some of the tissues. When there is a lack of Formic acid, there will be a lack of the necessary salts, and thsn there is a. greater tendency to insanity. The insane people Copyright, 1921, by V". C-. Rocine. F-93 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATUPE STUDIES', CHICAGO, ILL INO IS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS" & CHEMICALS;. SUBJECT-SILICON. in the hospitals are people in whom those important salts are lack- ing. If a man does not have any Silicon, he lacks "sand", or courage. Silicon increases courage. Silicon people are never afraid- A Silicon man would fight' a half dozen other men. It gives a man, as stated before, "sand" and courage. Vaccination serum is harmful to the tissues. That serum breaks down important salts. Oatmeal diet is important in times of such infection- Silicon, in connection with Potassium, prevents para- lysis , 'When the cerebellum contracts to such an extent that it carnot obtain blood, the patient is paralyzed". Sometimes you may suffer from sewer gas poison; then you should fall back on a Sili- con diet. Silicon has a beneficial effect upon the various tis- sues of the body. If you show the children where there is a. sand— pile, they will run to it and play in it from morning till" night. If a child suffers from eczema, give him a Silicon diet and let him play in a sand- pile, when the sun is shining down on him. Silicon is beneficial for the nerves, the canal walls, the alimen- tary tract,, the lungs, and to the entire system. If children are not supplied with Silicon, they suffer from catarrh. Catarrh develops in membranous tissue, or in canal walls. If we supply Silicon in abundance, we become more alkaline; we feel as if we could do anything. A Silicon man is here, there, and everywhere. He is like a goat- He likes to be high in the air. The go?.t likes to get up among the highest rocks- Silicon people are elas- tic and prone to exaggerate. They see everything through magnify- ing glasses (imagination). It is rothing else than hyperbolism. They exaggerate. Alkaline people are imaginative. They are busy all of the time. When they are not talking, they are sing- ing. Silicon people are just like goats in disposition. You find' Silicon people mostly among the Swiss. The Swiss girls have the most beautiful hair in the world. I have never seen a Silicon type talk long on any one subject. There are two elements that make us feel important: One is Sili- con, the other is Phosphorus. If there is an excess of Phosphorus a. man feels like a king. He walks with a stately bearing. The only difference between Silicon people and Phosphorus people, is that Silicon people talk, while Phosphorus people stand and look. The Silicon man talks all the time, looking this way and that way, in every direction. He talks on a thousand different subjects- He acts like a goat. The Silicon man is sociable, just like the goat. If you buy a goat, be sure you buy two. If you do not buy two, you will lose the one you buy. That is the way of goats* The Silicon man is the same. Ho can never be by himself. A Silicon man does not need very much sleep. He may retire at one and sleep until four. Some Desmogen:'. o people do not require very much sleep. Silicon people never live to be very eld. They become so excessively ac- tive that they simply wear themselves out. They are like electri- cal motors. Full of activity. They think anything they go into will succeed". They are moved by a. child— like hyperbolism. There is a similarity between Silicon hunger and tuberculosis. Both affect the pa.tientsto such an extent that they become anxious about themselves. They cannot forget themselves for one minute of the time. They tell you all about themselves. They talk about their symptoms, diseases, diet, and wants. They are not interested in the scheme of the world. They just want to talk about their own selves, 'and their own ailments. Silicon hunger patients think they are going to die. They cannot bear noise. Wien they are tired, they cannot get hold of their thoughts; they cannot form ideas; they cannot recall subjects. They feel as if they are losing their minds. They may have everything they could wish for, but they think they have nothing to live for. "When a doctor gets hold of a. Silicon patient, he is likely to send him to an asylum for the insane.. If you are a doctor you should build your sanitarium in the hills, where the goats thrive, in a high altitude, a sandy soil. Silicon patients persp to look at some certai look away; they get re trol. It seems as if catarrh in the lungs, spitting and coughing, organic elements, and their diet. There ar ire on the head and n thing and keep lo stless and uneasy. the brain itself i throat, stomach; ca They should eat should cut out star e not very many foo face. If you tell them oking at it, they look, then They have very little con- s loose. They suffer from tarrh somewhere. They are foods that are rich in the ch, fat, and sugar from ds that are rich in Silicon. When you are using your intellect, you are also using your cerebel- lum, because you can never talk or reason without using cerebellar energy;; it is the function of Silicon to supply cerebellar energy. If you feel exhausted, or over-worked, fall back on Silicon. It does not feed your brain, nor your nerves, but it stimulates them. That is the way Silicon acts. It tones up the cerebellum and the motor nerves. YJhen there is a normal amount of Silicon in the sys- tem, the brain and the nerves are stronger. Increase the Silicon and the nerves become strong. But if you do not work you cannot as- similate Silicon. Silicon requires action. When we labor, we take up a greater amount of Silicon. But if we sit around, ride in auto- mobiles, never walk, we do not take up Silicon, and we grow weaker. TThy is it that society ladies are always sick and in the doctor's care? They need work and a Silicon diet. To increase Silicon in the body, alone. Eat plenty of oats and and stronger as you increase the southern California, where there dry climate, have engaged in the favors Silicon metabolism, both a cold climate are disagreeable, in California, it is dry, the alt functions of the people are more genial. leave fats, starches, and sugars oatmeal and you will grow stronger Silicon in your body. People in is a sandy soil,, a high altitude, a goat industry. Everything there in goats and in people. People in as in Colorado and Montana. But itude is high, soil is sandy, and the alkaline, and the disposition more Copyright, 1921, by V. G\ Rocine. F-95 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHFHTCALS. SUBJ ECT-SI LICON . When Silicon is in excess, and" when it is lacking, it affects the nervous system. A Silicon hunger patient complains that his- teeth ara aching. Pathophobia is a disease which causes him to think th?s£ ether diseases are creeping upon him, and he thinks that he can never get cured". Alkaline diseases and alkaline gout, so far as I know, we can never touch with diet* When the cerebellum is exhausted", you suffer from a neurasthenia called" psychentonia; you caimot memorize, you cannot see, nor hear as you should". V7hen the alkaline elements are too excessive, it results in suffer- ing in the solid structures of the body. Too much Silicic acid causes suppuration in the bones," and in the membranes. The Sili- con constitution is subject to excessive energy, which is also the case with the Desmogenic, and the Nervi-Motive, but the Desmogenic never suffers from the same kind of ailments as the Sillevitic. If the frontal sinuses become catarrhal, you suffer from a catarrh, because there should be a free outlet through the frontal sinuses. There is a sieve-like bone at the root of the nose, leading up in- to the brain; if this is filled" up with catarrhal mucus, your thinking, memory, concentration and health are all affected unfa- vorably. The nose has another function besides that of inhaling air for the lungs, and that is the function of communication with the brain. If there is a stoppage in the nose, the perspiration of the brain is retarded, resulting in brain heat, coryza, stupidity, and lack of energy in the brain's function, The perspiration cannot pass down into the nose. If the frontal sinus is closed up, there will be a multiplicity of ailments. Uhen there is a lack of Sil- icon, these nasal canals become catarrhal and are filled up with mucus, or phlegm, resulting in sickness. Our memory and faculty of understanding, and other mental faculties, are inefficient. A certain amount of evaporative moisture passes from the brain through the nose, every hour. If the nasal canals and the eth- moid bone are congested, the brain avenues of elimination are closed, resulting in colds, catarrh, disturbances of the brain, headache, and other ailments. A great many people drink mineral waters. 'We have heard from a great many sources that mineral waters are healthy, in various diseases. The climate, at all mineral springs, is usually benefi- cial, and the altitude favorable. "When a man or woman goes away from his own neighborhood, or his own city, and goes to another place, that same man, or woman, is in new surroundings. Climate, altitude, everything are different, If you took away the mineral water, there would be the same results, yet we are told it is the mineral water that does the work. Very often, also, when the pa- tient returns from the mineral spring, he is just as sick as he was before. In the majority of cases, those mineral waters do very little good. Mineral waters contain inorganic salts that do harm. We should always remember that the human body is organic. And" we should remember that everything we put into the body should be F-96 organic also. If we can find mineral springs in which the minerals that the water contains are organic; those salts would" be beneficial to the human body. All substances, or foods, or liquid's, that go into the human body should be organic. If we drink mineral waters for any length of time, we will socn suffer from some kind of ail- ments. Hardening processes will take place in the body. The kid- neys may have so much work to do that they may give out. The kidneys may take up those inorganic salts. The kidneys cannot do the work when there will be kidney disease. Tfe should never _ d£lnk mineral water. If we can find a mineral water that contains the organic salts, we may drink it, but not until then. So long as a. doctor does, not know what kind of salts the body needs, and so long as he does not know which food salts are beneficial for certain symptoms, he is not a desirable doctor. If you ask physi- cians why they recommend some special mineral water, they may say, because it contains Iron, or carbonic acid, or, bicarbonate of Sodi- um. If you ask whether it makes any difference whether you take in- organic or organic mineral water, they will tell you that it is one and the same thing. Doctors should be very careful in regard to that which goes into the human machine; of that which we eat and drink. <*Wny should we drink mineral water any way?"' We can find the necessary elements in foods. If we need Silicon, we find that in oats and barley. . If we need Calcium, we find it in milk and cheese. If we need Chlorin, we find it in sauer-kraut. We find Sulphur in all sorts of cabbages. We find arsenic in grapes. Why should we go to mineral springs for those elements, when we can find them in foods? If we need a higher altitude we can go to the hills. We have one of the finest hills we could find a. few miles from Chicago, at Blue Mound, Wisconsin. When we want a vacation, we do not need to go to Karienbad. Another thing we should remember is that different tem- peraments require different altitudes. One doctor sent an Exesthe- sic lady to Pike's Peak. Long before she reached Pike l s Peak, blood came out of her nose and mouth. You cannot cure anybody with poison, and poison is what they study in most medical colleges. Studying poison will never enable us to cure man of his diseases. The medical colleges should teach us the value of climate and alti- tude; the chemistry of the human body, the chemistry of foods, the peculiar tendencies, diseases and functions of the body. If we were taught those facts in medical colleges, we could cure people, and people would not talk against doctors, as they do now. Because doctors cannot cure their patients, they send them to mineral springs to be cured. When patients go there and get well, it is be- cause of the high altitude and favorable environments, and not on ac- count of the waters. When there are unfavorable conditions at home, it has a. bad affect upon health. Perhaps it is the work the patient is doing that makes him sick. If he is a bookkeeper and sits all day, the mathematical centres in the brain become weak, because he over-works those centres of his brain. Too much blood is brought to the mathematical centres and they become weak. The blood congests. When the vital centres become congested, Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-97 INSTITU TE OF HU MAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS* SUBJECT-SILICON. there is trouble with the stomach. When the vital areas become congested, there is lack of nerve force. No energy is transmit- ted. The mechanism is weakened'. T7e need all the knowledge we can get in order to cure people. We- need electricity and all the "elegies"- combined, and still more. We need knowledge of diet, and still more. We never can know too much, when it is a ques- tion of health. We cannot cure a man who is filled with impurities by putting poison into him. T7e must eliminate those impurities. Silicon is needed when a. patient thinks that something, or some- body is after him, K man who suffers from Silicon hunger is in the same kind of condition as an electrical motor that has run it- eel f out. Now he sleeps so you cannot wake him; then he cannot sleep. When he tries to talk to you he tires quickly. He thinks there is some disease at work in his system. I believe that if we would supply oatmeal, egg yolk, Neurolin, and Marjoram tea. in abundance, to men, they would never commit self— abuse. Put such patients on a heavy oatmeal diet, egg yolk diet, Marjoram tea; give them cold applications on the central section of the body; sudden cold applications and plenty of massage; tell them to go on top of a high building and go through all sorts of massage; let the sun shine on the nude body, let them fall in love, and they will soon be cured. Weak kidneys require a Silicon diet. The function of Silicon is to keep parts in a first-class alkaline condition. A Silicon hunger patient complains of being cold on the left side. Put a St. Vitus dance patient on a heavy oatmeal diet; keep him away from schorl; put him in a. room all by himself and keep that room dark; let him sleep much; pay no attention to him; do not talk about him, because when he hears, it his ailment will grow worse. Chorea is a Silicon symptom. We call it a disease, but it is nothing but a symptom, a result of a wrong diet. You cannot massage Silicon into a patient, but give him a Silicon diet together with the treatment. A Silicon patient always stag- gers to the right side, never to the left. Silicon is needed when the canals of the body close up (stenosis). When a patient cells you that his arm is upstairs and his foot is down in the basement, he suffers from Silicon hunger. Silicon is needed when a. patient craves stimulants. When we know the symptoms and ailments peculiar to Silicon hunger, we know the cure. The cerebellum, in times of pregnancy, works like a factory. That is also the case in a Silicon hunger patient. There is a peculiar cerebellar pulsation in the pregnant mother; also in the Silicon man. F-98 A man. who does not have Silicon in abundance in his system and be- comes a father, does not transmit himself properly. That is one cause of defective offspring. Tie should give to our children the best we can give them* It is better to give children health and character, than it is to give them a million dollars. Supply Silicon for the teeth in growing children. The word, "Phosphorus-" means - to carry light; *phos u means - light; "phor Ui means — to carry. Carry light, or intelligence. It is the element of intelligence. The Silicon element works- in membranes, bones, ligaments, skin, teeth, and solid tissue. Phosphorus works in the brain. If there is no Phosphorus, there is no cerebration. If your patient suffers from headache, put hot applications on his head. If his headache stops then, it is a sign that he lacks Sili- con. Massage will .not cure that kind of headache* One peculiarity of patients is, that if anything is wrong with any part of the body they always carry the hand to that, part, unconscious- ly. You may be sure that is where the trouble is. If it is his head, his face, the sexual system, he carries his hand there. An insane man carries his hand to his head* He tries to think. His eyes are wide open, as if something is wrong. Coming insanity has this symptom also. When you see a little boy on whom, all at once, there is a heavy per- spiration on head and face, you know that Silicon is lacking in that boy. ■ w"hen you have studied hard and have been deeply interested in your studies, at last the brain gives out and you do not care to think, or study, any longer. Your enthusiasm disappears. You lose interest in your studies. V/hen you know those symptoms, you know there is a lack of Silicon and lecithin. A Silicon hunger patient feels that he is going insane. He is sure of it, and you cannot make him believe otherwise. Suppose you want to experiment; you take your patient and give him foods high in Sil- icon and no other foods and keep that patient on that diet and watch him. Ask him all sorts of questions. The constitution that fcacks Silicon is the one to experiment with. You must not take a Sili- con type. If I wanted to experiment, I would take a man who al- ready suffers from excessive Silicon consumption, and therefore Sili- con hunger. Simply stuff him with Silicon foods. Then write down those peculiar symptoms which he never had before. fthen you exper- iment that way, you will learn things you never knew before. It certainly is interesting. The more you understand types of people, the more interesting those experiments become. Remember that Silicon is found in the outside, or in the peelings, which is usually thrown away. TThen we peel off the outside, we cut away all those important elements that the Almighty put there for us. And when we get sick, we think we can get well and healthy by patron- izing drug stores. Ttfhen the housewife peels away all the important elements, and feeds us only the inside, she cooks us into the hospi- tal • All foods that enter the human machine should be organic, because we are organic, so everything must be organized. We should go to the Ccpyright, 1921, by V, G. Rocine. F-99 INSTITUTE _QF HUmAN NA m U PE ST UDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. CQflRgE-FOODS. & C HEMICALS. SUBJECT-SILICON. vegetable and animal kingdoms for everything we need in the w&y of minerals. Do not let anyone lead you to think that Vitamines are found in the juices of foods. The juices are fine: but they do not con- tain the Vitamines. Everything that produces life contains the Vitamines. If you eat the raw seels, the principles that germi- nate and grow, you get the Vitamines. If you boil the seeds, you kill the Vitamines. If you eat boiled food, you eat dead food. If you eat boiled foods you do not get all of the salts. If you do not eat the seeds raw, then you do not get the Vitamines. The Vitamines are always in the seeds. You get the Vitamines in egg yolk, if you eat it raw. FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: BARLEY, (UNPEARLED) - is one of the best Silicon foods. Never eat pearl barley, because almost all of the salts have been taken out. Get the whole barley and buy a mill, and mill the barley yourself. Some barley preparations are hard to digest. If there is a ten- dency to fermentation in the system, you should not eat barley. Then eat oatmeal. If you are somewhat fleshy do not eat barley. Eat oatmeal; it will make you lean. Barley will make you fat. If you must put on flesh, and it your kidneys are strong, eat bar- ley and you will gain flesh. If a, patient has sores in his mouth, put him on a heavy barley diet. Give him barley drinks. If you are lean, a barley diet makes you fleshy* If you are fleshy, ycu can reduce on an oat- meal diet. OATMEAL - If you are a Desmogenic type, you are active in the brain. Then you would gain on an oatmeal diet. Oatmeal is the highest Silicon food there is- Silicon is on the outside of the grain, and not on the inside. Be sure the oatmeal you eat con- tains Silicon. RICE — is very low in salts, and low in Silicon. It is inferior to oatmeal. ASPARAGUS - The best asparagus is found in California. There is no corrosive acid in asparagus. It contains Silicon, to a cer- tain extent. BEECHNUTS - contain nearly 3$ of Silicon, CABBAGE - is an interesting food. Sauer-kraut is better than cab- bage, as it contains more Chlorin. Sauer-kraut is excellent for the nervous system. It has a cooling effect upon the brain. The Oxypheric has too much heat i"\ the blood, nerves, and brain. The Oxypheric is an active talker .nd uses his brain, When the those salts.. But if we eat too many the sugar, we may have trouble. That into gas. F-100 brain is on fire, the liver and the nerves are also on fire. This is excess of Oxygen. The brain and nerves are turning up. They need" sauer-kraut and mulberry juice in abundance; also perspiration to get rid of some of the heat. They must tnir. that heat in the liver and the blood' into steam, or perspiration. Put them to sleep, and give them plenty of sauer-kraut, or any food that reduces heat. CUCUMBERS - If you eat too many cucumbers you may suffer from neu- ritis. But cucumbers is a. good, cooling food. FIGS - are high in salts and sugar. You find plenty of worms in figs, You find worms either on the outside, or on the inside, or both. If you eat figs, you will eat worms, but that does not make any difference. The fig worms can never hurt you. We should eat figs: because they are rich in figs and cannot take care of extra sugar may be converted HORSERADISH - is a stimulating food. It stimulates the brain, blood and tissues. ^Te should not prepare horseradish in vinegar. It is better to grate it and prepare it in a more natural way. It does not contain much Silicon. If you have a taint in your system, and want to drive it out, horseradish will drive that impurity to the Surface of the skin, and may produce eczema as a result. If you suffer from eczema you are healthy, or you need vegetable salts. Horseradish drives impurities to the surface of the skin. LETTUCE - contains Silicon, in addition to other salts, and is a good food. MILE - Pasteurized milk is not a good food. Pasteurization kills the Vitamines. It is a bad practice. Instruct the milkman to wash his hand and clean his pails, and have the cow washed, so that every- thing is clean before he milks. If a germ gets into the milk, there will be millions of germs, because germs multiply tremendously in milk. There is very little Silicon in cow's milk, but there is more Silicon in goat's milk. Goat's milk is closest to mother's milk. It is high in Chlorin and lactic acid. That is the reason that goat's mi He passes through the alimentary tract in a little baby, while mother's milk may constipate the little bowels of the baby. Evaporated goat's milk is a very fine product. The real goat's milk comes from the Toggenburg goat. SPINACH - is low in Silicon. STRAWBERRIES - are high in Silicon and contain many salts. They are also rich in Sodium. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-101 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICA LS. SUBJECT-MANGA NESE REMARKS : Manganese is one of the elements in the human body, hu- man tissues, in the secretions, and utilized by the functions. MANGANESE, ITS NATURE AND CHARACTE RISTICS : Manganese has the same relative influence upon the human tissue as it has on metal ware, and' as it has on metals in general. If the human body is well supplied with Manganese, the various tissues, cells themselves, and the nerves, become more ductile, tensile, elastic. If the Manga- nese element is lacking in the tissues, in the nerves, in the cells, there will be stiffness in the cells, also. It will nc J only be stiffness, but also inactivity in the cells. The man is dull in his reasoning; his memory is poor; he is not able to express his ideas nor handle his knowledge so successfully. His mind is some- what dull; he is stupid; his mentality, receptivity, or brain cells, do not respond. If the Manganese element is lacking in the school boy, or school girl, she is not able to understand. The teacher thinks that the girl is not up to the mark, that there is a screw loose, or some- thing lacking in the girl, or boy. Manganese has a very import- ant affect upon the brain, as we will see later on. If Manganese is lacking in the brain, there is never that conscious vibratory action in the cells themselves, there is never the re- sponse; never the transmission of knowledge from cell to cell. There is a certain photographic process going on in the cells them- selves. A man said the other day, that he had reached the limit in his investigation, and told us that the brain cells themselves never last longer than about six months. The fact of the matter is that the life of the cell is only six weeks. This is the length of life of almost any cell. So soon as a cell dies, a new cell must take the place of the one that died. You can readily perceive that, when cells die by the millions, almost every day, there must be some kind of photographic process going on in the brain; that those associations, experiences, facts that we have learned may be remembered, for if they were produced by those dead cells, we could never remember, never learn anything. We learn, perhaps, a certain fact at the age of seven, and remember that fact at the age of ten, fifteen, twenty, fifty, sixty, or one hun- dred years, showing that facts and knowledge, etc., are not for- gotten, although cells die each day. How does it happen that a* man can remember a certain fact all his life, considering that cells are dying by the millions every fleet- ing moment? How is it that we remember that which we learn, con- sidering the fact that the cells die all of the time? There must be something behind the cells, the knowledge in the cells, the memory in the cells, the feeling in the cells, the passion or im- pulses in the cells. Yet, these cells are dying every fleeting moment. Although the cells die, we retain our memories. Here is where Manganese comes in to help the living, pulsating soul to carry out that photographic process by mean fe liver. The grape juice, or the wine, or the grapes, if eaten or drank continually for a. long, long time, eventually would overcharge the liver with arsenic, and it would interfere with health. 7. Are lledeic people long- lived? A. - Medeic people sometimes cling to life like cats. A Medeic man may die all of a sudden with- out' any warning whatever, or he may live until he is ninety cr one hundred years of age. No one can tell how long he will live. It all depends upon the activity of the impurities which he has in his body. That miasm may become very active all of a sudden and send him into Eternity, just in a. few days, perhaps from pneumonia, or from paralysis, or some other ailment* 8. Does tea or coffee interfere with the good health of an Exesthe- sic man? If so, what should he drink, and how much? A. - Coffee and tea drinking always interfere with every individual, no matter what type he may be. Coffee makes the stomach or the tissues acid in every instance, and tea acts upon the nerves and the brain, un- favorably. Drinking at meals, or drinking at all, is nothing but a bad habit. It is not necessary to drink. If he must drink* why not drink distilled water and fruit juices, i.e., juices from ber- ries? 9. When physicians inject "Serum 11 and "Vaccine "• into patients to kill germs, would that not have a bad effect upon the patients? A. — r would advise you never to let any physician inject any serum nor any vaccine into your blood. It is much better to manufacture your own serums, and so far as smallpox and vaccine are concerned, vaccine will never protect anyone. It is nothing but a medical fad. 1.0. What is your theory as to why neuralgia affects a particular nerve? A. - Any nerve that is acid will ache, Wherever there is acidity in or around a. nerve, there will be neuralgia, and wherever there is a pressure upon a. nerve, there will also be neuralgia- If a nerve is starving there will also be neuralgia. Hherever there is inflammation in a nerve there will be neuralgia. 11. Why can certain animals live indefinitely, especially in nor- thern, climes, on one and the same food? A. - Because that same .food supplies all of the elements that are necessary for that animal. Copyright, 1921, by V. G, Rocine. F-115" INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS &. CHEMICALS . SUBJECT-FLUORIN. Fluorin is an important chemical element which helps the human or- ganization. It is usually found in combination with Calcium. Al- most all foods that carry Calcium, also carry Fluorin. Because it does not unite with Oxygen, it becomes a protective element. Oxy- gen has two functions: (1) Constructive, and (£) Destructive. Oxygen builds up and it tears down, or destroys. That seems to be the work of Ox}rgen in the universe. So soon as anything dies Oxygen picks it to pieces, out if Fluorin is present, in tissue, fibre, bone, or tooth, it is impossible for Oxygen to do destruct- ive work. Oxygen cannot decompose a bone, or tooth, if Fluorin is present. That tooth, or bone, becomes lasting. We should supply the Fluorin foods to all children, when they are growing up; when the teeth are being formed; when the bones are growing; when all the solid fibrous tissues are being formed. Oxy- gen builds up, and it also destroys us. If it were not for Fluor- in, our teeth, our bones, our solid tissue, would not last very long. There is a strong affinity between Fluorin and Calcium, but none between Fluorin and Oxygen. Those two elements; Fluorin and Oxy- gen, are opposites. They are repulsive to each other, the same as- people are repulsive who are of the Marasmic and Oxypheric con- stitutions. Fluorin, Sodium, Sulphur, and Phosphorus, are the elements that have a great deal to do with life. If any one of those elements is lacking, life is not complete. If little chicks die when they are young, Fluorin, Sulphur, Sodium, or Phosphorus is lacking. If either one of these elements is lacking in an egg there will be a weakness in the chick. Fluorin that has been organized into tissues, is organic. We are constantly eliminating some element. We are using Sodium every day in the year. We break down Chlorin every minute. We require Fluorin e-;ery hour of the day. Certain diseases are burn- ing up certain elements in our body. Calcium is used by many of thy physical functions, as, for instance, in the bones and the teeth. Calcium, which is organized into bones, is organic; Cal- cium used by the functions has not received any name. We call it, functional Calcium, or free Calcium. Almost every element of all of the sixteen elements found in the human organization has two functions to perform, viz., (1) an or- ganic function, (Z) and a functional. This is also true in re- gard to Fluorin. If there is a lack of Fluorin in some bone, there may be excessive growth in some special part of the bone and not enough in another part; then, bone metabolism becomes erratic- If Fluorin is lacking, there may be ulceration. If it were not for Fluorin, Calcium would fall apart like wall plaster. The skull of a man who died of syphilis will crumble into a. hundred pieces. But take the skull of some other person, say of an Exes- the=iic, and that skull never breaks. The skull of a man who dies F-1T6 of syphilis is like wall plaster. When we get hold of a skull in which Fluorin has been separated from Calcium, we know the person died of syphilis. Fluorin has; an important function to perform in combination with Cal- cium. Fluorin is an organization agent in bone. It acts upon Cal- cium just about like a cement, and holds all the cells together. It holds together every little bone cell. The Fluorin also builds a hard surface around the outside as a protection against Oxygen and all sorts of bone enemies. Bones and teeth have come to us from pre-historic times-. 1 once had hold of a skull that was said to be ISO, 000 years old. It was the skull of an Egyptian woman. The anatomists fixed up a picture of her as they imagined her to look during life. They labeled :'t, "•This lady lived 120,000 years ago."' We have proof that bcnes and teeth are almost indestructible, with Fluorin in combination with Calcium. The spleen cannot perform its function properly unless a certain amount of Fluorin acts upon the spleen. There are certain spleen diseases which could be cured very quickly if you supplied the Fluorin element, in the form of food. If children suffer from hip disease, or decayed teeth, give them food rich in Calcium, and Fluorin. Fluorin and Calcium must act together in teeth, bone, feathers, hair, and all sorts of elastic tissue. If we do not supply Fluorin, in connection with Calcium, it is impossible to build good bone, teeth, or solid tissue. For hip disease, supply foods rich in Calcium, Silicon, Albumin, and Fluorin. Fluorin is a twin brother to Calcium, it organizes lime and kills the germs that thrive in bone and joints. You cannot build bone or teeth without material. You may call in a doctor when you are sick, and his treatments may help, but do not forget the food that your system needs* You cannot build good teeth and bone of coffee, doughnuts and cake. You cannot baild a strong body of vegetarian dreams. You cannot become an efficiency man by the eating of crullers, rolls, starch and candy. You cannot build muscles of cream, nor motor nerves of butter. If you suffer from varicose veins, eat Fluorin, and breathe fresh air, and take exercises. When you give the veins exercise, you must massage upwardly towards the heart. Go in the same direction when you exercise, as the blood flows. The blood flows towards the heart. It flows from the arms toward the heart in the veins. It flows from the head to the heart in the veins. It flows from the feet to the heart in the veins. If you take massage always go in the same direction as the blood flows in the veins. Here is a val- uable point for masseurs. To build perfect bone and teeth, begin with Fluorin before the teeth are gone. The right time to build teeth is when the child is be- tween the ages of three and fourteen years. There is no pus formation where Fluorin is at work. Fluorin kills parasites. It prevents excess of heat in some special part of the system. On the other hand, if there is a lack of Fluorin, there Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-117" INSTITUTE OF HUliAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 'LECTURE NO TES. GOTRSE-FOOD S- & CHEM ICALS. SUB JECT-1LUQRIN . will be too much heat in one bone and not enough heat in another bone. One part will be feverish, another part will be cold, and some other part may suffer from something else. . There is no equalization of heat, when there is a lack of Fluorin. . Syphilis breaks down Fluorin. When a man suffers from syphilis, and a medical man cures him, he only kills the germs. Cure him with diet or he will never be cured". Medicine cannot drive: a taint out. Supply- the food elements that are necessary*. In order to overcome syphilis, we must absolutely supply Fluorin and keep supplying it until the miasm is gone. The only way to cure syphilis is by cell-building. You must build a new man. You .can never drive it out of the cell, because, if a miasm is in the cell,, that miasm will stay. You must build a. new cell, to take the place of the old cell. There is no food so valuable in times of pus formation, or tuber- culosis, (which is nothing but a pus disease), as goat's milk. It contains Fluorin, in greater quantities than any other milk. Ivlore Fluorin is in the milk of Toggenburg goats than in the Nubian goat Still less Fluorin is in sheep's milk. Cow's milk contains only a trace of Fluorin. People are giving cow's mill: to their chil- dren and drinking it every day, and yet we are told there are forty million germs in one teaspoonful (1 cc ) of cow l s milk. And they feed this diseased milk to tuberculosis patients. The milk of the Saanen goat, and of the Toggenburg, is high in Fluorin. You cannot find a better Fluorin food for your babies. We would never suffer from toothache if we had a perfect enamel. No pus can form under the roots of the teeth, if Fluorin is sup- plied in abundance. There could be no decay of teeth. There is one country, of which it is said that it has not had one case of tuberculosis during the past one hundred yeers, and that country is using goat's milk in its national baby diet. They are feeding their children goat's milk. Don't you think it is time, here in America, to start using goat's milk? Everyone, every- where, ought to have at least two Toggenburg, or two Saanen goats. Consumptive hospitals should have at least one hundred Toggenburg, or Saanen goats, and they should have fresh air in abundance. Instead, those consumptive patients sxe put inside of four walls, where there is dead air, and given cream and egg white. Tuberculosis pus, vaccination pus, and syphilitic pus, break down Fluorin in the body. The people in Chicago are compelled to be- come vaccinated. That is said to be a protection against small- pox . If you were not subject to smallpox before vaccination, you will be subject to it afterwards, because your Fluorin is broken do^n . Fluorin works against tuberculosis pus formation; syphilitic pus formation, and vaccination pus formation. Vaccination does not take so easily if you have plenty of Fluorin in your body. Ycu can vaccinate Exesthesic people, yet the vaccine does not always r~ii8 take, "because they usually have plenty of Fluorin in their bodies. There are certain constitutions in which vaccination does not take, because Fluorin is there to protect against pus* If we had any sense, we would not introduce tubercular, syphilitic, nor vaccina- tion pus; into our bodiesj. If a. Pargenic falls, he may break his bones, because his bones are brittle, on account of lack of Fluorin.. If you are an osteopath, and get hold of a Pargenic patient, you must be careful how you set her bones. Fluorin has everything to do with bone metabolism. Firmness is the faculty of bone-building, A man who lacks Firmness- has soft bones, or is almost boneless. The Neurogenic man is weak in Firmness, and very strong in Idealism; hence, he cannot build bone. Almost all Neurogenic people suffer from bone disease. They are always weak. There is something lacking in the tissues. If your bones are small, if you suffer from ?:eak bones; or from bone disease - supply Fluorin, Fluorin protects Calcium. You cannot build bones, unless you do heavy work. Shoulder heavy planks and carry them a distance, and you reach the bones. You cannot build heavy bones by sitting in an arm-chair and dreaming about love and moonshine. If we increase Fluorin, we increase bone formation. If we increase the capacity of the system to take up tri -Calcium phosphate, we can build bone. A man 100 years old writes a book and says, the reason he lived so long is because he ate potatoes all his life. From this you con- clude that potatoes is the best food for old-age. Also, a lady, 105 years old, says she lived that long because she never took a bath. We do not live long because we never take a bath, nor because we eat potatoes. We live long because all needed elements are supplied in the body. Take Fluorin and Iron out of the diet of a beautiful young girl, and she will grow old at once. She will soon have many wrinkles in her face, and will have no strength. Fluorin preserves health, strength and vigor, and makes us young. A lady goes to some beauty culturist and gets some of her "smear 11 and thinks she is beautiful, but she fools no one but herself. I have nothing against beauty culturists. I believe every woman should do all in her power to stay young, beautiful and attractive. But she must fall back on the material that the Almighty has supplied. The secret of youth is Fluorin in abundance* If you fall back on a. scientific diet, you find that you can retain vigor, strength, and youthfulness, and that you will look young when you are old. If you are 80, you will look 50, and while you live you can keep healthy. If we know those sixteen chemical elements that the Almighty has put into our system, we can defy sickness, death and old-age for a long time, and can maintain our health while we do live. If we live on- ly forty years and are healthy, we are better off than to live 70 years and be sickly all the time. Vaccinosis, (we do not mean vaccination), is a disease which is the result of vaccination. A man is vaccinated and the vaccination takes-. Later, some hidden disease develops in him, and he does not know just what it is. He is simply sick. It is caused by, and is the after effect of vaccination. You cannot feed sufficient Fluorin to every constitution. For in- stance, it is impossible to give Pargenic people enough Fluorin, Cftpyraght,' 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-119 INSTITUT E OFHmi^N NATURE STUDIES, C HICAGO, ILUKQ JS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. • SUBJE CT- F LUORIN. because they suffer from Fluorin hunger. Fluorin acts upon the meninges and inflames them. When Fluorin is excessive, they are fond of wines and fatty foods. They are always hungry, no matter how much they eat. They cannot remember, they have to reason out everything for themselves. They may suf- fer from religious mania. Their eyes are red. If you see a Fluorin patient once, you will never forget him. Put a patient on a heavy Fluorin diet, and he will develop a religious mania. Every man should pray. Praying does not do any harm, but at the same time we must not forget the element that is needed - Fluorin. Uhen the meninges become inflamed, disease sets in at the surface of the brain, in the gray substance, resulting in insanity. We have many such patients in the asylums to-day. What is being done for those poor maniacs? Y/e do not even know why these pa- tients are there, nor what has taken place in their systems. Ex- cess, or lack of the Fluorin element, is likely to result in insan- ity. . , Fluorin patients tell me that they felt as if they were divided in two. The vision was disturbed. Excess of Fluorin disturbs the eye structure. A patient was taken to Macon, Missouri. The doctors there could do nothing. He was sent to other places, and lastly brought to me. I placed that patient on a. heavy Fluorin diet, and on foods rich in formic acid and he began to improve. But for this diet, he would be in the asylum to-day. If we eat rightly, we will not suffer much. If we do not eat rightly, we will suffer. Diet will not do everything, but anyone who has anything to do with human health, should study quantitative food chemistry and chemical diagnosis. In a Fluorin hunger patient, the mind is stupid. Motion makes him worse. The Magnesium hunger patient is better when in motion, but the Fluorin hunger patient feels better when he sits down, or lies down. Osteopathic treatments that reach the spinal respiratory- center, will help him, A doctor, whom I know, who was a Fluorin hunger patient, would forget his patients, and what he had given them from day to day. He even forgot their address. Yet he was taking a memory course The Fluorin hunger patient feels there is a dark mental cloud hang- ing over him; he feels that somebody is after him. He has a mean disposition; even if he tries to please, he feels ugly at heart. He feels s.s if he has not the normal use of his brain. I have ex- perimented and found it possible to change the disposition, by diet One Fluorin hunger patient thought that he heard voices for a long time, £. Fluorin hunger patient may say that there is a storm in- side his brain# He knows it is not so, but, at the same time, he knows it is there. F-120 When Fluorin is absolutely lacking, he may think that he is a wonderful genius in regard to investments •, He believes evil, ugly beings are living in him. He may say that he has a. good spirit, and a. very bad' spirit inside that control him alternately. Then, we wonder why such people commit crimes, or suicide. There are various brain ailments when Fluorin is not there to protect itr Those poisons begin to -work on the brain and give rise to strange send unusual symptoms. These patients believe they have tome wonder- ful power. They may think their tophead is in heaven, and that they can see what is going on there. We think those people pi e crazy, but it is simply toxins at work, because of lack of certain, chemical elements.. When you can diagnose the symptoms of several people who suffer from, the same trouble you can see just exactly vThat element, or elements are lacking. Carbonic acid has its symptoms. Excessive coffee drinking has its symptoms. Look at a, man who drinks whiskey, or eats tobacco. Does he not become peculiar? Every poison has its disease symptoms, Every toxin has its symptom. Germs generating their toxins in the body also produce their peculiar symptoms. Lack of Fluorin, or excess of Fluorin, has symptoms. which we call characteristics is often the result of some chem- ical element, toxin, habit, food, drink, gas, etc. All those pe- culiarities, of individuals that we call imagination is not imagina- tion, but symptoms which the doctors seldom understand. 13. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH FLUORIN PEOPLE ARE BEST AD APTED: The Fluorin -man is interested in revivals. Many people of the Fluorin type become strongly interested in contemptible occupations. Many specialists specialize in those functions that are disturbed in themselves. A doctor who suffers very much from indigestion be- comes a specialist in digestion and diseases of the stomach. That holds good also in regard to those people that take up revivalism. They are afraid of the devil. A man may become a specialist in sexual diseases because he suffers from that ailment himself. That which we suffer from mostly, we study mostly. We become more deep- ly interested and study that subject. They become mediums and be- lieve that, the spirits are shaking hands with them every day. The vibrating neurons in the brain cause diseases of the brain. A peculiar thing about Fluorin patients is that they want to come in contact with the nude human body. In the Fluorin people the faculty of Spirituality is very active. If you want to develop psychic power, start in with a Fluorin diet, and that faculty will become very active. JT patient suffering from tuberculosis in any form, or syphilis, or scrofula, or any pus disease, lacks air, or has low oxidation. We cannot force one single speck more air into our lungs, however, much we breathe- All we can do is to fall back on a diet that contains the salts that attract air from the atmosphere, or go to a higher al- titude. Then air is attracted into our system to a. greater extent. K higher altitude is the one thing we need when we lack air. When the air is more attenuated, and we get into a higher altitude, there is greater effort of the respiratory centres. The medulla Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-I2I INSTITUTE OF, HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT- FLU OR IN. Becomes more active, and acts upon the lung cells, and the whole respiratory system makes greater efforts at aeration. A patient suffering from a tuberculosis ailment should be sent to a higher altitude, not to a. sanitarium room. Do not go into a sani- tarium with s.uch sickness. We cannot get air in a- sanitarium, re- gardless of the altitude. You cannot change altitudes in a sani- tarium. You cannot get fresh air within four walls and below a roof. You should not put a tubercular patient, a Pargenic patient, a scrofulous patient, or any patient in whom oxidation i£ low, in- side of four walls. "When you are in a sanitarium you are below a roof and within four walls. The Almighty's sanitarium is the best. If the dura mater of the spinal cord, becomes weakened, .a.s it will do in times of Fluor in starvation, there is much danger of some kind of spinal disease. The dura mater lies close to the brain. Fluorin must be supplied so that the function of the cerebral and spinal membranes will be protected at all times. If Fluorin is not supplied, inflammation sets in, or Calcium is likely to harden, leading to brain trouble. This inflammation may go to the brain and cause insanity. Hence, Fluorin is needed. If we supply Fluorin constantly that can never happen. There is a bean that is called the caroba bean. It is very valua- ble, if made into bread and all sorts of food preparations. This bean contains certain valuable principles that will drive out im- purity from the system. If syphilis gets the upper hand in the system of a Pargenic man, because Fluorin has been used up, this can be helped by sarsaparil- la. tea, and by a high Fluorin diet. Pargenic impurity eventually results in tuberculosis. A young man of eighteen or twenty years of age, is reckless, consequently may contract a disease. He goes to a. doctor who kills the germs, but the taint remains. Suppose you have a glass of distilled water and you drop one dirty bug into that water; then you kill the bug in the water with some drastic poison - Is that water clean? Is not there a taint left in it? That is true also regarding sexual diseases; the germ is killed, but the taint remains. If. a person suffers from venereal disease and the doctor simply kills the germ, the taint is left. The germ poison, the impurity, the taint, or miasm, is left, and has gone, perhaps, into every cell of the brain, perhaps into the blood and the nerves, and all through the system. TJhat was to prevent it? We must fall back on those materials which enable us to send that impurity out and build a new man. The taint remains until it is driven out. If a man suffers from a venereal disease, that taint will be there until it is driven out. That is what we mean by taint. Just a few symptoms will enable us to know that a taint is there. The com- plexion may be coppery in a man who has a: taint like that. Another point is Iodin, which we should remember in this connection. It has a. great deal to do with oxidation. . Iodin is fine for goitre* Also, Iodin is important when there is trouble with the generative function; there is also weakness in the cerebellum, and trouble with the eyes, if a. man lacks Iodin. Pargenic impurity has its weak knees. There is likely to be ulcers in the long bones, or trouble with the eye sight. There is a numbr ness in the thyroid gland, and weakness in the cerebellum. The man has surly moods. He may not talk to his wife. He dislikes her. You see, there is reason for all those symptoms. I was once almost forced to see a lady who had very peculiar symp- toms, and a strange disease. I did not want to go as I did not un- derstand the sickness. I was talking to her for a couple of hours, when suddenly she wrinkled up her nose and wanted to know what that terrible smell was. It smells, she said, like a pig-pen. I asked her if she had ever been near any one who had syphilis. She said she delivered a baby two years ago that was decomposed, and from that time she was not the same any more. She had that taint in her sys- tem. Then I knew what to do. If it had not been for that one symptom, I would not have been able to help her. T HEN A FLU ORIN DIET IS NE EDED: The spleen is hungry for Fluorin. If you ever have a patient who suffers from spleen ailment, supply foods rich in Fluorin. The spleen cannot perform its function without Fluorin. The hair falls out in bunches when Fluorin is needed. All at once a whole bunch of hair falls out and maybe the eyebrows fall out al- so. Fluorin and Sodium are the two elements that enable us to utilize Calcium. The Calcium element cannot be organized without Sodium' and' Fluorin. Sodium keeps Calcium in solution, and Fluorin orga- nizes it. If there is a lack of Fluorin, there will be too much Calcium in this place, and not enough in another place, nor can the Calcium, element be organized. When a man's voice is goat-like in voice vibration, there is lack of Fluorin. When there is a lack of Fluorin, there is a tendency to pus: forma- tion. When there is a lack of F3,uorin there is also a lack of Oxy- gen; hence, the patient suffers from low oxidation in the tissues. There are many different forms of rheumatism. Rheumatism caused by a lack of Fluorin is characterized by numbness. All children who lack Fluorin are clumsy. The house-wife who lacks Fluorin will take a set of fine china dishes, carry them out, and perhaps drop them on the floor. Students deficient in Fluorin cannot pass examinations, perhaps be- cause there is a. lack of Fluorin, Phosphorus, and Sulphur. It is better to throw the books aside and eat the right kind of food, and get the thought factory in good condition first; then come back to- morrow. When there is a lack of Oxygen in the system, the brain cannot act. Copyright, 1921, by V. CF- Rccine. F-122T INSTITUTE OF H UMAN NAT U RE S TUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINO IS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMIC ALS. SUBJECT -FLU ORIN. A young lady only twenty years of age, is trying to live on dough- nuts and coffee. After a few years trouble develops somewhere in her system, she goes to a hospital. The surgeon cuts out some- thing. After leaving the hospital she is sick again. She needs another operation because her kidneys are loose. That surgeon never thought to ask that lady what she ate. Coffee, tea, white bread, bacon, pie, and other similar foods constitute the diet of that poor girl. One lady in whom Fluorin was lacking, told me she could hear roos- ters crow at great distances. When lime in the body is not being organized, Fluorin is lacking* Keeping Calcium in solution is the function of Fluorin and Sodium. When the Fluorin element is absolutely lacking, it produces that kind of symptoms that we describe here. When another element is lacking, as, for instance, Sodium, there will be a combination of symptoms. Those are "indirect* symptoms. A Fluorin-hunger patient can hardly wake up. You could almost carry him away, yet he does not wake up. A Fluorin-hunger patient has trouble with walking, dancing, or when he is in motion. Even though he does not speak, he is ugly just the same. Lack of Fluorin interferes with literary ability and capacity, and with the intellectual faculties. The Pargenic patient is a very poor speller. There is a swelling on the neck in Pargenic patients. A patient I was examining told me, that as he sat and looked at me, I looked as if I was ten miles away. When a patient talks like that, you know that Fluorin is lacking. There are no healing properties, in the bones, in the Fluor in-hunge:- patient. If you have a patient suffering from bone ailment, sup- ply him with a Fluorin diet, Fluorin organizes lime. Lime can- not be taken up by the bones when Fluorin is lacking. Fluorin acts upon the lime cells, helps to organize the lime cells, and makes the bones more strong. When saliva runs from the mouth, it shows a streak of idiocy. When a man walks around with his mouth open and the saliva runs from his mouth, it is usually too late. You see such patients in the asy- lum for the insane. Thore is a decomposed odor issuing from the body of a Fluorin star- vation patient. F-124 The head of the Fluor in-hunger patient is so sensitive, that so soon as anything touches him he gets sick and fussy. If you vaccinate a, Pargenic man, you have something to answer for. A good doctor would not kill anyone. A pain in the ball of the eye, is one symptom that proves to you that you deal with a Fluor in-hunger patient. The face, tophead, and neck are greasy* If a Pargenic patient takes a. bath, he becomes sick. When the discharges are yellow, the patient has the Pargenic impurity at work in his system. That miasm affects the bones, because, when Fluor in is not normally at work in the bones there is also a. lack of Sodium in the system. Then, when there is much moisture in the atmosphere, the bones swell and the patient is gouty. That same thing happens if you take a barrel of unslaked '■ ime and place it where there is considerable moisture - the lime be- gins to swell. That happens also in the bones. All Calcium pa- tients are susceptible to moisture. That is the reason those pa- tients should be placed in a dry atmosphere. The tuberculosis patient, the Pargenic patient, the Isogenic man, suffer from the same kind of Calcium ailments. They should go to southern California. I do not know of any better place. There is no moisture there. Only ten inches of rain fall there per year, (during January and February). There you find dry sand, and a temp- erature that rises from 90 to 105, 110, 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun is pouring down and boils the very bones. At the same time, there is a breezy current at night. But during the day it is hot; yet no one suffered from sunstroke in southern California. In Chicago we have cases of sunstroke, but not in California. That is the place we should have a sanitarium for that kind of patients. If you put cold applications] on a Pargenic man, his ailment is aggra- vated. I would not advise a Pargenic patient to go to that sanita- rium where they turn the cold hose on nude patients. If there is anything a Pargenic, or Fluor in-hunger patient cannot endure, it is cold applications and cold baths. In the Fluorin patient, the eyebrows are bushy, the hair is pointing in all directions. He is better in the morning, but not in the evening. He says he feels a pain in his eyes going into his brain. The perspiration from the Fluorin-hunger person is sour, and the foot- sweat is unendurable. Some of those structures around the bones, and many of those mem- branes, are more or less affected, because of lack of Fluorin, I wish you would take a look at the tongue of a Pargenic patient. You would find it very dark, and so thick that it fills the entire mouth. Oxidation in the bones and brain is always deficient in the Pargenic. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Pocine. F-125 INSTITUTE OF HUL/1AN NATURE STUDIES, CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJ ECT-FLU O R IN . It seems there is no system nor order about a Fluorin-hunger pa- tient. His wife has to take care of his belongings, because he drops one article here and another there. He throws his hat in one corner and his coat in another. He scatters things all over the house. It takes him a long time to answer a question, but when his brain starts, it goes on by its own momentum, He feels that no woman can be trusted, and that no. man can be re- lied upon. He has no faith in humanity* Those symptoms are not exactly distinct Fluor in-hunger symptoms, but they are transcient symptoms; they come and go* They are not permanent. They are caused by something else, in addition, The teeth in the Pargenic man are never uniform; one tooth is too wide; another tooth is too narrow; one sticks this way, another points that way; one is too long, another is too short. The teeth and the tongue tell the story. When he walks he totters as if he were drunk. Then he may walk two or three blocks and totter again, perhaps fall. The voice is deep down in his throat. ; : These are a few symptoms peculiar to the Fluor in-hunger patient. There may be others, besides Fargenics* who suffer from lack of Fluor in. They have those same symptoms, perhaps in milder form. 0™CIPAL^ FLUORIN FOODS: Uhen we permit little children to run in the streets, what do they learn? Here is one boy who has a. bad habit which he teaches to your son. Every child, perhaps, has a bad habit which he teaches to your child while he is in the street. Thus, your boy is gaining in criminal knowledge. When he comes in, it is very likely that you give him food that contains no Fluorin, nor Sodium. FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: BROTH, Cartileginous - All bone joints contain Fluorin. When you buy a bone joint be sure that you get it from a young animal* Put all the greens you can into that water with the bone joint, and let it simmer, very slowly, for about six hours. Do not cook over a fast fire and send the Fluorin up to the ceiling where it is not needed. Save it for your bones. Get hold of greens growing in swamps; they are rich in Fluorin. Seagrass is rich in Fluorin. The seagrass that grows where the water is green is high in Fluorin. CAB3AGE - contains Fluorin. As a general rule, we can say that all sorts of food that contain lime also contain Fluorin to a cer- tain extent. You do not find much Fluorin in cabbage. Red cab- bage is rich in other salts, as is white cabbage. F-iae CAULIFLOWER - This is another kind of cabbage. There are many dif- ferent species of cabbage, but all contain Calcium and a small per- cent of Fluorin. GOAT'S CHEESE . - contains Fluorin- Anyone who eats cottage cheese should be sure that his intestines are in good condition. The cot- tage cheese we get comes from cow*s milk. Germs are very active upon cottage cheese; also upon the intestines. Cottage cheese al- ways affects the intestines. Almost all cheese is high in ash contents and low in Fluorin. But goa.t l -s cheese is high in Fluorin; also in ash contents. Goat's cheese contains more Fluorin than any other food, with the exception of some of those seagrasses. This is the reason why goat's cheese and goat's milk cottage cheese, and goat's milk are so valuable in times of bone construction. ROQUEFORT CHEESE - is high in ash and low in Fluorin. COD LIVER OIL - is medium in Fluorin, but high in ash. COLAX - comes from a certain sea in Japan. It does not help consti- pation much* but when Fluorin is supplied, germ-life must go. Lack of Fluorin results in pus formation in the intestines. You will have to be a very skilful osteopath to cure a patient when there is a lack of Fluorin. Massage treatments are valuable; also electric- ity; but, at the same time, never forget diet. Never forget the ma- terial that is used in building and repairing the body. We must not forget the scheme of the Almighty. But we do; that is the trouble with us. We forget the chemistry of food, food salts and food combinations, and depend upon surgeons, doctors, osteopa- thic treatments exclusively. A doctor in Colorado , when I told him to take up diet to cure his patients, said, tt Well, where would a doc- tor be if people knew how to eat? u If people knew how to eat they would not need doctors. FISH, BLACK BASS - All greenish fish contain a. certain percent of Fluorin, but if you cook the fish, the Fluorin goes up into steam. SPINACH - The hot-house spinach is not so good, because it is cover- ed with manure, and is full of germs. Do not eat the spinach rais- ed in hot-houses. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : 1. What causes people to talk in their sleep? A. - Intensity of nerve and brain. 2. wliat is the cause of excessive dreaming? A. - Toxins in the brain, or in the blood, acting upon the brain cells. 3. What is indicated when a patient walks and strikes his foot against some obstruction and a. cold sweat seems to break out from every pore? A. - This is lack of Combativeness, or Courage. His nerves are shocked. Copyright, 1931, by V. G. Rocine. F-127 INSTITUTE OF HUIviAN N ATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEk lCALS . SUBJB CT-IO DIN. IODIN, ITS NA TURE AND CHARACTERISTICS: (a) Under the influence of Iodin, the brain becomes more active. Iodin affects the function of the brain more favorably because it helps to neutralize all toxins, that may possibly up into the brain. The thyroid gland in the throat secrets Iodothyrin. If the thyroid secretion is not thrown upon the blood, all of the toxins that may be in the blood, as it passes into the brain, will affect the brain. The thyroid gland guards the brain. It guards against all of the toxins that otherwise would pass up into the brain and cause dis- ease, insanity, decay of the brain, softening of the brain, and many other ailments of a mental nature. Iodin, and the thyroid gland with its secretion are there to guard the brain. If a child is not sufficiently supplied with Iodin food, and with thyroid secretion, the child becomes feeble-minded, and cannot study successfully in school. The child goes about with wide-open eyes under-lip hanging down, and mucus running out of the mouth. Iodin is an element about which nothing was known thirty years ago. We did not know then, that there is Iodin in the human system. Vie found that out about 1890. Also, we know now that there are six- teen different chemical eleme^s at work in the human organization. Previous to 1890 we wrote and talked about fifteen chemical ele- ments in the human body. But after we learned about Iodin, we began to write about sixteen chemical elements. There may, possi- bly, be another chemical element, but we rather doubt it, because every secretion in the human body has been analyzed. Physiologists, doctors, and chemists have found out a great deal more about Iodin and its influence upon the human organization than they ever knew in regard to any other chemical element. Potassi-* um— iodid is being used in times of tertiary syphilis. When there is not sufficient Iodid in the system, a person is exceedingly sensitive to venereal miasms, or diseases. Iodin has its effect upon syphilis, and other sexual diseases, so much so that when a patient suffers from venereal disease, foods that contain Iodin are of the highest value. If there is a lack of Iodin and Silicon, the lining of the lungs, of the throat, the lining of the bronchial tubes, and a great many other linings are likely to suffer. In times of chronic consump- tion of the throat, foods that contain Iodin and Silicon are very important. After the disease has gone too far, we cannot cure it with an Iodin and Silicon diet, because the system may not assimi- late Iodin and Silicon any more. Whenever you suffer from catarrh, or bronchitis, eat foods rich in Iodin and Silicon, and breathe Oxygen in abundance. It is well to take treatments in connection, also. People of the Hydripheric Constitution, are usually well supplied with Iodin, It is because they are so well supplied with Iodin F-128 that their lymphatic glands are so active. If you wish to reduce eat foods rich in Iodin. That is one of the functions of Iodin, to reduce. When it is supplied to excess, it will reduce obesity. (b) Iodin does not supply the brain with vitality, but it is invalu- able to the normal brain in prevention of toxins. The secretions will destroy toxins that would otherwise pass up into the brain and injure brain function. If the thyroid gland could not secret that important thyroid secretion which is essential for the brain and its function, the person would be in danger of brain trouble. The person who suffers from catarrh lacks Iodin, and many other raits. There are many kinds of catarrh, but anyone who "suffers from catarrh, suffers from a. lack of Oxygen, or lack of some one of the salts; also Iodin. The gland becomes overworked when there is a lack of Iodin. There is an enlargement of the gland. Sometimes that enlargement may affect the eyesight, or sexual system, or the lumbar center in the spinal cord, or perhaps some other organ. Iodin, also, has a. great deal to do with oxidation. Every one who suffers from catarrh, suf- fers from low oxidation, or lack of Oxygen. Tf some kind of metal enters the system, it will pass to some certain part of the body. If it is not organized metal, and an excess of that metal is taken up, the function may become transmuted, and dis- ease follows. Medical men are injecting goat glands. This is only a fad. Sacks of pus under the teeth are there, not because of rheumatism, but, because a person is acid in the tissues; the stomach and secretions are acid. A doctor who understands diet would not tell you to go to a dentist and have your teeth taken out. He would give you a diet to neutralize the acid. Otherwise you may become acid everywhere. Your joints will become acid. You will suffer from gout, rheumatism and other ailments. The doctor should treat that patient with elec- tricity and a. basic diet, and he will render the secretions more al- kaline. (d) The function of Iodin has been studied by doctors everywhere. They are more acquainted with the function of Iodin than they are with the function of any other element. I have read several arti- cles written in Japan on Iodin and its function. I have seen arti- cles written in Germany, Sweden, Austria, and other countries. (g) If you suffer from intestinal trouble, stomach trouble, gas gener- ation, acid stomach, it is because of a high albuminous diet,. If you do not have enough of Iodin, your stomach is acid; if there are al- ready, toxins in your system, egg white, or any albuminous food, may become toxin. That is why, if a person suffers from chronic indi- gestion, or acidosis, or acid formation, or tubercular ailment, we should not give him egg white. Oo not give a patient egg white in any form when he is sick, or weak, *11 sorts of fats, starches, meats, and egg white are dangerous foods. They cause sickness when you live on such foods and neglect Iodin. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-12S INSTITU TE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO,... ILLINOIS > LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT^! ODIN. FUNC TIONS OF I ODIN IN THE ..HUMAN ORGANIZATION: We dig our graves with our teeth. We eat ourselves into our graves. If we knew how to eat, to drink, to live, to work, to develop, I believe, perhaps, we could live to be as old as Methusalah. Scientists tell us that bones last two ..thousand or three thousand years. They tell us the muscles would live indefinitely; that we build a new heart every thirty days. I see no reason why we cannot go on and live. But we must know how to eat and drink. (h) When there is a lack of Nitrogen and Phosphorus; or when there is an alarming increase of Nitrogen and Phosphorus, it results in death. Iodin has much to do with the prevention of death. (i) When we speak of de-mineralized food articles, we refer to foods from which some chemical elements have been removed. White flour is a de-mineralized food product. The principal minerals have been taken out; the minerals are in the bran that is given to the horses. We give that de-mineralized white flour to children. The bran should be left in the flour; then we would get all the salts the Almighty put therein for the normal functions of the body. When the thyroid gland finds no mineral for functioning, it gets sick. Then comes the surgeon with his knife. He cuts out this gland, and that gland. All at once tumors may form. Perhaps the whole intestines may be nothing but a. mass of tumors. (j) The thyroid gland should be well supplied with the thyroid se- cretion. When children cannot get enough of the thyroid secre- tion, they become simple-minded. It is a crime to try to force mathematics into a child's brain when that brain lacks the thy- roid secretion. Give the child Iodin-containing foods, and >ou will not have to try to force mathematics into him; he will study it all right himself, and enjoy it. (k) The thyroid gland does not function in a child before he is two years, three years, or possibly five years, or even up to twelve years of age. Never give a child meat, or the white of eggs, until he is from three to twelve years of age, because the thyroid gland function cannot destroy albuminous, or protein t,oz--ms in the blood of that child. That is the reason the Almighty supplies the little child a milk diet. The Almighty r ' created cow's milk, goat's milk, mother's milk, so the child can get milk in early life. Never give babies food that is rich in sugar. Mother's milk con- tains only four percent to five percent of sugar. * Keep protein out of a child's system until the thyroid gland func- tions. If you suffer from catarrh avoid albuminous foods. That is the time you need a milk diet. (m) The brain cannot take up Oxygen very quickly. Oxidation in the brain is exceedingly slow. The more Phosphorus you have, the slow- er is oxidation in the brain. That is why we need more Icdm in our food when we have a large brain. That is why it is dangerous for us to use our brains when the thyroid gland' is weak. Iodin spurs the brain into action. Under the influence of Iodin, a min is able to expand the lungs more; take in more air and hold it longer. When there is' a lack of Iodin in the system, the range of the respiration is decreased, and the pulse runs up above ninety-five per minute. (o) Iodin increases oxidation in the system, Iodin is creative, or has a. creative effect. It is not the Iodin in itself, it is the a.ffect of Iodin upon Calcium secretion, Calcium metabolism, upon oxi- dation, thgit increase Oxygen in the system. Anything that increas- es Oxygen will also increase the creative power in the system. You know, if you suffer from anemia, you need Iron, Potassium chloride; the Vitamines, and Iodin in abundance. It is very important that you be placed where the altitude is high and the air is breezy in or- der to make the proper use of all these foods. Formerly, medical men recommended Iron for anemia, but, at last they found that Iron did not cure anemia, because,, it was drugstore Iron. That is why the Iron did not cure. They omitted Potassium-chloride, Iron, Iodin, and a high altitude. Anemia is likely to affect ladies of all constitutions, especially if the domestic life is not favorable. Iodin increases oxidation in the brain; hence, it has a constructive effect. (p) We should supply Iodin to growing children. That is one period of life when Iodin seems more important than at any other time. Be- tween the ages of fourteen and eighteen years, Iodin should be well supplied, while vigorous growth is going on. Iodin has a great deal to do with puberty. If Iodin is then lacking in the system, that period comes much later, or may not come at all. If Iodin is well supplied at the time of puberty, blood is made abundantly, and the person becomes more vigorous. Therefore, supply an Iodin diet to growing children; then oxidation becomes more perfect. The sexual functions, and the brain become more complete. (q) Do not go to the goat or rabbit for blood. Aim to manufacture your own serum. The Almighty never told us to go to the sheep, or the rabbit for serum. There is life in blood. The life in a certain individual changes the chemistry of the blood. If you take the blood from one person and inject it into another person, you may kill that person. If somebody offers, when needed,, look him over very carefully and be sure the blood is pure. But, best of all, manufacture your own blood and Iodin,. Iodin has its period, Calcium has its period. To build good teeth start in at the age of seven, or sooner. So it is with other el- ements. Every element has its own period, its own organs* its own functions, and its own faculty. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Roclne, F-I31 INST ITUTE OP HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, IL LINOIS . . LECTURE NOT ES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMI CALS . SUBJECT- IODIN . CONS TITUTIONS IN VJHICH IODIN IS INHERENTLY - EXCESSIVE : Iodin is excessive in no constitution, unless we supply it to excess. No people eat abundantly, foods rich in Iodin. They do not know what foods contain Iodin. Every man should develop his own functions. Nature's work is very slow. It takes nature twenty years to build a man out of a baby, During that time nature *s work goes on more efficiently than at any other period. SYMPTOMS WHEN IODIN IS EXCESSIVE: (1) There are some nerves in the system that are not functioning equally with the brain. The patient goes from one extreme to another. He is first pessimis- tic, then optimistic. At one time his nerves are drawing him in one direction, at another time in another direction, (3) He cannot tolerate anything sharp. If you take up a knife and show him the point, he gets uneasy and restless. He cannot tolerate a scraping sound on glass. It works on his nerves. He does not want to see an animal with bristles. You know Phosphorus is of such a nature that it forms certain ha- bits. If a Phosphorus man or woman begins to think of a certain disease, maybe Hydrophobia; he thinks about it and at last he gets it. He reads of the symptoms of it, and at last imagines he has it himself and pretty soon he develops it. Perhaps dies of it. The brain becomes neurotic. There are many Phosphorus people who suffer from neurotic nerves, even from psychotic ailments. If you tell a Phosphorus man that he is being killed; and another man meets him and tells him the same thing; and then another man tells him he is being killed; at last the Phosphorus man thinks he is being killed and he will die. Some scientists experimented on a criminal condemned to death. They told him they were going to bleed him to death. They blind- folded him and brought a tub of water. Just at the time when one man dropped water into the tub, drop by drop, the surgeon put a sharp knife to one of the arteries of the criminal. He was not cut at all, but he thought that drop of water was his own blood. He heard the doctors talking about how pale he was getting. Be- fore the night was over he was dead. But you could not do that with a Calciferic or Isogenic man; only with a man who suffers from lack of Phosphorus and Iodin. We talk about powerful imagination. That is what we can do with imagination,. We can do that with certain people, but not with others. If it is a Neurogenic man, we can kill him with all sorts of stories. We can make him sick; we can tell him his li- ver is diseased,, and he believes it. It is the nerves working ■ unfavorably on those organs. It is a case of neurotic nerves when a man suffers from Iodin-hunger. He becomes neurotic. It is a morbid disease:-. F-L32 When you talk about disease, he feels that he has that disease. When you talk about a. cat living in his stomach, he believes he has a cat living in his stomach. That is imagination* People like that are psychotic, or neurotic. HE LPFUL HIN TS: (a) If you want to experiment in regard to Iodin dis- eases;, always pick a Pathetic, or sentimental type, one who cries easily,, interested in humanity, a little weak in the heart. But her on a strong TOdin diet and see how quickly she responds to Iodin foods. There are some people who do not respond to Iodin at all, or very little; as, for instance, the Calciferic man or woman are not > ' very sensitive to Iodin foods. In fact, the Calciferic is hot sen- sitive to anything because Calcium resists. The Gale if eric, has that same Combativeness and Firmness that causes him to throw, off any- thing that comes to him. If you tell him something in regard to him- self he contradicts, it. When we deal with a Calcium man, we must deal with him in the way of suggestion. We must say it in such a way as if to insinuate that he believes it. Tell him that, "If I understand you rightly, I think you are in sympathy with so and so" » The same with a Calciferic girl. If she has fallen in love with some man, then you have just simply to force her to marry him* and then she leaves him alone. The more we try to force a man like that, the more he resists. You cannot force a Calciferic man into heaven with a club. . (b.o) If there is an excess of Iodin the eyes go to sleep* The eye- lids fall down and cannot lift<< It is difficult to lift the upper eyelid. That is the Iodin patient. If you listen to the heart me- chanism in an Iodin patient, you find tremor in the heart; also in the nerves. The Iodin patient and the tobacco patient have the same kind of a heart, or heart beat. The Iodin, or Phosphorus patient, would never pass an insurance exami- nation. It is not a" screw" loose in the brain, but brain decay. The brain is deteriorating. In other words, Iodin is degenerating. (e) He is restless and uneasy if there is a deficiency of Iodin. He is first here, then over there. Now he is in the waste basket, then he is up on the desk. Just uneasy and restless. You know the Iodin patient can never sit still. If he sits down he is doing some- thing with his fingers. All sorts of peculiar motions, like a jump- ing jack. You can see little children like that. There is not enough Iodin in the system, and too much Oxygen. You know Oxygen is full of motion. The Iodin is being used up too rapidly. You try to make him behave himself. That is lack of Iodin. A doctor will give him bromin when what he needs is Iodin foods. (f ) Amyloid means - starch generation. He becomes starch drunk. Then he grows heavy. The flesh is hanging over everywhere. That is starch poison. Cg) The anatomy of the body is very peculiar. There sits the thy- roid gland in the throat. The Almighty placed it right there where the blood is going up into the brain, to increase oxidation in the brain. The brain is burning up with Phosphorus. Oxidation is slow between Phosphorus and Oxygen. Iodin increases oxidation. In other words, it sets the brain going. It puts fire to the brain. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Pocine. F-I33 INSTITU TE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES . COURS E-FO OPS & CHEMICALS . SUBJEC T- 1 OP IN , It" increases heat and oxidation in the brain. It arouses the brain cells,- increases memory, intellectuality, and personality. In Iodin starvation, the brain is sick. It is diseased. It cannot think or reason. The pupil is a dull student. If you use the intellect too much, you use up'the Iodin in the thyroid gland, or the Iodin secretion. Then you must fall back upon a strong Iodin diet. FOOD ANALYSIS EXPLAINED: SMOKED SALMON - The amount of Iodin found in smoked salmon and certain other salts also found in smoked salmon, make it a. very good food. That is, smoke! salmon, not canned; not the fresh salmon. Just in smoked salmon. SHRIMP - I would not recommend shrimp because it contains a poison, in the first place, and it will generate a great deal of gas, because it is rich in Sulphur. You find a small trace of Iodin in oatmeal, and in whole wheat, but it is so little. Iodin is not found in Irish moss to any great extent, only .003 percent, yet that is the richest Iodin food. Iodin is found in these foods only in the smallest quantities. If there is any trouble with the thyroid gland; or any trouble with the brain; or with the various nerves, and linings, in the system, then we must fall back upon a heavy Iodin diet. The best Iodin foods are - Cod Liver Oil, Green Turtle, Smoked Salmon, and Irish moss. Feed backward boys and girls who can- not understand anything at school, Green Turtle, Smoked Salmon, and Irish Moss. QUES TIONS AN D ANSWERS, : 1. What can be done for a young girl who is showing signs of a goitre? A. - Place her on a heavy Iodin diet, and the goitre will disappear in the course of a year or two. Give her also plenty of fresh air, and a constructive diet. S. What about numbness when a person sleeps, and then wakes up due to numbness in hands, arms, or legs? A. — Numbness is not a good indication, whether it be numbness in the daytime, or numb- ness at night. There should be no numbness., If there is numb- ness, it shows that some one of the motor nerves, or of the motor centers is weak, and this means that it is necessary to recuper- ate and nourish the cerebellum and the motor nerves, or the motor centers. 3. Will honey reduce vitality the will neither reduce vitality, nor else than one kind of sugar. same as sugar? A. — Honey increase it. Honey is nothing M3£ C. mil honey develop all backhead faculties in the same manner that "it develops the sexual system? A'. - Honey does not de- velop the backhead faculties, and neither does it develop trie sexual system. Eucalyptus honey contains a certain principle that is called Eycalyptol, and this Eucalyptol acts as atonic, or stimulant to the sexual system* This is the reason why we recommend' eucalyp- tus honey in times of sexual weakness* Honey supplies a certain sw.aet, and also certain salts needed by the muscles, and if this sweet is needed, honey helps development* 5. The Carboferic people suffer from sugar fermentation. People with weak Aliment iveness suffer because they cannot utilize sugar. Do they both suffer from sugar fermentation? A. - Yes, if they eat foods that are rich in sugar. If a man is weak in Aliment ive- ness, he cannot utilize very much sugar. Hence, also, he must ex- clude sugar from his diet, i.e., he should not use any more sugar than he can utilize, for if he does, he will surely suffer from gas and sugar fermentation. 6. If coffee is taken away from a person all at once after many years of constant use, does it not cause a great reaction in the body? A. '—Yes, it results in headache, weakness, and general disturbanc- es, but those disturbances are for the better, 7. What is the cause of tartar on the teeth, and how can the tartar be removed and the teeth made white again? A. - The tartar is the result of mineral salts that do not belong in the body, or else the eating of foods that do not contain the vegetable salts which have a soluble effect upon mineral salts. Tartar on the teeth can only be removed by the dentist. The acid which strawberries and raspberries contain, acts upon the tartar of the teeth f - if this juice is held in the mouth for some time, especially by leaning for- ward with the head so that the juice may come in contact with the tartar on the teeth. However, the juice, or the acid in strawber- ries and raspberries would not remove the tartar altogether . Si. What causes cold spots above the knees? A. - When there are any cold spots on the body, you may be sure that the red corpuscles of the blood have been broken down, and that acid is at work on the nerve structures at that very spot. Eat Vitamines, and a strong Iron diet, and also foods that are rich in Iodin. 9. What is the cause of lines in the face? How can those lines be removed? A. - Lack of vegetable salts. Those lines can be re- moved by breathing plenty of fresh air, by retiring at eight o 1 clock in the evening, and introducing foods that are rich in vegetable salts. 10. Which are the salts that keep the cerebellum in perfect condi- tion? A. - Potassium-chloride. 11. How would you keep the cerebellum in a good condition? A. - By retiring early, by taking normal exercises during the day. By living in the hills and breathing fresh air in abundance, and by eating foods that are rich in Potassium chloride. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rccine. /-.i :u ■ INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIE S. CHIC AGO ? HXIN OIg. LECTURE NOTES . COURSE- FOODS & CHEMICALS* SU B JEGT- hSULRHUR » SUL PHUR I N THE M INERAL AND VEGETABLE KINGDOMS: Sulphur is one .of .the most important of the chemical elements'. If it were not for Sulphur we would not be here. There would" be no life without Sul- phur* There would be nothing else than deatho Sulphur has a great function to perform in its relation to life. SULPHUR, ITS NATURE A ND CH ARACTERISTICS: The Sulphur patient is sensitive to atmospheric gases, to heat, cold', to external and in- ternal conditions. Sulphur is remarkable for its changes, its peculiarities, also for its capacity to adapt itself to other ele- mental conditions. That holds good also in regard to the Exesthe- sic lady. She is exceedingly adaptable. At the same time, she is a great deal like Sulphur in characteristics. There is a great similarity between the characteristics of the Sulphur element and the characteristics of the Sulphur lady. 3he has those peculiar Sulphur characteristics; she changes with the weather. In other words, atmospheric gases and conditions have a. great affect upon her. (f) "Whenever Sulphur enters into the human body to excess, or into any metal, there" is but little strength. The steel is not so good if it contains considerable Sulphur and Carbon. The rails are brittle, so that a sudden jerk in the locomotive may break them. If there is a great deal of Carbon and Sulphur in any metal there is not great strength. That holds good also in regard to the Sul- phur lady. She does not have a great deal of strength nor endur- ance. The Sulphur lady is of such a nature that she needs inter- vals of rest. She can work for a while, then she must rest. She should go out into the fresh, open-air. If you have a Sulphur lady for a stenographer, you must not keep her sitting still all the time, day after day, week after week. If you do, you will kill her. Sulphur is an element of variation. This is true of the Sulphur lady* FUNCTIONS -OF SULPHUR IN THE HUMAN ORGANIZATION: There cannot be life without Sulphur in the protoplasm. " Take the Sulphur out of the protoplasm and you have dead protoplasm. Take the Sulphur out of the egg yolk and there is no life in the egg* Take the Sulphur out of the human being, and he will soon die. If there is a lack of Sulphur there will be a lack of bile; there will be ailments with the liver function. There will be a lack of lecithin for the brain. You will suffer from nervous prostration in the course of time, if Sulphur is not supplied. If the Sulphur is broken down too rapidly, you will run into nervousness, or there will be a weakness in the sexual system. If there is a lack of Sulphur, there will also be a. lack of life in the generative substance, and that man will be impotent; he is not able to become a father. The lady is said to be sterile and cannot become a mother. They cannot produce life. Man is the life-giver. He has. greater power to secrete life than the lady has. He is more able to utilize Sulphur in the genera- tive substance. It is because he is created, as he is that he can F-I38 utilize Sulphur to a greater extent. He is the one to start life, and the woman is the one to continue life. In both instances Sul- phur is needed. If Sulphur consumption is too great in a mother, she is unable to become a. mother; she is sterile. If Sulphur con- sumption is too great in a. man, he is unable to become a father. If a man is not able to utilize Sulphur in sufficient quantities and in- corporate it into the generative substance, he is impotent. Because Sulphur has so much to do with the flow of bile, when there is a deficiency of Sulphur, the patient suffers from constipation. Here we have one kind of constipation caused by lack of Sulphur in the liver. Also in the various functions. When there is 8. suf- ficient amount of Sulphur acting upon the liver, there will be a greater flow of bile in the alimentary canal and' intestines, which will become more active. K strong mental temperament, or a brainy man, has great intensity and is burning up Sulphur too rapidly. When insufficient Sulphur acts upon the liver, its function becomes sluggish; resulting in constipa- tion. Constipation may be due to lack of Sodium, or to a lack of Magnesium, and still, constipation may be due to a lack of some BQtl of lubricant in the form of some needed fat. In still another, constipation may be due to a lack of Sulphur. In another kind there may be an excess of fatty acid. Constipation has many causes. When a doctor gives a patient some strong drug for consti- pation, it is not always wise. He should supply that which is need- ed in the system. In order to do that it becomes necessary to un- derstand human types. I supplied a Sulphur diet to a. man who had been drinking grape juice for three years, until his liver became enlarged. He told me that he had been drinking one quart of grapejuice a day for three years. He drank it because he wanted to improve his complexion, and because he wanted to live longer. I told him that . if he continued drinking grapejuice like that for three years more, he would be in his grave, complexion and all. I put him on a very heavy Sulphur diet. That . reaches the liver. That is what Sulphur does when it is abundantly supplied where there is enlargement of the liver, it decreases the size of the liver. Sulphur food is exceedingly good for the promo- tion of bile and liver action. In cases like that,, it is important-. to supply Sulphur foods. The generative substance can never be supplied in normal quantities without a certain amount of Sulphur is supplied in foods. Remember that Sulphur food must not be cooked. Sulphur is a. peculiar element. The mental man, the muscular man, the Exesthesic, the Nervi-Motive, are exceedingly susceptible to all kinds of moisture. A great many animals and a great many people, who are strongly developed in the cerebellum, are exceedingly sensitive to all sorts of atmospheric conditions. Such people feel it in their bones. The}?- say that it is going to rain before night. They cannot give any reason, but they feel it some way. They feel that it is going to rain, and pos- sibly about four o'clock there is rain falling. When a man has that kind of a development, he is a better weather prophet than a me- teorologist. The meteorologist gets a telegram that a storm is blowing in the direction of Chicago. Then he figures, out how long Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocin«. F-I37 INSTITUT E OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO., ILLINOIS > LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JE C T-SULPHUR . it will take that storm to reach Chicago* It may turn out that_ he is mistaken, because some current meets that current, neutrali- zes it, and we get no storm. The Sulphur lady is sensitive to all sorts of currentsand gasesin the atmosphere, because the Sulphur element is a. little too active in her. If you eat too many Sulphur foods to-night, and the same to-morrow, and the next day, and so on, you will, lastly, feel as if you were drunk. You are not yourself. There is something pe- culiar at work within. You feel as if you are food drunk* You do not have full control of your feelings, nor of your brain. You cannot remember dates, nor names ► We should not eat Sulphur foods to excess, because if we do we will net have- full .control of our faculties. If we eat a normal amount of Sulphur, we feel more vigorous. If we eat a little more, we feel stimulated. If we eat too much, memory fails. Ycu can weaken the best memory in the world by four meals of Sulphur food. Cooked Sulphur will have a bad effect, even one meal,, because it is more rapidl}? - converted in- to gas. If we eat an excess of Sulphur, especialljr cooked Sulphur, it will be rapidly converted into gas so that it interferes with oxidation. •If Sulphur is converted into gas, that same gas enters into the red corpuscles of the blood, and fills the hemoglobin, so that the hemoglobin can carry no Oxygen. Coal gas, Sulphur gas, and other will pass into the red cor- puscles of the blood. It will stay there so that the Iron in the hemoglobin of the red corpuscles becomes useless, and we suffer from lack of free Oxygen, both in the blood and in the tissues. Excessive Sulphur results in low oxidation and anemia will result* We may think, sometimes, that diet has nothing to do with it, but it certainly has. If we eat doughnuts and coffee for a. few meals, we will suffer for it. Sulphur is always slow in its action. It" is accumulative; it increases. In other words, if you eat a meal rich in Sulphur, you will not suffer to-night, nor to-morrow morn- ing, but you will suffer later on. Suppose you eat Sulphur to- day, a little more to— morrow, and increase it at every meal: It is cumulative. The more Sulphur you eat, the more you retain, and the more you will suffer later on,, not the first days, but after it has reached its cumulative volcanic action. If you suffer from Sulphur symptoms, there is nothing better than ozone and cold wind. That holds good with Exesthesic ladies* They should go where they can get sufficient of ozone, and where it is windy. When a patient suffers from Sulphur symptoms, he wants' to be fanned. The colder the fan, the better he feels, because Sulphur is worked off by wind and cold J* When you suffer from Sul- phur symptoms, you feel relieved when the cold strikes you. That is the reason that the Sulphur' patient wants the window open and the air very cold. The Sulphur lady likes to take a cold plunge, in the morning* Then, she feels better* Then, the functions F-13S begin to act. The husband of a Sulphur lady said it was just simply impossible to live near her in the morning before she had taken her cold bath, after which she was more pleasing. The medical man says the Sulphur lady is imaginative. He cannot understand her symptoms and ailments. But it is not imagination. This is where we deal, with the chemistry of man, with the symptoms peculiar to the various elements, Iron, Sulphur, Oxygen, Carbon, etc. Each has its own characteristics. The man who eats Sulphur foods becomes filled with Sulphur gas. The food is converted into gas. (d) Keratin contains Sulphur. If there is not very much 3ulphur in the hair, it is black. If there is a little more Sulphur, the hair, perhaps, is dark brown. More Sulphur and the hair is light- brown. Still more Sulphur and the hair may become golden, or red. The red-haired man or woman has more Sulphur in the hair because Sul- phur consumption is greater. And then, there is usually always more temper. There is greater responsiveness in any one having red hair. If one gets angry, he is intensely angry. Sulphur patients usually fall into the hands of nerve specialists, who may doctor them for a long time. But they never think of sending them to a different cli- mate, where they can get fresh, cold air in abundance. The Sulphur lady already has Sulphur symptoms. You find Sulphur products in the Exesthesic patient* (g) Unless the doctor knows about Sulphur constitutions, he cannot measure the Sulphur in the system, because it disappears everywhere. When you perspire there is -Sulphur. Sulphur is passing away all the time from the body. You find Sulphur in the secretions, Sulphur here, and Sulphur there. If children suffer from excessive Sulphur consumption, there will be eczema. It appears on the face, chest, and other parts of the body. If you take that child to a 'doctor, he may smear ointment over it. If you eat too much Sulphur food ail at once, there will appear lit- tle red pimples on the forehead, or perhaps on the top of the head, or under the arm. These pimples will itch. Soon eczema comes, and the doctor gives you ointment to smear on. But it seldom oc- curs to you, or to your doctor, that you have been eating too much Sulphur foody that there is excessive Sulphur consumption.. If a patient suffers from syphilis, and you put him on a heavy Sul- phur diet, there is a. running sore in the middle of some long bone, an ulcer, which keeps running. The more Sulphur food he eats, the more that ulcer runs. Sulphur is driving the syphilis out «f the body. All such foods that are rich in Sulphur, very high in Potash, can drive a miasm out of the body. When a patient comes to you with a running ulcer; if you heal it up, you are retaining that impurity in the bod}?-. Ytfhen you see any impurity or any eruption any/here at the surface of the body, that is not the result of a special diet,. leave it alone. That is another way of curing it. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocino. F-I39 INSTI TUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUD IES, CHI C AGO, ILI.INOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, SUBJECT- SULPHUR. (i)~ You have volcanoes in the bowels of the earth. You have al- so volcanoes in young Sulphur girls* When the Sulphur lady is young, she is likely to fall into bad habits. The Sulphur girl needs watching, not because she is bad, but because she is intense. Sulphur is at work in the liver, in the nerves, in the sex brain. You should never let a. Sulphur lady become a stenographer. She should go up into the hills. She should have variation. Let her sit still at a machine, and she will soon be sick, (.1) There is a great sensitiveness of nerves in the Sulphur lady. The Sulphur lady can live five years in six months- She is highly strung. Sulphur increases as it works. It gets worse s.nd worse. That is the nature of Sulphur. If there is too much Sulphur; if there is not enough of Sulphur; if the Sulphur is broken down too rapidly; the relative ailments are about the same. (m) K Sulphur diet will have its affect upon the hair. It is pos- sible by a. continuous Sulphur diet, to change the color of the hair and the skin, not all at once, but in time. A lady in Daven- port had a birth-mark which I cured by putting her on a heavy Sul- phur diet. We can change the color of the hair by introducing more Sulphur into the diet. He can make the hair dark by intro- ducing more Nitrogen and living in a. warm climate. A high Sul- phur diet and a cold climate always makes the hair and skin lighter . Cn) Sulphur has to do with the regulation of the temperature in the nerves- In all brain centers that have anything to do with sensation, Sulphur is. necessary. There are certain centers in the body that are called heat centers. There is a heat center in the wrist, in the ankles,, in the small of the back, in the neck. When a. person suffers from cold all those centers should be pro- tected. A lady who suffers from sexual weakness cannot sleep well, alwaj's.. She should not go without warm covering around her neck, wrists and ankles. If we supply a diet rich in Sulphur and Neurol in great quantities, and place such a Patient in a climate like southern California, we improve her. Co) You never yet found a pugilist among Exesthesic men. A Desmo- genic pugilist could whip twenty Exesthesic men easily. Great Sulphur consumption never produces great strength. Cp). Sulphur and Carbon make instruments brittle and almost useless. The same thing is true in the human organization. The Sulphur lady can never use her brain as well as the Calciferic man. The Isogenic can study for hours without fatigue. Look at our Edison. That is always the case when a man has a great amount of Calcium. in his Constitution. But the Exesthesic man can never study like the Calciferic or Isogenic can. An Exesthesic cannot do a great deal of scientific or philosophical work, because his brain would give out . F-140 TRe Sulphur lady has a small-sized liver. I" have helped to di'.sreet six Exesthesic people, and the liver was small in each one cf then. The liver in some types is three tines as large as the liver in some other types. The Isogenic manufactures brain substances, faster than the Exesthesic. The Exe&thesic man is weaker sexually than the Isogenic. (qO Wherever life is at work there is Sulphur inaction. If you cook an egg, boil or fry it, you kill the life principle. Life can- not stand great heat, nor great cold. Even a very high altitude will have its effect' upon life. There are certain animals that never breed in high altitudes-. We can stay in a certain altitude a certain length of time; that altitude which is not for us, however, we must go away from, and go to that altitude which is the one for us-. Great heat favors life. Louisiana, Calif ornia r Egypt, or any warm climate, has a constructive effect upon the vital organs. If a person, at the same time, will supply himself with foods contain- ing the Vitamines, he will gain in youthfulness. Send a girl to southern California-, and her charms will come back. She will in- crease her matrimonial possibilities, especially if she will fall back upon those foods that will give her those elements she is in need of. But if she lives on bccon, sausage, pie, cake, pastry, doughnuts, coffee, tea, she will lose her charms, even in California. IT you cook Sulphur food it is mainly converted into gas. Boiled Sulphur is of no value. In some foods, as, for instance, German sauer-kEaut , you can boil the Sulphur and the boiling does not hurt it. When you have a great deal of Chlorin and Sodium in food to protect Sulphur, you can eat Sulphur in cooked form. Cs) Without Sulphur there is no sensation. Sulphur itself has a great deal to do with nerve life and nerve nutrition. When the Sulphur element is lacking in the nerves, in the secretions, when it is not acting upon the brain, there is a lack of sensation. The Sulphur lady may have her faults, but she is very highly organiz- ed just the same. The Sulphur type is one of the highest types. That is true of all people who have the Sulphur element well organiz- ed into their tissue „ and acting upon the secretions and upon the brain. If you want to drive out a miasm from the body, remember that you must first fall back upon a heavy Sulphur diet; also a. Potassium diet diet. Potassium has an influence upon certain miasms. The Potas- sium and acid found in red currant, or currant juice, will drive miasms out of the body. Sulphur has its affect upon syphilis, and will help to drive it out. There are certain elements that we must fall back upon in times of disease like that. If a man suffers from syphilis, he needs a heavy Sulphur, Chlorin, Fluorin and Iron diet. In the course of time that man would improve constitutionally. (u) Phosphorus is used in the soul, or psychical process in mental life and soul expression. The intellectual man uses Phosphorus very much. The Atrophic man, who may be as weak as a baby, may be ma- terialistic, may not believe in anything, but he is scientific and philosophical, though there may be no soul life in him, nor about him. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-I41 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CH IC AGO « ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHE MICA LS. SUB JECT -SULPHUR . Your wife may have the mental side of her nature well developed. The intellectual process does not crave very much Sulphur. But the mental processes require a great deal of Sulphur. Sulphur has a. great deal to do with Phosphorus, and with the psychical pro- cesses* Sulphur and Phosphorus unite in mental life and expres- sion. Where Sulphur is srvbive in an organization, you may be sure chat you find soul life and emotion. Where only Phosphorus in at work; where only the intellect and will faculties are a2 work > there you find the materialistic mind. Wherever Sulphur consumption is great, the mental life is great, also there is a greater soul, or, at least, the soul is more active* If you experiment on a man of high soul life, and take away from his diet all Sulphur foods, that man falls in soul intelligence. His soul and social faculties sink- I did it once. I measured his head and tophead, which measured fifteen inches when I started the experiment. When I was through, it measured thirteen and one- half inches. It had sunk two inches. The backhead had sunk al- so. You have the soul at work in the backhead, and in the top- head. A" man strong in those brain parts believes in religion. He does good in the world. When all those faculties are strongly developed, they crave Sulphur. There also you have Phosphoro- psychical processes at work. But in the materialist you do not find so much Sulphur at work, nor so much soul life. A man with nothing else than intellect is nothing but reason. He reasons away Heaven, hell, and everything else. Reason demands reason, but the soul does not need reason. It is no use to ar- gue religion with a. materialist. To be religious, a man needs a soul first. The soul is more active in one man than in another man- The soul is more active in a woman than it is in a man. As a general rule, men do not go to church to any great extent. The church is usual- ly full of women. Women, as a rule, are more religious than men. If a. mother was not religious, what would the next generation be? What would .become of morality? The Almighty grafts religion into the race through the mother?. (v) When there is a lack of Sulphur, the soul is sick. A" man is sick in the brain. There you have sickness that cannot be cured with any medicine, nor any kind of treatments. There you need something else. (w) R great many men will fall in love with the Exesthesic lady. Exesthesic ladies are very attractive. We become fascinated by her, but if a man marries her, he finds it difficult to live with her, because she is too highly developed for him. Ladies like that do not belong here below. They belong in heaven. There are too many disagreeable things here below. She is blamed too much. In the Exesthesic lady, you have a. lady like a, harp with, a thousand strings. She is certainly interesting. In her Sulphur consump- tion is great. (x) When Sulphur consumption is great and a person eats too many Sul- phur foods;, the excess of Sulphur: is converted into gas; gas and" acid are retained in the body. The Sulphur' lady is always acid. It is gasr of a Sulphur nature that enters into the red" corpuscles and" in- terferes with oxidation of the blood, and makes her exceedingly ner- vous and irritable, She suffers from nervous diseases. Those ner- vous ailments cannot be cured by anything else than a basic diet and ozrcne. The Sulphur lady needs Ozrone and cold wind* There is no—. 1 thing better- for Sulphur acid, or gas, than double Oxygen,, or. ozone. Oxygen is an element that works in conjunction with Sulphur. Where Sulphur is active, Oxygen will also be active. Also,. Oxygen is re- quired' in abundance* The greater the Sulphur consumption in the body, the more Oxygen we need. The more Sulphur food we eat, the more ozone we need, also cold wind to play upon us. and the more ex- ercise we need'. Sulphur always- comes- to the surface of the body in times of great Sulphur- consumption.. When Sulphur and Phosphorus are at work, a. great deal of Phosphorus, is broken down, also Sulphur. Then, Magnesium is neededV (y) The Sulphur lady is not exactly a nervous lady. She is uneasy.. There is too much heat in her nerves.- If a man marries a Sulphur lady he should take her to the hills. Nitropheric people are affinities to Sulphur people,, not physical, so much as mental affinities. The Nitropheric makes the Exesthesic an excellent mental affinity, but they do not give rise to vigorous- offspring. If a Sulphur lady marries an Isogenic man, she has bet- ter children, but she will quarrel with him. Caa) When there is electricity in the atmosphere the Exesthesic feels uncomfortable. If she gets irritable, look for a thunder- storm, It is interesting to compare these things. You will be surprised" at those laws a.t work unseen, in the very atmosphere and soul of man. (ac) Nerves irritated all of the time produces a dissatisfied mind. (ad") Sulphur types are always highly emotional. A normal amount of Sulphur in the body and secretions, acting upon . the nerves and brain cells, is better than many volumes on eugenics, ^JXITOTION^ - (a) Excessive- ■. Sulphur is excessive when too much Sulphur is taken up and- too much, is broken down». If a. Carboferic person eats a high Sulphur diet, there would be no Sulphur symptoms, because Carboferic people cannot • take up and utilize Sulphur. When Sulphur is taken up and utilized in the body> and the supply becomes excessive, certain Sulphurous products are formed in the system, which results in Sulphur symptoms. At all times when there is excess of Sulphur, there is a love, of change and variety. At one time there is complaint, at another op- timism, at a third time, pessimism. At one time a lady is in high spirits, high, health, and, perhaps, in a. few hours, she feels uncom- fortable, and then there is always much temper, At one time love rules,., at another time she could tear out the heart of her husband. CTopyright, 1921, by V. G\ Rocine. F-I43 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE - FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JE CT Z SULPHIJR . At one time she is full of fear, at another time she is courageous., at still another time, timid as a rabbit. At one time she is peaceful, then quarrelsome; at one time she jumps with joy, then becomes very depressed* At' one time she is as proud as a Spaniard, at another time she condemns herself and her every ac- tion, and feels as- little as an earth—worm. At one time she is . exclusive, at another time familiar, then liberal, then selfish. A J ' : . one time she is economical, perhaps even stingy. This is Sulphur, or changeableness. and variety. The Sulphur lady is something like the moon, she has all sorts of changing charac- teristics, and yet she herself is not changeable. You know it is not in the soul of the lady, it is not in the will, nor in the reason of the lady that all of this takes place. It is in the disposition, or in the temperament. They say people are tempera- mental, when, in fact, the only temperamental lady we have is the Exesthesic,. and it happens only when Sulphur is in excess. Sulphur consumption is the very thing that produces such character- istics. At one time the Sulphur lady would punish you, at another time she would forgive you. At one time she is kind, and then she may be cruel. She is something like the moon.. The moon is always on the increase or on the decrease, and this is how the Sulphur lady is; she is either on the increase or on the de- crease. At one time she loves her husband devotedly, and at another time, perhaps in five or ten minutes, she takes him by the hair. But she does not mean any harm by it, because such actions are simply Sulphur characteristics,, nothing else than passing ex- plosions;, a little steam going up, that is all. She is something like the fireworks on the fourth of July. Fireworks make consid- erable of noise, but there is no harm in them. So also in regard to the Sulphur lady. There is considerable mental fireworks, or considerable of powder, but no battle. She means no harm; she is harmless. She is also very proud, and easily hurt. If anyone is an actress she is, If you are married to a Sulphur lady, you do not need to go to the theatre; you can have a theatre right in your home. She is just as true as she can be, and just as well-meaning as she can be* This holds good also in regard to the Exesthesic man. He has that kind of changing and varying characteristics.. At one time he thinks his girl is the finest woman in the world, and may- be in two hours he does not want her, or, at least, he wants her to stay away; maybe to-morrow he is just as deeply interested in her again. A Sulphur man loves by turns. This does not only hold good in regard to characteristics, but it holds good in re- gard to diseases, also. The diseases of the Sulphur lady are just as varying as her charac- teristics. The diseases in the Sulphur lady are constantly chang- ing, newer and newer symptoms come up. She has all of those " symptoms, varying symptoms in a short time, and the physician who attends to her cannot understand what is the matter, or what kind of sickness she suffers from. In the Calciferic man the diseases are very pronounced - , and very chronic, which means very distinct .; but diseases in the Sulphur lady hide just the same as Sulphur hides. Sulphur is an element that hides itself, it hides its symptoms, its peculiarities; so that the physician who attends the Sulphur lady does not know what she suf- fers from. It seems that she suffers from something different to- day than she did yesterday, and hence, also, when a medical man has charge of a. Sulphur patient, he changes the medicine as the diseases change, and he becomes, also, a Sulphur doctor. Because, all the symptoms she suffers from to-day differ from the symptoms of yester- day/ and call for a different kind cf medicine; to-morrow the symp- toms differ again and call for still another kind of remedy, and in two or three days something else, and in that. way he is seemingly made a. fool of, and his science amounts to nothing, but simply be- Cc.use he does not understand human types. If he were acquainted with human types, he would know when he was dealing with a Sulphur lady, or with a. Sulphur patient 9 . and he would not pay attention to that kind of symptoms. These are Sulphur symptoms, peculiarities* or Sulphur at work in the system. You know Sulphur is an element that is sleepy and sluggish in the morning, and Sulphur ladies are also sleepy and sluggish in the morn- ing. They do not like to wake up. They sleep best in the morning, but in the evening they are active and wide-awake. The real day of the Sulphur lady commences about eleven o'clock. And if she eats breakfast at eight o'clock, she may be sick, or be bothered with her stomach, liver, pancreas, or bile, or some function in the body during the day, more or less. In the morning, the Sulphur lady is usually hard to please. By noon she feels good-natured. It is difficult for her to love her hus- band in the morning, but she can love him in the evening. It is . not she; it is the Sulphur. She is sick but she cannot help her- self, because she is under the influence of Sulphur; there is some- thing unexplainable that is holding her, and she does not know what it is. Sulphur is fitful, volcanic; that is what the Sulphur lady is also. She does things by fits and starts; she is a lady of variation. She certainly is interesting. She is deep, fastidious, sometimes volcanic. The husband who understands the nature of Sulphur, knows she is under the influence of Sulphur and pays no attention- It is a theatre to him, and she is the actress. You see, when we under- stand human nature, we make allowances; we say to ourselves, this is why that man acts this way, and that woman acts as she acts; they do that because they are under the influence of Sulphur. K great many Sulphur patients have a counting mania. When they suf- fer from nervous trouble, they may lie in bed and count every flower on the wall— paper. Sulphur inflames the faculty of Calculation, and they are compelled to count, and count, and count, and keep counting. They are only fair in mathematics; it is just a sort of counting mania. K great many of them„ when they become nervous through the excess of Sulphur, have spells of ill humor, but they do not mean any harm. Say nothing to the Sulphur wife; simply let her Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine . F-145 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAG O , ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUB JECT- SULPHU R. go on and act until she is through, and soon she acts differently. She will come and throw her arms around" you and kiss you, and say that you are the finest husband" in the world, and then she cries", and wants to make love. She is peculiar in the sense that in times of peace she makes war, and when war comes, she is ready to make peace « When everything is peaceful and joyful, she. wants trouble; and when war commences, when' the husband gets angry and feels like fighting, she becomes cured and implores for forgiveness That is Sulphur, it is not she, it is Sulphur* C.f) She usually always has dry hair that crumbles, and draws itself together like elastic. You can pull it out like a. rubber- band, and when you let go it curls; it does not break because it is very strong,. She usually always has an excellent growth of hair between the ages of about 14 to about 32, and after 32 her hair begins to fall* A great many Sulphur patients complai mouth, due to a great deal of Sulphur phur which is not utilized is convert into the red corpuscles of the blood, and prevent the normal Iron function reason she has that Iron taste in the that taste in her mouth,, she also run she rushes to the windows and throws holds her mouth open, as if she is dy cannot get enough air because Sulphur the hemoglobin and prevents the red c blood* Sometimes she has an inky ta has been drinking ink. This is the n about an Iron taste in the in the system- That Stal- ed into gas, which will pass enter into the hemoglobin of the blood. This is the mouth. And when she has s short of Oxygen. Then them open very suddenly and ing from Oxygen hunger. She gas. has taken possession of orpuscles from oxidizing the ste, she feels as though she same sjnnptom. In summer, during July and August, when it is very sultry „ she is not able to get enough of air. The liver becomes too sluggish and she craves for something sour. Then she goes to the grocery store and buys canned pickles. In July and August,, Sulphur ladies -eat pickles. She has a strong development of Ideality, so Sulphur, that prevents her from becoming sense. If she has a fault or shortcoming, one to know it, and she does everything pos people from knowing anything unfavorable ab band, about her children. When the liver, creas, spleen, blood and brain all become t person may drink beer. He feels relieved, spires until the entire bed is wet. Then, into steam. If the heat were not converte go crazy, or get sick, or commit some terri It is Ideality, and al- happy in the full she does not want any- sible to prevent other out her, about her hus- stomach, kidneys r pan- oo hot, the Exesthesic goes to bed and per- the heat is converted d into steam, he might ble act* We cannot prescribe alike for all people, because one man needs something that another man does not need. It is just the same in regard to work. For instance, hard, sedentary work will weaken a Myogenic man and make him more sick, but it will help the v-zm Calciferic man. The Calciferic man is a calf all his life, in the sense that he can handle milk, but the Myogenic man cannot drink and digest milk. A milk diet cures the Calciferic man, and' makes the Myogenic man sick. If you are a doctor and you get hold of two patient^,one being Myogenic, and the other Calciferic, the. one you may cure, and the other you may kill on a milk diet. Milk is a bad food for the Myogenic man, but it is curative to the Calciferic. SYMPTOMS WHEN SULPHUR IS DEFICIENT: The Sulphur patient gets so very hungry she must eat. She feels as though something is going to happen, she trembles, and rushes to the table, and eats quickly, then she feels better, only to feel worse in about an hour or two. That is a Sulphur symptom. Sulphur is in a rush. IT you are in love with a Sulphur lady, she will rush you to the altar, because she cannot wait. Sulphur cannot wait. There is a vein of impatience in a person of a Sulphur type. There is also more or less tension. Tension in the eyes and eyeballs, tension in the neck, drawing tension in the neck, drawing tension in the spleen, drawing tension in the stomach. The stomach may feel like lead. There may be drawing tension in the throat, so they cannot talk. They may feel as though there is something in the throat, a ball, which the doctor calls Globus Hys- tericus, This ball is nothing but tension in the throat. .. They may suffer from tension in the sexual system, tension in the uterus. Fibroids may form in that organization, necessitating operations. Then, the Sulphur lady is hauled over to some hospital and an opera- tion is performed for tumors. Then they send her home and say that she is cured. If there is a piece left of the organ, tumors form again. The Sulphur lady is under the influence of tension all of the time. Tansion in the brain, tension in the emotions r tension in the passions, tension everywhere. This is why a naprapath is a better doctor for the Sulphur patient, because the manipulations are soothing. Give her the kind of food and treatments that overcome that tension, and drives the Sulphur products out of her system.. Diet will do more than treatments and drugs combined. • She needs air in abundance. She likes to sleep at an open window,-' where it is fresh, cool and breezy. Whenever there is too much Sulphur in the system, there is a. closing of the capillaries every- where at the surface of the skin. Cold air to the nude body re— ■ suits in evaporation of Sulphur gas, and this gives relief. This is also why a Sulphur patient likes a cold bath in the morning. She feels refreshed. She likes to go to the hills, or to stand at the seashore and see the stormy sea at work. It makes her feel ro- mantic. So soon as the Sulphur lady sits still, there is always tension at work, flatus developes; gas in the stomach r and in the intestines, in the blood and brain, or in all combined. It is gas and Sulphur products which are at the foundation of all that tension. Sulphur is peculiar in the sense that it works upon the nerves, upon capillaries, upon the skin, upon the liver, the spleen, and upon the' portal system. The liver and the skin hold Sulphur. I do not know that the red corpuscles retain Sulphur, but the spleen, pan- creas, skin and many secretions retain Sulphur. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rooine. F-147 IN3TITUTS_0F_HLl idealistic doctrines, that man uses the Phos- phorus in his brain. Meanwhile, his body becomes weaker and weaker; at last there is hardly anything left of him but his head. His head grows larger, and larger, and his body grows smaller and smaller. At last there is but a big head, and a little, frail body* He becomes a sort of a. balloon. He likes the clouds. The more Phosphorus that goes to the brain, the more impractical he becomes, and the weaker he becomes in body; Soon he goes above the olouds, where he be- 1 ongs . But the Calcium man is a solid man, a man of deep thought, a man of science, a man who does not believe anything until it is proven, a. man who uses the Phosphorus in the bones. When we understand these principles, we understand why people can sit at the same table and eat similar foods, one becomes more and moi® mus- cular, the second becomes more and more bony and scientific, and the third becomes more and more idealistic. The idealist cures by faith, while the osseous man cures by drugs- The idealist cures through the mind, and the osseous man cures in a material way. When we send our children to school, first look them over and see what make-up they are. The education should begin in the back yard, in the sand— pile, with a wheelbarrow and a spade, with Phosphorus children, while the education of some others should begin with very heavy physical exercises to develop bones. It may even be necessary to get a child to carry heavy planks, so as to develop bone. The ed- ucation of others can, perhaps, begin in the brain. For instance, a child of a Ca.rboferic Constitution, or perhaps Myo- genic, with a rather phlegmatic body, very active physical functions, but rather dull, stupid, train, carnot learn much in school. Mental exercises will never injure him» But a child, on the other hand, who looks as though he were made, of alabaster, large intellect and strong development of the will section of the brain, weak development of the vital centres, and backhead, a small, slender body, should not be sent to school* Every hour while he is in school, inside of four Copyright, 1921, by V. G„ Rocine. F-l^l INSTITUTE OF HUMA N N ATURE STU DIES, CHIC AGO, I LLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUBJECT- PHOSPHORUS walls, he is using his brain, and' is simply preparing his coffin* The longer he is there , the sooner he will die. Phosphorus has a vital and important intellectual function to per- form in the brain, an important vital function to perform in the muscles, an equally important function to perform in the bones, and in the sexual system. A man who lacks Phosphorus is "not ca- pable of becoming a father, or if he does become a father, he will have a defective child . When Phosphorus is not well supplied to the sexual system and to the generative substance, the offspring will be weak, no matter what- that man may know about eugenics. If, at the time of conception, there is no Phosphorus in the gen- erative substance, or if the Phosphorus is used up in his brain principally, or in the bones principally, his child will be defec- tive. Phosphorus has many important functions to perform: One is a generative function; another is an osseous or bone-building func- tion; another is a muscle-building, or Myogenic > or protein func- tion; and still another is a brain-building and brain-sustaining function. The question is - Where do we want the Phosphorus to go? This question we must remember, in regard to Phosphorus, because, if Phosphorus goes to the brain, principally^ it will weaken the entire body* The more Phosphorus that goes to the brain, the weaker will be the man in a physical sense, or the child, as the case may be* If Phosphorous products", are broken down rapidly, a weak liver will not throw them off equally at all times, hence, he will suffer from jaundice, low nutrition, acid stomach, and other ailments. When the liver cannot carry them off, and becomes over— flooded with Phosphorous products, he is likely to suffer from yellow atrophy of the liver, from running of the bowels, per- sistent diarrhea that nothing will cure, bloating, sleeplessness, phthisis. At such a time, it becomes necessary to regulate the Phosphorous function, and send the Phosphorus to the brain, to the muscles, to the sexual system, to the bones, then the trouble in the intestines, and in the liver will soon disappear. When suffering from broken down Phosphorus, stop mental exercise - go to the hills, exercise slowly, go hunting, or fishing. At any time, when you suffer from Phosphorous ailments, symptoms, or dis- eases, go away from your stenography,, from your disagreeable sur- roundings, go to the hills, and eat and drink foods that are rich in Phosphorus, and notice the results. Water purifies itself by its own motion, and the air purifies it- self also by motion, and sunshine. That is the way the air should be, purified before it acts upon the human body* PEOPLE TOO R EQUIRE PHOSPHOROUS FOODS : Why do people require Phosphorous"! oods? We say that idiots require Phosphorous food because their brain cells, themselves, are .so sluggish, that the F-172 brain cells may not make a vibration per month. How can a child like that, or any person like that, understand, anything? Plow can ■ he utilize Phosphorus? But we must supply Phosphorus anyway, and then call his attention to his environments and thus arouse his brain. We cannot use our eyes, nor ears, nor tongues, nor can we exercise emotion without utilizing Phosphorus and developing brain. If you cannot get an idiot to understand anything, hit him so that it hurts and wake him up that way, and he will utilize Phos- phorus. T7hen it hurts, you reach the feelings. You can reach him through the sensations. Arouse his brain, and then supply Phos- phorus, and the Phosphorus will do the wcrk. In any faculty that is weak, there is a low fire of Phosphorus, and therefore, that faculty cannot understand. What does a color— blind man know about color? What does a man know about love who is weak in Conjugality? He may think he is a good husband , but his wife knows better. Among all faculties, if you, or I, or anyone, has a weak faculty, the very best thing we can do is to wake that faculty up in some way, and then supply Phosphorus. Do not try to develop your mind by mere suggestion, for that does not work. You cannot build the Masonic Temple out of moonshine, you must have stone, and bricks,., mortar and Iron columns* So also with mental development. Do not try to make yourself courageous merely by thinking; that does not work. Tackle a strong man and beat hirru Make yourself feel it so that you feel it in your very bones, and you call the fa- culty Combativeness into action, which faculty Phosphorus feeds, when the faculty is in action. Phosphorus is used in every faculty seat of the brain. It is impos- sible even to develop a faculty without supplying Phosphorus first, to develop a faculty, or any feeling, or characteristic, If you try without supplying the material" which is needed by comes erratic, and instead of building it up, you the brain, weaken it. it be- People who imagine mind, memory, reason, emotion, prayer, concentra- tion, etc., can be developed by mere suggestion, and nothing else,. do not know anything about the chemistry of man. For whenever we try to develop, we should not only use that special feeling, charac- teristic, impulse, or thought, but should also supply the Phosphorus, or material, needed. There is Phosphorus, and Phosphorus. The Phosphorus that supports the sidehead; the Phosphorus that supports the intellect; the Phos- phorus that supports the tophead; the Phosphorus that supports the concentration aaid will; the Phosphorus that supports the backhead - are Phosphorus in different combinations. The Phosphorus that you find in honey, for instance, will build up your backhead. The more honey you eat, and the more Phosphorus you get of that kind, the more affectionate you become. Phosphorus, associated with sugar, for instance, develops Parental Love; Phosphorus combined with Cal- cium builds up Firmness, and the bones „ The Phosphorus that you find in fruits builds up the moral faculties, Therefore, it is not a. question, only, of Phosphorus, it is a question of a speciaJ. kind of Phosphorus, when we wish to develop. What good is your prayer if you live on coffee, tea, spices, and whiskey? In one food, as, for instance, beechnuts, you find Phosphorus with Calcium. In another food, _ spinach, you have Phosphorus with Copyright, 1921, by V. GF. Rocine. F-I75 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT- PHOSPHORUS . Potassium. In still another food you find it combined with some other element, or compound. Therefore, when we understand all Phosphorous functions, and the various functions of the brain, dietetics become more Understandable. Then, as dietecians,we do not recommend a milk diet to everybody; and we do not recommend g. vegetable diet to all., nor do we condemn a meat diet; nor do we recommend a starvation diet, either. Sometimes a man is sick, and there is nothing left of him but ' skin and bones* If he goes to a sanitarium, they may starve him, nevertheless-. Think of starving a skeleton I We should build uo such a man, not starve him. There is a way of dieting without starving. We can give a man a diet by means of which the eliminative functions are ac- tive, yet not supplied with solid material* We can put a man on an eliminative diet, and starve him by degrees, yet he may eat from morning until night, as he is being starved. Feeble-minded people are in need of Phosphorus, Their brain is not supplied with Phosphorus, nor is it taking up Phosphorus c If you keep your child in school studying mathematics, at last the brain will twist like a corkscrew, and there comes a time when that child will not understand any mathematical problem at all. Lastly it may die in some asylum. Atrophic people require Phos- phorus, for the reason that Phosphorus is being burned up too ra- pidly in the brain, for which reason there is not enough going to the body. Sterility and impotence demand a Phosphorous diet, also affection. In a warm climate and high altitude, under a Phosphorous diet, you are able to overcome sterility and impotence. Lawyers, doctors, students, and ministers of the gospel who de- liver sermons perhaps two or three times a day, may run into neurasthenia. Then, what should we give them? Dope? K cold hose on the back? Do you think we should supply Phosphorus for that which has been burned up in the brain? Have you noticed, sometimes, when you. talk for a long, long time, how you become overheated in the brain, that your brain is restless so you cannot go to sleep? Why is that? It is because you have used your intellect persistently. Perhaps you argued for two hours about politics, and burned up the Phosphorus in the Causality centre of the brain, you broke down Phosphorous products. If you would take a drink rich in Magnesium, and eat food rich in Magnesium, they would help to eliminate all the Phosphorous products, so that, to-morrow, you would not suffer from ailments, nor from gas. The stomach becomes sour because Phosphorous products are so exceeding- ly sour that they make the stomach sour. If you talk much, you sour your stomach, and to-morrow you cannot digest your food* If you have a small liver, you cannot afford to run into temper, be- cause your liver is not equal to that temper. If you have a large liver, you may cultivate temper occasionally. We cannot think, nor talk, nor cultivate emotion, nor experience passion, without burning up Phosphorus. Phosphorus is the candle of intelligence that burns in the brain all of the time. F-174 The word "Phosphorus" means - light carrier, Phos means -light; phorus means - carrier. Carrier of light. Chat is what Phosphor- us is, viz., the intellectual lamp in the brain, burning, burning, "burning. Phosphorus is the oil that supplies soul light. When Phosphorus is no more supplied, that intellectual lamp goes out, and then we are in the dark, like idiots, INFLUENCE OP AN EXCESSI VE AJJOUNT OP PHOSPHOROUS POOD S ON: - Health - If Phosphorus is broken down too rapidly a man "becomes morbid. The more Phosphorus a man burns up, the more morbid he becomes, and the more sour his stomach becomes, and the more of a dyspeptic he will be. A dyspeptic has very little influence on anybody, not even with the Almighty, because the prayer of a dyspeptic, in my opinion, does not go very high; it is a sour compound. VOCATIONS FOR WHICH PHOSPHOROUS PEOPLE ARE BEST ADAPTED : We have reference here, to that kind of Phosphorous people who have the Phosphorus predominating in brain and body. There are some people who have a small body and a large head; they have the eyes low down in the face; they 'have a head shaped something like a balloon; they have a small body. Soch people, we call Neurogenic, or Phosphorus people, which means no'ching else than that the Phosphorus is being attracted to the brain too rapidly, and being burned up in the brain excessively. In other words, Phosphorous consumption and metabo- lism are excessive in the brain. They are the people who are adapt- ed for such vocations mentioned in this lesson. It is interesting to see where inclinations come from; it is interesting to see why a person takes up certain studies, and why he succeeds in certain occu- pations. HELPFUL HINTS : (a) My points are taken in regard to the Neurogenic man, or in regard to the tubercular man, or any man who is forever using his brain. When Calcium is acting upon the body, it takes a certain degree of Phosphorus away from the brain, and stops the brain action to a great extent. ' If a child is too active in brain, the body is not being built up. The girl, being too slender and bone- less, must be put, not only On a Phosphorous diet, but also on a diet that is rich in Calcium. Calcium is lime, though not exactly, because lime is a Calcium oxide, and may also contain other elements. It is not right to call Calcium by the name of lime, but sometimes it is done. We hear doctors talk about "lime hardening", not a strictly scientific expression. Lecithin is a Greek word meaning ~ Egg Yolk, raw egg yolk. Egg yolk is a compound of the greatest value to the brain, and also to the generative system. Whenever you wish to do your best, to use your brain tremendously; whenever you must have plenty of Phosphorus for that brain of yours, make a drink containing, three, four, five, six or seven raw egg- yolks and drink that, and you will be at your very best. If you want to become a father, and you want a really gifted child, see that youx brain is well nourished, and that the generative sub- stance is well supplied with vitality. Leave your books on eu- genics in your library, and steam up and you can accomplish more. v?e do not say anything against works on eugenics, because they are Copyright, 1921 , by V, CF. Rocine. • F-175 INS TITU TE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CH IC AGO, ILLINOIS . LEC TURE NOTES . . COURSE-FO ODS & CH EMICALS. SUB JECT- PHOS PH ORUS . good in their place, but what we mean is, not to forget the food material needed in a certain case. Study eugenics, science, phil- osophy; we never- know too much, but whatever we do, let us not for- get the food' material which is needed in the human organization for certain purposes and by certain functions* Ozone is brought down from the clouds every time it rains. Dur- ing every electrical storm, ozone is brought low down* During, and after an electrical storm, do not stay indoors:, but go out and breathe, and draw the ozone into yourself. WHEN A PHOSPHOROU S DI ET IS NEEDED: There are always some symp* * toms, ailments and diseases by means of which we can determine po- sitively and scientifically just when a Phosphorous diet is needed. We have a few of those symptoms here, but they are only a few., yet they indicate positively when a Phosphorous diet is needed. We have in our possession perhaps a. thousand symptoms, ailments and diseases w not listed herein, and which are not necessary to have, unless we want to go into all the details of Phosphorus. Millions of men and women are taking treatments for sexual weakness to— day, but never improve at all. Sexuality, to be improved, re- quires a rich Phosphorous diet. Very few people know that the Almighty uses Phosphorus for the purpose of Developing a stronger sexuality. Very few know that Sulphur will give greater genera- tive power, and very few know that Iron and Oxygen are needed' for that purpose* Supply Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iron, Oxygen, Neurol, and warmth, instead of going to specialists, and thereby build up a stronger sexuality, and give rise to greater offspring. Some- times I look at people and think, here is Mr. Weakling, anxious to marry; and here is this lady also anxious to marry; both may be- come father and mother in the course of time. She feels too weak and is afraid to marry, and the man, perhaps, fears the results and hesitates. They may go to a doctor who may be interested only in the substance they have in their pocketbook. In a case like that, eat abundantly of foods rich in Iron, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulphur, and Neurol, and live in a congenial climate, when it is a question of developing a stronger sexuality. When there is a dislike for exertion and work, or when a person al- most never makes an effort except under excitement, Phosphorus is needed. You have heard people say, "Whenever I make an effort, I simply work on my nerves." They feel that way, and speak that way, simply because they are lacking in Phosphorus. When we are burning up Phosphorus too rapidly in the brain, in the nerves, in the muscles, bones, and generative substance, you may be sure that sooner or later Phosphorus will run low. If we do not know how to supply it, sooner or later we become Neurogenic, and are not able to accomplish what we otherwise oould. Self— efficiency . Business men, managers, and railroad executive?! always speak about business efficiency, system. It has never oc- curred to these men that a suitable diet is necessary in order to 2-176 increase business efficiency. Suppose you want to sell goods, as a salesman. You would be able to use your brain more vigorously, to convince your prospects better, to make more sales, if you are under the influence of those food elements that give vim and snap to everything, including Phosphorus. There is an important princi- ple in business efficiency. You never can do your best as a sales- man, manager, railroad executive, without you have those elements in your blood, in your muscles, in your brain, that enable you to use all your energies to the very best advantage* We do not care how strong Self -Esteem and Combat iveness are, if you lack Phosphorus in brain and muscle, you will feel a lack of self- confidence, however powerful you may be; because, when a man is weak, he is simply weak. When he has Combativeness, when he is weak, then he is exceedingly nervous. When Phosphorus is lacking a person looks old. On the other hand, when the Vitamines are supplied, a man looks young. Therefore, an old man can make himself look young, and a young man can make him- self look old by diet alone. I have seen a young man of eighteen look as old as sixty, because of lack of Phosphorus, When a man practices self-abuse, he always weakens the Phosphorous function, 'and he weakens also the function of taking up Neurol for the brain. The brain itself shrinks, and the membranes become weakened and shrunken; he cannot take up Phosphorus. Phosphorous metabolism is low in any man who abuses the sex function, I do not care whether a man goes to excess sexually, or whether he prac- tices self-abuse, it leads to the same result; or whether he eats foods that do not contain Phosphorus, it brings the same results . If he falls back upon a Phosphorous diet, he cures his ailments, and improves his appearance." Phosphorus and Fluor in, and many other elements, should be supplied in abundance in times of paralysis. When a child is slow in 'learn- ing to walk, or is clumsy, falls easily, Phosphorus is needed. It requires a certain degree of strength to control your movements, to control your feet and hands, to regulate the equilibrium of the body, or the co-ordination of the various muscles and tendons, and, if there is not enough of Phosphorus, there is weakness, awkward- ness, clumsiness. Hence, a person who lacks Phosphorus is always clumsy. If he takes hold of something, he breaks it; if he pulls down a curtain, he jerks it down and breaks it; if he picks up a glass case, he falls in the stairway and breaks the case, and his shoulder bone into the bargain. The penmanship of a child that lacks Phosphorus is clumsy and awk- ward, because the child cannot control its fingers, the finger tech- nique is defective in the child, or co-ordination of movements is not complete when Phosphorus is lacking. There are so many symptoms and peculiarities by which we know when Phosphorus is needed. If a ehild does not like to study, or if he studies too much, and wants to study and read, read, read, early and late, until lie becomes a regular bookworm, Phosphorous consump- tion is too great, and nearly all the Pliosphorus goes to the brain. Then, it is time to take the books away from him and lock them up, Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-177 INSTITUTE OF HUL/IAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICA GO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHE MICALS. SUB JECT-PHOS PHORUS. and send' him out into the back yard to the sandpile, and give him a wheelbarrow, and a shovel, in the sunshine. This we should remember when it is a. question of Phosphorous meta- bolism; we can always increase Phosphorous metabolism at a time it is required",. The sun cures. Let the sun fall upon the nude body. The sunlight increases Phosphorous metabolism in the tis- sues, when the body is nude and Phosphorous food is supplied". It is the same when we want to increase Phosphorous' metabolism, or when a man is clumsy and awkward and lacking Phosphorus in the brain. Take off his hat and let in the sunlight into his brain. The brain is stimulated to greater Phosphorous metabolism. Keep the hat off, shave off the hair if necessary. (27) When a child wakes up and screams in the middle of the night, perhaps you call it colic, but it may be caused by a lack of Phosphorus. When there is a lack of Phosphorus, there are flee- ing pains here, there and everywhere. The more the Phosphorus is lacking, the more intense the pain. Cow's milk contains Phosphorus and Calcium, Such milk is well suited for a man who is of a Calciferic Constitution. A" Phos- phorus and bony man is the man who should be given cow's milk in abundance. If a man is slender, has slender bones, and he is in great need of development of muscles, cow's milk is needed, be- cause cow's milk contains Potassium, Chlorin, Phosphorus, and Calcium. Some foods contain Chlorin in an inorganic form, as, for instance, sauer-kraut, which contains 13$ to 14$, which is really nothing else than common table salt. Ham, and many cheese, are very rich in Chlorin, but it is inorganic Chlorin. - In cow's milk we have organic Chlorin. You think that milk is sometimes very constipating. Cow's milk is exceedingly constipating, but goat's milk, or goat's cheese, is not constipating, because goat's milk contains lactic- acid in abundance; it contains Chlorin, Sodium, Potassium, and only 5$ of Calcium of the salts found in goat s s milk. • Every one of us should have a goat ranch and sell milk here,, there, and everywhere- Xt would be a great Messing. Goat's milk is exactly what chil- dren need, nor should it be boiled, because when you boil milk you kill the Vitamines and alter the chemicals. Do not pasteur^ ize milk. Feed children the natural product; never interfere with the Almighty's plan. You do not need to pasteurize goat's milk, because there is no bacteria in it, because it is rich in Potash and Fluoi in, the very salts and chemicals that make bac- terid, feel very uncomfortable,. PRINCIPAL PHOS PHOROU S FOODS: WHEAT BRAN-is rich in Phosphorus,, but where is the person who can digest wheat bran? Another thing, when the wheat bran goes down- into the intestines, it takes up the water in the intestines, locks them up and makes the intestinal walls dry. Instead of F-178 curing constipation, it increases it.' Bran contains colloids. When it goes down into the intestines, in heat and among germs, it becomes germ soil. We do not need to eat yeast either. We are told to eat yeast for the increase of the Vitamines, but we do not need the Vitamines that are found in yeast. We can get Vitamines from nobler sources. It is true that yeast is full of Vitamines, but it is also true that these Vitamines are born of fermentation and spores, unfavorable to the human organization. Why not eat raw egg yolk for Vitamines? Kiere you do not find fermentative en- zymes. In yoast you get germs and ferment; in egg yolk you find llf§, organic salts and Vitamines- BAKLEY - is a food that deserves mention. In the various foods we find various food compounds. In barley, we find a great deal of' Phosphorus with Silicon :"n abundance, also maltose, or malt sugar, easily taken up by the muscles. Barley ferments easily. If the kidneys are weak, barley will affect them. A person who has weak kidneys should never eat malt, nor barley food* Beer made of malt, or barley, should not be drank by a person who has weak kidneys. If a child is growing, and the muscular system is in a good condi- tion, but he is a little lean, you can build the child up in muscle and flesh 'quicker on a barley diet than on anything else, because, in barley, we find Phosphorus, Silicon, Potassium, Magnesium, and maltose. It is a fine food for people who have strong kidneys, and people who are lean. BEANS - contain nearly 39^ of Phosphorus, and over 2>% of ash. That is a fine food for growing children, providing they have good kid- nets. If you give your children beans, peas and barley foods of various descriptions, they will build muscle, bone, nerves, brain, and an efficient generative system, and plenty of Phosphorus will be supplied to all the functions. Whenever there is gas do not eat barley, nor beans. We cannot eat many foods then. Gas must absolutely be neutralized and sent out of the system, because I believe firmly, and absolutely, that there is no indigestion at any other time except when there is gas In the system. I believe that gas Is the only cause of Indigestion. When there is gas in the system there Is a lack of some organic salts. When there is gas in the stomach, eat no food until that gas is neu- tralized. Gas is the meanest thing a patient has to fight. We have come to the conclusion, though I do not say I am right, that about 10fo of all diseases are caused by gas and acidity in the stomach. The intestines will stand still; they cannot act; there is no peristalsis in the stomach when there is gas pressing in every direction. That gas goes into the nerves, into the brain, and the patient feels as though he is drunk, and does not have control of the faculties and nerves . He cannot concentrate. You will live longer, become more efficient, merely by neutralizing intestinal gas- es. The little baby suffers from gas, and gray hair does not escape it. Even the growing youth is sometimes a factory of gas. Doctors usually have a hard fight against gas, even if they do not know that It is gas. The cause of indigestion, heart disease, gout, rheuma- tism, neuritis, is gas and acidity. That weak brain, that lack of Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-179 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTtiaa NOTES, COURSE-FOODS & CHE MIC ALS. SUBJECT- PHOSPHORUS . concentration, weak memory, that weak sexual system, has its ori- gin in gas and acidity. We actually believe that, if we would only fall back upon a basic diet at all times, and supply all those s needed in the body, we could live perhaps twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years longer* In fact, we do not know how much longer we could, or could not, live; but I believe, if we master the question of diet, we may live as long as Carr, 152 years, per- haps longer* Carr did not know anything about diet, he lived much on buttermilk and potatoes, a. real gas diet, FISH - is a good food for the brain. Fish supplies Neurol, Phos- phorus, and Sodium phosphate. The best fish that you can buy is Uniting. Remember that whiting is not whitefish. Do not eat whitefish any more than you can help, or you may possibly suffer from cancer, as whitefish may carry cancer germs. Trout' is al- so rather dangerous fish, and likely to carry cancer germs. In fish, we find Phosphorus combined with a certain valuable fat, important to the spinal marrow, to the fatty substance in the nerves and to the brain. It is often needed in a nervous lady who is high-tempered, unstrung, intense, who burns up the fat and the Phosphorus in the nerves and brain, thereby suffering from neu- ralgia, burning nerves, burning nerve plexuses, hysterics, and prostration. A fish diet often cures her. Whiting is a clean fish, even if it is found in dirty water. LENTILS - Great physical workers should eat lentils. Phosphorus and Potassium phosphate we find in lentils. Lentils support and build tissue. Dried olives, not ripe olives, but sun-dried olives, also olives treated by common salt, contain Potassium, a certain oleic fat, also Phosphorus, which develop muscles and tissue. Give a man who suffers from paralytic symptoms, olives in abundance. We should always eat foods in such a form that we may obtain the organic salts. A food from which the organic salts have been ta- ken, is a disease food. A food that has been over-cooked, as, for instance, cow's milk, subjected to 172 degrees of heat, through pasteurisation processes, that same milk has been altered in its organic salts, and the Vitamines have been killed. If you give your child such milk, you give your child dead food. MILK - Cow*s milk contains Calcium, Potassium, Chlorin and Phos- phorus. Goat's milk contains Fluorin, Phosphorus, Potash, a high percent of Chlorin, also lactic acid. This is a. valuable food, because you find all the blood salts in it. Calcium phosphate, Potassium chlorid and Sodium chlorid, you find in goat's milk and in goat's cheese. These are the very salts that are needed in the blood-, and by the blood, and found in goat's milk in just about the exact proportion. This is why goat's milk is so very valuable. Human milk and goat's milk is very much the same, ex- cept that human milk contains only 45/100 of 1% of organic salts, while goat's milk contains almost 2$ of organic salts; or, in Mt F-180 ... other word's, goat r s milk contains many times as much organized salts" as human milk.. Cow l s milk contains only 7l/l00 of l*f of organic saltsy and these organized salts are principally Calcium. Goat"*s milk contains of' organized salts 1.74^, or several times as much of organized' salts, as cow's milk. Some men say — "Milk is milk and that is all", but there is a chemical difference not generally Known. The Phosphorus you find in cow's milk is, perhaps, that kind of Phos- phorus that builds bone, horns and hoofs, needed by the calf. The baby needs brain. We do heJieve, that you cannot bu;ld brain from cow's milk very successfully. We believe, we must fall back upon vegetables, fish r egg yolk, rye and barley, in order to sustain and build an efficient human brain.. NUTS - Look at the percent of salts we find in nuts. In almond nuts, we find nearly 44$ of the salts found in the ash. Almond nuts support your brain. Suppose you make an egg shake of raw egg yolk, of some kind of alkaline liquid, and then sprinkle grated almond nuts, or walnuts, into the drink; then suppose you eat a piece of baked whiting, and a piece of whole rye bread, and you have the best kind of brain food. Your brain, from such a diet, can solve knot- ty problems, and elaborate the greatest inventions. OATS - You should remember that all foods that you must cook are not so valuable as foods that you can eat without cooking. Do not cook egg yolk, nor milk. You do not need to cook nuts. There are many foods you can eat without cooking. Some foods must be cooked, but in cooking them you destroy the Vitamines. Then you get nothing but the dead elements. Of course, we need a certain degree of dead material also, but we should not forget that we need life, life to sustain life. The weaker we grow, the more we need the Vitamines. In order to obtain the Vitamines, we must eat food that contains them. But this does not mean that we should eat raw starch, or raw pota- toes. RICE - of course, we cannot digest raw, We find Phosphorus and Po- tassium together with starch, in rice, providing it is wild rice, or unpolished rice. Never eat the ordinary polished rice, because it is mainly starch. RYE — is an excellent brain food. Rye and Barley are better brain food than wheat. Barley and rye require but little digestive powers. Wheat is difficult to digest, but rye yields its Phosphor- us easily, while wheat dees, not yield it easily. It is almost im- possible to take Phosphorus out of wheat, because it is so difficult of digestion, but a child, even with a weak stomach* could take Phosphorus out of barley, rye, egg yolk and fish. Clam broth, for instance, and whole rye bread would make a good Phos- phorous food. It is easy to take the Phosphorus out of clam brroth and rye bread, when the broth is hot and the bread is well soaked therein. But a rhinoceros could hardly extract the Phosphorus from wheat bran, raw wheat, and other wheat preparations. Never give any one cold food who has a weak stomach, and never give such a patient heavy meals*' This, we should bear in mind always; the weaker the stomach, the warmer the food should be. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-181 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILL INOIS. L ECTUR E NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMI CALS . EFFECT OF MENTAL STATE ON FOODS. It is not generally known, and a great many of us hardly ever stop to think of the effect that mind has upon the diet, nor do we con- sider the fact that we, when we sit down at the table to eat, al- ways take along with us the various faculties of which we are com- posed, and not only the faculties, but also various states of mind, cr what we usually call attitudes. These states of mind have their influence upon the food that we eat Many faculties come into play when we sit down at the table to eat; faculties that we, perhaps, never think about, states of mind that we are not aware of. We do not stop to think that the various states of mind have any influence upon the organs and functions throughout the body. There is a reason why we are able to digest food; and there is al- so a reason why we suffer from indigestion. The passions, senti- ments, appetities, or states of mind, when we are at the table, have everything to do with digestion, assimilation, and up-building in general* Each faculty has its influence upon some special func- tion in the body. YJhen we are at the table we should exercise certain thoughts, certain mental attitudes, so that we may call in- to action those very faculties that are mostly concerned in nutri- tion, digestion, elimination, secretion, and other processes or functions in the body. The mind has its influence upon digestion, there is no question about that. If a man cultivates hatred for a long, long time, eventually he poisons his own secretion, and to a certain extent he will prevent his gastric glands from acting; he will prevent the gastric juice from acting upon the stomach. The internal se- cretions will not be secreted to such an extent as v.-ould otherwise be the case, because, if hatred possesses the man, the secretory material will not be secreted, and, therefore, also, food cannot be digested. It is not enough to eat certain kinds of food, but it is also es- sential to perform the functions of nutrition, digestion and elimi- nation, according to the harmonious dictates of the mind. Some people devote themselves, to a great extent, to food; to eat- ing and drinking; they cultivate feelings of pleasure and joy when they are at the table, when they see the food. Men who have a strong development of Aliment iveness forget everything around; they never notice people; never look here nor there; they never have a newspaper in front of them; they never argue. They simply enjoy the food. They live in the food, they think food, feel food, have the very mind and soul in the food. When the soup comes they get the nose almost down into the soup plate, and en- joy it. They feel the soup in the very bones* The odor that comes from that soup strikes the nasal membrane, and penetrates in- to the very toes, so to speak. They are able to take up nutrition out of that soup, and that soup will do those men more good than a F-182 plate of soup would do to a man who is sitting there and never knows what he is eating, sitting and reading his newspapers, or perhaps sitting and arguing with a bony man about politics. You must know your patient, whether he is the kind of a man who is interested in food, in eating, in drinking; whether he is able to cultivate food pleasure, food thoughts,-,, food joys, when he is at the table, A man, because he is doing that all of the time, is stout. That is why he measures fifty-eight inches around the equa- tor. When such a man gets food drunk from food stuffing, and we understand his condition, we understand also his disease, and the cause of his disease. And when we begin to prescribe for a man like him, and take him away from these food surroundings; also take nim away from those 1 , customary food tables, from those foods 1 ; when we make him work more, and give him different kinds of people at the dinner table, we cure that patient* We have two faculties in the brain which may, suitably, be called appetite. That which is called appetite is usually the result of those two faculties, viz-.,, Aliment iveness and Bibativeness. If a man is strongly developed in these areas of the brain, he is able to digest food to a greater extent, and to assimilate food substances of a certain nature* Alimentiveness is, primarily, the faculty of starch assimilation. The more strongly Aliment iveness is develop- ed, the more fond the man is of starchy foods, and the more able he will be to assimilate and digest starchy food substances. Starch metabolism is more perfect in a man like that» When a man has the Glycogenic center strongly developed, (Alimentiveness) , he is more capable of digesting and appropriating all sorts of starchy substances. The faculty, Alimentiveness, could be called the very center of starch metabolism. When the faculty is strongly developed, the person likes starch, he is able to digest starch and assimilate starch. All of those glands and secretions t that qualify a man to digest, appropriate and assimilate starch, are very active and strongly developed. That which we call appetite is nothing less than that feeling, or impulse that is at work at the dinner table, when a man sits down to eat his food. If we are weak in Alimentiveness, the liver is. small, the glycogenic center is weak, and we are bony; we sit at the table and look about and talk about all sorts of political ques- tions — we cannot handle, digest and appropriate starch. Y/hen we study man, we can say, as King David said, "We are fearful- ly and wonderfully made". It is just as true as true can be. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. It is remarkable, when we study man, what an adaptation there is between the various facul- ties of the mind, and the various functions of the body. It is re- markable how the Almighty has arranged every faculty of the mind, as compared to functions, conditions, nerves and physical organs '. The adaptation is marvelous '. There is an adaptation between Alimentiveness and digestion and as- similation of all sorts of starchy substances. And in proportion aa that appetite becomes active, in that proportion will a man also store up in his body starchy substances*. He becomes, so to speak, Copyright, 1921, by V. GF. Rocine. F-I83" ■ INS TITUTE O F HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS &. CHEM ICALS . EFFECT OF MENTAL STATS ON FOODS., a starch man, or Nitropheric, or perhaps Carboferic. These two types, viz., the Nitrogen and the Carbon types, are two starch types. The only difference between the two is that there is a greater quantity of Nitrogen at work in the body in the Nitro- pheric. However, both of these types are starch types, and both of them also have that same faculty Alimentiveness powerfully de- veloped. Another kind of appetite is the liquid appetite. It comes from the faculty - Bibativeness. It has been said by a great many character analysts, that the faculty of Bibativeness is the very one of drunkenness. This is positively wrong, because the faculty Bibativeness is not ruling a man who likes strong drinks. You would be surprised, if you study men, to find that all men and women who have that area of the brain powerfully developed, never' care for strong drinks. They like mild drinks. Another thing about this kind of a man is that he is exceptionally conservative and careful in regard to any and all sorts of drinks, tonics. He is exceedingly prudent, has excellent judgment in regard to all sorts of drinks, tonics, beverages, fluids of every description. He exercises prudence in regard to all sorts of liquid substances and beverages. It is the man who has strong Destructiveness, Combativeness, a.nd Amativeness, who becomes the drunkard, goes to excess. He is the man who wants all sorts of poisonous drinks, liquors, tonics,, beverages, poisons, fiery condiments, and fiery drinks. They en- ter into his system until at last he ruins his liver with those fiery drinks and tonics, and not only the liver, but the heart; burns up the nerves and nerve ends; weakens the stomach, the gas- tric glands, the intestinal glands, and also his brain. At last he gets delirium tremens, and other diseases of a similar nature. But the man who has that liquid appetite, Bibativeness, is always more or less conservative and prudent in regard to eating and drinking. He never drinks too much at a time. He takes a glass of whatever it may be, some kind of juice, or perhaps beer, or perhaps some other tonic, or beverage, looks at it first, and so soon as he sees that glass of beverage he feels it all through; he can taste it merely by looking at it; he will say, "Is not that great? 11 he will talk about it and enjoy it; and make you feel as if you enjoy it also. This is an appetite, but is another kind of appetite. It is the liquid impulse, or impulse of absorption which is at work. It is that absorptive impulse, that liquid impulse, that is at work in his body; it is that very appetite and impulse that enables his system, his function, and the entire lymphatic mechanism in his body to take up, absorb and utilize liquids. The weaker a man is in the absorptive impulse, the less his capacity to hold liquids. Hence, the leaner a man, the more he perspires in times of heat* F-184" A" lean man, a man who does not have that impulse,, if he drinks- a glass of milk, or fruit juice, or distilled water, that very liquid comes out of every pore in his body, and he calls it perspiration. Why does he perspire so, and why is it that the other man can drink, drink, and drink and never perspire? He holds it. That absorbing, assimilating and utilising capacity is in that one faculty of the brain - Bibativeness. A man who has Bibatmveness powerfully devel- oped' will sip water, sip milk, or sip soup, and enjoy it* But if we are weak in that area of the brain, we do not have that same ab- sorptive capacity; we cannot utilize liquid substances, cannot hold them; we are compelled to part with them, and they will do us but little good. All of such conditions should be taken into consideration in regard to nursing, doctoring, and diet* You are a doctor. We will say that a man comes to you and wants to put on flesh. You will,, per- haps, put him on a heavy liquid diet. If he is a very lean man» and you find that he is very weak in Bibativeness, you put him on a heavy liquid diet; you tell him to drink plenty of water* If a man is weak in that very area of the brain; if he is dry and lean, you may be sure that you can never, never put flesh on that man by placing him on a heavy liquid diet, because, in order to digest and assimilate, and hold liquid substances, he must first have that area of the brain strongly developed, and if we do not have that area of the brain strongly developed, or he does not have that area of the brain strongly developed, he will never be able to take up, hold, organize it into his system. Hence, if you want to put flesh on such a man, feed him as he should be fed* not through Bibativeness and liquids. If he has Amativeness strong, feed him fatty substances through Ama- tiveness; if he has Alimentiveness strong; feed him through the starch appetite; if he is a bony man, feed him through Calcium; if he has the Cerebellum especially developed, or is a Myogenic man, and you want to put flesh on him, feed him through the cerebellum and through the muscles, and give him just that kind of muscle- building material which the muscles require, and you will succeed in each case* If we remember such conditions in regard to the construction of man, and the various faculties, we will have a deeper insight into nutri- tion, assimilation, diet* We would never put a very lean man on a liquid diet, because we know that if we introduce liquids - to excess into that man, we will make him more sick than before-* We sometimes speak of volition. Volition is nothing else than will* Uhat is will anyway? Is it possible that the will may be divided", or that we have different kinds of will? I think so. Some of us have that kind of will that never acts without it is op- posed* Maybe you have no will, until someone opposes you. When somebody tells you, you cannot do this, you find out that you have a will; when somebody pushes against you, you push back; when somebody clinches his fist in your face, you clinch your fist also. There is one faculty that is at the foundation of this, and it is that one area situated behind the ear - Combat iveness. The man who has that area powerfully developed is ready. Push a clinched fist in- to his face, and he begins to experience resistive will, impulses,, and the more he is opposed the more he experiences that kind of will* Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-185* INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NA TURE STUDI ES, CHIC AGO, ILL INOIS . LECTURE NOTES, COURSE-FOODS & CHEM ICALS . EFFECT OF MENTAL . STATS ON FOODS, impulses and feelings. That kind of a will we call Executive. There are two kinds of ex- ecutive agencies in a man; one is the cerebellar impulse - this is also executive. This faculty, or area of the brain, is so con- structed that it is self-executive; it leads to business with the executive impulse* The only real executive man is the one who has that faculty strongly developed. The other executives as, for instance, muscular executive, are not men of battle, not men of fight, not men of opposition, they are simply men to carry out, to act for other people. But the cerebellar executive is the man for an emergency. Now an impulse of that kind makes a man feel that - "I can do anything; I can do everything". And you will find such men have that faculty and that area of the brain strong. You will find that they are another kind of men, and you will find that they are never, never plungers. Another thing about these men is that they absorb the Calcium ele- ment. They are bone— builders, they take up the tri-Calcium phos- phates, found in the body. They have large cheek-bones, a broad, square chin* a wide head behind the ears, stron£ development of the brain in the Parietal section* They are men of energy, of ac- tion, of execution, of courage, of daring, of executive power; al- so men of bone. They assimilate those strong calcic substances, the phosphatic sub- stances. They are able to take up for their bones and the more solid tissues, all sorts of calcic material, phosphatic material, so as to build very strong and powerful bones. Therefore, that kind of an executive, of cerebellar and volitive impulse, is courageous, strong, positive in nature and characteristics. They are bony executives. These are the will impulses that build bone. These men have strong throats. When they talk, they can let the voice out; they can fill an entire hall with their voice. Alexander the Great, and Abraham Lincoln, had tremendous voices, because such men build a large and strong throat. They can talk for 365 days, twelve hours a day, and' never tire. They can talk so loud that they can be heard at tremendous distances. The will faculties enable a man to do that, and those are the faculties that enable a man to carry out, or to do, that which we want to do* When a man has a faculty like this strong, it has its influence up- on him* When he is at the table, he does not get down into the soup plate; he does not know what he has before him, it is placed there and he looks at it, but does not see it; when he does take a. bite he does not masticate his food; he is in a rush; he boasts that he can eat his supper, or dinner, in two and one-half minutes. T5hat kind of eating do you think that will be? And what kind of food substances does that man assimilate? Calcium. He takes up tri-Calcium phosphates, and because he takes them up he is a bony man. F-186 If you want 'to put flesh onto that man, would you put him oh a starch diet,- or do you think he ought to have a liquid diet, or a fruit diet, or do you think he ought to live en vegetables and greens, cr should he have a nut diet? If you want to make that man fleshy you must feed" him through Calcium; and you must make that exe- cutive impulse behave itsei^. Take the papers a^ay from a man like t'hat; take all those men who want to argue with him, away from him; give him one of those easy-going men who have a strong appetite; give him that kind of a wife to call him to his senses all of the time, ana you will put flesh en him,, and cure him, in the course of time. Co to his home and sit at the dinner table and see how he eats and drinks - , and what he eats at the table, and what he talks about. All impulses, emotions, passions, feelings of joy, feelings of opti- mism, feelings of pessimism, or whatever they may be, have their in- fluence upon nutrition and assimilation. We have other impulses, for instance, the cerebellum; another brain srea immediately aronnd the ears; also Destructiveness , which is aometimes powerfully developed. What, in a. man, enables him to build muscle? What is it in your daughter that makes her so weak, useless, helpless? Why is it that she has that kind of trouble af- ter she is married and becomes a mother? It is because she is too weak in the cerebellum. Why is it that she is so delicate and al- ways complaining, and why is it that you are compelled to pay out your money to doctors and specialists all of the time? It is be- cause she is weak in that one area of the brain. The cerebellum builds muscles, both the voluntary and the involuntary, and when it 1? strongly developed, great capacity of protein metabolism exists. You have heard a great deal about protein, a great deal also about muscles* There we have the muscular man, i.e., the protein man* If you want to build up muscles, you must first find out how strong the cerebellum is. If you are going to place a man on a protein diet, first find out how strongly developed the cerebellum is* A man who has a weak cerebellum, should never be placed on a heavy pro- tein diet. That girl, that you want to build up, you must never place on a heavy protein diet, perhaps only possibly one and one-half percent protein is all that that young girl can digest. If you \ ... place a delicate child on a heavy protein diet, perhaps on food ar- ticles containing all the way from sixteen percent up to possibly twenty-six percent, she will become protein drunk; protein poisoned, protein stuffed; full of protein albuminous poisons, and you may never be able to cure her, nor to build her up* Perhaps you will bury her long before she is forty years of age, or pershaps she will die at the time of delivery. You should be very, very careful in regard to a girl like that. When a man is powerfully developed in the cerebellum, what an effi- cient muscular man he is* There are muscles, there is strength- He does not need an :.&'fthletic club, nor gymnastic exercises. Let a. man who has a. strong cerebellum take all sorts of protein material, that is the one who needs a protein diet. There you have an active man, there you have a man who can work eighteen, perhaps twenty hours a day, efficiently } from morning till night* and seldom gets tired. He is a protein man, because of a very strong cerebellum. Copyright, 192,1, by V. G. Rocine. F-187 INS TITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTUR E MOT ES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, EFFECT OF MENTAL STATE ON FOODS. There is another kind of volitive impulse. These faculties and areas in the brain are volitive, and one qualifies a man to absorb, to eat, to digest, to appropriate, all sorts of protein material, and to build an efficient muscular system, and, as we said before, those two brain centres - Combativeness and Firmness - are bone- builders. You cannot build muscle simply by physical culture. If you have a strong cerebellum, then you can build muscle if you go there. Then you can build muscle even if you close yourself up in a basement, or elsewhere. But never give a Calcium man very heavy protein ma- terial, because if you do, he will suffer from auto-intoxication. You know protein and albumin material which we cannot take care of, will decay in our intestines, and generate poisonous substances in the intestines, until we suffer from protein poisons, and from auto-intoxication; and so long as we keep on with that diet no doc- tot will be able to cure us. These areas that we have gone over now are masculine areas* A* man is supposed to have those areas strongly developed, and in propor- tion as the}?- are powerfully developed and nourished, is he a real man. They are the faculties that make him a man. We say, some- times, "Be a man 11 . Well, he cannot be a man without those facul- ties strongly developed. It is not enough to start with the food, we must start in the brain, with habits, with certain kind of exer- cises, certain kind of thoughts. If you want to develop Comba- tiveness, you must say to yourself all of the time, "I can do any- thing I please, and I am going to do it' 1 - If you tell yourself that there is not a man living that can lick you, you are develop- ing that, and because you are developing that you become more and more courageous, stronger, more and more enterprising, take up tri~ Calcium phosphate to a greater extent. Tell yourself that, lt I am a powerful man", and you will find how you straighten up right away. Tell yourself, "I do not know anything, I am a weakling, I can do nothing, and so long as you feel like that, and think like that, and act like th&t, you will cultivate certain habits, and by reason of those facts, and habits, and impulses, you will be unable to take up that material which is necessary for the development of manhood, and strong masculine qualities* It is impossible to become courageous so long as we tell ourselves that we are weak. We must forget weakness, we must forget nega- tive qualities; simply tell ourselves that we are able. You know, we should do that also in our prayers. We have no right to go to- God and tell Him that we are worms. He made us men, we should praise Him for what we are; we must not tell Him we are earth worms, that we are no good; this is not a very good compliment to Him. A"nd we must tell ourselves that also, because we must abso- lutely feel that we can do things. We must be able to meet any man and any woman, and act like a man. That is what we should be able to do* that is what we can do, if we will only cultivate that kind of impulses. Then, there will be ■^ F-188 enterprise, courage and efficiency, greater masculinity, resolution, determination; a stronger soul and stronger bones. We come to another set of feelings, or faculties. An impulse is almost the same as instinct. It simply acts in a certain way and that is all. This is what the Cerebellum does* acts in a certain v;ay but does not know that it acts that way. VShenever the mind acts without knowing it is acting, it is impulse, and when a man is acting without knowing what he is doing, he is moved by impulse. However, here we deal with faculties. Faculties know what they are doing. They are self-conscious. Here we have Ideality t Veneration, Benevolence, Approbativeness, Sublimity, Conscientious- ness, and Spirituality, - all emotional faculties. Emotions, re- ligious emotions, idealistic emotions, spiritual emotions, humani- tarian emotions, cosmic emotions, as we may call them, such emotions are more or less feminine. When these emotions are powerfully active in the brain of a. lady, she is more religious, more spiritualized, more respectful, she is neater, she is tidy, cleanly , dresses better, and because she has all of these emotional impulses or faculties at work, she is .assimi- lating a different kind of food material. The religious man, or the religious lady, I do not care what she eats or drinks, her soul is such, her mind is such, her impulses are such, i.e., the physi- cal nutritive impulses are such, that she does not take up anything else than just that which belongs in her system. You know what God said to Peter when He sent down some meat and told Peter that he should eat. Peter said, n I have never taken anything unclean"-, and God said to him, "That which I have made clean is not unclean; arise Peter, slaughter and eat 1 *. God knew positively that, because Peter was a religious man,, that, which he ate could not possibly do him any harm. He knew that Peter *s sys- tem was such that it would take up nothing else than those sub- stances that were 'favorable to the development of Peter himself. . And so it is also with a religious lady. If she eats something unclean, her system cannot take it up. A religious man, or woman, usually always likes nuts, fruits,, ber- ries and certain cereals* Fruit is the diet for the religious man. If you read the Bible, you find that, in the beginning when God made Adam and Eve, He placed them in the Garden of Eden, and there was all sorts of fruit there for them to eat; so they lived on a fruit diet. And because they had a fruit diet, they were more clean, or perfect in instinct, sentiment, inclination. I mean by this, that a fruit diet feeds the emotions. Emotions are strong feelings, usually of a spiritual, of a religi- ous, of an idealistic, or of a humanitarian nature. They are the emotions that constitute the soul* Without the emotions, a man would be nothing but an animal; without emotions a. man would have no soul, because the emotions are the soul. The more strongly de- veloped the emotions are, the more particular and exclusive the man becomes in regard to his diet. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-189 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE, STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLIHPIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. EFFECT OF MENTAL STA TE ON FOODS. The nut and the fruit diet is the best diet for religious and ide*- alistic people - people who live in the emotions* V/hen we speak of the emotions we do not have reference to sentiment, but rather to that part of the mind which lives in the higher section of the spiritual, moral, idealistic, artistic, humanitarian and cosmic sections of the brain. Those emotions, when they are strongly ac- tive, will lead a man upwardly. They will also lead him away from a heavy protein diet. A protein diet is principally a meat diet. Almost all people who are strongly developed in the upper section of the brain, are usual- ly vegetarians, opposed to a meat diet, and to a heavy protein diet, They think that it is unclean. Of course, this is nothing but feelings, it is the way a man feels. Just because we think, or say that a thing is unclean, is no sign that it is unclean. Emo- tional people are always interested in such nice artistic dishes that you sometimes find at the vegetarian restaurant. But when a man has considerable bone in his body, he wants something to chew on; he wants something that contains Calcium. He cannot maintain his integrity and strength on vegetarian diet. Neither does such a man care very much for candy, cake, nor any kind of artistic dishes. But that is exactly what a man, or woman, or child, wants who is strongly developed in the artistic part of the brain. A* strong development in the artistic region indicates a delicately constituted organization throughout, delicate fingers, an almost shiny forehead and skin, fingers that you can see through, almost translucent; fine, delicate, soft hair; tender skin, highly devel- oped, fine, delicate in constitution, tissue and person. There is a person that a slight blow may kill, one who cannot possibly with- stand all sorts of climatic changes, who cannot stand odors, chemi- cal fumes, factory odors, disease odors, one who cannot stand, or who does not care for alopathic, or poison, drugs; one who is bet- ter cured by homeopathic drugs. Such a person is governed a great deal by suggestion. You can, perhaps, cure her with your sugges- tions. She should not eat starch, sweets, meat proteins, carbo- hydrates, nor a great deal of liquid substances. She requires, principally, a light vegetable diet, or easily digested greens, vegetables, together with fruit, berries and nuts. She always lacks Iron. She has that anemic skin that is always pallid and fine in construction, almost like tissue paper. She is delicately organized and constructed, with tender tissue. Do not give her heavy drugs, and do not operate on her, and do not give her animal protein. She thrives best on a fruit diet. But you must not give her apples, because she is exceedingly sensitive to malic acid, found in apples. She needs Phosphorus in abundance, but not malic acid. I wish I could have a look at the Garden of Eden, so that I could see what kind of fruits grew in Eden. Vfoat kind of peaches they had, and whether they had apples that were full of malic acid. I do not know why it is that there should be so much malic acid in apples. It would be an excellent fruit, were it not for the malic acid. r-190 Fruit" is a. greatly evoluted food', especially berries. Give a per- son of the emotional type, strong in the emotional areas, a berry diet, plenty of berries, the more berries the better, and the sooner you cure her. Berries do not contain malic acid, as a rule. There are many varieties of pears, and almost all varieties are ex- cellent. Here is one point you should remember in regard to peo- ple of a delicate organization, and that is — the ability to take up salts" is always weak, the mesentery and bowels, the mesentery glands and the nerve plexuses, are all weak and delicate organs in a person of that type* There are three or four apple varieties that are comparatively free from malic acid. The Astrachan, Belleflower, Jonathan, Delicious, . are almost entirely free from malic acid. People of this construction should become acquainted with all sorts of fruits' that do not carry malic acid, nor tartaric acid. Tar- taric acid and malic acid are very bad on organizations like that. If they eat fruit containing tartaric acid and malic acid, they suf- fer from various kinds of nervous diseases. I believe that, if we had a sanitarium for criminals, where they could associate with the most perfectly developed religious, eomo- tional people, and then give them the right kind of food, they would develop the higher, the religious sentiments. I believe we could cure criminals more successfully, through a right diet, association, etc., than by placing the poor criminals in jail. I believe that, as long as we hang criminals we cannot uplift civilization. So long as we let the criminal eat any kind of food, especially the kind he likes to eat, we cannot expect that poor man to live a bet- ter life. He simply feeds the lower faculties; he lives, so to speak, in hell, already. You know there are certain departments in the brain, that correspond pretty well to heaven and hell. The criminal already lives in hell. Fiery foods are what the criminal craves, dried beef, condiments, all sorts of strong, stimulating and burning foods. There is fire in the hell of the brain, and that fire must be fed. Criminals always want something that burns, something hot, something stimulating* Alcohol burns. The more poisons and the more by-products there are in the man, the more it feeds that area of the brain that is inter- ested in poisons. He likes morphine - that is the morphine fiend. He is the one who likes all sorts of stimulating and alcoholic tonics and drinks. F/hen a man lives in the base of the brain, he likes stimulants, tonics, alcoholic beverages, dried mea.t, all sorts of focd containing poisons of some kind; - the more he swears, the more energetic his tongue is, the more he lives in the appetites, and the less he goes to church, the less he believes in heaven, the less he cares for ministers of the Gospel, and the less attention he pays to the bible; all because he does not live in the tophead faculties, but in the base of the brain. Hence, he craves fiery food;substances to feed those very areas of the brain. A man who lives in the tophead lives on fruits, berries, nuts, light meals, soft, tender vegetables. Hence, he feeds that kind of fa- culties. He has a different development of the brain, a different skin, different functions, different features, and different Copyright x 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-191 INSTITU TE OF HUMAN NATURE STU DIES , CHICACK)^ ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTE S, COU RSE-FOODS, & CHEMICALS , EFFECT OF MENTAL STATE ON FOODS. , emotions. He has a larger soial, because this is the soul area - the tophead. I do not know why, but I am a little afraid for a man who has no tophead — he may, possibly, never live after death, and perhaps never go to heaven. There is a peculiar thing about a man if he does not have a tophead, i.e., he does not believe in heaven, nor in hell, nor in anything relating to the spiritual part of man, and his diet is according thereto. There is a reason, for one man is wicked and another man is good; a reason why one man be- comes a criminal, and another becomes a saint. We pay too much at- tention to heredity and not enough attention to diet.. * We seldom speak of the influence of diet on mind, nor of the influence of the mind upon diet. When we live in the higher and nobler faculties, in the soul facul- ties of the brain, we begin to prepare for heaven. We are then willing to forgive each other, to sympathize with others, willing to listen to what other people have to say; but if we drink alcoholic drinks of all sorts, alcoholic wines, and take stimulants, poisons, morphine, and live on all sorts of meats containing by-products , we will not develop these higher and nobler faculties, nor improve the soul. The soul, it is often said, is nothing but emotions^ - Take love and emotion out of man and what is left? VJhat would you give for a man who has no love, no emotion? He would be a soulless man- There are some men who, seemingly, have a. heart but no soul; some men who have a soul, but no heart, so to speak. Some men have. - reason, wonderful reason, are geniuses in reason, yet they have no heart, no soul. They are scientists, great scientists, great . figurers, great reason ers. They know everything about the creation of the world, but when it is a question of anything that relates to the spiritual man, they do not care anything for it, they do no-t be- lieve in heaven, nor in a hereafter. They do not believe in any- thing else than just what they can reason out and understand. The\ eat materialistic food too. A fruit diet would not be suited to constitutions like that. If we live on a fruit diet, or a diet of fruit and nuts and nothing else, I am afraid we would become too spiritual; we would have very little bone. The religious, emotional, sympathetic, humanitarian, spiritualistic, artistic, or cosmic lady, with her excellent devel- opment, is so fine that she can hardly live. VShan we are nothing but emotion, and we feel all these emotions constantly, we become comparatively boneless. If we then give rise to offspring, they are just cherubs, but they cannot very well live; they must go to heaven where they belong. It is difficult for these highly developed, genius-like children to live here, because they cannot get the diet which they crave. They are too highly evolufced. They have gone beyond the evolution of this earth. They may eat fruit and berries of all sorts r but it does not help; they become weaker and weaker in bone, muscle and in vital organs, and become hardly nothing but brain. At last they become Neurogenic in Constitution, and unusual. The head is very strongly developed in the sub-coronal, and then the neck is a little F-192 stera; they are like balloons; at last they sail up to the spirit sphere, where they belong. They do not have a very strong hold on earth. There is nothing to hold them to the earth; they naturally gravitate upwardly, because they are topheavy. I think, so long as we are living on this earth, we should be a lit- tle earthy, or, in other words, we should have some of the Calcium .' in our bone, muscle, and vital tissue, so that we may go on a little further, otherwise we will die out. K woman who has developed a high tophead, a. very strong development in the temples, who has a small face, the eye set low in the face, who has a small neck, small slender hands and fingers, of almost boneless tissue, and a fineness of the skin, is not adapted to this earth. The man who marries her will have no companionship, and if he has any children, he may bury them all, and bury his wife also,, before he is forty years of age. He has accomplished nothing, be- cause he was dealing with an angel. Many people are of that very type, Neurogenic, idealistic, humani- tarian. They are interested in all sorts of idealistic develops ment, evolution. Spiritistic and spiritual is what they are in- terested in. They. are almost in communication with the spirit world. Such a man has peculiar ideas and peculiar notions. Such a^ man often has his pockets full of apples, and his brain full of spooks. When a man has a strong development of the emotional areas of the brain, he requires a fruit, berry, and nut diet,, also soft vegetables and greens. But that does not mean that we should give him nothing else. We should give him something with his fruits that his appetite does not want. If a man is a bony man, for in- stance, we should supply other elements in his diet along with Cal- cium. You can smuggle the food that is lacking into a man, smug- gle it into a child, smuggle it into the delicate lady, and thus you can build each up, make each stronger, so he becomes more and more equalized. This is exactly what the man should, be I He should be equalized, i.e., he should be proportionate. If we do not have enough muscle, there is something wrong; if we are made of nothing but muscles, there is something wrong again. If there is nothing but organized water, there is something wrong again, and if we are made of nothing but protein, as , for instance, a bear, something is wrong again. If we are made of nothing but fatty as, • for instance, the hog, there is something wrong. If we are made up of nothing but Phosphorous substances, so that we look like ghosts or frozen moonshine, there is something wrong again. This is what we should remember in regard to nutrition, in regard to diet of emotional people, viz., that we should feed them through the emotions. We should give them a fruit, berry and nut diet, with' some soft and tender vegetable and greens, and then we should smug-' gle into them, along with these very food substances, some solid food substance as well* and at the same time, give them that kind of air and associates, that have a tendency to develop them. This would give them better offspring; they would think more of their wives, or husbands; when they go to heaven, they would have accom- plished greater tasks, because of that development. If we are like spooks in muscle, brain, nerve and bone, or if we are boneless like Copyright. 1921. by V. G. Rocine. P-193 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS . LE CTURE NOTES , COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . EFFECT OF MENT&L ~ STATE ON FOODS . a spook, we do not have very much spiritual efficiency, no physi- cal efficiency, nor ani/ kind of efficiency. i When- the sentiment, (Parental Love), is very active, the person *s tongue is hungry for sugar. Then those centres and areas in the tongue which are sugar areas, (every woman, and all feminine men have areas in the tongue that are hungry for sugar), are active. This is the sugar faculty, "the sugar consumer. The stronger Pa- rental love is in the wife,- the more sugar she uses, the more sugar she puts into the food, the more sugar she eats. If she is mar- ried to a Calcium man, she puts sugar into the food to such an ex- tent that she grows stouter and stouter, and he grows leaner and leaner, and finally he dies of dyspepsia. Children live in the abdominal centres, in the lymphatic system; the lymphatic centres and organs in the "body are most active in children, and also in many women. The more sugar a woman eats, the more active the sympathetic system becomes. If she is of a vital type, she is likely to build out the central section of her body, she tapers .from the center down, and from the center up. A man slopes the other way. ' A man who is a bone-builder slopes from the shoulders to his feet, like a wedge. If a man has wide hips, large hips, small shoulders,, short arms, and short lower limbs, and a very long body, he takes after his mother. We know he is femi- nine, and that he has that same sugar tooth" You will see a man like that buy candy. He has a candy box in his pocket every now and then. You see him in the street car take out the box of candy and eat.' 'Those men are feminine. You take a masculine man, or a bony man, who builds bone, and who lives much on foods of tri- Calcium phosphate, and that same man never craves for candy, sweets, sugar, or sugary foods. If these foods are introduced into his diet much, he will get sick and you cannot cure him. Therefore, also, you should go home with your patient and see what kind of a • wife he has, and how much sugar is introduced into his diet. The mental attitudes, the will, the reason, the intellect, in fact, all of the faculties are more strongly developed in one man, less active in another man. These are the faculties that we should re- member when it is a question of diet. When a man. or a woman, is strongly developed in the sympathetic faculties, she likes sugar and sugary foods. She can assimilate sugary foods. Her sympathe- tic system always is more active. There is another faculty - Amativeness - which is the generative centre, the reproductive centre, the foundation of sexual life. When it is strongly developed, it enables a man to assimilate, di- gest and hold fatty food substances. A person who suffers from self-abuse, ' has weakened the faculty of Amativeness, the entire sexual system, and should avoid all sorts of fats, to the extent of leaving only about from one to about three -percent 'in his diet. Foods that contain 8$, 10%, 15%, 25%, even 60$, 80$, perhaps even 90$ or 100$ of fat, may kill such a F-194 patient. He may be lean and haggard, greatly in need of fatty food substances, but his capacity for the metabolism of fats has been weakened. Develop his sexuality before you put him on the Hydro-carbons:* QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: 1- LENGTH O F L IFE OF BODY; Do we have a new heart every thirty days, and who is the authority? A. —Yes. J. Norman Steele is the authority. He says in "•Chemistry" , page 36, as follows: tl A man weighing one hundred and fifty pounds has fifty-four pounds of muscle. This will be burned in about eighty days of ordinary labor. As the heart works day and night it burns out in about one month, so that we have a literal new heart every thirty days. Our bodies dissolve and in time melt away, and only the shadow of our bodies can be called our own. We are like the flame of a lamp which appears for a long time the same, since it is ceaselessly fed as it ceaselessly melts away. The ra- pidity of this change in our bodies is remarkable." Dr. Draper says: "-Let a man abstain from water and food for an hour, and the balance will prove that he has become lighter." "This action of Oxygen" , says Steele, "So destructive, wasting us away constantly from birth to death, is yet essential to our exis- tence. Why is this? Here is the glorious paradox of life. We live only as we die. The moment we cease dying we cease living."- If the muscles will burn out in about eighty days of ordinary labor, a, man practically has a new muscular system every eighty days. The stomashi, the lung, and the brain, being a little more resistive, will wear out, nevertheless, in about forty days, unless they are supplied with nutrition. Again, Professor Berzelius tells us, in his work on Chemistry, that the bones, if not nourished, would be used up in a living man in about seven years. The bones, however, after solidifying, or after a man is dead, would last many thousand years, according to the assertions of a great number of chemists. • Another chemist says that the life of a cell is six weeks, so that if there were no cells built at all, the bod}?- would soon melt away. This is the reason why we should eat and drink and breathe, so that we may supply that which is essential to our existence. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-195 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE ST UDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. QUESTION S & ANSWE RS. I- CHIROPRACTO RS - O STEOPATHS: Have the chiropractors and Osteo- paths any" sound scientific basis for their claims to cure diseases? Or for their systems of cure? Which of the two systems has the better scientific basis for its claims? What is the difference between the two? A. - Yes; when there is pressure on any nerve in the body, or when there is tension in some special part of the body, that nerve must be released, and that tension must be removed. Chiropractors and Osteopaths, and also others practicing along the same lines, are human mechanics, so to speak, They release the nerves and remove the pressure and the tension. As far as I understand it, the Chiropractor and the Osteopath are approximately the same, so far as effect is concerned. In fact, Chiropractic is in reality Os- teopathy under another name. There is no difference between the two, except in a minor way. &• DRY CA TARRH : Can dry catarrh be cured by a proper diet? Is it contagious or infectious? A* - Dry catarrh is caused by germs that lodge somewhere in the nasal canals, or in the throat, or perhaps even in the lungs. It can be cured best by the right kind of a climate and high altitude, where the air is fresh and breezy, and where there is a great deal of ozone in the atmosphere. It can also be helped by electric light treatments, and by massage. 3. COCOANUT BUTTER - COCOANUT: Does nut butter made of cocoanut have food value in the same way as raw cocoanuts? If so, how do they compare in value? A. - Yes, butter made of cocoanut has a food value, just as raw cocoanuts have a value as a food. The butter made of cocoanut does not compare with the raw cocoanut in value, because, in taking the butter out of cocoanut, other manufacturing processes and chem- icals enter in. 4 - N UT BUTTERS - OLEOS - ANIMAL FATS: How does nut butter compare in value with oleos and butters made from animal fats? A. — Nut butter is a very good butter and compares very well in va- lue with butter made of oleos or oleic oil, or those made from ani- mal fats. Nut fat is oleic fat. 5 " DIET - INFLUENZA: VJhat foods should be eaten by a person suf- fering from an attack of Spanish Influenza? Could a diet be pre- scribed to prevent such an attack? A. - When a person suffers from Spanish Influenza he should intro- duce the blood salts in abundance. Eat those foods containing the blood salts. Drink the juice from baked lemons, as warm as possi- ble, and drink this juice every fifteen minutes until the system is saturated with lemon juice. He should also have Osteopathic treatments „ especially for the respiratory centers, and he should F-196 have treatment of the chest* A prescribed diet would not prevent such an attack. Spanish Influenza is caused" by germ toxins. 6 » CURE - INFLUE NZA : Gould a diet be prescribed to cure Spanish In- fluenza without other treatment? A. - Spanish Influenza is very dangerous and affects the muscular system or the cerebellum. The patient should have treatment as soon as possible. Osteopathy is more successful in treating . Spanish Influenza, or "Flu" than the regular doctor. The Osteo- paths did not lose very many patients who had the "Flu", but the regular doctors lost nearly se/enty percent of their cases. 7 * HI VES - BLACKBERRIES - TANNIC ACID: When eating blackberries grown on a soil possibly containing more or less Iron - clearly a clay loam — causes an outbreak of hives, what does this indicate? A. — If eating blackberries or blackberry juice causes an outbreak of hives, the system is very low in Iron. There is also tannic acid in blackberries and blackberry juice, and this tannic acid has a great deal to do, also, with an outbreak of hives. 8 * HIVES - O&TMEAL: What does an outbreak of hives following the eating of oatmeal indicate? A. - If there is an outbreak of hives after eating oatmeal, the di- gestive system is weak. 9 » GR INDI NG GRAIN AT HOME: What is the best method and simplest* of grinding barley, wheat, or other grains, at home, so as to be sure of getting the whole grain? A* — The simplest, the cheapest, and the most effective method of grinding barley, wheat, or other grains, at home, is to buy a grind- ing mill. This can be bought for a few dollars, perhaps ten, fif- teen dollars and up, depending upon the size of the mill. If peo- ple would buy the mills, and each person would prepare their own cereals, it would favor the public health very much. 10. SLEEPING SICKNESS': Is Sleeping Sickness one of the causes of lack of Manganese? A. - Sleeping sickness is caused by inflammation of the brain. 11 • CAUSE OF GOITRE: Why, in certain Alpic countries, like German Austria, and certain parts of Switzerland, do the majority of people have goitre? Is this due to the lack of Iodin. A. — One cause of goitre is lack of Iodin, whether it be in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, or anywhere else. There are other causes of goitre, however. 12, ADENOIDS; Would an Iodin Diet cure enlarged adenoids? A. — No. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-197 I NSTITUT E, OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO, IL LINOIS. LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 13 "« SYPHILITIC TAINT - CURE : How does the Medeic kill the syphi- litic germ within the body? How can we cure syphilis after the Medeic is through? A. - The doctor kills the syphilitic germ with arsenic and mercury, very strong and drastic poisons. The Medeic impurity, or taint, can be driven out by a. correct diet, especially a diet that is rich in Fluor in, Sodium, Sulphur, and certain oils found in such foods that we recommend for that very condition. 14. MERCURY-ARSENIC AFFECT : How does mercury administered to syphilitic patients, affect the Fluorin in the body? Has not much of the damage ascribed to syphilis been caused by the mercury administered to cure the same? A. - You are perfectly right in saying that much of the damage ascribed to syphilis has been caused by the administration of the mercury and of arsenic. That kind of poison affects almost every function in the body. 15". DIPHTHERIC - CURE : In order to cure Diphtheria is the supply of Fluorin the main thing? What else would assist to cure that disease? A. — Supply Fluorin in abundance and also a liberal supply of pineapple juice. Gargle the throat with pineapple juice. This is, perhaps, the very best method of overcoming Diphtheria. How- ever, we must not wait, for the Diphtheria germ increases very ra- pidly. We must not give the germ any peace, but we must make it very uncomfortable at the very beginning, so that it cannot in- crease and establish a dangerous disease. 16. SKIN ERUPTION S: When eruptions of skin appear on. a nursing child's face, is it the mother who is required to change diet? Please explain the best thing to be done in such a case. A. - When eruptions appear on the skin of a nursing baby the fault is with the mother and her diet, or else the fault is with the washing and cleansing of the baby. A mother should be placed up- on a diet that is very rich in Calcium, Sodium, Chlorin, Iron,, or in all of the tissue salts and the blood salts. Otherwise the baby will suffer from internal and external ailments. 17. VARICOSE ULCERS - SLuICON : TJhat do you consider the primary cause of varicose ulcers? Is it lack of Silicon? A. - When varicose ulcers appear, it is a positive sign of lack of Silicon. Of course, it is perfectly true that internal heat will aggravate this condition also. 18. SHELL-SHOCK - G AS: Hhat organs are affected in shell-shock and gassing? How do you cure these conditions with diet, etc.? ■ ■ F-L9S A. — In shell-shock the vibration of the brain cells has been too great, and if the patient has inhaled gas to excess, it is very dif- ficult to cure such a condition with diet. Of course it will help, but rest is more important, 19. MAGN ESIUM - LOCATION IN BODY: Why does the Magnesium locate in the shoulder of lamb and not in the other parts as much? A. —Magnesium does not locate in any part of the body, but it acts more on some parts of the body than it acts on other parts. If a dentist uses mercury, the mercury in that tooth does not affect the tooth, nor the nerves, but it affects the digestion and produces chronic indigestion. That is, the indigestion can never be cured until the mercury is removed' from the teeth. This effect is indi- rect, and so it is also with Magnesium. 20. GOAT MILK: If mother li s milk from a coffee fiend is nothing but coffee milk, how about the goat which is fed on hay and kept in cap- tivity? Would not that milk be robbed of the natural salts which the goat should supply from the natural sources? A. - You are perfectly right in .concluding that the milk from a goat which is fed on hay and kept in captivity would be affected* and robbed' of the natural salts. This is the very reason why, if anyone keeps a goat or a cow, or any animal, he should see to it that the source of the food supply is in a good condition, and that everything around that same animal is in a first-class condition. 21. WHEN TO EAT GRAPEFRUIT: Is it better to eat Grapefruit in the morning or evening? First in the meal or last? A. — The best time to eat grapefruit is at the time it is needed. This may be in the morning or in the evening, or it may be both. It may be in between meals, or it may be when a person is very thirsty. 22. UNDERSIZED. TEETH: What characteristic is indicated when a man aged thirty has teeth which are smaller than ordinary baby teeth, and far apart? (Vegetarian.) A. - If the teeth of a man at the age of thirty are too small, it simply indicates that when he was young and the teeth were forming, he did not have the right kind of a diet, and therefore his teeth were &ot supplied with the right kind of teeth— building material. 23. I ODIN DIET : A young woman with goiter, or seemingly a large thyroid gland, was given Iodin medicinally. At 26 years of age she has ceased to menstruate. h Should she, or should she not, eat Iodin foods? Will they restore ovarian function, or revive sup- posed (?) thyroid disturbance? A. - The very fact that she ceased to menstruate when she was given Iodin medicinally, shows that, in order to cure goitre, it is nec- essary to supply that kind of Iodin which is found in foods. An Iodin diet would help to restore the ovarian function,, and also the uterine function, for the simple reason that an Iodin diet would increase oxidation. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-199 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN MATURE STUDIES, CH ICAGO, I LLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . QUESTION S & ANSWERS . 24. CAUSE AND CURE OF CYSTITIS: Please state cause and cure of Cystitis. A. — The cause of cystitis is lack of Chlorin, and the cure of it is to supply foods rich in Chlorin. Of course, if it has gone too far, it is perhaps impossible to cure it with a, Chlorin diet. 25 • SULPHUR AFFECTS MEMORY: Does memory fail from lack of Sulphur as well as from excess of Sulphur? Is Sulphur indicated in the diet when patients fail to remember or to recall? Do patients who perspire freely suffer from Sulphur excess? A. - If there is a lack of Sulphur in the system, or if there is an excess of Sulphur in the system, it will affect the memory func- tion. If a patient perspires freely he may do so from many dif- ferent causes. It is difficult to tell what may be the cause. If Sulphur is in excess, the skin function becomes disturbed and the perspiratory function is affected. 2.6. I ODIN ~,COD LIVER OIL: Would it be wise to take cod liver oil to increase~Iodin? A. - Yes, it would be a very good idea to take cod liver oil in or- der to increase Iodin in the system, and also the red corpuscles, but the cod liver oil should be taken in the right form, and in the proper combination with other foods. 27 • CUCUMBER DIET, NITROPHERIC - OPER ATION: Would a cucumber diet help a Nitropheric in case of operation; if so, when should the diet be given, before operation or at the time of the opera- tion? A. — Yes, a diet rich in cucumbers, and in this very acid which is found in cucumbers, would help a Nitropheric person in case of op- eration. It should be «given before operation, and also after operation* 28. CALCIFERIC - L ATENCY: At what age do Calciferic people over- come their latency? ' Will it be hard for them to develop their weak faculties - Friendship, Language? A. - They overcome their latency at about forty, forty-five, or fifty years of age. Yes, it would be difficult for a Calciferic man to develop the faculties of Friendship and Language, but it can be done and should be done. 2.9. HONEY - LEMONSDE: Is honey good in hot lemonade? A. - Honey would not improve hot lemonade very much, nor would it have a beneficial effect at any other time except when there is ca- tarrh and germs in the throat. « F-200 30. HONEY - MILK - THROAT : In what fruits can honey he used or combined? A, - Honey can he well used with milk, especially if it is warm and fairly hot. This has a very "beneficial effect upon the throat in times of colds and irritation in the throa^ w 1 31. COOKED SULPHUR FOODS ~ VINEGAR : If acid helps Sulphur foods that are cooked, vinegar should be good with cooked Sulphur foods, as, for instance, cabbage. Is this true? A. - You are perfectly right in regard to acid helping the diges- tion of cooked Sulphur foods. Vinegar is not bad to use in connec- tion with cabbage, providing you do not use it to excess* 32 » SUN BATHS : How should one take sun baths - before or after meals, and hovi> long at the time; and how often? A. -Sun' baths may be taken inside of screens, or a tent'made of guilts, and the sun bath taken inside of that solarium, or inside of those Japanese screens, or quilts, as the case may be: All that is necessary is to bask the nude body in the sun for about five to ten minutes and no longer, having the head, well covered at the time. This may be taken once a day with benefit. 33. PANNING- FRUITS ; How should one can fruits? A. -. In canning fruits, you should be ezcceedingly careful to remove all decayed fruits, and to have the fruit boiling hot, and the cans or jars hot also, so as to prevent germ life from inhabiting the fruit. 34. PREPARING HERB TEAS: How do you make the different teas, and how much tea should" be" taken at one time, and how often should they be taken? A e ~ An teas are made in the same way. All that you need to do is to put a little tea into boiling water and let it steep about twenty minutes. 35. DEFECTIVE MENTALI TY: When' a person has become -mentally defec- tive after the menopause period, what was the cause, and can it be cured after long standing? A. - Menstruation has absolutely nothing to do with feeble-minded- ness. This is a case of lack of Phosphorus for the brain, or a defective diet, or living on demineralized food. 36. F OREHEAD PERSP IR A T ION : What causes a perspiration from the forehead when such a condition has never been a natural state in this patient before? It comes on at intervals both day and night. A. - Perspiration from the forehead is an indication of brain trouble, or some kind of ailment in the brain. The patient should be sent to the hills, and should be given a diet rich in Phosphorus, Magnesium and Manganese. Copyright, 1921, by V. GF. Rocine. F-EOl INSTITU TE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE _ NOTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS, ■ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. 37. PERIODIC SPELLS IN DESMOGENICS: What causes periodic bad spells in Desmogenics, and what is the remedy? A. — When there is a lack of Potassium chlorid in the Desmogenic man, or perhaps Sodium chlorid, it results in periodic spells or ailments, or habits. The very best thing to do in cases like that, is to supply such foods that are rich in Potassium chlorid or Sodium chlorid, or both. 38* PINK EYE - CAUSE: TJhat is the cause of the Pink Eye disease, and what is the remedy? A. — Pink Eye disease' is caused by a germ, I do not know how to cure it . 39. URINATION - FREQUENT: Why does a child of six years urinate often during the day, sometimes every few minutes: in the evening, but not at night? A. — A child that urinates often, during the day shows an indica- tion of great activity in the tissue function and in the urinary function. 40. CHRONIC NEURALGIA" - CURE: What can we do for a chronic neu- ralgia patient? Pains everywhere. A. - If a person suffers from chronic neuralgia, it is a. positive indication that there is acidity of some kind in the system. It would be better to place a man like this on a basic diet, and send him to the hills for recuperation and rest* 41. SLEEP INESS - CAUSE: iThat is the new illness that they name Sleepiness, or Lethargy, and what can be the cure and prevention of it? A. — Sleepiness, or Lethargy, is caused by an excess of carbonic oxide in the system, and also indicates sluggishness of the brain, or inflammation of the brain. 42. VARICOSE VEINS - CAUSE AND CURE: What is the cause of vari- cose veins in an Exesthesic temperament? How can these be over- come? A. - Varicose veins appear because there is not enough of Silicon in the arteries and veins, and in the walls of the same. Also, because of a sluggish liver. Blood in the lower extremities must pass up into the liver in through this organ, and if the liver is sluggish or weak, it cannot attend to all the blood in the lower extremities. The veins themselves become overcharged with blood, and this may result in varicosity. This can best be overcome by gentle massage of the limbs towards the heart, by a diet that is rich in Silicon, by an abundance of Oxygen, by the drinking of bit- ter teas for the liver, and by supplying a diet that is rich in the blood salts. F-2DZ 43. ECZEMA' -^ CAUSE : T-That is the cause of eczema,? Is it caused from syphilis" somewhere in the parents or grandparents? A.*. - Eczema may be caused by a great many things. If there is a lack of the vegetable salts in the skin it results in eczema. An excess of Sulphur in the skin may result in eczema. Too much fat in the body, or in the skin, may result in eczema. A* miasm in the blood", or an inherited miasm, may result in eczema, and germ-life taking hold of the skin also results in eczema. 44.. SYPHILITIC VS . PARGENIC : Is the Pargenic taint syphilitic, and does a syphilitic- become Pargenic? Should a syphilitic patient be treated" as a Pargenic? A. - No, no. We must not consider a syphilitic patient Pargenic. A syphilitic patient has Pargenic characteristics but is not neces- sarily Pargenic. The Pargenic man is born from a Pargenic mother or father, at a time when the taint was active in the body. 45 • HOW TO PRESERVE FLUORIN IN BROTH : If I cook a broth from a joint soup-bone in a pressure cooker and do not let any steam escape, do I preserve the Fluorin? A. —You cannot preserve Fluorin by cooking the broth in a pressure cooker, but you can preserve Fluorin by cooking a broth on a very slow fire, over a low burning gas jet, where the broth stands and simmers for about six hours. 46. FLUORIN - HOW TO SUPPLY IN ABUNDANCE: How can we get Fluorin supplied quickly when it has been used up? What foods should be eaten every day? How much of each? A. - In order to supply Fluorin in abundance it is the very best to fall back upon such foods that are very rich in Fluorin and eat them at every meal in abundance. Fluorin-containing foods are: Black", bark, herring, blackfish, salmon, bluefish, mackerel, red cab- bage, raw egg yolk, sprouts, oysters, cod liver oil, garlic, cauli- flower, minsal, cottage cheese, kumiss, goat's milk, goaf's cheese, Roquefort cheese, goat's milk whey, Swiss cheese, goat's whey cheese, cartilaginous broth, greenish sea water, and also river water. 47. C HIN A MAN - FL UORIN CONSUMPTION: Has not the Chinaman (Fluorin man) tuberculosis or syphjlis, or bad teeth? Does the Chinaman look youthful? A. — You do not seem to understand. When a certain element produc- es a different Constitution, it is the excessive consumption of that element which produces that Constitution and those symptoms, ail- ments and tendencies peculiar to this Constitution. You should re- member that the Fluorin consumption is great in the Chinaman. When Fluorin consumption is great, it means that the Fluorin element is lacking because they use up the Fluorin too rapidly. The Chinaman looks, or appears, just exactly as a Marasmic man or patient does. Hence, also, the Chinaman is a living proof of this very fact. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-203 INSTITUTE OF HUM AN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO , ILLINOIS . LECTU RE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. 48. FLUOR IN D IET FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN: Should adults and chil- dren eat practically the same Fluorin diet, or should the age en- ter into this question as to amount? A. - Adults and children both are in need of a diet that is rich in Fluorin. The Fluorin element should be supplied" at all times in all people, at all ages. 49. Will a Fluorin diet help one in later life, over fifty r who has always been deficient in Fluorin, or is it too late? A. - If the Fluorin has been insufficient in the diet all along, so that there is a deficiency of Fluorin in the system, a rich Fluorin diet will help, providing the system can take up the Fluorin and utilize it, but if the system cannot utilize the Fluorin it is too late, and then £he disease will go on until the person dies. 5"0. PHLEGM IN LUNGS: YThen a person spits up the phlegm from the lungs and it is black, is that the sign of a lack of Fluorin in the system? A. - YJhen a person spits up a phlegm from the lungs that is black, it is an indication that the person has inhaled too much smoke and dirt from city air. 51. GOITRE REQUIRES I ODIN: If an exophthalmic goitre case shows excessive consumption of Oxygen, would you advise an excess of Fluorin and Iodin in the diet? A, — Tf an exophthalmic goitre shows an absolute lack of Iodin, and therefore, a lack of Oxygen also, you should supply Iodin in abundance, and you should place the patient in the hills when it is possible, where he can obtain more Oxygen. 52 « PROSTATIC GLAND TROUBLE: Why do men so often have prostatic trouble after about fifty of age; even when he had no vener- eal disease? Is it due to lack of Fluorin? A. - Men have trouble with the prostatic gland for the simple rea- son that, after about forty-five years, the system is more acid, A man should be placed on a basic diet at the age of about forty- five ,. and he would not have any trouble with the prostatic gland. 53. INSAN ITY: Will a blow sufficient to break one's jaw, necessi- tating wiring the teeth, cause insanity? A friend, aged twenty- five, has been pronounced insane from above cause. Abscess con- dition found on one tooth root. A. - A blow on the jaw, resulting in loosening of the teeth, could not possibly cause insanity. An abscess under a. tooth could no,t cause insanity. Insanity comes from some kind of trouble in t.he brain, perhaps from a tumor in the brain or pressure upon the ... F-204 brain. The brain is not in the teeth, nor is the brain in the jaw* 5"4". ARTISTIC PEOPLE: Are not dark-haired people more artistic than red-haired" Exesthesics? A.. — Dark—haired people are not necessarily more artistic than red- haired people* In fact,, the Color of the hair has nothing to do with art. A person is artistic by reason of his artistic facul- ties, or development of the artistic faculties- in the brain. The hair' has nothing to do with artistic skill. 55. ALMOND OIL FOR DRY SKIN: Is almond oil good for dry skin in the Nitropheric? A. - Yes, almond oil is very good for dry skin, even for any type of people. 56. DIET FOR MENTAL, WORKERS : What diet would you advise for a Des- mogenic and Myogenic who does mental work ten and twelve hours a day, year after year? A. - The diet that would be good for a Desmogenic, or for a Myogenic man doing heavy mental work from ten to twelve hours a day, year in and year out, is a diet that supplies Phosphorus. That man would need vegetables, Phosphorus, and Lecithin in abundance. 57*. DROPSY: Can dropsy be cured,, of four years standing, by diet, at the age of forty-five, and at change of life? llh&t kind of diet would be used? A. — There is no reason why dropsy cannot be cured in a man of forty- five years, even if it is of four years standing. If placed upon a correct diet, this dropsy will disappear » The best diet at the time of change of life would perhaps be a basic diet. 58. GRAY HAIR : What is the cause of a man's hair turning gray at the age of twenty-eight? What can be done to prevent it from gett- ing all gray? Constitution is Desmogenic . A. - If a man's hair is turning gray at the age of twenty-eight, it is a positive indication that the cerebellum has been weakened in his case, and if the cerebellum has been weakened to the extent of the hair turning gray, so early, we cannot do anything for it. Neither strict diet, nor climate, nor medicine, nor anything else,, can help it. 59. INFANTILE PARALYSIS: What would you recommend for treatment for infantile paralysis? A. — Infantile paralysis cannot be cured. It may be helped, but when the substance in the spinal cord has been destroyed, as is al- ways the case in infantile paralysis, very little can be done. It is perfectly true that you can grow new substance in the spinal cord upon the right diet, but this is a very slow process. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-205 INSTITUT E OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICA GO, ILLINOIS. LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS-, QUE STIONS & ANSWERS". 60. HEMI~PH LE GIA~ : What would you recommend for treatment of hemi- phlegia? A". - We are very much afraid" that nothing can be done for hemi- pnlegia, for hemiphlegia is caused by lesion to the bands of fi- bres in the corpus striatum and also to the band of the internal capsule. And" when any of those band's have been destroyed" by le- sion, or otherwise, nothing can be done. If a finger is cut off, that finger is off to stay, and that is all* 61. CONSTI TUTIONS CANNOT CHANGE: Is there any type that changes with age? Is it possible for a. Neurogenic at thirty years to be- come Pallinomic at fifty years? A. - It would be almost impossible for any type of a man to change his type into another type. Of course, it may possibly be done, but we have not seen it done as yet. I doubt very much that a Neurogenic could change himself into a Pallinomic. I do believe that it is almost impossible for a man to change his type. 62. HERNIA : What would you recommend for hernia in men, and her- nia, caused by obstetrical conditions? Would you recommend imme- diate operation, or should the patient recuperate from confinement before operation? A. - I do not know what to recommend for hernia in man. I do be- lieve that the best cure for hernia is immediate operation. Of course^ if a rupture is slight, it would heal up again if the per- son would only take care of it and would fall back upon a suitable diet, providing the patient is not old. But if the patient is old the healing power is not so great, nor is it possible for him to take up so easily, food materials that would heal it, as he could when he is young. 63. BEAUTY APPLICAT IONS : Since women are bound to have some sort of beauty applications, give your opinion on same, and what would you recommend for skin applications? Will same work on all types? What would be the harmless formula? A. -Women are so constituted that they are moved by sentiment, and all of those wishes or aspirations for beauty are a result of sentiment. Therefore, also", women will always pay attention to any and all recommendations or practices current at the time when they live* They are just as much interested' in the methods as, they are in the beauty itself. If one woman uses face cream^ all women want to use face cream, even if that face cream will make them all homely. They use it because it is current - it is cus- tomary - it is stylish. If it is stylish to have the face cut in two and to have the nose shaved off, they would have it done. This is sentiment without reason. There is really no formula for beauty. The only formula for beauty is to live according to the laws of health, and to take the best care of all functions and all organs in the body. F-2.06 64- TUBE RCU LAR RO OM-MATE: What affect would an Atrophic person in a- tubercular condition have on a. healthy room-mate? A. — A"n Atrophic person in a tubercular condition would have a verjr bad' effect upon a room-mate. There is an odor, and also an evapora- tion from the body at all times, and this odor and evaporation would have a bad effect upon a room-mate. 65". ECZEMA CONT AGI OUS : Is eczema, in the Hydripheric Constitution, contagious? A. - Eczema., in the Hydripheric Constitution, may or may not be con- tagious. If the eczema is caused' by germ life and germ odors, it is contagious-, but not otherwise, 66. ROUND SHOULDBRS : What makes a child round-shouldered? A. - A child becomes round-shouldered because the faculties of Self- Esteem and Combat iveness are too weak, and because the cerebellum is also too weak. The child permits the shoulders to droop instead of holding them the way they should be held. When a child is strong in Self-Esteem and Combat iveness, and the cerebellum, he holds up his shoulders so that they never droop, and hence, never becomes round-shouldered. 67 '• THIRD CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: What is the third circulatory system? A. - The fetal circulation is sometimes cabled the second circula- tory system- The circulation of the vitellus is sometimes called the vitelline circulation. We sometimes hear about the pulmonary circulation, as distinguished from that of the systemic circulation, or the general circulation. We sometimes hear about the adult circulation, or the circulation of the grown man. This is some- times called the third circulation, but, it is not the third circu- latory system. It is simply the circulation in the grown man. 68. RADIO-ACTIVE, PEOPLE : Why are human beings radio-active people? A. - Human beings are radio-active people because they act with arms. The word "radio" has reference to the word "radius, "and the humerus in the arm bone. A man is active through his arms. When you say that a human being is radio-active, you say the same thing as if you would say that the human being is active through his arms. 69 * FUNCTION OF PINEAL GLAND : What is the function of the pineal gland? Is the faculty of telepathy in the pineal gland?. A. - The function of the pineal gland is unknown to physiology and medicine. It is for this very reason that a great many guessers- guess at the function of the pineal gland. We have our idea, in re- gard to the function of the pineal gland, but we are not sure, for we do not really know. We think, however, that the pineal gland" has something to do with nerve shocks. There is no faculty in the pineal gland. The pineal gland is only a gland. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-207 INSTITUTE OF HUMA N NATURE STUDIES', CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, LECTU RE NOTES. COUR SE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. 70. ORIGINAL "ON E EYE ": What became of the original "one eye" said to have been used by nan? K. - We do not know, nor does anyone else, nor is there any indi- cation of an ancient one eye in the anatomy of man. 71. HUMAN VAMPIRE S': Is there such a thing as one person feeding off of the vitality of another? Human "vampires" they are called by some cults. K. — One man cannot feed on the vitality of another man, but one man ma}' have a weakening influence upon another man. Human vam- pires v\&y exist, but not in the same sense as people usually be- lieve . 72. SYMPATHY BETW EEN BRAIN AND FEET: What causes the feet to be- come warm when the brain is very active? A. - When the brain is active the feet are warm or hot. When the brain is overheated the feet are overheated, especially when the man is standing on his feet. there is a close connection between the condition of the brain and the condition of the feet. One is in sympathy with the other. 73. PITUITARY GLAND: What function does the pituitary gland have to perform? rt is said that over-activity of this gland causes people to grow to be giants. 'A'. — The pituitary body or gland secretes a certain valuable sub- stance for the brain, and if this substance is not secreted, it is likely to result in myxedema, and other ailments. You have read that the over-activity of this gland causes people to grow to be giants. This is nothing else than sensational writing. There are some doctors who are sensational and want to become popular, and then they write that kind of an article, writing in the dajly papers. They want to become known. They are simply sensational, and that is all. 74. MAGNETISM AN D ELECTRICITY: What is the difference between magnetism and electricity in man? How does it show? Is it the same as positive and negative electricity? What Constitutions are more magnetic and more electric? Do you not consider magne- tism and electricity in the affinities? A. — The difference between magnetism and electricity is this. Magnetism is the effect of the activity of one or all of the fa- culties of the brain, especially the nobler ones, and electricity is. generated in the muscles of man. and in the cerebellum. The cerebellum itself is a sort of an electrical motor, and when it acts upon the muscles through the motor nerves, electricity is generated. Some Constitutions are magnetic and others are more electric. No, magnetism and electricity are not affinities, for magnetism is generated by the brain, while electricity is generat- ed by the muscles and by the cerebellum. F-208 75 - ORGANIC SUGAR DOES NOT NEUTRALIZE CALCIUM: Will the organic sugar in fruits neutralize the Calcium foods eaten at the same time? A. - The organic sugar in fruits does not neutralize the Calcium foods. Sugar has a strong affinity for Calcium and" therefore, al- so, if there is too much sugar in the system the Calcium which we ea.t will not be utilized normally. 76. YEA ST, COMPRESSED: Does eating compressed yeast cure indiges- tion? If so, in what temperament? A. — No, compressed yeast will never cure indigestion. It may pro- duce indigestion and gas generation, but it will not cure either. 77 ~- FLAXSEED GOOD FOR THROAT AND LUNGS: Is flaxseed good for tu- berculosis? How should it be prepared, and what minerals does it contain? Why does hay-fever sometimes stop after the first frost? A. - Yes, flaxseed is good for tuberculosis. It has a soothing ef- fect upon the throat and upon the lungs, and will help to loosen the mucous and the tubercles in the lungs. It should be cooked the same as you cook any other tea, and then mixed with a little lemon juice and honey. Hay— fever stops when the air becomes cool and frosty. 78* G ALLSTONES : Is an operation advisable on a lady suffering from gallstones? A. - It is not necessary to undergo an operation for gallstones. Gallstones may be overcome by diet. In fact, gallstones is a diet ailment and can be cured by a diet very successfully. 79. PUS IN CEREB ELLUM : Why is pus sometimes found in the cerebel- lum and sometimes partial atrophy? A. — Pus is found in the cerebellum because the cerebellum wastes away, and it wastes away because there is not enough of life, action and blood in the cerebellum by reason of some kind of ailment or disease, 80. I NFANTILE PARAL YSIS: What is the virtue of bathing affected limbs' in fish brine in case of infantile paralysis? A. - The fish brine will do no more good to the limbs of a person who suffers from infantile paralysis than would a little castile soap or a little dirt. A person suffers from infantile paralysis because a certain part of the spinal marrow has been destroyed by germs and germ toxins. What could fish brine have to do with the curing of an ailment like this? Fish brine does not grow brain nor marrow. 31 • SODA FOUNTAIN MATERIAL: Of what benefit is the lemon syrup, orange crush, and ice cream with the egg yolk drink which you recom- mend for the brain? A. - It is of no benefit for the brain. It only gives the drink a better taste, and that is all. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-209 INSTIT UTE OF HUMAN NA TURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE- FOODS & CHEMICALS . QUESTIO NS & ANSWERS. 82. MEAT FRO M YOUNG ANIMALS : Is it better to eat meat from matur- ed animals than from young animals? A. — It is better to eat the meat from young animals than from old animals, or mature animals, for the simple reason that young ani- mals have generative power, and because there is always more of the Vitamines, and of the red corpuscles in young animals. Also for the reason that the eliminative organs are stronger and more active in young animals than in older ones. In old animals, or in the meat from the same, there are always more of the waste pro- ducts, toxins, and impurities, and the person who eats the meat eats also those products, those toxins and impurities. 83. POTASSIUM IN ABUNDANCE FOR POTASSIUM PEOPLE : Should a Con- stitution in which Potassium consumption is great, suppl}'' that el- ement constantly? A. — Yes, a man in whom Potassium consumption is great, should al- ways supply that element in abundance, constantly, because when the consumption of a certain element is great, that element must absolutely be supplied in abundance also. The more Potassium you use, the more you must supply. The more money you use up, the more money you need. The more Phosphorus you burn up, the more Phosphorus you need. 84. ACNE - THE CAUSE : \7hat element is lacking when an apparently healthy man, about twenty-one years old, has acne? A. - Acne appears in young people, full-blooded people, people who have a little too much Iron in the blood, and in the muscles, peo- ple who have a little too much of the fatty element in the blood and throughout the body; people in whom the sexual system is waken- ing up and is vigorous. Acne is a very good sign. It is a health sign. Of course, diet can be regulated so that acne never appears, and can be regulated so that when acne appears it will al- so disappear under the right diet. 85. NUMBNESS CAUSED BY l*EAK CEREBELLUM: What is the cause of a numbness suddenly coming over the forehead and face, making one feel they are about to lose consciousness? A. - This is a weakness of the cerebellum. It means that it is very necessary to sleep much and vitalize your general system. It means that you need a diet that sustains the muscular system, or that contains Potassium chloride to a great extent. 86. SILICON LOST IN_ PREPARATION: Is not too much of the Silicon and other organic elements, lost even in steelcut oatmeal? A. — Yes. 87. SILICON - RAW OAT S: Can Silicon be taken out of the oatmeal by the digestion if the oats be eaten raw? A. - NO. . . F-210 88. HEADACHE - IRON STARVATION: What causes a pain which cones and" goes-, along each side of the head, about where your hair begins and traveling as though it were in a groove along the side, and makes one feel as one feels when a foot is asleep. A. - This is an Iron starvation symptom, and" requires a persistent, heavy Iron diet. 89. HEART TROUBLE - HEART S ALTS : What diet would you advise in a bad case of heart trouble with liver and kidney complications, be- sides a Sodium diet, especially considering that the Constitution is Calciferic? Would you. advise hot or cold applications'? A. - In case of heart trouble, the chances "are that there is a lack of heart salt's - , viz-; Sodium chloride, Potassium chloride,, and Cal- cium phosphate. I" would advise a diet rich in heart salts, and I would also tell the patient to breathe fresh air in abundance, and rest and sleep much. 90.. MATHEMATICA L GE NIUSES: Are mathematical geniuses sometimes Medeic? A. —Some mathematical geniuses are Medeic, some are Calciferic* and some are Desmogenic. Those three are the greatest of all ma- thematicians. 91. CURRANT JUIC E - SAS SAFRAS TEA - HOW T O PREPA RE: Please say how to make currant juice from currants. Also how to make sassafras tea. A. — Wash the currants first in a collander. Then pour distilled water on the currants and let them stand there and cook very slowly on a slow fire until they boil, and then drain off the juice and drink if. Sassafras tea you can prepare the same way as you prepare any other tea. All you need to do is to pour distilled water on the sassa- fras tea and let it come to a boil, and then let it steep for about ■cen to fifteen minutes. Then pour it off and drink the tea warm. 92 * EGG PHOSPHATE - QUICKLY ASSIMI LATED : Is egg phosphate really assimilated in about forty minutes, or is the relief you attribute to it merely stimulation or neutralization of excess stomach acidity? A. - Egg phosphate is assimilated very quickly by the blood stream, and does not require any digestion. This is stimulating, at the same time, and also neutralizing of stomach acidity. It is an ex- cellent food.. 93 - OCCIPITAL. HEADACHE AND SWELLING OF FEET: Please explain what is the cause of constant occipital headaches in a Hydripheric Con- stitution, also swelling of the feet or edema. A. — Internal brain pressure caused by water acid^and gases. The swelling of the feet, or the edema, is caused "by- lack of Chlorin. Copyright, 1921, by v. G. Rocine. F-211 INSTITUT E OF HUMAN NATURE S TUDIES", CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. QUESTIONS" & ANSWERS. 9£. DEAFNESS CAUSED BY CALCIUM HARDENING: How do you cure hard hearing in a Neurogenic man? When he was six years of age his hearing became worse, and also his upper nose was gradually clogg- ed' up by a growth, probably caused by Calcium phosphate. After twenty years of age he became almost deaf. A'. — Perhaps the very best thing that you could do with a man like that would be to place him on a very strong Sodium diet and send him to a moist, warm climate, where the air is breezy, and never still, as, for instance,, in the hills of Louisiana. 95. NERVOUS IMAGI NATI ON IN EXES THSSIC : How do you account for sensuality in the Exesthesic type, as they are so refined? A. - This is not sensuality. You could not call it sensuality* . It is nervous imagination, or it is erethism. This, however , does not happen unless the Exesthesic man or woman shall have been starved in nerve and brain and unless he or she is under the in- fluence of Sulphur acid, or Sulphur gas, acting upon the nerves and brain. 96. GxREAS Y SCALP -INCOMPLETE FAT M ETABOL ISM: Is lack of Magne- sium in a mental temperament man the cause of a greasy scalp? A. - It is lack of Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium combined* The fat metabolism is incomplete, 97% SANDY BEACHES - SILICON: Will the bathing on our Chicago beaches in the sand supply us with the Silicon element? A. — When a man is bathing he is not in the sand. Lying in the sand does not supply the Silicon element to the inside of the body. It does have its effect on the skin, and on the general health- 98. A VENA SATIVE AND AVS NIN : Where can Avena Sative and Avenin be purchased? A. — In any first-class Homeopathic drug store. 99. LOST SPEECH - AVENIN . - Will Avenin help to restore loss of speech? A. - It will help. 100. SILICON - LOST SPEECH : Is Silicon valuable in Diphtheria? A. —Yes, but pineapple is much more effective on the throat and on the germ of Diphtheria, so much so that if pineapple be eaten in abundance in connection with certain other valuable treatments in Diphtheria, before the disease takes a too strong hold, it will prevent the germ from getting hold of the throat tissues so com- pletely as to destroy the membranes of the throat. F--212 101. OAT PREPARA TI ONS: What is the best way to prepare oatmeal? A. — Cook it in a fireless cooker for about twenty hours. Oatmeal muffins - Take two eggs well beaten, one teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of sugar, one cup and one-half of sour milk, two cups of good oatmeal, one cup of white flour, one-half teaspoonful of soda. Mix well and make it into a thick batter and put into tins; then put into a. hot oven* Bake from fifteen to twenty minutes If the batter is too thin, add a little more oatmeal. If you so wish 3^ou may add raisins. It may be well, also, to add just a lit- tle good baking powder, because good baking powder, as a general rule, contains a certain percent of salicilic acid, and this acid has the power to raise the oatmeal much more* 1.0 &» AVENA SATIVA - HOW TO PRE PARE : Will you give directions for taking Avena Sativa? A. - This depends upon the patient and upon the sickness; but Avena Sativa. is nothing else than an oatmeal extract, or oat extract, and cannot do any harm. Of course, it is not necessary to use very much. — only perhaps as much as can be held on a twenty— five cent piece,, in the beginning. ' Later on it may be well to increase the dose. I think, however, it is much better to prepare oatmeal ex- tract yourself* Of course, if you do not wish to have that trouble you can purchase the extract in a Homeopathic drug store. 103. GONORRHEA - HOW TO CURE: Can Gonorrhea be cured in a Myogenic Constitution? A. —Yes. If the germs shall have been killed, all that you need to do is to give the patient plenty of red currant juice, black cur- rant juice, Oxygen, sassafras tea, mint tea, and a constructive diet. 104. MYOGENIC_REQyiRES_POTASSIUM, SODIUM, aAND CHLORIN : Does a Myo- genic man often run short of~*Sodium and Chlorin as compared to the precipitation of Potassium? A. — It should be remembered that a Myogenic man is a Potassium pa- tient, and that because he is Myogenic, or because he is a. Potassium patient, he is capable of utilizing Potassium, Sodium and Chlorin to a greater extent. But if he does not eat rightly, he will suffer from Sodium and Chlorin, as well as Potassium starvation also. 105. PINK EYE CAUSE : Is Pink Eye a. germ disease, or is it.-, a symp- tom of a lack of Potassium? A. —Pink Eye indicates a lack of Potassium, and lack of Sulphur, be- cause of excessive Sulphur consumption, and also lack of Sodium and Chlorin. A man who suffers from Pink Eye should supply, in his diet, every day and at every meal, foods that are rich in Potassium, Sulphur, Chlorin and Sodium* 106.. ACID STOMACH; When is a salty drink best? A. — When the stomach is acid. Copyright, 1921,. by V. G. Rocine~ F-2I3" INSTITU TE OF HUMAN NATU RE STUDIES , C HICAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES- COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. 107'. FLUORIN FOR THE CALF: You have said that Fluorin is the only element that protects the bones and prevents decay; also that Fluorin is not found in cow's milk. If that is so, what is it that protects the calf's bones? A". - In the first place, I did not say that Fluorin is not found in cow's milk, Because Fluorin is found in cow*-s milk, although not to any great extent. I have said that Fluorin is found to a greater extent in goat's milk. It is found anywhere where Calcium is at work. Anything that contains Calcium also contains Fluorin, to a. certain extent. Unless we boil the milk, Fluorin is not dis- sipated. After the calf is older it eats grass; it drinks river water. That grass and river water contain Fluorin, and this pro- tects the bones of the calf. 108. PHOSPHORUS PEOPLE NEED SLEEP: If one has most, or all, of the spiritual faculties, and he has a great deal of Phosphorus, does such a man need to sleep much? I know a man who sleeps but very little, and he says that he does not need sleep. A. — A Phosphorus man, although he would not need sixteen hours sleep a day, will never admit that he needs sleep. He does so much thinking, he is always lean and sickly* He is the man who needs sleep. It is easy to sleep when a man has nothing but tis- sue. It is difficult to sleep when he has nothing but brain. It is not a question of what a man may say, think, or do, but rather a question of what he needs and cannot obtain. 109. MILK AN D DATES COMB INED : Do the chemicals of milk and dates combine,, or do they clash? A. —They combine favorably. There is nothing in dates that would be harmful in combination with milk. Yet, we should eat dates by themselves, and eat milk in connection with other foods. 110. VEGETABLE SALTS: Can vegetable salts be purchased? A. - Yes, but are they of any value? That which is called tissue . salts, is not vegetable salts, but mineral salts. The so-called tissue remedies are not vegetable, nor tissue remedies. They are not organo-metallic salts. We should not, under any circumstances', separate that which God has combined. We must not separate the salts from vegetables and fruits. We should eat them as they are. le think we can improve on the Almighty, but we cannot. 111. PHOSPHORUS FOR PHO SPHORU S PE OPLE: If Phosphorus is in the lead, should we supply Phosphorus in abundance? A. — If Phosphorus is in the lead, it is a Phosphorus Constitution. Then Phosphorus should be supplied in abundance, as it is constant- ly being burnt up. F-2I4 112.. GLANDS SWELL BY IMPURITY IN SYSTEM: What causes the glands' to swell at times-, under the arms? Is it because of a lack of Phos- phorus? A. - No. It may be because of considerable of impurity in the body. If there is a great deal of impurity in the system,, the glands be- come full and likely to swell from inflammation. 113. PHOSPHOROUS FOODS: What foods would you advise as an easy and quick way to get Phosphorus? A. - Fish food, fish broth,, egg yolk, barley bread, rye bread. 114. TO ACQUIRE SLEEP : How can the brain be put to sleep in the Neurogenic, or mental type? A. —You can go to sleep best by doing vigorous physical work during the day for about four, five, or s Ik hours, until tired out. Keep away from books and intelligent people. Vi/Ren. your body is tired your brain goes to sleep. 115. DREAMS - TOXINS' IN INTESTINES: What is the cause of sleepless- ness in one who dreams terrible dreams when he does sleep? A. — Toxins in the intestines is the cause. 116. PHOSPHOROUS FOODS: Should a. Pathetic temperament child be given Phosphorous foods in abundance? A. - Yes* 117. DISTILLED WATER: Must distilled water be aired before it is used for other purposes, except drinking? 118. WATER DRINKING: Does frequent drinks of cold water indicate an excess of Phosphorus, Oxygen, or a different element? A. — No* It does not indicate anything except that the person .craves drinks of cold water. There may be, perhaps, excessive heat. in the stomach; or there may be a slight inf le.mmation in the liver, or nerves, or the brain may be overheated, or there may be toxins in the stomach. All such conditions call for drinks in abundance. 119. MANGANE S E IN NUTS : Do peanuts contain any Manganese? A. — Just a mere trace. Walnuts and almond nuts are the principal nuts that contain Manganese. 120. ELEMENTS IN INFANTS: What elements are at work in an infant up to seven years of age? A. — Principally Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Sulphur, Phos- phorus, Calcium and Silicon. They are the principal elements at work in a child up to the age of seven. From seven to fourteen we have Fibrin at work, mostly. From fourteen to twenty we also have Fibrin at work, but we have the brain at work to a greater extent. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine F— 225 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINO IS. LECTURE N OTES . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. 121. CALCIUM FSR IOD AGE: At what years does a child have its Cal- cium period? In other words, at what age should Calcium foods he given, largely? A. — A child has to have Calcium from the time it is being con- ceived", up to its twenty-eighth year. At first, he draws Calcium from the mother- until she may be nothing but an empty shell. She must supply Calcium at her own expense, even if she dies supplying it. After birth, the child needs Calcium until it is about twenty-eight years of age, or when the bones are fully mature. After that, he should not be given Calcium food, except to a small degree. After the age of forty-five he does not need Calcium- foods. If he eats Calcium then, he may suffer from Calcic dis- eases-. 122. SPINACH FROM GREENHO USES : How can you tell greenhouse grown spinach from outside grown? A. —You cannot. But we know that the spinach that is supplied in November, December and January, may be raised in greenhouses. 123. ELIMIN ATE C ALCIUM F OR EPILEPSY: Is it necessary to elimi~ ■ na.te Fluorin besides Calcium in most cases of epilepsy? A. — It is not necessary to eliminate Fluorin if we eliminate Cal- cium, because the action of Calcium in the blood leads to epilepsy. You can produce epilepsy very soon by supplying an excessive Cal- cium diet. Cut out the Calcium and he will recover. 124. FLUORIN - CONDENSED GOAT^S MILK: What about the Fluorin contained in a can of goat's milk in comparison with fresh goat's milk? A*. — In canned goat's milk we do not find Fluorin. Canned, or evaporated:, goat's milk., is valuable because of the blood salts. 125.. CAUSE OF GRAY HAIR: Is it possible to produce gray hair by diet, without injury to the hair or to the general health of the body? If so, how may this be accomplished? A. — Gray hair is not exactly produced by diet. It is perfectly true that we can rob the cerebellum of nutrition to such an extent that certain single hairs become gray. If you have a. weak cere- bellum; if you stay awake too much at night ;. if you lose sleep for a long time; if you rob the cerebellum of its nutrition, certain single hairs turn gray. If you are shocked in some faculty your hair may turn gray in a few days. I knew a man who was the prin- cipal owner of a factory: One night he woke up and the factory was burning up. He looked out through his window, transfixed, never spoke, never moved for two hours. Meanwhile, in two hours his hair turned gray. It was nothing else than a shock. We can prevent hair from becoming gray to a certain extent, but we cannot do so exclusively by diet. The hair turns gray„ if the cerebel- lum gives out- F-2I6 I26~ FPEE IODrN: TSRat is free Iodin, and how do these people get it into cheir system when they live upon starchy foods - , meats", al- buminous foods, etc.? A. — Free Iodin is at work in the system. It is not a question of where we get it, but we know free Iodin is there. There is free Calcium, free Oxygen, free Sodium, at work in the system. We get Iodin from foods containing Iodin. Some of the Iodin is used con- structively; some is used as free Iodin, acting, of course, in com- bination with other elements, or compounds., 127. P IMPLE S - THE IRC AU SB : If Sulphur drives- out impurity, what foods are indicated in cases of pimp3es and acne, or of eczema? What kind of pimples are chey? A. —Sulphur drives impurity to the surface, but sometimes there may be something else lacking. There may be a lack of Potassium in the system. Then, there will be pimples. There may be a lack of Iron and there will be pimples. Excess of fat will produce pimples. There may be an excess of cooked Sulphur, when there will be pim- ples/ Acne is produced in young girls and young men. It is sim- ply a health sign* It means, "See how healthy I am V 1 If you see a young girl with acne on the cheeks, do not be afraid of that girl. She will make a good wife and mother, so far as vigor in function is concerned. 128. SLEEPLESSNESS - ITS CAUSE: Does a lack of Manganese produce sleeplessness? What other elements will cause sleeplessness, when lacking? A. - Yes. A lack of Manganese produces sleeplessness. Excessive heat, when Manganese is lacking in the body, if you suffer from any- thing at that time, you suffer that much more intensely. Over-eat- ing, lack of Sodium, auto-intoxication, of Phosphorus * lack of Silicon — all cause sleeplessness. Almost any element, when it is lacking, may produce sleeplessness. There are some elements that produce sleeplessness when they are in excess. For instance, excess of Sodium will produce sleeplessness. Excess of Calcium might. Lack of organo-metallic salts might- If Potassium is lacking it results in sleeplessness.' If Sulphur is in excess, if Phosphorus is in excess, or lacking, it results in sleep- lessness. When we consider there are many causes of sleeplessness, also what those causes are, it is very foolish to take a dose of morphine for sleeplessness. 129. IODIN - EXCESS AND LACK OF: How can the symptoms due to lack, or excess, of Ioain be the same? So many of the symptoms you men- tioned are due to lack of Iodin. Can a goitre of thirty years be cured by diet only. A. —We have often said symptoms are similar, but not identical. Excess, or lack, of Icdin symptoms may be similar but not identical, because when there is excess, sometiaing alters that symptom. If goitre is caused by lack of Iodin then it can be cured. Copyright, 1981, by V, G. Rocine. F-217" INSTITUTE OF HU MAN NA TURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO, ILLINOIS . LECTURE NOTES. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. 129. IODIN - EXCESS AND LA CK O F: (Continued") Can goitre caused by lack of Iodin be cured? Km — Some goitres cannot be cured by an Iodin diet, nor by anything else. If you cut it out, the patient may die. Exopthalmic goirr tre is a nervous goitre and is caused by a different condition. Tt is possible that a goitre can be cured after thirty years stand- ing. 130. BRAIN SHRINKAGE: Can shrinkage of brain be cured by a heavy Manganese diet in a man between seventy-five and eighty years - of age? A. — When a man is as old as seventy— five or eighty years, the brain shrinks because of old-age. If we can get the system to take up the elements needed, it may be cured. But there comes a time when the system refuses those elements ©ven when supplied. When the brain begins to shrink, we are in danger. 131. GOITRES IN W OMEN : Why do women suffer from goitre, and why does it rarely occur in men? A. — • The reason women suffer from goitre is because they use,, or burn, up the organo-metallic salts faster than they can be sup- plied. Women use up from two to three times as much Iron as men, and they get less. That is why women are subject to disturbances- of the motherhood function. 132,. GO ITRE - CURES: Will painting a goitre with Iodin help it? Or do it harm? A. — Painting a goitre with Iodin compresses it- You can accom- plish the same thing with albumin. You can paint it with the white of an egg- Iodin does not supply anything to the goitre, because the Iodin you buy in the drug store will never be taken up from within. You must manufacture your own Iodin, and supply it from the inside, according to the scheme of the Almighty. 133. GOITRE OPERATION: What effect does an operation have on a goitre? A. — It depends upon what kind of goitre it is. 134. EYEL ID DEFECT : What is lacking when a person is not able to close the left eyelid? When the left eye waters when eating? A.. — Phosphorus, Sodium and Potassium are lacking. ^ 4 - G AS IN ST OMACH: When is a peppermint drink best? A. — When there is gas in the stomach. F-E18 t.35. MAG- N3S IUM D IRE C T ION S : Should Magnesium be introduced into the "body Til the morning, or any time a person feels drowsy? A, - It should "be introduced "between meals • 136. "F LU" - CAUSE : What causes great fatigue after the "Flu"? Is it due ' to lack of Magnesium? If sugar and albumin are found in the urine, is it due to toxins alone? A. - In a case of "Flu", the germs and toxins attack the muscular brain. "Flu" breaks down the blood salts* Kiat is why you should give the "Flu" patient a diet rich in blood salts, after the "KLu", or after pneumonia. It is not due to a lack of Magnesium. It is lack of Potassium in the "tissues. It is due to lack of Chlorin n Chlorin works in albumin. Magnesium has to do with the construction of the white fibres in the brain, which are made of albumin and other compounds, through the action of the mind and the work exerted by Magnesium. 137. MULBERRY JUICE: What is the difference, whether the Oxypheric person takes Mulberry Juice or Magnesium? Will not Magnesium an- swer the purpose in reducing heat? A. - There is a great deal of difference between mulberry juice which has " its own properties and will reduce heat and increase per- spiration. Magnesium will not reduce heat. It will cool the nerves. The heat in the Oxypheric man is caused by Amativeness, and is in the muscles, also a result of great combustion, 138. CALCIC ACID : When is a soda drink best? A. - When there is calcic acid in the system. 139. SALT RHEUM : What is the cause of salt water boils? A. - I do not know just what you mean by salt water boils, unless you mean salt rheum. If you mean salt rheum, the cause is a lack, or an almost lack of Potassium chlorid in the muscles. 140. DIET - APPENDICITIS: What is the best diet for a patient that has been operated on for appendicitis? A. - A patient should 'not eat much after having undergone an opera- tion for appendicitis. At least, 'he must not eat any kind of food that fills up the alimentary tract. He should eat that kind of food that is taken up by the blood stream, almost entirely, so that there will be no excreta in the colon.. The best foods are raw egg yolk drinks and various kinds of juices from berries, greens or vegetables. 141. RESPIRA TORY CENTRE - LOCATION: Where is the respiratory centre? A, - In the spinal cord. 148. CONSTITU TI ONS WHO CAN E AT APPLES CON TAINING- MALIC ACID: What three Constitutions can eat apples containing malic acid? A. - Myogenic, Sillevitic, Oxypheric; also young, growing people and all alkaline temperaments. Copyright, 1921, by V, G. Roeine. F-219 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS . SUB JEO IP-POODS FOR EACH CONSTITUTION . REMARKS: Foods named in connection with the word "Eat" are those favorable to the Constitution; and foods named in connection with the word "Omit" are those unfavorable to the Constitution. MENTAL TEMPERAMENT CONSTI TUTIONS, 1. EXES THE SIC : ^ : r a. Eat: Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Potassium, raw vegetable Sulphur, Inhale Oxygen, b. Omit: Carbo-hydrates, cooked Sulphur. 2. NERVI-MOTIV E: a, EAT: Phosphorus, Magnesium, berries, Neurol, sweet vegeta- bles, sour milk, cheese, fish, onions, b. Omit: Sulphur, Calcium, Albumin, fibrin, meat, sweet miljc* 3. NEUROGENIC: a. Eat: Sulphur, Iodin, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Neurol, fruit. Inhale Oxygen, b. Omit: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and high proteins. 4. PATHETIC : a. Eat: Iodin, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Fluor in, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon, also carbo-hydrates. b. Omit: High proteins, meat, fat, stimulants. MUSCULAR TSMPE RAMEN T CO NS T I TUT ION S . 5. DESMOGENI C: a. Eat: Chlorin Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon, (Greens and berries), certain fats, gelatinous foods, vegetable protein. Inhale Oxygen in abundance, b. Omit: Sweets, animal protein and fish protein, 6. MAR AS MIC: a. Eat: Sulphur, Phosphorus, Manganese, Sodium, Silicon, light cereals, b. Omit: Chlorin, Fluor in, Calcium, wines, milk, 7. MYOGENIC: a, Eat: Manganese, Potassium, nuts, vegetable protein, vegeta- ble starch, greens, berries. b. Omit: Dairy products, animal protein, fish protein. 8. CAICIFERIC : a. Eat: Sodium, dairy products, fish, berries, formic acid and citric acid foods, tonics, dry diet, distilled water. b. Omit: Calcium, fat, sweets, starch, alcoholic stimulants, mixed drinks, animal protein. Excess Calcium re- sults in Calcium hardening. 9. ISOGENIC : a. Eat: Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon^ Sweets high in Sodium, Citric acid foods, berries, dry diet, carbonated wines, steamed and broiled foods. Need free Oxygen and ozone. b. Omit: Calcium, carbo-hydrates, fats, high proteins, strong drinks, negative starches, cellulose, cane sugar, grape 'sugar. Excess Calcium results in Calcium hard- ening. IO.SILLEVITIC: a. Eat: General diet. Being highly alkaline, fc&ey require a diet that includes all of the chemicals, b. Omit: Cold foods, stimulants. F-220 VITAL TEMPERAMENT C ONSTITU TIONS . Il.CARBO FERIC : a. Eat: Iodin, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Chlorin, Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon, b. Omit: Carbo-hydrates, animal protein. Breathe much and" exercise . I2.HYDRIPHERIC: a. Eat: Iodin, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Calcium, Nitrogen, Potassium, Silicon, dry diet, tonics, berries, cheese; recommend" sunshine and out-door action* b. Omit: Liquid diet, or foods high in water. 13. LIP0PHERIC : a. Eat: Phosphorus, Chlorin, Fluorin, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon, hot citric drinks. b. Omit: Cold drinks, fat of every description. 14.NITR0PHERIC: a. Eat: Sulphur, Iodin, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Calcium, (Calcium very much), Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium*. Potassium, Sil- icon, Iron, outer part of grains, warm diet, vegetable protein, carbonated drinks, and inhale Oxygen abundantly. b. Omit: Animal protein, milk, water, starch, fat, sugar, cold diet, stimulants. L5»0XYPHERIC: a. Eat: Sulphur, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon, lean diet, broths, greens, vegetables, cooling acid drinks, fish. b. Omit: Dairy products, meat, fat, sugar, starch, spices, wines,,, mild drinks, stimulants, 16.P ALLIN 0MIC: a. Eat: Basic foods (Alkaline foods). b. Omit: Acid-forming foods, and foods that generate uric, hippu- ric , lactic, butyric, or sarcolactic acid. THE PATH OGENIC C ONSTIT UTIONS. 17. ATROPHIC: a. Eat: Sulphur, Iodin, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Fluorin, Iron, Mag- nesium, Sodium, Potassium, Silicon, dry diet, tonics; ce,rbonated wines, Neurol, vitamines, free Oxygen. b. Omit: Albumin, animal fat, animal protein, carbo-hydrates, cold diet, stimulants, drugs. > 18.MEDEIC: a. Eat: Phosphorus, Potassium, warm diet. b. Omit: Water, cold food, meat, starches, sugar, fat, stimulants, milk. Milk will make a Medeic sick. 19.PARGENIC_: a. Eat: Sulphur, Phosphorus, Chlorin, Fluorin, Iron, Sodium, Potassium. b. Omit: Meat, fat, fish, cold diet, starches, stimulants, condi- ments. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. ' F-22I INSTIT UTE OF HUMAN NA TU RE STUDI ES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT -FOODS. Chemical Carbon Chlorin Fluorin Amount in Acid' normal person or weighing Alkal ine 160 poun ds Constitutions who should eat and other Constitutions who should omit these foods Acid Acid Acid Hydrogen Acid Nitrogen Acid 45 lbs If lbs 3f o-zv 15 lbs 2, oz. EAT": Pathetic. OMIT: Exesthesic, Neurogenic, Cal— ciferic. Isogenic,, Carbo- feric, Oxypheric, Pallinomic, Atrophic, Medeic. EAT: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Desmo- genic, Carboferic, Hydri- pheric, Lipopheric, Nit-ro- pheric, Oxypheric, Atrophic, Pargenic. OM IT : Mar a smic • EAT": Pathetic, Lipopheric, Atro- phic, Pargenic. OMIT: None. EAT: None. OMIT: Neurogenic, Hydripheric, Atrophic, Medeic. EAT: Hydripheric. OM IT: Me ur ogen i c , Pa t he t i c , De s mo - genie, Calciferic, Atrophic Phosphorus Acid 2. lbs* EAT: Nervi-Motive, Pathetic, Ma rasmic Pi pheric, Atrophic, Medeic, Pargenic . , C ar bof er ic , Kydr i - ^ er i c , M i t ropher i c , Oxy- o OMIT: None. Sulphur Acid (Cooked) oz. EAT: Pargenic. OMIT: Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive, Pallinomic . Sulphur Acid (Raw) 3-t oz. EAT: Exesthesic, Neurogenic, Marasmic , Nitrcpheric , Oxypner ic , Atrophic , Pargenic B OMIT: Nervi-Motive, Pallinomic. F-222. Chemical Acid' or Alkal ine Magne s ium Alkal ine Sod ium Amount" in normal per- son weigh- ing 160 lbs-. Si OZ. Potassium Alkaline lj- 02. Silicon Alkaline li 02, Iron Alkaline 3 02, Calcium Acid in 4 some ; Alkaline in others. Iodin Attracts -^ lbs. 02. Oxygen results in alkalinity. Manganese Attracts Oxygen result?? in alkalinity Partly alkaline cz i 02, Constitutions who should eat and other Constitutions who should omit these foods EAT Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive, Neuro- genic, Isogenic, Nitropheric, Pallinomic, Atrophic. OMIT: None. EAT: Exesthesic, Neurogenic, Pathe- tic, Desmogenic, Myogenic, Isogenic, Car bo f eric, Kydri— pheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Oxypheric, Pallinomic, Atrophic, Medeic, Pargenic, OMIT: None. EAT: Pathetic, Desmogenic, Marasmic, Isogenic, Carboferic, Hydri- pheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Oxypheric, Pallinomic, Atrophic. OMIT: None. EAT: Exesthesic, Pathetic, Desmogenic, Marasmic, Calciferic, Isogenic, Carboferic, Lipopheric, Nitro- pheric, Oxypheric, Pallinomic, Atrophic, Pargenic. OMIT: None. EAT: Carboferic, Hydripheric, Lipo- pheric, Nitropheric, Oxypheric, OMIT: Nervi-Motive, Marasmic, Calci- feric, Isogenic. EAT: Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carbofer- OMIT: EAT: OMIT : EAT : OMIT: ic, Hydripheric, Atrophic. None. Nitropheric, Neurogenic, Desmogenic, Isogen- ic, Carboferic, Nitropheric, Atrophic, Pargenic. Oxypheric, Plethoric people. Exesthesic, Marasmic, Myogenic, Carboferic, Nitropheric, Pallinomic. None . Oxygen See note 89 Lbs. EAT: OMIT : None. None. NOTE: VJhen acting upon acid elements Oxygen is acid; when acting upon alkaline, or basic elements, it is alkaline. Copyright, 192.1, by V. G. Rocine. F-223 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. FOOD ANA LYSIS . VIT AMINES (Life Force), are found in seeds, blood, tissue,, milk,. egg yolk. A temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit injures the Vitamines, and 130 degrees- Fahrenheit kills them. Cooking of fruits and many vegetables, not only kills the Vitamines but disturbs the chemical elements; hence, fruits and many vegetables pre more valuable in the raw state than they are when cooked. Vitamines deteriorate with age. Fruits and vegetables directly from the orchard or garden, are more valuable for their Vitamines than they are after they have been gathered a few months, weeks, or even a few days- Nuts should not be eaten by themselves, but, should be ground, suit- ed and sprinkled on other foods, and eaten at meals. Almond nuts should be peeled, as the skin is injurious. All undistilled waters contain germs, algae, cancer germs, and minerals that do not belong to the human body. The harder the water- the more Calcium it contains. Pure water contains no Vitam- ines. Impure water contains disease germs. NOTE: CALCIUM is acid in some people and alkaline in other people. I ODIN and IRON attract Oxygen and result in alkalinity. MANGANESE is only partly alkaline. OXYGEN is acid when acting upon acid elements, and alkaline when acting upon alkaline, or basic elements. CARBON, HYDROGEN, OXYGEN and SULPHUR are the strongest acid chemicals. MAGNESIUM, POTASSIUM and SILICON are the strongest alkaline chemicals. REMARKS : The following is a. list of names of foods, their principal salts and other contents. UNDERLINED SYMBOLS indicate that the chemicals are most abundant in the foods in which they are rich. E-224 NAME OF EOOD ACID ALKALINE OTHER MISC. CHEMICALS CHEMICALS NOTE ACIDS CONTENTS Carbon C Magnes. Mg Chi or in CI Potass. K Eluorin E Silicon Si Hydrog. H Nitrog. N Phosph. P Sulphur S Sodium Na Calc. Ca lo&in I Iron Ee Manga. Mn Oxyg. Amylum C H . . Apples P.... Apples, sweet Apricots ...... Arrowroot Artichokes Asparagus H CI S Bananas Barley p Beans ' P* Beans, Lima P Beets Berries Bilberries Blackberries Blueberries P Bran P Brassica Nap us S Bread, Barley P Bread Preoa.r O © o o o o • © e o ft P . Mg Na ... o © o ft ft c s « c eoeOftoccs • ftfteeooo* Na Si ... Na Si Mg . . . E Mg .... Mg K .... Na Na. Mg Na . . . ... K . K . K . Si I ... Ee Ca Ee . . . Ee , . i.' Q c- *■ . * a o a 1 Ee Ca ft 6 n r i Fe ... Malic 6 © * ft o O • Apricot * • • o o • ft * « ft • ft ft O ft « Oxalic Oxalic Oxal ic • o * o a o Tannic Starch Water Hater Water, Sugar Starch Sugar, Water Sugar, Water Starch, Water Starch Protein, Starch Protein, Starch Water Water Sugar, Water Water Water Colloid Water Starch Salt, Starch NOTE: Rye "bread is excellent in winter but not ' in summer. Eat oat- meal bread, or Oatmeal muffins in summer, no other bread. Candy Cabbage Cauliflower Carrots Celery CHEESE, VIZ: Cottage Cow *s Goat r s Mare r s Rocuefort Sheep x s Swiss Goat's whey ft O ft ft ft OX Sx „ , P s ...., H CI S P P CI CI P CI E P~\ .. P CI CI P E CI CI P ©> O © O O « C K ..... K Na K .. Na .... ft © ft o • • » • K . K . K ... K .. . K JA- e * • K ... K Na ... Cherries (White are Chervil Chickory Chili, Red Chives best S P Si Mg K % © o © « C S s . • o © o 9 K Mg ... K Mg . . . J-i- • o © o «s a K Mg . , . Ca .. . « O » © O ft I Ca . 03, * « o va ©© * 03, • « • 0& ft o o 03, • » • ft> « o o © o * ft ft oft* • q • « ft • Ee ft • © ft A > ft © ft © ft c * ft O ft » ft ft a e « « a Oxalic Oxalic ft ft © © o ft O © 9 O © © © t ft ft ft a o o « ft © O ft • ft • ft © ft • © © a © ft • o © 9 ft ft ft ft ft B ft ft ft ft ft ft « • • « o • ft ft O ft Sugar, Dyes Water Water Water Water Cas e in Cas e in Casein Casein Casein Casein Cas e in Water Water Water ' Sugar, Spices Water Copyright, 1921, "by V. G. Rocine, INSTITUTE OP HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHIC AGO. i'-22o ILLINOIS. ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-POODS b CHEMICALS. POOD ANALYSIS. NAME OP POOD ACID ALKALINE CHEMICALS CHEMICALS '■■« '■ ■ < ' '■■■ * ■ ■' ! '' -i Citrate Magn© . • * Citric Fruits ......... Citron Cocoanut Co lax Condiments Corn Crackers Cranberries Cress Cucumbers • » . » * • NOTE Ca . . MISC. CONTENTS Ca S CI .... Na K 7 . K ... OS K P £Mg .... OTHER ACIDS Carbonic Citric Formic Citric Formic Myristic , 4 Colloid P S CI s . • . a K .... Fa Si .. Currants ,Black K ....... Dandelion . (Tonic and wine ) Dill S %g Plant Egg Yolk Endive Fibrin Foods Figs FISH* VIZ: Bass, Black Blue fish Clam broth Clams Crabs . Crawfish GrTQen Haddock Halibut Herring <1) £Mg . K Mg . . » » CI S P F CNf H N C S S C .... Na Mg • • ♦ K ....... . • • • • . p >-«a . • . a Mn .... Ca .... Pe Ca . ....... .»•»»» Fe Ca Mn Mn .4.1 »•»«»• •»•••» Starch Starch, Sugar, Molasses Hippuric .......... «. Water Oxalic Water Oxalic, Water, sugar Malic ....... Water ....... Oxalic " Water Water * Water ..♦ # 0..... • Native al- bumin or Proteid Na K Si Mg Fe **.* Oxalic Sugar P P CI .. P P CI .. p ci 4... 7 CI .... V CI .... 1? ci .... F P CI ., P CI I CI P CI „, • • . . . ♦ . * Lobster broth P "0*1 .... Lobsters (2) P 01 . . . . Mackerel 1 P CI .. Muskellunge N P CI . . Mussels P 01 .... Oyster broth i3) P CI .... Oysters (3) P CI .... K Na K Na K Na K Na K Na K Na K Na K Na K Na X Na K Na X Na K Na K Na « a » • a » . . . . ... . a • . » • K Na , . K Na .. Ca .... Ca . ..* Ca I .. Ca I .. Ca I .. Ca I .. Ca Ca Ca ■Da v-a . . . . Ca I .. Ca Ca . . . • . . . a * . . . • • * • a • • • . . • • oa .... Ca I ,. NOTE All fish con- tains about Wa- ter - Qlfo Protein 17% and F~2£6 NAME OP 10 OD ACID ALKALINE CHEMICALS CHEMICALS SOTE OTHER ACIDS MISC. CONTENTS • • • • PISH, VIZ: (Continued) Pickerel N P CI . . K Na Salmon P CI .... K Wa (Smoked preferred) Scallops P CI .... K Na ... Smelt P CI .... K Na Mg Sole V CI .... K Na Mg Sturgeon P 01 . . . . K Ka . . . Tip out ( 4 ) P CI . . . . KUa ... Whiting (5) T CI .... K Na Mg Ca ... Ca I . ....... Ca I .. Ca .... vS .... Ca .... Ca .... *-»a .... ».»»«. »»••«, (1) Herring should "be cooked in distilled water only a few moments. (a) Lobsters are hard to digest. Lobster broth is better. (3) Oysters and Oyster broth are dangerous account typhoid- germs. (4) Trout and Whitefish are likely to Gontain cancer germs. (5) Whiting is the cleanest and most wholesome of all fish. NOTE: There is very little variation in fish at large. Of the Ash nearly all fish contain the approximate percentage of salts as Follows: Phosphorus 3 Q< Sodium 1 Chlorin H% Calcium 15$ ^O'cassium ZZ% FLOUR, VIZ: Gluten Rice P K Wheat( White) P. KMg,..; Wheat (Whole) P K Na Mg , Garlic Gooseberries Grapefruit Grapes Greens Herbs Honey Horseradish S F ..... K Mg .... S P Na K Mg S P s .. Mg X • * • • P ... S P . K Mg .... £ # 2- Si XX at*. ....... ....... ....... «a .... Ca .... Ca I .. Ca •••• ..... ....... ....... ....... Oxalic Oxalic Citric Formic Protein and refuse starch Starch Starch Starch Water ' Water, sugar Water Tartaric Glucose, Arsenic • ••■»•»• Ca Fe . Ca Infant Food •• ......... NOTE: Ash contents are added by man. Irish Moss Iron (Drug) ....... j> ..... Fe .... ....... ....... Formic Oxalic ••••••• ....... Water Water Sugar, Water Water Sugar, Water Water NOTE: Drug store Iron is unorganized; hence, is harmful, Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. ~F»221 INSTIT UTE OF H U MAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO. ILLINOI S . ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-POODS & CHEMICALS. FOOD ANALYSIS. NAME OF FOOD Kohlrabi Kumiss Lemons Lentils Lettu.ce Limes Macaroni Manioca MEAT, "VIZ: Blood, Ox Broth, Car- tileginous Chicken Chuck Dried Beef Flank Fowl Gizzard Ham Heart Juice Lamb Liver Porterhouse Tenderloin (Pork) Tongue Veal ACID ALKALINE CHEMICALS CHEMICALS NOTE P CI K Na K • * * • e o » o o e • Ca Ca • • • • » o • . CI P P CI s K Mg .... la K .... Fe Ca E Si Na Ma; Fe Ca P Mg Na ... Ca .... P S CI Na K Fe . » . • • • o e P P , P CI P CI O J_ X. n m a • CI N P .. P CI P CI N P CI P CI P CI P CI P CI P CI P CI • • o • • . . . • • » . . • » • • * . • • • • • P CI P CI Na . • • • . K Mg K Na Na . • . Na Z . . • K Na Mg K Na Mg K Na K Na Mg Mg K Na Mg K Na Mg K Na K Na Mg Mg K Na Mg K Na Mg K Na Mg K Na ig a o o o • • • • • • O O • • « o • o e 4 • • * OTHER ACIDS A C » o o a © Citric Oxalic Formic Citric Formic . • . • • • » . • « MJ.U L> • £0NTENT3 Water ' Casein > Water Water Starch, Protein Water Water Starch, Com- mon salt. Starch, Water Gelatine . . • » s . • • •••••»• • » . e • o . • «•.... . « o « . . . . * o • • NOTE: Meats are composed mainly of Water, Protein and By-Products, perhaps also Toxins especially meat from Bovines. The best are Chicken, Lamb, Ham, Gizzard, Tongue, Tenderloin of Pork, Veal and Fowl. Cartileginous Broth makes gas» The broth of chicken is more easily digested than the chicken itself. Fowl should be broiled. Lamb (the shoulder is the best) should be broiled or baked. Those parts of an animal or fowl that are exercised contain more protein and more salts than the other parts; hence, are more valuable. ACID ALKALINE OTHER MISC. NAME OF FOOD CHEMICALS CHEMICALS NOTE ACIDS CONTENTS MILE, VIZ: - Buttermilk L c o • ft O ft • O ft proteins, P, E, «... . . • • ...» ..... . o . • . . ...... 6 . . e NOTE: Dried or salted olives are the best. Protein, Oleic Protein,61eic Protein, Oleic Protein, Oleic Protein, Oleic Protein, Oleic Protein, Oleic Protein, Oleic Water, Starch, Protein. Water Protein. Avenin,oat ex- tract & water. Water Fat 51.9$ Water '■", Starch, Onions Oranges £> Cl ...» « -t ..... E Na Si . Mg K .... Ca Fe . ^a .... • a • a « ft • Citric Formic Sugar, Water Water Parsley K Mg .... Mn .... ....... Water Parsnips P E Mg .... "S .... ....... Sugar, Water Pastry ■ ftft*ftaftft>»*. ....... ....... Dangerous fillers, fat, starch, sugar. Peaches E Mg Na . \jQ, .... ...... . Sugar, Water Pears E Mg Fe I .. ....... Sugar, Water Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-229 IN STITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS - ASSEMBLED FACTS . C OURSE- FOODS & CHEMICALS . FOOD ANALYSIS. ACID AL2ALINE OTHER MISC. NAME OF FOOD CHEMICALS CHEMICALS NOTE ACIDS CONTENTS Peas, Green and Dried 8c P S CI ., K Mg . . . ; Ca .... ....... Protein, Scotch Dried ' Starch NOTE: Scotch peas contain more ash than other peas. Peppermint ......... K ........ Mn .... ....... Volatile Oil re poors o ....... K Mg .... ..... ....... .••»...... Persimmons . . X Formic Glucose, Sugar, Water Pineapple . .. Na . . . . . . I ..... Citric Sugar, Water Formic Pineapple Plums .......... K Mg Oxalic Sugar , Water Pomocitron ......... K Mg . . . . Ca . . . . Citric .......... Formic Oxalic Potatoes SP K ....... . Oxalic Pectose, Malic Metals, Starch Prunes S P ..... Na K Mg Si Ca . . . . Prune Sugar, Water NOTE: The sweet variety prunes is much better than the' tart prunes; the latter have too much prune acid. Pumpkin *........ K ...... . ....... ....... Water . . Radishes S P CI . . Na K . . . . Ca Water Rais ins ... ..... . K ...... . Fe . . . . Tannic Sugar Tartaric NOTE: The acids are in the seeds of raisins. Ka ?° S ? ..... K ...„ , , ....... Sugar, Water Rhubarb ......... ......... Ca . . Hippuric Water Oxal ic R f ce . £....... KMg .... . ....... Sugar (Unpolished ) Romaine S ....... K Mg . . . . ....... ....... Colloid, Water Rutabagas PS..... K Na Water Kv e P....... KMg.... ....... ....... Starch, Water NOTE: Rye contains practically all of the elements, hut is low in CI, Na, Ca, Fe and Water. Rye bread is excellent in winter hut not in summer. Eat oatmeal bread or oatmeal muffins in summer, no other bread. EU230 ACID ALEALIHE HAME OP FOOD CHEMICALS CHEMICALS NOTE OTHER ACIDS MISC. COHTEHTS Saccharin CHI,.. ev«o»°o* *oooe«« ( Co ) . . . Sugar (So) NOTE: Saccharin is a dextroratatory non-fermentable sugar. Sage E « a e o • * ♦ • O O » e . Sal viol, Tan- nin, Res in, Volatile Oil Sago ......... • Starch, Water. Salt, Common CI 60% . . Na 40% . . ........ ....... Sauer-kraut CI P S ,. Na Mg Si K Ca Protein, Sugar Water 8'i% NOTE: Sauer-kraut should be prepared without vinegar and not over- cooked. Seagrass Soda Fountain Drinks Sorrel Spices Spinach Srpouts Squash Starchy, yeasty Foods #o»oe«ao + E O * • O 9 « O • iA- * © • • B e I • • • • • Seasrass' Water Carbonic Water ■^a .o.i Ca I 0' Oxalic W * C O « • • © • c c * C1SPP' Ha E Si Mg Fe Ca . Oxalic V-"S « » « • O -JT # « o « • JA. o o o o o * • • O ©> Q *««o»««* e e * o « o # o o • oa O © O O © • » o » O D O * * e © o o e • © © • Volatile Oil Vegetable poisons. Water Water Protein, Water 88% Enzymes Starch HOTE: These are fermentable foods. Strawberries P Na Si K . Sugar, Cane C H ..... ......... Fe Ca . Malic . Glucose 5% e • • • n » « e • • • O • »e.©ceoeo©» Green Sea H 2 CI F . Na Ca Xlc^X Ci ilp * ci o ■» e « «aeeeeeoft U ^G^ «• « O * o • ft ?■•<>• e * » » - o o © * O • o * # • • o c NOTE: Hard water perhaps contains also CI, Pe, and Si minerals, Oatwater Ocean H H moo o » • . CI .... Ol » • o e • « XvCL ft O 9 • « w . • . • • ...... • • • ft • ft ft * e o r o c ft Oat oil Pish dirt Watercress Watermelon S H p •J- « • O • ft) • ft o o e e K Mg Na . #OOftOtO OO • •••Oft* ^ ft • © ♦ • • e • « c e ft> * o • * * o m Water Sugar 6$ Water 93$ Wheat P £ Mg .... • • * o » o • ft) » • • o © * Protein 13.6$ • Starch 70$ Y/intergreen (Gaultheria) ft • • ft • • ft • <• o o o o ft Volatile oil, Methyl, also Sali- cylate. NOTE: Wintergreen is excellent for rheumatism that is caused by salicylic acid. F~232 ASSEMBLED PACTS. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. DISORGANIZED CHEMICALS CHMTIOAL Cal c ium Carbon Chi or in JPluorin Hydrogen Io&in Iron Magnesium Manganese ITitrogen Oxygen Phosphorus Potassium Silicon Sodium Sulphur NATURE OE CH3MICAL WHEN DISORGANIZED Poisonous under certain conditions, hut usually harmless* Not poisonous. May he harmful and poisonous* Poisonous and corrosive. Acid. Poisonous* Not poisonous. Harmful* Harmful* Harmless. Not poisonous. Highly poisonous. Highly poisonous* Cyanide of Potassium is the most energetic of all poisons* Harmful under certain conditions. Harmless* Poisonous* mi Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. F-233 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES. CHICAGO, ILL WO IS . ASSEMBLED FACTS. NAME OF ACID OP CHEMICAL IN CELT A. IN FOODS EFFECT Albumin Bad Apricot Acid NOTE Arsenic Acid Bad Avenin Good Bitters (as in teas ) Bad Carbonic Acid NOTE Casein Bad Citric Acid Good Colloid Bad Enzymes Fatty Acid Bad Formic Acid Good Gautheria Bad Glucose Acid Bad Hippuric Acid Bad Lactic Acid NOTI Malic Acid Bad 3UBJECT-MISC ACIDS DESCRIBED, MANNER IN WHICH IT AFFECTS TEE HUMAN SYSTEM Acts as a poison to nerve matter, when albumin decays in the system. NOTE: Good when stomach is acid. Apri- cot acid has a very beneficial effect on the muscular tissue. Fills and weakens the liver, syphilis. Is good in Arouses the sexuality and stimulates the brain. Irritates nerves and increases the fa- tigue products from nerves and muscles. NOTE: Good when needed, bad otherwise. Stupif ies nerve and brain, and produces cold sweats. Constipates j if not digested, it acts as toxins. Neutralizes, or counteracts, all body acids. Constipates; absorbs intestinal fluids and fills the bowels with an intestinal flora. Fermentation. Acidosis, bloating, growths. Cools, destroys tumors. Stimulates the liver arid thus excellent for blood purification. Good when need- ed for liver. Ferments in the system. Affects the kidneys. NOTE: Good in most people. Promotes bowel action. Bad effects on the liver; makes intes- tines and secretions sour. F-234 NAME OF ACID OR CHEMICAL IN CERTAIN FOODS EFFECT Methyl Good Myristic Acid Good Oat Oil Good Oleic Fat Good Oxalic Acid NOTE Pectose Bad 'ineapple Acid Good Protein Prune Acid Fair NOTE Resin Good Saccharin Good Salicylate NOTE Salviol Good Starch Metals Bad Stearoptene Good Tannic Acid Bad Tartaric Acid Bad Thymol Good Tomato Acid NOTE Toxins Bad Volatile Oil Good MANNER IN WHICH IT AFFECTS THE HUMAN SYSTEM Stimulates liver, skin and blood. Enlarges "bust; feeds brain, nerves, lung substance with olein. Stimulates sexuality and secretion of oily matter for bones. Supplies oleic matter for the system. NOTE: Good when needed* Stimulates. F'erments from heat, acid, impurity and toxins in the intestines. Purifies membraneous tissue; excellent for the throat. Sustains muscular tissue. NOTE: Good unless there are fatty acids in the stomach. Prune acid stimulates the vital organs and cools the nerves. Stimulates sexuality. Does not ferment, good in diabetes when other sugars ferment. NOTE: Good when needed. Stimulates. Acts on motherhood functions. Hardens and results in ossification. Acts as a tonic and gas driver. Constricts; ruins the teeth; constipates. Stupifies (does not injure), nerves and brain; weakens memory. Promotes fermentation. Arouses nerve, tissue and secretion. NOTE: Good except in case of gout or rheumatism. Tomato acid is stimulating to the nerves and brain; cooling to the blood. lead to auto-intoxication, indigestion. Acts as gas driver. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. ^225 INSTITUTE m OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ASSEMBLED ] FACTS i COURSE -FOODS & CHEMICALS. CHEMICALS DESCRIBED ACID CHEMICALS SYMBOLS NATURE OF CHEMICALS CONSTITUTION Carbon C Most indolent of all chemicals . Carboferic Chlorin CI. Costic. ivlarasmic Fluorin F Regulator. Marasmic Hydrogen H Penetrating. Hydripheric Nitrogen N Inert . Nitropheric Phosphorus P Intelligent. Neurogenic Sulphur (4) S Volcanic. Exesthesic ALKALINE CHEMICALS Magnesium Mg Soothing. ■ None Potassium K Periodic Myogenic Silicon Si Active , hopeful, restless. Sillevitic Sodium Na Uork . Desmogenic MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS Most persistent. Calcium (3) Ca Calciferic lodin (2) I None Iron (2) Fe Heavy, grave. None Manganese (5) Mn Purifier, regulator. None Oxygen CD Active, restless. Oxypheric FOOT-NOTES 1. When acting on acid elements Oxygen is acid; when acting on alkaline, or basic elements, it is alkaline. 2. Iron and lodin attract Oxygen and result in alkalinity. 3. Calcium is acid in some people, and alkaline in other people. 4* Sulphur is a. gas— generating acid. 5. Manganese is only partly alkaline. 6. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Sulphur are the strongest acid chemicals. 7. Potassium, Silicon and Magnesium, are the strongest alkaline chemicals. ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-POODS & CHEMICALS, SUB JSCf- VITAMINES . VITAMINES NEEDED IF CONSTITUTION ABUNDANCE-YES OR NO THE REASON WHY VITAMINES ARE OR ARE NOT REQUIRED Exes the sic Nervi-Motive Neurogenic Pathetic Desmogenic Mar aside Myogenic Calciferic Isogenic Sillevitic Carboferic Hydripheric Lipopheric Nitropheric Oxypheric Pallinomic Atrophic Medeic Pargenic MENT AL TE MPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Yes Intensity. Yes Excessive work. Yes Low vital energy. No Easy-going. MUSCULAR TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Yes Yes No Great workers. Great workers and low vital force. Always have Vitamines in abundance. OSSEOUS TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Yes, when old Excessive work and weak vital organs. Yes Use Vitamines in abundance. Yes Excessive activity. VITAL TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS No No No No No Yes Too sleepy to use Vitamines. Phlegmatic nature, Always have Vitamines in abundance© Conservative. Due to active Amativeness and excessive amount of Oxygen „ they have Vitamines in abundance. Acid and diathesis (Acid ten- dency). PATHOGENIC CONSTITUTIONS Yes Yes No Tubercular tendencies. But they cannot secrete them account miasm. Due to active Amativeness and excessive amount of Oxygen, they have Vitamines in abundance. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 2^237 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - ASSEMBLED FACTS . C OURS E-F OODS & CHEMICALS. CHEMICAL FUNCTIO NS. REMARKS : The 16 chemicals, alphabetically arranged', together with the names of principal foods and the normal functions of the chem- icals, are as follows: CALCIUM FOODS Bran Cabbage Cheese Citron Halibut Lemons Lettuce Limes Milk Onions Oranges Rhubarb Spinach CARBON FOODS Glucose Starchy foods Sweets Tapioca CHLORIN FOODS Blood, Ox Beef, dried Cheese; viz: Cow *s Goat' s Roquefort Swiss Cocoanut Fish, Salty Ham Milk, viz: Cow*s Goat • s Salt FLUORIN FOODS Broth, Cartileginous Cabbage Cheese : Swiss Goat ' s Cod liver oil Garlic Sauer— kraut Spinach !7ater, green sea Watercress THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF CA LCIUM IN THE BODY 1. Bone-making. 2.. Cell vitalization. 3. Increases strength and pulsation of heart. 4. Strengthenes the walls of arteries. 5. Prevents oxalic acid poisoning. 6. It is slow and persistent. 7'. It is the basis of concentration. 8. It is the foundation of will-power. 9. Strongest and most enduring of all chemicals, '10. It prevents nervousness. 11. It is the foundation of habits. THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF CARBO N IN THE BODY 1. Construction of the vital S3 r stem. 2. Protoplasmic in function. 3. Important in muscle metabolism. 4. Acts with Oxygen in heat generation. THE NORMAL FU NCTI ON S OF C HLORIN I N THE BODY 1. Increases bodily heat. 2. Increases peristaltic movement in stomach and bowels. 3. Liberates internal heat in muscles. 4. Counteracts intestinal colic. 5. Aids digestion and nutrition. 6. Prevents bacterial fermentation.. 7. Aids secretions. 8. Promotes purification, prevents constipation. 9. Acts as a laundryman on the body. 10. Overcomes fat. 11. Overcomes acid and gas in the stomach. 12. Transfers waste products from tissue and blood 13. Heavy Chlorin diet will eliminate several pounds of water from tissue in a single day* THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF FLUORI N IN THE BODY 1. Promotes bone cementation. 2. Construction of solid membranes. 3. Forms the enamel of the teeth. 4. Polishes surface of bones and nails. 5. Stimulates bones and spleen. 6. Helps to form hard coating on tissue, 7. Destroys certain species of germs. 8. The sanitary police officer of the body. 9. Preserves skull, teeth, nails, bones, hair. I'-238 HZDROGEN_FOODS Juices Liquids. Moisture in foods Water NORMAL THE I, 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Moistens FUNCTIONS OF HYDROGEN IN THE BODY saliva- It is the medium between soul and matter It creates energy in the body. Promotes elimination, perspiration, tion, and pro-creation. Promotes circulation of blood. Promotes digestion and osmosis. Regulates bodily temperature. Soothes the nerves and cools the tissue. Carries out impurities, lung surfaces- for gas diffusion. IODIN FOODS Artichokes Clams, Crabs Cod liver oil Crawfish Irish Moss Lobsters Mushrooms Mussels, oysters Salmon, smoked Turtle, green IRON FOODS Beef juice, raw Berries ,all dark Bilberries- Blood, Ox Lettuce Spinach Strawberries TO* prevents inflammation, 11, Promotes cell filtration and eel! vibration. 12, It is the function of the taste buds, 13, It is the function of smell and hearing. THE N ORMAL FUN CTI ONS OF IODIN I N THE BODY 1. Prevents auto-toxins from injuring the brain. 2. Increases, brain activity. 3. Stimulates glands t© greater action. 4. Indirectly prevents defective bone metabolism. 5. Increases oxidation. 6. Reduces bodily weight. 7"„ Disintegrates fat and protein. THE NOR MAL FUNCTIONS OF IR ON IN THE BODY 1. Stimulates the cerebellum and generates life. 2- Supports vital energy; increases elimination* 3. Iron is most important of all blood salts. 4. Increases heat, sentiment and temper. 5. Gateway through which Oxygen enters system. 6. Promotes oxidation of the blood. 7', Causes cuts and bruises to heal rapidly. MAGNESIUM FOODS THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF MAGNESIUM IN THE BODY Barley 1, Beans 2. Cheese, Goat r s 3. Citrate Magnesia. 4„ Citric fruits 5. Cocoanut 6. Egg yolk 7. Figs 8. Grapefruit 9, Milk, Goat's 10. Nuts: Almonds 11. Beechnuts 12. Chestnuts 13, Walnut s Oats. 14. Prunes Rye Salts, Epsom SpinaGh Neutralizes Phosphorous products. Makes the blood alkaline. Relaxes the muscles Calms nerves and bra in; promotes sleep. Is a laxative to the bowels. Produces flexibility to limbs and joints. Acts upon glands and mucous membranes. Counteracts acids, gases, and toxins. Purifies the intestines. Acts upon processes of life in general. Is a cleansing and germicidal element. Cools the nerves, nerve nets, cell linings. Acts favorably upon highly sensitive and ex- citable natures. Magnesium foods are purifying, cooling, and alkaline in nature. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. £--239 INSTITUTE OF .HUMA N NA TURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. CHEMICAL FUNCTIONS' . MANGANE SE F OODS THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF MANGANESE IN THE BODY 1. Promotes body purification, 2. Antiseptic and germicidal in nature. 3. Improves bone lining, tubular walls, 4'. Improves motor nerves and linings of organs, 5. Counteracts certain body acids and products, 6. Counteracts the effect of opium. 7", Counteracts certain venereal miasms. 8* Adapts nervous system to darkness. 9. Promotes communication white fibres of brain 10. Manganese is a nerve and brain tonic. THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF NITROGEN IN THE BODY 1. Prevents excessive heat production, 2. Prevents tissue decomposition. 3. Increases pigmentary assimilation* 4* Increases magnetic and electrical qualities. 5. Has power upon mind functions. 6. Makes the disposition inhibitive. 7. Found in muscles, blood, tissue, hair, bones Egg yolk End i've Nasturtium Nuts: Almonds Walnuts Parsley Peppermint Winter green NIT ROGE N FO ODS Beans Cheese Egg white Lentils Mackerel Meats Nut s Peas OXYGEN FOODS Air Carbohydrates Juices Moisture in foods Water PHOSPHOROUS F OODS Barley Cabbage Egg yolk Fish Lentils Milk Nuts Oats Peas Rye Wheat Almonds Beechnuts Walnuts whole THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF OXYGEN IN THE B ODY 1. Intensifies and exhilerates the mind. 2. Stimulates the muscular system. 3. Arouses circulatory impulse. 4. Increases life processes. 5. Urges the blood to and fro. 6. Fires up creative passion. 7. Increases power of transmission. 8. Invigorates the functions. 9. Oxidizes blood and tissue. 10. Tones up the soul. 11. Intensifies pleasure. 12- Increases oratory. 13. Warms the body and repairs fractures. 14. Promotes respiration. 15. Excretes carbonic oxide. 16. Feeds every organ of the body. THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF PHO SPHORU S IN T HE BODY 1. The element of thought , emotion, intelligence < 2* The more we use the mind constructively, or destructively, the more Phosphorus we consume 3. Stimulates all bodily functions. 4. Promotes bone and brain metabolism. 5. Stimulates bone production, 6. Increases number of red blood corpuscles. 7. Improves nutrition of nerve tissue. 8. Acts on Spirituality and Sublimity. 9. Works on brain and nerves. 10. Increases action of the subjective mind. 11> It is electricity at work in muscles. F-240 POTASSIUM FOODS Blackberries Chervil Cocoanut Cress Dandelion Dill Endive Figs Herbs and Teas lentils Lettuce Mint Nuts Oats Olives, dried Peas, Scotch Spinach S ILICON FOODS Barley- Cabbage Figs Lettuce Nuts: Beechnuts Oats Spinach Strawberries SODIUM FOODS Carrots Celery- Gizzard Lentils Huts Oats Okra Salt Spinach Strawberries SULPHUR FOODS Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Cocoanut Egg yolk Figs Horseradish Nuts: Almonds Chestnuts Onions Oranges Potatoes Sadishes Shrimp Spinach THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF "POTASSIUM IK THE BODY Tl Stimulates activity. 2, Promotes sleep; promotes health. 5, Makes blood alkaline. 4. Stimulates oxidation of tissue. 5. Gives energy to heart, lungs, muscles. 6. It is a laxative, 7. Heals injuries, cuts, bruises, 'quickly. 8* Promotes brain 'and cell action. 9, Equalizes heat, 10; Increases skin function. Hi Promotes growth and life of hair. 12i Makes cancers and snake bites less deadly. IS. Reduces pain sensations in the body. THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF SILICON IN THE BODY 1. Increases brain action with lessened fatigue* '2. Makes tissue strongly alkaline. 5. Makes the pulse more rythmic. 4, It is a powerful antiseptic. &• Grows hair, nails and enamel of teeth. 6. Makes eyesight brighter. 7i Improves complexion. 8. Increases endurance, energy,working capacity. THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF SODIUM IN THE BODY li Curative in nature. Z'm Increases function of osmosis. 3. Promotes secretion. 4i Holds Calcium in solution. -5. Promotes alkalinization. 6; Holds albumin and fibrin in solution. 7. Promotes excretion of carbonic oxide. THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF SULPHUR' IN THE BODY li It is expulsive, convulsive, agitative. 2i It is uproarious and volcanic. Si Increases gas in liver, nerves, cerebellum. 4i Intensifies nerve life; grows hair. 5i Acts on every cell, every blood drop* 6. Increases internal heat. 7i Exerts powerful influence on internal organs, 8, Promotes flow and secretion of bile. 9, Kiro-ws bodily impurities and taints to the surface of the skin; retains acid in body. 10. Produces nerve, brain, skin and liver heat; hence, causes nervousness, 11. Supports and enters into life and nerve processes. 12. It is the agent of soul expression. Copyright,- 1921, by V. G-. Eocine. F-241 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDI ES. CH ICAGO, ILLINO IS. ASSEMBL E D EAQI'S , SUB JECI 1 - CHEMICALS EXCESSIVE OR DEFICIENT IN PEOPLE. PEOPLE WHO INHERENTLY HAVE CERTAIN CHEMICALS IN EXCESS OR DEFICIENT CALCIUM: Excessive - Nervi-Motive, Calciferic, some Isogenic, Atrophic (Organically, but not functional.- ly), a few Medeic. Deficient - Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, many Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric; and many Atrophic, "because Calcium is locked up in tubercles, or because of pus formation. CARBON: Excessive - Carboferic, Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Pargenic. Deficient - Nervi-Motive, Neurogenic, Marasmic, Calci- feric, Sillevitic, Atrophic, Medeic. CHLORIN: Excessive - Nervi-Motive, Marasmic, Medeic. Deficient - All lean people. FLUORLN: Excessive - Some Exesthesic, Marasmic. Deficient- Neurogenic, some Pathetic, Carboferic, some Nitropheric, Atrophic, Pargenic. HYDROGEN: Excessive - IODIN: IRON: MAGNESIUM: Deficient Excessive Deficient Excessive Deficient Exces si ve Deficient Carboferic, Hydripheric, Nitropheric, Oxypheric. - Marasmic, Calciferic, Medeic, - None. - All people, except some Myogenic, Calci- feric, Oxypheric. - Mjrogenic, Oxypheric. - Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, Nitro- pheric, Atrophic. - None. - Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive, Neurogenic, Pa- thetic, Desmogenic, Marasmic, Calciferic, Isogenic, Sillevitic, Carboferic, Oxypheric Atrophic, Medeic, Pargenic. F~242 PEOPLE WHO INHERENTLY HAVE CERTAIN CHEMICALS IN" EXCESS OR DEFICIENT MANGANESE : Exc e s s ive Deficient NITROGEN: Excessive Deficient None. Almost all Constitutions. Functionally, viz: Nitropheric, Pathetic. Organically, viz: Calciferic, Desmogenic, Myogenic. Functionally, viz: Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive, Sillevitic, lipopheric, Oxypheric. Organically, viz: Pathetic, Nitropheric, Pallinomic. OXYGEN: Excessive Deficient PHOSPHORUS: Excessive Deficient POTASSIUM: Excessive Deficient Some Myogenic, Oxypheric. Neurogenic, Desmogenic, Marasmic, Carbo- feric,- Nitropheric, Atrophic. Neurogenic. Carboferic, Atrophic. Myogenic. All except Myogenic. SIX ICON SODIUM: Excessive -> Some Nervi-Motive, Sillevitic. Deficient - Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, Hy&ri- pheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Atrophic, some Par genie. Excessive - None. Desmogenic people consume excessive quantities of Sodium. Deficient - Nervi-Motive, Desmogenic, Marasmic, Atro- phic, all acid Constitutions. SULPHUR: Excessive - Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive. Deficient -, Calciferic, Carboferic, Nitropheric, Pargenic; also Exesthesic, because they con- sume excessive quantities of Sulphur. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. P-243 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDI ES . CHICAG O, IIIINOIS . ASSEMBLED PACTS. SUB JECT~ INCREASING CHEMICALS BY DIET, TO INCREASE GIVEN CHEMICALS IN THE BODY BY DIET AS FOLLOWS: TO IN C REASE EAT OR OMIT FOODS RICH IN THE FOLLOWING ..CHEMICALS Calcium: EAT - Calcium. OMIT - Sodium, Starch, Sugar. Carbon: Chi or in EAT - Fats„ Starch, Sugar - with Cl ? Fe and Na. OMIT - - - - - EAT - Chlorin. OMIT - Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen. Fluorin: EAT - Calcium, Fluorin, OMIT Hydrogen: EASE - Watery foods. OMIT ~ Chlorin. I6din: Iron: EAT OMIT EAT OMIT - Iodin. Calcium, Chlorin, Iodin, Iron, Magnesium, Oxygen, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulphur* Magnesium: Manganese : Nitrogen: Oxygen : Phosphorus : Potassium: Silicon: Sodium: Sulphur : EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT EAT OMIT Magnesium. Albumin. Manganese. - Nitrogen with Alkaline foods. - Calcium, Iron, Oxygen, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium, Sulphur. - Iodin, Iron, Oxygen, Potassium. - Fluorin, Nitrogen. - Phosphorus. Potassium. Chlorin, Sodium. Silicon. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen. Sodium. Calcium, Potassium, Raw Sulphur. Cooked Sulphur, as it generates gas. ■* F , ~244 ASSEMBLED FACTS. SUBJECT- REDUCING CHEMICALS BY DIET, TO REDUCE GIVEN CHEMICALS IN THE BODY BY DIET AS FOLLOWS: TO_REDUCE RAT OR OMIT FOODS RICH IN THE FOLLOWING CHEMICA LS Calcium: Carbon: Chlorin: Fluor in: Hydrogen: Iodin: Iron: ICagnes ium: Manganese: Nitrogen: Oxygen: SAT - Sodium, Starch, Sugar. OMIT - Calcium. EAT - Organo-metallic salts (CI, Si, etc. ). OMIT - Fats, Starch, Sugar. EAT - Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen. OMIT - Chlorin. EAT OMIT - Calcium, Fluor in. EAT - Chlorin. OMIT - Watery foods. EAT - No one has it in excess. OMIT - No one has it in excess. EAT - Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulphur. OMIT - Calcium, Chlorin, Iodin, Iron, Magnesium, Oxygen, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium. EAT - Albumin (Physical laborers only). OMIT - Magnesium. EAT - Immaterial. OMIT - Manganese. EAT - Calcium, Iron, Oxygen, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium, Sulphur. ' OMIT - Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen. EAT - Fluorin, Nitrogen. OMIT - Iodin, Iron, Oxygen, Potassium. Phosphorus: EAT - OMIT ~ Phosphorus. Potassium: EAT - Chlorin, Sodium. OMIT - Potassium. Silicon: EAT - Carbon, "Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen. OMIT - Silicon. Sodium: EAT - Calcium, Potassium. OMIT - Sodium. Sulphur: EAT -" OMIT ~ Sulphur. Copyright, 1921, by V, G. Rocine. P-245 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES. CHICAG-O. ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS , SUBJECT-PEOPLE WHO SHOULD EAT CERTAIN FOOD CHEMICALS. PEOPLE FHO REQUIRE GIVEN CHEMICAL 5 IN ABUNDANCE AND VERY LITTLE, VIZ : Calcium: In abundance - Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, Hydri -■ pheric, Lipopheric, Nitre pheric, grow- ing children; tubercular people, small" boned people, obese people. Very little - Nervi -Motive, Calciferic, some Isogenic _ some Mecleic, all gouty, all old, lean and all stiff people. Carbon: In abundance - All lean people; but such people cannot easily assimilate Carbon substances. Very little - All vital people; but they are always fond of carbonaceous food substances. Chlorin: In abundance - Desmogenic, Atrophic - account exces- sive Chi or in consumption, Neurogenic, Carboferic, Hydripheric, Nitropheric, and Pallinomic; account tendency to auto-intoxication. Calciferic and Isogenic need Sodium and Chlorin to pre- vent Calcic hardening. Pathetic, Li- po pheric, Pargenic. Very little - Marasmic, Oxypheric. Huorin: In abundance - Neurogenic, Pathetic, Marasmic, Carbo- feric, Lipopheric, Atrophic, Pargenic, ana all people suffering from tubercu- losis, or from syphilis. Very little - Exesthesic, Nervi-Mocive, Calciferic, Sillevitic. Hydrogen: In abundance - All lean, over-heated, high-tempered, feverish people. Very little - All vital people. Iodin: In abundance - Exesthesic, Neurogenic, Pathetic, Car- boferic, Hydripheric, Lipopheric, Ni- tropheric, Pallinomic, Atrophic, Par- genic. Very little - Calciferic, Sillevitic, Oxypheric. Iron: In abundance - Neurogenic, Pathetic, Desmogenic, Car- boferic, Nitropheric, Atrophic, Pargenic. Very little - Oxypheric, Myogenic. P-246 PEOPLE v'TO REQUIRE GIVE N Magnesium*. In abundance Manganese Nitrogen: Very little In abundance Very little In abundance CHEMICALS IN ABUNDA NCE AND VERY LITTLE , VIZ : - All Constitutions, especially excitable people, hot-headed people, high-strung people, nervous and emotional people, hard brain workers, intense temperaments - Nitropheric, easy-going, dark-complex- ioned Isogenic. - All people. - Healthy, normal, active people. - Stormy, fiery, restless, agitative, choleric, sanguine, wild temperaments; or mainly light-complected people. Very little - Phlegmatic, melanic, sentimental, un- progressive, people. Oxygen : In abundance Very little Phosphorus: In abundance Very little Silicon: In abundance Lean and phlegmatic people. People of a sanguine temperament. Atrophic 2 feeble-minded people, emotion- al people, and all who use the brain excessively. None. Neurogenic, Pathetic, Carboferic, Hydri- pheric, Lipopheric, Nitropheric, Atro- phic, Pargenic. Very little - Healthy people of the Sillevitic, Nervi- Motive, Medeic, and Marasmic Constitu- tions. Sodium: In abundance - All Calcium people, all sick people Very little Sulphur: In abundance - Very little Young people, happy-minded people, and people who have an excessive alkaline Constitution. Exesthesic, Calciferic, Carboferic, Ni- tropheric, Atrophic, Pargenic; also stupid people, phlegmatic people^ and active brain workers. Healthy Exesthesic, healthy Nervi- Motive, also Myogenic, Oxypheric, Lipopheric, Copyright, 1921, hy V. G. Rocine. E^247 INSTIT UTE OF HUMAN MATURE ST U DIES, CH ICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS, COURSE-POODS & CHEMICALS. SUBJECT-BATHING. BATHE BATHE IN IN CONS TI TUTION WINTER SUIJMER Ebcesthesic Bi-wkly Daily Nervi-Motive Daily Daily Neurogenic Bi-wkly Daily Pathetic Bi-wkly Daily TEMP* NATURE OF OF USE WATER JBATH < SALT Cold Shower No Cold Sponge No Tepid Electric Yes Warm Tub No VALUE o: MASS.* g : High Yes No Yes Des mo genie Mar as mi c Myogenic ?/eekly Bi-wkly Warm Tub with Yes High a shower at close. Monthly Weekly Hot Turkish No High Bi-wkly Every Tepid Tub No Neutral other day. Calciferic Monthly Weekly Warm Sponge Yes Yes Isogenic Monthly Every 10 days. Warm Sponge Yes Yes Sillevitic Bi-wkly Daily Cool Shower No Neutral Carhof eric Daily Twice daily. Hot- then cold. Tub with shower. Yes Yes Hydripheric Bi-wkly Bi-wklj/ Tepid Tub No Neutral lipopheric Daily Daily Hot- Turkish Yes Yes Nitropheric Bi-wkly Daily Warm Tub Yes Yes Oxypheric Twice daily. Twice daily, Warm Tub No Yes Pallinomic Bi- monthly Daily Tepid Sponge Yes No Atrophic Bi- monthly Weekly Hot Shower Some High Medeic Daily Daily Hot Shower No High Pargenic Daily Daily Very hot. Shower or Turkish. Yes Yes mm SWE48 ■ ASSEMBLED FACTS. COURSE-FOODS 5 & CHEMICALS. CONSTITUTION MOST DESIRABLE ALTITUDE OZONE NEEDED IN ABUNDANCE Exes the sic 2000 - 5000 ft. Yes Nervi -Motive Low No Neurogenic 4000 - 10,000 ft. Yes Pathetic 2000 - 4000 ft, Neutral. Desmogenic 4000 - 60C£ ft. Yes Marasmic Low No Myogenic Any altitude Yes for some; No for others Calciferic 4000 - 10,000 ft. Yes Isogenic 5000 - 12,000 ft. Yes Sillevitic 6000 - 12,000 ft. Neutral Carhof eric 5000 and up Yes Hydripheric low Yes Lipopheric 1000 ft. No Nitropheric 2000 - 5000 ft. Yes Oxypheric 100 - 1000 ft. No Pallinomic 7000 ft. Yes Atrophic Progressive alti- tude from 1000 to 16,000 ft. Yes, indeed. Medeic 5000 ft. Yes Pargenic 2000 - 9000 ft. Yes SUBJECT- CLIMATE . MOST DESIRABLE CLIMATIC CONDITION Breezy, cool, dry. Humid, warm. Cold. Warm and dry. Stimulating. Warm, humid. Any climate. Warm, dry, breezy. Warm, dry. Cold. Dry, humid. Cloudy, dry, hot. Cold. Breezy, humid. Warm, humid. Breezy, cool, dry. Breezy, dry, fresh. Hot, solariz- ed, moving air. Cool or cold. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. P^-249 INSTITUTE OP HUMAN NATURE STUDIES. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED PACTS. COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS. NATURE OP CONSTITUTIONS, NEGATIVE OR CONSTITUTION POSITIVE ACID. OR ALKALINE Exes the sic MENTAL TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Negative. They appear Acid Positive under Sul- phur influence. Nervi-Motive Positive. Acid Neurogenic Pathetic Desmogenic Marasmic Myogenic Calciferic Isogenic Sillevitic Carboferic Hydripherie Lipopheric Nitropheric Oxypheric Pallinomic Atrophic Medeic • Pargenic Negative physically; Acid Positive mentally THE REASON POR THE ACIDITY OR THE ALEALINITY Sulphur product Excessive work* Phosphorous products. Negative Neutral MUSCULAR TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Positive Acid Lack of Oxygen and excessive gelatine. Positive Acid Chemicals. Neutral Neither Harmony. OSSEOUS * TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Pos itive, appears Negative. Alkaline Negative during har- Alkaline mony; Pos itive during in youth; inharmony* Acid when old. Calcium. Eating too much sugar, starch and fat is cause of acid when old. Positive Alkaline Silicon. VITAL TEMPERAMENT CONSTITUTIONS Negative Negative Positive Negative Acid Acid Acid Acid Negative, hut appears Acid Positive, Neutral Acid PATHOGENIC CONSTITUTIONS Neutral Acid Negative at times Acid then "becomes Positive. Have spasmodic spells Acid of Negativeness and Positiveness. Carbonic oxide. Hydrogen. Pat. Sluggish, phlegmatic, Wrong eating. Aicid tendencies. Malnutrition. Miasm. Miasm. F»250 ASSEMBLED FACTS . C OURSE-FOODS & CHEM ICALS. "FLASHLIGHTS ." B ODY AND MIND CONDITIONS . ACID, GAS, CONSTIPATION, CURE FOR: Formula - Peppermint tea. Senna leaves Juice of one lime These, taken together, make the very best laxative for certain kind of acidity, gas, and constipation, AFTER 45 YEARS OF AGE'- we need less fats and sugars, and more organo-metallic salts. ANGER'- When angry drink a quart of mulberry juice an3 lose the anger* It is excellent for Oxypheric people. During anger the alkaline leaves; the blood secretions and urine become acid, BRAIN, EXCESS USB OF - weakens the general physical strength, BRAIN USES "MUCH BLOOD WHEN VERY ACTIVE - When you use your brain vigorously, all the way from ten to twenty times as much blood goes to the brain. If you become very excited, the blood flows to the brain tremendously, and the red corpuscles die in great numbers. At last, the brain becomes hyperemic, or overcharged with blood. This will affect the health, at least for a day or more, BRAIN FIBRE - is made of albumin, mainly. Magnesium worksin the albumin. BRAIN MEASUREMENTS - Most women have smaller brains than men, CORPUSCLES, TO MAKE NEW - eat foods rich in Iron; inhale Oxygen in the hills. Red corpuscles in the blood are doubled in a high altitude. GENERATIVE ORGANS SECRETE VITAMINES - to reproduce and to rebuild the brain and body. Muscle and bone do not need Vitamines. GRAY MATTER OF BRAIN - is made of: Lecithin - as found in egg yolk. Phosphorus - This is the principal chemical in the gray matter. Sulphur Neurol Albumin - There is very little albumin in the brain. Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen HEAVY, -FLESHY PEOPLE - should avoid protein, fat, sugar and starch,. They should eat lean diet foods, LIGAMENTS AND JOINTS - require Silicon, Chi or in, Potassium and gelatine in abundance. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. P-251 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED PACTS . CO URSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS , SUB JECT- "FLASHLIGHTS " • BODY AND MIND CONDITIONS . (Continued) LIVER - Hop, barley and rice extract, contain bitter principles good lor the liver when it is out of order.. NATURE PUTS FAT ON BODY IN THE ORDER NAMED; a. On stomach. e. Between the joints. b. Under the chin. f, In the blood and brain. c. Back of the neck. g. Between the tissue and d. .bowels, inside and outside. the skin. SECRETIONS THAT AID IN THE DIGESTION OF FOOD: Acid or Source of Function of N ame of Secretion Alkal ine Secretion ' the Secretion 1. Saliva Alkaline Mouth Acts on starch. 2, Hydrochloric acid Acid Stomach Acts on food in general. 3. Gastric Juice Acid Stomach Acts on starch and food in general. 4. Pancreatic Juice Acid Pancreas Acts on sugar. 5. Bile Acid Liver Acts on fat. 6. Intestinal Juice Acid Intestines Acts on fat. 7. Appendix Juice Acid Appendix Kills germs. SEXUALITY, TO LOWER - Cold weather and high altitude lowers sex- uality. TENSION - is a strained condition 'of the bones, arteries, canals, veins, tissues, tendons and blood. The mind is also similarly strained. Formic acid foods prevent tension. THYROID GLAND - This is located in the neck, and the Iodin thereat serves as a policeman to keep the deadly poisons - skatol and indol - in the blood, from going to the brain. TISSUES PROTECTED BY SALTS - Certain salts protect our tissues, as, for instance: e. Fluor in protects the bones and lungs. b. Potassium protects the tissue. c. Chi or in protects the alimentary tract. When the system is charged with Fluorin, it is impossible for con- sumption germs to take hold of the lungs. TO CONVERT FAT, PROTEIN AND CARBOHYDRATES INTO TISSUE - eat foods rich in Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium. TO SWEETEN THE STOMACH - eat foods rich in Magnesium, Sodium and Silicon. F-252 C N S T I T U T I N S. CARBOFERIC PEOPLE - are nervous, "because of ferments in the system. OSSEOUS TYPE PEOPLE - all have abundant blood salts. PARGENIC PEOPLE - who are weak and who drink, want mild drinks only. Those who are strong, being masculine in build, demand strong poisons. PROTEIN TYPE CONSTITUTIONS - are, Calciferic, Besmogenic, Myogenic, and Nitropheric. These types are able to hold 'Nitrogen in the system. Nitrogen takes up starch, principally, MUSCULAR PEOPLE - should eat more vegetables than other people. DISEASES AND AILMENTS . ACID IN THE STOMACH - comes from sugar, starch, fat, malic acids, tartaric acids, and Phosphorus products. Omit milk when the stomach is acid. ACIDITY - indicates lack of salts, (Sodium and Magnesium), and an excess of sugar, fat, Phosphorous products, and gases. ALKALINE CONDITION - The problem always is - How to keep the sys- tem alkaline. APPENDICITIS - For appendicitis apply "hot towels with just a few drops of coal oil to draw out the gas. Operations are unneces- sary if this treatment is applied in time. ASTHMA - needs Potassium, air and nerve foods in abundance. CONSTIPATION - Eat foods rich in Magnesium for constipation, unless there is gas in the stomach. DIABETES - requires Potassium, Chlorin and Sodium. Gluten Elour has very little of vegetable salts; hence, it should not be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. DIABETIC PATIENTS REQUIRE SODIUM DIET - in connection with certain other alkaline salts. Such Sodium bi-carbonate as comes from plants growing near large bodies of salt water, is preferrable. DROPSY - requires foods rich in Potassium and Chlorin, to draw wa- ter from the tissue. FATIGUE PRODUCTS - are carried off through the: a. Intestines c. Skin b. Kidneys d. Lungs By - 1„ Magnesium o. Potassium 2. Sodium 4. Chlorin If these fatigue products are not eliminated, gas forms in the stomach. Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. 3-253 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED PACTS . COURSE-FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JSCT- "FLASHLIGHTS " DISEASES AND AILMENTS . (Continued) GERMS - Sunlight is death to germs. Keep in the sunlight and oc- casionally expose the entire body to the sun and rain. HAYPEVER - is simply the sweating of the brain. In other words, it is brain perspiration. To care, go to a high, cold climate, an ozone belt in the hills, and adopt an Omo diet - (foods that are fresh and raw). HEALTH, TO RECOVER - So long as the brain and the cerebellum are all right, the body - any organ - although wrecked, can be recov- ered. IF YOU ARE FAT - eat oats and grow thin. INDIGESTION, TO CURE - Sodium. Indigestion is always caused by gas in the stomach. INFLAMMATION - To reduce inflammation apply hot or cold towel, or both alternately, on the affected parti ±»ack of Hydrogen pro- duces inflammation. INFLAMMATION, OR HOT BLOOD IN THE BRAIN - apply a cold towel on the forehead, and in one-half hoar yoa will be asleep. This is due to the fact that moisture in the blood and brain goes down in- to the body. IN. TIMS OF SICKNESS - the tissue is always acid, hence, the alka- line salts must be supplied. LIFE AND DEATH - A dead person is acid. In other words - Acid is death Alkaline is life NERVOUSNESS AND SLEEPLESSNESS - are caused by the consumption of too much sugar, fat, acid, protein and cooked Sulphur foods, which cause acidity, turning into gas, and the gas entering the nerve walls. NEURITIS - For neuritis rub olive oil on the affected parts, if the nerves are dry. It can be cured by getting the carbonic pro- ducts out of the system, by going to the hills and getting Oxygen. PERSPIRATION, SOUR - indicates acidity in the system. PYORRHEA - is caused by acidity, lack of Oxygen, and lack of Chlorin. To cure, adopt an alkaline diet, especially of foods rich in Chlorin and Oxygen. THROAT TROUBLE - Pineapple is good for throat trouble. ULCERS, DRESSING FOR INDOLENT - Calcium troth or milk cloths. They are good also for swellings, injuries, inflammation, congestion. P-254 POODS & CHEMICALS AIR - Is sai& to be only fifty miles high. APPLES THAT ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY EREE PROM MALIC ACID: a.Astrachan e« Delicious To. Belief lower d. Jonathan Astrachan apples contain less malic acid than any other variety* Malic acid is very bad for the liver, BANANAS - often contain malarial and other poisonous germs, and other impurities. Pure bananas - free from all impurities - are much better than bread, BARLEY - Never eat pearled barley. Eat whole barley, which de- velops muscles better than oats, rye, or wheat. Barley yields its Phosphorus easily, airyone can take up Phosphorus from barley. BEANS, DRY SWEDISH BROWN - are high in Potassium and muscle sugar ~ highly nutritious. BEANS, STRING-LESS - are rich in Potassium phosphate. They are ex- cellent for acidosis, bloating, indigestion and gas. BLACEBERRIE: plexion, and hysteria. are excellent for anemia, tired feeling, pale com- BUTTER -is bad, because it is a fat not congenial to the human body. The human body requires oleic fats, as found in olives, cocoanut, fish, and pork - not fat as found in beef. CALCIUM, EXCESS OP - in the blood, may cause epilepsy. CALCIIM MY SOLIDIFY- in the brain cells, tissue, organs, and skull; and maj? cause insanity, especially in older people. CALCIUM SALTS REQUIRED DAILY - one and one-half grams. To obtain this, a man would have to eat about eight loaves of white bread a day. One quart of milk would furnish the required quantity of Calcium. CALCIUM TAKEN UP - by the strong will power, strong Combat iveness, and weak backhead. CAROBA BEAN FOR BREAD - There is a bean that is called the Caroba Bean. It is very valuable, if made into bread and all sorts of food preparations. This bean contains several valuable principles that will drive impurities from the system. CHEESE, RO^UBEORT - is rich in the heart and blood salts; excellent. for a weak heart, and fine for the consumptive. CHEMICAL ELEMENT LACKING - When any chemical element is the absorbing suction is gone; hence, foods rich in thai lacking, b chemical are not craved. Copyright, 1921, by V. G-. Rocine. F-255 I NSTITUTE OP HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHI CAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS . COURSE-LOOPS & CHEMICALS . SUB JECT-" FLASHLIGHTS " FOODS AND CHEMICALS . (Continued) CHEMICAL FUNCTIONS: a. Iron goes through the "blood, b. Potassium goes through the tissue. c. Manganese acts upon the nerves, but does not go through the blood. CHEMICALS, NATURE 0?: ■ ■ a. Iron - Oxidation in blood. b. Oxygen - Gives vigor. c. Potassium - Oxidation in tissue. CHEMICALS THAT PREVENT FAT - Chlorin, Silicon, Lemon acid, alco- hol; Chlorin is the best. CHLORIN « works in sugar, fat and albumin. Vegetables do not contain Chlorin, CHLORIN, EXCESS OP - calls out Destructiveness. It produces a crabbed nature. CITRIC FRUITS - contain citric acid, which neutralizes other acids. Citric fruits contain very little of any other acid than citric acid. All other fruits are acid. CLAMS - contain Phosphorus for the brain and nerves. COD LIVER OIL - contains Phosphorus, Iodin, Bromin, Cholesterin, Trimethylamin, and also a certain oil, all of which increase the red corpuscles of the blood, and improve the function of oxidation and combustion. CRABS - are excellent brain and nerve food. They contain no Silicon, Sulphur, nor Iron, but are rich in Potassium, Phosphorus, and Sodium chloride. CURRANTS - rich in Potassium salts and contain an acid that acts upon gas and germs in" the alimentary tract. They are excellent for auto-intoxication. EGG YOLKS - are composed of Phosphorus, Sulphur and Neurol; good for the brain. When raw they contain Vitamines. Eat them raw when life is low. FAT « The best fats (oils), are found in cocoanut, ripe olives, raw egg yolk, and fish. Cocoanut is rich in oil£ ripe olives are rich in vegetable salts. Fat requires Sodium, Pgtassium and Chlorin. FIGS, SMYRNA - are rich in Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magne- sium. They are laxative and heat-producing. F-S56 FOODS, ALKALINE - All foods rich in Magnesium, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium, citric fruits, and all other basic foods. POOD .BRAIN: Raw egg yolk. Almonds, peeled, grated and sprinkled on food. Baked whiting. Clam "broth (hot). Rye "bread soaked in hot clam broth. To feed the brain Phosphorus and Sulphur foods must be taken at the same meal. FOODS FOE MENTAL I70EK - Furnish Iron to the tissues, and Phosphorus to the brain in abundance, and you can do work efficiently, and with- out fatigue. FOOD, BRAN « is very hard to digest, FOOD. CITRIC ACID: 1. Citron 2. Grapefruit 5. Lemons 4. Limes 5. Oranges 6. Pomocitron 7 • Pomagranate 8. Raspberries, red 9. Raspberries, white FOODS, ElMINATIVE - Chlorin, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium, FOODS, FORMIC ACID: Avocado Citron Cucumbers Dewberries Gooseberries Honey, Eucalyptus Lemons FOODS. RICH IN NEUROL Limes Lobelia tea Mangoes Mulberries Mulb e r r y Ju i c e Orange Marmalade Oranges Olive oil Ripe olives Almond nuts Ton&ue Fish, broiled & tender Fat in raw egg yolk Fat in cocoanut Pears, Prickly Persimmons Pineapple Pomagranate Pomocitron Raspberries Tropical fruit Fat in pork Pork chops Pork Tenderloin There is no Neurol in the fat of beef, nor in the fat of butter. The functions of Neurol are to sustain and lubricate the - Brain Nerves FOODS, PRINCIPAL SODIUM: Okra Spinach Strawberries Lungs Marrow Black figs Ox-blood Common Salt Copyright, 1981, by V. C-. Rocine. $-257 INS TITUTE OF HUMAN MATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, III. INO IS . ASSEMBLED FACTS , COURSE-FOODS fc CHEMICALS . " SUB JECT-"FLASHLIGHTS IT . FOODS & CHEMICALS , (Continued) FOODS, SULPHUR - Cooked Sulphur foods, when eaten to excess, cause "boils, irritation, anger, and cross feelings. Such cooked food is bad for the brain, and leads to congestion. Raw Sulphur foods are excellent for all Constitutions, including the Exesthesic. FOODS, 'SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER - In suffimer grow thin by avoiding barley, rye, sugar, fat and Carbon foods, as they increase heat, and produce intestinal decomposition. In summer eat Formic acid foods and Silicon foods. Oats make the best summer food, including oatmeal bread. Formic acid foods decrease blood heat, and lower fevers. Eat water foods and fish in summer. FOODS, FRONG - Do not choke the human engine with foods that it cannot handle. GINC-ERALE - stimulates the heart and muscles. Too much will weaken them. GIZZARD, CHICKEN - is the most alkaline of all meats. Ingluvin (white powder), is an extract of gizzard, and breaks down gas in the stomach. GRAPEFRUIT - contains abundant quantity of Magnesium. Eat it without sugar. GRAPE JUICE - is rich in sugar; hence, supplies the system with too much sugar. HERRING, SPICED - is stimulating; builds brain, is rich in nerve salt, and excellent for bloating and weak digestion. HONEY - is acid, but is a good food in limited quantity. It is better than granulated sugar. Honey is a tonic for the cere- bellum. IODIN - counteracts poison in the blood enroute to the brain. IRON DEFICIENCY IS CAUSED BY: a» Inheritance. d. Illness* b. Unfavorable Disposition. e. Old-age. c. Overwork. IRON STIMULATES CEREBELLUM - It supplies the blood salts. Iron is the most important of all blood salts. LAXATIVES - consist of Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium. No medicine nor food is laxative unless it contains one of these salts. F-258 LECITHIN FOR BRAIN - To manufacture, eat at one and the same time, foods containing - 1. Phosphorus - as found in fish* 2. Sulphur - as found in fish. 5. Neurol - as found in raw egg yolk. lecithin is needed for brain and nerve nourishment. LEMONS, CONTENTS OP: 1. Citric acid 3. Oxalate of lime 2. Formic acid 4. Calcium LENTILS - have more protein' than any other food. They are high in vegetable salts, Phosphorus, and Potassium. They are excellent for blood, tissue, kidnejr disease and exhaustion - when mixed with greens. LIQUID DIET - consists of food containing 81% or more of water. MAGNESIUM FOODS - should be eaten liberally by all people who are highly impulsive, excitable, nervous, emotional, sensitive, and hyperesthetic. MAPLE SUGAR AND MAPLE SYRUP - are acid in nature, but are good as food. MARMALADE, ORANGE - counteracts constipation. Eat with dark rye bread, . MILK DIET - weakens the Myogenic, and may injure the Desmogenic. Give them a vegetable diet. Milk is good for the Calciferic and Isogenic, as they have renin (enzymes that act on milk); hence, they can digest milk. MUSCLE-BUILDING FOODS - All foods high in Nitrogen build muscles. NUTS, ALMOND - are rich in Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium. They are good for brain, nerve, bone and muscle, and have a laxative affect. NUTS, (PISTACHIO - are high in nutrition, especially in Sodium salts. Their protein is easily handled by a weak stomach. They contain that valuable substance - Neurol. They are rich in salts, important for the stomach, bones and muscles. OATS - are rich 'in Silicon, Phosphorus and Potassium. Avenin in oats (oatwater), gives strength to the body, nerves, mind, and cer- ebellum. Oats feed the skin and improve 'che complexion; they favor oxidation. Cook them about twenty-four hours in a fireless cooker. Add cream and sage honey, then eat slowly. OATWATER: How to prepare: One gallon washed oats; two gallons cold, distilled water; let stand about 24 hours in a cool place and soak. Then pour off the oil, or oatwater, that is at the top. (There will be Copyright, 1921, by V. G-. Rocine. I"~259 INS TITUTE 01' HUMAN NATURE STUDIES, CHICAGO, ILLIN O IS . ASSEMBLED PACTS . COURSZ-EO OPS & CHEMICAL S o SUB JECT- "FLASHL IGHTS". POODS AND CHEMICALS . (Continued) ©AWATER : f Cont inued ) How to prepare: (Continued) about one quart oatwater), and keep in a refrigerator or other cool place to prevent souring. / PURPOSE: The avenin in the oats, of which oatwater consists, is valu- able as a tonic for the nerves, cerebellum, and brain. It stimulates bone function, improves skin, and makes it more pliable and tough, and it acts on hair function* Directions for use: Drink about one glass at a time, two or three times a day- Drink by itself, or mixed with gingerale, carrot juice, orange juice, or raw egg jrolk. OKRA - is the richest of all food in Sodium, excellent for acid in stomach, bloating, flatus, gas, indigestion, and elimination. OLIVE OIL - is good for painful nerves, piles and bowels. ORANGE PEEL - is very rich in Magnesium. OVER-EATING - may lead to many diseases, including cancers, obesi- ty, gout, rheumatism, neuritis, heart disease, indigestion, peri- tonitis, etc. Over-eating weakens the life force. OXYGEN, EXCESS - makes the brain impulsive. OXYGEN IS OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: a. High altitude. h. Cold water thrown suddenly on b. Cold weather. the spine. c. Ozone belt. i. By increasing air cells, di Deep breathing. j. Vitamines. e. Iron in the blood. k. Amativeness (Passion). f. Potassium & Sodium foods. 1. By being sociable. g. Looking at bright lights. PEACHES, DRIED- are high in Potassium, excellent as a tissue food and tonic. PEANUTS, RAW - contain starch and Vitamines. Eat them raw to get the Vitamines. PEARS - are good for the muscles if the stomach is not full of gas. Dried pears are high in blood salts. PEAS, YELLOW SPLIT - build muscle. PHOSPHORUS - is found in the gray matter of brain, which is the seat of intelligence. P-S60 PHOSPHORUS EXCESS - always produces low oxidation. PINEAPPLE - rich in Formic and Citric acids.' Also in pineapple acid, which acts upon the membraneous system, the throat, growths and tumors. Pineapple cures diphtheria if taken in time. POTASSIUM - is explosive in its nature. It works ' in fat and sugar. People of this element are similar in their nature. They are very active physically. They require more Potassium than other people. People who need Potassium greatly, dislike foods containing them. Periodical headaches are caused by a lack of Potassium. POTASSIUM COMBINATION - Potassium needs Chi or in and Sodium in abund- anc e • PRODUCTS OP THE SYSTEM: a. Bones are metal products. b. Blood is vital fluid. c. Brain is nervous product. d. Tissue is mainly vegetable product. PROTEINS - give strength, vigor, life, ambition, taining albumin, and composed of: It is food con- a. Carbon b* Hydrogen c. Nitrogen d. Oxygen e. Sulphur Proteins are constipating, and must be accompanied by salts. The stomach must do all of the digestive work for the muscles. The strength of the stomach and of the muscular system go hand in hand. Eat less and less protein foods as you grow older. There is no danger of eating too little of proteins. PROTEIN POISONS - make people impatient, cross and reckless. PRIMES - are rich in Potassium, and in all the body salts. They increase tissue "oxidation, and counteract constipation. The sweet prunes are best. Tart prunes contain too much prune acid. RATIONS - While growing we need, much food, but after maturity we need. less. SAGE TEA - acts as a tonic, stimulates the cerebellum. SALTS, ALKALINE (That reduce acid): ai Silicon b. Sodium SALTS. BLOOD: a. Sodium Chloride b. Potassium Chloride c. Calcium Phosphate c. Magnesium d. Potassium d. Iron Compounds as agents of oxidation. Copyright, 1921, by V, G. Rocine. ^-261 INSTITUTE OF HUMAN NATURE STUPIDS, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS . COURSE-POODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JECT- "FLASHLIGHTS" . FOODS AND CHEMICALS . (Continued) SALTS, BRAIN AND NERVE - Ripe Olives, Emulsion. SALTS, HEART: a. Calcium Phosphate b. Potassium Chloride c. Sodium Chloride SALTS, STOMACH - Chi or in f Magnesium, Sodium. Sodium is the prin- cipal one. SILICON - tones and stimulates the bones, tissue, and cerebellum. SILICON EFFECT ON THE BRAIN - particularly on the intellect, is re- markable. A Silicon diet enables the brain workers to accomplish much more work with less fatigue. Patients of an intense nervo fibrous temperament (Exesthesic ), are always benefited by a Sili- con diet. SODIUM - enables the system to metabolize Carbon foods. SODIUM, CHLORIN AND CALCIUM - result in crime, murder and war. SODIUM, EXCESS - causes a person to cling to hatred for years. SODIUM CHLORIDE - when lacking weakens the red blood corpuscles. STARCHES, NEGATIVE: a. Potatoes c. Rice b. Sweet Potatoes cl. Roots Almost everything that grows underground, except radishes and onions. SUGAR, TO HANDLE - eat Calcium food to take care of the sugar, and Potassium food to enable the tissue to take up the sugar. SUGAR, FAT AND STARCH - eaten excessively will ferment. They cause drowsiness. They work on the brain and mo tor nerves, and may cause neuritis on account; of gas formation. Sugar, starch and fat combined, cause' acid in the stomach. SULPHUR - is the greatest of all chemicals. It stands closer to the soul than any other chemical. The soul acts through Sulphur* SULPHUR, EXCESS - can be overcome by eating Magnesium foods or carbonate of soda to break down the gas. Cold winds and cold sponge baths are also needed. SWEETS, CRAVING FOR -People of the feminine type body are the ones who crave sweets. Bony people of the masculine sex type body, who do not have Parental Love, do not crave sweets. F-262 TONICS - Linseed tea and lime juice relax the cerebellum and lungs; raspberry and dewberry juices are good for the bowels. Barberries are good for the liver and kidneys. VEGETABLE DIET - may lead to indigestion, in which event supply food rich in Chlorin. VEGETABLES, EZCSSS - Too much vegetable Potassium drives the Chlorin out of the body. VITAMINES, POODS RICH. IN - Blackberries, egg yolk, fresh milk from the young cow, carrot juice, orange juice and nuts. WATER, UN-DISTILLED - is one of the greatest causes of sickness, due to the inability of the system to take care of the unorganized min- erals therein. MISCELLANEOUS . ARTIFICIAL LIGHT-BAD FOR CALCIUM PEOPLE - Sunlight has a good ef- fect, but strong, artificial light has a bad effect upon the eyes and eyeballs of Calcium-hunger patients. ■ EFFECT OF COLD FEATHER - Cold weather burns fat and sugar, and in- creases combustion and tissue oxidation. If the weather is too cold, it weakens the tissue oxidation. EXTREME TDH7ERATURE - The temperature is said to be one thousand degrees below zero fifty miles from the earth. FACULTIES STRONGLY IN THE LEAD AND THE FOODS THEY CRAVE AND WHICH CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR DEVELOPMENT, VIZ: a. Aliment iveness - Starchy foods. b. Amativeness - Fats. c. Cerebellum - Proteins - mainly meat. d. Firmness - Calcium. e. Parental Love - Sweets. f. Tophead - Fruits, Nuts, Greens, Soft Vegs. FASTING - To starve is to manufacture poison (autotoxin). Starve physically, if you wish, but never strive mentally. HAIR WASH - Grape-root juice is the best hair wash in the world. HARD WORK - For hard thinking, and hard physical work, eat abund- antly of foods rich in Phosphorus, Calcium and Silicon. HUNGER - The more hungry we are and the more we breathe, the bet- ter we digest the food. LEISURE LIFE - If living without thinking seriously, leave alone foods rich in Phosphorus and Calcium. "I Copyright, 1921, by V. G. Rocine. P-263 INSTITUTE OF HUM AN NA TURE STU DIES. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . ASSEMBLED FACTS . COURSE- FOODS & CHEMICALS . SUB JECT- "FLASHLIGHTS" , M ISCELLANEOU B.. ( Continued ) POSITION OF BODY IN WHICH TO SLEEP: On back - throws the blood to the cerebellum. On stomach - is good in times of gas and bloating. Stretch the body in the bed to increase the nerve force and cause gas to travel toward the colon. On left side - is all right if the heart is sound. On right side - is best of all positions. Stretch out straight. Let the left wrist rest in the right hand with the right elbow on the mattress. This permits great anatomical freedom of all organs. NOTE: All psychic, sensitive people should lie with head toward the north on account of the earth's magnetic current travel ing south to north - from feet upwardly -» and from pole to pole. This prevents the magnetic currents from arousing the brain cells, and from traveling against the nerves. SLEEPINESS AFTER MEALS - indicates that the digestion is slow, and that the Sodium supply is low. SOCIABILITY - The more sociable we are, the more Oxygen we gather*. THE THREE KINGDOMS - The animal and vegetable kingdoms stand be- tween us and the mineral kingdom. In other words, we live on the products of the vegetable and animal kingdoms. WEATHER, WARM, SULTRY - uses up Sodium salts in great quantities. Sodium is washed out of the system by water drinking. WILD OATS - Small rolls of fat under the skin indicate wild oats. WINTER - In winter grow fat and strong. DANDELION TONIC - DIRECTIONS: One wine-glassful three hours af- ter eating at night, (just before retiring), once a day for ten . days only. Effec t on Syst em - Dandelion Tonic is a Potassium Extract that tones up the muscles, that stimulates, and acts upon the motor centres and the erectile 'muscles. It is good for paralysis, pa- resis, muscular weakness, and tired feeling. It increases oxida- tion and strengthens the muscles. Too much causes weakness, dullness, sleepiness and stupidity. 4 -j* 0.* 1 ^. » 8 I \ ' ^N. **. \ x <• \A °-/ -^ - * s \\ .III, V- o x % ^ ^ v ^ .A Oo. ^ "% / ^ •^< V * ,0 o 0' ' a\ .•* . 4 % v •p*. v" ; /.%;• <• -^. 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