NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 06251654 1 MICROFILMED .DATEjididl Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/barwickfamilyofuOObarw i>lp23 \^\i, Tkuth Print t'Gr' Ihe production of grain. That by the help cf their bone, sinew and muscle they aided in constructing the great commonwealth which today rep- resents more than 80,000,000 people, and the great enter- prises, viz: agriculture, manufacturing and commerce. If in pastimes our forefathers guided by the spirit of God and liberty left their native land and braved the wat- ers of the deep in their rude constructed crafts for a non- civilized wilderness, what then have we in this Twentieth Century to boast over, or above their zeal, or ambition? May we with grateful minds and hearts accept the in- formation of our ancestors, though limited, may we fully realize the gratit ide we owe them for their daring strug- gle which is but the source of our existence. I herewith submit my findings, and trust the same will be a source of interest and information to all who be- long to "That Ancient Family of Barwicks" — Berwicks. DR. S. O. BARWICK. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. OUR NAME. CHAPTER I. ^^ Jt ROM Our Ancestors Came Oar Names, Hut From ^ Our Virtues Our Honors." Possibly there are few names that can be spelled in so many ways as Barwick; the changing of one or more letters the name can be spelled many ways. From an English source it is learned Berwick was the "Ancient Spelling," and so long in usage that its origin is unknown. In a book, published in London, England, in 1665, "The Life of John Barwick, D. D., written by his brother, Petous Barwick, M. D., it is observed the two names of Berwick and Barwick ref^r Jt9^ the ^sanie family of 650 years ago." In dictionaii^'koj'au'thori; 'ppfjli^ 6f;\'£,i^erence and gen- eological indexe*s *'tfdth American'' . an^. English the name Berwick, Barwick agd^'W•aJI^ Jarwick % ^ ^J- \ ^''^ \ / Vi^^icl^ ' " •, Karwick ,'; ""'^ ' .' ';* Y&,nvickc c' " Larwick ' ' ' _ \ ^^arwjQfc Marwuck ' ' . \ ". ! ' ^ A PEOPLE /'■^ AND-" ■ ^ THEIR CKAfeACTERISTICS. CHAPTER II. To make a geneological connection of the first Bar- wicks of England with those coming to this country would result in a long and expensive search of the English court and church records. The earliest knowledge of the Barwick family is taken from "The Life of John Barwick, D. D., which is as follows: 'The chief of the Barwick family was Thomas de Berwick, who in the reign of that victorious Prince, King Edward III, had command of all his Archers (Bowmen), as appears from an instrument quoted out of the Archives by Sir John Banks, the King's advocate in one of his arguments in the BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY n case of Ship Money published in Rushworth's CollecMons." From the above we observe the spelling of Berwick an-d Barwick referring to the same family. Humphrey Barwick in 1594 published: "A Brief Discourse CD.icerning the force and effect of all Manual Weapons of Fire, and the Archery in respect to others of greater force." In 1746 the "Life of Capt. John Barwick" was p iblished who was captain in the Manchester Regiment and gives "a genuine account of the behaviour, confession and his dy- ing words." Another notable Barwick of which an interesting history was published in 1G65. and now in the writer's possession is that of "Dr. John Barwick, D. D.", who was a son of "George Barwick and Jane, his wife, whose maiden name was Barrow. This George was the eldest son of Nicholis Bar- wick, a descendant of that Ancient Family of the Barwicks of Fair Ridge, near the village of Stavely, in the north part of Lanches- shire." Here we are informed of the Barwicks being an ''Ancient Family." John Barwick, D. D., was born April 20 1612, and for his time was thoroughly schooled, bemg Dean of Durham and St. Paul's College. He was an inti- mate friend of Charles I, and at the time the King was beheaded, the Monarch took a ring from his Royal finger and had it given to the Rev. Barwick, the latter afterwards being kept in prison two years and four months for his relation with the King. The title page of the history is as follows: The Life 6 BARWICK FA]\nLV HISTORY. of the Rev. John Barwick, sometimes Fellow of St. John's College In Cambridge, and immediately after the restor- ation successfully Dean of Durham and St. Paul's College. "Written in latin by his brother, (1665) Dr. Peter Bar- wick, formerly Fellow of same college, and afterwards phy- sician in ordinary to King Charles II. "Translated into English by the editor of Latin Life, with some notes to illustrate the history, and a brief account of the author, to which is added an appendix of letters from King Charles I in his confinement, and King Charles II and the Earl of Clarendon in their exile, and other papers relating to the history of that time. Published from the original in St. John's College." The history of this Barwick is as impressive reading as were the times in which he lived, and I wish it were possible to reproduce the book for the sipirit, and informa- tion of the times in which it was written. The author concludes: "He died in the fifty-third year of his age and cf our Lord, 1664. Reader if thou de- fi'irest to know more of this Reverend Churchman, gc home, and learn by the conspicuous copy of his sincere devotion what it is to be a True Christian Indeed." The following is here given of the brothers: "Immediately after the restoration he was made one of the King's physicians in ordinary, and the year follow- ing in acknowledgement of his and the Dean, they and their heirs forever had, by His Majesty's command, the honor of an addition to the arms of their family of 2 Red Rose Irradiated with gold. * * * * If BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. "How zealous an advocate the author was for the immortal Dr. Harvey's most Useful Discovery )f the circulation of tlic hlood, 1 lave mentioned in my preface to Latin Life, and shall only observe :>ere upon the head farther with regard to an objection that the dis- covery was first published when Dr. larwick was a school boy, yet it net with so much opposition, that "-.e was a doctor of phytic, and very capable of maintaining and defend- ing it before it was generally received. For though Dr. Harvey lived to his eightieth year, viz: 1657, two years after Dr. Barwrck took his degree, Mr. Wood observed that it was with much ado that he saw his Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood Established Before He Died." The author states that John Barwick's parents "De- cently Bred" up all their sons, which were five. This is more than many children are today receiving from their parents. The life of John Barwick cannot be read without caus- ing a deep regard for the piety of this man who lived in the troublesome times ol Charles I and Oliver Cromwell. The following of interest which is in my possession and taken from the Gentlemen's Magazine. London. Ens; land: MR. URBAN, Bishopton Lodge, Nov. 18, 1844. "My attention is called to a notice in your magazine for March, 1842, page 122, requesting particulars respect- ing the: "Ancient Family of Barwicks," or rather the fath- er, or ancestry of Sir Robert Barwick, Knt. of Towlston BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. Hall, in the county of York, which I here give for the in- formation of your correspondent, or any others connected with the family. "Sir Hugh de Barwick, Knt. was Lord of the Manor of Tredelissham in Berkshire, and also held divers lands in the county . of Oxford, and died 52, (1252) Henry III, leaving by Isabel, his wife, two sons; Thomas and John, which John d'e Barwick had summons to Parliament among the Justices and others of the King's Council, 23; 27 (1223- 35); 33; 34 and 35 of Edward I. "Again, the first of Edward II, when the Justices and King's Councils were intermixed with the earls and bar- ons, but not summansed in fide et homoio. "He -.-ras treasurer to Queen Alinor, wife of King Ed- ward I, and attended at the coronation of King Edward II, was prebendary of Holme, and afterwards of Fenton, in the county of York. "In the second of Edward II is the last time I find his nam'e mentioned, which seems to indicate that he shortly afterwards died. Of the elder son, Thomas de Barwick we find him master of Archers in the reign of Edward III, from which descended John Barwick, D. D., Dean of St. Paul's col- lege, London, Peter Barwick, M. D., physician in ordinary to King Charles II, and Col. Samuel Barwick, Governor of Barbadoes, 1866, which Col. B.. died June 3, 1673, leaving an only son and heir, Samuel who was Governor of Bar- badoes in 1731, and died in January, 1733, leaving a daughter and heiress, Jane, who married August 27, 1752, the Hon. T. Osborn Bruce, and conveyed to him the estate and representation of the family. "Compiled from Wills, Parish Registers and a valuable M. S. at Middle Hill." Then is given the family pedigree which is too com- plex to here give space. The time covered is 655 years and what variations, or procreations that have occurred in the BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 9 course of those twenty generations is far beyond the power of my antiquarian ability. The information shows the source of tracing English family lines, for in the year 1844, Samuel Barwick Bruce, M. D., was the representative of this family. TIME OF COMING TO AMERICA. 1652 and 1664. CHAPTER. III. When we consider the development of the North American continent from the time Columbus made his discovery at San Salvador, Oct. 12, 1492, up to this busy "Twentieth Century," is there not reason for a degree of anxiety to know who, when and under what conditions our ancestors came to this country. Why should we be so grossly indifferent as to our lineage. Find a man with a fine animal and he will not only delight in telling of the pedigree, but of the siuperior stock qualities as well, and at the same time, possibly, know nothing of his grandparents. Three years ago the writer was very much as the stock man, though from my youth there was a desire to know something of the Barwick Family, and I trust the results of my long, tiresome and expensive labors in trac- ing out, and connecting together the Barwick Family will be of interest to all who may read the contents of this small volume. What motives induced our forefathers to leave their native land and seek a home in the forest of an uncivilized continent may well be conceived when we recall the historical conditions which England was politically and re- ligiously passing through, or into. 10 BARVVICK FAMILY HISTORY. There is reason to believe that in their minds and hearts dwelt the spirit of religious liberty; that their zeal and love for freedom put to a test of strength their spiritual devotion and endurance; that in a distant land they could there establish themselves, practice and wor- ship their Creator with free minds and full hearts, and make possibilities for their future generations more abundant, both in temporal and spiritual opportunities. Had we in written form the lives of our continental and colonial predecessors including parentage, heredity, their social, political and religious opportunities or disad- vantages there is reason to believe such would be as inter- esting as were the venturesome times in which they lived. The earliest English settlement in Maryland occurred in 1631, under Capt. Clayborn, who, with a party of English from Virginia, located on Kent Island, in Chesapeake Bay, but a permanent settlement was not made until the year 1634 by a body of English Roman Catholics whose leader was Cecil Calvert. Thus we note our ancestors became permanent set- tlers in the state of Maryland 18 years after the first per- manent settlement of the colony was established. From the discovery of America to the present, the time is divided into ten historical periods, and their com- per- ing was as early as the second period which was) the iod of settlement. Thus viewing the fact that our ancestors and their descendants have lived and experienced 255 years of American perplexities and prosperity certainly we who live today should with grateful hearts fully realize the debt of gratitude we owe to Almighty God for our existence, and with equal gratitude perpetuate in sacred memory those of our Pioneer Predecessors. May we strive as worthy, christian, patriotic citizens to make the possibilities for our future generations more BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 11 abounding in the higher qualities of life; that our future blood lines may continue more than 255 years, hence as free from vice and crime as in the past. Of their religious attitude we have accounts of their earlier church relationship which will be given later. My large correspondence with the Barwicks establishes the fact that their religious attitude is most commendable, and of those who are not identified with some church there is a refining tone which is to this day traceable back to the English stock. As an enterprising people, agricultural, and the various business pursuits have engaged them. Some are minis- ters, doctors, legislators, teachers, and others filling var- ious positions, while none are known to have been engaged in the saloon business at any time in this country. It can be said that the Barwick Family stands as a worthy, upright, common people, and of industrious habits. Above all, it is not known of any Barwick of this coantry being a criminal, or convicted of a crime. WHAT THE COURT RECORDS CONTAIN OF THE BARWICK FAMILY. CHAPTER IV. The writer can say that securing court information is expensive. In some cases' the fourth examination of coun- ty records was required, and I here desire to speak in com- mendable terms of Mr. W. O. Lednum, Chief Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court at Denton, Md., for his integrity and ability as an antiquarian. In many places it has been impossible to make a complete tracing of family lines owing to the lack of willSi and the numerous names of James, John and Wil- liam. However, the following is here given and should be of interest and information to all of the Barwick family. 12 BARWICk FAMILY HISTORY COMING OF DANIEL BARWICK IN 1652. In Liber A. R. H., Folio 325, in the Patent Records in the Land Office in Annapolis, Md., is recorded that Daniel Barwick demanded 100 acres of land upon the Patukent River, or in any other part of the Province for transporting himself and Sarah, his maid-servant, in, or since June, 1652. Every effort was made to obtain some continued infor- mation of Daniel Barwick, and to know whether he left descendants, but the above proved all the information ob- tainable. The writer firmly believes the early Patent Land Records contain such information. While there is no in- formation as- to what country the Barwicks came from, yet it is evident beyond doubt it was from England. COMING OF JOHN BARWICK, SR. IN 1664. From the Patent Records in the Land Office in /Vn- napolis, Md., Liber No. 7, Folio 520, it is recorded that John Barwick came to Maryland in the year 1664. What relation he was to Daniel B. cannot be stated, neither is there any known account of his Engli&h ances- try, but it is reasonable to presume relationship existed between the two and they probably were brothers. There is no account of the age of John Barwick, or when he died, but there is much evidence that from him there honorably sprung a worthy people even to this day. His place of settlement was in Talbot county, Md., Easton now being the county seat. As early as 1669 he and another party bought a tract of 800 acres known as the Normanda, the price being 9,000 pounds of Tobacco. Also in 1683 he sold 100 acres of the tract for 3,812 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 13 pounds of tobacco, and in 1684 another 150 acres for 5,500 pounds of tobacco, and (last) in 1717 another 157 acres; price, 5,000 pounds of tobacco. In 1735 one John Barwick sold 50 acres; price 3,400 pounds of tobacco. Thl^ sale is one made by a son for the fact that were it made by the former John Barwick he would by this time be a very old man. HIS CHILDREN. While he left no will it is known that he left three sons whose names were John Jr., William and Edward. May 10, 1746, there was made an inventory of the estate of William Barwick, which shows that Edward and John Barwick were his nearest kin. The will of William Barwick shows that he left one son, William, Jr., and why there was an inventory made, and his brothers were his nearest kin, and not his son is a matter not here explainable. From the wills of early dates it is observed that all real estate fell to the sons, and that of personal estates to the daughters. CHAPEL OF EASE. On date of Aug. 15, 1765, for the value of 5£, English money. One Pew, No. 17, in Chapel of Ease, in the Parish of St. Peter, in Talbot Co., was sold by William Barwick, Jr., to Thomas Laveday, said pew formedly belonged to John Barwick, St., father of William Barwick, Sr. Here we note the John Barwick of 1664 was a church man, although there is at present no obtainable account of the above chapel. o ~ 3 O as c ^ j2 '-: o o 2 h < X o J I < 3 ^ a:_2 ^ o X - He ■5 S BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 15 From a careful i'tudy of Land, Marriage and Will Records the preceding chart of the early Harwicks is as correct as can be made and the following explanation will be given: John Barwick, Jr., will dated 17o6; William Harwick, will dated 1746; and Edward Barwick, will dated 1762, are sons of John Barwick, Sr., of 1664, and of the two follow- ing columns are grand and great grandchildren. JOHN BARWICK, JR., 1736. A son of John Barwick, Sr., 1664, little can be said of him. His will was probated June 1, 1736, leaving one- third to his wife, Sarah; to John One Shilling, and the re- mainder to James. Of his two sons, John and James, are as follows: John Barwick bought in Talbot Co., Md., 56 acres, price, 6,000 pounds of tobacco, 1742, and 173 acres of Nor- manda tract in 1748, price 12,000 pounds of tobacco; also 231 acres of same year, price 1,200 pounds oi tobacco, and sold in 1751 for 79 pounds, 7 shillings and 6 pence, cur- rent money, 127 acres; in 1753 for 12 pounds, 10 shillings 20 acres; in 1757 for 44 pounds, 16 shillings, 56 acres, and in same year 84 acres for 6,000 pounds tobacco. James Barwick purchased land in 1765, in Talbot Co., Md. Neither left a will making it impossible to further trace their descendants. WILLIAM BARWICK, SR., 1746. A son of John Barwick (1664). His place of residence was in Talbot Co., Md. He left on son, William, Jr., son of Mary Thurderman. His estate consisted of much land, personal property and slaves which was left to his wife, Roseana, but should she again marry one-half was then to go to her son. HIS SON WILLIAM, JR. Was the owner of many tracts of land in Talbot Co., IP) BAR WICK FA^llLY HISTORY Md., and bailed men who were oflBcers of trust. His life was full of business transactions which are too numerous to here give. In 1787 he purchased the Chapel of Ease of St Peter's Paris'h, now known as Kings Creek, or Mathewstown, or Kingston. His will was probated in 1796. He left a wife, Anna, and children, John, William, Lydia Scott, Anna Kirby, Hanna and Rebecca Barwick. His son William married Anna Bell, Feb. 2, 1796, but of his son John there is no further information. To further trace his descendants was impossible for lack of will records, but it is most certain that the Bar- wicks of Cecil county, Md., are his direct descendants. BARWICKS OF TALBOT COUNTY. UNCLASSIFIED. Owing to the lack of wills a number of Barwicks are unclassified as to direct family lines, and the following are given trusting the names may serve some one to a good purpose. John A. Barwick deeded land in 1802 and 1803. John Barwick gave two mortgages in 1802. Nathan Barwick gave bill of sale in 1812. William Barwick gave bill of sale in 1815. Peter Barwick gave deed in 1816. Ximrod Barwick gave deed in 182.5. Henry I. Barwick gave deed in 1840. John Barwick bought land in 1841. Peter Barwick gave deed in 1838. Sharlott Barwick gave deed in 1849. John W. Barwick gave deed in 1850. Thomas H. Barwick bought deed in 1867. James H. Barwick bought deed in 1881. Alex. Barwick bought deed in 1881. John A. Barwick bought deed in 1892. Sarah M. Barwick deeded land in 1891. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 17 Thomas H. and John M. Barwick deeded land in 1898. William W. Barwick bought land in 1904. Thomas H. and John W. Barwick bought land in 1898. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED TO THE BARWICKS IN TALBOT COUNTY, FROM 1794 TO 1906. William Barwick and Anna Bell, Feb. 2, 1796. Peter Barwick and Anna Gegogry, March 8, 1808. John Barwick and Eliza Myatt, Dec. 26, 1808. Peter Barwick and Rebecca Chapman, May 21, 1811. Peter Barwick and Mary Dobson, March 3, 1813. Rebecca Barwick and James Chambers, June 17, 1813. Rebecca Barwick and James Mason, June 28, 1814. Mary Barwick and Samuel Bright, July 18, 1821. Rebecca Barwick and James Lomax ,M.arch 19, 1829. John Barwick and Elizabeth Harrison, Nov. 1, 1831. Ann Barwick and Edward Jefferson, Nov. 1, 1831. Peter Barwick and Ann Harrison, June 5, 1837. John Barwick and Charlotte Fountain, May 16, 1838. James H. Barwick and Alice H. Holt, Oct. 2, 1841. Charlotte Barwick and Thos. Fountain, Sept. 22, 1857. Henry Barwick and Mary Doffin, Feb. 10, 1858. Thos. H. Barwick and Sarah M. Covey, June 8. 1866. Adda P. Barwick to Henry B. Mason, Jan. 3, 1884. Mollie E. Barwick and George W. Parrott, Jan. 4, 1888. Mary E Barwick and James E. Price, April 18, 1891. Frank Barwick and Ida Shones, Sept. 27, 1893. M. Grace Barwick and Jas. H. Geoghahan, Aprill2, 1892. Thos. Henry Barwick and Mary E. Jump, Jan. 23, 1894 Fanna A. Barwick and Probert F. Smith, Nov. 21, 1899 Alberta Barwick and Wm. N. Fleckenstine, Dec. 18. 1900 John Nultan Barwick and Ethal R. S. Stewart. Dec. 1902. Harry C. Barwick and Minnie Dobson. Dec. 16. 1903. IS HAinVlCK FAMILY HISTORY Susan A. Barwick and Perry W. Stewart, April 29, 1906. It will be observed that the Barwick Family of Talbot Co., Md.. have continued from the coming of John Bar- wick in 1664 to the present time. However, it is with much regret the above unclassified name- could not have been directly connected in family lines. The writer spent much time and delay trusing to so succeed, but in the end could do no more than to submit the above. From the years 1780 to 1800 there were so few wills left, and so many Johns, James and Williams that little could be accomplisihed. Again, many were not able to trace back more than to their grandfather, or but 100 years ago. For a people to live from generation to generation in the same county since 1664 there should somewhere be family bibles that would clear up the missing links. It is evident that most of the Barwicks of Maryland are descendants of John Barwick, Jr., whose will was pro- bated in 1736, and William Barwick, whose will was pro- bated in 1746. (See Family Chart, Page 14.) BARWICKS OF MARYLAND. CHAPTER V. WILLIAM BARWICK. Was born in 1809 (a merchant) but to which of the branches of the original stock he belonged the writer cannot say. The family has for many years resided at Chesapeake City, Md. He was married to Mary A. Means and their children were: 1. William J. Barwick, who was born in 1834 (a shipchandler) and married Sarah Hammond, whose children are William Elsworth Barwick BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 19 bom 1861, and has two sons, Clark E., born 1884, and War- ren R., born 1887; Oakley Barwlck, born 1865. and h:^s two daughters, Bessie O. and Mary H., and Mrs. Sarah H. K»r- shaw, born in 1872, and has one daughter, Mary K. 2. ..Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Jones, born in 1836 and the mother of three children. 3. John Barwick was born in 1841, and married Sare E. Rose, and their son is Dr. George Irwin Barwick of Kennedyville,- .Md (born 1869) whose daughter is Caroline E. 4. Mrs. Mary J. Scott, no children. JOHN A. BARWICK, SR. To what branch of the original stock he belonged is not known, but the court records of Talbot county. Md.. show in the years of 1802-3 he deeded land. His children were: 1. Thos. H. Barwick, Sr. whose children are Thomas H. Barwick, Jr.. Mattliews. Md.; Mrs. Grace Geoghegan, Inantico, Md., and John M. Barwick, Matthews, Md. 2. John A. Barwick, Jr. whose children are Walter T. Barwick, Alexandria. Va.: Ida V. Towers, Fannie A. Smith and Mary A. Flickinstine. Easton, Md.; and Nettie E. Wilson, 2605 Maryland .We- nue, Baltimore, Md. 3. William W. Barwick, no heirs. 4. Alexandria Barwick. unmarried, each living, Tunis Mills, Md. James Barwick, deceased. EDWARD BARWICK. Nothing is known of his life. His sons were Henry and Thomas, of whom no information was secured, and 20 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY JoliU, whose cl-'ildren are Henry and Mary, and Joshua Barwick of Centerville, Md.; whose son is Edward W. of same address. JOSHUA M. BARWICK. Was born near Elkton, Md., in 1805. He was first married in 1824, but there are no living descendants from first marriage. Of the second marriage to Ellen M. Cass in 1858 there is M. G. Barwick (salesman) who was born in Bloomington, 111., in 1861, and now resides at 3512 East Tenth street, Kansas City, Mo., whose son, Walter W. Barwick, resides' at same address. EDWARD BARWICK. Sr. WILL PROVED 1762. CHAPTER VI. Through Edward Barwick, Sr., the family line is com- plete from the coming of his father in 1664 to the present, making in all eight generations. From him developed the Northern and Southern branches of Barwicks who are to this day an excellent people. From his land transactions it will be noticed be was an active man. In 1731 "Edw^ard Barwick of Talbot Co.," bought in Queen Anns Co., a tract of land called James Jumps Choice, and alsio of the same year two other tracts, and in 1734 and 1736 sold 250 acres. Our next account of him is in Drochester Co., Md., wbere he bought land in 1738, 1741 and 1750, and sold to his son WMlliam one tract of land in 1759. His place of residence at time of death was in Caroline Co., Md. The BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 21 court record;' show his will was probated Sept. 23, 1762. and in brief is as follows: HIS WILL. "To my wife, Alice, I bequeath 200 acres of land, a part of Taunton Oean; also 44 acres adjoining above a part called Forrest Range during hieir natural life. "To my son William, 84 acres a part of Chance; to James, 109 acres half of Chance; to Nathan, 122 acres a part of Clearing Cross; to Edward 26 V^ acres a part of Clearing Cros'Si, also 96 acres a part of ForresX Range. "To John, two negroes and 10 £ in money; to my wife, Alice, three negroes; to William, oine niegro and what he now has in hm possession belonging to me; to James, two negroes and two cows, and what he already has in his possession; to Edward, one negro; to Nathan, one negro. All the residue of my estate to Edward, Nathan, Josihua, Solomon and wife, equally divided. My wife, Alice, and son James are to be my executors. Probated September 23, 1762." From a court item of Drcchester Co., Md., is the fol- lowing: "To John Barwlck of Johnston County, Province of North Carolina, Son and Heir at Law of Edward Barwick, late of Drocheisiter Co., Md., my trusty friend, power of at- to-rney, November 7, 1768." ALSO "Nathan Barwick of Droches'ter Co., Md., and John Barwick of North Carolina, Deed, April 11, 1772, to Joshua and Solomon Barwick of Drochester Co., Md., confirming above power and sale." HIS SEVEN SONS. William and John purchased land in Queen Anns Co., Md., in 1742 and 1754. 1. William Barwick. Purchased land in Drochester Co., in 1759, and in 1765 he and his wife, Druoilla, sold the same. This is the 22 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY last account of William and Drucilla until located at Wil- mington, New Hanover Co., North Carolina. 2. John Barwick. Located in Johnston Co.. North Carolina, earlie-r than 1768. 3. Nathan Barwick. His widow resided in what is now Johnston Co., North Carolina, in the year 1790. 4. Joshua and (5) Edward Barwick. Resided in Carolina Co., Md., while. 6. James and (7) Solomon Barwick. Were residents of Droche-SLer Co., Md. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED TO THE BARWICK FAMILY. In Carolina Co., Md., From 1774 to 1896. James Barwick and Rebekah Roberts, May 18, 1775. Mary Barwick and Ralph Marshall, Sept. 26, 1778. James Barwdck and Cordelia Hyson, Feb. 25, 1778. Solomon Barwick and Rose Lawful, April 1, 1779. John Barwick and Rachel Webber, May 31, 1779. Sidney Barwick and Nehemia Draper, June 26, 1792. John Barwick and Deborah Roe, Feb. 12, 1798. Jamies Barwick a.nd Nancy Roe, Feb. 1, 1799. Sarah Barwick and Zebdodaw Hopkins, June 25, 1799. Edward Barwick and Sara Jump, Aug. 4, 1799. Rebecca Barw^ick and Wm. Elliott, March 18, 1800. Elijah Barwick and Anna Evitts, Nov. 11, 1800. James Barwick and Ester Prucp, June 5, 1802. Nathan Barwick and Nancy Kinnaman, Dec. 22, 1812. Margaret Barwick and Charles Morgan, Aug. 13, 1803. Edward Barwick and Sara.h Hubbard, Nov. 28, 1803. Rebecca Barwick and Andrew Fountain, Dec. 11, 1804. Alice Barwick and Shadric Glanding, April 26, 1806. James Barwick and Anna Price, Sept. 5, 1809. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 23 Anna Barwick and Richard Gore, Feb. 8, 1810. Deborah Barwick and Wm. Calston, Sept. 2'.], ISll. Elizabeth Barwick and Wat&on Fountain, April ?,, 1S13. Nimrod Barwick and Nancy Webb, Sep-t. 28, 1815. Anna Barwick and John Roe, Dec. 9, 1815. Sidiney Barwick and James Surggett, July IS, 1820. Jane Barwick and William Alls, July 25, 1820. Joshua R. Barwick and Rose A. Porter, Jan. 24, 1824. Elizabeth Barwick and Thos. Surggett, May 24, 1824. John R. Barwick and Mary Dreggs, Dec. 27, 1831. Margaret Barwick and James R. Sarden, June 9, 1832. Rebecca Barwick and Edward Turner, Jan. 2, 1834. Matilda Barwick and Elijah Bartlett, Jan. 28, 1834. White Barwick and Anna Anthony, Feb. 10, 1835. Catherine M. Barwick and Warren R. Buster, Oct. 20, 1835. Nancy Barwick and John C. Cooper, April 12, 1836. Mahala I. Barwick and Harrison Hardcaatelle, June 13, 1836. James H. Barwick and Anna Barwick, Sept. 26, 1837. Juliet Barwick and John C. Cooper, Nov. 27, 1837. Joshua R. Barwick and Ellen T. Seward, Dec. 13, 1837. Mary Barwick and Robert Wooters, Dec. 26, 1837. Adaline Barwick and Jerome Calrip, Dec. 22, 1838. Sarah M. Barwick and Elisha Rengold, Jan. 30, 1845. Ellen T. Barwick and Ennos Hubbard, Dec. 30. 1845. WilMam Barwick and Rebecca Ann Seward, Nov. 17, 1846. Francis E. Barwick and Margaret Robinson. Jan. 1.".. 1857. White Barwick and Anna Harman. Nov. 17. 1857. Lucy Barwick and Caleb Bowdle, July 30, 1861. Joshua Barwick and Maggie Jarrell. Dec. 28. 1868. 24 BAR WICK FAMILY HISTORY LAND RECORDS OF CAROLINE CO.. MD. Deeds to Edward Bai-wick, 1779, 1781, 1789 and 1801. Deed& to Elijah Barwick, 1802 and 1814 and 1818. Deeds to Elizabeth Barwick, 1811. Deeds to James Barwick, 1781. Deeds to John Barwick, 1795, 1801, 1803 and 1809. Deeds to James Henry Barw'ick, 1837, 1844, 1848, 1849, and 1S50. Deeds to Joshua R. Barwick, 1838. Deeds to Margaret Barwick, 1881. Deeds to Matilda Barwick, 1833. Dates to Nimrod Barwick, 1820, 1820, 1823 1831, 1831, 1823, 1833, 1833. Deeds from Anna Barwick, 1842. Deeds from Alice Barwick, 1844. Deeids from Edward Barwick, 1801, 1812, 1812. Deeds from Elijah Barwick, 1815, 1820, 1821, 1823. 1825, 1826. Deeds from Ellen T. Barwick, 1838, 1841. Deeds from James Barwick, 1784. Deeds from John Barwick, 1811. Deeds from Joshua R. Barwick, 1836, 1838. Deeds from James H. Barwick, 1844, 1849. Deeds from Margaret Barwick, 1782, 1795, 1803. Deeds from Nathan Barwick, 1802. Dates from Nimrod Barwick, 1820, 1828, 1830. Deeds from White Barwick, 1842. Deed sfrom Julyett Barwick, 1866. Deeds from James H. Barwick, 1852, 1853, 1860. Deeds from Solomon Barwick, 1856. Deeds from William A. Barwick, 1863. The above names are given with the hope of aiding some one in tracing out their family lines not now known. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 25 Every effort was made to trace all the above persons in direct family lines, but had to be given up for lack of reli- able information. THE DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD BARWICK. Sr. 1762. CHAPTER VII. It will be observed that the seven sons of Edward Barwick, Sr., will not be taken up in the order as their names occur in chart on page 14. Solomon and James Resided in Drochester Co., Md., and as the court house with will records were destroyed by fire there was no possible way to learn of their descendants. Edward, Jr. Resided in Caroline Co., Md., and devised his will as follows: "To my son James., I give all the lands I now own known as "Jumps Choice," 100 acres; also 164 acres called "Fisher's Plains," and 7i^ acres known as "Neighbors Neg- lect." "To my daughter, Mary Townsend, one shilling, but should S'he become a widow, I desire she s;hall have two acres of my land and on it build a house. "To my grandson, John Porter, £10, Edward Porter, £10, Sarah and Mary Porter, £5 current money each. That James Barwick, Exor. will probated May 18, 1790." There is no further information of this branch. The Barwicks from 1780 to 1800 left few wills making it im- possible to correctly trace family lines. BAKVVICK FAMILY HISTORY Joshua Barwick. Resided in Caroline Co., Md. This is the only branch where Family Lines are known complete from John Bar- wick, Sr., of 1664 to the present which are eight gener- ations. His will was devised Sept. 17, 1782, and is as follows: "To my wife, Sidney, I bequeath all my plantation whereon I reside, also all that tract adjoining the same during her natural life, at her death to be equally divided between my two sons, Nathan and Elijah, and 217 1-10 acres in Delaware to be sold and balance of purchase money paid out of proceeds arising from sale, and the balance of money from said sale I bequeath to my son Nimrod, and the residue of my estate after my wife's third part is taken out to be equally divided between my three sons. Sidn-ey and Solomon (his brother) Exor., will probated May. 1790." THE SONS OF JOSHUA BARV/ICK. 1. Nathan Barwick. ^ No information could be learned except that on Dec. 22, 1802, Nathan B., and Nancy Kinnamon were married and in the same year there was a land transfer betwieen himself and his brother, Elijah. Nothing is known of his descendants. 2. Rev. Elijah Barwick. Was born in Caroline Co., Md., Feb. 17, 1782, and married Anna Evitts, Nov. 11, 1800. He was an M. E. minister and moved to the State of Indiana, where be deceased, June 24, 1856, at, or near Shelbj^ille, Ind. His wife died Jan. 11, 1824. He was afterwards twice mar- ried but no child-ren by either of those two marriages. He was a man of noble motives, and by the first marriage the father of eleven children whose descendants to this day are a most commendable people. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 27 HIS CHILDREN. 1. Sidney Morris Barwick was born Aug. 19. ISOl. and married James Swiggett, Jan. 19, 1S20. Children of James and Sidney IVIorris (Barwick) Swiggett. Robert Swiggett, April 22, 1821. Matt. D. Swiggett, March 18, 1823. Seth W. Swiggett, October 31, 1825. Elizabeth Ann Swiggett, December 27, 1828. Mary Indiana Swiggett, December 6, 1831. James Lawrence Swiggett, July 27, 1833. William Pitt Swiggett, June 6, 1837. Children of Seth W. and Alma Wiley Swiggett. James AJlen Swiggett, at Vevay, Indiana, October 29 1848. Rev. Edward Toner Swiggett, at Cincinnati, Ohio, Sep- temiber 27, 1850. Charles Howard Swiggett, at Cincinnati, Ohio, August 4, 1852. Henry Lee Swiggett, at Connersville, Ind.. Julv 16, 1854. William Frank Swiggett, at Cincinnati, Ohio, October 17, 1856. Children of Edward T. and Eleanor Mansfield Swiggett. Edward Mansfield Swiggett, at Morrow, Ohio, Sep- tember 9, 1881. Douglas Worthington Swiggett, at Morrow, Ohio, September 11, 1882. Child of Charles Howard and Nellie Courtney Swiggett. Howard Miller Swiggett, at Ripley. O.. Nov. 17, 1891. Children of Willard F. and Ida Warren Swiggett. "^ Charles Swiggett, June 7, 1889. Helen Swiggett, Septemiber 10, 1891. Alma Swiggett, July 23, 1893. Child of Edith May Graham and John Richard Graham. 28 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY Dorothy Alma Graham, at AshevilLe, North Carolina, De<;emb8r 8, 1893. A Son of James and Sidney Morris Swiggett. Seth W. Swiggett was a newspaper editor, having published papers in Connersville and Muncie, Ind., Sioux City, Iowa, (the first paper ever published there, in 1857- 60), Xenia, O., Cincinnati, O., and at different times con- nected with the Gazette, the Commercial, and the En- quirer, newspapers of Cincinnati, O. Alma Wiley, wife of S. W. Swiggett, was the daugh- ter of Rev. Allen Wiley, a pioneer Methodist Episcopal minister of Southern Indiana and Indianapolis, whose bi- ography was printed by the M. E. Book Concern. He was a man of distinction in his days, having been urged as a candidate for Governor of Indiana, and he would have been a bisihop at the next annual conference had he not died. His son, Philander Wiley, was for a long time professor in Asbury (now Depauw) University. Two other sons were M. E. ministers. All dead. One daughter died, aged almost 95 years, April 21, 1907. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY k9 REV. EDWARD T. SWIOUETT. D.O. 30 BAR WICK FAMILY HISTORf Edward T. Swiggett, son of Seth W. Swiggett, is a ministeir in the Presbyterian ohureh, pastor for almost 28 years of the First Presbyterian church of Morrow, Ohio, Stated Clerk (secretary) of the Presbytery of Cincinnati, Stated Clerk of the Synod of Ohio. Received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Miami University in 1900. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary. Has been clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church. His wife is Eleanor Mansfield Swiggett, who is a grand- daughter of Jared Mansfield, first professor of mathematics in West Point Military Academy and Surveyor General of the Northwest Territory. The city of Mansfield, Ohio, was named after him. She is a daughter of Hon. Edward Deer- inig Mansfield, author, editor of the Cincinnati Gazette, State Statistician for many years of Ohio. She is grand- daughter of Thomas Worthington (whose mansion forms the Ohio Building at the Jamestown Exposition now), that is, a copy of his mansion at Chillicothe. He was the second Governor of Ohio, and U. S. Senator from Ohio, 1803 to 1807, and 1810 to 1814. Their children are: Ed- ward Mansfield Swiggett, is a landscape engineer in the city of Chicago; Douglas Worthington Swiggett is a pro- fessor in the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. C. M. Swiggett, 822 Marcy Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; H. L. Swiggett, Branchvilie, Maryland; Mrs, Edith S Graham, Asheville, N. C. MARRIAGES. James Swiggett and Sidney Morress Barwick, Jan. 19, 1820. Thomas Swiggett and Elizabeth Barwick, May 20, 1824. Seth W. Swiggett and Alma Wiley, Feb. 18, 1847. Rev. Allen Wiley and Margaret Eads, Feb. 21, 1808. Seth W. Swiggett and Alma Wiley, Feb. 18, 1847. Rev. Edward Toner Swiggett and Eleanor Mansfleld, Aug. 31, 1880. Charles Howard Swiggett and Nellie Coartney. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 31 Henry Lee Swiggett and Fannie Ayers. Willard F. Swiggett and Ida Warren. Edith May Swiggett and John Richard Graham. BIRTHS. Allen Wiley, Virginia, Jan. 15, 17S8. Margaret Eads, Maryland, Dec. 15, 1876. Alma Wiley, Indiana, Sept. 4, 1826. DEATHS. Joshua Barwick, December 12, 1810. Ann Barwick, January 11, 1824. Elizabeth Swiggett, April 8, 1828. Thomas Swiggett, 1830. Sidney Morress Swiggett, October 9, 1838. James Swiggett, November, 1838. Robert, son of James and Sidney M. Swiggett, March 30, 1841. Allen Wiley, Vevay, Indiana, July 3, 1848. William Pitt, son of James and Sidney M. Swiggett, killed in battle of Pittsburg Landing, 1861. James Lawrence, son of James and Sidney M. Swig- gett, at Omaha, Nebraska, April 5, 1890. Seth W., son of James and Sidney Morress Swiggett, at Indianapolis, April 20, 1897. Interred in Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati, O. James Allen, son of Seth W. and Alma Wiley Swig- gett, at Cincinnati, O., December 27, 1869. Interred in Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati, O. Willard F., son of Seth W. and Alma Wiley Swiggett, at Denver, Colorado, July 7, 1904. Interred in Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 12, 1904. Alma Wiley, daughter of Rev. Allen and Margaret Eads Wiley, and widow of Seth W. Swiggett, at Aslievillo. North Carolina, November 30, 1905. Interred In Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio., December 3, 1905. 2. Elizabeth, born May 11, 1804, and married Thomas Swiggett, May 20. 1824. ;5' ir\i;\Vl«K FAMILY HISTORY 3. Nanomi. born Feb. 11. 1M»;'.. 4. Ezekiah Cooper, born Oct. 15. isn. and killrd Ijy a runaway team when a youn.u man at Hrookville, Ind. 5. Philip Dickerson, born Ni)V. !♦. IMM. and died of yellow fever at New Orleans In 1S49. leaving one son. .lames S., now residing at Lin- coln. N'''> 6. Joshua J. born St'i);. i^-, 1S1."», was an attorney and deceased without children. 7. William, born Feb. 19. 1806. There is no further information of the above but James S. Barwick of Lincoln, Neb., which will be given in proper order. Of Elijah's four remaining sons are as follows: 8. Rawzeli Pitt Chandler Barwick. resided and deceased without children at Brookville, Ind.. He was a man of noble character and highly respected. The following is a letter to his brother, Rev. J. S. Barwick: "Brookville, Ind., July 8, 1880. "Dear Bro. — Yours of 15th was thankfully received, b It was much disappointed as to you not making us a v'.s'.t this season. We were much in hopes that you would b? to see us this summer or fall, and still think you will take Brookville in when you make your visit to Illinois this fall, and bring your wife. That is the second one you have had that we have not seen. "We are here living by ourselves taking, as I think, the world pretty comfortable. We have plenty to live on, and owe no person any thing but good will, and cannot realize that we are old, but old age has crept upon us al- most unawares until I have lived to see the end of 73 years since the 10th of June last. i BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 33 "I can not scarcely realize it but it is so and has to be so." (He then gives the births and deaths of his father and mother and births of brothers and sisters, and closes) "Your Brother, "R. P. C. BARWICK." Of his wife, the following is given in respect of her noble life: "A private dispatch announces the death of Mrs. R. P. C. Barwick at Brookville, Ind., yesterday. Mrs.B. was one of the earliest pioneers of Franklin Co., Ind., having lived there more than 80 years. "She was a woman of good life and noble work, as indicated by the fact that she has been known as Aunt Mary Barwick throughout the reign of her acquaintance and work for over 40 years." May the above few lines inspire others of us to strive in life to live in the wisdom of nobility. 9. Seth Evitt Barwick. was born Jan. 20, 1809. He married Eliza J. Darrell, and resided on the old homestead near Connersville, Ind., where was born to them nine children. His daughter Martha, married a Mr. Roberts, to whom were born Olive (deceased) and Harriett, born 1832, and married Dr. D. Rogers, now a widow living at 122 West 14th Street, Anderson, Ind. Her son, Ralph Rogers, a salesman, lives in Toledo, Ohio, and W. E. Rogers at St. Joseph, Mich. Mrs. Rogers writes: In regard to the Barwicks being tall, I think my grandfather, Elijah, the tallest man I ever saw. My father was the tallest of his brothers, being 6 feet 6 inches." Mary Fletcher B. was born Sept. 17, 1834, and de- ceased at Genoa, 111., May 6, 1901. Her husband was Rev. Andrew B. Hester of the old Southeast Indiana Conference. 34 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY Their children are, Rev. Evitt K. D. Hester, born Oct. 20, 1863, and was educated at DePauw University. He enter- ed the M. E. church of the Rock River Conference in 1888. His children are, Evitt Darrell, Philip Kenneth, Gains Hedford and Luther Garner. Their other two sons are Francis Oliver, born Dec. 20, 1864, and is instructor in the Normal Training High School at Indianapolis, Jnd., and Carlos Briggs, born Dec. 18, 1868, and is a salesman. William Darrell resides at Oakland, 111, He was a veteran in the civil war and nine months a prisoner at Andersonville. His only son is Seth Evitt, born July 22, 1861, and is sales agent for the Lon-Bell Lumber Co., Chicago, 111. His only son is William, who represents the eighth generation of Barwicks in this country. Benjamin F., was for many years a prominent mer- chant at Greencastle, Ind., where his only daughter was educated in the DePauw University, and is married to Mr. Wright, residing at 123 E. Franklin street. Their only daughter, Mabelle, represents the eighth generation. Anna married Alex. Harris and deceased 30 years ago at Mattoon, 111. Mrs. Horace Coley of Oakland, 111., is her only daughter who has one daughter, Beulah. James was a veteran in the Civil War and was killed at Bean Station, Tenn. Elijah and Martin deceased in childhood. 10. James Madison, was born Nov. 9, 1817, and resided at Shelbyville, Ind., where he deceased in 1888. His only daughter, Mary Torrey, is the wife of G. W. Kennedy of the same place. BARWICK FAMILY His'J ORV Mo 11. Rev. Joseph S. Barwick. I^ev. J. S. narvvick. D. D., was born in Maryland. Sept. 22. 1815, and fell asleep in Jesus at his home in Lin- neiis, III., Oct. 5, 1890, aged 75 years and 13 days. He graduated from what is now DePauw University when he was a young man. and from which institution he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity later in life. He REV. J. S. BARWICK. joined the Indiana Confer- ence of the M. E. church in 1S37, and filled many re- sponsible positions in the pastorate, among them Evans- ville and Indianapolis. In the fall of 1850 he removed to Jacksonville, 111., to accept the Professorship of LiUin in the Illinois Conference Female College. He continued to teach until the war of '61, when he entered the service as chaplain of the 85th Regt. 111. Infty., in which he served until the end of the war. He was then transferred to the Missouri Conference, teaching and preaching, part of the time as presiding elder, a part of his time as pastor. In 1886 he took charge of Linneus circuit, and for three years he went in and out before us, the loving and lovely and beloved pastor of his own church and the devoted friend of all the churches. Mr. Barwick was married three times — to his last wife. Miss E. S. Treadway, he was married in 1.S78. Like Zachariah and Elizabeth they have walked together in all the ordinances of the Lord's House blameless. H6 BARWTCK FAMILY HISTORY James S. Barwick, a grandson of Elijah and son of Philip Dickerson B., was born in Shelbyville, Ind., Nov. 18, 1845, and now resides at Lincoln, Neb. At the age of 16 he entered Co. C, 3rd 111. Cavalry, and Served four ysars; was in thirtsen hard fought battle; and twice wounded. Oct. 17, 1867, he married Sarah M. Means, and they are the parents of Mrs. Mollie Roberts of Lincoln, Neb.; Mrs. Rev. Walter Bilbey, Sunflower, Mo.; W. F. and L. H. Barwick of Lincoln, Neb. His grandchildren are Gene- vieva and Walter Roberts; Leonard and Philip Bilbey and Louise Barwick. The eighth generation. He is manager of Paragon Granite and Marble monumental work. 3. Nimrod Barwick. A son of Joshua and brother of Nathan and Elijah resided in Caroline Co., Md. He married Nancy Webb, Sept. 28, 1815. His son, William A., was born in Caroline Co., Md., in 1829. He married Rebecca Seward, and de- ceased May 11, 1881, and his wife in March, 1902. William A. was the father of Frank and L. Howard, who reside at S^ndersville, Md. Frank married Mollie Reynolds and their children are Seward, Maggie and William. L. Howard married Alta Seward, and to them were born Rebecca and Henry. No information could be secured of White B., who was a son of Nimrod. Thus ends one and the only com- plete branch from 1664 to 1907, or 243 years. May the blood lines of this common, worthy stock continue in the same moral and spiritual character and continue to grace the good blood q:ialities and deeds of the Barwicks for longer than eight generations hence. ■ BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY M THE DESCENDANTS OF EDWARD BARWICK. Sr. (Continued.) THE NORTH CAROLINA BRANCH. CHAPTER VIII, WILLIAM, JOHN AND NATHAN Were sons of Edward and grandsons of John Bar- wick, Sr., of 1664. The writer must say for the many efforts put forth to secure connecting information up to the present the least and most disappointing were the re- sults. The North Carolina Census Report of Population of 1790, shows as follows: Name of Head Male 16 yrs, Male IC vr*. Females of Family And Over And L'nder Marrii-l New Hanover DrucillaB'rwk I White Johnston j John " Dobbs ' Margaret " WILLIAM BARWICK. The Barwicks of New Hanover County will be first ex- plained. Drucilla was the widow of William Barwick, and their children were James, White, Elizabeth and Nancy. As the chart shows, in the year 1790, White was married, and the father of one son under 16 years, and two daugh- ters married. A number of efforts were made to secure the names of his children, but the efforts were to no sue- 88 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY cess. Neither could any information be secured of the family in after years. What should have been easily se- cured proved the most difficult and leaves a complete missing link with the Barwick of the state of present date. The will of William B. is here given in full: WILL. "In the name of God, Amen, I, WMlliam Barwick of New Hanover county, in the State of North Carolina, Planter, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, viz: First, I will that my just dehts shall be paid, .after which I give and bequeath my person- al estate in manner and form following: "I give to my dearly beloved wife, Drucilla Barwick, the plantation which I now possess, known by the name of the Brick House Plantation, opposite Rich Inlet, with the lands and properties thereunto belonging to her during her natural life, and after her decease, the same land and properties to be the right of my two sons, viz: James and White, to be equally divided between them by three free holders of said county, which they shall see fit to choose, and in case either of them should be disposed to sell his part, the other shall have it on paying him £60 current money of staid state, in twelve months after the said contract or othei-^ise as they can agree; which land I will to them and their heirs lawfully begotten; and in case that either of them should die without heir, the other to possess the whole lands as above, on paying his two sisters each £20, namely, Elizabeth and Nancy, being current money of said state; and in case both my sons die without heirs, the lands and properties to be equally di- vided between my two daughters to them and their heirs forever. "I also give to my dearly beloved wife, two milch cows, one featherbed and furniture belonging to it. I also BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 89 leave to my wife one hor.se and ten: pounds of pewter and one large iron pot, one chest, one tea kettle, one spice mortaT, and one pair of hand mill stones. "I give to my dearly beloved daughter, Elizabi'lh, one 3-year-old heifer and her increase, and one year old steer, one featherbed and 10 pounds of pewter. "I give to my dearly beloved daughter, Nancy, two heifers and their increase, one featherbed and 10 pounds of pewter. "I give to my dearly beloved son, James, one cow and steer and feathers to make a good bed. "I give to my dearly beloved son, White, two steers, one three years old and one four years, one iron pot and hooks, one dictionary, thee breeding sows .and 10 pounds of pewter. "I also leave to my dear wife, two breeding sows, one pair of steelyards and one large bible; to James, one iron pot and hooks and two breeding sow^s. "I will that all the rest of my personal estate be equally divided by three freeholders of said state between my dearly beloved wife and four children, revoking all will or wills. "In testimony whereof, I, the said William Barwick, has hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 15th day of June, 177S. (SEAL) "WILLIAM BARWICK." NOTE — The writer firmly believes that the court records of New Hanover Co., N. C, contain information that will connect James and White B. in direct family lines with the Barwicks of the state at present. Their inheriting the land there is somewhere upon record and the time and way of disiposing of said land. 40 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY JOHN BARWICK. By the census repo:t of North Carolina for 1790, John Barwick was tbe father of one son over sixteen years, three sons under sixteen years, and one daughter married. Every effort was made to secure court record information of Johnston county, wherein he resided, but could secure nothing. The writer firmly believes such information is there recorded that would clear up direct family lines to date. The writer also failed to learn the names of his sons, or wife and daughter. He resided in Johnston county earlier than 1768, as the court records of Carolina county, Md., show that in said year he acted with power of attorney, in the settle- ment of his father's (Edward, Sr.) estate in Maryland. It is also evident at the census report of 1790 he was a very old man. • NATHAN BARWICK. Nothing can be said of Nathan. At the time of the census report of 1790, his widow, Margaret, resided in Dobbs county, now Johnston county, and was the mother of two sons under sixteen years and tw^o daughters mar- ried. Whether or not she returned to Maryland is not known, but the following Will w^as probated in Caroline Co., Md., Wednesday, April 16, 1811. "To Mary Barwick and Nancy Glanden all my interest in a tract of land called Robottom Range, share and share alike, and all the residue to be equally divided between said daughters." "MARGARET . BARWICK." From this wnll we may infer that her two sons had de- ceased and there were no male descendants left of Nathan Barwick. BAR WICK FAMILY HISTOHV 41 REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS. In the Auditor's Office, Raleigh, X. C. in the army account book, one William B. Beiwick and Ed Burwick were enlisted in Hoggs Co., 10th Regt. X. C. Continental Line. NOTE— The spelling is Ber.and Bur. To what family lines they belong is not known, but -he spelling no doub't should have been Barwick. THE PRESENT BARWICKS OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER IX. This branch of the Barwicks has proven a very per- plexing problem, though it is evident they are not descend- ants of either William Barwick, who resided at Wilming- ton, or Nathan, whose widow, Margaret, resided in Dobbs county. Taking the census report of 1790 it then leaves John Barwick, who resided in Johnston county, as the predecessor of the present generations. Had there been other Barwicks then living in the state the Census Reports would have so named them. From letters received some give Joshua as the earl- iest known Barwick, while others give it as John, and the writer accepts John as correct. Joshua or John Barwick. Through John H. Barwick of Griffon, N. C, the follow- ing information was secured, the names and dates being obtained from an old bible in his possession. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY Joshua or John Barwick was the father of Isaac Barwick, who was born in 1789, and was the father of Willey A. Barwick, born May 22, 1816; Craven Tull Barwick, born in 1833, and Henry, Jessie and Elizabeth, whose birth dates were not given. Henry was never married, Jessie left his family and was never again heard from, neither is anything known of the descendants. Of Elizabeth nothing is known. CAPT. WILLEY A. BARWICK. Brother W. A. Barwick was born in North Carolina, May 22, 1816, and died in Wild- wood, Florida, November 2, 1905. He came to Florida from the state of his nativity when he was quite a young man. From Monticello, Jefferson county, where he had lived :he greater part of his long and useful life, he removed capt. wiiieyA. Bar>.ick. ^o Wildwood. Sumter county, living in that community for 23 or 24 years, loved and honored by both white and black. While we cannot say just at what time in life he was converted and became a member of the M. E. Church, South, yet from a conversation with him some months ago, we gathered that it was when he was a young man. He said that he joined the church at a BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 43 meeting while the congregation was singing that won- derful hymn. "Come humble sinner in whose breast A thousand thoughts resolve." He was a light and help to the community in which he lived. "The mirror of Godliness and a pattern and exam- ple to all true Christians in purity of life." He lived for sixty years or more as an exemplary character. He was sound in doctrine, fearless and bold in de- nouncing sin and rebuking wickedness, yet charitable and kind. As opportunity afforded, he instructed and ex- horted men with tenderness. Men loved to hear him pray because he was a good man. The w^ord of God was the man of his counsel, every word was the truth to him, being his stay and comfort, "e'en down to old age." One day he told me that he felt that his long life was the outcome of his faith in and obedience to the 5th commandment, "Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may he long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Brother Barwick was a brave soldier, a true patriot, a noble citizen. He was a grand and heroic Confederate veteran, yet as a Christian philosopher he accepted the situation of the South's defeat and became loyal to the Stars and Stripes. Possessing a magnanimous spirit he forgave his foes and treated them with great respect. He had virtues to emulate and vices none. The strong character of the man was clearly delineated in his fine physical form and bearing. I saw him in the prime of his life, which was in the eventful years of the sixties. Brother Barwick was faithful never faltering in duty. He was a true and honored ser- vant of the church, filling its offices as steward, trustee and Sunday School superintendent as long as his age would 44 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY permit. All throagh his Christian experience, like faith- ful Abraham of old, he was steadfast. His benign face and noble open countenance attract- ed children. It is said that when the Prince of Orange died that the children wept in the streets. Yea, equally so at the death of Grandpa Barwick, as all called him. Brother Barwick was truly a great man. It was wonderful to hear him quote scripture in the latter part of his illness, and even just before he became speechless. A few days prior to his death he received a glorious baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then for two days he sang and prayed and shouted. I never witnessed any- thing like it. His face shown beautifully. It seemed that a radiance from the cross filled the room. I could not keep away. What an impression it has made on all! As I stood and watched him drawing near his last moments suddenly it appeared that he was mounting up higher, and higher, and to me like a flash of light he reached a grand apex and waving his hand back to us, he said, "Glory, glory, glory, adieu, good-bye," and all that was immortal swept through the gates of pearl into the City of God. With loving and appreciative hands on the evening of the 3rd of November, 1905, his body was laid to rest. I. E. BARWICK W^as a son of Capt. W^illey A. Barwick, and resides at Tampa Bay, Fla. He served in his father's company during the Civil W^ar, and is now engaged in the manage- ment of a fruit farm. It is not known whether there were others of the family or not. I. b. Barwick. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 45 CRAVEN TULL BARWICK. The writer can say nothing of his life, but of his children they are cultured and enterprising. He was born in 1833, and resided in Lenair county, N. C. His son, John H. Barwick, is county treasurer, resid- ing at Kinston, N. C. Prof. A. J. Barwick is a self-edu- cated man and prominent in educational work as both teacher and Superintendent of Public Instruction. The other children are, Joseph, Susie, Jennie, Nancy, Maggie and Ada of Kinston, N. C; James H. and Albert Bar- wick, merchants. Granger, N. C. The writer regrets so limited information of this family. JOSHUA BARWICK. Little can be said of this Barwick. He was mar- ried to^ a Miss Sutton of Lenair county, N. C, and judging from the date of birth of his one son, he was a brother of Isaac Barwick, who was born in 1789, and they were sons of John Barwick of Johnston county, who is traced back to John Barwick, Sr., of 1664, through chart, page 14. His four sons were: 1. Alexander W. Barwick, born about 1814, and a farmer; 2. Sutton Barwick, birth date not given, was a merchant; 3. Benjamin Barwick, Sr., a farmer; 4. Jackson Barwick, Sr., neither of their birth dates were given. For convenience, Sutton Barwick left no children. Benjamin Barwick, Sr., left two sons: George Barwick of Mt. Olive, N. C, whose children are H. J. Barwick and Albert Barwick of Mt. Olive, N. C, and Mrs. Alice Price of Seven Springs, N. C, and his second son, Benjamin Barwick, Sr., of Mt. Olive, N. C, is the father of Julius and Laura Barwick of Seven Springs, N. C. Jackson Barwick, Sr., had one son, Jackson Barwick. Jr., of Mt. Olive, N. C, and his son is William Barwick. of Mt. Olive, N. C. 46 BAR WICK FAMILY HISTORY ALEXANDER W. BARWICK, Sr. was twice married and the father of nine boys and seven girls. He was a large man and lived to a good old age. His children and descendants are: 1. Robert Barwick. who is the father of William (timber dealer) and Annie Barwick, of Sam Pitts. S. C. 2. Benjamin S. Barwick, Sr. His children, Ben S., and Wm. D. Barwick of Mt. Olive, N. C, and John Barwick of Smith's Creek, N. C, all farmers. 3. Alex W. Barwick, Jr. Children are: Edgbert and George Barwick of South West Mill, N. C, are farmers; Nichols Barwick (clerk) Mott- ville, N. C; Curlie and Ben S. Barwick (students) Stra- bene, N. C, and Smith of same place. , 4. John J. Barwick, Sr. Is the father of: Floyd and Warren Barwick (merchants) Larange, N. C; John J. Barwick, Jr., (student) New Bern, N. C; Woodard Barwick (farmer), and Mrs. Etter Jones of Strabone, N. C, and Mrs. Nora Gorden, Kinston, N. C. 5. Elisha Barwick. Is the father of Wm. K. and Aben W. Barwick of Seven Springs, N. C; Anna Num, Wilmington, N. C, and Ad- della Barwick, Seven Springs. BAKWICK FAMILY HISTORY 47 6. Wm. H. Barwick. His children are: Herbert P., (freight clerk) and Alex W., (clerk). Wilmington. N. C; Arthur A. and William A., (students), Walter J., Bonnie S., Clara F. and Laura A. Barwick. of Seven Springs, X. C. 7. George W. Barwick. Is the father of Ressia (stu- dent), Outlaws Ridge, N. C. 8. Joseph Barwick, Only daughter is May of Sev- en Springs, N. C. 9. Junius Barwick. Has two. sons:. .lames and ^ ^^ Walter (students). Seven H. K earwick. Springs, N. C. Other Barwicks are: John F., Dempsey, Major, Lem- uel, Jamais H. and Albert of Granger, N. C, and G. P. Barwick of New Beren, N. C. The writer regrets there was so limited interest tak- en in the above relationship. The descendants* from the original branch are many and should have had a clear classification. JOHN BARWICK. Was a descendant of the North Carolina Barwicks, and no doubt a brother to Isaac and Joshua, however, one missing link prevents positive knowledge, but it is evident he traces direct to John Barwick, Sr., of 1664. He moved from North Carolina to Dyer county, Tenn., about 1824. He was the father of three daugh- ters, of whom the writer knows nothing, and one son, JOHN M. BARWICK. Was born in North Carolina, and at the age of 14 moved with his father to Tennessee. In the year 1S89 48 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY he married Eliza .1. .Johnston, and they soon homesteaded 160 acres of land near Craborhard, Williams Co., 111. In the year 1862 he entered the 110th 111. Regt., Co. C, and was afterwards transferred to Co. D. On May 16. 1863. at the age of 53 he deceased, while in service ten miles ea^t of Nashville, Tenn. He was the father of six boys and three daughters, as follows: 1. Wm. D. Barwick (born in 1845) resides at Polzo, 111. His children are: D. J., deceased; Rachel, Jares, Susie Shelton, Niney Taner, Thomas, Charles and Martin Barwick of Brownsville, Ind. Ter. 2. James Y. Barwick, born 1845, Cartersville, 111. His children are, John and Lewis of Cartersville, 111, two daughters living and one deceased. 3. Henry J. Barwick and his children, Walter, Sam- uel, Otis, Charley, and one daughter reside at Carters- ville, 111., and one daughter, Mrs. Taner, at Ashton, 111. 4. Joseph Barwick was born in 1848, and deceased in 1894. The writer failed to secure or learn any farth- er information of him or children. 5. Thomas W. Barwick was born in 1852, and resides at Cartersville, 111., and his children are Sylvester, Fuel, Partheny and Walter. 6. Eli C. Barwick was born near Craborchard, 111., Aug. 13, 1853, and his present address is Alto, La. His children are: H. M. Barwick (Justice of the Peace and grocer), Success, Ark.; J. F. Barwick, J. W. Barwick, Corning, Ark.; E. O. Barwick and Gilbert Barwick, Suc- cess, Ark.; T. C. Barwick, G. W. Barwick and W. L. Barwick, Curentview, Mo. The three daughters of John M. Barwick: 7. Eliz- abeth and 8, Maltida, are deceased, and 9, Nancy Devan- port, resides at Craborchard, 111. The writer desires to here state that the Barwicks originating from the North Carolina stock are an estim- BAR WICK FAMILY HISTORY 49 able people and still maintain the noble traits of their early Maryland predecessors. JAMES BARWICK OF QUEEN ANNS CO., MD. CHAPTER X. The above James Barwick remains unclassified. Through the court records he is mentioned as "James Barwick of Queen Anns Co., Md., as early as 1731, and his descendants are traceable up to 1812, but after that date no further information is known. He is possibly a descendant of Daniel Barwick of 1652. It is positively certain he was not .a son of John Bar- wick of 1664, neither a grandson. He was a land owner and the court records of the above county will give in- formation of him should any one desire such. Being much impressed with the spiritual tone of his will I here give it in full believing that in his time he was a good christian mian: WILL. "In the name of God, Amen: This 29th day of jjecember, 1756, I, James Barwick, Sr., of Queen Anns County, in the Province of Maryland, (Planter), being weak of body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God; therefore, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. "That is to say, principally, and first of all, I recom- mend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it. and my body to the earth to be buried in decent and christian like manner at the discretion of my executrix hereinafter named. . .ft. 50 BAHWICK FAMILY HISTORY Nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall again receive the same by power of Almighty God and as touching such worldly estates wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, bequeath and dispose of the same in manner and form following: "I give and bequeath unto Mary Barwick my well be- loved wife my now dwelling plantation known by the name of Oakenthorp containing ninety-five acres of land to be possessed and enjoyed until my son Benjamin shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years. "I also give and bequeath unto my son, James Bar- wick, the land I bought of Thomas Hendsley, containing sixty acres and also thirty acres more which I bought of John Miller to him and his heirs to be possessed and enjoyed forever. "I also give to my son James one mare and my wear- ing apparel. "That my four daughters shall have all my personal (possibly slaves — Dr. B.) estate equally divided amongst themselves. "Lastly: I do appoint my wife, Mary Barwick, the full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament this 29th day of December, 1756." "Probated July 28, 1757. "JAMES. BARWICK." Seven years after the above date his wife was, or had been married to Geo. Heward, and they two adminis- tered in adjusting the personal estate. It is possible the above James Barwick was a descendant of Daniel Bar- wick. The man whom Daniel Barwick came to this coun- try with was granted land in Queen Anns county. The writer made a diligent effort to secure informa- tion but could find no one who proved trustworthy. It is evident that in many places there is information not yet secured which would aid in tracing up Daniel Bar- wick, as well as those of North Carolina and of the Darl- ington District of South Carolina. BARWICK FAMILY HISTOKY 51 JAMES JUMP BARWICK. AND HIS DESCENDANTS. CHAPTER XI. James Jump Barwick was born in Queen Anns Co.. Md., May 3, 1800. Owing to numerous James and Johns of those times, and lack of wills even previous, it is another family chain wherein is a missing link making it impos- sible to connect direct with the early Barwicks although there is evidence of direct relationship. The middle name, Jump, was the name of his moth- er, and on Aug. 4, 1799, Edward Barwick was married to Sarah Jump of Carolina County, but no information could be secured to make direct relationship, but it is probable that Edward Barwick and Sarah Jump were the parents of James Jump Barwick. He had two brothers, John and Henry, who lived in what was called Tuckey Ho Neck in eastern Maryland. At an early date he settled on the Ohio river and en- gaged in boat building, and on Aug. 19, 1828, was married to Emaline Gaines of Chillicothe, Ohio. To them were born the father of the writer on Dec. 30, 1830, James Ed- ward Barwick. Losing his companion by death he afterwards married Miss Nancy Brown and resided in Warren county, Ind. To them were born six children: Nicholas. Frank, John. Eliziabeth, Henry and Milton. Again, by death of his wife, he a third time was mar- ried to Betsy Ann Pugh to whom were born children: Ohio, Indiana, Virginia and Charley. He was religious in life and deceased in Warren coun- ty, Ind., in 1870. His children and descendants are as fol- lows: 52 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY James Edward Barwick Was raised in Warren county, Ind. Little can the writer say of his father's boyhood, or early life as he deceased when the writer was a boy. June 8, 1857, he united with the M. E. Church at Shelbyville, 111., and later placed his membership with the M. E. Church of Sandusky, Iowa. He was a mechanic by trade, of good habits, well re- spected, of fair ability, of good appearance and was qualified to fill places of trust. He had a strong inclina- tion to the medical profession, having studied medicine to some extent, but at the above place began preaching in the Methodist Church and was for some years a local M. E. minister. At the above place he was married to Miss Rebecca Hixson of Preble county, Ohio. To them were born Mary, Willie and Edward, who deceased in childhood, and James Frank, Dr. Samuel Omar, and Rev. Henry Milton Bar- wick, who still live. Was born in Gratis, P. O., James Frank Barwick Iowa, March 26, 1861, but raised near Preble Co. James Frank Barwick. Ohio. From boyhood to his nineteenth year he was a farm hand when he then en- tered school and was for several years engaged in at- tending and teaching school. His present home is at Hockley, Texas, where he is engaged in general merchan- dise. He is married but has no children. As the old story often is told, of his educa- tion and earthly goods they are results of personal ambi- tion and self-perseverance. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY Dr. Samuel Omar Barwick Was born in Iowa, May 9, 1863, and raised in Preble county, Ohio. The writer considers it imprudent to emu- late his own life, but will state that at the age of seven 3'ears he was placed out with stmngers to earn his board and clothes, and con- tinued a farm hand until the beginning of his twenty-fourth year when he enter- ed the Salina Nor- mal University of Salina, Kansas, the spring of 1887, and returned to Preble county, Ohio, late in the fall of 1888. It was then the writer began the study of medicine and pharmacy and Dr. s. o. Barwick. after one year in the Ohio State Medical University of Columbus, Ohio, and two terms in the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincin- nati, Ohio, graduated June 5, 1894. The writer practiced medicine eighteen months at Brookville, Ohio, and the remaining time in Elkhart county, Ind. While the writer is well versed in the struggles of life to succeed, yet those conditions of life r,4 HAinVlCK FAMILY HISTORY are coiumitled to the past, and the greatest desire is to live a useful, intellectual and christian career, and to enlighten and unite the scattered Barwick family as to lineal knowledge of a common and worthy people. While there may be errors and missing links in this work of tracing out family lines, yet all has been done with an honest motive and affection to and for all. In the fall of 1S95 the w^riter was married to Miss Minnie Landis of near Brookville, Ohio, to whom were born. Bertha Rebecca, 9, Loyd Frank 8, Samuel Omar, jr., deceased, John Calvin 6, Francis May 3, Wendell Philips, 18 months, and James Edward 6 months. REV. HENRY MILTON BARWICK. Was born in Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 28, 1872, and was raised in Preble county, Ohio. His early life was spent on the farm, and was ever studious and desirous of an education. At the age of 16 he began teaching and at the age of 19 was elected to the ministry in the G-erman Baptist Breth- ren church. He is a classical graduate of the Mt. Morris College of Mt. Morris, 111., and at pres- ent resides at McPherson, Kansas. His wife was a Miss Edith Workman of Ohio and their children are John, Mary Martha and Paul, de- Rev. H. M. Barwick. ceased. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY CHILDREN OF SECOND MARRIAGE OF JAMES JUMP BARWICK. Frank Barwick, who is nearing his seventieth year, resides at Martinsburg, Iowa. Although married there are no children. He was a soldier of the Civil War and was four times wounded. He is a noble christian man. Henry Barwick resides at Memphis, Mo. He was binn in 1845 and was married to Miss Laura E. Amerman of West Lebanon, Ind., in 1873, to whom were born Stella L. and Clara Laura, who are at home, and Ira Albert Barwick, who is engaged in the livery business at Ray, North Dakota. Henry B. was a soldier of the Civil War. Milton Barwick was born in 1849, and resides at Martinsburg, Iowa. He is engaged in farming and the father of Minta and Libbie G. Barwick. Nicholas Barwick was born in 1837, and married Dru- sella Siddens of Marshfield, Ind., in 1861, to whom were born Elizabeth, who is married to R. Jeffris of Barwick, Ind. Ter., and are the parents of eight children; James Henry Barwick, born 1864, and resides in Panca City, Okla., he is the father of five living children whose names were not given; Frank Barwick resides at Judyville. Ind.. and is the father of Lucy D., Mattie, Agnes and Raymond A. Barwick; William L. Barwick was born in 1872 and resides at Morocco, Ind. He was married to Leotia L. Marley in 1899, and their children are Brenda Orlena, Le- roy Flemin and Delbert Alexandria; Charles S. Barwick resides at Martinsburg, Iowa. His wife was Lillie Pearl Curtis, and their children are, Benjamin F., Adda A., and Sherman Everet; Anna was born in 1868 but no account of her was obtained, and Rebecca, born in 1870. deceased in childhood; Nicholas Barwick deceased in 1877 and his wife the preceding year. 56 I'.ARWICK FAMILY HISTORY No account of the children of the third marriage could be secured. This ends the descendants of James Jump I'.arwick. WILLIAM BARWICK. Sr. OF THE DARLINGTON DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XII. Every effort was made to secure information which would connect the above William Barwick with the Bar- wicks of Maryland, but the effort was a failure. The writer possesses a copy of "The South Carolina Marriage Report" from 1732 to 1801, but finds no mention of any Barwicks being married during that time. How- ever, there was on John Berwick and a Beswicke re- ported. From a close study of names and the characteristics of his descendants there are strong lineal resemblances of those of Maryland, and possibly he was a son of either James or Solomon Barwick, which see in chart, page 14. The earliest account of William Barwick and his wife Elizabeth, was secured from the court records at Darling- ton, S. C. On July 3, 1786, he was granted 640 acres of land and at a later date 240 acres more. August 25, 1807, he deeded 240 acres to his son, Nathan, and in other land transfers others of his sons were mentioned, viz: Benjamin, John and James, and in the year 1820 his son Noel administered on the estate of William Barwick and his wife, Elizabeth. BAR WICK FAMILY HISTORY. 57 The above is all that is known of William B. and his wife, saving his children, which were in number, fifteen, and the descendants are to this day a most commendable people who numiber more than a few. AN INTERESTING LETTER. The following letter of much interesting information was furnished the writer by Mrs. Martha Robbins of Bass- field, Miss., who is a daughter of Noel Barwick, and a granddaughter of William B., who resided in Darlington District, S. C. The letter was written in 1846, and is of the old form of folding. It was written by Benjamin to Noel Barwick of Williamsburg, Miss.: Georgia, Washington Co., Sept. 1st, 1846." "Dear Bro. and Sister: — Once more through the mercy of an Allwise Providence in lengthening out the thread of my life for sixty-three years almost, I sit down to write to you to inform you of the health of my family. "I have been very sick for several weeks but am get- ting up again. My wife and my son, William B. Barwick, are well. I am nothing of very great importance at this time. "There are better crops in this county than I have ever known since I have been in Georgia or Washington county. I live within one quarter of a mile of Sanders- ville. I want to see you or hear from you by letter or otherwise. All our family connections are well as far as I know. Sister Rhoda went to Florida last winter two years ago, and the next September she died in Hope of Eternal Rest where trouble is all over. Our brother Samuel died last February in Alabama. "I now send you all the. ages of our brothers and sisters: 1. Nathan, born Aug. 3, 1782. 2. Benjamin, about 1783. o8 HAKWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 3. Jame^, born Jan. 23, 1784. }. Rhoda, born Nov. 23, 1785. :.. Rebecca, born Oct. 16, 1787. c. Elizabeth, born Sept. 11, 1789. 7. .John, born .June 8, 1791. s. Sarah, born Dec. 5, 1792. 9. William, .Jr., born Aug. 30, 1795. 10. Stephen, born Feb. 12, 1797. 11. Xoel, born Nov. 30, 1798. 12. Winna, born April 20, 1800. 13. Samuel, born July 22, 1802. 14. Eli, born Nov. 27, 1804. 1.5. Redden, born Oct. 31, 1806. "Sister Winna has been dead about two years; Nathan lives about forty-four miles from me in Emanuel county; brothers William and John live at the same place (Wash- ington county) when you were here and all doing well. "Danney Whiddon and family are well and wishes his best respects sent to your family. I understand that Sarah lives in Kentucky. Clay Truhill lives about nineteen miles above Columbus and are doing very well. She writes me they have two negroes and money to buy two more. "James daughter lives close to Nathan. She married a man by the name of Moses Hutcheson. "Brother, I should be glad if I were living close by you. There are only three in family, my&elf, wife and little boy by the name of Wm. B. Barwick. He is twelve years old. My wife's name before we married was Phoebe Curry. "Dear brother, I want you to try to come and see me if you can. Write to me the first and every opportunity. I do want to see you very much. Give my best respects to your wife and all the children. Dear brother, excuse my letter, as I write with trembling hand — just getting BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 59 out of my sickness of the fever — and so conclude, I feel I am your loving brother till death." Benjamin Bar wick" To "Xoel Barwick." The above is valuable for information, and impress- ive for the tender brotherly affection manifested. Not in every Barwick, but the greater number by far are of a spiritual mind and devoted to their Creator for blessings received. THE FIFTEEN CHILDREN. No information more than contained in the above letttr is known of Rhoda, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Saiah, Stephen, Winna and Eli. The remaining eight brothers whose descendants are known are as follows: 1. Nathan, Sr. 2. Benjamin. 3. James. 4. John. 5. Noel. 6. Samuel. 7. Readen. 8. Wil- liam, Jr. 1. Nathan Barwick, Sr. He early settled in Emmanual county, Georgia, but no in- formation was secured of his natural life, but of his many descendants they are a commendable people who are among the best common and enterprising citizens of the South. He was married to Elizabeth Whiting, to whom were born nine children and eighty-three grandchildren, as follows: 1. Lott. 2. Polly. 3. Nathan, Jr. 4. Eliza- beth. 5. White. 6. Susan. 7 Curtis 8 Leasy. 9. Eliza. 1. Lott Barwick. Was born in Emmanuel county, Georgia. He represented his county in the legislature, and was for a number of years Probate Judge. He was a man of good judgment 60 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. and motives. He \v;.s married to Elizabeth Roundtree and their children art : 1. Nancy Ann Cowart, daughter of Lott B., resides at Summit. Georgia. Her children are: Mary Jane Oglesby and Madison Cowart, Garfield, Ga.; Nannie Bishop, Sum- mertown, Ga.; Lott Cowart and Zenna Burroughs, Summit, Ga.; and Vannah Coely, Statesboro, Ga.; Elizabeth, George and Lee are deceased. 2. George I. Barwick, son of Lott B., born April 1, 1843, and married Jane Rountree Nov. 16, 1865. He was an estimable man who represented his county (Emmanual) in the legislature, and deceased Dec. 19, 1890. His children are Elder Robert H. Barwick, of Pavo, Georgia, was born in Emmanuel county, September 20, 1866. In June of 1887, he married Mollie Davis, and was baptized into the Primitive Baptist Church of the same year, and ordained to the ministry Dec. 1, 1891. He is puhlisher of "The Pilgrim's Banner," a monthly magazine devoted to the religious truths and moral culture of the Primitive Baptist Church. His children are: Luther, Felix, Eva, Alta, Robbie, Ira and Frank. Mary was born Aug. 20, 1870, and is the wife of G. W. Durden, and resides at Eld. R. H. Barwick. Greymont, Ga. Their chil- dren are: Dade, Mary, Lena, Jane, Dora, Carl, Billie and baby. BARWICK FAMILY HISTOKV. 61 Annie E., was born Nov. 28, 1S72. Her first husband was Dr. J. R. Rountree. He deceased leaving three chil- dren, Roy, Vera and Zelma. With her present husband, Dr. C. R. Riner, they live at Summit, Georgia, and have one son, C. R. Riner. Dora L., was born May 16, 1876, and is married to Sidney Parish of Statesborough, Georgia. Their children are: George and Lucile. George Clayton, born Nov. 12, 1878, and Aug. 11, 1904, married Sadie Thomas. He is a salesman and resides at Augusta, Ga. Aden Ashbury, born Oct. 17, 1871. His wife was Jane Adams and their son is George. He is a merchant residing at Moultrie, Ga. Samuel, deceased, was born Jan. 14, 1887. The widow of George I. Barwick resides at Summit, Ga. 3. Elizabeth, daughter of Lott B., first married J. R. Williamson, he deceased and she married a Mr. Slayton and now resides at Summit, Ga. By her first marriage there were five children who are all deceased but Emma the wife of Mr. B. Gray of Thrift, Ga. Missouri, daughter of Lott B., was three times mar- ried. Her last marriage was to C. L. Lawrence, who now lives at Swainsboro, Ga. No children. 5. Lee L., son of Lott B., was born Feb. 21, 1848, and deceased May, 1900. He was first married to Missouri Overstreet. She deceased, he then married Ella Hill. He deceased and his widow lives at Garfield, Ga. His children are: W. P. Barwick, Jacksonville, Fla.; J. M. Barwick, Savannah, Ga.; Mrs. Julius Edenfield, Netter, Ga.; Mrs. J. W. Procter, Garfield, Ga.; and Miss Lorain Barwick, Garfield, Ga. 6. Catherine, daughter of Lott B., was married to Mr. Bishop. He deceased and his widow lives at Swains- boro, Ga. Their children are: Lawrence, James, Linsey. Mrs. Bessie, Mr;. Bonnie Pierce of Summeitown. Ga.. 62 BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY and Manning and Mrs. Lucius Rainer of Swainsboro, Ga. 7. James M., son of Lott B., was twice married and resided at Miram, Ga. He is father of three children, names unknown. 8. Rounthee, son of Lott B., married Mollie Woods, he deceased without children. His widow lives at Sum- mit. Ga. 9. Lucius P., son of Lott B., married Elizabeth Tatley and resides at Miram, Ga. He is the father of seven children whose names are unknown. 10. Mrs. Wood Rountree, tenth and only child by sec- ond marriage, lives at Summit, Ga. Children unknown. 2. Polly; 4, Elizabeth, and 6, Susan, were daughters of Nathan Barwick, Sr., and were each married to a Mr. Druden. Polly was the mother of two boys and nine girls; Elizabeth the mother of seven boys and four girls, and Susan the mother of seven boys and four girls, or in all, thirty-four children, sixteen boys and eighteen girls. To trace each out to the present generation the number is too numerous for a limited work like this. Mrs. Elizabeth Druden lives at Xorristown, Ga., where a number of her children and grandchildren reside. She is a most commendable woman in her eighty-eighth year. She has been a widow forty-three years. Her children are all living, and are in age from 45 years up to 70 years. The writer secured much information of the Bar wicks through her. 3. Nathan Barwick, Jr. Was a son of Nathan B., Sr., and was married to Jane Tapley, to whom were born one daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Pope, Lumber City, Ga. 5. William Whitten Barwick. Was a son of Nathan B., Sr. He was the father of four- teen children as follows: 1. Mrs. Winford Harrell of Odomville, Ga., and her two sons are Robert L. and Cleve- land. BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 68 2. Mrs. Jane Pope of Scott, Ga., and her children are: Elton, Hershel, Arthur, John, Effie and Lela Hutch- inson of Adrin, Ga. 3. Anna Foskey of Odomvi'le, Ga.. and her children are: Curtis, Aaron, William, Scott and Amelia Stewart of Scott, Ga. 4. Lizzie Pope of Lumber City, Ga., and her children are: William, Lawson, Rich- -ard. 5. Nathan T. Barwick of Garid, Ga., and 6. William W. Barwick of Ohoopee, Ga. Their children were not reported separately and are given as follows: Miss Min nie and Nettie Barwick of 2141 Drayton street. Savannah. Ga.; Willie Barwick, Garid, Ga.; Mrs. Laura Drake. Ohoopee, Ga. Miss Minnie Barwick, unknown; Otto Ylar- ;Wick, Scott, Ga., and Lee Barwick, Odomville, Ga. 7. Lecyaim Jones, deceased. Her children are: Martha Watts, Norristown, Ga.; Laura Bontley, Brewton, Ga.; William and Oscar Jones of Alley, Ga. 8. Serean Johns, deceased. One daughter, Lillie Harrell, O'Brine, Fla. 9. Martha Tapley, deceased, children are: Ollis, Mollie and Alsia of Helena, Ga. 10. Delphia Smith, deceased, chil- dren are: Modie and Pollett of Eneris, Ga., and Bertha Davis of Morrid, Ga. 11. Larve. 12. Lott. 13. Rich- ard, and 14, Wm. W., all deceased when single. 04 i;.\inVI(M\ FAMILY HISTORY ^ Curtis M. Barwick. Was a son of Nathan, Sr His children are: Dr. G. M. Barwick, a prominent phy- sician and surgeon of Lo- thair, Ga. Also of same address, Nathan and Lott; Ira Barwick of Raiklidge. Ga.; Mrs. Marie Jones Hel ler, and Mrs. Susan Moosiby of Saperton, Ga. 8. Leasey Barwick. Was a daughter of Nathan B., Sr., and was married to Dr. 0. M. Barwick. Warren Ricks, to whom were born three sons and four daughters. No information. 9. Eliza. Was a daughter of Nathan B., Sr., and was married to Solomon Youman, to whom were born ten boys and two girls. The living are: John E., of Swainsboro, Ga.; Nath- an R., of Stillman, Ga.; S. H., Thos. N., Geo. F., and L M. Youman of Nunez, Ga., and Lawson of Cievena, Ga. 2. BENJAMIN BARWICK. Was a son of Wm. and Elizabeth Barwick of Darling- ton District, S. C. In his letter on page 57 where he gives the names and birth of each brother and sister he did not give his age, but from his age given in letter at the time of writing he was next in birth after Nathan, and born about 1783. He lived and deceased in Washington county, Georgia, in 1858. He was a member of the M. E. Church, and the BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 65 father of six children. He was twice married but to whom is not known. His children are: 1. William B., (half brother) ; 2, Jessie Andrew Jack- son B.; a, Abel J. B.; 4, Mrs. Mary Brooks; 5, Mrs. Martha Cox; 6, Mrs. Betsy Brooks. 1. William B. Barwick resided near Sandersville. Ga., where also are his six children: H. T., Z. H., \V. E., MiiS M. I., M. A. and M. E Barwick 2. Jessie Andrew Jackson Barwick resided in Wash- ington county, Ga. He was a member of the M. E. Church and the father of Dr. J. B. Barwick of Blythe, Ga., who is now in his fifty-seventh year, and the father of Mrs. C. E. Hardie of Dublin, Ga., and Mrs. J. W. Hardy of Au- gusta, Ga. James G. Barwick, of Blythe, Ga., who is in his fifty-seventh year and the father of Jackson Barwick of Macon, Ga.; Milton (law student); Bessie Lee (teacher); Mary L. (teacher); James Ray Barwick, (student). 3. Abel J., left no children, and of (4) Mary and (.")) Martha there was no information secured of their des- cendants. Dr. Barwick and family are members of the mission- ary Baptists, and James G. Barwick and family of the M. E. Church. 3. JAMES BARWICK, SR. Was a son of William and Elizabeth Barwick of Darl- ington District, S. C. He moved to Mississippi at an early date and was the father of 1. Henry Kennedy Barwick, Sr. who was born in 1814, and moved to Mississippi in 1851. His first marriage was to Jane Thompson, to whom were born Mrs. V. E. Turner, Shrock, Miss.; Mrs. Daniel Oca in, Camden, Miss.; Mrs. Charles Ocain, Maine, Miss.; and William Barwick, deceased. AinVICK FAMILY HISTORY. His second marriage was to Mary Martin and their children are: Mrs. D. D. Simmons, Camden, Miss.; Mrs. Nettie McDaniel and Mrs. E. L. Hearst, Shrock, Miss.; Mrs. V. -M. .McDonald, Union, Miss; R. J. E. Barwick, Glen Allan. Miss. He is interested in railway enterprises and his children are: Mary Clayton, Ruth, Eward H., Robert and Cecil. Henry K. Barwick, Jr., Grenada, Miss. He is a mer- chant and his children are: Minnie Lee, Henry K. and E. Clifton. C. E. Barwick, Estill, Miss. He is a merchant and his children are Dora C, Mary D. and Eugene. 2. William Barwick was born in 1807, and his son, Henry F. Barwick, who was born in Emmanuel county, Ga., in 1846, resides at Lake City, Fla. Nothing more could be learned of this family. 3. Edward Barwick. The writer made every effort to secure information of this family but failed. It is known there is a large relationship and the only address knowm is that of Ida Slator of Leland, Miss., who declined to aid the writer with names and addresses. 4. James Wilson Barwick resided near Charleston, S. C, and was the father of Elsey Ann, who deceased at the age of eight years and Henry, who was kidnapped at the age of three years. His son, E. M. Barwick, resides in Charleston, S. C, and is the father of Frederick M., who deceased in infancy and Oscar C, who deceased in the Philippine Islands; Edward S. and Ida May, deceased, and James William, Sr., whose four living children are: James Wilson, Jr., Elizabeth, Nelson and Albert of 22 Telfair street, Augusta, Ga. Also Henry Arthur Barwick, whose children are: Dora, Henrietta, Fred W., Harman, Edward and Henry who reside at Youngs Island, S. C. BARWICK FAMILY HISTOKY. 67 William J. Barwick, a son of James William Barwick^ can not be classified for lack of information. His son, Walter Barwick, resides at Montgomery, Ala., and (daugh- ter) Luesia Barwick, Sumpter, S. C. 5. Robert Barwick. Nothing could be learned of this son, but it is be- lieved his family resided in South Carolina. There were also two daughters; 6 Mary, and 7 Carolina, of whom nothing is known. The writer much regrets his inability to trace out in full all the descendants of (3) James Barwick, Sr., as the branch has been and is to this day, a productive one. 4. JOHN BARWICK. Was a son of William and Elizabeth Barwick of Darlington District, South Carolina. He was a most es- timable man and stood high in council and doctrine of the Primitive Baptist Church. He resided in Washington Co., Georgia, and was twice married. His first wife was Miss Register to whom were born: 1. Jessie Barwick and (2) William Bluford Barwick. His second marriage was to Susannah Whitelove, Feb. 18, 1819, and their children were: 3, Elizabeth; 4, Nathan, 5, WMnna; 6, Stancil; 7, Susannah; 8, John, Jr.; 9, Safford; 10, Carolina; 11, Martha; 12, Mary. 1. Jessie Barwick was born in 1813 and deceased in Thomas county, Ga , in 1857, leaving five sons and two daughters as follows: Henry Barwick of Ochlocknee, Ga.; John, William, Nathan and Susie are deceased while Benjamin and Martha'ss addresses are unknown. No infor- mation. of the family could be secured although Henry Barwick of Ochlocknee, Ga., should know. 2. William Bluford Barwick was the father of four sons who are: John Hopkins Barwick of the firm of J. H. Barwick & Sons, merchants and planters of Pine Park, Ga. He is GS BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY 60 years of age and is the father of: 1, Walter, deceased; 2, Charles S., of Thomasville, Ga., who is the father of Eugeiio. James H., Albert. William J. and (Charlie, de- ceased); :J, James Vf., of Jacksonville, Fla., (real estate), whose children are: Jackson V., Mary M., and (Marion^ L.. deceased); 4, Luther L., of Pine Park, Ga., and his children are: Louise, Luther, Lillian and Lamon; 5, Mrs. Minnie S. Chastain, Pine Park, Ga., and the mother of Stnnton. Myrtia. Maxie, Ruth and Robert L.; 6, John L., of Bai\v;ck, Ga.. and his one son is Andrew; 7, Mrs. Ger- trude W. Moore, Pine Park, Ga., whose children are: Charlie and Louise; 8, Harris D., Climax, Ga., unmarried; 9, Marcus E., Pine Park, Ga.,- and one child Alton; Living- ston, and 10, Delia, of Pine Park, Ga., unmarried. Jasper Barwick deceased October, 1906, at the age of 58 years. Address not given. His children are (ten) as follows: John H., whose children are: Jay, Lee, Rose- dale, Rubert and Freddie; William Barwick, whose chil- dren are: Everett and Odus; J. Franklin Barwick, chil- dren are: Elizabeth, Jessie, Allen, Beatrice and infant; Nathan Barwick and son Walter, Gertrude and her chil- dren are Bertha, Eva and Josephine; Maggie, whose chil- dren are: Elmer and Jason; Lemuel Barwick, his chil- dren are: Obray and Annie and Nina and Arthur, unmar- ried, and Benjamin, deceased. Thomas Jess Barwick, of Ochlocknee, Ga. He is 56 years of age and engaged in blacksmithing and general repairing. His children are six, as follows: Mrs. Nettie F. Husst of Ochlocknee, Ga., whose children are: Sallie, Rier- gal, Ethel and Willie; George Barwick and children, Eddie, Mary, Pearl, Oley and Ira; Hardy Barwick and children, Thomas, Vianer, Minnie and James; William Barwick and children, Mamie, Hurbert, Fred and Ardry; Mrs. Bettie and children, Lizzie, Alice, Jersey, Aultman, Beatrice and baby; Mrs. Mollie and children, Earl, Russell, Robert, An- BARWKK FAMILY HISToUY. 69 nine and Vaney Mary. The address to the above families were not secured. Of the three sons of William Bluford Barwick they were the fathers of 27 children and 69 grandchildren. 3. Elizabeth Barwick, the first child of second mar- riage of (4) John Barwick, was born in 1820, and was married to James B. Kelley, to whom were born fourteen children. Those living are: Mrs. George Kelley, Watkins- ville, Ga.; Millard Kelley, Solomon Kelly, Mrs. C. I. Dug- an, Mrs. J. G. Whiddan, Mrs. Minnie Sheppard, Mrs. Jane Johnson, all of Sandersville, Ga., and E. M. Kelley, Athens, Georgia. 4. Nathan Barwick was born in 1822, and deceased in 1874. He was married to Sarah Ann Elizabeth Shep- pard and their children are: Mrs. J. M. Sumerfoid of Leslie, Ga., and the writer is not certain whether Mrs. Mary Adams of Wrightsville, Ga., is their daughter or not. 5. Winna Barwick was born in 1824, and was married to James Bailey in 1840, whose children are: James W.. Ezekiel, Berrien, Elizabeth, Mary and Amanda are de- ceased. Those living are: George T., of Nichols, Ga.; Asa M., Valdosta, Ga.; Charles L., Hawkinsville, Ga.; Dav- id A., Hawkinsville, Ga., and Noble J., of Daniels, Ga. 6. Stancil Barwick was born in 1826 and was three times married. The two children by first marriage were Mrs. Callie Council of Americus, Ga., and Mrs. Ruth Ans- ley of Desota, Ga., both deceased. Of the second marriage, Nancy Allen was born in 1847 and deceased in 1865; Martha C. Council, born 1850, and re- sides at Americus, Ga.; Laura E., born in 1855; Sarah A.. born in 1858; Ruth A., born in 1859, and Jefferson Davis born in 1861, and deceased in 1862. Their descendants are unknown. Children of the third marriage to Emma Blackshire, March 20, 1873, are: Anna Law, born in 187:] : John Addi- f>83540 70 hAinVK'K FAMILY HISTORY. son of At.lanla. Ga., born in 1874; Joieph Ward of Thomas, Ga.. born in 1876; Mary Emnua, born in 1878; Thomas E., born ' 1 ISSO; Clara Elizabeth, born in 1883; William Stan- cil. born in 1SS4. and Howell Cobb, born in 1887, all of Athens. Ga., and Henry G., born in 18S9, and deceased in U:90. 7. Susannah Barwick was born in 1828, and was mar- ried to a Mr. May. She deceased, but no other informa- tion is known. 8. John J. Barwick was born in 1831. His wufe was Elizabeth Oden. He deceased in 1879. No other informa- tion secured. 9. Safford Barwick was born in 1834; married Pinnil Dugan and deceased in 1899, leaving tw^o children, Arthur and Susie Barwick of Watkinsville, Ga. 10. Mary Barwick was born in 1836, and was married to T. Turlington of Dublin, Ga. Their children are: Mrs. Mary S. Wood, Mrs. Cora M. Aman, W. T., H. E., Sallie M., He.v^'ood, Flora S. and H. O. Turlington, all of Dublin, Ga. 11. Carolina was born in 1838. Deceased in 1848. 12. Martha was born in 1843 and w^as married to Riley She])i)ard, but no further information. 5. NOEL BARWICK. Was a son of William and Elizabeth Barwick of Darl- ington District, S. C. He was born in 1799, and in 1820-21 administered on his father's and mother's estate. Early in life he moved to Ranking county. Miss., and deceased there in 1X72. His children are as follows: 1. Mrs. Martha Robins of Bassfield, Mass., who is the mother of eight children. Names and addresses not given. 2. Margret, to whom married and P. O. not given. Mother of two children, names not given. Mrs. Susan Worthey of Forreston, Texas. She is the mother of Noel Worthey of Byron, Ellis county, Texas, BARWICK FAMILY HISTORY. 71 James Worthy, Rankin, Texas; Ira Worthy, Forreston. Texas; Mrs. Anna Southard, Forreston, Texas, Mrs. Minnie Rose, Ennis, Texas and Mrs. Tana Maudlin of Blooinin- grave, Texas. 3. Catherine. No information secured. 4. Mrs. Eugene Worthy, Costa Sulphur Si)rings. La. No further information. 5. Capt. James A. Barwick, Sr., was born in l.S:i4 and deceased in 1904. He was captain of the 36th Mississippi. His children are: James A. Barwick, Jr., of Hallowdale, Miss.; Alfred H. and E. Barwick (merchant) of Braxton, Miss.; Mrs. Anna C. McRaney of Collins, Miss., and Mary C. Barwick of McHenry, Miss. 6. William C. Barwick, Sr., was raised and educated in Mississippi, and his first wife was Susan Hathorn. He deceased in 1892. The children by first marriage are: 1. John Noel Barwick of Natchez, Miss. His wife was Anna Sharp and their only danghter is Mrs. Wm. Cox; 2. Samuel M. Barwick, (deceased) was married to Fan- nie Parkman, and their children are: Mertis W., Orphie E., Aimer, Samuel- and Emmitt of Ba&sfield, Miss., and William C. Jr., deceased at age of 28 unmarried; 3. Mrs. A. L. Strahan's children are eight, and names unknown bur Ethel Strahan of Estabuchie, Miss.; 4. James H. Barwick of Natchez, Miss., no children, and 5, Mrs. J. F. Williamson of Collins, Miss., to whom the writer gives thanks for in- formation. The children of second marriage are: 6. Eugene Bar- wick of Miles, Texas, and the father of one son; 7. Jasper Elliott Barwick of Summerall, Miss., and the father of two boys and one girl; 8. Mrs. Mollie Buchanan, address not given and one daughter deceased. 7. Mrs. Margaret J. Rogers' children are: Lillie. Char- lie, Buford, Eula, Huston and Archie of Mt. Olives, Coving- ton county. Miss. •.AinVlCK FAMILY HISTORY. 6. SAMUEL BARWICK Was a son of William and Elizabeth Barwick of Darl- i;mton District. S. C. All is known of him is, that he had but one son, William, who is the father of Samuel J. Bar- wick of Newton. Ala., and who has one son, William Theodore; W. A. Warwick of Newton, Ala., who is unmar- ried, and one daughter, Mrs. T. C. Howell (same address) whose children are: Fannie, Minnie' and Allie. 7. READING BARWICK. Was a son of William and Elizabeth Barwick, of Darl- ington District, S. C. Through Samuel J. Barwick of New- ton. Ala., it was learned that 'Reading B. lived near Echo, Ala., and left three daughters, although no information was secured. 8. WILLIAM BARWICK, JR. Was a son of William and Elizabeth Barwick, of Darl- ington District, S. C. He resided in Washington county, Ga., and was the father of John Wesley Barwick (left no children). Reding Barwick, who resided in Thomas county, Ga., and was the father of James F. Barwick, Ga.; !•:. R. Barwick, Dothan, Ala.; E. W. Barwick, Century, Fla.; I. L. liar wick, Thomasville, Ga.; A. C. and R. W. Barwick, Cordele, Ga., and Mrs. L. M. Long, Ochlocknee, Ga., and Reding Noel Barwick; William Noel Barwick, no informa- tion could be secured of this family, however, there is a large relationship. REMARKS. The writer can truthfully state that every effort was utilized to trace up to date all the descendants of William and Elizabeth Barwick of Darlington District, S. C. Of the five daughters nothing is known, while of the ten sons, eight have been, with a reasonable degree of suc- cess located and classified, which the w^riter trusts will be I)leasing to the many of this relationship. The following Barwicks of Sumpter, S. C, are des- cendants of the above branch, but for lack of information could not be classified. Possibly are descendants of Steph- en or El:. BARWICK FAMILY HlSToHV r8 MARTIN BARWICK Was the father of Newton Barwick, who is the lather of Lawrence Barwick. There is a large relationship of this family residing at Sumpter, S. C. ADDRESS OF BARWICKS WHO CAME TO AMERICA IN RECENT YEARS. CHAPTER XIII. W. H. BARWICK of Catawissa, Pa., is a merchant tailor and justice of peace. He came from London, England, in 1875. His grandfather, Joseph, was born in 1775 and was one of twelve sons of an Episcopal minister. One son came to America about the year ISOO of whom there is no information. His father, William, was born in London in 1815, and W. H. was born in 1840, and his children are: Frank W., who served three years in the Philippines, Clara E., Louise, Fannie, Charley, Walter and Henry. JAMES W. BARWICK of Plattsmouth, Neb., came from Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng- land, in 1886, and has since resided at above place. Hilda Barwick. J. W. Barwick. 74 |}Ai;\Vl('K FAMILY HISTORY His graiuifather. Jacob, was born June 24, 1785, and married Hunn.ih Eccless, Jan. 24, 1814. His father's name was John, who married Isabella Smith in 1819, and de- ceased in 1S62. He is the father of John B., and Hilda C, who is a teacher and Naroh. MOSES JAMES BARWICK came Horn London. England, to New York City, in 1849. His sons are: James B., who is at the head of the Barwick Construction Co., o07 Wainwright Building, or 117 Olive street. St. Louis, Mo.; Thomas B., Pleasanton, Kansas; Andrew B., New York City, and George, deceased. MRS. JOHN BARWICK was the wife of John Barwick, who was the son of John B. Sr.. and grandson of Wm. B., of England. She lives at 10,:j:]0 Seeley Ave., Chicago, with her daughters, Edith and Louise. Her sons are Arthur C, 352 Warren avenue, and Emil 517 N. Lincoln street. A broth- er-;!i-law lives in Toronto, Canada. JAMES BARWICK was born in northern England where the family had re- sided for over 100 years. He had three brothers, John, William and Jackson. John Barwick was born in 1833 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, and deceased in 1873. His children in this coun- try are: Richard B., Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Richard Bell. Plattsmouth, Minn.; Mrs. John Clarkson, Springfield, Mo., and Clarkson Barwick, Washta, Iowa, who is a con- tractor and builder. His children are: Blanche, William, Marcus. George H., Clarence W., Roy James, Frank R. and Clarkson E. G. T. BARWICK c.ime to America in 1852 and resided at Emporia, Kansas, engaged in the livery business. The following letter will explain itself: "2 Brunswick Terrace, Camberwell Road," "March 9, 1887." "Dear Sir: — My father, William Barw^ick, was born at Canterbury, Kent, in 1773, and died in London in 1836. He had one brother. Rev. John Barwick, of Charing, Kent, who had two sons. My father had three sons, who lived BAR WICK FAMILY HISTOHV to get married, Richard, the father of George T. B., of Emporia, Kansas; George, who died leaving one son; Geo. ^ . B., Springfield, Kent, and myself, Thomas B., born in 1810. I have three sons, William, Thomas, Alfred. Thom- as deceased leaving four children. The other two live at Camberwell, Kent." "Thomas Barwick." OTHER BARWICKS. Catherine, widow of Jacob B., Frederick, Harry John. 3182 Livingston street, and John B., 1342 X. 11th St., and Arthur, Philadelphia, Pa. John B., 2015 S. ISth St., Frank, Sr. and Jr., 3261 Wil- mot St., Pittsburg, Pa. William B., 100 Lindon St., and Henry, 370 Gold St., Broolvlyn. Miss Camille F. Barwick was a daughter of James Barwick of Cleveland, Ohio, and married a Miss Kierman of New York. The young lady's present address is unknown and no classification can be made of her father. G. H. Barwick Adrian, Ga., (merchant) was not classified for lack of in- formation. Also John C, George R. and Xathan J. Bar- wick of Greenwood, Del., and J. C. Barwick of Williams- burg, Md. THE PREPARATION OF THIS BOOK has covered a time of three years and at a cost of $200.00 to secure the information herein contained. Many to whom letters were addressed for information never replied making some family classifications difficult and imperfect. Family histories, covering such a length of time, are very tedious, requiring much work in correctly classifying family lines. The writer believes every Barwick should purchase one or more books in order to aid in the actual expense of producing this work. The recompense for services in preparing this work is nothing, excepting good will from those receiving bene- fit and information from its pages. IIAKWICK FAMILY HISTORY NOTES AND ADDRESSES OF BERWICKS OF U. S. A. CHAPTER XIV. It is evident that the two names of Berwick and Bar- wiclv verged from the same family of long ago. In the family of Thomas de Berwick of 650 years ago the two .-prllin^s referred to the same family. THE ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION. The names Berwick, 13arwick and Warwick comes un- der the classified pronunciation of England, Ireland and Scotland. Berwick is given as berrik, Barwick as barrik, and Warwick as warrik, but in this country mostly the term wick is used. Of the various spellings the above three forms only are used in English print. There is no question but the Barwicks of this country originally belong to the Berwicks and it is altogether probable that the Warwicks are of like origin. The writer observed the statement in a work of reference that the name Berwick was so old its origin was unknown, and there is no question but such names as Warwick, Beswick, Barrick and many of the spellings for- merly referred to in this book all verged from the original Berwick. There are no less than eleven P. O. in this country by the name Berwick, and at least tw^o named Barwick. The writer made no extensive search for the Berwicks but will briefly given the ones known. THOMAS BERWICK, was a native of Pennsylvania, and Aug. 14, 1768, married Eleanor Wallace. He deceased in 1789, and his wife in 181.5. From where he came is not known. There is a reasonable belief that he is one from the Marvland Bar- wicks. His children were: Thomas, born 1770, died 1849; Cambria, born 1772. died 1787; Imogene, born 1773- Mary born 1775 Joseph, born 1776 Eleanor, born 1778; name un known, 1780, and Elizabeth, 1785. Of his children nothing is known saving JOSEPH BERWICK, who was one of the first settlers on the Johnson Plantation in S . Mary's Parish, Foster, P. O., -La. It is known he had two sons at least, who were: DAVID BERWICK who was bo-n in 1808, and resided on the same Plantation BARWICK FAMILY HISTOHV and his children were: Mrs. White, Pensacola, Fla., and O. D. Be— 'ck of same P. O., who is the father of six sons, one being Dr. E. C. lier- wick of Franklin, La. As to other members of David's family the writer was not in- formed. The other son was: Nathan Berwick, Of same Plantation, and whose children were: Clar- ence, deceased; Mrs. (Dr.) R. C. White, Pensacola, Fla., and Beverly Berwick, whose only son is Dr. I. C. Berwick, who was born in Morgan City, La., in 1877, and is now C. Berwick. a practicing physician and surgeon of Berwick, La. E. A. BERWICK, of Osseo, Mich., is one of eight children, whose father came from Huntingshire, England, in 1852, and has since lived at Hillsdale, Mich. There is an E. Berwick & Co. of Shelburn, Ontario. It is the writer's opinion there are not many Berwicks in tnis country while of the Warwicks and Barricks there was no search made. DR. F. ADDISON BERWICK Graduated from The Medical College of Indiana. (Indian- apolis) in 1889, but his origin or present address are un- known. Also Dr. Paul Berwig in 1877. NOTE: — In this country as well as in England the leading professions of the Barwicks and Berwicks for sev- eral generations has been and yet is the ministry and med- ical. The writer secured a book from London, England, written by Edward Barwick, M. A., of Trinity College, Dublin, and published by George Be'rwick in 1813. The title page is as follows: "A treatise on the church chiefly with respect to its HAH WICK FAMILY HISTORY ^..>, : liiiiiut in which the divine right of espiscopacy is maintaineil. ■"Thf suprt'iiiacy of the Bishop of Rome proved to be contrary to the scriptures and primitive fathers, and the Rffoinu'd Episcopal Church in England, Ireland and Scot- land proved to be a sound and orthodox part of the Cath- o-.c Church. Compiled from the most eminent divines." THE EXD. r^' MAR 1 3 1930