Qass. Book. THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. SERMON, rnEAorrED in the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BINGHAMTON, .SABT5ATII MORNING, APRIL Ifi, 1865, GEORGE N. BOARDMAN Published by Roc[uost. BINGHAMTON, N. Y.: F N. CHASE, PRINTER AND TUBLISnEB, STANPARO OFFICE. 1 8 fi 5 . ^ £^i THE DEATH OF PKEfcSlDENT LIiNCOLN. SERMON, PEEACUED IN THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BINGHAMTON, SABBxiTH MORNING, APRIL 16, 1865, GEOEGE N. BOARDMAN. Publislied by Request. BINGUAMTON, N. Y.: F. N. CHASE, PRINTER AND PUBLISHEE, STANDARD OFFICE. 1865. DISCOUESE. II. KINGS 2: 12. "My father, ray fiither, tlio chariot of Israel aud the horsemen tliereof !" The fatlicr of this nation lies dead. In the President's mansion, at Washington, liis lifeless form rests in the sleep that knows no waking : hi has ceased from his cares and anxieties; ho is at peace, while a weeping people bows be- fore God in the bitterness of grief. From the breathless stillness of the nation, watching the current of events ; from the shout of victory, now and then interrupting the silence ; from the agony of suspense over the question, whether the transition from war to peace can be successfully made, he has taken his departure. — the foremost man in interest and in responsibility, — he has laid down his office, he has gone to give his account at the bar above ; he has gone, we may hope, to sit down with tliat Jesus whom, he has said, 'he loved.' When Elisba saw his master, — Israel's greatest prophet, Elijah, — snatched from his side and carried to heaven, he felt that all hope had gone. His father was ta- ken away ; the man whom God loved was talcen away ; the best defense of the nation was taken away. The de- stroyer of Baal's prophets was worth more to Israel than armed chariots and trained bands of soldiers ; and the grief of his heart gushed out in the tender words of the text : " My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horse- men thereof." A later day, and maturer reflection, may lead us to dwell upon the more recondite lessons which the calamity that has just befallen us should suggest : but on this occasion it is best to bow the head in awe, to let fall the tears of afflic- tion, to pray that the mantle of the departed may fall upon his successor, and to speak only the simple words of sorrow. The emotion which naturally rises first in ihis hour of our bereavement, is that of tender regard for the one so ruth- lessly taken from us. Abraham Lincoln was a good man. He was summoned by the people to take the helm of the government, at a time when storms were rising; he ac- cepted the call modestly, he undertook his work feelinn-- it to be a solemn duty, he invoked a nation's prayers that he might be able to do it well. He never entered on any work ostentatiously, he never pursued his own way obsti- nately, he ever submitted deferentially to the wishes of those who appointed him, and in every position he has 5 borne'[_lnmself with so mnch meekness, so much kindness and so h'ttle vanity, that tlie people have learned to love him. They were not, indeed, always pleased with his deeds ; at times he seemed to be favoring one party, at times another; but all rested quietly in the assurance that he would do the best he could, for they knew he was an honest man. But he was not simply a good man, — he was a great man. The storm which had already risen when he took the oath of office, which swept with fitful but foreboding gusts about him, as he laid his hand upon the helm, be- came soon the dark night of a howling tempest. It was early found, however, that the pilot's hand was steady, and that his eye peered into the darkness. He first de- scried the harbor, and though driven and tossed, still he ever neared the port. At each hour he cried, "All is well ;" at 10 o'clock the cry wa? heard, at 11 also, — at midnight, a^ain the same cry, "All is well ;" as the dawn approached, again the same cheerful utterance. But now when the light appeared, and the sun seemed about to lift itself above the horizon, when the voice of our pilot was about to be uttered again, and that in the dulcet sounds of peace and good-will to men, suddenly it is hushed in death. One of those miscreants, that God al- lows to live on earth to give us occasional living ex- amples of the malignities ot hell, took the life of our chief- magistrate by assassination. The air has for weeks been vocal with the shouts ot victory. The armies of the Union are marching on, — one stronghold after another 6 falls. Eacli morning wo are eager for the report Irom tlie seat of war ; the days of disaster ecein ])ast and for- gotten, we hardlj fear anotlicr defeat ; we do not know how evil ti':^ings are possible. We hear from Savannah, from Wihnington, from Charleston, from Richmond, but all is victory ; we hear from Jettersville, Berksville, Farm- ville, and at last the wcrd victory changes to capture, the voice of tlie redoubtable Loo mingles in the din, our general has dictated tl^c conditions of surrender, and the reply is, "they are accepted." "What can mar the joy of such a time? But hark! there is a groan of agony that fills the air, there is a wailing from all over the land, keener and more piercing than that of households be- reaved of sons and brothers fallen in the battle, — a wail- ing more sad than that of Rachel weeping for her chil- dren : the nation has lost her noble leader, who guided her through the storm, on whom she rested confidently for the further work of settling the affairs of peace. Strong men bow themselves and cannot utter the words whicli the telegraph reports: with sobs and broken accents thiv but half say the words — "President Lincoln is dead." Never, since the report went through the land, in 1804, that Hamilton was dead, has such tender grief taken possession of the heart of the people, and then it was only the party which he led that felt the keenness of the an- guish ; but now the words of Simeon to the mother of Jesus might be uttered to the nation: "A sword is passing through thy soul !" IIow the generous soul of our Presi- dent would have entered into the joys of ])eace ! The man who wept gushing tears over the brave Ellsworth, the man who took by the hand the rebel prisoners of Antietam, the man who was in haste to be generous to a lalleri foe, — the man who, in the press of cares unknown bv auj other person on earth, could pause to write notes of grateful kindness to mourning fathers and mothers, — the man whose name enters into every prayer which the slave addresses to the throne of grace, — how would such a man have enjoyed the days of peace ! They would have borne healing in their wings, — his depressed spirit would have revived as by the breath of spring. O it was hard for the good man to die at such an hour. Our tears flow for thee, thou protector of tiie nation ! thou father of the people! There are times when it is sad to depart from the scenes of earth. We do not love to re- tire from them when everything is bright with hope, when the winter is past, and the glorious summer ia approaching. But the hour strikes, and the man must go. God appoints the time of departure, as the time of birth, and the time of labor. Moses died upon Piegah, in sight of the Promised Land ; and another than he, who has led us through the wilderness, is ow to go before us, and establish ub in our peaceful homes. Ner is the loss of President Lincoln the only bereave- ment which we mourn.* One week ago we could say, — we did say — that the nation lies down to rest at night in security, because our chief magistrate is a man whom the people do not wish to change, and our chief of the Cab- inet is a man who knows what nations ought to do. Sec- retary Seward has shown himself a most able diplomatist, — cool, sagacious, ready, just and firm, he has parried all attempts to involve us in a foreign war ; more than any man of the North he i^ hated by traitors for his success * When tliib sennuu was \\ritLeu, iLu lulegrapLie leport wao. tliat lliere was no hope of i?ecretary Seward's reco\ eiy. 8 iQ foiling their attempts to secure foreign recognition. It is his praise that he has done the most difficult of all works so well, that no one can wish another had under- taken it. lie has sustained himself through an adminis- tration the most tried our country has known ; he has held his position as leader in an executive council which has, perhaps, had no equal for ability since the nation had an existence. But the Secretary of State lies prostrate; his life, it is said, ebbing away, — he, too, the victim of the murderer's knife. Tiie President and his prime secretary ! in their fate they were not divided. The wailing of David for the fall of the princes of Israel, 3,000 years ago, might be repeated in our Christian age. Our heroes did not indeed win their honors on the field of battle, but ''they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions." They turned not back empty from their contests, and unlike the fallen of Israel, they die on the achievement of victory. Ye daughters of the land, weep for them, — for they were the protectors of your homes in the days of trouble ; they kept back the foe in the dark hour of danger. But we must turn froin, the mere expression of grief to some other thoughts adapted to the occasion. The events which now call us to mourning should lead us to deep humiliation before God. The wonderful successes that have crowned our arms since last September were, per- haps, begetting a pride that was offensive to the Giver of victories. We had, in our distress, often called upon the Ruler of the nations to interpose, to judge between us and our enemies, to turn back the tide of war upon the foe, and to deliver us from the treason that threatened life. But we had come to have confidence in an arm of flesh. We thought that if Sherman ordered the battle there must be victory; we thonglit if Thomas movel, tlie foe would be scattered before iiiin lilce chaff; we thought if Sheridan rode into the conflict, his legions would trample down the enemy ; we thought if Grant should hurl his relentless battalions on the enemy, that parapet and en- trenchment and abattis and artillery and lines of living men, would all yield to the stubborn warrior. Had we not forgotten, that it is God who giveth us the victory ? Did we not pride ourselves on the great work we had done, and forget Him on whom we called when the report from Bull-Run and Fredericksburg bowed us in the dust? I tliink I hear in the announcement of this hour, "the President is dead," "the Secretary of State has been assassinated," these words : "Be still and know that I am God." I feel that we are not even allowed to mourn with exclusive reference to the lost ones ; but are sum- moned to go forth and gird up our lo'ns like men, and hear what God will say to us. And as now the nation stand;3 appalled, and a solemn silence rests upon us, we may, if we listen, hear issuing from the throne of God himself, the words, "Warriors are but the rod in my hand, and war is but the overturning which is to bring forward the reign of the Prince of Peace. Rulers may be able, sagacious, unwearied, successful, 'but by me kings reign and princes d scree justice.' You hope for rest from war, but I make peace. I assuage the angry passion of war, I eradicate from the hearts of the conquered the thirst for revenge ; I alone can make the bed of disease a safe retreat from the assassin's bludoreon. — can make home a home of security and quiet rest." Let us remember that victory in the field is but half the victory,— that now wo must rule our own spirits. Other- 10 wise the defeated demon war, that rose up against us, retiring, may be followed by a thousand demons quite as malignant, warring with each other, sowing suspicions, dividing the counsels of patriots, setting ajar our states- men and electors ; and the foe who is worsted before Pe- tersburg, may sip his sweet revenge in the public gather- ing, in the bed-chamber, at the fireside. Let us be warned, and remember, against this insidious enemy that walketh in darkness, God is our security. Stand still and listen to the voice of God, "Without me ye can do nothing." The solemn event over which we mourn to-day teaches us the importance of the crisis through which we are pass- ing. We have not yet, as a nation, comprehended the dignity of the struggle in which we are engaged. Great occurrences do not sound a trumpet before them when they come to pass ; rather they fall upon men un- awares. Yet we should not be blind to the times in which we live. We should, as far as we are able, take 'knowledge of the great events which we wit- ness, and rise, if it be possible, to a comprehension of the occurrences in which we take part. We ought to understand that the civil war which has been waged for the last four years is not simply an insurrection^ — it is a revolution ; the rebels are not merely insurgents, to be put back into the place they formerly occupied, but they are traitors, to be crushed under the heel of lawful authority. We would indeed return, as nearly as pos- sible, to what we seemed to be, and professed to be, in the days that are now called those of prosperity ; but our enemies will not allow us, the progress of the world will not allow us, God will not allow us, to return to a state exactly the same with that which we held be- fore. We must cast out evils, we must establish virtues 11 ill the struggle ; and a small advance in national mo- rality costs, as is well known, vast sacrifices, canses great revolutions. We have desired to belittle our present contention ; we would make it but the outburst of an hour, after which, parties may be expected to fall back to their old position ; we have not wished to call it a crisis in which a nation passes from one stage to another; but the event of Friday night allies our struggle with the great events of history ; it now stands out with few companions on the stage of the world. Occasionally events strike the mind so as to seem akin to each other, — to tower above all minor affairs, and to stand, like the loftiest mountain tops, compeers, though widely separated. The emotions of yesterday have not been felt since the war began. Only two days can be compared with that on which the President's death was announced— one, the day when, four years ago, it was reported that Fort Sumter had been fired upon. What we hardly believed could occur, had begun, — for that night the sun went down out of a sullen, dismal sky, but was in a clear atmosphere far in the west, while his teams gave the low, lowering clouds about us the bloody hue of a warrior's raiment dripping with gore. Blood was flowing, and thoughtful men lay down that night, not to sleep, but to think over the astounding fact — war, civil war is upon us. Again,, a few months later, when the story of Bull Run was told, the nation's heart sunk. The war was a serious one, — there was bitterness and wo in our cujj ; already were wo dri;.king the wormwood and the gall. These days have no ally — as the heart judges them — till yesterday. And as these events stand out alone, so our 12 war, with this crowning event — the assassination at the Capital — now stands out among the few great wars that have changed the destinies of nations. Just before the Christian era, Julius Ci^sar, the champion of the people of Rome, took up arms against a tyrannical and haughty aristocracy ; his legions swept the foe before them, en- countered them in their hiding places, and overthrew them in all their resorts. But the mild Ctesar admitted his enemies to his councils ; and fanatical, though perhaps well-meaning, conspirators slew him in the Senate-house. The aristocracy of Rome, however, was not thus rescued. The champion of the people left a successor, who met Caesar's murderers at Phillipi, and the victory was still with the army that had learned to conquer ; while the foe found the little finger of Augustus thicker than the loins of Julius. Again, persecuting Spain,] long baffled in subduing the Netherlands, finally resorted to the as- sassin's dirk. "William, of Orange, the founder of the Dutch Republic, a man who has few compeers in history, fell by the hand of a hired murderer, — a minion of Philip IT : Gerard found his way to the great prince in his pri- vate apartments, and shot him in the presence of his family. That 10th of July, 1584, was a dark day for the new Republic, but the cause did not fail. God was for it; who could be against it? And France lost her greatest monarch by the dagger ot Ravaillac. Henry lY., the most chivalrous, the most generous of her rulers, died, and the gloomy night of the inquisition followed. In the providence ot God the cause of despotism here triuniphed, and France was doomed to prepare herself for the saddest fate which has yet befallen a nation. The death of Henry lY., at the instigation of Romanism, led to the death of Louis XVL, who gave his life an expiation 13" to justice. It is worthy of note, that these marked cases of assassination, like that which we now mourn, have all been prompted by despotism professing opposition to tyranny. It is too early now to decide whether despotism or popular rights are to triumph, when history repeats herself in the violent death ot a ruler in our day : doubt as to the result seems hardly possible, however, for this murder, like the rebellion which preceded it, is the most causeless, aimless and desperate that has found a place in the annals of the world. But it is not too early now to judge of the fame of the victim. Mr. Lincoln has been placed by his assassin by the side of Caesar, Henry lY., aud William of Orange ; ttie most blameless of all, he does not aspire to the fame of a warrior, but he stands as a brother to the Deliv- erer of Holland, — nor will his name in coming ages be less revered. His murderer has effected his apotheosis. Our beloved chief magistrate was removed at the height of his fame, his reputation unsullied, the equal of "Wash- ington, and beyond "Washington, a martyr to the cause of Constitutional liberty. The name of Abraham Lincoln has entered into history, almost the only one without a spot. The event which we now bewail teaches us a lesson upon the majesty of law. The highest crime known among men is that against government. It is called treason, and in former times was called leze -majesty, i. e., the wounding of the majesty of the State. This crime rises above any other, — the murder of an indi- vidual is of minor consequence ; default, robbery, theft, are all subordinate, for the power that adjusts wrongs and protects society still remains. But when the State is assailed and its life threatened by th3se who enjoy its protection, then the acme of crime is attained, ingratitude 14 has readied its highest point, order, protection and the well-being of society are assaulted at the very source of their being. This is a crime which God and humanity demand should not be slightly passed over. But we were in danger at this point. Our public men had be- come wearied with the war ; tliey intensely longed for peace. There was danger that they would not persist in tracing out crime and punishing it according to its deserts. There was danger that the government would forget that God put the sword into its hand to bo borne not iu vain. There was danger that we should be too lenient towards those who had schooled themselves in cruelty towards their slaves till the earth itself must spew them out ; we were likely to forget that there was no place left for sach fiends. Anderscnville, and Belle- Isle, and Springfield were becoming familiar names, and so names only ; we had been so sickened with the horrors which they had witnessed that we passed by the narratives that told us of them, then tried to forget them. Thus it was beginning to be indolently assumed that our soldiers had not suffered so cruelly, because we were unwilling to know Uow cruelly, and there was danger the demons who were guilty of the barbarities known in southern imprisonment would be received back into the brotherhood of man. Now I cannot believe that the guilt of these things rests on very many individuals, nor is the majesty of law vindicated by the multitude of its victims; but the crime has been awfnl, and the pun- ishment must bear some proportion to it : we must re- member that our maudlin philanthropy, on such an oc- casion as this, is offensive to God. When tenderness to traitors is injustice to honest men, it is a crime next to treason itself. The soft assumption that men mean well, 15 and will be soriy, and will learn to do better, when they see the evils they cause, is sheer ignorance of human nature. God has made an eternal hell, where he pun- ishea traitors to his government ; he requires of us that we maintain the dignity and honor of the government he has given us in imitation of his own. Governments have a duty to be performed in punishing, even for the sake of protecting. Such men a-i Judas Iscariot, Benedict Arnold, Brooks, Booth and Quantrell subject to a fair test the morals of society. The virtue of the community is seen, not in the kindness with which it attempts to reform the outrageously wicked, so much as in the decisiveness with which it crushes them under the heel of power. Our government has ever been too lenient ; treason in high places has too long been unpunished. Three Yice- Presidents have been spared the gallows — Aaron Burr, John 0. Calhoun, John C. Breckinridge — and now a President loyal to the core has paid the penalfy from which they were exempted. Mistaken tenderness lies at the foundation of our war; let ns have done with it. Let lis abhor private revenge, but the majesty of law must be vindicated, or laws are worthless. In conclusion, let me urge you, my hearers, to yield to no despondency in the present hour of mourning. "We are troubled, buc not in fatal distress; we are per- plexed, but not in despair ; persecuted, but not forsaken ; cast down, but not destroyed." The same God who has guarded us hitherto will guard us still. He is serenely above the machinations of man's malice, and can make the wraih of man .to praise him. What he does, indeed, we know not now, but wo shall know licreafter. He 16 will raise up men to go before us ; he lias a Joshua to succeed a Moses ; there was a resurrection to succeed the death of his Son. The anniversary of these events is upon us. Our joys were slain with our murdered ruler, but to-day let them rise from the dead; and while we mourn, let us say of Him who orders events, He doeth all things well; though some of our expectations have perished, still our ho[)e never dies. Let us remember the majestic scenes through which we have passed, — stirring elections, but all peaceful ; parties contending in the loyal States, but all under re- straint ; every man loving his country more than his party ; let us recall the courage that continued unfaltering at the national heart, while disaster followed disaster ; remember the firm resolution of all the people at their election in November; — their fearless stand before the nations of the earth, in sustaining men and measures that excited the ridicule and scorn of Europe ; remember the great days of the past four years, — a period for which we should thank God ; remember that the people are true ; arid then let us rise from the sadness of the mourning hour, and gird ourselves for our work and our country's work. The man dies, but the cause lives. Even Jesus died, but his cause survives and prevails ; and ours, so far as it is coincident with his, can never be overthrown. S12 II I