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CROSS Published by the Town of Royalston 1917 r J^^ldS ^ FOREWORD OF THE AUTHOR The writer of this history of Royalston, in performing the work given him l>y your Town Committee, feels that in many respects this task might have been assigned to abler and more eloquent writers. Although not the town of his birth or residence, he has, ever since as a young man he came to this town as a teacher in its schools, had a love and admiration for this good, old town, for its grand and beautiful scenery, the people who have lived among these hills, and the history they have made. It has truly been a typical New England town, where men and wom- en have shown a zeal for religion, a sturdy patriotism, and a desire for educational privileges all through the history of the town. With the material which has been at our disposal, we have endeavored not to fill the work with too much statistical mat- ter, such as may easily be obtained in the annual town report, but rather have deemed it wise to describe more fully than manv town histories, the old families of the town that have made the history of Royalston one to be proud of. In this, we have not attempted to make what would be complete fam- ily genealogies, but have described those branches of the fam- ilies that have been more or less connected with the town, or have attained prominence or distinction in the various com- munities in which they have made their homes, scattered in all parts of the Union and in foreign lands. Another feature of this work, not common in town histor- ies, is the chapter on " Writers of Royalston Poetry." We be- lieved that such a vivid description of the events of the Civil War as contained in Dr. Frank W. Adams' Epic Poem on the Civil War in America was worthy of a place in this history, while the town that claims Nancy Priest, the gifted author of " Over the River," surely should give her a place in the annals of the town. The Red Letter Days of Royalston History will recall the celebration oi important events in the history of the town. The military history has been most carefully written, and ably presented by Hon. Fred W. Cross in the chapter en- IV HISTORY OF ROYALSTON titled " Royalston's Soldier Record," and is a record that any town should be proud of. The hrst chapters of the work treat of the early settlers, incorporation of the town, town government, and of Col. Isaac Royall. who named the town. It seemed appropriate that vSouth Royalston. occupying^ one corner of the town, should have its families, industries, churches and organizations treated as a villag^e or community, instead of being: scattered through the pages of the history, and this has been so ar- ranged. The early records of the town do not contain many excit- ing and dramatic events, with no Indian traditions, and as Governor Bullock said, " A church without a schism in a cen- turv : a ministry that never knew how to quarrel and a people that have walked in the paths of unambitious duty." the life and activities of those early generations was so peaceful and regular that the history of those days is comparatively tame to that of many towns. We have been indebted to the Royalston ^lemorial. pub- lished in 1865, for much valuable information, which was gathered l)y your historical committee of half a century ago. at the time of the Centennial Anniversary, one member of which, the late Daniel Davis, assisted us in obtaining material for some of the family histories. We have also been reminded during the years of collecting material, of the fact that each passing year destroys or renders less available historic mat- ter of interest and value, while every year has removed from the scene of life's activities men and women whose memories \vere treasure houses of historic facts. In comj)iling the material contained in this work the writer has received valuable assistance from many sources. The town records and annual reports of the town have kindly been placed at our disposal by Town Clerk Dr. Frank W. Adams, and we have availed ourselves freely of the hies of the Athol and Worcester West Chronicle. Athol ']Vanscri])t. Barre Cazette and Fitchburg Sentinel. The archives and State Library at the State House in Bosttm have been consulted, while various town hist(M"ies and family genealogies contained in the libraries of the American Antiquarian Society at Worcester, Worcester Public Library and the Fitchburg and HISTORY OF ROYALSTON V Athol piil)lic libraries have furnished us with much valuable material. Also members of many of the old Royalston families have gladly aided us in the preparation of the family histories which we have presented, \\> would like to have given a complete list of the indi- viduals who have aided us in our work, but do not feel at liberty to give the space it would occupy. To all such w'e ex- tend our sincere thanks. Our relations with the Town Com- mittee, who have charge of this work, have been pleasant all through the vears we have been engaged in our labor, and they have rendered us much valuable assistance. The work involved in securing the originals of the portraits and illustra- tions which appear in the history has been great, but we be- lieve they add much to the value of the work. The half-tone plates, from which the portraits and illustrations are printed, are the work of the Howard-Wesson Company of Worcester. \\> had hoped at one time that the History would have been ready for the 150th Anniversary, but found that it would be impossible to do so and do justice to the book. This His- tory will therefore contain two Anniversary Celebrations, the Centennial and the Sesqui-Centennial, with much other valu- able material that could not have been included in the book had it been published at that time. LILLEY B. CASWELL. REPORT OF THE TOWN COMMITTEE The cclehraticjii (jf the Centennial Anniversary of the Town of Royalstcjn with Hon. Alexander H. P>ullock — three months later elected (lovernor of the Commonwealth — as orator of the day was an occasion which inspired our citizens with so much local pride and created such genuine historic interest that there was an immediate poinilar demand for the puhlication of a History of the Town. Accordinti^ly. at a Town Meeting- called in- the following- Septemher, a series of Resolutions were adopted covering this matter, one of which was framed as follows: " Resolved, that the history proposed should be compressed in an octavo volume of from 150 to 200 pages bound in a neat and sul)- stantial but not expensive binding, and that the copies printed should not exceed 500." The volume was hastily edited and promptly issued. Hut if the good fathers of that period had taken time for a more extended research in the held there opened up so richly before them and had aifordcd more abundant space in that volume for the mass of " varied and important matter " which could not possibly be compressed into an " octavo of 200 pages " they would have won additional api)reciation from a grateful ])osterity. The need of a more complete and accurate Histor^• of Royalston has for many years been recognized, and as one after another of our older citizens whose memories were stored with historic facts of value have passed awav. the insistence for a new History of the Town became more pronounced. On Alarch 6, 1911, the Town voted "To raise and appro- priate the sum of five hundred dollars for the purpose of preparing and publishing a History of the Town of Rovalston. Chose Dr. iM-ank W. Adams, Charles H. Brown, William H. Leathe, Fred W. Cross and Colin AlacKenzie, Committee to have charge of the work." 1 he work of compiling and writing the Histor}- was given by the Committee to Air Lilley B. Caswell of Athol, whose acquaintance with Royalston and her p-oi)le was intimate and HISTORY OF ROYALSTON VII who had already achieved a creditable success as Historian of the Town of Athol. The writing of the Military History of the ToAvn. however, was given to Hon. Fred W. Cross, whose researches into the causes and events of the Civil War had been a life work and whose interest in Military History in general had been phenomenal. On March 2, 1914. as the work seemed nearing completion, the Town voted " To raise five hundred dollars toward print- ing and binding the History of the Town of Royalston. and that permission be hereby granted to any individual or group of individuals to furnish the additional amount required for the purpose, with the distinct understanding that any such volunteer contributors shall be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sales of the book." There has been some delay in publishing the work, but there is no legal process by which persons in possession of valuable historic information can be made to resign it, and we think, on the other hand, the reader will admit that the history is richer because patience has been allowed to have her perfect work. FRANK W. ADAMS, CHARLES H. BROWN, WILLIAM H. LEATHE, FRED W^ CROSS, COLIN MACKENZIE, Committee on History of Royalston. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Early Land Grants — Pierpont's Grant — Joseph Priest's Grant — Hapgood's Grant — Royalston Leg — Area — Proprietors — First Settlers. 1 — 7 CHAPTER IL Naming the Town — Hon. Isaac Royall — Old Royall House — Incorporation of the Town. 8 — 13 CHAPTER in. Town Meetings — First Town Meeting — Early Town Meet- ings — Roads — Day of Fasting and Prayer — First Town House — New Town Hall — Dedication of Town Hall. 14 — 21 CHAPTER IV. Town Government — Selectmen — Sketches of Charles H. Brown — Luke B. Shepardson — Alfred W. Neal — As- sessors — Sketches of Levens G. Forbes — Myron E. Stockwell — Eugene G. Twntchell — Assessors' Reports — Town Clerks — Town Treasurers — Overseers of the Poor — Sketches of Charles A. Stimson — Colin Mac- kenzie — Franklin A. Brown. 23 — 39 CHAPTER V. Scenery of Royalston — Brooks of Royalston — Forbes Falls — Doane's Falls — Old Elm — Minerals — Beryls — Beryl Hill Mine — Wild Animals — Wolves and Bears — Last Bear Hunt. 40 — 51 CHAPTER VI. Churches of Royalston — First Congregational Church — Sketches of Pastors — Meeting Houses — Parsonage — The Church Bell — Statuette of the Angel Gabriel — Baptist Church at West Royalston — Sketches of Bap- tist Pastors — Baptist Meeting Houses — Baptist Church at Royalston Centre — Free Donation Society. 52 — 74 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON IX CHAPTER VII. Political — Petition to the President of the United States — Representatives — Delegates and Senators — Whigs — Vote for Governor — Vote for President. 75 — 84 CHAPTER VIII. Education — First School and School Master — School Dis- tricts — Early School Committees — School Committees from 1845 — Sketches of Nellie G. W. Farrar — Charles E. Richardson — Eri S. Stew^art — High School Exhibi- tion of 1852 — Teachers — School Superintendents — College Graduates — Sketches of College Graduates — Libraries — Trustees of Public Library — Post Office. 85 — 112 CHAPTER IX. Medical Profession — The Doctors Bacheller — Sketches of Doctors — The Legal Profession — Sketches of Law- yers. 113 — 126 CHAPTER X. Red Letter Days of Royalston History — Centennial Celebra- tion — Rev. E. W. Bullard's Address of Welcome — Hon. Alexander H. Bullock's Address — Great Whig Gather- ing of 1840 — Dedication of Phinehas S. Newton Public Library — Royalston's First Old Home Week — Old Home Day of 1904 — Old Home Day of 1910 — Biennial Reunion of School District No. 7 — One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary — Sunday Services — Second Day — Third Day — Parade — Dr. Frank W. Adams' Address of Welcome — Addresses of Speakers at the Dinner — Address of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge. 127^ — 160 CHAPTER XL Old Royalston Families — Metcalf Family — The Brown Fam- ily — Bullock Family — P'rye Family — Bliss Family — Woodbury — Walker — Ballou — Shepardson — Nichols — • The Estabrooks — Gale Family — Bartlett — Dexter — White Family — Charles W. Bowker Family — Richard- son — Gregory — Goddard — Pierce — Perkins — Newton — Cutler. 161 — 282 X HISTORY OF ROYALSTON CHAPTER XII. Old Royalston Families — The Peck Family — Gates — The Wood Family — Holman — Raymond — Chase — Bragg — Fisher — Davis — Morse — Leathe — Lyman Stone Family Jacobs — Clement — Estey — Garfield — Shebna Paine Family — Pratt Family — The Chamberlain Family — Al- bion P. Mosman Family — The Blandings — The Greeley Family — Geo. D. Bolton Family — Bemis Family — Tan- dy Family — Bosworth Family — The Doane Family. 283 — 347 CHAPTER XIII. Royalston's Writers of Poetry — Dr. Frank W. Adams' Epic Poem — Nancy Priest — Rev. Albert Bryant — Mrs. George Woodbury's Centennial Hymn — Sidney G. Bos- worth's One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Hymn — Amanda Bemis Smith's Johnstown Flood Poem — Dulcenia M. Russell — Peck's Poem on Universalism — Wm. M. Leathe. 348—372 CHAPTER XIV. Biographical — Col. George Whitney — William Fordyce Big- elow — George Fletcher Miller — Herman M. Partridge — J. Milton Partridge — Stephen H. Hejnvood — Cyrus P. Reed — Wm. D. Ripley — Benjamin Ward Upham — Caleb A. Cook — Rev. Ebenezer Cutler — Rev. Henry Cummings- — Solon Bryant — George Edward Miller. 373 — 383 CHAPTER XV. Sons of Royalston — Asahel Peck — James Ormond Wilson — Hon. George Carter Richardson — Stephen Holman — Lieut. - Colonel Charles Cummings — Thomas Norton Hart — George Ellis Whitney — Frederic C. Nichols — Leonard Nichols — Robert Winthrop Adams — Edwin Augustus Fisher — Arthur A. Upham — John V. Hazen — John B. Bowker — Jenner E. Morse. 384 — 400 CHAPTER XVI. Royalston's Soldier Record — Our Soldier Stock — The Rev- olution Period — Shay Insurrection — The War of 1812 — The Civil War — List and Records of Royalston Sol- diers — Royalston Men Who Went from Other Towns and States. 401 — 445 HISTORY OF KOY ALSTON XI CHAPTER XVII. Mercantile and Industrial — Stores on Royalston Common — Early Saw and Grist Mills — Royalston's Manufactures — -Plans of Royalston — Population — Income Taxes. 446 — 453 CHAPTER XVIII. Organizations — Masonic Fraternity — Royalston Grange, No. 195. 454—456 CHAPTER XIX. Cemeteries — Grave Yard Under the Hill — Early Grave Yards — -New Cemetery — Epidemics. 457 — 459 CHAPTER XX. Old Taverns — Stage Coaches. 460 — 462 CHAPTER XXI. Old Customs and Practices — Warning Out — Tithing Men — Pounds — Perambulation of Town Bounds — Sealer of Weights and Measures. 463 — 466 CHAPTER XXII. South Royalston — Desci'iptive and Industrial. 467 — 471 CHAPTER XXIII. Churches of South Royalston — Second Congregational Church — Methodist Church — Catholic Church. 472 — 480 CHAPTER XXIV. Sons of South Royalston — William Clark Peckham — Ches- ter Twitchell Stockwell — Hon. Fred Wilder Cross — Frederick Lysander Drury — Geoffrey B. Lehy — -Rev. John F. Lehy — V/illiam H. Bullard — J. Herbert King — - Fred D. Weeks. 481—491 CHAPTER XXV. Biographical — Edward A. Carpenter — Everard B. Hanson — Ruel Roby Safford — Jesse Edgar Bodett — Nahum Longley — Josephus T. Day — Jonas M. Turner — John King — Silas Hale — Elisha F. Brown — Nathaniel G. Beckwith. 492—502 XII TIISTORV OF KOYAL.STON CHAPTER XXVI. South Royaiston Brass Band— South Royalston Forty-Nin- ers— Silas Hale's Famous Green Mountain Morgan- South Royalston Grange— South Royalston Post Office —South Royalston Hotel— South Royalston School As- . ,. ' 503—512 sociation. CHAPTER XXVII. Cemeteries — Memorial Tablets — The Cross Memorial — The Lehy Memorial. 513—518 CHAPTER XXVIII. South Royalston Families— Salmon S. Farrar Family— Caleb W. Day Family — Timothy Lewis Family — Luther Harrington Family— The Hale Family— Rich Family— The Bacheller Families— The Silas W. Bachellor Fam- ily The Sherwin Family — Addison Sherwin Family — Melancthon Sherwin Family — The Whitmore Families —The Jones Family — Luther Bowker Family — Brasier H. French Family — The Stockwells — The Wheeler Families — Paul Wheeler Family — Russell Wheeler Family — The Clark Family — Timothy Clark Family — Charles Howe Brooks — Sylvender B. Forristall — Er- nest F. Porter. 519 — 558 CHAPTER XXIX. South Royalston Physicians and Fire Department — South Royalston Physicians — Dr. J. B. Gould — Dr. Henry 0. Adams — Dr. Walter H. Adams — The Fire Department — Fire of 1892 — Fire of 1904. 559 — 562 CHAPTER XXX. Royalston Hall of Fame. 560 — 566 APPENDIX Historical Address at the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary by Fred W. Cross — Sketch of Luther E. Stewart — Sketch of Mrs. Mary (Pierce) Turner — Sketch of David P. Foster — Sketch of Myron Walker Sherwood. INDEX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Portraits Adams, Robert Winthrop 394 Adams, Dr. Henry O. 498 Adams, Dr. Frank W. 117 B 114 211 211 211 422 422 422 235 427 374 195 496 246 437 360 308 306 306 306 27 173 Bacheller, Dr. Stephen J Ballou, Almando Ballou, Luther Ballou, Mrs. Luther Barrus, John W. Barrus, Marshall BaiTus, William J. Bartlett, John N. Barton, Willis H. Bigelow, William F. Bliss, Harrison Bo'lette, Jesse Edgar Bo.vker, Charles W. Bowker, George W. Bosworth, Sidney G. Bragg, Everett B. Bragg, Everett Eugene Bragg, Dr. Francis A. Bragg, Henry O. Brooks, Charles H. Brown, Col. Benjamin Brown, Benjamin Hammond 175, 424 Brown, Charles H. 27 Brown, Edward A. 439 Brown, Franklin A. 38 Brown, Nancy (Wood) 176 Brown, William O. 439 Bryant, Rev. Albert 360 Bryant, Mrs. Almeda (Dexter) 240 Bullard, William H. 490 Bullock, Hon. Alexander H. 180 Bullock, Bamett 183 Bullock, Bamett Ellis 184 Bullock, Brigham Newton 184 Bullock, Calvin 184 Bullock, Charles S. 184 Bullock, James Frederick 184 Bullock, Hon. Rufus 178 Carpenter, Edward A. 492 Chase, Chauncy 300 Chase, Elizabeth Waite 108 Chase, Francis 300 Chase, George 300 Chase, John S. 432 Clark, Cortland A. 420 Cook, Caleb A. 379 Cross, Edward W. 431 Cross, Hon. Fred W. 484 Cutler, Major - General Lysan- der 440 Clement, Wm. W. 332 D Davis, Daniel 313 Day, Caleb W. 523 Day, David W. 432 Day, Josephus T. 498 Day, Nathan S. 428 Day, Uri C. 431 Deavitt, Caroline (Harrington) 529 Dexter, Bela 240 Dexter, Cynthia 238 Dexter, Ezenezer Wheeler 238 Dexter, Moses 240 Drury, Frederick Lysander 486 Fairbanks, Rev. Francis J. 59 Fallon, Martin 427 Farrar, Salmon S. 519 Fisher, Augustus J. 308 Fisher, Edwin A. 308 Forbes, Levens G. 38 P'rye, Benjamin 188 Frye, Mrs. Benjamin 188 Fry, Benjamin A. 434 Frye, Frank B. and Family 188 Fry, George E. 420 Fry, Capt. John 186 Gale, Harlow A. 229 Gale, Samuel C. 229 Garfield, Moses, Jr. 332 Goddard, Franklin H. 267 Greeley, Jonas 428 H Hanson, Everard B. 496 XIV HISTORY OF ROYALSrON Harrington, Henry M. 529 Harrington, Dea. Luther 529 Harrington, Sarah (Nourse) 529 Hazen, Rev. Norman 59 Hunt, James N. 442 Jones, Dea. Aaron 548 Peck, Hamilton S. 285 Peck, Henry 288 Peck, Lyman 283 Peck, Lovina (Davis) 283 Peck, Sullivan 288 Pierce, George 269 Pierce, George E. 269 Pierce, Horace 267 Fierce, Milo H. 267 Priest, Nancy 355 King. Clarence E. 434 Knight, Henry E. 428 king, John 498 Leathe, William H. 321 Lee, Rev. Joseph 54 Lee, Mrs. Rachel (Dexter) 240 Lehy, Geoffrey B. 488 Lehy, Rev. John F. 489 Lewis, Enoch T. 527 Lewis, Timothy 525 Lewis, Mrs. Timothy 525 Longley, Nahum 496 Lord, Mrs. Delia (Pierce) 269 M Mackenzie, Colin 38 Mackenzie, Mrs. Emeline (White) 108 Mellen, Joel B. 444 Metcalf, Eliab Wight 166 Metcalf, Isaac Stevens 166 Metcalf, Jacob 166 Morandi, Sophia (Ballou) 211 Morgan, George W. 431 Moore, Henry C. 431 Moore, John S. 424 Morse, Russell 300 N Neale, Alfred W. 514 Newton, Charles H. 278 Newton, Edward Elmer 278 Newton, Col. Elmer 277 Newton, Phinehas S. 278 Nichols, Frederic C. 394 Nichols, Joseph T. 224 Nichols, Mrs. Joseph T. 224 Nichols, Leonard 394 Norcross, Chauncy W. 428 Partridge, Harlan P. 442 Partridge, Herman M. 424 Peck, Benoni 286 Raymond, Alfred Dwight 297 Raymond, Alfred J. 298 Raymond, Joseph 296 Rich, B. Warren 534 Rich, Benjamin W. 534 Rich, Jeremiah A. 534 Rich, Jeremiah E. 534 Pichsrdson, Charles E. 96 Richardson, Stephen 332 Richmond, E. J. 514 Royal, Col. Isaac Facing title page Rugg, George N. 439 Safford, Roby R. 496 Shepardson, Rev. Daniel 219 Shepardson, Eri 221 Shepardson, John 434 Shepardson, Rev. John 221 Shepardson, Luke B. 27 Sherwin, George P. 498 Stewart, Alexander 432 Stewart, Luther E. 96 Smith, James B. 420 Smith, Mrs. Amanda (Bemis) 360 Stimson, Charles A. 38 Stone, Lvman and Family 322 Stockwell, Caleb N. 548 Stockwell, Edwin 548 Townsend, James 439 Turner, Dea. Jonas M. 548 Turner, Mrs. Mary (Pierce) 269 U Upham, Benjamin W. Upham, Charles M. Vose, Edwin O. W Walker, Dea. Joseph Wheeler, Ezra L. 379 424 422 59 434 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON XV Wheeler, Lyman S. 420 Wheeler, R. P. B. 444 Wheeler, Warren L. 432 White, Adriel C. 243, 442 White, Asaph M. 243, 437 White, Erastus 243 White, Philetus D. 243 White, Rollin N. 437 White, Stephen P. 437 White, Wellington 243, 444 Whitney, Colonel George 373 Whitney, George Ellis 394 Wood, George H. 427 Wood, Henry S. 444 Wood, John M. 442 Woodbury, George 59 Woodbury, Mrs. George 360 Buildings, Scenery, etc. Old Bullock Mansion — Summer Home of Donald M. Hill 1 Old Royall House and Slave Quarters 9 Map of Original Grant of Roy- alston 10 Town Hall Built in 1867 19 West Side of Common 19 Forbes Falls 43 Doanes Falls 44 Old Elm on Athol Road 45 First Congregational Church, Royalston Centre 61 Second Congregational Church, South Royalston 6 L Baptist Church, West Royal- ston 61 Statuett of the Angel Gabriel 63 Old Baptist Church, Royalston Centre 73 Phinehas S. Newton Public Li- brary 108 Isaac Metcalf House, Summer Home of Miss Edith Metcalf 171 Old Metcalf House " Under the Hill" 171 Old Tavern and Store Build- ings West Side of Common 447 Old Fire Engine 447 Amos Doane's Mill 449 Fitchburg Railroad Station, South Royalston 467 South Royalston Park 467 Whitney Stone Woolen Mill, South Royalston 469 Old Chair Shop, South Royal- stone 469 Chair Shop Hands, 1885 469 Plant of the American Woolen Co. at South Royalston 471 Pioneer Engine Co., South Roy- alston 560 Rescue Engine Co., South Roy- alston 560 View in South Royalston 513 Riverside Cemetery, South Roy- alston 513 Dedication of E. W. Cross Me- morial 514 CHAPTER I EARLY LAND GRANTS Not a town in this grand old Commonwealth of historic towns can boast of a better beginning or a more reputable heri- tage of name and blood. The proprietors and early settlers of Royalston were men of character whose influence can be traced throughout the whole structure of our nation, and they laid here on these splendid hills, the foundation of a town in which the sterling qualities of the glorious days of old New England have come down through the generations. The territory comprised in the township of Royalston passed from a public domain to private hands in two ways — by public sales and private grants. It was the last of the entire territory of Worcester County to be disposed of by grants and charters, and in this respect Royalston is the last and youngest of the towns of the County. Twenty-three hundred acres of its area were comprised in four grants, known as Pierpont's, Priest's, Hapgood's, and a grant to Benoni Moore, Joseph Petty and Robert Cooper, while 28,357 acres were purchased at public sale by Samuel Watts, Thomas Hubbard, (then speaker of the House,) Isaac Freeman, Joseph Richards, Isaac Royal, Caleb Dana, James Otis, Joseph Wilder, Jr., and John Chandler, Jr., the deed being given Dec. 27, 1752, and the price paid /1, 348. At a later date others famous in the annals of New England and National history became proprietors of Royalston soil. Among these were John Hancock, the first governor of Massa- chusetts and first signer of the Declaration of Independence; James Bowdoin, the second Governor of the State, while James Otis, one of the original proprietors, was the eloquent orator of the Revolution. The town had also at least one t'.tled land owner, Lady Temple, widow of Sir John Temple, baronet, once owned eight hundred acres of Royalston soil. The Proprietors held their meetings in Boston, "at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern," and at the first meeting it was mo- tioned that the land aforesaid be called Royal-sh re, and they 2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON unanimously asroed thereto, whereupon the Hon. Isaac Royal generously gave his word to give the Partners twenty-five pounds sterliufi towards a meeting house for said town. Here we first find our name which is later call(>d Royalston. These four grants that we have mentioned were bestowed as bounties for military services rendered, or for loyalty shown in other ways. Pierpont's Grant was the largest of these and was located in the northeast corner of the present boundaries of the town, b'lt who he was and why he received this land we have not been able to ascertain. This grant covered the territory which in the early part of the nineteenth century included the farms of John Wood, Joel and Daniel Taft, John Holman, Capt. William Chase, Jacob Hale, Joel Howard, Nathan Reed and William Withington. Joseph Priest's Grant, which consisted of three hundred acres was given him as a recognition of his loyalty in extending the hospitality of his half-way house near the easterly fine of the town, to all those who passed that way to and from the French wars. This was located east of Pierpont's, and the name of Priest still lives in the beautiful httle river that bears his name. Hapgood's Grant consisted of two hundred acres granted to Thomas Hapgood, Nov. 26, 1742, and signed by Governor Shir- ley, Dec. 1, 1742. This was laidoutby AbnerLee, surveyor, who says, "we began at a stake and stones on ye North line of Poquaig, at a corner of Canady township, then ran North, etc.," 244 rods, and bounded northerly and easterly "on Province land." This was ordered in "consideration of services in the war with the eastern Indians and his sufferings by reason of wounds re- ceived from them, whereby in his advanced age he was disabled from labor for the support of himself and family." Probably the earfiest grant of what are now Royalston lands, was one made Dec. 15, 1737, to Benoni Moore, Joseph Petty and Robert Cooper, which was afterwards assigned to Samuel Hunt of Northfield and others. This consisted of 600 acres and was located between what is now Athol and the province line — "to be laid out 480 rods long on the eastern line of what is now Warwick, and 200 rods wide from west to east, and no more." This grant was made in consideration of services ren- dered by the grantees in burying the bleached bones of certain EARLY LAND GRANTS 3 soldiers, who, led by Capt. Beers, were marching from the river below to the assistance of Northfield, but fell into an ambus- cade and were slaughtered by the Indians. The sale of Royalston lands, which we have mentioned, was in accordance with a vote approved by the council in June, 1752, ordering a sale of the lands north of Pequoig, now called Athol, and onward to the province line. Evidently the pur- pose was not so much to replenish the public treasury, as to settle this then waste corner of the public domain, and clear the map, and so effectually was this accomplished that the Sur- veyor's chain swept in a strip of several miles in length lying along the whole Northern boundary of Winchendon, separat- ing it from the Province line, which had inadvertantly been omitted in the survey of that town, and this was afterwards called the Royalston Leg. This proved an incumbrance and the leg was amputated in 1780 and transferred to Winchendon. When the new town started off as an incorporated township, her area amounted to 30,577 acres, the private grants included. The changes that have been made since that time have affected the area of the township as follows: The Royalston leg set off to Winchendon was estimated at about 2,000 acres. In 1783 several thousand acres were appropriated to Orange, when that town was incorporated. In 1799 three hundred or four hun- dred acres were added from Athol and Gerry, now Phillipston. In 1803 several hundred acres were added from Athol and in 1837 not far from two hundred acres were taken from Phillip- ston and annexed to Royalston. In 1860 the Assessors report- ed the whole number of acres from the survey of 1831 — includ- ing the additions since made — as 26,882 acres. That the Proprietors and Founders of Royalston had strong religious principals and were men of moral and mental worth is shown in the wise and liberal measures they devised for settl- ing their lands. By the conditions of the sale they were re- quired to locate s'xty families, each with a clearing and a house, build a meeting house for their use, provide adequate mill facili- ties and devote one sixty-third part of their entire purchase to each of the following objects: A settlement for the first ordained minister, for the ministerial support, and for a public school. The records designate two divisions of these lands. The first consisted of seventeen two hundred acre lots appropriated ^ IIISTOKV OK KOYAI.STON for tlic scttlciucnt of the sixty families and the pul)lic lots re- (luiivtl l)y th(> conditions of the salo and called the "settler's di- vision" or "first division." In the second "division," called also "the Proprietor's part" or "division," the residue of the land was also laid out in two hundred acre lots, where it could be done, and in other cases the contents of the smaller lots were expressed. The meadow lands, however, were laid out in ten acre lots so far as the committee judged them worth the expense of surveying; and a special committee was chosen to "qualify" tlu> lots, by so "coupling a good lot and a poorer lot together that justice be done to each proprietor in the drawing of the lots." FIRST SETTLERS Although the first possession of this soil by your ancestors dates from 1752, the settlement was delayed because of the French war of 1756, so that the active settlement of this town did not commence until 1762 when six families moved in. This war which was the greatest contest on this continent prior to the Revolution had stopped all labors of peaceful enterprise, and during the seven years of this conflict it is stated that Mas- sachusetts alone sent thirty-five thousand of her sons to the field, and the call to arms had reached every nook and corner of the province. The war had so far spent its fury by 1761 that the proprietors of this township had granted deeds to twenty-one settlers, and in the next year the ten acres which includes what is now your Common was solemnly consecrated for the meeting house, the training field and the burial ground. The place for the mills was selected on the Lawrence stream near one of its beautiful falls, and in 1763, a meeting house was contracted for, which was completed in 1764, and the work of Iniilding up a new town had commemced in earnest. The six families of 17G2 were soon followed by others, and so rapid was the incoming of these new settlers, that almost as soon as the French war had closed as many as seventy-five heads of families had become estabhshed here. They had come FIRST SETTLERS 5 from the towns of the southern and eastern part of the state, some of the best blood of the Colony, and planted here on the heights of Northern Worcester, in the mountain air surrounded by some of the most beautiful and picturesque scenery of the state, a township whose history during the years was to be studded with patriotic associations, and where religion and education were recognized as the foundation of true living, a bright star in the constellation of Worcester County and the State. We are not certain who the first six families of 1762 were, but it is safe to say Obadiah Walker, William Town, Jonah Hill and Nathan Cutting were among that number. Obadiah Walker came from Douglas. He married Nancy McCullock of Barre, and brought up a large family. He died in Croydon, N. H., in 1810 at the age of ninety. William Town located just north of the Lawrence meadows. He brought up a large family, embodied with the Congrega- tional church in 1766, and was a prominent and respected citizen, being one of the first Assessors and one of the early Town Treasurers. He died in 1811 at the age of eighty. Jonah Hill from Douglas located north of the Common The Royalston Memorial says that his house stood near the southeast corner of Joseph Estabrook's pasture. His daughter, Abigail, is claimed as the first-born of Royalston, the records giving the date of her birth as March 27, 1764. She married Elijah Walker, son of Obadiah Walker. Her brother Ephraim Hill married Martha Walker, daughter of Obadiah, and Jonah Hill settled both his son and son-in-law on a 200 acre lot in the west part of the town. Jonah Hill died in 1808 at the age of sixty-nine. Nathan Cutting settled near what is now the William H. Leathe farm. He spent the winter of 1762-6.3, cjuite alone, in a house or place, sunk partly into the hill, looking out upon the meadows. He "embodied" with the Congregational church in 1766. He died in 1821 at the age of eighty. Lieut. Jonas Allen, formerly written AUiene, was a very early settler, he settled west of the Nathan Cutting place, at the corner of the roads beyond the Bowker farm. He built a saw-mill north of his house where the Lyman Stone mill stands. He was a prominent man and at the head of an interesting <5 HIvSTORY OF ROYALSTON family. He was one of the first Assessors and also one of the Selectmen for five years between 1770 and 1780. He died in 1822 at the age of ninety-three. Silas Cutting settled north of the Allen mill. He was one of the first who "embodied*' with the First Congregational church in 1766. He died while abroad in the war in 1777. Lieut. Nathan Wheeler settled west of William Clement, and he and his wife organized with the Congregational church in 1766. They removed to Lincoln, N. H., about 1792. Henry, Isaac and William Nichols from Sutton all hatl early settlements in town, their families are more fully described in the Old Royalston Families in another chapter. Michael Grant must also have been a very early settler for his son Stephen is the first person whose death appears on the records, Sept. 4, 1764. He settled north of the Capt. Isaac Metcalf place. Aaron Grant settled the place next south of Michael's, and it is probable that this family has the honor of having the first wedding in Royalston, the record stating that Aaron Grant and Mrs. Mary Town of Sutton were married Feb. 20, 1771. He married for his second wife widow Sarah Morse, daughter of Capt. Jonas Parker, of Lexington and Revolutionary memory. He is said to have been a good farmer, but that he persisted in wearing "small clothes," dispensing with the long stockings, knee-buckles and shoes, through all but the winter months. Capt. Jonathan Sibley from Sutton was one of the early sett- lers. In 1763 he bought and prepared his farm for settlement. This was situated on the road leading directly South from the Common by the east side of the school house. He would clear a piece of woodland here, go back to look after hay-making in Sutton, and return in time to sow a rye field in Royalston. The next year after he purchased the farm he brought on his wife, two cows and a pair of steers. The wild beasts soon made way with one of the steers. He became a substantial farmer and valuable citizen, being one of the early Selectmen, Town Treas- urer for twenty-seven years from 1781 to 1808 inclusive and was Representative to the Legislature in 1786. He died in 1810 at the age of seventy. Ajnos Jones who settled north of the Jonas Allen mill, came in during 1763. A good moose story is told of him. He was FIRST SETTLERS 7 out looking up his cattle and hearing a crashing among the un- derbrush, supposed the cattle were near at hand; but instead of his cattle a huge moose came forth and confronted him; whose hide he afterwards converted into a pair of leather breeches and a side-saddle. The breeches he wore himself; but upon the side-saddle he persuaded one Lydia WooUey to ride home with him, and take permanent possession of the saddle, and his domestic affairs. He died in 1826 at the age of eighty-four. Titnothij Richardson from Wrentham settled where Benj. W. Upham formerly lived. He and his wife were original mem- bers of the First Congregational Church, and he was one of the first selectmen. The town contributing the largest number of the early Roy- alston settlers was Sutton, Mass., from which more than twenty families came. Another town sending a liberal contribution was Rehobath in Bristol County from which came more than a dozen families, including the Bullock, Bliss and Peck families. Other towns from which the settlers came were Douglas, Upton, Rutland, Harvard, Shrewsbury, Brook- field and Grafton in Worcester County and Wrentham, Read- ing, Sudbury, Abington, Attleboro, Acton and Stow in the eastern part of the State. CHAPTER II NAMING THE TOWN The proprietors held meetings from 1753 over a period of thirty-four years until 1787, when their records were closed and sealed. Their meetings were held in Boston , "at the Bunch of Clrapes Tavern," and at the first meeting it was "motioned that the land aforesaid be called Royal-shire, and they unani- mously agreed thereto, whereupon the Hon. Isaac Royal, gen- erously gave his Word to give the partners 25 sterling, towards building a meeting-house for said town." Here we first find the name of the town which it bore until the act of Incorpora- tion in February 1765 gave it the name of Royalston. The Hon. Isaac Royal, from whom the town of Royalston received its name, was a citizen of Medford, Mass., a gentle- man of great spirit for public enterprise, devoted in admiration for his king, and generous and munificent for his time. From 1743 to 1752 he served as deputy to the General Court and regu- larly returned his salary to the treasury of the town of Charles- town. For sixteen years he was chairman of the Board of Selectmen in Charlestown, and when his estate was set off to IVJedford he served there in the same offices. He was modera- tor of town meeting when resolutions against the Stamp Act were passed and used his influence toward the repeal of the law, I>om 1752 to 1774, he was a member of the Governor's Council, He give generously for the benefit of church and schools In CnarlesLOwn and when Harvard Hall was burned in 1764, and with it the entire college library, he contributed a large sam to make good the loss. He also gave two thousand acres of land, a large part of which was in the town of Royalston, to found a professorship of law in Harvard University, which was known as the Royall Professorship of, and which was followed later by the Harvard Law School. In addition to his gift of twenty-five pounds sterling to the town of Royalston towards building a meeting house, a pulpit Bible which was used in the First Congregational Church for NAMING THE TOWN g seventy-five years, was a gift from him, and by his will he also gave the town two hundred acres for school purposes, and pro- mised to give a full lot of land in the township to the first male child that should be born in town, but as several girls took the precedence of birth, and the breaking out of the Revolution, Royal Chase, who was named after him, came too late on the stage, and died to early, too avail himself of the offer. The clouds which had been gathering for several years broke, the Revolution opened, and Isaac Royall, the friend and bene- factor of Royalston who could not be disloyal to his king, sailed for England in 1776, leaving his home said to be "one of the grandest estates in North America," never to return. Letters written by him in 1779 indicated a yearning desire to return to Massachusetts and to make his last bed beside his relatives and friends. But that was not to be, and he died in Kensing- ton, England in 1781. We believe the fathers of Royalston showed good judgment in not changing the name of their town, because of this act of their benefactor, as did other Massachusetts towns because of similar acts of those whose names they bore. An act of Legis- lature passed soon after the Declaration of Independence reads as follows: "An Act for discontinuing the name of a town in the County of Worcester lately incorporated by the name of Hutchinson, and call the same Barre," Governor Hutchinson from whom the town was named had becom.e a Loyalist ancj hence this action of the town, Governor Bullock in his address at the Centennial Anniver= gary of Royalston says in regard to this matter: "No town was more patriotic than this in the Revolution; but I rejoice that its citizens appear never for one moment to have thought of giving up their corporate name because their benefactor had estranged himself from their political opinions. The n;>me of this town and the title of the Cambridge law professorship may honorably be retained in his remembrance." The idea of preserving the old Royall House, the home of Isaac Royall, for the sake of its history and aesthetic worth, was first conceived in 1889 by the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution of Medford, In April 1901, the chapter rented the house and opened it for the bene- fit and pleasure of the public. Becoming convinced that a 20 HISTORY OF ROYAI.STON larger organization with more far-reaching acquaintance was necessary, the chapter interested a group of patriotic men and women to form a corporation to purchase the building. As a result the Royall House Association was incorporated in 1905. In April 1907, an option upon the mansion, out buildings and about three-quarters of an acre of land was obtained, and the Association began raising money for the purchase. The fund grew until April 16, 1908, the one hundred thirty-third anniversary of the day when Colonel Isaac Royall left his beau- tiful residence never to return, the deed was obtained. It is a monument to its former proprietors and the times they re- present. Few houses can boast such a succession of eminent owners, and few have stood for nearly two centuries with so few changes in architecture. It is bequeathed to the people of Massachusetts by those who had a part in the making of our Commonwealth, and it becomes the duty as well as privilege of the men and women of today to preserve this grand old home- stead for future generations. INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN It was only three years after the active settlement of the town began, that the conditions were such that the formation of a town was deemed desirable, and in response to a petifon presented to the General Court, the following act of incorpora- tion was passed February 19, 1765: An act for erecting a town in the County of Worcester by the name of Royalston: Whereas. the proprietors of the land lying north of Athol, within the county of Worcester, known by the name of Royalshire, have petitioned this Court that, for the reasons mentioned, said land may be incorporated into a town and vested with the powers and authority belonging to other towns, for the encouragement of said settlement. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and House of Re presentatives — Sec. 1. That said tract of land bounded and described as fol- lows, viz., beginning at a pillar of stones on the province line, the northwest corner, and from thence running south by the east line of Warwick five miles and two hundred and ninetV' VTAR'WIdiC o Q ►— t z > r o > z H O o > r CO o z WHN^nff/f^V INCORPORATION GF THE TOWN H three rods to a pillar of stones the southwest corner; and from thence running east with the north hne of Athol five miles and two hundred and sixty-five rods to a red oak and heap of stones, the northeast corner of Athol; and from thence south by the east line of Athol one mile and 190 rods to a stake and stones a corner of Templeton; and from thence east three degrees south one mile and eighty-six rods by said Templeton to the southeast corner; and from thence north twelve degrees east five miles and eighty rods on the west line of Winchendon to a heap of stones, the northwest corner of sad Winchendon; and thence east twelve degrees south six miles and sixty rods by the north hne of said Winchendon to the northeast corner thereof; and from thence north twelve degrees east by the west line of, Dorchester Canada two hundred and ninety-five rods to the province north bounds; and from thence by the province line fourteen miles and two hundred and eighty-five rods to the corner first mentioned, be and hereby is erected into a town by the name of Royalston; and the inhabitants thereof shall have and enjoy all such immunities and privileges as other towns in this province have and do by law enjoy. And be it further enacted — Sect. 2. That Joshua Willard, Esq., be and hereby is, em- powered to issue his warrant to some principal inhabitant of said town of Royalston, requiring him, in his majesty's name, to warn and notify the said inhabitants qualified to vote in town affairs, to meet together at such time and place in said town as shall be appointed in said warrant to choose such offi- cers as the law directs, and may be necessary to manage the affairs of said town; and the inhabitants so met shall be, and are hereby, empowered to choose officers accordingly. And be it further enacted — Sect. 3. That all those persons that have already agreed for to settle in said township, and have given bonds to perform the same, shall be accounted as part and parcel of said inhabi- tants, and be allowed to vote in their town meetings in all town affairs, as fully as those who actually live upon their settlements in said town, and shall be accordingly taxed for the purposes aforesaid. In Council Jan. 31, 1765, read a first time. In Council Feb. 1, 1765, read a second time, and passed to be en- grossed- Seut down for concurrence. Jon. Cotton, D, 22 HISTORY OF ROYAI.STON Secretary. In the House of Representatives February 15, 1765. Read three several times and concurred. S. WHITE, Speaker. As we have already stated Royalston as far as the disposal of territory by grants and charters was concerned is the young- est of Worcester County towns; for although Athol and Tem- pleton were both incorporated, only about three years before Royalston, and Winchendon only a single year, yet the grants of lands and settlements of these towns had been made much eai-lier, varying from twenty to thirty years. The wave of occupation seemed to have paused below our border for some years, and when the settlement did commence there was Init a brief period between the first planting and the municipal incor- poration, an interim of only three years, and as it has been said, "there was no infancy here; it was robust manhood from the start." The inhabitants of that part of the town known as the Roy- alston Leg were not long satisfied with their allotment in the town of Royalston, and petitioned the General Court to be annexed to Winchendon. In compliance with their petition the following act was passed, June 17,1780: ^Yh,erea& it appears that the inhabitants living in a strip of land belonging to Royalston in the County of Worcester, called Royalston Leg, about one mile wide, lying the whole length of the town of Winchendon, would be much accommodated by being set off from Royalston and annexed to the town of Win- chendon,— Be it therefore enacted by the Council and House of Repre- sentatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same: — Sect. 1. That all that part of Royalston, called Royalston Leg, containing by estimation about two thouand acres, begin- ning at the northwest corner of Winchendon, then running northwardly a parallel line with Winchendon west line about one mile to the province line so-called; then eastwardly by the province line the length of the town of Winchendon, be and hereby is set off from Royalston and annexed to Winchendon; and the town of Winchendon is hereby extended so far north as the state line of New Hampshire and said land with the in- I INCORPORATION OF THK TOWN 13 habitants living therein shall forever, hereafter be considered as lielonging to the town of Winehendon provided nevertheless, — Sect. 2. That the said inhabitants and non-residents hall pay all taxes which are already assessed and levied on the town of Royalston, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstand- ing Provided also, — And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. Sect. 3. That the amount of the estates contained on and in said tract of land and the polls thereon returned ])y the Assessors of the town of Royalston in the valuation last taken as belonging to Royalston be deducted from the return of said Assessors and added to the return made by the Assessors of the town of Winehendon. It seems that the Town of Winehendon was not willing to receive this strip of land without imposing certain conditions upon the inhabitants of that territory, for we find that at a town meeting held March 2, 1778 that it was "Voted to receive the strip of land lying between the north line of Winehendon and the Province line called "Royalston Leg" on to the town of Winehendon, upon the inhabitants of said Leg and several principal inhabitants in the north part of Winehendon promis- ing never to be instrumental in moving the meeting-house off of the meeting-house Common, so called." CHAPTER III TOWN MEETINGS The true j^lory of Royalston, as of all New England towns, has been the town meeting. It has been said, and truly, I believe, that "No other practicable human institution has been devised or conceived to secure the just ends of local government, so felicitous as the town meeting. It brought together the rich and the poor, the good and the Inid. and gave character, eloquence and natural leadership full and free play." It would be interesting if the records could give us some of the stirring speeches made on exciting occasions by our Royal- ston fathers, but enough can be gleaned from the language of the voters recorded, to show that the citizens of Royalston took a deep interest in the affairs of the Nation, State and Town. The first Town Meeting of Royalston was called by Joshua Willard, a Justice of the Peace of Petersham, the Warrant for which reads as follows: WORCESTER, SS. To Timothy Richardson, one of the principal Inhabitants of Royalston in said County of Worcester, Greeting, Pursuant to an Act of the Great and General Court, in His Maje.sty's Name, you are hereby required forwith, to notify and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Royal- ston quaUfied to vote in Town affairs as the Law directs, to meet at the Meeting House in Royalston on Tuesday the seventh day of May next, at one of the clock afternoon, of said day then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: — Art. 1. To choose a Moderator for said meeting. Art. 2. To choose a Town Clerk, Selectmen, Town Treas- urer and all other officers as the law directs. And make return of this warrant with your doings herein, to the Inhabitants of said Town at said meeting. TOWN MEETINGS 15 Given under my hand and seal at Petersham this 23d day of April, 1765, and in the 5th year of his Majesty's Reign. JOSHUA WILLARD, Justice of the Peace. Pursuant to this call the voters of Royalston met and chose Joshua Willard, Esq., as Moderator for said meeting, and elect- ed the following town officers: John Fry, Town Clerk; Ca.pt. John Fry, Timothy Richard- son, Benjamin Woodbury, Selectmen; Peter Wootlbury, Toivn Treasurer; Zebulon Peirce, Constable; Jonas Alline, Jr., Nathan Cutting, Wardners; Isaac Nichols, Jonah Hill, Benj. Woodbury, Thomas Chambcrlin, Surveyors of Highways; David Lyon, Cornelius Putnam, Fence Vieivers; Nathan Goddard, Nathaniel Rich, Deer Reeves; Ezekiel Cutler, Daniel Owen, Hog Reeves; ()l:)adiaii Walker, Jonas Babcock, Fence Viewers; Benjamin Woodbury, Surveyor of Clapboards and Shingles; Peter Wood- bury, Sealer of Weights and Measures. The first Town Meeting for the transaction of business was held June 12, 1765, when the following votes were passed: First. Chose Capt. John Fry, Moderator for said meeting. Secondly. Voted to raise nine shillings on each hundred acre Settlers Right, for preaching and other Town Charges. Thirdly. Voted to raise Eleven Shillings on each Settlers Rights to be worked on the roads and clearing the land round the Meeting House; each man to be allowed three shillings per day. Fourthly. Voted that Constables warn Town Meetings by posting up notifications or copies of the Warrant at the Meet- ing House door in Royalston: Voted that the first Monday in March be the day for the Town Meeting annually in Roy- alston. EARLY TOWN MEETINGS Roads. The first roads laid out by the town after its in- corporation, were accepted at the annual town meeting held March 3d, 1766, and were described as follows: "Laid out a road 3 rods wide beginning by the Common Land near the Meeting House in Royalston, then running north- wards by marked trees thro Ebenezer .Land to land of l(, TirSTORV OF KOYALSTON Capt. .lohu Fry's land, and strai.sild on his land to the west end of his dwelling- house. Feb. 8, 17()(). .JOHN FRY, TIMOTHY RICHARDSON, Selectmen. "Liid out a R;)il 3 rods wide, be-iinninp; at the Common Lmd near th<> Meetin"' House, then h-iding Easterly thro the Minister's Lot by m irke:l trees, so on Eistwardly on land of Cde!) D.ina, E>i., by m irked trees to land of (lad Peiree, so on Slid Peiree's Im.l by marke 1 trees to the line of Zel)ulon Peiree's luid, and (lid Peiree's lmd, then half the Ro id on Zebulon's and h vlf on (lid Peiree's land by marked trees to Lieut. Wheeler's Lmd, so on to land of Jonas Allen's by marked trees, South of siid Allen's Dwelling House, so on by marked trees thro Mr. Allen's land and Nathan Cuttin(Mi our aim to expend just as little as necessity and the tastes of the people would allow; antl facts have proved that we failed to appreciate the jronerosity of the people— and the town very appropriately ,ti;ranted to us that which we never asked of them; namely the privilege of putting in the Dormer Wiudoirs the (>xpens(> of which this Rei)ort covers. Tinu^ will not allow us to fi'o into detail, to report the expenses, but we will here say that \\c have vouckcn^ for every cent we have expended on file, which will be at your disposal. The whole amount rnment that have come down through the years from the incorporation of the town to the present time are the Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Board of Selectmen and Assessors. We give a list of the persons wlu) liave held these offices, and the years they served, also sketches of the incumbents of the offices for the year 1915. SELECTMEN 1765 John Fry, Timothy Richardson, Benjamin Woodbury. 1766 Timothy Richardson, Benjamin Woodbury, Nathan God- dard. 1767 John Fry, Isaac Estey, Jonathan Sibley. 1768 John Fry, Isaac Estey, Jonathan Sibley. 1769 Benjamin Woodbury, Peter Woodbury, 1770 Peter Woodbury, Silvanus Hemenway, Jonas Allen. 1771 John Fry, Peter Woodbury, Silvanus Hemenway. 1772 John Fry, Peter Woodburj', Silvanus Hemenway. 1773 Timothy Richardson, Benjamin Woodbury, Peter Wood- bury. 177-4 Timothy Richardson, Benjamin Woodbury, Benjamin Waite. 1775 Timothy Richardson, Benjamin Woodbury, Benjamin Waite. 1776 Timothy Richardson, Benjamin Woodbury, Benjamin Waite. 1777 Benjamin Woodbury, Jonathan Sibley, Jonas Allen. 1778 Benjamin Woodbury, Jonathan Sibley, Jonas Allen. 1779 Silvanus Hemenway, Francis Chase, Pelatiah Metcalf. 1780 John Fry, Peter Woodbury, Silvanus Hemenway, Jonas Allen, Benjamin Waite. 1781 Benjamin Woodbury, Peter Woodbury, Francis Chase, Moulton Bullock, James Work. TOWN GOVERNMElN'r 23 1782 Pelatiah Metcalf, John Orsboni, Jonas Thompson, Nathaniel Bragg. 1783 Peter Woodbury, John Bacheller, Jacob Estey, Henry Bond, Silas Heywood. 1784 Timothy Richardson, Peter Woodbury, Jacob Estey, Henry Bond, Oliver W^ork. 1785 Timothy Richardson, Peter Woodbury, Jacol) Estey, Henry Bond, Oliver Work. 1786 Peter Woodbury, Pelatiah Metcalf, John Orsborn, Jacob Estey. 1787 Peter Woodlmry, Francis Chase, John Orsborn, John Peck. 1788 Peter Woodbury, Francis Chase, Pelatiah Metcalf, Oliver Work. 1789 Peter Woodbury, Silvanus Hemenway, Francis Chase, Oliver Work. 1790 Silvanus Hemenway, Pelatiah Metcalf, John Bacheller, Oliver Work. 1791 John Fry, Peter Woodbury, Silvanus Hemenway, Pela- tiah Metcalf, Samuel Goddard. 1792 John Orsborn, John Bacheller, Jacob Estey, Silas Hey- wood, Isaac Gregor5^ J793 John Bacheller, Isaac Gregory, Shubel Blanding, Ebene- zer Fry, John Norton. 1794 Peter Woodlniry, Jacob Estey, Shubel Blanding, Ebene- zer Fry, John Norton, 1795 Isaac Gregory, Nathan Bullock, Ebenezer Fry, John Norton, Daniel W^oodbury. 1796 Isaac Gregory, Ebenezer Fry, John Norton, Daniel Woodbury, James Forbes. 1797 Isaac Gregory, Ebenezer Fry, John Norton, James Forbes, John Stockwell. 1798 Ebenezer Fry, John Norton, Daniel Woodbury, Ammi Falkner. 1799 Isaac Gregory, Ebenezer Fry, John Norton, Daniel Woodbury. J 800 Isaac Gregory, John Norton, Daniel Woodbury, Eben^' zer Blanding, Squier Davis, 1801 Samuel Goddard, John Norton, Squier Davis, 1802 Samuel Goddard, John Norton, Squier Davis. 24 HISTORY OF ROYALSTOX 1803 John Norton, Squier Davis, Joseph Estabrook. 1804 Joseph Estabrook, Joseph Jacobs. 1805 Ebenezer Fry, Joseph Estabrook, Joseph Jacol)s. 1806 Isaac Gregory, Ebenezer Fry, Joseph Jacobs. 1807 Stephen Bacheller, Jr., Levi Thurston, Amos Jones, Jr. 1808 Ebenezer Fry, Joseph Estabrook, Jonathan Gale. 1809 John Norton, Joseph Estabrook, Jonathan Gale. 1810 John Norton, Squier Davis, Joseph Estabrook, Stephen Bacheller, Jr., Jonathan Gale. 1811 John Norton, Squier Davis, Rufus Bullock. 1812 Squier Davis, Rufus Bullock, Thomas Richardson. 1813 John Norton, Squier Davis, Rufus Bullock. 1814 John Norton, Daniel Woodbury, Squier Davis, kmo< Jones, Jr., John Holman. 1815 John Norton, Squier Davis, David Fisher. 1816 John Norton, Squier Davis, Joseph Estabrook. 1817 John Norton, Squier Davis, Nathan B. Newton, Asahel Davis, Asa Bacheller. 1818 Daniel Woodbury, Squier Davis, John Holman. 1819 Daniel Woodbury, Squier Davis, John Holman. 1820 Daniel Woodbury, Squier Davis, John Holman. 1821 Squier Davis, Asa Bacheller, Benjamin Brown. 1822 Squier Davis, Asa Bacheller, Benjamin Brown. 1823 Squier Davis, Asa Bacheller, Benjamin Brown. 1824 Squier Davis, William Peirce, Silas Jones, Russell Morse. 1825 Squier Davis, Silas Jones, Russell Morse. 1826 Squier Davis, Silas Jones, Russell [Morse. 1827 Asahel Davis, Silas Jones Russell [Morse. 1828 Asahel Davis, Silas Jones, Russell Morse. 1829 Squier Davis, Benjamin Brown Stephen Richardson. 1830 Benjamin Brown, Stephen Richardson, Salmon Goddard 1831 Asahel Davis, Silas Jones, Robert Thompson. 1832 Asahel Davis, Silas Jones, Robert Thompson. 1833 Asahel Davis, Silas Jones, Robert Thompson. 1834 Silas Jones, Robert Thompson, Joseph Davis, 2d. 1835 Silas Jones, Joseph Davis, 2d, Joseph Stockwell. 1836 Benjamin Brown, Robert Thompson, Benoni Peck. 1837 Russell Morse, Benoni Peck, Arba Sherwin. 1838 Silas Jones, Russell Morse, Benoni Peck. 1839 Silas Jones, Russell Morse, Benoni Peck. TOWN GOVERNMKNT 25 1840 Russell Morse, Benoni Peck, Barnet Bullock. 1841 Elmer Newton, Ebenezer Pierce, Hiram W. Albee. 1842 Ebenezer Pierce, Hiram W. Albee, Benjamin Fry. 1843 Benjamin Fry, Benoni Peck, Otis Gale. 1844 Barnet Bullock, Daniel Bliss, Otis Gale. 1845 Barnet Bullock, Cyrus Davis, Otis Gale. 1846 Stephen Richardson, Otis Gale, Adriei White. 1847 Hiram W. Albee, Joseph Raymond, Jarvis Davis. 1848 Hiram W. Albee, Joseph Raymond, Jarvis Davis. 1849 Joseph Raymond, Tarrant Cutler, Solyman Heywood 1850 Joseph Raymond, Jarvis Davis, Jesse F. Wheeler. 1851 Benjamin Fry, Jarvis Davis, Jesse F. Wheeler. 1852 Benjamin Fry, Otis Bemis, Daniel Davis. 1853 Joseph Raymond, Otis Bemis. 1854 Joseph Raymond, Jarvis Davis, Nahum Longley. ISJj Alriel W-iite, Isiic Nichols, Lemuel i'^de^. 1855 Lemuel Fales, Cyrus B. Reed, George Whitney. 1857 Joseph Raymond, L. W. Partridge, Harvey W. Bhss 1858 Otis Gale, Joseph Raymond, Caleb A. Cook. 1859 Nahum Longley, Caleb A. Cook, Wilham W. Clement. 1860 Nahum Longley, Caleb A. Cook, Wilham W. Clement. 1861 Cyrus B. Reed, Richard Baker, WllUam W. Clement. 1862 Cyrus B. Reed, Richard Baker, William W. Clement. 1863 Wilham W. Clement, J. A. Rich, Hiram Harrington. 1864 William W. Clement, J. A. Rich, Hiram Harrington. 1865 Wilham W. Clement, J. A. Rich, Hiram Harrington. 1866 Daniel Davis, Edmund Stockwell, Benjamin H. Brown. 1867 DanielDavis, Edmund Stockwell, B. H. Brown. 1868 Daniel Davis, Edmund Stockwell, B. H. Brown, 1869 Josepeh Raymond, Jonas Turner, B. H. Brown. 1870 Daniel Davis, B. W. Rich, C. J. Piper. 1871 Daniel Davis, B. W. Rich, Wilham W. Clement. 1872 Wilham W. Clement, B. B. Murdock, E. T. Warner. 1873 William W. Clement, C. W. Day, E. T. Warner. 1874 Wilham W. Clement, C. W. Day, Lyman Stone, 1875 WiUiam W, Clement, C. W, Day, J. N, Bartlett, 1876 C. W. Day, John N. Bartlett, Joseph Walker. 1877 A. D. Raymond, A. A. Hyatt, A. M. White. 1878 John N. Bartlett, Joseph T. Nichols, Asaph M. W^hite. 1879 Joseph T. Nichols, Caleb W. Day, Asaph M, White. 2(5 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1880 Joseph T. Nichols, Caleb W. Day, Asaph M. White. 1881 Joseph T. Nichols, Caleb W. Day, Asaph M. White. 1882 Joseph T. Nichols, Benjamin W. Rich, Asaph M. White. 1883 Joseph Walker, B. W. Rich, Asaph M. White. 1884 Joseph Walker, B. W. Rich, Asaph M. White. 1885 Joseph Walker, Benjamin W. Rich, Asaph M. White. 1886 Joseph Walker, Jeremiah A. Rich, Asaph M. White. 1887 Joseph Walker, John R. Hale, Asaph M. White.. 1888 Joseph T. Nichols, John R. Hale, Asaph M. White. 1889 Joseph T. Nichols, John R. Hale, William H. Leathe. 1890 Joseph T. Nichols, John R. Hale, C. C. Chapin. 1891 Joseph T. Nichols, John R. Hale, C. C. Chapin. 1892 Cohn Mackenzie, S. B. Forristall, J. S. Moore. 1893 Cohn Mackenzie, S. B. Forristall, J. S. ]\Ioore. 1894 Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich, Phinehas S. Newton. 1895 Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich, Luke B. Shep- ardson. 1896 M. W. White, J. R. Hale, Luke B. Shepardson. 1897 M. W. White, B. Warren Rich, M. W. Sherwood. 1898 Phinehas S. Newton, B. Warren Rich, M. W. Sherwood. 1899 Phinehas S. Newton, B. Warren Rich, Luke B. Shep- ardson, 1900 M. W. White, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepardson. 1901 M. W. White, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepartlson. 1902 M. W. White, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepardson. 1903 M. W. White, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepardson. 1904 M. W. White, Walter N. Farrar, Luke B. Shepardson. 1905 Walter N. Farrar, Luke B. Shepardson, M. W. White. 1906 Luke B. Shepardson, Millard W. White, Walter N. Farrar. 1907 Charles H. Brown, Walter N. Farrar, Luke B. Shepard- son. 1908 Charles H. Brown, Walter N. Farrar, Luke B. Shepard- son. 1909 Charles H. Brown, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepardson. 1910 Charles H. Brown, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepardson, 1911 Charles H. Brown, S. B. Forristall, Luke B. Shepardson, 1912 Charles H. Brown, Charles H. Brooks, Luke B. Shep- ardson. BOARD OF SELECTMEN, 1914 CHARLES H. BROWN CHARLES H. BROOKS LUKE B. SHEPARDSON TOWN GOVKRNMENT 27 1913 Charles H. Brown, Charles H. Brooks, Luke B. 8hep- son. 1914 Charles H. Brown, Charles H. Brooks, Luke B. Shep- ardson. 1915 Charles H. Brown, Luke B. Shepardson, Alfred W. Neal. Charles H. Brown, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, was born in Royalston Feb. 3, 1865, son of Benjamin H. and Nancy L. (Wood) Brown. His education was obtained in the public schools of Royalston, all at the old North East District school, with the exception of two terms at the Center school. After nine years of age he attended school only a part of the fall and winter terms, the remainder of his time until seventeen years of age being spent in doing farm work. He then left home and went to Boston where he was employed in driving a whole- sale bakery team, getting up at three o'clock each morning for three years, when he went to Worcester and was employed as clerk in one of the largest grocery stores in the city for seven years, after which he went into business for himself with a part- ner. At the end of two years he sold out his interest and opened a general notion store which he carried on for three years. In 1893 he returned to Royalston where he has ever since been engaged in farming, nearly all the time on what is known as the Raymond farm in the north part of the town. He owns the old ancestral homestead where he was boni, which has been in possession of the Brown family for several generations, Since his return to his native town he has been prominent In town affairs and actively interested in the social, educational and political life of the community. In 1900 he was elected a member of the School Committee and served as chairman for seven years, when in 1907, he resigned having two more years to serve. That year he was elected a member of the Board of Selectmen and has been re-elected at the expiration of every terra of office to the present tims, and has been chairman of th3 boxrd the entire tira3. He is a member of the Finance Committee of the town and of the committee to draft town by-laws, and has also served on other important committees. He is a member of Royalston grange of which he has been Master, Overseer, Secretary, Treasurer and a member of the executive committee. He is also a irjember of Athol Lodge of Masons. 2S HISTORY OF ROYALSTON He was for many years a leading Repul)liean and served as delegate to many of the party conventions and was for fourteen years a member of the Republican Town Committee, being most of the time secretary and was for two years chairman. He re- signed from the Committee in 1912 and was elected a member of the Progressive Town Committee of which he has since served as clriirmin. For the last three years he has been President of the Royalston Old Home Week Association. On September 25, 1888 he was married to Miss Annie E. Rowe of Boston. They have three sons and two daughters, all of whom are living at home except one. Litfcs B. Shapardsjn, a prominent town officer for more than twenty years, and one of the present Board of Selectmen, is a son of Eri and Elvira (Bemis) Shepardson and was born at the old Shepardson homestead Sept. 9, 1851. His education was obtained in the old No. 8 District School of Royalston, after which he settled on the old farm where he was born, and has ever since been engaged in teaming and lumbering in connection with his farming operations. At the age of fourteen years he united with the West Royal- ston Baptist Church and in 18 — ^was elected as Deacon, which office he has held ever since He also served as Superintendent of the Sunday school for several years and has been on important committees of the church. At the age of twenty-one he joined the Masonic fraternity and has ever since been a member in good standing. He has been a member of the Board of Select- men for sixteen years, and one of the Road Surveyors for more than twenty years, and has served the town on important committees. He married Ellen L. Tandy, daughter of Rev. Lorenzo and Lucy Tandy, June 23, 1875. They have five children: Florence E., born Aug. 18, 1876, she graduated from Smith College in 19DS, and after teaching in High Schools for several years married Edward Taggard of Portersville, Cal., where they now make their home; John, born Sept. 15, 1877, lives at home on the farm and is engaged in farm work and teaming; Bertha M., born Oct. 27, 1879, graduated fom the Athol High School, and married George E. Fairbanks Dec. 25, 1901, they have three, children and are now living in Fitzwilliam, N. H.; Carl W., TOWN GOVERNMENT 29 born Dec. 5, 1S85, fiTiiduated from Brown University, and from June, 1909, until May, 1912, was a teacher in the Government schools in the Philippines, and since then has been a teacher in New Hampshire and Massachusetts; Lucy, born Sept. 21, 1889, attended Smith College, but did not graduate, leaving the College in her third year, her motluu-'s health being such that she was n'j ded at home. Alfred W infield Neale was born in West Brookfield in 1862. His father was born in Towl^ridge, England hi 1828, and his mother in this country in 1820. He attended school in No. 9 district of Royalston, and has followed the occupation of farming. He was on the board of assessors for several years,' was one of the Overseers of the Poor two years, and has been tax collector for several years holding the office at the present time. He married Eleanor I\I. Stockwell of Hoyalston in 1890. She died in February 1903. He married (2) Bertha Frumerin of Brockton, Mass. They have three children: Alfred Wesley, born Nov. 18, 1904, Theodore Winfield, born Nov. 4, 1908, and Winston Geddes, born Aug. 17, 1913. Mr. Neale is a member of the Board of Selectmen, having l)een elected in March 1915. ASSESSORS The first board of Assessors was chosen in 1766 and consisted of John Fry, William Town and Jonas Allen. Some years the Board of Selectmen have been the Assessors. The Assessors serving when tliere has been a separate board are as follows : 1773 Henry Bond, Benjamin Wait, Stephen Bachel er. 1775 Peter Woodbury, David Lyon, John Peck. 1776 Willam Town, Peter Woodbury, John Peck. 1777 William Town, David Copeland, William Clement. 1778 Henry Bond, John Fry, Peletiah Metcalf. 1779 Timothy Bliss, John Bacheller, Isaac Gale. 1780 William Town, John Peck, John Bacheller. 1781 Henry Bond, Oliver Work, Ebenezer Blanding. 1782 William Clement, Oliver Work, Joseph Emerson. 1783 Oliver Work, Samuel Goddard, Ammi Falkner. JO HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1784 Ilrniy Bond. OliYor Work, .Jacob Estey. 1785 Henry Bond. OHyci' Work, Jacob Estey. 1781) Ammi Falkner, Paul Ellis, Daniel Woodbury. 1787 Aninii Falkner, Paul Ellis, Daniel Woodbury. 1788 Aninii 1-^alkner, Paul Ellis, Isaac Gregory. 17S!) Ammi Falkner, Paul Ellis, Isaac Greo-ory. 17')() Joseph Emerson, Paul Ellis, Isaac Gregory. 17'.»1 <)liv(n- Work, Ammi Falkner, Paul Ellis. 1792 Ammi Falkner, Isaac Gregory. 1793 Ammi Falkner, Paul Ellis, Isaac Gregory. 1794 Peter Woodbury, Peletiah Metcaif, Joseph Emerson. 1795 Paul Ellis, Isaac Gregory, Eliphalet Cheney. 1796 Paul Ellis, Eliphalet Cheney, David Fisher. 1797 Ammi Falkner, Paul Ellis, David Fisher. 1798 Ammi Falkner, Paul Ellis, Isaac Gregory. 1799 Daniel Woodbury, Isaac Gregory, John Norton. 1800 Ammi Falkner, Isaac Gregory, Salmon Goddard. 1801 John Norton, Salmon Goddard. 1802 Ammi Falkn(>r, Isaac Gregory, Salmon Goddard. 1803 Ebenezer Blanding, Ammi Falkner, Isaac Gregory. 1801 Elx'uezer Blanding, Ammi Falkner, Amos Jones, Jr, 1805 Ammi Falkner, Isaac Gregory, Salmon Goddard. 1805 Ammi Falkner, Salmon Goddard, Amos Jones, Jr. 1807 Ammi Falkner, Amos Jones, Jr., Rufus Bullock. 1808 Ammi Falkner, Amos Jones, Jr., Isaac Metcaif. 1809 Ammi Falkner, Amos Jones, Jr., Isaac Metcaif. 1810 Ammi Falkner, Salmon Goddard, Isaac Metcaif. 1813 David Fisher, Amos Jones, Jr., Hufus Bullock. 1814 Daniel Woodbury, David Fisher, Amos Jones, Jr. 1815 Daniel Woodbury, David Fisher, Tarrant Cutler. 1816 Daniel Woodbury, David Fisher, Tarrant Cutler. 1817 David Fisher, Silas Heywood, Tarrant Cutler. 1820 Daniel Woodbury, Benoni Peck, Silas Jones. 1821 Rufus Bullock, Tarrant Cutler, Asahel Davis. 1822 Rufus Bullock, Tarrant Cutler, Asahel Davis. 1823 Tarrant Cutler, Asahel Davis, Jonathan Peirce. 1824 Tarrant Cutler, Asahel Davis, Jonathan Peirce, 1825 Rufus Bullock, Asahel Davis, Benjamin Brown. 1826 Rufus Bullock, Asahel Davis, Stephen Richardson. 1827 Tarrant Cutler, Benoni Peck, Jonathan Peirce. TOWN GOVERNMENT Jl 1828 Tarrant Cutler, Asahel Davis, Jonathan Peirce. 1829 Tarrant Cutler, Asahel Davis, Jonathan Peirce. 1830 Benoni Peck, Silas Jones, Jonathan Gale. 1831 Silas Jones, Asahel Davis, Jonathan Peirce. 1832 Silas Jones, Asahel Davis, Russe 1 Morse. 1833 Silas Jones, Asahel Davis, Russell Morse. 1834 Silas Jones, Joseph Davis, 2d., Russell Morse. 1835 Silas Jones, Joseph Davis, 2d., Russell Morse. 183() Benoni Peck, Silas Jones, Russell Morse. 1837 Salmon Ooddard, Russell Morse. 1840 Benoni Peck, Russell Morse, Joseph Estabrook. 1841 Arba Sherwin, Joseph Estabrook, Jarvis Davis, Luther Harr'ngton. 1842 Peter Woodbury, Tarrant Cutler, Adriel White. 1844 Tarrant Cutler, Adriel White, George Peirce. 1845 Tarrant Cutler, Adriel White, George Peirce. 1846 Adriel White, George Peirce. 1850 Jarvis Davis, George Peirce, Otis Gale. 1852 Benjamin Fry, Otis Bemis, Daniel Davis. 1855 Jarvis Davis, Franklin Richardson, Lemuel Fales. 1857 Joseph Raymond, L. W. Partridge, Henry W. Bliss. 1858 Joseph Raj-mond, Henry W. Bliss, Jesse W. Wheeler. 1860 Tarrant Cutler, Elisha F. Brown, Joseph L. Perkins. 1861 William W. Clement, Richard Baker, Cyrus B. Reed. 1862 William W. Clement, Richard Baker, Cyrus B. Reed. 1863 William W. Clement, J. A. Rich, Hiram Harrington. 1864 WilUam W. Clement, J. A. Rich, Hiram Harrington. 1865 William W. Clement, J. A. Rich, Hiram Harrington. 1866 Daniel Davis, Edmund Stockwell, Benjamin H. Brown. 1867 Obadiah Walker, Edmund Stockwell, Cyrus B. Reed. 1868 Daniel Davis, Edmund Stockwell, B. H. Brown. 1869 Joseph Raymond, Tarrant Cutler, Jonas Turner 1870 J. L. Perkins, Jesse F. Wheeler, Henry Nichols. 1871 Daniel Davis, B. W. Rich, William W. Clement. 1872 William W. Clement, B. B. Murdock, E. T. Warner. 1873 WilHam W\ Clement, C. W. Day, E. T. Warner. 1874 William W. Clement, C. W. Day, Lyman Stone. 1875 W lliam W. Clement, C. W. Day, J. N. Bartlett. 1876 C. W. Day, John N. Bartlett, Joseph Walker. 1877 A. D. Raymond, A. A. Hyatt, A. M. White. J2 III STORY OK ROY ALSTON 1878 John N. Bartlctt, Joseph T. Nichols, Astiph M. White. 1871) Joseph T. Nichols, Caleb W. Day, Asiph M. White. 1880 Joseph T. Nichols, Caleb W. Day, Asaph M. Wliite. 1881 Joseph T. Nichols, Caleb W. Day, Asaph M. White. 1882 Joseph T Nichols, Asaph M. White, B. W. Rich. 1883 B. W. Rich, Asaph M. White, George E. Peirce. 1884 Joseph Walker, B. W. Rich, Asaph M. White. 1885 Alfred D. Raymond, John R Hale, William H Leathe 1886 Alfred D. Raymond, Roby R. Safford, Asaph H. White. 1887 Alfred D. Raymond, Asaph M. White, J. R. Hale. 1888 Alfrefl D, Raymond, C-aleb W. Day, William H. Leathe. 1889 Alfred D. Raymond, Caleb W. Day, William H. Leathe. 1890 Alfred D. Raymond, Roby R. Safford, George E. Peirce. 1891 Alfred D. Raymond, Caleb W. Day, George E. Peirce. 1892 Alfred D. Raymond, Caleb W. Day, George E. Peirce. 1893 Alfred 1. Raymond, William H. Leathe, Caleb W. Day. 1894 Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich, Phinehas S. Newton 1893 George E. Peirce Jeremiah A Rich, Luke B. Shepardson. 189(3 George E. Peirce, Jerem'ah A. Rich, Phinehas S. Newton. 1897 George E. Peirce, Jeremiah A. Rich, Phinehas S. Newton. 1898 William H. Leathe, Jeremiah A. Rich, John Davis. 1899 George E. Peirce, Alfred W. Neal, John Davis. 1909 George E. Peirce, Alfred W. Neal William H. Leathe. 1901 George E. Peirce, Alfred W. Neal, Willam H. Leathe. 1902 William H. Leathe, George E. Peirce, Alfred W. Neal. 1903 William H. Leathe, Levens G Forbes Charles H. Brooks. 1901 William H. Leathe, Charles H. Brooks, Levens G. Forbes. 1905 William H. Leathe, George E. Peirce, Charles H. Brooks. 1903 William H. Leathe, George E. Peirce, Edward G. Beals. 1907 George E. Peirce, Edward G. Beals, William H. Leathe. 1908 George ,E Peirce, William H. Leathe, Alfred W Neal. 1900 William H. Leathe, George E. Pierce, Eugene G. Twitchell. 1910 George E. Peirce, William H. Leathe, Eugene G. Twitchell. 1911 William H. Leathe, Eugene G. Twitchell, Levens G. Forbes. 1912 William H. Leathe, Levens G. Forbes, Eugene G. Twitchell. TOWN GOVERNMENT 33 1913 Levens G. Forbes, Eugene G. Twitchell, Myron E. Stockwell. 1914 Eugene G. Twitchell, Myron E. Stockwell, Levens G. Forbes. 1915 Myron E. Stockwell, Levens G. Forbes, Eugene G. Twitchell. Levens G. Forbes was born in Meriden, Conn., June 4, 1870. His father died when he was two years old, and he went to live with relatives in Branford, Conn., and came to Royalston in March 1878. He lived in the west part of the town and attended school at the City school. In December 1879 he went to live with E. V. Nelson in the east part of the town, and has lived in town ever since with the exception of two years in Orange. He was married Oct. 1, 1895 to Cora E. Howe, and they have two children, Mildred L , born in 1900 and Dorothy, born in 1907. He has been active in town affairs was elected as moderator of town meetings in 1900 and has held that position ever since. He was elected on the board of Assessors in 1903 and 1904, and has also served from 1911 to the present time, his term ex- piring in 1917. He was elected as one of the Selectmen in 1914 but declined to serve. Was constable several years and has held most of the minor town offices, and has been Superintendent of the Improved Highway two years. He has been an Insurance Agent for 15 years, and is a charter member of Royalston grange. Myron E. Stockwell was born in Athol, Nov. 4, 1880. He was educated in the public schools of Royalston and graduated from Murdock school, Winchendon in 1899. He has held the office of Assessor for three years, and has served several times as a Highway Surveyor. He is a member of Narragansett Lodge of Odd Fellows of Baldwinville and Royalston grange of which he is Secretary. He married Iva Belle Bryant, April 21, 1909 and has one son, Mahlon Joseph, born March 12, 1915. Eugene G. Twitchell, who has been a member of the Board of Assessors for the last seven years commencing with 1909 was born in Athol Jan. 22, 1867, and has lived in the town of Royalston twenty-three years. He married Nettie S. Clark of Royalston. They have one daughter, Eliza E., ten years of age. J^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Joseph R. Eaton, town auditor in his report for the year 1866 says: "The Assessors' books are not without their lessons. The decrease in agricultural products within the last forty years is remarkable, though not more so in this town than in country towns in general in New England. In 1828 the assessors reported 448 oxen, (Hon. Joseph Estabrook owning 139); 861 cows and three years old, and 264 swine. Last year (1865) the assessors found only 188 oxen, 557 cows and three years old, and 113 swine. From the Assessors' books of the last forty years, it is not difficult to learn, very nearly, the general rate of productive- ness of capital when invested in farming — in manufacturing — and in interest bearing securities. In fact I had prepared a paragraph on this subject, but as wise counselors advise its suppression, I am thrown somewhat on to the position of Dr. Holmes, the poet, who "never dares to write as funny as he can." I will, however, venture to say that whoever estabhshes a profitable manufacture in town should be considered a public benefactor." Interesting facts gleaned from the Assessors' Reports covering the last fifty-five years. 1860 Valuation of Real Estate, $514,913. Valuation of Personal Estate, 305,072. Total Valuation $819,985. Whole number of acres from the survey of 1831 including the additions since, 26,882. Number of polls, 377 Horses, 201 Oxen, 238 Cows, steers and heifers, 1293 Sheep, 239 Swine, 120 Largest tax payers: A. H. Bullock, trustee for Mrs. E. B. Ripley, $223,67; Barnet Bullock, $142.56; George Whitney, $102.51; Joseph Raymond, $95.64; Joseph Estabrook, $93.32; John Whitmore, $86.08; Elmer Newton, $65.94; Salmon S. Farrar, $64.92; Silas Stone, $60.44; Orrin Thompson, $58.19. TOWN GOVERNMENT 35 1875 Valuation of Real Estate, ^83,045. Valuation of Personal Estate, 206 061. Total Valuation, $689,106. Number of polls, 358 Horses, 224 Cows, 410 Sheep, 176 Dwelling Houses, 280 Largest tax payers: George Whitney Factory, $660.63; Mrs. D. P. Clark, $374.38; George Whitney $196.72; Joseph Raymond, S167.04; Joseph Estabrook, $163.10; Elmer Newton, $151.44; Salmon S. Farrar, $133.79; Mrs. E. B. Ripley, $111.07; First Parish, $94.38; Caleb W. Day, $86.10; Phinehas S. Newton, $74.37; John W. Hale, $86.41; George Chase, $74.30; Aaron Jones, $71.10; Barnet Bullock, .$83.69; A. D. Raymond, $64.41; Jesse F. Wheeler, $63.79; Mrs. Mary E. Bullock, $63.75; George Pierce, $61.79; Edmund Stockwell, $61.54. The rate of taxation was $12.50 per $1000. 1885 Valuation of Real Estate, $503,670. Valuation of Personal Estate, 158,665. Total valuation $662,335. Number of polls, 340 Horses, 226 Cows, 471 Sheep, 189 Cattle other than cows, 290 Swine, 132 Dwelling Houses, 271 Largest tax payers: George Whitney Factory Property, $323.05; Mrs. D. P. Clark Estate, $175; George Whitney, $118.44; Estate of Harriet M. Estabrook, $110.53; Caleb W. Day, $66.09; Mrs. Henrietta Nutting, $64.75; Phinehas S Newton, $58.53; Lyman L. Clark Co., $53.37; Rate of taxation $7 per $1000. J^ HISTORV OF ROYALSTON 1890 Valuation of Real Estate, $443,058, Valuation of Personal Estate, 147.105. Total valuation, $590,163 Number of polls, 335 Horses, 224 Cows, 529 Sheep, 50 Neat cattle other than cows 376 Swine, 100 Dwelling Houses, 273 Largest tax payers : George Whitney Factory, $474.98 ; Phinehas S.Newton, $132.64: George Whitney, $1 12.70; Millard W. White, $102.23 ; Mrs. Henrietta Nutting, $83.25 ; George E. Whitney, $73.33; Caleb W. Day, $70.17; Lyman L. Clark, $67.50; Franklin H. Goddard, $63.56; John W. Stockwell, $54.54. Rate of taxation, $9 per $1000. TOWN CLERKS John Fry was chosen as the first Town Clerk in 1765 and served to 1781, with the single exception of 1773 when Dr. Stephen Bacheller was regularly chosen at the annual March meeting, and records the doings of that meeting and one other during the year but other records during the year are signed by John Fry as town Clerk. The town clerks since then and their years of service are as follows : Peter Woodbury, 1782, '83, '84, '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '91, '94. John Bacheller, 1790, '92, '93. Daniel Woodbury, 1795 '96. Isaac Gregory, 1797, '98, '99, 1800, '06. Samuel Goddard, Jr., 1801, '02. Joseph Estabrook, 1804, '05, '08, '09, '10. Stephen Bacheller, Jr., 1807. John Norton, 1811, '14, '15, '16, '17. Rufus Bullock, 1812, '13. Thomas J. Lee, 1818, '21, '22, '23, '24. Franklin Gregory 1819, '20 and from 1825 to 1836 inclusive. Barnet Bullock, from 1837 to 1846 inclusive. TOWN GOVERNMENT J7 George F. Miller, 1847, '48, '49, '51. Joseph Raymond, 1850, '52, '53. Rufus Henry Bullock, 1854. Charles H. Newton from 1855 to 1865 inclusive. George F. Miller, 1866 to 1870 inclusive, 1873. Joseph T. Nichols, 1871, '72. Joseph Walker, 1874, '75, '76. Dr. Frank W. Adams, 1877 to 1915 inclusive. TOWN TREASURERS The first Town Treasurer was Peter Woodbury, who served from 1765 to 1770 inclusive. Those who have served the town since, in that office have been as follows : Silvanus Hemmenway from 1771 to 1777 inclusive. William Town, 1778, '79, '80. Jonathan Sibley, from 1781 to 1808 inclusive. EbenezerFry, from 1809 to 1824 inclusive. Rufus Bullock, from 1825 to 1837 inclusive. Benjamin Fry, from 1838 to 1854 inclusive, with the excep- tion of 1840, when Joseph Estabrook served. George Woodbury, from 1855 to 1857 inclusive. Leonard Wheeler, from 1858 to 1864 inclusive. Charles H. Newton, 1865. Joseph T. Nichols, 1866. Obadiah Walker, 1867 to 1873 inclusive. Joseph Walker, 1874 to 1887 inclusive. George E. Pierce, 1889 to 1899 inclusive. Dr. Frank W. Adams, 1899 and 1900 to 1915 inclusive. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR In March 1899 John N. Bartlett made a gift of twenty thousand dollars to the town of Royalston, in trust, the income of which is for the benefit and support of the poor in the town of Royalston, and at the March town meeting of that year, a committee consisting of Caleb W. Day, one of the Overseers of the Poor, with B. Warren Rich, Frank W. Adams and Phinehas S. Newton, were chosen to receive and invest this fund. Jg HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Since that time the Overseers of the Poor have had the in- come of the Bartlett fund to expend for the poor of the town, which for the year 1914 amounted to eleven hundred and fifty dollars and forty cents. The present board of Overseers of the Poor are, Charles A. Stimson. Colin Mackenzie and Frank A. Brown. The Committee on the John N. Bartlett Fund are: Colin Mackenzie of the Overseers of the Poor, Frank W. Adams, Phinehas S. Newton and Charles H. Brooks. Charles A. Stimsoji was horn in Warwick May 17, 1856. He lived in that town about twenty-five years, and came to Royalston in 1882, when in company with George D. Bolton he bought the saw mill at Doane's Falls. His father bought out Bolton's interest about 1896, and the property was sold to E. E. Dickinson of Buffalo, N. Y. in 1906. Mr. Simpson was engaged in the saw mill business more or less for thirty-five years, and has also been engaged in painting, carpenter work and farming. His education was obtained in the district schools of Warwick. He has been one of the Overseers of the Poor of Royalston for sixteen years, being Secretary of the board most of the time, and has also served as Constable. Is a member of Star Lodge, F. and A. M. of Athol, and is a prominent granger, having been Master of Royalston grange seven years, and held various other offices in that orgainzation. Is also a member of the Frankhn and Worcester Pomona Grange, of which he has been Master, Lecturer, Assistant Steward and Treasurer, and was District Deputy of the Massachusetts State Grange for ten years. Has been chairman of the Republican Town Committee. He was married Nov. 14, 1885 to Sarah Madella Deane of Royalston. They have had four children, Berle D., born Mar. 15, 1887, Gladys L., born July 30, 1888; Glen H., born Sept. 4, 1901 and Lawrence D., born Feb. 5, 1906, all being born in Roy- alston. Gladys L. married W. E. Jackson of Athol June 23 1906. She died May 21, 1909. Colin Mackenzie, a resident of Royalston since 1876, and a prominent town official, is a son of Roderick and Janet (Braid- wood) Mackenzie of Edinburg, Scotland. He was born Feb. COLIN MACKENZIE LEVVENS G. FORBES FRANKLIN A. BROWN CHARLES A. STIMSON TOWN GOVERNMEMT J9 12, 1854 in Montreal, Canada, where he lived till the death of his parents in 1870, when he went to Winchendon, Mass. He attended Gushing academy two years, and after learning the carpenter's trade came to Royalston in 1876, which has ever since been his home. He was married Sept. 20, 1880 to Miss Emeline Esther White of Royalston. They have two children; Bessie Janet, born May 26, 1884, who is Principal of a school, inNew Haven, Conn., and Harlan Roderick, born Sept. 24, 1886, who is the Boy's Secretary of the Fitchburg, Y. M. C. A. Mr. Mackenzie has been actively identified with town offices, has held the office of Selectman for two years, and now holds the offices of Overseer of the Poor, Board of Health and Trustee of the John W. Bartlett fund. Franklin Allen Brown, was born May 23, 1874 at Chelsea, Mass. He spent his boyhood at Roxbury, Mass., where he at- tended the Boston Public Schoo's. His first position was with the Thomson Electric Welding Co., of Boston, and later was employed by the Reece Button Hole Machine Co., of Boston. He left that company in 1897 to work for the Nobscot Spring Water Co. In 1901 he went to work for the Boston E evated Railway Co., and in 1906 was given a position with the Boston and Maine R. R,, in the signal department, where he is now employed as an electric signal maintainer. He married Eliza- beth D. Fay of Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 11, 1896, and they have had eight children of whom three boys and three girls are now Hving. He came to South Royalston in 1908, since which he has held important town offices, serving as constable, on the Board of Health and Overseers of the Poor. He is a member of Corinthian Lodge No. 76, Knights of Pythias, Gen- ernl Sheridan Gamp, 53, Sons of Veterans and a charter member of South Royalston Grange. CHAPTER V SCENERY OF ROYALSTON and INDIANS AND WILD ANIMALS To the lover of natural scenery in its wild and picturesque aspects, the town of Royalston presents attractions not surpassed by many of the towns of Worcester County. High and rugged hills, grand swells of excellent land, with beautiful streams of water flowing through the intersecting valleys, make up the general contour of the land. Overlooking the surrounding country by its high elevation, it has commanding eminences which look out over the surround- ing country giving grand and beautiful views. To the north grand old Monadnock, like a guardian angel, "majestic in might and infinite leisure, rises grand in his height," while in the east Wachusett stands out in bold relief, with Watatic further to the north, and the high hills of Southern New Hampshire bound- ing the view. To the west Mount Grace, not far distant, and the more distant Green Mountain range are in view. Most truly does the poet say. "Ah that such beauty varying in the light Of living nature, cannot be portrayed By words, nor by the pencil's silent thrill; But is the property of Him alone Who hath beheld it, noted it with care And in His mind recorded it with love." The largest streams that water the territory of Royalston are three brooks that have their sources in the wild regions of the northerly part of Royalston, and in Southern New Hamp- shire and flow from north to south through the town into Millers River. Priest Brook, the most easterly one, derives its name from Joseph Priest. One of the first grants of Royalston territory was located on both sides of this beautiful little river, and was given in consideration of Priest having opened a half-way house SCENERY 41 between Worcester and Charlestown No. 4, and extending its hospitalities to whoever might pass that way. Governor Bullock in his address refers to the grant and the Brook as follows: "The name attached to one of these grants has become a part of the local geography and daily life of the town. Priest, who received three hundred acres as a recognition of his loyalty in extending the hospitality of his half-way house near the easterly line of the town to all those who passed that way to and from the French wars, will ever live in the beautiful river which bears his name. And so long as the calm flow of its waters shall continue, so long shall live the memories of that service which associates your town with the pioneers and the rangers, with the Lily of France, with Louisburg, with that fidelity to the crown of our king in those days which I cannot but like, with those wars for our royal George's which prepared and •educated our fathers afterwards to overwhelm all kings in the Revolution." The name attached to the most central stream is supposed to have been bestowed complimentary to William Lawrence, a Commissioner authorized to sell and convey the township to the proprietors. In 1753 the second meeting of the proprietors was held at the Bunch of Grapes tavern in Boston, and a pre- viously appointed committee reported that they had found a site for the erection of mills on Lawrence Brook, one mile north of the north line of "Pequoig", now Atbol. This was ten years before a settlement was made in the township. The third of these rivers waters a deep valley running nearly across the town about a mile west of the Lawrence and is known in the proprietors records only as Long Pond; its first appear- ance with the present name of Tully is found recorded on the town book in 1770, five years later after the town was incorpora- ted. The source from which this name is derived seems to have been a subject of much inqu'ry by antiquarians and writers. Rev. Samuel Clark in his centennial address delivered at Athol in 1850, gives a tradition that was commonly accepted for a long time, that the name was derived from an Indian's dog named Tully which in following a deer drove the animal over the meadows into these waters, and while attempting to sieze his prey, was struck a stunning blow by the fore foot of the deer and held under the water until poor Tully was drowned. ^2 HISTORY OF ROYALvSTON The late James M. Crafts, a historical writer living in Orange at one time, cites the names of persons living in Boston during the latter part of the 17th century by the name of Tully, and also says that, "It is more than probable that some one engaged in some capacity with the surveyors, when this section was laid out, for some reason now unknown, gave the mountain the name of Tully, and so that attaches to the brook. The author of this history while writing a historical sketch of the early Methodists of Athol and Orange a few years ago, found the name of Jemima Tully recorded on the first class paper of the Metho- dist church dated Aug. 5, 1795, which shows that a family of that name must at one time have been residents of that section. The gorges and waterfalls of Royalston are finely described by Professor Edward Hitchcock in his Geology of Massachusetts published in 1841 as follows: "There are at least three waterfalls connected with deep gorges in Royalston, that are well worth the attention of those who are fond of wild natural scenery. About a mile west of the meeting house and center of the town, is a deep valley running north and south, nearly across the town. Near the meeting house is a pond which empties itself into this valley by plunging rapidly down a steep declivity which must be eight hundred or a thousand feet high. It then empties into another large pond, or rather a remarkable expansion of a small tributary of Millers River. At one part of the descent of the brook above named, it falls at least two hundred feet by several leaps within a distance of a few rods, forming several very beautiful cascades. Here the original forests have not been disturbed. The trees over-hang the murmuring waters, half concealing the stream, while broken trunks are plunged across it in all positions. In the extreme northwest part of the town, on the farm of Calvin Forbes, a gorge and cascade exist of still greater interest: one of the finest indeed in the state. The stream is not more than ten feet wide at the spot, but it descends forty-five feet at a single leap, into a large basin, which from its top had been excavated by the erosion of the waters. The sides, to the hight of 50 or 60 feet, are formed of solid rocks; now retreating and now projecting; crowned at their summits by trees. Many of these lean over the gulf, or have fallen across it; so that upon the whole, the scene is one of great wildness and interest." SCENERY 43 Piofessor Hitchcock suggested that this beautiful waterfall l)e named The Royal Ca.scade, partly in reference to the name of i\\e town, and partly 'n reference to its royal character, but FORBES FALLS it has been more generally known as Forbes Fal's. At one lime the proprietor of the property improved the surroundings by building a railing around the falls, with a flight of stairs to go below them, and seats, tables and swings in the grove adjoining and the place was visited by thousands every season. For many years an annual town picnic was held there with bands of music, and they were great gala days for the surrounding towns for miles around. In regard to the third of these water falls Prof. Hitchcock says: ''Two miles south of Royalston center, on the road leading to Athol, is another cascade on a larger stream. Its width in- deed, must be as much as twenty-five feet and the depth con- siderable. In a short distance the water here descends at several successive leaps, as much as two hundred feet between high walls of gneiss and granite. Towards the upper part of the descent. // HISTORY OF ROYALSTON several mills are erected, but a small part only of the water power is employed. Below the mills, the stream passes into the woods; and towards the lowest part of the descent, we get a single view of two falls of about twenty-five feet each." Prof. Hitchcock suggested that this might be denominated the Republican Cascade, but it has been known for many years DOANE'S FALLS as Doane's Falls. Situated on the little stream called the Law- rence, and near the road from Royalston to Athol it is the most accessible to the traveler of any of the Royalston water falls. MINERALS OLD ELM ON ATHOL ROAD 45 This grand old Elm with its wide spreading branches has stood as a sent'nel for over a century. It was set out by John Kendall and Moses Walker, and is to-day a grand monument to their memory. The tree was at one time sold to Seth Holman OLD ELM ON ATHOL ROAD by Dea. Anger who lived in the house opposite the tree, and Mr. Holman came to cut it down and use it in his manufacturing establishment, but because of the pleas of the Deacon's wife the tree was spared. Another majestic elm stands by the old Silas Hale house in South Royalston. This was set out by Stephen Hale in 1790. MINERALS Regarding the minerals of Royalston Professor Edward Hitchcock says: "The region in the north part of the State embracing the towns of Royalston. Athol, Orange, Erving and Warwick appears to me to promise very much to one who has leisure carefully to investigate its mineralogy. I feel as if the exploration had yet only begun." ^^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON The most important mineral found in Royalston is Beryl (jf which Mr. Hitchcock says: "The recent discovery of a rich locaUty of this mineral in South Royalston, enables me to place it as the first and most abundant of all the gems of Massachusetts. The specimens in the State Collection exhibit it in its natural State, as well as cut and polished by the lapidary. When set in gold, it is often much richer in appearance than the common beryl, that goes by the name of aquamarine. Its color often approaches nearer to the genuine emerald, though some speci- mens have the peculiar color of aquamarine. Sometimes though rarely, the color is a yellowish green, very much like the chry- solite. Hundreds of specimens have already been obtained from this spot; and the prospect is, that a vast many more may be obtained. They occur in a vein of coarse granite, ten or twelve feet wide, traversing gneiss; and the purest beryls are in the quartz. It ought, however, to be remarked, that only a few of the specimens are free enough from fissures to be advanta- geously cut. Yet considering the large number of fine cabinet specimens that have been, and probably can be obtained from there, I apprehend that no locality of beryl hitherto discovered in this country, can compare with this. My attention was first directed to it by Alden Spooner, Esq., of Athol, who generously furnished me with several fine specimens." He says further in regard to this locality: "Probably since that time one or two thousand specimens have been got out by myself and others; and I hope the locality is not yet exhausted; although as the excava- tion is now several feet deep much more labor is required to obtain them." This description was made by Dr. Hitchcock three- quarters of a century ago in his report as State Geologist pub- Hshed in 1841. Regarding the value of this gem, we might state that the heryl is the name of a family, and the aquamarine is one of the family, the golden beryl and the white or colorless are less valuable commercially while the emerald is the most valuable of all gems known, being several times the value of the diamond on a basis of purity and cleanness. The emerald and the aqua- marine are the more valuable and the latter is frequently called by those "up" m mineralogical lines, and gem experts as "pre- cious beryls." MINERALS 47 Regarding the early history of the first finding and working of the Beryl Hill mine in the northeast part of the town, on the farm formerly owned by C. W. Bowker of Worcester, we have not much information. The mine is now owned by Mr. F. H. C. Reynolds of Boston, who has owned it for several years and has worked it each year to a somewhat limited extent, for scien- tific and pleasure purposes. Mr. Reynolds has satisfied himself that it is a wonderful property and knows that it produces an exceedingly beautiful quality of the variety of beryl known as the aquamarine. He says that he has never seen such brilliant gems from any part of the world w hile the color is exquisite. He has mined hundreds of them, and disposed of some of the good sized stones as high as a hundred dollars apiece, and has some in his collection that have been valued by experts as worth three hundred dollars. Mr. Reynolds describes the beryls on his place as being found without exception in what we term ''bunches" that is, they appear generally in groups of crystals. Once during the last summer (1915) he opened probably a hundred crystals in a space not more than three feet square at the most, and he says that it was a wonderful sight. He has many crystals from that find, and they have been greatly admired by some of the most expert mineralogists of this country. Mr. Reynolds is an expert on gems and has several properties in other states and says in regard to Royalston beryls that as to quality, beauty and brilliancy it will be a very difficult under- taking to find their equal. The United States Report of 1914 devotes a page to the des- cription of this mine and the crystals that have been found there it says: "Beryl of especially fine quality has been mined at Beryl Hill, 2 1-2 miles N. 68 degrees E. of Royalston, Mass., by F. H. C. Reynolds of Boston." After further describing Beryl Hill the openings that have been made, the geological structure of the mine, and other minerals found there the Report concludes with the following: "The Beryl Hill gems range in color from light to dark aquamarine, fine blue, yellowish green, to golden. Many very fine bluish-green stones have been cut and among those seen was a table-cut stone of 13 3-4 carats. The blue beryls of better quality are rarely excelled by those from other localities in brilliancy or beauty of color. Among cut 4.8 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON gems of this quality a 12 1-2 carat brilliant cut stone was especial- ially beautiful." Among other minerals that Dr. Hitchcock found in Royalston were: allanite of which he found a large number of crystals in a bowlder of gneiss on the road from South Royalston to Templeton; this mineral is essentially an oxide of cerium and all the external character correspond to the allanite from Greenland: Green stone may be found in a train of blocks in the northwest part of the town. Of Mica, he says, "the most perfect crystals of mica which I have found in Massachusetts occur at the Beryl locality ui South Royalston. The crystals are usually primary form, viz., an obhque rhombic prism, and they vary in size from half an inch to two or three inches in length. Another mineral found there, much more rare is Crich- tonite, or Titanic Iron, which is in distinct crystals with the side and angles truncated. The crystals of feldspar at that locality were sometimes of remarkable size. Among the other minerals besides beryl, the United States Report mentions, muscovite in crystals up to three inches across, a little biotite, black toumaline, and dark red garnets. INDIANS AND WILD ANIMALS No history of the early days of a New England town would be complete without some stories of Indians or wild beasts and game. We have been unable to find any reliable records from which to make a good Indian story, while no hill, lake or stream perpetuates the history of the Red Man. Writers of half a century ago after making diligent search found nothing more than a few probable stone arrow heads, pestles, etc., of their handiwork, and some uncertain traditions of Redskins, seen among the brakes and alders along the margins of our ponds and streams, while Governor Bullock in his address at the Centennial Anniversary says: "A precinct that bears no vestiges of the aborigines and is in this respect so unlike the more southerly towns, which had half a century of life crowded with Indian traditions, that I can not find that those original lords ever lighted a pipe or a fire here." James Babcock, who was one of the early settlers of Royalston near the George Woodbury place, was taken captive by the Indians while living in Athol in 1746 and was carried to Canada; on his return after living near Silver INDIANS AND WILD ANIMALS 49 Lake in Athol for several years he removed to Royalston being among the early settlers. But if the first settlers of Royalston had no Indians to con- tend with they were abundantly supplied with bears, wolves, and other wild animals. Bears crossed the woodman's path, and alarmed the berry pickers in the clearings, while they feloniously made way with sheep and calves from the pastures, and broke into the folds by night taking their fill of choice mutton and pork. Wolves were more numerous and dangerous than the bears, though they soon left the town. The early settlers used to see them in the evening twilight, stealing abroad, and in the hours of breaking day returning to their coverts, generally without noise and several of them together, following each other in single file. In the night, however, they held high carnival on the open meadows, and during the winter upon the frozen ponds. Dea. Enos Metcalf, who lived on the high land just west of Long Pond, used to describe their howling as frightful. Upon visiting their rendezvous the next day, the grass or snow as the case might be, would be trodden as though a flock of sheep had been folded over the night on the spot. Woe to man or beast abroad unprotected in the night. The wolves were almost sure to be upon their track and hunt them down before morning. Jonathan Bosworth, Jr., one of the early settlers in that part of the town near the Winchendon line is said to have had a lively time with the wolves one night, which he long remembered. He was set upon by a pack of them as he was returning to his home through the woods one night. He had with him a lighted torch, and as they pressed upon him, he would turn and rush among them with his flaming pine knot, scattering them in wild confusion. He continued this manoeuver till he reached a place of safety. According to one version of the story he took refuge upon a huge boulder from the top of which he hurled defiance upon his baffled and howling foes, till daylight admon- ished them to disperse. The wolves even made l)old, when pressed with hunger, to make their attacks in the broad day- light. The late Benoni Peck, Esq., related an instance of this kind. His mother, her husband being absent one day, and she while engaged in her domestic affairs indoors, heard their first and only cow bellowing as though in affright, or mortal pain. She shut up her four little ones in the house, armed herself with a pitchfork and hastened to the scene of disturbance, where she 50 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON found the cow cornered among some logs, and a wolf rending her. Mrs. Peck rushed upon the ferocious creature, employing both lungs and fork with a will. The wolf beat a reluctant re- treat and the cow, though badly mangled, was saved by the hero- ism of her mistress. Many a poor beast that strayed from its home or pasture, and failed of being hunted up by its owner, paid the forfeit of its temerity with its life. Royalston like many other towns, offered a bounty on wolves. We find on the early town records the following action taken at a town meeting held Nov. 27, 1780: Art. 5 — "Voted that any person belonging in this town that shall kill a wolf, shall be entitled to 40 shillings per head, old money, provided he kill said wolf or wolves within two miles of the meeting house in Royalston. Voted to allow Mr. Thomas Beal 3 pounds, old way, for killing wolves some time back." Wildcats, catamounts and panthers, were often heard in the woods, and were sometimes seen and killed. The Mt. Monadnock region was the stronghold of wild beasts and the cattle pens of Southern New Hampshire and Northern Worcester County were raided by these denizens of the woods and mountains. The children were employed to watch the herds by day and at night they were driven into strong enclosures. The catamount was an especially formidable and dangerous beast to encounter, and there were occasional instances of the shooting or taking of these dangerous animals. Rev. J. F. Norton in his sketch of Athol in Jewett's History of Wor- cester County, tells of a catamount, the last of his race, which was taken in a powerful steel trap, near the foot of Mt. Monad- nock, which measured thirteen feet and four inches from the nose to the end of the tail and for its stuffed skin the proprietors of the Boston Museum are said to have paid forty-five dollars. The bears were not considered as dangerous as the wolves and catamounts, but were a great source of annoyance because of their visits to the sheep folds and calves pens. Various modes were adopted for punishing these marauders. At first there were traps made of logs, and after a while iron traps were used. Bear hunts were frequently organized, and the common enemy was hunted down in this way. The last bear hunt in Royalston took place in August, 1829, and was graphically described by the late Daniel Davis in a WILD ANIMALS 5/ newspaper article al)out eighteen years ago. A wild beast had been seen by two or three in a wild territory lying southeast of what is known as the "city." The next day a bear hunt was organized and the people rallied from all quarters, hunters from North Orange rendering assistance with dogs and guns. The wild woodland territory was surrounded as well as the number of men would permit. The dogs were let loose and opened in the forenoon upon the wild an'mals' tracks when forth speeds the bear and gives his pursuers a lively chase, over rocks and ledges, through tangled swamps beneath black pine and spoon wood thickets and over huge tree trunks scattered around, until about the time of the setting sun reports of guns are heard, and the hunters rally to the spot, where shots from well aimed guns in the hands of Cyrus Davis and James Buffum brought the wild beast to the ground. One of the hunters, Adriel White, with less caution than curiosity, ventured too near the infuriated animal and was siezed by one leg that would have been badly mangled had not Mr. Buffum dealt a deadly blow with his gun upon the bear's head that saved Mr. White the use of all his limbs. The carcass was conveyed to the "city", weighed and skinned and found to be in a lean condition, although its weight was over two hundred pounds. The next day many of the hunters gathered at the "city" and a season of joy and gladness was passed; bear meat was cooked and eaten at Landlord Buf- fum's tavern and some strong drink disappeared with it. Dr. Stephen Bacheller had the bear's skin dressed and used it as a robe many years in his one-seated vehicle. Game abounded in the forests, while the ponds and streams afforded good fishing. Deer were common, and many an antler graced the cabins of the settlers while their larders could frequently boast the savory venison. Wild turkeys were for a long time met with in flocks of twenty, fifty or one hundred. Asahel Davis shot in 1808 a wild turkey gobbler that weighed 20 pounds. The streams were once frequented by beavers as is shown bv the remains of their dams. CHAPTER VI CHURCHES OF ROYALSTON It has been said that, ''a History of any New England town withont an ecclesiastical chapter would surely be like the play of Hamlet with the part of Hamlet left out." And this is especially true as regards Royalston, for the Church is the foundation upon which was built the characters of the men and women who have made the History of Royalston illustrious as they have gone out into the uttermost parts of the earth carrying the light of the Gospel and Education to the people of all races and color. Among the first men to subscribe their names to the Church Covenant were the Moderator and Clerk of the town, the three Selectmen, the Assessors and the constable- Vital Godliness was so honored as not only to be held in general respect but also by the blessing of God to bring into Church fellowship, at an early period in the history of the town, leading and influential members of almost all the families in town. Religion won such a position and influence among the Fathers of the town that Royalston had a reputation abroad for the decided and consistent religious character, the intelligence, stability and moral worth of her people as a whole. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH In 1763, only one year after the permanent settlement of the town began, the contract was made for the building of a meeting house, and it was so far completed the next year (1764) as to be opened for public worship. This first house of worship was provided at the expense of the proprietors of the township, and, though destitute of external pretensions or imposing internal appointments, for nearly a third of a century it was to the fathers "none other but the house of God.'" Hon. Isaac Royal paid one-eighth of the cost of the meeting house besides his own assessment as one of the company; he also gave the church and ' congregation worshiping therein "a handsome folio Bible, for promoting the decent, honorable and odvantageous FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 33 reading of the Holy Scriptures in the public exercises of Divine Worship.^' Rev. E. W. Bullarcl in his historical address on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Church says: "To what extent, and by what method, public worship was here maintained, from the opening of the first meeting house till the town became incor- porated it is now impossible to ascertain. Since the latter event, however, down to 1831 , when the town and parish became distinct, these matters were all attended to in open town meeting, and consequently have their place on the Records of the town. The town voted, assessed and appropriated, all monies required for maintaining public worship, chose and instructed committees to secure candidates, or occasional supplies, elected warden, tithingmen and choristers, and at first, without, and afterwards in conjunction wdth the church, invited the aid of neighboring churches, for council on their ecclesiastical affairs Thus we find among the records of a town meeting, that the town appointed a ^^day of fasting and prayer to seek the blessing of Almighty God on us in bringing forward this new town, and, in special, in gathering and setting a church, and, in due time, giving us a pastor after his own heart." The day appointed was October 13, 1766, and on this clay the Church of Christ in Royalston was embodied into a distinct, particular and visible Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. The council convened consisted of the Pastors and Delegates of the First Church of Christ in Sutton, the Church in Acton, the Church in Northfield, the Church in Warwick, and the Church in Winchendon. The solemn Church Covenant was signed by twelve men and four women, representing twelve famil- ies. The names of these first church members are: Timothy Richardson and his wife Alice; Samuel Barton and his wife Hannah; William Pierce and his wife Mary; Nathan Wheeler and his wife Mary; William Towne, John Fry, Isaac Nichols, Nathan Cutting, Abraham Stockwell, Jonas Allen, Silas Cutting and Benjamin Woodbury. The church being thus constituted, the next thing was to secure a pastor. Several candidates were heard, and finally, August 10, 1767, the town extended a call to Mr. Theophilus Chamberlin; offering him a settlement of £40 and the land (431 acres) originally appropriated for this purpose by the proprietors; and an annual salary of £40. Mr. ^^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Chamberlain not being satisfied with these proposals, made others of his own, which the town declined. In the following December, Joseph Lee, in response to an invitation of the town, came to Royalston to preach four Sab- baths. The committee were instructed Jan. 4, 1768. to employ Mr, Lee six Sabbaths longer; and on March 22d the church unanimously voted him a call. With this call the town unani- mously concurred April 11th; offering him as settlement, the minister's land and £400, old tenor; an annual salary of "forty- six pounds, six shillings and eight pence a year for the three next following years; and sixty pounds, lawful money a year as long as he remains our minister after that date." The call was ac- cepted and Mr. Lee's ordination took place October 19, 1768. The Church Records give the following minutes: Royalston, October 19, 1768:^This day Joseph Lee was ordained to the pastoral office over the Church of Christ in this place;his relation to the Church of Christ in Concord having been previously removed to the Church here. The churches convened m council, and who assisted on the occasion, were the following: The Rev. Aaron Whitney, pastor of the church in Petersham, began the exercises with prayer: The Rev. John Swift, pastor of the church in Acton delivered a discourse from 1 Tim. IV. 16. The Rev. David Hall, pastor of the first church in Sutton, made the prayer at the imposition of hands, and gave the charge. The Rev. Lemuel Hedge, pastor of the church in Warwick prayed after the charge, and The Rev. James Humphrey, pastor of the church in Athol, gave the Right Hand of Fellowship." Prior to the settlement of Mr. Lee, five persons including the pastor elect, had been added to the church — all by letter — - constituting a membership of 21; 15 males and 6 females. Mr. Lee was born in Concord, May 12, 1742, graduated at Harvard College in 1765, and preached to this people fifty years, his half century sermon being his last. Governor Bullock in his Centennial address gives this tribute to Mr. Lee: "I count it the most fortunate of all the events of your history that a man of good qualities by nature, and of university education took his lot with the early settlers and directed the conscience and judgment of the first two genera- tions of the town. To the steadiness and unity of the influence of that long and patient pastorate I ascribe largely the exemption REV. JOSEPH LEE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 55 from violent tendencies which has marked the community — the uninterrupted, straight forwardp, lacid career of Royalston." Three months before his death, being feeble and infirm, Mr. Lee turned his attention to the thought of a colleague and suc- cessor. On the last day of November, 1818, he called his church around him, under his own roof. A day of public fasting and prayer was appointed in which the congregation united in Dec- cember when ministers Sabin and Estabrook, conducted the services; immediately after which the church made unanimous choice of Ebenezer Perkins as associate pastor. The invitation was accepted, and the Council for ordination assembled on the 17th day of February, 1819, at the house of Joseph Estabrook, but the venerable senior pastor had expired only a few hours before, in the 77th year of his age, and the 51st of his ministry. The church which begin with 16 members, and had but 21 at the date of Mr. Lee's settlement, had now received into its fellowship 399, of whom 134 were males and 265 females, and of living m3mbers, whose names were still inscribed on its rolls "about 200." The death of Mr. Lee vacated the pastoral office scarcely for a single day, for Mr. Perkins having accepted the unanimous call extended him by the church and town was ordained February 17, 1819, the day after the death of the first pastor. Rev. Cyrus Mann of Westminster preached the sermon. Five days later occurred the funeral of Mr. Lee. Rev. Joseph Estabrook of Athol, at his special request before he died preached the funeral sermom, from these words, found in the last chapter and verse of Genesis — "So Joseph Died." Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, the second pastor, was born in Tops- field, Essex County, and was a graduate of Dartmouth College. He came to this church a young man, to succeed one who left behind the veneration belonging to an official life of half a century and Governor Bullock says of him "it is but justice to his memory to say that not one out of a thousand men would have succeeded so well and left a better record in the town." He is described as of fine personal form, with a free and dignified delivery of voice; a gravity of demeanor was his rule in public appearance, but in private he was one of the most social and agreeable of gentlemen. Mr. Perkins' pastorate 5^ HISTORY OF KOYALSTON continued through twenty-seven years. During this period the parish separated from the town, having organized as a distinct legal body, under the provisions of law, May 19, 1831, and assumed the title which it still retains, "The First Parish, or Congregational Society of the town of Royalston." Mr. Perkins at his own request was dismissed in 1846, but continued to reside in town till his death, which occurred suddenly Nov. 26, 1861, at the age of sixty-eight. Under his ministry 254 were added to the church. The membership as reported in the minutes of the General Association of Massachusetts for Jan. 1, 1847, was 148 — 45 males and 103 females. The third minister, Rev. Norman Hazen, was settled in June, 1847, and died Feb. 13, 1852, having preached on the Sunday previous to his death, although quite feeble at the time. He was born in Hartford, Vt., Sept 7, 1814, and was the son of Solomon and Deborah (Fuller) Hazen of that place. The first of that name, and his ancestor, came to this country in 1649 and settled in Rowley, Mass. About 130 years later a descendant of h's settled in Hartford, Vt., and established the family name in that place. Norman Hazen graduated from Dartmouth College in 1840. He then entered Andover Theo- logical Seminary, graduating in 1844. His first charge was at East Haverhill, Mass., and later at Ludlow, Vt., from which place he came to Royalston. He married Martha Vose of Atkinson, N. H., Sept. 14, 1845. They had three children, two of whom died in Royalston, and the youngest, John Vose Hazen, was born in Royalston Nov. 22, 1850. Norman Hazen was a young man of superior education, but of a slender body laboring under disease. Governor Bullock in his centennial address says of him: ''I knew him somewhat, and can freely say that his term here seemed a constant triumph of the spiritual over the mortal." Rev. Mr. Hazen was succeeded by Rev. Ebenezer Bullard, who was installed Sept. 2, 1852. He came to the Royalston Church from Fitchburg, where he had been pastor of the Cal- vinistic Congregational Church from July, 1838, to June, 1852. He was pastor of the Royalston Church for sixteen years. In his historical address in commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Church, delivered Oct. 14, 1866, he says, in regard to the fourteen years w^hich he had then served as TIRST CONGREGATION AT. CHXtrcH sy pastor: "During these years one hundred and thirteen have been added to the church, and the membership at the present time is one hundred and thirty-one — thirty-nine males and ninety- two females. The addition in th^se fourteen years, have equaled wanting five, the whole membership at th* beginning of this period; and yet the gain is only thirteen — so nearly have our losses, by death and removals, kept pace with our accessions." Mr. Bullard was popular in the civic and political life of the town, represented the town in the Legislature of 1864, and was chair- man of the Committee of fifteen, who had charge of the celebra- tion of the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of the town, held Aug. 22, 1865, He was also a member of the school com- mittee for a number of years. After leaving Royalston, he was pastor of the Church in Hampstead, N. H., for five years com- pleting forty years in the ministry. After retiring from active service he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Charles S. Bullock of Kill Buck, N. Y., where he died in 1898, and was buried in Fitchburg. He was a brother of Rev. Asa Bullard, long president of the Mass. Sunday School Society, and of Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. He was dismissed from the Royalston •Church Nov. 9, 1865; thus for the first century of its existence this church had only four pastors. The fifth pastor of the Church was Rev. John P. Cushman who was installed Nov. 30, 1870, and dismissed Dec. 4, 1872. His successor w^as Rev. Wilbur Johnson who was installed June 3, 1874, when Rev. Dr. Perkins of Ware delivered the sermon, Rev. Dr. Coolidge of Leicester, the installing Prayer, Rev. Davis Foster of Winchendon the charge to the Pastor, and Rev. Temple Cutler of Athol the Address to the People. The Seventh pastor of the Church was Rev. Milton G. Pond, who was installed Oct. 2, 1884, Rev. G. R. W. Scott of Fitchburg preaching the sermon. He had been pastor less than a year when he died Sept. 23, 1885, of typhoid fever. This was his first pastorate, he having just completed his studies at LTnion Theological Seminary. He was a young man of high and noble character, and entered upon his duties with a zeal and devotion that made him speedily beloved and trusted. No pastor in Royalston ever won in so short a time the confidence and affec- tion of the people. The next pastor to be ordained and installed as pastor of the First Congregational Church was Rev. Judson Wade Shaw, 58 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON the event taking place on June 30, 1887. This was the first pastorate of Mr. Shaw, he having formerly been an agent for school books. Soon after the commencement of his pastorate it was claimed that he was preaching doctrines contradictory to the creed and belief of the Orthodox church, and a division arose in the church. On June 16, 1889, Mr. Shaw read his resignation to take effect July 30, and on July 8 a council was held which had been called by the church and parish, which granted Mr. Shaw a dismissal, after a pastorate of about two years. Rev. Augustus M. Rice who succeeded Rev. Mr. Shaw, was born in Granby, Oswego County, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1842. His father removed to the territory of Minnesota in 1854. In Nov., 1862, he enlisted in the First Minnesota Cavalry and served as corporal until Dec, 1863, when he was mustered out. He was graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1870, and from the Chicago Theological Seminary in 1873. He was ordained for the ministry at Little Campton, R. 1., where he remained seven years. In 1875 he married Anna T. Cowen of Little Campton, who died in 1895. He held short pastorates at West Tisbury and Dover, Mass., and came to Royalston in 1890, and served as pastor of the 1st Congregational Church until 1893. He was called to the Congregational church in Sturbridge, Mass., the same year, where he remained nine years. He was married to Isabelle E. Brown of Royalston, then a teacher in Everett, Aug. 17, 1898, and in 1903 became pastor of the church in Dunstable, Mass., remaining there seven years. In Feb., 1911, he returned to Royalston where he still resides. The tenth pastor was Rev. Francis J. Fairbanks, who had recently closed a several years pastorate in Amherst, Mass. He commenced to preach for the Church in Royalston on the last Sunday in September, 1893, and closed his labors the last Sunday in September, 1909, a period of sixteen years, this pastorate being the longest since that of Rev. Mr. Bullard. The installa- tion services were held Dec. 20, 1893, and the council for dis- mission Sept. 20, 1909. During this period forty persons were received nto the Church, twenty-six were dismissed and thirty- six removed by death. Mr. Fairbanks is a graduate of Amherst College, class of 1862, and his theological studies were pursued at Princeton / REV. NORMAN HAZEN REV. FRANCIS J. FAIRBANKS DEA. JOSEPH WALKER GEORGE WOODBURY Singer in the choir for forty year- FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 59 and Union Seminaries. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Church in Westminster, Vt., Aug. 31, 1864, and has been in the pastorate fifty years. His pastorates are: Westminster, Vt., 7 years; Ayer, Mass., 2 years; Paxton, 3 1-2 years; West Boylston, nearly 8 years; Seymour, Conn., 1 year; Amherst, Mass., 7 years; Royalston 1st Church, 16 years; 2d Church 6 years. Among his published works are an historical sketch of Westminster, Vt., in the Vermont Gazetter, 1885, and a number of special sermons, together with numerous reports of School Committee and Library trustees, and a large amount of correspondence for the public press. Before entering college he took the course in the State Normal School at Westfield and taught for a number of years in the public schools of Massa- chusetts, in Ashby Academy, Young Ladies Institute, Jersey City, and has aided several young men in their preparation for college. He served many years on the School Board and as Supervisor of public schools in Paxton and West Boylston, Mass., and on the School Board in Royalston, and during his residence in this town has served continuously as trustee of the public library. He was the first president of the "Royalston Old Home Week Association," and also the first president of "The Fair- banks Family in America." Mr. Fairbanks is a native of Ash- burnham, son of Emory and Eunice (Hay ward) Fairbanks, and a lineal descendant of Jonathan Fairbanks who settled in Dedham 1636, and of William White, one of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. He married May 1, 1865, Abbie Smith Russell, and to them have been born four sons and one daughter; of the two sons now living, Ernest Hayward is a patent lawyer, a graduate of Worcester Academy, Worcester Polytechnic In- stitute and Columbia University Law School, Washington, D. C, and is a member of the firm Wiedersheim and Fairbanks, Solicitors of Patents, Patent Attorneys, Philadelphia. Herbert Stockwell Fairbanks is a graduate of the Mass. Agricultural College, Amherst, is a patent attorney and connected with the above firm. The daughter, Alice Russell, received her education at Amheist High School and Smith College, Northampton, and is the wife of Willliam A. Frye, Royalston. Rev. Charles G. Fogg, pastor of the church from 1910 to 1915, was born in Westbrook, Maine, June 28, 1868, and re- ceived his early education in the public graded schools of Bridg- ()0 HISTORY OF ROYALSTOlSr ton Centre, Me. He graduated from Bridgton Academy in 1886, and then entered the employment of Simons, Hatch &: WhUten, wholesale men's furnishers of Boston, and later was engaged in other business in Boston. He entered Bangor Semi- nary in the fall of 1891. gi-aduating in 1894, and then entered the junior class in- Bowdoin College from which he graduated in 1896. In December of the same year, he became pastor of the Congregational churches of Port Mills and West Fairlee, Vt., for three 3^ears, and was then pastor of the Congregational church of Union, Conn., for three and one-half years. In 1903 with his wife he took up special Home Missionary work under the Maine Missionary Society at Outer Long Island in Penobscot Bay.. From 1903 to 1908, he was pastor of the Congregational church of Staffordville, Conn., going from there to West Tisbury on Martha's Vineyard and to Royalston in 1910. Jan. 12, 1898, he married Nellie Marie Burnham of Somer- ville, Mass. They have one son, Edwin Willard Fogg. Rev. Clarence Pike^ the present pastor,, commenced his duties as pastor July 4, 1915. He was born in North Waterford, Maine, Dec. 16, a son of E. B. Pike, M. D., who afterwards l>ecame a Congregational minister. His home until nineteen years of age was in several towns of Maine and after that in New Hampshire, He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1880, and attended Union Theological Seminary in New York one year, and then went to Andover, Mass., Theological Seminary where he gradu- uated in 1883, and also took a fourth year of study in that Institution. From 1884 to 1891, he was pastor of the Union Church in Amesbury, Mass. From 1891 to 1895, was pastor of a double charge in Underbill and Jericho, Vt. For twelve years commencing with 1895, he was pastor of the First Church of Mansfield, Conn., and for seven of these years was Acting Visitor in the schools of that town. From 1907 to 1911, he was pastor of the Church in Ashland, Mass., going from there to Milton, N. H., where he served from 1911 to 1915, and came to Royalston July 4, 1915. He was married July 6, 1887, to Caroline E. Thompson of Durham, N. H., and has one daughter who graduated from Wellesley College in 1912, and since then has been a teacher in the High Schools of Salem and Delphi, N, Y. It is a remarkable coincidence that the two old churches of Royalston, the First Congregational at the Centre and the Bap- tist at West Royalston, both being organized within a year or SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SOUTH ROYALSTON BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST ROYALSTON FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, ROYALSTON CENTRE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (,1 two of each other, are also both occupying their fourth House of Worship, and the third meeting house of each Society was also destroyed by fire. The third meeting house of the First Congregational Society after being in use only about ten years was burned to the ground on the morning of Jan. 15, 1851, the origin of the fire having always remained a mystery. But the people rallied at once, and addressed themselves with enthusiasm to the erection of this their fourth sanctuary. Regarding this church building, Rev. E. W. Bullard in his Historical Discourse, delivered on the One Hundredth Anni- versary of the church says: "On Jan. 15, 1852, the first anniver- sary of the destruction of their former house, this edifice, excelling all the others, stood complete, and its dedication was kept with joy. Amateurs have admired it as a model of what a rural sanctuary should be — beautiful for situation, beautiful in itself, and sustained in all its parts and appointments. It certainly is the feature of this comely village; an honor to our town, and a witness to the good taste and liberality of its proprietors." During the pastorate of Rev. Wilbur Johnson the old parson- age which was the residence of Mr. Lee was moved away in 1874, and a fine house was erected on the site. The old house and one acre of land was purchased for one thousand dollars by Miss Candace Bullock and presented to the Society. She also gave six hundred dollars towards the new building. The cost of the new parsonage was five thousand five hundred dollars. Among those who contributed largely towards the erection of the building were : Mrs. Candace Bullock $1600 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ripley 791 Mrs. D. P. Clark 691 Joseph Estabrook 291 Chauncey Chase 500 Barnet Bullock 200 Joseph Raymond 100 George Whitney 491 George Chase 100 Maynard Partridge 85 Phinehas S. Newton 75 Elmer Newton 50 (5? HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON The parsonage is overshadowed by a magnificent old elm set out by Rev. Joseph Lee. In 1858, under the will of Hon. Rufus Bullock, then lately deceased, the Society received the liberal legacy of five thousand dollars, the interest of which shall be forever paid and applied annually or semi-annually, for the support of preaching in said society. THE CHURCH BELL The securing of a bell for the Meeting House was an important event to the people of Royalston, and we find the following on the Town Records regarding it: "An invitation to the benevolent Lihabitants of the Town of Royalston to subscribe money for procuring a Bell for the East meeting house in said Town. We the Subscribers, Inhabi- tants of Royalston believing it would be of great convenience and utility to the Inhabitants of said Town, and would in a degree add to its respectability, to procure a bell and attacli it to the East meeting house, do cheerfully subscribe and promise to pay the several sums affixed to our names for the purpose above mentioned; provided the bell be purchased in the following manner and of the size hereafter mentioned — 1st. We are desir- ous to procure a bell of medium size with Bells in common Country towns, and one that can be warranted good if possible — 2d. We desire that every Subscriber be notified to meet at Joseph Estabrook, Esq's, as soon as there is money enough subscribed for the purpose intended and then and there to choose some suitable person or persons to carry this subscription into effect — and for the present this subscription is to remain in the hands of Joseph Estabrook, Esq. Royalston, May 22, 1811. This paper was headed by Joseph Estabrook who subscribed S50, followed by 44 names the subscription amounting to $453. At a meeting of the Subscribers it was voted that there should be a record made on this Book of the Subscription paper — the names of those who subscribed and the sums — as there were a few who did not pay at the time it has been deferred to the present time. RUFUS BULLOCK ,Town CI ^^ k. STATUETTE OF THE ANGEL GABRIEL 63 Royalston, February 17, 1814. In the warrant for the annual town meeting of that year there was an article "To let the ringing of the bell or act there- on," when it was voted to raise $15 for Ringing the Bell. STATUETTE OF THE ANGEL GABRIEL In 1797 the primitive church building which had comfortably served the people from the incorporation of the town was removed and an edifice more commodious and of a higher type of archi- tecture was erected in its place. When the structure was completed it was found that a balance of around sixty-five dollirs, according to tradition, remained in the treasury. The STATUETTE OF THE ANGEL GABRIEL good people pondered over the matter, and wishing no doubt to beautify their church edifice and give it at the same time a striking pre-eminence, placed an order for the statuette illus- trated in this article. It was not chiselled from marble or moulded from plaster but beautifully carved by a skilful artist ()4- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON from a huge block of first growth pine, and is all in one piece with the exception of the slender trumpet in the right hand. It is thirty-three inches high and nineteen inches in breadth across the wings. A niche was made high up in the wall back of the pulpit and in this recess the Angel Garbiel was placed and rested in security for nearly half a century, the cynosure of all eyes and the wonder of the rising generation. The church building of 1797, stood on the Common near the present highway and facing south, but in 1840 the good people either having once more outgrown their edifice or wishing a longer and broader sweep of common land, decided after much deliberation to take down the house of 1797, and erect a new one "in good modern stile" according to the old record on a site further west where the present church building now stands. After the old building had been completely dismantled, the Angel Gabriel was discovered one day by the good Deacon Seth Holman, according to his son's statement, "on a pile of waste". The Deacon rescued the discarded relic and carried it tenderly to his own home. Meanwhile the parish had waxed indifferent toward their former idol. They either considered that it smacked of graven images or distracted the attention of the congregation from the preacher and his message and no move was made to have the image reinstated in its former honored position. This attitude of the parish was fortunate for the perpetuity of the statuette, for the building then erected was destroyed by fire only eleven years later. Gabriel, therefore, became a permanent member of the household of Deacon Holman and his posterity and accompanied them when the family re- moved from Royalston in the late sixties. In 1903, on the occa- sion of Royalston's first "Old Home Day," Mr. George W. Holman of Fitchburg, thinking that the statuette, after its exile of more than sixty years, had now become a historical relic of great value, restored it to the old Parish and the unveiling of it before the large audience at that reunion was one of the in- teresting features of the day. The photograph of this work of art, connected so intimately with the history of the local church, has therfore been awarded what it has so richly deserved, a place in the history of Royalston THE BAPTIST CHURCH 55 THE BAPTIST CHURCH In a Half-Century Discourse preached Oct. 19, 1818, by Rev. Joseph Lee, first Congregational minister of Royalston, this statement occurs:— "When I first came into town in Decem- ber, 1767, there were 42 or 43 families in the place; and ten of these were of the Baptist denomination, who had a teacher and main- tained religious worship by themselves. They some years afterwards built a house for their own use, which, after a number of years was taken down, and an elegant meeting house was erected by them near the Northwest limits of the town." The old records of this Church give an account of how and why this branch of the Church was formed as follows: "The following lines is to give a brief account how the Church of Christ was gathered in Royalston agreeable to the Baptist Con- stitution — and also of theirs — which is as follows: Whereas God in His Providence has cast the lot of a number of Baptist brethren and sisters in Royalston belonging to several churches, which are situated at a great distance from us so that we can not enjoy church privileges with them but seldom. Therefore we consider it to be our duty and our greatest privilege to strive by the assistance of God's grace to embody into a church among ourselves that we may enjoy the Privileges which Christ hath purchased for his children. And for the same purpose we met together and held a conference meeting and being so far agreed in this thing that we sent to the church of Christ in Thompson under the pastoral care of Elder Whitman Jacobs to dismiss such of us as was under their watch and care to assist us in Imbodying into a church among ourselves and in answer to our request they sent us their elder and by him sent us a dismission and gave us full Uberty to Imbody among our- selves (and Brother David Morse of Sturbridge met with us at the same time whom we gladly received into our meeting), the brethren being met together at the same time June, ye 19th, 1767. Then held a conference meeting but did not imbody in a church because some which we expected to joyn with us was not met with us so we adjourned our meeting to ye 18th day of September insuing, expecting that Elder Whitman Jacobs to meet with us on our adjournment (Thomas Chamberlin, Jun., was baptized by Elder Jacobs, June ye 20th, A. D. 1767) but Elder Jacobs did not meet us on our adjournment so we remained 66 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON in the s.xrae ease till the 10th day of March, 1768. Then being met together by appointment to consider of our present circum- stances' and it was concluded by the major part of us that it was our duty to strive to Imbody into a church among ourselves. Not because we did not esteem it a very great privilege to have assistance from some other church or churches, but because we had been long waiting for Elder Jacobs to assist us, but in Provi- dence he was hindered from coming, therefore we thought it not expedient to wait any longer for assistance but adjourned our meeting to ye 2ith day of March, instant, then being met together and acted on our adjournment and came to a full conclusion that by the assistance of God's grace to Imbody into a church, and adjourned our meeting to the Seventh Day of April, insuing, then being met together and the major part of us were still of the same mind, but some could not act be- cause they feared they were not true believers in Christ, so we acted nothing except that we chose Brother Asa Jones Scribe, and adjourned our meeting to the 25th day of April, instant, then met together on our adjournment and labored with those brethren that could not act with us in our last meeting, and our labours seemed to be blest for the strengthening their faith, so we ad- journed our meeting to the 5th day of May, insuing, and being met together to act on our adjournment, then renewed our fellowship by giving a relation of our Christian experience one to the other and gave up ourselves afresh to God and each other, promising by the assistance of God's grace to watch over one another and to admonish one another in the fear and love of God and to act as brethren together in Christ, thus we Imboded together in church order, viz., of the brethren Isaac Estey, Thomas Chamberlin, Jun., Elisha Rich, Asa Jones, Jacob Estey, John Chamberlin, of the sisters Sarah I^stey, Charity Cham- berlin." Thus after these various attempts, for nearly a year to Imbody, the Baptist Church of Royalston was organized with eight members, being the 5th Baptist church in Worcester County and the 22d in Massachusetts. A month later Thomas Chamberlain, Simeon Chamberlain, Lois Chamberlain and Mary Marsh united with the little band, and soon after they were joined by Naphtali Streeter and Eliphalet Moore, and after- wards by other kindred spirits until when a century had passed not less than six hundred different persons had been connected THE BAPTIST CHURCH 67 with this church. The records state that "May ye 19th, 1768, the brethren by appointment met together to converse concern- ing brother Elisha Rich's Improvement amongst us and being satisfied that he had a gift to preach the gospel, whereupon we desired him still to Improve his gift with us and also to lead in church meetings." Elder Elisha Rich continued to be the teacher of the Baptist people about two years when he moved to Chelms- ford, where he was ordained in 1774, and in 1795 he was preach- ing in Pittsford, Vt. The first settled pastor of this church was Rev. Whitman Jacobs who was installed Dec. 13, 1770, after a successful pastorate of twenty years in Thompson, Conn., from which place many of the Baptist families that settled in Royalston had come. He was a native of Bristol, R. I., of the unadulter- ated Roger Williams stock. He was pastor sixteen years and resigned in 1786. It is stated that his connection with the church as pastor was terminated on account of the position that he took regarding Shay's Rebellion, the minister favoring the Government side, while most of the church sympathized with Shay, and such a controversy arose in the church that Mr. Jacobs was dismissed. Soon after he became pastor at Guilford, Vt., where he was preaching in 1795. Elder Jacobs was living with his son, Joseph, in Royalston when he died, March 28, 1801. His salary while pastor of the Royalston church was fifty dollars per year. His descendants have been among the prominent citizens of the town. On the installation of the first pastor, Isaac Estey and Thomas Chamberlin were appointed and duly qualified to the office of Deacons and Asa Jones was chosen Scribe. The first meeting house built by this Society was located upon the margin of those beautiful meadows bordering Long Pond: "a point in one respect as (Elder Kenney says in his historical address) at least, more favorable from which to unfurl the Baptist banners than any since occupied by this Church, because, like "Enon, near to Salim, there was much water there." Rev. Silas Kenney says regarding this building: "But when that house was built, or who were the principal actors in the enter- prise, are questions which the records do not solve. Certain it is that the house continued to be occupied as a place of worship till near the time when the other elegant house mentioned by Minister Lee, was built." It was probably erected some time (,g HISTORY OF ROYALSTON between 1779 and 1783. This building was about 36 by 40 feet in size. The successor of Elder Jacobs was Elder Moses Kenney of Dublin, N. H. The call of the Church was extended March 21, 1789. The call being accepted the Church proceeded to make arrangements for his support. It was voted, first to hire a farm for Brother Kenney to live on, for the present year, and then to build him a house during the year, Kenney received ordination, both as pastor of the Church and as an evangelist, to itinerate a part of his time in the region round about, Oct, 1, 1789. He was dismissed from ministerial labors Jan. 28, 1796, and died in Royalston April 23, 1800, at the age of 47 years. Rev. Isaac Kenney, brother of Moses Kenney, from Richmond, N. H., was pastor of the church about a year. After this the church was destitute of a pastor for several years and had to depend on private "gifts" and occasional pulpit supplies. From time to time the Deacons and in some instances private brethren, were appointed to lead in worship in the pubUc meet- ings. May 24, 1798, a movement was made to constitute a Baptist church in Warwick, and to set off a portion of the mem- bers of this church, to build a church of "livelj' stones" in that place." Twenty-two members accordingly signified their wish to form themselves into a new Church in Warwick, and they were dismissed agreeably to their request. After preliminary measures had been attended to, an ecclesiastical council con- vened at the house of Bro. James Kelton in Warwick Jan. 16, 1799, and proceeded to constitute the new Church. From the formation of the Church in W^arwick, the book of records loses sight of the old church in Rx^yalston for a considerable period. The church had ceased to occupy the old meeting house as the place of public worship, and were actually making pre- parations to build another house. Their religious services for some time were held in a large hall in the house of Brother John Jacobs, formerly known as the Garfield place at the City, The Church voted Aug. 8, 1801, to invite Elder Levi Hodge to take the lead of the church and "break unto them the bread of life." He was installed in June, 1802, and in June of the following year, measures were taken, by appointing a joint committee of brethren from the Church in Warwick and the Church in Royalston, to bring about a re-union of the two churches, and as the result, a council was called by whose judi- THE BAPTIST CHURCH 69 cious advice, these feeble intersts became one Church under the cognomen of the Royalston and Warwick Baptist Church. The terms of union were well defined, one of which was that in respect to the location of a new meeting-house which had now become necessary, the old Church should meet the brethren of Warwick on the spot now known as the old Baptist Common in the northwest part of Royalston. According to the advice of the Council a church building was erected there. The size of the church was about 40 by 60 feet, with 24 feet posts, finished within and without, according to the most advanced tastes of the times. This was the building referred to by Parson Lee in his half century sermon preached in 1818, as "a new and elegant meeting-house." It was dedicated in January, 1805.. The sermon was preached by Elder Elisha Andrews of Tem- pleton, who rode from home with his wife on the same horse. Mrs. Isaac Gale, mother of Hon. S. C. Gale, in her reminiscences of her early days, says: "I sang at the dedication, I remember there was a row of singers from the front on the treble side clear down to the pulpit." This was the only time the building was ever filled. It was on the occasion of the raising of this meeting- house, that it is said, the prayer of Elder Hodge was heard at the distance of half a mile. Rev. Mr. Hodge served as pastor until his death in 1819. He had a salary of -150 per year, afterwards increased to .$55, then to $60, and when it had reached $75, he procured an additional horse for his wife to ride to church upon. He lived on a farm in Warwick and used to say his salary just kept his horse shod. At the end of the minutes of the Leyden Association we find the following: "We announce to the Church the death of Elder Levi Hodge, pastor of the Baptist Church of Royalston and Warwick. He was faithful in his charge, unspotted in his life and beloved by his flock. The memory of the just is blessed." The successor of Elder Hodge was Rev. Joseph M. Graves of Wendell, a young man with a family, and a shoemaker by trade; he was ordained Jan. 10, 1821. The field of Elder Graves's labors m this place extended over the whole territory now occu- pied by the three churches into which the people of his charge have since become divided. His work continued for a term of four years, when at his own request he was dismissed. Probably not less than a hundred members were added, while a large yO HISTORV OF ROYALSTON number died, twelve were dismissed and five excluded. During his pastorate the congregation on fair weather Sundays is said to have numbered 300 or more. Rev. Asaph Merriam succeeded Bro. Graves. He was set apart to the work of the ministrj^, in conjunction with two others, who were ordained as evangelists Sept. 29, 1825. He officiated as pastor of the Church about five years, when at his request, he was dismissed Nov. 30, 1830, enjoying the unquali- fied respect and esteem of his people. Elder Thomas Marshall was the next pastor called and was installed April 20, 1831. His stay was brief, efforts being made during his pastorate to have the meetings given up in the west part of the town and removed to the Centre. He was dismissed and recommended on the last Tuesday in February, 1833. The Church was now- dependent on occasional supplies till the spring of 1835. when on April 13, Elder Henry Tonkin became pastor; he resigned his care of the Church in the spring of 1837, and on Sept. 3d, of that year. Elder Silas Kenney was constituted pastor by the simple vote of the Church. Rev. Silas Kenney was born in Sutton, June 12, 1797. His father was a farmer of Sutton, and was of Scotch-Irish descent, his ancestor Daniel Kenney coming to America with the first of the Scotch-Irish emigration in 1718. He was the popular pastor of this church for upwards of twenty years being dismissed at his own request in April, 1858. He was also popular among his townsmen representing the town in the Legislature of 1848. In his Centennial address Governor Bullock speaks well of his ability and faithfulness. Rev. S. Cutler of Grafton, became pastor Sept. 19, 1849, and remained such over two years, until the time of his death Jan. 25, 1861, and in May following Rev. L. Tandy assumed the watch care of the Church, a position which he filled for five years. Rev. J. D. Miller was called to the pastorate and was ordained April 27, 1866; at the end of one year he gave place to Rev. C. Brooks, who entered upon his work in April, 1867, being the fifteenth pastor of the Church. Later ministers have been: Rev. L. Wheeler, 1869; Rev. Z. W. Kemp, 1871; Rev. A. V. Clark, May, 1874, to April, 1878; Rev. Tilson and Bro. L. F. Shepardson supplied during 1878; W. F. Slocum, 1879; no pastor in 1880; Rev. J. H. Parmelee, 1881; supplied by Bro. E. Hatfield in 1882; no pastor in 1883; Rev. J. T. vSraith, D. D.. Nov., 1883, to April, 1887; no settled pastor from April 1, 1887, THE BAPTIST CHURCH 71 to April 1, 1888; Rev. Andrew Dunn, April, 1888, to May, 1891; Rev. John W. Denno, May, 1891, to Sept., 1892; Rev. George L. Ruberg, Dec, 1892, to April, 1897; Rev. E. 0. Taylor, May, 1897, to Jan., 1901; Rev. H. T. Slocum, July, 1901, to May, 1906; Rev. C. B. Williams, Nov., 1903, to Oct, 1909; Rev. W. J. Halse, Feb., 1910, to March, 1914; Harold W. Curtis stated supply June, 1914, to Sept., 1915. The present pastor is Rev. R. C. Eaton, who commenced his duties Oct., 1915. The second House of Worship served the purpose of this church until August, 1846, when the pastor. Rev. Silas Kenney, says: "On the last Sabbath in August we took leave of our large and once elegant meeting house, as a place of worship, when an appropriate discourse was delivered by the Pastor giving the outlines of the history of the church from its earliest organiza- tion to the present time. Next day we commenced the sad work of taking down the long cherished edifice." The third church of the Society which was erected in that part of Royalston known as the "City", was dedicated Dec. 3, 1846, and was the home of this church for almost half a century when it was destroyed by fire Dec. 23, 1894, having been occu- pied as a place of worship longer than either of the other meeting houses. The members of this little church although few in numbers were not disheartened, but soon commenced making plans for rebuilding. A building committee was appointed consisting of the Pastor, Rev. Geo. L. Ruberg, Luther E. Stewart Luke B. Shepardson, Albert Whaland and Geo. A. Bemis. The Committee organized with George A. Bemis as Chairman, Luther E. Stewart secretary, and Luke B. Shepardson treasurer. Work was soon commenced on the erection of the building and in a little more than a year, the present beautiful little church edifice was ready for dedication which took place on Feb. 19, 1896, when a good number of the members of the church, with their friends from surrounding towns were present. Rev. Geo. L. Ruberg, pastor of the church was president of the day and the services of the afternoon opened with an organ voluntary with Emil H. Bemis of Holyoke as organist. The invocation was by Rev. J. H. Mansfield of the Athol Methodist church. Rev. F. J. Fairbanks of the Royalston Congregational church read scripture selections, George A. Bemis gave the report of the building committee and Rev. J. N. Shipman of the Athol Baptist 72 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Church offered prayer. Rev. C. H. Spaulding of Boston preach- ed the sermon from the text, ''The Lord hath done great things for us." The Prayer of Dedication was by Rev. W. H. Eaton and the Address by Rev. Dr. Eaton. One of the anthems of the afternoon, "I was Glad" was composed for the occasion by E. H. Bemis and the benediction was by Rev. Daniel Shepardson. Interesting exerc'ses were also held in the evening. The cost of the building was about Four Thousand dollars, of which Two Thousand dollars was given by Joel Gates of Burlington, Vt., a native of West Royalston; Elbridge Boyden of Worcester was the architect; Herbert S. Goddard of Athol gave the organ and Lyman Stone of Royalston a clock. It seems that the matter of singing was a subject of conten- tion in the churches of the olden times as well as the present day. The old records show the following action taken in 1791: "Voted that the singers do sing the old tunes in the former part of the day and such tunes as they please in the after part of the day by reading two lines at a time only, the last singing, and then to sing without reading." For many years Dea. Enos Metcalf had charge of the singing in the old meeting-house under the hill, and when he requested that the custom of lining off the hymns be dispensed with, many of the people left the meeting-house. The excitement ran quite high, and the introduction of some new tunes added fuel to the flame. Although this little church has not had more than fifty members at any time for fifty-five years, yet it has given to America as follows: Nine soldiers to the Revolution, sixteen soldiers to the War of 1812, thirty-one soldiers to the Civil War, twenty-nine ministers of the Gospel, six ministers' wives, one governor, one hundred and sixty-eight public school teachers, and scores of efficient members sent to other churches. THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT ROYALSTON CENTER. Owing to the trouble in the West Royalston Baptist Church eleven members of that church including the Church Clerk, were granted letters of dismission March 27, 1836. These with seven others sought membership in the Athol Baptist church and were received May 11, 183G. The same day these with five others asked to be established as a branch of the Athol church :baptist rnuRCH at ROYALSTON CENT"RE 73 in Royalston Centre and the request was granted. Elder Simonds pastor of the New Boston (Royalston and Winchendon) church, assumed pastoral charge over them and continued until his death seventeen months later. Regarding this church Governor Bullock says that the Baptists bought out the property of a Union Society on the southeast corner of the Common and for OLD BAPTIST CHURCH AT ROYALSTON CENTRE some time kept up a church quite large in its numliers having at one time one hundred and twenty members. This church severed its connection with the Athol Church Oct. 27, 1839, and on Nov. 14, 1839, a Council met and duly established the church. Wm. G. Lord in his history of the First Baptist Church of Athol says: "In the heyday of its existence this church numbered eighty-five souls, but its life was short and its end a gradual death. Its last report to the association was in 1855, but it was kept on the list of churches until 1860, when verbal information to the association that the members were gradually taking letters to other churches led the association to drop the name from the roll. Many of the members sought affiliation J4. HISTORY OF ROYALSTON with the Athol church where they remained constant and loyal until their death, others affiliated with the West Royalston and New Boston churches. Rev. Lysander Fay of Athol was one of the pastors of this church for several years. In 1863 the church building was sold and moved from its original location to near the north end of the Common where it served for many years as a barn or stable for Col. George Whitney, and is now used as headquarters for the fire depart- ment of Royalston Centre. FREE DONATION SOCIETY A religious Society known as the Free Donation Society of Royalston, existed in the first half of the 19th century, which had a considerable following. Of their religious belief and the character of their services we have no definite knowledge. The names of the members of this Society would indicate that the memViership of this organization was composed mostly of those living in the west part of the town. Their meetings were held in school houses. The first record we have of this Society is a certificate of the members in 1820, which reads as follows: We certify that Jonah Walker, .James Walker, Calvin Walker, John Hill, Moses Garfield, Solomon Peck, 2d, Jonas Brewer, Lewis Brewer, Russell Ballon, Luther Ballou, Wesson Ball, Benjamin W. Bliss, Abel Bliss, Walter Erskine, Calvin Peck, David Fisher, Jason Fisher, Joseph Davis, Benjamin Thurston, Elisha Kingsley, of the town of Royalston, are members of the Religious Society in the Town of Royalston Called Free Dona- tion. Dated this first Day of May, A. D., 1820. ABEL BLISS, MOSES GARFIELD, Committee. SOLOMON PECK, 2d, Other certificates of membership are recorded up to 1827. We have seen no records of their meetings and it is safe to assume as Governor Bullock says in his Centennial address that when the third articles of the Bill of Rights was so changed, about 1832, as to invest every citizen with the right to contribute to any religious society, or to none at all, according to his volition, this class of organizations disappeared from the town and have left no record behind. CHAPTER VII POLITICAL A town meeting was held September 1, 1808, at which the business was, ''To hear and consider a letter from the Selectmen of Boston, respecting; Petitioning the President of the United States to suspend or procure the repeal of the existing Embargo Laws, or act anything thereon they may think proper." Ammi Faulkner was moderator, and it was voted to Petition the President of the United States relative to the Embargo Laws of which the following is a copy: "To the President of the United States. The inhabitants of the Town of Royalston in legal town meeting asseml)led most respectfully approach the Chief Magistrate of our Nation, and beg leave to lay before him this, our petition and request, and would most humbly represent that we view with the deepest concern the effects of the Present existing Embargo Laws upon this Nation, and more particularly the eastern part thereof, as we think the effects are there more severely felt; it will be unnecessary to detail to your Excellency the many and various evils resulting from the total suspension of Commerce among which is the great loss to the revenue of the L^nited vStates. This small section of your citizens are mostly Husbandmen. They sensibly feel the effects of the Embargo in the reduced prices of the surplus of the produce of their Farms and the enhanced prices of tho^e things which have be- come necessarys and conveniences of Life, and which the people of this country have been in the habit of importing; likewise the reduced price of laliour and the discouragement of our young men from purchasing and clearing new land for the want of a market for the prorlace thereof. Sir, we assure you that we have ever been quiet and peaceable Citizens and have uniformly manifested our patriotism and respect for the laws and Govern- ment of our Country. But so distressing are the embarrassments produced by the Embargo that we can not contemplate its continuance without serious and alarming apprehensions. Your petitioners, therefore, pray that the eml^argo in whole 7(5 HISTORY OF ROYALSTOK or in part may be suspended according to the powers vested in tlie President by the Congress of the United States. By order for and in behalf of said meeting, AMMI FAULKNER, Moderator. Attest, JOSEPH ESTABROOK, Town Clerk. Town of Royalston, County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, September 1, 1808, At ancrther Town Meeting held the following winter on Feb. 23, 1809, with Ammi Faulkner as Moderator, the citizens of Royalston speak with no uncertain tone regarding the con- dition of public affairs, and their right to discuss in public Town Meetings the measures of Government, A committee of five consisting of Joseph Estabrook, Stephen Bacheller, Jr., John Norton, Isaac Metcalf and Rufus Bullock are chosen to draft a petition. It was voted to adjourn the meeting one hour, at the expiration of which this committee presented a petition of which the following is a copy: "To the Honorable, the Senate and the House of Represen- tatives in General Court assembled, being the honourable the Senate and house of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The inhabitants of the Town of Royalston legally assembled in Town Meeting for the purpose of taking into consideration the present unprecedented and very alarming situation of our public affairs. Humbly represent that when there is a derilection from the first principles, when there is a practical separation from what is warranted by the constitution in those that lead in Government, then there is a call to vigilance to prevent the progress of the evil. Notwithstanding it has been recently estimated from high authority that the people in Town Meetings, are not capable of judging of the propriety or impropriety of the measures of Government, and that there are stages when an end must be put to debate, yet so long as as we consider our National and State constitutions the law of our land, we shall, agreeably to the rights therein secured to us which rights we are determined never to rehnquish, take the liberty in all important matters, particularly when those rights are invaded and trampled upon, to assemble in orderly and peaceable manner to make our griev- ances known and to use all proper and constitutional means to POLITICAL 77 have them redressed. We have seen with anxiety a system of measures pursued which has paralyzed Industry and enterprise, discouraged our farmers and embarrassed our merchants, brought distress upon all classes of our people and produced the greatest temptations for an illicit trade perhaps ever known. We are firmly attached to our National and State Constitutions and cheerfully pledge our lives and everything we hold dear to support them. We are also firmly attached to a union of the states and should view with horror and detestation any attempts to sever them or to discountenance that friendship and harmony that ought to subsist between them. In our opinion the several acts laying an Embargo, more particularly the late law to enforce it, are unconstitutional and tyranical beyond all former example in this country, and unprecedented in any except those that are completely despotic, as it unites in the same person legislative, executive and judicial powers, subjects our houses to unreasonable searches and seizures upon the mere suspicion of an uncertain dependent, and renders the innocent equally liable to suffer with guilty subjects as in fact to a military despotism, and produces a long train of evils, abuses and usurpations to which in our opinion it would be criminal for free men patiently to submit without remonstrance, and indeed if they do willingly submit they become voluntary slaves. We are firmly attached to our State Legislature and highly approve of their measures the present session, and I'equest them to preserve with firmness and use their influence with our national government to abandon a system of measures destructive to our National prosperity, and we renewedly pledge our lives and fortunes in support of our just rights and National Independence, but we do not feel willing to proffer our all in support of an unnecessary war for the gratification of any party and in duty bound will ever pray. Voted to accept the above petition and dissolve said meeting." J. ESTABROOK, Town Clerk. The first Representative to the General Court, from Royal- ston was chosen. May 27, 1776; and at the last town meeting warned in his majesty's name. The next meeting was held, Sept. 20th of the same year, but the warrant was issued under 78 HISTORY OF ROYALSTOK the authority of a different name, as follows: ''In the name of the Government and People of the State of Massachusetts Bay in New England." After 1776, the town did not send a Representative again till 1780; but from that time with a few exceptions, there has been a regular succession, generally but one, sometimes two, annually, down to 1857. Since then, the District System has prevailed and Royalston has been associated with other towns. The General Court used to convene annually on the last Wednes- day in May — the old election day — when the Governor and Government elect, for the ensuing year, were inaugurated. REPRESENTATIVES TO THE GENERAL COURT Timothy Richardson, 1776. John Fry, 1780, '83, '84, '85, "87. Jonathan Si))ley, 1783. Peter Woodbury, 1788, '89. Oliver Work, 1792. Isaac Gregory, 1794, '95, 1801, '03, '08, '07, '08. Phihp Sweetzer, 1798. John Norton,, 1800, '13, '14. Joseph Estabrook, 1809, '10, '11, '12, '15, '16, '17, '25. Squier Davis, 1823. Rufus Bullock, 1820, '21, '27, '28, '29. Stephen Bacheller, Jr., 1826, '30. Frankhn Gregory, 1831, '33. Benjamin Brown, 1832, '45. Asahel Davis, 1834. Russell Morse, 1835, '36, '39. Arba Sherwin, 1835, '37, '39. Benoni Peck, 1836, '37. Salmon Goddard, 1838. Benjamin Fry, 1838, '40, '54. Cyrus Davis, 1840. Hiram W. Albee, 1843, '46, '52, '53. Barnet Bullock, 1844. Silas Kenney, 1848. Elmer Newton, 1849. Joseph Raymond, 1850, '51. Tarrant Cutler, 1855. POLITICAL 79 Jarvis Davis, 1858. Joseph Estabrook, 1857. The twenty-first article of the amendments to the Consti- tution was adopted by the Legislatures of 185(3 and '57, and ratified by the people in 1857. Under the provisions of the amendment the towns of Royalston and Athol constituted the Second Representative District of Worcester County, and were represented until the next apportionment as follows: Isaac Stevens, of Athol, 1858. George Whitney, of Royalston, 1859. Nathaniel Richardson, of Athol, 1860. Elisha F. Brown, of Royalston, 1861. Farwell F. Fay, of Athol, 1862. Alpheus Harding, Jr., of Athol, 1863. Ebenezer W. Bullard, of Royalston, 1864. Calvin Kelton, of Athol, 1865. Wm. W. Clemtnit, of Royalston, 1866. Under the apportionment of 1866, based on the census of 1865, the same towns constituted the same district, and were represented until the next apportionment as follows: Alpheus Harding, of Athol, 1867. Jeremiah A. Rich, of Royalston, 1868. Thomas H. Goodspeed, of Athol, 1869. Benjamin H. Brown, of Royalston, 1870. Ozi Kendall, of Athol, 1871. George H. Hoyt, of Athol, 1872. George H. Hoyt, of Athol, 1873. Jeremiah A. Rich, of Royalston, 1874. Edwin Ellis, of Athol, 1875. William W. Fish, of Athol, 1876. Under the apportionment of 1876, based on the census of 1875, the same towns constituted the Eighth Worcester District, and were represented until the next apportionment as follows: Joseph Walker, of Royalston, 1877. J. Sumner Parmenter, of Athol, 1878. Leander B. Morse, of Athol, 1879. Russell S. Horton, of Athol, 1880. Ira Y. Kendall, of Athol, 1881. Henry M. Humphrey, of Athol, 1882. Frank W. Adams, of Royalston, 1883. §0 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON C. Frederick Richardson, of AthoL 1884. Washington H. Amdsen, of Athol, 1885. Benjamin W. Rich, of Royalston, 1886. Under the apportionment of 1886, based on the census of 1885, the towns of Athol, Royalston and Phillipston, constituted the First Representative District of Worcester County, and have been represented as follows: Sidney P. Smith, of Athol, 1887, 1888. John D. Holbrook, of Athol, 1889. C. Waldo Bates, of Phillipston, 1890. Lucien Lord, of Athol, 1891. Charles A. Crossman, of Athol, 1892. Col. George Whitney, of Royalston, 1893. C. Waldo Bates, of PhiUipston, 1894. Harding R. Barber, of Athol, 1895, 1896. Under the apportionment of 1896, the same towns consti- tuted the First Worcester District and during this decade the District was represented as follows: Wm. H. Mellen, of Athol, 1897. Oscar T. Brooks, of Athol, 1898. Phinehas S. Newton, of Royalston, 1899. Charles A. Carruth, of Athol, 1900, 1901. Edmund C. Shepardson, of Athol, 1902, 1903. Fred W. Lord, of Athol, 1904, 1905. James H. Hutchins, of Phillipston, 1906. In the apportionment of 1906, two towns were added, and the First Worcester District now consists of Athol, Royalston, Petersham, Dana and Phillipston, and the Representatives under the apportionment have been: James Oliver, of Athol, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910. Merrick E. Hildreth, of Petersham, 1911. Ernest Warren Tyler, of Athol, 1912, 1913. Fred W. Cross, of Royalston, 1914, 1915, 1916. In addition to the Representatives to the Legislature, those who have represented Royalston in the State Government and Conventions have been: Henry Bond, Delegate to the First Provincial Congress, in 1774. Nahum Green, Delegate to the Second Provincial Congress, in 1774. POLITICAL 81 Henry Bond, Delegate to the Concord Convention for Stat- ing prices, 1779. Silvanus Hemenway, Delegate to the First Constitutional Convention, 1770. At the town meeting at which it was voted to send Mr" Hemenway as the Delegate to the Convention at Cambridge' ''Mr. Lee, Esq. Batcheller, Lieut. Davis, Lieut. Allen and Jacob Estey were chosen a committee to give the Delegate instructions.' John Fry was elected Mr. Hemenway's substitute for the Convention of 1780. John Fry, Delegate at the Ratification of the Constitution of the United States in 1788. Royalston has furnished three State Senators, Joseph Esta- brook, who died during his term of office, 1828. Rufus Bullock, 1831 and 1832. Col. George Whitney, 1863 and 1864. Col. George Whitney in addition to representing the town in the Legislature, both in the House and Senate, was also a mem- ber of the Governor's Council for the years 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 and 1877, five consecutive years, when he declined to stand longer as a candidate for the office. The vote at the election in 1875, to serve in 1876, as recorded in the office of the Secretary of State is George Whitney, 24,318; scattering, 7. The vote at the election in 1876, to serve in 1877, recorded as above is George Whitney, 33.354, and no votes against him. It is doubt- ful if any other man in the Commonwealth has a like record of unanimity at any election where 30,000 or more ballots have been cast. Royalston has also furnished Worcester County with some of its most able and popular officers: Edward A. Brown was appointed Jan. 20, 1876, as County Treasurer to fill an unex- pired term of Charles A. Chase, who had resigned, and was re-elected at the expiration of each three years term of office until 1912, when he declined to be a candidate for another term. He served continuously for a period of thirty-six years, a longer time than any other Treasurer of Worcester County has ever served. William O. Brown was elected County Commissioner of Worcester County in 1868, and re-elected six times. He com. g2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTO>r pleted his t\rentr-first year of continuous service at the close of 1889, only a few months before his death, when failin^j; health, compelled him to decline a re-election. He was chairman of the Board twelve years. During the Whig- times the voters of Royalston were largely in favor of the Whig Party. In the chapter on Royalston Red Letter Daiis there is an account of the great Whig celebration in 18-10. On the Fourth of July of the same year the Royalston Whigs turned out in large numbers to take part in a Fourth of July celebration by the Whigs in Barre. The Royalston banner had for its motto "Royalston avS she was in 76, she always has been." Reveue:—''T\\e wicked have drawn the sword and bent the bow, to cut down the poor and needy: but their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bow shall be broken " The banner, of the sister town of Warwick had for its motto, "Warwick — Harrison and Tyler — Davis and Hull, "We come to bury Loco Focoism, not to Praise it." Royalston had a flourishing Whig Association officered as follows: President, Rufus Bullock; vice-presidents, Stephen Batcheller, Benoni Peck, Russell Morse, Benjamin Brown, Otis Bemis; secretary, A. H. Bullock; directors, Barnet Bullock, George Pierce, Jonathan Gale, Joseph Raymond, Cyrus Da vis ^ W. N. Vose, Joseph Davis, Hezekiah Newton, Robert Thompson, Chester Bancroft, James Clark, Joseph Jacobs, Arba Sherwin, Winthrop Livermore, Ansel Howard, Benjamin Bragg, Benja- min Fry, Ebenezer Pierce. The Town of Royalston in regard to its political affiliations has been decidedly Federalist, Whig and Republican succes- sively as those political parties have existed, and the Democratic party and its doctrines have never gained any strong foothold in town. Perhaps the greatest upheaval in the politics of the town was the great Progressive movement of 1912, when Royalston for the first time in its history repudiated the Republican party and cast its vote in opposition to it, when many of the former leaders of the Republican party left it and enrolled themselves under the banner of Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive move- ment. At the first election after the adoption of the State Consti- tution, Sept. 4, 1780, Royalston's vote for Governor was John POLITICAL 83 Hancock, Federalist, forty, with no votes in opposition, and ;slie remained steadfast to the first Governor under the Constitu- tion, and one of her own early proprietors, during his candidacy for that office. At the election of 1784, His Excellency John Hancock had twenty-seven votes, with none in opposition.. At the election of the following year, 1785, for some reason which we have been unable to ascertain, only six votes were recorded as having been cast for Governor all of which were for John Hancock. In 1787 John Hancock had one hundred and fifteen votes and James Bowdoin had four. The last year of the candidacy of Governor Hancock, Royalston gave him forty-six votes to seven for his opponent, Samuel Phillips, Esq. At the election of 1795, Samuel Adams, Federalist, had forty- six votes and the opposition seven. In 1804 Caleb Strong, Federalist, received one hundred and eleven votes for Governor and Hon. James Sullivan, Democrat, nineteen. In 1810 Christopher Gore, Federalist, received one hundred and fifty-four votes to forty-three for Elbridge Gerry, Democrat- In 1816 Hon. John Brooks, Federalist, had two hundred and two votes, and Samuel Dexter the Democrat, forty-five. The vote for President from 18(30 to the present time has been as follows: 1860— Lincoln, 229; Douglas, 18. 1864— Lincoln, 249; McClellan, 23. 1868— Grant, 225; Seymour, 21 1872— Grant, 200; Greeley 4. 1876— Hayes, 220; Tilden, 55. 1880— Garfield, 216; Hancock, 45; Weaver, 2. 1884— Blame, 176; Cleveland, 43; Butler, 7. 1888— Harrison, 181; Cleveland, 56; Fiske, 14. 1892— Harrison, 145; Cleveland, 58; Bidwell, 11. 1898— McKinley, 155; Bryan, 14; Levering, 7. 1900— McKinley, 114; Bryan, 20; Woolly, 6. 1904— Roosevelt, 117; Parker, 20. 1908— Taft, 98; Bryan 14, Hisgin 3; Chaffin, 3;. 1912— Roosevelt, 80; Taft, 33; Wilson, 21. During the three years, of the candidacy of Alexander H. Bullock, Royalston's favorite son, for Governor, the town stood royally by the Republican candidate, not only for Governor but the entire ticket. At the election of 1865, Alexander H. Bullock, 84 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON the Republican candidate for Governor, received one hundred and eighty votes, Couch, the Democratic candidate none. In 1866 Alexander H. Bullock had two hundred and nine votes, and Benjamin F. Butler, one. All the other State and County officers had two hundred and eight votes and there were no opposition votes cast, while Capt. John G. Mudge of Petersham for Senator had two hundred and nine votes and no opposition. The next year, 1867, Alexander H. Bullock had two hundred and twenty votes and John Quincy Adams twenty-one. CHAPTER VIII EDUCATION The cause of Education and the schools have been carefully looked after by the people of Royalston from the verj^ first settlement of the town all through the years down to the present time, and few towns of its size in the old Commonwealth can show so large a list of their sons and daughters that have received a college education or attended the seminaries and academies of the land, and have gone forth as teachers, or entered into the ministry and learned professions. In the sale of Royalston territory, the General Court reserved one sixty-third part of the whole purchase for school purposes, and the purchasers, before they drew lots for themselves, set apart 520 acres for school land. The Hon. Isaac Royal, by his will, gave the town 200 acres more for school purposes, and thus we see that, from the first 720 acres of the township was appropriated to the cause of popular education, while later in the history of the town, one of its honored citizens, Hon. Rufus Bullock, gave and bequeathed to the town by his will the sum of five thousand dollars, to be held and applied as a fund, the income of which shall be appro- priated and paid over for the benefit and use of Common Schools in said town. The first action of the town, in relation to schools was a vote taken in 1767 "to lease out the school land.'' Two years later it was voted "to sell the school land for as much as it will sell for; the principal to be a fund for schools, and the interest to be applied yearly to pay for schooling." In 1769, the first appropriation for schools was made when three pounds was raised to hire schooling that year. The same year the Select- men drew an order upon the town treasurer to pay Simeon Chamberlain, the sum of eighteen shillings, it being for two weeks schooling last February and March. The next year Capt. John Fry draws from the town treasury two pounds and ten shillings for five weeks school teaching. The same year John Crawford draws two pounds for one month, Simeon Cham- berlain one pound and s'xteen shillings for one month, and Isaac Esty four shill'ngs for boarding a "School Dame." In g(, HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1771 Hannah Richardson received eighteen shillings and e'ght pence for teaching school seven weeks and boarding herself. In 1777 the town voted that 'the schoo money interest, and security be committed to the town Treasurer." Simeon Chamberlain, the first School Master of Royalston, came to Royalston from Douglas or Sutton, and was one of the very early settlers. He was a school master in Sutton and Douglas before coming to Royalston, and a great-great grandson living Jn Newport, N. H., has his original record of scholars in the schools he taught in Sutton, Douglas and Royalston. The Royalston record is as follows: "School Register kept by Simeon Chamberlain, School Master of Royalston, Mass., Royalston, February, ye 20th, 1769. When I came to the house of Widow Winship and began to lend school. The names of the scholars: John Fry Abjiah Richardson, Eliphalet Richardson, Jonas Livermore, Nathaniel Wheeler, Seth Wheeler, Simeon Chamberlain, Molly Carr, David Bruce, Sarah Rumbell, Solomon Babcock, Ketura Babcock, Percis Babcock, Alpha Barton, Ephraim Hill, Abagal Hil', Josia Bruce, Abagail Bruce, Thomas Ellyot, The following order drawn by the Selectmen upon the Town Treasurer was to pay for this school: "To Mr. Peter Woodbury, Town Treasurer : Please to pay to Simeon Chamberlain, the sum of eighteen shillings, it be'ng for two weeks schooling last February and March: and this shall discharge you for so much. Royalston, September ye 19th, 1709. BENJAMIN WOODBURY, £0: 18: 0. PETER WOODBURY, Selectmen Mr. Chamberlain's Register of the next winter, 1770, states that the school was again held at the house of. Widow Winship and gives a list of twenty-three scholars. The name of one of the scholars, Ketura Babcock, that appeared on the 1769. register does not appear on this one, for during the summer of 1769, Aug. 30, she was killed by lightning in her father's house at the age of fifteen years and eight days. EDUCATION 87 The third register of Master Chamberhiin under date of Royalston, December, ye 28, 1772, says: "Then I came to Deacon Estey's and began to tend school." The names of the scholars that term were: Nathaniel Wheeler, Seth Wheeler, Elijah Walker, Moses Walker, Whitman Jacobs, Sarah Rumble, Phebe Grant, Eunice Grant, Eiias Metcalf, Micha Perry, Thaddeus Perry, Benjamin Perry, Betty Perry, Joseph Chamberain, Molly Chamberlain, Sarah Chamberlain, Molly Carr, Simeon Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Abagail Chamberlain, Isaac Jones, Thankful Marsh, Waid Jones, Timothy R'chardson, Deborah Jones, Rhoda Jones. Most of these scho ars were not born in Royalston l)ut came to town with their parents. Up to this time there were no school houses, the schoo's be ng held in the dwellings and sometimes in the barns of the settlers. In 1777 there was an article in the town meeting warrant, "To see if the town will Iniild a school house as near the meeting house in Royalston as convenient; if not, to see, if the town, will give liberty to a number of the 'nhabitants, near the centre, to build a school-house in said place for their own benefit." The town decl'ned to build, but granted the hberty asked for. This building which was the first school- house in town was erected on the northeasterly line of the Common. Tradition gives the names of the first three teachers employed in this house. The first was a foreigner, by the name o" Wood, who was remembered for many years as being a 'very learned man." The second was Ammi Falkner, who was after- wards Deacon, Selectman and Assessor; the third was Ebenezer Pierce of Warwick afterwards deacon of the Baptist church. After the close of the war, in 178(3, the lot of land which had been set apart for schools by the first propr etors, and which had been leased out down to that day, was sold, and the proceeds of that sale are the foundation of the present school fund. Probably the first attempt to divide the schools into what we have known as districts was in 1777, when May 26 it was "Voted to Squadron out the Schools in said town and the money to be paid according to the proportion of said inhabitants." Under this vote chose Capt. Woodbury, Timothy Richardson, S meon Chamberlain, L'.eut Chase, Squadron C'ommittee for that purpose. 8S HISTORY OF ROYALSTON The district" ng of the town proved a difficult problem, and was not adjusted until after several experiments. In 1781 the town was divided into six districts. One of these — the southwest — passed from the jurisdiction of Royalston in 1783 and became a part of Orange, leaving only five districts. In 1793 an attempt was made to re-district the town but the report of the committee was not accepted, and nothing was done until 1795 when at a town meeting held January 5 of that year, a committee was chosen consisting of Phillip Sweetzer, Nat. Bragg, Jonas Thomp- son, David Lyon, Jacob Estey, Dea. Bullock, Nathan Bullock, John Norton. This committee reported to the town May 1795, and their report was accepted as follows: ' 'We the subscribers being chosen a Committee at a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Royalston, Jan. 5, 1795 in order to district the town into School Districts, have agreed there shall be Nine Districts as follows : — FirsL ''T/ie Wesl Visfncr' io begin at the N. W. Corner of the Town, running S. to the corner of Orange, thence E. to Mr. White's W. Hue; thence northerly, the W. side of Jonathan Matthews house, so as to take in Lieut. Goddard's house ; thence northerly to Samuel Fuller's W. line; so on the State line; thence W. to the bound first mentioned. Second. ''The N. W. District to begin at Orange line, thence E. by said Orange, to Jacob Estey's S. E. corner; thence northerly to the E. of Daniel Warren's house, so on to the E. of Andrew Kendall's house: — so on till we strike the Brook that runs between Ebenezer Ingalls and Ebenezer Elan- ding's house: — so on said Brook till we strike the State line: — thence W. by Richmond line:— to the E. side of the West District. Third. '' West of the Pond Road District,'' to begin at the Baptist meeting house:— thence W. to the N. W. District line: — thence S. by said district to Orange line, still S. by said Orange line to Athol: — thence easterly on Athol line so as to take in Jonathan Kendall's lane — thence northerly to the vS. of the Pond: — thence to the N. end of the Pond: — thence W. Ut the said Meeting House. Fourth. ''Under the Hill District,'' to hegxn at the Baptist Meeting House: — thence W. on the line of the "W. of the Pond District," till it strikes Daniel Warren's land: — thence nor- therly bj- a line of the "N. W. District" to New Hampshire EDUCATION 89 line: — tlience E. till it strikes Silas Heyvvood's W. line: — thence S. by Thomas Perry's W. line to Jacob Estey's S. line: — thence W. to the Long Pond: — thence N. W. to the Baptist Meeting House. Fifth. ''North District,'' ^.o begin at Silas Heywood's N. W. corner: — thence S. on the line of the "Under the Hill Dis- trict" to the S. W. corner of the farm formerly owned by Daniel Brown: — thence E. on the S. of said farm to the S. W. corner of Dea. John Frye's land: — thence northerly on said Frye's W. line to his N. W. corner: — thence E. to Lawrence Brook: — thence up said Brook to New Hampshire line: — thence on said line to the Bounds first mentioned. Sixth. ''South District,'' to begin at Lieut. William Ray- inond's N. W. corner: — ther.ce S. by the line of the district *'W. of the Pond" to Athol line: — thence easterly on Athol line till it strikes Daniel Woodbury's S. E. corner of the Home lot: — Jience N. till it strikes Capt. Jonathan Sibley's W. line: — thence on till we strike Lawrence Brook: — thence up the Brook, till we strike the S. E. corner of the "N. District": — thence on the S. line of the "N. District" to the bounds first mentioned. Seventh. ^^Soiith East District,'^ to begin at Daniel Wood bury's E. corner of the Howe Lot: — thence E. on Athol line to Thomas White's and: — thence N. to the Brook E. of Nathan Cutting's at the Bridge: — thence westerly as the road is now trod, to Lawrence Brook: — thence down said Brook to Capt. Jonathan Sibley's W. 1 ne: — thence S. to bound first mentioned. Eighth. "Arm District," to begin at the Bridge E. of Nathan Cutting's: — thence E. on the road to Winehendon line: — thence S. on Winehendon line to Templeton line: — -thence W. to Gerry line: — thence N. on Gerry and Athol lines to Thomas White's S. W. corner:— still northerly by the easterly Une of the "S. E. District " to the Br dge near Nathan Cutting's the first mentioned bounds. Ninth. ''North East District," to begin at the Bridge by Capt. Peirce's: — thence up the Brook to NewHampshire line: — thence E. by said New Hampshire line, to Winehendon line: — thence S. on Winehendon line to the Road that leads from W n- chendon to Roya'ston Meeting House, till it comes to the Bridge by Capt. Pierce's the Bounds first mentioned. These districts continued, with little variation down to 1820. In 1797, as the result of much discussion, it was voted 9f> HISTORY OF ROVALvSTCnsr to' build schoxd'houses in: the several schckol districts; and, that equal justice may be- rendered to individuals, as near as possible,, voted that the school-houses shall be built as- near the center of the districts as the situation of the inhabitants- and the roads: will admit, and that each district may agree on the spot. A. committee, consist'ng of Capt. Jonathan Sibley, Mr. Benj.. Hutchinson and Capt. Peter Woodbury, was chosen to lay before the town an estimate of the expense ofbuilding the several school-houses, and also to report the dimensions and method'; of finishing. This committee reported Feb, 2, 1797, but final action on the report was not reached until May 7th, 1798, when it was adapted and $1500 appropriated for the work. The plan of six of these houses was as fo'lows: twenty by twenty-four feet; nine and one-half feet stud; square roof; six windows each with fifteen seven by nine lights ; the inside walls ceiled; over head crowning and plastered; the seats round the walls on three sides and raised eight inches, and eighteen from the walls, with a good writing table before them and a shelf for books beneath; seats before the tables; an entrance way at one end of the house six feet wide; tw^o doors to enter the room; and the whole to be finished up in workmanlike manner and the outside painted. The three other houses differed only in dimensions. A committee consisting of one from each district was chosen to carry the vote of the town into effect. Three school-houses, that under the hill, in the north district, and in the Arm district — -were found of sufficient value to require an allowance to the proprietors. Thus the town secured nine commodious and respecta]:>le school-houses. EARLY SCHOOL COMMITTEES 1800 Daniel Woodbury, John Holman, Joseph Manning, Nathan Read, Ephriam Whitney, James Forbes, Shubel Blanding, Jonathan Gale, Asahel Davis. 1807 Jonathan Gale, Jonas Brewer, John Davis, Asa Walker, Thomas Bacheller, Ebenezer Cutler, Joel Taft, Jonathan Peirce, Isaac Piper. 1808 Jonathan Gale, Joseph Davis, Levi Thurston, Jacob Metcalf, Ephriam Whitney, Benj. Hutchinson, Nathan Reed, Isaac Gregory, William Saunders. :eaki.t schoot. cot\oiitt:ees '91 1809 Timothy Bliss, Jr., Andrew Kendall, Lemuel Whitney, John Chamberlain, Eliphalet Riehardson, Joseph Estabrook, Doct. Thomas Richardson, William Peirce, Capt. Enoch Whitmore. 1810 Capt. David Fisher, Benjamin Davis, John Shepardson, Isaac Metcalf, Stephen Richardson, Rufus Bullock, David Taft, Tarrant Cutler, Furbush. 1811 David Fisher, Benjamin Davis, Moses Walker, Henry Goddard, Silas Heywood, Stephen Bacheller, Jr., Robert Thomson, Paul Wheeler, Isaac Piper. 1812 David Fisher, Russell Wheeler, Nathaniel Bragg, Jr., Isaac Metcalf, Moses Nichols, Isaac Prouty, Samuel Gregory, Benjamin Clark, Jr., Joseph Manning. 1813 David Fisher, Joseph Davis, Thomas Jacobs, John Chamberlain, Thomas Bacheller, Joseph Beal, Stephen B. Bowker, Tarrant Cutler, Joseph Norcross. 1814 David Fisher, Henry Goddard, Enos Metcalf, Russell Ballou, Doct. Stephen Bacheller, Silas Jones, Simeon Stockwell, Stephen Richardson, John Wood. At a town meeting held Aug, 15, 1814, it was voted to choose a School Committee and the following were elected to visit schools: Joseph Estabrook, Col. Salmon Goddard, Doc. Bachelder, Jr., Capt. Isaac Metcalf, Rufus Bullock, Dea. Amos Jones, Jr., Silas Heywood, Jr. 1815 David Fisher, Benoni Peck, Daniel Shepardson, Daniel Woodbury, Jonathan Peirce, Uri Day, Rusell Morse, Willard Newton, Stephen Raymond, School Committee. Committee to inspect schools: Capt. Isaac Metcalf. Dea. Amos Jones, Col. Salmon Goddard. 1816 David Fisher, Al)el Bliss, Simeon Jacobs, Benjamin Allen, Isaac Metcalf, Joseph Estabrook, Tarrant Cutler, Stephen Holman, Zenas Stone, School Com- mittee. Chose Isaac Metcalf, Salmon Goddard, Amos Jones, Jr., a Committee to inspect Schools. 1817 David Fisher, Russell Wheeler, E. W. Dexter, William Chase, Nahum Goddard, Rufus Bullock, Amos Jones, Jr., Rufus Forbush, Ephriam AVhitne3% Also chose Isaac Gale, 2d, Samuel Bliss, Benoni Peck, Joseph Davis, 2cl, Asahel Davis, Thomas Jacobs, Isaac Gregory, Elmer Newton, Stephen Bacheller, Jr., 92 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON" Joseph Estabrook, Jonathan Peirce, Josiah Wright^ Stephen Holman, Joseph Norcross, Silas Heywood, Jr., Zenas Stone, Jacob ]Metcalf and Joseph Jacobs a Com- mittee to inspect the schools and not receive any com- pensation therefor. 1818 Samuel Bliss, Simeon Jacobs, Benjamin Brown, Joseph Jacobs, Thomas J. Lee, Judah Stockwell, Stephen Holman, John Norton, James Buffum, being one person in each school district to hire instructors. 1819 Isaac Gale, 2d, John Burbank, Asa Walker, Joseph Estabrook, Silas Jones, Uri Day, Isaac Metcalf, Moses Garfield, Amos Whitney. 1820 Alanson White, Thomas Jacobs, Jacob Metcalf, Franklin Gregory, Jonah Wheeler, Joseph Norcross, Russell Morse, Abel Bliss, Nathan Reed 1821 Andrew Kendall, Esq., Simeon Jacobs, Enoch Metcalf, Asa Batcheller, Stephen Hale, Joseph Manning, Isaac Nichols, Squier Davis, WiUiam Chase. Voted to choose five persons to unite with Rev, Mr. Perkins in visiting the schools in this town for the year ensuing free of expense to the town, and Rev. Joseph M. Graves, Thomas J. Lee, Isaac Metcalf, Benoni Peck and William Peirce were chosen. 1822 David Fisher, Heman Forbush, Nahum Goddard, Nathaniel Bragg, Tarrant Cutler, Reuben Stockwell, Russell Morse, Benoni Peck, Levi Harris, Ansel Heywood. Voted that these persons l)e chosen to unite with Rev. Mr. Perkins and Rev. Mr. Graves in visiting the schools in the town the ensuing year, and Thomas J. Lee, Joseph Davis, 2d, and Jonathan S. Pierce were chosen. Salmon Goddard was afterwards chosen one of the same Committee. 1823 Samuel Bliss, Stephen Raymond, Jonas Bartlett, Stephen Richardson, Amos Heywood, John B. Walker, Stephen Batcheller, Jr., Stephen Holman, Jonas Brewer, John Wood were chosen School Committee for the several districts. Capt. Benoni Peck, Capt. William Peirce and Jonathan Peirce, were chosen visiting School Committee in conjunction with the two ministers. SCHOOL COMMITTEE FROM 1 845 93 SCHOOL COMMITTEE FROM 1845. 1845 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. Isaac P. Willis, Samuel D. Darling. 1846 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. Isaac P. Willis, Samuel D. Darling. 1847 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. Isaac P. Willis, Rev. N. A. Keys. 1848 Rev. Silas Kenney, Rev. Norman Hazen, Rev. J. H. M. Leland. 1849 Rev. Silas Kenney, Rev. Norman Hazen, Dr. Isaac P. Willis. 1850 Rev. Silas Kenney, Rev. Norman Hazen, Rev. George Goodyear. 1851 Rev. Silas Kenney, Rev. Norman Hazen, Rev. George Goodyear. 1852 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. J. B. Gould, Dr. Issac P. Willis. 1853 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. J. B. Gould, Rev. E. W. Bullard. 1854 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. J. B. Gould, Rev. E. W. Bullard. 1855 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. J. B. Gould, Rev. E. W. Bullard, 1856 Rev. Silas Kenney, Dr. J. B. Gould, H. D. Newton. 1857 Dr. Isaac P. Willis, J. W. Healey, John Wood, Adriel White, Cyrus Davis, J. M. Eaton, John N. Bartlett. 1858 E. W. Bullard, I. P. Willis, J. B. Gould. 1859 E. W. Bullard, I. P. Willis, J. B. Gould. 1860 E. W. Bullard, I. P. Willis, Edwin, Seabury. 1861 E. W. Bullard, I. P. WilUs, E. Seabury. 1862 E. W. Bullard. I. P. Willis, T. C. Potter. 1863 E. W. Bullard, L. Tandy, Robert T. Hancock. 1864 E. W. Bullard, L. Tandy, F. D. Austin. 1865 E. W. Bullard, Lorenzo Tandy, F. D. Austin. 1866 E. W. Bullard, F. D. Austin, H. T. Hanks. 1867 E. W\ Bullard, H. T. Hanks, F. D. Austin. 1868 Rev. Charles Brooks, Dr. Henry 0. Adams, George F. Miller. 1869 George F. Miller, A. C. White, Henry 0. Adams. 1870 George F. Miller, Henry O. Adams, Luke E. Bemis. 1871 George F. Miller, Henry O. Adams, Phillip H. Bliss. 1872 George F. Miller, Phillip H. Bliss. Mrs. Almira H. French. 1873 George F. Miller, Phillip H. Bliss, Mrs. Almira H. French. 1874 George F. Miller, A. M. White. Mrs. Almira H. French. 1875 H. W. Bliss, J. L. Merrill, Lyman Stone, Charles Forbes, C. C. Chapin, A. M. White, Silas Whipple, Mrs. M. M. Perkins, C. N. Stockwell, R. T. Hancock. 9^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1876 Mrs. M. M. Perkins, C. C. Chapin, Lyman Stone, Caleb N. Stockwell, H. W. Bliss. 1877 Mrs. M. M. Perkins, Charles Forbes, A. M. White, B. H. Brown, L. E. Bemis, Miss Emma L. Pierce, A. D. Raymond, R. R. Safford, Mrs. M. A. C. Adams. 1878 R. R. Safford, A. M. White, L. E. Bemis, C. A. Higgins, B. H. Brown, A. D. Raymond, Emma L. Pierce. 1879 B. H. Brown, Emma L. Pierce, A. D. Raymond, A. M. White, Mrs. M. A. C. Adams, R. R. Safford, C. A. Higgins. 1880 B. H. Brown, Emma L. Pierce, Mrs. D. P. Clark, E. A. Carpenter, A. M. White, R. R. Safford. 1881 B. H. Brown, Emma L. Pierce, E. A. Carpenter, Mrs. D. P. Clark, A. M. White, Daniel Davis. 1882 B. H. Brown, Daniel Davis, A. M. White, E. A. Carpen- ter, L. E. Bemis, Emma L. Peirce. 1883 B. H. Brown, C. W. Day, Joseph Walker, L. E. Bemis, Daniel Davis, A. M. White. 1884 B. H. Brown, A. M. Wliite, C. W. Day, F. J. BUss, L. E. Bemis. 1885 B. H. Brown, A. M. White, C. W. Day, F. J. Bliss, R. J. Walker, L. E. Bemis. 1886 B. H. Brown, A. M. White, C. W. Day, F. J. Bhss, R. J. Walker, A. D. Raymond,. 1887 B. H. Brown, A. D. Raymond, C. W. Day, A. M. White, F. J. Bliss, Rev. J. W. Shaw. 1888 B. H. Brown, A. D. Raymond, Rev. Judson W. Shaw, C. W. Day, A. M. White, F. J. BHss. 1889 B. H. Brown, A. D. Raymond, C. W. Day, F. J. Bhss, J. T. Nichols, C. C. Chapin. 1890 B. H. Brown, A. D. Raymond, C. W. Day, James C. Longley, Calvin C. Chapin, Flora J. Butterworth. 1891 B. H. Brown, A. D. Raymond, C. W. Day, Flora J. Butterworth, Calvin C. Chapin. 1892 B. H. Brown, Calvin C. Chapin, Flora J. Butterworth, C. E. Wheeler, A. A. Hyatt, J. T. Nichols. 1893 B. H. Brown, C. W. Day, L. E. Stewart, Mrs. J. S. Moore, J. T. Nichols. 1894 L. E. Stewart, Mrs. J. S. Moore, H. O. Adams, W. H. Newton, J. T. Nichols. SCHOOL COMMITTEE 95 1895 B. H. Brown, L. E. Stewart, Mrs. J. S. Moore, E. B. Hanson. 1898 B. H. Brown, E. B. Hanson, Mrs. H. R. Moore. 1897 F. J. Fairbanks, E. B. Hanson, Hattie R. Moore. 1898 Francis J. Fairbanks, Henry 0. Adams, Hattie R. Moore. 1899 Francis J. Fairbanks, Alfred R. Hale, Myron W. Sherwood. 1900 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, Alfred R. Hale. 1901 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, Alfred R. Hale. 1902 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, Alfred R. Hale. 1903 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, Alfred R. Hale 1904 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, Alfred R. Hale. 1905 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, Alfred R. Hale. 1906 Charles H. Brown, Myron W. Sherwood, James A. Bates. 1909 William A. Frye, Myron W. Sherwood, Fred W. Cross. 1908 William A. Frye, Myron W. Sherwood, Fred W. Cross. 1909 Charles E. Richardson, Myron W. Sherwood, Ernest F. Porter. 1910 Charles E. Richardson, Myron W. Sherwood, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1911 Charles E. Richardson, Eri S. Stewart, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1912 Charles E. Richardson, Eri S. Stewart, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1913 Charles E. Richardson, Eri S. Stewart, Nellie W. Farrar. 1914 Charles E. Richardson, Eri S. Stewart, Nellie W. Farrar. 1915 Charles E. Richardson, Eri S. Stewart, Nellie W. Farrar. Nellie G. W. Farrar, member of the school committee, is the wife of Walter N. Farrar. She was born June 9, 1871, at Chesterfield, N. H., daughter of Watson and Jennie (Thomas) Wheeler. She attended the public schools of Chesterfield and Hinsdale, N. H., and the Westfield Normal school. While at Westfield her mother died very suddenly, being sick only a few hours, and she went honie to be a companion for her father. He lived only three months, after which she went to Worcester, Mass., to live with her guardian, and worked in the office of William H. Burns until she was twenty-one, when she entered the training school for nurses at Fall River Hospital, where she established a reputation as one of the best nurses in either medi- cal or surgical cases, having nursed for the late Dr. Maurice C^(^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Richardson, Ex-Mayor John Coughlin and other prominent physicians of the city. She served at the hospital as head nurse, and had full charge of the children's ward. She is much inter- ested in nursing and has on many occasions given a helping hand to the people of the village. She is a member of Themis Chapter, O. E. S., and of the Athol Woman's Club. In 1913 she was elected a member of the School Committee by a large vote. She married Walter N. Farrar Nov. 28, 1894. They have no children. Charles E. Richardson, chairman of the School Committee, He married May ,9 1901, Mabel Viola Hutchins, daughter of Francis J. and Margaret (Lyall) Hutchins of Royalston. They have two children, Clara Mabel, born May 14, 1905, and Charles Francis, born May 21,1 908. Mr. Richardson has been engaged in farming, being one of the progressive young farmersof the town, and is prominent in town affairs. He has been chairman of the School Committee since March, 1909, and is also a member of the Finance Committee. He has been a member of Royalston Grange for twenty-one years, has served as Master two years and Lecturer three years. Eri S. Stewart, member of the School Committee, was born in Royalston April 8, 1887, son of Luther Stewart. He attended the common schools of Royalston, graduated from the Athol High School in the class of 1905 and attended the Massachusetts Agricultural College one year. He has followed the occupation of a farmer, and has been active in town affairs, having served on the School Committee four years, constable three years, and is also inspector of dressed meat, and deputy Forest Fire Warden. He has also been Master of Royalston Grange three years. He married Bernice Hager, daughter of Arthur Hager of Athol, April 8, 1907. They have two children, a son and a daughter. HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBITION When the author of this History was searching for material in the State Library at the State House in Boston, and inquired if there was anything relating to the Town of Royalston in the library, there was brought to him a carefully preserved program CIIARLRS R. RICHARDSOiN LUTIIKR K. STKWART ■HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBITION 97 ♦of an Exhibition of the Royalston High School in 1852. We deem ■this as worthy to be inserted in the History of Royalston as rshowing what the young ladies and gentlemen of more than sixty years ago were doing- The following is the program: Royalston High School Exhibition At the Town Hall W«dn€sday evening, Nov. 10, 1852. Exercises cemmencing at 6 1-2 o'clock Doors open at 6 The proceeds of the Exhibition to be appropriated to defray- ing the expenses of a Course of Literary Lectures. Order of Exercises, Music 1. Salutatory Oration in Latin, C. G. G. Fame 2. Phillip's Letter to the Kinjg. A. Bryant Music 3. The Present, Past and Future. Dramatic Antediluvism D. W. Adams Personal Millerite of 1852 C. B. Willis Contemporaries Agent E. L. Parker Geologist S. H. Hey wood Ml usic 4. Oration W\ W. Cobb 5. Kossuth at Lowell E. Pierce M usic 6. Spiritual Manifestation. Mrs. Scroogen Miss E. P. Brown Miss Tiddell Miss E. A. Davis Miss Heartall Miss S. L. Paine Dramatic Mrs, Hodges Mrs. S. S. Putnam Personal Mrs. Duncan Miss L. L. Bullock, Miss Goodrich Miss E. Davis, Miss Hampden Miss D. Perry, Miss Bradbury Miss M. A. Forrister, Miss Plimpton Miss M. E. Shepardson, Miss Davenport Miss E. A. Lyon, Miss Packing Miss G. Davis. 98 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Mediums Miss Cromwell Miss S. L. Hohlen, Miss Alcult Miss M. J. Putnam, Miss Carlton Miss M. Walker, Mrs. Tyler Miss S. P. Bragg, Miss Lawton Miss S. E. Wheeler, Miss Fang Miss O. L. Hubbard, Miss Cutler Miss R. Willis, Mrs. Kidder Miss A. Woodbury. Music 7. Oration- -Webster— W. C. Earle, 8. Hatch at the Syra(;use. Women's I Rights Convention M. A. Wilson. Music 9. The Right Ai'in B. Dexter. 10. Recitat ion, Miss McLean. Music 11. The Fallen Saved. Those taking part- : W. C. Earle, D. W. Adams, E. Davis, J. Chase, N. Holmiin, B. Dexter, W. W. Cobb, C. G. G. Paine, M. A. Wilson, D. Ray- mond, A. Ballou, D. Brooks, T. McLean, F. Bullock, C. Pierce, C. Hancock, S. H. Heywood, E. L. Parker, A. Da\is, Miss E. A. Davis, Miss E. R. Browne, Miss M. Walker, Miss M. Turner, Miss L. L. Bullock, Miss S. G. Peirce, Miss J. Cutler, Miss E. Biyant. Music 12. Poem, T. McLean 13. Oration and VaUnlictory Address, D. W. Adams. Music Great changes have taken place in the Schools of Royalston during the last sixty years as in every other thing connected with the town. As far as we have been aV)le to ascertain from any records there was probably the largest number of scholars in the schools of Royalston from about 1845 to about 1850. In 1849 there were four hundred and fifty-nine scholars, of whom ninety-seven were over fifteen years of age. In 1854 there were one hundred and forty-six scholars attending private schools in Royalston, and there was paid for the support of these schools Four Hundred and Seventy-five dollars. EDUCATION 99 For quite a good many years in the middle of the last century the winter terms of the schools were taught by young men who came from some of the New England Colleges, and also by young men of Royalston, who had attended some of the old time Academies. Some winters more than half of the schools of the town were taught by these young men. Among the teachers of 1856 were: Henry Peck, Edward J. Flint, John Follet, Francis M. Lamb, A. J. Fisher and Jefferson K. Cole. In 1858 the list contained the names of Albert Bryant, Jefferson Richardson, H. D. Newton, Bela J. Jacobs, W. H. Knight, Percival B odgett, Robert T. Hancock and Samuel J. Storrs; of these all but three were Royalston young men: Storrs was from Amherst College, Percival Blodgett from Orange and Knight from Brattleboro, Vt In 1860 the male teachers were: Lyman Walker, of Thetford, Vt.; H. C. Bennett, Rindge, N. H.; Jay Davis, Royalston; Robert T. Hancock, Royalston; W. F. Leonard, Warwick; H. O. Howe, Gill; A. F. Pierce, Royalston; and G. A. Miller, Woodstock, Vt. In 1872 there was only one male teacher who taught in town, Alfred D. Clifford, of PhiUipston, who taught the North East School. In 1873 the male teachers were L. B. Caswell at South Royalston, Harlan P. Townsend at the Centre, Alfred D. Clifford in the North East District and Phillip H. Bliss and Arthur A. LTpham. L. B. Caswell also taught the South Royalston School in 1874, and the Centre School in 1875, and had in each of these schools twenty-two scholars over fifteen years of age, while in 1914 there were only three scholars over fifteen years of age in all the schools of the town. In 1838, of the twenty-one teachers employed in the schools, seventeen be onged in Royalston, while in 1913, of the eight teachers in town, only one be'onged to Royalston. After several years of agitation in regard to the subject, the School District system was abolished in 1867. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS In March, 1889, the town voted to unite with the towns of Templeton, Hubbardston and PhiUipston in the employment of a Superintendent of Schools. A joint convention was held at 100 HISTORY OF ROYALSrONT Baldwinville, consisting of the Committee from Royalston'' Hubbardston, Phillipston and Templeton. Percival Blodgett^ of Templeton, was elected Chairman and Rev. M. H. Hitchcock, of Hubbardston, Secretary. A superirrtendent was elected, and on the basis of the averagre attendance in each to\Yn, one-half of his time was to be devoted to Templeton, orre-tenth, to Phillip- ston, one-fifth to Hubbardston, and cme-fifth to Royalston, Each town was to pay its proportionate part of the expense, and at the end of the year receive the same proportionate part of the State's gift of SIOOO to the d'strict. The first Superinten- dent of this district was Randall J. Condon, who served in 1889* and 1890; E. J. Edmonds, 1892, 1893; W. Scott Ward, 1894,. 1895, 1896; Charles E. Putney, 1897 to 1901; F. G. Atwell, 1901 to 1907 inclirsive; Alberto W, Small, to 10081910, inclusive- Asa M. Jones, the present superintendent, has held the position gince 191 1. He was born in Unity, Me., graduated from Colby College, taught school several years in Vermont and became Superintendent of the Charlemont, Mass., District in 1908^ from which place he came to the Royalston District in 191 1. The former Superintendents are all engaged in educational work at the present time as follows: Randall J. Condon is now Superintendent of the Schools of Cincinnati, Ohio; W. Scott Ward is Superintendent of the Athol schools; E. J. Edmonds has a teachers' agency in Boston; C. E. Putney 's Superintendent of the Schools of Burlngton, Vt.; F. J. Atwell, in Hopedale, Mass.; and Alberto W. Small, in Chelmsford, Mass. The standing of a community in regard to education can be found in the sons and daughters who have graduated from the colleges and professional schools of the land and entered the learned profe sions or have become teachers in the schools and higher institutions of learning. The list of the mitive born of Rx^yalston who have graduated from college is unusually large for a town of its size. COLLEGE GRADUATES George Newton, Esq. Dartmouth 1808 Samuel Barrett Harvard 1818 Franklin Jones Amherst 1829 Asahel Peck University of Vermont 1830 Rev. Sidney Holman Williams 1830 J COLLEGE GRADUATES 101 Alexander Hamilton Bullock Prof. Nelson Wheeler Rev. Jesse K. Bragg Stephen Holman Rev. Ariel E. P. Perkins Hosea Davis Caleb B. Metcalf Rev. Amory Gale George B. Newton Leonard L. Leathe Rev. E )enezer Cutler R?v. Henry Cummings Isaac Stevens Metcalf Hon. Benjamin C. Perkins Benjamin S. H. Brown J. Ormond Wilson Samuel C. Gale, Esq. Charles A. Gregory, Esq. Henry M. Harrington, Charles G. G. Paine Rev. Albert Bryant William Clark Peckham Hamilton S. Peck Everett B Bragg John V. Hazen Samuel Augustus Fiske Arthur C. Brown Jenner Morse Mary E. Raymond Albert W. Merram Mabel Winifred Adams Fred Wilder Cross Florence Shepardson Walter F. Ellis Berhta Winifred Clark Amherst 1836 Yale 1836 Amherst 1838 WilHams 1839 Amherst 1840 Dartmouth 1842 Yale 1842 Brown University 1843 Yale 1843 Amherst 1843 Joseph Frederick Perkins Robert Winthrop Adams Lena May Bowker University of Vermont 1845 Amherst 1847 Bowdoin 1847 Dartmouth 1848 Harvard 1850 Dartmouth 1850 Yale 1854 Harvard 1855 Amherst I860 Amherst 1861 Amherst 1862 Amherst 1867 University of Vermont 1870 Mass. Agricultural 1875 Dartmouth (Scientific) 1875 Yale 1877 Harvard 1879 Ann Arbor 1883 Smith 1891 Worcester Polytechnic 1896 Cornell University 1899 Williams 1900 Smith 1900 Harvard 1900 Geo. Washington University 1900 Williams Worcester Polytechnic 1904 Mt. Holyoke 1908 102 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Carl Shepardsou Brown I'niversity 1908 Charles Watson Bowker, Jr. Dartmouth 1911 There is also a good list of natives of Royalston who entered College but for various reasons did not complete their college course. Daniel Shepardson was two years at Amherst College and two years at Brown University, but did not graduate from either. He received the honorary of degree M. A. from Granville Col- lege in 1850, and Brown University in 1853, also the honorary degree of D. D. from Bushnell University in 1872. Rev. T. Willard Lewis was at Union College three years, Rufus Henry Bullock was at Amherst College in 1838 and 1839. but did not graduate. Daniel C. Perkins was at Amherst College 2 1-2 years in the Class of 1849, and graduated from Harvard Medical College in 1850. Ephraim Richardson had nearly completed a college course when he died. Eri S. Stewart was at the Massachusetts Agricultural College one year. John F. Lehy was two years at Holy Cross College 1872 to 1874. Sarah A. Drury was at the University of Chicago three years. Dr. Andrew Jackson Flagg graduated from the Philadelphia Medical College, and Dr. Leander Smith from the Medical department of Dartmouth College in 1834. Dr. Walter H. Adams graduated from the Medical Depart- ment of the University of the City of New York in 1889. Joseph Henry Shepardson was at Waterville College, now Colby College, Maine, one year in the Class of 1859, and Lucius Franklin Shepardson was at the same college for one year in the Class of 1858. Mary E. Raymond after graduating at Wheaton Seminary, now Wheaton College, graduated at Smith College in 1891, took her B. A. degree at Radcliffe College in 1895, and M. A. degree at Smith in 1896, and then took special work at the University of Berlin. Carrie W. Raymond graduated at Wheaton Seminary. Geoffrey B. Leh}^ was one year at Holy Cross College. COLLEGE GRADUATES 103 Harlan Mackenzie graduated at Gushing Academy and was two years in Col])y College, and Bessie Mackenzie, after graduat- ing from Gushing Academy, was two years in Simmons Gollege. Sarah L. Paine was a student at Mount Holyoke Seminary. Royalston's list of graduates from the State Normal Schools is also worthy of mention. Mary E. Paine Salem Normal School 1864 Ellen A. Paine Salem Normal School 1864 Susan F. Drury Westfield Normal School Edwin Augustus Fisher Westfield Normal School 1870 Emma Jane Hale Bridgewater Normal School 1873 Arthur A. Upham Westfield Normal School 1880 Myra A. Safford Bridgewater Normal School 1883 George Newton of the Glass of 1808, Dartmouth Gollege, was born in Royalston Jan. 16, 1785, a son of Nathan Brigham and Mary (Stewart) Newton. He began the practice of law at Salem, and removed to Royalston in 1816, where he died June G, 1817, at the age of thirty-two years. He was the first native of Royalston to graduate from Gollege of which we have any record. Nelson Wheeler, originally Lord Nelson Wheeler, son of Paul and Phoebe (Hill) Wheeler, was born in South Royalston Oct. 24, 1813. He graduated at Yale Gollege in the Glass of 1836. After graduation he taught in the New Haven Hopkins Grammar School, and in Townshend, Vermont; he then spent some time in the study of Hebrew in the Newton Theological Seminary, though not expecting to enter the ministry. On April 24, 1839, he married Rebecca, daughter of Hon. Rufus and Sally (Davis) Bullock of Royalston. For the following year he taught in Plainfield, New Jersey, and then became Principal of the Worcester, Mass., Manual Labor High School, which-was maintained by the Baptist denomination. By excessive labor in superintending this institution he contracted the pulmonary disease which finally ended his life. Li 1847 he was made Principal of the Worcester High School, and so continued until 1853, when he was appointed Professor of Greek in Brown Uni- versity. He accepted this position, l^ut in 1854 was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs. After a brief trip to the South, he returned to his birthplace to await his end, and died there Aug. 25, 1855, in his 42d year. 10^ HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON He had three sons, one of whom died in infancy. The youngest son was a member of the Class of 1872, in Yale but was graduated at Brown University. George Brigham Newton, son of Willard and Phoebe (Emer- son) Newton, was born at Royalston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1816. He graduated at Yale College in 1843. For two years after graduat- ing he resided at Brattleboro, Vt., engaged in teaching, and the following year was Professor of Mathematics in La Grange College, Ky. He was then principal of a high school for young men in Louis- ville, Ky. In 1855 he established a school for young men in Georgetown, Pettis County, Mo., of which he continued in charge until it was closed by the Civil War. Some years later he opened a high school in Marshall, Mo., where he taught until a few years before his death. He died in Marshall suddenly of apoplexy, Nov. 11, 1892, in his 76th year. He married in Brattle- boro, Vt., April 1, 1846, Louise, daughter of Ira and Jemima (Ward) Haven, and had five daughters and four sons. Rev. Sidney Holman, class of 1830, Williams College, was born at Royalston in 1800. He studied theology at Auburn, N. Y., and was settled as pastor of churches at Saugus, Willing- ton, Conn., Webster, Mass., where he was the first pastor of the First Congregational Church organized in 1838, Millbury, where he was also the first pastor of the West Millbury Congre- gational Church over which he was pastor from July, 1840, to June, 1851. He was also acting pastor at Goshen and Windsor. He was married in 1833 to Myra Fisher, of Terapleton, by whom he had five children, of whom the eldest, Thomas, died in the service of his country in 1802. Franklin Jones, son of Anna and Lephe (Estabrook) Jones, was born in Royalston Aug. 9. 1801. He fitted for college at Kimball Union Academy, Meridan, N. H., and graduated from Amherst College in 1829; took a course at the Andover Theologi- cal Seminary, and in 1832 founded the Bowling Green Female Seminary in Kentucky of which he was the Principal from 1832 to 1846. He died in BowHng Green, Ky., Aug. 16, 1846. Married Sept. 11, 1833, Mary, daughter of Edward Kendall of Westminster. They had six children. Rev. Jesse Kendall Bragg, son of Nathaniel and Polly (Kendall) Bragg, was born in Royalston Oct. 11, 1811. He fitted for college at Westminster and Leicester Academies and COLLEGE GRADUATES " 105 graduated from Amherst College in 1838. Was at Union Theo- logical Seminar}' from 1838 to 1841, and was ordained at Middleboro, Mass., Sept. 13, 1842, where he was pastor from 1842 to 1851, Brookfield 1851 to 1860, at Sandwich 1861 and 1862, at Harrisville, N. H., one year. He was Associate Editor of the Boston Recorder 1862 to 1864, pastor in Boston 1864— 1868, and was in Norfolk the remainder of his life, where he died June 14, 1874, from typhoid fever, followed by softening of the brain. He married Oct. 13, 1844, Maria H., daughter of Col. William Buttrick, of Pepperell, Mass., she died March 13, 1859. He married, second, Dec. 25, 1861, Catherine B., daugh- ter of Enoch H. Pillsbury of Nashua, N. H. They had five children. Leonard Lorenzo Leathe, son of Benjamin and Pauline (Chase) Leathe, was born in Royalston Dec. 12, 1816. He fitted at Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H., and graduated from Amherst College in 1813. He was a Colporteur in the ser- vice of the American Tract Society in the Mississippi Valley, 1843 to 1845, and died from brain fever at Panola, Miss., July 7, 1845, unmarried. Samuel Barrett was born in Royalston Aug. 16, 1795, and graduated at Harvard College in the Class of 1818. He was the son of Benjamin and Betsey (Gerrish) Barrett, and through his long and faithful ministerial labors reflected honor on his native town. He was settled many years as pastor of the Twelth Congregational Unitarian Society of Boston, and re- ceived in 1847, the degree of Doctor of Divinity from his Alma Mater. He married Sept. 11, 1832, Mary Susan, daughter of the eminent Dr. Greenwood of Boston, and died in Roxbury, June 24, 1866. Bertha Winifred Clark was born in West Royalston, Mass., June 6, 1875, daughter of Rev. Albert Vinton and Harriet (Baker) Clark. She was educated in the Hamilton, N. Y., public schools, Colgate Academy, Silas Neff School of Oratory, Columbian (now George Washington) University, where she graduated in 1900, and in Summer School of Cornell University. She taught one year in Nashville, Freedman Schools, in Govern- ment Indian School at Beauleau, Minn., several years, then spent a year in Haseltine House, Newton Centre, Mass., training for foreign mission work in 1907. Went to Rangoon, Burmah> 106 HISTORY OF ROVALSTON and tauoht four years, ])eing then transferred to her present position as Missionary at Bhamo, Burmah. THE LIBRARIES OF ROYALSTON From an early record book discovered within a few years it seems very probable that the town of Royalston was one of the very first towns of Worcester County to organize a Library. Whitney's history of Worcester County, published in 1793, says that "Social Libraries" were common in Massachusetts towns at the close of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries. It states that twelve towns in Worcester County, a Ust of which it gives, had such lil)raries in 1793, but does not mention Royalston, although one had been established in this town in 1778, fifteen years previous to the date, and only thirteen years after the town was incorporated. This record book re- ferred to was found in the family archives of George E. Pierce, his father having been the last secretary of that organization. The library was founded, according to this old record, in January, 1778, and its supporters were orgmized as "The Library Company in Royalston," the name being changed to the "c503ial Library of Royalston" several yeirs liter. It wis in existence seventy- one years, dissolving in 1819. Its line of presidents to he close of the century were: Jonah Go Id.ird, Lieut. Oliver Work, John Batchelder, Isaac Gregory and Jonathan Sibley. Its secretary and librarian during tliis period was Rev. Joseph Lee. Its treasurers were: Lieut. Jonas Allen, Dea. Ammi Faulkner, Isaac Gregory and Jonithan Pierce. On its standing committee besides the nim33 already m3ationei were the names of Henry Bond, William Clements, Dr. Batchelder, Silas Heywood, Capt. Peletiah Metcilf, Nathan B. Newton and William Brown. The library was opsa for drawing and returning books six times a year, always on the Wedaesdiy preceding the second Sabbaths in the months of Januiry, Mirch, Miy, July, September and November; at 2 p. m., in Januiry and November; at 4 p. m.,in March and September; and 5 p. m., in May and July. The mmner of supporting the library is shown by act on taken at a meeting held Miy 7, 1778, viz. : "Voted to raise money or other propsrty for the purpose of increasing the library. Voted that eich an:l every mB.nbsr for this purpose pay into the treasury LIBRARIES OF ROYALSTON « 107 two shi ling!^ in money, or grain, butter, flax or flaxseed. And at a later meeting, Jan. 1, 1789, tlie committee reported that in the'r judgment, rye sliould be received at three shillings, six pence per bushel; Indian corn at two shillings, eight pence; oats at one shilling, six pence; flax at six pence, per pound; flaxseed at two shillings, six pence per Inishel, and Ijutter at five pence, half penny per pound.' No catalog of the books in this lil)rary has come own to us, V)ut it is known that at least 487 volumes were in the collection. It is interesting to know what the intellects of the Royalston fathers and mothers were fed and fattened on, and this is shown in a vote of the Society passed March 7, 1787, viz.; "Voted that the money laid out for books, being divided into ten equal parts, be laid out for l)ooks upon different subjects in the follow- ing proportion, viz;.; Three-tenths parts for books in Divinity and Moral Philosophy; three-tenths for History and Biography; two-tenths for Arts and Sciences; one tenth for Law and Physic; one-tenth for Poetry, Novels and miscellany." The people of Royalston must have had great appetite for the literature of that day, for while other towns had only one social library, Royalston had two. We learn this from an article in a library warrant po-^ted Feb. 25, 1817, which reads as follows; "To hear and act on the report of the committee appointed to confer with a committee of the second social library concerning the admission of members from that Hbrary." The action of this article was favorable and eighteen members of the second social lil)rary were admitted. The Social Library voted to divide its books Jan. 10, 1849, and not long after that date the books were sold at auction and the lil^rary went out of existence. In 1812, the Legislature enacted a law that when any school distr ct in the Commonwealth should raise S15 for a library, the same amount should be drawn from the State treasury and a collection of books judicious'y selected ]:)y the State authorities should at once be forwarded to the district. Under this arrange- ment School libraries were est blished in the Centre the Doane's Falls d strict, the City, so-called. Baptist Common and the Cutler district. In the latter John N. Bartlett was librarian and custodian for several years. In the west part of the town, a library half Sunday school and half secular, was given and supported for fifteen years by Joel Gates Ijy annual remittances 108 . HISTORY OF ROYALSTON during his lifetime and since his death by the revenue o' a legacy of $2000 under his will. The Public Librarj^ of Royalston as it exists today, had its origin in the Ladies' Benevolent Society, an organization which was founded in 1824, and has had an enviable record in member- ship and good works. The members of this Society early recog- nized the need of a public library in the community. To Mrs. George Woodbury, the honored secretary of the Society for many years, must be given the credit of the first suggestion of working for this object. After careful consideration they finally voted in January, 1874, to embark in the enterprise. The methods adopted for raising funds were private subscriptions, farmers' suppers, sociables, lectures and entertainments of various kinds. After good progress had been made by the ladies, Joseph Ray- mond promised that when their fund had reached the sum of $250 he would add to that amount $250 more. This was soon accomphshed and as many books as $500 would purchase were soon placed on their shelves and the ibrary was opened Oct. 10, 1874, with 434 volumes. The Royalston Farmers Club had contributed the'r library of 60 volumes to help make up the number. The library remained under the management of the ladies till 1880, when it was formally accepted by the town, and since that date has been liberally supported by the town. In 1898 a delivery station was established in South Royalston the town paying the expense of transportation and care of the books. At the March town meeting in 1910 it was announced that Mr. Phinehas S. Newi^on, a native and life-long resident of the town, would give the town the sum of $10,003 for the building of a public library provide:! the town would procure a suitable site. A committee consisting of L. G. Forbes, E. B. Hanson and L. B. Shepardson was chosen, and after investigating various locations it was finally decided that the best place was at the corner of the lot owned by WiUiam H. Hill of Brookline. Mr. Hill later donating the lot in memory of his wife, and work was begun in August of that year, and was completed in May, 1911, the dedicating exercises being held June 28, 1911. The building is of red brick with brown sandstone trimmings 50 by 36 feet, with one story, basement and attic and is a fine addtion to the Common. The number of books in the library Jan. 1, 1916, was PHINEHAS S. NEWTON PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS ELIZABETH WAITE CHASE MRS. EMELINE (WHITE) MACKENZIE LIBRARIES OF ROYALSTON 109 3,927. Mrs. Emeline (White) Mackenzie has been the popular and efficient librarian of the Phinehas S. Newton library since Sept. 1 1897. She was born Aug. 13, 1857, at Winchendon, moved to Royalston at an early age, and received her education in the schools of Royalston; she then taught school in several of the districts of the town commencing in 1876, and continuing for five years. She married Colin Mackenzie, Sept. 20, 1880. Elizabeth Waite Chase, who served as librarian of the Royalston Public Library from the date of its acciuisition by the town in 1881 until her death in 1896, is remembered by the townspeople as a faithful custodian to whom the library was the object of the most absorbing interest and affection. Her love for the library manifested itself in the scrupulous care which she bestowed upon the books, and in the quiet and deco- rum which she exacted of youthful patrons during library hours. She was born in Boston Sept. 14, 1837, daughter of Chauncey and Caroline (Morse) Chase, and removed with her family to Royalston in 1859. She died in Royalston Dec. 14, 1896. Maria L. Bragg officiated as librarian from Nov. 1, 1896, to Sept. 1, 1897, and the names of Emma L. Pierce and Miss Hattie Walker appear as having been librarians for a short time. The Trustees of the Public Library since it was accepted by the town in 1881 hiive been as follows: 1881 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Dr. Henry 0. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond. 1882 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Dr. Henry O. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond. 1883 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Dr. Henry O. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond. 1884 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Dr. Henry O. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond. 1885 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich, 1883 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1887 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 110 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1888 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. rjaymond, Jeremiah A' Rich. 1889 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1890 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1891 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1892 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1893 Di\ Frank W. Adam^, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1894 Dr. Frank W. Adim-;, Alfred D. Raymond, Jeremiah A. Rich. 1895 Dr. Frank W. Adam-i, Jeremiah A. Rich, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks. 1893 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Jeremiah A. Rich, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks. 1897 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Jeremiah A Rich, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks. 1898 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Jeremiah A. Rich, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks. 1899 Dr. Frank W. Adams. Jeremiah A. Rich, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks. 1900 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks, Caleb W. Day. 1901 Dr. Frank W. Adams, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks, Caleb W. Day. 1902 Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1903 Caleb W. Day, Francis J. Fairbanks, Frank W. Adams. 1904 Francis J. Fairbanks, Calel^ W. Day, Frank W. Adams. 1905 Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1905 Caleb W. Day, Francis J. Fairbanks, Frank W. Adams. 1907 Francis J. Fairbanks, Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day. 1908 Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1939 Francis J. Fairbanks, Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day. 1910 Francis J. Fairbanks, Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day. 1911 Frank W. Adams, Caleb W. Day, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1912 Francis J. Fairbanks, Frank W. Adams, Levens G. Forbes. 1913 Frank W. Adams, Levens G. Forbes, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1914 Frank W. Adams, Levens G. Forbes, Francis J. Fairbanks. 1915 Frank W. Adams, Levens G. Forbes, Francis J. Fairbanks. POST OFFICES 111 POST OFFICES One of the Postmaster Generals in his report has said, "there is nothing which more deeply interests every, man, woman and child in this country of ours, than the safe handling of correspondence." The post-office in every city, town, village or hamlet, whether enclosed in the walls of a public building, or crowded into a corner of a country store has a great attraction for old and young, who with eager expectancy seek for their letters and papers, and "going to the post-office" has been one of the regular dut es and habits of the people. When Royalston was incorporated as a town in 1765, Boston was the only regular post-office in Massachusetts, and iists of letters were advertised n the Boston Neivs Letter for all parts of the State. To receive their mail people depended on market-men or private parties who on visiting Boston would call for the letters and deliver them on their return trip. In 1793 the nearest post-offices to Royalston were at Worcester and Greenfield. The Fitchburg post-office was estatilished in 1811, only one year before that of Royalston, and the Athol post-office was estab- lished Oct. 1, 1802, when a post-master bearing the same name of Joseph E?tabrook as the first post-master of the Royalston office, was appointed, the Athol post-master being the Rev. Joseph Estabrook, the second minister of Athol. In these days of quick and easy means of transportation and communication we can hardly realize what travel meant to the early settlers of Royal- ston. The condition of roads was such as to render travelling slow, difficult and dangerous. The mails were transportetl, as almost all passing was performed, on horseback; and a journey of one hundred miles was a matter of greater preparation, appre- hension and toil than a trip of three thousand miles at the pre- sent day. Not until 1761, was there any kind of public conveyance put on the roads out of Boston. Governor Bullock in describing the early mail facilities of Royalston, in his Centennial address, says: "Once a week our portl}^ fellow citizen of that time, Jonathan Pierce, drove the po3t and carried the mail l)etween Worcester and Keene through Royahton, bringing to us the weekly papers, the regular politics, the more distant gossip, and helping us along generally in our conformity with the outside world. This mission commencing 112 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON about the year 1800, he performed nearly a quarter of a century." The rates of postage in the early part of the nineteenth century were enormous as compared with the present time. The rates were six cents for less than 30 miles, 10 cents for eighty miles, twelve and one-half cents for one hundred miles. The Post Office at Royalston was established April 1, 1812, with Joseph Estabrook as the first postmaster. Those who have held the office since with the date of appointment are as follows: Franklin Gregory, Aug. 22, 1823; George Blodgett, Sept. 10, 1836; Stillman Blodgett, Sept. 29, 1836; Joseph Estabrook, Dec. 22, 1836; C. Robert Wood, Jr., Feb. 1, 1840; Charles A. Bullock, June 15, 1841; Joseph Estabrook, Nov. 12, 1846; Charles H. Newton, Nov. 17, 1856; Obadiah Walker, April 4, 1870; John L. King, Dec. 14, 1881; Aurin C. Gordon, July 17, 1882; George W. Blandin, July 22, 1885; Sumner C. French, March 12, 1900. CHAPTER IX MEDICAL PROFESSION Few country towns have been blessed with such a roll of able and distingu'shed physicians as has Roj'alston from the first settlement of the town, down through the generations to the present time; whi'e many Sons of Royalston have gone out and made for themselves an honored name in the profession in various parts of the country. THE DOCTORS BACHELLER The Doctors Bacheller, father and son, were held in high repute throughout the State. D)\ Stephen Bacheller, Sen., was the first physician of the town establishing himself here in 1768, when this whole region was almost an entire wilderness, and remained here down to the time of his death, in 1829, at the age of eighty-three, illus- trating the highest style of fidelity to a life of professional honor and duty. He was born at Grafton, Mass., Oct. 9, 1745, a son of Mark and Dorcas Bacheller. He married Meribah, daughter of James and Abigail Stratton of Athol, April 28, 1774. She died Dec. 22, 1827, of palsy. In his early practice he suffered much from the want of roads and the condition of such as existed. He was obliged to travel by marked trees, in this and neighboring towns, often by night and frequently followed by bears and wolves; and to ford streams at the peril of his life. Yet he never refused to respond to the calls made upon him, whatever the raging of the storm, the dangers of the way, or the poverty of the patients. Earl}^ in life he made a profession of religion by joining the Congregat'onal church of Royalston. Governor Bullock paid him a beautiful tribute in his Centennial address when he said: "He deserves to be cherished in the combined associations of a lengthened and honored citizenship and of those solemn and tender services which in nearly a half century of practice received the gratitude of the living and took no reproach from the memorials of the dead." He died Feb. 10, 1829, of old age. 114 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON lie was succeeded by his son, Dr. Stephen Bacheller, Jr., who was horn in R;\v.ilston Jan. 3, 1778. He practiced in Royalston and in all this section of Massa- chusetts nearly as long as his father. He received his preparatory education at New Salem Academy and Chesterfield, N. H., Academy. He commenced the study of medicine with his father, but spent the later period of his pupilage under the instruction of Dr. Henry Wells, of Montague, one of the most distinguished physicians of New England. At the age of 22 he began the practice of his profession in Truro, on Cape Cod. This was in the autumn or winter of 1809. He remained in Truro three years, when at the solicitation of his father, who began to feel some of the infirmities of age, he returned to his native town, and commenced practice with him in 1803. It is a fact worthy of notice, that the father and son practiced in town during the long period of 80 years, the father 35 years before the son commenced with him, and the son 4.5 years from his return to Royalston in 1803. As a physician he held a high rank and was greatly esteemed by his professional brethren. It is stated that he probably had, for many years, a more extensive consultation business than any other physician in the County, and perhaps in the State. He was highly honored by the Mass. Medical Society, of which he became a fellow June 1, 1824, and continued his connection to the time of his decease. He was one of the most punctual attendants at its annual meetings, often riding from Royalston to Boston — 70 miles or more — in his gig the day before the meeting, and returning home in the same manner, the day after. He was for many j^ears one of the Counsellors of the Society; two years its Vice-president; and one of the dele- gates from this Society, in May, 1848, to the American Med'cal Association, whose session that year was held in Bnltimore. He was also one of the founders of the District Society for Worcester County, and for some years its President. About 40 medical students studied with him some of whom became eminent physicians. Independent of his professional worth, his townsmen esteemed him as a valuable citizen. He represented Royalston in the State Legislature, held the office of Justice ui the Peace, and served in various town offices. DR. STEPHEN BACHELLER, JR. MEDICAL PROFESSION 77J He gave all his iiiflnence in favor of the cause of Temperaiice, and contributed lil^'rally for the support of religion, educat on, etc. He died Nov., 1848, at the house of a near neighbor, where he called apparently well; but soon complained of feeling faint, leaned back in his chair and called for a glass of water, but ])efore it could be handed him he was dead. He married ( l)Sally Stratton, daughter of Kufus and Asenath Stratton of Northfield, May 30, 1803; she died April 15, 1815 jind he married (2) Sarah W. Moore of Canduidgc, Jan. 1, 1816; she died March 16, 1826, and he married t3)Martha Butler, Dec. 25, 1826. DR. THOMAS RICHARrSON Dr. Thomas Richardson practiced in Royalston more than twenty years, residing in the Northeasterly part of the town. He was born in Leominster, Mass., Feb. 1, 1766. He studied medicine with Dr. Carter of Lancaster, and Dr. Shattuck of Templeton, and came to Royalston about 1790 at the age of twenty-four. He married about 1789 Jane, daughter of Rev. Joseph Brown of Winchendon, minister there from 1769 to 1800. She was born Feb. 20, 1765, and died Oct 17, 1828. They had eleven • children born in Royalston between 1789 and 1810. He had a first-class reputation as a physician and a citizen. His practice was quite large and enabled him to accumulate a good property. He moved to Fitzwilliam, N. H., in 1812, but did not doa large business there, as his object in leaving Royalston was to avoid practice on account of his health, which suffered from irregular hours. He became one of the most prominent citizens of Fitzwilliam, and was for a long time its largest tax payer, and once at least its representative in tin- New Hampslnre Legislature. He had a fine taste and a thorough knowledge in raising horses, in which he stood at the head in this section of the country. He died in Fitzwilliam, Aug. 8, 1852, aged eighty-six and one-half 3^ears. DR. ISAAC P. WLLLIS Dr. Isaac P. Willis commenced practice at Richmond Centre, N. H., about 1833. The History of Richmond says. 12(, HISTDKV OF ROYALSTON that he secured a fair share of practice, some of which he re- tained after he removed from town." After a few years he removed to Royalston and succeeded to the larg:e practice left by Dr. Stephen Batcheller, where he served the people with "positive skill and science in his profession." In February 1838 he married Mary C. Stacy of Petersham. They had two children, Martha Genett, born July 19, 1840 and Julius Astley, born Dec. 17, 1843. He was interested in town affairs and for several years served on the school committee. He was spoken of as able, public spirited and with a big hearted sympathy for all the sick ones, especially for the children. He died aliout 1863 or '64 of diphtheria which he took from one of his patients. DR. HORACE TRACY HANKS. One of the Royalston physicians, who practiced in town for three or four years just after the Civil War, and who is still remembered by some of the older people, was Dr. Horace Tracy Hanks. He was born at East Randolph, Vt., June 27, 1837. As a boy he went to the Orange County and West Randolph, Vt., Academies. In 1859 he was studying medicine under Prof. Walter Carpenter of Burlington, Vt., and attending lectures at the University of Vermont. In 1831 he graduated from the Albany City Medical College and spent one year in the Albany City Hospital. Early in 1862 he received his commission as Assistant Surgeon in the 30th R9gim9nt New York Volunteers. After serving in the field for one year and participating in several of the principal battles fought by the Army of the Potomac, notably those of Fredericksburg under Gen. Burnside, and Chancellorsville under Gen. Hooker, he was ordered to Washington and for a consider- able time was in charge of the Armory Square Hospital. After being mustered out he came to Royalston and practiced here until 1838. While in Royalston he was prominent in the social life of the place, was a member of the School Committee, and one of the Committee having charge of the Dedication of the Town hall in 1833. In 1858 he went to New York to attend lestures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and decided to settle in that City. In 1872 he was appoi-nted one of the at- DR. FRANK ^V. ADAMS MEDICAL PROFESSION 117 teniing gynecologists to the Demilt Dispensary. He was Assistant Surgeon in the Woman's Hospital in 1875, and was promDted to Attending Surgeon in 1879. He delivered the course of lectures on Obsetrics at Dartmouth Medical College in 1878. In 1885 was chosen one of the professors of diseases in the New York Post Graduate Medical School and held the position until 1898 when failing health compelled him to resign. He was a member of various Medical Societies, was vice-presi- dent of the New York Academy of Medicine three years, and president of the Medical Society of the County of New York two years. In 1898 the University of Rochester conferred upon him the honorary degree of L. L. D. He contributed many excellent papers to the Medical press. He was twice married, first to Miss Mirtha L. Fisk in 1834, who died in 1838, leaving one daughter who died in New York. He married, second, in 1872, Miss Julia Dana Godfrey of Keene, N. H. by whom he had two daughters. He died Nov. 18, 1990. DR. FRANCIS WAYLAND ADAMS Dr. Francis Wayland Adim^, pDpularly ca'led 'Frank" from his childhood, was born in Brookfiekl, Mass., Feb. 18, 1840, the son of Daniel Emerson and Lucy (Hastings) Adams. He is a direct descendant of Henry Adams of Braintree, who landed in th s country 1632, and who was the progenitor of John and John Quincy Adams, presidents of the United States. From the preparatory school of Rev. David Perry at Brook- field he entered Amherst Co lege in 1858, graduating in 1862. Aroused by the bombardment of Fort Sumpter, he labored hard in addition to the work of the curriculum to make himself familiar w th the military tactics and drill of the regular army, and soon after receiving his degree of Bachelor of Arts he enlisted on the quota of Brookfield as a private in Company B, 51st Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. A few weeks later, having shown proficiency in the tactics, he was commissioned First Lieutenant from the ranks, and as such saw active service with his regiment in North Carol na. His health, however, had been greatly impaired by the double labors of his last year at col ege, and after the march to Goldsboro, N. C, and subsequent picket duty in the swamps on the river Neuse, he fell a victim to mi ar".a with serious complicationg 118 HISTORV OF ROY ALSTON which resulted in his discharge, Jan. 25, 1863, for disab llties received in the Hne of duty. Returning to the north in search of health, he in fme re- covered sufficiently to accept a position as principal of Lawrence Academy, FalmDuth, Mass., a funded institution which was converted into a h'gh schoo' a few years 'ater by an act of legis- liture. He held this office for nearly three years, but not having fully regained his health and find'ng the confinement of the school room debilitating, he resigned his position and took up the study of medicine. He received al)out this time the degree of Master of Arts from Amherst College, and in 1865 he entered the medical department of Harvard University. In the meantime, while studying medicine, he held the position of apothecary at the Retreat for the Insane, Hartford, Conn., and on receiving hi^ degree as Doctor of Medicine from Harvard in 1868, he became second assistant physician at the Retreat for the Insane. After a year of hospital experience, and feeling the need of an open air hfe, he decided upon general practice, and at the solicitation of his brother, Dr. Henry O. Adams, who was then in practice at South Royalston, he located in Royalston Centre in 1839, as su3ces=^or to Dr. Henry A. Deane. Two years later he removed to Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., and became a partner of a college classmate, Dr. Charles N. Kittredge, in the conduct of a sanitarium, but in 1875 he was waited upon by a delegation from Royalston, who in behalf of a few citizens offered him a regular salary in addition to the receipts of his practice if he wou'd return to that town and locate as a physician. This proposition he finally accepted and the agreement was faithfully kept during the lifetime of the several parties. In 1872 he married Fannie Russell, daughter of Chauncj* and Caroline (Morse) Chase of Royalston. Their ch'ldren are: Mabel Winifred, born in Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, Nov. 17', 1873. She graduated from Northfield Seminary in 1895 and from Cornell University in 1899, and is now the wife of Wil iam H. Burr, Esq., a lawyer at Rochester, N. Y. Roljert Winthrop, l)orn in Royalston, Oct. 27, 1881, a sketch of whose career will be found on another page of this history. Mr. Adams has been in continuous practice of his profession at Royalston s nee 1875, and during this time he has ministered MEDICAI. PROFESSION Hg to the bodi y needs of three generations of its townspeople, bringing comfort to hundreds of homes by his slvill and never- failing cheerfulness. In addition to this faithful labor of forty years devoted to the phys cal needs of his fellow ctizens he has taken an active and useful part in the civic and religious affairs of the town, as evidenced by the record of his career as a public servant. He has held the office of Town Clerk for two extended terms, 1877 to 1889, and 1900 to 1915 inclusive, making a total service of twenty-nine years, the longest in the h' story of this office. The same remark applies to the office of Town Treasurer which he held in 1888 and again 1909 to 1915 inclusive, a total tenure of seventeen years He has also acted for twenty-nine years as a trustee of the Public Library and at various times in other positions of public trust. He has held a commission as Justice of the Peace for thirty-eight years, and a commission as Notary Pubhc for thirteen years. In 1883 Dr. Adams served as repre- sentative from the First Worcester Distr ct during the famous "Butler Session" of the General Court. To the relig'ous welfare of the community Dr. Adams has always given generously of his time and strength, having been Clerk of the First Congregational Church twenty-two years, Deacon twenty-two years, and Supe:i itendent of the Sunday school twenty-seven years, all of which offices he is holding at the present time. In 1875 to 1889 he occupied the position of chorister, bringing to this office the experience he had accjuired as organist of the Dutch Reformed Church at Fishkill-on-the- Hudson. He has in other ways been closely identified with the musical history of the town, and was one of the founders, in 1879, of the Madrigal Club, an organization which established an envial)le reputat'on in this and surrounding towns for the excellence of its concerts and dramatic productions. The proceeds of these entertainments were devoted to the purchase of the piano now in use at the Town Hall, and to other public purposes. While the activities wh'ch have been mentioned are those in wh ch Dr. Adam? has been most closely identified with the affairs of the town of Royalston, it is probable that he is more widely known in other towns through his services as an orator in connection with Memorial Day exercises, and Regimental 120 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Reunions on which occasions it is his custom to delver an epic poem of which he is the author, and which deals historically and dramatically with the principal events and actors n the Civil War. This poem was inspired by his own experiences, and the patriotic sentiment which has ever been a leading motive in his own career is well expressed in its stirring lines, some of which are published in another part of this history. Among the Sons of Royalston, who have attained distinction in the'medical profession in other towns and cities are the follow- ing :Z)?-. Jame^ Bacheller, a son of Dr. Stephen Bacheller was born in Royalston June 5, 1791. He married Dec. 31, 1821, Persis, daughter of PhiUips and Persis (Joslin) Sweetzer of Marlboro, N. H.; she was born Sept. 16, 1799, and died Aug. 14, 1851. Dr. Bacheller established himself as a physician in the town of Marlboro, N. H., in 1818. His practice in that place covered a period of thirty-seven years, and during those years he gained an enviable reputation both in his profession and as a citizen of strong impulses in favor of human liberty, the temperance cause, and general good order and uprightness. As a physician he ranked high in all the region and was for some time the President of the New Hampshire Medical Society. Dr. Bacheller was also a representative and senator in the General Court of New Hampshire, a councillor, and a delegate to the convention to revise the State Constitution in 1850 and 1857. In 1855 he removed to FitzwiUiam, N. H., where his abihties were well-known, and though he did not seek practice in that town his business was large for a number of years or till failing health led to his retirement. He died April 14, 1866, aged eighty- three years. Dr. Hosea Davis, son of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston June 21, 1816. He pursued the usual course of New England Farm life, attending school, teaching, taking a course at the Academies in Sherborn, Mass., and New Ipswich, N. H., and finally graduating at Dartmouth College in 1842. After his graduation he removed to the state of Mary- land and engaged in teaching. Subsequently he removed to Indiana and studied for the profession of medicine with Dr. Marshall Seaton in Rushville, Indiana, and engaged in the practice of his profession for three MEDICAL PROFESSION 121 years in a small town nearby, after which he went to Littleton, Schuyler County, Illinois, in December, 1850. Here on the 18th day of October, 1853, he was married to Miss Maria Cynthia Marks, who died on the 23d day of September, 1856, leaving to his tender care two daughters. On the first day of April, 1860, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Abby Stevens of Mass- achusetts. Seven children were born to them, two of whom died young. From the time of his location in Littleton until his death, a period of over thirty-seven years, he was engaged in the practice of his profession. For a number of terms at intervals he represented the people of Littleton township in the board of Supervisors of Schuyler County. He was one of the Represen- tatives of the District of which Schuyler County then formed a part in the Legislature of the State of Illinois for one term. He was highly respected by all who knew him well. He was a central figure in the County, being known more or less to all professional men. T>r. Horace Jacobs, son of Simeon and Molly (Kenney) Jacobs was born in West Royalston, April 5, 1816. He was the sixth child of a family of nine boys, and when bis father died in 1824, the oldest one was less than nineteen years of age and the youngest a little over one year. Two years later the mother had died and the children were scattered over the country. Horace remained in Royalston and had the advantages of the public schools of the town for obtaining an education which was all the schooling he received. He studied medicine in Exeter, Me. and South Hadley, Mass., and began practicing his pro- fession in Chicopee, Mass., when twenty-eight years of age. He went to Springfield in 1857, where he became one of the most prominent physicians of the city. He married Emily Owen of Westfield, whose father owned a large part of Mount Tom. Their children were: Dr. Chauncey A. Jacobs: Mary Jacobs living in Springfield, Horace Jacobs who has a fancy goods store in Boston, Rachel B. Jacobs who graduated at Vassar College, was a teacher in Springfield, for twelve years a member of the School committee of that city and active in both church and charitable matters. She died at the age of fifty years; and Miriam Jacobs who was the wife of Rev. C. F. Rice, a prominent Methodist minister of the New England conference. 222 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Dr. Daniel Choate Perkins, second son of Rev. Ebenezer Per- kins was born in Royalston Nov. 10, 1824. He entered Amherst College in the class of 1849, and was in college between two and three years. Graduated from the Harvard Medical College in 1850. Commenced to practice medicine in Enfield, Mass., and later in Springfield and Peabody, Mass., where he died Nov. 3, 1863. His remains were brought to Royalston in 1902 for burial in the family lot. He married Mehitable C. Procter, who after her husband's death taught school in Royalston for a year. She afterwards married James Baxter, Ex-Mayor of Portland, Me. He had no children. He is described as being a delicate, nervous man, with a sensitive temperament and a fine face. Dr. Andrew Jackson Flagg, son of John Jr., and Rhoda Flagg, was born in Royalston, Jan. 4, 1832. He graduated at the Philadelphia Medical College and commenced the practice of medicine at Claremont, N. H. A few years previous to his death he moved to Fitchburg and made a specialty of chronic diseases. He died Jan. 24, 1883. Dr. Leander Sfiiifh gvaclnaied hom the medical department of Dartmouth College in 1834. He studied with Dr. Stephen Batcheller in Royalston and succeeded Dr. Ballou as physician in Richmond, N. H. He married Elizabeth, the only daughter of Dr. John Parkhurst of Richmond, N. H., and moved to Penn- sylvania. Dr. Samuel Augusus Fiske was born in Royalston, Feb. 9, 1856, a son of Robert F. and Narcissa Perry (Whittemore) Fiske. He graduated at Yale in 1877, studied at Harvard Medical school and became professor in a medical school in Denver, Col., later being made Dean in 1895. Later he came east and began private practice in Brimfield. He became very active in tuberculosis work and other medical researches, writing considerable on these subjects. He had especially studied the climate of Colorado, California and Nassau. Feb. 22, 1906, he married Miss Clara W. Crumb, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waitstill Crumb of Royalston. He died in 1915. Dr. Ebenezer A. Deane, a son of Jeremiah Deane, was born in Royalston Jan. 16, 1825. He was educated at Goodale LEGAL PROFESSION 123 Academ}', leaving Royalston when a young man. He became very prominent and successful in his practice. He died at Mon- tague City in June, 1908, being the oldest member of the County Medical Society. Dr. Peletiah Metcalf, fifth child of Peletiah and Lydia (Estey) Metcalf, was born in Royalston July 29, 1780. He settled as a physician in Pawtucket and Woonsocket, R. I., where he was a prominent physician for many years, and where he died Oct. 26, 1866. He married Abigail Howes and they had two children. THE LEGAL PROFESSION While Royalston all through its history has been blessed with physicians of more than ordinary skill in their profession and of high character and attainments, tradition says Royalston never enjoyed the presence of a settled lawyer for more than three months. It is said that soon after the settlement of the town, a young sprig of the law made his appearance here, but after a trial of about three months, the good people made him the offer of a cow if he would leave town. It is said that he left and the town has never had a resident lawyer since. But if the town has not been a good place for lawyers to practice in, it has been a good place for them to be born in, and there is a good list of natives of the town who have attained distinction in the legal profession in various parts of the country. Among these are Alexander H. Bullock, Asahel Peck, Hamilton S. Peck, Nahum Peck, Charles A. Gregory, Benjamin C. Perkins, Stephen Holman, Jenner Morse, Charles H. Goodell, Arthur C. Brown. Nahum Peck, eldest son of Squire and Elizabeth (Goddard) Peck, was born in Royalston, Oct. 5, 1796. He was descended from Joseph Peck of Belton, Yorkshire County, England, being the seventh generation from the Puritan ancestor, who came from Hingham, England to Hingham, Mass., in 1638. Nahum Peck's father moved to Montpelier, Vt., about 1806. Nahum studied law and was admitted to Washington County bar in 1823. He later moved to Hinesburg where he was honored by 124 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON many positions from his townsmen. He represented his town in the Vermont Legislature several terms, and was a prominent lawyer in his part of the State. He was an ardent abolitionist and temperance reformer. He was twice married, Oct, 1825, to Lucinda Wheeler of Montpelier, who died Jan. 14, 1854, and to Marcia Wood of Keesville, N. Y., in 1857, she died in 1875. He had one son by his first wife, Cicero Goddard Peck, born Feb. 17, 1828. He prepared for college, but was obliged to give it up on account of ill health.. He lived on a farm all his life and was interested in develop- ing the agriculture of his county. He was elected to the Vermont f[ouse and Senate, was a member of the State Board of Educa- tion, Trustee of the Reform School and town superintendent of schools of Hinesburg. He was a prominent Good Templar, and member of the Methodist Church. He married Maria Coleman of Hinesburg. They had no children of their own, but an adopted daughter, who married Rev. M. R. France. Benjamin Conant Perki7is, son of Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, was born in Royalston Jan. 23, 1827, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1848, studied law with Hon. Asahel Huntington and Rufus Choate. He was State Senator for two terms, and Regis- ter of Bankruptcy for Essex County. Practiced law in Salem. He married, first, Julia A. Pearson, Oct. 8, 1853, she was the daughter of Samuel A. and Sarah A. Pearson of Hanover, N. H. She died, April 30, 1863. He married, second, widow Helen M. (Dole) Wills, daughter of Carlton and EHzabeth (Carlton) Dole, Nov. 8, 1865, she died Oct. 23, 1879. Charles Augustus Gregory, son of General Franklin Gregory, was born in Royalston Sept. 7, 1833. He graduated from Har- vard College in the class of 1855. He resided one year in Cambridge after graduating, studying at the Law School ; he then spent six months studying law in the office of Hon. E. R. Hoar and Horace Gray, Esq., in Boston, and was admitted to the Suffolk Bar about the month of April, 1857. He then went to Chicago, Illinois, to reside, and to practice law. He entered the office of Messrs. Arnold, Larned and Lay, and was soon after admitted to the bar in Illinois. He formed a co-partnership with Messrs. Arnold and Lay, which was know as the firm of Arnold, Lay and Gregory; subsequently the firm became Arnold and Gregory LEGAI, PROFESSION 125 and in 1861 he was practicing law alone, and so continued until 1835, when he resumed his partnership with Hon. Isaac Arnold, and was for many years one of the prominent lawyers of Chicago. He was also interested in other business and had accumulated a large property before the fire. Subsequently he was president of the Cook County Land Company. He was married in Chicago Dec. 4, 1861, to Julia A., daughter of C. W. and Maria Booth, of New York. They had one son, Harold, who died Feb. 22, 1896, unmarried. He was about twenty-seven years of age and had studied at Harvard University. Charles Augustus Gregory died in the summer of 1915 at Chicago. Arthur C. Brown, youngest son of Elisah F. and Angeline (French) Brown was born in Royalston May 11, 1855. He removed to Athol with his parents when a boy, was educated in the Athol schools, fitted for college at the Fitchburg High School, and entered Harvard College in 1875 from which he graduated with excellent rank in 1879; studied law at the Columbia law school in New York, and also in the law office of Eliot F. Shepard, a son-in-law of William H. Vanderbuilt. He then began the practice of law which he continued for several years, when he entered the office of a large insurance company in New York, and assisted in the legal department of the busi- ness. He died in 1899. Charles H. Goodell, was born in Winchendon, May 8, 1854. His parents died when he was a young boy, his mother when he was eight years of age, and his father when he was ten. His health was poor and he was placed on a farm in Royalston. His early manhood alternated between teaching and attending schools in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Michigan. He completed his academic course at Caro, Mich., and did work on a country newspaper. In 1885 he went to Worcester and entered the General offices of the Worcester, Nashua and Roches- ter Railroad as stenographer to the general manager. He was for a time with the Whitcomb Envelope Co., and for five years was private secretary to Phillip W. Moen; after that for ten years he was with the Mutual Life Insurance Co., chiefly in the office of the president. 226 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON In April, 1901, he was appointed by Senator George F. Hoar clerk of the United States Senate Committees on privileges and elections, and acted as the Senator's private secretary for several years. He was Principal of the Worcester evening school for five years. He was admitted to the bar in January, 1902, and for a number of years had an office in the State Mutual building in Worcester, where he practiced his profession until his death. CHAPTER X RED LETTER DAYS OF ROYALSTON HISTORY There are days in the history of nations and towns as well as individuals that stand out above other days in the memories of those who take part in and witness the events that transpire. The records of the occasions that are ob- served on these days are worthy of being preserved by the printed page and transmitted to future generations as a part of the history of town or nation. The town of Royalston has some of these Red Letter Days which will be described in this chapter. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION The question of celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the settlement and incorporation of Royalston had been discussed for some time, but no public action was taken until April 4, 1864, when the town chose a committee of seven to consider and report upon that question. The committee consisted of Rev. E. W. Bullard, Salmon S. Farrar, Jarvis Davis, Esq., Joseph L. Perkins, Cyrus Davis, John N. Bartlett and Luther Harrington. This committee reported to the town Nov. 8, 1864, and among the recommendations made were the following: That Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1865, be the day for observing the commemorative services of the settlement and incorporation of Royalston; that these services be, a Commemorative Address, Poems, and a free collation, with appropriate religious exercises; that Royalston's honored son, and Massa- chusetts peerless orator, the Hon. Alexander H. Bullock, be invited to deliver the address, and Samuel C. Gale, Esq., and Albert Bryant, A.M., the poems. These recommendations were adopted by the town, and a committeee of fifteen was chosen to have charge of the celebra- tion. That committee consisted of Eev. E. W. Bullard, Joseph 128 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Raymond, Benj. H. Brown, Jarvis Davis, John N. Bartlett, Russell Morse, Jr., Cyrus B. Reed, Wellington White, Cyrus Davis, Arba Sherwin, John M. Upham, Edmund Stockwell, Timothy Clark, Joseph L. Perkins and Maynard Partridge. An historical committee was also appointed at the same time to make researches in reference to the history of Royal- ston with a view to their preservation and ultimate publi- cation; this committee consisted of seven as follows: Barnett Bullock, Esq., Daniel Davis, John N. Bartlett, Joseph R. Eaton, Chas. H. Newton, Luther Harrington and Horace Pierce. In addition to the Orator and Poets chosen by the town, the committee chose Rev. E. W. Bullard of Royalston, Pres- ident, Rev. A. E. P. Perkins of Ware, Chaplain, Hon. Geo. Whitney of Royalston, Chief Marshal, and Benj. C. Perkins of South Danvers, Toastmaster of the day. Letters of acceptance, or the personal acceptance of these positions, were duly received from all these gentlemen, except Samuel C. Gale of Minneapolis, Minn., who was obliged reluctantly to decline. The services of the Ashburnham Cornet Band, and of the united choirs of the town were secured for the day. The Centennial Day at last arrived; it was preceded by a stormy evening and night, but opened with one of the most perfect summer mornings, everything appearing fresh and beautiful, and Royalston in all her loveliness stood forth to welcome back her ^ons and daughters to their old homes. At an early hour the Common was alive with people, and all the roads were pouring in the visitors from neighboring towns. About ten o'clock a.m., the sound of martial music was heard, and the grand procession began to form under the direction of Chief Marshal Whitney, and the people were soon seated in the spacious tent where the speaking of the day was to be held, this mammoth pavilion being erected on the grounds of R. D. Ripley, Esq., immediately north of his residence. Everything being in readiness the Chief Marshal ascended the platform and introduced the President of the day, Rev. E. W. Bullard. The President then announced the following Vice-Pres- idents and Secretaries: Vice-Presidents. — Capt. Samuel Lee of Templeton, Rev. Ammi Nichols of Braintree, N. H., Hon. Geo. C. Richardson CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 129 of Cambridge, Benoni Peck, Esq., of Fitzwilliam, N. H., Harrison Bliss of Worcester, Chauncey Peck of Boston, Rev. Henry Cummings of Newport, N. H., Rev. Sidney Holman of Goshen, Rev. Daniel Shepardson of Cincinnati, Ohio, Rev. Ebenezer Cutler of Worcester, Thomas Norton of Portland, Me., James Raymond of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Hon. Davis Goddard of Orange. Secretaries. — John P. Gregory of Cambridge, and Joseph E. Raymond of Boston. The exercises commenced with music by the Ashburnham Cornet Band, after which the Chaplain, Rev. A. E. P. Perkins read appropriate selections of Scripture and offered prayer. REV. E. W. BULLARD'S ADDRESS OF WELCOME "Ladies and Gentlemen: I am charged with a welcome for the assembled children and friends of Royalston. It shall be briefly spoken. Welcome to this Centennial Day! Welcome to these commemorative services! Welcome to the fast rising memories of the past, and the fresh joys of the present hour! Welcome to the reunion of kindred, neighbors and friends, recalled by this occasion to tread once more together the old familiar paths, and recount the varied experiences of life! Welcome to this jubilee, gratefully harmonious with the public joy in the triumph of government and law over treason and rebelhon, of unity over disruption, liberty over oppression! Indeed, a redeemed and vindicated country, methinks, welcomes this natal day of a loyal town, gives you joy in the keeping of it, and, with a significance larger than ever before, pledges you security in the possession and enjoy- ment of the birthright of freemen. And the old flag, too, baptized anew in blood, and consecrated afresh to American liberty and life, welcomes you to this festival beneath her ample and glorified folds. She, too, remembers the sires, whose counsel and courage gave her birth; and proudly does she salute the sons, who have now given their voice to say it, and their blood to seal — 'Let her be perpetual! Let her remain enlireV "We meet to commemorate the history of a hundred years — to recall and honor the names and the deeds, both of the living and the dead, that have made this history worthy of commemoration. 130 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON "A hundred years ago, and these hills and valleys were covered with the primeval forest; these streams, streamlets, and waterfalls wasted their song, as did the wild flowers, their sweetness upon the desert air. All was a waste of Nature, awaiting some plastic hand to evoke her latent powers, and bid the wilderness rejoice. "A hundred years have past since the advent of that hand; and to-day the air is full of the memarie?, and our eyes behold the substantial records of what that hand has wrought. To give these memories tongue, these records form, and beauty, and enduring life is the grateful office of the hour. " I felicitate you in gifted sons, able and willing to dis- charge the sacred trust, — a Bullock, upon whose lips the college, senate and people alike, delighted hang, and to honor whom with her highest gift the Commonwealth im- patient waits; and a Bryant, early smitten with the love of song, and still allegiant to that early love. "You wait to hear them; and I, not less eager, this wel- come spoken, give place to their labors of filial love and fraternal entertainment." The united choirs of the town then sang, to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne," led by Geo. F. Miller, an original hymn, written for the occasion by Mrs. George Woodbury, of Royalston. Following the hymn, came the address of Hon. Alexander H. Bullock. Mr. Bullock's address occupied about one hour and a half in delivery, and held the undivided attention of the large audience to the end, as he rehearsed the history and achievements of his native town. Refemng to its disadvan- tage of remoteness from the sea, and of a northern frontier, he told of the compensations it enjoyed — "of an atmosphere that inspires youth and enlivens age, — of territorial possessions simple indeed, but glistening with the authority of the names of the fathers of American independence, — of a planting in the mountain air, of a history studded with patriotic associations, of a religious connection that shall bear your children to heights of a happy remembrance of the names of their fathers, — of a place on the sweet, broad plain of this civilization of Worcester North, stars encircling overhead, and a simple robustness of character sustaining the people." CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION /J/ His closing words were a beautiful and eloquent tribute to the grand old town: "Friends and fellow-citizens: This imperfect tribute to the qualities and the labors of our ancestors must be brought to a close. At the end of one hundred years, we, their descendants, have assembled to contemplate in brief review their lives and achievements. I submit it to impartial judgment, that their conduct in the early settlement, in the management of the town, in the cultivation of the fields, in their relations with the great events of the country, in all the duties of church and state, in the salutary examples which have passed from one genera- tion to another, — in religion, industry, politics, and daily life, — has been such that we may rehearse it with pride and commend it to those who shall come after us. This congrega- tion of the living is equaled in numbers by those who sleep in this town in the quiet enclosures of the dead. "They speak to us out of their silence and repeat the lesson of their lives. As they were bound together by the ties of friendship in the primitive period of their trials, and have kept the counsels of peace and unity through all the stages of this history, so let that spirit control another age and the felicities of social life go hand in hand with public stability and prosperity. As they adapted themselves to the changing requisitions of the general industry and economy, so let the tides of occupation, as they come and go with you, bear onward a community never behind but always advancing. "As they never failed to uphold the honor of their country by their hearts, by their declarations, and by their arms, so let the American Union and the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts find in this town forever most constant friends and most gallant defenders. As they have transmitted to our keeping the institutions of worship and education, by them at all times well endowed and well supported, so let the en- dowments be multiplied and the support be enlarged till the bells of the churches and the schools shall sound a welcome in every ear. And when, after the passage of another century, your successors shall meet over your dust to celebrate their day, may it be the happiness of the intervening generations to have provided for them as little for reproach and as much for devout thanksgiving as we ourselves have received from our fathers." 132 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Following the address, the band gave another selection, after which the poet of the day, Mr. Albert Bryant, delivered a commemorative poem, entitled "Memorials and Garlands," which rehearsed in verse the Memorials of Royalston in a charming manner, as the gifted orator preceding him had eloquently described them. These exercises closed by the choir and audience uniting in singing "Old Hundred." The procession was then re-formed by Chief Marshal Whitney and marched to the dinner tent which had been erected near Colonel Whitney's residence, and where about eight hundred guests sat down to the tables. After abundant justice had been done to the feast, the president called the company to order and introduced the toastmaster, Benj. C. Perkins, Esq.; the sentiments proposed and responses elicited were reported by the Barre Gazette as follows: "The President of the United States" — was responded to by the band with — "When Johnnie Comes Marching Home." Edwin Pierce of New York responded for the "Sons of Royalston"; Geo. Richardson of Cambridge for "The Metrop- olis"; Hon. Artemas Lee of Templeton for "Worcester County"; Rev. Mr. Marvin of Winchendon for "Our Sister Towns"; the choir — in a piece of ancient music — for "Ye Olden Time"; Mr. Gregory of Chicago for "The West"; Rev. Mr. Perkins of Ware for "The Clergy"; the band for "The Battlefields of Our Country," with the "Star Spangled Ban- ner"; Rev. Sidney Holman for "The Schoolmasters"; Rev. Mr. Wordworth for "The Fellows who Stole the Hearts of Our Daughters"; the choir for "The Flag of Sumpter"; and closed with "Auld Lang Syne." Thus passed into history one of the Red Letter Days of Royalston. THE GREAT WHIG GATHERING OF 1840 One of the greatest pohtical gatherings of Northern Worcester county took place in Royalston during the Log-cabin campaign of 1840 and was reported by the "Boston Atlas" as follows: "The Whig Association of Royalston — a W^hig fortress on the frontier — had invited General Wilson to address them on Saturday, May 30th. Notice had been posted in a few of the WHIG GATHERING OF 1 84O JJJ adjacent towns, and the people soon began to threaten a general attendance. "The Whigs of Royalston, on old election day, put up their log-cabin of white birch, as indicative of a sound flogging for the enemy in the autumn; also, as symbolical of that other white house which is to be entered by a new occupant on the fourth of March. "At sunrise on Saturday the national flag was streaming in playful triumph over the platform and the awning of green boughs. At the firing of a heavy gun in the distance about 9 o'clock, a fine body of seventy horses, mounted by as many young Whig voters of Royalston — the first company of Whig cavalry which has been raised in Worcester County — was seen hurrying towards the New Hampshire line, to re- ceive the artillery from Fitzwilliam, who were on the march to do escort duty to their old general. This elegant com- pany of brave men, in beautiful uniforms, under the command of Captain Brown, being joined by the cavalry, proceeded on the Keene road and received General Wilson and a rich brass band from Keene, with military salute. "Immediately after the arrival of the general on the Common, the procession from neighboring towns, preceded by the company of horses, began to come in. Petersham, Barre, Athol and Phillipston, having united their lines of carriages in one, presented a triumphal procession one mile and a half in length, some of their vehicles containing from 20 to 30 men. There was the coach from Barre, drawn by eight fine horses, crowned by its band of music vieing with the Peter- sham band, which in like manner, and in the same common cause, filled the air with the brazen breath of its music. Almost simultaneously, came in the line from the east, composed of the gatherings from Hubbardston, Templeton, Winchendon and Gardner, with music from the last of these towns. This procession was more than one mile in length; one of the carriages from Winchendon, containing a small army of seventy Whig voters, and another from Templeton having fifty. Most of the carriages were refreshed with a good supply of green boughs; and any friend of the adminis- tration who watched appearances, must have had some of the apprehensions that struggled in the breast of poor Macbeth, when in the hour of his overthrow he looked out and saw the 134 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON revengful army approaching Dunsinane, with branches of Birnem trees waving over them: — " 'And now a wood Comes toward Dunsinane.' "The pictorial insignia of the occasion, though hastily prepared were forcibly expressive of one zeal animating all. The banners of such seasons are nothing but proof sheets of the fall editions. "There was 'Athol right side up/ always admitted to be. "'Petersha7n for Harrison,' a change in her position from that of the last two elections, which is certain to be ac- complished. "'Union,' a fine flag of several towns combined. '"The Currency too hard already,' a true sarcasm on the government — and besides several others, 'Templeton Her- self Again,' an assertion which her citizens can prove only by vigorous exertions. "It must not be forgotten that the ladies (whose heads are always clear, hearts always true) having walked in procession to the spot, listened to the addresses with much interest. "There were more than 400 of them present. A little past noon the multitude having gone in order through the log- cabin, presented an attentive, intelligent and enthusiastic audience of 3000, at a moderate computation; there being to all appearance, at least that number of voters present. "Messrs. Lee and Mason of Templeton, Stevens of Athol, Parkhurst of Petersham, Bryant of Barre and Davenport of Mendon, all spoke briefly but happily of Whig principles and Whig prospects. They were frequently interrupted by the enthusiastic cheers of an excited audience, and by the deep toned cannon. General Wilson followed, and for two hours and a quarter beguiled the people of all consciousness, except that of the presence of the orator, his eloquence, and his subject. This address was highly judicious. It was a masterly analysis, running through the whole history and policy of the National Government for 12 years — luminous in exposing the progress of political error, brilliant in im- passioned eloquence, and extremely forcible in appeal for union and action. It was just the thing. The time and the place called for it, and no more and no less. This address, with the other addresses and other incidents of the occasion, DEDICATION OF NEWTON LIBRARY 133 will give an impulse to the great cause of Harrison and Reform, in Worcester North, which will utter itself in swollen majorities in November. "The spirit of untiring effort is now aroused in that portion of the county. The thousands of Whigs who were present pledged themselves for a result which their activity will, beyond all doubt accomplish, to let no enemy to Harrison and Relief, find his way to the next Legislature from a single town in Worcester North, and to give their due pro- portion of a Whig majority of 4000 ia the county. Petersham, Barre, Athol, Royalston, Templeton, Winchendon, Phillipston, Gardner, Ashburnham, Westminster, Hubbardston, Rutland, and their neighbors, will give a praiseworthy account of themselves in the fall. "At the close of the exercises, it was announced that Mr. Webster would speak at Barre on the 4th of July. "Worcester County from the north line will be present. The excellent artillery from Fitzwilliam, of sixty-five good men and true, it is understood, will also attend. Whether the Barre folks will or not, the people will be there; for here, though we would at first have had only a town affair, yet having invited others to come, much to our joy the people came in and made it a pageant. An abundant entertainment of crackers, cider, cheese, and a few accompaniments, closed the day." DEDICATION OF THE PHINEHAS S. NEWTON PUBLIC LIBRARY One of the Red Letter Days of Royalston history which will always be remembered with pleasure by the present generation was June 28, 1911, when the Phinehas S. Newton Public Library was dedicated. It was a proud day for this little hill town, for while other public buildings have been dedicated in town, this was the first time a building had been presented to the town by one of her citizens, not as a memo- rial, but as a gift from the living. When the morning of the day dawned the appearance of the clouds gave rise to fears of rain, but before noon the clouds had cleared away, and by the time for the exercises the Common was thronged with 7J(5 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON more than fiYe hundred people. Starrett's Band of iVthol gave a band concert on the Common from twelve to two o'clock. Caterer E. M. Read of Fitchburg provided dinners for upwards of two hundred, tiibles being set in both the upper and lower halls of the town hall building. At 2 p.m., the exercises began in the church, which was filled to over- flowing. The exercises opened with an organ voluntary by Miss Cora E. Stockwell. Dr. Frank W. Adams, as master of ceremonies, in a few well chosen words extended a cordial welcome to all, and prayer was offered by Rev. Charles O. Fogg, pastor of the Congregational Church. Dr. Frank W. Adams gave a historical sketch on "The Libraries of Royal- ston" from the forming of the first library in 1778, only thir- teen years after the incorporation of the town, up to the present day when the beautiful building bearing the name of the Phinehas Newton Public Liljrary marks a new epoch in the history of Royalston's public libraries. Following Dr. Adams' valuable and interesting paper came a duet by Mrs. Leota Richards of this town and Mrs. Jennie Richards of Fitchburg. The first address of the afternoon was by one of Royalston's "boys," Frederic C. Nichols, Treasurer of the Fitchburg Savings Bank, upon "The Library and the Town from the Standpoint of a Business Man." He paid a high tribute to the town of Royalston, Miss Lizzie Chase, a former librarian, and also to the donor of the building. He urged upon the sons and daughters loyalty to the town, and to each other. Fred W. Cross of South Royalston followed with an address upon "The Library and the Public School." Then followed a vocal solo by Mrs. Jennie Richards, and the presentation of the deeds and keys by Warren M. Hill of Boston, eldest son of William H. Hill, who presented the spot upon which the library stands in memory of his deceased wife, Mrs. Sarah M. Hill. These were accepted in behalf of the town by Charles H. Brown, Chairman of the Selectmen, who read the following resolutions of thanks adopted by the town of Royalston on the acceptance of their new public library building: Whereas, a need for several years has existed of a suitable and commodious building for the Public Library whose volumes have been overflowing the shelf room allotted them in the Town House; and DEDICATION OF NEWTON LIBRARY 13? Whereas, Mr. Phinehas S. Newton, recognizing this need, has erected a Ubrary building, which in architecture and equipment has added to the beauty of the Common as well as the welfare of the town; and Whereas, Mr. William H. Hill of Brookline, has generously given a suitable corner lot on his estate for the said building; now therefore, Resolved, that the thanks of the town be conveyed to Mr. Phinehas S. Newton for his generous gift, which is certain to be of incalculable benefit to the town in the coming years, and a lasting memorial to his name; and also, Resolved, that the thanks of the town be conveyed to Mr. William H. Hill for the beautiful site he has provided for the library building as a memorial to his wife, Sarah M. Hill, whose interest in the Royalston Public Library was notable, and which continued unabated during her lifetime; and fur- ther. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be presented to each of the donors, and a copy also be published in the Athol papers, the Fitchburg Sentinel and the Worcester Telegram. Drawn and forwarded to the donors in conformity with the instructions of the town at their meeting of acceptance held June 17, 1911. Frank W. Adams, Rev. Chas. G. Fogg, Colin Mackenzie, Committee on Resolutions. Rev. F. J. Fairbanks responded in behalf of the trustees of the library. Dr. Adams then read a letter from Miss Bertha Lee, presenting to the town for the Hbrary, a very beautiful clock, the gift of Miss Bertha Lee, Mrs. Evelyn Converse of Newton and Wallace Pierce of Boston, in memory of J. Howard Lee, who for a number of years spent the summer seasons here. Rev. F. J. Fairbanks responded in behalf of the town. Miss Cora E. Stockwell gave a vocal solo, and Dr. Adams then introduced the eminent surgeon^ Dr. Maurice H. Richardson of Boston, who gave a brief address. Hon. Herbert Parker of Lancaster gave the last address of the day, which was a rare literary treat and held the close attention of the audience to the end, after which the audience rose and 238 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON joined in the singing of "America" and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. A. M. Rice. The Hbrary, which was beautifully decorated with green and flowers under the direction of Miss Bertha Lee, was visited by many during the day. Among those who attended the exercises were Daniel Davis who was 102 years old and Mrs. Davis who was 91. ROYALSTON S FIRST OLD HOME WEEK The town's first Old Home Week celebration was held July 30, 1903, and the sons and daughters of the old town gathered from far and wide, making it almost equal to the birthday anniversaries of towns. The forenoon was devoted to social reunions and family gatherings, listening to the music of the Red Men's band of Winchendon, and witness- ing games and sports on the Common. The town hall, church and buildings around the Common were beautifully decorated, presenting a gala day appearance. The dinner which was served in the town hall was partaken of by 800 people. The literary exercises of the afternoon held in the newly repaired church, continued from two until nearly five o'clock and held the close attention of a large audience. The exercises opened with an organ voluntary, and the singing of "Old Hundred" by the audience. The divine blessing was invoked by Rev. A. M. Rice, who also read the 84th Psalm, and Prof. E. N. Knight of Royalston rendered a solo. Rev. F. J. Fairbanks officiated as president of the day, and in his address of welcome pictured the old mother town, with a heart filled with gladness and face wreathed Avith smiles greeting her sons and daughters. He alluded to the nearly seven hundred stray sons and daughters scattered in ,twenty-five states from Maine to Oregon and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. There were among them governors, mayors, ministers, men and women in every walk of life, and it was to the west part of the town that the ancestry of President Garfield could be traced. Dr. Frank W. Adams was then introduced as toastmaster. He first called upon Ex-Mayor Thomas N. Hart of Boston, who said that although not born in Royalston, he went to school here and had the foundation FIRST OLD HOME WEKK 7J9 laid for his future life. The advice that he gave for achieving success was, "Do the work you have to do a little better than anybody else can do it." The next speaker was Judge Hamilton S. Peck, ex-mayor of Burlington, Vt., who character- ized this as one of the heavenly days that cannot die. Prof. Fred W. Cross of Palmer, a Royalston boy, told of the gallant deeds of General Lysander Cutler at Gettysburg, of Nahum Green, the first martyr of Royalston to the cause of liberty; of Joseph Estabrook, the old-time representative; Rufus Bullock, Col. George Whitney and the Doctors Batchellor. Miss Jennie Bolton of Royalston sang, "Our Dear Old Home," after which Edward E. Fisher, city engineer of Rochester, N. Y., spoke briefly. Rev. Albert Bryant of Scituate, who was the poet at the centennial celebration of the town in 1865, read a poem descriptive of old-time characters of Royalston. A paper prepared by Mrs. Calista Peck Fair- banks of Winchendon was read by President Fairbanks, in which she described the old Peck families of West Royalston, one of which had ten children, another twelve and another thirteen. Prof. Knight and Miss Morgan of South Royal- ston sang "Home Sweet Home." The last speaker was Mrs. C. C. Parker of Winchendon. George W. Holman of Fitch- burg then presented to the Congregational Church the image of Gabriel with his trumpet, which was in the old church, and was rescued from the rubbish heap when that building was de- stroyed. It had been in the Holman family during all those years, and on this occasion he restored it to the society and church. OLD HOME DAY OF 1904 The Old Home Day observance of 1904 held on took the form of a basket picinic. Between four hundred and five hundred registered during the day, representing forty- four cities and towns in seven states, the District of Columbia and Sweden. A social time with games, sports, etc., occupied the forenoon. The exercises of the afternoon were held in the town hall. Rev. F. J. Fairbanks, president of the day, gave the address of welcome. Mr. Miller gave a piano solo, prayer was offered by Rev. James M. Bates of South Royalston, and 14-0 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Prof. E. N. Knight rendered a solo. Short speeches were made by E. T. Lewis of Athol, who stated that his mother was born in Royalston one hundred and twelve years ago and raised a family of nine children; Lizzie Brown of Chicago referred to the old-time teachers of Royalston who were paid one dollar a week and sometimes only ninety-six cents. Wood for the schools was furnished at the rate of so many feet per scholar. Other speakers were, B. H. Brown, Dr. Frank W. Adams and Rev. J. M. Bates. Miss Jennie Bolton gave a vocal solo, and the exercises closed with the singing of "America" the chorus being led by Herman M. Partridge. Music during the day was furnished by the Red Men's band of Winchendon. The officers of the Old Home Association were: President, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks; Secretaiy, H. M. Partridge; Treasurer, P. S. Newton; Executive Committee, B. H. Brown, Leonard Byam, W. W. Davis. OLD HOME DAY OF 1910 Royalston's Old Home Day for 1910 was observed on August 4th, and was a most interesting occasion, the old town entertaining a large number of her sons and daughters. The Common was dotted with tents where refreshments were served, and the Secretary's tent where those who desired could register and rest. The town hall was trimmed with flags and bunting, and a number of residences also bore decorations. Starrett's band of Athol gave concerts during the day, and also one in the town hall in the evening. A reunion dinner was served in the town hall from 11.30 to 1.30, and the afternoon exercises began at two o'clock in the Congregational Church. The first number on the program was an organ selection by Miss Cora E. Stockwell. Rev. Charles O. Fogg, pastor of the church, offered prayer, after which was a selection by a quartet, and Colin Mackenzie, president of the day gave the address of welcome. George A. Bemis of Athol gave a clarinet solo, and then came short and interesting addresses by Hamilton S. Peck of Burlington, Vt., Dana M. Dustan of Worcester, John B. Bowker, business manager of the Worcester Telegram, and Rev. C. B. Williams of Fitzwilliam, N. H. OLD HOME DAY OF I91O 141 A feature of the day was the presence of Daniel Davis of West Royalston, who was one hundred and one years old, and a short paper of his own writing was read, and a royal greeting given him. There was probably no other like celebration in New England that could boast of the presence of so old a man and a native of the town. The exercises of the afternoon closed with the benediction by Rev. F. J. Fairbanks of South Royalston. A program of sports had to be canceled because of the rain. The closing event was an old-home ball in the evening. The officers of the Old Home Association for 1910 were: President, Colin Mackenzie; Vice-Presidents, Chas. H. Brown, E. B. Hanson, L. B. Shepardson; Secretary, Mrs. Stella V. Newton; Executive Committee, L. G. Forbes, M. W. White, W. W. Davis and W. A. Frye. BIENNIAL REUNION OF OLD SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 7, WEST ROYALSTON JULY 23, 1902 For several years the reunions of this old School District were most interesting occasions and largely attended, the one of July 23, 1902, being one of the most interesting, about seventy-five being present. Salmon Goddard of Athol, eighty- seven years old, was the president of the day, and his son Herbert S. Goddard, toastma.ster. Prayer was offered by Deacon Harvey Bliss of Winchester, N. H. The address of the day was by Judge Hamilton S. Peck of Burlington, Vt., and his subject was ''New England, its Character and Worth." Prof. J. K. Cole of Peabody, Mass., a former teacher in the district responded for "The New England Schoolmaster." Edwin Pierce of Chelsea gave "The personal recollections of the political influence of District No. 7 — ^ fifty years ago." A. J. Fisher of Orange spoke for the New England Singing Schoolmaster, and Dr. Frank W. Adams of Royalston for "The Country Physician," and Sheldon Moses of Worcester, eighty-eight years of age, read an original poem. The officers elected were: H. S. Goddard, Athol, president; Elmer Whitney Orange, vice-president; Mrs. P. H. Bliss, Athol, secretary and treasurer; A. M. White, Frank Louter and P. H. Bliss, executive committee. 142 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY The first action in regard to celebrating the 150th Anni- versary of the town was at the Annual Town Meeting in March, 1915. Article 35 in the Warrant of March 1, 1915, was, "To see if the Town will vote to observe the 150th Anniversary of the Town, raise money for the same or act anything thereon." Under this article it was, "Voted to celebrate the Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, and voted to raise five hundred dollars for the purpose." Also, "voted that within one week a committeee of eleven shall be appointed by the Moderator of which Committee he himself shall be one, which shall have charge of the arrangements for the celebra- tion with full power to use and appropriate the money." In accordance with this vote, the Moderator named the following committee: Dr. Frank W. Adams, Charles H. Brown, Charles A. Stimson, Fred W. Cross, Walter N. Farrar, Lynn M. Crumb, Clarence H. Deland, Levvens G. Forbes, Luke B. Shepardson, Myron E. Stockwell, William B. Love- well. This committee met March 13, and organized with Dr. Frank W. Adams as Chairman, Charles H. Brown, Secretary, and Levvens G. Forbes, Treasurer, and voted that the celebration be held on August 1, 2 and 3, the big day of the celebration to be August 3. Sub-committees were appointed as follows : Speakers — Fred W. Cross, Dr. Frank W". Adams and Fred C. Nichols of Fitchburg; Finance — - Levvens G. Forbes, Wm. B. Lovewell, Walter N. Farrar; Music — Chas. A. Stimson, Myron E. Stockwell, Leota M. Richards; Evening Entertainment — ■ Chas. A. Stimson, Eri S. Stewart, Mrs. Addie Heath; Sports — Clarence H. Deland, Lynn M. Crumb, S. C. French; PubHcity — L. G. Forbes, Richard Bullock, Fitchburg, Wm. A. Frye; Dinner — Charles H. Brown, L. B. Shepardson, Walter N. Farrar; Transportation — Willard H. Newton, Miss Edith Metcalf, Herbert 0. Smith; Parade — Ernest L. Graves, Charles E. Richardson, John E. Cowick, Walter N. Farrar; Decorations — Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mac- Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Wilcox, Jerry E. Rich, Arthur C. Kendall; Grounds Committee — Chas. H. Brown, S. C. French, Wm. B. Lovewell; Anticjues and Curiosities — ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 143 L. G. Forbes, Colin Mackenzie, Mrs. Walter N. Farrar; School Exhibits — Chas. E. Richardson, Eri S. Stewart, Nelhe W. Farrar; Committee on Drinking Water — W. W. Davis. At a later meeting officers of the day were elected as follows: President, Dr. Frank W. Adams; Secretary, Chas. H. Brown, who chose as his assistants, Mrs. Colin Mackenzie and Miss Bessie Mackenzie; Treasurer, L. G. Forbes; Chief Marshal, Walter N. Farrar, who chose as his aids, L. G. Forbes and C. A. Stim.son. The Reception Committee appointed consisted of PhinehasS. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shepardson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Hill of Waban, Dr. Frank W. Adams and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stimson, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks and Mrs. Fairbanks, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond of Athol. The Vice-Presidents of the day were: Phinehas S. Newton, Caleb W. Day, George E. Whitney of Burlington, Vt., George D. Bolton, John S. Moore, Everard B. Hanson, Frank- lin H. Goddard, Col. A. George Bullock of Worcester, Rev. F. J. Fairbanks, Hamilton S. Peck, Esq. of Burlington, Vt., Frederick C. Nichols of Fitchburg, Benj. H. Frye, Wm. H. Leathe, Hon. Thomas N. Hart of Boston, George E. Pierce, A. C. White of Orange and Wellington Wliite of Owosso, Michigan. Frederick C. Nichols was chosen as toastmaster and Fred W. Cross to give the historical address. The general committee met frequently during the months preceding the celebration, holding twelve formal meetings from first to last, while the sub-committees also held many meetings and labored faithfully to ensure the success of the several parts entrusted to their care. The program, as arranged was successfully carried out during the three days of the celebration in all its details, and within the appropriation of five hundred dollars. SUNDAY SERVICES The opening services of the celebration were on Sunday morning, August 1, when the Congregational Church at the centre was fiilled by a congregation of over three hundred. It was a union service of the churches of Royalston Centre, South Royalston and West Royalston in which the pastors of the several churches took part. The program opened with an invocation by the pastor of the Centre Church, Rev. Clarence 14-4- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Pike, followed by a chorus, "Lovely Appear" by the choir; responsive reading; Gloria; hymn by the congregation; reading of Scripture, Rev. H. W. Curtis, pastor of the Baptist Church at West Royalston; prayer. Rev. F. J. Fairbanks, pastor of Second Congregational Church, South Royalston; response, male quartet; vocal solo, "The Song the Angels Sing," Mrs. Addie Heath, South Royalston. The sermon was by Rev. Asher Anderson, D.D., of Fitchburg. He took for his topic, "The children of thy servants shall continue and their seed shall be established before thee." Psalms 102:28. It was an able and strong presentation of the fact that God is still with us and in the world everywhere, despite existing terrible conditions. He referred to the Jewish race and the preservation of their identity through all the years of hardships and separation, and their faith in God. He said that we are gathered to- gether to remember God and reflect, and the dominant note should be "Lest We Forget." He referred to the church attendance in the early days of the country, and said he believed as a rule it was larger proportionately than to-day everywhere. The fathers did not forget or lose faith in God; if they had, this church would never have been erected or maintained. This sermon should be preserved in the archives of the town and church. The services closed with the singing of "America" and the benediction by Rev. Mr. Pike. EVENING SERVICES The evening services were well attended notwithstanding the rain, which commenced just before the hour for opening. The services began with an organ prelude, following which the choir gave a selection and there was reading of Scripture selections by Rev. Clarence Pike and a prayer by Rev. H. W. Curtis with response by a male quartet. After this Rev. Clarence Pike gave an address; Dana M. Dustan of Worcester, a college mate of the pastor and a former teacher at South Royalston, gave an address on "Education of our Public School System of the Past Fifty Years," Rev. F. J. Fairbanks spoke of the three institutions — the home, church and school, and Mrs. Jennie Richards of Athol rendered a solo. The last speaker was Lilley B. Caswell of Athol, a former teacher in both the Centre and South Royalston schools, and who is ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 145 writing a history of the town. His subject was of a historical nature, and treated especially of the church history, and the character of the founders and early settlers of the town. SECOND DAY Monday, August 2, the second day of the celebration, was showery, but as this day was intended more for a social time and for visiting of old friends and acquaintances, the rain did not materially interfere with the plans arranged for. The chief place of interest to the visitors during the day was the schoolhouse, where there was a fine exhibition of the work which had been done by the pupils of the town, while the handsome new pul^lic library building contained many inter- esting things for the inspection of the visitors. Here were collections of curios, relics, ancient documents and old family heirlooms, and a fine display of beautiful specimens of beryl from the beryl mine of Mr. F. H. C. Reynolds. In the fore- noon there was a ball game between the Boy Scouts of Royalston and South Royalston, the score being eighteen to seven in favor of Royalston; and in the afternoon there was a game between the ball players of Royalston and South Royalston, in which Royalston was also the victor by a score of twenty-three to seven. THIRD DAY The last and great day of Royalston's celebration was ushered in by a sunrise salute fired from a cannon stationed on one of the surrounding hills. The last day's proceedings of the anniversary, Tuesday August 3d, was the grand climax of one of the most successful anniversaries ever held by any New England town. The weather was cool and clear during the forenoon and the events of the day drew more than three thousand people to the fine old Common, where the first feature of the day was a grand parade, which for artistic conception of the floats and the general makeup of the parade was a credit to the committees having it in charge, and is seldom surpassed b}^ even much larger communities that have much more material at their command. The parade started from the upper end of the Common near the schoolhouse about ten o'clock, and was led by Walter N. Farrar, chief marshal, with Levvens G. 146 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Forbes and Chas. A. Stimson as aids. Chief W. A. Loomis and patrolmen J. F. Halloran, F. A. Graves and Perley Richards headed the parade, followed by Starrett's band of Athol. Several automobiles contained the officials of the celebration, veteran soldiers, the Selectmen, Charles H. Brown, Luke B. Shepardson and Alfred W. Neal, and Wellington White of Owosso, Mich., who is the only surviving member of the committee of arrangements of the Centennial Celebration of fifty years ago. Then followed a long line of floats con- taining the products of the towTi, both agricultural and manufactured, and the organizations of the town with other unique features. The judges of the parade were. Dr. D. H. Gatchell of Baldwdnville, E. D. Sargent of Winchendon and Wm. G. Lord of Athol, and they awarded prizes as follows: Best Float — Royalston Grange; second, Ladies' Benevo- lent Society of Royalston and Mountain View Farm; third, Eri Stewart and John Shepardson, Pike's Peak or Bust. Best Decorated Single Team — First, J. F. Stockwell; second, Mrs. Wilcox. Most Comical Feature — Charles Simonds. Special Features — West Royalston Surveyors. Following the parade there were sports on the Common. Shortly before twelve o'clock on the arrival of Acting Governor Gushing and his party a salute of seventeen guns was fired, and about half past twelve a procession was formed headed by Starrett's band of Athol, which proceeded to the large tent that had been erected between the Phinehas S. Newton Library and the summer residence of Donald M. Hill, formerly the Rufus Bullock mansion, where the anniversary dinner was served and the speaking of the day took place, and to which upwards of six hundred sat down. Chief Marshal Walter N. Farrar called the company to order and said: "Anticipation may be very agreeable, but the program that we are about to commence is certainly both practical and enjoyable. The citizens of Royalston have been looking forward to this hour which is to follow for several months and we consider ourselves extremely fortunate in being able to claim among the citizens of Royalston such an ideal president of the day, and it gives me great pleasure to intro- duce to your Excellency the speakers of the day, fellow ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 147 citizens of Royalston and friends, our president of the day, Dr. Frank W. Adams." Dr. Adams after making one or two minor communications referred to the celebration of fifty years ago, and the com- mittee of fifteen who arranged it, and stated that WelHngton White, the only surviving member of that committee, was here to-day. He asked that gentleman to rise, which he did. Dr. Adams then called for all others who were present fifty years ago to rise, in response to which invitation fifty-two stood up. He then proceeded to give his address of welcome as follows: "Well, friends, the old town bids you welcome. Enthroned on these everlasting hills, surrounded by her faith- ful sentinels, Monadnock, Watatic, Wachusett, Bald Mountain, TuUy and Grace, standing guard at her outer gates, she bids you enter and share with her the social interviews and reminiscences, the songs and oratory, the sports and festivities of this glad day. She has waited for you one hundred and fifty years. Some of your faces she beheld here fifty years ago, and there are fifty-two of you, a little more than one for each year. Many other of your faces she hopes to see here fifty years to come, for she herself will live on to the end of the age. "Royalston is proud of her record. The youngest in the large family of fifty-nine cities and towns in Worcester County, she has nevertheless attained an enviable round on the ladder of fame, for her muscle, her brain, and her blood have given a beneficent impulse to the material, political and religious life of more than half the states of this union. Her governors and mayors, her judges and professors, her teachers and clergymen, her missionaries and her business men have done in the past, and are doing to-day, a noble work for the uplift of humanity. And extending to you this welcome to-day, sons and daughters of Royalston, she promises to watch over you for the next half century, fully confident that your varied activities will add a new lustre to the bright crown she already wears." The invocation was by Rev. F. J. Fairbanks of South Royalston. President Adams in introducing the Winchendon choir which rendered the anniversary hymn said: 14-8 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON "Koyalston has always enjoyed the reputation of being a musical town. In the records of their earliest town meetings there was a sprinkling of appropriations for the 'encourage- ment of good singing.' That is the way the old settlers put it, meaning for the encouragement of music. There is music in the Royalston air; there is music in her forests, music in her rills, and wordless music in her very soil. I would like to demonstrate this proposition. When Royalston's greedier sister cities and towns of Worcester County had taken all the land they wanted, there remained only this bit of shapeless territory in this north- west corner of the county, and Royalston mildly accepted that as her share. It was all that was left. It was shaped in the form of a dipper; the body of the dipper with some modifications is the Royalston of to-day and the handle of the dipper stretched out to the eastward across the entire northern border of Winchendon across Lake Monomonac to the town of Ashburnham. This handle was three hundred rods wide and about seven miles long and enjoyed in the old records the euphonius title of the Royalston Leg. But it proved unwieldy, and it made our northern border on New Hampshire fifteen miles long, and in 1820 the town consented to an amputation and the territory was ceded to Winchendon. But the territory retained its musical properties and in the course of time they permeated the whole township; and when this celebration was in contem- plation, the choir of the North Congregational Church in Winchendon, recognizing the original source of their musical inspiration, kindly offered to furnish the choral numbers for this program. And it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Chorister E. D. Sargent and his noble choir." The choir then rendered Mr. Bosworth's Anniversary Hymn, which appears in another part of this work. President Adams then introduced the toastmaster of the day as follows: "Very good people sometimes make serious mistakes in choosing their birthplaces. The toastmaster named on the program of the day is a notable illustration of this fact. With the consent and co-operation of his parents he wandered away from Royalston down to the city of Fitchburg and was born there. But Royalston claims his childhood, his boyhood and his early manhood; and it was from Royalston that he went out into the larger activities of life. Royalston has ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 149 always taken great satisfaction in witnessing the uniform success of his business career. They have taken a greater satisfaction in noteing the love and loyalty which he has always cherished for the home of his ancestors. He has been interested always in the welfare of her citizens, and his efforts for the success of this anniversary have been intelligent and tireless. The city of Fitchburg has conferred upon him many honors in the past and she has for him yet other and greater honors in reserve; but it is very doubtful if any honor that Fitchburg can give him will bring to him a thrill of more genuine satisfaction than the honor conferred upon him to-day of being toastmaster for the sesquicentennial feast of old Royalston. I introduce to you Mr. Frederic C. Nichols of Fitchburg." Mr Nichols said: "This magnificent gathering, the climax of the 150th anniversary celebration of the beautiful town of Royalston, should be an inspiration to anyone given an op- portunity to speak here. But I shall not, even to acknowl- edge the kindly words of our honored president, attempt a speech. Were I to do so, however, I should use as my text the words of Longfellow: 'We may build more splendid habitations; fill our rooms with paintings and sculptures; but we cannot buy with gold the old associations.' Though not born in Royalston, I was, to use the New England ex- pression, 'raised here'; and my associations and memories from a very small boy up to this moment are exceedingly pleasant. I believe it is but the simple truth when I say to you that no man living is prouder of the wonderful history of this town than I am. But that will be touched upon by Representative Cross, who, by the way, I hope to see attain even further political honors now that he has returned to his first and true political love. But it is in the Royalston of to-day and the future that I am most interested. I have thought over its problems quite as much as if I lived here, and have come to the conclusion that the brightest hope of the future is to restore this town to its former prestige as a farming community. The product of the soil, to my mind deaiands the first consideration, and a system must be in- volved by which the farmer may handle that which is produced in such a way as to retain for himself a fair share of the profits of his labor. The wealth of the world comes out of 250 HISTORY OF ROYAI.STON the land, and man must dig for it. Adam was tokl in the Garden of Eden — Dr. Adams says this quotation is correct — 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.' From then until now 'the man with the hoe' has been the man who has added to the wealth of the world; and from that day there seems to have been implanted in every human breast an inclination to till the land. And this is well; for there seems to be something in the touch of the sod that gives strength and vigor and character to man. "It is an established fact that the great industries of the cities are built up and maintained ])y men who came from the rural sections. A recent canvass of one of the great cities has shown that out of one hundred successful men, eighty-five came from the country. There can be no question that our very civilization depends upon the character and strength of the life developed at the countryside. You who live here all the year round know, however, much better than we outsiders that the beautiful trees in these fields do not derive their strength from their blossoms nor from their fruit; their strength comes from their roots. So with a nation and a town. They are not fed from the top; they are not fed from the conspicuous people down; they are fed from the incon- spicuous people up. And those who tap the unexhausted soils and their virgin resources are the best feeders of a pure democracy and lay the foundation for the highest type of good citizenship such as have been and are now living in the lovely town of Royalston. "I sincerely trust, my friends, all the good things you did not get in the last fifty years may come to you before the 200th anniversary and that you all may, with brave spirits and cheery hearts, reach the goal of your highest hopes. "We certainly have received inspiration from the splendid address of Dr. Adams, the thoughtful prayer of the Rev. Mr. Fairbanks, and we have a wonderful array of speakers here. In common with you all, I deeply regret the absence of Governor Walsh to-day. He intended to come to Royalston, and he would have enjoyed it here and you would have enjoyed hearing him speak. But we are fortunate in having the acting Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of the Common- wealth, Grafton D. Gushing here. I am going to ask you all to rise when I introduce to you the Honorable Grafton D. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 151 Gushing, acting Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts." Mr Gushing said that when asked some three months ago to save the third of August for Royalston he did not know that it would fall to his lot to have the honor to represent the Gommonwealth in the royal town of Royalston. "It is one of the pleasant duties of office to be allowed to come to gatherings of this sort, — to town gatherings. For a town has a particular atmosphere of its own. In a city there is no community of thought; there is no community of interest. In a town you all know each other; and when you come into a town you feel you get personally to know the inhabitants of the town. "The town meeting, is the most democratic form of govern- ment; it is the form of government that is at the basis of our institutions, and has been at the bottom of our prosperity. And the men who have gone out of the traditions of our form of government to other parts of the country have carried with them the American ideals, have founded new communities and have brought up their children to believe as we believed in good old New England." Referring to town and state expenditures he said: "But when you come to the great state, when you come to the complications of modern life, it is very difficult always to follow your expenditures. After all, you know, we are a pretty young nation and are not very well developed in the science of government; and from time to time we see the need of stretching out in some new direction. And the way we do it is to form a board or commission to oversee that particular part of our state's activities, with the result that we have in Massachusetts to-day over one hundred commissions, tempo- rary and permanent. Now all these are problems which cannot be solved in a day, but in course of time we shall be able to develop a system of control of expenditures. There is no place in the country where they are properly controlled. For they should bear equally on all and not unequally, as they do in Massachusetts to-day." Toastmaster Nichols in presenting Fred W. Gross said: ' 'Since the days of Timothy Richardson, Royalston's first representative to the great and general court, Royalston has sent splendid men to do her honor under the Gilded Dome JSJ HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON in both the Senate and the House. Their influence has Ijeen lessened because their service was too short. For the first time in a very long period a man from Royalston has been sent for two consecutive years. He is to give the historical address, and there is no man better qualified. He is a credit to this or any other community, and he has helped to put Royalston on the map more, perhaps, than any other one man in a decade. He needs no introduction to you here, but it is a peculiar pleasure to present my personal and dear friend, your hustling representative to the Legislature, Fred W. Cross." Representative Fred W. Cross after referring to the intro- duction of the toastmaster said: "I am placed in a peculiar position. After a most excellent outline of Royalston's history has within a week been published in one of our local papers; after a talented preacher has preacher! an historical sermon in the neighboring church within two or three days; after the author of Royalston's forthcoming town history has at the evening service in that church given an outline of the church history in Royalston; and after the president on this occasion has touched upon some of the interesting and amusing things of Royalston's history, I am asked to give an historical address. But I am going to punish you just the same. Royalston invites you here to-day to celebrate with her not her age, but her youth. And while there are munici- palities boasting of their two hundred or two hundred and fifty years of history, she comes to tell you that she is only one hundred and fifty years old. But the book of those years has written upon its pages as many honorable records as you might wish to read." Mr. Cross then proceeded in a most eloquent manner to rehearse the history of Royalston, especially that relating to the part that the town took in the Revolution and the Civil War. At the close of his address Mr. Cross was given a hearty ovation, and was heartily congratulated by Senator Lodge and Lieutenant-Governor Cushing. Toastmaster Nichols in presenting Congressman McCall said: "Human nature in the country is the same as human nature in the city — one hundred cents make a dollar every- where. Our next speaker is a man who served for twenty years in our national Congress, and who is the same in the ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY JSJ city or in the country, and all the year round. In Congress he was reasonably independent, as we all know. I invited him to come here to Royalston to-day, and he accepted with genuine pleasure. He is as you will see him, a real gentle- man, living up to the highest ideals of good citizenship and meriting any honor that may be bestowed upon him. I present to you the Honorable Samuel W. McCall." Congressman MeCall said that he had been extremely interested in what he had learned to-day a])out the town of Royalston. "I had an idea from the fact that Royalston was named after Isaac Royal, and as Isaac Royal was a stanch loyalist and left this country during the Revolutionary War and went to England, I thought perhaps Royalston was something like a monarchical institution instead of the democratic little place which it really is. Then I have heard about that leg that is seven miles long, and I fear a political archaeologist may make from that a very sinister inference, and that is, that in those times they had a fierce lot of political mercenaries adequately to pull that royal leg. I am impressed, as I am always impressed when I hear historical addresses about the origin of our little communities in New England, with what terrible times those people used to have, struggling with the climate, with the ordinary hardships of an unsettled country, and especially with the Indians. But I imagine that they en- joyed themselves pretty well. We can make almost anything attractive and interesting. "So I fancy the people in the times of which we have heard so eloquently discussed to-day knew how to have good times; and Royalston seemed to be a pretty popular place in those days." He referred to local town government in a most interesting manner, saying: "While we commemorate the men and women who lived here one hundred and fifty years ago, and while we do honor to the services which this town has rendered to the country, we must not forget to think of the town as an institution of government. It lies at the very basis of the American system of government; it connects the man with the government. Things will gravitate fast enough to Washington and we have street after street there lined with buildings filled with clerks and bureaus of one hundred thousand people to carry on the work of this great government. And what can an average citizen know 154 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON about it all? Government, when transferred five hundred or one thousand miles from us, becomes largely a matter of imagination; but })y having government right by where the people are, then it becomes a matter of their sense and of their perception^ And it is vital to keep alive our town governments, to maintain their jurisdiction. I know there are some disagreeable things connected with it. I have heard some town-meeting orators in my day. But by and by a town meeting will judge and will exercise justice in their judgment, and a man is likely to be suppressed in a town meeting as a nuisance who would pass by on the distant stage at Washington. "But it is well to keep our government as near as we can to the people if the people are to rule. If they are fit to rule, they should have a material part in the direction of affairs. If they are not fit to rule, then it follows it is well enough to send their government off to a great distance from them. So, let us remember to-day, in doing honor to this town, reverently to think of the place the town meeting has in our systerii of government." Hon. Calvin D. Paige, Congressman from this district, was next presented. He said in part: "The radical ideas advocated on the floor of the American Congress do not emanate from the old New England towns, and never have. From the earliest days of the Republic, the wisdom, the in- telligence, and the patriotism have found an abiding place here, and there has never been a time when it is more necessary that we stand together for New England, and for New England ideas than at the present time, in order that sanity may again prevail in the legislation of the country. Royalston sent her sons to establish independence in the colonies, and in the Civil War she sent her sons to preserve the Union. At no time has Royalston failed to respond to the call of the country. "We are no less patriotic than we were in those two great crises in the nation's history, when we say we do not purpose to be drawn into the terrible war raging across the sea. The stand that America is taking constitutes patriotism to-day. Nothing can be more patriotic in the light of the twentieth century than the triumph of a great nation over the elements of war and desolation, })ut if this policy does not ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 255 triumph, then no sacrifice of life or treasure is too great to defend our country and our flag. For it has been proven that when occasion requires there is no more patriotic people than ours in all recorded history. "We have great problems of our own to solve — great questions to answer — and as they are solved and answered right or wrong, may depend the weal or woe of America for many years to come. But as I review our past history made under trying circumstances, I have no fear for the future. And may we not have confidence that in all the great issues that may come before the American people for solution we shall sustain the traditions of our predecessors?" Congressman Samuel E. Winslow was introduced by the toastmaster, as one who did not come to the anniversary to speak, but he would ask him to talk for a few moments. The genial Congressman then proceeded to entertain the company with humorous stories and well-timed allusions to the other speakers, which were received with roars of laughter and prolonged applause by the audience. Following Congressman Winslow's talk, Toastmaster Nichols in behalf of a number of friends and with most fitting words presented Dr. Adams with a purse of gold, to which the doctor responded in a most happy manner. Dr. Adams then introduced Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who was given a most cordial greeting, the large audience rising in a body and giving him hearty cheers, while all through his address the sentiments that he expressed were applauded and cheered. The doctor's introduction of the Senator was a gem worthy to be preserved in the annals of Royalston history. He said: "At the close of the last session of Congress, about the middle of May, a member of that august body left the city of Washington for his home in Massachusetts. His friends were aware of his coming; and when he arrived at a station in his district near the end of his journey, one hundred thousand men and women, according to a Boston newspaper, irrespective of nationality, representing all shades of political complexion, enthused by the inspiring strains of several brass bands, and rending the air with their multitudinous cheers, thronged the streets of the city of Lynn. 156 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON "It was a magnificent oYation, and wholly unprecedented as a 'welcome home' to a returning Senator. "Who is this man who has attained such a mighty grip on the heart-strings of Massachusetts, and who, on even an ordinary occasion, can raise the temperature of her sluggish blood to the boiling point? "Statesman, orator, historian, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, adviser of Presidents, in international diplomacy without a peer, when he rises in his place in the upper branch of Congress, Senators sit up and take notice, and w^hen he speaks, the forty-eight States in this In'oad Union listen. Little Royalston is fairly bursting with pride to-day to have him on her platform, and it is not only with pride, but with exceeding great pleasure that I now present to you our senior Senator in Congress, the Honorable Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts." ADDRESS OF HON. HENRY CABOT LODGE "Mr. President: "I cannot thank you enough for the overkind words in which you have presented me. They more than make up for the misfortune that I have in being the last to speak. In the first place, the greatest misfortune is that I have to follow Sam Winslow. None but himself can be his parallel, and I am certain that I cannot fill his place. And I have been the victim of all except the Lieutenant-Governor, with due regard to the fact that he is acting Governor of the State, who has said nothing; but my old friend, Sam McCall, of course had something to say about me in connection with the rain. My other old friend Paige seemed to take a very discriminating view of me, I thought. He is a good judge of men. And my young friend Sam Winslow, — you see how well I treat him - — also when he wasn't making fun of me, was saying nice things about me. But it all puts me in a rather embarrassing situation, — but the embarrassment of trying in the very short time I shall occupy to justify in some measure the words of your president and your toast- master, and the cordiality of the reception which you have been so kind as to give me. "It was pure pleasure to come here. I love to come to these town anniversaries. They have to me a peculiar ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 157 attraction. I love to listen to an account of their past, very seldom set forth so admirably and with such real eloquence as it has been set forth to-day by your distinguished Represent- ative. "That sketch of your town history had all the human interest of an autobiography. We should have liked to have heard more if it were possible of the forefathers of the ham.let; but time does not serve. I am. not going to repeat or rehearse in any way the history of the town. It has the abiding attraction and charm to me of all our old New England towns. As Mr. McCall has said the town is the seat and center of local gelf-governn:ent ; and on local self- government as embodied in the town and in the State, rests the great union of the States; and the principles and the beliefs of the New England towai government have gone forth through the length and the breadth of the land; they have permeated, unconsciously perhaps very often, the beliefs of the entire American people. For they mean democracy; they mean self-government; they mean freedom of thought, freedom of speech and the right of every man to say the thing he will — very precious rights indeed. This old town was born one hundred and fifty years ago, just after what was known as the old French War and just before the war of the Revolution; and her sons went forth to fight in the Revolution, and again in 1812, and again in the Civil War. I was amazed at the size of the cjuota furnished by this town, as stated by Mr. Cross; but I noticed as he spoke, that the passages in the town history that came home to your hearts, that moved you to applause, that moved you, I am sure, to deeper emotions, were those passages in which he told you of the sacrifices of the Revolution, of the men who gave their lives and led their regiments and brigades in the Civil War. You were not moved and touched in that way merely because they were fighting men; it was because they were making a great sacrifice for a great principle; they were demonstrating by what they did that they believed that there were things for which it was worth while to sacrifice, not only treasure, but life itself. They believed that there were some things that ought not to be sacrificed in order that life and safety and the opportunity to make money might be preserved; and they freely offered up their lives for those principles which 158 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON they learned in the town meeting, the independence of the country, the freedom of the country, the right of the people to rule, the determination that the Union should not be torn asunder no matter what it might cost to keep that Union together, the determination that democracy, as described by Abraham Lincoln, 'should not perish from the earth.' "And in every town in this Commonwealth, if you will go back over its history, you will read the same lesson — a lesson not amiss in these days when there are not lacking those who preach that there is nothing for which it is worth while to sacrifice treasure or life. I believe that in like hours of danger, the spirit of the country and the great mass of the people is the same to-day as it v/as in 1776 and in 1861. But there are voices which are crying out that there is nothing for which safety and life should ever be sacrificed. "Yes, we are, thank God, at peace. I trust and pray that that peace may be preserved. But it will not be preserved by mere words and language. The world to-day, the great world of western civilization, of which we are a part, is in an anguish such as history does not record. I cannot keep from my mind, as I read and listen to the awful news that comes to us day by day, I cannot refrain from thinking of the old mediaeval hymn which began, if I may quote the old Latin words, 'Hora novis.sima, tempora pes.sima sunt, vigilemus.' Let us be watchful, the world is very evil, the times are waxing late. That thought must come to every reflecting mind. No man can say what may come out of that whirlpool of destruction which is now engulfing Europe. We must maintain our peace; yes, we must maintain our peace, not a peace at any price of humiliation, but a peace becoming a great and powerful and self- respecting nation. "Now, how, practically speaking, is that peace to be preserved? In the first place, we must maintain our neutral- ity. And neutrality brings not only its rights, but its duties. If we are to insist on the rights of neutrals, as we must and ought, we must perform our duty as neutrals. Under color of neutrality, we must not twist it so as to help one side or the other. We must be just to all &nd do wrong to none. And against any infringement of our rights we must protest, and we must make that protest understood with firmness and ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 159 determination that we mean what we say. Better never say the words than not mean them. "Therefore the first thing is to maintain neutrahty if we would preserve our peace; protect our peace by justice and right- eousness toward all the nations with whom we now are on friendly terms. And in the next place, we must make clear to all the nations that our peace is not to be lightly invaded; that while we do justice to all and wrong to none, we will not permit or suffer wrong or injustice to be done to us, or to any of our people who have a right to look to the gov- ernment which they sustain for protection and support. For the government that does not protect its people will soon cease to have its people protected. We must make it clear that no nation can wrong or invade us without paying a heavy price therefor. By that I mean that this country should be properly prepared for its own defense. "Nothing is more idle than this argument, — if you can grace it with such a name, — that armament leads to war. What leads to war is the spirit and intent of the people who control the armament. The armament is but the evidence and the manifestation of the force of the government. When the Civil War broke out in this country, — a war which raged for four years, — neither side was prepared. Anyone would be laughed out of court who attempted to say that the Civil War in the United States was owing to lack of prepara- tion. It is just as reasonable to say that as to say that armament leads to war. "The value of armaments depends entirely on the purpose for which they are intended. It will be just as reasonable to say that we must abolish knives because a knife becomes occasionally a murderous instrument. The fact that the knife is a murderous instrument is owing to the purpose and intent of the man who holds it in his hand. It is not the fault of the knife. "I have heard it said, and on the floor of Congress too, about the springing to arms of eight million Americans; one gentleman said in the tide of rhetoric: 'Eight million men ready to spring to arms.' No doubt; I trust the patriotism of this country; but eight million men or eight thousand men cannot spring to arms unless they have arms to spring to. I am not going into details; it is easily proved, too 160 HISTORY OF ROVALSTON easily proved, but that proper preparation for a country like this, which intends no conquest, which seeks to wrong no other nation, proper preparation for its own defense is a bulwark of peace and not of war. And one other thing that I would say in closing. This is a time to remember that we are Americans, that we are interested in the welfare of the United States, that we are determined to preserve her peace and her neutrality, and that any man who attempts to divide the American people on the line of sympathizing with one belligerent or another, — no matter how he sympathizes or what he feels, — is bringing in here and putting al)ove the interests of the United States the interests of other countries. He is bringing into this country race issues; and nothing could be more hostile to our welfare than to introduce the interests of foreign nations and race issues among the American people. Let us be simply Americans without any qualifying adjective prefixed to it. If we are not, if we prefer some other country and prefer the interests of that other country to the interests of the United States, then the place of that man is not here; he belongs to the country that commands the real allegiance of his heart. And if ever that country needed him, it probably is now. "Maintain the peace; maintain it by honest and just neutral- ity; maintain it by seeing to it that no one can attack you with impunity and that the world shall understand it. Be just to all nations; do wrong to none; remember that you are Americans, simply that and nothing more; and then you will have peace, and a peace that is worth having." At the conclusion of Senator Lodge's address, the Win- chendon choir was again introduced and rendered a selection which elicited a hearty encore, to which the choir responded with a second song, after which came the last number of the program, which consisted in the singing of "America" by the audience led by the band, and the exercises of the afternoon were ended. CHAPTER XI OLD ROYALSTON FAMILIES To one familiar with the old Royalston families and the homesteads formerly occupied by them scattered over these hills and valleys, and as on every side old cellar holes that have not already been obliterated by the hand of time, meet our sight, a feeling of sadness comes over us as our thoughts take us back when Royalston was one of the most important towns of the County. The old familiar names of Peck, Ballou, Walker, Holman, Cutler, Dexter, Bragg and Woodbury are not on the list of Royalston residents today. Wliile the descendants of these families have gone out into all parts of this country and in foreign lands, where they have become the leading spirits in the educational, religious and civic life of the Nation, yet wherever they roam there comes stealing over them recollections of the old town, its hills, valleys and streams, with the grand Old Monadnock looking down on all, and there comes to them the thought of Longfellow, when he says: ''Happy he whom neither wealth nor fashion, Nor the march of the encroaching city. Drives an exile From the hearth of his ancestral homestead. We may build more splendid habitations, Fill our rooms with paintings and with sculptures. But we cannot Buy with gold the old associations." THE METCALF FAMILY Among the early settlers of Royalston were members of the Metcalf family, who were prominent in the early history of the town, and whose descendants furnish a long list of men and women who have been prominent in the educational, social and 162 HISTORY OF ROVALSTON: business life of the countr3\ The original seat of the family was in Yorkshire, England. The emigrant ancestor of the Royalston Metcalfs was Michael Metcalf, the Dornix or embroidery weaver, of Norwich, who« is supposed to have employed some hundred or more men m. his shop in the city of Norwich, The passenger list of em'grants with the "'John and Dorothy," Master William Andrews of Ipswich, as examined April 8th, 1637^ includes Michael Metcalf and Sarah Metcalf ^ his wife, and eight children. Michael was admitted a freeman at Dedham July 14^ 1637; joined the church January, 1639; was Selectman in 164L His name stands on the committee to "Contrive the frabricke of a new meeting house/' The first Metcalf to appear in Royalston history was Cai^. Pelatiah Metcalf from Wrentham, Mass.,. who settled in the west part of Royalston. He built a saw mill on the site of the mill, later owned by Nathaniel Greeley; estabhshed a potash; was an active business man and a prominent citizen. Was Selectman in 1779, '82, '86, '88, '90, '91, and assessor in 1778 and 1794. He was of the sixth generation from Michael Metcalf, and was born June 24, 1744, second child of Pelatiah Metcalf and Hep- zibah Mann. He married June 22, 1770, Lydia Eastey or (Estey) of Thompson, Conn., who was born May 12, 1749, and died 1829. He died Oct. 19, 1807. Of the twelve children born to them eight died young and four lived to grow up. These were: Pelatiah, born July 29, 1780; Isaac, born Feb 3, 1783; Jacob, born June 7, 1785; Enoch, born Feb. 27, 1792. Pelatiah Metcalf, M. D., born at Royalston, Mass., July 29, 1780, fifth child of Pelatiah and Lydia (Estey) Metcalf; married Abigail Hawes, who was bom Jan. 28, 1786. He settled as a physician in Pawtucket and Woonsocket, R. I., where he died Oct. 26, 1866. His wife, Abigail Hawes, died Jan. 13, 1871. They had two children : Charles Hermon Metcalf, photographer, born Oct. 22, 1822, died unmarried Sept. 23, 1870; Eleanor Ameha Metcalf, born Dec. 26, 1824. She married Nov. 18, 1844, Charles A. Smith of Woonsocket, R. I., who was born Nov. 4, 1820, and died Feb. 23, 1879. They had three children. Jacob Metcalf, born at Royalston June 7, 1785, seventh child of Pelatiah and Lydia (Estey) Metcalf; married Sept. 15, 1807, Charlotte Prescott, who was born March 12, 1787, and died May 19, 1843. After the death of his first wife, he married, THE METCALF FAMILY 163 April 16, 1845, Nancy A, Thomas, of Winchendon, who was horn June 16, 1790, She died Sept. 16, 1847. He married for his third wife, Mary L, Gay of Baldwinvilk, Mass., Aug. 22, 1848. She was born April 23, 1798. He died April 21, 1859, at the old place, "Under the Hill", where he was born and had lived all his life. His wife, Mary L. Gay, survived him, dying Feb. 11, 1878. Jacob Metcalf and Charlotte (Prescott) had four children. PelaliaJi Metcalf, oldest son of Jacob and Charlotte (Pres- cott) Metcalf, was born in KoyaJston May 21, 1808. Was a dry goods clerk and merchant in Boston; married June 19, 1834, Olive Forbes, who was born Nov. 16, 1808, the daughter of James Forbes of Royalston. He died Sept. 7th, 1835, leaving no children. Jonas Prescott Metcalf, second son of Jacob and Charlotte (Prescott) Metcalf, was lx>rn at Royalston May 14, 1810; married Oct. 23, 1834, Harriet Jacobs, who was born Jan. 5, 1816, daughterofJobnJacobsof Royalston. He died Nov. 1, 1843. Their children: George Prescott Metcalf, born June 13, 1837, died June 19, 1838. Harlan Pelatiah Metcalf, born at Royalston April 29, 1839, was married Oct. 4, 1859, to Ellen Maria Pierce of Royalston. Martha Harriet Metcalf, born Dec. 6, 1840, third child of Jonas Prescott and Harriet (Jacobs) Metcalf, married Henry A. Spofford of Fitzwilliam, N. H. They had no children of their own, but adopted Jessie Murdock Metcalf. Mrs. Spofford died Sept. 13, 1895. Prescott Mar ins Metcalf, born at Royalston June 1, 1843, fourth child of Jonas Prescott and Harriet (Jacobs) Metcalf, after the war settled in Norfolk, Va., where he was connected with the post office for some years, and afterwards cashier of a bank. He married there Sept. 10, 1863, Elvena Rolland, who was born March 11, 1841, of French parentage. He died March 19, 1890. They had seven children. Samuel Gregory Metcalf, third son of Jacob and Charlotte (Prescott) Metcalf was born at Royalston, April 1, 1814, and was for many years in partnership with his father in farming and lumber business. He married in 1844, Catherine Louisa Gale of Royalston, who died the same year. In 1850 the partnership with his father was dissolved, and he removed to Worcester. May 20, 1851, he married Sarah King Chaddock, who was born 1(,4 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON May 30, 1821, in Middlebury, Vt., the daughter of Alvin and Salh' Chaddock. Samuel G. Metcalf and his new wife moved from Worcester to Leroy, N. Y., where their only son. Henry S. Metcalf, was born July 14, 1853. They moved in 1854 to Mt. Carroll, Carroll County, 111., where by dealing in real estate he became somewhat wealthy, but in 1868 was prostrated by paralysis, the result of sunstroke. He lived almost helpless and a great sufferer for some fourteen years, dying Oct. 1, 1882. Henry S. Metcalf, only son of Samuel Gregory Metcalf and Sarah (Chaddock) Metcalf, born July 14, 1853, graduated from Beloit College in 1879, and from Northwestern University Medi- cal School in 1886. While busy as a physician he has always been interested in education, serving several terms as president of the Mt. Carroll, 111., school board, and for years he has been president of the board of trustees of the Frances Shiner School of the University of Chicago. He died Dec. 15, 1916. Josiah Kidder Metcalf, fourth and youngest son of Jacob and Charlotte (Prescott) Metcalf, was born at Royalston Aug. 20, 1826. He never married; was a teacher for many years; in 1865 he entered the Christian ministry in the Baptist denomination, where he was very much beloved. His health began to fail in 1877, and he preached his last sermon in April of that year, the sixth anniversary of his settlement. He died Jan. 15, 1878. Enoch Metcalf, born in Royalston Feb. 27, 1792, was the 11th child of Peletiah and Lydia (Estey) Metcalf. He married Elizabeth Buffum April 13, 1813. He died Feb. 17, 1864. She died Feb. 1, 1883. They had five children: Caleb Bvffum Metcalf, born Fed. 13, 1814, at Royalston. Studied at Phillips Academy, Andover, under Samuel Taylor; graduated at Yale College in 1842. Married Aug. 18, 1843, Rosana C. Barnes, sister of A. S. Barnes, the book publisher. He taught in Boston four years, then for ten years the Thomas Street School in Worcester, commencing April 16, 1846. In 1856 he established on Salisbury street, Worcester, his famous Highland Military Academy, over which he presided for thirty-two years, until 1888; then Super- intendent Emeritus. He died July 31, 1891, at Seabright, N. J., the summer home of his daughter. They had two children. Sarah Metcalf, only daughter of Enoch and Elizabeth (Buffum) Metcalf, was born at Royalston Sept. 3, 1815, married Jan. 28, 1839, Elihu S. Hunt, of Lowell, Mass. She died April 4, 1864. They had four children. THE METCALF FAMILY 165 Isaac Newton Mctcalf, second son of Enoch and Elizabeth (Buffum) Metcalf , was born at Royalston March 8, 1818, removed early to Lowell, Mass. Choir boy at old St. Anne's Church of Lowell, in 1833, when fifteen years old; on account of his extra- ordinary musical ability, was made leader of St. Anne's choir. In 1862 became Musical Director of All Saints Church, Worces- ter; later of St. John's Church, of which he was junior warden. He was teacher of music in the schools of both Lowell and Worcester for many years, and was well-known as a composer of music. Easter Sunday, April 10, 1887, at 9 p. m., in the office of the Worcester Spy, where he was reporting the exercises of the day, he dropped dead, just as he was saying, "What a per- fect Easter Day it has been." He married Nancy Aiken of Lowell, Aug. 6, 1844. They had seven children. Enoch B. Metcalf, third son of Enoch and Elizabeth (Buffum) Metcalf, was born in Royalston Dec. 14, 1823. Married Nancy Norton of Lowell. Died about 1865. They had two daughters. Charles Hovey Metcalf, born April 22, 1837. Died Dec. 20, 1857. Isaac Metcalf, sixth child of Pelatiah Metcalf and Lydia Estey, was born Feb. 3, 1783, in Royalston at the old place, "Under the Hill" now called West Royalston. He acquired some education and was a very successful teacher in Royalston and adjacent towns and in Boston. In 1810 he bought the farm north of Royalston Centre, long known as the Metcalf farm, and later as the Mosman farm. It is now the summer home of his grand-daughter. Miss Edith Ely Metcalf. He was married Nov. 10, 1810, to Lucy Heywood, daughter of Silas and Hannah (Goddard) Heywood. She was born July 10, 1797, and died childless June 29, 1820. Isaac Metcalf married again, March 1, 1821, Anna (Mayo) (Stevens) Rich, widow of Charles Rich of Warwick. She had been a scholar of his some fifteen years before when he taught school in Warwick. She was the daughter of Wilder Stevens of Warwick and Elizabeth Mayo of Roxbury, and was born March 1, 1787. He died in Boston April 17, 1830. She died in Elyria, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1866. They had four children: Isaac Stevens Metcalf, Joseph Mayo Metcalf, Lucy Heywood Metcalf and Eliab Wight Metcalf. Isaac Stevens Metcalf, oldest son of Isaac Metcalf and Anna Mayo Stevens Rich, was born Jan. 29, 1822, in Royalston. When a young boy he went with his half brother, Charles W. !()(, HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Rich, to Milo, Maine. He was a student in the Bangor High School, 1839 to 1841, after which he taught country schools winters and worked on a farm summers. He entered the sopho- more class in Bowdoin College in 1844, and graduated with his class in 1847. Went directly after college commencement to surveys on the Vermont and Massachusetts R, R., and was engaged in locating the line from Grout's, now Millers Falls, to Greenfield, and laying out the Connecticut River bridge. Later he was civil engineer on the N. H. Central R. R. Went west in the Spring of 1850, by stage over the Hoosac Tunnel Line to Troy, N. Y., down the Hudson to New York Citj^ thence west on the first train over the then opening Erie R. R., stopping at Westfield, N. Y., thence by stage coach to Erie, Pa.; thence by steamboat to Cleveland and Detroit; thence by the very new, and then crude, Michigan Central R. R., across the State to Michigan City, its then terminus. By steam ferry to Chicago, then of some 30,000 inhabitants. On the same steamer came the first locomotive engine ever brought to Chicago, intended to run on a little strap railroad just beginning from Chicago out toward Elgin, perhaps the first railroad out of Chicago. He was given charge of the construction of the second division of the Illinois Central R. R., and had charge of all the money spent, expending over half a million dollars. When the road was com- pleted in 1855 he went to Chicago and handed his books and vouchers to George B. McClellan, then finance clerk in the Chicago office of the railway company, afterwards General McClellan. The chief engmeer gave him a letter to the president and direc- tors of the road, saying that he had "done the most work with the least money'" of any division engineer on the seven hundred miles of road. He then returned to New England, and after spending a year, settled in Elyria, Ohio, Nov., 1856, and made his home there until his death. In Elyria he held many public positions. Was Township Trustee all through the Civil War times, and Colonel of the local Volunteer Militia. He was long a member of the Board of Education and for a time its President; held the offices of Ceme- tery Trustee, County School Examiner and Secretary of the County Agricultural Society. He was for many years clerk, secretary and treasurer of the First Congregational Church and Society, and-was elected deacon for life. He was a director of the Savings Deposit Bank from its organization. He married JACOB METCALF 3: "t. Ti •j^'' ISAAC STEVENS METCALF ELIAB WIGHT METCALF THE METCALF FAMILY 16? July 5, 1852, Antoinette Brigham Putnam, daughter of Rev. John Milton Putnam of Dunbarton, N. H., and Arethusa Brigham of Westboro, Mass. She died in Elyria, Aug. 14, 1875. They had twelve children, He married second, in Elyria, March 25, 1878, Harriet Howes, daughter of William Howes and Elizabeth West, who was born July 17, 1850, at Gatonwood House, Northampton, England. She died, in Elyria Dec. 7, 1894. They had six children. He died in Elyria Feb. 19, 1898, in the house which had been his home since 1857. The children of Isaac Stevens and Antoinette Brigham (Putnam) Metcalf were: 1 Wilder Stevens Metcalf, born at Milo, Maine, Sept. 10, 1855, graduated Elyria High School, Oberlin College, and Kansas Univ- ersity Law School; colonel of Twentieth Kansas Volunteers in Spanish American War, Brevet Brigadier General, nine years United States pension agent, Topeka, Kansas; member National Militia Board under appointment of secretary of War; President Board of Education and Y. M. C. A. ; Director Lawrence National Bank; dealer in Farm loans; resides at Lawrence, Kansas. 2 Charles Rich Metcalf, born in Elyria, Ohio, Aug. 1, 1857. Elyria Public schools; in farm loan business, Lawrence, Kansas. 3 Marion Metcalf, born at Elyria, May 1, 1859, graduated Elyria High School and Wellesley College; teacher Wellesley College and Hampton Institute, Virginia; Parish Visitor First Congregational Church, Oberlin, Ohio, County Board, etc. 4 Anna Mayo Metcalf, born at Elyria July 26, 1862, grad- uated Elyria High School and Oberlin College; married April 30, 1887, to Azariah Smith Root, Librarian Oberlin College. Two children: Francis Metcalf Root, graduated Oberlin College, graduate student in Zoology in Johns Hopkins University; Marion Metcalf Root, class of 1917, Oberlin College. 5 Rev. John Milton Putnam Metcalf, D. D., born Oct. 28, 1864, graduated Elyria Pubhc Schools, Oberhn College, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, University of Berlin, has been pastor of Congregational churches in Wallace, Kansas; St. Louis, Mo.; Professor in Oberhn Theological Seminary; now President of Talladega College, Talladega, Ala. Two chil- dren: FrankHn Post Metcalf, graduate Oberlin College, graduate student and instructor in Botany, Cornell University; Robert Wilder Metcalf in Oberlin College. 168 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 6 Rev. Paul Harlan Metcalf, born Elyria. June 25th, 1867, graduated Elyria Public Schools, Oberlin College, Oberlin Theolo- gical Seminary; Y. M. C. A. Secretary and assistant Pastor of Congregational churches in South Bend, Indiana, Grand Rapids, Mich., Des Moines, Iowa, Elyria, Ohio; and social settlement headworker, Youngstown, Ohio. Now Executive Secretary Euclid Avenue Congregational church, Cleveland Ohio. Four children. 7 Grace Ethel Metcalf, born Elyria, Ohio, May 5, 1870, graduated Elyria Public Schools, Oberlin College, married Elyria, Aug. 5, 1895, to Harold Farmer Hall, died Chicago April 23, 1896. 8 Henry Martyn Metcalf, born Elyria Sept. 11, 1871, grad- uated Elyria High School, Oberlin College, and Medical School, University of Pennsylvania. Physician and surgeon Elyria, Ohio. One son. 9 Antoinette Putnam Metcalf, born Elyria Sept. 7, 1875, graduated Elyria High School, Oberlin College; reference libra- rian Oberlin College and Wellesley College. Children of Isaac Stevens and Harriet (Howes) Metcalf. 1 Ralph Howes Metcalf, born Elyria Jan. 9, 1879. Fitted for College in Elyria High School, died Dec. 10, 1894. 2 Joseph Mayo Metcalf, born in Elyria Oct. 30, 1880, graduated Elyria High school, Oberlin College and Harvard University. Division engineer Missouri, Kansas and Texas railwaj\ Address Muskogee, Okl. Four children: 3 Eliah Wight Metcalf, born Elyria, Dec. 26, 1881, graduated Elyria High School, Kansas University; civil engineer Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound railroad, address Seattle, Wash- ington. 4 Isaac Stevens Metcalf, Jr., born Elyria, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1883. Graduated Elyria High School, Oberlin College, journalist on editorial staff of Daily Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio. One son. 5 Keyes Dewitt Metcalf, born in Elyria, April 13, 1889, graduated Elyria High School, Oberlin College, New York Library School. Now an assistant in New York City Public Library, married Martha Gerrish, June 16, 1914. 6 Thomas Nelson Metcalf, born Elyria, Sept. 21, 1890. Graduated Elyria High School, Oberlin College, graduate student Columbia University, and College of Physicians and THE METCALF FAMILY 169 Surgeons, teacher of physical training Horace Mann School, New York City, football coach Columbia University, Married Helen Waller, Dec. 23, 1915. Joseph Mayo Metcalf, second son of Isaac Met calf and x\nna M. Stevens Kich, was born at Royalston July 25, 1823. AVas educated in tho public schools of Milo, Me., and the Boston High School. Taught school and was in business a short time. Died in Miio, Me., Dec. 31, 1850. With sUght advantages of <^ducation, he was "a thorough scholar, a hero, a Christian gentleman." Lucy Heywood Metcalf, third child of Isaac Metcalf and Anna M. Stevens Kich, was born at Royalston, May 20, 1825. Was educated in common schools of Milo, Me., and Foxcroft Academy. Taught school. Married at Milo, May 17, 1848, to Samuel Wlnkley Furber, who was born May 2, 1819. lived in Bangor, Me. She died in Bangor Aug. 26. 1856. He died at Northfield, Minn., Sept. 19, 1895. They had three children. EUab Wight Metcalf, fourth and youngest child of Isaac Metcalf and Anna M. Stevens Rich, was born at Royalston April 18, 1827. The family moved to Boston the same year, and a few years later to Milo, Me. He became a member of the Congregational Church in Milo when nine years old. Taught two schools in Milo in winter of 1844 and 1845, and in April, 1845, just before his 18th birthday, he walked to Bangor, thirty- three miles, and became clerk and bookkeeper in the store of Walter Brown and Son, dealers in general merchandise and lumber. From 1851 till October, 1865, in business for himself in Bangor, lumber, ship chandlery and ship Iniilding. During the Civil War went at five different times, at his own expense, in the service of the Christian Commission. After the war in October, 1865, moved with his wife and five children to Elyria, Ohio. He dealt in timber lands in Pennsylvania, Southern Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. Having lost a vessel burned by the English built cruiser, Shenandoah, he spent twelve winters in Washington, advocating the theory (which he origi- nated), that the forty-nine marine insurance companies, who claimed many millions of the Geneva Award, were entitled to nothing unless they could show actual loss above war pre- miums received. This theory was finally adopted by Congress, thus making it possible to pay from the Geneva Award for all 170 HISTCJliY OF ROYALSTON the actual loss caused by the Confederate cruisers for which the losers had received no indemnity, and also for about one- third of tlie proved losses by the payment of war premiums. As attorney in fact collected for other losers a large number of claims, besides that for his own ship. He carried to a success- ful issue in the Supreme Court of the United States a suit against the city of Watertown, Wis., involving a new and important constitutional question. He was actively interested, both in Maine and Ohio, in temperance legislation, and drafted the County local option bill, which under different names and forms was before the Ohio Legislature for several years and became a law in 1909. It was advocated hy th? Ohio Anti-Saloon League of which he was one of the founders and in whose support and management he was earnest and untiring. He was trustee of Oberlin College for 19 years till his deith. He married April 6, 1853, inEasthampton, Mass., Eliza Maria Ely, born at North Mansfield, Conn., Dec. 9, 1828, daughter of Rev. William Ely and Harriet Whiting. She had taught in Philadelphia and was Principal of the Ladies' Department at Williston Seminary, Easthampton. They had nine children of whom four died in infancy. Irving Wight Metcalf, oldest son of Eliab Wight and Eliza (Ely) Metcalf, was born Nov. 27, 1855, in Bangor, Me. Educated in Bangor and Elyria public schools. Graduated Oberlin College 1878. One year at Andover Theological Seminary and two years at Oberlin Theological Seminary from which he graduated in 1881. Ordained Jan. 31, 1882, as pastor of Eastwood Congre- gational Church, Columbus, Ohio, which he organized and of which he was pastor from Sept. 1881, to May 1889. Orgmized Central Congregational Church of Dayton, Ohio, and Hough Avenue Congregational Church, Cleveland. Superintendent Congregational City Missionary Society of Cleveland, associate pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church, Cleveland, Secretary Board of Ministerial Relief of the Congregational Association of Ohio. In business from 1897. Officer and director of several corporations. Trustee of Oberlin College, Chairman Church Property Committee, National Council of Congregational Churches. Married in Elyria, May 20, 1885, to Flora Belle Mussey, who was born Dec. 15, 1857, daughter of Henry E. and Caroline M. Kendall Mussey. She graduated from Elyria High School, 1875, and Wellesley College, 1881. They have two ISAAC METCALF HOUSE Now the Summer Home of His Grand-daughter, Miss Edith Ely Metcalf OLD METCALF HOUSE "UNDER THE HILL' Oldest House in Royalston THE METCALF FAMILY /7/ children, Edith Eastwood, graduate of Wellesley College and Harold Mussey, graduate of Oberlin College. EdUh Ely Metcalf, daughter of Eliab Wight and Eliza (Ely) Metcalf, v/as born in Bangor, Me., May 18, 1859. Elyria PubUc Schools, Oberlin College, and graduated from Wellesley College in 1880. Studied at Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Herkomer School, Bushey, Herts, England and in Paris. Cataloguer in Newberry Library, Chicago, student Bible Institute, Chicago, Ha'* written several booklets about religious and social work in Chicago, and established in that city a free kindergarten. In 1902 she purchased the farm known for many years as the Mossman farm, formerly the Metcalf farm, which was the home of her grandfatlier Isaac Metcalf, and the birthplace of her father, in the north part of Royalston. She has made exten- sive improvements on the farm and buildings, and here she spends her summers. Lucy Heijwood Metcalf, daughter of Eliab Wight and Eliza (Ely) Metcalf, born Bangor, Me., March 29, 1857, Elyria Pubhc Schools and Oberlin College. Married Elyria, Nov. 26. 1876 to Eev. Augustus G. Upton, who graduated Elyria PubUc Schools, Oberlin College and Theological Seminary and was Tutor in Oberlin College, pastor of Congregational churches in Windham and Wakeman, Ohio, Wayne, Michigan, Norwich, N. Y., Denver, Col., and Weiser, Idaho. Supt. New York State Home Mission- ary Society with residence at Syracuse, Librarian Colorado College, Principal of Weiser Academy, Ti^ho. He died in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Nov. 20, 190. Mrs. Upton resides in Colorado Springs. One daughter. Marguerite Edith, graduate Barnard College, married Ernest Brehaut, a professor in Colorado College. Wilmot Vernon Metcalf, son of Eliab W. and Eliza (Ely) Met- calf, born Bangor, Me., Sept. 2, 1860. Elyria Pul)lic Schools and Oberlin College, 1883, Johns Hopkins University, Univer- sity of Wurtzburg, Germany, and University of Leipsig. Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Physics Whitman College, Carleton College, Fisk University. Married in Taunton, Mass., to Caroline G. Soule, graduate of Wellesley College, 1880, Teacher in Clinton College, Kentucky and Wellesley College. They have two children, Rachel Victoria, student in Grinnell College, Iowa, and Oberlin College and Norman Wight, in Oberlin High School. 1J2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Maynard Mayo Metcalf, youngest son of Eliah Wight and Eliza (Ely) Metcalf, born Elyria, Ohio, March 12, 1868. Elyria Public Schools, Central College Academy, Oberlin College, 1889. Ph. D. Johns Hopkins University, University of Wurtz- burg, Germany, Professor of Zoology Goucher College, Balti- more and Oberlin College. Trustee Marine Biological Labora- tory, Woods Hole, Mass. Married in Elgin, 111., Sept. 10, 1890, to Ella May Wilder, Oberlin College, 1889. One daughter, Mildred Ella in Oberl'n Public Schools. Author Organic Evolu- tion and various papers on Zoological subjects. THE BROWN FAMILY The pioneer ancestor in America of the Brown family of Royalston was Nicholas Brown ; he was the son of Edward Brown and Jane Side, daught^ of Thomas Side. The father lived and died in the parish of Inkbarrow, Worcestershire, England, and the son, Nicholas, was doubtless born there. Nicholas Brown was in Lynn in New England before 1638. His son John's name appears in the Indian deed of Lynn as "ye Worshipful Mr. Brown", This son, John, was sent to England in 1660 to look after the property of his father-in-law, which as next heir to the Side estate, he had inherited. Joseph Brown, son of Nicholas Brown, married Elizabeth Ban- croft, whose mother was Elizabeth Metcalf, daughter of Michael Metcalf, the emigrant ancestor of the Royalston Metcalfs, thus linking in Old England, these two prominent families of Royalston. The first member of the Brown family to settle in Royalston was W^illiam Brown of the sixth generation; he was a son of General Benjamin Brown, and was born in Reading, Mass., April 1, 1758. He married Martha Richardson, who was probably born in Lynnfield, Mass. He was a soldier in the Revolution and marched with his father on the Lexington alarm in the Reading company. He was also in the Train Band under John Walton, captain. May 13, 1775. He settled in Royalston about 1790, on what has been known as the Prouty place. He was a tanner by trade and built a tannery on his farm. He bought of Elder Whitman Jacobs, the farm south of and adjoin- ing Newton's, annexed to his farm the Thomas Heminway place, and became a large landed proprietor. In his later years COLONEL BENJAMIN BROWN THE BROWN FAMILY 173 he settled his son, Colonel Benjamin Brown, with him on the farm, which has been in possession of his descendants to the present time. Wilham Brown died in Royalston Dec. 23, 1830. His widow died there Jan. 16, 1851, aged ninety years, nine months, seven days. The children of William and Martha (Richardson) Brown were: William, born April 15, 1784, died at the age of nineteen years; Benjamin, born May 16, 1787; Otis, born Sept. 11, 1793, died Aug. 19, 1796; Hannah, born Dec. 13, 1795. Benjamin Brown, second child of William Brown, was born at Reading, Mass., May 16, 1787, and came to Royalston with his parents. He married Betsey Reed of Winchendon May 19, 1814. He was prominent in town and public affairs; commanded the Royalston grenadiers when they marche:! for the defence of Boston in the war of 1812, was a colonel in the mihtia, served two terms in the General Court, was Selectman six years between 1821 and 1836, and held other town offices. The children of Benjamin and Betsey (Reed) Brown were: Wilham Otis born March 30, 1815; Isabella R., born May 3, 1818; Eliza Morse, born Oct. 18, 1820; Mary Richardson, born Dec. 29, 1822, died Jan. 10, 1823; Benjamin Hammond, born July 31, 1824; Edward Augus- tus, born Aug. 7, 1827; Moses Reed, born April 1, 1830; Elizabeth Reed, born March 22, 1833. Hannah Brown, daughter of William Brown, married William Pierce of Royalston and (second) Samuel Dadmun of Fitchburg, where she lived. William Otis Brown, oldest child of Col. Benjamin Brown, was born in Royalston March 30, 1815. He was brought up on his father's farm and received his early education in the district schools of Royalston. He worked at mechanical trades when a young man in his native town, and in 1854 removed to Fitchburg where he started in business as a dealer in grain and flour with his brother Edward A. Brow^n, and W. A. Crehore, under the firm name of Brown, Crehore & Co., In 1857 he formed a partnership with Ex-M lyor H. A. Blood. He enlisted as quarter- mister in the Twenty-Fifth Mass. Regiment, and was mustered into service with the rank of first lieutenant Sept. 20, 1864. Soon after the capture of Newbern, North Carolina, he was appointed first commissary at that important point. After the close of the war he held a responsible position on the con- struction of the Hoosac Tunnel which was then being excavated IJ4 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON under the state management and remained in that position until the contract for the completion of the tunnel was let to the Shanleys in 1869. He had a long record of public service both in town and county and was highly esteemed as a discreet, conservative and thoroughly honest official. He was Selectman of Fitchburg from 1857 until 1861, and after his return from the war in 186-5, 1866 and 1870. After Fitchburg became a city, he represented ward three in the board of aldermen in 1888, and served on the committees on police, highways, city property and buildings. He was elected County Commissioner of Worcester County in 1868, and re-elected six times. He completed his twenty- first year of continuous service at the close of 1889, only a few months before his death, when failing health compelled him to decline a re-election. In January, 1877, he succeeded J. Warren Bigelow as chairman of the board, a position which he held during the remainder of his term of service. He was one of the incor- porators of the Wachusett National Bank of Fitchburg, which began business June 1, 1875, and was a director to the time of his death, and vice-president since Jan. 9, 1877. For several years he was treasurer of the Walter Heywood Chair Manu- facturing Co., and was a director of the Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Company. He married Hannah G. Heywood of Royalston Nov. 25, 1841. She died in October, 1868. She bore him two sons, George and Charles, who died at the ages of thirteen and nine years, respectively. He married (second) Oct. 4, 1870, Rosa Heywood, daughter of Walter and Nancy (Foster) Heywood of Gardner. The}- had no children. He died Jan. 29, 1890. Isabel R. Brown, eldest daughter of Benjamin and Betsey (Reed) Brown, was born May 3, 1818. She married John Forrester Brooks of Petersham April 28, 1842. Mr. Brooks was for many years the well-known proprietor of the Massasoit House in Barre. She was a person of strong character and many sterling qualities. Eliza Morse Brown, born Oct. 18, 1820, never married. She resided in Royalston and Fitchburg and died in 1913 in her 93d year, after a long and useful life, always lending her influence for what was right and good Moses R. Brown, was born April 1, 1830, and died Jan. 27, 1864, at the age of thirty-four years, during the Civil War, BENJAMIN HAMMOND BROWN THE BROWN FAMILY 175 from which he was prevented participating on account of ill health. Benjamin Hammond Brown, was born at Royalston July 31, 1824, a son of Col. Benjamin and Betsey (Reed) Brown. He was educated in the public schools of the town, and his early life was spent on the home farm. He worked for a number of years in Winchendon, Mass., and Waterville, Me. On Jan. 10, 1853, he left New York on a saiHng vessel bound for Australia via Cape of Good Hope, Africa, and after spending twelve days at Cape Town reached Australia after a voyage of nearly four and one-half months. He spent about nine years in that country and returned to the United States in 1862 via Cape Horn, South America, thus completing a sea voyage around the world. On Oct. 17th of that year he enlisted in Co E of the 53d Mass. regiment, of which he was commissioned First Lieutenant, and was mustered out Sept. 2, 1863. On Oct. 14, 1864, he was married to Nancy Lord Wood, also a native of Royalston. They settled upon the home farm, where they resided for more than forty years, and where five sons and one daughter were born to them, all of whom are now living. His interest in the welfare of his country never waned, and he was always very patriotic. He took an active part in the affairs of his town and held various offices, being chosen as selectman, assessor and for many successive years overseer of the poor and school committee. In 1870 he represented his district in the Legislature. He wa-; a charter member of Royalston grange, and was a regular attendant of its meetings as long as his health permitted. In 1904 he moved to the centre of the town where he spent the remaining years of his life and died Oct. 14, 1910, at the age of eighty-six years. The children of Benjamin Hammond Brown are: Charles H. Broum, born in Royalston Feb. 3, 1865, whose sketch will be found on another page of this history. Frank H. Brown, born Nov. 21, 1866, married Florence Forbes Ruggles of Fitehburg, March 6, 1895. He resides in Fitch- burg and was cashier of the Wachusett National Bank before consolidation, since which he has been Assistant Cashier of the Fitehburg Bank and Trust Co. Has no children. William L. Brown, born May 1, 1868, married Sadie E. Skelley of Chelsea, Mass., June 4, 1894. Is manager of a boot and shoe store In Chelsea. No children. IJ(, HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Benjamin E. Brown, born Nov. 15, 1869, married Susan Josephine Geddes of Winchendon, June 28, 1899. He is now a member of the firm of the Demond & Brown Chair Co., of Win- chendon, Mass. No children. Isabslle E. Brown, born March 2, 1875, married Rev. Augus- tus M. Rice of Sturbridge, Mass., Aug. 17, 1898. No children. Arthur H . Brown, born March 9, 1877, married Florence May Ritchie of Fitchburg, June 14, 1905. He is Assistant Treas- urer Fitchburg Savings Bank, Fitchburg, Mass. Had one son, Robert Arthur Brown, born June 23, 1912, and died July 28, 1913. Edward Augustus Brown, son of Colonel Benjamin Brown, was born in Royalston Aug. 7, 1827. He was educated in the public schools of Royalston and at Westminster Academy. After leaving home he was employed first by Capt. Ephraim Murdock of Winchendon in his wooden ware establishment for about two years. In 1854 he went to Fitchburg in the store of Brown, Crehore & Co. The following year he went west and located in Beloit, Wisconsin, as a dealer in furniture and remained there until the fall of 1859, when he returned to Fitch- burg and was employed in the flour and grain store of Blood & Brown for whom he worked until he enlisted in the Twenty- Fifth Mass. Regiment when it was organized and was made quarter master-sergeant. The regiment went into camp Sept. 20, 1861. It was in the Burnside expedition to Roanoke Island and Newbern. In the fall of 1862 he was appointed first lieutenant and quartermaster of the Fifty-third Massachusetts Volunteers, and went with his regiment to Louisiana where he was stationed during the remainder of his service with that regiment. After the nine months of his enlistment had expired and he was mustered out, he returned to Newbern and worked in the commissary department until the summer of 1864, when he received from President Lincoln a commission as commissary of subsistence with the rank of captain, and remained in the service until the surrender at Appomattox Court House and the close of the war. He was also breveted major by President Andrew Johnson and discharged as such. He was mustered out October 2, 1865, after more than four years of service. He returned to his father's home in Royalston and assisted him until his father died in February, 1866. On the first of May following he was appointed general passenger and ticket agent of the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg MRS. NANCY (WOOD) BROWN THE BROWN FAMILY IJJ raUroad with central office in Fitchburg, wliicli position he held until he resigned Jan. 20, 1876, to accept the appointment of county treasurer to fill an unexpired term of Charles A. Chase who had resigned. He was re-elected at the expiration of each of his three year terms of office until 1912 when he declined to be a candidate for another term. He served continuously for a period of thirty-six years, a longer time than any other treas- urer of Worcester County has served. While a resident of Fitch- burg he was, in 1875, a member of the Common Council. He married Sept. 13, 1869, Bessie Maria Harding, daughter of Theodore and Nancy (Clark) Harding of East Medway, Mass- She was born April 14, 1841, and died at Worcester Aug. 15, 1903 He died Jan. 6, 1916. The children of Edward Augustus and Bessie Maria Brown are: Anna Grace, born at Fitchburg Feb. 5, 1872, married Dec. 25, 1899, to Clifford Raymond Harris, graduate of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1897. They have two children. ^arah Ahbie Brown, born Feb. 22, 1875, and Mary Alice Brown, born Aut. 30, 1879, reside at home with their father. Elizabeth R. Brown, youngest daughter of Col. Benjamin and Betsey (Reed) Brown, was born March 22, 1833, her education was received in the public and high schools of Royalston and in the Academies at Townsend and Westminster, Vt. She began teaching in what was known as the Cutler district in Royalston and after teaching several terms in her home town and neigh- boring towns, transferred her field of labor to the West spending four years in the graded schools of Beloit, Wisconsin, five in Lycamoie, 111., after which she went to Chicago in 1880, in season to be a lively participant in the "Big Fire", which occurred there in 1871. Her work as teacher in that city was continuous for twenty-seven years, when she resigned, but still continues to reside there. THE BULLOCK FAMILY The family that was the most distinguished in Royalston history from the Revolution for nearly a century was the Bullock family. The first of the name to come to this country was Richard Bullock who settled in Rehoboth, Mass., in 1643. He was a man of prominence in the town and among other positions he held was that of town clerk in 1659. He lived there during 178 HISTORY OF ROVALSTON the balance of his life and died in 1667. He left ten children. The oldest was a son, Samuel, born Aug. 19, 1648. He married Mary Thurber of Swanzey Nov. 12, 1673, and died in Rehoboth March 10, 1718, leaving nine children. The oldest, Ebenezer, was born Feb. 22, 1676. He married Sarah Moulton March 29, 1699, and lived in Rehoboth until his death. He left four children, among them Hugh, who was born in Rehoboth April 1; 1706, and died Feb. 3, 1771, leaving seven children. Hugh Bullock, oi the fifth generation, was born August 12. 1751 at Rehoboth, Mass., and went to Royalston during the Revolution. His brother Moulton Bullock had removed to Royalston before the Revolution and settled in the northwest part of the town on a farm which has been known as the Jason Fisher place. Hugh Bullock's farm was just north of his brother's. Christopher, Ebenezer, Nathan and David Bullock also settled in Royalston al)out 1770 and bought three lots containing 345 1-2 acres, at 8 shillings per acre. They were cousins of Deacon Moulton and Hugh Bullock. They were all stalwart men, David being the tallest man in town. Their stay in town was short; for when they had their places well cleared, and were in the full vigor of manhood, they went westward, following the tide of settlers from the Atlantic states inland after the Revolution. Hugh Bullock married Rebecca Davis. He was one of the company that started for Saratoga to repel the inva- sion of Burgoyne. He was in Capt. Peter Woodbury's company, Col. Job Cushing's regiment, which reinforced Gen. Stark at Bennington, Vt. After his sons grew up he left the farm and built a house on the Common west of his son Barnet's house. The children of Hugh and Rebekah Bullock were: Rufus Bullock, born Sept. 23, 1779; Moulton Bullock, born Nov. 4, 1783; Calvin Bullock, born July 3, 1785; Barnet Bullock, born June 9, 1798 and Candace Bullock born June 29, 1803. Rufus Bullock, the oldest son of Hugh and Rebecca Bullock, was born Sept. 23, 1779. He was the most distinguished man who spent his life in the town of Royalston. With small means he early laid the foundations of a good education, and became an acceptal)le school teacher, before reaching his majority. For some years he made teaching his business in winter and worked at farming during the other seasons. Two or three of his schools in Truro, on the Cape, extended through most of the year. From school teaching he turned his attention to trade, working in a THE BULLOCK FAMILY l^g store as clerk, till he was induced to open a store on the Common ■on his own account. This proved so successful that he concluded to settle do^vn in life as a country merchant. As his means increased he expanded his business, never going beyond, but always using fully all his resources. He engaged in manufacturing about 1825, when the Royalston Cotton and Wool Manu- facturing Compan^y at South Royalston came into the hands of Silas Coffin and Rufus Bullock. Their mill wa,s burned in 1833, and Mr. Bullock became the sole proprietor of the privilege and the property appertaining to it. The next year he built what was known as the Stone mill; put in four sets of woolen machinery and continued to run them till his death. He built up a large fortune and became widely known as a man of estab- lished and growing wealth, of eminent business talents and of high moral worth. In addition to his extensive business he kept up his interest in farming. He was also prominent in public affairs; represented Royal- ston in the Legislature five years, and in 1831 and 1832 occupied a seat in the State Senate. In 1820 and 1853 he was a delegate to the State Constitutional Conventions and was once a Presiden- tial elector. He was town clerk in 1812 and 1813, town treasurer from 1835 to 1837 inclusive, selectman for three years and assessor six years between 1807 and 1826. In all these public trusts he put in practice the same maxims and principles, as those by which he conducted his own private business. One who had known him describes him as "A patriot of the early type, — a gentleman of the olden school — a friend to be trusted, and a man whose principles bore the test of intimate ac- quaintance and inspection, and whose influence, unobtrusive but potent, has been eminently useful." While living he was a cheerful and liberal supporter of the institutions of learning and religion, and dying he left the material means for the support of the schools and churches of his native town. He died Jan. 10, 1858. By his will the First Congregational Society in Royalston Centre received the sum of Five Thousand dollars; the Baptist Religious Society in the west part of the town Twenty-five Hundred dollars, and the Second Congregational society at South Royalston Twenty-five hundred dollars; and another clause of the will reads as follows: ''Sixteenth, I give and bequeath to the town of Rovalston the sum of Five Thousand dollars to ISO HISTORY OF KOYALSTON be held and applied as a fund, the income of which shall be appro- priated and paid over for the benefit and use of Common schools in said town, the said income to be divided among the several School Districts in like manner as the school money raised by the town shall be divided; and it is my will that a Committee, to be chosen by the town for such purpose, shall act in concur- rence with my Executors in investing said sum, and that every year a committee shall be chosen by the town at a leg illy called town meeting who shall have the charge and oversight of such investment, and shall report annually to the town the condition and income of the same, provided, however, that when the said town of Royalston shall neglect to keep, or cause to be kept, in a good state of repair, the new cemetery now being established on the ground recently purchased of C. H. Maxham, that is to say shall neglect to maintain in good order and condition the said ground, fence, gate, and receiving tomb therein, then this sum of Five Thousand Dollars shall revert to and be paid over to my children and their heirs by right of representation." Mr. Bullock was also for some years a trustee of Amherst college, and was the donor of a fine telescope for the College observatory. He married Miss Sarah Davis of Rindge, N. H., May 4, 1808. Their children: Louise Maria, born Oct. 14, 1809; Emily Bullock, born Sept. 10, 1811; Rebecca Bullock, born April 29, 1814; Charles Augustus Bullock, born March 31, 1818; Alexander Hamilton Bullock, born March 2, 1816; Rufus Henry Bullock, born Jan. 9, 1821. Alexander Hamilton Bullock, oldest son of Rufus and Sarah (Davis) Bullock and Royalston's most distinguished son, was born in Royalston, March 2, 1816. He entered Amherst College in 1832 and on his graduation in 1836, delivered the salutatory oration at commencement. After graduating he taught school for three years in Princeton, New Jersey, but partly by the urgency of his father and partly from his own inclination, he decided to stud}^ law, and entered the Harvard Law school, then under the presidency of Judge Story. After leaving the Law School he spent a year in the law ofRce of the well-known lawyer, Emory Washburn, of Worcester. He was admitted to the bar in 1841, and soon began practice in Worcester; the rough contents of the court-house did not prove congen al to him, and although he had a considerable clientage for a young man, he soon established a large business as /Z^^^r^.//. (fli-2.^L.£j^^'t>-~.^.^ KeiTopolitanTuJjlislniig SEngTainiig Co.WewTorii THE BULLOCK FAMILY 181 agent of important insurance companies and withdrew himself altogether from the practice of law. From early manhood he took a decided interest in politics, but did not allow it to absorb an undue portion of his time till the period arrived when he could safely make it a leading object. In constitutional h.w he was well verse i. In party affiliation he was of the old Whig school. He held many important offices in State and City. He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives for eight years, fir^t in 1845, and last in 1865, an:l was also in 1849 a State Senator. In 1832, 1863, 1834 and 1865 he was Speaker of the House. He was judge of the Worcester County Court of Insolvency for two years, 1853-1858, having under a previous jurisdiction, served as commissioner of insolvency from 1853, He was mayor of Worcester in 1859. But the most prominent event in his public life was his election as Governor of Massa- chusetts, which office he held three years, 1888, 1887 and 1868. At the first election he received nearly fifty thousand votes more than his opponent. He might undoubtedly have held prominent positions in national affairs but his ambition did not seem to run in that direction. In 1879 he was offered the then vacant English mission by President Hayes, which he declined to accept. After his retirement from the Governorship he held no other public office, and declined to entertain any of the sug- gestions made to him of further political service, which would involve to some extent, the abandonment of those studies and employments which were so agreeable to him. In financial, humane, and all reformatory measures he was actively interested. He was president of the State Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, and of the Worcester County Institution for Savings, a director in the Worcester National Bank, chairman of the Finance committee of the Trustees of Amherst College, and a life member of the New England Historic-Geneological Society. He was also a writer of more than ordinary ability, and while editor o^ the Aeqi ; newspaper, which position he held for several years, gained a high reputation as a journalist. Governor Bullock was an orator of great power and eloquence and his addresses which have been published contain many models of pure style and elegant scholarship. Speaking of him in this connection, Senator Hoar says: "Above all, he posessed beyond any of his living contemporaries, that rare gift of eloquence 182 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON which ahvays has been and always will be a passport to the favot of the people where speech is free." In 18G9 he visited Europe with his family, and on his return the following year the civic authorities and citizens of Worcester gave testimony of their appreciation of his character and his services by a public reception. One of his biographers has said of him, ''he was a lover of scholarship, a citizen of many resources and large usefulness, whose life diffused all around it an influence and charm, which elevated the standard of the domestic and moral life of the community." He died in January, 1882. Governor Bullock married Elvira, daughter of Col. A. G. Hazard of Enfield, Conn., foundet of the Hazard Gunpowder Manufacturing Co. Their children were: Augustus George; 'Isabel, who married Nelson S. Bartlett of Boston; and Fanny, who married Dr. WilUam H. Workman of Worcester Augustus George Bullock, only son of Alexander and Elvira (Hazard) Bullock, was born in Enfield, Conn., June 2d, 1847. His early education was received in private schools, and he graduated from Harvard college in 1868. After traveling a year in Europe he commenced the study of law and was admitted to the bar in Worcester, where he went into practice occupying •offices with Senator Hoar. In January, 1883, he was elected president and treasurer of the state Mutual Life Insurance com- pany, which position he has held to the present time. He is also a director in a number of the financial and business insti- tutions of Worcester and sustains a high reputation for financial skill and ability. He has also been a trustee of the State Lunatic Hospital and of the Free Public Library of Worcester, and is a member of the American Antiquarian society. He was united in marriage Oct. 4, 1871, with Mary Chandler, daughter of Dr. George and Josephine Rose Chandler, and they have had four sons, one of whom died in infancy. Louisa Maria Bullock, oldest daughter of Rufus and Sarah (Davis) Bullock, married Hiram M. Albee Jan. 25, 1838. Mr. Albee was a merchant and postmaster at South Royalston. They had four children. Mrs. Albee died Dec. 18, 1848. Emily Bullock, married William D. Ripley, a native of Norwich, Conn., and their home for many years was at the old • Bullock mansion on Royalston Common. Mr. Ripley died in 1880 and Mrs. Ripley died in Philadelphia. BARNET BULLOCK THE BULLOCK FAMILY 183 Rebecca Bullock, youngest daughter of Rufus and Sarah (Davis) Bullock, married Nelson Wheeler a graduate of Yale college and a teacher of prominence. They lived in Worcester, Mass. Rufus Henry Bullock, youngest son of Rufus and Sarah (Davis) Bullock prepared for College at Northfieki and was two years in Amherst College, 1838 and 1839. He then engaged in trade at Royalston, where he died in June, 1855. Barnst Bullock was of the fifth generation from Richard Bullock, the immigrant ancestor. He was born in the west part of Royalston June 9, 1798, and during his active life he followed the business of a merchant in that town. He held for a long time the commission of Justice of the Peace, doing most of the public business in that line in the town for many years, besides filling various responsible town offices. He was town clerk from 1837 to 1847; selectman 1840, 1844 and 1845, and representative to the General Court in 1844. One of the oldest and most prom- inent citizens of Royalston he died Sept. 1, 1884, being the last survivor of the four sons of Hugh Bullock, who came from Rehoboth and settled in Royalston during the Revolution. He married Nov. 27, 1828, Lucy Newton, daughter of Nathan Brigham Newton. Their children were: Calvin, born Sept. 21, 1829, died March 5, 1870; Brigham Newton, born April 6, 1831, died Feb. 20, 1906; Barnet Ellis, born March 22, 1833, died Feb. 12, 1913; Lucy Lee, born May 25,1835, died Sept. 18, 1882; Elizabeth Candace, born Oct. 16, 1838, died March 4, 1843; Charles Stuart, born Jan. 20, 1841; James Frederick, born July 21, 1842, died May 28, 1870; Mary Elizabeth, born Dec. 18, 1847, died March 21, 1869. Calvin Bullock, oldest son of Barnet and Lucy (Newton) Bullock, was born Sept. 20, 1830. His education was obtained at Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass., after which he was for a short time engaged in business with his father. He married Mary E. Miller of Royalston, daughter of George F. Miller, June 1, 1859. About the time of his marriage he moved to Toledo, Ohio, where he was with the Wabash R. R. Co., and was assis- tant treasurer at the time of his death which occurred March 5, 1870. His widow returned to Royalston where she made her home. They had one son Calvin Bullock. He attended school in Arlington, Mass., in 1883; attended Worcester Academy from 184 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1884 to 1888, and afterwards graduated from Williams college in the class of 1892. The next year he went to Denver, Col., where he has been ever since engaged in the bond business. He married Alice K. Mallory of Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 28, 1892, and they have two children. Brigham Newton Bullock, second son of Barnet and Lucy (Newton) Bullock, was born in Royalston April 6, 1831. He spent his early life in his native town, where he attended the common schools. In February, 1849, at the age of sixteen he started out in life by entering the employ of Joseph Estabrook, who kept a country store and the postoffice. He remained with Mr. Estabrook until the fall of 1851 when he attended the high school kept by Cundell Bros. On October 20, of the same year, he left Royalston and the High School to enter the passenger department of the office of the Vermont & Massachusetts Rail- road in Fitchburg where he remained until January, 1874. He then went to Boston where he was cashier of the Boston, Hart- ford & Erie Railroad from March, 1874, until August, 1874. From there he went to the Home Savings Bank, Boston, Aug. 6, 1874, and remained until Feb. 27, 1882, when he returned to Fitchburg and entered the Fitchburg National Bank as cashier, holding that office until he was made president in 1888, which position he held the remainder of his life. In July, 1894, he was elected treasurer of the Fitchburg Savings Bank and remained treasurer until the law separating national and savings banks went into operation in 1904, when he was chosen chairman of the Board of Investment which position he held as long as he lived. He was also a director in the Fitchburg Railroad Co., the Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Grant Yarn Co., and the Simonds Manufacturing Co., of Fitchburg. He was a mem- ber of the First Unitarian Parish of Fitchburg. A successful financier and a man of sterling character, he was one of the best products of the New England country town. He always re- tained his affection for his native town of Royalston, and spent a portion of each summer there. He married Nov. 13, 1888, Flora Belle Ripley of Fitchburg. He died in Boston, Feb. 20, 1906. Their only child is Richard Bullock, born May 3. 1892. Barnet Ellis Bullcck, was born in Royalston March 22, 1833, and died at Samaria, Mich, Feb. 12, 1913. Mr. Bullock spent near-ly all the earlier part of his life railroading, then becoming a contractor for railroad supplies, and at the time of his death was CALVIN BULLOCK BRIGHAM NEWTON BULLOCK BARNET ELLIS BULLOCK CHARLES STUART BULLOCK JAMES FREDERICK BULLOCK THE BULLOCK FAMILY JgS the owner of several large farms in Michigan, although be kept his winter home in Toledo, Ohio. He married Mary R. Osborne, who died in 1914. Charles S. Bullock, son of Barnet and Lucy (Newton) Bul- lock was born in Royalston Jan. 20, 1841. When ayoungmanhe went to work for the old Vermont and Massachusetts R. R. Co., in their general freight office. He went to Kill Buck, N. Y., in 1877, and engaged in the business of a general store and lumber business for a time. Has not been engaged in business since 1900. He married Harriet Bullard, daughter of Rev. E. W. Bullard. They have two sons, Stuart D. Bullock, born Sept. 23, 1875, in Arlington, Mass., now living at Highland Park, Detroit, Mich., and Hugh Bullock, born June 22, 1880, LOW living in Medford, Mass. James Frederick Bullock, youngest son of Barnet and Lucy (Newton) Bullock, was born July 21, 1842, and died May 28, 1870. At the time of his death he held a responsible position in a bank in Toledo, Ohio, a profession for which he seemed eminently fitted, and in which he was making rapid strides at the time of his death. THE FRYE FAMILY Captain John Frye, one of the earliest settlers in the town of Royalston, was a descendant in the fourth generation of John Frye, who emigrated from Basing Hants, England, in May, 1638. He sailed from Southampton in the good ship "Bevis," and about seven years after his arrival settled in Andover, Mass. This John Frye was also an ancestor of Senator Frye of Maine, who has served as President of the Senate of the United States. It was in the town of Andover that Captain John Frye was born April 7, 1719. While a young man, he resided for a time in Sutton, where he was married on Nov. 2, 1748, to Elizabeth Woodbury, a lady of worth. In this town he operated a grist mill, and conducted a grain business. He accumulated some means and became well-known in that section, so that when, some time previous to 1765, he decided to settle in Royalston, quite a number of families from Sutton were induced to do the same. He seems to have been connected with Col. Royal in the enterprise of opening up this new territory, and a relative of his by the J86 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON same name was previouslj^ engaged by the Colonel to survey the township now known as Durham, Maine. This town was at first called Royalston; that section then belonged to Massa- chusetts, and at a meeting of the citizens later, it was decided to change the name, as they said there was a town in Worcester county called Royalston. From that day to this, the people of Royalston have had the exclusive use of the name in the United States. In his selection of a location for a home he certainly did well, for that beautiful situation, marked by more modern buildings, and occupied by his great-grandson, still speaks for itself to-day. Governor Bullock in his centennial address describes Captain John as follows: "John Frye, a Uneal descendant of one who came from England, moved from Sutton to Royalston, and resided on yonder eminence. He was called here "the Esquire," but he brought with him a distinction of arms, I have had placed at my use by one of his kinsmen the original commission under the king, which he received as first lieutenant from Gov- ernor Shirley, in 1745, and under which he fought before Louis- burg, and entered the fort to the music of the same drum which thirty years later beat still better sounds at Bunker Hill. Ten years afterwards, he bore royal commission as Captain for ser- vice at Crown Point. He was passed the time for military activ- ity when the Revolution opened, and was obliged to suppress his soldierly instincts in the home life of a good deacon and model citizen. He lived here nearly fifty years and died at nmety-six. Captain John Frye was known as the "Hero of Crown Point," but his service as a soldier was only a small part of his life work, as by far the larger part of his life was spent in peaceful pur- suits. He was a deacon in the local church, and was the first man chosen to look after the prudential affairs of the town, serving in this capacity seven years. He was the first town clerk, being elected in 1765, and serving till 1781; he was a delegate at the ratification of the constitution of the United States in 1788; he represented the town in the legislature of 1780, 1783, 1784, 1785 and 1787. Captain John Frye died March 18, 1814, at his home in Royalston, and was buried in the old burying ground. His descendants have been good citizens, and have filled important positions in the service of the state and cities in which they have resided. They have been fortunate also in CAPT. JOHN FRVR 'The Hero of Crown Point' THE TRYE EAMILY 2S7 their connections with other families, and have made alHances with those holding important positions themselves or those who were from noted families. One was the wife of Gov. John McLane of New Hampshire, and one married a direct descendant of Gov. Bradstreet of Massachusetts, and the poetess, Ann« Dudley Bradstreet, daughter of Gov. Dudley, and known in New England as the "tenth muse." It is interesting that two of the descendants of these men, Simon Bradstreet and John Frye, who were friends at Andover, two hundred and fifty years later should meet, become acquainted, and decide to become life partners. One has recently graduated from a Boston school with high honors; one from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and another from Boston University. One was a teacher in the public schools of Cambridge for thirty-seven years, and one now a resident of Granville, Mass., has given splendid service to the cause of education. A young man, bearing the same family name, has recently served as deacon in the same church of which John Frye was the first deacon. His military qualities have also passed down. His great- grandson, George E. Frye, lost his life in the battle of Chancel- lorsville; and Benjamin A. Frye also served in the Civil war three years, and still lives on the old homestead. And here is one who deserves mention no less, who gave up his own plans for which he had splendid abilities and remained at the old home to care for his sweet spirited mother, who by war, sickness and death was left in need of just this service. We refer to William W. Frye. In this care he was aided by his sisters. One branch of the family, years ago, moved to New York state, where they have taken an important part in the develop- ment of the section in which they reside. Descendants of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Woodbury) Frye. Children : 1. John, born Sept. 27, 1749, died Jan., 1832. 2. Elizabeth, born July 12, 1751. 3. Ebenezer, born July 4, 1754, died May 8, 1832. 4. Mary, born Feb. 18, 1757. 5. Hannah, born Feb. 10, 1760. 6. Mehitable, born Aug. 12, 1762. 7. Ruth, born Aug. 8, 1765. 8. David, born July 28, 1768. 9. Deborah, born April 7, 1772. 188 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON The six first were born in Sutton and the last three in Royal- ston. (3) Ehenezer Frye, second sou of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Woodbury) Frye, was born in Sutton July 4^ 1754; he married Mary ^Yaite June 17^ 1783, who was born March 18, 1761, and died^Aug. 26, 1798. He came to Royalston at the age of ten years, and lived the remainder of his life on the old home place. Both he and his wife were devoted Christian people. He was Selectman in Royalston 1793 to 1799, 1805, 1806, 1808, and was Town Treasurer 1809 to 1824. He died May 8, 1832. The children of Ebenezer and Mary (Waite) Frye were: 1. Betsey, born April 28, 1784, died Jan. 6, 1819. 2. Asa, born Oct. 26, 1786. 3. Daniel, bom Aug. 23, 1789, died suddenly Aug. 30, 1791. 4. Polly, born July 21, 1791, died Jan. 15, 1836. She acted as housekeeper at the old home for a number of years until the time of her death; made a "sampler" containing a valuable family record and an illustration of the old homestead as it appeared at that time, and where it is still preserved (1913). 5. Benjamin, born Aug. 6, 1793, died Sept. 29, 1861. 6. John, born May 16, 1796, died Feb. 18, 1866. 7. Ebenezer, born June 30, 1798, died June 25, 1818. (1) Betsey Frye, oldest daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Waite) Frye was born April 28, 1784. She married William Blood of Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 2, 1807. They had six children none of whom were born in Royalston. Mary Blood, oldest daughter of William and Betsey (Frye) Blood was born April 26, 1808. She married Horace Pierce Oct. 23, 1828. They had three children. (See Pierce family.) (2) Asa Frye, oldest son of Ebenezer and Mary (Waite) Frye was born Oct. 26, 1786. He married Rebecca Wilman in October, 1820. He moved with his family to New York state. They had five children. (5) Benjamin Frye, third son of Ebenezer and Mary (Waite) Frye, was born in Royalston Aug. 6, 1793. He married Oct. 24, 1836, Miranda Barton of Croyden, N. H. She was born April 26, 1815. She was a teacher and a woman of splendid character and ability and came from a prominent New Hamp- shire famih^ An uncle was editor of the "New Hampshire Statesman;" one brother was a wealthy merchant; another MRS. BENJ. (MIRANDA BARTON) FRYE BENJAMIN FRYE FRANK BARTON FRYE FAMILY THE FRYE FAMILY 189 a well-known official in Sullivan County. She died March 25, 1890. Benjamin Frye was a prominent citizen and official of Royal- ston. He was Town Treasurer from 1838 to 1854 with the exception of one year, Selectman four years, Representative in the Legislature, 1838, 1840, 1854. He was a farmer, born on the old home place, late in the eighteenth century. His youngest son was born in the nineteenth century, and his youngest grand- daughter in the twentieth century (March 28, 1901). He died in Royalston Sept. 29, 1861. The children of Benjamin and Miranda (Barton) Frye were: 1. George Ehenezer, born Aug. 18, 1837. Married Aurilla Howard of Croyden, N. H. Served in the Fifth New Hampshire Regiment in the Civil War. Was killed in action at Chancellors- ville, Va.,May2, 1863. 2. Rosette Miranda, born Dec. 14, 1839, at the old homestead. Educated in the pul)lic schools and Meriden Academy. Teacher in public schools and member of the board of education in Fitzwilliam, N. H. Married Nov. 1, 1865, to Deacon Leonard Byam. She died Dec. 3, 1892. 3. Benjamin Alexander, born May 10, 1841. 4. Mary Jane, born June 29, 1843, died Aug. 28, 1862. Was a teacher in the public schools. 5. Martha Anne Elizabeth, born March 20, 1846, died Dec. 20, 1892. 6. William Watson, born Nov. 30, 1848, was born, lived and died on the old home place; called at the age of twelve by the death of his father and the absence of his older brothers in the war, to care for the home. He died Feb. 2, 1892. Benjamin Alexander Frye, second son of Benjamin and Miranda (Barton) Frye was born in Royalston May 10, 1841. Enlisted in the 36th Mass. Regiment in the Civil war, Aug. 27, 1862. Mustered out June 8, 1865. Married in Boston May 15, 1837, to Alice Morrison Giggie. She was born July 1, 1840. He occupies the old home place to which he has added many modern improvements. They had five children: Harriet Miranda, George A., Myra Elizabeth, William Alexander, Mary Ellen. 1. Harriet Miranda Frye, oldest child of Benjamin Alexander and Alice (Giggie) Frye was born in Royalston March 28, 1868, married William H. Shepard Sept. 1, 1890. They have three igQ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON children: Walter Earl, born June 11, 1891; Olive Mildred, born Dec. 19, 1896; Freda Elizabeth, born Aug. 22, 1898. 2. George A. Frye, born Jan. 18, 1870, died Feb. 9, 1870. 3. Myra EUzabeth Frye, born Jan. 20, 1871, married Clarence Hamilton of Athol. 4. William Alexarider Frye, youngest son of Benjamin Alex- ander and Alice (Giggie) Frye, was born Dec. 21, 1872, married July 10, 1899, to Alice Russell Fairbanks, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Francis J. Fairbanks of Royalston. Has served as chair- man of the School Committee of Royalston and in other town offices, and as deacon of the First Congregational Church. Children: Richard Fairbanks, born Sept. 7, 1900 and William Russell, born April 5, 1906. 5. Mary Ellen Frye, born Dec. 8, 1875, died Feb. 13, 1896. Martha Anne Elizabeth Frye, youngest daughter of Benjamin and Miranda (Barton) Frye, was born in Royalston March 26, 1846, married Jan. 10, 1878, to James Lewis Brigham of Templeton, school teacher, died Dec. 20, 1892. Children: George L. and Emma W. 1. George L. Brigham, son of James Lewis and Martha Anne (Frye) Brigham was born Jan. 6, 1879, married June 19, 1908, to Katherine Condy. He graduated from the Sherwin School, Boston, class of 1896, and is an electrician. They have one daughter, Jeanne Winnefred, born March 22, 1909. 2. Emma W. Brigham, daughter of George L. and Martha Anne (Frye) Brigham, was born Sept. 14, 1881. She graduated as valedictorian from the Hyde School, Boston, class of 1896, and is an expert stenographer. (7) Frank Barton Frye, youngest child of Benjamin and Miranda (Barton) Frye, was born in Royalston, April 13, 1856. He married Nov. 17, 1886, Elsie Willetta Merrill, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William Merrill of Beverly. She was born June 11, 1861, at Northbridge, Mass. She was a teacher. He has been enT;aged in mercantile business and manufac- turing. Served in FitzwilUam, N. H., as collector 1884, and as Selectman and assessor in 1885 and 1886. Resides in Waltham, Mass., and has a summer home on FitzwilUam road, Royalston. Children: 1. i?oya^ Mern7^, born May 27, 1890. Graduated from Wal- tham High School as valedictorian, class of 1908; received degree of A. B. with Phi Beta Kappa honors from Boston University, THE FRYE FAMILY 191 1911; A. M., Boston University, 1912; member of Harvard Graduate School in Chemistry, 1912; 1913 as Jacob Sleeper Fellow of Boston University. At present in charge of the department of Physics, Boston University, 2. Merlon Benjamin, born March 4, 1893. Graduated from Waltham High School, class of 1913. At present organist and choirmaster of St. John's church, Newport, R. I. 3. William Bixhy, born Nov. 15, 1895. Senior in Waltham High school and editor-in-chief of the "Mirror." 4. Elsie Frances, born March 28, 1901. Student in Grammar school. John Frye, sixth child of Ebenezer and Mary (Waite) Frye, and grandson of Capt. John Frye, was born May 16, 1796. He was married Jan. 30, 1823, to Lucinda Kendall. She was born April 25, 1798, in Phillipston, Mass., and died Jan. 10, 1871, in Cambridge, Mass. He lived nearly all his life on apart of the old homestead, in a house built by himself. He died Feb. 18, 1866, in Somerville, Mass. Their children all born in Royalston: 1. Ardelia Betsey, born Nov. 16, 1823, died Jan. 7, 1862. 2. EmeHne Clarissa, born May 8, 1826, died Sept. 20, 1908, unmarried. Died in Cambridge, burial in Royalston. 3. John Kendall Frye, born Sept. 29, 1831, died Oct. 15, 1908. He was a member of the furniture house of Barnum, Frye & Co., of Boston. Buried in Royalston. Ardelia Betsey Frye, married Ezra Adams Cheney of Barre, Mass., May 7, 1846. Their children: Ellen Ardelia, born Sept. 17, 1848, in Royalston. Graduated from Cambridge High School, class of 1869. Teacher in public schools of Cambridge for thirty- seven years. Retired June, 1908. Edward Francis, born Oct. 28, 1850, in Royalston, died March 11, 1855; Henrietta Frye, born Feb. 14, 1852, in Royalston, married Oct. 19, 1876, to George C. Allen of Barre, Mass., died Feb. 6, 1881; Emma EHzabeth, born Feb. 17, 1856, in Fitchburg, Mass. Emma Elizabeth Cheney, daughter of Ardelia Betsey (Frye) Cheney, born Feb. 17, 1856, graduated from Cambridge High School, class of 1875, married Feb. 17, 1885, to Howard A. Allison of Boston. ig2 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON THE BLISS FAMILY The Bliss family of Royalston, which was exceeded in number by only one of the old Royalston families during the first century of the town, traces its origin back to England somewhere be- tween the years 1150 and 1250, when the name of BUss was first given to some man who had as his predominent characteristic a blissful state of mind, according to Charles Arthur Hoppin, the author of a recent work called "The BHss Book." Mr. Hoppin demolishes some of the romantic fallacies of an earlier work on the Bliss Genealogy, prominent among which was the belief that the family was of Norman descent, having come to England with WiUiam the Conqueror. On the contrary Mr. Hoppin contends that the Blisses were unquestionably of pure Saxon origin possibly with some Danish admixture, and points out that the part of England in which they dwelt was one that held out longest against the Normans. The Bliss coat-of-arms dates back to the time of Elizabeth, and capped by a sheaf of grain, it bears the honest motto, "Quod severis metes" — "You reap what you sow." The last English ancestor of the Bliss family of Royalston was one Thomas Bliss. He resided in Belston, England, and was a man of property. He was a Puritan and his wealth and promi- nence perhaps invited the persecution he suffered and through which he lost both his wealth and health. He was imprisoned for his religious and political views. Two of his children, Thomas and George, emigrated to America to escape persecution. Thomas Bliss of Rehoboth, Mass., was a grandson of Thomas of Belston, England, and emigrated from Northamptonshire about the year 1635, and was one who in 1643 with others made the settlement of Rehoboth. The first of the Bliss family to come to Royalston was Nathan Bliss of the ninth generation from Thomas Bliss of Belston. (IX) Nathan Bliss, son of Nathan (8) and Joanna Bliss was born at Rehoboth Dec. 19, 1761. He removed to Royalston between 1770 and 1775, and married Ruth Briggs of Dighton, who was born at Dighton Dec. 22, 1765, and died at Royalston Nov. 28, 1862. He was a farmer and died at Royalston Jan. 31, 1852. Their children were Abel Ballou, born Aug. 23, 1785, at Dighton; Polly, born Sept. 10, 1788; Anna, born June 14^ THE BLISS FAMILY 193 1791; Nathan, born April 25, 1797; Ruth, l)orn Oct. 6, 1802 and Sally, born Nov. 15, 1806. (X) Ahsl Bliss, oldest child of Nathan and Ruth (Briggs) Bliss was born in Dighton Aug. 23, 1785, and when six weeks old was carried on horse back in his mother's arms from Dighton to their new home in Royalston. He was a shoemaker by trade and married Nicena Ballou of Richmond, N. H., Oct. 12, 1806. She was born March 6, 1788, and died April 7, 1847. Their children were: Nathan, born Sept. 15, 1808, married Emily Lovett in 1832; Abel Ballou, born Feb. 22, 1811. Went to Worcester and married Rebecca S. Flint of Royalston April 6, 1835. He died Aug. 4, 1852; Harrison, born Oct. 9, 1812; Russell, born Dec. 5, 1815, married Mary May March 8, 1835, and died June 15, 1852; James, born July 16, 1818, married Julia Drury, daughter of Ephraim and Betsey Drury, she was born Oct. 24, 1820 and died Oct. 18, 1844; he died Jan. 16, 1842. They left no issue. He kept a restaurant at Troy, N. Y. ; Nicena J., born Dec. 12, 1823, and died Jan. 7, 1845, unmarried; Olive Lucena, born July 3, 1825, married May 9, 1847, Charles C. Balch, carpenter and resided in Shirley, Mass. (XI) Nathan Bliss, son of Abel and Nicena (Ballou) Bliss, born Sept. 15, 1808, married Emily, daughter of James and Freelove Lovett of Shutesbury in 1832. They had seven children only one of whom was born in Royalston. They resided for a time in Winhall, Vt., and removed to the old Bliss homestead in Royalston about 1856. Frederick J. Bliss, son of Nathan and Emily (Lovett) Bliss was born at Winhall, Vt., June 21, 1844. When a young man he was employed for several years in the Estey Organ factory at Brattleboro, Vt., and in 1870 went to Michigan where he engaged in business under the firm name of Holt & Bliss, general buyers of farm products and shippers at wholesale, their business being mostly in wheat and wool. In 1875, his father being in years and left alone on the old farm, he returned to the old home in Royalston, which has since been his home. He married Dec. 19, 1870, Maria L. Cooke of Worcester. Their children were Florence J. and Roland N., born in Corrunna, Mich., the former in 1872, and the latter in 1873, and Amy May and Edith both of whom were born in Royalston, the former in 1877, and the latter in 1888. Roland Bliss is settled in Stillwater, Mich., where he has a position with the Donnelly Shoe Co. 2g4 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON of that place, is married and has three children. Amy May married C. A. Eddy and lives in Milford, Conn. (XII) Edward M. Bliss, youngest son of Nathan and Emily (Lovett) Bliss, was born at Winhall, Vt., Nov. 25, 1846. He worked on the farm during the summer months and attended common and high school at Winhall, Vt., and Royalston, Mass., during the winter months completing his studies at Powers Institute in Bernardston. He was ten years old when his parents removed to the old Bhss homestead in Royalston where his father and grandfather were born. In early manhood he taught school and learned the trade of a cabinet maker, which he fol- lowed for several years. He was employed at the Estey Organ works in Brattleboro, Vt., for three years. In 1876 he engaged in canvassing for books with signal success, later turned his attention to life insurance business and Jan. 14, 1882, he settled in Worcester, and in 1883 entered into partnership with John C. Bickford in the manufacture of lambswool soles and hand crocheted slippers. Business was successful from the start. Mr. Bliss purchased the interest of his partner Feb. 1, 1894, and continued the business alone under his own name until bis death. Some thirty hands- were employed on the machines in the shop and about one hundred and fifty at their homes. Mr. Bliss made a specialty of this hand work on his goods for many years, and was the first to introduce the hand crocheted worsted slippers on the market in this country. He died Nov. 24, 1903, after an illness of only a few days. He attained a position of honor and usefulness. He attended the Central Congregational Church, was a member of the Worcester Congregational Club, the Econo- mic Club and the Worcester Board of Trade. He married at Royalston Jan. 1, 1870, Sarah A. Buffum, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Buffum, born in Royalston Oct. 11, 1840, and died in September, 1878. He married (second) Feb. 1, 1882, Ehzabeth A. Heywood of Indianapolis, Ind., who died March 17, 1884. He married (3) July 14, 1883, Louise M. Lawrence, daughter of Charles S. and Maria (Hervey) Lawrence of Oxford, Mass. The other children of Nathan and E.nily (Lovett) Bliss were: Ameha Lucretia, born Oct. 7, 1834; Helen Jane, born April 9, 1836, died Nov. 9, 1898; Julia Louisa, born Jan. 4, 1838, married William F. Jordm; Nicena Jane, born May 1, 1840, married Azro K. Green; Alfreda Maria, born May 7, 1842, married THE BLISS FAMILY 295 Charles P. Hoppin. Mrs. Emilj^ (Lovett) Bliss died March 16, 1805. Harrison Bliss, son of Abel and Nicena (Ballon) Bliss was born in Royalston Oct. 9, 1812. What education he received in school was obtained in his native town. He started out at the age of eighteen to make his own living, and landed in Worcester with just seventeen cents in his pockets. He went to work first for Dr. Oliver Fiske at the very place where he afterwards bought one of the finest houses in the city. He worked four years in the Worcester Post-Office, after which he went into business with Deacon Alexander Harris in the SaHsbury block in Lincoln Square deahng in groceries and flour. He sold his interest in the store in 1850, and later opened a flour store in pirtnership with T. and J. Sutton under the name of Bliss, Sutton & Co., on Mechanic street, Worcester, and in 1857 sold out to his partners. From that time to his death he was occupied with his real estate and banking business. Mr. Bliss was Presi- dent of the New Bedford & Taunton Branch of the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg railroad, Vice-president of the Framingham and Lowell Branch. In company with the late Francis H. Dewey he founded the Mechanics National Bank in 1848, of which he was President from 1860 to his death in 1882. He was interested in the Mechanics Savings Bank from its organization in 1851, and was President from 1864 to his death. He was also interested in the old Music Hall corporation and in the Bay State House Corporation. He was prominent in city affairs, represented the City of W^orcester in the General Court in 1855, 1865 and 1874, and was an alderman in 1861, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1875 and 1876. He was the chief owner of the Oriental Powder Co., manufacturing gunpowders near Portland, Me. During the Franco Prussian war he made a large sum of money selling powder to the belligerents. He married Sarah H. Howe, daughter of Wm. FTowe of Worcester, April 5, 1836. Mrs. Bliss died July 24, 1882, a few weeks after her husband. She was a very capable woman and famous for her charities. Mr. BHss died July 7, 1882. Their children were: Harrison, Jr., born July 30, 1843, he married Amy Brown of Dighton, Nov. 6, 1864, and died May 12, 1868; Sarah, born Sept. 22, 1845, died Nov. 18, 1849; William Howe, born Sept. 23, 1850, married (first) Nellie J. Winch INIay 31, 1883, married (second) Florence E. W. Weston April 15, 1891; Pamelia Washburn, born May 21, 1854, died ig(, HISTORY OF ROYALSTON" Sept. 0, 1854; Lizzie Davis, born IVIarch 12, 1856, m.inied Francis H. Dewey Dec. 12, 1878. They have one son and one daughter. TIMOTHY BLISS BRANCH OF THE BLISS FAMILY Timothy Bliss, son of Capt. Nathaniel BUss and Mehital)Ie Whitaker of Rehol)oth, Mass., was born in Rehoboth Jnn. 4, 1733. He settled on the Warwick roid west of the Baptist Common where he made a purchase of six hundred acres which must have covered a part of the Moore Grant. He married Anna Hale Kingsley of Rehoboth Aug 23, 1752. They had twelve children, of whom only three were born in Royalston. He settled his son, Israel, with him on the homestead, who had a family of eleven children and removed to New York state, when the place became incorporated with other farms. Timothy Bliss died Jan. 4, 1822, age 89, and his wife Anna Hale Bliss Jan. 8, 1829, aged 92. Aaron Bliss, son of Timothy Bliss and Anna Hale Kingsley^ was born Sept. 20, 1753. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army. He married Mary Woodbury Dec. 8, 1778, and died at Royalston Sept. 13, 1849, at the age of 96 years. His wife died Feb. 16, 1829, 70 years of age. Their children were: Aaron, born Feb. 10, 1792, married Olive Frazy of Gill, March 7, 1830; Andrew, born March 13, 1790, died March 26, 1795; Stephen, born Jan. 21, 1786, died Sept. 14, 1835; Benjamin W., born June 7, 1795; Anna, born May 3, 1779; Betty, born July 17, 1782, married Jonathan Woodbury Jan. 21, 1802; Mary, born Jan. 16, 1781; and Rhoda, born March 13, 1788, and died March 23, 1795. Aaron was succeeded on his farm by his son Benjamin W . Bliss, born June 7, 1795. He served in the War of 1812-1815 and lived and died on the old homestead. He was married Nov. 10, 1816, to Lois Walker, daughter of Daniel and Lucy (Garfield) Walker. He died of typhoid fever July 24, 1869. She died at Royalston Dec, 6, 1874, aged 77 years. Their children were: Andrew Jackson, born April 8, 1820; Benjamin W., Jr., born Nov. 12, 1824; Mary Ann, born Sept. 12, 1831, mcrried Nov. 9, 1849, Amos Martin, farmer, of Richmond, N. H.; Persis Ann Lucretia, born July 26, 1835, married Nov. 4, 1855, Lemuel H. Rawson, farmer, of Orange, Mass. THE BLISS FAMILY 197 PhiUi'p Harrison Bliss, son of Benjamin W. Bliss, was born in Royalston Sept. 21, 1841, in the same house that his father was born in, on June 6, 1795. He received his education in the common schools of Royalston, High Scliool in Winchester, N. H., Bernardston, Mass., and the Athol High School. He com- menced teaching school in 1862, which he continued until 1879, living on the farm where he was born until 1880, when he moved to Athol, and entered the grocery store of S. E. Fay & Co., as clerk where he remained eight years. He then entered the shoe shop of the C. M. Lee Co., where he was employed as a cutter for twelve years, after which he worked for the L. S. Starrett Co. for eleven years, when he removed to West Acton, Mass., which has since been his home. He united with the Baptist Church in West Royalston in 1858, of which he was a member until he joined the Athol Baptist Church in 1884, and the West Acton Church in 1911. He was chosen a Deacon in the Royalston church in 1868, and has held that office in the several churches of which he has been a member to the present time. He sang in the church choir forty-seven years and was chorister twenty- one years. He was for three years a member of the Royalston School Committee, has been clerk of the churches and Sunday schools of which he has l^een a member and clerk of the Millers River Baptist Association of Churches for eleven years. He was married in 1868, to Julia H. Hill, daughter of Charles and Sarah P. Hill of West Royalston. She was born Aug. 31, 1846. Their children are: Bessie E., born July 1, 1872; Grace I., born Jan. 27, 1875; and May J., born Oct. 27, 1880. Daniel Bliss, son of Timothy and Tammy (Wait) Bliss was born July 17, 1797. He married Harriet Peck, daughter of Lt. Daniel Peck, Oct. 11, 1821, and died Sept. 6, 1863. They had seven children: Lucy Ann, Elmer Wait, Hervey Winchell, Emily Augusta, Mary Amanda, Timothy Warner, Delia Jose- phine. Hervetj Winchell Bliss, son of Daniel and Harriet (Peck) Bhss, was born in Royalston Sept. 19, 1827. He married Sarah M. Tower, who was born in Lancaster, Mass., June 21, 1827. She died at Royalston March 31, 1865, being thrown from a carriage on Jacobs Hill. They had three children: Kate Maria, born March 14, 1858, died Feb. 26, 1865; James Henry, born Sept. 2, 1860, and Julia Tower, born May 24, 1863. Julia married Dr. E. G. Fosgate in 1888, and died at Ashburnham, Mass., June, igS HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1901. She left one daughter, Hazel Ella, born Sept. 26, 1892, who graduated at Mt. Holyoke College. Mr. Bliss married (second) Nov. 7, 1866, Mrs. Nancy T. Tucker of Barre, Mass. There were no children by the second marriage that lived. He moved to a farm near Royalston Centre in April, 1866, which he owned and occupied some ten years, and moved to Winchester, N. H., in the spring of 1876. He was a member of the School Committee of Royalston and served the town of Winchester as Selectman one year. He joined the Congregational Church at the age of fourteen years, and was for many years a deacon of the Congregational Church in Win- chester. He died in Winchester Sept. 20, 1902. Jamz8 Hervey Bliss, son of Hervey W. and Sarah (Tower) Bliss, was born in Royalston Sept. 2, 1860. He graduated from the Winchester High School in 1878, and soon after began clerking in the general store of F. Weeks & Co. After about eight years in the store he bought out the grocery, crockery and shoe departments, which he carried on for twenty years, selling out in 1907 when he went into the manufacture of boxes in which he is now engaged. He was elected to the New Hampshire Legislature in 1901. He is a member of the Winchester Grange, and has held several m'nor town offices. He joined the Congre- gational church in 1884, and has been Superintendent of the Sun- day school. He married Feb. 14, 1888, Ella L. Gates of Winches- ter, formerly of Wendell, Mass. She died in October of the same year. In March, 1890, he married Alice R. Foster of Winchester. She died Feb. 22, 1901. Three children were born to them: Olive S., born Jan. 20, 1892; Hervey G., born April 20, 1893; and E. Palmer, born Dec. 26, 1894. Elmer Wait Bliss, oldest son of Daniel and Harriet (Peck) Bliss, was born in Royalston May .31, 1824. His early life was spent in his native town. In 1850 he went to California in search of gold via the Isthmus of Panama. He spent six years in California and Oregon. In 1857 he married Elizabeth God- dard of Petersham. For some j^ears he was engaged in the manu- facture of furniture in the firm of Dwlnnell & Bliss of Brattle- boro, Vt., and for a time was employed in the Estey Organ shops. He with severcil others formed the Burdett Organ Co. in Brattle- boro; they removed their business to Chicago, where they lost everything in the great fire of 1871. The business was then re-established in Erie, Pa., where it was carried on for many THE BLISS FAMILY 199 years. He retired fro-n business about 189D. In 1904 he sold his home in Erie and returned to Brattleboro, to live with his daughter, who that year was married to Walter F. Goddard. He died Aug. 18, 1911, aged 87 years two months and 18 days. His wife died some sixteen years before. He was survived by his daughter, Mrs. W. F. Goddard and one grand-daughter. Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Brattleboro. He was a man of strong character, industrious, thorough and conscientious in all he did. Timothy Warner Bhss and Deha Josephine BHss, youngest children of Daniel and Harriet (Peck) Bliss, died in infancy. Timothy Bliss, Jr., second son of Timothy and Anne Hale (Kingsley) Bliss was born Jan. 10, 1756. He was a wheelwright and farmer. He married Tammy Wait May 18, 1780. She was born at Cape Ann June 15, 1759, and died Oct. 16, 1850. He died Feb. 9, 1815. They had ten children, only three of whom are recorded as born in Rayalston. The family probably removed to Vermont. THE WOODBURY FAMILY One of the very earliest families to settle in Royalston, and which for more than a century was prominently identified with the public, so3ial and religious life of the town, was the Woodbury family. It was a large family and through its descendants became connected with many of the most promi- nent families of the town. The immigrant ancestor of this family, John Woodbury, came to America from England in 1624. Berijamni, of the fourth generation, had children as follows: Joseph, born Sept. 27, 1722; Benjamin, born Feb. 5, 1726; Joshua, born March 25, 1723; EUzabeth, born Oct. 28, 1730; Lot. born Oct. 11, 1733; Peter, born May 20, 1736; Jonathan and brother, born Nov. 10, 1740; Ruth, born Oct. 15, 1745. The father of these children died Aug. 22, 1781, in the 84th year of his age; the m3ther died Dec. 10, 1783 in the 85th year of her age. Captain Peter Woodbury, fifth son of Benjamin Woodbury, was born May 20, 1736, and moved with his family from Sutton, Mass. to Royalston about the year 1763, and settled on the farm where a fifth generation was born, and which 200 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON was in possession of the Woodl)ury family until Feb. 15, 1904, when it was sold to Emory A. Holden, the present owner. The houses on the place were burned. Captain Peter Woodbury had a large family of sons and daughters, ten of whom liYed to have families of their own. He was one of the most prominent men in the early history of the tow.-: was the first Town Treasurer, serving from 1765 to 1770 inclusive, Town Clerk ten years, between 1782 and 1794, Selectman sixteen years, Assessor three years, and Representa- tive to the Great and General Court in 1788, '89. He was captain of a Royalston company in the Revolution, and it is related of him, probably on the occasion of the Burgoyne alarm, that he marched into the meetinghouse in time of divine service and gave out this military order: "Every man belonging to my company turn out." He kept a public house for many years. He married first, Ruth Sibley, Dec. 16, 1754, who died March 23, 1755; he married, second, Zerviah Greenwood, Jan. 18, 1759; both of these marriages were in Sutton before he removed to Royalston ; he married a third time, Mrs. Mary Chase of Royalston, April 5, 1792. He died Feb. 24, 1806, at the age of seventy years. The children of Captain Peter Woodbury were: Peter, born March 14, 1755; Lot, born March 15, 1760; Daniel, born March 22, 1762; Sally, born Aug. 31, 1764; Jonathan, born Jan. 26, 1767; Ruth, born March 3, 1769; Zerviah, born May 25, 1771; John, born Sept. 12, 1773; Benjamin, born March 6, 1776; James, born Dec. 31, 1778; Ruth, born Jan. 7, 1781; Joseph, born July 7, 1784. Lot, James, Jonathan and John removed to Bethlehem, N. H.; Sally Woodbury married Deacon Ebenezer Pierce of Warwick, Mass. She was survived by four sons and one daughter. Three of the sons were deacons of the church. The first Ruth died Sept. 15, 1777; the second Ruth married Samuel Greenwood of Wendell, May 29, 1800, and surviving him, married Hon. Joseph Estabrook of Royalston, June 17, 1810. She died Sept. 16, 1814 in her 38th year; Zerviah married John Wood of Royalston, April 26, 1792; Joseph died at Stoddard, N. H., Aug. 20, 1812. Cayi. Daniel Woodbury, second son of Capt. Peter Wood- bury, was born Nov. 22, 1762. He married Esther Waite July 25, 1785. The record says, "I was 23 the 22nd day of THE WOODBURY FAMILY 201 the March before, and my wife 21, the 28th of the January l.efore." The children of Dani-el and Esther (Waite) Woodbury were: George, born March 1, 1786, died Nov. 27, 1801; Daniel, born Nov. 25, 1789, died Aug. 9, 1803; Jonathan, born May 30, 1792, died Sept. 7, 1795; Polly, born Oct. 24, 1796, died Aug. 20, 1803; Peter, born July 31, 1799, died Nov. 17, 1884; Daniel, born May 17, 1812, died Feb. 29, 1813. Esther (Waite) Woodbury, the mother of these children, died April 7, 1824. Capt. Daniel married, second, Mrs. Persis Chase of War- wick, March 21, 1825; she died Oct. 16, 1856. Capt. Daniel Woodbury died Oct. 13, 1843. Feter Woodbury, the only child of Capt. Daniel and Esther (Waite) Woodbury to grow to manhood, was born July 31, 1799. He married Oct. 29, 1822, Amanda Faulkner, daughter of Ammi and Anna (Towne) Faulkner, who was born Oct. 16, 1800. The children of Peter and Amanda (Faulkner) Woodbury were: George, born July 31, 1823; Abigail Mayo, born Nov. 27, 1824, and an infant son, who lived only a few days. Amanda (Faulkner) Woodbury died Jan. 29, 1827, and Peter Woodbury married, second, Lucinda Raymond of Winchendon Dec. 13, 1827. The children of Peter and Lucinda (Ray- mond) Woodbury were: Daniel Raymond, born Sept. 17, 1828, died April 18, 1903; James Peter, born Dec. 28, 1831; Amanda Lucinda, born Nov. 21, 1836. Lucinda (Raymond) Woodbury died April 14, 1877 and Peter Woodbury Nov. 17, 1884. George Woodbury, son of Peter and Amanda (Faulkner) Woodbury was the first child born in the house built by Capt. Daniel Woodbury, and was born July 31, 1823, the 24th birthday of his father. He was an active man in public affairs, was Town Treasurer from 1855 to 1857 inclusive, and clerk of the parish for many years. He sang in the church choir forty years, and was for twenty-five years a member of Star Lodge F. & A. M. of Athol. He married July 4, 1849, Almira Greenwood Chase of Warwick, who was horn Dec. 25, 1826. She held the pen of a ready writer in verse, and often furnished verses for many occasions, the Rojalston Centennial Hymn having been written by her 202 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON George Woodbury died Nov. 18, 1895. Children of George and Almira (Chase) Woodbury were: Antoinette Hemans, born June 16, 1850, died April 27, 1865; Martha Ahnira, born July 29, 1853; George Edward, born Dec. 8, 1855; WiUiam Arthur, born Nov. 14, 1863, died May 11, 1865; Leshe Hanks, born Feb. 3, 1866. These children are the ninth generation from the first Peter, who came from England, and the fifth generation bearing the name of Wood- bury born on the old farm at Royalston. Martha Almira Woodbury, second child of George and Almira (Chase) Woodbury, married William A. Brodie of Geneseo, N. Y., July 24, 1889 and resides in that city. Gew-ge Edward Woodburij, oldest son of George and Almira (Chase) Woodbury, married Miss Cora J. Fisher of Royalston, April 7, 1881. They had one child, Chester Leslie, born Jan. 28, 1885. Mrs. Cora J. Woodbuiy died in Maiden in 1914, and her remains were brought to Royalston for burial. Leslie Hanks Woodbury, married Mrs. Cora A. (Nelson) Wetherbee of Royalston, March 31, 1894. They reside in Tacoma, Washington. George Woodbury their son, is the wireless operator on the United States Steamer Dirigo, plying between Alaska and Unalaska. James Peter Woodbury, son of Peter and Lucinda (Ray- mond) Woodbury, was born in Royalston, Dec. 28, 1831. He married Martha Abigail Brown of Winchendon, June 20, 1859. He was a well-known farmer in Royalston, living on the old Woodbury homestead. His wife died Oct. 31, 1886, and he removed to Springfield, Vt., Dec. 20, 1887. He married, second, JuUa Stephens of Springfield, Vt., Sept. 12, 1888. His occupation while living in Springfield was that of coachman and landscape gardening. He died Aug. 4, 1907, and was buried in Royalston. Amanda Lucinda Woodbury, daughter of Peter and Lucinda (Raymond) Woodbury, was born in Royalston Nov. 21, 1836. She married Benjamin Frankhn Wyman, June 23, 1869. They resided in Chester, Vt., where Mr. Wyman was a cabinet-maker by trade. He was a member of the Congre- gational Church, in which he held several offices, and of Henry Post, G. A. R., of which he was commander. He served in the Civil War three years, being a member of Co. K, r23d THE WOODBURY FAMILY 203 New York Regiment, and received a medal from the New York State Commission as a survivor of the battle of Gettys- burg. He died in July, 1909. They had no children. Deacon Benjamin Woodbury, brother of Capt. Peter Woodbury, was also an early settler. He came from Sutton, and settled the next place south of the Wilson Bragg place on the Athol road. He organized with the First Congregational Church Oct. 13, 1766, and was one of its first deacons, serving from 1768 to 1779. He was one of the Selectmen of the town for ten years, between 1765 and 1781. He died Oct. 17, 1793 at the age of 68. Benajah Woodhury, another brother, also from Sutton, settled at the foot of the hill on the Athol road on the place once known as the Artemas Raymond place. He died Feb. 22, 1802, at the age of 55 years. Neither of the last-named families have had representatives in town for more than half a century. THE WALKER FAMILY The emigrant ancestor of the Obadiah Walker family of Sutton, from whom the Royalston Walkers are descended, was Thomas Walker, who came from London to Boston in 1650. His mother's will reads as follows: "Hannah Walker of London, widow, April 10, 1675. "I give and bequeath unto my son, Thomas Walker of Sudbury in New England, in the parts beyond the seas, merchant, the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him or his assigns within twelve months next after my decease. In case of his death before it becomes payable, I give the said sum to his wife? Mary, for the use of their children, if she be then living, but if dead then to the Executors of my son Thomas for the use of the children." IL Tho7nas ]Valker, Jr., son of Thomas and Mary was born May 22, 1664. He lived in Framingham, where he was held in great respect; he was Town Treasurer in 1700 and constable in 1703, and was an original member of the Framing- ahm Church. He married Martha How, daughter of Samuel How, born Oct. 9, 1669. He died Oct. 25, 1717, and Mr. 204 HISTORY OF ROVALSTOIT Swift notices his burial, October 27, as follows: '' Hodie Sopultus Tho. Walker; proh: dolor!" He had ten children. III. Lieut. Ohadiah Walker, son of Thomas A. Jr., and Martha, married first, May 2, 1715, Hannah Learned. They lived in Marlboro and Suttom She died July 6, 1744. He married second, Oct. 28, 1845, in Uxbridge, Mrs. Eunice White of Uxbridge. He had six childi-en by his first wife and one by his second. IV. Lieut. Ohadiah Walker, son of Obadiah and Hannah (Learned) Walker, born June 8, 1721, married Nov. 12, 1741, Hepzibah Shumway of Oxford. He was the Obadiah Jr., in the list of officers and men from Sutton in the Colonial Service, 1755-1761 for various lengths of time. This is the Obadiah who came to Royalston from Sutton and Douglas. He had eight children. He died in Croydon, N. H., in 1810 at the age of 90 years. V. Ohadiah Walker, son of Obadiah and Hepzibah Walker, born Jan. 2, 1745, married Agnes McCullough of Barre, Aug. 24, 1775. He was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisting as a private from Barre in Captain Black's Company of Minute Men on the alarm of April 19, 1775; also Corporal in Capt. Wm. Henry's Company, Colonel Whitney's Regiment. He had eight children. VI. Asa Walker, son of Obadiah and Agnes (McCullough) Walker, born at Royalston in 1778, married April 4, 1821, Anstis, daughter of Captain Joseph and Elizabeth Jacobs, born Aug. 15, 1797. Children: Marias, died July 21, 1842 of consumption; William, Nathaniel, Obadiah and Joseph. Asa was in the war of 1812, serving 35 days with the Royal- ston Company in 1814. He died Dec. 10, 1830. His wife died in Otter River, Dec. 17, 1872. VII. William N. Walker, oldest son of Asa and Anstis (Jacobs) Walker was born in Royalston, Nov. 14, 1823. He died in Otter River, Nov. 30, 1906. He went to Otter River when a young man, and lived there until his death. For several years he was engaged in the manufacture of stoves. He married Minerva Horton, April 19, 1849; she died Aug. 6, 1893, and he married, second, Sarah D. Bowman, Dec. 16, 1897, with whom he lived at the time of his death, and who survived him only a few months. He had two sons by his THE WALKER FAMILY 205 first wife, George E., born May 8, 1852 and Aleck M., born Nov. 2, 1856. George E. Walker married Susie J. Stewart Oct. 20, 1875. He lived in Gardner for several years, was a machinist, and was quite prominent in the Masonic order. He died at his home in Gardner, April 8, 1909. His wife, Susie J., died April 7, 1899. They had two children, AUce M. Walker, who has been a bank clerk in Gardner and Arthur W. Walker who is proprietor of a jewelry store in Somerville. He married Octavia M. Perkins, Oct. 7, 1907. Aleck Walker, married Hattie B. Parkhurst, July 2, 1876. He died April 14, 1884, and was survived by his widow who is now living in Sprin^aeld. Deacon Joseph Walksr, son of Asa and Anstis (Jacobs) Walker, was born in Royalston, June 30, 1825; he married Nancy S. Thomas of Winchendon, Jan. 9, 1849; she was born June 27, 1828. From 1849 to 1858 they lived in Worcester, where he carried on the business of carpenter and builder. In 1858 he removed to Royalston, where he worked at his trade until the war of the Rebellion, when he enlisted Aug. 27, 1882 in Co. D., 36th Regiment Mass. Volunteers, of which he was made first sergeant. Was in the hospital at Washington, and discharged for disability Oct. 29, 1883. After partially recovering from his illness, he went back into the service as clerk in the Commissary Department, where he remained until the close of the war. He was elected as Representative to the Legislature in 1877. Soon after that time he opened a store in a building just off the Common on the South Royalston road, where he kept a general store until his death, June 16, 1888. He served the town at different times as Town Clerk, Selectman, Overseer-of-the-Poor, and was Town Treasurer twelve years. For many years he was deacon in the First Congregational Church. Nancy (Thomas) Walker died in Athol, Oct. 21, 1893. Children of Deacon Joseph and Anstis (Jacobs) Walker: Joseph Nelson, an infant, died in Worcester; Clarence J., Herbert Thomas and Florence A. Clarence J. Walker, oldest son of Joseph and Nancy (Thomas) Walker, was born in Worcester, June 6, 1855. His parents removed to Royalston when he was a child and he received his education in the schools of Royalston. He 206 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON carried the Uiiitod States mail, driving the stage from South Royalston to the Centre for four years. He married Miss Edith C. Longley, daughter of Timothy M. Longley of Royalston Centre, and removed to Webster, Mass., where he now resides. He has been station agent at East Webster for the past thirty-two years. He has sung in the quartette of the First Baptist Church of Webster for twenty-eight years, and was Town Auditor for more than twelve years. They have had four sons, three of whom died in infancy. One son is living and resides in West Springfield, Clifford Maurice Walker. He is a clerk in the trainmaster's office of the B. & A. R. R. Herbert Thomas Walker, son of Joseph and Nancy, was born in Royalston, May 24, 1867; attended the public schools of Royalston Centre and the Bryant & Stratton Commercial School in Boston in 1887 and 188S. He married, April 2^ 1893, Elsie J. Sears of Charlemont, Mass. They' have no children. He is a member of Star Lodge of Masons of Athol, and Charlemont Grange. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the mercantile and fire insurance business. Florence A. Walker, daughter of Joseph and Nancy (Thomas) Walker, was born in Royalston. She was a teacher in the Royalston and Athol schools for several years, and afterwards graduated from the Gordon Missionary Training School in Boston. After working as a missionary in South Boston for about three years, she married Dr. Chiron W. Smith of Boston, in Webster, May 20, 1897. They have lived in Marlboro, Mass., for a number of years. Obacliah Walker, youngest son of Asa and Anstis Walker, was born in Royalston, Oct. 28, 1826. He married Harriet W. Wilder of Winchendon, June 29, 1854. She was born July 15, 1832 in Hingham, Mass., her father being one of fifteen children. When a young man he went to work in a Gardner chair shop, where he lost one hand, after which he went to New Salem Academy and studied bookkeeping. He then became a pedlar of Yankee notions, going about the country with tin trunks strapped over his back and shoulders. After a while he got a horse and wagon and put out palm leaf and sold dry goods. He then had charge of the Union store that formerly stood on Royalston Common where the church parsonage now is, and later carried on liusiness THE WALKER FAMILY 207 there for himself, it being a general country store. He sold out to Franklin Richardson, and after living in Winchendon a few months returned to Royalston about 1866 and bought the house near the Estabrook place, and also bought the store business of Chas. H. Newton. Was appointed postmaster in 1870, which position he held until he sold his store to John L. Kiig in 1S82. He was Town Treasurer from 1867 to 1873. The TownHall was built during the time that he was treasurer. The town voted that it should cost $10,000, and when the bills were all figured up it was found to be one cent under the appropriation. In 1882 he moved to Littleton, where he remained some over two years, and in 1884 went to North Reading, Mass., and bought a store, which he sold to Carpen- ter and French, Aug. 7, 1886. He died the same month. The children of Obadiah and Harriet (Wilder) Walker were: Harriet Eva, Charles Sumner, Lizzie Lincoln and Edward Everett. Harriet Eva Walker was born Oct. 23, 1855. She married Jerome L Wetherbee of Royalston, May 28, 1882. They reside in Fitchlnirg. Charles Sumner Walker, was born Aug. 7, 1857, in Royal- ston. He attended the schools of his native town, and when about twenty-one years of age went to Fitchburg, where he married Georgetta M. Tucker, April 2, 1884, and soon after went to North Reading, where he was in company with his father in a general store business. After his father's death in 1886 and the sale of the store he removed to Chelsea, Mass., where he was in a market with C. B. Fox for about seventeen years. He was then in another market until the Chelsea fire of April, 1908, when both his residence and place pf business were burned. He remained in Chelsea about a year and a half, when he removed to Dorchester and later to Winter Hill, Somerville, where he now resides, and is em- ployed in a Boston market. His wife died in Chelsea, Feb. 26, 1903, and he married, second, Maud Brown of Chelsea, Oct. 10, 1904. He has a son by his first wife, Charles Tucker Walker, born at North Reading, Feb. 17, 1885, who resides in Chelsea. Lizzie Lincoln Walker, born April 29, 1862, died Jan. 15, 1898. She was one of the librarians of the public library, removed with her parents to North Reading, and on the 208 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON death of her father returned with her mother to Royalston; which was her home until her death. Edward Everett Walker, born Jan. 4, 1865 and died Feb. 16, 1865. Mrs. Harriet Wilder Walker died THE MOSES WALKER FAMILY Moses Walker, whose relationship to Asa Walker we have not been able to ascertain, is said to have come from Athol to Eoyalston about 1800 and settled in the southwest part of the town. He was born in 1765 and died Feb. 23, 1841. He married May 2, 1791, Lydia Bigelow. The children of Moses and Lydia (Bigelow) Walker were: Nancy, born March 9, 1793, married Isaac Nichols^ May 25, 1813, and died in 1871. She had children, all of whom died before she did; Lydia, born Sept. 13, 1794, married Weston Ball of Warwick, Mass., at Troy, N. H., May 27, 1817; George M. and Addie J. Wheeler of Orange were her grandchildren. John Bigelow Walker, born Feb. 23, 1796, married Mercy S. Metcalf, Jan. 25, 1820; Ruth, born Aug. 5, 1797, married Jason Fisher of Royalston, Feb. 19, 1819. Cynthia, born Dec. 19, 1798, married Ebenezer Wheeler Dexter of Royalston, Sept. 23, 1817; Susanna, born Mar. 19, 1800, died Oct. 12, 1839; Rowena, born Jan 12, 1802, died May 6, 1803. John Bigelow Walker, only son of Moses and Lydia (Bigelow) Walker, had three children: John Bigelow, Jr., Rebeccah Metcalf and Minerva N. John Bigelow Walker, Jr., born in Royalston, June 1, 1824, married in 1853, Cornelia M. Moody of Northfield, sister of the Evangelist, Dwight L. Moody; their children were Lillian A., who married Chas. E. Cheney of Brooklyn, N. Y., and resided in that city, Julia R., who resided in Northfield with her mother; George B., who died in infancy; Ho-pe E., who was a bookkeeper in New York City, and Samuel Edwin, who married Maud Phillips and lived in East Northfield. Rebeccah Metcalf Walker, born June 6, 1827, married David P. Foster of Royalston, March 25, 1847. Minerva N., born Dec. 21, 1833, was unmarried, and lived in East Northfield. The records of the Moses Walker family THE WAI^KER FAMILY 209 were furnished by her from the family Bible. Calvin had a :son Hiram who resided in Washington, D. C, about 1900; Willard, born May 11, 1802, married Phoebe Thurston of Orange, Nov. 14, 1826; Rhoda, born Nov. 11, 1799. Hannah, born June 7, 1804; Reuben, born Feb. 24, 1742, died in Royalston, Feb. 24, 1826, at the age of eighty-four years; Ms only child a son died in Uxbridge, Mass. before the death of his parents; Martha, married Ephraim Hill, Oct. 29, 1789> Elijah Walker, who came from Douglas to Royalston with his father Obadiah, was born May 17, 1756. He lived in the west part of Royalston and married June 4, 1782, Abigail Hill of Royalston. After he was seventy years old he would walk four miles to church. He died April 14, 1836 at the age of eighty. His children were: William, who went to Croydon, N. H.; Ja7nes, who was born July 13, 1785 and married Sally Brewer, Nov. 26, 1807; she died in 1860 at the age of ninety- five. They had a son Elias, who had a son Errick D., who lived in Athol many years; Jonah, born Aug. 1, 1789, married Mary Swan of Richmond, N. H., July 23, 1813, daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Swan. They had a son Lyman, born March 16, 1814, who married, Oct. 15, 1835, Emeline Ingram of Amherst, Mass. He was a harness-maker, and removed to Fond du Lac, Wis., where he followed his trade. When the war broke out he enlisted in the First Wisconsin Cavalry, serving in the department of equipment. He had one daughter, Emiline Lisle, who was born while her parents resided in the old historic house celebrated as the birthplace of Rev. Hosea Ballou in Richmond, N. H. She was legally renamed Lisle Lester, was educated at Lawrence University, Wis., and became celebrated as a lecturer, elocutionist and journalist, and traveled extensively in this country and Europe. She was correspondent of London, New York and San Francisco papers and resided in New York engaged in literary pursuits. Lyman Walker, her father, died in Fond du Lac in 1883 at the age of sixty-eight years THE BALLOU FAMILY The Ballous of Royalston and Richmond, N. H., are descended from Maturin Ballou, a co-proprietor with Roger 210 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON AVilliams, the Colonial founder of Rhode Island, in the Providence Plantations. It is supposed that he was "the younger son of a younger son of a good family in Devonshire," England, born probably between 1610 and 1620, who like all the unendowed offshoots of feudal nobility had to seek his fortune for himself, and chose to emigrate to America. About the year 1767 a general interest had sprung up in the County of Providence R. I., in favor of emigration to Richmond, N. H., where considerable tracts of new land were offered for sale at temptingly low prices. Many farmers in Smithfield, Glocester, Cumberland and the neighboring towns, who had large families growing up to need homes or who otherwise desired to better their circumstances made haste to purchase those Richmond, N. H. lands, where small outlays would secure ample homesteads. Among these emigrants were several families of Ballous. One of this company was Rev. Maturin Ballou of the fourth generation from the immigrant Maturin. He was a Baptist minister and was among the first, if not the very first, to preach the Baptist gospel in New Hampshire. He had eleven children, four of the six sons being distinguished preachers, Hosea Ballou, the youngest son being renowTied as a cham- pion of Universalism wherever that creed or doctrine is known, and a grandson Rev. Hosea Ballou, 2d, was the first among his ministerial brethren to receive the title D.D., and first president of Tufts College. From another of these Ballou families was descended Eliza Ballou, the mother of President Gai-field, whose birth- place was just over the Royalston line in Richmond, and who belongs to the same branch of the family as those who are connected with Royalston history. Some of the most prominent and distinguished Royalston families are connected by marriage with the Ballous; these include the Bullocks, and the Bliss, White and Davis families. The Ballous, who belong especially to Royalston history are the family of Luther Ballou, of the sixth generation from Maturin the immigrant. Luther- Ballou was born in Richmond, N. H., Sept. 7, 1797. He married Dec. 3, 1818, Clarissa Davis, daughter of Captain Joseph and Sophia (White) Davis, who was born in Royalston, MRS. LUTHER BALLOU LUTHER BALLOU SOPHIA (BALLOU) MORANDI ALMANDO BALLOU THE BALLOU FAMILY 211 March 11, 1797. They had twelve children, all of whom were born in Royalston.. There are some remarkable circumstances connected with this family. Of the twelve children, all born of the same mother, all grew up to maturity without the occurrence of a single infantile death. The names of the seven daughters all end with the letter ''a," and those of the five sons all end with the letter "o." The parents of these children were emi- nently worthy people, both descendants of a robust, intelligent ancestry — not professed church members, but exemplars of solid moral rectitude ■ — Universalists in religious faith, hope and charity — industrious and economical farmers by occupa- tion, much attached to their rural home, and universally respected in the community. Their old homestead was in the extreme northwestern part of Royalston near the celebrated "Royal Cascade" or "Forbes Falls" as it is commonly known. The children of Luther and Clarissa (Davis) Ballou are: 1. Sophia, born Sept, 22, 1819. She married Francis Morandi, Feb. 6, 1845, a son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Anderson) Morandi, born in Boston, Dec. 3, 1813. Mrs, Sophia and her husband were well matched. He began business as a boy in the office of the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, later learned the trade of a tinsmith, and still later rose to distinction as a hotel and house furnisher on an extensive scale. He was in that line of business for over half a century. The family home was long in Boston, then briefly in Wheeling, W. Va., and later in Maiden, Mass., where Mrs. Sophia died Jan. 5, 1867. 2. Emeransa Ballon was born Sept. 10, 1821, and died unmarried in Maiden, Jan. 12, 1875. 3. Almando Ballou, the oldest son, was born May 2, 1823. He married Mahalath Harkness, daughter of Elijah and Martha (Bassett) Harkness of Richmond, N. H., born in Richmond, N. H. Jan. 23, 1822. They were married Jan. 1, 1852, and had four children, one born in Boston, the others in Richmond. He was engaged in mercantile business in Boston from 1863 to 1871, when he moved to Philadelphia where he continued in business. His son, De Forest Ballou, Esq., of Philadelphia, said of his father: "My father was one of the old '49 adventurers who went to California in that year, and with his partner was the first to erect a frame building in 2X2 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON- Sacramento City. He also furnished the necessary lumber and erected the jirst church, as he calls it, in that city, by placing boards and boxes under a large tree, at which divine services were first held in Sacremento, before any buildings had been erected there." He died Nov. 28, 1910. 4. Angelia Ballon was born Dec. 16, 1824; married Zachariah F. Young Jan. 1, 1850. He was born in Athol,. March 10, 1821. They were married in Royalston by Rev. Nomian Hazen. They had four children, all bom in Fitch- burg, Mass. 5. Devillo Ballou, born Jan. 17, 1827; married Mary Cutler, Nov. 13, 1850. He was a commercial traveler, and died in Grant Park, 111., May 30, 1877, leaving a widow and two daughters. 6. Lorenzo Ballou, born Nov. 29, 1828, married first, Mary A. Marshall, May 18, 1852. She was born in Boston, Dec. 16, 1833. They had three children. She died Sept. 16, 1861. He married second, Adelia M. Shedd, Feb. 3, 1864. She was born in Mason, N. H., May 5, 1835: they had one child. The family home was in Winchendon. Mr. Ballou died Nov. 6, 1894. 7. Autantia Ballou, bom June 24, 1830, married George N. Goodspeed, Nov. 7, 1850; he was the son of Isaac and Lucy Wyman (Nutting) Goodspeed and was born in Hubbard- ston, Mass., Nov. 6, 1826. They had four children, all born in Winchendon. Mr. Goodspeed and partner were extensive manufacturers of tub, pail and chair machinery, etc., in Winchendon, under the firm name of Goodspeed & Wyman. Mrs. Goodspeed died Oct. 18, 1897. 8. Clarinda Ballou, bom April 29, 1832, married David E. Whitney, May 6, 1857. They went west, settled in Anoka, Minn., on a farm, where Mr. Whitney died, leaving Mrs. Clarinda a widow with a son and two daughters. 9. Lorina Ballou, bom Feb. 28, 1834, married Elisha W. Harkness, July 1, 1856; he was the son of Elijah and Martha (Bassett) Harkness, born in Richmond, Dec. 27, 1826. They settled in Hinesburg, Vt., where they had six children born to them. 10. Alphonso A. Ballou, fourth son of Luther and Sophia (Davis) Ballou, was born in Royalston, March 9, 1836. He married Sara A. Holton, daughter of Elihu and Edee Pres- THE BALLOU FAMILY 2l3 cott (Wright) Holton of Erving, Sept. 4, 1859. She was born in Erving, Aug. 12, 1840. They had a daughter, Madge Davenport, born May 16, 1870. When a young man he resided in Orange, where he was depot master, and enlisted in the Civil War in Company F, Fifty-second Mass. Regiment of which he was made first lieutenant, his regiment being assigned to the Department of the Gulf. On his departure for the war he was presented with a fine sword by the citizens of Orange. A year or two since he presented the sword to the Historical Society of Orange. After the war he went to Grafton, Mass., where he was cashier of the First National Bank of Grafton for several years and held important town offices. About 1884 he went to Detroit, Mich., where he was treasurer and assistant manager of the Detroit Emery Wheel Co., and at the same time was director in one of the city banks for several years. After a residence of eighteen years in Detroit, owing to ill- health, he gave up business in 1902 and returned to Massa- chusetts, settling in Newton Centre. He now resides in Brockton, and is the only one of the large family of Luther Ballou now living. 11. Czarina Ballou, born May 15, 1838, married Harrison P. Goodspeed, June 9, 1857. He was a son of Isaac and Lucy Wyman (Nutting) Goodspeed and was born in Hubbard- ston. May 10, 1830. They had no children. Mr. Goodspeed was connected with the machinery business of Goodspeed & Wyman in Winchendon. Czarina Ballou Goodspeed died July 13, 1905. Waldo Russell Ballou, youngest of the twelve children of Luther and Clarissa (Davis) Ballou, was born in Royalston, Feb. 13, 1845. When a young man he went to Winchendon, Mass., where he learned the machinist's trade with Goodspeed & Wyman. Afterwards resided in Maiden and Orange, Mass. About 1880 he removed to Stamford, Conn., and entered the employ of the Gale & Towne Manufacturing Co., and was the superintendent of the lock department for several years. Was a member of the city government of Stamford for a number of years. He married, first, Sarah Scott Hathaway, Nov. 25, 1873. She died Dec. 29, 1883. They had two children: Harrison Hathaway, married and resides in Mam- 214- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON aroneck, N. Y.; Jeannette Morandi, married Roy L. Whitney, M.D., resides in Waverley, Mass. He married, second, Ella Jones. She died April 2, 1910, leaving no children. He died in Stamford, Conn., June 24, 1914. Royalston people of the middle of the last century were familiar with Nancy Whipple, a descendant of the Ballou family, whose home was not far from Forbes Falls. She was a remarkable woman and was known far and wide as old Nance Whipple, the fortune teller. Rev. Albert Bryant, the poet of Royalston's Centennial, thus describes her: "Ho, time is a Goblin, and aw^ful the dance Whose mazes return not, but always advance, Through which his gay partners he gleefully whirls. And to bald, shriveled crones turns the fairest of girls." So laughed the strange teller of fortunes. Old Nance. She dwelt in a valley far over the hills, Her two eyes were piercing, her accents were shrill. Through her town and our town wandered her fame, Till the sage and the simple, and all ages came To learn of the future: five dimes was the bill. One day in December the schoolmaster sat By her wide chimney corner spellbound by her chat, As she told how a widow with plenty of gold. With houses, and acres, and beauties untold. Would be his for the asking — with never a brat. Now fleeter and fleeter the swift moments flew. The chimney was wide, and fierce the wind blew. The smoke and the ashes drew out and drew in, And the schoolmaster fancied the dame was so thin, That he saw, for a moment, the firelight shine through. The master was eager, the dame's tongue was brisk, His fortune grew larger — and lesser the risk. Till his locks rose upright and he screamed to behold Old Nancy together like burnt paper rolled, And up the vast flue disappear with a whisk. THE BALLOU FAMILY 215 By the chimney still stands an empty arm chair, To attest that my story is truthful and fair; What became of the master I never have known, And, for aught I can tell the merry old crone Is completing his fortunes up in the air. THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY Among the old Royalston families that of the Shepardsons has a most remarkable record in the educational and minis- terial world, many of the sons and daughters of this family having become noted teachers, ministers and professors; and it is one of the very few of the older Royalston families where the old ancestral homestead is now owned and occupied by one bearing the old family name. This family traces its American ancestry back to some time in the year 1628-9, when one Daniel Shepardson landed at Salem, Mass., being one of a numerous company who sought homes in America at that period of English history. A tradition indicates that this Daniel was accompanied by his brother John, who was very soon killed in a dispute by a spade thrown at him by an adversary. The location of "Old Naumkeag" did not suit some of the immigrants, who moved to Charlestown, where Daniel Shepardson is recorded as a citizen in 1632. He was not one of the wealthy members of the Puritan body, but was a craftsman — a blacksmith by trade. He removed to Maiden, where he died July 26, 1644, leaving a son Daniel and two daughters. 2. Daniel Shepardson, son of (Daniel) succeeded his father as blacksmith at Maiden. He was baptized June 14, 1641. He married April 11, 1668, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Call, Sr., and widow of Mr. Samuel Tingley of Maiden. Toward the end of his life he moved to Attleboro, Mass., where he was known as "old goodman Daniel Shepard- son." He had three sons and three daughters. 3. Nathaniel Shepardson, youngest son of (DanieP) was born Oct. 28, 1680. He may have moved from Attleboro to Rehoboth, Mass., where two of his children were baptized, 226 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON although all are recorded as born in Attleboro. He had three sons and two daughters. 4. Jonathan Shepardson, oldest son of (Nathaniel), was born Sept. 20, 1706. He lived in Attleboro, Mass., and may- have spent some time in Cumberland, R. I., before settling in Templeton, Mass. He married Abigail Fuller, May 9, 1730. They had six children. He died in Templeton in 1790. 5. Jonathan Shepardson, son of (Jonathan^), was born in Attleboro, in January, 1734-5. He married Miriam, daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Carpenter) Follett. In 1768 the family moved to Templeton, Mass., and in 1790 to Royalston, being the first members of the Shepardson family to make this town their home. They both died the same day, Dec. 3, 1804. He settled on the farm long known as the Tandy farm now owned by W. D. Graves. He had ten children, all of whom were married previous to the removal to Royalston. He left his place to his son John. Another son Isaac, settled on a farm nearly opposite the place known as the Bemis place. 6. Daniel Shepardson, son of (Jonathan'^) settled on the place now owned and occupied by his grandson, Luke B. Shepardson, this place having been owned by the Shepard- son family more than a hundred years. He was born Oct. 6, 1775. He was a farmer, and married Sept. 9, 1801 Prudence, daughter of David and Elizabeth Cook. She died June 24, 1858, aged seventy-eight, and he died May 5, 1856, aged eighty. They had ten children: Jonathan, born Nov. 23, 1802; Pruda, born Aug. 12, 1804, married William Moore of Montague, Feb. 6, 1826, died June 26, 1877; Lity, born April 19, 1806, died June 5, 1820; Eliza, born April 4, 1808, married Charles Moore, March 9, 1829; David Cook, born May 31, 1810, died Sept. 7, 1813; Millie, born March 25, 1812, married George Moore of Athol, and died 1893; Daniel, born July 27, 1813; David Cook, born October, 1815; John, born April 12, 1820; Eri, born Sept. 10, 1821. Jonathan Shepardson, oldest child of Daniel and Prudence Shepardson, was born in Royalston, Nov. 23, 1802. He was well educated for a man of his time, and spent a number of years of his early manhood teaching school, at which he had marked success, and especially with schools which were hard to discipline. After he was married he made his home THE SHEPARDSON EAMILY 2l7 3it the foot of Doane hill on the place now owned and oc- •cupied by Stephen Frye. He went into the lumljer business, ■sawing board from logs with the old-fashioned, up and down saw. After the death of his wife he made his home with his ■daughter until Jan. 18, 1875, when he passed away at the age ■of 72 years and 2 months. He left liehind him a record of a true, earnest, upright, Christian man, loved and respected by all who knew him. He married Nancy Jaseph of Warwick, March 29, 1825, and to them were born seven sons and one daughter: Quincy Adams, born Feb. 14, 1826; Lucius Frank- lin, korn Dec. 24, 1828; Joseph Henry, born Dec. 31, 1831; Jonathan, bom Oct. 11, 1835, and died Oct. 12, 1837; Mary ■Caroline, bom June 3, 1837, she married Luke Emel Bemis, March 22, 1857, and died Jan. 30, 1906. Lucius FrmMin ^hepardson, second son of Jonathan and Nancy (Jaseph) Shepardson was born Dec. 24, 1828. His education was received in the common schools of Royalston, at Shelburne Falls Academy, and Waterville College, now Colby University, Maine. He married Maria L. Gage of Phillipston, Mass., in 1858; she died in October, 1877. They had one son, Frank L. Shepardson. He married, second, Miss Fannie Knight at Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 12, 1885; there were no children by his second wife. He was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church of Princeton, Me., in 1860, and was a Baptist minister for forty-four years. He died in East AVestmoreland, N. H., Feb. 5, 1908. About 1863 he went to Stamford, Vt. The churches of which he was pastor were: Warwick, Mass., 1864-1867; Three Rivers, Mass., 1867-1874; Rehoboth, Mass., 1874-1878; South Newfane, Vt., 1880-1882; West Wardsboro, Vt., 1884- 1886; Passumpsic, Vt., 1887-1889; Norton, Mass., 1889-1893; Chesham, N. H., 1893-1897; East Westmoreland, N. H., 1897- 1S04. Lucius Franklin Shepardson died at East Westmore- land, N. H., Feb. 5, 1908. His widow lives in Troy, N. H. Frank Lucius Shepardson, son of Lucius Franklin and Maria (Gage) Shepardson, was born at Princeton, Me., April 10, 1861. His preliminary education was received at the High School in Providence, R. L ; was graduated from Brown University in 1883. Taught in private school, Cumberland, Md., 1883- 84, on faculty of Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass., 218 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 1884-96, acting principal of Worcester Academy 1894-95, and principal of Colgate Academy, Hamilton, N. Y., 1896-1912. Since 1912 has been Treasurer of Colgate University and Associate Professor of Greek in the same institution. Traveled in Europe in the summers of 1887-1900 and 1912. Married in June, 1888 at Worcester to Miss Sarah Wliidden, daughter of Charles R. Whidden of Calais, Me. They have two children. Joseph Hennj Shepardson, third son of Jonathan and Nancy (Jaseph) Shepardson, was born in West Royalston, Dec. 31, 1831. His education was received at Shelburne Falls Academy and Waterville College, now Colby University, Maine. After graduating he taught school in Rahway, N. J. and then attended a theological seminary in Northern Vermont, where he pursued his studies. His first preaching was in the home church at West Royalston, and at Royalston Centre. He then supplied the Baptist Church at Cold Brook Springs (Barre), where he found his wife Martha Henry, whom he married in Warwick, Mass., Oct. 17, 1865. He then went to Princeton, Me., where he was ordained Dec. 3, 1865, and was pastor of a Baptist Church for a year. His wife died April 24, 1869, in her 31st year. Soon after, at the solicitation of Rev. Amory Gale, who was State Missionary of the State of Minnesota for the Baptist denomination, he w^ent to Minnesota where he be- came one of the Baptist missionaries, having charge of one or two counties. He located his home on a government home- stead in what was then knomi as Pleasant Valley. People came in rapidly from European nations, and a town was organized called Becker, of which Mr. Shepardson was made clerk, which office he held for thirty-eight years. He w^as also elected judge, which office he held for twenty-five years, when he resigned. He was for fifteen yeare pastor of the Baptist church of the town. He was married, second, to Ellen Rand, a school-teacher from Alton, Me., March 4, 1870. She died April 2, 1908. He exchanged his farm for village property, and has re- signed all business to rest the remainder of his life. He is now (1915) in his 84th year, and as he says in a letter, "young as a chicken just hatched." Daniel Shepardson, third son of Daniel and Prudence Cook Shepardson, was born in Royalston, July 27, 1813. He REV. DANIEL SHEPARDSON THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY 219 was the first of the family to attend college, spending two years at Amherst College and two years at Brown University. Was member of Alpha Delta Phi. Did not graduate, but received honorary degree of Master of Arts from Granville College (now Denison University) in 1846, and same degree from Brown University in 1853, also the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Lewisburg (now Bucknell University) in 1872. Moved to Ohio in 1841, traveling by stage to Albany, thence by packet boat on the Erie Canal thirteen days and nights to Buffalo, thence six more days by lake and Ohio Canal to Newark, Licking County. Was a Baptist minister in Zanesville, Cincinnati, Cheviot and Piqua; principal of Woodward High School, Cincinnati, 1855-1862, and for sixteen years a member of Board of Examiners and Inspectors of Schools in that city; principal of the Young Ladies' Institute, Granville, Ohio, 1868-1887, and founder of Shepardson College, the women's department of Denison LTniversity. Member of Board of Trustees of Denison University, 1843-1860 and 1880-1889. He died in Granville, Ohio, Dec. 9, 1899. He married Feb. 13, 1841, in Sandisfield, Mass., Harriet S. Wilcox, who died in Newark, Ohio, August, 1841; married, second, Dec. 1, 1842, Harriet Bestor Beard of Zanesville, Ohio, who died in Cincinnati, June 9, 1853; married, third, June 18, 1854, Eliza Ann, daughter of James Rogers and Hannah (Mulloy) Smart, who was born March 21, 1835, in Orange, Meigs County, Ohio. He had twelve children of whom four died in infancy, the others were: Harriet Julia Shepardson, born April 29, 1852; married Feb. 1, 1876, James Murdock of Oneida, 111.; she died March 9, 1879. Two children. Mary Ella Shepardson, born May 3, 1856; married Oct. 28, 1882, Hiram Sterling Pomeroy of Sommers, Conn. He was a physician and resided in Boston. They had six children. Mrs. Pcnieroy was the author of "Love's Crucible," a striking novel of much spiritual power. She died suddenly of heart failure at her heme in Boston, before the book had come from the press. Eliza Davis Shepardson, born Oct. 26, 1858, married Oct. 26, 1881, Charles Allen Marsh of Chicago, 111.; she died April 22, 1889. They had four children. 220 HISTORY OF ROVALSTON" Johannah Shepardson, born Jan. 3, 1860, married Dec. 12. 1883, Francis Wilthorne of Granville, Ohio. They reside in Norfolk, Va., and have five children. Francis Wayland Shepardson, l^orn Oct, 15, 1862, was gradu- ated at Denison Univei-sity in 1882, married Sept. 3, 1884,. Cora Lenore Whitcomb of Chnton, Ind. ; Professor of American History in the University of Chicago; has one son. George Defrees Shepardson, born Nov. 20, 1864, was graduated at Denison University in 1885; married Aug. 31, 1892, Harriet King of King's Mills, Ohio; instructor in Cornell University in 1890-1; traveled in Europe in 1880 and 1905; Professor of Electrical Engineering in Univei-sity of IVIinnesota since 1891 ; has one daughter. Daniel Shepardson,. bom Dec. 1, 1868; he was graduated from Denison University, and before he was twenty-two years of age won the degree of PhD. at Yale. After travel in Europe, a theological course of study and several years' teaching of Hebrew, Arabic and Enghsh Bible in the American Institute of Sacred Literature, he entered the gospel ministry. He had been preaching only a few months when he suffered paralysis of his limbs, but he continued his work of preaching and teaching from one end of the United States to the other, and became known as the "Wheel-Chair Evangehst." He was regarded as one of the foremost Bible expositors of the day, and ranked with the most popular speakers at the Northfield summer conferences founded by Dwight L. Moody; he man-ied Aug. 27, 1895, Mary Belle Smith of Newark, Ohio; he died Nov. 25, 1905, in Honolulu, H. I. John Ernest Shepardson, born Oct. 26, 1877, was graduated at Denison University, and is now Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; he is married and has one daughter and a son. The four sons of Daniel Shepardson who grew up grad- uated from Denison University, Granville, Ohio; and of these, Daniel and Francis received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Yale University, and George the same degree from Harvard University. David Cook Shepardson, fourth son of Daniel and Prudence (Cook) Shepardson, was born Oct. 2, 1815. He married Emily Grout of Warwick, Oct. 26, 1835, and lived the most of his life after he was grown up in Warwick, Mass., where he REV. JOHN SHEPARDSON ERI SHEPARDSON THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY 221 was a farmer and also owned a sawmill and was engaged in the lumber business more or less. He had six children, four boys and two girls, all of whom are dead with the excep- tion of one son, Andrew Shepardson, who lives in Warwick. Rev. John Shepardson, fifth son of Daniel*^ and Prudence Shepardson, was born in Royalston, April 12, 1820. He was baptized at West Royalston by Rev. Thomas Marshall in 1831, ordained as a Baptist minister at New Salem and Prescott in June, 1842, served that church as pastor from 1842 to 1849, the church at Petersham, 1849 to 1872, Wales, 1872 to 1876, Greenfield, 1876 to 1878, supphed at Norton, 1887 to 1889, and died at Taunton, Dec. 14, 1889. Of his early days he wrote as follows: "My parents were of the Puritanic type fully believing that Sunday was the Lord's Day, and that it was their duty to worship God in his sanctuary on that day, and although being five miles from church, all must go. As their family was large, consisting of six sons and four daughters, some must necessarily walk, but none were excused from going." He commenced to teach when 13 years old, his first school consisting of 40 scholars, several of whom were over 21 years of age, yet he held it under strict discipline, and carried it through with marked success. The pay was $14 a month, and board round. As teacher his work was important, and continued at intervals for 38 years. He managed the Oread Institute at Worcester, from 1864 to 1866 and saved it from threatened collapse; founded the Highland Institute in Peter- sham, a school of high grade, which he managed in addition to his church work from 1866 to 1872. As a preacher he had unusual gifts; as a pastor he was assiduous in labor, wise in counsel, tender and sympathetic in feeUng, and all his pastorates were eminently successful. He was married in June, 1842 to Miss Maria A. Chamber- lain of New Salem, the wedding taking place on the morning of his ordination. She was a most estimable lady, who, to the highest qualities of the wife and the mother, added rare tact and ability as a helper in pastoral work. They had two children: Adehza F., born Aug. 16, 1844 and Ella S., born June 29, 1847. The former married Willard T. Leonard, A. M., March 18, 1863. They have three children: Florence E., Annie M. (Mrs Ernest Baldwin) and Mabel L. 222 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Ella S. Shepardso7i married Rev. Francis E. Tower of Petersham, Nov. 30, 1868. They have three children: Ralph W., Maude H. (Mrs. J. H. Peck) and Ethel E. Mr. Tower is pastor of a Baptist church in Albany, N. Y. Mrs. John Shepardson died Aug. 4, 1873, and he was married, second, Aug. 18, 1874. Eri Shepardson, youngest child of Daniel and Prudence (Cook) Shepardson, was born in Royalston, Sept. 10, 1821. He remained on the old homestead and was engaged in farm- ing and lumbering. He was a prominent member of the Baptist church at West Royalston, and was trustee of the Bullock fund for that church. He was treasurer of Star Lodge of Masons of Athol for twenty-five years in succession. He married Elvira S. Bemis, Jan. 5, 1843. They had six children: John, Daniel, Edmund C, Susan Steele, Luke B. and Delia M. John, born Dec. 27, 1843, enlisted in the Civil War in the Thirty-sixth Mass. Regiment, and was killed in action June 17, 1864. Daniel Shepardson, son of Eri and Elvira (Bemis) Shepard- son, was born Oct. 29, 1844. His education was received in the Royalston schools and at Highland Institute, Petersham, and Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass. He did not graduate from either of these institutions, but chd graduate from Newton Theological Institute. He preached for seven years in Hancock, Mass., and then for a number of years in towns in New York State. He married Emma Wylie of Hancock, Mass., in June, 1876, and died in that town Dec. 17, 1908. Edmund C. Shepardson, third son of Eri and Elvira (Bemis) Shepardson, was born at Royalston, Dec. 2, 1847. His education was received at the district school in Royalston. He was named Cincinattus, but not liking that name, Feb. 1, 1870, he had his name changed to Edmund C. Shepardson. When twenty-one years of age he went to Orange to work in the New Home Sewing Machine shops. He went to Athol in 1882, and went to work in the machine shop of C. F. Rich- ardson, where L. S. Starrett was then having his tools made, and when Mr. Starrett opened a shop of his own Mr. Shepard- son went with him, and was employed there until his death. For many years he was superintendent of the plant, but THE SHEPARDSON FAMILY 223 during the later years of his Hfe was an inspector. He was actively interested in politics and was for a number of years chairman of the Republican town committee. He served with credit in the Massachusetts Legislature for the years of 1902 and 1903. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being a member of Star Lodge, Union Royal Arch Chapter and Athol Commandery, Knights Templar, of which he was Eminent Commander, and was Master of Star Lodge. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows, serving as Noble Grand of Tully Lodge, and was a charter member of Banner Rebekah Lodge. He was married Jan. 3, 1874 to Emma Louise Turner, daughter of John and Elmira (Emery) Turner of Orange. He died Oct. 30, 1910 and was buried in Orange Susan Steele Shepardson, oldest daughter of Eri and Elvira Shepardson, was born Nov. 15, 1849. She was a well-known school-teacher for several years, and married Luther E. Stewart April 10, 1878, by whom she had three children. Mr. Stewart died in September, 1914, and Mrs. Stewart resides in Royalston. Luke B. Shepardson, youngest son of Eri and Elvira Shepardson, was born Sept. 9, 1851, of whom a sketch appears in the chapter on Town Government. Delia M. Shepa)-dson, youngest child of Eri and Elvira Shepardson, was born July 3, 1853. She married A. B. Wood in Royalston, Nov. 6, 1872, by whom she had three children, one having been born in Royalston and two in Putney, Vt. She was married, second, in Royalston, July 2, 1891, to George W. Smith, by whom she had one child, born in East Long- meadow. THE NICHOLS FAMILY ^ The Royalston Memorial says, "Henry, Isaac and William Nichols from Sutton, had early settlements in town." Henry, who was known as "Landlord Nichols," took up the farm formerly known as the C. H. Maxam farm and later owned by Deacon Henry Wood, where he kept a public house. Hav- ing lost his wife in 1781, he married Aug. 8, 1782, Mrs. Mehitable Gale, widow of Isaac Gale, and subsequently settling his son Henry on the home place, removed to the 224 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON "Mill lot" £nd carried on the mills, near the "falls." He settled his son Elijah on this place. Elijah Nichols was born July 2o, 1770, at Oxford. He built a house north of the falls at the corner of the roads, and afterwards built upon the Common north of the Lee place, where he died in 1856 at the age of 83 years. He married Mrs. Asenath Fairbanks of Royalston, Oct. 16, 1827. Their children were: John Hubbard Church and Joseph Town. John H. C. Nichols was born Aug. 22, 1828, and was killed by lightning when he was sixteen years old. Joseph Towne Nichols, son of Elijah and Asenath (Fair- banks) Nichols, was born in Royalston, Feb. 8, 1832. He married April 7, 1858, Martha G. Turner, daughter of Leonard and Mary P. Turner of Phillipston. They were married by Rev. E. W. Bullard in the Nichols homestead on Royal- ston Common, now the home of Dr. Frank W. Adams, and directly across the street from the residence which was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols until his death. In 1908 they celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, and this occasion was one of the most enjoyable social events in the history of Royalston. In 1861 Mr. Nichols enlisted in Co. I, 25th Mass. Regiment Volunteers, where he served three years; he was then transferred to Co. A, 55th Infantry. At the close of the war, he was a first lieutenant and had a fine record as a brave soldier, serving his country with exemplary fidelity and great coursge. After the war, he learned the undertaking business in Fitchburg, and was the Royalston undertaker until he retired from active business a few years ago. During his residence in Royalston, he has filled every town office. He was Chairman of the Selectmen for nine years (during which time the town enjoyed a low tax rate and great prosperity); he filled every office with ability and good judgment. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols had five children, one of whom, Jessie Wilder Nichols, died while her father was at the front serving his country, and the other four are now living. Leonard is Shipping Commissioner for the Port of Providence, R. I., and Frederic C, Treasurer of the Fitchburg Savings Bank. Sketches of them appear in another chapter. Mary Louise is wife of S. Weston Wheeler of New York, and they MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH T. NICHOLS THE 3^ICHOLS FATVIILT 225 Slave two children, Sidney W. and Ruth; Agnes is wife of 'Cornelius Quinlan of Athol; they liave one daughter, Marjorie. Isaac -Nichols, one of tlie first settlers, settled south of his lirother Henry on the place long known as the Francis Chase place. He organized with the Congregational Church in 1766) ■was chosen deacon in 1781; and removed to Croydon, N. H,) -about 1790. His son Isaac is one of those who are claimed as the jirsl-horn of Royalston, The names of nine children of Isaac and Dorcas Nichols appear on the records, of whom six give the dates of baptism only. Ammi Nichols, son of Deacon Isaa-c Nichols wa« bom in Royalston, Aug. 10, 178L Although he was graduated at no college he obtained a good •education, passed through a regular course of theological study under the instmction of Rev. Asa Burton, D.D., of Thetford, Vt., and was in the ministry for more than sixty years. He was one of the vice-presidents at the Centennial •celebration. The Deacon Nichols' place, after his removal from town was owned a few years by David, son of '* Landlord Nichols," and was then sold to Abraham Eddy. Willmm Nichols, the third of the first Nichols settlers, bought the place settled by Bezaleal Barton, and carried on both the farm and the mill on the Lawrence, west of his home. He went by the name of *' Miller Nichols." When customers needed him at the mill they rang a bell suspended upon the premises, the signal for "Miller Nichols" to leave his farm duties, and attend to the callers under the hill. THE ESTABROOKS One of the most prominent families of Royalston for nearly three-quarters of a century was the Estabrook family. Joseph Estabrook, the first of the family connected with Royalston history was born in Holden, Mass., Aug. 1, 1770. He probably came to Royalston in the closing years of the eighteenth century and was for many years a prominent merchant and dealer in cattle. He was Royalston's first post- master, was Town Clerk in 1804, '05, '08, '09 and 1810, Selec- man seven years, between 1803 and 1816, and Representative to the General Court for eight years, between 1809 and 1825, and State Senator in 1828. In his later years he became a 226 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON noted grazier and cattle dealer, having hundreds of oxen and other cattle feeding in the pastures of Royalston and sur- rounding towns. One of his pastures in the west part of the town was sold for $3600, and it was said that the herd's grass was so high in this pasture that you could not see the oxen feeding there. It was said that at one time Joseph Estabrook of Royalston and Samuel Sweetzer of Athol con- trolled the Brighton market. Governor Bullock in his Centennial Address described him as "Esquire Joseph Estabrook, our first postmaster, our first gentleman, our first Senator, to my perceptions blending the old and new school of manners, who Ijegan as a trader and adopted in later years the pleasant vocation of a grazier, having, a genius for noble cattle as quick and intuitive as Daniel Webster ever possessed, whose blood, whether remain- ing here or transfused in honorable connections in other places, honors the parent stock." He died 1829. He was married three times. First to Polly Holman of Sterling, May 3, 1801, second to Ruth Greenwood, June 17, 1810 and third to Mrs. Hannah Reed, Oct. -28, 1818. His children were: Mary, born 1807, Joseph, born April 16, 1811 and Maria, born April 29, 1813. Ruth, his second wife, died Sept. 16, 1814 in her 38th year. Joseph Estabrook, son of Joseph and Ruth (Greenwood) Estabrook, born April 16, 1811, was also a merchant in Royalston and manufactured palm leaf hats. He went to Worcester, where he was in mercantile business for a Avhile with George C. Richardson, after which he returned to Royalston, which was his home until his death in 1882. He was Town Treasurer in 1840, Assessor in 1840 and 1841 and Representative to the General Court in 1857. He married Harriet M. Mirick of Princeton, Mass., Feb. 24, 1840. They had four children all born in Royalston: Harriet, born in 1842 and died in 1860; Joseph P., born in 1846, married Harriet E. Hej^wood, September, 1880, and is now living in Cambridge; Maria C, born 1848 and died in 1863; and Elizabeth C, born in 1867, and now living in Arlington, Mass. Mary H. Estabrook, daughter of Hon. Joseph and Polly (Holman) Estabrook, was born in Royalston in 1807. She married Hon. Isaac Davis of Worcester in 1829. He was one of the most distinguished members of the Worcester County V / ■' '^' r., ' . ■ '■' y "s' ■* THE ESTABROOK'JFASrXLY • 227 '■■'j '/" > Bar, was twice elected to the State S:enate, was a member of the Governor's Council, three times'^ Mayor of Worcester, three times the Democratic candidate for Governor of Massa- chusetts, and was offered by President Pierce the position of Assistant Treasurer of the United States. They had ten children, four sons and six daughters. One of the sons, Edward Livingston Davis, was Mayor of Worcester in 1874. Mrs. Davis died in 1875 and Isaac Davis in 1883. •., Maria Estabrook, daughter of Hon. Joseph and Ruth (Greenwood) Estalnook, born in Royalston, April 29, 1813, married Edwin Conant, a prominent citizen of Worcester, in October, 1833. They had two daughters. THE GALE FAMILY Richard Gale, the ancestor of the Gale family in the United States, first appears, as the purchaser of a homestead of six acres in W^atertown, Mass., in 1640, it being part of a lot of nine acres in the town plot granted to Elder Richard Browne. In describing the characteristics of the family, the "Gale Family Records" say: ''as a race, the Gales have been more distinguished for their athletic powers than for the culture of their minds, but the late generations are fast changing in this particular, and the learned professions have a fair propor- tion of the present generation. They have ever been reason- ably jealous of their rights, but strong friends to a well-ordered government; and in our Revolutionary struggle, they were a unit in taking up arms and marching to the fields of strife, from which several of them never returned alive. They were nearly as unanimous in the support of the war of 1812." Captain Isaac Gale of Sutton of the fourth generation from Richard Gale, the first settler, married about 1731, Judith Sawyer of Framingham, to which place he removed, where his first child, Isaac, was born in 1732, and the follow- ing year he removed to that part of Sutton afterwards set into a new town called Millbury, where he spent a long and useful life and died about October, 1793. The muster rolls of the old "French and Indian War," shows that as lieuten- ant he made a campaign in August, 1757, for the relief of Fort William Henry, but when they reached Sheffield, the 228 HISTORY OF ROTALSTON" news reached them of the surrender of that fort on the' 9th\ of August, when they were ordered back. Lieut. Isaac Gale- held his post in the military company of Sutton, mitil March 1,1763, when he was appointed by the Governor of Massa- chusetts,, captain of the same company, which office he held with honor until he i-esigned in September, 1769, In those days of French wars and Indian i-aids the cai^tain of the: miU'tia was regarded as the most important office in town. He gave his sword to his son Isaac, with instructions, a» tmdition says, to have it preserved by his descendants of that name; and in 1864 it was in the hands of Isaac Gale of Royalston, who pi-esented it to Galesville University, Wis., for preservation as a family relic; his son,. Isaac, who wouldl have been entitled to the sword having died in 1854. Imac Gale Jr., son of Capt. Isaac Gale of Sutton was. born ; he married Mehitable Dwinel,. or Duvel,. of Sutton. He removed to Royalston about L770 and settled near Doane's Falls,. having a grist and sawmill on the site of what was formerly the Sullivan Raymond sawmill and pail shop. He was the ancestor of the numerous Gale families of Royalston. He served as a sergeant in the campaign of 1776 in the Northern Army at Ticonderoga under Col. Samuel Brewer. He was called a "Miller" and was the owner, when he died intestate of a saw and gi-ist mill in Royalston and a farm of nearly 200 acres. The return of the appraisers on his estate dated Aug. 28, 1779, valued the whole estate at ^11, 662, 13s. 4d., Peter, the oldest son, receiving according to the law then in force a double share and the widow one-third of the whole. Owing to the disturbed condition of the cuiTency at that time "hard money" value was placed at ^2, 709,29s. 12d. He left a large family, of whom Isaac Gale, a son, was a prominent citizen of Royalston until his death Jan. 12, 1826, Jonathan Gale, another son, married May 11, 1776, Rhoda Baker for his first wife and Susanna Matthews for his second. He entered the 3d Regiment as a volunteer from Royalston in Revolutionary service, and received from the town a bounty of S50. His son, Isaac Gale 2d, was born Feb. 23, 1787, married Tamar Goddard and served in the war of 1812, as Sergeant and Clerk of the Company with headquarters at Boston. They had ten children, of whom Samuel C. Gale, HARLOW A. GALE SAMUEL C. GALE THE GALE FAMILY 229 Rev. Amory Gale and Harlow A. Gale removed in early life to Minneapolis, where they were prominent factors in the business, political and religious life of that city and the State of Minnesota. Samuel Chester Gale, son of Isaac and Tamar (Goddard) Gale was born at Royalston, Sept. 15, 1827. His father died, when Samuel was eleven years of age, leaving a family of ten children, and the young boy was apprenticed to an uncle (Salmon Goddard) of West Royalston as a tanner. His desire for an education was so keen, however, that at 17 he began to prepare for college. He entered New Salem Academy as a student in 1845, and in an address delivered before the Alumni of New Salem Academy in 1885 he refers to that event as follows: "Just forty years ago a boy of seventeen, came out for the first tim3 from the hills of Royal- ston — peace and honor attend that ancient town — I came a student to New Salem Academy. What a memorable under- taking that was. The sun never broke upon such a day before. I made the journey on foot behind a neighbor's wagon wherein was stored my box of valuables. The procession was not an imposing one, but in my imagination that wagon, that box and I. on that momentous errand, was the King and his retinue with chariot and banners." After a hard struggle he was able to enter Yale College in 1850, graduating four years later, a member of the Phi Beta Kappa, and chosen class orator at graduation in a class of 100 mem- bers. He spent one year in Harvard Law School and then read law with a firm in Worcester. In 1857 he went to Minneapolis, where he continued his law studies in the office of Cornell & Vanderburgh, and was admitted to practice in 1858. The practice of law not being in much demand there in those days, he opened a real estate and loan office in 1860 in partnership with his brother, Harlow; this rapidly grew into a most prosperous business, adding much to the development of the growing young city. He has been an active participant all his life in almost every movement looking toward the improvement of the city materially, intellectually and morally. He was for some time the president of the Minneapolis Anthenseum which was founded in 1860; he was one of the original promoters of the public library, and long a member 230 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON of the board; he was on the Board of Education from 1871 to 1880. He was an alderman and president of the City Council at one time and president of the Minneapolis Exposi- tion. Was also actively connected with the Academy of Natural Sciences, the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, the Board of Trade, and virtually every organized effort toward the improvement and up-building of the city in its earlier days. Keligiously, he has been identified with the Unitarian Church, and was the chief contributor in the cost of the church edifice. He was married in 1861, to Miss Susan A. Damon, daughter of Col. Samuel Damon of Holden, Mass. She was born in Holden, May 7, 1833. Mr. and Mrs. Gale presented in 1887 to the town of Holden, the Damon Memo- rial Library and public school building; the cost of the gift exceeded $45,000, and in addition to the building Mr. Gale added $3000 for books. He also gave about the same time the Baptist parsonage and grounds in the west part of Royalston. The children of Samuel C. and Susan (Damon) Gale are Edward C. and Charles S., Mrs. David P. Jones, Mrs. Clarkson Lindley and Miss Marion Gale, all of Minneapolis. Rev. Amory Gale, second son of Isaac and Tamar (Goddard) Gale, was born in the west part of Royalston, Aug. 21, 1815. His early days were spent in work on the farm, where under the benign influences of the Christian home, guided and molded by the sweet, cheerful spirit of a pious mother, he laid the foundation for the development of a grand physical, moral and intellectual manhood. At the age of sixteen he was converted, and at nineteen he was batpized into the membership of the First Baptist Church of Worcester, Mass. It was while he was working on the farm that he was led to the conviction that it was his life work to preach the gospel among the heathen. He was graduated from Worcester Academy in 1839, from Brown University in 1843 and Newton Theological Seminary in 1846. Except a little help from friends and the Educational Society, he sustained himself through the whole course by teaching and preaching. His first sermon was preached in Worcester, in August 1837. During his last year at Newton he averaged three sermons a week. While at Brown, a part of the time he walked forty miles to Worcester, then went to Royalston to preach, and as the fruit of his labor, a great revival THK GALE FAMILY , 231 followed. His first settlement after he graduated .was at Ware, Mass., where he was ordained Nov. 11, 1846. He was married Feb. 10, 1847, to Miss Caroline E. Goddard. The first ten years of his ministry were spent in Ware and Lee, Mass. Two churches and houses of worship testified to the efficiency of his work there. In the spring of 1857, he was appointed V^y the Home Missionary Society to visit Hudson, Wis. In June of the same year he accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minn., and remained its pastor for one year. During this year a house of worship was erected and additions were made to the church and society. In August, 1859, Mr. Gale organized the Minnesota Baptist State Convention. He was on the first Board of Trustees, one of its incorporators and its General Missionary, laboring jointly for the Convention and the Home Missionary Society for sixteen years. At that time there were no rail- roads, and what roads there were, were very poor, and yet in those sixteen years he traveled over more than 100,000 miles ■ — four times around the globe — • behind his Indian ponies. He crossed rivers and went through mud and rain, at one time fighting the wolves while his ponies ran for miles, until at last, just as both were about exhausted, they reached a settlement in safety. Sometimes he slept under his wagon, sometimes in tents on the prairies, or on the floor of the common sleeping room of the cabin where he was staying. He often reached his journey's end, sick and weary, and was obliged on account of asthma, to sit up all night. During these sixteen years of service his work is given as follows: Sermons, 5000; family calls, 16,000; books sold or donated, 25,000 volumes; tracts distributed, 256,000 pages; letters written, 10,720. During all this time we find but one record of vacation, and in that five weeks, he prepared and delivered the centennial address of the Baptist church of his native town. The results of his work are found in the impression of his character on the State of Minnesota, which delights to honor him, and in the inspiration to daily life. This is the tribute which keeps fresh his memory in every gathering of state workers. His strongest characteristics were his force of character, his unconquerable persistence, and his unwavering 2J2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON faith. He never stopped to look at obstacles, but at the work. He was a preacher whom the common people heard gladly. Some one has said it was a sight not soon to be forgotten, when in schoolhouse or cabin, the hardy pioneers with rapt attention and weeping eyes, Hstened as in simple, humble phrase, he told the story of Christ crucified. Throughout the State he was known by the familiar name of "Father Gale." In 1874, on account of poor health, he resigned his position and started on a long anticipated journey to the Old World and the Holy Land. He reached Jerusalem much prostrated, but went on to Joppa; but on the way he suffered sunstroke and died, Nov. 25, 1874, on Thanksgiving Day. He was buried the following day in the German Cemetery at Joppa, overlooking the plains of Sharon. A plain, white, marble headstone bearing a simple inscription marks his grave. Harlow A. Gale, youngest son of Isaac and Tamar (Goddard) Gale was born in Royalston, July 29, 1832. When three years old his father died and he was placed in the family of his mother's brother, Rev. Samuel Goddard, of Norwich, Vt., where he remained until 1845, when he re- turned to his mother's home in Royalston. He removed with his mother to Millbury, Mass., where he attended Millbury Academy and also taught in the schools of the town. He was graduated from Union College in 1856, and soon after went to Minneapolis, Minn., and became identified with some of the most important business enterprises of that city. In 1872 he bought and plotted forty acres known as Gale's First Addition, more than half of which he soon after sold at auction in one day, this being the first successful large auction sale of plotted land ever held in the city. Several years later he plotted and put on the market thirty acres embraced in Gale's Second Addition. In 1877 he built the first public market in the city, securing a franchise for fifteen years, and which he personally managed until it was destroyed by fire some years later. He then became interested with T. B. Walker in the erection and operation of a new city market, for which Mr. Gale obtained the franchise, and with which he was connected until the closing months of his life. In 1858 he was appointed Deputy Clerk, and subsequently was elected and served as County AucUtor for THE GALE FAMILY 2JJ three successive terms. He married Elizabeth C. Griggs, daughter of Rev. Leverett Griggs of Bristol, Conn., June 13, 1859; four children were born to them: Harlow Stearns, born June 29, 1862, married Mary Elwood Corser. They have one son and two daughters. He has a clerkship con- nected with municipal affairs, and also writes musical notes for the daily papers. Isabel Gale, the second child, was born Aug. 28, 1865; she married Tryon, a lawyer, in 1891. They have seven children. Robert Griggs Gale, the second son, was born Oct. 18, 1870. He married Mary Alice Greene of Worcester, Mass., and they have three daughters. He completed five years of musical education at Leipsic, Germany, and is engaged in the writing and teaching of music in Minneapolis. William Goddard Gale, the fourth and youngest child, died March 28, 1898 at Cripple Creek, Colo., where he had gone to develop business interests in the mines. THE BARTLETT FAMILY Nathan Bartlett, the first person by the name of Bartlett to settle in the town of Royalston, was born at Brookfield, Mass., March 17, 1744, and was a son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Thompson) Bartlett, and great-grandson of Joseph Bartlett who settled in Cambridge, Mass. in 1668. He married Esther Childs of Brookfield June 14, 1770. They moved to Royalston in 1792, and purchased from Barzillar Miller of Rutland a farm situated in the southeasterly part of Royalston and containing one hundred and four acres, for which he paid one hundred and eighty-five pounds. The farm purchased was bounded as follows: South- easterly on land of Lieut. Silas Foster, Joseph Stockwell and the Grants, easterly on the land of said Joseph Stockwell, northerly on land of David Lyons and Silas Chase and westerly on land of Joseph Stockwell and Silas Foster. On May 10, 1799 he purchased from the town of Royal- ston a pew on the lower floor of the East Meetinghouse numbered and marked forty-nine, together with the ground on which it stood with all the privileges belonging to same. The original deed of farm and pew in said East Meeting- 234 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON house are in the posse^•sion of his great-grandson Edward E- Bartlett. Nathan Bartlett and wife were blessed with a family of nine children, eight of whom were born at Brook- field and one at Royalston. Their children were: Ira, born March 21, 1771, married Dec. 15, 1799, Sally Bacheller of Boyalston; they had a family of two children; Jonas, born Jan. 2, 1773, married Hannah Bacheller, April 25, 1797, at Royalston; they had a a family of ten children; Esther, born Jan. 3, 1775, married Daniel Nichols, June 17, 1795, at Royalston, no children. Lucy, born May 26, 1778, married Thomas Bacheller Dec. 4, 1796, at Royalston; they had a family of seven children; Betsy, born Sept. 30, 1780, married Jacob Fisher of Lancaster, Mass., Jan. 30, 1823, at Royalston; they had one child; Sally, born Oct. 11, 1783, married Frederick Van Patten of Schenectady, N. Y.; they had seven or eight children; Nathan, born Sept. 8, 1786, a twin, married Mary Miller, Nov. 9, 1807, at Royalston, and they had a family of eleven children; Naomah, born Sept. 8, 1786, a twin, married Elisha Gregory of Winchendon at Royalston, Dec. 29, 1827; no children; Silas Childs, born at Royalston, Oct. 2, 1793, married Martha Cutler, Feb. 9, 1820, at Royalston, and they had a family of five children. Esther Childs, wife of Nathan Bartlett died at Royalston, Jan. 2, 1809, and he married, second, Mrs. Anna Collins of Fitzwilliam, N. H., Jan. 28, 1813. She died at Royal- ston, Aug. 1, 1817, and Nathan Bartlett died at Royalston, Oct. 25, 1821. The children of Jonas and Hannah (Bacheller) Bartlett, all born in Royalston, were: Luke, born May 14, 1798, died Nov. 15, 1819; Hannah, born Nov. 15, 1799, died unmarried April 29, 1838; Rosilla, born Nov. 25, 1801, married Harvey Holman, Dec. 24, 1826; they had four children: Charles A., Charles Augustus, John Harvey and Luke Henry; Lorinda, born Aug. 15, 1803, married Archibald Chase, Oct. 5, 1825, and they had a family of five children; Rosilla B., Luke Swain, Ira Pierce, Harvey Holman, and Henry Eddy; Sally, born Aug. 5, 1805, died April 26, 1825; Elmer, bom April 22, 1808, married Elizabeth Morse, daughter of Russell and Elizabeth (Waite) Morse, Aug. 22, 1843, at Boston, and they had two children, Emma G. and Edward E. JOHN N. BARTLETT THE BARTLETT FAMILY 235 OUic, bom Oct. 24, 1809, married Benjamin W. Upham, April 2, 1839, and they had three children: Rosilla M., Lucy Val Netta, and Elmer B.; Lucy, born April 22, 1814, died July 13, 1815; Benjamin B., born April 7, 1816, married Mary Morse, daughter of Russell and Elizabeth (Waite) Morse, June 15, 1843, and they had two children, Cora V. and Hubert C. Jonas Bartlett died at Royalston, Sept. 21, 1837. Hannah Bacheller the wife of Jonas Bartlett spent nearly one-third of her hfe a widow and died at Royalston, Oct. 19, 1868, at the advanced age of 90 years, 11 months and 3 days. She lived to see nine of her ten children pass to the other world, and resided in the same house for over fifty-one years. John Norton Bartlett, the youngest child of Jonas and Hannah (Bacheller) Bartlett was born at Royalston, July 28, 1819, and received his education in the public .schools of Royalston. Soon after attaining the age of twenty-one he purchased from his mother and the other heirs of the family the home farm and turned his attention to farming which he made a success, and at which he accumulated quite a property. About 1870 he gave up farming to a certain extent and turned his attention to Probate work and Conveyancing, in which he had a large practice both in this town and adjoining towns. He also took a great interest in town affairs and held nearly all of the town offices such as Selectman, Assessor, Treasurer and Tax Collector. He was one of the Committee of Ffftcen to make arrangements for celebrating the Hun- dreth Anniversary of the incorporation of Royalston, and was also chosen Secretary of the Historical Committee. About 1873 he gave up the home farm and went to live with one of his neighbors, Mr. John W. Stockwell, with whom he remained until 1877 when he moved to South Royalston. He married Mrs. Rosana 0. (Knight) Cross, Jan. 6, 1877. In the spring of 1887 he returned to his former home at Mr. Stockwell's, where he remained until his death in 1905. In the fall of 1894 he was stricken with a paralytic shock which prevented him from taking any active part in business or town affairs; but he never lost his interest in public local affairs, as will be seen by an article that appeared in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, to be held March 6, 1899. 236 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Article 8. "To see if the Town of Royalston will a?cept a gift from John N. Bartlett on certain conditions or take any action thereon." As Mr. Bartlett's health would not allow him to be present he was represented by his nephew, Edward E. Bartlett, who read the conditions of the gift to the people then assembled, which were as follows: Royalston, Mass., March 6, 1899. To see if the Town of Royalston will accept from John N. Bartlett a gift of $20,000, to be held and applied, as a trust fund, the income of which shall be appropriated and paid over annually for the benefit and support of the poor in said town of Royalston on the follow- ing conditions forever, namely: That every year, a Committee of four or more, of whom One and Only One shall be a member of the Board of Overseers of the Poor, shall be chosen by ballot by the town at a legally called town meeting, and said Committee shall have the charge of investment and oversight of said trust fund, said Overseer of the Poor to be called upon at Any and All Times by the rest of said Com- mittee for information in regard to the Expenditures and Legality of said expenditures for the poor, and said Com- mittee shall report annually in Detail the Investments and condition of the same in Print in the Annual Town Reports over their own signatures and income of the said trust fund. Said income shall be applied to the support of the poor as they are now or may be provided for by law for that purpose; and if at the end of the annual year the income shall exceed the demand for that purpose the surplus of that year, if any, shall be added to the principal to be kept intact to the addi- tion of the principal forever for that purpose. The same to be called the John N. Bartlett Fund, and these requirements and conditions shall be recorded on the Town Records for reference and guidance for the Town and Committee and (Jverseers of the Poor. The investment of said fund shall be made only in United States Securities, or in Bonds of the State of Massachusetts, or Bonds or Notes of Cities or Towns within the State of Massachusetts, or in Savings Banks within the State of Massachusetts, and in no case shall said Trust Fund or Interest thereof or any part thereof be invested in real estate or mortgages on real estate. THE BARTLETT FAMILY 237 The said gift of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) may be made to the Town within the year A. D., One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-nine. Provided, however, that if at any time the Town should fail to comply with the requirements of said gift as stated above, or should cease to be a town, or should consolidate or annex to any other town, then this Trust Fund shall revert and be paid over to the donor and if he is not living to his legitimate heirs by right of representation. (Witness) Edward E. Bartlett. John N. Bartlett. Hubert Carlton Bartlett, son of Benjamin Bacheller and Mary (Morse) Bartlett, was born in Royalston, Feb. 20, 1848. His school education was acquired in the schools of Royalston, at the Academy in Westminster, Mass., and Appleton Academy, New Ipswich, N. H. His business career began in 1868, when he purchased the general store in the annex to the former parsonage and tavern building at the head of Royalston Common; he continued in the business of a general country store at this stand for four or five years. During the latter years of that time he published the only periodical ever issued from Royalston, probably, called The United States. It was issued monthly at first, and later weekly, and was semi-local in character, in spite of its national name. It was printed at Keene, N. H., and in 1873, he removed to that place, learned the ''art preservative of arts" at the Cheshire Republican office, and continued the publication of his paper until 1877, when he removed to Fitchburg, Mass. Since that time he has been engaged in the printing and publishing business in Fitchburg, substantially all of the time with the Sentinel office and others, and on his own account for many years. Mr. Bartlett was married to Ella M. Samson of Royalston, November 15, 1870. They have had two children : Grace Edith, born in Royalston Sept. 26, 1871 ; and Nelson Herbert, born in Fitchburg, Dec. 14, 1881. Societies as such have never had any charm for him, and the only one of consequence of which he has been a member was a fraternal insurance organization, for which he acted as local secretary for some seventeen years. In such matters as politics, he has taken little inte rest until he has found 2JS HISTORY OF ROYALSTON some principle of great importance at stake, and so he has usually acted with minority parties, which must grow into popularity before they can win. For the last fifteen years or so he has stood with the Socialist party and has been selected by his associates almost as a perennial candidate for one office or another, local or state. In 1904, as Socialist candidate for Treasurer of the Commonwealth and Receiver General, he received 16,679 votes. Through the local and general press, as well as his own publications, he has cham- pioned unpopular causes, and stood for the rights of the people as against corporate monopoly and greed and medical graft. Cora rinette, daughter of Benjamin Bacheller and Mary (Morse) Bartlett, was born in Royalston, March 15, 1845. She was for many years a prominent teacher in the schools of Cincinnati, Ohio. She now makes her home in Athol a portion of the time. THE DEXTER FAMILY James Dexter of Grafton was the ancestor of the Dexter family connected with Royalston history. He was born in 1749 and died in 1822, at the age of seventy-three years. He married June 20, 1773, Rebekah Wheeler, who was born in 1758 and died in 1817 at the age of fifty-nine years. He came to Royalston and purchased the place that had been settled by one Reuben Putnam. They had eleven children, most of whom died young. Ebenezer Wheeler Dexter, fourth son of James and Rebekah (Wheeler) Dexter was born March 24, 1780. He purchased the place in the south part of the town on the TuUy where one of the early sawmills of the town had been built. He rebuilt the sawmill and in 1844 erected a fine residence, in Colonial style, one of the best in Royalston, and which was his home until his death May 14, 1860, at the age of eighty years. He was a prosperous farmer and mill owner. He married Rachel Rich, Aug. 6, 1805, who was born July 12, 1781 and died April 23, 1816. Their four children were: Mina, born Dec. 1, 1806, married Salmon Burbank, Nov. 17, 1828; they had two children, Martha and Andrew; MR. AND MRS. EBENEZER WHEELER DEXTER THE DEXTER FAMILY 239 Eliza, born Nov. 1, 1807, married Asa F. Brooks June 12, 1832; they had three chiklren, Daniel, Augusta and Gilbert; Albert, born Jan 23, 1809, married and settled in California; they had four sons, names unknown; Simeon, born Dec. 17, 1810, married Mary Piper, Oct. 9, 1837; they had one son, name unknown. Ebenezer Wheeler Dexter married, second, Cynthia Walker, daughter of Moses Walker, Sept. 23, 1817. She was born Dec. 19, 1799 and died May 5, 1869, at the age of seventy years. They had seven children. John, born Feb. 16, 1819, died in the early sixties, of yellow fever in Havana, Cuba. He married and had three sons, James Eugene, and one who died when quite young; the second son, born June 10, 1822, lived but a few weeks and died unnamed; James, born July 4, 1823, lived at home, assisting on the farm and at the mill; he died Nov. 4, 1844, at the age of twenty-one. Rachel Dexter, oldest daughter of E. Wheeler and Cynthia (Walker) Dexter, was born in Royalston, Sept. 14, 1827. She was married April 4, 1847 to James M. Lee of Athol. They had two children, Warren Dexter and Mabel. Warren Dexter Lee, born April 27, 1849, married Etta J. Frost of Athol, Dec. 14, 1875. They had one daughter, Blanche, born Aug. 8, 1878, who died Sept. 4, 1880. They reside in Athol; Mabel Lee, born March 27, 1860, married George S. Brewer of Athol, Dec. 10, 1890. They have one daughter, Helen, born Oct. 4, 1891; she married Carl S. Carlson, March 25, 1914, and they have a daughter Phyllis Lee, born Sept. 29, 1915. Four generations of this family are living in one home in Athol; Rachel Lee, Mabel her daughter, Helen the grand- daughter and Phyllis the great granddaughter. Almeda Dexter Bryant, the second daughter of Ebenezer Wheeler and Cynthia (Walker) Dexter was born in Royalston, Jan. 2, 1830. She was educated in the schools of her native town and lived there most of the time until her marriage to Calvin Turner Bryant of Winchendon, Oct. 9, 1860. In 1861 they built the home on Pleasant St., where Mrs. Bryant now resides with her daughter, her husband having died July 14, 1906. The forty-six years of her married life were spent in Winchendon, where Mr. Bryant was engaged in the grocery business. They had two children. Flora Almeda, the elder of their two children, was born Nov. 21, 1861. She received 240 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON her education in the Winchendon schools and the Worcester Normal School. She taught in the public schools of her native town for twenty-five years, resigning in 1907 to assume the care of her mother. ^Ya\do Calvin, the second child, was born Dec. 17, 1863. He attended the town schools, Gushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass., and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. After his graduation from the latter institution in 1884, he commenced his business career as an electrical engineer. In 1888, having invented the Bryant Push and Pull Switch, he went to Bridgeport, Conn., and began to manufacture electric light supplies under the name of the Bryant Electric Company. Mr. Bryant is now presi- dent, treasurer, director and general manager of this Company, which has a capitalization of $2,500,000. He is also president, treasurer, director and general manager of the Perkins Elec- tric Switch Mfg. Co., vice-president, secretary and director of the Siemon Hard Rubber Corporation; director, Bridgeport Hydraulic Company, Bridgeport Brass Co., Bead Chain Manufacturing Co., First Bridgeport National Bank; trustee Peoples' Savings Bank; director Bridgeport Trust Co., Bridge- port Hospital and Bridgeport Boys' Club. April 5, 1887, he married Ida Gerald of New London, Conn. They have two children. Waldo Gerald, born July 30, 1891, is a graduate of Lakeville, Conn., Preparatory School and Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. He is now president and treasurer of the Bead Chain Mfg. Co. Their daughter Doris was born March 26, 1902. Moses Walker Dexter, son of Ebenezer Wheeler and Cynthia (Walker) Dexter, was born at Royalston, March 3, 1833. In early manhood, he was associated with his brother John Dexter in business in New York City. In 1866, he engaged in the tea business, and became a wholesale tea merchant, in 1877, continuing in that business until his death, which occured in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 16, 1909. He was married in 1862 to Miss Ellen Eliza Rawson of East Alstead, N. H. Five children were born to them: the eldest Blanche Elizabeth, who married Mr. J. W. C. Campbell of the firm of Tilge & Co., Hatters Fur Exchange, New York City. Their children were John Russell and Ralph McKenzie. MOSES WALKER DEXTER BELA DEXTER RACHEL (DEXTEKl LEE ALMEDA (DEXTER) BRYANT THE DEXTER FAMILY 241 Henry L., a practicing physician of marked abilitj^ who married Miss Harriet Grace, M. D.,of Bayonne, N. J., where they still reside. They hav^e one child, Henry Irving, Elle7i Raivson married Mr. William H. Wanamaker, Jr., a clothing merchant of Philadelphia, and they res'de at Merion, Pa. Five children were born to them, Eleanor, Isabel, Louise, William and Alma. Alma Edith, married Mr. Ralph S. Goldsbury of Brooklyn, N. Y. She died Oct. 26 1899. Russell Eugene, married Miss Mary lyawrence Smith of Amherst, Mass, He is a graduate of Princeton University and is now connected with the Midvale Steel Co., of Philadelphia, Pa. They have one child, Doris, and reside in Detroit, Mich. Bela Dexter, son of Ebenezer Wheeler and Cynthia (Walker) Dexter, was born at Royalston, Sept. 1, 1835. He lived in Athol for a few years and removed to Ludlow, Vt., in 1870, and from there to East Dorset, Vt., two years later. Afterwards removed to Rutland, Vt., which place has since been his home. He has represented the town in the Legisla- ture, been a Daputv Sheriff and Justice of the Peace. He was married Nov. 26, 1859 to Hannah Augusta Wheeler of Athol, Nine children were born to them : Jennie Margaret, born July 26, 1863 at Athol ; Herbert Bela, born Nov, 11, 1865, at Athol ; he is employed in the Boston & Maine Railroad offices in Boston ; Everett Wheeler, born May 1, 1866 at Athol; he is an electrician in Denver, Col.; Bertha Augusta, born Nov, 8, 1869 at Athol, died May 5, 1893; Alice Louise, born Nov. 25, 1871, at Ludlow, Vt.; her education was received at the Rutland High School and Worcester Academy, and she was appointed Register and Associate Judge of the Rutland Probate Court, Dec. 1, 1908; Grace E., born Sept. 10, 1873 at East Dorset, Vt; Ernest A,, born Oct. 28, 1875 at East Dorset, Vt.; he is a con- fectioner in Rutland; Maud E., born Aug. 13, 1877 at East Dorset, Vt., died Feb. 28, 1882; Vesta Etta, born June 5, 1880 at East Dorset, married June 8, 1903 to Herbert Milton Davison of Rutland, Vt.; they have two children, Herbert Milton born July 10, 1904 and Elizabeth Augusta, born March 10, 1906. 242 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON THE WHITE FAMILY Elisha White, the first member of the White family to be- come a resident of Royalston, was born in Mendon, Mass., March 12, 1753, and died at Royalston, July 8, 1811. He married Maiy Corbett, born in MiLford, July 28, 1755, and died at Royalston, June 17, 1850. He moved with others from Mil- ford about 1775, and settled in Ervings Grant, now the east part of Orange, but soon moved to the southwest part of Royalston. They had 13 children, the youngest of whom was Adriel, born at Royalston, Feb. 22, 1799, and died March 17, 1869. He married Olive Davis, daughter of Squire Davis at Royalston, Jan. 22, 1826; they were married by Benoni Peck, Esq. She died at Owosso, Mich., Jan. 6, 1879. They settled on a farm in the northwest part of Royalston, near the Richmond line, and had ten children. They were both members of the Baptist Church. He was one of the Selectmen and Assessors for several years. Was one of the fii"st Free Soilers, and prominent in the temperance cause, and raised the first framed building in that section of the coun- try where coffee and doughnuts took the place of new rum. He took great interest in the schools, and gave all his children a term or more at some academy, and they all taught in the district schools. Of the ten children, eight lived to maturity. The children were: Theresa L., Erastus E., Philetus D., Wel- lington, Adriel C, Harlan P., Asaph M., Melzar, Rollin O., OHve T. L. 1. Theresa L., born Oct. 30, 1826, and died March 26, 1847. 2. Erastus E. White, was bom at Royalston, March 30, 1828. He was married in Marlboro, Vt., April 18, 1853, to Annah Mather, who was bom Aug. 3, 1830, and who was a lineal descendant of Cotton Mather. She died at Manhattan, Kansas, Nov. 28, 1888. He married (2) in Rindge, N. H., Mrs. Ann Bennett Cutter; she died in Natick, Mass. He settled in Owosso, Mich., in 1856, with his two brothem, Philetus D. and Wellington. The three brothers were as- sociated in the planing mill business, the first of its kind be- tween Detroit and Grand Rapids, nianufactm-ing doors, sashes, blinds, and later, for a number of years furniture and extension tables, etc. He was for eighteen years a member of the School THE WHITE FAMILY 243 Board, and with his wife and two brothers, named above, was numbered among the constituent members of the First Bap- tist Church of Owosso. Later he removed to Seattle, Wash- ington and made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Shelton, where he died March 23, 1910. His remains were sent to Ow^osso and buried beside his first wife. He had two children: Lucy Louise and Henry Kirk. Lucy Louise White was born in Owosso, Dec. 6, 1858, and married William Shelton of the same place in 1888. Henry Kirk White was born in Owosso, June 21, 1863, and was married to Ida Belle Durkee of the same place, June 27, 1889. Henry Kirk White took the degree Ph.B. at the University of Michi- gan in 1888. He was superintendent of schools of Fenton, Mich., 1888-90 and editor and publisher of the Owosso Press American since 1890. (3) Philetus Davis White was born in Royalston, Oct. 28, 1830. He was married in Brattleboro, Vt., April 19, 1855 to Mary E. Evans, who died at Brattleboro, November 13, of the same year. He married (2) Eliza E. Wheeler at her home in Lee, Mass., Sept. 9, 1863. Two children were born to Philetus D. and Eliza E. White: Mary Gertrude and Harlan Page. Mary Gertrude White was born at Owosso, Feb. 23, 1868, and was married to Frank Converse of the same place Sept. 1, 1890. They reside at Beloit, Wis., where Mr. Converse has been for several years and still is superintendent of schools. Harlan Page White was born March 29, 1870, and was married to Minnie Daniels at her home in Owosso on Sept. 30, 1898. He has been for several years and still is, mailing clerk at the Owosso Post Office. Philetus Davis White died in Owosso, Mich., Dec. 11, 1914. (4) Wellington White, was born at Royalston, Aug. 22, 1832, and was married in Worcester, Mass., Sept. 6, 1865 to Lucy Rebecca Pierce, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer Pierce of Royal- ston. He went with his two brothers to Owosso, Mich., in 1856. In August, 1861, he enlisted for three years in Co. F, Michigan Volunteers. He was afterwards transferred to a regimental band; served in Kentucky and Tennessee until July 13, 1862, when with six companies of his regiment he was taken prisoner at Murfreesboro, Tenn., by rebel forces under Gen. N. B. Forest, was paroled, and later, was by special 244 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON order from the War Department honorably discharged from the service Aug. 6, 1862. In early life he taught school, and later in life served his church (the First Baptist of Owosso, Mich.) as deacon. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post of his town and chaplain of the same. He was one of the committee of fifteen who had charge of the Royalston centennial celebra- tion of 1865, and was also one of the vice-presidents of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary in August, 1915, and had a place in the grand parade of that day. (5) Adrid C. White was born at Royalston, April 19, 1835. He married Elsie A. Davis of Royalston, daughter of Jarvis Davis, March 12, 1861 at Bellows Falls, Vt. He attended school in District No. 7, and at Brattleboro Academy. Was a successful schoolteacher for several years in Royalston, FitzwilHam and Richmond, N. H., Guilford, Vt., New Jersey and other places. In August, 1862 he enlisted as private in Co. E, 53d Regt. Mass. Volunteers for nine months, was pro- moted to sergeant, and was with the regiment in every march and engagement. Was discharged Sept. 2, 1863. In 1869 he moved to Warwick, where he lived twenty years, and held the offices of Selectman, Assessor and Overseer of the Poor. He removed to North Orange in 1896, where he still resides. He is a member of the H. V. Smith Post, G. A. R. of Athol, and a Past Master of North Orange Grange. March 11, 1911, Mr. and Mrs. Wliite observed their golden wedding anniversary. For several years he has carried the mail between Athol and North Orange. He has one son, Rollin O. White, born at Royalston Sept. 17, 1868, married Daisy L. Hastings of Warwick, June 3, 1892; they have two children: Kathryn E. White, born July 23, 1896 and Kenneth H. White, born Oct. 8, 1906. Mr. White is one of the leading farmers of North Orange, and is prominent in Grange work, having been Master of the Subordinate and Pomona Granges, and has also been a memljer of the School Committee. Harlan P. and Melzar both died in infancy. (7) Asaph M. White was born in Royalston Aug. 6, 1840. He married Mary Goddard, daughter of Salmon Goddard. He received his education at Powers Institute, Bernardston, and New Salem Academy; he was a schoolteacher on Cape Cod, in Royalston, Richmond and Fitzwilliam, N. H. He was THE WHITE FAMILY 245 honored with several town and church offices. Was Selectman and Assessor in Royalston for many years; deacon and Sunday- school teacher in the Royalston and Athol Baptist churches; assisted the Royalston church choir with his voice and bass viol. He owned a farm in Royalston, afterward spending eight years in Athol, where he was employed in a piano shop; also was engaged in the grocery business in Keene, N. H., where he resided three years. He enlisted from Royalston, July 21, 1862 in the 36th Mass. Regiment of Volunteers. Was promoted to Corporal, and was discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistment. Was detailed to the Commissary Department, and served for some three months. He had two sons: Walter White, born Feb. 28, 1869, and Ernest White, born April 29, 1870. Both were born in Royalston. He died Sept. 29, 1906. (8) Rollin 0. White, born at Royalston, Sept. 17, 1843. He enlisted at the age of seventeen years with his brother Asaph in the 36th Regiment Mass. Volunteers. Was promoted to Corporal; was wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and died of wounds at Washington, D. C, June 25, 1864. (10) Olive Theresa Lovina White was born at Royalston, Nov. 9, 1848, and was married at Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 23, 1870 to Robert D. Crawford of Owosso, Mich., who was born at Milford, Mich., Sept. 7, 1844. They soon went to Owosso, Mich., which has since been their home. They have had four children all born in Owosso. THE CHARLES W. BOWKER FAMILY In the Royalston Memorial, 1865, mention is made of Silas Bowker, who settled near the Priest Brook, in the easterly part of the town. He was born in Westboro, May 29, 1733. He married Bethia Ward, January 17, 1760. Those of their children who settled in Royalston were Stephen Bigelow Bowker, who was born December 25, 1772, on the Bowker farm and died there; and Samuel Ward Bowker, who lived on what is now known as the Hadley place, situated between the farm owned by Lyman Stone and the Clarence Stone place, formerly known as the James Wilson place. Stephen Bigelow Bowker married Submit Grover of Grafton, and they 24.(, HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON had two children, Silas and Nathaniel. Silas died at the age of 20 years. Nathaniel Bowker married Philenia Wheeler, of Chesterfield, N. H., and they had four children; Stephen Bigelow Bowker, who was born March 8, 1833, and died in May, 1878; Silas W., who was born June 1, 1835, and died in infancy; Lucia A., who was born May 1, 1838, and died in July, 1890; and Charles Watson Bowker, who was born June 15, 1841. Lucia married Edwin W. Hadley and they had one son, Charles W. Hadley, born July 10, 1862, who married Allie E. Bishop and now lives in Worcester. He is the present proprietor of the Tower House, Falmouth Heights. Charles Watson Bowker, son of Nathaniel and Philenia (Wheeler) Bowker, was born in Royalston, June 15, 1841, on the Bowker farm, one and one-half mile-, east of Royalston Center on the Winchendon road. His only school education was obtained at the Old Northeast District School. His father carried on a butchering business in connection with the farm, and was also connected with the lumber business, buying old growth pine timber lots in company with James Wilson and Lyman Stone. The butcher- ing business was carried on very differently at that time from what it is now. As they used no ice at that time and had no electric or gashght, they had to do th3 butchering in the night time on account of the flies, depending for light on oil lamps, tallow candles, and more or less on old tin lanterns that opened at one side. When he was twelve years old, his father put him in charge of a meat market in Winchendon in the Amasa Whit- ney block, and he boarded at the American House, kept by a man named Knight. When he was fifteen years old, he used to help his brother Stephen get the cattle home from the pastures in the daytime and then help him to butcher until 10 o'clock at night. He would then go to bed and his mother would call him at 12 o'clock, midnight, for break- fast. His horses would be all hitched up and his cart loaded with meat, and he would start as soon as he got through breakfast for South Orange, fifteen miles distant, by way of Athol. He would get there about 5 o'clock in the morning, cut up the meat and peddle through the village of South Orange and on certain days through North New Salem, New Salem town, West Orange, Wendall and Erving. The /^ c^-p^ UOtr-ut-^t^ THE CHARI.es W. BOWKER FAMILY 247 cattle were native beef bought from the farmers in Royalston and adjoining towns. He remembers one time when going up Salem Hill by what was called Rattlesnake Hill, that his horse stopped in the road and did not want to go along. He was walking behind his meat cart and when he went ahead to see what the trouble was, he found a rattlesnake in the road, which as it glided into the bushes sounded its character- istic rattle. Every other day he went 1 ack home to Royal- ston, had two hours sleep or e night and six hours the next. They did not have a labor union at that time. His father was sick for a year or two and he went back and lived at home on the farm. Eis father died July 22, 1861, when he was twenty years old. Mr. Bowker was married January 1, 1863, to Nancy A. Sibley, daughter of Joel and Rhoda Sibley. He was in the pail and lumber business in New Boston for a few years with his brothers-in-law, William and Joel Sibley. In April, 1867, he bought out the grain business of J. A. Robbins of Winchendon, and afterward sold one-half interest to Wood- cock & Sawyer. He then moved to Winchendon, and later Woodcock & Sawyer sold out their one-half interest to C. L. Beals and the business was carried on for six years under the firm name of Beals & Bowker. At that time he had two children, John B. Bowker, who was born in Royalston, March 12, 1865, and who for the past ten years has been business manager of the Worcester Telegram, and Charles Alfred Bowker, who was born in Royalston, February 24, 1867, and who died at the age of six years. John B. Bowker was secretary of the Worcester Agricultural Society for several years and City Auditor of Worcester for seven years l)efore entering his present position. In 1870 Mr. Bowker's first wife died; and he was married September 12, 1871, to Susan Baker Upham. In 1873 he sold out his interest in the grain business, moved to Worcester and went into the produce business. He then began buying real estate, and at the present time has sixty-nine apartments besides a business block at Washington Square and one on Central Street, where he and his two sons, George Arthur and C. W. Bowker, Jr., carry on a grain business under the name of C. W. Bowker & Company, Inc. 24-8 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON There were four children born of his second marriage: Harrison Winthrop, George Arthur, Lena May and Charles Watson, Jr. Harrison Winthrop Bowker was born in Worcester June 10, 1877, was graduated from Harvard College in June, 1901; and after attending the Harvard Law School was admitted to the Massachusetts bar and began the practice of law in Worcester in 1904. George Arthur Bowker was born in Worcester, June 4, 1881, and completed his studies at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He was married on July 31, 1913, to Grace M. Oakes of Worcester. Lena May Bowker was born in Royalston, July 24, 1885. She was graduated in 1908 from Mt. Holyoke College, where she gained the honor of Phi Beta Kappa. Charles Watson Bowker, Jr., was born in Royal- ston, Sept. 11, 1888, and was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1911. He was married September 12, 1914, to Dorothy White of Yonkers, N. Y. The latter two children were born on Beryl Hill farm in the northeast part of the town, where Mr. Bowker' s family spent their summers during the years he owned the farm, 1885-1895. Here Mr. Bowker bred thorough- bred Guernsey cattle, and when he left, closed out his entire herd to Ex- Vice-President Morton of Rhinecliff, N. Y. THE RICHARDSON FAMILY According to the historian of the Richardson family, Stephen Richardson was a descendant in direct line from the family of that name who came from the south of England with "Winthrop's fleet" in 1630. Before that date no one of that name had been found here on the shores of the New World. The family is without doubt of Norman origin, as soon after the Norman Conquest one — William Belward — had two sons, the younger from his small size named "Richard the Little." The son of the last named being a favorite name with the Normans, was called John Richard- Son, taking his father's name with the addition of son for his surname. From this came the name and family of Richardson. With "Winthrop's Fleet" came three brothers of this name, who at once became identified with the church and state affairs at Charlestown, Mass., and afterwards helping to establish the town of Woburn. Timothy, in line of THE RICHARDSON FAMILY 249 the descendants of Ssniuel, one of the three brothers, settled in Eoyalston. He came from Wrentham. His first wife, Alice Wyman, was a relative of the gallant Seth Wyman, who after the fall of Captain Lovewell and his lieutenant, commanded in the bloody "Lovewell fight"; and by some historians, is made the hero of that celebrated personal encounter with the Indian Chief Paugus. Tradition says "that the wife of Timothy Richardson, then a young woman, rode horseback with her husband from Wrentham, and as she started from home broke off a twig from an apple tree for a riding whip. On arriving at the new home she stuck the twig in the ground where it took root and became a stalwart tree and bore apples for many years." Timothy Richardson and his wife were original members of the First Congregational Church in Royalston. He was one of the first Selectmen elected in 1765, and served at different times for nine years. He was also Royalston's first Representative to the General Court, serving in 1776. He was born in Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 18, 1715 and died in Royalston, Dec. 15, 1801. Timothy Richardson, Jr., son of Timothy, was born in Attleboro, March 7, 1741 and married Sarah Estey. They had eight children or more, all born in Royalston. Stephen Richardson, sixth child of Timothy and Sarah (Estey) Richardson, was born in Royalston, Sept. 4, 1799. He was twice married, first to Lydia Raymond, June 16, 1807, who died Nov. 19, 1838; he married second a widow, Mrs. Sally Walker, who survived him and died in 1877 at the age of ninety-three years at the home of her son, Aaron Walker in Boston. He was a man of sterling character and always held the respect of the townspeople among whom he lived — • a good type of the "old time," sturdy yeomanry, who did so much to build up our Commonwealth. He died suddenly of heart failure Dec. 14, 1863, on the farm settled by his father and on which he had always lived. He had three sons, Luther, born April, 15, 1808, who married Abigail F. Hazeltine of Winchendon, Feb. 15, 1835, and died in Winchendon in 1842; Lysander, born in 1812, who became a physician in Jaffrey, N. H., and died in 1843; and Franklin Richardson. 2S0 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON Franklin Richardson youngest son of Stephen and Lydia (Raymond) Richardson, was l)orn Oct. 11, 1815. He married Sarah Emerson, Sept. 2, 1840; she died Aug. 21, and he married second, Abigail M. Tenney, Dec. 22, 1841. He had a daughter, Sarah E., by his first wife, who lived Less than a year. When quite young he worked in a cabinet shop in Royalston Centre near where the blacksmith shop is now lo- cated. One of his fellow shopmates for a short time, who worked at the same bench with him, was a young man from Vermont by the name of Joseph Smith, who became known in later years as the founder of the Mormon reUgion. He hved on the home farm with his father until the death of the latter in 1863. Soon after he sold the farm, and bought a place near the "Common" on the South Royalston road. In a short time he bought the store of Obadiah Walker in 1865. This store was located where the present parsonage of the Con- gregational Church now stands. He carried on this store for two years and then retired from business. He died Sept. 23, 1881. An adopted daughter, Addie Richardson, married Henry R. Newton of Waterford, Vt., Feb. 26, 1880. They have two sons, Leon R. of Greenfield, Mass., and Ernest A. of Charlestown, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Newton reside in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Abijah Richardson, son of Timothy Richardson. He settled on the home lot of his father, Timothy Richardson, the place later known as the Benjamin W. Upham farm. He married Hannah Eddy, daughter of Benjamin Eddy of Royalston, Nov. 26, 1778. They had eight children, all but one of whom were ])orn in Royalston. It is said that he was concerned in Shay's Rebellion, and desiring to get beyond the jurisdiction of Massachusetts moved to Fitzwilliam, N. H., about 1787, and exchanged his Royalston farm for one in Fitzwilliam, where his l)rother Eliphalet had previously lived. A few years later, probably about 1791, he returned to his farm in Royalston. Abijah Richardson, Jr., who succeeded his father, Abijah, on the home place, was born Feb. 2, 1794. He married Lucy Whitney, daughter of Elder Ephraim Whitney, Dec. 18, 1821. They had six children: Hannah, Ephraim W., Lucy, Andrew Jackson and Alice. Lucy (Whitney) Richardson died Sept. 18, 1833. Ephraim W. Richardson, born Feb. 28, THE RICHARDSON FAMILY £51 1824, after graduating from college, died just as he was entering upon the ministry. Andrew Jackson Richardson, bom March 8, 1829, went to Wisconsin, and was Captain of a company in the Civil War. Jefferson, horn Aug. 2, 1827, was a t'eacher in the Royal- ston schools, enlisted in a New, Hampshire regiment in the war, and died when on his way home from the war. Abijah Richardson, Jr., married second, Melinda Cut- ler, daughter of Tarrant and Lydia Cutler, April 1, 1834. They had three children, George O., Leander and Levi A. Melinda (Cutler) Richardson died June, 1879. Abijah Rich- ardson, Jr., did! April 24, 1840. Dr. Thomas Riclmrdson, came to Royalston about 1790. He was a descendant of Thomas Richardson, the youngest of the three brothers who came on "Winthrop's Fleet." He had eleven children born in Royalston between 1789 and 1810. He moved to Fitzwilliam, N. H. in 1812. George Carter Richardson, who became a prominent merchant of Boston and Mayor of Cambridge, was one of his sons. A sketch of Dr. Thomas Richardson appears in the chapter of the Medical Profession, and one of Hon. George Carter Richardson under "Sons of Royalston." THE GREGORY FAMILY The Gregory family is a remarkable example of great business ability shown through three or four generations of able business and public men. Isaac Gregory, the first of the family name to become identified with Royalston history was born in Weston, Mass., Sept. 1, 1759, a son of Isaac and Mercy (Lawrence) Gregory. He came to Royalston from Templeton about the close of the Revolution. He married Susana Holman, who died in Royalston, Jan. 12, 1793. During the latter part of the eighteenth century and the early years of the nineteenth he was probal^ly the most prominent man in the town in public and church affairs, and died Sept. 15, 1808 at the early age of forty- nine years. Judging from the important positions he filled he evidently was an extremely busy man. Between 1794 2^2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON and 1808 he represented the town of Royalston, seven years in the General Court, was Town Clerk five years, Selectman eight years, between 1792 and 1803, Assessor twelve years, between 1788 and 1805 and deacon of the Congregational Church from Jan. 5, 1795 to the day of his death. He married, second, widow Molly Town of Fitzwilliam, N. H., in 1793. No children by this marriage. The children of Isaac and Susana (Holman) Gregory were four sons: Jonathan, born June 15, 1786, Isaac, born July 18, 1888, Tille, born Oct. 5, 1790 and Franklin, born Dec. 14, 1792. Jonathan married Eunice Putnam of New Salem, at Phila- delphia, Pa. They had several children. He died in Phila- delphia, Isaac married Fannie Field of Northfield. Tille died in Paramaribo, South America. Major-Getieral Franklin Gregory, youngest son of Isaac and Susana Gregory, was born in Royalston, Dec. 14, 1782. He received his education in the public schools of Royalston, and went at an early age into a store in Boston, where he laid the foundation for a business life, after which he returned to Royalston and engaged in mercantile pursuits, building up an extensive business, and also carried on a large business in straw hats, having a bleachery. He followed in the footsteps of his father, in holding pubUc offices; represented the town in the General Court in 1831 and 1833, was Town Clerk in 1819 and 1820, and from 1825 to 1836 inclusive, fourteen years in all; and was Postmaster of the Royalston office from Aug. 22, 1823 to Sept. 10, 1833. In early life he joined the State Militia and developed a great fondness for military affairs. He was made Lieut. - Colonel of the Fifth Regiment, Second Brigade Massachusetts State Mihtia in 1821, served as Colonel in 1823 and 1824, was made Brigadier-General of Sixth Division, Second Brigade in 1825 and 1826, and was made Major-General of the Sixth Division in 1827, serving four years. He did escort duty when General Marquis De Lafayette visited Worcester in 1825. He was a man whose honorable career won for him the love and esteem of his fellow citizens, and whose un- blemished reputation was a rich legacy to his children. He died July 6, 1836 at the early age of forty-four years. He THE GREGORY FAMILY 253 married Martha Porter Edwards of Boston, Dec. 10, 1818. She was born April 5, 1795 and died Feb. 2, 1874. Their children, all born at Royalston, are: Sarah Wayland Gregory, born Dec. 10, 1820; she married Oliver Watriss of Cambridge, Nov. 19, 1815, they hid four children all living in 1915. She died at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 9, 1886. Franklin Edwards Gregory^ son of Franklin and Martha (Edwards) Gregory, was born in Royalston, May 7, 1822. At the age of sixteen, after an education acquired in the public schools of Royalston, he entered as a boy, the dry goods store of Austin in Royalston. After a few months he went to Keene, N. H., and entered the dry goods store of Wales Kimball, and in 1840 want to Cambridge- port, Mass., where he became clerk in the dry goods store of Edward Hyde. In 1843 he became a salesman in the well- established house of Dutton, Richardson & Co., in Boston, and in 1847 was admitted to partnership in the firm, which continued under the same firm name until 1855, when it became Gregory, Tilton & Co. In 1861 Mr. Gregory retired from the dry goods business, and soon after became a partner in the firm of Spear, Burke & Gregory on Central Wharf, the business being chiefly dealing in oils and starch. In 1864 he left this new business, and with his old partner, George C. Richardson, also a native of Royalston, formed the well-known house of George C. Richardson & Co., which con- tinued until i88o. From that time as long as he was able to engage in active business his time was occupied in the man- agement of trusts and trust estates, and in the duties of director and manager of financial and other enterprises. He was a di- rector in the Revere National Bank of Boston, vice-president of the Framingham National Bank and Framingham Savings Bank and trustee of the Washington and Potomac Railroad. He resided in Cambridge from 1840 to 1883; when he removed to Framingham. On May 26, 1847, he married Sarah Frances Bird, daughter of William Bird of Boston. They had three children : William F., who became a partner in the house of Wm. Claflin & Co., in the shoe trade, Charles F., and Anna Edwards, His career from a boy in a retail country store in his native town of Royalston, to the head of one of Boston's leading commission houses, shows that he must have been 234 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON possessed of a sound judgment and wise foresight. He died in Cambridge, June 29, 1903. Johri Porter Gregory, second son of General Franklin Gregory, was born Nov. 6, 1823. He married Sarah Lane Gregory; they had one child who died at Mexico; he married second, Mary Stone Gregory by whom he had one child, who died at Guam. He was in business in Cambridge with Abel Bruce, and was for many years agent of the Union Glass Co., of Somerville. He died June 23, 1909 at Paterson, N. J. Isaac Holman Gregory, was born Dec. 8, 1825. He first went to work in an Athol store and when his mother moved her family to Cambridge he went with her and found employment with Abel Bruce. He made several changes in the course of years; at one time he was with Chandler & Co., large dry goods house on Summer Street, Boston, where he had charge of their wholesale department; after this he opened a store in Charlestown, N. H., and from there went to Keesville, N. Y. His health failing him, he gave up business and returned to Cambridge. When sufficiently recovered to resume business he went west for a Boston dry goods house and located in Chicago where he remained until his death, April 20, 1898. He was a bachelor. Martha Ann Gergory, was born Aug. 24, 1829. She married Wm. H. Ladd of Lynn, April 2, 1857. He was for a long time teacher and proprietor of the Chauncey Hall School in Boston. They had two children. She died Sept. 26, 1893, at Lynn, Mass. George Henry Gregory, died at the age of eleven years at Cambridge, and is buried in the Edwards tomb on Boston Common. Charles Augustus Gregory born Sept. 7, 1833. A sketch of him will be found in another chapter of this history. Frederick W. Gregory, the youngest son of General Franklin Gregory, was born Nov. 13, 1835. He has been engaged in the oil and starch business for the past forty-five years and has been in and seen the various changes of the oil business from the manufacture of sperm and whale oil to coal and petroleum oils, and its up and downs during that period. He was first, for about twenty-seven years, at Central Wharf, Boston, under the firm name of Speare, Gregory & Co., afterwards at 162 High Street under firm name of F. W. Gregory & Co., and having connections in Providence as THE GREGORY FAMILY 255 large importers of olive oil; also a factory in Salem, Mass. for manufacture of vulcanized products for rubber goods manufacturers; also New York connections as partner. He married Delia M. Booth of Hobart, N. Y. He is now living at Waban. Mass. THE GODDARD FAMILY The English ancestor of the Goddards of New England was one Edward Goddard, a wealthy farmer of Norfolk, who. taking the parliament side in the Civil War, was reduced to poverty by the Cavaliers. His son William, "citizen and grocer," of London in 1666 embarked for the American wilder- ness with his wife and children, and landed in Watertown, Mass., settling on a small farm directly opposite the meeting- house almost in sight of the "homestall" of Richard Gale; though the two family streams did not unite until they had flowed, after that, a long time and a long way separately. William's son, Benjamin, "admitted to full communion, July 31, 1687" lived in Charlestown. A second Benjamin, son of the last named, a "housewright," settled in Grafton, Mass., whence his son Samuel, removed to Royalston and settled upon a tract of wild land in the northwest part of the town about the year 1778. His was a representative household of the old Puritan stock; prayerful, austere, persistent, hard-working, faithful and ambitious. Most of the children inherited un- usual intellectual ability, and in spite of scanty means, several of the nine sons acciuired a liberal education. They all reached maturity but three, and were intelligent men of high character. Samuel Goddard, son of Benjamin Goddard of Grafton, Mass., was born in that town, and was by occupation and trade, a farmer, shoemaker and tanner. He learned his shoe- maker and tanner's trade near his father's homestead in Grafton. He served his time, three years, three months and three days. He married Elizabeth King, daughter of Henry King, Escj., of Sutton. She was a woman of refinement and unusual in- telligence and education for those days. He went to Royalston when about thirty years old, in 1778, and settled on the farm that remained in and was occupied by the Goddard family until about 1895. He first came with- 256 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON out his family, and made a little clearing, and proceeded to erect a house in which he lived before a floor was made, doing his own cooking and taking his meals on a board laid across the sills. As soon as he had two rooms done, he went to Sutton and brought to this house, his wife and three children. He made his first sled with no tools but an ax. He built a tannery, and the people of Orange, Richmond and other towns used to bring hides there to be tanned. He continued clearing up the land, farming, shoemaking and tanning, and by the utmost economy and hard work got to be in comfortable circumstances for that place. He was interested in town affairs and was for several years one of the Selectmen and Assessors. The children of Samuel and Elizabeth (King) Goddard were: Henry, Samuel, Asahel, Salmon, James and Elizabeth who grew to matiirity, besides four others who died in infancy. Henry lived to be seventy-eight years of age and was always an in- valid after he was sixteen years old; the first part of his life he was a merchant, and kept store in a building erected about 1790 for that purpose. One Avery afterwards kept store in the same place. Subsequently Samuel and Henry Goddard, Squire Peck and one Pierce kept store in the middle of the town near the site of the Rufus Bullock residence. They were burned out. Asahel, Henry and James went to Belfast, Maine, in 1803, and carried on a store there, but did not succeed well. Asahel died in 1806 of fever. Henry lived at Belfast thirty years, teaching, storekeeping and some of the time making pocket- books and weavers' reeds. In 1836, he returned to Massa- chusetts, lived a while in Millbury and then at Royalston, where he died of consumption in 1848. He was a man of unusual education for the times, a great reader, an ardent anti-slavery man, and always of some promi- nence in political affairs. He was the tallest of the family — about six feet. James went from Belfast to Messina, one hundred miles west of Lake Champlain, and engaged in the lumber business. He lived there some ten years, and then went to Little Valley in New York State, where he married Hannah Hay, who weighed three hundred pounds. He died in western New York. THE GODDARD FAMILY 257 Hamuel Goddard, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (King) God- 1877, unmarried; William Lewis, born in Boston, Jan. 5 1828, died in Boston Oct. 12, 1829; Wm. Lewis born in Boston, June 13, 1830, died in Boston, Sept. 23, 1830; Harriet Bullock, born in Royalston, April 13, 1832 married 280 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Daniel W. Phelps of Leominster, Aug. 26, 1857, died in Brookline, Mass., Jan. 5, 1890; Gorhani Palfrey, born in Royalston, June 3, 1874, died in Royalston, May 27, 1850; Sara Derby, born in Royalston, Mar. 11, 1837. Died in 1915. George Brigham Newton, son of Hezekiah Newton, was born March 17, 1823. The limitations of his early years for- bade his having a liberal education, and he chose a mercan- tile life; after spending four years preparing for it in the country stores of Royalston he went to Boston where he had a position in the same line of business. Later he engaged in the shoe industry in Marblehead, Mass. He died Jan. 12, 1897. THE CUTLER FAMILY An old Royalston family of which there are no representa- tives bearing the family name in town to-day, but which by marriage became interwoven with many of the old and prominent families of the town, and has sent out members, who have become distinguished in other communities, is the Cutler family. The first of the family to become connected with Royalston history was Jonathan Cutler, second child of Ebenezer Cutler of Sutton, and who was baptized there Oct. 3, 1737. He married Elizabeth Holman, daughter of Stephen Holman of Sutton, Oct. 20, 1757. He settled in Royalston sometime between 1764 and 1768. He died in Royalston, Sept. 27, 1826, nearly 90 years of age. His wife Elizabeth died Feb. 9, 1819 at the age of 84. He and his eldest son, Ebenezer Cutler, were both soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The children of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Holman) Cutler were: Mary, born Dec. 28, 1758 in Sutton, married Nathan Thompson, Nov. 22, 1781, and settled in western New York; Ebenezer, born 1760 in Sutton, died in Huntington, Vermont, 1843; Elizabeth, born Oct. 26, 1762 in Sutton, married Isaac Gale of Royalston, Nov. 16, 1782, and had seven children; Jonathan, born Oct. 6, 1764 at Sutton, died July 9, 1842; Sarah, born April 25, 1768 in Royalston, married Judah Stockwell of Royalston, and had nine children; Hannah (twin of the preceding), born April 25, 1768, died May 12, following; Tarrant, born Sept. 10, 1771 in Royalston; Hannah, THE CUTXER FAMILY 281 foorn Feb., 1774, died Aug. 6, 1778; Mehitable, born July 1, 1776 in Royalston, married Moses Nichols of Royalston, May 19, 1802, and had six children. Tarrant Cutler, seventh child of Jonathan Cutler was born in Royalston, Sept. 10, 1771. He settled there and was a farmer. He was one of the assessors of the town for ten years, between 1815 and 1829 inclusive. He married Lydia, daughter of Levi Whitney, of Harvard, Mass., in 1796. He died at Royalston, June 13, 1842 at the age of 70 years. The children of Tarrant and Lydia (Whitney) Cutler were: Sarah, born April 19, 1798; she married Benjamin Heywood at Royalston, Sept. 7, 1819. She died Aug. 14, 1860. She had seven children: Melinda, born March 16, 1800, married Abijah Richardson at Royalston April 1, 1834; he died June 26, 1869, and she married (second) Benoni Peck; she had three children by her first husband; John, born Oct. 13, 1802, died Feb. 9, 1861; Lijsander, l)orn Feb. 16, 1807, died July 30, 1866; Lydia, born March 27., 1809, died Sept. 6, 1812, unmarried; Levi, born Aug. 7, 1811, died Aug. 13, 1881; Tarrant, born Sept. 8, 1813; George, born July 20, 1815, resided at Bangor, Maine, and died May 19, 1906; Otis, born (3ct. 17, 1817, died May 27, 1868. Tarrant Cutler, ' seventh child of Tarrant and Lydia (Whitney) Cutler, was born in Royalston, Sept. 8, 1813. He was educated and brought up in his native town, where he was engaged most of his life as a farmer. He represented the town in the Legislature of 1855, and also served the town a'^ Selectman and in other town offices. He died June 11, 1898, in Fitchburg. In 1869 he removed to Fitchburg and entered the grocery business with his son, George H., under the firm name of G. H. & T. Cutler. He married first, Harriet Fairbanks of Athol, March 25, 1839. He married (second) Mary P. Gale, daughter of Jonathan and Martha P. Gale of Royalston, June 25, 1849. Children of Tarrant and Harriet (Fairbanks) Cutler were: Jane L., born Sept. 26, 1840, died Aug. 22, 1889; she was a teacher in the public schools; George H., born April 2, 1845. Children of Tarrant and Mary P. (Gale) Cutler were: Charles E., born April 26, 1850, died Aug. 23, 1852; Mary E., born July 20, 1861. 282 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON George H. Cutler, second cliild of Tarrant and Harriet (Fair])anks) (\itlcr, was born in Royalston, April 2, 1845. He attended the district schools of his native town, and when a young man went to Fitchburg and started in the fish business. After a few years his father came to Fitchburg, and they became partners in the grocery business. Since the death of his father in 1898, he has carried on the business alone. He is a trustee of the Fitchburg Savings Bank, a director in the Orswell Mills, Nockege Mills, and the Brown Bag Machine Co. He attends the Congregational Church and is a member of the Order of Knights of Pythias. He never married. John Cutler, oldest son of Tarrant and Lydia (Whitney) Cutler, married Elizabeth Jacobs, March 7, 1828. He went to Bangor Me., wdiere he l^ecame a prominent business man. His son, Hon. John L. Cutler, was a large lumber dealer, was Representative in the Maine Legislature, also in the Senate, of which he was president in 1883. George Cutler, fifth son of Tarrant and Lydia (Whitney) Cutler, went to Bangor, Me., where he was a prominent business man and active politician. He was a Representative in the Maine Legislature, and was noted as a campaign orator. Otis Cutler, youngest son of Tarrant and Lydia (Whitney) Cutler, also went to Maine where he became a prominent business man and was Customs House appraiser in Portland. LYMAN PECK LOVINA (DAVIS) PECK CHAPTER XII OLD ROYALSTON FAMILIES THE PECK FAMILY The Peck family -of Royalston is one of the most extensive famiUes of the town, the nuraljer of Pecks born in Royalston during the first one huntlred years of its history being ex- ceeded by only one or two families in town; and from its meml^ers have come some of the most distinguished sons of Royalston. The family dates back through over twenty generations to John Peck of Belton, Yorkshire, England, and the motto on the family coat-of-arms, "Probitatem cjuam divitos" — "'probity rather than riches" — has characterized many of the descendants. The first American ancestor was Joseph Peck, who, fleeing frcm Hingham, Ergland, to avoid religious persecution, can:e to Plymouth Colony in 1638, and settled in Rehoboth, Mass. The first member of the family to settle in Royalston was Daniel Peck, a descendant of Joseph Peck. He came to Royalston from Rehoboth about 1775, and settled in the west part of the town on what has since been known as the Harvey W. Bliss place. He was an in- dustrious and enterprising farmer. Married Relief Joy of Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1771, and died in Royalston in 1814. She died in 1832. They had thirteen children: Daniel, Ichabod, Sally, Solomon, Royal, Calvin, Sally, Moses, Rebeckah, Charlott, Lydia, Relief and Huldah. Daniel Peck, son of Daniel and Relief (Joy) Peck was born in Rehoboth, Feb. 6, 1772, and came to Royalston with liis parents about 1775. He was a farmer and married Delia Gale of Royalston, April 27, 1795. They had thirteen children, all born in Royalston: Rulina, born Feb. 13, 1796; Chauncey, born March 2, 1797; Pomroy, born Feb. 16, 1799; Harriet, born Sept. 13, 1800; Mary, born Oct. 19, 1803; Lyman, born Feb. 11, 1804; Sullivan, l)orn March 27, 1806; Hannah F., born May 30, 1809; Elvira, liorn May 14, 1811; Elsa S., born March 11, 1813; Delia, born Jan. 14, 1815; Huldah C, born Feb. 9, 284 HI.STORY OF ROYALSTON" 1817; Augusta, born April 13, 1820. Rulina married Hu^lx Foster, March 2, 1818; Chauncey Peck married Jemima Bush, daughter of Ephraim Bush of Templeton, Mass., June 13, 1824 and removed to Boston; Pomroy Peck married Amanda Searls of Sutton, Mass., where they settled; Harriet married Daniel Bliss, Oct. 11, 1821; Mary mamecl Rev. Timothy Crosby, 1831. It was Daniel Peck, the father of these thirteen children when asked how many children he had, replied "three bushels and a peck." Lyman Peck settled in Royalston: he married Lorina Davis of Royalsion for his firet wife, and Fanny Harrington, widow of Abraham Harrington, for his secon I \nfe, Dec. 6, 1860. His first wife died May 9, 1860, and he died Dec. 2, 1862. Lyman Peck and Lorina Davis had nine children. Wayland F. Peck, born Nov. 2, 1830, married Mary Burnett and resided in Athol, Mass.; Philander L. Peck,, born May, 1832, mamed Rosanna Lewis and resided in Royalston. Eugene F. Peck, born Dec, 1833, married Rosina Glaze and settled in Ohio; Wiliard born, Dec, 1835 and died the same month; Polina L., born April 12, 1838> married Noah Rankin of Erving, which has been her home to the present time; Nelson F., born July, 1840; Joseph W., born March, 1842, married Rosy Mayo and settled in Orange, Mass.; Daniel W., born April 10, 1843; Lowell H., born October, 1845. Sullivan Peck, fourth son of Daniel and DeUa (Gale) Peck, was born in Royalston, March 27, 1806. He was a farmer by vocation and lived on the farm where he was born until January, 1865, when he moved to Burlington, Yt., which was his home until his death. He was a man of the strictest integrity, and one whose word was never doubted. He married Czarina Davis, daughter of Joseph Davis of Royalston, May 29, 1831. She was born Aug. 7, 1808. They had seven children: Martha J., born March 10, 1832, married Stephen Gates and resided in Burlington, Vt.; they had two children, Walter B. and Nellie G. Chauncey P. Peck, born April 5, 1834, married Mary Collopy and resided in Burlington; Warren D., born Feb. 28, 1836; Elsa J., born July 1, 1878, married Judge A. K. Osborn of Oshkosk, Wis.; Georgianna, born April 23, 1843, married HAMILTON S. PECK THE PECK FAMILY 285 Henry A. Gale of Barre, Mass.; Hammond W., 1)orn Sept. 28, 1847, resides in Dakota. Hamilton Sullivan Peck, third son of Sullivan and Czarina (Davis) Peek, was born in Royalston, Mass., Oct. 22, 1845. He went with his father and family to Burlington, Vt., in 1865 and entered the University of Vermont in 1866, where he was graduated in 1870. He taught school for three years, and at the same time pursued the study of the law. He was admitted to the Bar of Chittenden County, Vermont, April, 1873, and has continued to reside in the city of Burlington in said County, practising his profession. He was State Attorney for Chittenden County for two years, 1878-80; Alderman of his city, 1883-85; City Judge, 1888-1894; Mayor, 1896-98, being elected in 1897 without opposition, and City Representative to the Vermont Legislature in 1910. He was a member and secretary of the Republican State Committee of Vermont for four years, 1892-96 and Presi- dent of the State Republican League, 1896-98. He is a 33d Degree Mason and an honorary member of the Supreme Council, and a member of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the hidependent Order of Odd Fellows, erf the Knights of Pythias, of the Modern Woodmen of America, and of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and of the Ethan Allen Club, a social organization of his city. He has attended several of the "Old Home Week" reunions held in his native town, and at one of these gatherings mxde an address on "The Early New England Home." Miy 1, 1900, a day yearly observed by the University of Vermotit, called "Founder's Day," Mr. Peck delivered an oration before the faculty, students and townspeople, taking for his subject, "The Expression of the University Idea." On January 28, 1875, he married Miss Selina A. Aiken, daughter of Hon. D. W. Aiken of Hardwick, Vt. They have one child, Dr. Roy Hamilton Peck, a physician. Li 1911 Dr. Peck married Miss Alice J. Campljell of Baltimore, Md., and they reside in Springfield, Mass. Mr. Peck has been active in the social and civic affairs of his adopted city, and has been a frequent contributor to the columns of the Burlington Daily Free Press, on subjects of public concern. 286 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON Hannah F. Peck, daughter of Daniel and Delia (Gale) Peck, married Elisha M. Davis, June 14, 1829; Elvira Peek, married George Batchelor, November, 1837; Delia married George Pierce, May 5, 1835; Huldah C., married Emory April, 1846; Augusta, married George Gil)son. THE SOLOMON PECK FAMILY Solomon Peck, son of Henry of Rehoboth, came to Royal- ston and settled in 1779. He at first purchased about thirty acres of land to which, by enterprise and industry, he added much. He married Anna Wheeler in July, 1772. She died Nov. 10, 1810, and he died Nov. 14, 1822. They had thirteen children, all horn in Royalston. Benoni Peck, third son of Solomon and Anna (Wheeler) Peck, was born in Royalston, July 27, 1783. He settled upon the old homestead w^here he resided until 1862, when he removed to Fitzwilliam, N. H. He had a military commission and was called into the service in the war of 1812. He continually held some public office in his town for many years, and represented it in the State Legislature in 1836 and 1837. Was Selectman from 1836 to 1840 inclusive, and in 1843. Was Assessor in 1819, 1820, 1827, 1820, 1836, 1840. He was Justice of the Peace for more than forty years and transacted Inisiness when over eighty years of age with the vigor of middle age. He also devoted much of his time to probate business, administrating upon and settling the estates of deceased persons in all the region aroiuid. He also took an active interest in Free Masonry of which frat(>rnity he was a picmir.ent member for more than sixty years. He was twice married; first to Eunice Rogers, May 4, 1808; second to Malinda Richards. His first wife diecl March 3, 1853. She was the daughter of Eliphalet Rogers of Royalston, who was a grandson of Rev. John Rogers, pastor of the First Ghurch in Ipswich, and President of Harvard College, who died July 2, 1684, and a lineal descendant of Rev. John Rogers, the martyr, who was burned at the stake at Smithfield, England. The children of Benoni and Eunice (Rogers) Peck were: Caroline, born June 16, 1809, married Josiah Parker and settled in Ashland, Mass. She died in 1854, leaving six BENONI PECK THE PECK FAMILY 287 children: Philip, born Jan. 16, 1812, settled in Walpole, N. H., where he was a merchant. He married Martha Ellen Bellows, daughter of Thomas Bellows, Nov. 21, 1839; they had two children: Levi, born Aug. 31, 1814, made his home in Chelsea, Mass., and was engaged in mercantile business in Boston. He married Lucy M. Whitcomb, daughter of Mark Whitcomb, of Winchendon, Mass., Dec. 2, 1844; they had two children. James W., born Oct. 9, 1817. He was a mer- chant in Boston for a number of years until his health failed him, when he retired from business, and died in Winchendon, in April, 1860. He married Caroline M. Ladd of Boston, and they had two children; Benjamin, born Fel). 9, 1820, and died in June, 1841; Eliphalet, born March 16, 1822; he married Nancy Smith and resided in Worcester, Mass. Calista Peck, second daughter of Benoni and Eunice (Rogers) Peck, was horn in Royalston, Nov. 7, 1824; she went to Winchendon when about seventeen years of age and worked at the milli- nery business, and later began in a small way to carry on parlor millinery, which she gradually increased, until for many years she owned and carried on one of the largest establishments of the kind in that section of the country. She married Levi Nelson Fairbanks, a prosperous carpenter, Jan. 15, 1846. She was always interested in literature, and w£s the first librarian of Winchendon, the library being located in her home. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks. The eldest, Frederick, was drowned at Athol, when two years of age. Mary Elizabeth, married Augustus Peck Smith of Orleans, who died Jan. 28, 1903, after which she lived with her mother. Frank P. Fairbanks always lived with his mother. He is a machinist and holds an important position at the shops of Baxter D. Whitney & Son. Grace, the youngest child, married Arthur G. Ketchum of Winchen- don. She died in 1895. Mr. Fairbanks died in 1867 and Mrs. Fairbanks died May 15, 1CG9. Eunice, daughter of Benoni Peck was born June 6, 1827 and died in 1846. Henry Peck, youngest son of Benoni Peck, was born in Roy- alston Aug. 2, 1829. He lived most of his life in Winchendon, Mass., where he was engaged in the marble and undertaking business and accumulated quite a property. He married Fran- ces Corey of Fitzvvilliam, N. H., Dec. 31. 1861. They had two 2S8 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON children, Henry Eddie Peck and Fred B. Peck. He died Jan. 17, 1888. Henry Eddie Peck was born March 5, 1862; he married Jen- nie Diivarny, and they haYC two children, Henry Francis and Kenneth Rupert. FredB. P also engaged extensively in the lumber business. He went to Spokane, Washington, a number of years ago, where he and his brother Nelson F., were living in 1915. The Royalston Memorial says that "Lt. Edward Holman from Sutton, settled nearly midway between Tarrant Cutler and Silas Jones. The cellar hole on the west side of the road marks the place of this sturdy old settler. He descended from a Welchman, who, with two ])rothers, all 'impressed seamen' obtained a furlough from their ship to visit our shores, but never took the trouble to report themselves again to the Captain. This may account for th3 gallantry of their race in our Revolu- tion. Col. Holman, a Sutton man, commanded one of our regiments — our settler was a kinsman and served as Lt. under him, — and tradition in the family saith, that the British used to say 'they had as lief see the Devil a-coming as Col. Holman on his gray mare.' The Lt. came here with nine chil- dren, of whom both sans and daughters had large families." These nine children were probably born in Sutton, as there is no record of their birth in Royalston. The History of Chesterfield, N. H., says: "Edward, David, Noah, Stephen and Smith Holman were prol)ably the sons of Edward Holman of Royalston. Edward Junior, came to Chester- field about 1794, but removed to Keene about 1812. Noah died in Orange, Mass." David Holman, probably son of Edward Holman of Royal- ston, married Mehetable Gale, who died Nov. 19, 1847 aged 64; married (2), 1850, Mrs. Laura (Stone) Henrj-, widow of John P. Henry, and who died March 21, 1863. He settled in Chester- field about 1805. He died Aug. 17, 1864, aged 85. 296 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON THE R.\YMOND FAMILY The immigrant ancestor of the Raymond families of Roy- alston was one WilHam Raymond, who came to New England "about 1652" and settled in Salem, Mass. He was from Essex County in Old England. He was a prominent citizen of the town, and was in the Narragansett fight of 1675. He was appointed by the General Court in 1683, Lieut. Commander of Beverly and Wenham troops. He commanded a company in Phipps' Canada Expedition of 1690, and was a Deputy for Beverly in 1685-6. He died Jan. 29, 1709. His son William Raymond was born at Salem or Beverly, Mass., in 1666, and died in 1701 by the fall of a tree. He was a witness in a witch- craft case in Salem, but was not one of the "deluded parties." Joseph Raymond, son of Stephen and Rhoda (Estabrook) Raymond was born in Royalston, June 3, 1801. He spent his youth in his native town, attending the public schools, and at seventeen years of age entered the store of Gen. Franklin Gregory, where he remained until the close of 1823, and in a few months thereafter was offered and accepted a partner- ship with Col. Artemas Lee in his business at Baldwinville, Mass. The firm of Lee & Raymond carried on an extensive and lucrative business for fourteen years until April, 1838, when Mr. Raymond returned to Royalston and formed a co- partnership with Joseph Estabrook which continued until the spring or summer of 1844, at which time he retired from active business life. He, however, continued prominent in town affairs, and filled for many years various offices of trust in the town government, having served as selectman nine years, assessor, three years, and town clerk three years. He represented Royalston in the Legislature of 1850 and 1851, and in the latter year in the memorable contest for United States Senator, was a consistent and enthusiastic supporter of Charles Sumner. Upon the establishment of the Millers River Bank in Athol, in 1854, Mr. Raymond was elected one of its first directors and gave his valuable experience to the management of that institution. He brought to the discharge of all these duties in town, state and bank, faithful service, sound judgment and wise foresight, exercising the same care and diligence that he did in his own business, and won and re- tained the full confidence of his townsm.en. ui. J^JJ\^nyi^<^- THE RAYMOND FAMILY 297 He married, Nov. 21, 1830, Elizabeth Kendall, daughter of Samuel Kendall, who was born in Enfield, Mass., in 1801. A woman of rare gifts, respected and loved by all who knew her, she died in 1887, mourned by a large circle of friends, after a married life of over fifty-six years. Mr. Raymond contributed the first money towards founding a public library in Royalston, which bore the name of the "Raymond Public Library" until the erection of the "Phinehas S. Newton Library" a few years ago. He was a type of the best New England character, which he exemplified in his good citizenship, integrity and love of justice and was a man of marked individuality. He died Sept. 7, 1893. The children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Kendall) Raymond were: Amie Elizabeth, born July 1, 1832, married John L. Choate, Aug. 14, 1860. Had two sons, Harry Raymond Choate, born Sept. 27, 1862, died in August, 1864; Charles Buckingham Choate, born March 10, 1866, married Alice Bradford Churchill in 18G0, has one daughter, Helen Raymond Choate, born Nov. 25, 1893; he resides in Chelsea, Mass. Joseph Estabrook Raymond, born Nov. 27, 1834, married Charlotte Louise Marshall of Fitchburg, Dec. 31, 1861. He had one daughter Martha Frances Raymond, born March 12, 1871. William. Henry Harrison Raymond, born Dec. 1, 1842, died, Sept. 19, 1847. Alfred D wight Raymond, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Ken- dall) Raymond, was born in Royalston, Nov. 25, 1838. He attended the public schools of his native town, and then went to Meriden, N. H. Academy, after which he became a farmer and cattle dealer in Royalston, being one of the most promi- nent and progressive farmers of the town. He was deeply interested in all public questions concern- ing the state and nation, and by constant reading kept l:Mmself well informed. All business which he undertook for the town and others was carried on with the same faithfulness and ex- cellent ability which he applied to his own affairs. His gen- erous help was given to many who found the struggle of life difficult. He was actively interested in all town affairs, and served the town in various offices; was selectman, three years, assessor, eleven years, and member of the School Committee 298 HISTORY OF ROYAL.STON for many years. He was president of the Worcester North- west Agricultural Society in 1892 and 1893. In 18G1, he married Martha Jennette Willis, daughter of Dr. Isaac Willis, for many years 'the able and respected phy- sician of Royalston. Their children were: Alfred Joseph Raymond, Iwrn Dec. 14, 1862; Carrie Willis Raymond, born April 25, 1865 and Mary Elizabeth Raymond, born Dec. 13, 1863. AlfredJoseph Raymond, son of Alfred D. and Martha (Willis) Raymond, was born Dec. 14, 1832 in Royalston. He at- tended the schools of his native town, and succeeded his father on the fine farm situated north of the Centre. He was married, Sept. 3, 1890, to Josephine Smith. They have two children: Laurence J. and Evelyn S. Raymond, both born in Royal- ston. He went to Athol, Jan. 1, 1898 and purchased the sash and blind business, formerly carried on by Edwin Ellis, and has built up a large and successful business. He has been prominent in social and town affairs, and has been a member of the School Committee for about twelve years. He is a member of all branches of the Masonic Order, of the Poquiag Club, the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Boston Athletic Association and the Boston City Club. He still owns the old homestead of his father in Royalston. THE ARTEMAS RAYMOND FAMILY Artemas Raymond, son of William and Sophia Raymond, was born in Royalston, March 1, 1801. He was a farmer and married Abigail Chase, Nov. 29, 1832. She was a daughter of David Chase, also a farmer of Royalston. Their children were: Wm. C, born Nov. 19, 1835, he married Julia , July 16, 1863; FrankUn S., born in November, 1837, lived only six months; FrankUn H., born Nov. 18, 1838, married Martha Peirce, Oct. 1, 1867; he resided in Athol for many years and was a boot and shoemaker; he was postmaster of the Athol Centre office from July, 1885 to Dec. 20, 1889. He married for his second wife, Mre. Carrie A. Patten, April 6, 1886. She died April 28, 1908, and he now lives in Boston. George A., born June 28, 1842, enUsted in the Civil War and was killed at the Battle of Cold Harbor; Mary Sophia, born Feb. 9, 1843, married George W. Cheney of Winchendon, ALFRED J. RAYMOND THE RAYMOND FAMILY 299 and their children were: Flora Belle, ])orn Aug. 22, 1869, Frank Schuyler, born Sept. 21, 1871 and Nellie Etta, born Maj- 11, 1874; Luther R. Raymond, born Sept. 12, 1815, died at the age of four years; Sarah A., born July 31, 1819, died at the age of two. years, and Edward W., born June 26, 1852, married Susie , April 16, 1873, and their home was in Boston. THE CHASE FAMILY Thomas Chase of England, called "the Unfortunate," was brutally murdered in 1506 in a small room adjoining the chapel connected with the palace of the Bishop of Longlance at Woburn, who was confessor to Henry the Eighth. His son. Sir William Chase of Chesham, Buckingham County, England, was born in the reign of Queen Mary and was High Steward to the household of Henry the Eighth. Sir Richard Chase, son of Sir William, was born in Chesham, England in 1537 and married Lady Elizalieth Bowchieu. Acjuila, the foui'th son of Sir Richard, was born in Hundrich, Eng., Aug. 14, 1580. Aquila 2nd, son of Aquila, was born in 1618 in the Parish of Chesham, Eng., emigrated to this country and settled in Hampton, N. H. in 1639. He marrie:! Anne Wheeler, daugh- ter of John Wheeler of Hampton and removed to New'oury, Mass., in 1646. He died in Newburyport in 1670. John Chase, the seventh child of Aquila 2nd and Anne Wheeler, was born Nov. 2, 1655 and married Eliza))eth Bingley, May 23, 1677. Phillip Chase, the third son of John and Elizabeth was born Sept. 23, 1688 and married Mary Follans!)ee, April 17, 1712. Lieutenant Francis Chase, the ninth child of Phillip and Mary (FoUansbee) Chase, mirried M.iry Perkins, June 12, 1760. He was one of the first settlers of Royalston, coming from Sutton, Mass. and taking up his residence in the north- east part of the town. He was called to the front in the War of the Revolution on the occasion of the Burgoyne Invasion, and participated in the Battle of Bennington. He died of apoplexy at an inn on his way home from Boston, Jan. 16, 1791, at the age of fifty-five years. His son David, the oldest of eleven children, was born in Sutton, March 10, 1761, and married Sarah Raymond of Athol, Nov. 29, 1788; they had ten chil- dren. He died March 27, 1816. JOO HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Chaiincy Chase, the seventh child of David and Sarah (Raymond) Chase, was born in Royalston, May 22, 1801. He chose the trade of a carpenter and in the early twenties removed to Boston where he became a contractor and builder of excellent repute. On Dec. 2, 1830, he married Caroline Morse, daughter of Russell and Betsey (Waite) Morse of Royal- ston. They had six children: Caroline Augusta, born Oct. 9, 1835, wko married WiUiam D. Atkinson of Boston, Nov. 1, 1859. He died June 21, 1881, and she died Feb. 28, 1907. They had two children: Florence Viola and Harriet Taylor, who both died in early life; Elizabeth Waite, born Sept. 14, 1837, and died Dec. 14, 1896; Ahnira Elliott, born Feb. 8, 1841 and died Sept. 16, 1843; Henriette Toumsend, born Jan. 13, 1846, married William H. Nutting, of Boston, Sept. 25, 1866; he died in November, 1872; Ella Perkins, born Dec. 2, 1849 and died Feb. 28, 1896; Fannie Riissell, born Oct. 9, 1853, married Dr. Francis W. Adams of Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., June 26, 1872. They had two children, Mabel Winifred and Robert Winthrop. Chauncy Chase becoming eventually weary of the city, and having a great desire to take up country life, purchased the ancient homestead of the Doctors Bacheller on Royalston Common, and in the early fifties proceeded to remodel and beau- tify this residence. He finally removed to Royalston with his family in 1859. He drained, leveled and graded a large section of the Common adjoining his residence, and was in- strumental in the planting of many of the younger growth of shade trees that give it a park-like appearance to-day. He furnished the plans for the present church edifice, the graceful lines of whose spire elicit the admiration of even the strangers passing through the town, and the building itself, when com- pleted was not accepted by the committee until he had thor- oughly inspected and approved the work. He was the architect and builder of the To^^^l House, another ornament of the Common, and presented to the town the land on which it stands. He was a faithful member of the Congre- gational Church, and was one of its most liberal supporters during his lifetime. He died Feb. 26, 1878, and the town at its next annual meeting passed the following resolutions on his death, a thing said to be unprecedented except in instances where CIIAUNCY CIIA.SR RUSSKLL MORSK GEOR&R CIIASR FRANCIS CIIASK THE CHASE FAMILY SQl citizens had made in favor of the town important pubHc bequests. The Resolutions adopted are as follows: Whereas, in the course of Divine Providence our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Chauncy Chase, the architect and builder of our beautiful Town Hall, has been removed from us by death; and Whereas, the strength and permanence of our popular in- stitutions is to be found in the virtue of private citizens in every station in life more than in the watchfulness of political parties or the abilities of public men, therefore, Resolved, that the Town of Royalston take this occasion to commend the life that has so plainly exhibited the virtues of steadiness, prudence and chastity; of that untiring industry and that unflinching honesty and thoroughness that made him a workman that needed not to be ashamed; and of that pra(;tical patriotism with which, in his later years, he brought the benefit of his accumulations and ripened skill to strengthen and beautify his native town. Resolved, that the young people of the town may be en- couraged hereby to build their worldly fortunes upon the practice of these virtues instead of idly waiting for the discovery of great opportunities. Resolved, that the Selectmen and Clerk of the town are hereby authorized to procure the insertion of these Resolutions in the Athol papers and to present a copy to the family of our deceased fellow citizen. Resolved, that we tender our sympathy to the afflicted family and congratulate them upon the priceless legacy he has left them, — the name and memory of an honest man, the noblest work of God. George Chase, son of William and Betsey (Work) Chase, was born in Royalston, Nov. 1, 1810. He was a prominent farmer, and an active member in the First Congregational Church. He married Esther Morse, Sept. 2, 1835. She was born Jan. 2, 1813 and died Dec. 18, 1908, at the age of ninety-three years and eleven months. Their children were: George L., born Dec. 11, 1838, married to Elvira Tirrell in 1860. He died in 1863 from wounds re- ceived in the Battle of the Wilderness June 8. He was a mem- ber of Co. D, 36th Regiment ; they had two children. Cath- erine C. Chase, born April 16, 1840, married Josiah W. Wilder of Petersham, a soldier in the 15th Mass. Regiment in the JQ2 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON Civil War, she lives in Worcester; Frederick B. Chase, born Feb. 6, 1843, died Nov. 7, 1868; Helen M. Chase, born Nov. 23, 1846, married Forest A. Hicks of Petersham, Dec. 8, 1838; he enlisted in the Civil War in Co. F, Fifty-third Mass. Regi- ment; Harriet E. Chase, born Jan. 7, 1848, married Luther Stone of Petersham in November, 1872, she died in 1874. Francis Chase, son of William and Betsey (Work) Chase, was born in Royalston, April 2, 1812. He marrie 1 Ruth Slade of Paxton, Mass., Jan. 1, IS 10. He bought part of the farm his father had owned, and in- tended to build a house there but his brother-in-law sold him the place on the South Royalston road where hi? S3n Charle? F. Chase now resides, and he changed his plans and located there. He was a successful farmer, and builder and repairer of roads, serving for many years as one of the Highway Surveyors. He also laid the foundations of the town house and the school- house at South Royalston and when seventy-five years of age could be seen taking his turn on the lead mowing with the hired men in the hayfield. His wife, Ruth Slade, died June 29, 1846, leaving three children, and he married second, Lu- cretia Slade, sister of his first wife, Sept. 9, 1847, they had nine more children. Mrs. Chase died Jan. 15, 1834, leaving her husband with nine children at home under sixteen years of age. Mr. Chase died, Feb. 9, 1333. The chil:L-3i of Francis and Ruth (Slade) Chase were: Lucretia, William Henry and John Slade; Lncretia, born March 13, 1841 married Charles Allard, and second, a Mr. White, and her home has been in San Diego, Cal.; Wfn. H. Chase, born June 18, 1843. He enlisted in Co. I, 25th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 30, 1831 and served three years, being discharged Oct. 20, 1864. After his return from the war he lived in Winchendon and West Fitchburg, and went to Athol in 1880, which was his home for thirty years, and where he was engaged in the market and ice business. After leaving Athol he resided in Cambridge and Worcester. He married Georgiana J. Tucker of West Fairlee, Vt., May 9, 1830, and they have one son, Ernest T. Chase, born in Athol, Sapt. 6, 1881, who graduated at Boston Umv3r5ity in ths Clav, of 1904, and was instructor in German and English at ths Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute, and left that position to becoLTic the religious work director of the Worcester Y. M. C. A. About 1910, he accepted a position in an educational institution in THE CHASE FAMILY J03 Honolulu. In 1911, Wm. H. Chase and his wife went to Honolulu to be with their son, and he engaged in Missionary work among the soldiers, where the officers and soldiers knew him as Chaplain Chase. John Slade Chase, also enlisted in the Civil War, was taken prisoner and died in Andersonville prison. The children of Francis and Lucretia (Slade) Chase were: Thomas Follansbee, born Aug. 11, 1848; Sophia Elizabeth, born Sept. 20, 1849, married Allan Harrington of South Royalston, where they now live; George Washington, born Dec. 17, 1852; Sarah Mariah, born in 1853, married George W. Tucker of Athol, May 1, 1882, she died — — — ; Joseph Howard, born April 18, 1854, died Oct. 2, 1871; Flora E., born June 6, 1856, married George W. Tucker; Charles F. Chase, born Jan. 15, 1858; Ella Amelia, born March 4, 1860; Fannie Ruth, born April 1, 1862 and died Fel). 16, 1881. Thoinas Follansbee Chase, oldest son of Francis and Lucretia (Slade) Chase, was born Aug. 11, 1848. He married Mary A. Alden, June 15, 1873 and married, second, Hattie E. Prew, April 18, 1906. He has two children: Anna M. and Frank W. He was in the employ of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co., for upwards of forty-four years as Section Foreman and Construction Foreman and was retired Dec. 1, 1914. His home has been in Fitchburg, Framingham and Clinton, Mass., and he now resides in Leominster. Charles Francis Chase, youngest son of Francis and Lu- cretia (Slade) Chase, was born in Royalston Jan. 15, 1858. He succeeded his father on the home farm, and has been a prosperous farmer of the town. He married Adelle Luseba Chapin, June 8, 1893. Their children are: Francis Chapin, born May 24, 1894, Elliott Bartlett, born Dec. 31, 1895, HoUis Bolton, born Sept. 15, 1897, Roger Clark, born May 24, 1899, Alice Ethel, born Aug. 13, 1902 and Edith Adelle, born April 6, 1908. He is a member of the Congregational Church; Ella Ajnelia Chase was born March 2, 1860, she lived in Athol, Gardner, Orange and other places, she never married and made her home with sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Tucker. She died in Brookfield Feb. 16, 1916, of pneumonia, and burial was in the Crystal Lake cemetery at Gardner. 304- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON THE BRAGG FAMILY Nathaviel Bragg, the ancestor of all bearing the name of Bragg in Royalston, was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., June 29, 1747. He married Sarah Wilson of Northborough, Mass., March 14, 1771, she was born Oct. 13, 1750. He came to Royalston about the time of the Revolution, probably in 1775 or '76, and settled near the Athol line, close to what is now known as Doane's Falls. His children were: Benjamin, born in Shrewsbury, March 27, 1772 and died in Royalston, Sept. 17, 1777; Sarah, born in Shrewsbury, Feb. 27, 1774, she married Joseph Jacobs of Athol, May 17, 1792, and died at Athol, Nov. 9, 1795; Lucy, born in Royalston, Oct. 8, 1778, she married Joseph Goddard of Athol, April 30, 1804; Nathaniel, born Dec. 18, 1780, married Polly Kendall of Gerry, Jan. 1, 1807; Olive, born April 11, 1783, married William Nurse of Westborough, March 2, 1809; Benjamin, born Sept. 26, 1785, married Sally Putnam Peirce of Winchendon, Aug. 2, 1812; Polly, born Feb. 29, 1788, died Feb. 14, 1795; Ira, born May 23, 1791, married Mercy Clements, Nov. 18, 1810. The children of Nathaniel Bragg, Jr. and Polly Kendall were: Jesse Kendall, born Oct. 11, 1817; Nathaniel Wilson, born Aug. 31, 18C9; Olive, born March 3, 1814; Lysander Frank- lin, born Feb. 9, 1817; Mary Ann, born June 1, 1820; Henry Obookiah, born Aug. 21, 1824; Polly, born Nov. 7, 1807. Benjamin Bragg , born Sept. 26, 1785, married Sally Putnam Peirce, Aug. 2, 1812, she was born Oct. 29, 1793, and died Mar. 11, 1833; he married (2) Mary Snow of Lunenburg, Feb. 11, 1834, she was born Aug. 17, 1808, and died June 18, 1903. He built a carding mill north of the bridge at Doane's Falls, and afterwards converted it into a satinet factory, where quite a business was done for a number of years. He died June 11, 1852. The children of Benjamin and Sally Peirce Bragg were: Harvey, born Dec. 11, 1812, ched March 9, 1813; Lucy, born March 19, 1814 died March 21, 1814; Rosano, born March 26, 1815, she married a Mr. Symons and died at Niagara Falls, Aug. 6, 1839; Hannah, born Feb. 11, 1817, died Feb. 12, 1817; John Hervey, born June 12, 1815, married Amy Ballou, Nov. 28, 1844, died Dec. 12, 1852; Harriet Bragg, born July 12, 1820, married Calvin Drury, Dec. 15, 1842. Their children born in Royalston were: Susan F., born Sept. 27, 1851; Sarah THE BRAGG FAMILY 305 A., born April 1, 18c4; Calvin, born Sept. 16, 1858, was married in New Hampshire May 31, 1879 to Jennie Alwildia Greenwood, they had eight children, seven of whom are living, he died in Princeton, Mass., Oct. 10, 1913. Horace Drury was born in Athol, Feb. 11, 1843, and was married in Worcester, Nov. 13, 1866, to Mrs. Althea S. Oaks, they had six children, four boys and two girls. He enlisted in the Civil War in Co. F, Fifty- third Mass. Regiment. Cyrdhia Pierce Bragg, born April 25, 1822, and died April 2, 1836. Eunice Rcy Bragg, born Nov. 13, 1824, married George Russell Garfcld cf Athcl, they had two children. She died in Decem- ber, 1910. The children of Benjamin and Mary (Snow) Bragg were: Joseph Snmv, born Dec. 31, 1834, died Jan. 12, 1835; Sarah Putnam Pierce, ])orn Sept. 20, 1837, married Newell Holman, June, 1857 and died Fel). 24, 1859; Cynthia Rosana, born Feb. 1, 1840, married F. Ewight Kellogg of Orange, died Nov. 23, K05,i-:he had two sons, Frederic L. Kellogg, born May 26, 1867, he is a graduate of Bellevue Medical School, New York City, and is now a physician located in Roxbury, Mass. ; the second son, Fdwin D. Kellogg, ])orn Jan. 29, 1882, is a graduate from the Theolcgicc"l Seminary in Bangor, Maine, was ordained June 17, KC9, and is rcAV a Missionary in China; Mary Snow Bragg, born Oct. 5, 1842, married F. Dwight Kellogg of Orange, Nov. 20, 1908; Ruth Anna, born March 12, 1845, died May 4, 1846; Stella Isadore, born June 17, 1847, died Feb. 14, 1848; Benjamin Leroy, born in Royalston June 30, 1850; he married Mary Frances Sessions of Hartford, Conn., Nov. 10, 1880. They reside in Springfield, where Mr. Bragg is engaged in the insurance business. They have one child, Benjamin Leroy, Jr., born in Springfield, Jan. 9, 1882; he married Marion Chandler van der Penen of Somerville, New Jersey, Oct. 12, 1912, they have one child, Frances Bragg, born in Springfield, July 8, 1913. Ira Bragg, married Mercy Clements, daughter of Wm. and Anna Clements, Nov. 18, 1810, they had one child, Elmer, torn May 8, 1811. Nathaniel Wilson Bragg, son of Nathaniel Bragg, Jr. and Polly Kendall, was born Aug. 31, 1809. He was a farmer and lived and died in Royalston on the place that was originally JQ^ HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON settled by Ezekiel Cutler. He was a successful farmer, and was a member of no society, except the Worcester Northwest Agricultural Society. He married Almira Paine, March 17, 1834. He died March 31, 1893, and his wife died, Jan. 15, 1869. The children of Nathaniel Wilson and Almira (Paine) Bragg were: Warren »S., "born May 20, 1837, married Mary Shores frcm Shutesbury, he died in Cambridge, Jan. 21, ICOO; Augusta H., born Nov. 3, 1839, and died in Royalston, June 26, 1862; Henry W., born Dec. 10, 1842, married Dorlesky Jackson, died March 24, 1890 in Worcester; Mijra I., born Oct. 26, 1851, m-arried John Davis and lived on the old homestead, died Jan. 22, 1911, in Royalston; Maria L., born Oct. 21, 1848; was a teacher for many years. Homj 0. Bragg, son of Nathaniel and Polly (Kendall) Bragg, was born in Royalston April 21, 1824. As a young man, he taught school in Middleboro and Royalston. Later, at the death of his father, he returned home to carry on the farm. He was always interested in the welfare of his town and held several positions of trust. He married Jemima Shores, daughter of Rev. Silas Shores, Nov. 24, 1853, she was born in Falmouth, April 19, 1828. In 1869, he removed to Amherst, Mass., to educate his children. After twenty years, he left Amherst for Agawam, where he bought a large farm. In 1892, he went to Foxboro, Mass., where he and his wife made their home with their son. Dr. Francis A. Bragg, and where he died July 6, 1903; his wife died Jan. 23, 1912. They had seven children: Henry Eugene, born Sept. 3, 1854, died Aug. 24, 1869; Everett Bert, born March 2, 1856; Charles Franklin, born April 7, 1858, died Feb. 2, 1863; Abbie Adella, born April 4, 1864, died Sept. 17, 1869; Will Thornton, born May 9, 1862; Francis Adelbert, born Jan. 2, 1865; Stella Ameha, born Oct. 31, 1867, died Feb. 13, 1884. Everett B. Bragg, son of Henry 0. and Jemima (Shores) Bragg was born in Royalston March 20, 1856; his father was living at the time on the original farm owned by his grand- father, Nathaniel Bragg, on the road leading from Royalston to Athol, the south boundary of the farm adjoining the Athol line. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Royalston, Shutesbury and Amherst. He entered the Massa(!husetts Agricultural College at the age of fifteen and graduated in the Class of 1875. After graduation, he remained 'M- DR. FRANCIS A. BRAGG HENRY O. BRAGG MR. AND MRS. EVERETT EUGENE BRAGG and EVERETT C. BRAGG EVERETT B. BRAGG THP: BRAGG FAMILY J07 three 3 ears at the Ccllege as an assistant to Er. C. A. Goessman in the chemical department, and then was four years exploring in He Wet-t Indies. In 1895, he organized the National Chemical Co. in Cleve- lard, Chio, engaging in the manufacture of heavy chemicals. Ihis ccmjpany becam.e a part of the General Chemical Co. of New York in 1899 and he became the western manager of their m.anufactiiring department and in 1905, was elected vice- president and western manager located at Chicago, and this position he holds at the present time. He is a member of the fcllcwing clubs and societies: Union League Club, Chicago; Union Club, Cleveland; New York Athletic Club; New York Chem.istry Club; Evanston Club, Evanston, 111.; Chicago Association of Comm.erce; Illinois Manufacturing Association; Am.erican Chemical Society; American Association for the Ad- vancem.ent of Science; New England Society of Chicago, and several other societies. He married Helen Bliss Dickinson of Amherst, Mass., May 31, 1882; their children all living at this time are: Everett E., born in Boston, Dec. 9, 1884; Helen M., born in Boston, Dec. 21, 1886; Lawrence D., born in Springfield, Mass., Jan. 12, 1890; Kendall B., horn in Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1892 and Arthur D. hcin in Lvfrstcn, 111., Feb. 14, 1902. Francis A. Bragg, son of Henry 0. and Jemima (Shores) Bragg, was born in Shutesbury, Mass., Jan. 2, 1865, was edu- cated at Amherst public schools and Harvard Medical School, receiving his degree with Class of 1894. He began the practice of his profession in Boston, and settled in Foxboro, Mass., in 1895, where he is still in practice. He is the Medical Examiner of Sixth Norfolk District, and a m.ember of the Harvard Alumni Association, Massachusetts Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He was married Sept. 14, 1899 to Mary Davenport, a graduate of Wellesley, 1896. They have three children: Francis C, born July 1, 1901, Alice D., born Feb. 10, 1903 and David K., born Oct. 13, 1908. THE FISHER FAMILY Capt. David Fisher came to Royalston sometime about 1790 frcm Attleboro, Mass. where he was born in 1764. He mar- 308 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON ried Sophia Thayer of Mansfield Aug. 9, 1790. He bought a farm of one hundred acres in West Royalston, where he died in 1850. He was a Quaker and very eccentric, being an earnest opponent of the old law, requiring every one to pay for the support of religious worship, and became a leader of the "Free Donation Society"; after the repeal of that law he became a regular contributor in sustaining the institution of the Gospel. He was selectman of Royalston two years, assessor seven years, and was a well known school-master for several years. The children of David and Sophia (Thayer) Fisher were: Sophia, born Aug. 23, 1791, married Moses Walker 2nd., Jan. 29, 1816; Jason, born April 25, 1793; Achsa, born Feb. 8, 1795, died Feb. 21, 1795; Seth, bom Jan. 13, 1796; Clarissa, born Feb. 27, 1798, married Hori West- coat of Warwick March 21, 1820; Ruth Bhss, born Aug. 22, 1799, married Stephen J. Kendall of Warwick, May 9, 1820; David, born Mar. 8, 1801; Israel Labin, born May 13, 1803, died Oct. 9, 1805. Jason Fisher, oldest son of Capt. David Fisher, was born in Royalston Apr. 25, 1793. He bought his father's farm and lived on it until his death in 1878. He was a farmer and pump maker, making the old-fashioned wooden pump. He married Ruth Walker Feb. 19, 1818. Their children were: Horace, born Sept. 19, 1820; Ruth Morse, born Mar. 24, 1823, married Charles Mosman of Westminster, Nov. 20, 1845; Lisander Watson, born Jan. 22, 1825;Oi-vis, bom Mar. 23, 1827;Feronda Walker born, Apr. 23, 1829;Fyonda Aurilla, born Mar. 6, 1831; Cynthia Dexter, born Mar. 3, 1834, died young; Augustus J., born Apr. 14, 1836. Augustus J. Fisher was bom in Royalston, April 14, 1836. When a young man he attended Brattleboro Academy and taught school in Brattleboro, Chesterfield, N. H. and Royalston. He also went to a music school in Boston and for six years taught singing school both juvenile and adult in the towns of Fitzwilliam and Richmond, N. H. and Royal- ston, Orange, Wendell, Wanvick, New Salem, Erving and Athol in Massachusetts. He went to Orange in 1859 where he was engaged in the dry goods business for 29 years; he was a meml^er of the school committee two years and assessor for sixteen consecutive years, and is a member of Orange lodge F. & A. M. AUGUSTUS J. FISIIRR EDWIN A. FISIIKR THE FISHER FAMILY 309 He married Hattie A. Jennison of Orange Nov. 26, 1862. She died in 1880 and he married second, Emma C. Richardson of Winchester, Mass., Aug. 1, 1883. He had no children by either wife. Horace Fisher, son of Jason Fisher, was born in Royalston Sept. 19, 1820. He always lived in Royalston and was a farmer and lumberman. He married Lucy J. Kendall of Sandoff, N. H. Jan. 14, 1846. He died in 1890. His children were Edwin Augustus, born July 17, 1847, a sketch of whom appears in another chapter of this history. Elmer H. born Aug. 6, 1851 married Avis Mahala Corey of Canada, July 7, 1873; they have two children, Anna Ehzabeth born July 29, 1874 and Leon Horace born July 1876; Elmer H. died at Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 8, 1904; Cora J. Fisher born Aug. 20, 1855, married George E. Woodbury of Royalston Apr. 17, 1881; they have one son Chester Leslie, born Jan. 28, 1885. Mrs. Woodbury died ( .) Edward Everett Fisher born Jan. 16, 1853, married Mary Louise Leathe May 26, 1883, they had one daughter, Ethel May, born May 29, 1887. Feronda W. Fisher, son of Jason Fisher was born in Royalston April 23, 1829. He enlisted in the Fourth Ver- mont regiment in the Civil war and died in Orange, Mass. in 1909. Orvis Fisher, son of Jason, was born March 3, 1827. He was a member of the New Hampshire Cavalry in the Civil war, and died at Fortress Monroe in 1865. THE DAVIS FAMILY The Davis family, which has played an important part in the history of Royalston, from the time when Lt. John Davis came from Rehoboth, Mass. and settled in the west part of the town, traces its lineage back through the centuries to King Alfred of England. John Davis, the first member of the family to settle in Royalston, was born in Haverhill, Mass. Jan. 4, 1734 and moved to Rehoboth in 1750, where he mairied in September, 1760, Joanna Hicks (Hix) who was the daughter of Benjamin and Anna (Orras- bee) Hix of Rehoboth, 310 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON They moved to Royalston in 1778 and located upon a farm of two hundred acres in the west part of the town. He purchased the farm of James Otis of Barnstable, one of the original proprietors of Royalston, and paid two hundred and forty pounds for the same. He served in the war of the Revolution and attained the rank of 1st. Lieut. The govern- ment granted bim two hundred acres of land for his service. He died in 1764. His will mentions his wife Joanna and eleven children. They had thirteen children: Squire, John, Sylvester, Sara, Susanna, Joanna, Joseph, Benjamin, Asahel, Anna, Benjamin, Barney and Etniel. All but three of these were born in Rehoboth. (1) Squire Lcivis, oldest child of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, was born in Rehoboth July 21, 1762. He remained there until he was sixteen years old living with his grand- father, John Davis, when he went with his father to Royal- ston. He served in the v/ar of the Revolution, and the town paid him six hundred dollars for his service, and he after- wards drew" a pension. He married Altbear Bullock, daughter of Moulton Bullock. She was born in 1763 and died sudderly July 13, 1813 aged fifty years. They had seven children born to them. He was Representative to the General Court from Royalston in 1823, and served the town as Selectman twenty-one years. (2) Joh7i Davis, second son of John and Joanna Davis, was };orn April 13, 1763. He came with his father to Royal- stcn in 1778, ard seived in the Revolution from Royalston, although at the tim.e he was but little over sixteen years of age, being mustered in July 6, 1779. He v/as granted a pension in 1833. He was a farm.er by occupation, and married Lorania Perry of New Salem in 1792. She was born March 14, 1761. They removed to New Hampshire where five children were born to them. He moved back to Royal- ston, and married, second, Lucy Dexter of Orange in 1806; they had six children. He died in 1846. (3) Sylvester Davis, born Oct. 21, 1764, died Aug. 20, 1813 age 48 years. (4) Sarah Davis, daughter of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, was born Nov. 4, 1766. She married in Royalston, THE DAVIS FAMII.Y J// Rev. Simeon Jacobs, a widower with six children, Dec. 8, 1792. They had three children. She died 1853. (5) Susanna Davis, born July 18, 1768, died April 1770. (6) Joanna Davis, third daughter of John and Joanna Davis, born Feb. 17, 1770. Married William Weeks of Richmond, N. H. Dec. 12, 1815. She died in January, 1838. (7) Joseph Davis, son of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, born at Rehoboth Oct. 18, 1771; removed to Royalston in 1778 and married Sophia White, March, 1795. He was a farmer by occupation and ched in 1830. They had twelve children that grew up in Royalston. (8) Benjamin Davis, fifth son of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, born Feb. 9, 1773, died, 1777 at the age of four years. (9) Asahel Davis, sixth son of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, was born Feb. 19, 1775, moved to Royalston in 1778. Was a blacksmith and farmer. He married Deborah Mason. They had nine children, all born in Royalston. He died Jan. 7, 1859. (10) Anna Davis, youngest daughter of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, born Oct. 12, 1776, married Henry Goddard of Royalston Feb. 22, 1802. They hved for many years on the old home place of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis. They had eight grown-up children. They spent the latter part of their life at the home of their son Davis Goddard in Orange. (11) Benjamin Davis, son of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, born December 25, 1778; he married Priscilla Davis and died in Illinois. (12) Barney Davis, twelfth child of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, born Sept. 24, 1780; he married Susan Thurston of Royalston. They lived in Floyd, N. Y. and raised up a large family of children. (13) Daniel Davis, youngest child of John and Joanna (Hix) Davis, was born Oct. 21, 1782. He died May 28, 1820, leaving a widow and four children in the western part of New York State. Squire and Althear (Bullock) Davis had seven children: Prudence, Cephas, John, Joseph, Althear, Benjamin and Olive. (1) Prudence Davis, oldest child of Squire and Althear (Bullock) Davis, was born May 20, 1787 and married Jacob Parker of Richmond, N. H. March 23, 1814. ^22 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON (2) Cephas Davis, o\(\eiii son of Squire and Althear (Bullock) Davis, was born July 15, 1788, and died Nov. 11, 1813. (3) John Davis, the second son, was born Dec. 1, 1789. He married Polly Ccok of Richmond, N. H., Feb. 11, 1816. (4) Joseph Davis, third son of Squire and Althear (Bullock) Davis, was born July 18, 1792, married Tamarin Ballon, daughter of Oriel and Hannah (Robinson) Ballon of Richmond, N. H. Jan. 1, 1824. He was one of the largest landholders in Worcester Country owning over a thousand acres. He was a thorough business man, honest and upright in his dealings and held various responsible positions. He died in July, 1869 and his wife died Jan. 6, 1879. Their children were: Franklin B. born Dec. 1825 died in 1829; Emily born Dec. 1827 died in 1859; Tamma born Apr. 12, 1829, married E. T. Warner, second, A. J. Fletcher. George B. born Sept. 1832, died 1839; George FrankHn born Sept. 1840 died 1862; Marie E. born Nov. 1841, married Charles T. Tandy, Dec. 6, 1866. (5) Althear Davis, the second daughter, was born June 19, 1794. (6) Benjamin Davis, youngest son, was born July 2, 1800 and died at the age of six months. (7) Olive Davis, youngest daughter of Squire and Althear (Bullock) Davis was born Sept. 6, 1803; married Adriel White Jan. 16, 1826. They had ten children. The children of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis were: Cyrus, Elisha, Ansil, Hannah, Louisa, Daniel, Polly Mason, Hosea. (1) Cyrus Davis, oldest son of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston, Oct. 15, 1799. He married Dulcena Gale of Royalston, Feb. 21, 1828. He was a farmer by occupation. He was Representative to the General Court from Royalston in 1840, and was one of the Selectmen of the town. He died in 1867. (2) Elisha Davis, second son of Asahel and Deborah (Ma- son) Davis was born May 30, 1801; married Hannah Peck June 14, 1829, and married (second) Sarah Morse. (3) Ansil Davis, third son of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis, was born July 10, 1803. He married first, Lucretia Johnson who died in New Hampshire; he married (second) Caroline Dudley, by whom he had several children. DANIEL DAVIS THE DAVIS FAMILY J/J He attended New Salem Academy and taught school, liis education lieing better than the average farmer. He went to Boston and worked long enough to supply him with money to buy a small farm which he purchased in Chesterfield, N. H. Soon after moving on to his farm his wife died and he sold his place and moved to Orange, but after a while went to Warwick, which town he represented in the General Court •of Massachusetts. He died in Warwick in May, 1859. (4) Hannah Davis, oldest daughter of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston, March 30, 1805. She married first (31iver M. Fisher of Wendell, Sept. 19, 1824, and married (second) Jonathan Wheeler of Athol, by whom she had seven children, two of whom are now living (1915), Mrs. Hollon Farr of Athol and Mrs. Bela Dexter of Rutland, Yt. (5) Louisa Davis, second daughter of Asahel and Del)orah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston, March 11, 1807. She was a school teacher and married Elbridge Boyden, a well known architect. She died in Worcester in 1888. They had three children. Daniel Davis, sixth child of Asahel and Del)orah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston, Fel). 4, 1899. He worked at home on the farm summers, attending school in the winter. At the age of seventeen he attended New Salem Academy for one term, and at eighteen he taught school in Richmond, N. H., receiving ten dollars a month and Ijoard. When nine- teen he went to Boston where he remained for six years. At the request of the clerk of Quincy Market, he was appointed a policeman, having charge of the market house, Faneuil Hall, also of the Customs House which at that time, was located in Faneuil Hall. When about twenty-five years of age lie was obliged to give up his work in Boston, owing to failure of health, the doctors telling him he could not live two years. He returned to the farm, and for a while taught school in Royalston, also in Orange; later he went out as salesman for Jonathan Wheeler, who then owned a large pail factory in Athol. He traveled over thirteen different states; also, was on the Atlantic for fourteen days during a storm, in which every one was seasick. After this his health was much improved. 314 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON He married July 5, 1842, Miss Liicinda W. Stratton of Athol, who was a sister of Joel D. Stratton, widely known throughout the United States and Great Britain and Ireland, as the man who was the instrument of John B. Gough's reformation. They lived in Athol for several years during which time Mr. Davis was a member of the school committee of Athol for one year. In 1860 he returned to Royalston where he lived the remainder of his life. In 1832 he cast his first vote for President, voting for Andrew Jackson when he was elected for his second term. At one time he was a member of the Whig party, and was a delegate to the first Free Soil convention, where Daniel Webster was one of the speakers. He joined the Republican party when it was organized, and most of the time thereafter voted with that party, going three miles from his home in November, 1908, when he was within a few months of one hundred years of age to cast his vote for William H. Taft for President. He served the town of Royalston as Selectman, School Committee, Overseer of the Poor and Assessor, and was one of the Historical Committee on the occasion of the Centennial Anniversary of Royalston in 1865, and was also one of the Committee of Publication of the Royalston Memorial of that year. He prepared an address for and was present at the Old Home Week Celebration of Royalston held in August, 1910, when he was one hundred and one years and six months of age. He died March 30, 1912 at the age of one hundred and three years, one month and twenty-six days. Daniel and Lucinda (Stratton) Davis had six children. The children of Daniel and Lucinda (Stratton) Davis were: Thenais B. Davis, born in Athol, Feb. 12, 1843. She married June 4, 1872 Eugene T. Bixby of Sunderland, Mass. They had two children, Willie E. born in Sunderland March 20, 1873 and died in Royalston, Feb. 5, 1898; Harry D. Bixby born in Royalston, Feb. 19, 1875. He married Maude E. Stone of Royalston, Sept. 25, 1900. They resided in Win- chendon and had one daughter, Louise S. born May 3, 1908. He died in 1915. Thenais married (2) Ezekiel V. Nelson of Royalston, May, 9, 1894, She died in Royalston, Apr. 10, 1910. THE DAVIS FAMILY J25 Hosea D. Davis, oldest son of Daniel and Lucinda (Stratton) Davis was born April 2, 1845. He went to Boston when a yonng man, where he has ever since been in the business of a contractor and builder. He married Mar}- Davis of Boston. They have no children. Abby L. horn in Royalston Feb. 17, 1847, died April 1849. Emory A. born in Orange, Nov. 17, 1848. He went to California when a young man and engaged in the carpenter and contracting business. He is now retired from business. He never married. Charles S. Davis, third son of Daniel and Lucinda (Stratton) Davis, was born in Royalston, Aug. 29, 1851. Lived with his parents in Royalston and Athol until about nineteen years of age when he left home and after spending one year in Boston and one in Athol went to Minneapolis in January, 1874. He married Oct. 11, 1877 Emily Jacobs Forristall of Boston. They have no children. He was engaged with the D. M. Gilmore Furniture Co. in Minneapolis, as general foreman for about eleven years, and then was in the real estate business from that time until about 1900, when he was ap- pointed first truant officer of the public schools of Minneapolis, which position he has held ever since. He has more than forty thousand elementary school children, together with twenty-five private and parochial schools to look after and has two assistants and a clerk. He has been a memlier of the First Baptist Church of Minneapolis for over thirty- three years. Willie W. Davis, youngest child of Daniel Davis, was born in Athol, Sept. 25, 1854. He was engaged in the manufacture of furniture in Minneapolis for about twelve years, and then came East and was with the Mason & Hamlin Piano Co. in Boston about three years. He returned to Royalston about fifteen years ago and is engaged in the manufacture of lumber and the turning business, being a member of the firm of Newton & Davis. He never married. (7) Polly Mason Davis, daughter of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston, July 28, 1812. She was a school teacher and married May 23, 185G, Chester Bancroft of Royalston born in 1808. They made their home in Worcester. She died in Worcester June 23, 1893. They had no children. 316 HISTORY OF ROVALSTOX (8) Hosea Davia, youngest child of Asahel and Deborah (Mason) Davis, was born in Royalston, June 21, 1813. S33 Sketch in Medical Chapter. The children of Joseph and Sophia (White) Davis were: Clarissa, Jai'\ds, Alvin, Lorenzo, Lo\'ina, Czarina, Cemantha,. Feronda. (1) Clarissa Davis, oldest daughter of Joseph and Sophia. (White) Davis, was born March 11, 1796. She married Luther Ballou, Dec. 3, 1818. She died in 18(36. (2) Jarvis Davis, oldest son of Joseph and Sophia (White) Davis, was bora Dec. 3, 1789. He represented the Town of Royalston in the Legislature of 1856, was a member of the board of selectmen five yeare, and of the assessors three years,, and was a justice of the peace. He died in 1876. (3) Alvin Davis, second son of Joseph and vSophia (White) Davis, was born Oct. 7, 1801. He married MeliitabelH. Berry in 1832 or 1833. He started for the gold fields of California^ but died at the Straits of Darien. (4) Lorenzo Davis, third son of Joseph and Sophia (White) Davis, was bora Oct. 16, 1803. He went to Putney, Vt. and married Rosana Gale in 1831. (5) Lovina Davis, second daughter, was l)orn April 7, 1806, married Lyman Peck, Jan. 15, 1829. They had six children. (6) Czarina Davis, third daughter of Joseph and Sophia (White) Davis, was born Aug. 7, 1808. She married Sulivan Peck of Royalston, May 29, 1831. They had five children. (7) Cemantha Davis, the youngest daughter, was born Dec. 30, 1812. Married Charles Osgood of Boston, March 8, 1837. (8) Feronda Davis, the youngest child was born ALirch 23, 1819 and died April 10, 1838. The children of Cyrus and Dulcena (Gale) Davis were: Marrissa, Helen, Emogene, Galphina, Jay, Dulcena, Cyrus. (1) Marissa Davis, oldest child of Cyrus antl Dulcena (Gale) Davis was born in Royalston, Dee. 4, 1828; she mar- ried Lewis H. Keyes. They moved to Athol soon after their marriage, which was their home most of their lives. She died in 1909 aged 81. They had four children: Carrie E., Ida F., Helen C. and Everett E. (2) Helen M. Davis, second daughter of Cyrus and Dulcena (Gale) Davis, was born March 8, 1831: she married AUiert THE DAVIS FAMILY 3l7 Whitaker of New Salem, Sept. 18, 1855, which town was thereafter their home. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1895. Mr. Whitaker died in April 1907, and Mrs. Whitaker made her home with her daughter Mrs. Stella Skinner until her death. They had three children: Stella, A. W. Whitaker and Willie J. Whitaker. Stella married Herbert H. Skinner of North Dana; they have three children: Bernice, Margaret and Benjamin. A. W. Whitaker married Emily Howard of Keene, N. H.; they have two children, Emily and Ethel. They reside in Worcester where Mr. Whitaker is a practicing physician. WiU.ie J. Whitaker married Grace Hayden. They have one child, Vergalene and their home is in New Salem. (3) Emogene Davis, third daughter of Cyrus and Dulcena (Gale) Davis, was born April 1, 1836; she married Andrew J. Bennett of Richmond, N. H. They lived most of their married life in Oswego, N. Y., where Mr. Bennett was a rail- road conductor. They had three children, Fred, Lula and Lida Bennett. Mrs. Bennett died in Fel^ruary, 1908. (4) Calphina Davis, fourth daughter of Cyrus and Dulcena (Gale) Davis, was born Nov. 21, 1837. She married Dr. A. W. King of Plymouth, 111., where she died in 1868. They had one child Mary King, who married Robert Armstrong of Winnebago, 111. (5) Jaij Davis, son of Cyrus and Dulcena (Gale) Davis, was born Jan. 10, 1840. Enlisted in Co. L, 25th Regiment Mass. Volunteers. Was in the army until the regiment disbanded after returning home. He went to Illinois, where he married S. Ellis. Had one child, Robert E. Davis, a mining engineer at Butte, Montana. Jay Davis died in 1901 aged 64 years. THE MORSE FAMILY The Morse Family which first became identified with Royalston history in the opening years of the nineteenth century was a family of importance and became connected by marriage with many of the prominent families of the town. This family traces its ancestry to one Samuel Morse, born in England in 1585, who came to New England in 1635, and Jig HISTORY OF ROYALSTON settled in Watertown, Mass.; he removed to Dcdham in 1637, and died at Medfield, April 5, 1654. He brought with him from England his wife Elizabeth, who died June 20, 1654, also his son Joseph Morse, who was born in England in 1615, married Hannah Phillips of Watertown in 1638, and died in Dorchester in 1654. Russell Morse of the sixth generation from the above Samuel Morse, was born July 12, 1786, probably at Hub- bardston; he married Betsey Waite July 30, 1807. They settled in the north part of Royal ston on the place first settled by Thomas Perry, later the home of Ammi Faulkner, a leading town officer and moderator of town meetings. He was a thrifty farmer and a man of prominence in public affairs, represented the town in the General Court three terms, was Selectman nine years, and Assessor seven years when the election to that office was not combined with that of Selectman. He died Oct. 27, 1869, and his wife Betsey died Nov. 13, 1869. They had seven children: Nelson, Esther, Caroline, Ehza, Russell, Mary and Emehne. Nelson Morse, oldest son of Russell and Betsey (Waite) Morse, was born in Royalston Feb. 18, 1810, married Sarah Flagg and moved to Fitzwilliam, N. H., about 1840, and to Keene, N. H., about 1854, where he was for some years keeper of the Cheshire County jail, and aftei wards engaged in the real estate and auction business. He was one of the founders of the St. James Episcopal Church in Keene. He died in Keene Jan. 3, 1883, and his wife Sarah also died there. They had two children, one of whom died in infancy. Julius Nelson Morse, son of Nelson and Sarah (Flagg) Morse, was born in Royalston Aug. 5, 1840. When his parents removed to Keene in 1854 he entered the office of the Cheshire Republican and learned the printer's trade. After gaining some experience by working on other papers outside of Keere, in 1865 he became part proprietor of the Cheshire Republican, and a little later sole proprietor, and continued as owner and editor until 1878, when he retired from active business. He was an active participant in the affairs of St. James Episcopal Church, a member of the Masonic fraternity, trustee of a savings bank, and vitally interested in humanitarian work and matters pertaining to the improvement of the com- munity. He married Jan. 23, 1888 Elizabeth W. Poole, who THE MORSE FAMILY j>/9 died Sept. 28, 1869. He married (second) October, 1874 Anna M. Chase. He died Feb. 21, 1896. Esther Morse, daughter of Russell and Betsey Morse, was born in Royalston Jan. 2, 1813. She married George Chase of Royalston in 1836. They had five children. She died Dec. 18, 1906 at the age of ninety-three years and eleven months. She was well preserved ani did not appear to have a weakened sense, and had a glow in her open countenance seldom seen in one of her years. Caroline Chase, daughter of Russell and Betsey Morse, was born in Royalston Nov. 15, 1808. She married Chauncy Chase Dec. 2, 1830 and their home was in Boston until 1859 when they removed to Royalston. Mary Morse was born in Royalston May 6, 1824, married Benjamin Bachelder Bartlett May 23, 1813; they had two children. Eliza Morse was born in Royalston Feb. 16, 1815; she married Elmer Bartlett; they had two children. She died in Cambridge Jan. 15, 1905. Russel Morse, Jr., son of Russell and Betsey Morse, was bom in Royalston May 17, 1819. He was interested in town affairs, was one of the building committee of the town hall, and a member of the committee of arrangements for the Centennial celebration of 1865. He married Mary Ann Stebbins of Vernon, Vt., Feb. 1, 1843. They had four children: Edmund Russell, Calista Stebb"ns, John Prescott and Jenner. Ejiieline, youngest daughter of Russell and Betsey (Waite) Morse, was born in Royalston Feb. 17, 1827. She married Josiah Wilder Sept. 19, 1854; he was born in Winchendon March 4, 1826; later on he lived in Royalston for some time and went to Cincinnati, Ohio a few years before his mar- riage, where he engaged in business. He died July 11, 1888. They had nine children: Florence Louise, born Feb. 4, 1857, married Dec. 5, 1878 Julius Friedeborn; they have one child, Ida Belle born Feb. 13, 1859, married June 21, 1883 Samuel M. Goodman; they have three children. William Hamlin, born Dec. 16, 1861, married June 10, 1884 Ella Taylor, who died in September, 1899; they had one child. William married Dec. 25, 1907 Carrie Rothschild; they have two children. Nettie, born Nov. 8, 1863, married May 19, 1887 Howard Carey. Nellie, J20 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON born Nov. 8, 1863, married May 19, 1887 Lonsdale Green; they have three children. Carrie Chase, born July 4, 1866, married June 12, 1890 Albert Edward Brooks; they have four children. Emma Waite, born July 1, 1869; Mary Elizabeth, born June 23, 1871, died March 1874. Emeline (Morse) Wilder died Feb. 17, 1907 at the age of eighty years. THE LEATHE FAMILY Francis Leathe of Salem, a ship owner, is the immigrant ancestor of the family of that name in New England. He took the oath of allegiance at Topsfield or Rowley, Mass. in 1678. The first member of the family to come to Royalston was Benjamin Leathe of the fifth generation. He was a son of Francis Leathe of the fourth generation, and was born in Woburn, Mass. Nov. 14, 1753. He is said to have partici- pated in that historic "Tea Party" in Boston harbor, and was a soldier in the Revolution, serving in the company of Cap- tain Samuel Sprague, of Chelsea, at the Lexington alarm. He married Lois Walton of Reading. He was a cordwainer or shoemaker, by trade, and after residing in Reading for a time settled in Royalston in the north part of the town, on the farm now owned by Frank B. Frye. He died in 1831 and w^as succeeded by his son, Benj. Leathe, Jr. In 1805 he bought the Nathan Cutting place and settled his son John there, who died in 1885 and was succeeded by his son William H. Leathe, the present owner. The children of Benjamin and Lois (Walton) Leathe were: Benjamin, born in Reading Oct. 25, 1781; Lois, born in Reading, May 13, 1783, died Aug. 6, 1789; John, born in Reading, Jan. 21, 1785, died Aug. 7, 1789; Betsey, born in Royalston, May 17, 1787; Benjamin Jr., born in Royalston, May 19, 1790; Lois, born in Royalston, June 29, 1792, married Joseph Day of Winchendon, Dec. 12, 1837; John, born Oct. 24, 1794 and Samuel, born May 21, 1800, and died June 1, 1881. Benjamin Leathe, Jr., son of Benjamin and Lois (Walton) Leathe, was born in Royalston, May 19, 1790. He settled on the homestead deeded to him by his father in 1827. He married Paulina Chase, daughter of Silas and Diadama Chase, WILLIAM H. LEATHE THE LEATHE FAMILY 321 Aug. 11, 1814. Their children were: John Walton, born Jan, 22, 1815, married Folly Morse of ritzwilliam, N. H., Nov. 15, 1828; William M., born March 22, 1821 of whom a sketch will be found in another chapter of this work; Paulina Ann born Aug. 8, 1828; Sarah Garfield, born June 11, 1823 and Benjamin Franklin, born Nov. 24, 1831. John Leathe, son of Benjamin and Lois (Walton) Leathe, was born in Royalston, Oct. 24, 1794. He lived on the place that he occupied at his death for more than seventy years. He was a man of great physical endurance, performing the most severe labor with no apparent fatigue until the approach of old age, and was an esteemed citizen of the town. He died in 1885 at the age of ninety-one years being at the time of his death the oldest person in town; he married Polly Morse of Fitzwilliam Nov. 15, 1828. The children of John and Polly (Morse) Leathe were: Mary E., born Nov. 23, 1829, married Amos Hubbard of Royals- on; she died Aug. 16, 1600; their children: Eleanor M., born Sept. 5, 1849, married John McRae of Gardner; Ehzabeth M., born Dec. 19, 1851, married Calvin W. Wilson of Gardner; Flora F. born Feb. 20, 1856, married Sidney B. Fairbanks of Gardner; Estella C., born Sept. 20, 1864, died Sept. 30, 1866; Betsey W., born Feb. 10, 1831, died Sept. 6, 1851; John F., born May 26, 1832, married Lucy L. Alger of Winchendon; their chilc'ren are: Walter F. leathe, born July 26, 1860, and Mary L., who married Everett Fisher of Royal- ston; Rehekuh H., 1 orn Nov. 22, 1833, married Benjamin Alger of Winchendon; their son William B. Alger was born June 3, 1867; Martha F., born Dec. 15, 1835, married James S. Piper of Royalston; Elvira R., born Aug 18, 1838, married Elma L. Hale of Winchendon; their daughter Alice E. Hale, born April 23, 1873, died^April 22, 1889. Mrs. Hale died June 21, 1895. William H. Leathe, son of John and Polly (Morse) Leathe, was born in Royalston June 21, 1840, and succeeded his father on the farm which had come down from his gi'and- father and which has always been his home. He has always taken an active interest in town affairs, and was for many years on the Board of Assessors, serving from 1900 to 1913 continuously. He has always been deeply interested in the history of the town, and probably no man living today is better posted on the history of the past than he. It was at 322 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON his suggestion that the article regarding the pubheation of a town history was fiist put in town meeting warrant. He married Frances R. Williamson of Royalston March 13, 1890. Their children are John H. Leathe, born Sept. 2, 1890, married Elsa Ruth Allsen of Boston, May 25, 1912; their home is in Royalston. Herbert H. Leathe, born July 13, 1895, lives at home with his parents. LYMAN STONE FAMILY Lyman Stone, for many years a leading citizen and town officer of Royalston, was born in Dover, Vt. March 4, 1825, the youngest of the seven children of Jonathan and Sophia (Miller) Stone. His father died when Lyman was four months old, and the mother had a hard fight to bring up the family. When five years old he went to Fitzwilliam, N. H. to live, which was his home until he was twenty-one years old. In that time he had accumulated by hard work and saving, four hundred dollars, and owned three suits of clothes. This was his freedom capital, and with it he set up a sawmill on Otter brook, at a place where these animals had built a dam. It was formerly Lieut. Allen's mill and was established more than a century ago. He carried on business at this mill for more than half a century when he leased the mill to his son-in-law, Herbert 0. Smith. He was married Feb. 14, 1850 to Miss Marilla Amanda Waste, daughter of Ebenezer and Lucinda (Grant) Waste of Whitingham, Vt., and took his bride to a house that he had just built across the street from his mill, and which was their home until the death of Mr. Stone, and is still the home of Mrs. Stone, it having been sixty-five years since she came there as a bride. Their golden wedding anniversary was celebrated there Feb. 14, 1900, when a family dinner was served to which thirty-nine persons, being descendants and their husbands and wives, sat down, and in the afternoon a public reception was held which was largely attended by the townspeople. Mr. Stone was prominent in town affairs, having been selectman, assessor, school committeeman, high- way surveyor many terms. He never was a member of any THE LEATHE FAMILY 323 club or secret society. The only business he was engaged in was lumbering and the turning out of chair stock in which he did a large business, employing a number of men and teams, and in which he was engaged for fifty-four years. He had traveled considerable, having been to California, the West and South, and to Nova Scotia. Mr. Stone died Sept. 21, 1900. They had nine children of whom eight are now living (1915). All were born in Royalston. The children of Lyman and Marilla Amanda (Waste) Stone were Edward Ljmian, born March 31, 1852; Clarence E., born Jan. 10, 1854, married Mary Isabel Averill of North Newcastle, Me. Jan. 10, 1876; Emma Marilla, born Nov. 24, 1855, married. Sidney Tha3^er of Athol, Nov. 18, 1875; their home is in South Athol; Mary Lucinda, born Sept. 23, 1858, married James Grville Hayden of Boxboro, Mass. ; they live in Somerville, Mass.; Hattie Maria, born Oct. 15, 1862, married George E. Carkins of New Hampshii-e July 4, 1882; Julia Lillian, born June, 4, 1866, married Alonzo Sanderson Parker of Athol; Cora Viola, born May 7, 1868, married George H. Eichards Dec. 24, 1892; Lizzie Amelia, born Dec. 11, 1869, died Feb. 23, 1870; AHce Ella, born Jan. 11, 1871, married Herbert Oliver Smith of Troy, N. H. Nov. 24, 1898. Eduard Lyman Stone, oldest son of Lyman and Marilla (Waste) Stone was born in Royalston, March 31, 1852. He attended school in the old No. 2 District, and also went for three Fall teims to the High School at Royalston Centre. At nineteen years of age he left school and went to work in his father's sawmill in Royalston. On March 31, 1875 he mar- ried Emma Frances Collins of Fitzwilliam, N. H., who was born in Wai-wick, Mass., Oct. 9, 1853. They lived in Royal- ston until Nov. 1, 1877, when they moved to Fitzwilliam Depot, N. H., where Mr. Stone became a member of the firm of Burbank & Stone, and started in the sawmill and grist mill business, cutting out pail s-t-ock, lumber, etc. In 1878 the partnership was dissolved, after which the l)usiness went under the name of E. L. Stone. In April, 1894 the mill was destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt the same year. He continued in the chair business and the getting out of lumber, boxes, etc., until May 1, 1913, when he transferred the business to his son, R. W. Stone, who has since conducted it. ^24 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Edward Lyman and Emma (Collins) Stone had two. children: Robert Waldo, born Aug. 7, 1862 and Cora Viola Stone, born in Royalston, May 9, 1869, married in Royalston by Rev. A. M. Rice to George Henry Richards of Hubbard-, ston, Mass., Dec. 24, 1891; they had four children born in Royalston, Fitzwilliam, N. H. and Athol. Mr. Richards died June 9, 1909. Mrs. Richards resides in Athol. Julia Lillian Stone, l)orn in Royalston June 4, 1866, married, in Royalston by Rev. Milton Pond to Alonzo S. Parker of Athol, June 17, 1885; they had two children born in Royal- ston and Temple ton. ELDER WIGHTMAN JACOBS FAMILY The Jacobs family of Royalston are descended from Nath- aniel Jacobs, who is believed to have been bjrn in Bristol, R. L, July 6, 1683, and was married Oct. 22, 1713, to "Mary, sister of Rev. Valentine Wightman," who planted the first Baptist church in Connecticut in 1705. According to tradition he was descended from Edward Wightman, the last man burned for heresy in England in 1612. Nathaniel Jacobs removed from Bristol to Woodstock, Conn., about 1730, and later to Thompson, Conn., in a section sparsely settled, bordering on primeval forest. His place be- came one for rest and refreshment to many travelers from Connecticut or Boston, and in later years became popular and widely known tis the H^ If-way House between Boston and Hartford, and during the Re/olutionary War the "Old Jacobs Tavern" entertained many well-known leaders and officers. Young Nathan Hale, on his journey to Boston one cold morning in the winter of '76, reports "breakfasting at Jacobs' Tavern." Its most distinguished guest was the first American, General Washington, who breakfasted at the house of "one Jacobs," when returning from Boston on the first Presidential Tour November 7, 1789. The old tavern had traditions of romance as well as of business and public affairs. Wightman Jacobs, son of Nathaniel, became a leader among the Baptists when a young man, and was selected as their pastor, being formally ordained and installed in service in 1750, the first minister raised up in Thompson. He remained pastor of THE ELDER WIGHTMAN JACOBS FAMILY 325 this church nearly twenty years, and in 1769 removed to Royalston, Mass., and was the first settled pastor of the West Royalston Baptist church, being installed Dec. 13, 1870, and served the church as pastor for sixteen years. A part of this time his home was in the northerly part of Athol, on Chestnut Hill, being the farm now owned and occupied by Frank W. Whitney; while another place that was his abode for some time, was half way up "Jacobs' Hill'' where Mr. Clement resided for many years. He died at the home of his son, Joseph, in Royal- ston March 28, 1801, from a fall. He was one of the strong and dominating characters of early Royalston history, and his in- fluence has been felt all through the years, his descendants having been prominent and useful citizens of Royalston and other towns and cities of New England and the country. Her- bert Adams, the well-known sculptor, is a descendant of Elder Wightman Jacobs in the fifth generation. SIMEON JACOBS, JR., FAMILY Simeon Jacoljs, Jr., was born February 5, 1783. He married Molly Kenney April 10, 1805, and lived on the farm now owned by Myron W. Sherwood, where he was one of the old time land- lords, his home being one of the taverns of the town. He died Sept. 4, 1824, at the age of forty-one, leaving a family of nine boys, the oldest of whom was less than nineteen years of age, and the youngest a little over a year at the time of his father's death. The children were: Ira, born Dec. 17, 1805, married Emeline Cohen in 1829; Isaac, born Dec. 22, 1807; Moses, born Nov. 25, 1809, married Lydia Clark of Howard Patent, N. Y., in 1836; Sumner, born Jan. 12, 1812, married Susan Clapp in 1835, and second, Mary Higgins in 1845; Simeon, born April 11, 1814, married Ann Lomans of Columbia, Conn., and their descend- ants are now living in that vicinity; Horace, born April 5, 1816, married Emily Owen of Westfield, Mass., whose father owned a large part of Mount Tom. His early education was obtained in the schools of Royalston. He became an eminent physician of Springfield. His children were: Dr. Chauncy A. Jacobs and Mary Jacobs of Springfield; Horace Jacobs of Boston, Rachel B, Jacobs, who was one of the foremost women of Springfield, a graduate of Vassar College, for twelve years a member of J26 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON the school committee of Springfield and active in both church and charity matters; and Miriam Jacobs who married Rev. A. F. Rice, a prominent Methodist minister of the New England Conference; Enoch, born Feb. 5, 1819; and Alonzo, born in 1821; Philander Jacobs, the youngest member of the family born July 3, 1823, was adopted by a family by the name of Forristal and was thenceforth known as Philander Jacobs Forristal. He married Sally Ann Pitman of Boston March 26, 1846, and became a prominent merchant in Boston. He bought the old home of his father in Royalston for a summer residence, where his family spent their summers for many years. FRANCIS JACOBS FAMILY Francis Jacobs, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Bennett) Jacobs, was born Aug. 13, 1807. He was a farmer, a man of sterling character, and was closely identified with the work of the Baptist church in West Royalston, being one of its deacons. He married Parney Goddard of Royalston Nov. 28, 1837. Their children were: Thomas A., born Sept. 21, 1838, he was drowned Aug. 8, 1860; Czaranina White, born June8, 1841, married Erwin J. Fuller of Mariboro, N. H., Sept. 16, 1865; and Bela J. Jacobs, born Nov. 5, 1839. His early life was that of an ordinary farmer's boy. Hiseducation was received in the district school and Shel- burne Falls academy and Powers Institute, Bernardston, Mass. He worked on the farm summers and taught school winters for several years. In company with Erwin J. Fuller he went to Leominster in 1867, and bought out a drug store to which they afterwards added groceries. In 1881 he went to Natick and went into the hardware store of W. D. Parlin as salesman. He has been an active worker \n the Baptist church and Sunday school in the different places where he has resnled, and has been a teacher in the Sunday school almost continuously for over fifty years. After going to Natick he was chosen clerk of the church and one of the senior deacons. He married Mary A. Stowell of Claremont, N. H., Nov. 29, 1866. She died Nov. 1, 1870. They had two children: Etta M., born Feb. 27, 1868; and Irving S., born Nov. 1, 1870. Etta M. married W. Cook of Natick, optician and jeweler. THE FRANCIS JACOBS FAMILY 327 Irving S., married Grace E. Mansfield of Everett. He is in the clothing business in Natick, firm name, Jacobs and Southland. Bela J. Jacobs married (2) Josephine C. Walker of New Brunswick Oct. 10, 1871. Two children: Ernest L., born Jan. 19, 1873, and Helena J., born Nov. 10, 1874. Ernest L. married Ellen J. Hardie of Natick; he is in the dry goods firm of W. H. Colby and Co., Natick. Helena J. married Lloyd Brown of Keene, N. H., a graduate of Brown university, they live in Detroit, Mich. Whitman Jacobs, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Bennett) Jacobs was born Sept. 11, 1809, in West Royalston. The chil- dren of Whitman Jacobs were: Alonzo W. Jacobs, born Feb. 25, 1853; George D., who died in 1884; Rufus M., who lived in Putney, Vt.; and John T. of West Royalston. Alonzo W. Jacobs was in the market business in Athol for a short time and then went to Greeley, Colorado, in 1878. He soon after started in the meat busmess which he continued in the same place for thirty-six years, being one of the oldest firms in the city. He retired from business in 1914 and is now looking after his extensive farming interests. He married Lillian Brock- way of New Brunswick, May 30, 1883. They had two sons. THE CLEMENT FAMILY The Clement family of Royalston are descended from a Presbyterian minister of Scotland, who in a time when the Catholic religion prevailed, with his family and many others emigrated to Ulster county, Ireland, for the sake of religious liberty. He had three children, one of whom, James Clement, was the first one of the family to come to America. He married Lydia Harris and settled in Massachusetts. William Clement, one of the early settlers of Royalston, settled on the road leading from Lieut. Jonas Allen's place to the common. He was a soldier of the Revolution and was in the battle of Bunker Hill. He married Anna Nichols, daughter of Henry Nichols, March 30, 1780. They had nine children, all born in Royalston, of whom two died in infancy: Isaac, born Oct. 16, 1780, married Mary Town, daughter of William Town, Aug. 9, 1801; EHzabeth, born April 5, 1782, married Asa ^2S HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Bacheller, son of Dr. Stephen Baeheller, Fen., June 2, 1805; Sally, born Dec. 24, 1784, married Oct. 10, 1803, Isaac Prouty, who bought the farm and tannery that was established by William Brown; Mercy, born March 17, 1789, married Ira Bragg Nov. 18, 1810; William, born Dec. 7, 1786; Dilly, born Oct. 4, 1794; and Charlotte, born Nov. 19, 1796. About 1810 William Clement, with a part of his family moved to Croyden, N. H., where he died at the age of eighty-five. William Clement, Jr., who went to Croyden with his father, married Rosanna Cooper of Croyden and later returned to Royalston; had four .children: Benjamin F., Sylvander, William and Jane R., who married Ebenezer Whitney, Aug. 13, 1848. Benjamin F. Clement, son of William Clement, Jr., was born in Croyden, N. H., Aug. 29, 1812, and died June 8, 1851. He had five children: Henry S., born March 19, 1835; Will A., born Feb. 2, 1841, died Dec. 24, 1864; Edna, born Aug. 3, 1839, died Nov. 18, 1857; Asa B., born April 10, 1849, died Nov. 18, 1905; Dwight E., born Nov. 9, 1836. Duright E. Clement, son of Benjamin F. Clement, born Nov. 9, 1836. He lived in Royalston before his marriage and since then has lived in Tully where he has been engaged in farming. He had three children: Charles, born March 11, 1868, and died in July 1868; Cora E., born June 27, 1869; and Walter H., born Aug. 26, 1870. William- W. Clemvit, was born in Croyden, N. H., May 14, 1819. He came to Royalston with his father and was engaged in farming. He became prominent in town affairs serving on the board of selectmen from 1859 to 1865 inclusive, and was also on the board of assessors. He went into market gardening near Boston for a few years, but leturned to Royalston and was again one of the selectmen from 1871 to 1875 inclusive and also an assessor. He also represented this district in the legislature of 1866. During the latter part of his life, his home was what has been known as the Joseph T. Nichols place on the common. He died Aug. 11, 1876. THE ESTEY FAMILY One of the most prominent families of the earliest settlers of Royalston was the Estey family, whose name is said to have THE ESTEV FAMILY 329 been derived from the colony of Padua, Italy, in the seventh century. The members of the family soon spread westward and now they are to be found in France, England and America. The American branches of the family were said to have been planted by three brothers who came from England. Jeffrey Estey (or Easty as the name frequently appeared), was an early settler at Salem and Beverly. He was probably a Quaker. His wife, Elizabeth, bore him two children, Edward and Isaac. Isaac, known as Sergeant Eastey, lived in Topsfield, Mass., and was selectman of that town from 1681 to 1687. His wife, Mary, born in Yarmouth, England, who came with her parents, William and Joanna (Blessing) Towne, was a victim of the Salem witch- craft persecutions and was executed Sept. 22, 1692, as had been her sister, Rebecca Nourse, previously. Jacob, son of Isaac and Mary Eastey, the fifth son in the family of nine children, inherited the homestead and lived in Topsfield. He was select- man in 1725 and died in 1732. His wife, Lydia Elliott, bore liim five children. (3f these, Isaac, born in 1715, lived in Tops- field, Mass., until 1740. when he removed to Sutton, Mass., and subsequently settled in Royalston som.etime before 1767, for that year he was one of the selectmen of Eoyalston. His aged mother came to town with him, and rode in a chaise, which it required several men to steady and help over the ob- structions of the way. She was the first adult female that died in Rovalston. He settled the first place west of the common, near the foot of Jacob's Hill, so-called. He was one of the eight persons who "embodied" with the 1st Baptist church of Royalston in 1768, and became its first deacon. He was a man of considerable property and a highly respected citizen. He married Sirah Gould Nov. 1, 1743. He died in 1792. His wife, Sarah Goukl, bore him two children, Jacob and Kepsil:)ah. Jacjh Estey, son of Isaac and Sarah (Gould) Estey was born Aug. 10, 1744; he came to Royalston with his father, and inherited the homestead and also succeeded his father as deacon of the Baptist church. Ele was a man of importance in town affairs, serving on the board of selectmen for several years, also assessor and school committee, and was on many important committees. He married Sarah Chamberlain. They both died in 1829, aged respectively eighty-five and eighty years. The children of Jacob and Sarah (Chamberlain) Estey were: Isaac, Sarah. Israel, John, Joseph and Pollc}'. j:jq history OF ROYALSTON Isaac Esteij, the eldest son and his brother Israel settled in Hinsdale, N. H., where they built a saw mill and engaged in the manufacture of lumber. The enterprise, however, proved far from prosperous, and as the statute law then permitted im- prisonment for debt, under its provisions Isaac Estey was arrested and thrown into the county jail as a debtor. Upon his release he resorted to agriculture for the support of himself and family, and passed the remainder of his life in that pursuit. His wife was Patty Forbes, daughter of James and Abigail Forbes, who bore him eight children. Jacob Estey, sixth child of Isaac and Patty (Forbes) Estey, was born in Hinsdale, N.H., Sept. 30, 1814. When four years old he was adopted by a wealthy family in Hinsdale, and after spending nine years under their roof, at the age of thirteen he left his foster parents and walked to Worcester, Mass., where one of his older brothers resided. The following four years he labored upon farms in the towns of Rutland, Millbury and vicinity. When seventeen years old he apprenticed himself to a firm in Worcester in order to learn the plumber's trade and the manufacture of lead pipe. Before he attained his majority he resolved to establish himself in business and for this purpose he removed to Brattleboro, Vt., where he commenced busi- ness with his hard earned savings of $200 as sole capital. From the beginning he was successful, and established a reputation for ability and probity whii h he always retained. In 1848 he erected a large building and rented the upper part of it to the proprietors of a small melodeon factory, Init as they were unable to pay the rent, Mr. Estey accepted in 1850 an interest in their business in payment of his claims and a few years afterwards purchased the entire establishment. He devoted much time to this new industry and in the course of a few years thought best to dispose of his plumbing business and give his attention ex- clusively to the making of organs. He erected a second and larger building, but in the fall of 1857 both buildings were destroyed by fire. He rebuilt at once, but in 1864 the new establishment was also destroyed by fire, but he promptly erected a much larger building. In 1866 his son-in-law, Levi K. Fuller, and his son, Julius J. Estey, were admitted to part- nership with himself. In 1869 a new location was secured and large buildings erected to accommodate the rapidly increasing business, which developed into Brattleboro's leading and besi THE ESTKY FAMILY JJ/ known industry. Mr. Estey was always a strong advocate of the republican party and in 18G8 and 1869 represented Brattle- boro in the state legislature and was also a member of the state senate from Windham county in the biennial sessions of 1872 and 1874. He was one of the principal movers in the organiza- tion of the First Baptist church in Brattleboro in 1840 and was during his life one of its most active and liberal supporters, holding the position of deacon, as did his grand-father and great grandfather in the early history of the Royalston church. His death on April 15, 1890, was a great loss to the community in which he had lived so many years. He was married May 2, 1837, to Desdeniona, daughter of David and Anna (Kendall) Wood of Brattleboro. They had three children, the eldest of whom died young; the others were: Abby E., and Julius J. Estey. THE GARFIELD FAMILY The first membei of the Garfield family connected with L'oy^lston history was Joshua Garfield who was born in Shrews- bury, Mass., Dec. 23, 1751. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and went to Warwick where he bought a farm, which he after- wards exchanged for one in Royalston to which place he moved 'n 1784. He married Abigail Rawson of Sutton, Mass. They had eleven children, the six youngest of whom were born in Royalston. The oldest son, Charles, settled in Ohio about 1830; Artemas and Caleb settled in Vermont; Joshua, twin brother of Caleb, died young, as did John, twin brother of Abigail- Lucy married Gideon Horton Dec. 16, 1801; Nelly married David Cook July 16, 1815; Hannah married Eliphalet Chase July 28, 1813; and Anna married Sylvester Walker of Townsend, Vt., March 31, 1813, Joshua Garfield d-ed May 6, 1828, aged seventy-six years, and Abigail his wife died March 15, 1831, aged seventy-five years. Moses Gcvjield, second son of Joshua and Abigail (Rawson) Garfield, was born in Warwick Dec. 7, 1777. He married Mary, daughter of Aaron and Mary (Woodbury) Bliss, Feb. 6, 1799; she died Aug. 3, 1836. They bought the farm previously owned by his father, Joshua. He was a soldier in the war of 1812 and was a farmer in Royalston all his active life. :?72' HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Moses :ind Mary (Bliss) Garfield bad twelve children: Ira, Eri, Mary and Joshua died in infancy; Gardner, born Nov. 5, 1805; Ansel H., April 21, 1807; Andrew B., Jan. 8, 1809; Susan M., March 25, 1811; Nancy A., Feb. 9, 1813, Moses; Oct. 11, 1816; A1)igail R., July 16, 1820; Julia A., Aug. 17, 1825; Gard- ner Garfield married Fanny Kennedy; Ansel H. mairied Elvira Raymond Nov. 8, 1838. These brothers owned adjoining farm, and occupied a large house, each owning half, situated at the "city" so called. Gardner died Mar. 2, 1883, aged seventy- S3ven years and Fanny, his wife, died Nov. 16, 1888, at the age of seventy-nine years. Ansel H. died Nov. 14, 1857, aged fifty and Elvira his wife Oct. 8, 1852, aged forty-nine. Andrew Bliss Garfield, son of Moses and Mary (Bliss) Garfield, born at Royalston, Jan. 8, 1809. He received his education in the schools of his native town and worked during his youth and early manhood on the farm. He learned the trade of millwright while a young man. He settled hi Mill- bury, Mass., and worked on the construction and changes of many of the mills of the Blackstone valley, in which he accu- mulated a fortune. He married Jan. 8, 1835, Hannah D. Dwinell of Millbury; she died April 3, 1892. They had six children: Moses Dwinell, Andrew Paine, Hannah Eliza, Julia God- dard, Susan Maria and Leonard Dwinell. Abigail R. Garfield married Wilcut Harwood of Barre, Mass., in 184-1. He fol- lowed the occupation of a farmer all his life. They had two children: Julia Maria, wife of David B. Hilton of Barre; and Emma, wife of Andrew P. Garfield. Mrs. Harwood died April 7, 1900, the last one of the twelve children of Moses and Mary Bliss Garfield. Moses Garfield, Jr., son of Moses and Mary (Reed) Garfield, was born in Royalston Oct. 11, 1816. He married Mary Salina Boom of Richmond, N. H., Dec 21, 1848. He died Oct. 9, 1899; and his wife, July 14, 1899. They had five children: INIary Abbie, l)orn Dec. 13, 1849, and died in Royalston June 20, 1880, of consumption, she had taught twenty-one terms of school; Ellen Salina, born Jan. 25, 1851, and after teaching school foi a few years married James C. Prentice of Warwick. She diet! in TuUy July 28, 1910; Julia Elvira, born in Richmond, N. H., she taught school for awhile and then married Charles Richardson of Roynlston, they ha;l one son, Charles Ernest; Fannie Maria, died in infancy; Flora Jane, born in Royalston Oct. 6, 186!^ MOSRS GARFIKIJ), JR. WILLIAM W. CLKMENT STKPIIKN RICHARDSON THE GARFIELD FAMILY . JJJ after teaching a few terms of school she married, Dec. 24, 1881, Thomas C. Butterworth of Royalston as his second wife. Mr. Butterworth was born in Worcester Jan. 17, 1849, and was a steam-fitter by trade. They had four children. Mr. Butter- worth died Jan. 16, 1912. The farm is now carried on by a son, Spencer Garfield Butterworth, who was born in Royalston Oct. 30, 1895. THE SHEBNA PAINE FAMILY Shchna Paine was born in Greenwich, Mass., Nov. 4, 1801. His ancestors were among the early settlers of Truro, Mass., on Cape Cod. When he was about 16 years old his father was lost at sea and on the son devolved the care of his widowed mother and an invalid brother. Later on he learned the shoe- maker's trade serving an apprenticeship for several years. About 1828 he came to Royalston and bought a small tract of land of Nathaniel Bragg on which he bu^lt a shop and his house. He worked at his trade for about twenty-five years and in that time made the shoes for most of the people for miles around. His health at that time forbade his work in-doors, and the rest of his life he spent farming. He was married Jan. 5, 1830, to Almira Conant of Warwick. She was born April 21, 1806, in Warwick, and her ancestors on ])oth sides were among the earliest settlers of that town. He brought her to the home he had built for her where they both spent the rest of their long and useful lives. She died Jan. 12, 1878, and he died May 4, 181 9, aged 87 years, six months. They were devoted workers in the cause of religion, education and temperance and were held in high esteem by the people of the town. Six children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. The children were: Charles G. G., Sarah Leonard, Mary Elizabeth and Ellen Almira. Charles G. G. Paine, oldest child of Shebna and Almira (Conant) Paine, was born Sept. 30, 1833, in Royalston. He fitted for college at Royalston and Ware high schools and grad- uated from Amherst college in 1861, being Salutatorian of his class. After graduating he was principal of the Grafton high school and later teacher of Greek and Latin in the Highland Military Academy, Worcester, principal of the Cambridge jjjf. HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Classical institute, superintendent of the schools of the American missionary association for the Freedmen, Hampton, Va., teacher in the Boston Latin school and of mental science in the Chicago high school, and was teaching in Detroit, Mich., when he died suddenly of heart failure in 1892. He married, Dec. 31, 1863, Linda T., daughter of John T. Whitney of Milton, Mass. He was survived by one daughter, Lillie W. Paine, who has been a successful teacher in the high school of Detroit for nearly twenty-five years. Sarah L. Paine was born Aug. 21, 1835. She was a student at Mount Holyoke seminary, and from there went to Ashtabula, Ohio, where she taught for five years in the grammar school of that city. She married Amos C. Fish, a flour dealer and prominent business man of that place, Aug. 21, 1861. He died in 1891. They had an adopted daughter. Kit tie Clover Fish, who resides with her mother, and one son, Amos P. Fish, an electrician of Philadelphia, Pa. Manj E. Paine was born Aug. 10, 1841. She was a student at Mt. Holyoke seminary and in 1864 graduated from the state normal school at Salem. She had planned to spend her time in teaching, but her health did not allow her to do so. She still resides at the old home which has been in the Paine family about eighty-five years. She is especially interested in the study of the birds of Royalston. Ellen A. Paine was born Nov. 30, 1844. She graduated from the Salem normal school in 1864, after which she spent several years in teaching. She married Barnum A. Searle of Southampton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1872. He was a successful farmer in Royalston and Athol for over thirty years. Several years ago they removed to his native town of Southampton. Two children were born to them in Royalston. Sarah Paine Searle, horn Nov. 11, 1874, married Fred N. Clark, a farmer of Easthampton, Mass., they have one daughter, Zoe Searle Clark. Frederic L. Searle, born Nov. 13, 1876, is a machinist in Athol, Mass. He married Ruth A. Randall of Athol, and they have a son, Randall Brooks Searle. THE PRATT FAMILY 33S THE HEYWOOD FAMILY Silos Heywnod married Hannah Goddard of Shrewsbury, Mass., Nov. 11, 1779. He settled on a farm in Royalston in the northeast part of the town about 1780. His family was one of the sufferers in the epidemic of 1795, five of his children dying in that year. He was succeeded on his farm by his son, Silas, Jr., who married Hannah Heywood of Winchendon. Solymon Heyvood married Harriet Holman Nov, 25, 1829. Their children were: Sidney Holman, born Jan. 24, 1831, and died Aug. 18, 1833; Stephen Holman, born Sept. 4, 1833; Sid- ney Solymon, born Oct. 30, 1839, Mary Jane, born Aug. 10, 1837; and Harriet EHzabeth, born Jan. 3, 1841. Sidney Solymon Heywood enlisted in Co. A, 21st regiment Massachusetts volunteers. He served three years and was wounded three times. After the war he lived in Holyoke, Mass., New York City, and for many years in Jackson, Mich., where he had a large flour mill and was one of the prominent business men of the city, being president of the Eldred Milling Co. He married Clara Jane Chapin of Rochester in 1870. She died the same year and he married second, Mary Adelaide Lyman of Jackson in 1878. Mr. Heywood was a man quiet in manner, quaint in expression and impressed himself strongly in the affection and respect of all whom he was thrown in contact with. He died at Jackson June 17, 1911. He had three sons, Sidney and Stephen of Jackson, Harry of Indianapolis, Ind., and two daughters, Mrs. Gilbert Loomis of Detroit, and Mrs. John Bennet of Jackson. A sketch of Stephen Holman Heywood appears in the Biographical chapter. Harriet Elizabeth Hey- wood married Joseph P. Estabrook. THE PRATT FAMILY The place known for many years as the Pratt place on the road leading from Athol to Richmond, N. H., was first settled by Daniel Warren, and afterwards came into possession of Jabez Pratt, who had a blacksmith shop there and carried on business as long as he was able to work. He married Rebecca Shepardson July 23, 1799, and died July 21, 1847. They had five children: Alden, Daniel, Jabez, Sally and John. jjl^ HISTORY OF ROYAL vSTON 1. Alden Pratt married Achsa Fisher, sister o' Jason Fishci, Aug. 27, 1822. He was a farmer and lived on a farm near the Baptist Common; made acqueduct pipes. Afterwards lived in Petersham and Templeton where he worked in saw mill, running the old up and down saws. Thev had nine children: Julia, married George Harrington of Templeton; Christina, married Nahum Mace of Orange; A //red, never married and died about thirty years of age; Miranda married Hammond Bosworth of Roynlston; Marij, married Edward Prouty ()f Templeton; Ellen, died when a young woman; Emihj, married Silas Bosworth of Royalston; GVor^/e, n arried Cordelia Gay of Orange. 2. Danie^. Pratt married Bathsheba Delva of Warwick. He lived on the home farm and cared for his father. After- wards lived in Petersham and was a teamster. They had thirteen children: Eunice, married a Shepardson of Cnpt. Mudge's company; Gilhert, married Julia Delana: they had two sons, Eugene 0. Pratt now engaged in the hardware bus"ne?s in Clinton, and J. Golan Pratt now engaged in the grocery busi- ness in Marlboro, Mass. Joel died when eighteen years old; Sally died young; John died when a boy; Sally became a cripple when sixteen years old and lived to be over seventy years of age; Hannah died young; Pcrsis, married Levi Newton of New Salem; John married Alice Stone, and married (2) Jennie M. Haskins, lived in Royalston, Petersham and North Dana, drove team when young and was a peddler 35 years; Ia7/m, married J. A. Houghton of Petersham; Marj, married George S. Talcott of Connecticut and lived in Gardner; Lucy, married E. L. Taft of New London, Conn. 3 Jabez Pratt married Laura Farrar in 1823. Went to Boston and worked in a brick yard the first summer. Ab^out the time of his marriage he and his wife united with the Methodist church and he received a local preacher's license. He was the only coroner in the city for many years and officiated in the Webster (Parkman) murder case. Was Deputy Sheriff for a long time. He had two sons: George M., the oldest, had talents as a musician. He went to Europe and studied music, and soon after his return opened a house on Beacon street, when he was taken sick with small pox and died. The stroke was too heavy for the father to bear and he soon died at the age of fifty- two. Joseph Warren, the second son, was of a roving disposi- THE PRATT FAMILY 337 lion, and on returning from a trip to California, sickened and tlied. The mother's clothes caught fire, which caused her death, The whole family were buried in Mt. Auburn cemetery. THE CHAMBERLAIN FAMILY Thomas Chamberlain came from England and settled in Woburn, Mass., in 1644, removed to Chelmsford, Mass. His son, Samuel, married Elizabeth- , and their son, Thomas, married Abigail Hildreth of Chelmsford. Simron Chamberlain, son of Thomas and Abigail (Hildreth) Chamberlain, was Royalston's first school-master. He was born in Littleton, Mass., March 28, 1723, and lived in Sutton and Douglas before coming to Royalston when aV)Out forty- three years old. He "embodied" with the Baptist church in 1768. He married Sarah (Marsh) Wheeler of Mendon, Mass. Their children were: Simeon, born in Sutton March 6, 1762; John and Abigail, twins, born June 28, 1765. He died Nov. 27, 1799, at the age of seventy-seven years. Simeon, the oldest son 6f Simeon and Sarah (Wheeler) Chamberlain, married Betty Gould of Douglas, Mass., and moved to Newport, N. H. They had five children. John Chamberlain, the youngest son of Simeon and Betty (Gould) Chamberlain, married Martha S. Richardson of Chester, N. H. They lived in Newport, N. H., and had four children: Bela N. Chamberlain, the oldest child, was born in Newport June 14, 1823. He married H. Jane Cram of Peter- boro, N. H., Aug. 15, 1849. Herbert Bela Chamberlain, son of Bela Nettleton and Jane (Cram ) Chamberlain, and great grandson of Simeon Chamber- lain, Royalston's first school-master, was born in Newport, N. H., Aug. 15, 1849. Simeon Chamberlain went from Royal- ston to Newport with a colony of Baptists. Herbert Bela went with his father to Brattleboro, Vt., when about five years old, and that place has been his home ever since. He was in the store of his father until his father's death in 1887, and then op?rated the store until about 1896 when he sold the business. He has been auditor of the town of Brattleboro twenty-eight years, and lister, or assessor, as it is called in Massachusetts, eighteen years. He is now retired from business. He married ^^JS HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Nettie L. Phillips of Brattleboro. They have no children living now. Thomas Chamberlain, a lirother of Simeon, came from Sutton and settled in Royalston, his building being on the first hard land north of Long Pond, and between the Tully and saw mill brook, so called. His wife. Charity, and his son Thomas "em- bodied" with the Baptist church. In this family the town boarded the first person requiring public aid. The original settler and his wife died on that place and were buried in the grave yard nearby. Molly, daughter of Thomas, Jr., and Charity Chamberlain, born April 22, 1764, was one of the earliest recorded births in Royalston ALBION P. MOSMAN FAMILY A family connected with Royalston during the latter part of the last century was the Mosman family. Albion P. Mosman was born in Hope, Me., April 1, 1825, a son of AVilliam and Lucy (Safford) Mosman. His young man- hood was spent in farm work and as a sailor in the West Indian and South American trade. He also learned the ship carpenter's trade in Rockland, Me., then a large center of ship building. On August 1, 1848, he married Harriet Harrington of Rockland, Me. There were three children by this marriage all of whom are still living: Harriet A., married L. F. Smith of Winchendon, Mass., now of Watervliet, N. Y.; Charles A., is a dentist in Ogden, Utah; and Mary F., is the wife of Albert A. Fuller of North Appleton, Me., living near her father's birthplace. Their mother died in October, 1858. Mr. Mosman's second wife was Maria Coolidge of West Sterling, Mass. They were mar- ried April 1, 1860, and had two children: Edwin J. and Ellen M. In June, 1864, they purchased the farm in the north part of Royalston, now the summer home of Miss Edith Metcalf, which was their home until 1896, when they moved to Royalston Cent rewhere they resided until the fall of 1904. On March 1, 1905, Mrs. Mosman died after a long illness at the home of her son in Waltham, and Mr. Mosman spent the remainder of his life with his children. He died Oct. 27, 1909, of apoplexy and was buried with Mrs. Mosman and their daughter, Ellen, in the familv lot at Rovalston Centre, THK ALBION P. MOSMAN FAMILY 3S9 Edwin J. Mosnian, son of Albion P. and Maria (Coolidge) Mosman, was born at Rockland, Me., April 2, 1863, and came with his parents when only about a year old, to the farm in Roy- alston, which was his home for nearly twenty years and where he lead the life of the farmer boy of that time and attended the district school. In October, 1883, he went to Boston and at- tended the Bryant and Stratton Business college for a few months taking a position early in 1884 as bookkeeper in a factory at Jamaica Plain. Early in 1887 he became cashier with a large hat and cap jobbing house in Boston. This firm was burned out in the big Thanksgiving fire of 1889 and went out of business. Mr. Mosman obtained temporary employment with an elec- trical manufacturing company and in September, 1890, was employed as accountant by the Paine Furniture Co. with whom he remained nearly twenty-three years. He is now located at State street, Boston, as confidential clerk for a trustee, who has charge of a large number of trust estates and corporations. He was married May 29, 1888, to Georgie M. Willis of Jamaica Plain. They liave resided in Waltham since 1889. THE BLANDINGS Ehenezer Blavding was a native of Rehoboth, Mass., and came to Royalston about 1780 where he settled a place near "the city." He was an assessor in 1781, 1803 and 1804, and a selectman in 1800. He sold his place to Calvin Forbes and removed to Richmond, N. H., and from there to Richfield, N. Y., where he died at about ninety years of age. He had seventeen children, of whom at least ten are recorded as born in Royalston, the records stating that one was born '^April 8, 1793, 3 o'clock p. m." and another, "April 7, 1791, at the ris- ing of the sun." Shuhel Blanding, a brother of Ebenezer, also came from Rehoboth sometime between 1782 and 1784, for a daughter is recorded as having been born to him in Rehoboth Nov. 4, 1782, and a daughter is also recorded as having been born at Royalston July 19, 1784. He was a selectman of Royalston in 1793 and 1794. Seven children are recorded as having been born to him of whom five were born in Royalston. Lewis Horton, who was one of the Rehoboth .settlers in Royalston, 340 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON was the first settler ^vest of the Tull}' north of the first Baptist meeting house, he died young and Shubel Bhxnding married his widow and annexed his farm to his own. He outlived three wives and died in Royalston March 11, 1832, at the age of eighty-one years. One of his daughters, Cynthia, born July 19, 1784, married Al)el Jacobs May 1, 1806; Diadama, born May 18, 1788, married Silas Metcalf, Oct. 27, 1808; Polly, born July 30, 1779, married Seth Kendall of Athol, Dec. 11, 1804; Rosalana, born Nov. 4, 1782, man-ied Jeremiah Matthews Nov. 28, 1799; Sarah, born May 25, 1791, married Moses Rogers of Boston April 1(3, 1810. Shubel, his son, born Nov. 6, 1795, became a physician, settled in South Carolina and died shortly before the outbreak of the Rebellion, Ijeing at the time of his death, a citizen of Charleston. THE GREELEY FAMILY Nathaniel Greeley, (a descendant of Andrew Grele, who settled in this country about 1640 at Salisbury, Mass.), was born in Weston, Vt., Dec. 13, 1809, and settled in Royalston about 1837, his residence and mill being at the foot of Jacob's Hill. He manufactured chair stock and operated a saw mill. He married Delania Walker of Royalston, and died March 31, 1871. His children were: Sarah, born May 17, 1838, who was not married and died in 1913 at Worcester; Jonas E., born June 12, 1841; Abel, who died in infancy was born April 18, 1843; Emily, born August 21, 1844, married Addison Taylor of Templeton and still survives him living at East Templeton. Jonas E. Greeley enlisted in 21st Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers and served nearly two years, being discharged for disability. He re-enlisted in 1863 in 57th regiment Massachu- setts Volunteers and was Sergeant in E company. He resides in Worcester and is surgeon of Post 10, G. A. R. He had two sons: Charles E. Greeley, born Aug. 29, 1869, who married Elizabeth Watson in 1904 and resides at Revere, Mass. He is advertising agent for the Dwinell Wright Co. of Boston. Archer K. Greeley, the other son, was l)orn Feb. 21, 1876, married Bessie W. Waters of Millbury, Mass., and resides at Oxford, Mass. He i§ an attorney at law with offices in Web- THE GEORGE D. BOLTON FAMILY 341 ster, Mass., and Oxford. He received the degree of L. L. M. at University of Maine in 1910, having been admitted to the Mas- sachusetts bar in 1900. He has a daughter, Muriel Waters Greeley, born Aug. 14, 1898. THE GEORGE D. BOLTON FAMILY George Dana Bolton, son of William E. and Sibyl (Keezer) Bolton was born in Enosburg, Vt., May 26, 1847. His father and mother were both natives of Massachusetts, the former being born in Groton and the latter in Salem. He came to Massachusetts when twenty-five years of age, and was for a number of years in the lumber business with his brother-in-law C. A. Stimson, their mill lieing the saw mill at Doane's Falls. About 1875 he purchased the farm on the Athol road, where he now resides, formerly known as the Hubl)ard place. He married Jennie Frances Stimson of Warwick, Mass., Oct. 26, 1873. He is one of the Cemetery Commissioners, agent of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Cattle In- spector and Inspector of dressed meat. The children of George Dana and Jennie (Stimson) Bolton are: Leota M., Le welly n Sumner and Jennie Antoinette. Leota M. Bolton, oldest daugh- ter, was born in Royalston 1876. She attended Brimfield academy; has l)een supervisor of music in the public schools of Royalston for eleven years, and is also teacher of piano and sewing in the schools. She married Perley F. Richards Sept. 15, 1897, who was Ijorn in Conville, Me., in 1875. They have one son, Farrell Bolton Richards, ])orn Dec. 1, 1901. LeweUyn Sumner Bolton, son of George D. and Jennie (Stimson) Bolton, was born in Royalston Feb. 1, 1879. He entered the employ of the S. S. Pierce Co. of Boston, when eighteen years of age and is now assistant manager of their Copley Square store. He is also deeply interested in music. In November, 1900, he married Lena J. Wright of Boston, who was a graduate of the Lowell School of Practical Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They now reside at Allston, Mass., and have three children: Llewellyn Sumner, Jr., Irene Frances and Elmer. Jennie Antoinette Bolton was born Dec. 7, 1882, She studied music in Boston at the New England conservatory of music j^2 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON four years, and with Prof. Hermann Heinrich. She married Herbert Richards, who was born in Conville, Me., in 1881. He is a machinist in the employ of L. S. Starrett Co., and they reside in Athol. THE BEMIS FAMILY About 1780 John and Abigail Bemis with their children removed from Sudbury, Mass., to Winchendon. The son Jonas, had served in the Revolution previous to this removal. He married Catherine Tower of Sudbury and subsequently re- moved from Winchendon to Royalston, where he died June 28, 1831, at the age of seventy-four years. Jonas Bemis, son of Jonas and Catherine (Tower) Bemis, was born in Winchendon Aug. 11, 1788. He married May 13, 1813, Mercy Burgess, daughter of Ebenezer Burgess of Ashburn- ham. He removed to Royalston where he died June 24, 1824. His widow married William Whitney of Ashburnham, May 18, 1830. Jonas Bemis, son of John Bemis, married Mercy Piper, and died in Royalston. Luke Bemis, son of Jason and Mercy (Piper) Bemis, was born in Winchendon May 9, 1788. He married Dec. 25, 1813, at Rindge, N. H., Susan Steele, daughter of Samuel Steele. Their children were: Sarah Elvira, born in Royalston Sept. 23, 1814, married Eri Shepardson Jan. 5, 1843, and died April 5, 1864; Christine, born in Bull Hill, N. Y., March 5, 1817, mar- ried William Peckham of Petersham, Mass., and died in 1860; William S., born in Brutus, N. Y., June 10, 1819, married Julia Haskins of Prescott, Mass., June 14, 1845; Susan Amanda, born in Brutus, N. Y., June 11, 1822, died Aug. 5, 1825; Samuel Atwood, born in Royalston Dec. 22, 1824; Susan Amanda (2), born in Warwick April 12, 1827, a sketch of her appears in another chapter; Mary Berintha, born in Royalston, Sept. 7, 1829, married Quincy Shepardson of Royalston; Luke Emil, born in Royalston March 29, 1832; Levi F., born in Royalston July 27, 1834, died Oct. 2, 1854; George Herbert, born in Royal- ston May 28, 1837, died Aug. 23, 1851. Liike Emil Bemis, son of Luke and Susan (Steele) Bemis was born in Royalston March 29 , 1832. He was an experienced farmer and had given agriculture and bee-keeping much study THE BEMIS FAMILY S43 and thought and was also actively interested in the welfare of his town having served it as a member of the school committee. He was an active member of the Baptist church of West Royal- ston, and superintendent of its Sunday school, and was also well-known as a musician. He married Caroline, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy Shepardson, March 22, 1857. He died July 25, 1886, and Mrs. Bemis Jan. 30, 1906. Their children were: Emil H., born July 14, 1858, in Petersham; Carrie M., born Feb. 1, 1860, and died Nov. 12, 1862; George A., born May 22, 1862; and Mary Ella, born Sept. 14, 1877. Emil H. Bemis came with his parents to West Royalston in 1867, and his school education was obtained in West Royal- ston and Athol. He attended the New England conservatory of music in Boston, was located in Augusta, Ga., for two years as organist and teacher of music, and went to Holyoke, Mass., April, 1887, which has since been his home and where he has been teacher of music and organist of the Second Baptist church to the present time. In May, 1888, he married Miss Ada C. Bartlett, daughter of Rev. E. M.Bartlett, a well-known Baptist minister. They have two sons: Carleton H., born Aug. 21, 1891, and Edwin W., born in 1897. George A. Bemis married Mary Leona Holden of Athol, Oct. 3, 1883. He is employed in the L. S. Starrett shops and came to Athol to reside in 1906. He is a well-known musician and singer. They have an adopted daughter born Aug. 15, 1907. Samuel Atwood Bemis, was born in Royalston, Dec. 22, 1824. When a young man he Uved for several years in Park- man, Me., where he was engaged in the blacksmith business. He married Huldah Green Stevens of Guilford, Me., March 15, 1848. Later he removed to Petersham, Mass., where he carried on the blacksmith and teaming business for several years, and in 1860 moved to Athol where he continued the same business. He sold his teaming business after the war to Edmund Moore. He was for a number of years in company with W. H. Frost in the stove, tinware and junk business under the firm name of Frost and Bemis, and during the latter part of his life lived on a farm near the Bear's Den road in Athol. He died in Athol, May 29, 1905. Roger William Bemis, only child of Samuel Atwood and Huldah (Stevens) Bemis, was born in Parkman, Me., July 13, 1851. He was for twelve years clerk at the Athol center J^^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON post-office and for a number of years eno;aged in the printing business and has for the hist twelve or fifteen years been employ- ed in the Highland bakery at Athol center. He married Nellie M. Coller, daughter of L. S. Coller of Athol. They had three children, Charles Bertram, Leonard Atwood and Muriel L. THE TANDY FAMILY Rev. Lorenzo Tandy was a Baptist minister who became connected with Royalston history in 1861, when he became pastor of the West Royalston Baptist church which he served as pastor for five years until 1886, when he retired from the ministry and purchas-d the David Cook place which was his home the remainder of his life. He was born in Goshen, N. H., June 28, 1818. Previous to coming to Royalston he held pastorates in Hancock and Ackworth, N. H., Tewksbury, North Middleboro and Coldbrook, Mass., and other places. He married Lucy Stowell of Lempster, N. H., who was born Aug. 28, 1820. They had eight children: Nathan, born in Hancock, N. H., Feb. 6, 1845; Charles F., born in Hancock, July 11, 1846; Lucy Jane, born in Ackworth, N. H., Sept. 25, 1847; Ellen L., born in Tewksbury, Mass., May 3, 1850; William W., born in North Middleboro, Mass., June 19, 1852; Evelyn, born in North Middleboro, Jan. 29, 1854; Eddy C, born in Coldbrook, Mass., Oct. 20, 1856; May, born in Royalston, June 29, 1861. Rev. Lorenzo Tandy died Dec. 22, 1898. and Mrs. Lucy Tandy Jan. 8, 1907. Nathan S. Tandy enlisted in Co. D, 36th Massachusetts infantry, in the Civil war when seventeen years old. He was employed at the Athol depot for about two years and had charge of the station at Hoosac Tunnel about twenty years. He went to Newport, N. H., where he was in the express busi- ness for many years. He died Aug. 17, 1916 at Newport, N. H. Charles F. Tandy came to Royalston when about fourteen years of age. He married Maria Davis, daughter of Joseph Davis of Royalston, Jan. 19, 1866. She died Nov. 22, 1870, soon after which Mr. Tandy moved to Athol which has ever since been his home. He married, second, Miss Priscilla Fay, daughter of Elder Lysander Fay of Athol. He worked for many years in the grocery store of S. E. Fay. He is a promi- nent meml^er of the Baptist church of which he has been one THE TANDY FAMILY 345 of the deacons for many years. Thej' have three children, Eugene, Wilbert and Ruth. Lucy Jane Tandy died unmarried March 3, 1893. Ellen L. Tandy married Luke B. Shepardson of Royalston. William W. Tandy was educated in the public schools of Montague and Royalston, coming to Royalston with his parents when quite young, and this town was his home until nineteen years of age, when he began to work for the Vermont and Mas- sachusetts Railroad company at Hoosac Tunnel station, where he learned the business of station master's helper, telegrapher and baggage master. He was transferred to the Montague station about a year later, where he had charge of the station for about a year and a half when he was promoted to the posi- tion of station agent at Gardner, Mass., one of the most impor- tant junction stations on the Fitchburg railroad. He remained in this position for over eight years, when his health failed and he was obliged to take a rest and spent a year in the South. After his return he accepted the position of bookkeeper for Conant and Bush of Gardner, and later was confidential clerk in the office of Philander Derby & Co., of the same town. He was for several years auditor of the Central Oil and Gas Co., of Florence, Mass., and since 1896 has been the treasurer of the Central (3il and Gas Stove company of Gardner. He was married June 19, 1877, to Esther Finette Chapin, daughter of Calvin and Susan (Clark) Chapin of Royalston. They have had seven children. He has not held many public offices nor does he belong to any fraternal organization. He is a member of the First Congregational church of Gardner. Evelyn B. Tandy married William H. Bullard, Aug. 25, 1880, and their home is in Holyoke, Mass. Eddy C- Tandy died when twenty years of age. May Tandy was a school teacher in At hoi and Clinton for a number of years. She married William T. Parsons of Holden, Feb. 22, 1892 and died in Worcester, Mar. 16, 1913. THE BOSWORTH FAMILY Jonathan Bosworih, the ancestor of all the Bosvvorths of Roy- alston, came from Lunenburg, Ma.ss., and settled in the north- west part of the town on the place later owned by Marshall 346 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Herrick. He was bom in 1713 and died in 1801 ai the age of eighty-eight 5'e;ars. He was succeeded by his son, Ichahod, wdio married Olive Millar. Jonathan Bosworth, Jr., came from Lunenburg with his father and settled on the west bank of Priest's Brook just south of the Winchendon road. He married IMar> Holt, said to have been the first white child born in the town of Winchendon, Nov. 15, 1753. He is the Jonathan who had the adventure with wolves described in the chapter on wild animals. They had fourteen children, born between 1773 and 1799. Joseph Bosworth, son of Jonathan and Mary (Holt) Bos- worth, born Jan. 9, 1792, married Abigail Saunders Bemis, daughter of Jason Bemis, April 13, 1819. They had ten child- ren : Joseph Nelson, born M.iy 11, 1820; Amos Bemis, born July 24, 1821, married Eliza D. Moore May 31, 1843, He served in the Civil War in Co. E, 53rd Mass. Regt. Was killed on a circular saw at Leonard Moore's saw mill several years after the war. His son, Joseph W. Bosworth, also served in the war in the same company and regiment with his father, and died soon after getting home from the war. Chauncey, born Nov. 6, 1822, married Augusta L. Richard of Rindge, N. H., Sept. 24, 1848, died June 23, 1895. Silas, born May 6, 1824, died in New Salem. Joel, born Feb. 16, 1826, died Jan. 7,. 1849. George Washington, born Nov. 28, 1827. Hosea Au- gustus,, born Dec. 22, 1828, served in the Civil War in the 25th Mass. Regt., was mortally wounded in the battle of Cold Har- bor, and died July 10, 1864. Benjamin Hammond, born Nov. 29, 1832, died Aug. 31, 1887. Abigail Elvira, born June 9, 1834. Levi, born Feb. 13, 1837, served in the Civil War in the 27th Mass. Regt., married Maria Lucy Wood, and now resides in Chester, Vt. Chilson Boszuorth, son of Jonathan and Mary (Holt) Bos- worth, born May 28, 1787, married Chloe Sibley in December, 1809. They had eleven children. Lucy, born April 28, 1810, William S., born April 12, 1812, died Feb. 23, 1820. Nancy, born June 19, 1814, married George W. Rumrill Aug. 11, 1845. Chloe, born Oct. 30, 1818, died Feb. 11, 1820. Abigail, born Sept. 22, 1816, died Feb. 16, 1820. Sabra, born July 30, 1821. Chilson, born Oct. 14, 1825. Joel Sibley, born Oct. 17, 1827. William, born Oct. 19, 1829. Caroline, born Sept. 17, 1832. Susannah, born May 31. 1835. THE BOSWORTH FAMILY 5/7 r/'/7.w« i5(?^7tw-///,/r. married Sarah Prescott, and was the father of Sidney G. Bosworth, the author of the hymn sung at Royalston's 150th Anniversary. THE DOANE FAMILY Joshua Doane, from Cape Co^, settled on the place north of the Dexter place. He had a family of eleven children, among whom were Amos Doane and a daughter Adaline, who married Joel O. Flagg of Hubbardston May 22, 1843. Amos Doane, oldest son of Joshua and Ruth Doane, was born in Royalston April 7, 1803. He was a well known charac- ter in Royalston and surrounding towns and his name is perpet- uated in "Doane's Falls." He owned the land around the falls and built a large mill in close proximity, but which was never utilized to any great extent fiir manufacturing purposes. It stood for many years an interesting and unique landmark, and finally was torn down a piece at a time. He was a man of great height, being more than six feet tall, and was engaged in many law suits. He was a familiar figure in Athol, where he commenced the erection of a large building which was never completed and which was known for a long time as *' Doane's Castle," Many interesting anecdotes are related of him. He married Luceba Pennyman Sept. 27, 1836, and they had two children Andrew and Byron. Andrew died in in- fancy. Byron Doane was born Oct. 21, 1837. He was a veteran of the Civil War, enlibting in Co. I, 25tli Mass. Infantry, being mustered in vSept. 28, 1861, and discharged July 13, 1865. He lived on the Athol road near Doane's Falls. He married Jane Eaton of Athol, July 2, 1867. They had two children, Frank B., born June 8, 1868, and Myrtie M., born Nov. 19, 1872. Frank B. Doane married Dellie P. Foster, daughter of David P. Foster of Royalston, Feb. 15, 1893. They have resided in Athol for about nineteen years and have five children, Ruth A., Marguerite V., Helen K., Gladys M. and Reginald F. Myrtie M. married William E. Day of Royalston April 6, 1892. They lived in Athol, where Mrs. Day died in 1898. They had three children. CHAPTER XIII ROYALSTON'S WRITERS OF POETRY It is interesting at times to weave into the stern realities and tragedies of life something of the gentler influences of hu- manity and the poetry of life, and to enliven the old family his- tories and the religious and military experiences of the people with what the sons and daughters of Royalston, both native and adopted, have produced in the realm of poetry. While Royalston's writers of poetry do not include a Long- fellow, a Whittier or a Lowell, there are those whose verses have gained not only a local but a national and even world wide reputation. There is one whose verses have carried comfort and hope to thousands of aching hearts wherever the English language is read, and the name of Nancy Priest, the factory girl, is revered and loved in the homes of many lands. The "Epic Poem on the War of the Rebellion," by Dr. Frank W. Adams, is one of the most eloquent and vivid des- criptions of the scenes and events of the Civil War that has ever been written, and will send a thrill of patriotism coursing through every loyal heart. We regret the entire poem can not be used in this work, but the parts that we shall quote will show the character of the poem. The poems of Albert Bryant are said to be the best that ever emanated from an Amherst College graduate, while the poem of Amanda Beniis Smith on "Johnstown in the Conemaugh Flood," was published and sold in large quantities in Pennsyl- vania and adjoining states. We believe it eminently fitting and appropriate to recall and collect in the town history some oi these gems of thought pro- duced by the sons and daughters of Royalston. It was Longfellow that once asked a friend to read : Not from the grand old Masters, Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant footsteps echo Through the corridors of time ; Read from some humbler poet, royalston's poetry 349 Whose songs gush from his heart, As showers from the clouds of Summer, Or tears from the eyelids start. DR, FRANK W. ADAMS The "Epic Poem on the War of the Great Rebellion" by Dr. Frank W. Adams is without doubt the most remarkable production in the realm of poetry and history combined that has ever been produced by a resident of Royalston. It was first given as a Memorial Day address before the Grand Army Veterans and citizens of Royalston in 1880. and since then has been given not only as a Memorial Day Oration, but in various lecture and entertainment courses throughout the state, where it has been received with great enthusiasm not only by the old soldiers, but by all classes, holding the close attention of the old and the young alike. Professor Henry P. Wright of Yale University in a private letter says: "The poem was one of the most eloquent, vivid and touching descriptions of the late war that has ever been written. It is impossible for any one to listen to it without being intensely interested and deeply moved. I have never listened to an address that seemed to me more appropriate for a gathering of veteran soldiers and their friends." The press notices wherever it has been delivered are enthusias- tic in its praise. The poem begins with a description of Charleston harbor and the forts, the spirit and exultation of the Touthern people, the firing upon Sumter, and the thrill of patriotism which from that moment ran through the North. The sacrifices, patriotism, deeds of heroism and valor of the soldiers were portrayed in graphic and beautiful words, as well as woman's work in the war - — her deeds of self-sacrifice and devotion. The poem commences as follows : Two rivers, warmed by southern sands and sun> Hedged in with flowers as southern rivers run, With orange odors spiced and fringed with palms, Held a fair city in their confluent arms. The sea was near and down the broadening bay j^Q HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Far to the left Fort Moultrie frowning lay, While nearer, dreaded by her country's foes, The massive walls of Castle Pinckney rose. Fort Johnson on the right loomed fierce and grim. And farther on, against the ocean's rim, The Works on Cumming's Point reposed in state Guarding the Harbor's open outer gate. Nor were these all, for here and there between Were bastions and redoubts of savage mien. All grandly rested in their conscious power, Waiting the master's word — the day — the hour! A string of iron beads, a ring of stone, And in the center Sumter stood alone! A scene of peace! for war's hoaree, clarion notes Had never rung from out those iron throats. On whose fair bosom peerless Sumter lay, Tlashed her sweet shores with joy at flight of night And nodded to the mom her crests of white. The city sleeps! when, hark! a sullen roar Comes booming up the bay from Moultrie's shore, And through the air a whizzing, screeching shell Tore its mad way and into Sumter fell. It comes again! and now on every side, All round the bay, embrasures open wide, And, scorning old-time creeds and righteous law, Let slip with horrid din the dogs of war! In rapid rounds that shook the shrinking land Thundered the heavy guns on every hand. They poured forth fire and smoke and shot and shell Aimed at one common center — aimed too well — Until the volleys, rolled from either shore. Fused into one continuous, thunderous roar. In splendid curves the red hot bolts were thrown, They came from many points, they met in one. Till Sumter seemed, amid the warfare dire. The center of a ring of living fire! The spread of the tidings that war had begun was described : The booming of the guns that day Around that lovely southern bay "royai^ston's poetry 351 Rolled in swift echoes far away O'er river, field and lake; They leaped the mountains one by one, And, vying with the morning sun, They smote the Dome at Washington, And bade the land awake! Still on the pealing salvos flew. O'er staid New England wilder grew, And, gathering volume thundered through The grand old woods of Maine. They swept the Western plains like fire. They scaled the mountains, spire on spire, And shook with detonations dire The old Pacific main. The land did wake! with vigor meet The nation sprang upon its feet, And none, save those in winding sheet, But heard that dread appeal. From East to West rose gallant men Who swords did make of plowshares then, Or laid aside the mightier pen To swing the sterner steel! A grand tribute to the Loyalty of the Blacks : And there was yet another loyal race Who dared beside us take their humble place; A race whose faces, 'neath the burning rays Of Africa's sun through unrecorded days, Had lost the hue no art could give them back And slowly, surely ripened into black; A race in bondage; doomed to drudge and moil. Their only lore the alphabet of toil; Whose ties of blood were nothing but a name. Whose heritage was servitude and shame. Who had no hope of gyves and shackles riven, And dreamed of freedom as they dreamed of Heaven! How swift they rose, and hastened to be free When war presaged their "Year of Jubilee!" They heard from far the mighty, rushing sound! J^2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON' They cleared the old plantation at a bound; They braved the bloodhounds' fangs, the bayous' damps: They fringed our armies and they thronged our camps; They served as guides; as spies they brought reports; They dug our trenches and they built our forts; They sheltered refugees, and, when by law They ceased to be the ''Contraband of War," They took the musket as a patriot should, And sealed their love of freedom with their blood? The tribute to Lincoln : And, over all, that grand and patient one Who held the battered helm at Washington, Whose brain was big with projects for his race, Whose heart was big with royal tenderness. Whose rod, extended o'er the Southern tide, Rolled back the angry flood on either side And through the channelled waters, safe and dry Led forth four million slaves to liberty! The grandest picture on the Century's face! The glorious Moses of a ransomed race! We need not speak his name whose gracious pen Proclaimed the eternal brotherhood of men! For history hath made his fame her own. And Lincoln's name will outlive Ijrass and stone! Panegyric on woman's work in the war: O mother, whether here or gone home to your rest, You remember your love for the babe on your breast. Your joy in his boyhood, your pride in his youth. Your effort to rear him for God and the truth. You remember your wail when you heard the first gun That boomed in the South, for you thought of your son; Your shiver of fear when he talked of the war. And of rebels defying the national law; Your cry of despair when, bending down low. His lips touched your forehead and he said he must go. We can see but in part the dark path that you trod, The whole is known only to you and to God; But you know how you rallied and conciuered your fears, royalston's poetry 353 How you kept down the sigh, how you kept hack the tears, And how, though your heart was filled full to the brim, You tried to look cheery and brave before him; How you busily wrought all that love could suggest 'Till your boy was made ready to march with the rest. And then, that last day! when down the long street The regiment marched to the drum's measured beat, And the bayonets flashed back the bright rays of the sun In a rhythm of light, as they swayed and they swung. You remember just then how the band through the town Rolled that glorious old chorus — the tune of "John Brown," And a thousand strong voices — and your boy's was one, — Sang "Glory Hallelujah! for God is marching on!" 'Twas a scene that would thrill e'en the heart of the dead! You could bear it no longer, you turned and you fled, And at home on your knees, Heaven's aid to employ. You begged God to spare him and bring back your boy! Yes, and wives sent their husbands, and sisters, their brothers And daughters their fathers and sweethearts their lovers. O comrades, the army that then marched away Was only one army that helped win the day. There were other grand armies that struggled and strove; An army wrote letters of courage and love; An army sent daily good things without stint; An army of fingers were picking the lint; An army of angels wnth soft touch and tread Chased many a dark cloud from the hospital bed; And all through the North, between the great seas, Was an army of women — upon their knees! O, not 'till that day when we know as we're known And the great books are opened l)efore the white throne. Will we know what we owe mother, sweetheart and wife For the part that they bore in that terrible strife. Apostrophe to the Flag: O, Banner beautiful! O, Flag we prize! Not earthborn thou! God wove thee in the skies! The westering sun, athwart the drifting white, Flashed in red waves its rosy bars of light Until they touched with stripes of crimson hue 3^)4 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Heaven's starry, boundless, soundless sea of blue. There wert thou first unfurled for mortal eyes, And Freedom, for her emblem, robbed the skies! And, dear old Banner, in the years to come From other wars should kind hands bear thee home; Should thy dear folds, above our heads, once more Be stained with powder, grime and patriots' gore. Should deadly bullet and the cruel shell Rend the fair colors that we love so well. Should other battles on thy stripes be traced. Stripes, fringed and faded, tattered and defaced, We'll love thee better for each stain and tear, And give thee greeting with our foreheads bare! God bless the Flag that freemen died to save! God rest the hearts that died that it might wave! On the red battlefield, where'er they fell, In hospital, in prison ward and cell, At home, where loving hearts their vigils keep, They closed their dear brave eyes and — went to slec'p! And when the Springtime comes, with tender tread We strew the flowers of May above the dead. They have passed on! and, though by us unseen, There's but a gauzy veil that hangs between; And leaving there our offering, sweet with dew, Methinks the breath of flowers must filter through! Sweet be their sleep! and when, our warfare done, We hear beyond the stream our sunset gun. When the Great Captain calls the heavenly roll, And speaks the name of each immortal soul. Through Heaven's arches, ringing glad and clear, Let angels catch our joyous answer, '' HereV NANCY PRIEST The most gifted daughter of Royalston, in the realm of poetry is Nancy Priest, whose poem entitled "Over the River" has carried the author's name wherever the English language is read. She was born in the easterly part of Royalston Dec. 7, 1836. Her full maiden name was Nancy Amelia Woodbury Priest. Her father, Francis Dana Priest, was a native of NANCY PRIEST royalston's poetry jjj Gardner, Mass., and her mother, Sophia B. Priest, was the daughter of Col. Jacob Woodbury, a prominent man in Winchendon, and famous in his day as a Revolutionary veteran, and for his exploits in pursuing and slaying a wolf. The family had become residents of Royalston but a few months before the birth of their gifted daughter, and after a few years' residence in Royalston returned to Winchendon* their former home, which was thereafter their home, with the exception of three or four years in Hinsdale, N. H., between 1851 and 1855. Nancy never attended school after leaving Winchendon when in her fifteenth year, with the exception of a term or two as a pupil of Professor Ward at Powers Institute in Bernardston in 1858, and she was never from home anv length of time until married in 1865. At a very early age she showed signs of an uncommon mind that betokened future greatness. She learned all the letters of the alphabet, great and small, says her mother, before she was two years old, and it is stated of her, when about two years old, that nothing ever pleased her like hearing reading and singing. While still in childhood she used to write poetry on her slate, and rub it out quickly if it was likely to be read. Her schoolmates soon found out her fondness for making rhymes, and used to coax her to make poetry for them. Her earliest poem in the printed collection is said to have been written at the age of fourteen, and is entitled ''Lines Written to Her Schoolmates," and relates to her removal from Winchendon to Hinsdale. It was while living in Hinsdale that her famous poem "Over the River" was written. At the time she was living at home and working in a paper mill. One day at the noon hour while the other employees were gone to dinner, she remained, as usual, because her home was at some distance. As she sat on a sack of rags looking across the Asheulot River, which flows through the village, the impulse in her breast moved her to write. Rev. E. S. Best, formerly a pastor of the Methodist Church in Winchendon, gives the origin of the poem in an article prepared for a magazine as follows: "Over the misty current her dark eyes gleam with a mysterious brilliancy. She picks up a piece of paper, and with her pencil writes rapidly for a few minutes: but the bell rings; the machinery begins to clatter; she thrusts the 356 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON paper into her pocket, and resumes her work. On that crumpled paper is written the first sketch of a poem which has gained a well-deserved renown." The author of the poem, in a letter to the brother of a musical composer who desired to set it to music, gave the following account of its origin: "The little poem to which he purposes to give musical expression was written originally on a sheet of brown wrapping paper, in the hour's nooning at the mill, and then carried home, thrown in with other loose papers, and entirely forgotten until I came across it by accident again while looking for something else, more than a year after." The poem first appeared in the Springfield Reyuhlican of August 22, 1857, when she was in her twenty-second year, and under the name of "Lizzie Lincoln," which was the nom- dc- plume under which she wrote many of her poems. It was soon set to music by six or eight different composers, and re- garding the poem one writer has said, "One cannot conceive that anything can make it less popular a hundred years hence than it is to-day. Though it cannot compare with Gray's 'Elegy' in finished elegance of expression, yet it has a music, a rhythm, a pathos which is unsurpassed. Surely one has not lived in vain to whom it has been given to speak words of solace, comfort and hope to millions of aching hearts in measures which cling to the memory and infuse the soul with a heavenly calm. Among her other poems, one of the most popular is the one entitled "Heaven," which has been much admired, and has found its place in one or more collections of the choicest poetry in the English language. We believe it worthy of a place in the history of her native town. HEAVEN Beyond these chilling winds and gloomy skies, Beyond Death's cloudy portal, There is a land where beauty never dies And love becomes immortal. A land whose light is never dimmed by shade. Whose fields are ever vernal. Where nothing beautiful can ever fade, But blooms for aye eternal. royalston's poktry 357 We may not know how sweet its balmy air, How bright and fair its flowers; We may not hear the songs that echo there Through those enchanted bowers. The city's shining towers we may not see With our dim, earthly vision; For Death, the silent warder, keeps the key That opes those gates elysian. But sometimes, where adown the western sky The fiery sunset lingers, Its golden gates swing inward noiselessly, Unlocked by silent fingers. And while they stand a moment half ajar, Gleams from the inner glory. Stream lightly through the azure vault afar, And hilf reveil the story. land unknown! O land of love divine ! Father all wise, eternal, Guide, guide these wandering way-worn feet of mine Unto those pastures vernal. In 1882 a volume of more than one hundred of the poems of Nancy Priest was published, many of which bear the mark of genius, and which are arranged under the divisions of'Reli- gious", "Love and Friendship," "Elegiac Poems," "Patriotic Poems," "Poems of Nature" and "Miscellaneous Poems." In every division are poems of more than ordinary merit and beauty of expression. It is said that the songs of patriotism are alone sufficient to recommend the whole volume to those who fought our country's battles, and all those who rejoiced in the triumph of freedom. Of the poem entitled "War to the Knife, and the Knife to the Hilt" it has been said that "it is an heroic and awful strain, as terrible as the fiercest lines in the "Marseil- laise Hymn," and that it cannot be read without a shudder. This was written in the darkest hours of our Civil War, when the very life of the nation was in peril. She was peculiarly sensitive to the charms of Nature, which is strikingly illustrated in her poem. ,^5>y HISTORY OF ROYAI^STON INVOCATION I'm tired of strife; I'm sick of heartless living; Fain would I from the world's rude jostling fiee. No longer toward youth's high ideal striving, Thy child, mother Nature! turns to thee. For thou can'st comfort when the heart is sorest; Oh, let me take thy hand and walk with thee, And watch thee sowing acorns in the forest, Or scattering spring's blue violets o'er the lea. Let me sit with thee 'neath the maples' shadows, Or watch upon the hills to see thee pass; Teach me to trace thy footsteps in the meadows By the bright cowslips dotting all the grass. Speak to me in the murmur of the river; Sing to me with thy thousand voices sweet ; Hold my tired head, and let me sit forever Drinking in rest and patience at thy feet. So shall I rise above earth's selfish sorrow; So shall I win new strength to bear life's pain; And waiting hopefully for heaven to-morrow. Take up my burden, and press on again. She was married Dec. 22, 1865, to Lieutenant Arrington Clay Wakefield, who had made an honorable record in the War of the RebelHon. She died Sept. 21, 1870, after less than five years of married life, having borne three children, two of whom with her husband survived her. The "Congregationalist" in an article published a few weeks after her death, referring to her poem "Over the River," said: "It may be doubted whether a single week has trans- pired in the last ten years when these verses might not have been picked up from one or more of our American newspapers in their issue of that week. We know, indeed, of no bit of poetry of late, from any pen, that has struck the popular mind so exactlv." royalston's poetry 359 ALBERT BRYANT Albert Bryant was born in Troy, N. H., Jan. 30, 1838. He was the son of Lucien and Charlotte Peirce Bryant. When a young child his parents moved to Royalston, the native town of his mother. He was fitted for college at Kim- ball Union (Meriden, N. H.) and Phillips Andover academies, graduating from Amherst College in 1862. He was an honor scholar at Amherst, excelling in mental philosophy and the studies of senior year. His classmate, Rev. George C. Phipps, writes as follows: "His commencement poem was entitled 'The Coming Republic,' and two of its glowing lines might well stand for his own epitaph. " 'That no life however silent in the grand result is lost. When the gain for human progress vindicates its bloody cost.'" Another tril)ute to his poems is from Marquis F. Dickinson, the well-known Boston lawyer, a native of Amherst, and classmate of Bryant's, who writes as follows: "In my opinion Bryant's poems are the best that ever emanated from an Amherst graduate. He had too much on hand for the free cultivation of his gift, but I am inclined to believe that if he had enjoyed sufficient leisure he might have left behind a great name. I remember the peculiar interest which attached to the title of his address when he grad- uated from the Andover Theological Seminary 'Charity Begins Abroad,^ a plea, of course for foreign missions to which he had then devoted himself." Besides his Commencement Poem he wrote the Class Ode, which was sung on Class Day to the old camp-meeting tune to which Mrs. Howe set the words of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." His poem at the "Centennial Celebration" of Royalston will long be remembered as a tender and loving tribute to the memories and affections of her children. He studied theology first at Princeton, N. J., but finally graduated at Andover, and was immediately ordained as missionary of the American Board to Sivas, Turkey. The same day of his ordination he was married to Miss Mary E. Torrey, a daughter of the noted "Martyr Torrey," and great- granddaughter of Dr. Emmons, the famous Puritan divine, j(56> HISTORY OF ROYALSTON and with united zeal they entered upon work for the Armenians; but after a service of three years, were compelled to leave the field on account of the Bryant's weakness of sight and exposure to ophthalmia. The period spent among the Turks and Ar- menians of Asia Minor, however, proved a source of much profit and influence for him in after years, for his published articles upon those themes alone would fill a large volume. He was an indefatigable student, and with his multiple pulpit and parish demands upon his thought and speech his pen was never idle, for stories, poems and other articles went con- stantly to the press. On his return to this country he soon began his ministerial labors. His first church was at Everett, Mass., 'where he re- mained seven years. From there he went to Somerville, and then as missionary to Lead City, Dakota. He was for eight years Superintendent of the City Missionary Society of Wor- cester. He held many other charges and was particularly adapt- ed and successful in building up "run-down" churches, restoring them to a healthier growth and better financial standing. His wife died in 1897, and he was again married to Miss Anna F. Burnham, who with four of his seven children survive him. He died at Scituate, Mass., Sept. 2, 1904. An obituary notice pub- lished at the time of his death, says: "Albert Bryant was a man of remarkable talents, of great and constant service to man- kind, as a missionary abroad and as pastor over several churches, and always a force for ideals of life, as well as a man who lived for his fellows in every fibre of his being. His personality and his career must recall to the minds of those who in his day, — the day of the crucial stress of the union, — were thrilled by his in- spiring and even prophetic strains." MRS. GEORGE WOODBURY. Mrs. George Woodbury was born in Warwick Dec. 25, 1826, her maiden name being Almira Greenwood Chase. She mar- ried George Woodbury of Royalston June 24, 1849, and this town was her home ever after. She was prominent in the social and religious life of the town, and was deeply interested SIDNEY G. BOSWORTH REV. ALBERT BRYANT AMANDA (BEMIS; SMITH MRS. GEORGE WOODBURY royalston's poetry 3()i in the starting of a pul lie library. Dr. Frank W. Adams in his address on the libraries of Royalston at the dedication of the Phinehas S. Newton Library says, that the present library had its origin in the Ladies Benevolent Society, and that to Mrs. George Woodbury, the honored Secretary of the Society, must be given the credit of the first suggestion of working for that object. She held the pen of a ready and prolific writer of verse, and often furnished verses for many occasions. The best known of her productions is the hymn which was sung by the united choirs of the town to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" at Royalston's Gentennial Celebration, Aug. 25, 1865. The memr'y of a hundred years, Unfolds its scattered page. And welcomes back, with grateful tears, A past, and present age. We welcome, now, the good old day, Whence gleamed a rising sun, To guide our footsteps in the way That echoes back "well done." The red man's feet had wandered here. Where first our grandsires trod; Their hearts were filled with hope and fear — Their firmest trust was God. That hand still leads and guides us on When brighter days illume: And "home, sweet home," is now our song, While paeans swell the tune. Amid the nodding forest pines, Their homes a shelter found; Where now we train the clustering vines. And broad, green fields abound. Then welcome, welcome, ever more The names, our hearts enshrine, And while we count their hardships o'er. Join all in "Auld Lang Syne." We greet with joy, this hallowed day, Sweet impress of the past; j(52 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 'Twill eYer shed a ling'ring ray, Time will not soon outlast. We greet you friends, we greet you now, Who claim a l:>irthright here, Though age has marked the earnest brow, And silvered locks appear. We welcome back the young and old, The statesman, priest and sage, And seal a friendship, tried and told, That changes not with age. We sing a requiem for the dead, Our mem'ries still retain, And on their graves our tears will shed While our short lives remain. We welcome back a hundred years, And breathe a gentle sigh, That mingles with our hopes, and fears, 'Mid changes ever nigh. Soon will another century end. Earth's dearest ties be riven. Then may these hearts, which sweetly blend, Sing with one voice in Heaven, The sailing of Mrs. Josephine Ballantine, granddaughter of Royalston's second minister, Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, as a missionary to India called forth the — Lines addressed to Mv. and Mrs. Joseph L. Perkins — on the sailing of their daughter as a missionary to India, Oct. 23, 1885. Mother, the days and months are gone, Which I have told you make the year. When I shall sail upon the sea, So kiss me now\, without a tear, For to-morrow I sail for India. And look upon me, with the smile That gives good cheer to all my Avays; Forget it seems the sunshine ray, royal.ston's poetry 363 To guide me on to future days, As to-morrow I sail for India. And breathe anew the heartfelt prayer, That while "I lay me down to sleep" That he who holds the unseen winds, Will stay their fury on the deep, While I to-morrow sail for India. And Father, say, as oft you do. Something to bring a cheering smile, 'Twill be like apples set in gold While silver pictures, are the while, When I to-morrow sail for India. Now, good-bye, father, mother, all, Whose choicest wish knows no alloy, We'll hope for a reunion here. Or for sweet days of well-earned joy, Beyond the sea, where India lies. SIDNEY G. BOSWORTH Sidney G. Bos worth, the writer of the hymn sung at Koyalston's 150th Anniversary, is a native of Royalston, son of Chilson, Jr. and Sarah Prescott Bosworth. He was born June 11, 1861 in what was once known as the Withington place, just south of the North Royalston Road, on land ad- joining the Beryl Hill Farm. The family moved to Win- ■chendon when he was eleven years old, and that town has since been his home. With the exception of a few hymns, his poems have been mostly written for special occasions. They are in quite a variety of stanzas and bear the mark of special care in construction. His longest poem, up to the present time, is "Invitation and Welcome" written for the Winchendon 150th Anniversary celebration, and consists of eight verses of Spencerian stanzas. His "Anniversary Hymn," written for the Royalston 150th Anniversary, was sung by a Winchendon Chorus Choir at the exercises of August 3, j(5^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON I There's a thrill of gladness in our hearts to-day, As we meet and greet dear ones from far away. Tears of joy are falling, glad songs upward soar, Glad are we to greet you, dear old home once more. Refrain. Welcome, happy people! hear all nature say. Welcome! yes, thrice welcome, to our town to-day See! the fields are teeming, as in days of yore, Whispering, welcome, welcome to your home once more. II Memories dear are crowding, clothing with a charm Every recollection of the dear old farm. Fancy brings before us scenes of childhood sweet, As we come rejoicing, dear old friends to meet. Refrain. Ill Summertime in beauty looks on the display. You now make in honor of your natal day. Spirits of the fathers, watching from above, Mark with glad approval this display of love. Refrain. His "Response Especial" is a fine trilnite to the "Boys in Blue," and a recognition of the country's dependence upon God, and is worthy of preservation: "God of our fathers! known of old," Who in those long dark years of strife Gave to the blue, the victory, And thus preserved our nation's life. To thee, to-day our prayers ascend Be thou with us, unto the end. Thy nation old, was rent in twain. Thy people worshipped wood and stone, In our dark hour, it was not so. We looked. Oh, God, to thee alone. royalston's poetry 365 Father in heaven! hear us we pray, Teach us to look to thee alway. Honor we give and praise, to those. Who bravely met, our country's foes, On battlefield, by campfire bright Their hearts were strong, the wrong to right; Thou wast their God, and thus 'twill be Honor to them. Glory to thee. Brave hearts, and true, who wore the blue, We meet again to honor thee Dearer to us you grow each year, Thus may it ever, ever be. "Lord God of Hosts!" to thee we pray. Be with "The Boys in Blue," to-day. Among his other verses are "Lines in Memory of Charles Sampson," "Hymn to Men's Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School, Winchendon," and verses for a Birthday Club, together with others prepared for various occasions. AMANDA BEMIS SMITH Amanda {Bemis) Smith, a writer of numerous poems and articles on various subjects contributed by her to New England papers was born in Warwick, Mass., April 1, 1827, a daughter of Luke and Susan Steele Bemis. She was married to Nathan Smith of Royalston at the age of nineteen years. Five children were born to them, a daughter who died in infancy; a son, Leander A., who died in Athol in 1907; a son Loreston B., who died in Royalston in 1863 at the age of thirteen years; and two daughters, Mrs. Charles H. Grant and Miss Mary Smith both of Brattleboro, Vt. Her parents moved to Royalston in her early childhood and she was a resident in this town until 1871, when with her husband, she moved to Athol and later to Springfield, Mass., where he died in 1878. After Mr. Smith's death she lived in Springfield, Athol, and in the vicinity of Boston a number of years before making her home with her daughter in Brattle- boro, Vt., where she died Sept. 19, 1915. J^^ HIvSTORV OF ROYALSTON She was a woman of unusual mental attainments, having been a wide and constant reader and student from her child- hood. Her poems were published in the Boston Transcript, Springfield Republican and New England Farmer and she was a frequent contributor to the Worcester West Chronicle from the time it was founded for a period of more than forty years. Many verses written by her for family reunions and birthday anniversaries are treasured by friends and relatives. Her poem that became the most widely known was one Avritten immediately after the Johnstown, Pa., flood entitled, "Johnstown or Conemaugh Flood," which she presented to the Governor of Pennsylvania to be sold and the proceeds used for the flood sufferers. This was published in both book and pamphlet form and was sold in large numbers in Pennsyl- vania and adjacent states. LIGHT FROM THE DARKNESS Comfort ye my people. — Isa. 40:1 0! Angels that hover o'er scenes of distress; 0! Spirits that wing your way earthward to bless; O! Love, on whose lips is the balm for all woes; 0! Faith, on whose bosom our dead find repose. We wait for thy liidding to lift up the lyre, Once more with glad music and hope to inspire The homeless, the heart sick, the weary and faint. And the hands who are toiling mid Conemaugh's plaint. 0! Earth, wreathed in beauty of verdure and bloom. Fair birthplace of fame and of glory the tomb; Full often by earthquake, by storm, flood and fire, Thou hast drank back thy life with its human desire. And paved with destruction the way for the rew, Thus Johnstown's fair city by faith now I view; Restored to thy glory by time's ceaseless tide. Once more thou shalt rise in thy honor and pride. The mountain will fold the fair lake to her breast, The rivers course on in mid ocean to rest, — Ambition and enterprise rear its high tower Where fate felled its thousands in one fatal hour. royalston's poetry j<57 Thy churches, thy schools, thy halls and thy homes, Again to the Heavens shall lift up their domes, Aud fields again smile in glad beauty, where now The sword of destruction hath laid them low. The fame of thy morrow shall glitter more bright As the veil of thy sadness uplifts to the light ; And more shall the love of our Union abound When the suffering lambs of the flock are all found. One heart, and one hand, is our nation's strong band ; "Divided we fall, but united we stand." In sorrow or sickness, in death and dismay. One Father o'er all — and His love is the way. In fair Pennsylvania's fertile domain, — Where the blue AUeghanies are woven in chain, — 'Mong nature's wild grottoes, where fairies might dream. Where Stony Creek glides into Conemaugh stream: Mid the wealth of her ore, in the pride of her fame. Fair Johnstown arose in its ancestral name. Her villages, ten, were grouped side by side, With homes born of love and of liberty's pride, And close to heart, with industrial behest. Was the Cambria plant, in its iron bound vest. Her wealth and her fame were in many a deal ; Our railways have girdled their lines with her steel. Here, science and art and knowledge held power. With houses of worship and scliools rich in dower ; And all that the state wdth its honors afford. In the circling domain of the city was stored. But, the requiem we sing of her glory today. Is the fate of her thousands now gone, — gone away. Away on the wings of Eternity's might, — Away to the realms of our visionless sight. But the breezes that waft from the mountain's fair brow And dimple with kisses the streams as they flow ; The life that will waken the fields and the flowers To mingle their perfume with sunshine and showers. Will breathe in memorial for ages to come. Of Conemaugh's grief — and the fair city's doom. And the spirit of Kickenapawling will wake J^S HISTORY OF ROYALSTON To whisper once more from mountain and lake, And mingling a sigh with the past gone by, Will retire from its gloom, as love wakes from the tomb. DULCENIA M. RUSSELL Dulcenia M. Russell, one of Royalston's writers of verse and prose was born in Royalston Aug. 8, 1842, her maiden name being Mary D. Kendall. She was married in June 1862 to Albert F. Russell, and most of her life was spent in Claremont, N. H. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Russell: Harry H. Russell born Oct. 4, 1867 and Charles R. Russell born July 31, 1869. The former is treasurer of the Ashuelot Paper Co., of Hinsdale, N. H. Her life was devoted to her family. She died in Claremont, N. H., Jan. 8, 1897. In 1895 a volume of one hundred and twenty pages of her poems was pubhshed, the title of the book being, ''Echoes from the Shepherd's Bell." The preface to the book taken from her poem "Sunset" is as follows: IN GOD'S OTHER SEA Float and sail the white ships in purity. Sail and float across the sky. Devoid of freight, so pure and high. When free from sin. As a disembodied soul, I would enter in The fleetest vessel and sail and sail O'er the world below in the crowded vale; When weary, guide the tiny ark Close to the shore's edge to disembark; Straight to the windows of Heaven on wings of love Like a weary, worn, beseeching dove, I would knock for admittance." There are about thirty poems and prose articles in the book, the longest poem bears the same title as the book and others are "Echoes from the Palace," "Grandma's Giants," "Sunset,'' "To the G. A. R." The opening lines of "Grandma's Giants" evidently refer to the home of her grandmother: royalston's poetry 369 "The cottage was low and old and gray The vines were tangled in such a way, Holding in embrace its form around From highest rafter to lowliest ground; As over the hill from its rugged steep At the vine-covered house I could hardly peep. The path was green, half grown with grass In its winding course, inviting to pass Strangers to rest 'neath the cooling shade Down by the gate in that forest glade. The boards of the fence and the gate were I'ough, The trees were crooked, knotty and tough. The old well-sweep, with its rusty pail Above the waters that never fail. Hangs winter and summer just the same Greeting me first as hither I came. Marigold, hollyhock and crimson phlox, With vines and moss hid the little box; Evergreens, with flowers, just covered the way, This house of stone of grandma's — gray; Green, yellow and sober brown. Mottled, mixed in hopeless tone. Nestled this cottage:" The opening lines of the poem "Sunset" give a beautiful description : 'Tt is sunset; behind the western hills Slowly the sun is sinking out of sight, Lingering yet on fields and woods and rills, Ere he bids the world again good- night. In loving benediction rest its rays, in hue and shades Rivalling tints of the bow in the sky, Gleaming l)rightly, anon to fade, Slowl}' dissolving, at last to die. Away, away, in the open space Scattered and gone in the empty air, In silence to vanish and leave no trace Save a gleam of glory resting there. Only twelve hours agone, at the rim SJO HISTORY OF ROYALSTON (3f the horizon in the light so dim, Had the sun met anew this side of earth, Kissing the hilltops with morning's breath; Creeping through the forest of leafy green, Creeping and lighting with rosy sheen, Awaking the birds from their frightful sleep, Through and through the wooded deep; Across the meadow the golden ball, Flaming and sparkling in silent fall. Tosses and flings in careless abandon, Lighting a million Wades at random." PECK'S POEM ON UNIVERSALISM "When it was written or by whom, seems now to be a prol)lem somewhat difficult of solution; for we have made considerable exertions to ascertain the fact, besides writing to a number of gentlemen bearing the name of Peck, but have not been able to learn anything of our author, and it is to say the least a ques- tion whether "John Peck" is a veritable person or whether it is not an anonymous signature." The above quotation is from the preface to the fourth edition of Peck's poem. But "John Peck was a veritable person." We find in the early history of Royalston that John Peck moved from Rehobath and redeemed from the primeval forest the place formerly known as the Whitman Gates place. He was uncle to Benoni Peck, Esq., and grandfather to the late Gov. Peck of Vermont. We have no means of knowing when Peck's Poem first appeared in print, but it passed through several editions, the third edition having been issued from the press in 1813. About the middle of the last century it was with some other pieces, reproduced by John P. Jewett & Co., Boston, and H. P. B. Jewett, Cleveland, Ohio. The poem was probably called out by the preaching of Rev. Hosea Ballon and Sebastian Streeter, men who are sometimes styled the fathers of Universalism in America. They both originated in Richmond N. H., an adjoining town and commenced their life work in that vicinity. When his large family had grown up, he removed with them to Vermont. royalston's poetry 371 The opening verse of the httle volume reads: What if the author is no bard But writes a doggerel song; What if the muse her aid refuse W^hile he doth creep along. Some of the disconnected verses are as follows: "Some think the just alone reach heaven, But all who curse and swear, And lie and steal, get drunk and kill Find safe admittance there." '■'King Pharaoh and his mighty host Had Godlike honors given; A pleasant breeze brought them with ease By water unto Heaven." "So all the filthy Sodomites When God bade Lot retire, Went in a trice to Paradise On rapid wings of fire." "And when the filthy Cananites To Joshua's host were given. The sun stood still so they might kill And send them off to Heaven." WILLIAM M. LEATHE Among the natives of Royalston who have engaged in the writing of verse which is of merit is William M. Leathe. He was born in Royalston March 22, 1821, and was the third of a family of four sons and two daughters of Benjamin and Paulena (Chase) Leathe. His education was received in the schools of Royalston and at Andover. About 1844 he went to Fitchburg where he was for many years engaged in the palm leaf business and was later in company with Gardner Farrar and Henry Clark under the firm name of Clark, Farrar & Leathe in the manufacture of Shaker hoods. He was also for several J72 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON years in the book and stationary trade at a store in the American house block in Fitchljurg. He was one of the pioneer aboli- tionists of Fitchburg and was a member of the old Trinitarian church till after the destruction of Slavery, when it was disbanded, and he united with the; Eollstone Congregational church of that city. He was also a strong advocate of the Temperance Reform. He was actively engaged in l)usiness until 1874, after which time, he devoted a portion of his time to work of a philan- thropic nature, and was one of the most active members of the corporation of the Fitchburg Home for Old Ladies, being a member of the board of managers from its organization until his death. He was married Oct. 29, 1844, to Miss Sarah M. Davis of Templeton. They lived to celebrate their golden wedding (3ct. 29, 1894, and 60th wedding anniversary in 1904. Among his publications is a little book of poems dedicated to "The love of truth and righteousness." "Charity or the Golden Rule," occupies thirty-three eight-line stanzas in which the senti- ments of faith, hope tnd charity predominate. Then follows: "Who is My Neighbor," "What Will it Profit a Man," "Words of Admonition," "The Old Year" and others of a serious and re- flective nature. "My Father's and My Mother's Fireside" is a beautiful trilnite to his early home, from which we quote the following verses: "Oh never amid the gay circles of pride Shall I cease to think of my father's fireside, Where music, sweet converse, affection and play Filled up the glad hours at the close of each day. We oft sought applause in that father's fond eyes How precious his precept, instructive and wise; One book he held forth as our fight and our guide, And we searched for its truths by father's fireside. As for me, I have seen this world's winding ways, Have sighed o'er its folfies and smiled at its praise; Have sat at rich banquets in mansions and hall, Still my father's fireside was dearest of all. CHAPTER XIV BIOGRAPHICAL COL. GEORGE WHITNEY Among the roll of Royalston's most honored and success- ful business men, is the name of Col. George Whitney. He was born in Royalston, Sept. 21, 1817, a son of Amos and Sophia Whitney and was always a resident of his native town, contributing in many ways to make it a model and prosperous comnmnity. He was brought up on a farm, and started out early in life to earn his own living, being first a stage coach driver, and also of the big freight teams between Royalston and Boston. For years he was a conspicuous figure at the annual meetings of the old stage drivers of the period antedating the time of the railroad. After leaving the busi- ness of freighting merchandise to Boston, Col. Whitney gave his attention to the chair and lumber business at South Royalston, and on the building of the old Vermont & Massa- chusetts Railroad, and the establishment of a depot at South Royalston, he was given the position of depot agent, which he held for many years. In 1858 soon after the death of Rufus Bullock, Mr. Whit- ney with Daniel Day of Royalston, bought the woolen mill at South Royalston, and for a few years they carried on the manufacture of cassimeres. After Mr. Day went out of the business. Col. Whitney had associated with him Rufus S. Frost of Boston and later James Phillips, Jr. of Fitchburg. For several years he carried on the business alone assisted by his son George E. Whitney, and also operated a mill in Enfield, N. H. of which his son George was the general man- ager. Col. Whitney was prominent in public life for many years. In 1856 he served his town on the Board of Selectmen, repre- sented the Second Representative District of Worcester County in the Legislature of 1859, and was also a Repre- sentative in 1893. He was a member of the State Senate in 1863 and '64, and of the Governor's Council from 1873 to 374 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON 1877 inclusive, and at his last election reseived the unusual honor of a unanimous election. We doubt whether the records will show any other public man in the Common- wealth as having a like record of unanimity at any election where 30,000 or more ballots have been cast. He was also at one time prominently mentioned as candidate for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor. He served on the Commission to ascertain and establish the boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire and served the State and community with ability in many other capac- ities. He was a director of the Millers River National Bank, Athol, for a period of about thirty years. The high esteem in which he was held by his fellowtowns- men was well shown on the occasion of his 80th birthday, when the whole town turned out to do him honor, and gave him a grand reception in the town hall. He married Eliza J. Simpson of Boston, April 14, 1812. Their children were Sophia Elizabeth, born May 2, 1814, who died when only two and a half months old, Mary Eliza- beth born Oct. 11, 1847 and George Ellis born Jan. 30, 1864. Mrs. Whitney died and he married, second, Mary Evelyn Carter, Aug. 21, 1890. She was born in Winchendon, June 17, 1849. Colonel Whitney died Dec. 26, 1897. WILLIAM FORDYCE BIGELOW ^Ym. Fordyce Bigelow was born in Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 14, 1817, son of Joseph Bigelow. He weighed only three pounds at his birth, but he did not lack vitality when grown up, for he was a very energetic man almost to his last days. When he was seven years old his father had a shock and Fordyce left home and came to Royalston to live with one Peter Prescott. When only fourteen years old he walked from Royalston to his old home in Montpelier, Vt. with only twenty-five cents of money with him, and after a visit of two weeks walked the greater part of the way back to Royalston. At the Prescott home he was kept busy all the time; the schoolhouse was just across the road, and so valuable was his time that he even had to go home at recess time and work in the garden or at other employment. WILLIAM F. BIGELOW BIOGRAPHICAL 375 His father gave him his time when eighteen years old. After leaving the Prescott home he went to South Royahton and worked in Harrington's brush wood shop, and then to South Howeville in Fitzwilliam where he turned pails until he bought the Heywood farm about 1846. He remodelled the buildings and had one of the largest and most convenient barns in Northern Worcester County. He married Susan Maria Taft March 25, 1847 and brought her to his new farm home. He brought this rundown farm into a highly cultivated condition, and became one of the most successful farmers in this section of the country. He engaged in the fattening of cattle, and used to raise all the corn for fattening his stock, and also large quantities of grain especially all the wheat for flour for the family. During the Civil War time he used to sell his seed wheat for four dollars per bushel. He believed in early rising, getting up at two o'clock in the morning, and going to Keene, N. H., twenty miles distant, with his grain for the grist mill, arriving there before the miller was up. In 1871 he sold his farm and came to Royalston Centre and bought the Holman place where he spent his days; he died April 25, 1900. He married, second, Dulcena Davis Reed. The children of Wm. Fordyce and Susan (Taft) Bigelow were: Delia, born Jan. 1, 1848, who married John A. Lowe of Worcester; they had one son Allan Lowe, who is a draftsman in Worcester; Joseph H. Bigelow, born in Royalston, May 17, 1849, married Belle Todd of Springfield, Vt. He has been for many years foreman in the toy factory of Milton Bradley, Springfield. He has no children. Lyman E. Bigelow, born June 18, 1851, married Malora R. Stone of Marlboro, N. H. June 22, 1878. He stayed on the farm until twenty years old, and attended the district schools, after which he served an apprenticeship to learn the tool maker's trade at Marlboro, N. H., and is now located in Orange, Mass., where he has been tool maker in the New Home Sewing Machine Co. for thirty-seven years. They have no children. GEORGE FLETCHER MILLER George Fletcher Miller was born in Westminster, Mass. April 19, 1804, the son of Asa and Bertha (Winship) Miller, and v/as the fourth of seven children. Early in life a musical J7d HISTORY OF ROYALSTON talent created an inspiration for its perfection, and during the summer of 1829 he taught his first singing school At that time he told a friend it was his gmbition to have engraved upon his tombstone "He taught little children to sing." In 1836 he was engaged by the First Congregational Church and Society of Royalston to guide "Songs of the Sanctuary," and consequently moved to this town about that time, and was employed by the parish to have charge of the singing until his death, with the exception of some five or six years when he taught vocal music in the Westfield Normal School from 1851 to 1858 and took charge of the singing in the Congregational Church of that town. He was Town Clerk of Royalston from 1847 to 1851 inclusive, was a member cf the school committee, and also for many years clerk of the parish and church, and the records of both town and church are memorials of his fine penmanship. He was a teacher of singing at the Massachusetts Agricultural College at Am.herst soon after the college was opened, and was widely known as a teacher of singing schools in this whole section of the country having at the time of his death just commenced his 368th and 369th singing schools. He died in 1875 from the effects of an injury received from being thrown from an express wagon while descending New Salem hill. He married Malinda Edgell of Westminster. They had five children, Mary Edgell, Sarah Elizabeth, Susan Maria, Emily Bullock and George Edward. HERMAN M. PARTRIDGE Herman M. Partridge was born in Templeton, Jan. 22, 1832. His early life was spent in Templeton and Winchendon. He married Emily Bullock Miller, daughter of George F. and Melinda Miller, Nov. 24, 1859. He enlisted in the Civil War in Co. E. of the 53d Regiment Mass. Volunteers in the fall of 1862 and was promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, Oct. 17, 1862. He was prominent in musical circles throughout this part of the state, in his earlier years playing the organ, afterward as a teacher of music in different towns and a leader of choirs in Fitchburg, Athol and Winchendon, and for several years was the leader at the First Congregational Church of Royalston, holding that position at the time of his death. BIOGRAPHICAL J77 Most of his life after his return from the war was spent in l^oyalston. He was engaged in the insurance business, and at one time was engaged in the manufacture of crutches, and all kinds of kindergarten materials for schools, Indian clubs, dumb- bells, etc. He was a member of Mt. Rollstone Lodge of Odd Fellows of Fitchburg, the Grand Army Post of Fitchburg, the Royalston Grange, of which he was one of the charter members. He took great interest in the regimental association of the Fifty- Third Regiment, of which he was for many years the efficient secretary, making all the arrangements for the annual reunions. He died Dec. 13, 1904 His son, Edward M. Partridge, born in Royalston Dec. 23, 1862 is a druggist in Millers Falls. J. MILTON PARTRIDGE J. Milton Partridge, son of Maynard and Mary (Upham) Partridge, was born in South Royalston, Aug. 26, 1833. He attended school in that village and went to Winchendon with his parents when young. He married Elvira J. Samson of Win- chendon Nov. 10, 1857. They soon after moved to Royalston which was henceforth their home. He was a respected citizen of the town and was engaged in the lumber business and farming. He united with the Congregational Church in 1861, and was elected deacon in January, 1893, which office he held until his resignation in 1903. His wife died April 3, 1901 and soon after her death he went to live with his adopted daughter Mrs. Stella V. Newton, which was his home as long as he lived. He died July 12, 1915. STEPHEN H. HEYWOOD *S. H. Heywood was born in Royalston, Sept. 4. 1833. He lived at home on the farm with his father until twenty-one years of age, when he went to Winchendon to work for Murdock & Fairbanks in the wooden ware shop for about six years; then in company with S. N. & George Holman he bought out the Howeville property and manufactured wooden ware for ten years, when he sold out and went to Jackson, Mich., and shipped eggs for two years. He then went to Myrudale, Pa. from which place he shipped butter for three years, and then went to Troy, Sys HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Pa., and started the first creamery in that section, which he run twenty years and then sold out, since which time he has spent much of his spare time in travelling. He never married, nor joined any secret organization. CYRUS P. REED Cyrus P. Reed, son of Capt. Cyrus B. and Seraph (Goddard) Reed, was born in Royalston, April 12, 1834, the oldest of four children. He was married April 2, 1858 to Miss Sarah Wheeler, daughter of Leonard Wheeler, who was the village blacksmith for many years. They had two children: Charles W., who is the proprietor of a livery stable in Orange and Lizzie M. He was a teamster and carried on a small farm. Was promi- nent in town affairs and for many years was a familiar figure as one of the marshals at the fairs of the Worcester Northwest Agricultural Society. He was a charter member of Royalston Grange. WILLIAM D. RIPLEY William D. Ripley, who was for many years a familiar figure on Royalston Common, was a native of Norwich, Conn., the oldest son of Dr. Dwight Ripley, a successful physician. He married Emily Bullock, daughter of Hon. Rufus Bullock, and sister of Governor Bullock, and his home at the old Bullock mansion on Royalston Common was one of culture and refine- ment and approached the ideal of an old time country seat. He was a man of fine presence, courteous manner, and exemplary character. He died in 1880 at the age of eighty-one years. BENJAMIN WARD UPHAM Benjamin Ward Upham, seventh generation from John Upham of Weymouth, Mass., was born in Royalston, Oct. 29, 1809. At the age of ten years he was left an orphan by the death of his father from inhaling the gas of a charcoal pit he was burning. During his boyhood he Avorked on farms RKNJAAIIX WARD UPIIAM cal?:b a. cook BIOGRAPHICAL 379 in Royplston, with the exception of a few months spent in Boston. April 21, 1839, he was married to OUve Bartlett and moved to the farm where he Hved until his death April 1, 1893. To them were born three children of whom one, Elmer Benjamin Upham of Athol is still living. In 1852, his first wife having died he married Phebc Kimball Tenney, by whom he had one child, Arthur Aquila Upham of Whitewater, Wisconsin. His second wife died in 1861, and in 1863 he married Lucy Norcross French who survived him nine years. Benjamin Upham was a man of sterling character and strict integrity. He was proud to tell his boys that when he bought the farm, he was able to borrow money without placing a mortgage on the place. He had a "holy horror" of being in debt and would scarcely ever buy anything without paying for it on the spot. Although never very robust, he was an exceedingly industrious man, always on time with his work, retaining sufficient strength to do his chores until within three weeks of his death at the age of eighty-three. CALEB A. COOK Caleb A. Cook, son of David and Nelly (Garfield) Cook, was born in Royalston, April 10, 1821. His grandfather David Cook bought a place in West Royalston and in the first half of the last century kept tavern there; he drew the pension of an orderly sergeant, and died in 184-4 at the age of ninety-one years. CalelVs early life was spent on his father's farm in West Royalston. He learned the watchmaker's trade when a young man and did quite a business at his home repairing watches, clocks and jewelry. He went to Athol in 1864 and engaged in the grocery business with P. C. Tyler. He soon disposed of his interest in that l)usiness and went into the jewelry business with S. W. Bliss, and after a few years en- gaged in the jewelry and watchmaker's business for himself, in which he continued until his health failed and he sold out the business. While a resident of Royalston he was prominent in town affairs and was a member of the Board of Selectmen ^gQ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON in 1858, '59 and '60. He was a candidate for Representative to the General Court, and was defeated by only a few votes. He was also a Justice of the Peace for several years. He married Susan Herrick of Royalston, May 8, 1842. They had three children: a son who died at four years of age, Stella who married Frank Hutchinson of Athol, and Sarah A. who married Charles H. Tvler, for many years a prominent grocer of Athol. Mrs. Cook died Aug. 11, 1881, and he married, second, Jane L. Case, March 30, 1882. He died April 13, 1888. REV. EBENEZER CUTLER Rev. Ehenezer Culler was born in Royalston, Aug. 21, 1822. He graduated from the University of Vermont in the class of 1845, having entered the college from Water- ford, Vt., and graduated from Andover Theological Seminary in 1848. He received the degree of A.M. from the former in 1849 and of D.D. from the Theological Seminary in 1866. Was ordained a Congregational clergyman in 1850. He preached in St. Albans, Vt., 1850 to 1855, when he received a call to become the pastor of Union Congregational Church in Worcester, Mass., where he was installed, Sept. 6, 1855. Dr. Cutler continued his ministry at that church with grow- ing reputation, until 1865, when he was elected President of the University of Vermont of which he had been one of the Trustees from 1853 to 1857. This called forth an urgent appeal from his people not to leave them, and he conse- quently declined the flattering offer. Shortly after, he received a tender of the Professorship of Ecclesiastical History in Hartford Theological Seminary, but this also he promptly put aside without waiting for it to take formal shape. In the autumn of 1874 he initiated the proceedings which resulted in the organization of the Worcester Congregational Club, of which he became the first president. The sub- sequent history of the club amply vindicated itself and hini. In the winter of 1877, a bronchial trouble compelled him to seek relief in other climates — first going to Florida and in the summer to Europe. He was absent from his pulpit until the following October, when he resumed preaching. BIOGRAPHICAL, 3S1 although not fully recovered. Early in 1878, under stress of circumstances, he finally resigned his pulpit, retaining however, his office. The pastoral relation was not dissolved until the 11th of October, 1880, just before the installation of his successor. The council in dismissing him made mention of his "wide usefulness" and "profound scholarship," and gave him the name of "a Christian man without fear and without reproach." He continued to worship with Union Church, which sub- sequently testified its appreciation and esteem by honoring him with the title of pastor emeritus, which he held until his death, Jan. 16, 1898. REV. HENRY CUMMINGS Rev. Henry Cunimings, second son of Joshua and Hep- zibah (Hale) Cummings, was born in Royalston, Sept. 12, 1823. His parents removed to Westminster, Mass., when he was twelve years old. He attended Westminster Academy and was admitted to Amherst College on his twenty-first birthday, graduating in the class of 1847. Graduated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1850. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Newport, N. H., July 16, 1851, and after fifteen years, was dismissed July 25, 1866, to be installed Sept. 5, 1866, pastor at Rutland, Mass., where he served nearly eight years, when the pastoral relation was severed by council, July 1, 1874, that he might be installed four weeks later in Strafford, Vt., where he served for more than thirty years, until released by council June 6, 1905, to become pastor emeritus. His ministerial service extended over a period of more than fifty years and was marked by seasons of deep religious interest. A notable revival in the Newport pastorate brought more than one hundred into the church on confession of faith, including in some families three generations, while in the first year of the Rutland pastorate about fifty united with the church. Of scholarly tastes and firm convictions, he proved himself an able and faithful minister of the Word. A sound counselor and trusted friend, he won the respect of all, while many came to hold him in veneration. He married, Sept. 9, 1851, Mary A. Beaman, daughter of Ephraim 382 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON and Mary (Roper) Beaman of Princeton, Mas.s., who died in Strafford, Vt., Oct. 11, 1904. Five children were born to them in Newport, N. H. The chikh'en were: Deacon Henry B. Cummings of Strafford, Vt.; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Thomas Gamble of Witenhope, Cape Colony; Rev. Geo. H. Cum- mings of West Boylston, Mass.; Miss Anna M. Cummings, Principal of Huguenot Seminary, Wellington, Cape Colony; and Miss Sarah Cummings, who ministered to both her parents in the Strafford home through their declining years. He died in Strafford, Vt., Feb. 21, 1913. SOLON BRYANT Solon Bryant, who w^as prominent in the wholesale notion trade of New England for more than a quarter of a century, although not born in Royalston, was closely identified with the town, his mother being a member of the well-known Pierce family, while the larger part of his boyhood was passed in the town and some of his business life. He was born in Troy, N. H., in 1835, the son of Lucian and Charlotte (Pierce) Bryant. When five or six years old his parents removed to South Royalston, where his boyhood was passed. At the age of fifteen years, he entered the employ of Lee & Wood, who conducted a general store in Templeton and did a large business for those times. When the war broke out, he served in the Commissary Department and on his return North associated himself with his stepfather, John Pierce, in the meat business. His next venture was a store in Whitinsville, Mass., which he carried on for two years and then entered a wholesale dry goods house in Boston. After a while he started in business for himself and for two or three years drove a large four-horse peddlers' wagon and delivered Yankee notions at the door of the merchants. In 1870, he opened, in connection with this, a wholesale warehouse on Mechanic Street in Worcester and formed a partnership with Col. D. D. Wiley under the firm name of Bryant & Wiley, which continued until Colonel Wiley with- drew from the business to enter the United States Customs BIOGRAPHICAI, 383 House in Boston, when Mr. Bryant assumed the business under the firm name of Solon Bryant & Co., and under this name became prominent throughout the country. A quiet and unassuming gentleman of the old school, he was a potent factor in the building of the city of Worcester as a wholesale center. He was a charter member of Piedmont Congregational Church, and deeply interested in Y. M. C. A. work. He died in December, 1901, of heart failure. GEORGE EDWARD MILLER George Edward Miller, son of George F. and Melinda Miller, was born in Royalston, Sept. 2, 1838. He went to Norwalk, Conn., early in life and became associated with the banking in- terests of that place, which interests he maintained almost throughout the more than forty years that he lived there. He became identified with the Norwalk Savings Society early in his banking career and was later made Secretar)' and Treasurer of that institution, which position he held at the time of his death, Dec. 27, 1903. He married Fannie Miner Brooks, dau- ghter of Charles Coe Brooks, Esq., of New York City, October 18, 1864, from which union there were three children : George North Miller, deceased, and Sarah Brooks Miller and Charles Edward Miller, who are still living. Mrs. Miller died June 2, 1908. CHA.PTER XV SONS OF ROYALSTON ASAHEL PECK Asahel Peck, son of Squire and Elizabeth (Goddard) Peck, was born in Royalston, Sept. 1803. His father went to Vermont and settled at Montpelier when Asahel was only three years old. Ashael's youth was passed on the farm where he developed the sturdy vigor, mental, moral and physical, that was so marked throughout his career. He was educated in the common schools and fitted at the Washington County Grammar School to enter the sophomore class of the University of Vermont in 1824. He left the University in his senior year at the invitation of the President of a French College in Canada for a course of study in the French language in the family of the latter. He studied law in the office of his oldest brother, Nahum Peck, at Hinesburg, Vt., who was one of the leading lawyers of that section, and afterwards for a year or two in the office of Bailey & Marsh at Burlington. He was admitted to the bar in March, 1832, practiced alone for a while and afterward in partnership with Archi- bald Hyde and later with D. A. Smalley. He was a man of solid rather than brilliant part, but he made his way steadily. One writer in speaking of him said that it was "characteristic of him that he was slow in everything, but in the end he was almost always sure to be right, and that he regarded as the only point worth gaining." He was a thorough and patient student, "possessing a tenacious mem- ory he held firmly all that he had secured in years of study and could instantly bring his great store of learning to bear upon any legal question presented to him." One critic has said that no man in New England since Judge Story has equalled him in knowledge of the common law of England and the law of equity. He and Rufus Choate were once pitted against each other in a case, and that wonderful genius of the profession, professed astonish" SONS OF ROYALSTON JS5 ment to find such a lawyer in Vermont, and besought him to move to Boston, where he would surely win both fame and fortune. But there were higher things in life for Peck and he persisted in staying in Vermont, whose practice he believed was the best in the Union to develop a lawyer of really great attainments. He was judge of the circuit court from 1851 to 1857 when it ceased. In 1860 he was elected a Judge of the Supreme Court under the present system and held the position continuously, though desiring toward the end to retire, until his election as Governor of Vermont in 1874. He was nominated then in response to a strong demand from the people and against the calculations of the old line of managing politicians. Generally speaking his adminis- tration was able, sound and deeper in its impress on the opinion of the people than that of almost any governor for many yeers. On his retirement from the governor's chair Judge Peck retired to his farm in Jericho where he lived in the enjoyment of rural life, of which he was passionately fond, until his death May 18, 1879. In politics Judge Peck was by nature and early affilia- tions a Democrat. But the aggressions of the Slavercracy early disgusted him, and he became a Free Soiler in 1848, being a member of the famous Buffalo Convention that nominated Van Buren and Adams, and after the formation of the Free Democracy or Liberty Party he identified him- self with it, was its candidate for Congress in the Burlington district and naturally was one of the pioneers in the for- mation of the Republican party. Judge Peck was too great a lawyer, too large minded a man to allow the forms of law to outweigh the essentials of right and justice. He was profoundly religious, and Governor W. P. Dillingham, who was his Secretary of civil and military affairs, says that he was one of the best Bibli- cal students he ever met, and that he would sit up until nearly midnight talking of religious matters, of the lofty purity of Isaiah and of the mission of Christ. He never married. 386 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON JAMES ORMOND WILSON James Ormond Wilson, one of Royalston's most dis- tinguished sons, was born April 2, 1825, a son of James and Chloe (Murdock) Wilson. He received his early edu- cation at the West Brattleboro Academy, in Vermont; the New Salem Academy and Williston Seminary at Easthampton. Graduated at Dartmouth College in 1850 receiving the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. Following his graduation at Dartmouth he went to Wash- ington, D. C. and accepted a position in the Treasury De- partment where he remained until 1868. In the meantime he had studied law and was admitted to the bar of the District. He served eight years on the Board of Education, after which, in 1870, he was appointed to the pD^ition of superintendent of the schools of Washington, which he held for fifteen consecutive years. During that service he in- stituted and carried to successful fruition many reform 5. To him is given much credit for the improved sanitary condition in the school buildings, the type of eight-room building now in general use being of his design. He was a leader m school progress, and introduced industrial draw- ing, manual training, domestic economy and military train- ing, and was instrumental in having these subjects adopted by many of the country's schools. Under his direction exhibits were prepared by the district school children and sent to the international exhibitions at Vienna and Paris and elsewhere. At each of these exhibi- tions the work prepared by the Washington students was awarded the medal of highest honor. The French government voted Mr. Wilson as superin- tendent of schools, special personal recognition for the work displayed by the students at the exhibition at Paris. From 1870 he was connected with many educational and charitable institutions and societies. He was for some time President of the board of trustees of Garheld Hospital, and was also connected with the Industrial Home School, Columbia Historical Society, the George Washington Univer- sity, National Metropolitan Bank, Industrial Education of SONS OF ROY ALSTON JS? Colored Youths, the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church and the American Colonization Society. After his retirement from the School Board he was actively interested in affairs pertaining to Education. He married Miss Sarah Hungerfortl. They had three daughters, Clara, Anne and Eleanor, the latter of whom, married Dr. A. L. Wilson of Lynchburg, Va. Mrs. Sarah Hungerford Wilson died in 1906. J. Ormond Wilson died April 2, 1911 on his 86th birthday anniversary, when it had been planned for one hundred and fifty teachers and officials of the Washington schools, and others, to visit him and extend their felicitations. The Washington Evening Star said of him: ''The death of J. Ormond Wilson at the moment when his host of friends were making ready to congratulate him on his eighty-sixth birthday was particularly sad. Scores of old friends, men and women who had known him for more than a century, mature men who had been his boj's in the schools of the older Washington, were calling to felicitate him. Instead of a cheery welcome death's signal met them at the door. Mr. Wilson had many friends — real friends — and this fact as- serts the character of the man." HON. GEORGE CARTER RICHARDSON Hon. George Carter Richardson, son of Dr. Thomas and Jane (Brown) Richardson, was born in Royalston, April 27, 1808. At the age of fifteen years he entered upon mercantile pursuits as a clerk and salesman in the large country store of Franklin Gregory in Royalston. At the age of twenty- two he became a partner with Mr. Gregory, and so continued for five years, when he established with Hiniry Earle a dry- gooc's jobbing business in Boston, the firm being Richardson & Earle. This continued about two years, when he entered into partnership with George D. Dutton. The firm thus formed continued as Dutton & Richardson and Dutton, Richardson & Co. up to 1855 during which was developed a large importing trade with England, France and Germany, Mr. Richardson visiting England to establish business re- Jgg HISTORY OF ROYALSTON lations with foreign manufacturers. From 1855 to 1864 he was associated with several different partners. In 1864 the firm of George C. Richardson & Co. was formed to carry on the dry-goods commission business. The house did a very large business from the first, but in 1865 took an important step in accepting the business which had been carried on by A. & A. Lawrence & Co. amounting to many miUions of dollars. George C. Richardson & Co. thus became practically the successors of Lawrence & Co. as agents for several of the great manufacturing corpora- tions in Lowell and elsewhere. Mr Richardson retired from the firm July 1, 1885. In 1850, he became a cUrector of the Union Bank of which he was president a number of years from 1863. He was a trustee of the Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of New York from June, 1870 until his death, and was a trustee of the Boston Provident Institution for Saving and a director in various corporations. He was a member of the Boston Board of Trade of which he was president from 1865 to 1867 and in that office by his careful study of the business interests of the country and his practical suggestions, exerted a large and beneficial influence in the commercial world. He was one of the originators in 1868 of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers and Planters, a body which has done valuable service in the development of the cotton industry. In 1862 he was elected Mayor of the city of Cambridge. The Cambridge Chronicle of Nov. 29, 1862 had the follow- ing to say of his nomination and the party which nominated him: "The legal voters of Cambridge have been notified to assemble on Monday next in the various wards, to give in their ballots for a Mayor, Aldermen, Councilmen, and other city and ward officers for the ensuing year. The party first in the field call themselves the Citizens. They have adopted as their motto 7io monopoly, and declaim against what they denominate "monopolizing corporations." Their attention is directed particularly to the question of pro- viding better and cheaper railroad accommodations. "They held their first meeting Nov. 17, and nominated George C. Richardson, Esq. for Mayor. He required time for consideration ami at an adjourned meeting, on Monday evening last, accepted the nomination. He was subsequently SONS OF ROYALSTON 3S9 waited upon by a committee, and appeared and briefly addressed those present." At the election George C. Richardson, Esq. received 1313 votes out of 1317, the whole number cast. The Chronicle, referring to the election said: "By the foregoing returns it will be seen that the 'No Monopoly,' party have succeeded by an overwhelming majority and we hope the effect will be to give us better railroad accommodations in Cambridge than we now have and at the lowest possible rate of fare." This was in Civil War times and Mayor Richardson closed his inaugural address as follows: "It falls to our lot to assume the administration of affairs at a time of peculiar trial and solicitude when our city, our State, and our Nation are laboring under the burdens and suffering the calamities of a war the end and issue of which are yet beyond the reach of human vision. We need enlightenment and sustaining strength from Him who sees the end from the beginning, and who directs the affairs of mankind." So popular was his administration that at the end of the year the citizens of Cambridge without distinction of party nominated him again for mayor by acclamation, but he declined to serve again stating that circumstances beyond his control prevented its acceptance. Mr. Richardson was married Feb. 2, 1832, to Susan Gore Moore, daughter of Abel Moore of Boston and grand- daughter of Jonathan Hunnewell of Roxbury. She died Nov. 18, 1845. By this marriage there were four sons. Dr. Henry A. Richardson the second son, was appointed an assistant surgeon in the navy, the first appointment of this kind made from New England during the war of the Rebel- lion. He contracted a pulmonary disease, while serving in the Cambridge company, and died at home July 23, 1863. Mr. Richardson's second wife was Ellen Gregory of Guilford, Vt., daughter of Stephen Gregory, to whom he was married in 1850. There was only one child by this marriage, Arthur G. Richardson of Boston. STEPHEN HOLMAN Stephen Holman, son of Stephen and Hannah (Fuller) Hol- man was born in Royalston, December 28, 1820. He attended ^gO HISTORY OF ROYALSTON the old Lynn Academy, and was graduated from Williams College in 1840, and for a few years did considerable tutoring, coaching young men for law courses especially. He taught school in Fitchlnirg, Gardner, Athol and Phillipston, Mass. and Winchester, N. H. and studied law. He was admitted to the bar in Worcester and practised his profession for a short time in Fitchburg. He became interested in the Lyman Mills, and removed to Holyoke, Mass. and engaged in the manufacture of paper. In 1865 he bought out the Holyoke Paper Mills, and for the next ten years he was noted as the most consistent "boomer" of Holyoke as a manufacturing center. Part of his success as a manufacturer came through his reduction of the business to a scientific basis. He was the first to introduce a scheme of accurate cost keeping. Spreading out his business interests he established the Holyoke Machine Company, with factories in Holyoke and Worcester, and became identified with various cotton factories. He w^as an extensive shareholder in the Bell Telephone Company. All through his life he followed the subjects, which he studied in college, at the age of ninety took pleasure in reading in German and French and gave a reading in German of Schiller's plays. He was an ardent fisherman and traveler, maintained a camp in Maine, and spent the summer of 1912 in Europe, returning to his home only a few days before his death. He was a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. On April 12, 1853, he was married to Miss Henrietta A. Rich- ardson of Fitchburg, who died at Worcester on March 25, 1894. Their children are: Mrs. William E. Plummer of Swampscott, Mass. and Charles Kichardson Holman. Mr. Holman died after five days' illness, on October 13, 1912, at the home of his daughter in Swampscott, Mass., death being caused l)y angina pectoris. LIEUT. COLONEL CHARLES CUMMINGS Charles Cummings, the oldest of four sons of Joshua and Hepsebah (Hale) Cummings, was born in Royalston, Feb. 6, 1821. The family removed and settled on a farm in Westmin- SONS OF ROYALSTON jp/ ster, MaSvS. about 1835. The Rev. Henry Cummings, the second son, was a prominent Congregational minister for more than fifty years; Isaac Cummings was the resident physician of the Panama Railroad Company, and Israel, twin brother of the last named who was wounded while on picket duty during the siege of Knoxville, and died there on the day of the enemy's retreat, the first contribution of the family of a life for their country. Charles Cummings pursued his academical studies at West- minster and subsequently commenced the study of medicine with Dr. John White of that town, continuing it under the care of Dr. Silas Cummings of Fitzwilliam, N. H. He attended a course of lectures at Castleton, Vt. and another at Woodstock, Vt. His medical diploma bears date of June 16, 1847, signed l\y Benjamin R. Palmer. Almost immediately he began the practice of his profession at Fitzwilliam remaining there three years, when he abandoned it as wholly unsuited to his taste. In the summer of 1850 he removed to Brattleboro, Vt., where he was employed in various ways, chiefly as an accountant until 1852 when he with Charles S. Prouty published the semi-weekly Eagle for one year, then during 1853 and 1854 he was united with B. D. Harris in conducting the Brattleboro Eagle, and in February 1855 he commenced the publication of the Vermont Phoenix, of which he continued proprietor until his death. His first editorial appeared Feb. 3, 1855 in which he pro- nounced himself as, "independent in and not of politics, sym- pathizing with the American Party; not absorbed in one idea nor disposed to ride any particular hobby." On the 27th of June, 1857 he married Miss. Elizabeth B. Raynolds of Boston, a highly educated and estimable lady. They had two children, a son and a daughter. In 1855 he was chosen by the directors Clerk of the Vermont State Agricultural Society in which oflace he continued until the autumn of 1861. His election as Clerk of the House of Rep- resentatives of Vermont at Montpelier in 1858 served to make him generally known throughout the State, and his re-election at three subsequent sessions show how acceptable were his services in that position. In the Civil War he enlisted as a private in Company E, Eleventh Vermont Regiment, and was chosen First Lieutenant Aug. 14, 1862, but before the regiment 392 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON left the state he was commissioned Major of the Twelfth Vermont Regiment of nine months men. He was killed in action at Poplar Grove Church Sept, 30, 1864. His military record w^ill be found in the Military Chapter of this book. Says one who had the longest acquaintance with him: "I can not yet realize that he is taken away, the strong staff is broken. He was my companion in the family being the nearest me in age; as the elder brother he was the leader. Ever impulsive, his impulses were of a generous nature. Gifted with a versatile genius he trained his mind antl hand to a large variety of objects, and it may be said he touched nothing which he did not adorn. As a journalist he probably exerted the widest influence through the columns of the Brattleboro Eagle and the Vermont Phoenix by selected articles of rare excellence as well as by editorials of marked beauty and power." THOMAS NORTON HART Inscribed on the town records of Royalston is the mar- riage Jan. 25, 1821 of Daniel Hart of Reading and Margaret Norton of Royalston. She was a daughter of Major John Norton, a Revolutionary soldier. The ancestors of Daniel Hart had settled in Lynnfield, Mass. Thomas Norton Hart, son of Daniel and Margaret (Norton). Hart, was born in Reading. Jan. 20, 1829. Although not born in Royalston, yet he may be claimed as a son of Royalston, by his ancestry and the fact that five years of his young life was spent in this town. He received a plain education such as the country schools afforded, and when a lad of 13 years went to Boston to earn his living. He found employment with Wheelock, Pratt & Co., dry goods dealers. Two years later in 1844 he was clerk in a hat store and subsequently became partner in the firm of Philip A. Locke & Co. in Dock Square. In 1860 Mr. Locke retired from business and Mr. Hart assumed control forming shortly after the well known firm of Hart, Taylor & Co., which was highly successful. SONS OF ROYALSTON J9J Mr. Hart went out of business in 1878 with a competency. Soon after he was chosen president of the Mt. Vernon Na- tional Bank. He was a member of the Boston Common Council from 1879 to 1881 and of the Board of Alderman in 1882, '85 and '86, Mayor of Boston in 1889 and 1890 and again in 1900, and 1901. In 1891 he was appointed Postmaster of Boston by President Harrison to succeed Gen. Corse. He has been Treasurer of the American Unitarian Association, and is a member of the Arlington Street Church. All his nominations came to him unsought, unbought and unpledged. In politics he was always a Republican, but had the support of Demo- crats and Independents. He married April 30, 1850, Miss Elizabeth Snow of Bow- doin. Me. She died Nov. 16, 1906. Their daughter Abbie Snow Hart, born Sept. 22, 1851, an only child, is the wife of C. W. Ernst, the marriage taking place June 5, 1885. Mr. Hart's home is on Commonwealth Avenue and he has a sum- mer home in Swampscott. No great calamity has darkened this happy home, which has been a blessing to many hearts and homes, and received in return the benediction of Heaven. While living in Royalston Mr. Hart went to the Centre School and attended church, when Rev. Mr. Perkins was -the minister. GEORGE ELLIS WHITNEY George Ellis Whitney, one of Royalston's successful sons in the business world, was born at Royalston Jan. 30, 1864. He is a son of George and Eliza Jane (Simpson) Whitney and was educated in the public schools of Royalston and at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial School in Boston. He began his active career of a woolen manufacturer when eighteen years of age in the woolen mill of his father at South Royal- ston. He became superintendent and the business was in- corporated in 1890 and on the death of his father Dec. 26, 1897 he succeeded to the full management of the business as President and Treasurer of the Corporation. After the destruction of the mill at South Royalston by fire in 1892 the company bought a mill in Enfield, N. H., 394 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON and the business was continued there until it was sold out to the American Woolen Co. He then became associated with that Company, having charge of the Mills at Enfield and Lebanon, N. H. and Winooski, Vt., having his home at En- field. Later he removed to Burlington, Vt., and has since devoted his time to the Winooski Mills, where two thousand hands are employed. While in New Hampshire he was prominent in the social life of the community, and was active in politics, having bean a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives for the years 1897 and 1898; a member of the State Senate in .1902 and again in 1904. where he was prominent among the Republican members of that body. He married Minnie Banks Rutter of Chicago, 111., Oct. 20, 1897. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Knight Templar, and a 32nd Degree Miison — in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rites. He is also a Life Member of the Elks. He is active in the Club and Social Life of Burlington, and is well known as a lover of good horses. He was formerly interested in baseball, and when in Royalston had a team, which was known in all this section of the country as one of the Vjest amateur teams then playing, and some who have become great baseball players in the gi eater League Clul)S, were members of his teams. FREDERIC C. NICHOLS Frederic C. Nichols, younger son of Joseph Towne and Martha Gale (Turner) Nichols is a well known banker. Born in Fitchl)urg he grew up in Royalston and for three years was a page in the Massachusetts Legislature. Since 1893 he has been connected with the Fitchburg National Bank and Fitchburg Savings Bank, and since 1906 has been the Treas- urer and Executive of the latter institution, the oldest Bank in Fitchburg with resources of about eight million dollars. He has been a member of the Fitchburg City Government; is a Director and member of the Executive Committee of the Fitchljurg Bank & Trust Company; Director of the Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Company and has also served as Presi- FREDERICK C. NICHOLS LEONARD NICHOLS GEORGE E. WHITNEY ROBERT W. ADAMS SONS OF ROYALSTON J95 dent of the Fitchburg Board of Trade & Merchants Associa- tion. He is a Director or Trustee of sundry charitable organizations of his native city. In banking circles he is well known, having been two years President of the Savings Bank Officials Club and three years Treasurer of the Massachusetts Bankers Association. No son of Royalston loves the town more than "Fred" Nichols and his interest in the town and the welfare of its citizens is constantly manifested. He officiated as toastmaster at the 150th Anniversary celebration, and performed the duties of that position in a most graceful and efficient manner, his apt remarks being right to the point. He married Oct. 5, 1899 Ethel Holmes, daughter of Cap- tain Augustus and Hannah M. (Perry) Holmes, in Plainfield, New Jersey. They have one daughter, Anna Holmes Nichols born in Fitchburg Oct. 24, 1905. LEONARD NICHOLS Leonard Nichols, eldest son of Joseph T. and Martha (Turner) Nichols, was born in Royalston, April 17, 1869. He was educated at District No. 1, in Royalston and the Fitchburg High School. He was in Bo.ston from 1885 to 1892 in a wholesale furniture store, and went to Providence, R. I. in 1892 where he became connected with the Providence Journal. In 1894 he was ap- pointed Deputy United States Shipping Commissioner of the Port of Providerce. In this position his work was so eminently satisfactory to Secretary Nagel of the Department of Commerce and Labor, and his general record so excellent, that upon the retirement of Shipping Commissioner Freeman, Mr, Nichols was appointed as United States Shipping Commissioner of the Port of Providence, a high Federal office which is closely identi- fied with the American merchant marine. Mr. Nichols is a frequent visitor to his old home in Royalston, and claims no special distinction, save that he owns the only six acres of good land in Royalston which is entirely free o" rocks and stones. ROBERT WINTHROP ADAMS Robert Winthrop Adams was born in Royalston, Mass., Oct. 27, 1881, son of Dr. Francis Wayland and Fannie Russell ?9d HISTORY OF ROYALSTON (Chase) Adams. He attended the public schools of Royalston and Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass., from which he was graduated in 1900. In 1904 he was graduated from the Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute with the degree of Bachelor of Science. After graduation he entered the employ of the B. F. Sturtevant Company, Hyde Park, Mass., as assistant in the electrical department, which position he left in 1905 to become Electrical Engineer for the D. & W. Fuse Company, Providence, R. I., where he was employed for three years, during which time he was engaged principally in research and development work relating to enclosed fuses, in recognition of which he was in 1908 awarded the advanced degree of Electrical Engineer by the Worcester Poly- technic Institute. In 1908 Mr. Adams joined the Engineering Department of the General Electric Company at Pittsfield, Mass., from which he was transferred in 1910 to the sales office of the same concern at Boston, Mass. In 1913 he was appointed manager of the Providence office of the General Electric Company, in which position he is in immediate charge of the interests of the company in Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut. In 1906 he married Miss Pauline Whitney, daughter of Alfred H. and Susie (Davis) Whitney of Ashburnham. They have one child, Winthrop Whitney Adams, born Jan. 27, 1909, at Pittsfield, Mass. He is the author and pubUsher of the Transmission Line Calculator, a device for the rapid calculation of electrical prob- lems. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, National Electric Light Association, New England Street Railway Club, Kappa Xi Alpha Fraternity and various Masonic Orders. EDWIN AUGUSTUS FISHER Edwin Augustus Fisher, eldest child of Horace and Lucy Jane Fisher, was born at Royalston, July 17, 1847. Attended the public schools of the town and a Select School at Royalston Center. He also attended New Salem Academy and Powers Institute, Bernardston, Mass., and graduated from the West- field, Mass., State Normal School in 1870. Taught school in SONS OF ROYAI^STON J97 Royalston Center in 1868-9, and the graded school at Orange, Mass., in the fall and winter of 1870 and 1871. Early in 1871 he was employed on the construction of the Holyoke and Westfield R. R. under Lewis F. Root, Chief Engi- neer, first as rodman, and during the same year was promoted to Division Engineer. Was engaged in railroad surveys, location and construction from 1871 to 1873, in 1873 made surveys, plans and estimates for a system of street grades, sewers and water works for the town of Westfield, and in 1874 and 1875 was engineer in charge of the construction of the water works. From 1878 to 1881 was engaged in water works and railroad engineering in Western Massachusetts, and in 1881 located a portion of the proposed Boston, Hoosac Tunnel and Western R. R. from a point east of Little Falls to west of Utica, N. Y. From 1881 to 1889 was Engineer in the construction of railroads in New York State, and from September, 1889 to June, 1893, Superintendent of the Pittsburg Division of the Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R., with office in Oil City, Pa. From June, 1893 to June, 1896 was principal assistant Engineer in charge of the construction of an additional water supply for the city of Rochester, N. Y., and in June, 1896 was appointed City Engineer of Rochester, and has held the position to the present time. Since its creation in 1901 he has been a member and secretary of the Public Market Commission. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Water Works Association, the New England Water Works Association, member and Past President of the American Society of Municipal Improvements, member and Past President of the Rochester Engineering Society, member of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce and member of Cyrene Commandery, Knight Templars. On the 17th of February, 1875, Mr. Fisher married Miss Ellen F. Brakenridge of Ware, Mass., and they have six children, all living in Rochester, — Lewis Gates, a civil engineer; Julia Kendall, now the wife of Rev. Arthur Clements; Florence May, married Robert A. Copeland; Edwin Horace, a graduate of Cornell University; William Brackenridge and Fanny Bradford. ARTHUR A. UPHAM Arthur A. Upham, son of Benjamin W. and Phebe (Tenney) Upham, was born in Royalston Oct. 1, 1853. He graduated ^gg HISTORY OF ROYALSTON from the Westfield Normal School in 1880, after which he taught eight years in the Hitchcock Free High School, Brimfiekl, ]\Iass., four years as Principal. In 1888 he became teacher of Science in the Whitewater, Wisconsin State Normal School, which position he still occupies. He has been a member of the State Board of Examiners, and has been Mayor of Whitewater. Is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and is Past Master of St. John's Lodge No. 57 F. & A. M. He is the author of three books, ''Fifty Lessons in Wood Working" — "Frank and Kate: How they found out" and "An Introduction to Agriculture." He married Mary F. Woods Aug. 19, 1880, who was born July 2, 1857. They have two daughters, Emily Woods, born July 22, 1881, married Edward F. Dithmar, Feb. 5, 1910, lives in Baraboo, Wis., the second daughter, Ethel Tenney was born May 20, 1885. JOHN V. HAZEN John Vose Hazen, son of Rev. Norman Hazen, pastor of the Royalston Congregational Church from 1847 to 1852, was born in Royalston, Nov. 22, 1850. Soon after the death of his father in 1852 he went with his mother to her old home in Atkinson, N. H., and in the Academy in that place received his preparatory education. In the fall of 1872 he entered what was then the Scientific Department of Dartmouth College, graduating there- from in the spring of 1875 with the degree of B.S. The next fall he entered the Thayer School of Civil Engineering also connected with the college and graduated from the latter in the spring of 1876, receiving the degree of C.E. In the fall of 1876 he was employed as a rodman on the Manchester and Keene, R. R. In about three months the road suspended operations and he returned home. Later in that year he went back to the same locality as rodman and became principal of the Hancock, N. H., High School. In 1877 he was employed as draughtsman on bridge design work. In the fall of that year he was offered and accepted the position of principal of Atkinson Academy in his old home town. In the fall of 1878 he was offered the position of Tutor of Mathematics in the Scientific Department of Dart- mouth College, which he accepted, and has filled various positions SONS OF ROYALSTON J99 in the college to the present time. The positions that he has held in that institution are as follows: from 1878 to 1880 Tutor of Mathematics, 1880 to 1893 Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1893 to the present time Woodman Professor of Civil Engineering and Graphics in Dartmouth College and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering in the Thayer School of Civil Engineering. He has done considerable work on water power and railroad surveys in Vermont and New Hampshire, and has been employed many times as an expert on court cases. From 1900 to 1910 he was chairman of the Commissioners of the Village Precinct of Hanover and as such had special charge of the re-construction of the streets and sewers of the village and also acted as health officer. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and for the last fifteen years has been a member of the Board of Education of Hanover. He was married to Harriet Augusta Hurlbutt July 20, 1881. They have four children: Ethel Augusta, born Dec. 11, 1882; Fanny Vose born April 1, 1887; John Norman, born Jan. 14, 1894 and Ed- ward Elihu, born March 14, 1896. The oldest daughter gradu- ated from Smith College in 1904 and married Walter Huston Lillard, a teacher in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. The second daughter graduated from Smith College in 1910. The sons are in college and school. JOHN B. BOWKER John B. Bowker, son of Charles Watson and Nancy (Sibley) Bowker, was born in Royalston, Mar. 12, 1865. He received his education in the schools of Royalston and Worcester. He engaged in farming, and was elected Secretary and Treas- urer of the Worcester Agricultural Society in Nov. 1892, which position he held until he resigned after being elected City Auditor of Worcester June 6, 1898. He resigned as auditor March, 1905 to become Business Manager of the Worcester Telegram, which position he now holds. He has been actively interested in various agricultural organizations, was secretary and treasurer of the Central Mass, Poultry Association for two years, 1901 and 1902, Sec- retary of Worcester Central Pomona Grange in 1903, and secretary of the New England Milk Producers Union, 1897 4-00 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON and 1898 when its membership went from three hundred to thirty-six hundred. He married Martha A. Thayer of Worcester and they have two children, Marion T. Bowker and Harold S. Bowker. JENNER E. MORSE Jenner E. Morse, son of Russell Morse, Jr., was born at Royalston, Nov. 29, 1859, and continued to live in this town until after the death of his mother, when he went to St. Johns- bury, Vt., and entered St. Johnsbury Academy for the purpose of fitting himself to enter Dartmouth College ; but after grad- uating from the Academy he changed his plans and instead of entering college, went to Westboro, Mass., and entered a law office, where he remained about a year and a half, when he went to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and entered the law department. The following Spring he was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Michigan. Later the same Spring, after the Spring Semester, he returned to Westboro and continued his law reading during the summer vacation, return- ing to Ann Arbor upon the opening of the University in the Fall, where he continued his studies and graduated in the class of 1883, with the degree of B. L. After graduating he went to Saginaw, Mich., where he has since continued to reside and practice his profession. He has been active in politics and public affairs. Has been a member of the School Board of that city several times and was twice elected Circuit Court Commissioner of Saginaw County. In 1908, he received the nomination for Congress in the Eighth Congressional District of Michigan, but was de- feated at the polls. He was President of the Michigan Bee- keepers Association for two years, is a member of the Saginaw Board of Trade, which was one of the first associations instru- mental in bringing about the present United States Chamber of Commerce, and is also a member of the Saginaw County Bar Association and of several lodges and clubs. He has never married. CHAPTER XVI ROYALSTON'S SOLDIER RECORD Compiled a/id written by F/rd IV- Cross OUR SOLDIER STOCK One can hardly approach the duty of recording the miH- tary history of a town Hke Royalston without being deeply impressed with the sanctity of the task. That this small town should have furnished nearly 100 men in the War for Independence, a whole company for the defence of our coast in the second war with Great Britain, and 138 soldiers in the great struggle that kept the Union whole is sufficient evidence of the patriotic spirit which has ever characterized its citizens. Moreover, it must be remembered that when the Revolution broke cut the tcwn's population was small, that the town had been settled only thirteen years and incorporated less than ten. But among its earliest settlers were men of sterling stock. John Fry from Sutton, Mass., who settled on Fry Hill where his great grandson Benj. A. Fry now resides, had been an officer in the French Wars, In 1745, twenty years before he came to Royalston, he served as first lieutenant in King George's War, taking part in the expedition which reduced the French fortress of Louisburg on Cape Breton Island and brought it under the English flag. Ten years later, in 1755, he held a royal commission as captain and took part in Sir William Johnson's expedition against Crown Point, which ended in September of that year, in the so-called "Bloody Morning Scout" and the Battle of Lake George. Captain Peter Woodbury, who also came from Sutton and settled where Emery Holden now resides, sprung from military ancestry, and his later ability as a soldier is psroven by the fact that he was honored by being successively given the command of three separate companies in the War for In- dependence. Captain Jonathan Sibley, who settled on Gale Hill, also came of soldier stock, his father, Ensign Jonathan Sibley, 402 HISTORY OF KOYALSTOK being a member of one of the strongest and most prolific Suttorr families, as is shown by the vital records of that town. THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD Royalston's mihtary histoiy as a town dates from the beginning of the War for Independence. It is unnecessary to here recount the causes and events which led to that conflict. Sufficient is it to say, that by the autumn of 1774, the people of the Massachusetts Bay Colony had become so exasperated by the recent acts of Parliament, especially the so-called Reg- ulating Act which virtually annulled their charter and ma- terially altered the government of the colony, that they stood ready for open and armed resistance. In defiance of the royal governor's order proroguing the General Court, which had been summoned to meet at Salem in October, about 90 rep- resentatives did meet and resolved themselves into a Pro- vincial Congress, choosing John Hancock as chainnan. The}^ then adjourned to Concord, where they would be safer from the governor's interference. Among the members of this first Provincial Congress of the Bay Colony was * Henry Bond of Royalston, who resided on wdiat was later known as the William Eddy place, the house originally standing on an old road run- ning southeast from Joseph Chase's and near the line of the present steel towers of the Connecticut River Transmission Company. The Congress of which Henry Bond was a member sat from October until December, 1774. It appointed a com- mittee consisting of sixteen persons with Joseph Warren as chairman "to take into consideration the state of the Prov- ince," and to supervise th(^ duty of collecting mihtary stores. They also directed that the taxes levied by the last General Court should not be paid to the Treasurer of the Province l)ut to Receivers authorized by the several towns and districts. On February 1, 1775, a second Provincial Congress as- semlded at Camljridge, later holding adjourned sessions at Concord and Watertown. As her representative to this body, *Henry Bond was later a iiifinber of Lieut. Jonathan Sibley's detachment and marched to Bennington on the August alarm, 1777, THE REVDLLTTIONARY PERIOD 403 Eoyalston sent \ 'Nullum (rreew, whose home was on the old road in the valley west of the late John W. Stockwell's. This Congress established a permanent committee of safety with large military powers, provided for a complete organization of the militia, emljodied a force of minute men comprising one- fourth of the military strength of the colony, appointed three veterans of the French Wars, Jedediah Preble, Artemas Ward, and Seth Pomeroy, to chief command, and resolved on the purchase of military stores to the amount of upwards of twenty thousand pounds. This body dissolved the 29th of May, having continued its deliberations nearly four months. Mr. Green survived its final adjournment exactly two months, th, 1831. Dishonorably dicharged, no date. Probably a hired recruit. Studar, Joseph, age 23; Co. L, 2nd Cav.; term, 3 years. Mustered in March 23d, 1864. Hon. disch at exp. of serv. July 20th, 1865. Probably a hired recruit. isweeney, Daniel, age 40; Co. M, 2nd Cav.; term, 3 years. Mustered in Feb. 9th, 1865. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. July 20th, 1865. Proljably a hired recruit. Swift, Francis H., age 21; Vet. Res. Corps. Mustered in Aug. 12th 1864. No record of discharge. Probably a hired recruit. Tandy, Nathan S., ag? IS; Co. D, 3&th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in July 25th, 1832. Dis?h. for disabil. Feb. 26th, 1863. Born, 1844; parents, Rev. Lorenzo and Mary Tandy. Lived in West Royalston in house recently occupied by Mr. Gentleman. Now resides in Newport, N. H. *Tenney, Charles E., age 17; Co. E, 53d Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in Oct. 17th, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhea at New Orleans, La., April 26th, 1883. Born in Royalston, Oct. 18th, 1845; parents, Alvin F. and Mary D. Tenney. Lived on the old Emerson place, now called the Small place. Thatcher, Warren, age 32; Co. E, 53d Inf.; term, 9 months. Mustered in Oct. 17th, 1862. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. Sept. 2d, 1863. Place of birth and parents' names unknown. Lived at the Grant farm on the Fitzwilliam road. Now deceased. Buried at Orange, Mass. *Townsend, James, age 24; Co. A, 32nd Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in Nov. 4th, 1861. Died of typhoid fever at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 2d, 1862. Born in Royalston, April 6th, 1837; parents, James and Elvira Townssni. Split palm leaf for Stephen White at the Centre before the war. Body brought home and buried in Riverside Cemetery, South Royalston. 436 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Upham, Otis K., age 19; Co. D, 36th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in July 30th, 1S62. Disch. by order of War Dept., June 21st, 1865. Born, 1843; parents, Willard and Sophronia Upham. Lived in the Richardson district in the north part of the town. *Vose, Edwin O., age 17; Go. F, 2nd Inf. ; term, 3 years. Mustered in May 25th, 1861. Mortally wounded in action near Winchester, Va., May 24th» 1862. Died of wounds ths same day. One record says died June 25th. Born in Ro\^alston, Sept. 26th, 1843; parents, Charles and Rebecca Vose. Lived in the Longley house, South Royalston. Buried in National Cemetery at Winchester, Va., grave No. 3731. Walker, Joseph, age 37; Sergt. Co. D, 36th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mus- tered in Aug. 11th, 1862. Disch. for disabil. Oct. 29th, 1863. Bom in Royal- s-ton, June 30th, 1825; parents, Asa and Anstis Walker. Lived at the Centre. Died in Royalston, June 16th, 18S8. Buried in Old Cemetery at Centre. *Walker, Marcus A., Go. I, 25th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in Sept. 28th, 1861. Died of disease at Portsmouth, N. C, Jan. 28th, 1863. Born, 1840; parents, Elijah and Walker. Lived on the Butterworth farm in West Royalston. Warner, Alanson, age 38; Go. D, 4th H. A.; term, 1 year. Mustered in Aug. 19th, 1864. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. June 17th, 1865. Probably a hired recruit. Weber, John, age 39; Go. A, 2nd Inf. ; temi, 3 years. Mustered in June 25th, 1864. No record of discharge. Probably a hired recruit. *Welch, William, age 28; Go. G, 24th Inf.; tenn, 3 yeai-s. Mustered in Oct. 2d, 1861. Died of disease at Port Royal, S. C, Aug. 9th, 1863. Rec- ords vary about this soldier. The above is taken from Mass. Vols., Vol. II, Page 461. Wheeler, George N., age 26; Go. I., 25th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mus- tered in Sept. 2Sth, 1861. Disch. for disabil., Aug. 4th, 1862. Born in Shel- burne Falls, Mass., June 12th, 1835; parents, L3onard and Phebe Wheeler. Lived at his father's, opposite David Foster's. One of two brothers serving on Royalston's quota. Wheeler, Lyman S., age 24; Sergt., Co. I, 25th Inf.; tenn, 3 years. Mustered in Sept. 26th, 1861. Terminated Jan. 2d, 1864 to re-enlist. This enlistment credited to Royalston in Mass. Vols. Re-enlisted Jan. 3d, 1864. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. July 13th, 1865. This enlistment credited to Templeton, Mass. Captured near Winston, N. C, April 16th, 1863. Ex- changed July 17th, 1863. Wounded at Drewi-y's Bluff, May 16th, 1864. Born in Royalston, 1837; parents. Col. Josiah and Martha Wheeler. Lived on his father's farm, now C. H. Brooks' in South Royalston. One of three brothers in the service. Now resides in San Diego, Cal. ASAPH M. WHITE Co. D, 36th Regt. ROLLIN N. WHITE Co. D, 36th Regt. Killed at Cold Harbor STEPHEN P. WHITE Co. D, 36th Regt. Died at Annapolis, Md. GEORGE W. BOWKER Co. D, 36th Regt. THE CIVIL WAR ^J7 Wheeler, Warren L., age 18; Corp., Co. I, 25th Inf.; term 3 years. Mustered in Sept. 27th, 1861. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. Oct. 20th, 1864. Born in Royalston, March 25th, 1843; parents, Leonard and Phebe Wheeler. Lived at his father's, opposite David Foster's. One of two brothers serving on Royalston's quota. Died in Fitchburg, Mass., fall of 191,5. White, Adriel C, age 27; Sergt., Co. E, 53d Inf. ; term, 9 months. Mus- tered in Oct. 17th, 1862. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. Sept. 2d, 1863. Born in Royalston, April 19th, 1835; parents, Adriel and Olive White. Lived on his father's farm in northwest corner of Royalston. One of four brothers in the service, three serving on Royalston's quota. Now resides in North Orange, Mass. White, Asaph M., age 21 ; Corp., Co. D, 36th Inf. ; term, 3 years. Mus- tered in July 21st, 1862. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. June 8th, 1865. Born in Royalston, Aug. 6th, 1840; parents, Adriel and Olive White. Lived on his father's farm in northwest corner of Royalston. A teacher. One of four brothers in flie service, three serving on Royalston's quota. Now deceased. Buried in Silver Lake Cemetery, Athol. *White, Rollin N., age 18; Corp., Co. D, 36th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mus- tered in July 21st, 1862. Mortally wounded in left shoulder at Bethesda Church, near Cold Harbor, June 3d, 1864. Died of wounds at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C, June 25th, 1864. Born in Royalston, Sept. 17th, 1843; parents, Adriel and Olive White. Lived on his father's farm in northwest corner of Royalston One of four brothers in the service, three serving on Royalston's quota. Body brought home and buried in a little cemetery in northwest Royalston. *White, Stephen P., age 33; Co. D, 36th Inf .; term, 3 years. Mustered in Aug. 11th, 1862. Died of typhoid fever at Anuapohs, Md., May 3d 1864. Born in Royalston, Dec. 2d, 1828; parents, Stephen and Harriet White. Was s3xton at the Centre when the war began. A palm leaf worker. Body brought home and buried in Riverside Cemetery, South Royalston. Wilson, George W., age 22; Co. I, 25th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in Oct. 4th, 1861. Hon. disch. at exp. of serv. Oct. 20th, 1864. Born in Royalston, 1839; parents, Wheaton and Jerucia Wilson. Lived in rear of Methodist church. South Royalston. One of two brothers m the service. Also claimed by Gardner. Wood, George H., age 20; Co. E, 53d Inf.; term, 9 months. Mustered in Oct. 17th, 1862. Hon. disch at exp. of serv. Sept. 2d, 1863. Born in Royalston, April 3d, 1842; parents, John and Abigail Wood. Lived on the Ward place in northeast pait of Royalston. One of three brothers serving on Royalston's quota. Died in Tangerine, Fla., Jan. 29, 1909. Buried in Tangerine. Wood, Henry S., age 21; Co. I, 25th Inf.; term, 3 years. Mustered in Sept. 28th, 1861. Disch. by order of War Dept., Nov. 6th, 1863. Born 4.JS HISTORY OF ROYALSTON in Royalston, June 30th, 1S40; parents, John and Abigail Wood. Lived on the Ward place in northeast part of Royalston. One of three brothers serv- ing on Royalston's quota. Died in Claremont, N. H., April 17, 1913. Buried in New Cemetery, Royalston Centre. *Wood, John M., age IS; Co. E, 53d Inf.; term, 9 months. Mustered in Oct. 17th, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhea at Baton Rouge, La., May 15th, 1863. Born in Royalston, May 7th, 1844; parents, John and Abigail Wood. Lived on the Ward place in northeast part of Royalston. One of three brothers serving on Royalston's cjuota. In the above list, I have included the names of about a dozen men who are claimed by other towns either within or without the state; but every such doubtful name is found in a document on record in the military archives of Massa- chusetts signed by Assessors William W. Clement, Richard Baker, and Cyrus B. Reed and sworn to before Barnet Bullock, justice of the peace, in the midsummer of 1862. They were undoubtedly credited to Royalston by the Ad- jutant-General of Massachusetts. Of the 138 separate soldiers above shown as having served on Royalston's quota, thirty- five, or fully twenty-five per cent, died for their country. Again in the military archives of the state is another interesting list of eight men who, in July, 1864, were arbi- trarily assigned to the quota of Royalston from the U. S. Receiving Ship Ohio, for service in the navy. Below are their names and the period for which each had enlisted: John Dow, 3 years. William W. Smith, 2 years. Henry Steiner, 2 years. John Steward, 2 years. Newhall H. Wilkins, 3 years. Joseph Williams, 3 years. John Wilson, 3 years. Standish M. York, 3 years. It may be doubted whether any one of the above men ever saw or heard of the town to whose credit they served. In addition to the men who are properly accredited to Royalston as having served on her quota there are other names which no Royalston historian could pass over in silence, names of men born or reared within the precincts of this town who nobly served their country on the quotas of other GEORGE N. RUGG Co. H, 56th Regt. WILLIAM O. BROWN 1st Lieut, and Quartemaster, 25th Regt. EDWARD A BROWN Com. Sergt. 25th Regt. Quartermaster 53rd Regt. Captain. U. S. Vols. JAMES TOWNSEND Co. A, 32nd Regt. Died at Harrison's Landing THE CIVIL WAR 439 towns or states. Some rose to high rank; others served in humble capacities; but all reflected undying honor and credit on the place of their birth or their boyhood. Of the forty men whose names and records follow eleven, or almost exactly twenty-five per cent, died in the service. As in the former lists, the names of those who died for their country are starred (*). Charles D. Barnes, Co. G, 34th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Rev. Asa and Caroline Barnes. One of two brothers in the service. Credited to Westfield, Mass. Spent his boyhood in South Royalston. *Mijron E. Barnes, Co. L, 3d Mass. H. A. Son of Rev. Asa and Caroline Barnes. One of two brothers in the service. Credited to Boston, Mass. Spent his boyhood in South Royalston. Died at or near Washington, D. C, of typhoid fever, July 22d, 1865. Buried in Riverside Cemetery, South Royalston. Edward A. Brown, Qr. Mr. Sergt. 25th Ma 53. Vol. Inf., later Qr. Mr. 53d Mass. Vol. Inf.; later Capt. and Com- missary of Subsistence, U. S. Vols. Brevetted Major Sept. 1st, 1835. Son of Col. Benjamin and Betsey Brown. One of three brothers in the service. Credited to Fifcshburg, Mas5. Born in Royalston, Aug. 7th, 1827. Treasurer of Worcester County, 1875 to 1913. Died in Worcester, January, 1916. Buried in Fitchburg. William 0. Brown, 1st Lieut, and Qr. Mr., 25th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Col. Benjamin and Betsey Brown. One of three brothers in the service. Credited to Fitchburg, Mass. Born in Royalston, March 29th, 1815. Died in Fitshburg. *Charles Ciunmings, 1st Lieut., Co. E., 11th Vt. Vol. Inf. (1st H. A.), August 14th, 1862. Lieut.-Col., 16th Vt. Vol. Inf., Sept. 27th, 1862. Lieut.-Col., 17th Vt. Vol. Inf., Feb. 9th, 1864. Wounded at the Wilderness, May 6th, 1864. Killed in action at Poplar Grove Church, Sept. 30th, 1864. He fell gallantly encouraging his men, and his last order was, "Look out for the colors," Son of Joshua and Heph- 440 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Cummings. Credited to Brattleboro, Vt. Born in Royalston, Feb. 26th, 1821. Lysander Cutler. Col. 6th Wis. Vol. Inf., May 28th, 1861. Bri^-. Gen. U. S. Vols., April loth, 1863 to date from Novem- ber 29th, 1862. Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols., Aug. 19th, 1864. Commanded, 6th Wis. Vol. Inf., summer 1861 — spring 1862. "Iron Brigade" spring 1862 — summer 1862. Expedition against Va. Cen. R. R. August, 1862. 6th Wis. Vol. Inf., August, Xg62 — November, 1862. "Iron Brigade" November, 1862 — December, 1862. 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. 1st Corps in Chan- cellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns, 1863. "Iron Brigade" early spring 1864 — May 6th, 1864. 4th Div. 5th Corps in Wilder- ness, Petersburg campaign. May — August, 1864. Wounded at Gainesville, Aug. 29th, 1862; Wilderness, May 6th, 1864; Glove Tavern, Aug. 21st, 1864. Son of Tarrant and Lydia Cutler. Credited to Milwaukee, Wis. Born in Royalston, Feb. 16th, 1807. Died in Mil- waukee, Wis., July 30th, 1866. John D. Emerson, Co. F, 2nd Mass. Vol. Inf., credited to Athol, Mass. Detached on signal service Sept. 1st, 1861. Served before Port Royal and Charleston, S. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lieut, in Signal Corps October, 1863. Re- enlisted in 2nd N. Y. Heavy Artillery. Served to close of war. George A. Flagg, Co. C, 27th Mass. Vol. Inf., credited to Athol, Mass. Mentioned in Royalston Memorial. *George E. Fry, Co. E, 5th N. H. Vol. Inf. Son of Ben- jamin and Miranda Frye. One of two brothers in the service. Credited to Croydon, N. H. Born in Royalston, Aug. 18th, 1837. Killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 2nd, 1863. Charles V. Goddard, Co. E, 53d Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Charles and Lucinda Goddard. Credited to Athol, Mass. Born in Royalston, Feb. 1st, 1845. Now living in Athol. *Milto7i C. Handy, Co. I, 4th Vt. Vol. Inf. Son of James and Clarissa Handy. Credited to Wilmington, Vt. Born in Royalston, Aug. 21st, 1843. Died of disease, Feb. 15th, 1862. MAJ. GEN. LYSANDER CUTLER THE CIVIL WAR 4^1 Silas L. Hcywood, Sergt.. Co. A., 2nd N. H. Vol. Inf., Nov. 1st, 1861. 2nd Lieut., Co. A., 2nd N. H. Vol. Inf., Sept. 1st, 1862. Son of Benjamin and Sally Hey wood. Credited to Fitzwilliam, N. H. Born in Royalston. Theodore J. Hill, Co. H., 53d Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of John and Lavinia Hill. Credited to Winchendon, Mass. Born in Royalston. One of two brothers in the service. Henry J. Howe, Sergt,., Co. I, 10th Pa. Vol. Inf. (Pa. Res. Corps), September, 1861. 2nd Lieut. Co. I, 10th Pa. Vol. Inf., (Pa. Res. Corps), February, 1862. Capt. Co. I, 10th Pa. Vol. Inf. (Pa. Res. Corps), May 16th, 1863. Bvt. Maj. Co. I, 10th Pa. Vol. Inf. (Pa. Res. Corps), March 13th, 1865. Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14th, 1862. Prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862. Credited to Riceville, Pa. Edward S. Kendall, Co. B. 15th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Sylvanus and Emily Kendall. Credited to Westminster, Mass. Born in Royalston, July 27th, 1842. George H. King, Co. A, 51st Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of John and Mary King. Credited to Worcester, Mass. Born in Royalston, 1839. Died 1906. Buried in Riverside Cemetery, South Royalston. E7ioch T. Lewis, Sergt., Co. E, 53d Mass. Vol. Inf., Oct. 17th, 1862. Son of Timothy and Sally Lewis. Credited to Athol. Mass. Born in Royalston, Sept. 6th, 1830. Deceased. Buried in Highland Cemetery, Athol. James Oliver, 2nd, Co. B, 27th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of George and Cynthia Oliver. Credited to Athol, Mass. Born in Royalston, Aug. 29th, 1832. Harlan P. Partridge, Sergt. Maj. 53rd Mass. Vol. Inf. Oct. 17th. 1862. Son of Dea. Maynard and Mary Par- tridge. Credited to Fitchburg, Mass. Born in Royalston, Nov. 22d, 1838. One of two brothers in the service. De- ceased. Buried in Old Cemetery, Royalston Centre. Samuel H. Peckham, Jr., Co. H, 23d Mass. Vol. Inf., Son of Rev. Samuel H. and Sarah Peckham. Credited to Harvard, Mass. Spent his childhood in South Royalston. One of two brothers in the service. 442 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON William C. Peckham, Co. H, 23d Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Rev. Samuel H. and Sarah Peckham. Credited to Har- vard, Mass. Born in South Royalston, Aug. 13th, 1841. One of two brothers in the service. George H. Piper, Co. H, 53d Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Luke and Betsey Piper. Credited to Winchendon, Mass. Born in Royalston, Oct. 23d, 1828. One of three brothers in the service. James S. Piper, Co. G, 53d Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Luke and Betsey Piper. Credited to Gardner, Mass. Bom in Royalston, Aug. 27th, 1835. One of three brothers in the service. Lysaiider B. Piper, served as a musician in an Illinois regiment. Son of Luke and Betsey Piper. Bom in Royal- ston, March 2nd, 1822. One of three brothers in the service. *Joshua Rich, Co. H. 38th Mass. Vol. Inf. Credited to Athol, Mass. Athol in "Suppressing the Rebellion" says he was born in Royalston. Shot through the body from side to side at the Wilderness, May 6th, 1864. Died three hours later. Body fell into hands of the enemy. Inscrip- tion on monument in Phillipston Cemetery. AndreiD J. Richardson, Capt. Co. C, 10th Wis. Vol. Inf., Oct. 3d, 1861 to rank from Sept. 30th, 1861. Capt. Co. G., 10th Wis. Vol. Inf., Oct. 4th, 1862 to rank from Oct. 1st, 1862. Son of Abijah and Lucy Richardson. Credited to Milwaukee, Wis. Bom in Royalston, March 8th, 1829. One of three brothers in the service. Vefferson Richardson, Co. F, 16th N. H. Vol. Inf. Son of Abijah and Lucy Richardson. Credited to Fitzwilliam, N. H. Born in Royalston, Aug. 2nd, 1827. Died at New Orleans, La., June 24th, 1863. One of three brothers in the service. Leander Richardson, Co. F, 16th N. H. Vol. Inf. Son of Abijah and Melinda Richardson. Credited to Fitzwilliam, N. H. Born in Royalston, Nov. 21st, 1838. Half brother to Andrew and Jefferson. George Rugg, Co. H, 56th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Lovell and Mary Rugg. Credited to Roxbury, Mass. Born in JAMES N. HUNT Co. E, 53rd Regt. ADRIEL C. WHITE Co. E, 53rd Regt. HARLAN P. PARTRIDGE Sergt. Maj. 53rd Regt. JOHN M. WOOD Co. E. 53rd Regt, Died at Baton Rouge, La. THE CIVIL WAR 443 Troy, N. H., July 29th, 1846. Lived in Royalston 1862 to 1866, except when in the army. *Am J. Sanborn, Co. E, 2nd U. S. S. S. Son of Mrs. Rhoda (Sanborn) French. Credited to Stowe, Vt. Spent his boyhood in South Royalston. Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Wounded later June 4th, 1864 and died of wounds June 21st, 1864. *Quincy A. Shepardson, Co. F, 53d Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Jonathan and Nancy Shepardson. Credited to Petersham, Mass. Born in Royalston, Feb. 14th, 1826. Died of disease at Baton Rouge, La., July 27th, 1863. Andrew W. Turner, Co. F, 9th Vt. Vol. Inf. Son of Jason and Cynthia Turner. Credited to Bethel, Vt. Born in Royalston, June 28th, 1837. Taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept. 15th, 1862. Now resides in South Gardner, Mass. *Charles M. Uphatn, Sergt. Co. E, 43d Mass. Vol. Inf., Sept. 20th, 1862. 2nd Lieut. Co. E, 43d Mass. Vol. Inf., June 4th, 1883. 2nd Lieut. Co. A, 58th Mass. Vol. Inf., Nov. 18th, 1863. Capt. Co. A, 58th Mass. Vol. Inf., Jan. 13th, 1864. Killed in action at Bethesda Church near Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1884. Son of John M. and Matilda B. Upham. Credited to Chatham, Mass. Born in Royal- ston, May, 1835. One of two brothers in the service. Buried in Riverside Cemetery, South Royalston. Lorenzo M. Upham, Co. G, 9th N. H. Vol. Inf. Son of John M. and Matilda B. Upham. Credited to Claremont, N. H. Born in Royalston, 1838. One of two brothers in the service. Ezra L. Wheeler, Co. D, 36th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Col. Josiah and Martha Wheeler. Credited to Templeton, Mass. Born in Royalston, Aug. 12th, 1823. One of three brothers in the service. Bufus B. P. Wheeler, Co. F, 52nd Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Col. Josiah and Martha Wheeler. Credited to Orange, Mass. Born in Royalston, May 3d, 1829. One of three brothers in the service. 444 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON *Chandler WhitJiey, Co. E, 30th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Lemuel and Mary Whitney. Credited to Athol, Mass. Born in Royalston, Feb. 20th, 1803. Died Feb. 1st, 1862 after a three weeks' illness. Wellington White, Co. F, 9th Mich. Vol. Inf. Later a first-class musician, same regt. Son of Adriel and OHve D. White. Born in Royalston, Aug. 22nd, 1832. Taken pris- oner at Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 13th, 1862. Now resides in Owasso, Mich. One of four brothers in the service, three serving on Royalston's quota. Charles A. Wilson, Co. I, 25th Mass. Vol. Inf. Son of Wheaton and Jerucia Wilson. Credited to Templeton, Mass. Born in Royalston 1842. One of two brothers in the service. * Nelson G. Wood, Co. B, 27th Mass. Vol. Inf. Place of birth and parents' names unknown. Credited to Athol, Mass. Spent his boyhood in South Royalston. Killed in action at Arrowfield Church, Va., May 9th, 1834. It is not assumed by the author, that the foregoing lists are complete or without error. It is frequently impossible for even the officials in the War Records' office at Boston to determine accurately on what towns' quotas some individual soldiers served. The records of the towns, of the Adjutant- General's office, and those given in regimental histories occasionally disagree. Those given above seem the best that can be obtained after the lapse of fifty years, and represent much painstaking effort. The Royalston Memorial gives in addition, the names of the following men who were drafted: Franklin Brown, Phineas S. Newton, Andrew J. Bliss, Philip H. Bliss, Chilson Bosworth, Jr., Wilson Carroll, Brashear French, Charles A. King, William Leathe, Lysander Howard, George E. Peirce, Reuben Pratt, Gun, A. Dwight Raymond, George S. Raymond, Joseph Shepardson, Caleb Stockwell, John B. Walker, Abijah Whitmore, and Silas Wyman, Jr. Of these twenty men, eighteen each paid $300. commuta- tion; one, Franklin Brown, responded to the draft in person, while Mr. Newton furnished a substitute at a cost of S500. HENRY S. WOOD Co. I, 25th Regt. JOEL B. MELLEN Co I, 25th Regt. WELLINGTON WHITE Band, 9th Mich. Regt. R. B. P. WHEELER Co. F, 52nd Regt. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 445 This substitute entered the service under the name of Henry- Newton. Not only in the raising of soldiers but in contributions of money the town was exceedingly liberal. The Adjutant-General's records show that between 1861 and 1865, Royalston raised and appropriated for war purposes exclusive of state aid, S16,000. An interesting chapter could be written on the patriotic action of the citizens in the various town meetings which were held during the course of the conflict. After the war, veteran organizations or "unions" were formed in various towns in this section, one in South Royal- ston, known as Norcross Union No. 8, in honor of Chauncy W. Norcross, the first boy from this town to fall in battle, but after a brief existence interest in the organization began to lag, attendance at its meetings fell off, and its members were largely absorbed later in the membership of the then newly organized G. A. R. Posts in Athol and elsewhere. During the late Spanish-American War, Royalston fur- nished no soldiers directly, but several boys who were born or spent their boyhood here served in the conflict, enlisting else- where. Among these were Leonard Collins, 9th Mass. Inf., died in Mass. Gen. Hospital as a result of his service; Frank B. Wheeler, Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf., served from June 14th, 1898 to April 28th, 1899, suffers almost complete deafness; Frank "Webster, enrolled in a Rhode Island regi- ment. Hugh Goddard Davis enlisted in Co. E. Second Mass. Regiment, U. S. Volunteers, died Aug. 11, 1898, at Santiago, of emobolism, and is buried in Silver l^ake Cemetery at Athol. And there are others no doubt, whose names have escaped our notice. Here ends this brief outline of Royalston's military record. Many interesting facts have had to be omitted for want of space, but the story, such as it is, should fill our hearts with gratitude toward our soldier sons and toward the heroic fathers and mothers who gave those sons to serve and save their country. CHAPTER XVII MERCANTILE AND INDUSTRIAL MERCANTILE In its palmy days during the early part and middle of the last century Royalston was the centre of an extensive trade, and its stores and enterprising merchants drtw a large trade not only from the people of Royalston but from the surrounding towns. Many of the Athol people did their trading in Royals- ton, and the late Town Treasurer, Lucien Lord, of Athol, remem- bered hearing his mother tell how when a young woman work- ing in the cotton mill at Athol, she occasionally on a Saturday afternoon walked to Royalston Centre to buy her a calico dress. The eight horse teams of Col. George Whitney and Capt. George Peirce were kept busy all the time in bringing large loads of goods from Boston to the stores of the Bullocks and Es- tabrooks and Austin & Work on Royalston Common. Early in the last century Rufus Bullock, after tending store as a clerk, was induced to open a store on the Common, on his own account, which was located where his residence was, now the summer home of the Hill family. There he had intended to settle down in life as a country merchant; later when he en- gaged in manufacturing at South Royalston the store business was carried on in an ell to the Bullock residence by his brother, Barnett Bullock, who had associated with him his sons Calvin and Charles and did an extensive business. On the opposite side of the Common where the Lee residence now stands, was another store. A store occupied this location from early in the nineteenth century until the erection of the residence now there. Esquire Joseph Estabrook was for many years the proprietor. He was succeeded by Major General Franklin Gregory, who was the most enterprising merchant the town ever had and inaugurated here her largest trade, and whose untimely death in 1836 at the age of forty-four years was a great loss to the town. Joseph Raymond, a native of the town, who had been in Templeton from 1824 to 1838 engaged in mercantile business OLD TAVERN AND STORE BUILDING, WEST SIDE OF COMMON REMOVED ABOUT 1874 OLD FIRE ENGINE MERCANTILE AND INDUSTRIAL 447 W ith Col. Artemas Lee, under the firm name of Lee & Ray- mond, returned to Royalston and formed a co partnership with Joseph Estabrook which continued till the Spring or Summer of 1844, when Mr. Raymond retired from active business life. Phinehas S. Newton and his brother Chas. H. Newton were in company with Mr. Estabrook for awhile, and finally bought him out and carried on business there until 1870, when they were succeeded by Obadiah Walker, who when the old store building gave place to the residence erected by Joseph Esta- brook and Mrs. D. P. Clark, located his store and business where the present post office and store of Sumner C. French now stands. Mr. Walker continued in business here until 1881, when he was succeeded by John E. King, who remained but a few months. Aurin C. Gordon carried on business here about three years and George W. Blanding for nearly five years. Sumner C. French, who is now the only merchant in Royalston Centre, has been in business since 1900. Near the south end of the Common, where the South Roy- alston road connects with the Common, and in front of the Nichols residence, was the large store of Austin & Work. This firm carried on an extensive business at this location for several years. On the west side of the street, near where the Congregational parsonage now stands, was another store for a number of years. This was in a building which had been occupied for many years as a tavern. Warren & Emerson first kept store here, and then for a time Emerson alone. Franklin Richardson then carried on business there for a short time, after which Hubert C. Bartlett kept a general country store there for four or five years. When the parsonage was built the old tavern and store building was moved to a location on the South Royalston road, where it was fitted up for a store, and where Dea. Joseph Walker carried on business for several years. It is now the residence of S. C. French. It was in the Royalston stores that several eminent Boston merchants served an apprenticeship and got their first experi- ence in business. Among these was John Dwight Morton, for many years head of one of the largest paint and oil stores in the country, who served his first apprenticeship in business when fifteen years old i n the Austin & Work store, where he remained three years. Franklin E. Gregory, son of General 448 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Franklin Gregon-, was as a boy also in the Austin store. He went to Boston and was connected with George C. Richardson in the well known and eminent house of George C. Richardson & Co. Mr. Richardson was also a native of Royalston, and was for several years in partnership with General Gregory in the Royalston store. INDUSTRIAL Next to the church and school the saw mill and grist mill were the early hand maids of New England civilization, and so the proprietors of Royalshire at . one of their early meetings made provision for the mills, and their committee came here and selected the spot on the Lawrence, which to later genera- tions has been known as "Doane's Falls." Here Benjamin Marsh built a grist and saw mill and received a title to the "Mill Lot" south and adjoining the falls with other encourage- ment, and gave his bond to build and maintain suitable mill ac- commodations ; but failing to meet the conditions of his bond the proprietors recovered £200 in a suit at law, a part of which they afterwards remitted. He sold out and removed from town. Isaac Gale from Sutton succeeded him and probably the mills were not operated until Gale became proprietor ; previous to this bags of grain were carried on the shoulders of men through the wilderness to a neighboring town to be ground, and were brought back in the same manner they were carried. Isaac Gale died in 1779, and Henry Nichols was the next owner who carried on the mills. William Nichols, known as "Miller Nichols" carried on the grist mill for some time. There was also a clothier's shop in that vicinity, one Ben- jamin May having built as it is stated at "the base of the great Falls, but soon after moved up stream, to near the site of Amos Doane's unique concern," where he secured and made the home-mades of the people. After awhile his business pas- sed into the hands of Joel Nourse from Winchendon, about the beginning of the nineteenth century. Mr. Nourse built the dam north of the old red pail shop and carried on several kinds of business, erecting a blacksmith shop in which he had a trip- hammer, and a nail cutting machine. He also got under his control the oil mill and Clothier's mill and became the leading AMOS DOANE'S MILL AT DOANE'S FALLS MERCANTILE AND INDUSTRIAL 449 manufacturer of his day in town. After Joel Nourse left town, Benjamin Bragg became proprietor of this privilege and con- tinued for a while the clothier's business. He also built a wool carding mill, which was afterwards converted into a satinet factory, where quite a business was done for some tim.e, and this became a lively section of the town. The mills of Mr. Bragg were burned in 1850. Sullivan Raymond carried on the manufacture of pails in this locality for several years, and since his business was closed up there has been no manufacturing carried on with the exception of what has been done at the old saw mill at the head of the falls on the Athol road. Sometime in the seventies the mill came into the possession of John Ken- dall & Son, who made many improvements, putting in two turbine wheels and a circular saw mill, and engaged in getting out all kinds of turned chair stock. After they gave up business the property went through the hands of several owners and was purchased by Bolton and Stimson, who did general sawing for many years, and then sold to E. E. Dickinson of Buffalo, New York. The old mill which had been a landmark for nearly a hundred years fell down Jan. 3, 1911. On the opposite side of the stream from this old mill Amos Doane commenced the erection of a large and rambling mill that remained for many years uncompleted, and which formed a unique and picturesque setting for the Falls and the deep gorge with its rocky sides. It w^as never used to any extent and finally was taken down a part at a time. Among the early builders of saw-mills w^as Capt. Pelatiah Metcalf from Wrentham, Mass., who built a saw-mill on the site of the mill later owned by Nathaniel Greeley, and now known as Cripple Creek. Lieut. Jonas Allen, one of the early settlers, built a saw-mill which in 1865 was owned by Lyman Stone, and is now owned by Herbert O. Smith. The saw-mill known for many years as the Leonard G. Moore mill on the Forbes Falls road, was built by Seth Holman, who after a while sold out to Baker and Underwood. Leonard G. Mooie in company with his father, James G. Moore, bought the mill in 1866, and a large business was carried on there for upwards of twenty years, in getting out building timber, chair stock and pail and tub stock, and it was said that for several years the largest business was done at this mill of any one in 450 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON town except that of Colonel Whitney at South Royalston. The old mill was sold at auction in 1888, and has long since dis- appeared. Old records state that in the early days of the town there were eight sawmills, three grist-mills, six tanneries, two brick yards, two potashes, the oil mill, the clothiers mill, and all the small shoe shops, smithies, cider mills, etc., scattered over the town. The manufacture of potash was a thriving industry in the country from 1760 to 1800. By reason of its scarcity in England, Parliament remitted the duties in 1751 and encouraged its im- portation from Colonies where wood was plenty. In 1788 there were about two hundred and fifty potash works in Massachusetts. The woods chiefly employed were hickory, oak, beech, birch, elm, walnut, chestnut and maple. At a town meeting held in 1780 it was voted to grant one William Jerrel, a hatter, liberty to build a liatter's shop on the common and occupy the ground so long as he continnued the hatter's business thereon, and for many years he furnished the people with hats, and was also engaged in the fur trade. During the first half of the last century the hollow north of the Common became quite a manufacturing locality. The waters of "Little Pond," west of the Common, were diverted from their natural outlet and carried around by a canal through the hollow, furnishing water power for several shops. The most important one was tbe cabinet shop of Joseph Sawyer, in which pine furniture was manufactured quite extensively for a number of years. Joseph Sawyer belonged to the well known Sawyer family, noted as inventors, and of which Sylvanus and Addison M. Sawyer were members. He is said to have been the original inventor of a cane cutting machine, that, with improvements made upon it, revolutionized the rattan industry of the country, and which developed into the American Rattan Co. Mr. Saw- yer also invented the first automobile seen in this part of the country, and described by one who saw it as "a buggy with a wood burning steam engine for motor." Mr. Sawyer came up from Fitchburg with his newly invented vehicle, to the Centen- nial Anniversary in 1865, and as related by Mr. George E. Pierce, who was a witness to the event, he drove down the MERCANTILE AND INDUSTRIAL 451 Common at a good rate of speed until he collided with a tree and the machine was demolished. After Mr. Sawyer left town, the manufacture of furniture was continued by Dea. Seth Holman, and after him by his son, Seth N. Holman, and Joseph B. Cardany, who became one of the prominent citizens of Athol. Below this privilege a large carriage and wheelwright shop was erected, where quite a business was carried on for several years. After this business was given up the shop was used by Phinehas S. Newton and Charles H. Newton as a palm leaf shop, where they prepared the leaf, which was put out to be braided into hats and woven into Shaker hoods, and the learns of the Newtons distributed the leaf and collected the hats throughout the towns of Northern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. Two plans of Royalston are on file in the State House at Boston. The first, known as the 1795 Plan, is on a scale of two hundred rods to an inch, was drawn March 13, 1795, and sur- veyed in the months of October and November, 1794, by Wil- liam Town, Surveyor. This plan states that there are seven saw mills in towai, three grist mills and one fulling mill. By the Boston Road it is seventy-two miles to Boston, and it is thirty-eight miles to the Court House at Worcester. It gives the state line as 4^^ miles, 25 rods on Fitzwilliam and ?>% miles and 35 rods on Richmond, making a total of 8j^ miles and 60 rods on the state line. The second plan, known as the Plan of 1830, was surveyed and laid down upon a scale of one hundred rods to an inch : in obedience to a Resolve of the General Court, approved by the Governor March 1, 1830, by Jonathan Blake, Jr., Surveyor, Feb. 3, 1831. This plan gives six saw mills, three grist mills, two woolen factories, twelve school houses, two tanneries, three stores, two cabinet makers shops, six blacksmith shops, one machine shop, one clothiers, one potash. In 1864 the saw mills had increased to thirteen, and these, with the shops, were turning out merchandise from the forests according to statistics as follows : 1,440.000 feet of lumber pre- pared for the market, 280 cords of staves, fifty thousand shingles, 32,000 chairs, 36,000 pails, 6,000 bushels of shoe pegs, 1,585 cords of fire- wood and bark, 200 bushels of charcoal, 452 HISTORY OF ROYAL.STON chair stock to the value of $5,650, brush-woods worth $10,806, and $12,000 worth of other wooden ware. POPULATION The growth of Royalston from its first settlement was rapid and in 1776 it numbered 617. From the opening of the Rev- olution to 1793 the number nearly doubled, and with a popula- tion of 1130 Royalston was then the most flourishing town of Northern Worcester, with the exception of Petersham, and one of the largest in the whole County, exceeding Ashburnham, Athol, Gardner, Tenipleton and Winchendon in population, having more than double the town of Gardner, which at that time had only 530, and being only 21 behind Fitchburg, which had 1151, and 60 behind Leominster, with 1190, and Worcester with a population of 2100 was only 970 ahead of Royalston. In 1793 the polls of Royalston as compared with other towns of Northern Worcester were as follows : Royalston 263 ; Athol 206 ; Winchendon 234 ; Templeton 241 ; Gerry 177 ; Fitchburg 268; Petersham 390. The number of inhabitants continued to increase at every census until 1840, when it had 1,667, the largest number in the history of the town. While the increase from 1810 to 1830 was only 78, the next ten years showed a gain of 174, which was due to the development of manufacturing industries in the vil- lage of South Royalston. The population at the times of taking the census has been as follows : 1800—1243; 1810—1415; 1820 — 1424; 1830—1493; 1840—1667; 1850-1546; 1855—1469; 1860—1486; 1865—1441; 1870—1354; 1875—1260; 1880—1192; 1885—1053; 1890—1030; 1895—890; 1900—958; 1905—903; 1910—792; 1915—866. INCOME TAXES During the time of income taxes in Civil War time, the in- comes of Royalston men were returned as follows : Incomes for 1864— S. S. Farrar, $500; A. K. Josselyn, $8,730; Elihu Piper, $740; R. R. Safford, $3,209; George Whitney, $12,124. MERCANTILE AND INDUSTRIAL 433 Incomes for 1865 — Eber. W. Bullard, $53: Barnet Bullock, $904; S. C. Clem- ent, $46; Caleb W. Day, $134; Salmon S. Farrar, $300; Horace T. Hanks, $45; Jeffrey Lehy, $267; Sumner Marvin, $137; Chas. H. Newton, S400; Elihu Piper, $526; Roby R. Safford, $639; Edmund Stockwell, $560; Orrin Thompson, $404; John Whitmore, $128; George Whitney, $3,583; Eucien Webster, $657. CHAPTER XVIII ORGANIZATIONS MASONIC FRATERNITY Although Royalston never had a Masotiic Lodge within its borders, yet there have been loyal members of this Fraternity in the town from the early days of Masonry in this part of the country to the present time. There were a few members from Royalston in Harris Lodge, which was instituted in Athol in 1802, just how many we are not able to state, but in 1834 when Harris Lodge was disbanded and the money in the treasury was divided, it is recorded that the Royalston Masons were paid thirty dollars as their share, and the two Royalston mem- bers at that time, Timothy Lewis and Jonathan Pierce, agreed to give their share for the support of preaching in the way they should think best. Benoni Peck, who was actively interested in Free Masonry, and was a member of the order for nearly seventy years, must have been one of the very early members of the Fraternity in Royalston. He was secretary of the Orange Lodge in 1825, and Asaph Merriam, who was a Baptist minister in West Roy- alston, was at one time chaplain of the Orange Lodge. Amos Woodward was also a member. Among the early Masons from Royalston who were members of either Harris Lodge or Orange Lodge we find the names of Adam Streeter, Russell Wheeler, Thomas Cobb, Benjamin Bragg, James Bennett, Lov- ell Kelton, Stephen G. Kendall, Jeremiah Matthews and John Whitmore. In 1864 Star Lodge was instituted in Athol and has through- out its history numbered among its members citizens of Royals- ton. Eri Shepardson was for twenty-five years treasurer of Star Lodge. Among those from Royalston who have been members of the Lodge are : Jay Davis, Caleb Cook, Rev. Lo- renzo Tandy, Franklin Richardson, Wm. W. Clement, Hosea D. Davis, Darwin F. Wheeler, Nathan S. Tandy, David W. Day, Caleb W. Day, George Woodbury, Horace Fisher, Leo- ORGANIZATIONS 455 nard G. Moore, B. W. Rich, Luke B. Shepardson, Calvin C. Chapin, Herbert Walker, Joseph Walker, Walter S. Chapiii, Willard W. White, Charles W. Reed, Walter N. Farrar, Ever- ard B. Hanson. ROYALSTON GRANGE, NO. 195 One of the most flourishing organizations in the town, and one which has contributed much to the social and intellectual life of the community, is the Grange. This was organized March 17, 1892, by State Master Elmer D. Howe of Marlboro assisted by W. H. Frost of Athol, with forty-two charter mem- bers. On March 24th the first officers were elected as follows : Master, M. W. White; Overseer, J. M. Wheeler; Lecturer, A. D. Raymond; Steward, Calvin H. Wilcox; Assistant Steward, L. G. P'orbes; Treasurer, W. H. Newton; Secretary, Carrie W. Raymond; Gate Keeper, C, H. Deland; Chaplain, L. E. Stew- art; Pomona, Hattie Moore; Flora, Stella V. Newton; Ceres, Lizzie Reed; Lady Assistant Steward, Cora Wetherbee; Orga- nist, E. J. Partridge; Chorister, H. M. Partridge. These officers were installed March 30th, with the officers of Athol Grange in the chairs, and State Master E. D. Howe as installing officer. Members from six neighboring granges were present, and many words of congratulation and encouragement were given the brothers and sisters of the new grange. At the end of the first year the membership had increased to fifty-three. The meetings of the first year were held in the Town Hall. During the year a hall was fitted up in the upper room of the school house, the first meeting in its new quarters being held Jan. 4, 1893. This was the home of the Grange for eleven years, when, the room being needed for school purposes, the meetings were agaiti held in the Town Hall, which has been the place of meeting to the present time. The largest number of members at any time was in 1895, when the year closed with one hundred and eight members. At the twentieth anniversary of the Grange it numbered ninety members, which was about one tenth of the population of the town . ^5<5 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON The following have served the Grange as Master : M. W. White, L. H. Woodbury, C. A. Stimson, L. G. Forbes, h. E. Stewart, C. H. Brown, Myron Stockwell, C. E. Richardson, Eri Stewart. C. A. Stimson held the position at different times seven years. The Grange has held two successful fairs, two field days which were largely attended, and made three exhibits at the annual fairs of the Worcester North West Society in Athol. It has been helpful to its members and the community in many ways, especially in times of sickness and trouble, having given among its members $320 in money, while it has liberally assisted enterprises outside the order. CHAPTER XIX CEMETERIES The Iloyalston Memorial in describing the burial grounds of the town in 1865, says: "Of these there are nine in town^ bi'^ides family yards and places where one or only a few bodies have been interred." The original burial ground projected by the proprietors occupied the east side of the public square. Several interments were made on this ground, but being found very unsuitable for the purpose, it was exchanged for a lot lying southwest of the original plot and on the south side of the Athol road near the Centre school house. Later the town added several acres to this lot and enclosed the whole with a stone wall. It has also a receiving tomb and a hearse-house fronting upon the road, and there for a century' and a half have many of the dead of lloj^alston been conveyed to their last resting place. Another of the very early grave yards is the old burying ground located near where the first Baptist meeting house was erected; it is sometimes called "the grave j^ard under the hill." It is nearly two miles from the centre village close by the road to Warwick. When it was first laid out the highway skirted its southern border; now the traveled road is several rods north of it. Originally this was three-fourths of an acre of land fenced in on all sides by a substantial stone wall crowned with posts and rails. It is the last resting place of a great many of the forefathers of the town. Stephen Grant, the first man to die after the settlement of the town commenced was buried here, and also the remains of Mrs. Estey, the first woman who died in town found sepulchre in the same ground. One of the earliest headstones that has an inscription was "Erected to the memory of Mary Ellis, wife of Mr. Paul Ellis, who died Jan. 22, 1786, 24 years of age." Among the tomb-stones stand- ing in this yard are those to the memory of the two Kenneys, Rev. Isaac Kenney who died in 1800, and Rev. Moses Kenney who died in 1801; also to Capt. Pelatiah Metcalf who died in 1807 and who contributed the land for this grave yard under the hill. 458 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON When the Royalston Memorial described this yard in 1865 it was stated that "it now lieth waste, and the forest usurps the field of the dead." Some twenty years after, the late P. J. Forristall, his two brothers and Jacob Estey of Brattleboro, made some attempts to reclaim this cemetery from the forest growth, and the yard was re-fenced and cleared up. Rev. Albert Bryant, Royalston's centennial poet gathered one of his garlands from this old cemetery as he thus refers to it: "To the grave yard come, below the hill. When the cares of busy day are still; And spell from broken stones the names That kindled Freedom's holy flames; The dewey pines a hundred years Have wet the ancient mounds with tears." "Though breaking day its splendor weaves Along a million pointed leaves; Or moon-baams o'er the solemn wood At evening draw their shining hood; No light, at morn or evening, shines Upon the graves beneath the pines." Shortly before the decease of Hon. Rufus Bullock in 1858 he became much interested in the establishing of a new cemetery near the centre of the town, and with other citizens was instru- mental in the purchase of a lot on the east bank of the Lawrence, a short distance south of the road leading to South Royal- ston, with which it is connected by an avenue. The grounds have been enclosed by a good fence, avenues and paths have been laid out and considerable attention has V)een paid to the ornamentation and beautifying of the grounds. Mr. Bullock was so much interested in having this cemetery kept in good condition, and not be allowed to become the waste and desolate place that many cemeteries are, that he made his gift of five thousand dollars for the Ijenefit and use of the common schools of Royalston, conditional on the keeping of this cemetery in good order and condition by the town, for a clause in his will in which he bequeaths to the Town of Royalston the sum of five thousand dollars, the income of which shall be appropriated and paid over for the benefit and use of Common schools in the town; also says, provided, however, that whenever the said CEMETERIE.S 459 town of Royalston shall neglect to keep, or cause to be kept, in good state of repair the new cemetery now being established on the ground recently purchased of C. H. Maxam, that is to say, shall neglect to maintain in good order and condition the said grounds, fence, gate and receiving tombs therein, then this sum of Five Thousand Dollars shall revert to and be paid over to my children and their heirs by right of representation. Another burial ground, which is the last resting place of many of the families of the West part of the town, is situated upon an eminence near the Warwick line, and southwest from the old Baptist common. This has been kept in better condition than some of the old burial grounds, has a receiving tomb and is well fenced. One of the early grave yards is situated near the Richmond line. A neat and well kept neighborhood cemetery which was laid out in the early sixties is located near the farm of Selectman Luke B. Shepardson. There are also family lots in several sections of the town. EPIDEMICS Rev. Joseph Lee in his half-century discourse says that in 1777 "the dysentery prevailed and more than forty were carried off with it. It was computed that about one-twelfth part of the souls in town were taken away by that and other disorders in that year, the whole number of deaths being fifty-tw'o." In 1795, also, the canker or throat distemper in its various forms prevailed here, of which sixty-six persons died and twenty of other diseases in the same year making eighty-six in all. He also stated that before his settlement, which was in 1768, "that he understood there were eight deaths." One of these was an aged widow, two others were brothers by the name of Win- ship, the first of whom perished in the cold, and the other killed by the falling of a tree. Stephen Grant, the first man to die after the settlement of the town died Sept. 4, 1764. CHAPTER XX OLD TAVERNS AND STAGE COACHES The late Daniel Davis in an article on "Taverns in West Royalston" published in 1890 says: "The first tavern opened in West Royalston was located a few rods east of the first bridge that spans the quietly flowing TuUy above Long Pond, where Mr. Elisha Rich built the first house in that part of the town. The late Capt. Asahel Davis is authority for saying that he, with others, stopped there for refreshments about the time of the closing up of the Revolutionary war, and that Uzziah Green was landlord at that time." The late Mrs. James Walker said that when a girl she used to go down by the river to meet- ing Sunday noons. The girls would walk over the bridge for water to drink at the tavern, would stop and chat on the porch which extended the entire frontage of the house, and admire the natural and beautiful meadow just across the road, and its western boundary, the winding river; William Crawford lived there then. The old porch-front tavern disappeared long ago, and little remains to mark the ancient site. At a later period Deacon Jacob Estey was a genial Boni- face, and dispensed substantial entertainment to weary travelers and administered to the customary wants of the townspeople. His hostelry was the last house as you climb the western slope of the dividing ridge, known as Jacob's Hill. In the early years of the 19th century Peleg Kingsley hung out a sign on the west side of the road at the City, so that hungry and thirsty travelers, benighted at his door, often entered in to eat and drink, and find shelter until the next morning. His successors as far as known at this time were Calvin Peck, Arba Reed and John Chamberlain, Jr. Chamberlain closed out about 1826. On the opposite side the highway was another roadside inn, where the wayfarer found a traveler's home, and where on festive occasions the mug, overflowing with toddy passed metrily around the customers. James Buffum and Dana Rich are two of the landlords who entertained at that inn, the latter retiring in 1832. About two miles south of the city, where OLD TAVERNS 4()l Myron W. Sherwood now lives, in 1815 on the east side of the road stood erect a painted pole at the corner of some horse- sheds, and from a start sprung out near the top, was hinged a signboard swinging in the breeze and decorated on either face with the familiar name Simeon Jacobs, and the original date of 1806. About 1826 a raising was held at David Cook's, since known as the Tandy place, when a polished shaft was raised and secured in position and a sign board hung in its place, where it remained until nearly 1840, when the last of the tavern emblems disappeared from the local highways. Among the early taverns in other parts of the town was the half-wa}' house of Joseph Priest near the easterly line of the town where lie dispensed hospitality to those who passed that way to and from the French wars. Capt. Gad Pierce when he settled in Royalston opened a public house on the west bank of the Lawrence, and Capt. Peter Woodbury had a tavern on the Athol road. Henry Nichols, known as "Landlord Nichols" had a public house on what was known for many years as the Maxam place. In the southwest part of the town, which is now included in the town of Orange, Nathan Goddard from Shrewsbury, l)uilt a public house, tannery and saw mill and carried on an extensive business. \\\ the north part of the town on what was known for some years as the Miles place, Elisha Cheney kept a tavern and store. On the Common, early in the 19th century, Hon. Joseph Estabrook built a house which was for many years a tavern, where not only the stage coach made its daily visits, but the driver, the teamster and the way-faring man enjoyed its hos- pitalities, and the Senior Joseph Estabrook was the host, and an honored type of ye olden time landlord. Near the south end of the Common was another tavern which stood on the site of the present Congregational parsonage. STAGE COACHES The first mail conveyance that Royalston liad was on the route established in 1812 from Worcester to Kcene, N. H., and the carrier was Jonathan Pierce of Royalston, who at first made weekly trips over the road in an old "one horse shay," which 462 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON was said to be of the same pattern as the "Deacon's One Horse Shay," and nearly as venerable in appearance. Mr. Pierce was in this service nearly twenty years and was as regular as the sun in his rounds. He is described as a large man of fine physique, quite companionable, of a social turn and calcu- lated to win friends, a host of which he had on his route. He was succeeded by a line of stage coaches put on by Russell Wheeler and Jonas Forristall of Royalston, about 1830. This enterprise was tried a few years, Vjut with indifferent success and was finally given up, and Benoni Ballou of Richmond, con- tinued the carrying of the mail from Royalston to Keene, on the same line with a horse and wagon for several years. Besides carrying some passengers he did errands, now called express business. About 1835 another line of stages for carrying the mail was run under management of Ginery Twitchell, the famous stage coach driver and manager, which continued until about the time of the building of the Vermont & Massachusetts railroad, when the daily mail route over this line ceased, and the days of the old stage coach were passed. The poet expresses the feelings of many when he says: "Oh, the days are gone when the merry horn Awakened the echoes of smiling morn, As, breaking the slumber of village street, The foaming leaders galloping feet Told of the rattling, swift approach Of the well-appointed old stage coach." CHAPTER XXI OLD CUSTOMS AND PRACTICES Col. Josiah H. Benton in his book "Warning Out in New England," says: "No people can break from their past. Bands of custom and heredity, invisible as they may be at times to all but close students of history, bind every generation of men to their historic past. The fundamental principles of the laws and customs of the people of New England can be traced step by step to the laws and customs of ancient England and Ger- many and even to the remote villages of the Aryan East." The early record books of Royalston contain the doings and votes of the town regarding many of these now obsolete cus- toms. The custom of "Warning Out," as it was called, was one of these. The right of inhabitancy, sometimes called the free- tlom of the community, existed in the Teutonic townships. Palgrave says: "The earliest notices respecting the Teutonic townships are to be collected from the laws of the Salic Franks. A "villa" was entirely the property of the inhabitants, and no stranger could settle within its boundaries unless with the consent of the whole incorporation. The right of the towns to exclude from inhabitancy within their limits was undoubtedly exercised in the New England colonies of New Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut and even in Rhode Island. The increase of population and the desire of persons to move from one place to another in the colony, however, began to make it practically impossible to enforce the rights of towns to exclude new comers from inhabitancy by physically pre- venting them from coming in, or removing them if they did come into the town. New persons came into the different towns and resided therein, and they were entertained, not- withstanding the laws against it, so that the towns became liab'e to the support of persons whom they did not actually admit by vote of the inhabitants or action of the town authori- ties. In this state of affairs, relief was given to the towns by legislation, authorizing them to warn new comers to depart from the towns and providing, that, if they were so warned, their subsequent living in the town should not make them in- ^^^ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON habitants entitled to support in case of poverty. In Novem- ber, 1692, an act was passed specially providing for warning per- sons who might come into a town to leave it, and for a record of the names of such persons, and a warning to them in court. Warning out was practiced generally by the Massachusetts and Plymouth towns under this legislation down to the Act of Settlement of 1793, when an act was passed repealing all laws as to town settlements and providing how settlements should be thereafter gained, and with this went all provisions for warning out of town, and no such warning has since existed in Massachusetts. The returns of warnings out from the dif- ferent towns in Worcester county from 1737 to 1788, on the records of the Court show that 6,7fi4 persons were thus warned out from forty different towns during that period. In some of the towns, it is said, a large proportion of the inhabitants ap- pear in the list of persons warned, and many of them became prominent citizens in the towns. Among these "Warnings Out" on the Royalston record-^ are the following: "WORCESTER, SS. To either of the Comtables of the Town of Royalstcn in the County of Worcester GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to warn and give notice unto James Bellows, laborer, the widow Sarah Bran, William Foster and Hannah his wife, Jeremiah Woodcock and wife and children, Asa Flagg, wife and children, Silas Chubb, wife and children; — who have lately come into this town of Royalston for the pur- pose of abiding therein, not having obtained the town's consent, therefor, that they depart the limits of this town with their children within fifteen days from the date hereof. And of this precept with your doings thereon, you are to make return into the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Royalston in twenty days next coming; that such further proceedings may be had in the premises as the law directs. Given under our hands and seals this 25th day of May 1791. JOHN FRYE, PEL ATI AH METCALF, S. HEMENWAY, PETER WOODBURY, SAMUEL GODDARD, Selectmen. OLD MANNERS AND CUSTOMS 465 Tithing Men. There was one officer who during- religious ser- vices stood next to the minister, in importance if not in rank; an officer who was partly constable and partly a corrector of public manners and mor ils. That was the tithing man. H s duties were on Sundaj', and it was his business to prevent all driving except of those who were going to church; and in the meeting house, it would be a mistake to suppose that he was a superfluous church ornament, for it was his special province to look after the sleepers and the boys. The prayers were sometimes long, and so were the sermons, and not unfrequently, but especially on a hot day their soporific qualities were such as to put some of the company to sleep. Then the tithing man went around vigorously poking the male snorers with his tithing rod. At every annual March town meeting two or three of these officers were elected. It would seem that there came a time, early in the nineteenth century when the laws relating to the Sabbath were being disregarded and violated, for we find that a town meeting was called for Nov. 7, 1814, at which the only business was, "to see what measures the Town will take respecting inforcing the laws of this Commonwealth relating to the due observance of the Sabbath, whether by choosing additional tything men or committee, or act anything thereon." Under that article the town chose Deacon Amos Jones, Jr., Deacon Levi Thurston, John Eaton, Samuel Bliss, Stephen Holman, David Taft, John Chamberlain and Deacon Benjamin Allen, tything men. Pounds. Another institution formerly found in every New England town, now obsolete in most towns, was the Pound for confining stray cattle. Sir Henry Maine says: — "There is nothing of greater antiquity in England than the village pound, it is older than the King's bench and probably older than the kingdom. One of the first things that our ancestors did after their incorporation was to erect a pound. At a town meeting held in Royalston May 2, 1796, it was voted under one of the articles "to build a Pound the present year 25 feet square and 6 1-2 feet high." The Town of Shutesbury in Franklin County, utilized their Pound at one time by confining their minister Rev. Abraham Hill in the public pound and forced him, it is said, to live upon herrings thrown to him over the fence. Upon the l)reaking out of the Revolution it was discovered that Mr. Hill was a 466 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON strong royalist and a committee chosen to discourse with him concerning his views, reported that they had been unable to make him see things in their own light; he was requested to resign and his salary was discontinued. He not only declined to resign but adhered still more strongly to his political prin- ciples; hence his imprisonment in the town pound. Perambulation of Town Bounds is another custom that has come down to us from our English ancestry, and to this day the law requires that the town lines be perambulated at stated times. The English custom since the time of Elizabeth made it obligatory once a year; and the substantial men of the parish and the boys of the parochial school turned out and walked over the bounds, while the parish beadle and the curate in his cossack read from the psalm, ^'Cursed be he which translateth the bounds and doles of his neighbors." Somet'mes the boys were flogged in order to impress the precise locality of the land mark on their memories. This work is now done by the selectmen of the several towns. Sealer of Weights and Measures. The sealing of weights and measures is an old English custom; the government of England made regulations in regard to weights and measures long before the time of Magna Charta; and as early as the time of Henry VIII, Parliament introduced the system of send- ing weights and measures to the chief officers of the town to be proved. At a town meeting held Nov. 8, 1779, it was "Voted to have a set of Weights and Measures provided for a Town Standard," and a Sealer of Weights and Measures is now a town official either elected at town meeting or appointed by the selectmen. SOUTH ROYALSTON PARK FITCHBURG RAILROAD STATION, SOUTH ROYALSTON SOUTH ROYALSTON CHAPTER XXII DESCRIPTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL The territory now comprised in the village of South Royals- ton was originally a part of Athol and Gerry and became a part of Royalston in 1799 and 1803. Located in the extreme south- east corner of the town four miles from the Centre and the seat of local town government, this village has been a community by itself almost as much as a separate town, in its social relations, its churches, schools and business, many of the people going to the Centre only at the annual town meetings and on some great event or celebration, and in treating of the families, churches, business and organizations of South Royalston it would seem most fitting and appropriate that they should be described to- gether as a community instead of forming a part of the general history of the town. Here Millers River makes a bend as it comes from Winchen- don, and for a mile or more flows through this corner of Royals- ton furnishing water-power for the manufacturing plants that have made this the active and enterprising industrial village that it has been for more than three quarters of a centurj'. Situ- ated in the narrow river valley, the homes of the people are built from the river and railroad up the sloping hillside on either hand to the higher lands above, from which locations, fine views are obtained of the winding river and country around. So far as we are al)le to ascertain the first person to develop the water power of what is now South Royalston, was one Ben- jamin Blanchard, who in 1785 purchased of Josiah Wait, one acre and sixteen rods of land lying along Millers River. This land was then in Athol and Benjamin Blanchard is described as being a millwright of Athol. The Royalston Memorial of 1865 says that he built the first saw mill in South Rovalston near the S. S. 468 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Farrar shop. He must have invested largely in South Royalston land for the same account of him says that he owned a large tract of land including most of what is now covered by South Roj'alston Village and on nearly to Winchendon line. He was quite a mechanical character; invented a wheel with a register for measuring distances on the roads and was often seen testing his wheel upon the highways. He died Oct. 17, 1808, at the age of eighty-three years. In addition to a saw mill Mr. Blanchard also built a grist mill, and sold other mill privileges to parties as shown by a deed given by him to Edward Cambridge of Temple- ton, dated Jan. 16, 1795, which gives the following description: "A certain privilege on Millers River, so-called, southeast of said Blanchard 's mills, for a fulling mill and a privilege of a shop and tender lines on a piece of land east of land now belonging to Josiah Wait, beginning at a stake and stones easterly fifteen rods, northerly three rods, westerly fifteen rods to said Wait land, on his line three rods, to the first bound mentioned N. B. The said Cambridge is to build and keep in repair one-fifth part of the dam or dams for said mills and not to obstruct the water from the Grist Mill in a drought." - ■ The Royalston Cotton and Wool Manufacturing Company was incorporated by Chapter 114 of the Acts of 1812. The Act reads as follows: "An Act to establish the Roj'alston Cotton and Wool Manufacturing Company." Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same. That Benjamin Davis, Isaiah Fairbanks, Eliphalet Chase, Silas Hale, Francis Twichell, Daniel Fairbanks, Francis Fletcher and Ebenezer Blanding together with such others as have already or may hereafter associate and join with them, their successors and assigns, be hereby made a corporation by the name of the Royalston Cotton and Wool Manufacturing Company, for the purpose of manufacturing cotton and wool in the town of Royalston; and for that purpose, shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and requirements contained in "An Act defining the general powers and duties of manufacturing corporations," passed the third day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine. The Act allowed the corporation to hold and possess real estate to the value of twenty thousand dollars, and personal estate not exceeding the value of fifty thousand dollars. The WHITNEY STONE WOOLEN MILL, SOUTH ROYALSTON Destroyed by Fire Aug. 20, 1892 OLD CHAIR SHOP OF COL. GEORGE WHITNEY AT SOUTH ROYALSTON CHAIR SHOP HANDS, SOUTH ROYALSTON, 1885 DESCRIPTIVE AND INDUSTRIAI, 4(,9 Company erected a Mill on the site now occupied by the Mills of the American Woolen Company. The business did not prove to be a success, and the different members of the Company dis- posed of their interests, until finally the whole property came in- to the hands of Silas Coffin and Rufus Bullock. This Original mill was burned in 1833 when Mr. Bullock became the sole pro- prietor of the privilege and all the property belonging to it. In 1834 he built the stone mill; put in four sets of woolen machin- ery and continued to run the business until his decease in 1858. On the death of Mr. Bullock, George Whitney with Daniel Day of Royalston, bought the mill, and for a few years carried on the manufacture of cassimeres. After Mr. Day went out of the business Rufus S. Frost of Boston, was associated with Mr. Whitney, and after him James Phillips, Jr., of Fitchburg. From 1886 to 1889, Mr. Whitney was alone in the business, and with his son, George E. Whitney, had the sole ownership and man- agement of the establishment. The mill was totally destroyed by fire on Aug. 20, 1892. At that time forty-five looms were running, employing one hundred and seventy-five hands in the manufacture of woolen cloths. Two or three years before Rufus Bullock built the old stone mill in 1834, Salmon S. Farrar came as a poor boy from Win- chendon to South Royalston. At first he worked by the day for J. M. Upham, and then commenced the manufacture of shoe- pegs with Leonard Wheeler. Their business did not prove a success, and they soon disposed of it, and in 1836 Mr. Farrar built a shop and engaged in the manufacture of "nest" or dry measures, boxes, sleds, etc., and as the business increased he built additions to the shop and a saw mill, and for more than forty years he carried on a flourishing business. The quarter of a century commencing with 1833 witnessed the rise of South Royalston from a little agricultural hamlet to an enterprising manufacturing village. In 1833 when the first woolen mill was burned. South Royalston contained ten dwelling houses, a saw and grist mill and a factory in ashes. In 1865 when Royalston celebrated its Centennial anniversary a new factory had risen, surrounded by thronging mills, shops and business operations, while two meeting-houses, two stores, a depot, public house, livery stable and seventy-eight dwelling houses had put South Royalston on the map as one of the most vigorous and promising New England villages. Here were blended the two ^■JQ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON great powers of modern times, which control both business and population — water power and the railroad. In 1847 the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad was liuilt through South Royals- ton, and the first passenger train drawn by the locomotive "Wm. Penn," went through the village on the 22d day of De- cember, 1847, to Athol. There was some delay in opening the road owing to an accident to the first train which consisted of two cars loaded with forty tons of railroad iron that had been sent from Baldwinville to Athol for the purpose of testing the bridges, and which broke through what was known as the first bridge between Royalston and Athol, causing the death of seven persons, who were on the train and the destruction of the lo- comotive "Athol." Soon after the opening of the road, Elisha F. Brown was given the position of Station Master, which he held until 1863 when he was appointed in charge of the Athol station. Royalston attained its greatest population during the decade from 1840 to 1850, and it was during this time that the manu- facturing business of South Royalston was in a most flourishing condition: The Rufus Bullock woolen mill was employing about seventy-five hands; Salmon S. Farrar's wooden ware and lumber business employed about twenty hands; the Whitmore & Bruce saw mill and lumbering business close to the woolen mill was purchased by George Whitney and was soon merged into a chair shop, which gave employment to a good number of workmen; Luther Harrington had a mill and manufactured pine furniture, employing some ten hands; another shop occupied by Bemis & Jones in the manufacture of shoe pegs in one part, had ten or more workmen, while in the upper part of this building Beck- with & Stockwell manufactured pine furniture, employing six or eight men, and in another shop, close by the dam, the brush wood and furniture business employed twelve hands or more. At the time the Millers River Bank of Athol was organized, it would have been located in South Royalston if Rufus Bullock would have consented to take the office of P.resident of the bank, and Hiram Albee, who married Mr. Bullock's daughter, was slated for cashier; Albee had a store, was the village post- master and Trial Justice, and used to hold court in the school house on the hill. Only a few years after Salmon S. Farrar can.e to South Royalston, another poor boy, Caleb W. Day, came from War- wick, Mass., walkin:>; from his home, a distance of fourteen MERCANTILE AND INDUSTRIAL 471 miles, with all his belongings done up in a bandana handkerchief, and went to work in the woolen mill, After about five years he engxged in the manufacture of shoe pegs with others, and in 1862 bought out the whole business, later he bought out the pine furniture business of Beckwith & Stockwell, and was also en- gaged n the brush wood business, under the firm name of Up- ham & Day. He was engaged in manufacturing in South Roy- alston until 1884, when his shops were destroyed by fire. Royalston's only manufacturing business of any extent is that of the American Woolen Company, which is located on the same site as was first occupied by the Royalston Cotton & Wool Manufacturing- Company in 1812. The plant was tak- en over by the x'\merican Woolen Company in 1908. and dur- ing the general depression of business that occurred about that time the mills were idle about two 3'ears. In 1910, the Company made extensive additions to their plant, erecting buildings on the south side of the river, about two hundred and thirty feet in length, which with the mills on the north side of the river, some two hundred and fifty feet in length, forms a plant of large dimensions. This was equipped with a complete manufacturing outfit of seventy-five looms. It was run a year on fancy suitings, when the i)roduct of the mill was changed over to bed blankets, which are now being manufac- tured by the Company in large quantity and of a fine quality. The plant is now equipped with nine sets of cards, has 2976 spindles and 82 looms. The mill at the present time (1916) is being run to its full capacity, and is now employing one hun- dred and fifty hands. This is only one of a large number of plants of the American Woolen Company, of which William M. Wood is president, and Samuel R. Haines is superintend- ent of the woolen division. The managers of the local plant are J. J. Henderson, agent, and J. H. Henderson, superin- tendent. CHAPTER XXIII CHURCHES OF SOUTH ROYALSTON SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Second Congregational Church of Royalston was organized Feb. 22, 1837, with twenty-four original members, and was located in the village of South Royalston. Governor Bullock in his Centennial address refers as follows to this church: "In 1837 a Second Congregational Church was organized at South Royalston, in a large degree by amicable dis- missal from the first. The quite rapid modern growth of that village under the stimulation of its water power on Miller's River had rendered essential better local conveniences for religious fellowship and worship. "And now again the dying counsels of Father Lee, the counsels of peace, ruled the hour; and the first parish with Mr. Perkins, its pastor, co-operated heartily in the enterprise." The church building, was erected in 1837 and cost S6,481. Luther Harrington was the architect and boss carpenter of the building, which was occupied in 1838 free of debt. The floor of the porch was one slab of granite forty feet long and six feet wide, was quarried in a ledge a mile distant and moved in two days with twelve yoke of oxen. There were many generous and self-sacrificing givers to the church, one Silas Hale mortgaging his large farm to meet his share of the building fund. The first pastor of the church was Rev. J. F. Stone who only served during 1837 and 1838. The second pastor was Rev. S. H. Peckham who served from 1838 to 1844; he was a prominent minister of the denomina- tion in the State and was identified with the Abolition party. There have been three hundred and ninety members of the church since its organization, and thirty-eight acting pastors, of whom twenty-five served one year or more. The longest pastorates have been those of Rev. Francis J. Fairbanks, the last pastor, for seven years and three months, Rev. S. H. Peck- SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 4^3 ham, the second pastor from 1838 to 1844, and Rev. Walter Rice from 1868 to 1874. During the pastorate of Rev. Charles Kendall, 1854-6, fifty-eight persons united with the church. The largest membership was in 1878, during the pastorate of Rev. C. L. Twomblin, when there were 124 members. There have been seven clerks and ten deacons. Hon. Rufus Bullock on his death in 1858 remembered this church in his will, the Fifteenth clause of which reads as follows: "I give and bequeath to the Second Congregational Society of Royalston, at South Royalston, so called, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500) to be held as a fund, the income of which shall be appropriated annually or semi-annually to the support of Gospel preaching in said Society; and it is my will that a committee, to be chosen by said Society, for such purpose, shall act in concurrence with my Executors in the investing of said sum, provided, that whenever, if ever, said Society shall fail to support preaching, or to maintain a regularly organized Society at South Royalston, or whenever, if evei-, that part of Royalston now known as South Royalston, shall be set ofT from said town of Royalston, then this sum of twenty-five hundred dollars shall revert to and be paid over to my children or their heirs by right of representation." The church building was destroyed by fire Oct. 25, 1904. Although the Church and Society were small in numbers, they were not easily discouraged, for it was only about a month after the fire that a meeting was held at which the prospects of rebuilding were discussed; indeed it was only a few days after the fire that the first contribution to rebuild the church was received. It consisted of one dollar, and came from a lady 86 years old, Mrs. H. T. Day, to whom the amount given meant more than one hundred dollars would to many. All that there was with which to commence operations for rebuilding was the insurance on the old church build- ing amounting to $2000. With this as a nucleus the work of raising money for the erection of a new church edifice was begun, and with the generous contributions of sister churches, of former members of the old church scattered in various places, and the self-sacrificing efforts of the little ^J4- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON company of church members, a sufficient amount was raised to begin operations, and the result was that in a little less than two years from the time of the fire, on Sept. Uth, 1906, was dedicated one of the prettiest and best planned little churches in this part of the State. The building with its furnishings cost a little upward of $6000 , and it was dedicated free of debt. The building which has a seating capacity of about two hundred, is forty by sixty feet in size, and is lighted by electricity, and furnished tastefully. Twelve beautiful memorial windows in memory of members who have passed away bear the names of Silas Hale, Deacon Jonas M. Turner, Sarah Nourse Harrington, Deacon Luther Harrington, Matilda Blood Upham, John M. Upham, Homer T. Rice, Bertha A. Rice, Deacon Aaron Jones, Mary A. Jones, Dr. Henry O. Adams, Roby R. Safford, Orissa W. Safford, Jeremiah A. Rich and J. Angeline Townsend. The executive building committee having charge of the work consisted of Everard B. Hanson, chairman, LlLridge C. Twichell and Caleb W. Day. The dedication services were attended by a large gather- ing of the townspeople and many from Athol, Gardner, Baldwinville, Winchendon, Worcester, Fitchburg and other places. The exercises opened with an organ prelude by the organist, Mrs. Addie Beals, followed by the doxology and the invocation by Rev. W. L. Muttart of Phillipston, anthem by the choir, reading of the Scriptures by Rev. John C. Eyers of Keene, N. H., a former pastor, and prayer by Rev. Mr. Muttart. Mrs. Nellie E. Tottingham sang a solo. The address of the forenoon was by Rev. B. S. Oilman of Gardner, and was followed by a duet by Fred Sherwin of Temple, N. H. and Robert Sherwin of Cambridge. The act of dedication was performed by Rev. Samuel Holden, the congregation all standing, and the prayer of dedication was by Rev. F. J. Fairbanks of Royalston Centre. The communion was cele- brated by Rev. B. S. Gilman, assisted by Rev. J. A. Bates. This, with the benediction, closed the exercises of the forenoon. At one o'clock a dinner was served in Whitney Hall, to which about two hundred sat down. At 2.30 o'clock the afternoon services began. The invocation was by Rev. Walter Rice of Agawam, who was a pastor of the church thirty-two years before. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 475 A quartet consisting of Mrs. Nellie E. Tottingham, Mrs. Flora Drury, Fred H. Sherwin and Robert Sherwin sang "The Lord is my Shepherd." Rev. Walter Rice read Scrip- ture selections, Rev. Mr. Jones of Winchendon Centre offered prayer and Fred Sherwin sang "Fear Not, O Israel." This was followed by addresses by Rev. Richard Peters of Bald- winville, and Rev C. C. Merrill of Winchendon, the latter bringing the official greetings of the sister churches of the conference. The pastors of the church with their term of service are as follows: Rev. J. F. Stone, 1837 to 1838; Rev. S. H. Peckham 1838 to 1844; Rev. S. D. Darling, 1844 to 1846; Rev. J. H M. Leland, 1847 to 1849; Rev. T. Goodyear, 1849 to 1854 Rev. Charles Kendall, 1854 to 1856: Rev. J. W. Healey 1856 to 1857; Rev. E. Seabury, 1858 to 1862; Rev. F. D Austin, 1863 to 1867; Pev. Walter Rice, 1868 to 1874; Rev J. L. Merrill, 1874 to 1875: Rev. E. G. Stone, 1875 to 1878 Rev. C. L. Twomllin, 1878 to 1881; Rev. P. F. Barnard 1881 to 1883; Rev. H. M. Holmes, 1883 to 1884; Rev. F. B Knowlton, 1885 to 1886; Rev. E. J. Beach, 1887 to 1890 Rev. J. W. Hird, 1890 to 1894; Rev. G. E. Chapin, 1894 to 1895; Rev. John Eyers, 1895 to 1898; Rev. James A. Bates, 1898 to 1903; Rev. G. W. Lawrence, 1903 to 1904; Rev. W. P. Clancy, 1904 to 1906; Rev. Samuel Holden, 1906 to 1908. Rev. Francis J. Fairbanks commenced his pastorate in 1908, after a pastorate of sixteen years at the First Congregational Church, Royalston Centre, and finished his labors as pastor at the close of 1916, a term of seven j^ears and three months, which was the longest pastorate in the history of the church. There was added to the church during this time twenty-nine members, most of them on confession of faith. The present membership is sixty, thirty seven resident and twenty three nou resident. Rev. James A. Bates, who was pastor from 1898 to 1903, after his retirement from his pastorate made South Royalston his home until his death in 1916. The bell which hangs in the belfry of the church has this inscription : "This bell contains the remnants of the old bell des- troyed by fire Oct. 2\ 1904, given to the Second Congregational Society of Royalston, Mass., in memory of Colonel George Whitney, by his son, George E. Whitney, 1906." y7<5 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON THE METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTH ROYALSTON The first sermon ever preached in South Royalston by a Methodist Episcopal Itinerant was preached by Rev. Ebenezer F. Newell about the year 1826 or '27 in the old schoolhouse. The next Methodist preaching was by Enoch Bradley. He commenced in the autumn of 1829 while stationed at the Winchendon and Ashburnham Circuit. Bro. Bradley's preach- ing was attended with much effect. He was then engaged in a revival of religion then in progress in the town of Phillips- ton; this was the commencement of Methodism in that place. He preached at the schoolhouse in South Royalston once in two weeks for several months, evening appointments. At first the house was crowtled with attentive hearers, and the prospects bid fair for a glorious work, but by this time Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, the Congregational clergyman of the middle of the town became much alarmed, visited much from house to house and infused much of his own spirit into the people telling them that if they did not want to have the Methodists get a foothold in the place they must not attend their meetings. This course succeeded so well that at the next meeting the schoolhouse was fastened up by some person unknown to man. A few true friends came to the meeting, the house was entered by a window, the door unfastened, and services held, but an effectual stop was put upon the prospective revival. Among the few who became interested at this time were three young men who afterwards became ministers, two Methodists and one Baptist. Joseph W. Lewis became a member of the New England Conference and Lorenzo W. Blood of the Providence Conference, and Andrew Dunn, pastor of the Baptist Church at New Boston. Brothers Lewis and Blood were the only representatives of Methodism in South Royal- ston for five years. In those days the house of Timothy Lewis was the only place where Methodist preachers were invited. In the winter of 1834 or '35 Bro. Horace Moulton, then stationed at Winchendon and Phillipston, commenced labor- ing in the east part of the town known as City district. A small revival attended his labors and a promising class was formed, numbering sixteen persons. Thus Methodism THE METHODIST CHURCH 477 was formally organized in South Royalston. Bro. J. W. Lewis was the first class leader ever appointed in South Royalston, and soon after his appointment joined the New England Conference. He was followed by Oliver Hubbard, Ammi Stock well, Paul Peirce and Uri Day. In 1836 0. Wilder Marcy and S. Pike were appointed to the old Winchendon circuit and preached about once in two weeks in the City district. In 1837 and '38 Richard Linsey was stationed at Winchendon and preached in South Royal- ston only once in four weeks. From 1839 to 1843 Messrs. Spaulding, Gushing and Bates who were stationed at Winchendon during those years preached once a month at the City district and South Royalston. In the month of April 1843 Ammi Stockwell circulated the first subscription paper for Methodist preaching that had ever been circulated in South Royalston for this purpose. At the next session of the New England Conference Rev. W. Smith was appointed to South Royalston and Templeton and meetings were held in the schoolhouse. Again an attempt was made to keep Methodism out of South Royalston. A paper was signed and circulated to turn the Methodists out of the schoolhouse, but the project failed. In 1844-45 Charles Haywood, a local preacher from Gill, was employed by the church. The first year of Mr. Haywood's labors a ^ite for a new church was purchased for $625, Jonathan Stockwell, Ira Day, Timothy Lewis and Freeman Stockwell payirg for the lot. At the second Quarterly Conference of 1846, "The ex- pedior.ce of building a Meeting House being introduced and discussed it was voted that there be a Church Meeting called on Monday Aug. 31st., the object of which shall be to con- verse together on the practicability of building a Meeting House, and the propriety of holding a grove meeting." We find no record of the meeting of Aug. 31, but at the 3d. Quarterly Conference held Nov. 23, 1846 we find it recorded that, "Bro. Olds of Ashburnham who had been previously employed by the Society to draft a model for a Meeting House being prcsenc at this stage of the Conference exhibited his plans and draft together with an estimate of what the expense of building would be. A vote was passed approving the general i-lan as drafted by Brother Olds. The meeting 4.J8 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON house as voted was built during the year 1847 at a cost of two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. Rev. Pliny Wood was appointed as pastor of the church in 1846 and re-appointed in 1847. At this time the number of members in full connection was thirty-five. On the 13th of July the frame of the church was raised with appropriate religious services and on the 17th of January 1848 was dedicated, the sermon being preached by Rev. James Porter, Presiding Elder, from Acts, 28th chapter, 22d verse. The Sunday school this year numbered about sixty. The following Brethren were appointed I^y the Presiding Elder to the oflfice of Trustees in the church: Jonathan Stockwell, Ammi Stockwell, Alexander Webster, Timothy Lewis, Freeman Stockwell, — Day, Uri Day, John Turner and Ainsworth Knight. The pastors following Rev. Mr. Wood were: Rev. David Kilburn, 1848, Rev. Wm. F. La Count, 1849, '50, Rev. Jonathan L. Estey, 1851, '52, Rev. Asa Barnes, 1853, '54, Rev. Joseph Woodbury, 1855, Rev. Jarvis Wilson, 1856, Rev. James Tucker, 1857, Rev. Albert Gould, 1858, Rev. James Geratt and Rev. E. D. Winslow, 1859, Rev. Porter M. Vinton, 1860, Rev. T. C. Potter, 1861, '62, Rev. Mr. Carter, 1863, Rev. F. Marsh and Rev. Phil Gorton, 1864, Rev. T. W. Lewis and Rev. B. M. Smith, 1865, Rev. Wm. Merrill, 1866, Rev. Mr. Bassett, 1869, Rev. E. A. Howard, 1870, Rev. N. F. Stevens, 1871, Rev. John Oldham, 1872, Rev. E. P. Gibbs, 1873, '74, Rev. Mr. Price, 1875, Rev. Charies Haywood, 1878, Rev. William Ferguson, 1878, Rev. Wm. G. Grant, 1879, Rev. F. S. Rogers, 1880, '81, Rev. P. K. Stratton, 1882, '83, Rev. Arthur A. Graves, 1884, Rev. Mr. Hobbs, 1885 and Rev. Mr. Bessie, 1886. There was no regular preaching for several years and in 1892 the remaining members of the South Royalston Church were transferred to the Phillipston and Athol churches. CATHOLIC CHURCH R. J. J. McCoy in his History of the Diocese of Spring- field in "The Catholic Church in New England" published in THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 479 1899, says of the Catholics of this section of Massachusetts: "Father Fitton says with the building of the Boston & Albany Railroad west the Irish came to the towns along the line, and to some of the neighboring towns, among which he named Templeton." There must have been CathoHcs in Otter River in 1837, for whom Father Fitton had a "station." Father Gibson who was pastor at Worcester in 1851, and had charge of Fitchburg and surrounding towns, said mass in the house of Patrick O'Brien which stood near the foundry in Otter River. Father Gibson celebrated mass in Mr. O'Brien's house at intervals of once every three months until 1854, with the exception of two occasions, on one of which mass was said in the woods, and at another time in a little school- house on the Winchendon Road. In 1853 Father Gibson began the building of St. Martin's Church. It was dedicated in 1854 and the first mass was said therein by Father Gibson. A cross was put upon the church before the dedication, and a short time afterwards the cross was cut down by the Know Nothings. With the spring of 1855 Rev. Edward Turpin came as curate, and mass was said more frequently. From February to the June of 1857 mass was celebrated every fortnight in St. Martin's Church. In January 1856 Rev. Edward Turpin became pastor at Fitchburg and his brother Father Henry Turpin said mass every fortnight at Otter River. The people increased in numbers so rapidly that in 1864 Otter River was made a parish by itself and Rev. Thomas H. Bannon became the resident pastor. He had charge of Otter River ani.1 the surrounding country. He said mass every second Sunday, the alternate Sunday being given to the Missions. He was transferred to Blackstone in 1867,' and May 11th of that year Rev. William Orr came as his successor. The Parish Mission then embraced Otter River, Ashburnham, Hubbardston, Royalston, Westminster, Petersham, Orange and Gardner. Father Orr was succeeded June 4, 1869 by Rev. Richard P. Donovan, who in turn was followed in 1870 by Rev, Patrick McManus. In August 1871 Rev. Charles McManus came as his successor. The pastors since then have been Rev. Robert Walsh, Rev. Thomas F. Murphy, Rev. Thomas Reynolds, Rev. James Norris, Rev. Thomas E. Purcell, Rev. James Prendergast, 480 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Rev. James J. Ho\vard, Rev. T. C. O'Connor and Rev. P. J. Meehan who has been the pastor since 1908. We are giving to some extent the history of the Otter River Church, as it has been the church home of the Cathohcs of Royalston for more than half a century. Father Gibson reported three hundred railroad men at South Royalston in 1846, the most of whom were Catholics. Father John F. Lehy of Holy Cross College, Worcester says "The Catholics in South Royalston were attended by Father Gibson of Worcester and Father Turpin of Fitchburg and went to mass in Otter River." He says that when he was a boy there was about a dozen families in South Royal- ston who were Catholics besides the mill help. His father, Geoffrey Lehy, was one of the first Catholics in South Royal- ston, and he remembers that Father Turpin held services at his home, as did Father Welch and Father Bannon. CHAPTER XXIV SONS OF SOUTH ROYALSTON There are Sons of South Royalston, who have gone out from this little country village and attained distinction and prominence in the various pi-ofessions and callings that they chose for their life's work. We shall in these pages tell something of what they have accomplished. WILLIAM CLARK PECKHAM William Clark Peckham, who has attained distinction as a physicist and educator, was born at South Royalston, Aug. 13, 1841, a son of Samuel Rowland and Sarah (Clark) Peckham. Kis father, the second minister of the Congrega- tional churcli of South Royalston, belonged to the Petersham, Mass., branch of the Peckhams, and was born in Petersham, Sept. 19, 1793 and died in Westminster, Mass., Jan. 23, 1864. His mother, Sarah Clark, was the daughter of Eliezer and Sarah Clark of Easthampton, Mass. William Clark Peckham received his preparatory education at the Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass. from 1860-63. During this period from 1861-62 he served as a private in the 23d regiment Massachusetts volunteers at Roanoke Island and Newbern, N. C. Entering Amherst College, he was graduated A. B. in 1867, and A. M. in 1870. In 1871-72 he took special studies at the Union Theological Seminary, in New York City. After his collegiate course he taught, 1867-68 as principal of Leicester Academy, Mass., and 1868-70 Williston Seminary, at Easthampton, Mass. During 1870-71 he trav- elled around the world. On his return he commenced his educational work in Brooklyn, N. Y. in Lockwood's Academy, now Adelphi College, where he is still professor of physics. Professor Peckham is prominent in Brooklyn educational circles, a beloved and inspiring teacher and very successful in bringing scientific subjects before popular audiences. He has been for many years a contributor to papers and periodicals, among others the Atnerican Electrical World, the 4S2 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Electrical Engineer and Century Magazine. He has been connected with the Scientific American since 1897. He is a fellow of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and president of its department of photography, and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also an associate member of the American Institute of Electri- cal Engineers. Professor Peckham is one of the most success- ful investigators of the X-ray phenomena in the United States, and is considered an authority on the subject of liquid air, both as an investigator and lecturer. Professor Peckham was married in Kingston, Mass., Jan. 1, 1868 to Katalena, daughter of John and Maria (Kellogg) Whittier. They have one daughter, Clara Isabel (Peckham) Pashley. Professor Peckham, in a letter to the author, thus de- scribes his father's family in South Royalston: "My father and mother had six children, my next older brother and myself being born in Royalston. He, Samuel H. Peckham, Jr. is still alive. My brother, John Smith Peckham, is also living in Fort Worth, Texas. We three were all in the service, 1861-65 in Mass. Regiments. John has lived in the South ever since the war. The first negro I ever saw was in the kitchen at Royalston one evening, sitting by the side of the stove. I was hustled off to bed quickly. In the morning he was gone. My father was in the 'Underground Railroad' and transmitted his man in the night to the minister cf Ashburnham or At hoi, on his way to Canada and freedom. It is not strange that three of the four sons enlisted in the first year of the war. We had it in the blood. I think that father would have driven us out if we had not gone of our own volition. And there were many such families." CHESTER TWITCHELL STOCKWELL One of the most distinguished sons of Royalston, who was recognized in his profession, by his brother members, as a leader, and one of the most prominent members of that profession, and who by his investigations and writings attained a reputation not merely local, but national and even international, was Chester Twitchell Stockwell. SONS OF SOUTH ROYALSTON 483 He was born in Royalston Sept. 5, 1841, a son of Emmons and Elvira (Wood) Stockwell. He attended the common and high schools of Royalston and Winchendon, Mass., and a business college in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He was engaged in commercial pursuits from 1863 to 1867 and afterwards in newspaper work on the Iowa State Register and other papers in Iowa. He also studied medicine for a short time, and then engaged in the study of dentistry, beginning his professional career as a dentist in Des Moines, the capital city of Iowa, in 1872, After three or four years his health failed utterly and he was compelled to seek a new country. He located in Springfield, Mass. about 1875, from which time until his death he was a leader in his profession. In 1875 he was made Secretary of the old Connecticut Valley Dental Society, and was one of the founc'ers of the New England Journal of Dentistry, of which he was the leading editor. A brother meml)er of his profession says of him: "He was a skilful, sane and safe practicing dentist. He was a student and an investigator, a writer of ability, and a scientist in the full meaning of that much abused word. The Study Club of Springfield was a success, the New England Dental Journal, which he so ably edited, and the numerous practical and scientific papers he gave to the profession through its columns, awakened keen interest and discussion in societies and scientific journals in this and foreign countries." On the evening of Oct. 18, 1904 there was tendered to Dr. Stockwell in the Massasoit Hotel of Springfield a complimen- tary banquet by his brother practitioners and many friends, of which the Springfield Republican said: "Dr. Chester Twitchell Stockwell was the recipient last evening of such recognition of notable service as rarely comes to a man while he is yet alive. The dinner was given in recognition of the great service done by Dr. Stockwell to dentistry as a science in bringing clearly before the world the germ theory of dental decay, which since his epoch-making paper has become every- where recognized as the truth, upsetting and forever doing away with the old theory of acids as the cause of destruction." At the close of the bancjuet there was presented to him a book-case filled with some sixty volumes of scientific publica- tions. 484- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Addresses by eminent members of the dental profession, scientific men, and literary and business friends, teeming with words of fine eulogy, showed the feeling of the company towards its honored guest. There was so much interest manifested in this affair that later a fine souvenir volume containing all the proceedings of the evening was printed and distributed. In addition to his writings which appeared in many dental and scientific journals he was the author of three books dealing with religion and philosophy, "New Modes of Thought," "The New Materialism and the New Pantheism," and "The Evolution of Immortality." One of the chief features of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Dental Association held in Springfield, Mass. Get. 14, 1915 was the dedication of a handsome memorial fountain to Dr. Chester Twitchell Stock- well in the rose gardens of Forest Park. The tablet of bronze attached to this memorial records the fact that he was a dentist, student, author, philosopher, and has this te^timoni.il inscribed upon it: "His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him that nature might stand up And say to all the world: 'This was a man.' " HON. FRED WILDER CROSS Fred Wilder Cross, the subject of this sketch, was born in the village of South Royalston in the house where he now resides, Sept. 15, 1868. His father. Wilder Cross, was a native of Swanzey, N. H., a musician of considerable ability, and for several years leader of the South Royalston Brass Band. His mother, Rosanna A. (Knights) Cross was born in the neighboring town of Phillipston and is still living. Both of his parents were of old American stock. He received his early education in the public schools of his native village. After leaving school, he was for several years an employee of the George Whitney Woolen Company and later of the Fitchburg Railroad Co. In September 1893 he entered the sophomore class at Cushing Academy from which institution he graduated in 1896. In the fall of 1896 FRED W. CROSS SONS OF SOUTH ROYALSTON 485 he entered Williams College and graduated in the class of 1900. During his college career he distinguished himself chiefly in public speaking and scholarship. In 1897 he won the first prize for freshman oratory. In 1898 he took the general prize in the Moonlight Oratorical contest, and the Rice prize for scholarship. In 1899 he secured the first prize in the Adelphic Union prize debate, and for excellence in scholar- ship was made a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. In 1900 he was awarded a Graves Essay prize, the Graves Oratorical Prize, the Dewey Prize for Commencement oratory and the Prize for Prizes, all the above awards aggregating $350. Besides holding numerous class offices he was president of the Philotectinian Society, and in his senior year president of the Adelphic Union. He was also a member of the Gargoyle Society. After graduating from Williams, he was for one year instructor in Latin and History at Black Hall School, Black Hall, Conn, and five years principal of the high school at Palmer, Mass. During his residence in the latter place he was for three years president of the Palmer Historical Society. In 1906 filial duties and somewhat impaired health caused him to return to his native town, but since his return he has continued active in public and educational affairs. From 1907 to 1909 he served on the Royalstcn School Board. During the school year 1909 — 1910 he was principal of Templeton High School. From 1910 to 1913 he was principal of the South Royalston schools besides managing his home farm and doing a large amount of conveyancing and iiension and probate work. In 1906 he was commis- sioned Justice of the Peace and Notary Public, which offices he holds at the present time. Mr. Cross's natural bent toward the study of history has been followed by an especial interest in the story of the Civil War. During the past dozen years he has made several trips to Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia for the express purpose of visiting and studying the battlefields that dot that region. His travels have taken him over the fields of Fi:-st Bull Run, Fair Oaks, the Seven Days Battles, Second Manassas, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. In addition to an extensive history ^c^ HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON library he has a large collection of relics and treasures which he has brought from battlefields. Since the year of his graduation from college he has delivered over twenty Memorial Day Orations besides nu- merous addresses before educational, historical and military societies. His latest work has been the compilation of the military history of his native town. In August 1901 he married Ida May Kimball, daughter of Rev. Henry S. Kimball of Troy, N. H. They have two daughters: Bertha May born Oct. 19, 1902 and Dorothy Kimball Oct. 26, 1906. He gave the Historical Address at the mOth Anniversary of Royalston in 1915. In November, 1913, Mr. Cross was elected Representative from the First Worcester District to the General Court of Massachusetts as a Progressive. He immediately dis- tinguished himself in debate and in his service on the Com- mittee on Education, of which he was a member. Near the close of his first term in the House, the vSpringfield Republican said of him : "Mr. Cross of Royalston, Progressive, has made a mark as a new member. He is one of the most forceful and direct members in making points. He never wearies the House or takes more than the necessary time in which to put in his reasoning." He was also repeatedly commended by the Boston and local papers for his good sense, independence and non- partisanship. In the Fall of 1914 he was re-elected, this being the first time that Royalston had sent a representative two terms in succession for sixty years. Thus to Mr. Cross fell the honor of representing the district in the Legislature on the One Hun- dred and F-iftieth Anniversary of the incorporation of Royals- ton. He was again re-elected to represent the First Worcester District in the House for the year 1916, and in the Fall of that year received still higher honor in being elected as Senator for the Fourth Worcester Senatorial District by a large majority, being the fourth citizen of Royalston, in the one hundred and fifty years' history of the tovA'u, to be elected to the Massachu- setts Senate. FREDERICK LYSANDER DRURY Frederick Lysander Drury, son of Ehsha and Lueinda (Stoddard) Drury, was born in Readsboro, Vt., April 14, 1856. His father, Elisha, was of the eighth generation from FREDERICK L. DRURY SONS OF SOUTH ROY ALSTON 487 his ancestor, Hugh Drury, who came to this country from England in the ship Abigail in the year 1635 at the age of nineteen. Elisha Drury was a farmer and woodworker, residing successively in Winchendon, Mass., Fitzwilliam, N. H., and Readsboro, Vt., in which latter place Frederick was born. His father's death led his Imother to remove to South Royalston, Mass. when the child was very young, and it was in the public schools of that village that Frederick and his two older brothers Edwin and Leander received their educa- tion. In 1875, at the age of nineteen he journeyed to Boston and secured employment in a fancy goods store where he remained about two years. In 1877 he went to Fitchburg to enter the employ of Walter P. Guy in the grocery business, where by perseverance and industry he succeeded in saving his earnings to such good advantage that in 1886 he was able to lease a hotel in the heart of the city, which under the name of the "Drury House," he conducted with marked success for four years. In 1890, in company with Ezra Coleman, he purchased the grocery store which had given him his first start in the city, and in 1900 acquired his partner's interest and became sole proprietor of what had then become and still is Fitch- burgh's leading grocery establishment. On Sept. 25, 1878, soon after going to Fitchburg, he married Flora Estelle Sherwin, daughter of Addison and Amanda (Partridge) Sherwin of South Royalston. They have two sons, Leon Arthur, born Oct. 23, 1880 and Ralph Sherwin, born Jan. 10, 1890. Both are graduates of the Fitchburg High School and Brown University, and are now associated with their father in business under the firm name of F. L. Drury and Sons. Leon married Daza Page Mowry of Providence, R. I., a graduate of Brown University on Oct. 12, 1904, and they have two children, Harriet born Oct. 5, 1907 and Leon Arthur, Jr. born Jan. 13, 1911. Ralph married Florence Earns worth of Leomin.ster, Mass., a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, May 2, 1913. Frederick L. Drury is one of Fitchburg's best known citizens, having been president of the Fitchburg Merchants' 488 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Association, Vice-President of the Massachusetts Retail Grocers' Association, Director in the Fitchburg Co-operative Bank, and prominent in many civic organizations. He is a member of the Aurora Lodge A. F. & A. M., Thomas Royal Arch Chapter of Masons, Jerusalem Commander}^ Knights Templars, Aleppo Temple, Mystic Shrine, Lady Emma Chapter Eastern Star, Mt. Roulstone Lodge of Odd Fellows, and E. Victoria Morse Lodge Daughters of Rebeckah. He is a prominent member of the Rollstone Congrega- tional Church, having served as a member of its Finance Com- mittee for many yearsJ In politics he has always been a staunch Republican, but strict attention to business has precluded his acceptance of any political office. GEOFFREY B. LEHY One of the most successful business men that South Royalston has ever sent out is Geoffrey B. Lehy; he was born in South Royalston, September, 1855. His early education was obtained in the South Royalston schools, plus one year in Holy Cross College. To this was added (he says) what the world gave me, as it gives to all. About 1879 he went to Leominster, Mass., with Leander W. Jones and engaged in the grocery business. The firm was Jones & Lehy; Mr. Jones was obliged to sell out on account of his health, and a Mr. John Goss bought him out, the firm becoming Lehy & Goss. Mr. Goss died about two years later, and his brother Michael F. Lehy was with him and continued about two years, when they sold out to local parties, and Geoffrey sold goods on the road for a Fitchburg produce house, and later sold groceries for Henry Callender & Co. of Boston, wholesale grocers. He left this position and purchased an interest in the firm of F. L. Hale & Co., produce dealers. Mr. Hale was one of those who were lost on the steamer City of Columbus when she sank off Gay Head. The firm then became Fales & Lehy and continued about seven years, when Mr. Lehy sold out to Mr. Fales and associated himself with W. S. Quimby and M. A. Packer as GEOFFREY B. LEHY SONS OF SOUTH ROYALSTON 489 W. S. Quimby & Co., dealers in butter, cheese and eggs. After one year Mr. Packer retired, and the partnership was changed to a corporation, the W. S. Quimby Co. In 1900 the W. S. Quimby Co. changed to the tea and coffee business and so continues to-day. Mr. Lehy has always been president of the company. In 1901 he was elected president of the Fruit and Produce Exchange, and served one year. He is at present one of the trustees of the surplus fund of that organization, also a trustee of the real estate of the Boston Chamber of Com- merce. He was the first president of the Boston City Club, an organization of thirty-two hundred men which has been of much civic and social benefit. His term of office was from the inception of the club throughout its organization, a term of five consecutive years. July 1, 1909 he was appointed by Governor Draper a member of the Finance Commission for the City of Boston for a term of one year, and in July 1910 he was re-appointed by Governor Draper for a term of five years. He married Abbie M. Lewis of South Royalston, a daughter of Hugh and Ellen Lewis. JOHN F. LEHY John F. Lehy, one of South Koyalston's most distinguished sons in the educational world, was born in South Royalston, Nov. 7, 1850, a son of Geoffrey and Eliza (Kelly) Lehy. He received his early education in private schools and at the Templeton High School. He entered Holy Cross College at Worcester, Mass. in 1872, and in 1874 became a member of the Society of Jesus, and was ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood in 1887. He was Professor of Mathematics at Holy Cross College from 1879 to 1884, at Georgetown University 1887, '88 and Woodstock College 1892, '93; was Vice-President of Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C., 1889, '90 and President of Hob- Cross College from 1895 to 1901, at Woodstock College 1901 to 1904 and Boston College 1904 to 1906, since which time he has been treasurer of Holy Cross College. 490 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON WILLIAM H. BULLARD William H. Bullard, one of the successful sons of South Royalston was born in that village Sept. 25, 1856. When four years old his parents moved to Athol where the greater part of his school life was spent. He attended the Athol High School four years, from 1869 to 1873, walking to and from school a distance of over three miles each way. He attended New Salem Academy in 1874- 75, and taught several terms of school in Petersham Mass., and Ashuelot and Winchester, N. H. In 1875 he entered the employ of Parmenter & Carruth, dry goods and carpet detilers in Athol. He received fifty dollars and board for the first year's salary. In 1881 he moved to Hclyoke where he continued as dry goods clerk until 1887, when he went into business for him- self; He was successful in this, and some years later gave up the retail business and gave his attention to the dry goods and notions jobbing business, which also proved successful. In December 1903, Mr. Bullard organized and had in- corporated the Bullard Thread Co., of which he was chosen Agent and Treasurer, which positions he continues to hold at the present time. The products of the Company are widely known and are sold in every state and territory in the country. He is active in the business and social affairs of his adopted city, has been President of the Holyoke Board of Trade several terms, is a member of the Holyoke Canoe Club, the Holyoke Club, and several other organizations and societies. He was elected president of the New Salem Academy Alumni Association in 1912 and held that office for several years. He has been a prominent candidate for Mayor of Holyoke. He married Evelyn B. Tandy of Koyalston Aug. 25, 1880. J. HERBERT KING J. Herbert King, son of John King, was born in South Royalston June 20, 1856, where he lived until sixteen years years of age when he went to Fitchburg to attend the High School, remaining there during one school year; he then went WILLIAM H. BULLARD SONS OF SOUTH ROY ALSTON 491 to Athol and took a position in the dry goods store of Par- menter & Tower. After a short time at this place he went to Hartford, Conn., rounding out an experience of about three years in the dry goods business. About thi« time he was taken with the "Go west, young man" fever, which caused him to migrate to Colorado, where he remained about four years, the latter part of the time of which he was engaged in the sheep rais- ing buvsiness. His father was taken seriously ill and at his request he returned to Massachusetts. On Oct. 25, he was married to Miss Nellie M. Hitchcock of Southlnidge, Mass., and in the fall of 1882 they moved to Baldwinville which was their home for about thirty years, all of which time he was engaged in the chair business. In 1912 he moved to Gardner which has since been his home, and where he is employed in the Brown Bros.' chair factory. He has two children: Mary B. born in 1888 and Herbert L. born in 18G2. ^Yhile in South Royalston he was a member of the Congregational Church, and in Baldwinville of the Baptist. He was also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Odd Fellows and Good Templai" organizations in Baldwinville. FRED D. WEEKS Fred D. Weel's was born in Warwick, Mass. July 15, 1865, received his education in the schools of South Royalston and Cushing Academy, Ashburnham. He was superintendent of the George Whitney Woolen Mill in South Royalston, the Baltic Mills at Fitchburg and mills in Enfield, N. H. He established the F. D. Weeks Extracting Co. at Shirley, Mass., and is also president and treasurer of the Gould Manufacturing Co. at the same place. He served several years as Selectman, Assessor and Overseer of the Poor and Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners. He is a member of the Odd Fellows. He has been twice married, first to Mary Sweeney and second Emmaline French. Has three children. CHAPTER XXV BIOGRAPHICAL EDWARD A. CARPENTER Among the prominent citizens of Royalston whose memory- it is a delight to honor, should be placed the name of Edward A. Carpenter. Although not a "native born," he was as deeply interested in the welfare and development of the town as any one could be. He was born in Walpole, N. H., on July 22, 1846. His parents, Albert H. and Mary Wilder Carpenter, were most estimable people of sturdy New England stock, with an ances- tral record running back into early pioneer history. His edu- cation was acquired in the pubHc schools in Walpole and at Bellows Falls, Vt. When the civil war came, young Carpenter's patriotic ardor was stirred to the deep and he enlisted and gave efficient service in Co. H., 15th N. H. Volunteers, and filled out the term of his enlistment in the valiant service of this heroic regiment during the Vicksburg and Port Hudson campaign. On his return north from the army he located at Athol, Mass., being engaged in the manfacturing of shoe pegs, then an impor- tant industry, conducted by his uncle, Mr. George Wilder. Two years later he removed to South Royalston and for twenty- one years was employed in the Brush and Shoe Peg factory of Mr. Caleb W. Day. The disastrous fire of 1884 burning down the factory, Mr. Carpenter engaged in the grocery business with Deacon Jonas M. Turner for about a year. In 1886 in company with Mr. F. S. French, who had been a close business asso- ciate for years, he removed to North Reading, Mass., where the general store of Obadiah Walker was bought and the firm of Carpenter and French was a synonym for just methods of dealing. For nineteen years these partners worked faithfully together, until October 1, 1905, when owing to the ill health of Mr. French, Mr. Carpenter bought out his interest and con- ducted the business alone until the time of the closing of his eventful career. It is not too much to say that it was due to the peculiar genius in business of Mr. Carpenter during his w > a n > W z H ?0 EDWARD A. CARPENTER 493 business life in North Reading, evinced by his executive ability, industry and hard work, that success was warranted. Prior to removal to North Reading, Mr. Carpenter was an enthusiastic school committee, efficient constable, and most faithful tax collector for the town of Royalston and hi.s admira- tion and loyalty for the town never ceased, as he kept in touch with all vital affairs to the date of his decease. He joined the Second Congregational Church of South Royalston in 1870, and retained his membership from henceforth never failing financially, or otherwise, to honor the church. The basic prin- cipals of his Christian life ever abounded in sympathy, charity and in benevolence. While living in North Reading he was a continuous helper in all practical church work and an advisor and loyal friend and brother to every pastor. Mr. Carpenter was a member of Parker Post, No. 123, G. A. R., of Athol, Mass., but on going to North Reading he relinquished his member- ship though retaining loyal interest in all Memorial events of the volunteer soldiery. He was marshal of every Memorial Day celebration, and was so chosen by the united voice of the veterans and people in North Reading. His personality and ability was such that he was in constant demand for office and he acquiesced in serving the common weal of the town, more often than otherwise, at the sacrifice of his own personal interests. Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and Overseer of the Poor, Treasurer of North Reading Grange, President of the Board of Trade, Trustee of the Public Librar}^ Director of the First National Bank and Trustee of Mechanics Savings Bank of Reading, and one of the twelve organizers of the first named. He was also a member of the Men's Good Fellowship club of Reading, and Assistant Postmaster of North Reading for twenty- six years. Mr. Carpenter was married to Miss Effie F. Brooks of South Royalston in 1868; one son, Albert Eugene, was the fruit of this union, but the parents' hearts were saddened by his death in 1872. Several years afterwards, a daughter, Annie C, was adopted and for all of subsequent life the home life was of an ideal character. Miss Carpenter was married some years ago to Mr. Charles F. Burditt of North Reading, who later entered into the employ of Mr. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Burditt have three children, two sons and one daughter. One of the saddest blows to the town of North Reading was the quick demise of Mr. Carpenter. The shock was sudden and numbed 494 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON the senses of all. The funeral services were hekl at the Union Congregational church in North Reading on Sunday, Novem- ber 15, 1914, and was the largest in attendance and sympathetic interest, ever held in the town. The floral tributes were abun- ant and from organizations, business friends and citizens gen- erally, thus evincing the truest sentiments of the loved and honored dead. The services were conducted by his friend and former pastor, Rev. Eugene E. Colburn, Yarmouth, Mass., who also conducted the funeral services at South Royalston the day following. Thus the sterling, ethical and religious uprightness of Mr. Edward A. Carpenter will stand as a per- petual memory in the communities in which he dwelt. EVERARD B. HANSON Everard B. Hanson was born in China, Maine, Oct. 25, 185.". a son of Elihu and Minerva (Starrett) Hanson. Fe received his education in the graded and high schools of China and Maine Wesleyan Seminary at Kent's Hill, Maine. After grad- uating he engaged in farming, teaching and surveying until 1882, when he moved to Athol, Mass., where he was employed in the shops of his uncle, L. S. Starrett, for four or five years when on account of ill health he was obliged to give up work in the shops. For several years he was in the employ of the Fitchburg Railroad Co., at Athol and Keene, N. H., until 1891 when he removed to South Royalston and was employed by the George Whitney Woolen Co., as bookkeeper, superinten- dent and agent till 1907. When the American W^oolen Co. purchased the mills he was retained by that company as agent and superintendent, which position he continued to hold for a number of years. After coming to South Royalston Mr. Hanson was prominently identified with the interests of the village and of the town. In 1909 he erected green houses for the growing of cucumbers and flowers for the wholesale markets, which were the only green houses in the town. He served the town in several town offices and on important committees. He was a member of the school committee three years, was town auditor several years, a member of the finance and appropri- ation committee since it was inaugurated, was chairman of EVERARD B. HANSON 495 the committee to relniild the Second Congregational church, school house and hall after the disastrous fire in 1904, and also on the committee to l)uild the Phinehas S. Newton library. He was chairman of the Prudential Committee and Clerk of the Second Congregational church for many years. He was a prominent Mason having been a Master Mason in Dirigo Lodge China, Maine, in 1882; was Worshipful Master of Star Lodge Athol, in 1902-1903; Eminent Commander of Athol Comman- dery, Knights Templars, in 1905, and was a 32d Degree Mason. He was a charter member of Artisan Lodge Ancient Order United Workmen; was commissioned a Justice of the Peace in 1891, a Notary Public in 1894 and so continued to the time of his death, and was also a Special Justice to solemnize marriages. He was married April 16, 1876, to Miss Lizzie E. Tucker of China, Maine, who died in Royalston in 1903. Three chil- dren were born to them : John Tucker, who died 1898; Viola M., who married Arthur C. Oliver of Athol; and Ruth E., who married Stanley F. Smith of Athol. He married (2) Mrs. Mary A. Rowe Oct. 25, 1904. He died at the hospital in Northampton, Feb. 8, 1915. RUEL ROBY SAFFORD Ruel Roby Safford, for nearly a third of a century one of the most prominent citizens of South Royalston, was born in Lancaster, Mass., in 1821. He went to Fitchburg when a young man and was engaged in the woolen lousiness, where he met and married Orissa Wood Maynard of Vermont. While in Fitchburg he was prominent as an Abolitionist and during his whole life was an indefatigable worker for the cause of tem- perance. He was a good singer and devoted much time to music, singing in church choirs and serving as president of vari- ous musical societies. He was one of the members of the Second Congregational Society of Fitchburg who left their church be- cause it would not put itself on record as opposed to Slavery, and organized the Trinitarian church in April, 1843. The choir of that church was composed of men and women of the parish and Mr. Safford was the first choirister. He was described as l)cing a man of splendid voice who sang "with the spirit and with the understanding." The choir was a notable one in town, and the writer of a sketch of that church and its choir says: 496 HISTORY OF KOYALSTON "Any one who had seen and heard its leader, Roby Safford, with head thrown back and face aglow, sing that grand old hymn, 'While Shepherds watched their flocks by night,' and others of those inspired and inspiring words and tunes, could not soon forget them," He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity. In 1862 he moved to South Royalston to engage in the manufacture of woolens in the Whitney Woolen mill. He took an active part in the town affairs of Royalston, was a member of the school committee several years and held other town offices. He retired from business in 1878 and died June 16, 1892; his wife died April 23, 1904. The children of Ruel Roby and Orissa (Maynard) Safford were: Maria 0., who married Charles A. King of Royalston, they are now living in Worcester; William R., married Anna King of Royalston and they reside in Athol; Henry A., was a merchant in South Royalston and died from a gunshot wound in 1883; Mary E., married S. A. Sargent of Utica, N. Y., and after his death Henry Totingham, who died in Worcester in 1914, she still resides in Worcester; Edward, died when a child; Myra A., married Dana M. Dustan a former teacher in the South Royalston school, and their home is in Worcester, where Mr. Dustan is engaged in the insurance business. Charles R. Safford, youngest son of Ruel Roby Safford, was born in Fitchburg, Oct. 2, 1856, and moved with his parents to South Royalston in 1861. He attended the Royalston schools and afterwards schools in Boston. In 1876 with other Roy- alston boys he went to Colorado to engage in the cattle raising business, but returned the following year to accept a position in the United States service. Port of Boston, where he is still employed having received five promotions in the thirty-eight years that he has been there. Owing to his being a government official he is not eligible to accept any elective political office, but has been a Trustee of the Thomas Crane public library in Quincy for many years, also Trustee of the Memorial Con- gregational church of Quincy. He is a member of many clubs and societies and has been president of the South Royalston school association since its organization in 1904, He married Drucilla A. Robinson of New Brunswick; they have three sons: Winthrop M., Henry W. and Loyal R. His home is in Quincy. ROBY R. SAFFORD EVERARD B. HANSON NAHUM LONGLEY JESSE BODETT BIOGRAPHICAL 497 NAHUM LONGLEY Nahum Longley, prominent in the lousiness and church life of South Royalston, was born at Westford, Mass., March 16, 1813. At the age of eight years, his father being dead and his mother having a number of children to care for, he was bound out to Dr. Howe of Templeton, with whom he remained until he became of age. His thirst for knowledge was so intense as to induce him to saw wood evenings to enable him to pur- chase text books. This enterprising spirit led Dr. Howe and others to send him to school a few terms and he took advantage of every opportunity to add to his knowledge. After leaving Dr. Howe he taught school for several terms in Templeton. x\t the age of twenty-seven he married Elizabeth R. Cass of Richmond, N. H., April 7, 1840. He was foreman in the woolen mills at Otter River for several years, and in 1844 moved to Ashuelot, N. H., where he was employed in the same capacity in the mills of that village. In 1849 he moved to South Royal- ston and was foreman in the Rufus Bullock mills until 1857, when he engaged in farming which he followed as long as he was able. He served as Justice of the Peace twenty-eight years being appointed by Governor Andrew, and was succes- sively re-appointed by Govs. Bullock, Gaston and Long. Among the other positions of trust which he has held with credit are: Clerk of the Second Congregational Parish twenty-five years, trustee of the Bullock fund thirty years, trustee of the Stowe fund twenty-six years. He was on the board of selectmeai, assessors and overseer of the poor three years at different times, and was postmaster of the South Royalston post office for seven years. He was a meml)er of the second Congregational church and an active supporter of Ijoth church and parish. He was conspicvious all through life for Christian integrity and sim- plicity of character. JESSE EDGAR BODETT Jesse Edgar Bodett, for about a quarter of a century a well- known resident of South Royalston, was born in Athol, Nov. 30, 1856. When a young man he enlisted in the United States army, Jan. 24, 1876, and served with his company in the West. 498 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON during the Indian troubles receiving an honorable discharge Ma}^ 22, 1877. He came to South Royalston in the autumn of 1877 and was employed by his uncle John King. In 1882 he began work for the Fitchburg Railroad Co., and was soon promoted to be section foreman a position he held from August, 1885, to April 1, 1901, when he resigned to become vice-president of Brown Bros. & Co., of Gardner, chair manufacturers, which position he held until his death, July 24, 1906. He married Ella C. Brown Jan. 16, 1879. They have one daughter, M. Augusta, born August 21, 1880. He was a member of Athol Lodge of Masons, Union Royal Arch Chapter and Tully Lodge of Odd Fellows of Athol, Charles Sumner Camp, Sons of Vet- erans, and the Rebekahs of Gardner, and Artisan Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Baldwinville. He pos- sessed a sunny, cheerful disposition and had the art of making and keeping friends. JOSEPHUS T. DAY Josephus T. Day, brother of Caleb AV. Day, was born in Richmond, N. H., Nov. 3, 1829. He came to South Royalston in 1847, which was his home for more than sixty-five years . He married Helen F. Bradish of Winchendon, June 26, 1851. He was employed for many years in the old chair shop and brush wood shop and during the later years of his life con- ducted the coal business in the village for Evans & Bowker. He had two children, Myron W., who died at the age of thirteen years, and Addie, born June 7, 1855, married Edward A. Beals. Mrs. Day died August 21, 1907, and Mr. Day Dec. 28, 1913, at the home of his daughter in Athol. JONAS M.TURNER Deacon Jonas M. Turner was born in South Royalston Dec. 31, 1820, son of Jerathmural and Prudence Manning Tur- ner. When quite young he learned the carpenter's trade, help- ing to build the covered railroad bridges between Royalston and Athol. Then he was engaged in farming for a number of years and in 1871 sold his farm and bought a house in South JOSKPIIUS T..DAV JOHN KIXC GRORGK P. SIIKRWIN DR. IIRNRY O. ADAMS BIOGRAPHICAL ^99 Royalston village, where he lived during the remainder of his life. After the death of Mr. Edmond Stockwell he bought the brush wood business formerly carried on by Mr. Stockwell and ran it about a year when he sold it. He was a deacon of the Second Congregational church and was an active worker in the church and Sunday school and also sang in the choir a number of years. He served the town as selectman one term. He married Mary G. Wheeler June 12, 1845. She was injured in a railroad accident between South Royalston and Athol, June 16, 1870, from which she never fully recovered, died Dec. 27, 1877. Their children were: Lucus Warren, born Jan. 10, 1847, died Sept. 26, 1847; Maria E., born July 11,1850, died June 25, 1855, and Myra W., born Oct. 7, 1858. On Jan. 14, 1879, he married Mrs. Mary A. Brown; two children were born to them: Marden Hartwell, born March 5, 1881, and Mary Adaline,born Ai:ril 10, 1886. Deacon Turner died, Dec. 23, 1894. JOHN KING John King, who was prominently connected with South Royalston history for more than half a century, was born in Orange March 5, 1816, the second child of Daniel and Jane (Morton) King. Daniel King was born Nov. 3, 1793, and Jane Morton, July 14, 1799, in the same locality as her husband. She was a daughter of Jonathan Morton, who was a scout in the Revolution and died in Athol April 1, 1818. John King learned the carpenter's trade and erected several buildings in Orange, and removed to South Royalston when a young man where he continued his business of a contractor and builder. South Royalston at that time was one of the most prosperous villages of Northern Worcester county, and Mr. King with the energy and enthusiasm of a young man went extensively into building operations. Among his building projects was the erection of a shop three stories in height, for getting out builders' supplies. He also moved and rebuilt the house which had been brought down from the Nahum Green place on Gale hill and remodeled it into a hotel which has been the hotel of South Royalston for nearly three quarters of a century. After renting the hotel property for a while, he 500 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON occupied it himself and was the landlord for about seven years, having a livery stable connected with it. In 1870 he sold out to Richard Moore. He was the builder of many of the houses in South Royalston and resided for many years in the house on Main street adjoining the Methodist church property. Soon after removing to South Royalston he married Mary B. Bat- cheller Nov. 21, 1839, who was the daughter of Isaac and Rhod a (Holman) Batcheller. Isaac Batcheller was a direct descen- dant of Nehemiah Batcheller, who was one of the Minute Men who took part in the Battle of Lexington. The children of John King were: George H., born in 1840; Charles A., born in 1842; Clarence E., born in 1845; Mary A., born in 1847; Emma F., born in 1850; Nettie J., in 1853; John H., in 1856; Mabel J., in 1872 and Royial T., in 1876. John King, married second, Rhoda Richardson, third, Pheoba Howard and fourth, Jane Chase. Mabel J. and Royial T., were his children by Jane Chase. He died in South Royalston March 20, 1892. SILAS HALE One of the most prominent and progressive farmers of Northern Worcester county in the first half of the 19th century was Silas Hale, who was born on the old Hale place in Gerry, now PhiUipston, May 15, 1802. His farm was brought into Royalston by the change of the boundary line between PhiUip- ston and this town in 1837. Mr. Hale in his early manhood was very active and possessed a great deal of push. Any scheme which he undertook went through. He was widely known as a horse breeder, owning the famous stallion "Green Mountain Morgan" said to be the best horse ever owned in this part of the country and a sketch of which appears in other pages of this work. Mr. Hale owned thirty horses at one time and built a new barn, the largest and best in Worcester county at that time. He was also at one time engaged in the raising of sheep. He was much interested in the improvement of agricultural tools which was just beginning to attract the attention of the country at that time. He bought the first mowing machine that was brought into town, a clumsy affair with wooden cutter-bar. He was very active in church work, being one of the leading BIOGRAPHICAL 501 spirits in building the Second Congregational church in South Royalston in 1837, mortgaging his farm for two thousand dollars to raise the necessary funds for the new building. He and his wife sang in the choir for a number of years. In the latter part of his life he met with financial losses which forced him to retire from active life. His health was excellent in his old age and he was possessed of remarkable physical vigor. At eighty years of age he mowed an acre in four and a half hours, and spread the hay, then walked a half mile to dinner and back, and a little past five o'clock the hay was raked into tumbles. He is said to be the oldest man who ever climbed the two hundred feet of stairs in Bunker Hill monument, doing that when eighty-nine years of age to the astonishment of the care-taker of the monument. He also went to the polls and voted for president in 1896 when ninety-four years old. He married Betsy Batcheller of Royalston, Oct. 7, 1823. He had two daughters, one of whom married Anan Stockwell of Royalston and the other Dr. J. B. Gould, who was for several years the physician of South Royalston. Mr. Hale died at Athol, March 28, 1897, at the age of ninety-five, and was buried in Riverside cemetery. South Royalston.' ELISHA F. BROWN Elisha F. Brown was born in Plaistow, N. H., Oct. 16, 1827. In his early manhood he moved to South Royalston, and soon received the position of station master at the South Royalston station of the Vermont and Massachusetts railroad, the road having been opened only. a short time. He retained this posi- tion until 1863 when he was appointed in charge of the station in Athol, officiating as station and ticket agent until 1890, when he was relieved of the station duties, by reason of the in- creased business of the road, and officiated only as ticket agent. While in Athol he was prominent in town and church affairs, serving on the school committee and as moderator at town meetings, and was also prominent in the Unitarian church. When in Royalston he was also prominent in town affairs and served in the legislature in 1861 . He was quite a public speaker and well versed in parliamentary rules, was quiet and unas- suming and courteous in every position of life. He married ^Q2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Miss Adeline A. French of South Royalston in 1851; she died in Athol. They had two sons, Edward and Arthur C. NATHANIEL G. BECKWITH Nathaniel G. Beckwith, who was engaged in the manufac- ture of wash stands and Hght stands, sometime before 1850; lat/er he had a small grocery store. He was a native of Ac- worth, N. H., where he was born Sept. 13, 1819. He married Fanny M. Barker of West Claremont, N. H. They had two children: Charles E., born April 19, 1849; and Minnie, born Oct. 28, 1856, both of whom were born in South Royalston Minnie married Frank L. Cobb. Mr. Beckwith died June 18, 1868, and his wife Aug. 9, 1877. CHAPTER XXVI SOUTH ROYALSTON BRASS BAND. One of the famous organizations of the town was the old South Royalston Brass Band, which flourished about the middle of the last century. A band was in existence in South Royals- ton as early as 1840, and during that year it went to Barre, Mass., to play at the great Whig rally at which Daniel Webster was the principal speaker. John M. Upham and Benjamin W. Rich were among those present on that great occasion, and Mr. Rich used to relate an amusing incident which transpired at that time. One of the young musicians on entering the hotel picked up a large stove pipe hat from the hat rack in the hallway and re- marking in a jesting tone, "This is a pretty good hat," placed it upon his head. It happened to be Webster's hat and was so large that it slipped down over the young man's ears, covering iiis head completely. The one who is credited as being the most active in the or- ganization of this band was Ebenezer G. Twichell, a talented young musicain, who died Sept. 7, 1847, at the early age of twenty four years. This band was organized about the year 1845, and included among its members some of the best-known residents of South Royalston and vicinity. Among those who were members of the organization were Ebenezer G. Twichell, John M. Upham, George Thacher Rich, Benjamin W. Rich, Lorenzo Upham, Charles Upham, Webster Upham, Cortland Clark, Wilder Cross, Edwin Stockwell, Caleb Stockwell, Joseph Garner, Charles Bowker, Hapgood Davis, Jeremiah A. Rich, Lyman Clark, Addison Sherwin and Lyman L. Clark. This band existed as a South Royalston organization about fifteen years. The first leader was probably Ebenezer Twichell and others who held that position were John M. Upham, Benjamin W. Rich, Wilder Cross and George T. Rich. It became famous all over Central Massachusetts, Southern Vermont and New Hampshire, having engagements at Keene, N. H., Brattleboro, Vt., Greenfield, Montague, Gardner, Barre and many other places. ^04- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Just prior to the Civil War, as several of the players had re- moved from town, the South Royalston organization consolidat- ed with the Baldwinville Band. The combined bands did con- siderable service in war time, conducting at least two Templeton companies of volunteers to their regimental camps. Several of the South Royalston meml^ers entered the army as musicians or as soldiers, Cortland Clark and Joseph Garner going out as members of the Twenty-first Regiment Band of which George T. Rich became leader. About the time the war closed the South Royalston part of the band ceased to exist. Occasionally during the ten years succeeding the war. Wilder Cross and Lyman Clark would get together and make the valley echo with the music of the fife and drum, and in even more recent years the notes of Benjamin W. Rich's clarinet saluted the ears of the people as they passed along the street. The only survivor of the band now living is Lyman L. Clark. A few caps, instruments and fragments of uniforms are still preserved by J. E. Rich and Fred W. Cross. SOUTH ROYALSTON'S FORTY-NINERS. The History of Royalston would not be complete without some reference to that company of Forty-Niners, who soon after the discovery of gold in California in 1848, left South Royalston for that new Eldorado of the West. Their experiences in that far country makes interesting reading for these days. The fever of emigration which swept over many New England towns at that time led seven of the citizens of South Royalston to try their fortunes in the gold country. This party as originally organized consisted of Capt. John Whitmore, Jeremiah A. Rich, Handel Clark, Lyman Sherwin, Alvin Pierce, Curtis Perry and George Batchellor. Capt. Whit- more, the leader of this company, was at that time one of the most prominent citizens of South Royalston, and was an ex- perienced lumberman and sawmill owner; Jeremiah Rich was a man of considerable experience as a carpenter jind wood work- er; and the other five were men of various occupations. Taking ship at Boston in the summer of 1850, they proceeded to the Isthmus of Panama, landing at Colon, which was at that time an unimproved port without wharves or docks. From Colon thej^ SOUTH ROYALSTON's FORTY- NINERS SO'y followed the Chagres River through the present Gatun Lake region to the neighborhood of Culebra Mountain. Here strap- ping their baggage on pack animals they crossed the mountains to the old port of Panama, where they took steamship for San Francisco. From San Francisco they went inland to Stockton, then a city of tents. Here they stored their heavier baggage, and taking only what they could carry on their backs, started for the mountains. Their trip to the gold coast had been marked by one great calamity. While on the way from Panama to San Francisco, George Batcheller, one of the most promising young men in the party, and son of an old Royalston family, died of ship fever and was buried on the shore. A further calamity awaited them in the loss of their supply chests which they had left at Stockton. These chests, built before leaving home, and containing extra boots, blankets and necessary articles of cloth- ing, had cost them about fifty dollars each for transportation and storage alone. A few weeks after they left for the mountains, Stockton was almost utterly destroyed by fire, and their treas- ured chests were burned with all their valuable contents. The first winter after their arrival in California was spent in a cabin in the mountains. A picture of this cabin, drawn from memory l)y one of the party, was preserved by Jeremiah Rich, as also were several nuggets of gold secured by him during his stay in the gold regions. Most of the members of the party re- mained away from home about two years, engaged chiefly in placer mining, damming rivers, sluicing, and searching for gold in the beds of streams. All with the exception of Batcheller returned to South Royalston, very little richer in pocket than when they went away, but each possessing a store of experiences which were ever after pleasant to reflect upon, though tinged with events of sadness. They were in California during some of the most exciting days in the history of that state, when the admission of the state into the union without slavery was one of the burning political questions of the hour, when crime and lawlessness were rampant, and when the Vigilantes were dealing out rough shod justice with a liberal hand. It is stated that when Capt. John Whitmore left Royalston he carried one thousand dollars in gold in a belt strapped around his waist; this story may well be be- lieved, as he was a man who at home often carried large sums in the crown of his stove-pipe hat. It is to be regretted that no S06 HTsroRV or royalstoi^ diary of the experiences of these mea during their staj^ in thee gold diggings has been preserved. SILAS HALE'S FAMOUS GREEN MOUNTAIN MORGAN.. Sauth Royalston was the home of one of the most famous- horses of the United States in the middle of the last century., and horsemen of those days in all parts of this countiy and even' in other co-untries knew ccf Silas- Hale and his celebrated ''Green- Mountain Morgan."' Mr. Hale fir;>t saw the horse in Walpole,. N, H., in 1841, and bought him in June, 1842, at Spri-ngfield, Vt.,. when eight years of age, and kept him fourteen years as a stock horse. The first year that he owned him he booked $900, at SIO^ to ensure, of which $700" proved good; the second year he booked crver $1200 at the same price; his receipts increased every year untilin one year they amounted to $2745, the price charged then being $20. He sold his stock at higher prices than was received- by any other man in those days, receiving $1500 for a stallion six years old, that went to Davenport, Iowa, while he sold many of his colts to go to Iowa at prices ranging from $200' to $600. Romeo 1st, a promising four years' colt, which much resembled- his sire, he sold toS. H. Edgerly of Manchester, N. H., for $600,. who in less than two years sold him for $1500- to go to Dubuque,. Iowa. Mr. Hale in describing to the writer his Green Mountain Morgan said, "He was as handsome and stylish a horse as was; ever made," and that he was in great demand to be ridden at muster for 60 to 100 miles around; he was ridden by the chief marshal at the great water celebration in Boston on the intro- duction of the CcK^hituate water into the city, and Mr. Hale re- ceived $45 for his services on that occasion. Mr. Hale related with gretit enthusiasm, an account of a tour through the West with his beiiutiful horse in 1853, and his eyes sparkled as he re- called the tremendous applause and cheering with which Green Mountain was received as he entered the exhibition ring at the State Fair of Kentucky at Louisville. During this trip he re- ceived the first premium at the State Fairs of Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan. The Cincinnati Gazette of Oct. 13, 1855, speak- ing of another noted horse from New England, which was then attracting attention, said as follows: "So, also, when Hale's Green Mountain appeared on the show grounds at Louisville, bale's green mount ai"n morgan §07 Ivy., in 1853, he met with a cordial welcome, and the horse was rgreeted on his entering the exhibition ring with such eager ap- plause as told full plainly that his form and his style of action were new, but were appreciated ])y the thousands of strangers t)efore whom he was moving. It is hardly nx?cessary to say that he received the highest premium, as he had previously done the :same season at the Michigan State fair at Detroit, and the Ohio 'State fair at Dayton." It is proper to add that the horse was taken to Dayton, Ohi-o, "by railroad, without any stop for the purpose of rest. The fair at Dayton being over he went directly to Detroit, arriving there after the commencement of the fair. From Detroit he went directly to Louisville, where he arrived late the night previous to the last day of the fair. Mr. Hale said that the excitement was so great that a New England horse had -carried off the highest honors of the state that he was told that he had better look out for the safety of himself and his horse, which advice he took by getting away from the state as soon as possible. An attempt was made at one time to poison the horse in Brattleboro, Vt., and so fearful was Mr. Hale that some harm might befall his favorite steed that he lay many a night in the stall with him, so close that he •could reach out his hand and touch him, while his faithful old •dog, Zek«, which was a wonderfully sagacious animal, kept guard ov€r both man and horse, and would allow no one to ap- proach n«ar the stall. Many an interesting anecdote might be related of Zeke and Green Mountain. Mr. Hale owned Green Mountain for fourteen years, and sold him the day and month that he was 22 years old for $2000 to a stock company in Will- iamstown, Vt. He lived to be 32 years old, and paid for himself and all his expenses, and did not die in debt. SOUTH ROYALSTON GRANGE. One of the youngest and most flourishing organizations of the town is the South Royalston Grange, No. 320, which was organized by C. M. Gardner, Past Master of the State Grange, March 11, 1913, with forty-nine members. Harold C. Mosher was the first master of the Grange, and was just past his 17th birthday when he was installed. It was claimed at the time that he was the youngest man in the United States filling the chair of 508 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON master of a Subordinate Grange. The first officers of South Royalston Grange were: Master, Harold C. Mosher; Overseer, Forest Richmond; Lecturer, Victoria Connolly; Chaplain, Lura Williams; Steward, Frank Brown; Assistant Steward, Charles Stewart; Treasurer, John Heath; Secretary, Florence Wheeler; Gate Keeper, Harry Greenhall; Ceres, Marguerite Henderson; Pomona, Helen Struthers; Flora, Mary Sullivan; Lady Assist- ant Steward, Mrs. Frank Brown; Executive Committee, B. H. Mosher, three years, C. E. Heath, two years, J. F. Wilkey, one j^ear. Harold C. Mosher served as Master for two years, when Arthur Divoll was elected for the present year. The meetings have been held in Whitney Hall to the present time. During the OLD METHODIST CHURCH, NOW THE HOME OF SOUTH ROYALSTON GRANGE spring of 19L5 the building known as the old Methodist Church, was purchased of George E. Pierce and will be the future home of the Grange. The present membership is sixty-three. SOUTH ROY ALSTON POST OFFICE 509 SOUTH ROYALSTON POST OFFICE The Post Office at South Royalston was established Nov. (i, 1837, and Hiram W. Albee was the first postmaster. Those liolding the office since with the date of their appointment are as follows: Lucas W. Partridge, Feb. 3, 1853; Gardner N. Johnson, Dec. 24, 1857; Silas Stow, Nov. 19, 1858; Lucas W. Partridge, June 21, 1861; Charles Bowker, Aug. 6, 1862; Benjamin B. Murdock, April 12, 1866; Burton B. Murdock, March 14, 1870; David W. Day, Jan. 19, 1874; Amelia L Day, May 23, 1877; Nahum Longley, March 24, 1879; Lyman L. Clark, Nov. 11, 1885; Benjamin W. Rich, Nov. 29, 1901; Ed- ward J. Richmond, Sept. 15, 1911. E. J. Richmond, the present postmaster of the South Royal- ston office, was born Jan. 4, 1870, in Trowbridge, Wiltshire county, England. In 1882, he came to America with his parents, making their home in Montville, Ct., where he attended the public school. In 1884 the family came to South Royalston, and there in the employ of Col. Whitney, he learned the art of weaving in the woolen mill, which he followed until the mill was destroyed by fire. He then tried to broaden his education by attending the Mount Hermon school at Northfield, taking a one year's course. In 1892 he went to Baldwinville where he bought a half interest in the firm known as Heath & Co., a general country store, carrying a seven thousand dollar stock. In 1896 he purchased the entire stock of Heath & Co., and carried the business on himself. At the same time he began soliciting orders in South Royalston, making two deliveries each week; this soon resulted in the purchasing of the old site and build- ings of L. L. Clark & Co. He restocked this store and with his father, A. J. Richmond, as manager, did a successful busi- ness in connection with the Baldwinville store. In 1904 his business was partly destroyed by fire, when he lost heavily. He still continued business there and in 1911 was appointed postmaster, with his brother Forest E., as assistant. Ee is a member of the Second Congregational church of South Royal- ston and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Baldwin- ville. In connection with his store he does a good amount of real estate business. On Jan. 7, 1894, he was married to Bessie Margaret Harris, daughter of Margaret J. and Arthur F. Harris, of the firm of Holman & Harris. They have two children: ^IQ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Mildred Harris, born Oct. 24, 1895, and Harris Alfred, born April 24, 1905. SOUTH ROYALSTON HOTEL. The building which has been the Hotel of South Royalston for more than half a century, was originally a dwelling house on the Nahum Green place on Gale Hill. It was taken down and erected for a shoe shop in South Royalston, and was moved to its present location by John King in the early sixties. Mr. King remodeled the building into a hotel, and after renting it for a year or two to a man by the name of Baker, occupied it himself, and was the landlord for about seven years, having a livery stable connected with it. In 1872 Richard Moore purchased the property and was the landlord for thirty-three years, when he sold out to James Powers in 1905, who kept it until 1915, when he sold it to J. D. Perreault in October of that year. Mr. Moore was a native of Athol, where he commenced the hotel business when a young man. For five years previous to coming to South Royalston, he was in a hotel at Southbridge, Mass. After retiring from the hotel business, Mr. Moore purchased the Dr. Henry 0. Adams place near the Congregational church and started a store, which he has conducted to the present time. Back in old stage times, before the building of the Vermont and Massachusetts Rail- road, there was an old tavern in the building now standing just west of E. J. Richmond's store. Names that have been men- tioned as landlords of this old tavern are Patch and Bowker. The stage line that ran from Worcester to Keene, N. H., used to change horses here. SOUTH ROYALSTON SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. In the summer of 1904, some of the scholars who attended the South Royalston school from 1868 to 1874, conceived the idea of holding a reunion. Letters of invitation were accordingly sent out, and on the day announced, Aug. 3, 1904, about fifty of the old scholars and teachers gathered at Mechanics Hall in South Royalston. The forenoon was spent in renewing the SOUTH ROYALSTON SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 511 friendships, and indulging in reminiscences of school days, a picture of the group was taken and dinner was served in the hall. In the afternoon exercises were held at which Charles Safford of Atlantic, officiated as chairman and M. Abbie Sherwin of Gardner, secretary. L. B. Caswell, teacher of the school in 1873 and 1874, called the roll of his scholars of those years, and Rev. Reuben Whipple of Bridgeport, Conn., offered prayer. There were brief speeches from many of the old scholars and teachers, M. Abbie Sherwin gave a poem on "Our Childhood Home," and Mrs. Helen Stuart of Worcester, one on "Our School Days and the Old School House." It was such an enjoyable occasion that it was the unanimous opinion that a permanent organization should be formed, which was done with the following officers: President, Charles A. Safford of Atlantic; Vice President, J. Herbert King, Baldwinville; Secretary, M. Abbie Sherwin, Gardner; Treasurer, Fred L. Drury, Fitchburg; Executive Committee, Mrs. Myra Benson, Otter River, Fred Ingalls, Greenfield, Mrs. E. G. Reals, South Royr.lston. The meetings of the Association have been kept up each year to the present time, and what was first started as the reunion of two or three classes has developed into the annual gathering of South Royalston, including all who ever attended the South Royalston schools, and the sons and daughters of this little village among the hills, who are now scattered all over New England, look forward each year with pleasure to the first Wed- nesday of August, when they can return to the scenes of their early homes and school life, and they feel like saying as does the poet : "There is no friend like the old friend That has shared our morning days, No greeting like his welcome. No homage like his praise." One of the most successful reunions held was that of 1911 when about two hundred gathered at Whitney hall; the fore- noon was given over to a social time and the afternoon to a pro- gram of music and speaking. Mrs. Delia (Pierce) Lord of Athol, who was a teacher of the school forty-four years before, i-ead the roll of her pupils from the original record book and eighteen re- sponded to their names. The chief address of the day was given by Rev. John F. Lehy, S. J., of Holy Cross College, a South Royalston boy. He had not visited the village for nearly forty 5/2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON years. He was escorted to the platform by Rev. Walter Rice of Agawam, pastor of the Congregational church in South Royals- ton from 1868 to 1874, and who during his pastorate there had Father Lehy as a private pupil. Among other speakers were Geoffrey B. Lehy of Boston, who was a student in 1874 and Dana M. Dustan of Worcester, a former teacher, who married a South Royalston girl. At the eleventh annual reunion, among the speakers were: Mrs. Enez (Wheeler) Barrett of Orange, a teacher forty-three years before; L. B. Caswell of Athol, a teacher forty years before; Andrew Turner, a student at the school sixty-three years ago; Rep- resentative Fred W. Cross and Harrison Baker of Athol, who stated that thirty-two former students of the school enlisted in the Civil War and nine died in the service. Charles R. Safford of the Boston Custom House, who was elected president at the first reunion in 1904, M. Abbie Sherwin, the first secretary and Fred L. Drury, the first treasurer, have been elected to their respective offices at each reunion to the pres- ent time. VIEW IN SOUTH ROYALSTON RIVERSIDE CEMETERY. SOUTH ROYALSTON CHAPTER XXVII CEMETERIES. South Royalston has two cemeteries. The one that lies directly east of the old Methodist church building, and near the mills of the American Woolen Co., is the oldest in the south part of the town. Benjamin Blanchard of Athol deeded this lot Sept. 29, 1790, to eighteen proprietors, whose names were as follows: Edward Holman, A. Jones, B. Clark, T. Fish, E. New- ell, T. Waite, S. Twichell, S. Smith, G. Talbot, M. Blanchard, E. Wilder, S. Hale, S. Stow, Samuel Larned, S. Bruce, William Thimway, T. Burbank. This piece of land was described as being for a burying ground and when deeded was in the town of Athol. It contained half an acre. Benjamin Blanchard, the grantor of this deed, and South Royalston's first mill builder, was buried in this cemetery in 1808. These proprietors evidently constituted the first cemetery association in South Royalston, and these grounds were used for burial purposes between fifty and sixty years. There have been few interments there since 1850, and none since that of Ambrose Clark, who died May 18, 1882. The members of the old association are mostly dead, and the town has for some time contemplated assuming the care of the grounds. The newer burial ground of South Royalston, or Riverside Cemetery, as it is now called, is situated a little out of the village on the Winchendon road, near the banks of Millers River, and presents a beautiful appearance, being well cared for, and con- taining some fine monuments. This is owned by an association which had its origin at a meeting of some of the citizens of South Royalston held in the vestry of the meeting house on the even- ing of Nov. 22, 1842, for the purpose of taking into considera- tion the subject of procuring and preparing a piece of land for a Burying Ground, and adopting measures in relation to the same. The meeting organized with Hiram W. Albee as moderator, and William H. Vose, secretary. A committee was chosen to make investigations and after several subsequent meetings an Asso- ciation was formed on Dec. 12, 1842, of which H. W. Albee was chosen president, Ephraim Turner, vice-president; and 57/ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON William H. Vose, secretary and ti si'rer. The names of the members of the association as given under date of Jan. 9, 1844, included thirty-two residents of Roj'alston, seven of Phillip- ston and one each of Athol and Princeton. To these men as proprietors, Timothy Lewis, on Jan. 9, 1844, deeded a piece of land containing one hundred and ninety square rods and con- stituting the easterly part of what is now known as Riverside Cemetery. In this deed the grantor reserved the lot in which his remains today lie at rest, also the right of occupancy of the north end of the tract until the purchase price of fifty dollars should be paid. Timothy Lewis was chosen sexton in November, 1844, and in February, 1849, Luther Harrington was chosen as the sexton and served until 1868, after which Josephus T. Day was elected to that position in which capacity he served nearly a score of years. In the early seventies Benjamin W. Rich, who owned the land west of the cemetery, began to cut it up into burial lots and sell them, and the dividing wall between his land and the cemetery was duly removed. After Mr. Rich's death his daughter sold the remainder of the strip to the Cemetery Association, and it has now been prepared for burial lots. It seems that interments began to be made within the enclosure before it was deeded to the proprietors, for Sarah Elizabeth, a young daughter of Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Rowena Lewis, who died Oct. 27, 1842, was buried there as was also Capt. Enoch Whitmore, father of Mrs. Timothy Lewis, who died in 1843. MEMORIAL TABLETS AT SOUTH ROYALSTON THE CROSS MEMORIAL On Sunday, May 28, 1916, an enduring and appropriate memorial given b}' the late Edward W. Cross of Winchendon, was unveiled in Riverside Cemetery, South Royalston. The memorial stands at the head of the middle aisle. It is of Quincy granite, about five feet in height, and bears a bronze plate with this inscription, "To the Boys of South Royalston who served their Country in the war for the Union, the Donor, himself one of those Boys, erects this Memorial." Then follow the names of 42 young men whose homes were in or near this village, all but ALFRED W. NEALE (See page 29) EDWARD J. RICHMOND (See page 509) DEDICATION OF THE E. W. CROSS MEMORIAL THE CROSS MEMORIAL 5/5 four of whom served on Royalston's quota. The unveiling took place at 3.45 p. m. just before the decoration of the graves of the soldier dead. Grouped about the monument were five members of Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. and twelve other veterans from Athol, Templeton, Phillipston, Royalston and West Acton. There were also present thirty Sons of Veterans from Athol, Orange, Gardner and other towns, six Spanish War veterans, and a concourse of about 300 citizens, visitors and school children. Mrs. Ellen J. Cross, the widow of the donor, was present as the guest of honor of the occasion. The history of the monument was given by Representative Fred W. Cross. MR. CROSS' REMARKS. "Modesty would forbid as emotion almost prohibits my say- ing anything upon this occasion were it not for the fact that I know, perhaps better than anyone else, the story of this memo- rial. In September, 1861, a motherless boy 16 years of age came from West Swanzey, N. H., to live in this village at the home of his uncle a hundred yards distant from this spot. Being of an industrious disposition he at once found employment, first in the shop of S. S. Farrar and later in the woolen mill of Col, George Whitney. The Civil war had just opened but no man as yet dreamed of the magnitude to which that struggle would eventually grow. In the early summer of 1862 came two urgent calls for troops, 300,000 to serve for 3 years and 300,000 to serve for 9 months. In response to this latter call Royalston furnished two commissioned officers and 25 non-commissioned officers and privates, practically all of them for Co. E of the 53d Mass. infantry. Among these was Edward W. Cross, our West Swanzey boy. He was mustered into the service Oct. 17, 1862, and followed the varying fortunes of his regiment until its final muster out in September, 1863. He shared the life of his comrades at Camp Stevens. He suffered with them the nausea of sea sickness on the Old Continental which bore the regiment from New York to New Orleans, He shared the long toilsome marches through the Teche country and from Opelousas to Alexandria, He bore a soldier's part in the battle of Fort Bisland and in both assaults on Port Hudson, And he only laid aside his arms as a soldier and resumed his duties as a citizen when the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi had fallen and the great river was opened from Cairo to the sea. After his own 57<5 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON army service was ended his father, Ebenezer F. Cross, enlisted in Co. L. of the 1st Vermont heavy artillery, was captured near Petersburg and died in Andersonville prison. Shortly after his return from the war Edward W. Cross took up his residence in Winchendon where he resided until his death less than 3 months ago. Four years ago today he attended our Memorial exercises and when we arrived at this spot he asked that he might decorate the grave of Alonzo French, his tentmate in the Banks campaign, who sleeps a few yards from where we stand. About two years ago as he stood looking over this sacred enclosure where so many soldiers sleep, he expressed an earnest de- sire to erect a memorial to the boys of this valley who with him responded to the call of their country. Again one year ago this month when a fatal disease had laid its hand upon him and re- peatedly thereafter while something of life and strength remained he reiterated that desire. He lived to examine and approve the plans to read the inscription and to know that the work was at least begun. His faithful companion for over forty years and those who have assisted in the completion of this work have felt that in doing it they were but agents in helping to give reality to the fondest and most earnest wish of the loved one who has passed from sight." At this point the cord was loosed by Miss Dorothy K. Cross and the flag which draped the monument was removed by James N. Hunt of Maplewood, Mass., and Charles V. Goddard of Athol, both members of the same company and regiment with the donor. Taps was then sounded. ''This monument comes to us today as a loving tribute from a soldier to his fellow soldiers; from one who marched and fought to his comrades and associates who in the same cause marched and fought; from one who hungered and thirsted to others who like him often hungered and thirsted; from one who had made his soldier bed in the frost or in the rain to others who oft awoke with rain soaked garments to take up the weaiy round of army life. It is especially fitting that it should stand here overlooking the last resting places of so many brave men whose names are written thereon. Of the 42 soldiers whose names are cast upon this tablet 17 sleep in this cemetery and one other in this village. Seven were killed or mortally wounded in action. Seven died in hospitals. Fully one-third gave their lives for their country. Four are living today: Emerson E. Bissell of Keene, N. H.; THE CROSS MEMORIAL 517 James N. Hunt of Maplewood, Mass.; Charles S. Knight of Gardner, Mass.; and Lyman S. Wheeler of San Diego, Cal. The dews of heaven shall fall gently upon it. The rising sun each day shall bathe these names in golden splendor. Through all the years that are to come men and women and youths and maidens and little children shall point with pride to the name of some kinsman which is written there. And while the river tiows and the hills and rocks endure it shall stand as a memorial to our best and noblest sons." The monument was accepted for the Riverside cemetery asso- ciation by Caleb W. Day, 88 years of age, who in his long and useful life, over 75 years of which have been spent in South Royal- ston, had known personally every man whose name is inscribed on the monument. Remarks were also made by Hon. E. E. Hobson who expressed himself as deeply touched by the occasion. Miss Bertha M. Cross then gave a recitation, ''When the Flag Goes By," and the exercises closed with a selection by the band and song by the school children. THE LEHY MEMORIAL Another beautiful and appropriate bronze tablet has been donated by Hon. Geoffrey B. Lehy of Boston, which is to be placed in front of the old school house of District Number Ten, a quarter of a mile west of the post office. At the head of the tablet is cast a remarkably good representation of the old school building as it looked a half century ago, and beneath is this in- scription : "The Old School House. To the memory of a group of village boys who here learned their lessons of patriotism and died for their country. Chauncey W. Norcross, Edwin O. Vose, Clarence E. King, Nelson G. Wood, Henry E. Knight, Charles M. Upham, Asa J. Sanborn, Myron E. Barnes." It is proposed to have the tablet mounted upon a suitable ^Ig HISTORY OF ROYALSTON boulder of native granite and set on the ledge by the roadside where the boys whose names are cast upon it, used to play in childhood. Both of the above memorials were designed and the inscrip- tions written by Representative Fred W. Cross, the author of the military chapter in this history. SALMON S. FARRAR CHAPTER XXVIII SOUTH ROYALSTON FAMILIES SALMON S. FARRAR FAMILY Salmon Selden Farrar, for many years a prominent manu- facturer and leading citizen of South Royalston, was born in Winchendon Aug. 17, 1809, a son of Daniel and Rebecca (Stod- dard) Farrar. He was one of four children. Desiring to com- mence his life work before becoming of age, he agreed to pay his father one hundred dollars for his time and went to Athol, Mass., where he served time learning the machinist's trade in the Richardson machine shop. He came to Royalston in 1829 and first worked for John M. Upham in South Royalston; later he manufactured umbrella handles in a shop adjoining, which was later known as Upham and Day's peg shop. Between 1832 and 1836 he conducted a small machine shop, where he carried on a general jobbing business of iron and wood, the shop being located where the head gates of the American Woolen Co. now stand. Some of his first machine work was the turning of the shaft- ing in the original Rufus Bullock woolen mill. In June, 1836, he bought of John M. Upham an undivided half of the land located west of the Bullock mills, on Millers river to land owned by Josiah Waite on the west and Josiah Waite and Edson Clark on the north, taking in a tract of land known at the present time as Water street. This land included a water privilege that had formerly been used for a grist mill. During the year 1836, he erected a wood working shop and manufac- tured coffins and dry measures. In 1838 he purchased the un- divided half owned by John M. Upham. Later he manufactur- ed wooden sieves, hoops, wooden pails, deck buckets, rolling pins, saw horses, barrel covers, wooden dippers, children's wheel barrows, and all styles and sizes of children's sleds and rolling hoops. The last addition to his manufactured products was mosquito bars; these being used largely in New Jersey and 52(9 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON the South. It is known that he shipped to Boston the first iron bound dry measures that were ever ironed outside of Bos- ton; previous to this time the measures were ironed after reach- ing the city. He was engaged in lumbering more or less all through his business career, and during the latter part of his life he was recognized as one of Royalston's most prominent lumber men. Previous to 1871 he used the up and down saw mill, and about this time installed an up-to-date circular mill, commencing business with little or no capital save his own native tact and shrewdness, he succeeded in acquiring a good paying business. He was personally known to every tax payer as he had served the town in the capacity of tax collector, probably more years than any other man. In 1832 he married Martha Evans of- Rockingham, Vt., who was born March 28, 1816. They had five children : Nelson, born June 25, 1837; Martha M., born Sept. 8, 1840; Edwin Evans, born March 15, 1844; Helen Isabella, born Sept. 28, 1846, and S. Ardella, born Feb. 17, 1850. In early life Mr. and Mrs. Farrar united with the Second Congregational church in which they were deeply interested and were constant atten- dants upon the church services. Mr. Farrar was one of the largest contributors to everything pertaining to church work. In poHtics he was a Republican. S. Nelson Farrar, oldest child of Salmon S. and Martha (Evans) Farrar was born June 25, 1837, at South Royalston. He attended the schools of South Royalston, and then entered the employ of his father, at the age of twenty, in his wooden ware shop, beginning at the bottom and working through the different branches until he became a skilled workman in this line. He continued in this work and in 1876 he hired a part of his father's shop for the manufacture of all styles and sizes of barrel covers, which he made until his father's death in 1883. On Oct. 15, 1883, he purchased at public auction of the Farrar heirs the manufacturing plant formerly owned by his father and continued the manufacturing of barrel covers and mosquito bars. On June 15, 1885, his shop property was entirely des- troyed by fire removing an old landmark and the only shop that manufactured dry measures in the state. At this time Mr. Farrar only carried a small insurance and the loss was heavily felt by him. In the fall following the fire he decided to rebuild a smaller shop and put in the foundation for the same. THE SALMON S. FARRAR FAMILY 521 and the new shop was raised on the anniversarj- of the fire. He continued in the manufacture of barrel covers to which he added that of dry measures. In 1890 he added to the plant a circular saw mill, it being the only one in that part of the town, this was not only a necessity to Mr. Farrar's business but a great convenience in that locality. He married Sarah A. Whitney of Athol, May 8, 1864. She was a faithful wife and loving mother, and an active worker in church and charitable work, and was a constant attendant at the Second Congregational church. She died Dec. 15, 1893, and Mr. Farrar died April 26, 1896, of cerebral hemorrhage. He was a quiet, unassuming man, who did not seek public office or honors, preferring his home to anything else. They had one son, Walter Nelson, born Feb. 12, 1865. Walter N. Farrar, son of S. Nelson and Sarah A. (Whitney) Farrar, was born in South Royalston Feb. 12, 1865. He at- tended the schools of South Royalston and at an early age spent a part of his spare time working in his grandfather's shop. After his father purchased the business he continued to help him until the shop was destroyed by fire. The next fall he entered the employ of C. W. Day in his brush handle shop, which was also destroyed by fire in January, 1885, when he went to work for John L. Whiting & Son of Boston, in the same line of business, until his father began rebuilding. In 1890 he entered into partnership with his father under the firm name of S. N. Farrar and Son as the business is known today. At the death of his father he represented the third generation to manufacture dry measures at the same place and the fourth generation in this line of work. When his great-grandfather, Daniel Farrar of Winchendon, manufactured wooden measures, the material was then got out by hand, and the rims bent by soaking in hot water, and when his grandfather commenced the manufacture of wooden measures ranging in size from a quart to a half bushel he introduced a number of labor saving devices not used by his father, and as the business has passed from one generation to another new machinery has been added and the old method of hand work dispensed with, but the high reputation attained for the "Farrar measure" by the founder of the plant has been maintained during the many years that have elapsed since the originator started the business. 522 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON S. A. Morse, one of the employees, had worked for three generations of the family, going to work for S. S. Farrar, when a young man; he came from Sullivan, N. H., and had worked for members of the family continuously with the exception of about eight years, up to a few days before his death which occurred Aug. 31, 1910, at the advanced age of eighty-seven. He was an expert in that line of work, and always had the respect and esteem of his employers. An act relative to the sale of fruits, vegetables and nuts which took effect March 21, 1912, in regard to selling by weight or numerical count, has affected the sale of dry measures to a great extent here in Massachusetts. For the past twenty years Mr. Farrar has been engaged in the manufacture of lumber and wood fitted for the stove. He has improved the plant by erecting new buildings and putting in new machinery and has also remodel- ed his residence it being his birth place erected by his grandfather. In politics he is a Republican. He served the town as selectman in 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, and has held other minor offices. He IS a member of Star Lodge of Masons, Union Royal Arch Chapter, Athol Commandery Knights Templars, and Themis Chapter of the order of Eastern Star. He married Nellie G. Wheeler of Chesterfield, N. H. They have no children. Martha M. Farrar, daughter of Samuel S. and Martha (Evans) Farrar, was born Sept. 8, 1840. She married Henry N. Foster, and died in Athol Nov. 17, 1910. She was before her marriage a school teacher for several years. Her husband, born Oct. 21, 1823, died in Athol April 30, 1907. Their chil- dren were: Mattie Foster, born Oct. 3, 1872; Myrtie Foster, born July 4, 1878; and Willie Foster, born Nov. 4, 1884, and died when eight months old. Edwin Evans Farrar, son of Salmon S. and Martha (Evans) Farrar was born March 15, 1844. He never married, and has always lived in South Royalston. Helen Isabella Farrar, daughter of Salmon S. and Martha (Evans) Farrar, was born Sept. 28, 1846, and died, Dec. 14. 1847. S. Ardella Farrar, youngest daughter of Salmon S. and Martha (Evans) Farrar, was born Feb. 17, 1850. She married Dec. 17, 1874, B. Warren Rich of South Royalston. She was a great help to her husband in his store, as she had acquired a good knowledge of business having been associated with her CALEB W. DAY THE SAI.MON S. FARRAR FAMILY 523 father in his business for some time. Her entire life was passed in the house where she was born, she having, on the death of her father, purchased of the remaining heirs their share of the homestead, upon which she made extensive improvements. She was a woman of strong character and was highly respected by a large circle of acquaintances. She died March 26, 1900. CALEB W. DAY FAMILY Anthony Day, the immigrant ancestor of Caleb W. Day, was born in England in 1616 and belonged to an ancient family. He came to Gloucester, Mass., and settled there permanently some time before 1657. John Day, the father of Caleb W. Day, was born in Richmond, N. H., Oct. 12, 1795. He settled in Richmond and married, Jan. 20, 1821, Sally Weeks, daughter of Caleb Weeks of Warwick, Mass. They had six children. Caleb W . Day, son of John and Sally (Weeks) Day, was born in Richmond, N. H.. Oct. 12, 1827. When he was five years old his father died, and his mother married Lewis Fisher and removed to Warwick, Mass. The family were in poor circumstances and he received but a few terms of schooling, not more than a year of school terms, he says, in referring to those boyhood days. When but fourteen years old he came to South Royalston with but seventy-three cents in money and all his belongiiij^s done up in a bandana handkerchief, having walked from his home, a distance of fourteen milns. He went to work in the woolen mill of Rufus Bullock, which was then a full fledged woolen mill employing about seventy-five hands. He received five dollars a month and his board. He worked there about five years, and during the last two years was overseer of the carding department, for which he received one dollar per day. He next went into the shoe peg shop of Beniis «& Jones, and went with Mr. Bemis to Northfield, Mass., and installed a shoe peg business for Murdock & Johnson and took a contract to make shoe pegs by the bushel. After working at the shoe peg business about three years, he worked for Mr. Jones six years on contract, and bought an interest in the business, which continued three j'ears. About 1862 he bought out the whole business, and later bought out the pine furniture business of Beckwith and Stockwell and run the business until 1885. He was engaged also in the brush wood business under the firm 524 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON name of Uphani & Day. His shop was destroyed by fire in 1885, and he resumed business after the fire in a factory which he hired, located in Winchendon near the New Hampshire line. He took his two sons, John W. and Charles L., in partnership with him under the firm name of C. W. Day & Co., and the business was carried on until July 1, 1908, when it was closed up. He always retained his residence in South Royalston, and was always prominent and active in town, church and social affairs. He was for more than ten years in succession on the board of selectmen, was assessor ten years, and a member of the school committee nine years, and one of the overseers of the poor twenty years, and is a trustee of town and church funds at the present time. For many years he has been an active member and deacon of the Second Congregational church, and a director in the Millers River National Bank of Athol. He has been a member of tVe Masonic fraternity since 1886. In 1890 he took a trip to Alaska. He was married Nov. 15, 1848, to Mary M. Upham daughter of John M. Upham of Templeton, Mass. The children of Caleb W. and Mary (Upham) Day are: Martha C, born Feb. 20, 1850, married J. E. Lyman of North- field, Mass. He is a railroad contractor and they reside in St. Louis, Mo.; Ellen, born Feb. 24, 1854, married L. M. Drury, proprietor of the Langdon hotel, Worcester; John W., born Dec. 11, 1853, and died June 4, 1911, married Nellie McColley. He was engaged in the brush wood business with his father and brother, Charles L., for nearly twenty-five years in Winchendon. Charles L., born May 4, 1855, married Sarah Smith of Deer- field, Mass., Feb. 9, 1878, there has been born to them four children; Annie M., born Jan. 9, 1879; Ethel, born July 15, 1883; Hattie W., born Sept. 1886, died in infancy; and Mil- dred R., born Feb. 22, 1888. He served the town of Winchen- don for six years as assessor and is now treasurer of the Winchen- don Co-operative Bank. He was for many years engaged in the manufacture of brush wood with his father and brother in Winchendon. TIMOTHY LEWIS FAMILY Timothy Lewis was a native of Athol where he spent his early life. He went to South Royalston where he became a TIMOTHY LEWIS MRS. TIMOTHY LEWIS THE TIMOTHY LEWIS FAMILY 325 well-known citizen and spent the remainder of his life. He was one of the founders of the Methodist church in South Royal- ston and two of his sons became prominent ministers of that denomination. He was drowned in 1853, while attempting to save a child from drowning in Millers River near his home. He married Sally Wait Whitmore, a daughter of Capt. Enoch Whitmore, who served seven years in the War of the Revo- lution, Feb. 1, 1811. Their children were: Joseph Whitmore, born June 23, 1812; John Spaulding, born March 27, 1814; Sally Wait, born July 18, 1817; Alvin Whitmore, born Nov. 23, 1819; Whitman Taylor, born June 14, 1822; Hannah Dewine, born July 16, 1829; Enoch Thomas, born Sept. 6, 1830; Timothy Willard, Aug. 6, 1825. Whitman T. Lewis, was a marble worker and carried on the business at Athol Centre for a number of years. Alvin W. Lewis, married Hannah Richardson Jan. 10, 1844. Hannah D. Lewis, married John H. Rowell May 18, 1848, they lived in Clinton, Mass. Sally W. Lewis, married Dr. Horace B. Austin March 5, 1845; he was a physician practicing in South Royalston. John Spauldinu Lewis, married Louisia V. Utley, Sept. 28, 1843. They had two children: Maria L., born Nov. 10,1845; and Sarah A., born Dec. 26, 1846. He was a shoe manufacturer and lived in Royalston, Washington and Athol. He died in Athol Aug. 10, 1905, his wife died March 16, 1878; the daugh- ters reside in Athol. Rev. Joseph Whitmore Lewis was born in Royalston, June 23, 1812, being the oldest of nine children of Timothy and Sally (Whitmore) Lewis. When fourteen years old he began the work of shoemaking with his father and continued in it for six years. During his childhood and youth his reverence for the Bible, the church, and all religious things was very deep. He dated his conversion from Feb. 19, 1830, under the labors of Rev. Enoch Bradley of the Winchendon circuit and united with the Methodist church in Phillipston. He attended school in Athol and Royalston for several months and in June, 1832, entered Wilbraham academy where he remained six months, and then returned home and kept school in Templeton. He returned to Wilbraham in 1834 and pursued his studies there. He was re- ceived on trial by the New England Conference, at its sessions in Lynn, June 3, 1855, and was stationed on Rowe circuit with Rev. 52(5 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON C. Haywood. As an outfit he had one hundred dolUirs, with which he bought a horse, saddle, bridle, a valise and a few books. He was ordained deacon at Nantucket in 1837 by Bishop Waugh, an elder in Lynn in 1839 by Bishop Soule. After his appointment at Rowe he had appointments at twenty-four places extending over a period of forty-one years, during which time he was disabled by sickness only three Sun- days, and had only six vacation Sundays. During the first eight years of his ministry his salary averaged one hundred and sixty-five dollars per year, mostly paid in provisions and fuel. One year he received nearly all his salary in palm-leaf hats, which he exchanged at the store for goods. In 1876 his name appears in the superannuated list of the New England conference, where it remained till his death which took place in Clinton, Mass., Jan. 17, 1889. He preached the first Metho- dist sermon in Enfield, Mass., and also in CHnton. The last years of his life were passed in retirement at his home in Clinton. He was married three times; first, to Miss Rowena E. Lennett of Blanford, Mass., who died in 1852, they had one child, a daughter, who died in infancy. He was married, second, to Miss Dorcas K. Hey wood of Princeton, Mass., and they had three children: Rev. Edward S. Lewis, D. D., who was presi- dent of Chattanooga University, Tenn.; Dora R. Lewis, who was an efficient and popular teacher; and Joseph W. Lewis, who was engaged in business. This wife died in 1863, and he married, third, Lucy H. Sawyer of Lancaster, March 10, 1864. Rev. T. Willard Lewif^f was born in South Royalston Aug. 6, 1825. He was converted in 1842. He went to Fitchburg the same year to learn the scythe maker's trade, and there he joined the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1844 he began his studies preparatory to entering the ministry. In this he was entirely dependent on his own exertions for support. He fitted for college in Wilbraham academy and then spent two years at Union college, New York. He did not graduate, but received in after years the honorary degree of M. A. He was licensed as a preacher in Schenectady in 1847. Having joined the New England conference, he was appointed to Leicester in 1849, where he remained two years. His next pastorate was in Hop- kinton. Here his wife died and he went to Clinton in the spring of 1852. During his first year there his duties as the head of the building committee of a new church were added to his ENOCH T. LEWIS THE TIMOTHY LEWIS FAMILY J27 regular pastoral duties. During his second year in Clinton he acted as secretary of the school committee. He is said to have been endowed with a warm, tender heart, a large and active imagination and good sound judgment. He was an interest- ing preacher, seldom profound and never dull. After leaving Clinton in 1853, he had appointments in Marlboro, Waltham, Boston, South Boston, Hopkinton and Worcester. In 1863 he took charge of the missions of the Methodist Episcopal church in South Carolina and Florida. The work that he laid out for himself was prodigious, church after church was organized, and it is said that in eight years, he saw the mem- bership of his conference in Florida alone increase from nothing to thirty thousand with eighty-eight churches. He founded Claflin University. When he was in Charlestown his work was prosecuted with such unfaltering energy that his colleagues in labor could with the utmost difficulty persuade him to aban- don the fever-stricken city. When at last he was forced to go it was too late to save his life. He died at Sullivan's Island Sept. 30, 1871. Enoch T. Leuris, son of Timothy and Sally Wait (Whitmore) Lewis, was born in South Royalston Sept. 6, 1830. He went to Athol when a young man and learned the trade of a marble worker of his brother Whitman T. Lewis at Athol Centre. After learning his trade he worked in Laconia and Marlboro, N. H,, about four years and then returned to Athol and started a marble business of his own, which he conducted successfully for twenty years when he sold out to L. M. Wellman in 1873. He was appointed sexton in 1853 and engaged in the under- taking business in 1869 which he continued until 1884. It is said that as sexton and undertaker he officiated at the burial of more than eighteen hundred persons. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. E Fifty-third Massachusetts regiment, and on Oct. 17 of that year was made sergeant and went with his regiment to Louisiana; he was in the fight at the capture of Fort Bisland and in all the marches of the regiment and its engagements at the capture of Port Hudson, and returned with his regiment in health, Aug. 24, 1865. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1863, and by successive appointments served until his death. He was also made a Notary Public in 1874, and was a Trial Justice from 1878 to 1884, when the First District Court of Northern Worcester was established, and was also a coroner 528 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON from 1870 to 1877. He served the town of Athol in various town offices having been constable nineteen years, tax-collec- tor seven years, auditor three years and town treasurer one year. He was one of the enumerators of the United States Census of 1880 and the state census of 1875. Mr. Lewis was prominent in the Worcester-Northwest Agricultural society, having served as a secretary from 1864 to 1880, with the excep- tion of one year, and was president in 1882; he also represented the society as delegate to the state board of agriculture for three years. After retiring from the undertaking business in 1884, he was engaged in the settling of estates and looking after his extensive real estate interests. He married Almira M. Jennison, daughter of Austin and Judith (Shaw) Jennison of Prescott, Mass., who was born Sept. 7, 1834; the wedding took place at the First Unitarian church, Athol Centre, July 4, 1852. They observed their golden wedding anniversary at Grange hall, Athol Centre, July 4, 1902, when the hall was filled with upwards of four hundred persons gathered to extend congrat- ulations to the worthy couple. They had one daughter, Etta J. Lewis, who married Dr. E. Ward Cooke, June 16, 1875. He is a dentist who commenced practice in Athol in 1875, where he remained for eight years going to Cambridge in 1883, and becoming a prominent dentist of that city. Mr. Lewis died Aug. 5, 1905. THE LUTHER HARRINGTON FAMILY Luther Harrington was born in Kirby, Vt., Oct. 21, 1809, the son of Daniel and Mary (Forrestall) Harrington. He was of the seventh generation in descent from Robert Harrington. His father died in early manhood leaving Luther and two younger children to the care of their widowed mother. At the age of six years he went to live with Col. Josiah Wheeler of South Royalston, whose wife was a sister of his mother. At the age of eighteen he apprenticed himself to Daniel Hubbard of Royal- ston to learn the carpenter's trade, and he bec£me a builder, but later was a manufacturer of pine furniture employing from four to ten hands. He married in Holden, Mass., Jan. 2, 1834, Sarah Nourse, who was born in Townsend, Vt., Aug. 13, 1812, the daughter SARAH (NOURSE) HARRINGTON DEA. LUTHER HARRINGTON CAROLINE E. (HARRINGTON) DEAVITT HENRY M. HARRINGTON THE LUTHER HARRINGTON FAMILY 529 of William and Olive (Bragg) Nourse. She was of the sixth generation in descent from the immigrant ancestor Francis Nourse, whose wife, Rebecca, was a martyr of the Salem witch- craft delusion. When the Second Congregational church in South Royalston was organized in 1837, Mr. and Mrs. Harring- ton were among the first members. The Sunday school was or- ganized three years before, and Luther Harrington was its first treasurer and librarian, and as pupil, teacher or superintendent he had some part in its entire history as long as he lived. The church building was erected in 1837, and he was chairman of the building committee. He was early chosen as a deacon and continued so until his death for more than forty years. Sarah (Nourse)Harrington died Nov. 30, 1858. He married(2), in 1860, Mrs. S. T. F. Burrage, and after her death, he married Mrs. Harwood, who survived him. He died in South Royalston Dec. 8, 1886. The children of Luther and Sarah (Nourse) Harrington were: Henry Martyn and Caroline Ellen Harrington. Uenry Martyn Harrington, son of Luther and Sarah (Nourse) Harrington, was born in South Royalston, Mass., Dec. 27. 1837. He received his early education in the schools of his native village, and finished his preparation for college at the academy in Brattleboro, Vt. He entered Middlebury college in the fall of 1856, where he remained two years, when he went to Amherst college as a junior and graduated with his class in 1860. After graduation he engaged in the work of teaching and upwards of a year was principal of New Salem academy. In the spring of 1862, he was elected principal of the Spencer, Mass., high school where he remained four years, when he was appointed principal of one of the grammar schools of Worcester; Mass. In 1874 he was elected superintendent of schools at North Adams, Mass., where he remained two years, when he resigned to accept the superintendency of the schools of Bridge- port, Ct., which position he held until 1891, a period of fifteen years. He was the first superintendent of the Bridgeport schools. Previous to that time the schools had been conducted on the district plan, with eleven districts, each independent of the others with Its own system of management. As the executive officer of the board of education of the city he organized the schools under one system with a high school at the head after the Massachusetts plan. Since his retirement from the super- JJQ '■- HISTORY OF KOY ALSTON intendenc}' of the Bridgeport schools, he was engaged in various lines of business enterprises in that city. He had always taken an active interest in the public affairs of the city or town where he lived, although he never accepted any political office. He was interested in the religious activities of the Congregational churches where he lived, transferring his relation to the church in the place of his residence, and served as superintendent of Sunday schools in North Adams and Bridgeport. He was prominent in the Royal Arcanum, being a charter member of the Seaside Council of Bridgeport, and a Past Grand Regent of the Grand Council of the order in the state of Connecticut. On Aug. 22, 1861, he married H. Maria, daughter of Addison and Jane M. (Greenwood) Lovell of West Boylston, Mass. They had three children: Jessie, born at Spencer, April 28, 1865, and Mabel, born at Worcester, Nov. 26, 1866, are both dead. Rosa Gertrude, born at Worcester Aug. 28, 1873, married Dec. 11, 1913, to Dwight M. Banks of Greenfield Hill, Ct., where they now reside. Henry Martyn Harrington died in Bridgeport, Ct., in 1915. Caroline Ellen Harrington was born in South Royalston, Sept. 26, 1841. After attending school in her home village, she went to Kimball Union academy, Meriden, N. H., where she graduated in 1862. She afterward attended Glenwood seminary at West Brattleboro, Vt., where she graduated with highest honors. She taught in the Orange county grammar school, before that became the Randolph, Vt., normal school and later in a woman's college in Ohio. Her pupils remember her as a teacher of unusual ability and a loyal friend. She married Thomas J. Deavitt of Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 19, 1870, and their residence was in Montpelier. Five children were born to them : Edward Harrington Deavitt, born Dec, 1, 1871, married Dec. 25, 1901, Mary E. Trumblee, he has been state treasurer of Vermont; Henry M. Deavitt, born Sept. 18, 1874, married Sept. 11, 1905, Grace P. Hugette, he resides in Chicago and is a chemist with large manufacturing interests; Carrie E. Deavitt, born Feb. 28, 1876, she is unmarried and lives at home in Montpelier; George T. Deavitt, born May 2, 1880, he is a stenographer in New York; William J. Deavitt, born Oct. 2, 1883, is a mining engineer in Mexico. All are college graduates, four from the University of Vermont. Although a devoted wife and mother, THE LUTHER HARRINGTON FAMILY 531 Mrs. Deavitt never lost her deep interest in her church or in affairs of state and nation. She died Jan. 17, 1915, and her funeral was held Jan. 19th on the 4oth anniversary of her mar- riage. THE HALE FAMILY *S'//as Hale, the first one of the family to settle in Royalston was of the fifth generation from the immigrant ancestor, John Heald, which was one of the ancient ways of spelling the name- He was a son of Jacob Hale, and was born in Stow Oct. 13, 1748, and died in Royalston in 1832, aged 83 years. He settled in the South Village at the corner of the Templeton and Phillip- ston roads. The farm used to be in Phillipston and later was in Royalston. It became the property of Silas Hale, Jr., and later of Anan Stockwell, who married a daughter of Silas Hale, Jr. Her sister married Dr. Gould, a physician of South Royal- ston. The history of Royalston mentions a magnificent elm planted on the homestead by his son, Stephen, about 1790. The farm was owned for many years by Mr. Sylvander B. For- ristall. Silas Hale was a soldier in the Revolution. He married first at Stow, Lydia Stow in July, 1778, she died June 5, 1800, at Phillipston, He married, second, Hopa Rich at Royalston, Oct. 3, 1801. His will was dated Oct. 27, 1818, and was filed Oct. 3, 1832, and mentions his wife Hopa, his sons Stephen and Silas, and his daughter Lydia. He gave to Stephen the farm on Prospect Hill, above the village of South Royalston, since known as the Hale place, which he had bought of Ebenezer Newell, who succeeded David Fisher the original settler on this location, to Silas he gave the home place and to Lydia the Reals farm which he had bought of John Pierce. Sie-phen Hale was born in Stow June 6, 1779, and married in Phillipston Feb. 7, 1802, Susan Waldron, a daughter of Col. John Waldron of Dover, N. H. He settled on the home farm given him by his father, and which was in the Hale family for more than a century. He was proud of his alliance with a daughter of the famous Revolutionary officer and statesman, and named his first child John Waldron Hale, born April 1, 1804. The other children of Stephen and Susan (Waldron) 532 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Hale were: Eliza, born Nov. 30, 1805, married Abel Mannings June 22, 1820; Mary Rebekah, born Aug. 24, 1807, married Silas Hale of 8towe, April 8, 1835; Stephen, Jr., born Jan. 16, 1813, died June 26, 1815; Susanna, born June 26, 1815, married Arnold Wilson; a daughter born April 16, 1821, died the next day. Mrs. Susan (Waldron) Hale died Oct. 2, 1835, aged fifty-three; Stephen married, second, Mary G. Brooks, who survived him. He died Feb. 6, 1855, aged seventy-six. John Waldron Hale, the first child and only surviving son of Stephen and Susan (Waldron) Hale, was born at South Roy- alston, and married March 27, 1839, Betsey Evans of Rocking- ham, Vt., a daughter of Randall and Betsey (Walker) Evans. He settled on the home farm and continued the pursuit of general farming. The children of John and Betsey were: John Randall, born May 27, 1840; Charles Silas, born Jan. 30, 1842, died March 7, 1899; Stephen Winn, born Jan 22, 1844, died Jan. 21, 1899; Emma Jane, born March 14, 1852, and Samuel Walker, born Sept. 10, 1854, died 1888. John Waldron Hale died July 3, 1878, aged seventy-four. Betsy (Evans) Hale died April 15, 1901, aged eighty-one. John Randall Hale, oldest child of John and Betsey Hale, was born in South Royalston, May 24, 1840, and died there March 17, 1905. He followed farming with his father in his early life, and succeeded his father on the home farm. He became a highly prosperous farmer, also a well-known auctioneer, his services being in great demand at auctions all through this section of the state. He was a typical New England farmer of the Joshua Whitcomb type and had the respect and confidence of his fellow townsmen, serving the town as overseer of the poor, assessor and was a member of the board of selectmen for eight years. He was a member of the Tully Lodge of Odd Fellows of Athol. He married Dec. 23, 1868, Edna Elvira Boynton, daughter of Alfred Boynton. They had one son, Alfred Randall Hale, born at South Royalston, Aug. 4, 1875. He attended the schools at South Royalston and graduated at Gushing academy. He followed farming in early life and removed to Springfield, Mass., April 1, 1906. While in Royalston he was active in town affairs and was a member of the school committee from 1899 until he removed from town. He married Garrie Graham of Richmond, Quebec, Ganada. They now reside in Gahfornia. On the death of his mother, in 1907, he sold the THE HALE FAMILY JJJ farm, and this place, the home of four generations of Hales, became the property of others. The other sons of John and Betsey Hale removed from town and married, but no children survive them. Emma Jane Hale, an only daughter, became a teacher at the age of sixteen, and conducted the district schools of South Royalston and in Stowe. She entered the state normal school at Bridgewater where she graduated in January, 1873. She immediately obtained a fine position in the schools of Cambridge, Mass., but within a year, however, she married Frederick Orin Ellis, master of the Bigelow school in Boston and removed to Swampscott, Mass., The first child of this union, Walter Fred- erick Ellis, was born, April 4, 1876, at the ancestral home of his mother's parents in Royalston. He graduated from Harvard college with the class of 1900, and has been for several years connected with a Boston banking house. He married Nov. 17, 1905, Florence Emma Hirt of New York city and has one daughter, Sidonia Hirt Ellis: Other children of Emma (Hale) Ellis born near Boston are: Robert Hale, born April 4, 1876; Anna Hale, born June 3, 1883; and Miriam, born May 18, 1888. THE RICH FAMILY. The Rich Family of South Royalston, who were prominent in the life of that village for more than half a century, are of ancient English origin. As early as A. D. 1236, Edmund Rich was the Archbishop of Canterbury. Baron Richard Rich, who was born in London in 1498, was a poor barrister of humble family, who rose to fame, became a wealthy nobleman and founded one of the most powerful families in England. His sons were the Earls of Warwick and Holland. (1) Richard Rich, the immigrant ancestor, was born in Eng- land. He appeared first in New England at Dover Neck, later settled on Cape Cod and died in 1692 in Eastham, Mass. The first member of the family to appear in this section was Thatcher Rich (5) of the fifth generation, son of Zaccheus Rich. He was born at Truro, Mass., in 1739, and died at Phillipston, Mass., February 23, 1817, aged seventy-eight years. He was an early settler in the town of Phillipston. 5i/ HISTORY OF ROYALSTON (VI) Thatcher Rich, Jr., son of Thatcher Rich (5), was born in Phillipston, April 22, 1790. He settled on a farm in Phillipston when a young man. He married, May 8, 1817, Phebe Ward, granddaughter of General Artemas Ward of Shrewsbury. The children of Thatcher and Phebe (Ward) Rich were: Lewis Damon, born July 3, 1818; Thomas Walter, born May 1, 1820; Benjamin Ward, born Sept. 27, 1821; Anna Raymond, born May, 182.3, died April 16, 1825; Jeremiah Atkins, born May 8, 1825; Phebe Ann, born Aug. 22, 1826; George, born Sept. 20, 1828; John Elliot, born Nov. 3, 1830; Harriet and Harrison, (twins), born Sept. 20, 1835. Benjamin Ward Rich, son of Thatcher Rich, Jr., was born in Phillipston, Sept. 29, 1821. He was educated in the common schools. He conducted a general store in South Royalston for many years, represented this district in the General Court, was selectman of Royalston and at various times held nearly all the town offices. He was well-known in musical circles as a con- ductor of bands and orchestras in the vicinity. Was an upright man and highly esteemed by all his townsmen. He married Lydia B. Witt of Royalston. Mr. Rich died July 5, 1900. Their children, all born in Royalston were: Benjamin Warren, born Sept. 12, 1847; Jeremiah Edward, born Dec. 22, 1849; Marcia Jeannette, born February, 1857; Charles Witt, born May 19, 1860. (VII) Jeremiah Atkins Rich, son of Thatcher Rich, Jr., was born in Phillipston, May 8, 1825. His earh^ hfe was spent on his father's farm in Phillipston and on a farm in South Royalston. When a young man he worked at the trade of a bridge builder on the Cheshire and Vermont and Massachusetts railroads. In 1850 he went to the gold mines of California in company with Captain John Whitmore and several other citizens of South Royalston. He remained there about five years, and then re- turned to the village where he was associated with Charles Bowker in the business of chair making. Later he became superintendent of George Whitney's Chair Manufacturing business in South Royalston, which position he held until the business was discontinued in 1893. He then retired from active business, dying in November, 1899. For over forty years he was a prominent and influential citizen of South Royalston. He was Representative to the General Court, was Selectman and served the town in various other offices of trust and honor. He HRNJAMIN W. RICH JEREMIAH A. RICH B. WARREN RICH JEREMIAH E. RICH THE RICH FAMILV^ 53S was a prominent member and supporter of the Second Congre- gational Church and was clerk of the society for several years. He married Susan Kendall of Royalston, who died in 1903 with- out issue. (VIII) Benjamin Warren Rich, son of Benjamin Ward Rich (7) was born in Royalston Sept. 12, 1847. When but twelve years old he began to work out of school hours in his father's store, later he worked with his father in the business, and on the death of his father succeeded to it, the business being that of a general country store. Like his father, he was active in town affairs, was three years on the board of selectmen, served on the board of health, and was a trustee in charge of the Bartlett fund. For nearly ten years he was postmaster of the South Royalston post office. He was a member of the various Masonic organizations. He married S. Ardella Farrar, daugh- ter of S. S. Farrar of Royalston. She died March 27, 1900. He married, second, Mrs. Irene (Foster) Fuller of Athol. He had no children by either wife. He died June 11, 1911. Charles Witt Rich, son of Benjamin and Lydia (Witt) Rich, was born in Royalston, May 19, 1860. He received his early education in the schools of Royalston and later took a commer- cial course at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College in Boston. He was for twelve years associated with Bradford Thomas, wholesale dry goods merchant of Boston, and later became a travelling salesman for the Frederick H. Sprague Co., clothing manufacturers of Orange, Mass. In 1900 he established at Athol a general dry goods business of which the specialty is the handling of remnants. He is a prominent Mason. He married August 27, 1892, Jennie M. Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hughes of Enfield, N. H. Jeremiah Edward Rich, son of Benjamin Ward and Lydia (Witt) Rich, was born in South Royalston, Dec. 22, 1849. He attended the common schools of the village and then went to work for Colonel Whitnej^ in his chair shop, where he was em- ployed for twenty-seven years. He was then with L. Green- wood & Co., for five years and drove a bread team for a while, after which he returned to South Royalston and worked in the grocery store of his brother, B. Warren Rich, for many years, until the business was closed out in 1911. He has for a number of years been janitor of Mechanics hall and the school rooms. 5J<5 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON He married Florence A. Marcy of Claremont, N. H., Nov. 20, 1878, who died Dec. 24, 1900. They had no children. Marcia Jeannetfe Rich, daughter of Benjamin Ward and Lydia (Witt) Rich, was born in February, 1857; she married, first, F. D. Stoekwell, and second, N. McDonald. She resides in South Boston and has two children. George Thatcher Rich, son of Thatcher Rich, Jr., was born in Phillipston Sept. 30, 1828. When a young man he went to Athol and learned the machinist's trade of Nathaniel Richardson in the old red shop. He moved to South Royalston and then to Phillipston on to the old Rich farm. While in South Royalston he was mechanic in the old woolen mill. He worked for the Hey woods in Gardner for two or three years, and about 1868 went to Fitchburg, where he was foreman of the repair shops of the old Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad. He was a prominent musician and well-known throughout western Massa- chusetts as a Band Leader; while in South Royalston he was leader of the South Royalston Brass Band, and when in Gardner organized the Gardner Band. He was one of the organizers of the Fitchburg Cornet Band, which was organized March 26, 1868, and was its leader and director until Jan. 16, 1871; the first public appearance of the Band was with the Fitchburg Fusihers, May 27, 1868. He also played for dances about twenty-five years. He married Frances Johnson of Vershire, Vt.; they had four children: Frederick, born in Athol, April 11, 1854; Sarah Elizabeth, born in South Royalston, June 13, 1856; Thatcher, born in Phillipston, Jan. 1, 1858 and Edith, born in PhilHpston, Dec. 6, 1860. Frederick married Emma Harrington of Fitchburg, and married second, Mrs. Carrie McCormick. He has been an engineer on the Fitchburg Railroad forty-four years, and ran for many years on one of the express trains. He now resides in Athol. Thatcher was also an engineer on the Fitchburg road and lives in Fitchburg; he married Miss Dora Fairbanks of Peterboro, N. H. Sarah EHzabeth has been for many years a leading milliner of Athol and Edith, who married first, W. H. Longley of Fitchburg, and second, Charles Eaton, now resides in Athol. THE BACHELLER FAMHIES. There are several Bacheller families who have been connected with Roj^alston history, the name being ^pelled in four different THE BACHELLER FAMILIES 537 ways accordino- to the several families: (Bacheller, Bachellor, Bachelor and Batcheller.) It is said there were four brothers, who came from England, and as they separated and went their different ways they made the agreement to spell their names in these different ways, which makes it difficult and complicated in some instances in tracing the several families. We shall not attempt to follow out all of these families, but give sketches of some who have been identified with Royalston history. John Bacheller, Major, Esciuire and Deacon, from Reading, settled north of the Isaac Metcalf or Mosman place. He was born in Haverhill and married Margaret Swain of Reading Nov. 13, 1766. He removed to Royalston from Reading, bring- ing his wife and five children, six m.ore were afterwards added to this number. He buried his wife in 1810 and removed to Warwick to live with his son, Thomas, where he died. His son, Thomas, married Lucy Bartlett Dec. 4, 1796. Hannah, the first of his family born in Royalston, married Jonas Bartlett, and was the mother of John N. Bartlett. He was a resident of Royalston some thirty-five years and during that time was prominent in town affairs, having been one of the early Town Clerks, serving in 1790, '92 and '93 and was one of the Select- men for four years. His son, John Jr., married Martha Work, Sept. 30, 1790, and a daughter, Sally, married David Parks, Feb. 2, 1806. THE SILAS W. BATCHELLOR FAMILY. Silas W. BatcheUor, grandfather of George S. Batchellor of Gardner, moved from Bethlehem, N. H., in the year 1829 to a farm in Royalston Center, and later to a farm near South Royals- ton on a cross road; no buildings are now standing on the place. This cross road leads from the main road from South Royalston to Royalston Center, branching off at the Harrington farm and running over the hills to South Royalston. The house was taken down in pieces by George Batchellor and his father and erected in South Royalston in 1869, standing about opposite the place known as the Roby Safford house. Silas W. Batchellor married Rhoda Goddard of Royalston. They had eleven children. Silas W. Batchellor died in 1880, aged eighty-nine years, and his wife in 1887, aged ninety-three. 338 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Isaac Batchellor was twelve years old when his father, Silas W., came to Royalston. He lived on the farm and attended school in the Cutler district. At twenty-one he learned the carpenter's trade, and for some time was associated with John King in the business. He worked at his trade all his life. He married Mary Ann Sherwin, May 7, 184.5. They had one son, George S. Bataheller. Mrs. Batchellor died in 1851, and he mar- ried, second, Lorinda Bailey of Ludlow, Vt., in 1852. They had two children, Fred L. and Mabel L. He moved to Baldwinville in 1882, where he died in October, 1900, aged 82; his wife died August, 1900, aged 72. George S. Batchellor was born in South Royalston in 1850, attended school in the old school house on the hill, and Dis- trict No. 10. He worked at the carpenter's trade with his father until twenty-one. In 1871 he married Alida F. Rice of Orange, and took up his residence in Gardner, where he now lives. THE SHERWIN FAMILY. Arha Sherwin and Eunice Coffin, both of Winchendon were married Dec. 20, 1819, and soon after settled near South Royals- ton in the Holman District. He was one of the Assessors in 1827 and 1841, and one of the Selectmen in 1837. Their children were : Mary Ann, Lucy Elmira, George Percival, Phebe Brown and Arba. Mary Ann Sherwin, the oldest child, born Sept. 20, 1820, married Isaac Bachellor of South Royalston, May 7, 1845, and always lived in that place. They had one son, George S. Bach- ellor. Lucy Elmira Sherwin, born Dec. 22, 1822, died Sept. 17, 1833. George Percival Sherwin, son of Arba and Eunice (Coffin) Sherwin, was born in South Royalston, Jan. 6, 1825. He at- tended school in the Neal or old Holman District and at South Royalston. He worked on the farm until twenty-one years of age and then went to Rindge, N. H., and worked in a wood-turn- ing shop, also in Winchendon. After six years he returned to South Royalston and carried on a country store for two or three years, and then engaged in the livery business for three years, when he returned to Winchendon and was Superintendent for THE SHERWIN FAMILY 539 E. Murdock k Co., in their lumber yard about fifteen years wlien he went to Orange, which has been his home for more than forty years. He became a member of the firm of Sherwin, Dew- ing & Lord, in the manufacture of furniture, in which he con- tinued until the factory was burned about 1897, when he retired from business. He never wished for public office, but was for a number of years one of the Library Committee of Orange, and one of the first Park Commissioners of the town, Ijeing the first one to set out a tree on the Park. He does not belong to any society of any kind but has al- ways been a constant attendant of the Congregational church, and an active temperance worker. He married Clementina Howe of Rindge, N. H. They have one son, Arthur H. Sherwin, who makes his home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin observed the 65th anniversary of their marriage in 1916. ADDISON SHERWIN FAMILY. Addison Sherwin, l)orn in Templeton, Oct. 5, 1821, married Amanda Partridge, daughter of Hervey Partridge. They lived in New York State and Warwick for several years and came to South Royalston in March, 1857, which was their home during the remainder of their lives, Mrs. Sherwin dying March 25, 1879 and Mr. Sherwin Oct. 11, 1883. Their children were: Robert Addison, born Sept. 21, 1846, he worked in the shops of South Royalston and married Lydia E. Patch, daughter of Edwin Patch, Oct. 21, 1869. They had one daughter, born Oct. 11, 1879. They lived in South Royalston until 1889, when they re- moved to Cambridge, where Mr. Sherwin engaged in the paint- ing and paper-hanging business. Mrs. Sherwin died May 14, 1909. Oleana A., born Sept. 15, 1848, died Aug. 29, 1880. Frederic Hervey, born Sept. 1, 1851: he is a farmer in Lunenburg. George Henr}', born Aug. 29, 1853: is a salesman at the Jordan & Marsh store, Boston, and lives in Atlantic. Flora E., born May 8, 18)6, married Frederick L. Drury Sept. 25, 1838. Their home is in Fitchburg. MELANCTHON SHERWIN FAMILY. Another Sherwin family, who made their home in South Rovalston for several vears was that of Melancthon Sherwin. ^40 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON who was born in Winchenlon on the shores of Lake Eennison in the house occupied for a number of years as a Children's Home. He was born Jan. 2(5, 1810. During his early hfe he lived for a time in'Mississippi during slavery days and had charge of a plantation. He returned from the South to Boston, where he secured a position and where he met and married Lucinda Hudson of Vermont. After living in Boston for a while, they went to Vermont, where two children were l)orn to them. Lucy Gertrude, born. April 29, 1849 and Lyman Harrington, born Aug.- 19, 1854. The family removed to North Orange, Mass., where Mary Abbie Sherwin was born July 31, 1859. In 1866 the family moved to South Royalston for the purpose of caring for Mr. Sherwin's mother and her hus))and, she having married for her second husband, Edson Clark. THE WHITMORE FAMILIES. Three Whitmores, presumal:)ly brothers, settled not far from school house No. 9. Only cellar holes mark the places of two of the homes, while the third is now the residence of A. W. Neal. Capt. Enoch Whitmore was from Acton. He was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, serving several years. He mar- ried Sally, daughter of Josiah Waite, May 31, 1790. They had six children: Sally, born March 31, 1792; Rhoda, born May 10, 1794; Arven, born Aug. 4, 1796; Tamerzin, born Aug. 13, 1798; Polly, born Jan. 6, 1802, and Joseph, born March 17, 1804. Sally, the oldest daughter, married Timothy Lewis, Esq., Feb. 1, 1811. Rhoda, the second daughter, married Edward Whitney, of Gerry, Nov. 8, 1812. Joseph died March 16, 1805 and Polly Nov. 15, 1837. Isaac Whitmore was an early, if not the earliest owner of the present Neal farm and built the present square substantial farm house. He married Rebecca Piper, Dec. 20, 1792. They had eight children born to them: Rebecca, born July 15, 1793, married Israel Knights, March 30, 1810; Sally, l)orn March 22, 1796, married Jason Knights of Phillipston Nov. 8, 1812, by whom she had fourteen children, one of whom, Rosanna, married Wilder Cross of South Royalston and now survives at the age of 84, the mother of Senator Fred W. Cross. In later life Isaac THE WHITMORE FAMILIES 541 bought the Moses Town farm, north of the Lawrence meadows, and there spent his latter years. J ohn Whitmore, also a Revolutionary soldier, settled just east from Isaac on the south side of the road leading to New Bos- ton and near the foot of the hill east of No. 9 school house. He had several children, the best known of whom was Capt. John Whitmore, who was one of the early manufacturers of South Royalston, and also one of the California Forty-Niners. THE JONES FAMILY. A7nos Jones came from Acton in 1763 and settled north of what was the Cutting or Cummings place. A good moose story is told of him. He was out looking up his cattle and hearing a crashing among the underbrush supposed them to be at hand, but instead of his cattle a huge moose came forth and confronted him. His trusty gun soon put an end to the moose, whose side he afterwards converted into a pair of leather breeches and a side saddle. The breeches he wore himself; but upon the side saddle he pursuaded one Lydia Wooley of Acton, to ride home with him and take permanent possession of the saddle and his domestic affairs, their marriage taking place Oct. 11, 1770. They had a family of six children: Amos, born July 9, 1773; Lydia, born April 26, 1775; Elizabeth, born March 6, 1777; Susana, born Feb. 12, 1779; Silas, born Nov. 22, 1780, and Reuben l)orn Oct. 9, 1782. He sold the first place where he settled and bought the place south of the Cutler farm, now owned by Lemon. He died March 21 1826, at the age of eighty-four years. Reuben Jones married Mary Davis, Feb. 16, 1815, and Susana married Joseph Godard of Athol, Jan. 10, 1811. Elizabeth Jones never married, she was known as Aunt Betsey Jones and lived to be one hundred years old. Silas Jones, second son of Amos and Lydia (Wooley) Jones, succeeded h"s father on the farm, and did an extensive business in farming, having one of the best farms in this part of the coun- try. He raised ninety bushels of corn to the acre, and two years in succession harvested four hundred bushels of corn besides other grain. One year having cleared a large wood lot and put it into rye, he had twelve hundred bushels of rye in addition to four hundred bushels of other grain. Once he slaughtered a cow 342 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON from his own herd, whose net weght was ten hundred antl twenty-five pounds. He was promirent in town affairs, was one of the Selectmen of the town from 1821 to 1839 inclusive, with the exception of four years, and was one of the Assessors for nine years. He married Mrs. Rebeckah Sawyer of Templeton, Dec. 2, 1811. Their children were: Silas, born Sept. 24, 1812; Willard, born Oct. 25, 1813; Hannah, born March 30, 1815; Elmore, born May 18, 1816; Aaron, born May 16, 1820; Alden, born Nov. 7, 1824; Elmira, born Sept. 30, 1825, and Elnathan, born Feb. 7, 1829. Silas, Jones, Jr., married Mary Smith of Winchendon, July 4, 1842. She died Nov. 8, 1846, and he married, second, Sarah Cudworth of Putney, Vt., July 22, 1848. A daughter by his first wife, Ellen N. Jones, born Sept. 30, 1844, married Winfield S. Stockwell of Athol. She died in Athol May 2, 1915. Hannah Jones married Daniel Foster, March 11, 1837. Elmer Jones died Jan. 16, 1833, at the age of sixteen years, and Elmira Jones married John C. Bartlett of Gardner, Nov. 27, 1844. Dea. Aaron Jones, son of Silas and Rebeckah (Sawyer) Jones was born May 16, 1820. He succeeded his father on the fine old farm overlooking South Royalston village, and was one of the most prominent and progressive farmers of his day. He was for many years a Deacon of the Congregational church of South Royalston. He married Mary Ann Byam of Fitzwilliam, N. H., in July, 1845. He had a son, Leander W. Jones, who was for a number of years a member of the firm of Murdock & Jones, mer- chants at South Royalston, afterwards he engaged in the cattle business in Colorado, and later was in business in Leominster, where he died Nov. 25, 1883, of typhoid fever. A daughter, Clara, married Homer T. Rice, and her home is in Leominster, Mass., where Deacon Aaron Jones died Oct. 26, 1894. Elnathan Jones was a carpenter and lived in Athol. LUTHER BOWKER FAMILY. Luther Bowker, youngest child of Luther and Betsey Bowker, was born in Winchendon, Jan. 22, 1826. He married Charlotte Newton Maynard, daughter of Oren and Huldah Maynard, Sept. 2, 1850. They had three children: Cora Hattie. born in THE LUTHER BOWKER FAMILY 543 Gardner, Feb. 18, 1852; Edwin Luther, born in Winchendon, Dec. 11, 1854, and Albert Monroe, born in South Royalston, June 14, 1858. Mr. Bowker was a mechanic and made his home in South Royalston for many years, and died in that place Feb. 1, 1884, of valvular disease of the heart, and his wife, Charlotte N. Bowker, died in Spring;field, Vt., July 3, 1S88. Cora H. Bouker was married in South Royalston, Dec. 9 to Charles H. Evans, a son of Alden Evans of Royalston. He has been engaged for many years in the wood, coal, ice and hay busi- ness. Their home is in Baldwinville. Edwin Luther Bowker, oldest son of Luther and Charlotte (Maynard) Bowker. He came with his parents to South Roy- alston when but a few years old, and his education was obtained in the South Royalston schools. When a young man he went to Templeton and in 1882 he became associated with his brother- in-law, Charles H. Evans, in the wood, coal, ice and hay busi- ness, under the firm nam.e of Evans & Bowker, which for more than twenty-five years transacted a large and profitable busi- ness. He served for fifteen years as highway surveyor, and has held all the important offices of the local tribe of Red Men. He is also a member of the Odd Fellows. He married Lucy F. Wood in Royalston, Feb. 19, 1882; they had two sons, Floyd Luther, born Oct. 13, 1883, and Lee Edwin, born April 23, 1885. Lucy Wood Bowker died May 25, 1887, and Lee Edwin Bowker died May 9, 1899. Mr. Bowker married, second, Mary E. Darrah, in Baldwinville, May 28, 1892. Their children are: Roy Clement, born May 15, 1893, and Ruth Charlotte, born March 11, 1896. Floyd Luther Bowker married Ethel May Field in Fitchbnrg, Nov. 5, 1912. Albeit M.Eowker, youngest child of Luther and Charlotte (Maynard) Bowker, married Kate Bishop of Baldwinville, Feb. 5, 1881. They had a daughter, Cora Lillian, born Aug. 25, 1881, who married Edwin L. Hersey in Baldwinville, Oct. 24, 1911. They reside in Athol. Mr. Bowker died Dec. 18, 1903. BRASIER H. FRENCH FAMILY Brasier H. French, for many years engaged in the Livery Stable business in South Royalston, was born in Orange, Mass., July 14, 1834. He married Sara Jane Eddy, Nov. 1, 1856, at 544- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON South Royalston; two children were born to them: Herbert Walter, born Aug. 6, 1858, and Sumner Clayton, born March 8; 1865. Brazier H. French died in Worcester, Jan. 23, 1905. Herbert Walter French attended the South Royalston schools after which he worked in the chair shop of Col. Whitney until that business was closed up; he then entered the store at Royals- ton Centre, working for his brother, Sumner C. French, from 1899 until 1906, when he entered business for himself at North Salem, N. H., in a general country store, where he remained four years and was also the Postmaster of the village. He sold his business on account of sickness in his family, and is now living at Cano- bie Lake, N. H., and is a traveling salesman. He was married on Dec. 15, 1887, to NelHe Orissa Gilmore of West Royalston, and they have seven children, all born in Royalston. Sutmier Clayton French, youngest son of Brazier H. French, has been the postmaster and proprietor of the store at Royalston Centre since 1900. He was married June 1, 1887, to Ada Mellen, of Royalston. They have two children. Hazel Lillis, born June 7, 1888, and Mildred Almira, born Sept. 7, 1890. THE STOCKWELLS William Stockwell the immigrant ancestor of the Stockwell families of Sutton and Royalston was born in England about 1650. The family tradition has it that he was enticed on board ship when a young lad and followed the sea after serving his apprenticeship in the old fashioned way. It is said that he was Scotch and born in Scotland, l)ut the name is unc}uestionably English. Capfian John Stockicell, son of William Stockwell was born in Ispwich about 1687 and died at Sutton, Mass., March 29, 1778 aged 91 years. He married in 1717, Mary Lombard, soon after coming to Sutton. He was a soldier in Capt. Wain- wright's company from which he was discharged with sixteen others, July 16, 1707. • He became Captain after settling in Sutton. This John Stockwell and his son John, Jr., were among the first purchasers of land in this town, having purchased of Caleb Dana and the other proprietors when the township was known as Royalshire. Their purchase was made September 27, 1753, consisting of two hundred acres and included lot No. 16 in the THE STOCKVVELLS 5/J south part of the town. Capt. Stock well was then sixty-six years old, and it was evidently intended for his son who was in his forties, but John Jr., died in 1765, never leaving Sutton ap- parently. Part of the land was sold to Capt. John's second son, Daniel, in 1763, and he settled there soon after. Daniel Stockwell (3), son of Capt. John (2) was born about 1719 in Sutton probably. He was a cordwainer by trade. He resided in Sutton until about 1763 when he settled in Royals- ton. He bought his land of his father and brother John Jr., one hundred and thirty acres; the land is described as being bounded by land of Benjamin Woodbury and John Howard, and the deed was dated September 27, 1763. He sold 85 acres of land to his son Moses Stockwell May 13, 1777, Moses being of Northfield although he returned to Royalston and had lived there before. He was of Royalston March 5, 1768, when Daniel conveyed him land in Royalston. Moses had three children born in Royalston before he went to Northfield; Abner born December 13, 1768; Hannah, born December 10, 1770; Daniel, born December 1, 1772; Sarah, born November 8, 1774; Moses, Jr., born March 8, 1777. He married Sarah Peirce at Royalston, October 15, 1768. Daniel Stockwell bought of William Town of Royalston, 90 acres near Deacon Woodbury's land June 2, 1773. Daniel Stockwell (3) married Miriam and their children were: Moses of Northfield and Royalston, Abraham and Abigail who married at Royalston August 15, 1768, Benajah Woodbury. Daniel Stockwell (4) was born about 1745 probably in Sutton. He died in Royalston February 13, 1817. He married October 6, 1767 Rebecca Warren at Westboro. They had twelve children, all born in Westboro. He went back to Royalston to live after all the children were born, probably about 1790. Most of the children of these families settled in other towns. Joseph Stockwell, who also came from Sutton, purchased the south part of the Rogers Chase farm. He and his wife died in 1816 aged eighty-six and eighty-seven years. They brought up a large family; several of their children settled in town, from whom have sprung the numerous families of this name. Their son Judah settled at home. He married Sally Cutler November 29, 1791 and their children were: Joseph, born June 11, 1792; Jonathan, born December 22, 1793; Tarrant, born January 19, 1795: Rebecca, born January 12, 1798; Emmons, born October 546 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON 21, 1802; Luke, born October 31, 1804; Elvira, born November 17, 1807; and Betsey and Sally born November 13, 1799. Joseph Stockivell married Dorothy Drury of Athol March 26, 1821, they had two daughters; Jonathan never married; Tarrant Stockwell married Susan Cutler of Royalston, they moved to Vermont and died there leaving no children; Rebecca married Samuel Delvy of Warwick; Emynons Stockwell married Elvira Wood, a sister of John Wood, September 20, 1831, and suc- ceeded his father on the farm. He died October 14, 1849 at the age of a few days less than forty-seven years. His children were: John Wood, born September 16, 1834: Sylvester, born July 24, 1843, who died at the age of a little more than six years; Winfield S., born November 5, 1845; Francis E., who married Hattie Hale of Winchendon, moved to Vermont and later to Nebraska and Wisconsin; and Chester Twitchell who became a prominent dentist in Springfield, Mass. A sketch of him appears in another chapter. Luke Stockwell never married; Betsey Stockwell married Seth Twitchell of Athol May 6, 1822, and they had three children: Salhj Stockwell married Chester Twitchell of Athol June 10, 1823, they had two children, who lived to grow up, one of whom is Elbridge Twitchell of South Royalston; Elvira Stockwell married Alfred W. Boynton July 6, 1836, they had one child, Edna Elvira, who married John Randall Hale of South Royalston, December 23, 1868. John Wood Stockwell, son of Emmons and Elvira (Wood) Stockwell, was born in Royalston September 16, 1834. His home was on the original Stockwell farm settled by his great- grandfather about 1763. He was one of the most prominent farmers of Royalston and at the time of his death owned four hundred acres made up of three farms. He was one of the most prominent members of the Second Congregational Church of South Royalston, and was an active worker in the same. He married Maria C. Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams of Lowell, Mass. Mr. Stockwell died July 3, 1915, and Mrs. Stockwell, July 24, 1915. Winfield S. Stockwell, son of Emmons and Elvira (Wood) Stockwell, was born in Royalston, November 5, 1845. He married Ellen A. Jones, daughter of Silas Jones Jr., of South Royalston. He resided in South Royalston about two years, and then went to Des Moines, Iowa, where he remained al)out THE STOCKWELLS 547 four and one-half years, and then went to Athol which has since been his home. He was employed in the Richardson machine shop about eighteen years, and was with the L. S. Starrett Co. four or five years. He has for several years been engaged in the manufacture of levels and transits, having a shop at his residence on Drury Avenue. He has two children, IVIary, who married Charles Ingalls and Gertrude M. who married C. Eugene Tandy. Mrs. Stockwell died May 2, 1915. George Stockwell, son of Reuben and Betsey (Chase) Stock- well, was born December 20, 1818. He married Sabra Bosworth June 26, 1843; their children were: Warren U., born May 9, 1844, died 1909; George Henry, born October 11, 1845, lived in Westminster, Mass.; Reuben H., born March 31, 1847, resides in Worcester; Joseph F., born May 15, 1849, married December 22, 1874, Miss Ellen Lewis of Winchendon. He lived on a farm near the Winchendon line, and on other farms in Royalston, was treasurer of Royalston Grange for several years, died March 25, 1913, he had two children, Myron E. Stockwell and Cora E.; William S. born September 17, 1850; Chloe Maria, born July 29, 1852, married Walter A. Hartwell of Fitchburg, Mass. Sara/j A., born April 4, 1854, married Ansel Bishop of Keene, N. H.; Martha A., born April 19, 1856, married Joel H. Sibley, December 3, 1882, they have resided in Gardner, Winchendon and Worcester, and their home is now in Leominster, they have one daughter. He married, second, Mary Prouty. The children of George and Mary (Prouty) Stockwell were: Edu-ard S., born March 3, 1858, lived in Templeton; Mary Jane, born May 30, 1860, died 1880: Ellen E., born October 16, 1862, married L. N. Cleveland of Baldwin ville, Mass.; James Frederic born August 29, 1865, resides in South Framingham; Franklin B., born July 4, 1867, married Clara E. Holmes of Millbury, Mass- June 19, 1891. He has resided in Winchendon for nearly thirty- years, they have three daughters Gertrude E., Myrtle 0., and Grace A.; Hattie E., born April 23, 1869, died 1908; Walter A., born April 18, 1872, resides in Baldwinville. Simeon Stockwell married Sarah Nichols, August 25, 1788. Their children were: Reuben, born June 7, 1789, Isaac, born November, 1790, Simeon, born April 13, 1795, Sally, born December 23, 1798, Freeman, born December 26, 1800, Ammi, born June 1, 1806. 548 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Reuben Stockwell married Betsy Chase April 24, 1817, their children were: George, Ijorn, December 20, 1818 and Maria, born October 1, 1821, Marie married Rev. Warren Cooper of Wales, Mass., August 29, 18i2. Isaac Stockwell married Melinda Turner April 1, 1816. Their children were: E:lmund and Ehnon, twin sons, born February 18, 1817, Anan, born, January 2, 1819 and Cordelia, born, February 14, 1821; Edmund lived in South Royalston village and was engaged in the manufacture of brush woods, he married Laura J. Townsend, July 25, 1845; Ehnon lived at home on the farm and was a farmer; Anan married Lydia Ann Hale, daughter of Silas Hale and resided for many years on the old Hale farm; Cordelia married Emory Bemis, February 12, 1840. Simeon Stockwell, Jr. married Ruth Piper July 7, 1815, they had two sons, D wight and Joseph; Sally Stockwell married George W. Drury of Athol, March 14, 1827, Afnmi Stockwell married Susan Day, April 13, 1837, she was a native of Hopkinton and was born October 18, 1808, their children were: Charles H., born in Athol June 30, 1838, Susan E., born July 18, 1840, Lydia A., born April 9, 1843, remained single and lived in Winchendon, Harriet A., born July 14, 1847, died March 6, 1853; Charles H. Stockwell, married Sarah Eaton, a native of Clinton, November 14, 1860, they have five children and reside in Clat- shanie, Oregon; Susan E. Stockwell, married Henry Whitcomb June 9, 1870, they live in Baldwinville and have three children: Florence, born in Gardner March 12, 1S76, Clarence E., born in Gardner, February 1, 1880, has two children and reside in Minne- apolis, Minn., Crystal E., born in Royalston, February 3, 1886, resides in Minneapolis. Ammi Stockwell and his wife were killed by a tornado when on a visit with their son Charles H. Stockwell at Burlington, 111., this occurred on the night of the 4th of July, 1876. Freeman Stockwell, son of Simeon and Sarah Stockwell, was born December 25, 1800. He married Lydia B. Day June 4, 1827. They had two sons, Edwin, born May 17, 1828 and Caleb, born November 1, 1830. Edwin Stockwell married Martha E. Flint, of Braintree, Vt. December 14, 1853. They had three children: Emma E., Eva L., and Ellsworth F., all three born in South Royalston. He was brought up on his father's farm, and learned the car- l)enter's trade. He also had a shop where he manufactured f\ J3t ^ DEA. AARON JONES 4iiP^ DEA. JONAS M. TURNER CALEB N. vSTOCKWELL EDWIN STOCKWELL THE STOCKWELL FAMILY 579 different useful articles. He played in the South Royalston Band for quite a long time, and attended the Methodist Church. Emma E. Stockwell was born October 11, 1854, married Arthur B. Story August 12, 1877 in Winchendon. They reside in Gardner, Mass.; Eva L. Stockwell was born May 9, 1859, married Elijah P. Foster October 6, 1881 in Fitchburg. Ellsworth F. Stockwell was born May 28, 1837, married Phoebe A. Thomas September 14, 1872, at South Royalston. They had one daughter, Grace May, who died March 24, 1899 about five years of age. Caleb N. Stockwell, youngest son of Freeman and Lydia (Day) was born in Royalston November 1, 1830. He married Mary Battles May 2, 1855. They had two daughters, Eleanor M., who married Alfred W. Neale, and died in February, 1903, and Lena, who married Harry Beady. They reside in South Roy- alston. Mr. Stockwell was a prosperous farmer. He died March 31, 1907. THE WHEELER FAMILIES. Probably the first of the Wheeler families to settle in Royals- ton was Lieut. Nathan Wheeler, who settled east of the Centre. He and his wife organized with the Congregational Church in 1766. The records state that Levi, son of Nathan and Mary Wheeler was baptized April 2, 1775, and that David, son of Nathan and Mary, was born May 9, 1766. They removed to Lincoln, N. H., about 1792. PAUL WHEELER FAMILY. Paul Wheeler came from Acton, Mass. and settled in South Royalston on the farm now owned by Charles H. Brooks. He married Eunice, daughter of Josiah Wait, who had also settled on an adjoining place. They had one son, Josiah Wheeler. Col. Josiah Wheeler, son of Paul and Eunice (Wait) Wheeler, was born February 14, 1795 and died January 18, 1857. He married Martha Forristall of Fitzwilliam, N. H., December 28, 1814, she was born August 2, 1795 and died Nov. 24, 1878. They had fourteen children, born on the farm now owned l)y (Jharles H. Brooks, and all of whom with one or two exceptions 350 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON lived to manhood and womanhood. Their children were: Sarah Lovell, born December 1, 1815, married Otis Bemis September 20, 1837, died May 26, 1838; Jesse Forristall, born April 17, 1818; Martha Gibson, born Nov. 22, 1819, married Lucas W. Partridge November 25, 1840. and married (second) John Sabiii Flagg of Springfield; Maria Phillips and Mary Gil- bert, twins, born September 10, 1821, Maria married Charles Everett of Templeton June 27, 1844, she died November 12, 1890; Mary married Jonas Turner June 13, 1845; Ezra L., born August 12, 1823, married Mary Ann Wilder of Templeton. died November 13, 1889; Josiah Wait, born May 29, 1825, died Jan- uary 16, 1896, married Nancy Wilder and moved to Illinois where they both died; Jemina Albee, born July 8, 1827, mar- ried Edward G. Cutter, they had two children, Marth'a M., born in South Royalston November 22, 1848, and one who died in infancy, she lived in South Royalston the greater part of her life, and died January 9, 1907 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. M. Wheeler; Rvfus Brigham Phillips Wheeler, born May 3, 1829, married Emeline Wescott of Warwick, they had three children, Encz E., born September 19, 1854, Hattie Maria, born June 24, 1856 and H. Herbeit, born April 23, 1858. Mr. Wheeler was a mason by trade, and lived in South Royalston and Orange. Enez E. Wheeler, taught school in South Royalston and Orange about five years and married Albert L. Barrett of Oiange, March 16, 1875, they had one son, Clayton Austin, born Janu£ry 19, 1880 and died April 12, 1914, Mr. Barrett died May 18, 1896; Lydia Jones, born March 25, 1831, married Simon Smith of Warwick; Amanda E., born April 21, 1833, m.arried David W. Day; Jane E., born April 11, 1835, married John Slate of Paxton; Lyman S., born April 11, 1837, he enlisted in Co. L 25th Mass. Infantry as a private and came home a sergeant, after his discharge he went to Indiana, and afterward to Nebraska, he now resides in San Diego, Cal., he married Eliza Barnard; Sarah B., born April 18, 1840, died March 24, 1841. Jesse Forristall Wheeler, oldest son of Josiah and Martha (Forristall) Wheeler, was born in South Royalston, April 19, 1818, he succeeded his father on the home farm, which he con- tinued to carry on after his father's death, and also worked quite extensively at his trade of stone mason until he sold the farm about 1896, and then made his home with his son, Joseph THE WHEELER FAMILIES 551 Wheeler in South Royalston, he held many town offices, being Selectman and Assessor about fifteen years, and his judgment in business was much sought after and highly valued. He was a member of and earnest worker in the Methodist Church of South Royalston as long as it existed. He married Sarah E. Stockwell of Athol. April 2, 1849. second, Mary Stockwell. Paul Wheeler married, second, Phebe Hill of Athol, October 3, 1803, thir children were : Daniel, born January 12, 1804, Eunice, born August 9, 1809, Leonard, born March 5, 1811, Lord Nelson, born October 24, 1813, and Abigail, born October 20, 1819. Leonard Wheeler, son of Paul and Phebe (Hill) Wheeler, married Phebe Smith of Winchendon, September 15, 1833. He lived in Royalston Centre, and was known as the "Village Blacksmith," was prominent in town affairs and was town treasurer from 1858 to 1864 inclusive. They had three children: George Nelson, born in Shelburne, June 12, 1835, he married Sarah Cutler of Jaffrey, N. H. for his first wife, and Mrs. Annie Murphy of Uniontown, Pa. for his second, he was a railroad engineer and lived in Pittsburg, Pa., he hatl one daughter, Mary E. Wheeler, born in Easton, Pa. December 14, 1868, who married Charles Carruther, and lives in New Kensington, Pa., Mr. Wheeler died in Uniontown, Pa.; Sarah E. Wheeler born in Royalston January 12, 1838, married Cyrus P. Reed of Royalston and died in Orange, May 20, 1915. Warren L. Wheeler, born in Royalston March 25, 1813, hi 5 occupation was that of a blacksmith and wheelwright, and he lived in Fitchburg for many years, he married Ellen A. Knights March 2, 1870 in Lowell, Mass., they had two children, Nellie Genevieve, born in Hudson, Mass., May 21, 1876, married June 12, 1900 in Fitchburg to George L. Nash of Greenfield, Mass., they live in Fitchburg, Bessie May born in Royalston December 3, 1878, and died there Septend.)er 16, 1880; Lord Nelson Wheeler, youngest son of Paul and Phebe (Hill) Wheeler, a sketch of whom appears in the educational chapter, Abigail the youngest daughter married Robert Wood, Jr., January 6, 1840. RUSSELL WHEELER FAMILY. Russell Wheeler, widely known as Dr. Wheeler from hi.s yJ2 HISTORY OF ROYALSTON (extensive practice as a veterinarian, came from llehoboth, Mass., and settled in the west part of Royalston on the old stage road near what was formerly Moore's Mill. He had sixteen children, and lost five by the epidemic that prevailed in 1795, all he then had. He died in 1825 at the age of sixty years, and was succeeded by his son Capt. Russell Wheeler, who sold the place to his brother Benjamin. The house was burned in 1852, when Benjamin removed to South Royalston, which was ever after his home. Of the children of Russell and Elizabeth Wheeler, Aaron, born March 14, 1799 married Clarissa Coller of Orange February 8, 1820; Anna, born March 14, 1803, married Calvin Coller of Orange, November 30, 1820; Mason, born June 29, 1788. married Sarah Ellis of Richmond, N. H., Janu- ary 4, 1820. Benjamin Wheeler, son of Russell and Elizabeth Wheeler, was born in the west part of Royalston in 1810. He married Mary Ann \\ hitney, sister of Colonel George Whitney, Feb- ruary 23, 1847. They had three children — Levi Whitney, born June 10, 1848. and two who died in infancy. In the early fif- ties he moved to South Royalston, which was ever after his home. He had charge of the South Royalston station from soon after the time that he came to the village until about 1870, when he retired from active business. He died in 1884. Levi Whitney Wheeler, son of Benjamin Wheeler, mar- ried Martha M. Cutter. They had five children — Frank B., Ernest E., Florence E., Fred B. and Grace E., of whom the first three are still living. They have always resided in South Royalston. Russell Wheeler, Jr., son of Russell and Elizabeth Wheeler, was born Oct. 8, 1795, and married Irena Boyce January 23, 1812, when he was a few months more than sixteen years of age, and his bride was a little less than twenty years. They had six Children; Patty, born Jul}' 12, 1812, married Zimri Bowen of Richmond, N. H., December 10, 183.5; Russell, born September 15, 1814; Mason born August 23, 1816; Jeremiah Bishop, born July 18, 1818; Charlotte Boyce, born July 17, 1820, married Je.sse Foristall Jr., April 1, 1841; and Samuel B. who died when young. Jeremiah Bishop Wheeler, was married at Calais, Vt. to Miss Louise Wheeler, March 2, 1845, he died at Phillipston, Mass., January 6, 1895 and his wife in Athol March 12, 1910, they had THE WHEELER FAMILIES 353 five children, James Elliot, Juliette, Elmer Jeremiah, Addie Jane and Charles M. Elmer Jeremiah Wheeler, son of Jeremiah Bishop Wheeler, was born in Royalston, July 1, 1850. He was married in South Royalston July 2, 1876 to Lettie A. Royce of South Royalston. They have four children; Lester Elmon, born in Templeton August 28, 1879; Cora Lettie, born in Templeton December 22, 1881 ; Ralph Anson, born in Templeton June 6, 1883 and Everett Roswell, born in Winchendon, August 27, 1888. Mr. Wheeler's business is general repairer at the M. E. Converse toy shop, Winchendon. James Elliot Wheeler died January 20, 1885; Juliette married Fred Kendall and is now living in Phillipston; Addie Jane married Lorenzo Gates and now lives in Athol; Charles M. died January 21, 1892. Robert A. Wheeler, son of Russell, Jr. and Irene (Boyce) Wheeler, was born in Royalston July 18, 1823, married Caro- line Goldsmith. Their children were: Julius R., Henry R., George, Ellen, Emma and Addie. He married, second, Grace Gibbs, Julius R. Wheiler was born in Walpole, N. H., mar- ried Emma Hinds of South Royalston, Feb, 16, 1873; he is a mechanic and their home is in Baldwinville; their children are Henry R. and Arthur J.; Henry R. is a music teacher and re- sides in Baldwinville, he married Lora A. Williams April 14, 1914; Arthur J. married Gertrude Whitney and they reside in Keene, N. H. Henry R, Wheeler, son of Russell, Jr., and Irene Wheeler, married Mabel Longley and lives in Worcester. George died when a 3'oung man. Ellen married John Peckham of Phillipston and her home is in Worcester. Emma married Richard Damond of Templeton. Addie married Marshall. Benjamin S. Wheeler, son of Russell, Jr., and Irene (Boyce) Wheeler, married Julia Doggett. Their children were Samuel, Clarence E., Harry and Frank. Samuel married Emma Chase and resides in Waterville. Clarence E. married Amelia Day of South Royalston, daughter of David and Amanda (Wheeler) Day; he died Feb. 13, 1910. Harry went West and married. Frank married Ora Bliss and resides in Swanzey, N. H. Amanda Wheeler, daughter of Josiah Wheeler, married David Day of South Royalston. Their chilbren were Amelia, Elith, Etta and Gaor^e L. Amelia married Clarenca E. b54- HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Wheeler. Edith married William E. Clement; they reside in Boston. Etta married Timothy Stebbins of Springfield. Geo, L. married Miss Pratt of Athol. THE CLARK FAMILY. Benjamin Clark came to Royalston from Bridgewater, Mass. and settled near South Royalston about 1765, bringing his wife with him in an ox-cart. He was a drummer in the Rev- olutionary War, and is believed to have been at the battle of Bunker Hill. He had five boys and one daughter. All of the boys, Edson, Eben, Josiah, Samuel and Timothy, settled in Royalston and reared families, with the exception of Josiah, who settled in Wendell, Mass., the daughter married and went West. Samuel Clark, son of Benjamin Clark married Luseba Ward, daughter of Jabez Ward of Athol, May 2, 1821, they lived and died on the farm now owned by Warren Thompson in the west part of Royalston. Mr. Clark died in December 1858 and his wife in the spring of 1884. Their children were Luseba born February 8, 1822, died July 23, 1822; Samuel W., born Septem- ber 1, 1823; Esther H., born January 10, 1827; Warren R., born September 24, 1828, died November 12, 1839; Lyman B., born March 5, 1831, died June 5, 1872; Susan G., born June 11, 1833 and Lyman J. born September 7, 1835. Samuel W. Clark, born September 1, 1823. Removed to South Ryegate, Vt., and had four daughters: Esther H. Clark, married James J. Smart, March 3, 1852. They had eight chil- dren, there being three pairs of twins: Lucretia C. and Luceba M., born March 14, 1857; James Harry and P'annie D., born July 30, 1861; Charles and Agnes S., born May 18, 1869; Wil- liam, born 1855; and Albert, born July 21, 1859. Mrs. Esther (Clark) Smart lived in Athol for many years, where she died Jan. 23, 1908, Susan G. Clark married Calvin Chapin of Roy- alston and they lived on the old homestead of her father. They had five children: Walter S,, who is a real estate agent and resides in Gardner; Adelle married Charles F, Chase of Royal- ston; Esther Finette married Wm. W. Tandy and their home is in Gardner; Myrtie married Willian: Lovewell of Royalston; Alice is unmarried and lives in Winchendon. human J. Clark, youngest child of Samuel and Luseba (Ward) Clark, marri'^d THE CLARK FAMILY JSJ Susie Ward of Brookline, Mass., June 27, 1866; they had four children, two of whom died in infancy, and Mabel and Frank, who live at home. When a young man he became clerk in the large carpet store of Goldth wait of Boston, where he was one of the leading salesmen for many years. He is now retired from business and liv^es in Brookline, Mass. Eben Clark married Sally Chase, May 27, 1813. They had nine children all born in Royalston as follows : Sally, born August 28, 1813; Eben, August 12, 1815, died June 3, 1817; Mehitable Edson, April 17, 1819, married Daniel W. Upham August 9, 1840; Mary Ann, May 26, 1821, married Luke Temple of Templeton October 28, 1847; Nancy Chase, May 14, 1823 married Joshua N. Upham of Templeton, December 17, 1846; Eben Franklin, August 22, 1825; Elmira, June 16, 1828, died August 21, 1847; Moses Lovell, August 17, 1830, married Anna M. Temple of Gilsum N. H. and lived in Fitchburg Mass. where he was a house painter and was prominently identified with the temperance cause. He died at the summer home of his nephew A. C. Brown in Lunenburg; Lyman Austin, born Sep- tember 12, 1833. Ambrose Clark, son of Edson and Lepha (Fuller) Clark was born in South Royalston January 15, 1806 and died in May, 1882. He married Miss Joanna Sherwin of Winchendon, December 12, 1827. Their children were: Melancthon W. S., born in 1828; Ambrose Handel, born July 2, 1831; Joe Ann, born in 1836; Edson, born in 1834; Harriet W. born in 1878 and Allison born in 1841. L?/wan C/arA', son of Edson and Lepha (Fuller) Clark, was born in Royalston, June 15, 1813. He married Olive Chandler of Auburn, and they had three children: Ezra Tower, Cortland A., and Lyman L. Ezra Tower Clark married Eliza Sargent; they had three children, Nettie S., Lizzie and George; Nettie S. married Eugene G. Twitchell; Lizzie married Hall. Mr. Clark died April 19, 1915. Cortland A. Clark married Anna Hathaway of Grafton. They had five children. He died in Gardner. Lyman L. Clark was born in South Royalston June 21, 1844. In early life he worked in the chair shop, and was for thirty years a merchant in South Royalston, having as a partner a portion of the time, Henry A. Safford, the firm name being 556 HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Clark & Safford. He was postmaster from 1885 to 1901. He sold his store to E. J. Richmond about 1904, since which time he has not been engaged in business. He was, with his father and brother, a member of the old South Royalston band, and is the only survivor. He married Ellen Sargent. Ambrose Handel Clark, second son of Ambrose and Joanna (Sherwin) Clark, spent his boyhood days upon the farm and in a chairshop. He was one of the California Pioneers of 1849 that vvent from South Royalston. When a young man he engaged in selling made clothing and was a conductor on the union railroad of Cambridge, Mass. During the Civil War he enlisted for nine months in Co. A. 47th Regiment Mass. Volunteers. He married Miss Mary Holman Coye in Cambridge in 1857, and they had five children born to them, all living in Cambridge, Mass. For the last forty-eight years of his life he was collector for the Cambridge Gas Light Co. He was a member of the Grand Army and the Pioneers of California. Melancihon W . S. Clark, oldest son of Ambrose and Joanna (Sherwin) Clark, lived in Lynn and was conductor on the Nar- row Guage Railroad from Boston to Lynn, and his son Edson is now a conductor on the same road; he also had two daughters. TIMOTHY CLARK FAMILY Timothy Clark, son of Benjamin and Susannah (Dolbear) Clark was born in South Royalston June 24, 1808 on the place now owned by Louis Jolly, which was settled by his grandfather Benjamin Clark, and where his father lived and died, and which was the home of Timothy the greater part of his life. He was a prominent farmer and actively interested in the affairs of the town and village. He married Mary A. Sprague of Phillipston March 20, 1843, Their children were: Henry Watts, who was accidentally killed by falling from a bridge near the residence of J. Giggie in the spring of 1858 when fourteen years of age; Ellen L., who married James C. Longley; Delia M. who married C. R. Taylor and now resides in East Templeton; Mary T. who married Prof. A. C. Russell, and died at Kent's Hill, Me.; Emma C. who married R. J. Spitz and resides in Whitestone, N. Y.; William B. Clark was born in Royalston Dec. 15, 1849. He attended school in Royalston and South Royalston. He married Abbie J. Murdock February 8, 1871. They have three children THE CLARK FAMILIES 557 living, Walter W., bom December 10, 1875; Mabel M., born Jan- uary 21, 1881; and Gladys A., born September 7, 1888. He is engaged in the grocery, men's furnishings and wholesale prod- uce business, also real estate in Natick, South Framingham, Westboro and Worcester. His home is in Worcester. George F. Clark, son of Timothy and Mary (Sprague) Clark, was born in South Royalston. He resides in Worcester. CHARLES HOWE BROOKS Charles Howe Brooks was horn in Temp\eton Oct. 12, 1870, son of John and Ann Richardson (Howe) Brooks, through whom he is a lineal descendant of the famous John Alden of the Plymouth Colony. His education was received in the Tem- pleton schools. He worked on his father's farm till he was twenty-one years of age, and then entered the meat business with his brother, John Brooks, Jr., which they continued to- gether about three years, after which he was collector for Lord, Stone & Co. of Otter River. He married Mary Angie Baldwin of South Royalston, daughter of Eden and Elvira M. (Town- send) Baldwin, June 12, 1895. They haveone daughter, Daisy, born Nov, 14, 1903. In 1895 he bought the farm long known as the Jesse Wheeler farm in South Royalston, which has since been his home. In addition to carrying on his farming oper- ations he deals in cattle and real estate. He is prominent in town affairs, having served as Sexton, Meat Inspector, on the Board of Health, was the superintendent of the first piece of improved highway built in town, one of the assessors, member of the finance committee, trustee of the John N. Bartlett Fund, and was on the Board of Selectmen from 1912 to 1915. He ani Mrs. Brooks are both members of the Templeton Grange. SYLVENDER B. FORRISTALL Sylvender B. Forn'stall, for more than forty years a prominent citizen of South Royalston, was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., a son of Jesse F'orristalL He came to South Royalston and pur- chased the Silas Hale farm, one of the best farms in town, where he lived for many years. He has been prominently identified with town affairs, having served on the Board of Selectmen for 5553 Clement, Walter H. — 328 Clement, William — 327 Clement, William — 328-405-410 (^lement, William, Jr. — 328 Clement, Will A. — 328 Clement, William W. — 438 ('obb, Thomas — 454 Coffin, Silas — 469 Colburn, Rev. Eugene — 494 Cole, Jefferson K. — 99-141 Coleman, Ezra — -;78 College Graduates — 10(1-101-102 Coller, Calvin — 552 Collins, Leonr,id--445 Conant, Edwin — 227 Condon, Randall J. — 100 Congregational Parsonage — 61 Connor, Thomas — 426 converse, Frc.nk — J43 Converse, M. E. — 553 Cook, Caleb A. — 25-379-454 Cook, D vid — 331-379-426 Cooke, Dr. E. Ward— 528 INDEX VII Coolidge, Rev. Dr. — 57 Cooper, Robert — 1-2 Cooper, Rev. Warren — 548 Copeland, David — 29-411 Cornell & Vanderburgh — 229 Courv, Dr. — 559 Cowick, Robert E. — 142 Crafts, James M. — 42 Crawford, John — 85 Crawford, Robert D. — 245 Crawford, William — 460 Crehore, W. A. — 173 Crosby, Rev. Timothy — 284 Cross, Ebenezer — 516 Cross, Edward W. — 426-514 - 515- 516 Cross. Fred W. — 80-95-101-136- 139-142-151-152-481-485 - 486- 504-518-566 Cross, Wilder — 484-504-540 Cross, Charles A. — 80 Cumming:s, Lieut. Col. Charles — 390-391-439-563 Cumming's, Rev. George H. — 382 Cummings, Rev. Henry — 381-382- 391-101 Cummings, Dea. Henry B. — 382 Cummings, Isaac — 391 Cummings, Isaac, Jr. — 292 Cummings, Joshua — 381-390 Cummings, Dr. Silas — 391 Curtis, Rev. H. W. — 71-144 Cutler, Rev. Ebenezer — 565-101 Cutler, Ebenezer — 280-410 Cutler, Ezekiel — 15 Cutler, George- -S81-282 Cutler, George H. — 281-282 Cutler, John — 282 Cutler, Jonathan — 280 Cutler, Levi — 281 Cutler, Otis — 281-282 Cutler, Major General Lysander — 281-440-563 Cutler, Tarrant — 281-25-30-31-78 91- 92 Cutler, Rev. Temple — 57 Cutler, Rev. S. — 70 Cutter, Edward G. — 550 Cutting, Nathan — 5-15-53-89 Cutting, Silas — 6-53-408-410 Cushing, Lieut. -Gov. Grafton D. — 150 Cushing, Col. Job — 408 Cushman, Rev. John P. — 57 D Dadmun, Samuel — 173 Damon, Col. Samuel — 230 Damond, Richard — 553 Dana, Caleb — 1 Darling, Rev. Samuel D. — 93-475 Davis, Alvin — 316 Davis, A. — 98 Davis, Ansil — 312 Davis, Capt. Asahel — 24-30-31-51- 78-90-91-120-311-460 Davis, Barney — 311 Davis, Benjamin — 91-311-468 Davis, Benjamin — 312 Davis, Cephas — 312 Davis, Charles S. — 315-426 Davis, Cyrus — 25-50-78-82-93-127 -128-312 Davis, Daniel — 19-94-128-138-141- 311-460 Davis, Daniel — 25-31-50 Davis, E. — 98 Davis, Edward Livingston — 227 Davis, Elisha — 312-286 Davis, Emory A. — 315 Davis, Perondo — 316 Davis, Dr. Hosea — 120-121-316- 101-454 Davis, Hosea D. — 315-454 Davis, Hon. Isaac — 226 Davis, Jarvis — 25-31-79-127-128- 316-244 Davis, Lieut. John — 309 Davis, John — 310-32-90-411 Davis, John — 312-409-410 Davis, Joseph— 90-311-210 Davis, Josenh — 312 Davis, Joseph 2d — 24-31-74-82-91- 92 Davis, Jay — 99-317-454-426 Davis, Lorenzo — 316 Davis, Squire — 23-24-78-92-310 - 409-410-242 Davis, Svlvester — 310-410 Davis, Willie W. — 315-140-141- 143 Davis, Hugh Goddard — 445 Dwison, Herbert Milton — 241 Day, Anthony — 523 Day, Caleb W. — 523-521-25-26-31- 32-35-36-37-517-94-110-143-4 53 454-492-498-474-470 Dav, Charles L. — 524 Day, Daniel — 469-373 Dav, David W. — 550 Day, John — 523 Day. John W. — 524 Day, Josephus T. — 498-514 Day, David W. — 426-454 Day, Nathan S. — 426 Day, Uri C. — 426-92-477-478 Day, William E. — 347 Day, Ira — 477 Day of Pasting and Prayer — 16 Deane, Dr. Ebenezer A.— 122 Deane, Dr. Henry A. — 118 Deane, Jeremiah — 122 Deavitt, Edward H. — 530 Deavitt, George T. — 530 Deavitt, Henrv M. — 530 Deavitt, William J. — 530 Deavitt, Thomas J. — 530 Dedication of Pourth Baptist Church — 71 Dedication of Third Baptist Church — 71 Dedication of Phinehas Newton Library — 135 Deland, Clarence H. — 142-455 Delegates — 80-81 Delvey, Samuel — 546 Demond & Brown — 176 Denno, Rev. John W. — 71 Dexter, Almeda — 239 Dexter, Bela — 241 Dexter, Ebenezer Wheeler — 238- 239-208 Dexter, Earnest A. — 241 Dexter, Everett Wheeler — 245 Dexter, Henry L. — 241 Dexter, Herbert Bela — 241 Dexter, James — 238 Dexter, James Eugene — 239 Dexter, John — 239-415 Dexter, Moses Walker — 240 Dexter, Rachel — 239 Dexter, Samuel — 83 Dexter, B. — 98 Dickinson, Marquis P. — 359 Dickinson, E. E. — 38-449 VIII HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Division Into School Districts— 88-89 Division of Lands — 4 Divoll, Arthur — 508 Dike, William— 17-404-405-410 Dillingham. W. P. — 385 Dithmar, Edward F. — 398 Doane, Amos — 347-448-449 Doane, Bernard H. — 427 Doane, Byron — 347-421-427 Doane, Frank H.— 347 Doane, Reginald F. — 347 Doane, Wm. C. — 427 Doanes Falls — 44 Dole, Carlton — 124 Donovan, Rev. Richard P. — 479 Doolittle, Col. Ephraim— 404-405 Dow, John — 438 Drurv, Calvin — 304 Drury, Calvin — 305 Drurv, Edwin — 487 Drury, Elisha — 486-487 Drury, Ephraim — 193 Drury, Frederick L. — 511-512 Drury, George W. — 548 Drury, Horace — 305 Drury, Hugh — 487 Drury, Leander M. — 487-524 Drury, Col. Luke — 407 Drury, Leon Arthur — 487 Drurv, Ralph Sherwin — 487 Drurv, Sarah A. —102-304 Drury. Susan F. — 103-304 Dunn, Rev. Andrew — 71-476 Dutton, George D. — 387 Dwinnell & Bliss — 198 E Earle, Henry — 387 Earle, W. C. — 98 Earlv Town Meetings — 15 Earlv School Committees — 30-31- 32 Eaton, Charles A. — 536 Eaton, John — 465 Eaton, J. M. — 93 Eaton, Joseph R. — 34-128 Eaton, Rev. R. C. — 71 Eaton, Rev. W. H. — 72 Eddy, Abraham — 225 Eddv, Benjamin — 250 Eddv, C. A. — 194 Eddy, Franklin A. — 417-427 Edgerly, S. H.— 506 Edmonds, E. J. — 100 Education — 85 Ellis, Edwin — 79-298 Ellis, Frederick Owen — 533 Ellis, John — 411 Ellis, Paul — 30-457 Ellis, Robert Hale — 533 Ellis, Walter F. — 101-533 Elliot, Ebenezer — 407-410 Ely, Rev. William — 170 Ellyot, Thomas — 86 Emerson, Elias — 415 Emerson, John D. — 440 Emerson, Joseph — 29-30-61 411 Eninger, Charles — 263 Ernst, C. W. — 393 Erskine, W^alter — 74 62 - Estabrook. Joseph— 24-31-34-35- 36-37-78-81-91-92-111-112-139- 200-225-226- 296-446-447-461 Estabrook, Joseph — 225-226 Estabrook, Joseph P. — 226 Estabrook, Maria C. — 226-227 Estabrook, Mary H. — 226 Estabrook, Rev. Joseph — 55-62- 111 Estabrook, Samuel — 278 Estey, Edward — 329 Estey, Isaac — 329 Estev, Isaac— 22-66-67-85-329 Estey, Jacob — 23-30-66-81-88-89- 460-458 Estey, Jacob — 329 Estey, Jacob — 330 Estey, Jeffrey — 329 Estey, John — 329 Estev, Joseph — 329 Estey, Israel — 329 Estey, Julius J.— :B0-:«l Estey, Rev. Jonathan L. — 478 E\-ans, Alden — 543 Evans, Charles H. — 543 Everett, Charles — 550 Eyers, Rev. John C. — 474-475 Fairbanks, Calista (Peck) — 139- 287 Fairbanks. Daniel — 468 Fairbanks. Emory — 59 Fairbanks. Ernest Hayward — 59 Fairbanks, Rev. Francis J. — 58-59 -71-95-110-137-138-139-140-144 474-475 Fairbanks, Herbert Stockwell — 59 Fairbanks, Isaiah — 468 Fairbanks, Jonatlian — 59 Fales, Lemuel — 25-31 Fales & Lehy— 488 Palkner. Ammi — 23-29-30-75-76- 87-106-201-411 Fallon, Martin — -427 Farrar, Daniel — 519 Farrar, Edwin Evans — 520 Farrar, Gardner — 371 Farrar, Salmon S. — 519-34-35-127 452-453-515-468-470-455 Farrar, S. Nelson — 520-521-535 Farrar, Walter N.— 521-26 - 96 - 142-143-145-146-535 Farrar. Nellie G. W. — 95-94-143 Fav, Farwell F. — 79 Fay. John — 276 Fay, Rev. Lysander — 74 Fay. S. E. & Co.— 197 Felch, Caleb — 411 Felch, Nathan — 411 Felch. Samuel — 411 Felch, Samuel J. — 411 Ferguson, Rev. William — 478 First Congregational Church — 52-53 to 59 First Baptist Meeting House — 67 First Librarv — 106 First Old Home Week — 138-139 First School — 86 First Schoolmasters — 86-87 First Town Hall — 14-15-18 Fish. Allen — 427 Fish. William W. — 79 Fisher, Augustus J. — 309-99-141 INDEX IX Fisher, Capt. David — 307-24-30- 74-91-531 Fisher, Edwin Augustus — 309- 103-139-396-566 Fisher, Edward Everett — 309 Fisher, Elmer H. — 309 Fisher, Feronda W. — 309 Fisher, Horace — 308-309-396-454- 454 Fisher, Jason — 308-74-208 Fisher, Jacob — 234 Fisher, Orvis — 309 Fisher, Jabez — 410 Fisher, Lewis— 523 Fisher, Edwin Horace — 397 Fisher, Lewis Gates — 397 Fi.sher, Wm. Brackenridge — 397 Fiske, Robert F. — 122 Fiske, Dr. Oliver — 195 Fiske, Samuel Augustus — 101-122 Flagg, Dr. Andrew Jackson — 102- Flagg, Benjamin Frank — 417-421 Flagg, George A. — 440 Flagg, John Sabin — 550 Fletcher, Francis — 468 Flint, Edward J. — 99 Flint. William R. — 558 Fogg, Rev. Charles O.— 59-60-136 -137-141-143-144-150 Fogg, Edwin Willard — 60 Follet, John — 99 Follett Isaac — 216 Forbes, Calvin — 339 Forbes, Charles — 93-94 Forbes Falls — 42-43 Forbes, James — 23-90 Forbes, Levens G.— 32-33-108-1 10 -141-142-143-455-456-146 Porbush, Chauncy — 415 Forest, Gen. N. B. — 243 Forristall, Jesse — 557 Forristall, Jonas — 462 Forristall, Sylvender B. — 26-557 Forristall, William — 558 Forristall, P. J. — 458 Forsaith, John — 427 Fosgate, Dr. K. C — 197 Foster, Charles G. — 427 Foster, Daniel — 542 Foster, David P. — 347-208 Foster, Rev. Davis — 57 Foster, Henry N — 52'' Foster, Hugh — 284 Foster, Silas — 411-233 Poster, William — 464 Fox, C. B. — 207 France, Rev. M. R. — 124 Free Donation Societv — 74 Freeman, Frank — 428' Freeman, Isaac — 85-86-89 Freemont, John C. — 263 French, Almira H. — 93 French, Alonzo — 428-516 French, Brazier H.— 444 French, F. S. — 492 French, Lucius F — 4->8 French, Lieut. Micah— 412 French, Herbert W — 544 French, Sumner C. — 112-14'-447 Frost. Rufus S.— 373-469 " I* rye. Asa — 188 ^'■>'^^qBenjamin— 188-25-31-37-78- Frye, Benjamin A. — 187-401-428 Brye. Benjamin Alexander — 189 Frye, Daniel — 188 Frye, David — 187 Frye, Ebenezer — 187-23-24-37-404 407-410 Frye, Ebenezer — 188 Frye, Ebenezer — 188 Frye, George A. — 190 Frye, George E. — 187-440 Frye, George Ebenezer — 188-189 Frye, Capt. John — 185-186 Frye, John — 187-15-16-22-23-29- 36-53-78-81-464 Frye, John — 188-191-401 Frye, John Kendal! — 191 Frye, Merton Benjamin — 191 Frye, Royal Merrill — 190 Frye, Stephen — 217 Frye. William W. — 187 Frye, William Watrous — 188 Frye, William Bixbv — 191 Frye, William A. — 5*9-95-141-142- 190 Frye. Benjamin H. — 143 Frye. Frank Barton — 190 Fuller, Albert A. — 338 Fuller, Samuel — 88 Furbur, Samuel Winklev — 169 Furbush, Rufus — 91 Gale, Rev. Amorv — 229-230-231- 232-101-563-218-257 Gale, Charles S. — 230 Gale, Edward C. — 230 Gale, Harlow A. — 229-232-257 G^le, Harlow Stearns — 233 Gale, Henry A. — 285 Gale, Capt. Isaac — 227-223 Gale, Isaac — 228-29-31 Gale, Isaac, Jr. — 228 Gale, Isaac 2d — 228-92-415 Gale, Jonathan — 228-90-31-82-409 -410 Gale , Richard — 227 Gale, Robert Griggs — 233 Gale, Samuel C. — 228-240-69-101- 287-127-128-563 Gale, William Goddard — 233 Gale. Otis — 25-31 Gale. Peter — 410 Gardner, C. M. — 507 Garfield, Andrew B. — 332 Garfield, Andrew Paine — 332 Garfield — .\nsel H. — 332 Garfield, Artemas — 331 Garfield, Caleb — 331 Garfield, Charles — 331 Garfield, Gardner — 332 Garfield, Joshua — 331 Garfield, Leonard Dwinnell — 332 Garfield, Moses — 331-415-74-9'> Garfield, Moses — 332 Garfield, Moses, Jr. — 332 Garfield, Moses Dwinnell — 332 Garner, Joseph — 417-428-504 Gatchell. Dr. D. H. — 146 Gates, Arthur — 291 Gates, Charles Whitman — 290 Gates, Clarence L. — 291 Gates. Joel H. — 72-290-563 Gates, Jonathan — 289 Gates, Levi — 289 Gates, Lorenzo — 553 Gates, Stephen — 289 Gates, Stephen J. — 291 Gates, Thomas — 289 Gates, Walter Benton — 290 Gates, Willie E. — 290 HIS TORY OF R ) v' V :.S T ) nsel — 92 Heywood. Silas — 23-30-89-91-106- 335 Heywood, Silas, Jr. — 92 Heywood. So'omon — 25-335 Heywood. Stephen H. — 377 Heywood. Sidney S. — 417-429-335 Heywood, Si-'as L. — 441 Heywood, Sidney — 335 Heywood, Stephen — 335 Heyv/ood. Harrv — 335 Heywood, Walter — 174 Higarins. Henrv H. — 417-429 Hicks, Forest A. — 302 High School Exhibition — 97-98 Hildretli. Merrick E. — 80 Hill, (^harles — 197 Hill, Donald M. — 143-146 Hill, E'lhraim — 5-86 Hin, John — 74-415 Hill. Jonah — 5 Hill. Silem L. — 429 Hill, Theodore J. — 441 Hi'I, Warren M. — 136 Hill. William H. — 108-136-137 Hird, Rev. J. W. — 475 Hitchcock. Prof. Edward — 42-43- 44-46-48 Hoar, Senator Georg-e F. — 126 Hoir. Hon. E. R. — 124 Hobirt. Hon. Aaron — 560 Hol)son. Hon. E. E. — 517 Hodge. Elder Devi — 68-69 Hit'-hcock. Rev. M. H. — 100 Holbrook. Jolin D. — 80 Holden. Emorv — 401 Holden. Rev. Samuel — 474-475 HoU & BMss— 193 Holton, Elihu— 212 Holman, Chas. Richardson — 390 Hohnan. Dana Peirks — 294 Ho 'man. David — 295 Holman. Dieut. Edward — 295-4l-> Holman, Edward, Jr. — 295 Holman, Georg-e M. — 295 Holman. Georg-e W. — 294-''9fi-fi4- ]39-377-'^66 Ho'man. John — 294-12-24-90 Holman. Harvey — 234 Holman. Nelson F. — 294-285 Ho'man. Noali — 295 Holman. Seth — 294-45-64-451 Ho'man, Seth N.— 294-295-377-451 Holnian, Rev. Sidney — 104-100- Holman. Stephen — 92-101 -r'S-.'jsq -390-565 " Holman, Willard — 294 Homan, William — 294 Holman & Harris — 509 Holmes, .\ugustu.s — 395-399 Holmes, Rev. H. M. — 475 Horton, Lewis — 359 Horton, Russell S. — 79 Howard, Ansel — 82 Howard, Rev. B. A. — 478 Howard, Rev. James J. — 480 Howard, Dvsander — 444 Howard, Wm. H. — 429 Howard, Joel — 2 Howe, E. D. — 455 Howe, Gardner — 4 29 Howe, Henry J. — 441 Howe. Samuel — 203 Howe William — 195 Howes. William — 167 Hoyt, Georg-e H. — 79 Hubbard, Daniel — 528 Hubbard, Thomas — 1 Hughes, Webwter — 535 Humphrey, Henry M. — 79 Humphrey, Rev. James — 54 Hunnewell. Jonathan — 389 Hunt, Elisha S. — 164 Hunt, Samuel — 2 Hutchins. James H. — SO Hutchinson, Benjamin — 17-90 Hutchinson, Governor — 9 Hyatt, Almon A. — 25-31-94-560 Hyde, Edward — 253 Hyde, Dea. Reuben — 29 2 Incorporation of the Town — lo- ll Ingalls, Charles — 547 Ing-alls, Ebenrzer- — 88 Jacobs, Abel — 340 Jacobs, Alonzo W. — 327 Jacobs. Bela J. — 99-326 Jacobs, Dr. Chauncy A. — 121-325 Jacobs. Ernest D. — 327 Jacobs. Francis — 326 Jacobs, George D. — 327 Jacobs. Dr. Horace — 121-325-566 Jacobs, Ira — 325 Jacobs, Isaac — 325 Jacobs, Irving- S. — 327 Jacobs. John — 68-410-163 Jacobs, John T. — 327 Jacobs, Jonathan — 404-405 - 409- 410 Jacobs, Joseph — 24-82-92-,204 Jacobs, Mary — 121-325 Jacobs, Moses — 325 Jacobs, NathaTi — 410 Jacobs, Nathaniel — 324-410 Jacobs, Rufus M. — 327 Jacob.s, Rachel B. — 121 Jacobs. Simeon — 91-92-121-461 Jacobs, Simeon — 325 Jacobs. Simeon, Jr. — 325 Jacobs. Sumner — 325 Jacobs. Thoma.s — 91-92 Jacobs, Whitman — 327 Jacobs, Thomas A. — 326 Jacobs. Philander — 326 Jacobs. Elder Whitman — 65-66- 67-87-324 XII HISTORY OF ROYALSTON Jeniiison. Austin — 528 Jerrel, William — 450 Johnson, Rev. Wilbur — 57-61 Johnson, Andrew — 176 Jewett, H. P. 13.— 370 Jewett, John P. & Co. — 370 Jones, Aaron — 6-542-35-474 Jones, Amos — 541-6-7-24-30 - 91- -465 Jones, Amos — 541 Jones, Alden — 542 Jones, Asa — 66-67-100 Jones, Asa M. — 100 Jones, Elmore — 542 Jones, Elnathan — 542 Jones. Leander W. — 542-488 Jones, Reuben — 541 Jones, Silas— 541 -24-3(i-:U -91-32 Jones, Silas, Jr. — 542 Jones, Willard — 542 Jones, Franklin — 104-100 Jones, Waid — 87 Jones, Isaac — 87 Jones & Lehy — 488 Josselyn, A. K. — 452 K Kaulback, George A. — 264 Kelton, James — 68 Kelton, Lovell — 454 Kemp, Rev. Z. W. — 70 Kelton, Calvin — ^79 Kendall, Andrew — 89-91-92 Kendall, Arthur C. — 142-560 Kendall, Rev. Charles — 475 Kendall, Edward — 104 Kendall, Edward S. — 441 Kendall, Fred — 553 Kendall, John — 404-405-410 Kendall, John — 45-449 Kendall, Jonathan — 88 Kendall, Ira Y. — 79 Kendall, Ozi — 79 ^ Kendall, Samuel — 297 '' Kendall, Seth — 340 Kendall, Stephen G. — 454 Kenney, Daniel — -70 Kenney, Rev. Isaac — 66-68-457 Kenney, Folder Moses — 68-457 Kenney, Elder Silas — 70-71-67- 78-93 Ketchum, Arthur G. — 287 Keys, Rev. N. A. — 93 Kilburn, Rev. David — 478 Kerjassoff, Max David — 275 Kimball, Rev. Henry S. — 486 Kimball, Wales — 253 King-, Charles A. — 500 King, Clarence E. — 429-500 King, Daniel — 499 King, George H. — ^441-500 King, Henrv — 255 King, Herbert L. — 491-490 King, J. Herbert — 490-499-511 King, John — 490-499-510-498-538 King, John L. — 112-447 Kingsley, Elisha — 74 Kingsley, Peleg — 4 60 Kittredge, Dr. Charles N. — 118 Knapp, Hiram — 263 Knight, Ainsis-orth — 478 Knight, Charles S. — 430 Knight, Prof. E. N. — 138-140 Knight, Geo. W. — 430 Knight, Henry E. — 417-430' Knight. W. H. — 99 Knights, Israel — 540 Knights, Jason- — 540 Knowlton, Rev. F. B. — 474 Lamb, Francis M. — 99 Last Bear Hunt — 51 Lawrence, Brook — 41 Lawrence, Charles G. — 194 Lawrence, Rev. G. W. — 475 Lawrence, William — 41 Lawton, Asa S. — 274 Leathe, Benjamin — 320-412-371 Leathe, Benjamin, Jr. — 320-415 Leathe, Benjamin Franklin — 321 Leathe. Francis — 320 Leathe, Herbert H. — 322 Leathe, John — 320 Leathe, John F. — 321 Leathe, John H. — 322 Leathe, John Walton — 321 Leathe, Samuel — 320 Leathe, Walter D. — 321 Leathe, William M. — 321-371-372 Leathe, WMlliam H. — 320-321-5-32 143 Leathe, Leonard Lorenzo — 105- 101 Lee, Abner — 2 Lee, Hon. Artemas — 132-447-296 Lee, Miss Bertha — 137-138 Lee, C. M. Co. — 197 Lee, J. Howard — 137 Lee, Rev. Joseph — 54-55-62-65- 106-459 Lee & Raymond — 296 Lee, Mrs. Rachel (Dexter) — 239 Lee, Capt. Samuei — 128 Lee, Thomas j. — 36-92 Lee, Warren I>exter — 239 Legal Profession — 123 Lehv, Geoffrey — 480 Lehy, Geoffrey B. — 102-488-489- 512-517 Lehy, Rev. John F. — 102-480-489- 511-564 Lehy, Michael F. — 488 Leland. Rev. J. H. M. — 93-475 Leonard, W. F. — 99 Leonard, Willard T. — 221 Lewis, Alvin W. — 525 Lewis, Rev. Edward S., D. D. — 526 Lewis, Enoch T. — 525-527-441 Lewis, Hugh — 489 Lewis, John S. — 525 Lewis, Rev. Joseph W. — 476-477- 514-525-526 Lewis, Joseph W. — 526 Lewis, Timothy — 476-477-478-514 -524-540 Lewis, Rev. Timothy Willard — 478-525-526-527-102 Lewis, Whitman Taylor — 525 Lewis, Hiram — 415 Lewis, Lemuel — 410 Lewis, William — 410 Libraries of Royalston — 106-107 Linsey, Richard — 477 Livermore, Jonas — 86 Livermore, Winthrop — 82 Locke, Phillip A. & Co. — 392 Lodge, Senator Henry Cabot — 155-156 INDEX XIII Long, Pond — 41 Longley, James C. — 556 Long-lev, Xahum — 509-497-25 Longlev, W. H. — 536 Longlev, Timothv M. — 206 Loom is, W. A. — 146 Lord, Fred W. — 80 Lord, Lucien — 80-446 Lord, Mrs. Lucien — 271 Lord, William G. — 73-146 Louter, Frank — 141 Lovett. James — 193 Lovewell, Wm. B. — 142-554 Lowe, Allen — 375 Lowe, John A. — 375 Lyman. J. E. — 524 Lyon, David — 29-88-233 M -38-39-26-109- -70-221 3 Mackenzie, Colin- 137-140-418 Mackenzie, Miss Bessie — 103 Mackenzie, Mrs. Emeline (White) — 109-142-143 Mackenzie, Harlan — 103 Mahler, Michael — 430 Manley, Jesse — 404-410 Mann, Rev. Cyrus — 55 Manning, Abel — 532 Manning, Patrick — 430 Mansfield, Rev. J. H. — 71 Marcy, O. Wilder — 477 Marsh, Benjamin — 448 Marsh. Chas. Allen — 219 Marsh, Rev. F.— 478 Marshall, Elder Thoma-s- Martin, Amos — 196 Martin, Stephen W. — 430 Marvin, Sumner — 453 Mather Cotton — 242 Matthews, Jeremiah — 454-340 Mason, C. H. — 459 May, Benjamin — 448 Maynard, Oren — 542 Mayne, Charles L. — 277 Mayne, Joseph Ford — 277 McDonald, N. — 536 McClellan, George B. — 166 McCall, Samuel W. — 153 McConlev, Dr. — 560 McCoy, R. J. J. — 478 McLane. Gov. John — 187 McManus, Rev. Charles — 479 McManus, Rev. Patrick — 479 Medical Profession — 113 Meehan, Rev. J. J. — 480 Mellen, James H. — 560 Mellen, Joel B. — 430 Mellen, Wm. H. — 80 Merriam, Albert W. — 101 Merriam, Rev. Asaph — 70-458 Merriam, Joseph W. — 270 Merrill, Rev. C. C. — 475 Merrill, Rev. J. L. — 475 Merrill, Rev. William — 478-190 Metcalf, Charles Hovev — 165 Metcalf, Charies Rich — 167 Metcalf, Caleb B. — 101-564 Metcalf, Miss Edith — 142-338 Metcalf, Eliab Wight — 168-169- 564 Metcalf, Ellas — 87 Metcalf, Enoch — 92-164 Metcalf, Enoch B. — 165 Metcalf, Dea. Enos — 49-72-91 Metcalf, George Prescott — 163 Metcalf, Henry Martyn — 168 Metcalf, Henrv, S. — 164 Metcalf, Capt. Isaac — 165-6-30-76 -91-92 Metcalf, Isaac Nev^^ton — 165 Metcalf, Isaac Stevens — 165-168- 564 Metcalf, Irving Wight — iVO-564 Metcalf, Jacob — 162-90-92 Metcalf, Rev. John M. P. — 167 Metcalf, Joseph Mayo — 169-168 Metcalf, Jonas Prescott — 163 Metcalf. Josiah Kidder — 164 Metcalf, Marius — 167 Metcalf, Maynard Mayo — 172 Metcalf, Michael — 162-172 Metcalf, Rev. Paul Harlon — 168 Metcalf, Capt. Peletiah — 162-22- 23-29-30-106-457-464-123 Metcalf, Dr. Peletiah — 123-162 Metcalf, Prescott Marius — 163- 421-430 Metcalf, Ralph Howes — 168 Metcalf, Samuel Gregory — 163 Metcalf, Thomas Nelson — 168 Metcalf, Wilder Stevens — 167 Metcalf, Wilmot Vernon — 171 Metcalf, Keyes Dewitt — 168 Metcalf, Harlow — 430 Metcalf, Silas — 415-340 Metcalf, Prescott — 421-430 Metcalf, Harlan Peletiah — 163- 430 Miles, Danvers — 431 Miles, George — 431 Miller, Asa — 375 Miller, Barzillar — 233 Miller, Charles Edward — 383 Miller, George Edward — 376-383 Miller, George Fletcher — 375-383- 21-37-93-130-376 Miller, George North — 383 Miller, Rev. J. D. — 70 Minerals — 45-46 Mirick. Ephraim, Jr. — 276 Moody, Daniel — 404-410 Moody, Dwight L. — 208-220 Moody, John — ^408-409-410 Moore, Abel — 389 Moore, Benoni — 141-142-143-1-2 Moore, Charles — 216 Moore, EliphaTet^66 Moore, George — 216 Moore, James G. — 449 Moore, J. S. — 26-143-431 Moore, Henry C. — 431 Moore, Leonard G. — 449-455 Moore, Patrick — 431 Moore, Richard — 510 Moore, William — 216 Mosher, B. H. — 508 Mosher, Harold C. — 507 Morandi, Francis — 211 Morandi, Stephen — 211 Morgan, George W. — 431 Morey, Simeon — 17 Morse, David — 65 Morse, Edmund Russell — 319 Morse, John Prescott — 319 Morse, Jenner— 319-400 Morse, Joseph — 318 Morse, Julius Nelson — 318 Morse, Nelson — 315 Morse, Russell — 318-24-25-31-78- 82-91-92-415-234-292 Morse. Russell, Jr. — 319-19-128- 400 XIV HISTORY OF KOVALSTON Morse, Samuel — 317 Morse, S. A. — 522 Morse, Leander B. — 79 Morton, John — 431-410 Mosman. Albion P. — 338 Mosman, Chas. A. — 338 Mosman, Edwin J. — 338 Moulton, Horace — 476 Mudfje. Cant. John G. — 84 Murdock, B. B. — 25-31 Murdock, Capt. Ephraim — 176 Murdock, James — 21 S Murphv, Rev. Thomas F. — 479 Muttart, Rev. W. L. — 474 N Naming- the Town — 8 Nash, George L. — 551 Nash, John — 431 Neal, Alfred W. — 27-29-32-146- 540-549 Newell, Col. Ebenezer — 412-431 Newell, Rev. Ebenezer F. — 476 New Town Hail — iti-20-21 Newton, Charles H. — 2?7-278-207- 37-112-128-447-451-453 Newton, Charles M. — 278 Newton, Ebenezer Perkins — 277 Newton, Edward Elmer — 277-279- ^^ewton, Col. Elmer — 276-277-25- 34-35-61-78-91-415 Newton. George — 103-100 Newton, George — 276 Newton, George Erigham — 101- 103-104 Newton. George Brigham — 279- 280 Newton, Hezekiah — 276-279-82- 275 Newton, Horatio — 276 Newton, Horatio Danforth — 276- 93-99 Newton,, Horatio Standish — 277 Newton. Natlian Brigham — 275- 24-106-103-412-415 Newton. Phinehas — 276 Newton, Phinehas S. — 108-277-146 -278-37-38-61-80-108-26-32-35- 36-361-451-137-140-143 Newton, Rich.'.rd — 275 Newton, Willard — 27 6-91-406-415 Newton, Willard Hazen — 276-94- 142-455 Newton, Mrs. Stella V. — 141-377 Newton, Henry R. — 250 Newton, Leon R. — 250 Newton, Ernest A. — 250 Nichols, Rev. Ammi — 225-128 Nichols, Daniel — 234 Nichols, Elijah — 224 Nichols, Frederic C. — 224-136- 14 2-143-149-155-394-395-566 Nichols, Henrv — 223-6-31-448-3 27 -461 Nichols, Isaac — 208-223-225-405- 408-409-410 Nichols, Isaac. Jr. — 225-6-15-25- 26-32-37-94-394-395-410-412 Nichols, Joseph Towne — 224-25- 26-32-37-94-394-395 Nichols, Leonard — 224-395-566 Nichols, William — 223-225-6-448 Nichols, Moses — 91-281 Nichols, John^409-410 Nichols, Robert — 265-266 Nitz, William — 432 Norcross, Andrew D. — 432 Norcross, Chauncy W. — 432-445 Norcross, Joseph — 91-92 Norris, Rev. James — 479 Norton, John — 23-24-30-36-76-7! -88-409-392-279 Norton, Rev. John F. — 50 Norton, Thomas — 129-415 Nourse, Joel — 448-449 Nourse, William — 529 Nutting, William H. — 300 o O'Brien, Patrick — 479 O'Conner, Rev. T. C. — 480 OM Elm — 45 Old Home Day of 1904 — 138-140 Old Home Day of 1910 — 140-141 Oliver, James — 80 Oliver, James 2d — 441 ( ) sen. Gustaff — 492 One Hundred and Fiftieth Anni- versary — 142 Orr, Rev. William — 479 Osborn, Franklin A. — 432 Osborn, A. K. — 284 Osborn. John — 23 Osgood, Nathan B. — 432 Otis, James — -1 Overseers of the Poor — 37-38 Owen, Daniel — 5 Packer, M. A. — 488 Paige, Hon. Calvin D. — 154 Paine, Charles G. G. — 333-97-98- 101 Paine, Elkanah, Jr. — 432 Paine, Ellen Almira — 333 Paine, Mary Elizabeth — 333 Paine, Sarah Leonard — 333 Paine, Shebna — 333 Palmer, Asa A. — 432 Palmer, Benjamin R. — 391 Parker, Alonzo S. — 323 Parker, Mrs. C. C. — 139 Parker, Hon. Herbert — 137 Parker, E. L. — 97-98 Parker, Capt. Jonas — 6 Parker, Josiah — 6-286 Parker, White & Co. — 271 Parkhurst. Dr. John — 122 Parmelee, Rev. J. H. — 70 Parmenter, J. Sumner — 79 Parmenter & Tower — 491 Parsons. William T. — 344 Partridge, Edward M. — 377 Partridge, Harlan P. — 441 Partridge, Hervey — 539 Partridge. Herm'an M. — 140-376- 441-433-455 Partridge, J. Milton — 377 Partridge, L. W. — 24-31-550 Parti-idge. Maynard — 128-377-61 Patch, Edwin — 539 Peabody, Chandler — 124-415 Pearson, Samuel A. — 124 Peck, Asahel — 289-563-100-123- 184-563-385 Peck, Benjamin — 287 INDEX XV Peck. Benoni — 286-415-24-25-30- 31-49-78-370-92-129-4 54-82 Peck. Calista — 287 Peck. Calvin — 74-460 Peck, Daniel — 283 Peck. Diniel — 283 Peck. Eliphalet — 287 Peck, Fred B.— 287 Peck. Hamilton Sullivan — 285-564 -101-123-139-140-141-564 Peck, Henry — 287-99 Peck, Henry Eddie — 287 Peck, John — 283-23-29 Peck, John Family — 288 Jack, John — 288 Peck. John — 289-370 Peck, James W. — 287 Peck, Joseph — 283 Peck, Levi — 287 Peck, Lyman — 284 Peck, Nahum — 289-123-384 Peck, Nathaniel- --'88 Peck, Phillip — 287 Peck, Roy Hamilton — 285 Peck, Sjlomon Family — 286 Peck, Solomon — 286 Peck, Solomon 2d— 74 Peck, Squire — 2o8 -123-384-256 Peck, Sullivan — 284 Peck, Wayland — 284 Peck. Cicero Goddard — 124 Peck. Chauncy — 415 Peck, Hiram — 410 Peck, Joshua — 409-410 Peck, Nelson F. — 433 Peckham, John — 553 Peckham, John Smith — 482 Peckham. Rev. Samuel H. — 481- 475-472 i-^ecknam, Samuel H., Jr. — 441-482 Peckhim, William Clark — 101- 442-481-564 Perkins Family — 272 Perking, Alfred Fearson — 274 Perkins, Rev. Dr. Ariel E. P. — 273 -21-101-128-:29-564 Perkins, Benjamin H. — 275 Perkins, Charles Albert — 274 Perkins. Daniel Choate — 274-124- 102-122 Perkins, David — 272 Perkins, Rev. Ebenezer — 272-55- 476-92-122-124-362 Perkins, Edward — 273 Perkins, Franklin Parish — 274 Perkins, Hannah Amelia — 274 Perkins, Henry Poor — 273 Perkins, Herbert Boardman — 273 Perkins, Jose;;h Lee — 274-19-20- 31-127-128-362 Perkins, Josephine L. — 275 Perkins. Julia A. — 275 Perkins, Benjamm Conant — 124- 128-132-564-274-101-123 Perkins, Joseph Frederick — 101 Perkins, Mr. M. M. — 93-94 Perreault. J. D. — 510 Perry. Curtis — 504 Perry, Micha — 87 Perry, Thaddeu.s — 8 7 Perry, Thomas — 89 Perley, L. H. — 558 Perry. Benjamin — 409-410-87 Perry. David — 117 Petition to President of United State — 75 Peters. Rev. Richard — 475 Pettv, Joseph — 1-2 Pheips. Daniel, W. — 280 Phipps, Rev, Geo. C. — 359 Phillips, James, Jr. — 373-469 Petition to General Court — 76-77 Phillips, Samuel, Esq. — 83 Pierce, Alvin — 504 Pierce, Arthur F. — 433 Pierce, Charle.s — 269-410 Pierce, Charlotte — 268 Pierce, Columbus — 266 Pierce, Delia M. — 271 Pierce, Ebenezer — 25-200-243-82- 87 Pierce, Edwin F. — 270-271 Pierce, Eliphalet — 266 Pierce, Emma L. — lo,i-268-94 Pierce, Gad — 265 Pierce, Capt. Gad — 265-461 Pierce, George — 266-269 Pierce, George — 296-19-31-35-82- 446 Pierce, George Everett — 269-270- -444-32-37-106-14 3-450-508 Pierce, Henry Leander — 267 Pierce, Horace— 266-267-188 Pierce, James — 266-415 Pierce, James W. — 268 Pierce, John — 265-268 Pierce, Jonas — 266-268 Pierce. Jonas Blake — 268 Pierce, Jonathan — 265-266-30-31- 90-91-92-106-104-454-461 Pierce, Jonathan Sibley — 266 Pierce, Joseph — 266-415 Pierce, Lieut. Junius — 267 Pierce, Junius E. — 267 Pierce, Leonard T. — 272 Pierce, Lyman Elliott — 270 Pierce, MiiO Horace — 267 Pierce, Paul — 266 Pierce, Royal — 266 Pierce, Silas — 266-415 Pierce, Sumner — 266 Pierce, Warren A. — 271 Pierce, Webster E. — 272 Pierce. William — 2 65-266-268-2 4- 53-91-92 Pierce, M'^illiam — 266 Pierce, Willard — 269 Pierce, Zebulon — 266-15 Pierponts, Grant — 1-2 Pike, Rev. Clarence — 60-144 Pike. Daniel — 404-405-410 Pike. E. B. — 60 Pilisbury, Enoch H. — 105 Piper, C. J. — 25 Piper, Elihu — 452-453 Piper, George H. — 442 Piper, Isaac — 90-91 Piper, James S. — 442 Pi.jer, Josiah, Jr. — 265 Piper, Lysander B. — 442 Pioneer Engine Co. — 560 Political — 75 Poland, Wheeler — 276 Pond, Albert D. — 263 Pomeroy. Hiram S. — 219 Pond. Rev. Milton G. — 57 Poor. Henry — 407-410 Pope. Charles — 433 Porter. Ernest F. — 558-95 Porter. Rev. James — 478 Post Offices — 111-112-509 Potter, Benjamin F. — 433 Potter, Rev. T. c. — 478-93 Powers. James— 510 Pratt, Alden — 336 Pratt, Alfred — 336 XVI HISTORY OF ROVALSTON Pratt, Daniel — 336 Pratt, Eug-ene O. — 336 Pratt, George — 336 Pratt, George M. — 336 Pratt, Gilbert — 336 Pratt, Jabez — 336 Pratt, J. Golan — 336 Pratt, Joel — 336 Pratt, John — 336 Pratt. Joseph Warren— 336 Pratt, Reuben — 444 Preble, Jedediah — 403 Prendergast, Rev. James — 479 Pre.scott, Henri M. — 263 Prescott, John — 415 Prescott, Peter — 374 Price, Rev. M. — 478 Prie.st's Brook — 40 Priest, Francis Dana — 384 Priest's Grant — 1-2 Priest, Joseph — 40-461 Priest, Nancy — 354-355-564 Progressive Movement — 82 Proprietors — ^1-3 Prouty, Charles S. — 391 Prouty, Isaac — 91-328 Purcell, Rev. Thomas E.- Putnam, Cornelius — 15 Putnam, Rev. John M. — 167 Putnam. Reuben — 538 Putney, Charles E. — 100 -538 Q Quinlan, Cornelius — 225 R Rand, Col. John — 409 Rawson, Lemuel H. — 196 Rankin, Noah — 284 Ravmond, Alfred Dwight — 297- 444-25-26-31-32-35-94-109-110- 455 Ravmond, Alfred Joseph — 298-143 Ravmond, Artemas — 298-203 Ravmond, Carrie Willis — 298-102 Ravmond, Franklin H. — 298 Ravmond, George A. — 298-433 Raymond, Joseph — 296-416-20-21- 25-31-34-35-37t61-78 -82 - 108 - 128-446 Raymond, Joseph Estabrook — 297 -129 Raymond. Mary Elizabeth — 298- 101-102 Raymond, William — 296-89 Raymond, William C. — 298 Raymond, William — 296 Raymond, Wm. Henry Harrison — 297 Raymond, George S. — 444 Raymond, James — 129 Raymond, Sullivan — 449 Raymond, Stephen — 92 Raymond, D. — 98 Raymond, Laurence J. — -298 Reed, Arba — 460 Read, E .M. — 136 Red Letter Days — 127 Reed, Clement O. — 260-264 Reed, Charles W. — 378-455 Reed, Cyrus B. — 25-31-128-378- 269 Reed, Cyrus P. — 378 Reed, Nathan — 2-90-92 Reed, William — 270 Representatives — 78-79-80 Rescue Engine Co. — 560 Reynolds, F. H. C. — 47-145 Revnolds, Rev. Thomas — 479 Rice, Aaron — 433 Rice, Abner — 258 Rice, Rev. C. F. — 121 Rice, Nelson W. — 433 Rice, Rev. Walter — 475-513-574- 575 Rice, Homer T. — 542-474 Rich, Dana — 460 Rich, Benjamin W. — 25-26-31-32- 80-534-514-504-455 Rich, B. Warren — 26-37-535-522 Rich, Charles — 165 Rich, Charles Witt — 535 Rich, Edmund — 533 Rich, Elisha — 66-67-460 Rich. Frederick — 536 Rich, George Thatcher — 536-504 Rich, Harrison — 534 Rich, Jeremiah Atkins — 25-26-31- 32-79-109-110-534-560-504-474 Rich, Jeremiah Edward — 535-560- 142 Rich, John Elliot — 534 Rich, Joshua — 442 Rich, Lewis Damon — 534 Rich, Nathaniel — 15 Rich, Richard — 533 Rich, Thatcher — 533 Rich, Thatcher, Jr. — 534 Rich. Thatcher— 536 Rich, Thomas Walter — 534 Rich, Zacheus — 533 Richards, George H. — 323 Richards, Mrs. Jennie — 136-144 Richards, Joseph — 1 Richards, Joseph — 560 Richards, Mrs. Leota — 136-142 Richards, Perley — 146 Richardson, Arthur G. — 389 ,>,-,i> Richardson, Abiel — 17-410" ^^^ Richardson, Abijah — 250-86- 404- 407-411 Richardson, Abijah — 250-86-404- 407-411 Richardson, Abijah, Jr. — 250 Richardson, Andrew Jackson — 251-442 Richardson, Charles E. — 96-95- 142-143-456 Richardson, Eliphalet — 250-86-91 -409-411 Richardson, Ephraim W. — 250 Richardson Familv — 248 Richardson, Franklin — 250-31-447 454-207 Richardson, Hon. George Carter — 251-128-132-448-563-226-253- 387- 388-389 Richardson, Jefferson — 251 - 99 - 442 Richardson, John — 248 Richardson, Luther — 249 Richardson, Lysander — 249 Richardson, Samuel — 249 Richardson, Stephen — 249-248-24- 25-30-31-91-92-411-415 Richardson, Timothy — 248-7-14- 15-16-22-23-151 Richardson, Timothy, Jr. — 249-7 INDEX XVII Richardson, Dr. Thomas — 251-115 24-91-387 Richardson, Dr. Maurice — 95-137 Richardson. Ephraim — 102 Richardson, Nathaniel — 79-536 Richardson, C. Predericlc — 80-222 Richardson, William — 409-411 Richardson, George O. — 433 Richardson, Leander — 442 Richardson, Dr. Henry A. — 389 Richmond, A. J. — 509 Richmond, E. J. — 509 Richmond, Forest E. — 508-509 Ripley, Dwight — 378 Ripley, Mrs. Emily B. — 21-35-61 Ripley William D. — 20-61-128-378 Roads Laid Out — 16 Robbins, John — 433 Robbins, J. A. — 247 Rogers, Eliphalet — 286 Rog-ers, Rev. P. S. — 478 Rogers, James — 219 Roers, Rev. John — 286 Rogers, Moses — 340 Rogers, Thomas — 415 Root, Azariah Smith — 167 Root, Francis Metcalf — 167 Royal, Hon. Isaac — 1-2-8-9-52-85 Royal House — 9-10 Royalston Cotton & Woolen Man- ufacturing Co. — 468 Royalston Farmers' Club — 108 Royalston, Festival — 21 Royalston, Leg — 3-12-13 Rugg, George — 442 Russell, Albert F. — 368 Russell, Prof. A. C. — 556 Russell, Charles R. — 368 Russell, Dulcenia M. — 368 Russell. George W. — 434 Russell, Henry — 434 Russell. Harrv H. — 368 Ryan, John — 259 Sabbath Noon House — 17 Safford, Charles R. — 496-511 Safford, Henry A. — 496 Safford, Henry W. — 496 Safford. Loyal R. — 496 Safford, Ruel Roby — 32-94-45'- 453-495-474 Safford, Winthrop M. — 496 Sale of Royalston Lands — 3 Sampson, Charles — 365 Sampson, Henry K. — 434 Sanborn, Asa J. — 443 Sargent, E. D. — 146-148 Sault, Carl E. — 293 Saunders, William — 90 Sawyer, Addison M. — 450 Sawyer, Joseph — 450 Sawyer, Sylvanus — 450 Sawyer, W. P. — 268 Scenery — 40 School Committee from 1845 — 93- 94-95 School Districts — ^87-88-89 Scott. Rev. G. R. ^{V. — 57 School Houses — 90 Seabury, Rev. Edwin— 9.?-47.i Seaton, Dr. Marshall — 120 Selectmen — 2 2 -23 -24 -25-'' 6- ''7 Senators — 81 Shaw. Rev. Judson Wade — 57-58 Sheldon, Moses — 141 Shepard, Eliot P. — 125 Shepard, William H. — 189 Shepardson, Daniel — 215 Shepardson, Daniel — 216 Shepardson, Rev. Daniel — 216- 218-72-91-102-129-564 Shepardson, Daniel — 220 Shepardson, Daniel — 222 Shepardson, David Cook — 216 Shepardson, David Cook— -216-220 Shepardson, Edmund C. — 222-223- 80 Shepardson, Eri — 216-222-454 Shepardson, Francis Wayland — 220 Shepardson, Frank L. — 217 Shepardson, Isaac — 216 Shepardson, John — 216-91 Shepardson, Rev. John — 216-220- 564 Shepardson, John — 222-434-146 Shepardson, Jonathan — 216 Shepardson, Joseph Henrv — 217- 218-102 Shepardson, Rev. L. P. — 70 Shepardson, Lucius Franklin — • 217 Shepardson, Luke B. — 223-71-28- 26-32-71-108-141-142-143-146- 455-459 Shepardson, Nathaniel — 215 Shepardson, Quincy Adams — 217- 443 Shepardson, George Defrees — 220 Shepardson, John Ernest — 220 Shejjardson, Joseph — 444 Shepardson, John — 146 Shepardson, Carl — 102-29 Shelton, William — 243 Sherwin. Addison — 539 Sherwin/ Arba— 538-24-31-78-82- 128 Sherwin, Arba — 538 Sherwin, Arthur H. — 539 Sherwin. Frederic Hervev — 539- 474-475 Sherwin, George Henry — 539 Sherwin. George Percival — 538 Sherwin, J. C. W. T. M. — 434 Sherwin, Lyman — 504 Sherwin, Melancthon — 539 Sherwin, William W. — 434 Sherwin, Robert A. — 474-560-539 Sherwin. L-man Harrington — 540 Sherwood, M. W. — 26-95-461 Shipman. Rev. J. N. — 71 Shirley. Governor — 2 Sibley, Joel H. — 547 Sibley. Joel — 247 Sibley. Jonathan — 6-22-37-78-89- 90-106-409-411 Sibley, William — 247 Siegrist, John — 434 Simonds, Charles — 146 Simonds, Elder — 73 Slate, John — 550 Slocum, Rev. H. T. — 71 Slocum, W. F. — 70 Small. Alberto W. — 100 Smalley, D. A. — 392-384 Smart, Albert — 554 Smart, Charles — 554 XVIII HSTOKV OF ROY ALSTON Smart, James Harry — 554 Smart, James ,J. — 554 Smart, William — 554 Smith, Amanda (Bemis) — 3bo Smith, Augustus Peck^ — 287 Smith, Rev. B. M. — 478 Smith, Charles- A. — 162 Smith, Dr. Chiron W. — 206 Smith, George W.— 223 Smith, Herbert 0.-^142-449 Smith. James B. — 418-434 Smith, Joseph — 250 Smith, Rev. J. T.— 70 Smith, Dr. Leander — 122-102 Smith, L. F. — 338 Smith, Sidney P.— 80 Smith, Simon — 550 Smith, William W. — 438 Soule, Bishop — 526 Sparhawk, Col. Nathan — 40 < -408 Spaulding, Rev. C. H. — 72 Speare, Gregory & Co. — 254 Spitz, R. J. — 556 Spofford, Henry A. — 163 Spooner, Alden — 46 Sprague, Frederick H. — 535 Sprag'ue, William H. — 435 Starrett, L. S.— 222-494 Starrett, L. S. Co.— 197 Statuette of the Angel Gabriel — 63-64 Stearns, Capt. Ephraim — 400 Stebbins, Timothy — 554 Steiner, Henry — 438 Stevens, Isaac — 79 Stewart, Alexander — 435 Stewart, Charles — 508 Stewart, Charles H. — 435 Stewart, Eri S.— 95-96-102-142- 143-146-456 Stewart, John — 438 Stewart. Luther E.— 71,94-95-223- 455 Stimson. Charles A. — 38-142-143- 146-456 Stockwell, Abraham — 53 Stockwell, Anan — 548 Stock well, Ammi — 4 67-468-547 Stockwell, Caleb N.— 549-93-94- 444 Stockwell, Chester Twitchell— 4 7 2-473-546-484-483-5 64 Stockwell, Daniel (3) — 545 Stockwell, Daniel (4) — 545 Stockwell, Edmund — 25-31-35-128 -453 Stockwell, Stockwell, Stockwell, Stockwell, Edward S. — 547 Stockwell, Franklin B. — 547 Stockwell, Freeman — 467-547-477 -478 Stockwell, Francis B. — 546 Stockwell, George Henry — 547 Stockwell, George — 547 Stockwell, Isaac — 547-415 Stockwell, James Frederic — 547 Stockwell, John, Jr. — 545 Stockwell, Capt. John — 545 Stockwell, Jonathan — 467-468-415 Stockwell, Jonathan — 545 Stocwkell, Joseph — 545-24-415- 233 Stockwell, Joseph — 545-546 Stockwell, Joseph H. — 547-404- 146 Edwin — 548 Elmon — 548 Emmons — 473-545-54 6- Stockwell. John Wood — 546-36- 235 Stockwell, Luke — 546 Stockwell, Moses — 545 Stockwell. Myron E. — 33-547-142 Stockwell, Reuben — 547-415-92 Stockwell, Simeon — 547-415-91 Stockwell, Simeon, Jr. — 548 Stockwell, Sylvester — 546 Stockwell, Tarrant — 545-415 Stockwell, Walter A. — 547 Stockwell, Warren U. — 547 Stockwell. William — 544 Stockwell, Winfield S. — 546-542 Stockwell, Thaddeus— 41)7-411 Stockwell, John— 409-411 Stockwell, John W. — 235 Stockwell, Joel — 409-411 Stock well. Levi — 111 Stockwell, Miss Cora E. — 136-137 140 Stockwell, Judah — 92 Stockwell, F. D. — 536 Stone, Clarence E. — 323 Stone, Edward Lyman — 323 Stone, Rev. B. G. — 475 Stone, Rev. J. P. — 475 Stone. Jonathan — 322 Stone, Luther — 302 Stone, Lvman — 5-25-31-72-93-94- 246-322-323-449 Stone. Zenas — 91-92 Storrs, Samuel G. — 99 Storv, Arthur B.— 549 Stow, Marshall V. — 268 Stratton, Rev. P. K. — 478 Stratton, Rufus — 115 Stratton, James — 113 Streeter, Adarn — 454 Streeter, Naphtali — 66 Streeter, Sebastian — 370 Strong, Caleb — 83 Studer, Joseph — 435 Sturtevant, B. F. — 396 Sullivan, Hon. James — 83 Sumner, Charles — 296 Sweenev. Daniel — 435 Sweetzer, Phillip — 78-88 Sweetzer, Phillips — 120 Sweetzer, Samuel — 226 Sweetzer, William — 266 Swan, Dr. Ebenezer — 209 Swift, Francis H. — 435 Swift, Rev. John — 54 Taft, Daniel — 2 Taft, David — 91-465 Taft, Joel — 2-90 Tandy, C. Eugene — 547 Tandv, Charles F. — 344 Tandy, Eddy C. — 34 4 Tandv. Rev. Lorenzo — 344-70-:»3- 454 Tandv, Nathan S. — 344-435-454 Tandy, William W. — 344-554 Tavlor, Addison — 340 Tavlor, C. R. — 55 6 Taylor, Flev. O. — 71 Temple. Lady — 1 Temple, Luke — 555 Tenney, Charles E. — 435 Thatcher, Warren — 435 Thayer, Sidney — 323 Third Meeting House of Congre- gational Church — 61 INDEX XIX Third Baptist Meeting House — 71-72 Thomas Bradford — 535 Thompson, James — 407-411 Thompson. Jonas — 23-88-407-411 Thompson, Orrin — 34-453 Thompson, Robert — 24-82-91 Thompson, Warren — 554 Thurston, Benjamin — 74 Thurston, Levi — 24-90-465 Tilson, Rev. — 70 Tingley, Samuel — 215 Titu.s, I.eno.x— 407-411 Tonkin, Elder Henry — 70 Tower, Rev. Francis E. — 222 Town Clerks — 36-37 Town Government — 22 Town Meeting's — 14 Town Meetings, First — 14 Town Meetings, Early — 15 Town, Moses — 541 Town I'reasurer.s — 91 Town, William — ^327-545-451 Town, William — 5-29-37-53-451 Townsend, Harlan P. — 99 Townsend, James — 435 Trustees of Public Library — 109- 110 Tucker, George W. — 303 Tully River — 41 Turner, Andrew W. — 4 43 Turner. Ephraim — 513 Turner. Jerathmural — 498 Turner, Miss M. — 98 Turner, Jonas M. — 25-31-550-490- 474 Turner, John — 478-223 Turner, Marden Hartwell — 499 Turpin, Rev. Edward — 4 79 Turpin. Rev. Henry — 479 Twitchell, Eugene G. — 32-33 Twitchell — Elbridge — 54 6-47 4 Twitchell, Chester — 546 Twitchell, Seth — 546 Twitchell, Ginery — 462 Twitchell, Francis — 468 Tyler, Charles H. — 380 Tyler, Ernest Warren — 80 Tyler, P. C. — 379 Tyler, Arthur F. — 263 U ■ Upham, Joshua M. — 555 Upham, Daniel W. — 555 Upham, Arthur Aquila— 10.W7!)- 397 Upham, Benjamin W. — 7-378-397- 250-235 Upham, Charles M.^^443 Upham & Day — 471 Upham, Elmer Benjamin — 379- Upham, John — 378 L phani, John M.— 128-o00-474-4fi9 Upham, Lorenzo — 443 Upham, Otis K.— 436 Upton, Rev. Augustus G. — 171 Valuation — 34-35-36 Vanderbilt, Wm. H. — 125 Van Patten. Frederick — 234 Vinton. Rev. Porter M. — 478 Vose, Edwin O. — 436 Vose, W. N. — 8 2 Vose, William H. — 513-514 Vote for Governor — 83 Vote for President — 83 w Walker Walker Walker Walker 204 Wait, Joseph — 404-405-407-411 Wait, Josiah — 412-467 Wait. Nathaniel — 411 Waite, Benjamin — 22-29 Waite, Josiah — 540 Wakefield, Arrington Clay — S58 W^akefield, Solomon — 2'62 Waldron, Col. John — 531 Walker, Aleck — 205 Walker, Asa — 204-90-92-415 Walker, Calvin — 209-74 Walker, Charles Sumner — 207 Walker, Clarence J. — 205-206 Walker, Daniel — 196 Edward Everett — 207 Elijah — 209-5-87 George E. — 205 Herbert Thomas — 205- Walker, James — 209-74 Walker, John Bigelow — 208-415- 444 Walker, John Bigelow, Jr. — 208 Walker, Jonah — 209-74 Walker, Dea. Joseph — 205-25-26- 31-32-37-79-94-447-436-455 Walker, Lyman — 209-99 Walker, Moses — 208-45-87-91-411 Walker, Obadiah — ^204-5 Walker, Obadiah — 206-31-37-112- 447-492-250 Walker, Lieut. Obadiah- Walker. R. J. — 94 Walker. Reuben — 209 Walker. Rebeccah Metcalf — 208 Walker. Thomas — 203 Walker, Thomas, Jr. — 203 Walker, T. B. — 232 Walker, Willard — 209 Walker, William — 209 Walker, William N. — 204 Walker, Moses 2d — 411 Walker, Marcus A. — 436 Walton, John — 172 Walsh. Rev. Robert — 479 Ward. (General Artemas — '>'.i4 Ward, Jabez — 554 Ward, W. Scott — 100 Wanamaker. Wm. H.. Jr.— Warner, Alanson — 436 Warner, E. T. — 25-31 Warren. Daniel — 88 Warren, Emerson — 447 W'arren, Joseph — 402 Waste, Ebenezer — '22 Watts, Samuel — 1 Watruss, Oliver — 253 Waugh, Bishop — 526 Weber, John — 436 Webster, Alexander — 478 Webster, Daniel — 503 Webster, Lucien — 433 Weeks, Caleb — 523 Weeks, Fred D. — 491 Weeks, F. & Co. — 198 Wellington, Jonathan — 41: 241 XX HISTORY OF ROY ALSTON Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheelei Wheeler Wheele Wheelei Wheeler Wheelei Wheelei Wheelei Wheelei Wheelei Wellman, L,. M. — 527 Wells, Dr. Henry — 114 Whaland, Albert — 71 Wheeler, Capt. Adam — 407 Aaron — 551 Amos — 407 Amos 1st— 409-411 Amos 2d — 411 Amos 3d — 411 Arthur P. — 553 Benjamin — 551 Benjamin S. — 553 Charles M. — 553 Clarence E. — 553 Daniel — 551 Darwin F. — 454 David — 549 Elmer Jeremiah — 553 Enez E. — 550 Everett Roswell — 553 Ezra D.— 550-443 Family — 549 Frank — 553 Frank B. — 552-445 George Nelson — 551-436 Geor;?e M.— 208 Harry — 553 Henrv R. — 553 James Elliot — 553 Jeremiah Bishop — 552 Jesse Forristall — 550- 25-31-35 Wheeler, Joseph — 551 Wheeler, Col. Josiah — 549-415-528 Wheeler, Josiah Wait — 550 Wheeler, Julius R. — 553 Wheeler, Rev. L. — 70 Wheeler, Leonard — 551-37-378- 469 Wheeler, Lester Elmon — 553 Wheeler, Levi — 549 Wheeler, Levi Whitney — 552 Wheeler, Lord Nelson — 551-103- 101 Wheeler, Lyman S. — 550-436 W^heeler, Mason — 551 Wheeler, Mason — 552 Wheeler. Lieut. Nathan — 549-6-53 405-408-409-411 Wheeler, Paul— 549-91 Wheeler, Ralph Anson — 553 Wheeler, Robert A. — 553 Wheeler, Rufus B. P. — 550-443 Wheeler. Russell — 551-552 Capt. Russell — 552 Russell, Jr. — 552 Russell — 552-91-454-462 .. ..^^.^., Samuel — 553 Wheeler, Warren L. — 551-437 Wheeler, Nathaniel — 86-87 Whee'er. S. Weston — 224 Wheeler, Seth — 86-87 Wheeler, Rev. L. — 70 Wheeler, Nathan, Jr. — 404-408- 405-409-411 Wheeler, Watson — 95 Wheeler, J. M. — 455 Whidden, Charles R. — 218 AVhipple, Elkanah — 266 Whipple, Nancy — 214 Whipple, Rev. Reuben — 513 WMiipple, Silas — 93 Whitcomb, Mark — 287 White, Alanson — 92 White, Adriel — 25-31-51-93 White, Adriel C. — 93-143-244-437 White, Asaph M. — 25-26-31-32-93- 94-141-244-260-437 W^heeler, Wheeler, Wheeler. Wheelei White, Elisha — 242 Wheeler, Erastus B. — 242 White, Dr. John — 391 White, Philetus Davis — 243 White, Rollin N. — 437 White, Rollin O. — 244-245 White, M. W. — 26-36-141-145-456 White, S. — 12 White, Stephen P. — 437 White, Thomas — 89 White, Wellington— 128-143-146- 243-444 White, Willard W. — 455 Whitney, Rev. Aaron— 54 Whitney, Alfred H. — 386-396 Whitney, Amasa — 246 Whitney, Amos — 92-373 Whitnev, Chandler — 444 Whitney, David E. — 212 Whitnev, Ebenezer — 328 Whitney, Edward — 540 Whitnev, Elmer — 141 Whitney, Ephraim — 90-91-250 Whitnev, Col. George — 25-34-35- 36-61-74-79-80-128-139-373-398 -446-45 2-469-470-4 75-515-563 Whitney, George E.— 143-373-393- 394-469-475 Whitney, John — 276 Whitnev, Lemuel — 91 Whitney, George, "Woolen Mill — 484 Whitnev, Baxter D .& Son — 287 Whittier, John — 482 Whitmore, Abijah — 444 Whitmore, Arren — 540 Whitmore & Bruce — 470 Whitmore, Capt. Enoch — 91-412- 540-514 Whitmore, John — 34 Whitmore. John — 407-411-541-453 -454 Whitmore, Capt. John — 541-534 Whitmore, John, Jr. — 411 Whitmore, Joseph — 540 Whitmore, Isaac — 540 Wilcox, Calvin H. — 142-455 Wilder, George — 492 Wilder, Joseph, Jr. — 1 Wilder, Josiah W. — 301 Wiley. Col. D. D.— 382 Wilkey, J. F. — 508 Wilkins, Newhall H. — 438 Willev, Charles A. — 275 Willard, Joshua — 11-14-15 Williams, Rev. C. B. — 71-140 Williams, Joseph — 438 AVillis. C. B. — 97 Willis, Dr. Isaac P.— 115-116-93 Wilson, Arnold — 532 Wilson, Dr. A. L. — 387 Wilson, Charles A. — 444 Wilson, George W. — 437 Wilson, J. Ormond — 386-387-101- 563 Wilson, James — 387-246-245 Wilson, Rev. Jarvis — 478 Wilson, John — 438 Wilson, Nathaniel — 415 Wilson, M. A. — 98 Wilthorne, Francis — 220 Winslow, Rev. E. D. — 478 Winslow, Hon. Samuel E. — 155- 156 Withington, William— 2 Wood. A. B. — 223 Wood, Robert, Jr. — 551 Wood, C. Robert, Jr. — 112 Wood, Albion Royal — 293 INDEX XXI Wood, Wm. W. — 471 Wood, Elmer — 293 Wood. George H. — 292-437 Wood, Henrv S.— 292-293-416-437 Wood, John — 292 Wood. John — 291-2-91-93-200 Wood, Nancy Lord — 292 Wood, Rev. Plinv — 478 Wood, John M. — 438 Wood, Nelson G. — 444 Woodbury, Benjamin — 199-15-22- 53-86 Woodbury, Benjamin — 200 Woodbury, Dea. Benjamin — 203 Woodbury, Benajah — 203-408-409 411 Woodburv, Capt. Daniel — 200-24- 30-36-89-90-91 Woodburv, Daniel Raymond — 201 Woodbury, George — '201-37-48- 454 Woodbury, Mrs. George — 108-130- 360-361 Woodbury. George Edward — 202 Woodbury, Col. Jacob — 355 Woodbury, James — 200 Woodbury, James Peter — 201 Woodburv, John — 199 Woodbury, Jonathan — 199 - 200- 409-411-196 Woodbury, Joshua — 199 Woodbury, Joseph — 199 Woodbury, Joseph — 200 Woodbury, Leslie Hanks — 202- 456 Woodbury, Lot — 200-411 Woodbury. Martha Almira — 202 Woodburv. Capt. Peter — -199-200- 401-407-408-409-464-461-411-15 22-23-29-30-31-36-37-78-86-90 Woodbury, Peter — 201 Woodbury, Rev. Joseph — 478 Woodbury, Peter 2d — 404-405-408 -411 Woodcock, Jeremiah — 464 Woodcock & Sawyer — 247 Woodward, Amos — 454 Woodworth, Rev. Charles Louis — 274 WooUey, Lydia — 7 Work, James — 22-411 Work, Oliver — 29-30-78-106 Wright, Henrv P. — 349 Wright, Josiah — 92 Wyman, Benjamin Franklin — 202 Wyman, Seth — 249 Wyman, Silas, Jr. — 444 Young, Zachariah F. — 212 THIS BOOK "WAS PRINTED AT THE PRESS OF THE ATHOL TRANSCRIPT ATHOL, MASS. 11 7 8 "•' ■i." .' ^ :-»i;^ %.^ :!£&• X,/^ ^^'^^ %.^ ;) .,„..' >^ ■^ -y^i^v >• .mt; ,\^ <^ r<^ ^. o o o V ,^ HO. ^^M^ s ,^' .0' :^, y^lf ; ^^' .^^. V, o \ v^. .0 '^_ A A. <^. -^ K^^ i:^ 0' -^^ -5^ O ^T .%^ r^ Hq. <(' ^-^ r .f^ ^ %-K>;1V .^ ^x .■•X' .t^'^° ,^^^. ,0' ■'" ''^<^o A*' .' ■ vJ^ ^S" , " 'J^ s- ■ « ^v \^'. "^ ' " ^ ^?< y- y ."" fi ^ ^-ri^% ' # N.MANCHESTER, ■' . . s '' .0 INDIANA ^^ , o « o ^