-t^. v^^ A^' ^/> S^ ^. ■0^ ,<■ % ^^ .^ 0> "^-^ A. ,j> r^^o^' -1 "^.^ v^ *:l ■''^, .^^ -*. ■. ^ <^ •; ^ n ■% 4 .0 o'^' \^-'^ ^J^%^< r- ^ A^ \^^^^'- ■-. -x^ '^'c'^' V ^ x^'^, ^ • :jf vX-^ '''>1S>^^= , ..^'^ i^ ^ ^ t^ » -p^ N* s ,0o. T J, -- .„ „ ^ ^ y ^\o'^ /\' 'c- \ 1 J. MTJIsrSELL, BOOK AND JOB Mtmx f rinting ^mm, 78 STATE ST., ALBANY, N. Y. JSX>Xji£33NrX>XX> l^iW TYPES, iiiiiii, '5 EVERY FACILITY FOB DOING ALL KINDS OF ORNAMENTAL WORK. One Thousand Fonts of Type, Of all Sizes and Styles, and innumerable BORDERS and ORNA- MENTS are now contained in the office, so that there is hardly any taste or fancy that may not be suited. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF OLD STYLE TYPE ON HAND, FOR Book & Miscellaneous Printing, AND STEREOTYPE WORKS PRINTED With a clearness and beauty of execution unsurpassed. 1 2 BR^I^CH OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Co., N0» 462 BROAD WAY^LBANY. §m Ifovk ^\tt §m\mm (^m\\\m\\\^, Nos. 112 & 114 Broadway, New York. EST^A-BLISHCEID 1845. TEN TEAR PLiN— NOW FORFEITURE! MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary. ISAAC C. KENDALL, Vice-Prest. WM. H. BEERS, Cashier. General Agent, Local Agent, E. W. TROTTER. WM. LACY. DJ^ This is a purely Mutual Company, all the profits being divided among the assured annually. The NEW YOBK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has been now in operation seventeen years, and has accumulated a capital of $2,200,000. Its Dividends have never been less than 30 per cent on the premiums paid, and it has disbursed to widows and orphans over $1,200,000. It has deposited with the Comp- troller of New York State, as an evidence of good faith, to secure Policy Holders, $100,000, and its Trustees in New York City, are of the very first and reliable names. The affairs of this Company show a lively prosperity, and each successive year, this great society, after disbursing some two or three hundreds of thousands of dollars, are adding to their capital the like amount. In accordance with the requirements of the Charter, the funds of the Company are invested in stocks created by or under the laws of the State of New York, or of the United States, or on un- incumbered real estate, worth fifty per cent more thau the amount loaned thereon. TEIV YEAR PI.AIV— IVOIV FORFEITURE. ORIGINATED BY THE NEW YORK LIFE. By the table on which this class of policies is based it would seem that a per- son incurs no risk in taking out a policy. Insuring to-day for $5000, if he die to-morrow, the $5000 immediately becomes a claim, and if he lives ten years, and makes ten annual payments, his policy is paid up ; nothing more to pay and etill his dividends CONTINUE, making his life policy a source of income to him while living. The principal argument of weight offered against life insurance is, that a party might pay in for a number of years, and then, by inadvertence, inability, &c., not be able to continue paying, and then lose all he has paid. The NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has done much to obviate this objection by their ten tear plan and non forfeiture. A party, by this table, cannot forfeit what has been paid in. Thus, if one insuring by this plan for $5000 discontinue after the second year, the Company will give him A paid up POLICY, according to the number of years paid in, viz : Second year, two-tenths of amount insured, $1000 Third " three-tenths of $5000 " 1500 Fourth " four-tenths " " 2000 Fifth " five-tenths " " , 2500 And so on until the tenth annual payment, when all is paid and dividends STILL CONTINUE. Hon. ERASTUS CORNING, RICHARD VAN RKNSSELAER, AM AS A J. PARKER, JOHN TWEDDLE, THOMAS W. OLCOTT, JEREMIAH J. AUSTIN, THURLOVV WEED, RUFUS H. KING. WM. H. CRAIG, M. D. JOHN SWINBURNE, M. D. S. H. FREEMAN, M. D. JOHN V. P. QUACKENBUSH, M. D. D:F" Applications, Forms, Pamphlets and Last Statement, may be had at the office. LOSSES PAID IN THE CITIES OF ALBANY, TROY & SCHENECTADY. Charles H. Russell, Troy $:^000 Ismc Carpenter, Albany, 3000 Wni T. King, Troy 5000 Edward B Slason, Albany 3000 Abr;im A. Lansing. Albany, SOOO Michael S. Martz, Troy, 1000 Henry Tatnr. Troy 5000 Albert A. Thompson. Troy, 500 Alex. H. Brown, Troy, 500 Eichard Bulger, Albany, 3000 Chas. S. Coleman, Troy, $5000 Abner Loveland, Troy, 3500 Germaine Lamoui*e, Albany 10000 James Vane, Albany 1000 Henry Fenno, Albany, 5000 Henry Banker, Charlton, 3000 H. Van Antwerp, Schenectady,... 5000 T. L. Thompson, !;chenectady,.... 5000 S. Ward, Schenectady, 1000 mm BEDSTEAD FACTORY, ETJFXJS K. VIELE, MANUFACTURER OF .n? m^ s^^sa^y/© ^ ^i^ t^ .i^ ^ ^ PATENT CRIBS, Extension Tables and Wash Stands, THACHER STREET, ABOVE NORTH PERRY, S. J. THOMPSON & CO., AMBROTYPE ESTABLISHMENT, No. 478 Broad^vay, S. J. THOMPSON. J. w. Mcdonald. R.M.VAN$ICKLER&FORBY, IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, COTTON & WOOLEN JHimnfaftiirers' JlrtifUs anli ^nppim. WOOL, POTATO STARCH, GLUE, OILS, SOAPS, JHachine Cards, Leather and Rubber Beltings, NOS. 1 & 2 CENTRAL BLOCK, BROADWAY, ADJOINING DELAVAN HODSE ON THE NORTH, MXiMAMY Mt T» M. HARTNETT, MilLLIJNTER, No. 43 SOUTH PEAKL, STRKET, strict attention p aid to BIiEACHZNG and PRSSSZNO. BTT E3. 0-WE33>r, Nos. 715, 717 & 719 BROADWAY, MMmf. Ko 1 ^^ M. W. lACOIIBER & €0., >lesale and F^IMTS, OIIjiS, Wholesale and Retail And Dealers in FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW CLASS, CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, Kerosene Oil, &c., &c. "Wliolesale Agents for PETROIEUM, m\mi CIRBOI Oil, MINERAL TURPENTINE, And all the Popular PATENT MEDICIIVES Also, Agents for FOR PRESERVING VEGETABLES. 32 & 34 WASHINGTON AVE., tcHieKERaoeiCEn ALBANY.N^^ dLBtHlCltil. The inyentor and proprietor of this admirable preparation has operated with the HAIR RESTORER for the past year and a half in the city of Albany with the most brilliant success, operating upon probably the worst cases of baldness to be found in this or any other country, giving each a good and substantial head of hair. It is without doubt THE ONLY GENUINE HAIK RESTORER EXTANT. The proprietor feels assured that after a fair trial a generous public will attest to its superior quality over all other preparations. I*rlce One j^Dollar i>er JBottle. All orders to be accompanied by the cash. For sale wholesale and retail at the office No. 29 ORANGE ST., between Broadway and North Pearl St., Prof. H. A. DeMUNN, Albany, N. Y. EUREKA STEAM MILLS, 352 & 354 BROADWAY, cor. Division St., BARTHOLOMEW & MORSE, MANUFACTURERS And AVholesale Dealers In all kinds of C O P' F E E , SPICES, CBEAll TARTAR, MUSTARD, &C., Jit lowest JflarUet Prices. JAS. BARTHOLOMEW. LANSING MORSE. R. S. & P. CUSHMAN I ]VC P O R T E R S And Wholesale Dealers in GINS, WHISKIES I NOS. 376 & 378 SOUTH BROADWAY, AI^BAJTY, TH, Y. DR. J. A. PERKINS, Eoom No. 8 TWEDDLE HALL, ALBANY, N. T. Fills teeth with granulated or spong»gold in a manner unsur- passed by any operator in the State. Natural and life like-artifi- cial dentures inserted on reasonable terms. D;^A11 work warranted A 1. HUESTED & WENDELI., No. 56 State St., Albany, N. Y. All styles of PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES and CARTES DE VISITES finished in the best style and on the most reasonable terms. Particular attention paid to making enlarged copies from small pictures finish- ed in OIL, WATER or INDIA INK COLORS. 10 ? ALBANY, N. Y., <^ [iuuiiiLTmri h;s CORNER BROADWAT AND MAIDEN LANE, At tlie Junction of tlie NEW YORK, HUDSON RIVER, MSTIRI AID lORTHERI RAIIBOADS. At all hours, to suit the arrival and departure of all the different Trains and Steamers. FRANCIS RIDER, PROPRJETOK. NEW JERSEY STEAM BOAT CO. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAM BOATS. ISAAC IWM & IW WORLD, RUNNING BETWEEN ALBANY AND NEW YORK, Incoiinectioii witli tlie New York Central Rail Road, MET, SUHBili iieiPTSB. ■ LEAVE ALBANY, from Steam Boat Landing, at 1)4 o'clock P. M., on the ar- rival of the Great vV estern Train of Cars. LEAVE PIER No. 16. N. R., between Courtlandt and Liberty Streets, New York, at 6 P. .M., arriving in Albany to connect with the Morning Trains for East, West and North. la 405 feet long, 78 feet wide, has four Decks, cylinder 81 inches diameter, 12 feet stroke, 40 feet wheel, one sleam and three hand Fire Pumps, 220 Family and State Rooms, 250 Berths. Is 385 feet long, 88 feet wide, has four Decks, cylinder 77 inches diameter, 15 feet stroke, 46 feet wheel, one steam and three hand Fire Pumps, 228 Family and State Rooms, 249 Berths. Both Boats are in every particular furnished and equipped in the most safe and comfortable manner. ran pjissjiaE on freight, Which will be taken at all times as low as by any other line of Steamers, apply at the Office, No. 283 BROADWAY, ALBANY, Or on the Wharf No. 16 NORTH RIVER, NEW YORK. J. "W. HARCOURT, Agent, Albany. P. C. SMITH, Agent, New York. 12 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. a;vestern route to TROY, SCHENECTADY, UTICA, SYRACUSE, ROCHESTER, AUBURIV, GE]VEVA, CANANDAIGUA, BERGEN, BATAVIA, BUFFALO, AND ALL POINTS WEST, Ticket Office in Albany, Maiden Lane. GENERAL OFFICE IN ALBANY, EXCHANGE BUILDING. ERASTUS CORNING, President. DEAN RICHMOND, Vice President, JULIUS A. SPENCER Ass't Scp't. J. V. L. PRUYN, Treas. & Gen. Counsel, E. FOSTER, Jr., E. D. WORCESTER, Assistant Tres., THOMAS WALLACE, *' ROBERT li. BANKS, Secretary, Z. C. PRIEST, C YIBBARD, General Superintendent, WM. G. LAPHAM, " GEO. E. GRAY, Chief Engineer, H. W. CHITTENDEN, " S. DRULLARD, General Freight Agent. The New York Central Kail Road, running the entire length and through the most po- pulous part of the state, fomis one of the great, oldest and best managed links of communica- tion between the East and the West. It has two eastern termini, one at Albanj' and the other at Troy, connecting at Schenectady and running thence west through tJtica, Rome, Ac, to Syracuse, from which point, there are two roads running to Rochester, known as tl>e " Direct Road," via Port Byron, Lyons, &c., and the " Old Koad," via Anburn, Cayuga, Geneva, Canandaigua, ic. From Rochester there are also two roads running west, one through Lockport, Ac. to Niagara Falls, and the other through Batavia, &c., to Buffalo. Also, a branch commencing at Buffalo and running along the banks of the Niagara River, through Tonawanda and the village of Niagara Falls to Lewlston ; and likewise a branch from Tonawanda to Lockport. At either Albany or Teoy, passengers for New York and intei-mediate places connect with the Hudson River Rail Road, Harlem Rail Road, or (during the season of navigation) with North River Steamers. Passengers for PittsfieUI, Springfield, Worcester, Boston, Hartford, New Haven, Providence, and intermediate places, connect with Western R. R. and its con- nections. Passengers for Saratoga Springs, Rutland, Bmlington, Montreal and all places North, also connect by Rail Road, from either Albany, Troy or Schenectady. Pcissengers for Sharon Springs, leave the Central Rail Road at Palatine Bridge, and go from there by stage. Those for Cherry Valley, Cooperstowu and places South, leave at Fort Plain. Those for Trenton Falls leave at Utica and go by Rail Road. Those for Watertown and places North connect with the Rome & Watertown K. R. at Rome. At Syracuse the Central R R. connects with tlie S. & B. R. R , running to the Erie R. R. at Binghamton. And with the 0. & S. R. R., running north to Oswego. At CANANDAIGUA with the E. C. Sc N. Falls R. R., running to the Erie R. R. at Elmira. At Rochester with the B. C. & N. Y. R. R.. running to the Erie R. R. at Corning. And ■with Steamers for ail ports on Lake Ontario. At BuFKALO with Steamers on Lake Erie (during the season of navigation). And with the Lake Shore R. K. to Erie, Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and thence to Chicago by Michigan Southern R. R. At Niagara Palls passengers connect with the Great Western R, R. (Canada) to Detroit, and from thence to Chicago by Michigan Central R. R. At Lewiston passengers connect (during the season of navigation) with Steamers for Toronto and all ports on Lake Ontario. / SCHENECTADY CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY, FOR 1862-3, CONTAINING THE NAMES OF RESIDENTS List of City and County Officers, TOGETHER WITH VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS MATTEB. COMPILED BY HENRY Y. BRAD SCHENECTADY: YOUNG & GRAHAM, 111 STATE STREET. 1862. r (14 ) PREFACE. The publishers in presenting the fourth Schenectady Direct- ory would invite the attention of the public to its completeness and accuracy. The renumbering of the city, and the five or six hundred ad- ditional inhabitants whose names are found in the present work, rendered its compilation a matter of necessity, and we have en- deavored to meet the requirements of the times. The County Directory, an unique feature in such publications, which will be of great service to the citizen and stranger, has added much to our labors, and will be found very perfect. In our advertising pages will be found almost every variety of merchandise ; and we feel grateful to our patrons for their liberal favors in this direction, as the low price of the book leaves small margin for profit on its sale. We trust that the appearance of the work will be a sufficient evidence of our thanks to those who have kindly aided and en- couraged us in its execution. Schenectady, July, 1862. MOHAWKVILLE. At Mohawkville, in the town of Rotterdam, situated 2{ miles south of Schenectady, one of the healthiest and most splendid locations for a village in the state, is the Thread and Twiicb Manufactory of Henry M. Crane. The number of inhabitants at present is about 300. The grounds of Mr. Crane are superb, being laid out in parks and magnificent drives of various lengths. Mr. C.'s business we find, extends through every state in the Union. Persons wishing a nice drive will be very much gratified and surprised at the beauty which this little village afibrds, and will always find Mr. C. willing and ready to show them through his grounds. (15 ) CONTENTS. Page. Advertisements, Albany, 1-12, 141-144 Preface 14 Mohawkville, notice of, 14 Index to Adrertisers, 15 Page. 16 General Directory, 17-111 Miscellany, 111-117 County Directory, 119-141 INDEX Ahreet A. B. boots and shoes, 23 Atwell D. A. insurance, 18 Bame John H. Urery, 20 Barney H. S. & Co. dry goods, car- petings, &c 118 Beal & Van Brunt, flour and grain, 23 Blum F. marble 27 Calo Francis, city baggage wagon, 118 Carley A. F. & G. C. groceries 32 CarleyG.Q insurance, 32 DeBois J. photographs, &c 44 Doty Geo. H. & Go. stoves, &c 31 Edwards John A. gas fitting and fixtures, 43 Egleston H. marble, 28 Felthousen J. D. groceries and pro- visions 31 Gnadendorff H. apothecary 52 Hanford George, insurance, back cover Jones Moses M. slater, 61 Kenny Thos. H. marble, 31 Ketchum A. M. furnishing store,... 52 Knowlton Willis, photographs, 64 Lacy & Perkins, dentistry, 24 Lake & Wilson, groceries, paints and oils, 44 McCamus Wm. & Co. dry goods,... 68 McMuUen Andrew, coal and lime,. 71 Maxon Geo. G. produce, &c., 28 Miller Chas. A. tinware, 47 Moore E. W. baker and confection- er 23 Myers Samuel, jeweler, 47 Pettiugill W. W. & Co. livery, 81 Reagles C. & Son. nurseries, 83 Rodgera & Weller, soda, Ac, 48 Rosa Edward, attorney, 47 Sanders Walter T. L. attorney, 44 Snell David H. apothecary, 51 Somes A. photographs. 51 Southard John, meat markets, 118 Swart C. B. bookbinder, 24 Van DeBogert Bros, lumber, coal and flour 98 Van Home & Son, hats, caps and furs, front cover Van Vorst & Vedder, lumber and planing, 104 Van Vranken B. groceries, 48 Van Vranken C. & H. carriages and sleighs, 103 Vrooman J. V. stoves, 71 Walker James & Co. groceries and sundries, 51 Westinshouse G. & Co. agricultur- al implements, 24 Xavier J. fancy goods, 52 ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. Bartholomew & Morse, cofi'ee and spices 8 Commerce Ins. Co front cover Cozzens & Lay, stove polish 142 Cushman R. S. & P. liquors 9 Davis, Craft & Wilson, clothing, inside back cover De Munn II. A. hair restorer, 8 Dunlop House, 6 Gaertner, Dr. infirmary, Troy, 141 Hartnett M. milliner, 6 Hoxsie, 4 Huested & Wendell, photographs, 9 Tracey John & Co. rectifiers, 144 McCuen John, advertising, 141 Macomber M. & Co. drugs, &c., 7 Morange J. W. upholstery, 144 Munsell J. printer, 1 N. Y. Life Ins. Co 2-3 Perkins J. A. dentistry,... 9 Railroad, N. Y. Central, 12 Stanwix Hall,.. .. 10 Steamers, to New York 11, 144 Thompson S. J. & Co. photographs, 5 Van Sickler R. M. & Forby, manu- facturers' supplies 6 Viele Rufus K. bedsteads, &c., 5 Wing, D. L. flour,...- 142 ( 16 ) STREETS, Etc. Albany street, from junction of Veeder ave. and State street. Amanda street, from Lafayette street to Nott terrace. Centre street, from Pine street to Gas works. Church street, from Front street to the canal. Clinton street, from State street to Hamilton. College street, from Front street to Liberty. Barrett street, from Union street to State. Ferry street, from the river to State Fonda street, from Nott street to Union. Franklin street, from Centre street to White. Front street, from Washington ave. to the Dry Dock bridge. Governor's Lane, from Front street to the river. Green street, from Ferry street to Pine. Hamilton street, from Clinton street to Veeder avenue. Jay street, from Union street to State. Jefferson street, from Front street to Pine. John street, from Front street to Green. Lafayette street, from Union street to Hamilton. Liberty street, from Ferry street to Nott Terrace. Madison street, from Jefferson street to Monroe. Mill street, from State street to Church. Monroe street, from Front street to the canal. Myers' alley, from South avenue to Fonda. North street, from the river to Front street. Nott street, from Fonda street to above the North College. Nott terrace, from Union street to State. Park place, from South avenue to Union street. Pine street, from Fonda street to Centre. Romeyn street, from Nott street to Union. Rotterdam street, from Water street to the canal. Rail road street, from Water street to the canal. Smith street, from Centre street to Veeder avenue. South avenue, from Fonda street to Park place. State street, from Washington avenue to Albany turnpike. Union street, from Washington avenue to Troy turnpike. Wall street, from Liberty street to State. Warren street, from Centre street to Fonda. Washington avenue, from the river to Rotterdam street. Water alley, from State street to Water. Water street, from the river to State street. White street, from Liberty street to State . Yates street, from Union street to Liberty. SCHENECTADY CITY DIRECTORY. Abbott Elijah, fruit peddler," house 79 Jay ABBOTT JESSE C. fancy goods and jewelry, 131 State, house 260 do. Abrahams Isaac T. cooper, house 58 Lafayette Abrams Solomon, stationman, house 144 Centre Adams John H. machinist, h. 113 Union [pastor African Church, Jay near Liberty, Rev, A. J. Prime, Agen Bridget, widow, house 8 Slate Agen James, tailor, house 5T Ferry Ager Adam, helper, h. 38 Veeder ave. * [White AHREET AMOS B. boots and shoes, 231 State, h. 55 Ahreet Charles A. clerk, boards 55 White Ahreet Marquis W. 18 reg't N. Y. V. house 55 White Aldorf Charles, helper, house 145 Front Aldridge Edward, canaler, boards 1 Centre Aley William, shoemaker, house 20 College Allen Daniel (Sweet & Allen), grocer, 203 State cor. Centre, house 84 Liberty Allen David B. mison, house 9 Front Allen Leonard F. shoemaker, house 249 State Allen Lewis, grocer, 213 State, house 109 Liberty Allen Reuben S. engineer, house 1 Cottage row Allsdorf Morgan, machinist, house 136 Centre Amberg Philip, jeweler, 177 State, boards 179 do. Amend Francis, laborer, boards 98 Ferry [depot American Express Office, 50 Liberty, N. Y. C. R. R. BELIABLE SCHENECTADY AGENCY For the foliowing named Home Insurance Co. of N.Y.,.^ Lorillard Ins. Co. of N. Y., . . . Security Ins. Co. of N. Y., . • » • Hartford Fire In. Co., Hartford Phoenix Ins. Co. of Hartford, . Springfield Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Massachusetts, Aggregate Capital & Surplus represented, CASH CAPITAL. ,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 400,000 SURPLUS. $500,000 90,000 148,000 350,000 100,000 200,000 212,000 $3,100,090 $1,400,000 $4,500,000 All losses promptly and hoxorably adjusted and paid at this Ao-ency. Detached Farm Buildings in- sured, AT VERY LOW RATES, FOR THREE OR FIVE YEARS, FOR CASH. No premium notes taken or required All application for insurance, personally or by mail, promptly attended to. DANIEL A. ATWELL, Agent, Residence 56 l.afayette St., 19 Anderson Alida, boarding house, 2 Smith Anderson George, boots and shoes, 83 Ferry, h. do. Angle Charles E. teller Mohawk Bank, b. 27 Church Anson Eliza, boards 100 Front Anthony Jared, baker, house 87 Ferry Anthony William, 18th reg't N. Y. V. h. 13 Warren Anthony William H., Anthony Hall, 87 Ferry corner Liberty, house do. Apps James, moulder, house 9 Jefferson Aring Absalom, house 79 Lafayette Arnold Simon, lumber merchant, house 19 Centre Atal Leonard, gardener, house 61 Union Atherson Charles, shoemaker, house 8 State ATWELL DANIEL A. bookkeeper Locomotive Works, house 56 Lafayette Austin Charles W. farmer, house 136 Front Austin Peter, 91st reg't N. Y. V. house 23 Green Austin Sanford, fireman, house 45 College ±5abcock Aaron, Union Coast Guard, U. S. Navy Babcock Agnes, widow of John, house 81 Front Babcock James, blacksmith, house 29 Rotterdam Babcock Robert, house 88 Hamilton Babner Simon, tailor, 131 Union, b. Columbian Hotel Backus J. T. Rev. house 6 Union Babn Hugh, laborer, house 82 Fonda Bailey Wm. P. carpenter, 18 Yates, house 55 Centre Baldus Charles, moulder, h. Nott terrace n. Amanda Baldwin Samuel, bookkeeper, house 16 Clinton Ball Charles L. S. house 38 Green Ball Edward H. civil engineer, boards 7 Union Ball James M. 18th reg't N. Y. V. boards 7 Union Ballert Julius, shoemaker, 237 A State, h. do. BAME JOHN H. livery stable", 114 Centre, house 242 State. (See Advertisement on next page.) Bame Willam S. candlemaker, house 72 Jay Bancker John, assessor 4th ward, house 77 Liberty Banden Frederick, N. Y. V. house 78 Ferry LIVERY AND Exchange Stable. JOHN H. BAME, CENTRE, CORNER STATE ST., ^(SMSIfl€^itD¥, Mo ¥o is prepared to furnish HORSES and CARRIAGES at all hours of the DAY AND NIGHT, And desires to say to his friends and the public that they can be accommodated with good horses and carriages at VERY REASONABLE RATES. Also, that SHOWMEN can be accommodated with a band wagon of four or six horses. The horses are second to none in the country. The carriages cannot be surpassed for beauty of design and workmanship, combining all the modern improvements for ease and elegance. 1 Furnished on the shortest possible notice. 21 Banker Isaac, blacksmith, Liberty opposite Canal, house 50 College Banker Isaac jr. machinist, b. 50 College Banker Jerome B. blacksmith, boards 50 College Banker John, general office N. Y. C. R. R , Albany, boards 50 College BANKER JOHN N. county clerk, house 37 Lafayette Banker Wil'iam H. machinist, house 48 College Banker Peter, boards 248 State Banks Henry, helper, house 28 Plank road Bannard Alfred U. bookkeeper, boards 108 Liberty Bannard Catharine A. widow of John, h. 67 Centre Bannard Charles, fireman, house 49 Green Bannard John, boards 176 State Bannard William, house 17 Yates Baptist Church, Union near Centre Bare Frederick, gardener, house Myers' alley Barhydt Abraham J. grocer, 55 Green, house do. I Barhydt Al'en, mason, house 87 Lafayette Barhydt Andrew, 18th reg't N. Y. V. Barhydt Anna, widow, house 28 Jefferson Barhydt Benjamin F. blacksmith, house 15 Jay Barhydt Betsy, widow, house 134 Liberty Barhydt Cornelius, house 7 Monroe Barhydt Garret B. mason, house 19 Green Barhydt Giles S. grocer. 158 State, house 192 do. I Barhydt & Greenhalgh, vice and spring manufacturers, 98 Centre opposite Franklin Barhydt Hester, widow, house 38 Green Barhydt James H. clerk, house 78 Liberty Barhydt J. Andrew, conductor, boards 45 Front Barhydt John C. house 23 Smith Barhydt John S. M. house 1 1 Jeflferson Barhydt J. Teller, boards 76 Front Barhydt Lewis C. (Barhydt 8c Greenhalgh), 98 Centre opp. Franklin, house 30 Smith Barhydt Lewis J. ice dealer, 76 Front, house do. Barhydt Nicholas, house 214 State 22 Barhydt Peter B. mason, house 16 Barrett Barhydt Sarah, widow of Jerome N. house 71 Green corner John Barker Ann Eliza, widow of Joshua, h. 73 Lafayette Barker Charles E. machinist, bds. 4 Cottage row Barker Ira, shoemaker, 24 Barrett, house do. Barker Jonathan (V. Barker & Co.), h. 72 Barrett Barker J. & Co. brick and tile manuf. 72 Barrett Barker Lorenzo (/. Barker & Co.), h. 61 Romeyn Barker Peter, shoemaker, house 80 College Barker Robert, laborer, house 19 John Barker Theodore, boards 72 Barrett Barker Wm. (/. Barker & Co.), h. 107 Liberty Barnard Everton, boards 112 Liberty Barnard Rosetta, widow, grocery, 112 Liberty, h. do. Barnard Walter W. miller, boards 112 Liberty BARNEY H. S. & CO. dry goods & carpets, 101 State Barney Howland S. (H. S. Barney & Co.), 101 State, house 56 College [56 College Barney Reuben (H. S. Barney So Co.), 101 State, bds. Barrett Michael, laborer, house 5 Warren Barrett Thomas, waiter, Givens' Hotel, h. 90 Centre Barringer Aaron, house 25 Union Barringer George C. helper, house 35 Centre Barringer Harriet S. widovF of Daniel, h. 53 Front Barringer Howard, boards 53 Front Barringer Jacob, clerk, boards 53 Front Barringer William, h. 2 Union cor. Washington ave. Barry Michael, laborer, house 10 Hamilton Bassett A. widow, house 108 Union Bartlett Edward, fireman, house 23 Yates Baum Charles, clerk, boards 36 Clinton Baum Maurice, clerk, boards 166 State Baumis George, shoemaker, house 46 College Beal William H. house 67 Liberty [Liberty BEAL & VAN BRUx\T, flour, feed and grain, 45 Beau Silas L. machinist, house 64 Barrett Bearup Andrew, 1 8th reg't N. Y. V. A. B. AHREET, iii? i BMm micEi, No. 231 STATE STREET, N. B. Boots and Shoes made and repaired on the shortest possible notice, and warranted to fit. BLACKSMITH^S WORK ^t Jf-o, 2 ROTTERDJlJfl ST,, SCHENECTADY, N. Y., BY AARON DICKINSON, HORSE SHOEING, &c., done promptly and warranted to suit. m BMEM AID mmmw mii 233 ST^ITE STREET, COR. JT^IT, iCHra ICTABY, If o Yo A.B.MOORE, - - Proprietor. BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, always on hand. Also, FRESH CANDIES of every variety, SEAL & VAN BRUNT, DEALERS IN NO. 45 LIBERTY STREET, SGHMSGSA»Y, I. Y. SCHENECTADY AGRICULTURAL WORKS, G. WESTINttHOUSE & CO, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF EliiLIii ®nMM P®WEBi, For One, Tivo and Tbree Horses, LEVER OR SWEEP POWERS, For Four to Ten Horses, tOMBIlED THRESHERS AID CIEAIERS, Of dififerent sizes adapted to all kinds of Powers. Threshers & Vibrating Separators, Clover Machines, Wood Sawing Machines (Circular and Drag), For full description and prices of these unsurpassed Machines, apply to tha subscribers for their ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. G. WESTINGHOUSE & CO., C. B. SY^AJRT, BOOK BINDER & ACCOUNT BOOK 111 STATE ST., over Young & Graham's Book Store, Books made to order for any branch of Business, from a Memorandum Book to the largest Bank LedRer. Paper ruled and bound to any pattern desired. LACY & PERKINS. No. 108 STATE ST., SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, &c,, also inserted on plates of Gold, Silver or Rubber. Terms reasonable. 25 Bearup Mary J. house 77 College Bearup Solomon, house 77 College Beattie D. C. (Mitchell Sc Beattie), lawyer, 71 State, boards Eagle Hotel Becker Adam, tailor, house 118 Front cor. John Beckley John P. merchant tailor, 98 State, house 62 Barrett Beekman Christopher, boards 123 Liberty Beenback Conrad, laborer, house Nott terrace near Tannery Belden Alonzo S. boards 151 Union Bell Horatio N. shoemaker, 123 Liberty Benedict Andrew, saddlery and harness, Yates & Davis Building, h. Veeder ave. op. Smith Benedict Ephraim, hats, caps and wool, 99 State, house 10 Liberty Benedict Ephraim, jr. clerk, boards 10 Liberty Benedict William F. iron, house 118 Liberty Benedict William M. clerk, boards 10 Liberty Bensen Richard V. grocer, Union cor. Yates, house 110 Union Bentley Francis, 27th reg't N. Y. V. h. 20 Lafayette Bernadi John, helper, h. Nott terrace n. Liberty Berry Green, house 24 Jay Berry Rev. Philip, house 25 Front Bettys Charlotte, house 10 Front Beverly John, laborer, house 12 College Beyer Francena, widow, house 83 Centre Bice Benjamin B. shoemaker, h. 48 Lafayette Bieler John, laborer, boards 104 State Bigelow Charles P. clerk, boards 108 Romeyn Bigelow John A. express, boards 20 Hamilton Bigelow John N. grocer, 153 Union, h. 108 Romeyn Bills Horace B. (Van Buren Sc Bills), 245 State, house 247 do. Blackburn Vincent, machinist, house 134 Union Blaisder Clements, helper, h. Albany near State Blake Patrick, grocer, 9 Centre cor. Warren, h. do. 3 26 Blettersdorf Theodore, bookbinder, h. Stone lane Blinn C. Rev. house 12 Jay Blum Christian, house 46 Romeyn BLUM FREDERICK, marble works, 167 Union Boakes Wm. carpenter, house College Bogart Anna, house 41 Jay Bohannan David, laborer, house 90 Front Bohannan Helen, widow, house 90 Front Bohannan Jacob V. V. helper, house 157 Front Bohannan John W. bla* ksmi'h, house 10 Green Boice Peter, shoemaker, house 64 Fonda Eolles William F. books and stationery, 93 State, h. 89 State Bonney Edward, 47th*reg't N. Y. M. Bonney Mrs. boards 229 State Boots John, tailor, house 24 Lafayette Boss H. wagon maker and blacksmith, 77 Romeyn Boss Isaac iS. baker, house 86 State Bouck Mrs. widow of James M. house 10 Clinton Bouck John M. trackmaster, house 36 Jefferson Bovee John, 18th reg't N. Y. V. Bovee Peter, moulder, boards 12 Jefferson Bowan Joel, hostler, house 23 Centre Bower John, mason, h. Nott terrace op. Liberty Bowtell John H. 91st reg't N. Y. V. h. 11 Lafayette Bowtell M. C. day boat agent, N. Y. C. R. R. boards Cleary's Saloon Boyd John C. blacksmith, house 13 Warren Boyd John H. house 29 Liberty Bradley Daniel, house 16 Jay Bradley James, laborer, house 33 Centre [ave. Bradshaw James H. hotel pi^Dprietor, 54 and 56 Wash. Bradshaw Mary J. widow, house 17 Amanda Bradshaw Miss R. house 75 Ferry Bradshaw Mrs. widow, house 17 Amanda Bradt Angelica, widow, house 51 Front Bradt Daniel, grocer, 97 Ferry, h. 19 Liberty Bradt Gilbert, carpenter, house 112 Front F. blxjm:'s 167 UNION STREET, (Sfext door to Columbian Hotel,) SiHI l!iiTA®¥j H. ¥, I manufacture anything in the Marble h'ne, such as ORNAMINTAI MAWliS, Also, keep on hand every variety and quality of GRAVE STONES, MONUMENTS, Which I make up in any style wished by cus- tomers. Jg^*" All orders from abroad promptly supplied on the most reasonable terms. H. EGLESTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF MONUMENTS, CRAVE STONES, liAiiLE liMTLEi, TA.BLE TOPS, &c., JTo. 243 STjITE street, SeilMGTlBY, 1. Y. [t^ All orders promptly supplied on reasonable terms. GEO. G. MAXON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERIN PRODUCE, FLOUR, 9 Nos. 2, 4 & 6 WALL STREET, Corner of Liberty Street, 0€]EIlK31«OJ» LIGHTS, ^^^^^^^^ Complete, with Flexible Tube. Also, PAPER AND MICA SHADES, MICA PROTECTION FOR PAPER SHADES, and a good assortment of GLOBES, and every thing useful or ornamental in his line of business, AT THE LOWEST FIGURES AND WAR PRICES. N. B. Special attention given to FITTING GAS PIPE in Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops, Public Halls, &c., in a neat and durable manner. AI.L. WORK WARRANTED. D^" Second hand Burners bought, exchanged or re-bronzed. Also, practical BELL HANGER. DOOR BELLS, INSIDE HOUSE BELLS hung in the most substantial manner and at short notice. Call and examine the stock as to style, quality and cheapness AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 69 CENTRE STREET, J. DeBOIS, PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBH3TYPE iALLEif, 84 STATE STREET, (over freeman's paint store,) fc^_-jj^<^^s^^=^ Where the CHEAPEST and BmST WORK '=^ 'f- a4> — can be obtained in the city. BROCERY, PAINT & Oil PRl, No. 83 Union Street, corner College, SeSSIBGf ABY, I. Y. L,E.11^S, ZIJVC, OILS, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, And every tiling in the Painting ^ ^ "^/ ' line kept constantly on hand and /^"i*^^^' /V/ sold at the LOWEST PRICES I Also, Kerosene and Fluid. ^^^K Good workmen always in readi- ness to execute orders in PAINT- ING, GRAINING AND PAPER HANGLNG, in city or country. GROCERIES of all descriptions constantly on hand, and for SALE CHEAP. S;^fn^.} LAKE & WI LSPy. WALTER T. L. SANDERS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOB AT LAW, Xo. 11 Union Street, Sclienectady, IV. Y. 45 Engles Peter, 19th cavalry reg't N. Y. V. h. 297 State Engleman Solomon, grocer, 54 Jay, house do. Entres John, broommaker, house Albany near State Epple Francis, laborer, house 36 Jefferson Erhart Frederick, cigarmaker, 191 Union, house 78 Romeyn Ernest Henry, cabinetmaker, house 23 North Evans John W. artist, house 130 Centre Everden Thomas, painter, house Plank road J: adden Nelson, moulder, house 29 Jefferson Fagan Christopher, laborer, house 77 Church Fairchild Alonzo, mason, house 19 Amanda Falvey Daniel P. Rev. house 8 Franklin Fanstone James, coach painter, house 52 Veeder ave. Farrel P. saloon, 67 Romeyn Farrel Thomas, boilermaker, house 63 Fonda Farrell Andrew, springmaker, house 17 Smith Farrell Theodore, harnessmaker, 32 State, house do. Farry James, laborer, house 30 Centre Farry Thomas, laborer, house 10 Pine Favre Louis, watchmaker, boards 154 State Fieatherly Anna Maria, house 38 White Feeley Mrs. widow of Daniel, house 21 Dock Fehr Ulrich, boot and shoemaker, 55 Liberty, h. do. Feldman Louis, merchant tailor, house 23 Green Fell Benjamin, brakeman, house 5 Cottage row Felthousen A. V. carman, house 70 Centre Felthousen Charles, coppersmith, house 99 Union Felthousen Harman D. house 66 Barrett FELTHOUSEN JAMES D. grocer, 196 State corner Centre, house do. Feltus Joseph, carman, boards 26 State Fenley Martin, laborer, house 3 Rotterdam Fenton Thomas, machini t, house 88 Romeyn Fen wick Alexander, machinist, house 155 Front Field Samuel S. machinist, boards 123 Liberty Finch Joseph, moulder, boards 176 State 46 Finehoiit Albert, teamster, house 95 Pino Fink Henry,- cabinetmaker, house 21 Green Fink M. Mrs. widow, house 31 Washington avenue Finnegan Patrick, laborer, house 32 Centre Finnegan Peter, laborer, house 1 1 Madison First Reformed Dutch Church, Union corner Church, Rev. Edward E. Seelye, pastor Fisher Hannah, widow, house 144 Centre Fisk Frances, widow, house 187 Union Fitzgerald Austin, machinist, boards 12 Jefferson Fitzgerald S. laborer, house 18 Dock FJackmyre Frederick, laborer, house 6 Rotterdam Flannigan Patrick, laborer, house 10 Fonda Flynn David, laborer, house 164 Front Fodder Frederick, blacksmith, house 17 Centre Fogarty Mary, widow, house 149 Centre Foley Michael, moulder, boards 4 North Foley Mrs. widow, house 79 Front Fonda Alexander G., M. D., 13 Union, house do. Fonda Cornelia, widow, house 23 Lafayette Ford Van R. agent S. & Schen'y R. R. h. 58 Lafayette Forest David P. state prison inspector, h. 35 Front Fort Daniel, clerk, boards 2 Smith Fosmyre Frank, barber, boards Davis House Foster Henry W. painter, house 113 Front [Nott Foster John, prof. Union College, h. Col. terrace c. Fowler George W. engineer, house 2S Clinton Fowler George W. carpenter, \6^ Smith, house do. Frame Andrew, machinist, house 25 John Frame John, engineer, house 35 Green Frame John J. machinist, boards 118 Liberty Franklin Walter, boards Eagle Hotel Franchot Richard, congressman, h. 19 Washington av. Frazier Charles, cigarmaker, boards Fuller's Hotel Frear Chauncey, carpenter, boards 100 Liberty Frear William G. carpenter, house 100 Liberty Frear William H. cutter, boards 100 Liberty Frederic Andrew, grocer, 76 Romeyn, h. 78 Sand (successor to DANIEL S. HULETT,) Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS & SILVER WARE, State St., (opposite J. Walker & Co.'s Store,) J6S~ Watchc3 and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted. CHARLES A. MILLER, Manufacturer of all kinds of T©¥i PlPIi, *«., He, No. 96 i Ferry Street, EDWARD ROSA, No. 151 State St. Van Home Hall, Eoom 4, !^ \4^ iOi i£a i£Mf . o «w> o B. YAN VRANKEN, Dealer in GROCERIES AND f No. 237 STATE STREET, CORNER JAY, JlGEJTT FOIl imn mmm harvester. RODOEBS & WELLEB, Manufacturers and Dealers in SODA., SAESAPAaiLLA, PORTl, ill I'D CIDl, Nos. 62 and 64 COLLEGE ST., 49 Frederic Frederick, hotel, 52 Liberty Frederick Henry, butcher, house 61 Church Frederick P. J. market, 167 State, house 62 Church Freeman Aaron, proprietor Givens' Hotel, 175 State Freeman A. Y. {E, L. Freeman & Co.), 82 State, h. 8 Liberty Freeman Edward, boards Givens' Hotel, 175 State Freeman E. L. & Co. paints and oils. 82 State Freeman Elisha L. {E. L. Freeman & Co.), 82 State, house 75 Union Freeman Elisha L. clerk, house 38 Clinton Freeman Ethan B. boards 75 Union Freeman Henry, bookkeeper, Givens' Hotel Freeman Jonathan R. (E. L. Freeman & Co.), 82 State, house 3 Union Freeman Robert G. engineer, house 97 Centre Freeman Volney, house 37 Church Freeman Mrs. widow of William, house 15 Yates Friend Samuel, billiard saloon, Van Home Hall, h. 86 Centre Fripp Frank, carpenter, house 13 Jay Fry Nicholas, teamster, house 65 Jay FuUagar John, house 17 Ferry Fuller Anthony, carpenter, house 112 Front Fuller Charles, lawyer, house 2 Church Fuller's Hotel, E, H. Vrooman prop. 154 State c Dock Fuller James, lawyer, State cor. canal bridge, house Lafayette near Hamilton Fuller John I. house 55 Ferry Fuller Mary, widow of Jeremiah, house 2 Church Fuller Robert, physician, 146 State, boards 2 Church Fuller William, house 138 Center Fuller William K. lawyer, boards 2 Church FuUerton Eliza, house 83 Centre Fullom Michael, laborer, house 14 Hamilton Furbeck James A. grocer, 97 Ferry, house 19 Liberty Furbeck Henry R. house 20 Yates Furman Henry A. boards 51 Smith 5 50 Furman Robert, dry goods merchant, 79 State, h. 51 Smith FURMAN R. & BRO. dry goods, 79 State VJallagher James, machinist, house 7 Green Gallagher Patrick, grocer, 75 Fonda, house do. Gallagher Thomas, clerk, boards 48 Union Galven Thomas, laborer, house 86 Fonda Galvin Mary, widow, house 77 Church Gannon Catherine, widow, house 139 Union Gansler John, laborer, house 63 Centre Garanger John, helper, house 46 Veeder avenue Gardener M. cigarmaker, house 20 South avenue Gardiner William, harnessmaker, hou e 5J College Garding Court, broommaker, house 6 Ferry Gardinier John, carpenter, house 48 White Gardner E izabcth, widow of Job F. house 96 Ferry Gardner John, machinist, house 19 Hamilton Gardner Moses, house 36 State Garling Jacob, 43d reg't N. Y. V. Garlock Augustus 0. barber, 168 State, h. 24 Yates Garrety Francis, machinist, house 47 Romeyn Garrety James, machinist, house 86 Romeyn Garrety Mary, widow, house 63 Smith Garrety Michael, machinist, house 86 Komeyn Garrett H. J. dentist, 37 J State, boards 118 Liberty Gates Catharine, widow, house 275 State Gates J. Sharratt, druggist, boards 275 State Gates Lewis, carman, house Franklin near Jay Gales Stephen D. carman, house 25 Franklin George Mrs. widow, house 38 College Gergen John, helper, house 47 White Gergen Peter, machinist, house 37 Front German Catholic Church, Centre near Frankln Germond Bruce, trackmaster, house 138 Front Germond De Witt, trackmaster, boards 138 Front Germond Morgan, trackmaster, house 120 Front G rry John J. laborer, house State near Nott terrace DAVID H. SNELL, ^^ AND DRUCGBST, No. 141' STATE STREET, E€Hm€TABI, Mo lo JA^ES WALKER & CO., "Wliolcsale and Retail Dealers in GMIOCERIEB, Agricultural Implements, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, Hope, (Jmine anb (Eorbage, COAL OILS AND LAMPS, FlSniJt'Sf T^lCIil^E, BRUSMES, Ifc, tfc, NOS. il8 & 120 STATE STREET, SOMES' PIOfO&RiPllQ SiWlBf, 159 Ui^IO:^ ST., SCMEilfECTASOlf, N. Y. ALL STYLES AND SIZFS OF PLAIN AND COLOP.ED, IN OIL. AUrOPnaTOGR\PIIi«, STKRROSCOPIO VIKWS, taken in the best possible manner. Copying done on short notice, plain or colored. GEiWLEMEiTS FURNIIIKG STORE. A. M. KETCHUM, NO. 138 STATE STREET, TUT' -^r^ Would respectfully inform the citizens of Scheuectady and vicinity that he will con- tinue the manufacture of SHIRTS, COLLARS, So3oh()3 of §i(j)eHolr Qu^ilfij, And keep constantly on hand a general as- sortment of Gentlemen's Famishing Goods. ay Shirts made to order and warranted to fit. ALSO, AGEIVT FOK^ WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Which is universally conceded to be the most reliable and efficient for domes- tic purposes, and he invites the attention of those who believe time is money to this truly admirable labor-saving invention. DR. H. GNADENDORFF, No. 107 State Street, Schenectady, N. Y,, I>ealei:' In Prescriptions most carefully dispensed. A. "VIES DEALER IN TOYS, FKRfCEKRY, &e. ^f^' -f^ No. 128 STATE STREET, ^^'-TT'-^^ 53 Geskow Lewis, tailor, house 236 State Getman Andrew W. brakeman, house 49 College Gibson William, overseer, house 6 Cottage row Gier John, tailor, house Albany Gilbert George, registrar Union College, h. 54 College Gilbert James, clerk, house 36 Liberty Giles James, carpenter, boards 134 Centre Giles William, carpenter, 134 Centre, house do. Gill Cornelius, 91st reg't N. Y. V. Gillee Terrence, cutter, house 17 Jay (Bowery) Gillespie Abraham, sheriflf, 28 Union, house do Gillespie George C. carpenter, house 212 State Gillespie William M. professor Union College, house 180 Union Ginn James, coachtrimmer, boards Fuller's Hotel Givens' Hotel, Aaron Freeman pro, 175 State c. Wall Givens William, boards 67 Liberty Glaceman Conrad, farmer, house 67 Front Gleason Edward, machinist, house 8 Warren Glenn George W. engineer, house 49 Green Glenn Henry C. machinist, house 89 Front Glenn Jacob S moulder, house 25 Jefferson Glenn Simon, shoemaker, house 136 Front Gloss Michael, shoemaker, house 35 Albany turnpike GNADENDORFF H. druggist, 107 State, house do. Goergen M. J. lager bier, State n. Veeder ave. Goggins James, gasworker, house 2 Hamilton Gombell Frederick, cabinetmaker, h. College n. Green Goodrich Horace, teller Schenec'y Bank, h. 1 Union Goodrich William L. cash er Schen. Bank, h. 13 State Gorgait Hyacinthe, shoemaker, boards 120 Union Goslin Abraham, clerk, house. 172 State Gould Thomas, broommaker, house 17 Green Gow Maria, widow, house 65 Front Gow Vedder, blacksmith, boards 65 Front Graff D. W. agent, boards Davis House Graham Deborah, house 40 Washington avenue Graham James, boilermaker, house 83 Union 54 Graham Joseph B. (Young Sc Graham), 111 State, house 171 Union Grant Peter, engineer, house 22 Pine Gray John, blacksmith, house 141 Front Gra}' Robert, boots and shoes, 184 State, house do. Green Walter C. boards 27 Barrett Grecnlialgh William (Barhydt & GreenhaJgh), Centre opposite Franklin, house 102 Centre Greenwalt George, mason, house 63 Albany Gregg George, boilermaker, house 68 Fonda Gregson John W. shoemaker, boards 227 State Gridley N. P. T. 18th reg't, N. Y. V. Gridley William Seward, 18th reg't, N. Y. V. Griffes Mary, widow, house 176 Union Griffes Wm. W. news depot, 177 State, h. 176 Union Groot C. S. & Co. dry goods, 43 State Groot Cornelius S. (0. S. Groot & Co.)» 43 State Groct Edward, boards 60 Union Groot John, boards 60 Union [Union Groot Simon C. (C. S. Grooi Sc Co.), 43 State, h. 60 Grout Hammond V. house 29 Barrett Grove Mary, widow, house 83 Centre Growse John Valentine, cooper, house 12 Dock Grupe Diedrick, laborer, house 12 Lafayette Guisler Julius, painter, house 7 Romeyn Gullock Charles, cabinetmaker, house 154 Front Gamble F. C. carpenter, house 32 College Gunn Patrick, mason, house 15 Jay (Bowery) Uagadorn Ezekiel, 91st reg't, house 10 North Haggerty John, brakeman, house 124 Front Hais James, boilermaker, house 27 Jefferson Hake Frederick, laborer, house 22 Rotterdam Haley Ellen, widow, house 134 Front Haley Martin, laborer, boards 134 Front Haley Michael, tailor, boards 134 Front Haley Michael, switchtender, house 61 Green Haley Patrick, fireman, boards 134 Front 55 Hall John M. machin'st, boards 73 Liberty Hall Lucius D. grocer}^ 15 Smitli, h. 26 Clinton Halpen John, helper, house 70 Fonda Halse John, stovemounter, house 18 Franklin Hamilton John, house 177 Union Hamilton Robert, laborer, house 17 Park place Hamlin Michael, grocer, 265 State, house do. Hamlin S. G. cooper, house 73 Washington avenue HANFORD GEORGE T. insurance agent, 114 State, boards Eagle Hotel Hanley James, coffee-burner, house 81 Fonda Hanley Patrick, fireman, house 20 Jay Hanley Wm. laborer, house 74 Fonda Hanna Peter, groomsman, Eagle Hotel Hannah James, leather dealer, house 43 Lafayette Hanselman Jacob, laborer, house 7 Liberty Harbison James, carpenter, house 37 Green Harbison Robert, hardware and cutlery, 116 State, boards 99 Centre Hardcastle Thomas, house 9 Madison Harden Thomas, laborer, house 4 State Hardgraves Thomas, coffee dealer, 15 Jay, bds. do. Hardgraves James, blacksmith, house 15 Jay Hardie Thomas, blacksmith, house 34 Jefferson Hardin George, cabinetmaker, house 24 Ferry Harer Patrick, laborer, house 53 Fonda Harkin William, laborer, house 14 Jefferson Harman Guilford, 18th reg'l. N. Y. V. Harman Hannah E. house 179 Union Harman Henry, i04th reg'l, N.Y. V.bds. 25 Front Harman Joseph, justice of the peace, office, 76 Ferry, house 25 Front Harman J. D. lawyer, boards 179 Union Harrington Abel J. bartender, 18th reg't, N. Y. V. Harris Levi, pedler, house 183 State Harron Mrs. widow, house Albany near State Hart John J. house 77 Liberty corner Yates Hart John P. machinist, house Myers alley 56 Hart Patrick, laborer, house 33 Centre Hartnell John, baggageman, Sar. R. R. h. 71 Centre Harvey Daniel, machinist, house 81 Front [State Hartness James, soap and candles, 20 Dock, h. 217 Harvey Henry, engineer, house 33 Clinton Hasbrouck Abby, widow, house 72 Union Hang William G. helper, h. State n. Nott terrace Hans Conrad, farmer, house 61 Albany Hastings James, tinsmitii, house 69 Jay Hathaway Edward, canal boatman, house 232 State Hathaway Robine, canal boatman, 299 State Haver Wm. baker, house 6 Albany Haverly Mrs. dressmaker, house 60 Washington ave. Haverley Wm. H. clerk, house 60 Washington ave. Hawks Edward, machinist, house 56 Romeyn Hawks Wm. machinist, boards 2 Liberty Hawley Maria, widow, house 43 Smith Hay James, boilermaker, house 144 Front Hayes Michael, machinist, boards 4 North Haynor Peter, hostler, boards Eagle Hotel Hays John, laborer, house 149 Centre Hays William G. painter, house 1 Green Hearsey David, Mohawk bridgetender, h. 1 Wash. av. Heatley Philip, hostler, house 6 Washington ave. Heddon S. 0. broom manufacturer, house 106 Union Heese Henry, broommaker, h. Nott terrace, op. Lib'ty Hegaman David B. laborer, house 23 John Helm Frank T. gasfitter, 239 State, house 241 do. Helmer William H. (Strong 8c Helmer), 7 Dock, house 126 Centre [house do. Hemstreet Michael, restaurant, 176 State n. rail road, Henry Benjamin, peddler, house 60 Ferry Henry Jacob, clothing, 95 'Ferry, house do. Henry John B. clerk, boards Davis house Henry William, carpenter, house 174 Union Heron John, machinist, house 163 Union Heron William, machinist, house 38 South avenue Heron William T. printer, Dodge's Mounted Rifles 57 Herman Christopher, machinist, house 15 Warren Harrington Patrick, laborer, house 62 Church Herrod Adam, shoemaker, house 25 South avenue Hertell Jane Ann, boards 130 Union Hewett Mary, widow, house 8 South avenue Heyman Joseph, tailor, house 46 State Hibbard Edward, agent gas works, 134 State, house 27 Barrett [South College Hickok Laurens P. vice president Union College, h. Hiebner Henry, saloon, 98 Ferry, house do. Hiebner Michael, helper, house Plank road Hildebrant Jacob, watchman, house 9 Jay (Bowery) 'Hilderbrant John, carman, house 19 Jay Hilderbrant Lewis, grocer and meat market, 36 Union, house do. Hill W. machinist, boards 73 Liberty Hill Stephen P. grocer, 106 Romeyn, house do. Hilts John S. carpenter, house 178 Union Hinds James, ambrotypes and photographs, 129 State, house 19 Smith Hinds John, cooper, house Rotterdam near bridge Hingleman Andrew, tailor, house Rail road n. bridge Hitchcock L. T. watchmaker, 131 State, boards 34 Liberty Hoag Casper F. hoUowware, Fonda corner Pine, house 167 Union Hoag William, physician, boards 167 Union Hodson Robert, boards 482 State Hoffman Abram S. boilermaker, house 143 Front Hoffman Adam, laborer, house 14 Lafayette Hoffman S. W. clerk, boards 51 State Hoffman , widow of William, house 12 Smith ' Hogan John, laborer, house 6 Ciir.ton Hogan Mary, widow, house 42 Stale Hogan Michael, gasman, house 26 Franklin Hogan Patrick, mason, boards 42 State Hogeboom Edward, clerk, boards 28 Smith Hogeboom Susan, widow, house 28 Smith 58 Holland Margaret, widow of Jonas, house 33 Union Holmes Elizabeth, widow, house 28 Pine Holmes Henry, engineer, house 52 Smith Holmes Peter W. house 48 Washington avenue Helton William M. grape vines, &c. house 55 Union Hook Fanny Miss, house 181 Union Horrigan Mrs. widow of Patrick, h. 12 Jay (Bowery) Horsfali Garrett, painter, house 11 Yates Horsfall John 0. house 51 Union Horsfali Joseph, boards 51 Union Horsfall Sarah, widow of William F. house 18 Yates Horsfall William, captain Co. E. I8th reg't N. Y. V. Horsemyre Frederick, boards 17 Green Horsem^re Louisa, widow, house 17 Green Hotailing Garrett, helper, house 49 College Hotchkiss George, machinist, house 42 Romeyn Hourigan Ellen, widow, house 12 Jay (Bower}^) Hourigan John, blacksmith, boards 12 Jay (Bowery) Hourigan Patrick, boilermaker. bds. 12 Jay (Bowery) Housen John, laborer, house 5 Ferry Housen Martin, brakeman, house 147 Front Housten Henry B, pressman, house 3 Cottage row Housten William M. ne^vsdealer, boards 19 State How Daniel, machinist, house 135 Union How William H. finisher, boards 135 Union Howard John S machinist, house 18 College Howard John, machinist, boards 18 College Howard William, 4Sth reg't N. Y. V. Howd Harvey D. clerk, boards 126 Centre Howell Mrs. house 53 Front Howe Mary Mrs. house 50 White Howse William, grocer, 79 Ferry, house do. Huber P. brewer, house 96 Union Huggart Lydia, widow, house 24 Franklin Hughes Abraham, canal boatman, boards 4 Warren Hughes Edward, canal boatman, house 4 Warren Hughes George, boilermaker. house 70 Fonda Hughes Noah, boilermaker, house 77 Lafayette . 59 Hulbert Eugene, carpenter, boards 59 Church Hulbert Mrs. house 59 Church Hulett Daniel S. h. Albany turnpike head of State Hull Samuel A. merchant tailor, 83 State, h. 244 do. Hunter Arthur W. agent shawl factory, house 9 Union Hyson John E. 30th reg't N. Y. V. Hyson Peter, poultry, &c. 52 Lafayette, house do. Hutton James C. blacksmith, boards 4 Pine Hysted George, laborer, house 124 Front Hysted Charles, blacksmith, house 59 Centre Ireland Amelia Mrs house 25 Clinton Isenhall Peter, smelter, house 42 Veeder avenue Jackson A. H. lawyer, captain Co. G. 91st reg't N.Y.V Jackson Blandina (colored), cook, house 152 Union Jackson Dora, widow, house 30 Washington avenue Jackson Isaac W prof. Union College, h. N. College Jackson James (colored), farmer, house Troy turnpike Jackson James D. grocer, 1 South avenue, house do. Jackson Jonathan S. stationman, house 41 Smith Jackson John J. (colored), laborer, house 84 Ferry Jackson Robert (colored), barber, house 32 Pine Jackson S. W., (Jackson & Thomson), lawyer, 10 Union, boards 29 Washington avenue Jackson & Thomson, attorneys at law, 10 Union Jacobs James, fireman, boards 17 Smith Jarvey liobert, spinner, house 25 State Jarvis Elizabeth, widow of John, house 57 Union Jeffers John, laborer, house 297 State [Union Jeffords A. E. (Crandall Sc Jeffords), milliner, bds. 73 Jeffords Catharine, house 73 Union Jeffries John, carpenter, house 30 Lafayette Jennings Miss S. E. agent Singer's sewing machines, 130 State, house iil Barrett Jewish Synagogue, 6 Liberty Jock Catharine, widow, house 38 Liberty 60 John Nicholas, tailor, house 21 North Johnson Lewis G. furnaceman, house 54 Barrett Johnson Stephen, laborer, house 31 Centre Johnson Stephen H. county judge and surrogate, 15 Union, house 8 Front Johnson Thomas, laborer, house 12 South ave. Johnson William, salesman, house 29 Clinton [ton Johnson William Mrs. millinery, 91 State, h. 29 Clin- Jones James D. {Duane & Jones), physician, 39 and 41 Union, boards 43 Union Jones Edward, slater, boards Shepherd's Hotel, State Jones Joel W. leather and findings, 112 State, house 222 State Jones John C. canal boatman, house 2 State Jones Morris M. slater, b. Shepherd's Hotel, State JONES MOSES M. slate dealer and roofer, 25 Yates Jones Taylor, blacksmith, house 36 South ave. Jones William, boilermaker, house 16 Jefferson Joslin James T. law student, boards 1 Church Joslin Samuel, machinist, house 92 Front Joyce Sarah, widow of John G. house 55 Front Judson , machinist, boards 14 Jay Ji^able Benedict, laborer, 29 Plank road Kable Charles, stonecutter, house 72 Lafayette Kable John, shoemaker, house 43 College Kable Rinald, laborer, boards 29 Plank road Kam Martin, candlemaker, house 21 Dock Kans Michael, laborer, boards 78 Fonda cor. Warren Keal John, laborer, house 45 Smith Keeler Ellen, widow, house 151 Centre Keeler Frederick, laborer, h. 6 Ferry Keelin Catharine, widow, house 80 Romeyn Keer Andrew, house 94 Ferry Kehn Frederick, tailor, house 20 Lafayette Keigher Barney, laborer, house 31 Centre Keigher Catharine, widow, house 31 Centre Keigher Michael, helper, boards 31 Centre TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS, MOSES M. JONES, TV^liolefsale COMMISSION SLATE PEMH, And Practical Slater & Roofer, Is fully prepan d to execute all orders for Slates and Slating with rromptness and dispatch, and feels warranted in assuring his patrons prompt attention and unquestionable satisfaction. To those that have old buildings to re-roof, he would say put on Slate Roof, because, when the old frame, barn or house is rotting down, the Slates are as good as before, and can be taken off, without loss, and put on the new build- ing as good as ever. Prices reasonable. He has also made arrangements with the Penrhyn Mant^^l and Slate Com - pany, of Middle (iranville, for a full supply of all kinds of Slate Slabs of any size or thickness. Mantel Pieces. Bath and Wash Tubs, Shelves, Pantry and liarder Tables, Sinks, Salting and Milk Vessels, Cisti rns, Filters and Billiard Table Tops. All orders promptly attended to when directed to BOX 2^7 SCHE]VECTAH>Y P. O., Or at his Residence, No. 25 Yates Street. Office opposite It. R. Depot, between State & Liberty Streets. N. B. Old Shingle and Slate Roofs bought and stripped and old roofs re- paired. The Troy University, Troy; St. .Joseph's Church, Arbor Tlill. Albany, which is the most complete Slate Koof in the United States; Mr Ostrander, F. DeW'igne, Schenectady ; John M. Clark, Amsterdam ; J. B. Borst, Fonda. 6 62 Keigher Thomas, laborer, house 31 Centre Keller John, laborer, house 70 Liberty Kelly Andrew, printer, boards 68 Lafayette Kelly Catharine, house 34 State Kelly James, blacksmith, boards 12 Jefferson Kelly John, machinist, boards 68 Smith Kelly Margaret, widow, h -use 80 Liberty Kelly Mary, house 34 State Kelly Michael, blacksmith, house 5 Pine Kelly Patrick, machinist, boards 80 Liberty Kelly William, laborer, house 25 North Kelly William S. millwright, house 68 Ijafayette Kelsey Nathaniel, superint't W. T. line h. 135 Centre Kemp H. R. merchant tailor, 156 State, h. 7 Frank'n Kcnna John, laborer, house 103 Liberty Kenna Patrick, woolsorter, house 30 Union KENNEDY DAVID, physician, office 9 Liberty, bds. 7 Cottage row Kennedy Edward, machinist, boards 1 Centre Kennedy G. D. junction Church and State Kennedy James H. hatter, house 6 North Kennedy John W^ dyer, 27 Water, house do. Kenniger John, blacksmith, house 46 Veeder avenue KENNY IHOMASH. marble yard, 1 State, b Fuller's Hotel Kenny Michael, stonecutter, boards Fuller's Hotel Kenrick James, engineer, house Troy rail road KETCHUM A. M. gentlemen's furnishing goods, 133 : tcite, boards 15 Liberty Ketchutn Daniel helper, house 61 Fonda Ketchum Jacob, machinist, house 50 Barrett Kctchum James W. clerk, boards 99 Centre Ketchum M. E. widow, agent W' heeler & W^ilson's sewing machines. 133 State, house 75 Liberty Ketthum Robert C. billiard saloon. State n. depot, h. 99 Centre Keyes Patrick, house 5 South avenue K ernan James, helper, house Myers' alley 63, Kiernan Robert, wagonmaker, house 10 Lafayette Kiernan Thomas, switchman, house Nott terrace opp. Tanner}' Killmartin John, grocer, 13 Rotterdam, h. 15 do. King Solomon B. mason, house 151 Front King Thomas, lielper, house 33 Jefferson King William H. house 22 Jefferson Kinghorn William, dyer, 2 Rail road c. Water, h. do*. Kingsbury Charles E. music teacher, bds. 23 Church Kirkpatrick David, N. Y. C. R. R. shop, h. 22 Smith Kittle Daniel M. machinist, house 87 Front Kittle James, shoemaker, bds. Vedder Hall, 32 Union Kittle Nicholas, carpenter, house 29 Hamilton Kline Gertrude, widow, house 46 Union Knecht Frederick, baker, 23 Jay, house 25 do. Knedell W. soapmaker, house 24 Lafayette Knickerboc\er Abram, machinist, boaids 2 Smith Knight Michael, laborer, house 19 Dock Knock Henry, 10th reg't cav. N. Y. V. h. 50 North Knoll John, laborer, house 67 Green Knowlder Andrew, blacksmith, house 67 Green Knowlson John, bookkeeper, house 188 Union Knowlton Alonzo J. machinist, boards 101 Liberty Knowlton Daniel, tinsmith, boards 4 Smith Knowlton David, tinsmith, house 4 Smith KNOWLTON WILLIS, ambrotype and photograph artist, 164 State, house 34 Liberty. (See Ad- vertisement on next page.) Kocham William, laborer, house Albany near State Koring Diedrich, helper, house 10 College Korth Lewis, machinist, house Washington avenue Kosboth George, superinten't W. T. line, h. 210 State Krang Peter, tailor, house 102 Liberty Kristman Anthony, coppersmith, house 90 Romeyn Krul' Anton, drug clerk, boards 107 State Kuhn Jacob, machinist, 30 Rail road "unka Casper, laborer, house 49 Pine PHOTOGRAPHIC Nos. 164 & 168 STATE STREET, (Opposite Glvens' Hotel,) SCHENECTADY, N. Y. This Gallery is furnished with one of the best SJK\^ IjIGHTS in the State, and other con- veniences far superior to any in this vicinity. Mr. KNOWLTON has also the advantage of a long- experience in the business in rooms which rank second to none in the Union. He pledges himself that no eifort on his part shall be spared to render his rooms pleasant, his pictures perfect, and to cause the reputation of his establish- ment to attain a point higher than any other in this vicinity has yet reached. All styles of ■n*sn¥f»ai Made at this Gallery in the very best style of the art, and warranted satisfactory in every instance, or no charge will be made. 65 Jjacy John (L. & Perkins), dentist, 108 State, h. do. Lacy Thomas J. P. surveyor, boards 108 State Lacy & Perkins, dentists, 108 State Ladd Isaac P. saloon. 151 State, house do Ladd James, house 16 Lafayette Ladd John, freightman, house 12 Smith Lake John (Lake Sc Wilson), 87 Union, house do. Lake William H. beer and pop. 145 and 147 Union Lamers Barney, 18th reg't, N. Y. V. house 21 Green Lamey Robert, boards 65 Lafayette Lamp Catharine, widow, house 31 Rotterdam Lamp Garrett, teamster, house 31 Rotterdam Lamp John, teamster, house 3 Rotterdam [85 Front Landon Judson S, district attorney, 165 State, house Lane Selah, shoemaker, boards 10 Dock Lang John, shoemaker, house 54 Jay Langdon Mrs. Angelica, house 55 Front Lansing Benjamin L. tallyman, house 34 Smith Lansing Francis, house 53 College Lansing Garrett Y. farmer, house 44 Ferry Lansing W. P. Mrs. 128 State Laramee Samuel H. grocer, 97 Union, house do. Larnan Hugh, laborer, house 10 Warren Larue Mrs. widow, house 86 College Lathrop John E. watchman, house 71 Centre Latour Francis (colored), hairdresser, under Fuller'.s Hotel, house 16 Lafayette Lauder Duncan B. high constable, h. 7 Cottage row Laventholl D. clothier, 46 State, house do. Lawrence Eve, widow, house 137 Liberty Lawrence J. R. clerk, boards 5 South avenue Lawrence William, house 5 South avenue Leach John, tailor, boards 176 State Lee Andrew, tender, boards 1 Centre Lee David M. hats and caps, 110 State, h. 80 Union Lee William, machinist, boards 4 North Lent Robert, baggageman, house 10 Smith Leonard Charles, helper, boards 98 Romeyn 66 Leonard James, boilermaker, house 17 Monroe Leonard James, laborer, house 72 Fonda Levey John, house 29 Hamilton Levey Paul, hostler, boards Davis House Levi Joseph & Co. clothing store, 172 State Levison Abraham clerk, boards 104 State Levy Cohn, clothier, 146 and 166 State, h. 166 do. Levy Harris, peddler, house 185 State Levy Jonathan, grocer, 104 State, house 102 State Levy Pilfer, clothier, 90 State, house do. Lewis Tayler, Nott Professor of Greek and Literature Union College, house South College Liddle John G house 1P» Hamilton L'ghthall Ahasuerus, house 29 Barrett Lighthail Eugene, house 13 John Lighthali James H. boards 50 Ferry Lindlev Halsted, house 20 Liberty Lindley Silas H. jr. dry goods, 121 State, h. 123 do. Livingston Philip V. R. conductor, h. Nott n. Romeyn Lockvvood Jacob, painter, house 79 Front Loiiagan John B. machinist, bds. Fuller's Hotel Loiifif Bartholomew, carriage painter, boards Miller's ^Hotel Long Fritz, helper, house 51 Pine Longster James, saloon. 72 Green, house do. Lord Burr E. grocery, 201 State, h. Veeder avenue Losee Guerdon, overseer, house 7 Jefferson Loyle John, marble worker, house 73 Lafayette Lucas Charles, clerk, boards 9 Dock Lucas Ernst, upholsterer, boards 57 Romeyn Lucas Frederick, laborer, boards 9 Dock Lucas George, saloon, 9 Dock, house do. Lutkhurst Frederick, saloon, 10 Water, house do. Lufinian 0. S. bookkeeper, boards Davis House Luke Charles, broom maker, house 21 North Lukes Christian, shoemaker, h. 18 South avenue Lniiney James, grocer, 74 Romeyn, house do. Lusher Joseph, grocery, Dock, house 27 White 67 Lyiiet Margaret, widow, h. 86 Fonda [h. 34 Church Lyon Be-njamin F. (B. F. & /. H. Lyon), 181 State, Lyon B. F. & J. H. saddlery hardware, trunks, &c., •181 State Lyon Catharine, widow of Elias, house 78 College Lyon David, house 83 Front [117 Union Lyon James U.(B. F. & J. H. Lyon), 181 State, h. Lyon Joseph, house 117 Union Lyon Samuel, helper, house 155 Front Lyon William, brakeman, boards 72 Romeyn Lyons Peter, laborer, house 39 Jay iVlcAllister Angus, shoemaker, h. 10 Jay (Bowery) McAvoy Ann, widow, house 3 Liberty McAvoy Michael, shoemaker, house 71 Fonda McBeth George, shoemaker, house 48 Lafayette McCamus Edward (^F. McCamus & Co.), 137 State, house 28 Liberty [bds. 30 Liberty McCamus Thos. W. (W. McCamus Sc Co.), 137 State, McCamus Wm. (W. McCamus Sc Co ), h. 30 Liberty McCAMUS WILLIAM 8c CO., dry goods, 137 State. (See Advertisement on next page.) McCann Adam, hostler, boards Miller's Hotel McCann Christopher, blacksmith, h. 19 Rotterdam McCann John, wagonmaker, boards 16 Rotterdam McCann Maria, widow, house 16 Rotterdam McCarty Mrs. widow, house 17 John McCarty Patrick, laborer, house 69 Fonda McCauley Francis, laborer, house 107 Front McChesney John G. lawyer, 87 State, house State cor. Nott terrace McClane John, moulder, house 54 Barrett McClumpha Catharine, boards 51 White McClyman G( orge, carpenter, boards 6 Jay McGlyman William H. clerk, boards 53 State McCollom James, shoemaker, h. 21 Washington ave. McDermott James, boards 182 State McDermott John, grocer, 1 Pine, house do. ESTABLISHED 1822. mi icCAius & m,, 137 SlT.iTE ISTREET, SCHENECTADY, N. Y., DE:AIiE:RS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC m II w f 11 m f 1 1 '^iSA se 3 South ave. McMarlin David, music teacher, house 67 Union McMichael Gertrude, widow, house 23 Front McMichael John, boards 23 Front McMichael Mrs. widow, house 191 Union McMichael William, cigarmaker, boards 191 Union McMillan William, cabinetmaker, house 18 Green McMuldrouch Mrs. widow, house 80 College McMULLEN ANDREWVoal dealer & freight agent, N. Y. C. R. R. 93 Union, house 185 Union McMullen William J. freight clerk, house 38 Liberty McMunn Mrs., widow, house 13 Park place McNamarow Catharine, widow, house 9 Warren McNamarow James, laborer, house 86 Fonda McNee John, sexton and undertaker, 91 Ferry, house 23 Front McNee Walter, carpenter, house 5 Church McNiven William, gardener, house 70 Romeyn McOmber Abner, carpenter, house 14 Smith McPherson Andrew, farmer, house 130 Union McPherson Jane Ann, house 130 Union McQueen George, house 229 State McQueen Peter, house 37 Romeyn McQueen Walter, superintendent Locomotive Works house 76 Fonda corner Warren McSweeney John, laborer, house 75 Church Mack Mrs. widow, house 2S Water Madden Daniel, laborer, house 25 Dock Madden Edward, fireman, house 72 Romeyn Madigan Patrick, laborer, house 9 Warren Maginn James, mason, house 5 Liberty Magrail Hugh, janitor Union College, h. Nott terrace Mahan Andrew, watchman, house 59 Front Maheron Patrick, laborer, house 153 Centre Mahew Frederick, carman, house 65 Centre Mailer James B. tinsmith, boards 144 Centre Mailey Thomas, laborer, house 49 Fonda Malcomb James, spinner, house 66 Washington ave. AI^DREW McMULLERf, DKAI.EIl IN AND CUMBESLAND COAL. i®iii®ALI & WISTiiM c 3ES 3M EI sr -a? . SUPERIOR JOINTA AND LOIP LIME. 99 UNION STREET, Adjoining the Canal and Central Bail Road, ^€]HE£flB€'1Pis.B¥. Ho Y, J. V. VROOiVIA^, Nos. 64 & 66 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., DEALER IX ^^Eala^ OFFICE & COOKING STOVES, HEATERS, RANOES, &C., &0., OF THE LATEST AND BES'« PATTERNS, viz : P. P. Ste^vart's Celebrated Large Oven, Sammer and Winter, Coal & Wood Cooking Stove, Clilef Cook, Gas Burner, Central Air Tight, &c.. Parlor Coal Burners, Stewart's Coal Burner, IiittleAeld'8 Morning Glory, Northern Liglit, A;c., &.c. Also, a general assortment of TIN", COPPER and SHEET IRON WORK, CISTERN PUMPS, ZINC, BRITANNIA WARE, &c., &c. KAGS, IRON, COPPKIl. BRASS, PEWTER, Ac, talcen in exchange for jobtiing. ROOFING, and all other work connecied with the business prompt- ly attended to. 72 Maley Morris, driver, 78 Fonda corner Warren Mairs James W. (.7. Walker & Co.), 104 & 106 State. house 86 Liberty Mannegan Matthew^ laborer, house 10 Warren Manny Michael F. house 1 1 Jay (Bowery) Marhaver Philip, shoemaker, house 3 Rail road Marks Aaron, clerk, boards 174 State Marks Abram, tailor, house 185 State Marks David, clothing, 132 & 134 State, h. 36 Clin- ton near Smith Marks Jacob, broommaker, house Albany near State Marks Peter, broommaker, house Albany near State Marlett George, 18th reg't N. Y. V. boards 44 Barrett Marlett James J. house 44 Barrett Marsden Wm. freight conductor, house 185 State Marsh John B. music teacher, Young & Graham's bookstore, 11 1 State Marshall William, house 62 Ferry Martin C. Mrs. widow, house Troy Rail road Martin Catharine, widow, grocery, 98 Romeyn, h. do. Martin Edward, helper, house 96 Romeyn Martin George W. boilermaker, house 144 Front Martin Henry, broommaker, house 9 John Martin James, planer, house 49 Romeyn Martin Joseph, boilermaker, house 145 Front Martin Michael, laborer, house Myers' alley Martin Nicholas, laborer, house 132 State Martin Patrick, laborer, house 67 Romeyn Martin Roddy, janitor •Union College, h. n. Col. ter. Masden John, boards 182 State Mason Charles J. mer. tailor, 164 State, h. 7 Barrett Mathews Andrew, dry goods, 145 State, h. 35 Church Mathews Charles, loan commissioner, house 58 Smith Mathews John, clerk, boards 58 Smith Mathews Margaret, widow, house 9 State Maxon Ethan A. clerk, boards 104 Union 'MAXON GEORGE G. flour and feed, 2, 4 & 6 Wall, house 104 Union 7'3 Maxon Hiram, locksmith, 115 Union Mayer George, musician, house 61 Liberty Mead John J. machinist, house 138 Union Mead Michael, cigarrnaker, boards Sharratt House Medler Catharine, widow, house 30 Yates Medler Edward, carpenter, boards 30 Yates Medler Thomas, tinsmith, boards 30 Yates Meeker Caleb B. bookkeeper, house 58 College Meeker Charity, house 1(50 Union Meeker Josiah, fruiterer, house 160 Union Meeker William, house 65 Union Melanophy John, grocer, 52 Jay, house do. Mfclber John, blacksmith, house State n. Nott terrace Merry Michael, laborer, house 8 Jay Merry Waller, laborer, house 53 Fonda Merselis Abraham, engineer, house 64 Front Merselis Anna, widow of John E. house 4 Hamilton Merselis Cornelia Mrs. house 71 Front Merselis Eliza, house 75 Ferry Merselis Isaac, machinist, boards 71 Front Merselis James, 91st reg't N. Y. V. Merselis Henry, harnessmaker, house 67 Lafayette Merselis Nicholas, boards 71 Front Merselis Peter, farmer, house 119 Front Merselis Richard, boards 119 t'ront Merselis Robert, cigarrnaker, house 10 Franklin Merselis Sarah, widow, house 91 Front Mesick Emily, house 53 Washington avenue Mesick Mrs. house 44 White Mesick Rachel M. widow, house 113 Union Metcalf Richard, blacksmith, house 7 Yates MethodisL Episcopal Church (German), Jay n. Union. Rev. C. Biinn, pastor Methodist Episcopal Church, Liberty, Rev. J. K. Cheeseman, pastor Metten John, laborer, house 2 North Millard Charles, painter, house 55 Jay [h. 45 Front Millard John W. (Clark & Millard), grocer, 140 State, 7 74 Millard Marcus N. (Millard & Crane), 160 State, house 139 Centre Millard & Crane, grocers, 160 State [Green MILLER CHARLES A. tinsmith, 9Q\ Ferry, h 50 Miller Charles B. wocdjard, house 38 College Miller Frederick Mrs. widow, house 137 Liberty Miller Jacob, saloon, 75 Centre, house do. Miller Jeremiah, grocer. 64 AVashington avc. h. do. Miller John, carpenter, house 23 Jefferson Miller Mary Mrs. house 23 Jefferson [dam, h. do. Miller Peter (C. & P.), Iiotel and livery, 31 Rotter- ^^iiller Tennis V. V. justice of the peace, 165 State, house 258 do. Miller Thomas, brewer, 42 State Miller William, barber, boards Shepherd's Hotel Millmine Alfred, lawyer, boards 15 Ferry Miimine Isaac, carpenter, house 51 White Milmine James (D. Murray & Co.), dry goods, 63 State, boards 7 Cottage row Milmine Peter, carpenter, house 256 State Mitchell A. Barclay, captain 18th reg't N. Y. V. Mitchell Michael, clerk, boards 166 State [State Mitchell Thomas, hotel and fruit store, 178 und 180 Mitchell Thomas B. (Mi'chell & Beuttie), lawyer, office 71 State, house 14 do. Mix David, tailor, house 64 State Mix Stephen, glazier, boards 64 State Moak Robert T. carpenter, house 6 Rotterdam Mockery Edward, teamster, house Dock Moffat Marian, widow, house 234 State IMohawk Bank, George G. Maxon, pres. 100 State Molds John, gardener, boards 7 State Molfinger Michael, laborer, bds 98 Ferry. [h. do. Moon George W. baker and confectioner, 113 State, MOORE EDGAR W. baker, 233 State c. Jay, h. do. Moore Helen jNL boardinghouse, 32 Union Moorehouse John, v>'oolsorter, house 47 State Morgan Charles mason, house 71 Lafayette 75 Morgan Cornelius, mason, house 65 Lafayette Morgan Frank, mason, house 142 Centre Morgan George, engineer, boards 142 Centre Morlock Jacob, laborer, house; Veeder ave. n. Smith Morlock Martin, laborer, house 53 Jay Morris Charles, clerk, boards 153 State Morris James, laborer, house 92 Fonda Morris Mrs. widow, house 56 Ferry Morrison Arthur, machinist, house 21^ North Morse William, express agent, house 20 Hamilton Morton Alexander, machinist, house 35 Romeyn Morton George, machinist, house 27 Jefferson Mosher Edwin, carpenter, house 11 John Mudge Frederick R. mason, house 132 Centre Muel Conrad, laborer, house 30 Front Mulcare John, laborer, house 11 Warren Mulvey Francis, helper, house 11 Centre Mulvey Owen, boilermaker, house 126 Front Mundson Frederick, laborer, house 50 North Munger Hiram, teamster, house 45 College Munroe Charles M. student, boards 71 State Munson John, blacksmith, house 16 North Murphy Patrick, helper, h. Nott terrace op. Tannery Murphy William, laborer, house 25 Dock Murray David {D. Murray & Co.), 63 State, h. 18 do. Murray & Co. dry goods, 63 State Murren John, laborer, house 26 Monroe Murty M. A. Miss, millinery, 105 Union Mutimer Daniel {George H. DAy Sc Co.), stoves, 76 State, house 22 Ferry Myers Charles, broommaker. house 26 Lafayette Myers Henry, clerk, boards 16 Liberty Myers Jerome, moulder, house 14 South avenue Myers Jerome M, boards 16 Liberty Myers John, laborer, house 59 Lafayette Myers John, broom manufacturer, Rotterdam MYERS JULIUS, coffee and spice manufacturer, 89 Fonda, house 103 Union corner Ceiitre 76 flyers Marcus, peddler, house 12 Water Myers Mary A. widow of Martin C. house 16 Liberty flyers Mordccai, house 93 Centre Myers N. clothier, 174 State, house do. Myers Nicholas, machinist, house 120 Liberty- Myers P. A. clerk, boards 36 Clinton MYERS SAMUEL, jewelry and silver ware, 1 19 State opposite Walker's store, boards Eagle Hotel Myers Stewart, agent, house 3 Barrett Myers Vanderlin, house Myers' alley Mynderse Barent A. physician, 27 Liberty, house do. JNail Samuel, boat captain, house ~7 Centre Narly Conrad, laborer, liou3e 10 ^-outh avenue Negus George, farmer, Ballston road near Nott Negus John, blacksmith, boards 58 Ferry Negus Richmond W. farmer, Ballston road near Nott Neirne Wm. blacksmith, house 6 Washington ave. Neptune Engine Co. No. 4, house 76 College Neuber Frederick, hotel, 54 Liberty Neuber Jacob, helper, house Veeder ave. n. State Neuber Mar ha, widow, house 66 Church Neuberger Nathan, bartender, boards 104 State Neustall Louis Rev. house 6 Liberty Nevln Patrick, laborer, house 19 Jefferson Newbegin George R. spring finisher. State opposite Lafayette Newhouse Ernst, gardener, house 47 Fonda Newman John Rev. Professor Union College, house North College Newman William, carpenter, boards 14 Smith Niagara Engine Company No. 3, house Fonda n. Union Nibower George, planer, house 69 Fonda Nichol James, over:^eer, house 60 Church Nichols George, clerk, boards 162 Front Nichols Henry, clerk, boards 162 Front Nichols Louis, clerk, boards 162 Front Nichols William, laborer, house 162 Front 77 Niedel M. peddler, house 6 Liberty Niper John, shoemaker, house 6 Barrett Nolan Michael, mason, house 53 Lafayette Nolan Thomas, mason, boards 98 Romeyn Norton Anna M. widow, house 13 John Norton Thomas, blacksmith, house 5 Veeder ave. Norton Truman, machinist, house 83 Romeyn Nott Eliphalet, President of Union College, house College terrace corner Union Nugent William, patternmaker, house 51 Fonda U'Brien James, cigar manufacturer, 71 State, boards Miller's Hotel O'Brien Michael, laborer, boards 98 Romeyn 0*Conncll Bartholomew, butcher, house 38 White O'Connor James, helper, boards 98 Romeyn O'Dey Patrick, laborer, house 13 Park place O'Neil Hugh, blacksmith, house 61 Green O'Neill 'mes, helper, house Myers' alley O'Neil James, I8th reg't, N. Y. V. O'Neil John, switch tender, boards Fuller's Hotel O'Neil Patrick, moulder, house 52 Laiayette Ohlen Georg-', cooper's shop 53 Church, h. 23 Liberty Ohlen Mrs. widow of John, house 68 Union Ohlen William, clerk, boards 68 Union Oliver David, carpenter, house 22 Lafayette Oothout G. L. lawyer, house below Veeder's mills Orman Francis, dispatcher, house 59 Fmith Orme George, boilermaker, house 23 Monroe Orr Daniel, dyer, house 70 State Orwell Bridget E. widow, house 8 Pine Osborne George, cooper, boards 79 Front Osborne Jacob W. machinist, house 13 Jay (Bowery) Osborne William, painter, house Myers' alley Ostrom Cornelia, widow, house 46 Barrett Ostrom David L. grocer, 195 State, b. 75 Lafayette Ostrom Henry, dry goods, 127 State, h. 75 Lafayette Ostrom Spencer H. machinist, house 46 Barrett 78 Ostrom William H. clerk, house 8 Clinton Otey Jacob, laborer, house 23 Green Ott Ham on, machinist, house 29 Plank road Ott Joseph, shoemaker, hous • 36 Albany turnpike Otten Charles, carpenter, house 50 Romeyn Otten Henry, mason, house 5) Romeyn Ouderkirk Daniel D. C. finisher, boards 22 Yates Ouderkirk Isaac Y upholsterer, boards 44 White Ouderkirk John H. carpenter, house Myers' alley Ouderkirk Peter, house 10 Franklin Ouderkirk Peter N cabinet ware, 133^ Union, h. do. Ouderkirk William, flagman, house 41 College Ouderkirk William jr. 48lh reg't N. Y. V. Owre Frederick, shoemaker, house 25 Lafayette X age Charles F. machinist, boards 27 South avenue Page Edwin E. house 27 South avenue Paige Alonzo C. attorney and counsellor at law, 10 Union, house 42 Washington avenue ♦ Paige George, laborer, house 87 Liberty Paige Mrs. widow of John K h. 49 Washington ave. Paine A. F. blacksmith, house 107 Union Palmer Henry L clerk, boards Sharratt House Palmer John A. clerk, boards 36 Church Palmer Mrs. widow of Thomas, house 36 Church Palmer Moses, shoemaker, hous ■ 21 State Pangburn James W. clerk canal collector's office, 4 Dock, house Scotia Parker Benjamin, machinist, house 37 Smith Parker Edmund, machinist, boards 8 State Parker Mrs. Mary, house 8 State Parmentier Francis, confectioner, 74 Ferr}', h. do. Parmentier Theodore, confectioner, bds. 74 Ferry Patten Sidney, wool worker, house 7 Liberty Pcitten Walter, mason, house 150 Front Patterson Anna Maria, widow, house 23 Green Patterson John W. machinist, house 64 Romeyn Patterson William, machinist, house 35 Romeyn 79 Patterson William J. engineer, house 20 Ferry Fatten A. G. carriage trimmer, house 18 Smith Payne Eliza, widow, house 170 Union Payne William Rev. house 35 Ferry Pearce A. R. widow, house 20 Liberty Pearce Charles E. boards 20 Liberty Pearse Anna, widow, house 115 Liberty Pcarse A. P. clerk, boards Shepherds Hotel Pearse Simon, carpenter, 115 Liberty, house do. Pearson Caleb, house 189 Union Pearson Jonathan, treasurer Union College, honse 189 Union Pease Harman, physician, house 97 State Peasely , laborer, hou-e 31 College Peasley David W. fruit dealer, 162 State, house do. Peckham Alva, engineer, house 8 Hamilton Peek Anna, widow of Peter V. house 58 Ferry Peek Anna, widow, house 29 Centre Peek James H. tanner, house 13 Monroe Peek Jesse, copyist, house 128 Centre Peek Lewis D. carman, house 10 Hamilton Peek Nicholas S. carpenter, house 89 Front Peek Mary, widow, house 49 Green Peek Yates F. conductor, house 44 Romeyn Peeler Charles, saloon, 8 Dock, house do. Peeler Henry, saloon, 8 Dock, house do. Peissner Elias, prof Union College, h. South College Pelton Sumner M. carpenter, house 38 Barrett Pemberton Thomas L. engineer, house 58 Front Pepper Charles H. hotel, 221 State Perkins Charles, 48th reg't N. Y. V. h. 59 Smith Perkins Margaret, widow, house 20 Jefferson Perry James, carman, house 18 Hamilton Perry Mrs. widow of Roswell, house 94 Front Peters Alonzo, clerk, boards 58 Washington avenue Peters Andrew, brewer, 19 State Peters A. Vedder, blacksmith, bds. AVashington ave. Peters Edward, wagonmaker, h. 70 Washington ave. 80 Peters Harman W. grocer, 1 Rotterdam, house 58 Washington avenue Peters Christopher, house 102 Ferry Peters Margaret, widow, house 74 Washington ave. Peters Froal A. distillery, h. 16 Washington avenue Peterson Andrew 0. machinist, house 102 Front Peterson George, painter, house 48 Jay PETTINGILL W. W. livery stable, 216 State, bds. 135 Centre Pfau C. widow, house 73 Romeyn ^ Pt'au Francis, wheelbarrowmaker, bds. 73 Romeyn Pfau John G. blacksmith, boards 73 Romeyn Philips Barney, boilermaker, boards 71 Fonda Phillips John, laborer, house 15 South avenue Phillips Joseph, Rotterdam near Canal Phillips Julia, widow, house 71 Fonda Picket Harman, tallyman, house 63 Centre Picket James, house 74 Union Pilling Charles, clerk, boards 74 Centre Pilling John, laborer, house State near Nott terrace Pilling William, furnace and machine shop, 198 State corner Centre, house 74 Centre Pilling William jr. machinist, boards 74 Centre Piper George, dispatcher, house 30 Green Piper Thomas, fireman, house 32 Centre Plain Stephen, blacksmith, house 143 Front Plank Adam, house 273 State Plato John, coffee and spice agent, house 22 Yates Plazer George, laborer, bds. Nott terrace n. Tannery Plott Albert, tailor, house 44 Veeder avenue Plott Louis, tailor, house 94 Romeyn Plunkett Mary, widow, house 38 Romeyn Plunkett Patrick, laborer, house 82 Romeyn Poland Vedder, shoemaker, house 85 Union Police Station House, Van Home Hall, room 5 Post Office, J. W. Veeder postmaster, 162 State Potter Benjamin F. lawyer, house 4 Union Potter Piatt, justice supreme court, 10 Union, h. 4 do. I EXCHANGE. NEV/ EiimiSHMENT. ElTliE I^EW SfiOIC, Wo. 216 State Street, gemiGsiBY, I. Y. The subscribers have just completed the erection of large and commodious buildings and filled them with an entire NEW LIFEEY STOCK, INCLUDING A VERY FINE FAIVEILY CARRIAGE, Of the latest improved style. The carriages are all built to order, and are of the latest style. The horses connected with the Livery Department have been selected with reference to the qualities of speed, gentleness and good appearance. A careful driver provided. Our friends are respectfully invited to call. Every effort will be made to give entire satis- faction, and the subscribers feel confident that they will, in all cases, be able to meet the wants of their customers. WM. W. PETTINGILL & CO. 82 Potter Sydney B. grocer, 49 State, house 51 do. Powell Charles H. clerk, boards 48 Union Powell Daniel L. grocer, -State c. Ferry, h. 48 Union Powell Lewis M. clerk, boards 48 Union POWELL WILLIAM H., Powell's bank express, Railroad depot, house 101 Union corner Centre Powers Samuel N. machinist, house 3 Cottage row Powers Richard, laborer, house 2 Warren Pratt Joseph, macliinist h. 168 Union [us. pastor Presbyterian Church, Union n. Ferry, Rev. J. T. Back- Prichard George, njachinist, house 1 Madison Prichard Richard, boilermaker, house Myers' alley Piime A.J. Rev. (colored), house 43 Barrett Prince Frank (colored), boatman, house 20 Lafayette Proper Simon, laborer, house 45J Pine Proudht Sarah, widow, house 183 Union Prout Eliza, widow of John, house 9 Smith Pulver Corneliuf?, laborer, house 34 Jefferson Putman Aaron M. harnessmaker, house 70 Lafayette Putman Ernestus, house 13 Ferry Putman Madison, clerk, boards 70 Lafayette IJuackenbush Amanda, house 82 Barrett Quackenbush Hester, widow, boards 92 Centre Quackenbush Simon, boards 27 Church Quant Henry, boat captain, house 10 Water Queenay John, liquors, 132 Jefferson, house do. Queenay Thomas, laborer, boards 134 Front XVacarman Eudora, shoemaker, house 6 Ferry Radcliff George, machinist, house Rotterdam n. Canal Radey Henry, blacksmith, boards 34 Jefferson Rafferty John, helper, h. 20 South ave. [n. State Ramsey Henry, civil engineer and surveyor, h. Albany Rawnsley Edward, saloon, 7 State, house do. Reaber Frederick, butcher, house 61 Church REAGLES CHRISTOPHER & SON (/saac F.). nurse- rymen, 9 and 12 Barrett, house 9 do. UNION NURSERIES, i©MEIii©TA®¥j U, ¥, These old established Nurseries are probably on a more ex- tensive scale than any other this side of Rochester, devoted to the raising of all kinds of HARDY EVERCREEiyS, FLOWERING SHRUBS, A.1SO, Of the most popular varieties. STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, , GEAPE VINES, ESCULENT EOOTS, &c., &c. All of which are oflfered at lowest rates, and in almost any quan- tities for most of the articles enumerated. This Nursery is one of the oldest established in this country, and the experience of the senior partner, by his connexion with it, has been of many years standing. He is now aided by his son, and they pledge themselves to use every exertion to render continued satisfaction to tlieir customers and the public. Address, 0. REAGLES & SON, JVos. 9 ^' 12 Barren Street, 84 Reagles Isaac V. (C. Reagles Sc Son), nurseryman, h. 12 Barrett Reagles James, physician, boards 301 State Reagles James {Clute & Reagles), house 301 State Rearon Edward, laborer, house 79 Fonda Reese Aaron, carpenter, house 32 Smith Reese Albert, moulder, house 259 State Reese Anna, widow, house 57 Jay Reese Martin, mason, house 259 State Reese Mary, widow, house 259 State Reeves Thomas H. salesman, house 38 Clinton Reflector & Schenectady Democrat, Cyrus Thayer, edi- tor. Collonade Building, 134 State Relyea Daniel, blacksmith, house Albany near State Relyea Philip, machinist, house 10 Barrett Remer Matthew, carpenter, house 151 Union Reynolds Francis, blacksmith, house 28 Yates Reynolds John, grocer, 80 Centre, house 58 Liberty Rolf Wm. blacksmith, house 151 Front Rice George, blacksmith, house 46 Jefferson Rice William, laborer, house 77 Church Richards Julia, widow, house 79 Liberty Richardson , machinist, boards 2 Smith Ri Imiller Charles, laborer, h. State ab. Nott terrace Riddle Hugh, poundmaster, house 303 State Riddle Robert R. overseer, house 70 Church Riddle William, butcher, house 303 State Riggs Catharine, widow of Isaac, house 90 Lafayette Riggs Charles H. machinist, house 46 Lafayette Riggs John V. physician, 1 Franklin, house do. Riggs Julia, widow of Stephen S. house I Franklin Riley Charles, 34th reg't N. Y. V. Riley James, 91st reg't N. Y. V. house 70 Centre Riley Thomas, carman, house 34 Dock Roach Morris, laborer, house 2 Green Roach Thomas, laborer, house 6 Pine Robb Joseph C. switchtender, house 144 Centre Robb Susan, widow, house 13 Park place 85 Roberts , machinist, boards 14 Jay Robinson Daniel D. clerk. Miller's Hotel Robinson Duncan, carpenter, house 24 Ferry Robinson Edward J. carpenter, boards 178 Union Robinson Robert S. carpenter, house 36 South ave. Robus George, shoemaker, house 17 Park place Rochford William, carman, house 92 Romeyn Rodemecher John, shoemaker, h. Rotterdam n. bridge Rodgers Charles, patternmaker, boards 5 Barrett Rodgers James (Rodgers & Weller), house 62 College Rodgers Samuel, shoemaker, house 1 14 Liberty Rod,i2:ers T. S. Rev. house 84 College [62^ College RODGERS & WELLER, soda water and beer manuf. Rodgers Francis, boilermaker, house 77 Fonda Rodgers Mrs. widow of Russell, house 5 Barrett Rolfe George, machinist, house 24 Lafayette Rolfe Josiah, coppersmith, house 70 Barrett Rolfe Stephen S. carpenter, house Veeder avenue Root William B. engineer, house 17 College Roraback Rebecca, widow, boards 122 Centre Rorden Margaret T. widow, house 96 Centre [State Rosa Edward, lawyer, Van Home Hall, room 4, h 246 Rosa Henry, coal and wood, 23 Dock, house 21 Front Rosa James, clerk, boards 35 Church Rosa Mary E. widow, house 74 Front Rosa Richard, tinsmith, boards 3 Washington avenue Rose Jacob, shoemaker, house rear 52 College Rose Henry, butcher, house 79 Front Rosekrans Charles, brakeman, boar.ls 168 Union Rosekrans Lucinda, widow, house 168 Union Rosekrans W illiam J. machinist, house 120 L^'nion Ross David, shoemaker, house 62 Fonda Rost John, cigarmaker, 63 Liberty c. Centre, h. do. Roth Charles, 30th reg't N. Y. V. Roth Mary, widow, house 35 Centre Roughabock Conrad, moulder, house 68 Liberty Rouse James, machinist, boards 38 Barrett Rouse William, shoemaker, 23 Monroe 8 86 Routhout John, laborer, house 6 Ferry Roy Jtimes & Co. shawlmanuf. h. Church con. n. State Rowe Granville, varnishmaker, house 40 Hamilton Rowe Peter, house 44 Liberty Rugg & Son, leather dealers, 206 State, house 208 do. Rummens Rosanna, house 58 White Russ Christopher, harnessmaker, 7 Ro'terdam, house 30 Roineyn Russell Robert, warper, house 14 Rail road Russell John E. printer, house 142 Union Russell William E. machinist, house 118 Front Ryan Ann, widow, house 70 State Ryan Mary, widow, house 40 White Rynex Valentine, laborer, house 24 Yates Rynex William, blacksmith, house 18 Rail road uabbels Charles, laborer, house Veeder ave. n. Smith Sacia Mrs. widow, house 26 Yates Satjer James, blacksmith, house 17 Monroe Sager Garrett, laborer, house 79 Front Sampson Peter, (colored), engineer house 30 Pine Sanders Charles W. jeweler, house 33 Front Sanders James, watches and jewelry, 109 State, house 33 Ferry Sanders James W. jeweler, boards 33 Ferry Sanders John, lawyer, 1 1 Union, house Glenville SANDERS WALTER T. L. lawyer, 11 Union, house Glenville Sanford Elihu, student, boards 77 Union Sanford Elihu Mrs. widow, house 77 Union Sauter Caspar, machinist, house 14 Lafayette Savage Eliza, widcvw, house 12 Union Scarlett William, mason, house 35 Centre Schauber David M. house 108 Libert}- Schauber Hubert A. teacher, boards 108 Liberty Scheeb Frederick, butcher, house 18 Amanda Schenectady Bank, Simon C. Groot, president, 37 State 87 Schenectady Drum Corps, Henr}' Myers pres't, 168 State Schenectady Gas Works, James R. Craig and Abel Smith owners, Robert Clements, superintendent, office 134 State Schenectady Locomotive Works, Walter McQueen superintendent, 29 Fonda, opposite Pine Schermerhorn Andrew, carpenter, house 63 Barrett Schermcrhorn Bartholomew, house 48 Ferry Schermerhorn Bartholomew jr. boards 48 Ferry Schermerhorn B. T. tanner, house 41 Lafayette Schermerhorn Eliphalet N., lieut. 18th reg't N. Y. V. Schermerhorn Henry, house 79 College Schermerhorn Jacob E. cabinetmaker, bds. 48 Ferry Schermerhorn James I. machinist, house 258 State Schermerhorn Jeremiah, laborer, house 13 Jefferson Schermerhorn John C blacksmith, house 57 Smith Schermerhorn John R. laborer, house 32 Jefferson Schermerhorn John T. Berdan Sharpshooters, bds« 41 Lafayette Schermerhorn Myndert, house 61 Front Schermerhorn Peter, butcher, house 62 Jay Schermerhorn Richard, engineer, house 15 Centre Schermerhorn William B. house 256 State" Schermerhorn Wm. H. 18th reg't N. Y. V. b 13 Jay Schermerhorn William K. machinist, house 81 Romeyn Schlosser John F. carpenter, house 8 Lafayette Schneider Frederick, shoemaker, boards 55 White Schoolciaft John W. house Albany Schoolcraft Oliver, boards Albany Schoolcraft William, shoemaker, house 142 Union Schwerin Max, house 136 Union Schwilk William F. Rev. house 156 Front Scott David, engineer, house 58 Romeyn ''^cott Jam^s^ boards 134 Centre Scott Nicholas, machinist, house 50 Romeyn Scougall William, segarmaker, boards 261 State Scrafford Charles, carpenter, house 61 Barrett 88 Scrafford Frederick, carpenter, boards 132 Centre Scully Patrick, saloon, 78 Fonda cor. Warren Seaman Augusta, house 49 Front Sears John C. shoemaker, house 29 Lafayette Seaver George 0. clerk, boards 73 Washington ave. Seaver Heman, teamster, house 73 Washington ave. Second Reformed Dutch Church, Jay comer Liberty, Rev. J. A. Debois, pastor Sedgwick Jona. students' boardinghouse, 164 Union Seeley Frederick, carman, 17 Green Seeley George W. B. 44lh reg't N. Y. V. Seelig Abraham, tailor, house 95 Ferry Seelye Edward E. Rev. h. 77 Washington ave. Seff Edward, shoemaker, house 19 Lafayette SefF Jacob, machinist, house 7 Amanda Selback John, wagonmaker, house 10 South ave. Seligman George A. machinist, house 92 Centre Sellser Peter, laborer, house Myers' alley Sennet Simon, upholsterer, house 154 Front Severn John, shoemaker, house 16 Water [Ferry Sexton Samuel H. portrait painter, 81 State, h. 17 Seymour Charles, machinist, boards 12 Jefferson Seymour F^ank W. 18th reg't N. Y. V. Seymour Harman, Justice of Peace, Yates and Davis Building, State, house 120 Liberty SHAIBLE & BUTLER, carriage and sleigh builders 133 Centre * [house 136 Centre Shaible George {Shaible & Butler), Centre near State, Shaffer Wilhelm, machinist, house R. R. n. bridge Shannon Catharine, boards 145 Centre Shannon Cornelius, laborer, house 8 Water Shannon Henry, laborer, house 11 John Shannon Thomas, boilermaker, h. 2 Cottage row Shannon Thomas, grocer, 189 State boards 179 do. Sharkey Hugh, machinist, house 94 Romeyn Sharp John W. carriagemaker, house 10 Franklin Sharratt House, Rosa & Lottridge, proprietors, 155 State near Canal bridge 89 Sharratt Mary, boards 27 Church Shaver John, carpenter, house 26 Jefferson Shaver John, laborer, house 46 State Shaver Sylvester, station keeper canal, h. 68 Church Shaw John H. ropemaker, house 15 Green Shaw Richard V. V. ropemaker, house 13 Green Shaw Wallace, ambrotypes and photographs, 81 State boards Sharratt house Shawl Factory, Arthur W. Hunter, agent, 48 Church Shay Daniel, laborer, house 38 Romeyn Shear Matthew, 43d reg't N. Y. V. Shear William, 43d reg't N. Y. V. Sheen Patrick, painter, boards 176 State Sheen Philip, painter, house 42 Clinton Sherdin Andrew, laborer, house 12 Hamilton Shields Patrick, laborer, house 134 Front Sheldon Benjamin F. pressman, boards 257 State Sheldon Benjamin P. clerk, house 257 State Shelman George, painter, house 236 Centre Shepherd George, machinist, house 9 Monroe Shepherd's Hotel, 215 State Shepherd James, boilermaker, h. 9 Jefferson Shepherd Oliver, hotel, 155 Union Shepherd Peter T. hotel proprietor, 215 State Sheriff's Office, Court House, 26 Union, Abraham Gillespie, sheriff Sherwood Abby, widow, h. 79 Liberty cor. Yates Sherwood Jerusha, widow, house 79 Liberty corner Yates Sherwood Mary E. house 79 Liberty cor. Yates Shoemaker Maria, widow, house 34 White Shook George, cabinetmaker, house 59 Centre Showdy James, teamster, house 32 Smith Shrum Edward, tailor, boards 92 Centre Shuler Mrs. E. house 33 Ferry Shuster Anthony, jeweler, house 90 Romeyn Sieberd George, helper, house 21 Green Simmons Jeremiah, carpenter, house 30 Smith 90 Simipson James (Wright & S'mpson), blacksmith, 17 Rotterdam, house 19 Ferry Simpson Thomas, hostler, house 75 Centre Sisley Richard H. shoemaker, house 51 College Sitterly Lucy, house 24 Rail road Skelton Samuel, butcher, house 54 White Skinner David, boilermaker, house 141 Front Skinner Lewis, carpenter, boards 107 Liberty Slater Hannah, widow, house 184 State Slater Henry, blacksmith, house 37 Front Slater Mortimer & Co. grocery, 5 Dock, h. 72 Jay Slater William, blacksmith, boards 37 Front Slett Jacob, laborer, house 26 Jefferson Slinsker Frederick, broommaker, h. 3 Rotterdam Sliter George, painter, house 136 Liberty Slocombe John, brevrer, 1 North, house 32 Green Siocombe L. B. boot and shoe manufacturer, 52 State, h. 54 do. Slocombe Mary, dressmaker, house 26 Green Small Mrs. widow, houSe 10 North SMITH ABEL, stoves, hardware, sash and glass, 136 and 138 State, house 60 do. Smith Albert, painter, boards 73 Liberty Smith Catharine E. widow, house 8 Pine Smith David Cady, attorney and counsellor at law, 39 State, house 46 Washington avenue Smith Edward, broom manufacturer, Washington ave. opposite Front, boards 117 State Smith George, cigarmaker, house 87 Lafayette Smith George, machinist, boards 73 Liberty Smith Henry, laborer, house 25 North Smith Jacob, laborer, house State near Nott terrace Smith James, foreman J. Consaul's shoe store, bds. 188 State Smith James, coachman, house 5 Warren Smith John, mason, house 83 Lafayette Smith John C. moulder, house 8 Madison Smith Joseph, laborer, boards 132 State 91 Smith Lydia, widow, house 81 Union Smith Maus, 30th reg't, N. Y. V, boards 117 State Smith Mrs. widow of Stephen, house 24 Liberty- Smith Sarah, widow, house 117 State Smith Philip W. stationkeeper, house 33 Smith Smith Rudolph F. cooper, house 59 Union Smith Samuel, tinsmith, house 83 Lafayette Smith Thomas, blacksmith, house 73 Romeyn Smith William, house 69 Lafayette Smith W lliam, house 24 Liberty Smuts Joseph, planer, house 15 Warren Snare John, helper, house 20 Green Snell Christopher, laborer, house 72 Fonda SNELL DAVID H. druggist, 147 State, h. 14 Liberty Snell John, laborer, house 15 Amanda Snell Maria, widow, house 112 Front Snowden John, machinist, house 18 Jefferson Snyder John P. justice of the peace, 171 State corner Wall, house 104 Centre Snyder Mrs. widow, house 2 Green Snyder William, house 69 Front Soles Benjamin F. restaurant, 168 State, h. 59 Ferry Soley George, train dispatcher, boards 133 Front Soley John A. depotmaster, h. 6 Hamilton [h, do. SOMES A. ambrotypes and photographs, 149 Union, Sour John, basketmaker, house 2S Rail road Sour John, laborer, house 15 Amanda SOUTHARD JOHN, market. 137 Union and 103 Ferry, house White n. State Southard Joseph, butcher, house 40 White Sparks Frank, boilermaker, 14 South avenue Spier James J. baggageman, boards 253 State Spier Joseph, cider rectifier, 253 State, house do. Sprague Ezra, agent, h.Veeder avenue opposite Smith Sprague Mrs. widow, house 8 Barrett Stall H. B. 18th reg't N. Y. V. house 86 State St. George's Episcopal Church, Ferry near Green St. John's Church (Catholic), Franklin near- Centre 92 St. Joseph's Church (German Catholic) Centre near Liberty Stanton Benj., M. A. prof, of Union Col. h. 184 Union Steel William, helper, house State near Nott terrace Stavers Peter, oysters, fish and fruits, 182 State, h. do. Steers Catharine, widow, house 23 Barrett Steers Catharine L. widoiv, house 25 Barrett Steers Cornelius, house 8 Green Steers John, turner, house 8 Green Steers John, house 23 Barrett Steers Thornton, machinist, boards 23 Barrett Steidler George, shoemaker, house 43 College Steiner George, brewer, house 59 Centre Steinfuhrer C. F. D. boards 22 North Steinfuhrer E. A. F. clerk, boards 107 State Steinfuhrer George, broommaker, house 22 North Stenson John, shoemaker, 123 Union, house 120 do. Stern Michael, helper, house 9 John Stern Solomon, clerk, boards 104 State Stevens Aaron, baggagechecker, house 84 Ferry Stevens Anthony, laborer, house 30 Jefferson Stevens Benjamin F. carpenter, house 57 Smith Stevens Edward, house 125 State Stevens Henry, house 179 State corner Depot Stevens Jonathan A. stationman, h. 13 Jay (Bowery) Stevens Mrs. laundry, 83 Centre Stevens Nicholas, house 60 Jay Stevens Richard, machinist, house 83 Centre Stevenson John, boards 3 Church Stevenson Robert, engineer, house 74 Front Steward Thomas, machinist, house 153 Front Stickles Alfred, cabinetmaker, house 6\h, Ferry Stickles Peter, grocer, 37 Union, house 31 Front Stiff John L. shoemaker, house State ab. Nott terrace Stocker Mrs. M. vestmaker, house 63 Barrett Stoops William, tailor, house 90 Fonda Stoutenmeyer Andrew, shoemaker, house 7 Liberty Strong A. Miss, house 35 Liberty 93 Strong John, agent for the Schenectady Manufacturing Company, 24 Union, house 17 Liberty Strong & Helmer, grocers and general freight agents, 7 Dock Strong Marvin (Strong & Helmer), police justice, Van Home Hall, house 82 College Strunk Margaret E. house 7 Franklin Sturdy Richard, carpenter, house Nott c. Plank road Stuyvesant M. A. widow, house 26 Front Sullivan Patrick, helper, boards 98 Romeyn Sullivan Susan, widow, house 19 Dock Sunda Henry, 85th reg't N. Y. V. house 15 Amanda Surrogate's Office, 15 Union Susholz Alexander, clothier, 106 State, house do. Suter John E. shoemaker, house Myers' alley Sutliff Robert, machinist, boards Fuller's Hotel Swan Joseph, shoemaker, 30th reg't N. Y. V. house Myers' alley [Union Swart Cornelius B. bookbinder, 175 State, house 173 Swart Henry H. salesman, boards Givens' Hotel Swart Ira, carriagemaker, boards 39 Front Swart Jemima, widow, house 39 Front Swart John H. machinist, boards 4 Cottage row Swart Nicholas, 43 reg't N. Y. V. boards 39 Front Swart Nicholas H. house 27 Smith Sweeney Bryan, saloon, 25 Dock, house do. Sweeney Daniel, 91st reg't N. Y. V. h. 75 Church Swenker Augustus, machinist, house 20 Green Swenker Frederick, farmer, house 149 Front Swenker Henry, laborer, house 149 Front Sweer Henry, shoemaker, house 30 Yates Sweet William C. (Sweet & Allen), 203 State, h. 82 Liberty Sweet & Allen, groceries and provisions, 203 State Swift Clark, engineer, house 30 State Swits Abraham, blacksmith, house 66 Washington Swits Abraham A machinist, liouse 110 Liberty Swits Abraham J. Rev. house 46 Ferry 94 Swits ITarman, physician, 218 State, house 220 do. Swiis John P. blacksmith, Iioiise 73 Barrett Svvits John V. tanner, house 17 Jay Swits Nicholas, house 80 Church Svvits S. V. (SwitsSc Carhi), brewer, h. 25 Wash. ave. Swits & Carley, brewers, Amsterdam, office State cor. Canal bridge Swits Walter A. blacksmith, 18 Rotterdam n. Water, house 147 Centre 1 allmadge Hilton, broommaker, house 42 Clinton Tannahill Elizabeth, widow, house 27 Church Taylor Jacob, depot baggageman, h. Veeder avenue n. Smith Ta)?lor James E. brakeman, house 67 Jay Taylor John, laborer, house 52 Romeyn Taylor Lewis, patternmaker, house 98 Front Taylor Mrs. widow, house 273 State Taylor Samuel, physician and surgeon, b. Eagle Hotel Taylor Sarah A. widow, house 86 Washington ave. Taylor William, machinist, house 97 Front Teff Jeremiah, overseer, house 77 College Tegal Frederick, broommaker, house 26 Rail road Teller Henry C. carpenter, boards 40 Barrett Teller Henry W. shoemaker, house 88 Fonda Teller Isaac, carpenter, house 66 Barrett Teller James, wagonrnaker, house 40 Barrett Teller Levi (Clute & Teller), hats, 96 State, boards 67 Centre Teller Mary D. widow, house 158 Union Teller Wm- fireman, house 28 Jefferson Tenpany John, laborer, house 10 Madison Tenpany Peter, helper, house 30 Centre Tenbrook Jeremiah, engineer, house 30 Front Terning Mary, widow, house 60 Liberty Terpening Peter, carpet weaver, 61 Lafayette Thatcher Orin A. house 254 State 95 Thayer Cyrus, editor Schenectady Domocrat, 134 State, house 8 Smith Third Reformed Dutch Church, College near Green Thomas Charles, grocer, Water c. Rotterdam, h. do. Thomas Daniel, teamster, house 20 Lafayette Thomas Susan, widow, house 10 Madison Thompson Benjamin, machinist, house 21 John Thompson Chas., cashier Mohawk B k, h. 32 Liberty Thompson Francis (colored), barber, under Givens' Hotel, 173 State, house 47 Pine Thompson Jeffrey, blacksmith, house 28 Pine Thompson Nancy (colored), house 56 Fonda Thompson Peter (colored), cook, house 50 Smith Thompson Samuel (colored), barber, h. 39 Lafayette Thompson Ward, clerk, N. Y. C. R. R. Albany, house 19 Franklin Tliompsor. William, laborer, house 16 Fonda Thomson Alexander J. (Jickson &: Thomson), 10 Union, hquse 1 Church Thomson Cornelius, h. 90 Liberty Thomson Elizabeth, widow of James, h. 3 Church Thomson James, boards 90 Liberty Thornhill Henry, watchmaker, house 88 Centre Thornton Abraham, watchman, house 72 Liberty Thornton George, machinist, house 69 Union Thornton Jacob, boilermaker, house 117 Liberty Thornton John, painter, 91st reg't N. Y. V. house 66 Smith Thornton Thomas B. house 94 Liberty Thornton Thomas W. supt. of streets, h. 117 Liberty Thurston Misses, house 22 State Tibbits James B. house 11 Jay, (Bowery) Tichenor David J. bookkeeper, house 197 State Tiegel Henry, laborer, house 29 North Tiernan John laborer, house 17 John Tighe Daniel, laborer, house 21 Dock Tighe David, blacksmith, 100 Romeyn, house 104 do. Tighe James, laborer, house 34 South avenue 96 Toll Daniel, broom man'jfacturer, h. 15 Clinton Tomkins Albert, machinist, house 29 John Tomlinson heirs of David, house 20 Church Townsend Wm. machinist, house 70 Jay Trager George, farmer, house 67 Front Trainor Thomas, watchman, house 30 Green Tremain Richard, machinist, boards 14 Jay Trice Martin, laborer, house State above Nott terrace Trnax Alfred, 18th reg't N. Y. V house 18 Barrett Truax Andrew, druggist, 141 State, house 40 Union Truax Cornelia, widow, house 72 Church Truax Edgar, clerk, boards 92 Ferr}^ Truax Isaac I. grocer, 65 State, house 92 Ferry Truax Jacob A. crockery, boots and shoes, 150 State, house 21 Smith Truax John I. machinist, house 125 Liberty Truax Peter, laborer, house 64 Smith Truax Stephen, restaurant and ice cream, 124 Union, house do. ^ Trumbley Orpheus, engineer, house 69 Lafayette Turnbull George A. clerk, boards Mcintosh's Hotel Turner Rachel, widow, dressmaker, h. 23 Monroe Turney Rutha, widow, house 77 Union Tymeson Cornelius, clerk Post Office, b. 173 Union Tymeson Eldred, carpenter, house 53 Lafayette Tymeson Eldred, hosUer, boards 135 Centre Tymeson Eveline, widow, house 14 Park place Tymeson Maria, widow, house 23 John Union College, College hill near Union street Union School, Union, corner Canal bridge Universalist Church, College near Union V an Abeel John, gardener, house 46 College Van Aernam Mrs. widow, cloak and dressmaker, house I 125 State i Van Aernam Abby, widow of Stephen W. h. 39 Smith 97 Van Allen Simon, switchtender, house 69 Front Van Alstyne G. P. boards Fuller's Hotel Van Antwerp Jacob F. carpenter, house 124 Liberty- Van Antwerp Jane, house 44 State Van Antwerp Mary, widow, house 18 Barrett Van Antwerp Mrs. widow, house 15 Lafayette Van Antwerp Rebecca, boards 146 Centre Van Auken Levi, farmer, house 61 Centre Van Brunt Albert (Beal & Van Brunt), flour and feed, 45 Liberty, house 309 State Van Buren Alida, boards 78 Barrett [State Van Buren & Bills, dealers in pelts and wool. 247 Van Buren Francis (F^ti Buren Sc Bills) 247 State, house 78 Barrett Van Buren Frederick, laborer, house 33 Jefferson Van Buren Peter, boards 182 State VAN DEBOGERT BROTHERS, coal, wood, flour and lumber, Dock, office State cor. Wall. (See Advertisement on next page.) Van DeBogert Francis, shoemaker, 50 State, h. 13S Front Van DeBogert Giles Y. (Fan DeBogert Brothers), 171 State, house 23 Liberty Van DeBogert John, shoemaker, 135 State, house 133 Front Van DeBogert John W. painter, house 29 North Van DeBogert Joseph, moulder, house Myers' alley Van DeBogert Joseph Y. (Van DeBogert Brothers), Dock, house 5 Union Van DeBogert Maria, widow, house 138 Front Van DeBogert Nelson, painter, house 62 Church Van DeBogert Nicholas (Van DeBogert Brothers), Dock, boards 5 Union Van DeBogert Rachel, widow, house 96 Front Van DeBogert S. G. harness and trunks, 80 State, house 47 College Van DeBogert T. overseer, house 75 Front Van Decar Alexander, machinist, boards 73 Liberty 9 VAN DEBOGERT BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ki Ji rrv, wfi P %i0 <^li^ «©# gfvft 4J»% Of all descriptions, dressed and undressed. FOR STOVE, FURNACE AND BLACKSMITH. WESTEM All) if A OTIA PIASTEB, limark ^ Ufstcrn Cfmcnt, GLENS FALLS LIME, Wood of Different Qualities. Wholesale and Retail dealers in the best and most popular hrands of wiMmm ALSO, DEALEKS IN G^ R A^ I ]Nr . TAEDS & STOREHOUSE ON DOCK STEEET, General Office, cor> State and Wall Sts,, 99 Van Demoor Adolph R. carpenter, 16 Ferry, liouse 14 Ferry Van Denburgh Abram, carpenter, house 17 Clinton Van Denburgh Winant W. house 17 Clinton Van Derveer David N. boarcfe 81 Ferry Van Derveer John H. boardinghouse, 81 Ferry Van Dewater Catharine, widow, house 63 Union Van Dusen Cornelius, carpenter, house 22 Green Van Dyck Anthony, constable, house 21 Lafayette Van Dyck Peter, carpenter, house 372 Smith Van Dyck Feter, carpenter, White n. Liberty, house 52 Barrett Van Eps Albert B. grocer, 125 Union, house 98 Fonda Van Eps A. C. boot and shoe manufacturer, 88 State, house 51 Green Van Eps Christiana, house 50 Ferry Van Eps Cornelius, house 4 Ferry Van Eps Cornelius L. cooper, house 7 Liberty Van Eps George, printer, bds. 4 Washington avenue Van Eps Harman, tollgate keeper, house 4 Washing- ton avenue Van Eps Harman H. saloon, 2 Dock Van Eps Harrison, machinist, boards 4 Ferry Van Eps James, restaurant, 161 State near Canal bridge, house 30 Green Van Eps John, house 40 Green Van Eps John J. S. house 25 State Van Eps John N. house 23 Smith Van Eps Lawrence C. constable, house 19 Green Van Eps Samuel, grocer, 47 Green, house do. Van Guysling Eve, widow of Myndert, h. 51 Smith Van Guysling Henry, medical student, bds. 51 Smith Van Horn David, boards. 62 Lafayette Van Home James, sewing machine agent, house 62 Lafayette Van Home James E. {Van Home Sc Son), hats and caps, 149 State, boards Sharratt House VAN HORNE & SON, hats, caps and furs, 149 State 100 Van Home William J, (Van Home & Son), furs, 149 State, house 20 Smith Van Husen Charles, machinist, boards 19 Green Van Husen Deborah, widow, house 19 Green Van Husen William, machinist, boards 19 Green Van Huysen Richard, painter, house 41 College Van Ingen James L. physician and surgeon, 1 1 Smith Van Kuren James, carriagepainter, house 16 Smith Van Kuren M. H. clerk. Eagle Hotel, boards do. Van Ness Jacob, candlemaker, house 25 Smith Van Olinda Peter, shoemaker, house 69 Union Van Patten Andrew (F. T. & A. Van Patten), stoves and tinware, 223 State, house 225 do. Van Patten F. T. & A. stoves, tinware and broom machinery of all kinds, 223 State Van Patten Farley T. (F. T. k A. Van Patten), stoves and tinware, 223 State, house 29 Smith Van Patten Henry, blacksmith, house 13 Clinton Van Patten James, laborer, house 71 Liberty VAN PATTEN JOHN H. livery stable, opposite Givens' Hotel, house 18 Lafayette Van Patten John T. harnessmaker, house 39 Green Van Patten Simon S. blacksmith, house 47 Barrett Van Patten William B. machinist, house 44 Jay Van Patten William G. clerk, house 29 Yates Van Rensselaer Sarah, widow, house 31 State Van Sanvoord Cornelius Rev. chaplain 20th reg't N. Y. M. house 23 Washington avenue Van Schaick Elizabeth, widow, house 44 Ferry- Van Schaick Sybrant G. tinsmith, boards 44 Ferry- Van Slyck Charles J. coppersmith, house 8 Monroe Van Slyck Christopher, wood and coal dealer, 7 Pine, house 49 Centre Van Slyck Henry, machinist, boards 25 Centre Van Slyck J. Mrs. boardinghouse 73 Centre Van Slyck Nicholas, house 25 Centre Van Siyck Sarah, widow, h. 55 Centre [White Van Syce Andrew G. blacksmith, State n. Centre, h. 6 101 Van Syce James, blacksmith, boards 6 White Van Voast Adam, carpenter, house 134 Union Van Voast Albert, farmer, house Pond grove above College terrace [terrace Van Voast Albert jr boards Pond grove ab. College Van Voast Edu'ard, finisher, 30th reg't N Y. V. Van Voast Eliza, widows house 57 Front Van Voast Giles, machinist, boards 29 Clinton Van Voast Isaac, fireman, house 29 Smith Van Voast John G. farmer, h. Union n. Pond grove VAN VOAST & VEDDER, lumber dealers, 62 Green. (See Advertisement on page 104.) Van Vorst Abraham A. (Van Vorat & Vedder), lum- ber, 62 Green, house 25 Liberty Van Vorst Elias, carpenter, house 138 Union Van Vorst Gardiner 13. master mechanic N. Y Central Rail road, house 1 1 Jay Van Vorst Giles A. milkdealer, house 62 Front Van Vorst James C. engineer, house 41 Green Van Vorst John, carpenter, house 32 College Van Vorst Martha, widow, house 35 Liberty Van Vorst Peter, engineer, house 4 Cottage row Van Vorst Sarah Miss, house 8 Franklin Van Vorst S. J. Miss, millinery, 77 State, boards 77 College Van Vorst Walter, clerk, boards 25 Liberty Van Vranken Aaron, farmer house Troy rd, n. Pond grove Van Vranken Abram, grocer, Eagle Hotel, 211 State, house 251 State Van Vranken Abram S. colporteur, h. 15 Hamilton Van Vranken Angelica, widow, house 24 Green VAN VRANKEN BENJAMIN, grocer, 235 State, h. 55 Barrett Van Vranken Charles {C. & IL Van Vranken), 8 Rotterdam, house 40 Church Van Vranken Cornelius, mason, 91st reg't N. Y. V. house 20 College 102 VAN VRANKEV C. & H. carriage builders, 6 Rot- terdani Vail Vranken Evert, clerk, boards 89 State Van Vranken Garrett, house 118 Union [grove Van Vianken Garrett, farmer, li. Troy road ab. Pond Van Vranken Garrett I. carpenter, house 79 Romeyn Van Vranken Henry B. carpenter, house 295 State Van Vranken Hiram (C & H. Van Vranken), 10 Rot- terdam, house 249 State Van Vranken Joel, carman, house 57 Jay Van Vranken Josiah, clerk post oflfice. house 29 John Van Vranken Marilla, widow, house 26 Green Van Vranken M. F. brakeman, boards 12 Union Van Vranken Mrs. widow of James C h. 12 Union Van Vranken Nicholas, dry goods and groceries, 59 State, house do. Van Vranken Nicholas, machinist, h. 53 Lafayette Van Vranken Peter D. clerk, boards 82 College Van Vranken Peter J. house 29 John Van Vranken Richard, house 6 Lafayette Van Vranken Richard D. machinist, boards 12 Union Van Vranken Wm. mer. tailor, 95 State, h. 248 do. Van Vranken William J. mason, house 32 College Van Wormer Charles, conductor, bds. 9 South ave. Vantin Claudius, machinist, house 24 Lafayette Van Zandt Gilbert G. shoemaker, house 131 Front Van Zandt Jacob, mason, house 27 John Van Zandt Matilda, widow, house 138 Front Vedder Abraham, tailor, 139 State, house 138 Centre Vedder Albert A. house 80 Ferry Vedder Alexander M. physician, 190 State, house do. Vedder Andrew J. boards 80 Ferry Vedder Anna, widow, liouse 26 Yates Vedder Benjamin V. S house 42 Ferry Vedder Clara, widow, boards SO Lafayette [Front Vedder Daniel (C. S, Groot & Co.), 43 State, h. 29 Vedder Elizabeth, widow, house 88 Front Vedder Francis, carpenter, house 76 Barrett 4 c. & H. ¥A^ mkmm, mmU & SLEIGH MANUFACTURERS, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 ROTTERDAM ST., Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of, both light and heavy CAEEIi&i§ IND §lirei§, ^ii hinds of PL.^TrORJU[ SPRIJTG ir^GOJVS made to order. Orders for LIGHT CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS wiU receive prompt attention. Great care will be taken in the selection of materials and construction of the above articles. Repairing done neatly and promptly by experienced work- men. C. VAN VRANKEN. H. VAN VRANKEN. Steam Planing Mill -A.IT3D ^Wm Mil ill! VAN VORST & VEDDER, Dealers in LUMBER, LATH A.JSI> or ET^ERir DESCRIPTIOJy. Of different qualities, by the Cord or less, delivered. DONE TO ORDER. OFFICE 62 GREEN STREET, SSHEHE'i ABM. A. VAN VORST. I JC3r, And Dealers in TICOXDEROGA, EAST INDIA, IIORAVM PENCIL, #n'matt f Uimbaga & facing ^m\$, 190 WATER STREET, fi^-\,.,;V*o.o^ .n:^ >y^\^^^^f^''.'^ A' A^ ^^sf-i(f?^^^ vN^' aV ^ .H -r. ^^-•x-?."-.* ,v ' ' ^ ^^ "0. > V ^ G^ 0^ fo^' > W " ^- "«'^^' .^6^